HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Landmark, June 1916 en a ereas P‘ on seseedliciioce : VOL.XLII. CARRANZA MAKES DEMAND|IREDELL AT DAVIDSON. Insists That American Troops|Three Iredell Men and a Descend- _Are in Mexico Without.the}ant of Iredell Among Gradu- Consent of the Mexican Gov-|.ates—Their Honors —David- ernment and Must Be Remov-|son Commencement. ed.Three Iredell men and one near Ire-| «Claiming.that the words and pro-,dell man.graduated at Davidson com- “tests of the United States have been"mencement this week.They “are! entirely in contradiction of their,Messrs.Thos.Hill and Minor Adams!acts,and that in spite of protests not of Statesville and Harlee Morrison oftointerveneintheaffairsofMexi-!Scott’s,this county.My.Hill is a co,soldiers of the:United States are’son of Mrs.M.W.Hill,Mr.Adams 2!in Mexico without.the consent of the son of Dr.and.Mrs.M.R.Adams and Mexican government and in violation,Mr,Morrison avson of Mrv and Mrs. of Mexico’s sovereignty,the Mexican R.L.Morrison.,The newer Iredell man government now asks fer the immedi-'jg Mr.Gilbert Morrison of Okolona,ate withdrawal of those troops.The Miss.,son of Mr.and Mrs.H.L.Mor-request is made*‘in a.12,000-word note rison:His father is a “native of made public at the foreign office in’Statesville,a son of Mrs,Ellen Morri-! Mexico City Wednesday.lson,and is best remembered by hisThenoterecitesthattheAmericanboyhoodfriendsinhishometownastrdopscrossedtheborderaftertheHarveyLeeMorrison.Columbus incident without the per-!.Mr.’Harlee Morrison was second \J mission of the Mexican government.honor man at Dayidson and by virtue *The act was not considered one of ins of that honor was salutatofian.ThevasionthensolelybecausetheUnit-subject of his prepared oration was ed States said that they misinterpret-;“Mr.Taft’s Idea of Universal Peace,”. ed the attitude of the Mexican gov-but ~-he was unfortunetely too hoarseernment.When the second expedi-to speak.Mr.Morrison also won.the tion crossed the line after the Glenn Banks Bible medal and in addition had | MR.GRAY’S SUDDEN DEATH Mr.T.C.Gray of Bethany Town: ship Victim of Heart Trouble —Other:Deaths.mi Mr.‘Thos.C.Gray,a well knowncitizenandfarmerofBethanytown- ship,died suddenly Wednesday after-noon about -6.30,‘Funeral “and inter- ment at Bethany church today at’11 o'clock./ Mr.Gray was apparently in.his usual health Wednesday at noon and’ gte a hearty dinner.In the afternoon he became ill while at work in the field, |After resting awhile he felt better but soon became worse and was taken to the house by his son.Vr.,McElwee of Statesville was summoned and just af- ter the physician:reached his patient and while he was asking him about his illness,Mr.Gray expired.Death re- sulted from heart trouble. Thomas Chalmers Gray,63 years old,son of Andrew Gray,was a native of Rowan county but had lived about all of his life in Bethany community. fie was an industrious and prosperous farmer and a good man.’He is sur- vived by his wife,who was Miss Burke of Rowan county,and five children— Springs incident,the note maintains,the plea that this was done with theconsentoftheMexicanconsulatDel Rio,Texas,is untenable,and that actcanonlybeconsideredasoneofin+!vasion.:“The Mexican government .there-|fore invites the United States tobringtoanendthisunsupportable situation,”the note concludes,,“and to support its protestations and dec- larations of friendship by an immedi- ate withdrawal of American troops.” Maintaining that the protests of friendship by the United States and three sons and two daughters,All thethehonorofmakingte.highest aver-~children live at home save the oldestageofsnystudentduringtheyear. Mr.Gilbert Morrison of Mississippi, who partly belongs to Iredell,was one of the senior speakers,His subject was,“Defects in the Present College Education.”He won .the orator’s medal, John Daniel McLeod was the firsthonormanoftheclassandthevale- dictorian.The class numbered 46. Twenty-two received tie B.S.degree 21 the’A.B.degree and three the A.M, Announcement was.made of two additions to the Davidson faculty for the expressed desire for nop-interven- tion has been contradicted by the acts of the Washington government,the note says the time has arrived when Washingtén must declire itself clear- ly and unequivocally as to its future intentions toward Mexico.After re- citing the facts which led to the first crossing of the frontier by the Amer- ican troops after the Villa.raid at Columbus,the note insists that in con- tradiction of the word of Generals Scott and Funston another expedition crossed the boundary line;thus vio- lating all the precepts of internation- al law and committing an act of inva-sion. “The American government,”says| the ‘note,“has admitted that the work| of the expedition which entered after| the Columbus raid is now over.But | in spite of this fact American troons still remain on Mexican soil.To contend that volitical disorder in thiscountryjustifiesthisactoftheAmer-| ican military forces is in conflict with the repeated professions of the coming year.Prof.Macon Reed will be an associate in Greek,Latin and mathematies,and Prof.Alfred M. Withers,for the past four years con-, nected with Millsap’s College,Jack- son,Miss.,an associate in French and English.Immediately following the graduating exercises the corner stone| of the new gymnas’am was laid. The annual address on Tuesday by Hon.John Barrett,director generalof | the Pan-American Union,was of.un-} usual interest. ‘COLORED MAN BADLY HURT Russell Pearson of MorgantonVictimofAnAccidentatthe; Railway.Station. Russell Pearson,colored,of Mor-_ 'ranton,came near losing his life in _the yards of the Southern Railway Co.here Tuesday. Pearson was aboard }train running the, to an excursion from Morganton to Salisbury for National Memorial Day,, Washington government relative the train arriving here about 9 a.m.| non-interference.”|Pearson either fell off or Was swing-!The note points out that much of ing from the steps and was knocked the trouble in Mexico is due “to the off by a box car standing on the sid-attitude of the United States in not ing west of the depot.One witness punishing conspirators in the United,to°the accident says that he was walk-' States,who have plotted the down-|ing along the track,that Pearson and fall of the present constitutional gov-'a woman were standing on the ‘stens ernment,and to the acts of Washing-|of the train and that Pearson reach-| ton in refusing to permit the ship-j ed for witness’hat. json,Mr.J.Burke Gray,whe is a law. ‘yer of Hayesville,Clay county.He ‘arrived last evening.Mr.Gray is also survived by three sisters and a brother—Mrs.A.P.Murdoch,Mrs, W.Wh White and Miss Belle Gray of}Statesville,Mr.R.H.Gray of Shiloh township, Mr.Everett Waurh,aged 15 years, died Wednesday night at the Sanato- rium.The young man had tubercu- losis and the bone in one leg from hip to kneee had rotted out.The limb was removed in an effort to save -his life.Mr.Waugh is survived by his parents,Mr.and Mrs.P.L,Waugh, who live in Bloomfield,one brother and six sisters.Interment was yes- terday afternoon at 4 o’clock at Beth- lehem church,Shiloh township.* |A.and M.College Commence- ment—Two Iredel]Graduates. At the A.and M,College com- mencement in Raleigh this week,Mr. Carl Vrooman,assistant Secretary of the United States ‘Department of Ag-riculture,delivered the address”in ‘plate of Senator Borah,who could not} be present. ~Diplomas were given to 98 gradu- !ates—the largest class in the history of the college."R.L.Greenfield of Forsyth county captured er's medal with Peace”as his subject:Karl Sloan of Iredell,with “Engineering on the Farm,”pronounced the the honor being accorded him for his work in college.J.H.Mason of Mecklenburg won the medal given by a New England—fextile Association.Mr.Sloan gradutes in civiJ engincer- ing.Among the graduates in agri- culture are V:A.Johnston of Moores- ville and S.G.Crater of Cycle,Yad- kin county. The first class graduated at the college in 1893 and the total grad- “Pan-American the speak-| valedictory, Anyhow Pearson |; “ment of arms and ammunition to en- ter.Mexico.” The Note in Washington. When the note was received in Washington Wednesday no attempt! was-made-to forecase-the President’s | action.There was unanimity{howev-) er,in the belief that there would be! no immediate withdrawal of the Per-| shing expedition.High.officials-said the de facto government so far had, utterly failed to demonstrate its abil-| itv to protect the border against ban-| ,dits,and expressed the opinion thatthetroopswouldstayinMexicoun--til this was done.It was suggested| that the belligerent and.uncompro-| mising attitude assumed by Carranza| probably was largely for effect upon; the Mexican public,and there was} -Jittledisposition to believe that the | de facto “overnment actually contem- plated an effort to expel the Ameri- can army by force.In presenting the; ..1note,Eliseo Arrendondo,the Mexican —ambassador designate,gave,ee that it was not intended as-an ultima. tum,but as _a-continuation of the ne-| gotiations which have been in prog- ress between the two governments. Later—It was stated tively ‘in’_Washington that Amefican troops —will withdrawn from Mexico Carranza authorities control of the situation sufficient protect the American border. yesterday | not be until the 4 to. Condition of Cotton Crop.| The cotton crop of the United States showed a condition of 77.5 per cent.of a normal on May 25,the De-| partment of Agriculture announced| yesterday in its first condition re-| port of the season.‘That scondition compares with 80.0°%n May 25 last vear,74.8 in 1914,79.1 in 1913 and} 79.8,the average of the last ten years| on May 25,‘The condition in North Carolinais | 76 compared with 85 last year,76 in}1914 and 1913 and a 10-year averageof86. Dr.T.H.Strohecker Dead. Dr.T.H.Strohecker,long a resi- dent of Barium and -well Known.in: Statesville,did in Washington.ves-/}torday morning and will be buried in|Charlotte tomorrow.Dr.Strohecker was in early life Lutheran minister.Later he.le «the ministry and studied medicine. aft Rev.R.R.Sowers of Salisbury will ballots are lengthy the count will tnreach‘atthe Lutheran:church?atMooresWilléSunday“afternoon at 4o'clock,*'Mr,Sowers “was.pastor at Troutman,’ fell from the train,his right jaw was broken and a severe concussion of the brain was produced,rendering him unconscious for about eight hours. He was taken to the freight room at.the devot-and—remained on a cot there until the afternoon,when he was moved to the home of Andy Glenn.Dr.T.FE.Anderson,local surgeon for the.Southern,took him in charge.s Pearson is about 20 to 25 years old. Local colored people express them- selves very forcibly at the conduct of the Morganton excursionists who went on to Salisbury instead of.ret- ting off and remaining to lend aid to their wounded brother excursionist. One local colored fellow said about 1.-000 of them piled off at the depot and viewed the wounded man,but when the signal was grven for the train to start they scampered to catch it,re- gardless of Pearson and his condition. Rural Carriers Meet—Will_Ask State Meeting to Statesville. for the On Tuesday:being a-—holidav lrural mail carriers,a meeting of the Carriers’, authorita-|Association was held inv the Federal) Iredell -Alexander Rural building in Statesville.fourteen car- riers being present.Officers of.the as- ‘sociation were elected as follows: J.N.Barron of Harmony president, demonstrate),B.Baity of Mooresville vice presi-held dent,Forest LL.Ward secretary and treasurer, Delegates to the meeting of the State association at Greensboro July 8-4 were elected as follows:J. lL.Moore,I.1.Ward,J.N.Barron; alternates.A.W.Colson,M.1.Web- ber,J.S.Keever., It was decided to invite the State of Statesville jassociation to hold its next meeting in Statesville,The Statesville Mer- chants’Association,the Commercial club and the citizenship generally will ioin with the local carriers in urging the State meeting to come to States- ville.‘ The Primary Returns. The Landmark has arranged to re- ecive the returns from the primary in the county tomorrow and will keep open house tomortow evening for the reception of these returns and any news that may be obtainable from the vote in the State.Visitors will be wel¢ome and any information receiv- ed will be made pub!e.The polls will be open from sun up to sun down’tomorrow and as_the ake heavy..Friendsagreedto,furnish ,.Thetimeifthevoteiswho.have will do so as promptly as possible, L..| ;uates turned out is 9338,all living ex- ;cept 28.Three,hundred have gradu- iated in agriculture and 112 of these} are now living in North Carolina. _Found.Another Bullet. |told colored, Tuesday’s LandmarkMelvinSummers, brought .to the Sanatorium Sunday to have ‘some bullets removed from his hand and forearm.This was done and-Summers_returned to his home. 'Tuesday night when he retired he ex- perienced an uneasiness about _his back...Wednesday _he returned to the Sanatorium_and_another ball.was.re ‘moved from his right shoulder black\It had entered under the blade,rang about ted up and was buried in the flesh at) the top of the blade. 'Details of how Summers secured all ithe bullets are not known but it is ,understood that he got in a row with another negro in the Williamsburg leaseine about short-changing money. ;Summers knocked the other fellowdownandtheotherfellowusedhis gun on Summers,shooting at him five times and hitting—him three. No Music Festival This Year.® Col.G.W.Hinshaw of Winston- Salem,vice president and genera! manager of the National Festival ;Chorus of America,announces that the great‘music.festival planned to be in a mammoth auditorium at Black Mountain in August,will net be held this year,owing to inability to get materials in time for the construc- tion of the auditorium. It had been stated that ary woogen auditorium would |i erected this summer,and that ih festival would be given in that,the concrete structure.which is to seat21,000 people being built in time for next year.Col,,Hinshaw says thi statement was not authorized and that the only decision reached is to post ;pone until next year. 1 |a Biggest Collections Yet. During May Collector Watts this district has collected $1,328,651:48 {internal revenue taxes,as follows: |Tobaeco|Income taxesiBmérgencytax ' of es Fines and penalties Liquor License 60.42 Narcotic taxes 14.50 This is an increase over last month of $204,215.60 and of $585,232.39 over ;May,1915,ot 78 3-4 per cent.,and is iby far the largest collections ever made in one month in the district. Trinity w2 341.82 Services at Episcopal formerly Landmark returns from the precinets!church Sundayemorning:at 11 o’clockibyRev,W.H.Hardin, ae : being| erect MARKING THE BALLOTS. Some Information About the Voting in the Primary To- morrow.: The Landmark stated some time ago that unde®the primary electionlawticketscouldnot.be distributedbythe~candidates and their friends, as formerly.The following opinionofAttorneyGeneralBickett,made attherequestofChairman:Lamb of the State Board of Elections,makes that point clear,Replying to Mr.Lamb, My.Bickett says::“TL beg to advise that in my .opin- ion the registrar has no right to dis- tribute,the official ballots,but must keep them in his possession,subject jto his control and the control of the judges of election until.the electorcomesuptovote.The elector then states with which party he affiliatesandishanded,the.ballots of that par- ty.He can take the ballots and mark them secretly if he desires,or he caneallonthejudgestoassisthim,andthereisnothinginthelawthatfor- bids his calling on any friend of his to assist him in.the preparation of his ballot if he so desites.” Marking the ballots will give some of the voters trouble.When an elec-| tor goes up to vote and asks for a Democratic ballot,say,he is handedaballotonwhicharethenamesof;all the Democratic.candidates.He! must,before he can vote,check the} names of the candidates he favors by making a mark with a pencil opposite the namés he selects.He may ask the judges of election to help him or he may ask a friend..No one is priv-ileged to mark,in advance,the bal-lots as he wants them voted and pass them around,and of course the elec-|tor will’be careful to see that the; names of only those he favors are marked.Under,the law,if he can’t do that himself he can.select some one in whom he has confidence to do the marking for him. Costs in ~Dowd Case—Federal Court Items. Mr.J.B.Gill,Federal court clerk at Statesville.has just finished the f bill of costs:in the case of Old Tom Dowd.The cost to the government, |not including the cost to the Postof- ‘fice Department,was $1,333.30—$944.- |75 of which was for witnesses alone, there being 71 of them. Julius Hentine~of.Spruce-~Pine,'Mitchell county,has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy.Assets $2,835 and liabilities $1,556. An involuntary petition in bank- ruptcy against the Howie Mining Co. of Union county has been filed by |creditors.Mr.Gill has paid out.this week for lands condemned for the Nation- ‘al park in Macon county $1,743.21, jand in McDowell county $4.505.58. There has been docketed in the (Federal court.a civil action entitled |First National Bank of Lexington vs. ;Wm.C.Pancake,Wm.A.Pratt,H. McK,Smith,executors of the will of ae late John S.Pancake.It is a suit ;for $3,250 with interest from July 14, {1914 The case is removed from.Da- ividson Superior Court to the United States court on petition of.defend- jants-and by grder of Judge E.B. Cline. {Furniture Men Meet in States- |ville. |About 25 representatives of about! {15 furniture manufacturers of North! ‘Carolina met in Statesville Tuesday;afternoon to discuss conditions—re- (garding ‘their business.The meeting;was held at the Commercial club ‘rooms.Mr.BE.H.Kotizsky of Mt. |Airy was chairman of the meeting nd Mr.J.T.Ryan of »High Point secretary. The object of the meeting was to consider how to take care of the in- icreasing cost of all materials and to i adopt means of keeping or arriving at ja More accurate system of finding }iust what is the cost of marufactur- jing products. 'Méeting Civic League. At _the meeting of the Civic League ‘at the Commercial Club House ~Tues- day afternoon,M@s.R.E.Nooe,vice|president,presided in the absence of |the president,Mrs.B.[.Long.i |Mrs.Clement Dowd,chairman of ithe ¢ivie art committce,reported the ‘visit-of Miss Rode,-cpresentative of | the Southern railway,and plans were| made for beautifying the grounds at) the station.|The treasurer's report showed that the funds of the Leayue are very low! cond all members are urged to send injbaekdues.; Dr.Mott Buys Property. Dr.’J.J.Mott has bought from Mr. Icugene Morrison the latter’s proper- tv on north Center street,the con-| sideration being $18,000,The Bion ;erty.consists of Mr.Morrison’s resi-| ‘denee and 17 acres of land.Dr.Mott;jis to have possession of the property; |November Ist. Dr.Mott will not dispose of.his; residence in Radford,Va.,where he! ;has considerable business interests,| ‘but will divide time between the two} places>f { tempor.| Mr.Morrison’s } |Lost Right Hand. 'Mooresville Enterprise,Ist. |About 1 o’clock yesterday morning |Lester Sykes,a>young man 20 years | \of ‘age,lost his right hand while |working in the card room at the Dixiecotton’mill.Ile was operating acardmachineandinsomeunaccount-able way his arm was drawn between,the ¢ylinders,tearing the,hand intopulp.The arm was taken off séveralinchesabovethewrist: STATESVILLE,N.©.PRIDAY,JUNE 2,1916, NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State.; Surry county Will have a fair next fall..The Surry County Fair Associ- ation is chartered with a capital —of$50,000.authorized and.$10,000 paid In. Of the105 nurses who took the ex- amination given by the Board of Ex- aminers of the State:Nurses’Associ- ation,in Winston-Salem last wéek,97|passed. B.N.Duke and Geo,W.Watts ofDurbamandothercapitalistshave plans for a winter resort.at Over-hills,Cumberland county,A modern hotel to cost $250,000,is first on the ist. O.W.Jones,the .yrominent mer- chant and citizen of Goldsboro,given a road sentence in,the ‘police courtfortheillegalimportationofwhis-‘key,got the sentence changed to a ‘fine in the Superior Court.Naturally, Wednesday,June 14,is the date for the public hearing of bidders on the merits of their books.before the meeting of the Text-Book Commission in Raleigh,the date from June 5. The residence of Hoke Petree,near Donnaha,Forsyth county,-was struck by lightning and burned and the fire was communicated to the barn,which was burned and along with it a horseandaquantityoffeed. Major Z.B.Vance of the ‘United States army,who has been on the re- tired list for about seven years andlivinginNorth’Carolina—at Black .Mountain—has been recalled to duty and detailed as quartermaster at Fort Niagara,N.Y. Jos.J.Davis,21 years old,only sonlofMr.and ‘Mrs,R.H.Davis of Louisburg,was drowned in Tar riv- er,two miles from Louisburg,Tues- day.The young man was trying to; swim across the river to get a boat in which to go fishing.. Wilkes county Republicans,in con- vention Monday,nominated Jos.M. Privette for the Legislature,W.D. |Woodruff for sheriff,W.H.Foster {for register,Harvey Ferguson for treasurer,D.C.Sebastian,A.R,Sherman and J,F.Barlow for com- missioners. Citizens of East Durham seem to being changed object to pool rooms.-A mass meet- ing of 200 citizens entered indignant ,protest against the establishment of -a pool room in East Durham and ap- pointed a committee to wait on the man who is to operate the place andtheownerofthebuilding.. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo delivered the address at the Universi- ty commencement this week and was given the degree of doctor of laws. The Secretary,who was accompanied to North Carolina by Mrs.McAdoo, the daughter of.President Wilson; spoke in Raleigh Wednesday night. The State Supreme Court Wednes- day handed down opinions in 27 cases and adjourned for the term,The|judgment of the lower court in the jease of Hardy Wiggins.and Merritt Miller of Graham county.convicted of first-degree murder and sentencedtodeathforkillingPhillipL.Phillips, is affirmed.. Monroe Journal:Lightning set fire to the barn of Mr,G.W..McManus,who lives near Tradesville,Sunday evening,and the large building and much of its contents,including two fine mules,a horse.and two tows,and the granary near by,were completelydestroyed.The loss is estimated at $2,000,with no insurance. Gov.Craig and Mr.Geo.S.Powell, the latter president.and_treasurer of ‘the Appalachian -Park-—Association, have received assurances that they will receive a herd of 25 elk and a herd of at least a dozen buffaloes for the Pisgah Forest Reservation,near Asheville.-An enclosure is now be- ing made in the forest for the big game. Lenoir News:A Niagara Falls’ power company hag recently bought the Linville Falls and the.property for several miles up and down the river from the falls from Col.G.H. Aubry.They are perfecting plans for one of the biggest power plants inthissectionofNorthCarolina.Un. less their plans are chanred a big dam will be built just at the head of the falls. Two respectable citizens of Pleas- ant Garden,Guilford county,W.J. Church and Dobbin Allred by name, quarreled and fought about the loca- tion of a drain on the line dividingtheirpremises.Allred is in a hos- pital with a fractured skull,the re-sult of (a blow”administered by] ) Church with a mattoek,and Church}. is held in default of bail to await re- sults. W.C.A.Hammel,for 14 vears di-! rector of physics and manual arts of the State Normal College at Greens- boro,has been elected superintendent of Greensboro city schools to sueceed Dr.J.I.Mann,resigned, Roy Spence,17 years old, Burrell Spence,13,brothers, drowned Sunday in Neuse Lenoir county.The older drowned while trying to brother. Five men are in the death house of the State prison awaiting|executionduringJuly.They are Melvin Nohne and Frank Foster,white,and James McCall,Lawrence Swenson and Thom- as Merrick,negroes.will Black,the little negro whose father was lynched in Greene county because of -his de- fence of the boy following his assaultuvon.a little white girl,is in the State prison awaiting trial.The and were river,in boy was save his death’sehtences are for July'7,way?and 28,Gas:aka NO 92.— endBRIEFITEMS.LOCAL NEWS —The “rare”June days.—While definite returns from the |fair campaign Tuesday an ednes-day are not in it is probable that the result,was a disappointment., —Important business meeting oftheDaughters.of the Revolution at.Mrs..C.V.Henkel’s tomorrow after-"noon at 4,o’clock.All members urged to be present. —“Last day of the races”—for| some of them.Tomorrow the sover-eigns'will do the eliminating processfor.the candidates and the numberwillbemateriallyreduced. —Mr.:W.E.Nattress,who has beenin.Detroit,Mich.,and.Toledo,Ohio, recently,has returned to Statesyille .and wil]be manager of the.local base-ball association during the season, —Mr.J.Holland yesterday .bought from Capt.N.A.Bost 18acresoflandjustoffnorthCenterstreetfor$1,755 and sold to Mr,Bost .a house and lot on Oak street for $1,- 555,/: ‘—JIn the mayor’s court yesterdayMessrs.J.M.Deaton.and E.G,Gaith-er were given a hearing for a difficultyafewdaysprevious.Judgment wassuspendedandthecostsdivided.Mr.Gaither appealed.:: —Miss Mary Barr Morgan,whe ae been with her sister,Mrs.Banner,inMarion,for some time,was the.suertofMr.and Mrs,J.E.Sloop Tuesday. and.Wednesday and left yesterday’for Barium,where she is matronofRumplehall.fee —There was a heavy.windst vii pain aepartsofShilohand’Concord ‘towns:-ships Monday.afternoon,blowing’down trees.A tree was blown on thebarnofMr.A.P.Sherrill in Concotdtownship,considerably damaging theshed.t DEO—iThe.seventy-seventh commencementofErskineCollege,Due West,S.C.embraces June 4-6.The gradu-ating class numbers.20.The Land-mark is indebted “to Mr:‘Leon’“A. Brown,a member of the class,for'aninvitationtothecommencement. —Messrs.B,H.Adams,H,.W.Clif- ford and.Don...Stevenson .went ..tFlorence,S.C.,yesterday,to attentodayandtomorrowthemeetingoftheGrandCounciloftheCarolinasofUnited--Commercial Travelers.Theyaredelegatesfrom:the local ‘council. Clint.Brown,a young.white boyconvictedof:petty larceny and hiredtoMr.D.L,Webb by the.court thepastweek,ran away from Mr.‘Webbyesterdaymorning.’He was caughtinStatesvilleandJudgeLongwillresentencehimthis’morning ©andsendhimtothegang. —Messrs.Rothy Warren and JohSteele,who spent a few days at home,returned.Wednesday to Hopewell,Va.,where they haye work in the:electri-cal department of the Du Pont com-pany.Other Statesville boysatworkintheplantthereareMessrs,A.G.and Mike Bradley,Kent Johnson andP.G.Morrow.‘ —Mr.Hugh A.Love went.to-Waynesville yesterday.He will repturn_here Sunday,accompanied b:family,and they will occupy Mr.J. L.Sloan’s residence during the sum- mer.Mr.Sloan.and:family~gotoBlowin.Réck tomorrow to spend thesummer.Mr.Love is one of Collec-tor Watts’office force. —A few yéars ago “someonebroughtThebandmark-the“heads~ofsomething—apparently sugar cane’orcorn.Anyhow it was placed in the’display window and Mr.Chambers’of Bethany saw it and 2ancied-its'looks.It_was given to him,he planted,likesitandWednesdaybrought‘The Land=mark ‘at least four times-as-muchas it gave him.i : —A number of friends and rela-tives-of-Mrs,Alice Lazenby Blaylo¢k met at her home in-Cool SpringtownshipWednesday-to celebrate herbirthday.The celebration,which was arranged by Mrs.Yates,Mra. Blaylock’s daughter,as a surprise tohermother,.was a delightful one forMrs.:Blaylock.The guests number-ed about 40.“Mrs.Blaylock isa sis- er of Mr.S.O.Lazenby of States-ville.TR —Mr.M.L.Mauney,deputy.clerkintherevenueoffice,went to Murphy yesterday for a few days.He was ac- companied by his son,-Mr.~Robert Mauney,who was ‘en route home fromSchenectady..N.Y.,where he “hadbeenatwork-in-the testing depart-ment of the General Electri¢Co. ter spending a few.days with:homefolksatMurphyMr.‘Robert Mauney will go to Atlanta,Ga.,to work fortheGeneralElectricCo.; —‘The Birth of a Nation,”“the“historical spectacle”which’so many Statesville people went to Charlottetoseeacouple_of_months ago,is be-ing exhibited in Salisbury.“The ex-hibition began last night and will berepeatedthisaftergaonat3o’clockandtonight,tomorroW ‘afternoon andnight.\This free advertisement is forthebenefitofanumberofTheLand- mark’s veaders who wished to knoweththepicturewouldbeinSalis-yury.»WeddingLastNight. Mr.Preston Ingram,.who ©livesnearStatesville,‘and\Miss ©MaryCowanofMountUllawere’marriedlastnightat9o'clock at the home ofMrs.C..N.Waugh’on”Elm ©street.Rev.J.Harpér Brady performed theceremony,this being his first,offence.It was.not a run-away affair but thecouplejustplanned‘it as a’surprisetotheirfriends.Miss.“Cowarr.,sister of Mr.W.F.Cowan,”marriage to Miss Lena Gray.day afternoon is,reported ©inLandmarktoday.Nat : ig,beatt:WHORE.occ hv) ‘gir at 4.4 eee e Stee cE RR OP oom IE per ATS EOS CEN DP TAO AE be econ z DAY, One Convict Killed,One Serious- es Lies ‘ly Wounded. atl Cotton’of Raleigh,‘serving a ‘of 30 years for second degree r,was shot and instantly killed onday night while attempting to es- from the State prison camp a ;Knob,near Old Fort,and ley Helton,18,was shot and per- haps fatally wounded at aT e.Helton was struck by 11 bu¢k- —some of which passed through his -lungs_and_liver.Helton only had bout six months more to serve on a arge of theft.; The attempt to escape was made st after the-men had--quit-work for fe day.The gang had reached the railroad crossing on the way.to camp, the ‘same when Cotton and Helton made a dash} ipto the railroad cut at that point. wards Riggs and Gann called to the men to halt,and when.their instruc- ons were disregarded,opened fire. oth convicts went down under,the; first fire.e>Cotton had three times escaped from camp but had ill luck in dodging officers.He was serving 30 years for “doping”to death Dock Smith in East Raleigh seven years ago,He barely escaped _electrocution _butSmith‘is said to have died from .weak heart.rather than from purpose-ly administered poison.Cotton won distinction also by getting his father, Dr.Cotton of Wake,into a hotel room and while the elder was asleep turn- éd on the gas.It did not result se- riously.His mother is living in Ral- eigh but is in the old ladies’home, driven there by the waywardness of the son. :New Style Money. .Dimes,quarters and half dollars of new design will be minted after July 'The face of the new half dollar 4bears a_full length of Liberty,with *a background of the American flag flying to the breeze.The goddessastridingtowardthedawnofanew ,day,carrying laurel and oak branch-§es,symbolic of.civil and military glo- “yy.The reverse side shows an eagle grees high upon a mountain crag, in the rock is a sapling of mountain pine,symbolic of America.4s The design of the 25-cent piece is #intended to typify the awakening of the country to its own protection. ;Liberty,a full length figure,is shown} *stepping toward the country’s gate- way,bearing up-raised a shield from i yhvh the covering is being drawn. ;The right hand bears an olive branch for peace.Above the head is the :pe The reverse bears a figure of an eagle in full flight,wings ex-ytended,and the inscriptions “United ,States of America end E PluribusqUnum.”Both the half.dollar and ythe quarter bear the phrase,“In God "We Trust.” The design of the dime is simple. Liberty with a winged cap is shown%on the fore and on the reverse ‘is a design of a bundle of rods and a bat- .tle axe,symbolical of.unity,“Where- gin Lies:the Nation’s Strength.” Col.John S.Mosby Dead. z Gol.John S.Mosby,the .famous Confederate raider of the Civil War, died in Washington Tuesday,after a‘long illness. @ginia and was 82 years old. »,Colonel Mosby was ‘one.of the most #conspicuous figures in the capital,‘where he had lived since a few years after the war.In spite of his vanced age,until a few weeks ago it “was his custom to take long walks in- #to-the down-town section of the city. ¢Age had not bent his figure or dim- i med the keenness of the eye that com-_manded bands that made vivid histo- try in the war.Many years ago the Confederate leader was employed at the Department of Justice,but left the service several years ago.A few weeks ago he became ill and was tak- en to a hospital,where he died.Fu-neral in Warrenton,Va., -Colonel:Mosby’s ‘death,his physi- cians said,was due solely to old age. He was conscious-and-interested ‘inthingsgoingonaroundhimuntilanhourbefore-he-passed away.A—son and daughters survive.; Proposition Not Popular. ’The proposition to allow a plurality to nominate in the primary—which is permissible by agreement undertheprimarylaw—does not seem tohavebeenpopularwiththecandi-dates.Mr.J.A.Hartness of Iredellfirstsuggestedit,but his opponents, Col.Grimes-and Capt.Clark,declin-_ed,Col.Edmund Jones made|thesamepropositiontothecandidatesforAttorneyGeneral.Judge Man-ning accepted but the others didn’tfallinandthenJudgeManningchanged-his-mind and withdrew hisacceptance.Mr.McKinnon,candi-date for Commissioner of Agriculture,made the same proposition and Ma-Jor Graham promptly accepted,as-serting that he would win in the first|primary anyway (which he likely willnot).So far as known,Mr.Hobbs,the other candidate for the same job,has not agreed. So there will be a second primary,as it is not at all probable that one!candidate can get a majority—in-allcaseswheremorethantwoarecan-;Midates for the same office. EHECHaveLearnedtoRidethe Devil.;Greensboro Record,\:A Durham minister asserted last|Sunday in his sermon that therewerepeopleinWestDurhamwhogotonthebackofthedevilandrodehim’around.This is important if true.General-,ly speaking,the devil gets on thehackofhisvictimandrides,himaround.If West Durham people haveJearnedthe.trick of riding the devilwehopetheywllikeeponhisback,and ride him to death. People are iain teeoftensavest E.a big expense.W.Archer,Caldwell, wi t Chamberlain's Colic, years ago. 4|relations betwee is | wings.unfolded.Growing from a rift| word “Liberty”and below the feet,| He was a native of Vir-| ad-| ing that a little forethought Here is anoteOhio,I do not believe that our family hasCholerarrhoenRemedysincewecommencedWhenwegoonanvisit.we take it with us.”Obtain-everyw A MAYOR MITCHELL’S NERVE New York Mayor Defies the Catholics, Greensboro News. John Purroy Mitchel,-mayor of New York,may he utterly wrong, but -he has the courage of the Bran- dénburg division,or the Foreign:le- gion;he has determined to sever the n State and cokes s represented byt contributions that Naw York city ee to charita- ble enterprises cohducted under ~pri- vate and Church auspices,Naturally, he has stirred up a hornet’s nest ‘in- deed,but so far he has made a pow- erful defence by keeping the offensive i is own hands. z 2 New.York there are 22,000 de- pendent children in_.private _institu- tions for whose upkeep the city pays. Most of these institutions “are con- ducted under the auspices”of the Catholic Church,and in some of them a recent investigation found shocking conditions:But what chiefly interest- ed the mayor,and what has led to the latest explosion,is the fact that a de-| termined effort was made to,head off| the investigation,and,according to} the mayor,still greater exertions | were employed to hamper it in its, work.The investigators finally ap-| péaled to the police department-for| help,and the police did help—too ef-| |fectually,it seems.For a grand ju-||ry indicted the city commissioner of| |charities,who was pushing the inves- |tigation,and his counsel on a charge | of wire-tapping.| |Then the mayor |own words,determined to “rip things |wide open.”He went before the in- |vestigation committee and charged ithree clergymen of the Catholic: {Church with perjury,criminal libel, |subordination to perjury,and ob-! |structing the administration of jus-‘tice.He started to read to the com-/| /mittece conversations heard over||these men’s telephone wires which,| ihe said,supported the ©accusations,| ‘but the committee in a panic ad- journed,as that was the only way to hush him up.Nevertheless,he got in-| to the record the charge that Father, |Farrell,a priest,had paid $50 to get: a witness away,and that Monsignor Dunn,chancellor of the archdiocese of New York,had offered $100 to get another away.Then the meeting| broke up in confusion and the mayor had to stop. What makes it more interesting is| the fact that the mayoy is himself a. Catholic,and it is his own spiritual |fathers that he is trying to send to the penitentiary.But John Purroy Mitchel is mayor of New York first, and Churchman:afterward;and he sWore on the stand at the hearing that as long as he is mayor in that ;city the Church is not going to lay jits hand ‘on the altar of the State” lany more than the State lays its hand{on the altar of the Church. blew up—in his| | ‘Conflicting Claims For Daught- ridge and Bickett. guicut.Gov.Daughtridge’s cam-| |paign:managers issued”a statement| ‘Tuesday in which they claim that 4Gov.Daughtridge will carry every congressional district in the State in the Democratic primaries tomorrow and will carry 71 of the 100 counties. They claim for him a majority of 24,- ;800 over Attorney General Bickett.| ;A majority of 1,100 is claimed for |Daughtridge in this (the eighth)dis-| |trict., Mr.R.B.White,campaign mana-| ‘ger for Attorney General Bickett,the| |same day issued a statement from, |Louisburg,:in which he says:| “After a careful consideration of reports received from ,every county,| ;my forecast of the result of the race |for the governorship in the primary} ,is as follows:I predict that Bickett |will carry every congressional.dis-+ itrict in the State,and tha:with good| |weather and a;reasonably full vote: i his majority will be over 30,000.| |Every county in this district except| |Rowan,which is close,is claimed for +Bickett and his.majority in the dis- ,trict is estimated at 4,000.| |The Daughtridyg managers claim| |Rowan by 2 to 1,Bat so far as known| |Iredell is conceded to Bickett.i |Henry Fowler’s Good Fortune. Charlotte Observer, |.Mr.Henry B.Fowler of Charlotte is one of the principal beneficiaries ‘of the will of the late John J.Adams, who died in Asheville a short time ago.The estate is valued at about :$40,000.One-half of this amount is: |bequeathed to Mr.Adams’sister, |Mrs..Ora Adams Hill of Greenville,| |S.C.There are several bequests of|$200 or $300 each to friends and all‘the balance is left to Mr.Fowler; who will thus receive one-half the es-_ |tate minus $1,000 or $1,500 that will |be required for the smaller bequests.,An exact estimate cannot be madeuntiltheestatehasbeensettled.Mr.|Fowler was —associated—for manyyearswithMr.Adams in the AdamsiGrain&Provision Company,and they;!were devoted friends:The generousi|remembrance of Mr.Fowler is a’source of gratification to his manyifriendshereandelsewhere.“||(This is of interest in Statesville|‘by reason of the fact that Mr.Fow-|{ler is a brother of Mr.J.C.Fowler of |Statesville and lived here for a time!when a boy.-The Landmark).\Li seemenieeeeseeeeee More Submarines But No More!Battleships. Determined Republican efforts to |enlarge the building programme ofthenavalappropriationbillasre-|ported from the!naval committee oftheHouseofCongress,Tuesday in the adoption || by whole,of an 50.Proposals to provide for six bat-tle cruisers instead of five and to add|two dreadnaughts and twocruiserstotheprogramme,feated after a lively fight. the narrow margin ofopposingand114Democratsvotedandeight.Republi¢ans opposedTheVoteonincreasingtherineswas114to104,17 DevotingforitandnoRePosing. 16 avoring.Fourteen subma- |Federal Treasury. |Republican votes. TTD cick sale after June 15,1916. resulted|4 the |House,sitting as a committee of the| amendment increasing:||the number of submarines from 20 to| scout | were.-de-|;The battleship proposal was lost by} votes,130) or the amendment|it.| remocrats |publicans~op-| KENYON DENOUNCES BILL.| ——Nt SESIowaRepublicanSaysthé“BinMeansa‘Waste of $20,000,000. The river and harbor’bill,carryin an appropriation of $43,000,Q00,whicpassedtheSenateMonday:night af-ter a long fight,escaped,being sent back to the committee—with ie tions to reporta—bill carrying only $30,000,000—by one vote.The vote by which the bill was passed e 5to 32.Nine Democrats and 23 Republi- cans voted against the bill and sevenRepublicansand28Democratsyoted for it.1 eget Just before the vote was taken Sen- ator Kenyon,Republican,of Iowa, predicted it would be the last:meas-ure-ef its kind to pass an American Congress.“You.are_voting-at-least$20,000,000 into this bill that is ab. solutely unjustifiable,”said SenatorKenyon.“You are dumping--thou- sands of dollars in streams Wherecommerceisrapidlydisappearing and into streams with-less than a foot of.water in them andinto,streams that you could not recognize as suchwhenyoucrossedthem,;| “You have had an opportunity,to!correct some of.these abuses but youwould.not.Your motto is ‘let,the people squeal.’I have done,my best! and I want.to say that if the price| of holding my seat in the Senate is to!vote for bills of this kind,the seat)may go,for my usefulness to:-my con-| stituents in that event is ended.Some.day a Congress will be here which will not consider that the greatest states-|man is the man who can.get the rreatest amount of money out of the,rai 4pitythatthewholeblame}must rest up-! “Tt is a for this extravagance fen -the Democratic party because the |bill never could be -passed without| There are patriotic statesmen on the Democratic side ofthechamber,too,who fought.hardforeconomyinthislegislation.” The bill as it passed the’House ear- ried approximately $40,000,000.Chief among the Senate additions was $1,-| 800.000 for diverting dams in the harbors at Los Angeles and LongBeach,Cal.;$220,000 for the harbor| at San Diego,Cal..and $360,000-for| a truninge basin in the harbors of Du-| luth and-Superior on Lake Superior.| North Carolina is to get out of‘the:bill a totel of $1,267,000.Of"this ;amount $1,000,000 is for the comple- tion of the inland water Norfolk to Beaufort,N.C. way from Fewer Carriages and Wagons. Progressive Farmeri The effect of the automobile’on, other means of conveyance is.strik- ingly brought out in the census bu- reau announcement that in the five! vears from 1909 to 1914,the number) of carriages manufactured annually in the United States has decreased: 3 and wagons 9 per cent,|3 per cent.| ONLY ts can be soa 1D) NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Ry order of the Commissioners of —Fredell county,all real estate on which the 1915 tax. es have net beew patd will be advertised for oeOe \+= ’J.M.DEATON,Sheriff. Shingles $1.40 Per Square Up: Pine,Cedar, Shingles;Nails,Valley ‘Tin, Roll,Shingle Stain. C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- dell County,Statesville,N.C |Pit aCERT May 19. Tin Ridge Cypress and i) Is known all over the country for its purity,and is acknowledged by all im- partial judges to be PERFECT. Ask for it and see that you GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR. FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity. WE sell the celebrated Gold Medal Flour. WE sell Sweet Feed for Horses and Mules. WE sell Sweet Cows. WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and Cotton Seed Products.WE SELL FOR LESS. WE pay CASH for courtry Corn and Oats. WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop.’PhoneNo.88.114 E.Broad St. |1}} Raisy Feed for Serateceteretetet| Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginias IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour,It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. CE C O C E C RE E C E S e r a Cary (C.Boshamer ’Local Representative, I "Phone 125 Black,1 a ys Pens sa OU can pay 10%to60%MORE thanLnTayGoodrichFair-tprites:.for otheriMeeetoneFabricTiresofnobetterquality,— without averaging 1%MORE actualofthem!’You can accidentally Puncture,—or accident--ally Fula the highest-priced Wabric Tire thateverwasfrilledinto.Extravagance,—in theFIRSTWEEKyouuseit!_“And,—you would have no more recourse (with such Extravagant Tires),than you haveontheseFair-Listed Goodrich “‘Barefoot’’Tires,which cost you one-third to.one-tenth.LESS,for sel{-same Service,plus moreResilience,—moereCling,Spring,and true Pneumatic quality,Now,—consider that Message,—for Thrift,Then note following.prices :—; Mileage out , fr :—~ Goodrich “Fair-List”Prices BLACK “BAREFOOT”SAFF:'TY-TREADS 30x3 f$10.4030x3's ($13.4032x3%$15.45 33x4 i $22.0034x4«{-sf-[$22.4036x45-wee}«©$31.60 37x5 ‘%ie £-£$37.35 $50.6C A NE me2 \Ford Sizes Wie J THE BOL GOODRICIE CO. Axron,Ohio No Tires-.average “LARGER,"— taken Type for Type,—and’ Siz@ for Size,—-than Goodrich Fair-List Tires DRESSED SQUARBS.. Easily Digested—Delicious RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS For Convalescents.ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS, W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor. Fresh Vegetables. Tomatoes, Cucumbers,- -Beans. Potatoes, Peppers. In fact all fresh vegetables in season, M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all répairs for same._Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anything‘in repair line.Phone 209. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 7}c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.peroundaFORSALE: New and second hand.machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. ,C.H.TURNER. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7.; Same Quality,Same Price } WHITE AND COLORS. In Boxes—25c.,50c.,75c.and $1.00. By the Pound with Envelopes to Match,25¢.,35c.and 50c.the Pound. ———se— Envelopes 10c.,15c.and 20c.Package. “THE REXALL STORE. States ville Drug Comp’y,| Quality Prescriptionists. LP L P P S S PO L I S PP P S PS S P PO P O L PO S S SO T O SO I T OO P oo o S Pe o e OT T ee e re e te e ee e ee e te t si t e e l s a TC SEE OUR LINE =of = KOOL CLOTH —_&—PALM BEACH SUITS, PANAMA HATS, SHIRTS,etc., ~Before buying.© CB O R C R C E C R R E C R O R C R O R C R EH O AC R E S Yours to Serve, Sloan Clothing Co. eo r o s e r s n s a c a r e r r CG.WATKINS for “Everything to,Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.Next Planters"Wh-,Statesville. NOTICE ‘TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as the administrator withthewillannexed,of the estate of Miss MaryE.Campbell,deceased,late of Iredell county,North Carolina,‘this is to notify all personshavingclaims.against the estate of the’saiddeceasedtoexhibitthemtoIheundersignedatMocksville,N.C.,on or before the 2d dayofMay,1917,or this notice will be pleaded inbaroftheirrecovery.All persons indebtedtosaidestatewillpleasemakeimmediatepayment.‘L.C.HORN,Administrator,C,T.A.,‘of Miss Mary E.Campbell,Mocksville,N.,C.ii ih aahcatD.F.Mayberry,Atty.”"|°'May.2,'4916.!CU he Real Estate Bargain! The house and lot and vacant fot on north Center street.belonging to the estate of Mrs.J.S.Leonard may be bought at a bargain price if sale can be closed within the next ten,days.This prop- erty is located in the “growing”residence section of Statesville— just opposite the residence of Hon.W.D.Turner and near the Statesville Air Line crossing.A fine investment at the price I 4m offering it for quick sale.House renting at $8 per month.Let me show you the property and quote you price, J.PAUL LEONARD,— _Administrator,po Statesvillte399 BUILDING?2,C.WATKINS. 4 *,'Hat if4 “THE MIKADO,”Chautauqua,June 28, eins ile *‘anything for nearly six months,”«Laura ri i Lo p se c u r i t i e s is i n s l i c m i b a b e s 2 was down in bedfor three montee my 4"womanlyOur '1 nervous ‘could not do me an‘to my un,Wehuthedidnothelp me.A my mother advised me to takCaniultbewomat’s tonic.’1 thougitwasnousefor.|was‘nothing.seemed to do me any}took eleven bottles,and no y good,and he hari ‘the world,¢‘and I look the picture of health,”” It you.guffer from any.of the ailmentsget-a bottle of Cardui:We knowhelp‘you,for it has helped so|sands of other weak women eculiar'to women.Delay is dangerous.t it-will‘many tinthe 50 years.Atal dugg ° i ‘our castand 64-page bookreetmentforWomen,”in plain wrapper,N.G.1eR ae fe "1 was not able toda cannot tell you how J suffe ithfeendwithoutonwit family doctor told my husband he By ed another docfdr, nearly dead andaismableto.do all of my work.anwashing.YY WOsk my own Ithink Cardui is the best medicine inMyWeight“has incteased, 0:Chattanooga Medicine Go.,ite:Chattanooga,Tenn,‘er hates | ’dueeasd,due 10.35 a Na “42,166 p.Train No.36,east-bound,due 10:60 _p.~~GHARLOTTE AND EATLORSVILLD 16 4r,9.50,leaves 10.85 a Train No.”24 ar,,ee 9.20 p.ota om,“bayfarevilleTrainNo.23 ‘ar.°10:00,"eaves 10:40 aTrainNo.15 ar,6:40,“teaves 7:05 p._Nos.28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday, Trin No.stlo.22, Train d {“Would ‘Fire-Blakeslee. Washington Dispatch to Greensboro News., At a meeting of the Senate com- mittee on’postoffice (and postroads Wednesday a subcommittee consist- ing of two.members,Senator Bank-head of.Alabama and Senator Town- send,the ranking Republican memberofthecommittee;-were appointed tocallonPostmaster:General Byrlesonyesterdayandinformhimthatbe- cause of the attacks made upon mem-bers of the committee by Fourth As- sistant Postmaster General Blakeslee,his usefulness as an official of the government had.been destroyed and reauest his immediate resignation. Should Mr.-Burleson ‘refuse to meet Home the demandsof ‘the committee the case| ~|will be taken to Presidént Wilson jand SOAPS, Royal Medicated Soap,10 cents a ‘cake ‘or 3 cakes for 25 cents. Skat,10 cents a can. Spotless’Cleaner with brush,3 cans for 25 eents. Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West.Broad St. PR S EL aS Re DR T AL S ‘in the event the President does not ‘take action to separate Blakeslee from this job a resolution.wil be introducedjintheSenateaskingfortheremoval ‘of Blakeslee.; |It is said‘that the members of.the |full committee,regardless of politics lare unanimous in their belief that {Blakeslee should be fired.It is also‘the belief.of the committee that Bur- leson will refuse to acquiesce in the\demands of the Senate and that an jappeal to President Wilson will be jmade necessary, Railroad Men in Conference: The question of _whether the con-‘troversy between the railways of,the |country and their employes.in train |and engine service,:who ate demand- |ing increased’wages’by the establish- ment of:an 8-hgur basi¢day and the|payment‘of time and a*half for over-|time,may.be settled without -resort‘,to a strike which would tie up the Ji)Lasting’Legibility MultiKopy gives copies that are beautifully neatandthatarereally permanent. In blucor black,Multi-Kopy never fades. MultiKopycopiesoftenrivaltheoriginalincleanlinessandlegi-bility.MultiKopy fssurprisinglydayrableaneamicalt. Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.C. OPY MARK t ‘TRADE,LTK |transportation agenéies of the entire |country,will be determined in nego-|tiations which begun in -New Yorkcity-yesterday.-The railroads of the ;entire country -are represented by ‘a committee of 17 general managers, +twhile a large number of.general offi-cers and cémmittee chairmen are on |hand to represent the’men. aes >Sooo .?Everybody’s going!“Are you :|June 22-28,“ |RE-SALE--OF VALUABLE CITY|PROPERTY. 4)BY AUTHORMY conferred py the Superior+cohrg of frédell oan th ra Se ope en-‘|titled B.C!Caldwell and H.P.Grier,trustees, and,others,ex-parte,L.C.Caldwell and Dor- jman Thompson,commissioners,will re-sell at|publie sale,at the court ouse door in States-j ville,N.G.,on 'MONDAY,JUNE 19,1916, lat 12 o'clock,m.,the following valuable city |property:: ne lot adjoining the iands of J.W. Stephenson and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake,J.W.Stephenson's cor- jner,on Alexander street,in the city of States- iville,and runs with Simoenton’'s line north 24|dexrecs W.207 feet to a stake on Simonton's+Hne;thence N.60 degrees E:~1081-2 feet tolastake,Simonton's corner;thence S.24 de-grees W.207 feet to a stake on AlexandereeethenceS.66 degrees W.with said street{103 1-2 feet to the beginning,containing a halfacre,more or less.See deed from T.J.CookjandwifetoT.W.Frazier,Book 28,page.300.|Said sale to be made upon the following jterms:One-third of the purchase prize to be Carbon Paper “7 QU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,if you once tried CAE 5 oN, >=S __—ea EO It is.choice.enough for the finest salad dressing,as delicious as anyoilyouevertasted,and so’much cheaper you can use it for cooking, too.It makes a eimooth,deliciousmayonnaisethat“stands up”wellandpleaseseverybody. Make “a ‘salad—as'well as Wesson We've.got:anything you want to ; Oil.Miller-McLajn Supply Co.” |paid in cash;one-third in six months and theremainingone-third in twelve months,with {approved security to be acceptable to the clerk of the Superior Court of yredell county.De- |ferred payments to carry 6 per cent.interestifromdateofsale. |This property is re-sold by reazon of the fact that inereased bids have been placed thereon, jof the increased bid.L.C.CALDWELL,DORMAN THOMPSON,2 Commissioners. MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE of the power of sale containedjinamortgagedeedexecutedtoBurenJurney iby Emeline Anglin,and.recorded in Book 40, jet page 288,Register of Deeds’office of Iredell ‘county,the undersigned will sell at public aue-|tion,to the highest bidder for cash,at the jeourt house door in Statesville,N.C.,oniMONDAY,JUNE 12, June 1916. i 1916, il wit:i |Being the tract of Iand conveyed to Emeline |Anglin'by the will of Sallie Parker,records of}wills C.S.C.office,Book No.5,pages 515-516, HH nd-deseribed —more fully,as Adjoining —theCiandsofBenKeller,.Crockett Parris,James')Messiek and others. This May 12th,1916.|i BUREN JURNEY,:Mortgagee.JAMES THARPE,Assignee.i E.J.STACK,:Assignee.oy >May 16,* The ith of a Nation The most gigantic Pho- to-play spectacle of thecentury.Founded onTheClansmanbyThom-as Dixon.-You.shouldreadthisastoundingsto- ry of the Southland.50c. SS E ye e Se ee . R.P. | Allison’s Book Store. DR.G.A.LAZENBY,| >©DENTIST.”** Office in People’s Loan and ~ Savings Bank.Office phone “494,.Residence;451 Black. —_ | THEROYALHEATER: The‘‘Royal’"is a Range Boiler-and Water Heat- er in combination.and is designed to take the place of the old-fashion-ed m¢thod of attaching to the side of an ordi nary range boiler The ‘‘koyal”’cun be installed at a supris-ingly low cost and willfyrnishhotwaterevery hour of the day and night et an expense »well within reach oftheaveragehouseown- er or renter. Installed by Haase: Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.]Roofs a-specialty.PHONE 55,*! Slate ‘W.E.Munday. 114E Broad St. |&Phone 55. C.Watkins Brought Statesville Low prices on Building Material,and |his prices are still lowest. |TELEPHONE NO.43.' aidStreet.T Get on the!Band!Wigon!fs. PLIITAH(ia MATSghish*A LA SR I E E B E R EB ER ‘and the bidding will start at $800,the amount an independent heater! ee aerate ~ THE SLOW:‘TAXPAYERS.|WORKING FOR-—-THE~FAIR.| Many.Wait Until the Last’Min-|Alexander Citizens to —Meet-ite-and-Get Off Delinguent)_Monday—Taylorsville News.List Just Before Tt-ia Printed.|“*revondenssof Ss taniaene Tiee-~F “=,|Taylorsville,June’1,--The BellItisevidentthatStatesville¢iti-|Telephone Co-wilt build@_toll line id_this-may-apply--to-all-citi=|trom here to Wilkesboro.Mr.©.F.zens-—ate getting a little more lax Byerly of Asheville,foreman of the each year about paying taxes.Taxes |construction force,has been at work are high,because we are getting ‘several days locating the line. more for the money than ever be-|There-will-be-another m2ss meeting fore;-and—it-isn’4—because-taxes”are'of the citizens in the interest of ahighortimesarehardthatthefolks\county-fair-at the court houre Mon-‘are slow in paying.They are natural-/day,June 5th,at 2.o'clock.It’is ly averse to separating themsélves|hoped that the stock will-be subscrib-from.the money that goes to the pub-/ed and the organization completed -atlicanandeachyearmore-and-more/this meeting. mixiute.»|her daughter,Mrs.Chas.E.Echerd,|Every ‘year along about this time,!and children,who spent several weeks|the city tax collector sends in @list here,to their home in Statesville|of delinquent taxpayers to be adver-Tuesday evening.Mr.M.Clyde Camp-|tised in The Landmark,'..Always he bell,a student at the University,|advertises well in advance that if:tax-|Chapel Hill,is at home for vacation. es are not paid by a certain date the/Rey.J,C.Umberper of Atlanta,Mr.|property will be :advertised.any!O.T.Umberger of Concord,and Miss|faxpayers wait until the last mfnute Brooke Umberger of Mt.Ulla,spentto:escape *publicity.They do®not'from Monday until Wednesday morn-|comply with the tax,gollgctor’s»nor ing at the home of their sister;Mrs.|tice,but they take whatever time 1S J.J,Edwards,Dr.A,M.Edwards isallowedbetweenthedateofthatno-visiting his father,Mr.J.F.Edwards,||tice and the hour of The Landmerk’s at Rutherfordton.Miss Katic Mae of the list.‘The tax collector =this'been teaching.music at Barium!year gave ample.notice.that:all not Springs,will atrive today to~spendnaidby.June 1st would be’advertised:several weeks at the home of her aunt,|But as is.always the case,many Mrs.E,A.Cooper.Miss Sara Burke,||waited until yesterday ahd thé;t#x'a milliner in Statesville,visited hér| collector,as a matter of accommoda-'mother,Mrs.R.B.Burke,returningtion,took names out of the list up to'to Statesville Monday.Mr.J.P.|6 o’clock last evening—the last min-'Babington spent Wedrtesday in Char- jute The Landmark could guarantee lotte on business.|ithe accommodation.Alt this -was Mrs,C.R.Zickler,,Miss Esther A., /much extra trouble to The,Landmark Bolick and Mrs.J.B.Robinette will!jand the tax collector—to take 4 out represent the Woman’s Missionary So-| fnames after they were in type-tand ciety,and Misses Esno and Christineiitisdoubtfulifthose‘who recéived)Ajspaugh,Lily and Jennie Burgess |the accommodation appreciated;the Clara Henley and Daisy Edwards will!|favor.No doubt that some.who'call-represent the Light Bearers Mission-|ied after that hour—after:they were ary Society at-the District Missionary| Lof-them put off:paying until-the-last|_Mrs,J,L.Gwaltney accompanied| going to press to get their'names out Compton of Caswell county,who has/|~ "12to 18%Extra Weight Tr" UkePfng-Trael Rac.| CICKELIN UNIVERSALTREAD When you b 7 our nexttire mal:c this simplebeakAeswataMichelinUniversalTireinSomnppakiageonwithanyothernon-skid of thesamesize, You will find the Michelin 12to159%heavier than the average,the exact percentage depending onthesizeofthetiresusedinthetest. This extra weight represents extra rubbereandfabric,which means extra services ” Carolina Motor Company STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE,NEWTON,’ peesteetnh poet |given 24 hours’grace.over the;time Conference at Statesville today and|\limit promised—will «feel agerieved |thmozrow.\|when they see their names in the list!Mrs;D,B,Hulick and children of!j today;but the fault is their own.(Charlotte are spending the week at|But if that list had appeared ‘as.it |the home -of Mrs.Hulick’s patents,Mr |first came in—if many had not taker and-Mrs,J..M.Mathoson.Conductoradvantageofthe24hours’graee to N,A.Bost:of Winston-Salem spentgetoff—that list would have contain-/Tuesday here on business.ed the names of many prominent and|_:2|soane eae and ae dee ae Prosperity Will Continue.' caped the delinquent list ‘by the ‘skin!lat Byeof—their teeth,so —to-speak.Rey af ree prosperity of the Unitedsles;ates will continue after the end of,could have-paid six months ago just)the European war,Secretary of the;as well,but they waited until the last}Treasury McAdoo declared in an ad- jannte,|dress Wednesday night oS we oS aie ..|chamber of commerce in Raleigh.HeMr.Gray Didn’t Employ His |charged that persons who feared thatSisters—Statement Committee.|a,cessation of war eis will causetbusinessdepression,either are influ-Te ae Democrats xy over’of Iredell ened by partisan propaganda or are. It is being reported and circulated |@norant of the prospects for “peace.ders.”in the county that Mr.R.M.Gray,su-yer '.-.|The Secretary expressed the opin-paki ip el separa ion that the proposed administration Ty 2 =.”2.t .,“anti-dumping”tariff -legislation.is ee eee best places,and’not essential but only precautionary.This report.is:;fe 'caleulated_to mislead the.voters,|He urged enactment of the ship pur ,untrue and unjust to Mr.Gray.1S chase bill to make possible-an-exten- |Nay 2°.».{sion of the trade with Central and |_In justice to Mr.Gray and in fair-|south America and asserted that the‘ness to all parties concerned,the*un-}:|dersigned-~committeemen.of they‘school _in which Mr.Gray’s sisters! Republican blockade of.a ..similar measure in 1914 would prove ‘one of fare employed’as teachers;beg to oy the monumental and.inexplicable to the public ‘that’Mr.Gray had:Be Ere atc histor have |solutely nothing to do with his sisters conditions been so favorable is ee Hien tty Gore and see ambled tee business and American indus- i the local school committee,of which try,”said Mr.McAdoo.“We have not ithe undersigned are members;and the i that their salary is not fixed by Mr.‘Gray but by us alone.We wish further to say that the salaries paid these ladies are not $50 and $60,as isi heing reported,but that the salary is $40 and 50,and that we consider our-|CREE hal Sites Mee Comeeen are “selves justified.in paying this,based |the economic conditions and the laws‘eolely on the merit as teachers of the}At eRReanetod by a Democratic:ad- ladies in question.1 atest .eae gfP/i~ministration so just‘y favored them.walle gotamtarily'make,this state Fpgiiural cris bil,which wl oon Dei done Mr.Gray by the statement epadits.at low rates of interestheingcirculatedconcerningtheabove|Beeneial to Sty.mtmatter.He is in no Way responsible|oo dictive development of the farm-nor has he-been instrumental in the |seg teidustry.”2 employment of ‘his sisters,who are}a r‘employed and pale es chee “Rabbit Meat For the Allies. ~Fr,4 :{AYR.L.BUSTLE,|gad Committeemen of Graycrest School.|favre. June 1,1916.| |alone the full dinner pail,but|overflowing dinner pail., “Agriculture,the basis of all pros- ‘perity,is experiencing a most whole- some growth.The farmers of the Wnited States never in their historyhaveenjoyedsuch,splendid rewards 00,composed ter Cumberland arrived in Norfolk a |four anys ago and took on coal beforeforLiverpool,Among.the! Probable Crime.|Comberlond's cargo was 500 tons of| What appears to have been a mur-!,..its from New Zealand and Aus-3 y4_(tralia.verage of two poundsderwasunearthedatLexingtonWed=;alla.At an a a $ponemendaesavy4dissaiehesUhdaily!each.there were half a million rab-{panel ts aha ies ae -eaaree (hits in-the Cumberland’s cold storage. ‘white man,found in a putrid state}.arg 7 . |near the tracks of the Southern rail-|R.a ree ene :t «a °iway.about three miles north of Lex-|;~>,e ‘ington,was identified as that of Jesse,+:Iredell county is to be congratulat- Finding Dead Body Discloses entline PS AT S RR O ee heopassed.will provide the long-time|-,so|*remunerative andj ;! th a general cargo valued at $2,-: chiefiy of meats}# for-the allies,-the-big British steam-|4 ,H.Adams of Schoolfield,a suburb of /=4 vnon having at the head of its ed-| ‘Danville,Va.At the same timeit:ueational system a man of the type |was disclosed that John Henry Gantt,|of the present sunerintendent,and) ;a negro of east Spencer?is now serv-,should avail herself of the opportuni-' jing a 2-year term for highway vob-|ty to cortinue Mr.Gray in)this im- j hery,when he held up.three yayng)portant position. {men on a freight train near Lexine-Wen he took the office the share vton..The young men testified in!of Tredell in the State:appropriation |Salisbury at the trial of Gantt that was only about %7,000.-hast-year, |another voung man in the party was.1915,owing largely to Mr.Gray’s ef- ;seen-to fall apparently between tle:forts Tredell county ‘ret —approxi- fears when Gantt.struck him with a-™2trly $23,000 from the State,a gain fea club as he was fleeing to escape of $14,000,of which the county paid |robbery or probable death.mnly a emall share.“gi |Adams was about 25 years old and Mr.Gray has increased the length iwas engaged to wed Miss Pauline of the school term,the efficiency of{Schumann of Salishury.She declared|he was a man of temperate habits and |exemvlary behaviour,The body was{found in some shrubbery about 40 school houses. foot from the tracks.Indications are ’’We has been instrumental in’the that Adams had tried to drag him-:establishment of the Harmony Farm |self toward the creek.probably suf-;*4fa-School,which is doing a fine fering from thirst...Both legs were work,and secured an annual appro- * the teachers,the ,#ehool houses and has under his ministration completed about 25 new equipment of:the : ad-2 An ‘Involuntary Dive. This item from the Lexington Dis- patch refers to a former Mooresville man.now a resident of Lexington: “Mr.Gus.Leazar gave a_fine ex- ample of involuntary diving SundayafternoonatHigh~Rock,when -a small boatWalserand Beckwith were being.rowed out to a big rock in the Yad-kin,struck a rock beneath the wa-ter’s surface.Mr,Leazar was stand- ing un in the boat,when the force oftheblow'snddenl:hurled him |throuch the air and he turned a som-\ersault into water.But even at that ‘he says he enjoyed the ducking.” LTAT “To the Public. “T have been .using Chamberlain's.Tabletsforindigestionforthepus:six months,and \it affords me pleasure to say I have never wad a remedy eet aid me,so pouch,Roodri7h.hy}ion,NYY,nar . Nae tithes sve bivsinasic everywhere. ne LATE cut almost entirely off near the knees:| in which he and Mfsses| priation of $1,500 a year towards its /Mintenance.He has secured-an-an=nal @ppropriation from the State of ant,thus increasing the efficiency of| 25c.,35c.,$1.50 and $2.00. witsy O43SILKHOSEWASHSKIRTS 48c.,98c.,|98c.,$1.98 and $2.48...if 6 Johnston-Belk Co. Big Bargains This Week in Marquis READY-TO-WEAR DEPAXTME Keep Kool Klothing THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. Sette urtiin “aterial, White,Creain and Ecru,with and” without border,We are offering:: them at a very low price,compared;, with todays cost of goods at the”!mills.Value 25c.our price 5c.and'.«+1»9 18¢.:nae ake +RedRecevingsomethingnewmostevery' day.New House Dresses,New. Skirts and New Waists. ro tir Ta “Tahir es fa A specialty this week. COME AND SEE US weet,PHONE “212.me, thina aR | COMPLETELINE TICTOR STYLESREcoRDS$15.00 toKTROLAS— Our stock of Records includes educational,Popular and Classiéal Selections Rendered. Instrumental or Vocal...Records for June are now here.This list includes such artistsa:Caruso,Julia Culp,Alma Gluck,Journet,Martinelli,|McCormack,Melba,Ober,Zimbalist and others. A bees .if as Drop in any time and we will gladly play the selection you like best. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,. Phone 304. |3eo0 towards the salary of an assist-|a1 eich Hl 105 East Broad Street. |the superintendent's office.In addi-| |tion he has instituted the annual‘county commencement;which is a eredit,not only to the county but to! the whole State.I am satisfied’that the people of!|Tredell county will,on his record as!siperintendent,;see to it that Mr.!Gray is re-nominated for this impor-| tant position,which he is filling so well,notwithstanding the fact that certain parties are circulating false’ and injurious reports concerning him for personal reasons,which I do not |believe should enter into such a mat-|iter,It will give me great pleasure to:|Cast;my vote for Mr.Gray.because!of Whit’he has done for the schools |* |Of fredell county..4 4 PATRON OF IREDELL paver:;Ay sett RATSEED draco“RSHHRONB:(t Rickert’s Time C R.H.| wile TOTTI ITT rr ‘4 the time from Arlington twice a day by. orrect} Rickert’s time is the correct time.We get oan wireless.Our time will cost you nothing. We have Watches that will keep correct timethatwillsellatmoderateprices. &SON,RIGKERT&so SBWELERS,003)Loomis hd wodaaamll « db ih eal ahSt4—— |FRIDAY,|-June 2,1916. 2 SOME SWEET DAY. “Some ‘day a Congress will be here,”said Senator Kenyon of Iowa, who charged that at least $20,000,000 of the $43,000,000 voted for rivers and harbors was absolute and unjusti- fable waste—for streams from which commerce is disappearing,for streams with less than a foot of water and which would not be recognized_as streams when you cross them—“some ;day,’said the Senator,“a Congress wilt be here which.will,not.consider “that the greatest statesman is the man who can get the greatest amount of money out of the Federal Treas- ury.” Possibly,possibly!In.thats glad, and_happy time,when all evil shall) have disappeared ahd when every-| body will do right,a Congress may) -git:composed of men whose chief:pur-| pobe will not be to sec sow...mych| °“jrtoney they can get out of the Treas-| ury—which is to say out of the pock- ets of the taxpayers--for their re- spective States and districts,to make thé members thereof solid with their | 'that glo- selfishness Some timeecestituents. Tavs day may come when |Wasbin ‘that long—the cost will be $9,000. INEWs OF CURRENT EVENTS Parts of the Country. -Presitient Wilson was the chief speaker at the National Memorial éxercises at Arlington cemetery, oN Se On Sia oerth_Carolina—ran ‘our n lumber production~in-1915,according to an estimate by the United States Forést Service.; Four persons were killed and 18 in- jured when the wooden awning over a sidewalk in Dallas,‘Texas,col- lapsed.People were packed —under| the’awning watching a parade.| Since the commencement of the war 550 persons have been killed and 1,616 injured in the British Isles by Ger- man attacks by sea and air,accord- |ing to a statement made in the Brit- ish Parliament. |A private wire is to carry the news ‘from the Chicago convention to Col. |Roosevelt’s.home at Oyster Bay and ‘it is said that for the use of the wire for.ten days—if the convention lasts Capt.Abner Martin,who_it is claimed taught Samuel L.Clemens (Mark Twain)to navigate the,Mis- Sissippi river before the civil wary died at his home in East Liverpool, Ohio,a few days ago,aged 96.. R.R.Allen,former district super- intendent of the Metropolitan Life In. surance Company at Petersburg,Va., was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary at Petersburg this week for embezzling $70 from the company. Incidents Gathered From All|A cmarnamererrremne THE NISI AND Correspondent Who \ Know’What It’s All A In giving the decisions o Superior Court,The Lang May 26th contains the " “June McLean,manufactiquor;-nisi,‘scifa and caplas $800 bond.”: Will some ono tell me what in |Hill nisi,sci fa and capia be a fel.low means?If there's anything that can rile:my temper more than aneth. er,it is.running ‘up seein a de fool that can’t use plain say.what he has to say,and then. stop.There are a lot of people who seem to think that they are showinhowsmartandlearnedtheyareif they can bewilder their listener and, tangle themselvessnarlingdrivelthat has as much resemblancetolanguageasthe “screak”of an ungreased wagon- wheel has to music.‘ When.L_was..a-very-..little.fellow: the older children used to worry me by*saying such things as “Woosye| oozy-umppy-summy-uge gloo,”oepretendingthattheywereralktsin a language I didn’t understand:a I got on to ’em.But somq-.f6lks seem never to get over the 'woozy- oozy stage of idiocy.* What’s a bob-tail hair-cut?Néverheardofit.I have my hair cut veryshortaroundthebackandaboutthe temples.Is that bob-tail?If it is,me Final arrangements have _been made for the meeting of the national| Progressive Republican convention in| Chicago June 7.There will be 1,068)delevates and more than 750 alter-/ nates,aceording to George F.Porter,| chairman of the committee rangements, on ar-4 for the bob-tail. In the article headed “The Dog’and the Child,”1 note what The Land- mark has to say about people think-the editor.ing they are slighted by It has always struck me as queer how some people can see a personal slieht from the editor,vient Nie ed- lon:may be shot out of season. 7}season ‘we're mentioni ,j eye at 40 rods ninety-nine times.out up ina mass of\. ‘pass by,malice, tsAll edit~t-of|Ww i -bé-ouson_and in-seasonifthe folks:whohavethewillhad-the But—it priva:Heause.it shouldn't be general—any individual who “doe ; any Litter than to try to edit a news-paper usually knows,enoughto.takeacourseinpistol—practice,so that’any editor who couldn’t hit the bull’s of 100,would know enough to quithisjob;- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Por the Legislature.1 hereby announte myself a candidate for amemberoftheLowerHouseoftheLegislatureofNorthCarolinafromIredellcounty,subjecttotheactionofthevotersintheDemocrati¢primary to be held June the 3d,.1916,1 willapprecintethesupportof,all persons partici-pating in said primary...Respectfully,W.L.MATHESON. Mooresville,May 23,i For the Senate.I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheStateSenateofNorthCarolinafromIre-dell county,subject to the action’of the vot-ers in the Democratic primary to be héld June8d,1916.I will appreciate the support of allpersonsvotinginsaidprimary.:Respectfully,w.D.TURNER. May 23, For County Commissioner, I hereby announce myself 9 candidate for Commissioner of Iredell county,subject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimaryJune3,1916. May 19,1916,J.KE.BOYD For County Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Iredell’county,subject to the action of the Democratic primary Juye 3,!1916.W.C.JOHNSTON,|May 19,1016.| For County Commissioner. To the Democrats of Iredell County:*{hereby annoupce myself a candidate for ‘know:ore easgenntennaam, ye AeBiglotstriped’skirts,.ings in the new comi-’-binations,‘'NY hite.Gaberdines,Beach’.Cloth,P.K.and:linen-». finish’Suitings,.. °.. New 40°inch striped —}and Floral Voils andMarquisettes,20c.and 25e.a :v # ‘Parasols and fancy a Umbrellas in the new shapes and colors.$4! oe Shopping here meanstimesavedand-satis-factory purchases,for our.stocks are spark-ling with newness. the Demdcratic nomination for County Com- fuissioner and will apprecinte your support in the primary June 8d,1916.J.JT.SMITH,Fallstown ‘Township.May 19. Four persons,including twe women-~jtor neverceven heard of them. and a child,were killed and two oth-I remember a young lady visitingersseriouslyinjuredinacollisionbe-'geatesville years ago before I left tween a Senboard Air Line passenger |the towns There wes no mention of train and an automobile at a grade)per visit in the “Personal”column of crossing two miles south of Statham,'Phe Landmark;and I'll be jiggered Ga.All the dead and injured were!jf she didn’t think the editor had men wll con- }tO“S-— Wi},disappear and al nidey only the good of theeencral good;sot ex3,and hypocrites and ha {Meir part in the place of cternal their fel day all eraft- ‘~will have For County Commissioner. ee To the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby annoance myself a candidate for!the Democratic nomination for County Cam- Wining and only yood folks may be Rt to be elected to Congress. ~Bat if that glorious day shall come| fi*ié so for off that there is mignty| little comfort in contemplating it.| We believe in the primary,but when we note some of the men who;contest for the various State offices it,is-hard to preserve our faith.The ma-| chine never would have dared select|séme of the candidates who are seek-ing and who will continue to seek|minations at the hands of the peo-|Ne.—Hickory Record.|#280 far as‘The Landmark has been! tible to observe,the character and fitness of the men seeking office this ypar compares favorably with the andidates of other years.Always {here are some officeseekers who are’ unfit and that will always be the \¢ase.Under the “hand-picking”pro-| cess men are not:always selected be- tause they are qualified but because they will do what their promoters ex- ‘pect of them.To say that better Men can be selected by a few than by the people as a whole would mean that the people are incapable of mak- ing a selection;and we'll know more ahout the qualifications of the people jd this respect after the primary is beer.Probably they will improve ‘With practice.The primary is new to thom.Ba “Col.Roosevelt was doing some talking in Kansas City Tuesday and ohe of the incidents of the day is thus related in the press dispatches: '2F“A pocket-knife was”thrown at ‘Golonel Roosevelt’s motor car during ___the Memorial Day parade and itstruckthearmofJohnW.McGrath, the former President’s secretary,and fell to the running board of the car. McGrath said there was no force toeknife,and he believed some one Caeetaiaaanent aeeemnsecese eres = in the automobile. The winner of the “sixth annual| sweepstakes”automobile race at In-| dianapolis,Ind.,this week—Dario| Resta—made 300 miles in three! hours,86 minutes and 10.82 seconds | |—an average of 83.26 miles an hour.|He finished only two minutes ahead| of his nearest competitor...| Completion of an organization of} business men in every State in the! Union,pledged to use their influence | to induce delegates to the Republican| national convention to vote-for The-! odore Roosevelt as the party’s nomi-| nee for President,is announced by} Herbert L.Satterlee,acting manager|of the Chicago Roosevelt »headquar-! ters.| Arthur Gunther,39 years old,of) Sanford,N.C.,was arrested Wed- nesday as he stepped from a train in;Philadelphia,accompanied by his | bride.He is charged with embezzle-| ment of $1,000 six years ago from L.| V.Gilliam,who cashed a checkfor |that amount drawn by Gunther on a Sanford bank.The check proved to be worthless,it is said. Amendments to the navy appropri- ation bill to provide for a $11,000,000 government armor plate plant,for $3,-500,000 instead of $2,000,000 worth of aeroplanes,for 2,730 additional sail-ors and for a bonus system to encour-age the speedy private construction of warships,were adopted Wednesday by.the House of Congress sitting asthecommittee:of the whole. It is now announced that RodmanWannamakerwillnotattempttoflyacrosstheAtlanticoceanuntil,theendoftheEuropeanwar,regardleasofhowsoonthemammothflyingbastbeingconstructedforhimiscomplet:ed.Submarines and aircraft of.the warring nations are feared by the airman,as the giant craft might eas-ily be mistaken for.a hostile machine. The flow of immigration into theUnitedStates,at one time halted—by the European war,shows a greater in- crease toward normal with ‘each suc- ceeding month.Figures show that27,000 aliens reached Americqn shores in March,11 per cent more than in -Hind-tossed—it-towards—the-car—as_ajoke.Colonel Roosevelt characteriz-ed:the matter as an ‘entirely trivial incident’:and thought no weightshouldbeattachedtoit.” It was trivial indeed.If the fel- ow who threw the knife meant to harm Col.Roosevelt or interest him, pe should have known ee of a cannon would do that.cementsaaeeeaen “While no man knoweth what the icago “convention will do next <ps at-this-good-hour it looks like. Col.Roosevelt,if one could judge by thé noise.The colonel is going about the country -shouting loud and is ~feard “by “cheering multitudes.Hemhisfriendsth fomination with micht-and-main-and ifthe colenel duesn't eet Preadfilly disappointed disappointed that phe if working for it he will be -so much vray not accept situation.tastahange neteruewern sew eresseespriae Senator Kenyon,who fought the bivers and harbors appropriation bill ~goothe end,was not actuated by par- :..i nship.-In-eoneluding:his opposi- pion’to the bill,the Senator said: gavit is a pity that the whole blame fon this extravagance must rest uponheDemocraticpartybecausethebillnevercouldbepassedwithoutRepub-ican votes.There are patriotic states-én‘on-the Democratic side of thehaniber,‘too,whe fought hconomyinthislegislation.”{That's tar. *\Caxranza demands tat the Amer- ean troops be,‘taken out of Mexico jut.it is explained that the demand Wt an ultimatum.That being onplying.; i..ahipment..of..the 8,600 cars; ard for| 80 ell Probably’wait awhile before|P Georgia bearing..on..the railroads’8 begun and‘the crop is|fot an increase in ay ithe preceding month and 48 per cent than during March last year.—In aren 1914,92,500 aliens were admit- ited. |.Col.Roosevelt made three speeches ‘in St.Louis Wednesday,He advocated|universal military service,declared the| |German-American alliance was guilty||::‘of moral treason and anti-American-| i Col-|onel Roosevelt maintained thst Pres-|jdent Wilson used “wecset words which:sucked the life.out of his phrases! and made them meaningless.”| Secretary McAdoo has—informed- Chairman Lobeck,of the House com-| mittee en expenditures in the Treas-| ury Department,that the denartmentts-crforcine the income tax taw “with all the 4 r which the small force }i by will permit,”an adequate office and field -investization of returns led if the government to eet all it is entitled to under law. ‘Memorial Day speech as weak. Congresstut,thnt eK RMhtat be the The convention of bitninimous coal miners from District No.5,United ,Mine Workers of America,in a stor- ;My session at Pittsburg,*Pa.by unanimous vole rejected the wage {seale recently signed in .New York and adopted a resolution®providing|for the election of a committee which‘will confer with operators in an ef-ifort to obtain a new agreement.The|;result is,that nearly every mine in|the Pittsburg district remains closedindefinitely.About 50,000 mines areaffected. Finished Weighing Mails. |Tuesday,says the~Salisbury Post,pb up the weighing of th|throughout.this district,one of thefourweighingdistrictsinthecountry,|This has been in progress.for 105daysandadayandnightforcehasbeenengagedin‘this work;two méneingondutyfoitheSouthernandwoforthegovernmentateachpoittwheretheweightsweresecured.This weighing was done to haveia;contentionayforthe‘mails,,my began, e-mails | slighted her on purpose!I couldn’t convince her that it was a_personal item that the paper,would have been glad to have had;that the people:she was visiting were the ones that dad slighted her;that.they should “have seen that the item was turned}intotheeditor.I couldn’t convince ‘her; but I still maintain that the young lady was badly slighted by her hos- tess and not by the paper:that her}. hostess never thought enough of her to see that her (the hostess’)friends were notified in the personal columns of the papers that she had a guest intown,which notice aforesaid woypldhavebeenacovertintimationtotheaforesaidfriendsthattheyshouldcall.That’s my way of looking at’jt.But still I am inclined to the opinionthatit’s no sin to shoot at most editors!:BILLY DOCK.Richmond,,Va.\ -— 1.It’s The Landmark’s business toshedlight.In former days profes-sional men considered it necessary,as our correspondent says,to run inforeignwordsandphrasestomysti-fy the common herd,with the idea ofimpressingthec.h.aforesaid,withtheirlearning.About all of themhaveabandonedthepracticeexceptthelegalandmedicalprofessions.The doctors still write prescriptions in the foreign tongue and the lawyersstillusecertainforeignphrases.They do it because it is a custom and convenience.In some cases the un-common words they use in court"pa-pers express what is meaht in few-er words than could be done in ev- eryday language.For —instance,when a fellow citizen charged with violating the criminal statutes is outonbondanddoesn’t answer when his case is called in court,the usual form is “judgment nisi,sci fa and capias.” Nisi means “unless,”“if not,”andj| following an order or decree of courtmeansthatitistotakeeffectatsomefuturetimeunlessbeforethattimeitismodifiedoravoided.Sci fa eral Assembly,Voters in the Democratic primary of June 3d,| the primary. action of the Democratic primaries June 3. subject to the action of the Democratic prima- voters. office ofgounty,subject to the action of the.Nemo-|fratic Primary,June 3,1916,and regpectfully| missioner,and will appreciate your support}in the primary on June sd,1916.Respectfully,Cc.8 TOMLIN. May 19,1916. For the Legislature.IT am‘a candidate for the House of the Gen-|subject to the action of the? 1916,and 1 solicit the support of the voters in|JAMES A.STEELE.May 19. Candidate For Commissioner.I hereby announce myself a candidate for| Commissioner of Iredell county,subject to the} |May 16.-J.A.BROWN.| For County Commissioner.i |I am a candidate for County Commissioner,| ty,and solicit the support of the DemoeraticMARVINW.°SMITH. »May 12. Fer County Commissioner.I hereby announce my candidacy for theCountyCommissionerofIredell, Heit the support of the Democratic votersthePrimaryr-DR.W.G.NICHOLSON.prMay 2,1916.: “Wor County.Superintendent of Schools.Thereby announce myself a candidate forreelectiontotheofficeofCountySuperin-tendent of Public Instruction,aubject to theactionoftheDemocraticprimariesJune3,1916,R.M.GRAY.April 28, For Sheriff.'I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofSheriffofIredellcounty,subjecttotheactionoftheDemocraticprimary,June»1916.J.OTIS GAITHER.April 28. For County Superintendent Sehools,To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:Iam a candidate for the office of Superin-tendent of Schools,subject to the action of theDemocratic:*primaries.If nominated andelected,I pledge to the schools of Iredell toun-ty the best service of which I am capable.April 28.JOHN F.MITCHELL. For County Treasurer.‘ama candidate for County Treasurer,sub-tothe action of the Democratic primary,R.F.RIVES. 1jectune 8,1916.April 26. For Register of Deeds.I.hereby announce myself a candidate forRegisterofDeedsofIredellcounty,subject totheactionoftheDemocraticvoters,as ex-pressed by them at-the primary,June 3,-1016, is an abbreviation of scire faciaS and means a judicial writ founded upon: some matter of record,requiring the} party proceeded against to show} cause why the record should not be;enforced,-annulled_or vacated.Capias| (“thou mayst take”)is a writ com-manding the officer to take the ceay | of the person named in it—that is,to! arrest him. So_if our correspondent should ev- er be so unfortunate as to figure on the wrong side of the criminal dock- that nothing |ism and denounced President:Wilson's |&t and,being under bond,should failtoanswerwhenhiscaséiscalled,the ominous entry of “judgment nisi,sci: fa and capias”would appear against| him.That is to say,judgment of! default would be entered against hisbond,a writ issued requiring him to! show cause why the judgment should} not be made absolute,and a capias is-| ‘sued for his arrest,with possibly theamountofthenewbondrequiredto.keep him out-of jail.In the tuotedethe amount of the bond was 5500,When.the writs are executed if the defendant can explain,to thesatisfactionofthecourt,that his!failure to respond was the result of causes he couldn’t control,theceedingdesignatedbytheforeign.phrases is off and the case is a®:if|nothing had happened;the nisi judg-|ment.is canceled because the defend:||ant has shown cause|the scire facias,why theShouldnotbeabsolute.If the.de-|'fendant gets away and_is _caught,the nisi judgment.is made ab-||solute and the bond is collected,un-less it is a “straw bond”and worth-less,as is often the case;and some-|times when the defendant defaults|the first bond and it appears that.it|was his purpose to default,and is ar-rested a second time,the first bond is|collected and a.new and_stronger|bond required,in default of which hegoestojail.A lawyer would-charge good moneyforallthisinformation,but The |Landmark is giving it free.|,2:The bob-tail and feather-edge|hair-cuts were sprung on this paperwithoutwarning;its editor has nevergivenanyattentiontothestyles‘ofhair-cuts,and-until he can get en-lightenment from the barbers he does-n’t know enough about this matter to Judgment | case ~ pro-f ,as required by \precinte your support.Respectfully, never f L..N.._BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town-ship.April 26. For County Treasurer.I-hereby announce niyself a candidate forCountyarearer,mute to the action of theDemocraticprimary,June 8,1916.April 26,i _W._H.HUNTER. For Shetiff.To:the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheDemocraticnomination.for sheriff of~Ire-dell county,and will greatly appreciate yoursupport.Respectfully,April.25.H.L.GILBERT. \For County Treasurer.E-hereby announce my candidacy for the of-fice of County Treasurer of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-ry,June $d,1916,and respectfully solicit thesupportoftheDemocraticvotersinthepri-mary.5 R.J.BRYANT.‘April 26,1916. »For County Commissioner,—Yam a candidate for county commissioner,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|fryJune3,1916.E.G.GAITHER,April 21,1916. For Register.To the Democra } -J-hereby announce my.candidacy for the of-|ficoof Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-!the Democratic primary.J.H.McLELLAND,Mooresville,N. ject to the action of |April 21.Cc. ,For Treasurer. To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: I hereby Announce myself a candidate for the office of County Trensurer,subject to the aétion of the county Democratic nominating ptimaries,to be held June 3d,1916. _W._C.WOOTEN,_-April 18.Bethany Township. €For Register of Deeds.-{'hereby announce my candidacy for the of- fice of Register of Deeds of.Iredell county, subject to the action of ‘the Democratic prima- ry June 3,1916.Wm.H.MORROW, April 18. t For Sheriff.I ‘ama,candidate for Sheriff of Iredell ebunty,subject to the.action of the Democrat- ic primary,and pet fe support of.the Democratic voters in the primary. April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. FLOORING THAT WON'T CEILING THAT WON’T “WARP.”SHINGLES THAT WON'T “CUP.”SIDING ‘THAT WON’?“BUCK~’‘ASING THAT WON'T “SWAG.”Ge WATKINS SELLS "THEM“CHEAP!”| Join your Ftiends:'and go to -Chautauqua June 22-28! Send us.your mail orders Everly care necessaryforthefillingisgiveneventoyoursmallestwants. New.July’PictorialPatterns,on sale atpatterncounter.6807 ~Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. _The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders:x tic Voters of Iredell County:|§ Will ap-/|fi ere eet cere eee eee eee ——= A Job Is A Thin Thing ForA Man To Have Between Him And =~ ~The Bread Line. Why not open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT and build up a reserve to fall back on in ».-case of “HARD TIMES”or misfortune?~. — We would be glad to have you open an | account with us if with only a small amount.ae Come in and let us tell you about our. Savings Department Merchants and Farmers’Bank._.Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” ~DAVENPORTS, CHAIRS &TABLES. We now have on sale.a big line of Davenports,$15.00 to $60.00.All finishes—Fumed Golden Ozk and Ma- ‘“hogany and Chairs and tables to match,which enables us to get up a nice Suite at very attractive prices. Call and take a look. Better Goods For Less Money.ty Statesville Housefurnishing Co. _#PHONE 157.4, DR,WILLIAM.B.MORBUSH,Chautauqua,Every,Day eye Bas xolain.3,»We're-s0-rejoicéd‘to know that “THE BURDEN OF THE’NATIONS,”Chautauqua;dune24°,}02 Tells 0of His Visit tolerida—Loray Notes. ”jondence,of The Landmark, 2 Lore:ray,June 1 —Monday eveningSuaratormsweptthisvicinity.Atearfulyaccompaniedbyadown-ur of rain "and smallhail,linet for’bout 20 minutes.No great damageWasdoneitocropsbut.some timberwasblowndown.A tree was blown:across Mr..A.P.Sherrill’s:barn.andalsooneacrossMissLydiaStike-ather’s house:A shed was blownownatMr.J.M.Stikeleather’s,de-molishing a buggy.«Mr.JP.Watt,who returned fromOrlando;Florida,last week,gave an|, count of the work of the General tssembly,which.he attended,andisoofthe’trip to Florida,‘to theunday,schoo}Sunday:._He was mostpressedbytheco-operative spiritatprevailsamongthe.people inFlorida,}Miss’Rose Stevenson is at home topendafew‘weeks with her mother.Biss Stevenson is studying nursingCharlotte.Little.Misses:Eunice and Anthadwardsentertainedahostoftheirgirlfriendsyesterdayevening,in hon-Yr of their guest,Miss Ethel TeaguedfStatesville.|‘Mr.A.M.Deal,who last Tuesday |dnderwent an operation of the head| at Dr.Carpenter’s hospital,for the bénefit of his eyesight,is gettingalongverywell,It is hoped the op- ration will prove successful.Hisdaughter,Miss Jettie Deal,who hasheeninahospitalinCharlottefor some time,ig not improving very fast.But it is hoped she will recover and be strong soon.’Dr.H.Q.Alexander of Matthews pid his aunts,Mrs.Elizabeth Ste-yenson,and Mrs.A.C.Sharpe,a vis-it the first of the week. A number of young people of this;ace attended the play,“Under the Paceetsn ”presented Tuesday night atOakGroveschoolhousebytheyoungpeopleofthatcommunity.The play)was well rendered and goes to proveWhattheyoungpeopleoftodayareca-able of doing when they put forth the r:ight effort and train themselves Sabbath School Day will be observ-for their dindertakings:éd next Sunday at Concord Presbyte- rian church,and a fine programme nas heen arranged for the occasion.All will be welcome. Storm Damage—Grain Crop a _Failure—A Wedding,Etc. Gorreapondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-6,May 30 —Dr.E. E.Little has bought the —parsonage or manse):of’New Stirling church,t Brady’s X Roads.The property—| tro,acres.and buildings—brought ae:‘Walter Brown’s'boys killed ablack‘sriake recently and the reptileisoFstichunusdal‘shape that they? rformed a post mortem.Insidethesnaketheyfoundtwohalf-grownaquirrels.: |PersonalMention «of People and|Came to Send.ndHis Daughter| tae ‘Movements.Back to School and Was in| Mr,.J.M..Deaton and|Fine Humor.” .|Frank’at "were in Chapel Hill|About a month ago The Danisthisweek:-to-Y tana the...University|carried a story telling of one Mr,commencement.Mr.Fred.H.Deaton|of Wilkes county,who came here’.|was a mene’ofthe graduating:sina meet -his daughter,Miss Diana,tig i )AgsLelinte,of?Conway,.Mo.,|she came home ‘from Misenhelmer es nding meverel ‘weeks ‘here with!'School,Stanly county.1t-told—friends.-|Mr.Cass could not restrain his affec-|.Mrs,Fred.L.Hamrick and son .of)tion for Diana.‘The local reporter. Rutherfordton,are guests of Mr.and’knew it was to the credit rather tMrs,E «Quinn.the discredit of Mr;Gass to-show |.Mr.D.L.Webb of Chambersburg affection for Diana and did not ‘geq, township~spent”from~Saturday—until.. Wednesday with:relatives in Wins-| it taken exception to what was Wfitten,:ton-Sal “i |But the reporter said.more’than aMrs.D.Ramsey-and little son’He referred to Mr.Cass as a “TiandMrs,af ety ore mother,Mrs.W.;bit of a fellow”and little fellows.:6 P,Howard,left,yesterda for Black,not relish being told that .t aeMountain,where Mrs.}amsey and{little,So ft ‘was for “this—tallsonwillspendsometime.Mrs.How-}Mr.Cass little—that ‘the reporter was| ard goes ‘on today to ‘her home in expecting to get..a licking if Russellville,Ky.should ever cross Mr.Cass’path,‘a Mrs.Chas.Anderson’and son,Per-'if the truth be told,we never expected | cy,went to Nashville,Tenn.,yester-;to see him again.ypanlael day.to.spend awhile...|...But..we have seen Mr.Gass again!Miss Louise Stephens went to Cliar-and we are both alive:“He’is Mr,’GtlotteWednesday,where she.will be’L:Cass of Wilkes county.He walk-| the guest of Miss Mary Norman’for ed into the office Wednesday and.ask- a week.ed for the editor whe wrote that pieceMr.and Mrs.J.A:Slane of Graf-,about him.You have heard it claim-: ton,W..Va,,are visiting their daugh-|ed that the barrel of the ‘smallest cal-. ter,Mrs.G.Ww.Stephens.Mr,and Mrs.)ibre pistol:resembles a stove pipe;t¢, Slane will-spend “the summer with}the fellow looking into the muzzle.o itheirdaughterandsons,Messrs.O.jit and another:fellow supporting theW.and Fred.Slane.|other end of it.Well,when Mr,Cass Misses Susie and Edna Moore of|walked into.the/office he seemed to Monticello,Ind.,were guests of Miss|tower above the,door and we.thouglitHattieWardTuesdayandWednesday.we could:see him stooping and scrooch:| Mrs.C.S.Cooper of Asheville will|ing up in ‘order to get inside the.arrive tomorrow tq ve the guest of|double door.When he had approach- Mrs,D.M .Furches.ed nigh the counter we were sure theMr,J.M.Holland is at home from|counter had not been made °high: Atlanta,Ga.,where he completed his|enough—Mr.Cass seemed to have ‘to, course in dentjstry.|stoop to get down in talking distance.| Mr.F.D.Barkley ofGastonia spent,When he told us that he had not a few days here with relatives,return-|come to lick us but to bring Diana to ing to Gastonia Wednesday.|send her back to school,to -us/‘heMissMinnieMorfison,"Who has been|seemed to shrink rapidly and get| teaching:at Salem College,was in|down to about normal—about fevel ;town yesterday on her way to her jor a little below level of counter.In home at Scott’s«Miss Morrison at-|fact we believe he had to stand ontendedDavidsoncommencementthistip-toe in order to call up,to us.Mr.week,where her nephev,Mr.Harlee|Cass was ‘in fine humor.“He enjoyed! Morrison,was a memper of the grad-| uating class.| Mr. mond,Va.,spent.Tuesday here, guest of Mr.J.A.Ballentine. 4 what was in the paper.|But it is a wonder that we recog-: Ernest Schumatcher of Rich-|nized Mr.Cass at all,for he had had the |a hair-cut and had a new pair of gold |glasses a friend had given him. Mr.Allen Mills and family and|Along with Mr.Cass was Mr.R.L.| Mr.W.H.Tomlin and family left|Cass,also of Wilkes,who came.to,yesterday for Alkalithia,where Mrs./meet his son,Orvill Cass,from the;Mills and children and Mrs.Tomlin|School for the Blind in Raleigh,and children will spend the summer.| Mr.Jos.Y.Caldwell went to Ashe- ville Tuesday to spend a few days.} Baltimore, Miss Mary Lee Ward,who is in the University of Maryland, training for a nurse,will be home Levan has returned home from ‘Dr.next week for a month’s vacation.|Long’s Sanatorium,where she under-Mr.and Mrs.D.J,Williams went |went an operation,and is getting |to Gastonia ENE to spend a week|along nicely. with friends.|Mrs,J.H:Hill from Hickor whe!Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Patterson of|has been visiting Mr.and Mrs’J.i.Spencer spent a few days here with |Hill,has returned home,accompa- peeevety réturning:to Spencer Tues-|nied by Miss Grace Hill.Mrs.A,B: ay |Godfrey ofMissMaryScottleftTuesdayfor;‘parents,Mr.ee i tbatBrookneal,Va.to join-her parents.:: Capt.and Mrs.N.A.Bost are!spending ‘awhileat Hiddenite.ktm ry.”Jas.Brady leaves today for |stoma th trou ‘Philadelphia.where®He ewHiy work in!jsold in thirty:Fourtyeare dene state chet | the shops of the Baldwin Locomotive |‘rites S.H.Murphy,dragrist,UWerial Y.Obtainable eyerywheré. Rev.J.A.Smith left “Tuesday for, Mrs.Levan Home —Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Stomach Troubles andConstipation. “I will cheerfully,say that Chamberlatn’J +A severe storm prevailed in the New Stirling ‘section Monday after- Yioon.Much timber was _blown:down.About 20 large trees were. uprooted in the vicinity of Mr.R.H.!Tuesdaypravehomeandafallingtreestruck r.Marvin Waugh’s barn.Some hail! fell during the storm but the damage|was about all to the timber. The small grain crop is practical:|in the Home School.Hundreds of| acres of wheat and oats will not pro-|tended the A.and M.commencement| ly a failure.with us. dice enough grain to pay for:the) weed:and fertilizer.|Mr.Watt’Gray of Rocky Mount! Arrived today to join his wife at the |me of his parents,Mr.and Mrs.R.| Gray.They are here for the mar-, Hinge of Miss Lena Gray,daughter |6f Mr.and Mrs.R.H.Gray,and Mr.Gowan of Barium,which takes place|it the home of the bride Thursday af-| ¢fnoon,June Ist..- ye =L,C,Caldwell and Dorman Thomp-|gon,commissioners. ;a Experienced—stenographer‘change.——Stenographer,careGandmark. ~-Razine thresher and baler combin- ad for sale.—W.D.Charles. Shoicest yet offered. day.oaps.—Sherrill &Reece.-Wll-teach piano’and organ duringjummer'.—Karel Bondam.Chevrolet <“four-nirfety.,.—-N.W.Fox,local agent. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. ~June reminders.—J.M.McKee & material.— Fohnston-Belk Co.Why not open a savings account? Mills &Poston.«New summer fabrics.—Ramsey- Marriage Announced. »The marriage.of Miss Carrie Price %Grain cradles,binder supplies.— Fompany.;Marquisette —curtain Merchants and Farmers’Bank.&Newsmodels Wirthmor.waists.— Powles-Morrison Co.&Oats hay for sale—J.C.Brookshire. iid Mr.George Fred.Hinkle,which‘Securred at Orangeburg,S.C.,Janu- ‘aty 27;1916,is announced.Mr.Hinkle.|,; isa Lexington man and is well knownitomanyStatesvillepeople.Miss rice is a daughter of Rev.E.G.rice of the South Carolina:MethodistGoveMr.and Mrs.Hinkle are:‘now in the West.They will be atistatLexingtonafterSeptember St. a HOW'S THIS?2)We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for ay case of Catarrh that cannot be cured byMall's Catarrh Cure,“Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken’by Ca-th sufferers for the past thirty-five years,fid ‘has become known as the most reliablefébiedyforCatarrh.Hall's Catarrh Cure ;s through the Blood on the Mucous sur-és,expelling the Poison from the Blod andhéalingthediseasedportions.‘After’you have taken Hall's Catarrh Curelov.ashort .time,you will,see.a...areat,.im-nt...tu your general health.Start tak-Catarrh “Cure at once and get ridSauteairtelLEDO, whitP84 Lita a J a \Notices of NewAdvertisements.ae Miss., +:-Re-sale.of valuable city property.|ison wants |Mor‘rison’s son,Mr.Gilbert Morrison,rf The!graduated. |S.G.,,is visiting her uncle,Mr J.A.Creedmore,|Brady. | Chautauqua bill of fare for 1916—|iting at Mr.S.S.Short’s. Marguerite Clark at the Lyric to-| MARKET REPORTS. Statesville.Produce Market.The following prices ‘were ‘paid yesterdayreturned!ie ncn on the local market. Spring Friers,20¢.per tb. where}Old Hens,13c.pér Ib. Eggs,16c.per dozen, Roosters,6c.per Ib. Butter,.lfc.per Ib. Beeswax,25c.per Ib.Green Hides,18¢c.per th.Hams,lic.to_18¢.per Ib.Sides,18¢.lb. Chicago,Ill.,to enter a hospital for nervous tr eatment. Miss Annie Lou Barkley,daughter, ‘of Mr.J.A.W.Barkley, from Wilmington, ‘she attended high school. Miss Lois Barkley,daughter of Mr.|| ips,Barkley,returned Wednesday| ifrom Asheville,where she graduated | Messrs.W.R.and F.E.‘Sloan at-Shoulders,18c.Ib.+a in Raleigh this week.Mr.:Kar]Sloan,son of Mr.W.R.Sloan,was an hon-| or graduate of the A.and M. Mr.Albert Lawrence,who is study-, \ing dentistry in Nashville,Tenn., _stopned over here this week to seehis| brother,Dr.E.N.Lawrence.leaving"! ‘yesterday for his home at Raleigh.| Mr.’Gus.Lewis’returned home yesterday from Horner’s School, pene eeH.-L. Sourwood.Honey Comb,16 to 1se.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,“4c. Sweet Potatoes,60c.per bushel. Grain,The following prices”were paid poaterdly.for grain on the local market: Wheat $1.26 per bushel, Corn,(new),80c.per bushel,Oats,65c.per bushel, Statesville Cotton Market.: On the local market yesterday 12 5-8¢...per |pound was paid for—best—grade—cotton._Morrison a family of |are visiting Mr.Mor-\« 's mother,‘Mrs.Ellen Morrison.||They attended the Davidson College; commencement this week,where Mr.|FOR RENT—Five-room ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsperline.No.ad.taken for less than 25cents,Cash must accompany order.), cottage corner ‘of:Stockton -and Bost streets.Apply at LEON-ARD-PIANO STORE,June 2. Miss May Sue Love of Cowpens,|FOR SALE—Nice lot of Oats Hay. BROOKSHIRE,Phone’.Troutman,une 2.—lt 16d. bined.-Good condition. Miss Rosa Short has returned from MORE,Charles,N.Cavisit.to relatives in Winston-Salem:-WANTED—Position “by:experienced stenogra- pher.Now employed,wants change.Fa- miliar with clerical work.Gaypable of hold-t ing ble job.Address Stenographer,cure} The Landmark.dune 2 Statesville,R-4,May 31 —A mis-|WANTED—200 White laborers for nnew otcellaneousprogrammewillbegiven;inum plant.Wages $1.70 per 8-hour day. at Vance Saturday night,June 3d.)seven days per week.Excellent Seer Stories will be told-by Miss Martha Eee poe men Foonaagaoyiet Carter,Messrs.Ray Barkley and Rob.|Pure filtered water.We can alsou tse} Starrette.Mr.Chas.Bost willmake |Pree Carpenters ond)Machine| nt special-talk—on—the credit system Wee aS See eee eeMissesMaeLittle-and-Rose Mills <a ae peers comer eae Watney read compositions.There ~will also |———————>——-sean |be a DENS.between Messrs.Frank}FOR RENT—Cottage known _the atte |Proftt and Burt Eidson on some sub-;~"May 26.Same ject to be taken later.Songs,“Bury jx.ee | Me.Beneath the Weeping Willow FOR ee Copeland,‘house on Walnut Tree,”and “Daisies Won't Tell,”to|jie:Spitable.for eae board be sung by Messrs.Grier Sherrill,|CRAIG.May 23.John Gillespic and Ralph Mills;Miss-FOR SALE OR RENT—To desirable party.|| es Ellen Nantz,Rose Mills,Mae Lit-|residence 747 N.Mulberry street.Modern tle,Bona,Mary and Martha Carter.Oe aes J.A.SCOTT,.Jr,‘phonejj Music by Messrs.Frank Whiting,|—bos May 1). Grier.Sherrill and Miss Bona Carter.}CORN—We are in the market.Tor ShelledPublicinvited.Corn and will pay highest mirket price,7|cash,STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CQ.Ice cream sypper at Vance Satur-!May 65._idaynight,June 10th,for the benefit|LOST—Umbrella with part of handle chippedioftheclub.ae Return to THE LANDMARK. 30.-*Check For Mr.Steele.= ‘Correspondence of’The Landmark.ih the Matter of Snow Creek Mr.James A.Steele of Coddle} Creek township is a candidate for the Drainage District. Legislature in.the Democratic pyima:/Land owners in the above drainage district |ry.He is endorsed by’large num-jtake notice that the hearing on the Board of bers of leading Democrats of his,|Viewers’Supplementary Report set for May|township,of south Iredell and other |i une nih,at ti o'elock,a.Soae portions of the county.Mr.Steele is!May 30--June 9.J.A.HARTNESS,C.a farmety a gentleman on education |ella unas and high character and will make Tre-| dell an excellent répresentative.He Shingles,Doors,Windows,is not a selected candidate by any in-Mouldings,Mantels,Columns,Stair-|terest or faction,who may.expect.to|ways,Lime,Cement,ao Laths}control hi Fee?and his merits,Be sure to.check Window.Locks;Sash cig RR and i SITTER SUS 24riShei~9)TBOOrsro OH Go WARHENG.—Next-to McElwee’pyprAdvey 17 10.CTU SD ‘Hamano,Steepvibe;IM WwW.Dz CREED-|June 2 iit The Gathering.atVance. Correspondence of The Lendamark.| s.¢.|“|| GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.MR.CASS IN TOTOWN.AGAIN: -how.Mr..Cass could possibly “have. othe bereaved family and recorded Stony Point,May 31 —Mrs.Ri |phic 3 are the mos¢satisfactory remedy Year)|ves Wellsburg,it. New Red Honey,10c,to 12 1-2c.per Ib,‘t 3h z ¥. Mrs.Mellichampe of Oxford is vis-,FOR SALE—Razine 'Thresher and.“Baler comme ot —— af, lL rorsey _—t Week aa 3 pracy,Hesring,song one "iene areewillBontetministerof“north-ern,Duplin county,23 .years of age,is in,the Duplin.county jail at,Ken-|ansville,charged with an attempt,|;Some time’during last September,‘to |poison his young wife.Soon aftey the| )alleged attempted poisoning Herring|disappear ed.and was-only recently ar-| rested. He1,|Resolutions of Respect to _the David L.Wagner, it hath pleased Almighty 1Memoryof| Whereas,God,|'wHe doth all.things well for them.that bya|and tfaar.Him,to remove from our local| Farner’.Union”Ne:249,‘Troutman,N,Cong’of our most beloved and loyal members®’BAvid L.’Wagner,‘be it resolved,i‘That we bow,in humble submission to the | wit,gt,Him,who ts 00 “Wise to err" it in his death the’Union has sustained’iss Of a most zealous member and faith- «ful worker,who was an inspiration to all the/ s Members.That we expfess to the bereaved widow and childter’our heartfelt sympathy,and ‘recom- mend them’to Him who is .a stay to the |widow.and father to the fatherless. That a copy of these,resoiutions be sent to’The Landmark for publication,a copy toin’our ‘thie’! minute.book, ;l.EE.WINECOFF,J.M.HETHCOX,dick PERRY;Committee.asye THE LYRIC THEATRETODAY_MARGUERITE CLARK Out of the Drifts” A Paramount Photoplay. SATURDAY WILLARD MACK 1 _.