HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Landmark, May 1916VOL.XLIL. t STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,MAY 2,1916. SS my NO 83. SURRENDER TO TURKS. Beleaguered British Garrison at Kut-el-Amara at Last YieldstoTurks. Another phase of the ill-fated Brit-{sh campaign in Mesopotamia,saystheAssociatedPressreport,has clos-ed with the surrender -of GeneralTownshendandthegarrisonatKut-_el-Amara on the Tigris river,about180milesbelowBagdad.Some 10,-000 men in all Taid down their arms»to.the Turks,after having destroyedalltheirgunsandmunitions.:The British Mesopotamian campaign,waged along the Tigris from‘the Persian Gulf -northward;almosttothegatesofBagdad,had as itschiefobject,the capture of that an-cient city.To divert.the TurkishforcesfromGallipoliwasanotherob-ject.When almost at the point ofachieving.its main object late last”year,the effort broke down at Ctesi-hon,18 miles from Bagdad,when the [WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS: That is the Insistence of theMexicansintheBorderCon-ference. Major Generals Scott and Funston, representing the United—States,and|General Afvero Obregon,Mexicanministerofwar,and General Jacinto{frevino,military commander of the‘northeast district of,Mexico,repre- \senting Mexico,began considering the‘future relations of the United States and Mexico Saturday,in the MexicancustomhvduseatJaurez.The report of the conference had not been madetublicupto.yesterday.i It is said that at the beginning the Mexican representatives ©reiterated ‘the wish expressed in General Carran-‘za’s srecent note to the ‘Washington ‘government,that the American troops should be withdrawn from Mexicansoilatanearlydate,and that they {were informed by the:American offi-‘cials that the latter were not empow-urks,alarmed for the safety of the ered to discuss the withdrawal of -town of fabled memory,rushed up re-|General Pershing's columns.;inforcements,inflicted a defeat upon|The Associated Press report saystheBritishandcompelledtheirre-,the following facts developed as a re- treat 110 miles down the Tigris toKut-el-Amara,where the Turks had!them securely bottled up,General Townshend held out for 143days,his supplies steadily growinglowerashewaitedthereliefofthe --army.which,first under General Ayl-mer and then under General Gor- ringe,;battled its way up the Tigristowardhim...This army encstrongpositionsoftheTurks belowKut-el-Amara on both sides of the river and,although several of these were carried,it has not been able to work much closer to the beleaguered ~garrison than a score of miles,be-cause of the stubborn Turkish resist-ance and flood conditions on the Ti-is,:\The following.officfaY announce- ment was made:“After a resistance protracted for 143 d&ys,and conducted with a gallantry and fortitude thatwillbeforevermemorable,GeneralTownshendhasbeencompelled,bythefinalexhaustion-of his supplies,‘+to surrender.Before doing-so he de- ountered | sult of Saturday’s conference: That the apparent intention of the |Washington government to keep Gen- eral Pershing’s columns in Mexico has {not been changed. That General Obregon in Saturday’s conference served no sort of notice on {Generals Scott and Funston that could‘be construed as an ultimatum demand- ing immediate withdrawal.« That the desire of the de facto gov- ernment for withdrawal was again stated but the only discussion along this line was regarding the advisabil- ity of an American retirement. That there was constderable discus- sion of the possibility’of effective Ameriean and Mexican co-operation in the eradication of scattered Villa bandit groups. That there is a strong possibility there will be only one more conference ‘held,that depending on the wishes of the Washington government. |That while the present negotiations are proceeding,shipments‘of supplies to the.American expeditions .at >the |front are going forward uninterrupt- WILLIAM W.BARBER DEAD Prominent ‘Lawyer and Citizen Other Deaths. telegraph yesterday morning of thedeathof.Mr.William W.Barber of Wilkesboro,which occurred —early yesterday morning in a_hospital inBaltimore,where Mr.Barber had been undergoing treatment for |a month.The reports of his condition had_been encouraging,he.was.ex- pected home soon and the news of his death was a surprise. Mr.Barber was a prominent.law- yer and:citizen of Wilkesboro.He was a native of:the county,a son of the late Rev .R..W.Barber,an Epis- copal minister,and was about *60 years old.When a young man he en- tered the law Office of the late Col. W.H.H.Cowles and was a law part- ner of Col.Cowles for many years— until the latter’s death.He was prominent in the politics of Wilkesandhiss€ction and was long a*Dem- ocratic leader.He was for a time so- licitor,by appointment of the Gov- ernor.but was defeated for election by Mr.Thos.Settle,the district being Republican.He served one term in the State Senate from the district composed of Iredell,Alexander and Wilkes—in the Legislature of 1889. In 1886 he was the candidate of his party for the Legislature in the strong Republican county of Wilkes, Dr.York being his opponent,and:he reduced the normal Republican’ma- jority of 1,200 to 1,500 to less than 100.Mr.Barber married Miss Wilcox of Ashe county and -his-wife,two sonsandtwodaughterssurvive.One daughter is married—Mrs.W.C,Moore of Lenoir.Two sisters also survive. Mr.Fred Hedrick died yesterday morning at 9.30 o’clock at the home of his father,Mr.J.F.Hedrick,on Seventh street,death resulting from tuberculosis.Mr.Hedrick was a na- tive of Davidson county and was 26yearsold.His remains will be taken to Lexington today and buried at "of Wilkes Dies in Baltimore— Statesville friends were advised by )mmgmiguanmecne Se Items.of Interest Gathered From|Dr.'Faison’s Talk and’Other In- Over the State.cidents of Baby Day. Wilkesboro will vote June 20 on a}There was a very good.attendance Dbroposition to issue-$15,000-of bonds|at the Baby Day meeting at the courtforwaterworks.{house Saturday.Dr.1,W.Faison of N.E.Lancaster,a farmer who lived Charlotte,who.makes a specialty of four miles from Clayton,Johnston ‘diseases of children and who has been county,was found dead on the rail-'eminently successful in.his work,.de- road track near Clayton Sunday livered.a splendid and most instruc-morning.Foul play suspected.jtive address,He was introduced by There is talk in Monroe of ‘building)ltr.T.°E.Anderson and spoke forapubliclibraryasamemorialtoNey,about an hour,giving helpful'and ben- MeNecly;the “Ameriean-consul—-who_¢licial information to the .motherslosthislifeinthesinkingoftheHediscussedthecaréandfeedingof steamship Persia:Mortroe was Mr.|babies.e dMeNeely's home.:Dr.Faison urged the necessity of ~The Southern’Forestry Congress will be in’session in Asheville July 11-15.The Association of Eastern Foresters and the Southern Forest Tire Congress will meet®with the Forestry Congress.4 inadequate and°inappropriate food. All artificial foods do not contain the elements sufficient for proper nour. |ishment of the child.He urged sup-.|Plenfenting the mother’s milk withCatawbasweetpotatogrowers,appropriate diet. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM|THE DAY FOR THE.BABIES. adequate nourishment for ‘the ehild.| as many are dwarfed in infancy by; who ship great quantities of sweet)“phe hygiene of the child,the bath-potatoes to the Northern.and West- ern markets in’the spring,are dis-turbed about the price,which has ing and clothing of it,were discussed He denounced in strong language the improper dressing of children,said ,of the company as-a lineman;The suit dropped to about 30 cents a bushel.they are too thinly clad for winter Governor Craig has issued requisi-'He also denounced the modern dress of tion paners to the Governor of Ten-!ladies—the low-neck dresses—and thenesseeforWilliamMitchell,under ar-high-heel shoes-that make them walkrestatKnoxville,and wanted in Da-!on their~toes. vidson county for the alleged murder’.In the afternoon Mrs.Vera Jones of George Foots on the 5th of last}Miss Dye and Mrs.F,L.Sharpe, September.nurses,gave demonstrations in the‘Durham and Patterson townships,!Preparation of foods,ete.Physicians'Durham county,turned down by a &#ve free examination.of children and jbie_majority a proposition to issue)Many took advantage of it.e|$165,000 of bonds to build an inter-!Literature,furnished by the State urban railroad line to connect Bur-Board of Health,was distributed andlingtonandothertownsinthatsec-;the dayis considered ’a very profitable \tion with Durham.one.While here _Dr.Faison was the ;In the Federal court at Salisbury ,SU¢st of Dy.Hy F,Long. ast week.the administrator of Grover ::|MeClure Was awarded $3,500 damages |Water Tank against the Southern Power Co.Mc-Afire. Clure was killed while in the employ;The water tank at the plant of the ;Diamond’Furniture Co.was burned yesterday morning about 8 o’clock. ‘In St.James Episcopal -church,|The tank was located on the east side Wilmington,last Wednesday,Rt.Rev.'of the plant but had not been used idhomas Campbell Darst,bishop of for some time.It is presumed -it e diocese of East Carolina,and Miss caught from a spark from the engine.i Fannie Lauriston Hardin,daughter The fire was discovered first burning of Mr.and Mrs..J.H.Hardin of Wil-‘the platform on.which the tank rest- Burned—Cotton was for $35,000. eee nacnagie BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —The condition of Mr.J.F..Har- bin was not.so.godd yesterday.: ~——-Mrs,Sam Kunkle is recoveringfrom-an-operation for appendicitis at |the Sanatorium. —Mr.John A.Scott,Jr.,will maketheaddressatthéclosingofScott's High School May 19. -—Mr.L,B.Bristol has been invited to attend with Governor Craig and hisstaff‘the 20th of May festivities,in Charlotte. -—License has been issued for the |Miss Susa Tomlinson..During the ‘past month license to marry.were is-sued to 29 white and seven:colored couples, -~Mr.G.E.Dull reports that a few »eaches ea survived the frosts but there will be'no pears.The applerophasnotbeenseriouslyhurt.Cot- ton was somewhat nipped and some of it may not recover. —Messrs.R.H.Rickert &Son will ‘install in their store a wireless.re- ceiving station for the purpose of ‘re- |ceiving daily the time from Arlington,|The outfit has been ordered and is ex- j pected in a few days, ——The sale of the Mitchell propertyonWestEndavenuetoDr.Ross.Me-Elwee has been confirmed and workofmoving.the house will begin.to-day.Dr.McElwee will begin plansatonceforhisresidence. —Mr.and Mrs.Karel Bondam,whowillmaketheirhomohere,have ar-rived from Poore’s Knob,They are’at the college for the present.“Mr.Bondam is:to have’charge of piano © instruction at the college next term. —Mr.B.Lunsford,for the past twoyearsprincipalof‘the Cool Sprin;s school,will not teach next year.HehasmovedhisfamilytoStatesvilleandtheyliveonMulberrystreet.Mr,Lunsford has not decided definitelywhathewilldo., —Mr.N.R.Kinney,a civil engin-eer of Salisbury,has taken up with,Mr.R.M.Gray the.proposition .ofmakingamapofIredellcountywhichwillshowalltheschooldistricts,mail.routes,families,ete. marriage of MroRyM.Stafford and oo)ooo .Pc towiey No official:ac-|stroved his guns and munitions.rath“The force under him consists {2,970 British troops of all ranks and services,and some 6,000 Indian troops and their followers. tion has been taken. —The Landmark’s.market.quota-tions are taken by ’phone and through .a misunderstanding hens.were quoteed’in last:issue at 16c.per Ib.insteadof18¢.°As a-consequence-producedealershad-many.calls.from:folks who wanted to sell hens.‘3 Rosco Reavis,ayoungnegro boy ~Serving two years on the chain:gang éforlaredny,having ‘been sentented at-s 7thelast/termof court,took FrenchleaveSaturday,He is supposed.tohavewalkedawayfromcampwhiletheotherswereatbreakfast.He was a trusty.ee —The county board of education was in regular monthly session yes-terday transacting _principally rou- of edly,among other supplies leaving ithe Columbus base being nine truck iloads of ordnance, From stray bits of information re \says the report,it appears that Sat-The position of Kut-el-Amara,!58¥S {9 no #which {s pe a,peninsula extending in_jUrday’s conference ended with the *ort .+.;.;question of withdrawal of the United to the ‘ligris river,made it impossi States troops still uppermost in thebletosendsuppliesbyair,as there!*°*:.:minds of the Mexican conferees.They was no landing place for aeroplanes.|o 9 understood to have tried to im-~hich wat reported in ah offical Brit:Press on theAmerican representativestheirclaimthatpoliticalconditionsin a athe rerkieh,eri ee ase Mexico are such that they cannot be line ¢Kasini:se was @ forlom hone responsible for eventualities resulting“yigeat oe forectine the-city ae fon eontinusd cecunstien of Mexicanannea?os isoil by American columns.ageof hey coming could at was In view of the already expressed at- ner ks .ttificlal barriers “tp the titude of the Americans that they cape =i ,“|were unable to discuss any other ques- river.tion than co-operation of the two Belo church,near there.His wife,mington,were married.ed.-The city firemen and the compa-father and two brothers survive,J.L.Wilson,a Durham county far-i?Y’s fire fighters were there but couldeeeaemer,committed suicide Friday -by do nothing until the supports of the shooting himself.His dead body was tank burned and allowed the tank to Insane,it is sup-fall,When it did fall,it struck and About a month ago he had crushed a hole in the corner of the attempted suicide,He was 65 years es a es a oe te;rt 4 avesa fami 1¢factory it bounced back and wastermofIredellSuperiorCourtwhichkeoesipsaeoftheSu-(300.extinguished by chemicats.convenes .May 22:aM :'About 11 o’cloeck Saturday ightFirst.week-—W.A.Shimpock,-J.-F,|permet Court:bench,who has been in'watchmen discovered a bale ap ectionHolland,W.A.Shaver,W.F.Brown,|*Virginia sanatorium several months 4,the platform at the*depot on fireJ.L,Heath,J.T.Montgomery,L.N.vecovering from nervous and physical yt was put gut _witheat much damageNesbit,M.Kunkle,J.R.Walker,J./breakdown,has written Governor 4)trouble.Origin of the fire is notH.Brawley,S.E.Pitman,W.L.)Craig that he expects to resume his ,nown.There were 200 bales on theHair,S.C.Hughey,J.T.Adams,J.<¢rvice on the bench very soon.|plntform at the time and a better startE.Heinzerling,T.M.Smith,W.L.!A heavy charge of dynamite,plac-of the fire would have been serious. Sloop,C.C.Redman,R.H.MeLaugh-cd under the house ef.Charence-Mur-|lin,T.C.Goforth,T.J.Deaton,O.C.phy,colored,at Old Fort,partially,Close of Jurors For May Court. The county commissioners were in}elas ee regular monthly session yesterday |found in his barn, and in addition to routine business |P :drew the following jurors for the: Statesville School—Morrison,J.W.Levan,J.R.Cook,The British public never lost faith armies in dispersing the various ban-destroyed the dwelling without injur-}And Others. in General Townshend and even now that he has been forced to capitulate__after destroying everything at Kut-el-Amara that might be valuable totheTurks,they look back.upon hiscampaignasabrilliantone. ‘dit organizations,the next step was to attempt to reach a bass on which both sides might meet.- Meantime the American cavalry in Villa bandits. Carnival Not a Financial Success Smith’s Greater Shows,the carni- val aggregation that showed here on the ball park all the past week,folded its tents and left Sunday afternoon for Asheville.The show was here under the auspices of the Statesville Athletic Association and the association re- ceived $325 as its part.It is under-stood.that the’total receipts were about $1,500 and that the show went in the hole about $1,000 to $1,500. Nothing From Berlin. The American ambassador in Ber-lin,James W.Gerard,was summon-ed into conference with Emperor|‘William at army headquarters a few|days ago.This action of the empe-ror aroused much speculation,but noinformationastothepurposeofthe conference had been made public up to Sunday evening,and neither wasthereanypositiveinformationasto Mexico continue active running down, the nature of Germany’s reply to thelastAmericannote.A report from Washington says it is rumored that the Berlin _govern-Ment has considered a reply to theAmericandemandfortheimmediateabandonmentofpresentmethodsofSubmarinewarfarewithanofferto ave its submarines operate,at least “temporarily,only as cruisers against @nemy merchant ships.~The American note calls upon Ger- Many to immediately “declare and The show folks had several mis- haps while here.One of the sleeping cars was badly damaged.by fire and one-or two ofthe motor trucks werebrokendowninhaulingfromtheshow tground to the station.Smith claimed that the draymen had gouged him heretofore in extravagant charges for hauling and this time as much of his stuff as possible was unloaded at Bloomfield,outside of town,and haul- ed to the show grounds by countrywagons. A.M.Sherrill,W.L.J.Mays,C.C. Templeton,C. Nesbit,J.F.Clendenin,J..N.Cald- D.Atwell,Irvin Edwards and H.M. Hartline. Second week—G.C.Paris,H.L. Cascadden,P.C.Fletcher,T.Foy White,P.L.Watt,J.M.Robertson, C.B.Jurney,B.A:Waugh,J.W. Compton,R.S.Jurney,R.A.Mil--holland,G.D.Neill,L.H.Fraley,W. ‘A.Bennett,J.P.Deal,J.C.McLean, Ld.D.Nash,J.M.Davis,J.M.Smith, iH.C Elam,J.F.Ketchie,J.R.Rim- ;mer,A.C.Combs,Carter Goforth. |Baltimore Lady Hurt By a Fall at Station. 'Mrs.*Ada Mayo of Baltimore was {the vietim of a severe accident at the {depot Friday morning.She was en .route from—Charlotte-to-Black—Moun- itain,where she was going for treat- iment.__She_stepped-off-the-Charlotte train and started to cross the track |to the station.Her foot caught the lrail and threw her.Owing to her ‘weak condition she was not able to break the fall and landed between the ‘tracks,her head striking one of the rails.Her face was badly bruised by J.Christopher,W.I’.\« well,€.-W.Campbell,‘E.S.Clark,J.) seriously any one of the 12 oc- ants.Believed to have been an ‘attempt to commit wholesale murder. William Jones,a Surry county far-_mer,driving to Mt.Airy with a load jof tanbark,had his 8-year-old son on ‘the wagon ‘with him.Passing over a rough place in the road the boy fell off and-the wagon wheel passed over his body,inflicting probable fatal in-| juries.i|A movement is on foot to erect an! Lnddition to the building of the Ma- sonic and Eastern Star Home at Po-' ;mona,near Greensboro.Masons.of |the State will be asked for $25.000'for this purpose.Several subscrip- ,iions have been made,and among\ihese is one by Mr.Caesar Cone { for} A feature of the closing exercises of Statesville public schools this year will be a reunion of former pupils andformerteachers.This is planned for Thursday and Friday evenings,18th and 19th.Sunday following,the 21st, annual sermon in the school audito- rium by Rev.J.Harper Brady.Mon- day evening,22d,addresses _and rraduating exercises.Names of speakers to be announced. The closing exercises Point High School and 12. of Stony embrace May 11 Address on the 12th at 2 p. m.by Rev.Chas.Anderson,D.D.,of| .Statesville. ‘About Regist ration. Tsha0. It was reported some time back that; there was opposition among the Ashe |tion June‘Pemoerats to the renomination of “T.1 i retiai d pent he now open-andC.Bowie for the Legislature.At the}YOteTS Who have become _recent—eounty.onc ention he—was—re-{Since the State election_in 1914,nominated unanimously.Mr.Bowie)Who have changed_their‘will be a candidate for Speaker and;Since then,should —see who would vote at the primary elec-9oO or residence that —theirsowillMy.Gallatin Roberts of Bun-|"més are on the books or the voting| precinct if they expect to vote in the/The registration for; the primary will answer for the gen-j combe..i The latest addition to the portrait!June primary, ‘hall of the North Carolina Historical:Commission is a handsome oil por-|eral election in’November.Voters It is well to remember that voters. must be registered.The| qualified ; -@ffect”an abandonment of existing the fall.No -bones were broken but it ,treit of General William P.RobertSubmarinepractices.In German |Quarters it is intimated that it is quitepossibletheBerlingovernmentfor-Mallv will so “declare and effect,”and|aualifv the action with a_statementthatthedeclarationistoremainin“effect pending final agreement over the principles involved?There is noindicationwhethersuchactionwouldmeetwiththeapprovaloftheUnit-ed States.; Strikers Tie Up Traffic. The marine traffic at the port ofNewYorkwasseriouslyaffectedyes- terdav by a strike of the engineersand.firemen.on _the vessels.of_.thedighterageclass.Hundreds of tug-‘boats and other towine craft wereidleattheirpiersandthecongestionof.freight,involving delays of car-goes on steamships and railroads,presented a serious nroblem.A strike of street car men at Pitts-‘burg caused the suspension of car ines.‘ In Wayne county Saturday HenryExum,.a negro,«strick ClarenceSmith,a young white man,with aleadpipe.Smith was thought to befatallyinjuredandatlastaccount2 posse was searching for the negroandtherewastalkoflynching. .At Jonesville a negro attacked and ously beat Mr...Bradley Mathis,mayor of the town,when the mayorobjected.to the negro using cityproperty.The mayor's assailant waslasedonahondof$600.Congressman Page has recommend-ed Mrs.Bettie Belle Pearson forpoatmistressatMoravianFalls, a Sunday afternoon one of the piano (7 oo.;wagons,which was hooked onto the!“2S ®Serious shock to her inrearofanautomobile,broke loose on |weakened condition.:south Center street and ran wild.It|Mrs.Mayo was helped into theEITCcholicarbiseveralmGimesbut|Waiting room and Dr.T.KE.Anderson never stopped until it reached the in-|¥®5 ealled to give her what attention cline to the station.was _necessary.._Other‘i helped bathe her face and do whatRevenueCollections.they could for her and she went away During April Collector Watts of 0%No.dl.=this internal revenue district,collect-!Marshalé For Memorial Dav. ed $1,024,435.83 of revenue taxes,as ;;oanfollows:Sheriff Deaton will be chief mar- TobaccoIncometgxes Emergency taxes Liquor License Fines and penalties~.- Se aiiee of |appointed the‘9,555.42 /marshals: 176.07 |i Dick.Ramsey;‘Barringer,...S..—H. Narcotic taxes 15.35 Houston;Bethany,Eugene Crawford; Oleomargarine taxes 3.00 Cool Spring.V.C.Montgomery;This is an increase over April of ,Chambersburg.W.S.Clendenin;Cod- last_year of $278,194.15,of 37 1-3 per Cent.+————,ander;Eagle Mills,J.D.Joyner;Agreement on Army Bill._|Pallstown.Wi A.Colvert;New:Hope. A regular standing army of 180,-Robt.L.Shoemaker;Olin,H.A.Gill; following assistant ter Morrison;Davidson,Brint Alex- tically been decided upon by the Sen-!W.B.McLelland;Turnersburg,LeroyateandHouseconfereés,With the)Steele;Union Grove,W.I.Baity. plans for expansion as ptovided in!the Senate -bill,this would produce an army of about 250,000 men in war strength.The Senate bill fixed the peace strength at 250,000 men. ell. The auto mail route from,States- ville to.Houstonville will be establish7ToSeaeledandputintooperationJuly1.TheMissVeraMillsaps,who has been |contract to carry the mail on thespendingafewdays:at home,leaves route-has been let to Mr.A.B.Fnee,ee her school work at Gaither_of Statesville,whose bid wasNeues:;ok ‘$995.i €»ef “n-Miss Margaret Click of Elkin is the!9%.He will leave here each mornguestofMissLucileKimball.elo.8.30 o’clock and return at 1 Yesterday ‘was the -eighteenth an-niversary of the battle of Manila bay.!4 —A jitney has begurt operation be- tween Winston-Salem and Statesville. cr her, passengers | 06 shal for Memorial:Day and he has’ Statesville—L.P.Henkel,J.G.Lew-| dle Creek,W.L.Cook;Concord,Wal- 000 men at peace strength has prac-!Shiloh,Watt Summers;Sharpesbure,| |Auto Mail Line For North Ire-| of Gates,one of the three North Car-| jolina generals in the War BetweentheStatesand:for cight years State, Auditor.The portrait was the gift’ jof his family..| 'Jn Salisbury C .P.Foster attempted| to start his automobile,but instead, of the machine backing into the street,as intended,it went forward (ecross the sidewalk,crashed through ja bie glass window and landed clear| inside an insurance office,stopping| only When it ran against a vault.Lit-! ‘tle damage except to the window. The steering gear of the car of Mr.| J.C.Setzer.clerk of Catawba coun-| ty Superior Court,went wrong Sat-' urday and the car went down an em-! jbankment and into a creek.With! |Mr.Setzer were J.C.Sigmon,a law-| -ver_of-Newton,-and—rand Mrs:H.-Carehra—distriet 1.Sigmon,Setzer and J.C.Sigmon ‘iumved and both sustained injuries— ithe former a dislocated wrist and the tter-a hurt back.The other occu-| pants sat still and.escaped injury.-| |Charles C.Latta,whose,charges jaesinst the State Hospital’at Ral- cigh several weeks ago resulted in an |investigation being ordered,has been again’committed to the institution, (Jt was while he was a patient at the, Hospital that Latta claimed to have | diseovered-evidence of mismanage- ment,The application for his read- imission was signed by his relatives. |The investigation of the Latta ‘charges were ordered for May 11 and \it ig said the investigation will _be made,notwithstanding the chargewasmadebyaninsaneman,as now appears, |who are properly registered now do not have to re-register. Janitor Cook’s Work. Mr.H.C.Cook,who has been serv-| ing as court house janitor for eight vears—March 4,1908,to March 4, 916—has been keeping an accurate record of his work,walking and pay for his work.For the—even eight ‘years he has walked to andfro,9,790: miles;worked 2,485 days and receiv-, ed-in pay for his work $3,435. Mr.Cook is now 61 years old and in good health.From his wages he |vaid for his home and supported ;family. Wheeler Martin Dead. Wheeler Martin,collector of inter- nal revenue for the eastern North under —Republican administrations,died Saturday at his home at Williamston,Martin county. He had been in feeble health for some time. Mr.Martin was 64 years old and is survived by a family.He was a prominent lawyer and citizen and had been silicitor of his district.. Mr.Cashwell Made Memorial Address at.Hickory. In the first Baptist church of Hick- cory Sunday a memorial tablet perpet=in Charlotte. valing the memory of the Tate Rev. W.R.Gwaltney,D.D,.and Dr.B.F. Whitesides,was unveiled.The memo- rial address on'Dr.Gwaltney;who was for years a pastor of the church,wasmadebyRev.W.R.Bradshaw -andthatofDr.Whitesides by Rev.C.S.Cashwell of Statesville. tine business.Several applicationsweremadefornewCe:Pa-trons of the Feimster school filed apetition-to-offset-any-movement look.ing towards the removal of the specialtaxlevyfortheschool.ae —A meeting of those interested inthecountyfairwillbeheldatthecourthouseSaturdaymorningat10.30o’clock.All members of the commit- tee,those having subscription’~listsandanyothersinterestedareespecial-ly urged to be present.Reports on the progress of the work and plans for. further work are to be taken up. —Mr.W.A.Thomas had a specialinterestintherecentforestfireinMcDowellcounty.The fire cameneargetting150,000.feet of Mr.Thomas’lumber,on..the _Clinchfieldroad.:The lumber caught fire but theflameswereextinguished.Mr.Thome-as—learns_that-some_of_the fires werestartedbysparksfromrailroaden- ag LITGR,teen ee ee|Further information about theproposedchangeofscheduleofNo,35—which will put the train throughStatesvilleabout3a.m.instead of10.20 p.m.as now—is to the effect thet the schedule of No.15,the early marning west-bound.passenger train,may also be changed.The train *is now due in Statesville at 7.24 a.msandtheproposedchangewouldbring it here about an hour later.: —The Davidson,College Orchestra,and Glee club.will appear at the Op-.era House Thursday evening,May 4,‘under the auspices of the Rest-a-BitAthleticclubofStatesville.TheyoungladiesoftheAthleticclubareinterestedandtheirfriendsshouldhelpthem.give the Davidson Orches- ThejtraandGleeclubafullhouse. ‘Davidson aggregation will also de-serve well of the communityon its,own merit.‘|The North Carolina Funeral Di-rectors’Association.will meet in Golds- ‘horo today week.Mr.A.W.Bunch leftSundaynightforGoldsborotoattendthemeeting.The Landmark does notpretendto.know Mr.Bunch’s businessbutitisinclinedtothinkMr.Bunchhasgothisdateswrong.Anyhow,Dr.T,E.Anderson,a member of the;State Board of Examiners,before {whom applicants for lisence to em- balm must appear,goes to Goldsboro next Monday for the meeting. |=—Mr.F,E,Sloan of Statesville andiMr.R.E.Crawford of Raleigh have been appointed gencral agents \for ,;western North Carolinatfor the Con+ jnecticut Mutual Life Insurance Cm+‘pany of Hartford,Conn.,with officesMr.Crawford,-whospentthepastweekinStatesville,vis=‘iting his sister,Mrs.F.E.Sloan,on‘Broad street,loft,.Saturday for Char-_lotte,where he will reside.He was‘formerly general agent for this com:Dany in eastern North Carolina,Mar:Sloan will continue to make his homejinStatesville. Cree SP YT Ye i * eee er at ‘DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM.- nt Adopted By the Dem- tic State Convention. f The Democratic party welcomes the rtunity to.present to our peo- _afterthree years of power in the -pation and 16 in the State,its record ef service and achievement,and it con- fidently appeals thereon to them for tendorsement and approval. epublicin Hands of Public Servants »We find it our first duty.and high- Ast privilege to endorse the adminis- ‘tration of Woodrow Wilson.Under he leadership as President,more im-~- portant constructive —legislation —of denefit to the great body of our peo-“ple has been enacted than in any dec-hae of our history.Under him andtheDemocraticCongressithasbeen demonstrated that our republic is at Yast in the hands of.public servants who exercise their powers in the,in- ‘fed and strengthened,the public healtwo service has been developed to a high not:only to citizens of thisState,but | to citizens of other States,tha all capital invested in legitimate enter- efficiency,-and_public institi in I ate ¢ ae re:the hare ot the diseased and|prises in North Carolina,whether for- unfortunate have been increased _in|eign or domestic,shall have the equal number and enlarged in capacity and)and friendly protection of our Jaws in equipment,_their observance,and will be™held Corporations ther sorte the ee |anal amenable to gur laws in.their have been wisely and-justly regulated |violation,Say in the’public jnbereat and there is}Suffrage Amendment Just. now saved annually to the people of;¢,We reaffirm our confidence in the State in their freight bills alone|the wisdom and justice of the suffrage in specific reduction of inter-State and}y»mendment to our State constitution. Mtra-State freight rates~in-the—last}tinder its influence we have two years,not less than one and a’om from race issues,and both races half.million dollars.per *-year—an|have enjoyed contentment and pros; amount.in excess of the cost of the}perity.The hazard to its vi con: entire administration of State govern-!tinuance makes it imperative for the ment,|public good that Democratic ‘suprem-| Lowest Per Capita ‘Tax in Whole Un-|acy jin the State be maintained, ion.|‘We submit that the record.shows| It is not-accidental that after 16}thatthe Democratic party can be years of the most notable progress in}trusted to conserve all that makes for|the entire history of the State in all)the welfare of our people.So long as| these lines of public effort,the re-!the Democratic party is in power the| ports of the United States census de-)forces that have made for the ‘great| partment show that our State.gov-!progress of the last 16 years will be| ernment is maintained upon a pay-}maintained.So long as it is in power,| ment of taxes by the.people of this;the people have assurance.that the| State less per,capita than that of-any|State is safe from the designsof | he :‘Se REARRRR Ra PERN Roadster $675$.0..b,Toledo ‘terest’of the whole people as opposed|other State in the-Union,This result! to the interest of any class.Hehas}has been achieved by the Democratic) ‘maintained the.highest.traditions ‘of|party being true to its pledges of the|syed in its name under a Republican| his great office and the noblest ideals}utmost economy in the administration of the party under swhose banner he/of public affairs.Public office in this serves..And not only so;this repub-!State is still a public trust,and must; lic and the human race have found in|be administered with the utmost fidel-| him in the supreme crisis of world af-'ity to the public interest.4 fairs a leader equal to every emer-;We find cause for congratulation| gency and worthy of universal confi-|that we have passed the period of ap-| dence.“With a wisdom,patience and |prehension that the State revenues| courage that have added#lustre to his |may not be sufficient to meet the neec- office,he has managed the manly com-|essarily increased.public needs of a plicated international situations that growing State Treasury,under a de- have arisen in such a way as to com-/creased rate of tax levy for solely mand universal admiration.And as|State purposes,and we have a bal- he labors today to preserve to hu-!ance in the Treasury;that the demand | manity the fruits of centuries of civ-|for an equalized basis of taxation has ilization as embodied in international!been corservatively met,and that, law and at the same time to uphold!with a modern inheritance tax stat- every right dear to the hearts ofj|ute large fortunes,in their transmis- ‘Americans,we commend him to all/sion,are already _contributing sub- Ynen and send to him the assurance of|‘stantially to the State's revenue and our unfaltering support.;will in a large measure take care of Now that our republic stands alone|the increased needs of the State for as the one remaining great nation of!future progress.We pledge the par- the earth at peace while the condi-|ty to a continuationof the policy of tions abroad are so fraught | with}striect-economy,and to turning back source of alarm and unrest,wefeel!into channels ef direct benefit to the assured that the President,who has/|people of the State every dollar of amidst the confusion of the times|public revenue raised by the State held the republic in so safe and wise/that is not essential for State admin- a course,can be trusted moreconfi-|istration,for the benefit of public ed- dently than any other to guide our,ucation,for State assistance in pub- Country in its foreign relations and to!lic road construction,for safeguard- direct our people in all the steps nec-|ing the public health,and in liberal @ssary to prepare against attack!pensions for the remaining Confeder- from any source.We,therefore,com-jate soldiers and widows,and .other tend to our Representatives in Con-!appropriate channels of serving and gress and to our people his programme|conserving the public interest.We de- of preparedness.clare and reiterate our firm belief in We have enacted a revision of the;the great.Democratic principles of tariff in the Underwood-Simmons act!strict publicity in the receipts and ex-fn the interest of the whole people,!penditures of all public funds by allandtariffdutiesarenolongerlevied|State and-county officials and State for the benefit of a favored few.At institutions,so that every citizen of the same time we have given to the|North Carolina can easily and intelli-nation a system of revenue entirely|gently acquaint himself with all re adequate to its necessities.We have|onable information pertaining to such supplemented this tariff with an in-|receipts and expenditures of public ¢ome tax,the effect of which is to re-|funds. move from the rank and file of our’We challenge a comparison of this” those who would inflict upon i€the payment of the fraudulent bonds is- regime;and they cannot have that as- surance otherwise.So long’as the, Democratic party is in power the peo- ple have assurance that this.State shall‘be conducted by white-men},and they cannot have that assurance oth- erwise.So long as the Democratic party is in.power the half a century of faithful service that all that makes for peace,the progress, the order and the prosperity of this Commonwealth shal!be saecredly con- served;and thev cannot have that as- surance Otherwise. Ae DeMIX-UP AS TO SENATORS. Tho Candidates From Same County in District of .Four Counties:and the Remedy. Raleigh Col,Edmund Jones.reading a listoftheunopposedcandidatesfor.sena- torial honors,has called théevattention of the board of elections to it and asked a ruling in distriets where two ar more counties elect. “T §nd an crror in the thirty-thirddistrict,”Col.Jones writes.“The list is given as follows:Charles P.Math- eson of Taylorsville,Democrat,and A.C.Payne of Taylorsville,Demo- crat.The two counties entitled to the Senators this year by the almost im- memorial common law of the district and by the unanimous assent of fouriareAlexanderandCaldwell. Caldwell county in its county conven- tion cndorsed James L.Nelson of Le- noir,and Tam informed that Alexan- der county has endorsed Charles P. Matheson of Taylorsville.If this is sa then the two unopposed candidates MTN tie&SCOUNLICS. te Charles P.Matheson of Taylors- ville and James IL.Nelson of Lenoir. As at present published,there is -to arise some confusion.Will assurance of| Letter to Greensboro.News.| from the thirty-third district would. four cylinder price. So order getting it. Enbloc 35 horsepower Four inch tires The Most Popular Overland f ‘7 There is.already an enormous demand for this big _With certain improvements,it is the same car of ‘which 55,600 Overlands were sold last season for $750. The price is $55 less. Standardization of product and the purchase of raw materials at before-the-war prices,made this reduction in price possible. It will not be lower,for materials are rising in Electric siarting and lighting system Electric contvo!buttons on steering column Carolina Motor Company, STATESV Pive-Passenger Touring Overland. your Overland now,to make sure of Demountable rims,with one extra 106-inch wheelbase Deep divan upholstey One man top;top cover motor ILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. ‘ people the heavier burden of taxationandtoplacethatburdenuponthose who are more able to bear it and who, in common justice,ought to bear it. ~@urrency System Preventer of Panics In the Federal Reserve Banking act our party has given to the coun- try a currency system that commands universal commendation.It has made money monopolies impossible and pro-| vided an elasticity of the currencythatassurestothefarmersandoth- er.producers a supply of money thatautomaticallypreventsthedepressionofpricesandfacilitatesthemarket- ing of crops.It has removed the con-trol of the money of the country from)the financial centres of Wall Street, in New York,to the Treasury of theUnitedStatesatWashington,and has thereby made financial stringencies and panics a thing of the past.Under} the supreme test of a world-war this| act has served not only to save our people from disaster but to vouch- safe to them an unparalleled prosperi- ‘ty. In the Clayton anti-trust law we have successfully grappled with the great problem of trusts and monopo- lies without injury to any lawful in- ‘elean,progressive,Democratic record with the Republican record which pre- ceded it—a record too well seared {to the minds of the people of this State to need review—or with any |previous or future service that can ;reasonably come from the present jleadership of the Republican party,‘and declare: |Educated Citizenship Goal. 1.The development of public edu- cation has been the chief pride of the Democratic party,and nothing less than an educated citizenship must be in-| kindly inform us in writing the = *method ta be pursued in or- ley to get these two unopposed candi- dates properly before vour hoard,so} that they may be certified as the un-} opposed candidates of the party?| is possible that an error o7 like kind!direction of expe:carpenters,built mav have crept into tne list of other!a tabernacle—to seat 3,000 people— istriets which also have two Sena-|for a religious mecting that is to be-u |gin im that town May 7. In eight hours a hundred or more at the direction of Col.Wilson G.} Lamhe,chairman.a It|Gastonia citizens,working under the, A Sust Received a Mixed Pickles and they are Barrel of ,Libby’s Sweet “There is no error,”he says,“inj this list so far as the notices of entry} for primary cleetion is concerned.| Fhe two Democratic candidates filing.)notices of entry aye Charles P.Math-| eson and A.C.Payne,both of Tay-| the goal of our continued and untir- ing efforts.Our public school termhasbeenincreasedto_a point much. |beyond the constitutional require-“ments,and we are building school ‘houses at the rate-of one for every Leber ards artis |Golden Flakebs ~Potato Chips 10c.Package. OF SUFFERING Maxwell House Blend C€offce—is roasted and packed by one of:the day that passes. Conserve Public Health. 2.The cohservation of public health|is now recognized,as a problem de- |manding consideration of all enlight- ,ened governments.We rejoice in the 'splendid progress made by our State in combatting discases among our peo- i ple,in reducing our death rate.in in- 'creasing the sum total of health,hap- iriness-and_efficiency-of our—citizens,| dustry..;and in establishing justifiable rec-|.|g stablishing a justifiablere In a word,throughout this land un-|cd of healthfulness as enc with | der the Democratic party the powers)other States of the Union.We advo-of government ‘have*beenexercised)este a continuance and strengthening now for three years in the interest of |cf,the humane policy now in force in|__the whole people,resulting ina de-'thisState—for the—pretection—of thegreeandextentofjustice,prosperity |public health,and the eradication ofandorder,the like of which no people |preventable diseases. }has ever known. With so much already done the ad- ministration is just)now proceeding to crown its record’of constructive service with a rural credits act,un- der which it is proposed to provide at the lowest.expense an abundant cred- it for the farmers of the nation,and this convention gives hearty endorse- ment to this act. We endorse the record of our Sena- tors and Representatives in Congress; and we view with pride the positions of responsibility,honor and_service our sons are so worthily occufying in Congress and cabinet.To few States has fallen the honor of having at once | |Stand For Good Roads. |8.The construction and mainten- ance of improved public roads is one jof the greatest problems in the de- |velopment of our State,-and particu-{larly in the development of rural com- imunities..Four years ago there werejcnuly«900 miles of modern roads inj \the State?~Today we have 15,000 ‘miles «f such roads,and every.day (sees the mileage extended.We pledge (our party to a policy of sympathetic j aid and encouragement to road build- jing in this State.ak Pledge to Rural State. 4,We must ever be mindful of the the floor leaders in the Senate and the:fact that the State derives its strength ,House of Congress.And it should be a from its toiling citizens and its rural matter of pride to every North Caro-/commurities,and wepledge the partylinianthatinthegreatprogramme)to a continuance of the policy of en- lorsville.Since the district is entitled to two Senators,there was noihing _for the State Board of Elections to do but to certify these candidates as the nominees of the Democratic party fortheSenateinthisdistrict.~ “Tf you will refer to secifon 6 of the vrimery law,you will find that it con- .provision by which,upon the} ment of the executive commit- of any party in senatorial dis- tricts-_eensistine-of more than one county.that the candidate or candi- dates for that district shall be select- ed from one or two counties:that no candidates will enter for that party from,any other county in the district, and that the candidate selected in such county or counties will be voted for only in the county or counties in which he or they reside. “So far as the present case is con-cerned,T should —suggest that the Demorratie executive committees of the several:countigs composing the thirty-third district enter into an agreement.to the effect that Caldwell and Alexander counties each —shall name one of the candidates for Sen- ator in this district.Such candidates would then file their notices of entry with the county board of elections at any time prior to May 20.If such candidates file with the county board of election.and -will notify the State! Board of Elections to*that effect.the}fee which has been paid to the Stats ‘Woman MadeWell by Lydia|E.Pinkham’s VegetableCompcound, Columbus,Ohio.—‘‘I hada!most given up.Ihad been:sick for six years withafemaletroublesand nervousness.I had a pain in my right side and could not eat anything with- out hurting my stornach.I could not drink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken.From 178 .pounds I went to 118 and would get so weak at times that Ifell over.I began to tale Lydia FE. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,and ten days later I couid eat aud it did not hurt my stomach.I have taken the T now,weirsh 127 pounds |.80 you can see what it has done for me already.My-husband says he knows rs.J.5.BARLOW,16 24 South 4th St., Columbus,Ohio.i Lydia E.Pinkham’s’Vegetable Com- pound contains just the virtues of roots ‘and herbs needed to restore heaMh and largest.Coffee Houses in the South and in my estimation there is no better Coffee ever packed.A trial can will convince you that it Is at as good as the best ‘1lb,cans 33c., S-lb.cans,98¢e.. 3ourbon Santos Coffee in bulk,35¢. value for 26c. DELICATESSEN! 3oiled Ham,(sliced to order) Ib. 38e.—lb 15c.Ib. 15c.Ib. 5c,each. 32c.Ib.43¢.Ib.J Bologna Saus Wieners ef Frankfurters Smoked Bloaters Sliced Bacon (in bulk)..Chipped-Beef... Swiss Cheese A full line of Fancy Cheese,such as Neufchatel,Philadelphia Cream, Queen’s Blend Coffee is strictly a high grade piece of goods and is medicine ever since and 7%feel like a. |mew woman. io medicine has saved my life.”—| guaranteed to please cr money re- funded. The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, “The Store of Better Values.” Pimento,Club,McLaren’s Cream, Welch Rarebit,etc. sesesescoresscoed Bees feess PIITIIII TIT E iis bth ee oes ses eee Connuercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C.Board of Elections will be refunded,|Strength to the weak-ened organs of the | That is whiy Mrs.Barlow,a|Under the circumstances the State}body. of Progress achieved by the Demo- cratic party,our State has had so large a_part. State Achievements Pledge of Future certify the names of the candidates! who had entered. “There are probably other districts| in the State which find themselves in! |couraging the best development of the /raral community.Under Democraticjruletheconditionsofcountrylifein |respect to schools and roads have bec: | { 3oard of Eleetions was compelled -to|chronic invalid,recr,vered so comnpletely.| |It pays for wor.ien suffering from any female ailmenty,to insist upon having Lydiapound. Capital ‘Stock Paid in $100,000.0031,500.00 :>|vastly improved,while-by means ofiInStateaffairstheachievementsof|the State Gepartment of Agriculture, _the past furnish the surest pledge of the A.and M.College and farm_life the future..We endorse the adminis-|sehanis intelligent and helpful direc-|tration of Governor Loéke Craig and|tion has been given to our farmers,|other State officers for its fidelityto!the result of which is mahifest in the|the highest ideals of :public’service!tremendous increase in’the varicty, and notable achievement in thepublic!and valve of the farm products.It isinterest.We point to 16 years of!a matter of fact that the value of our Democratic State administration—|farm products doubled from 1900 to |subjected regularly to the closest scru-!1910 and it has again doubled in the|re fi investigation and audit,without}last six years.We favor legislation an instance of scandal or unfaithful!providing for the incorporation,su-public service—as a record meriting|pervision and control of warehouses|the unlimited approval and goodwill for the storing of farm products,inofthewholepeopleoftheState.They crder to facilitate the proper market-|have covered 16 years in which con-|jng of guch products.stant progress and development of!—public education,of temperance,of|public health laws..and administra-|tion,and of every branch of public“service have kept the pace with agri-cultural,mee oe ee | progress.Construction of improved|tpg *TheHead| public highways has in every pei serait ot us ok ok wae amatewaybeen.encouraged,institu-|TIVE BROMO QUININKisbetter than ordinary|tions for technical and literary educa-|Qnging in head Rememberthe full anges sdtionforbothsexeshavebeenenlarg-i Must Foster Enterprise.| 5,Every enterprise looking to the| investment of capital and employment|of labor should be fostered and en-| couraged by the State.We pledge,| look for the signature of H,W.GROVE,25>. a similar condition,similar course of procedure will straighten the matter eut for them as well as for this disttrict.?ae 7ATTRAAeENETO F.A.Edmondson,formerly a bank-|er of Greenville,was acquitted in theFederalcourtatNewBerneofa‘charge of violating the white slave‘act. Surplus aud Profits *~C.WATKINS for1“Ever ything’to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest.Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.4NextPlanters’Wh,Statesville. E.Pin)ham’s Vegetable Com-| |PO R E Se SO R C C S E O TO P E OD O SO C S S S S O S O S O E S O D PD E DO D C O S | Members of Federal Reserve System: f Your Banking business solicited and every accornmodation extended to de- positors con sistent with prudent bank- WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm syste|of the human body In perfect health we hardly realize that |we'have a network of nerves,but when health is ebbing,when strength is declin- ing,the same nervous system pives the alarm in headaches,tiredness,dreamful sleep,irritability and unless corrected,leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness,Scott’s Bmul- sion is exactly what you should take;its rich nutriment gets into the blood and tich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds-to its refresh- ing tonic force,It is free from alcohol, Scott &Bowne,Bloomficld,N,J, |WANTED! SCRAP BRASS--Heavy Brass 7c. per pound,Light \3rass 5c.per pound.:aeFORSALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsof:boiler room supplies.{ C..H.TURNER. ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three monthsor longer.os OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER -___-.President.E,.MORRISON,=Vice President. D.M.AUSLEY,-,Cashier.G.K,HUGHEY,-“Assistant Cashier. pe CO R e e r e c r e p e s o e s s o e s o o o n o u e s -w - Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7., or ee e e e s 19 9 9 0 2 0 0 9 9 0 0 8 S OS SO O oe s icone a en 7 Wei4edidnekhelp me.’ ?Ready,Ky.—""I was not ablepeythingtonnearlysixmonths,””.wriMrs,‘Laura Bratcher,,of this place,‘wasdown inbedforthree months.wat ort -ey I suffered with,nd w ewomanrote ee \Our family doctor told hcouldnota0meanygood,an ee uediedtoctor, ‘At last,my mother advised me to takerdui,the woman's tonic.1 thoitwasnousefor|was nearly dead annothingseemedtodomeanygood.:os elevenbottles,mn pow Tamadoallofmyworkanwashing.;sf he iyeepaserialisfhepestmedicineinrid.weight has incand4lookthelelasonthealth,Agreesifyousufferfromanyoftheailmentsperuiartowomen,get a bottle of Carduiday.Delay is dangerous,We knowitwillhelpyou,for it has helped somanythousandsofotherweakwomeninthepast50.years, At all druggists: Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Go.,Ladies’|Advisory Dept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for SpecialdustructionsOnyourcaseand64-page book,“HomeYforWomen,”an plain wrapper.N.C.228 THEROYALHEATER The‘Royal’’is a Range Boiler and Water Heat-erin combination and is designed to take the place of the old-fashion- ed method of attaching an independent.heater ‘men heve kidney and bladder trouble|iels,who declined to be a to the side of an ordi- nary range boiler. The ‘Royal’can he installed at a supris- ingly low cost and willfurnishhotwatereveryhourofthedayand! night et an expense well within reach of the average house own- er or renter. Installed by W.E.Munday. 14 FE.Broad St. Phone 56. every day,if you once tried dee =~ It is choice enough for the finest !salad dressing,as delicious as any } oil you ever\tasted,and so much j cheaper you can use it for cooking,\ too.It makes a smooth,delicious and_pleases everybody.} We've got anything you want to | Oil. JUST RECEIVED. Ye - Fresh Potato Chips. Boiled Ham. Breakfast Bacon. "9 rE,ANP Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St Will be at the Lyric Tuesday, May 2nd. |Get the book at ALLISON'S Book Store. Price,5(c. wi THE CALL OF THE |CUMBERLANDSCHARLESNEVILLEBUCK DUSTIN PARNYN EDITION % DR.G.A.DLAZENBY. DENTIST. |Office in People’s Loan and- |Savings Bank.Office phone 494,Residence,451 Black. JUST RECEIVED. A fine line of Berlin &Jones stationery,the Jatest,in writing paper.Come and examineit for yourself pound paper. Also a nice line of Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. ar 2 See |TURSDAY,” to do {'ville Semi-Weekly Landmark. '4412-orades at $1.40;per square and u mayonnaise that “stands up”well || make a.salad—as well as Wesson |, Miller-Mcl.ain Supply Co.| ~|114 East Broad’Street. |WATCH FOR:THE re oe May 2%1916. PU P S P EF PE R S P EB E east-bound,due 10,60RLOTTEANDSOSLOREY:From Char!.Train,No,16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.85 a‘Train—-No,-24—ar,8:14,leave 8.14 p,From Taylorsville.P |Train No,23 ar.10:00,lesves 10:40 «Train Boe 1 gre.6:40,|téaves 7305-p.m.Nos,28 and 24 are not operated on Sanday. |Many Olaimantg For Dead Man’s, S oMateate.* After a hearing,lasting more ‘thanfourweeks,Judge Speer,in FederalTAstrictCourtat.Macon,Ga.,grant- jed the petition of Louisiana claimantsjtothemillion-dollar estate of the late ‘James M,Smith of Oglethorpe coun- ty,Georgia,and announced that he would appoint —receivers to take charge of the property. aw, m, died intestate several m ers in Georgia, 'without issue,gnths_ago, “Tard Seven sets of “heirs”from North }‘aroljna,Louisiana ‘and -elsewhere, ought to share:in his ©property. ‘heir claims would give the late mil- |Honaire five different mothers.and as |many.different birthplaces,while five ‘groups of “heirs”charged in_their |petitions that Smith was of illegiti- imate birth, |The losing contestants gave notice |of appeal. WOMEN SUFFERERS|NEED SWAMP-ROOT ||Thousands upon thousands of wo- jand never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to|2!committceman has been elected by| be nothing else but kidney trouble,or ithe result of kidney or bladder disease. /If the kidneys are not in a healthy ‘condition,the |zans to become diseased. You may suffer a great deal with {pain in the back,headache,loss of am- bition,nervousness and may be de- ispondent and irritable. Tron’t delay startiny treatment.Dr httmer’s Swamp-Root,_a—_physician’s ‘prescription,obtained at any store,restores health to the kidneys and is just the remedy needed to over- come such conditions. -immediately from any drug store. +,mm |Dil...‘ OU WOULD HAVE SALAD ‘i this great preparation,send ten cents Ilowever,if you wish first to try ito Dr.Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton,N, ,¥.,for a sample bottle.When writ- ing be sure and mention the States- SHINGLES_C.WATKINS p. | 'resh Vegetables New Tomatoes, New Beans, New Potatoes, New Cucumbers, New Cauliflower, Nex Celery. |Mighty fine line of Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. eens.2 eee ee Beef For Less. ~T sell Beef for cash and do not deliver.The customer is given the benefit ‘in price of what it would cost me to Reep books and deliver, Restaurant:Meals at all hours. I all and new ones. C.B.MORRISON. want my old customers Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. POTATO BUGS And start in time withapackageofSLUGSHOT,the best In- secticide you can get for all garden use, Try it for lice on yourrasebushesandpottedplants.’Get it at —-~'PHONE 89) Eagle & Milholland. ae y may cause the cther or-| b_vention.addresses.were.made.by=Max Gardner of Shelby,the unoppos- :jed candidate for the nomination for | HE STATE CONVENTION. Delegates Elected tothe Nation-al Convention and ‘Electors The Democratic’State convention,in session ine Raleigh Thursday,wasdevoidofspecialinterestbecauseithad-little to:do.miAfterthe‘usual-preliminaries-Sen-ator Simmons was introduced as tem-porary chairman and.his.:address,which was lengthy;was the feature of the convention,The temporaryganizationwasmadepermanent,butSenatorSimmonsycalled:Judge Mur-phy of Asheville to act as ‘chairman, Gov.Craig .and Gen.J.S,Carr were elected delegates to.the national con-vention by acclamation,E.L,Travis, J.C.Biggs,Thos.D.Warren and J.,D.Murphy--were nominated for alter- inates.At this juncture Camron |Morrison 6f.Charlotte said he warted\to see Wade Harris,of the Charlotte |Observer,one‘of the distinguished ed- itors of ‘the State,included among the alternates.If for no-other-purposejhedesireditasarebuketoMarion Butler,,who had brought suit against !Smith,one of the largest landown-|this editor because he had shown.up!and Butler in his true light in his paper.|,Denouncing Butler-as*a traitor;Mr.|Morrison said:“I know.of no betteriwayofhonoringthis‘heroic:editor ithan by sending him to the nationaljconventionatSt.Louis.It is also due jhim for his service to Woodrow Wil- |son.”.The remarks of Mr.Morrisonjwerevigorouslyapplauded.Both |Judge Murphy and Mr.Travis.said[they would withdraw and Mr.Harris’/name was substituted ror that of Mr,Travis.; |Cameron Morrison of Charlotte and 4,O.Carr of Wilmington were nom- inated for electors at large by accla- mation,and A.W.McLean of Lum- berton was’elected national commit- ;teeman by acclamation.Mr.McLean ;suceceeds Secretary of the Navy Dan- candidate ‘for re-election.Heretofore the nation- |1 the delegates to the-national--conven- |tion,but this time the State conven- {tion set the precedent of naming the man, This concluded the work of the con- |vention except the |nlatform,which is printed elsewherejinthispaper. Before the convention.met dele- |gates from the various congressional {districts met in district meetings and vention and nominated district elec- tors.Each district is entitled to two |votes in the national convention.~In |ternatés were elected and in —others \four delegates were elected,each to jhave a half vote. \the district meetings foHow: |District Delegates and Electors. |Wirst district —W.G,Lamb Martin,A.T.Baker of Chowan, G.James of Pitt,E.F. F. Aydlett of 'Pasquotank.Elector—H.C.Carter of| Beaufort.; json,J.A.Albritton of Greene,Thom- jas Gilliam.of Bertie..Elector—G.V. ‘Cowner of Lenoir.‘ |Third district—L.I:Moore,R.0. ‘Johnson,J.T.Bland,J.A.Tingle. Elector—-D.FE.Hendcrson, Fourth district —Edward F,Brit- ton of Wake,F.W.Pou o7 Jéhnston.,A.J.Harris of Vance.E..Pace ofWake,Elector-—T.T=Thorne ofNash. 'Fifth district —W.T.Brown of /Forsyth.E.S.Parker of Alamance, ‘kK.D.Broddhurst of Guilford,Julius Johnson of Caswell.Kiector=-Thom- -as—4 Gold of Guilford,—|Sixth district —T.H,Steadman.0. ‘LL.Clark.T.A.Lyon and G.B.Pat- terson,Elector—Bayard Clark. Seventh district —-K.R.Hoyle of ‘Tee,J.A.Jones of Scotiand,J.W. Lambeth of Davidson,D.M.Reese of|Yadkin,A.M.Vangov of Wilkes. |Elector—Clegg Ashcraft.of Union. |Fiehth -distriet —J.-S.Henderson jof Rowan,R.L.Smith of Stanly, |Waiter Murphy of Rowan,C.P.Math- feson of Alexander.Elector—Mark ,Ssanires of Caldwell. Ninth-district.—John A.Parker of ‘Mecklenburg,C.B.Armstrong of ,Gaston,Guy V.Roberts of Madison. |W.C.Erwin of Burke.Elector—W. |M.Wilson of Mecklenburg. |.Tenth district —-W.-E.Moore —of |Jackson,J,F.Alexander of Ruther- ford,8S.W.Black of Swain,C.P.Rog- -ers—of—Henderson.—Blector—Felix_E. |Alley of Haywood. 'R.A.Doughton of Alleghany was the member of the platform commit-; ‘tee from this (the eighth)congres-lsional distrietand«Cameron Morri-;son of Charlotte from the ninth dis-trict.Edmund Jones of Caldwell was\the vice president of the convention ‘for the eighth district and W.©,|Fcimster of Catawba for the ninth 'district, |The members of the State commit itee from this district are A,S.Car- son of Alleghany,T.C.Bowie of |Ache,A.D.Watts of Tredell.J,A |Norwodd of Rowah,J.M.Boyeitte of ‘Stanly,J.P.Cook of Cabarrus,R.N |Hackett of Wilkes and W.C.Hammer ‘of Randolph are members from the |seventh district and W.GC.Feimster ,of Catawba is one of the members jfrom the ninth district.— ;At the afternoon session of the oy | Lieutenant Governor;Secretary of the !Navy Daniels-and-Gov.Crai¢. ‘A memorial resolution in honor 'the Tate Tom Pence was adopted by ja rising vote. cat | |CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED )With LOCAL APPLICATIONS,as) jcannet reach the seat of the dis :Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis- ,énse,cand in order to cure it.you muljiake‘internal remedies,Hall's Caturr!:/Cure is taken Internally,und acts di- reetly on the blood and’nigcous suriace}Halts Catarrh Cure is not oa quackmedicine,It was preseribed by onethebestphysiclansinthiscountryyearsanoisaregularpresoription.tt (4a composed of the.best ytonics Known,combined with the best blood puribters,fhethng directly on the Cos i suriaces,The perfeet combination or htheo two ingrédfents fs what produces suc wonderful results Ino curing €a jtarrh,.Send for testimonials,free. KF.J.CHENEY.&CO,,Props.,:Toledo,O.Bold by Druggista,price The. ati LDING? V0 fof ’Je Nominated —The Democrat-{ie Meeting in Raleigh. or-, Senators Simmons -and Overman,| adoption of the, The reports from NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS ‘Incidents Gathered-From.AllPartsoftheCountry. Snow fell >over eastern Massachu-s¢lts and Rhode.Island Friday,thelatestdateforahyappreciablefallin more than 27 years, The United States has sent another note to Great Britain demanding thereleaseof.the 88 Austrians,.GermansandTurks-taken fromthe AmericansteamshipChinabyaBritishcruiser off Shanghai: lifty.thousand cotton mill opera-tives will benefit by wage advancesannouncedbytheManufacturers’As- sociation of New Bedford”and Fall River,Mass.The increase becomes ef- 4 i fective May 1 and will amount to 10 per cent. Hugo,the “tallest man in world,”and the giant of Barnum .& +Bailey’s circus,died last week —o pneumonia in a New York hospital.He was eight feet,four inches high and his normal weight was 536 pounds.Was 47 years old and a na- tive of Italy. Will Hughes was found guilty of the murder at Spartanburg,S.-C.Hughes was tried for the murder.of Robert Stephens,a chain gang guard,in Oc- tober,1915.At the time of the kill- ing’Hughes was serving a life sen-tence for the murder of Cofer Cox,a young white man. The Supreme Court of South Car- olina has sustained the constitution- ality of the anti-compact fire insur- ance law,recently passed by the Leg- islature to prevent rate-making com- binations among fire insurance com- panies,Since*its passage,67 compa- nies have withdrawn from the State. A caucus of the Democrats of the House of Congress approved,by a vote of 140 to 35,the Senate’s Phil- ippines independence bill,but agreed to permit an amendment in the House to the prohibition section of the meas- ure.Twenty -eight members —an- |nounced that they would not be bound |by the action of the caucus.{ In what was regarded as_prelimi- j nary steps to test the recently-enact- fed Florida law making it illegal for |white persons to teach negroes,thre nuns from St.Joseph’s-Catholic con-|vent were placed under ‘charges of arrest at St,technical Augustine, la.The case will doubtless be car- ‘vied to the Supreme Court of the|United.States... ;A suit for $750,000 for the loss of ther husband-on-the-Lusitania,which dru elected delegates to the natiénal ¢con-;was--torpedoed—by—a—German—subma- ‘rine,has been filed.in the Federal court in New York eity.against the ;Cunard Steamship Company,by Mrs. Get a fifty-cent or one dolla’botile some cases two delegates and two-al-|Miay Davies-Hopkins of Louisville,Ky.,widow of Ai L.Hopkins,.who was president of the,Newport News Shipbuilding &Drydock Co. Reducing the cost of fuel and.pow- ler from 2%and 28 cents a gallon to of 18 cents,G:F.Cammer of Greenville, '&C..foreman of the Southern railway roundhouse there,claims to have per- fected an attachment for his automo- |bile that uses kerosene instead of gas-' Second district —W.O.Howard of!“line.He has applied for a patent for! Edgecombe.H.G.Connor,Jr.,of Wil-the attachment,whichis”said to be practicable and has been successfullytested, >»Senator Overman will urge the passage of a measure to protect the. game birds on the Federal forest res- ‘ervatiins in North Carolina.For that. purpose he has introduced an amend- ment to the agricultural bill would prevent the killing of birds and -animals-on United States’ ment authorizes the President to make any of these lands bird and animal reservations. A Federal grand jury in New York city has returned indictments against the .eight Germans recently arrested ,on the charge of engaging in a con- spiracy to place incendiary bombs on ships carrying munitions for the En- tente allies,and against Dr,Walter. T.Scheele,president of the New Jer-| sey ‘Agricultural Chemical Company, the alleged leader of who has not yet been arrested. was at Scheele’s factory that hombs were partly manufactured, is alleged. Tt the it A stormy debate overt themomina-. ticn of Louis D.Brandeis for the Su-| preme Court broke in the Senate Fri-! day and,before it was over,predic- tions were made by two members of tho judiciary committee—one a Dem- orrat-——that an unfavorable report ontheappointmentwouldfollowwhen the ecommittce reached a vote.The de- bate was the result of av charge made by Senator Ashurst,Democrat,of Arizona,that the Republican mem- sof the commitice were filibuster- ing;to prevent a vote on the nomina- tion. The Loss in Merchant Ships. british estimates of the European war’s tol of merchant ships,given infiguresbytheDepartmentof tonnage of more than 2,000,000,Al- lied vessels-lost number 558 and neu- tral 198. The estimates made by admiral gaive British losses ships:French,53; ‘an,27;Belvian,10;and Japanese,3. This does not include the loss of 287 trawlers by the British,seven by the French, as 410 *Norway,with ‘81 vessels destroyed,| losses.loads-the-neutral nations-in Sweden,with 40,is second and Den- martk..with 28,islost.'24 and the United States 7, British losses amoiunt—to—four—per- cent.of the total number in service, snd six per cent.of the tonnage. Wrench losses are fore per cent.in number and seven per cent,in ton-, nage.Despite these losses,it*is de- elared,the aggregate of ships owned ‘Yethe allies issheing steadily increas-od through building. eetSoeacyerrr Pleased With Sojourn in Iredell Watauga Democrat. Misg Nannie J.Rivers,who heen teaching at Olin.Tredell county,for the past five months,has return|Shesays |4d to her home:in Boone. her stay there was pleasant;her work most interesting,and she was indeed lonth to leave her school and the goodnoopleofthetsplendidsection,who-showed her so many kindnesses dur-|WATKIN Si!ing her stay there. { || f e which | land in} western North Carolina.His amend- the conspitaey,| Com-merce,put the number at 736,with a! a British, tussian,35;Ital-? third.Holland has| has; New Lot of Wool Skirts, Sizes 24 to 36. Waists at Special Prices. One Big Lot of eben ‘Put on Sale This Week,Ladies’ All Wool Spring Coat Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices, All $15.00 to $18.00 Suits at $12.50 to $14.50 oe $8.95.$ Wehave a good line to selegt from.Come early and get the choice. 500 Shirt Waists go on Sale at Big Lot of $1.00 Waists,for These are all New Spring Styles. $9.95. se “sé 98e. 79¢. x Big line of Children’s Wash Dresses,Madras, Gingham and Percale,sizes6 to 14 years,at special prices, “ma PLONE 212. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. / 4 Special Price SOc.and 98¢. Johnston-Belk Co. 1h “1-Johnston-Belk Co.wt 4 =eet =oe The StatesvilleRealty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!2== their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We decra it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberenderedvalueless,viz: your agent for permit._ie ;2—Meéchanics “naking additions tc,or extraordinary”altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. 8—Property upon which.there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—apply to-your agent. |! !® is, ty insured other than by death.5—Assignment or transfer of property to another. 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—The taking of other insurance without notice. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil,;Ae 9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgege.’ Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract’of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de+ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”|J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ’PHONE 54 STATESVILLE,‘NC.- royAsagreat’many policyholders do not seem to know that 40: iifd 1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to’-” 4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-es ye, ul at rN Fojeinforetareteseteretstelotaretatsrnteterstntstsatere!SPRING,GENTLE SP‘| has SERUNG,but it has been anything but “gentle”in its land- ing. With its sudden shifts from mild,balmy days to cold,bleak days, it is the most treachereus season of the year and sorely taxes the human system te retain-ite-normat condition.: It<is therefore up te us to supplement the efforts of nature andkeepthesystemsoregutatedthatitwillbeproofagainsttheills of this varyiniy and wearing peridd.’ Our_high-class Prescription Department is always at your callwiththeLiGIHESTof@UALITY,SKILL and SERVICE! PURILY,PRECISION ,and PROMPTNESS ‘come first,last and always “On the Square’:: O2 2 OO D LR A A A A O A R E QL A R O L R O A R O A R O ¢g CO DIDIOOD IOSD OO OO IAAI OO,CARA Tad POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square.”CE C EC E C R C R C E C E R E C E O R S E C R CR RS A SO S CF CR C R R O R S : Clocks.that we have been selling at $5.75 now have to be sold for $7 and they are going higher still. they areany higher.We have just received a new lot of Seth Thomas Clocks.The handsomest designs R.H.RICKERT &SON, JEWELERS. Handsome Clocks! Don’t you think you had better buy one now before. we have ever had.We would be glad to sell you one... ry KODAK C= The Simlic:ty,Convenienceand Efficiency of Kodak System have put amateur photography within reach of every man,woman and child at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.Kodak supplies of all kinds in the genuine Eastman quality.' Jeweler,. H.B.WOODWARD. ac BOYCE LUMBER COMPANYMANUFACTURERSOF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail.[stablished in 1880.Incorporated 1909.puoxes:Of |2M GEO.TL,MY TRS,*Residence 423 Vice Pres,and Manager.- OrFEIE to49 “OLS, }READ WHAT-STATESVILLE BUSINESS MEN 1 ee is the discussions of debaters in the __High-School;Debating —-Union—the ‘eontest for the Aycock cup among ‘representatives of the highschools,of the State—leads to the suspicion that the addresses were “borrowed”;that they were prepared by teachers or others ambitious for favorites to win, and memorized by the debaters.Supt. Haynes is sure that some of the de- ‘haters “no more understood what they were saying than a parrot un- derstands the charms of Shakes- peare.”.That is..to.say,they memo- rized and glibly spoke what had been prepared for them.The Landmark regrets that this suspicion has been ‘aroused:and Supt.Haynes scems_to think it is well founded.Of course the debaters are at liberty to get in- formation frem all sources possible, ut they are expected to put it’to- gether in their own way.“Saying spceches”prepared by others de- atroys the purpose of the debate and it is surprising that the teachers,who ought to detect this fraud in the first instance,would allow it to pass,or that they would in any way be par- tics to the deception,as Mr.Haynes intimates. We/hepe Mr.Haynes is mistaken, but whether he is or not,the sus- picion-having been voiced the useful-| ress of the debating contest is im- paired.It’s a pity,too,for these de- bates are of great benefit to the young folks and the State. neereeecaeeSRENTRSTEY The Landmarkis advised that a)They say it is simply a business prop-|rect,resolute man,with a clear vis- number of Iredell Democrats are shy of the primary on the idea that by{audit should be made at least once) {AUDIT THE BOOKS, public funds.” That’s the proper.idea,and it should be-adopted by all county and munici- been the custom for some years to audit the books of State institutions and State officials at regular inter- vals,In few counties or municipali- ties is this done.The officials have \not adopted the custom simply be- cause they have been content to go along in the old way.As a result, the taxpayers in few cases have any intelligent idea of how the public money is expended;and frequently, in campaigns,grave charges are made of misappropriation of funds.Rarely do these charges have any founda- tion in fact,but it is easy to arouse suspicion when the people don’t know —and they have a right to know what is done with their money. The Landmark has suggested many times in past years that the commis- sioners of Iredell,for instance—and the same suggestion applies to all counties where it is nov cone— should have the books of the coun- ty audited at least once a year,by expert auditors,and a statement of |eondition published.This is the cus- tom-of all business corporations and the county of Iredell and the city of |Statesville are simply business cor- |porations,in which all taxpayers are |stockholders.Recently the Republi- cans of the county have been press- ing for an audit of the books.They deny that their motive is political. 'osition.Whatever the motive,the going into the primary they will be!a year. compelled to vote for every Democrat ou the ticket at the November elec-|point,the Republicans can claim no tien,and they do not propose to fore- Considered from the political view- |virtue in making demand for an go the privilege of scratching if they|audit;for with the exception of Ca- are:so amind.The yandmark has stated several times that there is ab- |tawba county there is not a county in ithe State controlled by Republicans, solutely nothing.in the-primary law so far as The Landmark knows,in to govern one’s vote at the November| election.He can vote in the primary| as a Republican or Democrat,as he/cans control they hsve followed the}\..—,auestion.land .H g |dect to the action of the De tie Pri |-sy:.:: elects,and vote at the November|old-style custom,just as it ,prevails |Oke atlas iene iat we apg eS te “TM.DEATON.|position to give you light on many of your clection as.he pleases.There is ab- solutely no change in this’particular from-regulations in the epast.Of|nor is it a matter of suspecting dis-|pe coutse when a voter goes into the primary he is expected to abide the action of the primary..This has al- Ways been the case. to do otherwise he is perfectly free in that respect.as ke has always)in the receipts and expenditures of me of se peonre,‘dent,but th ah ag a dake to the action of the Demo-| .ot on e resident,cratic Primary.i’.B.GAT"oR. been.|all public funds,”to be a “Democrat-y =u 3 May 2,1916.He Beata Ee But if he elects | which the books are regularty audited. In the counties in which the Republi- /in the Democratic counties. |But it is not a matter of politics honesty.It is simply a matter of [busine method that should be speedily adopted in all the counties; and since the Democratic State con- vention has declared “strict publicity “Tage of their convictions}% pal authorities in the State.Tt has! pPolitical or otherwise. rat He Stands For Peace andFor the| Preparedness That ‘Would In. stre-Péace_and Prevent War, From Senator Simmons’Address at the Democratic.State Convention, }-do not -know-what may happen in our relations with the belligerent.na- tions of the old world,no more than I know what will happen in our rela- tions with Mexico,but I do know that nothing will be done to disturb.and disrupt our friendly relations with the government of these belligerent nations which can be avoided with due regard to the honor and dignity.of this government.and.the rights.of the: American people;and I know.that neutrality will be maintained and our peace preserved if;it’can_be done without sacrificing these high inter ests or abandoning our duty to hu- manity and civilization. I know this sentiment represents the hopes and the prayers of the sore: ly tried man in the White House.He hears,but he is unmoved by the clam- jor of those who want us to lend our- |Selves to the cause of the one side or ithe other.He hears,but is unmoved |by the clamor of those who want-us ito plunge into this-maelstrom of war iand carnage.His great mind and his |}patriotic heart are centered in one |great purpose—namely,to know what jhis duty is and to do it. |Let no man suspect him in what- ever he may do in this behalf as.act- ling from any motive other than that lof duty;and let:no man-believe-that ‘he will be swerved from the line of duty as God gives him light to see it jand understand it. |Tf you want a “War Lord”you will |not find one in him.If you want a |molly-coddle pacificist,you will not‘find one in him.He is not rsoved by \the militancy of the one or the rhap-'sodies of the other.He is a plain,di- ‘ion,steady nerve and stout heart,liv- ing always in the fear of God,bent lupon serving his country,humanity land civilization regardless of criti-. cism and aggrandizement,personal, So far as clear vision,mature judgment,unfaltering ‘loyalty and patriotism can protect us, ;we are safe in his hands. The President does not want war. |He will do everything that a great na-/tion and a Christian people ought to do.to avoid it,but he wants us to be |prepared if the necessity comes to |protect our country and defend our ‘rights wherever attacked or called in |rights and are able and determined to aNietthig Wenthor"atbaas “i |wwe declare andreiterate our firm |also help to eliminatethe briber,for),From UpperAir,|:Fas :>AND _OWNER:|belief iy the great Democratic prin-|few sore will take chances on buy-],To assist the Pat basal Ya eth of pig TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.|ciple of strict publicity.in.the _re-/ing a vote.when they have no.means|making its fareceats,and vasSh OMe [eine ™ ROAD ST “|ciepts and expenditureof -all-—public}of determining whether the go ds:a ee ieatinrare eaethe aie *= =e ————funds by the State and county offi-}delivered,gy :government has Fenablihed an aero ;_ Peirrratessnensstsseccencess SEQ said eeePass ae sgc akwe aceastaandWAXDarta aniailBee,Baten lar eebanion:Maga::e :HH me tS es ook last aoe “so that every citizen the pert paragraphers.to advise the |zine gives an account of #the “work i :|Britons at Kut-el-Aniara to:“cut and Hbeing done there.Conditions prevail-i = ine.of North-Carolina-can-easily-and_-in-.»but they didn’t.Now see whtt ing at elevations up to,approximate-‘~ CHARGE OF CHEATING.telligently acquaint himself with all a a ey .mati ly ewe mallee ee be mn fc anarentved |by C ee Supt..Thornwell Haynes of the|reasonable information pertaining to|RAPP re en Eitache a to box kiten which are flown : -High:Point schools says that some of}such_reciepts_and__expenditures _of THE PRESIDENT.|regularly.Pee rar 7‘HEE LELELLE >i ee)Inthe past our weatherpredictions made at the groufid,or in the lower strata of air.The place where storms| L_eriginate,however,is_in the ing between one and three miles above the earth.The inaccuracies ‘of fore-| casts are due_largely to the observ- er’s ignorance of conditions.existing in the actual storm region.By-having a fairly contifiuous record of the wind velocity,temperature,barometric pressure,and humidity of the upperair,a forecaster has quite completedatafromwhichtomakeaccuratede- terminations.‘It is primarily for the nurpose of collecting information of this ‘kind and obviating the greatestthances-for mistakes in weather pre-}~ dictions,that the kite-flying station is being operated’nti RETETSRERE i Cotton Futures Tax Adopted. The House of Congress Friday,sit- ting as a committee of »the whole,adopted the Lever cotton futures bill as an amendment to the annual agri- cultural measure,after a spirited .de-bate.The vote was 101 to 23.TheLeverbillisidenticalwiththeformercottonfutureslaw,which was_held unconstitutional,by Federal Judge that it was a revenue bill which hadimproperlyoriginatedintheSenateinsteadofintheHouse. ave been based upoh observations ~te zone ly-'Wha DR oe en CeePAN DM NG Oil is in Tank. Hough of New York,on the ground|. ‘wee Call and see them. §£ We sell the FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVE:Wickless,Valveless.Blu Flame,Automatic.No Wicks to irim nor Valves to leak.The Oil supply” is-automatically constant and glass bull’s-eye always shows how “Mm Statesville Housefurnishing’Co-4 BETTER.GOODS FOR LESS MONEY, enemas Under the provisions of the:meas- ure,a tax of two cents a pound would be levied on all cotton sold for future delivery in any exchange;board oftrade,or “similar institutions or places of business.” A Suggestion. Charity and Children.If both the political parties will sit|down hard on the tomtits and ask Legislature,we will have in Raleighnextwinterabodyofmenwiththe| sense and the courage to do some-|thing for the State.But if we are go-|: by sending them to the Legislature, we will have the same old-story.over again. Cures Old Sores,Other Aamedies Won't Core|: The worst cases,no matter of how long standing,are cured by the wondertul,old reliable ‘Dr,Porter's Antiseptic Healing -Oil.It relievesPai---4 Ueals at the same time Ge,BAe:$1.00, ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner of Iredell county,sub-| | |vrotect and.defend thent? |He is for preparedness to preserve| ace and not for preparedness to|'make war.unless it is absolutely nec-| essary.His great ambition is to serve | men,not to kill them.To elevate hu-| manity,not to brutalize it.But he is| keenly jealous of the honor,dignity|and glory of his country and the American peonle are in favor of pre-_ For County Commissioner.t hereby announce my candidacy for theoffieeofCountyCommissionerofIredell county,.subject to the action of the Demo-cratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respectfullysolicit.the support of the Democratic,votersinthePrimary.DR.W.G.NICHOLSON. May 2,1916. Member Board of Education. I am a candidate for renomination for the position of member of County Board of Edu- aS ea strong and capable men to run for the|3 =Our store has recently been fitted with:prism’.| ing to compliment fledgtings,or tickle |=m oocrialoficevscokera|i glass in front and the entrance put on a *«.the vanity of perennial office-seekers|3 Seige Cacornce cereneperanpeemeneeoeaeeene level withthe street.We made-these im- provements because we appreciate our trade. In place of the dark and uninviting store room you have been accustomed to,it is now | almost as light as out of doors.No trouble for you to see what you are buying. In addition to the natural light,we are in ‘problems.In fact,we are,dispensers of light in our particular ling of business and =. it is always apleasure fot us to give our -, friends information on any subject in our line.: _Yours truly, VW a Lazenby-Montgomery fardware Co.#|.«os ”:*..———-ee ——————‘ie-principle,”Democratic county and|naredness.This is no longer an is-'For Count i:e a a 1 Mm ;:SS.As §y Superintendent of Schools. In his address at the Democratic’municipal authorities should feel it ajsue.But there is an issue,and an ewiatd Pound myself a candidate for| ae Sea .dene |i .i iss 7 +38 j re-election to the office of County Superin-|& State convention in Raleigh Senator duty,even if they look at it.from the acute t War!That oe oe Peace tendent of Public Instruction,subject to the .; against ar!Upon that issue the ‘action of the Democratic primaries June 3,aSimmonscreditedtoSenatorVance the authorship of the words,“TO your tents,O Israel!”Senator Vance used this expression many times in his pub- lic addresses,but he did not claim it “as his own;and the fact that Senator Simmons gave him credit for it ranks Senator Simmons as a Bible student along with Editor Caine of the Ashe- ville Citizen.*Editor Caine gave President Benjamin Harrison credit for Paul’s remark,“I am a citizenoof no mean city.”AYCTSLTTETAD Paper is scarce in Germany and the |political viewpoint. NO TICKET PEDDLING. Another of the many customs that will disappear under the new prima- ry law—and for the better as The Landmark sees is—is that of the dis- tribution of tickets by candidates and their friends.Heretofore each can- didate had his own tickets printed for the primary and distributed them among his friends.When a voter ap- peared at the polling place he was ibeset by a lot of folks with tickets and if he permitted it he was pulled| President stands for peace and against war,and behind him stand the great Democratic party,upon whose banner| in the coming campajgn will float the| inscription:“Preparedness,not for War,but for Peace!” To keep this country at peace with| the world in strom of war is an achievement which name’of Woodrow Wilson high and bold among,the world’s immortals! Greensboro Record,Ind. are for Wilson.They are for him i because he is the first Democraite this world-mad~mael-1 if it be accomplished.will write the, |Democratic Two Good Pieces of Legislation.)4°"!7% :|The Democrats of North Carolina 1916.R.M.GRAY. April 28. ai For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for| the office of Sheriff of Iredell county,subjecttotheactionoftheDemocraticprimary,June3,1916,J.OTIS GAITHER.April 28.e For County Superintendent Schools.,To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:I _am_oa candidate for the office of Superin-tendent of Schools,subject to the action of theprimaries.If nominated andelected,I pledge to the schoois of Iredell coun-ty the best service of which I am capable. JOHN F.MITCHELL, For County Treasurer.éIamacandidateforCountyTreasurer,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic primary, June 8,1916.R.A.RIVES.!April 25. A>eMEom oe government has issued instructions!about and argued with by the ticket enjoining the utmost.economy in its |peddlers until he hardly knew what use.Officials are ordered,it is said,|!he wanted to do,unless he had his President we have had in a long time,For Register of Deeds. and the hope is to hold the party unit-|7 hereby announce myself a candidate fored.ManyDemocrats—inNorthCar-|Remister oe eats oe eer en ba, “5 .5 +.{..li '¢t ith hi Pp 5 je!ne action e mocra ic.voters,as X=| to amend the style of official com-!mind firmly made up in advance.olna Sey oof ae Wiles oe preased by them =the primary,June 3,1916, é i oe -iness.Sever i i iL.N.BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town- munications by-omitting all-umneces-|Under the new ,’iness.Several things Wilson has done'[.’,‘lt3eaethenewlawtherewillbe:gg not meet the universal approval %!P-ADHI 2s sary phraseology.”Every evil has|no ticket peddling.rriends of candi-|/of the voters.But the Democratic its good.If out of the curse of waridates are free to present.the.claims|party has done two things that must should come a reform that would/of their favorites as of yore,but they Make the thoughtful man give it due cause the omission of ‘‘all unnecessa-|will not distribute —tickets.The!ce ths he ee On CPUe ee a oUs For County Treasurer.|| I hereby announce myself a candidate for A ea County Treasurer,subject to the action of the|ae Demoarete primary,eJune -IDG TER:|x :. hss =|Porch Swings,made of solid White Oak, any finish.Length 4 teet.ee ie a { ¥ For.Sheriff./ Prices $2.50,$3.50,$4.00 and:$5.00,m3 For County Treasurer.\ I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-! fice of ‘County Treasurer of Iredell county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry,June 3d,1916,and respectfully solicit the; support of ‘the Democratic voters in the pri-| mary.R.J.BRYANT.| April 25,1916.1 For County Commissioner.| I am a candidate for county commissioner,| subject to the action of the Democratic.prima- ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER. April 21,1916. April 21. °::;ue of the grandest pieces of legislation"7 :ty phraseology”from official commu-;names of all Democratic candidates cver written.It means more for the’),0 pe ts of Iredell Count ..“8 :;mocrats 0 rede:n : nications and all.other communica-!to be voted for in the primary will t enacted The.beni 4 fh “t hereby announce myself a candidate for |er ene ;anking law—the law which makes it impossible for a ‘ell county,and will greatly appreciate your!} have much cause for thanks.‘names of the Republicans on anoth-.money trust to do babinese:gears ae 25 ee L,GILBERT |s : REA AN CELA,AYO TAT i .é ate .". =:er ticket.This will be the official bal-;oO The attempted uprising Ireland ;.s anc ona .\COUCH HAMMOCKS ;| :pied “uprising (in JFGiBNG |e and the ballote willl be jn the hands <onos oe Som 18 law that|-ootheRepublicanpartycouldnothave;ao Trish.It-was-hopeless of eourse,but ;—.es :_passed.Those two laws are to the Made of all steel frames,Mattress and it ip aviderioe.that the fires of ve gins.The voter will ask for a ballot2:a “ile :p affiliat made them,and ful i y ofy- bellion still smoulder among a part es ele ne Barty ae mit.andesultcbed\wii ve £1). a Democrat he will be given a Demo-Length 6 fe Price $6 00.; =|.ae .oe a .by LAS *j ;Fue ernment will be a little morecareful |Fras es "ORS eel ean ne will Roads Issued Many Passes.+":rive :‘ about the governmental!concessions a Bien Scar oat =the ith seers oailed by examiners of .\ge ie makes to themerald isle,‘Phe fa:en go aside privately and mark the the Inter-State Commerce Commis-|-B t p y 4 ‘ dis u eames heeerieare If he flon cand reads ie records of the;mr dace Ta or unc urn ure om an ow i i |er “.jhearing at Nashville,Tenn,.of the’,For Register.;fk i 3 fiows riot,can only burt the eee understand the marking Pro-)sharges apainst the Louisville anne the-Demoeratic Voters_of_Iredell_County:_|§__“The Store That Always Welcomes Yo es SS ae causé‘the unwise Irish zealots would},.‘H .;fice of Registerof Deeds of Iredell county,sub-.cus ‘ romote |tion to help him or he can ask a friend |20084 and St.Louis railroads showed icct to the action of the Democratic:primary. P ai |of his own selection to assist him in|that more wine 22,800 free passes A Rls NG0.;ae ,were issued by these lines in 1913,zaTkispoet's month of May is also|Preparing the ballot.This will be ::For Treasurer.- tax-Jisting time,beloved.Before a lot,in the primary ‘proximately 7,728,600 with a cash val.To.the Detwecratic Voters.of Iredell County:= of felks have paid taxes for last year |Under the new law,as Attorney pone VauOn figured at $226,224,The ma-|jority of these passes,according to :morals of.the nAtion than any law ev- ee tions as well,the reading public will'be printed on one ticket and the!the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Ire-| rich men’s panics and gives us a *is of small consequence except to the |..i ;of the registrar until the voting be- everlasting credit of the party that ::r —eewindshieldMade/of Khaka Cloth,‘3: the Irish people and the British gov-| f \ tile attempt,nothing more than a se-|wove ton /cess he can ask the judges of the elec-|Nashville and the Nashville,Chatta-CE eee a caall eraatg,wat Mooresville,N.C.PHONE 4.00.op ‘‘ {Those represe as a .,|the method of votinis presented a -:nileage of ap-|: I.hereby \announce myself a ‘candidate for|~~~= ‘eral Bickett interprets it. pee estniREPAIR-WORK. Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles:. fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. R.F.HENRY,- thacoffice of County Treasurer,subject to the action of the county Democratic nominating the ‘time to “give in”for another|the testi i i to be held June 3d,1916.Will ap- ar,M ,;sstimony of Will H.Carlton,ex-'Primaries,to .fat :» E year rolls dsound..Of,nol It ian’t|By and by the secret ballot will be aminer for the commission,were is-preeiate your support.Respects,oy, a poverty nor the high taxes so much |Provided for all elections,as it should|sued to and on the request of legisla-|April 18.Bethany Township. as a general indisposition to pay trib-|be. %tute.Few people take pleasure in »paying taxes,no matter how much +.money they,have. Then booths will be provided |tors in Kentucky and Tennessee.|For Register of Deeds.h h :|Mr.Carlton also showed copies of|\didacy for the of-where the voter can retire and secret-|}o¢::|_hereby announce ‘my candidacy for the o'ice ht iletters illustrative of the requests for fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell.county,y prepare his ballot.If he wants as-/passes for judges of courts,witnesses,subject to the action of the Democratic prima8ses, |sistance he can ‘select whoever he |Jurors,and newspapers.|"?fae ie.1916.Wm.H.MORROW. naan.eames |chooses to help him.This will enable meen pans | THe Democratic State platform is|all voters to vote as they choose—| +a trifle long but itcis well writtenaig tbat ee many of them don’t do Jeweler.i For Sheriff. 1 am s--candidate.for Sheriff of Iredell|aug subject to the action of the Democrat- ment a trial.The relief from pain which it|ie primary,and.solicit the support of the |;If you are troubled withcularrheumatism,chronic or mus-|give Chamberlain's Lini-|county, ’ ps (ee ‘Raig “a reading of it will be worth while,openly because they haven’t the cour-|Shisinanle wworywhene,mah”‘mer "cowl Demmosragss voters Im 3)Pr avexanper.|THE LANDMARK’S ADVERTISERS ARE UP-TO-DATE, rr A *;®¥a *STATESVILLE-.Lodge No.487 A.,,“ef.&A.M.meets i y_tonignt at 7:30¥AA o clock in Masonic| Degen ‘Hall All.mem-‘bersrequested tobe present and:-vikiting brethren cordially invit--ed,Regular meeting. GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention of People and*“Their Movements. -\Misses Tressie Critz and Cecjle Par-is,who have been visiting at Gritz,'a.,and ‘Thomasville,N.C.,returned|Sathrda"to their home in north Ire-ey were accompanied homedell,by,Mis Edith Critz.ee~"Mr.and Mrs.Fred.Slane left Fri-day for‘High Point.and -Baltimore,wae they will spend several days.“Miss Mary Posey of Laurens,S.C.,who spent a ‘week with Mr.and Mrs.J.,G.Powell,Jeft Friday for Lynch-g,.Va,,to attend the Randolph- con commencement.<Mrs.W.H,.Tomlin and childrenfave‘returned from visiting relativesin:,Cancord.:1 Mrs,J.B,Glover,who spent a few days Avith,relatives in Albemarle,hasFeturned:home.'.Mr;and Mrs.H:A.Millis of HighPojnt:spent Sunday here with Mrs.Millis’mother,Mrs.W.G.Lewis.msiangsiiee A.C.Wharton ofW:ston-Salem spent Sunday,herevithjvelatives.tMrs:F.F.Steele has returned‘a visit to relatives in Augusta,and South Carolina.iMr.WP.Blankenship of-ConcordtéWnghipwenttoChaseCity,Va.,yésterdny.to spend a week or twothrelatives.*?Mx!8.Inglis Leslie of Paterson,N.~ispent Saturday and Sunday heresethpguestoffriends.‘“Miss Elise Wallace returned yes-ay from visiting in New York.sett Brady of Conover,who was a * Uubsti of Mr.W,F.Hall,returned atte yesterday..;os re aul Barker,who was visiting‘sister,Mrs.L.J.Freel,has re- ined ito -his home at.Conneaut, 0:‘~~ ‘Mr, Went:to Asheville yesterday to.if)his‘sons.ft.and Mrs.B.-W.Steele,who‘been here with relatives,return-#Satarday to their home in Bloom-Ynhgton,Il.‘My,James Gray of Havana,Cuba,ik‘the.guest of relatives here.«Misses Winnie and Clyde Jenningsof'Jennings leave today to attend thedfimencementatMarsHillschool..W.W.Leinster spent Saturdayndayhere,returning to Wash-Sunday‘night.f;and Mrs.R.L.Poston,Mrs. T.M.‘Stikeleather of Turners- 3 @G@arlton and Mr.Allen Mills left|wnday for Waynesville to spend aRvdays.aes)c :Notices of ‘New Advertisements. :Pavidson/Qrchestra and Glee clubabtraHouseThursdayevening.(The.Call of the Cumberlands”to- day.—-The_Lyric...Satisfied customers.—C.Watkins.-s,Fresh goods.—Sherrill &Reece.-“Florence oil cook —stoves.—States-ville Housefurnishing Co.‘“Wooltex wash skirts.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. -More and Ketter light.—Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. “t Porch swings and couch hammocks. —Crawford-Bunch Furniture,Co,“+Slag shot for potato bugs and in-sects.—D.J.Kimball.“For.renomination member county»board.education.—I"..B.Gaither.-..Furnished house for rent.—C.,careLandmark.‘Sale personal property.—L.Horn,administrator. éar auto light and number lost.—|are a total of 16 grandchildren,18 of|J.G.Holmes,Olin,or-The Landmark.whom were present.;Just before din-|$r-county commissioner:—J.M.Deaton.Ringe for sale.—W.I".Beam.“+List taxes.—W.J,Lazenby.Notice to creditors.—L.G. bedding.—Park Place Horn,administrator.‘Plants’forGreenHouse.; Mortgage sale real estate—Mrs. Dougan Steele Tomlin,mortgagee.Fér .county .commissioner.—Dr.W.Gs‘Nicholson.MGIk cow for sale.—J.M.Davis.‘;Honor,State Farm horse.‘&to be closed after Saturday.—-L.*B.Bristol. “Family Reunion. ~Gorregpondence of The Landmark. ite four surviving children of thelaté;F.M.Mason held a reunion atehomeofMrs.Mary Morefield onie*’Boulevard,April 24th.Mrs,Moréfield and Mr.B.M,Meson ofStatesville,Mrs.Alice McLelland ofNew.Hope and Mrs.Amanda.Shaver‘of High Point,aged 78,64,80 and 57,réupectively,being the last of thislargeandinterestingfamily.: Several relatives and friends werepresent.to shere with them the pleas-utes'.of the day and to enjoy the‘sumptuous dinner.~~‘Short talks were made by B.M.Magon,S.A.Plyler,E,O.Shaver and»GiM.White,interspersed with manyoldhymnsfamiliartotheolderpeo.ple in‘days gone by.““May many more fruitful -years and:blessings fabun-dant:be'theirs,”was the wish of allwho‘helped to brighten the lives ofthese‘aged ones.C.M.W. _A Suspicion. Charlotte Observer. 'Sometimes we suspect Mr.Roose-It*thitiks:he would make a betteridentthanMr.Wilson. *”..)Piles Cured tn 6 to.14 Days our droggist will refund P.SinrmEy failsto eure at yeaa toto,Ricd.BleedingorProtruding Piles in 6to 14 days,J first application gives Huse and Rest.-6 oe Mrs.Mills and Mrs.CarltqFlevs)ceive-—Club Meetings,. {ne |there since last winter. oe phe "arltgn ‘Re- Mesdames C.E,Mills:and J..F.Carlton received day’afternoonfrom4to6o'clock,at the home oftheformer,in honor of -MesdamesMarion.Seabrook,Garland:SheltonandEugeneDavis.Miss Janie Millsopened.the front door and receivingitherewasMrs.Dorman.Thompson.In Mrs.J.L.Sloan introduced to:the re-ceiving line—Mesdames C.E.-Mills,"Marion Seabrook,Garland ‘Shelton,J.F,Garlton,Eugene’Davis,J.M.}Moore and C,E.Raynal.The guests svere ushered to the-pinch room”“by!¥" (Mrs.R.L.Poston and were;received‘there by Mrs.L.B./Bristol.‘Purich gras.served by Mesdames.C,A.Tur- r_and,J.H.Hall,assisted by Miss-os Mary Bettie Feild and Ruth Led-bettér,Mrs.W..M,Barringer show-ed from the punch room to the din- ing ‘room,where they were received by Mrs.O.L..Turner and Miss Es- telle Carlton.Cake,cream and nutswereservedbyMisses.Margaret Brawley,Mary Ausley,Annie BlairBristoland‘Elizabeth Carlton.’The decorations in the’reception room:aAvere--pink--ane=green}~in--thepunchroomwhite;in the hall red and the dining room in purple flags andwisteria, The Elericemoh club met ThursdayafternoonwithMrs,E,B.Watts.It was an unusually interesting meet-ing.The regular programme was omitted and the afternoon devoted toadiscussionofShakespeare. Sig.Wallace had charge of the pro- gramme.The roll-call was answeredwithquotationsfromShakespeare.Asaladcoursewasserved,followed by an ice course.Several’out-of-townsuestswerepresent. Miss Celeste Henkel was hostess Thursday afternoon to the Entre Nous club.In the absence of the _presi- dent and vice president,Mrs.Z. Long presided.Current events werediscussed.Miss Elvy McElwee read a—biography.-of.Sidney--Lanier._and Mrs.Long read from some of his po- ems.Father Ryan’s life and poems were discussed in a paper by Mrs.B. B.Webb. After the programme Miss Henkel served h luncheon of satad,cream and cake, (owers and the favors bluebird bas- kets of candy.Mrs.Gwyn Harper, Miss Finley and Miss Thompson,out- of-town guests,were each presented with a florist’s basket of narcissusandroses.The dining table was dec- A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE. Birthday Dinner and Family Reunion For Mr.and Hines. Correspondence of The ULandmark. “This is the finest surprise I everhadinmylife,”declared Mr.Alfred A.Hines,Saturday noon,as he and Mrs.Hines sat at.a long table in the {dining room of the home of their son- |in-law and daughter,Mr.°and Mrs.R. L.Wasson,on West End avenue.On the big table was everything that goes ‘fo make up a good,all-’round dinner -everything from a 38-year-old coun- try ham boiled and sliced,down to {fried spring chicken,new strawberry nie and ail the go-betweens and ac- cessories—while standing around the table were relatives and’friends to 'the number of 75 or more.There was ‘enough on the table to feed twice thatnumber. The-event-was.a surprise family re- union and birthday celebration for |Mi.and Mrs.Hines,arranged by stheir three daughters,Mrs.Wasson, i Mrs.C.M.Summers of Bethany{township and Mrs.W.E.Bowles.Mrs. Hines had passed her 79th mile-post two days before and Mr.Hines just \lacked one day of being 74.Their|daughters experienced some trouble jin getting them to the Wasson home! j without disclosing the real object, sult was a pleasant surprise for the}/s aged couple and a happy family.re-|}union,in which a number of outsiders |also participated.The three daugh- ;ters named are the only living chil- dren of Mr.and Mrs.Hines.There ney was announced’brief ‘services |were conducted by Rev.J.W.Wil-‘liams of Race Street Methodist |church,and there was.some singing iled by Mr.Newsom of Guilford Col- lege,who had charge of the music atithemeetingatRaceStreetchurch|last week.‘Squire Hines,as he is best known, lis a native of Alexander county,butjhaslivedinIredellsinceafewyearsLafterhismarriage,which occurred in ,1868.He was for many-years a resi- ‘dent of Sharpesburg.township,©butthasrecentlylivedjustnorth.of Statesville.During the war-between|the States he served the Confedera- lev as first lieutenant of Company G, i 88th North Carolina regiment,being in charge of 16 members of the am-[bulance corp.Mrs.Hines was Miss |Hooper of Alexander county. ‘Thrown Out of New Auto—Col- lision—Suggestion. |Correspondence of .The Landmark. |Statesville,R-6,May 1 —Mr.A.'W.Johnson and Messrs.Ed.Miller and son have bought automobiles. Mr.James Miller started to the car- nival Saturday night with his familyintheirnewcarandthecarturnedovernearMr.Rowe Little’s,throw- ing them all out.Dr.Little gavethemattention.No «one seriouslyhurt.The car was damaged. Russell,son of George Waugh,onabicycle,collided with an automobileSaturdaynight.One leg hurt.If the proper authorities “wouldhavethefillsbalusteredatWattsbridgeonThirdcreek,it might save future trouble.The lumber has been “Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done WondersForMe!” “I have been a sufferer from stomach troub-le for a number of years,and although I have used a great number of temedies recommend- ed for this complaint,Chamberlain’s Tabletsisthefirstmedicinethathasgivenmeposi-tive and lasting relief,”writes’Mrs.Anna Kadin,Spénéerport,Y.©“Chamberlain’s'‘Tablets have done wonders for me and Ivaluethemveryhighly.”Obtainable every-where.;07 ly ‘the hall were Mesdames W.H.McE!l-_‘wee,B.B.Webb and E,N,Lawrence.: Mrs.| i Mr,McKessPytoYoung Folks.jy) To the Editor of The Lanamark:I have been so ‘often invited to speak at scliools in’Iredell,treated 4 scpha'ia "~ ¥etAMSMeskdek'totheSo's) bi th pit IRNERSBURG SECTION.« Veliches Left ati,bsiey!iales iounty Fair, Vorrespondgnce of ‘The Landmark.Turnersburg,May 1.—-The weather with so much kindness by.teachers,|is beautiful,though.cool.We had twochildrenandallthegoodfolksent,that I want to ‘My dear young Friends:‘An old Eastern-legend-retates-thatsomewhereinthedesertsofArabiatstood-a-mass—of-mighty ‘rock,whosejoyrfacewasallscarredandseamedwithwindandweather.But.whoev- a /er approached that rock in the prop-”(gas¥-faw a door open in the jagedundruggedstone,through w ich he could enter and-find and carry ‘away rich and precious treasures.Opportunity is a door like that,andnowas.you approach the |rugged mountain of life,you have the oppor,tunity of an.education,and.that, oupled with Sbedience to the comr. mands of father,mother and_school,‘teacher,will open a door to successandintothefirmlandofnoblecharr acter,Every lesson willingly and per ;aistently tackeled at school,is a sim- ilar door,:|...When.L.was.a_boy a.puppet show. |came to Morganton and there was one,scene that nearly tickeled us°chil- |dren to death.This was the one when'the policeman was tied to a cannon andblowntopieces.-It looked as if the |policeman was a scattered ruin, |just then the music began to play, /and we noticed a movement amon? ‘the seattered limbs ofthe policeman e Mrs.|—they seemed to keep time to the’|music,and finally,with the aid of the 'music,the pieces came together,and{the policeman looked as well as ever,|The music did the work.You have. ‘often heard the expression,“The my sic of life,”and so.there are morekindsofmusicthanone.There ors/some people whose lives are like |sweet music,and their ennobling,up-\lifting influence is felt everywhere, You young people,in your homes, at school,or wherever you are,try to be like them and have in your voiceaneinyourlife,-the music-of»God-|love.|Love does ‘all the grand things in life.It builds hospitals,sanitariumsi'infirmaries,schools for the deaf and ‘dumb,school houses and churches,‘and makes men live like brothers. \ i| The place cards were yellow;The way to get love in the heart is,|to let the Saviour in to live with you. When I was a little fellow,I heard the older people talking of a fine la- i'dy who made music wherever she, |went,and they said,and I believed:it, jthat “she had bells on her toes,”orated with narcissus and pinkroses.!When I got older I knew she-had no.) ‘halls on her toes,but that was only ‘another way of saying that her feét ever went about doing good,making |musie in people’s hearts,because she |was ever on a mission of kindness,|Christian sympathy and cheer.|.Children,all of you nave heard of the chameleon—it meansalittle lion. ’ When you think of a chameleon you) inink of his color, peaple as snenks of “ag unstable as water,thou shalt not excel,”You boys and girls mus, think and aet for yourselves,for you now deciding ~whether you be as changenble as wind and weather,un- stable as water, Determine to keep your young lives well in hand.to do the right.to be im™hfnl,honest,sober,industrious. iv you are changeable now,learn an- other lesson from the unstable water. During a freshet you have seen it gather into great billows and cut away all barriers.So T urge you to eath- toeether all your broken purposes fox cood,your high.temper,your ug- ly traits of character and boldly cast them overboard. Throw your -hearts into ail your work at home,in sehool,in Sunday echoo!l—in love and kindness helping one another,and ‘thus you will change the color of your character and_be- character for changing and now we sneak of changeable chomeleons.The ere er jcome vot a dwarf lion,but a noble! tbut they finally succeeded and the re-reflection of the Lion of Judah—which ithe Christ. “When by cthers ured to tread i A nath you should not go, |Bet them blame you if they will,\But firmly answer,No! |“Do the right,with all your might, |A good example show,Nor fear to speak the Httle wordNo!t—No!--Not!" YOUR COUSIN CHARLIE. Morganton,N.C. Other News. Correspondence of Fhe—Landmark. Statesville,R-1, David Wagner,who has been low with consumption for.some time,died Thursday evening at 7 o’clock.He leaves -a wife,three children,>two { ner was married twice.His first wife,who was Miss Naomi Sims,has been dead about 22 years.He was married the ‘second time to Miss Rhetta Hoover.daughter of Robert and reared.The farm.is left inthe hands of his only son,Mr.Vance Wagner,the only child of the first wife.Death must come ta all and it’s sad, of course,to those Jeft behind,but on the-other hand-.’tis sweet.to.feel_as-sured that those who go away have entered into rest.And of this we feel assured in Mr.Wagner's case.While on his sick bed his friends came in from Sabbath to Sabbath and sang and read and prayed with him,which brought great joy and comfort to him as well as to his friends.He said from time to time that he was ready ie very |rop a few lin|to ail the children of Iredell:county’!‘}peachos throngh.this section but_no-,+thing-like-a-fult-crop.(Will be a good! Bible |these chanfealite Jneoplers Death of Mr.David Wagner— April 29 —Mr! brothers and four sisters.Mr.Wag-., at the old home,where he was born |, pre frosts last week but wehaven't’heard of anything being hurtbythefrost,'We-will have some trop of apples if nothing happens.)“The-farmers’have méde geod with|their work,.Most of them are readyforseedingcotton...Some—have -alreadyplantedwhileothersarewait-, dor-warmer weather and_a show- a ©!rain.Corn is being fast plant- («Mr.Hal,Padgett,who has been em |ployed with Mills &Poston’s store at Statesville.as selesman,has returnedjhometoassisthisfather©with..hi: i farm work,Before returning hom«ifrom Statesville he visited Atlantic‘City and visited the e«pital.at Washingtonandseveralotherchiefcities. "In regard to.our cvunty fsir,wefeerteinlyshouldhave’one,‘they exp best of farmers to help in ;Making a fair.If everybody will only | get tothe wheels of this new organi-|P2ationand contributea Hberal amount! faccording to their means,we will with-| ‘out a doubt suceeed.| Mrs,.Hix is spending a few days fwith her’son,Bruce Hix,ar.d his’fam- ionMr.Frank Frazier,who lives near| (Charles.postoffice,has opened up e|grocery store at his home.i fA reorganization of the Sunday | ;8chool was the “order of the day at!;Purnersburg church on Sunday morn.|jing,Mr.J.L.Lentz was elected su-| iperintendent,|j Mr.and Mrs.Clarence Stimpsonof ||Statesville.spent Suncay with Mr|Stimpson’s father,Mr.L.T.Stimp.«son,who has been right poorly for‘some time.Miss Addie Steele ofCharlottespentlastSundaywithhomepeoplehere. but Ly at High Point. Mr.Watt Not a Candidate. {To the Editor of The Landmark; |I noticed in a recent issue of The |Landmark that my.name was meh-jtioned for the board of education.I|wish to say I am not a candidate for any office and do not want the people |to consider me at all,J.P.WATT. ‘by spending them at Smithy &Fra-)Jey’s,where you can get good mer- chandise at half price and_less,for |this week,during their big clearance Sale—ad. MARKET REPORTS. s Statesville Produce Market, The following prices were prid yesterd‘or.prody mt the Joeal market. ;Spring Friers,28¢.Ib.Old Hens,18c.Ib. »«Eggs,16c.per dozen, Roasters,6.per Ib. Butter,16e.per th. Beagswan,25¢.per th, Green Hides,2c. Hanis,4 Shes,13 shoulders i voted Honey,Se.per pound. fourtiaod Honey Gomb,16 to 18e.{oO Trish Potutices,$1 per bushel, Sweet Potatuc bushel. ttpotty oisy@hefollowine p for grain on the local marke?: ,F180 per bushel (new),0c.ner bushel. fe.per bushel. ‘ e ‘ th.*per ib.per {3 5 Ib Tue.per 'Graie, .ee - Statesville Cotton Market. 1amAADVERTIS y per line No ad.taken for’less than 29 Cash.most accompany order.) eee Tae Rae eae ee TaareSALE—Fine Milk Cow.J.M.DAVIS ir —}t. LOST—Rear Avto light,bracket and number. Return J.©.HOLMES,Olin,or THE LANDMARK OFFICE.May ites2 Price very reasonab Address C, HE LANDMARK,Sta He.He.+ SLUG SHOT—Te kill Potato Bugs and a u In- sects,at D.J.KIMBALL'S.2May2.eaten acer eer FOR:SALE—Bedding Plants,Asters,Snap-Dkagons,Forget-Me-Nots,“Petunias, Salr via,Geraniums,ete.Also Egg-Plant,Pep- per pnd Tomatees;-in-paper—pots er—leese.es .PARK PLACE GREEN HOUSE.(“Phone 285 Black.May 2;-1t. |NOTICE—L.B.Bristol will close his gin af- |ter next Saturday.May 2--It. HONOR,State Farm Percheron Stallion,is!—_This -hourse will proba-|——~|Soffered ‘for service. ‘bly be transferred and this is the last sea-||‘son.May 2--4t.| FOR-SALE=Goed Cameron Range,good an} mew.Will sell cheap.|W.F.BEAM,530 | |«(add Street.May 2---1t*. Milch Cow.P.fApril28—2t. ‘FOR’SALE—Four-gallon D |PURNELL. 'FOR SALE--Slight!y used Wales Adding Ma- chine..Will.sell cheap.Address,BAR- |GAIN,care LANDMARK. ‘FOR RENT—Five-room Cottagestreet.-R.P,ALLISON.NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONALbisPROPERTY! onApril 11. Having qualified ag.the administrator,with Hoover...‘Mr...Wagner lived.and died|the wil}annexed,of the éstate of Miss-Mary| if.&umpbell,deceased,the undersigned,onit!2d day of May,1916,at 10 o'clock,at the j home plete of the late Miss Ma Ee Camp- ‘bell,will sell.to the highest bidder,for cash, all the persona!property of the said estate,||consisting of household and kitchen furniture,|gtain-atid provisions and lve stock.L.G.HORN, Admr.,©.T.A.YD.F.Mayherry,Att'y. POSTSCEMENTLATHSSTAINSStatesville,N.C. |CEDARLIMEPLASTERPAINTS C.Watkin |ome “vt Home—Shoutd “Have * )We have Make your dollars have more cents rT |May April 21—4t".| Tradd to meet his God in peace.ZWednesdayMissElsieHoward,the| youngest daughter of Mr.D.R.How-!ard,was,taken to Long’s Sanatorium,|where she underwent an_operation.| She is getting along fine and we hope|and will soon be at home.|Farmers in this section are getting;pretty well through planting.They) have been hindered to some extent by; the ‘cold,dry weather.This weather! is very hard on wheat and oats.The) oats are looking bad.Rain and warm-er weather are much needed. COMINGa)Under Auspices of “REST-A-BIT”Athletic hes Club, DAVIDSON.ie COLLEGEOrchestraandGleeClub. Statesville,Opera House,MAY 4,1916. “Admission 25c.and 50c. It will pay you to see Smithy «|Fraley when you are in need of any-thing.THEY 'CAN AND_WILLSAVEYOUMONEY!—ad.: + |ae bells atv Nie + a5 coe vont? f t t re fs wld i wishto ee eb ieEXPERIENCEANDEQUIP- MENT! Our complete equipment,large ~assets-and-many years’banking experience here,assure you of a most.complete banking service. Make this Bank your headquar- ters. 1 Pe e d Ob et n Wi e Ba e ES , Be s t e a Sp o fe 2: sx ss i : z c— ‘t e Vi a g e . t s BP O meee: * nail tons a 993 wf fe t OT at TE pt ae a ANK Statesville,N.C.Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent'Paid on Time Deposits... U.8.Depository. Bar's print aolal Ser etEN chitROBETAPATENTPUMP?WHATS —WHHOL 1}{;) rices were paid yesterdry js :Certainly not complete,.for nothing quite equals,the;harm of a—sparktng patent shipper worn with,the:dainty summer.frock.sauce SN We have an nntsually good selection-of patent pumpsualforsummerwear..Ivach is different,distinctive anof-deeidedty new-desion.—_The variety of stylés igvidethatyouwillhesuretofindonethatsuitsyeutastesandneeds.geeOurpatentmodelsintheRedCrossShoearepartic.ularly smart.This is the shoe with the.sole:that’“bends with your foot,”so you get unusual foét com-.fort along with its smart style.Come in and let ushelpyoufindYOURstyle. Prices $3.50 up to $4.00. MILLS &POSTON. LU LIST CITY TAXES!(6 AY RG I will be at my officein the Court’House Great Guns,Mant”zi “THAT CHEAP?”°during the month of May for the purpose of ¥ oP t Hi listing the City Taxes for 1916,The law _re- quires all preperty owners to list their prop:| erty during May.So please call and make roturn a3 early-as possible,— Cha W.J.LAZENBY, 2.List-Taker.1916. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. |Having qualified as the administrator withithewillannexed,of the estate of Miss Mary 1 E.Campbell,deceased,late of Iredell.county,!'Nerth.Carolina,this isto—notify—all persons|having:claims against the estate of the said}|deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned |Jat Mocksville,N.C.,on or before the 2d day| lof May,1917,or this notice will be pleaded in |bar.of their recovery.All persons indebted|‘to said estate will please make immediate |payment.L.C.HORN,Administrator,C.T.j A.,of Miss Mary E.Campbell,Mocksville,N. “—D.-Fy Mayberry,Atty:May~2;-2916s Trustee’s Sale of Furniture,|ee Plant!cae neiliad ane Pu olyanne froda caf THE.UNDERSIGNEDwill sell to the hizh- lest bidder,for cash,on FRIDAY,MAY 19,; 11916,at 2 o'clock,p.m.,the following de-j ‘scribed property,to-wit:: |All the machinery and tools of every kind, ‘consisting of 6 pieces of wood-working ma- |chinery,5 electric motors,a number of cab-| tools,together with the belting,electric |-qwitches,etc.;also all the stock of .unfinis ed furniture in course of construction,consist- ing of one hundred mission library tables and other unfinished furniture,the saine being all the machinery and tools,etc.,used in connec- \tion with the furniture plant operated by |Horton &Horton and situated in their fac- Htory building near the Diamond Furniture |}Factory building,Statesville,N.C.. Sale to take place in said.building.All this machinery is practically new and this.is an excellent opportunity’for any person or cor- soey Od ;cotta otis Yes,and Aint It a Beauty??=GatesThat’s about the conversation whichtookplaceinourstorevheotherday~,when a Statesville citizen stepped Pat‘to take a “better look”at one of out”” WESER PRONOCH ees and mse et a tn thie fac.@ Selection or two.He had peeped;at srspersouts,to en@farther.information,it through the window and.naturally ee write R.T.WEATHREMAN,Statesville,N.|became interested.Above is showna~* R.T.WEATHERMAN,|odel 100,price $100.Prices range?Trustee.eee,ie “|from $40 to $175...Buyy our machines ow atteDoorsWindowsMantelsthere.Get your records anywherel; 9 ’’" Columns,Stairways.42 kinds Bout!: ings;Door and Window.Fae Sash LEONAR D PIANO STOR Weights and Cords.sizes.0 ;ner ‘Rough and Dressed.Lumber.a Morrison Building,W.Broad S C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee's |wanreD—Plumber.None but firatslate Planters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C.iol apply.“C ERITCHIE.April 26.) c April 28,1916. ~Dante could portray. wlights..marked the stretcher bearers, :re Pigeon townships.Outside of the Gablegram to New York Times. FP have seen a vision of battle’saf- termath more terrible than Durer or It was at 3 o'clock this morning,after theFrench counter-attacks that recovered the ter part of the ground lost in fonday’s battle had ceased and both sides seemed momentarily agreed on ‘a respite from the struggle.The calm was broken only by occasional shells. In the French lines on the western slope of the Hautes de Meuse,facing toward Vacherauville and the river, working.parties were busy re-shap- ing the battered trenches,A torrential rain Was fdlling and the water-log- ged ground rendered the task difficult. At intervals a searchlight swung over them,outlining their forms with long,fantastic shadows.In the ‘space before the trenches glimmering unwilling to seek shelter while any wounded remained unsuccored.Gon- stantly they stumbled over corpses er_tree_trunsk,or slipped into shell holes,their work also being rendered almost inrpossible owing to the del- uge. F’rom a cemented shelter on the hillside,400 yards behind the front Needed. University News-Letter. A table in this issue exhibits the States ranked ——according—to farm wealth produced per farm worker. The figures are based on the 1910 census volumes on Occupations and Agriculture.The résults were ob- tained by dividing the total crop and live stock wealth”produced in each State,by the total number of per- sons,ten years old and over,engag- ed in agriculture;foresters and for- est products omitted, It must be understood,of course, that the total farm wealth produced in each State,as given in the census, represents at the very best only an approximation of actual values.The fact that crops are fed to live stock involves an unavoidable dupli cation of values.However,this is true in ev- ery State,and taking the figures as ve find them,they afford a basis for significant .comparison. With these things said we may add (1)that ~the production<-of farm wealth in crops and live stock pro- ducts per farm worker in the Untited States was $728;(2)that the-figures range from $255 in Mississippi to 41,- $80.in Iowa;and (3)that North Car- olina with $290 per farm worker ranks 45th.That is to say,.44 States made a better showing than North tine,I gaze forward through the night lass as a searchlight beam pierces the darkness.Right before me fighting was the most desperate. Wave after wave of charging Ger- mans broke under the torrent of shell fire and the fusilade from the trench- es.Doctors and officers talk in low tones.An occasionar couvle pass bearing a stretcher on which is lying a vague shape.An clectric torch re- veals these wounded rescued at eleventh hour. move;only their hands tight clench- ed on the stretcher poles mark the ag- ony they are enduring,But some) shriek,of,what is most horrible, laugh.in delirium.Others,motionless| SAR fOr the head swaying from side| t®side,moan gently.| At first I distinguish nothing on the| rginswept slope,but as dawn breaks| luctantly the glasses show frightful| sichts.Nowhere save in cyclone- gmitten Jamaica have I seen such} ufter destruction.Messina’s piles of| léss impressive.Here the very earth ig a ruin,plowed and battered into| dheouth formations as by the flail of frenzied giant.Trees are so splin- and everywhere bodies are torn in- pieces,wholly bereft of all human) s@mblance.Here projects a head .left unburied by an explosion; ous.fragments amid a confusion of tavisted branches.Ghastly though they are,these mortal remnants do not seem out of place and strike no add-| could torture the nerves past the) freaking point would=be the move- ment of a living man where every- ing is so still.Imagine the work sfones that had been streets.were far red as to resembles bundles of rush-' here an arm or leg or tangle of hid-' é@ note of horror.What one feels the rescuers during this awful Hght.As I am talking wtih a surgeon,aPeeaeancorporalsalutes.He} very pale and bears in his hand asmallbundlewrappedina_bloody,| rth-stained handkerchief.Silently,| verently,;he unfolds it.We see two| nds cut clean at the wrist,clasp-| c so tight in.mortal.anguish that the| ils have entered the flesh.The cor- ibe explains that he found this ter-| hle_tronhy.atthe entrance of a tiny; where a French mitrailleuse| held *fast against assailants|se bodies covered the lower 7 2 in.heaps.| Toward the last only two of the gun w femained.One wounded unto ath had.fallen froward over the trailleuse;clasping his arms tight-| WW around it in a final spasm.The "rmans still pressed on,-Fhey must yt pass.The last survivor,unable to lgosen his comrade’s death grip,had t the gun free,then avenged him by a,stream of lead begun afresh.When we,too,fell dead the attack was brok- The Germans did not pass. n.-That is why:France is invinci- Gone By the Time They Were Paid For. anton Observer,—\ :Roads HHaywood-eounty has just made the! 1¥st payment of a bond issue of $50,-/and|that was spent in cadamizing roads in grading 1 Waynesville, d grades,there is nothing left to! show for the money. Qs bi and was left to take care of it- self;today it is all gone.The question| of good roads is now the mainissue;S,(. itjthe county and practically all op-:POElion to.be heard is based on the] fart that the work done heretofore| s been almost a complete waste.|Re on |Methodists Would Raise $9,000,-| Poocking to place:alh colleges and,Qhools of the denomination on a-sol=!basis financially,the board of edu-| rion of the Southern Methodist rch,in session at Nashville,Tenn.,| t week,adopted a plan to raise $9,-! ),000 for education by popular sub- iption among church membership “A million each would go to the thern University at Dallas and) HMory University at Atlanta.Other | igftitutions of the denomination in-| cide 13 A-grade colleges,9 B-grade| cggleges,8 junior colleges,23 unclassi-| colleges and 15 academies.| elticnthcatatececeaneeemetmeiiiabeiiemmiomeiamtamiensiameiatenate || “| hur E.Reimer of Boston was n@minated for President of the United| States,and Caleb Garrison of Chica.| We nominated for vice presidency |@ Socialist Labor party,in con-| in New York Sunday nicht. ¥. Vv Thomas Jordan,charged with.the|rder.of,Luther M.West in Gra.}ham county..in.1915,was recently ar- and has Er RE% @ their big sale this week.THEYINGISENORMOUS!—ad. the | the, The majority do not 'nohiee of ;The macadam|Mrs. put down in fairly ‘good condi-! rand wreeked a streex 000 For Education /|wife,Stephen Barnes of Wilson coun- a . iG 4 da in Minnesota been|r@turned to Graham county.for trial. Be sure and’visit Smithey &Fraley | |BUILDING?on /Carolina,and only 3 a poorer—Lou- ‘isiana,Alabama and Mississippi, It is significant (1)that all the |Southern States fall below the aver-jige of the country at large,despite |ne fact that,sweet potatoes,tobacco, |ind cotton produce larger values per jacre than any other standard crops; ‘and (2)that Oklahoma leads the ‘South in the production of total farm }wealth per worker and also in the per capita farm wealth of country popu- tions,The Southern States are under- stocked in farm animals.In North/Carolina in the census year we were /37 per cent.below the level of even‘“rhtly stocked farms.. In general.this condition is due to the general lack of cash operating capital in our farm regions,to ex- cessive tenancy farming,to interest in cotton and tobacco mainly,to the j small average size of our farms,to the lack of diversified farming and to the unavoidable waste of human, horse and machine power in raising hand-made,cash crops on small farms. Under such circumstances,we pro- duce enormous crop totais,and large ‘op values per acre year by year.Nevertheless we produce small val-||ues per farm worker,and tie per cap- ita farm wealth we are able to retain nd accumulate under this system is 'so small as to be stertling. or instance,in the South our per capita country wealth in farm prop- erties ranges from $221 in Alabama to $830 in Oklahoma;but in the West it ranges from ($909 in Michigan to 23.586 in Towa, Producing.farm wealth that wil! not stick to the palm that sweats it out.and that immediately takes the wines of the morning and fiies away to the uttermost parts of the earth |s a pitiful performance in any.com- munity or covnty,State or section.nd it calls for radical changes i: Southern agriculture. A fundamental,necessity in North‘arolina and the South is farms suf- ‘ciently and properly stocked with do- mestic animals.We need (1)a larg- °r quantity and a greater variety of farm animals,(2)larger farms~and more work animals per farm,(3) more milk cows and other caitie,more “gs more sheep,and more poultry; vt least 50 per cent.more than we now have in any Southern State. |Such an increase wouid mean (1)a ‘conservation of Soil fertility,(2)an }acriculture better balanced.safer and \Thore stable,(3)a greater diversity | lof crops,(4)a better distribution of ‘labor throughout the year,(5)a |steady farm income week by week in- [stead of once a year,(6)perhaps a rsmaller income,but certainly larg- jor profits and a greater chance to re= itain and accumulate wealth. |And larger wealth in)our country;regions would soon mean (1) }ereasing in average site,(3) home-raised supplies and decreasing1rsnendenceonthesupplystores,and try regions, MATTERS OF NEWS. Junius IT.Mullins.former.chief of Raleigh.is dead,Jong imess,aged 58,\T '78 years old,died of blood poisoning,‘the result of a pin scratch...: Ashley of Anderson county :.a political leader of some note,is dead of a stroke of paralysis. At Cleveland,O,, Josh a mob the rioting 20 men were injured Desnondent by separation from.his \{y attempted suicide by shooting. may not recover. The vention,in session at Goldsboro last week,selected Asheville as the next place.of meeting. Rom Lassiter,formerly of Winston- Salem,was He killing Chas.Womble. life imprisonment. Notwithstanding the fact that ware increases aggregating $64,426,464 en- nually and benefitting 706,500 working men throughout the country went inte effect yesterday,May day labor unrest is expected to involve an army of American toilers more than tvice thatsize, Sentenced to ay ne CeeET er pram eee are Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly «The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S FASTELESS chill TONIC drives Malaria,enriches the blood,builds up the syAtrueTonic.For adults and children. |ADVERTISERS will please bring ichange of copy early.No Change of,ad.guaranteedmorrow.after 12 o'clock to- a FARMWORKERS’WEALTH:|}WORD FOR THE “OLD SmallRetire More Live Stock ,;Di .more | -#Such-is-the French spirit at Ver-;farms cultivated hy owners and few-| er by tenants,(2).farms gradually in-| more| after a| Samuel Steele of Fayetteville,: attacked|‘arnival and in} Jaraca -Philathea State con-| Y convicted of murder in!|’ the first depree at Deland,Fla.,for” WATKINS. MAN;—ater Te Terai taalTheLonelinessandtheTragedy :of Old Age.See Will H,Erwin.*.50h He was the father of several chil dren.His wife had departed from this life several years past and he had since,, Allof his children seemed to dread had been blessed with four were mar. ried and the other five stayed with9 married brother or sister.And sq wife’s death and the old homestead broken up.‘In fact its only occupant seemed,to be somewhat in the same ondition.: He was called the “old man”by his children.They didn’t really mean any harm by the exvression,to be sure, sciously.By his manner he did notseemtomind‘it.But inwardly hefeltthathewasnotbeingrespected, is he should be.About the only enjoyment he couldvetoutoflifewasin.visiting his married children and spending hoursvith-his-little grandchildren.His.chil,, lren didn’t go to see him often.They, Yepended upon him —to visit They loved him,to be sure.But i their own busy lives they forgot,the“old man.”Being &man he was look- “d upon as being able to take care.of himself.:They did not seem to think that*he rot lonely sometimes:that he longed “or companionship.Why should he?de had feelings even in his old age ind more so than when he was young. or.He didn’t have a congenial old ‘erony”to converse with and corifide‘n like most old men have.No.Evy- srybody seemed to think that as ‘he yas a man he could take care of him- self.‘ Perhaps he was a little deaf,a litt ‘le blind.or a little halt.Maybe he vas hard to converse with;he didn’t ‘alk about up-to-date things.Perhaps ‘ye was cranky or curious.All the nore reason why an interest should ave been taken in him.He was just the “old man”-—that’s ul. The “old man”sat alone in the old homestead one evening.He was getting vhat enjoyment he could out of a‘riar pipe.The room was dark save for the glow of the fire on the grate, As he sat there meditating he saw in he glow on the wall a picture that ‘caused a terrible loneliness to over- ‘ome him.His wife’s image was plain-y visible before his eyes and “shevasbeckoningtohim.He watchedyeruntilshevanishedandther houghts of his married life came be- |fore his eyes;the old days when he ysed to bounce his children upon his knees.He shut his eves in an effort o forget.But he could not.. At last,being unable to restrain dimself any longér,he put on his coat ind hat and went out.He was very ‘onely and longed for eompanionship, His walk led him past the club of vhich he was an old member.A hap- ‘y thought struck him.Perhaps.the ‘oys could cheer him up.Acting on |he thought.he entered the pool ragm wnd watched the men playing,while ‘the music of the Victrola him to some extent, however,that everybody was too |“usy to talk to an old man.So_he cat down and the music soon became .lullaby that made him fall asleep. He was wakened by an attendant and told that sleeping was not allow- ad in the room.The “old man”ac- cordingly went out into the street.He tmew not where to go.But some- thing caused him to wander down to the water front. The image of his wife again came hefore his eyes.She was out on the water,and as before,was beckoning to him.Slowly,but deliberately,he hegan to wade out into the water to- ward the imawre of his wife.He svent in to his kneé@s,to his waist,to his neck,and then-—— The next morning the hody of an old man was found floating on the bay.His children wept when he was brought home and they wished they had looked after him Nite.But the “old man”was happy sow.He had gone to join his wife **x :**: ++ And so it is with a lot of old men. They are shunned by everybody:If they speak to some kindly neighbor woman they become a subject for vossip.And iff in sheer desperation|i 'anaes/(4)2 better credit basis in the coun-|they re-marry,their children and ev- _crybody else are horror-stricken, t re.‘| Cenvention Has Lost Out.|ae ::Monroe Enquirer. A political convention in this day pot legalized primaries is a tame af- ‘Yair.The influential delegate,the ‘manipulator,have lost out.The only \ihing a convention ean-do is “reso HLS Gna The folks will-do the nominzt jing.“The vote of the one-gallus fel- tuw counts for just as much as does 4 1 >rad +rhe vote of the high muceék-a-muck.eeEee A LAW NOT CHANGED. kiN --one man in hea with bullet o1 a handred men witlabor That breed stow: Thou shalt thousand In thine own Jand or Lor “TInsulled corroding:poison,ure not kill’-a thou in an alien honor!" ii it war to justify the erime: Ht rot hit ——the-chitd; woman With treadmill the man,th toil or crushing weightcare; body some, the soul nare; halt ntit other, The with a food Tmpure,unyehok vor yet with vile and cun kill”hatred Sof thywith does murder in not kill”the spirit’s hope vaven,roslay the trust the pare;‘ Thou shalt not kill,still stands the iw une altered,. t ancient hath not added A new mmendment unte Then It not kill”sont of gold,of glory or of .creed: name thy sophistry mee give it,not hold thee guiltl@ss of —the anelent faiths im- statute, changed neverit,nor Fet'repealedrevised,He He) >man revenled for any cause For love Whatever God will deed, \nnie Johnson Flint,in Christian gindeayorWorld.one Mave been practically-alone—in-this—world}Bt staying at home.Out of the nine he} there was no one at home since his} hut they just called him that,uncon: them.|159 cheered’ aeOe OT ES OF Here’s the Before you ENLyour:corn crop. UNION,:SUNN IREDELL EO E we y : Line”to.Line Up With IST for the FRONT,Let’us insist that you plant and cultivatewithourPREPAREDNESSLINE. Y SOUTH,JOHN DEERE. To be sure of crop,NEW ° HARDWARE COMPANY. YCMMNZWudUC TOM MON MU AC MPICSP SPIAC Nae NLNUNWUCIZ SOAMIACCAATIAIC |: THE HOE-HANDLE REMEDY The Medicine Foy That Tired Feeling in the Spring. State Board of Health.Bulletin. “Hoe-handle medicine”about the best remedy that can be prescrib- ed this time of the year for nbout thite-fourths of all the common ail- ments.It will “prove beneficial to ebronie grouchiness and “spring:fe- ver,’and no less effective for slug- pish livers,poor appetites,after-ef- fecis of colds and grip and the gen- era)rundown condition in which win- ter usually leaves the body.It is said -that-it one’s own baek—yard— garten—ties the solution of one’s own pecuwiar problems.In .other words,worry,in all its various forms, when taken to the garden,vanishes in the open air and sunshine, ’The “garden cure”is especially recommended for that mental and physical condition so characteristic of the spring that makes you feel that vou are only half alive—-that tired fecline that the patent medicine lit- crature talks so knowingly about. }And-it's this same tired feeling which ithe patent medicine sellers have been ls ‘essful in appealing to that lmakes the spring time their golden harvest time.Tonies and teas that. our grandmothers used to give for sthis condition had at,least one virtue —they were’harmless,but it not so with their suecessors—the patent smedicines.The majority of the cures that have replaced the herb brew and.the reot tea contain either alcohol or opiates,but probably their worst fault is that they raise false hones, waete precious time and get hard- is oO: is earned money all underfalse claims. However,-thesday-of the-pagont med-igine faker is believed to be abouteranddiseaseandhealtharecom- He soon found,'ing ‘to-be dealt with through honest, practical methods., The “garden cure”has a number of features to recommend it.and its most valuable,perhaps,is exercise in the open air and the time spent in the sunshine.Then there’s “garden sass”that.is grown that is the best of spring tonics,especially when includ- ed in the daily bill of fare.Early -apring-preens and -garden \tables and less of meats and heavy foods will go a long way toward avoiding “spring fever”and that 1let-down foeling.” The Mt.Airy News says t id child of Mr.ThompsontheAsbury’section of Surry county was choked to death by a bean tody- ing in its wirdpipe,dying in 20 min-! ules. WINSTONSALEM MAN SAVED FROM DEATH.hetter in his!J.Bo Erwin Says Wonderful Remedy Brought Him Astonishing Relief. J.1.Erwin of Winsion-s N. (,,was for a long time the vic serious—disorders of the stom tried all kinds.of treatment many doctors. One day he took a dose of Mavyr's ] Wonderful Remedy and was astonish ed-at-the results,The belp he had come.He wrote: “E-am_satisfied through v4@ of the life-saving powers Wonderful.Remedy.Y ‘ ry life.I could have lived but : weeks more had it not been remedy.»|am inclosing’ friend sufferers who ought ome of your remedy.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy permanent results for stomach, and intestinal ajiments.Mat as ind whatever you like. tress after eating,pressure of ec ‘he stomach and around the SOuUerhi of WI Tea have liver much n ner. Cat one bottle of your drugeist now’ end try it on an absolute guarantee ,he~if not satisfactory will returned. For sale by money the Statesville Drug nao:and all other rcliable druggists.MUSTA For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers.LINEMER“NOT A COMPLAINT ~ \fter being here nearly a year.Not a eustomer has had his flooring ‘open,”his.cefling to “buck,” weatherboarding to “kick,”or boxing and casing to “swag.” should ¢onyince you that Long-I Kim-Dried Pine is the best. “-C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C, ay187 his his This seat, person:| for your! ives 0 mote dis-: to. The Odorless — Refrigerator Is built upon scientific principles,of refrigeration.Every detailhasbeencarriedtoaremarkabledegreeofefiiciency,All compartments areconstantlyflushedwithastron’current of.dry,cald,pure air,The heavy insulation of chemically treated flax insures big,savings on ice bills. The frameis solid oak—beoautifilly finished.The trimmingsareeastbrassandsatinfinish.The flues and other important inside com- partments are removable—it’s easy to clean—absolutely sanitary and odor- less.The visible drip trap—inside the provision chamber—is easily accessible. One-piece linings,ice pan and drip pan are suaranteed against leakage. Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height —-can be arrenged to suit your requirements, “Odorless”is the lost word in scientific refilgzeration,If youareSoing,to buy e refrigerator,come in and see us. Williams Furniture House. is & é) ss w)be An Electrical!thi\Je/ WE WIRE HOUSHS,OLD OR NEW.ANYTHING {N THE ELECTRICAL LINE. mafe C " wh HOME.ELECTRIC COMP’Y. W.M.BARRINGER,Proprietor. an,FOLLOW YOUR SPRING ~WITHANATEERD, Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. _—wtr USE KRESANO. sawee ~<a Let us explain to you its HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 20.Prescriptionist. |+ |SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.| Ho Aa the administrators of the estate of W. )W.Wilhelm,deceased,the undersigned wil! ell at publie auction,for eash,to the highest bidder,on FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916, of personal property belonging7.W.Wilhelin,consisting ofMachinery,Wagons,Saw Mills, Corn Mill,Threshing Machine, vr,Drill,ete.©will takep Ince at Plyler place,on Buf- Shoals rond and will begin at 10 o'clock.B.N.We raed |#8 ¥|3 E.MORRISON,|2 : |}Dorman Thompson,Att'y,.Administrators.may cost you a little more per gallon April 21,1916.but will cost LESS per job than any:;other paint accep will do fromsne-fourth to one-third MORE WORK; |LET YOUR NEIGHBOR tape it BETTER and ast longer,¢ BURA SWAT PLIES-ie |BUY SCREENS FROM FOR SALE BY |.C..WAITKINS.—*Phoné No.43."|hy _e The paint that is CHEAP per gal-lon is DEAR per JOB.y FlH H Mules, Cotten |Planer, 'Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware~Statesvillé,N.C.Oo, \ At the Fountain of Quality! EACH AND EVERY DRINK A DEL- ICACY.MADE OF THE PURE “JUICES OF THE FRUITS.SERVED... THE QUALITY WAY.BRING YOUR -FRIENDS.ROOM FOR ALL.SEATS FOR OVER FORTY.~ Statesville Drug Comp’y. Quality Prescriptionists.. TUESDAY,May 2,1916. A TWO-SIDED DIFFICULTY. Getting ‘the Landless Man to Take Up the Vacant Land and Become a Home-Owner. University News.Letter. ‘We have in North Carolina29,000,-000 idle acres that need to be develop- ed by home-owning farmers.On themisy.hand,in 1910 our tenants and renterswith their families in the town and country regions made a landless, homeless population of 1,158,000 souls. HHow can we get these people set- ‘tled down.upon land of their own?|How ¢an these idle acres get into cul-|tivation,by’kome-owning farmers? |How can landlords and landless peo- iple come into agreement?|-These-people need the land and this\Jand needs the people.What are the\difficulties in the way.of bringing to-|gether the two ends of this problem? |AS-a matter of fact,are landlords|'holding land out of use’for-specula; \tion rises in value?Are they greedilyjanareofthe.fact that farm land in|North Carolina increased in value} $201,000,000 during the last census: HATS period Om-that-the meréase in land| ‘values in the South Atlantic qiest.year was'19 per cent?Do they| i hold desirable farm land at prices be- |yond the reach of industrious,ce |tenants?In many instances,yes.In jmany other instances,no. For instance,we found a landlord| in Richmond county tie other day whe||really wants to sell off 5,000 acres-of|¥'rise ‘vood farm land at a rea sonable price, on comfortable terms of payment.He is not be thering himself to sell it,and| |nobody is bothering him to buy it| |Such is the situation in a county in |which two-fifths of jare tenants! Sometime ago,we had a letter from a landowner.in Alabazia saying,“ororsoIhavebeenadvertis-| settlers upon a F six months (in g¢for good white 5 |(7.000 acre tract,cut into farms of any ired,at $10 an acre,on almost States| the white farmers )0N¢ov more of the huge guns tee i a FOES AREER TE 3 |THE LANDM ARK [Outbieak in Ireland No Surprise| ——ee to Friends of Irish Freedom.| who signs himself “National Secreta-| ry of the Friends of Irish Freedom,”|has issued the following statement| ‘lek reference to the outbreak inIre-| an4.“The Irish rebellion was the act of.brave and ‘patyiotic”men who are neither firebrands nor hotheads.Now,that Mr.Asquith,(the British.pre-|mier)has acknowledged that it has|Spread all over Ireland,it is clear that| the uprising has only one meaning and that is that Ireland is as always,re-| solved to be free and independent. “Convinced that England’s necessi-; ties,ever more pressing,would soondragtheminto‘the war,thousands-of gallant Irishmen have revolted be-|cause they prefer to die fighting |Seainst England for Ireland than jfighting for England in thetrenches at Flanders. “Tv the rebellion succeeds,_its{lotaders -will rank with ‘the world's jxreat men.If it fails,the Irish willlovethemastheyloveRobertEm- met. “Sudden and dramatic as the up- ;vising has béen,it would surprise no-|body who has.followed.the course-of Irish’affaiis since the outbreak of the war.Moreover,it completely shatters the carefully:constructed’)myth that| the mere passage of a mock home rule; rh Me had transformed Ireland into an integral part of.the:Briti sh empire,” Asheville’s Plan. Asheville folks are helping to ad- Asheville by sending out a_inlan of.national defense,called the “Asheville Plan for National °Pre- paredness.” The plan,in”brief,is city in the United States that each purchase which (have played such a prominent part in j the European war,thain a cdémpany (of men to handle it and have it ready in case of emergency.It is believed that,by this method,thousands of John D.Moore of New York city,,, we the big agents of destruction would scon be ready to place at the dispos-|~- PET eee Are YouWasting The Price Of a Titan Engine? '|‘ITAN engines run on kérosene. 16.9 cents per-gallon:ad Average cost of kcrosene 7,7 cents per detton. Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than kero- sene.Gasoline is going up steadily.erosene is not, At present fuel prices.Titan engines,using kero:sene,save their owners about 1.1 cents per horse power per hour,:: Are you running a gasoline engine?What horse power is it?Figure what you’'d-be saving if you had a Titan kerosene engine,Rather surprising,isn't it?How long would it take that saving to pay for a Titan engine of the same size? International Harvesster Company A America (tacorporatea) Titan kerosene engines are sold by Iredell HardwarefeCompany. Average cost of gasoline SO far this year,oo al of the government in time of war,|eylanyreasonabletermsofpayment;butsofaronlyonewhitefarmerhasre-‘ach with a highly trained companyispended.T conclude’that white farm /of men to man it. ‘tenants in this State do not want te ===a aeflownfarms.If I offer this*land to-ne:|NO TIME WASTED! 2ro farmers it will go ke hot cakes,—— ee do it,if you were in my “Action Is Pleasing .Many§ |On the other hand,the>Statesville Citizens.jlandless white farmers in North Caro.)Get lina.They are a third of all the whitc 'farmers in the State.They ovtnum-, |ber the negro tenants by nearly 20,000 Do they really want farms of their!|very own?Are they settled into an ‘incurable conviction that renting is a| M better business proposition than own- OEM ATMA MMTMT Crshin?Do they set abo ve,homereememeenerch:S maatronSECRCECEOIEED121002.010:0,.6 CLD O2LF ORLICBLECHORCH OADECHCCROECRORCHORCECRORTEEOHOCHOCO,|NENSDIP their freedom*to moveaboutatsweetwillandpleasure? JUST ARRIVED.\I¥ave they lost the fierceland-lust of HATS ——Sailors,Panzmas and Leghorns. Sailors,$1.56 to $3.00,Panamas,$5.00 and Leghorns,$3.e0 Come in and let us fit you with that new Spring a } Prompt” e are 63,000|ue |>down to the*cause of every-| thing.PHONE NO.83.n lixely be-anSHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.|SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. -7f so you will more thaBadbacksarefrequentlycausedby!SOY .:: |object of Charity.in your old age. ‘ |.The Sensible ‘hing to do is to,save part of yourearning NOW.The best way to save is to start a bank account. weak kidneys. Help the kidneys to get rid of kid- ney backache.| _Dean’s Kidney Pills are for the kid-| .- neys only. |their Anglo-Saxon forbears?Are jtheysatisfied to be strangers,pil-| levims,-and.sojourners—in—theland.- ¥without abiding interest in communi.|ty welfare and well-being,in churches |schools and similar concerns of civil. {ization?Do they realize that Ianc values are steadily rising the world over,and that their chance of hom’, owner ship is day by~day a dwindling teaused me misery anddisappearingchance?j A oe he ¢Or are the industrious,thrifty,in-|Doun’s Kidney Pills,!tcligent tenants simply unaware of 'T considey them a fire kthesechancesatfarmownershipin||a :1 :other counties or.in distant sevtions|2me and don’t hesitate to recq:smend ‘of the State?If so,the first prob-|them.” lem is to reach them with the oppor tunitics that beckon.They are harc |Price 502.at all Don’t to reach;but at least a third of ow!..ie °.[simply ask for a kidney renfody— Doan’s KidreyPills+that white tenants are fine-spirited,wor {he sam? “Mrs.Keni rerly had.Fertes Milburn | \lem concerns nearby market advan. (dwellers and city boards of trade. No time wasted trying to cure oth-+ ér troubles.: Statesviile jmcrit. people endorse their You are always welcoméat this bank”~ “no matter how small your account may be.Come inand let us tell you about our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 848 Wesstern | “My after :1 ’Was Vreievea. Mrs.C.0.Kenncrly, Ave.,Statesville,cays:New Line Spring Suits,Hats, Shirts and Neckwear. ALL:THE LATEST in these LINES. Call carly and look through.Will take pleasure in showing you—whether you are readyto purchase now or no. hack |i taking eidneymodi- Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The Bank For Yourseat ae dealers. arteaCL CORT:a anneapne mee ous 5354555153.SMe iltits “thm aaa WHAT THE USE? To go away from home for your FIELD SEEDS| when J.i.Sloop has what you need at the right price,and you may return what you don’t use and get your MONEY BACK?‘See me for first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds, Kentucky Blue,Tall Meadow Oats,and Sudan Grass and Rape.Burt,Black,White,Red rustproof ant Banerott’s Oats,Fertilizersfrom__ 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2. thy people,hard-working,upright | “thrifty"and aspiring,cna they are wel’ woilth investing in.The next prob-| i Co.,a ops.,Buffalo,N.-Y. tages that will justify a well balance?— ;system of farming and reward it with |jprosperity.Hereis a problem far city |W.1D.HA R R.J o 118 Court Sircet. .Respectfully, Settling people sefely.into farm homesis a practical,not a sentimenta’|) problem;“but home and farm owner | ship is *a fundamental condition oFisefecivilizationin’North Caroline SHEBIAD |nd the whole United States and the problem is well worth solving. Sloan Clothing Com’y. LORSSERA ISSe fovaveVatnrerecelereratatece)DSCs HOA CORREO RE MONEY IS POWER!| jand ‘Fairfax Harrison,president ofMONEYISPOWERANDCOMMANDSINFLUENCE—{fins southern railwae were elected di AND OPPORTUNITY!|‘[rectors ae National SE eee .THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT![York tity last WeeksANDTHEBESTTIMETOSTARTISRIGHTNOW!phe avowed purpose of the organ-|ization.is to serve as the niouthpiece | SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ;of the farmers of the United States} ACCOUNT!lin agricultural questions of nation-| A New Interest Period. |wide interest.Some of the subjects| April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- yt r e e s sp e r e r e v e r s e y ir e sy Plumbing and Heat- ingand all repairs for same.Locks and —Guns repaired and Keys fitted.In fact anything in repair line. : | NationalAgriculturaal Society. Gov.Henry ’C.Stuart ‘of Virginia 3a s t 19 9 9 0 09 2 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 OS C Pe l SE E TI Or op e n s er v e y es cc cv ev re g s e e e i r e Phone 299. —Am looking for those 8 r jii g who need supplies and fertilizers on time as_wellponeascash,I can take care of your wants,~ J.E SLOOP. pe e e s o e se e r se s se y ey r e e v e t e x sp e r ty r e s pe e es er e s o e e o o s e c o r e s ta y Be e s STSLISIT LESLIE TSIAzILSTITSIsswrswss ISS STIS Ss zssSs list sressgeeteseseiateetecereeesscerenstenssc,- (legislation,the promotion in congested| compounded quarterly. James Wilson of Iowa,Secretary |centers of population of an interest| |in rural activities,co-operation in the | This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women 5andwentofAgricultureinethecabincts of| °|Roosevelt and l conservation of natural resources,and | |Presidents McKinley, Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest |which will be taken up,it was said.| jare rural credits,uniform agricultural| ment.-All Deposits made on or before April 5th will .draw interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent._co-operation among farmers in estab-| lishing better methods of marketing tand distributing farm products. Taft,was elected president of the so- from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially inviged. We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. President. eas GEO.H.BROWN -O.L.ee cietv,and Theodore N.Vail.president of the American Telegraph &Telec- hone Co.(Bell),was elected vice president.The headquarters of the so- ciety are temporarily in New York city.Permanent headquartters will be in Washington,it is said:NNene Friends .of Candidates Whooped It Up... Raleigh News and Observer. It was a great day for candidates (at the State convention).Bickett’s MILLINERY! Franklin county friends came to Ral- eigh in about 30 automobiles.They had a band and‘an electric xylophone. With the band playing and the xylo-phone making ‘a noise they paradedupanddownthestreetsandwhoop- ed up for Bickett..Daughtridge Ral- | Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. owers l== 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 acres in cultivation,bal- ance in woodland,level red subsoil,small dwelling,barn,crib, young orchard,two fine springs.Will exchange for city property or sell on easy terms. tA167-aere farm,i 1-4 miles from Harmony State High School, fiew five-vcoom ccttage,Larn and orchard,-40 acres~in-cultivation;balanee in timber,levc!and productive,will cut 500,000 feet oflumber,one-third cash and balance on terms to suit the purchaser. 113 eres 1 1-4 miles frer —Olin,_three-room-dwelliiig,barn—and-outbuildings.49 acres in cultivation,14 of which is fine bottom land,balance in fine orginal oak,pine and poplar timber.‘$2,- 000 cash and balance on easy terms. For further information call on or write ERNEST:G.GAITHER,(nie inb (REALESTATE, PHONE 23 OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILBING. Weare showing a compiete line of Millinery,con- sisting of Hatsin Hemps,Lisere,Milans;also Flow-ae Fancy Feathers,Quills,,Ribbons,in all the newcolors.Panamas From $1.25 to $3.50:Leghorns $2 to $5. Come,see and get prices.>MRS.MARY SIMS.< oakspeentiriascreovencereeeesestets “HUNT BROTHERS, GRE ENSBORO,N,C. STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,Plumbing and Private Water Systemis.°REFERENCES FURNISHED.;” eigh headquarters:met.the-incoming —-a onncerrermen ornare hosts with a glad hand,a sunny smile Van Lindley Co.,and columns of newspaper advertis- GREENSBORO,¥.©. ing.It was a busy day for both gu- Polk Gray Drug Co., bernatorial aspirants,and their work- Leeal Agonts. ers made good use of the occasion. TTS Whooping Cough. One ‘of the most successful preparations inuseforthisdiseaseisChamberlain's CoughRemedy.8S.W.McClinton,Blandon Springs,Ala.,writes,“Our baby had whooping coughasbadasmostanybabycouldhaveit.gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it soon got him well.”every- where, BUILDING?_C.WATKINS.Obtainable peeiLANDMARK~~May2,1916. oe *** ....CALL THE OFFICE,®.)The Landmark appreciates a notice of news items of |any ;character at any and all times. af te know something that #should go in the paper,call 14; ‘®t you hear of something.that ®ghould be investigated,call 14 *and give the tip,,If the tip is in confidence,secrets are sacred in a newspaper office.Call promptly—don't wait.If 14 “doesn’t answer call 261 or 111 green,Your thoughtfulnesswill be appreciated;you will confer afayor.Call any hour,day or night,when you-have news,The Landmark is here io print the news.Those who help it per- farm its mission help the paper but:that isn’t all.They are pub- lic benefactors.“They help the public. ere *e * e n e BP a e e g a n e ee 2 eo ak * * * * * * * ay * ®**s *22 6 4 s © & to n e ea s War Alarms on the Border— Thought Bushes Were Mexicans ~“Americans along the Mexican bor? der are constantly alarmed about a; Mexican invasion ‘and the fear that Villa will get them.Writing to Char- lotte relatives,Mr.Richard P.Harris tells of a recent scare at Lordsburg N.M.The Observer quotes him as follows:. “Just about dusk a man turned into the streets of the town with a Ford wide open.The horn was going as fast as the engine and he was shoot- .ing and yelling,‘Villa is coming!’ “Of course we all ran out to get the harrowing details.The man said that amounted band of 100 men were sur- rounding the town.As_there arelargeminesthere dreds of men,among them a large number of Mexicans who had made trouble,we got nervous about it. “Telephone messages were sent out to all of the ranches.Every one whohad_a gun got it out. store opened and issued guns and ammunition until the sepply ran out. “Within an hour the streets werefilledwithcowboysandarmedmen. The train from Deming was held upanhourtofillitwithvolunteersand g@ machine gun.By midnight we hadenoughmentheretofightoffan army.The cowboys had a regular circus of it,whooping and yelling.and even rode.out to meet the enemy.Nothing turned up by morning,so an investigation was made.It developed that the ‘Paul Revere and his little Ford’were passing a ridge that had a lot of mesquite bushes on it.The wind was moving them and he “mis- took’them for horses.We had alotofexcitement‘out of it anyway.” Marriage of Miss Kincaid and Mr.Henkel at Cleveland. Cleveland Letter to Salisbury Post. “The home of Mr.and Mrs.J.B. Kineaid of this place was the scene of a beautiful wedding Tuesday eve- ning,when their pretty daughter, Mildred,was given in marriage ‘toMr.Glenn Henkel of Lenoir.The eastparlorofthehomewasusedasthe -eeremony room,with baskets:of heau- tiful snowballs and palms as the flo-ral feature.A chancel inset with palms and snowballs was arrangedinthebaywindow,before which’the ceremony was performed by Rev.Du- gald Monroe,pastor of the bride.TheLohengrinbridalmé@sicwasplayedbyMissRuthBarberasthebridal party entered the room,Mendels- shon wedding march being the reces- sional.The attenants were Miss An- nie Lee Kineaid,sister_of..the bride, with Mr.Hutton of Lenoir;MissKathleenShellofLenoirwithMr.; Neely Kincaid,brother of the bride. The bride,who is a charming mem- ber of the younger set,never looked more beautiful than she did in a suite of blue taffeta,trimmed in blue cloth,; hat,gloves and shoes to match.An elegant dinner was served for the bridal.party before the ceremony. Mr.and Mrs.Henkel left immedi- ately after the ceremony for Hicko- ry,where a reception awaited them,given in their honor by the groom’s mother.They will make Lenoir their home,where Mr.Henkel is engaged in business. the good wishes ofacircle of friends.|Mae Cavin,the bright and attractive,(The bride is a niece of Messrs.W. T.and H.L.Kincaid of Statesville and the groom is a nephew of Mr.C.V.Henkel of Statesville—The Land- TRESS ATTTEIS Ballots at the Primary. Raleigh News and Observer. A_ruling of Attorney General T.'(losing exercises begin Sunday with: will continue through|W.Bickett that registrars in the ap- proaching primary have no right to’ distribute the official ballots,is being printed for the use of the election officials in the various counties. torney General Bickett’s reads:“Replying to your inquiry of thisdate,I beg to advise that in my opinion the registrar has no right to distribute the official ballot,but mustkeeptheminhispossession,subject to his control and the control of the judges of election,until the elector comes up to vote. states with which party he affiliatesandishandedtheballotsofthatpar- ty.He can take the ballots and mark tosin secretly if he desires,or he can éall on the judges to assist him,andthereisnothinginthelawthatfor- bids him calling on any friend of his to assist him_in the prenaration oftheballotifhesodesires.” Jake Mills,colored,claiming to be an.appendage of the carnival that was here the past week,was taxed| with the costs in the mayor’s courtFridayfordisorderlyconductata colored boarding house on south Cen- ter street,_ _-==The Seventh Day Adventists he- gon their meeting Sunday nieht un-der their tent next to the People’s Loan &Savings Bank..:ee Take Grove's -fhe Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless‘hill Tonic is equally valuable as aGeneral.Ton{Tonic because it contains the well aoeandIRON,|i Solids up the Enriches the Blood.and 8 up,the Whole System.50 cents. eS RentBirt ee *| employing hun-} The hardware | Commencement Exercises,Prize Winners,Etc.—Mr.Clement Changes. Correspondence of The Lanamark. Taylorsville,May 1 >=The many friends of Mr,and “Mrs.J.Fran Clement--and their little daughter, Blanche Hanes.-Clement,will learn with regret that they are moving to- day to“Mockeville,Mr,C.M.Swice- tent as fireman on Taylorsyille-Char- ilotte train Nos.23 and 24.|‘The Taylorsville ‘State High School |closed with a-commencement Friday.|A large,appreciative audience was |present to hear the graduating’exer-cises at 10 o’clock.The members ofithelassandsubjectsoftheessays iand orations areas follows:Misses Rosa Lee Watts,“The Girl of a Hun-'drgd Years Ago”;Lelia’Blanche |Watts,“Flowers by the Wayside”; |Espy Viola Little,“The Ideal Life”; ;Annaleen Nelson,“Prepared Citizen- \ship”;Blanche Little,“Asleep”;Ger-/trude Cooper,“Shakespeare,the 'Man”;Messrs.Augustus Lincoln Ad- ‘ams,“Zebulon B.Vance”;John Pick-lens Crouch,“Growing a Life”;Rob-Fert Mcintosh“Stikeleather;-“Efficien- cy”;William Dewey Edwards,‘‘Fal- len Stars”;John Ralph Warren,“The 'Supreme Task of the Age,”and Ar-ithur Jason Mays. |.The subject of the debate was,‘“Re-|solved,that the.Keating child labor ‘bill will be detrimental to the South.” The speakers on the affirmative were ‘H.Bliss Chatham and Arthur J. Mays;negative,Levi W.Teague and J.Lindsay Bumgarner.The judges, |Rev.Messrs.C.M.Richards and J. J.Edwards and Attorney A.C.Payne, |decided unanimously in favor of the |negative.While each of the young |men did exceptionally well,J.Lind- isay Bumgarner won the gold medal ‘for the best debate,which was_pre- ‘sented to him by Dr.Richards.The |debate was followed by the annual literary address by Rev.C.M.Rich- ards,D.D.,of Davidson. Miss Nell-Burke won the prize,a gold pen,for the best -work in Eng- ‘lish in the tenth grade,and .Master Wilson Milstead won the gold pen for the best work in English in the ninth |grade.‘ Prof.and Mrs.W.H.Tyler and ba- by daughter left Saturday morning for their home at Goldston.Misses (Lottie and Sue Kerley -evening for their home in Charlotte. Miss Mabel Hendren returned Satur- day morning to her home in Wilkes- |boro and.Miss Nettie Albright to her hime in the vicinity of Burlington. PUT HIS HOUSE IN ORDER. (Mr.Wagner Calmly Made Prep- |aration For His Final Journey |A Marriage. correspondence of The Landmark. |Troutman,May 1 s—Mr.David L. Wagner,a well known citizen of Bar- ringer township,died at his home last Thursday at 7 p.m.The interment took place Saturday noon in St.Mar- tin’s cemetery.Rev.W.D.Haltiwang- er preached the funeral.Mr.Wag- ner is survived by a wife,a son and tivo.daughters.- ,Mr.Wagner discovered more than ;a year ago that he was affected with tuberculosis and resorted to all i;known means to arrest the progress of the disease.When he found this could not be done he began making preparations for the great crossing. He reached out beyond the grave and ,did what was still left in his power for his wife and children,His farm equipment,which was complete,was \sold at auction more than a year ago rand all-outstanding—bills were settled, The management of the farm was al- so arranged and only a short time be- fore his death his final advice was _given to his wife and son concerning‘the marketing of some farm.products and the expenditure of the money. ,There was no slavish fear of death ‘for this man.His arrangements were root-of “Asheville succeeds-Mr-Clem-t 4 left Friday } eae‘AYLORSVILLE-SCHOOL:{IRISH -REBELLION--Bl Leaders -Counsel Surrende Guerrilla—Bands May G Trouble For a Season.” The Sinn Féin organization,: -promoted.a_rebellion in Dublin,x land,against British rule,has ordered fa surrender,The proclamation ~is- rsued by “Provisional”~~“President”|Pearce advising the surrender of alltherebels,follows:Nant|“Jn order to prevent the furtherjslaughterofunarmedpeopleandinithehopeofsavingthelivesofour |followers,who/are surrounded.and \hopelessly outnumbered,the mem- ;bers-of the provisional government at|headquarters have agreed to uncordi- ‘tional surrender,and the command. ters of all the units:of-the Republican ‘forces will order their followers to lay|down their arms. |(Signed)PEARCE,”Although the principal leaders of the rebel movement have laid’down their arms and advised their follow-lers to acquiesce in an unconditional |surrender,there is no doubt thattherewillbestillgreatdifficultyin lrestoring peace in Dublin and the{surrounding districts,for numerous femal bandsOfrebels evidentlyeither|have not recevied the leaders’orders, lor doubt their authenticity,and,haveat.any rate determined to continue guerrilla warfare.Dublin is filled withsmallbandslocatedinbuildings,who have always been able to estape by subterranean passages as soon as the j attack .of the soldiers has proved too strong,and who then:re-opened hos- tilities from some unexpected quar- 'The rebellion began with the fail- ure of°Sir Roger Casement to land arms in Ireland by means of a Ger- man Vessel.He expected,with Ger- man assistance,to promote a rebellion jin Ireland.After his arrest his sym- pathizers,joined by others who enjoy a row simply for the row’s sake,be- gan an “uprising.”It never had any ‘show of success but it gave serious ‘trouble for‘several days.Many peo- ple were killed and much propertydamagedordestroyed.The rebels got possession of the postoffice in Dublin and raised the flag of the re- public.More than 700 Irishmen have ,been taken prisoner.. ,Women Live Longer Than Men and Why. That women live longer than men and have a higher average expecta; tion of life than men is in accordancewithfiguresrecently‘issued by the census bureau at Washington.These figures show that females are longer lived than males to the extent of more than three years;that the average expectation of life at birth for males is 49.9 years;for females 53.2 years; for white males,50.2 years;for white females,53,6 years;for negro males, 34.1 years,and for negro females, 37.7 years. A part of the difference between the expectation of life for men and for| women is accounted for through the great number Of violent deaths amongmen,as nearly four-fifths of all the}|State.But }eownty for larger public revenues,e8-|deaths—suicides,homicides,and’acci-dental deaths—are of males,this.fact does not aceount fully or even in a major part for the greater longevity of women. Noted physicians and health ex- perts explain this difference on the secre that men,more than women,in- dulge to excess in alcohol,tobacco, ‘over-eating,dissipation and various various forms of vice.Dr.Albert H. Burr declares that the principal cause is the extensive use of tobacco and ‘says:“There are volumes of evidence in support of the statement that,smoking‘is responsible for-much of the> \premature senility of men.Nearly |twice as many women as men live to Ibe a hundred.” Boy Soldier Captured a Big Gun. |How a ,How a machine gun was forced to; |$22,417.| This young couple has} ‘made just as if he were preparing to,desert the German army is recounted| the in the story of the heroism of a 16-|itake a temporal trip.Many of ]|neighbors who had talked and pray-|yedr-old Italian volunteer in the Rus- ;ed with Mr.Wagner say that he ex-!sian army—cConstantine Zapolli— |pressed to them his willingness and whose part as the leading figure in .preparedness for.death.He was athe episode earned one of the two St. |good man and his loss will be felt Gcorge’s crosses he has won.The sto- very much by the neighbors,'ry is told in a dispatch from Petro- At-| Opinion | The elector then, You Need a General Tonic. Mr.Earle Allison and Miss Lena _daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Cav- in,were married in Statesville Thurs- day. |this marriage and it ‘surprised the ‘people here.They are excellent’young; |people and are getting the glad hand |on every side. The high school closes this week. a sermon and Monday and Tuesday. Aviation Records Broken. three set a broke and Theodore McCauley world’s aviation records new Amcrican mark with six passen-| gers in a 7-passenger flying ‘boat,at (the Atlantic Coast Aeronautical sta- ,tion at Newport News,Va.,Saturday. Victor Carlstrom established a new,American altitude record with one /passenger in a biplane. |mained in the air an hour and ten |minutes,5 and 2-5 seconds and made \88 miles an hour.The previous rec- ‘ord,made by Giraix of France two -years-ago,was an.hour and.two min- tues,25 and 3-5 seconds in the air ‘with six passengers,at the rate of 68)'miles an hour,_ Southern Spends Millions For New Equipment. The Southern railway has purchas- ed 45 locomotives,60 all-steel passen- |wer train cars,1,500 all-steel coal cars, 11,507 steel center sill box cars and 160 steel center sill caboose cars, amounting to millions of dollars,as a result of increasing business in the South, \ A Symbol of Health. The Pythagorians of ancient Greece ple food,practiced temperance and purity. As (a badge they,used the five-nointed star which they regarded as a symbol of health. A red five-pointed star appears on’each pack- age of Chamberlain’s Tablets,.and stil:ful- nite sim- i \:.(fils its ancient mission as n symbol of health.}tonic propertiesofQUININE | It acts on the Liver,Drives| ff you are troubled with:indigestion,bilious-ness or constipation,get a package of these |tablets from your druggist.You will be sur- prised at the quick relief which they afford.Obtuinable.everywhere, Very little had been said about: McCauley,with six passengers,re-_ ‘grad,Russia.. Overhearing his commander ex- |pressing a wish that some one “would tsitence or capture”a gun which was stationed at troublesome proximity to the Russian trenches,Zapolli,on his own initiative,—crawled-on—his~stom- -ach for 100 yards,located the position ‘of the gun,returned from the dan-' ger zone and conferred with his trench-fellows,and crept forth once more,this time dragging a coilstoutrope.Reaching the gun,he tied ‘one end around it without being dis- /covered,and again reached his own lines,with the free end of the rope in his clutch. Presently the Germans were aston- _ished to observe the gun disappearing toward the Russian trenches.It was successfully dragged from their pos- session,a number of Germans being killed in an effort to prevent its de- varture, The Soy Bean Industry. I'arm Extension News. It is interesting to observe that notwithstanding the wide adaptation of-eonditions -in-this--country -to-soy bean growing,twenty million pounds of soy bean oil,worth nine million _dollars,were imported into the Unit- ed States during the yeare1915.It is also interesting to-observe that during this same year 5,837,867 bushels of soy beans,worth $7,103,000,were im- norted from the Orient into Great Britain.These latter were paid for at an average price of $1.21 per bush- el.Does it not seem highly important for our people to produce enough of these beans to supply not only our ,own demands,but.also to be in po- ‘sition to compete for the European| |trade if advsiable to do so? To Drive Out MalariaAndBuild Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’STASTELESSchillTONIC.You know what you are taking,as the formula is printed on every label,showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. |The Quinine drives out malaria,the|Iron builds up the system.50 cents of; A Republican Contemplation of’“a Campaign By These Two Orators. Contemplating a campaign _by Messrs,Bickett and Linney for Gov- rnor,Mr,G.Ed.Kestler of Concord,a Republican,thus delivers himself initheGreensboroNews:“It is almost a certainty now that Mr.Bickett and Mr.Linney willbe the +twe-opposing-candidates-for-GovernorinourStatethisyear.If true,the ny Bah as _“Pre-Sh cumpaign will be upon an_elevatedlaneandbeoneconductedbymenofighintellectsandcharacters.Bothgentlemenarerichlyendowedbyna-ture and training with all the gracesofthetrueoratorandbotharelogi-cians of no mean pretensions and in their leadership the principles of gov- ernment and “the opposing policies of their,parties will receive the treat-ment of the master.The historic cam-paign of Vance and Settle will be en- acted over again with the result prob-| Jematic.Rhetoric and rounded pe-;tiods will oe y tea the repeats:ve osthenes an icero will lose their}; wis and fade away before the com-|Skirt. ing heroes of a new era.| they are as well wearing bearing label. inside belting and peaks to the sounding sea,from SouthCarolinatotheMotherofPresidents,|the scenes will be those long remem-|bered in history and long-chanted by|e firesides.x memorable campaignisabouttobeborn.By such a cam.|aign the world of letters will be| Seiahtened;the catalogue of puns and| true pathos will be enlarged,the po- litical atmosphere will be surcharged|with dynamics,and the voters will be; edified,electrified and many of them} will be transfused from the Donkey|to the Elephant and vice-versa.|“This new dispensation that will be| thus ushered in will spell great things| for our Commonwealth.It will elevate, the political arena,centralize public! thought,open policies and principles|and carve the names of the two lead-| ers in letters of gold high on the arch of fame,and perhaps weave theirvirtuesandtheirmeritsdgepintothe|hearts of their countrymén and their! partisans,”; IREDELL AND YADKIN. Yadkin Should Have Better)> School Facilities.| ( University News Letter.\ Here are two neighboring counties fabrics. in the foothills of North Carolina.In per capita country wealth,they are not very far apart,Iredell with $377) ranks 10th among the counties of the State;Yadkin with $314 ranks 27th.|But in Iredell 20 of the 97 white} school districts levied special taxes for school support,and the amount raised.in this way in 1913-14 was for sport wear. Made by the Wooltex house and woolen garments you've ©been Every part of the material, shrunk betore being made into this “From the snow-capped mountain |The styles and cloths,too,are correct-and the prices.reasonable, when you see the values. White Poplins,Gaberdines,Novel- ty Weaves and Corduroys.The Prices are $2.50,$3.00,$4.00 and $5.00. Other White and Linen colored Wash Skirts,good values,at '$1.00,$1.50 Awning Striped Skirts. Made of Washable ‘‘Silverbloam’’ Tan with blue,green and and lavender stripes. Priced $5.00. tailored as the the ‘‘Wooltex” all,thoroughly | ‘ and $2.00. Very good In Yadkin only 4 of the 55, white school districts levied such a, tax,and the total raised was only $1,-| ant:The’per capita investment in| white rural school.property-was-$2:++ 27.in Iredell,but only $1.08 in Yad-, kin. The per capita tax.burden in Yad-|kin in.1913 was the smallest in the: Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. There is urgerit need in this!—= Va ~Depegjaiiyforroadsandschools.The ‘Vance Statue Placed.|‘Bhe children are eager for school-;The statue of the late Senator Z.B. |ingy and in this particular the county;Vance has been placed in Statuary ‘ranks tenth among our 100 counties.|Hall,in the national capitol at Wash-; Her 1,822 native-born white illiter-|ington,in a spot picked out for it ates ten vears of age and over,and!four years ago by Senator Lee~S.! her 612 illiterate white voters evi-'Overman,and will be unveiled June}dence a necessity for more effective;22.Vice President Marshall haspublicschools.jagfeed to accent the statute on behalf; The county cannot afford to have’of the United States.} ten districts with log schoolhouses or}The workmanship is in bronze.In-!none of any sort;nor can sheafford|timate associates of the late Senator to have old-fashioned,home-made!declare that it is a remarkable’like-| desks-in 56 of her 66 schoolhouses.{|ness,showing Vance as he appeared The county is now spending $60,-|in full vigor.The likeness was made 000 in road building.Doubtless she;from a photograph of nim at the age |will-soon begin to reconstruct her|of 40 years. schools,They are a splendid people;A creation of the artist to give due, ‘in Yadkin,and their children would}dignity to the figure is an overcoat| make the best possible use of better,which hangs lightly from the broad; |educational advantages.shoulders.The statue was made by,ee 'Gutzon Borghum.The cost is close!Homicide’in Goldsboro.|to oe Rey en:P “7 |r.Clement Manly o inston-Sa-! ,Hyman Epstein,who shot and kill \lem,on behalf of the committee,andedLeonardEdwards,in Goldsboro :not %\:+,|Governor Craig on behalf of thelastWednesdaynight,gave out a};ia;4 a .|State,will present the statue.The in-statement in which he claims self-de-|oaati ill be offered by Bishifence.Epstein claims vocation.-will be offered by ishipewasonthe/7 _; opposite side of the nee in front of |Joseph Blount Cheshire,the Edwards home and gave vent to!,. ‘a whistle signal,_which >had ~been}A More Aggravated Case.agreed “upon between him and’a sis-|Greensboro News. ter_of Leonard Edwards.At thesig-|We used to think hard things aboutnalthegirlwastocomefromthethemanwhowouldseifiretoanor-home and accompany him to i dance.|phan asylum,or murder a blind man A short while after he whistled Ep-|for his pennies,but we hold him in stein Says he heard the~front-door?penuine esteem since-we-have—heardopen,and thinking it was Miss Ed-that there are men in this country get-wards coming out to meet him,he |ting rich selling spurious drugs to thecrossedthestreetandwassurprised|belligerent nations.»gee that the party coming out of |—————-——the door was Leonard Edwards,who |PO advaneed upon him (Epstein),grasp-|od him by:the throat and was severe-|Fi z ® 'y choking him while he was on_his; knees.He.pulled his pistol and firedoneshot,Edwards then walked to-|and other Skin Troubles wards the front porch,seated himself |a :i,a chair and a moment later fell ——WE GUARANTEE—— forward dead.S a S f Mr.and Mrs.Asher Edwards,the narents.of the dead man,and_their daughter,Miss Essie,were in Phila-ane cots ;‘;;°:p the itching and begin healingielphiaatthetimeoftheshooting,|with the first application or return yourwhereMr.and Mrs.Edwards were)poney.There are lots of skin reme-‘aking hospital treatment.Mrs.Wil-|dies but Saxg is the only one they guar-liam Urbansky of Salisbury is a sis-|antec like this.Why don’t you try it?ter of Edwards.4 W.F.HALL,DRUGGIST,——Young Edwards was popular in|Statesville, re mecakingoffwasagreatshock to his| Cys 4 |-viene a MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ES- One-Life Lost-in-Winston Hotel-PARE”: Fire.| y BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contain-| After the fire which destroyed the |cd ae eee coat eee 7 ee NTS i ¥,es Steele T¢L »vrem,.Josey,will} Neil hotel in Winston-Salem last |Shani ToMuteters to the,highest bidder Thursday morning,L,EB.Mitchell,who |for cash,at the court house door in States- boarded at the\hotel,was missing.|ville,N.C.,-on ~, Search was made for him and his;SATURDAY,JUNE 3,1916, charred remains were found in the/at 12.o'clock,m.,‘the’following described *§‘nt lands in Fallstown township,N.C.,towit:dobris of the burned bullding,Friday ““Weyinning at a stake at the corner of lot morning,directly under the room IN|No.2,running north 18 degrees east,passing.‘which he slept.|between the dwelling and the barn 182 poles ‘“-s 4 to a stake in the old fine;thence with the Mitchell was a pt inter.51 years |cme north 77 degrees west 23 1-2 poles to aeld,and his.home was In High Point.|stake,corner of lot No.4;thence south 18 He had been in Winston-Salem but a Genre west ee to aatake iKistier's ,4 ine;hence W is ine sou qT degrees wees when the fire occurred and ire least 23 1-2 poles to the beginning,containingemployed.by the Winston Printing |96 acres,more or less,This being lot No.8 Company.He is survived by his/in the division of the late Mike Josey estate. wife,two sons and a daughter.The |:See special proceeding.in the C.8.C.office, ‘:‘entitled Sallie Josey et.ol...ex-parte,|remains were taken to High Point for|MRS.DOUGAN STEELE TOMLIN, interment,|,Buren Jurney,Att’y. |Other guests of the hotel had nar-}May 2,1916. lrow escapes and some /lost all their Mortgagec. L |“The Call of The THE LYRIC THEATRE TODAY DUSTIN FARNUM LE : ‘DUSTINPalle:FARNUM8PicturesParamount.=== a Cumberlands”A Paramount Photoplaythatyoushouldnotmiss. WEDNESDAYTheYoungestLeadingLadyintheWorld. BABY MARIE OSBORNE “LittleMarySunshine” This photoplay willpleasethegrown-ups aswellasthekiddies.It’s fine.THURSDAY; The Great‘FRANCIS X.BUSHMAN “a —in—-“The Wall:Between” Mr.Bushman is support-ed by Miss BeverleyBayne...,These two aregreatfavoritesinothercities.You'll be charm-with this production. THE LYRIC THEATRE ‘i Quality Photoplays. Cc.WATKINS. fe NRO INR Sc jpersonal effects.|BUILD NG?BUILDING?C.WATKINS, o VOL.XII. THE } i a eee never yreaangp te .te > --—__STATESVILLE,N.©,FRIDAY, MAY 5,1916.NO 84. MEXICAN AGREEMENT. No Definite Time For Withdraw-al of American:Treops. The latest from Mexico is thattheagreementmadebyGens.Scott and“Obregon is:satisfactory to the Wash-ington cabinet but is ‘not midespub-’lie until Carranza passes.on it.It isPositivelyassertedthatnodefinitedateissetfortheretirement.oftheAmericantroops.: Texas,At El Paso,Wednesday |night,Gen.Alvaro Obregon,Mexican |minister of war,issued a-statement_to -the Associated Press in which he,said:“As the result of the confer-|ence yesterday,with General Scott,the atmosphere seems now complete-ly cleared up.’There is a much bet-ter feeling between Americans andMexicansandalltensionseemsvan-ished:An agreement has not been!reached but everything is progress-ing favorably and I have the highesthopesthatmatterswillreachasuc-cessful culmination.”Mexicans believe the withdrawal of;;the American troops from Mexico will,take place in about two months.!American officers will make:no com..ment on the subject.It_is generally <understoodPaso,says the Associated Press,that |the first step to be taken will be ajgradualretirementnorthwardoftheAmericanforces,while the Carranzastroops—plunge into the campaignagainsttheVillabandits.~ColumnsnowintheneighborhoodofSanAn-tonio.will fall back first to Guerrero,and later will proceed to Namiauipa.From that point regiments will berraduallydetachedandtransferredtoColoniaDublanuntilfinallythewholeforceoccupiesarestrictedzonealongtheborder.While the Carranza forces areRweepingthrough.southern Chihua-hua and Durango,the Americans willbelookingafterstraygroupsoperat-ing to the north.It is understoodthatGeneralObregonispledgedtothroweveryavailablemanofhismil-|itary strength into the hunt for thevarious:marauding bands.It is be-lieved that almost all the 25,000 menSuggestedbyGenrealCarranzaasaMexicanborderpatrol,in.»case the.American government consented towithdrawal,will be utilized.AmericantroopsaretokeepoutofalltownsandvillagesandeveryefforttoavoidcontactwithMexicanswillbemade.The retirement of the Americans willbedignifiedandcontingentupontheeffectiveco-operation of the Mexi-cans.‘Attempted Suicide—Had BeenPatientatStateHospital.Mr.Chas.Sigmon of Newton wasbroughttotheSanatoriumWednes- } at El, day night in a serious condition fromself-inflicted wounds. Mr.Sigmon is about 36 years oldandhasafamily.He was recently an.inmate of the State Hospital at Mor-ginton.Since leaving that institu-tion he has been suffering with mel- ~anchotia.“Wednesday night--about 9o'clock he secured a razor and slashedtheligaments,muscles and arter-ies of his wrist,but missed themainartery.He also made several fashes-in_his throat before the razor wastakenfromhim.He then took hisknifeandstabbedhimselfninetimesintheleftbreast,near the heart.TheknifepenetratedtheJungbutmissed=the-heart.Mr.Sigmon was brought to the San-atorium:Wednesday night by Drs.J.J.Stewart and G.W.Shipp.This morning Mr.Sigmon’s condi-tion is unchanged.His condition —isverycritical. *****a ****GERMAN REPLY YESTERDAY. *It was expected that the Ger-*man reply to the American ul-*timatum_on_submarine—-war= *fare would be handed to Amer-~—iean—Ambassador Gerrard in*Berlin late yesterday.Thecontentsareunknownbutitisguessedthatsomeconces-sion will be offered,with pos-sibly argument as to somepoints. * * # SH R E K AH Ed “oft **oe * ***%** AMERICAN ARRESTED. ** “James M.Sullivan of NewYork,formerly American ‘min-ister to San Domingo,has beenarrested—in Dublin on thechargeofcomplicityintheIrish_rebellion. *Me ***RP SR R RE R Se e ee e Re e ee KR EH H *”*Fire in Eagle Mills. The home of “Dud”Myers,in EagleMillstownship, lcandidates. was burned with prac-|_ tically all its contents Tuesday nightbout10o'clock.How the -fire origi-mated is not known.Some of themembersofthefamilyhadnarrowes-pes.The roof was falling in ‘whenBomeofthechildrengotoutofthenouse. —The Davidson College Glee club,With 18-piece orchestra,was at thebperahouselastnightundertheau-Bpices of the Rest-a-Bit Athletic club.@ audience was not large but theMusicwasgood.—Capt.W.M.Westmoreland de-res a full attendance of the IredellBluesonMemorialDay.|Mr.Staley.Mason,son of Mr.W..Mason,who lives near-town,hasfonetoPhiladelphia,Pa,where he§&position,)—Mrs.D.L.Webb of Chambers-urg township is critically ill and’herfecoveryisnotexpected.:+The Mooresville graded ‘schoolH0sestoday.Dr.Clarence Poe deliv- irs the address at 10.30 this morning.ey JT i ‘ SCHOOL TO CELEBRATE. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Statesville brated By Reunion of FormerTeachersandPupils. The close of the Statesville grad-ed schools this year will be signalizedbythecelebration‘of the 25th anni-|versary of the establishment of the |school.‘The celebration;as has been Imentioned,will take the form of a re-!noon,to deviseunionofformerteachersandpupils,|¢and the reunion exercises will be heldonThursdayand.Friday evenings,18th and 19th. Statesville praded school”began itsexistenceinthefallof1891.D.Matt.Thompson was the first su-perintendent and he has continued in;class attendance.that capacity uninterruptedly,Dur-ing the 25 years 57 different teachershavebeenemployed—and of thesemorethan50areliving.They arescatteredefromTexastoVirginiabutitisopeltohavemanyofbresentatthereunion.has had seven principals during itsexistence.All these are living 'andfourof-the six:former principalshave**promised to be present.Theprincipals,in the order‘in which theserved,are :J.N.Hauss,now super-intendent Thomasville schools;Wal-ter Thompson,superintendent Children’s Home,Winston-Salem;E.W.Godbey,editorial writer on Greens-boro News;A.T.Allen,superintend-ent Salisbury schools;H.E.Craven,superintendent Franklinton schools;W.G.Harry,member faculty Pres-byterian College,Columbja,S.C.AllexceptMr.Godbey and Mr.Harryhaveagreedtoattendthereunion.Former teachers and pupils andmembersofschoo)boards,past and!present,ar@ expected to participate intheexercises.Mrs.W.A.Eliason ofStatesville.who taught in the firstschool,and other former teachers areexpected’to make talks, Candidates—Few Have FiledNotice. Few of the county candidates havefilednoticewithMr.Z.V.Long,chairman of the county electionboard,according to the statute madeandprovided..But there is plenty oftime.The 20th—two weeks from to-morrow—is the last day.W.C.Wooten.for treasurer,M.P.Alexander for sheriff,J.H.McLel-land for register of deeds and Dr.W.G.Nicholson for--county commis-sioner are the Democrats.who havesofargivenlegalnotice6ftheircan-didacy..On the Republican side Thos.A.Kennedy for the House of Represen-tatives and Chas.C,Tharpe:for coun-ty commissioner have’given notice.Be it remembered that voters canfilethenamesofpersonsforwhomtheydesiretovote.and put them intherunning,if they can’t be suitedamongthoseintherunningoftheirownmotion, It is not yet positively known whowillbetheDemocraticlegislativeTheLandmarklearnsthatseveralnameshavebeensug-gested for the House in south Tredell,but so far as known no candidate isactuallyintherunning.It is under-stood that Mr.H.P.Grier of States-ville will be a candidate for a thirdterm,and that either Senator DormanThompsonorHon.W.D.Turner willbeacandidatefortheSenate.Later—It is learned that Mr.Z.V.Turlington of Mooresville will be acandidatefortheHouse. Plans-Fer,Memorial Day.The Daughters of the ConfederacymetTuesday.afternoon with Mrs.Sig.Wallace.Those who attended thedistrict.meeting in Salisbury’©thepastweckmade-reports-on the mecct-ing. Plans for Memorial Day were dis-cussed and committees were appoint-ed.Miss Mamie Gray,Mesdames F,A.Carpenter and John A.Coopercomposethecommitteetoarrangeforthedinnertobeservedveteransonly.Mrs.J.F.Carlton will see thatallveteranshavebadges.Crosses~of honor will be presentedtoMessrs.J.C.Brown,W.S.Eagle,John W.Guy.G.W.Holler,EdmundL.Josey,Thos.M.Phifer,Rev.FE.5,Pressly,J.D.Sherrill and A.Ss.Troutman. The Daughters are especially anx-jous to have the ladies of the coun-trv join them,as there are many el-igible_and so few who are members,They are requested to bring any flow-ers and evergreens they may have forMemorialDayandleavethematfootofthemonumentinttecourthouseyard. Prize Divided—Schoot News.A_vrize of $5 was offered for theschool.that had the largest per cent-age of enrollment in the parade herecountycommencement.Owing to theweatherandinabilitytoget.a re-port on it at the time,the matter jgjust-now being decided.Three schools~—Kestler,Morrison and Elgin—tiedforthehonoranditistobedividedamongthethree,A home demonstration club hasbeenorganizedatCoolppringacad-emy with 27 members,The Loray school will’close Tues-day.Rev.Chas.Anderson wil]maketheaddress.Exercises afternoon andnight.A Bible and flag will be pre-sented. ~-Mr.C.M.CreedmoretownshipwenttoPhiladefew-days ago,where,married Miss Martha FoofMr.A.L.Fox of Bethany town.ship,and who is nursing in a hospitalinPhiladelphia...Mr.and Mrs.Créed-more are expected home the first oftheweek, Hie D Tay di "yMonday:nex,daughter of | Schools to Be Cele.| i ter of 191 i tieProf.‘at that time entered upon a campajgn |rural route y|forth for more than a month,yet for|the month of April the average at- WILL REACH GOAL SUNDAY | Men's Bible Class of BroadStreet.Church Expects 100Members-——Concrete ExampleofChurchAdvertising. The membership committee of theMen’s Bible class of Broad Street.Sunday school held a meeting:at theofficeofW,E.Webb,Tuesday after-| plans to’bring thelassenrollmenttothegoalsetayearago,At that time the class roll,carried about 40 names and the av-|erare attendance’forthe first quar~|5 Was exactly 20:°The ¢lass” of aggressive effort to increase the” The main featureofthiscampaignwasnewspaperad-vertising and a system of follow-up ,versonally directed letters,“This was ,kept up for three months.The class'has waited for nine months to seethem|what the permanent effect would be fay that willTheschool;before making any statement as to,hours to thetheresultsofthatcampaign.The;class roll last Sunday showed 83namesandtherewere’55 present,There had been no speéial.effort put tendance was 48.In the advertisingcampaignitwasannouncedthatanenrollmentof100wasthegoalsetfortheclass.The committee,at themeeting.Tuesday afternoon,decidedonnextSundayasthedaytoreachthisgoal.The members of the com-mittee are confident that the enroll«ment next Sunday morning wilk showmorethanthe100setoutforayearago.This isa concrete demonstration ofthevalueofchurchadvertising.There is no auxiliary agency thatcandosomuchfortheChurchandforthecommunityasanorganizedmen’sSundayschoolclass.The whole Sun- day school at Broad Street churchshoaproportionategainwiththeclassinenrollmentandinattendance.Not only-has the class gained,buttheschool,:the prayermeeting,theregularSundayservices—all theseshowthegoodeffectsderivedfromthecampaignmadedirectlyfortheBibleclass. The above is furnished The Land- ‘Houstonvitte mark as a conservative statement ofthefacts.In this connection it maybesaidthatthenewspaper‘advertis-|ing campaign cost about $30.Last!Sunday the contributions from the|class amounted to $10.date a yéar ago the average contribu-tion from the class was about $3.There has been a noticeable improve-ment also in other church collections,especially for the.ornhanage and the }mission cause.So that placing the |advertising campaign on the lowest |possible basis—that of financial yo-turns—it has been a paying proposi-tion. In addition to the increasedtendanéeontheBibleclass,however,it is stated there has been a noticea-ble toning un and vigor in all the de.partments of the church work and in-|creased attendance on all church serv-ices,which are believed to be the di-rect result of the publicity cam-paign.The results in this respectcannotbeestimated. at- Candidate McKinnonin Town. Mr.A.J.McKinnon of Robesoncounty,who will be a candidate in theprimaryfortheDemocraticnomina-tion for Commissioner of Agriculture,was in Iredell this week in the inter-est_of his candidacy.:Mr.McKinnon is a prominent and|successful farmer of Robesorf county,and being a successful and up-to-datefarmermeansthatheisagoodbusi- Thésame?t ness man.He has been sugrestedforGovernorandotherpositionsofprominence‘in-the past,but being a}farmer he_has-decided_to be-a eandi~}date for the office he feels best quali-fied‘to fill;and people who know Mr.McKinnon believe he has’unusualaualificationsforCommissionerofAgriculture.Mr.McKinnon’s-candi-dacy has the endorsement of theDemocratsofhiscountyandcongres-sional district.io Fiag and Bible ForSchool. Statesville Councilsand_460,Junior OrdcanMechanics,will:present a_Bibleandflagto‘the StaxesvilleschoolsWednesdayafternoon,May|10th.at 2.30 o'clock.Following will|be the programme of exercises:Prayer by Rev.J.H.Pressly;songhytheschoolchildren;opening ad- Graded Nos.399,47erUnitedAmeri- graded Ll dress by Mr.C.B.Webb,chairman;Dresentation of Bible by Dr:_C.E.}Brewer,president of Meredith Col-|lege,Raleigh;acceptancé of Bible by}Dr.Chas.Anderson;presentation of|flag by Dr.C,B.Raynal;acceptanceofflagbyRev.W.A.Lutz;raisingofflagandsongs.Committee on arrangements:(C.M.Adams,council 399:W.R.Wiggs,council 47,H,EF.Lewis,council 466.Public cordially invited, The Dry Spell. The drought,the possibility of rainandthedamagefromlackofmoisturearesubjectsofconcern.Many pes-simists feel that ruin is at hand,butbyandby—soon,let us hope—therainswillcomeandallwillbewell.The oat crop seems to be sufferingmostfromthedrought.Fall sownatsarebadlydamagedandspringoats.a failure,they say,Wouldn't it bea joy,though,if agood,soaking rain would fall and theWindwould“lay”fox a season?This spring hag been noted for muchwind.But’possibly we'll have less wind next summer,; Pl THE AUTO MAIL LINE. Improve 4 North Iredell Section. The auto mail service,whichis to|’Davidson countyDutinoperationfrom.Statesville |actheConfederate veteransexcellentcountywhomightwish to attend thehasJong‘reunion at be to Houstonville July tst,will givenorthIredellsectionanmailservice,something itneeded.The mail will leave Statesville at8.30,after the arrival of the morningmail,und the line will serve Dunlap,|enceTurnersburg, ville postoffices,It is expected thatthemailwil!reach Harmony and 8 from these placessameday.While the..offices named Harmony and Houston-| d MailService For the'@ | | | | ;{ |now receive mail from Statesville the|same day it is sent out,mobile several hours earlier and if thecanbesentoHoustonvilleruralroutesthe same mean a gain of 24patronsofthese:routes,as mail sent out from Statesvillederthepresentarrangementdoes notgetoutontheseroutesuntilnextdayafteritleaveshere.If the routescanbeservedthesamedayitisex-bected that Statesville No.7,now alooprouteconnectingwithStatesvilleNo.4,will be served from HarmonyinsteadofbyNo.4.The Postoffice Department had al-so asked for bids tor an auto.maillinefrom:Dunlap via Olin to Jen-nings.Whether a contract his beenletforthisservicehasnotbeenlearned.but if the auto service is se-cured for this line it will not onlymeanbettermailservice»for OlinandJenningsbutthatthe»ruralToutesfromtheseofficesmayalsobeservedthesameday,a gain of 24hoursinthedeliveryofmailontheroutes.If these auto lines get in operationandaccomplishthe.work contemplat-ed,it will he all-important that theroadsbekeptinconditionifthecontinuanceoftheserviceistobeassured... To Improve Bostian Bridge.The railroad peop’2 are makingplanstooverhaulBostianbridge,twomileswestoftown.The character oftheworktobedonehasnotbeenlearnedbutenrincershavebeenatthebridgetakingmeasurementsandgath-ering data for plans.It is said thatconsiderableconereteworkwillbedoneandmuchmoneywillbespenttoimproveandstrengthenthepresentstraéture,ABostianbridge,as many people re-call,was the scene of the preatestrailroadwreckinthiyPartofthecountry.On the morning of August27,1891.a passenger train rolled offthatbridgeand22peoplewerekilledand26injured,some or the injured af-‘epward dying.Of the 50 people onthe’train only two escaped practicallyuninjured, The wreck,however,was not theresultofthebridgegivingway,Nonartofthebridgewasbroken.”Thetrainsimplyrolledofftheton,the re-sult of a rail being loose.is a substantial brickhasalwaysbeenregarpieceofmasonry, An Afflicted Family. A week ago The Landmark told ofthedeathoftwodaughtersofMr.and Mrs.J.B.Morrow.of Shilohtownship,They died the same dayApril25—victims of,pneumonia.At the time of their death theirvoungestbrother,Ralph,was ill ofthesamedisease,[ifs condition isimprovedandheisabletositupin bed. >Two.other members of thearenow-seriously iH:‘-phoid fever and the oldest son ofthefamily~Charlie——has pneumonia.A-telephone-messarre yesterday stat-ed that Mrs.Morrow was “very low,”while-her son’s condition was serious.Mr.Morrow is the only member ofthefamilywhohasescapedillness. Bottling Plant Changes Hands. Messrs.Z.V.Murphy of States-ville and S.E.Gates of Greenville,N.C..owners,have sold the States-vile Bottling Co.to Messrs.-F.L.Johnston_of Shepherestown,W.Va.,and M.G..Price of Burlington andthey-have-already—taken charge.Mr.Price will move his family here tosesoon,Mr.Johnston has no fam-FEY:Mr.Murphy has not decided whathewilldo. Church Items. Song service at County Home nextSunday8p.m.Bring ChristianMelperandChristianHarmony.Ey-ervhody-invited.,Preparatory service at Bethesdatomorrow,8 p.m.;communion sery-ice Sunday,11/a,m.;young people’smeeting,8 op.m.Communion sarviees at Concordchurch,Loray,Sunday morning at 11o'clock,Preparatory services beginthismorningat10,30 o'clock. After Jennings Carrier. The Postoffice Department has no-lifted Congressman Doughton thattheservices6fRuralCarrierWhiteatJennings,this county,are not sat-isfactory and that he will be remov-ed from the service unless he makesasatisfactoryreplytothechargesfiled.The chief inspector has ap-provedthe report for White’s remov-af. The charge is necrueltytoanimals, Structure and ded as a fine family Fhe mother has Vin glect of duty and 1The Chautauqua,which will behereJune22-28 will be held on theJenkinslot,next People’s Loan &Savings Bank, The bridge. by the auto-/eServicetheywillreceiveit)vmail|for a placeutontheHarmonyand|Claims. } un-|the | ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. the State. commissionersreedtopayhalfthefaresofallinDavidson Birmingham,Ala.,whichbeginsonMay14th. Bishop Kilgo will preside over theNorthCarolinaMethodist.Confer-5 this year.The Western NorthCarolinaConferencemeetsatGasto-nia November 8 and the North Caro-Jina Conference at Durham Novem-ietime toro out on the eo>-the The Hon.Jim Gudger of Bun-combe,who«after the manner of e@x-Congressmen has been seeking anoth-r job since he was retired by theotersofthetenth,is to be endorsedontheFederalCourt.of In Lenoir county Sunday two ne-gro children,5 and 6 years old,fellinapondandweredrowned;and insamecountythesamedayasmallnegroboypointed-a gun at a com-panion and snapned it and there wasafuneralnextday. James H.Johnston,the Cymber-Jand county lawyer convicted of theillegalsaleofwineandsentencedtosixmonthsontheroads,has beenpardonedbyGov.Craig,The Goy-ernor’s reason for the pardon is thatsmal]moral issue was involved. Giving way before the progress ofthetimes,the little house formerlyusedasalawofficeinAshevillebyGov.Zebulon,B.Vance,has been re-moved from its location.It will prob-ably be given a permanent restingvlaceonBuncombehouselawn. Two white State convicts,StarnesandMassingale,working on the StateCentralHighwayatRoundKnob,near Old Fort,made a dash for lib.erty a few days ago,Starnes gettingaway.Massingale was shot.threetimesbyaguard,but has a chanceforrecovery.’eeThecorporationcommissionhasorderedtheSouthernandCarolinaandNorthwesternrailroadstosubmit|a union station at Newton|to he built.upon the present site and ; plans for to be used exclusivelgerdepot.The plans must be pre-pared within 30 days. Announcement has been.made inSpencerthattheshopsoftheSouth-ern railway will hereafter work fulltime,six days and eight hours.Formorethanaveartheshops,and_es-otive department,vecially the locomhadbeenworking short time,somemonthsonlythreedaysaweek.Mr,W.E.Holt,section supervisoroftheNorfolkSouthernRailwayCo.,riding on a motor car,crashed throughtheonendrawoftherailroadbridgeoverTrentriver.at New Berne Sun-day.and fell with his car 20 feet in-fo the river.Being a good swimmer,Mr. saved him. The Postoffice Department hasabandoneditsannouncedPurposetoremoveJ.E.Ligon,postmaster atLillineton,Harnett county,from of-fice.He was charged with failure toanswercommunications~from:the de=partment.Congressman Godwin gotmattersarrangedandsavedLigon’sscalp.; As a result of injurieswhenanautomobilehewagturnedturtle.G.W.BarbresidentoftheGuilfordtionofGuilfordcounty,apital_in Greensboro Wednesday,saystheNews,Mr.Barbee was hurt Mon-day.He was 72 years old and is sur-vived by a family.:The negro janitor of a drug storeinGoldsborowasinthehedidhismorningchores,of mixingadramfromthegrainalcoholhefoundinthestore.The pitcher wenttothewelloncetoooften,By mis-take wood alcohol was taken for grainalcohol.The drug store has_anotherjanitorandthere’s a new-made graveinthegraveyard. Bud Lippard,;a-more or-less promi-nent citizen of Catawba county,heldalightedlanternclosetohisautomo-hile while gasoline was being pouredinthetank.—The machine wasn’tblowntopiecesandBudescapedun-burt,but the innocent bystanders—the small daughter of Tippard and aneighbor's daughter—-who were inthecar,were slightly burned,Charged with dynamiting a dwell-ing containing 11 sleeping people atOldFort,last’week.Alfred Boyce,colored,was arrested and held under2bondof$500.A house oecunied by11coloredpersonswaswreckedbydynamite,but strange.to--say--noneoftheoccunantswasseriouslyhurt.It is charged that the dynamiting wasanattemptat.wholesale murder,Gov.Craig has pardoned Roy Kil- y as a passen- received driving ee,an aged College _sec- ied in a hos- lian-of-Catawaba county,serving five,months on theKillianwasficourtundera roads for selling liquor.rst released by thesuspended.judgmentbutitwaslatermadetoappearthathewasguiltyofrepeatingtheof-fence and he was sentenced to theroadsforfivemonths.It is now saidhewasnotfruiltyofthesecondof-fence,hence the pardon. The commencement of the WilkescountyschoolsatWilkesboroJastSaturdaywasagreateventandwaglargelyattended:The speakers of theoccasionwereMr.J.Z.Green,StatelecturerFarmers’Union,and Mr,Archibald Johnson,editor of CharityandChildren.The reports for thecountyasawholeshowedthat744studentshad-not missed a day,duringthepastyear;that 140 were ‘perfictinspellingforthéyear,and “150 fin-ished the public ‘sehool course, appenings Here and There in county court} Holt got out,but that’s all that; habit,when’ BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL ——-Remeniber the meeting at thecourthousetomorrowmorningat10.-180 o’clock in the interest of the.coun-ty fair, —Mr,Frank Lentz,who lives ontheLeeMorrowfarmsouthoftown, NEWS. was chopping wood yesterday when .the axe glanced and.cut a.deep gashinhisrightfoot,extending beyond theankle,;—Mr.W.B.Gibson,left TuesdayforRaeford,where on Wednesday.he}attended a meeting of the Hoke coun-ty Union.From there-he goes to Ab-erdecn on “business for the Farmers”Union. —The local minstrels willMay26,with some attractive addi-,tions and changes,the play they gavelafewweeksago.It will be repeatedforthebenefitoftheStatesvilleAth-letic Association.*—The beneficiaries of the local min-strel show given a few weeks agohavepresentedDr.Chas.A.Turner,director of the orchestra,a handsomebaton.It is with silver handle. —Mr.P..P.Purnell,who has beenbookkeeperfortheCarolinaMotorCo.for some months,has resignedandwillmovetoFranklintontobe-'come assistant stiperintendent of theSterlingCottonMills.;—Mr.J.C.Brown thinks he hason{his place “in Shiloh “township thebrownrockityismadebytheSaxonChinaCom-pany of Sebring,Ohio,He has senf,the company .@ sample.&‘—While in the office of Mr.J.B.Foster yesterday morning Mr.O,8.Martin of Catawba county sufferedanattackoftheheart.Dr.E.M:Yount was called and Mr.Martin re-covered in a few minutes,ree—Mr,Geo.Ayers,who had beendo-.ing special police duty about the sta- returned to work for J.-C.Steele&Sons.Policeman Fulp is lookingaf-ter things around the depot.—The West Statesville coneJuniorOrderUnitedAmericane-chanics will present Bible and flag tothe.school at Loray Tuesday.Rev.Chas.Anderson and Mr.H,P.Grier.will be the speakers.Public invited.—The:Miller-White Company of.Mooresville has been chartered to doageneraldrugbusiness,Authorizedlcapitalstock$100,000,with $10,000paidinbyE.H..Miller,Joseph.A,|White and E.W.Brawzeyor Mooresville,i:~Mr.and Mrs.8.B.Miller and’children left yesterday for Sparta,Alleghany county,where Mrs.Millerandthechildrenwillspend.the esiavemer.Mr.and Mrs.C.Watkins the rented Mr.Miller’s house forsummer,‘—Beginning tomorrow week andeachSaturdaythereafter,the freightwarehousewillcloseforreceiptanddeliveryoffreightat2o'clock in theafternoon,The North Sproling:for:poration commission ha§authorizedthisclosinghour.fhe—-Friday evening of next week,the12th,“Fi-Fi of the Toy Shop,”de-scribed as'a “spectacular musical ex-travaganza,”.will be staged in theeradedschoolauditorium.P.W.Westerman.of Quincy,Ul,is -inchargeoftheproduction.”;—In a debating —contest betweentheCornelianandAdelphianTiteity|Societies of the State Normal ‘Cok.lege at Greensboro,Miss McBrideAlexander,daughter of Mr.andMrs,M.P.Alexander,representing theAdelphian_society,was a winner,*—Messrs.John Lewis and Sam.Brown went to Henderson yesterdaytoattendthe20thannualconventionoftheNorthCarolinadivisionoftheTravelers’Protective Asso¢iation,.insessiontheretodayandtomorrow,They represent the local association.—Mr.°Leigh Colyer of Charlotte,"landscape architect,has about com-pleted_his work of mapping and ar-ranging the lots in the addition‘Oakwood cemetery.Practically 500lotshavebeengradedandarereadyforsale.The addition surveys about37acres.7—Rey.B.F.Fincher of Paw Creek,Mecklenburg county,was in States-ville Tuesday on his way to StonyPointtojoinMrs.Fincher and little'daughters,Bennie and Daphne,whohavebeenvisitingthere.They willreturnhomethisweek.Mr:FincherwasformerlypastoratStonyPoint.—It is announced from CharlottethatbeginningnextMonday,May 8,;Passenger train No.24 on the A.T.fand O,,which now leaves Charlotteat6.10 p.m.will Jeave at 7.20 Dp.Mm.|This train is now due-in-Statesville-at|8.14 and the change means that itwillcomeanhourand10minuteslater~-9,24, ~The new doors which have beeninstaltedatthebuildingarenotonlyveryhandéoniebuttheir.arrangement prevents ‘col-lisions of persons going in._Comingoutyoutakechances,Going in-onlyonedoorcanbeopened-—that on ‘theright.Coming out both doors open.The regulations forbid the close ofexits.NEA,—While notice of the candidacy ofChas.P,Matheson and A.C.PayneofTaylorsvillewasfiledwithheStateBoardofElections,The Land-mark is advised that Alexantler:willnothavetwocandidatesfortheStateSenate.Alexander Democratic ‘on-vention did notfortheSenateand Messrs,MathesandPayne’s friends.will decide’whoistoretire.The other Democratic candidate in.the Alexander-Caldwelle)i:Burke-McDowell district will be Mr.J.L.Nelson.of Caldwell, repeat, inlaid mother-of-pearl or shale for which inqui-- tion,has resigned that position and front of the Federal ~ endorse a candi late ngewe staan seth apie i.ents yr Ott ANG PEN OREN Items of Interest About Various :Matters. In the five years from 1909 to 1914 the dyestuff manufacture of the Unit- ed States increased in value 27 per cent,according to the census report. .Profits of the Standard Oi Compa- ny.of New.York for 1915 were more than-double those of the>preceding year,according to an annual state- ment,of the company.Net earnings Of $15,761,663 show an—increase 0: $8,025,744.Ay The agricultural appropriation bill, carrying $24,500,000 and a rider pro- viding a new cotton futures.law,a uniform Federal <graingrading law and a Federal warehouse system,has been:passed by the House of Con- gress and is now with the Senate. Three persons were instantly killed| and eight seriously injured:by an ex-| plosion at the Yardville,(Pennsylva- i 0!re not voted for by|nia)Oilcloth.Works.ere were 25| TN ct its remarks might leave |people in the building at the time of | that,impression.lthe blast,which is.believed to have | **\been due to fumes of gasoline.The | papers,”remarked |entire building was destroyed. a citizen who had lived for six days|The Secretaryof War has notified | ~and nights under ~the sounds’that|Gen:-Funston;"in eommand ~on =the came from the ball park when the car-|Mexican border,to take military pre-! nival was in town—and had remained |cautions in addition to the Treasury| within hearing simply ~because he!Department’s supervision,to prevent, couldn’t move his house—“that a mob |ammunition and arms from reaching| in Cleveland,O.,wrecked a carnival.|any persons other than authorities of| Far be it from me,to encourage rl-the Carranza government. oting,or to feel elated when ‘the law-Europe’s purchase of,war mate-| less break out and smash things,but |rials in the United States totaled | sometimes I am sorely tempted to /$340,000,000 at the end of the first| excuse riot when I consider the prov-| —e +May 6,1916. f ON VARIOUS TOPICS. Iredell spent |000.building new S—-Headline in Charlotte Ob- .Multiply the $60,000 by ten and et you'll,have.it ot fead of casting their ballots for a pears -Wilson,—Democrats..of.__the ninth district will yote for W.M.Wil- son of Mecklenburg,and of theeighth for Mark Squires of Caldwell.—Hick- ory Record.: "and all Democrats.in the State who vote for President Wilson will also vote for the Mecklenburg Wilson and the Caldwell Squires;also for eight other district electors and for Messrs.Morrison and Carr,electors- at-large,all in the same bunch.The Record is of course aware that pres- “y'‘read in the 290 months of war,according to the | ocation.I don’t know what prompted |figures of the Bureau of Foreign and the Ohio mob,whether it’was objec-|Domestic Commerce.The heaviest tion to carnivals or simply a desire to month was last March,when more! riot.More likely it was the latter,|than $50,000,000 worth of munitions| for that is the way of mobs.But I’m |left American ports. afraid ifI saw a mob wrecking a car-|The Dominican Senate has voted | nival I would forget the duty of &\to impeach J.Jiminez,President of| gapd citizen to help maintain law and the republic.A motion to impeach| order;that if only the carnival was|the President had already been passed| the sufferer and no innocent bystand-by the Chamber of Deputies,it being| eré.were:involved,T would turn-MY+heged that the Chief Executive had! bagk and pretend I didn’t know what}violated the constitution in connec:| w@ going on.‘tion with the drafting of the budget. own at Monroe they’ve been hav-LRUIBE \aikoe pipes ot ents: r bi |..Po yr ©} the preachers preach on commu-|‘The record-breaking volume of traf. :.:epee ea carried by American railways in nity welfare with a view to stirring |y,Be a eee Gare thé community spirit.One of these |nee rove ‘was £94 railros e el mis was Rev.L.M.White,and |et revenues of 94 railroads were vo in i the introductory to a sermon |Per cent.greater:than for February; fohnded on the text,“Love thy neigh-|40 per cent.greater than in March. bor as thyself,”Mr.White said, reported by the Journal: “]make no apology for speaking on the subject of community welfare,be- cause I believe that it is a subject}Su r fundamentally religious,since it deals |has affirmed the conviction of David with the health and happiness of our|Lamar,referred to as the “wolf of pepple.“Religion in its highest and Wall Street,”in the New York Fed- fuflest sense,as Jesus intended it eral courts on charges of impersonat- should be,deals with human values,ing Representative A;Mitchell Pal- A;man or woman who professes be-Mer,enter Morgan and others with in- li@f in Christ must of necessity be-|tent to defraud.Lamar is under sen- lieve in the great fundamental prin-|tence to serve two years In the pen- ciples for which He stood.And let itentiary. remind you that those principles They had loved the same hive to deal with the physical and in-|Michael F'antorta won her and six teflectual and spiritual welfare of hours after the wedding ceremony earth and every individual.When a)paid with his life for his conquest. ss accepts Christ as his Lord and George Matzarelli,the loser,also Saviour,such a decision means that gave up his life.Each was the vie- he will respect his body,his mind and |tim of the other’s revoiver in a duel hig soul;and not only his own,but fought in the hearing of the bride and tle body and mind and soul of his {her 60 wedding guests.Happened in néighbor.That’s what Jesus meant uncivilized New York.‘ :He said:‘Love thy neighbor asi The recommendation of the board thyself.’”P .Jof bishops of the Methodist Episcopal That states the idea in a few words.;Church for an organic union with the, pec many good people think the|Methodist Episcopal Church,South, as |1915.and totaled $53,236,171,or $425 ja mile.The increase was greatest in| ithe East,where net revenues were 59 |per cent.greater than in March,1915.| The United States Supreme Court girl;| ,:‘|:St urch has nothing to do with com-'aroused great enthusiasm among dele-|scri ey welfare,with social .uplift;|gates to the General Conference,in that it is the preacher's business to\session at Saratoga Springs.This preach Christ,”as they put it.That’s |recommendation was contained in the the-preacher’s__business,of _course,|Episcopal--address,the formal utter-; but probably a broader view would}ance of the board of bishops to the figd a great aay Christ and relig-|conference.: jon in social and‘community welfare.| ee helping to make a better. cémmunity morally and materially; hgping to make a cleaner community afd consequently a more healthful munity;helping to make the com- nity more attractive so that those |Arthur FE.Reimer,presidential can- didate of the Socialist Labor Party,in (a speech at a meeting held in New York to ratify his nomination,de-| c \clared that,in the event of this coun- his followers would “block the man- COUNTRY.[Houme substitute for the entiz f|measure of self-government |riod to all bank employes each year,” ‘woman and for a long time was we i thene ‘thence S. 'more or less. |try becoming involved in war,he and} who live in it will be happier and bétter—these things are not all of re-| lifion.In some communities and h some people possibly who become ,ufacture and transportation of muni- tions to the troops in the field,”and would tell the capitalistic classes to do o¥er-zealous,that idea may prevail to,the fighting themselves. the.neglect of the spiritual part of}:LN ee man’s nature.Put the things men.received a check for $264,931.80 for tioned would seem to be the outgrowth ‘back and ;current taxes owed by of_real religion and a consequent part|Thomas Fortune Ryan,|iS of it.That is,if one is-a real Chris-|tains his legal residence in that State. tian he will want~to be~helpful—to| chelp make his own family and his!h : neighbors and the community better\t7¢public school fund. and happier;and thus helping all.movements for community betterment |taxes from 1904 to 1914 inclusive,and naturally follow.|he has paid up.But take note,will een —,you,of fees paid to officers. A Bad Man Killed.|Oldjo Cannon of Illinois,long a M.J 1 i imember of Congress and —former onroe Journal,|Speaker,will be 80 years old tomor- Walter Stack of the Tradesville row and his colleagues in the House, séction of South Carolina,who has;regardless of party,will cheer the figured’in shootings and murders for!old_man with congratulatory —re- s¢veral-years,was found Sunday af-|marks.Speaker Clark,Leader Kitch- ternoon dead in a new ground near!in and many others will talk,a special his father’s farm.Three bullet holes|hour being set aside for the purnose. Virginia offi- werein-his head and a great hole was |Mr,Cannon was_born in North Caro-.torn in one side where one of the bul-|lina but as he has never seemed toIétspassedout.Stack had been|be especially proud of that fact Thestayingateneofhisfatherfor|Landmark makes no boast of it. some time.Saturday morning he|he United States Supreme Cour left home to go to a farm adjoining,set aside a $17,000 verdict in caneteshisbrothers-in-law,the |jana-courts in favor of Mrs.Nora M. rker boys,owned.'Jones and her threechildren,against |?Stack has been one of the most des-|:z A ;S-|the Kansas City Southern.Mrs.Jones| perate men ever known in this sec-|js the widow of T.A.Jones,an en-| tion.He has been shot several times |pincer who was killed while operat-|.|d has.been charged with the killing |jp,PEA :.a -ing.a-train in Shreveport,La.,-in 1911.o -eh two men.He killed Ray-|The railroad claimed the verdict was:ae ¢c ame four oe ago but es-|excessive.The judgment was revers-| heey ee Mee th Mali years a£0|ed because the railroad “was denied |as tried for the killing of a ne-|the right to present evidence of al-|—gro-but-came-clear.~The -negro-was-tered contributory negligencefoundonStack’s own piazza.with two|cea bullet holes through his head,and!.+Oth >R the bullets were in the floor right|Two Killed in Strikers’Riot.Two men are known te have been}ere they cam f ‘s(h.p ©ouu UF be Mans killed,four probably fatally wounded| { head,Nobody believed anything ex-| _The State Auditor of Virginia has| who main-zr The fee officers_receive-$36,343.20 for. {their services and the balance goes to cials recently got after Ryan for back- .{662, cept that Stack did the killing,but he proved an alibi.Public sentiment was80arousedthathelefthishomeand nt further south.He became par- aliyzed in his right arm and beganpistolpracticewithhis.left hand.}Stack’s brothérs-in-law,the.Par- kers,are held for the killing.There had been bad blood between these for |a long time and it is said that theParkersweremortallyafraidofck, Whooping Cough.:One of the t successful preparations inuseforthisdis!is Chamberlain's Coughly.&W.McClinton,Blandon.Springs,Ala.,.writes,“Our baby had whooping coughasmostanybabycouldhaveit.Isatzat j foon rot Obtainable~where,him)well.”every-*Chamberlain’s Cough \Remedy and! and a score of others seriously injur-|ed Tuesday afternoon when a mob,, |said by the authorities to have been |composed principally of foreigners, ‘attacked the Edgar Thomson Works ‘of the Carnegie Steel,Company in) |Braddock,Pa.’A pitched battle last- ing an hour followed,during which, 1400 shots were fired,but the rioters, |were finally forced to retreat in the) iface of a deadly fire from the riot)@ guns and revolvers of deputy sheriffs| jand:plant guards. The riot was the climax of a day of} ‘disorder in the boroughs of Braddock|i and’Rankin,during’which mobs!|stormed the plants of four big steel|;companies,drove the workmen out/and then partly wrecked ‘the interior! pst the plants. BYTtSamsete see me 6 eeeDenne oro Phili neBill...eee. The administration’s fight forthe Senate Philippine bill,with its Glarke amendment authorizing independence for the islands within four years,Was defeated in the,House of Congress Monday night.Eee After voting 218 to 165°to’strike’ out the Clark amendment,the Houge by a vote of 251 to 17,passed asa measure theoragreaterin-the Philippines and~carrying-a_preamble declaring ‘the intention of the.-Unit- ed States to grant independence ylti- mately——but without fixing a date, Over the heated protest of adminis- tration leaders the House,by~a vote of 208 to 154,instructed its conferees not to agree to any declaration setting a definite time for granting the isl- ands their independence. Now the bill goes to conference be- tween the two houses with the oppo- nents of the Clarke amendment satis- fied that it is dead at least for this session.of Congress._Thirty..Demo- crats joined the solid Republican:mi- nority in defeating the Clarke amend- ment. Jones bill »providing Recommends Vacation Bank Employes. Comptroller of the Currency’John Skelton Williams has made a recom- mendation to national banks that willpleasebank“émployes—if their books are straight.In a circular to banks the comptfrolleminquiresshow many of their employes’have had a vacation in the past five years,and offers this suggestion: “Because most men are physically and mentally in shape to -performtheirdutiesmoreefficientlywhenthey have the benefit of a yearly vacation, and because of other obvious advan- tages,including the better opportu- nity afforded of having an impartial check made of books and accounts of all employes while on.vacation,be- sides the training given tunderstudies and assistants,the comptroller com- mends the granting of a vacation pe- For a eeeRN Defeated Amendmentto| Blood poisening,resulting’from aj tiny scratch on the nose,caused—the|‘death of Miss Janie Alston of Dur-| ham,aged 23. FEEBLE,ACED WOMAN Says Vinol Made Her Strong Grand Saline,Texas.—‘‘I am an aged and feeble but Vinol restored my health | and strength so that I feel almost young again and am doing all my housework.| Old people who are weak and feeble should try Vinol and know its merits as I do. strength and for chronic colds I have ever taken.’’--Mrs.FANNIE E.RODGERS,| Vinol,our delicious cod liver and iton | tonic,is sold on our guarantee to benefit | or your money wili be returned. W.¥.Hall.Drupgist,Statesville,N.C.| SALE OF REAL ESTATE, BY VIRTT Court of c in the gram, JE of a cCecrce of the spe entitled R. admini t J.A.Ingram,wes ds am and others,the un- dersigned commissioner will,on MONDAY.MAY.22, at 1 o'clock,p.m., whest bidder,¢ille,North Carolite< 1916, court house door in}.the following de-| Yoining the lands of 1d others,and bounded as follows: at a stone,Ingram’s corner,on the|7.C.Railroad,end runs N.7 degrees W.|20 poles toa stake +-thence N.-5 degrees E.124|poles to a stone,Bost’s line;thence N.87 de | grees .thence S.91 poles te stone poles;thence S.64 poles;}-s W.8 poles to a doubled 48 degrees W.28 poles;| 40 degrees W.19 poles;thence 5S. 25 degrees W.12 poles;thenee with the rail-road to the beginning,containing 46 acres, Levi! Be-| hickory Second Tract--Beginning at a stone on therailroad,Ingram’s corner,and runs N.31 poles to a sto Ort poles to a white oak; 13 1-2 poles;thence S.51 degrees IE.1:poles| to the railroad:thence with the railroad to the| beginning,containings one acre,more or less, being the Jand bought of G.W.Clegg,com- missioner,and others,in the sale of JacobRankin’s land,oxcemting an half acre solit to Riley Stuart.Third Tract Adjoining the above tract,be- white oak,Parker's In- :thence W.7 1-2 poles to a 81 poles to the railroad;railroad S.55 degrees W.31 5 degrees W.20>poles tovawedofaditch;thenee N.5 de= grees E,124 poles to a pine on Levi Boest’s line:thence cast with seid Bost’s line 28 poles to a red oak,Bost’s corner;thenee S.to the beginning,containing 24 acres,more or less,Kor fuller description see deed of Jacob Par- ker to J.A.Ingram,Book of Deeds 13,page in Iredell county;excepting,however, from the last mentioned boundary,about’one acre sold to ‘phos,Kineaid, Ternis of Sale -One-half cash on day of con- firmation of sale and the remainder four months from date of confirmation of |sale. Deferred payment to draw interest from date of confirmation of sale.o&.W.INGRAM, Commissioner. D.L.Raymer,R.T.Weatherman,Att'ys. April 18,1916. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the estate of S.Emily Campbell,deceased,I hereby notify, all persons having claims against her estate to present same to me on or before April 7,+ 1917.N.J. R.B.McLaughlin,Att'y. April -#;~-1916--* GAITHER, Executor. Newest,quickest train to Texas! Leaves Memphis 9:30 p.m.Arrives Dallas 11:15 a.m.ArrivesFt.Worth 12:50 noon The only line operatingsolidtrainsbetween MemphisandTexas Cotton Belt Route all the way:—no change of cars,no missing connections.omning train leaves Memphis 9:40 m.TrainefromtheSoutheastconnectat Memphis. Low Fares to Texas,LouisianaandNewMexico. H.H.Sutton,Diet.Pass.Agent, 109_W.,9th Street,Chattanooga,enn. It is the best medicine to create |&|| |BUILDING?C..WATKINS. »Now-akias with their strong traction tread give you _a surer grip on the road and enable _.you.to drive-with confidence and safety. The Price Is Less than that of plain tread styles of several other+standard makes:: The biggest service organizationintheindustry(morethan00Fisk Branches).is back of every tire, ready with Fisk FREE SERVICE for every dealer and tite user. lish Tires For Sale By CAROLINA Motor Co. Statesville. 8 Dan V The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary (.Boshamer, Local Representative, ’Phone 125 Black.It.aw. OSOE8 Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots.*WE sellin any quantity.WE sell the celebrated Gold Medal Flour.WE sell Sweet Feed for Horses and Mules. WE se!l Sweet Daisy Feed forCows..WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and Cotton Seed Products.WE SELL FOR LESS. WE pay CASH for country Corn and Oats.WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop. ’Phone No.88.114'E.Broad St. @|,BEI W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same.Locks “andGunsrepairedandKeysfitted.In fact_anything in repair line.er Phone 209. t Cc.WATKINS for “Everything to Biild With.” Full Stock—Lowest—Prices. Shingles,Doérs,Windows,Ceil- ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.. “Next Planters’Wh-,Statesville. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7tc. per pound,Light Brass 5c.per“FOR SALE: ‘New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER. Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. poun NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the es- tate of Maggie T.Hoover,deceased,this is to notify all persons having claims against said eatate to present them to mhe*on_or before the 28th day of March,1917,or this notice will.be; pleaded in bar of their recovery.,All.persons| indebted to the said estate will please make im-| mediate Bettlement.S.A.HOOVER, March 28,1916.Administrator, Another first of the month has passed and_you have not been pestered by this store ‘with a grocery bill:Others could enjoy the same pleasure by adopting its CASH PLAN,and at the same time could save a substantial ‘amount on each purchase they make.Compare these prices with what you have been paying and see if paying _CASH does not save you morey! THE GRAPE tractive prices. 42c.,pint bottles 22c.,small bot- tles,8c. MISCELLANEOUS.: Loose Sweet Pickles .... JUICE *SEASON ies IS HERE!- I have a large supply.of the cele- brated Armour’s Juice at very at- Sour Pickles Olive Sandwich Cream Cheese Quaker Oatsbottles,ahCriscoQuart Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes -Boiled Ham 28c.qt. Van Camp’s Chili Sauce Wesson’s Cooking Oil. 10c.,doz.18¢,‘bot. 20c.bot. 24c._Ib. .25c.can. 20c.peck. 38c.peck. 38c.Ib. If you haven’t tried the Coupon System,suppose you get a book.You will like it,for it is the most convenient way to pay CASH!The books are $3,$5 and $10,on which is given a 2 per cent.discount.: The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, “The Store of Better Values.” has SERUNG,but it has been anything but “gentle”in its land-~ ing. With its sudden shifts from mild,balmy d it is the most treachercus season_of the ye human system tt It is therefore up te us keep the syst2m so regu:ar retain its normal condition. of this varyins;and wearing period. ays to cold,bleak days, ar and sorely taxes the to supplement the efforts of nature and ted that it will be proof against the ills Our:high-class Prescriptior Department is always at your call with the HIGHEST of QUALITY,SKILL and SERVICE! PURITY,FRECISION..and PROMPTNESS come first,last and always “On the,&quare.”POLK GRAYD - RUG COMPANY ‘On the Square.” O0 0 PO T oP ST S S8 0 TT P P P T F TI P S TI S SO I IS S O SO S IS S I O S P C SO N ee e er i s e s s e e e e e e e e t e s e e e ee e ee ee e be e ee T O T t e N e e OF STATESVILLE,N.©.. Capital Stock Paid in - Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 31,500.00. Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three -months or longer. .D.TURNER,E,MORRISON,D,M.AUSLEY,@.E,HUGHEY, OFFICERS: President, Vice President, -Cashier, =:Assistant Cashier.med nat oneTUNIOTN Mt.Airy,N.C.—Mrs.Sarah M.CrapIlofthistown,says;‘‘I suffered ‘foriveyearswithwomanlytroublesstomachtroubles,and my punishment‘was more than any one could tell. Itried ‘most every kind of medicine,but none did me agood., l read_one day-about Cardui,the wo-n’s tonic,and |decided to try it,ifnenbutaboutsixbottlesunfil§-was ‘almost cured.It did me morethanalltheothermedicines|hadied,put together,soo|My friends ‘began asking me why 4lookedsowell,and_|told them aboutCardui.Several are‘now taking it.” |Do you,lady reader,suffer from anyoftheailmentsduetowomanly.trouble,such as headache,backache,sideachesleeplessness,and that everlastingly tiredfeeling? If so,let us urge you to give Cardui a in|Train (No.21 ounraintte2).Sey also|Train ‘No.1,wee j 85,Train No,86,east-bouin/No.»22,-east-=at}in No,12,east-bound,due 6:56-No.36,east-bound,due 10.50ANDTAYLORSV:Charlotte,Train No.16 ar.9.60,leaves 10.85 a‘Train No.24 ar.8:14,ve 814 p.From.Taylorsville.Train No,23 ar,10;00,leaves 10:40 @TrainNo,”15"ar.6:40,"“leaves 7:05 p.Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Mrs.Vanderbilt Sells 50,000 Acres to Uncle Sam.Asheville Citizen, Mrs.George W.Vanderbilt,by the terms of a deed signed April 24,has transferred about 50,000 aeres of val- uable timber land in the Pisgah areatothe!United States:government for about $5 an acre,the purchase.price amounting to something in the neigh- borhood .of $225,000,Shortly after the death of George W.Vanderbilt about two years ago,Mrs.Vanderbilt made SP e r r e r Ey PA YING COUNTY.CLAM Claim For Damages,RailroadUnderpassandRiverBridge. The following items were:passed ,bthecountycommissioners’at.theirregular*monthly meeting Monday:Court house,court and county offi-cers——H.C.Cook,janitor,$45;RB.P.™|Allison $1.80,Statesville Tin Co.$5,-.|85,W.E.Munday $4.25,Edwards & ‘|Broughton $55.69,Statesville PrintingGo,$46.90,Home Electric Co.60 cents)Virginia Stationery Co.$18.06,J.A.Brady $5.50,all for supplies;CityLightDenartment,$12.54 for lights; *!Carolina Motor Co..$5 for auto hire;Iredell Telephone Co.,tolls,$8.42;Alexander county,$53.85 costs in John Grier case.County Home and paupers -—Sher-man Goforth $4,Thomas.Runard $6, '$10.Eagle &Milholland|StatesviNe Drug Co,$7.75, |Mills $15.90,J.S.Waugh & |69,Home Electric Co,$4.09,Laz |Montgomery Hardware Co. W. $0.20, CLAIMS. | WRITE A POSTAL CARD NOW4 Subscribe For Stock in the Fair| Without Waiting to Be Called.| Correspondence’of ‘The Landmark, If Iredell’county is going to have |a fair this fall,and it seems to.be the |general opinion that we should have|one,it behooves us to get busy on|this proposition at once.It will take|some time to get this matter arrang-| ed;-and plans made to make a ‘fair a‘success.The committee having in ~charge| the raising of stock,has a man—Mr.| 1,N.Payne—-who is trying to see the farmers,but this will take some ‘time, as Iredell county covers a big scope)of territory,and for one man to try to cover it makes it a long and te- dious proposition. The committee has fixed a price of John Salmons and wife $4.all for |$10 per share.It is certainly within femporary relief;J.B.Waugh:&Co.)reach of every man,and every prop-$64.38,|erty holder in Iredell county,and heT.|owes it to himself as well_as his coun-Co.$15.-|ty to buy at least one share of thissotyy-|Stock. The idea has gotten out in some!iSmith &Brown $8.41.J.C.Steele &|way that this money is being sub- |Sons $2.20,Statesville|$25.89,H.S.Douglass $5.70,C. | 1 Home $65,D,J..Kimball $1, Grocery Co,|seribed without any hope of any re- L,|turns. |Clark $53.38,Presbyterian Orphans’|¢y should pay,and pay well,in divi-S.W.|dends to the ‘owners thereof,besides| Stimson-$2:62;-J>W=Johnston -&Son being the-means of promoting a ‘fair,| As a matter of fact this mon-| MICHELINUNIVERSALTREAD Tire Like It _For All-round “Service } Note the:Heavy.Broada“Cortract with the government by| which an option was given on 80,000 acres of land. Flat Tread wie$4.35,J.M.Lippard $5.50,all for sup-|20d of doing an immense amount ofplies:W.C.-Perry,‘superintendent,|00d to every farmer in the county.|yah avai wiwfag You| Combining All the Advantages of OtherNon-Skids of Both the Raised Tread ard the SuctionTreadTypesCarolinaMotorCo. . 1B qmite naa inhoe 2s JBt¢ SS SS Ss ort Eq LE E EP T E E F I T T P F E E P FS PE P DB P FP T P E P E E B R E L E D T I E T A T Z TS é hhSSaa Misses’and Children’s Ladies’House Wash Dresses,Dresses, 48c.and 98c.98c,-$1.25--and--$1.50. Johnston-Belk Co. Something New Every Day.” NEW PALM BEACH COAT SUITS,NEW EVENING DRESSES,NEW SKIRTS, NEW WAISTS. Silks,Georgette Crepes,Crepe De Chine, Crepe Meteor and Charmeuse. Our Sales on the above have been beyond our ex-pectations.Why?We Sell For Less. LADIES’FINE FOOTWEAR.we Another installment of poruey Dodd’s new styles «just in., SILK HOSIERY. Kayser’s and Gordon’s celebrated makes,Black, White and all colors,48c.,98¢.,$1.25,$1.59,$2.00. WHITE GOODS OUR SPECIALTY. An elegant line to select from at prices very »:/;attractive,.Gate) FIVE CENT COUNTER LOADED WITH:BARGAINS.—- Apron Checks,Dress-Ginghams,Prints Scrim.and Lawns.= When out shopping drop in.We will take greatpleasureshowingyouthroughwhetheryoubuy or not vol 4+ vo bats |iy{ |||| || itorium at Harmony and wire:féf;our -enroliment.-Let’s “show our ap=}screening doors and windows for new!Preciation by the largest enrollment|dormitory of Harmony Farm Life in Mr.Doughton’s district in the his-|i School.,torv of the work.| The following schools made appli-|The only condition attached to this| ‘eation for new buildings:District No.|offer is that the winner must beable\4.Barringer township;district No.4,/to enter the A.&M.College in ,the|‘Olin,two rooms;district No.1.Da-.fall of 1917,or the scholarship will be! lvidson,three rooms;district No.1,P2@ssed on to the best record boy who | Union Grove.two rooms;district No,i8 able to enter at this time. 2.Eagle Mills,two rooms;district Wishing:you success,and honing’No.1,Chambersburg,three rooms;You will do all in your power to help‘district No.5,Bethany,two rooms;!¥S get a large enrollment.in your! ]trial..We fee}confident it will help you,just as it has‘a million other women infhepast-halfeentury;------ ‘1 Begin ‘taking Cardui to-day.won regret it...All druggists,\The property lies entirely within|$45:R.BE.Freeze,farmer,$35;Lewis Pek claim she Tredell county is.a Write fo:Chattanooga Medicine Go.,Ladies’|Henderson and Transylvania counties |/“ckey and wife,$20 for salary;Ire-|Sader in everything taat is good.Iffaey.:|s teAdvisoryDept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for Special ‘i ‘pre 4+|dell Telephone-Co..$11 for telephone|this is the case we certainly cannotonyourcaseahd64-page “Home |and a large part of it is covered with p S :aff :sforWornan’in plain weacper N.G.124 |virgin timber.The land that the gov-|from July.1915,to May 1,1916.afford to fall down on a good propo-te ae Shas .:|James Knox and wife,colored,re-|‘ition like this.‘ernggent has purchased will form part).!;i Wear :iFtiAwanlachianitreneind:for |¢eived as inmates at County Home.)Every man in Iredell county knows,';of the Appalachia est reserve for |),.*vith :hich thousands of acres of timber)10S.Rupard:and wife,Ed.Bailey Without having Mr.Payne cal!onellsBoredorDrilled.|**'c*|him,how'muchiiand.bave been -purchased -in.-the|and Nancy Bailey,colored,were put)him,how much stock he can afford toSoutherntountatne,jon the pauper list.buy.58 why wait for Mr.Payne to The improved well boring and |te W.Clampit,J.B.Good-|Bre oe ns i co pastydrillingmachine.We make bored jin,J.W.Wooten,J.B.’Armfield,|Nosal card and.write Mr.Payne,Mr.wells from 12 to 24 inches diame-WOMEN SUFFERERS |Preston Lackey,M.M.Millstead,all,2.1.Sronce,Mr.F.T.Meacham,Mr.tae GNA Gane thai.WIth wocd UE {were given exemptions.|.A.Morrison,or myself.how many terra ¢otta,Drilled wells from 4 NEED.SWAMP-ROOT*Jail ‘and prisoners--C.L,Gilbert,|shares he wants and sign his name totoihodiameteraniroaeheeaeSRccamaieetaealcasing.»These‘wellscanbemade |tor drugs;J.M.Deaton $6,Ed.|“»5ome .eumecrsee |ike depth of 350 feet,‘all on Thousands upgn ‘thousands of Wo-|White $13.39,W.A.Brown $2.45,all ‘Si7n a regular subscription blank.Inseetlinde.write It-you are in neal men have kidney and bladder trouble |fo;conveying prisoners.j ;this way we can.find out exactly howOtik-well.and néver suspect it.¢|.Miscellaneous —C.E.Sloan,$11.-/™uch stock will be taken.without|Se Wonten’s complaints often prove to}50 for road sign boards;Dr.Ross’Mc-|waiting for Mr.Payne to cover the!SETZER.&HUNTER,|be.nothing else but_kidney-trouble,or,eiwee,county physician;$50 salarv:|¢ntire county.tMay'5,2t.—w.Troutman,N,GC.°|)the result of kidney.or bladder disease.)Mgoresville Enterprise,$4.50 for,ad-|_Inasmuch as it is already conceded|:|If the kidneys are not in a healthy|vertising;W.J.Matheson,Z.V.Long that a fair is a good thing,and that|_oon ey may caaag the ether or-}and D.L.Raymer,$4 each as mem-|W°must have it in this county,let us|THE gans to ees iseased..,,|bers of election *board;G.EF.Dull,!take up this stock and get busy in a}You may suffer a great deal with |egunty demonstrator,$50;E.—G,|business-like way.So reach for thatROYALHEATERpeeintheback,headache,loss of am-|Gaither,$256 for insurance.|pen right now and write that postal)eat ee may be de-|The matter of an underground way|62rd.-aa:nu rritable.junder the railroad at the Meeting |ours very trulyThe‘‘Royal”’is a Range _Don’t delay startin treatment,Dr.)street:crossing was left with Chair.|W.L.GILBERT.Boiler and Water Heat+|Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,a physician’s|man Mills.he to confer with the rail-|«so infaren|eerincombinationand|Prescription,obtained at any drug |road people and the city authorities.|Scholarship For the Corn Clubisdesignedtotakethe|8tere,restores health to the kidneys;In the case of D.M.Honeycutt and|Boys in This District.placeof the old-fashion-and is just the remedy needed to over-|J.D,Atwell.who are claiming.dam-| ed method of attaching |°°™®such conditions.|ages on account of roads,the matter |a pean come Gish Hoya:::fi Get a fifty-cent or one dolla~bottle|s apemey”Nn:OOS as |It is with pleasure that we are ableanindependentheaterimmediatelyfromanydrugstore8oetoChairmanMills.|to.announce to you that Congressmantothesideofanordi-Ilowever,if you wish first to try a es to :the proposed Lon RL,Doughton of the eighth congres-:;;bridge across Yadkin river,to be lo-!.strict haa ;.nary range boiler.Micneroutiprepirat 1 ||sional district has offered a one-yearzyoe1sgreatpreparation,send ten cents|ented at either the Harris or the!.Rolarshipatonthaen M ,The ‘‘Royal’’can,be/|to Dr.Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton,N.|Teague:brid :.|Scholarship to the A.&M.College to:!:8 7 ague bridge.J.B.Roach is given}the p his district making the besinstalledatasupris-|Y.,for a sample bottle.When writ-|.;:aay ::|the boy in his district making the best1pritigbA-gurd and mention.the State authority to thoroughly investigate |tocopd in the Corn Club contest for pety bw cost ane mal!‘ill Semi-We ek 2 i :ames-/and decide which is the more practi-_1916.This scholarship is worth $45.|parla hor walee avery VICE ResWi Cenly aendmark:cal of the routes.This igia liberal offer ort the part!our of the day an |ae *whe |y a ‘r |night at an expense SHINGLES |Want New School Buildings and |(i,Congressman Pe perma ricneeaureachof}Improvements.jdo his best...It is not yet too late to|he average house own-The county board of education,at |join,so.urge your friends and neigh-|er or renter.C.W A |KINS its meeting Monday,agreed to fur-/|bors to send in their names at onee,|Installed by 3 nish paint to finish painting the aud-before Mav 15th,the date for closing| 2 gradesat $1.40 square2 :W.E.Munday.|vrades at $1.40 per square and up 114 E.Broad St.|Phone ®5__|-Fresh Vegetables OU WOULD HAVE SALAD {| every day,if you once tried New Tomatoes, New Beans, New Potatoes, New Cucumbers, New Cauliflower, New Celery. 5, district Na.2,Bethany;district No.county.Tam, 3,Concord;district No.6.Chambers-Yours very troly. burg;,district No.2,Sharpesburg,__T.E.BROWNE, new room;district No.3,Statesville;|West Raleigh.Agent in Charge. ‘district No.8,Coddle Creek,new ;. room;distriet No.4,Davidson,new ‘room;district No.4,‘Chambersburg, two rooms;district No.5,Eagle Ra Eye |,Curtain wa.ie Na It is choice enough for the finest salad ‘dressing,as delicious as any ,oil you ever tasted,and so much cheaper you can use it for cooking, too.It makes.a smooth,delicious mayonnaise that.“stands up’well and pleases everybody. We've got anything you want tomakeasalad—as well as WessonOil.‘|Miller-McLain Supply Co. a maarserms JUST RECEIVED. Se Fresh Potato Chips. Boiled Ham. Ree Enrollment in Corn,Pig Poultry Clubs. oe UN :Iredell has 41 corn club members |;Mills,two rooms;district No.3,col-.for the 1916 contest,five members of | jored,Chambersburg.two rooms;dis-’pig clubs and 125 members of poultry|ifrict No,1,colored,Shiloh;district clubs.The club enrollment closes| :oe ;friet No.1,colored,Shil “ae PLONK 212 ~~"|No.4,colored,Chambersburg.May 15 and there is yet time to in-|'.;|The board was asked to forma’crease ticaareniberaiin Mae De THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS,ee district in Eagle Mills township.Iredell young folks should be enrolled|imuvnacirsemnenaticheseeepartfromJoynerschoolandjnal]the clubs,especially in the corn | ;part from Rock Springs.and.pig clubs. |1 Enrollment in other nearby.coun-!| \ties is as follows:Alexander has 11|During 'the month of April Mrs.:corn ‘club members,one in pig club ;Vera Jones,nurse,visited 71 white and-none in poultry club;Catawba, j and 4 colored:made nursing visits to has.12 corn,21 pig and 83 poultry; |46.white and 4 colored;made four!Davie six corn,one pig,none in poul- |Weighing visits to whites;instructed try:Mecklenburg 47 corn,51 pig and 116 white mothers:visited 18 new and 76 poultry;Rowan 29 corn,12 pig) ;24 old patients.white,and 4 new col-and—18-poultry:Wilkes,71 corn,25) |ored;referred 4 white bapfes to phy-“ig and 72 poultry;Yadkin 16 corn,| |Sicians;had one death and attended:1 nig and no‘poultry.\ one operation;buttermilk furnished)TJredell is second in the State in the. }one natient and ten pieces of linen list of poultry club members.Dur-| |loaned;fruit and food furnished two ham‘county has 206 and Johnston.115.| |natients;one child taken to Caswell No other county has as many as 100. |Training School and one girl placed In corn club membership we are-sur-;jin school.vassed by ‘20 counties anc by many Mrs.Jones reports hy-more in pig club members.©\ |giene leagues are doing excellent The total enrellment in the State! iwork in the school —and_that.Baby to May.1st was 2.965 corn club mem-. |Day was.a great day for Statesville.bets,1,223 pie club members and 1,-|Since Mrs.Jones had been away,this 618 poultry club members. rreport really covers a period of the|last two weeks in April. and Mighty fine line of Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bro.,The Sanitary Store.- SPRING AND_SUMMER"READY-10-WEARS! We are showing a big-line of Wash Dresses and Skirts! priced from 50cq up.Also have in another shipment o WOOL SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS! Our $1°Waists are very popular and.extra values for the price.. CHILDREN’S WASH-DRESSES,BOYS’BLOUSE SUITS,for all ages!Price-25c.,48¢.and 98c. PALM BEAC!i SUITS!—$3.48 and up!Summer Dress Materials in 11 the new fabrics. Truly, J.M.McKee &ComSTATESVILLE,N.C. Mrs.Jones’Report.Beef For Less.R I sell Beef for cash and do not deliver.The customer is-given the benefit.iniprice of what it would cost me to keep books and deliver. || |i}Restaurant:Meals at all hours. TIT want all and new lones.: C.B.MORRISON. my old customers that the Breakfast.Bacon.:°ame Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. 114 East Broad Street. ee, Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123. The Kind of Help He Wanted. T icnleentay7een ae Ladies’Home Journal. routman Commencement.Ah‘-elderly negro had been run over|Correspondence of The Landmark.by a-Awagon,and an attorney had!|The commencement exercises of the rushed to the hospital to get the case.|;Troutman High school embrace May The)sufferer looked at him coldly and) \7-9.Following is the programme:said:| Sunday,May’7,10-a.m..annual set-!°“Go ’way fum me,white mane’—]:|mon by Dr.R.L.Fritz.president of ,.“Bat I want to help you,”persist-Lenoir College.Monday evening,ed the;lawyer.| May 8,8 p.m.,,contata and debate.The old darkey showed a gleam of|== Query,“Resolved,that the public interest.“Does yo’?”he asked.The|high schools of North Carolina should lawyer volubly assured him that such | provide for vocational training rather was the case.| than the general training?Tuesday “Den,”said the victim,“yo’go out; ‘morning,May 9,10 a.m.,graduating :f fin’dat man dat run ober me an’ exercises and literary address by L.bus’his haid open.” Berge Beam.superintendent,Lincoln er a '{eounty schools.Tuesday evening,8,,Henry Williams,colored,was fined||play,“Village School Ma’am.”$2.50 Wednesday fo automobile|The public is cordially invited to speeding on the Boulevard Saturday.| |those exercises.Squire Moore yesterday required| =.%25!-bond of Bob Benson,colored,to| “Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done Wonders apedr in Iredell Superior Court andForMetanswerachargeofassaultwithin-|“T have been a sufferer from stomach troub-le for a number of years,and although I have tent to commit rape on a colored wo- man..used a great’number of ‘remedies recommend- ed for this eomplaint,,Chamberlain's Tablets&is the first.medicine that has given me posi-;|tive and lasting relief,’writes Mrs.Anna IE!yott are troubled with chronic or mus-} Kadin,Spencerport,“Chamberlain's [cult rheumatism,give Chamberlain's Lini-|Tablets have done me and/IT ment a trial.The relief from vain which it} value them very high]|where.alee BUILDING?C.- 108 West Broad St | pany, -DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. —Office-in—People’sLoan-and— Savings Bank.Office phone 494.,.Residence,451 Black. WATCH FOR THEPOTATOBUGS And start in time withapackageofSLUGSHOT,the best In-secticide you_can getforallgardenuse. Try it for lice on yourrosebushesandpottedplants.Get it at <—-—’PHONE 89,-—— Eagle &_Milholland. prreny ¥ Handsome Clocks!||_ Clocks that we have been selling at $5.75 now have.to be sold for $7 and they are going higher still.Don’t you think you had better buy one now_beforetheyareanyhigher.We have just received a newlotofSethThomasClocks.The‘handsomest designswehaveeverhad.We would be glad to sell you one, R,H.RICKERT &SON,eer,JEWEEERS. JUST RECEIVED. A fine line of Berlia&Jones stationery,the latest in writing paper.Come and examincit for yourself.Also a nice line of’ pound paper. L |Rheumatis { aceite N.Y, wonders fory.”Obtainable every.oférds,is alone worth many times its cost.e Obtainable everywhere, WATKINS.‘BUILDING?_C.«WATKINS. we tas Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. nrsecinmnmmpnonefvnigientliy!*FPER:,war Fee sopobiy * READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS.MEN.0 Le FRE SIT arrte.|ba eae ih eee pe eee nanememngeery apeenees met pore .DMARK |0%&,Dobp’s TROOPS FIGHT Sie ie We OR AND _OWNER. LISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. 420.BROAD _STREET SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ‘Engage Mexiean Bandits at Dif- ficult Place —Two Americans Killed —Fifty Mexicens Kill- ed-or-Wounded. g2.00}A dispatch from the headquarters “""ro0{of the American troops in Mexico ++80+tells of —another skirmish with ban- its,t :May 5,1916,dits.The report says There was man-to-man i ca r land some of the Americans went up :_THE DIFFERENCE.{the mountain side with knives in their ->Those in favor of Preparedness and teeth,during Col.Dodd’s battle with those in sy of er wees Rea ee bandits on-April 22 at Temo- :ss have talked a great deal.chic. as fact is that no one has ever|"“Tt was the devil's own play- really said he was for peace at any |ground,”was Col.Dodd’s description |horeé.‘ie ‘struck price.“Mrs Bryan-has.stated that he of this battle in~southwestern Chi:|thicket:You know I believe that fel-was for peace at.any —price—save,huahua,among towering mountains,|low was Villa.and I think it’s a -dern- honor,and so are most of the people.|where:150 bandits sought refuge.ed shame for him to be running aboutThoseagainstBryanhavedistorted;For two hours Dodd’s troops of the |in this county that way’. his statement and left off the essen-|Seventh cavalry fought from an im-|"«f went on back to bed then,’the tial part,of it.Bryan is not for |mense hollow,with bandits on Cres)solicitor aaid:He didn’t even invem peace if the price is dishonor,and he|sides,charging deliberately —over}tigate :: has.said so.--Greensboro Record,|ground marked with bullet puffs in'the|“°" The Regord is right.If anybody|dust all abeut che ae ps W.S.Proctor believes that Be has ;‘ta nt anw nriee”they have-|Mexicans had their exact range,They;discovered.another El Dorado i Pug peace Bh any pire Bey nave cunt for at least 50 bandits kill-|western North Carolina in the shane n't said much about it.The advo-|od or wounded,against an American!of a gold mine on Brown’s mountain,i,cates of preparedness—-some of them |loss.ef.two dead and three Mayes by near_Candler,Buncombe county, ©.“ri s Wavice TOMS me was ted by—charge all who do~net «agree with)One Mexican woman was wound 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS.'ernie ,..at!Dullets.|them swith being in favor of peace at)Two nights before this fight,the, ;c For Member Board of Education. I hereby announce myself a candidate for |:any price..On'the other.hand,the |Ameriéans overtook the bandits at the extreme opponents of preparedness Yoquiyo mine,where they ee ly-re-election as member of the County Board ofdenouncethose.who favor being pre-/ing about camo fires,telling the nA-|Roucation,subject to the action of the,Deus dd,1916..ith |tives stories of how they claimed tO |ocratic primary June pared as advocates of war and with have whipped the Americans at Co-|May 5.D.W.LOWRANCE. trying to involve the country in war..‘lumbus and Guerrero..They showed|Per Chante Neither side states the case accurate-|big lumps of gold and Silver taken)1 hereby announce myself.a candidate for.‘from Mexican towns,which they as-J.county commissioner of Iredell county,sub- ly of course.A few may favor and serted were svoils of war.Shortly be-|Jct to the action of the Doreora he Primary doubtless do favor war for what they fore midnight an outpost ran int ,1916.J.M.DEATON, would expect to get out of it;and probably a few would aceept peace y es h May 2,1916.breathless,exclaiming:“The Ameri-| cans are coming inl” *%ok r 1 Seores of dark formsunderalmost’any conditions offered.|ipeouch the firelight,ba But neither of these elements repre- 6sentthecountry. The great mass of the people are in ten minutes the whole;mund had galloped out of town.When}in the Primary, opposed to war and do not want war if it can be honorably avoided.The the cavalrymen came in sae foun May 2,1916. two American mining men,a Mr.Sey-Deereferthandanotherwhohadpaid$2-)7 am oes tea sel ses rey ae faethe000ransomtothebandits,and whose j position of member of County Board of Edu- _difference..arises.in.where to draw!ee Pee a been saved by rhe ee ee pombe ee cline the line.Col.Roosevelt his”(The ie caietara purged andl ene May 2,1916. school insist that we were long ago gaced as reported.):| dishonored in Mexico and by Germa-:By ry,and others add by England.Mr.ANOTHER ZEPPELIN RAID. Eryan.and his school insist that Me Gerinnn Air Ships Visit CoastOf course of the -vovernment-is-earryime} us into war. ministration is satisfyin®neither .these elements.But it that.the great majority of the people will agree that the administration is foll@wiag the safe It nas eortainly been patient,but sometimes cven patience ceases to bea virtue. telling that:Judge the Superior Court Mr.W.D.Siler,lawyer of Chat: trict,has been advised that Villa.is] in the wilds of Chatham county.Col,Tom Bost thus relates the storyitheGreensboroNews:ig Mr.Siler was called from his bedat4.80 in the morning several.days, ago by a”prominent;citizen.of ~his, Pee ee ee eee ee EE Yer City,to find something.that need- 'ed investigation. Siler said.“He said:‘Walter,as [| came along the mountain.over-—-yon- der about 11 miles I saw a fellowstepintotheroadandTturned”my Commissioner, For County Commissioner, iy ddl I hereby announce my candidacy for theeaped|office of County Commissioner of Iredell rles blew and|county,subject to the action of the Demo- bandit com-|cratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respeetfully DR.W.G.NICHOLSON, and For County Superintendent of Schools, ;I hereby announce myself a candidate for i re-election to the office of County Superin- tendent of Public Instruvtion,subject to the action of the Demoerstic primaries June 3,1916,R.M.GRAY,|April 28.:NL:aaEnglandandScotland—Thir-|reel ty-Six Casualties.i.LT hereby announce myself a candidate forsstheofficeofSheritYofIredellcounty,subjeet‘to the action of the Democratic OTIS GAITHER, The course of the ad- of|,.'srobable|“Zeppelin air raid on the north-iprobable’cast coast of England and southeast,*Rey on J.;eoast of Scotland Tuesday.night tre-:ee __ 'gulted in 86 casualties.The official|For County Superintendent Schools.‘report from the British war office To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:ees °|Tam a candidate for the office of Superin-es Oia tendent of Schools,subject to the action of the “The Democratic primaries.If nominated and covered jelected,1 pledire to the schools of Iredell coun. eastern coast.At least five or six are eS cuaecnit neeHard-;airships actually crossed the shore.’:bench,|“Reports from,reliable observers/ Buncombe:|Made at various times during the ‘a t at many poitits,some as far as Rattray Head,Seotland,| down to the north coast of Norfolk, would pointte the possibility of a)1 herety anaounce ncandidate tas ‘greater number of airships having Register of Deeds of Tre:subject tobeenemployedoffher.coasts.The the action of the Democ BSB GSarSsprdbythematprimary,.1916.|enemy,however,made only two at-...N.\ is course. Zeppelin raid Tuesday night a considerable extent of the For County Treasurer.Tam a candidate for County Treasurer,sub-ject to the action of the .Wemocratic primary,June 3.1916.R.FL RIVES.April 25.i ing of new holding worked a week on Buncombe county! roads during a at Black Mountain.-Tne judge,howev- er,djdn’t have a chain on his leg nor did he make the acquaintance of a } court ia vacation spent For Register of Deeds. f ine Troutman, Ham County and ‘solicitor of “his dis-7~ county and told to come uptown,Sis} “When I got there}1 found my man who was éxcited,”|” |solicit the:support of the Democratic voters|{- primary,dune [- out through .the}.. Brings Unbounded Joy and Health To the Whole Family ——-- augnter of the youngsters—the and the great outdoors If you enjoy the | gladness born of sunshine —if you thrill at.the eyes and rosy cheeks sight of their leughing,sparkling shones—if you wish,no back and Iet —be one of the w and then,that the years would turn you he one af tl=1 yerRedesd TX}An Overland will do it! An Overland will take |out with them—let you share with them the pure,frcsh air—make your eyes sparkle and your blood tingle with the joy of living. Acride in this $695 Ov :convince you of itspower,.comfort and exceptior .al case of control. This can be arranged over telephone—call us up today. -Carolina Motor Company,STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. i BROWN,Fallstown Town:} hargemend strap during his labors;tempts we eee ae ship. t bes sf IOUT yh )s Jere e peandheGoxubtiessstoppedtoblowcon1overeelocalerac when he feltNike its his |“nembeé is diffeult to give,since honér’s road service may give hima ;fell in uninhabited felléw feeling fore road workers ApS Ce aN the sea.In only |1 spele locality did the raiders cause Lang casualties or effect much damage. ‘Whe casualties totaled six men—one y somebody down Mt Greenshorp*of them a seldier—and three women ugpested that they’chase ,Villa ;killed,and 19 _men,including three Gthe blandhecuwa.‘This cause .,_/Suldiers,and eight women,injuréd,a,ith blesdhounds.This cast “is pass total of 36.| ed to Col.Fairbrothcr,who is direct-!“The remaining:70-odd bombs oc-! ed to enter judgement in his Record 'casioned only two casualties,one sol-; accordine to the merits of the propo-dier and one child slightly injured.ee .|The damage effected—on a_store- sitign.house and a few cottages—was most-' ily broken glass.\ |“The raiders only twice came, |within range of any anti-aircraft ar-| tillery.On both occasions they re- treated out of range without delay.”| |Another dispatch.says a German Zeppelin,-L-20,was completely de-| royed on the coast of Norway.The} However, ArherWUTC ‘4,Fire in Raleigh. Ttte which broke out in Raleigh about ¥o’eloek Tuesday morning, origmating in the frame livery stable f-fid.Chappel,om Wilmington ~stredt,did damage to the stable and surrounding property estimated at $109}000.The heaviest ee Jobgir ‘ship was damaged when it ap-|P.Wyatt &Sons Co.,.whose fine)peared there and collapsed in the sea.|store building and big’stock of agri-|Three men were rescued | evitural implements and eevee is :| were completely destroyed.Their dam-Deas .ee asill oxeeed 860,000,fairly well Préacher After Tax Dodgers.| covered by insurance.The _brickstorebuildingofFrankB.Stronach| adjoining,occupied by J.H.Pool, wholesale grocer,was practically de-strayed and My.Pool’s stock ruined. Ed...Chappel,the liveryman,lost a large quantity of feed and four fine horses.The Watson Mule Co.,with stables back of the Stronach build- ing,Managed to save their stock but; they uilding was destroyed.Hobby’sstables.which ran back of the burn- ed buildings,were damaged but all of the animals were removed to places of safety. It/looked for a fime as‘if the local fire,department would be unable to handle the situation and Durham was| asket for help.Durham firemen re-: spotided but the fire was under con-| trok-when they arrived.: The Shot a Signal to Vacate. Taithe Catfish settlement of Cline’s| township,’Catawba county,Saturday night,at the store of George Sigmon,| a number of youne men started a row: and Quint Isaacs broke a quart bottle,~—of-vinesarover Marshall Dellinger’s| head,whereupon Dellinger’s gun came| inté play,and Isaacs was shot,the|2ggravated form of lying,asballhittinghimintheside.It struck |Were sworn to.=a-rjb-and_caromed_around—underthe— skin a bit and lodged in his hip pock- et.The freak performance of the!bullet probably saved his life.As itisi.isn’t @gurt much.‘Tne store was | crowded with men when the first shot was fired and though the second shot came immediately afterward,there was nobody present,says the vera- cious chronicler of thé Newton Enter-i 8prise. Lexington Dispatch.i In a sermon that bristled with pun-|gent truths,Dr.William Black,at: First Presbyterian church last Wed-| nesday evening,took occasion to pay. ‘his respects to the tax dodgers.He! remarked that tax listing time was! now at hand and plead with his hear-! ers to make an honest estimate of the|worth of their property.Some men,|he said,would -give in théir house-| hold goods at $100,including a $400 niano,and if they should happen to! be burned then claim $300 from the insurance company,A cow that was sworn at tax listing time to be worth only $25 would immediately jump in value to $75 if she should happen to wander ona railroad track and get. killed,While paving his respects to ‘the tax dodgers,Dr.Black remarked |that the way the people of the coun-'| railroads through unjust claims was’ a shame.Ife said some folks would ask $15,000 or $20,600 for an imma- terial injury that probably the road things he put down under the heads A report from Linville to the.Char- destructive forest fires was in the re-| gion of Edgemont,\on Wilson’s creek, terminus of |western railway.The extensive works jabout four miles fbove the town,were President Can’t Come to Char- 4 lotte. Eageritent Wilson has finally decid-ad that he cannot attend the 20th of ay celebration in)Charlotte.|He had hoped to come if conditions.per-|mitted,but.has concluded’that ;the | state of the public business.demands |Barringer has sold a farm containing|his attention in Washingtan.254 acres.at Barber to Mr.A.C.!The Charlotte folks‘are trying to|Summit of Catawba county and the|Fe another,_Speakerprominence,” fand other buildings,and seven ing timber fish were ki farm at an Gdrly day, |county,subject to the action of the Democrat- |try had been trving to break up the,.& was in no way responsible for.These |4 of plain lying and stealing,or rather|& they |g Bad Forest Fire—Fish Killed.|§ lotte Observer says one of the most /£ the Carolina &North-é of the W.M.Ritter Lumber Company,’ )destroyed,including the camps,barns.= or|eight miles of their railway,By The water in Wilson's creek was so!§|heated by the fires and so much burn-|2 falling into it that many| ed.\@ ifTheSalisburyPostsaysMr.E.B. of national |new owncr,is going to move to this {E April 23.-4 TI hereby announce myself a candidate for County ‘Treasurer,subject to the action of the: Democratic primary,June 3,1916April25.W.H.HUNTER. For County Treasurer.{ i For Sheriff.To the Democrats of Iredell County:!hereby unnounce myself a candidate for the Democratic nor ation for sheriff of Tre- dell county,and will greatly appreciate your support.Respectfully,'April 25,H.L.GILBERT.|Sees ;For County Treasurer.| I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-! fice of County)Treasurer of Tredell county,| subject to the action of the Democratie prima- ry,June 3d,1916,and respectfully solicit the support of the Democratic voters in the pri-mary.R.J.BRYANT.|April 25,1916. DU O P O T T T O T OA FI O R D Ta “ee For County Commissioner.I am a candidate for county commissioner,subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER. April:21,1916. For Register. To the Democratie Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announee my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primary.J.H.MeLELLAND,April 21.Mooresville,N.C. For Treasurer. 3 ’CY tbs Th.NATSHere’s the “Line”to Line Up With Bore you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivateyourcorncropwithourPREPAREDNISSSLINE, UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE. IREDELL HARDWARE COMPANY. To be sure of crop,NEW To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: WAMOaafiMeeaCe TC I_hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofCountyTreasurer,subject to theactionofthecountyDemocraticnominating primaries,to be held June 8d,1916.Will ap- preciate your support.Respectfully, W.C.WOOTEN,. Bethany Township. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce my candidacy for the »f- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-ry June 3,1916.Wm.H.MORROW. April 18, LET YOUR NEIGHBOR SWAT FLIES- :BUY SCREENS FROM C.WATKINS ’Phone No. LIST CITY TAXES! I will be at my office in the Court HouseduringthemonthofMayforthepurposeof listing the City Taxes for 1916.The law re-} quires.all property owners to list their prop- erty during May.So please call and ‘make ret ds—early_as_possible.ee W.J.LAZENBY, May 2,1916.List-Taker. April 18, 9Oe For Sheriff.TI am a_candidate for Sheriff of Iredell ic primary,and solicit the support of—the Democratic voters in the primary.April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. MILLINERY! We are showing a compicte line of Millinery,con-sisting of Hats in Hemps,Lisere,Milans;also Flow-ers,‘ancy leathers,Quills,Ribbons,in all thé new colors. Panamas From $1.25 to $3.50:Leghorns $2 to $5. Come,see and get prices.>MRS.MARY SIMS.< Pa SPECIAL SALE ———OF——MEN'S $2.50 and $3.00 SAILOR HATS Choice,$1.49. PHONE NO.83. AcHawesvouGal HATS |SHERRI STRAW SAILORS.| LL-WHITE SHOECO. a MII ATG OMITRT TUL OTRAS N TL LL erTD TiS _New Line Spring Suits,Hats, _Shirts and Neckwear. \ ALL THE LATEST in these LINES. Call early and look through.Will take pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or not.| |Respectfully, ¢ “purely a business one THELATHEA UBLIGHED |BDAY AND FRIDAY. “Personal Montion ofPeople and:‘Their Movenients,: ice Andefson is at home‘ake’county.She taughtLinApexschoolthepast session,.Mya;Carl Matheson,who had heen [ARK Miss Baumeister and Mr.BarnesSocialEvents,\ a large photograph ‘of Miss .EllaKathleenBaumeisterofJacksonville,whose engagement.to._Mr.._Floyd_C,Barnes.of Jacksonville was announc-ed a few days ago..The marriagewilltakeplacethelatterpart’of May.Mr.Barnes is well known here.He was reared in Statesville and for several years he has spent.a_portionofhis.summer vacation in this sec--yisiting in~Mooresville;-spent—Wed-|tion-of North-Carolina:For the past nesday.here with relatives and left+ma her-home-at-.Taylors- ville.é Y ; Mr.Alex.Sharpe,who is visitinghisparents,Mr.and Mrs.Jno,M.Sharpe,returns tomorrow to his homeatRadford,Va.Mra.William,Morrison and MissCorrinneMorrisonwenttoAshevilleyesterdaytospendseveraldays.Mrs Weedon.of ‘Detroit,Mich.;is here to spend a month withServereet,Mr.and Mrs,R.E.Arm-eld.Mrs.\R.L.Jenkins and two chil-dren of Radford,Va.,are’visitingMrs.Jenkins’parents;Mr:-and~Mrs.Jnq.M.Sharpe.’Mr,and Mrs,W.G.Morrison,whovisitedat.Mr.J.W.Ward’s,return-ed,Wednesday to their home inWilkesboro.Mr:Jim Watts and family,whohad;been -visiting at Taylorsville forsometime,returned ;Wednesday totheirhomeatOklahomaCity,Okla.Mr.Walter Watts accompanied themhome,Dr.E.A.:Hall left Wednesday for Wyoming to visit relatives.Miss Altie Corpening went to Le-Lenoir Tuesday,where she will spend until Monday with friends. rs.C.E.Keiger spent TuesdayandWednesdayinCharlotte.Mrs,John Lindsay,who spent afewdayswithMrs.W.G.Lewis,leftTuesdayforCharlotte.Mr.Clarence Stimpson and Mrs.E.G.Gilmer left yesterday for Louis- burg to visit relatives.Mrs.Stimpson and.little son,Clarence,Jr.,will ac-| company them home Monday. Rev:J.A.Smith went to Montclair, S.C.,Wednesday,to spend a_weekwithMr.Williamson.Mrs.P.H.Hicks,who has been vis- iting her sister,Mrs.E.M.Hicks,leaves today for her home in Denver, Col.After a few days there she will join Mr.Hicks in Seattle,Wash.Lat-er they will go to San Francisco and sail from there to Honolulu for a stayofseveralmonths. Mrs.E.D.Brown will return.to morrow from visiting relatives atKinston. THE CLUBS CONSOLIDATE. Change in Meetings at Vance— Personal Items. Correspondence of The Uandmark. Statesville,R-4,May 3 —The meet- ing at\Vance last Saturday night wasandattended only by the members.The two clubs—Vajice Progressive club and theLiterarvSociety—have consolidatedandwillbegovernedbyonesetofof-ficers.-Miss Bona Canter is president. Mr.Rob.Starrette vice president and Miss Martha Carter secretary.A programme committee of three was chosen-—Mrs.A.E.Whiting,Messrs.David White and Grier Sherrill. The meetings are now being held on Saturday night for the benefit ofthefarmersofthecommunity.Theclubwillbepleasedtohaveevery one come tothe meetings,and in that way show their interest in the work. The attendance has been steadily de- creasing since the meetings beganonSaturdaynight.The attendance for the coming Saturday night will decide whether the mecting night is to be changed. “The vrogramme for next meeting,May 6th.will be,“Resolved,that Go- Jumbus deserves move honor for dis- covering America than Washingtonfordefendingit.”-Grier H.Sherrill and David White for affirmative;Frank Proffitt and Burt Eidson for negative.Miss Martha Finn Carter is visit- ing her sister,Mrs.N.A.Beaver.Mrs.Coral Murdock spent the week- end ‘with Mrs.J.Henry Johnson atDiamondHill.Mr ‘.and Mrs.Jo.Gamble and Mrs.Marthe Gamble and niece of Davidson.Mr.FrankWhitakerandMissSelinaWhitaker ten vears he has been engaged in the wholesale -erocery—btsiness”in Jack= sonville and has been quite success- ful:Mr.Barnes and Miss Baumeister,both of whom are talented vocalists, er churches of Jacksonville. Miss Willie Nicholson entertained noon. ed,Two.courses.of refreshmentswereserved.The out-of-town mem- bers present were Mrs.C.H.Weedon of Detroit,Mich.,Mrs.Marion Sea- brok of Sumter,&.C.,and Mrs,LouisKaufmann.of Danville,Va.Miss Lu- ev Nichols of Muskogee.Okla.,who is a guest. Mrs.G.E.French entertained at three tables of bridge Wednesday af- ternoon in honor of Miss Luna Thomp- son.who ‘isthe guest of Mrs.Pegram A.Bryant.The high-score prize,a 'by Mrs.B,B.Webb.Miss Thompsén {was presented with -a hand-made handkerchief.A salad course and iced tea were served;followed by cream and cake. The Statesville Cotillion club will give its second dance Friday night, tra. The Macdowell Music this afternoon.at 4 ojclock with Mrs. Dorman Thompson. formerly of Statesville, the tenth anniversary of their wed- \day afternoon by entertaining —the board of:deacons of Tabernacle Bap- tist church,of which Mr.Maddry is ipastor.A number of other guests |were present.| ,Boys. Correspondence of The Landmark. las the Mitchell property,is being {moved back on the garden ijmake room for a beautiful Colonial mansion for future generations |McElwees.lihere stands a very rotten panel of fence,which nature has covered with a luxuriant growth of honeysuckle.|Within this vine there is a nest in, {which a mother mocking-bird has \laid her speckled eggs.|As the workmen employed to clear CEDAR ‘the ground and move the fence ap- |proach this himbler home,two boys, |knowing of the nest,become inter- ested and the mother bird has two staunch defenders.The boys are de- termined to save the birds.They an- vroach the subject with caution and diplomacy.A large red maple stands ‘at the rear of the house. |“Are vou poing to cut down the big tmanle?” /it.”is the reply. }i erod vanel.The boys grow bolderjandringthefrontdoorbell.Another inest is about to he—not moved—hut/destroyed.Two more weeks and the fbabwv birds will be hatched and ready ito flv.|“Save the birds!”thev plead. |The order is given.the workman ‘saws the connecting board and that;varel of ~fence,honevsuckle, 'ones’wings are stronger,and birdies |two shall fly away.” |Statesville is justly proud of jbut-more than all should she be ;proud of such boys as these.|May 4,1916.A.J.C.W. |Glory to the bovs who saved the mocking-bird’s nest!and may theit -A-WEDDING...IN..FLORIDA. |A recent:edition:of the--Florida!Times-Union of Jacksonville contains sing in the choir of one of the larg-| the Why Not club Wednesday after-| Bridge and hearts were play-| box of correspondence cards,was won| \the 12th.Music by Salisbury orches-| |{ club meets | Rev.and Mrs.Chas.E.Maddry,| celebrated | ding at their home tn Raleigh Mon-| BOYS SAVED THE BIRDS. ‘How Twe Boys Saved.a Mock-. ing Bird’s Nest—Honor to the| The old Waddell house,now known| lot to's of| On one side of the house| ‘They ask,| “No,not if we can avoid! The workman nears the vine-cov-} 7 nest,||bird.ees and all stand till the “wee her, ‘homes,her trees »nd her song-birds,: of Salisbury.visited relatives in this;tribe increase.The Landmark is en-| ae Dearth eases ae eA RE nee }[Rev.W..ArLauta Withdrawg, To the Bditor of The Landmark:—©Owing to sickness in.my family,I .|find it impossible ‘to..get out ‘amongthe:voters,as I should.JI thereforewithdrawmynameasacandidatesuperintendentofpypblicinstructjon.J}also hereby thank my,many friendsfortheirencouragementand.proffer-ed support.Fam always wilting tohelptoimproveourpublicschools,school property and secure better gal-aries for the teacheys when.J gat ..*® i Chas.Ex MeIntosh,whé has been|ehief,clerk in.the State Department of Education for”some years,hasbeenelectedsuperintendentofthe Hickory graded schools.Mr.McIn-;tosh.succeeds Prof.Chas.Staley .at |Hickory. |CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED |with LOCAL APPLICATIONS,as”they|eannot reach the seat of the diséase,|Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis-ease,and in order to cure it you musttakeinternalremedies,Hall's Catarrh|Cure is taken Internally,and acts di-rectly.on the blood and mucous surfaces|Hall’s Catarrh Cure isnot a quack|medicine.It was prescribed by one ofithebestphysiciansinthiscountryfor|years and.is a regular prescription..It|i.composed of the best’tonics known,|combined with the best blood purifiers,acting directly on the ucoussurfaces,The perfect combination}the-twoingredients “Is what produces;such wonderful results in curing COs]visiting Miss Love Walker,‘was alsoj,tarrh.Send.for testimonials,free.|E :J.CHENEY &,CO.,Props.,“~“poledo,Ov|.Sold by Druggists,price Tic, |(ADVERTISEMENTSin this column 10 contaperIme.No ad,taken for less than 25|cents,Cash’must accompany order,)| /FOR.RENT-+Furnished room close in.’Phone 483 Greey.*May 5-~lt. FOR RENT—Cottage with lights,baths,ete. |M.P,ALEXANDER,May 5 |WANTED—Those who have Handwork to sell,|to see or call MRS,W.J.POSTON,309 W. Front Street.:May5—-1t. 'CORN—We are in the market for Shelled |Corn and will pay highest market prite,cash.STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.Mey 5, ++ |FOR RENT—Store building on south Ce street,near depot.Terms:$12.50 rmonth,cash in advance.W.A.BRIS’. |May 5-—~2t.8 |LOST—From--Jitney--between-Statesville andOstwalt,a Handbag,Reward for return \toTHELANDMARK.May 5—-it*. |NEW CROP|nations.PARK{"Phone 285 Black.May 5---1t. |FOR SALE—Will sell 125 Men’s and _Boys’ |Suits for 50 per cent.less than wholesale;cost.W.LL.SMITH,Statesville or Bloom- field.May’6. |HONOR,Stateofferedfor‘service. bly be transferred and this is the last sea-son.May 2-ot. FOR RENT—Five-room Cottage on Traddstreet.R.P.ALLISON.April 11. NOTICE!- You are hereby forbidden to trespass,in any on my property,known as the Wallace ISIDORE WALLACE. ,™FOR SALE —BARCAIN! One nearly new International Gasoline En- wine,4 to 6 Horse Power,and Motor Truck combined with Wood Saw,complete,at abouthalfprice.Half cash,balance 6 months’note. :JAMES E.THARPE,Statesville,-N.-Cy POSTS CEMENTPLASTER|LATHSPAINTSSTAINS C.Watkins]Statesville,N.C. May 5—it. LIME VAs the administrators of the ‘estate of W.'W.Wilhelm,deceased,the undersicned wilt bidder,on FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916, a lot of personal property belonging to thelateW.W.Wilhelm,consisting of Farm Machinery,Warons,Saw Mil!s,Gin,Corn Mill,Threshing Machine, Reaper,Drill,ete. Sale will takep lace at Plyler place,on Buf- Planer, falo Shoals road and will begin at 10 o'clock. B.N.WILHELM,i.MORRISON,| Dorman Thompson,Att'y.Adm April 21,1916. nistrators. handsome Sweet Peas and Car-|PLACE GREEN HOUSE.| Farm Percheron Stallion,©is;This hourse.will proba-, MARKET REPORTS.|,|; [neemStatesvilleProduce Market.The following prices were pald yesterdayforproduce’on the local market, Spring Friers,20¢.er tb,Ola Hens.12:1e2¢,nan tb.Exgs,16c.per dozen.Roosters,6¢.per Ib.Butter,16¢.per Ib.Beeswax,25c.per Ib,Green Hides,13e)per Ib.9Huis,16c.to L7¢e,per Ib.:Sides,18¢,1b,: Shoulders,13¢,.Ib.,New Red Honey,ler to 12 P.,per 1b,Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to 18c.per Ib.Irish Potatoes,$1 per bushel,°,Sweet-Potators,70c.per”bushel, Graiz.The following prices were paid yeaterday | or grain on the local market: Wheat,$1,30--per—bushel.Corn,(new),70¢.per bushel,Oats,55c.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 12e. pound was paid for best grade cotton. d. THELYRICTHEATRE TODAYPAULINEFREDERICK .\—-ln— “The Spider” A very fine ParamountPhotoplay. SATURDAY ENID.MARKEY hy “ALOHA OE” Also Fatty and Others —in— “A Village Scandal” The program for thedayisanexceptionally_fine one.Remember ‘SALE OF PERSONAL Property.|Captain Jinks of the sell at public auction,for cash,to the highest Mules,|Cotton | “that Saturday’s pictures_are the best. MONDAY ANN MURDOCK—in— Horse Marines” Positively one of the season’s best offerings.‘THE |LYRIC THEATRE per |4 EXPERIENCE AND EQUIP- }MENT! Our complete equipment,large assets and many years’banking experience here,-assure you of aea most complete banking service. Make this Bank your headquar- ters. ie fm a y Tn sp e Re n n e r i ee e re a Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent'Paid on Time Deposits.U.S.Depository. ‘Here theyare again— THE NEW WIRTHMOR’S at $1.00 Oa_sale tomorrow aren att {|“Ideal”| community Sunday.Mrs.D.L.Webb’s condition is not improving. Notices of New Advertisements. Handbag lost,reward.Return toTheLandmark.Gasoline engine and motor truck for sale—James E,Tharpe. Men’s ‘and boys’suits at less thancost—W.L.Smith,Bloomfield.Sweet:reas and carnations for sale.—Park Place Green House.:Trespass notice.—Isidore Wallace.Furnished room for rent.—’Phone 483 green.Store building near depot for rent. —W.:A.Bristol.Will vay highest market price for com.—Statesville Flour Milling Co.Call or see’Mrs.W.J.Poston if—you have hand-work for sale.Cottage for rent.—M.P.Alexander.Fof re-election member countyboardofeducation—D.W.Lowrance.Special on Palm Olive productions. —Druggists.-———Woltex tailored summer’skirts. _Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.‘Plants for bedding,roses and ferns. —Batringer’s:Greenhouse.; _Screen doors hung with Yoose pin hinges.—Lazenby-Montgomery Hard-ware Co.,Wirthmor’s $f waists on sale to- morrow.—Mills &Poston. e ;covrared to hone that there are other}Fireless : ‘boys like that in Statesville and that! \there would be many more if they) |were given a hit of kindly instruc-} tion by their elders—were encourag-; ‘ed to save the song hirds,were shown| (ones it means to the community to);save them and how needlessly cruel| |itis to destroy them.Aga%,congrat-| |ulations to the bovs who saved the! mocking-bird’s nest.4 Cook Stove Marriage of Miss Maves and} |Mr.Trexler at Cornelius.|j Correspondence of The V.andmark.i A very pretty and impressive mar-| riage ceremony was that at Corne-! \lius at 8 o’clock Tuesday night,when|'Miss Eloise Elizabeth Mayes and Mr.|for éach : {Zebulon Baxter Trexler were united|compartment— jin marriage.|steam valve— |To the strains of |Mendelssohn’s|water sealed wedding.march,rendered by Miss!top—pure Lillian Bagwell of Loray,the bridal|aluminum party entéred the parlor,where,|be-|lining— fore a bank of evergreens,the cere-/|seamless mony was performed by Dr.B.Hob-cooking son,-pastor—ofthe—bride:—The—bride+-eompartments———-}-— was betomingly attired in a traveling|‘pure aluminum suit!of midnight blue_taffeta,and|utensils— special Etiereet Separate lids and lireever Qualitity. jetter-to the manufacturers, Whitchouse, “After giving the a thorough trial,I dind it to he all that was less Cook The “Ideal”ig mot the cheapest Fireless Cook Stove in price,beeause it is the best in qual- y and cheap price are strangers. But_the “IclessCookStove,because it will Tast Tonger and give be You have given'the Fireless Cook Stove some complished daughter of Mr.and Mrs. G.S.Mayes of Cornelius..She waseducatedatStatesvilleFemaleCol- lege and has for the past three years carried a bouquet of bride’s roses,|Mrs.Trexler is the pretty and ac-!saht1formula,thought. |strata-laid |insulation—|beautifully |finished come very delay the day that will bring you so much rt.When you have had an “Ideal”a week you will wonder how in the world you ever got along without it. Made in One,TwoandThree Compart-— ments. Ten Sizes Roasts Stews Bakes Mrs.E.Spring Green,Wis.,says: “Ideal” represented, other have superior to any Stove I seenwor used.” leal”is really the cheapest Fire- tter service than any we know. Don’t longerwomanhas, Really,now—you You always get more than your money’s worth when you buy a Wirthmor Waist The reason why they sell so well Is not the least bit hard to tell. They are simply — ‘better Waists| Yes,better by far than the ordinary dollar Waists or Waists frequently costing considerably more. distinetion—originality—character—all these you always get in the Wirthmor. This we ask that you remember:the Wirihmor can be sold by just one good merchant in every city—and we -aution-you not to confuse them with any other because a of similarity of packing. Sold here Exclusively byMILLS&POSTON. rvEN Sewiateaalad 2 BEDDING PLANTS!| ~--—-QUR STOCK IS IN FINE SHAPE Salvia or Red Sage,Heliotrope, Colens,Ageratum,Dusty Miller,Colendular,Geraniums.will!Coupon.system for.convenience.—|taught in Iredell county,teaching int vulcanized ‘.*/i *Come in Roses and Ferns of many kinds:;and let us s ;hy we speaksolidoakdletusshowyouwhywespeak ‘Bel Robert Bunch ‘Cash Grocery.Twelfth anniversary Wednesday, 10th.—Statesville ‘Drug Co.Proof.pleased customers:—LeonardPianoStore. Pauline Frederick today.—The Lyr-ec..Wells bored or drilled.—Setzer &aes.Troutman,°:len’s straw sailors.—Sherrill-White Shoe Co.ae oeNitegoods,every.day.—Johnson- eRe the Loray High School one year.Mr,Trexler is of Gold Hill,but has|wae|“Tdeal.” cabinet. for the past two years been principalofthehighschoolatCornelius.Immediately after the ceremonythebridalpartymotoredtoChar- lotte,where they left that night forWashingtonand;other cities in «the North.-After tén days,they will beathomeatGoldHill.poe They have a host of friends in*thisand.adjoining.States who wish for i PHO N such assurance, Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” Let us show you the \ r CALL AND SEE ——— BARRINGER’S GREENHOUSE,‘ OFFICE ATHOMEELECTRICCOMPANY. PHONES 57 and 3861.Ld them much happiness.%,rgiitt “ 1400. 8 inn RS he ¥ SINTaG ome“THE ADVERTISER ASKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS,semble oy Se ee pea .c\THE.IMITATION ARTICLE. FRIDAY...May 6,1916.|Hypocrisy the Homage to True vane er eee Godliness—Genuine Religion. NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Preshyterian Standard. Leeseesrintys Some one has said,in effect,that ts Gathered From All|hypocrisy is the homage paid to true op)Parts e Country.godliness.However that may be, be gas of id ldest {true godliness has had many imita- bli neg penta is a be peti which is a confession that it is Me ‘‘worth imitating.: =~-absortie ~by-‘The Independent.In defence of their religion men tna at Fort Oglethorpe,Ga.,ihave waged long and bloody wars, Soin for thattraining of citizen soldiery was|}yt when the war began religion gen- _formally opened on the 8d,erally-took-a back seat.--Luther once _Six North Carolinians will graduate!said’that-in God’s name all mischief into Presbyterian ministers at Union|begins,and each of us ean testify to eologica Seminary,Richmond;|the truth of this saying ae next week,Recently a couple in the far West| Col.John.§,Mosby,famous.Confed-|sued for a divorce on the ground that| erate guerilla,leader in the War Be-/|they were unable to agree on religion.| tween the States,is ill at a hospitel |The judge,who seems to have been a in Washington.|wise one,refused the decree,and ee i)li j i 2 hat they would not want a di-}William Lorimer,former United them t ey not.want @ die} States Senator from Tlinois,was _ac-|voree if they aa in spre their re quitted ‘in the Federal court in Chice-[igian more and ta ‘MN aco found | go of conspiracy in connection with a}The genuine article 1s hard to heal,| bank failure ‘and wherever it.is found it brings| :peace.to men.The spurious kind is | A controversy between Secretary|?oo.8 :.| Navy Daniel 1 Rear Ad-}casily detected,and only serves to} of the ha and)dvear AC"l bring its professors into contempt.| miral Fiske of the navy is being alr-|"pure religi Seflled before | Pane “|ure religion and undefiled before ; ed fir Conigress-—all-about a sethien Sod and the Father is this,to visit| admiral wrote the Secretary,WAlC)|the fatherless and widows in their af-| the Secretary says he didn’t get : ’yep ‘ai \fliction.and to keep himself unspotted | In the British Parliament Tuesday |from reemer cel ie Premier Asquith announced that the;what we need today in our Church| government had at last agreed on jife is more of the genuine article and| the .much-disputed recruiting ques-jjess of the spurious kind.It makes| tion and had decided to introduce &imen ring true in all of the relations| bill for |immediate general military of jife and inspires respect among the| compulsion for the duration of the men of the world.True -religion| Ret.;:_|makes a man pay his debts,or,if he The North Carolina Corporation;pe unable to do so,to indulge himself, Compalnsion will go to Atlanta aN in the bare necessities of life.It gives| week to participate in a ‘mecting of!goof measure and exact weight,and the corporation commissioners of the js charitable towards the failings of| Southern States in repard to the mat-jall.It does not proclaim its virtues| nee ter of standardizing Jintra-State from the housetop,but wherever men | ee ee rates.The mecting will be gee it they respect it,and are carne oe held May 10.sciously affected by it.| Be John Devoy,editor of the Gaelic)What a blessed world would this American and a prominent leader in he if all of us who profess religion| this country in the cause of Irish in-had the genuine article.| | | i!: PE C E L O R LA C UE C LE E R EE O E LE T EG E E ES EE T , Nycents Actual Retail Value 80 Cents! = ===== = S == = This is what 44 cents will buy this week at Because each embodies the PALMOLIVE = every store where PALMOLIVE Products =quality that makes the name-synonymoys = = = = = are sold:vas everywhere with toilet gcods perfection. THREE (3)Cakes of Famous P.ALM-Every dealer whose name is listed below is OLIVE Soap,regular price at 10 cents a ready with an extrd big stock of PALM- Cake,30 cénts—OLIVE Soap,Vanishing Cream and Powder ONE (1)Jar of P ALMOLIVE Vanishing to act as our distributing agents. Cream,or ONE-(1)Box of P ALMOLIV Go to any one of them,hand out your 44 Powder,as you prefer,regular price SOcents—gents,and state which you want to try first, Actual Joint Retail Value of These Goods, PALMOLIVE Vanishing Cream or PALM- 80 Cents!OLIVE Powder. We are making this great gift offer to He will give it to you,together with three introduce you to PALMOLIVE Vanishing _full-size cakes of PALMOLI[V E—the famous Cream and Powder,new members of the Palm and Olive Oil soap—the most popular PALMOLIVE family that you will enjoy bath and toilet soap,measured by sales,that ‘meeting —this age has ever known.7 asan dependence,is mentioned in supersed- ing indictments handed down by the STATE NEWS New York Federal grand jury in the :| alleged German plot to destroy the ==The manufacture of handkerchiefs| Welland canal.,Although not indicted,is a new industry at Hickory.| he jis alleged to have participated in,L.C.Small soar the activities of the alleged |Concord yesterday.Was sick and »A ae ti snerodueed in tb |depressed.Sixty-one years old.resolution was introduced 1 |aha ae nl General Conference of the Methodist|lhe North Carolina State Nurses;Sc ‘—.~Association will hold its 14th annual|Episcopal Churgh,at Saratoga J oootine May 30.31 and June 1 and! Springs.N.Y.,expressing regret be-|,on Wi sie Sale CU CR case wines were reported to be serv-|~“cea te | ed‘at dinners at the White.House.!|Near Franklin,Macon —county,| The resolution would have the Con-|Monday,Ernest Stamey shot and kill-| ference.appeal to.President Wilson|ed Geo.Hodgins.-Trouble said to} -.to Habolish the wine cup for all func-|have started over a horse trade. tiohs over which he has control,”and}Burglars entered the home of Jos. would request the President to indorse;G.Brown.a Raleigh banker,and gotsq3ee?| and “support pending measures for na-;away with jewelry and other valua-| tion-wide prohibition.oa worth several hundred dollars. :e Alexander county is pushing for a) The Dear Old Ladies Who Bless|county fair.About $1,000 has al-! t the World.|ready been subscribed and township| Mrs.Ellen Frizelle Wyckoff in Char-|meetings will be held tomorrow to| intte.Observer.aes the canvass:, i x»The aratic St:.}>I have heard of a very wealthy}.ne Democrat me ee woman who furnished her splendid;re x 9 .a iY ee old,colonial home exquisitely.But ne ae aes t .rece Coenee| she was not satisfied,She thought |™&"-Le oe that Chairman| such a home incomplete without an Warren will be re-clected. old!fashioned grandmozner.So she}.Mrs.R.T.Bennett,widow of the vistted old lady’s ho:aes anid poor|late Hon.Risden Tyler Bennett. “houses and all the places where dear)judge of the Superior Court and,old,women congregate,till she found |members of Congresa,died yesterday| what she wanted.1 wonder if she/4t her home in Wadesboro. is hlone in her desire for an _old It has been talked recently thatfashionedgrandmother?I had mine}Catawba College,an institution of foresuch a little,littie while.And!the Reformed Church,would be re- then we borrowed Miss Betsy.If she;moved from Newton and Winston-Sa-|neyer adorned my home,the memory,lem people are making an effort to of ‘her means much to my life,and!have the college located in that city. I thank God for my ideal old lady.)Mrs.C.A.Dale,68 years old,died T -shall_never_see_her like again,for suddenly Sunday afternoon at 2old.women are out of fashion./o’clock at her home in Marion.Fu- Still,fashions do change,and the!peral and interment at Marion Mon- world is certainly growing,better,and day.Husband and six children sur-|:oe ee ican ee it turn |vive.Deceased was a_sister-in-law,!“ays and}IrT.M.Dale atesy}gra anmely und’tomfottably old of Mr.r.M.Dale of Statesville. while the beauty doctors and face),Taylorsville Scout:Mr.Alfredcrearmakersfind‘tor themselves |Crouch,who lives about two miles pone”better employment.Then we South of town,while cutting timber shajl have again the good old wo.)last Thursday (April 27)met with amenwhoarenottroubtedaboutgray|5etious accident.A -tree in falling, hair and wrinkles and double chins |Struck him and crushed one leg so and homely figures.The sort that}badlv that it had to be taken off about know what to do when rouble comes,|the knee. and how to take care of little sick;Warren Isley,29 years .old,who babies,and broken hearts,and big,;was hurt by a train at Concord two | bad boys,and girls who are eareless weeks ago,died Wednesday in a) The good old women who were not |hospital in Salisbury,where he had |afraid of losing caste,or endanger.becn-under treatment since he,was| ing"social-position,or_of making un-|injured.Warren and a companion| defirable acquaintances—liow —the |named “Blackwelder were lying under| world needs them./a car ona sidetrack near Concord sta-=- :The ee have to g0,now ae shifting engine struck the BB AVAUGAUAUTEDERRRRODOQUOUDORNOUNOREODOQGUUCGQOGUEOORSOOQQQUURECREOUNDEOQDSTDODOURSTOEUTOQUUUDSORTDQGSSSERRETSETIES ESO o everything the same ss ordinary;car,Blackwelder was killed and War-———’’|pegplealldred up tn,ahort dreste |r"fatally injure [ca school girls,But the sort we all love Conference Committee Selected.| }@ ’stay at home nights with the chil-| SE ee committed suicide in) Iwhen THESE DEALERS WILL SUPPLY YOU! Statesville,N.C,,Lenoir,N.C. W.F.HALL,BALLEW’S CASH PHARMACY. STATESVILLE DRUG CO.,Mooresville,N.C. THE POLK GRAY DRUC CO.GEO.C.GOODMAN &CO. N TT E E U A U A V A U H N A T A T O E N E N U A T A T O U O U O C O O A U A T O V O T O T G U G A U L O U O C Q U A U O U T U O G E D U D U O U O U U U O D O U G G O O U E R A E Ei g SH U U C 0 CO G UC E R EL D CG T E U U G E U U U U U C A C U C U ET ER T S EL E C T SE E S CU T E EU G = s=5 : 2 Z E A z a EOETUOUAGOURESSTONGDSHSCHDUALSNGUETOSUGAREVEASOUSEDSUTEUEEEETEEED The Statesville Realty &Investment Co. INSURANCE!2= As a great many policyholders do not seem_to know that their insurance will be void:under certain conditions named in the contract of.the policy which they buy.We deem it advisable to mention some of the causes under which the same will be rendered valueless,viz:' 1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to your agent for permit.: 2—-Mechanics making additions tc,or extraordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents._ 3—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—apply to your agent.i . 4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper- ty insured other than by death. 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another.— 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—The taking of other insurance without notice.. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil.9==Property -encumbered-by-chattle-mortgage.-=-ssusee Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract _of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de- ficiencies unless notified.Call onus for-any INSURANCE.infor-———- tion. ne “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N.C. The general conference committee| (which will represent the railroads in) the negotiations with the four organ dren and tell tales about old times and@ make the house nice and cosey and home-like.They don’t have tc TTR TAM Deiern enact reinhayeexcitementand«musement,the’.inves Sheah ae .led euros oe ae ene haan eee Pet ranted ay he oawha,submitting quietly to the inevit-|,,..77.ace ve Ares Nee ueq:jat approximately $100,000.000 annu-|able,have found peace.,has been announced.It consists :pe a =",of five representatives from South CanBring in Some For a Friend |eastern railroads,six from Western In the case of State vs.Little the and six from Eastern.E.H.Coapman,;Supreme Court,Justice Hoke writing|vice president and general manager the oprith zor une majority of ee the Southern,is one of the repre court,decides that where the defend-|sentatives. ant*brings into the State from South,The conference will .begin in New Carolina four quarts of liquor,intend-;York June Ist. ing’one quart for his own use and} one quart each for the use of three|Moving Picture Censors.other persons,he is not guilty of vio-|Taoe the prohibition laws of —this}ce Posey it courts cocces nee mestic moving pictures shown in this, fy saci dione iby oF one peuiee |country and prevent importation and, See OF ome backase |inter-State shipment of immoral pirand;distributed here,the defendant!tures,has been apr awrouldbeguilty.Chief Justice Clark|mitice oy clan eeg on by the com- 'et:stating that it does not ap-Cohorars SU Eee Grong ihe Honee 1G! ‘peat ent presides it is immaterial)eee~ow er ‘the liquor was brought in 2y in Char --on@package or four;that the ie atite|ae ne cue one.forbids the bringing into this State of |Later—A Charlotte delegation la- more than one quart,at any one time,|bored with the President yesterday «Everybody uses screen doors,but not all swing them with loose pin hinges.The ad- vantage of this is that you can take them down in winter and put them up in summer without the assistance of-a carpenter;.and when the busy man of the house hasn’t ; time to attach and detach the doors,the — good housewife can do this herself. A bill to create a national board of nsors fo pass on alt foreign and do- The sereen doors we sellare furnished with loose pin hinges and long coil springs and forgnimeclt or other persons.and report that he may reconsider.are strong:and substantial Plenty of —;if Tw Hoe Killed./and report that he may reconsider °:.Screen wire and adjustable window screens.fand come to Charlotte on the Twen- Béhjamin H.Milton,Jr.,11-year-|ticth of May.ou REPAIR WORK. Clocks,Watches’and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. LR.F.HENRY,+Jewelers ye ele p20,of Rev.B.H.Milton,who was|..struck by an automobile at Richmond,NOT A oeValwereturningfromaballgame,|NOT A COMPLAINTneofhisinjuries.His father is a After being her ar ydigginjusalgherenearlyayear.NotativeofthisStateandwasformer-|a customer has had :egQaeoftheFirstChristian|“open,”his ceiling to “buck,”his‘ch 0 Wilson.|weatherboarding to “kick,”or hisBeorgeDavis,9-year-old grandson}boxing.and casing to “swag.”This . his flooring to ‘aof Mrs.E.E.Horton of Goldsboro,|should convince you that Long-Leaf -,, a an automobile,died of his Kiln-Dried Pine is the best.2 :cai ke .ek |1 ::,Sa : ries.CWS,MC NC AA!THE LANDMARKS ADVERTISERS ARE UP-TO-DATE (| ae a Lata cle&. f : pth ss bias ea ,its :se iia ay i sind UA eile 1 bis Preserve the leather and mi choeslast longer,Thesopolishescontainneactacedecracktholeather,Theycombineliquidaud¢in @ paste form,withverylittloffliant,lasting shine,;‘ort produce a br The F.F.Dalleyt Ltd.,Buffalo,N,¥s The Odorless_Refrigerator Is built upon scientii:has principles of refrigeration.Every detailbeencarriedtoaremar!ble depree of efficiency.All compartments areconstantlyflushedwith«current of dry,cold,pure air,:The heavyinsulationofchemicallytrectedflaxinsuresbi’,savings on ice bills.The frame is solid ouk—heautifally fihished.The trimmingsarecastbrassendsatinAnish.The flues and other important inside com-artments are removalle—it's easy to clean—ahsolutely sanitary and odor-ess.The visible drip trap—inside the provision chamber—is easily accessible,One-piece lininds,ice pan and drip pan are Buaranteed against leakape.Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height—can bearrangedtosui:your-requircinents,:“Odorless”is the lastareSoinstobuyarefi ve word in scientific refrigeration.If yoututor,come in and seé us,‘Williams Furniture House. A /-Meee |EEO ILLf MLLLe a&)KODAK The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System haveandchild Kodak put amateur photoyranhy within reach of every man,womanatsmallcost.KODAKS $3 upward;BROWNIES $1 to $12.suppliesofall kinds ia the genuine Eastman quality. H.B.WOODWARD {BOHOLOHS0.0.0ODEROOO.CHOOER MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLYANDOPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE :7'!iANDTHEBESTTIMETOSTARTISRIGHTNOW!.,SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANKACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th willdrawinterestfromAprilIstattherateof4percent,.compounded quarterly. ‘This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both womenandmen! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interestfromdateattherateof4percent.per annum, small,cordially invited. ENCE Checking accounts,either large orWewantyourbusiness! People’s ‘Loan and Savings Bank.GEO,H.BROWN President,0.L.TURNER Cashier, Ph a m Co R R sa t a MP s la o r t i t r e i r s e te r e ts c e SI T I R A I L I I w e F i $+54 g$4 +4 rf +£ + -—-Practice Economy This Year!Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds. Not.screenings or offal,orworthlessby-products,but -se-lected feed scien-tifically blendedforresults.Madebyahousewithareputationfor integrity. C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative, ’Phone 125 Black: ’Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. “em Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. +abe wit sb Pan ayHiieeTHELANDMARK|¢FRIDAY,’=~°.May 5,1946. erry. |THE NATION IS.THE UNEAndtheIndividualMustFeelthe |Impulse of the Whole—P.i-:dent Wilson’s Talk to the Wo-men Who Would Learn to,Be!*.~: Military Helpers.ot |*America re-awakened in national!’—spirit through lessons of the war in}Europe was the theme of an address}by President Wilson at the opening of|the-National-Service School military |encampment —for-—young women,..in ||Washington Monda|’The President spoke,before sever-||al hundred women dressed in khaki |}and drawn up in military order.They |(will e taught first aid to the wound.|ed,bandage-making,telegraphy and:other wartime arts.The encampmentjisbeingheldundertheaspicesof||the ‘woman’s —section of ‘the NavyLeague.Secretaries Baker and Dan-liels and a large group of govern-|ment officials,and army and navy.at-very gdrugeist here,yo-|ficers,were included in the audience,ney Zen deli ae f|The President's speech followed the,S\ct}vody s-deuge ist;formal raising of an American flag;olf in the si rE calshovertheencampment.He said in,Dotlson’s’!PAT oa msds 1|“You have come together prepared}to do any unusual duty which Ameri-®.¢a.may call.upon you to perform,‘but|what has moved you to do this?Your)oo,05.gine pvt ian spearey.{Ss said a pronuire:duty to vour country.But what is the Yi97y .2 I|foundation of that duty?.What do i Jone 38 person:|you -conceive’America to be?When!Cracojst:A laree’familyoucometothelastsearchinganaly-x ;sis,we do not owe any duty except to>things that we believein anditheploryofperformingourdutyte-)for‘wards America is that we believeAmerica;and we believe in America|becausc(--I-venture to say it with en-|tire respect for other peoples and ;nd adults,Take a sporgovernments—this sovernment feoting fine,no°sick he:tablished with a special par-|=)uch as no ether government ev-*avowed,t“This wovernment was establishedLinorderthatjusticeandlibertynfightbelongtoeverymanwhomourinsti-(tutions could touch,and not only thatfastieogndHhertyshouldbelongtoricabutthatsofarasAmericaWasconeerncdandherinfluencein-ivolved,they should be extended.tomankindeverywheSotheinspira-i tion of se cais a very pro-;inspiration. |“Have vou not thought what mightibetheotiteomeofthisgreatstruggle,0 for as the nations already engagedconcerned?Can you net imap-©the creat ‘kening that has)’<come to a country like Vranee,for ex-é le:how much more intensely ev-ery Frenchman andIfeohsthenationalcompulsioi tham heeverfelt?How much morehefeelshimsetf,not an individual.but ;|»fraction in a rreat whole?How ie iIriuechmore--his blood springs to the 'C’days ago,[challenge cf patriotic sugrestions?ee|is firhtine for his own life,|j ‘rificing his own life,or will-|{ Men, nel is danger son's:Biver Tone cents and if you find : dangerous,salivating cal ur money lacks,in ie cr Tone is remedy, rcous Aute Accihinmye An avtomebile driven by ISouthern,who was accomThistivees;-Mivses tttyneSharp,daughiSharpofWinston-§ed cn the Clemmon:county,Sunday aft )Wy Sdlem Journal,2:j the «ants very seriouslyRtinernattenipted1bile,was blinded f-the car: NTS .Mi vithout serion f Mr,Southern’ 2oFated,; The onragement Sharp and Mr.W. I been every German before ;“adrit H re:AgainsieKe(Thiown Gut ofingtosacrifice#,in’order that a ar :creator Jife than his might per:ist,SURAT es|the life of his nation.So in America ;pwe are gettings aleendy the‘benefit of that supirestion,hetinnine indirectWetorealizehowanationis2hunt.and that any individual of it whodorsnotfecitheimpulseofthewho!does net helong to it ang does not he-lene in it. |“You have heard-a preat deal abortthehyphen.1 for one have neverheendeceived,The number of per-cons of really divided allegiance’jnthiscountryisverysmal],and if 1hadbeenborninsomeothercountryTwouldforoneresenttherepresen been made hy re enemiionswhichhaveentercd si©who were not the spokesmen a?for-—whom they nretendrt—trINsuggestiadividedales;-ance,T have ;v had the slightAoubtofwhatwouldhapnenwheo;America called upon those Ofeher ri.imons horn in other countries to(to thé support of the hae,Will come with cheers,‘with a momentum th:Police that Aniericea hascriedawakeout-ofmperanddreamand dtndthetoenyoman"with cs speak, come Why,tiestheywillcone maka us OPbeenever sort trac-a large family Ihe suffering.i vy Vi:decided to try it,and «t f noticed.a cecided impray:now Tama well women.SECKER, We guarantee Vinci,orliverandirontenic,to build up weak,run-dow who dat tof Ameri ©confidsnce of < that a th -.+qionIsgoingtethisthing.We ,kave—hoen-thinkfoomuchaboutonrindividealaA+a man nmnersees mothers.ard teo httle the cotintry Wo.Hel.343 B ¢:y ....which We cohstitute @ part.and one OP igcaeaces Seriethesorviceswhichvouladiesingetoerdstoshowhow.upon)Summons at all,upon the m offer.:ey ;ME or the opportunity, rovenerg about pre ¢asnemushibtetiainreetee benedict na coker reat women 1S Wy.arsthecountryshouldpet into any sooftrouble, “God fotbid that wedrawniniower,but we 5sAmericawouldseemonesshakeherse’f out of a dream shoult he i ‘did any man deom thot.we ver al asleen?Did any man deem thai wehadforrottenthetraditionsof‘Anerica?Did any man deem that he esalditamnerwiththehonororintegrityof'the United States 2’And in the eres!(voice of national enthusiasm which;Would be raised all tye world wonld|stand once more thrilled to hear the|voice of the new world assertine th:|Standards of justice and liberty.”_—Roses,|Asand M.Folks in Train Wreck:|Twenty persons were slightly in-|Jured early Sunday night when a NorfolkandWesternpassenger=trainstruckabrokenrailandwaswreck-ed seven miles south of Natural|Bridge,Va.A\Pullman cak,diner and|two day coaches were hurled down an;embankment,but sustained ~little|damage,PROP ee|Prof.Nelson of the “Agricultural|and Mechanical College of North Car-jolina and several students composing|the A.‘and M.baseball nine,reecived ee,minor injuries,“;ieeeERRReNteimeeeHEe q‘A Symbol of Health.ah dle {{The Pythagorians of ancient Greece ate sim->Van Lin cy v deyplefood,practiced temperance and puyity.1A used the five-pointed starjAsabadge-they[whieh they regarded as a symbol of health.ih red five-pointed star appears of “gh pack. Carnations, Violcts, Lilies of the in profusion. GREENSBORO,%,0. Polk Gray Druv Co., Local Agta. fave of Chamberlain's Tablets,and still ful-|fils its ancient mission as a symbol of!health.i lf you are troubled with indigestion,bilious-;Ress or constipation,get a Package of these|tablets from your druggist.You will be sur-liriaee at the quiek relief which they,afford,Obtainahle every where, # | PITS TCT Petter Tt * . Pa t i it. * &, SE C ao r Nh ee gt k re e ry V iHD's F CR y.‘ever.Calomel Salivates!tt Makes You Sick and-You Lose Liver Tone Acts :: oe nc ap f on TSIM GANT ee RIEL:« Wigat ¥YBia)iRWkY Cre Ty:%F1OuGi Latte hetlatdeisinieiedaheee BU 2s Ra ATANL f eva treeOnt } e£aan : 5 Oui Od isto start (if :Calomel ani f LECESTES ENE WwW LUMBER COMPANY LEACTURERS }in 1880 araadaiih Doadson’s.Liver itrreniance-all.nextye. icht and tomorrew ‘i\luuanscated.<..Donlpdosemidis 2Aliver‘medicine. ause you wwillyourliveraetive’MT stomach regulated.4ilOfvigorandready©? iterwards without:risk1chiktren:.nason's Liver Tone.and try it,.never again put-a dose1c]Into’your stomadh,40) POSTE DATEL TIE FREI Pit RL COEATEEARNE ORaE POEL YA Mee enemaeneenetyRF1,AThaSS a+REE RA WORE oreACNE LtALO PerMNSoNte deyhou 30; he r ap i e as e a gy ie s St e e oe 1onist,+ or ina Pine,Wholesale and-—re- Incerporated 1909, ».H.MYERS,res.and Manager, =f eh RR -{tay uy1stOSt¥a 2 NOW,The best 4 ecount, your accou n noand ¢ (>aeres in cultivation,bal=nall dwelling,barn,crib,H exchange for city property fr Harmony State High School,chard,40 acres in,cultivation,productive,iH —eut—h0O 606 fect-ofbalanceontermstosuitthepurchaser, Jand,bajancean »orypin GUU cash and al oak,pino and poplar timber, Iwelling,barn and ich ts fine bottom ~~iy—Paay™ three-room _it oT Wyva y terms, For further informatian eall on on writeRANT!Oe A SAVAENCTEY rtERNESr¢ PHONE 23 (i ERED PON AEE,I fe.GENKRAL {NSURANCKH,RENT-¥ALS-AND REAL ESTATE.2 NO.ft,MILLS BUILDING, ba HUNT BROTHERS,reeme rom rar " GREENSBORO,N,©.STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.Plumbing and Private Water systems,~;sikRi ENE, 'RENCES FURNISHED,» “LANDMARK -«May 6,1916. VENTIST MEETING. eeTREDELE FOREST _FIRES. Much ‘Timber Damaged and Close Call For Buildings— Aged Lady Dead. Subjects Discussed By Evangel- *ists Locken-and Adkins. ‘Satan was once a beautiful being and leader of the angelic choir in Heaven,”declared Evangelist J.B, *Locken in his opening address at the Seventh Day Adventist gospel tent, Sunday evening.’Sin,he said,“began with-Lucifer;the-Day-Star,”-who-be- came puffed up on account of his high position and began a rebellion.When tan was-overthrown-and-cast-outof heaven “he began this same warfare on earth,and is continuing it until the resent time,and will until his final estruction at the close of the millen- nial age,when all sin and sinners will be destroyed,even Satan himself. God will have a clean universe once more.” Monday evening Evangelist W.L. Adkins spoke on ‘The Crash of Fem- ires,”the second chapter of Daniel ing the basis of -his-remarks.Hedeclared.“that the history of the world is.given in this chapter from“the time of Nebuchadnezzarsdown-un: til Jesus shall set up<His everlasting kingdom.The different metallic di- visions of the image represent the four: universal-empires that.were to exist) in this world.The head:of gold rep- resented Babylon;the breast and arms of silver,Medo-Persia:the sides of brass,Grecia;the legs of iron,Rome; the toes,the ten kingdoms into which Rome was divided.Three of themweresoonovercome,leaving seven, which still exist in Europe today, Their modern names are Germany, France,Englatd;’Spain,Portugal, Switzerland and Italy.God said they would undertake to unite again,usingdifferentmeans,one of which was to inter-marry.We can see how minute- ly this has been carried out.All of the crowned heads,with one or twoexceptions,are either first cousins orbrothersand-sisters.One word from, God is stronger than all the plans of men. “In the days of these kings (Dan. 2:44)God will set up His kingdom,” declared the speaker.“Then all the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ.” MINOR LOCAL ITEMS. Mrs.W.G.Gaither spent Tuesday_in Charlotte. —Old folks’singing at the Baptist~church at Harmony Sunday. —Rosco Reavis,the negro boy whoescapedfromthechaingang,has been caught and returned to work. —In the list of marshals for Me- morial Day published Tuesday the fhame of Mr.L.B.Bristol was omit-ted.: —Miss Maude Nicholson has recov- ered from an operation for appendi- citis at the Sanatorium and returnedhome. —Dr.and Mrs.J.A.Scott and Mr.| Gordon Scott left yesterday for their new-home in Virginia.Their post- office address will be Brookneal,Va.,R-1.| —Several cars of freight train No. 88 were derailed at Catawba Tuesday,|delaying passenger train No.15 for a! few hours and No.36 for a few min-| utes. —Rev.Dr.c.E.Raynal of States- ville spoke to the North Carolina| .Federation of Women’s Clubs at High Point Tuesday evening.His sub-, ject;was “Community Upbuilding.” —A special train load of colored preachers from the eastern part of the State and bound for the A.M.E. Zion Conference at Louvisvlile,Ky., passed through Statesville Tuesday. ~—Messrs.Henry Lewis,L.J.Freel and L.B.Bristol went to Gastonia yesterday to attend the mecting of the representatives of theTeagueitisproposedtohave in this section. 4 Suicide or Accident? Wednesday morning the lifeless body of an English sparrow dangled from the south corner of the First National Bank building,and those who saw the bird air speculated on whether it was sui- cide or accident.Some thought the sparrow had taken due note of the suggestions in The Landmark, and_kill birds devote their attention exclusively to English sparrows,and had preferred to die by his own hand rather than take chances with theboys.. That theory is hardly probable,however.The sparrow is a game bird—a fighter and of cheerful dispo- sition;not of the temperament inclin- ed to suicide.That sparrow was doubtless the victim of an accident. He had probably carried that string sto the top of the bank for a nest,got caught in it and swung off. But it’s.all speculation.Dead Sparrows can no more tell tales thandeadmen. Needed Stimulant to Exhort— Crossed in Love,Too. Lexington Dispatch. “A man who gave his name as Pierce and Stokes county as his land ofnativity was taken before the re- corder last week for preaching on the streets while under the influence of Jamaica ginger,bitters and other similar concoctions.He had declar-ed that he just had to have some stim-ulation before he could exhort prop-erly,He promised never to do sucha thing again,and he was allowed to go with payment of costs.Pierce,who is about 40 years old,works in a local manufacturing plant.He says that.inv his youth he was crossed in loveandthateverytimehethinksaboutit}he turns to drink. Mr.Maddry Will'Go to Texas. Rev.Chas.E.Maddry,former pas- torof the First Baptist church-of tatesville,now pastor of Tabernacle B ae’church,Raleigh,will accept aLealltoAustin,Texas.Mr.Maddry had previously.declin- ed the.call to Texas but the folks i bgt apd he has aecided to go.Me will hecomé pastor of Universityptist..church,Austin, -spend..the.summer, baseball! swinging high in! that: -the boys.who want to rob bird nests; t Correapondenge ot The Landmark.:Peet Jennings,May 9%Mrs,|Creasie‘Bimpton,avery ageddady of this see-|and —;-whoever would be prepa: tion,died last Wednesday night at the) home of her.daughter,Mrs.Mary) Speaks.Her remains were taken to) Grassy Knob-chereh ~for interment / Rev.Messrs.J.G.Weatherman and J.Enos Privette conducted the funer- al services, Mrs.Hampton was the mother also- of Mr.Jim Hampton of Turnersburg. She was one of the oldest persons in this immediate neighborhood,“being? between 90-and 100 years old,Her age is not definitely known but she was not far from the century mark,She had been helpless and.confined to the bed for a long time.Not many of us who are on the stage of action now can hope to see the mature years that Mrs Hampton saw.“Our stay here is short and what we do we must do quickly. ‘Miss Pattye Jennings has arrived at home home from Boone,where she) has beén.in school.“Mr,Leonerd Tem-; pleton has!gone to New Jersey to We had some more Cangerous fires up this way yesterday.The wind was very high and everything as dry as possible almost.Some folks hed out) fire and one got started ever about| Sweet Home church,on Mrs.Rebecea| Couch’s land,and did a lot of damage,| It came —very near burning Mrs. Couch’s house end also Sweet Home church.It burned over some 400 acres of Mrs.Couch’s land,probably killing a large part of the timper.Dr.L.P Somers got busy with his auto and delivered about nine toads of men, hauling nine at a load,to the fire, which was a big help in saving the buildings mentioned. There was another big.fire just be- low Mr.Lee Robertson's thet burned over considerable ground and damag- ed timber. dry,windy weather that it is danger- ous to have out fire, The tax listers and candidates are abroad in the land.Mr.Lum Wooten and Mr.Rives,candidates for county treasurer,were up in these parts to- day.:oo Republican Support For Wilson. Results of various polls and prima- ry elections throughout the United States have been published by the Democratic national commitiee as an index to the:strength which Presi- dent Wilson holds among.ther people. The most interesting are the results which show a strong trend among Republicans to cast their support with him.' The information tells that a po!l by newspapers in Pennsylvania found some 5,600 Republicans who intend to throw their weight for Wilson, al- though he is running on the Demo- cratic ticket.In New Jersey prima- ries,as commented on.by the New York Evening Post,“all the German districts turned out in large num- bers to vote the ballot with Wil- son’s name on it.This was particular- ly so in the almost exciusive German colonies in.the Hudson city section of Jersey City and in the North Hudson towns along the Palisades.” The Chicago Tribune made a_poll of the Republican,Progressive and Independent,editors in the five Cen- tral States—TIllinois,Indiana,Towa, Michigan and Wisconsin.Seventeen Republican editors favored Wilson's nomination in preference to those mentioned as candidates in the Re- publican.primaries. Althouvh unopposed in the Demo- cratic primaries,in some —instances the vote cast for the President is larg-! er than the combined vote cast in the Republican primaries for all the Re-} publican candidates.\cot aenerESnaneen MoreWarrants For McCoy. In Asheville Wednesday JudgeBoydissuedbenchwarrantsfor‘T.-C. McCoy of |Asheville,charged.with (eenspirayy to defraud ‘the govern- ;me nt,a The government charges McCoy with having been a rectifier and a distitfer of spirits in Florida,of de- frauding the government out of the tax on 400,000 gallons of distilled spirits;also of receiving hundreds of packages without having tax paid on them.These last counts are in con- nection with —operations —_allewed to have occurred at Fort Smith,Ark. MeCoy has been twiee arrested on these charges and released on tech- nicalities-—first by Judge Boyd and the second time by a United States commissioner.He was in Transylva- nia cottntv at the time the warrant was issued and was expected to re- turn to Asheville yesterday. tebels Shot. Four signatories to the republican proclamation in Ireland, ineluding Patrick Hf.Pearse,the “provisional president of Treland,””have been tried by court martial,found guilty and shot,according to an announcement made by Premiers Asquith in the House of Commons.The others ex- ceuted were James Connolly,“com- mandant gencral of the Irish republi- ean army;”Thomas J.Clark and Thomas MacDonaugh. Four Ivish Doors,Windows,Mantels, Columns,Stairways.42 kinds Mould- ines;Door and Window Locks,} Veights and Cords.All sizes Rough and Dressed Lumber. C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee's Planters’Warchouse,Statesville,N.C G if The Guarantee label on insures the quality of the paint.The paint insures your property against decay.Don’t you need insurance of this kind? FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware(o.,, \Statesville,A.C, i oe lwarm weather and.flies,“ |nature of ‘warm weather and )Wil last a season.Phere really is no4 There has been so much ,, SL I L L I S L L I T I T V T L I P t e s s e s s o ce s s se e s e e e e e ep ee s Le it Tete ee ee cts oe Susteuder 7ScreenAgainstthé,Flies,‘\Put in seréen.doors “and windows:nowy is the advice of the State BoardofHealthagainstthe i ae weather is here and according:to | .flies will spon be here by thousands; against their arrival would havetheirdoorsandwindowswellsereens |.ed.Doors that remained in place all}. winter are likely to-be tound sagging}or with holes punched in them,or per-haps’this¢was the condition in whichtheywereputawaylasttall,Anys Way,itis hieh-time—that_old-screens}should be repaired and put.in,place, and that orders be ~given.for newones”wherever they are’neededy op “Since the winter flies were notswattedandsincetheyhavefound feeding and perhaps breeding placesaboutyourpremises,the best thing you can do now,since they are here, is to sereen them out,Screens that fit| your doors and windows are best,If!you can’t aiford these now,use mos-} quito netting for another season un- til you can afford them.Mosquitonetting,if well put up,tacked close ..§ and made firnt,will prove better thanextensionor»ill-fitting screens «and reason Why any one should’tolerate; flies,except from his own choice.” Say something good about your We-| ser Piano.We want to use it in our) ad.”The above was directed to a Siatesville lady who has been using a Weser for some years.Her answer was something like this:“Say some- thing good?Well,there’s really no- thing but good to be said.I'm sim-| ply crazy about mine.I don’t see of their-Anti-Skid' _with the minimum o: how people get along without a pi- ano in their home,and if they are go- ing to have one they ought to.have a good one like mine.Everybody who| plays on it says its tone is so sweet. And it hasn’t given me |the least trouble in any way.” Another lady who dropped into our $10.403%5 wsBord Sizes...ee+(g13-40 +++$15.45+»-$22.09++$22.40 ++331.60 oe $37.35 sooo $50.60 store to engage*our piane tuner vol- unteered the following:“I sure got stuck in my piano.I paid a good price end thought I was getting something good.I wish IT had bought one of these Wesers.”We are not knockers,so we won't tell the make of her instrument.She didn’t get it from-us.em & oe LEONARD PIANO STORE, Morrison Building,W.Broad St.+oan RICH ee @ een Ciera now the means.by whichmany Tires=“4.6.,byRubber Every time the Brakes are put on,tomake such Tiresgriptheroad,the relatively hard,unyielding,and comparativelybrittle,texture of the Rubber in their Treads causestheseTreadstogrindawayonthepavement,to WEAROUTfastatthepoint-of contact.”AoThesuddenefficiencyoftheirgrinding-Traction alsotugssosharplyontheRubberAdhesivebetweenthelayersof-I’abric in Tire as to separate these layers,|There is little ‘‘give’’'to them—just as there is little‘slide’?to.them.:eeSo,they gain Traction at the expense of Mileage,Naturally such Tires require..great-BULK:of suchRubberinordertodeliverreasonableMileagebeforewornout,;&.And,therein they differ radically.from GOODRICH“Barefoot’’Tires.:Because,—the Safety-Tread on Goodrich Tires is madeof‘‘Barefoot-Rubber,’’a new,and exclusive compoundwhichdiscardsunnecessarywhitish‘‘frictional’’ingredi-ents that are heaviest and inert,as proved by-theirlighterweight, have been given maximum‘means ofa "sandpapery’*texturein the °je ERE ishowit acts in Automobiling,—hen the weight of the Car bears onthisclinging‘“‘Baryefoot-Rubber”Tread,andthepowerisappliedtogoaheadorreverse,the wonderfulstretchinthe‘'Barefoot’’Rubber Sole (or Tread)of theGoodrichTireactsasasortofLubricantbetweentheFabricStructureoftheTireandtheRoad.Then,the Barefoot-Rubber ‘‘Toes,”of the GoodrichSafety-Tread Tire,CLING to the pavement (instead ofgrindingagainstit),in such manner as your Bare Footwouldclingtoaslipperysurface—without Grind,and so,Frictional Heat or Wear/for maai-mum Traction.".Goodrich ‘‘Barefoot-Rubber”is now made into GoodrichFABRICTires,—Goodrich Silvertown Cord Tires,—Good--rich Inner Tubes,—Goodrich Truck Tires,—Goodrich MotorCyele,and.Bicycle,‘Tires,as well as into Goodrich Rub- ber Boots,Over-Shoes,Soles and Heels.Get a Sliver of it from your nearest Goodrich Branch,or Dealer.Stretch it thousands of times,but break it you can’t.That’s the Stuff that GOODRICH Black-Tread Tiresaremadeof, THE B.F.GOODRICH CO. Akron,Ohio LUYyye3E877T 535 Twelve Years@ eee Wednesday,May the Tenth. (WING!)iJYV¥tansHAVEGROWNSOME-STILL GI THANKS TO YOU. Come to.see us Wednesday. Help us celebrate our Birthday MUSIC BY ORCHESTRA ALL DAY. Statesville Drug Comp’ THE STORE OF QUALITY. Quality VPrescriptionisis. 29nee OTEFesyra tersegnne re:SSIS TANT S2222TS 22232222+4 eee eee ibecebanetsc beees S3E2EEESTEIESTSSETE STE TIES TTSSTTTRENRNT TET SITE Bases e TTT | .{ QT3 tigssssts | a We sell the FLORENCE OIL COOK STOVE:Wickless, Flame,Automatic.No Wicks to trim nar Valves to leak.The Oil is automatically constant and glass bullg-eye always shows,how’v vs 9 Oil is in Tank.Call and see them. BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. Valveless.Blue supply much Statesville Housefurnishing Co. DON'T BUY A SUMMER SKIRT THATMUSTBEMADEOVERAFTERLAUNDERING Choose a Wooltex-shrunk wash skirt—it fits when you buy it;it fits after you Jaunder it When you buy a summer wash skirt,you shouldn’t have to make it over after it Is laundered,You’ve doubtless had that experl- ence and know the annoyance it caused,you, to say nothing of the uncertain result. The only washable skirt that can be depended upon ALWAYS-to_fit,is one in which the_ materials,even to the belting,are pre-shrunk the Wooltex way.— Launder them every week,if you wish.When they.come back from the laundry,you ll not have to‘put on a new waist band or let out the hem.-_ Fashionable,smartly tailored and beautifully fitting are these Wooltex.tailored summer skirts. $2.50 to $5.00 Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. VOL.XLII. }STATESVILLE,N. oF TUESDAY,MAY 9,191 6.NO 85. eee getSem eT-AGAIN THE BANDITS RAID.This‘TimeGlenn Springs,Tex-as,is Attackéd—Tiree Sol-diers and a‘Boy Killed—Oth-ers Missing—Brave Stand ofNineCavalrymen. Alpine,Texas,Dispatch,7th;Villa bandits,some 75 in number,forded the Rio Grande Friday night‘and,sweeping 15:miles inland onAmerican‘soil,raided the little sct-tlement ‘of:Glenn Springs and attack.eda detachment of American cavalsry,consisting of nine men of troopA,the 14th cavalry.;Three troopers and a 10-year-oldboywerekilled,two cavalrymen werewoundedandanotherismissing.Heisbelievedtobeaprisonerofthebandits,Who are now fleeing south-ward into Coahuila,Mexico,x»Two American citizens,J.DeemerandamannamedCompton,according-\to reports received here,were car.ried across the Rio Grande and re-ports have it that their throats werecut. A posse of 50 citizens of MarathontonightareinpursuitoftheVillis-tas.The missing trooper is Private Ros-coe Tyree.The boy is the son ofCompton.“He was deaf and dumb..-and-the--bandits_are thought to have,killed him because he ould not an-swer their questions.The two troopers,Privates J.BirckandFrankDefree,were brought here hthisafternoonbadlywounded.Birck’sbody.was filled with ‘small brasspiecesoftacksfiredfromashotgun,efree was burned about head andshoulders.In a little adobe house nine caval-rymen made their fight for life_against the 70 or more Villista ban-dits at Glenn Springs.A hail of shotPouredformorethantwohoursintothesinglewindowoftheadobehousebut-the cavalrymen kept up a steadyriflefireindefiantanswer.Then theMexicanleaderorderedfireballsto;thrown on the roof,thickly thatch-®.ed with candalria.The blazing weedtorturedthesoldiersbelowandburnttheirheadsand_bodies.Smashingthedoor,the troopers broke for theOpen.Two werekilled as they fled;one as he tried to climb throushawindow. *According to the story the Mexicanbanditsfirstattackedastoreandone“or two houses .in-Boquillas,.wheretheytookDeemerandComptonpris-~oners,and then sped_15 miles north-ward to make their attack-on GlennSprings.which is fringed by ruggedhills.At Glenn Springs they wreck-ed a wax factory belonging to Wil-liam Ellis,his store and residence,beside one or two other small build-ings. At 5.30 Thursday evening the mainbodyof50to70°mounted MexicanbanditsfordedtheRioGrandeatBoauillas,and swept into the little sct-tlement,shouting: “Death to Gringoes!”The bandits Iooted the store of J.Deemer ahd set it on fire.Deemer andaclerknamedComptonwere,seizedandbound.The bandits packed theirTootontheirhorsesandaftersettingoneortwosmallframehousesablazegallopedawaynorthward.Heading towards Marathon,Tex-as,the bandits in their night ridecameuponGlennSprings,where asmalldetachmentofninecavalrymenundercommandofSergeantSmythofTroonA;Fourteenth cavalry,wasstationed. The Mexicans appeared suddenly on,the top of a hill beneath which Glennpringsnestles.Noting their num-bers,Private Birck on outpost duty,emptied his revolver to rouse thecampandthendashedbacktotheitent.Sergeant Smyth—and—Privateroskenjumpedtotheflyofthetent.Observing numbers “of Mexi-cans at hand,they ran to an adobehut,where the six otner eavalrymenwerepreparingto-make their defence.iThedoor’of the house,which hadonlyonewindow,was ~arred andSergeantSmyth,secing that his menWereoutnumbered10to-1,gave or:ders to shoot carefully and not wastetheammunition.“We are up against it cold,”saidSmyth,“but we will show _thenisomething.Let the Maxicans shootheirheadsoffandrunoutofammu-ition and maybe by morning:we.willbeinapositiontogivethemarunesOnthedashfromtheirtent,SmythAndCroskenhadlosttheirrevolvers,aving been forced to retreat to thedobehousehalfclothedbecauseofe@rapidapproachoftheMexicans,The bandits pouréd a constant fu-Billade of shots at the window andHooroftheadobehouse.Not anAmericancavalrymanfellintheox-anges.,The little band took turns shooting |tom the window.Blood stains in therYgroundaroundthehousewasthenlyevidencethatthebanditssuffer-din the attack,but Sergeant Smythelievesthatsevenoreightbanditsverekilledandsomewerewounded.,For three long hours the fight wentm.“Just a little while more,boys,nd daylight will be with us,”urgedmyth,who knew the bandits wouldletreatoncetheybecamegoodtar-ets in the light of dawn.The Mexicans fought in-skirmishprmation.That was proof to Smyth’svesthathewasdealingwithamil-ary body.The attackers’horseseretetheredsomedistancetothebarandthe_brirands maintainedheitattackonthreesidesofthebusefromwhichtherewasnoescapemcaptthedoorandthesinglewin-Dw.4Unabletorout the Americans from .Major Robert.L.Howze, MEMORIAL DAY TOMORROW The Day’s”Progratmme-—Exer- cises Begin at Court House at11a.m. 11 a.m.,May 10,at court-house.Music.:Invocation—Rev.C.S..Cashwell.Announcements, Musie—Dixie.Bestowal of Crosses of Honor:{(Audience standing).Music.Recitation—Frances:Brawley: Musie.Introduction of Speaker —MayorCaldwell. Address—Mr.Clyde Hfoey.Benediction—Dr.H.M.Parker. Musi.\iOrderofProcession—Band;automo-bile «with speaker,the mayor andcommanderof,Reuben CampbellCampofConfederateVeterans;the Veterans,Tredell Blues,Chil-dren of the Confederacy,Daugh-ters and carriages. The processsion will march from thecourthousetoBroadstreet,up westBroadtoMulberry,to West End av-enue,the veterans dropping out atMeetingstreet, After the exercises the Veterans,members of the band and the mar-shals are invited to a dinner given bytheU.D.©.chapter of Statesville.Only those wearing the proper insig-nia,pinned on by the Daughters atthecourthousebeforetheexercisesbegin,will be admitted to the diningall.J.M.DEATON, Chief Marshal.ee eee asTheNorthCarolina Municipal As-sociation,which met at Kinston lastweek,will hold its next meeting inRaleigh.The association is compos-ed of mayors of towns and MayorMurphyofGreensboropresident.*Gov.Major of Missuri is seekingvotesinthisStatefortheDemocraticnominationforVicePresident.Ad-jutant General Young is managingGov.Major’s campaign In North Car.olina, their mud-walled fort,the leader oftheMexicanbandgaveorderstothrowfireballsontheroof,which wasthatchedpartlywithtinandpartlywithcandalariaweed,Flaring torchesmadeoftérnclothandweedsweredroppeduponthe‘roof,which start-ed to burn.There was no water inthe-house to check the flames and theheet-in’the-house became intense andthefacesandbacksofthe‘soldiersstillfiringspiritedlythroughthewindow,became blistered.“T can’t stand it any longer,”cricdPrivateWilliamCohen.“I'll take an-other shot and then try and make itthroughthewindow.Cohen leapedintothéwindowframetomakehisdashfortheopen.A bullet split ‘hisskullandhefellbackdeadintothehouse.Outside the voice of a Mexi-can was heard to say:“Line up oneachsideofthedoor.They mustcomeout.”-Smyth told his men that the timehadcometomakeadash.The heathadburntthetopsoftheirheads.Private Stephen J.Colock steppedforwardtothedoorandsmashedtheboardswithhisgunstocx,The gunbrokebut:the door pave way and Co-lock dashed out.His body’was foundnextmorningnotfarwithmanybullets.He vrobably ranintothemainbandofMexieans.Smyth,leading the other cavalry-men,turned to the left and made forthe-eorral,the Mexicans firing atthemastheyfled...The body of Pri-vate -Lawrence K.Rogers was foundnotfarfromtheburnedhouse,butTyreecouldnotbeaccountedforwhenSmythandhismen,who reach-ed_the hills in safety,investigatednextmorning.Tyree may have beenmadeprisoner,but if.so the soldiersthinkhewasprobablykilled,After the attack on the AmericantroopsthebanditsrushedtothewaxfactoryofW.K.Ellis end destroyedit,setting fire to the factory store,When morning came the Americantrooperscreptbacktuthesettlementandsawthemainbodyofsome50Mexicanspacking_their loot upontheir‘horses and on the nine Ameri-can cavalry mounts which they hadcaptured.Then the pandits turnedtowardstheRioGrandeandstartedforBoquillas.Here the brigandscafriedDeemerandComptonacrosstheriver_and it is reported that theirthroats.were cut.The Mexicans ear-ried their dead and wounded away.Troops After Bandits.Within an hour after the reportHadreachedElPasopreparationshadhegunforadequateaction.Ma-jor General Funston ordered fourtroopsofcavalrytotheraidedsectiontoreinforcesmalldetachments—al-ready on their way to the scene fromPresidio,Alpine“and.other points.Americans Won in This.A dispatch from American head:ouarters in Mexico says 200 men oftheEleventhcavalrysurprisedandroutedamuchlargerforceofVillabanditsatOjoAzules,17 miles southofCusihuirachic,early on the morn-ing of the 5th,Forty-two Mexicanswerekilledand’a number wounded.There were no American casualties,The »American|command,under had beenPursuingthebanditsunderGeneralCruzDominguezandJulioAcostaforseveraldays,when they encoun-tered them encamped in the huddledadobehutsofOjoAzures,The Mexicans were completelysurprisedandsprangfromtheirpal-lets half clothed.After firing a fewwildshots,they began a flight,eachmanshiftingforhisown-Safety.Sonie.of them were able to seize theirhorses,already jaded from a hardday’s ride, |DEATH OF MRS.MORROW,Third Death in Same Famity in:Two Weeks—Death of Mrs.Webb,Mrs.Lazenby and Oth- (ers. Mts,Susie Morrow,-wife—of—Mr.-J.B.Morrow,died yesterday morningat1o’clock at her home in Shilohtownship,aged 45 years.Death re-sulted.from typhoid pneumonia,af~ter an illness of 11 days.Mrs...Morrow-is-husband,who is ill,and three sons,Messrs,Charles,Ralph,and Aaron.She was the mother of Misses Fan-nie and,Buena _Morrew,who diedabouttwoweeksagé,the same day,with pneumonia.Two of the sons areill,:: Interment was yesterday after-noon at Pleasant Hill church. Mrs.Emmaline Jeanette Webb,wife of Mr.Dan.L.Webb,died yes-terday morning at.4,30 o’clock at herhomein”Chambersburg township.She had suffered with rheumatismsinceDecember‘and he been,con=|;since December ‘and had been ,ital stock of at least $500,000,to be}fined to,bed with cancer of the stom-ach for the past month.5DeceasedwasbornMayesand wasinher67thyear.She is survived byherhusband,three sons—Messrs.J.W.and J.E.Webb of Chambersburg,G..M..Webb of.Brooklyn,Iowa,andonedaughter,Mrs.W.P,Shoamakerof‘Winston-Salem.A brother,Mr. {have been 92 years old. W.L.J.Mayes,and a sister,MissAmericaMayesofChambersburg,also survive,‘Iuneral services will be conductedthismorningat10o’clock at NewSalemchurchbyRev.Mr.Goode and’the interment will be in the cemeterythere. Mrs.Mary Wilson Lazenby diedSundayafternoonat5.30 o’clock atherhomeinCool‘Spring township,death resulting frem ,the infirmitiesofoldage,‘Deceased Was born Fitzgerald andhadsheliveduntilAugust16thwouldShewasthewidowofPinkneyLazenby.Surviv-ing are four daughters,Miss allieLazenby,who lives at home;Mrs.Florence Brandon of Statesville,Mrs.M.Gaither of Gatesville,Tex:,Mrs.H.A.Tomlinson of Cool Spring;andtwosons,Mr.John Lazenby of Tex-as and Mr.S.F.Lazenby of Wood-leaf, The_funeral_services,conducted by.Réve Mr.Goode,-were held yesterdayafternoonat4o’clock at.Providence away,riddled | church and the interment was there. Mrs.Martha Brotherton,widow ofHughBrotherton,died Saturday atherhomeatSherrill’s Ford.She wasburiedatRehobethchurch.Mrs.N.A.Stine died yesterday af-ternoon at her home in Turnersburetownship.Husband and six childrensurvive,Funeral and interment atMt.Bethel ghurch this afternoon at 4o'clock. Items of School News. The closing exercises of the pri-mary depagtment of Statesville Fe-male College will be held Thursdayeveningat8o’clock.Parents andfriendsareinvitedto‘attend.The _Smith-Wadsworth HardwareCo,of Charlotte has donated to the do-mestic science department of the col-lege a Pyrex glass cooking outfit.The Home Demonstration club ofCoolSpringAcademywillmeetto-morrow afternoon.,An illustrated annual report of theschoolsofIredellcountyisbeingpre-pared.It will give in detail the prop.-ress and condition of the differentschools. .Miss Minnie Jamison of Raleigh,as-sistant in home demonstration worltheState,who was to have been herethisweek,has postponed her visit fatabouttwoweeks.‘There was h good attendance at theclosin®exercises of Harmony HirhSchoolSundayafternoontohearRevI’.Kirk deliver the baccalaureatesermon,Other exercises will be heldtonight,tomorrow night and all dayThursday.: Court Cases. Irby Moore,wanted in Surry coun-ty on a charge of larceny and skip-Ping bond,was arrested at Bloom-field Saturday morning by SheriffDeatonandDeputySheriffGilbert.Sheriff Davis was here Sunday andtookhimtoSurry.In Moore’s belt were found threehack-saws which,it is alleged,hestoleinBloomfield.The Lredell offi-cers will probably want him later onthischargeandforassaultingMissGoldyDayoftheBloomfieldsection.Leroy Turner and Lon Waddell,colored,fell out at Elmwood SundaynigntandTurnerstabbedWaddellintheback,slashed his hand and struckhimonthehead,Deputy SheriffGilhert—went—after—Turner—yesterda vymorningandhegave$200 bond forhisappearancehereSaturdayafter-noon before ’Squire Lazenby.Wad-dell was not badly hurt, Whirlwind Campaign For theFair. The committee of the Iredell Coun-/ty Tair Association met at the courthouseSaturdaymorning.It was ex-pected to have a full representationofthosewhohavethesubscriptionlistsinhandbuttherewereonlyafewpresent. It was decided to appoint two menineachtownshiptowageacampaignforsubscriptions.On the 23d and24thofthismonthonethanfromtownwillgoouttoeachtownshipandjointhe-two township men andallwillwageduringthosetwodays4Whirlwindcampaignforsubserip- tions, survived by her|say, Through the Senate. The Hollis farm loan bill,embody-ing the administration’s plan for es-tablishing a-s¥8tem of rural credits,'passed the Senatevoteof58to5,-Senators Brandege,Lodge,Olive measure. as reported by the bankingtee,An antendment by SenatorSmoot,reducing.the salaries of thefarmloanboardfrom$10,000 to $7,-500,adopted in the committee of theWhole,was reconsidered when the billreachedtheSenateanddefeated.The Senate bill provided for a non-partisan farm loan,board.to consistoftheSecretaryoftheTreasuryandfourothers.having generalofafarmloansystemoftwelve loans actually would be made.Each land bank.would have a cap- subscribed by the-government,if nottakenbythepublic.»The farm.loanassociationswouldbeco-operative,made up of ten or more farmers,whowouldobtaincharterfromtheirdis-trict land bank.A farmer desiringto~become a borrower ~vould be -re-quired to take stock in the loan as-sociation equal to per centage of hisloan;the loan association in —turnwouldtakeanequalamountofstockinthelandbank,whichpraisethesecurityoffered and ‘maketheloanthroughtheassociation.Onmortgagesamountingto$50,000 ahankmightissuealikeamountof|farm loan bonds,which would be se-cured by all 12 land banks.All profits would go to the:loan as-sociations in dividends and thus to the c vr,Page and Wadsworth,|all”Republicans,voted against ad The bill,after almost-two weeks of|ate,passed the Senate practically } commit-|$30,000~ {|control |:‘soeor|Veneer plant in Marion,Friday,andmorelandbanksandthroughwhich|\Vas fatally scalded.He was taken to would ap-|. borrowers,who are shareholders inthem.Loans might be on as longtermsas36years,and on the amor.tization plan,so that with each in-terest payment the farmer could payasmallamounton_his principal.Loans would be limited to first mort=gages and could not exceed 50 percent.of the appraised value of theland. The principal fight on the bill wasdirectedatthesectionsexemptingthehanksandtheir-mortgages fromtaxation.and permitting employesto.be chosen without regard to thecivilwervice..Both were defeated byparty.votes.The.bill will be «put throughHouse.promptly.the President Stands By Brandies. A letter from President WilsongivinghisreasonfornominatingLou-is D,Brandies for the United States}Supreme Court and urging his con-\firmation,was read to the Senate ju-diciary,committee yesterday but novotewastakenand‘no notice fixedavote. The President characterized thechargesagainstthenomineeasin-eredible to any one who really knowsMr.Brandies and declared that theyproceededforthemostpartfromthosewhohatedMr.Brandies be-those who hated Mr.Brandeis be-cause of his refusal to be of servicetotheminpromotingtheirownsel-fish interests and those who areprejudicedandmisled.The Presidentaddedthat-the propaganda in thismatterhasbeenveryextraordinaryanddistressingtothosewholovefairnessandvaluethedignityofthegreatprofession, Fell Out.of Auto and WheelStoppedonHisLegs. Mriday afternoon Mrs.W.H.Tom-lin was out in her automobile and herlittleson,W.H.Tomlni,Jr.,aboutthreeyearsold,was sitting in thefootoftheearandupagainstthedoor,In making a turn on Elm street,the door opened,the little boy fel]out and the wheel rolled upon bothhislegs.