“The Corner” .Also ‘ROSCOE ARBUCKLE i —in— |”eatty and Mabel :Adrift” An extra fine comedy. MONDAY S -MARY MILES MINTER rot \—in— “Lovely Mary” A Wonderful Photoplay.See it by all means. THE‘LYRIC THEATRE The.Coolest Place in tet Gahan “Bown!Jad “nila L rehe. NAN eA ‘“Lazenby-Montgomery Hart ||I ai Te coi ihcn oeMi i ————eearianEAN39.40.2 if IS T TE BE I DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY WITH THIS BANK! WE KEEP.YOUR FUNDS AB- SOLUTELY SECURE!’', Canceled’Checks-are indisputa- ak i n : ble receipts for what you have 2 *paid on accounts. YOU GET EVERY FACILITY OFFERED.BY A_GOOD, STRONG BANK! ta g e = THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,- Statesville,N.C.Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits.U.S.Depository. sil Grain Cradles and Binder Sup lies!= We havea good supply..of ‘Home:\'io 3 made”:grain cradles,manufactured’“’” by Mr.D:T.Pritchard,of Hiddenite, N.C.,and they are good ones.Even if you own a binder,it is important* ‘to keepa good grain cradle to cut the~ rough and stumpy fields. -~«Look over your old McCormick and: *.Champion Binders,and if repairs are © needed,get the number of the old parts and Iect us know.We will supply them for you. ware| iw WaWickerandFiber Porch Furniture!| Fr VW ;ie i!'Boe aa TRADEhen td We are showing an Sena assortment:of Fiber and Reed Porch Furniture.Ask about ‘our SLEEPING PORCH OUTFITS.wd Crawford.Bunch Furniture Company:. “The Store That Always:Welcomes You.” R ‘aid LP «_Mbe.clearly seen in the dim light, “to him,but -I-could_on‘‘ok-often that they Feceive even this ‘Lmuch-kindness,however,sohe smil- ed‘in return,A°few days later,1 vis- jted the.Leper Hospital.Here .the mission is doing somé,of its greatest and most humane work...These:poor, hopeless,diseased!“and houseless creatures are’given.clean,comforta- ble homes to live invand*kind treat- ment.to make.their lot’less dreary. Many of the inmates,are:little chil. dren doomed to a life of living death, yet they seem happy and cheerful— smiling and bowing when _visitors come...Under.kind treatment._manyarebecomingChristians,so that af- iter all they are better\off than many who live in health.Before1 came out here I thought that the disease was ‘very contagious and that it would ;not do to go near a person with the |disease,but I find it different.Lep- ‘ers live in the house with their fam- ilies for years sometimes and no oth- ‘er member will contract the disease. Dr.Wilson,who operates on them :Johyson,Who Reeentlyongee«Japan ‘to Teach, Vrites to Iredell Relatives. iss Mengie Jolinson of Salisbury, whos ly,went to Japan to téach ‘in the home of.Dr.Owens,writes.in- teresting letters to her aunt,Mrs,a C Grayof Dunlap.Writing of what —ehe saw in Tokio;Missdohnson-says* First they took us to Shiba Park to see the temple of the Shoguns, sevén rulers of Japan who are buried thefe.The temples are wonderful with their exterior and interior carv- ings inlaid .with gold and silver and many bright colors.Lions,dragons, “pergeous plumaged birds,lilies and| “?eWers of various hues.adorn the walls’of the.outer shrines,From these long,broad pee ted re o steps which ascended to awraised je ear dais oa which the most,sacred pago-|!"38 very hard to contract. :(ra it.gold.vessels made of precious THE BANDS IN €{ ‘of course was not permitted to do so.| One time J started down the myste- }yious passageway to the right but jia young priest quickly called me back,Just as we started out a man “came in to leave his offering at the ‘shrine and to pray.He was-not wor- ‘thy to do this for himself,so a young temple boy knelt beside him and read |some prayers from a paper.The sight was pathetic. 1...Of course we were not allowed to walk on the exquisitely lacquered “floor with our rough shoes.First they shad to be covered with cloth ones, .then we went in.The park about the }Seven Temples was one of the:mast ya&turesque places that I have ever seen.Hundreds of ancient,gnarled “pine trees enclose a space of several “tens.of acres,in the midst of which ‘were the temples.All around the temples are exquisite Japanese gar-.} sdens with their fragrant flowering }4 Carbineers Band, ‘palp trees.at this time already in Isonzo,brought a little of the atmos-| blossom,their picturesque shrubbery |Phere of the front to the TrocaderoL recently and reminded Paris of the‘and cherry trees.;;.From Shiba Park we went to Im-martial strains that stirred the city ‘perial Park surrounding the Impe-|during the first days of the war.They| rial Palace.No foreigner is ever Were greeted by big crowds with the| ipermitted within the sacred walls of same enthusiasm as prevailed on the|yy the Palace and we had to view it boulevards in the memorable first M ‘from the outside of huge stdne walls,Week of August,1914.The immense M 'above a beautiful clear moat.Soldiers|auditorium itself was crowded long ° lwere stationed at the gates and before the announced hour for ‘theo Talong the walls to guard the sacred Opening..x and worshived person of the Empe-The bandsman at the front is not a, tee,whom his subjects worship as a)Mere ,musician,_after inspiring the'x -troops with martial strains and when M ah rich.woman of the high-class |the shot and shell have done their’. of Japan died last week and work,he drops his”instrument and,N iawas buried with great honors by her with the/Red\¢ross on his sleeve,he, 9 eaple.4 §*home was not far dis-goes Out over the field to pick up the % an mission station and all,Wounded.Sometimes he helps to bury ore after her deach the mourn-“Le ead,and in some emergencies he P ul sound of the funeral wails came brihgs up supplies and ammunition.Pr ver the bamboo grove and up_the At the assault of Vauquois in Feb-!p ills-to us.I have never heard a ore eerie,heart-rending sound.The hole da#kness seemed filled with it. Is‘?and.other emblems’were Loni .We were permitted to go ae y enich} Yori these Se ih were barri-In Addition to I urnishing Mu caded behind a railing that no touch sic,the Bandsman in the Eu- might profane the sacred place.I ropean War is a Stretcher- was ‘Very desirous’of getting easy Bearer. ‘the most sacred place,which coulc a Paria Dispatch: Since the beating of the drums that called France to arms,comparative- ‘lv little martial music has been heard at the rear. occasionally met a ‘with drums and brass slung over their shoulders,r along the road toward the first line;/( musicians go with the combatants and are subject to all the dangers of the war.; The strains of the one day revealed the presence of regimental band among’the ruins of close enough to the German lines to require measures against gas. them a grotesque appearance but not K interfering with their lung power.it The Coldstream Guards Band,di-'1; rect from Arras,and the Royal Ital-| L MM was ordered to execute the Marseil- laise from shelter,but at the moment jE t appeared to have come from every of the charge the colonel assigned an’R ‘ree andbugh,from out the very uncovered spot to the band,which 2 ills.arty the next morning,just became a standing target for the en-/p t sunrise,a great ten:was ‘erected|¢™Y,only 300 yards away,but con- n the wide open plains near the town pr soon hundreds of people had col- ected around it.Great jickie loads of food,carried on men’s backs,be- an to arrive.This was all spread| ‘on tables under the tent.Many bot- les of wine were brovght out and Mplaced with the food.These prepara- jons took some time but as soon as Il was ready.the funeral procession ame.First in line was'a young son f the dead woman.swathed.in coarse| ellow mourning cloth until he look- d like a mummy.Just behind him ‘hame the spirit box.beautifully carv- irs and decorated.In it was supposed| sion;it played the Marseillaise eight man was killed. A few days later,the musicians of, a regiment,acting as stretcher-bear-. ers,were ordered to sound the charge| for a battalion that was about to go into action.The 26 men took their instruments and,-went to the where the attack was to be made.The : enfilade the cross road where they ° were sheltered while waiting for the'T order.The ground was plowed ‘by op shells and covered with wounded ina’T few minutes.T The musicians became again at i Lonee-streteher-bearers,and when the T order finally came to ‘sound the.V charge,most of the 26 instruments had been dented.crushed or torn to, bits by the shelling.Two or o have been the spirit of the dead| oman.Following this was a huge hox covered entirely with black.Lit- le silver bells jingled all around it nd jcolored streamers hung in front. ere were the clothes for the spirit. full suit of:finest silk and linen.A maller box coming just behind the lack one helt!the food-for the spir- t-—wonderfully expensive’food cook- d ‘atthe temple far up in the moun- teins.All these boxes were bornemumapee+chdulders of men dressed in oarse véllow (the regular mourning|loth of the country).Behind these: ame female members of the family:n chairs,also carried on the shoul-ers of men,and then the male mourn- _three or four musicians the trumpet=|- ers sounded the charge and alternat-.L hour.Other members.of. i became separated and selves in another regiment of-the:S brigade where there were trumpets to 2 spare;they seized them and sounded $ the charge..Of the 26 musicians 'four were killed and seven wounded. found them-Ss only smile.It is} “Hy order of the Board of Alde!ei ea city of Statesville and pursuant to~f of North Carolina,J will sell at publicss tion,to ee a) a at the court house door in Statesville,Nic. beginning at 10 o'clock a,my,the fi :described traets—of land and city paid-taxes.for the -year 1916, Compress.Pad &Saddle 'Co,,lot,Cens Jatt Statesville Gas Light &{Fae Absher;George;Tot,tthestreet or Adderholdt,Mrs.F.A.,1 lot, Albea,Alexander, Ash,J.,agent Mrs,Blair Ash,1)loty tia! Baggerly,..T.A.,:Beaver,W.P.,Blaylock,Mrs.R.A., +Bost,D.O.,1 lot,Caldwell street...9 |Brady,Mrs.J.A., |Brady,J,A.,|Brawley,Admit,J. and tends them constantly,says that)Brown,Mrs,J.B., }Bullin,W.L.,1 lot,Bighth strect ee THE WAR.|c:Carter,J.Q.,1 lot,Seventh street.Le |Carter ‘ey Cashion,Mrs.A.E,,1 lot,Fourth st...9.6.62|Collie,Mrs.E.L.,wank }Colvert,J.E.,1 lot,Davie avenue Javidson,C. Deaton,FreDobbins,Douglas, !Durham, Bidson,A. ie Eliason,W.A.,2 lots,Sharpe streetThosewhohavebeenal-|Fox,A.P.41 lot,Caldwell street lowed in the zone of the armies have fae regimental band |.)i instruments |Fry,J.plodding /Fulp,J.A.,T lot. Gunn,d. Harbin,R.J., Is ::HMarseillaise|: a!Harwell, Hill,Mrs. <Holland,F.a town still under bombardment and)Hubbard,P.L.and S.T., All the Jacks,M. eas 5 °s Johnson,musicians had their masks on,givinNZ Jones,C. fres a |Leinster,Cc.K., resh from the Linley,W.W.,1 lot,Fourth streets.... |Lyons, 4)Morrison,C.B., Patterson, Pratt.J.&., ruary,1915,the band of a regiment Ramsey,Mrs.J.S., t Sells,John,2 lots,Fifth street .tinued none the less ardently its mis-Sharpe,John M.,1 lot,Bell street ....Shaver,C.F..'i 3 Shaver,John F.,times during the engagement;not a Sherrill,E.D.,1 lot,Alexander street.. Sherrill, Shuping,Geo.F.,1 lot,Sevench street..°S Sowers,Starnes,-J.B.,place Stevens,Mrs.Celeste,1 lot,’Webb st... enemy’s artillery just then began to74<° Welborne,el Wilkinson,J. three|Williams,W. trumpets were still intact,and with Woolen D.W.. ed the Marseillaise with it for a half M!!aE the band mitknelt Adanis. bidder Tor cash,ONDAY,JULY 3,1916, 5 lots for. W.L?NEELYSjafe»June 2,1916.City ‘Tax eCORPORATIONS. +dats7C05ABmae ‘ttre TyeeSharpeBtieA.ae I lot,,Center Tradd St lot,Walker,1 lot,Miss Bettie,1 Figs :land Ave atTh1.78 ;.:New Discovery! Water street 1 lot,Wise street .\1 lot,Racefate.... 1 lot,West End ave..2 lots,West End Ave.$8.Kerr,(151 Rell street Executrix,Fourth streets.y.%-GRRESS “i Surk,H., rpenter,F. 1 lot,Allison street 4hA.,1 lot,West End Ave,NaBros.,Armfield street ..i2lots, 1 lot,Boulevard ‘owan,D.O.,1 lot,Front street ....necrosis of the bones. M.,1 lot,Fourth street 4 3 .G.,)lot,Snarpe sireet 2.2291Mrs.Sallie,1 lot,Front street 1961 Mrs.Judith,1 lot,Mulberry aby! :+5 14,9322071 it up. street es and cramping, .1 fot,Higaland avenue 1 lot,Park Place Mrs.Lula,1 lot,Sharpe st... S.,1 lot,Water street ba ,1 lot,Water street. *.,1 lot,Bell streec ‘ Allison”street oforth,Floyd,1 lot,Seventh street ...A.,1 lot,Cemetery @treet 1 lot,Alexander street ..Bell street 2.“ s.J.L.,1 lot,Mulberry st..Nora and Regna,1 lot,Cald~ ris,A.W.,1 lot,: Allison,Emma 1 lot,Stockton street .. 4|Allison,Caesar,1 lot,Green street .... Bailey,Annie,Alfred and Hattie,1 lot, Garfield street,Uey,Walter,1 lot,Tradd street ....Belt,Frank,1 lot,Chambers street .. Bennett,G.W.,1 lot,Garxeitd street .. Burton,Ashley,2 lots,Green street ..Chambers,F.F..1 lot,Tradd street ..Cowan,Mansfield,1 lot,Chambers st...Cowan,M.L.,1 lot,Front streetCowan,H.C.,1 lot,Walker streetCowan,Lela E.,1 lot.Green street ..ual.|Davidson,Mamie,1 lot,Chambers street4.75)Dalton,Andy,2 lots,Park Place 98.06 Feimster,Abner,1 lot,Chambers st , 1,62}Fraley,Lee,1 lot,Green street {}8:65 Feimster,Melvin,1 lot,Chambers street i Gaither,Alexander,1 lot,Chambers st. \tray,John H.,1 lot,Sharpe street . ard 188!Green,Margaret,1-lot,Garfield street and L.C.,:i)(Griffin,Thos.,1 lot,Bell sireetBorers77)Hall,Harriet,1 lot,Tradd street.1 lot,Walker street .. artnes. well street ’ U.C.,1 let,i street ¢, Belfe M.,1 lot,Davie avenue’ B.,1 lot,Davie avenue ..2 1 lot,Pradd 48,7229.21)Bs street oi Reece ae osL.,1 lot,Fourth street A.C.,1 lot,Bost streetJ.,1 lot,Davie avenueestler,J.B.,1 lot,Eighth street ....' err,T.R.G.,1 lot,Bell street ..awrence,Dr.E.N.,1 lot,Bell street.)eazar,Miss Isabellu,1 loi,S.Center street ce r n 5.2130.26 ippard,T.D.,1 lot,Seventh street .. ippard,J.T., street :iprard,Mis Fifth str ere ier,R.A.,1 lot,Ailler,W.W.,1 lot,Tradd street ills,W.M.,1 lot,Caldwell street . W.A.,1 lot,Davie avenue ....V.B.,1 lot Bell street .Mrs.I.L.,1 lot West End ave- mi g ts on e St a NB O de sa l t s IN BR A N AR N AN H wa a 2.648) .M. x oore, oore,oore,nue .eee oose,J.M.,1 lot,Boulevardorgan,Will,.1 lot,Seventh street ....orrison,J.C.,1 lot,Highland avenue ambers st...field str i: rd,1 lot,Green street ....T.,1 lot,Salisbury st... 1 .,estate,1 lot,Sharpe st. 1 lot,Fronc street ....“44.92 Wurphy.J...1 lot,Davie avenue ..., 1 lot,Broad street»....295,05.!Osborne,Mamie,1 lot,Walnut stret ..1 lot,West End ave-5 Pearson,Jennie,1 lot,Garfield street ..10.55 R nkin,Lee,1 lot,‘Tradd street 16.69,R urdson,Jerry,1 iurtield st...|ia,1 lot,Garfieid-street ..ill,1 lot,Beli street29.17)Spann,Luther,1 lot,Walker street {Sprouce,Jack,1 lot,Patterson street... 6.78 ‘Stockton,Anna,1 lot,Walker street... 14.87 Summers,Roscoe,1 lot,Harrison street11.38 {Phomas,Ed.,1 lot,Garfield street .... 15.43 ~“iihomas,Jeanette,1 lot,Sharpe street 3124),Foseph,Lt lot,Tradd street.....it nods,R.By 1 lot,Garfield street.....‘ood &Carson,|lot,Cemetery streetWodd,Vina,1 lot,Walker streetWood,David,|lot,Garfield street .... 17.02 |Wood,Richard,1 lot,Green street .....20,00;Young,Mary Lee,|lot,Walker street .fo.40)"DELINQUENTS. 'Clark,Agnes,1 lot,Garfield street ....‘Davidson,Keto,1 lot,Green street .tigtay Martin,Lee O.,|lot,Garfield street }.a7.Simonton,Sam,|lot,Garfield street ..ay Stevenson,John,1 lot;Caambers street betel |Webb,Ray,1 lot,Harrison street a by,Tomorrow May ott;Ded.J, urdock,R.K.,nue...eget abors,John,1 lot,Seventh street icholson,Mrs.Edna E,,1 lot,Race street .re ceca e ened oeerr,R.W.,Ylot.Front streetMissMattie,1 lot, son street hifer,E.L..hifer,T.M. Patter- 1 lot, 1 lot,Front street 1 Jot,Boulevard ...0 P.P.,1 lot,Front street .,.. 1 lot,Davie ave- urnell 91,22 11.02 18.60 nue ees Kd earos ayle,«..|lot,Fifth street eddich,T.J.,1 lot,Western avenue ..hyne,W.A.,1 lot,Front street .. ‘oss,Charles V.,1 lot,Seventh street .A.,1 fot’Oak street .....u D.C.,1 lot,Tradd street .....,t 50,87 1 lot,Boulevard ..1 jet,Boulevard ..4. A.R.,1 lot,Tradd street ae ge34.92lot,Front st....Bertha,1 ;3 lots,mers,,estate, Street.:Fae ee eet ela cee owers,G.H.,1 lot,Caldwell street..John,1 lot,Tradd street . 1 lot,Sharpe street .... Front —_Be Too Late ||ete aenamgeermente48 FOR YOUR are awseneter one sensimcone cele,T.L.,1 lot,Mulberry street2C.G..1 lot,Patterson street ...J.H.,1 lot,Seventh street*.,1 lot,Park Piace routman,~€hayton O.,1 jot,Boule- V2 eerie rere urner,W.E., urner,7 .1 lot,Davie avenue .... urner,W.B.,1 lot,Seventh street ..'urner,Chas.H.,1 lot,Bos:street aurner,Mrs.A.E.,-1 lot,Mulberry-at-- urner.Mrs.Lula,1-lot,Front street...incent,f.,estate,1 lot,Center st.lot,Tradd.street./.,1 lot,Buffalo ShoalsRoada .1 lot,Bteees 1 lot,Calawell street ..M.._1 lot,Broad streetDELINQUENTS.evan,Elihu,1 Jot,Seventh streetI’.,1 lot,Boulevard J.J.,1 lot,Seventh street .... R.P.,1 Jot,Kelly street .... earo,D .J lots,Cenier street .... essons,J.M..1 lot,3.Statesville ... imons,Mrs.Lee,1 lot,Fourth stret .. owers,R.E..t-lot,“Milky szreet ummers,H.C.,1 lot,Park Place ....COLORED. Henry.1 lot,Harrisor street 1 —+WE HAVE — Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,Sandwich»Olives,Datenut Butter, “Peanut Butter,Loose+Sweet Pickles,BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges.Come in and see.what we have.- Eagle & Milholland. Tot ek L492 23.66 15.42 2h1.05 ount,Dr.EL The leader was decorated with the ::Legion of :fbeared,carried in a wonderfully Op OT: a on horseback.The coffin then an- fers hearse.painted pink.It was \y When the regiment is resting be-‘Se ed Ravine te care hind the front,the musicians are theonlyoneswhowork;they give con-.certs fer-the civilians in the town | where the regiments are quartered while the combatants are resting.—————E Honors For Railroad Builder. Beginning at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon and continuing for five ‘Very heavy, ‘It.They swung it from side to side in tune to the slow chant sung by the thost of paid mourners following be- ‘hind.»Arriving at the great,tent,the mourners went i nside.gathering with friends of the family around the feast tables,the coffin was removed,“.from the hearse and placed in a posi-Mnutes,there was a complete cessa- 4ion of honor with vari-colored ban-tion of business in St.Paul,Minn.,as pers stteaming above it.As the fam-2 city’s tribute of respect te the later hy feasted and the mourners’voices James J.Mill,the great railroad man, tose and fell in the funeral wail,Whose funeral hygan at that time.these were,too,raised and lowered.Scores of other cities and townsWeechildren.in dresses of brightest throughout the Northwest also hon- hues,dart hither and thither amone!°Ted the memory of the ratiroad build-the white-clad throng (all Koreans °c",All trains in the Great Northernexeentthechildren,—who wear very;and Burlington system of railroads. shright colors,and mourners in yellow,|of which Mr.Hill was the recognized‘dress in white).Ever and anon the head,stood still for five minutes’dur- coffin was replaced in the hearse and)!the funeral.‘slowly carried around the tent while|SEathewailsincreasedinvolumeand—License has been issued ournfulness.This lasted for sever-M4triage of Mr.Jordan J.Hall al hours.+Then again the procession Miss Ethel Dingler;Mr.Geo. ‘formed.marched awav across the and Miss Hettie Mycis. *plains toward the nearby mountains.)eda OEETT———___Ewoundaroundtheirsidesforatime.Why a Vote For Gaither. the and MeCord | for |Ught Calomel makes you sick.It’s horrible! Take a dése of the dangerous drug tonighttomorrowyoumayloseaday’s work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes Calomel;when it comes in- to contact with sour bile crashes into tt,breaking ‘This is when you’feel that awful nausea If you are sluggish and “all knocked out,”if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated,or you have headache,dizziness,coated tongue,if breath is bad or stomach sour,just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight.ilere’s my guarantee—Go_to any drug ‘store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone. Vake a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you | OM S Se t a very!Dodson’s Liver ToneActs Like Calomel But Doesn't:Gripe,SalivateorMake You Sick—Don’t Lose a Day's Work—Harmless LiverMedicineforMeni,Women,Children—Read Guarantee!a 8 a es right up and.imake you feel fine and vigorous Iwantyoutogobacktothestoreandgetyourmoney.Dodson's Liver ‘Tone -is destroying:the! sale Of calomel becausé it is real liver medi¢ine entirely vegetable.therefore it can not salivate of make you sick.:ee ‘ao ae I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's'Livers Tone will put your sluggish liver to work andcleanyourbowelsofthatsourbile’and oe waste which isclogging your-system and makin y you feel miserable.I guarantee that 4 bottle fF Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family,feeling fine for months.Give it to-your-children# It is harmless;doesn’t gripe and they like its pleas-!.ant taste.: and x— Se e aK s SAVE THOSE OLD TIRES and TUBES. ‘Tredell Vulcanizing Company will take care of all Tire troubles. New plant.Best equipment.Best workmanship. Save money by having your old Tires and inner Tubes shaped for much more service. Punctures,Blowouts,Rim Cuts -suceessfully overcome. All sizes and makes. Work done by an expert and a guarantee behind it:all.;oe Iredell Vulcanizing Company, “COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. T ead BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY |MANUFACTURERS OF j Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail,Established in 1880...Incorporated 1909.. PHONES:Office |294 KO.I.MYERS.’PHONES:Residence.423 GE res,andfeanneene? Picnic Lunch | JUNE.REMINDERS! Just take time in-passine-te stop in-our-Stere and fetus show you | our line of new Summer,Cool,Airy Dress Materials.We are showing a beautiful line priced 16e.,12 1-2c.,J5c.and up to 25c.a yard. WASH SIEKS! 56 inches wide,some less.Price,25e.,89e,and 50c.tne yard.Some beautiful Shirt Patterns in it.| SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS! Our showing in this line can only be appreciated by seeing it here. OUR 98c.SKIRT IS A WONDER!Waists 49c.,0Bc.and $1.They are all special values. Big lot Children’s:Wash Dresses and Boys’Blouse Suits bought” from manufacturers’samples.Sold’for one-third off the regular price, ASK TO SEE OUR MEN’S OXFORD TIES FOR $2.98 ONE LOT LADIES’AND CHILDREN’S SLHPPERS,48e.,.79e. and 98¢.a pair. hen disapneared.in a distant dark|Correspondence of The Landmark ravine leading to a temple far hack!Mr.E.G.Gaither of Statesville is_fin the mountainous recesses.That)a good husiness man and will mane dvening we saw the procession,re-\a competent county Commissioner.eee but the body of the dead had|'The only objection to him Renrne Ve een left hehind on some distant!be that ‘he is a candidate withoutountain-side,where the mournful!having first.secured permission fromfneraldirgesarestillbeingsungby!those who think it their privilege.toeJonélypinesguardingthegrave.|name Iredell officials.All Democrats 4{J took a walk alone ‘over the hills who believe that public officials shot ldindpassed-by the roadside a poor.|be no man's man but servants’of alllpreedeyHeeadbis{shoes off)the people,to tgiv®;equaljadap“¢ b q sticetobeeatingwithhis|all and special favors to aime I aulolaneanaitDOMELawsSO}.MiiendeedaANEtOCytOeprimarypomorrowse \PANE ene hae yp”|eS)JOLT J.M.McKee &Company. JOHN DEERE MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. Iredell Hardware Com’y. HUNT BROTHERS, |GREENSBORO,N,0.STEAM,HOT WATER AND,VAPOR HEATING,.,,,...Plumbing and Pyjyata:Water Syatema, nos v19291 6 pu ARFABRENCES,BUBIISHEDs)is SS nbhoen et sei Wann bith ah ek Te hia aul sare ECRCR ON OPO ETTEI on PILI CEC RCCECEC ECORI DECREED ROR TESTIIIA atMONEYISPOWER!| MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY!; THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY-TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will. draw interest from April-1st at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quartérly. This Bank-welcomes Savings Aecounts from hoth women and men!a , Certificates of Deposit ‘issued by this Bank bear interest from date at,the rate of 4 per cent.per annum.., Checking accounts;either large or small,cordially invited. We want your business!' PI S LS S S SS S PS S S T SS S O S IP S SO S O O S C OP T S SSO P er e s bs s e s e t e e b e o e e e t e e e e e e e e e l |People’s Loan and Savings Bank.i .GEO.H.BROWN:—-_’President,HN TOG |HCegy AIO tateietelecatas Aestade Bee et Pe CECECOSCECEORCE HOHslajeluteteretatetatWasikweDE1aesEeLheSuhae “Quickest train Memphis to.Dallas.Cotton Belt Route all the way;nowchangeofcars.Leaves Memphis 10:10 “'ip-m.Arrives Dallas 11:50 a.m.next '}.morning,Ft.Worth 1:25 p.m. Cotton Belt Route morning traintoTexas,leavesMeniphis9:40a.tm.‘Traine from Southeast connectse Mecaphie 'Low fares to Texas,Louisiana,Oklahoma *'HyTenn,"> —the aniy vee ating soli thre th niee.from|MemphistoTexas. H.H.‘Sutton,District Passenger Agent,109 West 9th St.,Chattanooga,Mig he f ooThesecondbestpaper by’Lois Mor-| «r “af EME bo ITHE LANDMARK|mother should never forget to clean :Sane =mer pues need —to be (kept cl~>-FRIDA “es shildren -(kept cleaneraiaeaecheanegnsceeeneeLtgrownpeop!for pomrcert ae4ittletocareforthemselves.If moth-CARING FOR THE BABIES.-would keep a house clean:es .their children would be more apt toPaperontheCareandFeedingkeeptheirhomesclean.To clean aofChildren,Written By a Lit-|house in the right way one must‘havetleGirloftheStatesvilleplentyofsoapandwaterandagoodGradedSchool;room.One should ‘never scatterradeqs$dust with a cloth or feather duster.At the recent public school com-|A damp broom is a big help in help-‘}mencement Mr.Vera B.Jones gave|ing to keep from spreading germs.a prize—a book—for the best paper!We must give lots of ¢are to the potsonthecareandfeedingofchildren.!and pans in the kitchen so they willTheprizewaswonbyLouiseGilbert|not contain germs.,of the fourth grade,aged 10,daugh-/ter of Mr.and Mrs,W.L.Gilbert.Following is little Miss Gilbert’s pa-|rison of the sixth grade,aged 11,won!per:sp prize of $1.The Landmark will|Babies need care and attention if |publish this paper later.|we want them to grow up.strong|The| eS mothers must give time to the baby. PP pe t a a ae = and fresh air. Shaw Knit Hosiery FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We call your attention to our line of guar-anteed Shaw Knit Hoslery.for men andwomen: -,Women’s Silk,black,tan and white, Women’s Silk;black,tan and white,Women’s Lisle,black,tan and white, .Men’s Silk,black,tan and white,50c.the pair.Men’s Lisle,black,tan and white,25¢c,the pair. Remember,every pair of Shaw Knit Hoseisguaranteedtogivesatisfactorywearortheyarereplacedwithanewpair.LetyournextpairofhosebeaShawKnit. 75e.the pair.50c.the pair.25c.the pair. PHONE NO.83. SHERRILL-WHITES Rockers,Settees,Swings, SUCH AS Couch Hammocks,Porch9Shades,Ice Cream Freezers,Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies. Anything in summer.goods.Phone vour “wants to us,and our man will be there withthegoodsinafewminutes.Quick DeliveryIsOurMotto. eS A ed by the doctor as In the first year or two it needs a great deal of care—it.needs to ‘be kept warm,have plenty of sunshine ‘The baby’s eyes must be cared forifwewantthemtobestrong.The baby’s eyes must be carefully wash- soon as it:isborn.This is done to protect thechildfromblindness.Its-eyes shouldbewashedeverymorning,éach eye should be washed with a separatepieceofcottondippedinboracieacid. The baby should be kept warm.When it has had its bath it should be dressed well and put ins warm and comfortable clothing.When the ba- by is born it should be placed on the |}right side to help the’circulation o ithe blood,If we do not,the child|will be blue. |A new baby sleeps nearly all the‘time.After a few weeks it learns to |sleep more’at night and not so much|in the day-time.The baby can soon jtake a long sleep id the morning,stay awake an hour or two and then|go to sleep again.Babies should not|go to sleep later than 6 o’clock in the;evening.The windows should be|evened when it is sleeping \‘should ‘be wrapped warmly.Do not{take the baby un at night unless it is|feeding time. jbies to sleep without a pillow.A ;baby one vear old should sleep 15.or(16-hours daily.~‘|The haby should have a bath ev- lery day.In the morning is the best,time to give it a bath. {the baby do not_rub the skin but_pat it gently:if we do not it will eause the skin to be,inflamed.Do not giveithebabyabathjustafterameal.;The baby’s mouth should be wash-(ed out with a piece of cotton wrap-|ped around the little finger and dip-|ned in boracie acid.Its ears should the cleansed in the same way.Throw|&the cotton awav.after using,‘The =rose should beecleansed often’and insithesameway. A.soiled garment should never be!put on a child.The child would heejaswelloffwrappedinablanketwith|no clothes on at all than have a soil-ed garment on.A soiled garmentshorldnotbeleft~on-because it:is#|hard to clean. :|head shouldBiwithvaseline. aiee |The haby’s head should be washedjeveryday.A sealy,vellowish skincomesonthehead;the be greased every night When the baby has {had its bath in the morning the head |sometimes m;should be carefully brushed with amisoftbrush. i comes back =cured by fresh air. ;Many _kinds of | Every time it should the scaleibebrushedagain. sickness can he The baby shouldbewarmlydressedandputtosleep|in 9 room that is well aired.It mustBjbekeptwarmwhenitissleepingin Williams Furniture House Inc..|The Kavorite’Store. ‘The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.INSURANCE! As a‘great many policyholders do not seem to know that their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in the ~contract-of the-policy-which they-buy.-We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesame-will be rendcredvelucless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for Ion your agent for permit.:.-...2-—-Mechanics.making additions to,or extraordinary altera- of —SS ger than 30 days—apply to tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.8—Property upon which there is-a mortgage unless notice same is given—apply to your agent....;.4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.,5—-Assignment or transfer of property to another,— 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.%—The taking of other insurance without notice.:8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.9—~Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.. Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contractoftheir,policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencics’unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-mation,-mae “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”"__J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,NC. INHOEOEOHONOROHORCHOHOH “In the Good Old Summer Time ,”plenty of water and pure Soapaddsluxurytoyourliving.: A CLEAN 8KIN MEANS A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH!-No-thing so adequately protects your skin against the irritating,wor- Special BC CE O S C E O R C R EC E 4 risome effects of the heat as soothing,sanitary Soap and water.~In our fine selection of pure,medicinal Soaps you'll find the BEST,and.they'll afford you unlimited Summer comfort. ASK ABOUT OUR “SPECIAL SALE”! |POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square.”iyCRCRCRORCRCROESRORCOOOH 4 o . b D D 0o0 Do«Y0 u )O Oe U GO a}tBRCROROROAAY churches a missionary from India told of go- ithe onen air and it should be protect-ed from the wind.Cold weather nev-hurts a warmly dressed baby.Fresh air is good for the child;it |;er{ g\keens it strong and well.|Give the haby plenty of cool,boil-ed water.A sick baby should neverhavemilk—it should have boiled wa-ter.Sometimes when it is thirsty Jonotgiveit.milk—cive it water.Donot.give the water just before youifeedthechildunlessthedoctor‘Says | 80. Most children live on bottles.It isnothealthy.If the mother can nursethechildsheshoulddoso.Very manychildrenthatfeedonbottlesdiebe-fore-theyv-are-two-vears old.Mother's;milk is the best milk for a child.Ifthebabymustbefedwithotherfoodsthanthemother’s milk,the mothershouldaskthedoctorfirstwhatto(give the child.The food the mother|Xives in place of her milk must be as|nearly like hers as nossible.It must-contain the samethings the mother'si;milk does,it must be given in.the’/Same amounts.Cow’s milk is ‘the and kept in an ice box if ‘possible.If,|One does not have an.i¢e box|could take a little hox and fill it with!{Saw dust and put’the jar or ean down| j.in the saw dust and put the bottle of|jmilk down in the jar.then nut ice|around the bottle to fill up the jar.| |The hottles must be kept clean and{elesed,for often the flies get into the’j milix, |The baby should wear no shoes un- til it begins to walk or erawl.Shoes: should not be too tight:they should be loose and comfortable and largeenoughforthefeettogrow.Pacifiers should never he used.!They are not healthy.They often |fall on the floor and get dirty.Then! the baby puts it into the mouth and| .@ets germs.They ruin the child and| they soon cannot get along without |it,which is troublesoms.|A baby “catches”a cold because it, has been near some one that has a cold‘or has been in a draft.A babyshouldnever.be allowed to sit on the|floor.especially in winter.The hed in} which the child sleeps should be aired |well every day.Fire places are thebestkindsofheat,for they Ict infreshair. If parents want to havechildrentheymustcarefor the home.Children are more apt to live a long life if they live in a clean homie.A Bowel Complaints in India. Ina lecture at one of the Des Moines,Towa, {ng/into the interior of India,where he wastaken‘hick,that he had a bottle of Chamber-lain’Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedywith.him ‘and believed that it saved his life:This remedy is used successfully in India bothApreventiveandcureforcholera.Younhayknow’from this that it can be dependedui mn for the milder forms of bowe)complaint,fa “eoihtty,“Obtainahle every-|where,:.‘ss and it! It is best for most ba-' When drying| 4|next best for a child.\|Milk hottles should be kept closed one! healthy; ‘BUILDING?C,WATKINS, ‘TO CELEBRATE FLAG DAY., The President Asks For An Ap-, |propriate Observance of the Day—June 14. President,Wilson has‘following proclamation: My Fellow Countrymen: Many circumstances have recently conspired to turn our thoughtsto a critical examination of the conditions | of our national life,of the influences |which have seemed to threaten to di-| vide us in interest and sympathy,of forces within and forces without that seemed likely to draw us away from the happy traditions of united pur- pose and action,of which we havebeensoproud,‘ issued the It has,therefore,seemed to me fit-| ting that I should call your attention to the approach of the anniversary ofthedayuponwhichtheflagofthe |United States was adopted by |Congress as the emblem of the Union,| this year,and in the years to come,| be given special significance as a day | of renewal and reminder,a day upon };Which we should direct our minds with a special desire of renewal to thoughts of the ideals and principles of which, _we have sought to make our great.government the embodiment.|I therefore suggest and request’ that throughout the nation and,if i Possible,in every community,the 14th jday of June be |with special patriotic exercises,at which means shall he taken to givesiznifieant-expression to our thought-‘ful love of America—our comprehen-|sion of the great mission of liberty |and justice to which we have devotedourselvesasapeople.our pride in thehistoryandourenthusiasm’for the'political.»programme of the nation,jour determination to make it greaterandpurerwitheachgenerationand!our resolution to demonstrate to alltheworlditsvitalunionin-sentiment!and purpose,accepting only those as/true compatriots who feel as we do!\the compulsion of this supreme alle-|giance. Let us on that day rededicate our-Ives to the nation,“one and insepar-|able,”from which every thought thatisnotworthyofourfathers’|Yows of independence,liberty:\tight \(se rupt.no influence draw away from its|ideals,no force divide against itselfanationsignallydistinguished{among all the nations of mankind for|jits clear,individual conception alike|of its duties and its privileges,its ob-|ligations and its rights.|}Sarcasmameneo eeiMORTGAGESALEOF LAND. By virtue of the powern contained in al|mortgage dzed executed to the undersigned by|Miss Sallie Josey,1 wilt sell at publie aue-{tion to the highest bidder for cash,at thefeourthouredoorinStateaville,N.©.on |SATURDAY,JUNE 17,1916at12o'clock,m.,the following described lands|in Fallstown township,towit::|Adjoining the lands on the west by L.©,|j Troutman,on the east by D.B.Josey,on the!north by J.M.Plott and on the south hy ©,|Kestler,and being the identienl tract of land|heired by Sallie Josey from the estate of thelateMikeJosey,and moye particularly de.|seribed as foll Beginning on a stake or|lamall dogwood on Kosthler’s {i and corner ofTotNo.3,and,riiis NS TS degrees Ko the poles |jto a stake in the old dine:thenes with it N,Vi7 degrees W.01 poles «oon stake or pine!j knot,corner of lot No.5;thence S,18 de.|[grees W.182 poles to a pine knot or stake in!'Kestler’s line;thence S$.77 degrees FE.a1polestothebeginning,containing 36 Neves,More or less,as shown by Deed Book of Ire-|dell county,Book 46,pase 228,| }©.M.Adamo,Atty.QUOM.MUNDAY,May 16,i8ts..Mortgagee. i |Spring Flowers! oses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of.the Valley, in profusion. Van Lindley (o., GREENSBORO,B.©. Polk Gray Drug Co., LecalAgents. ‘Now is the time!’Phone 174 for your Chautauqua reservation K.REPAIR WORheaee Glocks,Watches |fitted.Iiyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed Rh.b.TWENRY, Vin Jeweler. the and.Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles. m KODAK0 put amateur photowanhy wilbin reach of eveey man,Woman and childatsmallcust.KODAKS $3 upward;BROW Nihs $b to $12 supplies of all kinds in the geauine istman quality, H.B.WOODWARD é it The Simplicity,Convenience and Eflisiency of Kodok System have o (eset fearKovak©af a and to suggest to you.that it should,}- observed_as-Flag Day 1 fTheTraveler's Comfort----_Yours at Home!Emerson Fans! Today.the Electric Fan is a-necessi-tyin-every hotel room,The trav-eling public demands this coolingfancomfort. You,fatigued from a day in th -heme te just such comfort. dining.room,Vibrary,perch pleasant evening,refroshin ahead.Pans With a Vive-ae (dd store or faetory,can ‘gd polie?can be ye anit i i rain’and body fer the dafearReelstensedGuarantee,OME ELECTRIC COMP’Y..516 Center St.Phone 361, i UPS;Te‘ooms,it will ive you RE ue:tae first| and|shall be excluaed,and in which!we shall stand with United hearts for|an America which no man can cor-| \ i }| seree7LEUeteereesesecseresTEitis Commercial National Ban ::..OF STATESVILLE,N.C.. Capital Stock Paid in -—$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00: Members of Federal Reserve System. M2215 .Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode- .positors consistent with prudent bank-_ing methods, _y,Four.per cent.paid on time and SavingsDepositsremainingondepositthreemonthsorlonger.f--OFFICERS:— W.D.TURNER,iK.MORRISON,=«||ident.‘D.M.AUSLEY,.=___Cashier,G.KB.HUGHEY,~Assistant Cashier. --- Pregident;: |x|FOR 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling,“ barn and outbuildings;50 acres in evltivation,part of which is in.* meadow,balance in woodland,level and productive.rie 192 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near...schools and churches, harm-atd —Gut-buildingss,good orchard,two through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level, woodjand enclosed in pasture, -_——ener?ew cere branches ©:running Modern new 200. Vacant lot on Armticid street,560x150. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balanee-inwoodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard,“Will exchange:|i.for smalier farm or city property. For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHEPHONE23, PRE ears 9 ALS AND REAL ESTATE,OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILD ~Vice President,” ALE![a]| with v-story,6-room dwelling,large stock’ balance in aa i six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x ft GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT:ff ~FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEA WITH A NING +TERE ReneS ry vy ros Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, ,t .closets and for general use. ae USE KRESANO..~<a Let us explain to you its use. -HALL’S DRUG STORE, | | "PHONE 20,_Prescriptionist,’ — “UNCLESAM'S EXPERIMENT,”Junior Chautauqua, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, The Bijou Trio The Mikado Troupe ‘5 PLATFORM LECTURES 5., Four or five of these lectures will be given by the Platform Superintendent on “the Boy Problem.”’ “y price of less than 16 cents. 6 Musical Attractions TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY (except one on Sunday) The Boston Choir Boys. Victor’s Band—Miss Ethel Bentley Schubert String Quartet Schubert String Quartet The Strollers Quartet customed to speaking only the Truth,and we believe them. The lecturers we know to average stronger than we have ever had. gramme to be up to Chautauqua standard,as we have known it in the past. We believe we merit the patrcnage and support of the Statesville public,on the score of service rendered! get your Season Tickets,first,because they are worth more than the price,and again because we are giving our time to promote an in- stitution that we regard as being vital to the life of Statesville!an All the above for the small su a of $2; 35 1S Tae EpaNS Dr.Lincoln Wirt Dr.Thomas E.Green Dr.Thomas E.Green Dr.SParkes Cadman “UNCLE SAM’S EXPERIMENT.” A play by the Statesville children of the Jun- ior Chautauqua. or if you are i real Uti? (To be supplied,Dr.Pearson,Dr.Wal-ter Rauschenbusch,or Thos.M.Osborne) SPECIAL,FOR GOOD MEASURE. GENERAL INFORMA TION. ©pr >é The representatives of the Central Office give us the definite and direct assurance that our musical attractions ‘this year are better than the Association has ever put on the road.»That is ‘some big”promise,but Dr.Pearson and those Swarthmore Quakers are ac- And remember that we shall have two concerts each day,except Sun- day,and on that day we shall have one appearance from the Schubert String Quartet,making thirteen musical numbers on the pro- gramme.Just from the standpoint of music,not considering the other features that we offer,we get each concert for the small The local guarantors do not hesitate to guarantee this pro- ander 15 years,oaly $1.Phone Bunch at 174 for Season Tickets. .- Loo.=be bee hey2Kntertamments2. 4 |Rosini,the Juggler The College Players will give the play,HAPPINESS.” 6 SESSIONS JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA 6. For the 200 holders of Junior Season Tick-° ets,each morning at 10 o'clock. Therefore,we ask you to a THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,-- But One MISSION WORKERS District Missionary Society Broad Street Church. The district meeting of —the man’s Missionary Society of Statesville District is being held in Broad Street Methodist church.The primary,has,issued the following first meeting was held yesterday statement:morning.The address of welcome “T have completed a canvass of ev-was hy Mrs.and response ery’section in the State,visiting per-by Miss Floy Trotlinger.The report: sonally every county in it,with one of the disimet cceretary and the aux- ‘@r two exceptions.I have made per-fiaries were heard.‘1 haps the most extensive personal cam-tom deadly Miss -Paign ever made by any candidate ‘»Arouse Int for a State office.Ihave talked to the si vy Society.” Democrats personally in the.various ‘he afternoon pi ,@ounties in the interest of my can- didacy,and |am gratified at the as- urances of support received every-Do in where,T feel that't am*sufficiently mty Alone Socint Service informed to know the strength of my “What Our Department own candidacy and that of my oppo-May Mean.’by Miss Mabe ents,and I fccl safe in saying that “Atissio:i vy Miss,Artee tthere will be b e-sminute report oflica-of Sect deleprates +will be the there were tivo from PS tee Ne eacoul, vd Bield by Res MEET. at June 2,1916. Mr... Primary, Hartness. “Mr.J.A.Hartness,candidate for Secretary of State in the Democratic Says Wo- the Jallance Coekran,6n sth the was a rk by Miss Ve- Corpening a Commi2Lines?" ovramme;“ilk on community wo ‘a Jones;by Mrs,AllAbert “What Can We t one primary for the nm y of State and that ner.”aul a sr CoveiDr.Riddick New President of :--Avand M.College.ene See act Wallace Carl Riddick,of the chair "";,.7 e Of engineering at the A.and M.Cole |7 2tT®se EG lege,Raleigh,was Tuesday elected ™°“ees President of the college to succeed Dr.Daniel Harvey Hill,who retirestowriteahistoryofNorthCarolina’s part in the War Between the States.»Prof.Riddick was chosen after 22 “hallots.Dr.W.A.Withers of the department of chemistry of the eel-»= Jege,was chosen vice president.™Dr.+ Withers had been a-candidate for | president but retired some weeks ago. -¥of.Riddick is a native of Wake founty,52 years old,and has been with the A.and M.for 24 years.He a§a_graduate of the University of North Carolina and spent three ycars at Wake Forest College.eeceeerer eemenenerseatmnemeceennn Moton’s Good Sense. Evidently Robert B.Moton,the ‘newheadofthenegreschoolatTus! Ala.,is a negro of sea fe traveling from Tusker to Savan nah,secured a berth in a sleeping car White occupants of -the car objected to ‘her presence and ai Troy,Ala.,tie gonductor notified officers.who comPelledthewomantovacatethesleeper and take a placa in tae coach for co! ered people,in accordance with theAlabamaseparateearlaw. Moton was not with his w when told of the incident he enid he had advised her avast tating the rown of Loray officiating.WhilrPullman;that he was in full Sympa-|*“8S ntended to he a quiet eventsthywiththewhitepeopleintheSouth'™death of the bride’s uncle,Mr.V. A racial questions ana regretted that ©.Gray,made 4t more BO&trouble occurred.ir.and Mrs.Cowan.will live at?Barium,wherb Mr.Cowan is in chargfoneoftheasoforphan- sessions today, re delegates present ar »Peacock,Salisbury;Mrs. art,Charlotte,Mrs Newton,conference offi lisses Esther.Bolick,Daisy Ed- Lillie Burgess,Christine Al- gn,Jennie Burgess,Enrmo Willie Robinette,Mrsv Chas. sy,Mrs.Coone,Mrs.J.Bo Rohi- PetesVien dip tag tonlivy:x,Tay- le;Mrs.L:H i Mrs. Miss Floy Troli ).Misses “Uzabeth Baker,Jo. ‘ons;Miss Estelle st,Mrs.‘Gaddy, ry;Mra.W.W.sham, M,Warsham.Misses Julic Pearl Caldwell,Mamie Cooke, ns:Mrs.C.S.Kirkpatrick, 10,Mooresville;Mrs. ning,Lenoirs Rev.C, is Goode,Mrs.S Rev.JL € »Mock,Olin, Miss Margaret Lena Gray and Mr. “Wiam Vloming Cowan were marricd afternoon af the home of hoe bride’s parents,Mr and Mrs.R.ife and ae :in Shiloh township,Rev.E. Mr, secant “i Mis,Josiah Evans.Cowles of Losngeles,Cal.,was clected president ®&°work. @f the General.Federation of Wo- men’s Clubs in,New York this week, feating Mrs.Sam.B.Sneath ofifiin,O.Mrs.Eugene Riley harlotte was clected second vice pres *Mr.J.°O.Rogers;who has been ar postgraduate work at Prince- Collere,N;J.,will be here today bavisit hig brdther,Mr.J.B.Rogers, Gov.Craig delivered the address at } closé of the Deaf and Dumb)Caro} howl in,Morganton Wednesday, Some days aro:Frank,the old son of Capt.Touis ¥ Morchead City,chopped one.of toes nearly off with an A few days later lock jaw developed with fa. The ne Xt of theNorthCarelinaCotton:Manufactur-crs’Ass tion will he held.at¢Beach July 21-22. undtrers’Assoefation of the and Georgia will be in ses Asheviller June 5-6, of axe, annual meeting ision in eae PE eC ReikiesaTS e was a dis-‘ Mis--! race and L wilk remain in it for them has man the people want most is the one § Al-7° ‘s,Fickets Reserved! rrince Yesterday Afterneon.= 5 year- Wickizer of his gE 0s RS TR aa ENDO SA eS eo Mr.Gaither Simpiy txercising Right of.a Free Cilizen. To the Demecratic,Voters of fredell County: Believing this a froe country,when friends asked me to become a candi- date for county.commissioner,IT ac- nieseed,Judging from the vicious- of the campaign of misrepresen- is being made dgainst me »would think that Tamtationthati some,¢ at exercising the right of a free cit ny.bat that To am committing a ‘charved by those who would me that {agreed to quit the my opponents was awn.To made no.such agree- ment.Severel propositions were mace to me,asking me td withdraw, all of which L respectfully declined.i My friends invited “me to make the ates) if one of ray Pp to clevt or defeat me.It is the people J OMOR R¢ renerally Tam to serve if elected and itis for them to say in the primaries tomorrow whether they do or do not wernt tre,S It is also charged that [voted and worked for the Republican ticket in times past...This,too,is false,for whatever help T have been able to ren- der has been for the success of my 4 own urty. Finally,my Democratic friends,it heen my observation that the that a handfull of professional poli- i s do not want and whom.they will defeat if possible.It is up te to say tomorrow whom you want.§ ERNEST G.GAITHER.>116. _/\NENG, »WirtHmor,/ffyee7etNeehan54WAISTSi)\eisys The new models on sale tomorrow W'S WIRTH MOR DAY IN ——HVERY WHERE Just think how great their sale must be,when they are being bought (these ~game four splendid styles)by thrifty.women throughout-the—entire_nation. And just this tremendous nation-wide demand (a resultant of good values always}could have ever made possible these present-day truly marvelous values.The Wirthmor plan is a veritable tee of the most modern co-. operation between manufacturers and retailers —al ideal--that of best serving the public. No.there are no other waists like the Wirthmor—none so thoroughly desirable at this'same moderate price.\ THEY AREMILLS &POSTON.= CITIES inspired by the same high SOLD TERE EXCLUSIVELY. "Phone 17). Karel Bondam, 618 RACE.STREET,eee sesamintenis / Will teach PIANG and ORGAN during the summer. Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,orworthlessby-products,but se- lected feed scien- tifically blended “9 forresults..Madebyahousewithareputationforintegrity.C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative.,‘Phone 125 Black. Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. } } MIGHTY CAR Mighty Bix Power-—Mighty Low Fuel.Cost—Mighty Little Price— Chevrolet “Four-Ninety.” Great men made this car.Arthur Mason,father of thé valve-in-head mo-tor,made the Chevrolet.motor.Made it so it would reduce fuel cost with-out loss of power.‘Tried it out for three years under the most exhaustiveteats,Today this ‘Chevrolet type valve-in-head is the answer to the ques- tion of Economy and Power,© Now add the great production factor,geniused by W.C.Durant,A,B,C, Hardy and Russell BE.Gardner,and you have the Mightiest Car at the Lit- tlest Price! Chevrolet “Four-Ninety.” “A Mighty Car For Mighty Little.” N.W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT,Statesyille,N.C, HAR DR.CADMAN,Chatitauqua,June 27, ee a ee ema ap ATO Cy; NN RRO TW SBS BIN Soe ~STATESVILLE,N.C,TUESDAY,JUNE G,1916.==ee =n doetin ceptinae ne aNeaeemrpgeatnanerecmein et ards hs ----%T oe SSE epee =z ee _lSchsanastantseisnabesesmenanins .-ecto ne -BICKETT-FOR-GOVERNOR.THE WINNERS SATURDAY.|SHOT DEAD FROM AMBUSH DEATH OF MRS.Q.R.BROWN|PARK AND PLAYGROUNDS.BRIEF ITE }LOCAL.NEWS..Grimes Wins Over Hartness For Alexander For Sheriff,Morrow Homer Matheson Killed.-His|Mrs.Litaker and Others —The Statesville to Have a Park and}—ticenso has been dskued for the Secretary of State’—Old|For Register,Rives For Treas-Brother-in-Law,Claude War-Late Dr.Strohecker.Playgrounds in Prospect.fie id:a i.A.Horne and State Officers Keiained—Pos-|rer —Matheson Wins For}ren—Confessed the Crime and Mrs,Martha Bridgers Brown,wife]_Af the meeting of the Civic League iE wee é Nmcrr of eleetions sibly Second Primary For At-the Legislature -and Mitchell}.isin Jail.of Mr.Q.R.Brown,died F viday eve:last week a park for Statesville was v~4nhe county wes :$:}eed On ike ,oe a was in session nearly all day ‘yester- torney General—Kitchin Wins}For Superintendent of Schools Mr.Claude Warren,who lived near|wae a ae Me iuttee ane”|discussed and a committee appointed day,canvassing the vote cast in Sat- in Second District —Second —The New Board of Commis-Jennings postoffice;was shot and ae tion Monday.to see what could be done.The:com-|urday’s.primary.ae if “Primary in Two—Result~of sioners —The Vote in Satur-stantly killed yesterday afternoon by)Mrs.Brown was ¥notre of Cates ee Ok tise ono ek ‘ae uy:5 sor ORS ae :E =]*s Pri an Jin-|pic fet late ;4a county and was 49 years old in/meeting w )ay ounty “board of education--were=in- Primary in State Saturday.day’s Primary and the Win-|his brother-in-law,Homer Matheson,|72,county aH ee ore by her|agreed ‘that the town would ‘co-oper-|regulor monthly g2ssion yesterday, Thomas Walter Bickett of 'Frank-ners,|who confessed the crime and who is husband and.tro daughters,Misses!ate with the League in putting the transacting routine business,|’ lin county won over Elijah L,Daught-W.L.Matheson for the House,M.|in jail.Ruth ahd Annie Lou Brown.Five s1$-!woodland adjoining Oakwood~ceme--~At the primary election inShiloh ridge of Edgecombe in the contest p,Alexander for sheriff,W.H.Mor-|Mr.and Mrs.Warren,were in the|ters and seven brothers also survive,|tery,lying between the cemetery and township’Saturday Mr.W.S.Braw- for the Democratic nomination for row for register,R.F./Rives for]field at work,Mr.Warren .plowing Among the sisters are Mrs.T.N.|cast Broad street,in shape for a.park.ley,his two’sons,five sons-in-law and Governor in the primaries Saturday.treasurer,J.F.Mitchell for county|and Mrs.Warren hoeing.Between 3 Brown of Statesville and Mrs.J.E.{The town will begin work at once,one ‘grandson all .voted in the same Bickett’s .majority is estimated at)superintendent of schools,W.G.|and 4 o'clock Matheson,armed with a!Crawford of Long.Island.Of the|clearing out the undergrowth and Pe}oxy:;SPs around 25,000.He appears to —have!Johnston,J.T.Smith,J.E.Boyd,€.|shot gun,concealed himself in an old)brothers Mr.G.W.Bridgers lives inj Moving the trash.When the place is Miss Mamie Jamison,assistant carried every congressional district |g.Tomlin,J.A.Brown for county]road and when Warren had furned Iredell and the others principally in|cleared rustic seats will be put on in home demonstration work:in.the and probably 80 of the 100 counties commissioners,and J.C.McLain for|his mule at the end of the row,and |the West.Thaee of the brothers are|the grounds and when all is in readi-State,will be here next week and of the State.surveyor,was the result of the Dem-|when he was in about 12 steps of ministers,ness for the public there will be a spend the week in the interest of her For Secretary of State Bryan ocratie primary election in Iredell Matheson,with his back to him,the)Funeral services were conducted at formal ‘opening at which the Civic work,; umes,present incumbent,won over Saturday.latter fired,the load taking effect|the home on Kelly street Saturday|League will sell refreshments for Bastihinb:3 18th eat as.A.Hartness of Iredell and Capt.Contrary to general -expectation,}about the left ear,producing instant|afternoon at 5 o'clock by Dr.Chas.|the benefit of its treasury.oa ne eee ill be ited fr y Clark of New Hanover.While the re-there will be no-second primary.A|death..Mrs.Warren saw the-direc-}Anderson and the interment was.in}The town owns this property and.meareili te Stat ville wad wee ports yesterday did not show a clear}second primary was thought probable|tion from which the smoke of the gun Oakwood,it has been the purpose all these eet ra sete}rik Ae sone bh 746 majority for Grimes—which the final]in the race for register and sheriff,{came and rushed to her husband to \Cae oo |years to convert it into a park.The d rét fe t 7.50 raloek Fe RR count may show—he is so far in thé|with three candidates each,and for]find him dead.She gave the alarm|Mrs.Sara Jane Litaker,axed 29/ladies of the Givie League deserve }an ee Chena oon ey lead that his nomination is conceded,treasurer,with four candidates,but|and Matheson was about the first as-/Years,wife of Mr.M.A,Litaler,died|the thanks of the public for their Mr.Flake Sherrill,who hasHae Even if Col.Grimes has not a clear]the result was decisive the first.go-sistance to come.Later when the of-|Saturday evening at her home near]work in bringing the park to pass.|visiting his uncle,Mr.J.B.Green,in. majority Mr.Hartness,who is sec-round.The total véte for the candi-ficersa¥rived,and after the neighbors |Barium Springs.The interment was;The spot can be made a very attractive}Rocky Mount,has secured a position ond in the race,will not ask for 2!dates and their majorities is as fol-who had gathered had arrested Math-j4t St,Martin’s Sunday afternoon,place by a small expenditure.Alat that place as bookkeeper Joy.the second trial.lows:eson as a suspect,the latter confess-|funeral service conducted by Rev.Mr.|stream runs across one end-of_the Carolina Building Supply,Co.and ‘will B.R.Lacy is renominated for House—W,L.Matheson 1423,J.A.|ed.He claims that he killed Warren|Morgan,assisted by Rev,Mr.Halti-}property,there is abundant shade and|remain there some months...ey! State Treasurer,M.L.Shipman for Steele 1154,Matheson’s majority,}hecause the latter had threatehed his|Wanger and Rev.Ww.I.Walker.altogether the place is very attrac-—There has been filedwith t Commissioner of Labor and Printing,269.‘1 life some months ago.Deputy Sher-|.Mrs.Litaker is survived by her hus-tive.It-is-possible that the east end Clerk Gill papers ina case in»hich J.R.Young for insurance commis-|Sheriff —M.P.Alexander 1746,|iff C.I,Gilbert,who went to the |band,son,three daughters,her pa-|of the property can be converted into!the United |States government’ig signer.and W.T.Lee for corporation|7.Gaither -225,H.L.Gilbert 725.scene of the crime when the killing |rents,five brothers and two sisters.a playground for the children,At!plaintiff against 129 landowners in commissioner.Alexander’s majority over all,796.|was reported,brought Matheson to].The infant son of Mr.and Mrs,J.L.}present the purpose is to get the Swain county,the object being to In the four-cornered race for At-Register—L.N.Brown 691,J.If.town,Sherrill died Saturday marning at}park open as soon as possible and of-/condemn land for the Appalachian torney General no one seems to have|wepelland 606,W.H.Morrow 1441.Matheson married Warren's sister|their home on Sharpe street.Inter-fer it as acrest spot to Statesville}Park.EE a majority.Judge J.S.Manning of|Morrow’majority over all,144,and they all lived on the same farm,|Ment was at Pisgah church,Falls-people during the summer months.—At the regular meeting of ‘the Raleigh is in the lead with Col.Ed-Treasurer —R.J.Bryant 231,W.1 Outsiders advance the idea that Math-|town township.Seen hee board of aldermen Friday night it was mund Jones of Caldwell second.As]47.Hunter 582,W.H.Wooten 453,R.|eson held Warren Somewhat respon-|5).7 H.Strohecker,whose death Mr.T.J.Allison has offered the’ordered that suitable markers for the Col.Jones had expressed opposition F.Rives 1611.Rives’majority over]sible for him (Matheson)being “con-t his home in W Sinetonne iE Rest-a-Bit Athletic club,an organiza-|city limits be secured,It ‘was ‘also to a second primary he may concede ll,345.:nected with traficing in liquor.ee eae ae ee tion of girls and young women,free!aecid d to build the h \ th inati M te :.&q {tioned in the last issue of The Land-;f-his’is,a beautiful ecided to bu €house nextto the ¢nomination to Manning.:Surveyor —Marshall Howard 664,}|Warren was about 25 to«30 years|mark,was a native of Charleston,§,|US®0!MS grounds,a beautiful grove old cemetery for housing the city For Commissioner of Agriculture it]JC:Mel ain 1584.vg nin=|Pape ist Davie avenue.The club mem-'tootg and “machinery,ei ye seems that Major Graham,present ty 920 MeHain’s majori-|old and leaves a wife and two tel &After entering the Lutheran min-|bers are not sure the organization ahh atk ‘incumbent,leads and if he has not a Superintendent of schools —R.M.|jury found that he had been killed by |Sey he was engaged for some year’will be continued but if it.is the ~The fire company was ae out . dren,An inquest,was held and the |en nn ii inisterial work i is secti |Sat :: majority the nomination may be con-Gray 1186,J.F.Mitchell 1825.Mitch-Matheson.The latter is about the}Neth ee ore oe ht “limos |hope renk®advantage of Mr.Alli-anal Pate ae oof of th “kitihe ceded him without a second primary.el’s majority,139.Same age as his victim and leaves al yy.acre Ce ete |S0n's offer;and if they can do so they fC Pp Raat ue : Congressional Districts.2 Dey s eA es 7m ,|After Yetiring from the ministry he!hope to build’a pavilion on the|em of Capt.P.C.Carlton’s home,Th ::County commissioners W.C.}wife and child.He is a son of Rev,studied medicine Dr.Strohecker ;pitileer fire started.from ‘the fi The congressional contests were im)Johnston 2141,J.E.Boyd 1928.J.T.|Mr.Matheson of the vicinity.lived pees h Oe B |rounds,put in a swimming pool,d d Pere the second,sixth,seventh and tenth Smith 1588,C.S.Tomlin 1567.J.A.ae ;ved for a number of years at a[rustie seats and otherwise make the|damage was done and the districts.3 (39 ;= In the second district Congressman|q Nicholson 1257,V.C.Montgomery Wn erty,and was for a short time,sever-|The Civjo League also plans to seat Vere called.:oe Claude Kitchin won overwhelmingly.|1193 ‘M.Ww Smith 825,‘The five first —_____Physicians.748)Years ago,a resident of States-;cure playgrounds for the children in|.—Thursday-nightthefollowing - He carried every county in the dis-named,having the highest votes,are|T°bring post-graduate medical inc{ville.He fica ved by his -wite,|west Statesville.Knights of Pythias |officers:y trict—even the home county of his ihe actinect ‘eb struction to the doors of North Garo-who was Miss Davidson,a daughter!“Ait these projects are most com-|,¢lected:M,E.Ramsey,Jr, opponent,Mr.C.'W.Mitchell of Ber-:The Republicans lina doctors is a new but practical of the late Brevard Davidson of mendable and the promoters deserve!lor commander;C."8.Al tie.In the primary the Republicans plan recently worked out by the Uni-|Charlotte,four fons and a daughter,the aid—and encouragement-of.the |chancellor;J.B..Glover,Jr In the sixth district Congressman nominated J.M.Davis for sheriff,}¥oxsity.of North Carolina and an De.Bipohiecker S|remains -were!public jin bringing them to pags.«>,L.J.Freel,master acahrv Brown 1328,FE.G.Gaither 1289,W.|Post -Graduate Instruction.Fors,Feee a ne ube PrOD-|isos attractive:heen about put out whenthe fin % RV 3;robe .Pte a he We Ww. Godwin,who had several]opponents,|Jag.E.Tharve for register,W,.B'|State Board of Health,inthe inte from Washington to Char-|Sherrill;master at arms;oot:k, leads the field.There will probably Gant,C.G.Smith,L.C.Wagner,1]the physicians of this State.The dotte as and oe m caarlotte,NEXT MEETING AT LENOIR |ner,inner guard;D.F.Mayberry,uot- be a second primary but the name of C.Myers,Chas.C.'Pharpe forc ae plan in general is to put within finan-j Saturday morning,wi uneral a |ee ie er guard,use Ay the second man is not clear y avers,Vhas.C.Tharpe for county cial and physical reach of the gener-|St.Mark’s Lutheran church.Concluding Sessions of District|—Chas Hamilto li Ham In the seventh district L.D Roba area ees ae vous Mere M.|@!practitioner the means whereby he =r 1 |Missiona :S tata N Dutch,anotherof “tie “Tom Toe s .de 5 -»pifT——Se arkle AC M.|é &3 me’A r ‘T Ss g ”ante)}’ inson of Anson county led with U.L.nee ee ee i may become acquainted with the at-|KILLED BY LIGHTNING.Nowe Secrely Church gang‘of Postoffice robbers,7 Bf. Spence of Moore next.They will Register—M.E.Ramsey 217,J.Rf est.and best methods of diagnosis Mr.Grover Martin of Amity nh ,rested Saturday in Boston.‘Post- doubtless contest in a second primary.Thatpe.299 “Tharpe's majority 15 and treatment of diseases:and know |Ts Ut rea ae The district meeting of the Wo-|office Inspector B,B.Webb,who:hag In the tenth district Zeb.Weaver Commissioners ——L.C.Myers 548,|the latest advances made in scientif-Section Killed and His Moth-man’s Missionary Society of States-'had muc i i e of Buncombe appears to have won I.C.Wagner 495,W.B.Gant 407,C.|i¢medicine,and meanwhile stay in|ey Seriously Shocked.ville district finished its work Friday|cases,ha over all opposition-—Judge Justice,!G Smith 395,CLC.Tharpe 339.The|his practice._This can’be done DVT MroGrovee Stevenson Martin was!afternoon and adjourned.The ses-|veying this news.; Sol Gallert and Frank Hewitt,sixth candidate for commissioner,bringing the eee the PhYSi-instantly killed and his mother,Mrs |Sion Friday morning was a general:the fourth to be taken.Hewill prob. ALI OVER FOR HARTN sGG |Whose vote was 299,was B.A_|Clans instead of the reverse,which |Mollie Martin,was seriously shocked |discussion of stewardship,led by Mrs.|ably be brought to .Statesville -for ia ESS.Holmes:~ee ene eee the yby lightning Saturday afternoon at!E.Ni.Feacock,and songs,reeitations |trial in the Federal Court,”eae :Ack en..c Democratic State Ticket.S50 eee OF ens "their home in Chambersburg township,;8n4 story-telling by <members of;—Jim Winchester ‘alins “Jim Shoe - He Will Not Ask Fora Second The vote for the Democratic State ener aoe than ore Mr.Martin lived with his mother |the Junior Missionary Society.—‘shine,”for years a well:known colored Primary —Thanks His Sup-|ticket in Iredell was as follows:ae o c a It oe cag eae WV"tin the Amity section.Saturday after-|.ine final session Friday afternoon |character in Statesville,died*"fast porters.Governor—Bickett 1556,Daught-ee ae :©a ane re noth,200M about 3 o'clock they were in thes Pee with an address on,“What week.Jim’had agreat weakness for :re|tidge 908.Bickett’s majority 648,|2t some istant School,to Say noth-)feld near the house going some plant-{Mission Study Means to-the Society,|the ardent and in the days ofbarrooms Yesterday Mr.J.A.Hartness gave Secretary of State —Grimes-377,|ing of the practice he would perma-ling when lightning struck a’peach!by Mrs.D.J,Kimball of Statesville.|his normal state was “half-geag over,” out the following statement:Hartness 2075,Clark 73 Hartness'|2¢tly lose meanwhile,classes of tree 50 to 90 feet away and the same;Mrs.A.M.West-of Hickory spoke on!He had however,many’of the good fe pe teem -oe maa Ronitemnvonialll 1625,e poe eracuate Ro have been ar-/stroke killed Mr.Martin and injured |’,What the Local Department Can Do.”|qualities of the ‘otd.tinte a8 and published,it is eviden at Col}ye See Lacv 7 range or the physicians of t ©)Mrs.Martin.They were both found!eature of the closing session was athe i :whit J.Bryan Grimes has received a plu-ee ane Eeeae :State.These classes are grouped iN Tying in the field eee iniiclee after-ireport from Mrs.Stewart of Cham ign lived on the werner te whites. rality of votes cast in the primary for nee Orie ones Yalvert —108,|COMtiguous localities so that the lec-ward,by a neighbor who was assing.|lotte on the council meeting recently put j kin Secretary of State.About two weeks Jones 1192 oe Seine turer can visit one each day.Mis,Martin Ws are on Tee en held in Atlanta.Mrs.Stewart is Aionthe treet re Re azo IT eee eos to-Col.}559.Jones’majority —all 705.It_is understood vhat the classes shoulder and has about recovered._{member of the council by virtue of her|a ltt : trimes and Capt.Clark,suggesting|12%:«“ati Yommissioner —Boya|for this immediate territory will be|fy Martin was nearly 24 years old|office in t ie Conference Society.All Pal Gckwa a Wester:aNorth — that the candidates for this office ae een en ia located in Greensboro,Winston-Sa-and Raeeablinc ee by Me icries ee the Conference officers attending Ball Schedule of estern North agree that the candidate receiving a (Gesainicctonry:aes a Printing lem,Salisbury,Mooresville,States-brothers and three sisters.The fun-the Statesville meeting spoke enthusi«CarolinaLeague.a Pee te ceedie —Dellinger 508,Shipman 1653.Ship.mule and probably one other oo A$+eral was conducted at Bethesda ae of es arte cents Po rene ig ie omelet baseball a seco ary,i DISET AOnte:AS many as ten physicians mus agree |Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev €sessions o ©meeting,stating!schedule’as a reed’upon offi- order to Save expense to the State fGeet uae Agriculture—|to take .the course before a class can J.-H.Brady and the aetna was|that it was one of the most largely{cials in the eastern’Nort ;Gatolles and counties,expetise and trouble to Graham 703 Hobbs 241,McKinnon|*formed,and as many more can in the cemetery there._fattended district meeimgs they had |League,composed of Morgant Gas. the candidates and their friends,and 1°57 .MeKinnon’s’majority 413 join as will.The lectures for this dis-a seen,and that the programme and the/tonia,Kannapolis and Statesville,It: to promote harmony in our party.(neuranee Gommise ance McClen-|t¥ict are expected to begin July 1st}Home From School—Graduates.discussions were the best of any dis-{will -be noted thatKannapolig.,plays eee OPOnents SEW ee ee aghan 331,Young 1962.Young's ‘ma-|2nd continue three months.Dr.Cerst-Iredell furnished the following|!™i¢t_meeting they had heard.The only four games a week;for cope oe ie ee a -spore to jority $691.:ley,an cee oe of ¢hicago,named students to’the University pes pee ve highly compli.|which Were satisfactory to the other rial Eee ee ee Presidential.*_pis-expected to be’the lecturer.Chapel Hill this year,all of whom)ented for having the best’arranged|teams the manager at Kannapolis was and not to ask for a second primary,Two townships —Fallstown and a ae c are "i home for the vacation:Messrs,|Programme.allowed this privilege..The.schedule F ot veoficial aa aoe the!navidson se ionen report on the Noted Case on Trial.Bagenc and Watt Eegle,H.B Baity,;ihursday night’s session was a help-follows:See Ea matory.mimes _has-not an ac presidential preference vote.The Judge Long of Statesville js pre-|Long Gaither,J.W.Foster,Fred,ferred be nae one roe yes at vane ca a Sedna ce eet “Y will ever be grateful to my loyal|Others show 2.061 for Woodrow Wil-|siding this week at a special term of|Morrison,Ross Alexander,Fred,and pédple ree Peipaciccns d c cae June 23,24—Stateaville at Kannapolis, friends and to those Democrats of the son,one for Mr.Bryan.Gov.Major}Haywood county Superior Court,at!Frank Deaton.Mr.Gaither complet-address a rf »wardshi AS i Res ae yung %a je pene + Stateaeoe have honored ae with their|Of Missovri got 10.votes.for Vice}which will be tried the famous Ad-|ed his course in medicine this term WwW.R.Ware as re .Hen SNe June 26,41-—Rantiapolis ar Morganton: vote ~~{|President,the remainder being cast ams-Westfield case,now entitled and will go later to the University of Ben fi ld j a po i ee it ig wee ee June 29,30,duly 1=-Morganton at Kan. "et cannot close without_expressing|f°"Thomas Riley Marshall of Indi-Westfield vs.the North Carolina Pennsylvania.:A leasing is ical ae nese pa meee ee ict ce j ' my heartfelt appreciation ot ore ana.:Mining Company.Messrs.H.P.Grier,Jy.,and Kugene Hinieros fe rare ees:Mo July 6%,&—Stateaville“at,Morpented. splendid services:a my manager,Mr The Republicans cast 263 votes for The_action involves the title to|/Simons are at home from the Agri-=9 ci Cin ahh 4S;3 i nine LETT :;Megs d July 3,4—Gastonia at Kannapolis.~ : 2 :Pauline Phillips Gaddy of Hickory i Re Y urhes,18 seve Q .::at ee tural :Mechanics ey al-en 3 July 7,8—Gastonia at Kannapolis,. J.D.Norwood of Salisbury.He has ons Le :be peer and five}copper ore property in Haywood |eultural and oe College,Rat sang,The Conference voted to hold}July 40;11-=Statesville at Katmapotte. ::for Judge Pritchard of Asheville.county,on Hazel creek,but the mine |eigh.;:::July 14,16—Statéesvile at Katinghotte worked for me night and day since he Fans >::oer ?re SF the next annual meeting in Lenoir,|__duly 14,~at ‘Kannapolis took charge of my campaign and I Vote in-the Primaries.:has never-been commercially worked,Mr.and Mrs.W m,Wallace and July 10,11,12—Gastonia at Morgenton: know that none could have done more}.Following is the vote cast in the [litigation stopping the development daughter,Miss Elise’Wallace,are in Mr.Floyd C.Barnes,who,with Mrs.ue 1%48 open atGanton for me than he has aa T will al-|Primaries,the vote for the Republi-}of the property years ago.The case]Durham to attend the commence-Barnes,*13,ass .:9 at :is the guest of Mr.and Mrs.{July 20,21,’22-—Gastonia ‘nt Statésvifle. ways be deeply grateful to Rive ean county officers being —included was first started in 1901 and the mine}ment of Trinity College,Mr.Jack!y.Pail Leonard this week,sang the}July 17,18--Morganton:at Kanrapolle. “Col.Grimes and the other Demo-|With the others::involved,is saidsto be worth $1.900,-Wallace being a member of the grad.offertory at the First Baptist.church 13.oy Oo Kanara tt Morganton, Gratic ~nominees national;State.:Barringer,000,which is considered by many to uating class..;Sunday morning and at:Broad Street]suly 28°29.-Gastonia at Kannapolis.4 county and'township —will have my For House of Representatives—|be a Most conservative estimate.Dr.W allace Hoffmann _reached Methodist church Sunday evening.duly 24,25,26—Statesville at:Yganton, loyal and active support this year,as!Matheson.78;Steele 37;For Sheriff The case has beey tried in beth}home last nicht front Kirksville,Mo,|4 protracted meeting begins at the Ma a Rant oie peranville in all the years since I Recanne:“a {-~Alexander 51;Barkley 2;Gaither 2;|State and Federal courts,passed on|where he graduated in the American Wirst Baptist church the first of July,aout ai 5—Btateene ee Kanne voter.”."“|Davis 7;Gilbert 5;For Register of {by three juries.and at another time|School of Osteopathy.it will he conducted by Rev.Dr,I.M.|July 31,‘August 1,2-—Gastoniaat Morgan« Tn Deeds—-Brown 31;Ramsey 4;McLel-|by a judge sitting as both judge andj Miss Mary Crater,who has been!Mercer.of Thomasville.rar 5—M Gasito Rowan county,claimed by the land 25;Tharpe 5;Morrow 2;For)jury.It has been in the State courts|teaching at Davidson,has returned At the First Presbyterian church August f #-Morganton hom ae Daughtridge forces and conceded by |Treasurer—Bryant —0;Hunter _24;|five times,the Federal court once and home.She leaves today week for Sunday morning,just.before the ser-August-11,12—Morganton atRantiepotie:ana the Bickett people,went to the latter|Wooten 14;Rives 25;For Surveyor—{has been tried in two counties.It isjChapel Hill to attend the University mon,Elder I".A.Sherrill,who was a Aue Mi *-Saeeevine a at ae by 32 votes—a tribute to”the good |Howard 21;McLain 84;For County|is estimated that $100,000 has been|summer school.;delegate to the Presbyterian General Anda a 18-Gua re eases work of ex-Congressman Kiuttz,Mr.Commissioners—'Boyd 45;Johnston]spent in attorney fees alone,but even Meetine Daurhters Confederacy Assembly at Orlando,Fla.,.spoke|Aurust'is 19-Ketinapotts at Gackeunkes Bickett’s manager in Rowan.56;M.W.Smith 15;Wagner 10;C.G,]at that the case is now sazd to he just ae &—‘he i briefly of his visit to the Assembly August 1%15,16—-Morganton st.Statesville. The Hughes forces are making the!Smith 10;Brown 15;Montgomery 17:|where it was before all these trials :and Children’s (apter,and the impressions gained.‘Aeon it ot karen eo ce nen most noise and apparently the biggestJ.T.Smith 57;Myers 10;Holmes 9;|were begun.The Daughters of the Confederacy}There was a big day at Providence|August 2b,26-—Statesville’at:Kanriapolis, pp y jes :::;3 , showing at Chicago now.The Pro-|Gaither 20;Nicholson’32;Tomlin 32:=;met With Mrs.M.R.Adams Saturday|church,Cool Spring township,Satur-{Aagust 21,22,23—-Gastonta at’Mo:7" gressive national convention will wait/Goant 10;Tharpe 1;For Superintend-|Thrown From Motorcycle and afternoon and at the conclusion of ajday.The object of tne gathering was}Aveust *4,26,26—Morganton.at ¢Pe until.the Republicans have acted as of Schools—Gray 25;Mitchell 31,Hurt.business session the Daughters were! 1 to develop interest in church work in Cour fore making a nétiltiation.For Governor—Bickett 43:Daught-Miss Pearl Gibs tho lives with}Chtertained by the members of the!generally.There were recitations Speeders aCourt.ik Louis D.*Brandeis’of Boston,the!tidge 12;For Secretary of State-_|,Miss Pearl Gibson.who lives wi Children’s ‘chapter.The Children’s and songs and talks by Rev.Messrs.{..Mr.W..H..Morrison.and Charles new Associate Justice of the United;Grimes 7;Hartness 46;Clark 5;For her uncle,Mr,O.E.Stafford,on chapter,which was organized June 3,13.W.Williams,D,R.Rhinehardt and}Mavrikis were fined $2.50 each by the States Supreme \Court,yesterday,Treasurer—Deey 5;Mann 50;For At-a ct oe oe aReet 108,i‘known as the Davia Centen-J.F,Kirk of Statesville,C.§.Kirk.ayer Begay tor exceeding the au- is é 1.ath |torney’Gencral—Calve Ge $45;]~*yer ae vauprhe eo a aa |SE:Chapter and t >meeting Satur-|patrick !resville,a a omobile speed -limit....-IRAN took his seat,on the betich.The oath bee Peal ype Abin de een $i were riding a motoreycle on the Ari-dae once.in Wonaniok thé a es nd R.M.Clyde Gather was taxed Wikis ieCtict34iarenlythetionCommissioncr—Boyd 7;Lee 49,}ity road Sunday afternoon when the birthday of Jefferson Davis,presi-|"|ia set pe of $b and costs yeateryad by themay- Caer patioe.:For Commissioner Labor and Printing|™2chine ran into a sandbar and Miss ‘dent of the Southern Confederacy,~-Miss Rachel Summers,.who has or fot disorderly conduct.-).)4)"; -Business in Congress will be pee |_—-Dellliger 6:Shipman 43;For Com.|Gibson was.thrown cff.The young Miss Margaret Brawley,pregident|been teaching in Shorter College,|Bub Lackey paid .costs amounting tically at a.standstill this week and iepisiones of ‘Apticultire Gratiam 6:lady was shacked and bruised and was 6.‘the chapter,presided,there were}Rome,Ga.,is here to spend a month to $3.50 yesterday forexceedingatto~ id Henne a ue inc weg |e 9;McKinnon 40;Por Insurance|Unconscious for a time,but her NIU-\cones by the children,a sketch of}with hor,unele and aunt,Dr.and Mrs,{mobile speed «limit,ent ne wae! ae eeee eS"Commissioner “7 “McClenaghan 9;]"eS are not considered eae nau Jefferson Davis read by Miss Eliza-|A.Campbell.From here Miss Sum.|Dr.W.G,Nicholson’arid Mri. Miss Mary’¥.Sharpe of.Char-Young’46,Le She Was ‘taken to the Sanatorium for beth Brawley and recitations by Miss-|mers will go.to Columbia University,Koon were given a-heariy »YAotted‘and Mr.J:A:Talbert of Mooreg-'“Bethany,-~.17.{treatment.Bs as es Frances Brawley and Elizabeth New York,to take a summer course.before Sante Laseehy ~of le “wete married in Charlotte Sat-!_Ior.House'of _Representativas—.=+Many Statesville and Iredell peo:Carlton:At the conclusion of the Mis4.Summers is A daughter of.ex-|misunderstan ‘4 at; Marday.night,Rev.Dr.E.L.Bain offi-|Matheson 37;Steele 25;For Sheriff]ple want to Salisbury Friday and Sat-programme refreshments were serv-|Sheriff and Mrs,WwW.A,Summers,tory aleetieny day..The, ciating.They will live in Charlotte.{"(3k WYSIy uo®ponuryuoy)urday to see “The Birth of a Nation.”|ed,merly of Statesville.i between the two,‘, sen 9 Yap ~ McAdoo~astonished.=e ake Chapel Hill commencemen Cae ete es 20 minutes,The Landmarkhas had a high opinion of Mr.McAdoo since he has_been_a cab- ~~inet ~and.,that_opinion.is en- _hanced by the Chapel Hill incident.__* Secretary “Thos.E.Owen,owner of the Clin- ton News-Dispatch,has~sold his ~pa- _yer-to-State—-Senator..W,-H.—_Fisher-} The News-Dispatch as conducted by Owen was extremely partisan Repub- lican.But when Owen;who had po- litical ambition,was run over and “tromped”.on by.the Marion Butler adherents,he lost his zeal in politics, hence his retirement from the news-| paper,which was simply a political | organ.It is said that Owen will de-| vote himself to farming and other! business.interests ‘and”thatthe new} ownership of the News-Dispatch will by Fama?Virginia for him and nat- reenter —z urally thereafter cast his fortunes with’the Republican part whether he so intended from the beginning or not,“His act,as stated,may,have been one of gratitude and not deserv- ing of criticism.But he accepted re- ward for his service,He was—con= sul general at Hongkong for a time,| -an-important-post,-and--was for-years afterward—-up to a few years ago— in a position under the Department of Justice in Washington.When he accepted office under the-Republican administration Cel,Mosby's former | comrades ‘doubtless felt.that he had “gold out,”and like Gen.Longstreet of Georgia,who pursued-a -similar course,the daring Confederate raid- er was not thereafter poptlar with| the Confederate veterans.| —————_— THE NAVAL BILL PASSED.| Another Big Preparedness | Measure Through the House.:| The second of the big preparedness measures,a naval appropriation bill THE CARE OF THE BABIES. Second Prize Paper ByPupil of Statesville Schools.~~- This-is-the second prize-artieleon ‘ns care and feeding of babies,-writ- ten by Lois Morrison,aged 11,of the sixth grade of the Statesville”Public The care of the -baby-is.a-very im- portant-thing.-In_the first-place—it should have warm,loose clothing. New-born_babies_are very muehsike plants;plants are tender,and go is the baby:”-They-baby-~h plenty of sunshine anc fresh air,and it-should -be-kept-clean.-—~ae As soon as the baby~is~-born-its eyes should be washed by a doctor to prevent —blindness.Its eyes ‘should be washed with'a the cloth should Ke,before used,soak- ed with boracic acid. New-born babies.sleep As they grow older they sleep less and in a short time they learn to sleep more at night and less in the day time.: Babies should be bathed every day. |Schools). should.have. separate cloth,and | very much.| larger by,many millions than any ever before considered in Congress,passed 'the House Friday almost unanimously. It carties a building programme for next year of five battle cruisers,four be in line with the Butler faction. ** The men may fight against it ‘all they prensa,bos the ee coming| oor when the women will have as’out cruisers,10 destreyers,50 sub- much voice in vi church ss the oe \marines and 130 aeroplanes,provides It cannot be charged.ch ee k for a government armor plate plant, nat take a0 ee ie ue won ’|authorizes an increase of nearly 17,000 ferat ie 8 :act ©4 ley are over enlisted men and appropriates a total half of the ‘life of the institution—5 $269,900,000. Hickory Racer.%for the w The only -important amendment Correct.a a wasn’t iw fe nee written into the bill in the final day of men ‘and the re whe and oe hy debate was one appropriating $1,000,- petinto.the churches,most of ©000 for repair work at the Norfolk church organizations would cease to exist.Take the women out of Sun- day school work,for instance,and the Sunday schools would go to pieces. With all that most of the men—many of whom are not worthy to be named w'th the good women who do_the work—are very much afraid some-| thing awful will happen if the sisters| are not kept in subordinate.positions.|We don’t fancy women occupying pulpits,but when we come to analyzetheobjectionsitisbecausewehave-|n't been accustomed to it;becauseit | is unusual we don’t think it’s the! thing.The sisters have their faults’ and.failings,but they do so much) more than the men to keep alive and} push forward all that’s good in! inavy yard,Of this amount $450,000 | iwould be available as soon as the bill ‘becomes law.The appropriation is ad- lditional to that already passed for jequipping the yard for battle ship |construction.; |As passed the bill is substantially the same form as framed by the naval! committee.Only a few ‘amendments| |were adopted during a we ‘k of debate | and a final effort by Republican lead-| yrs to have the measure recommitted | with instructions to add two battle-! ships,two scout cruises and 10 de. stroyers was beaten,189 to 183.The | fight for an increase in the building prégramme,at least by the addition| of two battleships,will be renewed| when the measure is taken up in the i}rabies |The best time for the bath is soon in ithe morning.Before.the mother 'bathes the child she should wash her ‘hands carefully to remove .germs. /The baby should not be bathed justlafterithaseaten..The baby's nose,|mouth and eyes should be cleaned ev-sry day.Its mouth should be washed (with a piece of cotton twisted around ‘the little finger,and its nose should be washed with a piece of |cottén. |Never use the same piece of cotton |twice.|The baby’s clothing should be kept When it is bathed clean ¢loth- ing,both outer and undet,should be put on it.Do not let flies get about clean. ‘the soiled clothing.Fresh air is one.of the principal things the baby needs.Many’cases ‘of sickness are caused by impure air. The baby should sleep out on the ve- randa in summer and,in winter theroomshouldbewellventilated.Freshairisasneedfultobabiesasfood.Cooled boiled water should be giv- en to babies.Do not give it just be- fore feeding time.The new-born.ba-| bv should at the start be fed at reg-| ular times.A little haby shopld he fed every two and-a half hours:Breasttakeasmuchfoodasthey want anywhere from five to twenty Sale of Foreign-Made:Cider is Wegal.! Large quantities of imported ciders are being sold in North Carolina il-legally,-according -to-a_statement.of Rev.R.L:Davis,superintendent of the North Carolina —Anti-Saloon vestigation inj several counties:“The sale of this cider,” Davis,‘‘samples-of “which have been analyzed and shown to contain from 6_to.-9--per.cent,—aleohol;—is illegal. The law provides that ciders may be|manufacturedor“made ‘from_ berries,or fruits,’and de ther;‘that nothing”herein contained of cider,in any quantity,by the man- ufacturer from fruits grown on his lands within the State of North Car-|olina.’This is the State-wide prohi-{bition law of 1908 and this provisionforthesaleofdomesticciderbythemanufacturerhasbeencontirfuedby the ‘anti-near-beer law’passed in|1911,and the ‘search and seizure’law‘passed in 1913,Beyond.the sale -ofthisdomesticcidernomancango,land,’therefore,-every’man in North |Carolina that is selling cider shipped ihere from other States is doing so in|violation of the law.”'HELP FOR,WORKINGWOMEN ‘Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop.HowMrs.Conley Got Help.| Here is'a letter from a woman who had to work,but was too weak and suf- |fered too much to continue.How sheregainedhealth:— Frankfort,Ky.--‘'I suffered so much | with female weakness that |could not}do my own:work, had to hire it done, I heard so much about Lydia EF.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound that l triedit.1 took three bottles and 1 found eeeenero provides ure] shall_be-construed.to_prevent-the sale}. Church and State,that we hold they Senate late this month and adminis- should be given more recognition and ‘tration leaders believe it.will be suc-!better opportunities for their work.|yoscful. :,:Only four representatives voted Reporting the debate,in the South-|apainst passage of the bill to 858 fa- ern Presbyterian General Assembly,voring it.The four negative votes on .the privileges to be accorded the |were cast by Representatives Brown. ‘women in the churches,the Presbyte-ing of New Jersey and Graham of xian Standard BEDE:..|Pennsylvania,Republicans;Randall of a Dr.G.A,Blackburn of Columbia:California Prohibitionist;and LondonS.°C.,,made,to our mind,one of the)!or New marie Socialist.strongest speeches of the debate.With passage of the bill the Hoase Owing to the fact.that he was limited |completed the ‘major portion of its to ten minutes,he was unable to devel-|chare.in the preparedness programmeophis\argument,and was ‘consequent-:4 ly |misunderstood ;but the :principle portant provisions—ihe army,naval he laid down was Scriptural.Accord-jand fortifications meesures—only the ing tohim,God chose man as His rep-!}..c¢named remains te be considered resentative,and Satan chose woman as];probably will be taken up in thehis,and now in this question thus }iouse after the national convertionssprungupontheChurch,Satan is!while the Senate is debating the navaltrying.to push woman to the front.jj); and reverseGod’s order as laid down Twenty-five DEMCCERtCRVOTCdmeialy am Siaed Word.h :.__,the Republicans for the motion to re- cube we at are the sister £01n&commit and increase the building pro- to,say.to that?“Phey are the devil S'gramme and there were indicationsrepresentatives—chosen by Satan him- self—,and any attempt to put themordquality“with mon in thé churches |/°=8t two battleships would find strong ;a.supporters among Democrats in the\&is a scheme of the Evil One.The Senate,The two dreadnaughts rec-panoes poe ,The Landmark isn’t undertaking to ommended by Secretary Daniels werccontendaboutthisquestion,whith?cpsapren-:_seems-to-huve-put some of thé Pres-stri¢ken-out—of-the bill by.the House byterian folks in deep water—it is committee and an additional battle 3 see :,cruiser ‘substituted.simply printing some information: about it.But it is constrained to remark that,in the matter of repre-'|foo measure. contd make on ee nig the numberof “submarines authorizedfia:of the “lords of er ‘from 20 to 50.Other provisions addedeatingoldaeaetceenon|during debate carry $11,000,000 for aealnaeArecueehaseveEve,government armor plate plant,$7,- fo ae believe it will a RTT eee ,000,000 for enlargement of navy yards ca whole the women ole etter than ee eee eee _the men.‘will be equipped to build capital war-**®ae;..oc ;ships,$2,700,000 for increasing theCol.Mosby,who died in Washing-|navy’s personnel,and $1,500,000 for ton last week,was one of a few Con-acroplanes. federates of prominence who joined,The armor plate provision alreadytheRepublicanpartyearlyafterthehaspassed’the Senate as a separatewar-and-for-that reason he was not Will.popular with his comrades—or a fe Dn on ealeastdidnotenjoythatdegreeof!Thinks It Won’t Be Roosevelt. popularity,nor receive the honors!from his former comrades-in-arms,'the report f ;S iwhichhisservicefortheConfedera|aneone both Repusinen ane night. L would ordinarily have warranted.gressive leaders assembled for thetaooeuenestotheyeungernationalconventions,that ColonelniteaneenthatCol.Roosevelt will not be nominated byaosSansiticsshouldhaveinanytheolderparty.No rezson or expla-Ran teliices ao ceoldiee fame ne nation is offered,but among —those¢ler.at!wh ld t is vie i ytime,however,the conditions were oe Bole re tis ey areoretyea:ie nde bent The Republican party was;responsible for the Reconstruction!The leaders wh ;is vi}s s o take this view of Pe eee va the situation seem to think that Jus-§,ng tne 'tice H si 2 meformerslaveovertheformermaieUenoman.milo,coudter.Thiswas an inexcusable humjationandthebitternessitengender-'front to the Democratic o iti:a ;pposition ed was fierce.|In localities where the even though they are not convinced negro population was more numerous ‘that the Justice can win the nomina-than ue vile,it was simply a ques-|tion,;:tion of whites against the blacks,in!The situation whi ;Reen15IN|situa vhich this conditionpoliticsewanohclakdmanwholinedpresentsisunprecedented.None ofMeagainst!il color had a hard time.'the leaders on the ground profess tooreespecially.was this true ofjhave any idea of what will happenmenwhoaeintheConfedt 7 ate army.They were looked upon as'so far has bee repudiating all they had fought for|leaders SeiiftheyvotedwiththeRepublicans,|them, which was at that time ¢quivalent to deserting the South and joining with former foes against home people.So much by way of explanation.|Col.aye joining the Republicans|may have resulted from a fecling of!|Amon ine “star”roa gf the nine “star”men,thewientudetoGen.Grant and the not-|honor graduates of the United StatesedConfederatemayhavebeenun-|Naval Academy Md.justly censured.Col."Mosby was pcuup lawrer 'a Virginia when the!dison of Fayetteville.Among the oth-=Sedehentent Insta ee er North Carolinians in the graduat-een t at)ing class are Carlyle Craig,sc fraidedthéUnionarmyoutposts,cap-'|Cove eat :ee aLrSts,Cap-|Govérnor Craig;Henry Bryan Broad-eared sapplics,es the enemy’s|footeof Blatk Mountain,John Wilkesthenanianctinuially|and harried |of Charlotte,Walter Eugene Bordensesiexhectidly,doing Z ue aoe Goldsboro,Edwin Shell Earnhardtyfovage!of Lenoir,now living at Key Westreambpearingasifamagic.)Fla,Philip Lumsden Northen votderiy's men wefe notec for their)Currituck county,a member of thelaring.Their warfare was irregular]class,died April 1st :and when the surrender came the!’paseFederalgovernmentwasnotdispos-|Forethought, ed to allow Mosby to go on parole |People aré learning that a little forethoughtalongwiththepenniessoldiersofthe|often saves ithem =big expense.Here is ancy.‘In short he was to be oa eis et reher,Caldwell,40 as an outlaw.and.he might beef without “Shaielelee 'Colle,“Cholens©|uffered death but for the inter-|#"d Diarrhoea Remedy since we commencdédofGen,Grant.When Grant Reopien House sat ey When we go on ariwandidateforPresidentMos-oe ee ee There is a growing conviction,said less are not giving up the fight. n principally among the ,probably less than 50 and that the delegatest have|had very Ititle part in it. Annapolis. able everywhere, Of.the three bills carrying the im-' that the proposal to provide for at: ‘The House added increases totalling| more than $40,000,000 to the commit-| ;es i Of this $22,000,000 cov-|sentatives of God and the devil,if one|ers an amendment adopted increasing phia,Norfolk and Puget Sound,which+ colonel’s closest friends,who none the| $=|bring the Republican and Progressive: il-|parties together and present—a solid, er-It is notable that all.the speculation| of| |North Carolina Graduates at: \at Annapolis,Md.,/ a last week,was Osborne Bennett Har-,| minutes. they are about ten months old. When weaning the baby it should be! jtaueht to drink from a cup. When the baby cannot get moth- er’s milk it should “be given »cows’ ‘milk.The milk should not.be taken ‘just from one cow. ered and kent on jee all the time.Be- fore a bottle of milk is opened the top should be washed to remove +eerms.The baby should not be over- fed.f Short dresses should be put on thebabywhenitaboutfourmonthsold.The first shees for the baby should have soft soles and broad toes. When it is about six months old itshouldhavestiff-soled shoes.If the baby is healthful its teeth dé not hurt it the second summr. is to eight teeth.: Zabies contract colds from some person.Castor oil should be given as a treatment.OdWhenbabiesgetanywherefromone to two and a-half vears old,they are called “runabouts.”They need the same amount of fresh air and food_as a little baby. If the mother is careful about the baby,he will not be sick the second summer.In the second summer ex- tra care should be taken to see that the milk is kept clean and fresh. should have more things to eat,suchascereals.eggs anda little beef broth.When he is about 15 months old a little baked potato should be given him,and gradually a more food should be added. ‘President Will March.in Fla Day Parade. President Wilson has promised a Washington committee that he will march at the head of the mammoth preparedness parade which will take place on Flag Day,June 14.The President told the committee that he will go to Peace Monument,:at the south entrance to the Capitol grounds, and lead the parade on foot to the Postoffice Department,.12 ~squares. away,where he will take a seat on the grand stand and review the bal-ance of the procession.This is the first time in the memory of the oldest inhabitants of Washington that a President of the United States hag 'ever been democratic enough to march!on foot in a parade. -RHEUMATISM ARRESTED |lame musclesand stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood,and each suc-ceeding attack seems niore acute until rheumatism has invaded the whole system,To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im-portant toimprove your general health as |to purify your blood,and the cod liver oilinScott’s Emulsion is nature’sgreat blood+ {imaker,while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel theimpuritiesandupbuildyourstrength, Scott’s Emulsion is helping thousandseverydaywhocouldnotfindotherrelief.Kefuse the alcoholic substitutes. NOTICETOTAXPAYERS. By order of the Commissioners of Iredelljcounty,all real estate on which the \1915 taxe jes have not been paid will be advettixed ‘forjsaleafterJune16,1916. J.M.DEATON,May 19.Sheriff,Magnolia Balm !‘the Liquid Face Powder used by famous|beauties,If you have Sunburn,Tan or|Freckles try ACagnolia Balm.It quickly|stops the burn and removes Tan and | |Blemishes,Makes your skin soft and|smooth,Easy to use and|Sure to please, |Three “Colors : White,Pink,Rose-Red. |75c.at Druggists or by mail direct. | Ohio,|LYON,MFG.CO.,¢\40 So,Sth St.,Brooklyn,N.Y. Babies should not be weaned until It should he cov-| -When the baby is one year old he, little| Many people suffer the tortures of| ousin-|BUILDING?C,.WATKINS, it to be all.you claim.Now I feel aswelluseverIdidand am able to do all my |—own work again.I; recommend it to any woman suffering|from female weakness.You may pub-| lish my letter if you wish.’’—Mrs,JAMES ConLey,516 St.Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky.| No woman suffering from any formof | female troubles should lose hope untilshehasgivenLydiaE.Pinkham’s Veg:| ctable Compoundafair trial,| This famous remedy,the medicinal | ingredients of which are derived*from |native roots and herbs,has for forty | years proved to be a most valuable tonic | ‘ and invigorator of the female organism.| All women are invited to write | to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medi-|Ba-| bies a year old should have from six!cine Co.,Lynn,Mass.,for special |advice,—it will be coiifidential. if DRESSED |Easily Digested—Delicious |RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANSForConvalescents.|ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS, W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor.| | | | } Fresh Vegetables. Tomatoes, |Cucumbers, Beans. Potatoes, Peppers. In fact all fresh vegetablesinseason. MP.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street: Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.‘Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and Guns‘repaired and Keys fit- ted.-In fact anything in repair line.Phone 209. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7$c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound...=FOR SALE:, New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER. {redell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. C.WATKINS for “Ryerything to;Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil- ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, ‘Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, | |Grea SQUARBS.§f | | «fh te,; “Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. JUNE 22’and JUNE 28! ’ WHOSAID CHAUTAUQUA? Speeeeeee eR arenioetaeeae NT League,who has been making an “in-|, Mr.| Novem.2 iscreal/y - ithovt us r Conny’eb Zo tesie e e e | Ny DeliciousannRefresning Lpottled .By’ \\\rJOr wi”i hy)Myi)||Moreen fh: —— lil Bottled y,Bottling Co., By:Statesville,N.C. BADRaleTe Mighty Big Power—Mighty Low Fuel Cost—Mighty Little Price— Chevrolet ‘“Four-Ninety.” Arthur Mason,father of the valve-in-head mo- made the Chevrolet.motor.Made it so it would reduce fuel cost with- Tried‘it out for three years unden the most exhaustive valve-in-head is the answer to the ques- t men made this car. tor,out loss of power.’T1 tests.Today.this:Ghevrolet type tion of Economy ahd Power. Now add the great product Hardy and Russell E.Gardne tlest Price! ion factor,geniused by W.C.Durant,A,B.C. r,and you have the Mightiest Car at the Lit- Chevrolet “‘Four-Ninety.” “A Mighty Car For Mighty Little.” N.W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT,Statesville,N.C, REPAIR WORK. Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired..Spectacles fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. R.F.HENRY,=~Jeweler. SEE.OUR_LINE ofKOOLCLOTH fo Bo PALM BEACH SUITS, PANAMA HATS,— SHIRTS,etc., Before buying. Yours to Serve, Sloan ClothingCo. OR C C The house and lot and vacant lot on north Center street belonging to the estate of Mrs.J.§.Leonard may be bought at a,bargain price if -sale can be closed within the next ten days.This ptop- erty is located in the “growing”residence section of Statesville— just opposite’the residence’of Hon,W.D.Turner and near the Statesville Air Line crossing.A fine investment at the price I am offering it for quick sale.House renting at $8 per month.Let me show you the property and quate you price. J.PAUL LEONARD, _Administrator, Hei Geta Statesville,N.C. ET(NEWS IN CONDENSED FORMWAY OF MODERN FIGHTING, :Items of Interest GatheredFrom "The ‘Trench Raids :and Hand-to-|; ~~Over the State.-—-9}y Hand Conflicts.: Trinity.College “commencembnt MY “<A>correspondent —writing trom|in “progress.Cav:Follx-of Missount)British headquarters in_France to the:is the orator.Senator Overman.is |Agsociated Press gives this report of| ‘+receive the depree of LL De -\the modern methods of war:1InCharlotteSaturdaynight.Docks:“Midway between.the’British ‘and! Grier,colored,quarreled with his wife|German systems of machine warfare,||,and drew a gun-on-the -woman.‘th herein eyery man was supposed to,tie Don't FailTo Hear The NEW JU“VICTROLA RECORDS.NOW-ON-SALE AT:aNo.WESTERN ROAD,‘Tretn No.16;weet:hound,dis 1‘Train’No.11,..west-bound,‘Train No.2h wet bound >Oa.Train No,~weat-bound,*due 10:25fTenis2.No 86,east-bound,due 10.35 in’s tonic,and!Tddnottakenbut 4¥was almost curéd.’“It ‘didthanallthe’other meded,put together,~Ea“My friendsbeganasking why Jfookedsowell,and:f tol te atCardui.“Several are now’taking it,’ Do you,lady.sea ffeofthe-alinemetue eens ‘trouble;such as headache,backache,|sideachesleeHpgengas,and that everlastinglytiredfeeling? et let us urge you to'giveCards aWefeelconfineitwillhelpyou,just ‘as it has a million other women inepasthalfcentury,Begin taking Cardui~fo-day.‘won't regret it.“All druggists, __Write to;Chattanooga Medicine reg Ladies!Advisory,Dept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.y for Spectatstructionsonyourcaseand64-page book,“Home |for Women,”"in plain wrapper,NG.124 SOAPS. Royal Medicated Soap,10 cents a cake or 8 cakes for 25.cents. Skat,10 cents a can. Spotless Cleaner .with brush,3 cans for 25 cents, Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123. {me more|pmes I had many Yau 108 West Broad St.» \Lasting ‘Legibility Multikopy gives copics that -arebeautifullyneat~and that are really permanent. In blue or black,Multi-Kopy never fades, MultiKopyco iesoften,rival’theorigisial in.ness and legi-Multikopy is»cleanin bility. surprisingly durableandcconpmical,repee Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady ‘Printing Company Statesville,N.C. er Carbon Paper OU.WOULD HAVE SALAD \every day,if you once tried Xe It is choice enough for the finest salad dressing,as delicious as any. oil you ever tasted,and so muéh cheaper you can use it for cooking, too.It makes a smooth,delicious mayonnaise that “stands up”wellandpleaseseverybody. We've got anything you’want to make a salad—as well as Wesson Miller-McLain Supply Co. asm——z | The Birth of a Nation, The most gigantic Pho-to-play spectacle of thecentury.I[*ounded onTheClansmanbyThom- as Dixon.You shouldreadthisastoundingsto-ry of the Southland.50c.R.P.Allison’s Book Store.. REP RE DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST.« Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. Statesville Tin Co. Kverything in Sheet Metal line for good ee Slate Roofs a specialt prot 540) V1 last Bread Street. Train No, ‘ders. .and whatever you like, FRE-SARE”OF. |“SCREEN DOORS ‘ean be bought from i 22,east-bound,due 1.46,ee Ne 12,due 6:66inNo.36,esst-bound,due‘AND’TA LL PA R R ? Harris,an older negro,essayed ‘tlrole_of peacemaker—and oe i“{tween-the-two..Then Grier,shot BA:ris dead and fled, A.L.Blow,clerk of the Federal’court for-the eastern North Carolinadistrict,died Sunday at his home atGreenville,aged 65,He was a law:yer,had been a member of the,Legis. lature and prominent,in the politics of his section:“° Senator Overman.Saturdsy abe}!‘tained the consent’of the Senate.forthepassageofaresolutionpyevidingthatexercisesappropriatetothere- ception and acceptance srom tue StateofNorthCarolinaofthestatuteofZebulonB.Vance;erected in Status!’ary Hall,be:made the special order af,business for Thursday,June 22,aftertheconclusionofroutine«morningbusiness. Mrs.“Gap”Stewart,Wife.of 4 ,leavesleaves.preville Teatn No.16 ar,9.24 ee 9:20,From ‘Taytrain:‘No.23 af,10:00,weaves 10:40 a m.Train)No,16 are 6:40,leaves 7:05 p,m.Nos,and 24 are not operated on Sunday. -Self-Help By Farmers...7 ‘University News:Letter. salvation.of our farm civiliza.| jtion “agave most.of:all,upon’thefarmers.themselves,|Attic philosophers,the bankers,the |consumers in the cities,the colleges and.universities;the preachers andthechurches,are'getting ‘busy thrust- jing betterment upon the farmers.outinthewoods.,All of which:is well enough;but the ‘drift:to the cities,soil .exhaustion, abandoned farms,markets;for farm {products,farm credits,comforts for prominent citizen of Davie;suffered a}farm homes,social life in the farm!broken arm and a broken.collar bone:\regions,recreation,co-operation,rural|when the automobile in which)shewaslschools,rural churches,and so on and|riding turned over in Salisbury 8on,are questions that will never be!day morning.Mrs.Stewart’s son waibe:settled until the farmers themselves |driving the machine,which containedibecomemightilyconcernedaboutsixpassengers,and in turning a co?- |them.ner it struck a curb and tilted over. m, m, anaE A canvass was made in Concord ‘last week to raise $35,000 for a Y, (M.C.A.building and at the close /$36,778.30 had been raised. |WILLISTON,N.C.,MAN RESTOR-|ED'TO HEALTH. { a passenger,suffered a broken nose:and other'injuries about the face.No others hurts ; two Mr.and Mrs.J.N.Goddard,children and a nurse arrived at Bre-vard Friday from Atlanta to spend the summer.They took a carriage at the station,the horses took’fright and ran.The colored nurse,holding an 18-months-old’<child:in:her:arms; jumped from the vehicle,fell.on thebabyandfatallyinjuredit.The child died in about a half hor:None of the occupants who remained in the carriage‘were injured. NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS {ncidents Gathered From All Parts of the Country. The mayor of Bristol,Tenn.,finds that under commission government in that city there is a total saving in three years over the aldermanic sys- tem of $81,189. At Vera Cruz,Monterey and other places in México demonstrations have been made against American inter- Mr.Wade Thankful He Read AboutWonderfulRemedy. 