“Mrs.Tomlin stopped themachineinthisposition.Mr.D.M.Etheridge,who was near by saw theaccident,lifted the machine off,Thechild’s..limbs were -bruised some butnoseriousdamageresulted.He was¢walking around thé next day. for To Argue Alexander Bond Is- sue. Hon,W.D.Turner of StatesvilleandMr.A.C.Payne of TaylorsvillewenttoRaleighyesterdaytoarguebeforetheSupremeCourtthecaseofJ.¥.Moose and other citizens of Al-nder county vs.the commissioners\lexander,in regard to the issuanceofroadbondstotheamonntof$150,-000.The plaintiffs appealed from adecisionofJudgeClinedissolvingafarmerorderrestrainingtheissueofthehonds, A-Nete to Germany and It WillReBrief. A Washington dispatch yesterdaystatedthatanotetoGermanyprac-tically had been completed and wasexpectedtogoforwardpromptly.Ithasnot-been made public of coursebutitIsunderstooditwillbebrief,informing’Germany that as long as iwidow of John Rutherford,a wealthy formerly of Buncombe county,who road,where the county purchased a the new-instructions to submarinecommandersareobserveddiplomat-ic relations will be continued,but thattheUnitedStatescannotallowGer-many to dictate its negotiations withGreatBritain, Rev,and Mrs.D.H.RhinchardthavereturnedfromaVisittorela-tives in Virginia.Miss Scott,a sis-ter of Mrs,Rhinehardt,accompaniedthemhome. Miss Bessie Miller of .Winston-Sa-lem is the guest of hersister,Mrs,R.P.Allison,: Happenings”Here~and-There-in the State. Oscar J.Coffin,former news edit-or and feature man on the CharlotteObserver,has.gone ‘with.the Ral-‘Friday night by a|¢igh Evening—Times. The trial of Chas...Mace,charged|with killing his wife in Burke county|some months ago,was set to.begininBurkeSuperiorCourtyesterday.|Mr.Caesar™Cone,the Greensboromanufacturer,has given $10,000 of afundthatwillberaised’toerectandequipa’tubercular sana-torium for Guilford county.Mr.J.B.Miller of Mooresville has|been given the Management of the.Texas Oil Company’s business at!Monroe,has taken charge of the busi-ness and will move his family there.Plato Glenn,a young man ofMarion,fell into a vat of boiling water at the a*hospital in Rutherfordton and diedat0o’clock that night. In a ‘row among colored people inGastonia,jealousy being the cause,Della Farris ‘was.,killed:Belle and |Mack Page,husband and.wife,are in!jail,badly wounded,and their young’sons are held as accomplices, T.J.Lupton,a wealthy Chattanoo-ga man,has~bought —-1,280--acres~of:land in the Toxaway country,which |includes Lake Sapphire,the lake fac-|ing Mr.Luptonh’s magnificent countryhomethere,The price was $18,326,The.Rotary elub of Asheville has |decided that Agheville has had enoughofcarnivalsandwillendeavortoper-|suade the city commissioners not tolicenseanymorecarnivalsthisyear.The Asheville Rotary club has engag-ed in a most commendable work. Durham county has increased from$200 to $500 the appropriation forcanningclubworktoenablethecounty.demonstrator,Miss BeylahAreyofIredellcounty,to put Dur-ham to the front in canning clubwork.:Mrs.W.S.Nicholson of Salisbury ,has notified the authorities of thatcitythatshewillbringsuitfor$5,-000 ‘damages,She tripped on a was!ter hose across the sidewalk,fell andbrokeherarmandsustained,otherinjuries.::The company that supplies Salis-bury with water will extend its lineto.the Yadkin river and install equip-ment capable of supplying 3,000,000gallonsofwatertionalequipment,says the Post,willcostabout$125,000, Tom McCoy,former revenue offi-|cer,who was arrested in AshevillelastweekonbenchwarrantsissuedbyJudgeBoyd,as a result of Fed-.era]indictments in Florida and Ar-kansas,was released on $400 bondforahearingnextFriday. Trinity College commencement em-braces.June 4-7,The college.willhearaddressesfromBishopKilgo,Rey.James Herman Randall of NewYork,Fred.Harper of Lynchburg,Va.,and Joseph W.Folk of Missouri.|Gov.Folk is the commencement or-ator,Mrs.Elizabeth C.Thornton of Hick-ry,88 years old,wife.of Col.M.E.Thornton,died Saturday.Mrs.Thorn.ton was Miss Denison,a native ofSachett’s Harbor,N,Y.She was.the } citizen‘of Bridgewater,Burke county,en she married Col.Thornton in881, Will Gurley,a printer employed intheofficeoftheGoldsboroArgus,at-tempted to put a belt on an overheadpulley,his clothes caught in a setscrewandhewaswhirledover.theshaftuntilallhisclothesweretornfromhisbodyand~<he had receivedfatalinjuries.The accident occurredintheafternoonandGurleydiednextmorning.Rev.Dr.J.O.Atkinson of ElonCollegehasresignedaseditoroftheChristian.Sun,published at Elon Col-lege,and Rev.C.B.Riddle has beenelectedhissuccessor.The Sun is theorganoftheChristianChurch.Dr.Atkinson made a capital editor andwasafavoritewithhisnewspaperbrethren,who>will regret his retire-ment,He has been poor healthandhad.to give up part of his work.The rematis of Osborne.Lambert, was killed in a difficulty in Virginialastweek,were brought_to Arden,Buncombe county,for burial.TheAshevilleGazette-News says —thatLamberthadbeentriedformurderthreetimes—twice in this State andonceihSouthCarolina—and had beenacquittedeachtime.No details aregivenoftheVirginiadifficultyinwhichLambertlosthislife,The Newton Enterprise says thatworkonthenewCatawbacountyhome,to be located _on the Conover’ site some time ago,is expected in nogreatwhile.The building will prob-ably cost about $10,000,which,withthesite,will make a total outlay ofsome$12,000.Gatawha may get aroodand‘sufficient county home forthat,money,but while it is building itshouldputupagoodbuilding,withallmodernconveniences,.Miss Robinson,head nurse of thePresbyterianhospital,Charlotte,awoke Friday night and saw a,manstandingbyherbedside.She scream-ed and the intruder fled.W.H.Per-ry,a mulatto,was arrested five min-utes later,Miss Robinson could notidentifyPerryasthevisitortoherroombutawatchdroppedbythene-gro when he saw theofficers and silkhosefoundinhispossessionwereidentifiedas.her property.Perry daily.The addi-| ,each year, FARM LOAN.BILL PASSED.|{TEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS:Rural Credits ~Measure~Gets'cee aa seicprrlibionedatsiithert anh~The old cemetery has been givenitsannualclean-up for Memorial Day.—License has been issued for themarriageofMr.Carl Sharpe SowersandMiss.Pearl May Milis. 4A Karusos has bought from Mr.W.P.Cavin two lots at Troutman,the:consideration being $1,000.—Mr.S.H.Garrison has.sold.hismeatmarketondepothilltoMr.R.B;Brown’and the-latter.is now in charge.--Tomorrow,10th,being a legalholiday,the Statesville banks will beclosed,:--Mr,Dorman Thompson will deliv-er the address at the commencementoftheWinstonSalempublicschools,’May 19.—Dr.Jas.D.Cochran,son of Mrs.M.J.Cochran of |Statesville,hagmovedtoColoradotolive.He wasformerlyinNashville,Tenn.,—The exercises incident to the flagandBiblepresentationbytheJuniorstomorrowafternoon,will take placeintheauditoriumoftheoldgradedschoolbuildingat2.30.-.—Deputy Clerk of the United StatesCourtGillhasbeenappointedbyClerkMillikanadeputyatStatesville’tohandleapplications:for foreign passports,é—4An important meeting.of.‘the:Alumnae Association of Statesville:college will be held’this morning’at"10.30 o'clock in the colloge parlor.“Ail:members asked to attend,-—Mr.Everette Scott,while at workvesterdaymorningatasawmilleastoftown,let his.axe glance and a gashwascutinhisfoot.Dr.E,M.Yountwascalledanddressedthewound,|:—The baby of Mr.and Mrs,Bu*"rette Whodward,who live on BighthStreet,has been quite ill for twoweeks.Its:condition was.reportedimprovedyesterday,ae :—Mr.Frank Brady left.SaturdayafternoonforDetroit,Mich,,wherehewillmakeheadquartersas’sales~.‘man forthe R.J.Reynolds TobaccoCo...—Rev.J,F.Kirk and Dr.W.RiWareleftyesterdayafternoonforRutherfordCollegecommencement.Mr.Kirk will preach the annual ser--mon today at 11 o'clock,The boardoftrusteesmeetstoday.:i—Mr.W.W.Turner of Alexander’:dcountypassedthroughStatesvilleyesterdayonhiswaytoHillsboro,Ti’Mr.Turner had been in Alexanderabout.two months looking up aMatterinwhichheisinterested.—Nine cars of freight train No.72werederailedjustwestofOldFortSundayafternoon.Nos.16 and 2passengertrainstransferredpassen-gers and No.16 passed here yester<day morning at 3,12 o'clock,aboutfourhourslate.~Mr.H,C.Gilleland of Long Isl-and was ‘the victim ot a,slight auto-mobile accident Saturday.evening,Going down tlie hill to Bostian bridge.his brakes failed to work and the car’ran into the bridge.The car wasslightlydamaged.:—Mrs.Katherine Heyser,field rep-resentative of the Chautauqua,willbehereFriday.A meeting will be hel jattheCommercialclubroomsthataf-ternoon at.5 o’tlopk:and Mrs,HeyserwilloutlinegeneralplansofoursumsmerChautauquaandgooverthepro-gramme with the local guarantors;~—Mr._and Mrs.G,W.Stephens;who have been making their home:with Mr,and Mrs.Fred Slane sincetheycametoStatesvillefromYork,Pa.,two months ago,are now housee’keeping.They are located in a bun-galow adjoining Mr.J.R.Alexander'sresidence,on west:Front.atreet,ig—Deputy.Collector:Allison”ant?Sheriff Adams of Alexander Sunday”morning destroyed an illicit.distillery:and 1,500 gallons of=beer in Gwalt:ney’s—township,Alexander county,The still had been operated:Saturday’and Saturday night put no one wastherewhentheofficersarrived: ~—Mr.W.L.Gilbert,secretary oftheCommercialclub,who has beenactiveintryingtoheadoffthe’pro-posed change of schedule of train No.35,so that it would errive in:Statesivilleabout4a.m.instead of 10.20 prm.,is advised by.the railroad people.that the schedule will not be:changed,That’s good news.Thanks are dueMr.Gilbert and also the railroad peo-ple.+~-Mr.A.W.Bunch,who started tothemeetingoftheFuneral.Direc.tors’Association at Goldsboro—_aweekaheadoftimeandfoundout,when-he reached Salisbury,that Hewastooearly,put in severa}daysvisitingmanufacturersatLexington,High Point,Mebane,’Burlington amdotherpoints,getting acquaintettwiththemenfromwhomhebuysgoods,_--Mr.N,B.Mills has found:thatthebeautiful“silver leaf maples”.6nhisplace,in which he takes’muc :oride,are infested with some sort.6%insect that is destroying them.6endofthelimbsarealreadydyinandgraduallythe’tree will bekittedSprayingwilleliminatethepestebutthetrees\will have to be sprayed’, by this type of beautiful shade tree TownshipBirths and tician for.Statesville township;. side had eight births\—seven ©w } Among the births inside ‘is : was held for first degree burglary,a capital crime,ie The pests are attackit‘silver maples generally and by:an will probably be destroyed...ae DeathsForaMonth.©feyMissAnnieMarvin,vital statia- vorts for April 15 white bitownandnocolored;Statesville and.one colored.Theta werd”colored deaths outside and foul ine”side and one white death outetde, down twins—a boy and a gitltg!©)”Mr.,and Mrs,L,T,Holler;.os pub, a on ptr ge TTangenare SERMANY MAKES ANSWER er yme Concessions,Much -Com- plaint and an Implied Threat 'to'Do It Again Under Certain {Conditions —Demands -That United States Make England +-Following-is the-text of the note of the German government in reply to the American note respecting sub- marine warfare,delivered,on Thurs- day by Gottlieb von Jagow,the for- eign secretary,to Ambassador Ge- rard:“The undersigned,on behalf of the imperial German government,has the honor to present to his excellency, the ambassador of the United States, Mr.James W.Gerard,the following reply to the note of April 20,regard- ing the conduct of German submarine warfare.Possibly Responsible for Essex.‘ ents and safeguard as far as possible|Shall Not Be Sunk Without Warning. non-combatants against the horrors of war.But although these considera- tions are of great weight,they alone would-—not—under—t_circum- stances have determined the attitude of the German.government. Puts Blame on England. “For in answer to the appeal by the government of the United States on the-saered-principles_of -hu-J AV! SE TL ineecnatiatal few.the|war zone,shall not be sunk without j st repeat;warning and without saving human mon Pore hha A eis,that it:lives unless the ship attempt to os- was_not-the German,but the British)cape or offer resistance. government,which ignored all ac-}-—Introduces Restrictions.: cepted rules of international law and,|“But neutrals cannot expect.that extended this terrible war to the lives|Germany,forced-to fight--far.-exist- and property of non-combatants,hav-|ence,shall,for the sake of neutral in- jing no regard whatever for the inter |terests,restrict the use of an effective by this At ee ;rnment of the Unit tates that German na- val forces have:xeen ee the-follew- ing order:‘In d general.principles.of visit and sear and the destruction of the merchant vessels recognized by international law,such vessels,both with’in andwithouttheareadeclared‘a naval ts and rights of neutrals and non-;weapon if the enemy is permitted to a ante that through this method|continue to apply at will methods of|combat 0 I : a warfare violating.rules of interna-|arfar ve been severely injur- |oa.warferé ha iyrarte law.Such a demeng Samet be “In self-defence against the illegal |incompatible with the character of conduct of British warfare,,while}neutrality and the German govern- ifighting a bitter struggle for nation-|ment is convinced that the govern- |al existence,Germany had to resort to}ment of the’United States does not ithe hard but effective weapon of sub-|think of making such a demand,| |marine rfare.knowing that the government of the Touches Upon England’s Attempt to)United States repeatedly declares “The German.government,guided| accordance with the on —first of all a quality tire in every sense of ¢he word,No tire can be-made of better materials. ‘But the PriceisLess rte Rosa SBA ars icedlg eng scans‘oanbly Response for Hse.on Fisk Non-Skids than on plain tread over to the proper vaval authorities|tires of several other standard makes.for early investigation the evidence| it is ined.to restore theStarveGermany.|that it is determinesipleoffreedom of the seas,from“As matters stand the principle of freec i,German|\natever quarter it has been-violat-|| concerning the Sussex as communicat- ed by the government of the United States.Judging by the results that the investigation has hitherto yielded the German government is alive to the possibility that the ship mention- ed in the note of April 10 as having been torpedoed by a German subma- rine is-actually identical with the Sussex.“The German government begs to reserve further communication on the matter until certain points are ascer-| tained,which are of decisive impor- tance for establishing the facts of the case.Should it turn out that the eommander was wrong in assuming the vessel to be a man-of-war the German government will not fail to raw.-the—.consequences.resultingtherefrom.#“In connection with the case of the Sussex the government of the United States made a series of statements, the gist of which is the assertion thattheincidentistobeconsideredbut‘one instance of a deliberate method ofjndiscriminatedestructionofvesselsefallsorts.nationalities and destina-tions by ‘German submarine com-manders.—-soswtnans -Assertion Repudiated. +“The German government must em-phatically repudiate.the assertion.Fhe German government,however,hinks it of little avail to enter into «details in the present stage of affairs, more particularly as the governmentoftheUnitedStatesomittedtosub-/}stantiate the assertion by reference|to concrete.facts. “The German government will only state it has imposed far-reaching re- straints upon the use of the subma-|fine weapon,solely in considerationof | spite of the.neutrals’interests,inathattheserestrictions are neces- arily of advantage to Germany’s ene-, mies.r been shown neutrals 'Britain and her allies. #Submarine Orders. “The German by Great the submarine warfare in accordance ‘with he coer principles of visit |man people are under the impression |Venizia’s last voyage eastward,vouc’-'ye search and the destruction of mer-|that the government of the United:ed for the story. ant vessels recognized by interna-|States,while demanding that Germa-men,theionallaw,the sole exception being the conduct of warfare against ene- my trade carried on enemy freight ships encountered in the war zone ee Great Britain.With re- ard to these no assurance has ever been given to the government of the Wnited States.No such assurances are contained in the declaration ofFebruary8,1916. :Claim Errors Occurred. ~“The German government cannot admit any doubt that these orders ere given or executed in good faith. rrors actually occurred.They canenokindofwarfarebeavoidedalto-ether.Allowances,must be made in the conduct of naval warfare against an enemy resorting to all kinds of ruses,whether permissible or illicit. “Unavoidable”Dangers to Neutrals. “But apart from the possibility of errors,naval warfare,just like war- fare on land,implies unavoidable dangers—for—neutral persons and yoods entering -the fighting zone. Even in eases where the naval action is confined to ordinary forms of cruis- er warfare,neutral persons and goods repeatedly come to grief. “~The German government has re- eatedly and explicitly pointed to the loss of numerous ships. Some German Pepper in This- “The German government has made several proposals to the gov- ernment of the United States in or-der to reduce to a minimum for American travelers and goods_the in- herent dangers of naval warfare.Un- fortunately the government of the United States decided not to accept the proposals.Had it accepted the government_of the United Stateswouldhavebeeninstrumentalinpre-venting the greater part of the acci- dents that American citizens havemetwithinthemeantime. “The German government_stillstandsbyitsoffertocometoan agreement along these lines. ___.Makes Further Concession. “As the German government re-peatedly declared,it cannot dispensewiththeuseofthesubmarineweap- on in the conduct of warfare against enemy trade.The German govern- ment,however,has now decided tomakeafurtherconcession,adaptingmethodsofsubmarinewartothein- terests of neutrals.‘ "In reaching this decision the Ger- man government is actuated by conbiderationswhichareabovethelevelofdisputedquestion. {Sacred Principles of Humanity. »“The German government attachesnolessimportancetethesacredprin- ciples of humanity than the govern-ment of the United States.It againfullytakesiritoaccountthatboth governments for many years co-6p-erated in developing internationalayinconformityWiththese‘princi-‘ple a ;ultimate.object of which has ie;land ’ en to confine warfare on seatoarmedforcesofbelliger- No such consideration has ev-| out| the dangers from mines that have led| -.+the-two-nations; ;gret that t|which the'States ext iunhapy victims of |fare are n he sentiments of humanitygovernmentoftheUnited end with such fervor to thesubmarine war- of women and children who,accord- ing to the avowed intention |British government,shall be starved| ‘and who,by sufferings,| |the victorious armies of the Central |Powers into ignominious capitulation. |Charges Discrimination. “The German government,in agree-| iment with the German people,fails ‘to understand this discrimination,all| |the more as it has repeatedly and ex- i plicitly declared itself ready to use |the.submarine weapon in_strict.con-| iformity with the rules of internation-| /al law as recognized before the out- |break of the war,if Great Britain likewise was ready to adapt the cen- jdust of warfare to these.rules.' |“Several attempts made by the igovernment of the United States to |prevail ‘upon.the British government, ito act accordingly failed because _of | ‘flat refusal on the part of the British |government.Moreover,Great Britain. lagain and again has violated interna-; tional law,surpassing all bounds in! |outraging neutral rights.The latest | ;measure,adopted by Great Britain, !declaring German bunker coal con-| |traband and establishing conditions under which “English bunker coal alone is supplied to neutrals is noth- li unheard-of attempt by |way ofsexaction to force neutral ton- jnage into the service of British trade |war. Again Criticises United States. “The German people know that the government of the United States has‘the power to confine the war to arm- ‘ed forces:of the belligerent countries.| in the interest-~of--humanityv.and. maintenance of international law. |The government of the United States |would have been certain of attaining ithis end had it been determined to in- ‘ing but an had,in f.See forces |sist against Great-Britain on the in-|crew were reticent but the Ameri- have had,in fact,orders to conduct |controvertible rights to freedom of the cans on board,who were employed in| seas.But as matters stand the-Ger- jhy,struggling for existence,shall re- |Strain the -use of an effective weapon ‘and while making compliance with !these demands a condition for main-‘tenance of /eonfines itself to protests against il- ‘legal methods adopted by Germany's 'enemies. ;pel know to what considerable extentjitsenemiesaresuppliedwith 'ed States.{Doom to Civilized World Should War :Be Prolonged. :“Tt will,therefore,be understood \that the appeal made by the govern-‘ment of the United States to senti- ;ments of humanity and principles of jinternational law cannot under the 'cireumstances meet the same hearty ‘response from the German people which such:an appeal otherwise al- |ways is certain to find-here.If the |serman government,nevertheless,is iresolved_to go to the utmost limit of ‘concessions it has been guided not ‘alone by the friendshin connecting |the two great nations for over one hundred years,but also by the ‘thought of the great doom which threatens the entire civilized world should the cruel and sanguinary war |be extended and prolonged. Twice Tried to Bring About Peace. |“The German ‘*government,con- |scious of Germany’s strength,twice |within the last few months announced |before the world its readiness to make |peace on a basis safeguarding Ger- ;Mmany’s vital interests,thus indicat- |ing that it is not Germany’s fault if | {7 S +|tions of Eurove.The German govern- |ment feels all the more justified in de- |claring that responsibility could not. i be,borne before the forum of man- kind and in history if,after 21 imonths of the war’s duration,the submarine question under discussion| |between the German government and the government of the United States| |were to take a turn seriously threat-‘ening maintenance of |Will Not Attack Neutral Ships. i “As far as lies with the|201 it wishes to prevent |things from taking such a course.The |German government,moreover;is ;prepared to do its utmost to confine operations of the war for the rest of (its duration to the fighting forces of i the belligerents,thereby also insuring |freedom of the seas,a principle upon ,which the German government be- |\lieves,now as before,that it is in !government, jagreement with the government of the! |United States. A Symbol of Health.|The Pythagorians of aneient-Greece ate sim-, |dle food,practiced temperance and_purity.'As a badge they used the five-pointed star jwhich they regarded as a symbol of health. {A red five-pointed star appears on each pack-age of Chamberlain's’Tablets,and still ful-fils its.ancient mission as a symbol of health,If you are troubled with indigestion,bilious- ness or constipation,get a package ,af,these tablets from your druggist,-You will-bhe sur.prised at.the quick relief which they afford.LObtainable everywhrye. government .cannot but reiterate re;| ot extended with the same | warmth of feeling to many millions| of the} shall force | Rasp relations with Germany,| Moreover,the German peo-; all i kinds of war material from the Wai peace is still withheld from the na-’ peace between} \German led,;| |.“Accordingly the German’govern-| |ment is confident that in consequence| jof the new orders issued to the naval||forces the government of the United| States will also now consider.all im-| pediments removed which may have| been in the way of mutual co-opera- tion toward restoration of the free dom of the seas during the war,as, suggested in the note.of July 23,! 1915,and it does not doubt that the government of the United States will|now demand and insist that the Brit-ish government shall forthwith —ob- serve the rules of international law| universally recognized before the:war, as are laid down in the notes present- ed by the government of the United States to the British government De- cember 28,1914,and November”5,” 1915. Won’t Be Good Unless the Fellow Is. “Should stens taken by the ‘govern- ment of the United States not attain the object it.desires to have the laws of humanity followed by all belliger-, ent nations.the German government vid then be fecing a new situation in’which it must reserve to itSelf com- plete liberty of decision. _“The undersigned avails himself of this opertunity to renew to the A in ambassador assurances of vighest consideration.” Other Chased By German Raider. The steamship.Venfzia,arriving in New York’Sunday from Bordeaux, France,with 40 American citizens” aboard,fired upon and chased several hours by two commérce raiders while off the Azores,accord- ing to a story related when the ves- sel docked. Reports had been in_circulationformorethanaweekthatatleast one sea raider (German)was again| ,operating in the western Atlantic, and this news has alarmed shipping} cireles. Capt. was 3oniface and members of the ‘earing for horses transported on the| According to these Venizia encountered ,commerce raiders)April 28,three |days out from Bordeaux.The hos- ,tile craft,they said,loomed up with- out anv flags showing and bore down upon the Venizia.Capt.Boniface at once became suspicious and prepared for a sudden dash.The raiders sig- naled to the Venizia to slow down, but»Capt.Boniface’s answer was an order for full speed ahead,and ‘he managed to get away,notwithstand- |ing he was fired on. What’s in a Name? Remarking on the change of the name of Poor’s Knob_postoffice, Wilkes county,to East Fruitland,the Wilkesboro Patriot suggests that the change “was inspired by a desire to |eet nway from the idea of poverty |which the combination may have sug- gested in the minds of some who werenetfamiliarwiththefertilityand resources of that section.”The Pa- \triot,however,is not so well pleased with the new name.Admitting that tastes differ in the names of post- offices as well as other names,the Patriot thinks that Ben Kilby,the name of the loftiest peak of the Brushy mountain range,would have been more appropriate for the post- office. GUILIELMUS REX.— The folk who lived in Shakespeare's day And saw that gentle figure pass By London bridge—his frequent way They little knew what man he was! The pointed beard,the courteous mien, The equal port to high and lew—- All this they saw or might have scenButnotthelightbehindthebrow! :The doublet's modest-gray or-brewn, The slender sword-hilt’s plain.device, What sign had these for prince or clown?Few turned,or none,to scan him twice. Yet.‘t was the king of EnglsTherest,with aAremouldered,2‘Tis he alone that lives and reigns!Thomas Bailey Aldrich. aged. thet The.Fisk Branch Organization is the mostwide-spread in the industry (over 100 directbranches)and the Service Policy is by far themostliberal. Fisk Tires For Sale By CAROLINA MOTOR Co. Statesville Watauga Fruit Crop. Boone Democrat. From a rather careful enquiry from| all parts of the county,we find that; it is the general,concensus of opinion | that the apple crop in the main was) unhurt by the recent frosts,though the peach,pear and cherry crops in! some sections are right «much dam-| “|DON'T SUFFER | ANY MORE” “Feel Like a New Person,”| says Mrs.Hamilton. On this day,so replete with memories of the PAST,don’t forget the PRESENT and . REMEMBER— That the BEST of Drugs are used in our Preseription De- partment. That the purest,most refreshing Drinks are served at our Fountain, That the RICHEST of Ie Creams is RAGY’s, That the most delicious of Candies is NUNNALLY’S. That the HEARTIEST OF WELCOMES is yours any time you care to drop in and rest in the Drug Store “On the Sauare.”RO S S a e te c ec n S n s e c e c n o r o s New Castle,Ind.—‘‘F'rom the time was eleven years old until I was seven- teen I suffered each month so I had to be in bed.I had head- ache,backache and such pains I wouldcrampdoubleevery month,I did not; know what it was to be easy a minute. My health was all run down and the doctors did®not do —:me any good.A neighbor told my mothcr about Lydia BR.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and I took it,and now I feel like a new person.I don’t suffer any more and I am regular every month.’’—Mrs.HAZEL HAMILTON,822 South 15th St. When a remedy hes lived for forty years,steadily growing in popularity and influence,and thousands —upon | thousands of women declare they owe their health to it,is it not ene ble to believe that it is an article of; great merit? If you want special advice write | to Lydia FE.Pinkham Medicino| Co.(confidential),Lynn,Mass.; Your letter will be opened,read|and answered by a woman and) held in strict confidence ;| W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Locks andGunsrepairedandKeysfitted.In factanythinginrepair line. Phone 209. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” bronchial tubes?Do coughs hang on,or |are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immecliate treatment with the strengthening powetsofScott’s Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott’s Emulsion contains pure'cod liveroilwhichpeculiarlystrengthenstheres- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood;the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the dhroat, ,Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists.You can get it at any drug store, Scott &Bowne.Bloomfield,N.J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified «as the administrator with the will annexed,of the estate of Miss MaryEK.Campbell,deceased,late of Iredell county, North Carolina,this is to notify all personsjhavingclaimsagainsttheestateofthesaid tdeceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Mocksville,N.C.,on or before the 2d day jof May,1917,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery,All persons indebted{to said estate will please make immediate[payment.L,C.HORN,Administrator,.C.-T, \A.,of Miss Mary K.Gampbell,Mocksville,“N ic,|D.F.Mayberry,Atty.May 2,1916,‘|BUILDING? Full Stock—Lowest-Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.1 Next.Planters’Wh.-,Statesville. WANTED! Another fir8t of the month has passed and you have not been pestered by this store with a grocery bill.Others could enjoy the same pleasure by adopting its CASH PLAN,and at the same time could save a substantial amount on each purchase they.make.Compare these prices with what you have been paying and see if paying CASH.does not save you money! THE GRAPE JUICE SEASON |:Sour Pickles ... IS HERE!Van Camp’s Chili Sauce I have a large supply of the cele-Olive Sandwich, brated Armour’s Juice at very at-Cream Cheese tractive prices.Quart ~bottles,goer Oats 42e,,pint ng _2ec,;all_bot-EISCO sath : ee ao polos e.._emall bo .Wesson's Cooking Oil a ay :Sweet PotatoesMISCELLANEOUS.Irish Potatoes Loose Sweet Pickles .... 10c,doz. 18c.bot. 20c.bot. 24c.Ib. 24c.can. 20c.peck. 38c.peck. 28c.qt.|Boiled Ham 88e.Ib: Tf-you-haven’t tried the Coupon System,suppose you get a book.You will like it,for it is the most convenient way to pay CASH!The books are $3,$5 and $10,on which is given a 2 per cent.discount.: ‘The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery “The Store of Better Values.” 10c.Pekg. . 25¢-can. 199999000009009090009 00904 PI P L PT ? TT P OS TO O L S Te TD SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 73c. per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound :FOR SALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsof.boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. C..WATKINS. eo c e e c c c e s c e e s s Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de-. positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.bl Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,E,MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,.-G.KE,HUGHEY,- President, Vice President, _«Cashier, Cashier.::)./)3%~Assistant ta iry , bto troubl-yearsago afriend told me to trydiord’s Binek age which I did.TThediord’s Black=DrandIfoundittobethecineforyoungandold,1 keep Black-Draught on hand all thefimenow,and when my children feel a) does Wein Hite no thai any atednins ers’Protective Association in Hen-!they ever tried.We never have a long spell of sick:|ness in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.”” Thedford’s Black-Draught fs purelvegetable,and has been found to reg lieve “indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and Similas |;-‘symptoms, It has been in constant use for more }than 70 years,and has benefitedmore |than a million people. Black-Draug'Package to-day. As the administrators of the estate of WW.Wilhelm,deceased,the undersigned wisellatpublicauction,for cash,to the highesbidder,on FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916,a lot of personal property belonging to the|late W.W.Wilhelm,consisting of Mules,|Farm Machinery,Wagons,Saw Mills,Cotton|Gin,Corn Min,Threshing Machine,Vianer,Reaper,Drill,ete.Sale will taken lace at Plyler place,on Buf-|fala Shoals ‘oad and will begin at 10 o'clock.+B.N.WILHELM, E.MORRISON,4 ‘*Dorman Thompson,Att'y.Administrators.April 21,1616, Train No.36CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILEB Train No.16 ar.°9.60,leaves:10, eDuff,Va.—''l suffered for several»Says Mrs.J.B.Whittaker,.ofainiaesickheadache,and!truin No.24 «n 8:14,leav # Train No, t.Price only 25c.Geta N,C.123SALEOFPERSONALPROPERTY.,degree murder From Taylorsville. derson last week,was elected third)Wilkes county -in his wagon the ‘cay|before to be here when his daughter,|three professionals but insisted thatfromtheycouldnotbeusedaspitchersandMorgantonssvotewasforctlyamateurballornothing.Itasadeadlockandtheprojectofor- vice president of the association,Geo,8.Edwards of Rocky Mount)Miss nispresident,J.B.Morrison of North|school.Five hours before Miss Di-|catchers,Wilkesboro first vice président and A.ana’s train was due,Mr,Cass was striT.Wishart of High Fdint second vice |seen writing poaut ane station.bs a a::resident,a.C.Crutchfield of Wins-|No.11 arrived Mr.Cass was standing Fanizing a league w,late weak.stomachs,aid digestion,fe ton-Salem is seeretary-and treasurer,-right-up alongside ~of it.<-Among}doned so far-a8'Gasto:The next,‘meeting of thetionwillbeheldinCharlotte, Johnston Sentenced to Die. the eatton millMonrveJohnson, RKTHE FATHERAND His G 2 5 wieSerainpeaanenmetegeeOe aoe es ‘|{CH CANDMA TUESDAY,¢Yom»Mi SP Pe e p s SE E B R B E E S due &nd,due 10.5 814 p. 23)ar.10:00,leaves)10:40TrainNo,6 ar,6:40,.lgpavey 7:05 .p,Nos.28-and 24 are not operated on Sunday.st family meédi-|——Mr.Brown Vice President. Mr.S.R.Brown of Statesville,who |shave was due and heattentledthemeetingoftheTravel-|this. ART argc store eres ‘School and Her Home)Com-Concerned. _Evidence of Paternal.Affec-}server.:Pn i Se ee ‘At the depot Friday morning w:one of the tenderest manifestations|wil)not play baseofafather’s love for his child.The|decision was reached at a Meetfather-is a Mr,Cass of Wilkes coun-/at 2 o'clock this afternoon intvandhecannottakeoffenseatthis best of intent.Stotesville and Kannapolis in F E in body as compared with the average towns except Gastonia were am,|man.but a big:soul_dwells in that They all wanted amateur ball excm./body.He was not dressed in Sunday Gastonia,~|clothes-Friday;.just wore the same|as follows: He had come all the way from Diana—Gass,*.arrived Diana.*|Position.Almost bubbling over with affec- d of:first |but just one long one.“Well.well!|here and jn nearby towns that the fansinGuilford:Superior|well!You're here.Now!now!now!|would not be Satisfied with the!Court and sentenced to die June 16.;Yes you are.”And Mr.Cass could-|class of ball that would beCaseappealed.'n’t keep hands.off Diana..He was |strictly amateur teams. THE nary range boiler. er or renter. Tastalled by 114-E:Broad St.. ’Phone 55. OU WOULD HAVE SALAD Y every day,if you ence tried AG Tt is choice enough for the flnestsaladdressing,as delicious as anyoilyouevertasted,and so muchcheaperyoucanuseitforcooking,too.It makes a amooth,delicious mayohhaise thal “stands up”wellundpleaseseverybody. We've vot anything you want tomakeasalad-—as well as WessonOil. Miller-McLain Supply Co. ‘JUST RECEIVED. SAAR, Fresh Potato Chips. Boiled Ham. Breakfast Bacon. ——ee,Ae Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St ROYALHEATER»:bition,nervousness and mayThe‘‘Royal”’is a Range |spondent and irritable,‘Boiler and Water Heat-{__.t aeerincombinationand{Kilmer 5 Swamp-Roat,aisdesignedtotakethe/P'eseription,obtained at place of the old-fasbion- ed method of attaching an independent heater| to the side of an ordi- jstore, and is just the remed come such conditions, The ‘Royal’can be |this greinstalledatasupris-/to Dr.ingly low cost and wil!|Y .for a sample bottle.;apy jing |oteOR aepet ville Semi-Weekl$.Landmene night at an expense|:well within reach ot,Every Foot of My Flooringtheaveragehouseown-|Ceiling, |Casing and Step-Plank,No cull stock at ally and it costslessandWILLLASTLONGESTC.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.=z Fresh Vegetables W.E.Munday. t NEED SWAMP-ROOT “M3%.2°%,2°%.eos oebiciouas Retest,Wirey-<0ther Thousands upon thousands of wo-|Peete ane _With ne wimmenhavekidneyandbladdertrouble|rai ee Yodier coe pa had sise|ee was created last Tuesday|{’|whe 1 c iWomen’s complaints oxten prove to|been in school there,Diana handed |VC"ares a Mir *c S.Bassairfathernotonlythecheckfor)“*Y 9”the farm o Peper nae ass:5 for the)Aheut 20 of the neighbors gathered| jand never suspect it, /be nothing else but kidney trouble,or|te c Shut ahtheresultofkidneyorbladderdisease,her trunk bu e :lg m ,|i -If the kidneys aes notin a healthy)others’trunks.-At that time no-one:Wadena ad the.es fearoncondition,they may cause the cther or-|had come for the other girls.In 4|Mr.W.A.Dearman fire was out and |e day neighbors had to fight}.|fire again on Mr.Bass’farm.No fire!aivied Danesh Hot to,out Thursday.Fire was out three or!be Diana’s and when Mr:Cass reach-|.four mes on the Bass farm Fri-|’t delay starti eatment,Dr,¢d the baggage room and saw.Di-|‘@Y-A strange man was seen tramn-|Don’t delay startinyy treatment.Dr.=-|ng about during the week,A neigh-||bor saw him passing through the 20 minutes gans to become diseased,|"een'You may.suffer a great deal with;Come and Mr.Cass passed over to 8inintheback,headache,loss of am-|him two checks and;be de-|The one he ret physician’s ;#na’s trunk going to some one else he|any.drue entered his protest:2}restores health to the kidneys |the wood afireadesyaWhatthecheeksays.”Whe s leas Oneeoe coce LLL .y needed to overs|Say When he saw The fire has done no serious dam-'ave ret.re is s }ror i Get a fifty-cent or one dolla:bottle ter the other checks and when he was 2¢vel..But there is Somesbini veryimmediatelyfromanydrugstore.mn hi lad Di d heelHowever,if you wish.first to try)in his arms,ca gf Diana and head-}jo a.son ;:oY of| os neeparation,send ten cents ed for the wagon a few blocks away.Floyd and Zula:son and daughter of|Kilmer &C€o.,Binghamton,N./In a few minutes he and Diana’wereWhenwrit-|0 their way to Wilkes,xe sure and mention the States-| |oblivious to all things else.EverWOMENSURFERERSnowandagainhewouldstabhfe will not aoe feast,finger against Diana and repeat,| Misen-News.i heimer school,Stanly county,SINCE |Correspondence of The Landmark. checks |few minutes,however,some one did “That’s Diana’s trunk:I don’t care!Woods and in less than what he was up against he went af-| |given the right trunk he gathered it,“ge about it. sick at this writing. Weatherboarding,1 Boxing,|Offcers whose terms had1sworkable.|were elected as follows: =|laide LL.Fries of M.P.Alexander &BTheSanitaryStore, ‘h t “woe ‘reyy | sen ee iby ane of its submavines upon the painful Bobmaae oe oe ,ooRussianbarkImperator,from whith Tae -aoc ci ;al oe d eNOSltwo.Americans ted hoe one nicely and is }\ Fresh Strawberries, |Grape Fruit, Oranges, Cucumbers, Nice Country Hams. and other Skin Troubles——WE GUARANTEESanoSalve|to stop the itching and be|with the first application or|money.There are lots of skin reme-||dies but Saxo is the only one they guar-|antec like this.Why don’t you try it?W.FE.HALL,DRUGGIST,&Statesville, r0., .:‘returned home,|‘The North Carolina Federation of Mr.|Women’s clubs,in session -at High!yisg|Point last week,adjourned Friday.|yy expired |yjj.Mrs,Clar-3s Loretta Hoover,4 r Mr.W.A.Dearmas:and her niece,you ence Johnson,Raleigh,first vice pres-from Coneord,-spent hiveatag aeHighMrs.Dearman’s brother,Mr.Will)Bundy,who lives in the Kestler| Jdent;Miss Clara T.Cox of|Point,recording Secretary;Miss Ade- Winston-Salem,|treasurer,and >Miss Gertrude Weilof,Goldsboro,general Federation PeStatesecretary.:The board of directors made the,Improving.|following new chairmen:Civics,Mrs.|“errespondence af The Landmark.7.W.Petty,Greensboro;health,Miss|Wlizabeth Schwarberg, ischool house communi ty. Southern,Arthurs of Pittsburg,Pa,,i Rayan,Gastonia:conservation,Mrs.thurs.Mrs.Arthurs wiT.J.Wilson.Chapel Hill;music,band and they wil]|Mrs,W.A.French.Wilmington;so-in the mountains of North ¢Gal servito,Mrs,J,S.Williams,.before returning to Pennsylvania,Asheville:bureau of information,,Mr.and Mrs.M.Mrs.C.Ms Platt,Ashevilic:legisla-visitine their sonivecommittee,Mrs.J.R.Chamber-Louw Hartrselllain,Raleigh, A‘midwinter meeting of the Fed-,Mra.G.C.cration State council will be held inRaleigh. Dearman. latter part of week in our community|Austria Says Vessel Warned.ili be'The Austrian rovernment,through ssn a.:pone om nO i ’s SanatorjAmericanAmbassadorPenfield,at from Long's ee‘Vienna,has furnished the ‘tiwanger with us. gin healingreturnyour y |28S come when our township is justly DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone-494.Residence,451 Black.— Beef For ese I sell Beef for cash and do not deliver.The customer is given the benefit in price.of what it would Restaurant:Meals at all hours. I want all and new ones, my old customers } Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof. Roofs a specialty, PHONE 55. 114 East Broad Street. Slate ships to be éonsidered,and take pleas-|ward wag very cost me to keep books and deliver,}} | C.B.MORRISON.|| HBUILDING?.G.WATKINS. rf AEtShtifeeterilrypoy yy #9 \ WATCH FOR THEPOTATOBUGS And start in time withapackageofSLUG __SHOT,the best In-secticide you can getforallgardenuse, Try it for lice on yourrosebushesandpottedplants.Get it at —~——’PHONE 89,-—— Kagle &Milholland, -|for a square deal,strictly on merit.is!{well qualified|lone Democrat,a hard worker;much:are the Hihes he wroteTeredittopersonaleff,-|hlinupholdingandfurtheringtheinter-jest of democracy;a high-toned Chris-|tian gentleman,whose life work.both|public and nrivate,will bear the)Searchlight heing turned on.' |deeds, \two avowed eandidates earth of the Vooresville Enterprise.i Western railron)fore-holf of the;eounty),Consider Mr.Brown's abil- De l e g a t e s and is recuberating nicely.States with its version of the attack sie Howard,w »one of them wounded,jer :;verted home Wednesday.;were rescued.Austria denies that the ?:ne Wednesday|Vessel was flred upon without warnins,,t rer’s +f Mi Jen aPyP 2 rtwardingtheattackmadetotheStateoecanetestAes‘Department by the American consu!at Chae ee q eee Ww.D.Fe:NeRarcelona,Spain.It is said that the (pttes Saines and Mrs,W.D,ane[Weited States will procecd to estab.atis aie henna osilishthefactsintheease,with a view ot She was reared nearjoftakingfurtheractionshoulditbeeoee‘Warranted,— ‘nity will hear the(Mr.L.N.Brown of Troutman En-224i"this week.|dorsed and Recommended For Reg-|ister of Deeds..|We,the executive committee of ten in An Album,+Failstown township,believe the time-To -the Editor of The tandmark: ientitled to recognition in the prima-minded of ay incident that h{ries.Our township has not clamor-to the writer of “Theedforofficecontinually,“but.we have ner,”|contented ourselves to work for oth-musie at Boston,quiteers.Nor has Fallstown been repre-,vears aro,sented in a county office with emolu-|ing visitor appeared,;Ments in the history of the county(however.not for lack of suitable)their autograph albums,which were|men),while_some of.the townships|foshionable-at-that time.}are “modest”enough to have two to,while the steward came in and think-||three at a time.We bee leave to:ing the visitor was a veddler.spoke|'sugerest just one from Fallstown,re-)sharply to him and ordered him out.||alizing that there are 15 other town-Father Ryan remained silent hut hisindignantandgaid,| appened and IT noticed ure in presenting a man who stands “This ig Father Ryan,”to the con-|sternation of the steward.Of course|for the office,a Jife-vrofuse apologies followad,Aalstte _Worl 4 +In my album:dve to personal efforts of his Thou art in thy snrine,My summer nears its close:In thee,life's golden wing,Oer me life Ss wrave repose,Tet suring and cummey meetTogetheratGod’:fect. A.TL RYAN,{MARY L.SIMONS,| Join‘Statesville Chorus. Mr.I.N.Brown of Troutman is theman,He wants to be repister of|Remember,there arc only _Misses Lillian.MeConnell and Wil-|lie Kilpatrick,Messrs.Huch SloopandDavidCreswellhavejoinedthe.Statesville chorus and will participateinthe:oratorios at Black Mountainduringthesummer.when the grent"usie festival is held. ity,loyalty ond are and consider howhowmuchFallstownhasdonefor).redell and how Jong it has heen}‘eo she has heey rewarded,WefakegreatpleasureinendorsingMyr.Brown and heartily reeommend himtotheDemocraticvatersofthecotin-;H ; Rheumatism!xVs 3 TRL “GASTONIA WOULDN'T,©; The Girl Had “Been"Away ~to No League as Far--as-She —is ing Was Joy to the Fathet—|Gastonia special 4th,to Charlotte Ob- |After negotiations which have been {&0lng on for several weeks past’it was iASfinallydecidedtodaythatGastonia|bait this season:Phis,| ing held | the as.|sembly hall of the Armington Hote]|personal reference,«as:it is in the!betweer representatives’of Gastonia,| erson |Mr.Cass is a little bit of a fellow|and Morganton by proxy,All of these|greed |ept|Gastonia’s proposition was _thing’he wore around home.It was”That each tearm have the privilege:itwo days before his regular weekly {of using three players of organizedhadn't had)ball or professionals,-with the privi.He was just Mr.Cass.lege to the club of using these men¢Bs pitchers and catchers.Statesville‘and Kannapolis were willing to allow! as finally aban.| nla Was“concern.associa-~those to alight from it was a littlejed after a lengthy discussion had re.|bit of a girl,for the world like.the vealed the fact’that no one of the|little bit of a man.This was Miss!towns was willing to budge from its | Gastonia fans regret that this town!.».i/employe who shot and killed Carl|tion Mr,Cass seized the little girl in/cannot come into a purely amateurYourGruggistSellsandrecommends|Preddy,a cotton mill boss,at Greens-jhis arms,planting not many kisses,|league but the opinion is unanimous‘boro March 6,was convicte .ay Have your shoe repair.)work done by our expet| shoe repairer,Itonly:takes him 16 to 20 mint.utes to tack or sew on apairofhalfsoles,Plenty -of comfortable seats—} you can have work done: while you wait.st In town-shoes called”:sup for and delivered.”¥. MeRememberweshiné")shoes free,Pte aS.,M&HShoeCo.: ek vit put up hy} Statesville,R-1,May 6 —Quite a. unusual Mrs.Lula Plyler js seriously sick,| Mr.and Mrs.H.F.Tucker,are real ua |Mr.and:Mrs,H.T.Johnson,who |New Ofiicers Federated Clubs,|Spent some tinie in Mooresville,have| David Wagner’s first wife was,Nannie Saines instead of MissomiSims,and his second wife was| rsonal Mention—Sick People Troutman,R-2,May 8—(Mr.Bewell}(J }:.is visiting |}Pines;library extension,Miss Mary,his parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Ar! il join her hus-|spend some time;varolina | 8,Overeash arc|at Kannopolis,Mrs.|f Concord spent the |week-end with her parents,Mr.and tev,W.D,Haltiwaneer spent the We are always glad to have Mr.Hal- B.Dearman has returncd|»where she{United underwent a v«ry Serious operation,|mrad Miss.El.| Cx-| have been asked to correct an er.i .:a ror in the repart of Mr.1).Tage.|,4swas stated in an oficial report re.:rir.DL,War of Statesville and Mrs.Grant Comp-| if all teports are true our commn-|wedding bells Met Father Rvan—Lines Vrit-| At this season of the year Tam re-. Conquered Ban-|It was when IT was studying|a4 number of|One day a Strange-look-| the girls flocking to the parlor with. In a little: These |FORRORRION OOG ee Misses’and Children’s Wash Dresses, 48c.and 98c. Ladies’House Dresses,98e,$1.25 and $1.50,Johnston-Belk Co.. Something New Every Day:’NEW PALM BEACH COAT SUITS,NEW *'"|EVENING DRESSES,NEW SKIRTS,NEW WAISTs.4s_Silks,Georgette Crepes,Crepe De Chine,iCrepeMeteorandCharmeuse.4OurSalesontheabovehavebeenbeyondourex-pectations.Why?We Sell For Less.eeLADIES’FINE FOOTWEAR,-Another installment of Darts y Dodd’s new stylesjustin,;-SILK HOSIERY.vn SHKayser’s and Gordon’s celebrated makes,Black,(oWhiteandallcolors,480,,98¢.,$1.25,$1.50,2.00.mSWHITEGOODSOUR-SPECIALTY.”=.1Anelegantlinetoselectfromatpricesveryattractive.omeFIVECENTCOUNTERLOADEDWITH"BARGAINS,aApronChecks,Dress Ginghams,Prints,Curtain ;3:Scrim and Lawns,_esiWhenoutshoppingdropin.We will take great .4:pleasure showing you quOuRe whether you--buy arornooe°e PHONE 212 “i THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS.|«9ERLEmmMONEYISPOWER!| ig 5 CPL MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE ‘$AND OPPORTUNITY!THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!gSOTHEBESTWAYTOSTARTISWITHA’BANK BS:aleACCOUNT!;A New Interest Period. April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-)..gment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th.will”7drawinterestfromApril1stattherateof4percent,°compounded quarterly,meThisBankwelcomesSkyvingsAccountsfrombothwomenandmen!‘;Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interestfromdateattherateof4percent.per annum.Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited.We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN -President.O.L.TURNER ”Cashier. é4 : PE S S P e e r e s t r c c s e s c c c e s PS es e e t o r e e e SS S o I I t e s l l s e e c c e t e s Handsome Clocks!} Clocks that we have bcon selling at $5.75 now have|to be sold for $7 and’they are going’higher still.»}»:Don’t you think you had better buy one now.beforetheyareanyhigher,jlotofSethThomasClocks,we have'ever had.We would be glad to sell you one. |Wsyou-are trouhted svith chronie or mug!a v ay ae ay lcwlar rhe atism, xive Chamberlain's Lini-!W Other ;ef :Seated |PPatoa Stelal.Whe Cai from UTM ahE GGCommittee.—-ad,LIAL AWE.oy Obtainable everywhere, R.H.RICKERT &SON,|1. effords ig alone worth many times its coeei _READ WHAT.STATESVILLE BUSINESS MEN 0 OK 4 We have just received a news}The‘handsomest designs a JEWELERS,Se hei..120 WE:ene :PRICE:veeneeess$2-00;reonctae [LL-NATURED CONCESSION. ‘any of us can recall cases where 'individuals,realizing they were in the wrong,and feeling impelled to make concession or apology,were as dis- agreeable about it as possible,yield- “jng just enough to save themselves. That is about the case of the Ger- man answer to the American ulti- matum.It is a clever assemblage of words,in which there is much in- solénce and a charge of bad faith,all so arranged as to create the impres- sion that:the United States is entirely “at fault:-Nearthe--end-of the note is the concession which sayes the day. Coupled with that is the implied threat that unless we make England stop do- ing the things to which Germany ob- jects,Germany will do it again. The tone of the’note was evidently "for German consumption but it is none the less disagreeable to the United States.However,as The Landmark sees it,the United States would not be warranted under the creumstances in severing diplomatic relations:While the note is provok- ing and Germany has made promises in the past that were not kept,it would seem to be the part of wisdom to accept the latest assurance in good faith,in the hope that it will be kept. While no official announcement has jecn made from Washington,it is probable that no reply will be made to Germany.It is probably the pur- pose of the administration to remain caiet and see how Germany keeps the faith.If Germany again offends, then the break will ‘come without further,words. THE DIPLOMATIC WAY. Answering the charge that a Ger- man submarine destroyed the Sussex, the German government says:“Judg-| ing by the results that the investiga- tion has hitherto yielded the German government is alive to the possibili- ty that the ship mentioned in the note of April 10 as having been tor- pedoed by a German submarine is ac- tually identical with the Sussex.” = GOVERROR COURT OF REVIEW: =~The “Btate Journal and other pa- pers are somewhat disturbed over the ercised by the Governor,has consti- tuted the Governor a court ofreview} that in some cases he interprets the law differently from the decisions of the courts and proceeds to overrule the courts..In pardoning Johnston, the Cumberland county lawyer con- Gov,Craig_says,after complimenting Judge Allen,who imposed the sen+ tence:/“I regret that I cannot sus- tain the judgment of tne just and wise judge.”This language,says the State Journal,is that of an appel- late court.“The Governor,”that pa- per continues,“does not have to sus- tain the judgment of the courts.” Further,in giving his reasons for his action in the case,Gov.Craig says: «“}-do not=helieve thatthe:defend- ant should suffer infamous punish- ment.It is not in accord with my views that the prohibition,law nor any other law should,be thus enfore- ed.”“The implication is clear,”says:the State Journal,“that the man is par- doned purely because the Governor does not approve of the interpreta- tion of the law by the courts and their application of it in this case.” It is absolutely .necessary, course,for the Governor,or some au- thority in the State,to be clothed with power to stay or modify the exe- cution of the judgments of the courts. The reason is obvious.Circum- stances may appear after conviction and sentence,or there may be cir: cumstances of which the court.could not under.the rules of Jaw and evi- dence take cognizance,which would warrant a modification of the sentence or a pardon.The idea has prevailed —was supposed to be generally prev- alent in years agone—that the Gov- ernor is not warranted in changing a sentence or granting a pardon un- less circumstances favorable to the prisoner which did not appear at the trial or could not be legally used in the trial,afterward appear.That is to say,the Governor was not sup- posed to retry the case;he was not supposed to have the authority,after hearing only the side of the accused —and usually the Governor hears only the side of the accused—to place a different construction on the law fact that the pardoning power,-as.ex.|°4 victed of the illegal sale of wine and | sentenced to six months on the roads,; of| |gress in Washington Tast week took in the Chritty-Witren ease—that he (COMPLICITY IN REBELLION. did not believe in capital panishnient ra ‘hink the people approv.(gim Sullivan,Deposed —Ameri- ey St would b6 eae can Minister,in Trouble ws a ee faeearas Maybe:cabltel|pene —Gee M aiivah asshouldbeabolished,but it would:be!rey Ja »ponlven Oe better to abolish it directly instead of worm,formerly,er cee ta indirectly.Setting aside laws be-|Dlublin on the charge of complicity in cause.the ‘executors thereof do not|the Irish rebellion,Mr.Sullivan’was believe in them,or because they do ae by-the military authorities of not think the people want them:en-}—it js-understood that,Mr.Sullivan forced,is a little dangerous.Not all Governors are good lawyers,and ‘al- lowing’the Governor,as a court of re- view,to interpret the law after the courts have passed on it,might also be dangerous.It is well to give a little thought to-these things as we go along. time,having-arrived_thcre shortly af-tor the severance of his conection with the State Department. Mr.Sultivan’s carcer as American Minister to the’Dominican republic wa.brief and sensational and endéd in‘his resignetion under charges which a commission appointed by the State Department,headed by Senator Phe- lan,investigated and found he had been guilty of indiscretions which.un-fitted him for his place,The chargesconcernedSulivan’s participation incontrectsontheislandbutnoevidence was found that he had rrofited.When he left office.sullivan saidhewas‘going to Irelanc for a vaca-tion..--The-news.of his:arrest for.nol- cane “Tt is no secret,”says the Char- lotte News,“that the fire insurance men of Charlotte and of this State have been quietly seeking to find out from the prospective personnel of the next--General-.Assembly.what...will.leged complicity in the Dublin upris-likely be its attitude on insurance 1 f legislation.”“It is no secret”that }mg was the first news of him since he “Th See hi i left the diplomatic service. e Interests”—public service core)"Sullivan was born in Killarney,Ire- land,June 5,1873,and came to theUnitedStateswhenveryyoung.Heeven‘ually went into the newspaperbusinessinConnecticut,where he wasactivelyassociatedwiththefamo-s Jack Rose in conducting s»vortingevents.He went to Yale College inNewHaven,was graduated with hon- ors and practiced law there,later go-ing to New York where he wes coun.sel for Jack Rose in the Becker case.(It is probable that Sullivan will be released). j {poration and similar interests—usu- jauy display more concern about the personnel of the Legislature than the people;and “it is no secret”that these interests very often,when they can,use their influence to secure the selection of men who will not disturb |their business;men who will stand for letting things alone.As a rule the people pay very little «attention to the selection of legislators—cer- tainly not so much attention as the importance of the case warrants. Then,when the Assemoly meets,and i they find opposition sufficient to de- feat legislation deemed of benefit to the whole people,they are disap- pointed.It is well for the vorers to remember that special interests are never asleep when legislators are he- ing selected. _REREAD SRR oR Most all the State papers,in men- tioning Gov.Craig,invariably print it “Gov.Locke Craig.”Why Locke every time?So far as we know ther isn’t any other Gov.Craig in the State and it isn’t necessary to put in the Locke to distinguish the Govern- or from Gov.Jim Craig or Gov.Tom Craig.: A shower bath is a convenience as well as a sanitary arrangement,forprisonersinOnslowcountyjail, "TANNOUNCEMENTS. For Member Board of Education.|I hereby announce myself a candidate forre-election as member of the County Board of Education,subject to the action of the Dem-/ecratic primary June 3d,1916.| May 6.D.W.LOWRANCE,| For County Commissioner.!I hereby announce myself a candidate for|county commissioner of Iredell county,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic Primary|June 3,1916.J.M.DEATON.May 2,1916. For County Commissioner.J hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County.Commissioner of Iredell |county,subject to the action of the Demo-| cratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respectfully|solicit the support of the Democratic voters|val ed Primary:DR.W.G.NICHOLSON.| ay 22,1016, Member Board of Education.«J am a candidate for renomination for_the}position of member of County Board of Edu-,—cation,subject to the action of the Demb.|Objects of Conservation Con-|static Primary.CT gress Defeated. National Conservation For County Superintendent of Schools.| I hereby announce myself a candidate for|re-election to the office of County Superin-|The Con- has been in Ireland for a considerable} ,, heed at RELATE OTe SPECIALSUIT and DRESS——SALE——— .Beginning tomorrow —Wednesday o we will put on sale all our eee -Spring Coat Suits andTaffetaDresses ‘ at a big.reduction for quick selling. andarmanner career get ¥ Every garment in the lot will be re- duced ONE THIRD and as the season is young these prices should be very attractive,for you can get a suit or dress at a big reduction before the season is half over. $30.00 Garments $25.00 -20.0018.5017.5015.0012.5010.00 Alterations extra at sale prices. (Tt) 66 66 oe 66 About seventy-five Suits and twenty-. five Dresses to go in this lot. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. ~The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. ~ 1-3 OFF.1-3 OFF.| and the facts from that placed on'a turn some of the conservationists them by the courts,unless something did not expect.Conservation of wa- _terpowers was one of ‘the important tendent of Publie Instruction,subject to the} action of the Democrattc primaries June 3,11916.‘R.M.GRAY.April 28, :That is the diplomatic way or ad- ‘-mitting that Germany is probably re- sponsible for the destruction of the|new had developed. Sciatic Susséx.Germany “is alive to the possibility”that the ship it admits it destroyed “is actually identical with the Sussex.”\.For quibbling and eva- sion;for confession and ‘avoidance, the German diplomats will take first tank:*: Germany is indignant that the United States have charged,in ef- fect,that the German submarines de- liberately.and indiscriminately de- stroy;vessels of all sorts,nationali- ties and destinations,and the aser- tion,is repudiated because the con- rete facts are not substantiated.A fist tof the vessels destroyed is suf- ficient basis for the charge. he a LATTETIONALELT LTTE, The Iredell fair seems to drag a littlé:The Landmark believes that a good agricultural fair would be a great)advantage to Iredell and it be- Nieves that enough folks in the coun- ty want a fair to put up the small xmount of money asked for,if the facts can be pressed home to them. “Few of them,however,will volunta- rily go out of their way to subscribe. The.average man is willing to “let ~George do it”unless he gets enthused.Then,he is willing to help.This is to call attention to the fact that a “whirlwind campaign”is to be made for the fair on the 23d and 24th,andtoifikistthatthefolksbereadyto meet the canvassers.Make up your mind’how.much you will subscribe before the canvassers call and put it down promtply.If you can’t help financially give it your moral sup- port and boost. After the meeting of the Republi- Be “tanState convention Republicans de- nied vehemently that ex-Senator Butler controlled the convention. They.maintained that the convention would have followed the course it pursued had Butler not been a mem- ber of it;that his playing the role of —__boss._was_only_apparent,as—he—sim-| ply ‘went along with the winning side,Maybe so,but Mr.Butler evi- dently thinks he is the boss.His letter to National Chairman Hilles demanding the removal of E.C.Dun-|ean /from the committee before the convention meets,and his state- ment,as quoted by the Tribune,that 21 members of the delegation are for Roosevelt,-is evidence that he is try- ingto run things,whether or not he has''the authority. The latest raid of Mexican ban- ‘ditaon the American side of the line it certain.that American troops will continue in business in Mexico fora time.They are needed That Governor Craig takes the view that he can retry cases,howev- er,is apparent;and he also takes the in setting aside the judgment of the courts for sentimental reasons,as was evident in the Warren -Christy case.In that case the Governor found that the decision of the courts was proper;that the prisoners were guilty and there was absolutely no- thing in their favor.Under the con- struction of the constitution for which the State Journal and others contend,the Governor would have held in that case that he was powerless. But Gov.Craig didn’t see it that way. Because he didn’t believe a woman should be executed and didn’t believe public sentiment would approve the execution of the woman,he set aside the judgment of the courts. It is fair to say that Gov.Craig is not the first nor the only Governor who has taken that view of his au- thority under the constitution..Gov. Aycock took the same view and exer# cised it.He acted on the court of re- ‘view idea.The Landmark called at- tention at the time to the Governor’s attitude as something new and pos- sibly dangerous,but the public was little concerned.That Gov.Aycock, an able lawyer,believed he had the righthe exercised,and that Gov. Craig,an able lawyer,believes he has the legal and the moral right to take the course he pursues,is ‘not Landmark does not believe,however, that it was ever,intended to give the Governor power to pass on the inter- pretation of the law after the courts had decided what the law is;it does not believe it was intended for the Governor to set aside the judgment of the courts,unless additional facts and circumstances not heard by the courts appear after the trial;and |certainlyitdoesnot believe a kind- hearted Governor should allow ap- to be public opinion,to influence him when facts do not warrant action. These facts are stated as a matter of public information and to show the trend in these matters.At least two Governors—and possibly others —have taken the view set forth. That method of proceaure may now be considered established.If the next Governor follows it he will befollowingprecedent.But it is well toconsiderhowtheprivilegeassumedcanbeabused.If,for instance,aGovernorwaselectedwhodidnotbe-lieve in capital punishment:he could grant a commutation in every capl- andi more of,them,tal case and gay,as Gov.Craig’said view that the Governor is warranted| _|there being only three or four mem-; questioned.They may be right.The. peals to sentiment,or what appears|; |matters the congress hoped to pro- ‘mote,the idea being to have govern- |ment control or supervision of wa- |terpowers to prevent their falling in- to the hands of private interests,to be exploited for gain rather than for| public benefit.It seems,however, that the waterpower interests got control of the congress and the ac-| tion taken was the opposite of that intended.J.S.Holmes,North Caro- lina’s forester,said of the action of, the congress:t For Sheriff.I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Iredell county,subject| to the action of the Democratic primary,June|3,1916.J.OTIS GAITHER.|April 28.| || |For County Superintendent Schools.|To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:I am a candidate for the office of Superin-tendent of Schools,subject to the action of the|Democratic primaries.If nominated and?elected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell coun-;ty the best service of which I am capable.April 28.JOHN F.MITCHELL. 6“..Bor County Treasurer.I think the waterpower interests,|am a candidate for County Treasurer,sub-| so-overbalanced the rest of the con-'ject to the action of the Democratic primary,| gress that they carried all they con-June 3.1916.R.F,RIVES.||tended for—not only favoring the)April 25. immediate development of the water-| power of the country and _private:I hereby announce myself a candidate for|ownership,but they passed other res-ROFatrofPee Shmomatic:woteen vas ex:|olutions criticising Federal owner-'pressed by them at the primary,June 3,1916. ship and control.of Yederal re-|l.N.BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town- sources.\ship.April 26. “The resolutions prepared by the|For County Treasurer. forsee committee of the National lee hereby einenee :eerie i onservation Congress were turned|Younty reasurer,su ject to the action of the / °eee ‘Democratic primary,June 3,1916.{down by an overwhelming majority,|April 25.W.-H.HUNTER,| bers of that committee who were in|For’Sherif.;:._|To the Democrats of Iredell County:|any way interested in the protection|1 hereby announce myself a candidate for| of the forest.”ithe Democrati¢nomination for sheriff of Ire-| :eee DOPE dell_county,ao we aan appreciate your | °°is te espectfully,Mooresville to Have Community ("xyrir 25.Pe,L,GILBERT. M Welfare Meeting.|—For County Tressarer,sores ooresvi ise.\_}-Hereby announce my candidacy forthe of-sville Enterprise fice of County Treasurer of Iredell county,;A few men were gathered at a subject to the action of the Democratic prima- point in town Tuesday evening and it 'y.June 3d,1916,and Meee eee ae was agreed among the six to call for |auey eee Te J BRYANTOU a big community welfare meeting on|April 25,1916. Friday night,May 12,when all the!Fer County Commissioner people of the town,ladies,girls,men|_am 2 candidate for county commissioner,and boys,are urged to meet at the ‘subject to the action of the Democratic prima- old club rooms for the purpose of dis-|ry June 3,1916.E.G,GAITHER.cussing the town and her future wel-|Abt!l 210326 ee fare.It will be an open meeting and|-For_Register.every one who~is-disposed:to tatk on |‘To the Democratic Voters:of.Iredell County:/some subject for the good of the towr |Ae ee ee at Deano Fe ite j will be accorded the floor for five|ject to the action of the Democratic primary.‘minutes.Welfare meetings are be-|J.H,McLELLAND,‘ing held in every community and the,April 21.ie‘time is rife for Mooresville to create|For Treasurer.|new enthusiasm in we matter of big-To the Deityocratie Voters .Iredell County : |ger construction in the way of build-|I hereby announce myself no candicate (oringhomes,parks,flower gardens and (tion‘of Bory mares omieatina|anything that will tend to beautify |primaries,to be held June 3d,1916.Will ap- 'and enhance the appearance of the /preciate your support...Respectfully, |;town.It might be a good time for |April 18 after balN |the ladies to say something about a/2 : civic league and the men about public |playgrounds and the upbuilding of 1 the town. Great Britain Will Release MenTakenFromAmericanShip. The British government has decid-ed to release the 88 Germans andAustrianswhoweretakenfromtheAmericansteamshipChina.The re-lease of these men will be ordered im- mediately. _The action of the British,authori- ties in ordering the release of theseizedpassengersontheChinawas not unexpected,as it was known thatthelastAmericandemanddeclinedtoadmitanyformoflegalityinthe reasons given by the British govern-ment for their detention.—_————— The Strong Withstand the Heat.ofSummerBetterThantheWeak Old people who are feeble,and youngerpeoplewhoareweak,will be strengthenedandenabledtogothroughthedepress-ing heat of summer by taking regularly For Register of Deeds.| & For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry June 3,1916.Wm.H.MORROW, April 18, =For-Sheriff:——__: I am a2 candidate for Sheriff of Iredell ic.primary,and solicit the support of the Democratic voters in the primary. April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. BRAT IT,beat it,little car, How I wonder what you are, Climbing all the hills on high, Passing all the others by. Aé it passed the first man cussed, While the second merely fussed; But the last man said,they say, county,subject to the action of the Democrat-|| Grove’s Tasteless Chil Tonic.It purifiesandenrichesthebloodandbuildsup|the Whole systeiie::;50C:seunsslimacuceties t won't stop,it’s a “Chevrolet.” |Chevrolet Motor Co.of St..Louis;§ Specials for This Week A SMITHEY &FRALEY ’S. All Clothing in Men’s and Ladies’at half price and less.; All Men’s and Ladies’Hats at half price. White Overalls for Men :White Overall Jackets for Men ...........4. One lot Ladies’Slippers and Shoes,for only .. $1.50 Parasols for Ladies,only : IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT! We offer— Cotton Seed Meal,100 lbs.,... Shorts and Bran,100 lbs., Good Meat,only ... Good Coffee,. Arbuckle’s Coffee,only... Nice fresh Butter on Ice .. Nice fresh Country Eggs California Peaches,only Nice Whole Grain.Rice,only .. 830c.can Baking Powder .... 5-string Broom,only .. 5 dozen Clothes Pins,only 2 cans Milk,only . Mexican Hats,only . 20¢:worth Shoe-Blacking,onl : "-"Tn-every department of the Store you will find EX- CEPTIONAL BARGAINS OF COMPELLING INTER- EST ALL THIS WEEK!Heed this wonderful opportu- nity while it lasts._Be sure and visit our Store this week. THE SAVING WILL BE ENORMOUS! SMITHEY &FRALEY, THE GREAT BARGAIN GIVERS. 50c.pair. 35c.each. 50c.pair. 60c.eee ee eeee eee ’ ..'18e.dozen. 6c.Ib. 6c.Ib. 6c.can. 25c. 10c. reer 5e. .°>8e.each. nee Be. ee eeceoee ee eeerese PPPPPTYETIPTITITITILILITILELPOTehetesthee oeseeeeeeeeeen “Do You Want Baseball This Summer? VOTE YES!BY BEING AT THE Big Minstrel Performance ae BENEFIT OF BASEBALL OPERA HOUSE,FRIDAY,MAY 26TH. RESERVED SEATS ONLY 75c.; A dollar’s worth of fun or your money back,|i ooonsoore seeseseeeeCeeSTTI22555555eee eE S O P S R e TS P SS T S T T S P S SO T SP S T PO T O S I TC S OC C e Co e eT eT ,peeTEITT STI Me eteA iCTHE-~MINISTER'S.,PL esti fesui’Fishing)In the Community—The Preach-|APEeraBrothertoManandLikeeeeefThe:bandenrk,urners R iOther.Men.me J outieteest May 9.--The weather“May9 1 nr areaaoeeeerome ;-very-dry-and-hot-and-ay.9,1016 pho ve >ge baa pe of We certainly do need g good rain,E ‘PASSING THRONG.|the eighteenth century said,“Clean-)“heat will not be a full crop even if:LIMP Mi :i it should rain soon,boo ‘none ———liness.””St.Paul if shoul :_Petgonal Mention of People and)ssid «whatsoeverthingy”are”(|.Rev,Mr-Williams of Harmony isieeeasrMovements.hatsoe conducting a revival meeting at ‘Fair-Miss Linei cane of Waynesville!ts the eu t of Mr .and Mrs,Ry 1D*Pos'ae tensa Woo sowycy ;tod RIDAY. WEST BROAD STREET t ride t soever things are just,whatsoever}oer ‘ching a pure,hal oaver things ods je hae--been:Seirvening:Fieare-lovely,-whatsoever-things are.of s phoodreport:if there be any victass!™pref TantortoiceeteeaneandiftherebeanyPraise,think 9°)high school and about.40of his stu! ee mnes.numerous other Scrip (dents vas ited Turnersburg Fr iday edturesthatmightbequoted,“but it nB-Phelr businoss Theyjenn caelBeemathatthis:covers the entire feldit)Ticht end -ther ai gathered belowSERANSeevice.inister of the tH¢mill,built a camp fire,preparedow,to place the in er oF Ne the fish and had a nice supper,thenoeottoweabyeehosts|they returned to Habrony seciing that»’sveNI r 4 7 z "atday'to her home in Danville,Va,{and marking outa path by which he eee foe 29th,Taborts.N.B.Mills returned Friday|must go,different from any other UP-|ball team crossed:bats with Hebron’from Mt.Airy,where she visited her|right citizen,is least in our thought.‘team,The score was 16 to 18 in favordaughter,Mrs.T.-G.Faweette.|A minister,as a man,is just an or-of Hebron.ShiaMissesBeulahandRuthAreyofdinarycitizen,with equal and COM!A Pood many from here attendedipsrexuestaoftheirMatar,/son atts and duties with —other|i old folks’singing at Harmony tasTs.BD.»Cowan,#.|e1tiz é le ‘iyCollectorWatts,who was in Wash-|.That day is past when the minister |supa oe ares mae vingitbeaingtonforafewdays,went from there |was degraded in self-respect by being ‘songs was something worth white.!-toRaleigh to attend »inceting df the :made an object of special favors,!Hoebron church class,with Mr..LeesDemocraticStatecommittec,to be.simply ‘because he was"a°=minister;Fox “as leader“was-thore:and they:held today.:|The true minister of today’asks no )made a good showing,which was high-|,Miss Marie Smith went to Marion|other consideration than that shown |),complimented.yosterday to visit her sister,Mrs.W.|the ordinary business man.Away!”Mr.Al Fy Harris visited friends atC.Gray.with the “professional ministerial,”Salisbury Friday.Mrs,R.M.Chatham of Elkin is)with a sanctimonious,parsimonious |"yy).R°M.Hix hasspendingafew'days with her parents,|assumption’“of rights due the cloth.”automobile.Mr.and Mrs.R,BE.Armfield.|He is just a man—a brother to men."‘Tho dry weatherMrs.Thos.H.MeNecly and little|He can be and look like other foll\—!through this section and politics areson,Marvin,who spent a month here/2 man among men,honored and re-'the talk of the day.Everybody seemswithrelatives,returned Sunday to|spected for the manly character,and)more interested in the candidates fortheirhomeatAsheville.|esteemed for his real worth to the sheriff and county commissioner§!.Mr.Wm,L.Allison of Chicago ar-/community.He welcomes the oppor-than all the rest and Y think a goodrivedSundaytospendafewdaystunitytomixwithmenandnofa-many seem to think this,Why?71%|:with relatives,vors asked.He should see both duty Se ee :shalMrs._C,M.Payne of Washineton |and privileges in every opportunity(N.C.)is the guest of Mrs.C,Wat-|to become a member of business men’skins,|organizations;he should feel at home‘Mr,D.C.Rufty,who had been with!in them,for a minister is truly ahisdaughter,Mrs.Jas.McIntosh,at)business man.He represents largeTaylorsvilleforsomeweeks,spentjinterests and ofttimes has to do withyesterdayandlastnighthereandwill,expenditures reaching into the thou-go_to Charlotte today.|sands.His church boards are usual-Dr..T.E.Anderson and Mr.W.T!ly made up of the best business menNicholsonareinGoldsboroattendingofthecommunity,and thus he isthemeetingoftheNorthCarolina|closely affiliated ‘with every interestFuneralDirectors’Association.;of the community.:Mr.R.fT.Weatherman returned The minister has a right to preachFridaynightfromWashington,D.“civic rightequsness”as well as theC.,where he spent a few days.;Supreme command “to ~preach!Mr.and Mrs.E,Clarke of Rich-!Christ.”The biggest business in the!‘mond,Va.,spent Sunday here with ‘world is the Lord’s business,and thisrelatives,returning home yesterday.ig the minister’s business;but hereMrs.A.©.Barron,Miss Winnie we refuse to segregate him from the|commissioners.While here theyPegramandMasterDabneyYar-jordinary business man.One of were guests of Mr,and-Mrs.W.-D.}hrough of Charleston,8.C.,arrived!)America’s greatest businessmen,a}Deal,|Mrs,D.F.Simpson and daugh-,|paola’to visit Mr.and Mrs.D.oe cra re us maid Ns mas Cpe ee Se fen “LIVE WIRES AND LOVEaly’.'ing’s ousiness,1 iS our cor one ay é wifS.&§8 PY,|.-2 vas:Mrs.Hugh H.Mills and little son,,business,the making of good men)Mr.J.P.Babington.Dr.and Mrs.|SPARKS.”Hugh H.,Jr.,are guests of Mrs.J.,and women.”‘This is admittedly the)Asa Thurston and bapy son,Asa Stez|at \L..Cowan.|Minister’s specialty,but a business’venson Thurston,spent Sunday inj A 3-reel “L-KO”comedy,withCapt.R J.Mills of the Southern in common.Why,even the politician Mooresville,guests at the “home of:Billie Ritchie as the “LIVE °*Here they are again Railway Company,spent Sunday in has-became a preacher of righteous-|Dr.Thurston’s sister,Mrs.C.P.Me- :,of|THE NEW WIRTHMOR’S -Statesville with relatives.j ness.Ofttimes.his orations would Necly.Mr,Hugh .Wilson Lindsay,WIRE!”Also a splendid “REX”.‘::=::erace anv pulpit in the land.Even!student at Horner's school,Char-i ‘ Y is |drama anNoticesofNewAdvertisements.|his 1a and at $1.00 On sale 7 tomorrow|---necemmmaacemnenaeenewesneeutyiarmanmtansanesstey2AATEALRe10EA er F Produce on the local.mar!i Robsters,8c,per th, Hams,16¢,to 17¢,per Ib. Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to ve.per Ib. 0 MARKET REPORTS.»j, upemtenivngibrat,Statesville Produce@followingpriceswere aes yesterday|}Spring Vriers,20¢.per.Ib,pad Hevi6,-32-—bete per tbe —————~-Eggs,6c.per dosen,: Butter,16c.per Ib.-Beeswax,25c,per Ib.Green Hides,130,per Ib.Ove Sides,\28¢.Ybwhatsoeverthingsarehonest,what-!init Sunday4-Shouiders,-13¢;nont-church,begining last Sunda Oulders,te.tbe9h1giningx“New Red Honey,10e,to 12 d2e.por Ib: rish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.. Sweet Porgtoes,We.per bushel. »,weeLewis poser is at home fromaleto-spend a month;"iMes,RE Clapp and little on,~~Robert,”one»to Philadelphia:eee -in Philade’Frederick, 8 most of the summerpie,Hanover,—.Pa,,—-and -Mrs,Louis ‘Kaufmann,who wastheguestofherparents;Mr.andMrs,J,H.Hoffmann,returned Fri: | |ae tac cnie site"The following prices were pald yesterdayfr’grain on the local.market;|}---Wheat,-$1.30—~per—bushel,"}Corn,(new),Tbe.per bushel,Oats,’66c.per bushel,~ Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yesterday 120,Pound was ‘paid for best grade cotton, { per FOR RENT~—Cottage—-with lights,batM.P.ALEXANDER.ANDER May Good Books. A wonderful assortmentofgoodbooksonour 50..cent.-tables-——Muchbetterthanyouthink. “Come in and take a look. _*R.P.ALLISON'S Beok *Store. hs,ete, IDEALS!Me Bich 3B Hs Sitd ei Mba lertjot) J ma a _..We do nothing to foster and en- courage speculation,but offerro the best facilities to legitimate and prudent business.On this basis we solicit your account. To open an purchased a new"Tal4 that is prevailing} account with us Satay Pad Sige Pi e ee SE E Te Ce ne a r Sa helps your credit standing.No small to start with.We loan at the legal rate of interest. amount is too Contract:For Alexander’s New|,‘County Home—Personal Items.|:e |Correspondence of The Landmark.|Taylorsville,May 8 —At a call}‘meeting of the board of county com-|Missioners,Saturday afternoon,|the/contract for building the countyhomewasawardedtoMessrs:Co My).|Moose and T.P.Ray of this place,for $6,750.This is to be a modern,{*|2-story brick building of 20 rooms,||situated about 100 yards from the {present building.Work will begin |soon, }Messrs.Fletcher Allen and Wil-TODAY!liam Pearson of Wilkesboro,contrac-tors,were here Saturday to meét the} Na n t ee ee as Moly i)OFTHEFIRSTNATIONALBANKStatesville,N.C.:“ADCapital$100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits.U.S.Depository.he invre BILLIE RITCHIE, IN = memes though they are insincere they must.lotte,spent the week-end withis-—W.L.Neely.jPlay the Fole,for religion permeates hi ,von ie wanted for See office |the whole body politic.(“THE DIAMOND FROM THE |work.—Statesyille .Coca-cola Bottling!Business that is not for the uplift ;Co. varents,Mr.and Mrs.H.D.Lindsay. ‘:”of the eémmunity has no right to the SKY.Tax-listing.—J.E.Boyd,clerk. |Mr.1.Te Kelly and Miss Laura Hed:rick went to Mocksville by automo-|’,bile Friday afternoon to —join Mrs,;Kellv and children at the home of her!mother,Mrs.W:T.Woodruff.'They,,,will return home today,Mrs.Sara},|Feimster is visiting her son,Attor-nev W.C.Feimster,at Newton,She}will also visit her sister,Mrs.JaneVickery.in the Vicinity of Statesvillebeforeshereturns._ {title of “business,”higher courts|‘Cow for sale.—Mrs,Bettie Alexan-|have so ruled.So every true busi-|ro ENS vee ness rat may rightly consider him-Saddle mare for sale.—W.L.Smith.,self “called..;At Moore’s stables Saturday.—R.Che banker,to inspire saving and!Riggs.(thrift;the grocer to create the de-Must put in water and sewer con-;mand for the best and thus insurenections.—L.C.Caldwell,mayor.,health,Money unearned wand selfExperiencedwaitresseswanted.—|ishly spent,is more and mdre grudr-J.T.Matthews,Charlotte.'ed the human parasite,and only he)Furnished bungalow for rent.—T.,who strives to secure equal rightsF,White.j and chances for his fellowman in mak-At the Lyric.jing géodwhile doing so himself “shall |i Shield Brand clothing.—Watt-|eat the fruits of his labor in peace.’|White Co.,Stony Point.|“Houses.business locks,factories,|Fresh vegetables.—M.P.Alexan-!enormous bank deposits,do not makeder&Bro.(the community,however importantThe“Chevrolet.”—Chevrolet Motor|they may be.Good,healthy,indus-Co.,St.Louis.|trious,contented beings are the com-|— iR.RIGGS. :naueneeneeeiemmeeas -i wife’st {;}LOST—Pair Gleages between Wainut strect,wife's past,| dae OF *ainu streeMinstrelbenefitbaseball,May 26th.imopfity.and the Lyrie,Return to.MRS.J.0.4 {Opera house.|The minister must be a community;WALKER,Walnut street.May 9 it.This.ig an unusual picture and iAsThetiitse!3 :‘ne|—J LiShoerepairing.—S.;M.&H.Shoe|/man.The title itself denotes doing 'FOR SALE—Fine Saddle MareCo.;tood,serving others.Where can it,aabereninlYouraccountsolicited—First Na-|ston short of community service?|”MaytionalBank.|-—Pity the poor.miserable soul,Wan cae oo ;Valuable real estate for sale-—Er-/5 0 minister (claims to be)is not FOR RENT New Zreom Bungalow,farishnest'G.Gaither.|bigger than his own churc h or denom-|square,summer months.Apply './Assortment of good books.—R.P,|ination.His is not primarily,the;I ‘ aves WEDNESDAY~ CLEO MADISON —IN—(ADVERTISEMEN?Sinthia.column10cents,-.“A.SOUL ENSLAVED.”per line.No ad.taken for.less than ZS by tergi_cents,Cash must accompany order.)A great 5-reel problem play on!WANTED—Expetienced walirerses nt the Ral.|:tay 5 |wih Cafo,Charlotte,No Gon9,eyeat the double standard of morals.|aE DOPE eee May)Os A little child brings euusbine)TWILL BE IN TOWN SATURDAY at 3 9 anninocen ;ark-stables,Bring stock if you have wo and happiness into a home dark |::ened by the shadows of a fond | ||| You always get more than your money’s : worth whenyou buy a Wirthmor Waist »6 years old,at §5 2 g2ea reve ry Me and |Wi Ee DEP ee pert Old:at hould be seen by every man and woman.Les "The reason why they sell so well Is not the least bit hard to tell.duringPES THURSDAY— :eee vit May 9AHlison’s Book Store.At the Crescent. kins, Multikopy . Printing Co. Automatic—refrigerators..—_Craw-ford-Bunch Furniture Co.Suit and dress sale begins tomorrow~—{Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison:Co.Old tires and inner tubes repaired.—Iredell Vulcanizing Company.Sdecials for the week.—Smithey &Fraley.Old English Pageant.—State Nor-mal.College,Greensboro.Annval Rexall sale and anniversa-ry _celebration.—Statesville Drug Co.Glasses lost—Mrs.J.O.Walker.-Best.of everything.—Polk GrayDrugCo. Social]Items.Mrs.“Jas.Wilson entertained theTuesdayAfternoonBridgeclubThurs-day afternoon.The prize,pared bon bon dish,ry Bettie Feild,coffee,cheese strawsserved.Mrs.J.C.Fowler w.the.Saturday Saturday afternoon,Awas>served with nuts.Mr.Cowles Bristol entertained hifellowseniormembersoftheStatesvilléGradedschools,al}teachers and Su~8on at dinner Saturday night,teerscomenttemeeniaane Ice cream,cake. as hostess to ngs Oy Mrs.Jessie Greene,75 years oldWas-cremated in a fire which destredher.home at Grifton,ton.Explosion started the fire.een neCATARNHCANNOTBECUREDwithLOCALAPPLICATIONS,as theygannotreachtheseatof.the disease.Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis-‘ease,and in order to cure it you must‘take internal remedtes,Hall's CatarrhCureistakeninterlly,and acts di-rectly on the blood and mucous surfacesHall's Catarrh Cure {s not-a quackmedicine.p ofansinthiscountryforear’a’regular prescription.Itcomposedofthebesttonicsknown,combined with the best blooa purifiers,”)acting directly —on the mucous'.surfaces.The ffect combination of_the two Ingredients ig what producesefwanders(aunts in curing Ca-mi 4 Send for testimonials,free,#J-CHENEY &CO,,"Props, Hamtermwengetsts,:prtee 7 oy- near Kins- of gasoline stove ‘oledo, Everything for building.—cC.Wat-, a hand-|Jd }was won byMiss;him they should be,it is all the more| perintendent Thomp-| 9} |task of church building;but to givejhislife,that.the community mav.find‘it,and have life more abundantly.|Some one has tersely said,“Church-carbon paper.—Brady/°S are but means to an end.Their,real_mission—_is_community—huilding, ‘bringing into the community the‘kingdom of righteousness.A church‘is not so many brick,so many names|;on a church roll,so many meetings|theld.The church is its aggregate{membership out in the community at;:work.to make the best possible place. It should amount which ‘in which to live. ;to organized righteousness ‘suffers no division.jthev shall be known.” The minister as a community help-rer must take his place among men injbusinesscircles.Likewise the lay-|man has tio right to ‘stay outsid‘the church.He helieves in churches,ihe would not live or engage in busi-‘ness in a churchless community.Thenifthechurchesarenotallthathis!moral aud business judgment tell jhis business and obligation to °theandmintswore|community,to 6 ih and help make.ithem halt.He has no right to shirk‘Tesponsibilities equally his own,norAfternoonBridgeclub!shift to the minister the task of lead-|salad course ership in all civic and moral reforms,|»»Life is a business,a big business.‘It is ours in common;and here wejarenotministers,doctors,lawyers,his former!merchants,mechanies,but just men|—citizens all.Every one faces the\same duties of citizenship,the sametaskofunselfishservice,and as wemouldourcharcterswemust.help our‘bréther mould his. |The demand:of munity B ;dimensions, calling. “Whatsoever things are true,hon-Lest,just,pure,lovely and of good re-|port;if there be any virtue and ifitherabeanypraise,think.on these|things.”-Then the minister canpreach“Cleanliness”as:well as “God-jliness”and not besmirch the “cloth.”|.Statesvillé,“May 6.C.M.W,-|chino onstbietaasGuclimnbcuatcacip .(‘The Quinine That Does Not Affect TheHead|Because of its tonfe and laxative effect,LAXA.|LIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinaryQuinineanddoesnotcatusenervousnessnorjtinginginhead.Remember the fult name andlookforthesignatureof1%,W.GROVE,9£-. larger than his job or (°°:BULDING2....G..WATKIN RUELDING By their fruits| e of| the day is,”Com-|uilders—cach by enormous| ‘FOR SALE—Fresh Holstein Cow,gives 5 ral-ions.MRS.BETTIE ALEXANDER,High-land Avenue,May 9--{t. Young lady for general office work.i xin and good business trainingieentialthanStenography.Being a/r >ean furnish high-class referencesandwillexpect.same from émploye,Ay yyinpersonwithreferences,—4...JOHNSON,”Statesville Coca-Cola Bottling Co.May 9 —It*,,‘ |CORN—We are inCornandwillcash.STATESV May 6. |HONOR,State Farm Percheron Stallion,|offered for service,Thisblybetransferredandth|son, MUST PUT 18 WATER AN Pursuant to-orde the market for Shelled ILLE FLOUR MILLS €O.; is!\hourse will proba-!i is is the last sea-!»May ityDSEWER! ref Board of Aldermen,all Property owners in Waid No.1,Whereverlinescanbereached,must put in water andSewerconnections,This is a requirement thutistothebestinterestofealthandwillbeen-L.C.CALDWELL,Mayor. CITY TAXEs! All property on which city taxes are due andunpaidJuneist,will ty advertised.Call!promptly and save trouble.W.L.NEELY,May 9.City Tax Collector. |forced, May 9. ‘all List your property.Retern your poll.ThelawrequiresthatallpropertysubjecttotaxesandallpolsbelistedduringthemonthofMay.|Make these returns<(promptly and avoid thepenaltiespreseribedbythelaw. KE.ROYD,a. Clerk to Bd.Co.Coms.|LIST CITY TAXES! May 9---7t. T will be at my office in the Court House|during\the month of May for the purpose ofjlistingtheCityTaxesfor1916.The law re-jduires all property owners to list their prop-erty during May.|return’as “éarly as possible,i W.J.LAZENBY,1”Ma List-Taker.‘WOOD and GLAZED DOORS. |Windows,Mantels,Columns,.Stair|ways,42 kinds Moulding;‘Door|Window Frames and Locks;|Weights and Cords;|Composition Roofing.|C.WATKINS,next|Planters’Ware y 2,1916, Sash wtih,;to”“McElwee’s house.Statesville,N.C. pay highest market price,.- So..please call and make. and ; Building”Paper, 2 0G.WATKINS. ‘MARIE WALCAMP, —IN~ an_unusually exciting “BISON” picture filled with splendid Western scenery— <THE IRON RIVALS.” a ;arOT TE nt ee.fpFaes ESEPENERAAERescheliteteecaecrnletes. w»ENJOY SCREENS WHILE YOUR NEIGHBOR SWA‘PLIES! C.WATKINS. oe akLasting”>Legibility , Multi copi Kopy gives sopies that.are scautifully neat and thet arc really permanent, In bluo or black,Multi Kapy nover fades. Ie Maltikony copiesoftenrivaltheoriginalin‘eanliness and fegi- bility.Multikopy issurprisinglydurablandeconomical.: Write for FREESamp!z Sheet Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.CLicences bi .OGper/{ "es EAD | i| { ' i| | {~ Yes,better by far than the ordinary dollar Waists or kiWaistsfrequentlycostingconsiderablymore.-Style—distinction—originality—character—all these get in the Wirthmor. This we askthat_you remember:the Wirihmor can besold|by just.one good merchant in every city—and wecautionyounottoconfusethemwithanyother They are simply — better Waists|2 ae you always because _ of similarity of packing.: Sold here Exclusively byMILLS&POSTON. v0 oy ree bs tac sea Ree aint Sates tre su rf moe tO \Don’ You instinctively dread the dark,You know that dAndyet,many times every day,you.must go 1 “pital There Light. white in the ‘curity WwW comfort lie there, into dark places. one merely for entering dark rooms or searchinwillwonderhowEvereadyLights from them.No flame;no oil, hay,gasoline,gas,or gun powder, HOME ELECTRI.M.BARRINGER t Gropeinthe Dark!t anger and dis- is no greater convenience or protection than an Eveready outThepressingofabuttonreleasesabrilliant.stream ots <*light that is thrown just where it is wanted,If you work *dark,an Eveready Light is indispensable,If you .will use g dim corners,you x Tg 490 feed ni shia Biklyie ney Ns neo rite wisihisTrigg you ever got along without it,jaresafe!There:is absolutely no chance of fire’They can be used with perfectise-in contact with the most inflammable substances,such:‘as.td are “y not © atu C COMP'Y,. Proprietor,% wSasGt VERTISER'ASKSFORYOUR BUSINI 1200 P LAYERS:|NORMAL COLLEG If weather conditions prevent performance:May 20th,it will-be given Monday,May 22nd. ~The Most Elaborate Performance Ever Presented iin The South. Grand parade,including 1200 players in costume,many beautiful floats,jesters,clowns,are. Operetta,coming in of Spring,given by 300 children.Grand assembly and crowning of May Queenon Curry Court.Shakespearean tableaux,representing Shakespeare’s important characters Old English Peasants in May Day Revels—Dancers,Minstrels,etc. MAY POLE DANCES -ee -Queen aieckeih and Her Court. ROBIN HOOD :Hue and Cry.After Cupid, ST.GEORGE AND'1T HE DRAGON.-As You Like It. —“MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM.:somal £*PLACE:STATE NORMAL COLLEGE |e TIME:2 P.M.MAY 20TH, General admission $1.50.Children under 12,$1.00.Tickets may beordered by mail. :|&Tap HE LAND)LARK|NEwsS OF CURRENT EVENTS Site of Auditorium For Music Festival at Blick Mountain. THESDAY,---May 9,1916.Incidents Gathered From All,;: |arts of.the Country.|It is announced that the Natignal sie -Pestive fr America a2TheMexicanSituation.|A new daily newspaper—morning—|a ;:sh i"-a ae Oe iis understood that the agree-‘is to begin publication jn New Berne [Charlotte and Bice AI GUTtaTn WHAT|1 u ack J é nt made by Gens.Scott and Obre-|:vbout June Ist.known as Alexander's knoll,for gem who were in conference about)Clay Kearns,thrown from a horse |i of the site for the auditorium to ee relations between the United|at Thomasville Friday afternoon,!},.erected near Black Mountain.The} :i a Mexico,see approved |died:Saturday as a result of his in-|price ig -waid-to be —$50,000_...for 29 y oy Carranza anc ashington,|juries.The knol Tao.tainjacresyeknolland1e*mountam by »before the final step i taken|4 campaign is being waged for Eli-|ridge.connecting constitute the wone the agreement made ae oe WSihu Root for the Republican presiden-}deyful natural sounding board which of the second bandit raic .aehe.tial nomination and is said to have}first iitracted attention as an ideal 5 HNgS,er ae me e public./tne sanction of Mr.Root.wlaco for the structure,says tHe wp may compere TAB ESS:Mrs.A.W.Jordan,who has taught}Asheville Citizen.[he same paper lati “he ric ~o {in the Durham city schools contimu-j;says?|a National Chamber Agriculture.ously for 28 years,will retire at the elt is understood that a tempora- a J.Watson,Commissioner of Ag-|close of the present term.ry auditorium costing $5,000 will be riguiture of.South Carolina,was)The hody of Mrs.Alfred Hall,who erected,ready for use on August 11, ele ed president of the National As-|gied three weeks ag in Rutherford |when the first chorus performance is séefation of Commissioners of Avri-|county,was disinterred last week on|scheduled to begin,under direction of ~eeerre orgarized in-Washington ast suspicion of foul play but no evidence;Walter “Damrosch.‘The permanent _:was found.ae ium,oe will‘rail £38 pore h at 99 2 as.a i tg *e 3 m *:ene :\»construc aoa yas ‘==wis ose ag oe Ny ene do [tara ll ere’s the “Line”to Line p it @ National Chamber of Seat vel in the Jhstrict Supreme Court IM]s asials being now in propre ThisWashingtonagainstHenryFord,wsk=g g ::gtd under Federal charter.‘Phe ba-ing for $100,000 damages.The suit [Structure will cover teireeaetes ne B ore you ENLIST for the FT 2ON"I’,Let us insist that you plant and cultivatepurposeoftheNationalChambergroundandwillseat wa Mes to colve the problems qf dia |(@ 8 be)1a some OL Lent ee people®yo reorn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LINE.To be sure of crop,NEWlishedstatementsopposingmilitaryTS tiibution.preparedness.::|Millions For Benevolent Pur-'U NION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE. In the United Ststes Distrigt Court|Some Irish Rebels Exetuted—]"0 {he Jnl Stites On uur see HE .Othe Go toPrlebR:SCO Eee oes eee rl A eift of AO ihe ae the Hampton IREDELL ste WARE COMPANY. ntess.Georgiana Markievicz,one County,Va.,Was given one year in the |Normal and |Agricultural Institutes jE ee ee oO ‘the prominent figures in the Irish Federal prison at Atlanta for violation|(colored)is included in legacies to-iGO TAD amas oeMOL yolt,wus sentenced to death after of the Mann white slzve act,“Moody taling $2,800,000 bequeathed to relige[-==-————~ae j h trial hy egurt martial but the sen.j!feaded spuilty.~;_tious,¢riteate and eduet oe Mstiep—1 Ne Of Ort;of the Postmaster tduce has been commuted to penal John A.Bussenger,a foreman for!tutions under the will of Mrs.D.Wil-jto pla e all post Mhices™of the count? sbrvitude.for life.The -death }the Du Pont.Powder Company at \lis James Ai New York city.‘wiser the civil services,with contra af ‘con upon Henry O’Hanrahan was Hopewell,Va.,shot and instantly;Amounts of $750,000 cach are left ithe fareer towns and brancl Ni a ne a r ce e ne Bi n a BR O We i ta d NE E ia 38 Se t a ie oy Pa o Ya n on ni c s nt s ee ax Fi Pi e s SIE se “it HSAswe ace ASEAN 1G.TAO alyo commuted to a life term.killed his divorced wife at her home at!to the Presbyterian Board of Relief offt >att the smailer towns,faile« Yeath sentences imposed upon Geo.Charlottesville,Va.,.because she re-|for Disabled Ministers and the wid:|ny Cong i «SAVE THOSE OLD TIRES and TUBES. Fpnkett and Johr?Plunkett,brothers !fused to return to him.He then shot |ows and orphans of deceased minis :pay ——Trade if NIT a wWanv yj ole 2aP ‘Joseph Plunkett,who was.executed himself but may recover.vters;the board of conference claim-4 Iredell Vuleanizing Company will take care of last week,have been commuted to 10 Members of the men’s and women 513ants of the Methodist i piseopal|a al Tire troubles,oa ykars’penal servitude.Bible classes of the first Presbyte-|C hurch,and the congresational boar:y New plant.Best equipment.Best.workmanship. o)rian ae of Concord have subserib-|of ministerial relief.Save p -yma ;a Jelephoning Battleships at Sea.jed funds to crect a dormitory for the;Other institutions to which S100,-1 ey sme .Save money by having your old Tires and inner {For the first time in history direct |G"andfather orphanage st Banner Bik |900 each is given include the eonere-|or Sprai 1S,LamMeness,Pubes shaped for much more service. 7 ‘c ,;|ae eee OE :x ‘; efiamunication by flenhone With a{|fhe dormitory will be named for Dr ee ele ees and)Sores,a ee Punetures,Blowouts,Rim Cuts suecessfully battleship under way at sea was main-aerier,pastor of the ~Concord jthe if tee ee ommission 'Penetratces aud beals.|overcome. by the Navy Department for |:2 _.|—a4inedy_the nie part mel .7 or}A year aro Sunday the Cunard liner fr Te j x Steps Pain At Once All sizes and makes. .::susits <s iC HW i?A}:heat ot .|.:; the Navy Daniels gave orders direct ite a a ee x at the ‘iS orts For Church Union *i For Man anid Beast!)|Work done by an expert aud a guarantee behind- r |wireless telephone to Captain ::Erte a Ne y|to Come Soon.{25e.50c.$1.At All Dealers |ae an andler,of the battleship New)*German submarine.The number of|Gn:.,\i : in nel i ,;persons who lost their lives was 1,216 De finite action intended to effect ei me TPE: Heups result of this test,plans wilt |eluding 150 small children and 107)es ‘ae nd ee ee PSCODH)oS Ra I at!P opens,. béé@arried out to mobilize the navy’s;|Ainericans.Of the survivors picked |‘agit asic sralan oi ee |;i rede u Canizing ompany c nications st a moment's notice|UP by boats and carried ty the shores |HE Se a ae ee d ge a Ba A 2 that in time of war the Secretary /0f Ireland there wete 764,including |;hve al re cee sy si :-COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. the Navy may direct the operations |3)Americans,A ee .: of an American flect by tekephone ,The Congress of the Santo«Dominge by the Commission on Feder atic.ue SHINGLES LATHS ls/n ot |;mS°which the Conference had reférrcd the Q oe aiffomhisofficeinWashington.republic undertook t~impeach Pres-|preliminary negotiations.The com.LIME PLASTER Le‘ident Jiminez,Thereupon,according |raj ccign endorsed the proposal to DAINTS ditor Owen Will Hardly Go oa the custom in South America.Cole)ynite tie latches a?tne qenomlta CEMENT PAINTS d of ERRILL-W Hi I ESHOE CO.-:nite the branches oi om a-:7Far.Hminey,started a revolution.“Ene!Hi ut requested the apnomiment st STAINS |NAILS H.,i 5 ‘:)Bc ha Commission authorized to conduct :a tt,,Col.Tom Bost has “put out the|dianship over Santo Domingo,started|jeeoiiations with the Methodist Iipis-;Ge Watkins}Staies Vile,N.C. eS from Raleigh that Editor Tom to interfere and then Jimincs,secing al Chureh2%Sout ar Chl kin=ese=ae d Iwen of the Clinton News-Dispatch,ne was aS againstit,resigned.The}2%Wesley:nn ee i ee ;my =cM ;2 €E ie is ar eOI :ress has elected —4 ‘ovisionaljo.ia seem te es “4 y es +2arabidRepublican,is undergoing a eta has elected —a—provision L stan would repact,with retommentia:fi)“e -. cpance and is expected to emerge a :ae itiens,to,the General Conference in,), Phacyenee cme Bc n e c a a al mocrat and a supporter of Wood-’:|yey.ma (ieee i x _ Wilson Col.Bost gives the re.|Butter Wants Duncan Removed eee rere if eon P|—_—OF —— a as he hears it,but it’s The Land-|A letter from ex-Senator Marion Ne rn yee CS::1 Ye > os Tess opinion that the report is ex-|Butler to Chas.D.Hiiles,chairman Good Roads Bill Passed. rerate of the national Republican commit-The Senate vesterdav passed with-geraced. Editor @wen has.been knocked}tee,in which Mr.Butler calls on Mr.|oui a record vote the Bankhead good; wn and run over by the Butlers re-Hilles to remove at once B.Carl Dun-!rouds bill,appropriating $85,006,000 ntly.~Geo.Butler.-brother-of -Ma-|¢20 as a member of the committee |:>aid the States in the cons truction yn,wot the Republican congres-|tor Nort h Carolina and substitute of pest roads,The bill-as introduced jnal.nomination,which Owen|Jehn M.Morehead,was.printed in a)coiled ‘for an appropriation of 875,-ee STN ie f =;ey ba s i =a gry 4 «2 ought he had;then Marion Butler}"cent issue of the New York Trib-|%60,000,but:an amendment calline!et,eee :Fe ,' at Owen as delegate to the nation-|Ue:for the expenditure of $10,000,000 for}Ey:Ge z i ;>e an e convention.Owen is sore on the!‘fcrchead,as.will be remembered,construction of roads in national for- itlers doubtless”But he will hard-|Vas elected a member of the commit-ests was adopted. 18 turn Democrat.tee,at the recent Republican State is os ‘ee LE Sing sy , :convention,to sueceed Duncan.Or-)The 21-months-old child of Mr.and!“Say something good about your We WOE ira.@ SAILOR :A ‘7 J dinarily oul ny Mrs.Fi smi ireens i I it i mJ .Bree Killed in Wreck Near Ma-Dunean would serve until «,Earl Smith of Greensboro ovér->gsér Piano.We want to use it in our) the meeting of the national conven-(urned a pot of boiling milk and wa a -rion,||tion.Butler wants him removed be-|faiaiiv ~sealded.~The remains were|AT ;.:t ‘* Easthound freight train No.88 was|fore that time,maintaining that he terred al Conover,the former hone Pobatesvine lady who has_been using a :a h 1 49 recked two und a half miles east of;is a hokd-over,does not hold his job oof Ma..and Mrs.Smith.Weser for some ‘years.Her answer 6 O1Cce,e e arion at 3.30 Saturday morning.|by authority of any Republican con —_——-was something like this:“Say some-!&HawesvouGal e train was in charge of Engineer|vention and that his’retirement was A standing army of 250,000 men,,thing geod?Well,there’s really no-|¢.HATS i)and Conductor Cline.The erew|demanded by the North:Carolina Re->previded-for in the Senate amend-:thing but good to be said.i'm sim-|6 t .; caped injury.Two men and a boy;publicans,in convention assembled,ment to the army bill,was rejected hy)ply:erazy about mine.J don't sce.B eee ree aeeeeeaten ete Jing the train were killed outright|The Tribune also quotes Butler asi the House of Congress yesterday 2)how people gel along without a pi da fourth man was injured.he [sayin that 2b of the 24 delegatestte 142.The House bill provid 5 for {ano in their home,and if they are go-(4FE PHONE NO.83. ctims of the wreck were John Wil-'from North Carolina are for Roose-)116,000 men.ling to have one they ought to have!~“yr t O hms—of Morganton,Chas.Grady-of|vel.—.1 a Het good_one like mine.Everybody.who |SHERRY .L-WHI E SHOEC e exel,the first station cast of Mor-ae 1S.Mann,superintendent of the |plays on it says its tone is ‘pysweet.|:nie dckerieiRetlGeerthedges Sete nton,and Raymond Cuthbertson of|May and Bible Presentation at 9 st.cc¢prison and eandidate for Sia «|And it hasn't given me —the'least a UNE ENOTLE AT MTT ETC TTT TPT ebo,a station between Morganton Graded School.‘reasurer,is critically ill in R:o trouble in‘any way.” hd Marion.‘:Statesville Councils Nos.300,47°!following:an.operation for ap Anacher lady who dropped into our §{——areAdispatchtothedaily papers!;:Stand 460,Junior Order United Ameri-)te itis :|store to engage our piano tuncr vol-ated that J.H.Brittoncof Bufolay'can Mechanics,will present a Bibl ee juntcered the following:“I sure sot ;!Bis county,"was injured.This is ev-'and flax to the Statesville graded Drives Out Malaria,Bullds Up Syste |tue k in my piano T paid a good “kg a e ently pan error.J.H.Brittonis un-schools Wednesday eee May;The Olds tandard general strengthening ton .|price and,thought Iwas)getting owh at Eufola.OUR AUEO Rs ORoiclod)alicliow ini liaita Gore an El Seic iN ta t)something good.Twish Thad bought The wreck is said to have heen due the .Soe eect ood eee ee aetheprogrammeofexercises::ic.F te :ne of these Wesers.”We are not .. a broken rail.Nine freightcars.Prayer by Rov-J.H.Pressly:sone ct Aiteetamie:For adultscolada lhockers,so we won't tell the make ‘We are showing’a compiete line of Millinery,con frém the track and passenger hy the sehool enildren;opening:ad-NOHCE “OF “SALEALE.OF PE RSONAL of her instrument.She didn’t get it sisting of Hatsijin Hemps,Lisere,Milans;also Flow- trains ‘were delayed for a time on ac-;‘ess by.Mr.C..B.Webb.chairman:!a8,sya .3©Gamteof the track being bloc ied.[yrerentations of Bitteue Tee ene:PROPERTY!Pron US.;:ers,Haney F eathers,Quills,Ribbons,in all the new srewer,preside YY Meredith on .|pee oo Rabe Have vone Senders ene Reese me ay.i ore eae ena ata a LEONARD PIANO STORE,~Panamas From $1.25 to $3.50:Leghorns $2 to $9. The above was directed to Pf have been a.sufferer from stomach troab-Ve.Chas.Anderson;presentation of ¢ante deecased .forsisrne I 1§for a number of years,and although T have flag by Dr.-C.Ie.Raynal:jecepti nee th 2d day of May,1916,at 10 0 on ‘|Morrison Building.W..Broad St.C JC@ ¢1 oet oricesagreatnumberofremediesrecommend:|of flac yy Ro 3 W.A =he satiate.op bome pliaee of the ate Miss’Mz ;np}ome,see anc o }te for this complaint,Chamberlain's,Tablets |ie ae WA,Lute;raising of bell,will sell to the highest bidder,for cen)|NOTICE!=the first medicine that has given ‘me’posi-Alt ONES :ill the personal property of the said «in ‘eo and.lasting relief.”writes Mrs.Anna Committee on arrangements:©.M leonsistinss of household and kitel nfurniture,{no i ARY SIMS.<din,’Spencerport,Neo ¥,.“Chamberlain's Adams,conneil,899;W.R.Wiggs,(ain and provisions and live stock Y.Yeu are hevchy forbidden to trespass,in any.>=‘ blete have done Wenders for me and |o s -.:>IL.GQ.HORN moamy property,known as the Wallace jue them very highly.”Obtainable every-See iH 17,fk.Lewi s council 400,3 PD..Mayherry A y.Ade,C.TA apes jones a a a re,ih ©.i Public cordially invited.ad!Ht May 2 aw Moab May blag 8"|ISLDORE,WALLACE.th ;;— ;5 |oe + :°Hy * ? We sell the FLORENCEOILCOOK STOVE:Wickless} Flame,Automatic.No Wicks to trim nor Valves to leak. Valveless.Blue,|absorbed in The Oil supply is automatically constant and glass bull’s-eye always,shows how much Oil is in Tank.Call and sce them. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. 1 westigation..of..competitive—eonditions. one The Odorless | Refrigerator Is built upon scientific principles of refrigcration.Every detailsbeencerriedtoaremarkabledegreeofefficiency.All compartments are constantly flushed with a stzon¥current of dry,cold,pure air.The heavy insulation of chemically tresied flex insures bis,savings on ice bills. The frame is solid oak—hoautifully finished.The trimmingsarecastbrassandsatinfinish.The {ues and other important inside com- partments are removable—it's oasy to clean—absolutely sanitary and odor-Igss.The visible drip trap—iaside the provision chamber—is easily accessible. One-piece linin§s,ice pan and drip pan are jusranteed:against leakaje. Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height—can bearrangedtosuityourrequirements. “Odorless"is the lasi word in scientific refrigeration.If-youaregoing,to buy a refrigcrator,come in ayd see us.. Williams Furniture House. RSME ea *jthe empire. |among i competitors,the Commission r i,os CoreenTHELANDMARK [ISTUESDAY,May 9,1916. NEGLECT FOREIGN.TRADE. American Business Men,While Protecting the Home Market, Lost Foreign Trade. The Federal Trade Commission hasmadeanimportantreporttoCon-gress with -reference to our foreigntrade.A summary follows:_.“Under the authority of its organ-ie act the Federal Trade Commissionhascompletedacomprehensive_in- me affecting Americans in internationa!trade.The Commission finds:“f°That other nations enjoy mark- ed;advantages in foreign trade from superior facilities and more effectiveorganizations.¥“2.That doubt and fear as to legal restrictions.prevent Americans fromdevelopingequallyeffectiveorganiza-tions for overseas business and that the foreign trade of our manufactur-ers and producers,particularly the| smaller concerns,suffersi n .conse-| quence.,The:Commission....appreciates ‘theimportanceoffosteringforeigntradc and.realizes the urgent need.of en-~ abling our citizens to meet.foreigners on equal terms in international com-merce.It therefore recommendsthatimmediateclarificationofthelawtopermitco-operation .among Americans for export trade.“While the United States has.been domestic developmentothernationshavefolloweddefinitevoliciesfortheexpansionoftheir foreign trade and have perfected ef- ficient organizations for the purpose in view. “In seeking business abroad Amer- ican manufacturers and_.producersmustmeetaggressivecompetitionfrompowerfulforcigncombinations, often international in character.In Germany,England,France,_Italy, Austria-Hungzarv,Switzerland,Hol: land,Sweden.Belgium,.Japan and other countries business men are ‘much freer to co-overate and combine than in the United States.They have developed numerous ~comprehensive combinations,often aidéd by,their|rovernments,which effectually uniteitheiractivitiesbothin-domestie-and foreign trade.~.“In Germany-prior to the war there were 600 important cartels,i.e.,com- vinations,Lo control the market,em- bracing practically every industry in Many dominated the ex-jnort trade of their industries and earried on vigorous campaigns to ex- tend their foreign business,to pre- Iveors in foreign markets,and to se- |cure profitable prices.Thus the Ger- man dye-color industry.operated as a} junit in foreign trade under the lead-} ership of two ereat groups of allied! »roducers,the dadische group and the| Yochst-Casella,which were working} under agreement to avoid competition| Sotween ‘themselves for 50 years. “In Japan an export organization of textile.manufacturers is rapidly—ob-; taining the rich,cotton goods trade of; 'Nerth China.The trade in tea is con_! _|trolled by a nation-wide ‘tea council.’| Ore great Japanese jirm,which in it-| self combines manufacturing,mining,| ;Shipping and merchandising enter-} |prises.is ranidly extending Japanese | |trade in all lines throughout the Far} |Kast and the Japanese government ts} |directly assisting the development of}'shipping,bankine,and trading for foreign business.” “The Commission medial legislation.It says:“By its|investigation the Commission,how-| ever.has established the —faet that recommends re- |Soubt as to the application of the an- iti trust laws to export trade now vre- |vents concerted action by American, |business men in exnort trade, /among producers of non-compctitine|voeds.In view of \the even! ,this*fact and of: conviction that co-operation should be encouraged in exnort trade! competitors as well as non- spect- ameter ;ten years in prison; event competition among German pro-w. See eeSMT aaa Be omerFROMOVERTHECOUNTRY. Items of Interest About Vartous|‘"Matters.|Senator O’Gorman,‘Nemocrat,of|New York,annunces that he will not|be a candidate for re-election,,His! term expires next March.it So far 160 civilian deaths are re-|ported as a result of the recent re-|volt in Ireland—and that |is not all!the civilians.The soldiers on both|sides killed in action are to be added.| During the’month of —April Ger-mariy destroyed 26 aircraft of the Entente allies and Germany lost 22nsatvording-to-the-report from+ Serlin/1}Harry K.Thaw,formerly much in| the public eye,has been granted a di- vorce from his wife,Evelyn Nesbit Thaw.The woman did not contest the suit.Thaw denied the paternity of Russell Thaw,the son vorn to his-wife. Four more Irish rebels were exe-| cuted in Landon Friday.Fifteen oth- ers sentenced to death got off with another death sentence was changed to eight years in prison and two others were sen-& tenced to ten years <in’prison.| The sinking of an allied’transport in the.Mediterranean late in April with the loss of nearly all the 600 Russian troops on board,is just nowofficiallyreported.The transport: was sunk by striking:a mine about. the same time the British battleshipRussellmet..a similar fate.i Lieut.Harold S.Naylor and.Lieut.|2 Edwin E.Pritchett,of the Fifth field|= \1 TOREEE EET PT HALEIE TT [s[FOR SALE!| 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 acres in cultivation,bal-*|ance in woodland,level red subsoil,small dwélling,barn,crib,-~young orchard,two fine-springs.Will exchange for city property ©or sell on easy terms,a8 102 acres,71-2 miles from.Statesville,-good-neighborhood,-near-—schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stockbarnand-out-buildings,good.orchard,two branches runningthroughplace,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance inwoodlandenclosedinpasture.. 113 acres 1 1-4"miles from Olin,three-room dwelling,barn and_outouilings,..49.acresin’cultivation,14 of..which-is-fine bottom.land,balanve in fine,original oak,pine and poplar,timber.$2,--000 cash and balance on easy terms:; For further information call on or.write J)ERNEST (GAITH GENERAL [NSURANCE,RENT-ALS ani REAL ESTATE,PHONE 23.OFFICE NU.1,MILLS BUILDING, ieea em iCREEN) artillery,United States army,were |=killed and J.E.McMahon,Jr.,of theSecondfield“artillery,and Lieut.|Richard C.Scott,of the Fourth field| artillery,were seriously injured in,#3anautomobileaccidentatFortSill Okla.,Sunday. The Senate has inercased from $850,000 to $1,000,- 000 the appropriation in the rivers!= and harbors bill for the passes at the} mouth of the Mississippi.As amend-| ed--by:the--committee—the...measure would’be appropriate about $43,000,- 000,an increase of $3,0000,000 over | the House bill.iWilliamLorimer,former United! States Senator,who was acquitted of:3 a]j charges of embezzlement and conspir-|2 acy to defraud in connection with the failure of the La~Satie—Street—Trust. and Savings Bank «of Chicago,whilehewaSpresidentoftheinstitution, says he will accumulate the money toreimbursealldepositorswholostby ithe failure. President Wilson,speaking at a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the,American Bi- ble Society,in Washington Sunday,| dwelt on the usefulness of the Bible|in drawing people together.“In pro-! portion as men yield themselves to,the kindly light of the gospel.”he! said,“they are bound together in the|bonds.of -mutual understanding and, assured peace.”j "PROFITBYTHIS. - Don't Waste Another Day. When.you are ache; By lameness ders=- Don’t experiment with an medicine. Follow ple, Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Here’s Statesville testimony. Verify it if evou wish: Mrs.D.D.Littlejohn,146 E.Sharpe street,Statesville,says:“My back vained me so severely.that I could hardly get out of bed in the morning. Sharp twinges darted throngh my kid- worried by back-! and urinary disor- untried Statesville people’s exam- feiss |==commerce committee |4 4 Everybody uses screen doors,but not all swing them with loose pin hinges.The ad- vantage of this is that you can take them down in winter and put them up in summerwithouttheassistanceofacarpenter;and when the busy man of the house hasn’t time to attach and detach the doors,thegoodhousewifecandothisherself. The-screen doors we sell are furnished with loose pin hinges and long coil springs and arc strong and substantial.Plenty of Screen wire and adjustable window_screens. AEE Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.4 i|aaCEa eae aS FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING WITH A e Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE,."PHONE 20.Prescriptionist.|: neys and nearly took “my hreath away.My kidneys didn’t act as they should and the kidney seeretions were seanty and unnatural. and run down,I finally began tak- I was nervous Sys BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY MANULACTURERS.OF : pk fully recommends the enactment of ing Doan’s Kidney Pills and they re-declaratory and vermissive levislation,lieved the misery in)my back andtoremovethisd4i.=:sae :vin cat :oubi.made my kidneys rerular in action,The Commission ey 2 :ae FSixboxesofthismedicinemade me Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re-ve tail.__Established in 1880,_Incorporated-1909. fects —that—it The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System haveputamateurphotographywithinreachofeverymap,woman and child at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIKS $1 to $12..Kodak‘supplies of all kinds ia the genuine Eastman quality. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler, The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.INSURANCE! As a great many policyholders do not seem to know.thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamed‘in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberendered_valueless,viz::1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply toyouragentforpermit.2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. ;8—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of\Same is given—apply to your agent.4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.:‘5—Assignment or transfer of property to another. 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.7_The taking of other insurance without notice,8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage. ‘Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contractoftheirpolicies,It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- eeea mation..‘“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager,’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,NC. REPAIR WORK. Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. R.F,HENRY,ie Jeweler. |would fail of its duty if it did’not ,organization demanded bv the condi- ‘+$150,000,000. urge the pressine need of such action! immediately.If American business men are to make the most-of the great opnortunities now before them,| are to build securely in foreign trade,| 7,rd are to avoid disaster in the shock of the stern and determined compe-tition that will doubtless follow the: war,they must_at once perfect the tions of international trade.” Merchant Marine and Railroad Connection For South America. Secretary McAdoo,back from theBuenosAiresmeetingoftheInterna- tional High Commission,declares that leading South American states- men agreed -with him that quick de-| velopment of a merchant marine un-| der an American flag and completion|of a Pan-American railway,are the| most important factors to be consid-| ered in plans-for closer unity among}American nations.|A question of great importance is!the completion of inter-continental railway connecting Norths and South! America through the Isthmus of Pan- ama.Outside of ocean transporta-tion,no other understanding is more! essential to the future development|of North and South America than the construction of this great railroad.The total distance between NewYorkandBuenosAiresbyrailis10,-300 miles,of which approximately 7,-!400 have been built and are in overa-| tion.The principal gaps in the inter-, continental railway are in the coun-|tries of Central America and in Co- lombia,Ecuador and Peri:in’SouthAmericaandtheestimatedcostof construction 'is,roughly —speaking, “All aboard for Buenos|Aires!”when shouted in the railroad| stations of New York ctiy will be a)thrilling announcement.Some day,|and in the-not remote future,thisannouncementwillbeheard. esseneeeeniemethinaienmnmattneanenaeeeel \Whooping Cough.One of.the most successful preparations in,use for this disease is Chamberlain's CoughRemedy,S$.W.McClinton,Blandon Springs.| Ala.,writes,“Our.baby had whooping cough!as.bad_as.most.any bby could have it.1!gave him Chamberlain's Cough.Remedy and) it sooh got him:well."Obtainable ‘every:! feel like a different—perseon. Price 50c..at all deasers. Don't ones:Oe =24 GEO,H.MYERS,PHONES:Residence 23 Vice Pres.and Manager.eer simply ask for a kidney remedy—-get |>=;7 =TST SS Down's Kidney Pills.thes same that Mrs.Littlejohn had.Foster-Milburn! Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. Spring Flowers! Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. Are You Spe e q )‘:ncing All You Make? If so you will more than lixely be an object of Charity in your old age. The Sensible thing to-do is to save part of your earning NOW.The best way to save is to start a bank account. You are always welcome at this bank .no matter how small your account may be.Come in and let us tell you about our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ;and Farmers’Bank,| ‘”Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” .Merchants Van Lindley Co., Polk Gray Drug Co., ‘kecal Agonty-5 where, HUNT BROTHERS,— STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,Plumbing and Private Water Systems, _REFERENCES I'URNISHED,ae Music From 9 A.M.To 6:30 P.M. Come help us enjoy the day.veh your friends to meet you here. two for 1c.more than the price of one. valuable presents for half cash. The Rexall Dance at Armory,9 P.M,You are invited. THE REXALL STORE. STATESV ILLE QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS EVERYBODY EXPEC TED,EVE RYBODY WELCOME. Qur Great Annual Rexall 1c.Sale Starts On Wednes and continues T hursday,Friday and Saturday.Many desirableand useful articles, The way to judgeis to see.Let us show you. Take home with you our new Rexall Premium Catalogue,telling how to get many Your Coupons pay the other half. During the 1c.Sale Double Coupons given with every purchase. RUG COMPANY. THE LANDMARK. TUESDAY,---| MEETING ST.UNDERPASS Aldermen Will Consult Railroad Sompany and Commissioners —Water and Sewer Connec:, tions—Business Before the Aldermen.. The regular monthly mecting of the board of aldermen was held Fri- day night. The street committee was instruct- ed to take up with the Southern Rail- “away Company and the county of Ire- dell the matter of putting Meeting street crossing under the railroad _tracks,Also the matter of—extend- ing Meeting street.Interested par- ee had a‘petition asking that this e done. —Dr.T.Grier Miller was rebated for the ‘drive-way improvement between the bank-building and the store room occupied by Eagle &Milholland.An error had been made in reassessing: it.It was decided that the city pay the hospital bill—S15--of Mr.J.Paul ‘Leonard,who was recently hurt by the fire truck while attending a fire. This was done at the instance of ‘Sheriff Deaton,who stated that Mr.‘Leonard had been asked to accompa- ny the truck in the capacity:of fire- man. #Mr.D.M.Auslev, police committee,was instructed to anvestigate the advisability and ne- Cegsity of a police patrol and firetruck. ©It was ordered that the of Mrs.Wakefield and Mrs.MeLel- Jand be connected up with the sewer at its new location on |Mulberrystreet. The limit in which gasoline tanks may not be placed on Center street »fas extended to Water street, All property owners in ward No.1 will be required to make water and gewer connection at once,where thegrecanbereached.Other wardsnorderwillthenberequiredtodotheie : .W.L.Mitchell,engineer at theare:station,asked for an increaseINsalary.This will be acted on later;It was decided to place a specialpolicemanatthedepotonSaturdaysandSundays. The Fight Goes On—Allies Threaten Big Offensive. “The fighting at Verdun continuesGitnoatmaterialchange.SometimestheFrench:gain o little.sometimes the Germans.Nothing decisive..Nothing ofimportance on otherbat-e fronts, May 9,1916. chairman of the A report from London says “within| é next 380 days the allies will unroll |@ great combined offensive against the,a empires that will mark the} Thing point.in the world war.the belief now held in every cani-of Europe.The activity being dis-|be by the Germans in imvroving|Hétonaive positions on both the||western “fronts,as-well!@ Balkans,indicates that’the||Bengeneralstaffholds.the same} day residence This | |BUILDING? TO OBSERVE MOTHER'S D.Ay} Bible Class Passes Hundred Mark —Associate Reformed Meeting and Presbytery. Rev.J.H.Pressly and Mr.T.L. Stikeleather of the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian church Rev.S.W.Haddon of Pressly Memo- rial church,left yesterday for Clo- ver,S.C.,to attend a meeting of the First Presbytery of the As: RoCormed Presbyterian Gaurch, ‘The series of meetings which was held in the First Associale Reformed Presbyterian church closed Sunday night.The meeting was conducted by Rev.Dr.J.S.Moffatt,president of Erskine College, and was very successful. were held cach afternoon and evening, herinnine;Wednesday evening,with communion services Sunday.' The attendanee af the Bible of Broad street Methedist-ehureh sist day went bes expectation.‘Phe and 10%prescmt. Services class cond eprollment was 124 This was an inerease of 41. Rev.Dr:TL.M.Parker was formally installed io church NICKVCISES Sunday as pastor of Little at Barium Springs.The were held at 3.50 o’clock intheafternoon,Rev.Dr,J.M.Grier of Concord pre:iched the sermon,Rev. 5S.H.Hay of Mooresville aered the pastor and Elder R.H.Rickert of Statesville chargzed the people. Mcther’s Day will be observed at Broad Stfeet Methodist .church Sun- ¥y.both as to Sunday school e s and the other services.Mrs.J i’.Henninger has invited the members of the Home department,of —whom 70,to be Members of ¢have also i s to all members »there and wear there are eel :class Men's invita- l¢+Ciass to flower, the esued of the a white ”:vr.Sigmon Ex Gr. “Mr.Sigmon, latiempied the suicide hy Insane man who stalling him- self,at his home in)Newton —last Wednesday night,is improving and is expected to recover from his physical injuries unless unexpected complica- tions develop.Mentally,however, r.Sigmon's condition -remains un- proved and he will probably be sferred to the State Hospital as seon—as—his—physieal—condition per-mits,( Mr.Sigmon was discharged from the Hospital’more than a year ago,on probation.He lived at New- fon and was employed in the Bolick bugry shops at Conover, ‘ices as a mechanie were highly Vi ued,Recently he lad not been ‘considered sound menjally but he con-ines at work until |ning,when he his life. Mr.Sigmon isawife State Wednesday eve- made the attempt on 40 years and four children. ‘Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove’s TastelesschillTonicisequallyvaluableasaGeneralTonicbecauseitcontainsthewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUININEandIRON.It actson the Liver,DrivesoutMalaria;eee the Blood,and|Buildsup_theWhole System. C. 50 sents, =|WATKINS.| ‘oo the week, and ay oclate we Due West,S.(©.th CT-ne guests of the Sun-| pected to Recov-i! where his te: old and has This Week forecast for the eves the comfortable as: Rain weather week urance,that latter part | The rain may be expected the above the seasonal rage—-that’s what we had Sunday and vesterday--are indicated for the Middle Atlantic,South Atlantic sand Cultf States.By the middle of the Ideal showers and thundes i probable over the great aHeys and the plains States aad t!rider part of the week in th» Middle Atlantic Status and throu;rh- t the South,The weat!will be rene >SASRERE TAAat of the weck Southern States Temperatures LYaitTHEATRE TODAY THEODORE ROBERTS in “Padd’ahead Wilson” Paramount’s picturized {version of Maris ‘Pwain’s bes t loved story. TOMORROW JACKIE.SAUNDERS rally.fair throughout sorreree PARKER,NLC.=eGETSQUICK RELIED, nport Setter After First oxe of Remedy. avenport DyOmn Lert ce TEN an |framia 1c.He Foueht treaty ‘it little rehef.—At nee i hat he -would have to give up peculiar mak id, Wonderful -s T Rave suffered from a | in Pa vzzled docttors.They ¢the fomach,say-a “The Girl Who Won” Id he a chanyepwouach A romatic storyandthatinallprobalilitaeioe“or get well,Then Uhears |beautiful stat ly leading part.\One noitie gave im “It made me.ree!i |THURSDAY ETHEL BARRYMORE with a in the Vour full course nts has-abeut cured me.Sev- 'friends have also rful Remedy 9 give for stomach, iiments.Mat as li No mo ure of lives (ing?press !and around the »bottle of your drugsis 7 jt on an absolute guar: satisfactory money will be >by the Statesville Drue ral olher palieute de is,SHINGLE! father has ~been |selling for 85 years.The Wat! bur in quantities and sell for le rave been selling them in States »for nearly a year,ahd nota cus- rer has reported a leaky roof.i C.WATKINS,Shingle sing of Tre-4 lel]County,Steatesville,NG CL elo “The Kiss ef Hate” A Metro Wonder-play.THE LYRIC THEATRE Coming;“The Spoilers” sure your.house against 7 net insure it against deco fire,You inWhy y with Begins to SAVE YOU MONEY from the very day you putit into use.It pays for itself time and time again-—and it will give you perfect service in the taking care of your food—to say nothing of giving you an abun- dance of cold drinking water,without the use of extra ice. Let us show you the AUTOMATIC. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘“The Store That Always Welcomes You.” =m PILONK 400.= _FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,A.C, FOR RENT—Store building on:south Center etreet,)near —dapot.Terms $12.80 —per month;@ash tn advance.W>Ky BRISTOL. May)5--2t.” |SECEDROICSOREE CECHITALITE J UST ARRIVED. New Lue Spring Suits,Hats, Shirts and Neckwear. ALL THE LATEST in these LINES. Call early and look through.Will”take pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or not. Respectfully, Sloan Clothing Com’y. SO VOL.XLI. <jSTATESVILLE,N.©,FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916.NO 86... GERMANYADMITS ERROR. Pleads Guilty in Case of Sussex and Offers Reparation. Germany,in a note received by theStateDepartmentWednesday,by ca-ble from Ambassador Gerard,admitsthataGerman’submarine torpedoedthechannelsteamerSussexinviola,--tion-of--assurances-given-the--UnitedStates,expresses regret for the inci-dent,announces that-the submarinecommanderhasbeen“appropriatelypunished”and declares readiness topayanadequateindemnitytoAmeri-cans injured on the vesser.It was indicated at the State De-partment that the.German statementthattheoffendingcommander|had’ been punished would be accepted;andtheSussex:case.considered closed ex-cept for arranging for the paymentofindemnities.to the several citizensoftheUnitedStates’who were hurt. There probably will be no attempt tonegotiatefortheseindemnitiesorforfinalsettlementoftheLusitaniaand| other cases pending,however,untilsufficienttimehaselapsedtoindicatehowthelastAmericannotewasre- ceived in Berlin and whether the new submarine policy is being lived up to. Results of an investigation,basedonfactssuppliedbytheAmerican government,the German communica- tion says,has shown that the conten-tion originally set up that the explo- sion on the Sussex was to be tracedtoacauseotherthanaGerman.sub- marine attack,cannot be maintained. While asserting that the submarine commander thought he was:dealing with an enemy warship,Foreign Min- ister von Jagow admits that he form-ed his judgment.too hurriedly andthereforedidnotactfullyinaccord-ance with the strict instruction whichcalleduponhimtoexerciseparticular care.Admitting the error,the Ger- man foreign minister says: “In view of these circumstances, the German government frankly ad mits that the assurance given to the American government,in accordance with which passenger vessels were not to be’attacked without warning,has not been adhered to in the pres- ent case.As was intimated by the undersigned in the note of the fourth instant,the German government doesnothesitatetodrawfromthisresult- ant consequences.It therefore ex- presses to the American government its sincere regret regarding the de- plorable incident ‘and declares its readiness to pay.an’adequate:indem-nity to the injured American citizens. It also disapproved of the conduct ofthecommander,who has been appro- priately punished,” The Mexican Situation. The conference between Gen. Scott and Gen.Obregon,representing the United States and Mexico,spectively,was still in progress at last account and there was no definite information as to its result. Meantime,however,the United States is sending more troops into Mexico and chasing bandits contin- ues.”Not only have all available troops of’the regular army been-sent into Mexico or placed along the bor- der.but eleven companies of coast artillery stationed at-Gulf and At- lantic coast points,have been order- ed to San Antonio,Texas,for infan- try duty with the border patro].In addition the National Guard of Tex- as,New Mexico and Arizona are be- ing mobilized for a similar purpose and all camps along the American line of communication are being en-trenched.4It_is evident thatthe United StatesexpectstodobusinessinMexicoforaseason. Post-Graduate Medical For Statesville. The State University and the State Board of Health are arranging post Class re-! President of Meredith College Speaks at Bible and Flag Pre- sentation By the Junior Or- ‘der-—Other Addresses. The exercises attending the presen-tation,by thé three Statesville coun-cils..of the Junior Order AmericanMechanics;of a Bible and flag to’thenew.Statesville Graded Schools,werevery.well attended.The exerciseswereheldintheoldgradedschool auditorium Wednesday afternoon at2.30 o’clock. Mr.C.-B.Webb,national councilor of the Junior Order,was in charge ofthe’programme,which was openedwithasongbythechildrenandau- dience and .invocation by Rev.Dr. Ware..Mr.Webb stated that the first presentation of a Bible and flag by this Order to a school was the one presented to the Statesville Graded |Schools-17_years ago,and that with- in the past three weeks something like 25 Bibles and flags had been presented to schools of Iredell coun- ty.He said the Order welcomes to this country those who come to buildhomes,stands back of the Bible and the flag and our public schools.It stands for virtue,liberty and patriot- ism.Mr.Webb then introduced ‘Dr. Chas,-E.Brewer,president of ~Mere-dith College,Raleigh.In presenting the Bible Dr.Brew- er gave a history of the Junior Or-der.The first Order was established in 1846.In-1858.a second Order was :Started by the sons‘of members of the first organization,hence its name. It is an Order of mechanics in that it builds character,favoring anything {that will do this.A memper must be ja native born American citizen.He [told briefly of the work of the Or- |der’s National Orphanage in Ohio.‘Phe Order-has a quarter of a million members in the nation and 35,000 in the State.It opposes the importation of foreign paupers,diseased and crim- {inal class but welcomes others.It be- |lieves in education,holding to the doc-trine of equal rights to all and special privileges to none in this respect—the wealthy and poor schooled together.|The curriculwn of the schools places jall on a level and they have to work out their education for themselves. Our schools have adopted a curricu- lum that is practical to needs of peo-,ple—farming,mechanics,ete.Men|who know all of theory and nothingofpracticeareeducated,numbskulls.|The Junior Order does —not believeinsectarianismbutdoesbelievein,reading the Bible because so little isknownofit.The child,the aged,allnationalitiesbeingbenefitedbyaknowledgeofit.It is adaptable toallmoods.Take out of the world allthattheBibleisresponsibleforandhowpoorwewouldbe.‘The best ofliteratureandartwouldbepoorwith-out it. Dr.Chas.Anderson,in a few appro-priate remarks,accepted the Biblefortheschool.Mr.Z.V.Long thenintroducedDr.C.E.Raynal,who pre-sented the flag. Dr.Raynal said that any idea ofcitizenshiportrainingthatomitsaconception.of duty to country is in-complete.Along wth-reverence forthehomeandGodmustbereverenceforcountry.We should keep theflag,love it,honor it and tet no man dis-honor it., Rev.W.A.Lutz accepted the flag.He explained its origin and signifi-;cance—the white representing purityandpeace,the red defiance and thestripesthe13original“States.HesaidthattheBibleshouldbeatextbookintheschools. Mr.Webb explained that he hadlivedhere43yearsandtoldofthehistoryofStatesville’s public schoolbuildingsandofthegoodworktheyhaddone.He said that he now fa-vored a playgrou for the children.The exercises ‘Wtre closed with a ADDRESS BY DR.BREWER. graduate,courses for physicians in their home towns.The plan is for a half dozen adjacent towns to ar- range for classes and a physician ofdestinctionwillbesecuredtodeliverlectures.It is proposed that the lec-tures begin about July 1st,to con-tinue three months,with a lecture and clinic in each town once a week. It is necessary to secure a class of atleasttentoobtaintheservicefor any one place,the cost being $30 perpupil.Dr.Gerstley,an eminent physi-cian,instructor in the Northwestern University in Chicago,is proposed forthis:service.:The idea is to give physicians intheirhometownswhattheymustotherwisegoabroadtoobtain.It isdesiredtoestablishaclassinStates-ville and The Landmark is asked tosaythatphysicianswhowilljoinwillnotifyDr.M.R.Adams or Dr.H.F.Long.Application blanks may be obtained from Dr.Long. “Marriage Last Eveninge—Elope- ment. Miss Mary Dunlap,daughter ofMr.and Mrs.John C.Dunlap of Beth-any township,and'Mr.Jack WyckoffofStatesvilleweremarriedlasteve-ning at Broad.Street Methodist par-sonagé,Rev.John F.Kirk officiating.It was a runaway match.After theceremonyMr.and Mrs.Wyckoff wenttothehomeofthelatter’s brother-in-law and sister,Mr.and Mrs.T.S.Lazenby..Mr.Wyckoff is a son of ‘the lateSheriffJ.H.Wyckoff.”He has beenlivinginWyomingandcamehomeabouttendaysago. Work was-begun this week on thesand-clay road which is to connectfromWoodleaf,Rowan county,withtheIredellhighwayatCoolSpring.J.T.Plott,formerlytheIredellroads, song and the benediction by Rev.J.I’.Kirk. New Buildings F or RutherfordCollege. At the meeting of the trustees ofRutherfordCollegeTuesdayitwasdecidedtobuildtwonewbrick‘dormi-|tories and a club dormitory on the;new site half way between the oldSiteandConnellySprings.The newjadministrationbuildingisaboutcom-|plete and will be ready for the fall|term. Prof.M.T.Hinshaw was re-elect-ed president of thé college and it isleftwithhimtoselecttheremain:jder of the faculty.Some of the trustees who attended‘from this section were Rev.Dr.Ware of Statesville,Rev.J.W.‘Jones of Mooresville,Rev.R.M,Hoyle of Mocksville,Mr.E.GC.SmithofFarmingtonandRev.C.M.Wil-liams of Statesville. Wireless Telegraphy in Town. During the past.few months Les-sesne Allison,Charltes Davidson andPhilipBosthaveinstalled|completeamateurwirelessstationsattheirre-spective homes.Besides flashing:mes-sages through the alr to each othertheseboyscanhearnotonlythetimeandweathersignalssentoutfromAr.lington,Va.,but many of the high-powered stations as far distant as New‘York and Cuba.Mr.Allison’intendsitoincreasehissendingrangesuffi-ciently to commiunicate with Mr.W.A.Campbell,who has.wirelessstationathishomeinnorthTredell.Mr’Robt.Rickert’s station will soon|be completed and the town will be wellrepresentedinthewirelessfield, |Miss.Savannah Blevins,daughterofMr.and Mrs.O.F.Blevins,and1contractoronMr,Norman Oscar Smoak were.mar-!is doing the Te ee in North Wilkesboro Ménday, MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED Dead—=Mr.Hoey’s Fine Ad-dress—Other Events of theDay. The auditorium of the court house was filled Wednesday at..11 o’clock, the:hour for.the.annual_memorial .ex-ercises._Flowers._and-.Confederateflagswereinevidenceandtherewas good music by the-Newton “band.Prior to the opening of the exercisesmembersoftheDaughtersoftheConfederacywerebusypinningveteransbadgesthatwouldadmit them to the dining hall.Rey.C.S.Cashwell led in prayer,announcements were made by Mr.John Lewis and then the .music of Dixie,the Marseillaise of the South- ern Confederacy,whose _stirring strains will always move a Southernaudience,brought hearty.applause and the Daughters and others stoodwhilethebandplayedthe.martialair.Adjutant W.W.Walton of theReubenCampbellCamp_called the roll of the Camp.A few did not an-swer.Some have answered the lastrollcallsincelastMemorialDay.The names of nine veterans,whose apps. cations for crosses of honor ‘had beenpassed,were called.Not all of these (their names were printed a week ago)were present but those who re- snonded:received their crosses at thehandsoftheDaughters,‘ A..recitation,“Get My Old Knap- sack,Mary,”by little Miss Frances Brawley,followed.The recitation was well done,the little girl.speaking clearly and distinctly. The speaker-of-the-day,-Mr.-ClydeHoeyofShelby,was presented by Mayor Caldwell.Mr.Hoey is an or- ator and his address of 40 minutes was heard with interest and close at- tention.Mr.Hoey said he had a warm admiration for Iredel?citizenship and the admiration was increased by the attendance onthe celebration.a tribute to our people that more thanahalfcenturyafterthecloseofthe war we reassemble annually around Southern altars and reconsecrate:the memories.of the heroes of the 60s. We glory in the men who have lived and served and in those who died for the cause.It was a_sacrifice—theSouthdiedthatshemightliveagain.We remember the deeds of our heroes without penitence and without apola- igy.In the white light of the twen-‘tieth century it is proclaimed to the |world that we not only believed but ithe world admits that the cause of jthe Southern Confederacy was right. |North ‘Carolina stayed out of the Un- {ion until it was agreed that the rights {and sovereignty of the States should be incorporated into the organic law of the land.It has long since been admitted-that slavery Was not the issue but only the occasion of the war.If only slave owners had partic- ipated,the struggle would not havelasted”six months.North Carolina voted against the admission of slaves to the continent.Massachu- setts voted for their admission and New England States first admitted them.Finding them unprofitable theywereafterwardsoldtotheSouth; and then at a later date New Eng-landers decided that slavery waswrongandsoughtitsabolition.The Southern States carried with’themIntotheConfederacyallthatwasbestintheUnion.Individual sov-ereignty was strengthened,liberty,justice and the equality of man made prominent and thus.was the genu- ineriess_of_the-Americanism—of—theSouthmostpronounced. North Carolina’s part in the strug- farthest at Gettysburg and last at Appomattox were realities.The State tried to maintain peace.It went out ‘of the Union reluctantly,but when itenteredthestruggleitenteredwith' all its might.It has been said thatVirginiafurnishedthebattlefields and North Carolina’furnished the men that made the battlefieldsmous.North Carolina furnished ;more men to the service of the Con- federacy than the State had voters. It made a record of which Germany would be proud. The highest type of patriotism andcouragewasdisplayednotonlybythesoldiersoftheConfederacybutby ing a tribute to the devotion of the women of that period,the speaker expressed pratification that monu- ments have been erected to them as well as to the soldiers;and in thisconnectionMr.Hoey expressed the hope that the next Legislature wouldgivepensionstoalltheConfederate veterans,Under the present lawthosewhoownpropertyofthevalue sions._—- .The address was finely worded and interspersed with humorous storics.In closing Mr.Hoey said that we should thank South now guides the destinies ofthe nation and paid a;fine tribute to Woodrow Wilson. Flowers were presented to “thespeakerbyCapt.T.M.C.Davidson,on behalf of the Daughters of the Confederacy,and by Miss Frances Brawley on behalf of the Children of the Confederacy.The audience at the court.house was dismissed with the benedfetion by Rev.Dr.H.M.Parker, The parade from the court house totheoldéemeterywasheadedbyChiefMarshalDeatonandAssistantMar- shal -L.B.Bristol,mounted:Follow- ing was the band,84 veterans in lineand,automobile«with Mr.Hoey,andVeteransP.C,Carlton and R,A.Montgomery.~~(It was a great pleas- pure to his friends tv see Capt.Carl- Th Honor of the Quick’and the It is, gle-was-emphasized.First at Bethel,| fa-| the women of the Confederacy.Pay-, of $500 or more,do not réceive pen-. 70d that a man of the | Will Preach College Commence- ment Sermon —The Com- mencement Programme. The commencement exercises of Statesville college will,begin Sundaymorning,May 14,with the baccalau- Yeate_sermon,.which will be preachedintheFirstPresbyterianchurchby Rev.Dr.W.L.Lingle of Union Theo- logical Seminary,Richmond.Dr.Lingle will preach in Shearer Hall atthecollege,Sunday evening at 8 o'clock,at»a—-public meeting of the Young Women’s Christian Associa-tion and the public is invited to these services.:On Monday afternoon at 3,30 o’clock there will be an art.reception in the college parlors and a cooking exhibit in the domestic science department. Following this,at 4.80 o’clock,theseniors:will hold Class Day Exer- cises fh the auditorium. The commencement recital,given bythedepartmentsofmusicandex- pression,will take place Monday eve- ning at 8.15 .o’clock in Shearer Music Hall. The alumnae will hold their annu- al meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock.A musical programme has been arranged for this occasion. The graduating exercises’will take place Tuesday evening,beginning at8.15 o’clock.Dr.W.S.Currell pres- ident of the University of South Car- olina,will make an address,after which the prizes and diplomas will be awarded,; The college authorities cordially in- vite the people of Statesville to be present at all the commencement ex- ercises.y The board of trustees will meet in amnual session at the college Tuesday at 12 o’clock, Mr.Allison Elected Policeman— )Gasoline Tank Order Changed A special meeting of the board of aldermen was held Tuesday night. The former order extending the lim- its in which gasoline tanks may.not be placed was rescinded .and_the Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.wasgrantedpermissiontoputatankjn its alley and the dispenser on the street in front of its place of busi-ness.Mr.W.H.Allison.was elected a po-liceman and will-be-assigned to night ‘duty.Policeman Neighbors will be {on duty at the depot.He had been night policeman.for some time. i tel Iredell,had complained that his||i water bill was too large and blamed the meter. to go over it and he found eleven leaks in the plumbing.The aldermen instructed that settlement .be made i with Mr.Gray. |Trainmen on Trial at Salisbury. |Engineer E.A.Tankersly,Arthur ;Wilson,colored fireman,and Flag-‘man Clyde Wilson are?on_trial in|Rowan Superior Court on a charge 'of manslaughter.They are chargedwithresponsibilityforthewreckof 'a train in the Salisbury yards last!November,in which two men were ‘killed and others seriously injured. |The engine operated by Tankersly ran ,into a sleeper standing on the Salis- ‘burv yards. |—The defendants deny guilt and con- ;tend that the wreck was caused by |improper signals caused by a wrong-|ly-thrown cross-over switch. =[>——————>==noon mantra 0 te i ton out.He has been shut ina longjtimebyillness).The Iredell Bltiescamenextwith32meninline,then 'the Children_of—the-Confederaey-——in charge of Mesdames B.B.Webb,R. L.Poston and M.R.Adams,assist- ant marshals,citizens on foot and in automobiles.When flowers had been laid on the graves of the fallen he- ;roes the military fired the usual sa- (lute and the public exercises of the day were over. Dinner For Veterans—Notes. |The Daughters of the Confederacy ‘served dinner to 112 veterans and a ‘few friends in the armory.It was ;an excellent dinner—‘“the -best weihaveeverhad‘on one of these occa- |sions,”said a veteran to The Land- ,mark.All veterans properly labeled ;—ror rather all who established their identity as veterans—were admitted free to the moving picture theaters_and free drinks were served them at ‘drug stores. In \the afternoon the Reuben Campbell Camp held iis annual elec- tion of officers—the present officers being re-elected.They are:Command- er,T.M.C.Davidson;adjutant,-W. W.Walton:orderly,A.L.Barringer; treasurer,M.A.Feimster;sponsor, Miss Anniebelle Walton. the.entire war,Mr.R.B.Joyner wastheoldestpresentandMr.W. Walton the youngest. The Daughters of the Confederacy ask The Landmark to thank the Blues for the use of the armory and the Williams Furniture Co.for the use of ‘chairs.They are also gratefultothemarshalsforservicesrendered. It isa pleasure to note that the in- terest in)Memorial Day continues. Most of the audience in the court jhouse Wednesday,aside from the vet- erans and Daughters,were from ithe country.This is probably not due to |any lack’of intefest on the part of the townspeople but is a disposition 1o give the limited seating capacity jin the court room to visitors.The ;members of the Daughters of theConfederacyareanxioustohayethe |ladies,and girls in the country,join the!dtganization and help keep alive the interest in these annual memorialoccasions, DR.LINGLE NEXT SUNDAY The town had a plumber, THE SUMMONS SUDDEN. Death of Father of Mr.“A.R. Sherrill—Other Deiths. Mr.M.Alexander Sherrill died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs.‘Trollinger,at Newton.Mr.Sherrill’s death resulted from heartdiseaseandwassudden.He hag just.returned from.up.street.and sat_downontheporchwhenthe’summonscame.He was 68 years old.Mr,Sherrill’s home was at Sherrill’s Ford,Catawba county.He is sur-vived by his wife,three sons—Messrs.A.R,Sherrill of Statesville,T,E.and Grover Sherrill of Catawba coun- ty;and three daughters—Mrs.Trol- linger of Newton,Mrs.Ellen GabrielandMrs.F.Gabriel,of Catawba county..Also two brothers and two sisters—Messrs.J.W.Sherrill Statesville and M.W.Sherrill Lincolnton,Mrs.Julia Cannon Charlotte and Mrs.Jim Harwell Catawba. The interment was Wednesday at Hopewell church.Those attendingfrom,Statesville were Mr.A.R. Sherrill,Mr.and Mrs.L.E.Tharpe, Mr.and Mrs.Fred.Slane,Mrs.J.W.Sherrill,Mrs.E.E.Sherrill and Mr. J.L.Sherrill." Mrs.Katherine Foster,aged about 80--years,died-Wednesday~-morning jat her home in Turnersburg township. |The interment was at Clarksbury ichurch yesterday afternoon.°Mrs. 'Foster’s husband has been dead about 8 years,She is survived by»two daughters,Mrs.J.R.Albea and Mrs. Sallie Heath.’ Mrs;Jane Katherine ~Harmon Pierce,wife of the late Geo.W. Pierce,died Monday morning at her home in New Hope township,aged 60 years.She suffered a stroke of paraly- sis December 26th and had lingered since.Surviving are four —sons-s#- Messrs.Will and Coone home;Jim and L.‘R.Pierce of An-|derson,Ind.-and-three daughters— Miss Lillie Pierce at home,Mrs. of of of Alice Martin of Illinois. Funeral services were Wednesday afternoon Castle at Friendship church and in- terment was there. High School Commencements. The closing exercises of the Trout-man High School were held this week. .The baccalaureate sermon was:Sun- day morning by Rev.Mr.Longacre: Monday.night a’‘of Lenoir college. |cantata was given by the children ofMr.J.H.Gray,proprietor of Ho-!the lower grades,followed by a de-|5, bate.The graduating exercises were! held Tuesday morning with the liter- perintendent of Parks Warren of Statesville and Mrs.|day to see a cow belonging to Mr.. conducted is presumed,that the cow:is dibyRev.Mr.|now. | BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —The county commissioners were~ in special session yesterday settlingwithSheriffDeatonforthe1918 taxes.'—-President J,M.Moore of the col-lege made an address Tuesday after-noon at the closing exercises of the Mount Ulla school. —:Poplar Camp ‘No.38,Woodmén™of the World,will unveil a .monu-ment to the late Knox Elliott at New:Sterling,Shiloh township,-Sunday, May 21st.sat ki——License has been issued for themarriageofMr.Thomas Paul-BostandMissGraceMurdock;Mr,Clar-ence McLeod Gillian and .Miss CallieRoseAdkins.4—Mr.D.D.Hawkins,who hadof|been practicing’law in Winston iime@lem,has located in Statesville.has an office’with Mr.W.J.MathesonintheMillerbuilding,: —Lad,a high-bred setter dog be- longing to Mrs.T.J.Allison,was.ac-cidentally run over and killed Tues-day by Mr.M.P.Alexander’s.auto-mobile.The'accident happened aboutthesquare,; —Mr.Chas.Sigmon,who attempt-ed suicide at his home in NewtonlastweekandwasbroughttotheSanatorium.for treatment,..was -thiaweek/transferred to the State Hoa- pital “at Morganton.;if —-Mr.T.A.Kennedy,who hadfiled inoticeofhiscandidacyforthe}Re-publican nomination for the Legislsture,asks The Landmark to say thathehas-withdrawn his candidacy,“He*says:“I will under no consideraacceptthenomination.” —It may be noted in passing tha’a number of automobiles hear the:“License Applied For”tag.Alth :it takes,generally,less than a KktogetanumberafterapplicationhasPierceat.been made,some of the “License A:plied For”tags-hang-on,a much lonertime.:Mest—Dr.C.L.Cruse was called Tues-i:byDr.Cruse,while not.positive,thinks the trouble was hydrophobia,»s the cow exhibited symptoms thatwouldindicatethis.era —The Supreme.Court has affirmedthejudgmentofthelower.court,.inthecaseof.the.Statesville Flour W.Mills in Cool Spring township, Co.At the February term of ©dell Superior Court the Flour MillsCo,was given a judgmentof $272,gainst the Distributing Co,»i's—Messrs.R,W.Gwyn and W,3aryaddressbyProf.L.B.Bean,-|Colvard of North Wilkesboro,:Cea at at Eaheat of “Liteon |comprise the firm of Gwyn&Colcounty.Tuesday night there was a’&eneral.agents of the MichiganMplayandsongsbytheHighSchool.8!Life Insurance.Co.,spent|denartment. The finals’of Harmony |School were held last night,when a |play and drill were given.;ternoon there was a flag raising,ball game,debate and declamation con-ltest.The graduating exercises tiok ‘place yesterday morning and the ad- dress was made by,Dr.H.B,Ar-buckle of Davidson’College at’?11(o'clock.The exercises by the prima- rv grade were held Tuesday evening |plays and drills. Stony Point High School commence- ment is in progress—émbracing ves- terday and today.Dr.Chas.Ander-son of Statesville delivers the .ad-dress this afternoon at 2 o’clock. {CloseCollege Primary :Depart- ment. The closing exercises of the vrima- ry-denartment of the Statesville col- lege,Miss Laura the attendance being very good. vp the programme.While all and Wednesday evening there were! } in town with Mr.§.R.Brown,who.High 8"agent of their company.Mr.Brown,who has been assistant general agent,In the af-;has ‘been made _superintendent,ofagentsfortheState. -—The Statesville Drug Co.EabrateditstwelfthanniversaryWed-nesday.Music was furnished alldayatthestorebytheLivingstone or-chestra of Salisbury.Drinks and cig-.ars were served free to the-v.ne.The Rexall dance was given-at:thearmorythatnightandwasattendédbyabout200dancers.Punch-aticsandwicheswereservedatmidnight.t—The commencement ‘exercises:*ofLexingtonHighschoolwillbeheldto+night.Miss Clara Belle Swaim,whoisagranddaughterofMr.J.S.Leow-ard of Statesville,is among the grad-_uates.Miss Swaim has been offered’ascholarshiptotheStateNormalGol-lege.Greensboro.The scholarship “isestablishedbytheRobt:E.Lee Ohap- #3elk Lazenby teacher,|ter,United Daughters of Confederacy,were held last night in Shearer Hall,|Lexington.:—-Next Sunday,14th,is Mothet’sSancciandieacitati1adrillmade!Day.In co-operation with the effortwaleoperiineeWieatatofostertheobservanceofMothers?’ Mills Co.ys.the Wayne Distributing 2 +—Of the veterans who served through| ‘|“Engineering on the Farm.” children acted well their perts,the|Day,the Western Union Telegraphaudienceseemedtoenioymostarec-|Company has provided special teleitation.“Red Riding Hood,”by Mas-|raph blanks,appropriately decorst-ter Zeb.Vance Long,and a sifter,ed with an artistic design of carna-drill by twelve little girls.tions andbearing the legend “Moth-Hon.W.D.Turner presented cer-)¢r’s Day,”on which all messagés'of|tificates to Dorcas Turner,Willard,those who wish to..send a word:Sharne.Virginia Deitz and Arleene,freoting to their mothers,will be de-Mitchell for-being neither absent nor|!vered._eas 2”tardy for the year;golden reports to|.—-Miss.Ruth Gill was operated onJ.H.Hall,Doreas Turner,Eloise!@t the Sanatorium Tuesday afternoonBristolandVirginiaDeitzforgrades!for appendicitis and is getting along”above 90 during the year,and to Ma-|all right...Little Ellen.’CaldwellriannaLope.Zeb.Vance Long and|daughter of Mayor and Mrs.L,c.Elizabgth Yohnston for grades above|Caldwell,has been.critically ill for90fortwoquarters,several days.She was-better yester-a a day.Mrs.R.E.Levan underwent anHonorForIredellManatA.and)operation at the Sanatorium Wednéd-M.a ee condition ia a Mr.Karl Sloan of Statesville.son!Vi/!iam Porter,the little son:o .of County Treasurer and Mre W.R.!and Mrs.C.C,Axley,is seriously’fit.Sloan,will graduate in civil engineer-in’at the coming commencement of en ae goa Wilson Ex-the A.and M.College,which em-pected in Charlotte. |braces May 28-30.Mr.Sloan_will be!‘)‘one of the speakers at commence-'Wilson for a 20th of May attraction,jment,the subject of his address being About ten days ago the PresidentHewill@nnouncedthat.he could not come.also deliver the valedictory address,Further solicitation caused him tohavingduringhiscollegetermmadeYeconsiderandthelatestisthatthe{94.06 per cent.in his work.|Presiffent~-expects to he present,ac-|Another Iredell man who completes ,companied,by Mrs.Wilson,ithe course at the A.and M.this year!Unless something unforeseen occuts,is V.A.Johnston of Mooresville,who:according to the statements of Hegraduatesinagriculture.Other grad-Charlotte papers,the Presiden may -vates from this section of the State be expected to be there on the 20th.)are S.G.Crater of Cycle.Yadkin Sa sog ne ;ey acounty,and J.H.Speas of East Bend,Two.Accidents.pleteAlittledaughter.of Mr,Yadkin,who graduate in agricul-,,;jture;R.L,Tatum of Cooleemeein|Freeze,about ten years old,at Elite.civil engineering,and C.S.Abernethy|Wood,fell from a ‘load of.hay:of Hickory in mechanical engineering:|day afternoon and her right———|broken at.the elbow.|Dr,.—The board of governors of the,Yount dressed it.ikCommercialclub’have re-elected D.Tuesday Dr.Yount.also.treM.Ausley president,C.V.Henkel}little daughter of Mr.Will :MdeumvicepresidentandW.L.Gilbert sec-|who lives four.milea west ofretaryandtreasurer.for dog-bite.:The little~The Cotillion club —will:-give-a about two yearsold,was plsdancetonightwithmusicfromSalis-|the dog when it bit hebury.in the f “ eeof hs: ates _Charlotte has hoped for.Presidert— tigew =aeNDMARK AY,-'-=.May 12,1916. —— TALK ON VARIOUS TOPICS. “°Mr.Gerard,American amBassador *at Berlin,has found it necessary to deny that he has encouraged a break between the United States.and Ger- many or that he desires it.On the -contrary,Mr.Gerard says_that he has done all possible to clear,away ‘misunderstandings between Germany and America and has done all he could to preventa conflict.The accusation made against him that he is an ene- my~of the German people,the am- bassador says,is untrue and without foundation.. ‘They're telling it Kitchin’s district that farmers getting five cents a ‘pound structed and defeated”the ship pur- “chase:bill:Mr.Kitchin “shows “from the record that while he voted against |n the ‘ship’purchase bill that he lent his/the so-called war literature,”Herr aid to bring it promptly to a vote,| ‘did everything to facilitate its’pass-|where it belongs—to the paper mills age except vote for it.The bill pass-| ed the House and failed in the Sen- ate.Mr.Kitchin says further:, “Even if the bill had become a law| at the last Congress,not an extra} pound of tobacco or cotton would | have been shipped.It would have | taken a year or two under the bill) for ships to have been constructed,| had the bill passed;and if we_ha purchased ships under the ~bill,it; to our export trade,as the only ships| which could have been purchased| were those already in the export, trade.”Furthermore,had the bill be- come law and we had had a thousand| ships,says Mr.Kitchin,we could not have shipped an extra pound of cot- ton or tobacco because “the -British| order-in-council forbade the shipment| of cotton and tobacco to Germany and Austria,and later even to neu- _tral countries,where there was prob- ability of reshipment to Germany and Austria.”. Mr.Kitchin will support the ship-| ping bill now before the House. Two years ago,following the out:| break of the war,the price of cotton| dropped and the Democrats explain- ed that it was due to,the war,which| had curtailed the exportation of cot- ton..The Republicans contended that it was the result of the Democratic administration.-So strong did this contention become that in some of the “wayback rural districts they went so far as to declare that there was no war;that the story of a war in Eu-, rope was a “Democratic lie”made up' to excuse the low price of cotton for which the Democrats were responsi- ble.The idea that the war is a myth was so firmly inculcated among some of the ignorant that it has not been’entirely dissipated.The Newton En- terprise has heard of a man who con- tends in this vear of grace that there is no war.’Asked if he didn’t read| about’the war in the napers he an-swered,“Paper lics.”The idea that a grown man able to walk around by himself would make an assertion like’ that staggers belief and is galling to the pride of those who want to be- lieve that education and enlighten- ment are covering the State like a, blanket.But it’s a fact that ipnor-! ance and prejudice are still domi- nant factors with more people thanwewouldliketobelieve;and it is al-|so a fact that ignorance and preju-'however,anddicearestillmuchinevidenceeven!fyl]legal authority to read and.{:among many people who , who are supposed to be intelligent. *** Speaking in Charlotte the otherdayinbehalfofhiscandidacyfor Governor,Attorney General Bickett referred to the contention that he is n lawyer while-his-opponent,Mr. Daughtridge,is a farmer.Mr.Bick- ett said that though he pleads guilty ‘to “some knowledge of the law,’he would premise “not to allow his knowledge of the law to hurt the great State of North Carolina”if he is elected. a farmer in a way as Mr.Daught- ridge,the onlv-difference—beingthat Lieutenant Governor Dauchtridge owns 1.000 acres where he (Bickett) owns 150.“I will let all the 1,000- acre bovs vote for Daughtridge,”said Mr.Bickett,“if all you 150-acre boys will vote for me.” This is a reminder of the story told by “Private”John Allen of Mis- sissinpi..Mr.Allen was for years in the House of Congress.He was a noted wit and was universally known as “Private”John Allen because he said he was about the only private in Confederate army in public life,all the rest being generals or colonels. On oné occasion “Private”John had as an opponent in his campaign a ‘general—Gen.Jonés,we will say,be- cause his name is not recalled.At one of their appointments Gen.Jones recalled that the plate was the site of one of the battles of the war and he pointed out the place where he stayed in a tent during a dark and stormy night.“Yes.”said “Private” Allen,when it came his turn to speak, “Gen.Jones was in his tent all right during that storm and I was outsideintherain,standing guard.Now allhoyswhooccupiedtentscanvotefor~Gen.Jones and all of you who wereoutsidecanvoteforme.”It is needless to sav that “Private”|Allen was elected.Mr.Bickett ofcourséknowsthattherearemore115-acre,boys than 1.000-acre boys. eeCatawbaCollegeWillHardly BeMoved. The suggestion that Catawba Col-lege be moved from Newton to Wins- ton-Salem will probably not materi-alize.At the recent meeting of the!-Classis of the Reformed Church déle-gates were shown over Winston-Sa-em.Winston-Salem folks made no'proposition but wanted to know whatwasé@xpectedofthecity.The Classishadnopropositiontomakebutap-pointed a committee ‘to receive anypropositiontobemade‘by the city—and there the matter rests.There‘no strong sentiment for removal in the ‘Classis,says the!NewtonEnterprise is making an effort to es- Rs lwriter characterizes as “Lazy Ignor- down in Claude |ance”is representel as “shattering are|from the mantle of!would-be patriot- ‘less for|ism,which in reality has nothing in their cotton because Mr.Kitchin “ob-|common with |when Presdent Wilson is assailed ‘as the frequently—has-besn, ‘Guardsmen’s only He said he is as much of: ment ONE GERMAN FOR WILSON Maximilian Harden Praises the ‘President, After figuratively taking the pub- lic’s breath away two weeks ago by a daring article captioned,“If 1 Were Wilson,”Maximilian Harden,says a Berlin dispatch,returned to an_ex- haustive defence of President Wilson; his policy and the entire American standpoint,.his article appearing the day the German,reply to the Ameri- tan note was made public. In a leader in The Zukunft,entitled “The Real Wilson.”Herr Harden praises President Wilson as “a man }of-high_moral.and high spiritual ‘character of whom we might be |proud if he were ours.”What the pagan genuine —patriotism, “Ninety-nine one-hundredths of.all Harden continues,“should be sent —and the.(public should return to books from which a wide-awake spir- it speaks,including President Wil- son's ‘The New Freedom.’Then per- haps pure common sense will return —_———_—__—_Faker Worked Old Game onWalnutCoveFolks, Walnut Cove Correspondence Dan- bury Reporter.:me A few weeks ago a gentleman pur-porting to be the agent of some Wellknowntailoringfirmstationedhim- self here for the purpose of taking orders for men’s clothing,His smooth proposition of requiring his purchas- ers to pay $5 down and the balance upon delivery of the goods met withreadyapprovalandabout20young- sters and “oldsters”as well,fell for it, paying the $5 gladly when told that in addition to a new spring suit they would receive an extra pair of trous- ers,a rain coat,-a fancy vest,a foun- tain pen,safety razor,pipes,cigar-ettes to last all summer,a Ford auto- mobile and a pint of gasoline,all of which being necessary to the make- up of the average gentleman of the present day,looked very attractive, The tailor raked up about $100 in good coin and went away while the victims of his.scheme-sat idly-by-and “wait? ed.Easter morning came but-in place of the new suits and paraphernalia contingent to the contract,came the sad.intelligence that the tailor wag a| fake and had fled the country.~The} meney,however,was not lost but was only’paid as tuition fees in learning the lesson that it pays to buy from folks we know.' to you and awaken you to the duty of respecting the dignity of foreign} peoples.”:| Herr Harden follows with a brief|had |character sketch of President Wilson|to honor Gen.John Sevier,the first M 3 C a,Representative would not have added a single ship)brave opponent of evil and abuses,”North Carolina and the man who re-in which he calls the President ‘a4 and alludes to him as “actuated by a love for his people and possessed of the will to lead them to the heights of his ideals after they had gotten in- to the swamp land.” “Germany,”he adds,“should be ashamed of people who slander him! because they have read calumny in! newspapers.” In all his controversies with Ger-! many,says Herr Harden.President Wilson has acted from absolute con- viction.“Dare we measure by the‘standard of a student's squabble the complaints of a great free nation led by a man ef Weight and importance of President Wilson?”asks the writer. “Tf President Wilson,after a thar- ough investigation,is convinced that warlike acts of Germany have brok- en the laws of humanity,it was not only his right but it was his duty to talk with clearness.He owes this. not only ss a duty to himself,but to,”us,ores: More Troops For Rorder—N-- tional Guard From Three States With 8,000 additional troops under orders for the border,including 4,000 c Arizona, ¢National Guardsmen from New,Mexico and Texas,it is felt that border raids of -Mexican bandits may be prevented. Including the troops ‘ordered out there will be nearly 45,000 soldiers. nerhaps 59,000,along the border or in Mexico.The United States has a con- siderable army strung out alone the 1,800 miles of the international line. Calling out the National Guard for the first time under the present mili-| tary law brings up the fact that,as written,that act authorizes the Pres- ident to use the State soldiers either within or without United States ter- ritory.The provision authorizing the use of the Guardsmen as such be-, yond the border was held to be uncon- stitutional by former Attorney Gen- eral Wickersham.It never has been passed upon by the Supreme Court.| President Wilson has! employ the’ State forces beyond the border if he so desires.Only an injunction against the War Department could prevent it.; While in the Federal serviee the! relation to the State from which they come is that the Governor retains the power to ap- point officers and that the State is re- ,guired to keep up the strength of the regiments against campaign wastage. 'President Wilson specified no time of service in his call. thorizes him to do so, make it mandatory. PREGTANTae ENN OESS Estimates of Grain Crops,Plant- ing and Prices. A summary of the crop renort May Ist,compiled by the national Depart- of Agriculture,forecasts a wheat crop of 10,200,600 bushels for North Carolina,compared with 10,- The law -au- but does not the estimate.The fore@ast for the United States is 499,000.000 against 1 655,045,000 last year.The average North Carolina crop for 1909-13 was5,936,000 and the average for the ,whole country for the same period was 441,212,000 bushets. The estimated rye crop this year in the State is 509,000 bushels against 575,000 two vears ago.For .the coun- try 44,300,000 bushels against 49,-190,900 Jast year. It is estimated that on May 1.the‘spring plowing in the State was &6bercent.compared with 84 per cent.last year,and 70 per cent.in the‘country compared with 78 per cent.(last year.Spring planting in theStateestimatedat77percent.com-pared with 72 last year;56 per cent.|in the country compared with 65 per‘cent.last year. |The price of wheat in the State isfoundtobe$1.24 to $1.50 per bush-|el,corn 91 to 96 cents,oats 65 to 68,|Potatoes 90 to $1.In the country|Wheat is $1.02 to $1.89,corn 72 to Ue‘oats 42 to 58,potatoes 50 to 94. Smaller Wheat Crop. |winter wheat harvest -forecast j culture in its May crop report.Thatis155,000,000 bushels less than har-i vested last year,when a world’s:rec-|ord crop was gatheréd in the United||States,but the crop this year is|Showing on 33,030,000 acres,which if|7;433,000 acres less than harvestedlast’year, LL LT EN“Chamberlain’s Tablets Have Done Wonders_For Me!”I have been a sufferer from stomach troub-|for a number of years,and although I havejuuedagreatnumberofremediesrecommendedforthiscomplaint,Chamberlain's Tableisthefirstmedicinethathasgivenmeposi-tive and lasting relief,”writes Mrs.AnnaKadin,Spencerport,N.Y,“Chamberlain'sTabletshavedonewondersfor,me and 14dthemveryhighly.”Obtainable every~ (Clausen of W iB. |My druggist told me about Vinol.I :sider Vinola fine tonic to create strength 355,000 bushels last year.The drought,. however,may reduce.the crop below. Htien Almost half a billion bushels is the|}for,|this year by the Department of Agri-| Battery Named For Sevier. Over a hundred years after his death,the United States has decided in Congress from ceived the thanks of.the North Car- olina Legislature for meritorious ser- vice at the Battle of King’s Mountain on October 7,1780.The War Depart- ment issued an order naming a bat-tery at Fort Pickens,Fla.,after Gen-| eral Sevier. Gen.Sevier was born in Virginia; but moved to Watauga county,N:C., in 1778 and settled in that part of the State which is now a part of Tennes- He was captain.of militia, county clerk and district judge.He sea. elected as a Democrat from North Carelina to the First Congress;in 1780 and served ‘until March’8,| 1751.On ihe admission of Tennes-| io the Union he was elected Gov-| eine i afterward a member| ress from that State.er ree an a’ Was QnNaQ Was af Cons | Beligerenis Interred in Holland| A recent census of the belligerent| treops that have crossed the Dutch} frontier to date and are now intern-|} ed j i rd aevounts for 27,_| including 850.officers;including:54 offi- ns,including 8 offi-| n.all officers. the men at present | living as ordinary parts of Holland, ire ‘accommodated| ent camps.<All the—offi- serole.in accordance sion given by the Bi h government,and they ence foll freedom within the boundaries of the country. eers ar with the permis Lenoir Collexye ‘Commencement... Lenoir College Hickory,embr; al concert eve reate sermon commencement, aces May 20-24,Annu-; ing of 26th;bacealau-| 10.30,Rev.B.I'.! igton;address before League,&p.m., r.Cherryville;de 2d,10:30;art ex - and junior oraters’ Address before,lit- erary tebtes,-23d,10:30,Prof.Col- licr Cobb of the University;8.30,commencement play;24th,=10.30,graduation exercises;annual alumni exercises afternoon and evening. ‘AGED TAX COLLECTOR Restored To Health By Vinol Corinth,Miss.—‘‘I am a city tax col- lector and seventy-four years of age. J was in a weak,run-down condition. college D.dD mation co it in afte contest at inon so tried it‘and in a week noticed consider- able improvement;I continued its use and now |have gained twenty pounds in weight,and feel much stronger.I con- for old people.’’—J.A.PRICE. We guarantee Vinol,our delicious cod liver and iron tonic,for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. W.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville,N.C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Havine qualified as ex S.Emily Campbell,deceased,hereby notifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstherestate fo present same to me on or before April 7,1917,N.J.GAITHER,R.B.MeLaughlin,Att'y.Executor, April 7,19165-* Trustee’s Sale of Furniture Piant! THE UNDERSIGNED will sell to the high-est bidder,for on FRIDAY,MAY 19,at 2 o'clock,p.m.the following de- scribed property,to-wit:i. \ll the machinery and tools of every kind, consisting,of 6 pieces of wood-workinsr chinery,5 electric motore,a numberincttools,torether with the belting, switches,ete.;also all the 5 ed furniture in course of consingofonehundredmission1 other unfinished furniture,the the machinery and tools,ete., sutor of the estate of ma-of cab- electric sec c- with the furniture plant operated byHorton&Horton and situated instheir fac. tory building near the Diamond Furniture Factory building,Statesville,N.C, Sale to take place in said building.All thismachineryispraéticallynewandthisisanexcellentopportunityforany“person or cor-Voration desiring to enage in the manufac-ture of furniture.Vor further information,write R.T.WEATHREMAN,Statesville,N,ic,.=<_R.T.WEATHERMAN,April 28)1916.Trustee, MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL Es.TATE.1’ ed in a mortgage deed executed to Mrs.Dou-gan Steele Tomlin by M.lem.Josey,I willsellatpublicauction,to the highest bidder |for cagh,at.the court house door in States-|ville,N.-C.,on |SATURDAY,JUNE 8,1916,at 12°o'clock,m.,the following described,lands in Fallstown township,N.C.,towit:|eee sno ue at a stake at the corner of lot|No.2,running north 18 degrees east,passing:||between the dwelling and the barn 182 poles!jto a stake in the old line;thence with the |;same north 77 degrees west 23 1-2 poles to a|stake,corner of lot No.4;thence south 18 ||degrees west?182.poles to an stake in Kistler's\line;thence with his line south 77 derrcest231-2 poles to the beginning,eontainingacres,”more or.less.This being lot No,2nthesionofthelateMikeJoseyésta.See special proceeding in the C.S.C.¢entitled Sallie Josey et.:»MRS.DOUGAN S'Buren.Jurney,Att'y, Ma;1916, tate,+»office,|ex-parte,LE TOMLIN, Sev-|. etc.“Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contain-|! porenmamecpenine IS »oe '.My ‘|No Sires ene!tadeaee-taken Type for Type,—than ——GOODRICH Black-Treads e e ® IZE for Size,and Type for Type,GoodrichTiresareaslargeasthelargestBe,ayby.any.Maker,and W This means larger than corresponding SizesandTypesofmanyotherTiresforwhichevenhigherpricesareasked.means,too,the most generously made-FABRIC,Tires on the Market,at any price.Manufactured by the largest Rubber FactoryinAmerica,with a 47 year:Experienee in Rubber-working,‘and a Record for DEPENDABILITYwhichmakesthe.above statements worthy ofpromptacceptance,Made from the new ‘‘Barefoot Rubber,’?whichgivesitsmaximumTractionwithminimumJ'ric-eens resilience,liveliness and long-lite tores, RICED on that ‘‘Faiz-Lisi’’basis initiatedJan.Ist,1915,by the B..I.GoodrichCo.,which saved more than $25,000,000lastyeartoTire-Users,through its propagandaagainstPaddedPrice-Lists.Priced so reasonably low that Competitors,whose products are not comparable,clatin superior-ity on the mere strength of their Higher Prices (and-the Larger—Profits-they-demandfrom theTire-User and Dealcr).Goodrich Priecs arc based on what it casts tielargest,and longest expericnced,Rebber Factory tomanufactureTires,as ONE of the 269 lines ofGoodrichRubberGocdsfcrwhichitbaysCrudeRubber,and over which its Overhead Exvenses are divided. f 30x3A30%sureh33x 34x 4 : 10.40 .Ford Sizes..4319.40 BZ Brg eccceec eee ee eeee SIE.45 4.....Safety Tread ..$22.00 “MeiveList’’....$22.40 Good Business Men should know,from this,why Goodrich ‘‘Barcfoot’’?Tires can be (as theare)the best Tires on the Markct AT ANY PRICE—though quoted at the moderate ‘‘Fair-List’’fig- ures frankly and openly published herewit!:. THE B.F.GOODRICH CO, Akron,Ohio &C QuomenOR EMCEEAEEA Dan Valiey The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.-It is-economy to—buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. :: Cary €.Boshamer,2 Local Representative,i Phone 125 Black.It.aw. W.D.HARRIS ~118 Court Street. " Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same.Locks and Guns repaired andKeysfitted.In fact, anything in repairline. Phone 209. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil- ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, oy ‘ WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5o,perpoundNenyoyFORSALE: \Néw and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboileromsupplies. ,©,H,TURNER. SBOEIAL TL RS|||| | (Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. iTMortgagee,|’$4 Liga Heeger aie Lo a era ;ort CTE BAREFOOT”‘T ires | SPRING AND SUMMER _READY-TO-WEARS! We are showing a big line of Wash Dresses and Skirts priced from 50c.up.Also have in another shipment of WOOL SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS! Our $1 Waists are very popular and extra values for the price.:; CHILDREN’S WASH’DRESSES,BOYS’ SUITS,for al!ages!Price 25c.,48c.and 98c. PALM BEACH SUITS!—$3.48 and up!Summer Dress Materials in all the new fabrics. Truly, J.M.McKee &Company, STATESVILLE,N.C. BLOUSE || SBBSsezeseeeesseasezsss resssesessz z IP T TTT T TOT e OT IT TT PE T S So e PP O TI FF O oF OO O O OO O O OF F S OO o oe TI T FO O OT LO FF F OO F OO FO O T OT O L OS TO F OO O O PO S FO OT I S OS G Commercial National Bank | OF STATESVILLE,N.C. CapitalStock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 ‘Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and. every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits.remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: .W.D.TURNER,EB.MORRL3ON,D.M.AUSLEY,.@ EB.TUGHEY, ~~_--*President. Vice President,Cashier.hier.- i -*.= 12 2 9 2 9 9 0 0 0 99 0 0 0 0 09 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 8 1 po o e e e o s =<r aa mh :y k THE LANDMARK Sas ae FRIDAY,<=-May12,1916,Class of Bovey Halabi p+ Objec Lesson in Old-Time Home.Ft ak ees :=Exercises Tuesday Evening.|—'the Drought —Person:Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre.RCA RARER QORSOUL,5 ‘The commencement.of the’colored,Mention.Arrival and Departure’of Trains of States graded school took place this Week.|Correapondencd of They Landmark,ROAD Sunday the annual sermon..wasVentsDaughter’s Untimely End.WESTE $.Statesville,R-3 ay 10 —ThisTrain“No,16,“west-bound,|due 124 «mm|preached..in the colored Baptist tong bet ties fens 4¢“dlecour-trate Ne -watkenet cmp daze po {church by Rev.O.J.Allen,the ROS aving to farmers-and is greatly han-Ready,Ky.—4}Train No.85,west-bound,due 10:26 z m,|tor.Monday evening there were ©X-|dicapping them in getting their cropsntiiowtoraearly2amonelefodoinrainNo.36,sast-bound,due 10.85 am,|ercises bythe different.-grad@i——5)sn tod:There isa lot of clover landMs.Laura Bratcher Ofthis i wf man fe oo ns fue ji8 b.w@.|songs,recitations,etc.—and Tuesday {,,|,,,broken and.there isn’t’enough‘was down in bedfor threemonths Train Noe ‘6 Sea dee dase”b.m.|Cvening exercises by the ~finishing Moisture to sprout the seed that has‘lass-—-the exercises both theseIcannottellyouhowIsufferedwith|CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLE.class--the exercises on From Charlotte.evenings being held in the Center i115.here is conducive to the lifeyandwithnervousness‘TrainNo,16 ar,9.60,leaves 10,85 Yh i shure.lored),|.bs ';insects andwomanly‘troubles,a8 )Train No,24 ar,9,20,save 9.20 re Street Methodint churel ie }and growth ofall kinds of mnsects andandwereinchargeoftheprincipaloftheschool,Prof.C,W.Foushee.The class numbered seven.There were 21 at the beginning,but some droppedeut for various reasons,three being married,The seven who ;finished were Thomas Eugene Alli-son,Maxwell Christine Banks,AnnieMaeMcKee,Vivian Louise Allison,Lillie Mae Fraley,Lillie Ruth’Nes-bit,Andrew Wesley Sherrill:Most of|these expect to go to higher institu-|tions vof-learning,j See|The opening Tuesday evenitiig was 4|Our family doctor told my husband he Hain Nac Re en Teehs haa acouldnotdomeAnygood,and he had |‘rain No.15 ar.6:40,‘teaves Te0e p.m.to give it up.We tried another doctor,Nos,28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday.but he did not help me,i.aAtlast,my mother advised me to take|A FRIEND'S PRAYER,Cardui,the woman’s tonic.|thought “The Lord.preserve thy going outitwasnousefor|was Meany 68d 800-4 -—nhe Tod rresens Thonnothingseemedtodomeanygood.B }j ne Lope preserve iy coming in;1 took eleven bottles and now 1 amable |God send His angels round about,fo do all of my work and my own|,T?Sc»thy soul from every sin,washing,Y And when thy going out Is done..a £be And when -thy ‘coming-in-is.o'er,se ita Cardut —vee medicine in HWhen in death’s darkness afl alone,and I look the Sictuse at heat increased,|hry feet can come ana go no morehe|The 5 E5 8 ind these plagugs,it is farming ur dens are suffering and this makeshandicapforthehousewife. ‘ders on the earth’s vegetation, The Troutman High School Lord preserve thy voing out ‘1 t}hool ;tion by (ull in farm work at vee ,Ul";:|.Brom this dark world of grief and sin.a ‘song by the school;invocat }Mrs.Bruce Brown :of Statesville,eeu ee ee aay eae ailments |te fe Res Abons ngs |the pastor of the church,Rev.D,E.and Mrs.Otis Lyons of Atlanta,Ga.,'oday.Delay is daneerois “We moe 7 Thompson;gong,“Toast to North visited friends in this section a fewitwillhelpyou,for it has helped.go |many thousands of other weak womeninthepast50years, At all druggisis, Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Co.LadiesAdvisoryDept,,Gnattanooga,Tenn,for eeewstructionsObyourcaseand64-page boo ae¢os bag kK,“Home days ago.,Miss ‘Janie OstwaltStatesvilleisvisitingTroutman,’,.it may be interesting to curiositSeekers6fold-time relics and custom LIST CEEY TAXES!|Carolina,”and a duet,“Lilly Fraleyme;and Ora Wood.The class exercisesIwillbeatmyoffice‘in the Court House,were as follows:-during the month of May for the purpose of}Class history,Annie McKee;reci-listing the City Taxes.for 1916.The law re-s rete i i ”sTT-quires all property owners to list.their prop.}tation,“Our Mag,Andrew Sherrill;erty during:May.So please call and make solo,Lilly Fraley;recitation,Ri-return as early as possible.ra)a ?cwell anks:class prophe-W.J.LAZENBY,|vals.”Maxwell Banks;prop CLOSE COLORED SCHOOL.WEAVING.WOOL BLANKETS,| already been.planted.The.cool dry |bests,so that between.the elements ‘der difficulties again this spring.Gar- Wheatandoatshavebeendamagedbeyondrepair,but when the rain that is be-ing withheld comes,even though it belateintheseason,it will work won- com-mencement of the past few days has‘been.largely attended,owing to the. of Mrs.J.J, to visit the home ‘of “Uncle”DanielClodfelternow,as Misses Minnie and omen,”in plain wrapper.N.O.228 0 May 2,1916.I ker,|¢¥.Vivian Allison;closing address,Georgie Clodfelter are engaged inaayiSS—~lilly Nesbit,and the class’song,weaving.the web of wool blankets $$ |SALE OF REAL ESTATE.|“Forth We Go,”All these were that has been mentioned in this paper :|BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior|Very,creditable and some of _them once before,There is an object les-|a yO a an s res eseta eS LGourt of Iredell county,North Carolina,made|were especially good,giving evidence son of thrift and frugality in the A ’.’“oy &.(in,the special proceeding entitled R.W.In-|of careful training on the part of the comfortable,old-timey Clodfelter Misses and Children Ss Ladies House -7 kram,administrator of J.eee oy de-teachers.home that it would be well for the;yosEelsmitefag°°")A number of «white people were lary “UncleDaniel”nee Aut |Wash Dresses,Dresses,MONDAY,MAY 22,1916,|present by invitation anc ,‘earn,“Unele Daniel”and,“Aunt |§,lat 1 o'clock,p.m.,sell at public auction,to)Were “made by R.R.Clark,Rev.W.:Jane,”as they are familiarly called §48e,and 98c.98¢,$1.25 and $1.50.act Fresh Strawberries ithe highest bidder,at the court house door in,A.Lutz of the graded school ‘board phy their neighbors,are the oldest res-|y,Trias Cte 8 Tonemine de-and Supt.D,ee ees:ane idents of this section.Their heads 0 =g-teeme-~w“ana Emi:_Firat Tract--Adjointag the Janda of Levi,Thompson tole of the progress made jare whitened by the frosts of many|.Gr ape I ruit,Nica wad ether and bewnied as flows be |by the school,which he said had been |winters and they have trotted by each ig keWENTGhulsondolnewverymarkedwithinthepastfiveother's side in wedded harness for ¥Qt ineOranges,[20%leaktoy ahataiei nen esenra peince ‘r.i24 Years.Certificates were presented to over 60 years,contented with the sim-|§e3toastone,Bost’s line;thence N.87 de-|48 pupils who had neither been ab-ple,commonplace things of life.Af-'¥‘Cucumbers cue We Pie oe tes;Sent nor tardy during the session,the ter’all the vanity and ambitions of|?Odes ICEL Woe BetGlen ae double Presentation being made by Rev.D.|modern life,“kind hearts’are more|e ;; a0 srregy 28 poles;L.Thompson.Rev.W.A.Lutz pre-'than cororets,and simple faith than§i Nice Country Hams.:oles ;thence i sented the diplomas to the class.At ‘Norman blood.”|iver a :inning;~containfri 48 “aen;the cohelusion of the class exercises |MRS.E.J.TROUTMAN,|:eHieGklakesieeeiedeeeea"|the graduates received quantities of.IREDELL BOY'S SUCCES (ae eeSecondTract-Beginning at a stone on the vers s 2 F res-S x @ SS.M.P.Alexander &B cairns Inrasex omnes,anit ‘as Netar Howetsandsomeofthem other pres oa S.|NEW PALM BEACH COAT SUITS,NEW+E.ALCXANGEE W DIO,|e tee ctine.uk:thence S.10 dececer,We].A feature ‘Tuesday’evening that Young Drumwright of Eufola EVENING DRESSES,NEW SKIRTS,;..~2 poles;thence S,51 dexrees EL 12 poles!was enjove speck ite y ‘Bs The Sanitary Store,7 ules;thence _s aan ieneea et Ce ey ty Se ane I romoted —Letter F rom NEW WAISTS.:ryaeeeotsianaoeCLGWiles!by the school.|Washington.a :sasTHE;vers,in the sale of Jacob |Since the school building was Baer Teale of ithe ae |Silks,Georgette Crepes,Crepe De Chine,ind,excepting an half ucre sold to|ed,about two months ago,the school |Jashington,May 6 —1s always)’the above tract,hee has been taueht-in the -Odd Fellows’2 pleasure to send ‘a few words to the!Crepe Meteor and Charmeuse. ROYAL HEATER einning ¢Parker's,ae In-hall and in the basement and reoms pee soa the cones aye Am |4 Our Sales on the above have been beyond our ex- t SCO ab i Uk poles to a)of Center Strect church.The total slad to say tha r.Roy Browning'§eas ‘i }(Raval?ic a Ds Hs ELSTON Ja cetOn ead enrolment for the sess:on was 285 end Mr.Fred.Bailey of Iredell coun-|yectations.Why?We Sell For Less. i The“Royal”is a Range ince with tie railroad S55 cones as 1 {]{f attend ty,who have been sick for some ilar <:a re voles >thenes dosrrees W.20 poles to a)and i@ per centage o attendance vy,ave 2e SICK Ss “~ pol perenne nt Ue bend of a diteh;tence No {was 92.Whon the scheol building weeks,are able to be out and win LADIES’FINE FOOTWEAR.or had C¢auc @NG jirees Bit poles toa pine on evi Sost’s :was burned many of the hooks wedestroyed.The children of the whi*school gave a sunply of books th»More than supplied theandPrincipalFousheeasks The Lanmarktoexpressthegratitudeofh st with said Bost’s line 28 polesBosscorner:thenee S.toe theaining24acces,more or tess ription see d of Jae rram,Book coutty >excepting, Jast meniloned boundaryheresoldtePhos.It vids} Terms‘of SAle One-half rash on day ‘of eon-itowof‘sale the remainder:four is designed to take the |place of the old-fashion-'ed method of attachinganindependentheater (¢)‘eAtothesideofanordi-jfrom thenaryrangeboiler.|The “foyal’can be|tem i thence ¢ however, about one! and very much appreciate. vtwenty-fifth anniversary as superirnightetanexpensetendent.The present was towellwithinreachot}Every Foot of My Flooringtheaveragehouseowné!ie .,neerorrenter.Ceiling,Weather!oarding,Boxing,Crsingy and Step-Plank is workable.Tastalled by No call stock at all;and it costs youW.E.Munday.less and WILL LAST LONGEST! -»WATKINS,Statesville NaC:ti4-E-Broad St,;(WATKINS ta esville,N <7 Phone 55. Y eve WOULD HAVE SALAD aeveryday,if you once tried presented later. dition.to the principal..Ado,Erwitenchesdomestiescienceandthefift Y ©:pry YStatesvilleTinCo. Everything in Sheet Metal: line for rood ‘roof.StateRoofsaspecialty, first grade, Coddle Creek Endorses J.MeLelland For Register of Deeds. Mooresville.NL G.,May 2.1916,We,the undersigned citizens oCaldleCreektownshiv,desireplacethenameofJ.Howard MecLel deficiency schoo]for the donation,which they have‘heer presented Tuesday evening butdidnotarriveintimeandwillbe The school has four teachers in ad- grade:Daisy Davis teaches the thirdandfourthgrades.Alma Garter the.Selves Visiting the|second grade and Rebecea Gaston the!ments. re Seon take up.-theirte,Washington Railwayat|Company. work and de ‘le division of the = n The h the courts the market and tennis.courts.f M -i ng letters to The Landmark? with the Electric, Mr.L.O.Drumright,formerly of |Eufola,who has been working at Old/§is Fort and Asheville for several years,|#has been transferred from the Ashe-|fSouthernRail-§ingts sje,[Tonths from date of eoonrmation of —sale.The children of the school had con-.way Company to the main.office in sta]d :as g.|vt from ¢::|le ch ‘E:ays A : installe oy z a SUD Os Veferred payment to draw interest frora date|iributed to a fund to buy a present Washington.|Mr,Drumwright hasinglylowcostdndwill\of coutirmatin of ve.ok WLOINGRAM,s a »c :m lsvorked ‘Hasd “Gr the eae hiefurnishhotwatereverConmiscioner,fer Supt.Thompson.in recognition of |worked hard for the Doo daneyenich;yee ace EDM Toreme eel:Wearhermen,Ait'ys,his services in their.behalf and his he now holds and deserves much cred-hour of the day -ard April 18,1:iit.This young man practically learn-ed himself in the Eufola telegraph of-'§fice when a small boy,and I am pleas-ed to know that there are young folksinTredellcountywhotakeenoughin-terest in themselves to try to work up.warm weather is bringing manyvisitorstothebeautifulcityofWash-|]ington,where they can enjoy them- different depart-:#Many of them take in theptenniscourts.Only one square from——_———s the market,which is theHowardtargestmarketintheSouth,so when @(Visiting thee apital city don’t forget.& What has become of Mr.P.E.Hef-.4to;Mer,Who used to write some interest-. PHONE 55,114 East Broad Street, Jand before the Democrati¢voters of,_Hoping that the farmers will haveTredellcountyandrecommendhim-Plenty of rain before it is too late,os a man thoroughly qualified to hold J.T.R.|the office of Register of Deeds,and |Hemocratie voters for Mr MeLelland')the county primary.He is 2 soni/of the late Dr.J.R.McLelland,a-|goed citizen,and staunch Democrat.|Respectfully -submitted:|A.M.Turner.D.FE.Turner,ROW.Troutman.J.H.Cloaninger.KE.C,Deaton.W.P.Carpenter.J.F.Me-iGraw.J.F.Campbell,C,A.Mayhew,G,W.Taylor,D.M.Creswell,J.B.A ‘Honor Roli._ Sorrespondence of The Landmark. The school at Kerr’s Branch wentpoutveryquietlyonFriday,May 5. Tt is choice enough for the finestsaladdressing,as delicious as any }oil you ever—tasted,and so much ;cheaper you-can use-it-for cooking!fjtoo.It makes a smooth,delicious |+ } | children io the woods in search ofmayonnaisethat“siands up”well | |{ i | Wild’flowers.During:the afternoontherewasaballgamebetweentheBellvilleteamanda“made-up team.”{Vga’Tt had been hoped that the Troutmanxander,R.B.Templeton,©.ES Junior Order would,on that day,pre-1 J.MeKnight,R.W.Freeze,t!sent a Bible and flag to the school,butC,Robt,Johnston.Harry P.Deaton,we were not successful in getting this.-ascal:8.Boyd.R.H.Cook.F.Ue)“Honor roll for Kerr’s BranchWilson.S.A.Wilson,J.S.Wilhelm,school:f)S.S.Morrow.R.H.Wilkinson,Pearl Fifth month—Fred.Compton,Clara|Lone,F.T.Miller,W.C.Barkley,.!Compton,Tiny Compton,Lettie Sher-(E.Burk.J2 FP.Fairehitdy Tessie FB:Til,Boyee Smith.Teddy Compton. and pleases everybody.We've got anything you want to |make a salad—as well as WessonOil. Miller-McLain Supply Co. DR.G.A.LAZENBY,| }Office phone 494..Residence,451 Black. |L.Shimpock,/Smith,Edna Cook,J.A.Stewart,J.L.Perry,I.D.Har-vis,1.UL,Honeyeutt,W.M.Neel.J.W.Butler,J.E.Brown,J.A.FLA.Cloaninger,T.S.Fleming. Glenn Cook,JayCook,Mary Lottie Cashion. Por the_..term—Fred.Clara-Gompton,Tiny Compton.Lath-::J.an Smith was absent from school dur-H.Caldwell.T.N.Hall,W.S.Flow-ing the last six weeks on account ofeeeC.J.Stephens,Maurice C.Me-being sick.|Neely,R.M.Abernethy.E.L.Brown,|= SlackWOODandGLAZEDDOORS§Windows,Mantels,Columns,Stair|ways,42 kinds Moulding;Door and| Window Frames and Locks;Sash |[P.A.Alexander,J.FP,Br wley,J.a Second-Degrec_Murder ForWeightsandCords;Building Paper,!j oe is W.BR.re Mace.;siti ing.if Vo Fy er,ll Swann,i de ..:,; Compo:ition Roofing feElweo's |§i Lackey.Lee Thomas,W.A.Morrow,)Chas.Mace,tried in Burke Supe-C.WATKINS,next to McElwee’s Da |Be ey.L TOWy|ae aaPlanters’Warehouse.Statesville.N.€st ae j BE,C.Fesperman,J,Pp.Berry.W.J’)rior Court for the murder of his wife,sna senenSRImUSnSadSesoussss=ceaemlltcaoer j [Rvans,J.W.Poston,J.E.Sherrill,|was convicted of second degree mur-,!!e {\f ne eee 'Beer es Ve iter,The verdict was a surprise,as’J ner.dd.Yr.2enheld,ade NelanStop!Look!Listen!}LVN UnuTe nen tc ogee deel afscaiincs eas meray|i man,R.R.Morrison,E.B,Brawley,|Mace,who was a blockader,was.|i {iJ.8.G.Brown,Mack Goodman,J.drinking and ran his children away,we een ate ik The line that always gives universal fm |Will Deaton,Wi A.Brown,T.B./from home.Wis wife was found48€«.satisfaction,Careful tailoring,fashion:(i Williams,W.M.Freeze.J.P.Cavin,;dead with a bullet wound in her head|Le able designs and thoroughness as to WE sell the celebrated Gold |W.L.Matheson,H,B.Craven,W.D.;and an attempt had been made toMedalFlour..,*HH service—these are the things which @™Templeton.Zeb,V.Tarlington.G.F.|¢lose the wound with dough,Mace |WEscll Sweet Feed for Hoises a cen:“Clothes,gy,Coone,FE.D.Corriher.C.P,MeNee-!fled and was arvested in South Caro-|.ae,have built for “Shield Brand Clothes,,’jandMulesWEsellSweetDaisyFeedfor Cows..\bas Our new modelsWEsellHay,Corn,Oats and me Donald,|lina. Ariail,W.f&.).,At the trial his oldest daughter,17M.Konrett,George C,)Years old,testified that her father hadCraven.C.F,Melchor,|threadsyed to kill her mother and that A.Troutman,J.L.Deaton,W.C.|Hartness,J, itones,J,A #the reputation they so tichly deserve.fal lV.C. and fabrics are now # here awaiting your inspection g ‘ot Sead Products.fee om Pp.B.MeNecly,C.C.Walker,J.Hy.)after she and the other children leftWEennaroe;EGS,'ei Prices Oa sti Wm,C.Moore.R.C,Caldwell,eee,ee she pve a at pedRenetaetame'a me O.A,Proctor.W.T.-Christenbury,|Claimed that he knew nothing of hisWEpayCASHforcountry1,“10°$12"$15 318%ie \.J.Helms,W.H.Cook.Tom Pool,|Wife’s death until next morning ‘andWEuemaealaea;i.F.Benson,RL.Potts,W.J.Hum!that she must have committed,sui-hactiver in the city,my Come in and see them.IREDELL FEED CO.,|&tRarce::ar Rohert Bass, M4)1 Milles, ={Yrance.JT.U, &.B.Baxter,Ef)¢ides The suicide theory was proba-W.1h.Jamison,D,W.Low-(bly not seriously eonsidered.The factL.Rich.Geo,A,Morrow,+#that the killing was in a drunken C.D.MOORE,Prop.THE WATT.WHITE CO.,bias |Phas Dekne i frenzy was probably all that savedJas.A.Brown,W.W.Evdns,T.J,|frenzy was probably ve’Phone No,88,©114 EF.Broad St,|AWilliame,A,W.Colson,#.J.Goods |Mace from the fate he doubtless vich-ion eke ~{.STONY POINT,N.C.man.—-ad,:ily deserves, ~°g +e ~.:alerespectfullysolicitthesupportofthe,Close of Kerr's Branch School— Avi the morning the teacher took’the. EN y ;Poston,S.G.Putnam.Jas.W.Joi es,Sixth Cheminreamecarmng Cla- ENTIST.t ,utnam.Jas f ixth month—Fred.Compton,ClaDENTISR.H.Baker,E.F.Edmiston,S R,ra Compton,Tiny Compton,’Sara’ Office in People's (loan and pes A.eee,Vance Mav~|Johnson,Vivian Johnson.BoyceTrey".De arris ‘Savings Bank.;aewo Compton,' ul work done by our expert’ shoe repairer,It only takes him 15 to 20 min- utes to tack or sew ona pair of half soles,Plenty of comfortable seats—you can have work done while you wait. l- a In town shoes called. for and delivered. ‘Remember we shine shoes free, 5.M.&HShoe Co. yj8 Another installment of Dorothy Dodd’s new stylesjustin,.SILK HOSIERY.Kayser’s and Gordon’s celebrated makes,Black,White and all colors,48¢.,98¢.,$1.25,$1.50,€2.00.WHITE GOODS OUR SPECIALTY.An elegant line to select from at prices veryattractive. FIVE CENT COUNTER LOADED WITHBARGAINS.Apron Checks,Dress Ginghams,Prints,CurtainSerimandLawns.When out shopping drop in:We will take greatpleasureshowingyou.through whether you buyornot=»PHONE 21 THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. NDEI!P vy |B .. 1 SX ICHD OCHHOOT CAOLRORE ONT SCA CE OSORIOMONEYISPOWER! H =MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS.INFLUENCE:AND OPPORTUNITY!j THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!#AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANKACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th.willdrawinterestfromAprilIstattherateof4percent.—compounded quarterly. SB S S S I I S S I s s e s r s i e s r e e r r r s s r y s c y This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both womenandmen!) Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interestfromdateattherateof4percent.per annuin, Checking a--ounts,either large or small,cordially invited.We want :our business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN -President,’QO.L.TURNER “Cashier. SCRSBCROBOSCECADACA CRORCACE“ACRRCRORORORROOORO A se e s s S S S S T I B Le r t BW s S s s e r s s e z CHORTROR |OHICRO OLR Handsome Clocks! Clocks that we have bcc selling at $5.75:now havetobesoldfor$7 and.they are going higher still.|4Don’t you think you had better buy one now before||they areany:higher.‘We have just received a newlotofSethThomasClocks,Thethandsomest designswehaveeverhad.We would be glad to sell you one,.}R.H.RICKERT &SON,|{JEWELERS, ! “ey BsREADWHATSTATESVILLEBUSINESSMEN.0: %than 3 Nie ae AS TO ENGLAND. Referring to the German demand with-reference to our attitude toward England,Secretary of State Lansing says that while we cannot discuss with Germany our attitude toward Great Britain,in our dealing with the British government “we as we are unquestionably’bound to act in view of the explicit treaty en- gagements with that country.” TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET. ~-SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:seeeeeeeeee $2.001,0060verrrerere eeeeee Pe er May 12,1916. *VOTING IN,THE PRIMARY. There is some complaint that the primary law disfrancnises the inde- “pendent voter;that unless.one is a party man—a Democrat or a Repub- “jiean and so declares—he can’t vote in the primary and is therefore dis- franchised.The primary law was of course made for political parties—to enable the voters of a party to select the candidates for the party;and be- ing a party affair it was not expect-| with Great Britain,negotiated by |Mr.Bryan while he was Secretary of State,which provides that in case of any ‘dispute the differences must be submitted to an investigating com- mission for a year before engaging lin hostilities.Offer of a similar treaty 'was made to Germany but was not accepted by that country.It is prob- able,however,that where life was in- od that:voters.who claim no.party al-|volved the treaty obligation |might legiance would seck the privilege of |not hold unless themenace to life was helping to name candidates for a par-removed while the inquiry was insti- ty.All voters of ‘course have the |tuted.Our differences with England privilege of voting.for whom they |concerns property only and the treaty please at the regular eléction,But in|holds ~the primary affair—to name candi-This reference to the treaty,which dates to represent the party—the the general public had of course for- voting.is supposed to be the peculiar]gotten,explains in part our attitude privilege of the party members.toward England.Those of us who In North Carolina a good many|have felt that our government should voters vote the Democratic State demand that England cease interfer- and county tickets but vote for Re-ence with our commerce,and that publicans in national elections.As At-we should back the demand with force torney General Bickett interprets the |if the demand wasn’t met with a primary law,a voter who votes the |reasonable degree of promptness,will Democratic State and county ticket,now understand that under our can vote in the State and county box-treaty regulations our demands will es in the Democratic primary,re-have to undergo investigation cover- gardless of his national party affili-|ing a year’s time before we can reach ation;but he can’t vote a mixed tick-the point of suggesting force.While et in-the primary—for both Demo-|realizing that it was our first duty to crats and Republicans—because the have it over with Germany,where primary is a party affair and the law |the question of life was involved, is made for the conventence of mem-,The Landmark had hoped that the Lers of parties—simply provides a,Way Was open,or soon would be method for selecting party candi-/open,to go after England good and jhard.As The.Landmark sees it, |England’s interference with our com-en) The Winston-Salem Sentinel thinks!jerce has been as unwarranted and one of the most important meets tolas aggravated as the German subma- be considered by the next General rine warfare and less serious only in Assembly “is a law PEOvGIng =2 that it affected property and not life; State Board of Pardons.”The Senti-|and while our claims against that nel probably means chat the Legis-|country do not suffer in the waiting lature should take action,by submis-(,,was the case with Germany,we sioii,of a constitutional amendment,|trust that they will be pressed to a to open the way for the creation“of ompt settlement. such,a board.Under the constitution| the Governor is given the sole author-|Last year there was a bumper ity “to grant reprieves,commutations |crop of wheat in the country—655,- and .pardons.” The..-Legislature,|000,000 bushels in round numpers. therefore,carinot create a board of|This year the forecast is for less pardons that would have any author-|than 500,000,000 bushels and it may ity until the constitution is amended.;be less..The North Carolina crop The Landmark years ago ‘went on last year was 10,351,000.For the record in favor of a board of pardons|first’time in history the State raised simply because it does not think that |enough wheat for home consump- one man should be subjected to the,tion.This year the forecast is for stress and strain incident to passing|10,200,000 bushels,but the present on these applications and be required |drought means that the crop.will to take the sole responsibility for ac-|probably fall short of that.Notwith- tion.Any man who hasa heart,no|standing the big crop iast year the matter how clear his judgment,is li-:price of wheat and flour held pretty able to be swept off his feet at times |stiff on account of the big demand by sentimental appeals.It would not}for breadstuffs as a result of the dates. are acting That is to say,we have a treaty| reoran ease|NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS|E {Incidents Gathere ,Parts of the Country. The steamer ‘S:R Kirby broke:in two and sank during a storm,four & lives ‘are reported lost. An official British estimate of Ger- /man casualties in April places the to- ‘tal at 91,162.‘The number of Ger ‘man casualties since the beginning of ‘the war-is given as 2,822,079,: The casualties in Dublin,Ireland,in the recent,uprising were 124 killed, 828 ‘Wotnded and nine’missing,@,to-’ Htal-of 621 among British troops-and ithe Royal Irish constabulary. |Sir Roger Casement,who tried to ;land arms in Ireland from a German ship,will be put on trial in England 'Monday.Ordinarily Casement would get short shrift,bit as a concession to political conditions -his life may be spared, Five workmen were killed and 15 injured when three dynamite-mixing buildings of the Atlas Powder Com-pany plant at Landing;N.J.,were ‘demolished by an explosion.Many persons in towns miles away were cut by flying glass. Henry Lane Wilson,former embas- sador to Mexico,has brought suit in Washington for $350,000 for libel, against Norman Hapgood.late edit- or of Harper’s Weekly.Wilson bases his suit on publications regarding the Mexican situation. All the North Carolina members of Congress except Mr.Britt,Republi- ican,voted against the adoption of the|Senate provision to increase the stands ing army to 250,000 men,and in fa- vor of the House item increasing the army to only 140,000 men. One million rounds of rifle ammué¢ nition which Mexicans attempted to smuggle across the river into Mexi- co near Laredo,Texas,was confiscat- ed by United States troops.It wasbelievedtheammunitionwasintend- fed for use of bandits in Mexico. Ex-Congressman R.P.Hobson|tried to come back in Alabama this |week but he was defeated for thecongressionalnominationinthe tenth district by W.B.Bankhead by (a majority estimated,at 153.Hobson claims the nomination,however,*and |threatens contest. British aeroplanes dropped 18,000 pounds of food,in addition to other stores,in Kut-el-Amara_between April 11 and 29.This effort to relieve the hunger of the besieged garrison, {which subsequently surrendered to the Turks,has been related to the Brit-|? ish House of Commons. Fire started’in,a moving picture _show for colored people,at Wallace- ‘town,Va.,when the house was pack- ed and a panic resulted.The build- ing was destroyed and it is reported (13 hegroes were burned to death and {between 30 and 40 injured,either by ;burns or in the stampede of those trying to escape.. The Progressive party will not in-| d From All) miles off Eagle River,Mich;and~20] eal State Committee,; /-~"The Democratic State committee,in ‘session in.Raleigh:Tuesday.night,unanimously re-elected Thomas D.|Warren of New Berne chairman andJ.R.Collie of Louisburg secretary.Fifty-three members“were present inperson.or by proxy. Chairman Wilson G,Lambe of.theStateBoardofElectionsstated-thatthetwoDemocraticcandidatesforGovernor,through their representa-tives,had made it known they con- sidered that the offices of chairmanandsecretary’belonged to:the party and they had no objection to theirelectionnow;that both of;them were satisfied with the present chairman and secretary.-D.G.Cooper of Henderson:resign- ed membership in the committee be-cause of conflict with business nter- ests.The committee elected I:J.Poung of Henderson to suvceed him. RUILDING?*©.WATKINS. ~ANNOUNCEMENTS.- Not a Candidate, Ie wish to thank my friends for their sup-port in the pest and to announce that Iam not ma eandidate for re-election Wee Commis-R,sioher,Cc.LITTLE.May ‘For County Commigsioner. T am a candidate for County Commissioner, Subject to the action of the Democratic prima-ry,and solicit the support of the Democraticvoters.MARVIN W.SMITH.May 12. 12 1tte For Member Board of Education.I hereby announce myself a candidate forre-election as member of the County Board ofEducation,subject to the action of the Dem-ocratic primary June 38d,1916. Muy 5.D.W.LOWRANCE. For County Commissione.. TI hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner of Iredell county,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic PrimaryJune3,1916.J.M.DEATON.May 2,1916, For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for theofficeofCountyCommissionerof—Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo- eratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respectfullysolicitthesupportoftheDemocraticvotersinthePrimary.DR.W.G.NICHOLSON. May 2,1916. Member Board of Education.TI am a candidate for renomination for the position of member of County Board of Edu-cation,.subject to the action of the Demo-cratic Primary.Yr.B.GAITHER. *May 2,1916, \ For County Superintendent of Schools.I hereby announce myself a candidate for|re-election to the office of County Superin-| tendent of Publie Instruction,subject to the,action of the Democratic primaries June 3,,916.R.M.GRAY.April 28. For Sheriff.I hereby.announce myself a candidate for the office.8f Sheriff of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democratic primary,June!3,1916.J.OTIS GAITHER.|April | For County Superintendent Schools.| To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:| I am a candidate for the oftice of Superin-| tendent of Schools,subject to the action of the: Democratic primaries.If nominated =and, elected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell coun- ty-the best service of which I am capable. 28, sist upon the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for President of the Unit-: ed States,if the Republicans will} name a candidate at Chicago “who| |stands for Progressive principles is Able to put them.tairough,”accord- ing to a statement by Geo.W.Per-' kins of the Progressive national com- mittee. One-third of the Federal govern- ment’s revenue in ‘from the ‘liquor industries,declares .Seeretary-Joseph-Debar in-his annua! report to the 21st annual convention ,of the National Wholesale Liquor|Dealers’Association of America.Of this amount,said Mr.Debar,$226,- and| 1914 was derived| be so casy to move three or five;and the responsibility is too much for oneman. The Hon,Leslic M.Shaw,Repupb-| lican and former Secretary of the | Treasury,has delivered himself of} the following sensible statement:\ “T have.no hesitancy in admitting, rrave doubts whether the Republican| party can.even if_it should try,and; also Whether it ought to try,to de- feat the party now in power upon an| issuc of excoriation because it has~ failed to accomplish in four years what we failed to do in 40 years.If we-have.a-small-and-inadequate-army and navy,the Republican party is 80 ner cent.responsible for its ineffi- ciency,for the Repubiican party has heen in’power 80 per cent.of the last half century.If our coast defences o¥e silly.I submit it does not lie in the mouth of the Repubiican party to .-$av much about it.Let the next ad- ministration be a business adminis- tration.and while preparing for neace let it also do what we all agree should be done—prepare for eventual- ities that may ensue.” Mr.Shaw is known to many people in North Carolina.While he was Secretary of the Treasury he made a campaign speech in Statesville.enone Following the temporary.removal of the threatened.difficulty between Germany and the United States, there were rumors of peace in Eu-| rope,but so far no evidence has ap-| peared that the rumors’were well | founded.They affected the mar-. kets,however,and cotton advanced| $1.50 per bale in consequence. | | Germany admits guilt in the Sus-| sex case,apologizes,says the com-| mander of the submarine has been’ .Punished and offers fo pay damages. That settles the Sussex csae but it is hoped that Germany will not think that we can continue to accept that Sort of settlement for broken.prom- ~ises. _DSRNAESTALENTSeeELITHI Where,oh where,are the showers the weather folks promised the last of this week?If a suit for dam--ages for mental anguish will lie against the weather forecasters thereshouldbesomebusinessfor.the law- yers who farm for part of the ¢rop. Supt.J.8’Mannof ‘the State pris-Sonn from an operation for ROR ek —‘ce hsMmea a itil i, |ference,would give North Carolina,|1908. ‘in no danger of the latter,and in re- war.With a shorter crop this year,;200,000 was received from’internal the price will doubtless go higher if vevenue and $19,200,000 from importdutiesonliquor. Cleveland Gilbreath,a negro,after i serving eight years in the saat il ae penitentiary,has been able to proveThegoodroadsbillpassedbybothhisinnocenceofthemurderofane- houses of Congress and now in con-|gro of which he was convicted |in Gilbreath protested his inno- ,ecence and it was only recently he was the demand continues,as it probably will. in the next five years,$1,746,000 for! road work.The first year ne appro-the crime priation would be $116,400,second)don,but th year $232,800,third year $394,200,'sation for the eight years he servedfourthyear$465,600,fifth year $582,-|the State. Cae)eee abe a eee Reon Miss Elizabeth Davis,daughter ofroadwork,but__won’t ere bea.Mr,-and-Mrs--0,D.Davis of Salis- scramble as to where the money will}bury.and Mr.Kenneth R.Trotter of be spent?Charlotte were married Wednesday ‘evening in’the First Presbyterian church of Salisbury. He was given a full par- Many of The ‘Landmark’s adver- tisers are talking about the county fair and what they say about it is to the point. FOR YOURPicnicLunch ——WE HAVE — Potted Meats,PottedChicken,Deviled Ham, Olive Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Butter,Peanut Butter,Loose Sweet Pickles,Bottled Olives,Apples,Oranges. Come in and see whatwehave. Eagle & Milholland. International Police Force to Keep the Peace. Hope that at the end of the pres- ent war the nations of the world would undertake a joint effort to keep the peace,backed by a common po- lice force,was expressed by Presi- dent Wilson in an interview with a committee of the American Union against militarism,which-was called to protest against his preparedness programme and advise him that they had found a fear of militarism in the country west of the Alleghanies. The’President told his callers that a helpless nation would be negligible in a conference to establish the foun- dations for peace.He said there was a difference between preparedness and militarism,that the country was Alabama able to prove that another committed. at is by no means compen-' April 28.JOHN F.MITCHELL, For County Treasurer. I @m a candidate for County Treasurer,sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primary,June 3,1916.R.I’.RIVES. April 26. |{ a For Register of Deeds.| I hereby announce myself a.candidate for Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to! the aetion of the Democratic voters,as ex:|pressed by them at the primory,June 3,1916.) L.N.BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town-; ship.April 25. ‘6 For County Treasurer.I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer,subject tu the action of the Demoeratic primary,June %,1916.April 26.W.H.HUNTER.¥.|{1 For Sheriff. ‘To the Democrats of Tredell County:|hereby announce myself a candidate fortheDeniocratienominationforsheriffofLre- dell county,and will wreaily appreciate your| support.Respectfully,‘|GILBERT.April 25.WoL. e For County Treasurer.§ I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-!fiee of County Treasurer of Iredell county,|subject to the action of the Democratic prima-}| iry,June 3d,1916,and respectfully solicit the‘support of the Democratic voters in the pri- mary.R.J.BRYANT. Ap 4' For County Commissioner.|I am a candidate for county commissioner,| subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER,«|April 2],1916.| ril 25,1916, | For-Register. To the Democratic Voters of Tredell County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-| t to the action of the Democrati imury. J.H.Mel LAND, Mooresville,N.C. Jee April 21. For Treasurer. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby:announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer,subject to theactionofthecountyDemocraticnominatingprimaries,to be held June 3d,ae Will ap- ‘preet our:support,Respectfully, ca?W.C.WOOTEN, April’18.3ethany Township. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county, Wm.H.MORROW.ry June 3,April 18. 1916. For Sheriff. I am a_candidate for Sheriff of Iredell ‘county,subject to the action of the Democrat- ie ee and solicit the support of the tic voters in the primary. Deen M.P.ALEXANDER.April 18. v larren :‘Re-Elected Chairman i Prior to the--taking—ef.the—vote,- ||{ ! \{ | | ubject to the action of the Demoeratic prima-} | MICHELIN~FOUNDED~ MICHE 12 to 15%Extra ,prom id iWeight NORMAL T2ZAD Like Michelin fa.fos-Tovs F241 Tros ‘S Brealies.Bo 5 Pilescf Striga ergFabsicHezo TASKELN CHIVERSALTREAD When you buy your next tire male this simpletest.Lot us weigh a Michelin Universal Tirein-comparisen with any other nomckid of thesamesize, You will’find tha Michelin 12 fo 1590 heavier than ths average, the cxact percentage depending on dhe size of the tires uted in the test, “This extra weight represents extra’rubber #end fabric,’which means extra service,u Carolina Motor Company, Statesville,Mooresville and Newton. treMCP Sa dmonn Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. OUR Suit and Dress Sale Qne-Third Off! Is still on.|The Styles are correct and the values great: 4All our Siik and Woolen Coat Suits and Silk Dresses included in this sale.. Look Them Over. You May Need One. $20.00 16.67 13.34 12.34 10.00 8.34 6.67 $30.00 Garments 25.00 Garments 20.00 Garments 18.50 Garments 15.00 Garments 12.50 Garments 10.00 Garments a Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. Our Great Annua May Sale. sponse to a question declared that compulsory military training was not contrary to American tradition. He added that the existing United |States anmy was not large enough to 'safeguard the Mexican border °and|that it had been found necessary to |prepare the navy to deal with tre- mendously increased tasks quite inde-pendent of war.| PULL FOR THE FAIR, All hands to the wheel for a good COUNTY FAIR.Get ready to subscribe when ‘the solicitors come around May 28rd and 24th. Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123. Convict Takes the Blame. A convict signing himself BabeTroublefieldwritesGovernorCraig,that he alone is guilty of the robberyofJackMajett’s store in Scotland county,where he and_four others were sentenced to two years each by Judge Adams:He insists the other four had nothing to do with thecrimeandthatcontinuedsickness and troubled conscience forced him to make the confession so that the others may go free.The Governorwillinvestigate,: 108 West Broad St TO U R S E Ua MU U ¢hagen Blue, ==MIL Ric Net?LIC! 10.00 all woolSerge,Black and Navy Blue, Wonderful values and exclusive styles at greatly reduced prices,FOR TEN -DAYS ONLY.Cash to all.Let us show you. LS WC NANA COTE?ELEC LE First Great Reduction on Ladies’Spring Coat Suits. $27.50 fine Taffeta Silk Suits,Black and Navy, 25.00 all wool Poplins,Black and Navy Blue,20.00 Shepherd Checks and Poplins,Blackand Navy Blue, 15.00 Suits in French Serge,Silk Poplins and Taffetas, 12.50 all wool Serge Suits,Black, $19.2516.5015.0010.00 8.25.1,25 avy,Shepherd Checks and Copen- &POSTON. __Summers came up7Puesday-and-spent-the daywith rela-mwork the collepe Isratin,Ar SIver x ‘ ¥ -left-yesterday—for-a-visit_to_Asheviile ‘aecount of the -Va.,spent a short tomorrow. ty ~the girls’basketball team,the foot- >fils its ancient mission as a symbol of health, "PAE TLANDM ARK|ALUMNAE 70TO ENTERTAIN. PUBLISHED ‘TUESDAY AND’FRIDAY.|Alumnae Association Will En-_ OFM ICH:EST BROAD sTimnr.,tertain.at the College Next.[SS ~'fuesday Afternoon. FRIDAY,Coe May 10,1018,.‘Phe Alumnae Association of States-GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.j ville College will-entettain~the.pa- iz rons and friends of this institution_Personal.Mention ¢of People and|'Tuesday.afternoon,Moy er at a;o'clock,in the eotlege auditorium,—/ Se Their Moy ements,:ibdelehtful musical Pca anime willbe Mrs.David Lyle and children of|rendered and refreshments served.Rock.Will,S.C,are the guests of|This eptertainment—is_given—hy-theMrs,Lyle’s brother;far.-T,A.Nasaltel alumnae-in_an-endeavor—to stimulateMr.W.‘8.Young and Mrs.Maggie}and renew the interest.of the peoplefromCharlotte|of the town and elsewhere in the tives.,Miss Nannie Joyner accom-|offering will be taken,the proceedspaniedthemhomeandspentWednes-|to be used in furthering the work thedayinCharlotte.jalumnae has undertaken in the Do- Mrs.C.G.-Prosperi ané little son)mestic Science Department of —the college.The people of the community are turged.to patronize this very worthy entertainment.The following pro- and Chattanooga,Tenn.They will beawayaboutsixweeks,Migs Carrie Hoffmann went to Dan- ville yesterday to spend two weeks gramme will be rendered: with her sister,Mrs.Louis Kaufmann.)(1.)a.Au Matin.Dr.J.C..Dye was in Charlotte Re arentiicane , Tuesday ard Wednesday attending;totes :the meeting:of the Royal Arch Ma-|sfOnK!|d,Mr.G-M-Webb,aio was here on.illness and death of l..Webb,re- his home at Godard, c °Les Sylvains.Chaminade. Callishoe,“May Karel -BondameAMcnolowue,Mrs.’Herbert Hoffmann: Love is the Win a:Maeladdyn. Bolover!,sit.is Mo Aylward,M:-?Oscar "Steeele, Fiske. his mother,:Mrs,D.turned yesterdsy toBrooklyn,Jowa.-: Mrs.H.B.Parks of Concord is.vis- iting her daughter,Mrs“?M.Crow-|ell.Mrs.Crowell returned this week from a visit to Concord.V(rMr.W.Ro Wiges icft Tuesday for|7 .C Nashville,Tenn,,to attend the Tennes-:Eee DUPED Os 7seeFuneralDirectors’Association;sins Sa denictala or which met yesterday.'CLOSE OF LORAY SCHOOL.: 1 That «Has Mr.Wm.C.Miller of Fishersville, while here this)A Good School Support of the Community League.. To the Editor of The Landmark; The commencement of the Loray High School,taught by Miss Lina Deal and Miss Bell Cothrane,was well attended.“One feature of the oc- icasion was the presentation of a Bi-spent)ble and flag by the Junior Order,Dr. /Chas.Anderson,in his own inimitabie (style,presented the Bible and Mr.The Meeting at Loray—Person:|»°Webb,in glowing words of pat al Items.}ism,presented the flag.ia i Corresyondence of The Landmark.|Iv after saluting He _~Lorey,May 11 —The meeting con-G')ner We ee y Muen eny(‘ ducted at Loray last week closed,The oe Se on er "asSundaynight.Dr.Parker of States furnishes ry Miss Willard Vickery,pi- ville did some fine preaching.He is ‘?: one of the old-time preachers and preached ‘the plain gospel.May all take to heart the great truths and use them’in their daily lives. Mrs.T.R..Osborne and children of Cool Spring¢Snel the Sabbath with Mr.and Mrs W.Vickery. D.Brown,aha has been visiting Ganesister,Mrs.Wooten,at Kinston,re-9 ie “al ueturnedlastweek.Mr.and Hl.a see aesC.Dellinger and children visited Mr.2.he oe Sagres eeeandMrs.J.R.Woodside this week,(jf (00 ROME UCAnumberofyoungpeopleofthisanPoeaeaa place.will attend the commencement a ings ane exercises.of Stonv Point High School |n interes Berveuse, Chopin, Btude, Valse. Mr.BondamAuSaedeWallenstadt, 15. week with relatives.Miss Elizabeth Austin ofmarie’arrived Wednesday to the summer with her aunt,Mrs.J.I’,Kirk Lexington Dispatch:Mrs.C.A. Little has gone to Olin,Iredell coun-| ty,to spend some time with her pa-| rents,Rev.and Mrs.J.C.Mock.Mr.R.R.Reid of Charlotteyesterdayintown. Albe-| spend oon Mr.ae P:Watts of the Community te,which showed the ee last Novem- Very 7 adership of president of League walso_had from which was rem these and community hopes to add still fur- to the school nds. ling pregramme the afternoon an vas a lengthy pro pantomimes,dee 2s’that he part of th ‘hers,-The >suNervis adsO0U, aftern receipt of ber.He tively ‘‘Marlin,Mrs.ki,aFuenohera ;grounds sun, theMosmas. be was Miss Beulah Bradford is visiting hers 21 = cousin—-Miss Ora Sharpe.Miss C:- rie Elliott spent the w with her grandmother,Mrs,Ca M rison. (A'report of Loray school com- mencement sent by this correspondent is omitted because a report of ‘tht event had been received when this communication.came hand,—-The Landmark.) Marriages. Mr.C.B.Hostettler burg cou and Miss son were mervied vesterday noen at the home of the bride's er,Mr.A.W.Stevenson,in Shiloh township.The ceremony was per- formed by Re D.Brown of Lo ray.Mrs.Tiftle,who lives in,the vicin- of ‘Taviorsville,Nee Weis Brookshire,a farmer tivine ai few miles ‘east of Statesville.were mar-ie ee viel Wednesday at the home of the ;ray comm yebride.They came to Mr.Brookshiro’s i Sa Be i ee ae home the same day and a splendiri radi:ee i ideas make fo wedding dinner was served at 8 good through all time. o'clock Wednesday afterioon.About Noticstwo--score—-persons,—refhtives of Mrs}— Brookshire and neighbors,were pre Sine ent to congratulate the newly-married.t ‘ pair,welcome Mrs.Brockshire to her new home and enjoy the dinner.“Tt wasn't a reception,”one of theguests informs The Landmark.“but was grood old-fashioned wedding:dinner.” The High School Magazine. The anniversary number of the, Statesville High School magazine isjustoffthepressandisthebest number yet.It is published by the high school department of the States- ville Graded Schools.and was printedbytheBradyPrintingCo..The frontispiece _is.a photograph + of the Davie avenue school,followed by a splendid likeness of Superintend-ent.D.Matt Thompson,for twenty-five vears at the hend of the town’s pub- lic schools.Photographs of the 1916 graduates are printed in groups.Also of the eighth,ninth and tenth grades; shower of 3 and the rection of iy to Ot eee ‘hien- Alice Steven- iter.Settee ee UY enthy opera in “ayryrtsyd:oy One th Irede YatLenaivOwWsof Tirst National,Commercial Na- Merchants and Farmers’and ;Loan &Savings Bank report —Phone 483 GreerRooPeetene for s:Tiorse.hugev and harnes —Mrs.F.B.Bunch. For county commissioner. Smith. Snow creck ss,Clerl.The »“Chevrolet."—N.W.Fox,agent Do you want a county fair ?---Leon- ard Piano Scare. For your pienie |Milholtand. «Annual M Marvint drainage.—J.A.Hart- lunch.—Eagle & Mills &Poston, Haye yout @ thanee ready U8d and ?4th.—Sloan Clothing Co. Ten dollars per share,each share inclades a pass to the Pair.—States- ville Hous@furnishing Co, John Ds acfew..at Iredell tardware Co. Help win the fair.—Crescent old nrice.—- Thea- ball team and the 1916 debaters.The, magazine is full of good articles,in- cluding poetry,special articles,class statistics,class history,class pocm, Class will and editorials.. Suit and dress sale one-third:off.-— nmsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. Let’s have the fair.-iirst National nnie Ward at the Lyric. A fair for Iredell county. ford-Buonch Furniture Co, Now for the fatr.—Lazenby-Mont- somery Hardware Co, Manufacturer introductory offer, —The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery. Valuable farm at auction.—R.C, Bunch,trustee. Land for sale Smith. Not a can North Carolina Boy’s Success Craw- in New Mexico. Miss Cora Vail of Taylorsville,who| is an aunt,and other relatives and. friends in the State,will be delighted with the record of Mr.-Roderick John-| son in the schools of New Mexico.Mr.| Johnson is a North Carolina boy,a son of Rev.S.M.and Mrs.Ida Vail L. Johnson,who have been residents ofNewMexicoforsemeyears.Mr.John-|son has been awarded seven medals 1.APPLICATION this spring--a gold medal for ora-ea reach —tiretory,four gold medals and two silver f 3a blood medals in athletics.The young men!of his home town,Roswell,New Mex-|ico,gave kim &banquet.He is 18)years old. at a Wesacrifiee.= Rh.Little. UL CANNOT BiCl tidate.c. seut of the disease.or constitutional dra- é >it you musttakeinternalI{all's Catarrh Cure is takon y,and acts di-rectly on the blood and mucons surfacesHallsCatarrhCure|medicine.It was preser;the best physicians fn this country for|years and is a reguiar prescription.It,'is composed of the best tonics known, food,|combined with the bést blood purifiers,{ple foo practiced:temperance and.purity.||aatini directly One tho SER OTE,b:t 4 which pedir Ak T aeeuat ot health |Butfatos:,“Phe perfect combinalior a A red five-pointed star appears on each pack-|Ene two.ingred ee Wy ennines NeeageofChamberlain's Tablets,and still ful-|tafrh,Send for testimonials,free.| F,J.CHENEY &CO.Props.,Toledo,O,_Sold}by Drugeists,_price Tbe.\ WATKINS.| A Symbol of “Health,The Pythagorians of ancient Greece ate sim If you are troubled with indigestion,bilious- ness or constipation,get oa package of thesetabletsfromyourdruggist.You-will be sur+rised at the quick ‘relief which they afford.Obtainable querywinze:-BUILDING?Ne 4 ithe-Federabnenitentiary at Atlanta, ‘it soon the === ‘POR RENT- Advertisements.4., spunineananae Sentence German Conspieatars |M.ARKET REPORTS,- Robert Fay,former-Heutenant)iieienstne ‘bickaes Market, si German army,eonvicted’in Mie ‘Jali wing prides were paid, Sco i,ogy,Jocal on.“deral court in”New York of”cow-)rinse Briers,200.per Ib. sviring to destroy munition ships of Old Hc 12 1.2¢,per Ib. lazen,the allies through bomb.econtrivances,'}Roosters,6c.peewassentencedto-serve eight years in Butter,1e-per Ib.|Beeawax,25¢,—per Ib, yesterday ¥ ive,ihebe ::Green Hides,18e.Ib,Walter Scholz,his brother-in-law,ams,166.6 118.ter Ib.and Paul Daeche,atso:convicted;werest >Sites,ts,th.-onyieted,wer s ; sentenced to Serve four years and two}°«ive.Ib. VeaTrs,Fe spectively,rudge jlowe the New,ted Honey,%Serr wont MONEYinjthattheydidoriginatethe|dri } conspiraey “and 0c to IZ 1-2¢,Comb,TEU TRE,per bushel, feo per burket per Ib.ber th.not tatoes,§},deserved less severetySv ert Hotntoes, chines it than ay.Daeche’s eoun=- appealed and -he-was—reteasec on 000°bond.Appe will also Bay made for the others and they will |$1.30 per bushel probably be released on.bail.te baa er bushel.ae Grain.ESS Ydinonthe local market: Lutheran Synod in Session Concord,; The 118th annual convention of‘the ,=a North Carolina Lutheran Synod is in MUST PUT IN WATEBR ‘AND SE WER! session.in Concord,.A.Browna =of China Grove is president.ace Suant “te ler of Board of‘;1 property ow No.Amone the business matters to be|a pa meee pe eon sidered the question of mer fF-|8c ins.the North Caroling and Tennessee |! Synods.Adyocatesseclaim:that owl? ta the overls ipping of territory and a ~a community of interest’the mergershonldbecarriedthrough, w hooninel Cc eee i _ One of the most eueces Staatesville “€otton Market. €y 2 per Rev,¢ Aldermern, id,must,put in water ahdThisisarequirementthattinterestofhealthandwillbee: Liem Oe CACPWELTS is Mayor. sful preparations in |g is Chamberlain's Cough Ee McC Jinton,,.Blandon Springs,| Ala,v “Our baby had whooping cough as bad as most any baby ,could have it.IsavehimChamberlain's Cough Remedy and, got him well.”Obtainable every- where.|LYRICTHEATR TODAY Card of Thanks.|FANNIE WARD The children want to thank friends who were |so kind and considerate of them during the ill-*ness of their mother,Mrs.Jane Katherine Pierce. (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 eents| per line.No ad.taken for less than 25| cents.Cash must accompany mat iti FOR SAL 5-8 acres of land on|Fourth |ata iee--$2,250.Price holds good |mere time.WL.SMITH, May’12-—1t?, for aville, FOR SALE—Atva bargain, small driving horse. opy Te gentle |perfectly Can-iAisorubber-tirenewlypainted, BUNCH.ness.Sr FOR RENT—Nice furnished room,close in, hot and cold water.‘Phone 483 Green. Mauy-12*-Tt. WANTED—Experi ff wuitresses at the Ral- eigh Cafe,C y N.C,J.T.MAT- THEWS,Troy May 9 te baths,ete.May 6. ~Cotta ALEXA?with lights,aM.P.s ay,1apaperaef\FANNIE WARD M|FOR REN T-Bungalow,farnish-ef E 3 fn 3 “On v avenue,throw of wv peca emma ee arcuLt Apply 7..{ May 9--~2t*. immer were in ai |“Tennessee’s Pardner” t photo play.You sfford to miss it. SATURDAY cATHERIINE KAELRED Shelled price, MILLS CO.! he market for wil pay oh st omit ketSTATESVILLELOUR m Perche:On Stalti on,is This hourse will proha- and this iv the last sea- May 2-—4t, SNOW Ok EEK DB Nae In the tratt HC NO!tc"State : A grea can’t £ >District.‘\ <Drain- prices...were..pild....yesterday With House Peters ‘ed : —in— acThee Winged Ido Also A ere >Comedy. Key- stong Remember that Satur- day’s photoplays are the best of the week.You will find the theatre cov] and clean. THE TH :cr rsd mein = yn merely IKLYRGGTNEPOX,‘Loeal Agent, mtatesville,N.C, . LET’S HAVE THE FAIR! A good COUNTY FAIRis an institution that will be of gener- al benefit.Take hold of it with enthusiasm and if you haven’t subscribed to a liberal amount pee ea s n e n n ne n t ha r e At t e Da n y Ie nea ae re ee en e St e t me n t o r ne te a r Mi n ra m e n ee s of stock before then,do so when the fellows come around May 23d and 24th! ee ee e heSi e bi e l a aa 23 eA ro ia n . Si a r THE FIR ST NATIONAL BA! Statesville,N*C. Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits. U.S.Repository. rK, Capital $100,000. cunybody get ready for the Agrisule elli air Committee that will see you May 23d and 24th.A big county like Iredell with her splendidCitizenship,Churches and Schools,miles of good roads,fine farming lands,can't afford not to get up enough mon- ey to havea aaa class Fair.When the Com- Mittee calls,give them the glad hand and oth ae for ‘one or more shares of stock. In this DON’T FEEL YOU ARE GIV- IN BUR MONEY AWAY!AFair man-_ ie 1is one will be,by level-headed far- o know the value of money,will not only maabethe Faira success,but a dividend-paying proposition.Manufacturers,Mer-- chants and everybody want a Fair and stand ready and anxious to push it along,but as €verybody knows,the majority of tne stock must bein the hands of the farmers.They rust control the Fair.It could not be a suc- cess without THEIR FULL SUPPORT and management.LOOK FOR THE.FrAik COMMITTEE MAY 23D and 24TH! ccte VYIGY aged as mersV reere A Fair Forlredell-County is what every progressive farmer and business man is working for. Every farmer wants «better price,and a better market for his farm products,and there is no surerway to get it than through the nee of a COUNTY FAIR. A comparison of farm products at a COUNTY AIR aids the farmerin improving quality.The price is always based on quality.The more quality you have the better price you get. Quality goods ata fair price is cheaper than cheap goods ata low price.Most consumers want quality,and are willing to pay for it. the quality of your farm ter market,invest in’a in TREDELL COUNTY if you want to improve products,and want a bet few shares of stoc! AIR ASSOGIAT LON, This space contributed by the Crawford-Bunch !urmture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.”eg”PLONE 400.Qaane— \§a TSE! sq Aa a A a SHER ree70. SPECIAL SALE22pe MEN'S STRAW SAILORS. 6950 and $3.00 SAILOR.HATS Choice,$1.49. —;bryce1Gt.ak “8 | HAIS “PHONE NO.83.SRRILN WHITE SHOR co. PTAA ee <8 e mentie “BOYCE LUMBER COMPANYMANUFACTURERSOF _Kiln déied North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- “tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909..° PHONES:Ofice 294 GEO.H.MYERS,Residence 423 Vice res,and Manager.- |SHE FR “May 12,1916. FOR NON-PARTISAN AUDIT. ofPublic Officials Should Be Audited Regularly —Tax- payer Suggests a Non-Parti- san Audit. Lorrespondence of The Landmark. There has been much said recently! “about the auditing of books of public| accounts.|The late Republican con- vention asked that.the books of the; State Treasurer and the books of oth-| er State offices be audited,and the| people of the State be informed as to} the condition of the State's finances.| The county Republican convention | asked that the books of the county be audited.The recent Democratic con-| vention at Raleigh went on record as | favoring the regular auditing of the} books of public accounts.|‘I he people| generally have complained that public| officers have not made more frequent) statements of the condition of their offices...Citizens of Statesville often| ask about‘the condition of the city. Citizens of the county often ask about | the condition of the county funds,and of the school funds.It is a general | complaint,not only in Iredell coun ty,but in all the counties.Not alone | in Democratic counties,but in Repub-| lican counties as well.This last is | true,notwithstanding the urgency of| the demand on the part of the Repub-| lican convention at Raleigh. This is a righteous demand on the part of the taxpayers.They:have a right to know what goes with the pub- lic moneys,whether municipal,coun- ty or State funds;whether for schools or.otherwise..Every business is re- quired to show its stockholders the condition of the finances at regular intervals,and a_city,county,or State is a business on a large scale,| but is managed by political methods rather than by business methods.Asi the people gain in intelligence they want to know what goes with public moneys.An_intelligent community does not complain so much at paying taxes as they do about the expendit-| ure of the moneys raised by taxation.| If these funds are used for the good of all the people,there can be no} complaint. The following system of auditing accounts would meet the require- ments of all the taxpayers,and would | guarantee the honesty of public aud-| itors.A system of auditing which, would not inspire confidence in the} people would be no better than no system at all.It could be easily said, that the auditors were bought.To off- set any complaint and t®guarantee, honesty on the part of the auditors, a law might be passed authorizing the Governor to appoint a public aud- itor-for each judicial district,the first: to be a Democrat,the second to be a} Republican,and so on for as many) districts as there are judges in the} State.Then Tet each public auditor| begin his duties in any district,and go on to the next district,and let this! auditor be followed by an auditor of the other political party.This should be done as a check on each other.| Then no party could say that the aud-| itors were bought,and each auditor) would be more particular than if he} were to be followed by himself or by an auditor of the same political par ty:“These anditors ‘should be appoint- ed by the Governor in order to get -«the eénditions as outlined.If they should be made clective some districts would elect Republicans and some, Democrats,but the parties might not be divided equally so as to make anauditorofeachpartyfollowtheoth- er.These auditors should be requir- ed to audit the books pf each county| and of each municipality each,year, as well as the books of the State of- ficcrs.No one could complain of this because it would guarantee an hon-! est auditing of the books of every: public officer in the State. Fach county,city,or the State! should pay for the audit of the books pertaining to its own affairs,and the| results of the audits should be made. public.If this were done there would| be less complaint on the part of the taxpayers as to the -expenditure of. public moneys,and the officers would in many instaneesbe more careful as to how.the-moneys~were expended.| Effidiency in government should be demanded the same as in private busi- ness,TAXPAYER.| Death of Mr.|Stafford—Mrs.| 4 1 Charlotte’s Sensation. There was a sensatign in Charlotte} this week when the board of alder-| men,following an investigation,by a} vote of 16 to 4 recommended hn June Ist the mayor revoke the license ; of’the Selwyn hotel,the Buford hotel| and the Gem restaurant,on account’ of immoral cond’tions alleged to existattheseplaces,:=] There was considérable protest as a result of the action of the board, it being alleged that the proprietors of these places had been condemned without’a hearing and on testimony of a doubtful character.So far there have been no pther developments but the proprietors of some or all the places have indicated a purpose to resist the proposed action.Revok- ing the license is optional with the mayor.Following this action of the alder- men Chas.R.Long,a-clerk at the Selwyn,was placed under bond to answer a charge of selling liquor, When the case was called Wednesday| Long did not appear.ae with Passing Bad Checks.| Durham Special,9th,to Winston-Sa-' lem Journal. T.R.Dale of Morganton,a student at Trinity College,was arrested and locked up this afternoon on a charge| of passing worthless checks,His; bond was fixed at $400,but because bad checks carrying his signature continue to ‘pour in,the officets saw Charged fit to raise the initial amount. Dale also gave worthless checks in Chapel Hill,according to his alleged confession to the chief of police,and several Chapel Hill merchants have been notified to be in court when the case is called.It is also reported that he distributed similar papers,in South Boston,Va.His father hasbeen no- tified. Want Big Game For Forest Re- serve, Gov.Craig,president of the Appa- lachian Park Association,and Mr., George S.Powell,of Asheville,were in Washington this week in the inter- est of many proposed projecs to 4 prove western North Carolina.TheywouldhaveCongresscontinuetheap- propriations for purchases of moun- ‘tain land under the Weeks act,secure large game,such as bison and elk, for the vovernment forest reserva- tions,and open up Federal lands for mining prospectors. DO YOU WANTACOUNTYFAIR? Yes,you want one,»but the capitar Surplurealquestionis:Do you want a County Fair to the extent that you will help to get if?Most of- us are willing to enjoy the ben- efits of all these good things so long as “the other fellow?4s pay- ‘ng for them,but we sing a dif ferent tune when the solicitor bands us the subseription blank. A county of can’t afford to longer delay put- ting on a county fair,and if we're to have a fair let’s have it on the right basis. a permanent fair organization, The plan for this,outlined by the fair committee and adopted at the recent mass meeting,is con- ceded by “men who know”to be, ‘bout the best,so why not fall in line and make it a ‘Sure Go"? Let’s make it a real county af- fair.There are very few men 1 the county who can’t afford a share of stock—it’s only $10— and many who can afford ten or more.Don’t turn down the c committee when it calls on you. Have a part in everything that: means better things for Iredell! A fair is-a good thing for the county,anda WESER PIANO is a good thing for-yvour home.LEONARD PIANO STORE,Morrison Building.W.Broad St." Little and Mr.Brookshire Wed.¥ Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville.May 11 —After long illness,Mr.LaFayette SdiedSaturdayeveningat8o'clock at his home-in Wittenburg township, ‘aged about 65 years.Surviving are his wife.four sons and four brothers. Mrs.Josenhine Little,widow of the late D.A.Little of this county,and Mr.William Brookshire of county,were married Wednesday morning at 11.30 o’clock at the resi- dence of the officiating minister,Rev. J.W.Watts.Immediately after the ceremony they left by automobile for the groom’s home in Iredell. The citizens of the town and coun- ty are requested to meet at the court, house Saturday,the 13th,promptly at 2 o'clock to subscribe stock for the county fair,organize and clect offi- cers, a seseainsanoanaStenmS G.FE.Todd.who is)charged with participating in an attack on Deputy Marshal Harkrader and the sheriff of| Surry county when these ©officers were searching for blockaders some! years ago,\was captured)in Allegha- ny county a\few days ago and lodged in jail at Wilkesboro. One’of the large hydro-aeroplancs which has been flying between New- port News and Washington,fell into the Potomac river near Mt.Vernon,Va.,yesterday,and was wrecked, Three of the occupants,badly injur- ed,were rescued by a tugboat.Two are missing.. The South Carolina Press Associa- tion,which will meet.at Yorkville next.month,will on June 10th take an outing at Edgemont,Caldwell@ounty,the end of thé Carolina and Northwestern line. afford ,4 Iredell,§ A wonderful assortment of good books on our 50 cent tables.Much.better than you think. Come in and take a look, R.P.ALLISON'S Beok Store. Lasting Legibility Multiktony gives copies that are beautifully neat ond that arc really permanent. 4\ t nitueort yer ss and Legzi- J Multikopy i surprisingly durableandeconomical, Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.C. 1CEERI OP FRADE that!he Jredell’s standing & That means)st: -rneeremeeneenntiniieee Former State SenatorSentenced| :to Prison.4 Ex-State Senator John M.‘Wag- oner,ex-chairman of the Republican executive committee of Alleghanycounty,was ‘Tuesday ‘sentenced to} two_years_in the _penitentlarchargesofforgeryand le-| ment,.says_a dispatch to the:Winston. 'Salem Journal. Wagoner plead guilty in four | of forgery and two cases of embez.-| zlement.._It seemed from the .evi-| dence that he could have —been con.| victed An as many more had the court been*disposed to require more Cases,| In one case Wagoner had taken a note of $80 made to himself.He raised the note to $100 and traded it.He then went to the maker of’the note,representing that he had lost the note.He secured another note.for| $80 and traded it,and now the hold- ors of the two notes are-in litigation| as to who shall be the loser,ieean Enterprise:John F,years,died at ‘hisMooresville Blume,aged 24 ‘home oy Me Be-Gardner's:place in the| Caddie Creek section,Monday. German newspapers are not pleas- ed with the last American note,It was probably not written to please. CONDITION REPORT OF THE of the First National Bank,at Statesville, in the State of North Carolina,at the Close of Business May 1,1916,: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts (ercept shown on bi ....-+ Overdrafts,unsecured U.S.Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value)eee eet eee $100,000.00 S.Bonds pledged to secure U.Sr deposits,(par value}' Subseription to stock of Federal Reserve bank Less amount unpaidValueofBanking encumbered}: Furniture and Fixtures Net amount due from serve Bank Net amount those eee $472,877.021,821.81 U. 30,000.00 180,000.00 7,500.00 ;3,750.00 House $2,000.00 _4,119.86 Br=7,568.71 Net due fromapprovedreserveagents in New York,Chicago and St.Louis ... Net .amount due from nppreved reserve agents in other Net anyunt bankers (other lor thy.: Other cheeks on banks city or town as reportingOutsideand eash item Fractional currency, nickels and cents :S406 Notcs of other National Banks . @ederal Reserve Bank notes talcoin and certificatesLegnlTenderNote Redemprion fund with U.o5and-dae from U.8 EE cities 7,591.23 from than reserve isduebanks a included -Wiscuocosod cal ty byte in the samebank..TSAT.27 checks oth-14,086.13 14,370.19 2,585.001,000.00 138,166.30 2,050.00 arer e5,900.00 oo.$726,191.56 LIABILITIES. tock paid in. fund .livided profits t expenses, nd { Potal $100,000.00 | 25,000.00 currer ane O38 T1626,.20 100,000.00| 1,350.00 1 netes ontstanding. unpaid to ch in ubject eelless I9,110.83.666.62 |¢ of 20,000,00)Siver coin, | t time deposits 1,42 and 4%Items ; with Federal ReserveRediscounts bani TeevUneesd it :Sie Gert of North Carolina,county of Trede 1,John W.Guy,of named bank,d olemniy swear i went is true to the wledge and belief.JOIN enshier ik ve ostater Subscribed nnd sworn to befere lith duy of May,1916.HOFEMANN., Notary Public.doped Correct—Attest:it ISIDORE WALLACE, R.A,COOPER, A.P.BARRON,|.Directors.|ere mn Fh REPORT OF THE CONDITION| of the Commercial National Bank at States-| ville,in ‘the State-of North Caro-, lina,at the Close of Business,May 1,1916. RESOURCES. nd discounts ¢exeept hown on bi.F Overdrafts,unsecured U.S.bonds deposited to secure cir-{ culation (par value).oe 100,000,004 Securities other than U.S.bonds } tnot incinding stocks)owned -un-} Loans a those n Scan UG s pledscod a ale Subscription to stock Federal Reserve Bank 7,500:f mount unpaid ..4 »of banking house imbered) Furniture and Net amount due serve Bank ..be Fi Net amount due from upproved reservc agents ow York,Chicago, Li ur ed reserve fixtures from OULL at agents cities from than |reserve unt ra tother due yor toss che ten ractional d noms reporting bank |.1455.na| and other i currency,nick- ‘1 cont 141s te {national banks at Reserve petes A 1 +nd cc rlificater er notes 4 me Gee . :fund with UL S.Trens- tira US:Gop{SavingsDuePsHopLIABILIT} fock paid infunclividedprofit eurrent nun Log 1 6,502.5 1B1 ¢ outstanding:.ronete mane {fh cheeks nrdemand;:eisBoonieaoe337,| Yund 40 5 822.53 | ttes of deposittimedeposits : of deposits, 12 and 48 5 with Federal time 90,597.97 inved elyewhere thanFederalReserve s pavable,including oblivutions | representing money borrowed 000.09 f Total ..eC eeeoD State of North Carolina,County of Ire M.Ausley,Cashier of the nbove- bank,do solemnly swear that the tnfenient is true to the beet of my}knowledge and belief.D.M.AUSLEY,— SihecetSubscribed snd sworn.to before ne, as you.never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette!: Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat- isfaction your smoke- appetite ever hankered for.That’s because it’s made by a patented process that cuts out bite and parch!Prince been sold without coupons cr premiums. .Copyright 1916 by K J.ReynoldsTobaccoCy. On the reverse sideofthistidyredtin”you will read:“Pro. cess Patented July 30th,1907,"whichhasmadethreemensmokepipeswhereonesmokedbefore! ‘Albert has always We prefer to give quality| the national joy smoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful.You never tasted the like of itl And that isn’t sirange,either. Men who think they can’t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga- Buy Prince Albert every- where tobacco is sold in toppy red bags,Sc;tidyred| tins,10c;handsome pound and half-pound tin humi- dors—and—that corking fine poundcrystal-glass humi- rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince \Jbert.And smokers who have not yet given P.A.a try- out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story! 'E 194,968.72 |Due t National hank Capital stocl Surplus4,Undivided .:Time certificates Savings depoGashier’s check.out 'Correct --Attest: National Bank Capital stock paid |Surplus Undivided 4)Dividends ‘1a y9|Notes-and_biils red 0)Bills Ly oon |Deposits subject to ( ( Sigth day of May,1916. dor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in suchclever trim—always!R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.,,Winston-Salem,N.C.BP OF THE of the REPORT CONDITION| People’s Loan and Savings Bank,at- Statesville,in the State of Carolina,at the Close of Business May 1,1916. RESOURCES. discounts .dnseearedHouses,$12,400,155 mel fixtures,$4,084.90 Jemand Lonns nae rent from National Banks from State ash Items . Id Coin. Sunykearvgs tare Yue Banks and anher including:all miner cour currency note notrs Total ho opall infondprofit:, penses and oO “Notes and bills Yeposits subject te ‘of deposit its standing. TotalStateof North Carolina I,O.L.Turner,¢ nank,do solemnly >above O.L.TUR Subseribed and sworn to before lth day-of May,1916 .J.1.HOPPMANN,Notary Publie. JENKIDy May 12,1516. REPORT OF CONDITION “The Merchants and Farmers’Bank at Statesville,in the State of North Carolina,at the Close of Business, May 1,1916. RESOURCES. 10,090.00 }Leans and discounts|Overdrafts4,unsecured .. All other Stocks,Bonds anaesitureanc und loans .....e from Natienal J Fixture State Bankers |Cash Items .-Gold Coin ...Silver coin,includingallminorcoincursrencyiMion notes and other U.8. Notes Total res -ie LIABILITIES. Mies =800,00 fund aoe SOOO.00 profits,dos and taxcs paid ....c 1,020.96 unpaid ‘A aaexpenses seanted .1200.00 yable cheek .Time Certificate Depesit 6.0.6...Deposits ae Banks and Er ae to nkersnier’s Che nding ..ed Cheek mas a ncks uut- “ DAYS a TORG 44 wee age $269,403.66 State of North Carolina,County of Tredell, I,F..B.Bunch,.cashier of the above-named tank,do solemnly swear that the above » nent is true to the best of my knowledee ¢ relief.¥.B.BUNCH,Cashier. this ‘Total to before me, R.C.BUNCH, Notary Vublie. Subseribed and sworn Correct-—Attest,.KNOX, .WATTS May 12,1916. siaao.nn wont SHINGLES|-LATHS ‘LIME oo CRMENT STAINS C.Watkins Cashier,| PLASTER NAILS | Statesville,N.C. North, state-| ‘ment is true to the best of my knovwtedy ,and belief. t oo00.00|10,000.00) a = A Thorough Canvass of Every Town- Iredell County to Solicit ship in Stock For County Fair . pehat ”~Will be made on the 23d and 24th of this month.STOCK WILL BE SOLD AT 810 PER SHARE AND EACH SHARE CARRIES WITH IT A PA TO THE PAIR. liberal response to the canvasscrs. eqaon) We earnesily urge a nyvu {the Cairse a This Space Donated For the Good oY - Statesville Housefurnishing Co. SAVE THOSE OLD TIRES and TUBES. Iredell Vuleanizing Corapany-will take care of all Tire troubles. New plant.Best equipment,Best.workmanship. Save money by having your old ‘Tires and inner Tubes shaped for much more service. Punctures,Blowouts,Rim Cuts successfully overcome.oe All sizes and makes. Work done by an expert and a gua it,all. Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. santee behind. ||i} ! |bsTHDNETAL AANA IAAVLS HALALALTIAITAATILTTT eee hase es TIISITISLVTSISIS IIIT LIIITIIIIF UEIZTITILILTTITLLTISLIS SITs fo You Want Baseball This Summer? VOTE YES!BY BEING AT THE — Big Minstrel Performance BENEFIT OF BASEBALL, OPERA HOUSE,FRIDAY,MAY 26TH. RESERVED SEATS ONLY 75c. A dollav’s worth of fun or your money,back. LIIIZIFILIITITIIIIST: Ss e e s e s e s Ss e e e e : So e s e e e s e s reererggeeetetinitereisstsereretittetesettsitte ENJOY SCREENS aTAX.LISTING,1916! Return your poll.The t to taxes month of List your property.i law requires that all property subjec WHILE YOUR st 7:'+? t HOFEFMA ee und all polls be listed during the NEIGHBOR Swat ye Notary Public,|\N.-B.MILLS,|JI ARMPIELD,|dnpaid W.1D,TURNER,promyrt aDirectors,May.9. MARK 7 “CITY TAXES!m axes ave due and|Make these returns promptly and avoid the advertised.Call |penalties pre seribed by the law.wd 'T:BOYD, Clerk to Ba,Co,@oms.| William’H.Calaway,a prominent,Ceca citizen of Watauga,dicd a.few dayp a ago.Had been sheriff and represenedhiscounty-in the Legislature, ;:ae FLIES! i All property on which city t June ist,will be | ly und save trouble,W.L.NEBLY,City Tax Collector. UL |—_Carben Paper C,WATKINS. .May12,1916,May 9-7t. FRIDAY,-~-.‘May 12,1916., IF GERMANY KEEPS FATA |All Will Bee Well—But -Our:Rights Are Not Contingent on- the Conduct of Others—The Answer to Germany—Ameri- can-Losses Must Be Paid— Treaty With England, Followine is the text of the note ‘eabled by Secretary of.State Lan- sine to Ambassador Gerard at Berlin, |for presentation to the’German min- j ister of foreign affairs: {“The note of the imperial German covernment under date of Mav 4, You instinctively dread the dark.‘You know that aiiaer and ais.eomfort lie there.And.vets many times every Cay,you must gointodarkplaces,here is no greater pcavented e,or protection than an EvereadyLight.The pressing of a button releases a brilliant stream of *white light that is thrown just where it/is wanted..If you-work.in the dark,an Eveready Light is indispensable.If-you.will useonemerely‘tor entering dark rooms or searching dim corners,you__will wonder how-you-ever-got-along without it:|Eveready Lights are safe!hee is absolutely no chance of firefromthem.No flame;no oil.-y can be used with perfect se- curity in contact with the eee inflammable substances,such as hay,gasoline,gas,or gun powder. HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. ie Dark | ‘tion by the government of the United W.M.BARRINGER,-Proprietor. ;|cating.the.purpose -of-=-the:imperial aa :FR as to the future that it Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. ,‘prepared to do its utmost to con- ..s q ;fide the operation of the war for.thePracticeEconomyThisYear!(jvc of is duration to the.fighting ‘4,forces of the belligerents,’and that it is determined to impose upen all United States has insisted. “Throughout the months lhave elapsed /erament announc‘ed,on February 4, )1915,its submarine policy,now hap- ily abandoned,the government of ho United States has been constant- ‘ed and restrained by motives ieondship in its vatient efforts to *to an amiceble settlement the cuestions Nee fo de Not screenings or’offal,orworthlessby-a but se-lected feed scien-: tifically blended, forresults.Madef2hya‘house with\,. a reputation for Xe integrity. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Fecd. Cem Sweet Dairy Feed. C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. ’Phone 125 Black. has so se- relations the gov- od States will re- of the policy whie "menaced the rood .the two countries, of the Unit Iw enon ©serupulons ex i Lit a The Odoriess Refrigerator Ts built upon scientific nee >of refihasbeencarriedtoaremaricablede>constantly flushed with a cond,cu insulation of chemically trectod flaxi . The frame is solidcalm bsvstifelllyfintshet 1. are cast brass end satin finish.partments ure removable}:less.The visible drip trap—insid One-pigce linings,ice pen end dri; Re-tinned wire shelve:adjustaarrangedtosuityourrequ “Odorless”is the lastareZoiny,to buy a refrigers rOr of th now altered noliey of the inl wovernment.such as will re- :ihe ‘prine ipal danger to an in- untion of the wood relations ex- ‘ne between the United States and :ny. “Tho wavernment “éf the t necessary to state that rogranted that the imne- Cerman «mnment does not in- tn nl that tne maintenance ay novnced poliey is in t unon the course ’Ginlonatie nerotiations eovernment of the Unit- 1y ather helligerent anthing----the ares in the im. Be of the fourth annear to he suscenti- construction.In order, jid.anyv possilte misun- -nment of |th: the Imperia eration.Every au ave tings ide com- ary and ,odor- i}alee sod ‘agai ust Toaks height-can bc ed Steies enecueicaverymept. ble to ai Ly eymonts might that to ave Acretondine,the United States notific rove scientific refrigeration,If youtor,come in and see us. Williams Furniture House.rove iment,entertoin,much less diseuss..% isugeestion that Yres=sct by German L authorities for the rights of |of the MTited States upan the \Wieh seas shanld in anv way or*in th #ichtest degree be made tontineent bya Lott zens mmon the eenduel of anv ather rorv- cepment offeeting the riehts of red trols and -combatoents,Reenoanei bility in synch matters is sinele,not ;‘absolute,not relative.” -retary \fter LafHoweae ha ere nan Langing’s Stat.ement. the disp stat ement: ater part of the Germ cr is ie ae to matters eovernment cannot discuss Carman rovernment,The oy ‘stions of rieht Which «can he do owith that arising out-of its ee ar out r own and in no event © whieh are the subj { exchanges —hetween the s and eny other country »of the answer i:that to our representi- tte the rights of wid non-combaignts and engages to oh- zed roles 6f inte »povernin: her shins. inst mercha “So lone as sha lives un we ean have no reaalteredpolicy qvarre)]swith her en that:c i aBEEBEKODAKieee eeevviolationofAmericanrightshy4 The Simplic:fy,Convenience and Efficiency.of Kodak Sysfem haveputamateurphotovraphywithinreachofeveryman,womanand child at small cost.KODAKS $5 upward;BROWNIKS $1 to $12.KodaksuppliesofallkindsinthegenuineKastmanquality. H.B.WOODWARD man submarine commanders t ing under the former policy will havesettled. “While our3ritaincannet form a subject of a ( y Germany.it shonld he tated that in cur dealings w ith Ms He sh rovernment we are actin: to he Jeweler, pre vnanestionsbly bound to act 'rin view of the explicit treaty encare- ments with that government.We have treaty obligations as to the man- ner in which matters in dispute he tween the t'vo governments are honcled.We offered to assume mz tually similar obligations with Ger- many,but the offer was declined. When.he r,the subject oe Statesville Realty &Investment oe=| pute is a conlinuine menace to Amer jiepn lives it is doubtful whether suchobligationsapylyunlessthemenaceisremovedduringthependencyof the proceedings.” Treaty of Arbitration.The treaty with the British govern ==INSURANCE! roea great many policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamedinthe contract of the policy which they buy.We deem it advisable to mention seme of the causes under which the same will be renderedvalueless,viz: 1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to your agent for permit. 2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary aitera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. 38—P;roperty upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—apply to your agent. —Any chafige in the title or ownership,or interest in proper- ty insured ha than by death. b—Assignment or transfer of property to another, 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. W—The taking of other insurance without notice. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage,Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-mation.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATES VILLE,N C. fo be in dis- iment ieferred to is the convention n gotiated by former Secretary (ii ‘under which the two nations agre ethat any dispute arising shall he sub- mitted to an investigating commis- |sion for one year before entering in- to hostilities.An offer to enter into such a treaty for Germany brought 2 |request for information but forma! |negotiations never were instituted. All Poor This Month. {Lumberton Robesonian. |The poor we have always with us, j but during this month ‘poor,For beloved)it is tax-listings |times and ‘men who measure their all men are wealth,ine broad oe and fine man- REPAIR WORK.; Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.Eyes éxamined free,Satisfaction guaranteed ;te F.HENRY,* ‘sometimes feel like taking up a collec-tion for some of the brethren who arc|supposed to bexrich,edbeteematadenmeemaneeinentarael |.Rheumatism! |If you are troubled’with ehfonie or muscularrheumatism,give,Chamberlain's Lini-ment ao trial,The relief from spain which it} affords is alone worth many timep its cos | |sions and money Inid away in the bankjarepoorindeedwheatheycometo‘Swear how much they sre blessed with- jal.During this month the yeally poor| > LDieainanig every Wiens, Jeweler. meres _Way.prayed-to-the-Lord-for |1916,has received careful considera,t It is especially noted as indi-th ite7; ‘’:my ane ars at sea the limitations ofFeedEdgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds,|szemanenay cuthstintatons ::law upon which the government of the - which }* since the Imnerial grov-.| arisine from that.. epting the imperial goy-© laration of its abandon-© recution henee- United rnment that it¢Paviat for a mo-yj; 1)friend asked me to try Vinol. iW.FP, iat 11 ca differences with Great , |And Has All ‘She Can Do—A| Lady Who is a So Farmer—Has But OpeHand| But Does a Man’s Work-—Two, Unmarried Sisters Who Have | Deeded Their Home Orphans. Asheville Citizen. “Many years.ago Miss Mary Gailo- alt the work that she‘could do,”said Attorney Charles Deaver,“and I think the Lord tainly answered her prayer.Miss Mary Galloway lives at Cal- vert,near Brevard,”cptinued the at- toiney.“She is a successful farmer She manages and doés a large part of re work oh two big farms ther She recantly sold one Shorthorn yea:line i weleka2d..1,200.pounds. bit ago she sold another two-vear-cid lat weighed 2,000 pounc Both ofthesewereraisedbyherselfpercen- ally. to the ‘tary gets out-of bed every r at.4.o’clock.3etween that 7 o’elock,when she hasthefeeds£0 head of catilosevencowsandfeedsbet 40 hoes heard the Lord answy ‘ her unusual prayer.When consider that she has but onend,the other is badly crippled,what he docs is all the more remarkable. “While Miss Mary is doi | most men would call a fair day’s woi hefore breakfast,her sister,who is also unmarried,is busy churning.She oes noi get up until 5 o’cloc:,it is but every morning between then breakfast she has done a hieTheyaresplendidhouse- too,for there is canned fruit ‘cellar that was put up seven years ago.Miss Mary has uncial success of the farm— finest in.this part of the The bottom lands on the tract produce enormous crops of corn and the farm is managed strictly ‘en a '3S basis. either of the sisters the Jove of children wells strong 1 hearts.”They have deeded ‘nitive property to the Oxford or- vee,ia trust,and at their deaths ,orphanage will have an ideal property its permanent home. This,|think,the finc ait in the ter cf a really reinarkable yan.While most women,and many men,hone away down deep in their hearts:to be spared ihe nec t Work,here is a woman who p: co'be given all tne wo And this work is uns not benefit her,Sre h It will benefit the 7 she has heard,and thous- s waifs of North Caro- wre, ihe State. have married for chara dosailWill ,Galloway pbiessed.”SAiaSepESRaDSEEERNRS A EREOOrEEe An event of the 20th of May cele- Wate in Gharlotte will be a large BeberaSait-e of State troops.It is satd Hal a ©ompanies ,among aSom »Statesville,have sig 2 to attend. OMAR ALL RUN DOR Made Strong and Well By Vinol Waynesboro,Pa.—‘‘i was all run dow. after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was hard forme tokeep about.J hel is unsinmychestandtookcoldcasAididand it built me up so I am strong snd we Ut and I am ableto do my housewerk whieh i had not done for three months betore taking Vinol.”’—Mrs.Y.R.Hor- ouch,Waynesboro,Pa .Vinol creates an appetite,aids diges tion,makes pure blood and ctstrength.Your money back if it ae ’Jhagrist,StatHaLl,Dr ere er RU A PR ET Wells B reor 4 : t makebored 4 m 12 to 24 inches diame- them with wood or Drilled wells from 4 diameter and fit.in iron .These wells can he made to depth of 350 Calland See US cr Write if youare in need or a weil. SETZER &FUN PER, Ati ot Wee LenOUt iets tN Ge well ter and case i terra cotta. |to G inches CEL. eyeee peereteere ee Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. GRRENSBORO,B.0. Polk Gray Drug Co., Lezal Agents. dhat awful nausea and eremping. Aatittlesc: CS I R O PL A T OR OS E TO P O S OO S TO T O OO D 5 WO-| child “en,"| ay call the name of the, pe el SEVEN THE LANDMARK SHE PRAYED _FOR-WORK|FEEL BYLIOUS?CALOMEL SICKENS!'CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS MY WAY. ‘Don't Lose a Day’s Work!If “Constipated,Slu gish,Headachy,Takea Spoonful of ‘Dodson’s Liver fone’? ROOCSRLSListentome!take no more if it doesn’t”ening,salivating calomel when pi}-|Straiguten you right up and make ious constipated.Don't lose a ¥°"feol fine and vigorous by morndnidies.ing,I want you to go back to theAY8.WOrkt.:store and get your money.Dodson'sCalomelismerturyorquicksilver’Liver Tone is‘destroying the.sale ofwhicheauses=necrosis of the=hones.¢alomel because it is:real liver medi-Calomel,when it comes into contact cine;entircly vegetable,therefore itwithsourbile,crashes into it,break-|cannot salivate or make you ‘sick.ing it up.‘This is when you feel I guarantee that one spoonful ofIfDodson’s Liver Tone will put youryouaresluggishand“all.knocked|sly gish liver to work and cleanout,”if your liver is terpid and nl howels of that sour bile and.cls pony inate 4d,or you ‘ted waste which is clogging3,coated te system and making you feelshedorsfomactiable.If guarantee th at a bot-spoonful of harmless:=e.Dodson’s..LiverTone..will keep.rer “Tene,:,nuiré family feeling’fine for’s my puarantee -—-Go to any months.©Give it)to your children.store and get a-60-bovtle Tt is harr iless;doesn’t gripe and theyDodson's Liyer Tene.J like its pleasant taste, sick-|spoonful tonight and or Eoee CHO CASTE etathroreterefeteteHe 010 ERC O AORCESRICRORRETORICCE This Se is Donated ue to The WOCICHOERD CHIL For This.[ss tredell Co.Faw Association -—-LOOK OUT.FOR--—— The Whirlwind Campaign on the 28d and 24th of this month and have your loose change ready.This is going to “be a BIG THING for Iredell county and we should all keinterested. Sloanrn Comp’y.§: sesemeaiuleaaies sc. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 acres in cultivation,| mice in woodland,level red subsoil,small dwelling,barn,erib, young orchard,two fine springs.Will exchange for city property ‘or sell on easy terms, i@2 acres,7 1-2 miles from QuStatesville,.good neighberheod,nearschools:and churches,with 2-story,6-reom dwelling,large stock out-buildings,good orchard,two branches.runningplace,60 acres in cultivation,génerally level,balance ‘inwoodlandenclosedinpasture, 113 acres 1 1-4 miles from Olin,three-room dwelling,barn and ‘outbuildings.-49 acres in cultivation,14 of which is“fine bottomland,balnhee in fine orginal oak,pine and poplar timber.$2,-God cash and balance on easy terms. For further information call on or write TWN GENERAL [NSURANCE,RENT}RRNEST 6G.GAITHER,ALS a0 REAL ESTATE,PHONE 23..OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILLINGRENNERDEATPRATBASIELTSEATSniinoehanamrantienscnl erreae NT Rene eee POLLOW YOUR SP&ING CLEANING WITH A BELRR EEN Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs om your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. et USE KRESANO.~teee |i| | } t\ Let -us-explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE, LEE a 20.Prescriptionist.sti If so you will more than lixely be an object of Charity in your old age. The Sensible thing to do isiningNOW. way to save is:to sta to save| The best rt a bank account. part of your s welcome at this bank no matter how small your account may be.Come in and let us tell you about oar SAVINGS DEPARTMENT You are always Of Statecsiite “The Bank For Your Savings,” HUNT BROTHERS,IimGREENSBORO,N.C.)|> STEAM,HOT WATER AND.VAPOR #(EATING.Plumbing and Private,Water Syste!REFERENCES IQRNISHED. Bidder. PRICE. If you are interested in a Farm lik not stand open for any length of time. It MUST sell! IF YOU MISS THIS OPPORTUNIT R.C.BUNCH,Trustee_-_W.C.PERRY,Auctioneer. _*|will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder on the premises TUESDAY,MAY 16,1916,— _AT 11:30 O’CLOCK,A.M. The H.H.Blaylock Farm,containing 22 3-4 acres,located two miles north of Statesville,N.C.‘This is a splendid Dairy,or Truck Farm,practically every bit of this Farm is in cultivation,the land lies well,is in a high state of cultivation,and a nice crop of grain is now on it,which will go with the Farm.The improvements are above the average for a Farm of this size,tha dwelling has six rooms,but is not quite finished.By spendinga little money on it it can be madea nice home.The Dairy Barn is MODERN IN EVERY WAY and will accommodate from 15 to 20 Head of Cows.The Dairy House is complete in every way,being built of brick with a Concrete Floor.The Stock Barn has four Stalls,Feed and Gear Rooms,with Sheds for Buggy,Wagon and Implements.The WATER SYSTEM SUPPLIES THE RESIDENCE,DAIRY AND STOCK LOTS WITH ALL THE WATER NEEDED! e this,don't miss this chance tq buy this one,for it must sell regardless of price.This sale does ITIS A SALE ON THE DAY’OF SALE,TUESDAY,MAY 16TH,to the highest and best REMEMBER THE PLACE on the premises two miles north of Statesville,N.C. REMEMBER THE DATE Tuesday,May 16,at 11:30 A.M.| REMEMBER THE TERMS 1-3 Cash,1-3 in six months,1-3 in twelve months,with interest at 6 per cent.on deferred payments. Free Automobile transportationwill be furnishedto all prospective buyers,leaving Polk Gray Drug Store,promptly at 11 A.M.TUESDAY,MAY 16th,DAY OF THE SALE.IT IS YOUR FAULTYTOBUYTHISNICELITTLEFARMATYOUROWN -Statesville,N.C. ® THE LAN DMARK must HAVE MORE ROOM.’ FRIDAY,--.-- NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM| Items of Interest Gathered From| Over the State. Senator Overman has introduced:a: bill asking for an appropriation of$65,000 for a public building at heerion.| Mrs.Mary.J.Lusk,wife of Col.V.! S.Lusk,a well known citizen ofAsheville,died this week.Husband and one daughter survive. The Mocksville Times says that Mitchell,the 6-year-old son of Mr.' and Mrs.S.W.Boyden,who live near| Redland,Davie county,died last week° of injuries received when he fell out _of the barn. Miss Margaret Berry of Orange county,a graduate of the University’ law school,has located in Charlotte, for the practice of law.Miss Berry is the second lady lawyer for Charlotte, the other being Miss Julia Alexander}thing will be done,however,until sat-|to $800 and theofCharlotte.:A millionaire New Yorker is said to! have purchased large tracts of land at}Hatteras and on Roanoke:Island for! fruit-growing.The island has long} been known to be an ideal place for}; peaches.It is understood that the Northern man will put out thousands of trees and vines. The Times says fire Monday after- noon—destroyed the Bennett cottage, about a mile north of the depot at Mocksville.It is said a passing train set the woods.on fire andthe house \~ caught in this way.It was furnished but unoccupied and was owned by Mr.Bennett of Brooklyn,N.Y. Down at Kinston the chief of po- lice,was..a candidate for re-election andthe assistant chief wanted to go up~head.The board of aldermen couldn’t decide between the two and they made both chief—equal in rank, salary and authority—one being the boss at night and the other during the day. In order to,take care of a vast freight transfer business centering at Spencer,the Southern railway is building 31 carsheds of 750 feet in length,two sheds of 350 feet length. ___This_will give the Spencer transfer sheds a capacity of #50 'cars at one time,making the largest break-bulkpointintheSouth,it is said. Mrs.Tabitha McLendon,wife of Mr.William B.McLendon,Ansonville township,Anson county,fell and sus- tained a broken wrist,Her husband, who went «to her assistance,after bringing her into the house,died ofheartfailure,the result of the excite- ment.Mr,McLendon was 65 years old and had been a sufferer from hearttrouble. A forest fire in the mountains!inthevicinityofAshevilleMondayandTuesdaycoveredalargeterritory. Hundreds of men were engaged,infightingtheflamesandthefirewasfinally‘checked by back-firing.A partoftheAshevillewatershedwasburnedoverandaforcewassentfromAsheville\to help fight the fire.The estimates of the loss,guesses of: Satara,are placed at a half million ‘ra.f MLDING?©.WATKINS. is :Pi iu eh Hig ‘ = & May 12,1916.|Broad Street Men’s Bible Class Outgrows Quarters —Num. ber Will Not Be Limited—To Observe Mother’s Day Sunday —Church Items. At a meeting of the membership committee of the Broad Street Men’s Bible class,Wednesday afternoon,it was decided not to limit the member- ship of the class to 100.Last Sundzy, the pastor and the class leaders were hardly prepared for the crowd of new ‘members that greeted them,and not at all prepared to announce any plans for seating a class of more than 100. Tentative plans were agreed upon at the meeting of the class commit- tee for enlarging the present class room.This can readily be done by removing a partition at the rear of the rdom,throwing another class room into the one now occupied by the men’s class,thus gaining space: sufficient to/seat 50 more men.No- isfactory’arrangements are made with the Sunday school officers for caring for Mr.H.G.Hallyburton’s class of boys that now use the room to the rear of the men’s class room. The committee anticipates no trou- ‘ble whatever in making these ar- rangements,as the men’s class is per- |fectly willing to undertake to finance i both the refurnishing of its own room with comfortabie chairs,and the | complete equipment of the proposed new room for the boys. Should the whole school continue to grow at its present quarter’s rate of increase in attendance,the problem :would then present itself of remodel- ing the present Sunday school plant or of adding to it materially. Plans were matured for observing Mother’s Day in the class next Sun- day morning.A folder containing S. KE.Kiser’s beautiful little poem, “Mother,”with an appropriate greet- ing arranged by the)committee,is be- |ing mailed this week to each member ;of the class.An even larger attend- ance than recorded for last Sunday is jexpected for Mother’s Day. \ secretary of Sunday schools, ‘spend next Sunday with the First Baptist church of Statesville and will be in charge of all the services of the ‘day.All members of the church and |Sunday school are urged to hear him and visitors are invited. The Landmark is asked to publish{the following:Rev.Charles Slater,/returned missionary from The West(Indies and South America,will hold |missionary services as follows:Mt.|Tabor,Saturday,May 13,7.30 p.m.;Liberty,Sunday,May 14,at 11 a.m.,jand Harmony Holiness church,Sun-day,May 14,at 7.30 p.m.:,Concord Presbytery will hold anadjournedmeetingintheFirstPres-|byterian churéh|Tuesday,May 16,at 11.30 a.m.The|principal business will be the exami-jhation and licensure of Candidate T.|iG.Tate of Greenlee.|_.,E.D,BROWN,Stated Clerk.4’Communion -service at Clio churchnextSundayat11a.m.Preparatoryserviceswillbeheldtomorrow(Sat-|Rev.beginning at 11 a,m.Rev.¥.A.Barnes of Mooresville |Mr.E.L.Middleton,Baptist State” will . of Statesville next ,of Thyatria and Back Creek Presby- terian churches. |Rev.W.T.Walker will preachSundayatFifthCreekat11a.m. ,and at Elmwood at 3 p.m. 'Preaching and song service at the |;County Home Sunday afternoon at 2 !o'clock. Charge Extravagance in Wake. Some time ago the county attorney of Wake started something by charg- ing unwarranted extravagance in the administration of the county govern- ment.This'was denied of course, but the Wake grand jury this week seems to see it that way.In its re- pert the grand jury,in its sweeping ;demands for economy,would abolish the county treasurer,abolish the of- fice of assistant superintendent of the county home;the office of assist- ant to the county road éngineer;one of two supervisors in the department of education;cut the salary of the ;superintendent of health from $2,000 county attorney from $900 to $500,Besices these reduc- iions the grand jury finds unnecessa- ‘ry the cifht clerks who are receiv- ing $5,760_a year and protests payment of $717.90 to Chairman L.I. Sears of the board of education “in excess.of the compcasation allowed him.” Strikers Return to Work. The strike of 15,000 electrieal work- ers and shell-makers of the Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Company at East Pittsburg,Pa.,end- cd Tuesday when there was a rush of strikers to enter the plants as soonasthegateswereopened. President Herr refused all the de- mands and told the strikers’commit- tee that unless \all employes were in their places Tuesday morning they would have to be re-employed and would lose all the benefits accruing to them under the company’s compen- sation and pension.system.The strike,which was called April 22,was to enforce an 8-hour day,and,ac- cording to the company,cost the workmen $1,397,500 in wages. increases all the time,More of it used last year than ever before.Try it yourse@lf—you’ll know why. FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. SHINGLES! My father ©has’been_selling |Shingles for 35 years.The -Watkins-es buy in quantities and sell for less,have been selling them in States- ville for nearly a year,and not a cus- tomer has reported a leaky roof. GC.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- dell County,Statesville,N.C. | | has declined the call to the pastorate’ the ° HELP WIN THE FAIR “None but the brave deserve the fair”is not only true of the COUN- TY’S FAIREST but also of the COUNTY FAIR. _—REMEMBER— MAY 23 and 24. Are the TWO BIG DAYS for the GREAT WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN For subscription to theCountyFairStock. —REMEMBER— You are not giving thismoney,you are making an investment that will not only pay you directlyindividendsbutwillpayyouahundredfoldin-directly in Better Better Better Better Better Better BE BRAVE,BE PA- TRIOTIC,BE SENSIBLE. TAKE THIS TIP FROM |,—THE—. (rescent Theatre “HELP WIN THT FAIRANDYOUWILLFARE--BETTER?’ CountyPeopleFarmsStock Crops Prices. JOHN DEERE MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. Iredell Hardware Com’y. Manufacturer’s.Introductory Offer | 25c.long handle,hardwood Brush,for Bath Tub or or Commode,free with 25c.purchase of Spotless Cleanser and the Lustre Box. This 50c.Assortment For 25c. 3 one-pound cans Spotless Cleanser,regular price 15c. 1 large package The Lustre Box,regular price 10c. 1 large package “Jiffy”bath tub or commodeBrush,: regular price 25¢. ——EXPLANATION This liberal offer is made possible by the manufacturer ‘who uses this form of advertising to quickly introduce these three excellent household necessities.We are authorized to refund money if you are not satisfied. ‘Only one Jiffy Brush to each customer while they last. Delivered,by Your Grocer,Phone or Call Today.4 x The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, ‘The Store of Better Values.” BUILDING?|‘G WATKINS.|f0 STUDY THE ADS,—ITIS WORTH WHILE VOL.XLII.STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,MAY 16,1916, —=———<— ENGINEER-FOUND GUILTY, “Tankersley Convicted of Crimi- nal Negligence and Sentenced to Four Months in Jail. Guilty.of:manslaughter with rec- ommendation for.mercy,,was the ver- dict of a jury in Rowan SuperiorCourt,--in--the:easeagainst Engineer Anderson Tankersley,who was inchargeofNo,38 when that trainplowedintothe,rear car of the football special in Salisbury -yard,the night ofNovember24,which resulted in thedeathofH.C.Severs and C.E.HallofCharlotteandtheseriousinjuryofmanyothers.Clyde Wilson,flagman of the foot-ball special,was acquitted.A nol.pros.was taken in the case of Arthur Kelly,the colored fireman of No.38. All were indicted far manslaughter, the charge being founded on criminal negligence,The court refused a motion for a new trial for Tankersley.An appealwastakenandTankersleyreleasedon $1,000 bond. Judge Ferguson imposed the min- imum sentence—four months in jail. His honor said he felt the verdictwasjustifiedbutthatnoonebeliev- ed Tankersley’s act was malicious.The.jail sentence authorizes thecountycommissionerstohireTankers-ley,which means that he won’t serve the jail sentence. ° Higher-up Sentenced to Roads. A dispatch from Morganton to the Charlotte Observer says that Frazier Brittain,a well known and influential politician:and farmer,is deeply in thetoils-of the law in the round-up of the liquor sellers at Morganton.He ‘is-said to be the--man—“hisher up,” and that the 50 or 60 others convict- ed are mostly his agents.Anticipat- ing serious trouble,Brittain skipped but was caught in Asheville and re- turned to Morganton.He was not allowed to give bond but was sent to jail under a sentence of 22 months on the roads,imposed by Judge Lane. But if Brittain is .an “influential politician,”as alleged,it is a safe bet that he will not do time on the roads. He may be headed that way but a way will be found to get around it. Big Land Case Settled. The Gilbert Hopkins case,which has been before the courts for 20 yearsandissaidtohavebeenoneofthe most famous land cases ever tried inthecourt,was settled in Asheville last week before Judge Boyd,in «the United States District Court,this settlement ending the litigation by the parties involved.By the terms of -the compromise the Babcock Lumber Company,of Pittsburgh,Pa.,_re- ceives all it has claimed and the Hop- kins heirs conveyed their interests inGrahamcountytotheWhitingMan- ufacturjng Company of Philadelphia.The fe involved lands in Cherokee and Graham counties estimated to be worth $1,500,000. 'No Stamp Taxes. The revenue bill which will come before the House from the ways and means committee in a short time,will not propose the levying of stamp taxes,according:to.insormation avail- able.Three sources will furnish the greater part of the revernue:,War mu- nitions,inheritances and incomes. ‘From these sources it has been csti= mated an amount sufficient can be secured. Mr.Kitchin,chairman of the ways and means committcc,js in favor of this plan of raising revenue,and it is understood that the President and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoohavegiventheirapproval. Jail Not Attacked. In New Hanover-Superior Court Saturday Thomas Merrick,17-yecr- old negro,was convicted for the sec- ond time of murder in the first d@eree Merrick killed L.B.Hudson,a white man,in Wilmington last August.Hie was convicted of first aegree murder. The Supreme Court pave him a new trial and when he was ‘convicted ¢ second time it was reported that ne- groes would attack the jail Saturdaynightandattempttoreleasehim Gov,Craig:was notified and the loca!military company.was ordered outbutnoattemptwasmadeonthejail’ Negro Ex-Soldier Kills Two. ‘Sergeant James ©.Jackson and Miss Ernestine Brown,22 years old, were killed,and an unidentified wo- man was dangerously wounded by William White,a negro,who had purchased his releasé from the army mounted service school at Fort Leav- enworth,Kans.The killing took place near Leavenworth and the ne- gro,whose home is in South Carolina, escaped across:the M:ssourt -river—in a.rowboat.Ile shot at the women through windows of the houses where they were at work.“No cause forshootingassigned. Fighting at Verdun. The fighting at Verdun has heenveryfierceforthepastweek.Eachsidehasgaihedandlost,accordingtothereport,without any materialchangeinthesituation. Change of Candidates. Mr.Zeb.V.Turlington.of Moores- ville,who recently announced that»he would be a candidatd for the Leg- 4isiature,has withdrayn and Mr.W.21.Matheson,presen ‘aunty ¢ommis-fioner,has enteredinj his Stead. ;—Miss Nancy Catherine Hoots.of‘Jennings,this county,is a memberofthegraduitingclassofnursesatthePresh¥téidt hospital,Charlotte,Graduatiny txerdises this evening, FINALS AT THE COLLEGE. Graduating-Exercises —_and_Ad- dress Tonight—The Events of Yesterday—Recital Last Eve- ning—Dr.Lingle’s —Sermons Sunday. Statesville College.commencement will close this evening with the grad-uating exercises,award of diplomas. prizes,ete,,and an address by Dr. William Spencer Currell of the Uni- versity of South Cearotina.The mem- bers of the senicr class -are Martha Rosamond Clark,Margaret Krider Fleming,Ruth Ratcliffe Cochrane.Cordelia Watts.The hour is 8.15. The place Shearer Music Hall. This afternoon at 5 o’clock a specialmusicalprogrammewillberendered in Shearer Music Hall under the au- spices of the Alumnae Association Refreshments will be served.The alumnae‘urge ai large attendance. They are endeavoring to stimulate in- terest in the work of the college.<A silver offering will be taken to further the work the alumnae has undertaken in the domestic science department. Last evening at 8,30 was the reci- tal by the pupils of the departments of music and expression,Following was the programme: Piano Qunrtette--Military March, Mirgaret’Brawley,Ghidys Sherritt, Stecle,Ada Bell Barringer. Organ Marche Romaine. * Cradle Song. Schubert.Virginia Gounod. Schubert.Melissa Wartick.Polish Dance.Scharwenka.Schumann.Piano Warum.Letitia Wiseman. “Gentlemen,The King.”Mildred Smith.Piano Duet.Norma Overture,Bellini. Maryvaret Brawley,Gladys Sherrill. Aufsehwune,Schumann.;Mary Spratt. ‘Romance, Laura Moore,Little Gentleman.” Juliet MeCrorey, tending Piano Organ Williams. Reading ~‘The Tinno-Etude,Mayer.Aileen Terry.Glee Club Morning Sony... Piano Valse Arabeske,Mae Maxwell.Lance of Kananh.”’ Annelle Good. Novelette.Melissa Warlick, Triumphet March. [.uurna Moore.“Billie Rrad ang the Big Lie.’Rosamond Clark.Club-In Spain. Quartette Lustspiel Forman. Lack, Reading ~The Piano Schumann. Oran Costa. Reading Glee Chiara.Piano Overture.Keler Bela. Melissa Warliek,Laura Moore,Mary Spratt, Maxwell, The redtal was fine.The piano and organ numbers,the singing.by the Glee elub and the~recitations, were all good.There ‘wasn’t a dull number from first to last and Miss Kirkpatrick and Miss Reid,-of the de- partments of music and expression, have reason to be proud of their -pu- pis.They did them credit. Yesterday afternoon a good many visitors,not as many as there should have been,enjoyed the-art display of china paintings and water colors and also a visit through the domestic science department of the’college. At 4.30 o’clock the class exercises were held in.Shearer Hall and there was a fairly good attendance.The welcoming address to the audience was made by Miss)Ruth Cochran, followed by a college song by the students.Miss Ruth Cochran read the class history,telling of the voy- age of the class since 1912.Misses Letitia Wiseman and =Miss.Bessie Hudson gave a piano duet.The proph- ecy of the class was read by Miss Margaret Fleming.Miss Rosamond Clark gave a reading which was in- teresting and applicable to college life.Miss Cordelia Watts read the will of the class,the provisions of which were very pleasing.The.stu- dent body sang a college song,the words and musie of which were com- posed by Miss Kirkpatrick. The exercises were concluded with a farewcll song by the lower classes to the seniors and with the college yells. Dr.Lingle’s Sermons. Growing in grace,or developing in the Christian life,was the subject of Dr.Walter L.Lingle’s commence- ment ‘sermon at the First ~Presbyte- rian church Sunday morning,The dis- course was founded on 2d Peter,3:- 18:“But grow in grace,and in the knowledge 6f our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.” Peter had finished his work and this was his final word to the Church ~—the last verse of his last epistle. Did you ever ask yourself seriously, said Dr.Lingle,what God is trying to do for us through the Gospel of His Son?Ts it to save us from hell?To save us for heaven?That is a part of it and praiseworthy enough,but it jis eomparatively a small part.He’s ltrying to make us perfect like Jesus |Christ was perfect;to free us from sin and to perfect us in all the Chris- tian graces;to make us perfect in service,Romans,8:29,teaches us HtHhat—Ged—-had—us—in—_mind from the foundation of the world to conform us to the image of His Son. The life task is‘to be like Jesus. The work of the senior class of the college has just berun,not ended, and the work is to be like Jesus in personal character and the service we render to the world.The change ean’t be instantaneous;it is not the work of a day,a month,a year;it is a life-work.We are born again,be- come babes in Christ,and then we grow in grace—develop into strong men and women;and if we growwego.on to perfection.The best things are of slow growth.The mush- room develops in a day;the oak comes to perfection in a century.It ‘takes time to grow sonething worth while.The lower forms of animallifedevelopquickly.Mak may ‘reachhisphysicallybestat25,but his-men-tally best not under 50—gometimes later,The.men who are commanding(Continued on Lighth Page.) GRADED SCHOOL FINALS. Reunion Thursday Evening and Reception Friday Evening— Eighteen Graduating Classes in a Quarter Century. “This week begin the graded school finals,the celebration of the quartercentennialof:the school’s establish-. ment being the first feature.Thurs- day evening,beginning at 8.30,there will be a ‘reunion of former mem-bers of the graded school board,for- ther teachers and pupils.in the audi- torium of the school-building.Mayor Caldwell,a.member -of —the_first school board,will .preside,and shorttalkswillbemadebysomeofthe former teachers,pupils,school board members and perhaps others,as fol- lows:Mr.J.N.Hauss,superintendent Thomasville schools;Mrs.:, Eliason,Statesville;Mr.Walter Thompson,superintendent Children’s Home,Winston-Salem;Messrs.Zeb. V.Long,John Lewis,J.Paul Leon- ard,Statesville;H.E.Craven,super- intendent-Franklinton schools;~Mri Fred.'H.Deaton,Newton;Mr.A.T. iAllen,-superintendent Salisbury schools;Mr.W.T.Nicholson,,ex-member school board.' Musie by school orchestra.Gener- al public cordially invited. Friday evening,19th,at 8.30 p.m., there will be a reception to former members of the school hoard,former teachers and former gradnates of the school,the present school board,pres- ent teachers and high school depart- ment participating.School audito- rium.Recitations and music.: The graduating class at the graded school this year numbers 20—ten boys and ten girls.They are:Walter Adams,James Brady,Naomi.Bailey, Cowles Bristol,Flake Chipley.El- mer Cuttine,Alva Dale,Johnsie Deal, Mattie Feild.Ruth Foard,-William Foote,Dorothy Gill,Maude Guy, Margaret Kirk,Lawrence Hudson, Blanche Laugenour,Woodford White,Florence Miller,Pauline Mil« ler,Richard Mitchell.. In connection with the celebration of the quarter-centennial of (the school’s establishment,it is of inter- est to note that this is the eighteenth glass that has finished the full course in the 25 years of the school’s existence.The school began in the fall of 1891 and the first class finish- ed.in the spring of 1895.-There were no finishing classes in 1897,1907, 1909 and 1915,this being due to the addition of grades,which necessitat- ed skippinga year,Ut'the 18 class- es there were a total of 349 gradu- ates—218 girls and 181 boys. In the first class—1895—!there were 9—all girls save one;second class 19,11 girls and 8 boys;third class 12,10 girls and.two boys; fourth class 19,15 girls and =four boys;fifth class 18,11 girls and 7 hoys;sixth class 12,7 girls and 5 boys;seventh class 16,9 girls and 7 boys;eighth class’21,13 girls and 8 boys;ninth class 19,18 girls and 6 hoys;tenth class 30,19 girls and 11 boys;eleventh class 26,16 girls and 10 boys;twelfth class 12,9 girls and three boys;thirteenth crass 26,15 iof sirls and 11 boys;fourteenth elass 27,16 girls and 11 boys;fifteenth} class 22,14 girls and 8 boys:six-| teenth class 19,7 girls and 12 bevs:} sevententh class 22,15 girls and 7 hoys;eirhteenth class 20,10 girls and ten boys. Tt .will be seen that in only oneclass-—that of 19138--did the num-ber of boys exeeed the girls and inonlyoneclass—that of this year—was the number equally divided.The class of 1905,with 80°mem-|bers,has the distinction of being thelargesttoleavetheschool. The Death Record. Miss Mary Posey.of Taurens.S.(. who was the guest of Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Powell and left here about ten daysagotoattendtheRendolph-MaconcommencementatLynchburg,Va.died Saturday afternoon at the horeofanuncleatMartinsville,Va,MissPoseywastolavereturnedhere}from Virginia.Details of Miss Po-! sey’s death are not kyown here br!tt must have been very sudden.She! was a daughter of Dr.and Mrs.B.S |Posey.of Laurens and was ahout 21venrsold.She graduated -at Jdolph-Macon last year.Her parentandonebrothersurvive.:Mr.F.L.Johnson,who Bottling Company,was called to:Shepherdstown,W.Va..Saturday hynewsofthedeathofhisfather,Cx!|I.V.Johnson.Col.Johnson died at !o'clock Saturday’morning.awed 77Heissurvivedbyhiswife,son nn two daughters.One Gauehter livehome.The other is Mgrs.Price ofBurline-ten,-£ Mrs.J.W. W.Fry of Greensboro,diednightinahospitalinBaltimore fol-lowing an operation..Mrs.Fry waMissNannicCaldwell,daughter oftheluteWalterP.Caldwell,wholivedinStatesvilleintheloneoro,|was a prominent lawyer and solicitorofthisdistrict.| Friday —Fi-li,the play atschoolFridaynight,was repeatedSaturdayafternoon.The house was packed Friday night and the attendancwasgoodSaturday.* —Mr.and Mrs. eraded |the Jno.ThMossrs.Jim,Eecles and John Honry | Gray,| ’|Gray left yesterday for Buck Creek | Wishing elub, their annual fishing trip. +~—Mr,F.M.Cunningham,—general agent for the Safe Cabinet Co.of Ma-| rietta,Ohio,has,loeated inville.His family will join himabouttwomonths, States- in recently}?hought the business of the Coen-Cola|© :iorreadnaughts~Okthema—and Fry,wife of Capt.J.)do. | |furnished dry woodr NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State. Vive persons were killed and three injured when a.train struck an auto-bus between West Palm Beach and Delray,Fla. Hurst and Howard Lindsey,broth-ers,12 -and-9 years-old,werd drown-ed while bathing in a:pond near their home on the outskirts of Roanoke,a,In St.Luke’s~Episcopal church,Salisbury,Saturday afternoon at.5 olelock,Miss .Elizabeth,McKenzie, daughter of Dr.W.W.MeKenzie,be- came the bride of Mr.Peter A.Wal- lenbom,A civie army of 150,000 men and women marched through the streets of New York Saturday to demonstrate their attitude in favor of national preparedness.All walks of life wererepresented, Amos Becton,a Jones county farm- er,Was attacked by a white tenant, Bryant Sanderson,Saturday night, Fafter the two had quarreled.Becton’s throat was-eut and he died next day. Sanderson escaped. Falling a distance of 14 feet from the top’of a house on which he was employed in the construction at Rocky Mount,Mr.C,W.Pennington sustained injuries that caused his death in a few hours. Preferring death to separation from her sister,Miss Ola Stevens commit- ted suicide at her home in Montyom- ery,Ala.,by taking poison.The girl’s mother had,decided.to separate the family and liye with relatives. Thirty-seven.unarmed British mer- chantmen and !22 neutral vessels were torpedoed without warning between May 7,1915,and May 7,1916,Thom- as J.MacNamara,financial secreta- ry to the British admiralty,tells the House of Commons. In a signed article published at Lincoln,Neb.,William Jennings Bryan declares the Democratic party must,in order to win the coming campaign,“move toward peace”and thereby capture the “peace”element in the Republican party. The suit brought by Mrs.Fox against -Sheriff Tsenhour and Jailer Gilbert of Catawba county resulted in a verdict for the defendants.Mrs. lox's son died of pneumonia while he was a prisoner in jail.The mother eyed for damages,alleging negligence. Twenty-six negroes,all women and children except one,perished at Wal- laceton,near Norfolk,Va.,when gas- cline exploded in a frame building, where a motion picture show was about to be given.Twenty were in- jured,some seriously.Children were trampled to death in the rush for the exits, Ti is stated that the Frépch gov- ernment will send to’New York city for exhibition more than 1,000 relics the battlefields of Verdun,espe- cially of the Dead Man Hill fights. The exhibit will be shown at the ba- zaar for the benefit of the EntenteAlliestobeheldinNew’York June 3 to 14. Seeretary Lansing has asked Am- sassador Gerard at Berlin to ascer- iain the nature of the punishment }imposed by the German government on the commander of the submarine 'which sank the steamer Sussex.Mr. Lansing said the request was not in the nature of a formal inquiry to the German government, Steel merchant vessels building or undef contract in’the United States now number 368 of ‘more than 100,- 00,000 tonnage.A statement.by the Department of Commerce said these firures denoted the greatest ship- huilding activity the country,has nown and that every shipbuilding plant was working to capacity. Opening of bids at the Postoffice Department for aeroplane mail serv- on seven routes in Alaska and one in Massachusetts developed only one bidder,D.L.Byers of Iditarod, \Jaska,offered to undertake service for a year between Seward and Idita- frod,a distance of 88 miles,for $45,-040.The department will consider its |aeceptanee, The suit for damages Mes.Virginia Kendall of |Richmond, Va..against Mrs.Bettie Hunt Carr *Durham.has heen settled by com- comise,Mrs.Kendall asked Mrs. irr for $20,000 for alienating the Veetions of her husband.It is report- )that $1,100.was paid in the settle- nt,but attorneys refuse to confirm deny the report. Reorganization of the first line of he Atlantie flect has been ordered by Sceretary Daniels so as to place six !the older battleships in reserve and rclease a large part of their crews to man a destroyer division and the new Neva-There will be 16 hig battleships in the new first line of the fleet,in- cluding the Pennsylvania,to be de- brought by ] ;livered by the contractors on June 1. Cases in Court. Friday ’Squire Lazenby heard a ease in which Jane Sowers was suing |Mr.L.O.White for $12.50 wood bill.Mr.White had bought wood from ane for his dredge,She was to have but part was rreen and Mr.White set up a counterclaimfordamagesbecausewoodwasnotdry.The judgment of the court was that Mr.White pay Jane $5 and piy the costs of the action.. Lee Turner,colored,was commit-Mcl¥owell county,on'ted to jail Saturday by ’Squire La- zenby in default of $100 bond,charg-ed with an assault on Lon Waddell, also colored.The assault was com- mitted at Elmwood a few nights ago. Waddell was taxed .with half the {costs«for a simple assault, HAVE A GENERAL MUSTER. Mr.McElwee Suggeéts an Old- Time Muster For.Fourth of July at Fort Dobbs—The Old- Time Musters Another Name For Preparedness. Mr.J.H.McElwee would have a “muster”at:Old Fort=Debbs-on,.the Fourth of July.It would be aneventofinterestandiftheplangan he carried out it would be a fitting celebration for the national holiday. The older people have heard of ihe “musters”before the war of the 60s,and there are yet a few who as youngsters saw these musters-if.they did not participate in them. In those days the State military law provided that all.white males within certain age limits who were physically fit,with the usual exemp- tions on account of occupations, should report for military duty at stated intervals.Certain territory in’each county was laid off as a mil- itary district.All liable for duty in that district were und¢ér one man as captain and they met and drilled at intervals.At least once a year there was a general muster,when all the district companies reported *at the county court house or some place ap- néinted for a “general muster,”and there were majors,colonels and gen- erals in|command.These general muster days were great events,when not-6nly those liable for military du- ty but all the countryside gathered, and they had great times.In addi- lion to the military drills there were other forms of entertainment— vrobably —footraces,when they ran “nx good hickory”;and personal en- counters,to establish physical prow- were not a few.Ginger cakes and cider were plentiful and the very best of pure fruit brandy sold for asong, The general musters were ‘the events of the year in the old days, and it is a general muster that Mr. McElwee 'sugerests as a fitting cele- bration at Fort Dobbs.Of course not all the features of the old mus- ters could be provided for this event. The ginger cakes and cider might be vermissible,but the fruit brandy,or any other sort of brandy or strong drink,couldn’t be had for a song or any other price.But thev could give some of the features of the old mus- ters that would doubtless _interestandentertain.“1 Another Name For Preparedness. Talking about the musters,the old- timers believed in preparedness.War to them had been a reality.The Rev- olution,the war of 1812 and the Mex- ‘ean war had been events,to say no-thing of numerous Indian wars. Therefore it-was deemed a part—a real and proper nart—of the duties of citizenship to be prepared for mil- itary service:that every white male physically fit should know how to WNandle a gun and how ta shoot:so ‘hat in the event of war the handling of a grun would nit be an_entirely new proposition to those called into service, In these days when the greatest war of all history is in progress,and when it seems at times that despite our efforts to steer clear of the dif- fieujty we mav become embroiled.va- rious plans of military prenaredness sre snerested,Some of them aresimplythereeulationsinvoeueintheMates_in the old days,under anoth-yr name.The idea of compulsory. nilitary service now is —distasteful. Anv pronosition to compel all white males within certain .are limits to rive a certain amount of time to drilling would be very unpopular. And.vet that was formerly the law of —North _Carolina _and__of other States.Jt was,as hus been said,eon- sidered a necessary part of the du- ‘ies of citizenshin,and the conditions that had?existed made it necessary,The man\liable to military duty,who shiected to the service or tried to Jodee,was accounted unpatriotic—as 'aeking in the spirit that made a goodsitizen,. The Tandmark hopes that compul sory military sérvice will not be nee- essarv and it is miteh opposed to turn- ing the country into an armed camp or exaltine the spirit of militarism a hit mote than may he necessary to nit the covnntrv in condition to take cara of itself in the event of trouble. Rut these things are said to remind ‘he publie that.nreparedness not ~new proposition.Many people think jf unnecessary hecause we have 'neree so Jonge that we have ‘ame to believe a conflict impossible. “nfortunatelv conditions change. Two vears ago the whole world was °F perce and few there were who be-Neved,or could have been made to that anvthing apnroaching vhat we hove since seen and now see,nossible,But it-eame—te—pass. nevertheless.and the unexpected and s“mtoeward condition has spread until ‘ve have no assnranee that weescane—ahsolutely none, This Only 2 Holiday AMoir.But oll this-has-ndthing to do with Mr.Mellwee'’s proposed muster at Fort,Dobhs,Te doesn’t want to in- veigle anybody into military service -¢ompulsory or otherwise—and he isn't trvine to advance the populari- ty preparedness,Mr.MeK]wee sim- wants a PLourth of Julv colebra- tien ot Fort Dobbs,a historie snot thot the Daughters of the Revolution seek to make a sort of shrine of vatri- otiam.and it oceurred to him that a rovivel of the old-time muster might hea feature that would help to make the celebration a success,think so help Mr.McElwee push,.it, along. ess. is een nt halieve, Was oly ~The city has bought:a tandem roller and will soon begin making ‘'re-pairs of the streets. will: If you, BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. the-tip of his fingers to the elbow—-and his face were’burned.He will be laid up for a few weeks,) ~+Messrs.L.B.Bristol and John A,Scott,Jr.,went to Morganton yes-terday to attend the meeting looking to a baseball league for the season. -—Mrs...L...B....Suther..of:Rockwell;Rowan county,was brought:to the Sanatorium yesterday and will el ol erated on this morning for appendi- citis.—Mr..and Mrs.D.M.Coiner,whohadbeenlivinginNewYorkrecently,returned yesterday to Statesville tomaketheirhome.They are oecupy- ing their home on Tradd street. —The closing exercises of Cedar Hill school,Olin township,take place next Friday.The Junior’Order ofStatefvillewillpresenttheschoola Bible and flag on that day. —Bill Teague and Carl Pennell,twoboyswhoranawayfromtheirhomesinTaylorsville,were locked up inStatesvilleSaturdaymorninguntiltheirparents.came after.them that afternoon.——Mr.J.E.Boyd is the latest to enter the race for county commission- er.He reached this.decision yester-day...Friends of Mr.Victor Montgom-ery_of Cool Spring -have-also-put-him in the race.—The county commissioners are still in session making settlementwiththesheriff.They finished withthe1913taxesyesterday.afternoonand-found that they owed Sheriff Deaton $675.20.‘ Taking note of the fact.thatsomepartyhaddenominationsef greenback as small as_three cents,Mrs.A.A.Sherrill reports as having the following denominations:8c.,6e.,:10c.,15¢.,25¢.,50c. —-A collie jumped from:the,bag- page car of No.22 Friday as it waspullingoutoftheStatesvilleyards.It had slipped its collar.The dogwaschasedandcaughtabouttheBradfordKnittingMillandwassent on No,12 Friday evening.©:: —Maj.W.A.Graham,Commis-sioner of Agriculture,and Mr.A.Can.non,Mr.R.W.Collett,Prof.C.°C.Wright and Mr.Woodward,membersoftheStateBoardofAgriculture,spent yesterday at the State Farm,looking over the work there.Ley ~-A_woodpile.at--John--Murphy’s—--was discovered ‘afiré Griday”mena atesabout3.30-o’clock and the alarm was.sent in.The firemen.responded andputitout.There was.some fire intheyardthedaybeforeanditwassupposedtohavebeenwateredout, —A play,“Under the Laurels,”adrama_.in five acts,will be given atOakGroveschoolhouseSaturda’night,20th,at 8 p.m.The play wibegivenbytheyoungpeople‘of thecommunityforthebenefitoftheschoolandanadmissionfeewillbécharged. —Mr.Will Turner of StatesvillesufferedabrokenwristinMorgantonFriday,He had been in the countrytestinganengine.He started to Mor-ganton in a wagon and when he wenttogetout-his foot turned and in fall-ing the small bone in his left wrist was broken.' —Mr.J.'B.Watkins,Jr.,of Hen-derson has taken a position as book- keeper with the Carolina Motor,Co.and will move his family here:later.Mr.Watkins succeeds Mr,P,P.Pur-nell,who has moved to Franklintontolive.Mr.Watkins is a brother ofMr.C.Watkins.o —Mr.J.D.Cochrane,Jr.,.son ofMr.J._D.Cochrane of Statesville,wasseverelyburnedlastweekin~theplantoftheAmericanSteelWireCo.;for whom he works,at Birmingham,Ala.It was a burn from an electricshockduetoablow-out of some kind,3oth of Mr.Cochrane’s arms—from —Mr.A.L.Fox of -Bethany.town- ship got his left hand caught in ‘a corn crtsher at his home,yesterdayafternoon,and the index and ‘middlefingersofthelefthandweretakenoffclosetothehand.Mr.Fox was brought to the Sanatorium by Drvd. Ki,McLaughlin,where his wounds were dressed. —-At the recent meeting of theStateMedicalSocietyacommitteéwasappointedtohaveaportrditofthelateDr.Geo.W.Long of Graham, a former president of the Society,painted for presentation to*the State Hall of History.The portrait is nowheingpaintedbyMr.Mac.R.Long of Statesville,a nephew of Dr.Long. —Messrs.A.D.Cash,T.M.Walls er,R.P.Holmes,G.W,.Edwards, Burke Lindsay,M.L.Bost,J.HiHauser,Misses Latona Turner andWillieNicholsonleftSundayeveningforBirmingham,Ala.,to attend theConfederateveterans’reunion—and_to- visit.Most of the veterans who are in the habit of attending the reunionregularlydecidednottogothistime. —-The Iredell Ice &Fuel Co.begindeliveringicetoday.It will be -aweekortendaysbeforetheyarereadytomanufactureice.but theyarestartingtheirwagonstoday.TheofficehasbeenmovedfromMeetingstreettotheplantonwest.Sharpstreet.Mr.Frank Culbreth.will bé local manager of the company atid Mr.Earl Davis will be .manager the deliverydopartment.‘. —H.C.Bafty,a young Iredell man|who is a student at the University,asonofW.G.Baity of the Harmsection,has won one of -the,scholar-ships offered students in the:summe military camp at.Fort tle 4Ga.Twelve scholarships were offeredUniversitystudentsand-there.;wem58applicants.OthersTene.arships were R.’D,BatleyandJ,B,Linker,Salisbury,‘>’ rere wr abi —a SeisSo K {Congressmen Quarrel and Come}MEETING ST.UNDERPASS,| SDAY,+-=May 16,1916. “SANDIDATE AND PRIMARY. Last Date to File Notice—Item- ized Expense Statements— Other Regulations and Re- stfictions That Candidates Should Know.. Candidates for county and legisla- tive offices,or those who desire to ‘be- come.candidates,will:remember.that next Saturday,the 20th,is the last day on which notices of candidacy may be filed.So if you or any of your friends would get your “name| jn the pot’—which is on the official ballot to be voted in the primary— speak out in time or ever after hold ‘your peace.: We suppose all the candidates havelearnedbythistimethatasmallad- mission fee,is required to get in the primary.The fee is $5 for legislative candidates’and~all county candidates except candidates forveyorandcommissioner.As the emoluments of these offices are not great,candidates for the same get in at the cut-rate price of $1, Expense Account.Candidates will remember also that the primary law requires that each candidate must file with the clerk if the Superior Court by the 23d of this month,which same is a week hence,an itemized statementof all moneys spent by him and which he knows to have been spent by any one for him.”This expense account runs from,the time the candidate be- gan activities,not simply from the time he filed notice or made announce- ment.And 20 days after the prima-| ry,which same is June 23,each can- didate,no matter how badly he was beaten in the primary,must file an itemized statement of “all money or other things of value that he has spent and-knows to have been spent by any one in his behalf;and all money that has been contributed to him directly or indirectly by any coroner,sur-| to Blows. “The Birth of a Nation,”coupled with a general:discussion of the ne- gro question,resulted in a fisticuff | between Representative Nicholls ~of} South Carolina and Representative} Lehlback of New Jersey,in he res-| |taurant of a hotel in Washington,one| inight last week.‘ f--Ag the story goes,the two-Gon-} |vesniiien,who were good friends,| |met in the restauyant.The New Jer) |sey man began a criticism of the film | |picture...The Sorth Carolinian’said| lhe didn’t care to discuss the question.| ''The New Jersey man persisted,say-| ing the South didn’t know how to} treat the negro.,Finally Nicholls| ‘lost his temper and made short an-| iswer.Lehlback said the remark was| insulting.Then the.South Carolin- ‘ian,adding injury:to insult,swatted the New Jersey man on the jaw a, ‘couple of times,staggering him.| Lehiback attempted to get at Nich-| |olls,but was prevented by the inter- ference of friends.| Next morning Lehlback wrote| /Nicholls a note,apologizing for his part in the affair:The,apology was accepted the pair “made up”and are now good friends,it.is said. Such quarrels were common on thefloorofCongress’in the old days. They are rare now. Boy Met Death Playing Prank. Bowery Hardin,17 years old,was| killed at Bessemer City Wednesday‘night,by I.J.Burton,it is alleged. |Burton owned a.small store and ishoeshop and,being without family, lived in his store.Some of the boys ‘had been playing tricks on him,which he did not appreciate.Customers in his store Wednesday afternoon found him cleaning a revolver and when asked what he was going to do he is alleged to have said he was going to kill a man that night. That night.young Hardin appear- ed,played his prank on Burton and ran.By the time he reached the op- posite side of the street he was shot through the heart and fell dead. Citizens of Town and County Demand Its’Construction— ~Why It Should Be Built,— To the Editor of The Landmark;* ,Representatives of the citizens of Statesville,the Merchants’Associa- tion,the Commercial club «and the eounty—commissioners |appeared be- fore the board of aldermen.at their last.regular meeting and presented a petition signed by a large number of our people,asking that an under-| pass ‘be built at the crossing of the Southern railway on Meeting street. This request was made for the safety and protection of the public, and to conserve the interests of the Southern.Railway ~Company;©this crossing has been a menace to the} life and property of every one’who} has used it for a great -many years|and on account of the increase in| population and the business of «the city,is becoming more and more haz-| ardous:to-the life-and~safety.of the | public,which was particularly em- phasized by the fact that a petitionwaspresentedtotheboardofcounty commissioners by residents of south Iredéll,asking for this underground |passage.; That a large number of fatal acci- dents:have not occurred at the pres-! lent crossing is simply owing’to-the fact that a large majority of the |public are afraid to use the crossing,| notwithstanding it is the —logicalpointtocrossfortheentiresouthern ‘part of the county. The undérpass is an absolute neces-|sity and the people of Statesville are simply demanding their rights.The| time has come when we are insisting | that this underpass be constructed. The city is now grading Meeting street,so this is the opportune time.|Statesville has ceased to be a way station and the receipts of the South- ern railway show that this is one of the important pojnts-of —the entire| Southern system 5 a revenue Pro:| ducer. This underground passage*is entire-| ly feasible,There have been two-sur-| eRe ey havethe reputation among carownersofrepresentingmoredollar-for-dollar value thanyoucanbuyinanyothertire. The Cost Is Less than the plain tread styles’of many other standard makes.Added to that is the remarkably liberal Fisk FREE SERVICE in more than 100 direct branches. Fisk Tires For Sale By CAROLINA MOTOR Co. Statesville Ei tse gia ‘person or corporation and the names|_tne ell ak eH the eontrbotra?All of which}Burton is in Gaston county jail.It is veys already made and they show f‘game must be sworn to.‘said he will offer as defence that he qnat the underpass can be Yeadily (C And More Yet.thought some one was trying-to brezk jait and the rade from the rail- And that’s not all.Each candi-j into his place when he fired.wav @oine south will not exeeed 7datemustswear,or affirm,on the .?per cent. hook,“that he neither directly nor in-|Has Not Changed Politics.There::ee ;iedirectlypromisedtogiveanythingItwasasTheLandmarksuspect-Raid ed and said.Editor Tom Owen of the TULL,SeTS% LOG Pl ewrs Murder and Suicide.|j EEC CECEOCECRCEDEE DACRE ERO ORCHID Sem Onn Ethe Southern S.B.Beatty,night train epee e eeanAvatfortheChesapeakeandOhiorailroad|Tl S D t d ve se ane coe one at Norge,near Williamsburg,Va.,|us pace IS”ona eneta9nVilmeterrvcrtofvaluetoanypersonforhis.sup-would stren r Se ane :P|shin with the citizens of Statesville [hursday afternoon shot and instant * |port in such primary,and that he has not promised to support any person in return.for support.” That last may embarrass some of the boys if they aren’t careful.It’s a habit of candidates to promise things.Sometimes they promise the ‘same things to 400 or more separate and distinct individuals,for which they don’t expect to be called to ac- count.Candidates who refuse tomaketheswornstatementsspecifiedareguiltvof3misdemeanor.If,af- ‘ter it’s all over,some fellow comes up -eand says somé one or a half a dozen candidates promised him something “Which he didn’t get,the embarrass- ment of a hearing before a judge and jury might follow. Second Primary. The candidate who wins must have a majority over all.The plurality doesn’t count.In the event no can- didate has a maiority,a second pri- mary will be held four weeks after the first primary,in which onlv the two candidates receiving the highest and next highest vote shall partici- pate.However.if the candidate re- ceiving the next highest vote does not,within five days after the result of the primary is officially declared,ask for a second tryout,which request he must file in writing with the board of elections,no second primary will he held—the candidate receiving the highest vote being declared the nom- inee.Where there is only one can- ‘didate for any office,he is declared the nominee without the formality of a vote. With reference to the fees to be paid by candidates,it should be said that they are not required to bear anyndditionalexpenseof’the election. The tickets,pay of registrars and judges,etc..is borne by the State forStatecandidatesandbythecounty for countv candidates. Pains and Penalties. It_is well to remember also that expenditures by candidates in cam- paigns is limited to_50 per cent.of the annual salary of the office for whichtheyarecandidates.In addition totherestrictionsimposedbythepri- mary law,chapter 101,laws of 1915,!it might be well for candidates toreadcarefullychapter164,laws of1913,the same being known as “TheCorruptPracticesAct,”if they wouldbecertaintoavoid’the possibility ofatermin‘jail,on the county roads orintheStateprison.For instance,“togiveorpromiseorrequestoracceptatanytimebeforeorafteranysuchelection(primary or general election)any money,property or anything ofvaluewhatever,in return for the voteofanyelectororelectors,”is a fel-|only. That is to say,both the bribe-giv-er and the bribe-taker are liable toindictmentforafelony.Violationsofelectionlawsmayhavebeenover-looked in the past.That is no as-surance that the laws will always beadeadletter..Registration.Voters will also remember that theregistrationbooksfortheprimary“élection close Saturday,the 20th.you voted at the general election jn1914andaven’t changed your resi-dence since»you are qualified.If youhave!become a qualified voter since1914,or have changed your residencesincethen,registration is necessary. __Thirty Years For Mace.Chas.Mace,the Burke county wife_murderer,convicted ¢6f second degreemurder,was given the limit of thelaw--30 years in the \State prison,.The case was not /appealed.;Mace’s/attorneys said somethingaboutamotionforanewtrialandweretakenofftheirfeet,so to speak,-when Solicitor Newland,who evident-ly thought Mace-didn’t get what.was.|@oming to him,offered to join in thetSoauestforanewtrial. m LAL That Does Not AffectThe |Quininecsofite tonic and laxative effect,LAXA-10 QUININE is better than otdinaryoedoesnotSereeeedo:eer the full’name an;forthe signatureofH,W.GROVE.253, —_ by, If| Clinton News-Dispatch isn't going to turn Democrat nor vote for Wocdrow Wilson.He will continue to vote the Republican ticket,he says,but his ar- dor is somewhat cooled.following the squelching of his political ambitions by the Butlers. While he will continue a Republi- can,Owen says he is trying to buy the Clinton:Demoerat,consolidate:it with his paper and publish an inde- pendent paver simply as a business venture.The fact that he is willing to change his paper,which has been extremely partisan Republican,to in- ‘dependent is evidence that Mr.Ow- en’s political zeal is somewhat cooled. But he isn’t going to turn Demo- crat—and The Landmark never be- lieved that he was. Britain Won't Allow Shipment of Red Cross Suppiies. The American government is pre- paring to protest to Great Britain against its policy of refusing to al- low the shipment of hospital supplies by the American Red Cross to Germa- ny and her allies.Secretary Lansing has received a letter from former President Taft,chairman of the cen- tral committee of the Red Cross, urging such action. Mr.Taft’s letter revealed that Great Britain formally had declined to issue permits for shipments of ;Supphes to the central powers except when intended for Atherican hospital units.This exception,Mr.Taft wrote. was worthless because on account of lack of funds’the Red Cross had {maintained no units in the belligerent countries since last October. Ptomaine Poisoning Kilis Two— Ate Tomatoes and Peaches. Walter,5-year-old son of Mr.and|Mrs.H,B.Wray of Greenshoro,andJuliusWray,brother of H.B.Wray,[died Friday of ptomaine poisoning,_the result of eating canned toma-‘toes and peaches at a dinner party atthehomeofMr.and Mrs.H,B.Wray‘Thursday.:Eugene Wray,another brother of!|H.B.,and P.W.Vaughan,also guestsatthedinnerparty,were made crit-ically ill. Several_others -were at the dinner:but none of them suffered any ill ef-fects._a ‘The little boy was an adopted son‘of Mr,and Mrs.H.B.Wray,havingbeentakenintothefrhomeafewmonthsago. |President to Be:Urged to Offer|Mediation. In response to an appeal from TheNetherlandsAnti-War Council,ameetingatwhichwillbeconsidered'a proposal that President Wilson beurgedtopromoteaconferenceofneu-'trals to offer mediation in the war,will be called soon in this country.Hamilton Holt of New York,chair-_‘man of the American branch of.the,Central Organization of.Durable|‘Peace,has received the appeal.The appeal indicates a belief by|many persons in The NetherlandsthatEmperorWilliam,through Ger-{¢many’s reply to the American note,made an indirect bid for peace,een |Barberless Barber Shop. What is advertised as the first har-|berless barber shop in-the world has,been opened in Chicago,where,for a|dime and with no tip,no conversa-,tion,no pleadings for a shampoo or a|massage to be rejected,a man mayishavehimself.A wash basin,hot and)|cold water,razor of any style,mug,|brush,soap,towel.and powder are|furnished,The proprietor ,said thatithefirstday’s business was rushing.|—_aacaenSeemREESENNSSernce{\||Whooping Cough.One of:the most successful preparations jn ||use fot this disease is Chamberlain's Cough||Remedy.S.W.McClinton,Blandon Springs,||Ala.,writes,“Our baby had whooping cough ||as bad as most any baby could have it,[|jgave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy anilitsoongothimwell,”Obtainable —every-|where. ‘tion |machinery is practically new -and—this—is an{excellent opportunity for any person or cor- |ture \stake,corner of lot No.4;thenea south 18 and the surrounding country more thay huildine this underpass—a_vital poblic necessity. (Signed)1 G R.BRISTOL,KE.FRENCH, Tor the Citizens, A.W.BUNCH. R.L.POSTON, Mexchents’Assoéiation, JOM,DEATON, Fr.RB.BUNCH, W.L.GILBERT, For the Commercial Club, N.B..MILLS, For County,Commissioners,| Was a High-Bred Dog. The accidental killing of Lad,Mrs. T.J.Allison’s bird dog,was’mention- ed briefly in Friday’s Landmark. Since Lad was the best bird-hunting stock ever brought into this section a little mcre of his history may be of interest. His name was Lady’s Lad White- stone and he was an English setter. He was whelped March 6,1907,and at his death May 9,1916,was nine years,two months and three days old.He was sired by Count;White- stone “and dammed by Lady Spot. In four generations of~his family there were 15 national champions and his father was three times champion of the world.At the age of three years his father sold for $10,000 and after that he was not for sale,but his owner refused on one occasion a cash offer of $25,000 for him. Lad was not only a fine huntingdogbuthadtheotherqualitiesof high-breeding. OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy,prepare atforiy,is sound advice,because in theStrengthofmiddlelifewetoooftenforgetthatneglectedcolds,or careless treat.ment of slight aches and pains,simplyunderminestrengthandbringchronicweaknessforlateryears. To be stronger when older,keep yourbloodpureandrichandactivewiththestrength-building and blood-nourishing |properties of Scott’s Emulsion whichisafood,a tonic anda medicine to keep yourbloodrich,alleviate rheumatism andavoidsickness.No alcohol in Scott's,Scott &Bowne.Bloomfield.N.J, Trustee’s Sale of Furniture Plant! THE UNDERSIGNED will sell to the high-est bidder,for cash,on FRIDAY,MAY 19,1916,at 2 o'clock,p.m.,the following de-seribed property,to-wit: All the machinery and tools of every kind, consisting of 6 pieces of wood-working mna-chinery,5 inet tools,together with the belting,electricswitehes,etc.;also all the stock of unfinish-ed furniture in course of construction,consist-ing of one hundred mission library tables andotherunfinishedfurniture,the same being allthemachineryandtools,ete.,used in connec- with the furniture plant operated byHorton&Horton and situated in their facetorybuildingneartheDiamondFurnitureFactorybuilding,Statesville,N.C. ale to take place in said building.All this @ For the poration desiring to enage in the manufae-|For further information,| WEATHREMAN,Statesville,N,R.T.WEATHERMAN, Trustee. REAL Es- of furniture.write R.T. “April 28,1916. MORTGAGE SALE OFTATE, BY:VIRTUEof ‘the power of sale contain-ed in'n mortgage deed executed to Mrs.Dou-xan Stecle Tomlin by M.clem.Josey,I willsellatpublieauetion,to the highest bidderforeach,at the court house door in States-ville,N.C.,on .\SATURDAY,JUNE 8,1916,at 12 o'clock,om.,the following describedlandsinFallstowntownship,N.C.,towit:_Beginning at a stake at the corner of+lotNo.2,running north 18 degrees east,passingbetweenthedwellingandthebarn1X2polestoastakeintheoldline;thence with thesamenorth77degreeswest231-2 poles to a degrees west 182 poles to a stake in Kistler'sline;thence with his line south 77 derreeseast231-2 poles to the beginning,containing:26 acres,more or less,|This being lot No.3in.the division of the late Mike Josey estate.See special:proceeding ih the C.8.C,office,entitled Sallie Josey ct.al.,ex-parte,aMRS.DOUGAN STEELE TOMLIN,Buren Jurney,Att'y,MortgageeMay2,1916,_ tand described electric’motory,a number of cab-|4 ly killed Mrs.Vivian Frazier Mars- den and then blew out his own brains.}|The man was found dead in his room; -and Mrs.Marsden dead on the bed in |} -Beatty boarded with Mrs.Marsden. It is believed he was infatuated with her,that he shot her and then killed himself.He was 32 years old and feavés “a wife and four children.Mrs. Marsden was 25 years old and leaves an invalid husband—a patient ina tubercular sanitarium—and two chil- dren, MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE of the power of sale containedinamortravedeedexecutedtoBurenJurneybyEmelineAnvlin,and recorded in Book 40, at page 258,Reyister of Deeds’office of Iredell county,the undersigned will sell at public auc-tion,to the highest bidder for cash,at thecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,JUNE 12,1916,. at 12 m.,the following described property,to-wit: Being the tract of land conveyed to Emeline|Anglin-by-the will of Sallie Parker,records of wills C.S.C.office,Book "No>65>pages 515-516, more fully as adjoining thelandsofBenKeller,Crockett Parris,JamesMessick.und others.This May 12th,15 BUI E.J.May 16,1916. Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. 114 East Broad Street. The Flour of Quality. DAN--VALLEY.-is-milled from— the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary C.Boshamer, Local Representative,*Phone 125 Black.It.aw. oy AERSCELECELe Cc.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-'f ‘ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,,Lime,Cement, etc.Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. LOR ~WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7}c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpoandeeFORSALE: New and secondhand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboiler room supplies. Cc.H.\TURNER. Iredell ’Phoné No.74,Bell No.te 7 For This Issue to The lredell Co.Fair Association ——-—LOOK OUT FOR -—— The Whirlwind Campaign on the 23d and 24th of this month and have your loose change ready.This is going to be a BIG THING for Iredell county and we should all be interested.- Sloan Clothing Comp’y.. CFCSROLEE CR O R E FO R O C R C R C H C E D = HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.=Plumbing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES I'URNISHED. 2 Handsome Clocks!/ Clocks that we have been selling at $5.75 now.havetobesoldfor$7 and they are going higher still:Don’t you think you had better buy one now_beforetheyareanyhigher.We have jput received a newlotofSethThomasClocks.The'handsomest designswehaveeverhad.We would be glad to sell you one.R.H.RICKERT &SON, JEWELERS. BUILDING?)C.WATKINS.| ‘ SP P SS CP SO S SS O P OS P F SS O P SO I T FOP OO S OOO O O OO PI F OOT F OS S PO O F OI F OS FO O PO C O OO O SO OP O FO C I OO P O LO O P P SO O OO O O4 Comm x rcial National Bank Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00.§ Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings : Deposits-remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,E,MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E,HUGHEY, -_President.-Vice,Pregident.-- _@ashier,--Assistant Cashier. ~ OF Mrs.‘Chappell,of Five Years’ |Standing,Relieved by Cardui. 4 ,N.C.—Mrs.Sarah M,Chasmtown,‘says;‘1 suffered forswithwomanlytroubles,”‘alsoch.troubles,and my punishmentWanganUSBYonecouldtell, tried.most ‘every ‘kind of medicinbutnonedidmeanvicod.oe>I read one day about Cardul,‘the wo-man’s tonic,and!decided to fry it,Ihadnottakenbutaboutsixbotilesuntilfwasalmostcured.Jt did me moreodthanallthesothermedicines|hadied,put together,My friends.began asking me why Ilookedsowell,and}told them aboutCardui.‘Several are now taking it.”..Do you,Jady render,suffer from anyoftheailmentsduetowomanlytroubleguchasheadache,backache,sideache,sleeplessness,and that everlastingly tired“feeling?‘as Ifso,let us ‘urge you to give Cardui atrial.We feel confident it will help you, ust as it has-a million other women in@,past half ceniury, Bégin taking Cardui to-day.won't sepret it.i,All druggists. “vit :at za icin a iMoetickCelstcanace dustructions ov your case and 64-page book,“HomeentforWomen,”in plainwrapper.N.G.194 Fresh Vegetables. ¥ You “Fresh:Strawberries, “Grape Fruit, ;‘Oranges, f Cucumbers, ‘Nice Country Hams. M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. bP ROYAL NEATE The “Royal”is a Range Boiler and Water Heat-| and|er in combination is designed to take the place of the old-fashion- ed inethed of attaching an independent heater to the side of an ordi- nary range boiler The “Royal?can be at a supris- ingly low cost and will furnishhcot waterevery hour of the day and night et an expense well within aveach ot the average house ewerorrenter. Tastalled by W.E.Munday. Li kK.Broad st. Phone 55. Ceeeee ee ey Vas WOULD HAVE.SALAD every day,if you onee tied aS) salad dress delicious as oil you ever tasted,and so much : théaper you @an use it for cooking,| too.-1t makes a rmvoeth,deliciou: mayonnaise that “stands up”, and pleases everybody, We've got anything you wan make a salad——as.well as Oil. as a SeatMiller-Mclain Supply Co. DR.G.A.LAZENBY.| DENTISY. Office in People’s Loan end Office phone} Residence,451 Black.f Savings Bank. 494, Windows,Mantels,Célumns,Stair ways,42 kinds.Moulding;Door and Window Frames fnd.Locks;Sash Weights and Cords;Building Paper, Composition Roofing. %WATKINS,next to Mcklwee’sPlanters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C.Pepe Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity. WE sell the celebrated Gold |Medal Flour.WE:sell Swect Feed for Horses it and MulesWEseliSweet Daisy lecd for \Cows.WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and Y 4 Cotton Seed Products. i@ WE SELL FOR LESS. #WE pay CASH for country i Carn and Oats.i WE deliver in the city. AIREDELL FEED CoO.,C.D,MOORE,Prop.Phone NOMA 114 E.Broad St.VOLT)i bindbalicsatide cod Dalat URI Baas a Soot tTUESDAY,g's “4 May 16/1016. Arrival and DepartuieefTrains ofStates- Train No,15,wes ounTrain’No,a Rare due 70.05 a.Train No,21.west-bound die 8:25 p. Train .No,,‘weat-boun:eeeTrainNo,BB}gasteboun ¢10.35 aTrainNo.22;east-bound,’due 1.15 p.’ Train \Aer east d,due 6:55 p.Train jdue.10.60 “p. CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLS.From Cha |r .Train No.16 ar,9.50,leaves 10.36 a,m.| Train Ne.24.ar.°9.20,°Meaves”9,20 p.m, i From ‘lay*4rsyille.R |'Train No.23 ar,10:00,veaves 10:40 am, (Train No.15 ar,@:40,leaves 7:05 p.m?Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday.|seeertenrerpeesec tere ries eae een ree .Wilkes Man Crushed to Death. |-Clingman.Anderson,while peeling ‘tan ‘bark in the woods near his home, in the Brushy Mountain section of |Wilkes county,on the 5th,was killed lby ‘the trunk of a ‘tree skidding and crushing him,Anderson’s hack and| legs were broken and he diéd three hours after the accident.\.Anderson=was.68.years.old’and is survived by a family.Some months aro he shot and severely wounded ‘his san-in-law,Bob’Queen,because |Queen had mistreated his wife—An- derson’s daughter.He surrendered to the officers and gave bond ,but the’ case had never been tried,|iesbamaas Sold AD,due,7.24 a,mh.| m, m. mm)a]m.| m.| Axle.Grease For Cern Salve in Statesville. “North Wilkesboro Hustler. The other day we were talking about fakes,and one of our friends told of a friend whom he saw at the Statesville carnival one night,who ‘made the remark,“You watch and see if I don’t make some money tomor.- vow,”That night he went to a stone \in Statesville and purehased a box of ordinary axle grease,purchased a few Jittle salve:boxes and filled them. Next day he sold the boxes for corn salve-ut-auction:——{ CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL OF STOMACH REMEDY. ‘Sufferers Find Swift Relief by Use ef Remarkable Treatment.| Stomach sufferers in the Southeast and,-in fact,all ever the country, ind remarkable and efficientromtheuseofMayr’s Won- ful Remedy. Many have taken this remedy and tell today of the benefits they receiv- ed.Its effects come quickly—-the firstdoseconvinces.«Here -tssawhat twoCarolinafaikshaveWritten: W.-Re DAVENPORT,Parker,.N.C. “ifor years L have suffered from oa which puzzled doctors.JCHEGISe “heard of your remedy and one bottle : me relief.Your full treatment thout eured me.” .tT.ERWIN,Winston-Salem,N. Co}am satistied through personal use of the powers -of your remedy. You have saved my life.” Mayr's “Wonderful Reniedy gives results for stomach,liver s.Mat as much Mo more sure of gas‘in around the heart.! e of your druggist now on an absolute guarantee money will be Ve permanent'.é ’1jandintestinalailment ne Whatever you like. s after eating,pre ice men RM one Lott *y it not satisfactory Pept?ed For enle byCo.and Statesville Drug drug Se TAXES! urt House th eo all other re LIST CITY che cat jay tiffice in the Ci Ise oo May 8,1916.Every Foot of M Coline,>Weatherboa Casite and p-Plat No cull stock at all;co ond WILL LAST LONGES WATKINS,Statesville, Is and i For Sprains,Lameness, |Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetretes aad Heals. Stops Pain At Once i ER A S FOR YOUR &2iene LinchICTSLuJRE-WE HAVE-— Potted Mcats,;Potted Chieken,Deviled Ham, Olivg)Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Butter, Peanut Butter,Loose Sweet Pickles,BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges, Come in and see what we have, ivagle & Milholland.bs Good Books. A wonderful assortment of good books on our 50 cent tables.Much better than you think. Come in and take a look. 1 BP.ALLISON'S 8, ‘\‘Bedk .Store. PHISIAANT IMTRIANStHa Maratea LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE.I Tet proving slowly, ‘father, ve Featureof the Opening of Com-|mencement —Vice President) ‘Marshall te Speak. Correspondence of The Landmark,* ‘Greensboro,May 16——The greatest’ feature of the.State Normal College|>commencement:this year will be the;huge pageant which will be given on |the opening day,May 20.7 The pres=' ence as the chief speaker of the com-|mencement-of-—Hon,—Thomas—R,-Mar-|Ishall,Vice President of the United States,will be another great drawing |card.The commencement promises, to draw,.well upon the State for at-|tendance..The college has reached; in its quarter ofa century,a position; fn the life of the State which affords|, a record of collegiate achievements having a student body ef young wo-} men 700 strony,whereas the largest, institution for the higher education of| men in North Carolina was mors than | a century arriving at so siyninecantay student body.The graduates of this year are rep-) resentative of every section,It is) peculiarly noticeable jiow.distinctive-| ly North Carolinian are the addresses |of not only the graduating class’but} the entire student body.