'E.T.Wade of Williston,N.C.,was i the:victim of stomach disorders.He |tried many remedies and took a great deal of medicine and treatments.Re- ‘lief seemed a long time coming. Then:he found Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy,took adose—and found relief at once.He told his opinion of.the|remedy in a letter in which he said: “Your medicine has worked won- I..féel so much better.I amthankfultoyou,.indeed,for advertis- Ling your wonderful remedy in the pa- ,pers,as otherwise I might never hive -'known of it.” ‘Mayr’s Wongerful..Remedy gives ‘permanent results for stomach,liver .and intestinal ailments.Hat as much a :No more dis- ress after eating,pressure of gas in!y,Veeling r,the sey pond Secund the heart.ee geesene aeGetonebottleoourdruggistnow| and try it on-an a ysatute Saranien oe et mines—not spi|at fe ;mines or coal mines but mines planted | Leray atisfactary money ‘will’be.jto explode and blow up ships—haveoe,—'beon washed ashore on the coastiof|C For awe ey the Statesville Drug‘Holland.They are destroyed by.the}0,and all other*reliable druggists._|Dutch when they drift ashore. CITY!Replies from over 2,400 spetiakepr=! |respondents of the”New York Jour-) “VAL UABL E {PROPERTY. BY AUTHORITY conferred by the Superior |96Courtoepeace!county ino a Peed Ls en-date of May 23,show anititled1,aldwell and H.P.Grier,trustees,|cotton acreage of 9.6 perlandothers,ex-parte,LL.C.Caldwell and Dor-last year.man ‘hamuson;commissioners,will re-sell at!te{public sale,st the eourt souse door in States ee iscent.ville,N.C.,un Although cent.,over The North Carolina’es it an acreage increase of 5.8 MONDAY,hat 12.o'clock, jproperty: }One lot adjoini the Tands of J.)W.Stephenson and and bounded as follows :1Beginningsat:Se We,TICES coe aeral members of his cabizct,as well asieieinWAICStreet.in the city of States.Democratic leaders of the Senate andteSeytinswithSimonton's i north ae House,are ¢eee ted to make a-nimber.degrees eur fect to a stake on Simontoi’s =>»{line ;thenee N.60 degrees 5 105-1-2 feet to of Pp cechesSactealing with the campaignissues.jt stake,Simonton’s corner;thence S.24 de- Capt.Herbert J. JUNE 19,1916,|banetda ae oa Paarm.,the following valuable city.has President Wilson so fai paign trips this summer, frrees.W.207 feet to a e on Alexander{street ;thence S_66.deyrees1081-2 feet to the beginnine were,mate or less, Hirshinger of thewithsaidstreet+cont vinings a half de rod from T.J.Cookpandwifeto"PW.i took 28,page 300. Said sale to be ou >following: :One-third of the purchase pricé to be! ;one-third in six ronths and the: one-third in)twelve months,with _and killed during the landing of Unit- ed States forces at “Puerta Plata, Santo’.Domingo,Saturday.Capt. Hirshihger was 42 years old, ap}desatigsecurity ta be neeeptable to the clerk pee Ot eor gia pies eeoftheSuperiorCourtofrredellcounty.De-!to the corps in 1910 from North Car-|Iferwed payments ta carry 6 per cent.interest:olina.He leaves a*widow and young| ‘daughter,living in Boston.His pa- rents live-in Chartotte. President Wilson attended the :morial-exercises:in i section of Arlington tery in Washington:Sunday but ~i not speak. -expeeted,—as—he had -previously. nounced that he would be unable attend.He was ,sold by renson of the factthat.increased bids.ave Deen rr reed thereon,snd thé bidding will start at $800,the amount |pet the incrensed bid. I.C,CALDWELL,DORMAN ‘THOMPSON,Commissioners. MORTGAGE SALE. TUaa of the pewer of ’| me- June 2,1916.did; an- by BY SVIR:contained tosureneniney din BookMiceofie ainepublicaue-|CFS.tion.—to=the--hithest—bi ider for cash,at the’pi was the orator of the day.court house door in Statesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,JUNE 12,1916, the following described property,THE SLEEPING ‘Fast Becoming aC.office,ares 615-516,Part of the House.ribed =more the!Is.of Ben Keller,James |Bulletin State Board of Health.wsctek Jand others.anyThis.May 12th,1916.|“Tf there’s one thing that recom-mends a house more than josunty, at 12 mn, wit:Being|Anglin bk jwills ¢ the tract of Innd conveyed to EmetinethewillofenParker,records of |y, _Crockett Parris, BUREN JURNEY,Mortragee.JAMES ‘THAR!Assignee,Ek.J.STACK,Assignee, 1916. DONT SWAT FLIES? AND WINDOWS| rent,”says a real estate dealer,“it i8 the addition of a sleeping porch.Tn |15 years,”said he,“our ideas ‘haveIheenturnedupsidedownastothis one thing.Today architects andjbuildersfindsleepingporchesalmost|}necessary adjuncts of new houses,so} great is the demand for them,where- as ten years ago an out-door sleeper was branded either as a crank or a consumptive,anda house with a sleeping porch waas most particular- ly avoided.”Continuing,the speaker said:“I could rent more houses if they just had means-of out-door sleeping con=] nected with them.I find that many renters,those paying higher rents,are willing to pay extra for.homes having sleeping porches or places that canbe-converted into such ~ar- rangements.Recently a family mov= ed here from Oregon and the husband came to me to rent a home.His first démand was a home with a ‘slcepinggallery,’and when [I had shown him all the houses I had to rent,he .said, ‘What is the matter with you folksdownherethatyoudon’t haye these Mary.16, C.WATKINS.’Phone No.43 THEROYALHEATER The‘'Royal”’is a Range Boiler and Water Heat-er-ia:combination andis.designed to take theplaceoftheold-fashion--ed-method of attaching\an independent heater| to the side‘of an ordi-nary range boiler. The “Royal”can be installed at a supris- ingly low cost and willfurnishhotwaterevery Miss Effie Barnes of Concord,who wag|' nal of Commerce,bearing an average}increasedsphe s made ng plans for any long cam-| he and sev-. Inited States marine corps,was shot} was a! the Confede rate! National ceme-+ His appearance was un-!i enthusiastically re-,ceived by a-large crowd-of Southern:|Senator Vardaman of Mississip-| PCRCHES | “OY you will justNecessary| another? these days,whether it is for sale or) foe Hhink ve became a pawn without initiative| his-own,—has—been-developing®“pers ee the deadliest form of sport,im,| +aeination..can.conceive-—where,ever. ¢ombatant places his cunning,hi ‘strength and his skill in hand-to-handfightingagainstthoseofhisadver-|sary, Hardly a day passes that there is hot a trench “raid”by one side or the| “other,and sometimes several “such}| jsallies.No subject is more taboo in,ps.details by the censor.Command-! rs do not want to let the enemy |‘know why their raids succeed or fai “or why the enemy’s,succeed or,fail.; nvention fights inventions acerecy |hts..secreey. “All the element of boxing,wrest-|‘ing,fencing arid.mob"tactics,“plus! the,stealth of the Indian who.crept fap on a.camp on the plains,and the!teamwork of a professional baseball| nine,are”valuable to the player. «The weapon that is least.needed is} a rifle.A club or a sandbag or an In-! dian battle-axe or spiked club is’bet- ter.A good slugger without any} ‘Weapon at all may take an adversa- ry’s loaded rifle away from him and 4 to death.| raids and against them.Batalion |gommanders work out -schemes_of, ‘strategy which would have won them ‘fame in smaller wars.Fifty men or a thousand may be engaged in a raid. may be on a front of fifty yards or a thousand..Its object is to take as as-many of the enemy as possible in If the assault- piece of trench to their own trench. ers try to hold the on them,the bombers close either side,and)machine guns rifles are.prepared to zone of retirement. for the raids.Ordinarily the diers never see their enemy hidden in from their own burrows. head.‘Unseen guns suddenly concen- trate a deluge of shells.For months this sort of thing goes on,and ‘ trenches of the in the same place;the grim monoto- {nv of casualties and watching con- :tinues.This arouses the desire to “get at”the enemy which the trench en satisfies:It means springing yover the parapet and rushing across i “No Man’s Land”into the houses of 'the enemy and proving man to man seehis door ptey which is a “betterfightetrliToieovertheparapet‘ordinarily | eans death.To make any suchryshtheremustbe“interference,”as. |wires in front of the enemy’s trench | must be cut.This is usually done by;¢ ‘ithe guns,which become more =and! more deadly in their ability to turn! accurate sprays of destruetion on given points.They cover the rush and the return of the raiders.ee But the guns are not all;there arc} all kinds of organized trickery to en-} -able-soldiers to get into the enemy’s| ‘trenches for a few minutes of activi-; |ty,when the occupants throw:them-| 'selves on their invaders8 at such close} fquarters that it is a question,if even| arevolver is a practical weapon.It cannot be thrown over a traverse and) a bomb can.When one runs into a)German around the corner of a trav-} jerse a blow may be better than a |shot.iv There have been trench raids, where every man who went out was; !responsible for a casualty or_a_pris-|]oner,while the raiders’own loss was! |not one in ten to the enemy’s.There| are also failures.-Success requires every detail should work out right.) |The British inaugurated trench raid-| ing,which the Germans promptly’ adopted.Where its -development-wil+ end no one dares venture to say. } MA AND THE MOTOR CAR, |Before we take a motor Pao Pa says to Ma, 1 “My dear, just from the rear;keep still back hold in check your fright Vl tuke you where you want to ga and get,you,back all right.Itteinemter that my hearing’s !i'm not blindAndIean:drive this ear wit Nout :from behind.’ #promises that she'll »” Wetgayly start, But soon’she notices his cart. “You'd better toot your horn.” “to let him know we're|He.might turn out;’and Ta |shriek at him,my dear|And then he adds:“Some daywillmakealotofdourh By putting horns en tonneau seats for woemenfolksetoblow.”| A little farther on Ma says:‘He ed for a turn.”i ‘And Pa says:“Did he?’in a tone “Oh, Now remember TI don't need assistance there and yood and also susrsres tions 'y .still,keep then off aliéid’)a peddler ana Says she near. replies:‘Just some guy | hot enough to burw.there's a boy on roller cried,“now da -o prow,I'm sure he doesnt see gays:‘ST dunne, —tHon'tneed glasses it may be That Jo am blind an’cannot seeinfrontofme.” should speed the car hurry past,Ma say:Now.do be driving Wich too firs fn"all\the time she's ‘pointing out the dan-| gers of the street | n’keeps him»posted on wy &treet cars heTinstnightwhen I'm. Maskates,” our ear.” vet,but what's If Pa a bit cfull You are the where !will meet.i we got safely home,Da}sighed.an’said:“My ‘dear,|sure We've.all enjoyed the drive you! gaye us from the rear.”|Detroit Free Press.a roads hour of the day andnightatanexpense well within reach oftheaveragehouseown-er or renter. Installed by W.E.Munday. (114 E.Broad St Phone 55,L ‘Get«on “4h Band,Wagon! mrangements?Why, slept indoors.for six years;till com#} ing to your State,and yet you have} out-ddor sleeping.One would think! that you~had not gotten away from the old.idea.that,night air is poisdn=| ous.’T couldn't offer an explanation) }as-to why we didn’t have more ar-¥ OES ’Re- ay telf him that jhe,d the ck never |saw “2WhanhiceSdokinaeman,one he waenocrank,either,oe at wee serye your.Chautauqua Tickets! we |haven't): by far the more favorable climate for tte nts;For oul-door sleeping,a tne . Bowel Complaints in India.|{dna lecture at.one of the Des Moines,Towa,| ©aa missionary from India told of go-!nto the interiow of India,where he wasSick,that he bad 4#\bottle of Chamber-l#in's.Colic,Cholera.and Diarrhoea Remedy{with him and believed that it Saved his life,| 8 remedy is used suecessfully in India both! aa a preventive and cure for cholera.You May know.from this thar it can be®dependedOnfoxthemilderformeofbowelcomplaint| L seek’in this cowrtyye >A912 OF ‘O PHONET¥t and be sais e of,your Tickets |ti radAwonderfulcollectionofdancemusic.-and-comic songs,and classical.numbersWecallespecialattentionto Record 74460 ‘‘Cradle Song”by’JuliaCulp.7-**—74469—“Martha,(Like a Dream)”byGiovanniMartinelli,Tenor,\:_88485—“‘Songs My.Mother Taught Me?isabyNellieMelba, A rare ‘treat for you.play them, Popular HydA:pleasure for us ee foyer Phone 304,105 East Broad Street,; vin bn ==oera od ute yet Lehi, |—ea ‘Anock him down and then kick -him|oes The monotony of ©trench existence | ‘these days is broken by preparing for| many prisoners and kill and wound|3 a few minutes,and then to.get back|.S they have taken,the guns are turned |: mp on|3and|: sweep the}: Uncanny curiosity is an,incentive |= sol-|= his burrows across “No Man’s Land”Unseen bul-|= lets from unseen.snipers crack over-}: the | adversaries remain|| y say in football,and the barb!‘eR ri sea re We havea good supply of inteal : made’”’grain cradles,manufactured,by Mr.D.T.Pritchard;of Hiddenité; N.C.,and they are good ones,Even if you own a binder,it is important: to keepa good grain cradle to cut the... rough and stumpy fields. Look over your old McCormick and. Ghampion Binders,and if repairs are’ needed,get the number of the old parts and let us know.We will supply them for you.Se ir eniiitcnih signal |@ that's | And Pal @ really ; rischt i some rig lo!§ SILK HOSE 25c.,30c.,48c., $1.50 and $2.00.O8e.,98c.,$1.98 and $2.48, VTi “199% TY tsJohnston-Belk Co:| ,ort : Big Bargains This Weekin Marquiz= semsetteCurtainMaterial. White,Creain and Ecru,with gad without border.We are offering _them_at-a very-low-price,compared with todays cost of goods at the mills.Walue 25c.our price 15c.and 18c. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT: Te ta0'CRecevingsomethinghewmostevery day.New House Dresses,New ©sx: Skirts and New Waists.:=uy? g Keep Kool Klothing, tang A specialty this week. COME AND SEE THE STORE THAT SBLIS FOL.LESS,a PHONE OTF mes ees evenye if On hy Rickeri’sSs Time Correct nese nest catalan % We get’ratRickert’s time is the correct time.the time from,Arlington twice a day by'a wireless..Our time will cost you nothing,jokeaahWehaveWatchesthatwillkeepcorrecttimeierthatwillsellatmoderateprices.ahs ORR‘R.A.RICKERT:&SEEN TENS mhsedt SDAY, ‘FOR SETTLEMENT. 7 It’s ‘all‘over now,but one matter that“came up in Iredell as to the ad- ~Tministrationof the primary~~law should:be definitely settled befor ‘an- other:primary is held.Under the priniary law,when a candidate has no opposition—-when there is but one ‘ealididate for any particular office— when the time arrives to close the entrance ‘lists,he is declared _the nbghinee and his.name doesn’t appear on the.primary ballot.All of which ig sensible,for there is no use in cum- hering the ballot:with the name and voting for a man who has no oppo- sition.,: ain Iredell three candidates appear- *for the House of the Legislature L1H.P Grier of Statesville,W.L. Matheson and J.A.Steele of Moores- vile.It has been the custom for one |Representative to come from ‘the ,lower end of the county and one fror~| \‘SlLatesville or some other section of the county.Having this in mind,the '‘@@unty board of elections and the three candidates agreed that Messrs. Matheson and Steele,being from the ime community,were opposing can- ;Mrtzs,that as no other candidate ared Mr.Grier was without op- 1erlfon and his name need not ap- mr on theballot.At the election) Seturday,therefore,the voter could Fiat for only one candidate for the ,bepislature—either Matheson.orSteéle—Mr.Grier being already yominated by the agreement afore- said.= ‘While this agreement was an un- derstanding between the candidates, satictioned by.the election board,a good many sovereigns registered a sotest.They held that inasmuch as there were three candidates for tie Législdture and the county has two _members,it was the privilege of the vater to say which two of the three heywanted;that-the voter had a right rollinke the selection and that when |and:-moral defectives—-and-a state- H}printing it today and the reader will cess in the race for Governor. MORAL INFERIORS. An eminent New York physician, discussing the Waite case,has made an_interesting.statement of mental ment in language that the layman can understand.The Landmark is find it worthy of consideration. Dr.Waite,a ‘dentist who has been convicted 6f poisoning his-father-in- law,while apparently a gentleman of superior mental qualifications,fine manners-and-with-other....attainments |_ that made him popular with those who didn’t know his inner life,which he kept largely concealed,was shown to be a -moral monster.The physi- cian says that such characters .are common.and most.of us have known the type.They are intellectually bright and likable but incorrigible, their personalities frequently veiling their viciousness.They are iiars, thieves.and.murderers;-shame-and disgrace have no effect on them: They can only be moved by fear of physical pain.Such persons are usu- ally held to be insane.This physi- cian holds,however,that they are neither legally nor medically insane; that they know perfectly well the na- ture of their acts and know the acts are wrong by the general standard— to which we must all conform,This being so they are,hy contends,moral inferiors who should be held to ac- count for violating the law.Instead of being pitied and excused they should be punished;in no other way can the welfare of society be safe- guarded.. While this may not be a new view, it is a refreshing one and one that should be:considered.When a_boy seems naturally bent .on evil,when rothing.seemingly restrains his evil tendencies,there is often a disposi- tion to pity him and to say he can’t help-it—that-he-is-mentally defective. What he needs is not pity but pun- ishment—or restraint that will pre- vent him injuring others.So long as he knows what he is doing he is re- sponsible. MR.BICKETT. “Our folks just naturally take to a good talker,”says the Greensboro News,referring to Mr.Bickett’s suc- They thé county board of elections,even by agtcement of the candidates,under-| took’'to do”the selecting,it had ex-' ceeded its authority and denied the voter his rights.Some voters insist-| ed on voting for both candidates on the;ballot—and probably some did—| ‘although it was stated that such bal-| |lati?probably would not be counted. ‘While The Landmark doesn’t think| |thelarrangement agreed on worked |any.harm—for had all three names| bebh on the list Mr.Grier would un-| ’dofbtedly have been chosen,the con-| \test being really between the other| twie—it questions anybody’s right to| make such an arrangement in the ab-! vale of legal sanction,which the law| ;dogs not apparentlly give.Whilehold-| j ingithis opinion at the time the agree-| niegt was made,The Landmark did-: |n’&-say anything about it because it, i did not suppose there would be any/| i great objection to it or that the ar-| j rangement would work any harm., There were so manyprotests‘Satur-| |day,however,that it seems the part! 'of wisdom to call attention to this precedent,which may cause trouble if.any attempt is again made to fol-| low it.As there is no Yaw requiine _candidates to come from different lo- __:talities,of course no one except the| voter has a right to pair them off. Thé ¥cters can take all the _candi-| j dates from one locality if they wish.| The pairing proceess,if continued,| |could also be applied to the county comissioners.and members of the board of education,all of which,as! some of the voters contend,would be | a-considerable step toward —taking |from the voter his right to make his ewn-selection.ee { | | || Mr,.Brandeis,.the new Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court,may not be as conservative as,the:model judge,but The Landmark|inclines to the belief that his going ;on the Supreme Court bench will be}helpfal for our highest court.If he‘isa little extreme,association with|the.other.conservative judges will tend to.curb him;and ‘it is possible, let us hope,that tneir association with him may give them another ‘out- look—or rather,enlarge the outlook they have.It is possible for one to be too conservative,and if Mr.Bran- deis can inject a little fresh air and »modern thought into some of the musty and cobweb-covered records of' ;the court of last resort,he will have i done the country a service. }Miss Belle Piver died at her homeinBeaufortfromtheeffectsofburns|Suapained from a stroke of lightning.'*She was teaching school in Carteretcountywhenthehousein.which she|boarded was struck by lightning.,The Surry County Progress edition do.But it would be an error to sup- THE CHAUTAUQU gentlemen,to the Chautauqua.|The Chautauqua isan event}:whieh Statesville:does well to es ‘It is entertaining and helpful.It brings! to us some of the great lecturers and entertainers at prices within reach of all.It is to the credit of our people that we have so”loyally supported this undertaking:hereto- fore and this year should not be an exception.! The local guarantors ‘and manag- ers do not get a cent of profit from the Chautauqua.They take thé risk and do all the work to get for this community this high-class_entertain. ment and they do not even get free tickets but pay the price iike ali the rest of us.This being so,the com- munity should come to their support promptly in the purchase of tickets, The tickets will be sold but,the guatantors’should not be forced to canvass.‘They have given enough of} free service and we should show our appreciation of their efforts in trying to help us by relieving them of all the work possible. Government Reclaims'Land Granted to Railroads. The House bill providing for recla-mation by the government of 2,300,- 000 acres of Oregon land granted'the Oregon and California railroad,has valued at $30,000,000,are alleged’tohavebeenforfeitedbyviolations,of the terms of the grant,which requir- ed their sale to séttlers at $2.50 “anacre.Amendments wete adopted to pro-vide that 80 per cent.of the proceeds of re-sale should go to the State.ofOregon,10 per cent.to the reclama. tion fund for use in Oregon and~10percent.to the Federal government.The House bill.provided that 50 per cent.should go to Oregon for the use of the.roads and schools,10 per cent.to the Federal ‘government and 40 per cent.'to the general reclamation fund.‘ The lands were granted the—rail=road in 1866,with the restrictionsthattheymustbesoldtoactualset-tlers in not greater than 160-acre tracts and for not more than $2.50 anacre.Charges that the railroad hadsoldpartofthelandsinlargelotsto lumber interests at higher rates andlaterhadwithdrawnthementirely from sale were not disputed in ‘the debate. TragedyatDurhamandIts Rev- elations. In Durham early Saturday’morningDonAndersonshotMrs.Lottie pose that they will take to any man} just because he has the gift of gab.| He must have something back ofthat.| Mr.Bickett not only talks beautiful-| ly and talks North Carolina lan-| guage as no other man in the State can speak it,but he has ideas back of what he says.He talks sense.He is progressive,but at the same time level-headed and conservative.He was for instance,the strongest advo- cate to the tax amendment to the constitution and of tax reform.While the voters turned the amendment down they didn’t hold Bickett’s cham- pionship of-it against him.They knew he was sincerely in earnest for a much-needed reform. It was Bickett’s ability and the ev- idence that he has ideas and a pur- pose to do something tor the benefit of his State,combined with his unu- sual ability as a talker—the capacity to present the ideas in charming language—that gave him strength with the people.His opponent,Mr. Daughtridge,is an estimable gentle- man,a man of ability and a man of affairs and would have made a good jat Lumberton. Flowers,25 years old,and then killed himself.se Anderson went to Durham from Winston-Salem in search of Mrs. Attention is now called,ladies and} been passed by the Senate.The lands,| A Battle of Madmenin Volcanic«Eruption.4 ya “It.is a battle of.madmen in .themidstofavolcanoeruption,”is C) description ‘given of:the.’fighting at]Verdun,by a French staff officer.”He said:“Between .Saturday morning andnoonTuesdaywereckonedtheGer-mans ‘used up’100,000 men on thewestMeusefrontalone.That is thepricetheypaid,for the recapture ofourrecentgainsand‘the seizure of our outlying pdsitions.The valleyseparatingLeMortHommefromHill287-.was choked with ‘bodies.A.full brigade was mowed down in aquarterhours’holocaust by our ma- chine guns.5“The’scene there is appalling,but is dwarfed in comparison with fight-ing around Douaumont.West of theMeuse,at least,one dies in the openair,but at Douaumont is the horror ofdarkness,where the men fight intunnels,screaming with the lust.ofbutchery,deafened by shells andgrenades,stifled by smoke.“Even the wounded refuse to aban-don the struggle.As though possess-’ ed by devils,they fight on until they fall senseless from loss of blood.Asurgeoninafrontlineposttoldmethatinaredoubt.at the south part ofthefortsof200Frenchdead,fullyhalfhadmorethantwo.wounds.Those he was able to treat seemed utterly insane.They kept shoutingwarcriesandtheireyesblazed,and,strangest of all,they.appeared indif-ferent to pain.At one moment an- aesthetics ran out,owing to the im- possibility of bringing forward fresh supplies through the bombardment.Arms,even legs,were,amputated without a groan,and even afterwardsthemenseemednottohavefeltthe shock.They asked for a cigarette or inquired how the battle was going.“Our losses in.retaking’the fort were less heavy than was.expected,as the enemy was demoralized by the cannonade—by far the most furious I have ever seen*from French guns—and also was taken by surprise.Butthesubsequentactiontookaterribletoll.Cover was all blown to pieces.Every German rush was preceded bytwoorthreehoursofhellstorm,andthenwaveafterwaveofattack.in numbers that seemed unceasing.Again and again the defenders’ranks were renewed.| THE HORRORS AT VERDUN.|j What DL IF you knew howmuchwewouldgive you for your old sew- could save with ’ he Two startling inventions gavetoTheFREEmachine.an ‘ever- lasting.claim upon the —people,the Rotoscillo Movement which makes it run as’light as a feather and the Toggle Link Movement,which makes it last forever.The FREE machine will giveyoualife-time of splendid serv- ice,and be good for your chil-dren’s children. “Never have attacks been pushed|home so continuously.The fight for, Cometery Hill at Gettvsburg was nochild’s play,nor for Hougomont at: Waterloo,but here men have been| flung 5,000 at a time at brief inter-vais for 48 hours.Practically the whole sector has been covered by ajcannonadecomparedto-which .Get.| tysburg was a hailstorm and Water-|loo mere fireworks.Some shell holes |were 30 feet across,the en killing 50 men simultaneously.“Before our lines the German dead|lie heaped in.long rows.I am told!one observer calculated there were| 7,000 ‘in a*distance of 700 yards.Be-| sides;*they cannot succor their wound-| Flowers,who had recently moved to Durham with her husband.He found! her at a boarding house and after a) brief conversation shot the woman and| then shot himself.‘ After being shot Mrs.Flowers said, Anderson wanted her tosgo away with him and when she refused he shot her.| Anderson was a former lover of the woman but she denied that she had been associated with him since.her; marriage 18 months ago.Mrs.Flow-' ers is expected to die: The above was the first story sent! the papers.-Later it developed that the girl is not Mrs.Flowers,but Lottie Taylor of Lumberton,and the story is that Flowers,who posed as, her husband,has a wife and children| Anderson,the man who tried to mur-der the woman and tnen shot himself is in Wilkes county,where his moth- er lives. Honors For Cel.-Mosby. With four companies of the Vir- ginia National Guard acting as an es-cort of honor,the body of Col.John S.Mosby was borne to its last rest- ing place in the cemetery at Warren- ton,;--Va.,-.Thursday.Many of the daring Confederate raider’s comrades Governor,but he is not a speaker, and no matter how good the ideas he holds,being unable to talk was against him. The managers of Mr.Daught- ridge’s campaign for Governor es- tablished a reputation for big claims early in the campaign and they kept on making claims even after the votes were counted.On the day of the primary telegrams were sent over the State—saying—that Mr. Daughtridge was carrying various counties by big majorities—claiming counties,by the way,that were vot- ing for Mr.Bickett.Making claims that have no foundation in fact rath- er hurt than help.Mr.Daughtridge seems not to have been fortunate jin the selection of managers. The defeat of Mr.J:A.Hartness for Secretary of State was a surprise and disappointment to his friends in his home county,who had an abiding faith that he would be successful.He made a game fight but it seems that the voters did not take to the idea of changing the present State officers,as all of them whohac opposition ap- pear to have won. Wilson and MarshallatSt.Louis All things are in readiness for theDemocraticnationalconventionatSt.Louis,which meets a ‘week from to- morrow.Ex-Gov.Glynn of New Yorkwillbetemporarychairmanofthecon-vention and Senator James of Ken-tucky permanent chairman.Presi- of the Mt-Airy News is a capital pa-r and one of which the publisher ofMNewe-and.the people of his.town|county have reagon to be proud. shall,will :be;..renominated,Whil(outer names will be ‘atpresented j Marshall wil)be named, dent Wilson and Vice President Mar- I n fdrVicePresident,it is evident that Mr. and other veterans of the Civil War }attended the funeral.|The body was brought from Wash-jington Thursday morning,accompa-/nied by Charles W.Russell,brother- |in-law of Col.Mosby,and Col.Mos- |by’s three daughters,Misses Ada and|Pauline Mosby and Mrs.Stuart Mosby||Coleman.|Colonel Mosby rests beside his wifepetheMosbyplotintheWarrenton |cemetery.The services were conduct-ied by the Rev.W.R.Gill of the Ro- man Catholic church.|The honorary and active pall-bear- :ers were all members of Col.Mosby’s |official command.Governor Stuart was represented at the funeral by|John Stewart Bryan,publisher of the|Richmond News-Leader.All the |business houses of Warrenton were closed for four hours as a mark of re-spect to the Confederate chieftain. |Brandeis Goes to Supreme Court The nomination of Louis D.°Bran- deis of Boston to the Supreme Court to succeed the late Joseph LamarwasconfirmedbytheSenateThurs-day by a vote of 47 to 22.The vote, taken without debate,ended one of thebitterestcontestseverwagedagainstapresidentialnominee.Mr.Brandeis will be the first Jew to occupy a seat on the Supreme bench. Only one Democrat,Senator New- lands,voted against confirmation.Three Republicans,Senators ‘TaFol-lette,Norris and Poindexter,vatedwiththeDemocraticmajority‘and|Senators Gronna and Clapp would have done so but,were paired withSenatorsBorahandKenyon. Throughout the fight PresidentWilsonstoodfirmlybehindhisnomi-nee,never wavering even when itseemedcertainthatanunfavorablereportwouldbereturnedbytheSen-ate judiciary committee. ea tea To the Public. hav uy 8 in’sforindigestiog.for.the tan Eeeitoffords’the pleasure to say I have nevérusedaremedythatdid¢fie so ‘much good,”~Mra,C,KE.Riley,Ilion,N.Y.Ch\nin's Tableta pre obtainahle bretyviene t98k‘her ;Every bombardment withstood.every,Tush checked.brings nearer the mo-| He disappeared soon| iafter the shooting.The home of Don jing er 25,000 women,marchedes ‘ed,whereas of ours one at least in‘three are removed safely to the rear.Despite the bombardment supplies |keep coming.Even the chloroform Ispokeofarrivedafteranhour’s de-|lay when two sets of bearers had|‘Been killed. “The dogged tenacity needed to!;continue the resistance far strpass-| es the furious plan of the attack.We know.too,the Germans cannot iong | maintain their present _sacrifices. Since Saturday the enemy has_lost two,if not three,for each one of us. ment of inevitable exhaustion..Then| will come our recompense for these!days of horror.”|(eeeeEERSEERSESSEEENE Preparedness Parades. While a million spectators looked on and cheered,130,214 persons,includ- through t treets of Chicago Satur-|day as an endorsement of an advance |programme for preparedness.It was ‘the largestparade that city has ever; ;seen.and for eleven and a half hours ithe various divisiors were filing past{the reviewing stand,the last divisions|being made up largely of military or-,ganizations. -By-marching in one of the most no- ‘table processions in the history of|New Orleans,40,000 men,women and‘children of that city attested theiribeliefinnationalpreparednessSatur-|day.The parade began early in thejafternoonanddidnotfinishuntilinight.Forty bands furnished music‘for the marchers. |Saturday being Confederate Memo-,Yial_Day and the Jefferson Day,the|Confederate veterans and members of‘the.G.A,R.were given places ofhonorinthelineofmarch. _RRNA RNA EON SST Whenever You Need a General TonicTakeGrove’s | The Old Standard:Grove’s Tasteless |chill Tonic is equally valuable as aGeneralTonic|because it contains thewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUININE;ahd IRON.It acts on the Liver,DrivesoutMalaria,Enriches the Blood andBuildsuptheWholeSystem.50 cents. NOTICE OF ACTION IN SUPERIOR|es COURT. North Carolina,Iredell County.In.Superior Court. L.‘G.Horn,administrator of Miss Mary E.Campbell,Thomas E.Campbell ct als.,vs.Wil-|lie Campbell et als.NOTICE—-Daniel G.Campbell,WillieCampbell,Oscar Byerly,Thomas Safriet andEllisSafriet,defendants fn the above entitledaction,will hereby take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in,theSuperiorCourt‘of,Tredell county,before.theclerk,praying the’court,for the partitioningbysaleofInndsdescribedinthepetitionfiledinsaidaction;and the said Daniel G.Camp-bell,Willie Campbell,Oscar Byerly,ThomasSafrietandEllisSafricetwillfurthertake-no-tee that they are required to appear beforetheclerkoftheSuperiorCourtofIredellcoun-ty on the 6th day of July,1916,and @ijswer ordemurtothecomplaintinsaidactiow,or theplaintiffsasepry,=ech for the re-lief,demgn n‘said complaint.‘J.A.HARTNESS, Jane 6,1916.PEOPLE WHO KNOW The superiority of Long-Leaf,,Kiln-Dried Flooring,Ceiling,Weather-boarding,.Boxing and.Casing,won’t allow their houses to be built out of othér kinds of pine—and my pricesELOWEST!eeeiC.WATKING.) Before the Clerk.|i fortable for you. and Your Old} Sewing Machine -WilDo | ¥ ing machine,if you knew how many dollars you Sewing Machine ~~ '(Invented and patented by W;>C.Free) if you knew the quality,guarantee,and liberaltermsofpurchasingthismachine,you would imme-diately come to see this wonderful sewing machine. Convenient when open You can sit at-this machine inthe-position that is most-com- Iredell Farmers’Union Warehouse Company. an Statesville and Mooresville. ~home. W chine. ‘Come today 3) "Beautiful’when closed, The FREE:Sewing’Machine is absolutely guaranteed.forlife.Every detail is construct-ed of the best material obtain- able,regardless of,expense.Weknowitwilllast-a lifetime and longer. The FREE will sew the finest chiffon and the thickest woolen goods with the same _perfect stitch. The FREE machine is:made.tomatchanyroom,and.its beauti-ful case will be the most:decor-ative piece of furniture in your _The FREE is ‘the newest,most up-to-date,and”the one perfect High Grade Sewing Ma- We are making:an ufiusualofferduringtheintroductionofthenewModel.7 and see what $1:00andyourold-SewingMachinewilldo, at res eens waeeagee aes SE epee Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With theQuick Parcel Post Service. Shopping here.meanstimesavedandsatis-factory pureleses forourstocksarespark- ling with newness. Send us your mail orders Everly care necessaryforthefillingisgiveneventoyoursmallest wants, New July |PictorialPatterns,on sale at pattern counter. New Summer Fabrics -Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage onMail Orders,: )New.40 inch_striped- 25e. Big lot striped skirt- ings in the new com-- binations.White’ Gaberdines,BeachCloth,P.K.and linenfinishSuitings. and Floral Voils .and Marquisettes,20c.and : Parasols and fancy Umbrellas in the new shapes and colors. vay ‘THE SCHUBERT STRING QUARTET,Chautaugua,J BUILDING?C.WATKINS. **é THESTROLLERS’QUARTET,Chautauqua,June 26,0 1.9007, * GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. |Personal Mention of People and,Their Movements. |Little MissAtice-Gray,who~hasbeenattendingscholat:Belmont;:Gaston county,-is here with her.pa-rents,Mr.and.Mrs,Jno.H.Gray.i.Kar!Sherrill und Miss.GladysSherrillwenttoA’sheville and:Tryonyesterday,where they will visit their sister,Mrs.S.L.Cushing.Mr,and Mrs.R.QO,Miller of!Mooresville spent a few “days ~herewithrelatives. Mrs,Lee Albertson and childrenleftlastnight.for)Milford,i,to’) 41040...Mir Allsriepn ems.Mrs.R.LU.Poston,Mr.Lewis ea ton,Mrs.Belle Carlton,Misses Rose| ae ee, STATES VITIURLodgeNo.487/A.,I.&A.M.meetsykit7:30 _o clock:in Masonic.,Hall Ail mem-bora requested to be present andvisitingbrethrencordiallyinvit-ed.Regular meeting..Hill yesterday, Dr.and Mrs.H,C.Pitts,Dr.and Mrs.Darrell Pitts,Miss Bessie Pitts, Dr.Steinhoffer and:Mr,Clyde Farley of High Point spent.Sunday here withDr.and Mrs.Glen A,Lazenby.TheywereaccompaniedhomebylittleMissAlicePitts,who had been visiting her sister,Mrs.Lazenby. Mr.J.W.Ward,::who ‘spent.the week-end with his family,has return-| ed to Camden,S,C. Miss.Hiattie’.Ward spent FridayandSaturdayinSalisbury:-and left| Saturday for Wilkesboro to visit her Notices of New Advertisements, Guaranteed to give satisfactorywear.—Mills &Poston.Poreh eestore --_Crawford-BunchBeHenieMaryickfordattheLyrictoday.-§ereen doors and windows,best of4severythingtobuild-with.—C.Wat. kins,~Six o'clock Thursday to reserve and-leah Stephany went to Chapel|P*) DO’NOT LONGER ©“DEEIRY.||MARKET REPORTS. Tod:tatesvi roduce Market,Get Chautauquajua Tickets ay The cieine be Fi were paid yesterday—Dop't Put It Off Until.To-..“produce -on--the-tapal ronnrbens morrow.“4 |ON tha aetne ma th ‘Correspondence of ‘The Landmark,aia |Kans,16¢.per dozen, It is really surprising how we putoffuntiltomorrowthe.things,we,ought to do today.‘There has not|been a season:in the experience of the, Chautauqua guarantors’committee but,that there were quite a number,of |people that-really—intended to pur-.‘chase season tickets,but just,put off” |the matter until a more,convenient ;day,and.woke up the last week prior hsita,the..coming-of-Chautauquar "tor ‘eran on the Heal market:that all the tickets had been dispesed'Wheat $1.25 per bushel. |i y Corn,(new),80c.per bushel.:ajofandnomoreweretobehadatany Date die aaah Hutter;160.per ib.Beeswax,260,per Ih.Green Hides, Hams,Ie.Sides,18e. Shoulders, Ie, to 18¢,th, yer tb,per Ib. ise.Ib.New Red Honey,19¢e.to 12 1-2¢.per db. Sourwood Hovey Comb,16 to te.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c, Sweet Potatoes;60¢.per bushel, This iis distressing to thecommittee ine Statesville Cotton.Market.We have cried “Wolf”each yeaty but ‘On the local market yesterday 12 4-4¢, lthe public did not seem to.think that*Penna was paid for best grade cotton. there was any wolf in sight,and garh:(ADVERTISEMENTS in this’column 10 eahia|{year it has found that the commit per line.No ad.taken for less than 25wasannouncing,simpie truth,p,We cents.Cash must accompany order.) do not know:whether we shall,,4 |Ithe same experience this year,ar |LOST—DLetween Monbo and Taylorsville,bill iW.ad t |heth »shall di ‘3 fold containing money and papers-—two $50s,e do not know whet ler we sna ee.\‘five’$208,$10,two $ts,(Total,$212.)Liber- hose of all the season ‘tickets,as al reward for recovery*of same.Address p.|7 :rgdid-tast “year,without going ‘out,ito!OF Box.108,Taylorsville,NO.durieb.| isell one personally,But we are yery\{§}—pine black,Silk Umbrella with sliver|‘sure that every ticket will be sokd.{:handle,Return to MRS.L.P.HENKEL.‘and sold,too,before the day ofthe).June 6 It. | per |opening. }{| | Roosters,6e.per tb,j f Grain.we |The following:.rrieetonmenn-cpatd:gontertars : DEPOSIT .YOUR.MONEY WITH THIS BANK!We are going to sell ‘here fron.SALE—Cash or time with good aehifwe..do have to go out and soLigit'1915 Model Reo Roadster,In first-class con-|lpersonally our frien o su ae |dition and hasn't:cost #dollar for,repairs.Chavtaucue,Oe cf RR W.A.BRISTOL,June 6. n oise rr of Wilkeshb t ;aiaor Me end Mrs.LG Tel The.committee ought not to,aye HOR RENT—Cheap cottage.N.P.&Dr.LF Lone left ‘Frid:aC.fae Rog.12 do that.Itis enough work on these| t Mi ong t init.th <ei Is ‘busy men to have to make the ther |Lost—Waterman’s Self-filling Fountain Pen.on,ass.,O.VIBIt e oe arrangements,without having 10,ff |Reward for return to THE LANDMARK ortiereand-at-other peints North,lout to tell you what you know is.bgt |.June 6—It. ee Ter ee de ae }|for you to do,thatis,to buy a season FOR SAL ee Sage Plants,20¢.a doz-‘a ora Are 10 |tic‘ket for each member of your fami yi cn MRS.J.M.DAVIS.Seasvisitedrelatiyesin.Cool Spring town-|that can possibly attend®the sessions| SLE enut nes Bavanibs!to their home jof Chautauqua.But should the com-} :Mr.W C M rretaciad 1 mittee find it,necessary to go oub $9|r,W.C.Moore returned Friday |mzke personal solicitation,it’is.cer-|from Bladen county,where he spent !tyin that not alltwoweekslookingafterbusinessin:i! terests. Mr.W.W.Leinster is at home; your Chautauqua.tickets,“The World,the Flesh and the‘Devil”at the Crescent today.New.June Victrola records.—An-drews Music Store. Complexion powder.—Polk Drug:Co, ‘Automobile tire repairing.—Iredelt Vulcanizing Co.. B.V..D.underwear.—Sherrill-*White’Shoe Co.Searlet sage plants for sale-—Mrs.,J.Mi Davis.i ;Valuable farm for.sale.Address “In Earnest,”care The Landmark. Notice of action in Superior Court. —J.A.Hartness,clerk. Fountain pen lost,reward.Return»to The Landmark or -Miller-McLain Co. ‘Cottage for rent.—N.P.Watt. Reo*roadster for sale—W. Bristol.i Umbrella lost.——Mrs.L.P.Henkel.Bill fold containing—-money lost.P. Q.'Box 108,Taylorsville,N C. ;Small house wanted for the sum- mer.—Box.343,Statesville. sister,Mrs.W),G..Morrison. Misses Sadie and Frances Somers WE KEEP YOUR FUNDS.AB- 'SOLUTELY SECURE! Canceled Checks are indisputa-© WATT. ea e Te ok t Ts & ee e pe e as s Gray "MLLLER-MeLAIN CO. | June 6,| | {|ble receipts for -what-you-have paid on accounts, YOU GET EVERY FACILITY OFFERED BY A’*GOOD, STRONG BANK! (WANANTED—For the summer,small house,oenishedorunfurnished,Address Box he a atesville.Wine f ee Junior Kodak (No.| Crescent ‘Theater.|| ih +?tAIN 1—Autographicwhowouldlikgetolia.“GinsoN AUSTIN,suy-tickets will be found.by‘the,ean-|June 6-108, vassers.Some one that ought to at- Y y ?ltend this year’s Ghautauqua is Bole from RRO for a few days.ito be left without a season ticke Wn-§EA RNES Mr.and Mrs.J.B.White of Dur-ijess he takes the time and the Little |"lune 'oeare guests of Mr,and Mrs.J.B.owes to’telephone F.B.Bunch at Fon RI —Fivestroom cottage sri AG|SE ONeE 174 to hold his ticket for him.That,Stockton and Bost streets.Apply at bEMrs.W.FE.Anderson went to Ca-lis the g plan,ard it is the --A8Y PIANO STORE.:¢»«——tawba Springs yesterday to spend save the committec ‘WANTED.ifewweekswithrelatives.pher.Now employed,§Mrs.RO Ww.Pou_and_children of |lought to do for itself.ee ee ne ’.ins ble job.Address ¢rrapher,©|Elmwood are apenas a few days!The chairman of the committee doe-)The Landmark.June 2 2t.%with Me and Mrs.T.Meacham.;sires therefore to urge upon ‘every : Kodak for sale.—Gibson Austin)Dr.’€.GC.Kier and sister,Miss one interested in the good of the cOM-Tj plant.Wages $1.70 per S-hour day,__._|Crescent Theater,_Georgia Kiger,and.Miss Irby Reig|‘munity,and every one‘interested'in the!seen s per:week.“Excellent .chances ttn etrerenmmens ‘of Chartotte-ne ‘Sunday with Mr.reultural “develop ment of his children for advancement to good men.Houses with} The Late Thos.C.Gray.and,Mrs.aG.:BE.Kiger.land family,to secure tickets as soon ee PY one ee we RO eee'o Miss Katie Morrow,who was the |as possible and to reserve them al Bricklayers,Carpenters and Machinists. Ene te vale (guest of Mrs.P.S.Easley,has re-!once.:“at ones to.the EMPLOYMENT BU-Dunlap,June 4 —This communi-!turned to her home at Mebane,—-onda rccatOnelnietneninennlhe Nac »‘Tallasseo Power Co.,Whitney,N.C| tv'was shocked last Wednesday eve-|Mrs.I.L,DeVane of Greensbobo|stated so emphatically before each =oeningbythesadnewsofthesuddenjisvisitingherbrother,Mr.R.A.lyear,that-no one in the whole-Akéso-FOR RENT—Cottage known as the “Recto-| .death of Mr.Tom Gray.Mr.Gray Cooper,and other relatives here.‘ciation,from Dr,Pearson,the hegd_of|Sey ip oi als (Eka GG Ee Ceatéwheartydinnerandseemedtobe||Mr.J.D.Norwood of Salisbury|the Central Office,down to the mbet ieinusualhealthuntilabout3o’clock,!and Editor Hurley of the Salisbury recent guarantor in St:itesville’tarde wor RENT—The Copelind house on Walnut when he was taken sick in the field,’Post were in town yesterday a atréct.Suitable for residence or boarding|:;Yossession given at once,D.where -he-and-his-sons were at work.neon.House,Rodeesrlon given’af one: They took him to the I }1 Miss C Hoff t 1 ‘cial gain to cny man-or-to any insti=|~CRAIG.ay 23. nev Loo.m to the house,where he}Miss Carrie Hoffmann returned last:tution.hornets OMe eines lid : i -Shellcontinuedtogrowworse.¢que SCORN—We are in the market for Shelled|They sum-|night from a_visit to Danville andjsolely for the common good;it is’con-‘Corn and will pay highest market price,.moned a.doctor but ,he only reached!Richmond,Va.ecived for that and it is run for that.)em.STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS Co.~him a few minutes ‘before the-sum-|Mr,and Mrs.A.G.Corpening and/So come up to our help,and pive May.5. pons came,Mr.Thomas Chalmers|three children of...Roctkingham~—are all the ene ouragement that such,_Gray was born in-1853 and was-in,his|guests~of —Mr.Corpening’s—sisters,/undér taking.merits.We are.runntig: 63d year.He marricd Miss Mamie!Mrs.D.M.Furches and Miss Altic this thing for your good and for i‘Burke’of Salisbury and is survived by|Corpening.only.Get your tickets.his wife and five children—Miss Ka-|,.JOHN F.KIRK,tie.Mr.Andrew,Thomas and little!MISS CAUDLE.MorhelGuarimnianeEula.all of whom are at home,‘and!eehiseldestson,Mr.J,Burke Gray.a;How 2 young Jawver living in Hayesville,|.who came home for the funeral.The|2 funeral was at Bethany church,of }College.: which Mr.Gray was a_cons fakane The Winston -Salem Journal valuable farm at| Address IN| but Cash only.care LANDMARK. wan SALE—Smail Troutman,dD only safe 4/only plan that will ithe trouble to do what the community =e lahTHEFIRST NATIONAL BANK Statesville,N.C.ae pewants change. Fa- WANTE b—200 white labore rs fon new Alum-rieCapital$100,000.Four Per Cent Paid onTime Deposits....S.Depository.pec epee "RUB THE EYES OF YOURGian Keen Eyes Are Open Wile fae Good Things, i Beom, a t se ‘ }Ms sadoy after-|to make one cent.There is no fine,n-!LA “Wasn'tt Elected "Because qf il am “Shingle King”by heredity! /|GC,WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-| ;dell County,Statesville,N.C.SUCCEEDED. “Youn g Way Note the neat fitof theshoul der straps in the picture.. his gauze vest will fit ‘just(( as neatly on you,It is designed 11 to fit perfectly all over.And,| ut Lady Through Yadkin | Worked Her Many Sick People Crops| More Promising Than Expected.|ef THE [)RIC |Cor respondence of The Landmark. |Statesville,R-1,June 8—Masterjj itisthe only gauzevest thatdogs:-member,conducted by his pastor,Rev.|of Miss Cora Caudle of _Hampton-.Vivian,son of Mr.~and.Mrs.WHE You know the annoyance’of;ae .set ill-fitting underwear.Ovid Pullen.iville community,Yadkin county,a Perry,is recovering from an attack |k T H Ki \TR k |So Tet can appreciate theMr.Gray was a genial,kind-heart-|member of the graduating class at!pneumonia.Little Floyd,son of Mr.| ed man and neighbor.He alwavs hadithe recent commencement of the!jand Mrs.H.E,Tucker,who has been| @£6.U.8.Pay.OFRTODAYtonbeg says a heartv welcome fos his friends and!State Normal College:‘seriously ill with pneumonia,is get-the Aren’t you Surprised to know -was a devoted father and husband.“Miss Caudle .graduated at ting on as well as couid be expected.14 Our sympathy goes out to the be-|State Nor mal this year,having done?Our faithful.Dr.P..S.Easley has had |c reaved ones.|two years’preparatory and four four cases of pneumonia in this neigh-i that it costs only 10¢c and up..|years’college work.It is interest-borhood this spring,ail in less than:2 jy),It is knit of the best long fiber ing to note that she went to the Nor-'mile of each other.Three of the four |.cotton yarn,too—withlace edg- ‘mal without money or influentialcases were considered very serious and,=ings.of exclusive design.:friends,a country girl,and worked!he has brought them alk through if,Zt a SS ‘_pegnre to remmeeabey i eee ‘her way through the institution.Shé There have been nine cases of pnev-|hi...,Choe arnt hret N d Wait t ae|went home with her diploma and does-'monia in this locality since Decem-’i underwear counter. 'n’t owe a dollar for her edfcation.ber,all in the bounds of three miles.|z |Fof she hasn’t borrowed a_dollar.to say nothing about the many severe Clarence,(by Miss Irene Absher.(ey |Nor has-she-received a penny from’attacks of lagrippe;and six persons | Miss Blanche Guy,(d)Mis:Grace |friends or_parents,@xcept what she,have been at Lonpg’s Sanatorium and)5 Hill,(e)Mrs.T.A.Kennedy,(1)Miss Cauule During every vacation Miss|ithe Billingsley hospital,all within a) Lula Sherrill.C audle ‘worked and made enough sell-|year’s time.We should be very’ How I manaeed my garden in 1916 |ink subscriptions to one of the well-|/thankful we have doctors,who are —Miss Pearl Morrison known national magazines to pay her iable to treat their patients and aplace|inttdaniadentactie Gaunine}lL expenses at the Normal the following |if necessary to take them for treat- ahanlerne Gracnnvonoc Gam ntine Sarald|\fall and wjnter.Jn this way she7iment.But I—can’t Gndarstand bye Brown,(b)Miss Mattie Gouger.i managed to get through and come out our community is so sorely afflicted.OF 3|Noon—Fireless.cooker and a Viajeeless,OWiNT nobody.|Neighbors have already done refrigerator demonstration o881 “She expects to be equally |SUCCESS:amount of work for those who ha Afternoon session ot 2 o'clock.pre- as|,Poor Little P|ful-at the Bible Training School in}had-no chance to work,sucha |oor 1 e eppina”’ |Louisville,Ky.,where she expects to!paring new grounds tor cultivation|What I hope to gain by being a club;“s 2 :rtebineBytend.ee enter for WOT net heefalenissece.‘au-jand planting crops.Neighbors are’ State requirements for canning club}de will spend the summer in this and|completely worn out +sitting£‘Jwotlkin’TO1G—iMisa Henkel,jadjoining States traveling for her!night with the sick folks. Tamanna g canning.machine|favorite magazine and at the opening|"The condition of Mrs.Lula and discussion on preserves,jams and |of the school term in the fall exnects,remains unchanged.She hes jellies. Canning School at the Court. House Friday. A conning school will be held at the: court house Friday,9th.Following is the programme: Roll call;club song. Plans for the vear’s work:(a)Mrs Look at them.See them here!Guaranteed to give |smc wear or money back without fuss or o ay MILLS &POSTON.| _ert Paes Pence her best.©[ewveunawteriet PORCH ROCKERS,‘ver WEDNESDAY |beeny1"SESSUE HAYAKAWA ¢Famous Players:ParamountMARYPICKFORD i ig“ak ai as usual,to have enough laid by to bedfast since some time in Apt tenes .tide her over.next winter.She ex-Rev.and Mrs.-J.C.Keey and“Meeting of Aeus of Home|pects to complete the course at the ‘children Spent Sunday night ‘al the as ne De Fett Work 3ible Training School and then enter home «of Mr,and Mrs.w?A.Dew.be2emonstrationWork.i missionary ‘work in.the foreit n field,man.They spent }Mondsy at the home!gy “The |hoon” Miss Geleste Henkel,agent of the|for the Baptist denomination’,of Mr.and Mrs.J.I.Hoover.Mr,and!th yp canning club-and home demonstra-|The Landmark is printins hs to!Mrs.A.P.Plyler spent Saturday anil Se ::_tion work in Iredell,‘attended the |show that where there’s'a will there's :|Sunday with friends in eerie A i aramount photoplay State meeting of agents and sub-|a way.Jt hopes,however,that not Mr.Wade Morrow’:of Mooresville featuring that wonder- agents in Greensboro last week.,all the girls who try to work their Spent Sunday night at the home of \li £wee se onetor whe Ninety-three of these were present.|way through colle-e,inspired by {and Mrs.Will Perry.ful Japanese act x whoThereweredemonstrationsinmak-|Miss Candle’s example,will take wn |Farmers ‘sure are busy,now ip their!starred in ‘The Cheat”. ‘THURSDAY JANE GREY RO a) iad tol Me 2b ing jellies and preserves,in commer-)canvassing.©Canvassine is legili-;crops.“The cotton has come up nicely cial canning and in packing in tin]mate and honorable,but judging by|Phe golden harvest will soon be ond ‘and glass,and other features of the!the number of canvassers who eall at|Which is a great deal betes I belheve ‘club work.There were also demon-|this office,that branch of the work is (than was expected, and food values,the construction and i =|Missionar y at Taylorssville—Per-in nso of the fireless cooker and the ice-|Mr.Btowniis Grateful.sonal Items.“Let K al Do 11” hr paki ela eet Moc ure OF Correspondence.of ‘The Landmark.|Correspondence of The Landmark.5 ¢y efits ‘interest’was-ar illustrated lecture on)Nyt simply.because it is custom:iry|‘Taylorsville,June 5--«Rev :14 ,yanele pr ea EGER oesthebeautificationofhomesurround-|,,say such things,but because of the |Graham,who spent 27 years in T 4 Gr iffith-T riangle pro A aa ;7 re 4 ings,2 é :7.|erratitude FE have in my heart,I wish |kiang-pu,China,delivered an eee auction.Also?vet e Ag Miss Minnie Combs and Mr.Wade |¢ach and every one who supported mejchurchSunday evening at 8 o'cldek.SAM BERNARD q vantM.Hoover were married in States-|!"the primary.[I shall always re-|Mr.-Graham expects to_return.0;:te‘ville Sunday morning.at 10 o’clock,|member them;and my successful op-|China-in August,in =The ceremony was performed by Rev.|Ponen andthe entire Democratic tick-;Messrs.Hugh Wilson Lindsay and| W.A.Lutz at his home on Mulberrystreet.The brideis a daughter of Mr. ‘in the vicinity of Stony Point,.Mr.Hoover livesin Rowan but is a nativeofIredell—a son of Mrs.Tim HooverofBarringertownship,Miss.Addie M.Alexander and Mr.Walter N,Morrison of the county parsonage,in North Statesville,Sat-urday afternoon about 6 o'clock,Rev,D,.H.Rhinehardt officiating. “Drives Oye Malaria,,Builds Up System|7o The Od St gcisttel Strengthening tonic;|PSGROVNSTABTELESSchillTONIC,drives outMalaria,enrichesthebloodandbuildsupthe'sys- strations-on the preparation of foods!well filled now.ao Marriages.ina public way to moat heartily thank jesting address at the Presbyterian |—_:ae 'Sa *4 quat N.H.Combs,who lives in this.county, were married at Statesville circuit “tem.:A Sie reat:fy adulte and childrgn,50c, et,shall have my hearty support, Very Resve, »N.BROWN. Troutman,N.C. HOW'S THIS?”We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foranycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbyHall's Catarrh Cure.Hall'g Catarrh Cure hag:beén taken by Ca- tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five,years,and has become known as the most ‘reliablenthforCatarrh.—Hall's?Catarrh CurethroughtheBloodontheMucousphfhes,expélling the Poison from the Blod andhealingthediseasedportions..»After_you have taken.Hall's Catarrh”CureDrcNpmeAintPoutsemeattekehyeaaidIne1's,Catarrh Cure .at..once and.eer sepcafefor encanto Bold by allDrugaists,Ibo, ae ai \Fred Wilson,students at Horner Mil-Hie at home,itary School,Charlotte -are[for the vacation.Missy Ruby Deal wns a guest of her cousin,Miss Punic |Foushee,in Statesvillé a fewjandMissFousheeaccompanied |home Saturday.Attorney and Mrs F.A.Linney of Boone arrived Satur- day afternoon.Mr.Linney left’ye:terday morning for Chicago @&attend’ the cdénvention and-M.rs.Linney andchildrenwillspenddeveral,weeks with’ her mother,Mrs.W,B.°MathesontesJamesD.Dorsett.ayrived yester- De ee sister,Mrs.W.D:{t. days} her “~“The Great Pearl Ho,Tangle” wA Rib-tickling Keys 10 comedy|THE|LYRIC THEATRE ie~The ‘Coolest,Piabetn’ stone as bey »Down.pets vbite a green. Made of White Maple,finished natural or painted. Prices $2.25;$2.50,$2.75 and $3.00, Swings,Hammocks and Couch Hammocks. Crawford-Bunch.FurnitureBo ‘The Store eePeas Welcomes rot svsaod 4 ae»wey witob iM 4 + | Sr L g t e r te e t s b o g t t t e t te e c t é te r s e : ca e t t r e s e a n t e th e s e ! ce g e s e ee a e e te r s e ra n e c d te t e e r ; TR e R R e e ge n e t i| {i i +Dellinger 40; u3 ~«-Gray-2. —i acerABIG NAVAL BATTLE. ‘English and German Fleets En- gage in.the North Sea and Germany Had the Best of the Encounter. “The great naval battle off the coast of Jutland Jast week continues the all-absorbing feature»of |the ~war. While Germany still holds to her orig- inal announcement of _losses—a bat- ‘tleship,thtée”cruisers”and x 91;J.T.Smith 101;nyyers ‘Holmes 14;Gaither 180; *Tomlin 185;Gant 19;9holsani10 Bee.10;For Superintendent of Schools—Mitchell 44;Gray 171, oot...GOVERnar =...Pickett 1235| Daughtridge 71;For ecretary Of imes 16;Hartness 1863]torpedo boat destroyers —the Brit- Benei;For Treasurer—Lacy 57;|ish admiralty |says there is the :,.Mann 128;For Attorney General—j strongest grounds for supposing that the Germans lost.two battleships, two dreadnought battle cruisers,four light cruisers,nine torpedo boat de- Stroyers and a submarine—18 ves- sels in all.The admiralty says that with the destruction of these ships Germany’s losses were not relatively, but Absolutely,heavier than those of Calvert 2;Jones 130;Manning 37; Sinclair 12;For Corporation Commis- sioner—Boyd 50;Lee 121;For Com- missioner of Labor and Printing— |Shipman 128;For Com- missioner of Agriculture —Graham 50;Hobbs 2;McKinnon 127;For In- surance Commissioner—McClenaghan +3 he British.This Germany denies and$162.the Briti 1 y 8 i Raed Turnersburg.|the dispute is as to.which wot 8 sentatives—|best-of it.At first.it appeared to be +ie ater Stare ter Ghecit!\®German victory but later reports ‘Matheson,31;‘{indicate that neither side won any-Barkley 0;Gaither | t8;Davis 24;Gilbert 16;For Regis-| ter of Deeds—Brown 10;Ramsey 7;, ~MeLelland.17;Tharpe 17;Morrow #0;.Por Treasurer—Bryant 3;Hunter thousands of lives were lost and great 4;Wooten 25;Rives 74;F or Survey=|chips costing many millions of dollars -sor—Howard 8;McLain 80;For Coun=sont to the bottom,the British and ty Commissionet's—Boyd 47;John-'German fleets,portions of which are ston 88;M.W.Smith 72;Wagner 23;|)ow in home ports for repairs. C.G.Smith 16;Brown 74;Montgom-|startled the world as the result of ery:75;J.T.Smith 30;Myers oo?this death grapple in the North Sea Holmes.20;Gaither 77;Nicholson 385)Wednesday.The first news of the ‘Fomlin 25;Gant 4;Tharpe-19;--For pattle was not given out until Friday Angerimendent of Schools—Mitchell|and the*British public was given 2 68;Gray 29.ay 5.{painful shock when the admiralty For Governor _Bickett 42;\eave out a statement that in a nava! Daughtridge 60;For Secretary of jattle in the North Sea Wednesday State—Grimes 25,Hartness 72;Clark|afternoon the,British battlecruiser For Treasurer—Lacy 52;Manni feet met the German fleet with the For Attorney General—Calvert 8;lresult that three British battlecruiser: es 71;Manning 20;Sinclair 2;/were sunk,together with |three or Corporation Commissioner—cruisers and several destroyers,whilc nore to =per Ao Soeog.es destroyers were unaccounted for 0 or and Printing—Dellinger 25;;te at that time. Shipman.69;For Commissioner of |English Version. .9:—TAlexander 79;thing to boast of. In a naval engagement of great in- ensity,in which’.hundreds ‘if not whe»44; aie ure—Graham 19;Hobbs 63)The admiralty statement follows: Kin 69;For Insurance Commis-|“Qn the afternoon ‘of Wednesday signer>=McClenaghan 16;Young 77.ithe 31st of May,a naval engagement 4 {:Union Grove.took place off the coast of Jutland For Hogse of Representatives—|The British ships on which the brunt Matheson88;Steele 8;For Sheriff—jof the fighting fell were the battle: Alexanddas#3;Barkley 2;Gaither 10;/cruiser fleet and some cruisers anc Davis G&Gilbert 0;For Register of {light cruisers,supported by four fast Deeds“2Biiwn 13°Ramsey 37;Mc-/battleships,Among these the losses Lelland.1;..Tharpe 29;Morrow 49;|were heavy.The German battle fleet For Treasurer—Bryant 4;Hunter 1;/aided by low visibility,avoided a pro. Wooten 23;Rives 26;Tor Surveyor!longed action with our main forces —Howard 8;McLain 37;For County)As soon as they appeared on_the Commissioners—Boyd.29;‘Johnston'sc¢ene the enemy returned to port 41°M.W.Smith 15;Wagner 67;C.though not before receiving sever G.Smith 63;Brown 35;Montgomery damage from our battleships. 19;7)Smith 23;Myers 67;Holmes;“The battlecruisers Queen Mary 55;Gaither 23:Nicholson 38;Tomlin;Indefatigable and Invincible and_the 25:Gant 67;Tharpe 49;For Superin-j|cruisers Defence and Black Prince tendent.of..Schools —Mitchell 51;}were sunk.The Warrior was disablec ‘and after being towed for some time Bickett 40;)had to be abandoned by her crew For .Secretary of {It is also known that the,destroyer: ark|Tipperary,Turbulent Fortune,Spar O:fFor Tressurer—Lacy 5;Mann 44;/rowhawk and Ardent were lost anc Attorney-General—Calvert 12;\six others are not yet accounted for Hi 5124;Manning 21;Sinclair 0;For!No British battleships or light cruis- oration Commissioner—Boyd 42;ers were sunk,° Lee 5;For Commissioner of Labor,“The enemy’s losses were serious. and Printing—Dellinger 138;Shipman;At least one battlecruiser was de- 93+-For,Commissioner of Agriculture |stroyed,and one was severely damag- —-For....,Governor Daughtridge 9; State—Grimes 1;Hartness 49;Cl —Grahant 19;Hobbs 55;McKinnon!ed..One battleship is,reported —tc- 21;Fer inseFance Commissioner—|have been sunk by our destroyers i During the night attack two lightMcClenaghan28;Young 18. What DiscourtesyHas Cost th Railroads. ‘cruisers,were disabled and probably eisunk.The exact number of enemy de 'stroyers disposed.of during the ac ition cannot be ascertained with any severat} treated by a ___pppraisers,__jurors Pere Sanford,Marion, ~quired limit.” In the May American Magazine is|certainty but must have been large.” anh article by Fred.C.Kelly which| shows how the railroads lost millions| through discourtesy. “The famous ‘public be damned!’ policy governed railroads for a great, many years,and aslarge ratio,if notamajority,of those railroad em-| ployes who dealt directly with the | public were a crusty lot.They were never told,or given the slightest in-| centive,to be otherwise. “The consequence was that dis- courtesy-has cost the railroads in this| country _millions_of dollars.A_friend of-mine analyzes it in this way:A conductor,brakeman,gateman =or ticket agent is the only point of con- taect-.between the stockholders of —a ygilroad and the public.When a farmer’s’wife was discourteously conductor,brakeman, gateman or ticket agent,she went! home_and taught her children to fear!God and,hate a railroad.Her boys’ grew up to become legislators,land county commissioners,| and so on.The railroads frew the rest.Public.service cor-) perations by means of discourtesy| have done more to promote Socialism than all the street corner agitators.” —(All true except that the discour-; tesy-was not forthe farmers.or theirwivesorforanyclass.The public generally got from.most—not all— employes.But happily the system is changing.—The Landmark.) Allowances For Public Build- ings in the State. Congressman Hood of North Car- olina,who is a member of the public! buildings committee,says the sub- committee of that committee willmakethefollowingrecommendation, for North Carolina projects: Eighty thousand dollars in addition to the’$60,000 already authorized for| a postoffice and Federal court build-| ing at Wilson;buildings for Edenton,|Mt.Olive,.Mt.Airy,Lumberton,Le-!and Morganton;sites for Louis-|Dunn,Albe-|rle,Williamston and Clinton.Also|Yin increase of $5000 for purchasing’) Sites at Wadesboro and Rockingham.; Heretofore,$5,000 had “been author-| ized for the purchase of sites at each| of these places and it was found to be| insufficient.Under the existing law,|unless the sites have been heretofore| acquired,no public building can be,authorized for cities where the postal| “yeceipts do not exceed $10,000,and| the purchase of asite,cannot be au-|thorizd unless the postal recéipts ex-|ceed $6,000.Numerous bills that) have been ,introduced could not be! considered for the reason that the re- ceipts did not come within the re- Of course,the recommendations| will have to get by the full commit-|tee,both Houses of Congress and the|President:beford they become law.t at ‘Does Not Affect he doe ge a418 |SneatémnerthefailaamneaudOlR,W.GROVE:ac. iN Mary and Indefatigable, cruisers,apparently of i Frauenlob,which The Head 21d enabled to go through 2 is king,rhASAAiHORBatheTone;itpuiifes| and enriches/the blood and:builds up German Version. The German statement follows: “During an enterprise directed to the northward our high sea fleet on May 31 encountered the main part of the English fighting fleet,which was considerably superior to our—forées, “During the afternoon®between /Skagerak and Horn Riff a heavy en- gagement developed which was suc- ‘cessful for us and which continued during the whole night. “In this.engagement,so far as known -up-te-the present,there were destroyed by us the large battleship Warspite,the battle cruisers Queentwoarmec the Achilles tpe,one small cruiser,the new flag- ship of the destroyer squadrons,the Turbulent,Nestor and Alcaster,alargenumberoftorpedo-boat destroy- ers-and-one submarine.“By observa- tion,which was free and clear of ob- jects,it was stated that a large num- ber of English battleships suffered damage from our ships and the at- tacks of our torpedo-boat flotilla dur- iine the day engagement and through- out the night. “Among others,the large battle- ships Marlborough was hit by a tor- pedo:This was confirmed by prison- ers.Several of our ships rescued parts of the crews of the sunken 'English ships,among them being two 'and the only survivors of the Inde- fathrable.:“On our side the small cruiser Wiesbaden,by hostile gunfire during the day engagement,and His Majes- ty’s ship Pommern,during the night. as the result of a torpedo,were sunk. “The fate of His Majesty’s ship is missing,and. some torpedo-boats,which have not ‘returned yet,is unknown. “The high sea.fleet returned today (Thursday)into our port.” /Gifts From Rockefeller’s Board The General Educational Board of New York,for which Rockefeller fur- nishes the money,announces that at ee sae :?:ee eae ts poeta ——+eT et Soe ".-q on —Se -te . OUR HIGHLAND REGION.|Testing Variety of Woods For|f SG hice es ay eC aN aren — ry Sy i e.cs as #TH,Xn if)ONE «.ry l ‘ay ie i.\ Heart of the Anglo-Saxoh Race Paper Manufacture.OMT LOG Hi |Pa RE PAIN: News print r made from hither:}},-‘.baa Se OE ,he ae ;, —The Territory and Peopie ,cntaee weet,under”direction “of Fe oe eee eRe ER Te Pte mena os rai asadacerosabilities,ig.pune,Youuunter aiectn,of)SAVE MONEY.SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY, Manufacturers”Record.Ga \been successfully tried.by two large 7 oe se i newspapers,and ‘in all eleven kinds of‘wood ae one pare ey etven :;lpromise of being suitable.number stated that nearly 75 per cent.of the fr others have been found suitable forBaptistpreachersoftheSouthamili-|nanila paper and boxboards, ated with the sonyenon wee |This announcement was made by rwithin-a radius of rit "Carat Aahe-|the Forest Service,which has made ville,and that ie yi at seventy samples of paper by different supplied more teachers Tor t Byide-||-ocesses from practically “unused nominational schools than arly:other woods in its.search for,a substitute one State in the South.The Feasons fo the fast.diminishing supply of were these:.1 gay pulp wood.: The blood of these people ofthe|"‘The announcement,says that if the! Southern highlands is the purest An-ice of news print paper is to be kept} glo-Saxon on the American ¢ohti-'¢2 reasonable figure,more efficient| nent.It is uncontaminated and-W¥as jothods of converting spruce into|it was a hundred years ago.apie pulp must be develoyed or.cheaper| At the Southern Baptist (Conven- tion,held in Asheville,N.C.;it was __.by having your tires in:good shape.| *\.PUNCTURES;RLOW-OUTS,RIM:CUTS... .Every curable ailment of your:tires and)inner tubes successfully treated,All.- sizes and makes, Nulenizing at its best, guaranteed. sand all work (.. iIredellVulcanizingCompany, .2 a hiohpet i *ideals are of the highest.‘woods must be substituted,COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. It is well known that many of the .reneeforemostministersoftheSouth,men’Would Offer Bounties,For Na-val Enlistments.of commanding intellectual and.spir- With a view to speedily enlisting |‘tual power,have been ‘born,itfthese| mountain regions.jUhis fact’has’for | years been.discussed in .connection ‘the navy up to war strength and get-| with work of all religious bo@iég*®in ting our ships now.detained at navy the South.Out of this same regfon |yards because of shortage of men in-| have also come many of |the ablest to active fighting trim at once,so far}susiness men of.the South.‘This as complement is concerned,Congress-| mountain region has been Wké'a man E.J,Hill has introduced an} great spring,pouring forth an#un-amendment to the naval bill provid-| seasing stream of living water Hh'the)ing*that the sum of $3,476,200 be | shape of men and women,and Many!placed at the disposal of the bureau| xf them have been of exceptionalin-|of navigation during the continuance| tellectual attainments.“"*\lof the war in '.Europe,for use asItisworthremembering’“these.bounties for enlistment at a rate not| facts ‘in a study of the South,for from:to exceed $100 for each man enlisted| such a-population there is constantly during*such period. rising a tremendous power fd"the!= good of the South and the nation,‘In this mountain region,nearly ‘nao | miles in length,there is a source of human power for the workshop'*'and laboratory matching the natural re-sources of this section,with:“man- sower which has furnished so ‘many breachers of commanding ability and | 30 many teachers whose work’'is seen throughout every part of the South.! an Tomorrow May Be Too Late tt { || This heart of®Anglo-Saxondum of 3 &S ~ the world,which is less intermixed i YEG WOO Nore (en |with foreign blood--;than anyother,payrg’100 PER CE iT.PURE Anglo-Saxon region on earth,-is-des- tined to play a mighty part in the in- lustrial,financial and moral advance- nent of the nation.'; In “Our Southern.Highlands”it is vointed out that the Southern Appa- ‘achians cover an area larger —than New England,and that the mountain hain,650 miles in length from Vir- vinia to Alabama,has a larger aréa“han England and Scotland. In this mountain region of the By virtue of the powers contained in PAINT easily leads in the quality | race.*} YOU CAN’T GET AHEAD OF, DAVIS’PAINT! FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery.Hardware Co.,| Statesville,N.C. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. {|||| | ' “A JobIs A Thin Thing For A Man eer erate pee a atTo: Have Between Him And i The Bread Line.t Why not open a SAVINGS ACCOUNT | and build up a reserve to fall back on in : case of “HARD TIMES”or misfortune?; “We would be glad to have you open an »account with us if with only a small ‘“ amount.:;ee, Come in and Jet us tell you about our Savings Department. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.»: Of Statesville,‘ >“Phe Bank For Your Savings.”ae ms .fe v ok q thic Tt ATE a |South,which is nearer to the centei mortyaxe deed executed to the undersigned byofpopulationthananyother’mown-Miss Sallie Josey,Io wih sell at public auc. ‘ain region of the country,‘there tion to the highest bidder for cash,at the ee >x i court house door in Statesville,N.C.,onire,south of the Potomac,46 peaks’SATURDAY,JUNE 17,1916.ind 41 miles of dividing ridges that!st 12 o'clock,m.,the following described lands ‘ise above 6,000 feet.in—elevation.|i"Pallstown township,towit:EN 6 mae x ie »y Adjoming.the lands on.the There are 288 mountain peaks and!yyoutman,on theveast by Di BE.Josey,on the300milesofdividemorethan’5,000 north by J.M.Plott and on the south by C.|“eet in elevation.In North Carolina Kester and being the identical tract:of land| ot .pra iheired by Sallie Josey from the estate of the Seas Oa cee covers Be ate Mike Josey,and more particularly de-00 square miles.with 21 peaks high ‘bed as follows:Beginning on a stake or, west by L,C24 a!a BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY = MANURACTURERS OF’©*: Kiln dried North Carolina ‘Pine.Wholesale and re-* tail,‘Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909. PHONES:Office 29 =(YEO.TH.M_-Y-ERS, ‘ry than Mount Washington.vood on Kestler's line and corner of s N.18 degrees BE.182 poles}is xi saul ey7Outof-this mountain region 180.2"ga in the old line;thence with it N.00 riflemen—and there aré few finerPPit «és W.,3L poles eo ‘a stake “or pine!‘iflemen in the world than these peo?Knot,corner of lot No.5:thence S.leegreesW.}82 poles to a pine knot or 8.degreescontaining yle—joined the Union army during ‘he Civil War and.contributed’very ‘argely to its success.The people of ‘his mountain country were largely Inion in sentiment at the-time of the Sivil War,and were almost univer- -ally opposed to slavery.Even today ‘here are few negroes in ~much of? his region,and there are some,sec® ions of it from which negroes aré' varned by the local people to keep \way. This country.with its great peaks ind its hundreds of miles of divides,} vith its superb’climate.its .moun- ‘ains bursting with mineral wealth, ‘ts water powers developed and tunde- reloned,should become the ~great. vorkshop of America for the highest ‘lass of skilled labor.In these re+ tions the skill of the Swiss watch+naker,and the lacemaker,should be} luplicated;and here should be devel- ‘ned industrial activities to give eme ‘sloyment:to millions of men and wo-nen.who could dive under -climatié \dvanta#es the year round not sur- yassed,if equaled,anywhere else in his or any other land. Kestler's line:thence poles to the beyinning, more or less,as shown dell county,Book 46,page 228. Cc.M.Adams,Att'y.ODOM.MUNDAYMay16,1916,Mortragee. -FOR YOURPicnicLunch ——WE HAVE— Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham, Olive Zest,SandwichOlives,Datenut Butter,Peanut Butter,LooseSweetPickles,Bottled ‘Olives,Apples,Oranges.‘Come in and see what we have. mnNn. Carr Provides For Reé!}Eagle & Milholland. search Work.Shcecmmamneeers Gen.Julian S.Carr of Durham hag:Stop!Look!Listen!‘stablished what is to be known as ‘he sis Carr Research Fund,to be ised in locating and preserving for!, future eevitlons relies of the con WE buy in car lots.WE sell in any quantity.WE sell the celebrated GoldMedalFlour. federacy and historical papers relat- ‘ng to the Confederacy,and other WE sell Sweet Feed for HorsesandMules. vhases of the history of North Catoe ‘ina.This-money has been placed at WE sell Sweet Daisy Feed for«Cows. ‘he disposal of Col.Fred.A.Olds,fa- mous throughout the State as.a col lector of relics and histori¢al apapcrs4 WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and || ;Cotton Seed Products. WE SELL FOR LESS. Col.Olds has done fine work for the! State alone this line,as the Sta‘e’s) WE pay CASH for country_|)Corn and Oats.qi :wlendid Hall of History will snows The fund provided by Gen.Carr will!nable Col.Olds to cover the entire! State and devote all.of his tim:to}::: ‘he work he loves best.\WE deliver in the city.jCol.Olds will be able to vender!IREDELL FEED CO.,\ auable assistance to Dr.D.TH.Till,|fe (Dee‘vho has been chosen to write the his-C.D.MOORE,Prop.J -ory of North Carolina form 1-61 tod ?Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St.}! 1R65.Dr.Hill will have offices with} Sol.Olds in the State Historical Come!PRORCAIECIECIC.OND,EORBOOHOIOO.08 +.eo a ce x j}Dan Valley its annual spring meeting this year it made appropriations amounting to} $789,980 for educational and reseatch work.S.C.,gets $50,000,and Mayesville Industrial School at Mayesville,S.C.. gets $1000.The negro institutions at Hampton Va.,and Tuskegee,Ala.,get $25,000 each.For the equipment of normal schools for negroes in North Caroli- na,$4,050,was set,aside;for the equipment of county training schools for negroes,$10,000;for State agents for white rural schools,$40,800;for| State agents for negro rural schools,$34,500, The Strong Withstand the Heat ofSummerBetterThantheWeak, Old people'whé are feeble,and youngerpeoplewhoapreseuDideyengtheefithedep « the whole system.SOC.ppeeatamiennwnintty Coker College of ‘Hartsville,| CE C E CA C C Dr.Waite’s Death Sentence. The Flour of Quality. In New York last week Dr.Arthur; Warren Waite was sentenced to die!in the electric chair during the week }§ of,July 10--the penalty for the mure|& |ler of his father-in-law,John FE,Pegks DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the-Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia,IT HAS NO ‘EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.Tt is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.»TRY.IT. Carj C.Boshamer,| Local Representative,’Phone 125 Black,dtaw. |granted a new trial.This was denied |® iby the court and sentence was then't |imposed.When Justice Shearn con | jcluded the sentence Waite delivered a} |short speech in which he expressed| jappreciation of the manner in which} trial was conducted,and’§ ,thanks to the court,the prosecutors}jand to his’own,attorney.Dr.Waite)? |said he was very sorry for his crimes, ‘and for the trouble and suffering he'gjhadcausedothers.He declared that ‘he hoved by surrendering his body for /punishment he would compensate in ‘small degree for*the deaths of»bis |victims.fiRESVATEFORTESS)‘seieimtiiniatseenttiatONEY-ARUNE/22481 ||Farrow THE.CROWD TODING?*"s,“WATKINS,|CHAUTAUQUA!JUNE.22-28! Hy ‘‘% |his eon vl Rit tH BUIL i ty acres,||Deed Book of Ive-|§ SI T U S IT I T T I TI T II SS I II I s : PHONES;Residence 428 -Vice Pres.and-Manager. whe 4 uesie-tangas JOHN DEERE | MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE.| Iredell Hardware Com’y,| TRL 8 abe;-ata2MONEYISPOWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO:GE®MONEYIS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT! _A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment;All Deposits"made on or before April .5th.will draw interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent compounded.quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men!woes Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest. from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum, Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank.|) — r »73K = SI T I T I I I S I I I F z Se v o e r e r e s er e Pe r s Pe PT Le ST I T T eT iB GEO.H.BROWN -President. QO.L,TURNER."Cashier. le Lin LATS:C.Wohin Beapes Styneruldata Ae Wd |LOW PRICES oO iy a.SHINGEE STAIN and~Pp i.yt 'S 1|DOORS AND WINDOWS,_C:WATKINS t to.)AR anters’Wareho BieSV AT ME)AIN'SS ‘PRICES ARE STILLb RTRIGHT wn ihe roof to:start with” mm 7 ‘fasta lifetime,{never leak,are starmproof|and hea atul.vy For.Sale by ™ a -ath,ye * ds LAZENBY:MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO., STATESVILLE,N.C.ibs }TUESDAY,~~- 5 coe re ene meneMie mee SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. BER.KOOL, B.V.D.Underwear. B.V.D.Underwear always a bargain at $1.00 a suit. We have your.size,34 to 46.Two piece garments $1.00 a suit.j : Boys’sizes 26 to 32,.50e.a suit. PHONE NO.83. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. Rockers,Settees,Swings,Couch Hammocks,Porch .9.Shades,Ice Cream Freezers,Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies.Anything in summer goods.Phone yourwantstous,and our man will be there with the goods in a few minutes.Quick Delivery -Is-Our Motto. Williams Furniture House Inc. The Favorite Store. SUCH A perceTHEMORALJNFERIORS. They Are Not Insane and Their Conduct Can’t Be Excused— An Interesting Analysis of What is and What is Not In- sanity and.the Responsibility of Defectives. E.M.RB.a Well-Known Physician,in.ew York’Times.” In ‘view of ‘the widespread interest in the trial of Arthur Waite it-maynotbeamisstoofferageneral€x- planation,in terms not too abstruse for the average man,of the problem of constitutional inferiority.The expression,of course,is self- explanttory;it describes a person in any way inferior in character to the | general average of mankind._These | character defects,«about which s0|much is written,in language so.pro-| found,are really.very simple in type,|although theii detection may require’ expert.analysis.| There are three |general sorts:of| character defect:Intellectual,emo-|tional and moral,The first is simply feeble-mindedness.Persons of.theseconddefecttypemaybeofnormal intellect,but are unstable,excitable, poorly controlled;often they are over- sensitive,overscrupulous,inclined to worry.Those who show only moral defects are of normal intelligence and of good emotioffa]balanee,but are without conscience.Of course all three types of defect may exist in the same person,or two {types may be combined.However, there-are_many_individuals who show clearly one type of defect and are otherwise normal.:.These inferior persons are peculiar- ly-apt to become insane,but to pro- duce insanity some emotional defect, some lack of stability,must be pres- ent.Imbeciles who are not excitable, moral inferiors without stability,do not.become insane.The insanities of such persons,moreover,are of fairly! definite ‘type;they are acute,usually with much excitement and with irri- tabitity and anti-social tendencies, and they are transitory and disappear within a few weeks or months. Moral inferiority,which has beenmisleadinglycalled“moral insanity” and “moral imbecility,”is a’well-ree-ognized condition.and one frequentlyencountered.Such individuals may.be| of good intelligence and of pleasing| Aare liars,thieves,criminals;they lack| :|others which we call morality or eth-| jical sense. E|petty thieves. |degenerate,the &|sional politician, e|tvpe in its fullest Bi tion.as in the case of Dr.Waite. Eia definite change in =|and conduct,and this man ss as he has|=|always.been. Ei greater or less extent,lackse|sense. ||| m|the evidences of moral B)of children charming but =|ble,intelligent.but vicious to an ex-,; =|tent which their personalities |largely to veil. B criminals.potential.murderers,and| as such should -be kept under surveil- _+i ydifferent,is,almost certainly a moral The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.INSURANCE!2= As a great many policyholders do not seem to,know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamedinthecontractof-the-policy which they buy.We deem it advisable to mention some of the causes ynder which the same will be rendered valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to your agent for permit.-‘.2--Mechanics making additions tc,or extraordinary altera- tions in-or on-profierty—always get permits.from agents...$—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice ofgameis:given—apply to your agent.4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death,Porn or transfer of property to another.=By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given..4—The taking of other insuranca without notice.8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil.9—Property encumbered -by chattJe mortgage._:Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contractof:their policies.‘It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE:infor-mation.;“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager,’PHONE 54.=STATESVILLE,N.C. Ree Old Beck Sweet Feed. “|LittleNed Sweet Feed. '}Manna-Rice Chick Feed. +Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Daity Feed. foc.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative, -Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,orworthlessby-products,‘but se-lected feed scien-.tifically blendedforresults.:Madebyahousewithareputationforintegrity. ‘|*Phone 125 Black.> aaeelme manners;to casual observation noth-| ing betrays their weakness,But they of|that appreciation of the _rights | Such are the prostitutes,| habitual criminals;the}sexually depraved,; ;many alcoholics,and drug habitues.! According to his intelligence and _at-' |tractiveness,(and.many such cases: 4}have unusual charm,and never seem, to have anv difficulty in finding new pocket.a confidence man,a_profes-until one finds ue flower of perfec- E ee such @ man may be a~pick; Such a man is not an imbccile,for|Ej he’has good intelligenceand address;| Zi neither is he insane,for insanity is, |an acquired mental disease,implying, mental habits, Every criminal,to.a4 moral This problem can only be dealt: with through public-education;neo-| |mle must learn to observe and to fear,deficiency.| |Thev are not occult;every one knows! incorrigi- serve|Such are potential; lance.Any verson who can be mov-ed only by the fear of physical pain, to whom disgrace and shame are in-| inferior,To prevent crime,then,such ner- sons must be kept under discipline. Hoving’committed crimes,however, thev should,by our laws.be dealt with as sane.Neither.legally nermedicallyare'they insane;thev appr:J ciate perfectly well the nature of their acts,and realize that such acts are wrong by.the general standard of the community,which is the stand-. ard to which -we must all conform. The concensus of present-day psychi- atric opinion is that such persons are sane,and thev are discharmed from insane hospitals,if admitted,as un- suitable. For-such s man_as Arthur Waite, then,if he shall receive his deserts, there is no place but the electric chair,and a very good nlace it is.-If the purpose of criminal laws is tovrotectthecommunityapersonwho has committed murder and who can never be expected to change his char- acter.who may commit another mur- der at anv opportunity,even in con- finement,is best finally disposed ‘of. It may be suggested,as a gencral theorem,thatgthe future welfare of the communitv is pot best conserved by the loving-kindness which is show-| ered upon the more attractive sort of degenerates,who are fed and nurtur- ed to the detriment of those.moreworthy,who do not ask for charity,and that for the State to permit the union of thousands of defectives willresultonlyinthebreedingofother thottsands and tens of thousands tocrowdstill’further our already over-crowded institutions. Mules and Dogs Registered as Voters. Because the State Supreme Court is convinced a large number of mules, dogs and dead persons are registeredasvotersandthatmany,fictitious names are on the registers’lists,thecourtorderedaperemptorywritof;mandamus commanding the court ofMingocounty,W.Va.,to méet imme-diately and strike from the registra-tion list of one precinct of that countyalargenumberofillegatvoters, wf Stomach Troubles and Constipation. .German-Ameriean-Press-Association,~; |expressed hereinbefore. The Hyphenates Issue Warnings |H to Political Parties.if At a meeting of German-Ameri-|}cans in Chicago last week it was|§stated that delegates were present)from 25 States and Alaska and that/#other States were represented by |proxy.These delegates,it is stated,were “guthorized representatives°of;churches of many different denomina-| tions,of social,business,,and quasi-|political.organizations,and of the: “All large organizations of Amer-/icans of German ancestry throughout|# the country were either directly rep-|resented or assured the committee|of sympathetic .support,”continues|§the statement.It quotes a formal| “platform of principles,”and =an-'¥ nounces adoption of the.following resolutions:ifWe,the authorized representativesofmillionsofvotersintheUnited States,in ¢onference assembled at ¥Chicago,Ill,this 29th day of May,|1916,resolve that:1.We demand a neutrality.in-striet|§accordance with the advice contained|§ in.George Washington’s address to\§ the American people.\¢ 2.We urge a foreign policy whieh . protects American lives and Ameri-!can interests with equa?firmness and|justice,| 3.We condemn every official act and policy which shows passionate at-| tachment for one belligerent nation or|inveterate antipathy for another.|4.We deplore those utterances,|voiced by officials,;ex-officials,and| others,designed to create or tendingtocreateadivisionalongraciallines|among our people.| Beesscssssoss THE GERMAN -AMERICANS.|§atts SSESSEEESEEIEATE ‘Same Quality,Same Price WHITE AND COLORS.poliTeBaeBeBeTeae ‘By the Pound with Envelopes to Match, 25c.,85c.and 50c.the Pound. Envelopes 10¢.,15¢.and 20c.Package. THE REXALL STORE.i :4 .2.Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists, oetasess. oo eeaEKODAKEa The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System:have put amateur photograohy within reach of every man,woman and childatsmallcost.KODAKS $6.upward;BROWNIES $1 to $12.KodaksuppliesofallkindsinthegenuineEastmanquality. Jewcler. __5.We hone that no party will nom-inate for the presidency a candidate|= whose views tend to establish such| H.B.WOODWARD division, 6.We trust that ‘the Republican}convention will unite all the elements| in the party upon a ecandidafe whose|views are in harmony with those,here-| inbefore expressed.7.We trust the Democratic .con-| vention will nominate for the presi- dency one_who subscribes to the views 8 We assert that any candidate for| the vresideney who is:not in accord) with the views expressed hereinhe-| fore is unworthy the support of a free| and independent electorate.caemanunmmenemnmmaemmmemanae |The 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.John Hall of King,Stokes county,died of poisoning.It is sup- posed*the child got hold of Paris! green or fly poison,both these being| in the house. Arthur Smith,a negro who killed his wife,was convicted of first de- gree murder in Cumberland county The Traveler’s Comfort---- _Yours at Home!:Emerson Fans ! Today the Electric Fan isa necessi-ty in every hotel room,The trav-eling public demands this coolingfancomfort. You,fatigued from a day in the office,store or factory,can go home to just such comfort.Its welcome*relief can be yours.:In dining—room,_library,-porch—and—hed—rooms,:it-will give you a~pleasant evening,refreshing tired brain and..body for the day ahead.Fans with a Five-Year Registered Guarantee,HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. 516 Center St.-"Phone 361. i Superior Court.and sentenced to die} Augut 1. so apf KNOW IT WELL! ——|Familiar Features Well Known| -to.Hundreds of —Statesville| Citizens! SU y T T I y r e r c e y s SS e S IS S es s e s A familiar.burden jn many homes | The burden of a “bad back.” A lame,a weak or an,aching back:|+] Often tells you of kidney ills. Dean’s Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Here is Statesville testimony: Mrs,L.A.Lineberger,304 Bell street,Statesville,says:“I was ini misery from-a dull ache across my; kidneys and pain between my shoul-| der blades.I couldn’t rest at night and the kidney secretions were irreg- ular in passage.My health was all| run down.Reading so much about: Doan’s Kidney Pills,I decided to try them and got a supply from Stimson | &Son's.Drug Store.After taking! them a few days,my back felt bet-;ter and one box cured me.My kid-| neys have been normal eversince.” Price,50c.,.at all dealers.Don’t| simply-ask-for-a kidney remedy—get— Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that | Foster-Mil-|¢ ep e v r r er r y e co y e y e e r yr s ee e ST s Si s s e l S2 S z T 3 ‘h PI TL e T eo Te e re s e r e re v e r s e s cured Mrs.‘Lineberger. psSSssrrssrseereses rel ieeetrrreerrsessrrycrretry cress str sssresresees se eseleesfeesCommercialNationalBank | OF STATESVILLE,N.©. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus-and Profits 31,500.00. Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent.bank- ‘ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. —===OFPICERS:ee W.D.TURNER,|=2s President,i K.MORRISON,Vice President.”& D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.::G.KF.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier.° LILITTTLTTAATTITILTITIPPIII TIMTTTF TETI STITTeTPITeeerere arses burn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y.1 oe ‘Spring Flowers! Roses, Carnations, sz}FOR SALE! _|#|FO]——men omega nate — 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling;:: barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is inmeadow,balance in woodland,level and productive. 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,;.good neighborhood,near schools and churches,svith 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock barn and out+buildings,good orchard,two branches running. through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in: woodland enclosed in pasture.: Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x 200.’ Vacant lot on Armfield street,50x150,: 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,-balance-in woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard.Will exchangeforsmallerfarmorcityproperty. For further information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER,SENERAL INSURANCE,RENT- ALS AND_REAL:ESTATE.PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. Violets,: Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. Van Lindley (Co.,| GREENSBORO,K.@ Polk Gray Drug (Co., hecal Agmta te will cheerfully say.that Chamberlain'sTablets.'are the mose,satisfactory remedy forstomachtroublesandconstipationthatIhavesoldin,thirty-four years’erug store service,” writes 8S.H.Murphy,drugglat,Wellsburg,N.X.Obtainable everywhere,, COME ON IN!THE WATER’S FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING} WITH A Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs - on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. _—t>USE KRESANO.~tme. Let us explain to you its use.© HALL’S DRUG STORE,.|"PHONE 20.0 Prescriptionist,,..| |FINE!JUNE 22-28! DAY, THE WINNERS SATURDAY. aAlexander40;Barkley.6;Gaither 13; Davis 5;Gilbert 11;For Register of -DTeeds—Brown 138;Ramsey 7;McLel- tand-19;"Tharpe 3;Morrow 36; For Treasurer—Bryant 0;Hunter ~}5-~-Weoten——-415--—Rives 24;For Surveyor—iHoward 45;--Mclain—9; For County Commissioners—Boyd 4G;.Johnston 56;M.W.Smith 26;Wagner 11;C.G.Smith 10; Brown 35;Montgomery 39;J.T. Smith 87;Myers 11;Holmes 5;Gaith- er.29;Nicholson 21;Tomlin 36;Gant 11;Tharpe 6;For Superintendent of| Schools—Mitchell 42;Gray 21. For Governor—Bickett ‘88;Daught- ridge 18;For Secretary of State— Grimes 13;Hartness 46;Clark 2;For Treasurer—Lacy 5;Mann 46;For Attorney General—Calvert 2;Jones $4;Manning 17;Sinclair 0;For Cor- oration Commissioner—Boyd 24; e 26;For Commissioner of Labor and .Printing—Dellinger 21;Ship- man 36;For Commissioner of Agri- culture—Graham 8;Hobbs 13;Mc- Kinnon 36;For Insurance Commis- sioner—McClenaghan-4;Young 47. Chambersburg. For House of Representatives— Matheson 41;Steele 60;For Sheriff Alexander 73;Barkley 4;Gaither 21;Davis 5;Gilbert 32;For Register of Deeds—Brown 31;Ramsey 3;Mc- Lelland 7;Tharpe 6;Morrow 66;For Treasurer—Bryant 1;Hunter 11; Wooten 37;Rives 54;For Surveyor— Howard 21;McLain 67;:For County Commissioners—Boyd 76;Johnston 86;M.W.Smith 30;Wagner 9;C.G. Smith 9;Brown 52;Montgomery 77; J.T.Smith 41;Myers 9;Holmes 1; Gaither 35;Nicholson 66;Tomlin 47; Gant 9;Tharpe 8;For Superintend- ent of Schools—Mitchell 75;Gray 24. For Governor—Bickett 19;Daught- ridge 72;For Secretary of State— Grimes 11;Hartness 76;Clark 5;For Treasurer—Lacy 35;Mann 62;For Attorney General—Calvert 4;Jones 87;‘Manning 27;Sinclair 17;Corpora- tion Commissioner—Boyd 23;Lee 59; For Commissioner of Labor and Printing—Dellinger 24;Shipman 60;For Commissioner of Agriculture— Graham 62;Hobbs 11;McKinnon 29;|For Insurance Commissioner —Mc- Clenaghan 21;Young 67.! Coddle Creek No.1.For House of Representatives— Matheson 124;Steele 60;For Sheriff—Alexander 138;Barkley 0;Gaither0;Davis 0;Gilbert 49;For Registerof.Deeds—Brown 18;Ramsey 0;Mc-Lelland 163;Tharpe 0;Morrow 6; For Treasurer—Bryant 11;Hunter 19;Wooten 45;veyor—Howard 4;McLain 166;ForCounty-—Commissioners—Boyd (69;J,T.Smith 1 ;.|Smith 16;Brown 29; Ai ugclson attHolmes1;Gaither:55;Nicholson 10; Tomlin 10;Gant 12;Tharpe 12;For ‘|Superintendent.of Schools—Mitchell 63;Gray.6,‘or Saari —Bickett a Daughtridge 17;For:Secretary o State—-Grimes 24;Hartness 87;Clark 1;For Treasurer—Lacy 21;Mann $2;For Attorney General—Calvert 8;Jones 84;Manning 19;Sinclair 6; For Corporation Commissioner-—Boyd 14;Lee 33;For Commissioner of La- bor and Printing—Dellinger 7;Ship-|man 40;For Commissioner of Agri- ‘culture—Graham 20;Hobbs 6;Me- Kinnon 29;For Insurance Commis-sioner—McClenaghan 20;Young 28.Davidson. For House of |Representatives— |Matheson 31;Steele 56;For Sheriff— |Alexander 64;Barkley 2;Gaither 0; Davis 15;Gilbert 28;For Register of Deeds—Brown 31;Ramsey 4;McLel-\land 44;Tharpe 14;Morrow 18;For!'Treasurer-—Bryant 1;Hunter 47; |Wooten 16;Rives 24;For Surveyor— |Howard 8;McLain 78;For .County |Commissioners—Boyd~78;-Johnston |86;M.W.Smith 1;Wagner 17;C.G. Montgomery |11;J.T.Smith 76;Myers .18;|Holmes 6;.Gaither 21;.Nicholson 67; |Tomlin 58;Gant 17;Tharpe 14;For|Superintendent of _Schools—Mitchell |49;Gray 31.|For Governor—Bickett 49;Daught- 'ridge 34;For Secretary of State— Grimes 18;Hartness 65;Clark 0; |For Treasurer—Lacy 20;Mann 59;'For Attorney General—Calvert 8; |Jones 47;Manning 20;Sinclair 1;For |Corporation Commissioner—Boyd 34; |Lee 41;For Commisstoner of Labor{and Printing—Dellinger 15;.Shipman /61;For Commissioner of Agriculture |—Graham 36;Hobbs 87;McKinnon ‘5:For Insurance Commissioner—Mc- Clenaghan 16;Young 60, Eagle Mills. For House of Representatives— Matheson 27;Steele 26;For Sheriff— Alexander 48;Barkley 0;Gaither 20; |Davis 37;Gilbert 3;For Register of Deeds—Brown 18;Ramsey 15;Mce- Lelland 7;Tharpe 22;Morrow 44; For Treasurer—Bryant 11;Hunter 7;Wooten 26;Rives 15;For Surveyor —Howard 15;McLain 29;For County Commissioners—Boyd 41;Johnston 31;M.W.Smith 21;Wagner £7;C.G. Smith 31;Brown 30;Montgomery 29;J.T.Smith 31;Myers 36;Holmes 38;Gaither 32;Nicholson 53;Tomlin 28:Gant 22;Tharpe 22;For Superin- tendent of Schools—Mitchell 41; Gray 17. For Governor — |Daughtridge 44; ;State—Grimes |Clark 3;For‘Mann 47;For Bickett.10; For Secretary of81;Hartness 52; Treasurer—Lacy 10; Attorney General—Rives 43;For Sur-|Calvert 3;Jones 7;Manning 39;Sin-,Surveyor—Howard 55; surance Commissioner — ham 12;Young 59..~Sharpesburg.. For House of |Represen Matheson 29;Steele 80;For| Alexander 68;Barkley.1;GaitDavis14;Gilbert 20;For R Deeds—-Brown 25;Ramsey 3;Me { ‘land 27;Tharpe 12;Morrow 69;For!lTreasurer—Bryant 57;Wooten 17;Rives 24;For Surveyor|—Howard 63;.McLain_37;.For..Conn-! ty Commissioners—Boyd 58;“John-' ston 90;M,W.Smith 60;Wagner 15; C.G.Smith 7;Brown 113;Montgom.-| ery 77;J.T.Smith 82;Myers 15; Holmes 15;Gai Tomlin 46;Gant 2;Tharpe 18;For, Superintendent of Schools—Mitchell| 86;Gray 19;For Governor—Bickett| 52;Daughtridge 61;For Secretary of| State—Grimes 20;‘Hartness 82;Clark’ 8;For Treasurer—Lacy 24;Mann 78;/For Attorney’General—Calvert 2;,Jones 42;Manning 51;»Sinclair 2}|For Corporation Commissioner—Boyd| 30;Lee 61;For Commissioner ofLa-|bor and Printing —Dellinger 13;Shipman 77;For Commissioner —of Agriculture-—-Graham 42;Hobbs 24;| McKinnon 29;For Insurance Com-' missioner—McClenaghan 33;Young 62.Shiloh.get |House of Representatives—Mathe- son 177;Steele 19;.For Sheriff—Alex-| ander 30;vis 34;Gilbert 167;For Register.of Deeeds—Brown 1;Ramsey 0;MeLel-'land 2;Tharpe 0;Morrow .139;|For Treasurer —Bryant 17;Hun-|ter 57;Wooten 36;Rives.86;For Surveyor —Howard 30;Mc-!Lain 157;For County Commis-sioner—Boyd 190;Jonnston 183;M.35;Brown 12;Montgomery 19;J.T.’ Smith 193;Myers 37;Holmes 6; Gaither 19;Nicholson 173;Tomlin intendent of Schools—+Mitchell 164; Gray 29.|For Governor—Bickett 196;Daugh- tridge,4;For Secretary of “State— Grimes 2;Hartness 197;Clark 0;ForTreasurer—Lacy 0;Mann 200;.For| |ning 0;Jones 197;Sinclair 3;For)'Corporation Commissioner—Boyd 0;Lee 200;For Commissioner of LaborandPrinting—Dellinger 1;Shipman 198;For Commissioner of Agricul- ture-—Graham 0;Hobbs 0;McKin-|non 198;For Insurance Commission-|er—McClenaghan 1;Young 198. Statesville No.1. For House of Representatives— Matheson 93;Steele.54;For Sheriff— Alexander 112;Barkley ——;Gaither| |17;Davis.11;Gilbert 32;For Regis-ter of Deeds—Brown 41;Ramsey 9;McLelland 27;Tharpe ;Morrow 94;For Treasurer—Bryant 34;Hun-| ter 18;Wooten 30;Rives 78;ForMcLain.«793} ‘clair 0;For Corporation Commission-|For County Commissioners —Boyd 152;,er—Boyd-387;Lee 10;For Commis-!191;aiken 128:M.-W.Smith 86;Johnston 173;M.W.Smith 5;Wag-/sioner of Labor and _Printing—Del-'Wagner 11;C.G.Smith 8;-Brown 80;| rier.0;Mon’gomery 18;J.T.Smith 159;Myers 0;Holmes 0;Gaither 51;Nicholson 112;Tomlin 125;Gant 0; Tharpe 0;For Superintendent of Schools—Mitchell 30,Gray 1387. *For Governor BickettDaughtridge12;For Secretary *State—Grimes 26;Hartness 144; Clark 2;For Treasurer—Lacy 103; Mann 58;For Attorney General— Calvert 3;Jones 145;Manning 33; Sinclair 3;For Corporation Commis- sioner—-Boyd 45;Lee 99;For Com- missioner of Labor and _Printing— Nellinger-32;Shipman 107;For Com- missioner of Agriculture—Graham 2%.Hobbs 5;McKinnon 120;For In- surance Commissioner —McClenag- han 18;Young 138.Coddle Creek No.2. 1 52; of For House of Representatives—- Matheson 64;Steele 99;For Sheriff —Alexander 121;Barkley 2;Gaither 1:Davis 27;Gilbert 41;For Register of Deeds—Brown 14;Ramsey 11;Mc- Lelland 143;Tharpe 20;Morrow 6; For Treasurer—Bryant:9;Hunter 92;Wooten 27;Rives 31;For Surveyor—| Howard 8;McLain 150;For County —-—Commissioners—Boyd 111;Johnston 164;M.W.Smith 30;Wagner 27;C. G.Smith 27;Brown 65;Montgomery 62;J.T.Smith 113;Myers 27;Holmes 19;Gaither 69;Nicholson 84;| ‘Tomlin 96;Gant 24;Tharpe 12;ForSuperintendentofSchools—Mitchell| 36;Gray 108. For Governor —Bickett 119;Daughtridge 34;For Secretary of‘State—Grimes 32;Hartness 121;Clark 1;For Treasurer—Lacy 83;Mann 62;For Attorney General—Calvert 27;Jones 74;Manning 39;Sinclair 2;For Corporation Commis- sioner—Boyd 41;Lee 96;For Com- missioner of Labor and Printing— missioner of Agriculture—Graham 52;-Hobbs 4;McKinnon 86;For In- surance Commissioner —McClenag-han 12;Young 131. Concord. For House of Representatives —Matheson 41;Steele 102;For Sheriff| —Alexander 76;Barkley 0;Gaither 1; Davis 14;Gilbert 77;For Register ofDeeds—Brown 20;Ramsey 6;McLel- land 6;Tharpe 9;Morrow 132;ForTreasurer—Bryant 1;Hunter 104;Wooten 8;Rives 43;For Surveyor— Commissioners—Boyd 105;Johnston 101;M.W.Smith 69;Wagner 14;C. G.Smith 3;Brown 143;Montgomery,83;J.T.Smith 87;Myers 14;Holmes14;Gaither 81;Nicholson 19;Tom-lin 72;Gant 14;Tharpe 14;For Su-perintendent of Schools—Mitchell 107;Gray 36. For Governor Bickett 37;Daughtridge 106;For Secretary ofState—Grimes 19;Hartness 124; Clark 5;For Treasurer—Lacy 35; Mann 97;For Attorne?General— Calvert 13;Jones 64;Manning 46; Sinclair 3;For Corpdration Commis-sioner—Boyd 61;Lee:71;.For Com- missioner of Labor and Printing—Dellinger 43;Shipman 77;For Com-,missioner of Agriculture—Graham 82;Hobbs 12;McKinnon 27;For In-surance Commissioner -——\McClenag-han 7;Young 100.:Cool Spring. For House of Representatives—Matheson 33;Steele 28;For Sheriff—Aaeander 44;Barkley 3;Gaither 7;vis 9:Gilbert 19;For ‘Register of .Deeds—-Brown 7;Ramsey 0;McLel- land 3;Tharpe 0;Morrow 62;ForTreasurer—Bryant 3;°Hunter 18; Howard 19;McLain 31;For County{"rr ees 28;Johnston;1:M.,Smith 57;Wagner 12;C.G. ;1;Brown 48;Montgomery 59.| C.G.Smith 0;Brown 62;/linger 25;Shipman 22;For Commis-|Montgomery 91;J.T.Smith 62/sioner of Agriculture—Graham 16; |Hobbs 28;McKinnon 10;For Insur- ‘ance Commissioner —McClenaghan 18;Young 31. Fallstown. For House of Matheson 72;Steele 113;For Sheriff—Alexander 144;Barkley 1;Gaither| 4:Davis 8;Gilbert 48;For Register of Deeds—Brown 194;Ramsey McLelland 1;Tharpe 3;Morrow 15; For Treasurer—Bryant 3;Hunter 20; ,Wooten 16;Rives 160;For Surveyor -Howard 9;McLain 174;For County Commissioners—Boyd 125; 174:M.W.Smith 44;Wagner 9;C.G.Smith 4;Brown’66;Montgomery 48:J.T.Smith 188;Myers 8;Holmes /5:Gaither 58;Nicholson 92;Tomlin 134;Gant 7;Tharpe 8;For Superin-| 112;;tendent Gray 71. For Governor—Bickett 93;Daught-ridge 90;For Secretary ,Grimes 36;Hartness 127;Clark 21; For Treasurer—Lacy 55;Mann 104; For Attorney General—Calvert Jones 126;Manning :27;Sinclair 3; For Corporation Commissioner—Boyd of .Schools—Mitchell bor and Printing —-Dellinger Shipman 118;For Commissioner of Agriculture—Graham 64; McKinnon 94;For Insurance Com- |missioner—McClenaghan 40; 174, |New Hope. ||House of:Representatives—Mathe-| ‘son 39;Steele 18;For Sheriff—Alex-; jander 57;Barkley 0;Gaither 1;Davis '37;Gilbert 1;For Register of Deeds ‘—Brown 7;Ramsey 33;McLelland 0;! /Tharpe 4;Morrow 51;For Treasurer ;iBryant 4;Hunter 3; Rives 48;For Surveyor—.Howard 50; i'McLain 3;For County C issi |Dellinger 33;Shipman 102;For Com-|inston 18:MLW Sanit—Boyd 44;Johnston 18;M.W.Smith 15;Wagner 35;C.G.Smith 20;Brown '58;-Montgomery 17;J,-T.Smith 43; ,Myers 33;Holmeg.35;Gaither 16; ‘Nicholson 39;Tomlin 42;“Gant 29: ‘Tharpe 18;For Superintendent of /Schools—Mitchell 28;Gray 28. For Governot—Bickett 55;Daugh- tridge 1;For Secretary of State— Grimes 3;Hartness 55;Clark 0;For Treasurer—Lacy 3;Mann 53;For At- _torney General—Calvert 0;Jones 52: |Manning 2;Sinclair 1;For Corpora- ing—Dellinger 7;Shipman 48;{Commissioner of Agriculture—Gra- jham 5;Hobbs 1;McKinnon 51:For: \Insurance Commissioner —McClena- |@han 0;Young 55.Olin. |For House of Representatives—Matheson 17;Steele 52;For Sheriff— |Alexander 9;Barkley 1;Gaither 68; For |Davis 17;Gilbert 1;For Register of| Mc-||Deeds—Brown 8;Ramsey 18; |Lelland 11;Tharpe 5;Morrow 52: |For Treasurer—Bryant 2;Hunter \2;|Wooten 14;Rives 64;For Surveyor '—-Howard 21;McLain 32;For Coun- ;ty Commissioners—Boyd 58; _C.G.Smith 9;Brown 51;Montgom-‘ery 47;J.T..Smith 15;Myers 23;Holmes 21;Gaither 47;Nicholson 9;|Tomlin 37;Gant-16;Tharpe 20;For|Superintendent of ;Schools—Mitchell |39;Gray 32.For Governor Daughtridge:28; 'State—Grimes 27;HartnessClark6;FO”Treasurer—Lacy Bickett ADs ,Calvert 15;Jones 28; missioner of Labor and.Printing—Dellinger 31;Shipman 29;‘For.Com-missioner of Agriculture—Graham|243 Hobbs 14;McKinnon 3};For In-- Representatives—; 63: Johnston | of State—| 35! 52:Lee 99;For Commissioner of La-} 40; Hobbs 12; Young! Wooten 2;; }tion Commissioner—Boyd 1;Lee 53;!Howard 73;McLain 58;For County For Commissioner of Labor and Print.|County |John-' |ston 40;M.W.Smith 51;Wagner 22; For Secretary of} 41;) 143)Mann 53;For Attorney General—_| E ;Manning 22;) :_Sinclair 2;For Corporation Commis-|;Weotew.11:Rives 38;For Surveyor’sioner—Boyd 48;Lee 20;For Com-' ;My-ers 11;Holmes 6;Gaither 99;Nich.|olson 68;Tomlin 108;Gant 10;. |Tharpe 9;For Superintendent “of|Schools —Mitchell 46;Gray 90.| |For Governor—Bickett 107;Daught- Grimes 24;Hartness 130; For Treasurer—Lacy 54;Mann 853) For Attorney General—Calvert 1; Jones 101;Manning 30;Sinclair 13;| For Corporation Commissioner | Boyd 38;Lee 104;For Commissioner of Labor and Printing—Dellinger 13;! Shipman 121;For Commissioner ofAgriculture—Graham 39;Hobbs 8} MeKinnon 98;For Insurance Com- Pu innate MeGiae nee 18;Young9 Clark 1; Statesville No.2. For House.of Representatives—| Matheson 62;Steele 68;For Sheriff! Alexander 83;Barkley 12;Gaither; 3;Davis 10;Gilbert 37;For Regis-| ter of Deeds—Brown 39;Ramsey 14;McLelland 21;Tharpe 8;Morrow 62; For Treasurer—Bryant.18;Hunter 21;Wooten 10;Rives 75;For Survey- or—Howard 27;McLain 76;-For County Commissioners —Boyd 87 J@pnston 101;M.W.Smith 34;Wag-ner 20;C.G.Smith 18;°Brown 60;| Montgomery 60;J.T.Smith 58;My- ers 91;Holmes 9;Gaither 77;Nich- olson 42;Tomlin 78;Gant 20;Tharpe 18;For Superintendent of Schools—Mitchell 52;Gray 68. For Governor—Bickett 65;Daught- ridge 46;For Secretary of State—Grimes 15;Hartness 105;Clark 1; For Treasurer—Lacy 42;Mann 61; For Attorney General—Calvert 1; Jones 58;Manning 26;Sinclair 15;For Corporation |Commissioner— Boyd 28;Lee 72;For CommissionerofLaborandPrinting—Dellinger 29;Shipman 62;For Commissioner of Agriculture—Graham 45;Hobbs 13; McKinnon 44;For Insurance Com- peter MeCenaenan 15;Young 88.