| The pageant referred,to is modeled}on the old English May presentations,| There wil]-be about 1,200 actors in the|various dfamas and other events of| the day.The staging for the show; will cover many acres of ground,the} campus proper of the college being| used and the Peabody park,a great. adjoining meadow and woodland be-} ing also drafted for the outdoor the-| atrical purposes of this occasion.This| will not be the first occasion of the, presentation of the State Normal col-|lepe pageant.It was given four yearsagoandisdesignedtobeaquadren-| nial feature of the’college life of reg-| ular rennaissance.The first presen-| tation drew a great gathering of peo-|ple from all parts of the State and the pageant was heralded as the greatest| of its kind ever presented in the South and-equal-if not superior te anything of its kind given in the country.This| year the programme fuller,andmorevaried.Several new features| of interest have been added, Death is of’Mrs.Foster—The Drought. Correspondence of The Landmark, Harmony,R-1,May 12 Mrs. Katherine Foster,widow of Samuel loster,died at her home in Clarks- hury community,Turnersburg town- ship,early Wednesday morning of the infirmities of age and other combdlica- tions,agéd 79 years.Mrs.Foster was a great sufferer and bore her ill- ness with patience.Your eorrespond- visited her in her sickness and ve brieht evidence that her house was in order and everything was fixed between her and the Lord. She died praising the Lord,with a full assurance of a blessed immortal- ity.She is survived by two daugh-! ters,Mrs.J.R.Albea and Mrs.Sallie Heath,and several grand and great gran@children.The interment»was at Clar ury Thursday at 11 o’cloek tle the dust of her husband,who dicd 15 years ago.Funeral conduct- Rev.[B.Ie.Rollins. droueht is unbroken and the very much discouraged ouilook.The drought |is warse than 1211.Crop prospects are Tomy but it’s an il wind that“blows no read and every dark eléud has a tiver lining. A Jaree erowd cho at “dohy The former S al over the attended the com reneement at Harmony Hieh School woand the exercises were 4.A sood cron of candidates wa in evidence and all were hopeful. Mrs.io Ritchie is in a Critical condition iffering from an ulcer or icer the throat. Talk Politics —The Drought, Torrespondence af The Ho, THtirsd ¢ Nel ol Won't Landmark. v-5,May 11 — in these parts is serious.Rain js needed badly to *the planted erops-up.Cotten seed ds as dry as when planted come _up_without rain.Earl corn-is-a had-stand. Wheat-is being short and oats will be almos nplete failure without rain ina very.short time,The fa with their work and anxiously int for rain,when a rush will be on. Tho road from the Wilkesbéro rou 4 Bryantiovile tetheAfexander tine hos been completed and we have 2 ecod read of which we are proud,af- ter a long wait. BR Sican,who has heen for a Yon time,J >The dry becoming atesy weather CNG CONNAI eo on im Dy :ec cin. This being.the eleetion vear,,the caunty has the largest crop of eandi- dates it sever produced and the lenact is being said by the people in these parts I ever heard.You cen’ect a man to talk polities.The writ has.appreached—several—eitizens +they won't telt you their choies the ]Better get The Landmari a list of candidates for ca >and study them.The peimaryning.en e.: Marringe*of Miss Murdeck and Mr.Bost. resnondence of The R-1, Boar at. 1 ret ar Landmark May 13 and Miss commumityra Few WAS Statesville, raarried at the home of the —bride's Mr.TH.J.Murdock,in Bar ringer township,the ceremony ish- ing place at 3.30 o'clock Wednescas sffernoon,Rev.J.CC.Keever of ‘Troutmon officiating.After the mar- riage supper was served the bridal phir and guests. After supper Mr.and accompanied by Mr.Fred. and Miss Daisy Rost.Mr.E Uoover and ‘Miss Dovie Mu teok an evening ride.A few h :*dark the boys rave the bri eounle ‘a serenade.The next day thoy ow vite {aul {Gracie Murdock,of the re Mis TtCo} toMrmt ms father 1 infare dinner w They I make hom the rroom’s ©father, e thay will go to housekeeping. .wher their rm,of Rhenmatiem! Tf you are troubled with chronic or mus colay rbetiifeticm,give Chamberlain’Li menty VatvialigFhe,aclief,from pain whic ffords 1 worth many times nteirbiewverye here” nlone its Callcee. a The Old Standard general streng APPA AC LPAGEANE-AT-THE NORMAL.ITEMS-OF CURRENT NEWS.NDMARK PAGEANT AT-THE-NORMAL (TEMS.OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There in’ the State. Fire at.Lawndale,Cleveland coun-|ty,destroyed stables with four horses|and asmule,-a-lot-of corp,feedstulf,; ete,‘| A young farmer named Ingle wasilledbyastreetcarinAsheville ast-years-“His-widew-sued-the-com-; pany for $40,000 and got $4,750. The barn_of H,B.Lockwood,fivemilesfromCharlotte,.was fired by lightning “Thursday night.A mule und a cow were killed and the build-ing destroyed,Loss about $1,500. M.S.Clark,a slate.contractor, working”on the-roof of ~a-—Raleigh building,accidentally fell from the scaffold to the ground and broke his neck.He was 63 years old and leaves a family. Congressman Doughton left the se-lection’of a-postmaster at Boorle to a vote of the patrons.M.P.Critcher received 60 votes,E.S.Coffey 54 and W.R.Lovill 33.Critcher will get the job. The North Carolina:Funeral Direc- tors’Association,~in session last week at Goldsboro,decided to meet text year at Burlington.J.LL, Stephens of Lumberton was clected President. High Point will be connected byelectriccarservicewithThomasville,seven miles distant,in 60 days or less,according to the statement quot- ed from Bird S.Coler,president of the road which has'been_constructedbetweenthetwotowns. Che Thirty-first company of coast artillery,which has been stationed at Fort Caswell,near Wilmington, several years,and which was last week sent to Texas for border patrol duty,is commanded by Capt.Francis N.Cooke of North Carolina,a son of Judge Cooke of the Superior Court bench. Lee Postum,a negro,long a faith- ful employe of the Southern railroad in-the roundhouse at Asheville,drop- ped dead Thursday when he had fin-ished drinking a glass of ice water. Postum had been firing a furnace in the roundhouse and was”vers hot, drinking a large glass of water be- fore stopping. Rev.N.S.Hapton,who has been preaching for ten years,tells the Boong,Democrat that,save for about eight months,he has walked to all his appointments in the ten years.He now serves four churches in Watau- ga county and three in Avery and to meet these appointments covers a dis- tance of 220 miles each month—ev- cry mile afoot. Tho estate of Mrs.E.C.Thornton, whovdied in Ilickory a few days ago, is valued at about $75,000.Dr.Chester Arkansas,a stepson,is executor and chief beneficiary.Mrs. Thornton’s husband,.Col.M..E. horton,is left $600 annually and her furniture and books;G.R.Ellis, a nephew of Azura,Cal.,is left $5,000, and A great.niece,Miss Ada Woods of Pineville,Ky.,is bequeathed $2,- O00, Ad Jennings of Manson,14 miles north of Ifen- derson,carly Friday morning,ws board,Air Line passenger train.run- ning 40 miles oan:hour,“split oa switch,”the locomotive.and cars heing derailed.W.C. Mingiea,a Seeman of Henderson,and tH.Thom- as of Raleigh,negro fireman.were instantly killed.Engineer W.PB Stephenson was badly scalded but iss expected to recover. That the of all raw mate- rinls going the manufacture of furniture will continue to rise,with the end nowhere sicht,and conse- nily the i the products the unanimous ne furniture semi-annual the §&rn Jeurnifure ’Association in Wins- sGa- SIX price into necting of Vann faetirers ven-Salem:a eee Barium Mon Had An Experi- ence in Transporting Bees, Dairymen Fester of the Orphans’ Homé at Barium bad quite an expe- rience with bees at Mooresville from 12.30 until ©o'clock Thursday morn- ing.The Enterprise tells the story is follows: “Thirty-two hives of bees had heen shinped \labama ta Davidsen and they heing trans- lig ro?Davidson to struck a from wer nerted waron’from When wagon ‘-inch hole in the street near No.2 rotten mill midnight,17 of.the Sives fell off the wagen and many of hem wore apt:ich an extent he bees swarmed on the outside, When daylheht came hees were hane- ng onet outside of many of the and it angerous for horses i a block to was.nat y ituntion,and o'clock in the morning-he avor—|e i=—terrible 1 he and the >set about fo rid strect of 1 i uw visitors AVdibama is and Bit- cod to remove the :a lone time they were the picnic rrounds,|:the busy ht- “le things clung the telegranh voles but (made fly mwav by of water mothom,°remained on the moved on and landed ined Mr. Poster was stung probably 800 times bat he was veme until thetasth”— The Eneineer’s Poult. the New York Cen- Cleveland,Ohio, ich al number of and others injured, was due,to the report j,of the Inter-State Commeraec Commtis- sion,to the failure of TEnicineer Hess vo sée the signal read them roperly on account the dense for through which he was running. The report made cites the records of this.engineer 1900,showing that He had bean suspended four times for running past signals and ag@ain last Decembersfoy hitting atrainfromtherear.feoemery neemyconen remem ee Drives Out Malaria,Builds Up System thening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives gut Mataria,enriches the blood.and builie up theses:| nm .SATIUM ecetar ho« oa thle a4 epney 1 rentiis—_ef—h plight ‘ MY;igH the nded.it of to tream thet WV “vt Bariun ithout incident people were | according or to of since tem.Agruc tonic,For adults audehildrem,Suc,|CHIARAIAAI OE Hae Gai BEAT IT,beat it,little car, Glimbine-alt-the hills-on-high, As it-passed-the first -man_eussed,+«While the second merely fussed —But-the dast-ayan-said;-thersneyyenesatieoe Passing all the others by.It won't stop,it’s a “Chevrolet.”N.W.FOX,LOCAL ‘AGENT,Statesville,N.C, liow I wonder what you are, for @. |Watch Iredell Grow.. let Us AN Pull And Pull Together Until We Get It.a Comiunittee will wait on you in the next few days.Don’t pass them by.Give them all the help you can,and the FAIR will be assured. |Johnston-Belk Co.- THE STORE ‘THAT SELLS FOR LESS.ee A jatte Ves hee Repairing.’| Have your shoe-repair. work done by our expert : shoe repairer.It only [ takes him 15 to 20 min-" utes to fack or sew on a" pair ofhalf soles,Plenty’, of -eomfortable—seats=—.. you can have work ‘done,- while you wait.wl In town shoes called =z for and delivered. Remember we shine} shoes free. ODOT RL ENE COOLODIOTTSL" be(3 ;fHE MONE.Y IS POWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE° AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THis BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!. SO THE BESET WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT! A.Mew Interest Period. starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will draw intciost from April Ist at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded qu:vterly. } This Bank weleomes ..vines Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest from date al the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited, We want your’business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank: GEO.H.BROWN President.O.L,TURNER Cashier.,.anidadiYoseinMasta SOCRO OL O aPLRRCO MRE NS eR re tapes ~FRIDAY. *STREET toaeen ences 182,00 “SHOULD BUILD UNDERPASS. ~~@itizens of Statesville and the county,the Merchants’Association, the Commercial ‘club and the county commissioners are after the South- ~ern railwayto™™construct an -“under- pass at the Meeting street crossing. The underpass should be built prompt- Ty.It should have been built years ago.There is probably no moré dan- gerous crossing on the Southern’s line,«For years,from time to time, the city authorities have called the |NEWS OF CURRENT.EVENTS|Carramaii'TroopsKill Bandit, };A--dispatch from Torreon,Mexico,|ee twas burned a few days ago with its; Incidents Gathered From All A¢o Parts of the Country. The SoUthern Baptist Convention assembles.jn Asheville tomorrow. About.1,500 delegates.are expected to says: Cedillo,who.has infestedVera-Cruz,two officers and 60 of. imen were killed in an engagement with government forces under Gener. attend.al-Eugenio Lopez at Ciudad |Del The barn of-C.J.Deal of the Sev-|naiz.“Fifty of the bandits surren- en Springs section of Wayne county,|Jered, General Lopez captured Ciudad Del contents—a horse,corn,etc.;Maiz and in further skirmishing kil I.E.Simpson,about 45 years old,|Pedro Cedillo’s brother,Martin.The an employe of’a cotton mill at Albe-ififty captured bendits.will be exe- marle,was killed by a Southern rail-cuted.The Carranza fosses are few. way.train__in-—Charlotte Saturday |The battle with the Cedillos_is looked night.‘The dead man’s family and a/upon as the successful beginning of gy brother live in Charlotte.—campalien that mall vlear :rah,for many years a/Vera Cruz of banal ee ss : aaa he Rowan Couey chain|General Trevino,wio is commander rang,;indi wing {of the:military division of the north- abe Lion dopey Sore oe feast,—in eee he would i 2 at ::_|Tuesday(today)for Chihuahua’CityCookwasservingsixyearsforseclentakedonmmandofthecampelinees apree ,es :i D t one cone mes ee eee .clean up the bandits of Coahuila,said fter ihe hoped the American troops wouldAtPetersburg,Va.,ee Kf co-operate actively 1 bringing.thenoon,Jas.T.Noel,a are ebesen hunt to a prompt termination,and killed Mrs.Lottie M.Robertson,) Goaneral Jose Santos has reported to railroad’s attention to the necessity for the underpass.Our folks.have} ‘heen patient,but they fpgel that the! {time has come for «ction.‘The un-| derpass isn’t a matter of convenience| only,it’s a necessity,The street is, an important thoroughfare and tne, ‘traffic has increased with the years.| The ‘crossing is a veritable death-| trap,That no fatalities and so Tew necidents have occurred there,is due to Providence,the care of those who| use the crossing and the fact that) a'll who can go out of the way to avoid it,The Southern should not longar subject the traveling public to the dangers of the crossing or io the inconvenience of going out of the way) to ayoid it.Any fair-minded man, whoibees the crossing will admit the'ceipts from exhibiting “The Birth ofieeeeeamThe-rai}-;2 Nation.eres‘the beginning for $2,500 and a smallnecessityoftheunderpass. roatk company shold act premaptly—before something pens railroad than the construction of the ‘underpass,with the resultant ill-feel-| _ing that will mean more than the ac-| ival expense._ and att {| recently | River of Tne Charlotte Obscrver reproduced the poem,“The deyson,as it has gencrally been cred-! ithd for probably 50 years.Mr.E. C)Ivey of Lenoir writes the Observ-| cd that this poem is generally cred- ited to Benjamin F.Taylor. says Noel shot her mother-when she hap-'cent.of the profits and that has ag-! that will mean more cost to the|/gregated $700,000 to date. ::‘;ble,Time,”and credited it to Philo Hen-|Hroneped. states that the jury of assessors,who Refer-|appraised the land belonging to Mrs. Whe.little.daughter of the landlady j),entirely.wiped ous the...Chacon, ‘band of outlaws:Twenty-six “wereikilledinabattleandcievenwerecap- tured and executed.«haton was’theonlybanditleaderwhorefusedanof- fer of amnesty. refused to lend him money.Noel is in jail.; The.home of James Calloway,six miles from Jonesville,was burned with its contents Wednesday,morn- ing at 1 o’clock,says the Elkin Times, When the family was aroused the| house was enveloped in flames and| the inmates barely escaped,not even saving wearing apparel. Ivan Heavner suffered a broken leg and Ernest Leonard and Dan John- son were badly scalded Friday after- noon when a boiler exploded at Frank Fulbright’s saw mill in Bandy’s town- ship,Catawba county.Fire followed the explosion and the mill was de- stroyed. It is said that Tom Dixon,play- wright and author,has received so far $700,000 for his share of the re- (snensrenensenenenncomsenen ,necmemensenrenannonrd The Threat Causes Delay. ‘America’s next step in the negoti- ations with the entente allies regards ing.treatment of neacral commerce will be delayed on acount of the im- plied threat contained in the German note of Mey 5,in wh:ch the imperial rovernment expressed confidenee that in view of the new orders issued for submarine warfare the United States would -insist upon Great Britain ob-serving the rules of taternational lawindealingwithtradeand-reserving to itself “complete liberty to decis- ion”unless this end was accomplished, It is stated authoritatively that Germany’s note has complicated the situation,making it tmpossible—_for the United States to press its demands ,upon the allies at once without ap- pearing to do so at the bidding of the Berlin government.eeee eeeeeeee Bad Fire in Greensboro. He offered to sell out.ja weekly royalty.His share is 25 per Howard Rhinehardt,who left Au- gusta,Ga.,early Saturday morning in a biplane in an effort to make a The McAdo’hotel in Greensboro non-stop trip to Hempstead,Long “was ruined”by a fire Thursday af-Island,was forced.to abandon -the-femoon eave tra News : trip ‘near Rowland,Robeson county,|While final fire ne in uroRrce at not far from the South Carolina line.446 hotel other alarms came in.The In descending,because of engine 1 ot yesult was that the home of C,the biplane _was slightly wo Gold was burned;a residence Rhinehardt was unhurt.owned by Victor McAdoo was burn- T.E.Blackstock,chairman of the!ed;the residence of Will McCormickcommissionappointedbyGovernorwasabouthalfdestroyed,and a barnCraigtosecurethelandontopofwasburned.All these buildings in Mount Mitchell for a State park,;different localities,which made the circumstance unusual,if not sus-'picious. Origin of fires not known.Loss The notorious bandit,leader,ideoorthern|Friday,a report of the joint commis- northern: at whose home he was a table boarder,i Canoral Trevino from Parras that he ml |cratic Primary.1, ring to this dispute,«hich has been Alice oes at a Hop of the peak,| cameras ;:capvpp|have decided to allow her $5 an acre hy progress pO Year tie OoscEyr ‘for the tract of five acres,exclusivesaysasfarbackas1883proofwasofthetimberrights.The value of produced to show that Henderson the timber will be estimated bya was the author,and adds:“We think|timber expert and Mrs.Connelly will He Statesville Landmark contribut-|be paid for this in addition. ed some definite information on the|Germans and Austrians Want sygbject.”It was the poem abil Peace For Business. nda,”also generally credited to Hen-|Samuel S.McClure,the publisher, derson,about which The Landmark,|returning to New York last week|::ahlich (from a trip abroad,said that he) Sper Senn eres:lcd ty esvabHsh gond a sentiment for,peace only insqmethingdefiniteandfailed.The Germany and Austria.\| facts brought out at the time,how-|“I have visited all the beligerent ever,caused The Landmark toincline ations and did not find \a suggestion | to the opinion that “Swannanoa”was|peere eee eecepu in ano)Lee .ane aranae ‘’two countries,where the people de-|written by a South Carolinian,a resi-|sire it for commercial reasons only,”|!dent of Charleston,although it presen Me eclte guy that mean | fers ieve .'it ey wis to resume t!eir business| eee ace /relations with other nations,not that:ity It would appear that either much |they fear defeat.The English,| was credited to Henderson that he,French,Russians,Belgians,Italians, didn’t write or that others stole his Germans,Austrians,Hungarians,|Reems and elcimied Gaon Bulgaridns and Turks all are confi-|on staat dent of victory for their respective| ‘Mr.Linney the Republican rant armies and determined to fight to the}ine y “end.”date for Governor,in Washington a =:|h ry.2fotdaysagotoldthenewspapercor-;!WO Met Death in Auto Races.| Carl Limberg,an automobile racer,| and R.Pallotti,his mechanician,| :;oe :leading the field in the fifteenth lap)ten congressional districts in North|;ar :‘of the 150-mile race for the metrop-|Carolina—the third,fifth,seventh,\olitan trophy,were killed when their| cighth,ninth and tentnh—with a pos-|machine crashed into a guard rail on! sible chance of carrying one of the|the Sheepshead Bay track,New York,|ers.“We expec a Saturday afternoon.The driver ap-ofhers.e Sherk to makelarge}parently lost control of the car when|gains in the Legislature,”Mr.Linney {it was rounding a bend-at the rate of|conchided.Mr.Linney is too mod-,100 miles an hour and both men wereGatItthoRepallionnemcenms(thrown 100 fect over the rail andoa:vepuniicans can carry crashed to the ground about 30 fect81,possibly seven,congressional dis-}below.The driver was impaled on, tricts,what’s to prevent them elect-4an upright piece of timber and was!in@ a majority of the Legislatureand |Killed instantly.Pallotti died on theallDecee—“|way to the hospital.Limberg’s wifernStaleollicers¢majority in’was in the grandstand when-the acci-_SIX or séven congressional districts!dent occurred.|;conesaeeanereaeeeeemeee|ought to give them the State;and it:Nine Lawyers and Thirty Wit |was just as easy for Mr.Linney to!_teases tn :Suit For oa olat2ioh:ie ae aes oechemtheWholethingwhilehewasAfterbeingoutforabout40hoursaboutit.|the jurv in the case of Denton Tele- tt i ee |phone Company vs.Varner,in Da-mig be just as well to remark,vidson Superior -Court,returned aanenttheprimary,that it would be verdict in favor of the plaintiff.On- well to get it in mind that the prima-ly about $10 in actual property valuereimlectionofJune942i“~was concerned in the case,but it tookninelawyers,over a day of Superiorunderthesameregulationsandre-,Court and about 80—witnesses to un-stfietions as the regular clection,'tangle it.The witness feces amount- Heretofore in our “soap-box”prima- respondents that the itepublicans ex- pect to carry this year six of the} conducted 'American,near Mercedes,Texas, |caped inte Mexico. partially covered by insurance., Three people were hurz while fight-ing fire at the hotel.One man fell three stories and escaped with slight injuries. Mexican bandits who Friday night shot and killed Curtis Bayless,an ‘The ~ Lyric Theatre Matinee and Night Thursday, May 18th, ThePhotoplay Supreme “The | IClearing Way For Union ef theLutheranSynods. *At the meeting of:the North Car- olina Lutheran Synod at Concord gions of the North Carolina and Ten-nessee Synods to effect a merger ofthetwoSynodswaspresentedanddiscussed,The principal feature ofthediscussioncenteredonitem8,which disapproved of a minister be- ing ordained who is a member of afraternalorder,the contention beingthattheChurchprovidesfortheso- cial and spiritual wants of man.The Tennessee Synod has always prohibited its ministers from beingmembersoffraternalordersand-in- sisted upon this provision jin the pro-posed merger..The.item was adoptedbyalargemajority.This is believed the two bodies.The proposition for the merger will be presented to the Tennessee Synod at its coming meeting and it is believed it will be adopted.enn A Symbol of Health,The Pythagorians of ancient Greece ate sim-ple food,practiced temperance and purity.| s x badge they .used the five-pointed star which they regarded @s)a symbol of health,A red five-pointed Star appears on each pack-age of Chamberlain's ‘Tablets,and ‘still.ful-fils its ancient.mission as a symbol.of health.If you are troubled with indigestion,bilious- ness or constipation,get a package of these tablets from your dtuggiat.You will be sur-prised at the quick relief which they afford.Obtainable everywhere, Candidate For,Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for to be a long step _toward-a union of|& “ANNOUNCEMENTS. fgashy Htt f eee Rockers,Settees,.Swings, Couch Hammocks,Porch _.™~9 .Shades,Ice Cream Freezers,.Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies.Anything in summer goods.Phone yourwantstous,and our man will be there withthegoodsinafewminutes.Quick DeliveryIsOurMotto. Williams Furniture House Inc.|The Favorite Store. i" Commissioner of Iredell county’subject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimaririesJune3. May 16.J,A.BROWN. For County Commissfoner.{ [em a enndidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic prima-ry,and solicit the support of the Democraticvoters.MARVIN W.SMITH. May 12. For Member Board of Edueation,I hereby announce myself 2 candidate.for re-election as member of the County Board of | Education,subject to the action of the Dem-ocratic primary June 3d,1916, May 6.D.W.LOWRANCE. For County Commissione->.1 hereby announcecountycommissioner ject to the action of June 3, May of Iredell county, 1916,J.M.DEATON.|| 2,1916. For County Commissioner. T hereby announce my candidacy for theofficeofCountyCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo- cratic Primary,dane—3,1916,and respectfully solicit the support of the Democratic voters|in the Primary.DR.W.G.NICHOLSON,May 2,1916. Member Board of Education,IT am a candidate for renomination for thepositionofmemberofCountyBoardofEdu-cation,subject to the action of the | B.GAITHER. May 2,1916. For County Superintendent of Schools. re-election to the office of County Superin-|tendent of Public Instruvtion,subject to the 1916. April 28, R.M.GRAY. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for |the office of Sheriff of Iredell county,subject|to the action of the Democratic primary,June3,-1916.J.OTIS GAITHER. myself a candidate for|ff,sub-|itheDemocraticPrimary|ff Demo-|@ I hereby announce myself a candidate for! action of the Democratic primaries June 3,18 INTERESTED BEGAUSE We are giving this space to Boost the OUNTY FAIR! MEET THE COMMITTEE ON THE 23d and 24th AND SUBSCRIBE FOR STOCK AND LET’S HAVE THE BIG- EST FAIR EVER. —DONATED,-— \Iredell Hardware Com’y. -|4esTo ; ithe action of the Democratic |pressed by them at the primary,June I For Sheriff. (ed to $158.45.The issue was wheth-ods :per Will@Varner,who lives near Den-rié&the voting was not regulated by law;and sometimes it was thought ‘ton,should be allowed to rent a tele- |Phone on a county line or whether he ;would have to surrender it to anoth-: | April 28.i4-_—-—4 For County Supcrintendent Schoo!s.| the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:|am «a candidate for the oflice of Superin-|tendent of Schools,subject to the action of the!Democratic primaries.If nominated andi elected,I pledge to the schoots of Iredell coun-| ty the best service of which I am capable.|April 28 JOHN F.MITCHELL.| -i For County Treasurer.—{I am acandidate for County Treasurer,sub-|“ject to the action of the Democratic primary,|\June 3.1916.Iv F.RIVES.Apxil 25. For Register of Deeds. |I hereby announce mvrelf a candidate for, |Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject tovoters,as ex- 3 1016.|L.N.BROWN,Troutman,Vallstown Town.| |ship.~April 25.| For County Treasurer.iIherebyannouncemyselfacandidatefor! Cotinty Treasurer,subject to the action of the |‘Democratic primary,June 3,1916.''April 25..OW.H.HUNTER.| || |{To the Democrats of Iredell County: |I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheDemocraticnominationforsherif¥of Ire-! dell county,and will yreatly appreciate your| support.Respectfully,| “April 25.H.L.GILBERT.| For County Treasurer. T hereby announce my candidacy for the of-| fice of County Treasurer of Iredell county,|subject to the action of the Democratic prima-* ry,June 3d,1916,and respectfully solicit:the support of the Democratic voters in the pri-! mary.=R.J.BRYANT,April 25,1916.I -=i For -County—Commissioner. TI am a candidate for county commissioner,| subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|ry June 3,-1916.E.G.GAITHER,April 21,1916. For Register. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:| I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-| fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-|ject to the action of the Democratic primary.|J.WH.MeLELLAND, Mooresville,N.C.April 21. For Treasurer.| To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for | the office of County Treasurer,subject to the; action of the county Democratic nominating|primaries,to be held June 3d,1916.Will ap-| preciate your support.Respectfully,|W.C.WOOTEN,© April 18.Bethany Township,| For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,| subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|ry June 3,1916.Wm.H.MORROW.!April 18.:| { For Sheriff.\ I am a_ecandidate for Sheriff of Iredell|county,subject to the action of the Democrat-|ic primary,and solicit the support of the | Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. OUR . Suit and Dress Sale One-Third Off! The Styles are correct and the values great: Allour Silk and Woolen Coat Suits and Silk Dresses included in this sale. Look Them Over. You May Need One. Is still on. $20.00 16.67 $30.00 Garments 25.00 Garmentssmarttovoteahandfuloftickiccketsin-a i ';i a Mer man who was a stockholder in the Democratic voters in the primary.| ®99 d of one ballot;to vote in more company.April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. ciaunmhaheeeitemeeenamcantrataead | | nnn a hie Faia |___.than_one_precinetsto vote at the same?{|precinct more than once:to 50,000 Troops on Border.|PULL FOR THE FAIR.:vote '::oe A ._|Major General Funston has bewhennotlegallyqualified-—being the consideration of a plan for the! All hands to the wheel for a good COUNTY ugder age or a non-resident.Better,re-organization of the patrol on the net try any of these pranks at the Mexican border.Having under his FAIR.Get ready to subscribe when the coming primary.If you do the pole control ‘almost 50,000 men,he solicitors come around may be on you.|outlined to his staff a re-distribution May 23rd and 24th. -lof forees that he believes will gruar- There is complaint 1.:Sherrill &Reece, antce the otect f American re SoantceeprctectionofAer 13.34 12.34] 10.00 8.34 6.67 20.00 Garments 18.50 Garments 15.00 Garments 12.50 Garments 10.00 Garments One of the four great pho- toplays known to the mo-tion picture world. Head and shoulders above anything you have ever idents from Mexican raiders. training camp for!Already forces at border stations citizen soldiers at Fort Oglethorpe,[faye been strengthened and it was/|Ge:is.very light;that suuiiemere (ee icated that before the end of ‘the! for whom the camp was ;|week the greater part of the regular|especially|troops and militia that have been sent|provided,have not enthused,so faras, the attendance indicates.The fol- seen here.. into the three border States will be!ADMISSION 15c.and 25e.oe and aS position for quick|:;service along the international lilowingdispatchfromthecamp,un-——ee nee =der date of Friday,probably explains cane rae hh _today indicated|bed ta Ho reek ta enier:e citizen soldiery that”their;why err .ardships would |2 oxt |“Phe-arrival of ae load of picks PW we‘0 The Lyric Theatre,|ind sbhatile’int:the,Monday,when a week's work en-J |Phone 123.uthern military’trenching will begin,~:Z f Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. JHEADVERTISERASK S FOR YOUR BUSINBSS)US281 —Winston-Salem Journal says: vt LIE DANLD PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND CE:120 WEST BROAD TUESDAY,>:- ARK {Cemmrsepassine: _FRIDAY, STREET,i May 16,1916.Mooresville hag bore spending a fewr Their Movements.Mr,D,A.Sloop"of,the.vicinity days with his.son, ee etna mR atin A at igen bey “tonight —at ed,Regular meeting. |A.EF.&A.M, |.STATESVILLE=)Lodge No.487 A,,BY.&A.M.meets-)7:30ie?“\0 clock in Masonicsear|”Hall”All mem--bers requestedto bo present andvisitlagbrethrencordiallyiavit- Miss Belle Feild,who taught week with relatives in Hikin. days is the guest of Mrs,.W.G.Hall, Land at Goldsboro, go to New York kefore Notices of New Advertisements. Spoilers.”—TheJThursday,“Theric.an Path©of scent. *"*Anything inHarris.:~Summer7~furniture.==Furniture House, repair Lawn hose and sprinklers.—Lazen-{by-Montgomery Hardware Co.»Bpecial soapDrugCo. Happiness.”—The Williams sale.—Polk Gray home, their son.and daughter-in-law, line.—W.D.|Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Ayers. Moéresville have been eral days with»Mrs,rents,Mr.and Mrs.W.L.Harbin, Striped and figured summer 80008.|MvEhwee,—Mills &Poston.No-work freezer,the kind you’vealwaysneeded.—Crawford -BunchFurnitureCo.. An opportunity to help the count Housefurnishing Co. ‘Served thevilleDrugCo. The “Chrevrolet.”--N.W.Fox. Let’s have the biggest fair ever.—Iredell Hardware Co.Sailor,Jerhorn or Panama.—Sher-rill-White Shoe Co. Cool comfort of an Emersonfan—|Home Electric Co. Shall we have a fair?—Johngon-Belk Co.\ Announcement.—Iredell Ice &Fu-el,Company. Autos for sale.—A.Cooper.For countyBrown.‘Cut and potted flowers and beddingplants—Park Place Green House. Mortgage sale.—Buren mortgagee.Sweet peas.'Phone 249 black or264. Summer work at AppalachianTrainingSchool.‘Mortgage sale land June 17—Odum Munday.mortgagee. ant.Se ele Stony Point Items. Correspondence of The Lunamark.Stony Point,May 15 —The weath-.er,problem has become acute in thissection.'Mr.W.E.Mills,who moved fromIredellcountytoAlexanderseveralyearsago,and who lives three miles |YI!atfair.—Merchants &Farmers’Bank.Special mattress sale.—Statesville quality way.—States-| | commissioner.—J,A, Jurney, ‘Typewriter for sale.—P.A.Bry-|t. |tives here. ‘with home folks.She came to|her sister,Miss Ruth,who is recu-|eV i|perating from an operation for ap-|Principal of the school for six years,|;announced Friday that tie would noaeYhester-|!onger serve the school in that capac-Douglass of chester lity.He goes to Cool Spring Academy |”/next year.Teaching with Mr,Teague|year were Misses Eula Alexan-| pendicitis at the Sanatorium.|Mrs.C.C. field,S.C.,is visiting herMrs.J.L.Kimball. at her home in Shiloh township.Misses Emma and Carrie THRONGT THE S¥ONYPersonalMentionofPeopleand .John EB:Sloop. }{Charlotte,is at home for the holidays,-H.Mrs.Clarence Weedon is spending a Mrs,P,D.Kennedy hag returnedfromElkin,where she.spent.a-few _Miss Elizabeth Pilson.of.Wilkesboro Mrs.J.G.Turner and son of Win-ston-Salem are wisiting relatives here,Mrs.R,-B,MeLaughtin has returnedfromattendingthemusicalfestivalin,Raleigh and visiting Mrs.E,M,Mrs.B.F.Long.who is now visiting Mrs,Land,will returning Mr.and.Mrs.A,N.Grier and chil-dren of High Point spent Sunday .with C.,is the guest of Mrs.J.L.Sloan:|Mrs,Nathan O'Berry of Goldsboro |rian; is visiting her daughter,Mrs.Ross|Willie Miss Bernice Andrews of Dunedin,|this ae ,{of :2 guest of Miss Matie Gray der,Willie Hines and Ila Watts.and|/Fla.,is the guest of Miss Matie Gray |Messrs.R.L.Fineannon and C.A.|tickert|Drum,while Miss Mary Sharpe -was ~Graduates,of)Ete, Cotrespondenca of The Landmark, in|.the-usual targe ny Point High School, citers’contests, the declaimers’contestMorrisoninthereciters’contest. Miss Hazel Miller and Ward won the medals.noon there was an educational |Margaret Jane |Thelma Albright,|Mary Emma Mason,testator. Rev.J. fand Mr,John Rickert of Snow.Creek {teacher of music.;community went to Rutherford coun-|ity Saturday to visit friends.|Mrs. 18.°C.,is |J,Mac.Connelly.{Mrs.Bessie Hunt and Mrs.B.8./|Gaither,who were guests of Mr.and ||Mrs.Jas.Wilson,left Saturday for'Salishury and Charlotte,Mrs.Coral Murdock,who spent two“months here with relatives,returned-Friday_to_her home _at Beckley,VaMissLucyJo.Nichols of MuscogecOkla.,who was the guest of Miss Love|Walker,Jeft Friday for Lexington to|visit. Miss Julia Austin and Mr.Gaston|Austin are at heme from Mars Hill|school, Mr.Bruce Lindsey left Sunday for|a visit to his sister,Mrs.J.-L.AtKin-son,at Birmingham,Ala.-Mr.and Mrs.Emile Ayers spent'Sunday in Monroe visitin|Mrs.M.B.Ayers. Mrs.M.1,Potts of Biltmore is the‘guest of Mr.and Mrs.M.F.P.Trout. from here,has been seriously.ill for |An on Walnut,strect.ten days with heart trouble.He is7hyears~old;an ‘ex-Confederate sol-dier and a useful ‘citizen.Mrs.BE.A.Graham of Bear Pop-lar,Rowan county,visited relatives |here last week and took in the com-mencement.The tax-listers are around andtheircallsforleniencyarenumerous.Mr.D.C.Ellis has begun painting:the Methodist church.Mr.R.M.Hunter is in a Charlotte |hospital under treatment for kidneytrouble.His condition has been se-rious.Mr.Clay Watt,who had animpedimentinhisspeech,has return-ed from Washington,where he spentsometimeundertreatmentforsmeandismuchimproved.He has tak-Cn a position in the drug store here.The firefly,or lightning bug,hasmadeitsappearanceandtheBob}White is heard around the wheatfields. Mr.Ralph Murdock has put up anewforgeandisnowdoingbusiness|as a blacksmith. Social Events. ed Friday afternoon by Mrs.C.M. ica and Mrs.R.A.Cooper was lead-er.‘Mesdames J.L.Cowan,J.Fowler and J.F.Kirk were on theprogramme—-After the programme re-freshments’were served.Thesuspendedmeetingsforthesummer.| the Bachelor Belles Friday afternoc chiefs.A salad and were served.sweet senior class of the college at 6 olastevening.|{There was a large atiendance at the |endeavor to begdancegiven’Friday aight ibyStatesvilleCotillionclub,wiches and punch were served.Miss Henkel’s Recital. ‘ter of Mr.and |have on.|serve ice cream nextProgressiveheartsdicewasthegame;20th.and Mrs.Henry Lewis won the prize!ed the clu—a box of crepe de chine handker-/splendid lawn’for that night.course|Celeste Henkel and Mr.Dull,county/}demonstrator,have both promised to|Mrs.C.FE.Raynal entertained the|come;also Rev.-Harper Brady and‘clock|others from Statesville. Drought Serious—Sick People—\Marriage. 'Corréspondence otf The Landmark. Stctesville,R-1,May 13 —The hot,(dry wether is becomingrious. rain,though the Lord sun to rise on the evilgood,and sendeth rain on theandontheunjust. Mr.Adam Trexler~of Cooleemeewascalledtothehomeofhissister,Mrs.Lula Plyler,on account of herseriousillness.Mr.Trexler was ac-companied by two cousins of Salis-bury.Bloyd and Zula,son and daugh- Mrs.H.E.Tucker,whose iHness was reported last week,pneumonia.Floyd is Mrs.Wm.Winecoff and daughter,Miss Mary.Lou.of the ‘Troutmancammunity,spent Friday with Mrs,M.S.Plyler. Mr.Paul Bost and =Miss Grace{Murdoch were married last Wednes-|day afternoon. |Performed by Rev.The Elericemoh club was entertain-|Murdoch is ‘a very attractive Tho Entertainment at Ehuwood. Club |Corresponaence of ‘The Landmark. +Elmwoed,May 15 —The ElmwoodMissElizabethBrewleyentertained!Tomato club girls have arranged to Saturday,the has kindly invit-h to take possession of her Mrs.Combs I hope the entire community willthereand especial communitythefinancialMr.and Mrs.L.P.Henkel were in|Which it is to be hoped the club will|Winston-Salem Saturday night to at-(receive,the socialtendthegraduatingrecitalofthejradmitted.daughter,Miss ChrSalemCollege, benefit must be| Mrs.J.A.C.Wadsworth of Charlotte,|}Us a chance of meeting and talking |Mrs.boro and Mrs,Henry Rhyne of Mount|Holly,were also there.In its writ-up of the recital the “MissChristineHenkel,the talented pupilofMissArleenBaker,gaveenjoyablerecitalatSalem collegeyesterdayevening.Miss Henkel:has‘a beautiful soprano voice that washeardtogreatadvantage’in her ya-‘ried and interesting programme,”eee acaMarriages. Mr,Wim.Lee Smith and Miss Fan.nie Josey were married Saturdaynightat9o’clock at the home of theofficiating.minister,Rev.J.F.Mr.Smith is a merchant and businessmanofBloomfield.Mr.Fred._Albert Lazenby ofnorthIredellandMissEdnaNantz,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,C.J.Nantz,were married Saturday afternoon at ,j-{the two ingredients is what produces3.30 o'clock at the home of the offici-such wonderful results in curing Ca-ating minister,Rev.J.H.Pressly.tarrh.Send for testimontiais,freow ,BUILDRRR).Ci;WATKINS, Correspondence of The with LOCAL APPLICATIONS,ascannotreachtheseatofthedisease.Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis~ease,and in order to cure |ES ye ere :$ure is taken Internally,Kirk,rectly on the blood;and muHall’s .Catarrhmedicine. F,.G.Harper of North Wilkes-|with people whom we ought to know.|A.M.B. Landmark. The Troutman Betterment Societyamost|will meet at the home of the preadent,Miss Rowe, noon,May 17th,at 3 o’clockareinterestedinthewtownand‘community are cordially in-vited to be present.::| Wednesday after- ee CATARRH CANNOT BR erties they t you mustHall's Catarrh remedies, Cure is not a is a regular prescription, directly on the mucous F.J.CHENBY &CO.,Props.,SIIDyDrigdiéte,price Ty"?O g Mr.and very se-We are not worthy of a goodmakeththe ; and on the ercises. just very ill,:‘while Zula is getting on nicely, iday to visit Mrs,J, ceromony~was|aunt,Mrs.LN.Sharpe,who is se-J.C.Keever.Miss| young|lady and will be greatly missed in herSteele.The subject was South Amer-|bome.Mr,Bost-is a young farmer.|-.The writer wishes.for them a longC,and happy life. continues and herings to look very ,8¢-rious, planting,owing to the dry weather.Couldn’t prepare the land.jcotton that’s planted is coming up,if;at all,very irrerularly,ithe use of grumbling.Tt always hiatlCFirainedandIamsureitwillMiss|God will send the rain in due seasor‘and all will be well, old.field a few days ago and set fircjtothepinestraw,{covered in time to subdue it beforereadyto}much damage was done,the buy,too,for the proceeds are to grot paratively clear,the sun was shinineSand-.|towards buying a canner for the club;i ;!cia);;and no rainsanywhere near,jand we certainly should feel this to|be an|affair.right sick|Apart from benefit |ting better critical condition,|eeWebusypeopledo‘not!The Strong Withstand the Heat ofistineHenkel,at!have time to visit our neighbors indi-}Miss Henkel’s sisters,|Vidually,and affairs of this kind give| and enabled to go through the dress-ing heat of sutnmer by taking regularly-—|.Grove’s Tasteless Chili Tonic.It purifiesTroutmanBettermentSociety,|and enriches the blood and builds upthewholesystem._50c. TAYLORSVILLE FOLKS.T.0.Flowers of Rock Hill,!-ametvisitingherdaughter,Mrs.|Mention of People Who AreComingandGoins. |Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,May 15 —Mr.an|Mrs.Chas.H.Caldwell of the Sugar|Creek’—community, {spent the week-end here.Mrs.H.C.Payne and Mr.W..L.Matheson. Charlotte before ‘dren,Carolyn and Charlottes «Mrs.J.C.Murphy ‘and!‘baby soa,John C.Murphy.Jr.,who.were guests of Miss Jamie Rivers,have returned to their home in Hick-,ory. ;A number of 'the commencement |High School Thursday and(Miss Sadie Somers,the who won the highest honor,is agranddaughterofMrs.Sara Feimsterofthisplace.She and her daurhter,Miss Grace Feimster,attended the ex- Rev,L.I.Moore,commissioner toai=.‘the General Assembiy.of the South-.ern Presbyterian Church,will leaveTuesdaymorningforOrlando.Wa.sttend the Assembly.Mr:J.A. eson of Greensboro spent Sun- mother.Mrs.W.B.Mr.M.Connolly Gwalt-.ne a student at Wake Forest Col-ere, ay with his Metheson. Wake Forest,returned homerdaynightforthesummervaca-I T.H.Miller leaves todayforabusinesstriptoPhiladelphia.Mrs.T.H.Miller and little daverhter,Sarah Miller,will go to Mocksville to- Frank Clement. go to Stonymorningtobewithher Tv. Mrs, Point Ida Carson willthis riously ill. Bolt From a Clear Sky—It WillRainSomeTime. Correspondence of The Landmark.iTWoustonville,May 12—The drought Farmers are not —through Corn and? But what's again A bolt of lightning came down in an The fire was dis- It was com- Mr.J.A.Maiden,Jr.,has beenfortwoweeksbutisget-.Blanchie Gatton is in a ummer Better Than the WeakOldpeoplewhoarefeeble,and youngereoplewhoareweak,will be strengthened .All who Mortzage decd executed to the undersigned by| elfare of the |.Miss Sallie J |court house door in Stateaville,N.C +on at 12 o'clock,m.,the following:déseribed Janda|in Fallftown township,towit:|Adjoining the lands on the west hy L,©|}Troutman,on the east by D.EF.Josey,on thenorthbyJ.M.Plott and on the south by ©Kestlor,and being the identical:tract.of land |and,acts di-|beired by Sallie Josey -from the estate of thecoussurfacey{late Mike Josey,quack |secribed as follows:It was prescribed by one of /small dogwood on Kestler’s line and corner of!the best pnysiclink,in.thiscountry for |lot No.2earsandt}si »0 ine;nee wi it N.3 composed of the bast.ronies known,to a stake in the old line;thenee with it Ncombinedwiththebestbloodpurifiersactingsurfaces, 77 degrees W.*iknot,corner of lot No.5;The perfect.combination of|Frees Ns Hil poles to a pine knot oreeeaeeeecon;Poles to the beginning,containing 26°acmoreorléss,as shown by.Deed Book ofdellcounty,Book 46,page 228. Tota ease By virtue of the powers evontained in-n! »TI wilt sell at public aue-nto the highest bidder for cash,at th SATURDAY,JUNE 17,1916, and more particularly de-Beginning on a stake or .8,and runs N.18 degrees BE,182 poles 831 poles o a stake or pine}thence S,.18 de- ein thence 8.77 degrees ‘POINT FINALS. i ‘rs Ayn ee:High School Commencement—Statesville ‘Produce atedRAsMedalWinners,one following prices were paid yesterday crowd attended|the commencement exercises of Sto- which em-braced Thursday evening and allday |Friday,The children of the lower:| grades rendered --a-—pleasing—-pro-+gramme Thursday evening,which in-/cluded..thejunior—deelaimers’-and re-) Avon Sharpe won ‘in | and--Dare | The feature of the Friday morn-|ing exercises were the Adelphian re-citers’medal contest and the Athenian |declaimers’medal contest,in which |Mr.William|In the after-ad-dress by Rev,Dr.Charles.AndersonofStatesville,who spoke along prac-Mr.Meal ee.founded —upon pas¢;S Or ¢>:|The speaker was introduce y Prof.and Mrs.U.S.Grier,at the home of!5 A.White of Tayloraville.Follow-|Mrs.J.B.Houston dnd children of |it@ the address there were interest-here-for sey-}ng-exercises-by the graduating lassHouston’s pa-|f Six young ladies,namely:Mita¢s |OF 404.«Rickert,class Pe AUTOS FORissarieFewePpa.ill,§.|dent:Lizzie Irene Hallyburton,classMissMarieFewellofRockHill,S.secretary;Sadie Watt Somers,histo:| Scripture,|FOR SALE—Good ‘SWEEP-PRAS~for wales oPhone-219 Tina: Ruby -Marguerite:Poole,poet)FoR sprophet;The|Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Shepherd of}delivery of the diplomas and medals ||Winston-Salem are guests of rela-|WS by Prof,A.F,Sharpe,county su-||Perintendent of schools.The exercis-Miss Rae Gill,who is now located)€S of both morning andGraniteville,S.C.,spent Saturday;Were interspersed withsee|4nd vocal musical numbers. L.Teague,who has been afterngcon| instrumental}ness.MRS.F.B.BUNCH. TWO TERMS. jat the Appalachian Training Sehoo),|write B,B.DOUGHERTY,Boone,N.€|booklet of views and courses.MayMUSTPUTINWATERANDSEWER! little~daughter,Mary Ayers Payne,went to -‘Mooresville Saturday morning,where |‘they will visit Mrs.Pavne’s brother, They will vis-|1it her brother,Dr.J.P.Matheson,in‘ yeturning home,’/Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Burke and chils|William Porter!Burke,spent Thursday and Friday in, Policeman J.D.Smith has return-'jed from a business trip to Lexington, our people attended’of Stony Point Friday. MARKET REPORTS." See r produce on the local market,Spring Friers,20.per Ib,Old Hens,12 1.20.per Ib,Exes,lic,per dogen.Roosters,6c.per lb,Butter,16,per Ib.Beeswax,25¢,per Ib.Green Hides,18¢,per Ib,Hams,16¢.‘to 17e,per Ib,Sides,13¢.Ib,Shoulders,18¢.Ib.4 :New ited Honey,Ie.to 12 1-de,per Ib,Sourwood.Honey-Comb,-16 to ise.per Ib,rish Potatoes,$4-per--bushel,Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel, Grain,The following prices were pald yesterday‘"grain on the local market:Wheat,,$1.30 per bushel,Corn,(new),75e.per bushel.Oats,55¢,per bushel, Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yesterday 12 1-2¢.per |pound was paid for best grade cotton, |(ADVERTISEMENTSInthis column10centsNoad.taken for less than 25Perline.cents.Cash must accompany order.) =— Typewriter, 18,Cheap.P.A.BRYANT. or 464,¢May 16-~2t. One 1915 model KFoul.A.COOPER.Hupmobile,one May 16—2t. LE—Sweet Peas 50c.a hundred,|Ku Lilies cut or in Pot Bedding |P|at special rates."Phone 5MARKPLACEGREENHOSE,May 16--1t.Oe oe ee-eeFORSALE—At a bargain,perfectly gentleAlso,rubber-tire Can-*.newly painted,and Har. small driving horse,opy Top Buegy, May 12—2t, 'WAN ED—Experienced waitresses at the Ral-;'.MAT.cigh Cafe,Charlotte,N.Creel dyTHEWS,Proprietor.May 9—#83t.(CORN—We are in the market for ShelledCornandwillpayhighestmarketprice,|STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.|cash N De May 30 July 11-~August18,YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CHOICE!The July 7; work will not differ. BOARD,$2. If you are interested in the Summer work for Pursuant to order of Board of Aldermen, >rever‘all property owners in Ward No.1,whe{fines ean be reached,must put in water and}Mecklenburg,|ewer connections,This is a requirement that.*(is to the best interest of health and will be en-with relatives iicoreeal L,C..CALDWELL,Mayor,May 9. W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street.. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline. Phone 209. youngest:i'member of the graduating class,and! THEATRE “Madame A Paramount Photoplay “The Soul Market” Kathlyn Williams and ‘The Photoplay Supreme, LYRIC —— »M.Adams,Att'y,QDOM MUNDAY, savant Morteagee, RY1)Neri, THE |LYRIC. TODAY ANNA HELD —in— TR A Ro A A A e R A c e o n n La Presidente” rn fase Pto}Sssuettety WEDNESDAY OLGA PETROVA enPlie A Metro Wonderplay. eo oe ey+}SSS Se THURSDAY Willian Farnum aah eee “THE SPOILERS” THETHEATRE =: second-hand Remington SALE—Two good Touring™Cgrs. Told 85 Black,| you can; THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN Ke tatesville,N.C.AD ui A SAFE INVESTMENT. If you have some money on hand,and want to place it where &‘ UAE it will be absolutely secure,placeAlabatitwithus.If you co not care toieAiss‘<deposit it subject to check,leave iy it here to draw interest at 4 per :cent.It is a splendid investment and a’sure one.The certificate is good collateral and ig negotia- ble. / Capital $100,000.Four PerCent Paid on Time Deposits,°°@"!U.S.Depository,ve as Ser gee From Room to Room SSS In your home,every hour of the day andnight,through the long,hot summer months,you can have the coo)comfort of the famousEMERSONFANS!The smaller Emerson‘Fans can be taken from room to room,arelight-weight,easily carried and easily.ad-fY‘justed,They lighten,the toil of household du-ties,add to the pleasure of the family gather-‘ing,put an end to the sleeplessness of hot,close nights.The investment is little whenmeasuredinenjoymentandcomfort. LISTEN!—FIVE-YEAR GUARANTEE ONEVERYFAN!HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y.W.M.BARRI NGER,-Proprietor. hah POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square”. baknicdaieceiniocetoceleleieinseiniacnzeiaiacaintnieeyWeletarerneieverereteretetere}ARRCRCRCRCADi& “In the Good Old Summer Time,”plenty of water and pure Soapaddsluxurytoyourliving. A CLEAN SKIN MEANS A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH!No-'thing so adequately protects your skin against the irritating,wor-"'risome effects of the heat as soothing,sanitary Soap and water.in our fine selection of pure medicinal Soaps you'll find the BEST,and they'll afford you unlimited Summer comfort.é tS ASK ABOUT OUR “SPECIAL SALE”! hehi th Cc Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.§ TAAL AAT ‘THE LANDMARK’S ADVERTISERSAREUP-T‘ AND SPRINKLER. This extreme dry weather all vege- While waiting for the rain buy some Lawn »tation is suffering for water. Hose and a Lawn Sprinkler from us and water the Lawn and Garden and A little extra work of this kind will save the newly planted trees. ‘the grass and shade trees.. i ‘» epee Tet Sea ie eneET TTT -OLD ENGLISH PAGEANT - 1200 PLAYERS IN COSTUME ee t TE NORMAL COLLEGE Greensboro,N. If weather conditions prevent performance May 20th,it will be given Monday,May 22nd. /The Most Elaborate Performance Ever Presentedin The South. Grand parade,including 1200 players in costume,many beautiful floats,jesters,clowns,etc. Operetta,coming in of Spring,given by:300 children.Grand assembly and crowningof May Queen on Curry Court.Shakespearean tableaux,representing Shakespeare's important characters Old English Peasants in May Day Revels-Dancers,Minstrels,ete.3 MAY POLE DANCES -”-Queen Elizabeth and Her Court. ROBIN HOOD io Hue and Cry After Cupid. ST.GEORGE AND THE DR AGON.-As You Like It.MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM.| PLACE:STATE NORMAL COLLEGE::TIME:2 P.M.MAY 2OTIL General admission $1.50.Children under 12,$1.00.Tickets may be ordered by mail. —RASA SEEPERT STE ee eet aess THE LANDMAR K!|AFTER MORE RECRUITS.|Don’t Press the Application, Mavhe.=|Broad Street Bible Class W ce 5 TUESDAY,_--May 16,1916.AMonroeEnquirer.\Have 150—Quartersto Be En-I’Sune 30th is the date ‘cach year ADKINS-GILLEAN.larged —Mother’s Dayo jwhen automobilists have to conte —vou W:mt one,but ie .&: Church Notes.|across with $5,$7.50 or even S10,ae--eevot ve D €Soe e Vupti 4 Inusui or :,»the.size of the car,for}real question is;Do you want a}t NuptialEvent of Unusual Inter Whether to move into the church)(om "i M a 1 in Ni a Carolia Coun .Fair to Oe xtent that al {yy ht ahamaest_at Cool Spring.auditorium,or to remain in the old We Sawn ea time RN areas it county be ot —aat yy 9 AX ‘9 Correspondence of The Landmark.class room quarters,Was the ques-is rat as erat ite ay Ge Noe will help to get it?Most of “' On May10th at 5 p.m.,Miss Cal-tion before the Broad Street Men's |yr of new cars spinning about with};Us ote willing to enjoy the ben-j= lie R:Adkins,the charming and ac-Bible class Sunday oe .ae “L No.”attached,denoting dealer!lefits of all these good things sols ad been various plans and various|:('é complished daughter of Mr,and Mrs.a po ee,h ae lens at {and also many with cards bearing the ony asthe other fellow”is pay-|8 °Thos.J.Adkins of Cool Spring,be-|announcements as to cthese plans alia ong enicense applied for.”But .ran came the bride of Mr.Clarence Me-j dierent times last week.Uhe pastor)oo new automobile owner passed ine tor them,but we sing a dif-/¢; Loud Gillean of Elmwood.had said from the pulpit the Sunday euch Monroe a few days ago;fercnt ume when the solicitor)|It is about time for you -to lay his was considered by many in at-before that since there had ean she whose license bracket brous smile |jy.mnds us the subscription blank.|§a aS :ie =ee tentlance one of the most unique a”overflow Ah tla that the |fy"ail who observed it,“Licenge|a county of Iredcll’s standing|ies aside that Fur or Stiff Hat and marriage occasions that has taken/¢lass would)have to”mect 1M Us ote for”in wood bold letters made 4 ye ep Ps ..attant .c viata -Cool Spring in years.The}church;the teacher had announced him imt i oe we ve PcCnCops a Clean"aL rd to longer delay put “egity turn your attention to a nice heautiful home of Mr.and Mrs.Ad-|that the class would meetal the wll)Cy Statesville man bas discovered;ting on a county fair,and il a »Sailor,Leghorn or Panama.Our king,nestled so__gracefully among a|stand.AC th old place the class Meb at teense tags ean be obtained in wl rity a |we a fair let’s h:it le g ff .ny:5 : score or moreof.stately oaks,was|if Cven larger—humbers..and__more)edna en errant ee ee =eee s 1g ‘stock is the most complete we the seene of the happy event.Lon)#bundant enthusia ye than maa Une eeicincehe leamied that he hus beun Ol |\5 vASIS,Phat means 5 Sm have ever oe in this line. before the hour arrived the spacious eae Vie cla a RC.oe ee uzzled to know why it is some of the;a porhicient Hoe ormamizavon,:\ lawn about.the Adkins home was fill-]|emthustastic class JOOSLCH Rail (SCCl Csr woe the Incense anplicd Rr rey meg eee :) ed with buegies,carriages and auto-|taty,reports 106 present and 150 en-1 ae ae he Rents aoe viPipe Yi UVES 0 ULI d C a Sailors $$2.00,$2 00 and $3.00. mobiles.The great profusion of|rolled at the close of the class session |~renee stm man .5 \-minh a aX ;we F '0 vrdgents attested the popularity of last Sunday...Raih ‘oaeds Break Sefety Recoras!th:if Mass MC fine,i 2 or Leshorns $3.00 and $3.00. S vb 1 ts tee :ak Ss ‘.¥.the contracting parties.[eee eee ae Re ae Oe Gulelg meeurde were ceded!Oy men awho low”roe)“fowesmnGa gs When the hour arrived and the mu-@nd_decided the vexed question a0)”;or -;ee ns /$cis ANAT sie’Kegan to peal forth under the ex-/.quarters,in so far as its vote could [rem in 115 when nani ame Rout the best,so why wot fall 8 Hats Panamas q 3.00. auisite.touch of Miss Katie Lou settle anything,by formally askine Ce me ae bureau of rails!ip.ee y :t ei f \Way news and statistics ieag ‘.:Steele,aunt of the bride,Rev.Chas.the official board of the chureh to aN eT at .Bey Wie 4 a rent connie a ;-- P..Goade,the bride's pastor,march-|five them permission to enlarge the ;eas .oo ae .:ape EMMITT CO CET *;PHONE NO.8&3.+ bi in and took his position in the par-Present quarters to accommodate S000 0 AEN oy ca at aed eee |ome Ba ean f pS ~d E s ne oe .‘b passeneer in wit 1der +7 wa afraord «fkPisinaytogmmEAYaoncaahcamepont SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO hite ey green.Immediately fol-,Clals.It is thought that the safe o'sof ie i ee wer 8 sheie of stock ts only S16 :man 2 om wh:aT)Ge Wy os aay yyq Tunele Ol Line.stated.that : wing Mrs Goode came the “Twins,und am:pl my oul b to tear .:io co ne eet mic)many a 1)¢efYord ter |nf SONUNeMeee TE!A AAR EASE ETD ttle Thelma Troutman and Dora the present sold wallat the rear ot an wae a neh =ci ,:i—Sa -mera pe eres code,of three summers.They were;the class room and int its ste ad a Pri giee UES a Meee Ole.(AGE iy LOW]He ,Tees on wee sect 3 aan :a :other country.|{Be ee ob SSTBSTTT es sim 3333,stt3r12 33 pastiesSESSILISTITTIESmrsanmeageFEE:e Cold Fountain DriniKs! yyyakeita“Sure Go’?|j cone eee eens eee eee S33$5s )#33 e flower girls and they played their art to nerfection.Dressed in heau-|the needed space,and yet hot cha he 85.000over250,000 miles of tine1seeae:‘:re.fave oa part in everything that| ful white frocks.each carrying a,i!its essentials the present arrange On Nee nae ee ta ormennehetier (lines for ivedell!ainty basket filled with bride's roses|Ment of the Sunday school anncx.108 passengers hi in ISAT fe)ee ee Bnd a bow of tulle upon the handle,|.The beys are going out this week to y aceidents,In comparison,the A fair is a good thing for the e little jnnocents looked like angels.|find eleven new recruits in order to a eel AS eee a ;minty,avd a WESTER _ANY After they-had so gracefully taken bring the enroilment up to Ta0 hy :ge NCU a : heir places,Mr.Walter Atwell,the:"CS!Sunday.Pour or five of this err ela fate eter nt ieest:man.and the groom came for-|tmber had already been discovered).72°Cress aalety:fo.Crates LEONARD BIANO STOR ,ward and awaited the bride at the by noon yesterday,so that it is prac-'!a et Bathe oe aad Ed AN obs dh dgtar:{tically established that the [50 will esa Tae killed,the best ree:Worrison Building.Wetstot St. As the strains of harmony,“Here!be realized and writ down on the roll:©tn that respect, "on eg |Next Sunday.The hoys have found eit.=ee eee ]j ATEICTomestheBride,”poured forth Sa wporet of cueaesce sl oe ~)eaITS nme eat ~—SHINGLES PA HS yeetly,the bride was presented in.tP&seerer G ceessful mobilization|i }*\ Rains.by her sister,Miss Jessie ane ey hay isSCOVEsre th e me el|i 4 |I Hae LIME 7isSTE RR dakins,Hee 30 At in yy Enelar aE t Aan i yA -When the solemn and impressive S!ttesmen,¢f yetting thesmen to en-| séeesFed 4 .Lol i CEMENT PAmi IS remony was over Mendelssohn’s }st-Should President Wilson have oe S pe p e n p e g e e n s e e o n s 19.8 good thir for your hoy.Me, COOL Rit- OF MANYSe b t e c e s e e s t e c e s e e t e s t e e se a t s at t ) yadding march was rendered as a re-)2°dificulty in getting the boys nee-£:,’Ls 'Serannle essary to make up his new army,we ARG gy a 1 :WatLa)St \ile,NM The bride was beautifully dressed Would resnectfully refer him to the:edi Fea Ee EET ve,‘7°;“AMM n ft he ay?\4 “i ba fy ae aL imy :.:a going-away suit of blue and ac.Me‘mbershin committee of the Men's [Joglis ileal ab gi AMADA A SALE (ChAT EST AYE,lr A |N Dk is ISexoriestomatch.Mr.and Mrs,Bible Class.;mice .:1:ondeiNeanleftimmediatelyandwillvie,Fach man wore on the lapel of hi De SE featell creer Sah tae ctu taeee:.¢aS \<5 n.}|pure THEtUCTA<ok ‘:Ss Casa :*:z j bos :Ages Sworn _oeftseveralSoutherncitiesbeforetheirColtSundaymorningaflowerinhon-ase i the special proceed ited |vod THE OU ALITY W,turn to Elmwood.where Mr.Gillean &”@f Mother.Mr.Dorman Thompson.)ose Mier rfice with greater di am,ordmint + re dandlastsloweer+-ased.v4. a aaeaee ;minutes of the lesson.hour to pay al than other pain Airy Si!ersigned coum: Honre _Burned —Turnersburg most beautifal tribute to moth¢rs SAL E.BY Lear mh a :ae Hon t|States ville Drug»Comp’y, bso,successful merchant.the teacher of the class,took fivs rf Items. rrespondence,of The Landmark. devotion and her faith-)¥;,ft ad bid:milhece)clove whan aneoat ti Lazenby-Hontcomery Hardware Co,,'re hizhest men to live warthy lives for her sake.|Statasville,N.C,ribed rent entnt Quality Pres eee i}Turnersburg,May 15 —We con-First Traet linue to have dry weather and unless Mr.F.A.Sherrill of Statesville EN JOY SCREENS Host’and ott '‘cd filous Wit ETERS TEs CASEeS eeIETANEITTETTDITASETNITIITATPATTI we-have a good rain soon the wheat Wr.J.PY Watt ef Lo :AE SOAS i we tate me eneert,on (be)= and .oats crop will not he a half of L.Moore of Tovlorsville leave her )ston stnke:thene Nero a m0 Eber.through this section.There is today for Orlando,Fia,,to attend,ss WHILE YOUR NEIGHBOR SWATS isles _toa stone,B line:thenee N |rey sof cotton seed still unplanted,as cominissioners of Copcord Presbytery ppypest Rea a es yn en el SAVE Tit!ISK Ol,Dj (RUS and TUBEiN. is no use to plant as dry as the the meeting of the General Assembly a—aes &6 ee Vs ‘lees leanne aa ound is.Corn planted is not doing of the Southern Prestyterian Courch ,ckory:thee S.sl W 1 !sscmweomeomn ens BY good.which meets Thursday.(or WALTHINS seCeES:te :ee he Bo awe NS is Jona Harris,who is gultty ting a’Rev.J.I.)Mor Rion te!2 ae i Bee Iredell Vuleanizing Company will take care of it ating a }Me {‘x {9 th i i i ‘i a * Bes of the land of Mr.t.'services Sunday ;follows:4 T A xX LIS it I}IG,i9]61 sre or all’‘ QO I S I S R T I S S I T E me r t s y r r e y p s : eee enannenar oe eneoenereeneeet ee TE ‘‘olynadte dl Tract <Texirniee at a stor re all Tire troubk ad the misfortune one day tast week PauPs-at lb a.m...Si.Michael’sj wat ge ;Neda aes Vostone ¢uy ,1):1 Inet workmanchin i.lose his home and contents by ‘fire 2!p.m,and Amity at 7.00 p.m.I ore ti trent,natn 4 —sietioene el —tin SN New vlant.Best equipment.Best workman ip. at started from the stove fluc.At the meeting of the First [tr {iil Paevamiteta i ere ain les-to-s white vai:|Save mohey by having your old Tires and inner Rey,J.C.Moc!k filled his regular byte L ¥of the As ROCITALC R f 1y |’,ths,:,ey ‘,a e ie .,.:oe ‘::Me 1 Tbe -c hard for at ;re sert ere pointment at Turnersburg Sunday Presbyterian Church a OVC ESC y ;ae De oe 4 hy :’1 ‘i Cuts suecessfully cht.A laree crowd was out to hear lest week,Rev.G oT.Kerr of Kine’i Se K he eee Ney a Punetures,1 uis suecessfully m.Rev.J.G.Weatherman filled Mountain was moderator.Lanessic:‘4 a eee Gistoner,st ot fn the oa Eerie, is appointments at Hebron chureh 5 C.Was selected as tie place far the NOU GE a “REDITORS Sue es Ee Ee «jzes and makes Aturday evening and Sunday morn-fall meetinge and Rov.I its 5%ike oe >.ley ;ee ;:j and makes,— &.‘of Charlotte was selected as the mac...VE Gres dd,“of the wiate of A -vee a white on Per ‘:Vork done by an expert “ind a guarantee he hind Miss Sara Ann Harris of this place “Pator for that meeting—the »1 Ti on tight sick at this writing.ing October 231.Amone oth :ae ke tre vat : fe"P..C.Inmey has purchased a Mess the Preshytors POD een ttle !'mies thence N.ot Gere,Wea 1 Ww automobile—five-passenger.Mr,20 to be wsed in publishiee tem ye ah BEY os aa eee Sb Teadell Vulcanizing Company,es,Holmes has purchased a ma-ture on tithing to he di i ; ine.His son,Jim,had the misfor-;2Mong the churches Li sce roa rel on the ' eee a ae Sror-_eee ‘1 ¢s 7 TTT.CUETO TATA NOKQITM COTIPT { gi to get his auto hadly wreeked a Mr.BF.1.Middleton,State eres:;ee LEN ULE e Ginn ~a ::eM COURT STREE r,OPPOSITE:¢OURT HOUSE. ieee ;:v ?‘}::|1 Masry |trinyelee r filler .des f ier af fare 0 -days ago but it is under the at-"Y Of Baptist Sundsy cebools,was atc er dona.A.dns,Bool of Dee :. ndanc of.a machine doctor and the First Bante chuvch Samday in Da sayueec Ate May 2%,1 Oia iradellan t caveggda 0 ‘_nea pn sre — ‘os 2 ‘i fie ec icigcaaraipaceae “SOO he able to be v moins.his-oftrenatonpacitvs He titted tha eh Dee aa aiaeeaaeeadaal aa the cleat oinenbtoied bouts.tba ate a TE oe sEesgensuensgseReZesssUsustt322 SUSTSIUSSSESSTATAT ENTS up and gon veut g4get peegsaregisseesgensttsest2itReneSw{a f GA 4 PO ae sold to Phos.Ki TESTU seuimprovementinSimdaycchoolxMA4i,(or |DoS Ae He rey jf east \:abo county commissioners yes-!Rey.C Maddy eel A ,——ee We eee 3,:s s+}Rev.C.BE.Maddrey preach al PXQPERTY!m 9 ry arday ordered that the sheriff look,Jirst Bantisi church &nine (f \q@ ito the matter of automobiles operat ib o'clock,a 3 'dint ee A ue E OU an Das ¢da Is ummer.SS ating a peor Itense and sa Those from here whe will attend‘!mayer,of the estate of Mise A SO Comrmilisinnor,Ta ree te law t was also ordered the Souther:Bw).(Comevernthiasr the mud 'De De Rayrner,RT.Weatherman,Attys.|;Vn , Br mt Cae take\steps which mec ie in Ae le a hones ‘“oe uM a April 18,1916.|VOTE YES!BY BEING AT THE y collect taxes from Jand sold for are’Messrs.J.2B.Ieoece a iemacmiete (itd —r TAVEC ixes and bid off by the county.zenhy,Mrs.W.1.Harris,i y ao fie 4 cies era aceat oe CITY TAXES!A .BO MCHC Ot °° j-—WLicense has .been issued for the Mé Lazenhy and Rey.Dr.Chas.Ander hand provicieag and live glock Sen nen axes are de ant v :y frriave of Mr,Robt.IL Tucker and S¢?-““CL HOR Ae ae pn we be ndvertich:i Wo WSs I @ ey 0 manceissGraceH.Eids ai.GS ;Mayberry Atty.Admr.,i sor@ptly and suve trouble,W.1.NEELY,;.I} Tis jrace H.Eidson.Che Tabor and Selbrar Hasehot !ry CE Tivo axe G aa et c "); MWith 15,000 persons na witnesses;(8MS played at Ccdar Hill Saturday eeumuaawee nec eal :|;sen women and children,aeae ae score was 6 to 29 in favor ou;si aie :oO BENEFIT OF BASEBALLashington,negro boy,who confess-70"Y ‘P i ay‘R (A N \‘|.it to ae assault and murder of Mrs,“Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done Wonders BO CE L M Biig OMP 1 7 ey Fryar,was taken from the.,Homa \R :h FRIDAY MAY 26THirtroomatWaco,Texas,and “T have beena euferer from stomach troub a TA “ACTURERS OF y h ty 9 . EC-:le.for a number of yenre,and alt ‘¢iyrned in the public square."fused a geet aie eae |ier Pe Kiln dried North C aaa Pine.Wholesale and vt 427Nowouts, Tes A a rmplion of sale renths.from drfacreder i of confirm:thion of mort 13 3 3 s s e g e 0 8 3 FF s es e s s e e s remedies reeneGov.Craig will s ak at th nlos-ed for this complaint.S@hamberlain’s Tablets Ney ?“GQ NG , eterssivita for the in the.frHt mediciag fig as riven Peoeas tail..Itstablished in 1:ie Incorporated a:RESERVED SEATS ONLY Tic. oh the’8ist.|cade is aeape bic ;: | ae,ht vena otha aa ee 24 GROw TT.MEY TERS,A dolla®’s worth of fun of your money hack. jyalue them very Witrhly.”Obtainable cers |@ 423 CE4 Pres,ant:Manzagen “Yos r ;|:ze | *|where, ‘Talkng County FAIR and that’s the thing to do—not only talk it but support itin a substantial way,and it will certainly be a success. There will be a committee in*each township on the 23rd.and 24th.and every- body will be given an opportunity to help in this great ENTERPRISE. IREDELL is a good County,and has Jots of -good--people;and-of--course-if-we have a County Fair we want a good one,so let’s be loyal,and meet the Committee with a smile,anda liberal subscription. Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” ‘/fence regard the »\ment as a triumph. between the House and Senate meas-| H)of military training *)volunteer Manufacturer’s Introductory.Offer 25c.long handle,hardwood Brush,for Bath Tub or or Commode,free with 25c.purchase of Spotless Cleanser and the Lustre Box. This 50c.AssortmentFor 25c.3 one-pound cans Spotless Cleanser,regular price 15e.1 large package TheLustre Box,resular price 10¢. 1 large package ‘Jiffy”bath tub or commode Brush,regular price Z0¢,.~EXPLANATION.- This liberal offeris made possible by the ianiiectarerwhousesthisformofadvertisingtoquicklyintroducethesethreeexcellenthousehold.necessities.We areauthorizedtorefundmoneyifyouarenotsatisfied. Only one Jiffy Brush to each customer while they last. Delivered by Your Grocer,Phone or Call Today. The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, ‘The Store of Better Values.” Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,or worthless by-products,but se-lected feed scien-tifically blended forresults.Madebyahousewithareputationfor Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Swect Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Feed. J Gem Sweet Dairy Feed.integrity. C6 W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. ‘Phone 125 Black. fl)without division, ‘Bi metion [Gonmany,Must Ask For Peace. The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System have put amateur photoyraphy within reach of every man,womanand child at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES$1 to $12._Kodak supplies of all kindsin the genuine Eastman quality.- H.B.WOODWARD a4 Jewcler, ‘THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,~--May 16,1916. AGREE ON THE ARMY BILL. The Features of the Compro- mise Measure. A standing atmy of 206,000 fight-ing men capable of being expandedinemergencyto254,000 and backedaafederalizedNationalGuardof425,000 as a_reserve,finally was agreed on by House and Senate con- |ferees on the army bill.The .agree- aes ire The compromise ures was effected after weeks of The min- imum enlisted strength would be at- tained under the’conference agree- f;ment within the next five years and it is stipulated that at no time shall the total be less than 160,000.The conference report also provides turing plants not exceeding $20,000,-°; 000;for vocational education in the regular army and for establishment companies for cilizens whose transporta- jtion,clothing and_subsistence ex- |penses while in training would be paid ‘by the Federal government. |The training camp feature,as final- ‘lv approved,is regarded as compen-isation in a measure Tor tne Federal |volunteer rescrve of 261,000 men i'waich Senate ito abandon on Mor ‘se. insistence from the re provide for a Peete the advisability of estab- lishing government munition plants ‘and a board to recommend mobiliza- |Uion of industries.Authority is giv-len to the:government to seize and op- ernie private munition plants in time of war ' ‘Execution of rish Rebels |Arouses Irish Sympathizers. The most dangerous factor in Ire-land’s sace che bricf rising was put )3 that the punishment of tha re-obéls woul cause a reaction of sym- pathy aimene the warm-hearted and ‘emotional people.This threatened danger appears to be fast materializ- jing. Jchn Diilon,one of ;spected of the Nationalists but often one of the biiterest iuch yule,attacked Vharsday in the House of Commons in a speech which,for bitter denunci- jon,has got heen surpassedTesiminstersince Premicr Asquith days. per sonally Parnell’s has|plebned inio the breach and is tak-unprecedented course_of jour~;hag Us |nevin g to Dublin to investigate the!|sitar ation in the spot. The Marquis of Lansdowne intimat-| ed to the House of Lords that the dis-| larmament of all Ireland would be un-|:n.This would mean the dis-|nent of the Ulster and Nation:le|told in a public statement,the hene- ist volunteers and whether.that can|be done,devends on Sir Edward Car-|The;son and John Redmon more than on|anv other individuals. The House of Commons negatived,{ike this/without,division,Mr.Dillon’s m<ition |prove thedemandingthatthegovernment|should immediately declare its inten-|tion.The House of Lords a:lopted, Lordexpressing government’s management‘with the ol Ireland. |.President Poincare of France in anaddressatNancy,France,responded‘to Germany’s declaration regarding|peace contained in the German replytotheAmericannote, ahrrance does not want Germany to|tender peace,”said the President,“but.wants her adversary to ask forereeThePresidentthenmadeknownclearlytheonlykindofpeace|which would be acceptable to France,Saving in conclusion:|“We do not want a peace whichiwouldleaveimperial-Germany withthepowertorecommencethewar;and keep Europe eternally menaced. ment will be reported to Congress to-|W|day and the measure,the first of the) administration preparedness_bills,is|a;expected to be before President Wil-| R\son for his signature in a short time.r Advocates of adequate national de-| conference.agree-| struggle against an insistent demand| R|from:House conferees for.a standing| army of only 140,000 men. for the government nitrate manufac-| |conferences does not mean,conferees were |forced | Other salien:features of the| board to in-j States;my in-rthe Mexican State of Chihua-| situation which had been ree-)1°! the most re-! antagonists of, the government ¥ at: |mand more convincing proof? Loreburn’s|“ dissatisfaction vestigated, |We want peace which receives fromirtstaredrightsseriousguarantecsof||equilibrium and stability.So long as| So ee ee The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE! As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy:We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberenderedvalueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply to your agent for permit. 2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. 8—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—apply to your agent. Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death. Seema or transfer of property to another.any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. oeé taking of other insurance without notice.8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage. Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contractoftheirpolicies..It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies ‘unless notified.‘Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N C.° REPAIRWORK. Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.Eyes examined free:Satisfaction guaranteed. R.F.HENRY,m Jeweler. that peace is not assured to us;so long) /aS our enemies will not recornize|eo selves as vanquished,we will not,cease to fight.”EESTeR Must.Earn the Degree.| Union Theological Seminary,Rich-mond,will confer no more honorary|degrees unless they are earned.The! |trustees have decided that in future||preachers who wish to become D.D.'s |i will be assigned a prescribed course‘to study preparatory to the weunellofathesisworked.out on some sub-|ject along original lines. The vague of the degrees will thus|be enhanced.In the past they have |been conferred without any test -as|a matter of favor.In fact so many colleges of one sort and another have| scattered them around until they have|been considerably cheapened.ai|Gasoline Prices Manipulated. A dispatch from Tusla,Okla.,says | investigation of reasons why gaso-|line has increased in price from 8 to 22 cents a gallon in eight months,in- dicates manipulation of ‘the supply at, the wells is the cause. According to the experts’figyres| the oil trust will.clear a profit’of| $112,000,000 on .70,000,000 barrels of | crude oil stored away. For every barrel of oil which cossts | 40 cents to produce and handle,the | experts say,the trust will charge $2.- 10.One year ago crude oil was sold| at 35.cents a barrel. Whenever You Need a GeneralTonic | ;)Take Grove'’s The Old Standard Grove’s,Tasteless|chill Tonic is equally valuable as aGeneralTonicbecauseitcontainsthe well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON.It actson the Liver,DrivesoutMalaria,Enriches.the Blood and | |Polk Gray Drug Co., CAN'T AGREEWITH MEXIC0| Conference’Called.Off—Condi-| tions As They.Were.| After almost two wecks ofdiscus-| sion the conferences of -Generals|Scott and Funston and General Obre-| gon,Méxican minister of war,over | American troop disposition in Mexi-| co,came to an end Thursday night |without any agreement being reached.'The whole mattér was referred back to the American and the de facto gov-| ernments to be settled through diplo-| matic channels.| The situation /is almost exactly| where it stood before the conferences began.The Mexican government still |insists on the withdrawal of General| Pershing’s columns upon a certain en |date and wants that to come quickly.It is known that General Obregon hasbeenwillingtomakeconcessionsinordertoreachanagreementwiththeAmericanconferees.He has beenoverruled,however,by the first chief, Venustiano Carranza.and_his advis-| ers.“After practically conceding the demands ‘of the American confereeshewascompelledtoreversehisatti-tude, The following statement signed by Cen.Obregén,Gens.Scott and Fun-ston,was issued somediately aftertheconferenceclosed:{“Wo wish to announce that after everal conferences,marked through-out with conspicuous courtesy and/£00d will,in which conferences mu-jtual impressions were.e:<changed on the frontier,it was agreed upon by|the conferees to suspend the confer-/ences and report back to their govern-|;ments,in order that these may belable,through their respective forteigndepartments,to.conclude thismatter;and that the ending of these| in anyvay.a runture of the good relationsoffriendshipbetweentheconfereesnorbetweentherespectivegovern-|ments.”'It is pointed out authoritativelythattheresultofthevariousfneet-ings in El Paso docs noz mean thatthereisanyimmediatethreatofarupturebetweentheUnitedStatesandMexico.So far as the United is concerned,it is said,its’ar- hon will remajh practically inactive.The only break that ean possiblycome.would follow an attack by Car-“1 troops upon American troops,it was said..It is understood thatCcneralObregonhasbeenwarnedthal.such an attack will be the be-|‘“inning of.reprisals. Ne Increased Pay For Railroads. The Senate and House confereesonthepostofficeappropriation_billhaveagreedtoeliminatetheSenate,emendment providing increased rail-|v pay’on”account of the parcelnost.andsxecepting the amendment}whieh would permit individual postalsavingsdepositsof$2,000 instead ofPDC. THE TEST THAT TELLS!_ Is the Test of -Time—Many| Statesville People Have ede) This Test. Years’ago this Statesville woman “it derived from Doan’s Kidney Pills. statement is now confirmed— testimony complete.Instances are numerous.They doubly merit of Doan’s Kidney Can any Statesville reader de-! It’s Statesville testimony—it may be in-— ithe |Pills. Mrs.L.B.Nicks,302 streci,Statesville,gays:“Y suffered from backache,I was restless at night and in the morning I felt all tired out. I was also nervous had headaches.©Doan’s~Kidney Pils stopped the pains in my back and! made my kidneys normal.’(Stato- ment given March 1,10912.) On Mareh G.1915,Mrs. ed;“T haven’t had to take TDoan’s =aeaney Pills for several years.”\ Price 50c.,at.all dealers.Don’t: simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's inidnéy Pills--the same? that Mrs.Nicks has twice recommended. Foster-Milburn Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. Spring Seventh and dizzy Nicks add- Co,, owers! Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, inprofusion. \Van Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,a@ Kealthfor Sick Women Woman’s Most Reliable Medicine» —Here is More-Proof. SR i Ri RE OD A fe e s ib s To women who are suffering from some,form of oman’s special ills,and have a constant fear of breaking 4 ,‘.Sdown,the three following letters ought to bring hope:— aNorthCrandon,Wis.—“When I was-16 years4 old I got married and at 18 years [gave birth to> twins and it left me with very poor health.Tcould | not walk across.the Neor without having to sit © down to rest and it was hard for me to’kee about 3:and do my work.Low ent to a doctor and he told” me I had:a displacement and ulcers,and would have to have an operation.‘This frightened me so:;much that [did snot know what to do.Haves ; heard of Lydia E.VPinkham’s Vegetable Compounc T thought [>would give it a trial andit made Mo as, oo _dwell as ever.{cannot say enough in favor of thePinkhamreules,%—Mrs,Mayu Aspacn,‘North Crandon,Wis. Testimony from Oklahoma, Lawton,Okla.—-“When TI began to take LydiaVegetableCompoundIseemedtobegoodfornothing,~I tired easily, and had headaches much of thetime and was irregular.T took it againbeforemylittlechildwasbornanditdid.me a wonderful amount of, good at that time.T never feilto recommend Lydia E.Pinkham’s: Vegetable Compound to ailing women-because it has doné so machforine.”—Mrs.A.L.McCasia nb,500 Tave St.,Lawton,Okla. E.Pinkham’s From a Grateful Riaseachurets Woman. Roxbury,Mass.—“T was suit yrom inflain- mation and was examined by a vl ysician who found that my trouble was caused:by a displacement. My syinptoms were bearing down pains,backache, end slugeish liver.i trie a several k inds of medi- cine;.then Twas asked to try Lydia i.Pinkham’sVegetableCompound.Tt has cured me and Tam||{if]pleased to bein my usual good health by using it [o« and highly recommend it.”—Mrs.B.MM.Oscoon, 1 Haynes Park,Roxbury,Mass. If you want special advice write to Lydia zFB.Pinkham Medicine Ce.(confidential Lynn,Mass.Your + letter will be opened,read and answered by a woman and held > im strict confidence.Err ee ea ee See ee Tae oxpublicly- Sp Q cial A.Mattres S. |Mattress Na Notwith 1standing the BIG ADVANCE inMattresses,we are for the present offeringthemat.OLD PRICES. This we will be unable to do ahr presentstockisexhausted..Call early and get choice.e have them cheapest to finestsilkTeloss. ‘Statesville Aaneainante thie Co...j _#PHONE157.4_ -_Better Goods For Less Money. “le!FOR SALE!|e] 186 acres,G6 miles from Statesville, snuce in woodland,level red subsoil, young orchard,two fine springs, or sell on easy ‘terras. 162 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near schools and .churehe s,with 2-story,G-room dwelling,Jarge stock barn and out-bui!good orchard,two branches”running through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in woodland enclosed in pasture, 1123 acres 1 1-4 frem Olin,three-room dwelling,barn_and outbuildings,49 acres in cultivation,14 of which is fine bottomland,balance in fine orginal oak,pine and poplar timber.$2,-G00 cash and balance on easy terms, For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHER,GpXPRA,WEuPANCEPHONE23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLSS BUILDING. 75 acres in cultivation,bal- small dweHing,barn,crib, Will exchange for city property neS55 miles FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING WITH A Thorough Disinfectant...Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken.house,, ‘closets and for general use.° —USE KRESANO,~~ Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE,: ‘PHONE 20.Prescriptionist. Builds up the Whole System,_50 cents,— co n se c r e t e <8 pa p me ha e al i n Patrons of the Lyric y#Gee italia ee Eegl|ponabanioerspatesos tates Seba tcoseaieinatir THE LANDMARK FINALS AT THE Ces God. TUESDAY,---May 16,1916. Children’s Day —Preparing to Dredge—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. May 15—Children’s Day will be ob- served at Snow Creck church Sundoy, s.Colin Jurney and two children siting relatives in)Charlotte. .M,A.Gaither is Spending some time with her son,Mr.J.O.Gaither.Mr.and Mrs.BE.E.Harmon and son, Ralph,have returned from Atlanta, where Mr.Harmon attended a dental college. _Mr.and Mrs.C*M.Creedmore, who were married in Philadelphia May 1,have returned and begun house- keeping in Mr.Creedmore’s handsome country home.Mrs.Creedmore,who is a daughter of Mr.A.L.Fox of this county,has been a nurse inva Phila- .delphia hospital for some time. Messrs.Arthur Harmon and Wm. Dobson.who have been attending school ac Harmony,and Miss Margaret Rickert at Stony ;Point,have return--¢ed to their homes, The land lying along little Rocky creck has been surveyed by Mr.La- zenby.preparatory to dredging. Dr.Fred. Ball. Dr.Fred.Anderson of Statesville, who is.pitching ball for the New York Giants,made good Wednesday in the game against the Pittsburgh Pirates at Pittsburgh.In giving an account of the game a Pittsburgh specia]dispatch to the New York Times says: “rhe Pirates were not getting any runv.In fact,during the entire game only two of them lodged for san in- Stant as near the home plate as third base.Only one passed that corner, and he by grace of Pitcher Anderson, thus saving his team from the hu- miliation of a whitewash.Andersonkeptsteady,and was in distress,and then slightly,in but.one inning—-thefifth. Chautauqua Attractions. Mrs.Heyser met with —the local Chautauqua guarantors —last night and talked over the programme for June 22-28.We are to have lecturesbyDr.Cadman,Dr.Walters,Dr. Green and Dr.Wirt;music by Vic- tor’s Band,Schubert’s String Quar- tette,the Choir Boys of Boston, Strollers’Quartctte,the Bijou Trio; the Mikado and Happiness,a moral- ity play,and Rosani,juggler. It was decided last night to add two new commitices to the former or- fanization—dlecorating and hospital-ity committees. Anderson Pitching “The Spoilers”at the Lyric. theatre will Be delighted with announcement that“The Spoilers,”Rex Beach's thrilling story reproducéd in the silent drama,will be the offering at this populartheatreThursday.It is only in rareinstancesthataproductionofthisécanbesecuredinthesmallercit- jes,so the Lyric is preparing for the yest attendance ever piven a pho-:top ay attraction here.-—ad, CART.DAVIS, -armies in the European war,who fur- nish the brain work for the cam- paign,are all past 60.Spiritually we do not reach perfection until the end—-until life is over and ‘we stand face to face with the Master.Don’t be discouraged—it takes time. Just as the chitd must have proper nourishment to develop physically,so the Christian must feed his seul. Some of them starve their souls for lack of proper food er no food at all. The Rich Fool told of Seripture expected to feed his soul on the woods stored-in barns.The sincere milk of the Word,says Peter.is the food for the soul.If we would become like Christ we huneer for His:Word until we think His thought and speak THis words.As a man thinketh in his-heart-so-is he.The inner life manifests inself in tive countenance, For this development also,the at- mosphere must te wholesome.Im- pure atmosphere,improper surround.: iv are not conducive to develop- me physically or spiritually.Our manner of diving,our friends and nions,the Looks we 7 up our Christian can’t grow in an atmos- phere of worldiiness.That will crash the life of the most robust Christian As exercise is nee irv for physi- ea]development.so it necessary for the development of the Christian life. We musi he not only hearers of the Word but doers.We must practice what is Iearnede Read the Bitte and when you come to a command to do something,stop and co do it.Wher Oliver Cromwe w the statues of he twelve Apostles in the eathedral he had the statues melied and minted into money for circulation among the cople,holding that the Apostles Should be going about amone the people doing rood, Feed on THis Word.live in Tis at mosphere,do His will:toil on.am forward with patience and cocrare, and we will attain perfection in th end, Evening Service at the College. {Sunday evening Dr.Lingle preach- red before the Young Woman's Chri Gian Agsociation of the collece the arvice being held in Hall, Dr.Lingle said he as mary obiect of the Y.W.C.A.was three-fold:‘Fo win all for Chriet.te Cevelon all in Christ.and to train ‘them to go-out and work for Christ Pr ..Shearer Mirsie for Christian service.The —firs$: chanier of Acts and a part of —the (@ghth verse was the foundation for the discourse,and witnessing for Christ was the subject.The Gosne} of Christ.he said,is to be propae not hy theologians,philosophers jlomieians,but by simple wiiness-bear- ing,by simnle testimony.Some ofthemost.ofective witness-bearing is}he Tittle children.Power is given toallwhoknowJesusandwhowillsavawordforHim.Speaking of theoualifieationsoftheeffectivewitness,|the sneaker said one whose testimonyistoheeffectivemustspeakwhathe,knows;not what he has read or hagheentold.but that whieh he has ac-tually exnerienced-—first hand knowl-+edre,The first preparation for theieffectiveChristianwitnessistoknow read,all; surroundings.The umed the pri-|s Moses and Samuel and others of the.Bible prophets were in personal “contact with God before they became efieetive witnesses for Him.Intimate fellowship and companionship with the Master enables us to speak that we do know and testify that we have seen—to preach from personal expe- rience,‘There must be character behind our testimony.-We must have so lived that those who hear us testify will be convineed that we speak the truth.We may speak fluently,but i have not impressed those tu whom we talk we are not heard; if our live pnd we may be halting and broken. in speech,but if there is character behind the words—character that im- po all who see—the halting vill be effective.“What you co loud }can't hear what Q saoremark of Emerson. iv matter of common knowledge hat tenchers impress pupits more by what they are than py what they torch.Dr.Dabney sent his unele, istian,many books u amphiets to read,in the hope of converting:him. igion he told Dr.Dabney it “in the books that moved ras the life of his niece in the fhome with him.Other similar exam- les were cited to show the power and influenee of those who live the relig- on they profess. wants His followers to speak Thousands of parents, “ossing Christians,never say a }word to their children about >;and thousands of —pro- tans never say a word about salvation. what we know and are and iy that makes us effectiv: ;and then we must be in contact with the source of vO If we are active in vw.we wilk receive much tf we do little,we will receive power Not by might nor by ry but by my Spirit,saith the d;and the Holy Spirit is the pow- will receive, oth Dr.Linele’s discourses were ns of unusual ability and pow- {their greatest’strength was « a ha- ’Thyativra congregation,Row- county,“He is now a member of Union Theological seminary,Richmond,and is accounted f the ablest men in his Church, \t the.morning serviee the choir vas composed of teachers and pupils the college.At the evening serv- ice in Shearer Hall Miss Kirpatrick f the music department of the col- ‘ce was at the organ and the sing- was ted by pupils and teachers, yx the platform with Dr.Lingle at ‘he evening serviee were Rev.J.PF,:th,Dr.©.BE,Raynal and PresidentMooreofthecollege. Crap simplicity.Dr.Lingle is {ove ofhnA rity ¢MANUS (HH The A.M.E.Zion Conference,how)ih session at Louisville,Ky.,has re-‘ined Bishop Jd.W.Hood of Fayette- ville and Bishop C.R.Harris of Salis- bury.At this Conference Rev.FE.W, Il.Goler president of ,LivingstoneCollegeofSalisbury,asked to be re-Neved of his duties at that school. {L is announced from Washington‘hat if nothing “unforeseen President Wilson will’h i Saturday,This is positive, oecUrs When the uncle did j5 || | e in Charlotte FOR RENT—Cottage with lights,batha,etc. “M.P,ALEXANDER. Fe +3 We beg to announce that today we are starting our wagons delivering ice. We shall not be able to manufacture for some ten days yet,but in the mean- time we shall keep the city furnished with ice.bytra We shall appreciate any complaints or suggestions that you may have.We have one man whose sole duty is to see that you get your ice as you want it and when you want it,If you are not getting it this way please call and tell us. WE HAVE THE TROUBLE MAN---YOU KEEP HIM We shall maintain prices just as they have been for the past year.We shall freeze all of our ice in blocks of not less than 315 pounds,thus insuring you 2ood,liberal weight Kindly bear with us until we get our plant in operation and we shall then ‘guarantee you complete satisfaction with your ice requirements. @ Iredell Ice and Fuel Company.§ FRANK CULBRETH,Manager Office,"Phone 87. Manager Delivery. Be {ORURUEUTUGGUBUBUBUG aDOwi t DI M MO I QU I RU B E TO U TT T : vide. and maiden who want to TH I E N DI T a Iivery piece well wor PER YARD.Goods th yard. | Yen -—“are | WEDNESDAY THE RED FRATHER PLAYS ~present | “pts PATE OF |THAPPENESS,”) a romantic drama featuring VIOLET MERSEREAU. This beautiful Feature is one of the rare plays that combine strength ©plot and story wita an atmosphere of the finest charm.Dainty Violet ‘icgsereau,the idol of a million fans, loads her lover alony the path of hap- oiness to a strong ciimax that will: clight you.| Ag a mountain maid she plays in a >fountain stream,a la Kellermann,in way that adds greatly to the beauty (the picture.{ ADMISSION 5C.and 10C. THURSDAY— PRANCIS FORD AN’)GRACE CH-) NARD in “MY LADY RAFFLES.”COMING— a MONDAY,MAY 22 ANNETTE KELLERMAN in “NEPTUNE’S DAUGHTER.” eePene ellaten: PTER ES PAE uy “eiSepabeeteseFa) (go Raa cnrTance,STINT rerSHINGLES!—| My father has heen _selling Shingles for 85 years.The Watkins-, es buy in quantities and sell for less.| I have been selling them in.States-| ville for nearly a‘year,and not a cus- tomer has reported a leaky roof.| C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- lell County,Statesville,N.C. May 65. MILLS &POSTON. TOTO NO HOLDOLNOIG.L TALK Dimes Speak Here in A Clear Voice SUMMER DRESSERY | 40 pieces of beautiful sheer striped and figured Lawns and Batiste,28 inches All.good fast wash colors,beautiful styles for the Girls,the matron look smart and summery.They are very unusual.]y ; th seeing and our price to you today is TEN CENTS at you will be glad to buy later on for 15 cents per ee= —— AR 7 we a Da ar Nt EY VE NE T PO a N C NL L Ma ? Ne Si ve r e ts ia t Y Ra r wa d e d Ma n d Ne e NE THE NO-WORK FREEZER WORKS LIKE A CHARM ilere it is—-just the thing you’ve always needed an ICE CREAM FREEZER that does all the work itself—-without a bit of cranking. Just think!All you need to do is pour your Ice ‘seam Mixture into the can,pack down the ice and salt—and forget about it for 15 minutes, then stir it a bit with a spoon—that’s all. After a half hour take off the cover -and presto! There before you is your ice cream —as smooth, and firm as you could wish for!. No work at all!No elbow power or any other power needed.No laborious turning and turning. Nothing-to do but set your mixture —then go off about your work or sit down and read.Your Ice Cream is allready for eating when you want => makes it most enjoyable. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” eu PHONE 400. it—frozen just to the degree of.firmness that *« > “\r 18 WORTH WHILE 0 STUDY THE ADS. se e " A to ee CP ea ea n & ie ne ag ee at 8 ae Te Fe ——————X—X—EE—VOL.XIII. STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,MAY 19,1916.NO 88. me re ~+-—+ STIR AMONG CANDIDATES. One Withdrawal and Many En-tries For the Legislature. Some stir among the candidates, Sheriff Deaton has retired fromtheraceforcountycommissioner,Enter Mr.C.S.Tomlin of StatesvilleandMr,J.T.Smith of Fallstown.Mr.W.C.Johnston of Mooresvillewhois-a member of the —presentboard,seeks.re-election...All the oth-“er members of the present board aré going out.Mr.C.B.Webb of Statesville andMr.J.P.Howard of Union Grovetownship,would ‘sit with the board ofeducation.Dr.F.B.Gaither andMr.D.’W.Lowrance,who are sery-ing first terms,seek re-election.It is understood that Mr.J.WW.Hill,long-chairman of the board,will not be acandidate.. Mr,Z.V.Turlington of Moores- ville,who expected to be a,candidatefortheLegislature,has withdrawnandauthorizedTheLandmarktosay, as was.stated in last issue,that Mr.W.L.Matheson is now a candidate. ‘Mr.J.A.Steele,a farmer liv- ing near Mooresville,announces hiscandidacyfortheHouseandpublish- es a list of endorsers from his home community.Mr,H.P.Grier of‘Statesville seeks re-election to theLegislature.Hon.W.D.Turner willbe_a candidate for the Senate.Sena-tor Dorman Thompson will not seekre-election.Two weeks from tomorrow until the primary and tomorrow is the last daycandidatescanenter, ‘NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM “Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State. ‘Miss.Minnie Templeton,formerly of Mooresville and daughter of the late James Templeton,and Mr.C.P.Moore of Burgaw were married —atthehomeofthe-bride’s brother in Charlotte Tuesday evening.as The hearing of the case of T.C. McCoy of.Asheville,who is underindictmentinArkansasandFloridaforviolationofinternalrevenue laws,has been continued by JudgeBoyduntilJune23. W.H.Perry,.a Charlotte negrowhoenteredaroominCharlotte where hospital nurses slept,was al-‘lowed to plead guilty to second de- gree burglary in Mecklenburg Supe-rior Court and was sentenced to theStateprisonforlife. During a storm Tuesday afternoonlightningstruckapostontheporchofMr.Van Campbell,near Morven, Anson county,instantly killing Mrs.Campbell and rendering Mr.Camp-bell and his 7-year-old daughter un- conscious. At a meeting held in Morganton to create .a stronger sentiment for theenforcementofprohibitionlaws,Judge Lane was one of the speakers for law enforcement.His honor must have seen a light since he last held court in Iredell. At Salisbury Tuesday Glenn Ra- born,11-year-old son of B.F.Raborn, was shot when a pistol in the hands ‘of Glenn Mann,9-year-old son of J. E.Mann,was discharged.The woundisseriousbuttheboyisexpectedtorecover.* =At Kenansville,.Duplin county, “James Lunsford,35 years old,fired a load of shot into his wife’s breast, killing her instantly.He then placed the muzzle of his gun to his breast. pushed the trigger with his toe and fired a load of shot into his own body, causing immediate death.No causeassignedforthedeed. Gov.Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania will be the speaking attraction for“-.the North Carolina Teachers’Assem-bly,which meets in Raleigh the last week in November. -_Phe~-Enterprise says that Mr.James Newton Dellinger of Stony <--Point,74 years old,who was a New- ton visitor this week,was the firstchildborninthattown. W.M.Durnin,about 40 years old,was thrown from a_motorcycle atMt.Airy Sunday and received inju-ties from which he died in a short-time.He turned aside to allow an -gutomobile to pass and.his machine went over an embankment.Mr.Dur-nin was from Pennsylvania and was employed by the granite company atMt.Airy.: Twelve negro women,employed intheMonroelaundry,assaulted Wesley ~Helms,proprietor of the laundry,the »trouble growing out of insubordinationonthepartoftheemployes.Mrs.Helms was in the laundry at the time and she shared in the assault.She guffered from a nervous collapse and“badly scarred face and hands for Mr.‘Helms was the extent of the injury. The commencement of GreensboroCollegeFor-Women took place thisweek.Rev.Dr.Thos.N.Ivey of‘Nashville ‘preached the annual ser---mon Sunday and President Henry N.»Snyder of Wofford Collage,S.C.,de-livered the address Tuesday,A por-trait of the late Rev.Dr.B.F.Dix-/on,former president of the college, was presented to the institution by‘the alumnae. Germany,through Count von Bern- 'gtorff,has instructed all German con-guls in the United States to admon-.ish German citizens in''their districts >to scrupulously observe American|laws.This was done in an effort toendvariousallegedviolationsofAmericanneutrality. John A.1oMaekie,75 «years _old,.dropped deadoh ‘the ball room floor|at the Confederate veterans’reunio_at Birmingham,‘Ala.He lived inBirmingham. LOVING CUP,WATCH,CANE Remembrances For Supt. Thompson—Events of the Re- union at the _Graded School Last:Evening—The Reception Tonight —Annual |Sermon Sunday and Graduating _Ex- ercisés Monday Evening. The;attendance at the first of the closing exercises of .the .Statesville‘Public “Schools last’night’was:large. The programme was in the nature of a reunién,of former teachers,pupils, school board members,etc.Mayor L. C.Caldwell,a member of the firstschoolboard,presided. The exercises were opened with musié by the school orchestra and theinvocationbyRev.W..A.Lutz.Short talks,reminiscent and paying desrv- ed tribute to the good work of Supt. D.,Matt.Thompson for the 25 yearsoftheschiol’s life,were made by for- mer °principals—Messrs.John N., Hauss,Walter Thompson,H.E. Craven,A.T.Allen and W.G.Harry; former pupils John Lewis,Fred.H. Deaton and J.Paul Leonard;and Mr. W.T.Nicholson,former member of the school board.Mr.Z.V.Long,a former pupil,who was to have talk- ed,sent regrets.A poem by Mrs. Amelia Hoffmann Kaufmann,a_for- mer pupil,was read by Prof. Craven,In behalf of ‘the teachers and pu-pils of the school,Prof.M.E.Yount. presented Prof.Thompson a loving cup;in behalf of the-school board members,past and present,Prof. J.-H.Hill presented him a cane;in behalf.of --former—graduates—of—the schoo]Mr.W.Herbert Hoffmann pre-sented him a gold Watch;in behalf of the teachers of the colored graded schools Mayor Caldwell presented him fan unopened package.~All of these Prof,Thompson accepted with a heart ful]of gratitude and acknowl- edged due crédit to the people of Statesville and pupils for what suc- cess he had made in his work. Today from 10 to 2.80 o’clock the exhibits of the pupils are’open to the public. This evening in the graded school auditorium,at 9.30 there will be a re- ception to which are bidden former and present members of the school hoard,former and present teachers. former graduates of the school andthepresenthighschooldepartment. The number is necessarily limited to provide for the company.Recitations and musie will be features of the eve-ning. Sunday morning at 11 o’clock Rev. J.Harper Brady,a graduate of the school,will preach the annual sermon in the school auditorium. Monday evening at 8.30,the clos- ing exercises by the graduating class, award of prizes,certificates,etc. Three or four citizens (who nameless now because of their mod- estv)will make short talks. The marshals are Stuart Cowles, chief;Edna Sherrill,Clatidia Wil- liams,Flake Sherrill,Sara Steele, Frank Meacham,Jas.Alexander, Mabel Pressly,Wm.‘Davis,Sara Nooe,Rachel Watt,Margaret Tom- lin,Roland Lyerly.Wm,.-Moore, Irances Armfield and Armistead Guy. To Jail For Stealing Bicycle. Clint Brown,a white boy aged about 16 years,from north Iredell,was committed to jail yesterday after- noon by Justice Lazenby in default of $100 bond for the larceny of a bi- cycle from the Polk Gray Drug Co. Brown plead guilty. The bicycle was leaning against the wall on,the outside of the store and disappeared.A party had seen a young boy,-wearing—a—eap—andblie- overalls,ridin the wheel.With this clue Deputy Sheriff Gilbert and Chief of Police Kerr started out to look for the thief.In west Statesville they found a boy answering the dscrip- tion had gone out the Buffalo Shoals road,tracked him to the river and caught him just after he had crossed the bridge.‘The boy was disposed to give the officers trouble.When they arrived in Statesville he refused to get out of the automobile.Mr.Kerr did get him out and started acrossthesquarewithhim.The boy swung back and the officer had to struggle with him.Deputy Gilbert went toMr.Kerr’s assistance and they quiet- ed him.After his trial he went to the jail quietly. Thrown From Buggy and Hurt. “Messrs.N.D.Tomlin and‘Pat Leinster were thrown from a buggy Wednesday morning and painfully hurt.They were going out the Tur- nersburg road in a buggy and when a few miles out met a_driverless wagon.The two vehicles collided, the buggy turned _overand Messrs. Tomlin and Leinster were thrownout.Mr.Tomlin landed on his head and was unconscious for a_little while.No bones were broken and no serious results expected.Mr.Lein- ster was not so badly hurt. For Greater Navy. In deciding upon the increases ofthenavy,the House naval committeehasvotedtoabandonthe|five-year programme recommended by Secre- tary Daniels and to recommend that five battle cruisers,to cost $20,433,- 531 each,four scout cruisers,ten tor- pedo boat:destroyers,20 submarines,one hospital ship,one oil supplyshipandoneammunition'supply ship be built during the 1917,fiscal year, Miss Mary Graham of Charlotte, assistant ,superintendent of Mecklen- burg schools,has accepted the presi- dency of Peace Institute,Raleigh, arey THE COLLEGE GRADUATES Award of Prizes and Diplomas —The Educated Woman Mast Know to Cook and Sew,Says Dr.Currell —An Interesting and Able Address—End of the .College Commencement — Changes in Faculty For Next Year, Statesville college commencement closed’“Tuesday~evening with the-ad- dress of Dr:W.S.‘Ctrrell,the award of prizes,and the presentation ,of diplomas to the.graduates. The J.P.Caldwell English medal was awarded:to Rosamond Clark,the Wood Bible medal to Margaret Deal, and the McDowell Music club prize to Mary Spratt.Miss Spratt is -fromFortMill,S.C.The others.live in in Statesville.Rev.Dr.H.M.Parker presented the English medal on be- half of the donor,.Rev.Dr.C.M. Richards presented the Wood medal and Rev.Dr.Raynal the McDowell prize.The Caldwell English megal is given by Miss Janie Caldwell.in memory of her brother,the late Edi-tor J.P.Caldwell.The Wood medal is given by the children of the late Rev.Dr.W.A.Wood as a memorial of their father. Certificates were presented to seven.young ladies who had completed the domestic science eourse—the’regular course prescribed by the State-—asfollows:Hattie Giles,Sparke John- son,Rosamond Clark.Resa Holding, Evelyn Sadler,Rachel McLelland, Verdie.Miller.President Moore of the college,who presented the certificates,then pre-sented the diplomas to the graduatesasfollows:Ruth Ratcliffe Cochrane of Huntersville.Margaret Krider Fleming of Woodleaf,Cordelia Watts and Rosamond Clark of Statesville. The latter graduated in both the B. A.and B.S.courses. “Dr.Currell’s Address. The first event of the evening wastheaddressof.Dx Currell,which was. preceded by anyorgan number by Miss Kirkpatrick of the music department and prayer by Rev.S.W.Haddon. Dr.Currell,now president of the University of -South-Carolina,..wasformerly.a member of the facultyOf| Davidson College,and some of the men who were students under him at Davidson were present to hear him,President Moore was a pupil of Dr. Currell ‘and his introduction appropriate.::|“An Educated Woman-af Today,” was the subject announced by Dr. Currell.He said he always announc- ed a text,so the péople would know of his! former preceptor was’graceful and! what he was to talk about,but he ad- mitted that he didn’t always adhere, to the text,and in this connection; told'the story of Dr.Dabney’s remark|to the young preacher,whose “trial”|sermon he had just heard—the s¢r-| mons that are a trial to everybody.| Said Dr.Dabney to the young man:| “Tf your text had smallpox your ser-|mon wouldn’t catch it.”| There have been-educated womenslmostfromthebeginning.The}Queen of Sheba,Cassandra,Queen} Elizabeth,Elizabeth Barrett Brown-! ing.and George Elliott were namedas | examples.The education of women, is receiving more attention today, than ever and will receive still more, attention after the ’European war. Whatever we may think of Germany, German efficiency is-admitted and; that efficiency is the result—of educa-| tion.Germany has had compulsory| education for a century and has a} lower per centage of illiteracy than! any other country.-Educating women} doesn’t mean to teach them to play, a viano,to paint a picture,or to be! able-to-say that Shakespeare was the! author of Hamlet.and that Milton wrote Paradise lost;nor does it mean to teach them ingenuity and artifice. They know these by instinct.~All that is learned should be put into practice..The power test should be;beyond the ‘memorv test in our edu- cational system.‘The women should: be educated for vocational service.| No woman is educated unless she can} cook and sew.If a girl ean make} her own clothes she can have more and} better clothes—-the cost.of making being saved.Jt is all rieht for younr women to learn’bookkeeping and stenography.but life is more than : living and the training —in college must be for life. We forget much that we learn in college:and we ought to forget it; for bigger and getter things crowd in. Why learn things to forget them”? The wisdom of all the ages has agreed to put certain things in college courses and all stirdies teach us two things how to pull apart and how to put to- wether;how to gather un detached facts and reason from them.‘Thisis_the fundamental process that youwillneedallthroughlife.Tt is not the what but the how that is impor- tant in education, When the high school is finished the knowledge gained is contained in a small circle.‘When the college “ourse is finished the circle is enlare-|ed,bat outside of that circle is the! ereat exnanse of things we don’tknow.Edueation above all should, teach the lesson of humility.The more we.know the more we know we) don’t know,There is a lot more out-|side your head than inside.+ } aDon't| vride yourself on your knowledge. Education is to increase our mar-! gins.Learning anything thoroughly|helps,'té thotoughness and to success. Get the habit of seeing things as they| are andi hot.as.:they,oucht to be. Don’t’look:through colored glasses: Gearn how to reason from given facts| to a eonclusion.Thinking is a rare | (Continued on Eighth Page.) ‘perculosis. ‘camps in good ,session of that body DEATH MRS.W.W.TURNER, Funeral Yesterday—Mr. Wil- liams in New Hope,Mr.Max- well and Others, Mrs.Mary Elizabeth Knox Turner,wife of Mr.W.W.Turner,died Tues-| day afternoon about 6 o’clock at her home on,Davie avenue,Mrs.Turnerhadsufferedfromheartdiseaseforseveralmonthsandseveraltimes during that period“her life was de-}spaired.of,-Yor-the-past few months she had heen either in bed regularly or in a volling chair.Tuesday hercondilionwasconsideredbetterancshewassittingupin-bed,talkingwhenthefinalsummonscame. Mrs.Turner was a daughter of the late D.F.Knox and was born in’Row- an county March 26,1846,being a little beyond 70 years old when:shedied.She and her husband kived inChambersburgtownshipuntil.they moved to Statesville about 20 years ago.She was an unusually good wo- Man and greatly beloved by herneighbors.Surviving are her hus- band,three sons—Messrs.Jas.L. Turner of East Monbo,D.E.and Marvin Turner of Mooresville—and one daughter,Miss Margaret Turner, who lives at home. Funeral services’were held yester- day morning at 10.o’clock at thehome,conducted by her pastor,Rev. Dr.C.F.Raynal,and the interment was in Oakwood cemetery. large number frotn~Mooresville were here for the funeral.Othere here were Mr.J.Chap Turner of Turner of Chase.City,Va.;Dr.J.M. Turner of North Wilkesboro,Dr.J.P, Turner of Greensboto,Mr.and Mrs. J.'G,Turner of Winston-Salem,Mr. and Mrs.D.W.Turner of Morganton, Mrs.C.S.Tomlin left Wednesday evening for Columbus,Miss,,to attend the funeral of her nephew,Mr.Jno. R.Maxwell,and to visit her sister,Mrs.P.J.Maxwell,who is seriously ill.Mr.Maxwell died Wednesday at noon in New Mexicv,where he had gone several months ago for his health.Hie was about 40 years old and is survived by his wife and one child. He was a nephew of Mrs,Tomlin and Mrs.W.H.H.Gregory of Statesville.Mr.0.G.Williams died on the 11th -at-his home in New Hope township, aged about 80 years.Interment at Prospect church Friday,12th.Mr. Williams,who was an uncle of Mr. M:CG.Williams of “Statesville,is sur-vived by his wife and four’children,“Me Jatter are:Mr.Vance Williams of Wilkes county,Mr.Robt.Wil- liams.Mrs,B.E.Weisner and Mrs. Ed.Sloan of Iredell,Mr.Jesse Motgan,formerly a tel- egraph.operator with the Southern, died Sunday at his home at Cleve- land,Rowan county,a victim of tu- Wife and two children survive.Funeral and interment at Cleveland Tuesday. Next Reunion in Washington. Washington won the honor of enter- taining the United Confederate Veter- ans in 1917 by a close vote at ‘the close of the reunion in Birmingham Wednesday night. _General George P,Harrison of Ala- bama was elected |commander-in- chief to succeed Gen.Bennett Young of Kentucky. The desire of the old Confederate soldiers to parade down PennsylvaniajavenueandbereviewedbythePresi- dent of the United States led them to choose ‘Washington,D.C.,for the 1917 reunion city.Tulsa,Okla.,and Memphis-—received the next highest votes in the order named. Ernest G.Baldwin of Roanoke,Va., was eleeted commiinder of the Sons of Veterans over Garland P.Reed of Norfolk, The-report of the committee on cre- dentials showed there were nearly 900 standing with 1,760 votes represented in the convention, It was stated that the annual de- credse in membership due to death averaged about 14 per cent. There had been suggestions that the reunions be abandoned,but the veterans wouldn’t hear to it. Baptists at Asheville. Rev.Dr.Lansing Burrows of Amer-icus,Ga,,was re-elected president of the Southern Baptist.Convention at the opening of the sixty-first annual in Asheville Wednesday.afternoon.The opening ;session was taken up with election of ‘officers and presentation of reports of the various boards controlled by the Convention—ioné being the Foreign Mission Board,which recommended that the Southern Baptist Convention ‘decline to enter into a union with oth- cr denominations in foreign mission {work.The Covention later will vote ion adoption of this report and others presented.;At the opening session 1,375 dele- ‘rates were present.Dr.Burrows received 720 votes to 655 cast for M, {H.Wolfe of Dallas,Texas,a layman President in Charlotte Tomorrow The President and Mrs.\Wilson, Private Secretary Tumulty,Dr.Gray-sof,the President’s physician,and other prominent citizens of the State and nation will be in Charlotte to- morrow,along with many thousand lesser?lights,--Fhe—President’s train is expected to arrive in Charlotte to- morrow about 10.30 and the Presi-dent will speak at 12.30.He will re- turn to.Washington tomorrow eve-ning. The celebration of the 20th beganinCharlotteyesterday..and will con-tinue.through today and .tomorrow.Gov,,Graig and other State celebri-ties will be present and many compa- nies Of State militia will help to makeupthefeaturesoftheday.° THE IREDELL FOLKS WON. Supreme Court Decides An im- portant Case in Favor of Ire- dell Commissioners —Temple- ton Wins From Air Line. The most interesting case in the Su- preme Court decisions handed down this week,says the report to the ‘Greensboro News,was:from Iredell with J.A.Fore,receiver of the Pied- mont Lumber Company of Charlotte, plaintiff against M,.A..Feimster and!for two months or more,is now.at théothermembersoftheboardof-Iredell ‘commissioners..The judgment of the ‘lower court,in.favor of the Iredell commissioners,is affirmed.Justice Hoke writes the opinion,He j states the case.‘The defendanst en-jtered into-a contract with the Solomon j Construction Company that the latter would supply all materials,ete.,for the construction of a county home,at {the contract price of $23,000,the con- struction company giving bond in the lsum of $8,000 to save the county harm by reason of non-performance of the stipulations of the contract;that the home has been built and paid for ex- cept-a~small-ameunt which has been! tendered the plaintiff and refused; that during the performance of theworkthePiedmontLumberCompany furnished to the Solomon Construction Company.certain materials and sup- plies to be used,which were used in said building,and there isa balance due for same of $622.65;that-the con- struction company is insolvent and that the plaintiff as receiver of said company brings the present suit to hold the members of the board of com- missioners personally liable for thedebtonthegroundthattheyfailedtotakeabondtoprotectthematerial men and laborers as required by the acts of the Legislature of 1918,chap- ter 150.The judgment was of non- suit and the plaintiffs appealed.”Judge Hoke cites the statute which requires that every county,city,etc.,which shall let a contract for build- ings,etc.,shall be required to execute a bond with one or more solvent surertiesandiftheofficialsofsaidcounty, town or municipality,whose duty it is to take such bond shall fail he-shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.He con- tinues:“The conditions of the bond being taken only to save the obligee,that is the county of Iredell,harmless by reason of the défault in complying .Kportance. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, «Mrs.©.L.Murdoch haw.been pe- riously ill for some days. -—Hon.W.D.Turner suffered a se- and was in bed for a féw days, ~-{Mrs.R.H.Brown of Amity,who was.operated on at Billingsley hos- pital a few days ago,is getting along all right.—Mr.C.A.Hamner,who has been under treatment at the Sanatorium home of”his daughter,Mrs.°3.~M. Walker.‘ —Mr,R.©.Bunch,trustee,Tues-day sold the H,H.Blaylock farm, two miles north of town and:contain-ing about 24 acres,to Mr.N..D.Tom- lin for $1,945. -——Mr.and Mrs.L.B.Patterson tooktheirttetleson,Edwin,to Charlotte Wednesday and he was operated onforanosetrouble,He and his moth- er will be there for a few days. —tLicense has been issued for themarriageofMr.Like Myers and Miss Addie C,Honeycutt,They were mar-ried in the register of deeds’.officeWednesdayby’Squire Lazenby.i —Friends of Dr.Jas.K.Hall willbegladtoknowthatheisrecovering dicitis.He was ‘operated on in a ago,Poca —Mr.Bruce Elliott has .boughttheHenrySummershomeplaceinShilohtownshipfromMr.Watt Sum-- mers,the consideration being about$3,000.‘There are 60 acres in the tract.He—TIredell Superior Court convenesMonday,Judge B.F.Long presiding.There are onthe criminal Rocket.64minorcases;and 60 cases on the civ-il docket,but none of any great im- —-The Retail Merchants’.Associa-tion meets tonight at 8 o’clock at théCommercialclubrooms.-Del:to the meeting.of the State AssoctioninWinston-Salem June 21-28willbeelected.a —The exercises attendant.upon theunveilingofthemonumentere to the late Knox Elliott by the Wood-.men of the World,will take place atNew:Stirling church’Sunday after-noon at 3 o'clock. —Mr.J.D.Cochrane returned Wed- with the stipulations of the.contract as how.advised,..the bond does not! seem to extend or apply.to the claims of the material men and laborers for services due them from the contrac- tor.’Manufacturing company vs,An- drews,165 N.C.,page 285.The ques- tion presented is whether the mem- bers of the board of commissioners, as individuals,should be held liable, to plaintiff,a material man,for fail- ure to take the bond in terms requir- ed by law.”Justice Hoke adverts to:the statute which holds that one who,is a public officeholder is individually, liable for special injuries in conse- quence of failure to perform its duties, nesday from Birmingham,Ala.,wherehewenttovisithisson,Mr..JD.Cochrane,Jr.,who was severely.burn-ed by electricitya few days ago.Young Cochrane is getting along all days yet. -—-Among those who will graduateintheCharlotteSanatoriumSchoolForNursésarethreeIredellladies—Misses Hester J.Hill,Cora :LucileDearmanandMaryBelleKing.ThegraduatingexerciseswillbeheldnextTuesday--evening...Miss-.Dearman is vice president of the class.ae ~The Iredell Blues and local officers Hipp vs.Farrell,169,pages 551-555. “It has been held that where an act of the Legislature in reference to a’ corporate body in its terms imposes, a corporate duty,the individual is not. held’responsible .unless by statute.” “The entire body of the law is ap- plicable to this subject,”Judge Hoke} concludes,“but in pari materia is to be construed as one and the same statute and the fact that the Legis- lature having created:the personal liability in one case and failed in the other is equivalent-te—the Legisla= ture’s declaration that in the latter instance the liability does not exist.” The Supreme Court also affirmed the judgment of the lower court in the case of Raymond Templeton vs. the Statesville Air Line Railroad. Templeton;a youth,was employed; on the Air Line railroad construction| work and was run over by a dump| cart and his leg broken.He sued for $5,000 damages and a jury at the last term of Iredell Superior Court gave him $1,000. Trustees of Davenport. Rev.J.I.‘Kirk and Mr.Dorman Thompson were in Lenoir Tuesday to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of Davenport College.They found that the institution had had a rood year with 135 students enrolled.! Mr.J,B.Craven was re-elected pres-| ideht and all the old faculty retain-' ed.Mr.Thompson was re-elected chairman of the board of trustees and| Rev.Mr.Kirk secretary.Mr.Thomp-| son of Statesville,Rev.L.‘T.Mann of} Charlotte.Rev.Dr.“H.K.Boyer of| Winston-Salem.Rey.C.W.Byrd of; Greefisboro and Rev,C.-M.Campbell; of Lenoir were elected an executivecommittee.| of the North Carolina National Guardleavehereonaspecialtrainthisaf-ternoon for Charlotte to participatein.the celebration:of the Twentieththeretomorrow.On the special trainwillbetheWaynesville,Asheville,|Morganton,Hickory and other compa-nies west’of here. —The,drought in Statesville wasbrokenTuesdayafternoon.by a fineshower—not as much as was n rsbutagreathelp..The rain was notgeneralbutextendedquiteadistancein,some directions.Showers have fal-leh in various localities in the Statewithinthepastweek.and there is nowhopethatageneralrainfallwillsooncome.;we—Little-Jas.Ward suffered a slightcould easily have been_more:serious,The little fellow had gone in the gar-age at the home of his father,Mr,J.W.Ward,to open the door =for hisbrother,Paul Ward,to back the ma-chine —in. brother was out of the way but thecarstruckhim,knocked him:downandpassedoverhislegabouttheKnee.‘Only slight bruises.resulted: ~-Enough members have.been se cured to make certain post graduatemedicalclassesinMooresville-and Statesville,under the plan mention-ed_in The Landmark «—week-ago.The lectures will begin about July 1st.The Statesville class numbers 14 members and there are about as ma-~ ny at Mooresville, Baseball Begins June19—Mor- ganton,Statesville,Kannapolis. It is finally agreed that the Western Carolina League will be and that-wearetohavetenweeksofbaseball,beginning June 19...This decision nicely from an operation for appen-| Richmond hospital about two weeks right but will be laid up for ‘several © injury Monday _night.that:.. Paul thought his little The trustees stayed for the annual,Wa8 reached at the meeting in.Mor- concert Tuesday night and it is pro-!ganton Monday mn which Morganton, nounced one of the best college con-'Kannapolis and Statesville were rep- certs ever given,__________-_|resented. vere attack of kidney colic,Tuesday Wake Forest Commencement./teur ball,no one who has ever.played At Wake Forest College commence-|#&2me of professionat ball being per-ment this week academic degrees Mitted to play in the league,Thewereawardedto106membersofthe|President of the association is to be |class of 1916,the largest graduating elected from a town that is not in theclassinthehistoryofthecollege.| Among the recipients of honorary de-; erees was Rev.M.L.Kesler of; made a D.-D. Among the graduates were R.C,} Tatum of Cooleemee,J.G.Booe of |Cana,L.R.Call of Mocksville,L.P.|Hendrix of Advance,N.J.Sigmon of Hickory.— The grand lodge of Odd Fellows;in session at Wilson this week,named!High Point as the next place of meet-' ing.Guy Weaver of Asheville was elected deputy grand master, Tennessee Democrats,have renom-inated Goy..Rye as his own successor. \ \“McLaughlin pitche league and the president of the associ.ation of each town will compose the ~*directorate..Professional |umpires permitted to join:the league up toJune19,The number on each teamislimitedto12andthesalaryforeachteamisagreedupon..fWednesdayafternoontheWest EndTigersplayedtheEastEndBugsagameofbaseballandtheformerwon—10:to'6.The batteries were FrankMcLaughlin.and Cowan MeNeély!for./the Tigers and Bub Smith and i iBradleyfortheBugs...The saythegameofthe:season”.and “McNeely.did some:fly. catching,”eet Ca f The decision was for purely ama-_ Thomasville.an Tredell man,who was|Will be employed and other towne are <:;.: tah T the "pro N VARIOUS TOPICS. A feature of some of the celebra- tions of Memorial Day is vocal mu- *gic.At Mooresville this year war ‘gongs were sung by a quartette.The singing of war songs by a chorus wouldbe not only a diversion at thesegatherings,but would.addmuchtothepleasureandinterest. The addresses are.all right,but of necessity they must cover largely the -game ground year after year,and sometimes,it seems to The Land-mark,we depend too much ona speak- er to furnish all the _entertainment for our public gatherings.Singing by a chorus and a few recitations would helpmuch,| Members of the Methodist -Episco- pal Church (usually called the North-ern Methodist in this part of thethecountry)who play .cards,dance and attend the theatre will'no longer|be liable to expulsion if recommenda- tions made by a-sub-committee-of the General Conference,which has been considering the question of amuse- ments,are adopted.By a vote of 10 to 8,the sub-committee recommend- ed the elimination from the Book of Discipline of the clause prohibiting these amusements,and offered as a substitute an additional paragraph in which warning is made against the diversions.The effect of the propos- ed change is to remove the absolute prohibition,but to place the Church| on record as still strongly opposed to| these forms of amusement.. The sub-committee doubtless took the view that as the prohibition is dis- regarded by many Church members it is just as well to get it off the book entirely;and the same view could be taken as to worldly amusements by| all churches. ®** Dr.Albert Anderson,superintend-ent of the State Hospjtal,Raleigh,|“gued Dr.R.L.Holloway,a practicing physician of West Durham,for $750,6,for the care of his wife for a period| of three years,and was awarded| $525.This verdict was the first test of the law of March,1915,authorizing ,the enforcement of the collection,by State Hospitals,of the cost of main-| tenance of non-indigent insane pa-tients.Under the law,patients com-| mitted to the hospitals for the insane| are liable for the actual cost of main-| tenance,if they have an income over-and above the amount “requiredto | support those dependent upon them. It will readily be seen,by takingthought,that comparatively few peo- ple have such an income.A man may be well-to-do as we gauge wealth in this part of the country,but if he be- comes insane and is taken away fromhisbusiness,it is often the case that, the income he provided ceases with! his activities.For instance,a farmer|may have a $10,000 farm and make, .Some money above that required to support his family.But if he is re-! moved from the management of it the place might not make enough to support the family.The valuablepropertywillbethere,but if it does not produce a surplus above that re- quired to support the family,underthelawcollectioncouldnotbemadefromthatsourceforthesupportofavatientinahospitalfortheinsane. So with any other business or profes-| sion.Sometimes a son or daughter of ,wealthy parents may be a patient, but if the patient is of age and has no income of his own,he is not legal- ly a charge on his parents and in such cases cost cannot be legally collectedfromthem.Thus it will be seen thatcomparativelyfewpatientscommit-ted to the hospitals for the insane are pay patients under the law;and this explains why in many cases patients of apparent means or of a_family of means are not.on the pay list.Un- der the statute.as made and provided,they are not liable.Sometimes a patient who had no income—or such an income as the | law_requires to make hima pay pa-} tient—owns property which produces no income.In case of death of such patient the law provides that action may be brought against the estate to collect cost of maintenance for fiveyears, eS 2 “The Wake county grand jury,” says the Greensboro.News,referring to the going over the Wake inquis- itors gave the management of Wake’s county business,“seems to have fot the notion that it really had some du- ties to perform.Strange idea for agrandjury.” _It ‘is.unusual.Usually the grandJurorspassonthebillssentthemandJetitgoatthat.They visit countyinstitutions,pass through the roomsofthecourthouseandsay“all'swell.”Their inspection of county in-stitutions,such as the jail,countyhome,convict camp,etc.,is some-times worth something.It is not in-frequent that grand juries get afterthemanagementoftheseinstitutions.But the visit to the court house officesisthebiggestfarceatall.Of thisvisittheyusuallymakea_reportnnpeethis: e visited the county offices andfindthebooksneatlyaacorrectlykept.”,That is the form and it is follow-ed because it is custom.The grandjurorsdon’t know whether the booksarecorrectlykent,whether—the—ac-counts of the officers are correct.They can’t know in the nature ofthings.It is often the case that nomanonthegrandjuryisfittedbyexperienceortrainingto.examine thehooksanddeterminetheircorrect._ness.But if there were expert book-keepers and accouitants on everygrandjury,they couldn’t make in a-few minutes or a few hours ‘the ex-amination it would require an expert_days and weeks to make properly.The Landmark has long hoped to sce.the day when some grand jury wouldbreakthecustomandstatethefacts.Instead of going through the farce of»Walking through the county offices,thegrandjurorsshouldn't make the vis-i it at all and.in _their report they“should write a paragraph reading af-r teree ns::e n’t visit the county offices,Members of this body,are not prop-“erly qualified to make an’examina-tion of the accounts and if,they wereQualifiedwehaven’t the time to make Ai nner examination.--it-ie-#-faree- to ene vhecagh the offices,glance,aty a book or at a statement prepared by the officers,and say the accounts are correct,Instead of this so-called examination,which.is worse |than useless,we recommend that the com:| wicitners employ expert auditors to audit the books at least once a year. |A few reports like that from grand| |juries and there would be “something| |didding,”as Col,Fairbrother would | }SAY:eee | GOES THROUGH THE cbse Rural Credits Bill Through Both | |Houses—Differences.to Be! |__Adjusted in Conference.| |he Glass rural credits bill,pro-| i viding for a Federal farm loan board| and a system of 12 land banks,pass- ‘ed the House of Conigress Monday by la vote of 295 to 10.A similar measure ||has passed the Senate,andthe differ- ‘ences will be worked out soon in con- |ference. Little opposition was encountered |by the bill,which was piloted through | \-the-House by Representative Glass of Virginia and”Representative”Phe-| lan’of Massachusetts.Under_its} ‘terms the land banks would lend| money to farmers at not more~than '6 per cent.interest,through local| loan associations,on mortgages that |would be used by the banks as the basis for farm loan bonds. There are many differences be- tween the Senate and House bills to be adjusted.The Senate measure would authorize loan associations| |with unlimited liability;the House would not.The Senate would limit| loans on lands to 50 per cent.with no recognition of improvements.The ‘House proposes to grant 60 per cent. on land.values and 20 per cent.of value on permanént insurable im- ‘provements. The Senate proposes that no loan shall be made if the-three members of the.local loan..committee are not unanimous in their appraisement;the Hause would require a majority re- port of the committee.The Senate makes the minimum loan of $200: the House of $160.‘The Senate would— charge borrowers 10 per cent.interest on all defaulted payments;the House would charge only contract rates.The Senate would require local associa- tions to make good all defaults with-| in 80 days after notice from a local bank;the House would provide a special reserve to protect associa- tions. The Senate bill reauires advance {payments on ‘the principal in sums of $100 or multiples and the House $25 or multiples.The Senate’makes the aetual earning power of the land a principal factor and the House makes the agricultural value the principal basis of appraisement.-Under the Senate bill local associations would be required to hold 25 per cent.of net earnings of borrowers,while the House would require all net earnin®s to be paid to borrowers as dividends. Mr.Kitchin Pushes Ship Pur- chase Measure. The administration shipping bill |was taken up in the House Tuesday funder a special rule,which fixed 4 o’clock this afternoon for the vote on |the measure and any amendments. |"Republicans generally are against the bil!and Democrats for it.Ma- |jority Leader Kitchin,who had not been counted on to champion the bill, spoke vigorously for it,and told the ,Demccrats if they would stand _to- |gether it would be passed.He said. ‘too,that if the majority attended /Steadily so as to maintain a quorum, Congress might carry out the legisla- ,tive programme,pass all the appro- |priation bills and adjourn by Julv 20.',Representative Alexander of Mis-; |souri,chairman of the Merchant Ma- ‘rine committee,outlined the provis- ions of the bill,which would create a shivping board of seven members with wide regulatory powers similar to\those of the Inter-State Comrnerce Commission over railroads,and put ‘at the board’s disposal $50,000,000 for purchase or construction and op-(erations of ships to upbuild the mer-1jchant marine. ‘Three Get Death Sentence—Two |For Second Time. For the second time Melvin Horne, formerly deputy sheriff of New Han- {over county and at one time in good ,circumstances.was found guilty this ;week in New Hanover Superior Court,: ,of the murder of D.L.T.Capps,a! |white man.The Supreme Court gave| |Horne a new trial after a former con-'vietion. |When he heard the verdict of the ;jury Horne became very angry and|fought everybody in sight.Several ||Officers were bruised before Horne,‘was finally overpowed and returned;to jail. |It is quite remarkable that at the'same term of of New Hanover court;two men—the other a negro—should|have been convicted for:murder asecondtime,after the Supreme Courthadgrantedeachofthemnewtrials.||Three men were sentenced to death,at the same term of court.eeeeeeeeeeeEcee-anne ‘Senatorial Courtesy Triumphed.| |The nomination of George RubleeofNewHampshireasamemberof|the’Federal Trade Commission hasbeen:rejected-by the Senate.Senator’|Gallinger,the Republican leader,had}opposed the nomination for 15‘months on the ground that Rublee|was “personally obnoxious”to himandthepowerofthesenatorialcourt-|esy tradition was so great that he||won his point by a vote of 42 to 36,inspiteofavigorousand_insistent(fight by the administration for con-|firmation, |Mr.Rublee,‘who.has been servingjonthecommissionsincesoonafterit|was created,‘will lose his post and|draw no salary for his workjtheSenate’s action|Five Republicans vot|firmation and /against it. |TT ||3 ao Whooping Cough.°|me o @ most sue iBesteGatdiseaseGSChee ae itineSoebieen:Blandon Springs,|’.r baby had whooping coughjasbadasmostanybabycouldhavejf,1}i he ot mains Cough Remedy and |wire x him well,Obtainable every.| unlessisreconsidered,|ed for his con-|14 Democrats voted 9 at 4 ‘at his home ing debris. ;my cough is entirely cured,and I have ——of Interest About_Matters,> An official statement issuédlinsaysthatduringthem tApril,96 hostile merchantmen-of 22b,- 000 tons were sunk by German and Austro-Hungarian \submarines’or mines.cin at aiPhebodiesofCharlesAYGood,a student aviator,and Louis Krantz,a mechanician,--missing--from.---the~hy-; dro-aeroplane H-7 after it was wreck- ed on the 11th by a plunge into the| Potomae near Mount Vernon,were found in the river Monddy ‘near In- dian Head,Md.,os William Stanley,an inventor who Items ‘contributed largely to the develop-|ment of the electrical industry,died|at Great Barrington,| Mass.,on the 15th,aged 58,The elec-|trical transformer and the alternating; ‘current system of long-distance light| }and power transmission were among| beaA 5 4 |Tenacious Tires ———_—ofblack “ soem:etacaRRREAC DBI Vem ot em the most important of his inventions.|J Sales of cigarettes manufactured‘in the United States increased .1,484,- '000,000"itr the “first “quarter:of ‘this year as compared with the Grst three. months of 1915.This is an ‘ine¢rease| “of 41.8 per cent.and represents the largest gross tobacco business of any corresponding three months’,in the history of this country. ( The Attorney General of Virginia’!3ihasnotifiedtheAttorneyGeneralof West Virginia that on June 5 he will|} file with the Supreme Court of -theUnitedStatesawritofexecutiondi-recting the United States marshal to levy on the property of the State of West Virginia to satisfy the Virginia debt judgment,which amounts to ap-. proximately $13,000,000.|| Two American residents ofsTampi-|;co,Mexico,who claim to represent 200 American citizens of “Tampico, have seat a telegram to Colonel The-odore Roosevelt,through the *Roose- velt Non-Partisan--League,expressing the hope that he will be elected Pres-| ident,and offering financial.aid to help &long the pre-convention cam- paign.;| The mob at Waco,Téxas,~which took a negro from the court roomandburnedhimonthepublic’square of the town.was considerate enough to wait until!the negro had.been tried and the death penalty imposed. The Inw officers had not of course provided for the emergency;jor themobcouldnothavetakenthe.pris- oner from the court house. Germany,in a note presented to, Secretary Lansing by’Count von Bern. storff,warns neutral governments that merchant ships flying neutral flags must obey the provisions of in- ‘ernaticnal law in regard to their con- duet when stopped by a German sub-marine,and that they.incur danger shoulda they turn ¢heir ships in the’di- rection of a submarine,which maybetakenasapurbosetoattack. ‘Fourteen men were killed and about 30 injured Monday in a ~terrifie-ex-— plosion at the Repauno plant of the du Pont Powder Company near Gibbs-| town,N.J.Three buildings were wrecked.The list of dead included the assistant superintendent foreman of the plant.Many of those killed and injured were outside the buildings involved,being hit by fly- Jo.Grant,alias Frederick Brown, a negro convicted of the murder of Jesse L.Durst at Johnston,S.C.,in April,1906,was electrocuted at Co-lumbia Monday.He protested his in- nocense to the end.Grant was un- der arrest in Philadelphia three years ago and fought extradition through the United States Supreme Court,onthegroundthathewouldbelynched! if returned to South Carolina. Gov.McDonald of New Mexico has granted a reprieve of 21 days to sev- en Villa bandits under sentence to be hung at Deming,N.M.,today,for first decree murder for their part in the raid on Columbus.The reprieve is to enable the Governor to investi- gate the circumstances of their con- viection,as requested by President Wilson.In.the event there is no fur-ther action the men will hang June 9.I.Bundanis,the lost trooper *ofCompanyA,Fourteenth cavalry,wasfoundMondaybyCaptainWood,aminingmanof Boquillas,Mexico,wandering,half dead from thirst andexhaustion,in the woods 35 milesnorthofBoquillas.The soldier wasdementedwhenfound.He was amemberofthesmallgarrisonatGlennSprings,Texas,at the time oftherecentraidandhadbeenmissingsincethen. JACKSON,MISS,MAN Tells How To Cure Chronic Coagh Jackson,Miss.—‘‘I am a carpenter,and the grippe left me with a chronic cough,run-down,worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups withouthelp.°1 read about Vino)and decided totryit.Before I had taken a boitle I felt better,and after taking two bottles gained new vim and énergy.’’—JoHN 1. DENNIS.. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic,guaranteed for coughs,colds and bronchitis and for all weak,run-downconditianaW.,F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. W.DS HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same._Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and Guns repaired and Keys fit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline. Phone 209, G.WATKINS fr “Everything to Build With.”Full Stock—Lowest Prices,Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,—Siding,Boxing,Wouldings Laths,Lime,Cement,ete,;Next Planters’.Wh-,Statesville, and |= jfare of the community;and the court hereby| GOODRIC ¥ 4 *.e 5 Mae°¢peryoneatarar a p r ‘‘WIKE a Pup to a Root,’’do they hang onto theEarth,.when aon throw in the Clutch,or‘throwo#the Brakes.But,—instead_of net Rene against._saidParaereneinetoit,much asourbarefootclinslipperysurfaces,This new and vephderral Goodrich ‘‘‘BarefootRubber,”is as stretchy almost as a pure Rubber band,—-Light-weight as Rubber in its native amber color,but stronger,tougher,longer-wearing (in Tires)pure Rubber could ever be.:That Lightness,Stretch,and CLING-quality isdue,in part;to the absence of the heavy and inertwhitesubstances.which,in other‘Tires,-provide-the~gritty texture designedtogive effective but grindingTraction,when Clutch or Brakes do their work,To provide its maximum Traction with minimumFriction(which means minimum Heat,minimum 'Tread-Wear,pen leesenaie Seer on the rubber adhes- ive between fabric layers.)——That’s the Mission of the new Goodrich ‘‘Bare-foot Rubber.’’How well it does this work,—how much more Resilience,Comfort-in-riding,and Mileage,it gives,—may be realized only by test. age ee ; °e,eo : ae AREFOOT RUBBER”can be had in Good-rich Safety-Tread Tires,—Goodrich Motor- Cycle \Tires,—Goodrich.Bicycle |'Tires,— Goodrich ‘Truck Tires,—Goodrich Rubber Boots,Overshoes,Soles and Heels,and in no other make but Goodrich.:Get a sample of it,et the nearest Goodrich Branch or Depot today.—-Stretch it thousands of times,but teer its fibres you can’t.cea :With all this,—observe that the best Fabric Tires in America—made of this TENACIOUS “Barefoot” Rubber,—cost you no more (and usuallyless),than or- dinary Tires made by other responsible manufacturers, No ‘‘larger-sized’”’Tires (taken Size for Size andTypeforType),are made than Goodrich \Black-TreadTires.Why,then,should any Business Man pay more than the Goodrich ‘‘Fair-List’’Price,for any Tire, until he has at least tested one pair of these new‘‘Barefoot’?Rubber Goodrich Tires ? THE B.F.GOODRICH CO,Akron,Ohio.Sm . —BAREFOOT”Tires | \yay_Lasting*''Legibility_ MultikKopy gives copics that rare beautifully neat and that arc really permanent, Tn bluc or black,Multi-Kopy never fades. Multikopycopiesoftenrivaltheoriginalin cleanliness and legi- bility.MultikKopy issurprisinglydurableandcconomical,, Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.C. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. .PHONE 55. 114 East Broad Street.’ SNOW CREEK DRAINAGE! In the matter of Snow Creek Drainage District.H.S.King pt al.vs.Wm.Bailey et al.Notice:Landowners ot Snow Creek Drain-age District will take notice that the prelim-inary report of the Board of Viewers has beenfiledinmyoffice,and having been examinedisfoundinproperform.The court finds fromtheViewers’preliminary report that the drain.age is practicable and wil benefit the publichealthand:be conducive ro the general wel- appoints the 27th”day or May,1916,at 10 BEAT IT,beat it,little car, 5 inaS As it passed the first man cussed,While the second merely fussed; Climbing all the hills on high,But the last man said,they say,-Passing all_the others by.It won’t stop,it’s a “Chevrolet.N.W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT,Statesville,N.C, How I wonder what you are, LaValliers,Neck Chains. LaValliers,Solid Gold,from $1.50 to $27.50.We have some very neat LaValliers with small diamond at $5.50 each.Wealso havetheLocketsandChains._We also have Neck Chains from $1.00 up in 10k and from $2.50 up in 14k Gold.R.H.RICKERT &SON, JEWELERS. Commercial National Bank OF STATESVIJ.LE,N.C. |Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 ;Surplus and Profits —-31,500.00 o'clock,a.m.,as the time when it will furtherhearandconsiderandpassuponsaidprelimi-nary report.It is further ordered that a copy of this order be posted at the Court House door and ‘at five conspicuous places within theDrainageDistrict,and be published in Th »Landmark for two consetutive weeks..This,the 6th day of May,1916. (Signed)J.A.HARTNESS,Clerkspeeyeeeee-WANTED!- SCRAP BRASS--Heavy Bras §7c.per pound,Light Brass 5:;.perFORSALI: New-and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies,TiiatC.H.TURNER. Iredell Phone No.74,Bell Na 7. |Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.I Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remainingon deposit three months or.longer.-. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER)..=E.MORRISON,’+~Vice President, D.M..AUSLEY,Cashier, President, BUILDING?“C,WATKINS.|§TO S S OO O Re S e e e e s s a s e e e re s e e d ee e s O s e s e s E e e P e S e e e S S e e e s e S E S e S e S O P O O P O D »@ KK.HUGHEY,-AssistantCashier, eSPETITITY TITELIes LITELITSITI TESTESSLIT TESeT eeee Teese a eee eo e Jfound.Ycine for aan and “.does them more - sythptoms. ~Black-Drau ‘eke Peay U SS Seana rm eo %oe 2 ey.ellALTALAL D PROGRAMME,1016,|What Will-Be Offeredatthe ~SERIOUS SICKNESS, a dads a ontammmmaee ;aN*WyBagCnty Sod Wika El" Rracatien Sopemmeemeend ~Thedford’s Black-Draught, *TraiVailsufferedfor.severa)ae8a a Mes,J 2 Whittaker,0jCc.~headache,—stomach trouble.o }Ten years3 afriend told-meto try‘'sBlack-Drag t,which did.to.be.the bestfamily medi- Trai CHARLO’ ane am iy a es‘PrainNo.24ar.9.26,/leaves 9.20m‘laylarsyille, Train*No.-16-a) Nos,23 and 24 are not Statesville Chautauqua Next The»Statesville Chautauqua’guar-antors and patrons have learned totakethewordofDr.Paul M.Pearsonatfacevalue.In the two years oftheirexperiencetheyhavefoundthathehasneverfailedtoliveuptothecontract;he has given @ in tmatteroftalentthanadvertiséd,andthefinecourtesyandpatient‘consid-“peration=given-to~every-requestof the{local committee has won the hearts ofanwhoe-had.dealings withthe centraloffice.}|The public will be delighted to know|that Dr.Pearson is to visit the:South- nd,due °,6.05lydue8:25lLdue10:26,due 10.35}4,due Lislo,12,east-bound,due 6:55 p,»<6,east-bound,due 10.60 —p,TTE AND TAYLORSVILLE r.9.60,leaves 10.85 «, PP r e e r SE E E R R E = in Ni Dp. ar.10:00,Waves 16:40 9r.6:40,leaves 7:05’p,operated on Bunday. Fro 8 i m. m. n No.2 m, m, old.Hitenom,and wheneny asian,te“ROW en my children feettlebad,’they ask:mefor a dose,itnoregoodthananymetheyevertried.We never have a long spell of sidk.|thenessinourfamily,since we commenced |byusingBlack-Dratight.’?|busThedtord’s Pack:Draught is putely)vegetable,and has been found to:regu-Jate weak stomachs,.aid digestion,ree,lieve:indigestion,colic,headache,sick.stomach €‘It has.been in constanthan70years,and ‘hthanamillionpeople. Your druggist selfsit.PriceRackageto-day,FRESH Go0Ds * dicing had But »And.similag|nojaga and recommends °*!!only 25c.Geta BGA):T |for Peanut Butter,Pickles,Fresh Cakes,Fresh Wafers andCheese. .Tid-Bits:will make adandy,spread for apicnicouting.Get allthisandmoreat Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St Pr FOR YOUR |Picnic Lunch}|han ——WE HAVE — |off Potted Meats,PottedChicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,Sandwichlives,Datenut Butter,|)eanut”Butter,~Loose-Sweet Pickles,BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges,Come in and see whatwehave.Eagle & Milholland. ~ 4 chir 'out- parr |Everything. andit}.There was a time when young men cuse to throw the blshoulders..of.Sir wind,nausea,|erime to.buy whiskey;whe t use for more |largely removed,youngasbenefitedmore|@8tray cannot excite,vi;;they once could excite by romanti- ;merchants to send out aofstuffandsénd¢|wor Jo.Walker,a|farmer,dropped dead whiedoutontheporch{Was 65 years old(2 family.”|‘iemeeenne ean|ture,“The Burden o t '}TheBirth of a Nation,f scster'stei The mosé gigantic Pho.to-play spectacle of thecentury,The Clansman by Thom-as Dixon, road thisryofthe Southland.50c.§R.P.Allison’s Book Store. a thoroughly mo Lazenby-Montgomory Hardware Co., /ern circuit thissenson ‘and-the-toea}‘committee has assurances that hewill‘be in Statesville for gne day duringChautauquaweek.Here is a messagesenttoRey.J.F.Kirk by Do.Pear-son:.“You may say.to the States-ville Chautauqua friends that thislyear’s programme is the bezt We havepresented,It is the bést in variety.|\No two hours are alike,yet the pro-gramme.is-the best.balanced...ThenumbersfittogetherlikepartsofYour‘automobile,making’one going ma-\chine.It is the best in quality,You‘may take my word for it now.By theend-of Chautauqua |week you willknowitforyourself.”But here is the full week’s pro-woman |gramme; |Thursday,June 22——Afternoon pa-rade ending at the tent.Concert,phones |Boston Choir Boys.Evening—Con-small amount cert,Boston Choir Boys.Lecture,hange for a bill,“phe Conquest of the Arctic,”Dr.:Greensboro Sroceryman Lincoln Wirt..45 a few days ago.|Friday afternoon—Concert;!’Vic.Cleveland county tor’s Band.Evening—Concert,.Vic-en he walk-|tor’s Bad,Juggling,Rosani,after-breakfast.|Saturday afternoon—Concert,Schu-and is survived by \bert String Quartet.Evening—Con-jcert,Schubert String Quartet..Lec- f the Nations,”|Dr.Thomas E.Green.Sunday,8 yp.m,,.at tent—Music byQuartet.Sermon.by Green,|Monday afternoon—Concert,;The|Strollers Quartet. The Strollers Quartet.|Morality Play, jlege Players. Tuesday afternoon—Goneert,-Bijou Trio, ‘Bijou Trio.Lecture,“Makers{America,”Dr.S.Parkes Cadman.Wednesda ;Mikado troupe,lest Chance in the)McGee Waters.Evendo,” In addition to the above named Little Excuse For It Now. to pass a dozen bar rooms a doz-times a day;when ‘the State andcitysanctioned.whiskey drinkinggivingwhiskeyalicensetodoiness.Then there .was some ex-ame:on the broad,John...Barleycorn,in these days when it is aimost anthereare entiment is temptation is men who go the sympathy saloons;.when public sinstdrinkingand y talking about “Wine,song.”.J he change artist,who.tele ked a$3. Founded on You should'ofastoundingsto- World,”Dr.N.ing—“The Mika- WHAT’S THE USEringontoold-time,:‘d-mixed paint,that will soon chalk|Will give the usual afternoon,lecturésanc‘,Whe :yia»When you can get |will present 2 bright,new play,“Un.[cle Sam’s Experiment,”on some af.;terneon during the last days of ‘the|Chautauqua.Junior tickets will be sold to chil.jdren this year up to:the age,of 15;years.The morning hour will bedevoted,as in former years,to theJunicrChautauqua,to which only the‘holders of Junior tickets will ‘be xd}mitted.:The platformithisyear’is to be dern,scientific,ma-1e-made PURE.PAINT that willcoverandout-last lead and oilntandcostyoulessmoney? FOR SALE BY superintendent forDr.William Byron‘Forbush,He is a Southerner,hisspecialworkhaving:been in behalf ofboys,and is widely oknown as theloriginatorof“The Rnights of KingArthur,”an ofganization that has en-rolled over 400,000 lads.His lectureswilldealwiththeboyproblem, Statesville,W.C. THE Ip Statesville patrons will be delightedattheannouncementofthereturnofTheStrollersQuartet,These youngmenreceivedfromourcommitteea resh Vegetables | ROVALHEATER The“‘Royal’’is a Range |Boiler and Water Heaterincombinationandisdesigned(o take theplaceoftheold-fashion-ed method of attaching :an independent heatertothesideofan:ordi-nary range boiler, The ‘Royal’?can beinstalledatasupris-ingly low cost and will ifurnishhotwaterevery|hour of the day and_night et an expensewellwithinreachof:the average house own-|er—or-renter,| Installed by in In fact all fresh vegetables M.P.Alexander &Bro. “Return Vote”after their appearanceheretwoyearsago.Dr.S,Cadman has the same record with theStatesvilleguarantorsonhislectureoflastyearon“Life in Modern Baby-jon.”But first of ali in the hearts:ofStatesvilleGhautauquafansisDr.Pauh M.Pearson,and the chairman ofthecommitteejsalreadyplanningt Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans. Potatoes, Peppers. hematterofarrangingwithhim,if pos-sible,a lecture on the day he is here.Everybody will await with eavernoess‘the announcement of “Pearson Day.”‘Since the programme was preparediforpublicationnewsofthedeathof,Dy.N,McGee Waters has heen re-ceived,His place‘will be supplied bnamed.) season, y a lecturer to be eerie Savage and Civilized Warfare.-*|Monroe Journal. The Sanitary Store. W.E.Munday.| 114 EF.Broad St.Phone 56. OU WOULD HAVE SALADeveryday,if you once triedY aeSS_ AG eral It.is choice enough for the finestsaladdressing,as delicious as anyoil‘you ever tasted,and so muchcheaperyoucanuseitforcooking,too.It makes a «mooth,deliciousmayonnaisethat“stands up”.wel}and pléases everybody.We've got anything you want to‘make a salad—ag well as Wesson Miller McLain SupplyCo. |_.The mark _between-savage and_civ-jilized warfare heretofore has been|the treatment of non-combatants,;The savage slew all,women,childrenjandprisoners;civilized.men 1 pect-jed the lives of -all except those“actu-j ally fighting,and these were spared;¥pon surrender.The present war has|Seen the introduction of two weap-;ons that cannot be used effectively inofcivilizedracecordancewiththerules;Warfare,the submarine and the Zep-ipelin.The submarine,because of its|nature,when used against merchant|vessels,must destroy them in a wayithatiscertaintobeaccompaniedby‘loss of life of non-combatants.The*|Zeppelin,because of its size,dare notapproachenemyworksindaylight,j and So must act at night,when it is|impossible to distinguish between for~|tifications and peaceful towns.Acroplanescanflybyday,and,though(their bombs may miss the mark and|destroy a non-combatant,the opera-|tors can at least see what they are}doing,and confine such acts to a min-:imum.::|If a Zeppelin were to destroy a fort,}an army or an ammunition plant,it|might be within the rules of civilized|warfare.But to drop bombs indis-|criminately in London,Paris or Ber-oe \lin—for there is nothing to.preventcriesoYithealliesfromusingthem—-is {o ree Newest,quickest train to Texas! Leaves Memphis 9:30 p.m.Arrives ‘Dallas 11:15 a.m.Arrives Ft.Worth 12:50 noon The only line operatingsolidtrainsbetween MemphisandTexas Cotton Belt Route all the way?~no change of cars,no missingconnections,orning.trainleavesMemphia9:408 m.Trainefrom:the -Southeast connect atMemphie. Low Fares toTexas;LoulsianaandNewMexico. H i.Sutton,Diet,mas.Agent, 109 W.9th Street,hattanvora, we ks +a“-pois ol DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan andSavingsBank.Office phone494.Residence,451 Black.‘*Lretar listin WOOD and GLAZED DOORS ~~:Windows,aan ete Bal I,E{aay Buds “Moulding;Door and}ptBidsm5»and Locks;Sash |(CiHiiCanad:Building Paper,|7CompositionSRoofing,sedG..WATKINS,next..to,McElweo’s |/¢s ; Planters’Warehouse,Statesville,N,C.|C. A tagg CPE Siire Paha ea iaaevat. I will be at my offiée,in the Court Honse|during the month of Ma i vert to the extreme savagery.i NIST.CITY TAXES!eer ereenarctemmaee,CATARRH CANNOT BH CUREDwithPOCALaEIERTIONS,os theyA"1 LCAnyat reno!the ,seat of the disease.ar ty for the urpose of Catarrh Js_a blood or constitutional dis~g the City Taxes for 1916.The law re-|ease,and,in order ty cure it yon mustallpropertyowners’to list their prop:|ine’internal remedies,Hall's «CatarrhJuringMay.So please calt and make,Gure Is tatcen Wnternallv,and acta di~nas early as possible.i rectly on the blood and nucons surfacesW.J.DAZENBY,|Hats Catarrh Gore ty nat a quaekList-Taker.|madictie,ft woe Preserlbed by one of|the best physicians in,this eonntry for)veara ona ts a regular preseription.WtidaSomposedyorthebestfontesknown,(OM bed wth the best btood purifters,i Aeting diresthy on the /mneobs|surfaces);The pertects eombinktion “prCo)Ne Bae thethatente ff what produceswu)SVeh Wondertal resulta:tn onring |Las|tarrh,-Send «for testimonials,free.BJ.ON ENEY &CO.”ProveTaledo,“Sold by.Drugetsta,Price y 2,1974. —4. very Foot of My Flooring ingy!‘Aeathorboarding,Boxinging/‘and ‘Step-Plank is worlkalfeullstockatall;ahd it coatsandWILLLASTLONGEST!.WATKINS,‘States¥ille,“N.CG,Bho t= more ‘in’the” Evening—Concert,| A Chautauqua|“Happiness,”The Col-| The.Evening—Concert,The| y afternoon—Concert,The|Lecture,“The Great-/ old-fogy,features the platform superintendent | and the Junior Chautauqua children| Parkes | or the programme} iT J To-Killthe-eir Eco.{nomic:Value,|Manufacturers’Record,The importance’of conserving bird:life:is gaining recognition through=||Outthe country in a practical way.!re from-the-considerations which:;ha¥e actuated.lovers of nature to SCx!cure protective legislation for bird,life,economic reasons for pre-venting the slaughter of birds’are ap-pealing to a wider circle every year,tn some.States an official bird day hasheen.designated by”thd GOTT,when in all sections of the State Aud. | ubon societies,the “‘Kehools and”bird 3 SA.WANTON,HASTE.Birds——The ~Alw SNES nye ays keep in mind that we are headquartersfor high class builder’s . termnaan lovers generally are urged to observe!=;the occasion in-a-manner-that will he:of benefitto the birds,the-farmers’great friends. } {Matter of general knowledge that thecrops,the fruits and the flowers aredependentupontheworkdoneinthe|destruction of insects by the birds oftheair.It is coming to be underStoodthatofallthechoicemeatsServedon:American tables,probably | } ;the “most expensive-is bird,whether =it be bought at a fancy price or giv-en by a sportsman friend.For ev:ery ‘bird killed thousands and evenundreds‘of.thousands of insects thatwouldhavefurnishedbird’food hadthebirdslivedarelefttodestroyveg:etation,thereby increasing the priceoffarmprodyetsbyincreasingthecostofproductionandlesseningtheSupply.The powder and shot that gotokillanyoneofagreatnumberof 4 [ such birds as partridges,doves,kill-=deer,reed birds,larks and a host of(others,destroy many times the mar-ket value of the bird in truck and sta-ple crops,‘||Another respect in which birds are|i helpful to*the farmer is by the check|on weeds they maintain,It is a well-established fact.that a dove,for in-!;Stance,makes hi&diet almost entirely,{on harmful weed:seeds and consumes!{but an ineonsiderabie amount ~of:jfrain or vegetable seeds.Examina-|tins by Department of Agriculture|biologists revealed in the stomach of}one dove 9,200 seeds of seven varic-|ties of harmful weeds,in another 7,-||500 and 6,400 -in-a third —4 seeds!_enough to grow a fine forest ofweeds,| Candidates For Legislature.|Progressive Farmer.|Once again -we should like to urge’farmers to interest themselves active-|ly in getting good men nominated and.elected to office this year,especially||a8 members of the Legislature.One!‘great trouble,which works mightily |to the advantage of special interests |‘and to the injury of the people,is thatwhilewehavethousandsofalmostun-!necessary public officials paid good!Salaries,yet the most important pub-|‘lie servants a State can posibly have,'lits law-makers,in most cases receive|j hardly enough to pay board,room and.washing at.any first-class hotel.Thenaturalresultisthatmenwhohave|ino axe to grind-find it a sacrifice to:;f0 to the Legislature,and are sin’|likely even to run unless the people|‘brine pressure to bear to make them.|g|This situation,of course,nrakes jt;1easy for railroad corporations,big in-||Surance companies,and other special|jinterests to elect their attorneys,|agents”and officials.Usually thes¢interests make a snecial effort to canizretheSenate.When the Senate isfilledupwithrepresentativesofor-|ganized wealth,it doesn’t matter how?|manv good men the people elect to|the House,for the Senate will then |;Send-any progressive Trouse measureitoaneverlastingsleep. Resolutions urging the State De-|partment to expedite the shipment of|15,000 tons of analine dye said to heavailableinGermany,and asking|Congress to revise the.tariff on knitigoodstoprotecttheAmericanman-[|ufacturer,were adopted at a mect-jing of the National Association Ho-‘sierv and Underwear ManufacturersfinPhiladelphia.||Col.John P.Kerr,private secretn-;ty to Gov.Craig,who was.ill forjimanyweeks,has reeovered ‘and re-|/sumed his duties,much to the grati-‘fication of his friends,:t iJames A.Stecle Endorsed For the|Legislature.\We the undersigned DemocraticvotersofIredelleounty,feeling thatitisjustthatafarmerrepresentwis”fin the Legislature;endorse James A.|Steele and pledge him our support:J.R.Brantley.F.A.Cloaninger,J.)|B.Houston.D.W,Lowrance,W.P.Carrigan,J.B.Alexander,J.2.|Powers,J.L.Powers,L.E.Powers,1C.L.Moore,J.T.Templeton,W.A.'Sloon.T.C.Reaty.R.A.Stowe,J,|PY Harvell.J.Marshall Deaton,S,GC.iLandreth,J.E.Williford,J.W.Neel,|LE..B.Brawley,J.C.Shimpoek,C.1,i Farr,C.A.Troutman,3.A.Stewart,|John W.Jones,J.-A.Craven,W.H.)Linker.J.W.Orten,C.E.Hawthorne,|{R.M.Culp.P.M.Barber.1.A.Cher-;;P%W.P.Carnenter,R.W.-Troutman,(EB.Johnson,W.M.Neel,W.D.Gil-more,E.D.Beaty,J.W.Butler,J.F.|Campbell,E.D.Corriher,L.L.Hon-jeveutt,J.iF.MeGraw,A.F.Brown,G,|HF-Coone,R.W.Freeze.*J.A.White,|W.S.Flowers,FE.&.Gibson.J.Fred/MeNecly,James ©.Donald,J.A.Al-}exander,A.VM.Turner.W.J.Harvey,IT.P.Coone.W.L.Cook,D.E.Turner,j J.H.Metelland.W.R.Hartness,W.1D.MeLelland,George ©,D.M.Cresweil,G,Cress,John F,}7 Fairchitd,3.-F-Wieeins JD.Cran-4ford,D.K.MeNeely,J.lL.Harris,|iJohn T.McNeely.T.L,Ervin,Cc.P.||McNeely,J.A.B.Goodman.J.Da|Mijls,AON.Johnson,&.P,Orders,R.|HH.Baker,W,1,Jamison,C.P.Taw.j tance,R..B.-Templeton,H.P,Bell,T.J.Williams.U,Robinson,8.1|Frontis.A.E.Belly Georee W.Hawn,|Tr,8.Fleming.W,M,Freeze,|Miller,¥ R.M,McNeely, nnLS fort McKnight,G.G.Adama,|Jas.H.Deaton,D.-M,|Brown.W.G Coodman,J.P.Ken-|nerly,J.BE.MeKey,Jas.A.Brown,|.W.L,Brown,T.W..Kistler.2,Vi!A loxander,M.Sample.J.Me,Sample,(POG.Johnean.R,FB.Rraptlor W.B.||Hartis..C.G.Hoover.IT ©.Johnson,|FG.Deaton.John V.Barve,Ry C,|McConnell,KN.Toward 8.Cr ha!toh.RoC.Davidson.C.EK,Molchor,.)UW...Lentz,D.%.Gray,W,¢.John-|son,7 1.Bradlov.C.0,Rovers,Zeb,|Deaton.Jas R,Hill,Jas,1.Cashion,|ity Ht,Walters.—aud,i1Serene2 ony Goodman,|§ R.0.'8 hardware;-Doorg,Sash,Wood--and~ Metal Shingles.If you contemplate Value of bird life is becoming more|zandmorerealized,and it is now a building this season,we believe it will be-to your advantage to cover your house with our Gulf Red Heart Cypress Shingles, ih jLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co: ALeAaRMyiitmyfiiantonHiiA :ee FEMCKEE&COMPANY :Money Saving-Prices, values,specially IALS~—In all ithe newWeareshowingquite.Dress. One case figured Voils,8¢,to 10¢,priced at 7c,per yard.SUMMER-DRESS MATERplainwhiteandfloraldesigns.;an extensive line of all that’s late in cool,gauzyFabrics,. SLIPPERS AND PUMPS—Every pair of Shoes “inourhousesellingatoldprices.One lot of 100 or morepairsinbrokennumbers,to'close out,Priced 39¢.,48¢.,7c,and 98c.a pair.Almost all sizes in the lobe sasBiglineofwashDressesandSkirtsatlessthanmaterialandmakingwouldcost,.Very trulyJ.M.McKee &Company,|STATESVILLE,N.C,os tt {}1 Me + Shoe Repairing. TI Have your shoe repair work done by our expert shoe repairer.It only takes"him 15 to 20 min-|utes to tack or sew ona.pair ofhalf soles."Plenty of comfortable seats—you can have work done .°MELwhileyouwait. tee tid In town shoes calledSlafosforanddelivered.hth Remember we shine shoes free,Ae ee MONEY IS POWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE |AND OPPORTUNITY!=THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH‘A’BANK...ACCOUNT!a A New Interest Period. Aprit Tst starts this new Period-in-our Savings Depart-—ment,All Deposits made on or before April 5th willdrawinterestfromApril1stattherateof4percent.compounded quarterly.:\a This Bank w<!comes Savings Accounts from both women .,.and men!rayCertificatesofDepositissuedbythisBankbearfromdateattherateof4percent.per annum.Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited,=We want your business!he ona §;bi °ggonl &People’s Loan and Savings Bank:#GEO.H,BROWN =atkf0.L,TURNER;9 « tHe LANDMARKS ADVERTISERS ARE U SI S S I I T I r r r e r r SI e S k r T e T SD E oS CS O O IC N oS ST O L E N SE T TE S T E TE OE E ee e ES | Pi e s c o r e s s interest,.,;# o" -yBlaad Control Bill, The flood’/edhttol bill providing propriations for the Mississippi ‘and, Sacramento rivers,was passed by’the of the eastern counties | 3 1 e citizens are about ready ‘to eatablish a reign of ‘anarchy on account of the stock law.Dry FD.1 Owen,the hog cholera expert of vn [eee Of Sonarort Wednesday by t State i ad;vote o 0 53,ah eee Oe aca ee ar a 3 The bill,which now goes to the ee N=}his advisers now understand‘the mo-an appointment.at—a Pender county site,would authorize the expen di :ae vineshae Antara pe ae school house to demonstrate the effi-/of not exceeding $45,000,000 for flood:ve Y fully than ever before,as a re- f h holera treatment.The |control -and general improvement Haale of ie conférence at Bl Paso hee plancy.OF 106 6 ithe Mississippi river under the Mis~5 praca=_“.:|he ~1 Sto -a oss May 19,1916.citizens evidently believed that Dr.‘sissippi river commisston,and $5,600,-aperar ve ¢ae ee Se a ARROGANCE.—=="1 Owen was going to inject.some stock poo forflood control,removal of aes a EA ong )N Hampshire,-/ap-}law-talk along with-the-cholera-treat=bris and”general imiprovemen e i vreatiy.ralaxid.‘General.State elt of New..Hamp f hen he got to the school|Sacramento river,Cal.The expendi-believes the mooie “ultnalion ie tbat pointed on.the Federal Trade Com-—e =oo ue ce tures are to be spread ever a five Soar mission,failed of confirmation -be-;house “he-toun @ .iod aF{acute than it has becn at-any—time; eriod.pe ~—-ewuse hewas-“personally obnoxious”+notwithstanding the-appointment had) «/Better Understanding)}i~3isticviewoftheMexicanAnoptitnlatie.$6 ff pag teriean‘ident Wilson and the cabinet by:tary of War Baker,after a lonconferencewithMajorGeneralScott,lief of staff.General ;i: gy tnggoue ¥ The Mississippi valley ‘local inter.Since the raid on Columbus,N.M.. ‘to Senator Gallinger of New Hamp- shire,the Republican Senate leader. This failure to confirm the appoin- tee of a Democratic.President by a Democratic Senate majority was not due,so far as the reports disclosed, to any charges agai-st the appointee —any allegation of unfitness or Jack of character.Senator.Gallinger dis- likes Kim personally and he appealed to “senatorial courtesy”to secure his defeat.Senator’LaFollette of .Wis- consin assailed Senavor Gallinger’s position,declaring that this was the first time since he had been in the ::Senate that the “personally obnox- ‘jous”rule had been applied without adequate proof,and also the first time #had been applied against a national.appointment. The custom is ©unjust of It makes no difference about the pol- ities in the.case.The man was ap- pointed by the President and unless it appeared that he was unfit or un- worthy,he should have been confirm- course. been well advertised.In addition Dr. Owen ‘found a notice posted warning him to keep away,The Pender Rep-| resentative in the Legislature,who | lived near the school house,refused| to accompany Dr.“Owen to the ap- pointment,saying they had a man) who could cure hog cholera,At an-| other,appointment.in the same coun- ty,where Dr.Owen had.been assur- ed by the chairman of the Pender| board of commissioners that he would | have a crowd,he found nobody to} hear him..Evidently a vad state of| affairs in Pender.TS It is stated that the demand for tickets to the national Republican convention,which meets in Chicago June 7,is unprecedented;that seats| have been provided in the convention| hall'for 12,400 persons and that al-| ready 40,000 applications have beer: received.Whereat the G.O.P.folks are greatly rejoiced.They take this | as a good omen for party success.It is more probable that the excessive| _ed.__In objecting simply because they personally dislike an appointee,Sen- ators show themselves mighty small men.‘‘They assume the role of dicta- torsand their arrogance is offensive. It was a great day for the people “when United States Senators were “made ‘elective by the’people.That “Yaw'Hasn’t been in force long enough for the high and mighty gentlemen in the upper chamber to realize that they are not lords of creation,but if the people are alive to their rights and privileges some of them will get a lesson by and by. .“THe Anti-Saloon League,”says the Durham Herlad,“nas a pro- gramme to spring on the Legisia- turé,yet it has so far been able to keep it out of the newspapers.”The Anti- Saloon League must have slighted the Herald.The Landmark has:receivet demand is due to the idea that an in-, teresting performance will be staged.| If,for instance,things don’t go to) please Col.Roosevelt,the doughty | warrior might decide to start some-| thing that would be worth going! miles to see.In any event,as there| are a number of candidates and,un-/ less there is a change before the con-| vention meets,there will probably be| much balloting,the Republican con-| vention will offer much more enter-| tainment to spectators than the Dem-| ocratic convention,as the Iatter’s can- didate is already selected. Don’t forget the whirlwind cam-| paign for the fair next week—the| 23d and 24th.Iredell needs the fair| and should have the fair;and,be-! tween ourselves,a county of Iredell’s| standing and reputation,can’t afford| a copy of the programme,which pro- vides:(1)To prohibit clubs and oth- er public places from storing or keep- ing liquor for beverage purposes (we -thought that was alreedy prohibited); (2)to prohibit the advertising of liq-; uor in‘any way,even to the sale of | _newspapers that.do advertise it;(3) to prohibit the sale,or manufacture} for sale,of wine and cider;(4)to} prohibit the delivery of liquor by pub-| “Jie carriers and the receipt of same (which means that it couldn’t be shipped in in any quantity):(5)to makeit.unlawful for any one to have in.possession,for any purpose,more than one-half gallon of spirituous liquor;(6)to provide for the seizure and confiscation of any property— automobile,wagon or anything else— used in transferring,liquor for ille- gal purposes.That’s the programme and Editor King may govern himself| accordingly.a Anticipating a renewed demand on the English government that inter- ference with mails,particularly those of neutral countries,be immediately abandoned,Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, British ambassador,has advised See- retary of State Lansing that Great Britain is striving to eliminate the delays and interference with mails, .but that the British government can- not relinquish its claim to the right to prevent the use of the mails for transmission of goods or information by its enemies.That is;very much like the answers that ‘the German government made about the subma- rines until it was compelled to change its’tune.It is hoped that our gov- ornment’s remarks to England will be so emphatic as to bring resuts with- “out unreasonable delay.[ay A jury has been drawn from Robe- son county to try a civil action in Cumberland Superior Court.The law permitting jurors to be drawn from another county to try.a case,enact- {edafew years ago atthe instance of ..Senator Bryant of Durham,is not of- ten tinvoked but it 1s a wise.and proger.provision..\Whenever it is beligved,either ‘in civil or criminal cases,that an unbiased jury can’t be obtained in the country in which the cas@ originated,insteac of moving the frase to another county,with the resultant inconvenience and expense to litigants and witnesses and to the other county,a jury is called from anofier county to hear the ©case. simplifies the matter and meets in”Iredell, been very quiet and de- pecial interest,is beginning ime.proportions that indicate may bea trifle warm. to let the fair fail,since we have, started out to do something.Our: reputation is at stake.1 The Schoo!Book Contract. Governor Craig,as president of the| State text-book commission,has.call-| ed for sealed proposals for furnishing|the text-books in North Carolina’s|schools.The bids will close June 5; award the contract until August 3. The terms of the proposals are that }accompanying each bid,under sep- ‘arate cover,in 14 separate packages, (shall be 14 or more specimen copies jof each and every book proposed toibefurnishedandthateachbidder |Shall deposit with the State Treasur- jer in money or a certified check,as follows:For one branch of study, $500;two branches of study,$600; for more than two branches,$250 for each branch,not to exceed a maxi- mum,however,of $2,500,and such |deposit will be forfeited if the bidder|fails to keep his contract and furnish {bond as required by law Within 30 days after notification of his accept- lests are to co-operate with an amount ‘equal to one-half of the $45,000,000, ‘The State of Califoraia is to match North Carolina in French Air Squadron. leral Assembly, Ipersons participating in said primary. ol. |at noon but they will not be opened to| the $5,600,000 with an equal sum,)4 dispatch from Parts under date ofwhiletheSacramentovalleyjund|the 17th,says:: owners are to build all river levees,};Corporal J,M.McConnell of Car-and make other improvements.esti-thage,N.C.today took part in the; mated to cost them approximately|frst aerial expedition snich the Amer-|$30,000,000.‘iéan aviators in the .service of ‘the rN TA ‘French army have made over the Ger-ANNOUNCEMENTS.|man lines since the Franeo-American a.ee ee Nec tesleaie ‘tflying corps was organized as a sepa-! I howhe Shnaenee mryecit,un candidate for rate unit.Though Corporal McCon.| Commissioner of Tredel!couuly,subjectto the nell was flying ata height of 12,000 action of the Democratic primary June 3,1916,/feet the German shells were bursting, May.10,1916.J.E.BOYD.”fal}around:him,showing —that ~the range of the German’anti-aircraft guns has been lengthening. For the Legislature.. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheLowerHouseoftheLerislature,subjcet to the action of the Democratic primary -June d H.P.GRIERS In Anson county on the 6th a par- ty of men engaged in a brawl near the home of.Mr..J.T.Henry..Mr. Henry asked them to desist or leave ‘the neighborhood.He was_fired onbyMoodTurnerandawoundinflict- ed from which Henry died last Tues-day.‘Turner is in jail. 3. May 19,1916. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate forCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimaryJune3,1916.W.C.JOHNSTON, May 19,1916. L. MUST PUT IN WATER AND SEWER! Pursuant to order of Board of Aldermen, all property owners ‘in Ward No.1,wherever lines can be reached,must put in water andfewerconnections.This is a requirement.thatistothebestinterestofhealthandwillbeen-forced.Lo C..CALDWELL,_Mayor,May 9. Sn --7 —INDIAN MOTORCYCLES: FOR SALE On commission.ForCataloguéandpartic- ulars,write For County Commissioner.To the Democrats of Iredell County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for County Com- missioner and will appreciate your support intheprimaryJune3d,1916.J.T.SMITH,IFallstown Township.May 19. For County Commissioner.To the Democrats of Iredell County: I hereby announce myself a candidate’for the Democratic nomination for Countymissioner,and will appreciate your support in the primary on June vd,19%6.Respectfully,¢.S.TOMLIN,May 19%,1916. For the Legislature.1 am a candidate for the House of the Gen-subject to the action of thevotersintheDemocraticprimaryofJune3d,1916,and I solicit the support of the vaters in the primary.JAMES A.STEELE.May 19. For Member Board Education. I hereby announce myself a candidate for amemberoftheBoardofEducationofIredell county,subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary to be held on June 8d,1916.I will appreciate the support of atl W.F.AREY, Box 103,Salisbury,N.C. May 19.c.B.WEBB.May 19—It* Candidate For Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democratic primaries June 3.May 16.J.A.BROWN. % For County Commissioner.Tam a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry,and solicit the support of the Democraticvoters.MARVIN W.SMITH.May 12. For Member Board of Education.Sees I hereby announce myself a candidate for|re-election as member of the County Board of| SHE YOU1 ,TO TKCOUNTYFAl Think it over,give them the glad hand and take a few shares " of stock—-then , Boost The Pair Everybody's going to pull for it. ay t Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.\ Education,subject to the action of the Dem-! ocratic primary June 3d,1916. May 6.D.W.LOWRANCE. For County Commissioners I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Demo-}cratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respectfully!We are offering the people of thesolicitthesupportoftheDemocraticVoters,a eSnthePrimary.DR.W.G.NICHOLSON.St P t C tMay2,1916,(OOnY ton OmMmMuUNITY | 'a rare Piano bargain -which ,capnot afford to let pass. in that community should handsome —WESER PIANO— which we have been renting to the | ‘music department 6f the Stony Point For Shautt iHigh .School.Aside from©slight |‘or Sheriff.la ine >:eee ann! I hereby announce myself a candidate for!damage to the case,the Piano is intheofficeofSheriffofIredellcounty,subject |good condition.To make a quick | to the action of the Democratic primary,June |F .}isale and to save moving the instiu-y,dun3,1916.R. __‘ment to our store,we will sell ‘it | | & Member Board of Education.I am a candidate for renomination for the position of member of County Board of Edu- |cation,subject to the action of the Demo- cratic Primary.F.B.GAITHER.May 2,1916. they Some one own the i{ For County Superintendent of Schools.| I-hereby announce myself a candidate for)re-election to the office of County Superin-!tendent of Publie Instruetion,subject to the action of the Democratle primaries June 3,1916.hk.M.GRAY.April 28, ance by the commission. The Governor will appoint themembersofthecommissionwhowillpassonthebids, Dynamite ~Destroyed Building and Killed Nine. /persons were killed and |score injured when the old Beacon ‘Journal building,occupied by.the Crystal restaurant,collapsed as a result of a blast of dynamite in an adjoining excavation, A tremendous roar,echoing the screams of.dying people,brought thousands to the scene,in the heart of Akron’s—business.district.Instantly ‘the entire city,rallying from the shock,plunged to the work of rescue. nearly a twisted steel and tons of brick and mortar,buried the victims,who a moment before were dining in the restaurant.Only two or three of the diners escaped. Blasts of dynamite set off in an ex- cavation for a new building directly north of the restaurant,unsettled the foundation.The restaurant was a one-story structure,with a two-story false front,and the latter topplingbackward,added a weight of manytonstothefallingroof.eeCarLoadsofLiquorConfiscated Girard,Ala.where special deputiesraided12placesandconfiscatedma- ny thousands of dollars’worth of liq- uor held in violation of the Alabamaprohibitionlaws.Five freight cars were ordered to carry the seized liq- uor to some unnamed destination.The raids,which began at 8 o’clockWednesdaymorning,&fter a special train carrying “22 deputies arrived from:Montgomery,will be continued until the place is cleaned out,Girard is a town of 5,000 populationandwhenthecrowdsthatfilledthe streets interfered,somewhat with theraiderstheGuardsmenwerebroughtintoassistinskeepingorderandguardedtheconfiscatedliquor. Henry Ford,it ‘is reported,is plan-ning to put in effect within a shorttimeinhisautomobilefactoriesa.6-'hour day with a minimum wage of $1anhour, bn i cl noma, Tn Akron,O.,Monday evening nine| A great pile of ruins,broken timbers,| A military”company Wednesday| night took charge of the situation in| J.OTIS GAITHEApril28. For County Superintendent Schools.‘where it is at less than cost.This|;To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:|ATT Oh @ .|I am a candidate for the office of Superin-style of WESER sells at $400 in the |itendent of Schools,subject.to the action of the;Nv :a s 1 cee ;Democratic.primaries..If-nominated and:New York show rooms a_short_dis-i|elected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell coun-|tance from.the factory.We offer !ity the best service of which I am capable.;.eeApril28JOHNF.MITCHELL,_the one at Stony Point for $200.If |_interested,drop us a card. June 3,1916.R.F.RIVES.Rea LEONARD PIANO STORE, !°°>|Morrison Building,W.Broad St.| |For Register of Deeds.|eam iers I hereby announce myself a candidate for,Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to!;the action of the Democratic voters,as ex- pressed by them at the primary,June 3,1916. L.N.BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town- (ship.April 25. I am a-candidate for County Treasurer,sub-|‘ject-to the action of the Democratic primary,| |WORRY x DRUDGERY For County.Treasurer.{|IT hereby announce myself a candidate for 'County Treasurer,subject to the action of the! 'Democratic primary,June 3,1916.\April 26.W.H.HUNTER. For Sheriff.:To the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate for:the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Ire- dell county,and will greatly appreciate yoursupport.Respectfully,April 25,H.L.GILBERT, For County Treasurer.\I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- jfice of County Treasurer of Iredell county,|subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry,June 8d,1916,and respectfully solicit the support of the Democratic voters in the pri-|mary.R.J.BRYANT. |April 25,1916. |For County Commissioner. ;I am a candidate for county commissioner,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|ry June 8,1916.~E.G.GAITHER, April 21,1916.|papers For Register.|To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:| |I hereby announce my candidacy for gthe of-||fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell courfty,sub-\ject to the action of the Democratic primary,|.J.WH.McLELLAND,|April 21.Mooresville,N.Ca.| \;For Treasurer.||To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:||I hereby announce myself a candidate for ithe office of County Treasurer,subject to the |jaction of the county Democratic nominnting| primaries,to be held June 8d,1916.Will ap- preciate your support.Respectfully,| W.C.WOOTEN,Bethany ‘Township, For Register of Deeds,iIherebyannouncemycandidacyfortheof-|fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,| Isubject to the action of the Democratic prima-|ry Jute 3,1916,Wm.H.MORROW.|April 18.\ FOOT-WEARY DISCOURAGED]: otsPi April 18. For Sheriff,I am a_candidate for Sheriff of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democrat.ie primary,and solicit the support of ‘theDemocraticyotersintheprimity.April 18,M.P.ALEXANDER,|” HNfal Bey | tr eneTHEFAIRESTTOWNIN THE STATEDESERVESAFAIR. There is no greater stimulus to superior proffretion in every.line—there is no greater proof of a,people’s prosperity than a—-good County Fair.:“ It’s a show-down of accomplishment,and the finest advertisement of a commmunity’s sapacity te contribute the BEST! Let’s keep up with the procession and have a Fair for the immense good it will do Statesville and the surrounding country. EVERY NAME AND YOLLAR COUNTS—MAKE IT UNANI-_MOUS!st Mega aad POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square.” CORREO OORTON POI ORION POR POROARROA POROEROCORORE HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,©. STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATINPlumbingandPrivateWaterSystems. SO A R S er r r Er er r ee Oe G. WHY KEEP YOUR WIFE TED.10 HOUSEHOLD DUTIES |THROUGH THE HOT SUMMER DAYS. A.small investment in a Hammock,Porch Swing,Porch Curtains,Porch Awnings,An “IDEAL”Fireless Cook Stove,A HOOSIER KITCHEN CAnyoftheabovehousehold necesities wil bind your wife to household drudgery. You will find an interesting display of labor.saving devices at Crawford-Bunch Furniture Compa ,“The Store That Always Welcomes You” REFERENCES FURNISHED, BACKACHE OVERWORK. NO-SYSTEM LONG HOURS}Se Oil Cook Stove,BINET.A help cut the cords that euhe -aaal oviWetePateihny.” PETES te isa4 as chairman;Mrs.L.Ashe,Mrs. ;«180 WEST BROAD STREET.| May 19,1916, LT,i <7 Templeton —lil—Mr.—and rs,Mott Home—-Mt.Mourne Cotreapondence of The.Landmark.t “Mt.Mourne,May 17+—Mrs.J.M.‘Templeton,who lives near __Mt.ourne,Visited her ‘sister,rs.John Henry,néar Clover,S~C.,whowags,very ill,Mrs..‘Templeton camehomesickandher‘condition has since_become critical,’but’we hope therewillbeachangeforbettersoon.’Mr.and Mrs.James Whitlow of lotte spent Sunday with |Mr.itlow’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.F.;Whitlow.Mr.Will Mott,who hasbeeninFloridaforseveralyearsand\.wad married there about a year-ago,_is now visiting his parents at Mt. .«Mourne—Dr.and Mrs.Walter.Mott.~My,and Mrs.Will.Mott made the tripfromFloridabyauto.It has been re-orted that they expect to go to CubanhafewmonthswhereMr.:Mott .ex-pects to secure:a position.While inFloridahewasbuildingroads.The meeting began at Center churchFriday,12th.Rev,R.C.Davidson ofMooresvilleassistedRev.W.E.WestSaturday.+The meeting closed Sun-day with communion.service.Miss Laura Kelly spent last weekatStatesvillewithMr.and Mrs,J.R.Ballard.Mrs.Ballard is Miss Kelly’s.sister.*We are very dry in this community.We:had a light shower of rain Tues-‘day:afternoon.Farmers are notthroughplantingand‘cannot finish.Gotton and corn that is planted is notcomingup,to do much good.But I sometimes think we get scared toosoon.The same Lord that has sentalloftherainshas.the same power to send more when He thinks it best for us.so when it all depends on God why should we worry?Mr.Fisher,who lived east of Mt. Mourne,dropped dead Monday andaburiedinMt.Zion cemetery at rnélius Tuesday. Dr.Reid Morrison has the right of way cleared for the dredge boat to-come through his bottom ontheMcPherson(or Davidson)‘creek, Mr.Moore Templeton has purchas-ed a motorcycle,Mr.F.M.Whitlow purchased an eutomobile a few daysago, Severalof this vicinity expect to gotoCharlottéonthe20h.\ DEATH OF MRS.JOHNSON. Mr,Salmons Goes to Baltimore ’For Treatment —Persenals »«-The Drought. Correspondence “of The Usndmark. .Hamptonville,R-2,May 17 —Mrs, -Mattha Johnson,widow of PettisJohnson,died at,the home of her daughter,’Mrs.Emma Johnson,day af ternoon shout 4,30,Mrs,John-..f0n_was.taken i!l with pneumoniajustaweekpriortoherdeath,She was 88 years of age,Her daughter, with whom she lived,is the only sur-|viving child.She was a good,quiet Christian woman.Services were held at the home Sunday evening by Rev.J.A.Thomasson.Monday’morninethebodywascarriedtoTempleHill church,Wilkes county.where Mr.Castle,pastor of the church,held funeral service,after which the body was laid to rést in the cemetery atthatplace.Mr.A.M.Salmons,who took treat- ment in a Charlotte hospital a few weeks ago,has gone to Baltimore forspecialtreatment.i Mrs.Matilda Denny,who has been staying in,Winston-Salem for the nast-few months,has returned home. Misses Zola Casey,Mary Thomasson, Sadie Allred,Grace and Emma My-ers,who were in school at heimer during the last term,have re- turned home. The farmers are very much discour- aged at the dry weather but if we will only count our many blessings ahd name them one by one,we will never grumble when we are deprived of-one;and sometimes such things prove a blessing,for it is then thatwerealizethatwecan’t walk alone and.that we are dependent and must depend en a higher power.who con-trelleth all.MRS.-J.R.COOK, _Civic League Committees. Correspondence of The Landmark. The work of the Civie League underthenewadministrationisbeingmap- ‘ped out af rapidly as possible and an effort.is bein made to get matters in shape to prosecute a vigorous cam- paign this:summer-along many=lines of civic endezvor..The new president earnestly desires the hearty co-oper- ation of each_member of the League in.all its undertakings and wishes tourgealltobepresentateverymeet- ing.-.The following committees havebeenappointedtodate: Play grounds—Mrs.T.E.Anderson, chairman;-Mrs.Wm.Wallace,Mrs, L.'C.Caldwell,Mrs.J.S.:McRorie;Finance—Mrs.M.R,Adams,chair- man;Mrs.F.F.Steele,Miss Carrie Hoffmann,Mrs.E.N.Lawrence. ‘Health and Sdnitatfon—Mrs.R,VBrawley,chairraan;Mrs.R.'S.McE1- wee,Mrs.’R.L.Poston,Mrs.W.G.Lewis,Mrs,’J.L.Cowan.: Civic Art—Mrs,Clement Dowd, WwW.M.Barringer,Mrs.C.A.‘turner.Publicity—Mrs,Zeb Vancechairman.‘ Sheriff Deaton Withdraws From Race For Commissioner. To the Democrats of Iredell County:Some weeks ago I anounced mycandidacyforcountycommissioner. After further deliberation I find thatmybusinessarrangementsforthenexttwpyearswillrequireso‘muchofmytimethatIwillnotbeabletogivetheattentiontotheofficewhichitsdutiesrequire.I-thank my friendsfortheirprofferedsupportand‘assurethemthatIwillalwaysbereadytogivenybesteffortstotheupbuilding.Ir¢dell county and for the good’ofe@¢ Long, he od "Se M.DEATON, BUILDING?C.WATKINS. yemocratic party. |Perdonal Mention of Peop Rev.| Misen-| “Their Movenients.— Mr,J.Chap.Turner of.Bellevue,Va.,came to Statesville this week toattendthefuneralofhissister-in-law,Mrs:W.W.Turner.He will returnhome;Monday.and will be accompa-nied by his.mother-in-law,Mrs.Vaughn.ae .|‘Mrs,M.H.Lowenstein,who visitedherbrothers,Messrs.Sig and Herman!Wallace,has returned to her home in|Brooklyn,N.Y..: Mrs.L.Pinkus of Richmond,Va.,who was the guest of Mr.and Mrs,N.Harrison,left yesterday for Salis- bury.Mrs.B,C.Griffin and daughter of Marshville and Mrs.Fred.Long ofCatawba‘are.visiting their parents,Mr,and Mrs.J.M.Davis.Mrs.W.M.Cooper went to Ashe-ville yesterday to spend a few days.| Mrs.R.P.Allison “and sister,Miss | Bessie Miller of Winston-Salem,went|to Charlotteyesterday to visit for a!few days.|“Mr.J,8,Alexander was in Wilson|this week to attend the meeting of) the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of|North Carolina.|Mrs.8.FE.Watson of Newton vis-|ited friends here this week and.at-tended commencement.:Mrs.A.G.Foard and Miss Sadie Downum of Lenoir are guests ofMissesRoseandLeahStephany.Prof.‘and Mrs.H.E.Craven of; Franklinton and.two little sons ar-| rived.yesterday afternoon to be the| |puests of Judge and Mrs.A.L.Coble|iduring the graded school commence-| }ment. Miss Mary Patterson goesto:Char-| lotte today to take in the 20th and} visit her brother,Dr.Reid Patterson.| Mrs.H.A.Millis of High Point isvisitinghermother,Mrs.W.G.Lew-is.Mrs.J.B,Cochrane of Huntersville| was in Statesville this week to attend ithe college commencement.Herdaughter,Miss Ruth Wochrane,was. one of the graduates,|Mrs.W.E.Anderson went to Charlotte Tuesday to spend several; ;days with her son,Mr.E.,O.Ander- }son,| Mrs.F.A.Sherrill accompanied|Mr:Sherrill to Orlando,Fla.,Tues-,day to attend the meeting of the Gen-| eral Assembly of the Southern Pres- byterian Church._They will visit oth-er points while away.| |Mr.Latta Johnson left Tuesday ‘for lion,N.Y.,to visit his brother, i Mr.D.-S.Johnson.| |Mr..J.W.Serores,who has.been; ‘teaching at Cameron,Moore Aunty,||is at home for the vacation.-| Miss Jeanie Kluttz of Salisbury is) visiting friends here.| |Dr.R.K.Bingham of Boone arriv- led in Statesville yesterday on a visit jto his gisters.Mrs.L.©.Lewis and|Miss Laura Bingham.He will go to!Charlotte tomorrow.4 |Mrs.8.A.Wilson of Charlotte,sis-| \ter.of:Miss Margaret Kirk,and Miss| |Adelaide Morrow of Mebane are ex-! Sat-|pected tomorrow to be the guests of ,somery Hardware Co. |Mrs.P.S.Easley for several days.||“Mr.TID.Saulpaw,who has:been| ;a guest at Mr.J.F.Henninger’s for|ja few days,leaves tonight for his! |}home at Calhoun,Tenn.Miss Ruby) 'Henninger,a relative,will accompa-| iny him and spend’the summer in) ;Tennessee.i :Mr.Tom Boyd,son of Mr.and Mrs.| Aj.E.Boyd,came home Wednesday| |from Westminster school,Rutherford| he his |}county,where |.course,|:\WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS.! {eee Alumnae Recepion,ClubGather-| |ings and Other Events. \Miss Cordelia Watts entertainedherfellowmembersofthe’coliege| ‘graduating class—Misses Cochrane,! Fleming and Clark—at luncheon! Tuesday. completed :| Miss Mary Loretz Cowles entertain-;ed’the Merry Makers Wednesday eve-|ning at three tables of bridge.Miss; Martha McLaughlin won the prize,aj box of crepe de chene handkerchiefs.|:\Salad and ice course were served.| s ee 1‘Members of the Rest-2-Bit Athletic! club are requested.to:meet in.the! Commercial club rooms this afternoon|jat 4 o’clock..Those who have not paid the membership ‘fee ere requested to do so before June ist,as after that date the_rate-will_be advanced,— The reception by the Alumnae As- seciation-at the college Tuesday af-ternoon at 5 o’clock was largely at- tended and the musical programme was a treat.The playing of Mr.KerelBondam.the monologue by Mrs.Her- bert Hoffmann and the singing of Mrs. H:.O.Steele were greatly enjoyed.At the close of the concert the mem- bers of the alumnae served refresh- ments.The silver offering was fairly liberal.: Mrs.J.F.-Carlton entertained the Thursday Afternoon Book clubyesterdayafternooninhonorofMr.and Mrs.Karel Bondam.The club has been studying music all winterandasafittingclosetothewinter’s programme,Mr.Bondam played forthis,the last meeting of the season.|His playing is a delight to.musiciansanditisnecdlesstosaythattheclubmembersthofoughlyenjoyedit.| Mrs.Allen.Mills entertained the G. G.G.club .Wednesday afternoon. Hearts.was Sample won respondence lis and Mrs. the prize,a box of cor- ecards.Mrs.H.A.~Mil- Robt.Jenkins,guests of honor,were each given a bunch-ofsweetpeas.‘Ten,salad,sandwiches. nuts and candy were served. Mrs,P.A.Bryant had a few tables of ,bridge Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Thompson: Refresh-ments were served. In the trial of the officers of theRiggsNationalBankofWashington,for perjury,ex-President Taft was acharacterwitnessforC.°G.Glover,president of the bank. Member,Board of Education.To thé Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candi- |soon, Personals-Meeting’at>Gelém—Lawn PartyFor!BalbTean,+ Corresiondence ‘of ‘The ‘Landmark , Troutman,R-=1,May ©15.—LittleMissMaryBelleMcLeanofMoores-ville is visiting her little friends,Misses.Sarah and Vivian Johnson.Mrs.Kastep ‘and children_of-_States-ville have been the——guest-of Mrs. SHOWER BROUGHTJOY community <club—|Items From Amity Comnyunity,. Correspondenee of ‘The Landmark.;: Troutman,R-2,May 17 —Yester- day the parched earth was refreshedby:a good shower-——the firat “rainsincethe7thofApril.Bose pee n ave.tient and gloomy we get.when the Easte p's sister,Mrs,.Grant Compton.Lakd withholds the valn,oe it bex.|Mrs..c.B.Beaver-akd-daughter,Missginstolooklikeadrought,but do we|Birtce,spent a few days in States-stop:to think how we sometime’Ville last week,visiting relatives.withhold our best from the Lond?ant Miss.Grace Johnson.is visiting.her yet the Lord blesses us every day.of |®unt,Mrs.-N.-W,dohnson,in States-our lives.We should be more thoughts|Ville,who is sick. ful of ‘our duty.Rev.S.W.Haddon,the pastor at,Last Saturday afternoon a large|Perth,will ¢onduct a meeting the|crowd of the women and girls of the|!#tter part of this week in our new |&;LA RP ‘|neighborhood met at the school hotse |,'.DP.church-—Salem.for our club meeting,expecting Miss||.The Mazeppa ball team played the|Celeste Henkel to be with us.We)Sit4pson team Saturday.The scorewereallbadlydisappointedwhenshe|%s 19 to 12 in favor of Simpson’s.| didn’t’come,but as a.programme had _Mr.and.Mrs.Collier Ostwalt willalreadybeenarrangedwehadour|#!ve a lawn party at their home Sat-|meeting anyway.We hope Miss|¥'day night,.for the benefit of the.Henkel can arrange to be with -us Simpson ball team.Everybody is in-|I’m glad to,know that the wo-|,V!ted.|interest in these A Symbol of Health.| meetings and -hope -to:see:a Jargg ane Si ens ai ate’sim-|crowd:out at:our next “méetinge—1As a haus theyused theBeem tot| Saturday,the 27th,at.2.30 o'clock,which they.vexardid 28 e eytitel of health|Saturday night,’the 20th,there will}red five-pointed star appears on each pack-|be a lawn party at the home of Mr.|88°.0f Chamberlain's Tablets,and still ful-|fre its ancient mission as a symbol of health,|and Mrs.W.P.Cook.Refreshments |f'you are troubled with indigestion,bilious-|will be served.Proceeds will go:for;pes or constipation,geta package of these| men are taking an ‘the benefit of Wesley’s chapel church.|@0!«ts from your druggist,|The public is cordially invited.J'hat|!afternoon at 2.30 o’clock the mission-| i You will be sur|prised at the quick.relief which they afford.|Obtainable ‘everywhens. 'Kée &Co. __|Duk played and Mrs,W.A,j lary society of Bethesda churchwill|BUILDING?©.WATKINS.meet at the home of Mr.and,Mrs.-| MARKET REPORTS.W.P.Cook.Mrs.R.H.Brown underwent a wanes Statesville Produce Market.|The following prices were psid yesterday| very serious operation Jast Friday: at Billingsley hospital.She fs get-‘:ale noot af.ey or produce oh é local market,ting along nicely and we hope she;Spring Friers,20c.per Ib, Old Hens,18¢.per Ib.Eggs,ldc.per dozen,| Mr..and Mrs.Floyd.Menus of;Hart-; ford,Tenn.,are visiting their will soon be able to be at home again.| ae!Roosters,6c.per Ib, rents,Mr.and»Mrs.Menus off Butter,16c,per Ib. Beeswax,25c.per Ib. Green Hides,18¢c.per tb,Hams,16¢,to 17c.per Sb.Sides,13¢,Ib,Shoulders,18¢.Ib. New Red Honey,10¢.tq 12 1-2c.per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to ise.per th,Trish Potatoes,$1 per bushel. Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel. ill; Bridge and Mr.and Mrs.W.P,Good- man of Amity.Two of the debaters frotn the} Vance school will be down Thursday} night to debate against two of ‘theAmitydebaters.The public %s cor~ dially invited to hear them. Grale.The following prices were paid yesterdayNoticesofNewAdvertisements.|,™‘|for grain on the local market:|They’re coming to see you Tuesday,|.Wheat,$1.35 per bushel.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co,;oa Noga d c per bushel.Rare piano bargain.—Leonard Pi-|sy Na Loc schibe ano Store. The “Birth of a Nation.”—R.P,Al- lison’s Book Store..Fresh vegetables —M.P.AJexan- der &Bro. Fresh goods.—Sherrill &Reece. “Nearly a King”at the Lyric today,|=Millinery sale—Mills &Peston.{FOR Se tana and lot,240 Davie Aves Interesting display labor-saving de-|puiysy,"°UT™ConventeneesZV.MUR vices.—Crawford-Bunch Furnfture Co. Every name and dollar counts.—Polk Gray Drug Co.LaValliers and neck chains.—R.Hv}Rickert &Son.Annette Kellermann,the’perfect woman,.—The Crescent,May 2i:d. Valuable real estate for sale and ex- change:—E.G.Gaither.eo Building .material—Lazenby-Mont- Statesville Cotton Market. pound was paid for best grade cotton. (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsberline.No ad.taken for less than 25cents.Cash must-accompany order.) LOST—Rain Coat on.Front street.“RewardforreturntoTHELANDMARK.May 19. FOR SALE OR RENT—To.desirable party,residence 747 N.Mulberry street.Modern conveniences.J,A.SCOTT,Jr.‘phone42,May 19. FOR SALE—Milch Cow.Fresh soon.W.F.MILLSAPS,Statesville,R-5.May 19.—1¢*, WANTED—I!want to rent two or three-horse | Farm,within two months;—@Good references,sd ets ts ._A -3 9—-2t*Summer dréss materials.—J,M,Mendy "Beebe N.©:Mag AP ait MUSIC—For a term of ten weeks,eleHotweather‘specials,—Johnston-May 22,Mrs.J,C.Duke will-teach iBelkCo.y‘A profit-sharing plan.—Iredell Ice | &Fuel Co.\| Indian motorcycles for sale on com- mission.—iW.F.Arey,\Salisbury.| House for sale-—Z.V.Murphrey.I ; Notice to automobile owners.—J.M.|9"464:t Deaton.| Music pupils wanted.—jMrs.J.| ocice and Harmony.Class or private les-sons.830 Walnut street.May 19. WANTED—i0 Common,Laborers,wages $1.- 35 to $1.40 per day.“’Apply UNION TAN-NING CO.,Old Fort,N.C.May 19.| |SWEET PEAS for sale.’Phone 249 Black’,May 16—2t. AUTOS FOR SALETwo good Touring Cara.C4 Qne 1915 model K Hupmobile,one 1914|men Fords A.COOPER.May-16—2t.—-} For county commissioner.—J,T.'CORN—We are in.the market for Shelled| Smith.\,Corn and will pay highest market price,|For the Legislature—J.A.Steele.|3)5 ‘ay 6.Plow demonstration today.—Cooper :&Hatchett.MUST GET LICENSE!Milch cow for sale-—W.F’,Millsaps,PeoStatesville,R-5.:For ‘county commissioner.—C.S. Tomlin.:4 Notice.to taxpayers—J..M.Deaton. For member board of education,— C.B.Webb. Laborers--wanted.—Union Co.,Old Fort,N.C.Rain coat lost.—Return,to The Landmark. Wants to rent farm.—F,,Barber,N.} All .persons.running cars’without license ‘number will take notice that they must have number or show that same has been ordered,for the Jaw will be enforced,|Sheriff. ||| |J.M.DEATON,|May 19, |PLOW DEMONSTRATION TODAY!| Tanning : 'The public generally and prospective buyers| in particular are invited to attend a demon-| stration of the J.1.Case Traction Plow.which|will be given today on north Center street,on |vacent lot adjoining W.D.Turner.COOPER|&.HATCHETT.May 19. ~NOTICETO TAXPAYERS.For the Legislature —H,P.Grier. For commissioner.—J.E,Boyd. For commissioner,—Wi.C.Johnston.|Residence for sale or rent.—J.A. Scott,Jr. BUILDING? | -—| t| By order of the Commissioners.of _Iredell| }county,all real estate on which the 1918 tax-| ies have not been paid will be advertised forlsnleafterJune15,1916,4*WATKINS.May 15. J.M.DEATON,Sherilf. GCMillinery Sale —ATEMILLS&POSTON’S. For 10 days we will offer a beautiful line ef Fine Pattern Hats Trimmed in the most up-to-date style of the newest materials,at ° greatly reduced prices.The following —|, prices will goon sale Saturday morning,May20th,and continue for 10days. .$10.00 Hat for $6.00 .7.50 “ee 4.00 5.00 3.50 4.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 Also a splendid line Boys’and Girls’workHats,Prices 25c.and 50c,rs 66 66 66 66 66 66 date for member of.the County BoardofEducationandwillgreatlyappreci-ate your support in the primary on |June 3d.Respectfully,J.P.HOW-ARD,Union Grove Township.—nd,~ POSTON. 7 be)Very truly,MILLS & STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.|- mr e x =o he e On the local market yesterday 12 3-4e.per Capital $100,000 IN THE SPECTACULAR PICTORIAL TRIUMPH ‘it with us.If you Go not care to ait oeerrtan ty chy ¥.AteLti~Pg esSyKyba,PK "te) A.SAFE.INVESTMENT. _If you have some money on hand,and want to place it where it will be absolutely secure,‘place deposit it subject to check,leave it here to draw interest at 4 per cent.It ig-a splendid investment |» and a sure one.The certificate is:good collateral and is negotia- ble. U.S.Depository, ‘The Crescent Theat On Monday,May WILL:PRESENTANNETTEKELLERMANN,“THE PERFECT WOMAN,”, “NEPTUNE’S DAUGHTER.”— PRICES 10C,and 15C, ar a e P h e t at Bo t e Se ee a eg .Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits. PS se r e Oa n a ae ae a oe ePigyataeat het PoE F Bie ¥ rap a?i Sep 1 RE ALE DO wy writ *$u0 ST (wotad etoa9 ws Blalyt: CPO a nN oven: ‘havons oS reeeftOtRS vye Noe ;AFR OS 5 AMER é seit Bae HOt ay 1 AT,Oe el FO. On account of this being a special State’s Right.Picturesooe the Trade Tickets will not be good for admission on this date!><; From Room to Room :cai UKE In your home, night,through EMERSON F. justed,They| ting,put an er close nights. ‘EVERY FAN! HOME ELECTRIC CO W.M.BARRINGER,-Prop every hour \of the’day and the long,hot summer months, ANS!The smaller Emersonvou:can have the cool comfort of thé famous (iY ‘Pans can be taken from room to room,.are ff light-weight,easily carried and easily ad-fy ighten the toil of household du-| ties,add to the pleasure of the family gather-nd to the sleeplessness of.hot,The investment is little when measured in enjoyment and comfort. LISTEN !—FIVE-YEAR GUARANTEE.ON nme naneownseem omit Coenen| Ps M SSS Saracentae teea a ey We te .we Ai 8 i eadreteetrere een enema en eer me Pe ee ~penecren ere ippireenenieneemmnennemeapenpnensnmasanenrestoamesteunenenittarren.een n tet et Lae " a -$$ ,Be ieMon PeetereoneReeer nee cone ee Neer ener eee ee eeen eee ‘RakSRPMS:AN PP UA A”2 AR A Ec Na bh dl Adelie BE ws a ea ae t Bet .pit ‘ut on "ea i ,m F ee := Effective June Ist,the ice business of the Iredell Ice and Fuel Company will be maintained strictly ona cash basis;that is,effective on that date no more ice tickets. will be sold on credit,from the wagons or from the office.a By selling for cash only,we shall eliminate collectors and much book-keeping. This has amounted to practically five per cent of our book sales.heretofore. Therefore,effective June Ist we shall allow the public this saving;we shall sell $1.00 worth of ice tickets at any time for 95c.and $5.00 worth for $4.75. The quality of our ice this season will be the very purest that can be made.Our service will be the best that money and brains can formulate.More wagons will be added to our.delivery force than have been used in the past,this assuring prompt deliveries. The time heretofore spent in collecting accounts and the money lostin occasional bad -debts will be applied henceforth to the improvment of our service with a direct five per cent saving to the public.~ Tickets can be secured from the wagons or from our office.Prices will not be raised in the slightest;the same reasonable schedule willremain in force.We shall explain more fully between now and June ist.Watch our advertisements and you will understand our profit-sharing plan. Ce we Se i n e Og ET , Sr ee r Se e NS oo ma e / Z Iredell Ice and Fuel Company.S |Office and Plant West Sharpe Street.|a Phone 87. u CRATES CO SR As 20h i RIESA RLS STUN byt *t ©SONG OF LIFE. ane MAR >|!1 4 <P Lc .yo)Denning was shot and insti |GEULIU SeAeA LAT a seman - THE LANDMARK |STATE yeiE EXE ace CORN A traveler on a dusty road j ly killed Searels ee '§'=s :ericultur Sees —And grew into a tree.two others were found at the still |g Board of Agricu ture,se |Love.sought its shade at evening-time,/when officers raided it.Denning,it;a ch OUR GOLD AND SILVER.|Big Development Ahead.To breathe as ly pone oar is said,advanced toward Deputy Mar-|§ 4.The Amount Procuced in-North _Asheville Citizen.“-And exe was pleased,in heichts of noon |chal Moore,drawing-a pistol from-his.,Yo -ba 6 f -eae eee i z E 3 : Carolina Last Year.[Ten years from now North Caro-|The,dormeuse loved lla miguiine twas BOueSt:Hae ar S| i il tained fi ¢|lina will be exporting corn,”said Al-|It stood a glory in its phice,:pistol a et ,the 9 licer stum led,ou i§n anama North Carolina easily retained hrs &:the report says,his pistol was acci-|¢9 9 7 {.~eee “46 A blessing evermore.j :c E i rank in gold output among the eastern!bert Cannon,member of the State!a iii.spring had lost its way dentally discharged and Denning was |or Appalachian States in 1915,ac-Board of Agriculture.Amid the grass and fern;|killed.a :cording to the United States Geologi-|Mr.Cannon has been a member of|A nassingy stranger pepored a well ||E 'eal Survey.The total production of the board for the pase 18 years,He|2 Wikere Geary men might tui 'CITY TAXES!F o <.e ve)He walled it in,and hung with care gold in 1915 amounted to 8,320.55 was appointed by Governor Aycock.|-‘,THERE OMITes \fine ounces against 6,343.94 ounces In’He hag just finished an inspection trip}He thought not of the deed.he did,ATT property on which city inves are due and |# |4914,In 1915 the,value of the North of several of the States experiment)5 uy eed and ip!the:well,unpaid)dune Ist,will be advertised.Call!@ is ab tj ‘|Carolina yield was slightly more than,farms,during which inspection trip)mavenOTT oTRnC vee qried ,ee and save ae Ne aie iF It is about time for you to lay =;7 .{ay 9.ity Tax Collector.5 ,- Mpa TT My10,1916.Mr.Cannon,“Member State)ree see tsa Yl cuts,Dement d SAERRILL-WHITESHOECO.§ i’half of the Eastern States’total.he traveled 1,175 mfics by rail.He}Had cooled ten thousand parched tongues,Soahesie a eS eet at!4 7 :: .4,'Thae North.Carolina gold was ob-walked about twice 1,175 miles,he be-|And saved a life beside!SHINGLES LATHS 5 &"aside that Fur or Stiff Hat and ‘ained from 22 placer and seven deep lieves.|A nameless man,amid the crowd {.4.turn our attention to a nice é ’:‘“ys ‘|That thronged the daily mart,r 3 y rhines,but several of the minesmade The truckers near Wilmington ue Let fall a word of hope and loye ‘LIME PLASTER ;. |G very,small production.The largest getting the high price of $3.50 a cratc]‘Unsindied,from the heart ;|Sailor,Leghorn or Panama.Our producing placer was the-Biggerstaff,for their strawberries,”continued Mr.A whisper on the|tumult thrown,‘CEMENT PAINTS 3 ei stock is the most complete we in.Rutherford county.The Uwharra vannon:“At one station alone 1 saw |Faia Ne on the dust STAINS NAL S 4 "-a .i q ;i i i |nfine in Montgomery county,had the 26 express cars being ioaded with the}11 saved a soul from death.re i E :have ever shown in this Jine. ,largest yield of gold from a dee berries.So long as the dry weather]O germ!O fount!O word of love!:S ,:"|e i : largest “Midher mines that contributed continues the price will remain high |y,’.ceru ut indeatthetest C.Watkins}Statesville,N.C.)ig Sailors $2.00,$2.50 and $3.00. +an appreciable part of the gold out-|There is an abundant.crop,and the |But mighty at the last!|3 ;- t.put were the Rich Cog,Iola and Sal-|truckers are making money.-Charles Mackay.|ENJOY SCREENS IN Leghorns $3 00 and $3 50 “fewswntal ageHATSenamas$0.00. | ’piers “NT 3 ,|a lie Coggin,in Montgomerycounty;the|Ninety-five per cent.of the ee “WITH CHARITY FOR ALL.”ne 3 |WHILE YOUR NEIGHBOR SWATS|Gold Hill,in Rowan county;the Gard-‘Crop ‘is contzacted for down there goes ry 2.Th ne .eover J 1h.¢}|Across the sea the pilgrims came ;ner Hill,in Guilford county,and the :©contracts cover-up to June ae a From every Jand and State; --Howie,in Union county.--the priee 3s the toy-notch one_of $1.75 They founded on these happy shores _FLIES! “whe silver output of the State,re-3 bushel.I saw one farm there with;A nation free and great.| aa h i200 acres of potatoes planted While Europe's countries bleed in’war,|‘mp y 5 govered as a by-product from gold,ACYeS BLOCSED A UCE:Jeo Deeg Sette ATED r Mining,was 1,465 fine ounces,valued}.“Many thousands of acres of peat!mene ie (ra ete ey Sth 'C.WA PRINS.Ba PHONE NO.83. tc ar a .ae a 5 er ehildre ned 4 »Stars and Stripes |S af-$741,against 1,524 fine ounces,val-j!and are now being drained and re-|“Live side by side in peace.|TAX LISTING,1916!|& ued at $843,in 1914.The copper pro-|claimed along the coast.Before tic!we do not share the battle’s strife,ae 3 duction in 1915 was 17,170 pounds,|dredges went in there this land was In hate we have no part,||Jjist your property.Return your poll.The,& :lassessed for taxation at 50 cents ar:But to each suffering brotiner’s ery law requires that all property subject to taxes,RAMEN ALG AT EH TT A valtied at $3,005.|i ue 4)We open hand and heart |;;\ The total value of the gold,silver |@¢Te.It is now assessed for taxation,|Re aeiee Ses eens os all polls be listed during te month et 7 e i .{5 e ane a ..—s iv truce American spirit swayet ay..errete Be .reresessegtegsets and copper produced im North Caro-at $40 an acre.I don’t suppose ther We answer to the eal,Make these returns promptly and avoid.the|SSE8SSEN LE 823 SE SSRSSS TESTS ISTE SoTL aTa aaa aa aaa SEES Fea S oFS883835 ;lina in 1915 was $175,747,against is any richef land in the whole world.«With matice toward none,”Wwe sayy -penaltics prescribed .by the law.|eng c e 6 .' Ice Cold Fountain Drinks!t $184,702 in 1914.jthan this.It is a peat,four or five}“With ekarity for all.”i 1.KE.BOYD, "‘The output of gold by counties,in ‘feet deep,of a-dark,manogany color |Esther Mendelsohn,||May 97 Clerk to Bd.Go.Coms. haces dit value,wasas-follows:|2nd not deep black,sic the so'l of|cyumaresauiueicavoneeTSONDA GaNA RES ORS A A Butke,Caldwell and Catawba coun.linois.The crop this-land is capa la si t ties,48.51 ounces,$1,003;Cabarrus,|ble of producing is simply enormous |;fo |~eee ceeeererseees {18.59 ounces,$281;Gaston and Meck.48 I have said,within ten years from /q °:g RD GT :‘4)3 lenburg,44.75 ounces,$925;Gran-{now North oe wiil es rting hy Q HY 4 y bie |t =mete +villa and Guilford 163.89 ounces,|©O"":instead o imporun?®iy cs Fy ki §y 4 fH re Z :a :ae :2 . ,sags Montgomery,4,869,483 ounces,|,"ey are pattie cown many a i He BS hi BS SERVED UNDER .THE COOL RE- FRESHING BREEZE OF MANYyreeesJf $99,824;Rowan,2,218.83 ounces,$45,-__-——ELECTRIC FANS.——— Se e v r e v o r v s s e y e y y Ty BnTi \ ‘tesian wells along tie eastern coast :es iy J 86%:Rutherford,275.82 ounces,$5,-|Any of them flow well above the level 2 694!Stanly and Union,586.73 ounces lof the ground,Some of the water has i $12°129,u :"219 taste of sulphur,but otherwise is129.‘NT quite satisfactory.Biverybody seem 4 Deadbeats Work Harm to the prosperous.ip ist ee the ait iY:and the indications are this prosperity 2 x g __Church.will increase.4 :a9}ICK CREAM, sahihashy tarian ee abee Ghetetiana’“Among the other experiment sta-|§reyes!semen a é prereset BET a1 WATER ICKS re.are —protessing ristians 'tions I visited was the Iredell farm.!2 Sh whit ea aN ;meet ‘eof Hol Bye 1 3 pases }ayy at { Snir ann Se Say a ond They have 400 different varictics of LE pie,RC RY ag ap orc a,:-j {ir ;eae a HC cae aoe 1 eae ‘ Lgeers AT..Ont in our churches,'grapes planted there,and are going &sa ‘aiaal 1}yf \#{i |even here in Charlotte,whose repu-|to styl further increase their acreage &[Pie ;i FOUNTA N DRINKS 2 tation for paying debts is so bad that/andMarieties:The Swannanoa anc|€So ‘3 's j i SEE ae eee lay the trades oo puantyre farms will be inspected |THE QU ALITY WAY {err)o men |shortly.”B - ‘\have been unfortunate in business,|Mr.Cannon thinks North Carolina ij and who havesince been unable to pay!a wonderful State,and one ‘greatly apne taeaiee in a of rosperity.|blesed by the Crentor in natural and, vould not be right:to cotdemn such a|undeveloped wealth.The seacoast,'=Statesville Drug Comp’y,: |men;but when they,after failure.|says he,isa source of almost unlimit-:.|*ee and ‘when they have no prospect Sererie oeees S CH 4 Rockers,Settees,Swings,Quality Prescriptionists. Po ev e e TT I ST Ty e oe 33 2 1290 0 2 0 5 0 9 9 0 9 S 99 0 9 9 9S S 00 6 8 8 oe ee ee ee e sc h e s e e e e s o r e r s Z || 10 9 9 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 3 1 Eee eat See tte heds.The great,coastal:plain is go-|Couch Hammocks,Porch jensen of ehapeh omicjele,the sessions the fe iene wee:coumpleted.#Ww Cool )olay Be eeeae E aeasta,)SSeS T MS ovght to ask them to be as little in Then comes the piedmont section,with §ater Gooiters o Carts e a ulK1es.:; j Skies meee Ceuta nn |Anything ia summer goods,Phone voor }|BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY - \rently,.veyond that the mountains of wester S ;;oe bs ‘ yy church does me reeon a nee North Carolina,conthtniite as vet _it wants to us,atrd our man will be there with Bh :MANUFACTURERS..OF ......: he a 1S-Imown wealth,¢alth that is ev i j i ivery::.*ght ak aye rag . Mi of ath crank we that is eng fhe.anges No few minutes.Quick Delivery.A).Kiln dried North Garglina,Pine.,SS a ass fa bail,Estab ished in 1880.Into¥porate 1 e pe fort an,cre,—pa FRC eReTETTe Ree Rarer ne ere §vt Aen akes no\¢!“to pay.aid anoth-|Rheumatism !,’vay ‘tt .'sn rat } in a.revival meeting:“Mr.A’If yot are eemtea ait chronic.or mus-ture House Inc.:PHONES Office id a4 ace GEO TT {YER atyit >,4 i .e °Oh.BUS ske terme aboutmy souls but.L-was |cular nhe umatism,rive Chamberlain's _Lini-Ni A :vals X I ing oft the time about.the coal |reecrie,Sean SECM cee:threw Te cal {a ‘i 2 y rite Store,mi Residence.423 4 Vice.Pres,1a t Man er, ‘beoh owing me foryears.”|Obtainable everywhere. |2.B.WOOD your money.Dodson’s Liismercuryorquickail-destroying theCaxanecrosisofthe8.Calomel,when it.comes intocontactwithsourbilecrashesintoit,king it oy This is when you feeltawfulnauseaandcramping.Ifare“all knoc:ked out,”if youriesistor;ed5 or you have.headache,,‘®ontel tongue,if breath is tirely vegetable, salivate or make you sick. dizziness, stomach sour justt ican‘stom Sour Just try a spoonfulo:(harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone.“Here’s my guarantee—Go to’any‘drug store'and get a 50 cent bottle of.Dodson's Liver Tone.Take a spoon-‘fol tonight and if it doesn'tstraight-ne Set |Everybody — Give it to your children.less;doesn’tpleasanttaste, ee andthat's the thing to do—not only talk-it but support it in a substantial way,and“it will certainly be a success. There will be’a committee in eachtownshiponthe23rd.and 24th:and every-body will be given an opportunity to helpinthisgreatENTERPRISE. “IREDELL is a good County,and has_Jots of good people,and of course if wehaveaCountyFairwewantagoodone,solet’s be loyal,2nd meet the Committeewithasmile,and a liberal subscription. : s and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,;“The Bank For Your Savings.” -Merchants INTERESTED. BECAUSE° We are giving this space to Boost the OUNTY FAI MEET THE COMMITTEE ON THE23dand24thANDSUBSCRIBEFORSTOCKANDLET’S HAVE THE BIG-EST FAIR EVER.®| -—-DONATED.-— Seg meet am mite +omen emeetrereerronan =goneincisal2MKODAKSa Efficiency’of Kodak System have nares oer nt hate ones __The Simplicity,Convenience andputamateurphotographywithinatsmallcost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES-$1 tu $12.KodaksuppliesofallkiadsiathegenuineEastmanquality.WARD Jeweler, ITE ON LIVER},| ver Tone isbaleofcalomelcayse.itis real liver—medicine;en-therefore‘it can not A.guarantee that one.spoonful.ofDodson’s Liver Tone will put yoursluggishlivertoworkandcleanyouridandbowlesconstipat-|bowels of that sour bile and consti-pated eg which isclogging your th ie Datauten fae a totes books and the farmers are given theDodson’s Liver Tone will keep yourentirefamilyfeelingfineformonths.It is hartn-gripe and they like its “Talking County ATR eo —= < 9 Iredell Hardware Com’y. reach of every man,womanand child ~ May19,1916. ae MR Nn er inie”?7 Y r|elations ¢United States)‘rane waltGive You SPOKE FOR RURALC WEP?)andMexico,Cleansing You Ever Had.As Vit eha |Mexico’City.Disnatch egaon.»It makes youyenyou right yp and make you feel|Mr.Doughton Argued ‘For the "Commaanting ‘editorially onthe!i ee aday’a work.If you|fineond v eemyuning cee -Bill'to Give Farmers Easy iRravity of the international situation|“feel.-bilious orconstis|you to-¢Athe store andget!¢:RiMocateeteFconati.|you to go set).Credits,voi /krowihe out-of the borderbeaseAesineee|onl goverment organs saasanyotherbusiness,Representa-|tive Doughton of.North.Carol rural credits measure,The farmer,he said,has the best-of all security.Mr.Doughton said in part:“Whenthelegislationwhichwéareconsid-ering is placed upon the statute ‘have never desired and never desired sired by the United States."The nation ought to know:thetruthand‘ought to consider,that allthesacrifices,all the anguish whichourstrugglestopurifyourpolitica!organization and reconqner the liber-ties of the people have cost.shouldhotberenderedsterilebyanabsurdandunjustwar, “But before obstinacy,and in thelihtofrecenteventsandtheunjustatiitudedfagreatpower,Mexicoshouktrememberthe;figures of-Che-huantipec and Juarez and know thatlifewithouthenorisworthnothing,“Irom the beginning the struggle‘o implant 4 eonstitutional form ofvernment,has’been met with con-nt difficulties from Washington, same opportunity for obtaining creditthatthecommercialinterestsof-thecountryhave;agriculture will cele-brate its emancipation and henceforthbefreefromthethraldomthat.haskeptitenslavedsolong.’“Since the time when the memoryofmenrunnethnottothecontrary,the.Republican...party»has...-told».thefarmerthat,if the Democratic partyshouldcomeintopowerandapplyitspolicies,the farmer would be.ruined.“Yes;the farmer was told that ifthehighprotectivetariffwaslower-4edthepricoFhisorops-rBagance,8ilivestock-—wou rop to.nothing;|°'2!"::tn#)that his Jand values moat depreciate:|which we have met with impartiali-that he would be reduced.to the state |‘Y good faith and a :legitimate de-of the common beggar and -walk ‘the |fe"ce of the general interests of theearthinpoverty’s embrace,and.many Country.In the United States refu-j honest farmers believed this fabrica-%°°Mexicansin unzon with capital-tion.‘They Heliéved that tn some way ists,Catholics’and American adven-the.tariff and the value of.farm ‘"ers,have plotted to undo the workproductswereinseparablylinkedto-°!"evolution.:msgetherandthatlowercustomsdu-,..he stupid aggression of Villa andHiticsmeantacorrespondinglowering:his handits is not an isolated.factor,of farm products and stagnation and !"¢is connected with the work ofdeathtothefarmingindustry.these diverse,elements along the“But that deception can no longer frontier who daily try to overthrowcontrol.The farmer has been shown the constitutionalist:government andhyactualresultsthathehastoolong|isturb the tranquility of the United |heen the victim of misrepresentation,>‘@tes.He is receiving larger prices for his.products than ever-before-in-the his-tory_of the country and enjoying theyiercatestseasbnof.prosperity.ButBiwhatisnowrcominghiswayis.onlyB/N carnest of the additional advan-Bitages ond blessings’that are,fo beB|his when our entire legislative pro-Fj¢ramme for his benefit has been com-|pleted,:i “Farming is as much a business as Dee 4 :Bente or~merchandising is ea ec have yet the right to betieve ,8)business and can only be successful-{0%Vresident Wilson,who knows how|ily operated and managed when riven tg fate the vreat crisis:of the Euro:|a}adeauate facilities for credit,such as|Pan war,who has proclaimed and|mw |are necessary for the successful oner-S¥Stained his pacifié theories,who has||ation of any-other business,“While S°¢through the schemes of filibus-||there are a few individuals here and ¢"s and who has opened his arms to,ithere who have ample funds for the the Latin-American republics in an|l operation if their business enterpris-appeal for continental solidarity un-||on!yet the undeniable fact remains der the Monroe doctrine,will not ‘re-‘that practically all business is done ae his steps,will not tear up the!lon credit.Deny manufacturing,mer-|!0Undaticns of his prestige by un-:'chandising,railroad or other business {Ng a war,which nothing can |li adequate credit facilities and *yo Justify,and sacrifice a people already ||nlance the dagger to its heart.Cred.“a kened and bled by their internal }| “So far from trying to reach anagreementthatwouldbesensibleandequitablesothatthsrootsoftheseconspiratorsmightbecut,once forall,the United States sends a so-!valled punitive expedition into Mex->Jean territery and prolongs the con-|flict.instead of settling it.-through |diplomatic channels.Historic prece-'dents do not uphold these:proceed-ings, it is the foundation to our whole in-struggles,|dustrial and /structural’system,and :Against such -asameistrueofagriculture,'ctive|Therefore,it cannot deveion and fous. y war are the col-.interests ofhutif.unfortunately:ish without adequate credit,SE into’such a war,“This bill is intended to nrovide|™°¥"est assured that never againFederallandbankswhose.sole pur.Will the Ufsited States have the con.A)Mose and*functicn!shall be to serve;dence of a single Latin-American na-F uae farmer and eth him money on tenf|long time—at a low rate of interest—eit rie SreeH|.pavable on the installment or amorti-Married After <0 Years,jzation plan.The farmer has the best \__After _a courtship—of _all_security with’which to make!P.L.Yates and.Miss Kate—Reayror,H safe his loans—something that fire both of Rutherford,Tenn,were mar-y,Canact consume,rogues cannot steal,}Tied last week.The bridegroom raveHinorfloodswoshaway.Therefore,he us age as 67 and the bride 65.Their|Should be able to procure the use of courtship —bezan-~in schosl days,4;money on.the same terms and at as Yaies said that he had never believedTilowrateofinterestasanycorpora-|he could afford to wed until he{tion ov evén the government of the waid for 1,600 acres of land,had 0,-i United States itself.”690 in a bank and had built and fur-q ceca TeRNREEREReMEY:|pished-a.home for his bride.AJl this}Immigration Bill Changed to ho has,says the report cf the mar-Ks Satisfy the Japs.jtiaee.=a};To meet Japan's objection to having|4 re ||the so-called gentlemen’s agreement |AFTER GRIPPE {|for the restriction-of immigration-cne.:jyactedintolawinthependingimmi.|Vinol Restored Mr.Martin’s Strength #HW;ration bill,the Senate immigration ;I{committee has agreed upon an amend-|Htent which removed the:Japanese:entirely from the bill,but accom.)=|}plishes Asiatic exelusion otherwise;‘by a specification of latitude and Ion-:i gitude.which will take in China,Si-.|Lberia,India-and—the-islands of the:{Malay archinelago.with the excep- We are drarged|President Wilson: RETRroNA1 lasting 42 years,” had erie,athenatunartnemed Wapakoneta,Ohio.—T ama faymer |by occupation,and the grippe left mo ff} With a bad cough and ina nervous,wenk, run-down condition,and I could not|seem to get anything to do me any gooduntilItookVinolwhichbuiltme-np;:and.my-cough and nervousness are all | gone,and I can truly say Vinol is all: raid at,|Glen Springs,Texas,E31 Pueblo,the “We are confronted by the most|ina|Serious,the most grave pte of)‘the Ur national life.“We are facing theurgedthatCongressshouldadoptthetremendousdangerofwar,which we provoked-and which surely is not de-; hoth countries,|§| retin Bal Pe Ddnt 2, { j Mattresses,we choice, sulk Floss, e Tie YOUR SHOES NEAT -10¢e EE DALLEY Co,ltd.Buffalo,VY.STEN RON ESX:ANWW Notwithstanding the BIG ADVANCE inareforthepresentofferingthematOLDPRICES, This we will be unable to do.when present.stock is exhausted,We have them cheapest.to finest Statesville Housefurnishin gC3_i PHONE 157.a ©s Better Goods for Less aren a Call early and get nn n sc r r e r e r n r a a m e n s ar e s Money.5 This 5 regular price Only:one JH¥y Brush to tory thaiiS slaimedfor it’?—JAmMES Marvin...§]tion of the Philinpines.Jt leaves im-|.Vinol is-a-constitutional remedy formigrationfromJapantobegoverned é i «4 78 iManufacturer’s In 23e.long handle,hardwood Brush,for Bath Tub or~or_Germmode,free withSpotlessCleanserand the Lustre Box.-c.Assortment For 25c.one-pound cans Spotless Cleanser,regular price 15e,!e ‘lhe Lustre Box,regular price 3 1 large packag[large packape “Jiffy” ~~~EXPLANA TION——eeThisliberalofferismadepossiblebythemanufacturerwhousesthi8formofadvertisingtoquicklyintroducethesethreéexcellenthouseholdnecessities.duthorized to refund money if you.are not satisfied, Delivered by Your Grocer,Phone or Call Today._The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery,|Vhe Store of Better Values.”@ SLE 1htroductory,Offer 25e-purchase of-—* 10¢:bath tub or commode Brush, We are each customer while they last, all weak,nervous.and run-down conci-| |entirely by the Root-Takahira agreé-|tions of men,women and children,end &| en es = ment.The change is understood to!for chronic coughs,colds and bronchitis,|:3besatisfactorytotheStateDepart-|W.¥.Hall.Druggist,Statesville,N.C.#ment-and Japan.|an —yn fRepresentationsweremadethat|titheenactmentintolawofanagree,|f--|ment which Japan had @nenred upon |t —:—The Statesville Realty-&Investment Co.==INSURANCE!===F .,AS a great many policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamedinthecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deena it_advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberenderedvalueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply toyouragentforpermit.3 .2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary alfera-tions in or on,property—always get permits from agents.Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice ofsameiggiven—apply to your agent.Any change in the title or ownership,ty insured other than by death..6~—Assignment or transfer6—By any increase in theT—The taking of. or interest in.proper- of property toanother.hazard,matics must be given.other-insurancewithout-_notice,:8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil,9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract,oftheir policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-*ficiencies unless notified,Call.on us for any INSURANCE infor-mation..“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager,*PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,.N C.REPAIR WORK Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectaclesfitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed.R.F.HENRY,..-%Jeweler. K. honor to-fulfill was repugnant to the’!| eJapanesegovernment,as was the if?fs{classification of Japanese with Hin-|idusandotherstobeexcluded,In oth-|2 Orserwords,while Japanese immigrants||are-excluded_under the former apreactment,Japan objected to.having en!$f,acted into law what.the country had,agreed to carry out in good faith, Ce IEREELMOONEEme |: Russian Armies Pressing Turks |Le QWiththeadvanceofRussianforces|BSsouthwardfromtheUrumiahregion: ge e s e toward Mosul,in Assyria,on the Ti-!gris,which resulted recently in the|occupation of Rivandouza,the Rus-|sians are bringing fresh pressure of||the most powerful surt upon the rear ifofnearmiesinMesopota-itmia.e hope is now entertained in 6 }Petrograd of*bringing not only Bag-Roses,| trrrcesresis=hoe beg he.SSSeSI EST TAIL eterer ree:tiestisy ye Ve ds -:ai ee ae 7bigMinstrelPerformance BENEFIT OF BASEBALL s+OPERA HOUSE,FRIDAY,MAY 26TH:RESERVED SEATS ONLY 75c.x A dollay’s worth of fun or your money back, AOSd Soe eee eeeeis etiitetirt srisrstirses Do You WantBaseball This Summer?| VOTE YES!BY BEING | TIF LI¢7 ANAt THE $909 99990908904 st SBI sareerertetee 5 eee dad,the Holy City_of—the Caliphs,but the entire country:lying betweentheTigrisandthaEuphrates,underRusSiandominion.The only serious obstacletheCzar’s army and Mosul is theancientfortifiedcity‘of Jesioh-Iim-®Omar,on an island in the Tigris,130milessoutheastofDiarbekr,It isbelievedthatthiscity,with its anti-quated defences,will not be able longtodelaytheRussianadvance.TheprogressoftheseforcesalreadyhasbrokenthebackboneoftheTurkishcommunicationsbetweenDiarbekrandMosul, Carnations,| Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in Pipfusion,7 between rindi ee “Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done Wondersj:For Me!” (“E havel been’a sufferer from stomach troubslefora’number of years,and although Ivhaveusedagreatnumberofremediesrecommend-ed“for this.complaint,Chamberlain's Tabletsisthefiratmedicinethathitiveandlastingrelief,’MKadin,‘Spencerport,N.Y,“Chiimberlain’s GREENSBORO,Ht ¢. }Polk Gray Drug Co., “FOLLOW YOUR Thorough Disinfectant,.Kill the germs on your stock,in closets and for general use. Let us explain to you its use. -HALL’S D"PHONE 20,0 SPRINGCLEANING || WITH A” RCFOREa your chicken house, Lecal Agente, Van Lindley bo,| |Tablets have done wonders for me and 2 atevaluethemveryhighly.”Obtainable every:4b 4 regular 25c.value,our price only :PA: _inches wide,........ SUMMER KS eevs he The price of Silks,as you well know,continues to soar skyward,but as yet OUR PRICES have remained the same.We will soon be forced todo otherwise,however.Sonowisthe time to secure a supply of Silks and Dress Fabrics for your season needs.All of the new colored and striped Taffetas along with the rest of our Silks at the old price.|s er » Your Greatest Opportunity to Purchase New Silks...ee SOISETTE. |.500 yards of this beautiful material in Colored Stripes, 19¢. A nice line of this material in White and Tan,32 and 36 l5c.yd. 800 yards Colored Batiste,in stripes and floral designs,. 28 inches Wide,regular 10c.and price, VOILE A beautiful display of this material in all the new shades and designs,36 inches wide,25c.value,our price,19c. IN OUR“A TRULY WONDER Pr ee LM BEACH Pe eree ee DRESS FABRICS. 12c. AND CREPES. value, FUL COLLECTION READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT! Many other styles at $5. hams that will not fade. $1.98.Children’s,48c., New style in Ladies’Silk Poplin Dresses,$3.98 and $4.95. 95,$7.50,$8.50 and up. ~HANDSOME COAT SUITS. Which have been reduced almost half. WASH DRESSES. For Women and Children,made of Percales and Ging- Women’s 98c.,$1.25,$1.48 and98c.$1.48,$1.98. our 8 1-2c. NEW SKIRTS. A full line of Skirts in blacks and blues,from 23-inch Waist to 36-inch,$2.98,$3.48,$4.95 up. A big line of white Wash Skirts,98c.White wash,Skirts in Corduroy,Gaberdine and Sasket-weave material,$1.98. Better grade,........i SHH RB BO OOOOROOUUC $2.98. Awning Stripe Skirts,2...0.2...eee eeeee $1.98. SILK HOSIERY. Ladies’black and white Silk Hose,.......ee eee 25c. Ladies’full-fashioned Silk Hose,................48e. Ladies’all-silk Garter-top*Hose in black,tan,Navy, Pongee white and other shades,98c.\ Kayser’s celebrated make,all Silk,black and white, 98c.,$1.50 and $2.4 . FOOTWEAR DEPARTMENT. In:this department we are showing the biggest line in the city and at prices that cannot be duplicated.COME AND BE CONVINCED!,PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS: Ladies’Silk Parasols,new.and.up-to-date in style and quality,$1.98 to $4.95.Child’s Parasols 25c.,50c.and 75c.Ladies’and Gents’Umbrellas,$98c.,$1.25 and $1.50. CLOTHING AND GENTS’FURNISHINGS. In this department we were never so well supplied with bargains.PALM BEACH SUITS $4.95,$5.95 and $7,- 50.Stouts and Slims,regular and extra sizes.Bei MEN’S AND BOYS’SUMMER UNDERWEAR. 2-piece Suits,Men and Boys’Balbriggan,short.and long Sleeves,25c,each;Suit for 45c.” Force Knit 2-piece Suits,50c.;Suit,$17 Force Knit Union Suits,$1. B.V.D.full line,2-piece and Union Suifs,50c.and $1.s Peter Hill Union Suits,$1 value for 75c. SPECIAL IN TIES. 1 lot,50c.for 35¢.;3 for $1. 1 lot,25c.for 15c.;two for 25c.‘ HATS AND CAPS. Stetson in all the shapes.Straw Hats of all kinds and > shapes.Panama Hats from °$2.78 to $5.Young Men and Boys’Straw Hats from 50c.and up.New Spring Caps,25c.,48c.,75c.,95e., LINEN COLLARS. Lion Brand,all sizes and styles,15c.2 for 25e. ea a THE LANDMARK'! FRIDAY,-.--May 19,1916 —pR.CA;MONROE-RESIGNS. Superintendent of Home Mis-_.....sions of Concord Presbytery— Special Meeting of Presbytery —Church Notes. Services at Trinity church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and the public cordially invited. >Rev.E.D.Brown leaves today for| Harrisburg—to—conduct--a--series—of| meetings.Owing to his absence, there will be no preaching at Concord >ghurch,Loray,Sunday. *Communion service will be held at St:Martin’s Lutheran church Sunday, 2 THE COLLEGE GRADUATES art,even with college graduates.It is hard to plan a fashionable gown, although there is-so~little of it. Punctuality and order are important. Our public schools are to be com- mended for teaching orderliness andneatness.Get the habit.The more things we can do automatically the more time we have to think about greater things and life’}:problems have to be thought out.One of the chief things in life is happiness,or rather joy,for happiness is without and--jov-comes from-within:~Educa~ tion will make you want more things, will make you want many things.A cow contentedly chewing her cud in the pasture-is-a picture of happiness. She is satisfied—has what she wants Statesville college passed into histo-]freos Next Session—Change in Faculty.THE The fall session of the college will| open—September—6..__The faculty.fornextyearisnotyetcomplete,butiPie JF —< there will be some changes.As_has} been announced,Mr.Karel Bondam,aa Xwillhavechargeofthemusicdepart- ment,vice Miss Kirkpatrick of Fort) Mill,S. GIVE US A LOGSK. ONE OF 13 BIG RETAIL STORES THAT SELL’FOR LESS. |tT C.,resigned.~Miss Louise: morningservice o'clock, ‘Asheville “dition to Those in noir;S. ospect CandidMcDowel Mr.F.F.Wooten,Mrs. Mr.S..Grose,Mrs.H.Burke and Rev.|tant part of education to make what ,time made AC §.Cashwell_left—_Wednesday for |we.want and what we have approxi-|a ier all‘Some o the Southern Baptists. &An ‘adjourned meeting of Concord“Presbytery wasFirst.Presbyterian church Tuesday.!«ho ideal oor QuakerBeatty,Concord;J.G.Garth,Hicko-ty;W.-M.Sikes,Newton;R.W. berson,Poplar Tent;Loray,and Elders D.A.Sloop.of ~~~of Statesville. gomvleted his course in the Semina-' Ty,was licensed : Cully,daighter of Mrs.J.L.Cully of} Statesville,will teach mathematics,; taking this part of the work of Miss! Foster of Lancaster,S.C.,lady prin-| einal,--who.has_resigned.....Miss....Rose_, Gillespie of Mississippi will succeed| Miss Fewell of Rock Hill,S.C.,as teacher of voice.Miss Reid of Gas-| tonia,teacher of expression,has also! resigned.Otherwise the faculty is at 11 0’clock.Preparatory |and didn’t want much.It is estimat-tomorrow afternoon to attend the convention of |mate each.other.Paul’s injunction These in ad-|to BE content with your lot was ap-those mentioned Tuesday.|plied to material things.Paul was not satisfied*with either his mental or spiritual state.Education and re- _ligion'should be combined to create condition.The two must Education makes us want held herein:the attendance were Revs.Drs.jlend. {.A.Munroe,Hickory;C.M.Rich-|many material things-and the trouble!pect.for next year is encouragingrds,Davidson;Byron Clark,Salis-)3.we too often exalt the material’and new pupils are already enrolling. bury;C.E.Raynal and H.M.Parker,|shove the intellectual and sviritual,!It is a dutv and a privilege for theStatesville;Revs.C.T.Squires,Le-|whereas the spiritual should be first, ,the intellectual second and the ma-|H.Hay,Mooresville;J.Meadows;H.F.’torial last. The auestion for you,said Dr.Cur- rell to the graduates,is How can I be of the greatest service in the world? Tf you want love for God and your Cul-! E.D.-Brown,! church and S.W.Stimson :ifaith you can have it:if vou want to of Siloam,|now more and to enjoy the beauties in God’s universe,you can.Cultivatethehabitofappreciatingtheftrifles of life and be courteous and kindly ate T.G.Tate1county,who had recently and transferred to A:Ee eee eta Presbytery,to evervbody.Cultivate four things _Bev.Dr.Jno =Scott was dismiss.|#74 be four-sanare:Have a well-de- fas retPresbytery.Rev.E.-D.Brown ofiLoraywas.elected chairman of home~~“tnissionsta \7.tical mai‘or the p>‘ment to>»jply to create a secretary of educa-thtion. «mington this week,to-die in theelec.|cording to custom are supposed to be!©)@ric chair—Swinson on July 7 and/taken over by their successors,and errick July 14.{then followed the presentation of Whi 1 whed. eens eo from ;‘Presbytery of Roanoke in Virginia.|Rev.Dr.C.A.Munroe resigned as ‘superintendent of home missions and‘evangelist of Concord Presbytery but fall meeting of Presbytery.~&Presbytery sent to the General As- ,mbly,in session at Orlando,Fla.,a | ‘protest against the creation of anymewsecretariesandotherecclésias- \»Tom Merrick,convicted-of first de-|After the award of_“gree murder,and Lawrence Swinson,|Sentation of ‘gonvicted of first degree burgilary,|m2:.the seniors divested themselves| ‘oth colored,were scritenced,at Wil-{of their caps and gowns,whien | le fishing in the Catawba,riv-|ed an abundance, Y was discovered when his hat|seen floating down stream. i fined creed—What am T here for? Where am I going?Whom shall Itserve?Am I here to get all I can or give all J can?Conduét is a re- sult of creed,character follows con- duct and a union of character and creed means becomin®,Christ-like; and in the end we shall he like Him, for we shall see Him-as-He is.Dr.Currell’s address of three auarters of an hour was heard with attention and interest.He is not only a thinker anda strony man,but he jhas the rare faculty of interspersine ithe more serions matter with wit andjhumorthatilluminates. Concord Presbytery to the ained us treasurer of the committee,to serve until n*| chinery.This protest was urpose of heading off a move- be brought up in the Assem- ere was a song by the College Glee Club,Miss Kirkpatrick accomnanist. prizes and:vre- certificates and divlo- ae- flowers and gifts,of which all receiv- The ‘exércises’werer,in ‘hineoln-county,Friday,James!closed with a song by the Glee clubrafellinthestreamandwas|and the hénddiction hv Dr.h aynitl:the after which the graduates received the congratulations of their friends: He was.alone and at.3'ed that 49 out of 50 successful men|vear.are educated and the uneducated man|be announced.T.G.Watts,|is handicapned.But it is an impor-[faculty who taught here for the first fellows,you can have it:if you want, At the conclusion of the address and.the 1916 commencement of . expected to remain as it was the past:As soon as it-is complete it will|The members of.the many friends who.regretofthemwillreturn. ‘one case rumor has it that the teach- ‘ing may be continued,but with one, 'punil. ;President Moore has completed his) first year at the college and he is pleased with the result.The pros- citizens of the community and section to do all vossible to sustain and en-/covrage the work of this institution. In helping it they are helping the community and helping themselves.i Coe Sous Han Re Commencements. The commencement of the Normal) and Collegiate Institute,Ashevile,will embrace June 3-6.Miss Kath- leen Lipe,daughter of Mr.and Mrs. James C.Lipe,who are natives of Iredell and formerly lived in States- ville,is a member of the graduating class, The Landmark is indebted to Miss Fay Poole for an_invitation to the commencement of Tennesee College. Murfreesboro,Tenn.,May 28—June 1.Miss Poole will graduate in ex- pression.Trinity College commencement:June 4-7.Baccalaureate sermon June 6,11 a.-m..Rev,_John—Herman-Randall,_D4— D.,New York city.Alumni dinner the same day at 1 p .m.and alumniaddressbyFredHarper,of Lynch- burg,Va.;graduating orations at 8.- 30 p.m.Commencement address June 7,10.30 a.m.,,by Gov.Folk of Missouri.oopeeteeeereaTw_Col.C.W.Bradshaw,a well knowncitizenandConfederateveteran,diedWednesdayathishomeinCharlotte Was born in Davidson county in 1833, a 1 AOSHINGLES! My father .has -been _sellingShinglesfor85years.The Watkins-es buy in quantities and sell for less. I have been selling them in States-'ville for peaflyin year,and not a cus-\dna tndeReon dt a leaky roof. |Cx WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire:jell County,Statesville,N.C.° those who resigned did so’; because they will give uv teaching;in THEATRE TODAY JOHN BARRYMORE “Nearly A King” One of the best photo-lays on the Paramountrogram. SATURDAY -MARY BOLAND ne “The Edge of The Abyss” And SYD CHAPLIN-—in— “The Submarine Pirate” If you'miss the pictures on this day,you willmissatreat.They are simply great.MONDAY ~VIRGINIAPEARSON “The,Writing on The Wall” A Blue Ribbon feature that is fine.THE| EYRIC THEATRE “The Coolest’Plath | Past Tewn”’29 RE SARI TONEY Ie i FOR RENT-—Cottage with lights,baths,ete,M.P.ALEXANDER,May 6.BUILDING?CG.WATKINS. PO R E Ki |-Iredell:Vulcanizing Company, ‘PHONE 212. |s|FOR SALE!|| 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling,* barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which-is-in—— meadow,balance in woodland,level and productive. 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near schools and churches,with 2-story,.6-room.dwelling,large stock barn and out-buildings,good orchard,two branches running through place,60 acres fn cultivation,generally level,balance in woodland enclosed in pasture. ern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x 200.eVacantlotonArmfieldgtreet,50x150. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance in woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard,Will exchange for smaller farm or city property.a For further information call on or write : GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ERNEST G.GAITHER, PHONE 23,ALS AND REAL ESTATE.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. ~This Space is |Donated : For This Issue to The Iredell Co.Fair Association ~=—LOOK OUT FOR——— The Whirlwind Campaign on the 23d and 24th of this month and have your loose change ready.This is going to be a BIG THING for Iredell county and we should all be interested. [SAVE THOSE OLDTIRESandTUBES.| Iredell Vuleanizing Company will take care of \all Tire troubles..™ New plant.Best equipment.Best workmanship. Save money by.having your old Tires and innerTubesshapedformuchmoreservice. Punctures,Blowouts,Rim Cuts successfully ‘overcome.:!Oe -All sizes and makes. Work done by an expert and a guaranteébehind it all,;re,nig - COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. a) Te ee e Ps et s ha e oe ai a { { So a te > ip et ga s e s eeee YS Se e : Pi e te t a s So l ha Te t ae g i e ) b NT tr e et be ee —————— tarot —————~ee~«SFATESVILLE,Ne. C.,TUESDAY,MAY 23,1916. aPUBLICSCHOOL FINALS Closing Exercises Last Night— ;arere of Medais,Prizes,"¥Scholarships and Diplomas—..Rev.Harper Brady’s SermonSundayMorning. Statesville Public School com-‘Mencement was concluded last eveningwithexercises.by graduating class, presentation of prizes,medals,etc,_,Rev,J...Harper Brady...made.theopeningprayerandthenamesof 242 pupils who were neither.absentnortardyduringtheyearwerereadbyProf,Yount.;Medals and prizes were awarded as|.follows:-‘Medal for best historical paper,given by Fort Dobbs Chapter of theD.A.R.,was awarded to Irma Fur-ches of the eighth grade and was presented by Miss Laura Lazenby.For the second honor in this contestHarryMoorewasgiventhechaptercolors,Set of books for best essay on,“Influence of Advertising,”given byMr,G.E.French.Awarded to Bes- sie Anderson of the tenth grade and presented by Mayor Caldwell.In this contest Miss Mary Cutting and Miss~Dorothy Gill received honorable_..mention.peSetofbooksforbestexhibit inintermediatedepartment,given by Mr.L.W.McKesson.Awarded to sixthgradeandpresentedbyProf.H.E.Craven. For the best paper on the eare and treatment of children the prize,a book given by Mrs.Vera Jones,vis-.iting nurse,was awarded to little Miss Louise Gilbert,and for the sec- ond best paper $1 in cash to_littleMissLoisMorrison.Presentation byMr,Walter Thompson.The class prophecy,which caused much amusement,was read by Ruth Foard.Johnsie Deal,the president of the class,presented the class gift,handsome table and chairs for the rest room.The gift was acceptedfortheschoolbyJo.Clark of thesixthgrade.:Scholarships were awarded as fol-lows:To the University,WalterAdams;Catawba College,LawrenceHudson;Trinity College,WoodfordWhite.;: The anniversary poem,written byMyr.James W.Bain of Winston-Sa- ~Yem,was-read by.Mr.Bain,.a grad-uate of the school in.the class of1911,myaMr.Victor L.Stephenson of theCharlotteObserver,a graduate oftheschool,who was to have made atalk,was unable to be present and a letter from him was read by MissFinleyofthefaculty.Short talks.were made by Mr.Dorman Thomp- son,a graduate,and R.R.Clark,a former member of the!school board._.-:Diplomas were then presented tothe20membersofthegraduating class by Mr.G.E.French,as follows:Walter Adams,James Brady,Naomi Bailey,Cowles Bristol,Flake Chip-Jey,Elmer Cutting,Alva Dale,Johnsie'Deal,Mattie Feild,Ruth Foard,Wil-.liam Foote,Dorothy Gill,Maude Guy,Margaret Kirk,Lawrence Hudson,Blanche Laugenour,Woodford White,}-Florence Miller,Pauline Miller,Rich--ard Mitchell.Boutonnieres were pre-sented to each member of the class on behalf of Dr.James W.Davis,agraduateoftheschool.The exercises were closed with a-@lass song and benediction by Mr.-Brady. Mt.Brady’s Splendid Sermon Sunday. “~The auditorium of .the StatesvillePublicSchoolswaspackedSundayMorningbythosewhowenttoheareannualsermonbyRev.J.“Harper Brady,a Statesville boy and1906graduateoftheschools.It was the first opportunity the home peoplefenerallyhadhadtohearMr.BradyandhiseffortsSundayweresuchas-to make his friends proud of him.He not only had:something to say butSaiditinsuchasplendidmanner..The exercises consisted of several“songs,the invocation’by Rev.J.F.Kirk,a solo by Mr.Frank Armfield‘and the sermon.:-Rev.Mr.Brady’s subject was “Re-“ligion and Happiness”and his textEBee.,.11:9,“Rejoice,O-young man,in thy youth;”Ecc.,-12:1,“Remember 'hew thy Creator in the days of thyyouth.” He told first of the boyhood dayssofJesus;how that He was an idealboyand“increased in wisdom and Stature,and in favor with God andman.”It was pointed out that relig-ion is not inconsistent with happi- Ness,as many think,but is produc-tive of happiness,even in the lives of‘young folks.Jesus was an ideal boy ;Sunday morning in the absence of the| and’conducted himself so as to havetheconfidenceofhis.parents andheywerenotafraidtotrusthimout heir sight.He-enjoyed—tife;-as‘there was no sin mixed with any ofHispleasures,and«it is -sin alonethatmakes.us unhappy.The coun-el to ‘the young.fellow of,today ems to be for him to sow his wildoatswhileheisyoung,basing such¥counsel on the fatal assumption thatfitisabsolutelynecessaryfor.a mantosowwild'oats..The time will come when such damnable counsel as ©thiswillnotbegiven.Boys,like girls,should not be expected to have wildoatstosow.In justice to.boys theipeakersaidheoughtto'say.that.hethinksaboyhasaharderfighttoliveacleanandpurelifethanagirl,for the nature of man is not'as highdnobleasthatofwoman.But what.makes it harder still is the wayisomewomenandgirlsdressandactdtalk,And I am not speaking ofdown-and-out class,for they real-don’t counti#o much.Iam think-of respected.and influential wo-(Continued on’Righth Page), DE Paaliake oa [tori called on for help'and.with their OFFENCES NOT SERIOUS. Cases in Iredell Court -Yester- day Unimportant. Tredell “Superior Court ~convenedyesterdaymorningfortheMaytermwithJudgeB.F.Long presiding.So-licitor Hayden Clement prosecutingandMr.J.T.Montgomery of States-ville foreman of the grand jury.Themorningsessionwas.taken up by the judge in his charge to the grand jury.Son Day,larceny;Ed.Hepler,lar-ceny;Scarla Davis,Jim McCarter,Jake Helpler,T.E.Redman,Johnson Allison,Clyde.Little,W.H.McCar- ter,Arthur Roberts,Sylvester South-er and Jo.Nicholson,all tried at for- mer terms for manufacturing or re- tailing liquor,continued under for- mer order to appear and show good behaviour.Ed.Sprinkle,disposing of mort- gaged property;required to give ap- pearance bond of $150,., Maurice Jurney,retailing;nol.pros. with leave. Jim White and Jeff Pharr,affray; plead -guilty;judgment suspended on payment of cost and each recognized in the sum of $100 to keep:the peacefor12months. Charley Moyer,assault on female; plead guilty;judgment suspended on payment of cost and good behaviour. ~W.L.Steele,false pretense;plead guilty of forcible trespass;judgment suspended on condition that defendant live with his mother for two yearsand.give his.assistance to work the farm unless his mother is able to put him in school of high grade and up- on condition of good behaviour.He is to pay costs in case and give $100 bond to appear for two years and show good behaviour,. This is the boy who ordered gro- cerics from.Rash’s store and request-ed that change for $10 be sent.The purchase},amounted to.less than a dollar,Steele met the delivery boy, got some of the articles from him and the change,telling the boy to.go on to Mr.Troutman’s,where he would be given the $10. Leroy Turner,assault with deadlyweapon;fined $10 and costs._ Merchants’Association Appoints Committee —New Secretary Elected and Delegates to State Meeting. At the meeting of the local Retail the following named delegates ‘were elected to the meeting of the StateAssociationinWinston-Salem June20-21-22:Messrs.A.W.Bunch,R.L. Poston,J..A.Brady,W.E.Munday, Fred.’Sherrill,B.F.Russell,J.Paul Leonard,J.A.Conner and TS; Weatherman;alternates,Messrs.Geo.H.Myers,Fred.Ramsey,J.L.Sher- rill,A.W.McLain,J.H.Morrison, Jno.A.White,J.M.McKee,A.B.Johnston and Raymond Maiden.Mr.Q.A.Stephenson resigned assecretaryoftheassociationtotakeupotherworkandMr.J.Paul Leon-ard was elected to succeed him.TheassociationacceptedMr.Stephenson’s resignation with regret.~One of the most’important things done by the association Friday night was to elect an advertising commit- tee to pass on all advertising schemesofferedtothemerchants.This com-mittee is composed of Messrs.L.W. McKesson,W.H.Morrison.A.B. Johnston,R.L.Poston and F.B.Bunch,and is to meet at the call of the secretary._Outsiders come in with all kinds of advertising schemes on-their merits.Of course individ- ual merchants will have a_right to take hold of these propositions if they like,but the committee will ap- prove or disapprove as.they think best.This-committee—is—for—a—good purposeand should be of great benefitandhelptolocalmerchants. The association also endorsed movement for a fair.-the Church Items. Rev,Chas.E.Maddry of Raleigh, who had been attending the Southern Baptist Convention _in__Asheville, preached to his former congregationattheFirstBaptistchurchSunday morning,to the great pleasure of his|Statesville friends.Mr.Maddry will leave soon for Fort Worth,Texas, !where he has accepted a call.While‘in Statesville Mr.Maddry -was_the \euest of Mr.and Mrs.L.K.Lazenby. Rev,W.T.Walker,superintendent jof the Barium Orphans’Home,preach: ed at the First Presbyterian church ,pastor,Dr.C.BE.Raynal.Dr.Rayna] ,was at Winston-Salem Sunday and ipreached in the Home Moravian ‘ehureh_the baccalaureate-sermon-for Salem College commencement,which ‘is in progress this weck. Appendicitis Cases.\ Mrs.Margaret Armfiéld Weedon of|Detroit,Mich.,.who was here to visitherparents,Mr.and Mrs.R.‘R,Arm-|field,and later went to Elkin to visitrelatives,was brought here yesterdayfromElkinbyherbrother,Mr.Chas. iG.Armfield;and was operated on at|the Sanatorium for appendicitis.|Mrs.B.»L.Sronee.was also operat ;ed on at the Sanatorium yesterdayforappendicitis.Both patients getting along all right..are Carson Griffett,a patient at the|State Hospital in Raleigh,imaginedhimselfasquirrel,climbed a big oak,in the ,Hospital grounds and refusedtocomedown,The Raleigh firemen aerial fire truck they themanfromthetree.removed TO PASS ONADVERTISING. Merchants’Association Friday night’ to offer the merchants and this com-| mittee wilt be-calted upon to decide THE CANDIDATES ALL IN. Those Who GotTheir NamesontheRoll. The candidates are all in for the primary.'According to the statute made andprovided,only the names of °candi-dates filed with the county board ofelectionsby:May 20th or on that day,will be printed “‘on the |tickets to bevotedintheprimary.Saturday wasthelastdayand.the.following appli-cations were filed by the close of busi¥ ness on that day::% «State Senate. Democrat—W!|,D.Turner.Republican—R.T.Weatherman. House.‘Democrats —H.P.Grier,W..L. Matheson,James A,Steele.Republicans —+C,Monroe:Adams,J.T.Jennings.Sheriff. Democrats —M.P.Alexander,H.L.Gilbert,J.O.Gaither. Republican—T.Scott Barkley. Register of Deeds, Democrats —W.H.Morrow,L.N. Brown,J.H.McLelland. Republican—James E.Tharpe. Treasurer, Democrats—iR.F.Rives,W..H. Hunter,R.J.Bryant,W.C.Wooten. Republican—J,C.Duke. Coroner,Democrat-—-W.A.Moose. ~~Surveyor,4Demécrat—Marshall Howard,J.-C, McLain. County Commissioners. |Democrats—E,G.Gaither,.Wi.G. Nicholson,’Marvin W.Smith,J.A. Brown,C.8.Tomlin,J.T.Smith,W. C.Johnston,J,E..Boyd,V.C.Mont-ree :po the ee Republican—B.A.Holmes,Chas.C. |Tharpe. Board Education. Democrats—C.B.Webb,F,B. Gaither,D.W.Lowrance.Republicans —W.A.Campbell,M.|W.White,PS County Superintendent. Democrats —R.M.Gray, Mitchell,Republican—J.W,Rash. Cotton Weigher.The townships.of Coddle Creek, Davidson and Barringer elect a cot- ton weigher for Mooresville.Follow- ing are the candidates for the job,all Democrats—Walter D.Brown,W.H.Newton,L.A.Cherry,Will H.Hor- ton, J.F, Magistratesand Constables. The only candidates for magistrate and constable are the following:in Statesville township,all.Democrats: Magistrates—\W.J.Lazenby,W.RSloan.Constable—C.L.Gilbert. The law provides that where candi- clared the nominee oi their party without the formality of a vote in the primary.‘and thus their names will not appear on the primary ballot,None of the Republican.candidates_in Iredell and none of the RepublicancandidatesontheState—ticket haveoppositionfromtheirownparty,so there will be no Republican ballots in the primary and no Republican voting in the primary in this county.'The same applics to the following Democratic candidates in Iredell:W.D.Turner for State Senate:Webb, Gaither and Lowrance for board ofeducation,Moose for coroner. There was a fair attendance at the closing —exercises of the Cedar Hill ;School,Olin township,Friday.In ad- dition to the exercises.by the chil- ‘dren a good dinner was served.In |behalf of the Junior Order,Mr.C.B.Webb presenteda Bible_and Mr.Hen-ry Lewis.a flag.These were accept- ed by Rev.Ovid Pullen. Through Mr.James M.Hollahd,a member of the graduating class of the Southern Dental College,Atlan- ta,The Landmark has an invitation to the commencement of that insti- tution,which takes place Thursday evening,May 25,There was a large crowd at the closing exercises of the Scott’s High School Friday.In the morning there were songs,recitations,music and address by Mr.John A.Scott,Jr.In the afternoon and evening there were contests,recitations and plays. Will Mine For Gold in McDowell. Mr.Q.A.Stephenson,_who for some time-has been bookkeeper for the O.W.Slane Glass Co.,will give up this position and go to McDowell county early next month,where he will have active charge of a large gold mining enterprise.~Mr.O.W. [Slane is associated with him in the enterprise.Machinery has been or- dered for carrying on operations at the mine and is expected in.the nextfewweeks,:Mr.Stephenson will be succeeded ‘as:bookkeeper for the O.W.Slane Co.by Mr.S.L.Parks,who will be- gin work June Ist.This will not in- terfere with’Mr.Parks’connection with the Iredell Vulcanizing Compa-ny. Mexican Money. Reuben F.Mason,who is in the naval service and ‘is on the battleshipKentucky;which‘has been at Vera ‘Cruz,Mexico,since last}September,sends The Landmark a $2.billUnitedStatésmoneytorenew,hissubscriptiontothepaper;and a 2 pe-sos bill of Mexican currency as 4asouvenir.The Mexican bill is theSamesizeastheUnitedStatesbill and is handsomely printed,but it isworthnothingintheUnitedStatesandworthmightylittleinMexico.InsomerespectstheMexicanbillre- sembles the Confederate |currency.“Gobierno |Provisional de,Mexico”istheleadinginscriptiononthebilland‘the number is 3,803,288,“serie G,” r THE RECORD OF noon at the old Sides home-place yesterday “by Rey,J.H.Pressly and {4 Mes.Margaret_Sumpter ~Temple-- ‘|two sisters—Miss-Belle Sumpter and dates-have-no-opposition -they-are de- of| DEATHS. Miss Sides at Loray,Mr.Freeze ‘in Statesville,Mrs.TempletonandOthers. Miss Caroline Sides died Sunday at near Loray,aged 82 years and sev- én months.Deceased was a daughterofthelateDanielSides.She is.sur-vived'by two brothers,Messrs.J.M. and.A.A.Sides;and two.sisters,Misses Ellen and Margaret Sides. .Funeral services were conducted the interment was in Concord chutch cemetery.: Mr.Edward LaFayette Freeze died Saturday afternoon at 3.45 o’clock ‘at his home on.Fifth creek,aged 80 years.Surviving are his wife,fourdaughters--Mrs.C.B.Freeze and Mrs.Beulah Frazier of Statesville, Mrs.A.M.Shoemaker of Elmwood, Mrs.Bessie McKinney of Macon,Ga., and one son,Mr.John Freeze.Funeral services were held at thehome.Sunday-afternoon at 4.30 o'clock,conducted by Rev.J.H. Pressly,and the interment was in Oakwood. Miss.Winnie Harris was found dead in bed at her home at Cleveland, Rowan county,Friday mornings Miss Harris was the daughter of Mr.R.B. Harris and ,was about 38 years old.She had been in ill health,but her condition was not.considered danger- ous and her sudden death was a great shock. ton,widow of the late James M.Tem- pleton,died Saturday at her home in Davidson township,near Mt.Mourne, aged’76 years.Funeral services wereconductedSundayafternoonatCen-ter church by Rev.W.E.West andtheintermentwasthere. Mrs.Templeton is survived ‘by four sons—Messrs.Dave,Bruce, Sumpter and Charley Templeton; Mrs.Henry of Clover,.8.C.,and one brother,Mr.Martin’Sumpter ofStatesville.Relatives from here who attended the funeral Sunday were ~Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Morrison,Miss Mary Mor- riso1,Mr.Jno.R.Morrison,Mr.and Mr.A.*M.Brawley,Mr.MartinSumpterandfamilyandMr.J.P. Sumpter of Statesville;Mr.and Mrs. Hoyt,Morrison and Mr.and Mrs.Jo. Stevenson of Shiloh township. Closing the Banks on Saturday Caused Trouble.= So far as The Landmark’s business is concerned,the banks could stay closed three or four days a week with- out seriuos inconvenience.In fact that plan might have some advant-4 ages for somé of us.The banks don’t collect.drafts the days they are closedandlongertimewouldbeaffordedto get ahead of the check you expect tobeattothebank. But all this is preliminary to saying |-that when a body is dependent on banks for change and-for cash to meet the Saturday pay-roll,he is somewhat up against it if he finds these neces- sary institutions closed tight and faston.Saturday with never .a word of warning,aS was the case in States-ville Saturday,The way folks had té stir about to get change and to get checks_cashed,..was not only an ever present reminder of the usefulness of banks;and-some who were somewhat inconvenienced because they couldn’t get change-or-get-checks—eashed,—_be- came__firmly convinced that o law should be passed compelling bariks to stay open—on Saturday,unless they give ample warning.,Another case like that mignt mean a_few mentalanguishsuits.,< Winston-Sa-Mr.Thompson’at lem. Mr.Dorman Thompson.of States- ville was the speaker at the closing exercises of the Winston-Salem Gity High ~School Friday evening..The Winston-Salem Journal says the ad- dress +was .able and interesting, which statement will not surprise those who know Mr.Thompson’s ability.He discussed education,or rather the popular misconception.of education.Treating this viewpoint, says the Journal,Mr.Thompson “said| that,text books are only guide posts to learning.The text books alone are worth nothing,being only means to an end.They give a certain men- tal equipment upon which one may proceed with his own education, which is‘a lifetime job.The real pur- pose of education is to teach people to do something.’*Sea Two Hurt By Automobiles. Mr.N:P.Alexander suffered a broken leg Sunday as a result of be- ing struck by an automobile driven by Mr.Foy Morrison of Shiloh town- ship.’Mr,Alexander had walked outintoFrontstreettogetinMr.HaroldYount’s machine.While he was in the act of stepping in he was struck by Mr:Morrison’s machine and_his leg broken at-the—ankle.E Saturday young Geo.Hallyburton of Stony.Point undertook to drive anautomobilefromStonyPointtoSeott’s in order to overtake the.train,whichhad passed Stony Point,by the' time it reached Scott’s.His:machineturnedoverandbadlyhurthim,pin-ning him under the car with thesteeringhandleagainsthischest.Two other fellows in the enr were alsopinned:under or thrown out but were ‘the State Senate in Forsyth county. not mu¢h hurt. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State. The Southern Baptist Convention,in session at Asheville since Wednes-day,closed yesterday.Next meeting in New Orleans.‘ The commencement of the StateNormalCollegeatGreensboroisinprogressthisweekandVicePresi-dent Marshall speaks .today. The fourteenth annual meeting oftheNorthCarolinaStateNurses’‘As-sociation will be held-in Winston-Sa- lem,Zinzendorf hotei,May 30-June 1-2. Mooresville has organized a cham- ber ‘of commerce with approximately 100 members,electing James L.Don- ald president and C.C.Ward secreta- ry and treaSurer,“’) The Marshall-Field Company.of Chicago,which owns manufacturing plants in Rockingham county,has anoptionon100acresoflandatLeaks-ville on which to build a knitting mill. Mark Williams,colored,was ‘shotbyunknown.persons while he stoodontheporchof‘his home at Ashe- boro,on the night of the 15th,and died a few days later, Mr.and Mrs:A.M.Smith 6f Elkinwill-give the Southern’Methodist Board of Missions $5,000 to build achurchinChinaandwillalsopaythesalaryofayoungpastorforthe charge—-$900 ‘a year. Mr.W.T.Bost,the Raleigh —cor- respondent,who has made a personal investigation of the fight on ClaudeKitchininthéseconddistrict,testi- fies that Kitchin will win.Good news.*eer Se Rev.Geo.C..Clements of CharlotteandRey.L..W.Kyles of Winston-Sa- lem (colored),.were elected bishopsoftheAfricanMethodist.Zion ChurchbytheGeneralConferenceofthatdenominationatLouisville,Ky. Mrs.Martin Evans of Alleghanycounty.fell from a wagon on which she was riding and the wheels passed ;over her.She was not thought to be +through-in-a BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —The county singing will be held ¢Saturday at the court house and allareinvited. ¥ eer —Mr,J.L.White,rural carrier onrouteNo.2°from signed.i a —We’re having showers ‘of -bless-ings—-gentle,glorious showers ofrain.The long drought is broken.. —Mr,J.W,Vickery of Bethany,who was in Charlotte RE LEthe20thofMayexercises,fainted intheimmensecrowd.ly +—Jas.C.Williford of Concord has.filed a petition in bankruptcy,His as~-sets are $2,923.23 and liabilities $3,-398.74.: —tLicense has been issued for the «marriage of Mr,George Reavis andMissLauraAnnStack;Mr.GroverLedwellandMissLacyBallard. —The firemen responded 'to an’alarm from Green street Saturdaynight.It was a chimney in the homeofoneCowan,colored,and did notamounttoanything:; ‘Today and tomorrow.are thewhirlwind.campaign:days.for thecountyfairproposition.It.is impor-tant that all will be as liberal as pos-sible in subscribing stock.; Jennings,has rev’ =Mr;D.8.”Jobmston,~who vhad-been with the Statesville Hoysefur-nishing Co.and who went to Ilion,N.. Y.,to visit .a brother,has decided +oremaininIlion..i Sea —A large crowd from here went toCharlotte‘Friday and Saturday forthe20thofMaycelebration.The rail-©road sold about:200 tickets and prob-ably fully as many or ‘more wentiles. —Wilkesboro Patriot:Eugene Fra-ley,who has been with his parents atStatesville,since they movedto that.city from this place,has returned tospendsometime.He will have 4 po-:sition with Smithey &Fraley’s store = here.\Bees —Ex-State Senator B,R.. 5 own ofYadkincountywasintownales hytomeet..his.brother,Rey.oeseriouslyhurtbutitdevelopedthat|Brown of Kansas City.Mo.Rev,Mr,she was injured internally and shediedin86hours)">7 es Mrs.Annie Mitchell,wife of L.-E: Mitchell,who lost “his life while sleeping in the HptolNeil in the big fire at.Winston-Salem _several.-weeksago,has brought suit against .theownersandlesseesofthehotelfor$20,000 damages. Judge:Webb has dissolved the or- der restraining the county.commis-sioners from building .the new court house for Surry county.The commis-sioners-will proceed to erect the building but—they-have changed the plans and will reduce the cost. Mr.H.G.Chatham has again béen"drafted as a Democratic candidate for He represented.Forsyth in the last Assembly:and had.refused to be acandidateagain,but was finally pre- vailed on to allow the use of his name,Ex-District Attorney Holton will be his Republican opponent.: a party of young folks were engaged in making kodak.pictures,the sub-jects being “Western Scenes,”inwhichpistolswereused,none —of which was supposed to be loaded. Marjorie Meadows.14 years-old,caught a bullet in her head and has since died.’ Sheriff Moody of Watauga county is so active in-destroying distilleries that one of these institutions hardlygetsstartedinhiscountyuntilitisdestroyed.The Boone Democrat says that—during—his—term—of 18>months] Sheriff--Moody~—has—located-and-cap- tured 12 stills in Watauga,and it doubts if another sheriff in the Statehasdone-so-mtich work in that line. The Watauga sheriff is rendering a great service to his people, Nine Killed in Cyclone. Nine persons were killed and 38 in- jured at Kemp City,Okla.,eight mileseastofDenison,Texas,and the town was badly damaged by a tornado: which Saturday night swept a path: three miles long in the vicinity of Kemp City.Only three small dwell- ings remain intact at.Kemp. Twelve business houses,a.two- story.hotel and _60-residences _were demolished in Kemp City.This is the-second time.in recent years that the little town of 300 inhabitants hasbeenVisitedbyatornado.Merchantssaidthatthetownprobablywouldnotberebuilt. Fight persons were killed in thetownwhiletheothervictim,a child,was killed in.the collapse of its fath-er’s home just across the Red riverinTexas.Of the 38 persons injured, 36 are residents of Kemp City.Most} of those injured were caught in the}collapse of buildings while trying to reach storm cellars shortly after the storm broke at 9.28 p.m.Saturday. Still They Fight at Verdun. The:battle for possession of impor- tant strategic positions on the Ver- dun.front,west of the Meuse river continued.with unabated —severityFridaynight.The French war.office announced-that the Germans,althoughrepulsedinmostoftheirattempts,succeeded in capturing a first linetrenchonDeadManHillandgain- ine ground on the slopes west of the ill.:: -—-In a:ball game at.Cedar Hill school.house Friday betwéen CedarHillandRiverHillteams,the scorewas29to6infavorofRiverHill. Mr.8.C.-Williams,attorney.ofYadkinville’and Yadkin’s _represnta- ing at Elkin todayand will thenMt.Airy to hold a meeting.. At Lumberton Thursday afternoon]— Brown is a native of Yadkin..Ae willdeliveranaddressattheschoolclos-'go to” ie—Messrs.Stuart Cowles the Polk Gray Drug:Co,duringsummer.Messrs Flake Chi af rarily,-have.given up ag 28Chipley,will join his father,Mr.Chipley,who is.doing contract work in South Carolina.S sa Mr.Isidore Wallace’s Jatest.ad=:dition to his springs property.south-east of town is a ‘summer house built.on.a ‘knoll between ‘two:trees.Thehousehasonlyoneroomandthisi8severalfeetfromthegroundandisreachedbyawindingstairway.Mr. Wallace has recently completed a D8 his ‘spring house ‘painted._MATTERS OF NEWS. Three’persons,.two whites and.anegro,are dead,and ten or more are injured as the result of a cyclonetenmilessouthofBirmingham,Ala.,yesterday.morning.Yeoh Jeremiah GC.Lynch,the naturalized’American citizen convicted of “com-plicity in.the Dublin rebellion,has —been sentenced to ten years in pris-on.Lynch was.first.sentenced .to”‘death.-a For injuries received by slippingontheicearoundawatertankat pairer-of the:SeaboardAir.Line,willreceive$3,500 fromthe railroad,.the .Wnited States.Supreme Court.de- cides.;;:3 The body of Master.Sam Miller,3-year-old son-of Mr.and.Mrs.Philo A.Miller,was.found in:a spring.insouthwest.Hickory .yesterday.after-noon,the child haying fallen inte the Record.‘S e it Corporal Kiffen..Rockwell,.a mem.ber of the Franco-American ftying ~corps has heen proposed for promotionto-the-rank-of sergeeut-as a rewardforbringingdown.a German aeroplanenearHartmans-Weilerkopf on ©May18.__He will he decorated__with.__themilitarymedal.Corporal Rockwell —formerly tived at Asheville,where:his mother now resides,Bet a Remembrances For John Robin-«son,Faithful Janitor.mae John Robinson,.for 20.years the’ faithful janitor,at the.graded -schgol-; building,was not’forgotten ~at equarter-centennial.reunion.+Johnotbeenonthejobquite;a.a century but very near Tt,andthe”former pupils of the school who’at-tended the reunion made up a purse of$5 for John,which was presented ontheirbehalfbyMayorCaldwell,That was!Friday night.Again lastnighttherewere’presents for Jolin-—a handsome umbrella from formerpupils.and a eash contribution fromtheoleventhgrade—also presentedbyMayorCaldwell.ga Fa Postponed For a Week. was to have been put on today antomorrow,has béen rds pond Pi iweek,on account of the rain‘atid fotherreasons.: 3i1st.. tive in the last Legislature,is hereforSuperiorCourt.|‘ Ba liahataSy .€pley and _Carl Sharpe,who.‘were there tempo ; waterand drowned,says the Hickory... nice road to his spring and is having ~ Cochran,Va.._J.-T,Renn,pump_re-——— The canvass:for the fair,which ‘ Lookout for the ponvalaels ae ,Tuesday and Wednesday,3 th and aeAlexanderwillhe,at:stoma cuales oo UE _»>fneeds the service of men of his kind. & i ‘nies are not free from ‘toughs who Gages their uniforms and their weportunity._ ‘would have gotten.by if he —could "*the court stood an organized force.” nthe a ay VARIOUSTOPICS. the’military in Charlotte tion tried to distin- starting a rough goon after ‘they hit the town, are all sérts of folks in all or- ions and the military .compa- the ontdhthamaevesby -behaved comrades at:every op-RP “'Jn response to a petition signed by ‘gome 300°of his fellow citizens,Ed- itor Beasley of the Monroe Journal will’be a candidate for the Legisla- ture from Union county.The Land- ark is,pleased to know that Beasley is going to the Legislature.He is a student,a thinker,and the State ‘While The Landmark is not in agree- ment with him in all matters,it ad- mires his ability and his earnest pur- pose to better conditions,social,in- y ustrial and governmental, iG.IT.McClenneghan,candidate in the Democratic.primaries,against Mr.Jim Young for insurance com- missioner,is pictured in the news- 'with headgear that makes im look like a Turk.The Shriners, or whatever the fraternity is with which Mr.McClenneghan’s cap class- es him,may be pleased that their gomrade is parading as a candidate i the headgear of the order,but if Col..Jim Young ‘had published that Picture of his opponent as a cam- paign docunient :it couldn’t do him more good than it Will do him with the average voter,&ie .Wherever manufacturing _plants re located just outside town bounda-|Ties—and theyare frequently ‘thus| located to escape municipal taxes—| any attempt to extend the town;boundaries to take in these plants| theets fierce opposition.Statesville ad an experience of that kind a few) years:ago.The same question has}been acute at Morganton for some years and has recently been revived.In the last issue of the MorgantonNews-Herald,Mr.Chas.F.McKes- fon,who favors extension,is after| Mr.John A.Dickson,who opposes it.|“MMr.McKesson_challenges Mr.DicksonraracefortheLegislature,on thequestionofwhetheraminority‘or Ynajority.shall rule.Mr.McKesson claims the majority favor extension.ind*that theminority blocks the way.3 :. iy Landmark.has sympathized ith the progress of the women and | Joried in the work they are.doing|the way of public betterment: They are doing.in many lines*of en-deavor what men ought to be doing|‘ut are too trifling to do and for! his The Landmark favors.giving|them the ballot.But we trust that}in doing men’s work the ladies willnotfeelcalled-on to resort to force| ‘and arms.to settle family rows and|“neighborhood disputes,‘as a couple of |Lenoir ladies did last week.Thatis| bad:enough for the men;for the wo-men it won’t do at all..They must}teach'the men a better way to settle|differences—as they-are teaching, ‘them better ways about so many oth-|er things.We,hope the ladies’clubs|‘Will provide a department—if ‘they| eo one alréeady—for instruction}ain the arbitration of differences and one’s duty to one’s neighbor.Per-pare if the duty to the neighbor was tressed,there would be few differ- ences to arbitrate.In any event they|‘must eschew boiling water,pistols| and guns and clubs and _things as} iweapons offensive or defensive.That’s owering themselves to the practicesjofthemeremanandapracticeof‘which few men are proud. s s ;Judge Lane,who has not been not- ed for rigid enforcement of the law,‘broke the record at the recent termofBurkeSuperiorCourt.The blind jtigers have been very bad at Morgan-| ‘ton and outside of a murder case the ‘termvof the court was taken up in themainwithcasesofthischaracter. Eleven prisoners,most or all of them lof the latter are deprived of the ben- ithe State TP more nations engaged in war in viola- tion of the agreement made by all the nations,the other nations should at once bring them into subjection,eith- er by an armed force or by shutting off supplies of munitions and food,or by.both.means,__In other:words,stu-_ dents of.international affairs have concluded that the present war-has- demonstrated _that_international agreements count for nothing unless some way can be provided to compel the parties to the agreement to keep their promises.6 NEW SCHOOL BOOK.PLAN. State Could Get _Manuscripts From Home Authors and Oth- ers and Have Books Printed By Contract.| Referring to the letting of the con- tract for-school-books-for the-public schools,‘which is to be done this year,and the consequent.scramble and .wire-pulling —and possibly worse—engaged in by the representa- tives of the school:beok publishers to get the contract;and that all the money spent in lobbying for-the con- tract and all the big profits that go to the publishers,must come off the parents and “the children;and some efits of an education because ’they can’t buy the numerous books requir- ed,the editor of the,Monroe Journal suggests a remedy.'He says: “Since the State has said that all children must go to school it is cer- tainly up to the State to see that text books are furnished at a reasonable price within the reach of the people. How can this be done? “There is a simple and easily work-; able plan,which will cut out the present evil and at the same time not| introduce the doubtful one of having| itself print books,which| has been tried in some States.That} plan is for the State to secure the} preparation-of -manuscrivts-and--have| the books printed from them by large| job printing houses at commercial| prices,which would be very low in comparison to the prices now being| paid.Of course the book concerns| and all their agents will set un a! great objection to this and say that it cannot be done.But it can be done and done easily.| “The State already has several au-| thors of text books and the fact that| these books have been adopted under| the present methods proves that they| are-equal tothe best:—We-recal that Prof.E.C.Brooks of Trinity College| has prevared several books,Dr.Hill} of the A.&M.College has prepared a notable one on agriculture,which| is now in use all over the countrv.: Dr.Alphonso Smith has _prepared. one on English grammar;there are several histories.and no doubt sever- al other books that we do not recall. The State could pay our authors a. reasonable price for manuscripts and have the hooks printed and save big money.This would put the work on) a competitive commercial basis and atthesame.time stimulate productive| work by our own educators.If we did not find authors of our own of| sufficient ability’there would’be no trouble whatever in securing others.| The State board of education could| secure the manuscripts and turn them over to the department of printing) to secure their publication at a low commercial cost,and they could be’; distributed just as at present if so, desired. “This -would-result.-in-a-great.sav- ing,increase the use of books,and| be a great big thing for the cause of|education.” Mr.Daniels Trying to Save ‘the Oil Fields. Secretary Daniels has appealed to. | | President Wilson to use his influence ,in the |"to save the navy’s reserves California oil fields as a-vital step-—in |the campaign for adequate national| defence._- Should the bill,favorably reported by the Senate public lands committee to legalize certain entries on lands withdrawn by President Taft in 1909,| become a law,Mr.Wilson was told, the navy must abandon oil fuel and return to ‘coal with a consequent loss in steaming radius and speed to its ships.Navy designers have advised;jfor-retailing,-were—sentenced-to thej the Secretary that it would be unsafe~ Gabarrus county roads.One of these as Frazier Brittain,described as a to continue constriction of oil-burn- ing battle craft unless an adequate rominent farmer and politician.Brittain received a sentence of 241 months in one case and his attorneys| appealed.In another case,where|judgment had been suspended on! food behaviour,ata previous term,a|taken up in the Senate next week.sentence of eight months was impos-|ed.Judge Lane denied an appeal in‘this case and Brittain went to the|‘roads along with the others..The}Landmark predicted that if Brittain;was a “prominent farmer and politi-‘cian,”as he was described,a way ‘would be found to get him_by the ‘chain gang sentence;and he probably have appealed.By the time the Su- preme Court passed on his case he would have had time to work up a‘sentiment to secure relief from the road sentence.But when they caught| shim under a suspended judgment they |had_him_fast.: **e _The use of military compulsion byfreeeofnationstopreventwar,hich is the most radical feature of ithe plan advocated by the League todEnforcePeace,was debated_a few gays ago before the Lake Mohonk{Conference on International Arbitra- ‘tion.The proposition was favored by‘Herbert S.Houston and Dr.George‘Haven Putnam,New York publish-ers.“The international tribunal at‘The Hague,”Doctor Putnam said, “had the weakness of presenting noprovisionfortheenforcementofthedecisionsofthetribunal.In everyxivilizedStatedecisionsarenowar-rived at in a court.These.decisionsowehavelittlevalue;however,in maintaining peace in the communi-ties unless back of the authority of *This view has been mentioned moreaoncesincethewarbegan,and itapparentthat.if /internationalpeaceiseverto.be assured—if thetionsoftheworldare‘to live up toéentstosubmittheirdiffer-farbitration—-a force must be ided to compel the observahce of reserve supply of fuel was.in sight., Mr.Daniels submitted a full,summa- ry of the situation and the President| began studying the problem immedi- ately,as the bill probably will be A delegation of California oil op-' erators,headed by former GovernorGillettofthatState,called on Secre- tary Daniels to talk theover. ued,aS no progress wasS.made.It is understood,however,that the oil men were prepared to negotiate for a. compromise bill.eaSRNR Growth of the Baptists. The enromous growth of the nomination during the past | de-| 12‘months is perhaps the most interest-| ing feature of the reports submitted| to the Southern Baptist Convention! at its opening session in Asheville.| Dr.Lansing Burrows,statistical sec- retary,reported a membership of 2,-685,552,of which 168,235 have been |© added during the past year.The loss by death is reported at 20,988,and the total_number-of Baptists in the world at 7,141,413. There are 24,451 Baptist churches south of Mason and Dixon’s line,with 18,075 Sunday ‘schools,showing a to- a a neh of 1,760,802.The churches own property valued $58,-319,638.ce ati .The prosperity of .the membership is further reflected in the sum of $12,- 281,765 contributed ‘during the year for church work.Of this amount $9,- 564,222 was raised for home expen-ses and $1,699,445 for missions,Negro Baptists in the UnitedStatesnumber6,133,094,-of which,2,128,880 live in the South.i THNRLTEI “Chamberlain’s Tablets Have Done WondersForMe!” I have been a sufferer from stomach troub-le for a number of years,and although I-haveusedagreatnumberofremediesrecommend-ed for this complaint,Chamberlain’s Tabletsisthefirstmedicinethathasgivenme.posi-+tive and lasting,relief,”“writes Mra.Anndin,Spencerport,‘N.Y..“ChamberlainTabletshavedonewondersformeand eo.oe That might be reach-“by proviby ing’that in”case two.or -Greensboro.News. situation|; The conference will be~contin= WOMEN GAVE J Baptist Women Gave Wi-Rings andPins to PayDebt.in _Stirred by an eloquent apne madeby:Dr.George W..Truett of Texas,in’which he begged the ore help wipe off the great debtof foreign mission.board,delegates.to the Woman’s Missionary Union in Asheville Friday night,raised.$17,- 000,women heaping jewels valued.at $1,000 upon ‘the platform and°mis- sionaries offering their salaries for the cause,says a dispatch ta the The appeal and response great sina to-one.of the ‘most in- teresting sessions of the woman's meeting,when,in the State’s review the delgates had marched before the platform of States and ‘names were called,«and they told of the great work their so- cieties had done the past year. Dr..Truett spoke for less than one- half an hour,but he had hardly:fin- ished when women in_all sections be-| gan pledging money and then as the spirit moved:them others climbed,to the platform and deposited three gold watches,two diamond rings,two di- amond pins,three gold rings,one necklace and one chain.“Miss MeIn- tyre,a missionary to China,gave a valued string of amber beads which had once beenworn by a dignitary of China.When she told of the séentimen- tal value attached to it,a Kentucky lady bought it from the Union and returned it to the donor,paying $75. Officers of the Union say that never before has such a scene been!witnegss- ed during the Union’s history. In the Baptist State Convention the night before,near $100,000 was raised at one sitting to pay.the debt of $180,000 of the foreign mission board.Some individuals gave $5,000 and one woman gave a diamond.ring,a ae ee ETDR Woman Addresses Baptists, For the first time in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention,ac- cording to its older members,a wo-man addressed the meeting in Ashe- ville’Friday night.She was.Miss Kathleen Mallory of Montgomery, Ala.,corresponding secretary of the Woman’s Missionary Union,an aux- iliary of the Convention,Miss Mal-lory spoke on behalf of the Woman’s Training School at Louisville,and in- troduced Mrs.Maud McClure,.who has charge of the school. Clure made a plea for Southern Bap- tists to raise $98,000 for a new build- ing there.Dr.Lansing .Burrows, president of the Convention,said af- terward that it was the first time in his 37 years of service as secretaryandaspresident.that a woman had addressed the body.rena “['m against it,myself,”he said, and explained that no rule,but mere-~ly custom,had kept women from the platform, YOUNG WOMENMAYAVOIDPAIN Need Only Trust to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound,says Mrs.Kurtzweg. Buffalo,N.Y.—‘‘My daughter,whose |picture is herewith,was much troubled ]with pains —in-herbackandsidesevery month and they ii{would sometimes be so bad that it would seem like acute in- flammation of some organ.She read your advertisement iin the newspapers dand tried Lydia E.inkham’s Vege- able Compound.% |She praises it highly as she has been relieved of all these pains byits use. All mothers should know of this remedy, ‘and-all young’girls who suffer should try-it.’—Mrs,MATILDA KURTZWEG,529. High St.,Buffalo,N.Y. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods,backache, headache,dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion,should'take Lydia E,Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.Thousands have been re» i stored to health by this root and herb remedy. If you know of any young wo-man who is sick and needs help- tadvice,ask her to write to theLydiaE.Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,Mass.Only women will receive her letter,and it will beheldinstrictestconfidence, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as the administrator with the will annexed,of the estate.of Miss Mary E.Campbell,deceased,late of Iredell county,North Carolina,this is to notify all personshavingclaimsagainsttheestateofthesaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Mocksville,N.C.,on or before the 2d dayofMay,1917,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.All persons indebtedtosaidestatewillpleasemakeimmediatepayment.L.C.HORN,Administrator,©.Ty A.,of Miss Mary E.Campbell,Mocksville,N. 'D.F.Mayberry,Atty.May 2,1916.MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.Ati All Dealers,LINIMENT came ias al the president as their}- Mrs...Mc-| C.WATKINS for “Everything to:Build With.” “Full Stock—Lowest Prices,Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Stouldings,Laths,Lime,Cement, HE.man whouses Fisk Non-Skids knows he cannot buy greater tire” value,more mileage or an equally well-organized service.| The Low Price ~on these tires,when compared with the plain * tread’casings of several standard makes, supplemented by FREE SERVICE ren-. dered dealer.and.user through more than ’109 Fisk Branches,makes this the best buy in the tire market. Fisk Tires For Sale By 3 -CAROLINA Moror Co. Statesville 1s a a a"+ .a Legibility XN Multikopy gives|copics that are_beautifully neatandthatarereally permanent. Ja blue or black,Multi-Kopy never fades. MultiKopy copiesoften_rival the:original incleanlinessandlegi-bility,MultiKopy issurprisinglydurableandeconomical,. Write for FREE _Sample Sheet Brady Printing"Company Statesville,N.C. _Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. 114 East Broad Street. Dan_Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL, Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy ~ DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Z Cary (€.Boshamer, Local Representative, ’Phone 125 Black.It.aw. MAKEE W.D.HARRIS:118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same._Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and GunseeandKeysfit-ted.,In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. \ ‘(SAVE ‘THOSEOLDTIRES and TUBES.| re all Tire troublés. New plant. Punctures,Blowouts, overcome. All sizes and makes. it all. Best equipment. Save money by having your old Tires and inner Tubes shaped for much more service. Tredell Vuleanizing Company will take care of Best workmanship... eos Rim ‘Cuts successfully \Work done by an expert and a guarantee behind Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. BEAT IT,beat it,little car, How I wonder what you are,Climbing all the hills on high,Passing all the others by.-N.W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT, As it passed the first-man cussed,While the second merely fussed; But the last man said,they say,It won’t stop,it’s a “Chevrolet.” Statesville,N.C, LaValliers, up in 14k Gold.R.H.RICK LaValliers,Solid Gold,from $1,50 to $27.50.We have some very neat LaValliers with small diamond at $5.50 each.We also havetheLocketsandChains.Chains from $1.00 up in 10k and from $2.50 JEWELERS. Neck Chains. We also have Neck ERT &SON Special Mattress Sale. Notwithstanding the BIG ADVANCE in ~WANTED! SCRAP:BRASS—Heavy Brass 7c. per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound,FOR SALE: New.and second hand.machineryforsaleandallkindsofboiler‘room supplies.|<iCG.H.TURNER.::. value.them.h Att 1tore,very highly.”©Obtainabteevery- Next.Planters’Wh,Statesville, Iredell "Phone No,74,"Bell Noi '% choice. Silk Floss, ¢ —T41 stock is exhausted. A Mattress Hine LookUpTo. rateEELnsete Sys Mattresses,we are for the present offeringthematOLDPRICES. This we will be unable to do.when.presentCall.early and getWehavethemcheapesttofinest Statesville Housefurnishing Co. :-PHONE 157.4_Wi. Better Goods’ (Lothar.\For Less Money. 4~~last,my mothera é:ia y ddvised meto take |Miler-McLain SupplyCo. aD helpme, »the woman's tonic.|thought«It was no'use for I was nearly dead and:_othing seemed todo me an :Hoe re elles,nd nota ablworkaudmwashing.:re Ithink Cardul is the best medicine intheId..My weight has increased,and 1look thepiclure-of health.»It Suffer from any of the ailmentspeculiartowomen,getabottle of CarduiyDelayisdangerous.We knowitwillhelpyou,for it has helped somanythousandsofotherweakwomentnthepast50years,At all druggists.(eet es:for Women,”in plainwrapper.N.G.128 as eae a baer a faeTaylorsville,f %?rain 28 ar.10:00,denves‘Train No.ey ee a THE BEST. Did you fall in the race?Did you faint in the spurt ‘Where the hot dust choked and burned?—Did.you breast the tape.midst the flyingdirtThattheleader's spikes bad spurned ?Did you do your best—eOh,I know you lost,I know,that your timewasbad,But the game is not in the winning,lad,It’s in taking your licking and grinning,lad,If you gave them the best you,had. Did your tackle fall short?;Did the runner flash byWith-the score that won the game?’.Did it break your.heart when you missedthetry?Eye We eeDidyouchoke-with the hurt,and shame?If you did your best-—‘‘10h,I know the score,I ‘followed ‘you all thewaythrough.And that is.why I am.saying,lad,+That the best of the fight is the staying,lad,And the hest of alk games is the playigg,lad, If you give them the best in you.-~-Nelgon Robins,in Youth's Companion. FRESH 008 ‘Peanut Butter,/, \Pickles,...,Fresh Cakes,-~\Fresh Wafers and“\Cheese,,-Tid-Bits will make a-dandy spread for a“picnic outing.Get allthisandmoreat Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St ie FOR YOURPicnicLunchWEHAVE— Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,SandwichOlives,Datenut Butter,Peanut.-Butter,.LooseSweet.Pickles,BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges.Come in,and see what we have. Eagle & Milholiand. THEROYALHEATER -The*‘Royal”’is a Range Boiler and Water Heat- er.in.combination and is designed to take the place of the old-fashion-ed method of attaching an independent heater to the side of an ordi- nary range boiler. The ‘‘Royal’’can be installed at a supris- ingly low cost and will furnish hot water every hour ‘of the day and hight et an expense—well-within—reach—of the average house own- er or renter. Installed “by W.E.Munday. 114 E.Broad St. Phone 55. ae aailcsicatiabediaasoit OU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,if you once tried It is choice enough for the finest4saladdressing,.as delicious as any ‘Foil you ever tasted,.and so much cheaper you can use it.for cooking,too.It makes.a smooth,delicious |mayonnaise that “stands up”well“|and pleases everybody. We've got anything‘make a salad—as well as Wesson ou want to rene tantaleenent \ DR.G.A.LAZENBY. ,"DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. List your property.Return your poll.Thelawrequires*that all property subject to taxes sand all polls be listed during the month of,May.:i ,Make these’returns promptlypenaltiesprescribedbythelaw.IBClerk,to Ba. and’avold the »BOYD, Co.Com. imitate PARKER,N.C.,MAN GETS QUICK RELIEF. W.R.Davenport Better After FirstDoseofRemedy.W.R.Davenport of Parker,N.C.,long suffered ‘from.a.peculiar maladyofthestomach..He:sought treatmentwithbut’little .relief...At:times it seemed that he would have to give up ope.eat He took Mayr’s:Wonderful Remedyandfoundimmediate:..benefit.He wrote;..“For years’I havé suffered from adiseasewhichpuzzleddoctors.Theytermeditcatarrhofthestomach,say-ing the only hope would be a changeofclimate,and that in all probability I would never get well..Then I heard of your remedy.-\One pvottle gave meinstantrelief.It made me reel likeanewman.Your.full.course /oftreatmentshasaboutcuredme.Sev-eral of my friends have “also beencured,”Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach,liverandintestinalailments.Eat.as muchandwhateveryoulike.No more:dis-tress after eating,pressure of gas inthestomachandaround-:the _heart.Get one boitle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee-—if not satisfactory money will be returned. For sale by the Statesville DrugCo.and all other:reliable druggists. See List of Chautauqua SEASON TICKET BUYERS. Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity. WE sell the ‘celebrated Gold Medal Flour.WE se]l Sweet Feed for HorsesandMules.tWE.sell Sweet Daisy Feed for Cows. WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and Cotton Seed Products,|WE SELL FOR LESS.“WE pay CASH.for country ue Corn and Oats. WE deliver in the city. IREDELL’FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop.’Phone No.88._1n4 E.Broad St. tee ney ee eeALLC.WATKINS ASKS Of you,Mr.Builder,is buy “Every- thing-to-Build With’where:you-canbuycheapest._Doors,Windows, Mantels,Columns,Stairways,Mould-ings;Ready-made Door and WindowFrames;Door and .Window Locks;Sash.Weights:and .Cords.C.WATKINS,next to McElwee’sPlanters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C. Chautauqua This Year Bigger and Better Than Ever. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans. _Potatoes, Peppers. In fact all fresh vegetablesinseason, M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store, LIST CITY TAXES! I will be ‘at my Office in the Court HouseduringthemonthofMayforthepurposeoflisting.the City Taxes for,1916...The law re-cuires ail property owners -to list.their prop-erty during May.So please -eall and make return as early aa possible:W.J.LAZENBY,May 2,1916.List-Taker,CITY TAXES! All property on which city taxes nre due andunpaidJuneist,‘will be advertised,Callpromptlyandsavetrouble.W.L.NEELY,May 9 >,City ‘Tax ‘Collector)) BUILDING?C.WA {sa ‘ling crowd,esti -course are #guess,but it was amon- {ster crowd,all agree, ‘Head of the-Statesville Schools. Fresh Vegetables} te—|If You Haye Not Subscribed,|f|Make the Order |f rday.‘The,presence of PresidentandMrs.Wilson at the 20thof Mayeelekration.brought a eeeand Seayted-—wi 8 popuslationofCharlotteincl“up to-ward 100,000.The estimates,of 4 “The ‘President’s address was.brief.He spoke for 18 minutes and /elong general Jines.“One statement;was’with reference to eer part ini-peéace..to Europe...“I ‘would like to think that.thspiritofthisoccasioncouldbepressedif-we imagined ourselves lift-ing some sacred emblem of |counselandofpeace,of accommodation,and):of-righteous —judgment,-before-thenationsoftheworldandremindingthemofthatpassageinScripture,‘After the wind.after the oarthquake,after the fire,the still,smal!voice ofhumanity!”There was only indirect referencetotheMecklenburgDeclaration: Re-ferring to the Declaration of .Inde-pendence he said’parenthetically,“I am now referring to the minor Dec-laration at Philadelphia,not to.theMecklenburgDeclaration.”The President’s address was pre- ceded by a parade that was an hourinpassingthegrandstand.Thereweremanycompaniesof|military,floats representing industrial and ag- ricultural growth,etc. Mayor Kirkpatrick of.Charlotte presented:Gov.Craig and the may- or’s introductory speech,was aboutas-long.as the President’s address. The crowd tried to:stop the mayorbuttheycouldn’t.When he had fin-ished Gov.Craig presented the Pres- ident in two or three.sentences. Among the notables present wereGov.Manning of South Carolina, Secretary and Mrs.Daniels.SenatorOverman,Congressman Webb .and others.Mrs.Wilson of course at-tracted much attention.The ladiesofCharlottegaveher!as a souvenirahandsomegoldandsilvergoblet. After the President’s address therewasaluncheonattheManufacturers’club in honor of the President andMrs.Wilson and at 4.30 they went.to Davidson College,accompanied)by Dr.Martin,president of Davidson,Mrs.Martin and’a few others.ThePresidentspent’20 minutes at David- son.He visited the room he occu- vied when a student there and thehallofthesocietyof:which he wasamember,but declined to make ahaddresstothestudents.The.visittoDavidsonwasnotonthepublishedprogramme.The trip was made'by automobile and after their brief staytheretheyreturnedtoCharlotteand boarded the train for Washington: Going to Charlotte Saturday morn- ing it was reported that the Presi- dent would show himself.at Greens- boro and a big:crowd gathered:at thestation..The train passed Greensboro at.7.85,however,and the Presidentwasnot.to be seen.At Spencer and; Salisburv the President appeared on} the platform with Senator Overman| and shook hands with a few.people.At Salisbury he spoke briefly. SUPT.D:MATT.THOMPSON. ‘An Appreciation of the Worthy Taking note of the fact that the:current:issue of the Statesville High “®that if you were to pay the gate School Magazine was dedicated to 0]:Better He.said:} Tiekets will be sold at the same price “DP,Matt.‘Thompson—scholar,—Chris~- fian gentleman and children’s friend,”Editor Mebane of the Newton News}has-_this..appreciation_of Statesville’s|honored superintendent of schools:|“The above words were never more| appropriately applied to any man liv-| ing or dead than they have been in|applying them to Supt.D.Matt.)Thompson of the Statesville Graded|School.,The Statesville High School| has honored itself in dedicating the! anniversary number of its magazine} to Supt.Thompson and using the!words of the-headline in referring to| their worthy superintendent.|“Tt has been the pleasure of_this editor to know personally.and to: highly esteem Supt.D.Matt.Thomp-} son as a school man,as a scholar,as|a Christian.gentleman,and -as~a}friend for a number of years., “We love him for the goodness and'|kindness he has shown to us in days gone by.For the loyal support he}fave us:When we were in the State| school work...He has always’been) ready to join in with new ideas andnewmethods—hut always moves with caution and care.He has never drifted from fundamentals in educa-; tion to go off at a tangent after any) new fad.If there has been any good in anything new proposed -he has used it and left out the tomfoolery and-clap-trap that many.other school| men have not léft out.We repeat:the Statesville High School has hon- ored itself in honoring’Supt.D.Matt.|Thompson.” Mr.Gaither For Commissioner. To the Rditor of The Landmark:From the list of names published in your columns of .those who haveannouncedthemselvescandidatesfor the different county offices,I see the name of a man who possesses everyqualificationnecessary’for the officehe-seeks;and that name is Mr.FE.G. Gaither,candidate for county com- missioner.To my mind,thea board of county commissioners is the most im- portant office of any county,in.thatitsfunctionsconcernthe pcoplemoredirectlythananyother;and by reason.of this importance,it is ab-solutely necessary for the best men of the county to compose it.For itweneedmenwhowillapplythesameprinciplesofintegrityandwatchful-ness in the administration of the af- fairs of the county,as are recognized as necessary to the successful con-duct of:an individual “husiness;we need men who will stand-four sauare against the winds of political influ- ence,ahd run the affairs of the eoun- ty to the best interest of all its peo-, ple;and not a chosen few;and lastly,we need men for this office who.will he guided solely by the merit of ev- ery matter that comes before it.We need five men.possessing thenhovequalificationsforour,County|Commissioners Give ‘us Mr.°.BE.G.;Gaither forionars.:))*A’ORTIZEN. |to ‘published as information. |cinnati,from the effects of a stroke of .CHAUTAUQUA TICKETS.— |Promptly...: {Correspondence ofTheLandmark.>Last summer our Chautauqua‘}trons subseribed:for more.than tent,and for:moreTickets. tween now and the 21st the committeedidnot find it neces-Sary to ask a single individual to buyaticket.They were all sold to thosethat-telephoned=for-them~before thefinaldateofthe.closeof the-sale. week prior to the date announced forthevsaletoclose.It is not known what the demand)will be for this season,but the com-| Mittee confidently expects a largerdemandthanlastyear.This year we!¢are expecting a much larger patronagefromthecountry,There are.many!%more automobiles in the country now/§ than there were last year,and wherethefarmershavecarsitisjustaseas antors who lives at.Eufola:says thattherewillbeamuchgreaterpatron- age from his section for this year. The committee and the guarantors are agreed that the sale of tickets for the!country section will.oe pushed thie'|gyearmorethanever.before, For the above reasons—please notethem—we are in this issue of the localpapers.publishing the names of ail subscribers to season tickets,with the ; number asked for,and if yout nameisnotamongthosepublished,it wouldbewellforyoutotelephoneMr.F.B.‘Bunch at Merchants and Farmers’ Bank,to Mr.W.L.Gilbert at the Commercial club,of to Rev.John F.Kirk at Broad Street church study,for the number that youdesiretobe-reserved for you. will insure and this is t committee can give you as to tickets yout getting.your tickets We are very positive thet we shall be|& sold out before the date for the open-|% If your reserva-|jfingofChautauqua, tion,is not in before the 750 sre sold, you cannot get a season ticket,and ifyourrequestisnotinforJuniorTick- ets before the 200 are sold,you will will not:be able to get them.It willbenecessatythisyeartomakereser-vation for the children’s tickets justas-for the-regular-tickets:So-if-yout} boys and girls want to be in’JuniorChautauqua,be sure to have father or mother’make your -reservation for tickets,for unless your tickets are en- gaged in the mext two or three weeks the probabilities :are that you will not be able.to get even JuniorTickets.There will positively be no reserved seats this year,One season.ticket holds every priviledge that anyother holds.This is final on this—there will be no change.The age limit for Junior Tickets has been raised up toand.including the fifteenth birthday,bat.not going beyond that.“Please look up.the list and if yournameisnotonthelist,telephone orWriteoneofthegentlemennamed above for your.reservation.Season as before—$2—and the Junior Tickets at’$1.The price of géneral admission;however,hasbeen raised for two or three of the highest class numbers. admission prices,your tickets would cost you $5.50 for this season.Tele- phone this week and get your tickets|reserved,JOHN F.KIRK, For Committee of Guarantors. BOB-TAILED HAIR CUTS. Writer Objects to the Way Many Statesville and North €aroli- na Men Have Their Hair Cut. To the Editor of The Landmark:: While in-your city recently,I had the pleasure of being there with an old.friend who had not been to Statesville for a number of_years, and his comment at the supper tablewasthathehadneverseenatownthathadimprovedanymorethan Statesville had,but he never saw in his life a more disfigured:lot of menthanhesawonthestreetsofStates-ville,with their bob-tailed hair cuts.He says:“Were Ijin.some villagewherethemothersputabowlover the.top of their boys’heads and-cut their hair round in the old-fashioned|Dutch way,and dad shaved their| neck,you could not have seen an ug-| lier lot of high necks than I saw in Statesville.” Ba‘Season Tickets for this season at the ithan.50 Junior |9Thisleavesus250.Season|#Tickets and 150 Junior Tickets that/|¢we are permitted to dispose of be-|% \,t day of June.|%Tt will be remembered that last year/% Ae fact we were sold out for more than a/¢ for them to take in Chautauqua)&as it is for the people that live within|? a block of the tent:One of:our guar-|% Methodist|# This F e only guarantee that the|§ Now,|while we are ‘on this subject,| Mr.Editor,I want to say that I fre- auently hear new-comers into NorthCarolinamakethiscomment:“Have|-scco,you ‘ever seen a-worse lot of disfig-| cuts)in--your; Editor,it’s a: ured bob-tailed hair life?”Really,Mr. ,comment that I frequently hear,and | you as a guardian of your town’s im-| provement should take -note of:the} high-cut necks of some of your citi-! zen and bring on a State controver-,sy,as I assure you that nothing willimprovethelooksofNorthCarolina’s|men like having their hair cut like |eity men should have.Instruct your! citizens to ask for a_feather-edge|hair cut,and if the barber knows his|business,it will be a very easy mat-|ter,for,him to give the customerwhathewouldwant,and I feel gurethatyouwillimprovetheappearanceof¥yonr naturally good-looking men one thousand per cent. Raleigh,N.C.J.C.EWEN. The-writer of the above is unknownthisoffice,{but what he says is The Land- mark agrees with*him as to the un- sightliness of the bobbed hair cuts,but hadn’t.noticed that the custom was.so prevalent as to attract atten-tion,“However,we suppose ‘thosewhohavethatstyleofhair-cut thinkit’s the fashion and the general runof‘folks will follow the fashion,°re-gardless, Geo..B.Cox,long prominent as aReiblicanpoliticalbossinOhio,diedafewdaysagoathishomeinCin- vatalysis received last March...Coxbegan’his career as a.saloonkeepeand’he was also identified with a bigtheatricalsyndicate,"3 4 t ’we Slee Mine ane mene \PALM BEACH SUITS,. PANAMA HATS,SHIRTS,etc, Before buying.| Yours to Serve,en Stk wt We are showing quite an attratctive line of the Eclipse”; Soft NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Attractive Patterns. Best Workmanship. All colors guaranteed fast. _-Ralipse Soft Shirts$1 and $1.50 Qualities. |PHONE NO.|SHERRILL-WHITESHOEEO csidhiemeainbintinenesenaSoanaee Millinery Sal MILLS &POSTON’S. For 10 days we will offer a beautiful line ofFinePatternHatsTrimmedinthemostup-to-date style of:the newest.materials,atgreatlyreducedprices.The followingpriceswillgoonsaleSaturdaymorning,May20th,and continue for 10-days.eee$10.00 7.905.00 4.00 = 3.00 Also a~splendid line Boys’and Girls’work —Hats,Prices 25c.‘and 50c. Very truly,MILLS &POSTON. ee x Hat for éc 66 6c €6 ‘6 66 66 * ‘a.:Sloan Clothing Co.4 $6.00. ‘Have your shoe repair: work done by our expert. shoe repairer.It only utes to tack or sew on a’: pair ofhalf soles.Plenty: of comfortable seats— you can have work done while you wait.4 ufor and delivered. bs *shoes free.=® S.,M.&HShoe AEA.OF babty aae;as eta ; Choe Repairing.: Remember we shine 4 takes him 15 to 20 min-” a “In town shoes called,| —=+May 28,1916. auth SUPT..-THOMPSON.----a a Portunate is that individual whos 'appreciated while -he-is-in the =and-—women—have lived, str ought unselfishly for the betterment of their fellows,with- -out hope of material reward;have left their lasting impress for good on the communities in which they lived; and have gone to their graves with- out ever knowing whether their work is wast appreciated—sustained only by >the consciousness that they were do- jing swhat.they-conceived.to.be their duty and doing ‘their best.When their eyes were closed in death and they ‘Were alike insensipie Co praise or blame,friends came with kind words and.flowers;orators spoke _glowing eulogies and paid deserved tribtites;the words that would have so cheered and encouraged the toilers in life,fell-on the cold,dull ear of death;and monuments were erected to perpetuate the memory. Doubly blessedis ne who hears while he lives some of the words of appreciation of his work andreceives some tokens that assure him he has notJabored in vain;and in that list of fertunates is D.Matt.Thompson, the honored head of the Statesville Public Schools:Supt:Thompson:has (Aled a most difficult and trying p:ace in community service.Coming to Statesville when the public schools | were established,he took charge,and by his faithful and untiring efforts through the years he Has brought ‘the Statesville school to first rank among city schools of the State.The fact that he has served—and success- fully--the whole community for a cvarter of a century;has in a way managed about all the children of Statesville for 25 years:and through 'jtlall maintained the respect and es- teem and confidence of the communi- ty,proclaims him an unusual.man. In that period he has had the great burden of selecting,supervising and being responsible for the teachers under him;.of hearing tie troubles of tae n|public.schools,seems lis worthy of consideration.In addi- eae THE SCHOOL BOOKS. method of providing books |for ®practicable.and tion to.the probable saving in cost, it would have.the additional -very great advantageof :géeuring hooks ‘compiledby North Carolinians—tolks who -knew---and-respect”our history and traditions and who know what is best fitted for us—or by other writ- ent method of obtaining the “schoo! books offers unlimited opportunities for graft and occasionally borders on scandal,But even if there is neither graft nor scandal,the large amount of money spent in lobbying and wire- pulling,in addition to the profit on the books,make the latier”woo ex- pensive.And we get books —by all sorts of authors,some of them teach- ing things that none of us would al- low our children to.study if we knew what.they were studying;and few parents “have the time,the patience or the’capacity to examine the books. Not long ago The Landmark discov- eredithat a book in our schools taught as to the origin of man wnat is ordinarily considered rank heresy among orthodox North Carolinians. Knowing who writes our school into them that we do not believe and would not have our children taught, is a big advantage in the plan offered by Editor Beasley. And then when we get school books published,perhaps will-be found that we have been buy- ing about 50 more children than is really necessary. TS Disarmament Rider on Naval Bill. The House committee on naval af- fairs voted unanimously to include in the annual naval an unusual rider in the interest of universal peace and disarmament fol- lowing the end of the European war. The resolution was offered by Rep- resentative Walter Hensley,a Mis- souri Democrat,one of ..the pacifist members of the committee.In some quarters the adoption of the resolu- tion was regarded as a concession to our own committee,who had voted for a building programme costing $160,+ 000,000.Representative resolution reads: “Upon conclusion of theEurope,or as soon thereafter as Hensley’s| “the children—encouraging the dull and the backward,restraining and may be done,the President of the all great governments of the world ‘Phe ‘suggestion of Editor Beasley {of=the-Monroe Journal as to a newbooksforthe ers-of our own selection,‘The pres- it| books for the: appropriation bill | the “small navy”Democrats of the| Norfolk,Va.,| war in| NEWS OF CURRE Incidents Gathered Wilson’s naval aide and be-married—at-St.-Gee the wedding. inventor of the submarine road trucks. /has instituted peachment sel]county,Ala., at Girard—over a | lars’worth of illicitseizedlastweek.| pastor of Union”and churches (a country ed moderator of byterian General met at Orlando,Fla.,last Christopher J. enue collector,was |Federal jing and accept |reports. |postoffice appropriation bill fan agreement eliminating stead of $500. ;Chemical .Company at tragedy resultingScarboroughisin jail. will afford an opportunity ed in one of these States. Attempting to the Norfolk & negro was wounded. The ship-fitters’shop, pean! Parts of the Coun |Light snow fell in various the Adirondack.mountains,: nday.‘Entes XBouth Carolina Democratic 8 convention endorsed woman’sUlTKa, and the Legislature was asked to| mit the question of grantine Votes. nen to the people of the Bale 7.Carty Grayson, and Miss Alice Gertrude Gone ee s- church,New York,tomorro' President and Mrs.Wilson may Simon Lake of Bridgeport,Conn, by most of the navies of the world,is; out with a plan for defending the At- lantic or Pacific coasts quickly,by the transporting of submarines on rail- |(he Attorney General of Alabama proceedings against the sheriff of Rus- in which a half miwhiskey was Rev.C.W.Grafton,for 43 years charge)in the Presbytery ‘of Mississippi,was elect-the Southern Pres-Assembly which: Fortman,for more than ten years 4 deputy internal rev- arrested =by sae authorities in New York on books and that things will not be put)a warrant charging him with demand- ing bribes from tobac- \eo dealers in return for making false Senate and House conferees on the railway mail pay on account of the parcel post,and accepting the amend- ‘ment.which would permit individual postal savings deposits of $2,000 J.W.Hunter of North Carolina,an employe of the Federal ‘Dyestuffs and Tenn.,was killed Thursday when'a man named Scarborough struck him over the head with a pipe wrench,the from a The adoption of the new army bill, with its provision for nitrate plants, ple of North and South Carolina_to- represent to the government the vast water power facilities in those States and to urge that a plant be establish- make an arrest at Western coal piers atwhere’hundreds of ne- groes work,one special officer was killed and another badly injured.OneAsmallarmy it|of police from Norfolk,armed with‘riot guns,quelled the disorder. United States is authorized to invite| EV <a reooived from Berlin,1554 Tickets SoldLOOKUPTHELIST.* Presidentphysii ::—For the Legislature. |]herehy-announee~~#-candidate:fora :Li member of the Lower House of the LegislatureofNorthCarolinafromIredellcounty,subjectGO.to [to the actionorthe:voters in the Democratic oe primary to be held Jue the 3d,1916.1 will appreciate ‘the support of ail persons partici- ‘pating in said primary,Respectfully,now in use W.L.MATHESON.Mooresville,May.28, For the Senate, 1 hereby dnnounce myself a candidate fortheStateSenateofNorthCarolinafrom.Ire-dell county,subject to the action of the vot-ers in the Democratic primary to be held JuneQd,1e16.I will appreclare the support of allpersonsvotinginsaidprimary, Respectfully,Vv.D.TURNER. May 23.ou :pation *llicn ~be For County Commissioner.”nat.1 hereby announce myseif a candidate for Pei er ee of:Iredell county,subject to.the of im- Puction of he Democratic primary June 3,1916,May 19,1916,oe BE ha For the Legislature.I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheLowerHouseoftheLegislature,subject’ to the action of the Democrati¢primary June,.oH.P.GRIER. Bensalém‘ ="May 19,1916, week,af ‘3 omForCountyCommissioner.F 1 hereby announce myself avcandidate for Commissionerof Iredell county,subject to the |action ofthe Democratic primary June 3,/1916.W.C.JOHNSTON.|May 19,1916,; For County Commissioner.To the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Denccratic nomination for County “Come missioner and will appreciate your.support intheprimaryJune8d,lolg.J.)T.SMITH ANNOUNCE)paistown ‘Township.May 19.;increased es For County Commissioner.To the Democrats of Lrede!l County:I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheDemocratic:nomination for County Com- missioner,and will appreciate your’supportintheprimaryonJunead,1916. Respectfully,c.8.TOMLIN. May 19,1916. in-| Kingsport,J am a candidate for the House of the Gen-eral Assembly,subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary of June 3d, 1916,and I solicit the support ef the voters intheprimary.JAMES A,STEELE. quarrel.May 19.: For Member Board .Education. }I hereby announce myself.a candidate for 2memberoftheBoardofEducationofIredellgounty,subject to the action of the voters intheDemocraticprimarytobeheld,on June-3d;-1916.F-will-appreciate-the-suppert—of alt to the peo- IA a“aANNOUNCEMENTS.|r. i Miss Annie 88 tow dams.. Bit eves aap eeJ.H.Allison ....../5. Mrs.Lee Albertson...T.J.Allison --rekeng reCG,S.Alexander ... LJas..e...AndersonA.R.Anderson .......+Geo.R.Anderson ......+Rev..Chas.Anderson ..Dr.T.B.Anderson ,.).R.F.Armfield ....6sMrs,R.E.-Armfield 4MissNellArmfield....-J.B.ArmfieldMissJanieAtwell.....Henry b.Austin .....-Miss Mary L.Austin ..Mrs.Julius Austin ....Be To Amey ey bk eneMrs.6.°C,Axley <3.saMrs.Annie Bailey ..... T.C.Barrier .., W.M,Barringer .....Mrs,J,F.Bowles .°...W.F.Bowie ..rH.Burke R.V.Brawley |}Mrs.R.V.Brawley rsJ.Hugh Bryant Pegram A.Bryant ...J.H.Brady Mrs.F.E.°Bradley J.A.Brady James BradyMrs..A.-M,Brawley ... C.Cy Bridges ......ee °W.A.Bristol .. R.©.Bunch . F.B.Bunch .. Miss Angie Caldwell ... J.F.Carlton S.K.Carson Cc.§.CashwellR.E.Clapp He e me e seweeere lek 3... B.M.Cline H.W.CliffordMrs.J.D,Cochrane .... Miss Katherine Cochrane J.G.Colvert Mrs.A.A.Colvert Mrs.F.H.Conger Thos.J.Conger Mrs.Julia Cooper J.A.Cooper B.A,Cowan Mrs.J.L,Cowan persons participating in said primary.»May 19.c.B.WEBB.°| ’Candidate For Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate for| Comunissioner of Iredell county,subject to the| action of the Democratic primaries June 3.,,Mny Io.J.A,BROWN. For County Commissioner,° I am a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic prima-ry,and solicit the support of the Democraticvoters.MARVIN W.SMITH.| May 12.| For Member Board of Education.know n I herehy announce myscif a candidate for|as}. J.A.Conner Miss Mary Crater Dr.G.L.Cruse Frank C.Culbreth .... Walter Culbreth Mrs.Eugene Davis ... Miss Sallie Davidson ... Chas.Davidson Nola Davidson J:M.Deaton : Mrs.B.L.Delinger .... B.L.Delinger |.Dorris Miss Blanche Dotson ... |Miss Bait M.|Mrs.* Miss Sadie Ramsey..... -Ralph.-Reid Dr.R.Riggs s in Mrs.W.R,McLelland * .Mauney...+..ereJohnMarshall}...Miss Anne Marvin ..,..Mrs,W.J.Matheson *;,Chas,E.Mills’........KE.S,Millsaps ©2..3-525.W.A.Milholland ......Jas.L,Milholland ....wid aie Mills... 85 Mamie MontgomerJ.T.Montgomery ...4Mrs.Walter P;Moore..J.M.Moore ..,....... C.D.Moore,oe...ceeW.C.Moore .......0.5MissMayMorrisonBE.Morrison’.........,William.Morrison ......Searr Morrison sess.essMissMabelMorrison...W.E -Morrison:...,.....%Eugene Morrison,.Jr...W.H.Morrison ......Alwyn Morrison .......Mrs.J.J.“Moroney ..,; Geo.H.Myers ....i Re NOU ere6FrancesG.NicholsonW.T.Nicholson ....Mrs.R.E.Nooe ....,.R.W.Orr.Mrs.J.M.OstwaltL,K.Overeash ......5J.O.Overcashy Jr.,:...J.O.Overcash -..H.A.Padgett ....., I,N.Payne ... BE Parke evereviv-sMissMargaretParks.. L.B.Patterson Miss Nellie Patterson .C.E.Pennington ...... Miss Tossie Phifer ....Miss Anna Phifer \...Mrs.BE.L.Phifer .....,|Mrs.B.E.Phifer:....5L.R.Pierce ........65 Mrs.R.L.‘PostonJ.H.PresslyMissAdaPressly ......D.L.Raymer . En s C8 RO DO tt et pe e en to o te t sae weee oe we eee wane ee neove red.Ramsey W._C,Ramsey... J.R.Ramsey Virginia Ramsey ....Rev.C.FE.Raynal .... Jno,B.Reece Miss Mvrtle Rumple . R.M.Rickert DO E DO D D RO D S BO FE S ee hs ta t at a Bt tO Be h HH EE A He e EE R Miss Gertrude Rufty ... B.F.Russell W.M.Salley re building No.24,and all of the equIp-}te-clection as member of the County Board of |G,FE.Dull iment,consisting of valuable wood-Education,‘subject to the aciion of the Dem-'pp|:;:;;.Dulin !vith the |working machinery,at,the Norfolk|Que primary June 3d,1916,=’: duty-of suggesting an organization,!Navy Yard,were destroyed Thurs-|!M487 D.W.LowRANCE.[|J.C,Duke .....+.+0++. 2 }”>ey 3 court of arbitration,or |other body,|day night by fire.The boiler-makers’|Eee seeeeeees to which disputed questions between|shop and the plumbers’shop,adjoin-||;:e my ci lpr P ‘Be Pacioy nations shall be referred for adjudi-ing buildings in the grou were office of County Commissioner of Iredell JY..og vasiey ti d ful settl t,dj ij te.;oe county,subject to the action of the Demo-|Chas.E,Echerd cation and peacetul settlement,and |slightly damaged.cratie Primary,Jane 3,1916,and respectfully|yqjgg Fannie Feild to_consider the_question of disarma-Negligence was the cause of the ‘solicit the support of the Democratic voters |14 o¢Ma B Feild ment and -submit:their recommenda-|fire in the negro picture theater near Beret DROW:G.NIGHOESON.|"=7 Four 1.SUG s+ tions to their respective governments|Norfolk,Va.,May 10,which resulted.myo,4 016.le .Foarc for approval;that.the President is|jn the death of 25 negro spéctators, A.J.Salley J.W.Sceroges Miss Irene Scroggs . R.O.Self Néal_S.Sharpe 4.G.Shelton Dr.C.L.Sherrill W.W.Sherrill A.R.Sherrill Mrs.W.-A.Sloan J.T.Sloan to send representatives to a confer-disciplining the vicious;arbitrating rence,’which shall be charged with theatidcomposingdifferences“between children and teachers;and worse still —hesring and reconciling the com- plaints of parents who should have mm DO tO DS For County Commissioner.I hereby cnnounce my candidacy for the and.reproaches. ‘Through it all Supt.Thompson has |Mrs.G.M.FoardMomberBoardofEducation..asIraC.Foardto=-managed--the—schoolswith patience agd firmness and ability and tact that would give him first rankin the diplo- niatic service in any ‘country;and has made the Statesville public sthcols an institution of which every citizen is justly proud;an institution —~that will-stand throug:the years_as amonument to the first.superintend- ert-—a monument more enduring than brass or marble. And Supt.Thorapson has not only labored to train the children in the school room.With little or no means and little help or encourage- ment,he has made the.grounds of the first school building,with grass and trees”and shrubbery,about the most attractive place in town;and if hé}lives long enough he will have similar grounds at the new s¢hoo!l building.While training the children mentally and morally,he has taught them habits of neatness and love for the beautiful,so that in Statesville today will be found the best kept school buildings in the *State—buildings>practically unmar- red by-marks left by any of the nun- dreds of children who have gone in andl out for 25 years. “All honor to the honored head of the Statesville Public Schools on this twenty-fifth anniversary of his work here,.The Landmark congratulates him on his successful achievement— o®his splendid work in the communi- hereby authorized appoint nine ciizens of the United States,who shall be qualified for the mission byeminence_in_the law and-by-devotion to the cause of peace,to be represen- tatives of the United States in such conference;that the President shall fix the compensation of the said rep- resentatives,and such other em- ployes as may be needed are hereby authorized,and $200,000,or so much thereof as may be needed,is hereby appropriated for that purpose and placed at his disposal.” The Needed Revenue and Where It is to Come From. Secretary McAdoo has °submitted to Chairman Kitchin of .the House ways and means committee andChairmanSimmonsofthe-Senate finance committee revised estimates of the government’s receipts and ex- penditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year and the fiscal year ending June 30,1917,tending to show that much less new revenue will have to be raised to meet the bill for pre- paredness and other large contem- plated expenditures than had been supposed. About $150,000,000 in additional revenue will have to be provided ‘dur- ing the coming year,Mr.McAdoo said.This i$less by $75,000,000 than the most conservative members Congress calculated at the outset of the session would be needed.All the additional revenue will come from taxes on incomes,inheritances and munitions,in accordance with a plan approved by President Wiilson. News of the condition of the Treas-| ury came as a_pleasant surprise to mittec,who have been pondering for weeks on the framing of .revenue Golden,a negro. sued for his arrest. in session at Minneapolis, powered a commissioncourtofequityforthe tist organizations of States.This is construed its purpose theand.Southern Baptists. by Arnold Worley, (gro prisoner and that the ithe result. according.to a verdict of the coroner’s ee jury.They declared that the fire was ‘cation,subject to the caused by a leaking gasoline negligently used by the operator,C. A warrant was is- The Northern Baptist Convention to adjudication | of all differences between i societies and thus bring about more!I hereby announce myself a candidate for| effective co-operation between Bap- the union of *Northern Sheriff S.N.Hailey of Elbert coun- ty,Ga.,was shot and killed in the court house at Elberta,Ga.,Sunday,|clected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell coun- a well_known_at-;tythe_best service of which torney of that town.Citizens were!a greatly excited and Worley was sent! to Athens,Ga.,as a precaution. is said that Worley charged Hailey with being unduly rough with.a ne- am_a candidate for renomination for the| tion of member of County Board of Edu-|auction of the Demo-| tank cratie Primary;F.3B.GATTHER.May.2,1916.| °err tForCountySuperintendentofSchools.\ I hereby announce myself a candidate for{ire-election to the office of County Superin-| I »tendent of Public Instruction,subject to theMinn.,em-action of the Democratic primaries June 3,} sit as a 1916.R.M.GRAY.April 28.| affiliated |For Sheriff. ithe office of Sheriff of Iredell county,subjectUnitedtotheactionoftheDemocraticprimary,Junenited+3,1916.J.OTIS GAITHER.|to have for April-28.-! \For County Superintendent Schools.|'To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County?| I am a candidate for the office of Superin-\tendent of Schools,subject to the action of the|Democratic primaries.If nominated and 1 am_capable. April 28.OHN F.MITCHELL.|pune wee For County Treasurer. It|.Tam a candidate for County Treasurer,eub- ject to the action of the Democratic primary,iJune 8,1916.R.I.RIVES. April 25, !For Register of Deeds. |.Thereby announce myself a candidate for killing was |if any good. |To correct catarrh you should treat its,cause by enriching your blood with theoil-food in Scott’s E:mulsion which is a | |medicinal food and a building-tonic,free |paoitiera Gf tie wash snd tieune com”fromalcoholorany harmfpldrugs.Tryit.| |Scott &Bowne.Rlnomfietd,N.7,{| WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh of|often indicates a general weakness |of the body;and-local-treatments in|the form of snuffs and vapors do little, ‘Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to |the action of the Democratic voters,as ex- ‘pressed by them at the primary,June 38,1916. iL.N..BROWN,.‘Troutman,Fallstown Town- ship.April 26. |For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for |County.Treasurer,subject to the action of the Democratic primary,June 3,191 |April 25.W.H. |For Sheriff. |To the Democrats of Iredell County:— I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Ire- ‘dell county,and_will greatly appreciate your |support.Respectfully, |.April.26.H.-L.GILBERT. 6 HUNTER. For County Treasurer. ee hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of County Treasurer of Iredell county, ‘qubject to the action of the Democratic prima- ‘ry,June 8d,1916,and respectfully,solicit the IL.J.Freel |J.EB.Heinzerling Mrs.N,W.Fox J-€,Fowler Miss Bessie Fowler .... Mrs.D.M.Furches .... J.©.Gaither Miss Fannie Gaither . Mrs.C.R.Gaither .. W.B.Gibson Ws--Gilbert Miss Ruth GillJ.B.Gill Mrs.Gilmer R.M.Gray Mrs.Mac.Gray Mrs.Emma GuyJ.Henry Hall S.W.Haddon Mrs.Wm.F.HallH.G.Haliyburton J.Frank.Harbin,Jr...- Miss Elizabeth Hartness EF.P.Heinzerling Mrs.J.E.Heinzerling.. ‘Henry Heinzerling ..... Mrs.J.F.Henley.....- S.Henninger J.Shelton Henninger . Mrs.W.J.Hill J.H.HillMrs.J.R.Hill .W.R.Holland ....:.. W.Herbert Hoffmann . J..H.Hoffmann L.R.HoupeMrs.Robena Houpe ....D.Ff.JenkinsMrs.E.S.Johnson .... M.E.Johnson J.O.Johnson A.C.Johnson Mrs.Vera B.Jones .... P.D.Kennedy C.E.Keiger Miss Emma:KerrH.L.Kineaid mR WE EH O DR RN ED D HE N D O N E ND N SN IS I E IP O NT O IL O re ‘|Dorman ‘Thompson ... LR.H..Troutman... R.1.Sloan 4—B—Stoon W.R.Sloan C.F.Sloan C.R.Sloan Miss Marie Smith S.W.StimsonMrs.J.A.Smith ... 1).W.Speaks B.-L.Sronce ...Frank Av Starrette <2. A.P.Steele H.O.Steele J.C.Steele Trvin Steele .. T.I.Steele C.M,Steele . Q,A.Stephenson ..Clarence Stimpsdn ....Mrs.J.L.Stikeleather .Mrs.Thad.W.SummersMissDuciaSwann,..-+Miss Gertrude Swann ..Miss Aileen Terry .. Helen Tharpe Cc.H.Turner ...Mrs.Jas.E.Tharpe..:. R.V.Tharpe D.S.Thomas ...... weer eee H.B,Thompson ....-+W.A.Thomas ......... Prof.D.M.Thompson ..Indo H.Tofiilinson .... N.1D.Tomlin:ee eecone et a a co 09 NO ND 9 Ht .0 9 fe c k pe ed 9DD DD D . BO N D ED D he fo Pa t C9 DO EE O DD BO CO PH EO ee e tO AD D Phife TroutmanMissMargaretTurner . W.W.Turner ... W.E.Turner J,A.Vaughn ...ceceaeesL.C.Wagner .......+Mrs.J.©.Wakefield .William Wallace S.H.Walker Sic.Wallace Mise Gertrude Walton .. coon eeewe eee eee a ° seeee eer eeeecoe ™%,B.Watts Forrest L.Ward .. GC.M.Waughtyandthathehaslivedtoseeit ré&ch,in'a measure at least,what he measures.It is probable that all the| revenue measures,including provis-| W.T.Kincaid Rev.J.F.KirkNOTICETOCANDIDATES. all the support of the Democratic voters in the pri- |mary.R.J.BRYANT. April,26,1916.“D N R NE NA H E RR R ND HE D I hereby call attention of had hoped and planned for.But it congratulates him most of all -that —higwork _is__receiving -recognition whilé he is here to know it;and that he.is.made to know in some measure the appreciation of his work by the community and the esteem in which he is held.And the community is to be congratulated on its good fortune iin necuring at the beginning,to man- age jts schools,one whose service has been so successful and so accept- able.a ‘An order for 100,000 -campaign battons bearing an American flag and the inscription “Americanism”and “Roosevelt”has been given.The but-tons are for use during the Progress- ive National Convention in Chicago. The.order.was given by the represen- tative'of the Progressive national ra Bale oh ion for preparedness revenues,a tar- iff commission,and the encourage- ment of the dyestuffs industry,will be included in an omnibus bill.Theoreeunderstoodtofavorthatplan, Penrose Still Boss. In the Pennsylvania Republicanprimary‘election contest Senator Pen- rose was victorious in the most de- termined effort that has ever beenmadetooverthrowhisleadershipoftheRepublicanparty.Despite the energetic fight against him by the fac-tion of the party led by Governor Brumbaugh,Senator Penrose nominat-ed his candidate for auditor general by from 25,000 to 40,000 majority. A majority of’the 76 delegates to thenationalconventionarePenrostmenandPenrosecontinuesthe,undisput- ed boss of Pennsylvania Republicans. Rheumatism! If you:are troubled with chronie or mus-cular rheumatism,give Chamberlain’s’Lini-ment a trial.The relief from pain which,itaffords{5 alone worth many times its costObtainableeverywhere.—~.z \24th,1916.ZEB.V. Chairman County Bd.May 23. candidates for county offices in Iredell county of all political.parties,that ‘they must file an itemized statementwiththe_Clerk of the Court of their expenses of their campaign by May For County Commissioner. I am a candidate for county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry dune 3,°1916.E.G,GAITHER, “April 21,19%.i For Register. To.the.Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fied of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub- LONG, Election. 554 TicketsLOOKUPTHELIST. ject to the action of the Democratic primary. \\\J.H.McLELLAND, Sold April '21.Mooresville,N.C. For Treasurer. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby:announce myself a candidate for 'See List of Chautanqua SEASON TICKET BUYERS. the office of County Treasurer,subject to the action of thd county Democratic nominating primaries,to be held =3d,a Will ap- te your support.Respectfully,ee NW.C..WOOTEN,Bethany ‘Township. Shingles Cost less)and last ¢ 4x20 Dressed Bucket Cedar longest._You know,the life of a water bucket!AllgradesofPine,Cedar,Cypress andTinShingles,Nails,Painted ValleyTin,Ridge Roll and Shingle Stains: G.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-dell County,Statesville,N.C. April 18.: For Register of Deeds. fice of Register of Deeds of.Iredell county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry Jtme 3,1916.Wm.H.MORROW. April 18. For Sheriff.f I,\am a candidate for Shériff of Tredell county,subject.to the action of the Democrat- ‘lie ry,and solicit the support of the Demoeratic voters in ‘the primary. I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-| Miss Cecelia Krider .... Mrs.J.L.Kurfees ... J.G.Lackey Mrs.P.F.Laugenour ..4 Mrs.8S.O.Lazenby .... IL.K.Lazenby Mrs.BE.B.Leinster ... 0.W.LeonardJ.Paul Leonard Hy E.Lewis .. J.G.Lewis, A.L.-Lockwood B.-F.Long Zeb.Vance Long ... A.L.Lowrance ...... 13 weeeee MES arenty ep oe | W,E.Webb Mrs.C..B.Webb .R.T.Weatherman ....\8B BD OD ee Be ES ak Ud tt et tt BG W.N.White .......- Mrs.Leonard White . hi 0:White...eee eee Earl G.White ......++ ‘RR.Williams 2.6.60 sM,C.Williams ........ H.-C.Wilson ....- J.W.Wilson ........4-Mrs,H.B.Woodward ..1 T..W.Woodside ... Kiln dried North Carolina tail. Office 294»PHONES:pesidence 423. Datasetmetre in Established in 1880. JEO.F..ice Pres,an Wholesale and re-. Incorporated 1909,YERS,...ana,yoiiairoaltal } Pine. eeneedrere trary. BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS ‘OF Cochrane,Jr,,who wasinanaccidentinBir-|4-isvat-home—recuper-|* ts.‘Frank Powell of Asteritle stevis |]visiting‘herparents,Mr,andH.,pean Mr.Powell spent SantdaooandMrs.J.H.Hill went to Al-kalithia yesterday to spend awhile.Miss Lucy Foster of Jacksonville,Fila.,is visiting at Mr.W.C.Moore’s.Mr.R.‘C.Mills”of 'Jacksonville,Fla.,a.former.resident ofStatesville,|©is spending a few days in town.Mr.L.J.Freel of the Iredell Tele-hone Company left yesterday ©fornoxville,Tenn.,to attend a meeting .of“representatives of independent tel-ephone men of the Southern:States./Mr.Allén Turner,who is studyinglawatWakeForestCollege,is at home for the vacation.Mrs.D.M.Ausley and Miss MaryAlisleywenttoMountAirySaturdayto.visit relatives,Mr.Eugene -:Morrison,-home from.Elon College.Mr.H.C..Renegar of HarmonycommunitywasintownFridayonhiswayt9DurhamandGoldsborofora few days’stay. Mr.J.B.Ives spent Sunday here, returning to Wilmington yesterday accompanied by Mrs.Ives and daugh ter,Gertrude.Miss Annice Siler,who has beenteachingatGreensbcroCollegeforWomen,is visiting Miss Arlene Gil-mer,This will probably be Miss Si-Ter’s last visit to Statesville beforeshesailsforJapaninAugust,whereshegoesasmissionaryoftheSouth-ern Methodist:Church:iMrs.L.B.Patterson,who spent afewdaysinCharlottelastweekwithherlittleson,Edwin,who was operat-ed on for nose trouvle,came,home Saturday ‘night,bringing Edwin.withher.‘His condition is improved.Mr.S.J.Weilman spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr.N.Harrison’s. Mrs.A,G,Click,Mr.and Mrs.M. A.Biggs of Elkin spent Friday here‘-at Mr.D.J.Kimball’s,returning home that evening accompanied byMissMargaretClick,who had been _here some.time.:Miss ‘Helen Weedon of Blowing Rock is the guest of Mrs.P.D.Ken- nedy.Mrs.R.1,Goodman of Atlanta;Gee.is the guest of Mrs.R.E.Arm- Jr,is at ements eesnSeng Tomato Club Girls Entertain ‘at Elmwood. Correspondence of The Landmark. Elmwood,May 22 —The ice cream supper given.Saturday night by the Tomato Club girls was a huge.sue- cess.It was indeed a pleasure to scethecrowd.who showed ‘by their very rresence their interest in the doings of our community;and I would.liketothankthemfortheirkindanden- couraging interest. The girls,dressed.in the pretty, neat uniform of the club.acted assaleswomenanddidabrillianttrade until every scrap of ice cream wassold.__On-a table was arrayed-samples ofbreadandbiscuitsmadebythegirls. showing that the.cooking classes_of the winter had developed some fine bread-makers .in our community.The2-Ib.loaf of one little bread-makersoldforthehandsomesumof50c.The diminutive cook was May Freeze,aged 13.Such liberality on the part of patrons acts _as a great stimulanttoourgirlsandweoldermembers feel a special gratification at any en-encourarement.giver:the,younger ones.There were also so splendid samples of «jelly,canned cherries, kraat,beans,etc.z The crowd seemed to be enjoying the chance of meeting and talkingwiththosewhom_they otherwise would not have the pleasure of know- ing.The sum taken from sales was $14. After a few incidentats have beenpaidweshalllackabout$8 of the price we have to pav for the canner and capping outfit.In case any kindreadershouldlike,to donate,part orallofthe-sum-—to our—club and_yethesitatesfromafeelingofdelicacy -about offering it,I would here like tostatethatthereneedbenofearofarofusal.A.M.B. Mr.Howard Will Not Be a Can- didate. Correspondence of The Landmark. In Friday’s Landmark I announc-ed my candidacy for membership ontheCounty”Board of Education.At that time I thought all the membershadservedtwoterms.I now find~that-two of them have.served onlyoneterm.In this situation I desire to withdraw my name as a candidate.Far:be it from me to -undertake tobreaktheprecedentoftheDemo-cratic party of Iredell —county—togiveanendorsement.to its officers.I thank my friends who have vol-unteered to support me and assurethem.that I:will be found doing all IcanfortheDemocraticticketthisyear,as I have always done in thepast.espectfully,J.P.HOWARD.Union Grove Township. Probably Insanity For Horne. ‘Melvin Horne,-formerly,deputysheriff,who was\convicted in New Hanover Superior Court for the sec-ond time of first degree murder forkillingD,L.T.Capps at Wilmington,refused absolutely to sign appeal pa-pers.-He declared that he wanted to©,die and did not want any further trialofhiscase.He was taken to Raleigh to Stateprison,where an éxamination as tojssanitywillprobablybemade.In-or was plea of defendant at theal. Drives OutMalaria,Bullds Up System ay Old Standard general strengthening tonic, VH'S,TASTRLESS chill TONIC,drives out »enriches the bloodjandbuility up the sys- y :adults and children,50c,. ‘Twas enjoyed by aFoloming.was thepr of.; tion of ‘the Statesville Public Schoolstin:the school auditorium Fridayevening,”was.a affair--and-arge company. programme? I.General Rece baci ne”Music.igwer Schoo!Orchestra,|win te Elise Wallace,2 oetiaeSolo,iss Rosamond Clark.$ManeyPolonaise-Finno-Solo.Clara Foard Fraley. 6.Reading,7 rigs Grace Anderson, 1 Refreshments.Music at “Intervals by-School Orchestra. MissArmfield of the school sscuiyusheredtothereceivingline,pacwascomposedofSupt.and Mrs.DMatt.Thompson,*Misges MinnieFieldandClaudePoindexter,Mr,and‘Mrs.Wins Wallace,Rev,S,Wy Had-)satMr.and Mrs.J.©.Fowler,Rev.White,Mr,J.N.Hauss,Mr.Benmiteacn Miss Kate Finley,Mr.W.G.Harry,Mr.M,E,.Yount,MissBessieCrowell,Miss EllieGrier,Rev.J.H;Pressly,Mayor and Mrs.Cald-well;:Johnsie Deal,president eleventhgrade;Frank:Grier,president.tentharedesMabelPressly,president ninthgrade. Committee in charge of refresh-ments—Misses |McNairy,..Rutledge,Clyde Fields,Hastings,Hlarris.Atthe*punch,bowl.were Misses Willis,Wortham,Sloan and Eaton.Cream “land cake ‘were served by Misses Wil-lie Ledbetter,Mabel Pressly,Ger- trude Adams,Irma Furches,Katie Millsaps,Elizabeth Bowles,.LouiseBrady,Bertha Deaton,Katherine Am- aker and Eugenia Miller.Misses Dor-othy Sloan and Florence Hoke dis-tributed souvenir cards to the guests. Mayor Caldwell was master of cer- emonies and presented the entertain- ers.During the evening there was ex- cellent music by the.school orchestra ~-Miss Marea Jordan,accompanist; Lessesne Allison,Ruby Johnson,Flor- ence Miller,Earl Overcash,Sara Reece,Miss Jo,Dunn.Fourteen former.principals andteachersoftheschoolwerepresent at the reunion.exercises and more than.125 graduates,while more than200lettersandtelegramswerere- ceived from former teachers and pu- pils in seven States.All.the princi- nals of the school since its establish- ment were present save one—Mr.Earl Godbey of Greensboro.The oth-| ers are Messrs,John N.Hauss of Thomasville,Walter Thompson ofWinston-Salem,Arch.T.