\Statesville No.3. For House of Representatives— ‘Matheson 249;Steele 136;For Sheriff {—Alexander 295;Barkley 6;Gaither 15;Davis 92;Gilbert 138;For Regis-ter of Dieeds—Brown 146;Ramsey 29; |McLelland 28;Tharpe 66;Morrow 270;For Treasurer—Bryant 29;Hunter 35; /Wooten 26;Rives 353;For Surveyor —Howard 115;McLain 213;ForCommissioner—Bof'd 322;|Johnston 289;M.W.Smith 124;Wag- jner 97;C.G.Smith 80;Brown 187; |Montgomery 200;J.T.Smith 228; Myers 84;Holmes 25;Gaither 271; ‘Nicholson 176;Tomlin 251;Gant 80: |Tharpe 82;For Superintendent of -Schools—Mitchell 171;Gray 243. |For Governor—Bickett 232;Daugh- ‘tridge 147;For Secretary of State—Grimes 55;Hartness 320;Clark 6; For Treasurer—Lacy 124;Mann 216s For Attorney General—Calvert 65 Jones 226;Manning .66;Sinclair 44: For Corporation Commissioner —Boyd 100;Lee 235;For Commission- 88;Shipman 222;For CommissionerofAgriculture—Graham 89;Hobbs'36;McKinnon 218;For InsuranceCommissioner—»McClenaghan 46:Young 294,:|Statesville No.4.|For House of Representatives—|Matheson 140;Steele 57;For Sheriff—Alexander 176;Barkley 1;Gaither|6;Davis 19;Gilbert 54;For RegisterofDeeds—Brown 41;Ramsey 11;McLelland 54;Tharpe 9;Morrow 1395ForTreasurer—Bryant 23;Hunter23;Wooten 29;Rives 150;For Sureveyor—Howard 69;McLain 79;)ForCountyCommissioners—-Boyd |{74sJohnston179;M.W.Smith 89;Wag-iner 20;C.G.Smith 18;Brown 108:{(Continued on Sixth Page),4 Lel-| Hunter~20;| ther 80;Nicholson 27; arkley 6;Gaither 0;Da-9 182;Gant 34;Tharpe 34:For Super-} Attorney General—Calvert 0;=“Man-) |Jefferson De Angeles in er of Labor and Printing—Dellinger |. cover that says: sight. is being placedinthehomes of the people of Statesville today. There is an important announcement on the front page of the . YOU HAVE UNTIL THURSDAY,6p.m,to Reserve Your Season Tickets We find by a study of our list of reservations,that that several of our most loyal and valued patrons have neglected to reserve tickets.We know that in nearly all cases,this is merely an over- DO NOT DELAY THIS MATTER. . Tickets will be held for all those whose names are on the List, and for all whose names are entered by Tickets. SIX O’CLOCK,THURSDAY AFTERNOON,JUNE.8. We are just as anxious for you to get your tickets this year as you could possibly be.disappointed,at not being able to get the Season Tickets,havingsimplydelayedthematter,thinking there was plenty of time. We positively can nat sell one ticket beyond the limit set by theCentralOffice,and it you do not get a season Ticket,generaladmissionwillcomeatmorethantwicethepriceofseason The last number alone costs seventy-five cents.The whole programme of twelve admissions amounts to $5.50 at general admission rates. ‘OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY. Last year,some of our best friends were If you want Season Tickets for this year’s Chautauqua,drop F.8.Bunch a postal card within the next three days,stating thenumberyou,wil)want,and you can get them,at any time youarecomingintotown,between now and June 2\st. is $2.00,only $1.00 for children 6 to 15 years, You Have Until Next Thursday Afternoon,Six O'clock, To Get Season Tickets. The price — ridge 42;For Secretary of State—rg CRESCENT TODAY “THE WORLD,THE FLESH § AND THE DEVIL!” An exciting and reaiistic melo- drama! WEDNESDAY— GEO.BROADHURST’S FA-MOUS COMEDY,| “WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES,” Featuring FRED.MACE. “THE GOLDEN CROSS,’||A gripping love story! THURSDAY— “PROTEA,” In her’wonderful,mysterious and lightning transformations! “BEWARE THE DOG!” FRIDAY— “SAPPHO,” From the novel by ALPHONSE DAUBET,featuring CECILE / GUYON and CHAS.KRAUSE. RICHARD CARLE in “THE DANCING BEETLE.” It’s‘a whole year before you can. get another chance.’Phone 174,right now!.,a an Have a BeautifulComplexion FOR SALE—if you use »\ OE C R O E ~BY — COMPLEXION POWDER Polk Gray Drug An especially adherent powder of thefinest quality;of velvetysmooth-‘‘ness and exquisitely perfumed.: Enchantment Complexion Pow-§ der is free from lead,mercury andotherpoisons,and may be safely § used on the most delicate of complexions.Company On the Square. CR O RC R O R O R O R C E C R O R O E O R O R L E ES I OCHCHTHOHOLOS re CO ORS \ DAVENPORTS, CHAIRS &TABLES. We now have on salea big line of Davenports,$15.00 to $60.00.All finishes—-Fumed Golden Ozk and Ma- hogany and Chairs and tables to match,which enables us to get up a nice Suite at very attractive prices. Call and take a look. Better Goods For Less Money. \ 4 Statesville Housefurnishing Co. _#PHONE 157.a__ "HUNT BROTHERS, STEAM,HOF WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.Plumbing and Private Water Systems.~os REFERENCES FURNISHED. - —_—take Woodrow Wilson .have reached a decision to name Jus- -candidate |‘VOL.XLII. STATESVILLE,N.OyFRIDAY,JUNE 9,1916. TRYING TO GET TOGETHER. Republicans and ProgressivesinConferenceaiChicage—| NoBalloting Yet —Organiza- tion Completed. Special to The Landmark. Chicago,June 8 —Convention met 11 today.Temporary organizationmadepermanent..Platform and all other —officiat»‘business completed. Great speeches made by Depew,Can-non and Borah,So balloting.Con-vention adjourned,until 11 tomorrow,’ after naming committee to meet com-mittee of Progressives to confer on suitable to both —sides.Looks like harmony soon.WEATHERMAN AND SHERRILL,| The Republican national conven- tion,assembled in the Coliseum at Chicago Wednesday,ieard a keynote| speech by Senato:Werren G,Hard- ing of Ohio,perfected an organiza-! tion and adjourned until 11 o’eclock yesterday morning. It all took just two hours.and in its lack of demonstration or out-, bursts of any kind and its strict at- tention to business,was reminiscent. of the Philadelphia convention of 1900 that nominated McKinley and Roose-. velt. For one hour and 20:mifites Sena- tor Harding,the temporary chairman, delivered ai carefelly prepared | speech,punctuated in.the telling points with brief pericds of handclap-! ping and applause,but at no time did, a demonstration occupy more than ahalf-minute.The address was an ar-| raignment of the Deinocratic adminis- tration’s foreign.policies as vacillat- ing and a.plea for a re-united party.| Senator Harding declared that the country was wearied by “a disap-| pointing and distressirg Democratic administration.”Ji had snoken,he said,in the conduc?of its foreign af-| fairs,“with more rhetérie than reso- lution.”He asserted that the Mexi- ean negotiations ecnstitute the great-! est fiasco in the histery of American foreign relations.“he Republican's party in 1912 split over methods of, party procedure and freferred person-=, alities and’these differences should, be forgotten,”he said.“Republican principles are in a vast majority in this country.This is not the time for recrimination;it is the day of recoh- secration.I do not believe there is a really reactionary decelerate.bearing credentials to this convention,Nopartycan.endure.whicl.is.not /pro-gressive.” Senator Lodge of Mussachusetts is chairman of the platform committee] and Marion Butler.is the North Caro- lina member of the eummittee.J.D. Parker is the North Carolina member of the credentials committee,Frank Linney is chairman of the North Car- olina delegation and John M.More- head is national committeeman. The following js frcm the Greens- boro News’representitive-at._Chica-go: “Marion Butler,who appears to be in control of a majority of the North Carolina delegates,declared tonight that the éonyention covld either nom- inate Col.Roosevelt o¢«take Woodrow Wilson for another four years’term as President. “*You may quote me as saying,’ said-the former Senator,‘that-one thing is certain,the Republicans as- sembled here to nominate a presiden- tial candidate have but two alterna- tives:nominate Theodore Roosevelt on the regular Republican «ticket,or for anotherryfouryearsasPresident. The Way It Looked at Chicago the Opening Day. This is the way it looked at Chicago the day the convention met: More political leaders:are predict- ing the nomination of Justicé Charles Evans Hughes tonight than at any time since the Republican national convention began to assemble.They declare ‘that unless the accumulation of overwhelming circumstantial evi- dence fails to refléct the situation in its true light,the nomination of the Justice will come even sooner than,has been predicted.The men who take this view are practical _politicians whose estimates are based on carefulcanvassofthedelegates.. The situation is illustrated best.by the»fact that confercaces.betweenleaderstodiscusstheavailabilityofdifferentcandidatespracticallyhave ceased,indicating their belief that a majority of the deferates already tice Hughes. Four days of constant and persist-ent effort to bring the two parties together,in which the personality of the nominee was subordinate to har- mony,failed to bring the results de- sired and the trend from the outset was definitely toward the nomination ofr Justice Hughes. Hnd Colonel Roosevelt announcgd during this period that he would nor] Support the Justice the leaders were prepared to turn to sny one of the regular Republican candidates.The colonel remained silent,however,and because the managers of other can- didacies had fostered the Hughesboomforthe’purpose’of eliminating Roosevelt as a possibility,it grew prodigiously,and even a combination of the favorite sons strength waspowerlesstocheckit, Mooresville Enterprise:Mr.C.EBeaverofAmitylostafinemuleWednesday.A small Jersey.bull broke through the ‘stable and gofed themuleinfourplaces,the lacerations being so’bad the mule had to be killed. Mrs.Stuart Coffey and childrenlate‘ay for Virginia to visit rela-tives,.., commission,high Tuesday night Mr. ti fi,the plant he ‘SHOUT FOR ROOSEVELT. Great Demonstratien.For the Colonel Marks Opening of Na- tional Progressive Conven- tion. With a tumultuous demonstration for,Theodore Roosevelt,the Progres- sive national econve:ifon opened in Chicago Wednesday.Mnthusiasm for Roosevelt was precipitated when Ray- mond Robins .of Chicago,temporary chairman,referred to him as .the“foremost citizen'.of the world.” During the*enthusiastie outburst;there was every indication’that the Progressive party leaders had the con- vention in control and that no nomi- fnation for the presidency would be attempted’until conferences,alreadybegunwithRepublicanjeaders,hadbeenconsummated, The convention was called to order j by Victor Murdock of Kansas,chair- man of the Progressive national com- mittee.When Raymond Robins he-|gan his address the cunvention seem- ed to be waiting for a sjgnal.It got it when the chairman referred to Roosevelt as “the foremost citizen of the:world”and the demonstration follawed.Banners and__stanchions were carried about the hall by enthu- siastic delegates and at 2.15 p.m.,an hour after the-Republican’national convention had a oueied,the officers of the convention still were waiting for the Roosevelt acclaim to subside At the end of an hour George W Perkins left the hall and went to his ‘hotel,Prior to his departure the question of recéssing the convention was discussed,but it found much op- position...‘Let them.yell,”one lead- er said.“Now that they have had a ‘chance to shout they will be more easily induced to delay.action on a nomination.”The demonstration con- tinued for a long time im the hall and was coneluded with a parade on the street.; Zeb V.Walser of Lexington is the North Carolina member of the com- ‘mittee on resolutions of the Progres. sive convention and J,N.Williamson of Burlington is the nacional commit- _teeman. The Progressive Platform. National preparedness “in’spirit, arms and industry,”1s the dominant theme of the Progressive party’s plat- form,of which a teniative draft was completed Wednesday night by the resolutions committee.It breaks the record for brev&ty and consists of a broad statement of.conditions.facingandremediesneededbythenation rather than the usuat formidable.ar- ray of separate planks. As to preparedness the platform de- clares for a navy «.ccond in the world’s armadas,a standing army of 250,000 men,and “universal oppor- tunity for military training under Federal supervision.”Social and economic reforms and “social jitstice” features of the 1912 platform are re-affirmed,“full political suffrage”is indorsed,a permanent,expert tariff protective tariff, regulation of industries,conservation and development of national re- sources,are urged. Home FromSchool. Mr.Frank Hali has returned from Chattanooga,Tenn.,where he com- pleted his course ~in~the ~McCallie School. Hon,W.D.Turner was in Durham Monday to attend a meeting of the trustees of Trinity College.”His son, Dent Turner,graduated at Trinity Park school this week and came home R.-P.Lazenby of Cool Spring township was another of the graduates.In a contest with five others Mr.Lazenby won ‘the declaim- er’s medal.Ay.Leonard White is at home from Philadelphia,where-he ts studying-ar- chitecture in the University of Penn- sylvania.; Mr.J.W.Wallace graduated at Trinity College,Durham,this week, eompleting the course that leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.He Jwon the honor of magna cum ‘laude in his class and.honors in German.Hé won the fortnightly club prize of $5 for short story.Mr.Wallace’s:pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.Wm..Wallace, and his sister,Miss Elise Wallace, attended the commencement exercis- es,returning home yesterday.Another Jredell graduate at Trini- ty is Jasper Clyde Gaither,who also received the degree of bachelor of arts.He is a son of Mr.and Mrs.N. J.Gaither of Cool Spring township. Mr.Allen Ramseur Anderson of Statesville,who graduated last year, took a post graduate course’and re- ceived the degree of-master of arts. Catawba Man Seriously Burned By "Electricity. Mr.Maris Laney of Maiden,Ca- tawba county,was at the Sanatorium yesterday afternoon to consult with physicians in regard to an electric harn he suffered a few days ago.Mr.Laney has charge of the power sta- on near Maiden and while at worktouchedthewrong thing and ‘2.800 volts were shot into his body.He was unconscious for some time end his hands were so bad-ty burned ‘that some of the fingers of both hands will probably have to be amputated.It will be some,days be- fore a definite decision can be reach- ed. The Mooresville Enterprise saysMr.Spruce Hent,who livés on the Sam Lowrance place in Rowan,drovehishorseintoabranchswollenby the heavy rains,Tuesday-afternoon,The ,horse was drowned and Mr,Hent had to swim to safety. Miss “Elba Henninger is from Louisburg. at home. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM|HEAVY RAINS “AND HALL, Some Storm Damage in the County —Damage Elsewhere in the State. Very heavy rains “torrentialrains,”the scare-head writers wouldcallthem—-accompanied by,hail in localities,fell in this section Tues and Tuesday night.The fall of ait in Statesville and the immediatevi¢in- ity was not heavy and no damagé ig.reported.All water courses were high and lands were badly washed.In-a-part-of Sharpesburg.township,the fall of hail was heayy,thehail-sténes were very large,and some damage was done.The storm caught Mr.M.L.Webber,:on Route 5,and the hail cut the top of his mail wagon to pieces,and brokésomeoftheslats.On Mr.R.B.Dob- son’s farm and in at vicinity wheat was badly damaged,is thought, and there was.some sao to ‘other crops,but this was not great.The hail stones,it is asserted,were .astargeasheneggsandlarger.Qne measured »six inches,,,in circum- ference.Not so many of ‘the larger stones fell but where the fall was heaviest crops appeared to be ruined and roofs of buildings were badly damaged.The water courses ‘were the highest in several years. -From:the Sharpesburg section the storm extended on up into Alexan- der county.A correspondent tells of the damage.in the Hiddenite section. A correspondent writing from Stony Point says the rain was the heaviest in years and ‘was acompanied by wind and hail.While the hailstoneswerescattering,most of them were of enormous size—-many of them as large as a teacup,it is asserted.One’piek- ed up weighed four ounces*and.one measured six inches in circumfer-ence. In all this section of the State the storm was severe.There was.a heavy fall of hail—the stones being very large—in the Cleveland and Barber sections of Rowan county, and some damage to crops. Morganton reports heavy rains and hail and much damage to lands and crops.In one section of Davidson county the wheat was destroyed ‘by the hail,window lights were broken, and it is reported that one farmer, Lindsay Hinkle,was knocked down by a hailstone. In Guilford county —Greonabapot and High Point -——the storm was,se- vere and there was much damage’to wires and buildings and from fléod. Power and light lines were out of commission,for hours.The Revolution cotton mills were forced to suspend on account of water flooding the base- ment;at other mills dyes and cloth were damaged.The loss at the mills is estimated at $10,000 and other smaller losses to buildings and enter- vrises makes the damage considera- ble.Ex-Judge Adams reported that a-herd of cattle on his farm in Gui: ford had not heen found a day after the storm.He thinks they were drowned. In_Charlotte there was considerable damage to wires,trees and buildings, but Charlotte was not so hard hit as Greensboro.2 Schedule oof ‘New Mooresville- Statesville Train. The schedule of the new train which is to go on between Moores- ville and.Statesville June 18th is as follows:Leave Mooresville 7 ‘a.m., arrive at Statesville 7.40.LeaveStatesville7.50 and arrive at MOUTOuE ville at 8.25. The train to Mooresville and Statesville is the train which runs between Winston- Salem-and Mooresville and remains at the latter place over night It will make the run from Mooresville to Statesville and return before making the.trip from Mooresville to Winston-Salem.<A similar schedule was put on last summer but remained ‘in forceonlyashorttime.It is hoped that it will-be continued this vear,as it is of great importance.to Statesville peo- vle and others of ©this section who want to make Southern connection at Charlotte.Reaching Mooresville at 8.25,passengers can connect there with a train to Charlotte and connect ot Charlotte with trains for the South without delay..Under the pres- ent schedule all Southern connectionsaremissedatCharlotte,causingmuchdelay. be -run_between Wins —No Primary. The returns received by the State Board of Elections in Raleigh show that.Judge Manning for Attorney General has a majority of all’oppo- nents,as has Major Graham for Com missioner of Agriculture,“and therewillbenosecondprimaryforthese places,as had been suggested. The vote for Secretary of State is not.reported and whether Col,Grimes has a.clear majority over.all does not yet appear,but he probably has that. ~The only second>primaries in theStatewillbeforRepresentatives\in Congress in the sixth and seventh districts. Mr.Bickett May Be Here on the! Fourth. Manning |Second The D.A.R the delotxadiog at Fert Dobbs 4th.A picnic,with an address as in feature,will bo the chief events. torney General T.W.Bickett,= Democratic candidate for Governor, has been invited to speak on that.dayand‘he writes that he wil!probably be}jetteville valued at $10,000,killed andabletocome.The:D.A,R.’s will ments, sell «refresh- rural mail carrier: Items of Interest‘Gathered From; Over the State. Catawba county commissionershavemade.an order.providing fortheerectionofsignboardsat.everyforkedroadeverycross-road inY¥,the county,|major veo D,Heartt “of “Raleighhasbeenappointedclerkofthe‘Fed-| eral court of the eastern district to succeed A.L,Bow of Greenville,who died last wek. No more ticensed-ool rooms’in,Kinston.Yielding ta a demand by 1,400 petitioners,many of them wo-;men and Sunday schocl children, city council voted unanimously to re- fuse to grant license. Rey.T.W.Chambliss;a Baptist minister well known as a newspaper writer,formerly with the Charlotte Observer,has resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist church of Wil- son,the resignation effective August lL Mr.Stephen Currin and Mr.Eu- gene Wortham weree driving about three miles from Henderson Sunday when the horse took fright and ran away,throwing them out on the ground.Currin died from his injuriesTilesday. Lottie Taylor,the weman shot by Don Anderson at Durham a_fewdaysago,is expected to recover.An- derson committed suicide _after shooting the’woman and his remains were sent to Wilkes county,his home, for burial. The members of the State Board of Elections are in session in Raleigh this week canvassing the returns from the primary but the returns are slow. Up to Wednesday evening returns had been received from only 60 of 100 counties. In the Federal court at Greensboro this week Bud Wooten of Yadkin county plead guilty to violating the internal revenue laws and was fined$150.Marion Reavis,also of Yad- kin,was convicted of illicit distilling and was fined $100. When Gov.Craig leaves the execu- tive office in Raleigh next winter hewillgoto.Asheville to practice law ‘with his son,Geo.Craig.~Young’|. Craig is now a law student and will probably stand examination for _li- cense this fall. John Adams,8 years old,sat down oa a lightning arrester in the yard of the sub-station of the Carolina Power&Light Company at Henderson and was.killed.The arrester is supposed to have been charged with electricity as the result of a storm, ;The only Republican contest of note in the primary’election Saturday was in the ninth congressional district,in which Jake Newell of Charlotte and C.E.Greene of Mitchell county were candidates for the congressional nom- ination....Greene won. Battling with playmates,in which green apples and possibly more dan- gerous missiles were weapons,Rob- ert,9-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs. Jas.A.Johnston of Davidson,washitintheeye.and the ball so badly damaged it had to be removed. A report from Hickory says infant children of E.E.Bowman of Alexan- der county and O.C.Bowman of West Hickory,brothers,were:buried Wednesday at Shiloh church,Alex- ander county.Both fathers ordered coffins within the same hour Tuesday. Mr.Walter Murphy, an,announces that he will be a can-didate for Speaker.‘Mr.Murphy has filled that position.Mr.Gallatin Rob- erts of Buncombe and Mr.T,’C.Bow- ie of Ashe are understood to covet the same honor. The portrait of Gencral Stephen D. Ramseur,dashing soldier who lost hi; life in the fall of 1864,was presented to the hall of history in Raleigh Wed- nesday,Chief Justice Walter Clarl making the presentation speech and Colonel J.Bryan Grimes the accept- ance for the historic:!commission Gen.Ramseur was from Lincoln coun- ty. Thornwell Haynes,superintendent of schools of High Point,has been elected president of Birmingham Col- lege,at Birmingham,Ala.Mr. Haynes has been superintendent.of schools at High Point since 1911 and prior to that time had extensive ex- perience in the American diplomatic service as consul at Rouen,France, Vladivostok and Singapore. A delegation from the ladies clubs ot Monroe asked the hoard of alder- men of Monroe to appoint a woman sanitary officer for the town,claiming: that the men were negligent in such matters,The aldermen consented te rive the proposition a tryout for 80 days and asked the ladies to selecttheofficer.Mrs.Henty R.Laney was selected.The salary is $60 per month. Forty bids from book publishers to supply the text teoks for use in the public schools of the State are now in the hands of the State Boardof\Rducation as the State Commission,and they will await the appointment of tne six members ofthesub-commission to be announced s uve nniking-plans for | Wednesday of next week,when the |representatives of the publishers will {be heard. A windstorm.Tuesday jnight did July;;much property damage in Harnett and|Cumberland counties,killed Bruce-|Coats at Dunn—he became entangled in electric wires—desiroyed a portion‘of the Cumberland county home and injured .three persons,demolished buildings at the fair zrounds at Fay- j injured stock,damared buildings andjeropsand:destroyed timber, 115 the!misssioner —Boyd *Mrs, 1 }Democratic|f,; nomineefor_the Legislature in Row-| Ut ithe store,Textbook |, STORM DAMAGE IN ALEX. Big Hail Stones —-——Light Vote in the Primary —Taylors-. ville News. Correspondence,of The Landmark, Taylorsville,June 8—The ‘vote in the primary Saturday was very light, The following is the vote:President —Wilson 231,Hughes 45,Roosevelt 10,Root 3;Vice President—Marshall 224,Pritchard 9;Goverpor—Bickett 214,Daughtridge 14;ecretary ofState—Clark 2,Grimes 66,Hartness 160;;Treasurer—iLacy.152,Mann_63;ee General—Calvert 48,Jones 5,Manning 23;Corporation Com- 21,Lee 191;Com- missioner of Labor ‘and Printing—Dellinger 20,Shipman 181;Commis- sioner of Agr iculture-—Hobbs 11,Me- Kinnon 111!Insurance Commissioner —iMcClenaghan 23,Young 194. Considerable damage was done by the severe rain’and hail storm Tues- day afternoon.Old people ‘said thatthehailstones-were the largest theyeversaw.Wittenburg and Sharpe'stownshipsseemtohavesufferedmostfromthestorm.Some of the wheat crops are ruined.There was.not. much damage done in town..A few window panes were broken out by the hail and a few of the telephone wires were put out of commission. Mr.and Mrs.J.P.Babington andtheirdaughters,Mrs.Simpson and Cora Mae,and Mrs.Simpson’s daugh- ter,Katherine,left this morning for Shelby to visit relatives. Rev.L.L,Moore and nephew, Master Wallace Moore,went to Charlotte Monday evening to be with Mr.Moore’s nephew,Mr.John Wat- son Moore,teacher of mathematics in the high school,Winston-Salem,who underwent a successful operation forappendicitisatthePresbyterianhos- pital Tuesday morning.They re- turned home Tuesday night.’ Mr.James Torrance of Charlotte is a guest at the home of his sister,|C L.L.Moore.Miss Lucile Mc- Laughlin of Atlanta visited her cous- in,Miss Irene LeQueux,returning to Atlanta Wednesday ‘evening.Mr.T.O.Teague is attending the nationalRepublicanconventioninChicago. NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS. School Board Passes on County School Buildings,.Districts and Special Tax Elections, The following business was trans- acted Monday by the board of educa- tion Plaus were approved for a new buildinys i Chambersburg district Ns.1 and the committee was author- ized to have the building -erected. The board refused to form a new dis- trict from part of Joyner and Rock Springs schools.' T.H.Stafford and Miss Mary Mc- Canless were .re-elected teachers in the Harmony Farm Life.School.The price per month for board at the dor- mitory for the year 1916-1917 was fixed at $8 for full time and $6 when student boards from Monday morning until Friday afternoon. The board endorsed petition for special school tax=election for Coddle Creek school.District No.2,Olin,applied for new buildings. No action taken on petition for_anpectintovoteoffspecialtaxinShi- lo New houses were ordered built at Mount Mourne,District No.1,David- son township;in new district on State Highway on or near Dr.Yount’sarm, ~“Téwas ordered that the ‘coloredsu- pervisor be continued in the county for another year. Nothing New in Homicide Case. There is nothing especially new inregardtothekillinginUnionGrove township Monday afternoon of Claude Warren by Homer Matheson. Rev.M.A.Matheson of Newton,fa- ther of Homer Matheson,was _here Tuesday to see the latter.If He made any definite arrangement for counsel to defend his son it is not known.Counsel has been spoken to by the Warren relatives to assist in the prosecution.Matheson has very lit- tle to say to those who visit his cellinthejail. Church News. Rev.A.W.Crawford of —Greens- boro,superintendent of home mis- sions for the Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina,will preach at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning and at Front Street church Sunday evening,Dy.H.M.Parker, pastor of Front Street,will preach at the First church Sunday evening.Dr. Raynal.the First Presbyterian pas- tor,will be in Laurinburg Sunday to preach for Rev.Dr.Rose,who is ill. Business Deal at Turnersburg. Messrs.N.F.Steele,Stony Point, L.C,Steele,Turnersburg,CC.R. Stimpson,Statesville,and Dr,IF.S. Steele,Hickory,have bought the Stimpson and Steele interests at Tur- nersburg.The business consists of cotton mill,roller mill and totton gin.Messrs.N.FF.and 1,C, Steele will have active matiapement of the business,which will be eontin- ued under the old firm:name—Stimpsson&Steele. Frame Buildings in Fire Limits. Chief of Police Kerr asks The Land- mark to publish the fellowing law inregardtoerectionand_inspection of frame buildings in fire limits: “Within the fire limits of cities andtowns,no frame or wooden buildingshallbehereaftere:ected,or altered,repaired or moyed except upon thepermitofthebuildinginspector,ap- proved by the insurance commission- er!’ |BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS —Mr.Jno.R.Myers ofHownansvillehasbeenbroughttotheSangto*rium for an operation for appendicit-is.Mr.J.B,Armfield hag;returnedfromCharlotte,where he had beenintheCharlotteSanatoriumfor treatment.—-Mr.C.M.Gaffney of South ‘Gar’olina is subbing at the Western Un+_ion while Manager Robinson is tak-ing two weeks’vacation. me Wednesday...afternoon|at.o'elock with the Vance club-and talkondomesticscience.<The ladies’otthecommunityare:especially.invited to attend,—Dr:Wallace Hoffmann,who’grad-uated last week from the AmericanSchoolofOsteopathyat©Kirksville,Mo.,has about decided to engage|inthe"practice of his profession;‘inStatesville—his home town.;°*' —Russell Pearson,the Mornegrowhowasknockedorfean.excursion train here severalago,was able.to walk.outon :streets yesterday but his mind is‘notaltogetherclear.—Wheat harvest is about at handandsayingthewheatandchoppingcottonmakea“throng time”on thefarm,.While the straw is very otethewheatgenerallyisreported,filled and a fair crop is in prospect.’ —The city school board this,weekre-elected Supt.Thompson,PrincipalYountandalltheteachersemployedlastyear.It is not certain that ‘alltheteachers.will accept but,they.aregiventheopportunityto’come back ifthey~choose.~A—jMr..'T.C.Moose,who had teecentlybeenwiththeNewlandstore.inLenoir,has severed his .connectionthereandwilllocateoleae:Mrs.-Moose will spend a few dayshere withrelativesandMr.Moose ‘went a Charlotte yesterday. —Mr.and Mrs.T;M.Dale-and.childrenreturnedTuesdayfromanautermobiletriptoAshevilleviaChimneyRockandtheCrestoftheBlue|highway.They report the trip bythisrouteadelightfulone.Toad is fine and the scenery magni cent. —Mr.V%BE,Lackey,axehk of:Southern Express ‘Co.,released over,100:pigeons Saturday.morning,June3,at 5 o'clock,and the first bird homeintheloftatNewark,N.J.,was.at4.05 the same afternoon.The tateoftravelingwas.1313.48:yards,a min- ute. ~Miss Annie.Marvin,vital statiati-cian for Statesville township,reports24birthsand18deathsforthemontofMay—five white deaths,15 whiteandonecoloredbirthsinStatesviinsideand8whitebirths,5 white at5colireddeathsinStatesvilleout- Sl from Miss Jamison of Raleigh —will SH Widest 4 —The Landmark.hears that a lit-.tle son of Mr.Wm.Crawford of Shi-loh township fell from a tree Wed=nesday and-was-badly-hurt.Detailsoraccuracyofthestorycouldnot:secured because the telephone line inthatsection.was_“‘in trouble”.yester-ay.2M and Mis,D.J.-Craig ate in’Charlotte with their little son,JaCraig,who.is seriously -ill Melitis_at_a hospital _there.The ¢condition is considered better.—fe,Irvin Steele and the Craig childrenwenttoCharlotteyesterdaytovisitthesickboy. —Dr.veterinary surgeon,is on the pro-C.L.Cruse of|Statesville, “ey gramme fora talk-atthemeetingof~~the North Carolina.Veterinary.Asso-ciation at Wrightsville Beach June20-22.Dr.Cruse’s subject is ‘TheMostCommonFormsofColic’andTheirTreatment.” —Policeman Fulp Tuesday:lost area poodle dog a portion of his trousers.° Mr.Fulp was standing talking to’afriendonsouthCenterstreetwhenthedogslippedupandseizedthe. ficer’s.trousers,tearing a piecethem.His teeth also pinchedfleshbutdidnoserious.damage.’ —Mrs.B.F.Long returned Tutsday:from New York,where she at- tended the 13th biennial conventionoftheGeneralFederationof.,Wimen’s Clubs.Mrs.Long was one ofthesevendelegatesfromtheState:Federation._It.is estimated:that the convention was women. —At their meeting Monday the Castawbacountycommissioners‘signified their willingness to —join Iredell:in:building a bridge across the river at Lookout,to which the Southern.Pow*er Co.agreed to.contribute $5,000. Iredell,however,is not disposed’toengageinacountybridgepropositionuntilarrangementscanbe.made.to take care of the bridgesin.which Ire- dell citizens have invested their mon- SMe ~In-the haste of tabulating the primary returns some crrors were un+avoidable.In the retuins printed jnTheLandmark‘he vote for L.C.My+:ers,Republican candidate for county:commissioner,in ward 2,Statesville,was 91.The figures‘were transposed.The Myers vote in that ward was‘19and,this reduces his total vote fromi548to486.Mr,L.C.»Wagner,who!received 495,led the Republicanticketforcountycomm#ssioner,, —Among the surses why graduatedatWhitehead~.Stckes SanatoriumTrainingSchoolin.£afisbuty iaweekareMissesEdnaHoinzertiansandMissSadieFurches,ofville.Miss Heinzerlineis a daofMr,and Mrs.J.EB.HeinzMiss:Furches isa dang of-Charlie.Furches,formezcinity,now of Poston,,einieceofMr.H.V.Purches‘great-niece of Mrs.D.M.FuStatesville. attended by —20,000: 2 FABIT OF LAGGING, L.Gilbert has brought to ‘public attention a matter that is timely and “of prime importance in Statesville—promptnuss in keeping engagements,especially in attending~paeethng and it is@ serious fault—is not pecu- ‘liar to Statesville,but as reforms ~~ghould:always begin at home,and it i 1 ¥ ‘‘ ‘ ' is necessary to correct our own faults before calling attention to the short- comings of others,it-is especially to Statesville people that these remarks are ‘directed. It is rare that there is a commit- tee meeting,a board meeting or any other sort of meeting in Statesville, at which all the people whose business it is.to.attend are on time.Those who are prompt go on time;others lag along anywhere from15 ‘minutes to an hour late;and others who are expected don’t go at all and are not considerate enough to give notice that they won’t be there.The result is that the people who go early not only lose valuable time but they are an- neyed by those who wantonly waste their time.Did you ever reflect how inexcusable it is and how serious a matter it is to keep people waiting when you have made an engagement? Did you ever think that their time is tw.as..Valuable—possibly more valuable —to them as yours is to you,and that any kind:~~Phis tavit— Sk ON WL fort See il Se EI RE ORCIHF GER WORE THE Our Foreign Affairs. Speaking before -..the _Jefferson County Bar Association at Water- town,N.Y.,a few days ago,Secreta- ry of State Lansing went,after the ‘critics of the administration's foreign policy who would have it do “more than has been done in the negotiations arising from the war,and replied to those who complain the United States has‘been more vigorous in its deal- ings with Germany than with Great Britain.i “The violation of<-the=-natural rights of life is a much more serious offence against an individual and against his,nation,”.said Secretary Lansing,“that the violation of the legal right of property.Can you doubt for a moment which one gives this.government the greatest con- cern?”i That there was an influence in America and:even in Congress which put right of property and right of life on a par,Secretary Lansing de- clared,showed that the “great heart of the republic is threatened with fat- ty degeneracy through those who have lost their patriotic vigor;that many Americans have become lovers of ease rather than lovers of nation- al honor.” “The great war has caused so many conditions,which are entirely new, and presented so many questions which were never before;raised or even thought of,that it”has been no easy task to meet and answer them. “The peoples and,governments at war are blinded by |opinions are unavoidably biased;their |eonduct frequently influenced by hys- |terical impulses,which approach to madness.Patience and forbearance |dre essential to a neutral in dealing |with such nations.In a nutshell the wwewto..delay them while you go on with |situation of our relations with Great i i4 i fliA ‘f|a your work,or idle away the time,is a very serious offence?If at the last mament one finds that he is unavoid- ably detained from an engagement—| and having made one the excuse for breaking it should be very valid— common courtesy would suggest .a notification,so that others will not be delayed.: All this lagging the habit—and that is no excuse.Some- .times people who are accustomed to meet engagements promptly do so a few titfies only to find they have to wait,and thereafter they wait,too. They think nobody will be there ear- ly.Mr.Gilbert says our folks are on time at nothing save at church.What "he means is that-the church service is the only meeting that starts on tine,’for by no means all the folks go to church on time.It is rare that a public meeting of any kind in -Statesville starts on time.Usually there is a delay of 15 to 20 minutes. Those who run the meeting usually say they are waiting on the folks to come. so because they know the meeting won’t start on time and they don’t want to have to wait.Meantime those is “who go,.on time have their patience “worn out waiting on the laggards. Mr.Gilbert says we are teaching our children bad habits;.they don’t think they have to go anywhere on time.True.The children in the pub- lic_schools are encouraged to be punc- tual—which is most commendable and it is a pleasure to see how many of them pride themselves on punctuality in school—but part of that lesson is lost,nearly every time there is a pub- lic entertainment at the school,for that usually begins 15 to 20 minutes late;.and the balance of the lesson is ~lost by the example of parents who: are never on time. Men and brethren,and sisters,too. ‘‘let’s stop this nonsense,this annoy- ance—in_some —cases outrage, When ‘an hour is set for a meeting to begin,start it on the minute,and take the pains to let those who come in late know that they are guilty of discourtesy;shut the coors and make them wait outside for a proper in- terval,if it’s a pay performance.If the public knew that every meeting would begin on the minute the great majority would soon acquire the hab- it of going on time.A_few poor | an result of| Britain and Germany,the two powers with which we have had our principal |controversies,is this:|“Germany,having developed the submarine as an.offensive engine of destruction,asserts that she cannot, on account of the resulting conditions. ;conform to the established rules of |naval warfare,and we should not, therefore,insist on strict compliance. “On the other hand,Great Britain declares that,on account of the new conditions resulting from submarine aetivity and the use of mines and from the geographical position of Germany,she cannot conform to the established rules of blockade and contraband,and we should:not there- fore hold her to strict compliance with those rules.“Both governments have adopted the same arguments based primarily on military necessity and offer the same excuses for their illegal acts, but neither will admit that the other is in any way justified for its con- duct.If we admit that the argu- ments advanced are sound—and IT am sure no one will deny that they are |more or less reasonable—and submit |to changes in the rules of naval war- \fare,we will be without any standard lof neutral rights. }Must Hold Firmly to Neutral Rights. |‘The only alternative.therefore,is Some of those who go late do|for this government to hold firmly to} j those neutral rights which interna- |tional law has clearly defined and to |insist vigorously on their observance |by all belligerents.In not the slight- |est degree can the settled rules be ested consent to the modifications. “It is true that the rights violated SAGWOIAD 10 eRe TCS,| Secretary Lansing Talks About passion;their | modified unless all the parties inter-| are ot influenced solely By considerations or personal amb I often.wonder what the critics do if they had the respon ity. Would they be so_bellicose? W they aes er aap vue iy was questionable.they could compel’com-thefull ae pliance?..Would they®ount cost_of their action?I wonder. er they would be radical or con tive?Responsibility. of difference view.‘—“When-a-few--ene this country into war,the man 0hasthepowertoutter_those «words will think a long,long time before he exercises that-power.He will-submit to a deal of criticism and endure abuse and ridicule rather than see the young men of America sent forth‘to die on the battlefield,Only the su-preme necessity of maintaining ‘thehonor.of the United States or of de-fending its independence and.the lib- erties of its people will induce him to speak the fateful words which maybringdeath’to thousands of his fel-low-countrymen,and change the des-tinies of the republic.. “Those who are prone to blame the government because it does not de- mand and threaten ought to consider very seriously what it would mean tothenationiftheirwisheswerecar- ried out.If they.were responsible for|the consequences,would they give the; counsel,which,as_private citizens, they are so ready to give ” peace essenen aera nt Kentucky As It is Now.| In the May American Magazine Tr-| vin S.Cobb writes about his native. State as follows:| “Of late Kentucky has gone in less| for pistol-toting and more for better| schools;for fewer homicides and a, greater number of good roads.Yet| in her essentials she 1s what she al-, ways has been.She leads the planet' land the sub-divisions thereof in the| production of chewing tobacco and| Bourbon distillations,which age.in, wood,or would do so were it not for the demands of the New York clubs,leads in fine,fast| |horses;in although not.so}'much hemp since the electric chair|‘came into common use and the lynch- |ings began to fall off;in corn bread., without any sugar in it;in hog jowl jand turnip grecns;in.ancestors;in| ‘colonels who inherited the title or had ‘it,wished on them;in poets—not all| (of our poets write poetry,but all of| ‘them think it;in silver-tongued ora-| tors;in the proportionate number of latchstrings hanging on the outside;| jin the use of doormats with the word| '“welcome”on them;in pretty girls; |with -soft voices and tiny feet:and |flirtatious souls:in men who believeithatKentuckyhasthefairestskies,| the softest landscapes,the deepest| waterways,the clearest rills,|the; ‘finest people and the greatest unde-| |veloped possibilities in natural wealth,| and ire willing to fight you to prove ;Likewise,she hemp, ite ?laa|“Within her own,borders she ex-! cels in the ritualistic mint julep and| 'the high-church ham.It takes three |years to cure a Kentucky ham prop- jerly.The trouble is that so few peg- sons who have ever tasted one can )wait.that long.” May Arbitrate With Mexico. }(A proposal to General Carranza i that the United Siates end the Mexi-f: lcan de facto govetnmcnt submit the whole subject of their relations to an international commission is being se- |riously considered by the administra- |tion.Such a proposal,if it is made,will in a ‘man’s seat . . How the Texas Tube-test T nettled Bill Parr considerably!/So many Motorists hadcarclessly stated that “all Tire Tubes are just Rubber.”He determined to show some folks the difference,in a way they would never forget. There were four Cars at the door,and:theirOwnersorDriversathiselbow,: To these he said,—; “Boys,—how sirong do you think this Goodrich Brown Tube actually is?“Do-you believe it is strong enough to tow Mr. Oden’s five passenger Car,with four people in it,for 20 blocks? “You don’t,ch!“Well now here’s a bit of a Bet I want to make with any,or all,of you.“T will bet you a Dinner that this little old regu- tar Goodrich Tube (34x4)will not .only tow,Mr. Oden’s Car,but will tow all three of your Cars,—~fully passengered,—through the strects,for the full 21 blocks (more than a mile and a half)—starting and stopping as many times as the crowd makes it necessary.“T will,—if you Gentlemea are agreeable,;—-line up all four of your Cars,right here and now,take threeregularGoodrichTubeshap-hazard out of their boxes,—tie one tube between each two Cars,(which means hauling three Cars on the first Tube)and tcte You- all that way to “The Corners.”*“Are you willing to bet a Dinner that any onc of the three Tubes will ‘go broke’on the way,or show a flaw which would leak Air,or prevent its being uscd for its original Tire purpose afterwards?“You are,eh?'‘ “Well,—the Bet’s on!“Come along,and you be the Judges.” *** HE Dinner.was a very Cheerful Affair.As Uden said afterwards.(when.put- ting uppis share of the Bet)“you couldhavebetmeaMillionon’that,Parr,and I'd have taken you up,—even if I had to borrow the Million. “ft don't sec bow the blamed ‘Tubes ever did hold out,-respecially going up Saco St.under such a strain. “With eight people in the last three Cars,--and a total load of over 8,800 poundsI sure thought to hear something snap before Second Block.“Whaddve put ito that brown Goodrich Rubber anyhow,to make it Aang together like that?” Vritz said that what puzzled Aim gmost was the brown Rubber “Pubes “not being all slretched ont of happened! shape after such.a tug,at the finish,“Look you,"said he,“when we released theload,—after the Haul,—they:instantly snap back intp just.garee-quartcrs of an inch longer.than they were at tif start!‘5;“And that 2 of an inch,they tock wp again in loss than two hours rest.”i ‘ even if they did hang together Vy *** ce ELL,boys,"—Bill Parz remarked,—asasaenthedAyewrinkleinhiswell-ied vest,“that'll stop the Argum about cil Tire Tubes being ‘just Rubber,’won'it?”- _.“If the Brown Stuff that toted all you Heavy- weights,—and your ‘Cars,—for 21 blocks,without a Sign of Heavy Duty afterwards,.isn’t something MORE than ‘Just Rubber,’like other Tubes,—-then you'd bet- ter buy the ‘Just Rubber’kind hereafter._“Pm going to ask all of -you to sign your namestothis‘Texas Tire Tube Test,’—just to show that you have taken part in a regular Exploit which is mightywell:worth recording.” So indeed they,did,—af&l here is the affidavit:- _AFFIDAVIT, :This certifies that we,the undersigned,took part in and witnessed,the Texas tube test referred to in the advertisement entitled “How the TexasTubeTestHappened!”—that the test was made:on date ofNov.11,at Waco,Texas,the distance cov-cred being twenty-one blocks and that the résult)Was'as described.: W.M.ODEN,Signed— J.M.NASH,B.A.FRITZ,W.A.PARR, Subscribed and sworn to before me by W.M.Oden,J:M.Nash,B.A.Fritz and W.A.-Parr,this the 3rd day of May,A.D.1916,at Waco,Texas. Signed—J.G.WREN, Notary Public, McLennon County,Texas. Now what dink You of these GOODRICH TireTubesthatcouldbearupundersuchagruellingtest? Reflect that they cost you no more than the“ordinary”’‘Tubes you so-carelessly-accept!t by the belligerents may differ in im-| portance and,therefore,require dif-|Serve as a reply to the Mexican noteferenttreatment:Thus the violation’demanding withdrawal of the Ameri- more serious offence against an in-|Justment of many unsettled differ- dividual and against his nation than/ences that for years have embarrass-the violation of the legal “right of{ed the relations of the two nations. property.There is not and cannot be|Settlement by a commission is _pro-adeauate recompense for the wrong-|Vided for expressly by the treaty offuldestructionoflife,but property;1848,which provides further thatlossesmaybesatisfiedbythepay-)‘Should such a course te proposed by 1GOOD MEATofthenaturalrightoflifeisamuch‘ean troops and-may contemplate ads}:AND :VEGETABLES When our refrigeration plant was installed it was left with a -orent-of-indemmities;-either_party,it shell +e-aceedet-to-by “If one belligerent violates the|the other unless deemed as altogeth- right of life and another belligerent€"incompatible with the nature of‘violates the right of property,can|the difference or the circumstances of +you doubt for a moment which one the case.”:-gives this government the greatest,President Wilson and General Car- ‘concern,or which one will call forth,"anza would appoint an equal num-‘the more vigorous protest and the!ber of commissioners under the plan, more earnest effort to prevent repeti-|and the meeting probably would be tions of offence?held-somewhere ovtside the territory Cannot.Make —Life Property 0!beth countries.There is as yet no Equal.certainty whether President Wilson|“A government which places life|will make this proposal,but it is sup-' land property on an equality would |posed to be under consideration. j be generally condemned;and _justly ee) j;eondemned.Yet,I regret to say, there are some Americans who do not recognize this difference.How manyitakethisviewitisimpossibletosay, and Bowe!Complaints in India. In a Iceture at one of the Des Moines,Towa, churches a missionary from India told of soe Ving into the interior of India,where he was fake sick,that he had a bottle of Chamber. (ee 7 6 ‘lain’s Colic,Che and Diarrhoea Reme|but the number is large,judging:by jwith him and_believ that it rel fe nite,some who sit-in the halls of Con-This remedy is used successfully in India bothgress.las a preventive and cure for cholera.You “This mental attitude makes ieee Tae the alee aoe ue he o ree|.F ‘aoc cet ipo .1c der forms of bowel complaint|wonder if the sensibilities of that occur in this country.Obtainable every-|;American people have become blunted by materialism |one the SO;Where, slight defect which had an unde- sirable effect on the meat.A man from the factory has been here and completely remedied_this. Now we are equipped to furnish our customers the best of meats |and vegetables from our refriger- ation vlant. M-P.Alexander &Bro., ‘The Sanitary Store. W.dD.HARRIS118CourtStrect. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for tlest-Price} Same. A MIGHTY Great men made this car. tor,made the CHevr out loss of power.¢ tests.Today this Chevrolet type valve-in-he tion of Economy and Power.. Now add the great production factoy,geniused by W.C.Durant,A,B.C. Hardy and Russell E.Gardner,and you have the Mightiest Car at the Lit- Inspirators, ERYASSEN - Mighty Big Power—Mighty Low Fuel Cost—Mighty Little Price—. Chevrolet ‘‘Four-Ninety.” Arthur Mason,father of the valvc-in-head mo- olet motor..Made it so it would reduce fuel cost with- Tried it out for three.years under the most exhaustiveadistheanswertotheques- Chevrolet ‘‘Four-Ninety,."* “A Mighty Car For Mighty Little.” CAR eererees souls think it is a sort of badge of|that they distinction to be late—that onl C|Sees e y the |property as they do of the loss ‘of common herd is prompt.These are!the lives of their fellaw-countrymen ?to be pitied rather than censured;and Such an idea is repugnant to a lib- possibly even they would learn some-|¢"ty-loving American;it is utterly),janl ownersin the above drainage list f:;:|wanting in the nobler impulses of a,y;'thing,after awhile,if by a look,aj oy a :the enin.viewers’Supplementary Report set Ma’’yt al great people;it is hostile to the spir-vith,at 10 o'clock,a.ms was continued 1G shrug,those who are on time would)it of true Americanism.Yet it exists|{il dune lth,at 11 o'clock,a.m,let the late comers know how unwel-(#4 is ‘widespread and must’be reck-j|_M*y #0)dune 9.J.A.HARTNESS,U.S.C,ioned withometheyare.If we would try we)‘:a ye ake the 1:ou tt y =|cm Nation Must Be United.Having:qualified as the administrator with‘oon make the late comers so;“This attitude of mind of a por-/the will annexed,of the estate,of Miss Maryuncomfortabletheywouldgoearlyor:tion of our people increases the dif-|Z Campbell.deceased,late of Iredell county,ay ee ‘ficulties of diplomacy.i 49 mime {ae 1 Carolina,this is to notify all persons *|impossible to present a strong and |deceased to exhibit them to the und:=Linens |1 c i t |ats /}:vsignedSomuchforpublicmeetings.At)unbending front in a controversy un-|#t Mocksville,N.C.on or before the 2d daytheprivatemeetings,those who make|less a united and determined nation [po Mey:18th or this notice will be pleaded in!oe :{bar of their recovery.All persons indebted a business of delaying should be al-|i8 behind you.Furthermore,the!to said estate will please make immaliata Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anything in repair line.‘Phone 209. think as mueh of the loss of their In the Matter of Snow Creek Drainage District. Land owners in the above drainage district N..W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT,Statesville,N.C, scecesea for SEE OUR LINE —.of —— KOOL CLOTH. aoe ede NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WANTED! ‘SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound-;;FOR SALE: aving claims against the estate of the said ih _ieeeith them.If a member of a com-| ba ee to keep it up just’long enough| :nd that it is a custom with them, Then the others concerned should re-' fuse ‘to have anything further to do! “Tomitittee or a board makes it a habit to |crush out this influence and hecome|county,all real estate on which the 1915 tax-iMEgee:|delay.meetings or not to attend,he| knowledge that our people are not aj Payment...L.C.unit in supporting a vigorous policy |@" encourages a_foreign government to}D.F.Mayberry,Atty. resist:our protests,feeling sure that |———————————________L_ we must withdraw or modify them.v af firmly believe that the Ameri-,NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. can people will one of these days,By order of .HORN,Administrator,C.'T, of Miss Mary EF.Campbell,Mocksville,N. May 2,1916,— the Commissioners of:Tredell es have not been paid will be advertised forastheyShouldbe,a great,united na-/sale after June 15,1916. New and second hand machinery:for ‘sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies. Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7. Cc.H.TURNER. :ey iT we\S PANAMA HATS, SHIRTS,etc., ALM BEACH SUITS, J.M.DEATON, Sheriff, DRESSED SQUARBS;: Easily Digested—DeliciousRECOMMENDEDBYPRYSICIANS For Convalescents. ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS, W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor. 'to defend their honor,regardless of;May 19. —|personal sacrifice. “When you disapprove of some} course of action taken by this ‘gov-| ernment,be lenient’in your judgment,| for very often the action is the result of conditions which cannot be-made public and which may never be made.public.|“Let me add just a word.When the |oreign...nolicies..of,pibeenmenamencnwhy BUILDING? Cc.WATKINS for “Everything to’Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest.Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-iy )Yours to Serve ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,ft ’’ Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement,7 nl ‘a 1SloanClothingCo.eNixt Planters’:Wh-,Statesville.“\ CLOTHES riet i Gat be-euntod,tion,jealous of their rights and eager |Before buying.From the scarcity of second prima- \tase it is beginning to appear that e@ people knew what they wanted .axid had small hesitation in saying so. Greensboro News.~ ‘So.And the folks who were de- pectenncing second primaries -as a f ';&worty”and expense,hideaerEmare criticised by honest criticsthatsourceoftroubleeliminated,mean -by ‘honest.crittes’thoseJ \ Wiss po o o o e e t o c e r o s e r r e r e r e r a r e t r e r r r c r r o r e a ) 12 high class entertainments foronly$2—the price,of one!. PorroPCHHCHC.WATKINS, B=Whittaker, uble;-prmastanseman amePtter-anynsvighpape )a friend told me to.tryeee‘Black.‘Draught,whlich did,and |found it to be the best family medi-|?cine for young and old.»|keep Black-Draught on hand”fn theMmenow,and when my children feel a}tle bad,they ask medoesthemmoregood than any medicineeyevertried. We never have a long spell of sick-fess in our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.”Thedford’s Black-Draught is purely:vegetable,‘and has.been found to regu:|late weak stomachs,aid digestion,re-lieve pacigesticn,colic,wind,nausea,headache,|sick stomach,and similassymptoms, It has been in ‘constant use for morethan70eastand.has benefited morethanamillionpeople. Your druggist sells and recommends|Since eat Price only 25c.Geta Dackageto N.C.123 SOAPS..| Royal Medicated Soap,10 -eents a cake or 3 cakes for 25 cents. Skat,10 cents a can.| Spotless Cleaner with]! brush,3 cans for 25 cents. Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St. **/Legibility MultiKopy givescopicsthatarebeautifullyneatandthatarereally permanent.| In blucor black,Multl-Kopy never fades. MultiKopy copies oftenrivaltheoriginalincleanliness.and legi-bility,MultiKopy issurprisinglyduratileandeconomical. Write far FREE’SqmattBihesoct tte * Brady “Printing Company Statesville,N.C. a 7s yOU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,-if you once tried. meri | Neaghceeel It is choice enough for the finest | salad dressing,as delicious as any oil-you ever tasted,and so much , cheaper you can use it for cooking,too.It makes a sinooth,deliciousmayonnaisefhat“stands up”well and pleases everybody.| This is the Weck to Buy YourChautauquaTickets,| Miller-McLain Supply Co. Soe)eenemaermmae ee eeeen eesFORYOURPicnic.Lunch ——-WE HAVE— Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Butter, Peanut Butter,LooseSweetPickles,BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges.Comein and see w ae ,we have.:‘Ragle &Mioland StatesvilleTin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal line for'good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55.114 East Broad Street. eral weld sick headache,and) a dose,andif} |THE BLOOD! |ties,Rheumatism must go. |Barium’Rock Springs. ee t t i i e e ec e e e R s Te c o rr e ee JB S B E E B S &§ i iscs s< hese 10240--mTrainon16ar,‘e:40,feaves’7406p.“Nos.28 and 2sare not Operated on Sunde Wheat Harvest .on andthe ‘Wheat Good—-Perconal Items. drrexpohdence at.The Uarttinark Troutman,R-1,.June 7,—Wheat The straw is*short but b harvest.is on. the heads are filled-out--well..-We.are| season and crops);having a splendid are looking fine.Miss Bertie Beaver has returned),..-home from”Harrisburg...where she!Jay, was the guest of Miss Mary Alexan-der.Mr.Fred.Fisher »f Davidson is siting his grandparents,Mr.and i Mrs.A.Hobbs.Mrs.J.R.Neal“and ahiiaeen of Charlotte are visiting irs.A.M.Johnson.|for their new home!in Pinehurst in a few days.The ladies of Salein ehurch will sell ice cream Saturday evening m Mr.B. P.Smith’s yard.The yreeeeds are to go for the benefit of the church.Ev- erybody invited. One Successful Treat-ment For the Many | Forms of Rheumatism Whether your trouble be Sciatica,: Lumbago or the Articular Rheuma- tism,(the Gout is an Articular dis- ease),,the answer is the same.-YOU MCST TREAT IT THROUGH That is the oly way to rid the system of Uric acid,purify the blood and revitalize the nerves. If the blood is freed from impuri-This is knowledge.gained by experience and observation.The remedy is prepared in nature’s laboratories: The Master Mineral Water from This is a re- markable blood tonic,originated,not by man.but by the great Creator.It will relieve you of Rheumatism. The recovery of hundreds of sufferers| by the -use-of —-Barium—Rock—Spring Water is’proof that you can be re- |lieved.Money back if directions are i followed with no benefit from first|order of ten gallons.BARIUM SPRINGS CO. rium Lodge.’Phone Ba- -Phone'us Your OrdersFor— *Ta Dypewriter.Rib-bens;Ca *Papers,‘Pencils,ie Clips,Ink Stands and.allyourofficesupplies. _R.P.Allison’s Book Store. A RECORD-BREAKER.“In testing 'T covered 491 square feet—two coats —with one gallon No.27. “The density and working proper- '|ties are in.all respects equal to its phenomenal spreading capacity.” The above is a portion of a letter received from Thomas B.McCarriar,M.P.,Baltimore.If you doubt this,write him. FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C.: DR.G.A.LAZENBY.|DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. DON’T SWAT FLIES? |SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS /can be bought from C.WATKINS. ’Phone No.48. THEROYALHEATER The‘‘Royal’’is a RangeBoilerandWaterHeat-erin combination andisdesignedtotaketheplaceoftheold-fashion-_.ed method of attaching|: an independent heater to the sidé of an ordi-nary rahge boiler The “Royal’’can beinstalled:at a supris- ingly low cost and will furnish hot water everyhourofthedayand night at.an expensewellwithinreachof the average house own-er or renter. Installed by W.E.Munday. 114 E.Broad St.Phone 55. © m. |m.» _ [some ROAD onDORDERS MADE. 6.|Change in Office of Superintend-ent of Schools —Bills Order- *ed Paid.pap! The county commissioners,in reg- ular monthly session Monday,passed| the following claims: County Home and Paupers .cvSalmons:and wife $6 and J.~ den,Sr.,$3,temporary relief;aM c Perry,superintendent,$45,7R. Freeze,farmer,$35,Lewis thuckey and wife,laborers,.$20,all for ‘salaraeM.K.Brown,work,$47 SloanC ing Co.$15.60,Lazenby’=Montgom- ery--Hardware—Co.$82:63, Ballance- Sullivan Co.$2.75,Statesville Drug Co,$24.20,E.A.Matheson $10.06,J. S.Waugh &Co.$6.98,Eagle &Mil- holland $56.64,Brown Bros.oe)all for supplies;J.S.Waugh & 98 and J.W.Nicholson &Co.$20 ee‘coffins;B.A.Matheson,work,;$25.50. Fmmen Gaither was icoentel as an smate of the Home and Wiil Patter- They will leave _ ;ginning at Tanyard branch and cross- i|shaking it to see that everything was‘tall right. {|ing.the cart the mule’s ~|Kidson had given his cart “an and-wite-were nut gn the Pauper. {at $2 per month.1)and Prisoners—W.E.,Mun-plumbing,85¢.;C.ks Gilbert;| $97.78:'W.A.Evans,$8.95 for ipplies,rh House and County.Officers— -¢Annie Marvin,court stenograph- the AY Brady $11:20 and RP. an $1.10,for supplies;H jler Dap artment,$30.76 for lights.The fine—$10——in the David Elmore casewasorderedrefunded.Election—P.S.West $20.10}W.B.McLelland $18.84,B.R..Smith °$18.52Jas.H.Cloaninger $19.60,T.A. Brawley $6,Sam M.Goodman $5.40, B.M.McNeely $18.77,E.M.Sale $2, J.G.Morrison $17.78,all forservices as registrar or judges of election.Miscellaneous —*Dr.Ross *McEl- wee,county physician,$50;States-ville Drug Co.,$10.80 for "supplies: Mooresville Enterprise $1.50 “and Statesville Sentinel $2.10 for:adver- tising;Chas.Fulp and -Earl ‘Moser,|$10 for conveying patient to State! Hospital.Parks Shoemakerfrompolltax.-The board ordered that the room now occupied by the superintendent|of schools be turned over to thee|grand jury and solicitor and that the} superintendtnt occupy one i the rooms upstairs.The following proxies for the an- nual meeting of the Statesville Air Line Railroad Co.were named:States- ville township,H.P.Grier and D.M. Ausley:Bethany,T.L.Adams and N.F.Blackwelder:Turnersburg,R.|, |F.Gaither and P.C.Jurney;.Eagle Mills,P.B.Kennedy and C.C.:Tharpe;!Union..Grove,J.T.Jennings:and J. 'F.Howard.It was ordered that an engineer complete survey of Cove Gap road; that the Teague bridge road?he:ac- |eepted as a public road when put''in proper condition;that the road be- was exempted| ing Statesville Air Line railroad and leading to a voint in the Wilkesboro road near Kt.W.Orr’s,be accepted as a wiblic road and that the road from Tanyard branch to ‘the interseétion of ool,janitor,$45;City Electric Light | ra?‘roadahd Race street be discontin- ed ,*omeShgecesiem KICKED BY A DEAD MULE. How Come theheMarks on Mr. Eidson’s Face—Mr.Foard and the Calf. Those who know Mr.D.F.,Eidson /of north Iredell intimately know that‘he has two scars on one side of his !face.The.scars are about the same |distarice apart as the calks of theheelofamuleshoe.Mr.Geo.Foard'of Statesville knows the history of. the scars on Mr.Eidson’s face.}The history dates back about 35 years ago when Mr.Foard was something of a trader in live stock.Mr.Foard traded for a mule that was 40 if a day.The mule was notlongforthisworldafterhecamein- to Mr.Foard’s possession and one day,in northIredeH,—he-kicked—the- bucket.This was about noon one day and it was several hours after- wards that Mr.Foard asked Mr.Eid- son-if-he-could-load the mule on hisox-cart and haul him to the bone- yard.Mr.Eidson undertook the jobandthemulewasdulyloaded.To do this easily the wheel was removedfromonesideofthecartandthe mule eased upon it.The cart;wasthenrighted’and the whcel replaced.Tt was was suggestea that the mule’shindfeetbepulled-back behind the standard so that the carcass would not rol!off along the mile journey to be traveled,and the suggestion wasadoptedandactedupon.Then Mr. Eidson began to walk around the cart, All the time he was shak-feet were working up,unnoticed by Mr.Fidson, towards the top of the standard.Mr, the finalshakewhenthemule’s feet rose clearofthestandard,rebounded,took MY: Widson up side of the face and it was some time before he could appreciate the saying of the American negro that “a mule don’t kick accordin’to no set rule.” And this is how come the scars on Mr.-Eidson’s face. But Mr.Foard hasn’t anything on Mr.Fidson when it comes to a knowl-edge of the danger of projectingwiththebusinessendoffarmani-mals.Mr.Foard himself wag laid coldforafewhoursonedaywhileengag-ed in one of the most dangerous and uncertain-of-results things —follow-~ ‘ng at the end of a calf’s tail across the field: It was a good-sized yearling,active and strong.Mr.Foard hadn’t expect-ed the gait to assume such _speedthat.he couldn’t let go but it haddonejustthat.He figured out that if he could secure something sub- stantial he micht break the |journeysbvbreakingthecalf’s head.They— Mr.Foard and the calf—crossed a’\oose tree root and Mr.Foard reach-ed down for it.As he went down the calf met his head with one of those sidewise kicks that they know so welk how to place,and it was at ‘léastthreehoursbeforeMr.Foard ‘knew anything at all.go sag tteGetontheBandWagon!.Re- THE NEWS.OFOFCALDWELL.| Crops and Business Good—Au-tos and Sabbath Desecration_Bro,Thomas Writes From~Lenoir. |To!the Editor of The:Landmark: Lenoir,June 6\—Weare havingfineshowers*this*morning and,since'the good rains of May 22-23,vegeta-tion.has materially improved.Much f land has been broken and planted in|~corn,especially land:seeded»to crim-|‘son clover.Corn has a good stand |and is being cultivated second time.|Wheat is fairly good and will be ready for harvesting—by next week.|-Oats—awd-.meadows are short.Black-'berry—-crop—is--promising,but,fruit crop will be very light.|We ought to be humble and thank-|ful that the Lord does:not deal withsafter.our sins,nor reward us ac-cording-to our iniquities. Business seems to be fine here.Allovrshopsandmillsarerunningfull and almost everything com-woanils.a high price.I earnestly*h we all might prosper in’spirit- tal things as we are prospering’intemporalthings,and that we would»»more for the blessings that en- ra and not wholly for the blessings hat perish with the using. Oo»ehurehes are not -as_well at- njed-as they ought to be.A good‘any people,on Sunday mornings, stead of going to Sunday school and church,get in ‘their automobilesandgoawayfromtheirplacesofworshipinsteadofgoingtothem. The auto is a great convenience and utility in many respe¢ts,but oftendetractsfromthechurchserviceand is a marvelous’agency for Sabbath| desecration,Everybody ought fre-| quently to read Jeremiah,17:19 to the| end of the chapter.Gne of the crying’! sins of our day is Sabbath,or Sun-| day,desecration._We use —for~our=| selves the six days God has given us and then quite frequently rob Him of|the seventh. We have here a serious and per- |plexing Sunday school problem— |how to keep the children after Sun- |day school for the preaching service. Tl wish some one would suggest a so-lution.The trouble is confined main- ly to the towns and villages.I haveheard.of some ministers preparing and preaching sermonettes.to theSundayschooljustbeforétheschoolisdismissed.If our children are to grow up as non-church-goers,it willbebadfortheChurchinthefuture.My interest in The Landmark isundiminished.There is never a dull issue.I enjoyed the sermons by a “Sinner”and the sermon by the “Long-Eared”brother,and also’thediseussions—on—“social card playing.”The last recalled an illustration I heard,when a boy.given by Dr.Mil- lin,an eminent Presbyterian divine who lived many years in Taylorsville and who used to preach at old Salem church,near Hiddenite.In ante-bel- lum days,he said,a large slave-own- er wanted.to select-a driver for his the} | y e family carriage and asked one of his|# men how close he could drive to al | certain precipice and get alone safe.The.servant replied that he~could! Mrive the carriage wheels to thevery | edge,without danger;a second man|said he could drive the.tire of the |wheels half over the edge of the precipice and get along safely,andathirdmansaid,“Master,if you se-| lect me as your driver,I will drive! vour carriage wheels just as far from|2 that precipice as T possibly can”;and the master said,“You shall be mydriver!” sin as possible. of The Landmark many blessings,I!will close.I.W.THOMAS.| Would Compel Doctors to Write Prescriptions in English. Chicago Herald. Shall the sick go on paying for Tatin on the prescription label?Dr.‘Bernard Fantus,professor of phar- macology at the University_of Ilinois, thinks not.He has started a cam- ‘paign to compel thé use of English in preparation of prescriptions instead|: of the Latin heretofore in_use. Latin names have sold common drugs at fancy prices to the public formanyyears,according to physicians,| druggists and surgeons who have ex-! ‘nressed themselves in favor of the,English prescription.The leaders of| sition among “drug manufacturers,| ‘ers of strong clubs. universal almost from the beginning. and that any change in the United themselves. Dr.Fantus sent.a copy of his ver,which appeared in The Journal of the American Medical Association,the deans of ‘schools,and the responses showed a English prescriptions. ek **** CALL THE OFFICE. The Landmark appreciates notice of news items of any character at any and all times. If you know something that should go in the paper,call 14;if you hear of something that should be investigated,call 14 and give the tip,If the tip is in confidence,seerets are sacred in a newspaper.office.Call promptly—don’t wait.If 14doesn’t answer call 261 or 111 green.Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated;you will confer a favor.Call any hour,day or‘night,when you have news.The Landmark is here to print the news.Those who help it per- form its’mission help the paper but that isn’t all.They are.pub-lic benefactors.,,They help the *public.e ** ep e e ee RS RE RE RR ER R RH R **9 *” LL LTA TT TT Phe Supreme Court adjournedwithoutpassingonthe*Alexandercountyroadbondcase,which willnotbedecideduntilthefalltermofthecourt.Mr.Henry Page of Moore county, Aho will represent his county.in thenextLegislature,will be a candidate * dog.Freaker. Moral--“Shun the appear-!——ance of evil”—keep as far away eon Wishing the editor and all eaters! the-reform movement have met oppo-;t aa gists and surgeons,who are mem-| They say the use of Latin has aaa States would reflect on the foreigner’s}4 ‘mpression of this country and tend |; totempt householders to prescribe for |: pa-& to &a number of medical:® big majority in favor of the use of). EE Re te e a ee ee en oie “aan : pptPaheets obvi Red Inner Tubes Have'a world-wide reputation for «!: for the following reasons: Ist:Michelin Red-Rubber Tubes arofcettainquality-giving ingredientsthemfrombecomngrittleorporeus uipreservetheirvelvetysoftnessindefi.ite yt 2ods Michelin Tubes sre not simplyofstraighttubingwiththeirendscemen:t are formed on-a ting mandrel |exactlythecircular shape of Hf.inside of the casing itsc'{and Consequently fisperfectly, 3 wil “os VHIKD DIRNOo cond af? id’ boon Carolina Motor Company,“Bee STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE,NEWTON. ie coont arMichelin_Red-Inner Tubes give the utmost economy andsack wage Prepare For the Future:re vine: —BY ! nit ¢ -Opening a Savings .: oarde ¥ led ie amit pat aw iT of yin ofMerchantsandFarmers’Bank: af oR say #® eee othe“ihaT WE'LL ALL WANT TO SEE THE MAGICAE: SUSE oe creme OF CHAUTAUQUA, Jenaw ——AT THE—— ¥ Of Statesville, “The.Bank For Your eee SILK HOSE25e.,35¢.,_48e., __$1.50 and $2.00. Johnston-Belk Big:Baregains.this Weckin Marais sette urtain \aterial. White,Creare and Ecru,with and“ withour border.We are offering them ata very low price,coinpared with todays cost of goods at the mills.Value 25c.our price 15c.and 18c. READY-TO-WEAR DEPA&TMENT: Receving something new most every day.New House Dresses,New -™” Skiirts and New Waists.Hanon urd 'Keep Kool Klothing. A Spécialty this week. COME AND SEE US- THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LeS® aaa,PT oe ctat ii 4%WASH SKIRTS |“|98c.,$1,98 and $2.48:| Late. 4k oat I REPAIR WORK. I Clocks,Watches and:Spectacles Repaired.Spectactis ;fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfactionguaranteed, R.F.Ee orm ibioOdue [orteaLDINGCG.WATKINS.serve your Chautauqua Tickets ¢daNoche Bde :monrecmemntst Eo 1att Dee DEI tN oti "Sono to 89T1g i ie a4 ‘VICEii send he sa eta'BUILDING! *©EPRATERTENTRDN ae sel ie9 wer — voting precinct in the State and NEWS OF CURRENT BY |ght to the attention aim,(t{eldents Gathered Fromteryvoter.‘The cost.to get his claims before the people,to make a cunvass,Parts of the Country. is no more than it-was under the con-Gov.Park Trammell has defea vention system,That part of it is unchanged,The truth is,under the primary,the “poor man”stands-a much better chance with the voter! than under the convention .system, where men of means could pay eXx- penses of delegates to converitions and keep them long enough to wear dul the oppositionin a~protracted struggle. Other objections to the primary will be discussed from time to time. Democratic nomination for in Florida.S.-F.Dorsett:of:North Caroli an employe of the Du Pont.Works Petersburg;Vax,was found dead’a a boarding house in -Peteraburg Mr day.f -Rev;-Otis Hawkins;36-—years”old See en care Ty akacsesadedtaagnevevere®1.0060--MONTHS VESTERETEeeRTETEee gue 9;1816;Seem M OF ‘THE PRIMARY. ~Daring the campaign there was ism of the primary elec- he criticism coming in the “Ynain from candidates.or their friends, but usually being made in the name of the people.Since the primary there has been more criticism.The Landmark has read carefully the pub- lished eriticisms,seeking light,but upito Secretary Ao this pood hour it has been unable}anent our foreign ea to find what would seem to be a valid plain talk and can be easily under-pecege ee tt the Sarene Ree mpeunient,lodged against the prima:|dtood.‘Those who think the #overN~storm and a cold wind,about 5,000 of ry.»|ment is partial to Great Britain and'|them paraded Wednesday. «Ik must be remembered at the out-|her allies,unjust to Germany,Loo |Near Lancaster,S.C.,DaveShort, get that the great majorityof the /Jenient with Mexico,and that wo |8 De.ee ete ee nee pelitigians did not want the primary.i should do this or*do“that,will oe a ved hima:about aaa They:Kept it off in this State until}new light if.they peruse’Mr. they were afraid that~it would be}sing’s remarks with an open mind,If}and a little Iater killed himself,: iawise to oppose it longer.Why they |they think we ‘should demand some-|The voters of Iowa.Monday passed didn't want itvis obvious.Conventions |thing and fight if we don’t get it,;o"(Sp amendment.(othe on ae can he easily manipulated and.eon-|would they,if they had the power (oe aeneal pe ted tie ‘alee trolled!by those who know the game.involve the country in war,be so bel-|ity of about 5,000,The next go-round In tho primary the vote ev every sov-!Ijcose?asks Mr.Lansing.When a!the women will probably win in Towa.’ ,.‘esident Wilson has signed a’resreipn¢s he voters have the;few words would plunge the country Pre :; he une ‘pew Nore Woe ae rf |otution passed by Congress authoriz- privilege of naming the candidates.jn war that might mean.the loss of |ing him to invite Spain and Latis There is no assurance under the con-|thousands,or millions,of lives and}American countries to participate in vention system that the choice of the ‘an economic waste that would entail |reat nee OLE |colenrat ne ae people will be name.7 unborn,the |50"ee eee e g Take note of a few oF the criti man who could utter the few words |.The United States Supreme Court cisms..Not all of them can be passed}would,if he appreciated his respon-|has interpreted the Harrison drug gn today:5 ,sibility,think a long time before he law making it unlawful for any per- 1.‘The people didn’t take much in-|uttered them.If he realized fully what |his mel eee ba sees one te toreéb;they didn’t go out and vote;!his action meant,he would wait a bkcae oho rie A ae ee eee: hencethey don’t want the primary.|long time,,would bear and forbear un-|those who use it. _Inthe first place the primary was)tj]he felt that the supreme necesssi-|The Kentucky Prison Commission e new method and the people donit.¢y of maintaining the honor ‘of the|paroled Beach_Hargis,who was sen- :ne on .:ans .,.jtenced to life imprisonment a num-’ usually adapt tfemselves vo changes |United States or of maintaining its |por of years ago at Jackson,Breath-: all’at once.-Interest must be arous-|independence and the liberties of its}jtt county,for the murder of his fa- ed to get the mass of the voters to!people,demanded.action.tehr,Judge James Hargis.The latter the polls at a regular election.The)We can talk glibly about these mat-ee a rece’ene of the feuds in ante prlmary nee for ne ate 0 oe when we have neither the re Two deputy sheriffs and twonegroes cae a re sponsibility nor the realization of |were killed and two deputies serious- those counties where there was no tin-|what it all’means;and it is well to|ly wounded Tuesday night at Beck- ‘qspal interest in some State candi-|jhink on these things.If we can get ley,W.Va,,when a mob composed of a Dallas,Texas,shot himself dead:in’a} fit-of despondency.._He_was_a_native! of Norfolk,Va.. ‘Pablo Lopez,Villa’s chief lieuten- ant in the.raid upon Columbus,N, M.,Monday paid the penalty for -his crimes,facing a firing squad of Con? stitutionalist soldiers at Chihuahua City,Mexico.rsThewomansuffrageagitatorsare at Chieago in force trying’to gain EERE FOR CONSIDERATION, The reader’s attention is.directed Lansing’s remarks relations.It.is !.|burdens on generations United States Senator Bryan’fortay pastor of Central Christian church,| Lan-|dead in the field,where he killed her,} ) LY pi i or in a local contest,the people;some sort-of conception of the tre-Ree ein Ss one did not go to the polls in great num-|mendous consequences involved,per-|Mob leaders,it is claimed,thought an heft because they were not sepals we would not ke so free with )attempt was going to be made to lynch In!Iredeltp-Where the interest was |talk about what should or should not ee ain and opened fire on the “more centered in local than in State ibe done.hd cafdidates,the vote was as large,or eee Mr.Bickett |is Grateful—How lager,‘than usual.Inthe Watts-|What about recognizing Flag Day|His Campaign Was Conducted. Turner campaign for the Senate four,in Statesville next Wednesday,4th? years ago,a most exciting |We could at least decorate in a mod-Attorney l contest |gave out the following statement: unger the old lest way with our country’s symbol;| abbut 2,200, SATTTTTE All other feelings in systeny,the vote was ‘I am deeply grateful to the people cCreaninore than that|8nd a public meeting,with recita-|confidence. in some cases last Saturday.| lack of interest in voting does not ap-|pig-to Iredell lence it as our emblem,|thankfulness for the love and loyaltyredell.(of thousands of friends who testified The|tions and a few remarks on the Nag,:ecnnection with the campaign and its| what it stands for,our duty to rever-,|results are submerged in a spirit of; General Bickett Tuesday] of North Carolina for their vote-of |% Roosevelt Got Vcte in State Ay For three weeks we have been urging our patrons to RESERVE their tickets,We are now very glad to an- nounce that Season Tickets will-be placed ONSALETodayaf9O'clock arias 4 Merchants and Farmers’Bank. You will have one week in which to call on F.B.Bunch and get your tickets.Mr.Bunch reports that there were more calls for Tickets during the last three days than during all the three weeks prior to that time. There are still about 50 SEASON TICKETS not sold.So long as any of these remain you can get yours;after that, NO MORE SEASON TICKETS UNTIL NEXT YEAR. Get Your Season Tickets This Week,|JUNE.8th to 15th. A:dispatch from Raleigh says that;: Sc=a i ct m A ii i ni ttt tH Primary.ese Et In many of the coun-|~”country’s ties.the primary does not apply to lo-|might be worth while.All of usneed | éal candidates.In these,where there '°he reminded occasionally of our| *was little interest in State candi-|duty as citizens;and the awakening | dates,the vote was naturally very |of the patriotic impulse,andespecial-| light.This does not mean that the ily the educational value to the young,| people would not,.when theirinterest |Would be worth ve Most of be was aroused,go out and vote;and it {100k Dy country s flag as a ac dops not mean that they do not want pany Piece oo bunting and it would’be, iorddo not appreciate the privilege. They “will show.that when they be-:.| come accustomed to tue primary and oe sae i Reet ree ee ,|war,but simply as a lessqp in patri-realize their privilege under it.Give!|.:|otism,not|‘thigm time...One swallow does Hdke-a summer.The suggestion that!The Landmark wouldn’t have be- this privilege be,taken away from lieved it off hand;in fact we were “tp people because all of tiem have-|quite ready to a embraced it at the first opportuni-ter of spending the money of —the tiy;,is assuming that the people need |Federal Treasury the Democrats were ~———seff-appointed guardians to~do their altogetherasbad as the Republicans. wark for them—a rather violent as-|But,praise be,Senator Simmons, sumption.‘chairman of the Senate finance com- »XN |.7~ 2-1t costs too much..A poor man,mittee,has figured out that the Dem- ‘stands no show.The record shows.ocrats have a record for economy and that-it costs the candidates less than |he submits the figures to prove it.A) the convention system.Who will se-|statement from the Senator is printed ously contend that the cost to Bick-|today.Democrats would do well to ett,and Dnughtridge,for instance,is:paste it in their hats for service in inything like the cost to Kitchin,;confounding Republicans who ring Graig and Horne and ineir friends in,‘he extravagance charge in the com- the protracted and heated convention,ing campaign, éontest in 1908?The facts also dis- trove the poor man arguiment.Mr. Daughtridge is a man of weath,Mrvs >calesaniieDiekettisnot.Mr.Bickett won.In yoqueatod the Supreme Court of the {ig Simmons-Carr senatorial primary United States to direct its marshal of 1900,Gen.Carr had.plenty of |to seize and sell sufficient of the prop- money and spent it liberally.Mr.;erty,of West Virginia to pay off the$12,393,000 judgment awarded insset-Simmons had little,but he won.Thi Hetient of ceed the present campaign few if any of |ing before the division of Virginia. The application was taken under con- sideration. Only one precedent exists for such a proceeding.That was the order by which the marshal was directed to {sell from the North Carolina capital ,i .steps property to satisfy a judgmentcandidatelesstogethisclaimsbe-|on State bonds awarded South Dako- foré the people than under the prima-|ta.In that case judgment was paid r#?The fact is,i:cost him much|before the day of sale.Attorney General Virginia Asks For Execution Against West Virginia.« the State officers who_won are men of, wealth.The Landmark would like for somebody who advances the “poor man”argument to point out how,un- der the convention system,it cost the Lilly of West.:venti ree |e peace ’.a for under the oe SYS-|Virginia opposed:the motion,explain-$i ilftemhehadtopayforprintinghisingthathisStatehadnotbeenable|Htzserereserseseeseeseeezeseseecegesseeeesetseettereeecegencetseetsseses testes sssses TILTTt Str"“If there is no harmony in the factory,there will be none tifkets and for sending them to every|to consider the court’s judgment be-|:Sn in the piano.”“.;i ..;cause the Legislature had not been inecinctintheState;cnet ir rer |©cane .P Penne ate mnumer-|vevular session since.:-OS precincts,where he was not well| kgown,he had to hire somebody to| oer his tickets to the voter,to see| that.they were not thrown away by|Ngee nay Folk of Missouri the opposition,and to sce that he got,doplace weld Trinity Commencement: At Trinity College commencement conferred as_follows: his strength carried up to the county}Doctor of divinity,Franklin Nutting|wag!Parker,former professor of Biblicaleénvention. ugable todo that,and the man who!Bishop John C.Kilgo,Senator Lec &. WAS ‘not in favor with the party or-;Overman‘and John Spencer Bassett. nization,or did not have friends all| )er,the State to look out for him,or | mipney enough to hire workers,simply| ;‘Wash’t in it.Under the primary when |9):i .registers as A cutididate und pao ore ae to establish a pub. Lids.name ison every ballot at!ptant:’on In many cases he literature at ‘Trinity;doctor of laws, Wiley Gray orator’s medal. _enactment recent well if we gave a little time and hy this organization that no amount |thought to the things it stands for—jof money could buy.My managers in admit that in the mat-| address and honorary| The graduating class numbered 71.‘suntmer Hats,Wash Skirts,Shirt Waists,W.R.Shelton of Durham won the! The town df Greenville has voted y,and a municipal-owned gas consérvative basis.The force consist- ed of R.B.White,my law partner,as manager;my wife as_secretary, Mrs.Walter Kearney’stenographer, and Mrs.J.R.Collie,a kinswoman, and Mr.James Malone assistants.| There was a quality in the work donc. the Republican national convention if the instruction holds;Hughes two distriets,giving him four votes,nomination for Vice President Judge Stomach Troubles and Constipation. Tablets nre the mose satisfactory remedy for ae eee s _,Stomach_troubles_and-constipation that I havestheseveralcountieswereastrue45ojinthirty-four years’arug store service,”Roman sentinels and not one of them writes-8.-H.Murphy,druggist,Wellsburg,was paid a dollar for his services,N-¥-Obtainable everywnere. My State manager,Mr.R.B.White, waged a campaign as.‘clean as a’ ,hound’s tooth,’and the returns afford| |the best comment on the sanity of his dell,-North Carolina,this is to notify allmethods.__The_forecast_he—gave—out_per ing claims againstthe cstate_of reads like a_histor inste oO «the deceased to exhibit them to the unde hee be Ory.nstead f a signed at my home on or before the %th day EOP a Me :lof June,1917,or this noikce will be pleaded} The faith and affection of:these in bar of their recovery.All persons indebt- devoted friends andthe generous -en=+e4 tothe estate will plase_make immediate ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Thom- as C.Gray,deceased,late of the county of Ire- :1 ;'.settlement.NANNIE B.GRAY,dorsement of such an overwhelming,Aditi nitrate eC maGiaT homann CMEC ay June 9,1916.Dunlap,N.C.|number of the people saddle me with} ;an obligation to make good,| Preferment entailsThecaptainischarged with the safe-!ee : ity of the ship.I devoutly trust that |The superiority of ‘Long-Leaf,Kiln-there may be given me wisdom and’Dried Flooring,Ceiling,_Weather-virtue from above that I may run the;boarding,Boxing and Casing,won'tshiponanevenkeel.and_keep her’alee ae es to pepe out of“Ue 5 rare ||other kinds of pine—and m ricestruetothecoursecharteredoutbytheARELOWEST!”yp C.WATKINS.i highest.ideals and aspirations of our, {people.”| Get Your Ford Now. Most of the seven car loads of Fords that we 3 LI T M I V I I T I F I I I S I I T S S S F S TI told you.about are here and being unload- $3 3 F For|3 _deter C.Pritchard received the vote.,|23 “Twill cheerfully say that Chamberlain’s|3 responsibility.PEOPLE WHO.KNOW ~: 22 8 So o s e t s e s s s : re ed. IES FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS! is the time to get your Ford. CAROLINA MOTOR CO. STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. CAN.MAKE PROMPT DELIVER- Now SP P T E S I S S I S S TP I S SS I S $2 3 2 0 3 2 - 9 ? 00 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 O FE S O SE S S SO S SO T OO OO S pe o e s e s e c e o e s Big Millinery Reduction! |All Colored Hat Shapes at half price.Also Pattern Hats and Flowers.We still have afewCoatSuits,Crepe de Chine and TaffetaDresseswhichweareofferingatagreatsacrifice.‘We are showing a nice line of mid- Collars,etc.Be sureto ‘see our line beforebaying, ||67 MRS.MARY SIMS.42<| \ i \ Harmony is the very soul of music,the perfect balance of major and minor—a eee Plenty of Binding Twine for the Wheat Harvest. ~~Hoes with good handles ready:for = the grassy cotton fields. Good Lawn Mowers:for the Front.. Yard Lawns.- P.S.Weare getting Ready to Attend Chautauqua. os { i PAC true accord.: A great artist once said of the Packard: “That blending of tones, ll the eiements in instrument was built—AND COULD ONLY HAVE BEEN BUILT!—by men who love their work, who find content in their labor,and who believe,heart and soul,in the worthiness of their product.”: LET US SHOW YOU A PACKARD! All instruments sold for cash or on terms. Liberal allowance for old instruments. :i Phone 304.105 EB LAH .ast AUTH) \ \:$Ess in the presidential f te in|ea .a _*,:aeeeiosiintkresidentialpreferencevotein|233 ©..: hel cate by ely Wee ted fr ‘the primary election Saturday Roose-|Ba ee i Ay Gh esac rom volt carried the State at large and|3 ; eee eo eee eee eee crate eight @istricts,giving him 17 votes in}Be 9 £ and Lawn Mowers. ‘ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,@ Broad Street. «tor Co. Not!pe of ‘New Advertisements,panty,seated alussea--R.H propriate luggage for vacationif,—»Ramsey..--Bowles--Morri- inding twine,hoes and lawn mow-«+>Lazenby ~Montgomery Hard- re porch fur:ture.—Crawford -Bunch FurnitureCompany.’all’s ‘chill tonic.—Hall’s drug store.repare for the futnre.—Mer- ie Doro in “Diplomacy,”at Thetoday.“Phone order for office supplies.—R.;P,Allison's Book Store.Mineral water from Barium RockSprings.—Barium Springs Co,‘Bool meat and vegetables.—M.P.Aléxander &Bro,5xamineourgoods.and get prices hefore placing order.—Leonard Piano Store.aeePackard”pianos.—Andrews'Mu-ere :; lean-up sale colored parasols}—uae &.Poston. ‘Silks,skirts,slippers.—J.M.McKee&Co.‘Big millinery reduction.—Mrs. Mary Sims.;on repaired.—Home_Electric 08 One week only to get season Chau-tauiqua tickets.:Ford delivery body for sale.—Car- olina Motor Co. Seeond-hand cars.=Carolina Mo- ‘Metal sheets ‘showing colored ini- tials lost —Return to Fox Garage. Scotch collie pups for sale——Dr.C.L.Cruse.:! Milk cow for sale.—DeWitt Hoov-er,‘Administratrix’sB.,Gray. notice.—Nannie 7 |Personal Mention of People,and/sad Death ofMr.Grover.Mar-Theirs Movements:* Mrs,W.E,McRorie $f Hickory istheguestofMrs,J.S.'McRorie.»Misses Estelle,Anuie,and ElizabethCarltonandMasterCharlesCarltonare»visiting in:Charlotte.«_*Miss-Nelle Steele,daughter of Mr:and Mrs.T,L,Steele,who recentlyraduated-in-nursing from the Clar-pnce Barker ‘*hospital.at ’Biltmore,passed the State examination in Win-ston-Salem.Miss Stcele .visited herparentsbeforereturningtoBiltmore.Mr;Henry Deal,who has been in the.Klondyke region;Alaska,for 15) years,is visiting in “North Carolina, He arrived yesterday to be the guest| of Mr.and Mrs.I.,P,Henkel.Miss.Hal Morrison.who has.been teaching,in the:.graded school at Tarboro,is at home forthe summer.| Mr.and Mrs.Watt Gray,who have been visiting Mr.Gray’s parents,Mr. and Mrs.R._H.Gray,in Shiloh town- |ship,left yestreday for their homeatRocky’Mount.Mrs.H.M,Eubanks of.Laurin- burg is the guest of Mrs,.J.W.Ward.Mr.Ross Garrison'of Rock.Hill S, C.,is visiting home folks,Mrs.Gar- rison and*‘childver lieve been inStatesvilleseveraldays. Misses,Ruth and Mona Gaither ofHarmony,Visited relatives in Greens-boro this week and attended the Trin-ity College commencement at Dur-hamMiss Mary Grsham cf Columbia, S.C.,isthe guest.of Miss Mary Mc- QLain:for several ‘days.Miss Stone of Louisville.Ga.,is expected Monday to visit Miss McLain. Mr.and Mrs..C.C.Douglass,Mr. Henry Douglass and Mrs.George La-ney have returned to.their home at Chesterfield,S.C.,“after a visit toMrs.J.L.Kimball.Miss Carrie Elliott,who had beenvisitingatErwinandJohnsonCity, Tenn.,has returned to her home at Stony Point..Her brother,Mr.W.L. Elliott,accompanied her home and isspendingafewdaysthere. Mrs.E.P.Clampitt and daughter, Katherine,of Charlotte,are visiting| ‘Fresh Jerscy cow for sale—J,Bu- rette Houpe.Coat lost.—Return to The Land-!mark.| Annual opening Alkalithia,Satur-| { Mrs.Clampitt’s:'father,Mr.L.C. Caldwell.Mr.Clampitt spent Tues- day night here and went.to Catawba county Wednesday to visit relatives. Mr.and Mrs.D.M..Etheridge tian TT ~tin—Busy Fatnors —“MissHenkel.to Be at.Club.Meet-ing.yids Correspondence of The Landmark.}Troutman,R-2.June 7 —-The whole day.when we heard of the suddendeathofMr.Grover Martin.He wentoutinafidldnearthehouseto*cleanoutawaterditch.He hdd just thrownout-a few shovels fui!when he wasstruckbylightning.His _mother,‘About 90 feet from him,“was alsostruck-and_rendered unconscious—for several hours...About an hour after they were struck Mr.‘Arthur .-Lentzandwifewerepassingand*foun them, bors and doctors and crowd gathered..Mr. largewassoona Martin ternoon.Grover had .many friends,as was shown by the large crow that gathered for the funeral.He wa 23 years old. He and his mother livec being married. |boy and He was a good,quiet so good to his mother.He |nity and in the heme.i|Mrs.Bessie Westmoreland,a.sister lof Mr.Martin,“had ;mother.a few weeks. heen with her the telegram Saturday nigh}of her) community was:made sad last Satur-| They telephoned the neigh-| ;will-be-greatly missed ix the tsi] She had just|1 ae 2 ||left Saturday morning and:received peor ynye « ae te egPcediananesarene m=RA owt,—_—_—_—iui Statesvillelo Produce Market._The following Sprieen Wate:Bald”yesterdayto‘local market.r produce on’theSpringFriers,20c.per Ib,Olds Hens,180,per 1b.Eggs,16¢.per dozen.Roosters,6¢.per Ib,Buttér,16¢.per Ib.Beeswax,26c.per Ib. Green.Hides,—1 sper—tb.Hams,17¢,to 18¢,per Ib.Sides,18¢,Ib,Shoulders,18¢.Tb.New.Red Honey,}0¢,to 12 1-2c.per ‘Ib,Eourwood Honey Comb,16 to lsc.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4e,#Sweet Potatoes,60c,per bushel.ia 1a| The followiig prices were puald yesterday\for grain on the local market:|~Wheat:$1.20-per-bushel.--Corn,(new),80¢.per bushel, |Oats,65¢,per bushel. j|Statesville Cotton Market.|On the local market yesterday 12 8-4e.perPoundwaspaidforbestgradecotton, per line.;No ad,taken for less than 25|cents,Cash must accompany order.) |FOUND—Bob o’Link Bracelet. t i NDMARK office and pay for ad. June 9 by themselves,the rest of the famil¥For sALE—Ata Bargain,Ice Cooler,new,|A Under-| June 9--It,| and two tables.J.R.POSTON,|-price Grocery,Phone 134,i ‘-aaa FOR SALE—One fresh Jersey cow:J. SRETTE HOUPE,Statesville,R-2.Gung 9-~1t,* |\LOST—From automobile,‘two metal sheetsShowing,colored initial letters.FinderpleasenotifyFOXGARAGE,Statesville. |brother's death.Mrs Martin’s broth-|For SALE—Practically néw Ford |delivery er-in-law,Mr.Henrz Moore,.andi her |came from Birmingham,Ala.,where'|{they had beer aitencin;;the soldiers’| reunion.i| |The farmers are vely busy now.Wheat will soon be ready to eut-and, keeps the farmers doing about. Miss Kate Morrow went to States-) ville Saturday and had Dr.Carpenter) to remove her tonsils and adenoids.| She came home Sunday and is getting along nicely.:|We will have Miss Celeste Henkel} with us at our club meeting Satur-| day afternoon at 2.2v.o’clock.We!hope all the members can arrange to} be there,for I feel swe Miss Henkel|will have something of interest to, tell us.| the grass doesn’t fail to grow—so it) \WANTED—Week-end visitors |aubody.CAROLINA MOTOR CO.dune 9. Julia|brother,Mr.J.H.Chandler,both’of |SECOND-HAND CARS—Two Overland Tour- |Virginia,came by to see her as they)ing Cars;one ‘Studebaker ©Touring .Car ;!--one Buick Roadster and a few Fords.These| cars are bargains and will be sold mighty| «cheap to quick buyers.CAROLINA MOTOR|CO.June 9%| FOR SALE—At a bargain,or will trade:3%shares Diamond—Furniture—Co,stock,_CAR- OLINA MOTOR CO,June 9%| SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS for sale..Pure bred| Collies,well grown and beautiful.DR.C.L..CRUSE.June 9. FOR.SALE—Fresh grade Jersey milk cow.DEWITT HOOVER.June 9.—1t* LOST—On the Wilkesboro road,a blue coat.*Return to THE LANDMARK. June 9-—1t * Alkalithia.brass bandJune9. at Annual opening Saturday,withZandbigballatnight. FOR SALE—Few nice pigs.See E,SHERRILL on J.M,Deaton’s farm. te molest dead.‘His mother reccvered.The in?)(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 cents| terment:was at Bethesda Sunday af?! | Call at THE: | ok Fe heae |Pie ddydR oe)cit donisord antes 4 oath oF diheg© DEPOSIT |.YOUR’MONEY ,WITH.THIS BANK! WE KEEP YOUR FUNDS AB- SOLUTELY SECURE! Canceled.Checks are indisputa- ble receipts for what you.have paid on,accounts. YOU GET EVERY FACILITY OFFERED”BY A ‘GOOD,STRONG BANK!A Don’t Forget Your Season Tick- et for Chautauqua Week. oh ee e CS <a t pa bi e — g as *§ id ee “e n t s DO ch i n a an g e l e ai am e n ee ea m e s Tn e ni r e s ae S Ch e wr ee r et e ne ves»WOHsTHEFIRSTNATIONALBANK,, Statesville,N.C.neeCapital$100,000.-Four PerCent.Paid on Time Deposits.day.|went to:Lenoir Wednesday to spend ee‘Pigs for sale.—E.S.Sherrill on J!two weeks with relatives. M,Deaton’s farm.le—J.oR.Miss Katherine Lawrence,who |THARPE,(Cooler and tables for sale—J.“BR.has been in the Normal and Indus-Vv Hich |Poston,Underpriced Grocery.ltrial College at Asheville,returned||ery MgneBraceletfound.—Call at TheJand-|Wednesday to her home in Olin town-forrespondence of The Landmark.”|&seo ae eae eee mark office and pay for ad.:\Turnersburg;June 8 —On-the 6th ;}FOR SALE—Small but valuable farm at June 9RAINATTURNERSBURG. eerie g ‘FOR SALE—PonyMuchWaterFellandStreams Phaeton.R.June Vi ane oo ote a Vv. 9, ‘FOR RENT Cheap cottage._N.P..WATT.ij Bac wee June 6,i a ee seacrrarrers sppreieet 23ep Troutman,N.C.Cash only.Address INiamondFurnitureCo.stock for|sale-—Carolina Motor ©o.‘The Fords are here.--‘Carolina Mo-| tof Co,|Can sell tires for ~less—Carolina|Motor Co.|‘Pony and phaeton for sale.—R.V.} Tharpe. Pony strayed.—J.H.Barium. | Lowrance, Early Morning Marriage—Cards | For Feild -Cochrane Wedding.| Mr.and Mrs.Blackwood Strachan |Feild have issued invitations for the| ship.Prof.D.Matt.Thompson went to Winston-Salem Wednesday to at- tend,yesterday,a meeting of the trustees,of the Slater School.Mrs. Thompson accompanied him and they will visit their son,Mr.Walter Thompson.;Mrs.E,-F.Bohannon of Atlanta,Ga.,is the guest of Mrs.J.C.Dye. Mrs.W.H.Hoffmann is~-visiting relatives in Danville,Va. Mrs.J.L.Culley is spending awhile in Pennsylvania.Major H.L.Grant of Goldsboro is|F.|be as useful this year,as the wheat is¥:visiting bis daughter,Mrs.J.matriage of their daughter,Fannie|Bowles.Blount.and Mr.James Donald Coch-} take| church|meeting ofa| rane,Jr.The ceremony will nlace in .Trinity EpiscopalTuesdayafternoon.June 20th,at quarter of six o’clock. Miss Stella Lewis and Mr.Herbert O.Smith were married Wednesday| of the bride on Race street,Rev.aC,E.Raynal officiating.They left at|7.20 for Asheville and other points in| the western part of the State for}their honeymoon,They will make}their home at Marion,where Mr.Smith is engaged in business. The event was planned as a_sur-| prise to their friends and only the| immediate families were present.) The bride wore a gray coat suit with |neeessories to match and carried!+o attend the meeting of the North} hride’s roses.Sweet peas and roses| were used for decorations in the house.| Mr.-and-Mrs.Smith expected to get}yiITe away on the early.morning without the knowledge of train | their |friends;but a number learned of the!poro and Mr,C.D-—Prather-of —Mto ~wtarringe and were at the station to: greet them.| Mrs.Smith is a daughter of the late|Alex.Lewis and’Mr.Smith is a son|of Mr.and Mrs.A.M,Smith of} Heavy Rain and Hail as Big as “Hen Eggs—Persanal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. ork Institute,June 7—This section was visited yesterday afternoon by the biggest rain we have had _for years,and biggest hail.Hail stones ns big as hen eggs and at some places larger.A number of window glass were broken—the larvest number Ihavehéardofbein21intheHidden- ite roller mill.The gveatest damage to.crops seems to be from the ground washing so.badlv.Mr.and Mrs.N-C.Beckham visit-ed Mr.L.M.Davis this week.Miss Hessie York,from near Stony Point,visited Miss Ruby I.ackey last week.Mrs.Carl Deal and iile sons,Earl! ahd Fred.,of Moovesville,are spend-ing some time with ielatives around here.Mrs.Charles King and_little son,Albert,who nave been with the .Misses Marsh,have returned home. Mrs.L.E.Crouch has been rightsickforsomedays. The Vashti revnioa seems to haveheenagreatsuccess. Heavy Rainfall in Eagle Mills. Corréspondence of The Landmark. Houstonville,June 7 —The heav- jest rain fell in Sandy Spring neigh-horhood yesterday afternoon that has been secn here in several years,if ev-er before.The heaviest of the rainfellintheearlyafternoon,whichwashedthelandsbadlyanddidquitealittledamagetotheyoungcropsby washing and covering them up.Thesmallstreamsreachedtheirhighestwatermarksabout8.o’clock in theafternoonandnever:got back in thebanksuntilsometimeafterdark.It began raining about 2 o’clock intheafternoonandcontinueduntilsometimeinthenight. To the Public.“T have been using Chamberlain's Tabjetsforindigestionforthepastsixmonths,anditvaffordsmepleastretosayIhaveneverusedaremedythatdidmesdmuchgood.”~Mra,C.E.Riley,INion,.N.Y...Chamber- Statesville.© Harrisonburg,Va., {morrow to visit relatives in the town }and county. {wardrobes given to Dr.T.E.Anderson went to Chat- tanooga,Tenn.,this week to attend a Southern railway sur- geons. Mr.H.L.Morrison and -family, |who visited relatives here for sever-‘M jal days,returned yesterday te ID]M as_usual, ‘.;J.D.morning at 6.45.o’clock at the home!stocker accompanied them as far as/at the home of Mr,Hendren’s motherhomeinOkolona,Miss.Mrs. Asheville and will return here today. r.and Mrs.M.R.Adams spent yésterday in Morganton. Mrs.J.A..Campbell,who was a enest of Mr.and Mrs.J.F.Bowles, left yesterday for Mount Holyoke, Mass. Mr.J.A.Conner spent yesterday in Greensboro on_business. Dr.J.F.Carlton and Mr.W.E. Webb went.to Greensboro yesterday Carolina Underwriters’Association,, Mr.Lewis Poston went to Waynes- vesterday to join a camping arty for several days. Miss Millicent Fisher of Greens- Airy are fuests of Dr.and Mrs.T.D.Webb..1MissHazelSwanson.of©Gadsden, Ala.,is visiting Miss Hassie Miller for a few days.Mr.W.C..Gaither and family will be of here to- Miss Mamie McElwee is “attend- ing a Presbyterian Syrodical_meet-ing in Wilmington.~ Report of Visiting Nurse.- Mts.Vera B.Jones,Statesville’s visiting nurse,makes the following report for the month ending May 31: Total number of visits 198—1938 white and five colored;nursing visits 135—1380 white and five colored: weighing visits 10—five white and five colored;mothers instructed 17— 16 white and one colored;visits to new patients 26—25 white and one colored;visits to old 124 white and four colored;three deaths—all white;five children refer- red to doctors and 45 pieces of»linen loaned.Milk furnished one patient; two babies;at- tended five operations and,two exam- inations.In closing the report Mrs. Jones says:‘ “The Hygiene League closed May! 9th with a joint meeting,the mavor and sanitary policeman present.The mayor made an excellent address to thes children. “If there were more screens and fewer flies.there would be fewer sick babies and fewer doors with cfape on them.”: Mr.Gilbert is Grateful and NS Loyal. To the Editor of The Landmark: I wish to expres;my gratitude tomyfriendswho’werked for me in Saturday’s primary and to thank all Democrats who voted fer me.I ex- pect to give Mr...Jaxander and theothernomineesthesame_loyal, hearty support which I have alwaysriventhe.standard-lbesrers of the Democratic party.Let us all pull to-gether for the biggest Democratic ma-jority this fall ever given in Iredellcounty.Respectfully, ain’s,Taliitts:are obtainable everywhere, -_H.L.GILBERT, ,Shiloh,Downsghip.(i hk ihe patients 128—} |this community witnessed one of the|rainiést days that we have ~had in| many a day.We had some hail and| a good deal of wind.The.water,courses were the highest they have |been.in many a day.Some said that |big Rocky creek was the highest.it ‘had been in 15 years.Much damage was done to the cultivated land.| |Wheat willbe to cut soon and! |some seems to very well filled,but!inum.plant. |most of it through this section is 80|:straw-that it will hel|very short ofhardtosave.The binder.will “tot so short a good many are going’té reap with the cradle. Corn is looking well...Cotton is al-| |so looking very well but is so late we |cannot:tell what will be the result of |this year’s cotton crop,though we|trust that we will make as goof a Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Hendren visited |last week,up in Wilkes county.The \latter has been wery sicke W.Ri|Moore and family spent Saturday eve- |ning and Sunday at the home of Mrs."| |Moore’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.W.| |Harris,at Ephesus. |The primary passed off very quiet-|ly.We are very sorry to note that |Mr.E.G.Gaither of Statesville was |defeated for county commissioner.| |We need him.Fi We are glad to hear,that we will!be served after ply Ist @y automo- |bile mail,delivery”instead of the old‘ |way—bugey and horse—and we will ‘get our mail at least 6 hours earlier |the same day.We wish to thank Un- EARNEST,care LANDMARK.June 6—3t*. FOR RENT—The Copeland house on Walnutstreet.Suitable for residence or boarding house.Possession given at once.D.J. CRAIG.May 23. CORN—We are in the market for Shelled *“Corn and will pay highest market price,*cash.STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO. May 5, WANTED—200white laborers for new Alum-Wages $1.70 per 8-hour day, seven days per week.Excellent chancesforadvancementtogoodmen.Houses withelectriclightandbathatlowestrates.Puré’filtered water.We can also useBricklayers,Carpenters and Machinists. Aply-at once to’the EMPLOYMENT RBAU,Tallassee Power Co.,Whitney,N.C.“May 30-—-6t.)© THE LYRICTHEATRE TODAY ele-Sam’s~menwho have worked this plan for us.We are living in a fast age and we should be served by the|best methods possible.We have been |pleased with our present mail car- rier,Mr.Wilhelm.We think that he has held down his joMas well as any one could under ©the circumstances and we have always found him to be very courteous and obliging. Crop Conditions —Missionary Preaches—Personal Items. Jerrespondence of The Landmark.7 Stony.Point,R-8,June 5 —Chop ping cotton and hoeing corn is very | common_:at present.Farmers arc] verv busy and crops are late.| Harvesting.will soon-be on.J be-! lieve the small grain’crop will be} short this year.' Rev.Mr.Graham,a missionary in} China,made an interesting talk at} New Salem Sunday afternoon.Miss Myrtle Vogler of ee is.visiting Mrs.Eston Webb.who is spending the summer.with her pa-; rents,Mr.and Mrs.B.C.Lentz.Mrs,| Walter Privett spent a week with| home people.Mr.Roy Lentz of| Winston -Salem is visiting his grand-| parents. |Three persons were killed and four; {injured at Canton,O.,when an auto-|mobile was demolished by a freight| train at a railroad crossing.Two of| the three killed were women.