“Allen ofSalisbury,H.-E.Craven of Frank-linton and -W.-G.Harry-of Columbia, S.C.All are °superintendents of schools-in the towns in which they live except two.Mr.Thompson,who is superintendent of the Metho-dist orphanage at.Winston-Salem, was.superintendent.of.schools at Coneord when he gave up teaching; Myr.Harry is studying for the minis- try.‘Former _teachers present were: Miss Claude Poindexter of “Winston- Salem,Miss Minnie Field of Greens horo,Mrs.Bertie:(Lenoir)Zimp of Camden,S.C.;-Mrs..Minnie.(Hamp-ton)Eliason and Mrs.Edna (Love)Caldwell of Statesville;Mrs.Edith (Moring)Craven of Franklinton. Mrs.Lucy (Culberson)Melchor of|jMooresville,and Miss Adelaide Mor-row.a Mrs.:.Eugene— Friday morning in honor of Mrs.H. A.Millis of High Point.Bridge was played at _five_tables,—-Mrs.-A.—P. Steele winning the high-score prize, a corsage of sweet peas,which she presented.to _Miss Luna Thompson. The guest of-honor prize was an em- broidered towel.A salad course, followed by ice cream and cake,was served. Mrs.Jefferson Johns of West Ral- eigh has issued —invitations to -the marriage of her.daughter,Miss Lu- eile Eccles Johns,and -Mri—Everett Hanson Cooper,the marriage to take place June 1 in the First Baptist church of Raleigh.Miss Johns is anieceofMrs.J...W.Gray of Stateé-ville Mrs.B.B.Webb |entertained Thursday at bridge and Mrs.E.N.Lawrence Friday at hearts in honoroftheirsister,Mrs.H.A.Millis of High Point.Mrs.R.L.Jenkins was also a guest of honor at’Mrs.Law- rence’s party. Notices of New Advertisements. Direct saving.—Iredell Ice and Fu-el Co. Chavtauqua June 22-28. Final clean-up sale spring suits.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Soft Negligee shirts.—Sherriil- White Shoe Co.The automatic—the big chance toes—Crawford-Bunch _Furniture “Shall we have the fair ?—Statesville Drug CoMaximum-service:to the people oftheState—University of North Car- olina.“The Trail of the Lonesome Pine”today.—The Lyric. Buy where you can buy cheapest.—C.Watkins.Kool cloth and Palm beach suits.—Sloan Clothing Co Emerson fans add to your comfort. ~Home Electric Ca What _about the.county fair?—Robert Bunch Cash Grocery.To rent with board.’Phone 179.Red.List.taxes.—N.F,Blackwelder.Milk cow for sale.—C.L,Millsaps.‘Phone Clio.For the Legislature-—W.L.Mathe-son.For the Senate.—W.D.Turner.Copeland house for rents—D.J. raig. Midsummer display of white milli- nery.—Mrs.J.M.McKee.To rent furnished home,—W.H.Tomlin. Your funds kept absolutely safe.—First National Bank. (Candidates iph file expense ac-counts.—&Z.V.Long. The Free sewing machines,—Far-mers’Union Whrehouse Company. Whooping Cou,ch.One of the most suceeactal preparations inuseforthisdiseaseisChamberlain's CoughRemedy.8S.W.McClinton,Blandon Springs,Ala,writes,“Our baby had whooping coughasaaSoinoroyhave{t..I rave im amberlain’s isch Rem ®it’soon got tiie —toawhere.w Obtainable —every- ae |The child.had -whooping-cougt Davis——entertained-, y=err.|DEATH OF A LITTLE¢CHIL.| Sonal Mention.‘| ‘ot The Landmark,ta May 22 —Little Ale ma Chapman,of —and.MChapmandiedThursdaymorcing?at|8.o’clock--at-their home~on Hig!‘and had been very ill for a month,funeral and burial services we:ducted at Lebanon BaptistFridayafternoon.Mesdames A.M.Sample.McCarty and their children,|Pierce,Fla.,have arrived to spendthesummerhereatthehomeoftheirfather,Mr.John .W.:Moore,Mrs. aerch D.T. ‘|Sample and daughter and,niece— Misses Margaret Sample and.AnnieLardnerMcCarty—left Saturday toattendcommencementatSalemCol-lege,Winston-Salem,Misses Ruby Deal,teacher.of thesixthgrade,and Ada Viele;teacherofmathematicsinthe.high school atWinston-Salem,returned to ‘theirhome.here Saturday.Misses Sc|gugsageeemeerpesemeecmmeraee: Campbell and Mary Feimster,stu;dents-at-Salem_College,.are’at.ho éforthesummervacation.Mr,A.R.Strayhorn of Durham is spending:a few days here on business.Mr.andMrs,Isaac Connolly and children,.ofLorayspentSaturdayandSunday Mr.and Mrs.R.M.Ingram.Rev.andMrs.J.W..Watts and Mrs.A.C. Payne returned Friday night fromAsheville,where they attended theSouthernBaptistConvention,Mrs. Judson‘has gone to Asheville to.spendseveralweekswithhersister,Mrs.Robert Moore,-and~from”there she will go to Columbia,8.C.,to visit her daughter,Mrs.John Borden.Mrs.M.L.Gwaltney and Miss Lau-ra Hedrick went to Charlotte Thurs-day evening,where Miss Hedrick hadhertonsilsremoved.They returnedFridaynight.A number of our people attended:the celebration in Charlotte FridayandSaturday. Bethany Citizens Endorse Mr.Woot- en For Treasurer.To the Editor of The Landmark: We,the undersigned citizens of Bethany township,wish to place the name of W.C.Wooten before the Democratic voters of Iredell county,and commend him as_well fitted toholdtheofficeofCountyTreasurer, and respectfully ask the aid of the Democratic voters for Mr.Wooten intheprimary:J.W.Hatchett,C.A.Mitchell,J. F.-Houpe,‘FE.Lundy,W.A.Red- man,Jno.R.Morrison,L.G.Lam-bert,C.L.Weston,J.E.Burton,’J. F,Rash,R.W.Beckham,T.H.Men- cer,W.P.Sharpe,J.W.Edwards,A,, S.Tucker,J.W.Vickery,F.F.Woot- en,R.-A.Milholland,R.F.Milhol-land,C.E,Milholland,T.L.Adams,N._A..Sloan,_O..M..McLellan,»M. Summers,.J.B.Houpe,Avery Frye, L.L.Sherrill,T.M.Pierce,P. Summers,L.C.Combs,George Sum-mers,E.R.Bell,Thos.Bell,N,F.Blackwelder,W:P.Blackwelder, L.Blackwelder...J.H.Bass,W Chambers,H.B.Chambers,MMoore,E.W.Moore.“W.D,Moore,FE.R.Shoemaker,F.Combs,B.Combs,W.Moore,H,C.Privette,C.B. Nicaea.W.B.Ejidson,G.A. Watts,W.A.Watts,J:L,eas,W.W.Redman.—ad.* Bryant Sanderson,who iis chargedwithkillinghis‘landlord,-Amos-Bec= ton,in.Jones county,has been ar rested and is.in-jail. (ADVERTISEMENTS -in-thia_eolamn 10 centsperline.No ad.taken for lesa than 25cents.Cash must accompany order.) LOST-—RunchLANDMARK,of Keys.Return to THE TO RENT—Room with board in private fam-ily.‘Phone 179 Red.May 28—i1t*. WANTED—To__rent-tolgcaie without Chil- dren,my home,furnished,for three monthsbecinningJune1.W.H.TOMLIN. May 23. FOR RENT—The Copeland house on Walnutstreet,Suitable for:residence or boardingshouse.Possession.given at once.D.J.CRAIG.May 23. N.F.BLACKWELDER “notifies TaxpayersthathewilllistTaxesatthe-followingplaces:Bethany 24th,W.H.H.Summers’ store 25th,W.C.Wooten’'s residence 26th,Bidson’s store 27th.May 223--1t?.pac ep FOR.SALE—Number one grade Jerseyey MilchCow.—b.-MILLSAPS."Phone Clio.May Soa FOR SALE—House and lot,240 Davie Ave-nue,all modern conveniences.Z%.V.MUR-PHREY.~May 19~2t’, |FOR SALE OR RENT—To desirable party,residence 747 N.—-Mulberry street.conveniences.J.-A.-SCOTT,26, Modern Jr,"phone May 19. WANTED—I want to rent two or three-horse‘Farm,ao two months.Good references. F.,|May 19—3t*, MUSIC—For a term.of ten weeks,beginningMay22,Mrs.J..C.Duke will teach Piand,Voice and Harmony._Class_or private les-sons.330 Walnut street,May 19. Barber, WANTED—50 Common Laborers,wares $1.-35 to $1.40 per day.Pe ci UNION TAN-MING co.,Old Fort,N Cs May 19. CORN—Weaare in the market ‘for.Shelled Corn and will pay highest market price,se STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.ay By we ee eee with lights,ee ete..ALEXANDER.May 5. 554 Tickets Sold LOOK UP THE LIST. the '10-months-oldWilson Fort |’ here with Mrs,Connolly’s.parents,’ 25c...per.Levan,Hides,ine per Ib.Hams;-t7ec-to 1805"ver th.Sides,18¢,Ib.Shoulders,13¢.Th.2NewRedHoney, 10c,0 12 1-2c.per 1b,Sourwood Honey Comh,16 to 1se.per ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c,Irish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel, Grate.”The following -prices...werepaid—yesterdayforgrain’on the local market:Wheat,$1.30 per bushel.Corn,(new),80c,per bushel.Oats,55c.er bushel, Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yeszerday 12 3-4c.per| pound was.paid for best grade cotton, Chey aga_JUNE 22-28 _ The Birth of a.Nation, The most gigantic Pho-to-play spectacle of thecentury.Founded onTheClansmanbyThom-as Dixon.You shouldroadthisastoundingsto- ry of the Southland.50c.R.P.Allison’s Book Store. JOYOUS DAYSJUNE22-28LIME,‘PLASTER,SHINGLE STAIN,FIREPROOF PAINT. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. THE LYRICTHEATRE TODAY CHARLOTTE WALKER LATHS.CEMENT. “The Trai of the :Lonesome Pine” The photoplay event oftheseason.* WEDNESDAY VIVIAN MARTIN —in ere “Over Night” _Thisis an exceptionallyfineromaticcomedy.Be sure to see it. ‘THURSDAY SEENA OWEN —in— “The Peniients” A fine D.W.Griffith production on the Trian- gle Program. ‘Also FORD STERLINGtheHunt? A Keystone Comedy. THELYRICTHEATRE “The Coolest Place ing Town” I | DEPOSIT .YOUR.MONEY _ WITH THIS BANK! WE KEEP YOUR FUNDS AB- SOLUTELY SECURE! Canceled ‘Checks are indisputa- ble receipts for what you’have paid on accounts, YOU GET EVERY FACILITY “OFFERED ~BY A GOOD, STRONG BANK! | THE FIRST NATIONAL nA Capital $100,000.at Pax Goat hinon TimeDeposits.U.SS Depository,| JOHN DEERE MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. Iredell Hardware-‘Com’yy. MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE iv: AND.THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!© SO THE.BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A_BANACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart * ment.~All Deposits made.on or before April-5th will” draw interest from April Ist at the rate of 4 per.cent. compounded quarterly.eae ert This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women.- and men!fe ee Certificates of Deposit issued by thisBank bear interest-ot from date at-the rate of 4 per cent.per annum,co RS CHecking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited.,‘ We want your business! People’s Loan and Saves Bank. ‘A MidsummerDisplay of White Millinery. Hats. one is cordially invited. +adatleateratist3 On Wednesday and Thursday,May 24-25,we willshowquiteanumberofbeautifulWhitePatternIhaverecentlyreturnedfrommysecondtrittotheNorthernmarket,and amshowthelatestthingsinTrimmings.and Trimmed Hats at very moderate prices.Every repared tontrimmed Respectfully, Mrs.J.M.McKee. GEO.H.BROWN President. ="ES Tene ee “HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,©. STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATINGPlumbingandPrivate.Water Systems.©REFERENCES FURNISHED, poor “NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. By ordor of.the Commissioners of Iredellcounty,all real estate.on which the 1915 tax-es have not becn paid will bé advertised forsnleafterJune16,1916,J.M,DEATON,|sph |Shei MUST GET LI All,persons running ‘ears number will take ‘noticethat:| number or show that same"! or the law will be enforced.She’eit May 19, summer season. If we can save five per convenience. must treat all alike. eT ri e d er aa a h Re ee ee e BO R ar t e s ee n Sa s Aa Ese t SH E R a A AB B E pa d ? la d i e k a an o r He e is . IS , RE en e _Bell Phone 98. de d Ro ==Sa SHIPPING “BILL.PASSES. Another Administration Meas- ines ure ThroughtheHouse. 4LENOIR LADY SHOOTS.The administration shipping bill ap- irs.Miller Scalded Mules and propriating $50,000,000 ‘for purchase Mrs.Harshaw Shot Five of merchant shipsby theFederal gov- ;‘Nimes at Mrs.Miller.ernment,with a view to providing an a Record,19th adequate merchant marine,passed theord,: DMARK 1 -_May 23,1916. 4 .F =geald d ‘House of Congress Saturday by a par- Gling affair,in”dare oni ty vote.It now goes to the Senate, at Lenoir ladies were the princi-|Where a combination of Democrats and reached Hickory last night and Republicans defeated a similar meas- 1 saree ‘ure a year ago.It is believed,how- 8verified today.The mules,so far |over,that the present measure willlearned,were the only things in-|.«1 !pass the Senate.red Une a eee eds shate|.The House passed the bill 211 to Here:“by one of_the five bulletsfired |161,only ae eae aeee‘:lagainst it.ine Republicans,three ale succession by Mrs.John |progressives and one _independent re.voted favorably and 11 members voted ;According to the story that sim-“present.”Requblican leaders,dur- jing several days of.debate,maderedthroughthecensorduringthe more than a hundred futile efforts toy,Mr.John Harshaw,son of Mr. ose,Harshaw,ve Republi--jmend the measure and delayed a vote by a filibuster.f the habit of 1 eet had Dees ifi the ‘habitof leaving his team o Neasala .2 purchased—under.the_bill Mules and a gasoline wagon in front and not re-sold,leased or chartered to private interests,would be oper-the residence of Mrs.W.S.Miller,| ated by-a shipping board until fivefeofaprominentmerchantofLe- ir and herself prominent socially.years after the close of the European war,when the board would have to ‘ te .Miller evidently did Lae like “Beenery in front of her residence,dispose of whatever ships it might apd.t xe _~ane eo ‘have on hand.The board itself would e aforesaid mules and autos ut continue in existence to prevent dis- day morning the ey Mr jcriminations against shippers,main- agon were at the old stand.Mrs./taining fair rates and prevent combi- iller,it is said,went out with a pan nations,The bill also provides for wer ere anne he animals,|ace of all vessels in the merchant ma-ran and came near)sine as auxiliaries to the navy in time i “Epnning AWBY-::!of-war,regardless of whether the gov-_Mrs.gonn Barshaw entered ane’ernment has sold them outright,leas-te 9 act aad at ©Mrs.Miller |¢70r chartered them,sigan tuna it on Mes,Mile |"Soeretry of the Treasury McAdooetienteeniokecurledupfromitshasissuedastatementcharacterizing uzzle and wended its way.over the oe Der ee She nee eesdtitaina’‘but five:times.Mre Mil.‘t22t pieces of constructive legisla- wanbehind the treo thativan bere oD for the commerce and prosperity faith to shelter her from thé little of pie aia that possibly could be Netgs.that zipped the air andmay-|Cracte .p uck the tree at the roots orre’6ff a limb.| At any rate,Mrs.Miller was not!injured. Suggestion of Peace. There is a feeling here,says a dis-teh from Berlin,that if-a stron neutral,such.as the United State witiBEtSok to negotiate peace,iteceed.eet circles regard the recent Some Goods From Germany. American purchases in Germany,|! though but a fraction of what they| were before the war,have not ceas-|ed entirely,as shown in statistics! compiled in the bureau of foreign anddomesticcommerce.Shipments from &Germany to the United States still|font i amount—to_more—_than_$1,000,000__a|10 might)month.Goods are permittedto come) only under special permit and in lim-,,ited quagtities..Before the BritishtementsofPresident.Poincare and |orders:if council went into effect,airEdwardGreyastheopeningguns;;5)year ago,about $10,000,000 worth.ofaninformaldiscussionofpeace,|erorts came through monthly. Figures covering the,last six{months of 1915 show that toys valued at slightly more than:$2,000,000.,com-prised the largest single item.Leath- cereeasenencaenemmemerasneannes er goods and chinaware fe slightly |Victor Carlstrom,in a 160-horse |below $1,000,000 each,and laces andwerbiplane,flew from Newport|Paper came through in.values,ofwa,Va.,to Sheepshead speedway.|about $500,000.Raw skin shipmentsY.,Saturday,a distance of 460,Were valued at nearly $500,000 andfiles,in four hours and one minute,|furs at about $200,000.is is said to be a record flight for!as eas a Piidistance.Carlstrom lost timein|reoeaoeLd on Was = Sit ui 6.000fect,encountered oid peoplewho are iets,aod younger ey Bee °people who are weak,will be st th:irs.Donald McLean of New York.|andenabled to go through the orcaofthe,ing heat of‘summer by taking regularly ttae ay ough the expressions from the alliedders,when ranged alongside theanchancellor’s recent Reichstagch,do not appear altogether con-| jatory.| By eliminating this collector on -saving—a dollar book of ice tickets for 95c.or a five books can be bought from the wagon’now But if this system is to be a success we It is a fair,business proposition.ser | -It will not be a chosen few or merely the big consumer. better service and better ice at the same old prices. ay Wearly every family in Statesville uses a dollar's worth of ice each month during the t cent of this dollar each month and give this saving to our ICE AND COAL. Appendicitis Victims—Rains as Scarce as Thanks. Sorrespondencesof The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,May 20.—Dr.Tal- ley of Troutman discovered last Tues- day that Mrs.Winona Winecoff was a sufferer from appendicitis.She wastakentoLong’s Sanatorium,where she underwent an operation Friday morning and is getting along fine. Mr,Jay Lipe has:been a victim of appendicitis for some time,it is said, but no operation has been performed. Mrs.R.A.Galliher has been ill for a few days. This section has almost been sur- rounded by pretty good showers,but we are still suffering for rain.Cropsarescarcelycomingupandwhatis up is suffering badly.But just about that scarce are thanks even for the richest blessings. CATARRH CANNOT BBE CUREDwithLOCALAPPLICATIONS,as_theycannotreachthe‘seat of the disease.Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis-euse,and in order to cure it you musttake,internal remedies,Hall's CatarrhCureistakeninternally,and acts di-rectly on the blood and mucous surfacesHall’s—Catarrh—Ccure—1s—-not—-a.quackmedicine.It was prescribed by one ofthebestphysiciansinthiscountryforyearsandisaregularprescription.Itiscomposedofthebesttonicsknown,combined with the best blood purifiers,acting directly on the mucoussurfaces.The perfect combination ofthetwoingredientsiswhatproducessuchwonderfulresultsincuringCa-tarrh,Send for testimoniets,free,F.J.CHENEY &CO.,Props.,Toledo,Sold by Drugetsts,price 7c. See List of Chautauqua SEASON TICKET.BUYERS. ChautauquaJUNE22-28 LONG-LEAF KILN DRIED — Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboarding, |Boxing,Casing and Step Plank stay iwhere they are nailed,last longer and cost you less.All sizes of Rough and Dressed Lumber.C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. University of N.Carolin CHAPEL HILL,N.C, “Maximum Service to thePeopleoftheState, The Summer School fox Teachers—June 13-July 28 (Write for complete announcement). Able FacultyCompleteCurriculum Moderate Rates Credit CoursesDelightfulEnvironment Excursion Rate Tickets The Summer Law School June 15—August 25 Regular Session OpensSeptember14, ‘Students who expect to enter for dpresident |ot Yteofthe|lution,died *Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic.It purifies aitimo anh ',po sees onawholesystem. 50c. vo p hospital,agedBid cauriches:time Moot and builds”\t e first timé ld tomlete theirbyrangementsasearlyaspossible,| n June 1st,we shall customers we are allowing the public to share our profits. Could anything be more liberal?Thinkit over. Iredell Ice and Fuel Heretofore it has cost us approximately five per cent to collect soe cera ee! month,bills from people who bought ice on credit.—:: give the public the benefit of this dollar book for $4.75.These or from our office,as it suits your positively cannot allow any deviation—we Every user of ice will get the benefit of this saving. And we shall guarantee Jompany.S ast vr ihanesRs.“EVERYBODY WANTS ~ IS BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST!— FOR SALE BY Statesville,N.C. We are offering the people of the cannot afford to let pass.Some one in that community handsome —WESER PIANO— which we have been ‘High School.Aside from©slight ‘good condition,To+make a salé’and to save moving the instru- -ment.toourstore,we will _sell_it where it is at less than cost.This style of WESER sells at $400 in the tance from the factory.We offér the one at Stony Point for $200.If interested,drop us a card. Morrison Building,W.Broad St. MUST PUT IN WATER AND SEWER! Puranant to order of Board of Aldermen, all property owners.in Ward No.1,wherever lines cin be reached,must put in water and sewer connections.This is a requirement that is to the ‘best interest of health and will be en- forced.L.C..CALDWELL,Mayor. May 9.ry JOYOUS DAYS }|iz is satpmygle oe Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,|i PHONE 87. the Best County _in | TheState,Should Have theBestCountyFair! It increases the value of your Farm,yourFarmProductsandyourLiveStock.Mr.Farmer,it is up to you.Come_across likeaman.BUY STOCK-—Buy Big if possi-ble,BUT BUY.i Today,Tomorrow,the Next Day,Tells the Tale! SHALL WE HAVE THE FAIR?YES. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. Stony “Point Community} a rare Piano bargain which they|{ should own the|@ renting to the|# musie department of the Stony Point|§ damage to the case,the Piano-is in| quick, ‘New York show rooms a short dis-|4 LEONARD PIANO STORE,| “JUNE,.22-28):.83°i eae mw Aare if si ci ones {Oe ee fs 7 ,hatte ith ’ln Oy OO O O EE C EC E RE C O tl i e et t e r [#|FOR SALE!|#| six-room dwelling, barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in meadow,balance in woodland,level and productive.ae 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story, barn and .out-buildings,,good orchard,two ..branches running through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in woodland enclosed in pasture.: Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x 200.:Vacant lot on Armfield’street,50x150. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance in woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard:Will exchange for smaller farm or city property. For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHER GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT- PHONE '23.*OFFICE ROL.MILLS”BUILDING. PUCCIO LOLCHOL CT ARTOS OTHEFAIREST TOWN IN THE~~DESERVES A FAIR. There is no greater stimulus to superior production in every line— there is no greater,proof of a people’s prosperity than a ‘good County.Fair,ibe :ue ; It’s a show-down of accomplishment,and the finest advertisementofacommunity's capacitytocontribute the BEST! Let’s keep up with the procession and have 4 Fair for the immense .good it will do:Statesville And the surrounding country. EVERY NAME AND DOLLAR COUNTS—MAKE IT UNANI- MOUS!d's slaa CeO ‘nthe Square.”5 is Rockers,Settees,Swings,Couch Hammocks,Porch9Shades,Ice Cream Freezers,Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies.Anything in summer goods.Phone your ‘wants to us,and our man will be there with the goods in a few minutes,Quick Delivery Is Our Matto. Williams Furniture House Inc. The Favorite Store. H+}final preparations to leave for States- #ibest pal-—‘Dad”’—and ,Dad spent many of his 2\happy to once moregreet,our,many |:isae ole.neighbors.and.friends of |vit,3 National Guard of 457,000.The #|justice I will not go wrong when.I! #2}state that=|ment.its grandeur,tland the landscape artist have si touches,cannot be See eeneaaaa one ear RS Teorenema cow'|ARMY BILL-TO PRESIDENT. of the Way. xB [PLAGE Congrese,Batarders sg vas syAeba6«,‘exe |Part in the enactmentof the first oAsncae.a ee -Set-|the administration proparedns eeting—-Noted ©ic]uildings ures—-the army reorganization bill_Magef ‘Boame,(204 sent the measure to ‘President—Wanderers Coming Home.Wilson “for hin“signature:2TotheEditorofTheLandinerk:The House approved with only 25Boston,May 19 —The homeward ‘dissenting votes the conference.reporttionthearmymeasure,already acaept-whic iii*hips hes ed by the Senate.It provides for a|described in her-letter of *t he é good editor eguler army with a peace strength SE TE ae swell nown Gov-of ore.than..200,000 men,backed by ernors:Ay :;+We}},|than 400,000,and earries many.reor:1long eeee Ahead iganizing features worked out by Warthinkingofgoinghometothedear-.Department officials to make the na- estspot.on_earth,there must be ‘ion’s fighting arm more efficient.some magnetism jin ‘large,‘eosmopoli-|Estimates vary _as_to the actua! tan.cities.ithe maximum.to.be enlisted under it ville,where we expect to jdin our depending on the interpretation place: ;y ‘officials,As construed by ChairmartimeattheStatesvilleInn,wert Chambcrlain of the Senate military:2 \committee it provides for a regularchildhooddaysandwherewe:will Be:cstablishment of 211,000 strength and 236,000 at war strength T wish It ware endowhd’wih the peace strength of the regulars under y fift to be able to describe the bewil-|{"interpretation given by Chairman|& 1|dering beauty of the little park which |Hay of the House military committee we are about to vacate,but to do it |Would be 206,000. just at the present mo-1,24.manufacturing plant to cost not iment of a system of.military training excelled."From icamps for civilians paid for out of the or @ board to in-our front door,as far as the eye can|paqoy f:1 |eral Treasurysee,the green,velvet,carpet-like |yocticate the advisability of estab- i Practice Economy This Year! |Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds, grass rises to a_height of several |j;.1;ee Mairefect.All through this little “park,ishing a governmentmunitions plant; there are ponds -of water, small crafts such as pleasure boatsgladdentheheartsoftheyoungand old.Here and there are pretty :-rus-|mont making the Guardsmen subjecttic:bridges,where the graceful swan|t the orders of the President.glides to and fro with her |majestic jarmy.Federalization of the National|Guard would be accomplished through §.|One Preparedness Measure Out : ness meas:|’ We are at last «making ‘number of men the army will provide | spend some 0",Some sections by War.Department| at ¢peacc|&B ildi Vi “@ 5:Building Material. Besides the personnel increzses the}: ‘measure provides.for a government ni-|23 to which aeaay more than $20,000,000,for establish-|© Federal pay and through a require-= LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO STATESVILLE,N.C.aera ria t express themselves,“It’s ‘a Federalized National Guard ofmorc |’eee Sr eey « for Sale.by 4 a Always:keep in mind that we are headquarters for high classbuilder’s hardware,Doors,Sasi,Woed and flies to and fro with her a |Metal Shingles.Ifyou contemplate ”strokes.Right under my living room|McCraw Acquitted of the Mur-|:“:window flows the so-called “Wah der of Allen. See,”a river spanned with an artis-;tic stone bridge whichsis now a bow-|Will McCraw:of Carroll county,er of loveliness,covered.with.long|Va.,was acquitted at Hillsville,Va.,|trailers of ivy.Along the edges of last week of the murder of —Jasper|=:this.beautiful stream are studded aj|Allen.Allen was shot and killed by |:wealth of flowers,shrubbery,trees,|McCraw March 18,at the home of and here and there rustic seats,|Mys.Brodie Martin,five miles from Eetaffswithlifepreservérsswinging|Mt.Airy,N.C.on thefromthemincaseofaccident.In the|North Carolina:line.jextreme ‘middle of this little stretch reled because McCraw made aSlaretheartisticJapanesegardens.|Mark reflecting on the courage i Little summer houses are dotted here |Wesley Edwards,a nephew of Allen,and there with a wealth of plants in |who is serving a term in the Virgin-artistic urns.All-throuch this park |/@ penitentiary for participation in —I think it might be safe to say’for |the Hillsville court house murder,Mc- three miles—there are ponds with |Craw claimed he shot Allen in self- little red and spotted fish gliding to|@efence and the jury blieved him.and fro and pond lilies.To the left eee<of-our home is..a -beautiful bronze Not screenings or offal,orworthlessby-products,but se-lected feed scien-tifically ‘blended forresults.Made by a house /with a reputation for integrity. C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. *Shone 125 Black. Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed, ‘Manna-Rico Chick Peed. Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Rairy Feed. building this season,we believe it: will be to your advantage to cover your house with our Gulf Red. ¥ Heart Cypress Shingtes. ——-at s <7EverybodyTalkingCounty _and_that’s the thing to do—not only talk it but support it in a substantial way,and it will certainly be a success. SS T SS t F : There will be a committee in each township-cn the23rd..and24th.and every- body.will be given an opportunity to help in this great ENTERPRISE. IREDELL is a good County,and has Jots of good people,and of ‘course if we have a County Fair we wanta good one,so let's be loyal,and meet the Committee with a smile,and a liberal subscription. s PO P E S IS EI E I O es a s hh he r e s se e s Bi t Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent.bank- ing methods, Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or loner.A OFFICERS: W.DP.-PURNBR,-~-_E.MORRISON,=-~Vice President. D..M.AUSLEY,-#=Cashier.@.KE.HUGHEY,—Assistant Cashier. STVTUNTLETAVLATSELESAL ELS ATT STASIS SEL TTETI ree Mrs.Kyles’experi-| While dancingat Picketts Springs. iistatne given by the city and under-|Ala.,where Woodmen of the World‘jneath are places to rest under WoNs |re]ene pier:Mies Call edderfnltrees.To lend,a more romaf-|"OtsIns ”ad.mediately f Hay \NatieTookavathe.winding thoroueh.(after “dinner the young woman en-th db ae ti i Ae A fares where automobiles seem to find’24ged in a spirited dance..She was|“tt sats TEXT SETSTATESTLITERS SEIT TEL TSER Te ITNTretreatfromthecrowdedstreets.seized with an attack of acute indi-|@*asVerynearisthehomeoftheRed/&*stion,slipped out of ‘her partner's 6 *3SaxandtheBostonRidingAcademy,|@!ms_and expired.which’sunnlies the horses for many;Grrapman VATID LIRR ECO |OmMmMmMercia |a LOhia an :fashionably-attired men and women,SUSPECT YOUR KIDNEYS!|,te q etysomewiththeirgroomorridifiz-||:\re ON o!inanemasters,others alone-or —in nate{Too Many Statesville People |i.OF STATES ELLE,Ny O.0 ore oe This park scems to be Iaid out in a}:‘me ;essemi-cirele,which is studded with Neglect Early Symptoms of |vue St he dualsbuildingsofnote,such as the famous Kidney Trouble.Capital stuck Paid ii MTy:$109,600.00|Mrs.Jack Gardner's hom and the ':h;new white marble palaca-like “Tor-|If your Wack is lame—if you feel S 1 wet 7:svth Dental Infirmary”for:children.|qu}tired-and—all-worn-out—=——_OUPp.gS and I rofits -31,500.00.re|PPS s a }’ana é 3|which was endowed by the wenlthy!Te wan eae,Ae fra erie 2 ‘‘and benevolent Forsyth brothers.h a ave hard headaches,back-q :eesh|One svrviving brother,Mr“Thomas!aches and dizzy spelts—Bray ra n rote3|Forsyth,is vresident of the board of If the kidney secretions are disor-Member 0 of Federal Reserve Sy stem.}idirectors.Almost.adioiningis the|dered ——a an OeyRestonArtMuseum,which is also of erat ss kidneys 1 “takewhitemarblewithstatelymarblecol-|_VUSPCc’your Kianeys and “take aumns.In front of this building.on}Stitch in time. ‘the well-kept lawn,is the statue of an Use Doan’s Kidney Pills,the time-| ;(raion in jronze,perched ona seit tried,home-cndorsed ‘kidney remedy.4 mj iit §’‘arms.out-,f c ®sopiouystretched.praying to the Holy Svirit.a may a oda at oe3}Here also are fashionable schools|Kidney trouble.:for young women,the Boston Medi-|*Make use of9calLibrary,hospitals and club-!ence.Merchants and Farmers Bank.Preuss,“A amall street leads o2t|!‘By rom the park to Commonwealth ov-Mrs.C.A.Kyles,.£10 Rell St.£Of Statesville,;gj enue,where~are such hotels as the!Statesville,says:“Some years °ago, “The Bank For Your Savings.”é Rae Buckminster and Canter-my back was very Jame and sore.|..ae Within five minutes’walk of the}!began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills! <=|park is the United Drus Co.,home of|and they made my back as strong as}‘{the Rexall ne.Ae yeu —ever.I haven't had any treuble.;on vou come to the beautifu ote ae a ”(Ganley plate.which stands on Copley from my kidneys since. pe e c e t e s s i t u s c e s s e s t e e c o e k es Ca p ce b e a p e s d t o e c e e d Square,directly opposite the BostonPublicLibrary,This._yellow-likebuildingtakesup”about'a.smell rauare and is the hotel where ex- President.Taft’had headquarters|Mrs.Kyles had.;about the time our~good.PresidentWoodrowWilson.was just about making his departure:Here also close by is the New [england Conserv- atory of Music,Boston Opera House }, ,{and Symphony Hall.where many of the.world-renowned artists.have} made,their bows —befoere the —-public.While we-were not so fortunate to see all of these wonderfully gifted peo- nle.we take séme.of our dinners at.a little French restaurant around thecorner,where we have a_rare treat of hearing and seeing these stars.Theyseemto-hide from the —I suppose—tiresome public’s eager glimpses. T ever wished to be a linguist,’tis just then,as-we-are-almost the exception —speaking the American’tongue.This eating nlace is not fashionable at all,just a little place to get a gooil,plain French meal.The proprietor isoneof‘the old Waldorf’s assistant chefs..Flijah,in which Schumann-Heinkwillsingthepartof“The Angel,”will be presented the latter part ofMayattheBravesField. In.closing my letter-I want to say jthat I had a telephone call from aMrs.Lothrope,who resided in thehomeofthefamous’novelist,Haw- thorne.This ‘lady is.néne less than the author of “The Little Pepper”books,and is founder of the SocietyoftheDaughtersof‘the Revolution,She is at the vtesent writing visitingherdaughterinCalifornia,and made /me promise that I would.take tea with her when she returns.This evening we will be entertain- ed’by Mr.and Mrs.Jesse Archer attheirbeautiful’home in Brookline. Mr.Archer is the manager and partownerofthewellknowndrink,“Moxie,”y HANNAH ELMA WALLACE, PLATENSITLOITETET The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head’Because‘of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXA-a a aot can better thanordins,‘ea ervousnessfnginginhe!She beethe full name and;ook for the signature of R,W.GROVE,aS Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t sim-| ~The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System have put-amateur photograpby withia reach of every man,woman and child at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.KodaksuppliesofallkindsinthegenuineEastmanquality. |H.Be WOODWARD ply ask fora kidney remedy—get | a CS IITANISIIATT VETIT TI eee es Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that::See Sr+SUSSTISISTTSTTAITSSATTTeTTSSSISTS.Foster-Milburn Co.,|!.ae 7 ce a 4 Do You Want Baseball This Summer?# VOTE YES!BY BEING ATTHE 4 Spring Big Minstrel Performance BENEFITOF BASEBALLOPERAHOUSE,FRIDAY,MAY 26TH. (RESERVED SEATS ONLY 75c,‘ A dollar’s worth of fun or your-‘moneyback.~ Jeweler. The Statesville Realty &Investment Co. ee As a great many policyhdlders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbe-void_under-certain conditions named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunder.which the same will be rendered valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than .80 days—apply toyouragentforpermit.=2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-tions in-or-on property—always get permits from agents._38—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of samé is given—apply to your agent.;c4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.;5—Assignment or transfer of property to another.|6—By any increase in the-hazard,notice must be given.:7—The taking of other insurance without notice.ee“>8Keeping explosives onthe premises without permit other ..than kerosene ojl.:9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage._Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contractof.their policies.It-is impossible for agents to kndw of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us.for any INSURANCE infor-mation.tery“"“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”:|J.F.CARLTON,Manager,STATESVILLE,N.C. Flowers ! Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the/Vallcy, in profusion. FOLLOWYOUR SPRING CLEANIN WITH A Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs onyour stock,in your chicken house,_ closets and for general use._ ——ait>USE KRESANO.~<tee— a-REPAIR WORK. Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired,Spectacles ‘fitted.Eyes-examined free,Satisfaction guaranteed.=RE.HENRY,|>Jeweler. _.Let us explain to you its use.HALL’S DRUG STORE,—‘PHONE 20,-Prescriptioi Van Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,&.6, Polk Gray Drug Co.,}\]|_ hecal Agente.Se —————————— De ea caa ST IS WORTH WHILE TO STUDY THE TERE - a Tomorrow Morning We Make the Final Clean-up Sale Price 0 :~‘THEY’RE GOING ON These gar $30.00 Suits at17.50 Suits at am -$15.008.75 ments are of the best makes and the styles are |Just think of Come in early whilethe assottment is complete. $25.00 Suits at15.00 Suits at 7.90 ssp at og dinateMAHARapL getting a new stylish $25 Suit for $12.50 $20.00 Suits at12.50 Suits at NOTHING CHARGED AT THESE PRICES.ALTERATIONS EXTRA. Our Silk Dresses are selling one-third off and a reduction on Sport Coats will be made,too.The Sale begins Tomorrow Morning.— -Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.- ma “$10.00_ 6.25 © ve mpc a RN AORTASS RASC ALNIR mLft ’ THE LANDMARK( May 23,1916.!‘TUESDAY,=PUBLIC SCHOOL FINALS. ——men and girls—many of them withheartsaspureasality—who in their| ignorance or indifference are guilty!of -ruining-many--a-young-man,whom_they may not ever have heard of,by|{dressing in a way which is absolute-ly indecent,or at least intensely sug-;gestive,and further by actions and words which might likewise be soclassified.There will be many sur-prises in the last day and I think oneofthemwillcometomanyof.you -good-women-and-girls when you find out about ‘your influence over young men.I would not for me world haveyoulesspure,but would to God youmightbealittlewiser.Sow yourwildoatsifyouwant,“But know thou,that for all these things Godwillbringtheeintojudgment.”The -Day of Judgment seems far off to a young man,but judgment of evil be-gins before the final day of judg- ment,for man often suffers for his sins.in this.life.Therefore.removethosethingsfromthe~heart which make it heavy and put away thosethingsfromyourlifewhichareevilandwouldleadtoevil.“God intended that the days of youth should be golden,happy days,and when they~are not something is wrong.If the joys of your life arewhattheyoughttobe,then each year will be happier than.the one thatwentbefore.If you perform aright the duties of each day,then rou need not worry about the future. n order for any boy or girl to reallyenjoy_life_it-is_essential_that-they_re- “member God,otherwise they will be selfish,sinful.and unhappy.More powerful even than the sweet memory of.mother for.what she is,is the memory of God,a Father who knows all about us,cares for us and lovesus’with all His great heart.We aretoknow.His commands and do them.The principal way we have of serv-een is in serving éur fellowmen. Remember God and you will enter in- some work which will enable youtotakeyourownindividual,God-giv-‘gn gifts and use them in doing the nost good.Ask Himto lead you in-_to-the-work-He-has-called you to do: 70d wants the girls just as well ‘as He wants the boys.;-When Mr.Brady sat down Super-‘intendent Thompson said that they ad been having annual sermons atthesthoolsince1895butthatnone_had ever had the undivided attention that was given Harper.This was~Btated as a-‘compliment fo Harperpadtheaudience. -.An interesting feature of the schoolClosingwastheexhibitsofthediffer- ent grades,These were displayed onthewallsofthehall_and auditorium and consisted -of drawings—water colors,pencil and crayons—specimensbythemanualtrainingclass,re- rts,sewing,crocheting,embroider- ‘Me and reed _basket work.Each‘grade had an exhibit containing -at deast one specimen by each pupil.ThexhibitswereopentothepublicFri- day from.10 to 2.80 o’elock and many Yisitors viewed them. Steam Heat in Country Home— --—-The Drought Unbroken. :Correspondence of The Landmark. -Statesville,R-3,May 20 —The fore that the season had set in a few Hays ago when the showers were fall- ing,was short-lived and the drought*®embins unbroken.Farmers are lodding along in a half-hearted man- ler,doing what they can and trust-ing that in due season the rain will come to reward their labor. ©Despite the discouraging crop pros- pect,a number of farm houses inthisvicinityarebeingremodeledandopainted.—Mr,—_F.—E.Troutman isMildingoneofthemostidealhomestobefound-in the country.A fur-nace will be installed in the concretebasementandthehouseheatedincityBtyle—a luxury,unknown to farmers.Mr.U.-A.Ostwalt has purchasedanautomobile,and while this dcesn’t ate a nine days’wonder any more ong we country natives,it is an- ler evidence of progressiveness.Ostwalt is a contractor of some Fenown and spends his time in theowns,but his family remains on the dr,and Mrs.W.A.Suther are vis- p one son,Mr.Roy Suther,inotte:4 : se You NeedaGeneral Tonic...Take Grove’sSoitatoosinteqy.va eamacshewescontains the tonic pitopertieso NINE+It actsonthe vies,Drives»Enriches the Blood andWholeSystem,.50 cents. BROAD STREET BULLETIN.| The Publication of Broad Street Church —Revival Meeting Postponed From June to Sep- tember. The second number of volume two of the Broad Street Bulletin,a pub- lication;published--quarterly--by-the Board of Stewards of Broad.Street Methodist church,has just been issued: In addition to the official organization of the church and the financial state- ment to May 16,the Bulletin contains much interesting matter, It is announced that the revival meeting,first announced for June,will be held in Broad Street.church September 3-17,preaching —morning and evening.Dr.Gilbert T.Rowe, pastor of High Point Wesley Memo- rial church,will conduct the meeting. It is expected that Mr.J.P. Moor- man.of Bristol,Va.-Tenn.,will lead the singing,Indications are that the attendance will be good. An item from the Bulletin:“Six months of the Conference year have already passed.This period has been, marked by two or three things G m in be more than usual interest.In thefirst;bate,in the General Assembly of the {tablets from your druggist.You wit be sur- place;the pastor-has had his salary,Southern Presbyterian Church at Or-} check on the last day of each church)lando,Fla.‘The status of women as| That is new;deaconesses was not determined,that} in the experience of the pastor,if not|part of the report having been de-|See List of Chautauqua in the history of the congregation.)ferred until yesterday. month since Conference. The membership is paying assess-|ments more regularly than ever be-| depot. rolled out. ber-necked. President:didn’t want to didn’t care to.see him,and we came back to the house,kicked the cat outdog; threw a kettle of boiling water on the cook and saw the world through the wrong end of the telescope. Why He Didn’t Go to Charlotte |’ on the 20th. reensboro Record,20th. We thought we would go to:Char- lotte today,but we didn’t go.We got up before sun rise,greased our.shoes, painted our whiskers and went to the waiting three hours the second section of 37 rolled in,andpeoplerab-' But the train carrying our President didn’t stop.Not a cur- tain was raised. and sleeping,no doubt,were the After A thousand Peaceful ates of the cars. Then we concluded that see us to the yard;strangled the mrecrremereeerecareenascrnntccncrest Presbyterians “Bar Women— Murderer on Church Roll. Efforts to further the of!churches failed,after a five hour de-! A stir was caused in t and calmin- if thewe interest ofwomentotheextentthattheywould jage of Chamberlain's ‘Tablets,and.still ful-allowed to preach in Presbyterian fils its ancient mission as a symbol of health, he Assembly SEASON TICKET BUYERS. See —— Mexican-American Items. Right hundred American eavalry, have been withdrawn from the North-, Lern Chihuahua district of Mexico,so’that the border patrol in the Big Bend! country in Texas can be given better protection. Two Mexicans,convicted of the, murder of two Americans in Mexican|border raids last August,weré hang-| ed in Cameron county,Texas,jail’Friday.A dispatch from San Antonio says:With the arrival on the American side|of Colonel Sibley’s little force-that!rescued Jesse Deemer and MonroePayneandchasedborderraiders145} miles into Mexico,General Funston’s| developments..That portion of the,army under General Pershing inMex-|ico has become -as inactive as the re-Mainder of the border force. A Symbol of Health. The Pythagorians of ancient Greece ate sim. ple foaod,practiced temperance und purity.As a badve they used the five-pointed star whieh they regarded as a symbol of health.A red five-pointed star appears on each pack- f you are troubled with indigestion,bilious-‘ness.or constipation,get a package of these prised at the quick relief which they afford. Obtainable everywhrns.ak fore observed.The plate collection: last Sunday,and several items handed in since that time,amounted to $302.19.This is perhaps the largest, amount evér paid in to the treasurer) in any one week,from the plate col-;mthlection,-except_just_at the close of the|== an. when FEF.G.Ruff charged that a Pres- byterian church at Clearwater,Fla., _retained on its rolls the name of J.J, Mendenhall,who-is serving a life sen-| tence for the murder of a young wo-| The complaint was referred te e judiciary committee. 44 Tickets SoldLOOKUPTHELIST.|BUILDING?C._WATKINS. command of nearly 50,000 men-await |#-ft Rieebiti year,This result comes as the effect|of the weekly payment plan,and of the’! Bulletin.It is very gratifying to the! board to find our people falling in so} loyally with the,plan of regular weck-| ly payments.”—{ Accompanying.the Bulletin is the; Bible Class Register,published in the} interest of the Men’s Bible class of the} church.It gives a history of the class! by Rev.J.F.Kirk,with its aims and} necessities.The class began in 1904! under the pastorate of Dr.H,K.Boy-er with forty members and now num- bers 150 enrolled and 100 in attend-! ance.In addition to other work the class has undertaken to provide for the education of Miss Gertrude Allen |of Alexander county,She hag just fin-| ished her first year at Davenport Col-| lege.©Before entering college ©she} was,at the age of 15 years,superin-! tendent of a Sunday school.in Alexan-| der county..Miss Allen will meet with the class next Sunday morning.| Joint Meeting Tomato Clubs at. ‘Linwood.| A joint meeting of the Shepherd’s,Linwgod and Shawnee Tomato clubs will be held at Linwood school Fri- day,26th,beginning at 10 o’clock.|Programme.| Glub song,roll call.| Plans for the year’s work—5 min- utes each:.(a)Miss Eva Bell,(b) Miss Carrie Johnson,(c)Mr.T.A.Kennedy.{ “How I managed my _garden in 1915.”Tomatoes,Miss Sarah John- son;beans,Miss Bernice Williford.| Two years’experience—Miss Cora Bell.:\ Noon—Fireless cooker,iceless re- frigerator and home-made ice cream freezer on demonstration.i Afternoon session at 2 o'clock.Clubsong. Object of home demonstration and tomato clubs—Miss Henkel. What I have ‘gained by being aclub.member—Queen_Brantley. Discussion on preserves,jams,jel- lies and pickles—Mrs.Johnson,Mrs. J.B.Brown,Mrs.Linker. How I succeeded as a_prize-win- ner—Elizabeth Linker, Court Cases., Dusty Brandon,colored,was recog- nized Sunday by ’Squire Lazenby to appear in court this week and:answer. to shooting five times at her husband, Walter Brandon.Walter alleges that Dusty met him in the road Saturday: night and shot at him without any provocation:All shots went wild: Mayor Caldwell Friday fined Will Harbin $50 and costs for associating with a lewd woman the night before and an additional $50 and costs.for assaulting her.Harrison Scott,col-| ored,was fined $50 for .hauling the woman in an automobile.The woman | was a non-resident.She came here|on the train Thursday night and left|next.day.J | T.R.Dail,a young man récently | arrested for passing bad checks at|Durham:and Chapel Hill;was releas-ed when his father made ‘good thechecks,paid the cost and put up $300 |hond for*his.son’s appearance at Or =Something Beautiful when closed. The combination of brains,steel and workman- ship has resulted in man ventions on (Invented and patented by W.C.Free) The Rotoscillo Movement,causing “The” REE to be the ~smoothest,softest and casiest-running machine. Toggle-link Movement,taking out all noise and friction, Automatic Tension Release,preventing any trouble with the tension. The FREE Sewing Machine is.We can make thiskind of a guarantee,be-for life.‘ause only the best of ma Trade your old machine fo We allow,you.a fulllegitimatevalue$1.00 a Week. for a few weeks pays for apieceofparlorfurnitureas well as the one perfect,high grade sewing’machine.This unusual offer is limitedtotheintroductionofthenew Model.Come and see what we>willgiveyouforyour~old machine,We Buy ¥our Old Machine.We sell The FREE machine. Iredell Farmers’Union Warehouse Company: New and Revolutionary Has Happened Crawford-Bu my|erator 1sin.buying FOG oe.ébuyinnotcheap. “Save at the spigot,but lose at the bunghole”‘is exactly what happens to the person who buys’a cheap Refrig- erator to save money.The biggest expense .connected with a Refrigera- tor ig not the first-cost but-THE ICE COST! HERE'S THE BIG SAVE!—GET THE AUTOMATIC! With its eight honest-made,‘heat- resisting walls,the heat is kept out and your ice bills kept down to‘a minimum in’the Automatic Refrigerator. It begins to save you money from the very day you put it into use.It pays for itself time and time again—and it will give you perfect service in the taking care of your food—to say no- thing.of GIVING YOU AN ABUN- DANCE OF COLD DRINKING WA- TER,WITHOUT THE USE OF EXTRA_ICE. LET US SHOW YOU THE AUTO-MATIC-: Furniture Company. CHANCE TO “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” saa PHONE 400. in the Sewing Machine Today the Electric Fan World y,wonderful new in-\ Automatte Lift,ratsing the head-ready for sewing.; Rotary Spoo!Pin,making the thread unwind evenly.Dustleas Japannio;:, hausekeeping, Rolt-bearing Treadle,which runs likeinagic.. which simplities ne igabsolutely guaranteed terials are used. fan comfort. home to just such comfort.dining room,library,porch ahead. 516 Center St. ty in every hotel room.—éelingpublicdemands.this cooling The Traveler's Comfort---- Yours at Home!Emerson Fans! ig a necessi- The trav-an You,fatigued from a day in the office,store or factory,can go Its welcome relief can be yours.Inandbedrooms,it will give you a pleasant evening,refreshing tired brain,and body for.the day Fans with a Five-Year Registered Guarantee. “HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. ’Phone 361.- r the FREE Sewing Machine ; Convenient ‘when open ange county Superior Court, Statesville and Mooresville.+ FAIR? That’s up to the farmers of Iredell County to decide when the committee calls on them onthe 28d and 24th,to get your subscription for stock,q If the farmers.want.the fair they can count on Statesville Merchants and busi- -ness men for active cooperation. The Robert.Bunch Cash ‘Grocery, “The House of Better Values.” What About The County i * ‘THE ADVERTISER AY } ASKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS, VOL.XLII.STATESVILLE,N.©.FRIDAY,MAY 26,1916.NO 90. aati tae a FORT TAKEN AND RETAKEN Fort Douaumont Changes Occu- pants Twice Within a Few Days—The Fearful Struggle at Verdun—<Austrians ‘Driv- ing Italians. Under a ratn of~shot and_shell which.inflicted enormous losses,the Germans have again taken Fort Dou- aumont,'northeast.of -Verdun,fromtheFrench.As though to even the seore somewhat,the French,in spir- ited counter-attacks northwest —of Verdun,recaptured from’Germans trenches on the southern outskirts of the village of Cumieres,which the Germans had occupied in’the late fighting,and also stopped with their artillery several attempts of the Ger- mans to debouch from the village: The fighting around Fort Douaumont was fearful,the Germans lauching attack after attack against the fort,employing among others.two freshdivisionsofBavarians.Several times the attacks were put down with heavy|} losses,but finally the Germans suc- ceeded in reoccupying the point ofvantagewhichtheyhadheldvirtually since the commencement of the Ver- dun offensive until the French drove them out several days ago.TheFrenchstillretaintheimmediateap- proach to the fort.Fort Douaumont was taken by theGermansattheoutsetoftheirVer- dun drive,and its,recapture by the French a few days ago was a signal for rejoieing in France,but the vic- torv seems to have been short-lived. The battle of Verdun,the longest and most bitterly-contested individ- ual struggle of the war,entered onitsfourthmonththisweek.The Ger- mans,with characteristic patience and stubbornness,are hammering at Dead Man’s Hill,where the most fu- rious and bloody fighting of the three months’conflict has taken place. Clinging desperately to the trenches that they have wrested from the French on the lower slopes of the hill, the Teutons have hurled 60,000 men, backed by 60 batteries of guns of all calibers,forward along a _seven-mile front from Avocourt wood to the Meuse in a desperate effort to seize the-eoveted summit. On the Austro-Italian front..theAustriansfromtheLakeGardare- gion to the Val Sugana district,are keeping up their valiant offensive against the Italians.Driven across their border soytheast of Trent,the Italians are endeavoring to hold a fortfiied line from Asiago to Arsiero and the heights east of the Val d’As- sa.Rome admits that in effecting their retreat across the border the Italians destroyed artillery which it was impossible to withdraw. ror The Germans en again taken the fort.A later report says:“Continu- ing their furious assaults in the Ver-. dun region the Germans,having suc- ceeded in again wresting the battered ruins of Fort Douaumont from the French,have driven hard agafhst the lines west of the fort.In this new attack the Crown Prince’s forces suc- eeeded in gaining a foot-hold in a French trench near the Haudremont quarry;which has been the scene re- cently of much fighting. Engagement Marriages. Ata party given by Miss Sara Ad- ams,last evening.the engagement of Miss Fannie Feild and Mr.J.D. Cochrane,Jr.was announced.The marriage will take place in the early summer. Miss—Janie—Dorothy:--Lee-—and-—Mr.Far!Lippard of Statesville were-mar- ried Wednesday at the home of the bride’s uncle,Mr.V.J.Lee;in Ral- eigh.They will live at Mr.Lippard’s home near Statesville.The groom has just completed a special course in agriculture in the A.and M.College. Rev.Harvey A.Fesperman_of Startown,Catawba county,and Miss Mary Nacmi Pecler were married Monday evening at the.home of the hride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.P.A. Peeler,at Faith Rowan county.Im- mediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.Fesnerman came to States- ville and went from here to Star- town,where they.will live.The groom is the pastor of South Fork ase,in Catawba county. Announced—Two uxpenses of Candidates. Expenses of candidates theState-wide primaries to May 24,asfiledintheoffice,of the Secretary ofState.show for Governor,FE.L. Daughtridge,$4395;T.W.Bickett, $2,165.71.For Secretary of State,J. Bryan Grimes,$1,390.39;J.A.Hart-ness,$863.07;Haywood Clark,$395.- 564:For State Treasuret,B.R.La-_¢@y $2505 Jy.Ss.Mann,$876.65. Mr.VoilsDied Last Night. Mr.Monroe Voils,84 years old,fa-ther of»Mr.C.V.Voils of Moores- ville,died.at the Sanatorium at 12 o’clock last night.He underwent aseriousoperationMondayandonac-count of his age it was realized in ad-vance.that-the résult was doubtful. in Miss Nona Brawley of Mooresville comes to Statesville today to visitMissAltieCorpening, Miss Jennie Ingham will return next Tuesday from a visit to Mocks-ville. “Robert R.Moton,who succeedsBooker’Washington as head of the noted-negro school at Tuskegee,Ala., was/inaugurated.yesterday. Jos.B..Waddell committed |sui- cide a few days ago at the home oftdparentsinAnsoncounty.Ill wr QUINGE-SHIVES HIT HARD. Man Who Abandoned His Chil- dren:Sent to Roads lor Eight- een Months—Cases,in Supe- rior Court—Grand Jury’s Re- port—Magistrate in Trouble With the Court. Iredell Superior Court yesterday for the term.The crimi- nal docket was finished yesterday morning and cases on.the:civil dock- et ready fora:hearing disposed of — most of the civil docket being:¢ontin- ued.Following are .the |civil cases disposed of: Maggie Lawrence vs..Wm.Law- rence,non-suit, J~W.Hatchett vs.N.A. plaintiff non-suited and taxed costs. In the case of Lucy C.Chambers vs.Fred.Chambers,Hon.W.D.Tur- ner’s motion to withdraw as counsel was granted. F.H.Conger vs.C. land,dismissed. J.D.Elliott.and J.W.Elliott vs.J. G.Hamilton and-Ada_Hamilton,his wife,compromised. O.W.Slane vs.Eugene’Morrison, non-suit, P.S.Torrence vs.W.H.Mayhew, judgment.for.$42.17-and-some_person- al property. Lon Thompson,vs.J.F.Anderson, compromise judgment.signed. In this case Mr.Thompson —sued Mr.Anderson fer slander,alleging that.the latter had uttered —serious charges affecting his character,and demanded $3,000 damages.The case was compromised by defendant pay-ing $100 and.the cost. J.L.Harris and-F. Southern Railway Co.,non-suit.' J.M.Lippard vs.Southern.Rail- way Co.,$100 for killing horse. Julius M.Troutman by his next friend,R.V.Troutman,vs.Southern Railway Co.,compromise judgment for $50. Criminal casés were disposed of as follows: Casco Douglass,larceny;plead guilty to forcible trespass;cost and good behaviour. Roy Gaither,helping prisoner es- cape;nol.pros.with leave. Junius Turner and Frances Thom- as,fornication and adultery;called and failed;nisi sci fa and capias and $100 bond. C,C, judgment continued to August term. Clarence Carlton,retailing;contin- ued, Tom Owens,retailing;continued. June McLean,manufacturing ©liq- uor;nisi sci fa and ecapias and $300 bond. Vanee Horton,gambling; guilty;fined $20 and costs. Burl Barkley,lareeny and receiv- ing;not guilty,‘ Boone Turner, guilty;$5 adjourned Hellard, with A.Westmore- G.-Deaton_vs. plead foreible and costs. Sherrill Harris,assault;plead guilty;$20 and costs,and $50 bond to show good behaviour for twelve months. John Harry Stouten and L.J.How- ard,assault with deadly weapon; guilty;Stouten 45 days and Howard two and one-half months’imprison- ment. Quinee Shives,abandonment;plead guilty;18 months on gang. John Griggs,lareeny and receiv- ing;guilty;seven months on roads, Clint Brown,petty lareeny;_plead guilty;ten months’imprisonment andhiredouttoD,L.Webb.Andy Blackburn,larceny;plead guilty of forcible trespass;four months on roads with _privilege to hire out.He was hired to Mr.O.L. Turner.: Jim Eddens, weapon;guilty; road. Jo.Moore andglary;continued.Buck Brown,assault on female; plead:guilty;12 months on roads. Jo.Tucker and J,H,Williams,for- gery;Williams not taken;Tucker guilty;two years on roads,sentence to begin when his present term on the rang ends. Herbert Carson,carrying conceal- ed weapon;guilty;$20 and costs. W.H.Horton,having too much whiskey in his possession;plead guil- ty to having more than a quart;five months-on roads and costs.--Horton can testify to the 138th of April,1916, at least,being unlucky for him,for it was on the night of the 13th that he was arrested seven miles north of town with three gallons of liquor in his possession.This is the charge for which he was tried and convicted. Sentence was later changed to a fine of $50 and costs. Ed.Hegler,larceny;given eustody of Wm.Drum and Chas. trespass; carrying concealed 18 months on the Ben Little,bur- into Heg- ler and_is to appear at October tem| and show good behaviour. The grand jury-finished its work and made its report Wednesday. The jurors visited the various county institutions and report them in good condition.They found four white, eight colored prisoners and one colt ored crazy woman in jail;two white and seven colored..at.the—convict camp;eleven white men,six white women,ten colored men and five col- ored women at the county home. In the court house they found the offices in good condition and records well kept but recommended that the court house be given.a thorough cleaning after cach court,especially the trash room,to make the danger of fire less;that janitor employ suf- ficient help to do this.They:also.ree-ommended that the grand jury be given its former room,now ‘occupiedbythe.superintendent of schools. There is:additional interest in con- Pierceazetailing;plead,guilty;.4- ‘six months to about 13 years. Piren-and that he would cattthe SOME MORE CANDIDATES. Part of ‘the Republican List That Was Not in Tuesday. The Landmark applied,Monday:to Mr.Zeb,V.Long,chairman of —the county board of elections,and obtain- éd a list of all the candidates whose applications were on file at his office: This was supposed to be the complete list——and was so far as Mr.Long knew-—and The Landmatk so stated. After the paper appeared ‘Tuesday, however,it was learned’that some of the candidates had filed ‘notice’With Mr.W.J.Matheson,secretary of the board,and these notices.were in:Mr. Matheson’s possession and not on file|( in Mr.Long’s office.Following is the list of candidates thus omitted—all Republicans. For County .Commissioner —LC. Wagner,L.C.Myers,W.B.Gant,C, G.Smith. Register of Deeds—M.E.Ramsey, Sheriff;—J.M.Davts.This puts a different face on the situation as to the Republicans and the primary.The Landmark stated Tuesday—and the statement was correct with the information it then had—that as none of the Republican candidates had opposition in the “pri- maries,under the law their “names would not!appear on the primary.bal- lots and there would not,therefore,|$8. be any Republican voting in the pri- maries,This additional.list,howev- er,makes six Republican’candidates for county commissioner—the others named.Tuesday.being B.-A.Holmes and C.C.Tharpe;two candidates for sheriff—J.M.Davis and T.Scott Barkley;two for registen—M.E. Ramsey and Jas.E.Tharpe.The Republicans will have to de- cide between these as to who will be their candidates at.the November election—and this means that the Re- publicans will have a hand inrhe pri-mary. nection with the trial of .Herbert Carson.It seems that ’Squire Ro-L: Kinder of Turnersburg township ad- vised the solicitor that there was nothing in the case except spite work: and the solicitor accepted this and asked for a nol.pros.Judge..Long wanted to know who was responsible and wanted to see where the costs were to come from,so a trial of the case was gone into and Carson.-was convicted.Judge Long then ordered Mr.Kinder into the custody of an of! ficer until the solicitor would decide whether to take action a@ainst him. This the solicitor decided not to do and Mr.Kinder was released. 3ut Mr.Kinder was on the stand and was asked as to the character of one of the witnesses in the case,Miss Julia Campbell.He would not state anything definite but did say th:it he had known her for a year and he did not consider her character —vood. Counsel has since been employed to sue Mr.-Kinder for damage to the character of Miss Campbell as a re- sult of his testimony. Quince Shives,who-drew 18: months on the road for abandonment.‘ is a young white man who abandon- ed his five children in Statesville some months ago.-His counsel en- tered a plea of guilty for-Shives and the excuse for him was that he is verv ignorant.Judge.Long examin- ed-Shives and decided that he was in-| telligent enough to know better than to abandon-his little children.Shives claimed that he —left-—the children with Mrs.Henry Kunkle,a neighbor. This was not true. The children’s ages ranged from Theirmother-was-dead-and-Shives-had-mar= ried_a_second_time.._Shives—and_hiswife‘went to Davie county and left the children.The older ones beingtoosmalltotakepropercareofthe baby,it was badly burned while they were alone.Mrs.Kunkle learned oftheconditionofthechildrenandsheandotherkind-hearted.neighbors}; took charge of them and called the attention.of the,mayor and the po- lice.to their condition.Chief of Po- lice Kerr secured homes for two of the children and the others were later vlaced in homes.One man,a good sitizen,who-has—-one-of-the little thildren,dgsires to adopt it.Judge Long,in publicly acknowledging the thanks of himself and all good citi- zens to Mrs.Kunkle and others who went to the rescue of the destitute and-abandoned children,expressed the hove that homes with good neople could be found for all the children, saving that there would be no diffi- ~multv if anybody wanted to adont anyof_them._His_honor.clearly —showed his impatience with Shives,who de- served all he got.He said his only regret was that a part of Shives’ earnings as a prisoner could not be applied to the support of the chil ttt tention of the county commissioners to the case. ‘Shives seemed to have no concep- tion of the enormity of his offencc and seemed entirely undisturbed when he’heard his sentence of 18 months on the roads.His wife was not pres- ent in court.He was arrested soon after the case of abandonment came to light and put in jail,but was later released on bond:He went to Davir county,where -he remained until court,and returned for trial.This fact and his apparent insensibility to feel ing for his children.would ~indiczte that.he isn’t mentally strong,but he isn’t so weak-minded that he shoul not have realized‘his responsibility: and his punishment.will doubtlesshelphim-to more fully realize that in the future. The,next session of the Southern Presbyterian General Assembly will be held:in Birmingham,Ala, ede righteousness must prevail; EXPENDITURE.IS:MODEST. Iredell Candidates:File Expense Accounts. As per requirement of\the primary law,candidates have filed with the clerk of the court an-itemized state- ment of amounts they had expended or their candidacy to May 24 as fol- OWS: Cc andidates for County Commission- er Nicholson,$12;E.G.Gaith- or,Pl Mavvin W.Smith,$2:203°Bic: rae $1;C.G.Smith,$1;L.C. Myers 1;G,C.Tharpe,$1;J.FB. Boyd,1s (.&rey $1. Tre:asurer-—R.J:Bryant,$41.55;J. »Duke,$5:W.x Hunter,$57;R,F.Rives3s,$49.90, Superintendent ‘of Schools—R.M.Gray,$11.50;J.F.Mitchell,$16.50; J.W.Rash,.$5. Sheriff—T.Scott,Barkley,$5.80; -M.-P,Alexander,$60;J.M.Davis,$5; J.O.Gaither,$17;H. $47.40. House of Haoreeet eevee:4 Matheson,6.45%M.Adams,$5;J T.Jennings,$5;.A.Steele,$6.65; H.P.Grier,$5.25. Register of Deeds—M.EK. $5;J.H.MecLelland, Tharne,$5;W.HL L.N.Brown,$40. Member.School.Board—C,B.Webb, L.Gilbert, Ramsey, $85.50;J.KE. Morrow,$71.50; The bulk of expenses of those who have heavy expense is for automo- bile hire and buggy hire about the country.Many of the candidates have only the expense of the fee which entitles them to be in the race.: Not all the eandidates had__filed statements when’The Landmark se- cured the list yesterday. Just Now. Sir Edward Grey,the British for- eign secretary,in a speech in the House of Commons Wednesday,set asidé all ideas that peace negotia- tions were possible at the present stage and plainly reiterated that the position of the Entente allies was in no way changed. Sir Edward declared that it was im- possible to consider terms of peace without a previous agreement between the allies.F‘urther,he expressed the decided opinion that ,the hostilities had not yet reached a stage where it was possible to talk peace,especially as the German public was constantly, Weing “fed on lies”by ‘their minis- ters....The foreign secretary charac- terized Chancell6r Bethmann -Holl- wee’s recent —statement that Great Britain was prepared to go to war over Bosnia as a “first-class lie.”The real reason for the prolongation ofthewarwasthattheGermangovern-| ment was continually telling their people that they were winning the war.and that the allies were beaten. Col.palips a Suicide—A North Carolintan. ~Gol.John L.Phillips of the United States Army Medical Corps,commit: ted.suicide in,Washington Monday} afternoon by‘shooting himself.He was a son of the late Sam.F.Phil- lips,former solicitor general of the United States,a.former well known citizen of North Carolina and a resi- dent of Chanel Hill.Col.Phillips Was born at Chapel Hill. Col.Phillips was a patient at army hospital in Washington and was walking in the grounds of -that institution when he shot—himseH.He- suffered from melancholia.A wife and daughter survive.Col.Phillips was a brother of Mrs,W.R.Maxwell, who lived in Statesville for a time about-2?8-years apo.: While—the—coroner—was—investigat- ing the death of Col.Phillips Lieut.Luther M.Ferguson;a member of ay staff of the hospital at which GoPhillipswasapatient,was eke from a horse and received injuriesfromwhichhediedinashorttime. the Iredell—Vice President’s Talk. Kifty-one young women,49°from29countiesinNorthCarolinaand two from Virginia,graduated atthe State Normal College this week. Among the eraduates from this sec- tion of the Statewere:Arey Henley Lipe,Iredell county,bachelor of science;Cora Caudle,Yadkin county bachelor of pedagogy;taizzie Moore Fuller,Caldwell county,bachelor of pedagogy;Louise Winston Goodwin and Annie Elizabeth ~—Spainhour, Burke,bachelors of arts;Frances Pe- den Summercel!,Rowan,bachelor of pedagogy.Vice President Marshall was the orator of the occasion.The Greens- bora News says he preached a pow- erful sermon.for sermon his address must be called,He preached that that_cit- izenship is denendene upon the incul- eation in youth of a right philosophy and:he declared that it must be’theprinciplesofChrist. Mr.Coiner Puzzled. Rev.J.H.Pressly has been telling his neighbor,Mr.D.M.Coiner,that the big guns in the European war kept the rains away from us and that was the cause of the drought.When the.downpour came this week Mr. Coiner was sure that the European war was°over or that «they had at least ceased firing for the time;and he’was surprised to read in the pa- vers that the big guns were lamming away at Verdun and on the other battlefronts ‘same as ever.Mr.Coin- er is wondering whether thére is.an error in the news reports,and if not how our rains got by the big guns. im——Mr.W.R.Smith is quite ill at woods with’his elder brother.Monday ‘are worthy of a large crowd as they Peace Negotiations Not Possible} Ayvenue—Baptist church, his home on Race street, BOY CRUSHED UNDER TREE Tragedy in North Yredell—Mr. Brown’s Sermon —Appoint- ment at Sweet Home—Death of a Little Girl. Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,May:24.—-Theodore Triv- ette,son of Mr.-John Trivette of Shiloh neighborhood,went to the Lo cut.a.crow’s.nest,and-in some:way was caught under the falling tree:and mashed so,that he died in about three hours,He was about 13:years old and the brother with him was a year or so older.Hjs remains were. taken to Zion chyrch for burial.Rev.Santford Brown from Kansas City,Mo.,dropped in at Zion church Sunday and preached a most able and wonderful sermon.He is a preacher that North Carolina can well be proud of as he-is a native of the State.We hope that he will not forget his native State and will give us a few.of.his sermons oécasionally.Messrs.Andrew Casey,son of Jas.Casey,and R,T.Weatherman ofStatesvillewilladdressthepeopleat Sweet Home church Sunday about 11 o’clock a.m..on Sunday -school.work and other things..These.gentlemen will have’something”to while. The Sunday school at Union Grove is erowing wonderfully,We are hav- ing about775 to 80 in the classes,and our singing class.is becoming very interesting.Aren’t there others that will join us?Does a.good,activechurchmemberattendSundayschool? Answer this question Sunday by your attendance. say worth wisdom,has remembered His people of this section again,witha most ex- cellent season of rain.May we tender to Him our_heartfelt thanks and deep- est expressions of gratitude. Miss Ivy Moore,daughter of Mr. John Moore of this vicinity,died this morning about 5 o’clock of meningitis.She was taken ill Saturday night and grew gradually worse till the end came ‘this morning.She was about nine years old.Her remains willprobablybeburiedatGrassyKnobto-morrow. Mr.Smith P:aralyzed -—Young Lady Dead—Taylorsville News. ‘orrespondence of The Landmark, Taylorsville,May 23 —The drought that-had—tasted-since*April 7th was] broken Monday by a steady,gentle rain that continued afl through the day and night and practically all day Tuesday.The drought.had done much damage to the gardens and oatcropandthewheatisveryshort. After ap illness of two years’.du- ration,Miss Nora Stafford,daughter of Mr.-and Mrs,J.W.Stafford,diedSundaynight-at 9 o’clock at their home at Liledoun.Her parents,five sisters and two-brothers,survive.She was 22 years of age.The funeral and ae services were conducted by Rev. .A.Durrhanmer Monday afternoon ae 3 o'clock at Luke’s Lutheran church. Mr,Jerry Smith suffered a stroke of paralysis early’Tuesday morning and his condition.is eritieal.Mr.M.C.Gwaltney has gone’to Richmond,va .,to accept a position as traveling salesman.Mr.W.GC,Pat- terson has returned from a visit tc Winston-Salem.Lawyers J.H Burke and A.C.Payne attended court in_Statesville_and Lenoirthis—week-; Miss Ollita Cross of Mississippi, who was a guest at the home of her uncle,Mr.Eugene Cross,left this morning for Atlanta.toevisit relativesRev.E.E.White,pastor of Tenth Philadelphia; spent from Monday till Wednesday evening here with his parents,Rev. and Mrs.J.Al,White. Death ResultedIFrom.Unusual Disease. A correspondent writing from Caurel Springs to the Winston-Salem Journal,says “Mr.:-Thomas Miller of Glendale Springs,Ashe county,died this week of.a peculiar and very rare disease,known as anthrax,or malig- nant pustule.”Death resulted.in five or six days after the attack.The cor- respondent.adds: “Anthrax or malignant pustulé,—is a disease that is usually transmitted from animals to-man by the anthrax bacillus,but may be caused by thebiteofaflyormosquito.The dis- case is also contracted from—hides, wool or any other medium that might carry the bacilli.It is always a grave and fatal malady and one that has never made its appearance in thissectionofthecountrybefore,thatanyone:knows of.”‘ Dr.Raynal at Salem. —,“The-sermon-to—the-students of Sa- lem College and their friends was delivered Sunday by Rev.Dr.Charles KE.Raynal,pastor of the First Pres- byterian church at Statesville,”says the Winston-Salem Journal,“and was one of the most strikingly appropri- ate that has been heard in connec- tion with the commencement:of the college in many years.Dr.Raynal chose as his text the second verse intheSeventy-sixth Psalm:‘In Salem also is his tabernacle,and his dwell+ ing place in Zion.”Giving a sum- mary of the discourse,the Journal concludes.with thi’statement:“AN received the message with a deep feeli®of conviction.The Homechurchwaspackedtothe;doors with the students and friends of the col- lege.” —The city fire truck has been equipped with a siren signal to dis-tinguish it from the noise made by The_Lord,-in-His-infinite_-merey_and|- “éngvaged in St e e HR HH He HI R E the general run of automobiles, BRIEF ITEMS LOCALNEWS, -Mr.D,K:(“Pat”)McNeely.’‘ofMooreavilteisapatientatthéSan- atorium.He underwent an:‘opera~ tion Tuesday: “Under the Laurels,”a play.en at Oak Grove school.Satu:inight,will be repeated.Tuesdaynight,-for the benefit.of the schools ~The local minstrels are to repeattheisirperformanceattheoperahouge.;tonight for the benefit of baseball”A.good show and:good:attendance”ex- pected. —~The'period for listing propertyfortaxationéndswiththemonth,Al--so the time.for paying municipal taxes,to keep out of the advertising column.: -——Miss Rode,welfare agent of the Southern Railway:Company,—will be.in Statesville today to confer with,the executive board ‘of the Civic League about improvements at.the railway station, —Exeept that the general deliveryand.carriers’windows.’will be from 11.to 12 o’clock,the postales.will observe next Tuesday as a,holi- day.The rural carriers will.notmaketheirrounds, —Mr.T.D.Miller,who:has enjoy-ed_considerable garden products not-_withstanding the drought ‘almost putgardensoutofbusiness,thinks ‘hehadaboutthefirsthomegrownbeetsofthe.season yesterday: —Mr.Glenn Frye of Iredell;a atu-dent of Lenoir College,Hickory,‘won ©the junior orator’s:medal at’the com-mencement of.that.institution thisweek.Mr.Frye is a son’of Mrs,E.D.Frye of Shiloh township.|: Mr.J._L.Sherrill winationalRepublicanconvention..St.Louis,Mo.,which.meets June:7HewillleavehereSundayafternoon,June 4,on a special wet with of]North ‘Carolinians,He is alternatefromtheeighth.district.:A ear —Mr.E.G,Gaither,whois a ‘can-didate for county.commission ‘pie. eng tne the Democratic primary,hearsreportedinthecountythathsaithwithdrawnfromtherace.Mr.roerasksThéLandmarktosaywrisstill'in the race—as his iepapershows—and,he expectsto he:to the end.He has no RurRose to Mr._Chipley_returned--to-South- withdraw. *.<Kine “rains,followed by ‘warm happier,:oroughttobe—the farmers eopec allyforvegetation,at a ‘standstill’ indertheinfluence.of the moisturé andthe sun’s.warmth,Talking about while the-straw_is-short-the-look promising ‘and if they fill!out. —The Valley.Mining Company 0Statesvillehas.been-charte 4 ve : scribed for mining gold,silver “oidotherminerals:The incorporators O.W.Slane of Statesville,The.njni-ing company will’operate in issue of The Landmark,and eStephensonwillbein-charge.ae “railroad |contract.wowe :with the H.J.Dunavant Go,, nublie school commencement,his son,Ilake:being one of the-graduates lina Tuesday,accompanied Bie sons,Flake and George,| S.C..Mrs.Northey having come up —for the-commencement; The,rivers and harbors ‘approptig-tion bill,carrying over $2,000.000.for ter-ways,is meeting with serious dif+ficvlty in.the Senate. position,to it by the Republicans,and”a few Democrats.that the fear is o¢-.: floor that the “whole bill may.be, stricken aut and a lump sum appro,” tuted for it to be expended under thedirection.of the.board of:engineers,“ SenatorSimmons,who ig one of:thesrounofDemocratsleadingthe put throush in some-kind of:shane.and the effort to substitute the lump Carried to Wilkes.For Telabe Local Court:Items; and costs by Mayor Caldwell Tues-day for swinging trains. sunshine!Everybody.is weeks,will come with a jump.u wheat.crop,many farmers say that well there may be a good.crop,. capital of $5,000-authorized are Q:A.Stephenson.Fred.T.and ell county.as mentioned in the —Mr.S.D.Chipley,.who ip tawe Sasley,S:C.,“was at home tae daughter,Mrs.Northey-of Greenaa Fight onRiverand Harbor Bill, improvements of North Carolina:war There has heen such concerted op- casionally expressed upon the Senate vriation of about:$35,000,000.‘substi-~ as -was—done—last-year.— for.the bill.believes the.bill eehe. sum appropriation defeated, Lawrence Quinn was fined .$2.50 Mavor Caldwell Wednesday mWillGrierpay$3.40 for slappingwifethenightbefore. A-young white man_by the nameofAbsher,wanted in.Wilkes;¢for larceny,was arrested.here.Tage.day and keptiin jail until.hildav.afternoon,when an officer,Wilkes came for him,The...Wilkofficercamehorseback.and beatsmuleforAbshertotideback.sher’s hands were tied .hehind©back and hé was put on the mule,®. make the Journey,to Wilkes, eee eee RURAL CARRIERS OFF. Next Tuesday,May 30,Federal Decoration .Day.a a legal holiday.The ‘rural: carriers.will be off dudayandthisis.to expla The Landmark’s patronsralrouteswhattheyma;Hest next.Tuesday.‘ ** * a ra e an e s ‘ox a mary;-but~it-would-seem~to~be-the cola-is.injurions..te-health.. &)trict have quit work as a —— LANDMARKNEW TRIAL FOR COCA-COLA gr 26,1916-;United States Supreme Court =Sends Case Back For Rehear-TALK ON VARIOUS TOPICS.)ing, ie L "the Unitedinnocent_of any|‘The Supreme_Court of the pe a eratyie of-hair cut aes has rerereed we ee "J ¢Ss,._swas a burning issue,but it appears the Tennessee —-OS from ks by a correspondent:in|refused to confiscate’on p ; the act (aus of this paper,to which|of the government AO barrels ot oe —yeply-is-made today,that such seems |ca-cola as violating the Federa pure? tobe the fact.It may be too late|food Jaw,and sent the case k for, now to get the matter properly be-|-presentation to a jury tp,determine fore the people in advance of the pri-|whether caffeine contained in =| ~ i |stic y for theto“pass a law”regulat-|Justice Hughes,,| ee.oe in such event it is|mous court,said that the Tennessee | roper that candidates for the Leg-|courts had erred in deciding that no| islature should express themselves.|poisonousarticles could be added Let them come forward:now and say toa proprietary food,composed of in- whether they stand for the feather-|gredients brought together by ea edge or the bob-tail cut.lwithin the meaning of the pure fooc ei ‘law,which’declared to be adulteratedpoisonousianyproductwith“addedThefilingofexpenseaccountsbyany|}eaeaon:Sey the candidates is that rave WOEET a pepe ne ,y would (‘use ughes salc 1 eee rally it semana would |statute were somewhat incongruous,| not hesitate to lie about it—Durham but:that it was evident ‘added meant Herald.|“artificially introduced.;: Yes,it helps some.There are some|“It was evident that Congress did candidates,probably,who will spend not intend to give immunity from the| more money than the law allows and law to proprietary foods to sap then lie about it,but they take poisons merely by reason of the chances when they do.And there ara choose .ae formula or name, y *spend more Said the justice,.5 | ey ee aller:ae ater how .The trial judge,having decided, strong the pressure,because they|that if caffeine had"been put into the have regard for the law and their product the case did not come with- oath,who would spend much more|!the law,did not but for the law and the accounting dence eH a sheati tsa 3 Te restricti yreme Court held,s s tt hae ee psiEn.eon the question of whether there ‘ol.Fairbrother of the Greensboro|is any cocoa or any cola in the pro- Record has a letter from John Cas-|duct.. per,who is doing time in the Federal The coca-cola case wastried be-prison at Leavenworth,Kans.,and a ore Judge Sanford in the.United copy of the paper published in the)States District Court in Chattanooga prison.It seems that the paper is March 18 to April 6,1911,and in- not up to the standard just now,for volved 41 barrels and 20 kegs of co- the reason that the term of the ed-/¢ca-cola shipped from Atlanta to iter had.expired and the new man on Chattanooga.The shipment was Sseiz-| the job is not experienced.Through |ed by agents of the bureau of chem- his letter to Col.Fairbrother,Casper istry,Department of Agriculture, asks the editor of The Landmark not under the pure food laws on the to “criticise the prison and its luxu-|ground that caffeine was an “added ries,as the aim_out there is to treat |ingredient.”_;men decently in order to help them Judge Sanford,deciding that ifbecomebetter‘citizens,physically,|¢affeine had heen put into the prg-mentally and morally.’The Land-/duct the case did not come within the cmark pleads not guilty.What Cas-|pure faod law,did not submit thepertookforcriticismwasanoteoffactstoajury.Counsel for the gov- envy.The Landmark editor's com-ernment took the case to the United plaint was that he was denied the|States Cireuit Court of Avpeals—sit— ‘privilege of enjoying.the luxuries and ting in Cincinnati,where Judge SentakingarestatLeavenworthatthefordwasaffirmedin1913.Appeal expense of Uncle Sam.By the way,|¥85 taken to the United States Su- is the hint that the Leavenworth pris-+Preme Court.: on paper is in need of a live editor an!. intimation that there is an opening Special Rule to Put Through the for Col.Fairbrother or The Land-Naval Bill mark editor,or both?The Landmark ...editor isn’t so anxious to go to Leav-A special rule to provide.for imme- enworth if it means work.What he diate considerationsof the naval ap- wants is rest.‘propriation bill with night sessions, se 8 «&a limited period of general.debate The Landmark could wish that some ‘and a final vote not later than Friday of its contemporaries who honor this °F Saturday of next week,will be paper by copying its stuff and giv-brought into the House of Congress ing credit,would read the proof with next Monday.ol.more care.The Landmark is of.|Majority,Leader Kitchin announced course pleased to have its contempo-this plan Tuesday night after a heat-raries use-whatever they find in this!ed debate between Democratic and sheet worth while.But sometimes Republican leaders on the floor,dur- matter copied and duly credited is so ing which Mr.Kitchin and Republi-butchered in the transfer—by care-¢an Leader Mann accused each other less proof-reading—that it is a mat-|of misstating what took place at &heirterofhumiliationratherthanpridetoinformalconferencesoncallingupseeitcopied.Readers who do not’the—measure.--Mr.-Kitchin”insisted see this paper are not likely to form that Revublicans had tacitly agreed a favorable opinion of it from mat-to the plan which Democrats now ex- ter they sometimes see in other pa-|Pect to force through by a specialpers,simply for the reasons mention-rule,while Mr.Mann maintained ed.Sometimes,too,correspondence that no understanding had been copied from this paper is simply cred-,reached.ited to The Landmark and in this way)“!shall make no further attempt to the paper is given credit for ideas it reach an agreement with the Repub- does not-entertain and for language licans.”Mr.Kitchin said.“We went it does not use.In copying what cor-over the whole ground in conference respondents write to this paper,2nd they agreed to my plan.I thought , please say it is from a correspondent it was entirely satisfactorv to them of The Landmark or leave off the because many of the Republicans had credit entirely.The Landmark_is not.told me that thev were anxious to getacaptiouscritic,but it naturally pre-2way from Washington a week fromfersthatpeoplewhodonotseethisSaturdayinordertoattendtheRe- paper should not form an incorrect Publican convention in Chicago.Of opinion of it on account of errors|Course I expected them to object to: made by others.;the rule on the floor as a matter of**policy but T-did not think they wouldCol.Fairbrother,who thinks out expect me to take their objections se-problems,while fishing at Hamburg,Tiously.” ae ene tended to puzzle The|ndmark,submi h ing:anti ey : Isaac Goldman oy New.ye nae ae of ie eetUee Senownedthefinestpairofdarkflowing|The registered-delegates in-attend-. whiskers ever worn by mortal man,”}22°,on the Southern Baptist Con-had the aforesaid.whiskers out for Vention in Asheville numbered 2.125, an airing when along came one|the largest in the history of the Con- ‘Frank Gallagher,who with Teen ooo rane aes The last day of the Convention res-fi ;mes a Teena pene eae olutions were passed asking a na-iudteenent feat gtabbed dic whic tional prohibition Jaw and urgingikera’of the hereinbefore Ente that the District of Columbia beIsaac“and pulled so hard that he ex-|made:prohibition territory..Anothertractedbytherootsafullhandof|Tesolution urged that better policethem.”Haledto court Gallagher exe Bvotection,be,givento public speakana:Jers,it 3 f s.ae eseas peas atl an Secident:|slarming to note the frequency withMippedand,clutching widly a ae eee speech and of press::ne is being interfe i y 3s i a We COnGSeEte ne pand jour dies and Se eeon-_Isaac’s beard with the coe stat,lutions the Convention also express-ed,but that the injury to the hirsute |¢¢itself as “against mob violence byadornmentoftheaforesaidTsaacwas|Whomsoever and against whomsoever unpremeditated and i directed.”unintentional.|:Col.Fairbrother wants to know jf!It was explained that the protest;against mobs interfering with speak-such an-accident could have occur-|.red.It could but it was improbable.|°°3 had reference chiefly to mob vio-So far as we know there is no law to |lence in various parts of the countrypreventamanwearingflowing|222inst persons lecturing on religiouswhiskersandhemaybewithinhis|SU>Jects.rights if he takes them out for ari Iff the course of debate on this|airing.But if under.such circum.|Subject speakers denounced the -hill|stances he gets the whiskers torn off |Deng ne in Congress to make_thehisface,it is our private opinion pub-|Postmaster’General the “supreme| The jury,the Su-| TATAACEOINUT ._licly expressed that.he gots-what-was1consor.of the denominational and_sec-! coming to him;and that the Galla-|ular press,”by giving him authoritygher,or anybody,who does the foh{*0 refuse use of the mails to publica-should go without a day.jtions attacking religions. ES AD Fifty.thousand bituminous coal |é ill4‘S coal!Tragedy at Danvilleminersemp]i »Pitts is ‘;,ployed in the I Penis Nas |With a revolver lying near them the,Biduatistaction over the wave.ao |bodies of Willard S.Carter and his!widht recently.made with the Pitts,peites prominent in local _society, burg Coal Operators’Asatcintion eepara PME ee|offitials of the ra :Via anville,Va.Monday.The wo-ie Of aeUnited MineWorkers.are been shot twice in the backARRHCANNOTBECURED|of the head while Cartet’s death waswithLOCALAEETIGATIONS.as’they |due to a bullet wound in his right |Catarrh is a blood or constitutionaldis-ieee:ze atddl believed atanvillethatthetragedywasacage|ase,and in order to cure it you must |take internal remedies,Hall’s C satCurefetakeninternally,end:pe |of murder and suicide as a result ofrectlyon.the-blood.and mucous surfaces |Mental aberration.Carter was re-|Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack|puted wealth,|ramedicine,It was prescribed by one of|;ealthy and owned one of the|the best’physicians in this country for |handsomest homes in,Danville,and is a regular prescription,It encedsedofthebesttonicsknown,ae ‘amed‘with the best blood purifiers,Whooping Cough.acting irectly on .the mucous|,One of the most successful preparations in|The rfect combination of |"8¢for this disease is Chamberlain's Coughtwoingredientsiswhatproduces|Remedy.S.W.McClinton,Blandon SpringswonderfulresultsincuringCa-la.,writes,“Our baby had whooping cough |wong,for testimonials,free,as bad as most any baby could have it 1].J.CHENEY &CO.,Props.,gave him Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ‘and|;by ik sitse meget Oo,whaee got him well.”Obtainable ‘every- AA, back for} “unani-| provisions of the) pass! HOW WOULD COUNTY FAIR Benefit’the People of Iredell?Is the Proposed County.Fair For the Benefit of the Farm- ver,or Ip It For the Merchants? —How Will the Fair Benefit ; Any One?i Correspondence-‘ofThe Landmark,—Ree These are questions that are asked about the proposed-eounty.fair,To} the promemeize man these are small |: >problems,hecause he has it figuredoutalread from.a county fair,it is the man who puts the most into it,and doesmoretogetthemost,whether he be merchant or farmer, All are benefited directly or indi- rectly;The farmer is benefited:by the opportunity to compare his pro- ducts with those of farmers from oth. er sections of the county,andwill of-ten get new ideas that will aid him in raising his standard of quality, Farmers in other counties.wheretheyhavecountyfairsarelearninghowtoimprovethe«rade of their cattle.No sensible farmer wants to feed and care for a scrub cow that will make only a half-pound of butteraday,when the same feed and care will keep a cow that will give more and better milk and make a pound of butter every day.When you see other farmers show- ing a better.cow,better milk and submit the evi-!butter,try to show a better one at thenextcountyfair. Some say that the consumer does- n't want a fair,because it tends to increase the cost of living..High grade and sanitary.milk and butter, egys,cured meats,beef,ete.,do sell for more,and they are worth more, and most people are,willing to ‘pay more for such products.Quality goods at a fair price are cheaper than cheap goods at a low price. Directly,the fair is for the farm- er,and if,the farmers want the fair and will subscribe liberally for stock on the 80th and 31st,when the solie- iting committee calls on them,then ihe Statesville merchants and _busi- ness men will lend their hearty sup- port in raising sufficient funds —to finance the fair.STATESVILLE MERCHANT, SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs,Chappel,of Five Years’ Standing,Relieved by Cardui. Mt.Airy,N.C.—Mrs.Sarah M.Chapeyellofthistown,says:“I suffered foriveyearswithwomanlytroubles,also stomach troubles,and my punishmentwasmorethananyonecouldtell. I tried most every kind of medicine,but none did me any gocd. I read one day about Cardui,the wo-man’s tonic,and {decided to try it.1hadnottakenbutaboutsixbettlesuntil1wasalmostcured.Jt did me moregoodthanalltheothermedicines|had‘tried,put together. My friends began asking me why I looked so well,and |told them about:Cardui..Several ave ow taking it.” Do you,lady reader,suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble,such as headache,“backache,sideache,sleeplessness,and that everlastingly tiredfeeling? Ji so trial.We feel confident it will help you, ust as it has a million other women inepasthalfceniury. Begin taking Cardui to-day.won't regret it.‘All druggists.You Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Co.,Ladies’Advisory Dept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for SpecialInstructionsonyourcaseand64-page book,“Homa +ent for Women,”in plain Wrapper.N.G.124 The Birth of a Nation, The mosé gigantic Pho- to-play spectacle of thecentury.Founded on~The Clansman by Thom- as Dixon.You should read this astounding sto- ry of the Southland.50c. R.P.Allison’s Book Store.EAREELEROCAAA a a _.Lasting”>/Legibility , -MultiKopy gives copies that are beautifully neatandthatarereally permanent,|. In blue or black,Multi-Kopy never fades.’ MultiKopy copiesoftenrivaltheoriginalincleanlinessandlegi-bility.MultiKopy issurprisinglydurableandcconomical, , Write for FREE Sample Sheet - Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.C. uit! Carbon’Paper! Statesville Tin Co. Kverything in Sheet Metal ‘line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. 114 East Broad Street. ow ASO.Sphacaartees the most:benefit:aa let us urge you to give Cardui a ‘BUILDING?.C.WATKINS. in goodness and in pipe satisfaction for it! the national joy smoke isall weor its enthusi- astic friends ever claimed It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! cool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time! Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say- so on the national joy smoke? R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem,N.C. -_Prince Albert gives_--*smo kers su ch_.delight,because its flavor is so different and s0 delightfully good;i oeaitcan't bite your ton gue; nit can't parch your throat;an smoke it as long andashardasyoulikewithoutanycomebackbut’real tobacco hap-°piness! On’the reverse side of every PrinceAlbertpackageyouwillread: ‘*PROCESS PATENTEDJULY307TH,1907"'‘ That means to you a lot of tobacco en-joyment.Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums.We prefer to give quality! Copyright 1916byK.J.ReynoldsYubaceoCo. rOU’LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no anaes ||i matter how muchof a stranger you are in the (ple) neck of the woods you drop into.For,Prince v i pAlbertisrightthere—at the first place you eh N Ih Ie. pass that sells tobacca!The toppy red | bag sells for a nickel and the tidy red tin fora dime;then there’s the hand- some pound and half-pound tin humidess and the pound erystal-glass humidor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the to-bacco in such bang-up trim all-the- 0 00 4 Hid ba TECOBACCOISPREPARED |!IR SMOKERS UNDERTHE | ROOUCE THE MOST DE| IGHTFUL/AND WHOLE;} |SOME TOBACCO FOR CIG-i It is so 4 This is the reverse side of the Prince Albert tidy red tin.Read this "Patented Process"message- to-you and realize what it means in making Prince Albert so much to your liking. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. y virtue of the powers contained inivedgedexecutedtotheundersigned by Miss Sallie Josey,I wil:sell at public aue-tion to the highest bidder for cash,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,on SATURDAY,JUNE 17,1916, at 12 o'clock,m.,the following described landsinFallstowntownship,towit:, Adjoining the:Innds on the west by L.C. Troutman,on the east by D.E,Josey,on the north by J.M.Plott and on the south by C.Keser,and beine the identical tract of land heived by Sallie Josey from the estate of thelateMikeJosey,gnd more particularly de- seribed as follows:Beginning on a stake or small doywood on Kestler'’s line jand corner of jlot No.3,and runs 'N,18 degrees E.182 polestoastakeintheoldline;thence with it N. degrees W.31 poles eo a stake or pine knot,corner of lot N 5;thence S.18 de- grees W.182 poles to a pine knot or stake in Kestler’s line;thence S.77 degrees E.31 poles to the bevinniny,containing 86 acres, more or less,as shown by Deed Book of Tre-dell county,Book 46, C.M.Adams,Att'y. May 16,1916, Fresh Vegetables. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, paye 228. ODOM MUNDAY, Mortyagee. Beans. Potatoes, Peppers. In fact all fresh vegetables in season. M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. T SAVE THOSE OLD TIRES and TUBES. Tredell Vuleanizing Company will take care of all Tire troubles. New plant.Best equipment.»Best workmanship. Save money by:having your old Tires and inner Tubes shaped for much more service. Punctures,Blowouts,Rim Cuts.suceessfully overcome. All sizes and makes. Work done by an expert and a guarantee behind it all. Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. a —W.D.HARRIS ;118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same.Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline. Phone 209. TE R R O R S RO E g CROEORORCHIFOSORCORECRCRCECBOROLOBCEROACACROBOEOHT % SEE OUR LINE KOOL CLOTH ° ee\S\PALM BEACH SUITS, OtPANAMAHATS,SHIRTS,ete. Before buying. Oe CO R O Yours to Serve, Sloan Clothing Co.. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 7jc.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound aeFORSALE: New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. LIST CITY TAXES! I will be at my office in the Court House during the month of May for thé purpose ofThelawre- quirés all property:owners to list their prop- So please call and make listing the City Taxes for 1916. |erty.during va io |return as early as possible. "’W.J.LAZENBY, May 2,1916..List-Taker. C.WATKINS for*«Byerything to;Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,‘Doors,|Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,“Siding Boxing,Moulding,Laths,;Lime,\;'Cement, etc. | | Nek Next Planters’Wh.,Statebville.| LL-WHITESHOECO. ~Soft Negligee Shirts. We are showing qui‘te an attratctive line of the Ficlipse Soft NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. _Attractive Patterns. Best Workmanship. All colors guaranteed-fast. Felipse Soft Shirts $1 and $1.50 Qualities. |PHONE NO.83.SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. ATSTTASa Eta Sie Se al. ae eal| PAC 38m a pantryaeteHen agen TT “TheGreatest Rubber initiatives of the Age have been dev:sloped in GOGUDRICH Laboratories,—agroup of buildings purposely ered,codand remote from the Factory. "behind ie Tir HE greatest Word in the whole Lexicon of Commerce is NOT “Service!”[tis “INTEGRITY?”Because,that term embodies Good-faith,—Depend- .oS -the Intention to pluy fair,at any cost,as well assrvice.Its essence,so far as businessis concerned,consists in living-up to the last Ictter of that Americanism,—“The Square Deal.”It demands from its practitioners not only a duerespectfortheRightsofOthers(whether they be strong enough to enforce these Rights,or weak enough‘to be at the mercy of the strong)but gocs further,It implics 3 charitable attitude toward those well-meafiing persons who see “Rainbows,”and who cannot live up to promises they really intended to keep.An old-fashf ned Virtueis this ‘Business Integrity——sometimes crowded close to the Wall by that modern idolatry called ‘‘Business-l°xpediency.”But,—there being something MORE than Money,worth striving for,in Business-fxpansisn,(as well asMoncy)this-old-fashioned Virtue uve s on,thrives andpatie:in many quarters,likethe Folk-Songs of aNationthatneverdie.May we here pay i77bute to “BUSINESS-INTEG-RITY,”wherever it abide:and,--with all due modesty ,-—CLAIM it as the Watech-word which has ruled Goodrich Activities over47 years cf Rubber Manufacturing,Sclling, and DELIVERING? °¢° “C6 UT,—does this Policy cf Business-Integrityay,1 Dollars and Cents?”the Cynic may inquire.From even that cold-blooded standpoint we mayanswer(to the growing youth of this country)YIS!— it HAS paid even in material Success.—Witness the Goodrich growth from a very “Acorn”indeed,to the 90 Square ACRES‘ofFloorS SmailSpace in the largest Rubber Factory ef-the World=at Akron,—re-_ quiring 15 Square ACRES of Wiidow-Glass alone to lighttheseGoodrichFactorybuildings..2--Witness the Zire Oulput ef 1915 which,if the Tires were placed flat on the ground ina row,would reach more than 4,400.Mites,ftom New Ycrk City to Omaha, -—although Tires are only one of the 257 lincs of Rubber .Goods made by Goodrich.—Witness the present Stoff of 18,147 People,whoproducethe120,000,000 pounds of Rubber Goods,menu-factured,marketed,and shipped,during the year,by Freight,from this Goodrich Factory,in addition to the10,000,000 pounds manufactured and shipped by Express, from same Factory during seime pericd.Contrast this Goodrich)Rubbcr Goods Output,with the total Imports of Crude Rubber into the entire U mited-States,during 1915,—viz:—-172,968,423 pounds,—and the total WORL D.Consumption of Crade-Rubberfor sameyear,--viz:+-142,000 Tons,or 284,000,000 +sound ! Then,ia shail que ic n that the ¢oodriclA Watch- word and Policy,cf “INTEGRITYFIRST”poys,even in materialResults. the —This,exclusive of theGood-will,Prestige,and Public Confidencethatflowsfrom47yearsconsislentpraciiceofsuchaPoly,which may Well be worth as much more,in personal sclisfeclion,190eachGoodrichStockholder,each enthusiasticOfficeor,and each loyal Employee of the B.F.Goodrich Co.But,“How does this Concern YOU,the Consumer?”—you_now ask.It concerns -you,first ofall,as a proof that Square-dealine,Straight-thinking,—and-Business-Integrity PAYS,—even in Ccin of the Realm.It Concerns each Parent,—and the Son and Daughter of eachParent,—-as a vivid demonstration of the fact that the modern god of “expediencyy,”is a false god,—and that all the brilliant feats,anddexterousmanipulationoffacts,which pass current as “Expediency” are needless,for permanentSuccesss.It concerns the Consumer of,or the Dealerin,Rubber Goodsbeeauseheknowsthat,indealing with a House of Integrity he canTRUSTtheStatements,the Products and Trade-Marks,of suckaHouse,zmpliciily,—cansave Time and Trouble and can abandcnthatcostlyandunpleasantW‘alchfulness whic his nécessarily involved an buying anything under the old Law of Caveat Emptor,(let the Buycr beware). o ¢@ 4 JHEN,the refore,the Jarcest.Rubber Factory in the World (witha47 var experiencein Rubber-Working)and 47 years of Busincss-Integrily,Good-faith demon-stration,and Square-dealing,‘TELLS you that Money cai buy BETTER Fabric Tires,at any pric e than Goodrich Fabric Tires attheirverymoderate“Fair List’price,—you can well AFFORD to believe it.When they tell yeu that nothing ui Business Integrity prevents their charging you prices as high as those charged for other Makes of Tires,of no betier quality,ycu'can rely upon‘this:—‘Vhe difference in price is thon.a REAL Saving.Itis the Cash:Value,to you,of dealing with,a House which hasmade“Integrity”ils Ws'ch-wordthrough 47 ycars of Rubber Manu-facturtug and Selling,and which has never yt sacrificed Principle to Profit,nor Good-J.ith to Expediency,‘Then accept this 5.\\ING which Goodrich Integrity brings toyou_every time 3.1 buyihe best Fabric Tires in America,at the following “Faas List”prices: Goodrich ‘‘Fair-List”Prices BLACK “BAREFOOT”SAFETY-TREADS 30x3 )..$10.4030xBy}Ford Sizes $13.40aLexe° 34x 4 $22.40 36 x 4 $31.60 37 x5 $37.35 33 x 5% “Barefoot”Tires. *** IGHT in weight,and close grained,—hbecause Goodrich relatively free -from inert substances:or “fillers”that give excess Weight to Rubber, at the expense of Liveliness,Springiness and Endurance, Goodrich Safety-tread Tires,of black “Barefoot”eee are therefore Lively,Springy,Clingy,andLong-ive Through their high Pneumatic -quality,»they give “Pep”to Car-Action,while streiching out Mileage,*per Dollarinvesicd giv ayway that se :Users thinking..More.than difcrent Makes and Brands of AutoTires‘were made and sold in U.S.A.last year,1915,to the total extent of about 12,000,GOO Automobile ‘Tires. Of that 12,000,000 icial Tires,t he B.F.Goodrich Co, made and sold one-fourth,ersYet—Tires are only one of the 267 differentlines made by the Goodrich Rubber Factory. This indicates why Goodrich Best-in-the-Market Fabric Tires can be,and are,sold to Consumers (via Dealers)at the lowest price in Amcrica per delivered Mile of Performance.|Compare price-list on left column and see! Coote Truck.Tires. Tires with Goodrich Truck ‘Tires during last — four years were as follows:— 4912 Change eves to.Goodrich 3,590 Rit:-ACEMENTS of other’Makes of Truck Poe -6,357-14.«"10,7251915...“a 14,000 These Change-overs to Goodrich tcll their own story “to the thinking Truck Owncr. Goodrich Bicycle Tires sD RE,|in aa the B.F.Goodrich Co.was the first and largest Maker of PneumaticBicycle‘Tires,developing,among.other types,the famous “’Thread-Fabric”‘Tire called the Palmer Bicy cle Tire.“Integrity”of Construction,and Square-Deal inTreatmentofConsumersend.Dealers,resultsin ou¥hold- ing this largest business in America on Bicycle Tires,as well as on Truck Tires,—2ond AutomobileTires. w ** day,—from your nearest Goodrich Dealer or Branch!Stretch it a thousand Times,to its extreme limit, but BREAK it youCAN’T!That is the sort of “SERVICE”which Goodrich Tulegrity of Purpose and Policy,translates into. THE B.F.GOODRICH Co.,Akron,0. Oz:a sample cf black “Barefoot”.Rubber to- mt -MONTHS RIDAY,Se Ss ase SDAY AND FRIDAY, CE:320 WSST BROAD STREET. BSCRIPTION PRICE: aoe bee eevee eweeeeewereeeeeee a peeenserndeewebeeeeree Saeed eeeeesesssnsere ;A CONTRAST. “Inthe news columns of the Char- Jotte Otserver a few days ago ap- peared this statement: “Of the children in the city, tinction of having several thousand school six have the dis- attended every school dav in the year and were al- ways on time.” After printing the names of the /toy of fact,my fellow citizens,how- who certainly deserve |ever mortifyisixchildren, distinction among the “several thou- sand,”the Observer man continues: “This is a record of which the teachers,as well,as-the.pupils.them- selves,are proud.” We can see why|the six have reason to be selves;but we the teachers. Charlotte,where “several thousand”| children them- ame not so sure about *...the record of proud of children are in school,and-compare it with Statesville,where the enroll- ment of white children is less than ; 1,000.And yet of that less than 1,-)who have came to America since came n the Statesville school,!with a single purpose;sharing some000childreni 242 were neither absent nor tardy the | past year;and Supt.Thompson says the number who made this record would have been larger but for an epidemic of mumps.In the States- ville school,too,punctuality means punctuality.Being in the building or inthe aisle when the doesn’t count. his seat. gong sounds, The pupil must be in i $2.0001\eo{born in this part May.26,1916. WAS THE MIDDLE STATES Where the Characteristic Part of America Originated—The ~New Age. Extracts From President's C Address. “Sometimes those of us who were of the country.per- suade ourselves that this is the char. acteristic part,of America.»Here ‘more than anywhere else has been} preserved a great part of the original| isteck-which-settled-this-country,par- Hticularly.that_portion_of the,...stock ‘which came from the British Isles. (l-am-not meaning to exclude.Ire- land).And then I find a great many of my friends who live in New Eng-| ‘Wand imagining that the _histor of| jthe expansion of New Englanc and that Plymouth Rock lies at the foun- dation of our institutions.As a mat- harlotte | ng it may.be to them or lto us,America did not come out of| lthe South and it did not come out of| iNew England.The characteristic | [part of America originated in the ‘middle States of New.York,Pennsy]- ivania and New Jersey,because there from the first was that mixture of populations,that mixture of racial stocks,that mixture —of antecedents which is the most singular and dis- tinguished mark of the United States.’ The most singular fact about this great nation which we represent,is that it made up’of all nations in the world.I say that the men who eame to America then and the men |part of the passion for human liberty | 'which characterized the men who} founded the republic,but they came bill. was first brought After the Postmaster | Postmaster.General Bur’ started-one of the liveliest dis sions in Congress in many ye The trouble started over ‘the alle attempt of Mr.Burleson to defeatth postoffice appropriation bill,or at least the section which —provides for adequate pay for the railway m service and.the Hardwick... ment;-compelling the ~Pos General--to-pay-to—rural. riers the amounts authorized by \Con-’ gress instead of what Burleson want. ed to,pay.Theriedcertain increases for the rural delivery carriers,Mr.Burleson refus- ed to make these increases and the money,although appropriated‘a year ago,has not yet reached the men to whom Congress intended that it should go.The Hardwick amend- ment makes it mandatory.upon the Postmaster General to pay the©in- creases,not only for last’year,but for this year also.:j The Senate postoffice committee,of which Senator Bankhead of Alabama is chairman,is hot on the trail of Mr. Burleson.It is claimed by some:that Burleson has instructed.the postmas- ters all over the country to aire their Congressman to vote against thisWhetherBurlesonadvisedthem to do so or not,the telegrams ‘and letters are coming in.The matterofficiallybefore Congress when Congressman Goode introduced a resolution asking for an inquiry as to the reason for the post- masters’interest in the bill.NNN Only Two Th Monroe Journal. ings Marred. Only two things tended to mar the}. with all sorts of blood in their veins,|eternal fitness in Charlotte on Satur- all sorts of antecedents behind them,‘day.One'was the fact that Mayor all sorts of traditions in their family Kirkpatrick seemed to think that the and national life,and America has| had to serve as a melting pot for all) these diversified and contrasted ele-| ments.What kind of fire of pure! passion are you going to keep burn-| ing under the pot in order that the mixture that comes out may crowd had come to hear him insteadofthePresident.The other was the undue prominence in the parade of the sow with 51 pigs. (The Landmark assents to the first be count but is inclined to dissent as to O£course school children don’t S|purged of its dross and may be the!the second.The sow and 51 pigs a rule acquire habits of punctuality)fine gold of untainted Americanism?|were to show the President our pre- of their own motion. {aught and encouraged by the teach- And.so whenCrs. These must be| it appears that, oaly six of “several thousand”school | children in Charlotte made a record for punctuality last year,it is evident that Charlotte children have, not-begun to learn what punctuality|came this great cataclysm of,Euro- the Chariotte teachers |pean war,and almost every other na-|means;and have-nothing of which-to be-proud in that respect. Of Miss Mary Graham of Char-the elements in the struggle?Don’t | as been elected president|you see that in this European war is |lotte,who h of Peace Institute,Raleigh,it is said: “She is a direct descendant of El- der Brewster.one of those who came,pe n (d over in the Mayflower;of Col.Owen,,tional traditions and of national poli- of Colonial and Revolutionary times;itics—political systems. “of Gen.Porterfield,killed at the bat-| tle of Eutaw Springs;end, history,of JamesoO ashe is descended from Col.Alexander other. McAlister,who was a member of the |these proce committee of safety John Owen. Gov.| sideOwen‘and n the paternal and the Halifax conveniton and who held other im- portant offices of trust.” Forget it!.Miss Graham has made “her own way to prominence by her merit,and these ancestors wouldn’t |quickened in every possible way so be worth a whoop if she hadn’t done|that now the melting pot is bigger something for herself.Having won success on her own merits,why try to obscure her worth by piling up the |tremendous—I had about said final— names of a lot of dead alongside her achievements? “How differently we ~view things!|ation of elements. When the President in his Charlotte |; address referred--to the “minor dee-|§ laration at Philadelphia,not to the;jin contact with each other Mecklenburg Landmark was sure—and is yet—that |each other. he.intended it simply as a pleasantry;| that it was not his purpose to discuss}ew age we have come into.I should or contrast these events —certainly;think that it would quicken the imag-| not his purpose to discredit the Phil-|ination of every man and quicken the adelphia Declaration. ancestors e Declaration,”The And yet the Philadelphia Ledger refers to it as “the slur about our.Declaration”and that the President’s a touch of the ‘professional ”erner.If Landmark believes seems to admit,why quibble about,America has felt the forces of Ameri-' Is the Ledger so intensely par-it? i jest “betrayed South- t was a jest,as The and the Ledger tisan and narrow that it would try to discredit the President for that? *FTALPRESTAaELIATI ~The Republicans have been boast- ing that they have-40,000 applications ; for the 12,40 convention,and 0 seats at the Chicago The Landmark _has pointed out that the demand for seats may not be due so much to interest in the G.O.P.as to witness the en-| tertainment the contest may furnish. Democratic show at St.Louis prom-| vention in the con- While the ises to be a tame affair,with no con- tests,25,000 applications have been filed for the 10,000 to 11,000 available seats. Attention is called to the fact that —in-the-great-crowd-in-Charlotte Sat-,for boisterous conduct. that! urday there drunkenness or The unregenerate might this is accounted for partially by the ‘statement of the South Carolina Vis-, itor to Charlotte’s were no frrests say that price, calculated to tend to soberness. The contest between the guberna-straight and therefore his character| torial candidates is giving evidence isn’t good. ~of.some’warmth,It is fortunate|right view,whether he was right as| that the end is near.The outcrop-|to that particular case or not.But|LIME, in later , celevration,who failing assigned as evidence of alleges that.he had to pay $2 for a/character,nothing pint of spirits.That price for blind|But without reference to this partic- tiger liquor,and the difficulty in ob-|ular case,for we know nothing of the! taining it even -at was That is the problem,“I want to call your attention to} another picture.America has al-| paredness on the meat proposition.. The other didn’t mar—it jarred.) ways been in the making and had to; midst of this process,apparently at | the acme and crisis of this process,| while this travail of soul and fermen-| tation of elements was at itspheight,| be made,and while we were in the} tion in the world became involved in a tremendous struggle,which was—/what my fellow citizens?What are| involved the very thing that has beer} going on in America?It is a com-} tition of national standards,of na-| Junk Yard. Near Depot. Buys Rags,Rubber,Zinc, Lead,Copper,Scrap Iron. Pays highest market price. 123 S.Center Street. May 26--2t* Europe has| grappled in war as we have grappled in peace to see what is going to bethey e an-, While sses of fermentation and} travail were going on,men were learn-| ‘ing about each other,nations were! ‘becoming more and more acquainted| 'with each other,nations were more) ‘and more becoming inter-related and |inter -communications was being done with ‘these things when come into hot contact with on ck *** jthan America.It is as big as the |world and what you see taking placelontheothersideofthewateristhe process by which a contest of ele- ‘ments may in God’s process be turn- ied into a co-ordination and co-oper- “For it is an interesting circum- stance that the processes.of the war stand still.These hot things that aredonot /make very much progress against When you cannot —over- counsel.Sce what-a come you must take then,ladies and”gentlemen, |patriotism of every man who cares for|America.Here in America we have,{tried to set the example of bringing Br the world together upon terms of |liberty and co-operation and peace, jand in that great experience that we ‘have been going through America has||been a sort of prophetic sampleof | ;mankind.Now the world outside of| ea;felt.the forces of freedom,the! forces of common aspiration,the forces that bring every man and every nation face to face with this question,' ‘what are you going to do with your| power ?Are you going to translate it into force,or are you going to trans- late it into peace_and the salvation, of socicty?’Does it not interest you that America has run before the rest of the world in making trial of this great human experiment and is it not the sign and dawn of a new age that| the one things upon which the world is now about to fall back is the.moral judgment of mankind.” court,asked one of the said his character| Asked on what he} based the idea that the man’s char-| acter wasn’t good,the witness an-| swered that he had the reputation of} not paying his debts.Many a man| who doesn’t pay his debts would have| no difficulty in:proving a good char-| acter in court,and The Landmark| doesn’t recall that it ever heard this| bad | appearing.| A witness in Iredell about the character of parties to a suit, /wasn’t so,good. else 'parties involved,this paper holds: 'that one who makes it a practice to | |fail to pay his honest obligations isn’t| The witness had the| THE LYRICTHEATRE TODAY FLORENCE ROCKWELLa “He Fell in LoveWithHisWife” A Paramount Photoplay. SATURDAY WM.°S.HART —in— “Between Men” A photoplay that is a peeve delight.See ityallmeans.Also “Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts”— A side-splitting comedy,featuring Chester Conk.lin,MONDAY GRACE VALENTINE ,—in— “The Blindness of Love” Aadi roduction of extra- wrdinary merit.You'll like it. _THELYRICTHEATRE “The Coolest Place in,Town”: "pings give evidence of some bitter-\if every man listed in the dead-beat ness which would probably be inten-|Class should be put down in ‘the “sified if the campaign -had long to _yun,si heoiy Acta cg elle ht e's |courts as a man of.bad character,a|big bunch would fail ‘in the charactertest—and they should.fail, Identical notes.renewing th.|teat of the United States ithe high seas 5Britishand.French.‘ambassadors.at} Washington.Stes Aes 4 reiterates”in e propriation bill for 1915car-| '|missioner and will appreciate your support in|SMITH itish treatment of neutral'mhavebeenhanded tothe The,United States more grievous terms its-ob imail-matter-bound-to~-and-from-United States,and insists,particu-larly,that Great Britain stop _the séas ald taking them mtoport to sujectmailaboardtolocalregulations,-The ‘note was given to the represen-tatives of both France and Great Brit-ain,because France formally concur-red in the British memorandum reply-ing to the first American protest.Thenoteprobablywillbemadepublicto-morrow in London,Paris and.Wash- ington by agreement. “Chamberlain's “I have been a-sufferer from stomach troub-le for a number of years,and although 1 haveusedawreatnumberofremediesrecommend:ed for this complaint,Chamberlain’s Tabletsisthefirstmedicinethathasgivenmeposi- tive and lasting relief,”.writes Mra.Anna Kadin,Spencerport,N,“Chamberlain'sTabletshavedonewondersformeandI vnlue them very highly.’’Obtainable évery- where. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For the.Legislature. I hereby announce myself.a candidate for amemberoftheLowerHouseoftheLegislature of North Carolina from.Iredell county,subjecttotheactionofthevotersintheDemocratic primary to be held June the 3d,1916.1 will appreciate the support of ail persons partici- pating in said primary.Respectfully,W.L.MATHESON, Mooresville,May 28. For the Senate. I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheStateSenateofNorth.Carolina from Ire-dell county,subject to'the action of the vot-ers in the Democratic primary to be held June8d,1916.J]will appreciate the support of all persons voting in said primary.Respectfully,w.D.TURNER. May 23. .For County Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate forCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 3,1916.May 19,1916.J.E.BOYD. For County Commissioner.le I hereby announce myself a candidate forCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimaryJune3,1916,W.C.JOHNSTON. May 19,1916.. For County Commissioner. To the Demoerats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheDemocratic:nomination for County Com- T.the primary June 8d,1916.J,|Fallstown Township.May 19.| ——\ For County Commissioner.To the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheDemocraticnominationforCountyCom- missioner,and will appreciate your support in the primary on June ud,1916.Respectfully,c.S.TOMLIN. May 19,1916. For the Legislature.I am a candidate for the House of the Gen-eral Assembly,subject to the action of the"ivoters in the Democratie primary of June 8d,|°~+1916,and I solicit the support of the voters intheprimary.JAMES A.STEELE.May 19. Candidate For Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate for Gommissioner of Iredell county,subject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimariesJune3.May 16.J.A.BROWN. |For County Commissioner.I am a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the:Democratic prima- PY,and solicit the support of the Democratic|voters.MARVIN -W.SMITH.;May 12.2 - |For County Commissioner.|I hereby announce my candidacy for the|\ofice of County.Commissioner of Iredell| |county,subject to the action of the Demo-| leratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respectfullylsolicit—the—support.of the Democratic voters |May 2,1916.| |I hereby announce myself a candidate for|re-election to the office of County Superin-| jin the Primary.DR.W.G.NICHOLSON.| For County Superintendent of Schools, |tendent of Public Instruction,subject to the| jaction of the Democratic primaries June 8|19.]is| | 16.R.M.GRAY.April 28. For Sheriff. |I hereby announce myself a candidate for{the -office of Sheriff of Iredell county,subjectito’the action of the Democratic primary,June 3,1916.:J.OTIS GAITHER._April_28. |For County Superintendent Schools.‘To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:|IT-am a candidate for the office of Superin-(tendent of Schools,subject to the action of the|Democratic primarics,If nominated and|elected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell coun- ity the best service of which I am capable, |April 28.JOHN F,MITCHELL.|paisa |.For County Treasurer. |J.am a candidate for County Treasurer,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic primary, iJune 3,1916.R.F.RIVES.|April 26. {For Register of Deeds.|I hereby announce myself a candidate for |Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to ‘the action of the Democratic voters,as ex- ‘pressed by them at the primary,June 3,1916.| i'l.Ns BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town-i ship."Aprile 25. |For County Treasurer.-\~]hereby -announce.myself a eandidate for|County ‘Treasurer,subject to the action of theiDemocraticprimary,June 3,1916. |April 26.W.H.HUNTER.|\For Sheriff.. To the Democrats of Iredell County: |~*J-hereby announce myself a candidate for ithe Democratic nomination for sheriff of Ire-\dell county,and will greatly appreciate your;support.Respectfully,April 265.H.L.GILBERT. \‘For County Treasurer. |I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- ificee of County Treasurer of Iredell county, |subject to the action of the Democratic prima- try;Sune 3d,1916,and_respectfully solicit the |support of the Democratic voters in the pri- jmary.|~R.J.BRYANT. ‘April 26,1916,a|For County Commissioner. Iam a candidate for county commissioner, subject.to the action of the Democratic prima- ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER. April 21,1916. For Register. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primary.J.H.McLELLAND, April 21.Mooresville,N.C. For Treasurer. fo the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer,subject to the action of the county Democratic nominating primaries,to ee bole Neda fete pit Will ap- jate your Buppo pectfully,nea W.C.WOOTEN, April 18.Bethany Township. on For Register of Deeds.r I LATHS.CEMENT. STAIN.PAINT, PLASTER, SHINGLE FIREPROOF C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C! hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry June 3,1916.Wm.H.MORROW. April 18.‘ For Sheriff.E I am a_candidate for Sheriff of Iredell county,subject,to the action of the Democrat- fc primary,and solicit the support of the tie voters in the prima to}:the seizure and detention of legitimate|©“the practice of seizing vessels on the high iy and RED TUBES - are 0k Sieh tee !Just c “priceswith ose you iteervai ee ANDREOaksie|Sap 2.8,|e Lara 32%433«28.Mo a73ya4ei Hy 35253T« Michelin RedTubeshangin acurve.because madeonaroundcoresto,fit’their casings perfectly. se l e n e e n u n ® st i s s u s i a n a s Alsomadein soft bead clinchersize31x4,price $22.23. The Michelin Universal Tread combines allofnon-skida of both the raised-tread aedsree eeMichelinRedTubesretaintheirvelvetysoftnessindefinitely.the Used in combination,Michelin casin ubes mak: most satisfactory tire ecalseneek:“,$. Carolina Motor Company STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE,NEWTON. ONE QUALITYONLY-THEGEST = LI L T I L IT T P OP T OO P Pe e LI T T PO T T S IT T Ie e e ee e ee s ii i i i e e s e n STATIONERY| Same Quality,Same Price WHITE AND COLORS. In Boxes—25c.,50c.,75ce.and $1.00. By the Pound with Envelopes to Match,25c.,35c.and 50c¢.the Pound. Envelopes 10c.,15¢.and 20c.Package. THE RENALL STORE. Statesville Drug Comp’y, :Quality Prescriptionists. PPIIIPITITIITILATISIIIIIISSSSsssSssossTITIIs eT IIT ITSITIIF9 Po e e s IP O S SS 98 0 9 9 9 0 0 P 80 8 8 8 O Se e et ee e et Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcal Post Service. Our Half 1-2 Price|Price Suit Sale lis on and the Suits are sélling—and no wonder when you can find a $20.00 Suit for $10.00 and all other prices re- duced in proportion. The Silk Dresses are selling at one third off and special [prices are made on all Sport Coats. 1-2 Price | _1-2.Price 1-2 Price ‘4 A 1-2 Price « 1-2.Price}If you’re interested better see the lot) now. 7 Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.: ry. April 18,M.P,ALEXANDER, MORALITY PLAY,“HAPPINESS,”Chautauqua,June 26, 1Y 4 > ,@ards represented pink.and blue for-|: ie Stephany the Entre NousveitsfarewelldinnertoMisslaryScott,/who leaves Monday ‘forBenehomeat~Brookneal,Va.nner was served in five courses ere were 14 plates...“The color scheme was pink andblue.The reception hall was decor-ated with laurel,‘the front sittingdomwithsweetpeas,the back sit-tn room with red rambler.In the ining,room the centerpiece was a ms and lavender sweet peas.Fromébaskettoeachplacecardwas.a streamer of pink ribbon and attach- ed to the ribbon to Miss Scott’s platewasagoldfriendshipbroochengrav-¢d,“Entre Nous,1916.”The place es basket filled with pink carna- ‘get-me-nots.!?The following named members ofthefacultyoftheStatesvillePublicBéhoolshaveleftfortheirhomes:rof,-M.-E..Yount,Hickory;MissesateFinleytoCharlotte,Ellie Grier>Matthews,Mary Thompson topanini:Mamie Edens to Garland, osephine Dunn to ‘Albemarle,LauraHastingstoWinston-Salem,MattieMcKinney:te Reidgville,Clyde Fields to.Sparta,Ethel McNairy to Greens-boro,Jessie Massey to Durham,Al-Harris to Wake Forest,Margaret Willis to Lexington,Annie Terry toReidsville,Mary Wortham to Frank-linton,Bessie Crowell ‘to .Charlotte. Misses Marea Jordan of Durham,Co-r@,Belle Sloan of Davidson and Chris-tine Rutledge of Mt.Holly are withfriendshereforthepresent.“The Cotillion club -will have aninformaldanceTuesdaynight. Notices of New Advertisements. Polite jand_‘efficient 'service.—Ire-dell Ice and Fuel Co. At the Crescent today.‘Suits,silk dresses and sport coats. —Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. ‘Minstrel tonight.—QOpera House.‘Bargain in real estate—J.PaulLeonard,administrator.At the Lyric.‘Bedroom rockers at half price.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.McCormick mowers and_binders.— Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Sale wash skirts.—-J.M.McKee &Co.‘Special soap sale.—Polk Gray Drug Co.pelephane 174 for Chautauqua tick- ets.‘Campaign .for fair stock May 30 and 81.—People’s Loan &SavingsBank. Bargains in ready-to-wear lines.—‘Mills.&Poston. Stationery in boxes and by pound. —Statesville Drug Co. ‘Welch’s:grape .juice.—Sherrill .&Reeee.«: Preparedness wins.—Johnton-Belk Co: Seven car loads of Fords to be ship- ped:in ten days—Carolina Motor Co. Cottage for rent.—A.L.Coble. Stenographer wanted.—Box Winston-Salem. Potato slips for sale.—T.C.Gray,Dunlap. Household and kitchen for ‘sale.—J.R.Moore. Bee hives for sale.—Thomas Watt,Stony Point.Gook-—wanted for dredge boat.—L. Q.White. Rally Day at Providence. Correspondence of The Landmark, Programme.for Rally Day services, Providence chureh,Cool Spring cir- cuit,’Saturday,June 3d: 9.80 a.m.Opening exercises—Rev. W.R.Ware:music—Providence Sun- day school;10 a.m.Recitation;10.05Music--New Salem Sunday school; 10.20.Address,The Organized Sun 208, furniture & ~day school for all-year-work—Rev. W.-Williams;10,50 —a._m.Meni — Rose Chapel Sunday school;11 a.m. Recitation;11.05 a.m.Address,Mis- sions,some fresh data and what our minimum aim should be—Rev.C.S. Kirkpatrick:11.85 a.m.Music—Cool Spring Sunday school;11.45--a>—m,. _Recitation;—11.50_a._m._Address,-The need-and importance of people and pastor co-operating for the advance- ment and welfare of Christ’s King- dom—Rev.R.M.Hoyle;12.30 a.m. Dinner. 1.30‘p.m.Music—Clarksbury Sun- day school;1.40 p.m.Recitation;1.-45 p.m.Address,The blessings of systematic Christian liberality to the individual contributor and the needs -eatling to -us—Rev.J.-F.Kirk;2:15 p: t m.Music;2.25 nv.m.Recitation;2.30 p.m.Address,-Family religion—reg- and H. ular.systematic virayers in the Rhinehardt. Children’3 ‘Day at Olin—Trust- ing the Lord. Correspondence of The Landmerk. ,Olin,R-1,May 24 —We have had a Jong drought,but now we are hav- ing a fine rain.-Many people have been uneasy during the long dry spell.How often we forget God andneglect,our own nart!If we only would fully trust Him and rememberHealwaysdoesHispartifwewouldonlydoourduty. Lots of sickness in this vicinity. Miss Mallie Holcomb is very ill withcancer.There .will be Children’s Dav at Olin the first Sunday in June.TherewillhesingingatWinthropthesec- ond Sunday in June. Bible-reading home—Rev.D. Barium Notes. Correspondence of The Landmark. Barium,May 25 —Mrs.Etta’Por-ter and her brother,Mr.Dan Lippard,attended orpearement rat LenoirCollegethis.weekMessrs.Herman and,Seth LippardandMissMargueritePorterareex-pected home from Lenoir College thisweek.Miss Porter was a member ofthegraduatingclass.Mr,and Mrs.Earl .Lippard are ex-pected this week from Raleigh. BUILDING?C,..WATKINS, |B.Wilroy:of |due season, GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention ¢of People and—Their-Movements.- Mrs.Virginia Overéagh May of Ar-5,Kabutla,Miss.,and daughter,Mrs.N.Hernando,Miss.,areereatthehomeofamkinsman,Mr.U;"K.Overcash,>‘Messrs.Albert:cooper DD.J.Craig.{dames Mac,Connelly,8.*Henry,JEK.Boyd,J.M.oe and Fred.Slane were in-Raleigh this--week toattendthe‘mecting of Shriners,Mr.and Mrs.W,F,’Williams.ofNorfolk,Va.are ‘visiting theirdaughter;Mrs,Eugene Davis,until Sunday night. Miss Celeste Henkel goes to Greens- boro Monday to attend a meeting tobeheldattheNormalCollegeinthe |= interest of home demonstration work. Mrs.N.C.House and little grand- son,~Frederick Hamrick,of Ruther- fordton,are guests of Mr.and Mrs. E.B.Quinn,north Center street:Mrs. House is Mrs.Quinn’s mother. Mrs.J.G.Kanipe and little daugh- ter of Corpus Christi,Texas,are guests of Mrs.T,M.Dale.Mrs.Ellen Morrison returned Tues- day evening from’Okolona,©Miss., where she visited her son,Mw H.L. Morrison.Mr.and \Mrs.Morrison and H.L.Morrison,Jr.,accompanied her here and went to Charlotte to vis-it.Mr.C.S.Morrison.They will at- tend Davidson commencement.next week..A son of Mr.and Mrs.Morri- son is a member of the graduating class. Mrs.J.D.Stocker of Jermyn,Pa., spent Tuesday here and_left’that night for Charlotte to visit Mr.C.S, Morrison.She will return here in afewdaystovisithermother,Mrs. Ellen Morrison. Mr.J.Chap.Turner,who spent afewdayshere,returned Tuesday to his home at Chase'City,Va. Mrs.F.B.Porter of Nashville, Tenn.,is here to spend the summer with her sister,Mrs.J.A.Vaughan. Mrs.D.A.Miller,who has been in the North for several months,arrived last night and will be with.her sis- ter,Mrs.L.White,for some time. Mr.and Mrs.Glarence Stimpson, Clarence,Jr.,and Mrs.E.G.Gilmer leave this morning for Camden,8S.C. Miss Arlene Gilmer left last night to visit in Concord. Iredell Man in Palmetto State. Correspondence of The Landmark. Hopkins,S.C.,May 20 —The weather has-been dry;haven’t had any rain worth naming since the 7th of April.Very few have a,good stand of cotton.Most everybody is done thinning cotton.Corn looksfine;oats is short.Very little fruit in this section./ This loamy soil works easy com- nared with that in North Carolina. Land.-sells on an average of $80 per acre.Plenty for sale.Very few good houses;plenty of 2-room negro cabins and about 5 or 6 negroes to one white person._Land_rents—on_an_av- erage of $38 to $4 per acre,cash when crop is gatheréd.I will tell you later on what this land will make per acre.Plenty of hogs and cattle in this seetion. We have 9 months’ county.Books and music furnishedtlechildrenfree.Our mént begins the 24th of May. White people here do very little work.I like it here fine,so far. I see L. vaper for register of deeds. he is the man for thé place and hope he'll get it.R.D.WILL IAMSON. school in this Rains—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,May 24 —Farm- ers are greeting each other with smiles since the andbestforHischildren, some to grumble if they were in heav-| en? Little Floyd,son of Mr.and Mrs. H.&.Tucker,is very ill and has bee n| for three weeks.Vivian.son of Mr. -jand Mrs.Will Perry,is ill with bron chitis.:~ Mr.and Mrs.John Withelm and children of Shepherd’s spent Sunday at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Will Perry.Mr.Flake Mills and his sis- ter,Miss Edna,of Troutman commu- nity,—spent.Saturday night and Sun day with their aunt,Mrs.M.S.Ply-) ler. A motor car occupied by Mr.and Mrs.M.A.Harrill of'Newton was struck by an interurban train in Gastonia Monday.The car was wrecked and the occupants pinned underneath it.Both suffered broken ribs and severe bruises. ANNIVERSARY POEM.Stepan (Following is the Anniversary Poem,tend and read by Mr.James W.Winston-Salem at the close of commencement writ- Bain ofStatesvillePublieMondayeve-ning:) In grief and tears and joy and songManthroughwearyageslong Has struggled on toward light of dawn,For truth shall come when night is gone.And lately in the foremost line,Dear School,are staunch true sons of -thine! Thy.sons,oh school,have journeyed far‘Neath sun and moon and laughing star. Their feet have tracked untrodden ways, Have seen new lands through that strangehaze That hangs o'er purple mountains bare— There they have had Adventure'’s fare. Thy sons are they,through this strange day, Who have moulded beauty from common clay. And where Commerce,.in clash and strife,Throbs through the throbbing veins of life,They are found in the foremost van,Proud of thee and true to man. They sit where the press roars to the dawn To flash the news of a day just gone,To carry wide and carry far* The threnody of peace and war,They lay the ribboned lines of steelYortheswifttrans-continental wheelTothunderoninitsmadraceWithTime,to bridge a\nation's space. And where cathedral spires uprise In pride and joy to God's blue skies, Some of thy sons,oh school,have trod,And they ,tell a ,world of the living God. This thine heritage is,dear S.H.S.,For the world to love and the years to bless.A fourth of a century's years are done, And thy glorious course is.yet unrun, And for thy sons these words you leave Yor the years that laugh and the years:that grieve;, Go,sons of mine,and win your fight!The dream is ‘yet unwon and hiih,The goal awaits where portals flare Far-flung,beneath some unknown sky. To dream and dare:this be your creed;Your work:to mend.the,wrecks of years,And hearts that broken weep and bleed;Your faith:the faith.the world will claimWhenmenturnbacktothink:and see;Your God:the God you learned of old.,When babe’upon your mothers knee, School commence-| N.Brown's name in your) T think rain,which came in The Lord knows what is!still we| grumble if.we can’t have our way. Wonder.if it would be the nature of! Commencement at Bariam.~_ The commencement ‘of the Orphans’Home schoo!at Barium begins todayandwillconclude“Tuesday evening.| same hour,school -grade,"exercises,flag drill,“Mother Gone Convyen-| tion,”ete,sass Sunday,11’a.m.,sermo by Rev. A.D.McClure,D.D.,of Wilmington.| musie department;Tuesday,2flag-raising’and presentation 0 iflag by Mr.C.B.Webb.‘Tuesday;7.45,. Class Day exercises,‘award of”~dis- tinctions,medals,Bibles,certificates,ete,Educational address,by ‘Rev. Geo.W.Lee of Winston-Salem, rnMARKET REPORTS. Btatesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterday for produce on the Joca)market. Spring Friers,28ce.per Ib. Old Hens,Ue.“per Tb. Egxs,16¢.per dozen, Roosters,6c.per |b, Butter,17e.per Ib, Beeswax,25c.-per Ib,Green Hides,1c.per Th. Hams;1 Te.too 18e.-per Ib, Sides,Te.1b,Shoulders,13¢.Ub,New Red Honey,10c.to 12,i-2e.per Ib. Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to “bse.per ib, ,Old Auto Rubber Casing,4e.> ‘Sweet Potatoes,60e.per bushel. sneered |Grain,The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrainonthelocalmarket: Wheat,$1.30 per bushel. Corn,(new),80g.per bushel.Oats,65c.:per bushel. @. On the locd&market yesterday 12 3-4e.per| Weel mar Cotton Market. pound was paid for best grade cotton.| This evening at..7.45,“The Feast of ~ the Red Corn Cantata”and “Clown Drill.”Tomorrow.evening.at the| Monday evening,7.‘4b,recitationey iC |Planters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C. unpaid 7 JOYOUS DAYSJUNE22-28. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. By order of the Comminsioners of |Iredellcounty,all reat estate"on which the 1916"tax- es have not been paid’will be advertised for|sule Jer dune—1b,1916,<a M.‘DEA\TON, “Mi ny.19,"oe Sheriff,MUST GET LICENSE! All persons panotnne cars without license number will take notice that they must have Lumber—orshow-ythat-same has heen ordered,or the law will be enforced.J.M.DEA'TON,Sheriff.‘May 19,—ALL C.WATKINSASKS Of you,Mr,Builder,is”buy “Bvery= thing to Build With”where you ean| |buy ~cheapest.~Doors,Windows,| Mantels,Columns,Stairways,Mould-| |ings;Ready-made Door and Window| |Frames;Door and Window Locks; Sash Weights .and Cords, WATKINS,next to McElwee's | _CITY TAXES! All property on which city taxes are due and |June ‘Ist,will be advertised.C all | promptlyand save trouble.W.L.NEELY, May 9 City Tax Collector, TAX LISTING,1916! List your property.7 Retirn your pall.The jlaw requires that all propertysubject#ts taxesandallpollsbelistedduringthemonthof May. Make these returna promptly and avoid thepenaltiespreseribedbythelaw,J,BE.BOYD, Clerk to Bd.Co,Coms, | |}{ May:9-—T7t. (ADVERTISEMENTS In this column 10 centsperline.No ad.taken for less than 25, cents.Cash must accompany order.) FOR SALE—Household and kitchen furni- ture.J.R.MOORE,Eighth street, May 26-—-2t. FOR SALE—Fewali hoanand Spanish Potato)Slips at $1.60,per 1,000.'T.C.GRAY,Dun- lap.May 26—1t*. FOR.-RENT—C‘ottage.known as the “Recto-ry,”on Walnut street.A,L.COBLE. May 26. WANTED—Young Tady stenographer,Prefer one who has had some knowledge"“of FireInsurancebusiness.Address in’own hand- writing,stating salary wanted to begin with.Address Box 208,Winston-Salem,N.|\May 26.|| SALE—Lot of first-class Bee Hives,! with Hoffmann Self-spacing Frames. THOMAS &WATT,Stony Point,N,'C.May 26—2t*.= FOR WANTED—Cook for dredge boat in Rowan county.$30 per month and board..L.0.| WHITE,Statesville.May 26—It.| FOR SALE—Studebaker 30,6-passenger,in fairly good shape.Good tires,brand new) Mohair Top.Would be fine to strip down.| Price right for quick buyer.J.F.CAR-|TER,Davidson,N.C.,Bell Phone 38L. May 26--1t*. FOR RENT—The Copeland house on Walnut|street.Suitnble’for residence or boarding|house.Possession given at once.D, J.! CRAIG.May 23. FOR SALE Number one grade Jersey Milch'SEEAES:"Phone Clio. FOR.SALE ‘oR “RENT—To°desirable party,residence 747 N.Mulberry street.Modern conygniences.J.A.“SCOT ;,dr.,‘phone |28.Mays:al WANTE p—I want to et two or+three-eearm,within two months, ¥.,Barber,N:-C.May 19 —3t*. 35 to $1.40 per day.Apply UNION TANGNINGCO.,Old Fort,N,C.May 19. CORN—We are in Corn and will pay highest market price,cash,STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO. May 5. FOR REN’T—Cottage with lights,-baths,M.P.ALEXANDER..May the markct for ete,.|5. Ceven Car Loads. We have arranged |forthe shipment of |Seven Car Loads of _Ford Machines—42 cars —within -ten days._-You can get your car when these begin to come in. Carolina Motor Co. PAINT-EXPERTS AGREE TH AT lence, .FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,| Statesville,N.C. CHAUTAUQUA COMING.. Get Your Season Ticket.REFRESHING INVIGORATING. Welch’s Grape Juice,the National drink,refreshes and.invigorates. For sale by us, Sherrill &Reece, 108 West Broad St. Paqup 123. BUILDING?/WATKINS, Good references,| WANTED—50 Common Laborers,wages $1.-| Shelled is the American Standard of Excel-| “4x20 Dressed Bucket Cedar Shingles Cost less and last longest.You know the life of a water bucket!All |grades of,Pine,Cedar,Cypress and |Tin Shingles,Nails,Painted Valley Tin,Ridge Roll and Shingle Stains. C.WATKINS,Shingle King of lre- dell County,|Statesville,N.C. THEROYALHEATER A The‘‘Royal’’is a RangeBoilerandWaterHeat- erin combination <andisdesignedtotakethe -place of the old-fashion-ed method of attaching an independent heater to the side of an_ordi-|nary range boiler, The ‘‘Royal’’can be installed at a supris- ingly low cost and will furnish hot water every hour of the day and night at an expense well within reach of| the average hduse own:| er or renter. Installed by W.E.Munday. 114 E.Broad St. Phone 55. |THE|CRESCENT |THEATRE TODAY JULIAN and WILSON —in— “The Eyes of Fear” FORD and CUNARD — “The Broken Coin” SATURDAY -——Laugh-day —— LOUISE ORTH—_in-— A Three Reel “L-KO”Comedy CHARLIE CHAPLIN ——jN— |“Charlie’s First Vacation” A bran new CHAPLIN FEATURE that showshowCharlieenjoyshisvacation.He has the time of his life. MONDAY “Joan of Arc” THE MAID of ORLEANS A stupendous Spectacleinfiveparts. Produced by the SavdiaFilmCo.in Turin,Italy. Funny TOM WISE ome Te “The Base Ball Bug” Prices 5c.and 10c. See Tuesday’s Land- mark, ae at t s aa d ae ae s ce r e DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY.|WITH THIS BANK! WE KEEP YOUR FUNDS AB-: SOLUTELY SECURE! Canceled Checks are indisputa-ce 5ot e ET ble receipts for what you have paid on accounts. i. ey YOU GET EVERY FACILITY OFFERED BY A_GOOD, STRONG BANK! io n ) Se ee k ca n t e d 2 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C. Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent‘Paid on Time ~—U.S.Depository, Keen Eyes Are Open =Berga Open the eyes of your mind.Let us show you through our Ready-to-Wear lines.They are complete.Only a few more days to buy Wool or Silk Coat Suits at the reduced price..$5 to $10 saved on a ste Sal is: worth looking out for. Beautiful Wash Skirts Elegant Wool Skirts Guaranteed Petticoats Gray Chambray Petticoats for Worthmore Shirt Waists only Small lot of good Waists to go at LET US SHOW YOU. $1.00 to $2.50. $2.50 to $5.00. $1.00 and $1.50 0c. $1.00. -50c. ‘ Very truly, _MILLS-&POSTON.| TONIGHT. Big Minstrel inne| ~FONIGHT,TONIGHT OPERA HOUSE. Doors open at 8 o’clock. A dollay’s worth of fun or your money back. RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT STATESVILLE DRUG STORE— ONLY 75c.° Real Estate Bargain! The house and lof and vacant lot on north Center ‘street belonging to the estate of Mrs.J.S.Leonard may be bought at a bargain price if sale ean be-closed within.the next ten days,This prop-. erty is located in the “growing”residence section of Statesvilles— just opposite the residence of Hon.W.D.Turner and near the Statesville Air Line crossing.<A fine’investment at the price I'am offering it for quick sale.House renting at $8 per month.Let me show you the property and quote ‘you price.: J.PAUL LEONARD, Administrator,Statesville,N._a » | lBIG. CHAUTAUQUA PARADE,ThursdayAfternoon,June 22, us of this. to have polite,dependab our customer, Our mottofor our ice men is: any deficiency in the service or impoliteness in the ma spare no pains to remedy the matter. Under our cash sy They will be instructed to se They contain coupons calling ice in five,ten,twenty cent pieces as h The only difference is that the drivers will positively not be allowed to put o . without payment.Ifa driver does this he will be discharged.So don’t blame the driver if he refuses you credit after June Ist.You get the saving of a collector—5Sc.on every dollar. Five per cent a month on your money if youuse as many as one book amonth.Quite a neat saving in the course of a year.Where.else will your money earn such a dividend? @ Iredell Ice and Fuel Company.SS Bell Phone 98. OFFICE AIND PLANT WEST SHARPE STREET. Frank Culbreth,Office Manager. e, 4 “We are adding more wagons to our delivery service.In charge of these wagons we shall try |honest drivers in whom we shall have the utmost confidence. We have always used every effort to maintain the highest standard of efficiency in our deliverv service—it is a hobby of ours.We shall maintain this degreeof efficiency to the best of our ability. Without the aid of the public our service cannot be the ideal we anticipate.For into every body of men rascals will slip.We may be fooled into believing these men are.alright;you, may know they are all wrong.We shall greatly appreciate your informing “The customer is always right.”Kindly report to us nner of any of our men and we shall 2 stem on June Ist,our drivers will be equipped with books of ice tickets. ll these $1.00 books for 95 cents and the $5.00 books for $4.75. for $1.00 and $5.00 worth of ice.The drivers wiil still selleretofore,collecting cash. ICE AND COAL. Earl Davis, :Ye ut any ice books PHONE 87. » Delivery Manager. THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,May 26,1916. THE DOG AND THE CHILD. How Editor Crowson Lost a Subscriber and Some Remarks on Editorial Experience. To the Editor of The Landmark: The notice of the accidental killing of.Sheriff Allison’s fine dog reminds me of my father’s experience in giv- ing notice of the death of a very fine dog,while in the newspaper business at Morganton.Col.Tate had a very fine dog to die and my father gave the dog rather a lengthy notice in his paper.In a few days after the no- tice of the deceased dog was publish- ed,a subscriber came -in-and-rather angrily requested that his paper be discontinued...My father,anxious to know what had happened to cause ——such_a_sudden discord in the mind ofhissubscriber,asked for his reason for stopping the paper.The man said, “Why,Wist Tate’s d—d old dog died last week and you give half column notice of it.My child died the same:mathe eedayand’you didn’t mention it.So’yy White in South Carolina.|please -stop-my paper.” SAMUEL T.CROWSON. Taylorsville,N.C. Of course Editor Crowson didn’t know about the child’s death and had no intention of givins the dog promi- nence over the child,but he would never have been able to make his irate subscriber believe that he had not purposely—ignored the -child’sdeath™ while mentioning the dog.In this matter Editor Crowson suffered the trouble known to all editors.The ed- itor publishes what he thinks will in- terest his readers,but of course not all of them agree with his judgment at all times.Individuals interested in _some particular thing think every- body is as interested as they are and can’t understand why the things in which they are interested are not giv- en much prominence.The editor,with his experience as a guide,must ap- portion these matters as best he can to the varied tastes of the reading public;and people who can’t under- stand why the things they want to see in the paper are not mentioned or made more prominent,must remem- *ber that there are others.The most trying experience of all,however,is the omission of things which the newspaper folks would be glad to print if they knew about them.But being.neither omniscient nor omni- present,they naturally miss some More Holidays and Pay Days. C.M.Griffith announces his candi- dacy for the Legislature in Davidson county.In his platform of about a cee in the Lexington Dispatch, the fifth plank appeals to The Land-:|‘mark.Here it is:‘ |“f have always thought and still \think that there should be one other ‘day besides Sunday as a day for rec- |reation.I shall,if elected,do all in “my power to have the Legislature de- ‘clare Wednesday of each week a uni- versal day for recreation and allow each and every man to hunt,fish or _play cards,according to the dictates ‘of his own conscience,or other valua- |ble consideration.JI am in favor imaking all days except Wednesdays ;and Sundays pay days.I am also in ‘favor of higher wages and lighter work.In fact,fellow-voters,I am for everything and anything that is conducive to ease,comfort and con- Lerything that-is lable to produce in-|digestion or colic.” |Glory to Candidate Griffith.He de-i;serves to be elected. 4{ mark from Prosperity,8S.C.,Rev.J. {Meek White,a former pastor in this county,says: “My son and daughter,Paul and Lois,graduated from Winwood last Tuesday and are now at home for the summer.Our high school here will be out this week.Commencement sermon next Sabbath.We all like our new home very much.It is near the old home of the late Rev.J.C. Boyd,when he was pastor here.I have two congregations with three preaching stations.I am_getting along very well with my work.I will be installed here on third Sabbath of ‘June (D.V.).We all wish you per- isonally and all our friends in North Carolina and’The Landmark well,and |Would like very much to see you all. |“May the blessing of God rest up- Fon the churches we served in Iredell }so long and upon all our friends in ithe county.” |Brandeis’Confirmation is |ommended. The Senate judiciary committee has recommended confirmation of the nom-lination of Louis D.Brandeis to the |Supreme Court by a strict party vote '—.&to 10—-all the Democrats voting |for confirmation’and all the Repub- \licans against it. Ree- of| 5 :Lamendment obieeted was—offered—andtentment-andagin’anything-and-ev=tenement hjected was—offered-and) In a business letter to The Land-| |lSouthern Presbyterians Mixed) |About the Sisters. |'The Southern Presbyterian Gener- ial Assembly at Orlando,Mla.,decided against women preaching and while| |complimenting the work of the sis-| \ters and encouraging them to contin-| ive in good works,also decided that: ‘the ladies could not be made deacon- lesses.Not all the delegates were. |pleased with the way the latter went ,off and about 50 met and appointed a: ‘committee to frame a protest against ‘the.defeat of an amendment which provided that women he “prohibited from’expounding the Seriptures er, ileading in prayer in the public wor-; ‘ship of the Church.”| |After the Assembly had voted ear-| ily in the week that women.should not | ‘he allowed to preach.it took up the| ‘subject of whether they should hej; ‘recognized as deacsnesses.Duriny:| |discussion of the latter feature the| carried and—later—lost-in-the-mix=up-} The Assembly decided to increase the endowment fund for ministerial} relief to $100,000 and to set aside the| ithird Sunday in Sentember of —this vear only as a special day for calling| ‘for money for this fund.It also was | agreed that youne men studying for the ministry should not be given mon-| ey outright as heretofore,but that they should be given loans from the fund.The loans are to be paid back or_in work for the! |i | either in enash | Church. A DELICATE CHILD Made Strong By Our Vinoi Fayetteville,N.C.—‘‘My little daugh.| cer was in poor health,delicate and| so weak it made us very uneasy.|. heard about Vinol and decided to try it | and the results were marvelous,her appetite improved,she gained in weight, and is now one of the healthiest children in town.Mothers of delicate childrenshouldtyVinol.’—Mrs.GORDON JBSsur. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil,a constitutional rem- edy which creates an appetite,aids di- gestion and makes pure healthy bicod. All children love to take it. W.&.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C Y | OU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,if you once tried .FOR YOURPienicLunch ——WE HAVE ——- Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Putter, Peanut Butter,Loose Sweet Pickles,BottledOlives,Apples.Oranges. Come in and see what we have. MUST PUT IN WATER Flooring, DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. Chautauqua JUNE 22-28 AND SEWER! Pursuant to order of Board of Aldermen,| |property owners in Ward No.1,whetéver cea ean be reached,must put Patent ver connections.This is a requirement that | Thi randtothebestintcrest«neik1 reeds C.CALDWI May 9. LONG-LEAF KILN DRIED Cefling, Weatherboarding, poxing,Casing and Step.Plank stay vhere they are neiled,last ind cost you less.All sizes of Rough, id Dressed Lumber. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N. Muyor lon "04 Goat \Untversity of N.Carolina. CHAPEL HILL,6.GC.| Maximum Service to the — People of the State, The Summer School fox |Teachers—June 13-July 28 JOHN| -MEANS the BEST.A Few-at the OLD PRICE.. Iredell Hardware Com’y.| il he en-4 —-— A Mattress Ales CZ AHHaveloLookUpTo liek te { wr Specia Mattress Sale. Notwithstanding the BIG ADVANCEin — A cimhs i :Pr tarsSIL se AdSNeae he N '"4( Mattresses,we are for theV!present offering them at OLD PRICES.é (Write for complete announcement). Able Faculty Complete Curriculum Moderate Rates Credit Courses’ Delightful Environment Excursion Rate Tickets,— The Summer Law School | June 15—August 25 | Regular Session Opens .| ‘September 14. Students who expect.to enter for the first time should comlete.their arrangements as early as possible. . This we will be unable to do when present |stock is exhausted.;Call early and get |choice.We have them cheapest to finest Silk Floss._ Statesville Housefurnishing Co. _#PHONE 157.4a_ Better Goods I’or,Less Money. things.A good many people never;Supporters of the naminee planned seem to realize this,but when the to ask fer action on thé recommenda- iter they expected to seg in the pa-tion by the Senate yesterday at an per is missing they instantly conclude}executive session,while the opposing that it*is.a personal matter;that the Senators planned to force,if possible,»editor has it in for them and has pur-|open sessions for the consideration af posely ignored them.The fact that’the nomination,Prolonged debate the editor may not know them by May yvesult,but Mr.Brandeis’friends ‘sight or never heard of them,makes claifn he will be confirmed before the_no difference:Their conceit leads to recesses for the national conventions,‘the belief that he did know or could)Which hegin‘on June 3. have known,and they hate him ac-|eordingly.—The Landmark.|\|Lientenant James Vincent Rockwelli=‘a civil engineer in the United States;"inavy >vac]rnin]ag avy If you are trouble mt chronic oF feos nti ae wen a Se we eeonlar‘rheumatism,give Chamberlain's Lini-|7.ensacola,Pla.wits instantlyment_a trial.The relief from pain which it}killed when a navy aeroplane he wasigaloneworthmanytimesitscost|piloting dived headforemost 150 fect: ~Obta'nable everywhere,into the gulf, It is choice enough for the finest salad dressing,as delicious as any oil you ever tasted,and so much cheaper you can use it for cooking, too.It makes a emooth,delicious mayonnaise that “stands up”well dnd pleases everybody. We've~got anything you want to make a salad—as well as Wesson Oils Miller-McLain Supply Co. REE BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 15 Get Your Junior:Season Tickets! Only 200 This Year,$Each,, Powe :ooscones nenemeconans UGH!CALOMEL MAKES You SICK!‘CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS MY WAY Just Once!Try ‘‘Dodson’sLiver Tone’”’WhenB sete epeeer Se FREE eteset tiensun ae tameeyeereomg pr THE)LAN DMARK |DEFENDS|THE BOB-TAIL.| nas ae rnsMay26,1916.Statearitie ManWill Have His|FRIDAY,>--Hair Cut-As-Pleases Him. lious,SCOTTS SCHOOL FINALS.|Correspondence of The Landmark, "REPA I R W.ORK.© ork, my personal Soe tae guaranteethateachspoonfulwillcleanyour Regarding article in =Tuesday’s'|,‘Constipated,Headachy—Don’t Lose a Day’s ,Liven up your sluggish liver!Feel |Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repairak Spectacles Li b-tailed hair’!The Commencement.and Class|Landmark,relative to bob-tailed hair fitted.Eyes examined*free.SatisfactionguaranteedRoll-~News Items.i cuts,signed by one J.-C,Ewen,right|fine and cheerful;make your work a pleasure;be vigorous and full of am- hition,But take no nasty,dangerous -gilomél because it makes yon_sickandimayloseaday's work,¢Calomel_is mercury or guiskstiver-which*-eauses.necrosis of.Calome)clashes into sour bile like dy-|htamite,breaking it up.That’s whenyoufeelthatawfulnauseaandcramping.Listen to me!If you want to en-‘joy the nicest,gentlest liver and-bow-el cleansing you ever experiendéed, just take a spoonful of harmlessDodson's Liver Tone tonight.Yourdruggistordealersellsyoua50-cent bottle of Docan's Liver Tong:under! i SUCH A the.bones, Rockers, Couch Hammocks,Porch 9 Shades,Ice Cream Freezcrs, ‘sluggish liver better than a dose ofnastycalomelandthatitwon’t make you sick.Dodson’s Liver Tone is real livermedicine.You'll know it next morn- ing because you will wake up feeling-fine your liver will be working; eadache and dizziness ‘gone;~stom-ach will be sweet and bowels.regu- lar,Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely vegetable,therefore harmless and cannot-salivate.Give it to your chil- dren.»Millions of people are usingDodson’s Liver Tone instead of dan- gerous calomel now.Your druggistwilltellyouthatthesale“of calomelisalmoststoppedentirelyhore. Sorrespondence of The Landma: Scott’s,May 23 —The commence-| ment of Scott’s State High School,taught by Prof.J.F.Mitchell,Miss-|es Mahel Sides,Laura Bradford and) Clara Andrews,was.well attended.| Rev.Mr.Albright of Stony,Point‘opened-the-exereises-with-prayer.and |é introduced the speaker,’Mr.John Scott,Jr.,of “Statesville,who made | an able.and instructive address.The| morning exercises consisted of song, “Spring-time,”a class poem by Miss Katherine Morrison,oration by Mr. Dwight Feimster,.a declamation, “The Traitor,”by.Mr.John E,Ruf-ty.The afternoon was.taken up_bytheintermediateandprimarygrades, which rendered some good seléctions. The evening programme,which con- "eS sisted of song's,plays and drills,was eles Pearl EF|Messrs. Bi by all.Ela success in every way. well rendered and thor oughly enjoyed In short,the exercises were The graduates this year were Miss- and Katherine Morrison, John Rufty,Dwight Meim-ster,Staley Mason,Ernest.Hunter, 3 Rolph Harris and Maurice Feimster. It is not known whether Prof. Mitchell and his co-workers will re- BE jiurn next year or not.F|From 2 to 4 o'clock theElwereopenfortheinspection of the exhibits of the various grades. rooms Misses Lois Young and Blanche Kyles visited Miss Katherine Morri- son during commencement.Mrs. al Ada MeNeely spent several days with Miss Cora Rufty,who is ,.home from Washington.Messrs.Roy Browning g{Washineton fora and Fred,Bailgy are at home:from few weeks.Mr. |Harlee Morrison is at home for a few g days previous to his graduation, Settees,Swings, Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies. Anything in summer goods.Phone your wants .to_us,and our manwill be there with the goods in a few minutes. Is Our Motto. :Williams Furniture House Inc. Quick Delivery cae "avorite Store. Merchants &Farmers’ BANK E ||F|a)not \ | :The Debate at By eve ning, Mr.Reece Ervin of this plate is ill much improvement can be 2 {seen in his condition. Miss Faura Bradford spent from Friday till Monday with Miss Kath-. ‘rine Morrison.The teachers.and hearding their respective Smith vocs to [to snend the simmer with her moth-ler Mrs.Mooreier,Mrs.Moore, homes.Mrs.Mary Vanee—Satur- dey Decision Day. Yorrespondence of Tne Janamark. Statesville,R-4 —Only.a fewmembersattendedtheinteresting} meeting held at Vance Saturday eve- ;ning.20th.The speakers.for the ‘evening not being present,a little 'eenfusion was caused,but by the in- terest of.those .who were there,the dcbate was carried out with success. The subject was “Resolved,that man’s work is harder than that of a woman.”The speakers for the af- firmative were Messrs. and Bert Edison,for “the negative | |Mrs.I.H.Whiting and,Miss “fac |Little..The decision was in favor | ‘the negative. The subject me debate .Sastunday | 27th.“Resolved,that Ire-| dell county ahect abolish he ere,dit | |system.”Speakers for are Miss Mary Carter and Mr,Frank! Proffitt:for the negative,Messrs.| Gray Mason and Grier Sherrill. Members of the society,do you not realize how important it is for each of you to come to these meetings?Do ; vou not intend to take*an interest in! this work?If your answer is no, then the society must cease to £0 on. {tl wish to have mine cut students have now.fone to } Wilmiveton—Mondny “* Charlie Bost. affirmative| here I want to go on record as favor-| ling the Ewen-styled bob-tailed hair| cuts vs,the unshaved neck called feather-edge.The truth of the matter is,this.is a free |home), that SS phage country (outside of your! but there is not a day passesacertainIrishYankeedoesnot, me-about-my-—-beb-tailed—hatr: ALi eut.Te may be all right for Germa-| ny to tell us what Wwe shall do butwhenitcomestotheIrish,then I) draw the line. So far as style is concerned,the feather-edge is The Style.However. !suppose there are many like myself that prefer the old-style hair cuts in- stead.of the kind that—startsome- where down your spinal column and vradually taper off to the top of your“bean,”giving.your head a kind.ofturnipanpearance,with hair on it, I tried the feather-edge-one day, but one time was enough,the fact be- ing that the Lord did not have a fenther-edge hair cut’:in mind.when he modeled my head,or rather ears,| and cut all surplus hair from|}ilsihe hack part of my head until you vet to the summit of my empor iumofthought,and fly ears take on a most conspicuous and prominent.part of my anatomy.In other words,IT look as though it would be dangerotts for any one to say fly away. There is nothing looks better than a good hair eut with a clean-lookins, shaved neck. vessey Wilson is today honoredhegansehehasstoodoutforour free on of thought and we ‘are’going likewise.Tf Mr.Ewen wishestodo his head to assume the shape of «a! that is his business.If rounding: with a little hair to protect the roots of my ears not his hairy turnin, or shi ut Yank ce Irishma:V's The Vashti Reunion. Corresnongence of The Landmark Following isthe programme to hey rried out—at—the +eurtion—of va ers andstudents of |the old school,to be held on the schoolgroundatthatplaceJune2,1916, 10.30—Address of welcome,W.W.| 11—.Addregs,Rev.L.|Gryder; Parks prayer; G waltney.ASela accra moarraneaes with re-! SpG ;by the students;2.80—Short| speeches by the’following named for-|st ne teachers of the school: .White,D.W. een,ey YB. J.P. J.H.Hill,| Pool,J.W. Gwaltney,J. Hendren;4—Farewell Gwaliney;Song— e and Bye;henediction. ie ahove order will be mn a general way, otber things address, carried out of-interest. HOW THIS MOTHER Got Strength To Do Her Work Fair Haven,Vt.—‘‘I was so nervous and run down that I could not do my housework for my little family of three |[had doctored for nearly two years W ith- out help.One day I read about Vinol, and thanks to it,my health has been re- |stored so I am doing all my housework once more.J am tellingall my fviends shat Vinol has done for me.’ James H.Eppy.Vinol is a delicious cod liver|tonic which creates a healthy appetite, |aide Meestion and makes nure blood.iW.I. ey eweler.:RF.HENRY; aa The5 Simlts ity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System haveputamateurphotographywithioreachofeveryman,woman and child at small cost.anpeliee of all kindsia the genuine Eastman quality. KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES$1 tu $12.Kodak Jeweler,WOODWARD You, heme to just such comfort. dining room,library,porch and bed rooms,it -will.give you a pleasant evening, ahead, “shoo”—I might 7 The Traveler's Comfort----Yours at Home! Emerson Fans! Today the Electric Fan isa necessi- ty in every hotel room,eling public demands fan comfort, The trav- this.cooling fatigued from a day in the office,store on.factory,can go iis welcome relief can be yours.In refreshing tired brain and body for the day Fans with a Five-Year Registered Guarantee. HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. 516 Center St."Phone 361. that’s my business and, Vashti| AT IT, ow 1 wonder what you are, Hen-|C limbing all the hills on high, Passing all the others by. N.W.FOX, yasassecesaseueazssed 225422850340;ASSe0eSSUeESSSEREESS3ga0S2ES2SEEIEREEEBETIENTEEEITE $3 Commercial National Bank J.Hendren,| In the Sweet| but there will be! ~Capital StStock Paidiin Be r e . SS H TE ’—Mrs. na t4andiron| beat it,little ear,As jt_passed the first man cussed, Whitt the second merely fussed; But the last man said,they say,It won’t-stop,it’s'a “Chevrolet.” LOCAL AGENT,Statesville,N.C OF STATE hae N.C. $100,01000.00 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Surplus and Profits Your Banking business solicited and ai t Se e e et ee e c e n e s e r ee t ee t el oe OF STATESVILLE.every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time“andSavings Deposits remaining on deposit three monthsor longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,K.MORRISON,-2DASE=G.E.TUGHEY,- flall,Druggist,Statesville,| MORTGAGE SALE. If vou are interested,and have been| neglectful,we “are now aweSiting:| your assistance.:—Friends,after the debate is over),BY VIRTUE of the power ofsale cantuinedlina.mortrace deed executedto atSaturdayevening,27th,we are going |by em ,and vevorded-in Book 40,re give ever Vv person a chance to say |at po ter of Deeds’office of Fredell what he or she may have to say con-lesunty,the |ur ider signed will sell at publie auc tion,to the highest bidder for eash,at thecerningoursociety.We don’t want |court Necste ise TS ville.N.Ce ok = Saturday to be our last meeting,but|MONDAY,2,1916,8wewillcitherdecidefororagainsae12‘n.,the following described properly,to-— our soc jety at the next meeting.:{Wein the tract of land conveyed to Emeline { Anglin by the will of Sallie Parker,rewillsC.S.GC.office,Book No.5,4 i ;ond deseri hed more fully as adjoinings*,Crockett Parris,James ‘en Jurney“The Bank For Your Savings.” Unanimous Verdict Not Requir-| ed in All Cases.|MeInaffirmingajudgmentof$25.900| given-hy the-Virginia-courts agains ET the Chesapeake &Ohio railway in fa-7 vor of Asa P.Carnaham,fireman of |May the.road,who lost a leg in a collision | at:Doswell.Va.,in tae.the Supreme| Court of the United States held that juries of less than 49 men required| by common law may return verdicts| in Federal as well as State cases.|The railroad had appealed from the, President.Vice President. —€ashier.—-——— .Assistant Cashier.— “eee :2 ee erat ee era * LO S Pe S PS S 09 S 88 T O S C O C OP S TO O T TI T IT ee e tr e e s ti i e et t et e bb e b b e n e e e eb l e e e e e J.STACK,Assignee.The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!2= As a great many policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoid-under certain conditions named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable to-Mention some of the’causes under which the same will be rendered ;Dew vit1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to .your agent for permit.2—-Mechanics making additioris to,or extraordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.3—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—apply to your agent.4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper- ty insured other than by death.-6—Assignment-or transfer of property to another.6—Byyiny increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—The taking of other insurance without notice. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation.‘7°“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” the House of Congress by Chairman| ‘dd.1a CARLTON,Manager,+Hayeee Bey Stree eomimit-’PHONE 54.»STATESVILLE,N,C.ties LaValliers,Neck Chains. council a coal of seven ae erneneofthecabinet,'with the power to |nominate for the approval of —the President an advisory commission of|seven members especially qualified to7 aid in making a:survey of the indus- tries of the country and-to create re lations that will “render possible inLaValliers,a Gold,from $1.50 to $27.50.; We have some very neat LaValliers with small diamond at $5.50 each.We also have'eee icegescaeees the Lockets and Chains.Wealso have Néck The Pytlasocicnn Sacer Gee:ale cine] Chains from $1.00 up in 10k and from $2.50 De ea nan;up in 14k Gold.~| TEWELERS, =— {is |FOR SALE! “152 acres,7 miles east“of Stateavifle,two-story,six-room dwelling, National Council to Mobilize In- ©dustrial Resources.| Creation of a national council to mobilize the industrial resources of | the country for use in time of war is proposed in a bill approved hy President Wilson and introduced in original finding in the Carnaha AseonaneorsandethattheVesahaw barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which-is-in-— which allowed a jury of but seven ;meadow,balance in woodland,level and productive. men to pass on the evidence was-not 182 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near valid.-|schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stockInasimilarfindinginacaseorig-|hbarn-and out-buitdings,good orchard,two —branches’‘running inating in’Minnesota,the Supreme|through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in Court upheld the law of that State,|woodland enclosed in pasture.L which provides five-sixths of a jury,e Modern new six-rcom cottage with all city improvements?lot 100x may-return a verdict after the jury)200. has been out 12 hours and failed to ,Vacant-lot on Armfield street ,50x150.j ‘ reach a unanimous agreement.§185 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance in woodland,small noelies:barn and ’rood orchard._Will exchange forssmaller farm or city property. For further information call on or write w GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-~AITHER.&8 LINES ;,Roses,ERNEST G.GATTHE!4 ALS AND REAL ESTATE, Carnations,PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS.BUILDING. Violets, ,Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING WITH A :TT Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. _—eiée USE KRESANO.> Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE,| "PHONE 20.’Prescriptionist,bik j Van Lindley (0, GREENSBORO,B.6. Polk Gray Drug C0., hecal Agents time of need the immediate concen-tratién and utilization of all the in-|dustrial resources of the nation.”| which they regarded as a symbol of he alth.A red five-pointed star appears on each.pack-}age of Chamberlain's Tublets,and still ful-I|fils its an@ient mission as a symbol of ‘health.| If.you are troubled with indigestion,bilious-| ness or constipation,get a package of these}tablets from your druggist.’You wiil be suri Chautauqua This Year Bigger and Better Than Ever. saad f prised at the quick relief whish ,they afford, Obtainable,everywhere, BUILDING?C. &wor“THE|BURDEN OF THE NATIONS,”Chautauqua,June 24, DR.WILLIAM B.FORBUSH,Chautauqua,Every Day,June| i .og WATKINS. erie LL — NE WS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From “Over.the State, “The congregation of —tho--First Methodist church of Salisbury will tear down the present church building and erect one to cost.$50,000, In Durham Superior Court this “Week Thos.Falls,a negro,was found guilty of attempted criminal assault and sentenced to 15 years in the State prison.: At New Berne little Miss Mary Faulkner’s “hat blew into the Neuse river.Richard Rhodes,colored,at- tempted to rescue the hat and was drowned. Jim McCall,a negro 19 years old, was convicted in Harnett Superior Court of criminal assault and_sen- tenced to die July’15.McCall’s vic- tim.was a_6-year-old girl. A portrait of the late D.A.Tomp- kins of Charlotte has been presented to the A.and M,College.Mr,‘Tomp- board of directors of the college. Dr.James H.Macdonald of Toronto, Canada,’who.attended the commence- ment of Flora Macdonald College at Red Springs this week,gave _the trustees $10,000 to endow the chair of history.: Geo.Holland,coloréd,was found dead in the dye room of a High Point hosiery mill,where he worked.He; was holding an electric light cord when found and it is supposed he was electrocuted. The North Carolina branch of the Equal Suffrage League,of which Mrs. Charles Malcolm Pratt of Asheville is head,has directed to all of the candidates for State offices an inqui- ry concerning their views on wom- man’s suffrage.| The class that graduated at David- son College in 1876 will have a reun- ion at the college next week.The| class originally numbered 22 and 17) graduated.Twelve of the 17 are liv- ing and seven or eight are expected to—attend_the-reunion day:Durham has-been selected as the} meeting place of the 22d annual ses-| gion of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools in the Southern States.The date of meeting is No- vember 15-17.The association is) made up of 87 colleges and 43 second- ary schools.| Mr.Harry Tally of Charlotte,who} was one of the most seriously injured| in the fatal wreck at Salisbury on the the ||night of November 26,when | “football special”was smashed into| next—Wednes-+ at Incidents Gathered From All Parts of the Country. lected-as thecandidate for of the Prohibition party. Four men are known to have | ished in a fire raging in the llevels of the Yellow Jacket mine,near Virginia City,Nev. bodies have been recovered,Compa- in the mine, General Federation of Women's Clubs | |of America opened in New York Tué3- ‘day with 8,000 delegates and alter-|tating~thorough |nates present,besides approximately |question. 110,000 visitors,including the husbands| jof about a thousand delegates.| |Faulty respiration and tachycardis,| or rapid heart beat,due to excessive cigarette smoking,caused 50 per cent;the Associated Press, States |had assurances fromtheUnitedofrejectionsatsad: recruiting stationMarineCorps New.York city. ‘according to Gapt.Frank E.Evans, recruiting offlecr,\ Administration efforts to have the;nounces that the 116 members of the kins was for years a member of the Senate reconsider its refusal to con-)Texas National Guard who failed to|Gordon of Washington and New York, firm the nomination of George Rub-)present themselves for muster lee of New Hampshire,as a member | of the Federal Trade*Commission, failed by a tie vote—38 to 38. ‘Democrats and 28 Republicans voted| ‘against reconsideration,while only | five Republicans voted for the motion.| Another attempt is to be made to} vote whiskey and saloons out of| |Washington before the present ses- sion of Congress adjourns.Represen-, tative Webb of North Carolina,chair-| man of the judiciary committee,an-| nounces that he will offer a provis- ion for prohibition as a rider to the District appropriation bill. George von L.Meyer,former Sec- retary of the Navy,at the head of a} delegation of 25 men,officially noti- fied Col.Roosevelt at the latter’s| home at Oyster Bay Monday,that) the “Roosevelt Republican commit-! tee,”with membership in:30 States,| had been organized to work for his nomination for the presidency by the Republican party. Carolina,who is a_member of the, House committee on education,which| has had under consideration the bill! for censorship on moving picture| films,thinks there will be no legisla-| tion this session on the subject.““Un- less the motion picture people censor some of their films themselves,there is likely to be some legislation,”Mr. Doughton said. Lord Robert Cecil,British minister of war trade,informed the House of Commons that a_proposal had been received to permit the export from Germany to the American govern-| by Southern train No.38,has filed’ment of dyestuffs but that no answersuitin’Mecklenburg Superior Court had been given.He denied reports for $100,000 damages.{that license had been granted for the Mrs.Rebecca Bledsoe Buxton,wid-|export from Germany to the United ow of the late Judge Ralph P.Bux-|States of $5,000,000°worth of dyes ton,was found dead in bed at her’part of a shipment which might reach home near Fayetteville a few days $30,000,000.i ago.She was 80 years old and her Oswald McNeese,adjutant general death was due to apoplexy,it is of Louisiana,and A.D,Stewart,a thought.Judge Buxton was a,yprom-|New Orleans hotel man and aspirant} inent Republican and was the Repub-to the adjutant general’s office,set- lican candidate for Governor in 1880.tled a personal quarrel with their fists The Lenoir News says Mrs.D.F.! Mast of Valle Crucis,Watauga coun-| ty,went to Fayetteville a few days ago to set up and give instructions on the old hand loom.Mrs.Mast is one of the few Nofth Carolina wo- men who are pastmasters in this work.She enjoys the distinction of furnishing the Blue Room of the} White House with hand-made rugs,! gifts to President Wilson.| The Navy Bill Reported. An elaborate report explaining the $241,000,000 naval appropriation billwassubmittedtotheHouseof.Gon- gress by the naval committee.At the same time the Republican mem- bers of the committee joined in a mi- nority report,attacking the measure -as—inadequate—and—demanding that Congress provide for a navy ranking| second among the world’s fighting forces on the sea.The bill,which authorizes a build- ing programme for next year,includ- ing _five-great_battle-cruisers,-is to-be; taken up in the House next Monday or Tuesday under a special rule lim- iting debate and providing for a final vote before the end of the week.All opposition to the measure is expected to come from the Republican side,as the building programme is a compro- mise in which the so-called big and little navy Democrats agreed. A provision that may cause consid- erable discussion would empower the President atthe close of the present war to invite all:world powers to a conference for the purpose of organ- izing an international tribunal for settlement of disputes and discuss dis- armament,and would provide that if before the bill’s appropriations are contracted for competitive armaments should be rendered unnecessary,ex- penditures ineonsistent-with any en- gagements entered into might be sus- pended by presidential order.An item of.$200,000 is included for expenses incident to the proposed conference.RRR The Republican Convention. There will be fewer instructed del- egates in the Republican national convention than uninstructed del- egates.-If all instructed delegates were for one man they could nomi- nate him.They are divided amongeightcandidates: The number necessary to nominate is 493;the total number sitting in the convention is 985:Approximately 925 have been\chosen,|The list will not.be fully made up until the day before the convention meets,for onJune6WestVirginisselectsher16 Other late States are Texas and South Dakota.Instructed delegates num-ber approximately 3800. Uninstructed delegates,which willswaytheconvention,will take orders from the Republican bosses.The in- structed delegates,however,in many cases will ke prepared to leave their “favorite son”candidate and the prospective winner on the third or fourth ballot. There will be ‘a svrong undercur- rent of feeling among the delegate: in favor.of Roosevelt and Hughes Both will get a considerable number!of votes on the first ballot. fo to at Baton Rougue,La.,on the capitol lawn before an‘audience made up largely of State legislators and both!thereby proved their unfitness for the job.By agreement a capitol employe! acted as referee.Each of the princi- pals got a black eye and =cuts and bruises about the face._————— Gallinger and Rublee and Sena-| torial Courtesy. Greensboro News. George Rublee cannot serve —his ‘country because he dared .oppose a! Senator for re-election—that.is,he jeannot serve his country in a public) capacity,He served it in a private capacity when he did his best to de-; “{ane NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS|__‘Treaty Causes Delay,\ Senator Sheppard and R.D. of “Paris, If he will consent to make the race,|Farmer ‘William Jennings Bryan may bese-the AmPresident|ee Nights of i o per-|and other.commodities wanted in,Eu- Jower |rope-and.would continue to seek the gold|freedom of American trade from in- ‘we +-terference-by Great.Britain and oth-| er beinerent J Mr.Howe com A al ;Jalssaid75>-men-wereat-work|ed.that_the farmers ofthe.ted.|n-yofficials-said-7 States had lost $500,090,000 in 1914 The 18th biennial convention of the|alone.; treaty with Great Britain as necessi- of King Peter’s landless kingdom,in an interview with a representative of in|that no settlement of the war would ince the Ist of May,;be accepted ifortherestoration,of the Federal service,will be brought New York city.on,|to court martial Ten/the present law. 174 Representative DoughtonofNorth |— 1.‘The candidate in the primary mustgetamajorityvotetowin.In the event no candidate for any rticular office receives.a President Wilson yesterday ‘exas,representing..the*Union of that State,«thaticangovernmentwasdoing merican growers of cotton |ost and second highest participate. To avoid the possible trouble and expense-of a_second primary for the office of Secretary of State,Mr.J.A. -Hartnessproposed:to:theother..can-,, didates in the race-—Secretary of Clark—that all agree to allow a plu- rality to nominate-to declare the highest man the winner,as they can do under the law.Mr.Hartness con- tends that the man with the highest vote would in all probability win in the second primary. Messrs.Grimes and Clark,howev- er,do not see it that way.Capt. Clark has declined Mr.Hartness’of-. fer and Col.Grimes is expected to decline, The President referred to the peace discussion of the Prince Alexander of Serbia,regent said that-he all the —allies which did not provideSerbia.~~| Barker an- President..and.Mrs..-Wilson _were.| guests Wednesday at the wedding of| Dr.Cary T.Grayson,the White House| physician,and Miss.Alice Gertrude Secretary of War St,George’s church,The President went immediately under to New York especially for the wed- ding and left as soon as it was over.174 into jn the chapel of TELEPHONE BUNCH 174— For Chautauqua Season Ticket. 300 Pairs Tennis Oxfords, White and Black, Rubber Bottom, All Sizes,48c Preparedness Wins In Business,In Life,In War,In Peace. We’re prepared for Summer trade on a. large scale.Ours is the line of VALUES. In addition to a large assortment of every kind and grade of Dress Fabrics,Laces and Embroideries,we are showing equally BIG VALUES in our Ready-to-Wear Department. IN-OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT We are prepared to furnish footwear for the Special Values in Ladies’White Wash Skirts,all Sizes, 98c;$1.98,$2.98 :majority,there is apossibletoprotateetsecondtryout,in Ste sleet State’Grimes~-and—-Capt.-~Haywood} Pies ¢ “Oak or Mahogany Finished Bedroom Rockers,Half Price.On Sale Saturday,May 27 These Rockers are out of a Bankrupt stock,but are in perfect condition. These Rockers will be on ‘sale Saturday morning,‘May 27th, at$1.50 each.Just half the regular price. Only 12 to be sold. Crawford-Bunch Furniture.Company. ‘“‘The Store That Always Welcomes You.” Tm”PLONE 400 a" whole family from the smallest to the largest. We guarantee clean merchandise,and in- vite price comparison.Let us save you time,worry,disapointment and money. SPECIAL VALUES In our Clothing and Gents’ Department. Johnston-Belk Co. One of Thirteen Big RETAIL STORES That Sells For Less.Phone 212. Furnishings feat Gallinger.Unfortunately,he did! ‘not succeed,but someilmes they serve|4 _who fail. ‘eral Trade Commission.Nobody ques- ‘tions the fact that he is able,honest| ‘and efficient.Nobody questions the| ‘fact that he is just the sort of mantomakeagoodFederaltrade_com-, ‘missioner.Nobody questions the fact ithat the eountry-needs—good—men-—on: ;the Federal Trade Commission.But 'Rublee fought Gallinger,so —Galling-4| ‘er has decreed that Rublee shall not. have the job,nor shall the @ountry have Rublee for a publi¢servant;and’ \by that species of moral treason that ‘masks under the name of “Senatorial courtesy,”Gallinger has been able te make his decree effective.In the opin- ion of the Senate,in other words,it.i: more important thrt the power of Senators to kill.and make alive,polit- ically,in their severat States be pre- ‘served,than it is that the nation be ‘served by competent men. ,The Senate is a great assemblage and.a Senator is a powerful individ- ual,Nevertheless,the Senate is not ‘the United States of America.It i: well for it to remember its own dig- nity;but it is better for it to remem- ber how indistinct is tne line that sep- arates dignity and arrogance,Gal- linger has.succeeded in making Rub- lee famous and himself,if not infa- imous,at least notorious.There are ather Senators who might do well,be- fore they decide to inflict chastise- ment,to make sure that the object of their wrath.is really within’theirower. |Aeroplane Mail Route For North Carolina.\ Congressman Britt of the tenth dis- ;trict has made application to Post- ,master General Burleson for the es- _tablishment of an experimental aero- plane mail delivery service.between Asheville and Chimney Rock,a well- ‘populated mountain resort,about 20 miles by road from Asheville.Aero- plane mail service is provided for in |the postoffice \appropriation bill re- cently passed. |Mr.Britt says the delivery of mail\to Chimney Rock,20 miles distant|from Asheville,now takes more than|half a day,because of the mountain-;ous route,but that delivery could be||made by aeroplane’in 15 minutes.He|,|therefore believes this an ideal point ||for trying out the service,| |i.Mr.and Mrs,B.F.Swann,who vis-|j ited relatives here,left yesterday for:\i \ BUILDING?CC.WATKINS. Rublee-was nominated for the Fed-: ST T I I V I T II T PE P I T T I I I I I I I Te e 8 15 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 bSa o SS SL O OSE S WI F I L I y . iredellCounty The campaign for securing subscriptions for stock was postponed until Tuesday and Wednesday,May 30th and 31st,on account of the rain on the 23d. Fait ye 7 ASA = and Binders! McCormick Mowers stand at the head of the list as grass cutters, and McCormick Binders have no equal in the wheat field.Our prices on these machines this year are reasonable and terms liberal. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. NE Committees will be sent from States- ville May 80th and 3ist_to each town- ship to work with the township com- mittees in securing subscriptions for stock inthe IREDELL FAIR:ASSOCI-ATION. Statesville merchants and business men are eager to assist the farmers in se- curing funds to finance the fair. ———This Space Contriputed By ——— ;’The People’s RCRORCHCHCRCROROROR CECRORCEOHOS their home at Hartford,South Dakota, |Illinois to visit before returning Z| BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS:OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail,listablished in 1880,Incorporated 1909. ‘Office 294 Vy af "“BKRS,|PHONRS:Residence 423 GEO.t toe HUNT BROTHERS, STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING. Plumbing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES FURNISHED.- ci ee ee 198c.WashSkirt Sale 98c. We put on sale today a shipment.of $1.25 values in white P.K.Gaberdine,Poplin and Awning Stripe Linen Skirts for Saturday and Monday,for 98 cents each.Do not miss this Skirt Sale!‘ SAMPLE LOT Of Wash Dresses for women and children.Boys’ Blouse Suits,all sizes.Good styles and fast colors. Priced one-third less than same are regutarty~sotd for, which would be le&s than cost of material and making. ALL;SLIPPERS -AND-PUMPS PRICED ESPECIAL-LY FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY! Barefoot Sandals and Scout Shoes for tired feet,for men,women-and.ehildren. Very.Respectfully,® J.M.McKee &Company. Lo s o s s s s s i t s Ce s e s e c e s c c c c c e c e s e c o s o o s e t e r e o r e s e s e s es t oe se e se es e e te s t ee e ee se e ee t e ee e e es s e s si s t a se s e s e s e e e e e e e e ee \ pecial Soap Sale! “In the Good Old Summer Time,”plenty of water and pure Soap adds luxury to your living. A CLEAN SKIN MEANS A CLEAN ‘BILL OF HEALTH!No- thing so adequately protects your skin against the irritating,wor- risome effects of the heat as soothing,sanitary Soap and water. fn our fine selection of pure,medicinal Soaps you'll find the BEST, and they'll afford you unlimited Summer gomfort. ASK ABOUT OUR “SPECIAL SALE”! POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the on OS E S EE O EE O OR O Ie SO Square.” “RRCRCRCROAOARECHONCEOFCICEROOPO BUNCH AT THE BANK _ Will Hold:Your Ticket’For You,His Telephone is 174, POOROORAD ° ‘the Sanatorium.with him, neers no “VOL,XE: DEATH BY HIS OWN HAND. Sick and Discouraged,a Strang- erin,a Strange Land,Geo. /Mavrikis Shot|Himself to Death. George Mavrikis,a Greek,commit- ted suicide in the’Greek cafe:at thedepotabout9o’clock Saturday morn-ing by shooting himself.In a fewminutesafterhehadfiredtheshothewasfoundonthefloorandrushed to the Sanatorium,where he died Sat- urday evening at 8 o'clock. Mavrikis used a 22-calibre riffe and it made so little noise that even’those nearby did not hear it.and were not aware that anything had happened. A customer walked into the restau- rant and saw Mavrikis struggling on the floor.The customer called some of the other Greeks and they placed him in an automobile and hurried to The ball entered under the chin,passed through the tongue,roof of the mouth and lodged in the brain. En route to the Sanatorium Mavri- kis told those with him that he was tired of living and had tried to kill himself.His act is attributed to ill health and worry over it. Mavrikis was attending schoel in Greece but-had to give up his studies on account of failing health.About four years ago he came to Savannah, Ga.,and ran a bar there until three weeks ago,when he came to States- ville.He was a cousin of Chas.Bi- kas by marriage and spent his three weeks while here,at Bikas’restau-rant and hotel.~He was 23 years old and has two brothers in Savannah. The remains were taken from the Sanatorium to the undertaking rooms of the Crawford -Bunch Furniture Co.,where they remained until yes- terday afternoon at 3 o’clock,when the funeral services were held in the Lutheran church,conducted by Rev. W.A.Lutz.Interment was in Oak- wood cemetery. A brother,James Mavrikis of Sa- vannah,Ga.,was here for the funer- al and interment. Only,One Ground Fer Divorce Recognized. The General Conference:of Northern Methodist Church has de- cided that a minister of that faith who Officiates at the marriage of a di-vorced person in violation of.the rules of the Church is-guilty of-an vet of mal-administration.and may he-compelled to answer charges be- fore his Conference.The Church has always recognized only one ground for divorce and has permitted remar- riage only of the innocent party,but no penalty has attached to ministers who officiated at the marriage of per- sons divorced on grounds other than those recognized by the Church. Hereafter ministers may be called to account for that. the Independentstto Work For Wil- son’s Re-election. Twenty-six of the nation’s foremost men,including capitalists,philan- thropists,publicists and leaders in in- dependent thought,announce—that they —will —launch-_an__independent movement for the re-election of Pres- ident Wilson. The initiative has been taken by a group -of men who exercise a great -dealof influcnce-in-public affairs,who are leaders of independent sentiment rather than thick-and-thin adherents of any party. James J.Hill Dead. James J.Hill,widely known as~a railroad man and capitalist,died yes- terday-morning at 9.30 at his:home at St.Paul,Minn.He had been critical- ly ill for several days: Mr.Hil!waas born in~Ontario, Canada,in 1838 and was the son of an Irish-Canadian farmer.He came to the United States in carly life and by energy and indus‘try worked his way to the front in the railroad world. Homicide at Granite Falls. Jim Hilton was killed Sunday at the home of his brother-in-law,©Ed, Shell,at Granite Falls.Hilton charg- ed Shell with taking a half gallon of liquor belonging to him.We entered Shell’s home and attacked:the latter with a knife and a stick,the report to the Hickory Record says,and Shell shot Tilton dead with a shot gun.Shell surrendered and is in jail at Lenoir. To Eulogize Jefferson Davis in Congress. Addresses in eulogy of Jefferson Davis will be made in’the House of Congress next Saturday by Repre- sentatives Aswell of Louisiana,and Kincheloe of Kentucky,on the occa-sion of the hirthday anniversary ofthePresidentof-the Confederacy. Consent to make.the addresses was obtained yesterday. River and Harbor Bill Passed. After a persistent fight lasting for three weeks,tle Senate yesterdaypassedtheriversandharborsappro; priation bill,carrying approximately $43,000,000,by a vote of 35 to 82. -~-Mr.Fred.'H.Deaton of States- ville is a member of the graduatingclassattheUniversity.He finished the course.at Christmas and has sincethenbeenwiththeCarolinaMotor Co.at Newton.This week he returnedtotheUniversityto.receive hisdiploma,° —There.will be aa meeting of the Au Fy °&A.M,tonight.Degree work. The State Christian.Endeavor Gon-verition meets in Charlotte Friday, sagainst STATESVILLE,N.Cc,TUEISDAY,MAY :cs PRESIDENT TALKS ©PEACE, He Announces a Peace Creed, Not a Programme. Speaking before a meeting of the League to Enforce Peace,in Washing- ton Saturday night,President Wilson declared that the United States was ready to join in any feasible associa- tion of nations to preserve the peace of.the world against “political ambi- tion and selfish hostility”.and in ser- vice of “a common order,a common justice and a common peace.”He ex- pressed the hope that the terms of peace which end,the war would in- clude such an arrangement. Outlining suggestions for peace, which the President said he hoped the United States would make if it had opportunity to do so,he included.pro- vision for absolute freedom of the seas,a contention which has been the keystone.of all the diplomatic discus-|¢ sion with Germany and Great Brit- ain,and virtual guarantees of terri- torial integrity and political independ- ence. “T am sure,”said the President, “that the people of the United States would wish ‘their government to move along these lines: “Kirst,such a settlement with:re- gard to their ewn immediate inter- ests as the belligerents may agree up- on.We have nothing material of any kind to ask for.ourselves,and are quite aware that we are in’no senseordegréeparties’to the present quarrel.Our interest is only in peace and its future guarantees. “Second,an universal association of the nations to maintain the invio- late security of the highway of the seas for the common and unhindered use of all the nations of the world, and to prevent any war begun either contrary to treaty covenants or with- out warning and full submission *‘of the causes to the opinion of the world —a virtual guarantee of territorial integrity-and political independence.” _The ‘fundamentals of a lasting peace,President Wilson said he be- lieved,were: “First,that every people has a right to choose the sovereignty under which they shall live.Like other na- tions,”the President said,“we have ourselves no doubt once and again of- fended against that principle when for alittle while controlled by —selfish nassion,as our franker historians have been honorable enough to ad- mit;but-it has become more and more our rule of life and action. “Second,that the small Statés of the world have a right to enjoy the same respect for their sovereignty and for their territorial integrity that great and powerful nations ex- pect and insist upon. “And third.that the world has a right to be free from every disturb- ance of its peace that has its origin in aggression and disregard of —the rights of peoples and nations.” The outstanding lesson of the world war.the President said,had been that the peace of the world must henceforth depend unon “a new and more wholesome :diplomacy.” “If this war has accomplished no- thine else for the benefit of the world.”he said,“it has at least dis- closed a great moral necessity and set forward the thinking of the states- men of the world by a whole ace.Re-| peated utterances of the ~leading statesmen of most of the great na- tions now engaged in war have made it plain that their thought has come to this—that the principle of public right must henceforth take —prece- dence over the individual interests of varticular nations,and that the na- tions of the world must in some wav hand themselves together to see that that right prevails_as —against any sort of selfish aygression:that hence- forth alliance -must not be set up alliance,understanding against understanding,but that there must be 2 common agreement for a common object,and that at the heart of that common object must lie the inviolable rights of _peoples and of mankind.” “So sincerely do we believe in these thines.””said the President in conclus- ion,“that I am sure that I speak the mind and wish of the peovle of Amer- ien when IT say that the United States is-willinge to become a partner in any feasihle association of nations.form- ed in order to realize these obierts and make them secure against viola- tior:” The President fold his hearers he had not come to discuss a programme hut only to avow-a ereed-and give ex= pression to the confidence the worla was approaching a day»when some common foree would be created for “the service of a common order,a common justice and a common peace.’ Mr.French Moves —Ciub—to Have Gymnasium. Mr.G.EK.French—the French To- hacco Co,and the Piedmont Red Ce- dar Chest Co.—will this week move cguarters from the Morrison building to the Patterson building.Thé rooms now occupied by Mr.French will be occupied by the Commercial club about July 1.The rooms will be goneoverandchangedtosuit,the club. The club has decided to add a gym- nasium to its present equipment.It will take over the equipment of the Statesville Athletic Association and the latter’s membetship will be trans« ferred to the Commercial club,Thegymnasiumfeatureoftheclubwillbe open’to youths certain afternoons in the week and they will be given in- struction in athletics, —Plans~are being,worked out for a building on the town’s lot near ‘the old cemetery,for storing and takingcareofthetown’s tools and machin-ery. FOUR GOTOSTATE PRISON. White Man andThree Negroes tscape Death —Burgin,the White Man,Under Indictment in Iredell. C.B.Burgin,white,Lester,Horne,John Adams and Fred,Wolfe,color- ed,were convicted of second degreemurderinStanlycountySuperior Court.last week...The...white manwasgiventhelimit—30 years—and the negroes25 years each.The men were convicted of themurderofC.B.Cantrell of Winston-Salem.Burgin formerly lived in Winston-Salem and at the time of the murder was at Baden,Stanly county. Cantrell went to Baden to collect an account of $10 which Burgin owed the firm -of which Cantrell was.a member.While Cantrell was-look- ing for Burgin at Baden he was at- tacked by negroes,beaten «pnd rob-bed,and died soon efterward from his injuries. The evidence at the trial showedthatCantrellknewBurgin-was'Idok- ing for him and that.he hired the ne- rroes to waylay him and attack him. They -were to beat and rob‘him and throw his body in the river.“They carried out the contract except-as—to throwing the body in the river.One of the negroes begged that.this benotdone.Cantrell was able to go home but died soon afterward. Feeling was strong ,against the men and the Governur ordered a spe- cial term of court at which they were tried.~The jury’s verdict was a sur- prise,-as-first degree murder -was-ex- pected;and it is evident that justice was cheated when Burgin at least es- caned the death penalty. Burgin was employed by the com- pany that.constructed the Southern Power Co.dam on the’Catawba. While located there he assaulted with a pistol Richard Benfield.The assault was committed April 1,1915.Burgin was hound to court by a magistrate of Shiloh township but was neverbroughttotrialinSuperiorCourt.It is understoed that his bondsman was also a man connected with the con- struction company and.that the de- faulted bond was never collected. Case of Local Interest. Following is the digest of a Su- preme Court decision of local inter- est:“Beck vs.Live Stock Co..and Bass is an action to recover the value ofa] mule.‘It appears that plaintiff scent the mule.to theLive Stock Company for an operation and that Bass was called in and in plaecing.the mule in the stock for the oneration,it was in- jured and died.The Live Stock Co. contended that Bass was not their agent and was a competent veterina- rian and they received nothing for their services.Judgment for $100, “Justice Brown states that there was error in not)submitting an ap- propriate issue to the jury as to whether Bass was the agent of the Live Stock Co.As to Bass,he states. tthere is evidence of negligence and it is immaterial whether the negligence was due to Bass or his employe. Judgement as to Bass.No error.New trial.as to Live Stock Co.” This is the Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.and Dr.R.A.Bass,veteri- narian,of Statesville.In.this case the Henkel-Craig Co.say that Mr. Jeff.Beck of Hickory sent them _a mule and asked that they —have_it treated.as a matter of accommoda- tion.They had no interest in thematterbuttookthe:mule and turned it over,to Bass for treatment,as.a fa- vor to Beck.The mule was injured and died,suit was brought.and judg- ment for $100 was given -against Bass and the-company jointly.The court affirms the ..judgment as to Bass,but gives a new trial for the company. Mr.Sherrill President Miller's Association. At the meeting of the North Caro- lina Millers’Association in Greens- boro last week,Mr.F.A.Sherrill, secretary and treasurer of the States- ville Flour Mills Co.,was elected president,W.A.Speed of Durham first vice president,W.A,Watson of Greensboro.second vice president and A.B.Horney of High Point scereta- ry and treasurer. It was decided,says.the GreensboroNews,“to hold the next gathering of the association in Raleigh during thefirst10daysofthemeetingofth Legislature.which convenes the firstofnextJanuary.Fifty representa- tive millers were selected by the del egates to attend the gatheri Raleigh and to do a bit of lobbying favor of better laws for the millers According to several of the most prominent makers of the chicf ingre- dient of the staff of life,these laws are badly needed,and the 50 dele- rates with urge-upon the members of the Legislature the importance ofpassinglegislativeactsthatwill work for the benefit of the members of the State MiNers’Association.” Bank Officers Acquitted. Charles C.Glover,president a ee Riggs National hank of Washiny W.J.Flather,vice president,a iL H.Flather,former cashier,were ac- auitted of the charge of perjury 79 Washington Saturday.The government —had,contended that when in the celebrated!case of the bank against Secretary of theTreasuryMcAdooand‘Comptgpller Williams,the three officials signed an affidavit that the bank never engag- ed in stock .transaetions,they had perjured themselves.The |defense held that the stock transactions inquestionwereexecutedbytheofficers in their personal capacities and did notinvolvethebank, A RECORD OF THE DEATHS. Mrs.Creedmore,ore,Miss and Others:Who Have swered the Last Call. Coite Mauney,14-months-old son of Mr,and Mrs.Jas.Mauney,diedSaturdayathishomeinsouthStates- ville.Interment was Sunday in Oak- wood cemetery.:Mrs..-Sarah..Creédmore,..wife of the late Caleb Creedmore,aged 75 years,died Friday night at the home of her daughter,Mrs,.Martin Elliott,in Bloomfield.-She is survived by her daughter,Mrs,Elliott,and one son,Mr.W.P.Greedmore.The intérment was Sunday at.11 o'clock at)Hebron church,Olin.township. Miss Ruth Canter,aged 60 to 70 years,died Sunday at the home of her brother,Mr.R.F.Canter,in Cool Spring township.The interment was yesterday afternoon at Damascus church,Sharpesburg township.De- ceased was native of Wilkes county but had lived with her brother,her only close relative,for 12 or 15 years. Mrs.Ea Turner Bell,wife of Mr. Ula Bell,died May 20th at her.home in Wolfe City,Texas,after a ‘pro- tracted illness.The interment wis at Gainesville,Texas.Deceased was horn in Iredell county,a daughter of the late Benjamin Turner.She leaves a husband,two sisters,two brothers and mother in’Texas and a sister, Mrs.Frank Gaither,at Harmony.Mrs.H.Burke of Statesville is a half- sister, Canter An- Mr.Monroe Vols,whose death at the Sanatorium Thursday night waasS briefly mentioned in)The Landmark Friday,lived -at--Prespect —church, near Mooresville,on the Iredell-Row- an line.‘He is survived by his sec- ond wife and four children—Mrs.J. H.Walters of Prospect,Mr.C.‘V. Voils of Mooresville,Mr.C.E.Voils of Lexington and a son who lives at Glenwood Springs,Col.Mr..Voils lived for many years in Cabarrus county and the interment was at Bethpage church Saturday morning. Mr.Voils was advised that an oper- ation would probably prove fatal,on account of his advanced age—84 vears.fis suffering was so severe, however,that he asked that the op- eration be performed,as under the circumstances he preferred to chances. SOME ACCIDENTAL HURTS, None Very:Serious—Mule Ran Twice. Mrs.C,B.Freeze fell Friday at her home on the Boulevard and her knee was badly hurt,the ligaments being torn:She.was carrying a bucket of water and fell on the steps. Dr.Coite Sherrill dressed the .wound. Mr.J.Will Mills and little son, Haskell,were slightly bruised Satur- day morning as a result of a runa- way.Mr.Mills drives the garbage wagon.which is.pulled by a mule. Haskell sits in the seat while Mr. Mills throws in the trash.Saturday morning they were in front of Miller-MeLain’s when the .mule became frightened and started to run.Mr. Mills,who was on the ground,swung to the lines until the mule turned in- to Landmark Place and threw him loose.Mr.Mills then called to his boy to crawl out the rear end of the wagon.The boy.did_but_fell_in_get- tinge out and was slightly bruised,as was Mr.Mills when he was thrown down.The mule stopped before .,ithadgonemuchfartherandnodam- age resulted to team. Recovering his team,Mr,Mills started to loading again year the souare and-had—just emptied one can when the mule decided to run some more.This time he ran as far as Mr.H.R.Cowles’,where he was-stop- ped without damave to mule or wagron. Dwight Caldwell,16-year-old son of Mr.L.H.Caldwell,suffered a se- vere fracture of both bones of his leftowrist Friday evening on the Bou- levard.He was riding on the run- ning hoard of an automobile and jumped off while it was making -—aturn,with above result. Town Clock Now Keeps Correct Time. Mr.©,J.Jones of the Western Un- ion telegraph office points with pride te the facet that fer 30-days the town clock has kept the correct time. The town ¢lock’s record for correct time hasn't been-—eoed through —the years.Usually the time was incor- rect,fo the annoyance of the public, for on account of its conspicuousness the clock was a sort of standard far everybody.Mr.Jones maintains that all the town clock needed was Prompt and regular attention—to be wound at the same minute of —the same hour and to be otherwise look- ed after as its importance warranted. For the past month Mr.Jones has su- pervised—the clock and the result isthatitkeepscorrect.time.When the time is flashed from)Washington to the regulator in the Western Union office,the town clock is right there with the goods. Davidson Commencement. Davidson College commencement is in progress this week.Tomorrow is commencement day proper and Hon. John Barrett,director-general of ‘the Pan-American Union,will deliver theaddress. ees Sunday by Dr.M.E.Sentelle of the college fae- ulty;Uaeshs to the Y.M.C.A.Sun-day evening by Dr.A.D.McClure of Wilmington,Alumni address —lastnightbyW.F.Carter of Mt.Airy. Today the senior orations,announce-ment of distifctions,prizes,etc. ‘barge was being loaded,at Morehead noir county chain gang,was convict- take : 30,1916. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State. At Kinston Margaret Partello was acquitted of the murder of Harry Stein,a young business:man, Robt.L.Black of Cameron,Moore county,attempted to board a moving freight train and got both legs cut off. The-board:-of--trustees.-of--St.Ma-| ry’s School,Raleigh,will endeavor | to raise $250,000 for endowment andtopaydebts. Commencement.is ‘in —progress .at the State University.Secretary of the Treasury.McAdoo will deliver the address tomorrow. A stone fell-from a derrick while a City,killing John Wallace Willis andbadlyinjuringD,W.Armstrong. William Whichard is dead of a gun- shot wound inflicted during a row at Greenville a few days ago,domestic affairs being the cause.Epps Stoks is in jail,charged with the shooting. Th dead body of William N.Jones of Company K,engineer's corps of the United States army,reached Durham Thursday from the Philippines.It had been on the way since April Ist. Stewart’s Creek township,Surry county,has»voted $25,000 .of bonds for road building—making 11 of the 14 townships of Surry that have vot-ed bonds for a similar purpose. E.W.Mincher,a boss on the Le- ed in Lenoir Superior Court of whip-ping a convict and sentenced byJudgeBondto12.months in jail. Case appealed. G.D.Simmons,a farmer and saw mill man of ‘the vicinity of Cliffside, Rutherford county,was killed Friday when a train struck his automobile at a crossing at Cliffside.Mr.Simmons was about 50 years old and is,surviv- ed by a family. Col.J.Bryan Grimes has _joined Capt.Haywood Clark in declining Mr.J.A.Hartness’proposition to al- low the candidate receiving the high- est vote in the primary to be declar-ed the nominee for Secretary.of State., An unknown negro was found dead in the street in Greensboro Saturday night just after a street car had pass- ed.It is supposed he was killed by the car,although he was not seen byjthemotormannorwastheimpact:of ‘his body felt against the car. An assistant railroad section fore- man named Blackman was killed Sat- urday near Hope Mills,Cumberland county.In getting out of the way of a freight train he stepped on another track and was killed by a train com-ing from the opposite‘direction. At the session of the Federal court in Wilkesboro Friday morning a meeting of-the-Wilkes-bar was _held and resolutions passed in honor of the late W.W.Barber.Remarks eulo- gistic of Mr.Barber were made by District Attorney Hammer,Assistant District Attorney Hoey,Judge Boyd and others. While bathing in Pungo~river, Beaufort county,Rev.C.C.Kelsey, an Episcopal minister,got beyond his depth and was about to drown when Miss Elsie Swindell went to his aid. She,too,was’overcome and Miss -Blanche—Wescott—went:inand_saved. both:—The—minister-was—sinking the third time when rescued./ By agreement of attorneys,Miss- es Willie Adcock,Florence Eakes and Lillie May Devereaux,Durham girls—injured_by_an_automobile oper- ated by Dr.H,F.Wilson-of Durham and Chatham counties,.January 28,are tobe paid $600.~Criminal action against the physician has been sus- pended on payment of costs.: President Martin of Davidson Col- lege announces that the $75,000 which the college had to raise to obtain the Generalproffered$25,000 from the Education Board,has been secured, making a total addition -to the —col- lege of $100000.Of this amount $75,000 will go to the endowment fund and $25,600 will be used to build and equip a new gymnasium. Rev.Luther—McKinnon,D._D.,in the active years of his life-a leading minister of the Presbyterian Church died at his home at Clinton Sunday morning,aged 76,He had been an in- valid for nearly 30 years,-suffering from rheumatism.He held important pastorates in this State and was ‘for «w-short-time—-president.of Davidson College,resigning that position on ac- count of ill health.: In Gaston Superior Court last week Isanc Burton was sentenced to 10 years in State prison for killing a 16- year-old boy named Hardin at Besse- mer City May 10.Case appealed. Burton kept a shoeshop at Bessemer, in which he slept.Boys had a hab- it of going to his place after.night and knocking on his door,to annoy him.On the night in question Bur- ton opened his door and fired,killing Hardin.;\ Geo.A.Murray,Vice piesident of the Citizens’National Bank of Ashe- ville and a prominent lumberman, died Thuxsday night m a hospital in Baltimore,where he was undergoing treatment.He was 60 years old and a native of Charleston,8.C,Remains buried at Rogersville,Tenn. Prof.Chas.M.Staley,for nine years superintendent of the Hickory public schools,has been’elected su-perintendent of the Mt..Airy schools. —Frank Poe,colored,wawas brought here from Mooresville Friday «-to serve six months on the gang,the sentence having been imposed by therecorderofMooresville.for.assault BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —Judge Frank Carter will hold - the next term of Iredell ‘SuperiorCourt,which is due to begin July 31. -~{Today-and-tomorrow is.the cane.* vass for the county fair..Give~thefair.a boost—a substantial subscrip- tion. —/Mr.A.A.Turner has opened abowlingalleyonwestBroad’street,fri the room adjoining’the’Statesville’ Grocery Company. -—Mrs.C.A,Hamner of “Asheville has joined Mr.Hamner here and they»will keep house at Mr.J.R.Latham’s on:east Broad street. —Iee cream will be sold a night at the residence of MrCombs,near Stony Point.Music by.string band and public invited.* —A°fair-sized audience attendedthepresentationbythelocalmin-strels at the opera house Friday night and the entertainment is high- ly praised. —The Civic League will have animportantmeeting,this afternoon at =4 o’clock,at the club room’on Wal nut street.All members are request- ed to be present. —Frank Bridgers,a colored boy,was given'a thrashing Saturday,inlieuofcourtaction,by,‘his_mother,for stealing some money at the home:of Mr.J.E.Sloop. —Mr.W.F.Hair suffered a slight attack of vertigo at the depot yester-.day morning and was taken to.theSanatorium.He was able to go home.yesterday afternoon. —Mrs.Fannie Dowd”has ‘let.thecontractforabungalowtobebuiltonthevacantlotadjoiningtheresidenceofMrs.N.R.Tunstall,on Bellystreet,The building is expectedtobecompletedbySeptember1. —Mr.Cameron McRae Coble,ephe:ew of Judge Coble,will on June2d bérraduatedfrom'the high.school of Greenville,S.C.,where he has heen living since his mother's tmarriage to Mr.J.K.Smith of that city.pet —-Mr,and Mrs.J.H.Gray,Messrs.Eccles and John Henry Gray,Mr.Isi-dore Wallace,Mrs...Fred.-Bradley,Miss Jesse Massey and Miss Marga-ret Willis have returned from acamp-out at Buck Creek,McDowell county.—Messrs.J,S.and Owen.LeonardwenttoLagineyn,Saturday to visitrelatives.Mr.J.8.Leonard will.+turn home today.Mr.Owen Leona‘left Lexington yesterday for Lancas-ter,Pa.,where he will work for a music house. —Mr.D.L,Boyd of Waynesville,who is a candidate in the Democraticprimaryforcorporationcommission er and is conducting an_active cam-paign,was in Statesville Fridayintheinterestofhiscandidacy.Hehasa_statement in The Landmnere: today.a ear —-Expense accounts of candidatesnotheretoforepublishedareasfol- laws:W.C.Wooten,treasurer,‘$47.-10;D.W.Lowrance,member board’ of *education;$6.85;J.A.Brown and V.CG.Montgomery.county commis- sioners,$1 each;F.B.Gaither,memberboardofeducation,$5. —Melvin Summers,colored;was ‘at the Sanatorium Sunday to have somepistolshotwoundsdressed.He’hadanaffraywithanothernegro.Satur-day night in the Williamsburg“sectionandtheotherfellow’shot him twice,once through the left forearmandagainthroughtheright:hand, —Mr,J.D..McNeill of Fayette-ville,president of the State Firemen’sAssociation,was here this:week ‘in-the interest of the meeting of the as-sociation to be held in Raleigh nextmonth.Mr.MeNeill is ~advocatingcertainreformsthatwillmeanmoreéfficientserviceandcheaperinsut- ance.¥ ~—jA very.fine five-year-old Per-cheron mare of Mr.J.C.Crawford of Bethany township died Friday after-noon from lock-jaw.The mare had received a scratch some.days.before hut it was not considered serious.atthetime.This isthe’second finehorseMr.Crawford has lost by deathinthepastthreeyears. —Mr.W.If.Hartsell of Troutman,who was for a time in charge of road construction work in Tredell,has beenemployedtotakechargeoftheup- keep of the turnpike road“from Le-noir to Blowing Rock.Mr.-Hartsell is an experiénced toad man and the many autoists who will traverse -theBlowingRockturnpikethissummer will be glad to know that a practical‘and experienced road man_will be in charge of that line. Would Improve Station Prem-, ises, Miss Rode of Washington,who hastodowiththe.improvements of thestationpremisesoftheSouthernrail-way,was here Friday and met witha4committeeoftheCivicLeagueand talked over improvements at the sta- tion here.Miss Rode gave,assurance thatsomethingwouldbedonerightaway,\ with a_little co-operation from —'the city.It is proposed to make a parkofthespacebetweenthetracksofthéAtlantic,Tenihessee &Ohio road and \‘the Western road.This will.be setinflowersandshrubbery.\The spacebetweenthetrackandtheMcElweepropertywillhefilledin,top-soiledandsetinflowers.Railings will ‘beputaroundtheyards,The part’that the city is asked’todoistofurnishteamsto‘help in grading and’filling in.It is understoodthatthecitywillgladlydothis, Mr.andMra.|Small arm childid.of. } with a deadly weapon,Charleston;S.G.,are visiting Mra,Small’s sister,Mrs.A,P,Steele,|el =Methodist ‘General.Conference “riers at Saratoga Springs,N. by a vote of 485 to $60,refused remove from the discipline of the urch the clause _which provides e penalty of expulsion for Church cavers.who.play.cards,dance and A sub-committee recommended-that--the-clause be ” attend theaters. will have a mighty hard time are elected _to office,And’if the pledges hold good,Burke is oy to. elect--some.mighty sober folks.this year and the oil of joy is going to be swatted for fair, Linney and Butler and Primary. A few days.ago Chairman Linney, of the Republican State committee; gave out a statement to,the effect that the committee had“thought -it best not to enter the names of any presidential candidates in the pri- mary,owing-to the fact that the law “does not require them to do so and moved from the discipline,the urch at the same time going on rd-ascontinuing those things.The Roabtieas proceeded on the idea that ap the penalty was rarely imposed it as just as well to take it out ofthe| Yiscipline,although it . eans the purpose to convey the idea at the Church countenanced card- play ing,dancing,ete. “Inasmuch as distinguished ances-| rsusually~have their-names linked, Pith a lot of sorry descendants—and| the more unworthy the descendants| the more,as a_rule,is the ancestry| magnified—so much so that the great-| dst comfort to the worthy ancestor of| an unworthy descendant.is that he is| dead—in view oft these facts the) Greensboro News takes issue with The | ndmark’s objection to ringing inj} eet Mary Graham’s.ancestry. In this case the ancestry has some-, thing of which to be proud and con- sidering what ancestry usually has stand for,the News argues that it Should be given credit,in Miss Gra-| ham’s case,“of producing something worth producing.”From that angle The Landmark admits that _the News’point is well taken.But inas-| uch as the boast of ancestry—and| e merits and virtues of the ances- liors.are often much magnified—is asually a discredit to the boasters;| as it is rare that the boasters have approached the merit or distinction ¢laimed for the ancestry and as a re- sult are a discredited when they, oast,The Landmark objected to one ho has gained distinction on meri being hedged about by the ancestry business,on the ground that it was) te to discredit fer own merit. ** The fellow Burgin,who instigated| the killing of a man to whom he éwed $10—and so far as disclosed for he sole reason that the man_was oking for him to try to collect the money—deserved death and justice i cheated when he escaped the lectric chair.The jury returned a erdict of second degree murder hen the evidence seemed to fully! warrant a first degree verdict;and the prisoners themselves were evi- -dently elated over their escape from what they expected and.doubtless felt was their due.The negroes were Ee dupes of the white man and there no criticism here of the second de- gree verdict for them.While we think the jury failed as to Burgin,we are not disposed to criticise the jury. The constant and continued and oftenfuccessfuleffortstopreventthein-|.of the death penalty when ju- es have returned verdicts that re- quire it:the constant teaching thatedeathpenaltyis*barbarous and| ould be abandoned—all this natur- ly has its effect on jurors.It may Ke argued that it is the business of rors to return a verdict according @ the evidence;that thev are not re- sponsible for results.All true.But me of them may feel,as Gov.Craig felt in the Christy -Warren case,| at public ‘sentiment does not ap- rove the death penalty and they re thus warranted in setting aside e law and meeting conditions as ey conceive them to be.Those Bigher up can’t set an example and not expect it to be followed by those wer down.Or possibly the jurors! ay have been influenced by the factfhatsomanymensentencedtodeath fecure a commutation that theyightaswellsaveallpartiescon-: rned time and trouble by rendering a verdict for a less offence. Keep this in mind when you feel in- Higenant because justice failed in this most brutal and cowardly murder atBaden. & ***t \For a time it seems that Old Booze| as had rather a free course,if he!peantt glorified,in the good townof | organton and the county of Burke.! fhe ministers and othér good folks|got busy and as a result,at the re- cent term of Burke court,eleven citi- ied were sent to the chain gang, early all of them for “blind tiger- ing,”and included in the lot was one ho laid clarm to some prominence as a citizen and politician.And the folks| ho.are chasing the tigers didn’t stop| Mere,In addition to the other things| they are trying to do for the sight-| less beast,they are putting candi-| ates on record.The ministerial as-' ciation has a list of more than 700 oters pledged not to vote for “a! quor man,”and here are the ques-' ons the association is passing to the| Burke candidates —this particularstbeinghandedthecandidatesfor| eriff,__while —simitar questions,* fhanged to suit,are handed other of-ficers: ¢(1.)Do you drink intoxicating liq-| Hors,habitually or occasionally? hi (2.)Would you use liquor,or sancs |tion its use by others,in your behalf in the campaign?| ¢(3.)If liquor should be used in!your favor and it should come to! your knowledge,do you pledge vour-| self to-assist in the.nrosecutior of. such persons to the full extent of thelaw?| (4.)Do you pledge yourself ifelectedsheriffofBurkecountytopro- hibit the sale of liquor.drinking and drunkenness in-or about the courthotse?. (5.)Since the greatest curse to pie county is its blockaders and ootleggers,will.you if elected use very means at your command to) rine these violators to justice,and reak uv this terrible traffic,anc“Drive Booze out of Burke?” .The candidates who have so far an-| wered,in the main come across like good boys.One says he never tasted:liquor and never expects to.Another hedges a little by saying “I do notmakeapracticeofusingintoxicat- ing beverages.”Nearly all of themgivetheimpressionthattheycan’t ‘abide the stuff and that “Old John” ibs its opposition |committee | was by no| gentlemen who were representing or favoring almost all the candidates agreed in the meeting of the commit- tee to recommend that the voters 'make their own selection as contem- plated by law.”|Mr.Linney further stated the committee would not send out stickers for presidential prefer- ence and that the delegates elected to the national convention will not be bound in any way by the result of the | vote in the vrimary,as the result could.not.be legally.declared in time to reach the convention,” Now Mr.Marion Butler,who es- says to run the Republican party of North Carolina,notwithstanding the Republicans deny he is-boss,is send- ing out letters in which he says: “You wiil agree.I take it,that a large majority of our people in the State are in favor of the nomination of Colonel Roosevelt.If this is true, then there should be such an expres sion from the people at the primary election on the 3d of June.”This is followed by the statement that the friends of the standpat candidates will be busy for their candidates.and the people should b»heard~from. Butler recommends that the Repub- lican voters express a preference for Roosevelt for President and Judge Pritchard for Vice President.LS They’re Calling the Colonel. Hundreds of citizens went to Ovys- ter Bay Saturday in three specig! trains from New York and marched |Saga-from the railroad —station to more Hill,four abreast,to pay their respects to Colonel Theodore Roose- velt and assure him of their support in the event of his nomination for the presidency..The marchers,head- ed bv the Seventh regiment sang “The Army and Navy Foreve*” and other popular airs.Richard M. Hurd,spokesman for the visitors.in addressing Colonel Roos:velt,said: “Lineoln said this nation could not endure half slave and half free.It is equally true,as you have’poftited out,that this nation cannot-now én- dure half-hyphenated and half-Amer- ican.” Colonel Roosevlet,addressing the visitors from the porch of his home, denounced the .hyphenates and de- manded that the countrv.stand for courage and strength.When he had finished the visitors shook hands with him and passed through his house The large porch from which Colonel Roosevelt spoke collapsed at one end while the throng was marching past. Nobody hurt. Presbyterians and-the Sisters. The General Assembly of the South- ern Presbyterian Church,which con- cluded its session at Orlando,Fla. Thursday,refused to alter its decis- ion fixing the status of women in the Church.A_protest which about 50 of the commissioners sought to have entered in the minutes of the Assem- bly,failed in its purpose.\The pro- test resulted from the Assembly granting certain privileges to women in the discretion of congregations, holding that too great latitude was given congregations in ed by a vote of 118 to 69.-Among other things the answer says: “Having expounded the —settled faith of the Church as to the teach-| ings of ‘the Scriptures forbidding preaching by women,the Assembly has wisely decided to leave.the ques- tion of the service of women-in-oth=~ matters to the discretion of the;er sessions,” That is to say,the sisters can’t preach,but the session of any church may allow them to do all the work outside,even to exhorting and leading in prayer. Sold Fraudulent Stock North Carolina Mine. Smith Bracey,56 years old,was ar- rested in New York Friday night onaFederalwarrantissuedinBalti- more,which charged him with legal use of the mails in an attempt to sell stock in the Howie Gold Mine,in Un- ion county,North Carolina. The same day Chas.FE.Wyatt and Chas.Blackburn were arrested —in Baltimore,charged with using the mails in a scheme to defraud in the sale of stock of the $2,000,000 Howie Mining Company,the mine heing in Union county,N.C.Large quantities of the stock of the company are said to have been sold in Chicago,Balti- more.Westport.N.Y.,Reading,Pa., and Wheeling,W.Va. Local stockholders of the Union courty mine recently applied for a re-! ceiver on the ground that the prop-erty was being mismanaged. Want =Grandfather Clauses Cut Oat.. William A.Venable,”principal Negroes of Lincoln-Lee Institute of Chicago and, secretary of a Civic League compos-| ed of 2,000 negroes,has prepared the following resolution,which he will ask | the Republican national convention to insert in its platform: “Resolved, tatives of the party of Lincoln,Grant, Sumner and McKinley,pledge our sincere efforts to the speedy elimina- tion by special Federal enactment of| 'any legislative actA inimical to |14th and 15th amendments to the Fed- eral constitution.”. This is intended for the States wat have restricted negro suffrage by means of what is commonly called the | |“grandfather clause.” Whooping Cough.|One of the most successful preparations in ||use for this disease is Chamberlain's Cough |Remedy.|S.W.McClinton,Blandon Springs,|Ala.,writes,“Our Baby had whooping cough as bad as most any baby could have it.oe him Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and 1 where} |BUILDING?.G;WATKINS. hand,| the matter.| The answer to this protest was adopt-| For | That we,the represen-| the| soon got him well.”Obtainable every- ‘Another ‘Mexican -Conferen Another conference of Américas and Mexican military commander heading the American:expedi. tion in Mexico,would meet General} Gayira,Carranza’s commander.jn Chihuahua,at’the latter’s request,to work out plans for closer ¢o-opera- tion in their military operations, News of what officials regard as one_of.the most-—important “accom- plishments of the American expedi. tion since it crossed the border, reached the War Department.Friday from General Pershing,who reported that Candelario’Cervantes,a notorious bandit leader,who participated in the Columbus raid,had been killed by American troopers.In his report Jeneral Pershing said: shing, dangerous.out- himself, 1 believe his death will expedite cap- |ture of others.Cervantes positively identified”by-papers -found--on-person and by several natives.”; SSAOD, most desperate and : ‘law in Mexico except.Villa ee *‘iSenate Resolution Suggests Me- diation. la A rsolution requesting the Presi- ent,.unless incompatible with the i public interest,to suggest to warring lnations in Europe.that the United iStates undertake mediation,was.in- 'troduced in the Senste Thursday by Senator Lewis of [llinois,Democrat, to lie on the table for discussion later, The resolution would authorize.the |President to propose that the bellig- jerents declare a truve and that each of them select a neutral country —as} its representative on a board of arbi; tration thus created;each selected ‘neutral would name one member of \the board over which the President or /his representative would preside _as referee.Under the plan each bellig- erent would present its demands or claims to the board,which would beauthorizedtoarriveatanequitable adjustment. The resolution ‘suggested as an ire for worlkl peace and not of favor- itism for any of the belligerents,aae 2randeis Will Be Confirmed. Vietery for the administration “in its fight to make Louis D.Brandeis an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States was re- earded as assured when the Senate Friday night agreed to vote on the tion next Thursday,Jane’T, on both sides of the cantro- -ersy agreed that debate should not be extended,hut that the views of ench side should be embodied in ma- jority and minority)reports to be made public after the vote. Republican Senators who have been cppose?to Brandeis conceded that he would be confirmed beyond question; that he would receive practically unanimous Democratic support and in addition woyd get at least four Re- publican votes.aa that it isrecites C.O.Reed walked into a drug store’ Second to Villa Killed,| has been arranged,Secretary-ofWar} Baker..anonunces.that General ‘Per-|. “Cervantes was without doubt’the! ‘THE UNIVERSAL CAR 7 Car Loads Fords 7 We are expecting 42 Ford Carsthisweekandwillbeabletomaxeprompt.delivetwoorthreeweeks.PhforFordsissogreat that thismaybethelastopportunity-forsometimetogetone. better.make arrangements at once to get yours now. CAROLINA MOTOR CO..STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE ‘AND NEWTON. for next e demand So you ‘in Asheville to ask help for sudden illness,fell to the floor and died be- fore aid could be administered.For. 15 years he had been inspector of the North Carolina demurrage bureau and the Southern weighing and inspectionWIFETOOILLTOWORK _IN BED MOST OF TIME Her Health Restored byLydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.. \eeereeeeenenern Indianapolis,Indiana.—‘‘My health was so poor and my constitution so run --down that I could not work.Twas thin,pale and weak, weighed but tivo pounds and was in bed most of the time.I began tak- ing Lydia BE.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound and five months later I weighed 133 pounds. I do all the house- work and washing for eleven and I ean ' truthfully say Lydia E..Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound has been a godsend to me for I would have been in my grave today but for it.I would tell all wo- men suffering as I was to try your valu- able remedy.’’—Mrs..WM.GREEN,332 S.Addison Street,Indianapolis,Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood in this country,wherein some woman has not found health by-using this good old-, fashioned root and herb remedy. If there is anything about which you | would like special advice,write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn,|MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism|}| Penetrates and Heals.| Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers. _MUST GET LICENSE! All persons running cars without licensenumberwilltakenoticethattheymust‘have number or show that same has been ordered,T or the littw will be enforced.J.M.DEATON,|Sheriff.May 19. IS YOUR NAME DOWN FOR |CHAUTAUQUA? INIMENT Fresh Vegetables. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans. Potatoes, Peppers. In fact all fresh vegetables | in season. M.P.Alexander &Bro., _The Sanitary Store. W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. ~Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for. same._Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and Guns ee and Keys fit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 73c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pou“FOR SALE: New.and second hand_machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. LIST CITY TAXES!. I will be at my office in the Court House during the month of May for the purpose of listing the City Taxes for 1916.The law re- |quires all property owners to list their prop- erty during May.So.please call and make turn as early.as.possible.ean W.J.LAZENBY, List-Taker.|\May 2,1918. C.WATKINS for “Everything to;Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil- ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, |Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, if etc.“Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. {;By order of the Commissioners of unty,all real 9 a have not been paid will be advertised for |J 16,1916.ony fames guns J,M.DEATON,|May 19.Sheriff. Iredell estate on which the 1915 tax-| [SAVE THOSE OLD TIRES and TUBES. Iredell Vuleanizing Company will take all Tire troubles. New plant.Best equipment.Best workmanship. Save money by having your old Tires and inner Tubes shaped for much more service. Punctures,Blowouts,Rim Cuts successfully overcome. All sizes and makes. Work done by an expert and a guarantee behind it all. Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT JIOUSE. care of LCRCECECRCECRERCRORORORIAOLEEEADEOEFOECHOY SEE OUR LINE a KOOL CLOTH —_—&— PALM BEACH SUITS, PANAMA.HATS,| SHIRTS,etc. Before:buying. |-.-Yours to Serve, Sloan Clothing Co.© SO R T EC E C E CE C E CO C R RO |oat Real Estate Bargain : The-house and lot and vacant lot on north Center street belonging to the estate of Mrs.J.S.Leonard may be bought at a bargain price if sale can be closed within the next ten days.This prop- erty is located in the “growing”residence section of Statesville— just opposite the residence of Hon.W.D.Turner ard near the Statesville Air Line crossing.<A fine investment at the price I am offering it for quick sale.House renting at $8 per month.Let me show you the property and quote you price. J.PAUL LEONARD, Administrator,.Statesville,N.C. VOI By Being Constantly Supplied Withae McDuff,Va.—-“'I suflered for severalusArs,J B.-Whittaker,ofisplace,“with sick headache,andttomachtrouble, Thedlotd’e Black-Draughi,which tdedford’ick-Draught,whic iandIfoundittobethebestfamilymcineforyoungandold.:©aI}keep Black-Dratight on hand all the,Mme now,and when my children feel aiittlebad,they ask me for a“dose,and ifdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicinetheyevertried.‘We never have a long spell of sick-ness in our.family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Draught is purelyvegetable,and has been found to,regu- s- ..stomachs,..aid digestion,.re-|fae.indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similarsymptoms.e It has been in constant use for morethan70years;and has benefited morethan.a million people.’ Your druggist sells and recommendspirePriceonly.25c.Geta backage to-N.C,123 REFRESHING ANDINVIGORATING. Welch’s Grape Juice,the National drink,refreshes and invigorates. For sale by us, ~Sherrill &Reece, eaePhone123.108 West Broad St. ;oo”ey Lasting‘*‘Legibility — Multikopy gives gopics that are|pWhutifully neatandthatarcreally permanent.| In blueor black,Multl-Kopy never fades. MultiKopycopiesoftenvivaltheoriginalin cleanliness and legi-bility.Multikopy is surprisingly durableandeconomical. Write for FREE Sample Sheet if‘Brady Printing‘ _Company Statesville,N.C. Carbon Paper OU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,if you once triedYY 7Rae25 ewe -galad dressing,as delicious as any oil you ever tasted,and so.much ~cheaper you ¢an-use it for cooking, -too.It makés a srnooth,delicious“mayonnaise that “stands up”wellandpleaseseverybody. We've got anything you want to “make a salad—as well as WessonOil.Miller-McLain Supply Co. The Birth of a Nation, The most gigantic Pho-to-play spectacle of the_century.Founded onTheClansmanbyThom- _as Dixon.You shouldreadthisastoundingsto-ry of the Southland.50c. R.P.Allison’s Book Store. A.LAZENBY. DENTIST,—~ Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone .494,Residence,451 Black. _———=e ? H .«Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal dine for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty.— ‘PHONE 55.114 East Broad Street. |DR.G. |THE: SICKNESS It is choice enough for the fincst |’ og gic}notaaAk eDAY, SR E R R E E S Trata No.16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.85 =Train No,24 at,-0.20,.leaves 9,20 p.From larpville.Train No.28 ar.10:00,Waves 10:40 aTrainNo.15-ar,6740;—-teaves 7:05 p.‘Nos,23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Supt.Murdock Has a Word to Road Workers. |n6"the Editor of The Landmark: I want to say through your pape m. m. m, m. r expected to get.right on his road just after the recent rains,and those who didn’t need not put in their’time,forIwillnot-o.-k.their bills.Owing to |the long dry spell,I didn’t expect anydredging,but since the rain I cér-'tainly”expected-them.to-get-busy. '-I am making my rounds and I will }certainly find out who look after their sections.Now,men,don’t nelgect|your sections and let’s keep them up.|Cc,L,.MURDOCK, Road Superintendent. |CAROLINA PEOPLE TELLOFSTOMACHREMEDY. Sufferers Find-Swift—Relief—by Use \of Remarkable Treatment.Stomach sufferers in the Southeast and,-in fact,all over the country, have found remarkable and efficient results from the use of Mayr’s Won- i derful-Remedy. Many have taken this remedy and tell today of the benefits they receiv-ed.Its effects come quickly—the first|dose convinces.:Here is what two |Cgrolina folks have written:|W.R.DAVENPORT,Parker,N.C. |—“For years I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors.I heard of your remedy and one bottle guve me relief.’Your full treatment |hag about cured me.”¢ |J.T&ERWIN,.Winston-Salem,N.|C.—*I am satisfied through personal|use of.the powers of your remedy. |You.have saved my life.”|Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives i pernftanent results for stomach,liver/and intestina]ailments.Eat as much|and whatever you like.No more dis- -|tress after eating,pressure of gas in |the stomach and around the heart.|Get one bottle of your druggist now[and try it on an absolute guarantee “returned. |For sale by the Statesville Drug{Co.and all other reliable druggists. |OBEY _“THAT *Phone 174! FOR YOURPicnicLunch -—-WE HAVE;— Potted Meats,PottedChicken,Deviled Ham, Olive Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Butter, Peanut Butter,LooseSweetPickles,Bottled Olives,Apples,Oranges.Come in and see what we have. Eagle &Mulholland. ,|doors and-windows.of gthe house,the| when weighed in the~balance with DAVIS’100 per cent PURE PAINT, FOR SALE BY, Statesville,W.'C. THE er in combination and ed method of attaching nary range boiler. ‘The ‘Royal’can be installed at a.supris- ingly low cost and will furnish hot water every hour of the day and night at an expense the average house own- er or renter. Installed “by W.E.Munday. 114 E.Broad St.cs Phone 55.oie cena ag pay nag pre ee area eysepenrs MUST PUT IN WATER AND SEWER! _Pursuant to order-of Board of Aldermen,‘all property owners if}Ward No,1,wherever lines can be renched,must put in water and sewer connections.This is a requirement thatistothebestintetestofhealthandwillbeen-foreed,L.©.CALDWELL;Mayor. May 9. We are only allowed to sell 775 |Tickets—then no more! LANDMARK ~May~30;1916. to my contractors that each manwas | TWO GRIFFITH'S: WouldHelptheWomen to Sup-port the Men and Enlarge the Quart.Measures. Mr,Chas,M.Griffith of Davidson county,whose legislative was quoted.with approbation in the last issue-of -The La ,has0 er planks of interest in addition to.the are two;“I am conscientiously opposed -to woman suffrage,but am strongly in favor of every man having wives enough to support him,With .myfrugalwayofliving,simple and -mod- supply all my/necessities and most parative ease.But I know thousands of ambitious young men-with extray-agant ideas and desires who have|their eyes continually set on the up- ‘per strata of higher life,who need PLANKS. platform | one quoted in The Landmark.Here}, est’desires,my wife has been able to | of my desires and luxuries with-com-; Jo ep eT en agenaraWHY-PROF.-J.F.MITCHELL| Should Be -Superintendent of Iredell Schools, The friends of Prof.John F.Mitch-| ell take this opportunity to ask the!Democrats of Iredell county ‘to vote)for him.for County Superintendent of|Schools at the primaries June 3d.|We ‘believe t“Prof,Mitchell is |dminently fitted for this position.He} as been conspicuously identified|with the |public schools ©of “Iredell|county for more than 15 years.His| educational qualifications are first-||¢lass,being a graduate of the Pea-||body College for Teachers of Nash-| ‘ville,Tenn.]“By their”fruits ye shall know)em.”Prof,Mitchell has educated| a greater number of boys and~girlsthananyteacherwhohastaughtin (the rural school of~Iredell —county. |These pupils of today,and his many|former pupils now in business —al-| ways express their appreciation of } |th I —if not satisfactory money will be} +|fever,diarrhoeal diseases and hook-|erdlly as his circumstances will ad- itwo and some three to insure safety.|p,of Mitchell and his works.Ask| ,Now since I have denied womanher |...o¢them--and see.what he says| |franchise,I feel that 1 should 40}concerning him: something to relieve her burdens and “p,o¢Mitchell stands for the folincreaseherhappiness.1 shall-urge |joying principles which,with the co-'the Legislature to pass a law.to fur-operation of the Board of Education,nish every married woman with a },will endeavor to carry out:wash-board free and have the county.°y7;7)give his whole time to thechain,gang to build her an ash hop-)4. per so she can make her own soap.=wil yeduce office and overhead ex-This proposed uplift work for the |nenses to a minimub, good women should bring .to Mr.“wit be found in his office when du-Griffith’s standard a good part of the ty does not.eall elsewhere.|female porn of Davidson coun-wil)endeavor to pay the teachersNeWcones;|adequate salaries.But here is where Mr.Griffith will |Will give the rural schools.the best|run strong with the men.Hear him:cquipment the finances’will permit.‘After a careful study of the sit-'“T1,jelieves that the district com-|juation I am firmly convinced that the nitteo is better suited for this sec-| laws governing weights and meas-1,1,than the township committee.ures should be revised.Watching the wi),visit every school in the coun-|crowds,from an_unbiased standpoint,ty at least once every two years. that gathered around the express of-.“Opinion of Others.\fice in Thomasville between ‘the Ist, ,,doing a higher grade of vor (and 15th of each month,and noting than any teacher in Iredell county.—|the longing,lonesome,dried outlook Late Prof.James A.Butler.| jof despair and misery depicted ir ys)paged in education because he||their countenances,I have been thor-1,.0.the work.—Late Geo.B.Nich-||oughly convinced that the quart cup Slane :|'should be at least as whig as an ordi-vend and shoulders above the av-| nary milk bucket.Rver since the erage teacher in the rural schools ofLegislatureof1915passedalawre-the county.\L.O.White.stricting each citizen to a single ~9,6 of Ate arentant ann quart every 15 days,it has been pal-county has produced.—Prof.J.‘pably apparent to every refined,well-|po pron sae , meaning and well-regulated voter of|eave the county,that the quart pot should,be enlarged,’Therefore I.shall use Dr,W,G:Nicholsomybesteffortsforit§accomplish- ment.”|}\unsolicited expression of approval of|unFARMLIFEINSURANCE.'Dr.W.G.Nicholsén of Harmony, Suggestion of State Board of who is a Stes fe County Com- |missioner.r.Nicholson is a man iHealth toRural Dwellers.|of high Christian character and is ev-The best life insurance the farmer er mindful of the needs of the peo- or rural dweller can take out this |ple of the county,and always readyHeeateieeatrenter|G)age end eee|Health,18 thi L 3 x ‘thy enterprise.e always turns aandhisfamilyprotectionagainstlisteningeartotheappealsforthosethreeofthemostcommonandse-|jn distress and responds cheerfullyriousofsummerdiseases—typhoid|hy.contributing to their needs as lib- hers Iredell| R.| n For County ‘Commissioner. It affords us pleasure to give this j worm.This insurance.may he had mit.He has given unsparingly of| iby any one who desires this protec-/his means to churches,schools and| ;tion and is willing to pay theprice.)every other progressive movement in| ee Bet ae |We Buy Your:at mi Old Sewing =f AMachine We Sell The FREE MachineoO Beautiful when closed.“~ Every woman in this city can now own the.“ World’s Best,High Grade Sewing Machine bytradingheroldmachineforer (Invented and patented by W.C,Free):3 and paying the difference on terms of $1.00 a week,for only a few weeks -,.The FREE Sewing’Machine has many valuable’‘Iimprovements:itn The FREE sews faster because of the wonderful new Roto- scillo inventioz. 0 gl4 mi i ‘a t d ‘ ii a4 yey 2 ete « The FREE makes a_perfect | stitch because of the new qr; Toggle-link movement found»... only on The FREE.tt The FREE is more beautiful; Its lovely case will be the,.,,., most artistic piece of furni-4;/ ture in--your house.weTheFREEisabsolutelyguar;);- anteed for life.No “ifs;4 about it,Rane The FREE runs lighter on ac- count of its many ball bear- ing’s. The FREE|lasts material and are superior. longer.Its workmanship Remember we buy your old machine _We sell The FREE Machine $1.00 a Week for a few weeks paysthedifference; This offer to buy your.old machine lasts only while the new modelisbeingintroduced.Convenient when open.‘ Iredell Farmers’Union Warehouse Company.. Statesville and Mooresville.4 The rates are fixed according to the our section,and also in other sectionsresidenceandthedegreeofprotec-|of the county.He has given more jtion desired.The premiums remain!time.and energy to the educational| lat home and declare unusually big’uplift and general “improvement of | |dividends annually.—.‘i our county than any other man in,This particular kind of life ingurg this’section,He plans his.undertak-|ance,probably better termed hea |ings wisely and __prosecutes them| |insurance,as explained by the board,along lines that bring results.is based upon three home conditions—j|_Harmony State High School,with)the home water supply,the home’all its improvements,stands out aa |method of disposing of sewage and’a living witness and_testifies in no| the protection of ‘the home against uneertain terms to Dr.Nicholson’s| _flies.’j ability te accomplish things.It was} The water supply must be freej by and through his untiring efforts||from pollution.It should receive nod that north Iredell now has one of the|surface drainage and should be on]best schools in the State.Many oth- higher.ground ‘than any stables,out-j er worthy achicvements could be houses or privies.The hands should}mentioned had we time and space, |hever-come in contact-with bucket or}Dy,Nicholson has a clear conception;chain..For this reason pumps and of'the actual needs of our county and} |wells having closed tops are much}ig’well capacitated to handle the |‘safer than open wells.The farm}problems incident to the office he now|home privy,to be safe,must be fly-}seeks.in a manner that will bring sat-proof and-so constructed as not to pol-/isfaction to the people.lute the surrounding soil.The pit Dr.Nicholson is a gentleman of itype of privy with a closed back has}road vision and if elected will work_been recommended to meet.these fer-the interest of every.seetion of|necds.The farm home,furthermore,his county,and will have ‘no favorites|;must be screened.Where it is im-|in hig official acts.He is such a man |,Dractical on the farm and elsewhere {as the entire county needs and wetokeepfliesfrom-breeding:altogeth-|cheerfully commend him tothe vot--rer,it is practical to—sereen_allthe ars MANY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS.;back porch included,afd be free from —Advt.|flies. yeSpecialValuesin..«:.: Ladies’White Wash’ Skirts,all Sizes, 98c,$1.98,$2.98, Preparedness Wins: In Business,In Life,In War,In Peace We're prepared for Summer trade-on-a large scale.Ours is the line of VALUES. In addition to a large assortment of every kind and.grade of Dress Fabrics,Laces and. Embroideries,we are showing equally BIG VALUES in our Ready-to-Wear Department. 300 Pairs Tennis Oxfords, White and Black, Rubber Bottom, All Sizes,48c Other paints are found wanting— |Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., ROYALHEATER The‘‘Royal”’is a Range Boiler and Water Heat- is designed to take theplaceoftheold-fashion- an independent-heater to the side of an-ordi- well within reach of j«-In conclusion,”says.the _board,|“the three thing's needed for a farm- cer to have freedom from filth dis- _eases this summer is to look well to (his water supply,to the safe disposal {of human waste,and to thoroughly|sereening,,his home.” Blakesley Defied Senators. Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral Blakesley told the Senate post-office_committee_Saturday—that he considered its amendment to the pos- tal bill a surrender to the railroads and he drew the wrath of Senatorsatthehearinguponhim,but defend- ed his action—in-organizing a cam- paign against.the amendment. The Senators were furious.They demanded to know if Blakesley set his judgment up against theirs and by what -right he had organized a lobby to defeat a measure-hefore Congress. Blakesley stood his ground.He said he had organized no lobby but he in- isisted that he-had-«right as a citi- zen and_as_an.official to exert his in- fluence to prevent what he believed would be a great injury ta the postal ervice, | | SSS RE RETR ABOU BEN ADHEM. “Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw within the moonlicht of his room, Making—it-rieh_and like a lily in bloom,An angel writing in a book of gold Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold, And to the presence in the room he said:“What writest thou?"The vision raised itshead,And with a look made of all sweet accord,Answered:“The hames of those who love theLord.” “And is mine one?”snid Abou.‘Nay,notRepliedtheanvel.Abou spoke more low, Rut cheerily still;und said;“I pray thee,then,Write me as one that loves bis fellowmen.” The angel wrote and vanished.‘Te next night Tt came again,with a great wakening lieht,And showed the names whom love of God’had blessed,And lo!Ben Adtem's name led all the rest! f Leigh Hunt. so, Rheumatism! Tf you are troubled with ehronie or mus-cular rheumatism,give Chamberlain's Tini- ment a trial.‘The rélief from pain which 1 affords is alone worth many times its costObtainableeverywhere.= ‘v Marvin W.Smith Endorsed For Commissioner. We,the undersigned Democratic voters of Eagle Mills.Turnersburg|and Union Grove townships,wish —to! endorse the candidacy of Mr.Marvin| W.Smith for a member of the board| of county commissioners.We re-! spectfully ask co-operation by the! Democratic voters in giving north| Iredell 4 member on the next board:| 0.G.Turbiville,M.A.Wooten,L.! A..Boggs,W..E.Campbell,W.M.|Boges,E.D.Wooten,R.D.Koon,C.|W.Green,Garfield.Addeson,Frank, |Steele,Grover Jacks,B.A.Turner,| 1B.E.Robertson.Edgar W.Downum,||R.F.Gaither,J.M.Godbev,J.N./ Lthomes.G.Renshaw,J.P.Feimster,| |W.P.Roberts,G.P.Stroud,J.A} |Stroud.T.B.Campbell,C.E.Stewart,| oe L.Heath,J.H.Henly.J.A.Gaith-| fer,J.F.Gatton,B.L.Gatton,J.S.: |Keller,N.S.Gaither,W.B.Camp-!j belt,A.F.York,Wesley Cartner,A.IF.'Gaither,W.C.Henry,R.)D., iCamnbell,FE.F.Feimster,T.1.Fox,| ;W.He Padgett,S.B.Hicks,J.He} Holeomb,A.C.Holeomb,T.B.Wet-| more,L.A.Anderson,B.M.Ander-| son.W.J.Foster,W.H.Renegar,T. |F,.Baggarly,C.A.Baggarly,J.A. |Reénegar,I.A.Steel,F.D,Renegar,| |T,Re Renegar,J.1.Joyner,D..F.Joy-| |nér,E.M.Renegar,A.H.Cozart,Y.||B.”Renegar,O.A.Dearman,A.C.!|Harrelson,J.H.Conner,J.W.Koon,||R.L.Kinder,W.V.Thomas,.S.0.| |Stimpson,Jo.M.Watts,C.A.Thom-| las,G.F.Downum,J.L.Lentz.C.B.)|Ward,R.M:Hix,Timothy Sherrill,|'Fred...Bidson,J.M.Davis,M.Ls Da-| |vis,W.M.Shoemaker,W.L.Féx,| 1 W.A.Windsor,A.F.Harris,J.Al! |Current.L.L.Current,C.M.Woot-| |enya:W.Current,W.M.Jacks,.J.| |L.Jacks,Sam Hayes,W.C.Hayes,||G H.Hayes.J.L.Steele,W.P.Cur-|rrAdvt.| Drives Out Malaria,Bullds Up System| |The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,| |GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC;drives.out |Malaria,enrichesthe blood,and buildsupthe sys- |tem,A true tonic,For adults and children.50c,\ ,R.L.Shoemaker,C.C.Heath.|J IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT We are prepared to furnish footwear for the whole familyfrom the smallest to the largest:- We guarantee clean merchandise,and in- vite price comparison,Let us save you .time,worry,disapointment and money. SPECIAL VALUES In our Clothing and Gents’Department. Jonneton=Belk Co.: One of Thirteen Big RETAIL STORES That Sells: For Less,Phone 212. Furnishings a ie Rickert’s Time Correct |: Rickert’s time is the correct time.We get the time from Arlington twice a day by wireless.Our time will cost you nothing. We have Watches that willkeep correct timethatwillsellatmoderateprices.R.H.RICKERT &SON,|: JEWELERS. 1 oP tenets ieneteeateetncentianenetenctetit VICTOR’S BAND CONCERT,Chautauqua,June 23. ‘PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STRBET. veneeeeesevssereas,2,0060syeeeeyeeeeereeeeeeewrengee ae THE.PRIMARY AGAIN.._.- §“Candidates tell The Landmark that “many voters continue to balk at the ‘primary,insisting that it deprives them of some of their rights.The Landmark has explained the primary several times anf those who cannot, or will not,understand from-what has been said,would-not believe though one’rose from the dead.Moreover, this paper has no special concern as to whether folks vote in the primary. It is an opportunity—the first real opportunity ,our.folks have had—to name their candidates.If they don't take advantage,of it they will have no right to complain if the men se- lectéd are not to their liking. Voters in the Democratic primary| can select their own candidates from| the list on the ticket.hey don’s have to vote for candidates for all of- figes.unless they choose.They can vote for one and quit.Some Say,we avid “Lamar,~alias “The Wolf of Street,”who some months"ago |was onvidved of attempting to im- personate a Congressman—he called folks over the ‘phone and told them he was Congressman So-and’So for se 00 the purpose of:perpetrating a fraud— was last week taken to the Federal prison in Atlanta to‘serve two years for this offence.Noting the tempo- rary eclipse of David,Col.Fairbroth- er-is moved.to remark in his Greens- boro Record:’ Now if a self-respecting gentleman lso far forgets himself as to imperso- inate a Congressman and _is.sent to |prison for two_years for doing so, ;how long would they send a.self-re- specting gentleman to prison for im- ‘personating a member of the Legis- |lature?ae ’ |Some folks will insist that a “self- ‘respecting gentleman”wouldn’t do these things and the citizen who so ts himself as to be guilty of than t} |far forge the offence deserves much more they gave David. 'NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS ‘Incidents Gathered From All Parts of the Country. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw,the lady of fame who was recently divorced by i her husband,Harry K .Thaw,also a|gent of fame,has married Jack Clif- |ford,her dancing partner, Three lives were lost.many'per- aré informed,that they want to vote|sons were injured and much property for men of both parties.They can ddé*that at the November election,At tHat election they can vcre Yor who- ever they please.If the names print- eqjon the:Democratic and Republican tickets don’t please them,they can substitute any name they wish—tre name of a man of any politics or of nds.politics.But the primary party affair and the man who goes into a primary and wants to vote for both Democrats,Republicans or inde- pordents at one and the same time well,that man needs to be examined.Le UP TO THE VOTER. Adverting to the fact that the State-wide primary next Saturday; “offers the individual voters the op-| ipertunity to help select the ‘dates who will represent the people fin the affairs of government,the State Journal makes ,this pertinent, is a qobservation: Mr.Voter,it is now up to you.If -vou believe in democracy,if you want| to govern yourself,you have the op-: portunity.You have had ample ‘time to form an intelligent opinion as to the qualifications of the candidates, éand you will have all day to go to the polls'and register your choice,with- tout let or hindrance from any man. To do this is a duty you owe your- self and your.neighbors,and your} ‘friends and your State.If you are lingapable or unwilling to make an in- stelligent choice and perform this im- ‘portant duty.then don’t go.talkingjahout“rines”and “bosses”and “ma- chines.”These are only those who iat least have the virtue of embracing, an opportunity which is open to all. “If bad government comes,it is not so ‘much through the activity of bad cit- yizens as through the inactivity of the *gdod citizens.There has never been a day in the worst-governed commu- jnity_in this country,when—there would not have been rood govern- sment.if all the citizens had taken the ‘trouble to put their wishes into oper- ation by the selection of proper offi-: icials. BLAKESLEY.AND SENATORS. The Landmark is not sufficiently fa-| jmiliar with the,merits of the case to express an opinion on the controver- psy between Fourth Assistant Post- ‘Master General Blakestey and_the j Senate committee anent amendments to the postal bill,but it glories in *Mr.Blakesley’s spunk.His defiance “of the Senators will probably prove -his undoing,but -when he _believed ithem wrong he is to bé commended for standing up and saying So,even iif his defiance did shock these high and mighty gentlemen who think no- ibody has any rights that contravene ‘the wishes of a Senator.Mr.Blakes- Heys probably—touched a —tender spot when he pointed out to the Senators and emphasized the fact that they had given the railroads all the’con- seessions demanded.Many—of-/the amen elected to the Senate are attor- tneys of _public serviee corporations before they become Senators and not fall of them cease working for these scorporatoins,in one way or another, ‘after they get into the Senate.3i FE Re RRR OLon oteeR That note to Great Britain jFrance about interference mails is straight talk. iain is of course the real offender. iFrance joined with that idoubtless because circumstances made ‘it unavoidable.Great Britain will of ‘course delay answer .as long as possi- :ble and then will seek to evade,But and with Great Brit- the tone of the note is strictly busi-| pices and it is hoped that the Presi- dent will keep it up.Our treaty with ;Great Britain makes it necessary to thresh out differences with that coun-| jtry before there can be suggestion of esort to force,but opportunities will Woubtless offer to bi‘ng that country | ito terms if it is clearly understood ithat we are not to be put off. «*Dr.Hubert A.Royster of RaleighhasbeenappointedassistantsutgeonintheMedicalReserveCorpsofthe “Mavy. of 35 to 20,after a convincing speech ‘ies of American candi-| |printed it ex-Gov.Glenn and assumed countty | was damaged in a severe hailstorm that swept over eastern Pennsylva-| nia and southern New Jersey Satur- day.‘, In New York city last week Dr.Arthur Warren Waite,a dentist,was| convicted of murder in the first de-| gree for poisoning his father-in-law,| John E.Peck,a millionaire drug manufacturer of Grand Rapids,Mich. A vigorous effort to reduce the ap-| | | |propriation for the inland waterway between Norfolk,Va.and ~Beaufort,| N.C.,form $1,000,00 to $200,000, was defeated in the Senate by a vote by Senator Simmons.} A truck train has been sent from Columbus,N.M.,to disinter the bod-+soldiers killed in| clashes with the Mexican bandits and bring them back to American soil.| Military authorities believe that the total will not exceed 10. Quick action on the part of the sheriff,the police and military in ar-| resting ten men who were the lead-! ers of a small mob that gathered at, the county’jail at Mobile,Ala.,to get a negro supposed to be in the. jail,broke up the mob and it dis-| persed without any disorder.| The army appropriation bill,which has been reported to the House of Congress,includes the appropria- tions for carrying out the re-organi- zation provisions of the Hay-Cham- berlain bill,and is the largest regu- lar army supply bill in the history of Congress.It is an increase of about $49,000,000 over last year’s bill. Senator Overman_has introduced in Congress a resolution to permit.the erection in Washington of a monu- ment to:Rev.Francis Asbury, Methodist circuit rider,who traveled| from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. No appropriation.is asked,the bill be- ing simply to secure permission erect the monument on public grounds in Washington.Ex-Gov.Glynn of New York will be the temporary chairman of the Democratic national convention at St. Louis,and will be the “keynoter” for the occasion.Some of the papers ||( that it was the North Carolinian. Gov.“Bob”could take—off his collar and give ’em some hot stuff,but he;isn’t the man. There will be fewer delegate seats contested in the Republican national convention which meets in Chicago June 7 than in any national conven- tion of the party in 20 years.With all the 985 delegates to the 1916 conven-| ‘tion elected with the exception of : those from West Virginia,which will be chosen by direct primary June 6, 'only 53 contests have been filed withthesecretary. |Members of the Baptist Tabernacle in Atlanta have decided to extend a eall to the Rev.Dr.Len,G.-Brough- ton,now pastor of the First church| at Knoxville,Tenn.,to return to the} Tabernacle church,which he founded about 15 years ago.He served the |complain that absentee owners often ay to}:bor by putting a larver tax on inher- ANSWEROF € ‘Phe Repitesol Messrs,Bie‘and Daughtridge to the’ tions Propounded By the mers’Union.ee The Publicity Commfttee-of.the State Farmers’Union has sent to The Landmark the answers’ofMessrs.T.W.Bickett and KE.1, Daughtridge,candidates for the Dem- ocratic nomination for Governor,¢on- cerning the eleven matters of Statelegislationadvocatedbythe“ ized farmers of the State,“The questions were—mailed—by- Faires on April 12th,”the ¢tee reports,“a 30-day time limit:be-ling later fixed for replies.Mr.Bick. ett answered on April 27th and~Mr, Daughtridge answered May 19th,” 'Following is a‘summary of the hetionsandanswers,Mr.Daughtridge’sanswersbeinggiveninfullandMr, Bickett’s slightly condensed:«3(1)“Repeal of merchant’s crop Believes inilien.”Mr.Bickett’s answer:providing a substitute for the ‘crop lien by “enacting legislation that willmakeiteasierforthehonest,indus- trious~and-econamical cash to buy such supplies as he can-not make at home.”AYSo favors acampaigntomakecropliensunnec- essary by diversified farming encour- aged by (1)agriculture in theschools,(2)better farming methods, and (3)government aid to help farm- ers to more profitable marketing |of their crops. Mr.Daughtridge’s answer:“ET fas ‘vor the repeal of the merchant’s crop lien as soon as a rural credit systemorsomeothersatisfactorysubstitutecanbeestablishedintheruralcom-munities of our State.I have forseveralyearsfurnishedmytenantsandfarmhelpthecashatthelegal rate of interest and they purchase their supplies wherever they like.” (2)“Provisions permitting neigh- borhoods to adopt:race segregation in land ownership.” Mr.Bickett’s answe@@ Expresses sympathy with “farme in white communities who,asserting that a homogeneous population is necessary for the proper support of schools, churches and rural community life, introduce negro land owners’into neighborhoods that would otherwise remain wholly in white hands,”butbelievesthatinordertoavoidcon- flict.with the Federal constitution anyamendmenttoourconstitutionwould have to be framed.on considerationsofresidenceratherthanlandowner- ship.Also beliéves that “communi-ties in the country can do much_to- wards establishing practical segrega- tion of the races,just as has been done in cities,bv developing healthy public sentiment.” Mr.Daughtridge’s answer:“I~fa- vor the same wherever it can be done without violating the rights of either race as guaranteed them by our con- stitution,” (3)“A just and equitable system of taxation.(a)lightening the bur-dens upon labor by putting a larger preportion on inheritances,(b)with constitutional provision for a lower rate on resident than on absentee landlords and (ce)inereased rate oh he commit.| tenant.to:get &Tuam a "a Bal children in theLendthenearest anadmi if.J anit elected vernor,will be to convert tenants oforthCarolinaintolandlords.As aprivatecitizenIhavebeenableto.do}this for a few people:as.Governor ofNorthCarolinaIhaveagreatfaiththatIcandoitforthousands.” “Chamberlain's Have Done Wonders“Chamber!FerMel"en “T have been a sufferer from stomach troub-de for a number of years,and although 1 haveusedagreatnumberofremediesrecommend.ed for ‘this complaint,Chamberlain's Tabletsisthefirstmedicinethathasgivenmeposi-tive and lasting relief,”writes Mrs.AnnaKadin;—Spencerport,—-N.—¥.—_“ChamTabletshavedonewondersforme and Ivaluetheraveryhighly.”Obtainable every- 775 “e'TooLate” ANNOUNCEMENTS. For the Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candidate for amemberoftheLowerHouseofthéLegislatureofNorthCarolinafrom-Iredell-county,subjecttotheactionofthevotersintheDemocraticprimary‘to be held June the 3d,1916,I willappreciatethesupportofallpersonspartici-pating in said primary,Respectfully,L.MATHESON. Mooresville,”May 23. For the Senate.I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheStateSenateofNorthCarolinafromIre-dell county,subject to the action.of the vot- ers in the Democratic primary to be held June$d,1916.1 will appreciate ‘the support of all persons voting ,in said primary.Respectfully,w.D.TURNER. May 23.: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate forCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimaryJune3,1916.May 19,1916.J.E.BOYD. For County Commissioner.1 hereby announce myself a candidate forCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject.to theactionoftheDemocratié’primary June 3,1916.W.C.JOHNSTON.May 19,1916,5 For County Commissioner. To the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic:nomination for County Com-missioner and will appreciate your:support intheprimaryJune3d,1916.J.T.SMITH, Fallstown Township,May 19, t For County Commissioner. To the Democrats of Iredell County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democtatic nomination for County Com-missioner,and will apprecidte.your supportintheprimaryonJuneyd,1916.Respectfully,c.S.TOMLIN.May 19,1916. I am a candidate for the House of the Gen-eral Assembly,subject to the action of the voters in the Democratic primary of June 3d, 1916,and I solicit the support of the voters intheprimary.JAMES A.STEELE.May 19. 7Loeahateatth bi Jain's| 775), Candidate For Commissioner.—I hereby announce myself a candidate forCommissionerofIredellcounty,subject to the| action of the Democratic primaries June 3.-|May 16.J.A.BROWN.| For County Commissioner.candidate.for.County Commissioner,subject to,the action of the Democratic prima- ry,and solicit the support of the Democratic,voters.MARVIN W.SMITH. May 12. For,County Commissioner.y announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner of Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Demo-) eratic Primary,June 3,1916,and respectfullysolicitthesupportoftheDemocraticvotersinthePrimary.DR.W.G.NICHOLSON. May 2,1916.2 - ;IT hereb, j9.Fer County Superintendent of Schools, land held out of use.”{|Mr.Bickett’s answer:“J am cere) tainly in favor of a just and equitable| system of taxation and favor everv! reasonable and just measure that will| tend to lighten the burdens upon Ia-| itances,and that will encourage the| division of our lands into smaller farms.”| Mr.Daughtridge’s_answer: vor a just and equitable taxation.” (4)“Provision for incorporating| rural communities.”| Mr.Bickett’s answer:“Heartily in| favor of it.”| Mr.Daughtridge’s answer:“I am} for anything which will help the peo-ple of the rural communities,andwhichtheydesjre.” (5)“Initiative and referendum.”Mr.Bickett’s answer:“Have no, objection to princinle,but am of the| opinion that it would be cumbersome.”| Mr.Daughtridge’s-answer:—“Our frequent elections makes this unnec-essary in our State.Ours is a repre-|sentative form of government.”(6)“A stringent anti-usury —law,|and Jaws regulating banks as public-service corporations.”Mr.Bickett and Mr.both declare for this. (7)“Giving some official authoritytoregulateinsurancerates.” “I fa.system...of | Tabernacle as pastor until six years ago,when he became pastor Christ’s church,London.He returned from London about a year ago. Labor Organizations Help Compose Mexican Troubles Leaders of organized labor of the United’States and Mexico are trying to inaugurate a movement to.bring about restoration of peace inSouthernrepublic.| Samuel Gompers,president of ‘American Federation of Labor, written a letter to the secretary of the Mexican Labor Federation propos-|ing a conference of labor representa- tives of both countries to be held at KI Paso.It is President Gompers’ the desire that workers of both countries.take up the work prosecuted throughdiplomaticchannelsandthroughmil-|itary conferences between GeneralsScottandObregon,in an effort tobringaboutco-operation between the|two governments to restore peace.LL ©€‘Internal Revenue Receipts Half Billion. Half a billion ~dollars will |government’s internal revenue taxjtollforthefiscalyearendingJune30next,according to a statement bySecretaryMcAdoo..This sum,whichMr.McAdoo says exceeds by manymillionsall,previous estimates,willbemadeup,substantially as follows: Taxes on whiskey,-beer,cigars,cig-arettes and tobacco,$303,000,000;|taxes on the incomes of individualsand:corporations,$115,000,000;“emer-|fency tax collections,$83,000,000.,Consumption ‘of whiskey,cigars,|cigarettes and tobacco has increased,according to revenues received,while\consumption of —beer has decreasedduringthe‘fiscal year, x A | be the of| ‘Would | the! has| Mr.Bickett’s answer:“I am in fa-|vor of such State supervision of in-|/Surance comnanies as will secure to|j the people just and equitable rates|[and insurance that really insures.” Mr.Daughtitdeet answer:“I favorthegeneralproposition,provided allproverinterestsaresafeguarded.”(8)“A State warehouse system:somewhat like the South Carolina’|plan.”|Mr.Bickett’s answer:“I think a|State warehouse system on the SouthCarolinaplaneminentlydesirable.”|Mr.Daughtridge’s answer:“I favoraStatewarehousesystem.”|,(9)“A simplified and popularizedovenssystemofregisteringlanditles.”|Both candidates favor this.(10)“Provision for furnishing text-books to the people at cost.”_Both candidates endorse this prin._ciple. |(11)“Requiring retained attorneys|of public service corporations to sev-/er such connections before entering|the Legislature.”Mr.Bickett’s answer:“I think the|peonle can be safely trusted to pass;on these qualifications.”i Mr.Daughtridge’s answer:“I think_the fitness of a representative shouldbelefttothepeoplewhomherepre-sents to decide.”In concluding his answers,Mr.Bickett says:“I want to do a work|for the men and the women out on;the farms that will @t least resemble |Whenever You Need'a General Tonic|=Take Grove'’s e Old Standard i|eutt ae ard Grove’s Tasteless |a ih ae,an containg thenowntonicpropertiesofQUININandIRON.It abt oft the Liver,DissoutMalaria,Enriches the Blood andBuildsuptheWholeSystem,50cents, Daughtridge equally valuable as a} “-hereby announce myself a candidate forreelectiontotheofficeofCountySuperin-tendent of Publie Instruction,subject to the!action of the Democratic primaries June 3,|6.R.M.GRAY. April 28. For:Sheriff.I hereby ‘announce myself a candidate for| the,offices of Sheriff of Iredell county,subjecttotheactionoftheDemocraticprimary,June3,1916.J.OTIS GAITHER. April 28. For County Superintendent Schools.|To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:| am a candidate for the office of Superin-téndent of Schools,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimaries.If nominated andelected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell coun-ty the best service of which I am_capable.April 28.JOHN F.MITCHELL. For County Treasurer.I am a candidate for County Treasurer,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic primary, Jane 3,1916.R.F.RIVES.April 26. ‘For Register of Deeds.hereby announce myself a candidate fornifutesofDeedsofIredellcounty,subject.totheactionoftheDemocraticvoters,as ex-pressed hy them at the primary,June 3,1916.Lb.N:-BROWN,‘Troutman,Fallstown Town-ship.April 26. For County Treasurer.I hereby announce myself a_candidate forCountyTreasurer,subject to the action of the|Democratic primary,June 3,191|April 26.W.Hz For Sheriff. To the Democrats of Iredell County:.I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Ire-dell county,and will greatly.appreciate yoursupport.Respectfully,April 26.H.L.GILBERT. 6.HUNTER. For County Treasurer.I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-fice of County Treasurer of.Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-Sune 3d,1916,and respectfully solicit thevotersinthepri-R.J.BRYANT. lry ¢ support of the Democraticmary.April 25,1916. For County Commissioner.I am a candidate for county commissioner,‘subject to the action of the Democratic prima-\ry Jane 3,1916 E.G.GAITHER.|“April 21,1916. |Eor Register. ‘To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:f hereby announee my candidacy for the of-ce of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-t tothe action of the Democratic primary.J.H.McLELLAND,Mooresville,N.C. \fijee’ |April 21. i For Treasurer.\To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:|J hereby announce myself a candidate for e office of County Treasurer,subject to the tion,of?the county Democratic nominatingne8d,1916.Will ap-Respectfully,W.C.WOOTEN,Bethany Township. For Register of Deeds. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry June 8,1916.Wm.H.MORROW. April 18. thjae!primaries,to be held Jupreciateyoursupport. April 18. iG For Sheriff.I am a candidate for Sheriff of Iredell county,subject.to the action of the Democrat- ic primary,and solicit the support of the Democratic voters in the primary.April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. FLOORING THAT WON'T “BULGE.”CEILING THAT WON'T “WARP.”*SHINGLES THAT WON’T “CUP.”SIDING THAT WON’T “BUCK.”CASING THAT WON’T “SWAG.”Cc.WATKINS SELLS THEM“CHEAP!” “Delicious ~And Refreshing:: isismreto'please _ eae' G Marrengday 112 Bottling Co.,Statesville,N.C, 7 hoe f Bottled By | ‘ Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcal Post Service. DONT FORGET OUR | Half Price Suit Sale We are still selling our Silk and Woolen Suits at HALF PRICE. Silk Dresses and Sport Coats. are reduced,too. Bigger and Better stock of Shoes.of all the wanted styles for men women and children than we've ever shown.White. Shoes Galore. ‘Auto Dusters. Special lot linen colored Dusters for men and women,Special $1.50 each.Caps to match,25c. Other grades at $2.00 to $5.00.Send us your mail orders. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. 2 BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine,Wholesale and _re- tail.~Establishedin 1880.—Incorporated 1909. PHONES:Office .294 ({EQO.H.MYERS,PHONES:Residence 423 Vice es,and Manager. —a ————————————— \HUNT BROTHERS,| STEAM,HOT WATER’AND VAPOR HEATING. Plumbing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES I'URNISHED, r Join.your Friends and go to ..@hautauqua:June 22-28! )i THESTROLLERS’QUARTET,Chautauqua,June 26, The‘mentParty,Receptions,Etc.—“(Mr.-Floyd C,Barnes aid’Miss EllaBaumeister,who were married Thurs:day intheir home city,Jacksonville,Fia.,are spending their honeymoonin.and around Asheville.The latterpartoftheweektheywillbeheretospend‘a few days with Mr.and Mrs.J.Paul Leonard.ae Mrs.¥E.M.Yount ~éntertained|Thureday afternoon at four tables ofbridge’in ‘honor of /Miss JeanieKluttz.of Salisbury.Miss Kluttzwasgiven-a—-corsage-of--sweet-peasasguestofhonorand»Mrs.D.J.Craig:a corsage of sweet.peas forhigh-score prize.Punch and a saladcoursewereserved.While here»Miss Kluttz was alsoguestofhonorat-parties given byMrs.James.Wilson and Mrs.T.D.Webb,oy é Mrs.R,B.McLaughlin entertainedinformallyataporchparty,FridayafternooninhonorofMrs.Payne,whoistheguestofMrs.C.Watkins,Therewerenogames,the guests spendingthetimewiththeirsewing,afterwhichrefreshmentswereserved. *.- There were fourteen guests at the«three-course luncheon given by MissSaraAdamsThursdayeveningwhen“announcement of the engagement ofMissFannieFeildanaMr,J.D,Coch-rane,Jr,was made.After the lun-cheon a string was pulled and littlerosespending’from the chandelierfellateachguest’s plate.In theroséwasacard—Don-Fannie,”Summer.”The decorations werepink,the centerpiece being a basket ofpink—roses.Serving were MissesMattieFeildandNaomiBailey.Miss Feild is a daughter of Mr.andMrs,B.S.Feild and Mr.Cochrane’isasonofMr.James D,Cochrane,su-perintendent of the city light de-partment, PWritten For The Landmark. y Miss Elizabeth:Ayers entertainedhostofheryoungfriendslast‘Tues-‘day afternoon in celebration of herisixthbirthday,The color scheme ofpinkandgreenwasbeautifullycar-gied out in the dining roum,many cutflowersbeingused.Refreshmentswereservedandgameswereplayed.‘Misses Alene Foster and .Elizabeth‘Ayers tied for the first prize—a bas-tket of fruit—which was presented to‘Alene.The second prize,a booby,was‘won by little Elizabeth Ballard.“Many useful presents were given to Pergonal elld -Cochrane Announce:| rt a ow Miss Lucy Pevtitsantiepent SaturdayandSundayatBlackMountainwithMissAnne.Ferguson.tMr.A.S,Carson’s family havegonetoSpartaforthesummer.Mrs.L.P,ers.went to Newtonyesterdaytoapeawhile:Dr.HIQ.Alexander of Matthewsspent.Sunday in the county with rel-atives.Mr.and Mrs,JY.Foard ahd gon,Carson,returned yesterday from avisit-to..Cleveland.aeMr,FE.S.Shore and family of Ru-ral Hill have:been spending-a fewdaysatthehomeofMrs:Shore'sfather,Mr.John W,Clark,Fallstowntownship:They will-return-home-to-ay.Q iMr,Ray Kidson,who is in schoolaRaleigh,is expected home Thurs- ay.®Mr,H.Lee Lazenby and littledaughter,Lois,returned to SalisburySaturdayafterspendingseveraldayswithTolativeshere.°Mr,and Mrs.Ernest Plyler,MissesConnieandDessieTroutmanandMr.Harley AWinston-Salem;Mr.Albert Emmett Reitzel ofWashington’City is the guest of hisuncle,Judge A.L:Coble.-Mr.Reit-zél,who has been in the office of theCivilServiceCommissioninWashing-ton for nearly four years,has in themeantimeobtainedthe’degree ofbacheloroflawsandmasteroflaws,aw also secured license to practicelawintheDistrictofColumbia. Mrs.Henry,Penn of Boone is theguestofMrs.P.D.Kennedy._Mrs.Julius Wallace and daughter,Miss Hannah,who have been living in Boston for some time,arrived in Statesville Sunday and are stopping at the Inn.They will be at the Innforsometimeandwillbegladtoseetheirfriend’there. dren of Charlotte have been visitingrelativesinStatesvilleforseveraldays. Mrs.Clarence Ayers and Miss Ma-bel Wilson of Charlotte are guests ofMrs,Ed.Ayers.‘ Miss Frances Scott,who was theguestofRev.and Mrs.D.H..Rhine-hardt for a few.weeks,returned Sat-urday to her home in Virginia. Mr.and Mrs.Hugh Mills,whospentafewdaysherewithrelatives,left Sunday for their home at Supe-rior,Wis.Miss Jeanie Kluttz,who was theguestoffriendshereforafewdays,returned Saturday to her home atSalisbury. Dr.J.J:Mott of Radford,Va.,isspendingawhilehere. Mrs.L.R.Connolly was over fromWinston-Salem a few days the past “PASSING.THRONG. MensaPeopleandeirMovements. Gilleland _spent...Sunday .in. Mr.and Mrs.Geo,Rives and chil-|, BUSY TIMES IN COUNTRY. aidt of 4)NOE rey).eg OLaarvesting:..Crimson..Clovere+Personal Mention +SurgicalCases.TerraCorrespondenceofTheLandmark.aeStatesville,R-3,May 29.—"A horse!a horse!My kingdom for a horse!”The clarion call of that king.agesago.is being repeated in the countryagain,now that so much is at.stake.Farmers have been calling on yolun-teer plowmen and everything in.the |shape of ‘horse flesh that can ‘pull aplow..As eer An_immense-quantity of ‘crimson community,eeMr,Flake-Clodfelter-left for Wash-ington,.D.-C.,a few days ago,wherehe_will join the other-boys from Iré-del]who have positions there.Mrg.7.C.Greenwood 'and son,who have been spending a few days|with Mrs.M.F.Gabriel,-will leave’for their home in Elkin today.Mrs.Dora Shoemaker igs undergo-|5ingtreatmentfromDr,Carpenter for |a diseased bone in her nose,and anoperationfortheremoval‘of the banewillbeperformedsoon.Mrs.AlvahDarr,who has.been—suffering.frétnappendicitis,will undergo the.inev-itable operation also,Jt is appallingwhenwerealizeatwhataratesurgi-cal cases are increasing,’and the’sub;sequent drain on the finances of thecountry,these ~operations impose.Last year six p&rsons in this imme:diate vicinity,within a radius.of.twomiles,and in less than ten.months’time,underwent operations.Unlesssciencecomestoourreliefafew|years hence the person who hasn'thadsomepartoftheiranatomyre-moved will be regarded as a peculiarspeciesofhumanity, Events at Side Light School.House.‘ Correspondence of The Landmark.Hiddenite,R-1,May 25 —We haveadafineseasonafterthelongdryspell, ( ond Sunday afternoon in June at 3o'clock. There will be an ice cream supper|at Side Light school house on Satur-day night;June 3,for the benefit.oftheSundayschool.The public is cot-dially invited. The Sunday school at Side Light isPkogressingfine.There is an aver-age attendance of about 35.We arecontemplatinghavingaChildren’sDayaboutthe1stofJuly.We havegoodmusic,led by Mr.R.P.McLain. F Help It. |Fellow Citizens of Iredell County:,I am a candidate for the office of regret very) ’ for, |Qld.Auto.Rubber Casing,4e. clover seed is being harvestedin this |;,,/r°following - Reginald,|Pound was paid for/best grade cotton. |4 PACKAGE of Blog Bhol will keep your Po- |FOR,SALE—Fresh Milk Cow WANTED—Shipments of Cream.Large out- WA NTED—200 white FOR SALE—Household and kitchen furni- FOR RENT—Cottage known as the “Recto- Rev.Jay Gwaltney -will preach ‘at!—__SeSideLightschoolhouseonthesec;+|FOR SALE—Lot of first-class Bee Hives, OR RENT—The Copeland house on Walnut whieh FOR SALE OR RENT—To desirable party, CORN—Weave in the market for Shelled Mr.Tharpe RegretsItBut Can’t |For RENT—Cottage with In the Matter of Snow Creek i Beate itnfanfois -‘the idllowing’prises Where sea"Yeutetubyluceonthelocalmarket.Spring Friers,28¢.per 1b,Old Hens,13¢per Ib,Exes,16¢.-per dozensRoosters,6c.per Ib,Butter,We.per Ib.Beeswax,25c,a Ib,Green’Hides,18¢.per Jb.Hams,17¢,to 18¢,perIb,Sides,18¢,Ib, Shoulders,13¢,Ib,‘New Red’Honey,10c.to 12 1-2c..per tb,Rourwood Honey Comb,16 to luc.per ib, Sweet Potatoes,60¢.per bushel, f Graix. prices were paid yesterdaylocalmarket:Wheat,$1.80 per bushel, bushel, The following Corn,(new),80¢,perOats,bbc.per bushel, Btatesville Cotton Market,|fOn the local market yesrerday 12 3-4¢.per ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsPerline,No ad,taken for less than 25cents,Cash must sccompany order.) O8T—L uady’s Bracelet.Finder return to THELANDMARK.May 30. Bugs ané J.KIM- tatoes and all Plants free fromWorms.You ean get it at D. BALL'S,‘ Milk with accondCalf.W,L.DUNLAP,Dunlap,N.C,May 30-—1t, lets for high grade Butter.We are especial.|ly desirous of seeuring mdividual shippers. Cans furnished free for 30 days.Write us for particulars.CAROLINA CREAMERYCO.,Hickory,N.C.May 30-—It*. laborers for new ‘Alum-inum plant.Wages $1.70 per 8-hour day, seven days per week.Excellent chancesforadvancementtogoodmen.Houses with electric light’and bath at lowest rates.Pure filtered water.We can also use Bricklayers,Carpenters and Machinists.Aply at once to the EMPLOYMENT BU- REAU,Tallassee Power Ca.,Whitney,N.€. May 30—6t.. ture.J.R.MOORE,Eighth street.‘ee,May 26—2t. ry,”on Walnut street...A,L.COBLE.May 26. with Hotfmann Self-spacing Frames. THOMAS &WATT,Stony Point,N.C.May 26—~2t*, Suitable for residence or boarding given at once.D.J.May 23. street.house. CRAIG, Possession residence 747 N.Mulberry street.Modernconveniences.J.'A.,SCOTT,Jr."phone426.May 19. EO IAI nt A ar ers $APo.thee DEPOSIT YOUR MONEYWITHTHISBANK! WE KEEP YOUR FUNDS AB-. SOLUTELY SECURE!| Canceled Checks are indisputa- ble receipts for what you have paid on accounts.YOU GET EVERY FACILITY.| OFFERED .BY A_GOOD, STRONG BANK! THE FIRST NATIONAL BStatesville,N.C.Capital $100,000.Four Per Cont Paid on Time Deposits.U.S.Depository.mR Corn and will pay highest market price,cash,STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO. May 5. lights,baths,ete.M.VP.ALEXANDER.May6. Drainage District. cestodeWickerandFiber iio wis Way week,looking after business matters.|Register of Deeds,IMrs.B.C.Griffin and daughter,/™much to defeata good man like Mr.who visited Mrs.Griffin’s parents,Mr.|M.E.Ramsey in the primary;and 1 take notice that the hearing on the Board ofandMrs.J.M.Davis,returned Fri-|also regret having,to defeat,in the Viewers’Supplementary Report set for Mayday’to their home at Marshville.|general election,either Messrs.Mc-|ith,at ea ok (oteeMr.W.-H.Morrison went to Jack-|Lelland,Morrow or Brown,for they!”Mey 30--June 9.J.A HARTNESS,¢.S.C,son,Northampton county,Friday,to/2re all such good fellows,it seems’a}——-——visit friends.|pity to beat them.But I have no al-! —the little’hostess.The out-of-town .;raeCLandownersintheabovedrainagedistrictguestswereMissesBlancheandRu-2 Rives and Veneta Ayers of Char-otte. ‘Notices of New Advertisements. Slug shot for plants.—D.J.Kimball. Porch Furniture ! {ee {Shipments of cream wanted.—Car- olina Creamery Co.,Hickory .,Laborers)wanted for aluminumplant.—Tallassee Power Co.,_Whit-‘ney,N.C, ¢Hearing board of viewers continued.—J.A.Hartness,C.S.C. Fresh milk cow for sale.—W.LLDunlap,Dunlap,N.C. Candidate Corporation Commission-er.—D.L.Boyd. Blanche Sweet at The Lyric today.World’s best high grade sewing ma-chine.—iIredell Farmers’Union Ware-house Co.«Delicious and refreshing,—Coco-Co-la Bottling Co.Shaw knit hosiery.—Sherri!l-WhiteShoeCo. Cash basis,Thursday,June ‘Iredell Ice &Fuel Co. Low prices on everything to buildiwith.—C,Watkins.‘Special attraction this week.—The-Crescent, Fiber and reed porch furniture,—»Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.The correct time —R.H.Rickert &“Son. A;complete line Victor records andVictrolas——Andrews Music Store. “Davenports,chairs ‘and tables.—Statesville Housefurnishing Co, Savings account—~soticited.—Mer-‘chants and Farmers’Bank. Seven,joyous days.—Chautauqua,June 22-28.*Bigger and better stock of shoes.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrtso—Co. “4 Dressed squabs.—W.B.Crowson,+Umbrella lost.Bracelet lost. 1st.— ;Turnersbureg Items. +Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. ‘_Turnersburg,May 29 —Oh,how~thankful everybody should feel after4havingsuchagoodrainlastweekand ‘another one yesterday!Everything;,was looking very bad and people were |beginning to think it was entirely‘too late for rain,as everything was;80 far behind.But after having those 'glorious rains,all crops have taken a double step-to make up for lost,time, .and we will make about as much this3yearasusual,if the fall is-a late one.;Rev.J.C.Mock filled his appoint- £ment here last Sunday. -Dr.Fleete Steele of Hickory visit- ed home people here last Sunday,re-turning to Hickory Sunday evening.,Mr.John Gatton of York,Pa.,whohasbeenvisitingatthehomeofhis'parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Gatton,returned to Pennsylvania Saturday.“}Mx.Will Keller of Statesville visited1atthehomeofhisbrother,Mr.R:§.“Keller,Sunday. Ice Cream at Athens—Personal{!Correspondence of The Landmark. »Statesville,R-5,May 29 —Theretwillbeanicecreamsupper:at Athens-8thool house Saturday night,June 3,_for the benefit of the school.Every‘one invited,Mrs.Fred.Casey and children of’Concord,who have been visiting rela-»tives,have returned home.~‘_Miss Bettie White of Statesville is4visitingherbrother,Mr.G.B.White.Messrs.Frank King and Bard Law-rence are at home from Raleigh,where+,they attended A.&M,College.(yg,Cathalladsintasnansnngs”Rea of a et oees Met Atfoct The fiend;ause Of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXA-©TIVE BROMO QUININEis better than ordinaryQuinineai$not cause nervousness torTinginhead.Remember the full name andforthesignatureofR,W.GROVE,Bre ‘|people who are Mr.and Mrs.R.L.Morrison vidson mencement,to attend the college com- Mr.Harlee Morrison, uates, attend the Universityment.|Mrs.Nathan O’Berry,who spent a!few weeks with her daughter,Mis.|Ross McElwee,returned yesterday to!her home in Goldsboro.|Miss Rebecca Stimson is at home|from Gastonia,where she has been|teaching in the graded school.. the school closed she has been with!friends in Greensboro,where she at-tended the Normal commencement.Miss Eulalia Turner,principal of!the Thomasville Orphanage school,is}spending a few days with her father,Mr.J.C.Turner. LEE -LIPPARD WEDDING.. Marriage of a Young |Iredell Man in Raleigh. Lippard wedding,mentioned brieflyin-the-last issue of _The Landmark,is from the Raleigh Times:“A pretty home wedding was cele-brated Wednesday afternoon athomeofV.J.Lee in Cameron Park,when his niece,Miss Janie DorothyLee,became the.bride of Earl Lip-pard of Statesville.The -ceremony was performed by Dr.T.W.O’Kel-ley,pastor of the First Baptistchurch.The wedding was a quiet and simple event,witnessed by a numberoftheintimatefriendsandrelatives of -the-bride and_groom.=“The decorations of long-leaf pine,trailing nasturtium and field daisieswereinaccordancewiththesimplic-ity of the wedding.Mrs.V.J.Lee rendered the wedding music.Duringtheceremonysheplayedsoftly‘ILoveYouTruly.’“The only attendant was little MissElizabethLee,the flower girl.Sheworeadaintylittlefrockofpinksilk’and accordian-plaited lace,carryingabasketofpinksweetpeas.“The bride wore,an attractive trav-eling suit of blue with gray hat andglovesandshoes.She carried a bou-quet of bride’s roses,Following theceremonyMr,and Mrs..Lippard leftforaweddingtriptowesternCaro-lina after which they will be at homeinStatesville. “The bride,who has been makingherhomeforanumberofyearswithheruncle,V.J.Lee,in this city,is anattractiveandcharminggirlwithalargecircleoffriends‘here.ThegroomhasjustcompletedaspecialcourseinagricultureatA.and M.College. “Robert E.Lee of Greenville,N.C.,brother of the bride,was here to at-tend the wedding.”(Mr.Lippard is a son of Mrs.J.A.Lippard of the vicinity of Barium.The Landmark).; The Strong Withstand the Heat ofSummerBetterThantheWeakOldpeoplewhoiarefeeble,and youngereak,will be strengthenedandenabledto’go through the depress. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic,Itpurifiesandenrichesthebloodandbuildsup of |ternative—I want to be Register ofScott’s left yesterday and Miss Kate Deeds so .Morrison will leave tomorrow for Da-|Want to be Register so very much, son of Mr.and Mrs.Morrison,grad-|Drice for|Hides and Misses Louise and Elizabeth Sher-|Flour,rill went to Chapel Hill yesterday to,cheap as they can be sold.commence-|Feed and Flour in car lots.—ad. DRESSED SQUARS. Easily Digested—Delicious RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS For Convalescents.ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS, ‘W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor. bad!My platform is:Ti JAMES E.THARPE.Iredell.Produce Co.pays highestChickens,Eggs,Buttér,|Junk,and will sell .youFeed,Hams and Honey as}We buy} Shingles,Doors,Windows, 11 tickets can be soldd dd ONLY Mouldings,Mantels,Columns,Stair- ‘ways,Lime,Cement,Plaster,Laths; Door and Window Frames,Door and |LOST—Umbrella with part of Since}BUILDING? a 22 The following account of the Lee-|22 =the)Instrumental or Vocal.Records for June= ey ae ci n handle chippedoff.Return to THE LANDMARK.May 30.j C.WATKINS,| Window Locks;Sash Weights and Cords.° “°C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C A STYLESCOMPLETEoe$15.00 LINE ICTROLAS $400.00 Our stock of Records includes educational,Popular andClassical Selections Rendered. be oN ? eyFayait fy ai a)a xy ae re raeXXYVNKY _bd We are showing an attractive assortment ofFiberandReedPorchFurniture. our SLEEPING PORCH OUTFITS. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Compa‘The Store That Always Welcit”PHONE 400. Ask omes You.” about Th any ya ihy.ifnsA are now here.This list includes such artistsasCaruso,Julia Culp,Alma Gluck,Journet,Martinelli,McCormack,Melba,Ober,Zimbalist and others. Drop in any time and we will gladly ‘playtheselectionyoulikebest. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE, Phone 804."105 East Broad Street. ing heat of summer by taking regularly|§ the whole system. 50c.i ‘Acca|| Settee Same Quality,Same Price WHITE AND,COLORS. In Boxes—25c.,50c.,75c.and $1.00. By the Pound with Envelopes to Match,: 25c.,35¢c.and 50c.the Pound. Envelopes 10c.,15e.,and 20c.Package. -af atTHEREXABL STORK, \ Keen Eyes Are Gpen oe Open the eyes of your mind.Let us show you through our Ready-to-Wear lines.They are complete.-Only a few more days to buy Wool or Silk Coat Suits at the reduced price.$5 to $10 saved on a good Suit is worth looking out for. Beautiful Wash Skirts Elegant Wool Skirts Guaranteed Petticoats Gray Chambray Petticoats for Worthmore Shirt Waists only Small lot of good Waists to go at LET US SHOW YOU. Very truly, $1.00 to $2.50. $2.50 to $5.00. $1.00 and $1.50 50c. $1.00. 50c. ff To Bargains} fob 3 oie baal Statesville Drug Comp’y,MILLS &POSTON. Quality Preseriptionists.4!THE BLJOU TRIO,Chautauqua,June 27.ie )sername een TTBRPPATEY ear p ae “We are selling our last ice books on credit.If you prefer you can ay cash for yourics ontmNSTANCKNapeCERee~‘Thursday morning we shall begin to sell,for|’‘each delivery.But of course you lose the ad-1;vantage of the5 per ‘cent saving.Not much|.eash only,coupon books calling for $1.00 wor ui .|saving?,Just figure it upfor a year and-see.This {‘ofice to be delivered any time for 95c and a’|is more interest on your money than the' $5.00 book for $4.75.A five per cent reduction’|banks will allow you.Why not take Senne:of it?in the cost of your ice. |—licen ie “)|If at_any-time you fiers cause to”complain of-As stated before in this series of advertisements,|service rendered,incorrect weights,impolite we are not going to curtail the service rendered;}.}|drivers or anything pertaining to our business,o add more wagons and"|'|We will appreciate prompt notice.We have aratherwearegoingtS‘|man who does nothing but trace down com-more men to improve the service.“i |plaints.With your co-operation we are going You are going to get better and purer ‘ice than:to give ie OnE of our city a service second to;none in the countreverbefore.We have spared no expense this y- winter to equip a plant that will assure this.Remember our phone number,call us up any.th 1 time you feel youare not getting from us whatYouarenotgoingtobebotheredwithacol-.you are paying for;either in weights or service.lector any more—just buy a book of tickets :- from our office.||We’lldo our best to serve you promptly and well. @ Iredell Ice and Fuel Bell Phone 98.ICE ANL COAL.PHONE 87. OFFICE AIND PLANT WEST SHARPE STREET. Frank Culbreth,Office Manager.~Earl Davis,Delivery Manager. ATHELANDMARKBOWMAN-POOL WEDDING.|—Many Civilians Murdered.|More Than 10,000 in Clubs. a |.The club enrollment in North Caro-|ff5“ie :30.1916.exandrians Marry and Go to|More than 200 ~Mexican civilians}...ye :"ieESDAY,May 30,'.|Alexandria >*|were murdered between Mexico City|Hing has passed the ten thousand markWashingtontoLive—Person-and Cuernavaca three weeks ago,ac-|and the Extension Farm News item- es =al Items.|cor ling to private advices received at '%¢8 them as follows:Girls’Canning;ed Products in Five Years.I San Antonia,Texas.Rebels operating clubs,4,224;Boys’Corn clubs,3,250;ie Porrestronde nee of The Landmark,Poul a oy Beni aee The value of products in North Car-Taylorsville,May 29.—Miss Novella between Cuernavaca and Mexico City Poultry clubs,1,729;Pig clubs,1,368;fina in.1914 was $289,412,000,as ,Mabel Bowman,daughter of Mr.T.P.attacked a train on which govern-Cotton ee 4;Potato clubs 60 the IowninareportissuedbytheBu-Howman of Witteshure erate ment employes were being sent to Peanut clubs 17.The total is 10,752 au of the Census for that year.|anq Mr.F.Melfonuld Pool,son of|Cuernavaca to assume the govern-mpared with 1909 this is'an in-Rev.and Mrs.D.W.Pool of Stony |mental work in Cuernavaca.On the AWOWORD FoR MOTHERS Aeaseof$72,756,000,or 33.6 per Point,were married ‘Wednesday,the |train were many women,wives and OT ‘Tk |nt.over that year,the total value|ogth ‘at the home of the bride’s pas-|daughters of employes.Almost all)Ytigagrave mistike for mohe o neg iproductsin1909being$216,656,-\to.”Rey.“A.L.Bolick.Mr.Pool,of them were reported to have heen ject their aches and pains a vaulter i7:{has a position in Washington City|subjected to indignities,after which silence—this only leads to chronic sick-,'The number of establishments 1 and they will make their home there,|a few of them were killed.néss and often shortens life,!14 was 5,507 and in 1909,4,931,an!"My.John W.Moore,who spent the Hf your work is tiring;if your nerves arecreaseof11.7 per cent.The aver-blish winter with his daughters,Mesdames|Check Shipman’s Name.|excitable;if you feel atHnvalueofproductsperestablish-|4°yy,Sample and D.T.MeCarty,in!¢ crease in State’s Manufactur- 1,weary or |i >€S5CC ie =.et:>:Voters are respectfully requested Pea,a oe aioe Ea BashFortPierce,Fla.,and attended the!by the friends of M.L.Shipman a yiulsion everconics just such conditions,General Asembly of the Southern |chec ‘EK his name on their ballot,Sat-It possesses in concentrated form thePresbyterianChurchatOrlando,Fla.,|urday,dune 3d,-for-Commissioner ‘of 2°.elements to invigorate the blood,{#arrived Friday night t 1 tk strengthen the tissues,nourish the hierves |arrives riday nignt to spenc ne |Y,abor and Printing.He is servineeeniSethaMiMa-;and build strength.Summer at his home here,Miss Ma-)his second term and is the only editorbelCooTHOMAeneLinlialh::,Scott’s is stre ngthening thousands ofvelCooper,who taught English in the}whoce name has been entered asahighschoolatWils1}|ay as)as 2 mothers—and will helpyou.Noalcohol.yen school at Wison,returned home Democratic candidate for any State __Scott&Bowne,Bloomfield.N.Saturday.Mrs.E.A.Cooper and}ogico this year.—ad aes seedstaleNivedf.k |;nephew,Master Carl Matheson,went|i,|include amounts received for work 9 [ic kory Friday morning for a few!ne on materials furnished by oth-|weeks’stay.Mrs.R.A.To-rence|U-Watkins Brought Statesville J nk Varel Wr The population of North Carolina|and daughter,Mrs.H.L.Sanders,wf!l ]fe:Charlotte,arrived Thursde Ly night to!Low prices on.Building Material,and |ae census-of,gn was aa a visit Mrs.Torrence’s daughter,Mrs.|his prices are still lowest.Near Depot.i E;vi thesepcleton bl 2°339,000,i bs Moore.Mrs,Sanders W Bae |TELEPHONE NO.43.: ja.the order of that importance,feed wean diae a ae bi Te —:Buys Rags,‘ubber,Zine,/MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. .«>ere e rom a per céhtage ‘standpoint,the|guests at the home of Mrs.Barinow-|‘TAX LISTING,1916!Lead,Copper,serap Iron.cs for the-several items rank as|skits cousin,Miss Irene LeQueux, r 9?ows:Salaries,48.4 per cent.;ma-jhave returned to their home in Char.|,List your property,Retarn your pot,the |Pays highest market price.Iredell Hardware :Com y eials,39.5>per cent.;primary Kon se-|inten Mr.(Jaw requires thet all property subjeet to tise :peer 34.8 par_cent.;wages,84 per Roscoe Watts .has gone tojand all OTA PMRTIR OAIMUTN Hem (ear value of products,33.6 per;Richmond,Va.,to accept a position.ay ;123 S.Center Street.:Mrs.W.R Wilsson,who was a guest|Make these returns promptly and avoid thesalariedemployes,.30.9 per at the home of her sister,Mrs.C.G.naltica preseribed by the Jaw.;May 26--2t*j BCRAICIECOIB)Sue [SSI Roe cae OS:1.FE.BOYD,goer ea ICEDcevalueaddedbymanufacture,25 |Viele,for several weeks,re turned!May 9-it.Clerk to Bu.Go.Coma.rsercent.;capital 16.9 per cent.and|:Saturday to her |C ——:$!Bre of establishment 11.7 per SEG ot er Safer:Mics Re yiecoF TL al A AST a A | je anied her home.Mr.W..-&Nad 3Thecapitalinvestedasreportedin!ompanie her home.Mr.W.J.Ste-§@ evenSuey\=:was $253,842,000,a gain of $36,-.epson,who ‘visited his cousin Ir.pou “Turner Stevenson and Mi s Delphi d k :6,000 or 16.9 per cent.over $217,-|and Kate Stevenson,returned Suton if #.MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE6,000 in 1909.The average capital day to his home in Statesville oo .AND OPPORTUNITY!r establishment was approximately;—~-,\f-E in 1914 and $44,000 in 1909.4 GoodFellowshipDay.THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! ent in 1914 was approximately’$53,-660 and in 1909 $44,000. iThe value of products represented eir selling:value or price at the pjants as actually turned out by the etories-during the census:year and oes not necessarily have any rela- n to the amount of sales for that har.The values under this head al- Sy t y . ve Us F rom the Spirit of Re-|A citizen of Monroe proposes to the s FOR MEN AND WOMEN.AND THE BEST TIME TO START Is RIGHT NOW! venge and From Hysterics.ournal a good fellowship day for'@oneJournal.thi eas and as the idea is one that |i SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANKa_1G 3 ‘“WO VeAfewMexicanbanditskillsomecouldbeputinpracticetoadvantage|§ACCOUNT!,e ~y .»7 rs Y-Sranerandwel era eel p any town,The Landmark is pas We eall your attention to our line of rua A N I ;tant Period ew interes °a in many American cities Ameri-.,it along,Here eeebe Morroa An)f anteed Shaw Knit Hoslery for men and April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment,All Deposits made on or before April 5th will i peed ee ey acnean pracd Kill “Let’s have a good fellow:ship day .women:Ho in a week sometimes and we ‘in The | draw interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly. ittle attention to it.Because ban Petree pent Way t wet to.im S @ de,tl itf|.Because ban-!»her r good |&>(5e,2 pair.rls fe erica:SnknS of gether-is to begin by expressing good |Women’s ilk,black,tan and whit »€1e pa This Bankwelcomes Savings accounts from both women and men! feeling to the ;x-18 >oireeeeegreatAmericanarmieseri’the “right he ana yet hip.|9 Women’s Silk,black,tan and white,5Oe.the pele ould rush into Mexico and kill.Let's set apart a day waen every man &Women’s Lisle,black,tan and white,25c.the pair. Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large:or small,cordially invited. |ae of innocent men and wo.who appears on the street will make! We want your businessf n for revenge.God save us frort e 'People’s Loan and Savings Bank. nnon of mankind but its heart and create a lasting good will,and be pro., Se B s s o z y pe e s e e e e T ,;a Remember,every pi haw Knit Hosemuck,and we take it as the natural That would be a fine thing.It woul if y |ur of Sbestillafinerthingifonthatday|&is uar Ae |to IVE ge tisfactor'wear or thes,eat ere arse cach one who has anything:whatever ey are replac ed witthesa new tah,Let’pe r .4 dPreThinWarteleaaanigueyagainstanyothershouldmakeita cpointtogoto}le $P Se nit.vulsionagainst the steady march tee and anak aa ert dae pate.|\e your next pair of ho;i be a Shaw K ed like this in the ordinary course oferationofmankind.That Germa-business activity would work wondersycanneverwinisthesurest‘testi-ny that she has challenged not the|eeeeand dispel_misunderstandings,PHONE.NO.83, the brotherhood of man and the arte eet ern PES O S IS T CS OT e TE T T TO P C O Se TP F OO P ee er e ee r i s s b e e e e e e e e e o e e e e e ch revenge.Germany,an interna-it a point to shake hands”with at}‘Men’S Silk,black,tan and white,50c.the palr. GEO2H.BROWN .~-President, aspirations.ductive of much happiness,We may jleast:ten of his fellow citizens,ex-| ;O.L.TURNER .Cashier. Pity the nation wRich has Ryeiees he able to.make Monroe a Big i SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO.R Pee ee 9 earner OorK 9]onal mad dog,actuated by princi-'presss his good will towards them,and %Men’s I isle,black,tan and white,eoc the alesthathadgrownoldinthedaysgivethemanexpressionoffriendship.| city in our life time,but we can cer-when it should.have poise.‘tainly make it @ fine place to.live, f Alexander and Mahomed,runs eon full of hh:as 0 =ILDING?;«7WATKINS.|foes he anes3s nd happy people Gk 0T YOUR SEASON TICKET,Chautauqua,June 22-28.THE SCHUBERT ‘STRING QUARTET,Chautauqua,June 24, may :.WBwatevd"*aveiee onnanan *oe wanes:eee .ae cavcetelipatantsnstionnegiton --IW bioeegyn 25 {i!3 : |frou pont sa fons Gt Whaat is atl)YOTAO0EiLO“de lttenod ad ngs on on aldaritniit : ae liz CO nuue aie Motal oe ARE FIREPROOF. ‘They’will save in-insurance-on-your-‘house;-for-they- can't burn.And in addition they are permanent,weather. proof,finein appearance and inexpensive,===" i 2 2 For Sale by a «LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO.,:NC.‘STATESVILLE, ‘\forspaY.|WRONGS MUST BE STOPPED TKK J the enemies of Great Britain,can.noametalongerrieeremaiahate1916,‘izeng of the Un tes have suf-May 90,1916,fered and continue to suffer!through‘these methods;‘To submit to a_law-less practice of this character:would open the door to repeated violationsvofinternationallawbythe’belliger-ent powers on the-ground ofmilitary The United States Serves Notice on Great Britain and °France --whieh-American-eitizens-have--suffer-.- THE REASON SOME PEOPLE NEVER i =O]—CsSUMAVE ANY MONEY F is“because they spend all they make 7 E trying to make people’think they iS do have some. Why not be sensible and save at least a part of what you make?A splendid way to make this start would be to opena Savings account,and make de- posits regularly. We would be glad to have you open an account with us with any amount from $1.00 up. -Merchants and Ffarmers’Bank ‘Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” i Rockers,Settees,Swings, SUCH AS Couch Hammocks,Porch\'9 Shades,Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies.‘Anything.in summer goods.Phone your wanis to us,and our man will be there with~the goodsin a few minutes.Quick Delivery Is Our Motto. Williams Furniture House Inc. The Favorite oes That the Lawless Practice ofInterferingWithOur-_Mails.Cannot Longer Be Tolergted. The United States,denouncing in-terference with neutral mails,has no~tified Great Britain and France that it can ne-longer tolerate the wrongs ed and continue suffering through the “lawless practice”those governmentshaveindulgedin,and~that only a radical change in policy,restoringtheUnitedStatestoitsfullrightsasaneutralpower,will be satisfactory. This.notification is given in the!latest American communication to thetwogovernments,the text of which was made public by the State Depart- ment_in Washington Friday..night.The time in which the change mustbe-effected’is “not specified,but the United Statés.expects prompt action.The communication quotes the clos-+ ing paragraph of the joint note of|February 15 and says this govern-ment does.not admit,as.asserted therein,that parcel post matter is, subject to the exercise of the rights of police supervision,visitation andeventualseizurewhichbelongstothe belligerents as to all cargoes on;the! high seas.The three governments,| however,it is asserted,“appear to be |in substantial agreement as ,to the principles.The method of applying| the principle is the chief cause of dif-| ference.”Continuing,the communi- B |cation says: “Though giving assurances.that| they consider genuine correspondencetobeinviolableandthattheywill,| bi |on the high seas’from |of these H |confiscating Sport instead of at Sea. =i to that prolest the memorandum El acter.” TheStatesville Realty &Investment Co.INSURANCE! Asa great many policyholders do not_seem_to know-that their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in the contract of the policy which they buy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesame.will be rendered valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to your agent for permit.:2-—-Mechanics making additions to,or.extraordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.3—Property upon.which there is a mortgage unless notice ofsameisgiven—apply to your agent.4-—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper- ty insured other than by:death. 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another. 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—The taking of other insurance without notice.8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage. Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de- ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation,”“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54..STATES VILLE,N.C. “In the Good Old Summer Time,”plenty of water and pure Soap adds luxury to your living. A CLEAN SKIN MEANS A‘CLEAN BILL OF;HEALTH!No-thing so adequately protects your skin against the irritating,wor- risome effects of the heat as soothing,sanitary Soap and water. In our fine selection of pure,medicinal Soaps you'll find the BEST, and they'll afford you unlimited Summer comfort. ASK ABOUT OUR “SPECIAL SALE”! ‘true to their engagements,’refrain | ls seizing ‘and| |confiscating such correspondence,the||allied governmenst préceed to deprive |' /rautral governments of the benefits| assurances by seizing and mail from vessels _in| They compel| neuiral ships ‘without just cause to ;Fenter their own ports.or they induce ,|fh shipping lines_through-some form—of,— lduress,to send their|British ports,or they detain all ves- enforced.jurisdiction,| eommoscmamam |(7e correspondence as well as.post}i varcels,take them to London,where |even though of alelev"ory piece. |oviein and destination,is opened and eriticaly examined to determine.the incerity of their character’in ac+ ;cordance with the interpretation giv-2;en that undefined praise bv the Brit- ish and French censors.Finally the expurgated remainder -s fofwarded, frequently_after irreparable delay,to! its destination.Shins en route to or from the United States| or to or from other neutral countries a mails are held and delayed for several days and, in some cases,forS|weeks_and-even-months,ever-though ;|not routed to ports.of north Eurone@)via British ports. e|procedure which has heen nracticed:| B)since the announcement of February This has been the} |1h,1916.To some extent the samc} nractice was followed before that date,calling forth the protest of this+ roveriment on January 4,1916.But un-|der_acknowledgment makes no refer- eneo and is entirely unresponsive.” The United States reiterates that the foreign goverRanents do not obtain riehtfnul jurisdiction over neutral: ships hy foreing them to visit their ports for the purpose of seizing mails,and holds that such a practice| amounts to an unwarranted limita-|ition of the use of seas by neutrals.It is suggested that “one illegal prac- tice has been’abandoned to make | place for the development of.another| more onerous and vexatious in char-| Gave Them Better Treatment.| The note then sets forth a number! of precedents to sustain the position| of this country.referring first to the war between the United States and Mexico,when United States forcesallowedBritishsteamerstoenterand| devart from the port of Vera Cruz) without molesting the mails intended| for_inland_points;—During-the-Amer-=- jean civil war Secretary Seward an- nouneed “that public mails of any friendly or neutral nower duly certi-_ fied or authenticated as such,shall;not be searched or opened but be put |as speedily as may be convenient on! way to their designated destination.” In accordance.with this announce-! ment,the United States,in the case |of the British ‘steamshin Peterhoff, |which has been seized with her mails jagainst the nrotest of her majestv’s |government,had her mails forwarded to destination unopened. “The arbitrary methods cmployed by the British and French govern- ments have resulted most disastrous-Iv to citizens of the Unfted States.” /it is stated.“Important papers which pean never be difplicated,or can he i duplicated_onlv.with great.difficulty, such as United States patents for in- ventions,rare documents,legal pa- vers relating to the settlement of cs- tates,nowers of attorney,fire insur- ance claims,income tax returns,and similar matters have been lost.De- le ttre receiving shipping documents have caused great loss and inconven- jence by preventing prompt delivery of goods.***Business oppor- tunities are lost by failure to trans- mit promutly bids,specifications and contracts.” Will Not Stahd For It- Concluding,the note says:|“The government of the United States,in view of the improper meth- ods employed by the,British and French authorities in interrunting mails passing between the UnitedStatesandotherneutralcountries and between the ‘United States and; A Symbol of Health,The Pythagorians of ancient Greece dte sim-| ple food,practiced temperance and_purity.|As a badge they used the fivé-pointed starbgtheyregardedasasymbolofhealth.| Ared five-pointed star appears on edth pack:|age of Chamberlain's Tablets,and still ful-fils its ancient mission as a symbol of health.|If you.are troubled with indigestion,bilious-| ness or constipation,get a package of these} tablets’from your druggist.You will be sur-prised at the quick relief which they afford. ’Obtainable everywheze. mail ships bend yi sels merely calling at British ports,jae ways larger B |thus acquiring by force or unjustifia- :|ble means an illegal jurisdiction,Act-| mamas |ing upon this -———|the authorities remove all mails,gen-| are detained| |Polk Gray Drug Co., necessity,of which the violator wouldbethesolejudge.tral nation cannot permit its rightsonthehighseas!to be permitted ordeniedarbitrarilybytheecracpmant of a warring nation.The rights ofneutralsareassacredastherightsofbelligerents,and must be as strict- ly~-observed:—,“The government “ofthe,“United ||f States,pri.fa in the regard for in- ternational law and the rights of neu-trals,which the British and French| governments have so often proclaim-| ed and the disregard of which they have urged.so vigorously against| their enemies in the present war,ex-| pects the present practice of the) British and French authorities in the|treatment of the mails from or to the| United States to ,ceuse and.belliger- ent rights,as exercised,to conform to} the principle governing the passageof | mail matters ‘and to tue recognized|practice of nations.Only a radical| change in the present British and | French policy,restoring to the Unit-| ed States its full rights as a neutral power,will satisfy this.government.”|}- LTKnowstheDifficultiesBut.is) Willing to Be Sent.| Extract From Mr.Bickett’s Speech: “P&rmit me to say in closing that|fot cight years I have lived too close| to the office of Governor to indulge| {in any illusions about it.I know the|office,its possibilities and its limita-| |toins,its privileges and’its obliga-| |tions. |for personal glory makes merchan- Manifestly a neu-|| dise of his soul and:is doomed to a/} harvestof remorse. and pomp drink from golden goblets but it will'be a Belshazzer’sandonthewallsofhis He may in pride! feast,| own gon-| science he will see the finger of God|spell out his failure and_his fall. Glocks,‘Watclies and Saaclaaid Repaired,cal fitted,Byes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. RR.FY HENRY -Jeweler. ‘ |my KODAK ea “The Simplicity,Conventerieeand Effictency of Kodak Systenrhavenputamateurphotographywithinreachofeveryman,womanand child; -at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12;Kodak ; supplies of all kindsin the genuine Eastman quality. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler,| The man who seeks this office| The Traveler's Comfort---- Yours at Home! Emerson Fans! Today the Electric Fanis a necessi-ty in every hotel room,The trav-ag."ielingpublicdemandsthiscooling= fan comfort. You,fatigued from a dayiin the office,store or factoPy,can ro home to just guch comfort.—Its:welcome relief can be yours.In dining room,library,perch and bed rooms,it will give you a pleasant evening,refreshin tired brain,and bedy for the day ahead.Fans with a Five-Year Registered Guarantee. HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. 516 Center St.’Phone 361. “Knowing these things,with a sad, and fearful certainty;knowing the |pathos that is inherent in the office,|that is forever linked with pow-| er,and yet knowing the high privi- egc the office brings.to lead a people and lovelier than|they have known,in a spirit of deep-| cst humiliy and consecration,I saytoGodandmen:‘Here am I.Send|me’”| Former Marshal Logan Dead. .E.Logan,United States mar- shal for the western district of North ville Thursday,following a stroke of apoplexy,which he previously. ASTATESVILLE MAN GIVESEVIDENCE! His Testimony Will Interest Ev-| ery Statesville Reader. 'BEAT IT, Carolina during the Taft administra-| tion,died at his home in West Ashe-| suffered a week | |||The value of local evidence is indis-| putable. |we accept as true because we know we can prove it for ourselves.There ‘has been plenty of such evidence in the Stetesville papers lately and this straightforward testimony has ,established a confidence in the minds of Statesville-people that will not be |easily shaken. J.E.Fry,foreman in shop,220 FE.Bell St., small of/pains caught me across the It is the kind.of evidence|# |furniture | Statesville,says:| |“E had lumbago and often such sharp| my back when I stooped.that I could; hardly straighten.Seeing Doan’s |Kidney Pills highly -recommended,-1- gota supply from the Drug Co.and began taking them.J was soon relieved.When I notice that Statcsville | 1 ‘my kid=ous are not acting just right; I take a iew doses of Doan's Kidney| Pills and they put me in good shape.” Price 50c.at all dealers.Don’t| simply ask-for a kidney remedy—fet Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same-that” Mr.Fry had.Foster-Milburn Co.,| Props.,Buffalo.N.Y. Spring| Flowers! ' Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of theValley,, in profusion. Van Lindley C0, ‘GREENSBORO,X.9. +hacal Agrats. Wheit'all the Tickets are sold.it ‘means no more can be bought! 4 As jt passed the first man cussed, While the second merely fussed;} Climbing all the hills on high,But the last.man said,they say,Passifig all the othets by.It won’t stop,it’s a “Chevrolet.”N.W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT,_Statesville,N.C, Beerrensceestttetsherresteeersseterrrcsatsteceaseeteasaatteas SERENATAaTITTAg IE (ommercial National Bank:| OF STATESVILLEa,N.C, $100,000.00.31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. beat it,little car, Ilow I wonder what you are, 33 3 3 2 z PI T T I SS I S IT . Capital Steck Paidin Surplus and Profits SS I T T I S I B I I 3 . ‘-Your Banking business.solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent,paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit’three months or longer. OFFICERS: .TURNER,KE.MORRISON, D.M.AUSLEY,-Cashier,G.EK.HUGHEY,~Assistant Cashier.” ee er re ee SS W I I I I I I T s s I Is z F President."Vice President. Tal FOR SALE!|=|_ se ee eee em 152 acres,7 mileseaseast of Statesville,two--story,six-room dwelling,| harn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in meadow,balance in woodland,level and productive. 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock barn and out-buildings,.-rood-orehard,-two—branehes—running —- through place,60-acres in cultivation,generally level,balaneg in woodland enclosed in pasture.i Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x 200. Vacant Iet on Armficid street,50x150. 186 acres,6 miles from Sttaavitie.75 in cultivation,balance in woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard.Will exchange for smaller farm or city property. For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER.GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT: »9 ALS AND REAL ESTATE.PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING, _FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING ll WITH A wg Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs ~ on your stock,in your chicken house,AY closets and for general use.oe —>USE KRESANO._—_on "Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE,’PHONE 20.Prescriptionist. ee4 “UNCLE SAM’S EXPERIMENT,”Junior Chautauqua,June 22-28, HE LANDMARK| “TUESDAY,~+May 30,1916. _D.L.BOYD ‘wocemepperinnemegnrn -Democratic Candidate For _Corporation_Commis- sioner of North Carolina. Z enerocae Yr DP.L.Boyd of Haywood coun: ty,Democratic for Corporation.Commissioner,the man.who presents himself fo the consideration of the Demo- eratic voters of the State upon his experience and abilify and peculiar knowledge of the duties of a Corporation Commissioner He has had more than twenty- five years’experience in actual- ly building railroads,and has an intimate knowledge of the val- ues of land,publie utility prop- erties,and theories of taxation. His candidacy against W. T.Lee,one of the present Cor- poration Commissfoners,who made the order increasing tax valuations in Iredell county. candidate is Children Called to Meet 'Tomoi- row to Plan For Chautauqua. The children are to have the big Place in the Chautauqua parade on the opening day—Thursday —after- noon,June 22,at 3 o’clock.It is ex- pected-that-200-children —will_be in tine-and-that they wilt march direct-ly to the tent for the first afternogy performance.Immediately after the élose of the afternoon programme,the children will remain to meet with the Junior Chautauqua superintend- ents,to be enrolled for the morning Sessions, Miss Love.Walker,who is -chair- man of the local Junior committee, reports that the children are to have the best Junior Chautauqua this year that has ever been given in States- ville.They have ever so many new games for this year,new songs,a new play,and the children may look forward to having the best and most joyous seven days ever. The Story-Tellers’League will have a story hour on the court house im meee MISSIONARY GATHERING._ Women’s"Missionary Confer- ‘ence at.Broad Street Church— The Bible Class Sunday— Items of Church News. Sunday morning the new aim of theMen’s.Bible class at Bfoad Streetchurchwasreachedwhentherollof names reached 150,It was a proud day for the class,for Superintendent Anderson and for the pastor,There were 129 members present—and-six Visitors,making a_total,attendance for the day of 1385. The class-room had been enlarged during the week by the removal of-a partition that had separated it from the room occupied by Mr.H.G.Hal- lyburton’s class of boys.This in-creased the seating capacity of the room by 50 per cent and the comfort even more,The newly enlarged room was filled Sunday. Miss Gertrude Allen,whom_the was present and made a very .inter- sting but brief address to the class, eies of her work at the college for the past year-and expressing to the| class her sense of appreciation for| what it was doing.At the conclusion| of.Miss Allen’s address the elass voted| “unanimous endorsement of her work| its Deseo:se to continue for next! ame ‘support in keeping Miss°AHen in college. At the close of the Jesson hour the} class assembled on the north side of the church for.a photograph of the! membership.There were more than | 140 in the class picture.It is ex-! pected that the picture,with a histor vi of the great growth of the class.will appear in The Adult Student,the! rtote'tlass magazine published by the} Methodist Episcopal Church,South,| and circulated in almost every Sund: school in)the Southern Methodist Church.It was a great.day for the| and for Broad Street Sunday; school. vear the clnss The Statesville District Woman's Missionary Conference will meet in Broad Street Methodist church Thurs.| day morning,June 1,at 10 o'clock. The sessions will continue throughout Friday ‘afternoon.The societies of| Atexander,Catawba,—Caldwell and Tredell counties:are included this Conference.About fifty delegates and*Conference officers make up its membership.The visiting ladies will} he entertained in the homes of the members of the congregation The| general public is urged to attend all the sessions of the Conference—morn- ine,afternoon and.night.Special: tention is called to the programme Thursday night and everybody ed to attend. Rev.W.R.Ware,D.D.,presiding elder of the Statesville Distriet,will| preach at Broad Street church next! Sunday morning-at-H-e'eleck:: Communion services will be held at) Sethany «Sunday morning at 111 o'clock,Preparatory services Satur-| in rar invit "| lawn tomorrow (Wednesday)—after- noon at 4.30 o'clock.Al!the —chil- dren of the town are invited to be wresent for the story hour,and Miss Walker wants to meet every child who has been in’Junior Chautauqua heretofore,and every child who would like to be in it this year,to ex plain to them this year’s plans,and to tell them all about what to expect for this year. Remember,all children from 6 to 15 years of age,are urged to comeout.Wednesday afternoon—boys andrirls—to plan for the big parade ontheopeningdayofChautauqua—Thursday,June 22.If you wouldliketobeintheparade,be sure tocometothecourthouselawnat4.30tomorrowafternoon, WhatRoosev elt Ma:iv Do. Chairman Charles D.Hilles of theRepublicannationalcommitteeex-presses the opinion that the platformadoptedbythenational next week.will deal only most vital publie questions.In speaking of the probable actionoftheProgressivenationalconven.tion called for June 7 in)Chicavo,Chairman Hilles said: “I imagine everybody assumes thattheProgressiveswillnominateRoose-velt for President.If the Repubheanconventionadoptsastraightforwardsincere,ringing declaration of thevitalpublicquestionsnowbein@dis-cussed,and nominatesequaltotheimportant tasks whichwillconfrontthenextPresidentRooseveltmightnotthinktherewouldbeanyneedofhisenterinethefield.But if the Republicans 1nateamanwhoMr.is a misfortune and adopts a ae tformwhichheregardshuni"hemayfeelsooutrageaperhapshelpre-clect Presidcitson.” conventionwiththe aoman clearly nomi- Roosevelt thinks as Wil It is reported from Chicaeo thatnoticeofcontestinvolvingtheentiredelegationfromNorthCarolinatothyRepublicannationalteheenfiled.Thetestisnot notice wrs receivedspreseribedhyJaw.= convention, reason for theassigned, not CONhutitissaidthe In the as to ri Adv { o'clock,| \ day afternoon at 8 As to Mr. ‘To.the Tomlin’s Candidacy. Editor of The Landmark: In vour paper I note the candidacy of Mr.©.S. county commissioner. Mr.Tomlin already —slirector of the North Carolina railroad—I would like to have thefollowinginformation:Tf Mr.Tom-!lin is nominated and elected county|commissioner,which office will he re-,sign—that of county commissionerordirectoroftherailroad?I be-lieve the law is that no man ean hold|and occupy two offices at the sametime.and since this is true,if Mr.Tomlin is nominated and clected,—itwillbe—neeessary for him to resignoneofhisoffices,and the question is,which will it be,and who will be ap-pointed to fill the vaeancy in caseheshouldresignascountycommis-sioner?A VOTER. Mr.Tomlin Will Not Resign. ‘To the Democrats of Iredell County: T anderstand that there is a reportbeingcirculatedtotheeffeetthatifTamcleetedontheboardofcommis-sioners that it is understood that Iamtoresignthatsomeoneelse_maybeappointedinmystead.‘|This report is utterly.groundlessandentirelywithoutanyfoundationinfact..T wish to say that if I amelecteda.commissioner of —Iredell county that it will be my pleasure togivetothe icc of announced. Tomlin for| Knowing that, holds one.office| which I am enpable. Gas YOML IN. CATALRRH CANNOT bis L£Unik ae With LOCAL AVPLICATION 3 vannol reach the seat of th liCatarrhisabloodorconstitutionalase,and in order to cure it youtkeinternalremedies,é 3 Saupe is taken —iiternally,au y on the blood and mucous Caturrh )physicians in)this and is)a regular arse Lime is compassed of the best.tor combined with the meee blood 4 directly on the The perfect combination Ine PU is What wonderful ‘suits to’nd for ie fal curingsethrmontelfree Je CHIGN BY Sold by Drugelsta,As priee The “MEANSandno’more15.715 CITY ‘TAXES! AH property on which clcity taxes aré due andunpaidJuneIstwillbe-advertised Gall A LEAGUE OF FOUR TEAMS Gastonia,Kannapolis,Morgan. ‘ton and Statesville oe to Play Ball. yeatery +Tix-&meeting held.here :trouble.Wy L.NEELY:in whieh representatives from.n-Mii and save trou me thx LF napolis,,Morganiton,Gastonia —and}"a de eat Statesville participated,the West-ern,NorthsCarolina Baseball League, to be composed of the four teams named,was formed,Mr,Holland of Gastonia was aren ofthemeet.| ing and Dr.J.F.Carlton was seere-|tary.Dr.Carlton was later.elected , secretary of the League.The following definition of a pros fessional player was adopted.by the | league:“One who has participatedjin| any part of more than three abad leatue scheduled games as a ber | of any team,playing under’orien ized| ball,under rules,governing same by, the national organization or associa- HE LYRIC] TODAYBLANCHESWEET class is sending to Davenport Collepe,{ |ond half. yj er jout faithfully terms |governing: |growing out of politics. |missioner, |about |The |the mayor's|A |Monho. |County Singing. people the very best serv-, |Everybody’s going! frodtices (= ‘dell County, tion or the Federal league games,”The salary limit of each team was|fixed at a maximum of $800,thisto | include salary of manager but doesnotincludeexpensesforboard,trans-| portation of players or expense of, securing players.Each club is lim-! ited to 12 members,excluding mana.! wer,and said manager is debarred if he comes under construction of pre-' fessional.No player who has signed contract with a club will be allowed to play with another club except with consent of releasing club,All mat-! ters of dispute are to be settled:by fH ‘SBLANCHE SWEET,j)Lasky:Paramount —in— We now have on sale a big line of ;|Davenports,$15.00"to “$60.00. aa finishes —-Fumed Golden Ozk and Ma- ’hogany and Chairs and tables to match,which enables us to get up a nice Suite at very attractive prices. Call and takea look, Al Better Goods For Less Money. CHAIRS &TABLES. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. "_#PHONE 157.4_ the presidents of the several.clubs. 6“4 My ©) The series were so divided that the|The Blacklist , first five weeks will constitute first |A very fine Paramount half and the last five weeks the dees |“Ph t I: The presidents of the win:|0 Op ay. ning teams will determine the play-'WEDNESDAY the winner of the league.No play-|Clara Kimball Young ing of the after games to determine} will be allowed to play in the af-| —jIn— ‘itAHRce ii i Hi Ii asitAA a4McCormickMowers ‘ter games with a team unless he has! “The Yellow Passport”Played with the tem for ten days) rior,iw Each team gives $250 bond to carryj,and conditions :5 :wd by the waif In this production Miss Young surpasses her ex- cellent work in ‘‘Hearts in.Exile’and ‘‘The and Binders! rules prescribed by the va- rious clubs.The schedule is.being:|arranged so ‘as to give three days! |Heartof theBlue Ridge”. Thisis a great picture. Be sure to see it. each week in each town. Difficulty Between Sheriff Dea: THURSDAY HELEN WARE ton and Mr.Gaither. —in— A small difficulty,in which one “Cross Currents” |blow was passed,oecurred between| |Sheriff Deaton and Mr.E.G.Gaith-| A Griffith-Triangle Play. and ier Saturday afternoon,the affair) WEBER &FIELDS Mr.Gaither,! —in— for county com-; asked —Sheriff Deaton| “The Worst of Friends” a statement which the sheriff! A Keystone Comedy. lavas alleged to have made,that he! (Gaither)had veted for a Republican| THE at a recent election.In the course| of the conversation Mr.Gaither said, “The Coolest Place in Town” who is a candidate uny one who said he had voted for a! |Republican was departing from the} j truth,or words to the same.effect,| sheriff thereupon —struck Mr.| farther a light blow with his hand,|Z.V.Long stepped between them | al no attempt .was made to contin.ue the fight.:The case is expected to come up in court today.; Republicans Discussing ry Law. Messrs.R.V.Tharpe.W.A. T.Weatherman,D. IC.M.Adams, Prima-|| Bris- L.Raymer a Republicans,will tuke a turn about the county this week,discussing the primary law. Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock Mr. tol,R McCormick Mewers stand at the head of the list as grass cutters, and McCormick Binders have “no equal in the wheat field.Our prices on these machines this year are reasonable and terms liberal. i err Tharpe will be at Mayhew ©and Messrs.Raymer and Weatherman at Kupeptic Springs;Thursday night ‘.oe aoreunininanan arMr.Bristol will be at Kennedy school \} house,Mr.Weatherman at Sloan’s| shon,Messrs.Tharpe and Adams at \mitv Jill and Mr.Ravmer ©at Se ott's;Friday picht Mr.Tharpe at adley school house,Messrs,Weath-' erman and Adams at Barker's Grove, Vr dristol at Houstonville,Mr.Ray- JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA,Every Morning,22-28,June We Want You Boys and Girls mer at Troutman and Mr.Adanfs.at § tract this vear with you in mind, There was a large attendance the cofinty singing at the Saturday.Phe morning consisted oi.ceneral ¢ by Mayor(¢‘aldwell : a t, In the afternoon there was a con- hetween four classes,led by ssrs,E.O.Shaver,S..C.Johnson. and Will Syeas,and decided fg “: following order:Mr.Johnson §e bright new play,Unek Mr.Speas second,Mr.Pox third §it. Mr.Shaver fourth.The juices New M W:C.Perry,Robt.Me-!this Sadges for and Mr,Brotherton.|ee ;,; Shaver and his class.which |f pins fer fourth-yerr members.composed of young folks,wert |received each preceding year. take ae a oe store and treated AGE LIMITS,t reshments.—The price of Junior Season Tickets-is $1. ing Junior Sessions,and to the regular atcourthouse ing programme singing and talk ind Rev.W.A the MRS. will meet the bes =) AND THE Tickets CHARLES ANDERSON children who hold Junior treet 1Thaox Sam’s Experiment.”in the fir=t,SOUPS,| VGaAY: NaSMY, to This ticket Are vau7 4 29.28.‘eat tat”htJune and Tin, Cedar, Nails, hHinele Stain. C.WATKINS,Statesville, ee GET YOUR TICKET NOW.F. |Wi Shingle King of Ire- Ile (OE 207 GERAIS OTLPLLTC RT PR AT Em mE You will enjoy every one of these pictures and especially “Salambo”and to be shown on Wednesday and Thursday.’ To have the privilege of attending Chaut:auqua ehis vear. Out West,the boys and girls have a much ereater part in Chautauqua than has been given-to them here. ing to make the morning hour specially attractive this year, and girls to be given the privilege of attending. JUNIOR on first dey of Chautauqua,at the close of the afternoon programme. The children of Janior alco will present 2 eulast day of Chautewuqua JIncle We re the con- jut we are go-© ana we want all SUPERINT ENDENTS T ee Reda afternoon,the Sam himself will be in written especii uly for Junior Chautauqua,new games,new stories, the commissioners,membership pins for all,and gold On opening day,let the children bring the pins SIX TO FIFTEEN. admits the holdér to morn- ifternoon and night performances.No person ean be admitted to Junior Che aabaugua on an adult season ticket. Seven Joyous Days---June 22-28. B.BUNCH,"PHONE 174. HAVE ONLY 200 OF TIESE JUNIOR TICKETS. THE CRESCENT “ait a PROGRAMME THIS WEEK: “A merica,” TUESDAY—WEDNESDAYT— “SALAMBO. THURSDAY—FRIDAY— ”“MRS.WIGGS OF THE CAB- BAGE PATCH,” Featuring BEATRIZ,MICH- ELENA and HOUSE PETERS: An entire Circus was used in the production of this great five- part Feature.Also a splendid Jomedy, A dramatization of GUSTAVE PFLAUBERT'’S ©famous novel. This picture was made under the direction of the famous tor,LEWIS SELZNICK,and over 5,000 people took part in the production.This is.one of the most massive and spectacu- «lar pictures ever produced. ]rea “AMERICA.” Six reels of motion “pictures which present in,all its glitter- ing greatness the eompieie pro- duction of this wonderful spec- tacle as shown at the world-fa- mous HIPPODROME in New York.ye: & “RIP VAN WINKLE.” Irom the dramatization of DI- ON BOUCICAULT,-who made the Stage version that Jefferson used.The,play is made from Washington Irving’s:short’sto- ries suggested by the eb of Sleepy Hollow,” SATURDAY— “THE BRASS BOTTLE.” Five acts of MIRTH,AGIC and MYSTERY.A_genuine picture.novelty that is out of the ordinary.YOU WILL EN- JOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Also BURNS and SHULL ina splendid Comedy. “