| HOW'S THIS? any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by|Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's.Catarrh Cure-has been taken by Ca- tarrh sufferers for the’past thirty-five yenrs, and has“beecomé known as the most religble remedy for Catarrh.Hall's Catarrh Cire! acts through the Blood on the Mucous s.ir-faces,expelling the Poison from the Blod and healing the.diseased portions.After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Curefora_short time you will see a -great imeprovementinyourgeneralhealth.Start.tak-ing Hall's Catatrh Cure at once and get ridofcatarrh.Send for testimonials,free.F.J.CHENY &CO..TOLEDO,OHIO. Sold by all Druggists,75c. STRAYED—Pony strayed from my:stableWednesdayevening.Pleage notify J.H.LOWRANCE,Barium,N.C:June %—bty FOR RENT—Five-room cottage corner ofStocktonandBoststreets.Apply at LEON-ARD PIANO ’STORE.June 2. FOR RENT—Cottage known af the “Rectovy,”on Walnut street,A;L,COBLE.May 2600 NS ae ecm ‘ We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tort - omits ene ten = ">MARIE DORO;|Famous PlayersParamount “Diplomacy” A Paramount Photoplayofexceptionalmerit.© SATURDAY ;HENRY .WOODRUFFah-in— “The Beckoning Flame” AlsoJOEJACKSON _“4K Modern Knoch Arden” A Triangle Keystone Comedy. MONDAY ALICE BRADY “Then Pil Come Back ~To You” A beautiful story of the North Carolina moun- tains filmed at Asheville.This is truly a wonder-,}ful photoplay._,You’ll amiss a treat if you don’t .See it.~.THELYRICTHEATREatheCoolest,Place in BU- OF __Parasols fora trifle. them—CASHTO ALL.—— Some slightly damaged.Most of the lot are perfect and all good styles. Good opportunity to buy Beautiful Sold as you see ¥ to One-Half Off Regular Price. 50 Beautiful Colored Parasols.For fb Ladies and Children—One-Fourth +: Tomorrow and.Monday..} Make You Comfortable in Hot Weather: roa ‘showing. Our attractive assort Buy your season ticket Crawford-Bunch Furniture Companys}: “‘The Store That Always Welcomes You.”« ae sg PHONE.400." v y prety r 7 ment of PORCH RUGS FIBRE porch FURNITURE will make your porch “a COMFORTABLE RESORT these hot dayseu.Come in today and see the nice things welare, ands fa ,Chautauqua June 22-28,© OUR PORCH FURNISHINGS] ar | —— me u ee ce e ee % a Hi ww e Sia Euihary’of State for War on August so ye t re t 33 > me Se e n e ee p s e r i sa t e s bd z e r r e se e r s SE P : VS a s VA T S S T Sa s s i Ba s a r ss s e s s ~~ 4 ze a3%fampshire went down,are ~—Horth coast of Scotland.The Hamp- j=enife was on her way into the Atlantic with Germansin the South China Sea.i :Kitchener,O.M.,first Earl Kitchener :ter,Knight Grand Commander of the i of the Bath,and of St.Michael of St. ~Roberts he had been the most com- pr e p a k St e s 3 : LE T = 23 3 r Te a I S N Ts =e te reser Lieut.Col.Henry Horatio Kitch- ae a ea 2t ma t 2s .born in dreland his parents were Eng- = I as Was Pees toDeath ‘Wreckof thé Cruiser pahire—Vessel Sunk ByMineofTorpedo. The news that:Earl Kitehener, British Secretary of State for War, and his staff,who were proceeding to Russia aboard the cruiser Hampshire, were Jost off the Orkney islands Mon- K:{BOND-OF -CONFEDERACY+— |cently, SicoftheConfedera States of America. :Looking over some,old papers re- rt.RB.L..Poston of States- ville ran across a bond for $1,000 is- sued by the Confederate States of America,under act of Congress of February 20,18638.aThebond,in form and execution, resembles those of the present day,except it isnot of course so,well ex-ecuted.While the paper used was not of the bond quality of the present day,it is well preserved.On the face of the bond is a well executed por- trait of Lieut.Gen.T J.Jackson and day night,was the most |stunning bléw Great Britain has received since| the war began.Kitchener was the! oné outstanding personality whom th e| people believed in as a great man. A telegram from Admiral Sir John Jellicoe,commander of the fleet,giv- ing the bare facts,was received in| London Tuesday morning.It follows:|“T have to report with deep.regret| that His Majesty’s shio Hampshire,| aptain Herbert J.Savill,R.N.,with) ord Kitchener and.his staff on board)| was sunk last night at about 8 -p.m.,|to the west.of the Orkneys,either by}a mine or a torpedo. “Four boats were seen by observ- ers on shore to leave the ship.The wind was north northwest and heavy seas were.running.Patrol veustle and destroyers at once proceeded to the spot and a-party was sent along the coast to search,but only some hédies and a capsized boat have been found,As the whole shore has beensearchedfromthevseaward,I greatly fear that there is little hope of there being any survivors.” Among’the other notables lost inthewreckoftheHampshirewere Hugh James O’Beirne of the foreign office,Sir Frederick Donaldsan and Brigadier General:Ellershaw of theministryofmunitions.Between 200); and 300 men were lost when the ves-|sel sunk. Kitchener's Work. “=Kar]Kitchener was appointed Sec-| 1914,a few days after Great Brit- ’g declaration of war on Germany.*He was regarded as England’s great- est soldier,and the decision of the | *government to entrust him with su- preme direction of the war was receiv- ed with unanimous approval at__the time.et death at a momentWhichwhiinsurehispositioninBrit- ish history.He was almost the only peylicieds of the government who from the beginning confidently asserted that.this would be a long war—his lowest.estimate_was three years—and he insisted that the government should make its plans —accordingly. The organization of the enormous new British army which he began is well under way. While his administration had-re- ceived some criticism,his great ac- complishments during’the war are recognized universally...Foremost of his achievements.’was the creation from England’s untrained manhood of a large army.At the beginning of Md war Gyeat Britain had only a few hyndred thined men.Today more| than 6,000;000 men are enrolled for the various branches of the service. Orkney Islands. The Orknéy islands,off which the off the and around the northern end of the Scandinavian peninsula into the White Sea.Earl Kitchener probably intended +6?debark at Archangel.TheHampshirehasbeeninuseasascout bout and for carrying officials on va- rious missions,having ample accom- modations for the latter purpose.She was too old to take a_place on the fphting |line.When the war started e-was-in the Far East,and was re- “ported to have been worsted in a fight was one of the British squadron sent to this country for the James- town exndosi ion in 1907.__-Kitchiner of Khartum. ield Marshal Horatio _Herbert of Khartum and "of Broome,Viscount of Khartum,of the Vaal and Aspall, Viscount Broome of Broome;Baron Denton of Denton,Knight of.the Gar- Indian Empire,of the Star of India, George;Knight of St.Patrick,Privy Councilor,and England’s most distin- guished soldier,died at the height of his fame.Since the death of Lord manding military figure in English military life.And he wasa self- made man. Without any great family connec- tions he rose slowly but steadily through the lesser grades until he wonanEarldomandthebatonofaFieldMarshalofEngland.--He-would havebeen66yearsold:on the 24th of-this month.He was.a bachelor and,whether deserved or not,had the rep- utation of being a woman hater. Kitchener was a great soldier and a great administrator.We had served in every part of the British world. To his comrades he was “K.of K.,”the,silent soldier of mystery who didthingsanddidthemwell.The mot-to on his goat of arms consisted’of one word—'Thorough.” Herbert Horatio Kitchener was the son of a ‘soldiers-his father having fer of the Thirteenth Light Dra- dons,who died in 1894 at the age ofyeargr-While Lord Kitchener was lish,.While serving with British gemiy.in Egypt as a major of cavalry,Kitchener distinguished himself as an the /Monent saith not. the reading is as follows: “Confederate States of America, Loan.Authorized by Act of Con- gress,C.S.A.,of February 20,1863. On the first day of July,1868,the Confederate States of America will |pay to the Bearer of this Bond,at the seat of government,or at such place of deposit as may be appointed bytheSecretaryoftheTreasury,the sum of One Thousand Dollars,with interest thereon from date at the rate of seVen per cent.per annum,paya- ble semi-annually on the surrender of |the annexed coupons.This’contract \is,authorized by an act of Congress approved 20th of February,1863,en- titled ‘An act to authorize the issue of Bonds for funding Treasury Notes,’and is upon this Express Con- dition.that said Confederate States yar ’ Byorder of the.sareof Aaareas of ‘thecity,of Statesville’and pursuant to;of North Carolina,.1 vill sell at)pu tion,to the highest bidder for:cash,MONDAY,JULY 4,1916,at the court house door in Statesvill Ncbeginningat10o'clock «#,m,,-the fo!. paid taxes for the year weL.NEELYS”June 2,1916,batBreTax’ColletonCORPORATIONS.Compress Pad &Saddle Co.,lot,CenLA | ter streetStatesville Gas:Light &lot,Center REGULARS--WHITE George,1 lot,4th street ut B43 1 Jot,Sharpe St...1Q217 Tradd St.468 1 lot,11.72 2Absher, Adderholdt,Mrs.F.A., Albea,Walker,1 lot,Alexander,Miss Bettie,land eAsh,J.,agent Benjamin Ash,Water streetBaggerly,'T.A,,2 lots,Bighth stBeaver,W.P.,1 lot,Wise street ¢..¥,Blaylock,Mrs.R,A.,1 lot,Racd sts... Bost,D.O.,1 lot, Brawley,Admr.,Bell streetBrown,Mrs.J. Fourth street "Bullin,W,L.,1 lot,Eighth street ... Burk,H.,1 ‘lot,Allison streetCarpenter,F.A.,1 lot,West End Ave. Carter,J.Q.,1 lot,Seventh street ....Carter Bros.,2 lots,Armfield street |.Cashion,M A.K.,1 lot,Fourth std,Collie,M L.,1 Jot,Boulevard ....9,CGolvert,1 lot,Davie avenue “5%2307) Davidson,¢.1 lot,Fourth street.)%4Dobbins,Mra.Sallie, Douglas;Mrs.Judith, streetWidson,A,C.,1 lot,Rliason,W.A.,2 lots,Sharpe e Fox,A.P.,1 lot,Caldwell street Ireidman,Mrs.Lula,t lot,Sharpe st.. Goforth,Floyd,1 lot,Seventh street ... Caldwell street... .S&S Kerr, 1 lot,Front street 1 lot,Mulberry)+ Park P may from time to.time extend the time of payment,for any period not! exceeding thirty years from date,at the same rate of interest,up-| on the surrender of the Bond. “In Witness Whereof the Register} of the Treasury,in pursuance of said} Act of Congress.hath hereunto set; his hand and affixed the Seal of the! Treasury at Richmond this second| dav of March,1863.” The number of the bond—-30,573— is written in ink,as is the signature| lof the Register of the Treasury,but 1uinley,a W.,ippard,‘just what that signature is,this de- It looks like “Rn.W. Co.”oy “R.-W.Cu”or “Ci.Who!remémbers the name of thé Register Onvposite the blanks “Entered” “Recorded”.are initials in ink—S.O.} B.and J.J.W -Eleven coupons are attached this bond—not one having been tached for.collection.because rovernment had ceased to exist fore many of them were due to de-|} be-| and | that fell due before it ceased to ex- ist.The coupons were for $35 each,| the interest payments beginning July) Ist,1863,and each July tst and Jan-} uarv Ist thereafter until July 1st,1868,,.The signature on the interestcoupons,in ink,.is—or appears. —“M.Pryor,for Ree.of Treas.” This Confederate bond is an intre- (@sting relic of a dead past.Loyal citizens of the Confederate bought them to help the government, ~overnment.This particular bond| was owned by the late H.L.Poston,| the father of Mr.R.L,Poston. MATTERS OF NEWS. Col.Roosevelt may ¢o to Chicago.| He says he will if “the Republican, tional Republican convention at Chi- cago,by a vote of 26 to 21.decided to endorse woman suffrage ‘in ple.” At South Mills,Camden county,C. S.Williams,defeated for sheriff in| the primary,shot Chas. through the shoulder.Hodges worked for the other man. Mrs.Adella Gilkey,widow of Dr. J.H.Gilkey,who was for years a prominent physician of Marion, Monday night at her home in, rion,aged 73.Two sons”and daughter survive. Paul Conwell,a negro cervi:re a life! had ‘this|! lh.awren ce, hh, of the Confederate Statés Treasury?|Miller, and|Mills,W.M., iF Moore,W.A., this| doubtless had no money to pay those!Nj to be} States | and probably many who invested had |Shave little hope of the permanency of the|Sher convention desires me to address it.’’|- The platform committee of the na-|| princi- Hodges |Mills died | Ma-! a! Gunn,J.A.,1 lot,Cemetery street .. Harbin ,1 lot,Alexander street...120)darris,/»1 lot,Bell street Harris,Mr:J.L..1 let,Mulberry st;|Hartness,Nora and Regna,1 lot,Calde!well streetHarwell,U.C.,Hill,Mrs.BelleHubbard,P.L. streetJacks,M.L.:Jehnson,AKestler, Kerr,eo 1 lot,W:iJnut street .. M.,|lot,Davie avenueandS.T.,1 lot,Tradd a5 fae Bont mints..1 lot,Fighth street 1,1 lot,Bell street .. Me lot,Bell stre1lot,§1 Leazar, street 1 lot,Fourth street .... 1 lot,Seventh street ..., Senior,1 tot,Seventh °° D., Lippard,J.T., streetyons,Miss M.Fifth street 'Miller,Re -A.,1 lot,Armfield street.W.W.,1 lot,‘Tadd street .. 1 lot,Caldwell street1lot,Davie avenue 1 lot Bell street : «,1 lot West End ave- M.: |Moore,V.3B ‘J.M.;i Jot,BoulevardMorgan,Will,1 lot,Seventh street ....Morrison,J.C.,1 lot,Hixhland avenueMorrison,Co B.,1 lot,Front street ....Mott,Dr.J.J.,1 lot,Broad sti : Nabors,John,1 lot,Seventh street.Mrs.Edna E.,1 lot,Race 1 lot,Front street .. ,1 lot,Front street .. .1 lot,Front strect..1 lot,Boulevard ; P.P.,1 lot,Front street ...Mrs.J.S.,1 lot,Davie ave. |Phifer,|Phifer Pratt,|Purnel Ramsey,nueRayle,J.C.,1 lot,Fifth street|Reddick,T.J.,1 lot,Western avenue ..Rhyne,W.-A.,1 lot,Front street .... Ross,Charles V.,1 1 5 Ro:A.,1 lot,Oak +*.,1 lot,Tradd street ,2 lots,Fifth street ....*.F.,l-lot,Boulevard ....John F.;1°lot,BoulevardE.D.,1 lot,Alexander street, |Sherrill,A.R.,1 lot,Tradd street ..,. |Shuping,Geo.F.,1 lot,Seventh street ..;lsomers,W.V.,estate,3 lots,Front she rydescribedtractsoflandandcitylot#for.un-|. 61 7 | G Burton, ‘90!Dalton,en NG: !e pe Prince Albert is sold everywhere tins,half-pound tin humidors—and-- splendid condition. |coupons or premiums.We prefer to give quality! in toppy red bags,Sc;tidy red10c;handsome pound ‘and that clever crystal-glass pound humidor with sponge-moistenertopthaekeepsthetobaccoinsuch RINGE R.J.Reynolds Tobacco!Co.,Winston-Salem,N.C.tassaati 1916 by RJ.Reynolds Tobacco Co, BA els:new joy. into the sport of- smoking! eu may live to be 110 and never |feel old enough tovote,but it’s cer- tain-sure you'll not ktiow the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get:on nes with Prince Albert tobacco! a~ poodhessarid satisfaction it offers.It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch]’ You can smoke it long and hard without a come- ‘back!Prince Albert:hds always been sold without Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and:cigarette enjoyment!And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds.P.A.just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite,parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince-Albert isn’t any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for “a supply of P.A.”You pay out a little change,to be-sure,but it’s the cheer-fullest investment you ever made!. ALBERTaT joy smoke 2Ashley,2 lots,Green street .. Chambers,F.F.,1 lot,Tradd street .. Cowan,M.L.,1 lot,Front streetCowan,H.C.,1 lot,Walner street .... Cowan,Leta E.,1 lot,Green street ..Davidson,Mamie,1 lot,Chambers streetAndy,2 lots,Park Place4imster,Abner,1 lot,Chambers straley,Lee,1 lot,Greenstreet . hFéimster,Melvin,1 lot,ChambersKG@aither,Alexander,1 lot,Chambers atfarny,dohn H.,.1 lot,Sharpe strect ....Green,Margaret,1 lot,Garfield street ..Griffin,Thos,1 lot,Bell stréetHall,Harriet,1 lot,Tradd street Hollowell,J.L.,1 lot,s Walker street ..Kerr,Henrietta,1 lot,West End ave- nue BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY :MANUFACTURERS OF s Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re-*: tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909. PHONES:Ofice 29 (VEO.H.MYERS, PHONES:Residence 423 Vice Pres.and Manager. Will,1 lot,Kimbrough,‘ 1 lot,Green streeMecKey,»G.C. ,1 lot,Caldwell street.... »|lot,Tradd street ee »1 lot,Shary »1 lot,Mulberry street ..'' i.1 lot,Patterson street J.H.,1 lot,Seventh street 1 lot,Park Place1lot,Davie avenue .,1 lot,Seventh street Mrs.A,E.,1 lot,Mulberry sturner,Mrs.Lula,1 lot,Front street ..Vincent,‘T.E.,estate,1 lot,Center st.|Welborne,A.E.,1:lot,Tradd street .. Wilkinson,J.W.,1 lot,Buffalo Shoals Road |Williams,W.L.,1 lot,Race street ....Woolen,D.W.,1 lot,Calawell street ..DELINQUENTS.Flihu,1 lot,Seventh street ....Ae 1 lot,Boulevard ...,1 lot,Seventh stre ,-»1 lot,Kelly street .... |Seago,D.R.,2 lots,Center street .... |Sessons,J.M.,1 lot,S.Statesville ....{Simons,Mrs.Lee,1 lot,Fourth stret ..Sowers,R.L.,1 lot.Milly street rs;ft.CG.1 lot Park Place... COLORED. Henry,1 lot,Harrison street ..|Allison,Emma 1 lot,Stockton street ..|Mlison,Cacsar,1 lot,Green street...... |Bailey,Annie,Alfred and Hattie,jl lot, 12g7 {reve pau zh Tharpe,L.|furner Turner Turner, 1.‘02p 9.96)7,97 oy 71 Mei14.22|Levan, 'Mitchell.I 19 184 )Jumme 3 Adama, ‘term in the State prison for killing a white man in Greensboro, from the State convict force at Whit- ney a few days ago. ed at Salisbury yesterday. The Enterprise says a horse longing to Brode Ramsey,a_negro tenant on the farm of J.F.Brawley, three miles north of Mooresville,was struck by lightning and of the gears.A young son of Brode, who was taking the gears off the horse,was barned and shocked, recovered. Crop Prospects Not Bad— Shinsville Items. Correspondence-of The Landmark. J.H.Sigman and children and Mrs. A.FE.Rowe of Hickory are visiting at the home of Mr.P.A.Shinn. Messrs.Fred. Kannapolis spent guests of their Overcash. Mrs.J.Calvin Shinn,who has a very severe case of rheumatism,is thought to-be a little better. This section was visited evening by.a very which washed the cultivated land very badly,but we had no wind or hail damage,as did the people sever- al miles south and east of us. The crops of corn and:cotton,al- hough a few wecks late,are looking very good.and if the weather would clear so that the farmers could give these crops their much-needed culti- yation,in a very short time full crops would be assured. Sunday here.the sister,Mrs.Fred. Tuesday severe rainstorm organizer and fighter..On the Nile,opposite Khartum,with 20,000 men}he fought..50,000 Mahdists,and enthebattleended11,000 of the Mah-dists had been killed outright,were wounded,and 4,000 were priso- ners,while the British and Egyptian|losses totaled not more than 500 men. With the capture of.Khartum.-which meant the re-establishment ofBritish’ -esttof the Nile,Kitchener ossession of the upper reach. became a}figure.of World wide interest and a|great popular hero in England.Forumphhewasrewardedwithaeto,the rank of General,bia entary zrant,of ,$150,- Wa intsedt 18°t spear ke onal bpp watt:y yolk nl 16,000. Wheat and oats are now being rap- re cut.The oats crop is almost a failure.Wheat on good land fair to make an average yield: MORE VALUE FORLESS|'MONEY—JUNE 22-28! I ‘DON’TI |174 and be sure of your Tickets! 'FOLLOWTHE’ eseaped-+ He was arrest-| be-| instantly | killed Saturday,while being relieved| his | clothing being torn off,but he soon| Shingville,June 8 —Mr.-and -Mrs. and William Sloop of. bids FORGET TO °’PHQNE: Garfield street,Bailey,Walter,1 lot.Tradd street ...|Belt,;Frank,I lot,Chambers street...Bennett,G.W.,1 lot,Garneid street .. 0 McLeiland,W.P.13,554 |Moore,in om »|Summers,Roscoe,¢Thomas,Ed.,Thomas,Jeanette, »|White,;|Woods, ae 0 Clark,Agnes,4.29 |Davidson,Keto, 54 |Martin,Lee O., *3°dell County.Statesville,N.C. .1 lot,ChambersRichard,1 lot,.<Green street urdock,J.-A.,estate,lot,‘Sharpe st.J.P.,1 lot,Davie avenue .... Mamie,1 lot,Walnut stret .,Jennie,1 lot,Garfield street .. Lee,1 lot,Tradd streettaichasteon,Jerry,1 lot,Garfield st...eee Delia,1 lot,Garfield str urphy, borne,earson, ann,Luther,1 lot,Walkekton,Anna,1 lot,Walker stre 1 lot,Harrison street 1 lot,Garfield street .... 1 leJoseph,1 lot,Tradd streetR.B.,1 lot,Garfield street ....Weod &:Carson,1 lot,Cemetery streetood,Vina,1}lot,Walker street‘ood,David,1 lot,Garfield street Wood,Richard,1 lot,Green street ....Young,Mary Lee,1 lot,Walker street . DELINQUENTS. 1 lot,Garfield street .... street .... Md street .. if Simanton,Sam,'Stevenson,John,ee Ray,1 lot,Harrison Wasn’t Elected |Because -F-am—“Shingle-King”by_heredity! C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- — Profit By Their proposition”of some mail order organ or piano which has proven the same house.And usually IF WE WON’T TAKE THEIR * fore placing their order. are here where you can put our satisfactory. fore buying from the outsider. 129 W.Broad St. Every now and then some one of-our-good Iredel!folks drops intotellustheirtroubles—some one who “fell”for the “attractive be only a banjo or some other small instrument,or it ‘may be an is too late to “get your money back if not satisfactory.” times it wasn’t even ordered by mail;it was ordered through one traveling salesman or agent and delivered by another representing “pretty reading”or the smooth-tongued agent WANT TO:KNOW TRADE FOR SOME OF OUR GQODS!is folks who had not examined our;goods nor asked our prices be-the point?Give us first chance!We We have a lotal reputation at stake.have what you want,give al)the.other local dealers a chance be-THAT’S THE “SQUARE DEAL!”Leonard Piano Store, Great Mistake! house and “got stung.”.It may to be a “white elephant”after it And some- these¢folks who “fall”for the ‘WHITE ELEPHANT”IN ON A And in most instances it hands on us if everything is not If we don’t ’Phone 322. ?You Can Have4aBeautiful Complexion—if you use COMPLEXION POWDER An especially adherent powder o£thefinest quality;of velvety smooth-ness and exquisitely pened jEnchantmentComplexion,Pow- deris free from lead,merctrytand other poisons,and may be safely used on the most delicate of complexicns, “CROWD TO iHAUTAUQUA!JUNE:22-28!| iaaa CR Scienminet“TVAMIIET ZS JOHN DEEREMEANStheBEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. Iredell Hardware Com’y: Polk Gray Drug Company On the Square... — MONEY IS POWER!.' MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO-SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH’ABANKACCOUNT!oi ¥ A New Interest Period. April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- rent.All Deposits made ‘on or before April 5th will draw,interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly. This Bank’welcomes Savings Accounts from both womenandmen! Certificates of Deposit issued’by this Bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum..— Checking’accounts,either Pek or small;COPaEDY invited. We want'your piainess People’s Loanand Savings Bank, GEO.H.BROWN esident. O.L.PURINE Ce. w- LP PL T LO S FS P S SS S S PI TI L IS O S SO SI I FI O FO PP O SPP OS S O OO S OO OO S Ie e e SP F oe Po TP O To e ee e 55 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 80 8 C WatkinsBrought‘Statesville ©LOW PRIGES..ON SHINGLES,|gHINGLE STAIN and /DOORS AND WINDOWS,AND HIS (,WATKINS,Next.to McElwee’s vaonkPlanters!seeroeei Rtiatoawsblep balli ,PLASTER, AOL a pete eeone7 reahapnclnepeeeeiee,shee auputind)He TIOY Tay)aot SS ee|THE RECORD FOR ECONOMY |=——_——ee LIVER A BOWELS GENTLY FRIDAY,_-.--June 9,1916.|Senator Simmons Shows That|||C;M ]Sh A eet ps"t Loge.aDay’s Work!If Your Liveris Slu gish or 5 "PEACE FOR GERMANY,|‘"¢Democrats Have Spent et otor nN f ape.wels Constipated Take ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.””|NO PEACE FOR GEI “|Less Than the Republicans.;)Re aeu're ”bitionat:‘Your liver is sonal money -back uaranteo.that Chancellor von Bethmann >Holl-spa eens n ie wy oe ”slugpiah!You feel lazy,dizzy and Fee he ee aa eet,Mie:|West Arouses Great Hathual taln sauteola mae |LET US REPAIR YOUR MOTORS.Rn a ene 8 er than a doseof nas-.Pisin i e|pit r peefh eee:ta 7 7“ty calomel and ‘that it won’t-make A mre from Berlin,says’the|*ppropriations during the past ten|IT IS BETTER FOR THE LIFE OFanrageeeheoereeyousick.Liver Tone is’real liver|®¢¢'es#in the Reichstag (the Ger-|Years,made the following statement,oat But “don't.take Ualtvatine’eats.Dodson’s Liver Tone is real liver|man Parliament)by Chancellor von{to the Senate Frida THE MOTOR AND YOU GET SOmedicine.Yov'll know it next morn-Bethmann -Hellweg,in which he de-|“Mr,President:1 wish to submit}ae on hms sick,you may}ing,because you.will wake up ‘eel.prune “that dae further su ns certain tables and explanatory state-|MUCH BETTER RESULTS-&day's ; : Get Season.Chautauqua Tickets, |Calomel is mercury or quicksilver ing fine,your liver will be working,|of peace by Germany would bé futile)ments relating to appropriations and| HOME ELECTRIC COMpP’y.®: ay A i rey hich causes necrosis of the ‘bones.|your stomach will be sweet and your The cellor’s eloquent appeal to!ing the fiscal years 1907 to 1916.inclCalomelctashes‘into sour bile like oo regular,You will ‘feel “like te Sah says the diapeeek,to |clusive,which I ask printed withoutdynamite,breaking it up. 'That’s working;you'll he cheerful;full of ho!d on until victory was theirs,and |reading./when you feel that awful nausea and|vigor and ambition.:the eatege:ical defiance he hurled at}“The first of these tables contains¢‘aiiping,a Dodson’s Liver Tone —is entirely@ England,were greeted with thunders!a statement of total appropriations,|yt If’you want to enjoy the nicest,|vegetable,_therefore harmless,and|of Applause.At his conclusion he re-|including postal.service ‘and ‘sinking|rentlest.liver and bowel cleansing|cannot.galivate,Give “it~to your ceived a treniendous ovation,the |fund..requirements,covering the pe-|ypu aver experienced,just tale af children,Millions of people are us-cheering being renewed again and}riod I have named,Hoi of harmless.Dodgon’s Liver!ing Dodson’s Liver Tone’instead of|again.All parties joined in the ova-|“All of these appropriations and!Fone.tonight.Your |druggist or|dangerous.calomel now,Your drug-|ticn with the exception of the con-|the estimates therefor were made un-nerd sells you a 50 cent bottle ofDodson's Liver Tone under my per- your headache and.dizziness _gone,ant -eyil,made a profound gensation.|expenditures of the government dur-| 516 Center St.‘Thone 361. gist will tell you that the sale of cal-|servatives and’the Socialists.”|}der Republican administrations,ex-omel is almost stopped entirely here.|The chancellor appeated for sthe!cept those for the fiscal years 1915Saaeurs=ao unity of all parties,declaring that po-;and 1916.An examination of these--|'tieal lines ought to be obliterated|appropriations will show that there——--:juring the prosecution of the:ywar.'has been a progressive increase in ap-bt Se 'oa ’rine Fhe concttiston-of his~speech--brought!prepriations ~during--this period,-inn t I Gl ;aln:ost.the entire house to their feet)“An analysis of these table will-alin VY ea asses.jin a wild outburst of enthusiasm.|Show that from 1907-to 1912,under a:::|“f gee the entire nation,”he =Republica President,Senate ane j ,e ‘<|“in heroic stature fighting for its fu-|ouse,there:was an averagé annua ’.iIceTea1Salwaysodandrefreshing,but the {j lure,our.sons and Festhnea fighting picrenas of ee eee hs yee of PUNCTURES,BLOW OUTS,RIM CUTS.dainty etched GLASSES we are now showing jund dying side by side.There we gee 3.2 per cent.It will show that from .‘*..,*|the equal love for home in all.The!1912 to 1914,‘under a Republicanmakeittastejustalittlebetter,Prices from wndred : AUTOMOBILE TIRE REPAIRING. SAVE-MONEY.SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY,by having your tires in good shape, very curable ailment of your tires andinnertubessuccessfullytreated.Allsizesandmakes. Vuleanizing at its best,and all workguaranteed, a and suffer death in thousands.Only |was $33,921,058,an increase of 3.7: JEWELERS. “My belief in my people and my /|crease of only 0.7 per cent. »heart completely dried up,can eS-)per cent.;and it will show from 1914) Get Rickert’s time and remember Chautauqua.|love for my people gives me a con-|“In passing I call attention to the | wish to let it go on to the end.We tion,the estimates therefor and the |———a fight aut there around Verdun,~who|$86,000,000 less than the amount ap-|# jthat knows how to bear privations.|not including the postal service and | “In this fight against “hungerwe |table Will show that during the fiscal! year.It will not be worse,but bet-|the average annual increase was $14,-|§ Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSZ, ADORATION aaa prt et a raeeere cetSHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. Ament Op emesmenns sinienyespeamnee vae KEEP \{OOL. ‘fF: 33 PheSameQuality,Same Price| WHITE AND COLORS.—i icupe the affecting impression of the,to 1916,under .a Democratic Presi- I viction firm as a_rock that we shall!fact that while the money appropri-| fear neither death nor devil,not even |appropriation were made during the !sezesgeeeesaes pe BsseBtashrestessrseeteetttereten et | ight under Hindenburg,our proud ;propriated. These privations are here.I admit it!sinking fund requirement,for the, ;will also progress,Gracious|years from 1907 to 1912,under a Re- ;fecred flame of love of home sreele President and Senate and Democratic$1.75 set and up.Better see them,:j every heart so that they defy death]House,the annual average increase|i ‘JR.H.RICKERT &SON,caffe;z 'vreat primitive strength wf this peo-|dent,Senate and House,the averageiple.(annual increase was $7,944,319,an in- !|feht and -cénquer as we have fought|ated for the fiscal year 1914 was ex-|pee,cesar ce and conguered hitherto.Our enemies |pended under the Wilson administra-| |the hunger devil which they wish to}Taft administration.The amount ac-|'tame Me;Send into our country.The men who|tually expended in.that’year was!ST ONERY:* ‘bluejackets who showed Albion that;“The next table I wish to present is}'¥Ajtutsbite,are fashionetl from’a breed!a table of.ithe’total appropriations.|§Saananae -SS he calmly and openly,even to foreign |samo fiscal years embraced in the!|countries,but we will-bear.them.Lfist table.An.oxamination of this! make |a allowed a good harvest this;publican President,Senate and House,er s s s i s s s t e t e i r r r e r |ter than in the previous hard year.122,984,the per centage of increase|3:|Fhis caleulation of our encinies on our!being 2.3 per cent.It will,show that!4[|ic difficulties w;|i ig B.V.D.|nderwear.;economic difficulties will prove decep j from 1912 to 1914,under a Republi-|¥tive, “Another of their calculations was.|Sharply corrected by our young navyB.V.D.Underwear always a bargain at #1.00 a suit. We have your size,34 to 46,garments $1.00 a suit. Boys’sizes 26 to 32,50c.a suit. Two piece \ PHONE NO.83. |last week,This victory will not make|us boastful.We know that it does;not.mean that England is/beaten,butitisatokenofourfuturewherein|Germany_will win,for herself and_al-so for smaller pcoples,full equality|of vights and lasting freedom of sea‘routes,now closed by England’s soledomination.” _SPRL er RR TONE| |Death of the President of China.|The death of.Yuan Shi Kai,presi-|dent of the Chinese republic,was an- |can j Democratic House,there was an av-erage annual increase of $24,238,227,|#being an increase of 3.4 per cent.It'gwillshowthatfrom1914to1916,un-der Democratic President,Senate and |$6,087,938,being a decrease ofi;per cent.‘“The annual increase in our ponv-|§lation is less than 2 per cent.,which |§is very.much greater than the annual tions unde?the present administra-tion,and considerably smaller than President and Senate,and aif House,instead of ‘an increase,there|#was fin average annual.decrease of|8 0.8) 1% Statesville Drug Comaverageincreaseofour.appropria-|& In Boxes—25c.,50c.,75c.and $1.00. -By the Pound with Envelopes to Match,.25c.,35c.and 50c.the Pound.~ Envelopes 10c.,15c.and 20c,Package.|. THE REXALL STORE.=)”10 Quality Prescriptionists.DY;# that.for the Republican years shown |;'n these tables.{Sey ee“The next table I nresent embraces|;‘:the total ordinary disbursements of.ae.A Dthegovernment,exclusive of nostal |expenditures.from the vear 1907 to!a:1916.This table will show that for |the fisgal years from 1907 to 1912.)when:the,Republicans had control ofallbranchesofthegovernment,there!was:an average annual increase in|disbursements of,$21,782,005,or an in-!‘erease of 4 per cent.It will showiSs’ve storms |that from 1912 to 1914,with a Renub-of revolution were gathering in in-lican President and Senate,and Tl,Aeriecreasingstrength.The revolt broke Democratic House,there was an av-|:weterite :rs (|IN t]|B 'reat The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System shave|put amateur.photography within reach of every man womanandchild’”|at smallcost,KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.Kodi”“ Yuan Hung,the vice president,of his|Succession to the presidency.|Yuan Shi Kai had been ill for sev--|eral davs with stomach trouble,which(was followed by a nervous break-}fi cown.His death,it is Stated,appar-fi ently solves the heated political cri-sis.Li Yuan Hung’s succession to the=presidency meets the demands of the@lcadersinthesouthernprovinces.3’Yuan Shi Kai died whilé the storms SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.fee"God medatlyade1 supplies ofall kinds in the genuine Eastman quality.H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler,| i5g|lishing a monarchyand.ascendirig the will show that the 1914 to 1916 un->2 (throne as the first emperor of a new}der a Democratic President.;|dyhasty.‘His coronation was set fot/and Senate,there was an aver=carly in February of this year but}nual increase of only $12.872,75!=|was postponed indefinitely,owing to an,increase of 1.76 per cent._B the extraordinary rapidity with which “One cf the tables submitted con-{the revolt spread through southern|tains a statement of the inerease and|wm China.Several attempts were made “decreases,respectively,in the expend.|2,uvon the President’s”life and a bomb itures for the fiscal year of 191h,95g|Plot was discovered in the imperial compared with those of 1913 and 1912.|$@ palace.The establishing of a mon-!and shows the increase for the fiseal|a archy was strenuously opposed by Ja-year 1915 over 1918 and 1912."Ban and its final abandonment wasq =Be!largely credited to the representa-“B|tions made by Tokio.The revolt progressed,however,;and in March the governors of theeChineseprovincesdemandedtheres-|B ignation of the President.In May.E |the provinces of Shansi and Shantung{announced their independence,and-ai@|Provisional government was estab-gi lished by the generals commanding |B |the revolutionary forces in the south.|@ |President Yuan Shi Kai announced on|m |May 26 his intention to resign when|Aa suitable successor was chosen.It!Flowers! =out in Decomber,1915,when the presi.erage annual increase of $23.634.360,|=|dent announced his intention of estab-or an increase of 3.62 per cent,It!f OF STATESVILLE,N.OQ.Be Surplus and Profits —-31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Spring | |Furniture i SUCH A -Water Coolers,Go Carts,Side Walk Sulkies.Anything in summer goods.Phone yourwanistous,and our man will be there with Rockers,Settees,Swings,Couch Hammocks,Porch9Shades,Ice Cream Freezers, ‘Your’Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode-positors consistent with prudent bankingmethods. Four per cent.paidon time and SavingsDepositsremainingondepositthreemonthsorlonger. OFFICE wS:-a W.DD.TURNER,.~+-°President:Catawbatfrr’'"™ ¥K.MORRISON,«-Vice President,_. the goods in a few minutes,Quick DeliveryIsOurMotto. Williams Furniture House Inc.The Fai orite Store.> f|was reported that the President in-{|tended to “take refuge in Japan. ETESEECSEETEesSTE Contempt Case in °Catawba. County Court.~|Dr.C.L.Hunsucker of,county,who some time ago publishedlinthenewspapersanarticleseverely SS eS==INSURANCE!2Asagreatmany.policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditions.named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberendered‘valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply toyouragentfor.permit.We2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-tions in or on property—always get permits from agents,8—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice ofsameisgiven—apply to your agent..fb change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.‘Assignment or transfer of property to another.6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.-71—The taking of other insurance without notice.8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.-=~-9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.:-+Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call .on us for any INSURANCE infor-mation.aya“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”AS.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!_J.F.CARLTON,Manager,"PHONE 54.:STATESVILLE,N.C. _GET YOUR SEASONTICKET,Chatitauqua,June 22-28, ‘“ not yet developed. criticising the judicial action of Judge Roses,Mebane of the Catawba =County}:Court,has been served with a rule to!Carnations,vine cause why he should not be pun-!ished for contempt.The rule wa:re-|iiceTuesdaybutonrequestofViolets,the defendant’s counsel the hearing sf;Was continued until the 20th.ors Lilies of theValley,Under the act of the Legislature|::cases of alleged contempt other than}In profusion.acts committed in the presence of the!court,can be heard by some otherthantheaggrievedjudicialofficer:Whether Dr.Hunsucker will ask forahearingbeforeanothertribunalis Where Mostof the Objection ~~Comes From. Durham Herald.;Sure there ‘is considerable objec-ion to the primary,but it will be no-ticed that.most of it comes from thepoliticiaris.:eee Forethought. People are learning that a little forethougoftensavesthemabigexpense.Here is aninstance:E.W:Archer,—Caldwe)),:Ohio,writes:“I do not believe that our family hasbeenwithoutChamberlain’s Colic,Cholera COME ON IN!THE WATER’S and Diarrhoea Remedy ‘since we commenced Van Lindley Co, GREENSBORO,&.0.| Polk Gray Drug Co.,fink Lacal Agents, Lh): D.M,AUSLEY,- -_Cashier,G.HK.HUGHKY,-Assis hier, _|#|FOR SALE! ERNESTG. 152 acres,7 miles ¢ast of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings»50 acres’in cultivation,part of which is inmeadow,balance in woodland,level and productive,:}102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near ‘schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock’barn and out-buildings,geod orchard,two branches”4 ningthroughplace,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance inwoodlandenclosedinpasture., Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x200.|Vacant lot on Armfield street,650x150.oe '186 acres,6 miles ‘from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance in..,woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard..Will exchangeforsmallerfarmorcityproperty,‘4Forfurtherinformationcallonorwrite GENERAL {NSURANCE,RENT.ALS AND REAL EST.PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILD FINE!JUNE 22-28!keeping house years ago.When we go on an gxtended.vist we tak it with ws.”osie-!BOALDING?—C,WATKINS, +ibiogHarel]fp ae a | re?Ft “UNCLE SAMS EXPERIMENT,"Junior Chautauqua, t NOW.“GERM AN Capture Fort.From French and LAN MARK FRIDAY,-June 9,-1916.:|areneWHY NOT BE THERE SOON? The Annoyance _and.Waste =of|*Time in Failing to:Keep En-| gagements. ‘To the Editor of The Landmark: We all say and believe that States-ville is the best town in North Caro-lina,and it is true.Statesville is just what she claims to be,-but—still-is-not--perfect;andthe most.promi- ment thing that is wrong with us as a people is the fact that in the ma- jority of cases we have absolutely no conception of what it means to be on time for an engagement. With the exception of there is no other meeting in town at which the members (And by no means all on time at church.,—The fendmerk).It is the universal cus- ‘om where a meeting is called at a specitied time,for the majority to be nvwhere from 15 minutes to half an ].-late,this morning against our 3,2 serious state of affairs if reiches west of MWocge was ‘repuls- s to think of it.Suppose,for 64.| that there is to be a meeting ED oa It takes six to make a Petrograd, anorum.Tf five of them are on time °‘od more t and have to wait for 80 minutes on sment the other one so they can get to work, the ene man has spent not 30 min utes of the others’time,but 150 minutes,In other words,he counts his 80 minutes he has saved to-him-, self equal to the time of five men for the same time.Of course this is not what he really thinks but is what it amounts to. We are bringing our children up with the same idea.If they are asked to be present at a certain time,they think it is a disgrace if they are there earlier than 30 minutes late.One of our most prominent ladies of the city, in conversation with me the other, day.said that a stranger in talking| of our city said that we had no idea| of what it meant to be punctual,and my one who takes the time to think it over will have to admit that it is a true bill. ,sian Offensive Against Teuton’ Allies.ad | Fort Vaux,one of the Verdun de- Tenses,has been eaptured-by-the Ger-j Man troops,according to the “official! ‘statement from Berlin,What remains| ed of the French garrison finally sur- rendered,and .an attempt to the fort Tuesday resulted in the cap. ture-by the Germans oF 700 unwound. ed prisoners. British trenches Hooge have been ranning through captured by the’ Germans,according ‘to the British of-“ficial statement,which reads: “Last (Tuesday!night and today our chur (Wednesday)there were heavy artil- ery bombardments on both —sides east of Ypres.{»the fighting yes- lay the enemy succeeded in cap- ince our front line trenches.run. threagh the ruins of the village Hoogre,Attress made against portions of our Ene failed.A mall infantry attack deliver- services, held are on time of them are LU ning of other offensive movement, the Kussians «have han 40,000 men.The; follows: of our troops in Vol- and Bukowina are de-| veloping.The total number of pris- oners and trophies euptured in»the fighting,whichoresulted in the enemy being dislodged from his powerfully’ fortified positions,continues to in- crease.Since the beginning of the re- ,eent actions until noon Tuesday, General Brusiloff's armies have .cap- tured 900 officers,more than 40,0007 rank and’file,runs,134 machine guns and 4%trench mertars,and,in addition,search lights,telephones, field kitchens,a Jarge quantity of arms and war material and great re- serves of ammunition.” tance of tén men. sses hynia,Galicia The long -expected general offen- sive of the Russians against the Teu- ton allies seemingly has begun.Both Petrograd and Vienna report that the:2ussians’are actively engage veTetalturnovermauncwalentamnltsanRissiansareactivelyengagedover a front from the Pripet river to themeetingofanykindistobeheld,be I =Rice rochal!S anesthereontime.or notify them that we?Roumanian frontier,about »0 miles.can’t come.It is as easy to be punc-The Russians are using large num- tual as it is to be 30 minutes late,.|PeTS of guns and men,and,according This state of affairs is not confined.°°Petrograd,have achieved suceess-to any one thing but is so as regards es on many important sectors,taking hnsiness meetings,lodge meetings,1:000 prisoners and many guns and ladies’meetings,social functions and “estroying or capturing Teuton —po- everything where three or more are sitions.‘.supposed to meet at a certain time.Along the Bessarabian front alongthelowerStripaandinVolhynia,theYoursverytruly,Russian attacks have bee articeycuitinttereconofCa,eeka arly violent.>region ke Paid $5 For Shooting «on Street ao .the ae ote —Court Items triangle,the Russian guns have heav- .ilv shelled a front of more than 15 Mr.Thos.Ress of Charlotte,who is miles held by the Austrian Archduke now located 1t Barium Lodge;was Joseph Ferdinand. fined $5 and taxed «ith the costs DEATH RODE ON THE GALEWednesdaybyJusticeLazenbyfor More Than One Hundred Livesdamagetoproperty. Mr.Ross was in tewr Wednesday Lost in Storms in Five States. About 67 persons killed and proba and in passing the sqvare noticed on the corner in front of the First Na- tional Bank the outfit of one “Wild %es ae lee fJim,”who had been giving:exhibi-bly 3800 injured is the result of tions in riding and shooting.In the Storms that swept LONE Tana large por-outfit were some rifies.Mr,Ross tion of the State of Arkansas.Mon-nicked up one of these and proceeded day evening.ves to discharge it a few times,one ball The greatest loss of life isknockingoutanelectriclightglobe.&t Heber Springs,where 20 persons He replaced the rifle and went about WeTe killed and 60 injured.At Judso-ae streets,where De puty Sheriff C.nia,a town of 800 people,nine were .Gilbert took himin charge and he killed,all colored,and a number were an arraigned before Justice Lazenby injured,three whites probably fatal- Part of the town was destroyed. The number of deaths reported at other points range from six down,but and fined, eA friend of Mr. he was undet the :took him to his the storm covered so much territory that it is heheved the number of deaths will reach 67 or-mere,with the- injured probably in excess of 300, Lodge, i Sherrill Dalton,Hub Redman and The property damage was of course very great.| Pink Allison,all colored,will be tried this morning for gambling.DaltonandRedmanwillalsobetriedfor :criminal assault.At Jackson,Miss., persons were killed — From six colored -— .ed,some seriously,by a tornado which swept through the western section of that city.Near 250 homes were damaged,some of them being demolished,The State Institution for the Deaf and Dumbowas partly demol- ished. \dispatch from Poplar Bluff,Mo., reported Ross,realizing that mifluence of drink, home at Barium Tuesday.eight two white and and probably 50 injur-aod People —Thrown Motorcycle. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,June 7 ~~,Miss Myrtle Smith,17 vear eld daughter of Mr.Lemuel Smith.was taken to Rillinesley hospital Seturday,where she underwent an.operation for ap- vendicitis,She is geting along fine,s:39 of more persons were killedMrs.F.BL Winecoif has returned:at least 75 injured in a storm home trom Long sacatoriam,where ata this section Tuesday.she had an operation for appendicitis,i persons were reported killed atsgettingalonzveryweil:“d,Mo.five at Morehouse,Mo.,st Sunday Miss Pcoarl Gibson of at various points. willie,who is ‘an operator in the estimated that in the five Pell telephone ofico.was taking a mo-o ‘kansas,Missouri,Mis-torevele ride with Me Hill Caldwell,cnnessee.and Iiineis atdopytheStatesville-Amity road.were —killed When yeturning,about 6 1-2 miles injured may dic. from Statesville,she was thrown off.will run The accident was caused by the sand, .which turned the m-toreycle.Miss Gibson .was ee to the nearest house ity.R.A.Galliher’s—-and Mr. Voll Evans came down in’his ma- chine and took her kime.She was taken to the Sanatorium for treat- ment, of ane Prop- into hundred Ons of the damage thousands. Divers Wednesday beran search for the bodies of the thirty or more persons who are believed to have been drowned when the Mississippi vive: steamer Eleonore capsized near Pleas- ant View,Tenn.,20 miles north of Memphis,in Monday night’s The bodies of two white men were re covered.Two other white passenyers and about 380 negroes,the majority deck hands,have not been ace for. many erty of storm, ts Not Opposed to Corn and To- mato Club Work. To the Editor of The Landmark: It is being widely circulated in Statesville that Prof.J.F.Mitchell, the Democratic nominee for county| superintendent of schools,is opposed to the Boys’Corn club work and the Tomato club work and other progress- ive movements.Prof.Mitchell au- therizes me to correct these false im- nreskiois and =state through The. Landm srk that he jis heartily in fa- vor of these and all other progresss, ive movements,which he considers a uplifting to the rural community. has never made a statement is epee:sed to this work. Very aealy ounted Ceietaeeeeecenreeeeee Snow in Montana. In a note to TheFE.M.Purdy,formerly writing from Hamilton, late of June Ist,says: “The mountains are snow.Deep back in the canyons ths snow must be 12 feet deep.The i rigation streams are full and jover flowing.Snow storms May 19-20-21. Frost almost every morning durin: May.Hruit and vegetation a fail ure,’ Landmark Mrs. of Statesville, Mont.,under covered with AS He that he —General Manager H.C.Worthen of Atlanta,Ga.,and Division Super intendent fF.R.Veile of Charlotte,of the Western Union Telegraph Co., rived in Statesville Wednesday.nightintheirprivateearandleftyesterday morning for Salisbury.They were here to look over the local office and to see if any improvements or change are necessary. ~Mrs.W.W.Moyle was called to Charlotte Tuesday by the eritical ill- ness of her mother,Mrs,R.1.Cul- berson,who suffered a stroke of pa- valysis and wh6se condition is con- idered dangerous, Ice cream supper Mr.W: hip tomorrow night. QO.WHITE —A mity;iconic “Thea as “Wild Jim”gave demonstrations of riding and shooting on the ball park this week.He was advertising for an ammunition factory. ~iJee cream will be scrved at Vanee schoo]house tomorrow nivht for the henefit of the local cluk Publie invit- ed,Cream to be sold regardléss of weather. —Mr.J.-L.Sherrill,ai delegate, and Mr.R..T.,Weatherman,a visit- or,are attending the national Repub- liga)nvention in Chicago.2 :é-sPhe firemen are practicing for the State mevtins tr:R rlcigh next nmoonth, at the home of Publie invited.| su CCESS Trench From ‘British —Rus+} relieve}; er Hundreds of from the coast cities United States steamers,according who reached San Francisco by steam-| Wor Idly possessions are rificed for speed by the citizens of the. United States now tions along the ported serious reached a safe refuge. Heney,a member of the party reach- ing San Francisco, Americans have fled from the interior ~ and are now waiting a chance to take | ship-at-Mazatlan, “Mexico,” ticularly unsafe for men. women even more six months I did not venture the streets of escort.” a he young ladyin1 the ee is being educated by theclase, Hartness and Col.GrimesAmericansLeavingMexico.c Exchange Ti legrams,Americans are fleeing interior of Mexico to the v to.take p re for the . on the first’available to 43 refugees | onday afternoon Mr.«. s wired Col.Bryan Grimes,’his uccessful opponent in the contest for, Secretary of Stace,as rollows: ‘\ccept my congratulations on your nomination.LT had hope to be-the roeipient of the message,but my par- from Mazatlan,Mexico. being’sac- in Mexico.Condi-!;° West coast are.re-by those who have‘ Mrs.Paul J.! have not a majerity I will not second primary.” ol.Grimes wired in reply: thank you most the spirit of your message in you congratulate me upon my for Secretary of State. i Let us get together and roll up a big 'Pemocratic mMajerity next Novem- ber.” says that fully 250 nination said Mrs.Heney,“is par- American |wo-neANNR seenr to hate the)Governor Craig has pardoned RachelPor)and Emma King of Henderson county, out on ye men charged with keeping a disor- Mazatlan without an house and sentenced to a year in urdon recommended by the so- The Mexicans than the men. derly 10 MINUTES ARTE!are sold WILL BE TOO LATE! nd county commissioners, REILDING?©.WATKINS. 75tTHE775 bes FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AUTO TIRES FOR LESS. Having on hand a good lot of Tres in,price balance of this month to sell you Tires at old 1 is 10ner.eent.less than pres- BETTER TAKE ADV ANTACE PROPOSITION WHILE IP IS Hought before advance enables us for the price,whicl ent price. OF THES OFFERED! red kes MOTOR CO. ST.ATESVILLI,MOORESVILLE AND NiS\vPON, A.Hart-! ty has decreed that 1 be the sender.| | {heartily and ap- ||||||||iX Se ee PpDIDYOUKNOW|ie 55 ONLY TWO WEEKS:UNTIL CHAUTAUQUA Wi EEK? R CHILLS ANDMMALARIA,USE-—— HailsC}‘ill cearice SO CENTS A BOTTLE. HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 20.Prescriptionist, CEROLTMRCRteAN &h6 Silk ‘S,s Skirts Slippers Just received the latest styles in Awning: Stripes for Skirts;¢c,:to 25c.per yard. An Assortment of Shirt Waists. China Silk,Crepe dv Chine,-Voiles, ete.See eee Cood assortment i Skirts—Awning mos Gaberdines, ete.,HOCle,¢of9e,.9 as “nd $1.20. We have several doven pair Slippers we sre closing out regardless of cost-Children’s,La-dies’and Mena 7 you need Slippers:you can’t afford to miss sceing them.Respt. M.McKee &Company. Stripes, Wash Pak. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Vacation Season Is on now andyou'll be wanting new Trunks and Bags. Appropriate Luggage is a good introduction away among strangers. Our Trunk and Bag department has a big lot popular priced numbers: Steamers 28 to 36 inch size,$4.00 to $12.50.. Fibre covered Trunks,some lift out, others with Roller Trays,good values, $8.50 to $25.00,other makes from $3.00 to $6.50. All Leather Suit Cases,$4.56 to $17.50 Gladstone Bags,$10.09 to $15.00 Ward Robe Trunks fully equipped at $15.00 and $26.60. Ladies’special light weight Suit Cases, $5.00,$7.50 and $10.00. Matting Cases and Bags,50c.to $2.00 for light wear,and some Fibre Suit Cases at $1.00 to $3.00.: You should sce this showing of luggage if you are contemplating purchasing this season. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. .The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. r OE er A.Dry in Sharpesburgé town-* HUNT BROTHERS, STEAM.HOT WA t F R AND ieee HEATING..>.ambing and Private Water Systems. -DAVENPORTS, CHAIRS &TABLES. We now have on salea big line of Davenports,.$15.00 to $60.00.All finishes—Fumed Golden O2k and Ma- hogany and Chairs and tables to match,which enables us to get up a nice Suite at very attractive prices. Call and take a look. 3etter Goods [or Less Money. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. PHONE 157 REFERENCES FURNISHED,—-~; IDR.WILLIAM B.FORBUSH,Chautauqua,Every Day,Jung 22-28. HUGHES AND FAIRBANKS. The Republican Ticket Named“at Chicago Saturday, c ow ;mi VOL.XLII. Charles Evans Hughes,formet Gov- ernor of New York,and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court,forPresident.“Charles Wurren Fairbanks of Indi-ana,elected Vice President with.The-odore Roosevelt in 1904,again waschosenforsecondplace.These..were.the nominations’madebytheRepublicannationalconventioninChicagoSaturday.Both nomina- tions were made by overwhelmingmajoritiesonthefirstballotof.theday—the third ballot:of the conven- tion for the presidency. At the same!time the Progressive convention nominated Col.Theodore Roosevelt for President and John M, Parker of Louisiana for Vice Presi-dent.Col.Roosevelt declined for the etime.That story is told in another column. Before the balloting was begun intheRepublicanconventionSaturday morning Senator Smoot of Utah an-],nounced the report of the latest meet-ing of the Republican conferees with the conferees of the Progressive con- vention,disclosing that the Republi- cans had presented the name of.Mr. Hughes for consideration as a candi-date on whom.both conventions couldunite.Hie also read the reply of the Progressive conferees,which was merely an acknowledgement of re- ceipt of the proposal,Then he read Colonel Roosevelt’s telegram to theProgressiveconvention,suggesting Senator Lodge of Massachusetts as a compromise candidate for both con-ventions.Before he had finished read- ing word came and was announced in the Colisium that the Progressive convention itself not only had tabledtheRepublicanproposalofMr. Hughes,but had tabled Colonel Roosevelt’s own ‘proposal of Senator Lodge as well. No one in the Republican conven- tion really expected Colonel Roose- velt’s compromise to be accepted, neither did they feel the Progressives. would accept -Hughes.There was a gallery demonstration at the an- nouncement of Colonel Roosevelt's proposition,but the delesate section, by its silence,plainly showed its.in-difference and if any of the Republi- can managers entertained the leastfearofastampedeteColonelRoose-velt,it was dissipated by every out- ward indication that akout the only “message from Colonel Roosevelt thatcouldhavearousedthedelegatesto enthusiasm would have been his ac- ceptance of Hughes. Nearly Solid Vote For Hughes. When the roll call began in the Republican convention the withdraw- al of the favorite sons was announc-ed one after anothey,and the votes began flopping into the Hughes col- umn in solid blocks so rapidly that the nomination plainly was assured before the roll ‘call had gone five States.When it got to Colorado the drift was so apparent that a propos- al to make it unanimous was made,but Chairman Harding ruled that the balloting should take its regular course.Each addition to the Hughes column was greeted by yells of exul- tation from the rapidly accumulat- ing Hughes delegates and __steadily State by State the votes piled up un; til New Jersey carried it past the required 494 and the remainder was only a formality.. The result of the ballot follows:Hughes 949 1-2;Roosevelt 18 1-2;Lodge 7;Du Pont 5;Weeks 8:LaFollette3:absent 1.Total 987. The analysis of the nominating bal- lot showed that Hughes had®drawn his votes from every State and Ter- ritory;that Roosevelt’s were scat- tered over 12 States;that Du Pont’s five had come from.South Carolina, Lodge’s seven from North Carolina and the three for Weeks from Mas- sachusetts and Missouri.On the last ballot North Carolina voted seven for Lodge,14 for Hughes.Butler and nearly all who were for Roosevelt originally voted for Lodge as the compromise suggested by Roosevelt. Fairbanks For Vice President. Although Hitchcock;the Hughes manager,let it be known that the Hughes men wanted Burton for sec- ond place,Ohio withdrew Burton’s was as name,leaving the field to Mr.Fair-!Senator Burkett |banks and former of Nebraska.The ballot forPresidentshowedthiscount: Vice Fairbanks 863;Burkett 108;Borah)that in each branch of the service,8;Burton 1;Johnson 1;absent,scat- tering and not voting 6.Total 987. The North Carolina 'ddlegation gave Fairbanks 19 votes and Burkett The convention adjourned at 2.01 p.m.Saturday.When it nominated Mr.Hughes it had no word that hewouldacceptandnostatementofhis position.One came soon afterward hut.not.until the convention had ad- journed. At.Indianapolis made this statement:\“T was not a candidate for the vice presidential nomination and request-ed the chairmanof 'the Indiana dele-gation -to withdraw my namc if*pre-sented.The nomination was made and the convention adjourned beforemydispatchwasreceived.I feel it my duty,under the circumstances,toacceptthecommission,which the party has so generously and unani- mously placed in my hands.” The convention appointed.the usual committees to notify the candidates Mr.(oirbanks STATESVILLE,N.O,,TUESDAY, MR:HUGHES’-ACCEPTANCE Republican Presidential Nonti- fee Steps.Off —the—Supreme Court Bench and Lines:Up With.His Party. During the pre-convention cam-paign Mr.Justice Hughes,so far as the public record shows,said not awordand:did nothing to further his interests for the Republican.presi- dential nomination.Instead;in notes to friends and in the few.answers he made to inquiries,he gave every inti-mation that he was not a candidate. This silence was preserved until he was told of his nomination at his home in Washington Saturday..HeimmediatelyresignedasJusticeof the Supreme Court.His note to the President and the latter’s answer follow: “To the President: “T hereby resign the office of As- sociate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.I am, “Respectfully yours, “CHARLES EVANS HUGHES.” .The President replied:~ “Dear Mr.Justice Hughes: “I am in receipt of your letter of resignation and feel constrained to yield to your desire.I therefore ac- cept your resignation as Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States,to take effect at once. “Sincerely yours,ae “WOODROW WILSON.” Justice Hughes’Acceptance. Following -is-Justice”Hughes’ tel- ;egram to Chairman Harding,accept- ‘ing the nomination: i“Mr,-Chairman and.Delegates: |“I have not desired the nomination, \I have wished to remain on_the jbench.But in this critical period in our national history,I recognize that \it is your right to.summon and that lit is my paramount:duty to respond. i You speak at a time of national exigency,transcending merely parti-san consideration.You voice,the ‘demand for a dominant,thorough-go- jing Americanism witn firm protective ;upbuilding policies essential to.our peace and security;and to that call, in this crisis,I cannot fail to answer i with the pledge of all that is in me to the service of our country.Therefore, ‘I accept the nomination. |_.“I stand for the firm and unflinch- |ing maintenance of all the rights of ‘American citizens on land and sea.I jneither impugn motives nor underes- itimate difficulties..But it is most re- gretably true that in our foreign re- lations we have suffered inealculably from the weak and vacillating course which has been taken with regarll to Mexico—a course lamentably wrong with regard to both our rights and ‘duties.We interfered without con- ;sistency;and while seeking to dic- state when we were not concerned,we lutterly failed to appreciate and dis- charge our plain duty to our own citi- zens.At the outset of the adminis. tration the high responsibilities of ‘our diplomatic intercourse with for- jeign nations were subordinated to a conception of partisan requirements ‘and we presented tothe world a hu- miliating spectacle of ineptitudé.—Be- lated efforts have not availed to re- cover the influence and prestige so “unfortunately sacrificed;and brave {words have been stripped of their ce by indecision. ie Regarding Diplomacy. ““T desire to see our diplomacy re- ‘stored to its best standards and to jhave these advanced;to have no sacri- 'fiees of national interest to partisan expediancies;to have the first ability ‘of the country always at its command |here and abroad in diplomatic inter- ,course;to nfaintain firmly our rights ‘under international law;insisting |steadfastly upon all our rights as mu- {tual and fully performing our inter-. ational obligations;and by the clear jcorrectness and justness of our posi- ition and our manifest ability and dis- position to sustain them,to dignify our place among the nations. “T stand for an Americanism that knows no ulterior purpose;for a patriotism that is single and com- plete.Whether native or naturalized, tof whatever race or creed;we have but one country.and se do not for an linstant tolerate any division of ‘al. legiance. |*T believe in making prompt pro- ;Vision to assure absoiutely our na- iticnal security.I believe in prepared- ness,not only entirely adequate for our defense,with respect to numbers and equipment in both army and navy,but with all thoroughness to the eng | ithere may be the utmost efficiency {under the most competent adminis- trative heads, |!“We are devoted to the ideals of {honorable peace.We wish to pro- imote all wise and practicable meas- jures for .the’just jsettlement of in- ternational disputes.In view of our ‘abiding ideals,there is no danger of militarism in this country.Wehave no policy of agvression;no lust for territory;no zeal for strife.Jt is in this spirit that we demand.adequate )provision for national defense and we ‘condemn the inexcusable neglect that ihas been shown in this ‘matter of first \national tH Oruines,We must have ‘the strength which self-respect de- ;mands;the strength of an efficient na- tion ready for évery emergency. Industrial Preparedness. “Our preparednes&S must be indus- trial and economic as well as mili- tary.Our severest tests will come after the war is over.We must make a fair and wise re-adjustment of the jtariff,in accordance with sound -pro- t rs ROGSEVELT-AND-PARKER. Nominees of the Progressive clines.Until He Hears What \Hughes Has to Say.“After,waiting four days-to see iftheycouldagreewiththeRepublicans, all the “while shouting themeetves hoarse for Teddy and with the appar-ent purpose of accepting none but the colonet;the Progressive convention at Chicago Saturday.nominated ‘The- odore Roosevelt of New York-for-Pres= ident ‘and John M,Parker of Louis- jana for Vice President.’ When thé convention met Saturday the failure of the conferces to secure an agreement with the Republicans was reported and.Col,Roosevelt’s telegram suggesting Lodge of Mas- sachusetts for a compromise was laidbeforetheconvention.The sugges- tion was rejected and less than a min-ute later Chairman Robins called for nomination of a President and recog- nized’Bainbridge Colby of New York to nominate Colonel Roosevelt.The speech .was_brief*and pandemonium followed,‘Finally the rules were sus- vended and the nomination was made by acclamation.'’ After a recess to hear from Col. Roosevelt,the convention reassem+bled .and nominated John M.Parker of louisiana for Vice President, Parker.was .present and accepted. Then came Roosevelt’s tentative dec-lination.; Roosevelt's Tentative Declination. When notified that the Progressive convention had nominated him for the presidency,Col.Roosevelt:sent the following: “To the Progressive Convention: “Tam very grateful for the hon- or you confer upon me by nominat- ing me as President.I cannot ae- cept it at this time.I do not know the attitude of the candidates of the Republican party toward the vital questions of the day.Therefore,if you desire an immediate decision,I must decline the nomination.But,if you prefer it,I suggest that my con- ditional refusal to run be placed in the hands of the Progressive nation- al committee.If Mr.Hughes’state- ments,when he makes them,shall satisfy the committee that it is for the interest of the gountry that he be elected,they can act accordingly and treat my refusal as definitely ac- cepted.If they are not satisfied, they can so notify the Progressive party and at the same time they can confer with me and then determine on whatever action we:may.deem ap- propriate to meet the needs of the country. “THEO.ROOSEVELT. “Oyster Bay,N.Y.,June 10,1916.” In profound calm the brief message from Oyster Bay was.quickly read. The proposal to have the national committee decide the question —in- volved met bitter silence.At the conclusion there was a burst of ap- plause:-The Progressive —national committee was authorized to fill any vacancies that may occur on_the ticket and the convention adjourn- ed at 4.58,with many of the dele- gates much dissatisfied by the action of Col.Roosevelt.The meeting of the Progressive national committee will be held in Chicago June 25.Just before adjournment.campaign con- tributions were called for and there was a liberal response:One dele- gate pledged $10,000,a lady announc- ed a similar gift,thes New Jersey delegation pledged $20,000 and there were individual contributions of $5,- 600. At Oyster .Bay. At Oyster Bay Col.Roosevelt,as a last word to.newspaper corres- pondents,told what he had telegraph- ed the Progressive convention.When Htghes’statement appeared he was asked for an expression and replied. “Not a word—not a word about any- thing.”He said he would probably make no further statement until af- ter the mecting of the Progressive committee._To a photographer who wanted a picture the colonel said: “No picture.I am out of politics”: and since he has reiterated—the state- ment——“I am out of:polities.” Alleghany Votes More Railroad :Bonds. t an election held Saturday Alle- ghany céunty voted $60,000 of bonds for the extension of the railroad from Elkin to Sparta.The line isjnowbeingbuiltandAlleghanyhad previously voted $40,000 for that pur- pose.The additional $60,000 is to complete the construction of the road. Mr.A.S.Carson of Statesville, whose home is in Alleghany,went home last week to vote for the bonds and help in the campaign.He-re- turned Sunday night with the elec- tion figures,which show that the vote for the bonds was 824 fo 301. The registration was 1,200 andJas the vote was against the registrdétion it was a majority of 448 for tha bonds. Every township in the county®gave a.majority for the bonds. Sunday Trouble at Mt.Mourne. A negro woman named Conner wa brought to jail yesterday from south Iredell charged with assaulting Mr N.B,Dishman at Mount Mourne,Sh: and two of her brothers attacked MiDishmanatthedepotatMountMourneSifhdayafternoon,the woman striking him with a stick and one of jthe men’with a rock.Mr.Dishman |Was rendered unconscious for somc {time by the blows but was better yes ‘and the executive committee met and|tective principle,to insure our eco-,terday,appointed a committee to confer with Mr.Hughes about the campaign. a Mheldfirst Two Ballots.The-ifipst ‘ballot inthe convention .(Continued on Righth Page). nomic independence and to maintain American standards of:living:We mist conserve the just interests’of labor,réolizing that.in democracy(Continued on Eighth Page),— |The trouble started by Mr.Dishman resenting an insult to his boy.The officers;caught,the woman’-but the fost.ssceped and when last.seen weréinMecklenburgcounty. Noes ~.Convention —.Roosevelt.De-1. JUNE DR.WALTER LONG DEAD. Newton Physician—Dies—From Effects-of—-a-Fall—Sudden Death of Mr.Sherril!—Oth- er Deaths. Dr.‘T.Walter Long of Newton, brother of Mr.J.°“W.C.Long of Statesville,whose.thigh ‘was —frac- tured bya fall at his home in New- ton Mriday evening,died Sunday eve- ning at-6.15-in a hospital at.Hickory, where he had been carried for treat- ment.Funeral at.Newton this morn-ing and interment at Catawba at 2 p.m. Dr,Long attempted to step from &moving automobile in front of his home at Newton,fell on the.pave- ment and suffered a vzractured thigh. He was taken to the hospital at Hickory for treatment and death re- sulted from heart trouble.Dr.Long was riding with a friend when he re- ceived the injury which indirectly caused his death.His friend offeredtostopthemachineforhimtoget out when his home was reached,but as it was moving very slow Dr.Long stepped off before it stopped,tripped and fell. Dr.Long was born in Iredell,rear- ed at Catawba and practiced medicine there until 10 or 12 years ago,when he moved to Newton.He married a daughter of Mr.J.U.Long of Ca- tawba and his wife and three chil- dren survive.He is also survived by four brothers and two sisters— Mr.J.W.C.Leng of Statesville, Chas.D.and A.P.Long,who live in the West;Commander A:T.Long,of the United States navy;Mrs.J.W. Blackwelder of Hickory and Mrs.Os- car Sherrill of Catawba.Deceased was about 58 years old. Mr.James H.‘Sherrill died very suddenly at.his home near Sharon church,in Shiloh township,yesterday afternoon.He was apparently in his usual health up to the time of his death.Mr.Sherrill was 65 to 70 years old and is survived by a family. Funeral at Island Ford church to- day at 2 p.m. Mr.William Dellinger of States- ville went to Shelby Friday to attend ‘the funeral of his brother,Mr.Da- vid Dellinger,who died Thursday. Mr.Dellinger was 79 years old and is surviyed bv his wife,four daughters and a son,Myr.William Dellinger turned’from’Shelby yesterday. His home is on north Center street,with Mr.and Mrs,Jno.P.Moore. Louise Harris Smith,the 16- months-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs. W.Rex.Smith,died Thursday night at their home on Bell street,death resulting from colitis.Funeral serv- ices at the home Friday morning, conducted by Rev.J.H.Pressly.and the remains taken to High Point for interment. Interest of Home Demonstra- tion Work.. Miss Jamison of Raleigh,who is in the county this week in the interest of home demonstration work,has the following appointments for 3 o'clock in the afternoon:Linwood school to- day;Vance tomorrow;Cool Spring Thursday;Elmwood Friday;Amity Saturday. Miss Celeste Henkel met with the Home Demonstration club at AmitySaturdayafternoonat3o’clock,The iceless refrigerator and fireless cooker were demonstrated, About 40 attended the canning school held at the court house Friday The day was spent in discussing:plans for the year’s work and what has al- ready,been done by the clubs.There were demonstrations of canning ma- chine,iceless refrigerator and fireless cooker.Several talks were made by those engaged in the canning’work and it is considered a helpful meeting Wire Caught Car and Hurt Two. While returning from Elkin Fri- day afternoon,in Mr.J.H.Gray’s car,Messrs.J.H.Gray,John Henry Gray.Isidore Wallace and R.E. Armfield were victims of a serious accident.When.they had come to about Jennings postoftice the wind- shield of the car struck .a telephone wire that swung low across the road.The wire wrapped around and tore into fragments the windshield hefore the ear could be stopped.The broken glass bad place behind John Henry right ear and made shght 'sewhere.The wire wrapped har against Mr. Armfield and painfully hurt him, Found Distillery ‘in Wilkes. Sunday morning dbout 5 o'clock, two miles above Dr.Somers’place“in Wilkes county,Deputy Collector R. Pr.Allison and Deputy Sheriffs C.L. Gilbert and Deal Tilley destroyed an Nicit distillery.The outfit consisted of a wooden steam plant,28 stands f{beer,five empty stands,48 bush- -l3 of mash and ten gallons of back- ings..It was an unusually fine out- fit and thoroughly modern.There was\evidence that it had been oper- ated the night before but the oper- itors are not known. Mr.Cone'er’s New Quarters, ‘Mr.F.H.Conger,dealer in live tock,began yesterday the building of an office on the west side of the north end of Landmark place.—It will be right up,against the black-smith shop,and /on the jproperty of Mr.T.D.Miller.; Mr.Conger will occupy this as an office and will use the vacant lotsat‘the rear of Miller-McLain and F,B.Phifer stores as a sales lot.He expects {to keep his trading ‘stockthereintheday’time and quartetthemelsewhereforthenight. ‘$1 per dav,and that.institution ‘gent patients at the State institution, 18,1916. A TUBERCULAR HOSPITAL. Dr;Carpenter Suggests’Caring For Tubercular Patients ar the County Home. Dr.F.A,Carpenter is talking the establishment.of —-a tubercular _hos-pital for the county and the matter will probably be put up to the coun- ty--commissioners. The need of a place for the treat- ment of tubercular cases is obvious.i Many of .these.people-have-not the ;means to go.to the State tubercular |hospital,where the minimum cost.is is always full to overflowing.Few,if any,can be pronerly treated in.their homes because they cannot be induc- ed to follow the directions. The solution of the problem sug- rested are the infirmary buildings, for white and colored at the County Home.The buildings are there and the cost of equipment for the care of tubercular patients would be very small,All a tubercular —patient needs—-all that can be done to help him—is rest,fresh air and nutricious food—such as eggs,milk and meat. The county farm at the Home could, with the addition probably of a few cows and chickens—supplv the nec- essary diet.Patients could be kevt under discipline-—-required to take the food regularly,to keep in the oven and not to exercise too much. This is impossible in the average home.Tn addition they could be taught how to take care of them- selves and to lessen the danger of infection to others.The cost of maintenance at the County Home.under the circum- stances,would be very small,it is contended.Sometimes the county is asked to bear the exvenses of indi- which is $30 per month per patient. Jt could be arranged to take care of them at the County Home.Dr.Car-| penter believes,at one-third the tost —S10 per month ver patient.Not only is the humane side to be | considered—saving the lives of somewhoaredoomedandhelvlesswithout’ heln:and the economic value in} health;but the educational value—in teaching the vicitms of tuberculosis how to take care of themselves and nrevent danger to others—could hard- ly.be estimated.‘It seems to The Landmark that.the idea is practicable and there is no arrument ahout the need.That*is" vressing and it is one every county and community will have to meet for itself—not only es an act of humani-tv but for “self-protection.Other counties are taking this step.«Sev- eral have made provision for tuber- cular natients and others are consid-| ering it—Rowan ameng these. LINING UP THE BALL TEAM Getting Ready to Play —Can- vass For Sale of Tickets. The Statesville “baseball team~“is getting in shape as rapidly as possi- ble to begin practice.So far the following places on the team have been filled: Rube Wilson,Taylorsville,pitcher; I.A.Hines,Black Mountain and Horner school,shortstop;M.B.Mas- sey,Princeton and University of North Carolina,outfield;A.W..Bail-ey,Walnut Cove and Elon College,pitcher;A.G.Flythe,Jackson and Trinity College,captain and outfield- er;W.H.Lefler,Cooleemee and Trin- ity College,catcher;Clayton Beale, Asheville and Trinity College,first baseman;J.A.Whitener,Catawba College,third baseman;Geo.Earn- hardt,Clinton and Trinity College, pitcher;Mr.Valley.Charlotte,short- ston;Max Heins,Raeford,pitcher. The Statesville Athletic Associa- tion met at the court house last night.After talks by Rev.J.F. Kirk,Messrs.R.V.Tharpe,L.B. sristol and W.E.Nattress,it was decided to make a campaign for the sale of 1.000 adult season books at $4 each and 300 children books at $2, each.The campaign begins —this: morning at 10.o'clock and continues until,Friday night.The following committees were appointed to make the campaign: Ward No.1—H.E.Lewis,J.M. Ramsey.R.M.Gray;Ward No.2— Dr.J.F.Carlton,A.J.Salley,R.V. Tharpe:Ward No.3-—Alex.Cooper, Dick White,L.B.Bristol,Forest Ward.Rev.J.F.Kirk.John Lewis, .B.Bunch.Gordon Wallace,J.M. Deaton.J.R.-Rives,RE.Clapp; Ward No.4—iJ.A.Seott,Jr,W.M. Barringer,J B.Foster,Harold Yount.Leroy Nash,L.W.MacKes- son.M.P.Alexander.L.J.Freel,H. A.Yount.W.E.Webb,A.W.Bunch, B L.Sronce. In Guilford county Sunday Minor Hall,20 years old,on his way to Sun- day school,heard a call for help and found two men struggling in the wa- ter of South Buffalo creek.He jump- ed in to help them and was drowned. The two men were rescued by othersbutlifeweextinctwhenHall’sbodvwasfound.@ The House of Congress has passedthebilltopaymailcontractorsin the South for Service rendered in 1860.>About $15,000.of the amount will come to North Carolina. Mrs.J.W.Cooper,2 widw 89 vears old,shot and killed herself at her home in Raleigh yesterday.De- spondent.eaves three children. Chas.E.Hughes,the Republican vresidéntial cafididate,was in New Rork yesterday conferring with par- ty leaders about his campaign, Ed.MeNeely,colored,a bell-boy atHotelIredell,’gave $100.bond last night before Mayor Caldwell to an-«swer,a charge of retailing liquor, JES —NO.O5} BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS,_. —FEllen Poindexter;wife of PP.F.Poindexter,colored,“died “ThursdaynightandtheremainsweretakentoCabarruscountyFridayfor—inter- ment.;--Mr.L.T,Stimpson of.Turnérs-burg suffered a stroke of paralysisFriday.His left side was affected.His condition was.better’yesterdayandhisphysicianthinkshewill‘re- cover.;:oe —-Mr._E.G.Gilmer.of —Statesville.and Concord,who operates hotels,inbothtowns,is now at Waynesville arranging to open a_hotel there—Chestnut Lodge—which will be open to the-public in,a few days. —The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Statesville Air LineRailroadCo.will be held at the Com-mercial club tomorrow ‘week—the21st—for the election of officers andtransactionofotherbusiness.: —Mr.John Foard and family,whohavebeenlivinginLexington,Ky,for some time,will.come back’|Statesville to live.They will live ohTraddstreet.Mr,Foard is alreadyhereandhisfamilywillarrivenext week:Rei—Mr.Wm.A.White,son of Di and Mrs.L.White of Statesville,warlastweekelectedassistant:cashier oftheBankofHarnett’at Dunn,Har- nett county.Mr.White has peer.with the bank for four years and ‘hisfriendswillbegladtoknowofhis promotion.as ia —Mr.A G,Oliver,State PoultryClub‘agent,spent the past week herewithMr.C.E.Dull and the poultryclubswerevisited.They found theboystakingconsiderableinterestintheworkexceptwheretheparentsdiscouragethem,Mr.Oliver went toCatawbacountyyesterday..vir —{The Mooresville and!Statesvillefiremenhaveenteredhose .teams for the tournament at themen’s meet in Raleigh next month,The flremen of these towns have piv:en a good account of themselves intheracesheretoforeandTheLand-mark is hoping and expecting thatjthey.will be prize-winners this yéar,._ —Mr.W.W.Holland of Olin town-ship returned Friday.from -Oxford,where he had been to take the threechildrenofthelateW.F.FeimsterofOlintotheOxfordorphanage.It .. will be recalled that Mr,mater... committed suicide:a”year or 80:Mrs.'Feimster was.left ranmameans:to support the childrén:anMr.Holland secured their admission to the orphanage.Weg Ss —t‘About three-thirds of the auto-mobiles bought recently have been.runonpasteboardnumbers,”remarked‘ayoungmanonthestreetthe:oflday,and he expressed a purpose torunhismachinethesameway.Thatistosay,if others Set by without *ing tax,why should I pay?.TheFeel.ing was natural and is the naturalinfluence-of a bad example. —As--the--summer_“advances_thenumberofautomobiletouristspass+ing through increases.Saturday a™machine passed that attracted °at-tention.A tap had beenlost froarearwheel.A_hole-bored in’apieceofplank,the plank fitted ontheendoftheaxleandchainedtothebodyofthemachinekeptthé wheel in place until permanent respairscouldbemade.* —Mr.Walter Warren of Anderson,Ind.,a brother of “Claude Warren,who was shot and killed by HomerMathesninnorthIredellaweekagoprey,was called home.by thenewsofhisbrother’s tragic death,Mr.Warren.will remain at home forthepresent,-looking.after’.the nfsfairsofhissisterandsister-in-law—one the widow of the dead man,the other the wife of his slayer. —iMr.J.H.Hoffmann,chairman ofthefinancecommitteeofthegrandlodgeofKnightsofPythias,left yes+ terday afternoon for Waynesville toattendthemeetingofthegrandlodge.Mrs...Hoffmann accompanied him:Others who expect to go to Waynes-ville today to attend the meeting are|Mr.R.H,,Rickert,past grand chan-cellor;Mr.Herbert Hoffmann,:dis-trict deputy,and Mr.Earle G,White, the representative of the local lodge. —-In the primary held June 3,Mr,W.D.Brown of Mooresville wasnominatedforcottonweigherforthe town of Mooresville.This office .isfilledbythevotersofCoddleCreek,Barringer and Davidson’townships.Messrs.W.R,Sloan and W.J.Laszenby,having no opposition,were de ‘clared the nominees for magistratesofStatesvilletownship.Magistrates in other townships will be named bytheexecutivecommitteesofthetown- ships.- —The Iredell county Republicanconvention,held February 22,endors- ed Justice Hughes for the!presiden-tial nomination and was probablythefirstRepublicanconvention.intheStatetotakethataction.If Jus-tice Hughes should happen to win inNovemberthe\Iredell Republicanswillbegurenot.to let him.forgetthattheywere.first to give .himprominenceinNorthCarolina,.andtheymayclaimthattheiraction‘Te, sulted in his nomination. —Complaint is made to The Land-.mark ‘that many children who havewhoopihgcough-are allowed to ran’at large and infect others,and.the.paper is asked to ‘say ~something:about it.Of course it is wrong-n.serious wrong—for anybody’withcontagiousorinfectiousdiseasestonegligentlyendangerothers...In sddoingoremaycausedeath,..Jwhichhewouldbemorallyresble...Furthermore,it.is a:viokglof:the law,.and,people whose4nessitisshouldseethatthe:enforced.z es SDAY,=+©June 18,1916. ‘SHAMEFUL! -Representative Hay of —Virginia, chairman of the military affairs com- mittee of the House of Congress,had inserted into the army bill a provis- ion that one of the vacancies in’the _Judge Advocate “General's office shall!9.frered—a—tremendous—defeat,one. be filled by a “person from.civil life noé less than 45 nor more than”50 years of age,who shall_have_been-for ten years a_judge of .the--Supreme Court of the—Philippine-islands,.shall have served for two years as a cap- tain in the regular.or volunteer army and shall be proficient in the Spanish language ‘and laws.” It is asserted and not denied—in jx a;6y prisoners enough to populate a fact we believe Mr.Hay admits it-— that this remarkable provision is to provide a job for Judge Adam C.Car-| son of Virginia,a constituent of Mr.| Hay.The Greensboro News re- marks that if Judge Adam Carson “is worthy the ermine he | accept a place gained by a scurvy po- litical trick.”‘The chances are,how-| ever,that Judge Carson will take| the job,He probably knew how it| was being provided. It is.discouraging —saddening— to find a man of the standing of Mr. Hay,the head of a great committee| in Congress,doing things like that+-| things that would discredit a cross-| roads politician;and it is more dis-| couraging still to find that -he was able to put a_provision like that through Congress.| will refuse to; Many “cotton mill men in..the *South,Democrats in State affairs, vote the national Republican ticket| for business reasons —because they | believe the Republican tariff policy! will help their business.They want| high duties on foreign cotton mill! products.These same mill men—or| many of them—fight all State child labor laws and they have been much! disturbed about the stringent child! labor law which recently passed the House of Congress and is now pend-| ing in the Senate—which prohibits) he shipment in inter-State transpor-| tation of all mill products in the pro-| duction of which child Yavor is em-| ployed.Now when these mill men £0 to vote the national Republican tick-| et this fall for the benefit they hope||to get from the Republican tariff| policy,they might find it worth while |netic affair. to read this extract from the Repub- licam platform: “We pledge the Republican partytothefaithfulenforcementofaFederallawspassedfortheprotec-tion of labor.We-favor vocationaleducation;the enactment and rigideriforcementofaFederalchildlaborJaw.” Senator Lodge of,Massachusetts had his joke with the women suf- frage advocates when he read the platform to the national Republican convention.-The -Republican-.party “«**“favors the extension of the suffrage to women,”read Senator Lodge,and then he paysed while the suffrage advocates -raised the roof with whoops of joy.The correspond- ent of the Greensboro News tells it that Mr.Charlie Cowles of the North Carolina delegation got on a chair, -swung his hat-and—cheered_mightily. When the applause had spent itself Senator Lodge smiled and read—“but recognizes the right of each State to settle this question for itself.”And then the other side shouted.The fe- male suffrage advocates got nowhere at Chicago.at President Wilson,expressed long apo, and the old-time Democratic position generally—that suffrage ©qualifica- tions are matters entirely for and not national regulation.——— We're afraid that not all the dele- gates to the Progressive convention at Chicago were “Christian soldiers,” even if they did “do battle for the Lord”with Col...Roosevelt at Arma- geddon four years ago.It is told in the press reports that when a prop- osition was before the convention Thursday,to appoint a committee to confer with ‘the Republicans,one ex- Congressman MacDonald ofMichigan remarked that the only message tosend'to the Republicans was “to tell them to go to (the bad place)and tell them to go as they blanked pleased.”| The chairman properly rebuked Mac- Donald for his language,but theMichiganmanhadgivenevidence that he didn’t look upon the regular Republicans as brethren. More Than Two-Thirds Failed. The State Board of Pharmacy hasissuedlicenseto27applicants.BRighty-two .persons took the exami-nation —75 white and seven negroes ~~but only 27 passed, Among:the successful applicantsinthissectionofthe‘State are Wil-“liam H.Bingham and Harry B.Hop-akins,Concord;Thomas L.Mullen of‘Huntersville and A.E.Hayes ofGraniteFalls.. .Stomach Troubles and Constipation,“I will cheerfully say that Chamberlain'sarethemosesatisfactoryremeédyforhtroublesandconstipationthatIhayeinodasrarriestoreservite,”“writen |+Murphy,druggist,Wellsburg,N.¥.°Obtuinable everywhere, position of the Re-| publican convéhtion is the position of| State | HEWAS NOT A DELEGA’ Senator Overman and?the‘Newspapers Tried to "MakeMr,Cam.Morrison of ‘Char- lotte a Delegate to St.Louis. They tried to pick up Mr,CameronMorrisonofCharlotte-by the eollarofhiscoatandwhatCol.Fairbroth-er would call the-“‘hosom-«of his breechaloons”and send.him as a del- legate to St.Louis,butitdidn’t work.|1¢-all-came-about-this way...Senator|Overman,a delegate,found that he couldn't go and announced “that hehadaskedMr.Morrison to go in his stead:Nobody ~stopped”to inquire when Senator Overman.got®the au- thority’to name his alternate and ig- nore the alternates named by|the State convention.The-papers .-pub- lished that Mr.Morrison would go:inplace.of Senator Overman,they ap- plauded the selection and insistedthat“Cam.,”who is an oratot and has:a fine voice and one that carries, WON'T STAY WHIPPED. The Russians Always Come Back After Defeat and in In- creasing Numbers. New York Times. At the close of the great GermancampaigninRussialastyear—it seemed to many people a gratuitousthingto-say that it the crucial sense it had failed.Russia,indeed,had which,.perhaps,_no.-other_belligerentcould-have-survived...She had lost Poland and Courland,at least 2,000,- 000 men,great quantities of ‘stores,and~almost~her-‘whole~first--and~see= ond lines of fortified defence,from the Gulf of Riga to~the Rumanianfrontier;but she was yet uncrushed. {The Germans.had failed to put her out of the war,that is,to win a de-} cisive result.‘They had won terrain iwhich:would be hard to hold,and had small empire,without seriously weakening the man _power of this a great and terrible adversary.ling speech at St.Louis and show.the Proof that the dramatic.German’assembled Democrats of the country campaign in Russia was in the basic!what fine speaking material we havesenseafailureisthatRussia’has/in North Carolina.‘: “dangerously resumed the offensive at-;:Then by and by somebody suggest- titude.Again she disputes Galicia!ed to Senator Overman that he.had with the Austrians,‘and again the!no authority to name an alternate toAustriansareoverwhelmed.Theys St.Louis;that the alternates had have never been able to hold their}been named by the State convention, own against the Russians.Twice al-and that in Charlotte was an-alter- ready they have had to call upon the nate —Editor Wade H.Harris*of Germans to save them.In the re-|the Observer — ports now coming from the Austrian the convention at the instance of Mr. headquarters a kind of panicky em-'Morrison.: p lasis is put upon the thickness of A United States Senator shouldtheRussiancolumns,the sheer)have been more familiar with party weight of terrific numbers.“The practices,but one can’t keep all these Russians still cling to the theory of things in mind as he grows older; deep attacking columns,”writes the and Senator Overman’s mistake.wasBerlinerTageblatt’s correspondent.more excusable than the newspaper Row after row sinks down and“new|¢ditor#who followed his lead without rows are always there.Again.he!stopping to think.Anyway Mr.Mor-speaks of them as many waves fol-rison got some favorable mention outlowingcloseuponanother.So it has |of it.been always in this war.The Rus-! sian army is unlimited.There is no- thing like it in the whole world.It is too:big to be either captured or de-} stroyed.It can only be damaged, and hardly enough damaged to be felt. Besides its unimaginable strength in numerical terms,the Russian armyhasqualities.’Tt is romantic,coura- geous,naive and optimistic in defeat. It has both received and_inflicted more punishment than any other ar- my in this war—almost as much as all the others together.Russia’s role has been more that of offence than defence from the beginning.She is the only belligerent on either side that has maintained two offensive op- erations at the same time.She began with two,invading East Prussia and Galicia simultaneously.And she now! is maintaining two—dne against Tur- key in Asia Minor and the one just launched against the Austrians in Ga- licia.And that is to-say nothing of the men she is contributing to the de-fence of France on the western front, War to the Russian is a highly ki- His emtions require to {be translated into heroic motor acts. |According to the Russian tempera- 'ment,it is better to attack and fail |than to turn warfare into an excavat- jing contest underground..And his ;attacks,even when they have failed! |to achieve a permanent result,have} |never failed to amaze and disconcert 'the enemy.The first two-pronged| Russian offensive probably saved 'Paris,because part of ‘the German force striking into Franee had to be ,turned quickly against the invaders!|of East Prussia.The second Rus- {sian offensive inflicted on the Ger-| jmans the only.ignominious..defeat! they have sufferede Having come! within shell range of Warsaw they | were swept back out of Poland,; pursued even into Posen.When they| were recovered from that disgrace) they reappraised the job and wentjandtookPolandinanefficientman-; gner;that was another episode.This |will be a third invasion of Galicia, timed very shrewdly to embarrass: the Germens,for they have —their, {hands full_-at-Verdun ‘and—elsewhere ,on the western front,and may find it |very awkward to have to go again,‘to the assistance of the Austrians. |Beating the Russians «seems such -a costly and futile business;and then,lit doesn’t last.3 Two Men Committed Suicide— They Were Depressed. Andrew J.Smith,register of deeds of Cabarrus county,committed sui- cide Thursday afternoon by shooting himself.Mr.Smith was found.dead ch the court house at Gastonia,a-re- velver clutched in his left hand -and blocd flowing from his right temple. He had apparently held the.pistol with beth hands,and when the shot was fired his left hand held the grip on the pistol. Mr.Smith had been brooding’over the condition of his health.He was a native of Gaston county,was 54 years old and had been register for 12 years. Ip the little town of Stanly county,Thursday,Chas.W. Furr left his wife and -four small his head with a shotgun.He been depressed recently and had ‘séy- cral times expressed a desire to die. 2 physical giant.He was 6 1-2 féet high and weighed ahout 200 pounds. Ile was a blacksmith and farmer. The Precedent Was Not Set By Cleveland. President Wilson has nominated John,Costello,Democratic na- tional committeem:n for the District the District.The office has been va- cant for two years—ithe incumbent, H.I.Johnson,a negro,having re- signed by request of President Wil- sen.The Washington“correspondent of the Greensboro’News says: “The nomination will cause wide-spread interest,not only because the President thereby declined to appoint a negro,following a custom inaugur- ated by Grover Cleveland and con- tinued by every administration since, hut also because the nomination is just incadvance of the District appro- priation™bill,which carries a provis- ion that the Distriet commissioners shall appoint the recordey of deeds.” The statement that the custom of appointing a negro to this office was ‘inaugurated by Grover Cleveland” is not true.It was inaugurated by the Republicans and Fred.Douglass, a noted negro,held the years.Mr.Cleveland simply follow- ed Republican precedent in giving the office to a negro during his two terms. |Bones of Long Buried Dead Re- moved From Path of Progress. The last resting places of the /dead have to give way to modern im- ‘provements.This from the Morgan- ;ton correspondent of the Greensboro News: “The Western Power Company (the name by which the branch of the |Southern Power Company in this sec- |tion is.known)ha&recently moved the old Conley graveyard on Paddy’s ;ereek to a hill near Bridgewater.The entire valley where the graveyard was |located will be flooded when the pro- ‘posed dam on Linville river is built. |The Conleys are and have been for j over a century among the most prom- inent people of this and adjoining |counties.Several interesting discov-| |eries were made in moving the grave- |yard.One man’s’home-made shoes |were found to be almost as good as|} |when he was buried 50 years ago;the skull of angther (unknown)was nature’s demands are greater than in\found turned face downward.”|mature life.This is shown-in so many|This from a recent issue of the Al-|pale faces,Jean bodies,frequent@coldsbemarleEnterprise:and lack of ambition.:“Remains are being removed from|For all such children we say withseveralhundredgravesinfamily)unmistakable earnesttiess:They needgraveyardsintheBadinvicinity.In|Scott’s Emulsion,and need it now.Itmanyofthegravesarefoundthe|possesses in concentrated forin the veryrootsoftreesandothervegetationfoodelementstoenrichtheirblood.Itthathavepenetratedthedecaying|Changes weakness to strength;it makescoffinsandbonesofthoselongsince|them sturdy and strong.No alcobol,ere This work of removing|,Scott&Bowne,Bloomfield,N,J,®e dead near Badin is taking place|—~I ea TV ESE aaainordertoclear,that large portion NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.(of land that is to be flooded when the #:7 .. "OO "|-at}|>Pde SS €redam,now in process of construction Ragen an oe ce wher tie jes have not been paid will be advertised forattheNarrows,is completed.” eee ee \sale after June 15,1916.HOW'S THIS?|J.M.DEATON,May 19,Sheriff. Hall's.Catarrh ‘Gure. Hall's Catarrly Cure has been taken by Ca- remedy for Catarrh.Hall's Catarrh CureactsthroughtheBloodontheMucoussur|RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS For.Convalescents. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cureforqshorttimeyouwillseeasrent.im- of eaturrh.Send for testimonials,free.|J.CHENY &CO...TOLEDO,onto.|RUTLDING? |-«One.Reason For Smaller Vote. Monroe Enquirer. The vote in the legalized primary. was not so large as has:been the vote in primaries in years gone by. But you must remember that the 18- year-olds,the non-residents and the visitors did not vote in the legalized primary.Maybe that was the reason for some of the-falling off in the vote. (And probably the.falling off of the usual Republican vote in the Democratic primary made a_differ- ence.—The Landmark). NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of “foodtosufficientlynourishbothbodyandbrainduringthegrowingperiodwhen any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by| and.has become known as the most reliable |Easily Digested—Delicious healing the diseased portions. I W.Bi.CROWSON,Proprietor.ing Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid |,..:: We offer,One Hundred Dollars Reward for| tarrh sufferers 'for the past thirty-five years,DRESSED SQUARBS. faces,expelling the Poison.from the Blod and ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS, proyement in your genera?health.Start .tak- F. Sold’by all Druggists,75¢,C.WATKINS, should make a nominating or second-| who was named by! in a chair in the commissioners’room| Mission,' children in the sitting reom,went.to’ his bedroom and blew off the top.of| had | Mr.Furr was about 35 years old and, of Columbia,for recorder of deeds of: office for; ee Wheat and Oat Crops MuchThanLastYear.. Present indications point to..awheatcrop300,000,000:bushels small-ey than last year.National -Depart-ment of Agriculture forecasts —indi-cate a winter-wheat erop of -469,000,-000 bushels,30,000,000 bushels -lessthanforecastfromMay1—conditionsduelargelyto*insects in Kansas’andOklahoma—and a spring wheat crop yor 246,000,000 bushels,due to a de- | + crease of 8 per cent.in the acreage|}from last yéar~and to the”late wetspring, |.Crop-eonditions-on-June-t indicated, less.production of .small grain cropsbuttheypromisetobeaboutthe isame as the.average production for +the last five years, |Indications are that the oat crop |will be about 300,000,000 bushels ;smaller than last year,being partic-}ularly poor in most Southern States.° /Fatally Injured While Going For .a Doctor.+ |The Wilkesboro Patriot says that Charlie Hendrix and his brother, Coltis.Hendrix,.and:two-other young ,;men of Darby,*Wilkes county,start- ‘ed from Darby on the morning.of the 3d,before daylight,on a lever car over the track of.the Watauga rail-road,for Ferguson,to ge€Dr..W.R. Triplett to attend a sick child.NearDennystationthelevercarranintoaflat.car standing on the track and Charlie Hendrix was so seriously in- jured that he died that afternoon. The others were bruised and stunned but not seriously hurt.; Young Hendrix was about 20 years old and a son of Mr.and Mrs.Alfred| Hendrix of Darby.A REMARKABLESTATEMENT Mirs:Sheldon Spent $1900 for |Treatment Without Bene-|fit.FinallyMadeWell by | Lydia E.Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound. Englewood,Il.—‘While gointhroughtheChangeofLife1suffered |——-—with headaches,ner-|Vvousness,flashes of| heat,and I sufferedsomuchIdid-notknowwhatIwas doing at times.I spent $1900 on doc-tors and not one did|me any Food.One |dav a lady called at|*Jimy house and said|“*?Jshe had been as sicl:|as I was atone time,|and’Lydia E.Pink-| ham’s Vegetable!Compound made her well,soItook itand | nowJ am just as well as I ever was.I |cannot understand why women don’t see how much pain and suffering theywouldescapebytakingyourmedicine.| i cannot praise it enough for it saved my life and kept me from the Insane Hospital.’’—Mrs.E.SHELDON,5657 S. Halsted St.,Englewood,III. Physicians undoubtedly did their best,battled with this case steadily and could | de no more,but often the most scientific |treatment is surpassed by the medicinal |properties of the good old fashioned|root8 and herbs contained-in Lydia-E.| Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. If any complication exists it pays to write the Lydia E.Pink- ham Medicine Co.,Lynn,Mass.,for special free ndvice." GOOD MEATS AND VEGETABLES |When our ©refrigeration plant if was installed it was “left”with a slight defect which had an unde- sirable effect on the meat.A man from the factory has been here and completely .remedied —this. Now we are equipped to furnish our customers the best of meats and vegetables from our refriger- ation vlant. M.P.Alexander &Bro.. .‘FINE OPPORTUNITY TO.BUY A Having on hand a good lot of Tires bought. before advance in price enables us for the balance of this month to sell you Tires at old ~price,which-is 10 per cent,less than pres- ent price,BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PROPOSITION WHILE IT ISOFFERED!~CAROLINA MOTOR CO. STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. The Sanitary Store. W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and ‘Heat-ing and all repairs for ‘same. Inspirators,° Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline. Phone 209. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 73c. per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound.':“ueFORSALE: New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boile room supplies.° C.H.TURNER.Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell Na,7. C.WATKINS for “Everything to{Build With.” Full.Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,.Ceil-ing,Flooring,‘Siding,.Boxing,Moulding,Laths;.Lime,“Cement, etc,arteNextPlanters’Wh-,Statesvill |Hardy and Russell E.Gardne |tlest Price! IBUILDING?GC..WATKINS, ie DID YOU-KNOW.IT’S ONLY TWO.WEEKSUNTILCHAUTAUQUAWEEK?~ FOR CHILLS AND MALARIA,USE Hall’s Chill Tonic. 50 CENTS A BOTTLE.HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20.°|Prescriptionist. i Z vcee es” -DAVENPORTS, |CHAIRS &TABLES. We now have on salea big line of Davenports,$15.00 to $60.00.All finishes—Fumed Golden O7k and Ma- hogany and Chairs and tables to match,which enables us to get up a nice Suite at very attractive prices. Call and take a look. Better Goods For Less Money. Statesville Housefurnishing Co._sPHONE 157.4__ Great men made this car. out loss of power. Mighty Big Power—Mighty Low | Fuel Cost—Mighty Little Price— Chevrolet “Four-Ninety.” tion of Economy and Power.. !Now add the great production factor,geniused by W.C.Durant,A,B.C. Chevrolet ‘‘Four-Ninety.” “A Mighty Car For Mighty Little.” Arthur Mason,father of the valve-in-head mo-° tor,made the Chevrolet motor.Made it so it would reduce fuel cost with! ’Tried it out for three years under the most exhaustive| tests.Today this Chevrolet type valve-in-head is the answer to the ques- sy,and you have the Mightiest Car at the Lit-” + "N.W.FOX,LOCAL AGENT,Statesville,N.C, CH O OI eeae Sa SI R OE E 9mS PS SC R E SEE OUR LINE ——of — KOOL CLOTH ice PALM BEACH SUITS, PANAMA HATS, SHIRTS,.etc., Before buying. We all want to see ‘‘The Mi-kado”last night of Chautauqua,.- Yours to Serve, te] ‘ Sloan Clothing:-€0.; vats Danghte’s UntimelyEnd. Ready,Ky.—‘I was not able to da’:y'for nearly six months,”7-paytng fBratcher,of thisplace,wand|e % «was down-in-bed-for-threemonths. fe Wormanly trou ~~Olifamily doctor told hy husband he ©Cardul ,| ,pecul I cannot tell you how |suffered withandilnervousness—and TEEi LANDMARK | /PUBSDA eines could not do me any good,and he hadfeiveit.up.We bie d another doctor,e didnot help me.| mtfeat,my mother advised me to take!the woman's tonic,1.thought’!,it was no use for|was nearly dead andFiseemedtodomeanygood.ButKoTbottles,and now |am able |a of my work and my own I think Carduiis the best medicinein |fthe world.My weight has increased,|ar Llook the picture-of health.” af yout suffer from any of the ailmentsiartowomen,get 4 bottle of Cardui|‘today.Delay.is dangerous.Weiknow““it will help ‘you,for it has helpedso | ‘in the past 50 years.many thousarids of other weak women | Atall druggists. Write to:“Chattanooga Medicine Go.,LadidvisoryDept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for hacesfustructionsonyourcaseand64-page book,'aire |*raatment for omen,"in plain wrapper,NG1 Select your Flour From This List. X XX, Palace, Dan Valley, Blue Ribbon, Save Trouble, Morrison’High Grade, Shenandoah _v (Faney Patent) Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St \Lasting _Legibility Multikopy gives copics that are beautifully neat and that are really permanent. Jn blueor black,Multl-Kopy mever fades. MultiKopycopiesoftenrivaltheoriginalin cleanliness and Iegi-bility.Multikopy.is surprisingly -durableandeconomical, Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady Printing, Company Statesville,N.C. »(TRADE,Muir OPy Carbon Paper eaWOULD HAVE SALADYeveryday,if you once tried Tt is choice enough for the finest ! salad dressing,as delicious as any 14 oil you ever tasted,and so much 1 cheaper you can use it for cooking,|| too.-It makes a mnoath,delicious ; mayonnaise that “stands up”well | -and pleases everybody.;i This-is-the Week to Buy Your |} Chautauqua Tickets. Miller-McLain Supply Co. \ FOR YOURPicnicLunch WE HAVE —— Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,Sandwich _Olives,:Datenut Butter,Peanut.Butter,Loose Sweet Pickles,~BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges.Comein and see whatwehave. Eagle &Milholland. Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal liné for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. 114 Kast Broad Street,’i hi pang ree RS 8 ,oversights of course. 'Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of.the ‘is and other Pach June 13,1916, LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE. sates.ge Departare of ‘Trains OA States ~4, 'WESTE:ROAD,Train”No,:15,-west-bound,due 7.24zeNo,11,west-bound,due ~0.05Train)!No,21 west-bound,due 8:26No,85,west-bound,due 10:26Nexxeast-bound,due 10.8622,-east-bound,due .1,i6eant-bound,due 6:55TrainNo,16,east-bound,due 10,60 GHARLOTTE-AND-TAYLORSVILLE.From Charlotte.Train.No.16°ar.9.50,:leaves 10.25 «Train No.24 ar.)9,20,loaves 9.20 p,From Tas orsville. re s t e a e l SP E BP RE R : of that’town the |ville. ‘Train No.)23>are 10700,"danves 10140-e.Train No!15 fr.6:40,leavea 7:05 p,m.Nos,23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Not Exactly. Winston Republican. Ex-Gov!R.B.Glenn,of the bound- arv commission and:whichis styled |! the “lame duck roost,”-we note is|, scheduled for a keynote speech at} |the Democratic national convention,| ;at’Baltimore,Md.,June 17.” (if The Landmark were as partisan as the Republican it would_say.that-is about as near accuracy as the Repub- jlican gets in mentioning conan ‘affairs.The Democratic convention meets at St.Louis.June 14 an\the ;keynoters is ex-Gov.Glynn of New York.The Republican’s errors were| MAYESohaneteDYTeeleoohalo Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox- ication,Yellow Jauhdice,Appendicit- fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble....Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com- plete recovery to’Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy.Unlike.any other for Stom- Ailments.For sale by the Statesville Drug Co.:| |The Bride’s Bouquet! {sum for |ville; |ears” |Merchants June is the Month of Wed- dings;and we are ina po- sition to furnish the very best in Wedding Flowers. Our special booklet,‘The Bride’s Bouquet,”tells you something of them.We} are always glad,too,to offer’suggestions,if you do not find in the booklet just what you want. Van ‘Lindley Co, G REENSBORG,i. Polk Gray Drug Co, Laem!a gonte a} | SCREEN tf:GUNA RINE,Ermsaprase:ba Phone us Your Orders. —Ffor-— Ink,Typewriter Rib--|bons,Carbon ‘apers, Pencils,Paper Clips Ink Stands and al your office supplies. i R..P.Allison’s Book Store. DR.G.A >proud of. _best town in the State, |repeatedly |writer's attention a thing that,is jeulated to bring a.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in,People’s Loan and | Savings Bank. 494.Residence, DON'T SWAT FLIES? DOORS AND WINDOWS ean be bought from C.WATKINS. Office phone:}) 451 Black. "Phone No.43, THEROYALHEATER The‘'Royal”’is a RangeBoilerandWaterHeat-|er in combination and is designed to take theplaceoftheold-fashion- ed method of attaching an independent heater to the side of an ordi-nary range boiler.“» The ‘‘Royal’’can be installed at a supris- ingly low cost and will furnish hot waterevery hour’of the’day and night et an expensewellwithinreachof the avérape house own, er or renter, Installed by W.E.‘Munday) 114 E.Broad St. ene of the State Bankers’ |ciation. or ‘trip in behalf of the order. ‘from here to Washington and from) |there to_Keysport,Pa., ;Conduct /a business :only in,coarse and oa Phone 65..WATKIN TAX.“FOR “CIVIC “LEAGUE. ‘Suggestion That 1Dog Tax “Be Imposed For CiviePurposes, The municipal authorities of ShelbyhaveagreedtogivetheCivicLeague)revenue derivedfromthedogtax,to be used for civicimprovement.The Star says¢the dog League tax amounts to only $50 to $60 a year, but the ladies,since they are to getthetax,will no doubt get busy en- forcing the-collection -and~-will-mate-_lrially increase the amount.A tip to the Civic League of States-This town has a dog tax law.It has never beer repealed butthe)lcollection of the tax,was ‘dropped| |some years ago because it was un- ipopular.and troublesome.The tax|would not be,so unpepular now.and lit the ladies can pet the atdcrmen-te agree to give them the dog tax,andwilluse‘their influence in eiforcing’ its collection,they could getia tidy |the park and 4! and other good work:they and can’t do for.lack of means,The dog tax.is $1 and $2 per head,| There are numerous Gogs in States-and legiti-); mate,for nobody can advance a sound| reason why ‘a dog shouldn’t be.taxed| same as a hog,a cow or a horse.The| ‘ladies will be getting a proper and. the tax is proper legitimate tax,will be doing the com- munity a service—both in securing the collection of a tax on dogs’and the disposition of the funds;and’thefactthattheladiesaretogetthistaxforcivicimprovementswillmakethe tax more popular than it would be otherwise and public sympathy will|be with the ladies under the circuth- stances. Ladies of the Civic League,go after the aldermen for the dog’tax.«It ought to bring:in $200 if proper ef- forts are made to collect it. MINOR.LOC AL ITEMS. —The first home--grown garden’Saturday,10th. —Hard to please.-’Twas but yes- terday we cried .for rain.Now*it’s sunshine we want.More than enough rain until the harvest ” past. —-The vacant lot place of the late J. were sold at auction house yesterday and Mrs.Lamprecht for the deeds of trust. —Mr.F.B.Bunch,cashier of’the| &Farmers’Bank,°and) probably Mr.D.M.Ausley,cashier a the Commercial National Bank,go! Asheville tomorrow to attend ‘the| Apso:| his and fie."home| U.Lamprecht| at the court were bid in by the amount of; —Mr. of as Junior .B.Webb,national Penal Order,is off on a! He went! to speak at a gathering of Juniors,He will also’ the Juniors at Tiffin,O. —The Adventists,who have been holding a tent meeting on the vacant lot next the People’s Loan and Sav-| ings Bank for several weeks,have! talien down their tent and the con- ference of the Adventists is now in |progress in the grove on Park street, next Billingsley’hospital. —For the benefit of the Civic League the Lyric theater will on Fri- day put on a paramount picture—Ben Blair,presented by Dustin Farnham As the Civic League will get part of the proceeds of this exnibition at the Lyric the members desire their friends to know that the League will profit by the patronage. —Dr.L.V.Cloaninger was called to Chambersburg township Friday td see the 2-year-old son of Mr.Lem I'reeland,who was seriously burned. The child lighted a torch in the stove and set fire to its dress.It was se- ricusly burned from above the knees to its chin and its hands were badly burned.ho so OMUNEYE thinks the y grounds | want to do. “roastin’| of the season are reported ‘by| Prof.J.H.Hill,who had them from| ‘primary ‘ular government. THE YRE BUYING TICKETS. Reservations~~Made ‘Por the Chautauqua Since Last Re-) port,;| There have been reserved —sinceourannouncement,in’The Landmark| of May 23,Chautauqua “Beason Tick-|ets As,indicated in the:list as here| published,We appreciate the loyal-|ty of our patrons,and we desire to” }urge upon those who have not se-! icured tickets,to do so at once.| Amuaker,“A.-P.;-2-senior;Anderson,|Mrs.W.E.,1 "senior;Arey,Miss Ruth,1 senior;Boshamer,Mrs.C..W.,1 senior;Buneh,H.Ross,1 se- nior;Bunch,F/B.1 junior;BurkeMrs.Julia,1 senior;Castle,MissLillian,1 senior;Cashwell,Leary,2 senior;Clark,R.R,,2 senior;Cor- pening,Miss Altie,1 senior,1 jun-fior;Culbreth,Bs W.,-1-senior,1 jun-, ‘ior;Deitz,R.O,,2 senior,1 junior; Dot:son,George W.,1 senior;Con- ner,Miss Mary Neal,1 senior;Dy- sard,Mrs.T.L.,4 senior,1 junior; Fry,J.E.,1 senior;Fowler,Mrs.J.) 'C,,1 junior;Foster,Mrs.J.B.,2 juniors~-Fex;-NieWao)senior;Foard,John D.,1 senior;Flanigan,J.P.,2 senior;Guy,John W.,3 senior,2junior;Gaither,E.G.,.1 senior; Halil,W.F.,Jr.,1 senior;Henninger, Miss,1 junior;Hoover,A.J..1 se+ nior;Hicks,C.T.,2 senior;Houpe, Miss Ida,1 senior;Irvin,Mrs.J.C., 1.senior;Knox,Miss Jessie,1 se- nior;Knox,S.J.,1 senior;Lewis. TG.ol senior,’1 junior;Moore,Prof., 1 senior,11 junior;Moore,Miss An-ue 1 senior;McKee,J.M.,2 senior; Miller,'T,D.,2 senior;Maiden,R.L.,; 2 senior;Myers,George H.,1 senior, 1 junior:Mayberry,D.F.,2 senior;| MaeKesson,L.W.,2)senior;Nichol-| son,Miss Frances °G.,1 junior;) Presnell,W.H.,1 senior;Poston,J.! R.,1 senior;Patterson,Miss Nell,1, senior;Patterson,L.B.,2 senior,2 junior;Leinster.Mrs.E. Reece,W.F.,1 senior;Ramscy,Ben,| |2 senior;Rickert,R.H.,1 senior; Sharpe,John M.,3 senior,2 junior;| Simon,Mrs.Sol.,1 senior;Simons, Mrs.Mary Locke,1 senior;Stimson,| Mrs.C.W.,1 senior;Stimson,Mrs.,| 1 senior;Steele.J.1 senior;| Stephenson,J.C.,1 senior;Stike- leather,Horace,1 senior;Swann, Miss Lena,1 senior;Stephenson, Mrs.B.M...2 senior;Stephany,~Misses,2 senior;Short,Mrs.Mattie, Fred.,1.senior;| /1 junior;Smith, ‘Sherrill,A.R.,1 senior;Stévenson, iW.A.1 senior;Sloan,C.R.,1 se- nior,1 junior;Troutman,R.H.,J Is senior;Thomas,D..8:2 Junior; |Tomlin,C.S.,1 senior;Troutman,C.} /R.,1 senior;Turner,Orin,2 senior;| |Wallace,Herman,2 senior;Wil-| jliams.Miss Delsie,1 -senior; \lace,Julius,2 senior;Walton, 1 senior,1 junior;Williams,( 'Senior,1 junior;‘Woodward, |1 senior,1 junior;Ware,Rev. 2 senior:Gilbert,W.L.,3 White,W.N.,2 senior,1 juniors | White,Mrs.Leonard...1 senior:| White,L..0.,1.senior;White,Earl | G..2 senior;Williams,KE.R.,1 se-! nior;Williams,M.C.,2 senior;Will- J. li.W.junior; |visit Pittsburg and the orphanage of gon,H..C.,2 senior;Willson,1.W, BoW.,!2 senior;Woodward.Mrs.H. senior,1 junior;Woodside.T, 1 senior.J..KIRK, Chairman. Will Grow in Popularity. State Journal. We have never thought that the election would perfect pop- Until men are cre- ated differently from what they aretherewillbenopanaceaforpolitical| ills.All that any primary election can do ts to make it éasier for the really intelligent,patriotic citizen to register his choice,and “harder for the boss and the.spoilsman to work their selfish schemes.It simply im- proves *the chances for efficiefit offi- eials and good government.It has its weak points,just as the old conven- tion plan had its strong points.Neith- er is perfect.; We helieve North Carolina’s first experience with a State-wide prima- ry justifies its existence.It has prob- ably come up to the expectations ‘its friends and confirmed the fears of ‘OMPLAINT |OF LOAF ERS. of "Some Boys and Young Men on the Streets and at Public Places Discreditabic to Statesville.°° m4 To the Editor of The Landmark: Statesville has a reputation to be It is known abroad as the but there has to this cal- stain upon thegoodnameofourtown—the number of boys and ySung men who make it to loaf around —public places and on the streets,who engage vulgar talk and play the “Smart Alex.” Only yesterday a man passing oul of a buginess place where he hadbeenonbusiness,was accosted by one of these from a bevy of his—kind, with a remark that was insulting.In-stead-of making any reply he possed quietly on,being of ~the opinion doubtless that “it is better to give your path to a dog than to be bitten by him,.even killing the dog would not cure the bite.”, Most boys prefer to work during vacation,but if is true that many are unable to find work in the facto ries and stores and are unemployedbecausetheycannotfindjobs.But béeause this is truce it,is not necessa-ry for them to spend all their time down street and in bad company-- engaged solely in professional loaf- ing. I do not mean to say that it is asintowalkaboutthe streets—far from that;but when you are on the streets or in public places,be a gen-tleman,speak politely and pass on. By way of suggestion,let me saytotheboysthatareoutofwork,di- vide part of your time with .home. There is always plenty to do at home been brought —lawns to mow,garden’to work and | turns.to do for mother. I insist you ean find something to do,ahd when you do,“go to it.”Help to preserve the good name of our town chy making”professional loafing| a lost ‘art in the “bestytown in NorthCarglina.”Thug to c'act will be nKethWh,driian to.one’sH.8, ‘convention system. rede, its enemies. feeling that our nominations—this vear would be different in many casesiftheyhadheenmadeunderthe‘old But who will de- ny that those which have been made are more in accordance with the pop-olay will than the others would have been ?“Our predittion is that the primary will grow in popularity. More Lapeer,“Needed—New: of Loray Community. endence of The Landmark Loray,June ‘12 harvest truly is ~ the laborers are few,”is certainly tre, in a literal sense.The demand for la- borers is so great it cannot be filled) Wheat is very good,Crops in genera are growing nicely since the refresh- ing rains have come. Rev.F.W.Bradley of was a visitor—a guest of Mr. J.R.Woodside—last week. Stevenson returned to C hartore terday.{Miss Bell Cecthrane re the week-end with Mrs,J.W.Marlin. Miss Zuba King,who has been visit- ing her uncle,Mr.Marlin .returned to her home in Clio yesterday. Mr.and Mrs.A.1,Vickery of Bal- timore,Md_,are visiting Mr.and Mrs T.W,Vickery.They will spend sev- eral weeks here.We are always glad to welcome home the “dear sons” “The plenteous —but Gastonia Yat ee eeeg 2 Odio og eebs she 0 ag B.,2 junior;}: . M a — en.Who need ’ Aemr “Krew BrMW sbeatwy nerves srink | Boitled By Delicious &Refreshing’+BottlaBy « Bottling 6.Bing ag alt ayoy Most of the seven car loads of ik ords.that wwe told you about.are here and being unload-,} ed.CAN MAKE PROMPT |DELIVER- IES FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS!! is the time to get your Ford. |CarolinajMotor Co., or TESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. Now’: oT |ak There is a-very general.= of The Community Service League met’#2 Saturday night in regular session.| Albout a dozen new members addéd to.the already long list of mem-| hers,*and an “old-time singing” participated in by all. vhat’s - Durham Herald.|The primary is for the benefit of the people and if the politicians do} not like the way it works they cankeepout.; Henry C.Tillman,an attorney of Greenwood,S.C.,and a son of Sen- ator Tillman,isa candidate for the Demoeratic congressional nomination in the third South Carolina district. Master Colvin Walker,—youngson-of.Mav*and Mrs.Jt ‘Mii Walk@g,»|wwas*takoncste.;.Baltimone Prtiapeieir“tre tment |in Johns Hopkins,haspital.\ were 333 Was Se lf d Le 4 We have discontinued the sale o1 Pistol Cartridges at our store.The young man who buys for his brother and the sporty colored citizen who uses “a nickel’s worth of 38”can take notice.. Our one aim in business is to sell the useful and necessary’things in our line. language of the poet,Mr.Foss,“Let us live in the nouse by the side of the road,and be mr end to man”.‘ t all get ready for Chautarqua.Be on lime at the meeting.While cultivating promptness,some could1ampreve Aon ee their store bills.— rei miMtHKI HyHM REPAIR WORK. Mn rNiMmteTehiHHer In the» eA vitClocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectaclé tted.yes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed, odd a BeR.F.HENRY, Jenvelei “at Bh _3.PRIMARY REFERENDUM, “Friends of the primary will take “Hotice that a strong effort will be made to have the law repealed by “the next Legislature.The plan”is, “Phe Landmark is infofmed,to have a:box at every voting precinct in the State and voters will have the priv- il of depositing in this box a itot for or against the primary. This primary referendum will be a “soap-box”affair—that is,there will beino legal restrictions to regulate the voting.The purpose is to get an epression from the people and the enemies of the law,who are promot- ing the plan,confidently expect the verdict to be adverse to the primary, in Which event the vete wlii be con- ‘gilered instructions to the Legisla- tire’,to repeal the law. |from OBJECTIONS TO THE PRIMARY.4 for the primary,bulk of :objection raised was that center- ing about the legal requirement that ‘no voter ‘could split:his ticket—eith-er-he had-to-vote.for-one or the oth- er,and not in part,as-has been the case in times past.—Charlotte Ob- a Most of the objections have comeosteoplewhohavewantedto aplit the ticket,and vote in the Dem- ocratic’primary for some candidates and then yote in the Republican pri- mary for other candidates for.other offices.That was forbidden by the law for the obvious reason’that members of one party might invade the—primary—of—the—-opposingparty-and nominate the weakest,man,'andthenintheelectionhelptodefeathim.—Jas.L.Delaney,chairman oftheMecklenburgBoardofElection.Considering further the objections to the primary,we have here the testimony from two sources that the chief objectors were those who want- ed to vote for both Republicans and Democrats in the primary.That a primary is a party affair—provided for the convenience “of party mem: bers in selecting candidates for the party—is so obvious that it is -not worth while to discuss it;and it is a matter for amazement that anybocy would make a_contention of |that sort.The only way to provide for If the people are indifferent,as so many ‘of them seem to be-—a natur- itl indifference because they have nol | had opportunity to familiarize them-| 'delyés:with the primary or to realize| th advantage it is to them—tae vote} that sort of thing would be to sub- stitute a citizens’primary for a par- ty primary,all could go in and register their choice for public officials,regardless of pol- itics,which would result in the nom- in which voters rere .O7 PR NOMINATION,| “The Republicans have —p be regarded as a safe and conserva: tive man.While<in his note of ac- ceptance he endeavored to life up with the Republican ©platform,“he simply followed the platform—erit- icised what the Democrats have done and offered nothing.Whether he is a constructive statesman or simply an objector,-must—be-shown.-He-has no political record except as Gov- ernor-of New-York,—If-he lines —up with -the-extreme—element,-as-tepre= sented by Mr.Roosevelt,he may alienate the —pro-German—_element, who,favor him.because he has no record and has said ©nothing,«Mr. Fairbanks,the candidate for.Vice President,is a nice man but not one of great force. The fandmark believes,however, that the Republicans.have nominated about the strongest ticket they-could have named.Its strength before the country will depend in iarge measure on Col.Roosevelt...If he drops out, as it seems he will,the Progressive party ‘would scem to be at an end and the Democrats will face a practi-! cally united Republican party.rn that event the Democrats have walk-| ing ahead,but with the record of the | party and Mg,Wilson they stand a/| good chance to win;and it is yet_to! be shown,even with the return of| “put their’best foot forward”’1 the |northern nomination of Mr.Hughes.He “will ‘Washington. *a *-Unedsy About /Mokiod.t).Anti-American demonstrations:ie,Mexico cause uneasiness inAccording“to —official advices the demonstrations continue,|particularly in the States of Chihua-hua,San Louis Potosi and Neuvo'Leon,and consular agents‘have re-,ported that the temper of,the peopleappearssuchthatany—eventualitymightbepossible.Americans areleavingfortheborderinsteadily‘in-,creasing numbers’and:border agentshavebeeninstructedtourge‘thosesegkingtoreturntoMexiconottodoso-for-the-present;A mass meeting was held at Sal-tillo Thursday night,at_which-many-speeches resenting the presence >of.American “troops in Mexico:-were made,Similar meetings have beenheldorcontemplatedatotherpoints. The only violente against AmericanpropertyreportedwasatChihuahuaCity.and Monterey,where there are no consular ageirts.Statements rom Americans reaching the border and ‘also from consular agents in Mexico ‘have.indi-cated that while General.Carranza’s forces were trying to overawe the demonstrators,‘their control was notfobedépended™on:entirely”in some districts. Army officials have no fears for the safety of the American expedition. It is so closely concentrated as tobefullyabletodefenditselfinany emergency and also to lend efficientprotectionto,a wide stretch of the berder, Fifteen Mexican bandits early Sunday morning attacked four em- nloves on the ‘T.A.Coleman ranch at San Laredot Texas,drove,the ranchmen from _the—corral andescaped—across the Rio Grande with 83 horses.The ,Manuel,40 miles northwest of : and you.will find the ocalled LUCKY |isthe one who keeps buildingupa reserve in_hank,and can catch a-bargain when it comes his way.Why not-be one:of the “Lucky Men”in your community by making regular deposits in the ; Merchants and Farmers’Bank. ay 8 Of Statesville,-.ye “The Bank For Your Sayings.”| WE'LL ALL WANT TO SEE THE MAGICAL : JUGGLER--ROSANI--TUESDAY OF CHAUTAUQUA — same party,it is reported,raided the|#:|wi be,as its 'Roosevelt to the fold,that the great | <Ea "expect,aa ination of a citizens’ticket,compos- yorae yo the Ray OS Erpat me.led of men of allvpolitical faiths.But ity.cof the oe ae have jtuntil it is decided to abandon gov- 3ey.el pone oR “Se ernment by parties in this country— ee )primary because it curtails their|Anu te Md ab oo te ete power to mass of independent voters,who de- cide presidential contests,will take Hughes instead of Wilson. THE TRIBUNE AND HUGHES, pa.and gives the :we primary of that sort will hardly be poters,These will work for ee ate considreed.If we continue party! t-lition and wail Bert =peedUCiee government,therefore,the idea that |iftier people against it.Forinstance,/4 Republican should have the right} the Democrats in the west will be told]t)vote in a Democratic primary and| AAt-the primary gives the easter!help to name for that party candi-| Demécrats the power to control the!gates he did not intend to support State and the eastern Democrats will |at the regular election;or that lie told something else.The Demo-!Democrat should have a similar priv-| the west,and of ilege in a Republican primary,is:too| the same absurd to talk about.| The fact is,however,that this ‘complaint comes from Democrats) ,who want to use Republicans in Dem.| to think about it.locratic primaries to help beat oneTheLandmarkwillhaveso.ae fur-|Democrat and help elect another:and | this subject from’rom Republicans who want to pe so | who enjoy that privilege; a erats of ton,-have vm under the primary that they , niet the east,| power—and under the convention system, his avails nothing if they don‘s remarks on *to time..This paper has no in- -erest in the maticr save what it be- lieves to be best for the public gen-!ah Pyays |:erally;personally it has no MOTE |heen common in &concern than any citizen.But it Ber jose in voter (eountign: j lieves that the primary system iS tests between Democrats Republi-| best and fairest,and will prove to be,Onn NR nn eeaeernie Dem-| 4 after a fair trial,the most satisfac-eeratic primaries and many of them) §tory to the people;and it believes have gone in,where permitted,| that it is unwise to bring on agita-without any pretensions of having| _tion for the repeal of the primary!changed their politics,and helped to|@ until it has had a fair trial.It will Ae deicontentcmtotnceme Demerentnl therefore from time to time set forth helped to name a candidate ~for| “®the reasons why it thinks the prima-|whom they did not expect to vote at By test and attempt¢o answer some|tne November election.Some Re- _of the objections.Meantime the pa-publicans who do this have tried to per is open to anybody who maAY)excuse it on the ground that in f want to say anything on either side Democratic communities they wanted ¢Some of.the candidates who are *declining to enter a second primary used and for various reasons. licans in Democratic primaries has, Tredell and doubt-! In hot con-| Voting Repub-t The New York /Tribunc,formerly| the most conservative of all the! stand-pat Republican papers,lat-| terly a Roosevelt shouter,was very |much opposed to Justice Hughes for| the Republican presidential nomina-| j tion,While the Republican conven-!lexre. tion was in session the Tribune said:| The Tribune docs not believe that!the people of the United States:will turn from Mr.Wilson to a Republi-| can candidate who has not only fol- lowed the course which has earned ; Mr.Wilson just censure among pa-!t triotic'Americans,but has also per-|! mitted himself to be used as the club of disloyal and treasonable citizens.|. The people of the |United States|»demand courageous and unselfish|| leadership.They do not and they;iv ;Was a millionaire. with him and believed that it This Johnson and Coleman ranch in the/g same vicinity and captured twoAmericanbowboys,who were subse-/|@ A troop of caval-|@ ry was dispatched to pursue the raid-|# quently released. ers. John Roll MeLean,noted publish-|& Washington|&died|& Washington|§He was born in|# Ohio in 1848 and began his newspa-|#leaving col-|& from |é er and owner of the Post and Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday at his home in after a long illness. per career soon afterHeinheritedafortune his father and increased it until heTewasformerly prominent in Democratic polities.IeTeee enereee are eerHS KT Bowel Complaints in India.& In a loeture at one of the Des Moines,Town,|§ rhurehes a missionary fre:a Indian told of §nyc into the interior of Todia,where he w aken sich,that he had a bottle of Chambe ain’s.Colie,Cholera and Diarrhoea”Remedy saved his life.remedy.is used sucecesfully in India both a preventive and cure for cholera.You y know from this that ft can be depetded pon for the milder forms of bowel complaint hat occur in this country.¢where.2 will not prefer Republican cowardice! o Democratic.The German-Ameri- cans have endorsed Mr.Hughes.The Republican convention seems |pre-pared to accept the dictation of these |!Hyphens.Mr.Hughes seems quite ready to receive the nomination at such hands,but the Tribune does not States will ever ratify such a bar gain or accept a candidate nominat- ed under such circumstances. If the Republican national conven- tion accepts the German -American candidate even for purposes of ob- taining the Republican nomination, Woodrow Wilson will be re-elected. The Landmark is hoping and~ve- lieving that the Tribune's prediction will prove true.We shall whether that paper will | what it said on the eve of Hughes’, nomination,or whether it will .try to take it back.But apparently the Tribune burned the bridges behind it. believe that the people of the star now sec!\stand by! ne Sent to Penitentiary For As- saulting Officers—Noted-Case. Emery Todd,who with others’as- saulted and maltreated Deputy Mar- shal Harkrader and Sheriff Davis of Surry,while the officers were search- ing for blockaders in 1913,was lastweeksentencedto18monthsinthe Federal prison-in Atlanta,by Judge Boyd in the Federal court at Greens- boro.An older brother of Todd has served a prison term of two ycars for the same offence.Another man wanted,said to be Frank Brooks,is still at large.Emery Todd was ar- THE LYRIC Obtuinable every-|§ hi FURNITURE We Have In Our Window:A Nice Four-PieceSuit, 1 Combination Library Table,27 x 45;1 Four-foot Settee,1 Large Arm Chair,1 Large Arm Rocker,Fumed oak finish,and genuine leather seats.—Call, and let us show you where we can save you Money.We are expecting ‘‘Happiness”at Chautauqua,Mon-day Evening.: Williams Furniture Hou se Inc.| THEATRE| -TODAY | MAE MURRAY ANDWALYACE REID —jn— .“To Haveand to Hold” Positively one of thebestphotoplaysoftheyear.TOMORROWCHARLIECHAPLIN - “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” This is a picture we havebeentryingtogetforalongtime.ou haveneverseenChaplindobetterworkthanhis *Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Vacation Season | Is on now and you'll be wanting ~~new Trunks and Bags. Appropriate Luggage is a good introduction away among strangers,i rested a few weeks ago.He confessedjdemandfortheprivilegeof |ing in inter-party contests,for vot-| |ing when one has no right to vote is: his guilt. The assault on the officers attract- ed the attention of the State and of the proposition.to help the Democrat of their choice; others have pursued that course be- cause they were.bought—not direct- é put it solely on the ground of a ly with money in all cases,but with "great desire for Democratic harmo-|Promises of favors or the hope of fa- ny.One candidate who was second!V°rs. in the race,in declining to ask for a|Of course nobody will contend that second trial intimates that he feels|it is right to allow any Republican or »he could win but his desire for Dem-|®Y outsider who does not expect to§ocratic harmony restrains him,and Vote with the Democratic party.to ___$for future use he leavés the impres-|help decide contests between Demo- sion that he is making a sacrifice,Crats.eee defend the prac- ;rt ty.,|tice,even if it has been common;and eee Feel Oe aes Ole ee eno. ‘mark to charge otherwise.But!eravice unary ley because itis ae ~some of the doubters will harbor the |culated Le atop that sort of thing §belief that those who decline a sec-|have-their nerve with_them.It is a ond tryout are actuated more by the ahaa helief that they have nothing to gain ,than by a desire for party good.:..i a |illegal voting and is as much cheat- .<The Republican party firmly be-|ing as “stuffing”the ballot box.Will Nieves that all who violate the laws|anybody stand out in the open andinregulationofbusinessshouldbe!by fs A ape ; {individually punished.But prosecu-|“"Y it is right to use Republicans waion is very different from persecu-Democrats to to ‘beat:Republicans in inter-party con- tests?Of course not.Then the ob- |jection because split tickets are pro- beat or Democrats tion and business suceess,no matter mitow honestly attained,is apparently %regarded by the Democratic party as ,in-itself a crime.Such doctrines and| beliefs choke enterprise and .stifle|hibited is absurd. “prosperity.«The Republican party be-|.It must be remembered,however«;lieves in encouraging business and:'“will seck to advance_all_American in-|that while the law prohibits this sort g tetests—Republiean National Plat-|of voting in the primary,the law isn’tgTOTOsg—con a |always observed,In some cases itideeebidto“The Interests 0!was violated in this and other par-4 come across liberally with the cash]ticulars in the last primary,and the for the eC ree ya!ey implied|violations will be more open and no-promise that big business will not be torious in the next primary if they 8 disturbed.“a are allowed to go unchallenged.Of this more anon.i The nomination of Mr.Hughes makes room for another 2mocrat |‘er Democrat Some of the newspapers seemedeontheSupreme—Cour eh ==-un=::-le i al a Pe e te |to think that Mayor Kirkpatrick of’ss the President s cide a .:sapien ee SCO’to Charlotte was a trifle verbose in hisnameanindependentoraRepubli-!-introductoryean.If the successor to Mr.Hughes| i Democrat-—which would @probable—the court O rearty equally than in many years—five Mcans and four Democrats. bs FRR EEREerrememremre ect and remarks on.the occa- :sion,of the President’s visit to Chab-isa seem .:lotte,but attention is called to the .fact that the to pola talk hasn’t impaired his standing Republi-|vith his home folks.In the Meck- |lenburg primary he got seven votesSL.B Jeffreys,a negro contractor,for President and 17 votes for,Viceae.a eeriebora;wns intel a in|President.Wherefore it stands to‘Salem Thursdayand died that night,|"C8"that,‘these 24 Mecklenburg.The car was-driven by L.B.Johnson,|°™®Consider the colonel a biggercolored.In attempting to pass two|Man than President Wilson or Vicewagonsthemachineranintoaditch|Président Marshall.That beiny;:g soicwaswrecked.All the occupants why shouldn’t the mayor talk as:thrown out and all save one 38)auch me atilebebsinivce’.:8 he wants?, will.be more ’.mayor’s capacitydivided /aroused much indignation.Deputy Marshal Harkrader and’Sheriff Da- vis of Surry were associated in a raid on-ans illicit :distillery.They frightened away.the men engaged in the whiskey.making and—started back to the county seat with a pris- oner between them,On a_lonely mountain road they”were waylaid,heaten and maltreated by the Todd brothers and others.For weeks it was doubtful how the beating would final-'! ly result for Harkrader,but he re-/‘covered,although it is said the ef-|‘fects of it are with him still.The!punishment inflicted on the Todds!;was mild,considering the seriousness(of the offence.|—————— ‘To Punish Those Who Threaten the President. |A bill by Congressman Webb of'North Carolina,to prohibit threats|against the President of the UnitedStates,passed the House of Congresslastweek. 'This bill is”designed to restrain;and punish those who would threatentotakethelifeof,or inflict bodily,harm upon,the President.It providesthatanypersonwhoknowinglyandwilfullydepositsorcausestobede-|posited for conveyance in the mailorfordeliveryfromanypostofficeorbyanylettercarrieranyletter,pa-per,writing,print,missive,or docy-‘ment containing any threat ‘to take|the life of,or to inflict bodily harm efforts in this six reellaughproducer.Charlie issupported by Mabel Normand and Marie Dresler.You have theLyric’s assurance thatthispictureisascream from start to finish.The admission will be 10c. and 15ce. THURSDAY “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” Chaplin’s best picture andtheonlysixreelcomedyinexistencewillbere-peated.Don’t let others tell you what you:havemissedbutseeitforyourself.You'll laughyourselfblueintheface.THELYRICTHEATR “The Coolest Place inTown”* upon,the President of the United|States,or who knowingly and wilful- |against the President,shall,;conviction,be fined not$1,000,or imprisoned notfiveyears,or both. FOLLOW THE CROWD ToCHAUTAUQUA!JUNE 22-281 uponexceedingexceeding \ly otherwise makes any such threat |) eile cena Our Trunk and Bag department has a big lot popular priced numbers. Steamers 28 to 36 inch size,$4.00 to $12.50. Fibre covered Trunks,some litt out, others with Roller Trays,good values, $8.50 to $25.00,other makes from $3.00 to $6.50. All Leather Suit Cases,$4.50 to $17.50. Gladstone Bags,$10.00 to $15.00. Waid Robe Trunks fully equipped at: $15.00 and $20.00. Ladies’special light weight $5.00,$7.50 and $10.00.¢ Matting Cases and Bags,50c.to $2.00 for light wear,and some Fibre Suit Cases at $1.00 to $3.00. You should see this showing of luggage if you are contemplating purchasing this season. Suit Cases, PEOPLE WHO KNOW The superiority of Long-Leaf,Kiln-Dried Flooring,.Ceiling,Weather-boarding,Boxing and Casing,won't allow their houses to be built out of Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.‘ other kinds of .pine—and my_prices RE LOWEST!*C..WATKINS, THE SCHUBERT STRING QUARTET,Chautauqua,June2d,.as; ie ngagement ‘of:Mi SS ‘Gilmer of‘Statesville and’ixev.=Mr. Fairly —Miss Page and Mr.Dunlap—Iin,Honor ox MissPeild—Social Affairs. “Mrs.Clarence R.Stimpson gave a five-course luncheon ‘Friday in honor “of her guest,“Miss Mary°Dunn Ross of Charlotte,and made the occasion *doubly interesting by ‘announcing theengagementofhersister,Miss’Ar- leene Gilmer,to Rev,John L.Fairly of Fayetteville.The time set for the marriage was not divulged,The color scheme was yellow and white,daisies being principally used,The dining room centerpiece was‘big basket of white sweet peas,tiedwithyellow‘tulle.The place cardswerelittlecupidsand.the favors white baskets.with.orange blossoms. ¢The guests numbered 16.Miss Gilmer.is the younger daugh- ter of Mr.and Mrs.E.G.Gilmer.Rey.Mr.Fairly sis -a Presbyterianministerandisassistantpastorof, the First -Presbyterian church ofFayetteville. The-~engagement |ofPage,daughter of the late Rev. Jesse H.Page,and Mr.B.L.Dunlap of Ansonville,«Anson county,was! »avinounced a few days ago.atthe | home of Miss Page's sister,Mrs Ss. W.-Steele,at Rockingham.The mar- riage will’take ‘place in August.This announcement is of interest to many Statesville and Iredell people, where Rev.Jesse H.Page was so Jong and so.favorably known.MissPagewasaresidentofStatesville when her father was pastor here and is also known here through her broth- re,Mr.Frank L.Page,wno was for years a popular resident of States- ville.. Mrs.J.C.Dye entertained Thurs- day afternoon in honor of Miss Fan-| nie Feild,bride-elect,and Mrs.Ernest| Bohannon of Atlanta,Ga.,house guest of the hostess.Hearts was played.The high-score prize was won by Miss Lila White’ona tie-cut with Mrs.Lloyd Neely.This prize ‘and one each to the guest’of honor.were ‘crepe de chine lingerie. Punch was served during the game and pink and white cream at the close of the game. While the refreshments were be- ing served,gilded wedding bells, bearing the initials,“F.BF.”a“J.D.C.,"”were passed and the mar- ried guests were asked to write ad-|? vice to the bride in the way of dos! and don’ts and the unmarried wrote: toasts.The house was dee-orated? with:bowls of -cut flowers and_quan-| tities of diasies with asparaguus | ferns,the color scheme of pink andj} white being carried out in detail..Out-of-town guests were Mrs.Lee ‘Ashcraft of Raleigh,Mrs.Clarencenaffeerie:of Detroit..Mich.,Mrs.AG. + ‘y Miss Lula orpening of Rockingham and Mrs.| Clayton of Asheville. This afternoon from 6 to 7 o’elock at the Statesville Inn,Miss Annie| Marvin will give a miscellaneous shower for Miss Fannie Feild,bride- elect,Miss Mary Colvert entertained a! number of her friends at her home on} Davie avenue...Thursday —evening.Rook was played. Reported for The Landmark. entertained,Wednesday |evening of Jast week,a number of ‘their friends| ata party given in honor of Misses |Anna Lou and Lois Barkley,who are nt home from school.After enjoy- ings an hour of gossip a “beaw”’con-| test.furnished much amusement, which the ten contestants the highest score were entertained at a rame of dominos. The guests were then the dining room,which™ tively decorated.Refreshments con- sisting of a salad course and iced: tea were served by Misses Woodward,Cottie Shuford,Wooten and Rose Mills.The was a most delightful one. shown into Lilly affair Notices of New Advertisements.| Cut price millinery sale,—Mills & Poston. Chautauqua only a week away. Suitable gifts for.brides.—States-| ville Drug Co. No more pistol cartridges.—Lazen-| by-Montgomery Hardware Co. No-work—the 20th century idea in|Mills &Poston,left last night for'tion club work in North Carolina,is now visiting the various clubs in Ire}!ice cream making,—'Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.> Library furniture.--Williams Fur- _niture House.,The Jucky man.—MerchantsFarmers’Bank. “To Have find to Lyric today..“The Witch of theTheCrescent.today. and Hold’’at Mountains.” Special in wash =skirts.—Johnston-|Belk Co. ~Weser player ano,Store.Special sale men’s rill-White Shoe Co, To the young business man.—First|National Bank.The bride’s Drug Co, List to Reece. Desk wanted,—E. 3,Statesville.Horses and personal property for} sale—JW.F.Privett,Charles. Stockholders’ Air piano.—Leonard Pi- *bouquet.—Polk Gray» select from.—Sherrill & O.H.,P. Line Railroad Co, Card From Mr.Hunter. To the Editor of The Landmark: I wish to express my thanks to my friends who voted and worked for me in the primary.I expect to give the ime support to the nominees of themocraticpartyasIhavealwaysdone.Respectfully,Scott's,June 12,W,H.HUNTER Drives Out Malaria,Builds Up System «‘The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out Malaria,enriches the blood,and builds up the sys-tem.,Abhiic,For adults and childrens 0c, jare with Mr. |delphia, |home ‘to her lof Charlotte. |Mr.The Misses Carter at Diamond Hill!Julia Emma Wilson,from near Hun-/and wheat is very good, Was attrac-| Nera| sailors.—Sher- 0.Bor meeting.—Statesville | |exons Mention of.People ahd}4eirMoyements.Mr,tou Pattetson of Winston-Salem and Mrs.Patterson's —niece,‘Margaret,Miller,spent”SaturdaynightandSunday.with Judge andMrs.A,L,Coble.Miss:Ella ‘Laugenour of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with Mrs.P.FP.Laygenour,Cadet Miles arriveTriteyfromWestPoint,where heascompletedthesecondyearofhiscourse.,Miss Bessie Lawrence of Charlotte is the guest of Mrs.Hugh R.Cowles. Dr.F.H.Righter...of.Richmond,Va.,was_here Friday ds theguest ofMr,J.A.Ballentine. Misses Marguerite and Grace Mof- fett-of Birmingham,Ala.,ure guestsofMrs.Fred,Thomas. Mrs,J.D.Stocker,who has been visiting her mother,Mrs Ellen Mor- rison,returns tonight to her home at Jermyn,Pa,Mrs.Morrison,who hasbeenatMr.J.H.McElwee’s,is nowwithMrs.Clement Dowd,on Kelly street.Mr.D.°R.Weedon of Boston, Mass.,.and~Miss Juanita:Weedon of Blowing Rock,who were guests ~of their sister,Mrs.P..D.Kennedy,left} yesterday for Blowing Rock,*Mrs. Kennedy accompanied them and will spend a week there. Misses Ada Perry and Linnie Parks of Barium have gone to Chapel Hill to attend summer.school. Mr.Otto Henry,who visited his parents,Mr.and Mrs.R.I.Henry, |has returned to Washington. Rev.and Mrs.Roderick Gillies, missionaries in Siam,and and Mrs.R.W.Orr. Mr Gillies hasbeen in—this—country| for some time and was in a hospital in Baltimore -for treatment.Mrs.Gillies joined:him ‘there.,She is sister of Mrs.Orr and is well re- membered in Statesville as Miss Al- lie McGilvary. Mr.MeGilvary Orr spent Sunday with his parents, and Mrs.R.W.Orrr Mrs E.G.Gilmer is few days in Concord. Mr.and Mrs...Ed.Atwell,who were Cowles will of Goldsboro Mr. spending |puests of Mr.and Mrs.B.A.Cowan,| have returned to,their home in Spar-| tanburg,S.C. Mrs.B.A.Cowan returned yester- day from Durham,where she visited Miss Beular Arey. Mrs.William.Dellinger of States-| villo-is visiting relatives-in--Phila- her former home. Mrs.A.lL.Vickery of Md.,passed through |Mr.and Salisbury, Statesville Friday en route to Loray,| where they will spend.some days} i with Me ‘Vickery’s home people. Mr.W:Barnard of Asheville is eechaine a few days with Supt.and) Mrs.Meacham at the Iredell Test! Farm,en route home from Trinity| /College.Mr.Barnard is a cousin of| Mrs.Meacham. Dr.Ed.King of Sharpesburg .ttown- ship has returned from New York. where he went for treatment.His! So HOr is improved. Mrs.J.B.White,who was the| guest ot “Mrs.J.B.-Glover,left)Sat-| urday for Asheville. Mr.Rock Moke ant a-Mr:Steven- son of the county left Saturday for) Laramie,Wyo.,where they will live.{ Mrs,P.S.Easley and children went to Derita Saturday to spend a few; weeks, Miss Rae Gill,who had teaching at Graniteville,S.C, turned home Saturday night. Mrs.D.F.)Jenkins will return! this week from a week’s visit daughter,Mrs W.W.Hanks'! re- John EF.Watts and little niece, tersville,spent Saturday and Sun- day with Mr,Watts’relatives’in {Shiloh township,returning home, yesterday. Mr.Chas.R.Austin of the mechan- fical force of the Charlotte Observer in |wa s a Statesville visitor Friday and sand Nmaking|a welcome lofie e.Mr. caller at The Landmark| Austgn was formerly a Statesville resident and was with The Landmark. Mrs.8S.L Price |Louishurg,W Va., ;of:Mrs.C.&.Pennington,have re turned to their home.Miss MeCue, who visited Mrs.Pennington,left) Sunday for Lynchburg,Va. Mrs.A.C.Broyles of Dayton, Tem...who has been the guest of! Mr.and Mrs.J.F.flenninger,will, i to Charlotte this morning. |Miss Margaret Rogers -of Tenn.,is the guest of Miss |Henninger.She will probably spend |the summer here. Miss Annie Spurgeon, {the millinery department and daurhter of who were Dayton, who was in! of Messrs, |Baltimore. \Prof.W.B.Owens,who taught school the past several months at |Tyler,Texas,has joined Mrs.Owens vat her father's,Mr.W.-W.Foushee, |arid will spesnd the summer here.the||Miss Jamison to Be at.“Vance— The Club and the Debate. Correspondence of The Tandmark. |Statesville,R-4,June 12 eee sold at Vance Saturday|brought above all expenses $4.45. This money will be used for the club. The club is very much _pleased to! |know:that we will have Miss Jamison with -us—at noon.We hope all the members can |arrange to be there and also,the la- |dies of the community,for I feelfsureMissJamisonwillhavesome- ithing-of-interest to tell us. —» tThe usual debate at Vance Satur- jday night.The subject for discus- |sion is,“Resolved,that fire has.been more destructive than water.”. |Misses.Martha Carter and Nera |Woodward are spending this week in |the Vance community.Miss Annie |Wooten spent the.week-end with the Misses Carter at Diamond Hill. Mrs.Osear Mills,who has been visiting Mr.Mills’parents,Mr.and Mrs.G C.Mills,for some time,hasreturnedtoherhomeatForestCity. Forethought.People are learning that a little forethoughtoftensavesthema.big expense.Here is aninstance:(.W:Archer,Caldwell,|Ohio,writes:“T do not befieve that our family has jbeen without Chamberlain’s Colic,CholeraandDiarrhoea.Remedy stnece.we commenced eres house years ago.When we go on antendigitywtakeiitwith6."4 pb in-bie edetyitete Yea Phe c hildren | a) ay been) guests | Sophie; night 1A Vance Wednesday after-| -pnew-number shows an enrollment, CLAWABREN FUNERAL tASad OccasioninNettleftp~=—=Young Man.of Fine acter. Correspondence of The Landmark.- Jennings,June 12—The fund rut ofClaudeWarrenatZionsereSodday,-was conducted byhtheRev.Mr.,Castle,It a ADS the largest congregation to attend afuneralinnorthIredellin‘many years.The deceased was a member oftheWoodmenofAmericaandcarried$1,000 insurance in the order.‘The interment was in Zion cemetery with Woodmen honors, t!deceased who live in Statesville ;at-|.. tendedthe funer:al ‘some of whopa’were | Mr.and Mrs,B.Russell,Mr,,wWahn | Colvert--and Mr ‘Alex.Cooper,A! Ind.,came in Wednesday nlebiea i will remain in this section +»a 2Wwmonthstolaokaftertheaffairs,@ “his?deceased brother and of his.sisterMrs,Mary Matheson,whose huanart ‘Homer Matheson,is now confiy 1h | Iredell jail awaiting trial for neytall. ing of Claude’Warren. Claude Warren Wagan’indudteibul,quiet,§noffensive young,man and,thewriterheardoneofhisnearneigh- jhors make a remark about him_re- cently that speaks volumes andwhjeh:|§ can’t be said about many persons,and| here is.what he said:“I have never! lived by a better neighbor than Claude’!Warren,nor any one who was more never knew any,person who ‘treated his family with more kindness or ¢on sideration.’ Such facts ' the above and.theas snuffed out,makes this among the ad-| est deaths to occur in north Tredelt-in} a score of years.|May heaven’s richest blessings’rept} | | ‘and abide with his bereaved widow jane two little innocent girls. |Mr.Stimpson Stricken —Tur-)|nersburg News.| |Correspondence of “The Landmark.© Turnersburg,June:12 —-The fam-| ily and friends of Mr.-L.T.Stimpson | |are very much disturbed over the se- |rious condition that He'is in. |day Mr.Stimpson had a stroke|paralysis which has affected the left >|side of his body—both arm and foot. His brother,Mr. of Statesville,andMrs.Maud and Mrs.Pearl McKinnie| |of Louisburg,and son,Clarence,of | |Statesville,are all at his bedside at| |this writing.The many friends| wish him a quick recovery.| Mr.Columbus.Ward,who_lives} near the old “Ward mill seat,has an} his daughters,| | 'and he has a mulberry tree that bore| (a full crop of fruit on it this year and| jin the forksjof one limb he’has a} nice tree of fsarvices”a good crop this year.The:writer| |questionéd Mr.Ward if he had graft-| j ed this fruit and he said'that he did not.It just came there of its ow ;accord but he can’t.tell how. Parks,the little son of Mr. |Mrs.Jule Moore,is very sick at this) hour. Rev.J.C.Mock’delivered “to } |congregation of Turnersburg Sundiy j night a very interesting sermon, which was enjoyed.Such men jas Bro.Mock are holding this old world i down.O,if everybody would only ltry to do right,what a happy,hap- py place this would be to live in!f |Farm Work—Personal Mentidn, |Correspondence of The»Landniark.t', Statesville,R-5,June 12—4The cgn-, tinued vet weather has greatly dek 1y-i fed the farm work.Harvest.is Mr.W.W.Holland hes ifrom Oxford where he placed the three, smail children of the late Francis and’ ‘Mrs.Fannie I’eimster in the Mas DIE orphanage.5 Misses Sadie and Franees Somers ss Eloise Starr and =Messrs. Rob and Weaver Starr of Wilke share:‘are visiting at.the home of Mr,J.Wj iLawrence.Mr.and Mrs.‘EB. -mon—visited—Mars Harmon's|Mr.John R.Myers,who is Sanatorium for an eperation.. Mrs,Mary Wolland,who ha isick,is improving.: Mrs.T.A.Summers,who wa’led to Charlotte to be with her fathgr; i Mr.Thos,Hunter,has returned home, Mr.Hunter’s home is in St ny Point: lind he hada stroke of paralysis while 7 iting his son,Mr.Moffatt Hunter,| Who is il!there.| i brother; |Miss Jamison to Be at Elmwood |correspondence of The Uandmark. Elmwood,June 12—Miss Jamisone¢ ‘who is head of the home demonstra- ‘dell county,We are hoping to have jher with us Frid:ary,the 16th.Our ‘meeting will be held in the garden of ‘Mr.Hnir and begins at 2 o'clock. jhope all the ladies of Elmwood who aGesibiy can will come to hear our |distinguished Wisitor,whether they fare members of our club or not. |_Miss-Jamison is sure to have of interest to tell us and it is : |portunity which should not be mie ca. lady of such wide experience ¢an{, ‘certainly tell us something by whieh iwe may profit.Miss Celesic I[o kel will accompany Miss Jamison. much 10}b= A.and M.College ate The annual catalogue of the Avri- ;cultural and Mechanical Chen at Raleigh has just been issued.The} cluding the short -courses,of 800. Year by year this institation js going forward in numbers,in buildings,andparticularlyinequipment,to do’the special work which is its mission.: Exports.of the United “States April were $399,000,000 and imports $208,000,000,as compared with ex- ports in April,1915,of $294,000,000 and imports of $160,000,000,the Bu- neau of Commerce announces. The Strong Withstand the Heat ofSummerBetterThantheWeakOldpeoplewhoarefeeble,and younger{people who are weak,will be ‘strengthened and enabled to go through the depress-ing heat of summer by taking regularlyGrove’s TastelessChillTonic,,It'purifie Thurs-|—Oona of FOR RENT—Five-roomStocktonandBoststreets. ARD PIANO:STORE, na) Qn,A returned]; n A at the ; hea}, call-.“WHEN in-t inf and quriches the blodd and ‘builds oholefsystem.|50c.patiellMecaarsint MARKAPEREPORTS. 1 ,WiteaT .'Statesville»Produced ueThefollowingpriceswerepaidyeaterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket,Spring Friers,1%e,"per Ib.Qid Hens,18¢.per Ub.lc.per dozen,Roosters,6¢.per Th.Exss, Butter,16Beeswax,2be.per IbGreenHides,14c,per Ib.Hams,17¢,to 18¢,per Ib. ic. Sides,13e;Shoulders,New Red)Honey,10¢to 12 1-2c.per Ib,Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to 18c,per ib.Old Auto Rubber GVaging,de.* Sweet Potatoes,60c.per bushel, for ,The following prices were paid yesterdaygrainonthelocalmarket:|Quite a number of relatives of,bhe|Wh at $1.20 per bushel.Corn,tnew),80e,per bushel, Oats,bbe.per bushel. 4 per |b, Ib.18e,.Th. \ Grain, Btatesville Cotton Market.On the local_market.yesterday 12 3-de. brother,Walter Whrren of Andgreon |anny was paid for best grade cotton. per line.cents, per; |ADVERTISEMENTS |in this column 10se No ad.taken for less than |Cash must accompany order.) NO. ud ANTED—Big flat top Desk.and in good condition.vo.8,Staatesville. age”ae be ee|O.H,P.O,Box| june 13-ake i. FOR,“SALE—One mare.and filly colt;one fine 13June SECOND-HAND CARS—Two Overland Tour- ing Cars; one cays are cheap to quick buyers, CO. year-oldsycond-handharnessan atomy farm near Charles posiottice;1t WwW.Ff. ~Bujok Roadster and a few Fords,h mare muletwo-horseidsome.other colt;ohne ,oodWeun,..bagry—and | personal,property PRIVE[NSE Car; ‘These argains and will be sold mighty CAROLINA MOTORJune,9. one ‘Studebaker ‘Touring hares. FOR RE NT—Cheap cottage. June 6, street. hs20, RANG. ready to help in time of need;also 1,FOR SALE—At 6 bargain,or,will trade:“Diamond Furniture Co.-OLINA MOTOR CO. lruthless manner in which his life ‘Was|ror RENT—The Copeland pouse on Walnut| Suitable Possession |35 CAR- 9. stock.June\ N.P.WATT. boarding.|Dis.oF20. for residence orgivenatonce. May CORN—We are inandwill*STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.Corn cash, _May 6. WANTE D—200 white laborers |for new “Alum- inum plant. seven days per advancement to good men.forcleetrie light filtered SyAplyatonee toREAU,Tallassee Power Co.,Whitney,N.C.May’30,-6t. Pure Bricklayey: the market for Shelled pay highest market price, Wages,$1.70 per &-hour day,week,Excellent chancesHouseswith lowest rates. water.We can,also use Carpenters and —Machinists.the EMPLOYMENT BU- and bath at eatcneol corner of Apply at LEON- June 2. KF OR SAL body. Columbus Sumieaan FOR _RENT—Cottage known as the “Recto- ry."on.Walnut street. Bocce CAROLINA MOTOR CO. A.L.COBLE. actically |new Ford WaciceryJune9 Meeting of Stockholders. Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the|unusual variety of fruit at his home {Statesville Air Line Railroad Company will!d at the Commercial Club in Statesville,,on Wednesday, annual be he lo'clock a.m., transaction June 13 of such that also bore)Preverty come“before the meeting. 1 stockholders of the June 2st,1916,at 11fortheelectionof‘directors andotherbusinessasmay D.M.AUSLEY, t:Treas.and Assistant Sec’y.| CRESCENTTHISWEEK t/t THE Hare Peog es WEDNESDAY— WILLIAM A’PROGRAMMEI MARGUER ROSE MELVItEE (SI OF ID PICTURES! TODAY— ITE NICHOLS ___JN WITCH OF MOUNTAINS. SPLEN- THE | 5S HOPKINS) ____JN THINGS WRONG.” GO HUMPHREY cane CAROLYN BIRCH CHAS “RECAUSE /MARG UERITE(¢ eee Ne “HUSKS.? .MUI IDVib AY Bi A HAT.” THURSDAY— SLAYTON ——[N- “IT WILL REPAY.” HELEN ROSE.GIBSON “THE “THE “THE STRANGE HAZARDS OF HEL | COMING— GIRL AND GAME.” ——AND—— CASE MARY PAGE.” ‘:‘*x ateerieEspeegSeerrte=A LIME, PLASTER, SHINGLE STAIN and ha G WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s lanters?" enermenen LATHS CEMENT Atchotse SthtedvilleN?¢. , SLA MEEMud cL HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BhorT liq odd toby KOBE Et ont oy TO THE YOUNG MAN? BUSINESS The Banking needs of Busi- ness Mep.are’given speciai at- tention ‘by this Bank!If you carry 'a Checking Account with us we are always.willing to help you in the development of your . business.YOU ARE ASSUR- ED OF ABSOLUTE SECURI- TY AND THE HOST COUR- TEOUS SERVICE!: Re ae Le ee oS Don’t Forget Your Season Tick- et for Chautauqua Week. Statesville,N.C. Capital $100,000._Four Per Cent'Paid on Time Deposits..U.S.Depository. 1,000 Yards 40 inch DOMESTIC, 6 1-2c. .White and Awning Striped Wash Skirts, Special 98c. Johnston-Belk Co. me& ray a febotewe CULTIVATE THE GOOD HABIT.OF,nueVISITINGOURSTORE.OUR:PRICES,.ARE GUARANTEED WITHOUT EX:.Gant Cui es Wey oy oil iN never inOurshowingofMidsummer’Merchandise was more complete! READY-TO -WEAR ,DEPARTMENTOVERFLOWINGWITHGOODTHINGS! Silk Dresses,Voile Dresses,Gingham Dresses andPer--oh cale Dresses—98c.up to $15;Misses and Children’s:“i Gingham Dresses,3 to 14*years,up-to-date in Bie and... quality.Price 48c.and 98c.‘ DRESS FABRICS!storey! Crepe De Chine,Silks,Satins,Soisette,Batiste,Lawns, ete ATTRACTIVE LINE TO SELECT-FROM!-——_ WE ARE ABUNDANTLY PREPARED - a With the goods you.need in our Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Department,and_at-prices—that will make" you smile! BE READY FOR THE BIJOU TRIO TUESDAY oniCHAUTAUQUA!: aba |THE STORE THAT _FOR LESS. :at PITON TE 212 EN.”'§ THE 4 PAINTS!)/§ "or —is MEN’S SAILOR STRAWS. tit aim Formerly $2.50 and $3"00.Choice $1,89. Panamas and other straws at special re- duced prices. Special price cash. PHONE NO.83. KITHE ‘RUSSLANS MOVING ‘ON /NEWS IN CONDENSED FOE :1916. TODEDICATEA CHURCH. 1 Broken By Auto’s Kick— une Weddings _~One at Da- ovis Springs in Which an Ire- as ville,-June 12 : sal tanh ned will be dedicated ervices be- Thursday evening.at M.Richards,D.| churches in «this field—Stony tempting to crank.the automobile of| mndax ar the wrist.He arm in the same ehitdren _left Friday morning for! [sp Willie Roane,June 14th,and to; and Mrs.Tilford Tolbert of Caldwell ; ner of Little River township,were| r jovelork ao Rev.J.W.Watts.| ae oe e,and Mr.Blake| son .of Loray,were married Wednes-| denite.Rey.R.Lee Davis performed| other,returning here Friday noon. Mr.Stevenson 18} express messenger on home in Richmond.\ Rev.R:L,Gay of the ! ,day evening.| ;inthe Hearts and Homes.. the 6th,on the comparative influence Neither statesmen,or scholars,or| lives are lit with the radiance of the| homes of ‘the people,great 2s their | j —the laurel will "individual,State and national loyalty Hoyle of the Methodist Church was | pas$gy:here.By the way he is one of| ithe [anc of golden thought On one occasion,the ladies pf one of our churches poyster supper.Seeing Brother Hoyle| Were eating and four or five | tooking over @hot stove.I said to} 1 good women we wouldn’t have| any’churches.”He promptly replied: ifn Brother ¢ That was a great truth,and an un-| nswerable argument against vol-; en over that-of women. Respectfully,i dell:Man Was Groom. yiondenice|of (The Landmark. i h,at 41)morning,June 18th, Biniay There will also be commun- :Sr service.Preparatory $s ape fe pastor,Rev.L.L.Moore,will be by Rev.C.(t et vf the Presbyterian ehurch :Davidson College.The officers of | :Shiloh—have Point,New Salem and §ieeebinye Be invited to take part in this serv ;vr.Augustus Adams,while at- ni "y.Sheriff R.A.Adams,Sat-’ 7 at noon,broke both bones ‘of his right arm ne WIRE ae ior »misfortune to break his rig mad the eae manner about two ‘ars ago.;a aie ana Mrs.Eugene Cross and ‘Houston,Miss.,to attend _the mar-| jriage of Més.Cross’sister,Miss Lau-| i i latives.spend some time with rela Pia Lois Tolbert,daughter of Mr. .avid Bumgarner, ‘county,and Mr.David ps oF Rev.and Mrs.w.J.Bumgar-) :reese g ‘earried here Friday evening at lie esidence of the offiei- ‘ating minister,ota i i adie Hubbard,the attractive lens and Mrs.J.J.Hub-| bard of this “plac ;pee Stevenson,son of Mrs.W.R.Steven-| at 2 o'clock at the ho-|lay afternoon at 2 o'clock &no-| a at Davis Sulphur Springs,Hid-| an =| the cekgmony.)‘They spent Thursday | i the groom’s’m Oe aes Saturday morn-| ‘ing they left for Washington City | 5 ints. a a train from; Charlotte to Richmond,Va.,and they| vi ake their ioe Anti-Saloon | League.delivered a splendid temper-| tes address at the court house Fri-| i oF ________— INFLUENCE OF THE WOMEN| 7 —_——— }It Surpasses All Other Influence | |'T0 the Editor of The Landmark:| Your editorial in The Landmark of | 4 lof men and women in the religious| ‘life,was specially fine.| orators,or philosophers,or teachers | —-nor even the preachers 4+whose | Star of Bethlehem,are the chief buildersof yeligion‘in the hearts:and | | A duenics has been.In the great and, final Day of the Lord ! awarded..to.women as the chiefest | eS in laying the foundations and =building the great superstructure of ito the precepts of the Master.| |Some years ago the Rev...R.M.| |pblest men I ever heard preach—| po.man of my acquaintance,digs| ‘richer nuggets ifrom the Bible.had an! ton-the-street,I invited him in to join; “Ihe in some oysters—some 15 to 20, im,‘Brother’Hoyle,if it weren't r Charlie,we wouldn't ave much use for them!” | s1mes that might be written in behalf! f the superior religious influence of, C.F.McKESSON.| Morganton,June 7.| EMOCRATS AT ST.EOUIS.: ‘Peace,Prosperity and Prepar-. if edness”the Slogan. Forerunners of the’1,092 delegates) ifene are to nominate President Wilson fhna Vice President Marshall at the Democratic national convention this eek are moving into St.Louis with the slogan of “Peace,Prosperity and reparedness.”The convention holds ‘its first session at noon tomorrow.{There are few contested seats.ig Every delegate either is instructed ‘for or committed to the renomina- ftion of President Wilson and the Pee majority of them arc said te_‘be ready to re-name Vice President ‘Marshall.A few favorite son votes spre”expected to be cast for VicePresidentbutthepartyleaderspre-flict the other names will be with- :drawn and that Marshall’s renomina- ‘tion,like that of President Wilson,Ayill.pe,made by acclamation. ir ator Stone,who is expected te 2 irman of*the platform commit-|wee,JS-on hand with a draft of the ‘i lat form.Women suffragists who lec| Mhe fight for a suffrage plank in the| ‘Republican platform,are ready to! Mvage a similar campaign for a suf-frage’plank in the Democratic plat.form.Members on the committee from the suffrage States are expected.I “to lend their aid, i:Nearly 12,000 seats have been pro-Wided forthe delegates,alternates wpress,guests and spectators and the Bemand for tickets has far out-rur athe supply.The national commit- ee has threatened with arrest any ne found speculating in.tickets toif:ggnvention. You Need a General TonicTakeGrove's Tonia ia equally valuable as aHic,because it contains theptopertiesUfQUININ#aaaehliee i theRAAT' _-The Pres-| land a 'diating roads and radways. ‘eral points the ;stances are they The Czar’s Forces Overwhelm- ~-ing Their Enemies, Continuing their ,offensive move= ment in Volhynia and Galicia,Rus~ sian troops have taken prisoner 409 officers and 35,000 men,says the offi< cial statement issued at Petrograd, The Russians also captured 30 guns) land an enormous quantity of booty.©|)ed to recover. The army of General Techitskyn | alone,operating in the direction of} Czernowitz,Bukowina,the statement} adds,overwhelmed the Austro-Hunga- rians and took 18,000 prisoners.Since the present’offensive was started a week ago-today,-the Russians have taken about 108,000 prisoners and.an immense quantity of supplies, The fighting continues at Verdun | long the western front without material change. A report from Petrograd under ‘date of the 9th says: Five days of furious offensive by the.forces of CSneral Brussiloff has! crumpled their opponents’lines from the Kovel-Sarny railway line to Bu- kowina,driving them back an aver- age of 15 miles.; In the Lutsk sector the Russians appear to have completely broken through,turning the left flank of the Austrian armies and the right flank| of the German forces and capturing | Lutsk,the center of a numbgy of ra-) At sev-| attacking crossed the Ikwa and Styr riv-|have 1 further south they are ap-ers an proaching the Stripa river.| The victories are attributable large-| ly to the avalanche of gunfire which| swept away dozens of lines of entan-| elements and opened the way for the! troops,who swept through in irresist-| ible numbers.In some places the, Russian barrier fire cut off large) Austrian units,which surrendered.; This accounts for the large number, of prisoners officially reported cap-| tured. The operation began in the vicini-| ty of Olyka,where skirmishing has been frequent lately.Both sides ap- peared to have been feeling for a} weak spot in their opponents’line. The Russian advance from this point, which is 25 miles from Lutsk,was ac- complished in two and one-half days.! Military observers regard the opera- tion as an extraordinarily —brilliant) 'achievement and emphasize the able leadership of General Brussiloff,who| conducted the Carpathian campaign and made a_record for prisgners, guns and munitions captured. Lutsk is an important —link, strengthening.the connection between|the ‘southwestern region and the narthern section,and the possession of it by the Russians is regarded as a valuable step toward the recapturing of lost territory.The possession of Lutsk is a direct menace to Lem- berg,upon which place the Austrians now are massing their forces. A further report from Petrograd says:“Wounded Austrian officers assert that the Russian ,attacks againsttheirarmieswéretotally,unexpected.| On the eve of the attack the enemy was celebrating the German victory| in the North Sea with champagne’ and cognac,but the opening of the Russian bombardment ended the fes- tivities. “From tale of how Russians prise an Austrian railway station, with its personnel.Fifteen minutes! later a military train with troops and supplies arrived and all the Aus- trians and supplies were captured.| An hour later trainloads of shells ar-, rived and also fell into the hands of, the Russians.”|—————————| The Senseless ‘“Demonstra-' “tions”at Conventions. New York Times.| To make for 93 minutes noise that is neither cheering nor applause —in any proper sense of those ‘words,but merely an ugly combination of ugly sounds—surely that is worse than a! waste of time for men claiming to! have met to take counsel together on a questién almost as momentous as ever confronts a gathering of repre- sentative citizens.“' These —stupid “demonstrations,” starting though they did as expres- sions of sincere emotion,have so de- generated that now only in rarest in- anything more or better than a sorry pretense that de- ceives nobody.It is common knowl- other sources comes.the seized by sur-) ‘edge that they show nothing except docility to the .orders of |somebody who hopes to beat a convention rec- ord for continuous clatter,and a worse preparation for intelligent :de- bate or considered action could hard- ly be imagined. Real enthusiasm manifests —itself in ways far different:from these man- ufactured and laboriously prolonged hubbubs,and.they are only enetpeh like the genuine thing to bring —it, when it exists,into undeserved sus- vicion.Certainly they do not gain a single vote on election day,and while it might be hard to prove that they result in the loss of any votes,the |disgust they arouse in people of sense and taste might well have that effeet now and then.er Lonnie Tyson was fatally injured and George Davis was painfully hurt late Saturday night while the two were riding a motorcycle in®Raleigh. The machine struck an obstruction and threw both riders.Tyson died in a short time. Fire at Mt.Gilead.in Montgomery| county,early Saturday morning,de- stroyed a store,building owned “rank McCauley and occupied —by some business concerns.The loss is not heavy and is partially covered by insurance. Joan Webber.the author.wife ofGlenn‘Ford McKinney.a New York lowver.died at her home in)New York Sunday night,following the death of a daughter,She was best knowr as the author of “Daddy Long Legs.”, It’s a whole year before you cantgetanotherchance,’Phone 174 iaieht now!se toh" eieseapuetnspatantenianenio:spree nerveyout Chautauqua Figkets;t| “fi Over the State.es Henry Heyer,a young lawyer “of|, \New,York Times, fhe Mexican plank inthe Repub- ;a watch and |.Ney.MéNeely,a brother of i ried. Speak, ,that goods from foreign countries ean! ibe sent direet to Winston - by! bevItemsofInterestGatheredFrom Wilmington,was shot and seriou wounded,about.3 o’clock SatumorningbyThelmaLewis,a jwhitéwomanofthatcity,‘The shooting took place ‘at the woman's home, Heyer is in a hospital and is expect.The woman is in’jafl,| W.R.McNeely of Union county isinreceiptofapackagesentthrough! the State Department by Consul Gay, rels at Alexandria,Egypt,contuining, 84 English severeigns, in the money belt of yo MeNeely,who lost-his-life-when found hi|steamet Persia was sunk.‘ I}issSOUN:AND FURY. The Mexican.Plank in the Re-|| »publican Platform Contradic- tory and Signifies Nothing. full of sound and It has noMicanplatformis fury,signifying nothing, constructive quality..It condemns the President’s —policy fiercely,al- though that policy has*"been of so yreat influence in strengthening Pan- American +relations.snd .another glavse in the platform favors closer commercial and social relations with il Latin America.But it contains| no bint of a better policy,If the Re-| publicans had come out openly for in=} Everett Barker,aged 21,and Miss tervention on the one hand,or for| ciate non-interference with Mexi- Clyde Presnell,aged 15,eloped fromi¢ay aifairs on the other,they.would Lenoir to Néwton Friday to get.mars/at Jeast have made a clear,issue of They had the written consent of the girl's mother,which was ocn- firmed by telephone pefore the repis-|ter would issue license.Then gne; preacher refused.to marry them,1.) account of the girl’s age and anor: er married them under protest,so ta etre ( the Mexican question.But they de- Nounce interference in Mexico's in- ternal ‘affairs while declaring that, we,the people of the United States, should promote and majntain peace in that country.-The--whole clause --or| plank is made up of direct contradic-| tions.We learn from it that the Re- The North Carolina Association ef,ptblicans would have done nothing Insurance.Agents,in session;Greensboro last week,elected W.-Eus Sharpe of Burlington president and, Ray Johnson.of Winston-Salem seg; retary and treasurer.The next meets ing will be held at Asheville.The In-| the meeting with Geo.Montcastle of, Lexington president and W.BY’Mer-) rimon of Greensboro secretary. Emmett Murray,in)charge of.a. read-eoenstruetion erew at work negr., Marshall,Madison county,was.shot. Saturday by Enoch Recor,a farmer4 Murray was building a bridge for the county.Rector thought ,the| bridge was too far on his land.Mur-| ray told him to go to the county come missioners and Rector fired on him,? the report says.Murray inant}is |Asheville yhospital seriously wounded}J :News comes from Hayesville,Clay|county,that Robt.and Oscar Hender-| revenue officers|son were killed by Friday night just across the North, Carolina line,in’Union county,Ga,! The officers were searching for ‘a! blockader,it is said,when they —be-} came engaged in an altercation with| the Hendersons,who are alleged to} have attacked and cut the with knives,which resulted:in killing.One of the officers was Penland. Congress has passed a bill to make Winston-Salem a port of de-! livery.The city was made a port of} entry by.the Treasury Department| several weeks ago.A port of entry| vrovides for the transfer of goods} from one bonded warehouse in the) country:to another,but the port of delivery provides fot the immediate’ transportation in bond of any.goods, from foreign countries without aps)praisal at the seaport.This meaws’ J.H Salem,ap-/ Ps there and the duties colleet=? MORE VALUE FOR LESS. MONEY—JUNE 22-28! to offend the susceptibilities of ifeet. 82 years the | 16,000,000 inhabitants wf Mexico,yet: wowld not have pérmitted the bandits, pdesps radoes and conscienceless agita- }tors,who are so.prominent among these inhabitants,to operate in that Russians surance Federation was organized at!country;that they would not have nermitted the outrages upon Ameri- tan residents and would have —pro- tecied the interests of all foreign in-, vesiyrs in Mexico,yet.would not) haye.interfered in Mexican internal, affairs.They would not have recog-| nized Carranza,but would have acted “promptly”;they would have restor-, ed and maintained peace.How?By recognizing the bloodthirsty usurper,| Huerta,perhaps,The Mexican plank is the rottenest one in the Republican platform.It is utterly futile.Its sele purpose is o cast a slur on the Democratic ad-| minis ion,Which has doubtless blundered occasionally in its treat- ment of this vexatious and bewilder-ing question in the last three years,partly because the previous Republi- ean udministration blundered in Mex-} ican relations,but on the whole has*treated it so carefully as to win the approval of a large majority of theanpeopleandtosatisfythe| Latin-American countries that ve no intent to aggrandize our-| at their expense. Lient.R.C.Saufley,navy aviator, Was killed when his machine fell on Santa island,near Pensacola, Pla..day afternoon.Lieutenant apes established «world’s’record Br hich flying ina Nydroplane on March 29,when he ascended to 16,072 tle was considered one of the| aviators in the service.He was old and was a native of >sOSa best ‘entucky. C,Watkins Brought Statesville MW PRICES ONt*DOORS AND WINDOWS,AND HIS PRICES ARE STILL LOWEST! T Just Like Having 20th Century Idea in Ice Cream Making! Oi Me r t Te Sr y y ae Just think!All you nee salt—-and forget about ititabitwithaspoon—thi firm as you could wish f No work at all!No ell power needed.No laborNothingtodobutsetyaboutyourworkorsitd frozen just to the degree most enjoyable... SIZES AN] The NO-WORK FREE plated tin. there is no friction on ani will,with ordinary care,derful Freezer is unusis soiling the cloth. The NO-WORK i ONE QUART,TWO QUART,. “The Store That AlwrrPION Ice Cream----No-Work! rT NIN aaa Cream Mixture into the can,pack down the ice and After a half hour take off the cover—and_presto!There before you is your ice cream—as smooth and Cream is all ready for e: All parts thei the ice and salt are enani can be placed on the table Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. Cream Sent You No Turning! No Bother! No Cranking! No Worry! {Soa d.to do is pour your Ice for 15-minutes,then stirit’s all. rf,ow power or any other igus turning and turning.uur mixture—then go offnvnandread.Your Ice iting when you want itoffirmnessthatmakes it )PRICES. YER.is made of heavy come in contact withJedtopreventrust.Aspartofthe.Ireezer,it‘ist alifetime.This won-iyneat and handsome.It when serving without made in two sizes. PRICE,$2.50.PRICE,$3.00. ‘ays Welcomes You.” MANUBAC Kiln dried North Carolina tail. __PHONES:Office ©294pPHONESResidence:4230 @,a rent TrKEPAE ‘Vie BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY Established in 1sx0;++»hreorporated 1909. (iJ 1),400. REY “TURERS OF Pine..Wholesale and_re- MIL TIERSyscin SHINGLES,| | and MarienPeisc Ws oidaniatin ore tel dx e Pres. "y “I SAVE TIME in myCOOKING!”: “FRHE TOUCH of a lighted:match gives full heat om she imstant and the flame ‘stays put’when it’s regulat- ed.It turns on and off dike a gas stove!”’| The Mew Perfection’Oi1 Cook Stove,the stove with the long blue chimney,is built to.save time. The long.blue chimney gives a perfect draft,and assures a clean,even heat and a lasting satisfaction. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes.They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Biue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in QOil Stoves,Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIE (New Jersey) BALTIMORE MD,. COMPANY Charlotte,N.C. Charleston,W.Va. «Charleston,S.C.y Washington,D.C. Norfolk,Va. Richmond,Wa. Pah >; o AeweAIT'S THE LONG \(3) 1 TE TYPXPWaetanitaeeda x ~ 2 Da t , 20 oe te g e n te e gu a JOHN DEERE MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE.— {Iredell Hardware Com’y. IVS HERE--HEAR If. And it’s a real beauty,unexcelled in construction,operation and tones the best and “oweetest”?musical instrument of its kind ou the market.‘That's because it is another WESER PLAYER PIANO! WE DON'T ASK YOU.TO.TAKE OUR WORD FOR,IT! Come to our store for a demonstration.We have a fine lot of new rolls which came along with the Player for demonstration let you hear how perfectly every kind of music, assics down to the “raggiest”rags,may, he rendered by a,person.who Ay not know one note from anoth- cr.And the WESER PHONOGRAPHS are also waiting for you! We'll have something interesting to tell about our Sheet Musie Department next’week.*: LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.C. Morrisou Bulling,West Broad,Street *Telephone 322. purposes—to from the “classiest”¢l .5 thie wenerry ye" Chai faiqaa, wesy nA L Pend io) SL ied hadisadhKe. 4oFa Bie -Wyit'wy‘ey Te RE ie |aCPTCURDENt A =i a =B87 ; C028eB con "“Thole recordis proof of their worth,On tho market twenty-nine |we i “years,and the first roofs laid cre still tight and good today,They are4 fine in appegrance,storai-proof and inexpensive. ':te For Sale.byONTGOMERY HARDWARE STATESVILLE,N.Cc. i CO.,aa: LAZENBY-M es -et Re member the June Brides GIFTS SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS OR BRIDAL SHOWERS. 7 ———IN Cut Glass,Hand-Painted China,Sterling Silyer, Parisian Ivory,Perfumes and Toilet Articles. STORE OF QUALITY All the children will want to see the JuniorChautauquaplay--Oncle Sam’s Experiment— Wednesday afternoon,June 28,1916. States ville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. MerressearesrssrrerersrrIswesessss7TeTSSTILTSTITTIESTTSTIT eeeMONEYISPOWER! WOAOORs 19 MONEY MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE - AND OPPORTUNITY!THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH ‘ABANKACCOUNT!A New Interest Period. »April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ‘ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will _draw interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. “compounded quarterly, ’This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest ‘from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. *We want your business! eople’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN President.O.L.TURNER Cashier. CROPRTROROFORCROROROROR ROO ROBO OBOOH ‘}TUESDAY,=9 == to the flag of the United States, and abroad.‘ #|form all our duties and insist upon all| June 13,1916.econ eeeREPUBLICANPLATFORM. The Wicked Democrats Are’De-stroying the Country —Only the G:O.P.Can Save It.” Following is the major portion—the most important sections in full— of the platform adopted by the na-tional Republican convention.atChicagolastweek:i“In 1861 the Republican partystoodfortheUnion.As it stood fortheunionofStates,it now stands foranunitedpeople,true to American strict regulation of the transporta- >*country, lieves that all who violate the laws|iinregulationofbusinessshouldbe tion,and business success,no matter in itself a crime.beliefs choke enterprise and_stifleprosperity.The Republican party he-lieves in encouraging business andwillseektoadvanceallAmerican/in-': terests.Merchant.Marine. “PFavor-the--payment to ships en-|| knowing no allegiance except to the|Compensation:for»services _ constitution,to the “government andj rendered in carrying the mails,and We!such further legislation as will buildupanadequate,Américan merchant| marine,and give us ships which mayberequisitionedbythegovernmentin |time of national.emergency. |“We are utterly.opposed to *..*8 |believe in American policies at home Protection of American Rights. “We declare that we believe in anc will enforce the protection of every the cured to him by the constitution,|proposed by the Democratic party be-! treaties,and the law of nations,at)\\i)°ee :oanee aehome“and:abroad,by land and sea:re ct ee Soyerjaa a eeeaidwaht»se a en 2 z |These.rights,which in violation of the _“ifle 18 :made)@arine by private capital,,willaeBaltimorein1912;the Democratic|‘tirely unable to.provide for the!President and the Democratic Con-|“St volume of.American freights gress have failed to defend,we will *"¢will leave us more helpless than13°ae in*the hard grip of foreign syn~] ,dieates, \unflinchingly maintain. |Foreign Relations.Transportation. Le tee eee the pence gt ee |“The entire transportation system| |taining a atraight and honest neutral-|at tne Conniey has become prceneshet.ee heill ta:trots|ly national,We,therefore,favor such|tty pees os oe ove 8 Ae jaction by legislation,or,if necessa-'|8reat war in Europe,e must per-'1.through an amendment to the con-|Sar Fiat hanteel ith Toa |stitution of the United States,as will iat hithout favor Webelieve that |ee hs Diaeine it under exclusive4:‘|Federal control.|peace and neutrality as well as the i Lasko Laws|dignity and influence of the United;OanaiStates,cannot be preserved by shifty;‘We pledge the Republican party|ul enforcement of all Fed-|!A :'i|expedients,by phrase-making,by per-|to the faith ¢formances in language,or by atti-|cral laws passed for the protection ||tudes ever changing in an effort to|°f labor.We favor vocational educa-| {secure groups of voters..The pres-|ion;the enactment and rigid en-| ‘ent administration has destroyed our |forcement of a Federal child labor;\influence abroad and humiliated us in|aw;the enactment of a generous and,iour'own eyes.The Republican party |¢oMprehensive workmen’s compensa-| believes that a firm,consistent ait tion law,within the COMMEnCce power|courageous foreign policy,’always °!Congress,and an accident com-' maintained by Republican Presidents |P¢nsation law covering aH government| in accordance with American ‘tradi-|employes. | tion and great corporations of the!Nl*psa “The Republican.party firmly —be-| individdally punished.But prosecu-|&tion is very different from pereeey-|a how honestly attained,is apparently|fzregardedbytheDemocraticpartyas|#Such ‘doctrines and |= =e§ideals,loyal to”American traditions,‘gazed in the foreign trade of ually ||actually |oe :ae :¢’|governme syship of vessels as!35American‘citizen in all the rights .se-|°°vernment ownership PACKod > Harmony is the very soul of music,the blending of tones,‘!) perfect balance of major and minor—all the elements in. true accord.; “If there is no harmony in the factory in ‘the piano,” A great artist once said of the Packard: “That instrument was built—AND COULD HAVE BEEN BUILT!—by men who love their soul,in the worthiness of their product.” LET US SHOW YOU.A PACKARD! All instruments sold for cash or on terms. Liberal allowance for old instruments. Phone 304..43& LET US REPAIR YOUR MOTORS.TT IS BETTER FOR THE LIFE OFTHEMOTORANDYOUGET‘SOMUCHBETTERRESULTS. Get Season Chautauqua Tickets. ”516 Center St. |Get Motor In Shape. HOME ELECTRIC COMP'’Y::”’ ’Phone 361. ,there will be none 4 ONLY ,work,#& who find content in their labor,and who believe,heart and; ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,| =105 East Broad Stre i i ae Ase ane Sie tty inl areal iit apetl tions,<is the best,and it is the only| 1 Suffrage.| |true Way,to preserve our peace and!“The Republican party.reaffirming| lrestore us to our rightful place its faith in government of the peo-| among the nations.We believe in the!ple,by the people,for the people,as!‘pacific settlement of international!2 mcasure:of justice to one-half the||disputes and favor the establishment’adult people of this country,favors|;of a world court for that purpose.the extension of the.suffrage to wo-||Mexico.men,but recognizes the right of| |“We decply sympathize with .the Sony eae to settle this question for; |15,000,000 people of Mexico wha for|)os|Other planks reaffirm tuto |ithree years have seen their country|the party's| Bi becn and are being perpetrated 4%ployed by this administration Dainty Tea Glasses. Ice Tea is always good and refreshing,but,thedaintyetchedGLASSESwearenowshowingmakeittastejustalittlebetter.Prices from $1.75 set and up.Better see them.R.H.RICKERT &SON, .JEWELERS. Get Rickert’s time and remember Chautauqua. Se HUNT BROTHERS,| TGREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.™.ambing and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES FURNISHED, |devastated,their homes destroyed, ‘their fellow-citizens ‘murdered and |their women.outraged,by ‘ing,conscienceless agitators ‘when temporarily ;able to r&store order or,establish and ;Maintain peace. “We express our horror and indig-| nation at the outrages which have by |these bandits upon American men and |women who were or are in Mexico by |invitation of the laws and.of the gov- jernment of that country,and whose H |rights to security of person and prop- erty are guaranteed by solemn treaty ‘obligations.We denounce the inde- fensible methods of interference em- in the‘internal affairs of Mexico and refer|with shame to its failure to discharge ithe duty of this country as next ;friend to Mexico,its duty to other|powers who have relied upon us asHisuchfriend,and its duty,to our.citi-3 zens in Mexico,in permitting the con- /tinuance of such conditions.first by. eae to act promptly and firmly, and second,by lending its influence :to the continuation of ©such |tions through recognition of one of ,the factions responsible for these out-|rages..: |“We pledge our aid in restoring or« der and maintaining peace in Mexica, +We promise to our citizens on and‘near our border,and to those in Mex- \ico,wherever they may be found,ad- ‘equate and “absolute protection in |their lives,liberty and property. |Protection of the Country. tT .*|“In order to maintain our peace and make certain the.security of our ipeople within our own borders,the }country must have not only adequate|but thasough and complete national 'defence,ready for any emergency.|We must have a.sufficient and effec-=|tive regular army and a provision for{ample reserves,already drilled and |disciplined,who can be called at once{to the colors when the hour of dan- |ger comes.|“We must have a navy strong and {so well-proportioned and equipped,so \thoroughly ready and prepared that ;no enemy can gain command of the /sea and effect a landing in force on {either our western or our eastern |coast.To secure these results we imust_have a coherent_and continuous |policyof The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!2= _._As_a great many policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertain-conditions named in the‘contract of the policy which they buy.We deen it advisable to*mention some of the causes under which the same will be renderedvalueless,viz:-1—Vacant or idle property for_longer than 80 days—apply_to your agent for permit...2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-,tions in or on property—always get permits from agents._8-Property upon which there isoa mortgage unless notice ofsarieis'given—apply to your agent..4—Any change in the title or ownership,ty insured other than by death. 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another.6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.-7—The taking of other insurance without notice.‘8—Keéeping explosives on the premises without permit otherthankeroseneoil.|9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage...Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contract ”of their policies.It is inrpossible for agents to.know of these de-ficiencies.unless notified.-Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-‘mation,;;/‘:“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”8.Parkes Cadman is coming back ‘Tuesday of Chautauqua!J:F.CARLTON,Manager, “PHONE 54.“STATESVILLE,N.C, or interest in,proper- Me, AMORALITY PLAY,“HAPPINESS,”Chautauqua,June 26.“aeae national defence,whichevenintheseperilousdaystheDem- ;ocratic party has utterly failed to de- ivelon,but which we promise to ‘givejtothecountry.\Tariff. as always,in the fullest sense for thepolicyoftariffprotectiontoAmeri-can and does not regard.an anti-dumping Drovision as.an adequate substitute.*ate *Pf *at **cg # “Through wise tariff and industriallegislationourindustriescanbesoorganizedthatthey‘will become not only a commercial bulwark but a pow-erful aid to national defence.(The Underwood tariff act is de- nounced as a failure.It is chargedthatunderit“imports have enor-mously increased in spite of the fact that intercourse with foreign coun- tries has been largely cut off by reas-on of the war,while the revenues of which we stand in such dire need have been greatly reduced.”) Business. “The Republican party haslievedintherigidsupervisionlong be- and To the Public. for indigestion for the past six months,anditaffordsmepleasureto)say I have neversedaremedythatdidmes0muchgood. lain’s Tablets are obtainable everywhere, 7 arme(|! |bands of desperadoes led by self-seek- who,t successful in any \locality,heave neither sought nor been condi-|- “The Republican party stands now industries and-“American.labor, “I have been using Chamberlain's Tablets —Mre,©.KE.»Riley,»dlion,Ny ¥.Chambetmpon:re FINE?JUNE 26281 : {the Philippine policy inaugurated by President McKinley;favor an effec-|tive system of rural credits nnd the; extension of the rural delivery sys-, tem;declare for economy in the na- ment of the budget system;advocate| conservation of the rnation’s natural| resources;and pledge reorganization| |efficiency and economy.| Roscoe Mitchell Now Represents Importers.| The following is from a Washing-| ton special to the Greensboro News:| “Roscoe Mitchell,well known in} North.Carolina,is representing aj number of importers with headquar-| ters in New York.For several months| Mr.Mitchell had a_position in’the ‘State Department,given him by| President Wilson,with whom he wasthrownmuchduringthe®political| campaign,while representing a New, York newspancr.In line with his du-'ties in the department,Mr.Mitchell |-+became familiar with foreign trade questions,and he resigned this posi-| tion to go with the importers.” Roscoe was a ‘resident of States- ago.He attempted to start a Repub-| lican paper here —he was a strong}Republican in those days —and we!helieve did get:out a few issues.|aneer~senen } Whale Skins For White Shoes, Ten tons of skins of the Beluga,or white whale,reccived from Bering| Sea,are being shipped from Seattle, Wash.,to eastern shoe factories to!be made into white shoes,now so, popular among youne women.The} Beluga abounds in Bering Sea and! Cook inlet and the new fashion has! stimulated the hunting of the animal.| Only the inner skin is used,but it is so thick that four sheets of thin! leather may be obtained by splitting.| Glove factories also are seeking Be-| luge,skins. DIZZINESS IS ANNOYING! As”Many Statesville People | Know Too Well.* When the kidneys are weak or dis- the blood_of_poisons...As_these_pois-, ons attack the nerves,the result is: felt in spells of vertigo,just as drunkenness will make a man dizzy| from the poisoning of alcohol.Dizzi- ness,headache,backache and irregu- larity of the kidney secretions are all signs of weak or disordered kidneys and should not be neglected.UseDoan’s Kidney Pills,the home-endors- ed kidney remedy.Read this States- ville resident’s statement: Mrs.0.Ia Leagan,215 Boulevard street,Statesville,says:“Four years ago,I suffered a great deal frompainsacrossmybackandshoulders. I couldn’t do my house work and 1 felt tired and languid all the time. My ‘head ached and I had dizzy spells,and I couldn’t.keep from falling.Doan’s Kidney Pills were recom- ing them.The first box brought mereliefandtheseconddidmeaworld of good.My back got stronger.and my kidneys normal.”5 Price,50c,at all dealers,Don’t simply ask for a kidney \remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that 'Co.,Props.,Buffalo.Nu Yo:/(jfy') COME ON IN!|THE WA'DER’S) ‘approval of the Monroe doctrine,and| mended so highly that I began tak-|’ Mrs.Leagan had.Foster -Milburn), tional government and the establish<!{* of the civil service along the lines of if AUTOMOBILE TIRE by having your tires in good shape. PUNCTURES,BLOW-OUTS,RIM CUTS. inner tubes sizes and makes. guaranteed.| HEPATRING.; SAVE MONEY.SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY,::11:1 Every curable ailment of your tires andsuccessfullytreated.All .Vuleanizing at its best,and all work Iredell Vulcanizing Company,"} COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ” " a oy % ui MN rh JUS “ay KODAK supplies of all kinds in the genuine Eastman.quality. Tbe Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System have i put amateur-photoyraphy-within reach of every man,womanand child» at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.Kodak at fiba}hth ee, ville for a short time about 15 years/# || !. H.B.WOODWARD Commercial National OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Ay ‘: oy Surplus and Profits Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended.to.de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.¢ -Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER, EK.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. :°- ~Capital Stock Paidin -$100,000.00 t 31,500.00. a -President," -,Vice President....:Cashier. -- [=|FOR SALE![=|] PN ae ne mnt am ene 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling,, barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in meadow,balance ‘in.woodland)level and productive, 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesvilldy good neighborhood,ne i schools and churches,with barn and out-buildings,t 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stoc i ood orchard,two branches running Fen through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in \"‘ woodland enclosed in pasture. 200. Vacant lot on Armfield street,50x150. Modern new six-room cottage with all city poprovemsn lot 10 186 acres,6 miles from:Statesville,75.in cultivation,balance in wt woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard,Will exchange.4 for smaller farm or city property. For further information:call on or writeERNESTG.GAITPHONE,23. “GNCLE SAM'S EXPERIMENT,”Junior Chautauqua,J ‘ GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-?ALS AND REAL ESTATE,|“ii.OFFICE,NO:1,MILLS BUILDING,..,vg) Ghd zc ao re June 18,1916. HUGHES AND FAIRBANKS. began at 7.45 Friday evening.The -total number‘of delegates was 987, necessary to nominate 494. On the first ballot Justice Hughes polled 258 1-2 votes.He got 42 from his own State and aside from Oregon and)Florida,the’remainder were largely scattering.On—the second hallot he increased to 828 1-2 votes. ThA antire--vote—was-—as--follows: (fo ohae O13 1-2,Root -108,Burton 77 1.2.Weeks 105,Du Pont 12,Sher- &Fairbanks 74 1-2,Cummins nogevelt 65,LaFollette 25, staunch 29,Ford 82,Knox 86,Bo- =vh 2 Willis 4,McCall 1,Taft 14. XJo4 eating 2 1-2.Total 987. s eand hallot:Hughes 3828 1-2, m-ot OR 1-2,Burton 76 1-2,Weeks N+Pont 13,Sherman 65,Fair- 1%Cummins 85,Roose- TaFollette 25,MeCall 1, man 8 “4 se 0$.Willis 1,Wood.1,Harding «|somaker 5;Not yoting 2.To- +fora Gov. with- the the second ballot ‘arch of Pennsylvania -his name and°proposed ipinetion of Roosevett. On the first ballot North Carolina ove Weeks 8,Hughes 6,Roosevelt 9, Rast ®Brrton 1.The vote was the me onthe second ballot. -At the conclusion of the second bal- tot the convention adjourned until Saturday.Nominating Speeches. The nominating speeches occupied more than seven hours and some of them were punctuated by:frequent and in some cases lengthy demon- strations —the two most notable be- ine for ex-Vice President Fairbanks of Indiana (32.minutes)and ex- Senator Burton of Ohio (33 minutes). The nomination of Col.Roosevelt came toward the close and’was mark- ed hv a demonstration in the galler- ies,which was not strong among the delegates.Ynstice Hughes was first placed ‘efere the convention by Gov.Whit- man of New York,and Dr.Nicholas “fmrravy Butler of New York follow- «’with the name of ex-Senator Root of New York.Demonstrations of 20 minutes for Hughes,six minutes when ex-President Taft’s name was mentioned by Gov.Whitman,and five minutes at the close of Butler’s speech for Root.The greatest demonstration was~vhen Gov.Willis of Ohio named Theodore E.Burton of that State.Senator Lodge of Massachusetts pre- sented John W.Weeks of that State,Congressman.Miller of Delaware nominated T.Coleman DuPont of Del- arvare,William J.Calhoun nominat-ed Senator Sherman of Illinois (24 minutes’demonstration for Sherman) and Congressman Wood of Indiana nominated Chas.W.Fairbanks,for- mer Vice President.Senator Cum- tre of Towa was presented by ex- Coneressman Kendall of that State and the demonstration for Cummins vae 18 minutes.Then Senator Fall of-New Mexico presented the mighty -olonel.The Associated Press re- port savs the galleries were strong for Roosevelt but by actual count only 78 delerates stood un to whoop for him.M.M.Olbrich of Wisconsin sented.Senator LaFollette of Wis- ‘rp and the nominating speeches “A at 6.33. Tho seeonding speeches followed. Fo Senator Butler of North Carolina eganded Roosevelt.Hon.Thos.Settle snded the nomination of Weeks W PO Rynnm ceeanded Root TTarkins seeanded Rurton. Affrey Court. nolicemen are looking for “heaniel Penn,a Winston-Salem wanted for carving _Henry »anather Winston-Salem ne- They had a row Saturday eve- ‘™a colored boarding house on i 1 Center street.-Penn used a _t'fe on Johnson’s left wrist,calf of lis wieht leg and right hip.None of ote are serious.Penn escaped the officers could get him and -f-and Johnson hid in a chickensvhentheywentafterhim. ‘avor Caldwell yesterday fined S. ?,Hinson and James Morrison $2.50 each and the costs for an affray. Pres,Link of Chambersburg town- chin was fined $5 an@ costs by Jus- “-.Tavenhy yesterday for a simple ct Saturday,on C.W.Shook. ‘tan Tazenby yesterday com- *tq iat]in default of $50 bond Wh Redman,Sherrill Dalton “acter Flowe for gambling. “~an and Dalton were already in ‘SV in default of bond for gambling. Drayman A.C.McHargue andHollandBros.wefe before the mayor vesterday on a charge of operating 7 t.oy Cnltine in—Cnses 1 +t more drays than they had license for.|Ta'tand Bros.were discharged andVrongeamountingto$21.28 “lected from Mr.McHargue. "e Rocd Meeting at Wrights- ville Beach. The North Carolina Good Roads Association will meet at Wrightsville! Pr ‘ach June 21-23.The special object f this meeting is the most importantthathasbeenconsidcredbyanyroad- meeting,and it is most important to Iredell and to every county that has;.built improved roads.this: ,._“To promote the proper locationconstructionandmaintenanceofroads in North Carolina,so that every mileofpublicroadinever;county will be a good road 365 days in the year;and to secure the most efficient and economical expenditure of our roadfunds,”The Landmark hopes that a big delegation will go from Iredell andthissectionoftheStategeiierally.The subject will be discussed by roadexperts,experienced road builders.and there will be exhibits—all inform-ing and educative.The trip will be a pleasant one and special rates will be,given on the railroads and at thehotels.The editor of The Landmark, aetrustee.of the State Central High- way,ig.authorized to appoint a num- :Ser tat neat to this meeting andwillbegladtoappointanywhowilljattend That object is ences &Sah peed OitieiTA.£9.CHIDO)x4SUBreigsrathuN CORBE RE CHOPPY As-FAQK ALC!OO" Ww Me” patriotism and national strength mustiberootedineven-handed justice.In|preventing,as we must,ae dis- leriminations ‘and.monopolistic prac- itices,we must still be zealous to as- ‘sure the foundations of honest busi- ‘ness;Particularly.should we seektheexpansionofforeigntrade,We must not throttle American ©enter-prise,here or abroad,but.rather pro- mote it and take pride in‘honorable achievements.We must take up the serious problems of transportation,of inter-State and foreign commerce,ip eeeTHEVOTEINTHE 8 Bickett’s Majority 26,0004ManningtoBeAttorney eral—Only One Contest © Congressional Districts,. With the vote of Pamlico andrellcountiesmissing,theBoardofElectionsreportsthat ett forvotesand Daughtridge 37,017.Bick- ett’s majority is 26,104. Following is the vote for the oth. Lacy,|59, tatek- For Treasurer A”sensible~and—candid—manner,.ane provide an enduring-basis-for.prosper-|ity by the intelligent use of the con-| stitutional powers of Congress,so as | adequately to protect the public or! the one hand,and on~the~other to* conserve the essential instrumentali.| ties of progress.' “IT stand for the principles of our civil service laws.In every depart- rent of government the highest ef-‘y must be insisted upon.Por laws and ~programmes are vain theut--effieient--and—impartial——ad-- i nistration. “f cannot within the limits of this tatement speak upon al!the sub- that will require attention.| eon only say that I fully endorse the platform you have adopted. “]deeply appreciate the responsi- bility you impose.I should have been glad to have that responsibility placed upon another.But I shall un- dertake to meet it,grateful for the confidence you express.I sincerelytrustthatallformerdifferencesmay be forgotten and that we may have united effort in a patriotic realization of our national need and opportunity. “T have resigned my judicial office and I am ready to devote myself un- reservedly to the campaign.“CHARLES E.HUGHES.” FOR HCME MISSION WORK. The Many Non-Church Mem- bers in North Carouna— Church News. At the meeting of the Women’s Synodical Auxiliary (PYesbyterian) of North Carolina,at Wilmington last week,the officers were re-elected. Among the officers are:Mrs.W,B. Ramsey of Hickory president,Mrs.E.D.Brown of Loray (Iredell)fifth vice president,Mrs.E.F.Reid of Lenoir treasurer,Miss Mamie Mc- Elwee of Statesville secretary of young people’s work and Sunday school extension.A new ‘office was created—secretary of orphanage work —and Mrs.John T.)French of Wil- mington was elected to the position. The next meeting of the auxiliary will be held in Raleigh, Rev.A.W..Crawford of Greens- boro,superintendent of home mis- sions for the Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina,presented that cause at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning and at Front Street Presbyterian church Sunday evening Mr.Crawford stressed the fact that according to the statistics gathered from the last available census re- ports,44 per cent of the adult popu- lation of North Carolina is not con- nected with any church;that.in 27 counties 50 per cent of the population has no Church affiliation and in four counties 70 per cent has none.In one county—Edgecombe—one of the most prosperous and most intelligent of the counties in the State,ihe per centage of non-church members is 77 per cent. ™n many sections of other counties in the State,says Mr.Crawford,the ner centage is about the same.-Some £the-e counties have thriving towns -of them prosperous and intelli- nt people.Special emphasis was i}en the fact that ihis large per ‘age of non-church members is by no means confined to the most ignor- ant and poverty-stricken sections,but it is found where the people are pros- perous and where the educational fa- cilities have been highly developed. which means that the Church work is far from keeping step with the mate- rial and educational development of the State—hence the reat necessity of home mission work in North Car- olina.: ects Communion service at Tabor church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, th_preparatory-services Friday and snturday nights. North Carolinian Successful in the Klondyke. Deal,who was.in ville last week on a visit to the Henkel,went from States- ‘Ne to Washington and from there .St.Louis to attend the national Nemocratic convention this week. “rom St.Louis Mr.Dea!will go to his home at Fairbanks,Alaska.Mr. Den]had been visiting his old home in Caldwell county and is aeccompa- nied to his home in Alaska by his niece,Miss Houck,of Caldwell coun- ty.Mr.Deal has lived in Alaska and “No Klondvke region for 19 years.He ‘-c had fine business succes8 and ‘a much money gold mining in the Klondyke.He has retired from ac- (tive mining operations and now lives at I‘airbanks,where he is post- master.It is understood that he stands high in his adopted country ord that he may’be appointed Gov: rror of:Alaska. Mr.Henry Statesy.eeeessrs. Prof.Rauschenbusch Will Be Here. Rev.J.F.Kirk,chairman of the local Chautauqua committee,has re- ceived a letter from Dr.Paul M. Pearson with the good news that Prof.Walter Rauschenbusch,—pro- fessor in Rochester Seminary,has heen secured to take the place of Dr. N.MeGee Waters.the »anhounce- ment of whose death was given in a recent issue of The Landmark. There is no man in America that has a more vital message than.Dr. Rauschenbusch.;His subject is“Christianity and the Social Crisis.” Tt may be conservatively stated that his lecture will be worth the price of a season ticket.He is to be with us|on Wednesday afternoon,the lastdayofChautauqua.timeriaesieeioncnet |The Quinine That Does Not Affect The HeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffectLAXA-TIVE BROMO QUININE isbetter than ordinaryQuinineanddoesnotcausenervousnessnorringinginhead,Remember the full name and |j look for the signature of Ef,W.GROVE,9*>.| 086:Calvert,12,847.Manning lacked |Blemishes. |75e,at Druggists or by mail direct. Mann,84,548. 860.eee For Commissioner of Labor and Printing—Shipman,62,808;Delling- er.25 249.For Attorney *General —Manning, 48,832;Jones,18,902;Sinclair,18,- er State officers: Lacy's majority,26,- 6.453 of receiving a majority. Yor Carnoration Commissioner — T.oe,61.983:Boyd,27,619,Lee’s ma-jority,34,314., For Commi-Graham,50,250;McKinnon,33,596;Hobbs,8,971.Graham’s majority,17,- 688.A For Insurance Commissioner = Young,69,998;McClenaghan,22,247,/§ Young’s majority,47,751.For Secretary of State—Grimes,43.839:Hartness,27,186;Clark,16,- 198.Grimes’majority,10,460. While Manning did not receive a majority for Attorney General,it is understood that Col.Edmund Jones of Lenoir,second in the race,will not ask for a second primary. Mr.-U.L.Spence of Moore county, who was second in the race for Con- egress in the.Democratic primary in the seventh district,Mr.L.D.Réb- inson of Anson being in the lead,an- nounces that he will not ask for a) second primary and this gives the|nomination to Mr.Robinson.The vote in the district was as_follows:Robinson 6,316,Spence 3,209,H.B, Varner of Davidson 2,728,Thos.B. Finley of Wilkes 1,583. In the sixth district there will be a second primary-and it promises to}; be a battle royal.The contestants are Congressman Godwin of Harnett county,present incumbent,and State Senator Jo.Brown of Columbus.Im- mediately the fact became known that Brown was second in the con- test,opponents of Congressman Godwin began organizing Brown clubs over the district.Mr.Godwin Governor received (63,1214 908;5 559.Shipman’s majority,87,-7 ssioner~-of Agriculture ssp yeetgx AG SS 1°rapidly tig “OYE 58h.x ¥»Rive tarersueaieaaytanalfaarateRAT yt ERIN SEA OAC apeRRO GLmneyeee Seeee nrueenrerny Come Early:and Bring Your |Neighbors with You to See 3 Fk SewingexMachine (Invented and patented by W.C,Free) OLD-FASHION,out-of-date,sewing machinesdonotbelongtothisprogressiveage:You™cannot afford to use your old hard running -sewing machine any more than you can afford tocook in a fire place or travel in a coveredwagon.Beautiful when closed. The FREE machine is the latest and best high-grade sewing machine on account of two wonderful newinventions—The Rotgscillo Movement,making it the softest,smoothest.and easiest running machine -and the Toggle-link Movement,which ‘removes all n®ise and friction.2TheFREEmachineisso“beautiful it-should be placed in the parlor.Its woodwork-is built to match any”room.‘'hitTheFREEisforthebusywoman—it sews faster. The FREE is for the weak woman—it runs lighter. The FREE is for the nervous woman-—it is noiseless.teh is for the artistic woman—it’s more beau- tiful. The FREE is for the economical woman—it will give *you a lifetime of service! The FREE is absolutely guaranteed for life.Weknowthequalityofitsconstruction—we know it isbuilt-to last a-lfetime._It-will-give you a lifetime —Sener ses and you can hand it down to your chil-ren,The FREE is for the poor as well as the rich—it isaseasytobuyas,it is to.run.TRADE YOUR OLD MACHINE FOR THE We Will Buy Your Old FREE MACHINE °Machine for only a few weeks pays the$1.00 a Week difference. Come and see how much the difference will be .as this offer lasts only while the new MODEL isbeingintroduced.; Iredell Farmers’Union Warehouse Company. Statesville and Mooresville,...C :Convenient when open = Big Cut Price Millmery Sale! has had many contests in the noble sixth.where they dearly love a po-| litical fight,and he has been able to} win heretofore.This time he seems! to be in for the fight of his life.| The vote in the sixth in the first| vrimary was 5,475 for Godwin,2,228| for Brown,1,889 for Little of New Hanover,1,441 for Nimocks of Cum-} Serlend,281 for Young of Harnett.t Contrary to.the first announce- ment,a second primary would be nee-! essary in the tenth district but for! Judge Justice’s declination,Mr.Zeb.| Woaver of Buncombe,who was sup- posed to have won in first primary,' hes not a majority over all.The vote te os follows:Weaver 4,583,Justice 7A.Gallert of Rutherford 2,043, Hewitt of Swain 808.Judge Justice hes notified Mr.Weaver that he will not ask for a second primary. Booklet in Memory ef Mr.R.C. Ogden. The Landmark has received from Vir.Henry E.Fries of Winston-Sa- hm a copy of a booklet published in memory of Robert Curtis Ogden, rue friand,patriotic citizen,unof- i)statesman and Christian ».n.”The bookletr.Fries and other friends Ogden—who spent much time and money in behalf of education in the South—‘‘to emphasize his unsel-§ fish and patriotic efforts for the bet- terment of that portion of our popu- lation that most needed assistance; (2)to preserve in permanent form gen-|is published 3 of | We offer for 10 days our entire stockof Ladies’,Misses”and Children’s Trimmed Hats At Half__Price. This Sale Starts Tomorrow and will last ten days.Nothing charged at cut prices.Yours truly,° -MILLS &POSTON.:“CHAUTAUQUA is a good thing--Talk it up.”- $1.00 Hats £1.50 Hats $2.00 Hats $2.50 Hats $2.00.Hats $3.50 Hats $4.00 Hats $4.50 Hats $5.00 Hats $6.00 Hats fif' | t very Boosting Chautauqua: the testimony of those closely asso-j ciated with him in the great work in- augurated and accomplished by him; (8)to impress on coming genera- tions the value of thoughtful,earn- est,personal service.” Our patrons are advertising Chautauqua in this issue of The Landmark.7 It is the desire of the publishers | of the booklet to:place it in every public school library and in the hands 4 of as many teachers and pupils as pessible..It is handsomely bound and is sold for 25 cents a copy.Any profits from the sale will be devoted to a memorial for Mr.Ogden.Cop- ies may be had of Henry E.Fries,Winston-Salem.~e Bostian Bridge to’Be Encased in Concrete. The historical Bostian railroad bridge is to be re-enforced with con- crete at once.The Consolidated En- gineering Co,of Maryland has the contract.Within a few days 40 to 60 men will be at work on the job.En- gineer F.A.Sharpe of Tennessee is to have charge of the work for the company and is figuring on the job, taking about three months.The bridge- is 257 feet long and 64 feet high.It will be entirely encased with concrete. Counsel Spoken to For the War- ren-Matheson Case. Rev.M.<A.Matheson and Attor- ney W.C.Feimster of Newton were here Saturday looking after the in- terests of Mr.Matheson’s son,Homer Matheson,who is in jail charged with _ the murder of Claude Warren. Messrs.Z.V.Long and J.A.Scott,, Jr,local lawyers,have been spoken to to assist in Matheson’s defence. Mr.Warren’s relatives have spoken to Mr.L.C.Caldwell to assist in the prosecution of Matheson, Magnolia Bal is the Liquid Face Powder used by famousbeauties.If you have Sunburn,Tan orFrecklestryACagnoliaBalm.It quicklystopstheburnandremovesTanand Makes your skin soft ‘andsmooth.Easy to use and raesuretoplease. Three Colors:White,Pink;Rose-Red. SAMPLE.FREE LYON MFG.CO.,.40 So.6th St.,Brooklyn,N.Y. -\WHO.SAID)CHAUTAUQUA?|||| »>THE REASON.« Chautauqua is only a week away,and there are only a FEW TICKETS LEFT. Buy Your Tickets This Week.| GOVERS a DENSELY “LIKE ENAMEL. ‘In all my ‘experience as a painter I have never seen the equal of LOOKS Can HaveaBeautiful Complexion—if you use | »|FOR SALE 8a Polk Gray Drug CO C R C R O R T AA ‘3Ae te will cover mote surface,and cov- er it better,than anything I have ev-v ,er used.Its finished appearance looks like Enamel.“C.E.MASON,M.P.,“Marshall,Texas.”FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (Co., Statesville,N.C. Wasn’t Elected Because Iam “Shingle King”by heredity! ©.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- \dell County,Statesville,N.C. eB |!|oyOx Y COMPLEXION POWDER An especially adherent powder of '§_thefinestquality;ofvelvety smooth-§#ness and exquisitely perfumed.iEnchantmentComplexionPow-§ der is free from lead,mercury andotherpoisons,and may be safely used on the most delicate of complexions,Company t|On the Square. SFoe _ JUNE 22 and ‘JUNE 28!sites Nec a she BUILDING?C.WATKINS.|DR.WILLIAM B.FORBUSH,Chautauqua,Every Day,June 22-28 ‘VOL.XU.STATESVILLE,N.©,FRIDAY,JUNE 16,1916. _NO.95. ———oppSeitegineeee NOMINATION LAST NIGHT. Democratic National Conven-tion Planned to WWame Wilson and Marshall Last Night and Adjourn Today. The Democratic convention at St. Louis..._yesterday-changed its~plans ~and.decided to...finish its work.last night by renominating President Wilson and Vice President Marshall.It--was-expected that the nominationwouldbemadelast’night but thatfinaladjournmentwouldnotbetakenuntil-today,when the platform would be adopted.Senator James of Ken-tucky is permanent chairman and his speech was.a feature yesterday. At its first session Wednesday the convention heard the keynote of Americanism and peace,,prepared- ness and prosperity sounded by for- mer Governor Glynn of New York as temporary chairman,and with a high pitch of enthusiasm emphatical- ly registered,by demonstration after demonstration,its approval of Pres- ident Wilson’s peaceful conduct of foreign affairs. The convention,which got under way with such perfunctory demon- strations as.mark every national gathering of the kind,soon stirred itself into roaring cheers as Chair- man Glynn cited historic parallels toshowthatotherPresidents,inelud- ing Republicans,had —adjusted threatening foreign situations with- out resort to war.“The policy of the administration,” he declared,“has been just as Amer- ican as the American flag itself.” As he went down the list of Pres- idents reeounting their action to avoid war,the delegates caught the spirit of his argument and as he re- ferred to each particular President, some delegate would call,“What did he do?” “He settled the trouble by negotia- tion,”was the reply Gov.Glynn in- variably returned,and the convention would roar its approval, William J.Bryan,as a newspaper correspondent in the press _—stand, wept with emotion as Gov.Glynn pictured the victories of-peace,but he laughed with the crowd when a Texas delegate,interrupting,leapedtohischairandcried,“and don’t for- get that policy is also satisfactory to William J.Bryan!”Aside from a 16-minute demonstration which began when Chairman Glynn predicted President Wilson’s re-election,his speech was sprinkled with demonstra- tions which he found it difficult to stem so he could go on.It was plain that the telling-points on the dele- gates were the recital of President Wilson’s efforts to keep the country at peace. “This policy,”he said,“may not satisfy the fire-eater_-and swashbuck- ler,but it does satisfy the mothers of the land,at whose hearth and _fire- side jingoistic war has placed an emp- ty chair.It does satisfy the daugh- ters of this land from whom bluster and brag have sent the loving broth- er.to the dissolution of the grave.It does satisfy the fathers of this land -and the sons of this land who will fight for our flag and die for our flag when reason primes the rifle,when honor draws the sword and when jus- tice breathes a blessing On the stand- _ard they uphold.”The last few_words. were drowned out in a roar of ap- plause that swept the Colisetm. “Repeat it!”cried the delegates, “repeat it!” “All right,be quiet and I'll repeat it,”responded Governor Glynn,and —he_did,-to-applause and cheering. No other President since the Civil War,Gov,Glynn told the convention, had faced such crucial problems, _-none had displayed a grasp of states- manshin more profound. Whether the course the country has pursued during the crucial period is to be continued and whether the principles that have been asserted as our_national policy shall be tindorged or withdrawn,.the speaker told Me tion for the voters to decide.“NoJesserissuemustcloudit,”said he;|(tained.They are willing to compro-“rn unrelated problems must confusei”us Frit. Charlotte Folks Coming to See Us. The Charlotte chamber of |com- merce ts arranging a “Sociability Tour”for Tuesday,June 27th,which! will embrace Huntersville,Cornelius, Davidson,Mooresville, Cleveland,Salisbury.China Grove,!Kannapolis,Concord.The.letters -announcing the tour are printed on cotton cloth “made in Charlotte.’ Messrs.W.B.Sullivan and Ed-ward L.Cowles of the Charlotte Ob- John L.Scott and Jamés R. insloe,the latter the secretarv of | ‘the chamber of commerce,will go! over the route by automobile next| Monday,19th,to arrange details.’The visitors do not expect:entertain-ment.but seck to meet ine businessmen. First Ball Games Monday— Tickets Being Sold. Two more baseball players for the -local team.have arrived——Mr.Zach- -ary,Guilford College,pitcher,and ‘Mr.’Patterson,University of North *Garolina,second baseman.Mr.Chas. E.Lawson of ‘Chicago,Ill.,has been engaged as one of the two umpires.\Uniforms for the players arrivedthisweek.The committees out solic- iting for ‘the sale of season ticketshavesoldabout200books. The first game of ‘the’season will ‘he playadt!herbs:Monday between©Statesville |‘and?Kannapolis,Theylayagnin:Tuesday. e HE DEFIES THE HYPHENS: President Wilson Says a Small Element of the Foreign Born is Trying to Levy Political Blackmail. A charge that foreign-born citi- zens_of the United States are trying to levy political blackmaf!anc to un-dermine the influence of the-nationat government.was made by PresidentWilsonin’a Flag Day speech in-Washington Wednesday.His assertion sounded the keynote ~of, one of the foremost issues on which he will go before the country for re- election,and touched upon a platformdeclaration.,which was submitted -by the ‘administration to the St: Louis convention. The President spoke before a crowd of thousands gathered at the foot of the Washington monument,after he had reviewed,for five hours a great preparedness parade,at the head of which he had marched down Pennsyl- vania avenue.He declared that not since the Civil War had it been test- ed as it now is being tested whether the Stars and Stripes stood for any one united purpose. “There is disloyalty active in the United States and it must be abso- lutely crushed,”declared the Presi- dent,speaking ‘emphatically.okt proceeds from a minority,a very small minority,but a very active and subtle minority. “Tt works underground,but it also shows its ugly head where we canseeit;and there are those at this moment who are trying to levy a species of political blackmail,saying‘do what.we wish in the interest of foreign sentiment or we will wreak our vengeance at the polls.’That is the sort of thing against’which the American nation will turn with a might and triumph of —sentiment which will teach these gentlemen, once for all,that loyalty to this flag is the first test of tolerance in the United States.” The President’s words were taken as an open challenge to foreign-born Americans who,he has learned from foreign Janguage newspapers and other sources,are opposing him for re-election.Officials close to him said he was outlining his stand =on what he had determined to make a predominant issue in his campaign. Carrying a large American flag, the President walked from the capi- tol to the White House at the head of more than 50,000 marchers,includ- ing many high government?officials, Civil War veterans,employes of all the government departments and of the local business houses.companies of cadets and National Guardsmen. Union and Confederate Veterans and Sons of Veterans marched close to- gether and were constantly cheered. The Sons of Confederate Veterans, includjng commands from Virginia and Maryland,were grouped with the Southern Society of Washington as the “Sons of the South”and compos- ed a_division of more than 1,000, They included Senators and Repre- sentatives and other men of promi- nence.: The parade started from the capi- tol grounds and as its head passed the White House,the President dropped out and took his place in the review- ing stand, Railroad Operators.and =Em-~ployes-Yet Var Apart. A continuance of the conference between representatives of 350,000 railroad workers and their employers. called to avert a possible general strike involving all the roads in the United States,hinges -upon the decis- ion of the railroad managers whether they will offer-a specific compromisetothedemandsofti.eir employes. The men flatly rejected Wednesday the railroads’tentative compromise proposal and adjournment was:taken until yesterday,when .the managers were to report whether they were prepared to present «definite propo- sition. |Leaders of the mei announced that ,no matter what the offer of the raiconvention,was the pardmount ques-'a :Letronds,it will be rejected unless gas ing double compensation rules are r¢ mise on the other issues involved— the eight-hour day and time and a half for over-time.: In their tentative compromise of- fer,the railroads have_indicated_thei: willingness’to grant the demands-of ,the men on condition that the double compensation-rules he abolished.The men declare that such action would Stiatesville,|not only nullify 25 year sof effort but also seriously impair (her earning power. Court ems —Case to Be Tried Today. Nathaniel Penn,colored,wanted here for carving Henry Johnson,al- 30 colored,Was arrested Wednesday (aan in Winston -Salem by the po- lice there.Policeman Fulp went to Winston,-Salem yesterday to bring him to Statesville.; Penn and Johnson got in a row at a colored boarding house on ,south Center street a few evenings ago and Penn.used a knife on Johnson and es-caped before.the officers could get him.‘| John Black.colored,was fined $5 and costs this week for being drunk and disorderly. Nan.Kimbrough,colored,charged with assaulting a:negro child,was discharged by the mayor. Mr.A.F.Hendley of Chambers- burg township has indicted Mr.C,’W. Combs and son,Mr.Everette Combs, charging them with damage to prop-erty.He alleges that they stoppedhisautomobileandcutthetire,Thematterwillbe‘heard this morning byJusticeLazenby. THE RECORD.OF DEATHS: Mrs,Ellis LaststNight—Mr.Near at.Mooresville,and Others.: Mrs.Dorcas--Ellis-died:this’morn- ing at 2 pishaeka the home of herniece,Mrs,H.W.Clifford,on Arm- field street.She was about 70 yearsoldandhadbeencriticallyillsinceMonday.....Mrs,Elis’.home._was onMulberrystreetbutshehadbeendi-. viding the time-recently between her nieces,Mrs.Clifford and Mrs.J.B, Foster. Mr.James ©.Neal,Confederate veteran and member of the county pension board,died Monday ©night. about 10 o’élock at his home inMooresville.Mr.Neal was in his 7th year and had been in feeble health for some time.Interment at Coddle Creek church,near Moores- ville,.Tuesday afternoon. Mr.Neal was a son of Elam Neal and was reared in the Coddle Creek section,where he lived -aintil he mov-ed to Mooresville several years ago.|, He was thrice married and is syrviv-ed by his third wife,who was Miss Margaret Clark,and nine children, six daughters and three sons—all of the second marriage.Deceased was a loyal member of the Associate Re- formed 'Presbyterian ciaren and.a good man. Mr.S.A.Reavis died Monday af; ternoon at 2 o’clock at his home =at Williamsburg.in north Iredell,on his 70th birthday.Funeral and,in- terment at Holly Springs church Tuesday.Mr.Reavis is survived by his.wife and five children. The baby of Mr.and Mrs.Charlie Adams,who,live in the neighborhoodofRockyShringschurch,Alexander county,died Monday-and-was -buried Tuesday at Rocky Springs. Capt.J.M.Alexander,well known citizen of Concord,died Mon- day evening,aged 83.He served in the Confederate army and was pro- moted to captain.Four daughters and a son survive.Two of these—Mrs. FS.Starrette and J.B.Alexander -live in Statesville and Mooresville, respectively,: State Hospital Directors Meet —dAgain Pressed For Room. The regular meeting of the board of directors of the State Hospital atMorgantonwasheldat:the Hospital Wednesday,seven of the nine mem- bérs being present.The report’of Supt.MeCampbell showed that there were’on the roll at last report—March 381st—1,584_pa-tients—676 men and 908 women. During April and May 59 were ad- mitted—19 men and 40°women;dis- charged 98—29 men and 64 women: died 17—11 men and 6 women;re- maining May 31st 1,5383—655 men and 878 women. Applications for admission during the two months were m excess of the rate prevailing -prior to that time and not all deserving’cases can he admitted for lack of room,the addi- tional room provided having been taken up.Work is in progress on 2 new.dormitory.for women,which will accommodate about 100 patients. This building will be completed in the fall and will relieve temporarily the pressure for admission of female patients,No additional room can be provided for men until funds are ap- propriated by the Legislature. The present staff of assistant phy- sicians’was re-elected—Dr,<I.B. Watkins,Dr.E..M.Gale,Dr.AlbertHonckandDr.W.R.Griffin.The other business before the board was of routine character and not of general interest: Adventist Conference and Cc ampmeeting. The Severn”Day Adventist Con- ference and campmeeting is now in progress in the grove on Park street.adjoining Billingsley hospital. Preaching afily at 11 a.m,3 p,m. and 8 p.m.Song.service at 7.45 pm.The first service was held last gvening at 8. Among the speakers expected to he present at the meeting are I.W. Paap of Washington,W.H.Branson of Atlanta,H.J.-Farman,E.-€.Wal ler-and Dr.HH.P.Parker of Ashe-ville,J.A.Strickland of Ocilla,Ga., H.N.Attebury of Graysville,Tenn., and H.-B:>-Adlen—of—heatherman,-N. C,In addition to these the regularlabotérsoftheConferencewillbh present. At the camp there is some sort ofserviceinprogressmuchof—th: time.Phe rising bell rings at 5.30; devotional serviee and young people's meeting at 6;breakfast at 7;district meeting,children’s meeting and min isters’and workers’meeting at 8.30; business meeting of the Conference at 9.30;preaching,Bible study —ormissionarymeetingat11.Dinner at land the programme repeated at and 4.30.Lunch at 6.Song service at 7.45,preaching at &,retiring bell at 9.80 and silence bell at 9.45, The President's Piank is Mr. Bryan’s. At the “meeting of.the pa committee of the:Democratic national Den in St.Loufs Wednesday DelagateSam A.King of Utah mi rd¢ the following statemens:“T called on William J.Bryan to- day and asked if he woufd submit any planks.He replied:““<T have no planks to offer but one find that isthe President’s..Deter- mine what .he wants and his.plank will be mine.,-I expect to go beforethepeopleinhisbehalfonyourre-port.oy Littleton,Halifax -eoursaunty,has vot- ed $15,000 bonds for a graded school, /Fist »” NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State. Mr.C.GC.Cherry, “perintendent of puablic buildingsgrounds:in Raleigh, aged v vears,W.Walker,a Raleigh merchant, has ben put..under bond.to answer tn Suherior Court the charge of burn- ing his store for insurance, The building iboardoftrusteesof’ has been authorized to put in a light and power plant for that institution, to cost $42,000. tev.Chas,Fy Mr.J. Statesvillian who had been at Salis photograph galleries both at bury andtinuedthe one at Danvile, At Spruce the latter co riverpassenger Washington (N.C,)and Bath,over- turned. John J, son hotel, ciates have Chralotte,and the near gar B.Moore. gressionalHenderson of Salisbury and Mr. Stanly—attendedL.Smith Democratic St,Louis, Taylorsville, district,also attended. “Gen.James I.Metts, of *the North Carolina Confederate that the State reunion will be held at Wilmington July 26-27. tainment for those who desire.it andlowratesati houses for those who wish to pay. A train of cars on the logging road of the Gloucester Lumber Somes a ye vrecked Monday whenny’s road was wrec J Lather:Sete lireman Fosteratrestle Transylvania county. was instantly i Greene’s leg members of the crew jumped and es- caped injury. The machine speed and driver lost contro]in try- ing to pass a team,resulted in an au- over between An- sonville and Wadesboro Sunday. Hancock,one of the party,received internal injuries from which he died A young lady in the tomobile in a few hours.party—suffered--a~breken—rib. Director T.FE.Browne,of the pig club division of the Department of Agriculture and Experiment Station, says upwards of $5,000 worth of pure bred pigs have been made available for the club members action of bankers in various parts of the State in giving support to local clubs, The storm several considerable damage in -z Randolph.county from Randleman. a path about 400 yards wide,taking everything before it.i M.Vuncannon was almost completely seven outbuild- ings and more so 50 trees ila wrecked. ed. Tuesday 2 } the Murphy branch,¢ party composed of Mr.¢ Ik.McCausland ¢ Charlotte¢ Kennedy of Gastonia, Waynesville, and all.exe ent Mr. or less hurt A_toy baleen that hivd been serth up neighborhood settledSenediet’s Catholichyboysinthe onthe roof of St. church,Greensboro, of last week, probably would trously but of the.fire The damage hill and Cellier was of his companions was probably fa-tally injured.slightly injured. Vour hundred and cighty-one_rifleJubshavebeenorganizedduringthefirstfivemonthsof1916,itotal:number of enrolled clubs in theUnited.States of 1,815.Nlina‘at the present time hasfive or- ganizations,Government.Rifle Club,(Charlotte Rifle Club, Crestmont Rifle Lumberton RifleLumbertonRifle Club,Nort Wilkesboro mem ers, for 17 years su- died this week, the University Myers of Charleston, W.Va.,has been called to the pastor- ate of the First Presbyterian church of Greensboro to succeed Rev. ton Clark, Col.Edmund Jones of cided not to enter for a second pri- mary race in the:contest for ney General and this gives the nom- ination-to Judge-Manning. Mitchell county, Sunday afternoon,Claude Ellis was cut by Jack Willis.be fatal and Willis is held for The parties involved are youths, Monday night in the negro settle- ment of Albemarle Gordon Miller shot to death Harvey Speller because had put kerosene in Mil- ler’s soup at a negro restaurant. Tour persons,one man,were drowned in the Pamli- yesterday when The wound may Cain,owner of the Jeffer- leased the Selwyn hotel, .Succeeding Mr. .Moore will devote his time to his farm near Charlotte. The two delegates from this con- and started a fire that resulted disas« >prompt response was very slight, bily not exceeding $40 or $a William Collier, Selma,bought (Sunday afternoon he took two of hisfriends’out imiliarwiththeoperationof the ma- chine,it started backward in going up a colored man of Is NOW CARING FOR THEM Provision HassBeen Made For Tubercular Patients at Coun- ty Home and They Are Now Being Admitted. To the Editor of The Landmark: I read with interest the article in your issue:of.June 18th,suggesting the care and treatment of tubercular] patients at the County Home. In February this subject was taken up with the board of county commis- sioners and they very readily agreedtoprovidequartersforboththewhite and’colored.We now have at the County Home two buildings,one for the white,one for the black,separatefromtheotherbuildings,with water and sewerage.These buildings areusedexclusivelyfortubercularpa-tients.The buildings have wide sleeping porches,screened entirely by wire.They face the south,which isveryessentialforthewintermonths. They consist of three rooms each, two dressing rooms and one lobby,all opening into the screen porch. They are very attractively placed =Jto the east and south of the.main group of buildings.We have one pa- tient in’the white quarters.Permis- sion has been granted to several for admission.ROSS S.McELWEE, County Physician. Supreme Court Judges.Who Tried For the Presidency. To the Editor of The Landmark: Hughes was nominated at Chicago, thus setting forth tne fact that the Republican party (to which had beengiven,as it is alleged by some,theeternaldominionover#he:United States).was—forced to invade —the’ court of last resort in law,but now that of politics,towit,the Supreme Court of the United States,in an ef- fort to save its:hide.To be brief, let’s go to it, Richard H.Harrison of Maryland ran.for President in 1789 while a member of that court and was de- feated.John Jay,Chief Justice of said court,ran three times and was defeated.each time..Judge James Iredell of North Carolina,the ablest judge then on the bench,sought that high position in 1796,but failed. John Marshall ran for Vice Presi- dent in 1816,heing defeated.He re- ceived only 6 ‘votes in the electoralcollege.And it must be rememberedthatitwastheDemocraticparty that made this history at the expense of the Whig*and Federalist parties. It was then known as the Democrat- ic-Republican party.It has been just 100 years since a member of that court had the nerve to try for}the presidency.Let us see that history repeats itself by standing HughesalongsideJay,Harrison,Iredell and Hiddenite,June 14,1916, Death of An Aged Citizen— Taylorsville Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,June 15.—Mr.Albert Johnson died Thursday morning,8th, at 1 o’clock at his home in Wittenburg township,at the advanced age of 92 years,four months and 15 days.Sur- viving him are two sons~’'and fourdaughters...He had 18 children,75 dren and four great-great-grandchil- dren.The burial was at Antioch Bap-tist church Friday morning,9th,at 11 o’clock.Deceased was a member of the Advent church. Mrs.Ada Cooper and daughter-in- law,Mrs.Dwight Cooper,of Moores-ville,who were guests of Mrs.Cooper's sister,Mrs.R.B.Burke,have returned home.Mr.Chas.P.Matheson is at- tending the national Democratic con- vention at St Louis.Mr.and Mrs. R.E.Goble and daughter,Miss Eva, *lof Kannapolis,are visiting Mrs.D. W.Correll. The Pythians. At the meeting of the grand lodge of Pythians at Waynesville this week McBride Holt of.Graham was elect- ed grand chancellor.Grand Vice Chancellor A,H.Holland of Wins- ton =Salem was about to-receive the unanimous vote for grand chancellor when he declined on account of ill health.Rev.Dr.Byron Clark of Salisbury was elected grand-prelate. The grand lodge abolished the sys- tem of district deputies and decided upon the employment of a State or- ranizer to work in conjunction with the grand chancellor.The next meet- ing will be held at Rocky Mount. Meeting Merchants’Association the Merchants’Association will be held at the?Commercial Club.this -evening-at 8-0’elock._-This—-is-_the last meeting of the local association be- fore the State meeting at Winston-- ance is desired, day afternoon until Thursday eve- been arranged by the..Winston-Sa- the State association. Burned. turned’‘over and started the _fire. cover loss, grandchildren,130 gsreat-grandchil-. i The regular)monthly meeting of Salem next week,and a full attend- Slatesville is”ex- pected to send a large delegation to the meeting of the State association, which will be in session from Tues- ning.An excellent ‘programme has lem association in co-operation with Overturned Lantern -—Crib The crib of Mr.L.C.Mullis atHarmonywasdestroyedbyfireWed- ;|nesday morning.Some farm =ma- chinery was.also destroyed.Mr. Mullis was in the crib catching chick-ens and had a lantern,which was Some insurance but not enough to ae aha ‘BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS Services ‘at Trinity EpiscopalchurchSundaymorningat11.Hf —License has been issued’for thmarriageofMr.John C,Sharpe Miss Polly Iona Van Hoy. Mr,J,L.Adkins of ShacpeablcetownshipleftWednesdayforChar-lotte.to engage ‘in the dairy business... ~The condition of Mr,L.T.Stimp-son of Turnersburg,who suffered’& stroke of paralysis,continues about the same. —The local,Pythians ave arrang-eda memorial programme to be fe: en at the lodge room Sunday,aiter noon at 3.30. —A meeting of the directors of theBuffaloShoalsBridgeCompany.washeldyhereWednesdayandadividendof6percent.was declared.} —Miss Jamison,who is meetingwiththehomedemonstrationclubsofthecountythisweek,is having agoodattendancegenerally. —A meeting of the guarantors oftheChattauqua-was-—-held at’thecourthouseTuesdaynightinthein+ terest of the campaign for ticket sales,G —Mr.W.H.Morrison has bouahtfromMr.C.V.Henkel’a lot on Kellystreetandwillbuildanicebungalowlateron..The lot is a part of ilMillerpropertywhich\Mr.Henkrecentlybought. —Mr.Jack Wallace of Statesville,who graduated at:Trinity Collegelastweek,is expected|home.weetomorrow.In AugustM will enter the military treialhe ¢at Plattsburg,N.Y. ry Morrison,11-year-old sonofMeeMorrisonof‘the Loray:community,was operatedon at’the.Sanatorium Tuesday night for ab-scessed appendix.His condition isseriousbut.it is believed,he will re+ eover.‘ —Mr,Paul Ward,who hasheld .@responsiblepositioninthe‘Tocafreightoffice,has accepted a posi-tion with the:Queen City Printing Company,Charlotte,and will take uphisnewworkMonday.ae Ward issucceededbyMr.F.A.Greene.’ —A section of the third floor of ‘theframewarehouse.on Water oatsoccupiedbyMr.C.Watkins,way Tuesday morning,about.a thirdofthefloorfallingtothe.floor .be-low.No one was’hurt but the dam-age to.material and building was.afewhundreddollars.—Cards have been issued for themarriageofMissEvelynClaireWor-sham,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Worsham of Ruffin,Rockinghamcounty,and Mr.Eugene.Johnston’ofMooresville.The ceremony will take.place in the "Methodist church -atRuffinonthe28th.Mr,Johnston,isasonofMr.and Mrs.W.-C.JohnstonofMooresville. —The Lincolnton Times says Mr;:Edward Anderson received a letterlastweekfromhisbrother,Mr.W.M.Anderson,who lives:in HotSprings,Ark.,stating that the tor:nado,which did so much damage inthat.town,destroyed houses on bothsidesofhishomeandpassedoverhisresidenceunharmed.’Many of-hisneighborswerewoundedandkilled.This is Mr.McRee Anderson ofStatesville.. The Russian Drive Continues. An advance of about 20 miles by theRussians,who -have Ceara astheirobjective,is chronicled.the:latest Russian official comimphieatlon.Nowhere:on the front-from —thePripetriverinRussiaandthroughGaliciatoBukowina,has there beenanycessationinthegreatRussianoffensive.Adong the entire line,‘ac-cording to the Rusian war.office,the Austro-Hungarians and Germans are being driven back,-and the Russiansarestilltakingthousandsof~priso- ners and capturing the guns,-machine guns and war supplies.In the -tt days’drive 1,780 officers,120,000 men,130 guns and 260°machine guns have been captured. On the lower end of the GermanlineinRussia,to the north of ‘Bar. anovichi,the Russians evidently’‘anxticipatedtheproposeaGermanoffen-sive and took the initiative into their own hands.After violent —-artillery preparation they seven times essayedtostormtheGerman_lines.Berlinsays,however,that all their effortsfailedandthat.they were repulsed with heavy losses..«The fighting around Verdun —hasdwindledtointermittentbombard- ments,there having been no infantryattackanywhereonthisfrontsince Tuesday,when Frenchpositions.werecapturedbytheGermansand799 Frenchmen made prisoners, MATTERS OFNEWS. Miss Beulah Bowden of Charlotte has taken up her work as assistanttothepastor‘of:Blackwell Memorialchurch,Elizabeth City. Vance McCormick ,of _Pennsylva- nia will succeed Wm.McCombs.aschairmanoftheDemocraticnational committee. Sydney J.Catts has been nominat-ed for Governor of Floridaby \ Democrats.Catts!.That’s.a namethatshould}give the paragraphers — great ty.Mr.‘Laws of Moravian Falls,Wilkes ey died last week,ager79years.He is survived by athreesonsandadaughter.”R.a Laws is a son. ee Home j cones Me i .ompany of.Hickory,ount ‘and C.W.Bagby have been appoint~ ed’receivers for that concetn,§;}; On the pétition of thecreditors of i fe ;ni aheet ‘wo id enema es ea aonaennernnnnnamncnanennnmnamnnanmcamanen!CHARLES EVANS HUGHES. Sketch of the Republican Nomi- “©nee For President. Charles Evans Hughes was born in Glens Falls,N.Y.,April 11,1862, making him four years younger‘than ex -President Roosevelt and six years younger than President Wilson. His’father was_a-Baptist minister and his mother shaped his early edu- cation with the idea of preparing him-<-for the-ministry..The family moved to Newark,N.J.,when he was a boy and during his young manhood it,settled in New York city.At the ro.of 15 he was graduated from a ew York high school at the head his class,so young that his father ould not permit him -to-enter col- Iege for a year.He was graduated from.Brown University ‘in 1881,one the five Phi Beta Kappa honor men his year,and attended the Colum- bia University law school,holding Bs prize fellowship from 1884 to uy 7, At the beginning of his career Mr. Rughes was an’instructor in Greek athematics at an acddemy in Delhi, ~Y¥.<A chiding remark from the principal of that academy,to the ef- ct that young Hughes would have reer controlling his classes be- cause he had “no more beard than an égg,”is cited in innumerable _bio- raphical records of Mr.Hughes as Having been responsible for the ughes beard,which has:since figur- ed so largely .in political caricatures. *After a short.experience as an ed- ucator,Mr.‘Hughes became a_law@erkintheofficeofStewartL. Woodford,who later was elected Lieutenant Governor of New York, but:his health was undermined by his work and he accepted a chair as pro- fessor of law at Cornell University. Two years later,however,he was back practicing law in New York. The public first heard of Mr. Hughes in 1905 and 1906,when he served,first as counsel for the Ste-} vens legislative committee investi-gating gas companies of New York, and then as counsel for the Arm- strong legislative committee for the investigation of insurance businessintNewYork.In the first investiga-tion Mr.Hughes made a reputation but‘it attracted little attention out- side of New York city.In the insur-!ance ‘investigation he unearthed na- tion-wide scandals and the whole country followed the dramatic Storyichherevealed. Before his investigation was fifished Republican leaders seizedupontherecordwhichhehadmade to:carry their party to victory.He déelined the New York city Republi- can nomination for mayor because he had:not finished the insurance inves- tigation.The next year he was elected |Governor,defeating W.R.Heatst,nominee of both the Demo- crats and the independent league.Mr.Hughes was the only successful Re- publican on the ticket.- “Throughout his administration Governor he was at loggerheads withtheRepublicanadministration.He first urged the passage of the public service commission law,to which theLegislaturepaidlittleattention.He stumped the State for his bill,ar finally the Legislature responded. Hardly had the bill become a law be-' fore the Legislature passed a two- cent passenger fare measure.Gov.Hughes vetoed it on the ground that as MILITARISM 18 A SPIRIT. President Wilson’s Conception of America One of Dignity, With Quiet,Unquestionabie. Power. Addressing the graduating class at the United States Military,Academy at West Point,N,J,Tuesday,Pres- ident Wilson touched on almost all the~-subjects-—discuss by former Justice Hughes in his telegram ac- cepting the Republican nomination and alluded to Americanism,milita- rism,preparedness,peace,war and other topics of pressing interest, The.President told the graduates that they faced “many extraordinary possibilities,”because no one could tell what the immediate future is go- ing to be,either in the history of this country or the history of the world.It is the present imperative duty of America to be prepared,he said,to see that ~nobody —mars the civilization she has built up,and be- ing’safe itself against interference from outside,he added,“all its force is going to be behind its moral idea and mankind is going to know that when America speaks she means what she says.” Continuing,he said:; “You know that the chief thing that is holding many people back ifrom enthusiasm for what is called |preparedness is the fear of militar- lism.I want to say a word or two to /you young gentlemen about militar- lism.You're not a militarist because !you are military.. |"«Militarism does not consist in the existence of an army,not even in the |existence of a very great army.Mil- litarism is a spirit.It is a point of iview.It is a system.It,is a _pur- pose.The purpose of militarism is to use armies for aggression.The spirit of militarism is the opposite of the civilian spirit—the citizen |spirit.In a country where milita- 'rism prevails,the military man looks !down upon the civilian,regards him jas inferior,thinks of him as intended ‘for his,the military man's support /and use and just so long as America lis America that spirit and point of |view is impossible with us.There is \as yet in this country,so far as I can 3 :wi ge iedisnecessarytostrike,and -‘then strikes to conquer.So myof ncetionofAmericaisaconceptionofin-finite dignity,along ~with quiet,”yn.questionable power.I ask.you,young gentlemen,to join with me ‘in that conception and let us all in our gey.eral spheres be soldiers together to realize At”;commas ne GLOOM FOR’BULL MOOSE. Disheartened and Dis¢ourag ea When Their Idol Deserted Them.BE Ae Mr.H.E.C,Bryant,who was attheChicagoconventionasanewspa- per correspondent,tells an-interest- ing story,under date of the 11th,of the gloom in the Bull Moose ¢amp when Roosevelt “t’rowed ’em down,” He says:ae Broken in spirit,humiliated to ithe core.and indignant at their formeridol,Col..Roosevelt.the Tar Heel Bull Moose,led by Zeb.Vance Wal- ser,pulled out.of Chicago:today for their respective homes.There is no- thing left of the Bull Moose.but.the tail,even the hoofs and horns.are gone.The colonel and George ;W,. Perkins,the Dough Bag honey boy,have deserted.Thousands of pgor, deluded men and women who had followed the colonel blindly are now discover,no taint of the spirit of |militarism. “The idea I want to leave with you| boys today is this:No matter what comes,always remember that first of| fall you are citizens of the United} States before that vou are officers because you rep-| resent in your particular profession| what citizenship of the United States| stands for,There is no danger of| half|Militarism if you are genuine Amer-)sackcloth and ashes icans,and I for one do not doubt} that you are.When.you begin to| have the militaristic spirit —+¢not! the military spirit.that is all right— then begin to doubt whether you are Americans. j | |that the civil power is superior to’the |military power in the United States. ‘Once and again the people of the|United States have so admired some |great military man as to make him |President of the United States,when |he became commander-in-chief of all ithe forces of the United States,butlhewascommander-in-chief because {he was President,not because he hadndbeentrainedtoarmsandhisauthori-| ity was civil,not military. |“We have drawn our people,as lyou know,from all parts of the 'world.and we have been somewhat |disturbed recently because some _,|faith“You know that one thing in which!yo:where to plant it. our forefathers took pride was this,| of| very violent in their abuse of him, Last night,after the blow -fell,a moh,of excited Bull Moosers came to- gether by accident,on the second floor of ~the Auditorium Hotel andconferred.An angry woman,who hoped for female and_political”sal- vation from the Roosevelt organiza- tion.cried out:“Let us force our way | to that committee and tell Victor| Murdock to declare for Wilson and is-| sue—a_statement denouncing Roose-| velt as a traitor.”“IT am for it,’ shouted Jack Richards,a Chiceso | leader “Roosevelt is a Judas Iscar-| iot,and should be taken out and shot | at sunrise!”| The ‘hotel lobbv,where the Roose-| velt followers had marched night af-| ter night,velling,“Weswant Teddy!”| and literally fiehting those who in-|terfered with them.were filled last| night and early today with men and, women charping the colonel with! treasen,“I am done for.”said Col.|Clonde Berrard of North Carolina.| “T feel as if T had been thrown down.”| Mr.Bernard.who flonoped from.the| Republican to the Bull Moose party | four vears avo.would not be cansol- ed,An effort was made to get himyouareofficers,-and to ga*to Wilson hut he pavenoPlanters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C. |ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE._vromise or cncouraring look.It would not surprise those who know| Mr.Bernard to sec him soon:making| his wav to the Republican camp.in ,by the backdoor rovte. James N.Witiamson has had much| iov ont of the Bull Moose movement,| but)he looked sick and tired |this ;morning when he quit Chicago.His| is still strone,but he knows! |Condign Punishment Meted,| |Newton Enterprise.ied _Punishment best described as cor dign was meted out to Jason,colored |handy boy at E.H.Yount &Co.’s |clothing store,Friday,when it was |discovered that he had purloined a ;worn pair of shoes belonging to the jhead of the firm,and had conceal- ied (2?)them behind the store,later to be toted away when the opportuni- ty offered.The punishment was an order.for the boy to put jon |the shoes and wear them.There is only /one other man in town who wears as Gre|'sixe-yCasi|5 x50/410.4034x50]13.40 “4.x33|2200 44*35|31.20]5.55 4i36|31.55|5.70 §x37 A leet ae Pa ore! Wey other tire’ +Tube$2.60 2.95fe4.25 MartReg.U.6.PatOf.‘fretTime to Re-tire? .(Buy Fisk) LSJ ds| Cost Less Than The PlainTreads of SeveralOtherStandardMakes HEN you buy Non-Skidsyoubuythebesttirevalue: -on the market—Fisk Quality-first;protection against skidding; greater mileage —and all the benefits of Fisk FREE Service. at more than 125 Direct Fisk Branches throughoutthecountry. There isn’t a better tire buy today. Fisk Tires For Sale By CAROLINA MoTor Co. Statesville LATHS,| PLASTER,CEMENT, SHINGLE STAIN and PAINTS! C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s LIME, Having qualified as administratrix of Thom- as C.Grny,deceased,late of the county of Ire-dell,North Carolina,this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ofthedeceasedtoexhibitthemtotheunder-sicsned at my home on or before the 9th day ef June,1917,or this nottee will be pleaded in bar of their reeovery.All persons indebt- ed to the estate will plase make immediatesettlement.NANNIFE B.GRAY,Administratrix of ‘Thomas C. June 9,1916.Dunlap, NOTICE OF ACTION IN SUPERIORCOURT. North Carolina,Iredell County. In Superior Court.Hefore the Clerk. L.oG.Horn,administrator of Miss Mary E. Campbell,Thomas E.Campbell et als.,vs.Wil-lie Campbell et als.NOTICE Daniel G.Campboll.Willie Campbell,Oscar Byerly,Thomas Safriet andEllisSafriet,defendants In the above entitled Gray,N.C. action,will hereby take notice that an actionentitledasabovehasbee:commenced in the Superior Court of Iredell county,before the clerk,praying the court for che partitioning: by sale of lands described in the petition filedinsaidaction;and the said Daniel G.Camp-bell,Willie Campbell,Oscar Byerly,ThomasSafrietandEllisSafrietwillfurthertakeno- tice .that they are required to appear beforetheclerkoftheSuperiorCourtofIredellcoun- ty on the 6th day of July,1916,and answer or [SAMPLE.DRESSES'| Two to 14 year sizes.Boys’Blouse Suits,all in.pretty washable colors and ‘at prices lessthanmaterialandmakingwouldcost.New shipment of $1.00 wash Skirts,the bestvalueswehavehad.LOT OF MEN’S LOW SHOES Reduced 25 to 50 cents on the pair.One_lotLadies’sample Slippers at bargain prices. Several lines of Pumps and Sandals reducedfromregularpricetocloseoutthelot.Men’s work Shoes,Women’s and Children’s.Easy Goers and Barefoot Sandals at prices inreachofall.:Truly : J.M.McKee &Company. large—a certain druggist;and thetheLegislatureshouldnotdealarbi-|those,though I believe a very small |demur to the fomplaint in said action,or the trarily with matters requiring in-|number,whom we have drawn into vestigation,particularly when it had|our.citizenship,have not taken into just provided machinery for investi-|their hearts the spirit of America gating such matters.;|and have loved ‘other countries more "Gov.Hughes was considered prom-}than they loved the country of their inently for the Republican presiden-}adoption.tial nomination in 1908 but President’“We have talked a great deal about Roosevelt.threw his power in favor of|Americanism.It ought to be a mat- Mr.Taft and Hughes was re-elected |ter of pride with us to know what Governor.It was during his second}Americanism really —consists ~~dent Taft appointed him to the Su-|lieving in the principles of America| ;and putting them first as above any-|preme Court bench.|Mr.Hughes was married in New thing that might by chance come into York city.December 5,1888,to An-;competition with it.And I.for mytoinette,daughter of Walter S.Car-|part,believe that the American test “ter,and had four children,Charles|iS 4 spiritual test.If a man has toEvansHughes,Jr..Helen,Catherine |Make excuses for what he has done| as an American J doubt his Ameri- .canism.He ought to know at everyBritishFigureGermanLosses.|Step of his action that the motive and Elizabeth Hughes. in.| term as Governor in 1910 that Presi-;Americanism consists in utterly.be-| |Spectacles of the roomy footwear |dangling from the attenuated ankles ;of the pickanniny raised such a laugh jin the store that Jason lifted up his |voice and wept bitterly.He felt that |the punishment was strange and un- ;usual and out of-all proportion to the ‘offence—but he had to wear the |shoes.reSRTNA\To Fly Across Continent. On September 2 16 aviators will start from New York in an attempt j to fly across the continent to San'Francisco.The Aero club of Ameri- |ca will award cash prizes _totaling $100,000, _The tentative route for the compet-1tors in the cross-continent flight in- _cludes passing over or stopping at |Philadelphia,Baltimore,Washington, plaintiffs will apply to -the court for the re-lief demanded in said complaint. J.A.HARTNESS,June6,1916,Clerk Superior Court, GOOD MEATS AND VEGETABLES When our refrigeration plant was installed it was «left.with a slight defect which had an unde- sirable effect on the meat.A man from the factory has been here and.completely remedied _this. Now we are equipped to furnish Germany up to the end of May had Jost 2,924,586 soldiers,of whom734,412 were killed,according to a British official tabulation of the Ger- man_casualty list.The compilation did not*include German losses in na- val engagements or in the fighting“in the German colonies. *.The British official statement»quotes the German official casualtylistsforthemonthofMayasplac- ing:the total German losses in killed ’ ‘This number it is pointed out,brings“the-German-_total-_lesses;-excliisive of,naval and Colonial casualties,to 2,-©925,586.,_Tke German figures in the Mayalist,as enumerated in the British,uccount,are as follows:dead,22,-go wouet 72,075;prisoners and#missing,7,961;total,102,507.¢%The German official lists of casual-“ties up to the end of May give theseIs:dead,734,412;wounded,>851,652;prisoners and missing,338*622.Total,2,924,586, prisoners’and wounded,at 102,507 ’Studying Farm Conditions in Catawba. *Newton Enterprise. ».-J.-M.Johnson,expert on .farm*management,of the Federal Depart-sei of Agriculture,has been in thecountystudyingfarmearningsand,taking photographs,for the parpose|tof making Catawba county a basis ofcomparisonwithfarmersinothercountiesofthepiedmont.He hasfoundthat320farms,after paying5percent.on an average investmentof$6,150 and supporting the farm-|ers’families,produce a net.incomeof$161 each.He is studying.theworstandthebestfarmsand_theirearningpower,and is not includingthedairyfarms.His investigationsshowthatoutsideofthese,the farmswsucingcotton.and sweet potatoes(the...-highest earning power,f this.is not.to be taken asthatthesecropsarethprofitable,P ae ieee ie |Harrisburg,Pittsburgh,and thence via the Lincoln Highway to Canton,Mansfield,Lima and Fort Wayne,or‘if inducements are strong enough,'Cleveland and Toledo may follow|Pittsburgh,with Chicago,St.Louis,Kansas City,.Oklahoma,and thenceintoTexas,touching at Dallas,FortWorth,Waco and along the Mexican ‘that lies behind what he does is a[motive of which no American need ‘be ashamed for a moment.Now.we jought to put this test to every man ;we know. “We ought to let it be known that nobody who does not put America |first can consort with us.But we |ought to set them the example.We ;ought to set them the example of :,|thinking American thoughts,by en-!geles and ending jn San Francisco, ‘tertaining American purposes,and as|Pp meth |.Stomach Troubles and Constipation,i 1 will cheerfully say that Chamberlain'sTabletsarethemosesatisfactoryremedyfor_Stomach troubles and constipation that 1 havesoldInthirty-four years’arug store service,”Writes S.H.Murphy,druggist, NY.Obtginable everywhere. |those thoughts and --purposes stand the test of example anywhere in the.world,for they are intended ‘for the betterment of mankind. +“You -rhave —heard-of —the-Monroe Doctrine.You know that we are al- |ready spiritual partners with both ;eontinents of this hemisphere,—and} ;that America means something which is bigger’even than the United States,and that we stand here with| |the glorious power of this country }ready to swing it out into the field of| action whenever liberty and.inde- |pendence and__political integrity are! |threatened anywhere in the West-/ }|has| ern.hemisphere.| |“And we are ready—-nobody authorized me to say this,but I am ‘sure of it—we are ready to join with | the other nations of the world in see-| ing that the kind of justice prevails, anvwhere that we believe in.||“So that you are graduating today,||gentlemen,into a “new.distinction.||Glory attaches to all those men whose|names we love to recount,who have|made the annals of the American ar-my distinguished.They played the|part they were called upon to play |with honor and with extraordinary |character and success.I am con-gratulating you,not because you willbebetterthanthey,‘but because youwill-have a.wider world of:thoughtandconceptioninwhichtoplayyourpart. “Tam an American,but T do notbelievethatanyofuslovesa-blug-tering nationality with its elbows utanditsswaggeron.We love thatquiet,self-respecting,unconquerhbleSpiritwhichdoesnotstrikeuntilit Stop!Look!Listen ! WE buy in car lots. WE-’sell in any quantity. WE sell the celebrated Gold Medal Flour.WE sell Sweet Feed for HorsesandMules. _WE sell Sweet Daisy Feed forCows.WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts.WE SELL FOR LESS.WE pay CASH for country ' Corn and Oats. WE deliver in the city.IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop. ’Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St. DRESSED SQUARBS..Easily Digested—DeliciousRECOMMENDEDBYPHYSICIANS °For:Convalescents. ~ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS,W..-B.CROWSON,Proprietor, BUILDING?C.WATKINS, border to San Diego,then to Los An-| Wellsburg, our customers the best of meats and vegetables from our refriger- ation vlant. M.P.Alexander &Bro.. The SanitaryStore. W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Strect. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame._Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and Guns repaired and Keys fit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209, aversWANTED! SCRAP BRASS~Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound.FOR,SALE: New and second hard machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies. Cc.H.TURNER. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. C.WATKINS for “Everythingto}Build With,” Fall Stock—Lowest Prices. 4 Shingles,Doors,meme Ceil-ing,Flooring,,Siding,..Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,,Cement, SIFT IT DOWN, and you will find the so-called LUCKY MAN is the one who keeps building upa reserve in bank,and can.catch a bargain when it comes his way.Why not be one of the “Lucky « Men”in your community by making regular deposits in the Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” WE'LL ALL WANT TO SEE THE MAGICAL.— JUGGLER---ROSANI--TUESDAY OF CHAUTAUQUA SEE OUR LINE | KOOL CLOTH 4 wy>\PALM BEACH SUITS,]*PANAMA HATS, SHIRTS,etc., Before buying. We all want to see ‘‘The Mi-kado”last night of Chau- tauqua. n !) -Yours to Serve,. urn ROME Quanenraese’ etc,by AV):OEOVTTNextPlanters’Wh-,Statesville.ae LETCALTONAAOTAICED _—_;ts ATLonesSloanCloth . -to ‘bu aidTot help J,.(Fancy Patent) yy f nearly six months, w J suttered with husband hend:he’had in.bed fort ot*tell:os ho;owtroubles.Mt Our family doctor told mcouldnot,do ‘me an r.We me,At last;my mother advised me to takeui,the’woman's tonic.|thoughtitwasnseorIwasnearlydeadandpottingemedtodomeanygood,«Butfogkeleveibottles,and now }-am abletodoallofmyworkandmyownwashing.Ithink'Cardui is the*best medicitheworld.My weight.has mergeneItook'the picture of health,” ou suffer from any of the ailmentseeierfewaen,getabottle of Carduioday.lay is dangerous.We knowitwillhelp:you,for it has helped somanythousandsofotherweakwomeninthepast50years. At all druggists. Write tes Chattanooga Medici -Advisory ‘Dept:,.Chatianooga,Ten.ht Ladiatrmetlonsony:{‘seetment for Women,”in plain wrapper.intooole di ihpnmstieprmegerertsintptoernereetrtineanptloern N.G.188 Select your Flour From This List. X X X, Palace, Dan Valley, Blue Ribbon, _wsave Trouble, Mofrison’High Grade,_.Shenandoah -Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St. ee s eo en s ee r 5 re r e te m Sr aa e t i o e ar er oe ty er e eu r ah ) r ES it Ae ca e r et a et ea t |-Statesville Tin Co. .7|Lasting“!/Legibility MultiKopy gives copies that’are beautifully neat and that are really permanent. In blue or black,Multi-Kopy never fades. MultiKopycopiesoftenrivaltheoriginalincleanlinesa_and legi-bility.MultiKopy issurprisinglydurable«and cconomical. Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady PrintingCompany Statesville,N.C. OU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,if you once tried =| aeeeRgSunyYs ———ee 4 It is choice enough for the finest salad dressing,as delicious as any oil you ever .tasted,and so much cheaper you can usc it for cooking,| too.It makes a sminooth,delicious mayonnaise that “stands up”wellandpleasessverybody. This is the Week to Buy Your Chautauqua Tickets. Miller-McLain Supply Co. FOR YOUR‘Picnic Lunch —WE HAVE — Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham,Olive Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Butter,Peanut Butter,LooseSweetPickles,BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges.Come in.and see:whatwehave.,Bagle & Milholland. Everything in Sheet Metal line for good roof.Slate Roofsa specialty. -PHONE 55. {PRRIRAE RACYPRE 114 FastBroad Street. Ky.="T was not able to.do cher;of thisp 6 writesjeerpasand y.good,ied another doctor; ourcase and 64-pagebook,“Home | BU E 2 CRN OLEIT US PE PRer Teer een ttn ene ye TH FRIDAY,|==>+June 16,1916, obtual. ADseof Treine Sa 0.due 1.456:66eas4a,nn ee iTrainNo,%6,easae a Dp. Lee oe bar!priTrain’No.16 ar.efor ven 10.85 o.Train No,.24 ar,ne ? Train No.23 ar.10:00,weaves 10:40 aTraina16.ar.6:40,leaves 7:05 p.m.Nos.28 and 24 are not operated on,Sunday. Mexican Bandits Raiding. About 100 Mexican.bandits,cross- ing the Rio Grande 40 miles southeast of -Laredo,Texas,yesterday,attack-ed--the-American-border’patrol..near San Ignacio,killing two and wound- ing five,according to reports sent to Fort.McIntosh,at Laredo, s »»D.sD.yp. B EB Postmaster General Burleson hasrefusedtodismissFourthAssistantPostmdsterGeneralBlakeslee,and the Senate postoffice committee, whose dignity Blakeslee insulted,will ppeal to the President, |a |Fire at,Fuquay Springs,Wake ;county,this week,destroyed three |brick store buildings’and a sheet |iron storage warehouse.The loss is |about $45,000,largely covered by in-surance.|Col.J.P.Kerr of Asheville,pri- |vate secretary to Gov.Craig,who thas ‘been ill for a long time,was|critically ill at his home at Asheville |Yesterday and his death was expect- ed, Walter Maxey,18 years old,was |drowned Monday in the Broad river,near Henriettt.Was in bathing |when the stream was swollen. MORTGAGE SALE.OF LAND. By virtue of .the powers contained in amortgagedeedexecutedtotheundersignedby |Miss Sallie Josey,I wilt sell at public auc-{tion to the highest bidder--for cash,.at the|court house door in Statesville,N.-.,.on|TURDAY,JUNE 17;1016,[at 12'o'elock,m.,thé flowing deserted lands‘in Fallstown township,towit: |Adjoining the lands on the west by L.C. ‘Troutman,on the east by D.BE.Josey,on thenorthbyJ.M.Plott:and on the south by C:Kestler,“and being the identical tract of land‘heired by Sallie Josey from the estate of thelateMike:Josey,and more particularly de-\seribed_as-feHows:Beginning on a stake orsmalldogwoodonKestler’s line and corner oflotNo,3,and runs N.18 degrees E.182 poles|to a stake in the old line;thence with it N.|77 degrees W.31 poles so a stake or pineknot,corner of lot No.5;thence S.18°de- |frees +182 poles to a pine knot or stake in|Kestler’s line;thence S.77 degrees E.31 lpoles to the beginning,containing 36 acres,more or less,as shown by Deed Book of Ire- ‘dell county,Book 46,page 228,|C.M.Adams,Att'y.ODOM MUNDAY,May 16,1916.Mortgagee. 'RE-SALE OF VALUABLE CITY|PROPERTY, |BY AUTHORITY conferred by the Superior Court of Iredell county in a proceeding.en- titled L.C.Caldwell and H.P:Grier,trustees,and others,ex-parte,L.C,Caldwell and Dor-man Thompson,commissioners,will re-sell.at | ..|public sale,at the court house door in States-ville,N.C.on|MONDAY,JUNE19,‘1916, jat 12 o'clock,m.,the following valuable city property:7 One ,lot adjoining:the Iands of J.W. Stephenson and others and bounded as follows: |Beginning at a stake,J.W.Stephenson's cor-iner,on Alexander street,in the city of States- ville,and runs with Simonton’s line north 24degreesW.207 feet to a stake on Simonton'sline;thence N.60 degrees E.103-1-2 feet toastake,Simonton’s corner;thence S.24 de-grees W.207 feet to a stake on Alexander ||street;thence S.66 degrees W.with said street|1103 1-2 feet ta the bexinning,eontaining a half|jacre,more or less.See deed from T.J:Cook jand wife to T.W.Frazier,Book 28,page 300. Said sale to be made upon the following terms:One-third of the purchase price to be jremainings one-third in twelve months,with japproved security to be acceptable to the clerk lo the Superior Court of rredell county.De- ferred payments to curry 6 per gent,interestfromdateofsale. This property is re-sold by reason of the fact that increased bids have been placed thereon, jand the bidding will start at $800,the amountoftheincreasedbid. lL.C.CALDWELL,DORMAN THOMPSON, 2June ——Ee Phone us Your Orders—For— Ink,Typewriter Rib-bons,Carbon Papers,Pencils,Paper Clips,Ink Stands and_allyourofficesupplies. R.P.Allison’s Book Store. AL TELE RTC, |DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Offieein-People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494.“Residence,451'Black. 1916. ‘DON’T SWAT FLIES? SCREEN DOORS.AND WINDOWS /ean be bought from C.WATKINS.’Phone No.43. THEROYALHEATER The*'Royal”’is a RangeBoilerandWaterHeat-er in combination andis'designed to take the placeof the old-fashion-‘ed method ofattachinganindependentheatertothesideofan.ordi-nary range boiler The ‘‘Royal’’can beinstalledat.‘a supris-ingly-low cost and willfurnishhotwaterevery hour of the:day and ‘night at an-expense ime d os # = = ra ~) ce r so ak s Fe ee : the averagehouse own-er or renter.: ..Installed byW,,.E.Munday94’B!Broad St.3|.Phone 55,.© my)Ftf :LANDMARK PR E B E B E B paid in cash;one-third in six months and the| } well within}reach of)’ |DUCE CO, WINTERING BEEF CATTLL Some Experiments at Tpedell‘Test Farm That Are of “In-‘terest.' Farm.ExtensionNews.Some very interesting work hasbeencarriedonattheIredell;Test-Farm,Statesville,N;€;,to deter inethebesttmeifiodofwinteringbeefcattle.The results are tabulated:be-low,as follows,this being followed byan”explanation of the results fromapracticalviewpoint,{One of the most trying times forthebeefcattleproducerisduringthewinter,when cattle,are usually tak-en-off grass and put in the barn toberoughedthroughthe.four or.fivemonthswinteringperiod,As an eX- ample of what can be done in provja- ing winter pasture for beef cattle, 'thus materially reducing this expenseof:winteringy citation is made to the|work which ..is being.done on:the‘farm of Mr.T.L.Gwyn.Sprngdale.N.GC.Winter pasturage is being used on this farm with good res its,@themethodsshouldbeofinterest tothosefarmerswhoareinterestedin reducing the cost of wintering their rbeef cattle..In the work at Statesville;on the Iredell Farm,the cattle were winter-ed“on cotton seed meal and silage:The first lot received cotton seed mealandsilage,and the second lot receiv-ed only silage.There were18 cattleineachlot,these being-a sufficient number to give representative re+ sults.The following table brings out the salient features in connection with the work:' Lot 1, Number of steers per lot....18Averageinitialweightper head.pounds .............759.4 Average weight April 12,1916,| MNCL Boagiosoagdsnoasud.730.2 Average daily loss for the pe- riod,160 days .........¢..18 Total loss in weight for 160 days,pounds ..........wee 29.2 Total cost of feed per head ..$9,14 Lot 2. Number of steers per lot ...18 »- Average initial weight per.. head,pounds ..........+.0+783.5 Average weight April 12,1916, pounds ..........eeeeeeeee 675 Average daily loss for the pe- riod,160 days ............68 Total loss in weight for 160.—-- davs,pounds ..........-..109.2Totalcostoffeedperhead....$6.11 The feeds were rated as follows: Cotton seed meal per ton ....$38.00 Corn silage,per ton 4.00 Lot 1 was fed 1 vound of cottonseedmealdailyperhead.During the first 29 days they were fed in addi- tion 15 pounds corn silage,and theremainderofthetime20poundsof corn silage,per steer,daily. Lot 2 was fed.15 pounds corn silage for the first 29 days.and 20 pounds for the remainder of the time,per steer,daily.; The cost of wintering Lot 1 for the 160-day wintering period was $9,14 ner head,and Lot 2,$6.11 per head. While it cost more to winter Lot I. ithe lot receivine the cotton seed meal| |had lost only 29.2 nounds per head,|dvrine the entire neriod.Lot 2 losing| 199?nonnds dvring the period.| This shows that corn silage alone| ie an excellent.feed for wintering -beef| aattles and while they lost considera-| |ble weirht.the loss was not enough | + eattle the following summer. CONSUMPTION ‘OF COTTON | (} \ ||Last Month Showed Increase— Comparisons. \to 574,567 running bales,the census |bureau Tuesday announced.That ;compares with 493,798-bales used in May a year ago. Cotton used for the 10 months end-ing May 31 was 5,335,573 running bales,compared with 4,585,861 a year ago. Cotton on hand May 831 in consum- ing establishments was 1,973,094 bales,compared with 2,439,798 a year ago,.Spindles active during May num- bered 32,205,162,¢ompared with 31,- 107.221-a year ago. Cotton imported during May amounted to 32,602 bales,compared with 46,173 a year ago,and for the ten months 414,135,compared with 307.441 a year ago. Cotton exported during May amounted to 507,222.bales,compar- ed with 615,290 a year ago,and for the ten:months 5,159,672 bales,com- pared with 7,976,946 a year ago. Linters used during May amount- jed to 78,190 bales,compared with '46,265 a year ago,and for the ten|months 779,441 bales,compared with 309,082 a year ago. “Linters on hand May suming establishments 179,279 bales, compared with and in public storage and at com- 104,691 a year ago.Linters exported during May amounted to..7,892 --bales,compared with 18,708 a year ago,and for the ten months 192,267 bales,compared with 97,241 a year ago.ST Senator Tillman of South Carolina is hankering for a trip in a flying ma-chine if he can “find one that is safe much.”.There may be some folks ir South Carolina who would help theSenatortotheride,without particularcarewhetherthemachinewassafe.| H.B.Hundley,59 years old,mayor of Martinsville,Va,,who was fre- elected Tuesday,was found dead in his office Wednesday.His death re- sulted from a pistol shot wound in his head and is believed to be a case of suicide.No cause assigned. Longshoremen to the number of |200,emplyed by the Merchants &;Millers’Transportation |Company, |Boston,Mass.,struck Tuesday for higher wages. $100 Reward. Jim Tharpe will pay $100.reward to any ‘6ne wanting Chickens,Eyys. Hams,Honey,Hides,Veal Calves and Junk worse than.he does;eat Ne Hike iid ‘Meat forPOREThanhHodsLALREDELDPROs mates »ee 9 ivinva the erazing qualities of the;i Cotton used during May amounted: 81 in con-: 178,094 a year-ago,! presses_170,940 bales,-compared with. and Mrs.Tillman.doesn’t object toc, \instance:EF.W.Archer,Caldwell,Qhio.|vritgme tI do not believe that our family hasorthat)been”Awithout Chamberlain's Colic,Chol lesg.|"nd NEWSOFCURRE Incidents Gathered From ll! Parts of the Country. B,F.Ginther,a Socialist,was elect-“mayor of Brookneal,Va.,Tuesday.ay. Senator Thomas of Colorado,Dem-|ocrat;has introduced-in the Senate-a |vesolution proposing a canstitutional|amendment making.it impossible for! any,Justice of the Supreme Courtor | any inferior Federal court to be acandidateforelectiveofficeuntiltwo years after.he shall have ceased to |be a Justice.: Joy filled the suffrage camps at! St,Louis when Secretary of the Na-vy Daniels”publicly indorsed woman)|Suffrage.Although the Secretary|told the advocates of .this measurd,that he was speaking as an individual|they seemed to think his:announce-| ment would help them with the ~plat-|)form.committee. |Theodore ‘Roosevelt underwent ar X-ray examination in New York this ‘week for what he characterized as‘\possibly a slight breaking of the mus- cles around the rib which was brokenwhenhewasthrownfroma_horsc|May 24,1915.Possibly the condition of the colonel’s health may preventhistakingpartinthecampaign | *Twould be a good excuse and might! save him embarrassment.| The trials of J.P.Surber,of At-| lanta,Ga.,and Thos:C.McCoy,of|Asheville,N.C.,former revenue | agents,and Newton C.Spradling,of| Aurora,Mo.,and J.W.Grider,of So-| nora,Ark,,former government gau-| gers,charged with conspiring to de-| fraud the government.of internal| revenue in connection with the so-. called “moonshine”whiskey conspir-| acy,have been set for hearing in’ Federal Court at:Fort Smith,Ark.,! Monday. The United States Supreme Court has denied the petition of the Com- monwealth of Virginia for an imme- diate order to the court’s marshal tosell:property of the State of West Virginia to satisfy the $12,000,000 judgment against the latter in the Virginia -West Virginia State debt case.The court’s action was based solely on the ground that the West Virginia Legislature had not met.in regular session since the judgment was entered,The petition may be re- newed within a reasonable time. NT EVENTS| RATNERRTLIESNEONETE Mrs.Nora Burgess Attempts Suicide in Winston-Salem. Winston-Salem Journal,14th. Nora Rogers,alias Nora Burgess,| last night about 10 o’clock attempted to commit suicide when Captain T. ‘A,Early,of the police force,went to her room to serve a warrant on her for vagrancy.The woman came into town last Thursday and stayedatalocalhoteluntilyesterdayaf- ternoon,when she took a room over a store building on Main street.i Captain Early went to the roomandafterknockingseveraltimestheWomancametothedoor,partly dressed.Captain Early told her ithat he had a warrant for her and for ‘her to dress.The woman pulled the door ‘open and stepped back into a corner.of the room out of Captain “arly’s sight.He stepped back into the hall,thinking that she was dress- ing,until he was startled by the re- pott of a pistol,He-rushed into the sodm and saw the woman falling with her hands at her breast.Cap- un’TEarly called the man who was oming next door and Clerk of the unicipal Court Tesh,who was standing across the street.A doc- tor was procured and the woman was ;rushed to the hospital. ~The shot entered her body just be-lfow'the left breast.Her condition ,Was recarded as favorable last night, |the probability being taat she will re- cover. The local police also held a capias . |against the woman,as she was sen- “tenced some time last year to eight‘months in jail on the charge of run- ning a disorderly house,.judgment not to issue provided she leave town. |The woman left the next day and |tid not return until last Thursday.|, |She is said to have been in a ho-:|tel raid in Greensboro some time ago)and was months in the recorder’s court.at}eee which term she served.|j Outside of this nothing is knownof | ,the woman from the time she left |here,| ‘For:“Undiluted Americanism”! ;But Hyphens Support Him.| i Charles E.Hughes defines his atti-| tude toward German-American sup-| {port as one of “undiluted American-| ‘ism?’In a statement,the first issued since his acceptance of the Republi-| -edn-nomination —for President,he!3 Said:“I stated my _position very} clearly in-my telegram to the conven-| tion.My attitude is one of undiluted | Americanism and anybody that sup-. ports.me is supporting an out-and-} out American and an_out-and-out! American policy,~absolutelty-nothing|“else.”| However,the Hyphens are going to}support Mr.Hughes.The Teutonic: Sons of America,through the na-| tional council of the organization,| announces the adoption,at a meet-| ing in Chicago,of resolutions felici- tating Charles E.Hughes and Charles |W.Fairbanks upon their nomination. The resolutions also call upon “all, American citizens of Teutonic ex- traction or sympathy to give their|voice and supnort to the cause of se- jeuring the eléction of Charles E. Hughes to the presidency and Charles |W.Fairbanks to the vice presidency|of the United States.” Everett Colby of New Jersey,who;Dlaced John M.Parker in nomination ‘for the vice presidency-at the Pro- |gressive convention;Theodore Doug-‘las Robinson,nephew of Colonel Roosevelt and a former Progressive ‘l@ader in New York;Oscar Strauss, \prominent Progressive leader,andothersoflikekindhavenotifiedMr. i Poghes of their intention to support|him.” ;~Forethought.|Pahte are learning that a liltle forethoughtj}often saves them a big expense.Here is an farrhoea Remedy mher tvettcorhine’ given a sentence of four)4 MICHEL MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREADS. and RED TUBES :are not high-priced!Just compare thesepriceswiththoseyouhavebeenpaying. UNIVERSAL TREAD CASINGSANDREDTUBES Inch Q.D.AD.RedSizesSealeRiesioe 3243'5|$18.30 |......$3.55.3224 |24.90-|$24.90 |4.653325.65 |25.65 |4.253425.98 95 |5.00SO}27.95 _|_27.95|$.30_3424/3]33.00 |33.0035::; Michelin Red cesses |36.60 |6.30Tubeshangina3525|40.50|40.50 |655"curve be di :::faresbecauseneds3741.90 |41.90 |8 their casings perfectly.Also made in soft bead clinchersize31x4,price $22.25. TheMichelin Universal Tread combines all the advantages,.of non-skids of both the raised-tread and suction-tread types.Michelin Red Tubesretaintheir velvety softness indefinitely.Used in combination,Michelin casings and tubes make themostsatisfactorytireequipment.; Carolina Motor Company STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE,NEWTON, (ONE QUALITY ONLY-THEBEST > we Get Your Fords Now!: Most of the seven car loads of Fords that we| told you about are here and being unload- ed.CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVER- IES FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS!Now is the time to get your Ford. Carolina Motor Co., SLATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AN D NEWTON. Oe ee Ie Se AS I_ =o AM TDD gti eT Wee HOT_SPECIAL OfMEN’S SAILOR STRAWS. | 44 Formerly $2.50 and $8.00.Choice $1.89.>» Panamas and other straws at special re-, duced prices. Special price cash. sal PHONE NO.83.LL-WHITESHOECO iviSHERerRI f DID YOU KNOW IT’S ONLY.TWO WEEKS | UNTIL CHAUTAUQUAWEEK? FOR CHILLS AND MALARIA,=~ ——USE——aes ~Hall’s Chill Tonic. 50 CENTS A BOTTLE.™ HALL’S DRUG STORE,_., ictGive hanp CONCERT Ghtauaut,June mg 8 a CE:veceaenee 82.00 June 16,1916. BUTLER AND THE REPUBLI- CANS.NG*Whether,Marion Butler does or doesnot boss the Republican’party in North Carolina is of»no special concern to The Landmark. to use the North Carolina language, this paper doesn't give a whoop whethey Butler controls the Repub- licats.or whether they control .him, -..Butjas-a chronicler of facts and a re- corder of history it is The Lana- mirk’s duty to set down things as they are,When newspapers —inde- pendent as well as Democratic news- papers —reported that Butler.had dominated the Republican convention in Raleigh,Republicans,with one accord,‘put these newspapers in the Ananias club.Butler.they declared, simply went along with the conven- tion;it would have gone that way had Butte:been dead. 'Out at Chicago last week Con- gréssman Britt,the lone Republican Cofigressman from this State,want-ed 'to be a:member’of-the platform committee.Butler had himself put on,the committee and to all outward appeerance he dominated the delega- tiom at Chicago about as completely ashe did the Raleigh convention— except in one respect:He couldn't sWing the delegation to”Roosevelt, whom he championed.After it was apparent that Hughes was nominat- éd,Butler and the deiegates with him gave Lodge,the Roosevelt com- fromise candidate,the 21 yotes from North Carolina.Butler asserted,acéording to the horo News’representative,that the egiivention could take Rooseyelt or fhe country would fave four years more of,Wilson.We're of the opinion #het Butler’s vision was clear on the er part of the prediction. ‘RIME AND SHARP PRACTICE.%...oeyThey're having:investigation ane at.Durham about-alleged frauds seven of an n the recent primary election.A heok disappeared =and chen it came to light 28 names had foeen —put on it in some mysterious vay.There is talk of prominent sitizens being.involved and arrests tra prosecutions,all.of which will probably come to naught.This cheat- ang at primaries and conventions in ferry contests has become so ommon that it is regarded,by those a engage in it,not only as a priv- flere but a right,Much of the ob- Arcotion to .the primary Iaw comes (rem those who want the privilege o cheat with impunity.The prima- egistration tf law.makes these so-catled snarp ‘practices a crime—such as adding Ipomes to_a registration book or tak- ang thom off,as the occasion may warrant,stuffing the ballot box, ¢heating in the coun:,voting illegal Wolers ,and the like.While many ‘yho..think that all’s fair in.politics, ty.matter how great the fraud,will rot hesitate to take chances with the Gaw,no mattér how severe the penal- fy pronounced—having friends at tourt they expect to get by—never- Atcless it is more desirable to avoid vpleasunt possibilities.So;if the rimary law is repeated any sort of raud may be perpetrated in prima- and convention contests with ab- olute safety,for them the fraud isn’t #crime—ét is sharp practice,simply pf ahead of the other fellow. THE CALL¥FOR THE COLONEL. 3 “It may be that by swallowing his sown “personal ambitions,Theodore Roosevelt will yet be big enough to rise.to a notable occasion and re-Hrain from knifing the parzy tiat nas’serve is by no means lacking in the Picts at Norfolk and Newport News“0 signally honored him,”renfarks the Asheville Citizen.Strange talk, that.The colonel is a patriot and a ‘country-saver first and a pariy man cond.Therefore,when the that had honored him failed In fact Greens-| party \four’constfrearsagotorisetotheoceasion—| STAKES THE MEDICINE,_ The staid old New York Tribune, which a few months ago became a vociferous shouter.for Roosevelt,\on charged that Hughes was allowing himself,to be “used as the club of disloyaland_—treasonable “citizens”; that the German -Antericans had endorsed Hoghes.and that the:Re- publican--égnverition.~seeme willing to accept the dictat!im ! Hyphens.-=The _Tribune,however, expressed the emphatic belief.that! tHe people of the United States will| not ratify the bargain;that if tne Republican convention accepted the German -American candidate “Wood- row Wilson will be re-elected.” Well,the Republican convention ac- cepted the man the Tribune charged date.After a few days’silence comes the Tribune: The Tribune will loyally support Charles E.Hughes.From the morn-ing of the Lusitania to the present hour this newspaper has fought for certain principles which it believed to be vital in American life..For many weeks it has advocated the nomination of the American who championed these principles most fearlessly and uncompromisingly. The man has.been defeated,theprinciplesarenotincludedintheRe-publican platform and they will not be found in the statement issued by| Mr,Hughes after nomination.In so};far,then,as these principles are con- cerned,Mr.Hughes and Mr.Wilson stand on the -same ground,as_yet. But the Tribune purposes to support Mr.Hughes because it believes that in all other respects Mr.Hughes is the stronger man and will make a better President. The ‘Tribune will support Mr. Hughes because he is a Republican, but it doesn’t repudiate its emphatic pre-convention opinion that he can’t |he elected.{ Efforts to insert a plank in the bw of the} was the German-American candi=+" the eve of the Republican convention| PryyarBOT a) REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. Prof.A.T.Allen One to Pass on Books to be Used in State Schools. Governor Craig and State Superin-tendent of Public Instruction J.Y., Democratic platform,favoring a law| to prohibit Federal judges from leav-| ing the bench to accept elective office| was vetoed bythe President,who is reported to have said that he didn’t | want petty politics played.Good for| the President!If the nomination of | judges for higher offices should be-| 'come a custom it might lead to se-| ijrious evil,but The Landmark ques-| ,tions the wisdom of trying to make |political capital out of Hughes’nom- ination.If he had played politics to |get the nomination,he would be a |proper subject of far there is no evidence that he did |that.North Carolina! |Democrats are not in a position to! ltalk,We have a Chief Justice of| |the Supreme Court who not only was!while holding| but who went on the! |stump and spoke in his own behalf. '_EATEAEITESGTRON criticism,but so Moreover, 'a candidate for office ;on to his job, |“For some reason or other nobody |seems to be in a hurry about settling ithe water problem,”remarks the ‘Durham Herald,anent the long- |drawn-out negotiations between the |owners of the Durham water plant ‘and the city of Durham for the sale ,of the plant to the city.Whenever |the water controversy at Durham is |settled and the sale of the Presbyte- |rian college property at Charlotte to |the city is consummated or finally re- |jected,and talk of the negotiations ;about these two propositions shall |appear no more forever in the Dur- |ham and Charlotte papers—then will |we all make ready to enjoy that glad and hapy time of “peace on earth, |good will to men.” |To those who knew the.nominee as ;a Supreme Court Justice,there was 'a marked change in his bearing to- ‘they appoint to examine and report Joyner have announced the six mem- bers of the sub-text book commis- sion,which the law provides that on the merits of text books offered by publishers for the 5.year State adop- tion about to be made,The sub-commission consists of ‘U. B.Underwood.superintendent of thePittcountypublicschools;W.H.. Hipps,superintendent of the .Bun-combe county public schools;PauliJ. Long,superintendent of the North.’ ampton county public schools;E.B, Dougherty,superintendent of the Ap- palachian Training School for Teach- ers;A.T.Allen,superimtendent oftheSalisburycityschools,and Miss Mattie M.Parrot,assistant,superin- tendent and ,rural supervisor of TEXT BOOK COMMISSION.] )Carolina. schools in Lenoir county.These sub-commissioners met with the State Board of Education in ‘Ral# eigh Wednesday and took their ‘oaths of office and entered upon their work. First of all,there will be the joint session with the State Board as the! full Text Book Commission to receivethebriefsandhearoralarguments, by representatives of book publishers| who have filed bids.Thereafter the sub-commissioners will examine crit-! ically all books offered for adoption! —a long and tedious task which must be completed by August Ist.| Then there will be joint sessions of the full contmission again to finally adopt the books to be used in ¢he schools during the ensuing five years, QUIET IN OLD VIRGINIA. Beginning Tomorrow Midnight Lid on Sunday Labor-and Fun Tight. Virginia’s new ouster law,under which certain State and municipal of- ficials may be removed from office forfailuretoenforcethelawsandfor other causes,goes into effect:Satur- day at midnight,and according to re- ports from all parts of the State dicts have gone forth for the rigid enforcement of all statutes,includ- ing the so-called blue law,whichprohibitanykindofworkonSunday except that of “charity or of necessi- ty.”s |day.His air of reserve apparently |left him with the robes of his office. |His eye sparkled with enjoyment,he| |thusiastic in his welcome of friends who came to sce him after in- tervals of years.—Associated Press |report of Mr.Hughes’visit to New.York. |That is evidence that the man who has been noted for quietness and re- ;arts of the politician.“A hearty |hand grasp.and a smile for every man he met”is a necesvary pari of the manners of a candidate,whether he 'be a candidate for President or for able. gin the opinion of the cctonel—it was|Lives Lost and Much Propertyedutyofthecolonei,as a country- aver,to rise to the occasion,which t did,praise be,to gle —extent.The only criticism ave to make of the coione? Destroyed. Pennsylvania Railroad elevator No, some considera-|3,on the harbor front at Canton,a!we!suburb ofnowis!Tuesday with a loss of life estimated United States Baltimore,was burned that he is giving evidence of a cooi-|2t four or more and injuries to more fness in the pedal extremities at ime when,according to his view oft “proclaimed,the nec was four years ago. Yes,sir,the coun ry (and especially the Democrats)!Wreckage dropped upon them from|pest the colonel now, i were elevator of a patriot and!total loss at more ountry-saver is far greater than ‘it!wa If he fails,in!wheat this hour of peril,then he will have} ghown himself a mollycoddle and sev-|Driel,Sr.,a Dutch vessel,andFeralotherthings-—the same that he |British steamer Welbeckpecalled:others, ‘than 40 others.The victims mostly emploves. Conservative estimates placed the than $2,000,000.Altogether about a million bushels ofwheat,oats,barley,rye and buck-were destroyed.Two steamships,the Willem Van the Hall,which|were loading grain at the elevator,-|also were badly damaged by fire and i the elevator. |for every man he met and seemed en-|prohibit even the printing and_sell- old | |The ‘fire is thought to:have heen: In some cities,particularly New- port News,municipal authorities arehad-a-hearty hand grasp and a-smile|said to have instructed the police to ing of newspapers,while in practi- ically all cities drug stores will be al- ‘lowed to dispense only~medicines. Cigar and soft drink establishments |will be closed on “Sunday and auto |Sarages and jitneys will be prohibit-,ed from operating.Work in_facto- jries and at ‘coal and_merchandise may be stopped.‘ The ouster law.was passed for the purpose of insuring a rigid enforce- ment of the prohibition and anti-vice laws enacted by the last Legislature. Municipal officials,however,are’saidtobedeterminedtotakenochances and will prohibit practieally all ‘forms of activity on the Sabbath un-til the State courts decide what is‘work of “charity or of necessity.”| ‘Big Increase in Resources of National Banks. |Resources of national banks in the continue to increase /rapidly.Their growth,in the period‘between March 7 and May 1,Comp- troller Wiliams’announces,was |$256,000,000,pushing the total up to|more than 14 billion dollars. |Deposits in -the time covered in: ,creased $341,000,000,reaching a to-|tal of slightly more than 11 billion|dollars.Circulation decreased 13‘million dollars,although on May1it still was larger by 42 milions than a |year ago.Reserves showed a reduc- ition of $127,000.000;but a net in- crease within the year of $386,000,-/00. The ‘year’s.increase in total re. |LYRIC McLean’s Button Adopted. The Democratic National Commit- tee has adopted a désign for a cam-paign button suggested by NationalCommitteemanMcLeanofNorth The design bears a pictureofPresidentWilson,with the motto“America First,”in.bold red letters.SNOW CREEK‘DRAINAGE. matter of Snow In the Creek District.H.S$.King et al,vs.William Bailey.et.al.NOTICE---Landowners pf Snow CreckDrainageDistrictwilltakenoticethatthesupplementarypreliminaryreportoftheBoard of Viewers has been filed in my office and upon Drainage | ||| the hearing of same on yvune 12,1916,at 10;o'clock,was found upon examination to be in’The court tinds from the View- preliminary report that proper form.ers’supplementary entire drainage district,including the Yad-| un river from a point near Sharpe's mill to ®point near the Kilpatrick ford,is practi- eable and will benefit the -uolic health and bevonducivetothegeneralwelfareofthecom- funity : 22d day of July,1916,at 10 o'clock a.m.,as and the court hereby appoints the~ the day set for the filiny or the board of re-° viewers’final report,unless upon application further time may be allowed.It is further Ordered that a copy of inls order be postedwtthecourthousedoor, and at five conspicuous ;:aces—within Mgajinage district,and be published inmarkfortwoconsecutivea,:*J.A.HARTNESS,C.6.C.June 16 —2w,THE theThe THEATRE TODAY DUSTIN FARNUM “BEN BLAIR” A Paramount Photoplay. SATURDAY WILLARD MACK —jn— “THE CONQUEROR” A Triangle Play. AlsoMACKSWAIN “A MOVIE STAR” _.A Keystone Comedy. MONDAY FRANCIS X.BUSHMAN a and BEVERLY BAYNE “THE WALLBETWEEN” A Metro Wonderplay. THE city of Statesville,* atThaverepeatedlypa t‘in New York that is not the equal to.an AVERAGEat-two dollars forone attraction -f traction in Chantauqua here at home,for which Ipay,'” 15 cents on the Season Ticket plan. ;-EUGENE DAVIS,”iTheStrollers’Quartet,which was with us two years’‘ago and is to appear on our programme,again this year,I consider very fine’,The ‘personality 6f each was sopleasingastobequiteanattraction,aside from:the mu-sical ability of the troupe.Each one of these men I cori:sider a real artist.‘This number alone is,inmy opinionworththepriceoftheticketforthewholeseason,raft{Boe EUGENE DAVIS. ==MRS.DOORMAN.THOMPSON...oa ¥.B.BUNCH," MPa ena gone a opagaihcore aa Sd I have heard the Schubert String Quartet,once in bef Boston and twice in Winston;Salem,and Statesville is in-deed fortunate to be able to command such talent as goestomakeupthiswell-known quartet.In.Boston,the.American center of music,this quartet stands at the very top.At Winston-Salem,the Salem College author, ance,that it was asked to play a return engagement, The faculty and student.body were simply swept.off ‘their.feet in their enthusiasm.The personnel of these troupes are somewhat changed in the run ox the years,” of course,but if my memory serves me.accurately,thisMr.Frederick Blair,who is now at the head.of the Quartet,was the leader at the time I heard ‘it..Theygiveonlythehighestclassmusic.I can commend.thisnumbertotheStatesvillepublicwithoutreservation._ The prices for this,attraction in Winston-Salem were 75c.and $1,in Boston still higher. concerts on Saturday and one on Sunday by this Quar- tet,99 at current prices you more than get your,twodollarsfromthisoneattractionalone.ee _MRS.:DORMAN THOMPSON. °S.W,HADDON.©».Sosy)©ousAsonewhohasattendednearlyallthemeetingsoftheChautauquasinceitcameto.Statesville,“E can:traly |say that I believe it so combines ‘instruction:and enter:tainment as to be beneficial in ‘its effects to the commu-nity in general and that it does so at a very reasonablecost.S..W.HADDON??* CHARLES ANDERSON.BRET The Junior Chautauqua,with its Model Town,with officers to man each department of -a well-organized town,appeais strongly to the children,and its value in teaching them the duties of citizenship and giving untothemhighidealsofcivicrighteousnessisthegreatest possible preparation for future citizenship.Its:vaiue tothefutureisincalculable.CHAS.ANDERSON,CHARLES E.RAYNAL.~> The Chautauqua lecturers this year are-men-of -na- tional importance.As leaders,authors and speakers they have-won a place in the forefront of our great -men. If you ask how it happens that such men can be in- duced to visit our little town for these lectures,I would answer that it is only because Chautauqua gives themtheopportunitytoreachthemostpeople.Théy*have" messages for our time and come to us to.deliver’these messages.~-‘4 : In my opinion these lectures constitute great:events for our town..CHARLES E.RAYNAL.:* WILLIAM WALLACE,s I consider Chautauqua a very fine diversion for’the people of our community.This institution gives more and better entertainment for the amount ef money:in- vested than we can secure in any other way. 3 In addition to the entertainment feature,Chautau-« qua has a decided educational value.It has.been very happily styled “The American Canvas College.”—It,car- -yies to small towns;-the equivalent of the endowed lecture courses,enjoyed hitherto only by college communities. It fosters a community spirit,the lack of which has _ often been a decided factor in retarding the growth of small towns.WILLIAM WALLACE.-| -W.-E:-GHEBERT:aoe I consider’the Chautauquas that have been offered aitiesthoughtsowellofthis‘number on its first:appear-..» You get two here in the past,and the prospects of the Chautauqua .* that is to be here next week to be one of the greatest. assets that Statesville has to offer to its citizenship.The programmes are diversified and all of them are moral in every way.The Chautauqua stands for nothing but the best—morally,socially,educationally and civically.He One of our foremost ladies in conversation with me this morning,stated that in her opinion the Ghautauqua in a large measure takes the place of a summer school, in its educational value..= As a community builder there is oe ae will s ss a good Chautauqua.ours truly, ee ™W.L.GILBERT. S.H.BRYAN. Mr.S.H.Bryan,president of the Piedmont Lyceum Bureau,with headquarters at Charlotte,was a States-" ville visitor yesterday.For four‘years Mr.Bryan was booking agent for the largest Southern Chautauqua,and for nine years he was field representative for lyceum tal- ent.He knows talent and he knows programme quali- ty.Here is what he had to say about this year’s States- ville Chautauqua programme::ti “T have studied your programme for this year.I know the talent offered,either personally or by.reputa- tion._I can say,without ‘hesitancy,that this year’s pro- gramme is the best ever offered by your association on its Southern circuit.I cannot tompare it with talent of- fered on its other circuits,.as I.do not know the pro- grammes given on these circuits.But I can say this: Your programme will compare very favorably with.any $1,600 programme offered in Ameri¢a.Your-four lecture ers areall strong men,above the average Chautauqua platform lecturer,your musical numbers are all good, and I can commend this year’s programme,’as a whole, to the’Statesville boosters.Extend to the guarantors, ‘please,my best wishes for a successful Chautauqua sea- son.Cordially yours,ee, S;H.BRYAN, President Piedmont Lyceum Bureau. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT.THIS TESTT- MONY COMES FROM A DISINTERESTED WITNESS, a man whose busines¢it is to know talent,in order that he may be able to present it to advantage to the inVeste ..Tbe,President is considering a gue-| essor.to Justice:Hughes and North | Ardlinians won't dow him to for-, that we have-sétiie’available tim/ ees ea Ce en i won |sources is ‘given as _slightlyiJ more ‘than two and one-half billions.LYRIC THEATRE ing public.“The Coolest Place in for last winte1’s course here. caused by spontaneous ©i . :4 pel ld oorbustitn It was Mr.Bryan who.made the contractHarryTaylor,14-year-old ss : son.of|eemnjentenneetemencnenneiogransarachdfirs.Harry Taylor of Spar-|The livery stable.of.Don Scott &phuks,Ss.1C.ewas,.drowned in Ling!Son was burned at Goldsboro Satur-ait river,nearLinville EvUinabiga |lay night .and?)260ihorses perished in ‘¥ etna Ceaie)‘ e PX poms Jk A} ee _Statesville Housefurnishing Co. ~June 16,1916. GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Personal Mention of People and-Mheir Movements. Mr.J.W.Scroggs has.gone to Chape!Hill to.attend sumer school..«Miss Katherine Gaines,who taught in Columbia,8.C.,the past year,wasthegucstofMrs.H.0,Steele on her ay to her home in St.Louis,’,Mo. Mise “Gaines:formerly:taught ‘in theollegehere.¢Miss Bessie Lawrence of Charlotte,who was the guest o1 her,aunt,Mfs.R.‘Cowles,‘has joyned her mothertBlackMountain,where they will apend the summer.{Mrs.J.E.Scraggs.and_childrenofLenoirarevisitingMrs.Scroggs’ other,Mrs.Mary Cornelius,Miss Elsie Horne ‘of Mocksvilleisitinghersister,Mrs.Ross Mills.Miss Margaret Overcash.wént toanner.Elk,,Watauga county,yes- erday,to spentl awhile."‘ .Messrs,J..M.Deaton,Carl Alex-Giese J..P.°Alexander and A.Y. is exander went.to Norfolk,Va,,Wednesday night on an’excursion ip.W Ries:Campbell MeLain of Colum-ia,S.G.,and Miss Julia Stone ofLouisville,Ga.,arrived WednesdayighttovisitatthehomeofMr.andMis.W,P.McLain.'Dr,and Mrs.A.J.Durham andMr.Frank Durham of Acworth,Ga.,are spending a few weeks at.Mr.C,§.‘Tomlin’s.Mrs.Tomlin,who had heen in Mississippi and at Dr.Dyr- ham’s,returned with them.{ “Miss Laura Willson of Winston- Salem iis visiting her sister,Mrs.C.M.Steele, *(Mrs.John Wakefield and daughters. Misses Phoebe Eliot znd Margie,and Miss Elizabeth Orr have gone to Ban- er Elk,Watauga couniy,to spend the summer..Miss Johnsie Coit of Salisbury is inStatesvilletospendthesummerwithhermother,Mrs.A.M.Coit. ¢Mrs.Osborne Brown -and daugh-_ter,Miss Olivia,of Long Island,have fone to Ridgecrest to spend awhile. ;Misses Mary Alexander and Mar-faret Stevens of Charlotte will ar- rive today.to visit.Miss Adabell Bar-ringer.Miss Alexander is returnig rom the Y.W.C.A.meeting .at lueridge.»Mrs.W.R,Ware is visiting rela- tives in Greenville.%Mr,and,Mrs.C.H.Weeddn,whohavebeenwithMrs.Weedon’s _pa- fents,Mr.and Mrs.R.E.Armfield, for several weeks,will leave SundayfortheirhomeinDetroit,Mich..Mrs.S.L.Parks spent Tuesday at Black Mountain.Miss Mary Moore has returned to Roanoke,Va.,after a visit to her pa- yents,Mr.and Mrs,V.B.Moore...Mrs.Jake -Schraemeck of Augusta, Ga.,is visiting her mother,Mrs.Sol. Simon.Messrs.Leon and Julian Si-| qnon,who visited their mother,re-| @urned verterday,..to Baltimore.|"-Dy,H.F.Long and Mr.Earl Mo-/ ‘Ker returned this week from a stay!‘6f several days in New York. \Miss Katie Flowers of Meridian,fiss,,is visiting Mrs.Kittie Cald-'well at Mrs.P.F.Laugenour’s.:-.Miss Blanche Laugenour is.visiting,‘Miss Estelle Boyles at Shelby.| Sudden Death of Mr.Reavis— Killing of Mr.Warren. Dorrespondence of The Uandmark. “Harmony,R-2,June 13 —Mr.S. ‘A.Reavis,one of the old residents of ‘this community,died suddenly Mon- day evening,June 12th,on his 70th-+pirthday-_He-was—-twice —married,|having five children by his first wife,|all ‘of whom survive.’Mr.Reavis was held in esteem inhiscommunityandthroughtheave- nues_of—industry,honesty and econo-| my he had gained’a competence.He| had-—an_especial fondness for—bees|and had acquired a knowledge ofthemseldomattainedbytheordinary ‘man.He was buried at Holly Springs today with Masonic honors,funeral ‘gervices being conducted by his for-mer pastor,Rev.J..N.Binkley,_as-‘sisted by Rev,J.G.Weatherman."This community was shocked and ‘the people were greatly indignant atthemannerinwhichMr.Claude‘Warren met his*death,as mentioned‘in last Tuesday’s Landmark.The Speedy investigation and arrest of theperpetratorofthecrimewas.due tofouractivedeputy,Mr.W.I.Baity,*Ag the weather permits the people ‘are astir.The dry .weather in the parly spring and wet weather later on resulted in the farmers getting be-‘hind with.thefr-work,~Lewis Fraley.Jr.,a favorite in our‘section,especially among the ladies, is-confined witha case of measles. Notices of New Advertisements. +Splendid assortment hammocks dand swings,—Crawford-Bunch —Fur-initure Co.;,Sample dresses,shoes for all.—J.iM.-McKee &Co.:’Ol stove for canning fruit,.— .Underprices for .three days.—Un-Alerprice Grocery and Produce Co.’Drink at the fountain on thesquare.—Polk Gray Drug Co.‘ *..Final clean-up _—_sale.—Ramsey-‘Bowles-Morrison Co. +.What people say of Chautauqua.‘Dustin Farnum at the Lyric today.Pure-bred sow and pigs for sale.— W.D.Troutman,Troutman,:’.Sweet potato slips for sale—T.M.+*G.Davidson.‘e ’'Paola cotton mill stock for sale.—zAddress D.,care The Landmark.' t Qld Irish potatoes for July plant-jing.<Farm for sale at a sacrifice—J.5S.‘Leonard._ ,Building Bungalow Churches. 4Our Fatherless Ones.} *.We thought it would come,Theotherdaywésawtheplansfora/bungalow church.Now almost ev-ery.small church/will be known as 4itbungalow. |In Honor of Miss Feild—Social |Coble and Wallace,and-Mrs. cy @ *v a Affairs.. At the home ‘of one of bers,Miss Lila.White,on east.Broad street,Wednésday evéning,the Why Not club”was hostess‘to its bride-| elect’member,Miss Fannie Feild.Plans had been:made fora lawn par-ty but the inclemency of the weatherinterfered.Doyble arches were ar-ranged and covered with white and daisies..In the center of this pendedadaisybellandfromthisfellfor’the bride a shower.In addition tothisshewaspresentedwiththeclubgift—a ‘silver sandwich,tray.The dinner was served at four ta- bles and in three courses—cocktail,| salad course with tea and:orange ice,with cake and mints..Misses:.Mattie Feild and Naomi Bailey|served it.The bride was toasted by Miss Ar-leene Gilmer. After dinner various games wereplayed.--The.general...color.scheme was yellow and white.The place cards were of.daisy design and the.favors little baskets of daisies. Mrs,E.N.Lawrence entertainedtheBachelorBellesWednesday af-ternoon at bridge and héarts in hon- or_of her guest,Miss Louise Jones of Hickory.The bridge prize—a cor- sage of sweet.peas—was won.byMissRebeccaMillerand_the.hearts prize—a pack of cards—by MissGrace’Moffatt.The.guest-ofthonor was given a pair of pink silk hose.A salad course was served. On the lawn at the Statesville InnTuestldyafternoonfrom5to70’clockMissAnnieMarvinwashostessto Miss Fannie Feild and 50 to*60_ofherfriends.Punch was’‘served by Mrs.J.C.Dye and Miss Mary Bet-tie Feild.Carrying out the color scheme of green and white,green andwhiteblockicecream,cake and mints were served..At’each plate was a bunch of sweet peas.Hearts was nlayed'and the score cards were;pink hearts on which were two owls,rep- resenting a ‘bride and-a groom.On these were written F:and D,MissBeulahJenkinswonthehigh-score prizeé—a white glass vase with silver deposit.Miss Feild was given a green vase with silver deposit. Out ,on the lawn was a stump on which was placed a green mail box, leading to which were two lanes,one“Lovers’Lane”and the other lead-ing to “Matrimony.”In box was a letter from the groom in:which he told the bride that a few years ago he had walked “Lovers’Lane”but: that now he is walking the lane of “Matrimony.”When Miss Feild had finished reading the letter she was told to pull a cord which was attach- ed to a miscellaneous shower of use- ful things for her. Assisting in serving were Misses Katherine Ama&er,Margaret Braw- Jey.Mary Thomas,Katherine~Kin- caid.Out-of-town guests were Miss-|~ es Jones of Hickory,Rogers,Dayton, Tenn.,Mary Graham,Columbia,S&S. C.,Mrs.Lee Ashcraft,Raleigh,Mrs. E.P,Clampitt,Charlotte. Among those from’hére who at- tended the opening .ball at Alkalithia Saturday night were Mrs.M.R.Ad- ams,Miss Sara Adams.Mr.Minor Adams,Mr.W.M.Salley,Dr.and Mrs.T .D.Webb,Miss Millicent Fisher,Mr.Harold Yount,Miss Ma- rion Yount,Mr,J.B.Rodgers,Miss- es Mabel and Maude Guy,Mr.Carl- ton Andrews,Mr.Marius Cooper., Mr.J.C.Steele entertained a few| of his fellow Confederate at dinner Tuesday. Reported for The Landmark. The Eclectic Book chub held a Mrs.M,R.Adams Wednesday morn- ing.Mrs.R.-B.McLaughlin.was elected president to succeed Mrs.B. efficiently for many years. Reports of the State Federation meeting were given by Mesdames Long reported the biennial in New York. At the close of this meeting,the club suspends its activities until fall.:Eee eer DAMAGE.FROM.STORMS. Crops and Lands Damaged and Roads Badly Washed—Mov- ing a,Mill—Twin Calves. Correspondence’of The Landmark. Statesville,R-5;June 18 —Wheat harvest is in full swing,The straw is short ‘but most of the heads are filled real good.The heavy hail, wind and rainstorms of last weekdamagedthecropinsectionsvery much,the growing crops were badlyhurt.and_the land.-badly..washed— worse than for many years;bottom lands completely covered:and badly washed .on Snow creek and -its:tribu- taries. for this section in many years. The Wilkesboro road from Bry- antsville to Prospect church is badlywashed,the drains are all filled and need attention at.once.Floods likethepreviousonewillalmostmakethatpartoftheroadimpassable. Mr,aR.H.Guy is tearing out his roller mill on Snow creek and is mov-ing it to the Williams old mill onRockycreek,now ownéd by a Mr. Redman.Guy will furnish the mill and Redman the power,Guy to oper- ate the mill and go halvers in the profits.a aDr.Ed.S.King,who recently spent three weeks in New York city and Washington,has returned home.Wearegladthedoctorhadafinetimeandtripandisbackwithus. A cow belonging to.Mrs.Mary Page gave birth to twin calves a few days ago and they are doing well. They are neither males nor females. Mr.Babe Thomas drove into Mr.W.R.Stout’s Monday with Mr.J.L; Stout,who has measles,.which he contracted in Statesville some timeago. mill.ZPeachesarescarceinthiscommu- nity—almost a failure.Mr.R.J.Sloan,who has been un-der the weather since last fall,isgettingsomebetter. its.mem-| veterans |g business—meeting—at—the---home—of g POLK GRAYDRUG COMPAN F.Long,who has held the office so}. It was.the largest freshet|- Stout worked at Thomas’saw! Saving -Wheat and ‘CultivatingCrops—Interest in the Prima-ry—Former Iredell.Man's Misfortune.He Correapondence of The .Landmark.nat ‘Statesville,R-3,June .14.--These “rare”cool days in June area great help to the harvesters.Wheat ©is good in this section.«In some places the straw is short and.the old,time for several years.a gest the free and easy life om tfarm.Men and women,are a ‘work- frenzied,task-driven set of folks,tou-ing from‘early until late.A’lot of cotton has never been thinned,°tharvestison,and other crops ‘wait}pgtobecultivated.a A,little stir and excitement on the;day the primary was held.has heatateonlythingtobreak‘the:strain;for :a few hours.Farmers.were’whirland_from..the-primary-in..automobi and others could be seen driving liké.a&Jehu to cast their voteifor theix fa-vorite.;this section over the defeat of Mr: N.Brown of Troutman.Mr.‘Brow friends are legion,and’he is*a manwhoislikedbybothpoliticalparties,Mr.Sidney Litten left yesterdg for Tennessee.Mesdames J..M.a U.Al.Ostwalt will leave tomorrow for a two weeks’visit with relativesatSpartanburgandCherokeeSprings,SC us Lightning struck-a granary belong- ing to Mr.A.P.,Troutman,near a lot of other feedstuff.Mr.Trout-man’s dwelling:and an-@uthouse con- taining several hundred’bushels ofcornweredestroyedbyfireinKeyser about two months ago;~‘Siftce..then Mr.Troutman has been living ort his farm,where ill-luck seems to haye followed him.We would suggest through this.pa- per,and at the request of ‘some of our rural carriers,that a little more pride and care be used in the..erection of mail boxes along the rural routes.The posts and boxes should be-kept painted and the owners’names neatly. BUSY TIME QN,.THE FARM, cradle-is used more than it has ‘been |4 There is little now that would sug-)” There was.genuine regret,in}: > for préduce on the local market,Spring Friers,7c.per Ib,Old Hens,18¢.per IhExgs,16¢,per-dozen,Roosters,6¢,per.tb.Butter,16c.per Ib./Beeswax,25¢.per Ib.Green Hides,14¢.per.Ib.Hams,J7¢,to.18¢.*per Ib.Sides,18¢.Ib.\Shoulders,13¢..Ib. g Qik Auto Rubber Casing,de.»Sweet Potatoes,60¢,per bushel. Grain. for grain on the |market:Wheat $1.20 per.bushel,Corn,(new),80¢.per bushel.Oats,65c.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. y,MARKET REPORTS. Btatedville Produce Market.Théfollowing prices were paid yesterday New Red Honey,10¢,to 12 1-2c¢.per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to lsc.per Ib. The following prices,were paid yesterdayjocal Per line.No.ad.eyeents.,Cash must accompany orde R SALE—A farm at a sacrifice,"LEQNARD,Statesville. .KIMBALL'S.. Sweet Potato Stock at $75 per share:The Landmark, r,).in ‘25 J._8.June 16-3t.* 16. care shire sow, Sow young and good producer.‘No faults,||Coming ,litter entitled .to.‘registry.$25. Pure-bred pigs,all sizes,$4 up.W. TRQUTMAN,Troutman,N.C.June 16—It. FOR SALE—Big short-nosed registered Berk-bred to big prize winning boar. and in sod condition. No.3,Statesville. shares Diamond Furniture Co.stocOLINAMOTORCO. abrect.house. ORAIG, CORN—We are in Possession the market for May 6. k.June ||Keyser,Moore county,a few days ago,|WANTED -7Big flat top Desk.ae be cheap;:,3 0.H.,P.G.Boxdestroyinghis:entire crop of corn and|E ae elJune13--2t. FOR SALE—At a bargain,or will trade:35,CAR- 9. FOR RENT—The Copeland house on Walnut|Suitable for residence of boarding|given at once.J.May 23.Dz. Shelled Ceyn;and will pay highest market price, cash,’STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO. fani“plant. seven days per week.for udvancement to good men. electric light Excellent and bath at inscribed on the box’This —would serve as a guide to sirangers passing through a community and also as an appreciation of the free delivery of our mail the government has provided. To the Public. “I have been using Chamberlain’s Tablets for indiestion for the past.six months,,and it affords me~pleasure to say I have,“neverusedaremedythatdidmesamuch_good,”’, Mrs,C,.E.Riley,Ilion,N.Y,.Chamberylain’s Tablets are”obtainaple .everywhere,;4,,+“BUILDING?C. water.We Carpenters canandPurefilteredBricklayers,Aply ,at.once to May 30—6t. WANTED—200.white laborers for new Alum- Wages $1.70 per 8-hour day,chances the EMPLOYMENT REAU,Tallassee Power Co.,Whitney,N,C. Houses:withlowest also useyMachinists. rates. BU- FOR 'RENT—Five-room cottage corner of Stockton and Bost streets.Apply at LEON- ARD PIANO STORE.June 2, Dzf On the local market yesterday 12 3-d4e.per| pound was paid for best grade cotton.Ja oe ‘“ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 cents|taken for less than ‘25 | Se ae a eens \ ISH POTATOES for July planting| June 16,| Slips.T,M.C.|June | OR SALE—Ten shares.Paola Cotton Mill|Address D.,June 16, T itMIVA ™, "I Ct a:iaiees Be :HR ABE K ..T0..THE.YOUNG.BUSINESS Ik ay |“MAN!,.7 Fat The Banking needs of Busi- alt.ness Men are ‘given special at-, Te tention by this Bank!If you earry a Checking Account:with us we are always willing to help :you in the development of your hat business.YOU.ARE ASSUR- ED OF ,ABSOLUTE SECURI- at TY AND THE MOST COUR- iY TEOUS SERVICE! = ee s co d — er , “y e pe e a, Don’t Forget Your Season Tick- et for Chautauqua Week. %E FIRST NATIONAL BA Statesville,N.C. HEFI Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits. U.S.Depository.~oe FOR SALE—Practically new ‘Ford deliverybody.CAROLINA MOTOR CO.Ju ine 9. “WATKINS. hybbe im)a trained instructors. FACE INSTITUTE {deal Christian’Home.School. WHEN:YOU'RE:BRI Be sure to get the right drink.up to the FOUNTAIN ON THE SQUARE,where we serve delicious sodas madé of natural fruit flavors—ure grape juice,both refreshing and nourishing— emonade that livens up your liver,mineral waters that tone up your systems: Don’t FORGET THE ‘SEVEN JOYOUS DAYSundertheBIGTENT.©After each performance,topofftheeveningwithadishofRacy’s R1cH ICE CREAM. Square.” OC EOROEORO OR —FoR — AU [ed AA Steam heat.Electric lights. “On the SeNPreparatoryandCollegiatecourses,A Expression,Physical Culture,Pedagogy,DomesticSctence,businessetc.at |servatory of Music.High standard maintained by large staff of experienced,college |$.Takes only 100 boardersard teaches the individual.ssed-health record,—Brick buildings.4 See eit tate Unsur- Excellent | That leads you right m table.Good Gymnasium.Park-like campus.Concerts,lectures,tennis,basket-|-ball,Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. ,President.Raleigh,N.C. Highest prices paid for Produce Vegetables received every day. 3:poeees Good prices on Hay,Sweet Feed,ShipStuff and Flour.ALL ABOVE GOODS JUST RECEIVED! of all kinds. The Underprice Grocery For 3 Days. 25 Ib.bag Sugar ...........004e0e Waceoseeeatiesee $2.05 :Cream Cheese sore eget ens 23¢.fib.3 Mixed Pickles,bottle,.......Aisa titerernstetiieys 18c.:Olives,plain and ‘stuffed,per bottle,.............ceeeres 9e.i Peanut Butter,.can,)00.0 ce ees eee erode =coe 9c.3 Apple Butter;can,eaebasclerosisenereelses 238c.;Choice ‘Breakfast Strips)...-.+devae eri eee 21c.Ib.$ NICE LOT COUNTRY HAMS AND SHOULDERS!3 Fresh Country Honey .......--seeeeseceeeeeereeeeees 17¢,Ib.;Four Plugs Apple Tobacco ...........c.cecececeeee eeene 25c. Iresh Fruits and Underprice Grocery.and:Produce Company.§ THE PURE FOOD STORE,WEST:BROAD STREET.’Phone 134. sizes and makes.~~ Vulcanizing at its guaranteed.i! ‘best,and all work SAVE MONEY..SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY, by having your tires in good shape. PUNCTURES,BLOW-OUTS,RIM CUTS. Every curable ailmont®of yourtires,andinnertubessuccessfully.treated.”All Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. tail. ~PHONES:Office 294 co Bien om opeer aoe aight bit ged c~}Hatt 5;jet 2 ig redudboatAWe,eee M.Mgqatne PHONES:Residence:423 i GEVide Pres,and.Manager,iyi ws! r , 3).H.MY ERS, BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY.MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina,Pine.Wholesale and_re- Established in 1880.’*Incorporated 1909. || od Toy ant rabey,‘USE AN OIL STOVE Why get hot cooking on a Wood or Coal Range these long summer days?.When you —..| can keep cool,feel good and look pleasant.,, by using ONE OF OUR OIL STOVES. Fruit canning season is also here.Your — canning HIE be an actual pleasure by movitig:one of these stoves out:onthe poreh' or in the yard in the shade. Try it once and you will never again can fruit in the old way—stooping over a hot stove or range in the kitchen. It’s Victor’s Band and Miss Bentley Friday of Chautauqua. rel vt Statesville Housefurnishing Co, -~~Better Goods For Less Money.©ae _#PHONE 157.4_ 1,000 Yards 40.inch |... DOMESTIC,66 1-2c.+ White and Awning Striped Wash Skirts, Special 98c. oil vp TTS Torrey vrisk Yo gaming -Johnston-BelkCo CULTIVATE THE GOOD HABIT.OF.VISITING OUR STORE.OUR PRICESAREGUARANTEEDWITHOUTEX-..“’CEPTION!ee OSs bony, ites ts @ wis: ‘"ka Our showing of Midsummer Merchandise was more complete! never ApS READY -TO -WEAR DEPARTMENT aOVERFLOWINGWITHGOODTHINGS!,,,,, Silk Dresses,Voile Dresses,Gingham Dresses aid’Per-\.+ cale Dresses—98c.up .to $15;Misses and Children’s?94 Gingham Dresses,3 to 14 years,up-to-date’in style and?“ quality.Price 48¢c.-and 98c.bs DRESS FABRICS!2 ,Crepe De Chine,Silks,Satins,Soisette,Batiste,Lawns,a -ete.ATTRACTIVE LINE TO SELECT FROM!wc WE ARE ABUNDANTLY‘\PREPARED VEN W049 With the goods you need in our Clothing and.Gents’; Furnishing Department,and at prices that will make aid you smile!seed 5h BE READY FOR THE.BIJOU TRIO TUESDAY.OF **CHAUTAUQUA!¥per NT THE STORETHATSELLS FOR.LESS.’ »a hogs attainsspeechieiceseerstngose ~— MA ;,aNSE articular point Was very 2 MATTER OF CITIZENSHIP.that theca wan neta ueuM 1 “Co r to do but to either the} Born'in This Country ith Ae Frac army or forfeit his estates’in ~<An American Citizen.:“Ysunny France,:i : “Cc ndence Greensboro}(While this ruling seems Ange, ——|!Amenie ee ‘{a little reflection modifies it.#Mri} né r of Agriculture Is-a man-born of foreign parents,|Lelong’s father was evidently not a san.Mg Semi-Annu-in America,a citizen of A@erica;or|uralized and held his allegiance? mt -Makes :ti t the country from ©which his parents|France...The son,therefore,al Hou ig 4 Report.of Work in State.hailed?Ow the first thought the av-|born in this country,under the mi ‘of fertilizers to the farm-‘erage American would.‘answer that!law is.a citizen of France,eo ~ 4 Carolina decreased OVeF)the man:born under such conditions|ther is;-or was.The son could Wve on in:the first six months |j,an American citizen,-but evidently confirmed his American |citizen ‘ jtons ompared with the first Secretary of State Lansing thinks with naturalization papers,but this ; Seg €1915 according to the|otherwise.The Secretary ‘of State}he did not do,As we understand “|by oo eport of Commissioner}has just informed Pierre Ax Lelong,|not all foreign countries haveJa | esr .Av Graham made]of New-Orleans-and..Asheyille,that |like France and in not every State Board of Agriculture I)he (Lelong)must answer.the call of |would a citizen born of foreign+bow tok Tt sday at Raleigh.The the French military’authorities or!parents in this country be a citizen of se!at V2 ue r declare the crops 0 |forever forfeit valuable estates own-|the native country of his parents,‘as 6 gang t ever produced in the eq in France,In view of this impor-|is‘the case of France.It is nat LOR tee,ee h cotton was 25 Ppe/tant ruling by the State Department for Americans to say that one born,; Ste,a eee than in 1914,wheat!Mr.Lelong arrived in Asheville a few.this country is an American citizen, cont Jer 1915,oat!q ro from New.Orleans to ar-|no matter where his parents ¢ame ::;’3 1 ;cent,under ’days ago n N ahs cel |,ACreercentreductionunder1915,range his affairs there preparatory to|from,or whether naturalized or not |9 ;:e k our One $S Oo e \ :y¢-sae ..+s ro ,ren .-e)hat a childofhayandclo-|sailing for France to join the colors.|But would we concede th chiang‘thefirst FVD Z |,This ruling has an important bear-/born of American parents in Chin 3 A ,;‘. <fpmerprospect for corn,cael,to-|ing-onother sons of French parents,|Chinese 7 “or in Japan aeBat ss :ee,4 Thy mt 4 no ae i es,”Major |}is try,of which!on.course not.~Then what ?4s ie i ven ; bape.and swect fre,alth ihe |CHarleston,New.Orlea teu)WHULN the largest:Rubber Factory in the World,—Se “is fine,although the;Charleston,New Orleans and other)Thé Landmark).J a ‘ul BGM id, ingGia heen on and unusually gities in the South haveva large num-|-With a 47-year EXPER!ENCE ™m Rubber-working;and,-—spring has‘fae planting is practically finish-ber.The State Department ruled)“Remedy For the Chiggers,—A 47-year RECORD of.Businessi Integrity,Good-faith,and Square:'avi the stand good.The soja bean that the French law regarding this If a bath in hot en ore be dealing behind it,—i ' ;as 'Lter ¢+:r str (A ;‘'oe forstockpeaisoanteapaves®T 'ee i.Haw haus W fier eat ~—Makes the following deliberate Statement,you can well AFFORDillshavebee.a S l é -.\3 alopye tt ‘ycrop.See eet pactian of oil and S City ax a e:|posure in Sone Ey oe ete in-:E to ae we he Otemene ae ):lis or of meal.The meal is a re |fested with chiggers"or “red bugs,a.Flere JS 1€©atemen eee .ee :‘marpe feed and averages 9 1-2 per|By omer of the BoardofAldermenof the!no ill effects will be experienced,Af-f |J MONEY con't build BETTER Tires,—of Fabrie-Construction,— bi tof mmonia,while cotton seed ior North Carolina,1 will sell at®public auc-|ter a long exposure,however,a bath A AT ANY PRICK,then the ‘Black Barefoot,’?GOODRICH Tires whichcent.Of Amo’ent.The S0ja tion,to the highest bidder for cash,on 'has practically no effect,and ditect:aie Waieslia lead t ,meal yields 7 1-2 pela .€fertil-MONDAY,JULY 3,1916,|remedies are necessary ao are lair-Ist-pt iced below,.bean is also a good get,fully ripe /At.the court hapse door in Stateasille,N.C.)after irritation has set in,CARY Dependable Tires cannot be built,and sold,for less,:‘2 Vv y rex yg 0 o'cloe A yp fo wing |<«oot :’,Wac .i +Seale the iththe bean-makes descrined tracts of land and’elty’lots for ug {small red spots appear,the appiica-But,you WASTE MONEY when you.ysy MORE than the fol-GO ad 2 ee a nery.|tion of a moderately strong solution|~ff Jowing prices for ANY Fabric Tire. "adto the sale offertilizet,Major June 2,1916..ea ilty Tax Collector |of einen ay oF 1 -oa:ts on the decrease,CORPORATIONS.|recommended by the Dep:} nh The farmers have been SuUS-Compress Pad &Suddle Go.lot,Con-|Agriculture’s entomologists.A.su-e 66 °_°@ 99 ‘@saying:Pa a StS ter streetco.yn ars rated s i f bicart :EF ,£icigus of thé ‘fertilizers and requests Be ee :persatur ated solution of ic ar onate .(xOOC tric h alfr-i 1S rices f analyses by individuals have yee ees ono.g7 of soda,or common cooking cn ‘eroranalyses;.Seger eee ALSO.eee eis ne ES ust arr ;{.tar heretofore.REGULARS -WHITE saleratus,will afford -relief.Liberalbeenmuch.greater than alvg-|Absher.Georzenil lot,4th street 8/applications should be le tilthel ffneg5hecostofanalyz-Absher,George,1 lot,ith stree 43)applications should be made until the :i ae eepoor muck extra traveling nine walker:ee ‘irritation subsides.If thé suffering’}!BLACK “BAREFOOT”SAFETY TREADSingetieceS-and Ave...oes ceeecee,_ini,is seve lilute tincture of iodin.tors will be neces land Ave...cee es (Is severe,a dilute tinc odine |,by -the inapectors.i hborhoods to Ash,J.agent Benjamin Ash,.‘or collodine should be lightly applied.,sary.to require which will suit the |Water street 0.35 —eae a 30x3 {$10 40AETeeponeifitmaycausetWOOFBlaylockatsRA”Not Race st.qage A big clearance sale of Millingty ao ---.Ford Sizes ---;vicinity even Bost,D.O.,1 lot,Caldwell street ....13.57.bepinning tomorrow.—Mrs.J.M.Mee!30 345 :bs ($13 40:more visits.:‘jg Brawley,Admr.,J.S.Kerr,1 lot,|KEE.—ad hob p x =eMajorGrahamcallsattentioninmeMallces33|SEE—ad.;:5jsaleradicatewor::Nees \eae a cps ae :.oo.=«=2 -=8reporttothetickSeteailySillsecece;4;,BUY DAVIS’AND SAVE MONEY!(:32345 -$15.4 which has now cover :tie comments Bullin,W.L...Eighth street ....8.86/“I painted Mr.Watson’s*house.res 33x4 ~$2200 x Aas Nee ©cnwilivgness of the Gark.Ah.tlet Alibon street i ave.Vzis cently_and ordered as much "°:e eviden v Ss *-arpenter,FL A.,ot,est End Ave.¢2 B _7Beopletoextendthestocklaw.The Carter.a.jn,Sten at tae 34x4 -;~$22.40-arter S.,£lots,s eid stre a 4 j National Department of or Cashion,Mrs.A.E.,1 lot,Fourth st...hy ‘35 4};.a)$31 20 qtureisworkinginfreerangeterrito-Collie,Mrs.E.Li.1 lot,Boulevard...4.i a 5 q xS2 5 eivillbuildthe.Colvert,J.E.,1 lot,Davie avenue ....-23.;:ry,where the countries Wi e Davidson,C.M.,1 lot,Fourth street ..1.03 vi Leyats.It is suggested that the State Dou ae judith,1 lot,Mulberry {36x45 $31.60andnationaldepartmentsimmediate-“stre os!eR ny fe 375 .$37.35 ly enter into a campaign of education along these lines.\Fox,A.P.,1 lot,Caldwell street :.F 5ificationismadethattheNQ-Freidman,Mrs.:Lula,1 lot,Sharpe st...79}3 a m 4 ;SIP ES :i ae rtment will discontinue the Goforth,Floyd,1 lot,Seventh street...8-4!:**:THE B.F.GOODRICH CO.tional depa vention work which Gunn,J.A.1 lot,Cemetery street.13.57,a8 it would take if other high-grade New York BranthhogcholeraensAirectionofDr.|Harbin,R.J..1 lot,Alexander street ..|Paints were used.When the worke|'Harris i str 2.25 a8 -780 Broadwayhasbeenundere{)Harris,A.W..1 lot,Bell street...”.25/was finished I mot only had the pret+||178 ayB.D.Owen.The suggestiontatcon Harincen’Nore and Regma teat”©©tiest job of painting in town,but-hadd |——munity clubs for the :h well-street i/EIGHT GALLONS OF ~PAINT Fair-ListedhogcholerabeteenedeiGrahamHarwell;U.C.,1 lot,Walnut street ../LEFT OVER!.‘commends to the board.Hill,Mrs.Belle M.,1lot.Davie avenue |“H.N.WELLS,M.P.,'H :“Touching on the work of the Farm-|Hubtiard,P.L.and 8.T.,1 lot,Tradd |“Keyser,W.Va.”|B 1 Fie ers’Institutes,Major Graham _rec-Jacks,M.L.,1 lot,Fourth street D402 SN’THAT CE SINSinmendathatMr.T.B.Parker’s Te-Johnson,A.C.,1 lot,Bost street...)15.21 owes:PHT LIKE ENDING .”Noe 5 :q@est for an assistant in this work Kester.J.B,1 lot.Bighth street...nue Goodrich “Toxtan"’—for Shoe Sole=b Kerr,T.R.G.,1 lot,Bell street ......FOR SALE BYbegranted.::Lawrence,Dr.E.N.,1 lot,Bell street your Shoe Dealer,or Shoe Repairer,for10241TextanSolesonyournextpairofshoes. 54 s.“It will profit little to obtain Lippard,T.D.,1 lot,Seventh street .8.55 . formation in the laboratory oe ippard!J.T.,Senior,1 tot,Seventh ;PEOPLE WHO KNOW.'test farms if it is not conveyed to,street|6.78 |Cee ae oFWiilpeople.The great advance of Bie;ore ae veh —[The superiority of Long-Léaf,Kiln- farmers of the State has been due miter,R.A.,1 lot,a eek.aay |Dried Flooring,Ceiling,Weather-C.Watkins Brought StatesvilleSancee:this work.”Miller,W.W.,1 lot,Tradd street ..|boarding,Boxing and Casing,won’t Pe eae aanani for marl has ne-a Me M.,a Caldwell Auraet ee Bae allow their houses to be built out -of LOW PRICES ON .SHINGLES,.¥;()R K ; essitated ‘canceling orders for over Moore,V.H.."1 lot ell street...13.07,Other kinds ofpine—and my priest gong AND WINDOWS,AND HIS000tons,Major Graham told the Moore |ARE LOWEST!<n WI AN .: “a Moose,i'M.1 Tot,Boulevard ae C.WATKINS.{PRICES ARE STILL LOWEST!'Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles|“Bron August 20,1915,to June 1,orga :i 5 /V Morgan,Will,lot,Seventh street ....45 syatid tate tT HiHA NG aH atau i ryt vt st RR HH ii HAWN H IH rl i yi :"x ©.).bre have.distributed 8,608 tons Morrinn,J.C,1'fotTiishland avenue 2st)RG ai ee ET fitted...“Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. e °ee oy —Wears longer than leathert 66 :99 :,oy!-80.26 id ~~etproof anc -sippery;e ligh ;1eethigisthemostimportant-work [eazar,Miss Isabella,1 lot,S.Center ~\Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,{moran (ee ee ce eos :Black-{read ]esofthedepartment,”Major Graham ,4.75|Statesville,N.C.a Y .7 ;jn Morrison,C.B.,1 lot,Front streetmersin,f gteund limestone to oo ene id,Mott.Dr.de J..1 lot,Broad streetariouspartsoftheState,€Sald.Nabors,John,1 lot,Seventh street veee 1S 3 >»WW ATW .‘From August 23.1915,to June 1,Orr,R W..1 Jot,Front street 20.=We i.TH EN 2 YY ;Jeweler. 191G;:we have distributed 4,535 tone eee aoa sieeet :=‘' 5 A s .ratt,J.S.,ot,Boulevarc 3jofmarl,principally to farmers cast purneil,P.P.,1 lot,Front street... or Raleigh.The demand for marl Ramsey,Mrs.J.S.,1 lot,Davie ave-| waa far in excess of the supply.We;_nue -91.: 4 der f 1 after Rayle,J.C.,1 lot,Fifth streeteceptednogrdersormarlRhyne,W.A.,1 lot,Front street .....:‘anuaty 10,as our full capacity for|Ross,‘Charles V..1 lot,Seventh street ..20.‘seasheonwassoldonthatdate.Rose,A..:lot,Oak mirest ei ; es 1 _|Rufty,D--€.,ot,—"Fradd-stree 5.6 .ioe v .work undertaken ‘by the de-|coi.’John,2 lots,Fifth stree 2:ceement Wes bec more helpfil toi cone.itePat ates!We have discontinued the sale of Pistol e farmers,The use of ground lime-Shaver,John F.,1 lot,Boulevard ....tone will lessen the amount of fer-Sherrill,E.D.,1 OG Alexander street..=Cartridges at our store.The young man ilizers abs and generally pro-'Shuping,Geo F..1 lot,Sevensh ctreet. t qe ote gro f plants to improve the ‘Somers,W.—estate:if ‘ne who buys for his brother and the sportyeecuReeeenetyeadsows‘aldwel macs .colored citizen who uses “a nickel’s worth ofonstothemachineryoftheplantatSowers,Jobn,|Pradd-strectc..oh),4 95 3emarl@jitosupplythemarlStarnes,uy B.1 fot,Sharpe strect bees .38 can take notice ;})pTeague,C.G.,ot,Patterson street ..‘a ee nee an five com Tal z ie Ins Seventh street%rie <.Tharpe,L.E.,1 lot,Park Place 5 5 5 rf ‘anies for supplying ground lime-Turner,1.EB.1 lot,Davie avenue -...19.02 Our one aim in business is to sell the useful tone.There ‘had been considerable pone Be Hees Ven eeat ~omplaint of wrong charges for Tyrer,Mr ular i nt Front erect tot and necessary things in our line.In thefreien,especially by the Seaboard |Welborne,A.F.,1 lot,Tradd street ..23‘Air Line Co.This has caused some Wilkinson,J.W..1 lot,Buffalo Shoals st language of the poet,Mr.Foss,“Let us liveomplaintbyfarmersagainstthede-Wiliams,WoL)7 tot.artment,but they have all been cor-Woolen,D.W..1 lot.Calawell street 5 in the house by the side of the road,and be‘rected by the corporation commission esvevn,itt Poe “::”and the blime_properly located,yij."'w.P...1 lot,Boulevard ..........102 ,a friend to man .which has generally been erroneously MinishsJ.J.,1 lot,Seventh street... Sredited to the department..The Mitchell,R.P..1 lot,Kelly streetsamounttoconstituteacarloaddifSMe.PD,Ry®fate,Genter street 8 Let all get ready for Chautauqua.Be onferswiththerailroadcompanies.T Simons,Mrs.Lee,1 lot,Fourthstret ..fhope this.can be adjusted and that oe i!Pee cores TOT time at the meeting.While cultivatingeachcompanywillgivethesame01:ie ..amount.”Aeon ROT (econ eer promptness,some could improve on meeting*Maj,Graham further commends the ‘Allison,Caesar,1 lot,Green street :6fvorkofruralcredits,community ser..Bailey,Annie,Alfred and Hattte,1 Tot,:their store bills.twice,and concludes his report with pailey,Walter,1 lot,pradd street!ahis congratulatory note relative to Relt.Frank,1 lot,Chambers street.:=MEANS the BEST A Few at the OLD PRICE.ffhe primary returns:Bennett,G.W.,1 lot,Garmeid street .,t :‘i ..5 as‘Sates re Burton,Ashley,2lots,Green.street 7.07“By a majority in three-fourths of Chambers,FoF.1 lol,Trakd street |the connties as represented in the pri-\Cowan,M.L.,1 lot,Front streetoelectiononthe3dinst.,all ac-conan He Cod lot,Walther street a a |Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Iredell Hardware Com yaoeofsenileinfirmityonthePDacct Davidson,Mamie,1 lot,Chambers streetart_of the commissioner,or lack of|Fraley,Lee,1 lot,Green street ——perpeeeetaaeprpgressintheworkofthedepart-Feimster,Melvin,1 lot,Chambers strect’ ment,have been rebuked and the (iither Alexander,1 lot,Chambers st."14.55 |A Ht Ne lf -a : i ee y.John H.,1 lot,Sharpe street ....3 eae Re ae F -ar___WOH approved by the large majority .Green,Margaret,1 lol.Garheld street “<--mm.|g 9 ;ast-for the renomination for re-Pe She ee d Ze |i ;2,7 maa |Hall,Harriet,1 lot,‘Tradd street 5 |RI’‘lection of the present commissioner.jy°y,Cur ye)lot,Walker street ..8.85 Bs ,:“An advance ‘of $10,000,000 per Kerr,Henrietta,1 lot,West End ave.Year..in the value of the agricultural nue eo 2 e 7 'Art Gia ¢oe },excelled in construction,operationreforsixyears,an annual in-Kimbrough,Will,1 lot,tfarrison st...4.02 O or 1 wf e i And its a real Lae a ent of its kind;)’’McKey,G.C.,1 lot,Green street 178 mle \.,:43s \ree i: 8 .‘and tones the best and “sweetest”musical instrumemailpieartyaon|MeLelland we v 1 ot Chambe on the market.‘Ehat’s,because it is another§j 9 our )|Moore,Richard,ot,Green street ....ed ithe State.and rising from he locate :poe lot,Sharpe st.‘}‘*WESER PLAYER PIANO!';the 18th 3 ‘Murphy,J.P.1 lot,favie avenue ....21.78 AD =:eropa,Are.hot,sigheOf reneeerage,Grete:Mamie,lot,Watnat ated 2)EA LET-US REPAIR Y@UR MOTORS.|co,WE DON'T ASK YOU TO TAKE OUR WORDAEStotofi5signspearson,«',Garfield stre¢2.033 |es |-:j ave ére7inantRichardson,Jerry,1 lot,Garfield st...¢|+a {Come to our store for a demonstration.e ‘ne sig to have ben convincing to eioonien beta,1 ee Giarnetd street m IT IS BETTER |OR THE LIFE OF “few rolls which came along with the Player for demonstration'S.{Spann,Luther,1 lot,‘y-street ..a]»“I congratulate you,gentlemen;on |Stockton,Nt 1 lot,Walker are ;kind of,musiciiAdha!.purposes—to let you hear how perfectly every|‘i ’‘hat®You have done and the approv-ee ea 1 lot,Harrison street 9.11!,THE MOTOR AND .YOU GET.50 from the “clussiest”ae avs eee Hon uae‘al and appreciation of our constitu-Coe es :d lot,wean street ....|2.03}PH ;be rendered by a person who does not kr 3 e::e t vomas,Jeanette,1 lot,Sharpe street 4.p ae ,SOR OGRAPHS are also waiting for you!‘ants.Let this encourage jus to main-White,Joseph.1 lot,‘Tradd steect 1.06 |MUCH BETTE R RE ULTS.Wel have apmedbing’intersstin :ijbeean|Woody,roe Vie anon tee gs ,'a S |We'll have something interesting to tel!abo!cur’Siget,PydsicLEONARD.PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.C. Reet,Pea wHohs Baa.")Mdirisdl Bligtije!West Bega Birger,.Tete hohe Pe .Wood &Carson,1 lot,Cemetery street i x e359 °A big clearance sale ‘of Millinery Wood David,1 oy Gurseta cere CD a Get Season Chautauqua Tickets.ginning tomorrow.—=Mrs.J.M.Me-|Wood,Richard,1 lot,Green street ....5 *4EK-—-ad:P oe 'Young,Mary Lee,1 lot,Walker.street |coats PAP NOUNS 5 |‘HOME ELECTR "s a WHA year Hefore you cai yv'din,Keto,1 lot,Greon street)4c ‘COMP raed*ite ‘‘6 :Martin,Lee O.,ot,Garfle ree i {OI Stren moet ’Jomillil ~sJa8 adM::So lot,Garield peau é .<r ‘tT mh OW Vy 'vsjavadanete toe ot i ~-2 ;Patent .;HA OT TAVHOU |cou 4 clea nltinil UO Fri BURDEN.OUVPATANATIONSyeeOdtdBUPamreceapePrnaeMikey:Dilly Stevenson,dobn,1 dot,Cham’bers str 4 AVC:BOD,..atreet.....5 ,Webb,Ray,1.lat,Harrison street...5.4;‘; 1 are“CALOMEL IS HORRIBLE!IT"SHOCKS Serous |rdrug-tonight-and tomorrowyoumayloseaday's work, *Walomel :‘is;mercury or quicksilver]ch causes Necrosis of the bones.poms when’it comes into coatactsourbile,crashes "into7 it,istreaking it’up.Thig is‘when you the sale of Calomel because it is rea liver medicine;” you sick.T guarantee that one speoreal: Dodgon’s Liver Tone willsluggish—liver.to work andyourbowelsofthatsourbile ‘that awfyl naugéa’and ¢yamIf,you ,are:sluggish and’“aly ked out,”if your liver is torpidinpbowels"coristipated or-you haveheadache,“dizziness,coated.-tongue,iffbreath is.bad or stomach seur, your system and making you miserable, E.dvug store and get a 50-cent tottle le ees Diver Tone.Take atke:itss pleasant taste. iiRemember the June Brides GIFTS SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS OR BRIDAL SHOWERS. IN-——— Cut Glass,Hand-Painted China,Sterling Silver, Parisian [vory,Perfumes—and Toilet “Articles, STORE OF QUALIT Y All the children will want to see the JuniorChautauquaplay—Oncle Sam’s Experiment—Wednesday afternoon,June 28,1916. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. ‘MONEYac POWER! MONEY Is.POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START JS WITHA BANK ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-* ment,All Deposits made on or.before April 5th will draw interestfrom April 18t at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women. and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear intcrest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. ~We want your business! ‘People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN President.0.L.TURNER Cashier. Ne YOUR LIVER IF BILIOUS|: ae Sickens!Bon't Losea Day’s Work!Clean mHvet and Bowels With ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.” !“Agh!)makes you sick.It's ayer and,if _doesn’t stralichton Z .|you right up and make.youfeel fine berriblel ke eee techn and Ciecican,I want you to go back to the stere-.and..ges your money,Dodson's Liver Tone is destroyin put arcleansnd veonstipated waste which is clogging feelI-guarantec_that_a_bot- Just,try a spoonful of harmless Dod-|tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone wit!keep son’s Liver Tone tonight.your entire family feelirg fine.for“Here's my guarantee —Go to any |roonths.‘Give ‘itto your children.Itisharmless;dovsn’t gripe and they st entirely .vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make 3 thing good —something better than ~dune 16,1916.FRIDAY, IREDELLCLUB”MEMBERS. Names of Corn,Pig and Poul- try.Club.Members —What‘the Club Members Are to Do —Parents:Should...Encourage Them. Correspondence of The Landmark. As the enrollment of members:inr|the different branches of club workf!closed on the 15th of May,it is nowpossibletogiveafairlyaccuratelist.of those.taking part in this work, However,it is quite likely that somehavegoneaheadwiththeworkthink- ing A are-members,yet by somemeans_or other have not been prop- erly enrolled.If you are doing theworka#required and think you are a member but fail to see your.name inthislistorarenotreceivingthelit-erature from the State offices,I will consider it a favor if you will let me kriow that’any mistake may be cor-- rected.While no one club’member pro-duces a great quantity of the crop,bird or beast,with which their clubdeals,the total production of all theclubmembersofthevariousclubs some amount. produced other points of greater im- portance are dealt with.Each member {~~~County Agent. of the State reaches quite a hand-|Besides the numbers|¢} Charles Linke;Bessie Williford.Elgin School,Stony Point,R-1—Euthea Alexander,Eva Dagenhart,Rachel Jenkins,Julia Lackey,AnnaMarshall,Claude A:Morrison,EuzgeneMorrison,Lelia”Pope,RutWalker,Glenn”Reid,Mary EllenSummers.: Mount Bethel School,Statesville,R-1—Bertie Stine,Pearl Sherrill,Anna Williams,‘William Valholland, Miscellaneous club.members.— Henry Warren,Angie Jennings,Jas.Dunlap,Marcus Brown,William Col-vert,Marchel Price,Dewey Johnson,Lola Johnson,©Mary Ostwalt,Ola Troutman,Bessie”Troutman,Eliza-beth Carrigan,Dezzie Powers,Flora Wiggins.G.E.DULL, |Nomination.of a Supreme Court Justice Dangerous~Precedent: Speaking of the nomination of| Justice Hughes,Senator Stone of| Missouri said that he considered Mr.| Hughes a,man of ability and char-!acter,but.looked..upon his nomina-| tion while he was!on the bench as| E POLISHE: Contain no acid and thus keep the leather soft,protecting it against cracking.They combine liquid and-paste in «paste formand require. only half the effort for a brilliant lasting shine.Easy to use for all the family—childrenand.adults.Shine-your shoes-at home and | keep them neat.f aer F.FE.-PAULEY co.,Ltd. alo,N.Y.a)“cep YOUR SHOES NEAT full of menace and danger.|“Mv objection to the nomination of| Mr.Hughes,”said the Senator’s| statement,“lies in the fact that I re-rard itsas bad in every way,even|Vicious,for a great political party,| hard pressed:on its uppers,to invade| the Supreme Court of.the United)i States and take dowh from that) bench one of its Justices to make is expected to produce only some- his or her neighbor —and to endeav- |or to improve the quality of it,thus| H furnishing a start:in that community| of a higher class product.Many acommunityhasbeenhelpedtoget| poultry or'hogs just because one of its juvenile members made a small| ;start and succeeded.Of greater importance than either| of the reasons given is the fact that! the club work furnishes a training| han aman aye,neuen fue fA{Many a boy or girl has been helped| |to higher ideals and a life of greater| {usefulness to his or her _community | |by its training,Neither is there the| ing to leave the farm and become a aie Parents will HM N l V V I T I T I E T i j will be takenHiway, \ A |#Key Barkley. {day laborer in some town or do well to encourage| this’work,for no!their children in A single disparaging word may dishearten the child so that anything up in a_half-hearted while a_little i will make their work a success even fin after years. Pelee hers with their school address. Corn Club. Statesville,Route 1—Ray Barkley.‘Benj.Miller; —Claude |Ostwalt, WilliCullaHihertLentz,Jay Feimster, |White,Marvin BY Lentz,Zeb.Holland. Troutman —Spencer Erwin,Fred. Gaither, H.|Orren,Floyd Ostwalt. :Mooresville James Linker.Oscar L.Mitchell. Clendenin. Church. Dunlap—iJames Dunlap. Clevelan¢—Perry Tomlin. || | ||1 C.Williams. Harmony—Clyde ?. sell-b.Renegar. Stroud,Rus Ice Teais always good and refreshing,but thedaintyetchedGLASSESwearenowshowing make it taste just a little better.Prices ‘from 1.75.set and up.Better see them.. R.H.RICKERT &SON, JEWELERS. Get Rickert’s time,and remember Chautauqua. So g o em i n e m at t e n d ee Dainty Tea Glasses.| Sharpe. Eufola—-Eugene Smith. Stony Point—John Kerr. Troutman—John W.Erwin,Floyc Ostwalt. *Poultry:Club. Abernethy School,-Eufola, Alma Brown,Jessie Gantt, HUNT BROTHERS, _STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.>.ambing-and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES FURNISHED. ~ Ed.Witherspoon,Fannie Wither |sgen,Irene Morrison,Eula Miller. Shawnee School,Troutman,R-1— Minnie Davidson,Cora Freeze,Len: Hager,Edna Harwell,Mary .The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!2= Sreea great many:policyholders do not-seem_to eethat“their insurance will be void under cer‘ain conditions named in thecontractof_the_policy_which they buy.mention some of the causes under which the same will be rendered valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply to your agent for permit.2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.8—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice ofsameisgiven—apply to your agent.4—Any.change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.5—Assignment or transfer of property to ariother.vat,any increase in thé hazard,notice:must be given.%—The taking of other insurance without notice.;8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil.9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-. ‘mation..“WE INSUREANYTHINGINSURABLE.”§.Parkes Cadmanis coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!ds F..GARLTON,Mana er; »"PHONE 64.STATESVILLE, a We deem it advisable to -'|well,Rose Hinson,Boscum Sidney Troutman.Orren Winccoff. cash,Jr.,Ralph Sherrill, rill Hubert Sherrill. Glen Summers.Mabel Summers, nis Morrison,Leland Wooten. Duffv.School,Statesville,R-4EthelHolland.Lucile Holland,Irm Holmes,Hazel Murdock,Ruth Mur Ethel Miller.’ started:to producing pure-bred corn,| ‘desire of those having such a train-| mill.| other reasons than those just given,| léand they have a far greater oppor-| |tunity in this respect than any one} encouragement| |Below.is a list of the corn and pig| Hi club members with their and a ‘list of the poultry club mem- :| address@s| Route 3A‘Glenn Ostwalt;a;Route 5—Fred.D.een Riute 6—|Bayne Caudill,Claude Caudill;RouteH|7—Lee Campbell,Clyde Yates,nh 3:WM.Harwell,Archie Kennedy,Arthur Ervin Alexander, Elmwood—Edwin Clendenin,Paul Turnersburg—Coit Church,Everett Stony Point—Clande Morrison,ts . Carl Stewart,John Kerr.3 Q : New Hope—Geo.M.Shaver,Paul}%The Flourof uality.Ae :Olin—Glenn.Madison,Walter R.}4-the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-ee 8 pinia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. ‘|Loray—Sharne Browning,Owens Makes better bread and imore Moose,Dewey R.Woodside.¥of itto the pound than other ee =ig cin ite “h—"¥j flour.It is economy to,buyfood—Eugene Little,.Vile : Lowerv,Carl Galliher,Paul Hines,DAN VAL LEY.TRY IT. oe Clarence Pou.' Statesville —:-James A.Sherrill,z a poe spemall Ralph Sharpe,Hal-Cary (.Bosharter, ie Williams.:coy Mooreaville —-Robert S.Brown,,LocalRepresentative,Junius Blackwelder.|.enone aBees It.ba Loray—Charles Moore,Mrs.C.W.J R,-1— Margie |Johnson,Vera Massev,Sudie Pope, Nettie Stewart,Zee Pierce.|Sharon School,Eufola,R-1 —| {Grace Dagenhart,Miss Willic Del-}jlinger.Ted Miller.Clarence Miller,|Coit Miller.Hewitt Miller,Delia e Pennell.Daisy Pennell,Glenn Reece, ETA RET Har- JoseyJohnLeeJosey,Maud Kennedy,Co-ee 5raManns.-sition to furnish the veryTroutmanSchool,Troutman—Bry-mn ,an eeaiehew,Voairee Brookshire,best in Wedding Flowers, Stanford Brookshire,Carl Brown,a +6 &Love Brown,Troy Collins,Hoile Our special booklet,The Collins,Gephas-Lipnard,John Parks, ~Feimster School,Statesville,R-2—Fay Boggs.Lorenzo Boggs,HughDelinger,Ted Delinger,Charles are always glad,too,to Hartness,Luke Hartness,J.O.Over-|{offer supgestions,if you Ivey Sher rill,Dewey Sherrill.John Cecil Sher- Fairview School,Statesville,AJa- dock,Gertrude Watts,Julia L.Watts, Vance —School,Statesville,R-4— eel Cornelius,Grace Cornea:GREENSBORO,BO. ary Lye Holtshouser,BeulaSharpe,Lena Nantz.—§, Oak Grove School,Mooresville,R-Polk Gray D rug Co., 4—Eva Bell,Harold Caldwell,Jessie him a party candidate for a political| office to meet and serve a party ex |igency. “The experiment is full of menace | and danger.Hereafter it,is .more |than probable that men appointed to the Supreme’Court.will begin to re- gard it not as the honorable and final |goal of,their ambition,but as a stepping stone to what they will, |Mr.Hughes does,regard as a politi:| cal advancement beyond the judicial | |Position they hold. Quickest train Memphis toDallas}... Cotton Belt Route all the way;no‘oe change of cars.Leaves Memphis 10:10 « p.m.“Arrives Dallas 11:50 a,m.next +e morning,Ft.Worth 1:25 p.m.a,' Cotton Belt Route morning train to Texas,leaves Memphis:!?from Memphis 2:+0a.m.Trains from Southeast connect at Memphia.‘ol, to Texas.Low fares to Texas,Louisiana,Oklahoma H.H.Sutton,District Passenger Agent,109 West 9th St.,Chattanooga,Toe —the only lineoperatingsolid through trains |“In that view of things it will fol- that great citaral will become ‘more [oe less the subject of suspicion.Pe20-| ple,will begin to surmise:whether do-| cisions on questions of}wide or gen-\ eral interest have*behihd them some | |Sinister political design.The ten-| i deney will be to undermine public confidence in that great court —a; |thing that would be full of evil con sequences if not disastrous.Some State constitutions,I am told,con-| tain certain provisions which make| the judges of.their Supreme Court: |ineligible to political office during th|term for which they are elected ‘or apnvointed.| |.“I am inclined to the opinion that it would:be wise to amend the Consti-| tution of the United States so as to make a Justice of the Supreme Court ineligible to any political officé while| a membér of that court or for a pe- riod of five years following his res tirement or separation therefrom,’Seer Bowel Complaints in India.| In a lecture at one of the.Des Moines,Iowa,churehes a missionary from India told of go-ing into the interior of India,where he wastakensick,that he had a bottle of Chamber-lain’s.Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedywithhimand‘believed that it saved his life. || 1 as na preventive and cure for cholera.You!= may know from this that it can be depended upon for the milder forms cf bowel complaintthatoccurinthiscourtry.Obtainable every-where. This remedy is used successfully in India both|2 raiWi ql if it we ulliSNewas~.PACKARD.© Harmony is thevery soul of music,the blending of tones,faa. perfect balance of major and minor—all the elements in ee true accord.; es thereis no harmony in the £factory,thers will be none in the piano.”a4 A great-artist once said of the Packard:ip “That instrument was,built—AND CUOULD ONLY HAVE BEEN BUILT!—by men who love their.work<'ft who find content in their labor,and who believe,heart and.. soul,in the worthiness of their product.” LET US SHOW YOU A PACKARD! All instruments sold for cash or or terms. Liberal allowance,for old instruments. ox ~atc sea ne ene Phone 304. utichitIttwti a | ‘Dan Valley: DAN VALLEY is milled from §the celebrated wheat grown in "|TheBride’s A June is the Month of Wed- ‘|i dings;and we are in a.po- ‘Bride’s Bouquet,”tells you do not find in the booklet just what you want. a Van Lindley (o., LaecalAgents Gudger,James Gudger,Eula ce 9 Thins pol “School uu i ear Nah oe ooresville,R-1)DON'T FORGET»TO *PHONE}-,Alsisl,i fey,rothPe Aaa Ri a and be'sire Of your Tickets! something of them:We} ZIAODTIRORATI ODOHOGAICCS |ht ee OP O CT O O N D DO D A O T A T | The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak Sy3tem have =put amateur photography within reach of every man,woman and child=<at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12:Kodak ..} supplies of all kindsin the genuine Eastman quality. H.B.WUD WERE Jeweielit ee :fanaa National Bank SS E S S I T G I I S TS T II I S TI _OF STATESVILLE,N.OL. ~Capital Stock Paidin $100,0000 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System..3 430 hit Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.Jas belie %@ Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS:ae i W.D.TURNER,Pre sident,» KE.MORRISON,Vice President,: D.M.AUSLEY,.Cashier,G.kK.LUGHIEY,-Assistant Cashier. 222: —Tx|FOR SALE![=| 152 acres,7 miles east of State sville,two-story,six-room dwelling,» barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in + meadow,nen in woodland,level and productive. 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near’ schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock " barn and out-buildings,good orchard,two branches running | through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level;balance in"! woodland enclosed in pasture. Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x. «,200.‘“Vacant lof on Artifield street,560x160. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 i woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard.for smaller farm or city property._ For further information call on or write ERNEST.Gi.GAITHER,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENTALSANDREALESTAPHONE23...OFFICE,NO.1,MILLS BU — So PC a z | wa in ‘cultivation,balance in éWillexchange; ti ARK (THEY JUST WANT ‘TO WIN ORGANIZE AT ST.LOUIS.) North Carolina)Democrats in} -ethe National Convention—| Ratification Convention.| Editor Wade H.Harris,editor of| the Charlotte Observer,writes his| paper from St.Louis “as follows: The organization meeting of —the!North—Carolina—delegation—was--held- with 86 present,General J.S,-Carr} of Durham chairman,I.A.Lynn of Fayetteville secretary. Cat John Sz Henderson will have| a seat cn the platform in the nation- al convention as vice —president for North Carolina.The North Carolina mombers on the comittees are-Judge J.D.Murphy of Asheville,perma- nent organization;Larry D.Moore of New Berne,platform and resolu- tions;.Gay Roberts of Marshall,cre- dentials,and EB.F,.Aydlettof Eliza- beth City,rules.; The editor of the Charlotte Observ- er was appointed North Carolina member of the committee that later on will give President Wilson formal notice of his .nomination.W.|T. Brown of Winston-Salem will —per- form the same function for the State in connection with the nomihation for the:vice presidency, At the Baltimore ‘convention Ed-' ward E.Britton of the Raleigh News and Observer was made permanent secretary.As Ollie James,who was chairman of that convention,is to be chairman of the St.Louis convention, the North Carolina delegation unan- imously recommended Mr.Britton for permanent secretary again this year. A steering cammittee was named to present Mr.Britton to the other del- egates,the personel of ‘this comniit- tee.being Walter Murphy of Salis- bury,R.D.Johnson of Warsaw, John A.Parker of Charlotte,T.A. Lyon of Fayetteville and Jerry A. Moore of New Berne.Judge Murphy said he would urge Mr,Britton’s election to the end that the old Balti- more organization be kept intact for the St.Louis ratification meeting. Senator Gore is the lobby favorite of “all favorites.The way he ex- presses the situation is tis: “With the Progressives sniping, Roosevelt operating a Maxim silenc- er,and the Republicans having swal- lowed a Jonah,things ought to look good to the Democrats.” Colonel Bryan is vociferously urg- ine the Democrats to lay their plat- form with the view to catching Pro- eressives.Meantime,Progressive leaders,one after another,are com- ing out for Hughes. Hotel lobbies were enlivened to- night by delegations of Democrats singing campaign songs and bracing themselves against the ccming of the suffragists,who will be on the spot with “demands,”instead of usual re- quests.They wil get just about what the Republicans gave them. The general opinion is that Bryan and the women will give the party mor trouble than Hughes will be able to give it.It has become an admitted fact that the St.Louis convention will be strictly a ratification affair. The Price of Gasoline Must Get ,Lower. Washington Dispatch. A fallin the price of gasoline may be looked for at any time,The price in Kansas at the refineries has al- ready fallen from 21 cents to 17 1-4 cents. A period of.over-production —of; crude oil,which brought about low price of gasoline more than a year, apo.is about to be experienced again.| These are a few of the statements, that startled the Federal Trade Com-mission at the second day of_its hearing of the views of the oil pro-| ducers and jobbers and refiners on the high price of gasoline. ~~Most of the statements along these lines were made by T.J.James.sec-" retary of the Association of Refiners of Kansas and Oklahoma.. It was when he was asked regard-ing the remedy for present conditions that Mr.James stated: “Present conditions will probably’ remedy themselves.The government is to blame for them,so far as Okla- homa is concerned. “The conditions are remedying themselves,The supply and demand is now about equal.But I want.to nredict that a period of over-produc- fion is again facing the oil men. “Within,the last two weeks the nrice af gasoline f.0,b.the refin- eries.has dropped from 21 cents to 171-4 cents.This drop has not vet manifested itself in the price of the jobber or retailer.It must fall more than that.” Too :Much Rain Now—News of Houstonville Community. ,The [Teramark Houstonville,June 13—ft has heen but-a short time since everybody wa: talking the drought-—that the crops were ruined,that there would be no thing made,Now it’s too much rain ——the crops are going to be devoured by grass and weeds.Well,it gloomy just now. “Wheat harvest is on and wheat is food,The straw is short but the 4 is food:Grass and weeds are pet- ting a good start in the corn and eot- ton ‘fields,bot there is a silver lininer that will turn to us some of these davsOurCreatorand“Pieserver ?knows what is best for us.We must be more patient and submissive to Hiswill. _dohn R.Myers was taken to Longe’ Sanatorium last week for an opera tion for appendicitis.J.A.Maiden, Sr.,who has been confined to his room for ‘several weeks,does not improve much, ih.E.Heath of Winston-Salem isvisitinghismotherandstep-father Mrs.and Mr.J M.Mellen.Mr Heath is recuperating from a severe illness, Chas.L.Maiden of Thomasville vis- ited his parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A. Maiden,Sr.He worked over hisdarheyyronwhichwasplantedbeforehisYatheywastakensick, RE nO eeAt ELON SOREa ;Ben Blair,at the Lyric today for *The Benefit of the Civic League.See this picture and help the League.—ad. Porrespondence of looks d} cand a eShpHii na ns ET Republicans Have No Real Is- sue —Interesting Analysis of Lanything has happened.since «1909) ¢|Platform and candidates are a Cony the Republican Presidential fession that the Repulilican party)and strike the retupn')Candidate and.Position of Candidate and Party.on Pub- lic Questions.“t The New York Times,an independ- ent paper,has the following interest ‘ing analysis of the Republican can-, ‘didate for President and the attitude of the candidate and party toward public questions:| The nomination of Theodore.Roose-| velt by the-Republicans—would-have> had a meaning clear to every Amer-| ican mind.That candidacy would have raised high and made yisible the issue of opposition to Woodrow Wilson on _the only grounds,that make it capable of statement.It would*have meant that in the judg- ment of the Republican party the United States ought now to be en- gaged in.the European war,’that it ought to be at war with Mexico,or as a conqueror actually in possession of that country..-The nomination of Mr.Hughes must bear to foreign ob- servers a bewildering likeness to an, express indorsement ‘of the adminis- tration of Woodrow Wilson.He is a man of the same type,conserva- tive,deliberate,accustomed to con-| sider carefully the consequences —of his acts,never rash,never yielding to hasty impulse or swayed by the heat of passion.yet withal inferior in capacity and pxperience.It is impossible to imagine Mr.Hughes as President writing a message to Con- gress demanding a great war credit and instant naval and military prep- aration for a war with Germany be- eause of the invasion of Belgium or the destruction of the Lusitania.The utmost stretch of fancy does not en- able us to see him asking Congress to declare war on Mexico.The pic- ture would be wholly imaginary, falsé to the man and the occasion, Yet the Republicans have absolute- ly no other issue upon which with any degree of force and consistency they can demand of the people a with- drawal of their confidence in Presi-* dent Wilson.That issue they dare not raise.They condemn,they de- nounce,they use freely the adjec- tives of the language,but their nouns and verbs have no —specific meaning.If Mr.Roosevelt's denun- eiations of the administration mean anything at all,they mean that he would have gone to war with Germa- nv.that he would have gone to war with Mexico,That is the popular un- derstanding of what he is driving at. He was the indicatec and logical can- didate,the only candidate by whose nomination the Republicans would have clearly manifested their aver- sion to Mr.Wilson's policv of peace, their nreference for a policy of war. Mr.Roosevelt’s words,while thev fill the air with the din of many’ exnlosions,leave no distinet impress upon the mind.President Wilson,he says,“has rendered to this pegple the most evil service that can he rendered to a great democracy by its chosen leader,”By not woine to war with four monarchies and one repub- lic?*His words raise no other issue against Mr.Wilson that the mind of the people could grasp.To havé put him before them as a candidate,with loud outerics for war upon his lips. platform denouncing the.ad- ministration for not plunging the country into war,would have put the Revublicans into the campaign with a definable issue. | Fven The candidate they have chosen has ‘of necessity been speechless.He now “T stand for the firm and un- hing maintenance of all the rights of American citizens on land and sea.”Would Mr.Hughes have gone to war about the Lusitania, or would he have maintained unflinch- inelythetrichts of Ameriean—citizens on land and sea,as Mr.Wilson has maintained them,by the peaceful methods -of—diplomaey?—_The —Presi- dent has forced:Germany to ac- knowledge the right of our citizens to travel upon,the seas in safety and withont molestation.Ty Heaven's hame,what more could Mr.Hughes have done,Had we gone to war. Germany would now be .destroyine every enemy ‘passenger ship upon all waters where her stu*marines could hold their way,and we could ask neo redress.“In our foreign—relations.” he says,“we have suffered incaleula- bly from:the weak and vacillatings cou which has been taken with re-evard to Mexico.”Weakness and va- eNation would never have wrune from Germany her consent ‘to aban don metheds of warfare which her rovernment and a great part of herneonlebelievetohewelljustifiedand essential to the suceess.of her arms. Mr.Hurhes’s statement is prepo terous,his eriticism flat and feohts As his part in an agreement with Ovs- ter Bay it can be understood,but it evitabty he lays himself open to th inevitable question:“Trav, would you have done?”And question he will never answer.pointless are the candi’- observations on Mr.Wilson’s course with Mexico.It was ‘“lamen- tably wrong.”says Mr.Hughes.He must tell the country .what cours would have been right.and then prov that it would have heen moré suc cessful than Mr,Wilson’s course.Ap- norently,he would have Huerta.We sought to dietate, SAAS when we were not How would it have helned matters sel up the nretense of friendly rela- tions with that old devotee to bran- Ayaand usurpation? for our relations with Mexieo wouldhavemadeMr.Hughes more ious about his language, troubles theres were inevitable.Thy major trouble of war with Mexies was the only sure way to end them. Mr.Wilson has.avoided war.Mr.Hughes also would have avoided it. The Republicans want to get theDemocratsoutinorderthattheymaygetinthatistheonlyissne unon which they ean speak boldlyTheyhavenoother:They select theircandidatesfroma_historical periodiongpast.Mr.Hughes means woth- wha thai Not less date's CAMS Minor ing to the country save what would.:have been meant by any other chos-en among forty:silent.men.The candi-idacy of Mr.Pairhanks means noth-ine more than the hope of winning the recognized §hei concerned,3 hea SA yee Tey ytyfaybas * —Sa aeern snartr eee,=i.=>4 = |electoral votes of Indiana and a 5; other States where he is held ine t|Rejteembymenwhoareunaware| i striving to heal its hurts a sucessful bargain for |to its household of those who soughtjtodestroyit,has no new or vita} message to deliver to the American:|people. |Praise w .ifieation-is due-to Mr.Hughes.for his clear,sound and admirable words up-| on Ameéricanism and preparedness, “TI stand for an Americanism that ithout reservation or qual-| Big Cut Price °inery Sale! $1.00°-Hats $1.50 Hats knows no—ulterior pespose,”*he says, “for a patriotism that is.single and $2.00 Hats complete,Whether native or natur- alized,of whatever race or creed;we have but one.eountry,and we-do not for an instant tolerate -any division of allegiance.” uity about that declaration,no room is left for doubt.Mr.Hughes -has déne his part to take the hyphen out of American politics.The Democrats cannot do less;they will make over= tures far the support of voters with a_-divided--allegianee--only—at~their peril.Fortunately,Mr.Wilson ‘has spoken with no less directness and sterner emphasis in taking the same position,Mr.Hughes declares ‘his belief in preparedness “entirely ade- quate for our defence with respect to numbers and equipment in both army and navy,”and that is Mr,Wilson’s position.For the advocates of na- tional defencelessness upon the one hand,and for those who are in sym- There is no ambig-}' $2.50 Hats. $3.00 Hats ee We offer for 10d This Sale Starts Tomorrow and will last ten days. Nothing charged at:cut prices.MILLS &POSTON.= ays our entire stock of Ladies’,Misses’andChildren’s Trimmed Hats .50c. Tbe. SS a eee a he 1.50. 5, $3.50 Hats:oi...'ens $4.00-Hats-.077.rae $4.50 Hats rrr $5,00°Hate.oes $6,00 Hats.....00...ee, ‘At Half_ Price. Yours truly, “CHAUTAUQUA is a good thing---Talk it up.” Miss Rowe Home Demonstra- tion Agent in Catawba. Miss Mary Rowe of Catawba coun- ty has been elected~county supervis- or of schools and home demonstra- tion agent for Catawba county at a | ' pathy with the purposes of German;salary of $1,000 the year,half paid| militarism upon the other,there will he no place in this campaign unless they put forward a candidate of their own, Mr.Hughes will not be elected.His defeat is to be desired,among many. other reasons,for this good and suf- ;by the county and half by a fund }otherwise provided for this work. |Miss Rowe was for a time a teacher jin the Statesville graded school andhernewpositionisofinteresttoher ;friends in Statesville and Iredell. |Miss | Rowe’s.position in Catawha is! ficient reason that the invasion of the sume as that held by Miss Henk-| the Supreme Court’s chamber —by reedy politicians in scarch of a lead~-er,now for the first time in Ameri-| history successfully accomplish-|can ed,may be rebuked and made a pree- edent too dangerous for The ermine that we have been taught to believe should touch nothing lessspotlessthanitselfmustnotbedon-' ned for a few seasons’wear to be stripped off by a reckless party con, vention forcing:its wearer into the dust and turmoil of the political are- na.The Republicans have assailed the purity of that great bench.’They have put the Justices who sit there under the almost irresistible tempta- tion to turn their minds aside from the questions that alone coneern them.to let their thoughts to fields of contention where —they!) should have no part.It is disturbing and a menace to thai judicial calm and impartiality which should nrevail in that chamber and to which hy the acceptance of appointment Justices of the Supreme Court should devote their minds and their lives. FCLLOW THE CROWD TO following,| wander | ,el in Iredell.aedneeempommnegutesayoacmnenaareons HOW'S:THIS? We offer One Hundred!Dollars Reward for “any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by i Hall's Catarrh Cure, Halls Catarrh Cure has heen taken by Ca- ftarvh sutle s for the past thirty-five and hes become known as the most reliable for Catarrh,Halls Catarrh Cure muuch the Blood on the -Mucous sur- % re jaetsfaces, {healin the diseased sorttons. great ime Start tak-nd get rid inls,freTOLEDO,+ j for hert time you will see a provement in your ge 1 health,jing Halls Catarrh Cure z{ek : CUBRNY &CO.. ull Druggists, o }FEF..Sold by WwMORE/MONEY—JUNE:22-28! Toe.2 ECOND-HAND CARS—Two Overland Tour- ine Cars:one Studebaker Touring Car; »Buieh Roadster and a few Fords,These baryvains and will be sold)mighty to quick buyers.CAROLINA MOTOR June 9. heap CO. ~Wasn’t Elected Because Iam “Shingle Kine”by heredity! C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- CHAUTAUQUA!TUNE 22-28!dell County,Statesville,N.C. Lomlorlable 3.00,$4.00,$5.00. Couch Ham: Crawford-Busch F RELAX—REST IN ONE OF OUR We have a splendid assortment of Hammocks at prices that will plcase—$1.50, Swings $2.50 and $3.00. ‘‘The Store That Always Welcomes You.” emmy PTT ON Be Hammocks! £2.00,$2.50), nocks,$6.09. urniture Company bh 400,Ear years,| expelling the Poisen from the Blod and After yon have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure! Pe.iOHIO.| VALUE FOR LESS | {' COMES RA a AA emA I aNDot AeSBE TEI YEALB a Responsibility = ti i uu HA A SP ee Settee,1 Large Arm Ch: We are expecting ‘‘HappidayEvening.’ William A MALY SR M a \ s Furniture House I We Have In Our Window A Nice Four-Piece Suit, 1.Combination Library Table,27 x 45;°1 Four-footir,1 Large Arm Rocker. l'umed oak finish,and genuine leather seats.Call, and let us show you where we can save you Money. ness”.at Chautauqua,Mon- nc. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.— The Store With-the Quick Parcel Post Service. FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE Spring Coat Suits! Beginning Saturday morning we willdivideandsellallourSpringCoatSuitsinthreelots.| Lot.No.1. Suits up to $30.00,special $10.95. Lot No.2, Suits up to $20.00,special $8.95. Lot No.3._ Suits up to $15.00,special $5.95. These garments are all this season’smodels—well tailored and worth muchmore:than these special sale prices. ON SALE SATURDAY,THE 17th,anduntilthelotisclosed. —QONELOT SILK DRESSESto go on_saleSaturdayatHALFPRICE.Nothing-|charged at sale prices. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. ro FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AUTOTIRESFORLESS. Having on-hand a good lot of Tires bought before advance in price enables us for the balance of this month to sell you Tires at old price,which is 10 per cent.less than pres- ent price,BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PROPOSITION WHILE IT IS OFFERED! CAROLINA MOTOR CO. STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,or worthless by-products,but se-lected feed scien-tifically blendedforresults.Made‘by a house with‘a reputation for.integrity.C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative, ’Phone 125 Black, O:d Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed.” Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Feed, Gom Sweet Dairy Feed. DR.WILLIAMB.FORBUSH,Chautauqua,Every Day,June 22-28 SA ae erecapeNERA a a VOL.XUL-STATESVILLE,N.©.TUESDAY,JUNE 20,1916,~ CALL FOR STATE TROOPS.|LOCAL TROOPS PREPARE.NEGRO BOY FATALLY CUT.|FOR A LOAN ASSOCIATION.|THE DEATHS OF THE WEEK BRIEF ITEMS,LOCALNEWS Trouble inMexico Imminent and|Officers and Menof the Local Homicide at Mooresville June-|Merchants’Association .Will|Little Child of |Mr.and Mrs.|—James F.Johnson.has Beeman the President Calis ®or Siate|Company Getting Ready to}.tion—Whiskey Prompted It.Try For One Under Rural Blackwell —Mrs.Sherrill,|pointed a rural carrier on a Troops—Raids on the Border}Answer Call—Reeruits Want-|gin)phifer,colored,was stabbed]Credits Act —Membership|Mrs.Ellis and Mrs.Anderson.arom,eeningeas Hic ipeuad aes ‘the .ve owe :'and a Grave Situation in Mex-|ed.=a dey night,at Woorsevili:teen Increases —Special Mecting|dward,12-months-old son of Mr.|marriage of Mr.Otis C.Goble anico.The loos A ’ere rht ¢>2 sence Pie ed ,dl&;eee esfolks:aro et-and the coroner’s jury found that Ro-Next Month.and Mrs.W.B.Blackwell,died Sun Mins Lacy,Shoainabeg,Assatleh wilt ;President.Wilson Sunday night is-SAN ah coeeicn on the Mexican bor.|ud Wood,also colored,did the kill-|‘The first matter of importance be-|day morning about 11 o'clock at;their ane f ht at S’o’cloek TH the #.Sued,orders mustering into the Fed-ieee :ing...Wood-is-in-jail.fore the Merchants’Association,at|home on south Center street,death]jy)jioy ball af yak Warest,bai eral service “practically the “entire Maior R.L.Flanigan of the first|.Phifer was about 16 years old,As remul onthly meeting at the}resulting,from locked bowels.Had ;ce a,mobile “strength:sot the |.National na of “the.First Regiment,|Wood is about 20 and both were res-Ee eeu 3 ae been seriously ill for some weeks.|,_—~Mr.W.B.Gibson will ‘speak to‘Wy Guard of all the States and the Dis-Novth G tina "National Goen nts!idents of Mooresville,Friday night Commercial club Friday night,was|pimeral services were conducted at!Vance Local Farmers’Union,in their ‘ay trict of,Columbia.About 109,000 |Nor BTOUND:INE Mar auard, e-|they were at a church ice cream sup-the membership applications of ten!the home yesterday morning at.11 hall at Oak Forest,Friday night,23u.- j a men are expected to respotid to the pete ue Ce eee rene per and fell out,presumably over a Statesville business concerns desir-|o¢lock by Rev.J.F.Kirk and the in-|—The Statesville Furniture Co,.is a i call,Chey will be mobilized imme-|a -vet oe W.Vree.|Woman.They marten a fight on -the|ing to be affiliated with the associa-]torment was in Oakwood cemetery.|preparing to’erect a dry kiln;-20x10 diately for such service on the Mex-oe eas tor battalion adjutant:R,|church grounds and were ordered off.tion and its work.Th¢applications}“Mys,Janie Mills Sherrill,wife of}at factory No.2—the Kincaid factory:ae as may later be assigned oa eat papt Da eine J battalion They left,but not until the party paul ee ae ae ool pce soe Mr.J.Lonnie Sherrill,died Sunday|_yrhe old Turner mill’dam on Fifth ete .:set uae ennai,ema ear a eee eee .|been broken up.Both were drinking,|"Be)ebebtcteneth:o-|night at 12 o’eléck at her home on]cree éGeneralFrederick«Funston,com-}commissarytobein rvadinessTor)ecreoiaity:Wood,who had received «|t!membership beyond the half hun-/Sharpe street.She was41 years old]Friday CreeeeneTatts Rod font ac,AgHp Ri A Pe vhere they will await.call to.the|Wart that evening.When Wood left}dred mark.The large number of ap-!and had been sick about three weeks.|operated by Mr,R.F.Canter.nate the time and place for move-}Were ey wi awa call to ©)the church grounds,it is said,he an-plicaions coming at a single meet-|Her husband and 7 children survive.ments of guardsmen to the interna-|Mexican border..nounced that he was going home after|ing was due to a little membership]funeral se ey ald ves a —iMr,M.L.Shipman,State”Com= ;tional line’as the occasionshall re-}.eae ee f th ee ol a gun.Me waspales sc some time|¢2mpaign conducted Thursday after-Petnan oe th ee ate missioner of Lahoy ane Poe a‘quire.The North Carolina troops wis stat ye:at feut ae ie WW.and while’he did not get_a gun it was|"9n by officers of the association.|hy Rev.S.W.Haddon,and the inter-ae ee vai te 2 sc oerwillmobilizeatCampGlenn,More-A Gabue 0 Mout Oa eu atte HL in evidence that he had tried to rent]Other applications for membership]ment was there.stopping over between trains on 6 head City,to await orders,a a si eae Mai ars 1]a pistol.will be presented at the next meet-]Mrs.Mary Eliza Lentz,wife of Mr.|+—Mr.B.F.Phifer,who has-been In announcing the orders,Secreta-seat mole Statoevill ajor Viat-1 Anyhow,Phifer-and Wood got to-|int.ae .J.A.Lentz of Hickory,died at,her|#@t the Billingsley hospital for treat- ry Baker said-the State forces would oars gemed :pean a ‘uel gether again about 10 o’clock,renew-|The assoviation decided to hold alhome in Hickory Sunday morning.|ment,was operated on Thursday and be employed only to guard the bor-]..,vompanies of the "C oe are ed the quarrel and Wood cut Phifer]Special social meeting early in July}Husband and four children survive.|his condition is favorable for erderandthat.no additional ~troop First Regiment,are Gs ompany “A,/to death.After he had been stab-|#nd President A.W.Bunch,Vice|Mrs,Lentz was a daughter of the late]covery. movements into Mexico were contem-|Hickory;Company B,Gastonia;Com-|).4 three or four times,Phifer ran|President W,H.Morrison and Sec-|ex-Sheriff Wiley of Caswell county}.—Mr.J.B,-Watkins,Jr.,bookkeep-plated except,in pursuit of raiders.|Pany C,Winston-Salem;Company D,|tor about 250 yards before he fell.|tctary J.Paul Leonard were elected}and a sister of Mr.J.A.Wiley of}¢r for the Carolina.Motor Co,hasSimultaneouslywith:the National|Charlotte;second battalion,Company]after he fell he rolled several feet|®committee to arrange for the meet-|Statesville.moved his family here from.Hendér- Guard.call,Secretary Daniels of the E,Statesville;Company Pr,Asheville;until he was in a Mr.Lacy’s yard,|ing.It is the purpose to have pres-melee :son and they are occupying the Scottnavyorderedadditionalwarvessels|Company G,Shelby;Cmpany Hy!where he lay until he:bled to death.|¢nt an out-of-town speaker who will]Mrs.Dorcas Ellis,who died Friday|residence on Mulberry street. to Mexican waters on both coasts to Morganton;third battalion,Company fy)Lacy heard groans coming from address the assemblage on business}morning at 2 o’clock at the home of}»—\Mr.Burette Woodward.and fam: { safeguard American lives.I,Mount Airy;Company K,Ashe-|the yard and went out on the porch.|2nd civic lines,and if the speaker|Mr.H.W.Clifford on Armfield street,|ily left Friday for Rocky Mount,'.Af-At the War,Navy and State de-ville;Company L,Concord;Compa-|‘rhe ‘groans and calls for help contin-|the committee has in mind can be se-|was 78 years old.Her husband,Ino.|ter spending a few days there they ‘partments it was stated that no new ay me High Point.__|ued for probably a half hour but Mr.|cured a treat is in.store for those who|C.Ellis,was killed:in the Civil War,|will go to Ilion,N.Y.,where theyadvicesastothesituationinMexico.R.Robertson of ‘Charlotte is Lacy supposed that it was a drunk]@ttend the meeting.Echoes of the|She is survived,by two granddaugh-|will make their home. 3 had come to precipitate the new or-as of the second battalion andj man and did not consider it necessa-|State meeting at Winston-Salem|ters,Miss Clara Eaton of Winston-|—Mrs.W,E.:Morrison.fell Friday:ders.;G.-H,—furner—of _Statesville_is his |py -to-investigate-will also be heard from some of the|Salem and Miss Grace Eaton of Gasto-|at her home north of town.and ‘herWithinthelasttwoweeks,howev-|adjutant.,When Phifer had been stabbed and|local delegates.nia,and one sister,‘Mrs.Elizabeth}right limb was painfully bruised,She.er,tension has been increasing stead-|,Dr.Reuben A.Campbell,surgeon]was running away,Charlie Bell Wood,|The association heartily agreed to]Anderson of CalahzIn.She is also}was walking in the ‘yard when some-.ily.The crisis presented by General}in the North Carol'na National}}yother of Roland Wood,pursued]join the local rural letter carriers in|survived by a number of more distant]thing tripped.her. Carranza’s note demanding the recall|Guard,received orders:yesterday]him to within 20 feet of where he fell,|extending an invitation to the State}relatives.“way from Hendersonville to Raleigh.of General Perghing’s expeditionary from Major and Chief SurgeonB.R.}On this and other evidence Charlie|Rural Letter Carriers’Association to Funeral services were conducted at In the recent primary .Mr.:Shipman.; force has been followed by a virtual|Hunter 6f Charlotte to hold himself]Boj!js connected with the crime,but|hold its annual convention in Statés-|Mr.Clifford’s Saturday morning at]carried 92 of the TOW counties oe the < ultimatum served on the American of-|!n readiness to proceed to the point!he made his escape.ville next year.This year’s conven-|10 o’clock by Rev.J.F.Kirk and the ficeer by General Trevino,Mexican]of mobilization.After stabbing Phifer,Wood went|tion will be held in Greensboro July|interment was in Oakwood.ee inetading Cane here eed “s commander in Chihuahua.‘To this Orders will be here this-morning di-|{o the home of a colored minister for}3d and 4th and the local carriers will PP.:‘was added the possibility and the rene the officers when to leave for!the purpose of murdering the minis-|at that time extend Statesville’s in-Mrs.Jennie 7 hornwell Anderson,}_Messrs.L.C.Caldwell and,Dor? danger hourly of clashes |between]Camp Glenn.ter’s son,whom he had a_grudge|Vitation for the 1917 convention.The widow of the late Rev.R.B.Ander-|man Thompson,commissioners,yes- American and Mexican troops.Company Roster._Jagainst.Failing to find him’there|State meetings are usually attended|8°,D,D.,died Thursday at the|terday sold at the court house one of The Official Order..The local military company—the|}he went to his own home and to|by from 150 to 200 rural carriers}home of her son,Dr.J.R.Anderson,the:Frazier lots on Alexander street. The President’s order calling the]Iredell Blues—is Company.E,First sleep for the night.When Policeman|coming from all sections of the State.}!"Morganton,and the funeral and|Mr.Tim Leinster was the purchager National Guard into the Federal ser-|Regiment,third battalion,and is com-|Brown of Mooresville arrived about 1}The national rural credits _bill,|interment took place at Morganton at $805.* vice went to the Governor of each|Posed of the following:or 2 o’clock Wood was asleep and the|which is about to become law,was Saturday../—Gov.Craig,who was in Asheville State in the form of the following Wm.Westmoreland,captain;Os-|ploody knife with which he had-com-]discussed and the president and sec-Mrs.Anderson -was in her 76th when the summons came for the State telegram signed by Secretary of War|¢ar Mills,first lieutenant;W.E.|mitted the crime under his pillow.|Tetary of the association were in-]Year.|She was a native of South|troops,issued the order for mobiliza- Baker:Sherrill,second lieutenant;R..H.|Saturday morning Sheriff Deaton,|structed to ascertain what steps will Carolina and a daughter of Rev.J.|tion from there,The Governor pass- “Having in:view the possibility of Turner,first sergeant;Jno.A.Gibson,|Deputy Sheriff C.L..Gilbert and|be necessary to secure for Statesville H.Thornwell,D.D.,an,eminent|ed through last evening on his.wey” further aggression upon the territory |Guartermaster -sergeant;.Jno._A.|Coroner Moose went to the -scene qf|and:surrounding country a National Presbyterian minister.Her husband,|to Raleigh..of the United States from Mexico|Barkley,B.S.Millsaps,John D.En-|the killing and held an inquest.Woda}Loan Association,under the provis-also a Presbyterian minister,is well]—A party of Adventists in.automo-and the neceskity for the proper pro-|lebert and Owen W.Leonard,ser-}was then brotight to jail.Burnice]ions of the new law.The association eee by older residents of biles rode.through the streets yester-’.tection of that frontier,the President |£eants;sChes.Kilpatrick,Wm.T.|Shaver,Will Faulkner and Lum]feels that Statesville should not neg-Iredell,he having frequently visited |day,singing,to advertise their camp--has thought proper to exercise the au-|Marshall,Geo.Kilpatrick,W,.[E.|Mills,all colored,were also locked|lect the opportunity to secure first churches in this county during’his|meeting and conference,which.is ta thority vested in him by the constitu-|Smith,J.B.Millsaps and Thos.M./up for being accessortes.They were|benefits from the rural credits sys-long _pastorate at Morganton.He|progress in the grove on Park street, tion and laws and call out the organ-|Asbury,corporals;Jas.B.Kestler|witnesses to the tragedy and refused|tem.The Statesville “association,]V5 @ scholarly and able man and an|in east Statesville. ized militia and the National Guard|@nd Clyde eal cooks;N.C.!to divulge what they knew about the}through its former secretary,Mr.Q.eloquent.preacher..Mrs,Anderson is|—-Messrs...Ellis__&Crouch,—who- necessary for that purpose.I am,in Hartline and Ths.Johnson,mus-|case.A.Stephenson,was instrumental in|Survived by two sons—Dr.Anderson|have been operating a roller mill atconsequence,instructed by the Pres-|icians;Thos.D.ieee artificer.es :Nir arcusing State-wide interest in rural|0f Morganton,whofor a time lived at}Oak Forest,are preparing to move. ident to call into the service of the Privates-pa L.Byers,Bob Cur-ANSWER TO CARRANZA.credits and lining up North Caroli-Cool Spring,this county,a few years}|their plant to Statesville andoperate United States,forthwith,thrpygh|lee,Robt.L.Dowdy,Jno,"A.Dowdy,||vo tna Representatives in Washington|®#&0,and practiced medicine,and]it on Cowles hill,near Belmont,Theyyou,units of the or ranized wiita|Bryant Deal,Ralph Eastep,Marshall |Sent Forward Yesterday—|pehind the bill,and for this reason it]Judge Thornwell Anderson of Mid-|‘have ‘already begun.-the.erection .of and National Guard of the State of|Fowler,Rogers B.Gaither,Hal Gill,Small Clash in Mexico.feels that it has a special claim on dlesboro,Ky.some cottages, —:——:—which the Président directs}Harold C.Heath,Monroe Hagger,!While the whole country was astir]®share of the benefits which are}op,rel eepn en -—Cowan McNeely,about 12years:shall be assembled at the State mo |Jas.R.King,Thos.Kilpatrick,Wal-|yesterday with the mobilization of|sure to come from the rural credits Charlotte Street.Car Motorman old,gon of-Mr.-R.Y.McNecly,suffer. ye .es ‘bilization point,State camp ground,|ter A.Kalpatrick,Barron Pp.Moore,|the National Guard for border duty,|System.Becomes Suddenly Insane.ed a fracture of his right arm Friday.(or at the places to be designated to|Coite Marshall,Marvin Kk.Marshall,|President:Wilson directed that his re-It was ened that members of the}While standing at the controller on|The accident happened during the you.by the commanding general,—J.Walter McCoy,W.J.McDade,ply rejecting General Carranza’s de-association should be supplied with|the front platform of a Chatham Es-|hard downpour of rain.The boy was——department),for muster.into}Talmage D.Price,Will Price.Jno.S.}mand for the recall of ©American aysymmary of the business transacted |tates street car in Charlotte.Thurs.|Tiding a bicycle and collided with ‘ %y the—service—of-the-United—States:Smith,Jas.R.Stewart;Jno.F.|troops from Mexico go forward im-bythe association each month,and}day morning,says the Observer “en }automobile, “Organizations to be accepted into Steele.Chas.E.Seales,Ge o.D.Sain,|mediately.hereafter monthly news letters are to|route into the city from the termina —The_early morning-trait to be Federal service should have the min-|Dock R.Tomlin,Jno,T. Troutman,|In refusing to withdraw the troops}be prepared by the secretary andjJof the line at-the Mecklenburg Coun-|operated.between Mooresville:and: imum peace strength now prescribed Sherrill Wilson,Jno.H.Wyckoff,J.|the United States reaffirms its friend-}mailed to the members.try club,Motorman June Goodin sud-|Statesville daily except Sunday made for organized militia.The maximum D:Morrison,Harry Gregry.|y-intentions towards Mexico and Practically all of the delegates of|denly lost his mind and before the|its first trip yesterday morning,ar-co strength at which organizations will Under the present law the militia!sharply rebukes General Carranza the local association,and some.whoJoar could be stopped it had left the riving here at 7.40 o'clock and:leay=he accepted and to which they should ea be sent out of the United)for unwarranted charges and insinua-|are not delegates,expressed their in-|track and ploughed across the asphalt ing here for Mooresville —vat 1.50:: be raised as soon as possible,is pre-States and—in this.case can be taken!tions of bad faith contained in his tention to _attend.the annual_meet-~|paving into-a~bank of earth:Fortu-|0 clock.oe raesefibedinsection2,tables of organi-|only to ee Mexican border.Undér |communication.President Wilson’s|ing_of the North Carolina Merchants’nately there was no passengers and|———Chicken ‘thieves:are busy.-aroundzation,United States army.In ease the new law,effective July Ist,they ]firm resolve to keep United States Association,which convenes in Win-|the car was not materially damaged.|town,Thursday night .some ;one any regiment,battalion or squadron]¢@?he called to ‘service anywhere?~ |armed forces in.Mexico until the]ston-Salem this afternoon,to remain]Conductor L.D.Spaugh was.the only|Stole some of Mr.R.V.Tharpe’s finenowrecognizedassuchcontainsan]|The al ce Hehe {‘arolina ag Mexican.government polices the bor-]in session until Thursday nopn,“fother:person aboard,and he did not|chickens,making a total of “about. insufficient-number of organizations|(oes not-include the six companies of }der region so-thoroughly that bandit Saas =ae Aun comprehend that anything was wrong|twenty that he has missed‘recently. to enable it to conform at muster to|¢9ast artillery and the naval militia,}raids into American territory are im-Mr.Edwards Recalls a Visit tOJ until the car had lett the track,He|Saturday night about a dozen oeregulararmyorganizationtables,a ees oe eae bri-probable is understood to be cle:arly Statesville in 1867.then did not have timc to go to his as-|stolen from Mr.Moore at the college.”the organizations necessary to com-4 gade—inc coer te stated in the note._Mr.Jack Edwards of Asheville,an feckai]’{asdistance before the car]—The Junior Covenanters of thepletesuchunitsmaybemovedtoCant.Westmoreland had orders ves .Clash Yesterday.;an old-time railroad man,an engin-|#d_stopped of its own accord,.|First Presbyterian church,a dozen'toouncampsandthereinspect.Peds seers on ake rahi .Conimunications from the Mexican!eer on the Western road early after|,Motorman Goodin was brought in-|15 strong,leave this morning for Da-ed under orders of the department terday_to recruit the eom pe ee ne embassy announcing that there had}the Civil War and later for a time a|to the city immediately and examined|vis Sulphur Springs,where they willcommandertodeterminefitnessforeteeaechesHeeoeaowing|been a clash between a boat crew)eonductor on the Murphy branch,by specialists who declared that he]go in camp for the remainder:of theaceasorganizedmilitiabyaayeaneeeafromthegunboatAnnapolisand]!was here a few days and called on Wee)temporarily unbalanced.They|week.Miss Mamie McElwee and Rev.t e War Department..Bae coen iG Cant Woate a as are}Carranza soldiers at.Mazatlan.and|pRe Landmark.Mr.Edwards is now added that he would doybtless recover|Harper Brady will be in charge of the,“Circular 19,division of militia af-Ba "Pe a mers a bit asking that in the present tense sit-]a traveling man,He recalled a visit|Possession of his facultfes but they|camp. dk oe ee us Ce (vey Q Johnson,WwW +ae °1B uation no men be landed in Mexico)to Statesville as a witness in court,in could not tell how soon.He was una-}|—A picture of the Republican na-tions desire:from States as part of Ie negate aa eel eS cole 8,7.Bb.)from American warships under ay]1867,and while he was here a jail]le to recognize even his most inti-|tional convention,as it appeared .the local tactical division and only Williams and J.G.Morrison.circumstances,were delivered to the}delivery occurred,in which-two|™Mate friends.His relatives,who re-|while in session in Chicago,is on’éx-'these organizations will be accepted Several members of the company|State Department yesterday,ania)escaped."Tom Dula of |Side_near.Taylorsville,were notified}hibition in the show window of theintoservice..uiapeaes elsewhere at work but have Permission to land was refused the Wilkes,in jsil for murder,could and they came down after him taking|Sherrill &Reece store.The face of =“It is requested that all officers of|been called In.men from the American gunboat.|haye escaped,according to Mr .kd-|him home through the country the|Mr.Jesse L.Sherrill,the only States-the adjutant feneral Ss department.Benches,Swings and Things there was a dispute and firing.It is wards’recollection,but he had been ae after es Motorman Goodin]Ville delegate in the convention,can. quartermaster’s corps and medical =©°!said that two Mexican soldiers and 4}¢red and convicted and the Supreme]224 been in the employ of the local]be seen in the picture.corps,duly recognized as pertaining Wanted For the Park.‘civilian were wounded.No reports}Court had given him a new trial,and[Strect car company for some time Somebody thinks it a good joktoStateheadquarters.under table}The Civie League “committee in|of casualties among Americans.he was so sure he would be acquit-and was highly esteemed.It was to“send falne alarm for the aliensone,tables of organization,organized}éharee of the Park improvement ask It is reported that the Mexice™tted*hext time that he refused the op-stated that he never before had any More than once recently the Pitghteesandnotelsewnererequired)that those who will donate to the par!;|fovernment in Yucatan has issued «|portunity to escape.SUSU2ee force has walked to a distant part oforlbtyinStateadministration.be such articles as tables,_benches.proclamation ordering all Ameri in®|But.that’s where Dula miscalculat-Chautauqua Opens Thursday.|town only to find that the alarm.was_ordered to camp for duty as campiswines,shrubs,and especially roots|Ut of the country and declaring &}ed.He was convicted next time and .‘a fake.The {joke is on the officersstaffofficers,Such number of these|/of Dorothy Perkins.rose,will sead|State of war existing between the}hanged,The Chautauqua vpens Thursday The joker will be located.Thirtystaffofficersasthedepartmentcom-|the articles to the park tomorrow or|tWo countries.and that Americans <TR Tye Gn or afternoon at 2.30 o'clock with ‘ad.ROerAneTh led 1 isaaaanmeeo!;i :ie ;:oe Arranging inn Ch rlotte Soci-|dress|}‘ee sua {|days on the roadsin midsummer,withmandermaydeterminemaybemus-!yotify Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann.and other foreigners have been taken anging a dréss by Dr.Wm.Byron Forbush,“Tol shovel and nick,won’t be a joke,butforeneneserviceofoneUnited]The perk grounds have been cleaned}On an American gunboat.ability,Tour.’seep nke Meet te oe a the police wilt”laugh last,which .isatesfor.the purpose of prope:by the town and 2.few benches p é ::aoe ,=cnentare|DG followed by a concert by Brookline rh eamn administration and willbe mus-re The Civie ,League,ahinh i re Klingman Convicted.Messrs:Jas.R.-Kinsloe,secretary Choir Boys.Thursday evening at 7.30 always the best laugh.sayin tered out when their services are no!moti ng this”most commendable en-|¢In Guilford county Superior Court of the Charlotte chamber of com-Jo'elock concert by Broo!fine Choir].—~Mr.Fred.Lambert of Bakers-longer required.we jt prise,is anxious to get more sents|Saturday nieht O.C.Klingman,for-}meree;E.L.Cowles of the Observ-|Boys;lecture,“The Conquest of the we tag eee or the Se “Where recognized brigades orland the other things mentioned to|mer agent of the J.LCase Threshing {er,and Mr.John L.Scott.of Char-|Atrctic,”by Dr.Lincom Wirt,and]Pahurcay mg Suc eulag Om eeedivisionsarecalledintoservicefrom|make the grounds attractive and}Machine Company at Greensboro,|lotte were in Statesville yesterday chronophotographs by Robert Ey Car-peouees ane arr cpoe wa persaState,the"SONG Onre pertaining:|ready for formal opening about July |was found guilty of embezzling anout |arranging for the “Sociability Tour”els.-poemed nae a a condition,is to these units under tables of organ-}}.The community should respond to|$1-190 of the company’s money of Charlotte business men,which]Just before the opening of the|t#vorabie.r.Lambert was scons: ization,United States army,Will bel this call.The park is for the public}Klingman was sentenced to three}Will take in’the towns between|programme,Thursday afternoon there ella to the Sanatorium by his ‘ismusteredintoservice,and also the}and it should be a pleasure to all of|Years.Appealed and released on]Statesvillé and Charlotte and go|will be a parade of the guarantors,peer Sa on Lanier wa ue ‘authorized?sectors of small arms}us to help make it an attractive re-|bond of $7,500.from Statesville to Salisbury and]fifty young,ladies,fifty young men pet ee a zambert,a t. practice pertaining thereto.sort.Mr.Dorman,Thompson ,assisied in|Goncord.»The Charlotte party was}and 200 children.The children will]l.Lambert,who is a .prominent.at- “Except for these two,purposes of |--;‘prosecuting RiOmenees Mr Klingman|accompanied to Statesville by Mr.C.]gather in the college circle at 1.30 torney of Bakersville,studied law in mobilization camp service and of the Judge Murdered in Alabama.lived for a time in Statesville aiout |La Grey of Davidson,:o’clock and the.young ladies and gen-Statesville under the late Major prescribed camp service with tacti-|The body of Judge W.T.Lawler|ten years ago.The “Sociability Tour’is sched-|tlemen will meet at the same time on Bingham and practiced here far:a 2 eal units,officers of State “headauar-|of the Probate Court of |Madison Miss Jamlson’s Canv:Sere rar uled for next Tuesday,27th.The par-|the lawn at Broad Street church.Au-short,time.:i ale ters under table one,above mention-|county,Ala,was found late Satur-30 anvass ity will travel on a special train;|tomobiles will be provided for the Statesville Won~First Game ed,will hot be mustered into service}day in a s 4 ‘lag oa H o Di Se j Wo:which jis expected to reach Statesville |young ladies.,'»Will I st ‘€lday in a slough,10 miles south of ome lemons ion Work.Ie ene :CUT eee|at this time.If tactical divisions are}tuntsville,Ae with two pater at 12.25.The party will be met at]It is expected that Dr.Pearson will Ball SeasonOpens,4 ;later organized the,requisite official!holes in the heatt and the skull.crush-the station by.autoniobiles’and taken|be here for the opening diay.Statesville won first ball game:t number of staff officers With rank as}od.A heavy iron weight was tied to the court house,where a public If the Blues are not ¢alled away|the season yesterday afte J Miss Minnie Jamison of Raleigh, assistant itt home demonstration work prescribed for division staff will,as}around the waist.®eee sta ai a bh ae meeting will be held,with address-|before then,they will also appear in against Kannapolis—7 to 6:Thea -, far as practicable,be called into serv-|Judge Lawler,who was one.of.the|dell Des site.the “rath :eecthe es by Charlotte and Statesville peo-|the parade.tendance for the opening.ga vas, ice from those States which have fur-|host-known men of bis section,had|there was .good dteendience at the]Ple..—Little-James Craig,son of.Mr good...Ag ponent Gastonia.eatnishedtroopstosuchdivisions.‘t been seen by ‘relatives friend ce pe ete GoLay cee ae cr .4 ‘,«|Morganton 5 to 0:“NEWTON D.BARKER.”no en seen by atives or friends|various meetings and Miss Jamison Midway church,in.Concord town-jand Mrs.D..J.Craig,who was in a Statesville and.Kannopdiie,play ;a te since last’Wednesday.He had been|expressed..herself as being entirely}ship,near,Scott's,will be dedicated]Charlotte hospital for treatment.for here again this ‘afterngon.Ne week Guard Not For Duty in Mexico.;renominated recently |for probate pleased with the interestshown in the}hext.Sunday,25th.Rev.Dr.J.R.colitis,was brought ‘home yesterday pelea NatMobilizationoftheNational|judge after a spirited political)works);She finds tht women and girls}Scroggs,presiding elder Shelby ‘dts-|and is getting along fine.:Mr.and Miss Cilla Summers,'mcxajeen Wt»,Guardgmen to.support General Fun-|fight.He was évidently murdered taking hold of the work with interest trict,will preach the dedication ser-|Mrs.Craig and children leave today|State Hosnital at Morganton,is vis-(Cppiatcet 6on Eighth Page).and arrests have been made,_jand enthusiasm,Lmon,Vig p for Blowing Rock. Viting relatives in Statesville,thy eens RE Ne 4 a ‘4 é .s alle ty ‘4 ‘“‘,CY phpenomenuctGautneesid»and that.uni-|Congress,and we promise ou rh-}.Ru , oe.oe Ae onl purpose|est contiouaneé of its enforcement,Count Von Moltke Dead.-* so essential to the perpetuity of the}We favor the speedy enactment of]Czernowitz,capital of the Austrian nation,and its free institutions,|an effective Federal child labor ‘law Crownland of Bukowina,is in the We ‘otidernn all alliances and com-|and the regulation of the shipment of hands of the Russians,and the Aus- 4 binations-of individuals in Sle coun:prison-made goods in =inter-State trians who sas sere it are in PR mere nationality or de-|commerce.A re rd the Carpnthian moun-}_ ie Record of Achievement and Ea ctrngree bod conspire togeth-|We favor the creation ofaFederal an tower the Pp Ti tromises For the Future—On|¢;for the purpose of embarrassing or|bureau of safety in the depar nephiee To the north in Galicia and Vol- What it Has Done and What|weakening our government or of im-|Jabor,to gather facts concerning in-hynia,the Russians are meeting with]iil ’at i as properly influencing or coercing our}dustrial hazards,and to recommend desperate resistance on the part of ae poses to Do,the Party public representatives in dealing or!legislation to prevent the maiming the Austro-Hungarians and Germans, {Appeals to the Country For |jegotiating with any-foreign-power-|and killing of human beings.[Ure ee the latter of whom.are-de: Cie f Confidence We charge that such conspiracies |.We favor the extension of the pow:vtaved.by.Petrograd?to.have been |a Vote #ce among a limited..number exist and/ers and functions of the Federal by-brought from the French front in dn {he principal planks in the plat-have been instigated for the purpose|reau of mines.Ao endcavor to aid in stemming the Rus- a ,{adopted at St,Louis,are given)|tries to the prejudice and detri-|systematic scale of the manne alae Fresh attempts by the Germans mewith:.ment of our own country.We con-|begun under the present administra-against the French positions north- ‘ti.Record of Ackievement.demn any political party which in/tion,to assist laborers throughout the {ot and northwest of Verdun met 1!We indorse the administration of view of the activity of such conspira-|nation to seek and obtain employment,with no success,says the French want epcrew Wilson.**tors surrenders its integrity or mod-|and the extension by the.Federal]|mice,4 ‘We challenge comparison of oni ifies its policy..government,by the same assistance}"yieut.Gen.Count Helmuth von record,our keeping of pledges an:Preparedness,and encouragement as 18 NOW Blven!woitke,chief of the supplementary *constructive legislation,is We favor the maintenance of an}to agricultural training.general staff of the German.army, of any party of any time.army fully adequate to the require-|We heartily commend our newly es-died of heart apoplexy Sunday~dur- «}@ur-archaic:banking and “currency ments of order,of safety.and.ofthe }tablished department of labor:for its ing a service of mourning in_the ‘system,prolific or panic.and disaster protection of the nation’s rights,the!excellent record in settling industrial Reichstag for the late’Field —-Mar- sunder Republican administrations—fullest development of modern meth-!strikes by personal advice and shal von Der Goltz,says.a Berlin tel- Jong the refuge of the money dap ods of seacoast defence and the main-|through conciliating agents,erram,Lieutenant General Count vor thas been supplanted by the Fedora’tenance of an adequate reserve of cit-|Other Planks and Conclusion,Moltke was a nephew of the late )preserve act,a true democracy Of).trained ‘to arms!and prepared;Subjects of other planks were mer-|picid}Marshal von Moltke}|the ¢redit under government control,.al-|+o safeguard the people and territory chant marine,conservation,the ad-|,cat strategist who directed tho iif y proveda financial bulwark In)of the United States against any |ministration and the farmer,good}\i-torious movements of the German #'World crisis,mobilizing our,wat,danger of hostile action which may|roads,public ‘helath and prison re-/aymics in the Franco-Prussian War ‘sources,placing abundant credit atl unexpectedly arise,and a fixed policy|form...So of 1870. ‘the’disposal of legitimate industry,for the continuous development of aj In a plank indorsing the President eee -i and making a currency panic ImpoS-|1 worthy to support the great)and Vice President,Woodrow Wilson Judge Edgington Convicted. sible.4 {naval traditions of the United States,is called “the greatest American of Judge Jesse Edgington of Mem- We have created a Federal trade|ing fully equal to the international)his genreation.”phis,Tenn.,was Thursday convicted commission to accommodate the per-|1.4.which the United States hopes)The concluding paragraph of .the}of official misconduct by the Tennes- plexing questions arising under the and expects to take a part in-per-/platform says::--|see State Senate,sitting as a court of anti-trust laws so that.monopoly forming.The plans and enactments!This is a critica!hour in the his-impeachment at Nashville.He was maybe strangled at its birth and le-|of the present Congress afford sub-,tory of America,a critical hour’in found guilty on six articles charging gitimate industry encouraged.Fair)to tial proof of our own purpose in’the history of the world.Upon the}jim with accepting $1,000 from a competition in business is now as-)iyi.exigent matter,record above set forth,which shows]jo;agent for immunity and drink- sured.'International Relations.'great constructive achievement in fol-ing beer in a roadhouse closed by an We have effected an adjustment of The Democratic administration has;lowing out a consistent policy for]injunction from his court. the tariff adequate for revenue mgs r h he esent war serupu-|our domestic and internal develop- peace conditions and fair to the con-|throughout the pres ar eruP ae ment:upon the record of the Demo-z >SNICCERR 2 the A :;ver,We have|ously and successfully held to se eae tien tari Pea en tee en ora taron sceiien es old paths of neutrality and of the cratic ee cee See that swollen incomes bear their equit-|peaceful pursuit of the legitimate ob-fained the ono,ted Stat §Ss.ur reve PS Nave Pe ed ts of yur nationa :erests ae U eae es and at}’which ests ¢the 1 t able shares.O Y nues have been|J O tional life interest of 1e |ted States t eat eae §arties 1 ‘reeds the same time retained the respect|Bottled ,Bottlin Co. sufficient in times of world stress,statesmen of all parties and ess and friendship of all the nations of|AND BACK -By g ‘ aa ae by et ae Se,Louis,are.given of advancing the interests of foreign)We favor the development upon a sian advance, :.++-|have prescribed for themselves :,Statesvill :N.C and will largely exceed the expendit-|oe pala Rae ere ‘}the world,and upon the great poli-|ille,N.C. ures for the current fiscal year.*|America since the beginning of our e |) We h lifted h labor from|history.**°cies for the future strengthening |ed human la Se oe :Sy the Seataaeey of commodities,and|.We believe that every people has|ational vision.and the;HJ Mrs.Kelly Suffered Fd wit T fr "scsanenlilehottotheworkingmanthe|the right to choose the sovereignty#-ment of our Devin ee Le eae ee e;Flow lVirs.Nelly Quirered an HME HAA TNA su Ra f ae he luntary association for his|Under which it shall live;that the!ennebling of our ae oeail H.Sh Cured =::on M ann nu na eae right of vo ee We h:small States of the world have a right.tiens as set fouthieo DOVE Wee SDDSa.|ow e was Lured.2 es} .protection ‘and welfare.e have ;:ations ihe same With confidence to the voters of the|=.rotected the rights of the laborer|to enjoy from other nations the same “o |1 ='oo . roginit the unwarranted issuance of}respect for their_sovereignty_and for COUNLTY.ee |Turlington,Wis.—‘‘I was very irreg-|22 i writs of injunction,and have guar-oy ee tons exp aaa te Dunkards Restrict Buying of|ular,and had pains in my side and back, :a ial by|and:powerful nations expect and in-'ante ma 3 ; Nee ed eee estan cl sist upon;and that the world has a Autos and Holding Cflice.odie E Pinkhens J Fated amietia the presence of the right to be free from every disturb-The Giational convention of Dunk-Ve Re ble C ae oo ance of its peace that has its origin:ards.in session at pee Naw :coud Tablets cA . ‘anc ::4!in aggression or disregard of the’county.Mo.,seriously discussed au-ey X ts :.a 3 , We have ae the pare el Be ai cesnlas ald dalicne-and we eomonies and the Tieht of «Dunk ‘using two bottles of}:Harmony is the very soul of music,the blending of tones, +0 cc ieavings system,added 10,000|believe that the time has come when ard to own one.re the Sanative Wash perfect balance of major and minor—all the elements in voral daliveny nous ‘and extension jit is the duty of the United States to It was decided that one might not ‘:I amfully convinced true accord. thus saaching two and one-half mil.|Join.with the other nations of the possess himself of a “devil-buggy”Ruusud®oy that I am entirely “Te har in th 1 , —canons!eople,improved the world in any feasible association that!unless his brothers in the community :|||cured of these trou-:If there 1S no armony in the factory,there will be none Dee 1;will effectively serve these princi-where he lived decided that it would Use “|bles,and feel better in the piano.~ poeta)pervice,icyety Drape ar les,t aintai inviolate the com-he good for him to have one,and safe PRET :.;“for the first time in our history,|Pith.Ot lity of the highwe pe ial cepetec eo be lay ees Soar ee RY A great artist once said of the Packard: laced the postoffice system on a plete security ofthe highway of the:for him.Their consent is to be large-your remedies have stint A a -: Te eapporting basis,with actual|Seas for the common and unhindered ,ly dependent on his necessity for one ana ntennin|aie That instrument was built—AND COULD:ONLY Hiipisses in 1913,1914 and 1916.ue a all pans erietea tt \_in ae apn luce es his affairs.to th good andIhope every suffering woman|32 HAVE BEEN BUILT!—by men who love their work, Par The present administration has The main objections were to ey os :a roi ,‘amine ..ces ais cies penne in the doctrine|Consistently sought to act upon and effect that out of the clouds of gaso-will give them a trial.’’"—Mrs.ANNA who find content in their labor,and who believe,heart and ,‘:4 s ..ss .<” of a tariff for the purpose of pro-|realize in its conduct of the foreign line from the ‘tails of motor.cars KELLY,710 Chestnut Street,Burling-soul,in the worthiness of their product. viding sufficient revenuc for the oper-,affairs of the nation the principle |might arise the evil spirits of pride]ton,Wis.So..;LET US SHOW YOU A PACKARD! ‘glion of the government economically|that should be the object of any as-jand dissension in screne Dunkerd y's The many convincing testimonials con.All instruments sold for cash or on terms.administered,and unreservedly if-|Sociation of the nations formed to se-colonies.|ae ;‘stantly published in the newspapers Liberal allowance for old instruments dorse the Underwood tariff law asj Cure the peace of the world and the _As against prohibition hitherto ex-|ought to be proof enoughto women who 4 al é §_ truly exemplifying that doctrine.*,maintenance of national and individ-isting against Dunkurds holding pub-suffer from those distressing ills pecu- Two years of a war watch has di-|ual rights.It has followed the high-lic office of non-sectarian character,liartotheir sex that LydiaE.Pinkham’s ANDREWS MUSIC STORE ctly involved most of the chief in-|¢St American traditions.~-It-has the convention decicded—that,—in—cer-vegetable Compound is the medicine .—xX wk :‘9dustrialnations’of the world,and Prefersedrespect for the fundamen,tain emergencies,it would not el they need. petraparg ey aera ate property interests and has secured |tion of school director.bh ThisEu on a ws nud ey 2 Phone 304. ‘ing about economic changes more va-the friendship of the people of the |=:—.as prove unequa si orthese dread- ried and far-reaching than the world’States of the United States by refus-|Two Rend From Careless Shot.;fa ills;it contains what is needed to has ever before experienced.In or-|iM&to make a mere material interest f{omer A,Wimmer.52 years old,|estore woman s health and strength. an excuse forthe assertion of our!merchant of Huffville,Va.was ac-|J¢there is’any peculiarity in the life of our country,the enlarge- der—to--ascertain_justwhat_those}°™ay apoinee che cierily Gh 4 éhanges may be,the Democratic Con-'Ghee ae DOG are dk -aignity O°)cidentally shot and killed by Stafford)your case requiring special ad- ress is providing for a non-partisan|'Me!"Sovereign independence.|Dangerfield,when the latter,using a ‘d ‘&EGNOS :aD eer eneuraracdenkthcalivcstotaitercitio :.vice,write the Lydia E.Pink-‘ tariff commission to make impartial|_has regarded the lives of its cil)32-calibre rifle,shot through a frame}pam Medicine Co.(confidential)S 9 and thorough study of every econom-|zens and the claims of humanity-as of |church which stood between the two "2 aa = ic fact that may throw light cither |#reate terial nen.Dangerfiel-shot-into the build-|yas Mass.for free advices __{| upon our past or upon our future fis-rights,and peace as the best basis for,ing whieh was-unoceupied,simply to {}:¥.the just settlement of commercial}chow wh:ae ,‘cal policy,with regard to the impo-|lain It h show what his rifle would do,and GOOD MEA’I ‘Ssae.:‘laims.as made the honor and ::.3 ::sition of taxes on imports or with|C/a!ms.It has mac on the ball went through and_killed ; regard to the changed and changing ,Meals of the United States its stand-|Wimmer on the other side.When and you willfind the sOcalled LUCKY MAN conditions under which our trade is|ard alike in negotiation and action.|Dangerfield’s sister heard of the trag-AND selves in-sympathy with inciple|"6 Las ;eivesin-syzapathy the princip|+—“Ehe want of a stable,responsible and bandit bands,who have not only| by them,vaded our soil,made war and ;i iAmericanism.our soil,made war upon and:Pyeedom From Kidney Troubles|f 2nd completely,remedied —this. greater moment...than material! is the one who keeps building up a reserve in bank,and can catch a bargain when it comes carried on.We cordially _indorse|Mexico.;edy she dropped dead from the shock.EGE ABLES Blackberry Pie Brings Joy.‘:I :ms and purpose of _shaping legislation}SEs 7 in accordance with trade demands or taken lives,and seized and destroyed [ee ~THOROUG H WORK.slight defect which had an unde- ihe incl proporal and declareout,7H,Monin,dctrine fy,reset tpovernment i ae:sate Monroe Enquirer.Ss Bee nk —-eee ne aminh,elacorn hoe unting atts_keyie times_Glry we ee his way.Why not be one of the “Lucky ne sree tat se ithe property of Americancitizens in|ee sirable effect on the meat.A man Men”in your community by making regular 2 “|that eountry,but have insolently in-i How a Statesville Lady Found|}from the factory has been here deposits in the ‘ will playin the new day of cones entered 1 neces.temporal If you suffer from backache—ahal ai Bet ake ie Mine ,: ional relationshi hich is >up-|ccupy,by our armed forces,a por-a Se i fee on us willdepend upon our prepara-/UonOF theterritoryofthatFriend se able diseaweof the kidneys |Atom tian ee A Merchants and F armers’Bank. cratic party therefore recognizes the|aw and order therein,a repetition of Use a tested kidney remedy.’;such incursions is improbable,the:assertion and triumphant demonstra-|nocessity for their remaining’wil Doan’s Kidney Pills have been M.P.Alexander &Bro.,Of Statesville, tion of indivisibility and coherent),continue.tested by!thousands,strength of the nation,as the su-';::.Sint acu Sete aniarateasiorotthisday,a which the |Intervention,implying,as it does,;Statesville people ‘testify.The Sanitary Store.ea é H :’:7 i *oor ‘Jaws ” aA earl nenCcanthencriniaiot mani Military subjugation,is revolting to Can you ask more convincing proof The Bank For Your Savings. fold change.It summons all men ca eaa eae of he United States,noe of merit? ee ‘withstanding the provocati to that T A Tr.( SS ee ene ae one has been Sreee.manent ae .Mrs.C.B.Morrison,739 W.Front W.D.H :RRIS WE’LL ALL W ANT TO SEE THE MAGICALnpccleartoalltheworldthe|'¢Sorted to,if at-all,only as a last re-'St.,Statesvillef’says:“I tried in vain 118 Court Strect.‘ our customers the best of meats ‘sort.The stub resistance of the :re Pee consequent power of |President.eo hia ee “very to gct something that would cure me Plumbing and Heat-JUGGLER---ROSANI--TUESDAY OF CHAUTAUQUA This is an issue of patriotism:Tee upon ,of backache and kidney trouble that -mMg and all repalrs for .‘.re .-»Ts a :anc 0 ightrialswaioeasheGoepiealiheggottanedmefrsere,Fue SaMmes,Inspiraors, must show itself,not a nation of par-We oe ne of tl ee ne :a a ti 5 |:¢s."x |r 2 ep extens he ..7 aR — tisang,but anationof patriots.There franchise to the women of the colntry:Made_a_grext improvement.T had |f~—©bCe LOCKS an ¢Guns me SEE OUR LINEGitheyined:ihe jndustey ard the ny the States upon the same terms as |repaired and Keys fit-j \do oes ‘on alee ole,|tO men.|;i : ‘enius of the whole world,the ele-Th,suffrage plank submitted hy,V@S In good health ‘and best of all,I ted.In fact anything“ments of a great race and a magnif-\tyhe minority ‘a 1 ir liicentsocietytobemeltedintoceewhichwasrejected,haven't been bothered by my.kidneys CES line. mighty and splendid nation.{ds ae Phone 209.,Bee a “The Bemocratic party has always |5!Mce:;KOOL THWhoever,actuated by the PUTPOSE!stood for the sovereignty of the el =‘ih : ‘T got Doan's Kidney Pills and they used them only,a short time before I Of to-_promote the interest ofa foreign |oral States j |Price 50e,at all dealers.Don’=:ame oral States the control and regula-,oe egpowerindisregardofourowneoun-|4;a iM :.:Cebu oe |ae ::Gh 4 _—-Xxtry’s welfare or to injure this govern-Hee ee ae ie ue Boas aes one SUUHeY Famed y=13t a WAN ED!thy \\&le or destroy its industries ,eo i)"1eeeeaethatwiseprovisionoftheFederal!{rs.Morrisom had.Foster-Milburn|{SCRAP BRASS=HeavyBrass 7c.bi\a :PALM BEACH SUITS of a racial,religious or other‘nature a Stan eee on vie Sever-Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y.per:pound,Light Brass ‘Sc.per AS ||ENS.4 9 creates discord and strife among our :pepe ey ED a 3 :yA ‘ Dee :‘‘lectors;which said last quoted 4 .:some process of unification,is faith-ce Py ei .quoted pro-|DRESSED SQUABS PANAMA HATSlésstothetrustwhichtheprivileges!a0 wig voted down in said com-|Easil ‘i 23 .New and second hand machiner ‘9 of citizenship repose in him,ara age!mittee by a vote of 26 to 17,and we!asily Digested—Delicious : nority report and ask its adoption |For C ]room supplies.pithWethereforecondemn,as subver-|this convention.”Ey dco ged veesiveofthisnation’s unity and integ-|.aa a ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS,thee C.H.TURNER.tiie B f b irity,and as destructive of .its wel-|We declare our faith in the sea.W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor.Iredell 'Phone No.74,Bell No.7.,se adele fas5 ‘s ery group or organization,political or|ens act,passed by the Democratic es ;We all want to see “The Mi- otherwise,that has for its object the}Whenever Y SHINGLES,~~.FLOORING ,kado”last night ‘of Chau-[advancement of the interest of a for-|TakeGroves "|DOORS,»CEILING,Cc.Wat INS oe yi f .tauqua.=.:ae ia Fated The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless|WINDOWS,SIDING “Everything to{BuildWith.'}-x-promoted by intimidating the gov :“ment,“a political t kovern-|chill Tonic is equally valuable ‘as a|CEMENT LATHS Full Stock—Lowest Prices.v]Yours to Serve,“a po party,or represen-|General Tonic because it contains the PLASTER LIME PAINTS,‘Shingles,Doors,gunn a \“erie J { culated and tends to divide our people|and IRON.It acts on the Li i "f .ne ding,Lat ari ment,.i SI Cl thi ¢|_Into antegonistic'Zroups and thus to|out,Malaria,Enriches ah lle ir ie WATKINS.oe Lath,hae Ss %::oan...0 In e.destroy that complete agreement ‘and |Builds up the Wholé System,50cents,|BUILDING? C.WATKINS,ext Planters’Wh.Statesville.[2 nropceee -F :* ment in its foreign relations or crip-Poeard’ahd tavor thereon iaieaee oe Doan's Kidney Pills,the same that : |prescribe the lifications ir |a paund t :peopleso ne to obstruct the whole.|Phe he qualifications of their |rss |FOR SALE: loyal.to his eduntry.pereey tender said provision 2s a mi-RECOMMENDED BY PAYSICIANS for sale ae (4 ,‘SHIRTS etc.:9 3, fare,the activities and designs 0?ev-|m eign power,whether such object is tatives of the people,or which is cal-|well known tonic propertiesofQUININE i ° re atet eee eyt ARBreeprersearneeets ~SEVERE PUNISHMENT ‘|THE LANDMARK||CAMPAIGN ASSUES,. The coming presidential eampaign | promises something new,if not ins eecuetae.For the first time since TUESDAY, 9)Asrivel and e8 Gtetes-|the memory oe eeto Sats ee the contrary,the governmeéht’s.for-|WRerERy D,|Train No.15,west-bound,=oe ®m./eign relations will be the chief,issve, =bere Ne oe watbound”dhe ‘B28 p.m.|and-we may hear less:about et ad ‘8 a z p m,s ‘.iea)x No.x hound due 10:35 &mi.than in any campaign since the’ Train No,22,eastbound,‘due 1.145 p.m.|War.“ht y,N.C.—Mrrs.SarahMe Train’No.12,east-bound,due 6:56 pm)my po punli will denounee.theRiesownsays:‘Il suffered’of|TrainBo.36,faconsi Dm.eo -epU howe i Stlwoman}bles,also RLOTTE AND evils.Democrats for failure to.protectroubles,and Punishment i i the |,Train No.16 ar,9.50,=10.88 @ m.|American “citizens.abroad—on...thealMasonvanyonecould1tell,|frain”No.24 ar,9.20,Ueee 9.20 p.m]15 h seas and in Mexjeo—and charge|io ‘every kind of medicine,From ‘Tus'yebville g x} o Me bata did:qe any good,f Ei on hr ty 20%cng tS m./that we have lost the respect ofthe| (ar Pa Train ‘No,ar,344,ee3ehWidoneYayaboutCardui,the wo-|‘Nos.28 and 24 ere not operated on Sundey |world by our dallying and timidity.ie a tonic,and |decided to try it.-|The Democrats wil]answer that Mr,*4 “i ets ee te goes until Turnersburg Items.Wilson kept the country out of war,i 5 %more f The nl ik.i‘than all the other medicines!had |reer :wr x with all that.involves,and “at,thejSeied,put together.Turnersburg,‘June 19 +—Farmers *e M ee =b .lare about through .harvesting their same time compelled Germany ¥¥looked oe well a bes)me why I}wheat and they say,that the wheat is |come to terms;and they will 98k the4Piemabout||better than was expected.All grow-|h idshave t:Cardui.Several are now taking it.’?lipg crops are making a good show Republicans what they woui if obit you,.ladyreader,suffer from any|and General Green's army is right in|lone—would they have gone 0!war’ ae Bis.pogo Ret oytrouble,|ithe midst of the battle and seems like |with Germany’or invaded Mexico?| ei sleepless and‘that »,Sideache,|he will be the winner th some battles,|”go far not so bad.But it won't!::feeling?nee everlastingly tire |while in some other fields he has h The Renublicanstrwhile ht.[been conquered.for the present.stop t gre e Republicans,a i 4 tilaipiet us urge iden to give Cardui a!The condition of Mt.L.T.Stimp-|professing to stand for the American- i fia i.We feel confident it will help you,'son is about .the same,thoughh we |ism which Mr.Roosevelt so mychPa2re.x anitny¢past half century.hope an early.recovery.|stressed,will get the German-Amer- :Keller,superintendent.of cm use ;i ee.Pp‘epi ene yee to-day.Yau jill,has been’on the sick list for sev-/ican.vote,which “Mr.Wilson ‘»has won't regret i ruggists,jeral days.Mrs.N.N.Rash,whose!alienated.:In fact the extreme.pro- ‘4 *S Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Co.,Ladies’Sickness has been mentioned in:the |German eJement,which seemingly haspesAdvisoryDept.,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for Srecraf paper,has been very low for several;frictions ON ourcase and 64-page book.‘Home|davs and-has hot been expected to been more concerned about:the for- Stones ee live.tunes of Germany than the fortunes i I ’Fl F an Norris Ste ane ie ar Sto-|of America,have already endorsed /}iny Point spent Sunday at the home hae Tho ‘a ‘L-epoint‘Se ect your our From jof Mr.Steele’s mother,Mrs.M.ee a eae ch |Steele.=o that as evidence tha : i »This List./Paul,little son’of Mr,and Mrs.|only real.American candidate;that ES .|W.R,.Moore.fell off the porch and »Ro iocank are ee to thexXx|Was severely bruised on the head and ale Hepublicans are.SAterAg et Pal ph ace.Dr.Jupey was called and Hyphenss and 7 peed ee G7 alace,°dressed the wotinds.»|hear:“Are you for Americaor Ger- c The Sabbath school at Turnersburg many?A vote for Wilson is a vote Dan Valley,is making good.They have about 65»_A it*for America and the flag.voteBlueRibbononrollandmostofthemattend.Mr.for Hughes is a vote for Emperory|JeR.Lentz is our superintendent and |°°?Be : Save Trouble,|we think pb t much ged will be ac-|;William.”And in the ’way-back Yu- ,'‘ie ’:1 complishec through ‘his noble work yal districts the Democratic orators|rh."O1€;as mae eeeMorrison’High:Grade,..|in uy Sinday aghoo!,Take away yin tell the sovereigns.that if¢i he C need ;pac eneen \enan oan :and you take away the things that are|Hughes is elected the Germans will ‘te He (Wancy Patent)i}holding the country toggther.ae possession of this country.andeoSherrill&Reece Moonee yl oMmentOL avec Goodwilleu have to go to war on the side Day”July 124°A big dinner will be|of Germany.2 served,bands to furnish musie and|But don’t think for a moment the <Phone 123.108 West Broad St “reworks ayincluding |Republicans Geant have “an aeawie. \:=|T he administration,they will de- \’rm y|Lasting**Legibility _7 Multikopy gives.¥| copics that arebeautifullyneat §| and that are really permanent. In blueor black,Multf-|Kopy never fades. 4 eG Multikopycopiesoftenxrivaltheoriginalin |cleanliness and legi-bility.MultiKopy issurprisinglydurable |‘;and ¢conomical.—,| Write for FREE | ?f Sample Sheet Brady PrintingCompany LyStatesville,N.C.|| »(TRADE,Aree "Carbon Paper’ -*OU WOULD HAVE SALAD \every day,if you once tried || = It is choice enough for the finest salad dressing,as delicious as any oil you ever tasted,and so much, cheaper you can use it for cooking, too,-It makes a smooth,delicious mayonnaise thatandpleaseseverybody.! This is the Week to Buy Your Chautauqua Tickets. _|Miller-McLain Supply Co. Ag n e t a Se e s wi g me 'tj 3s 1.FOR YOUR {Picnic Lunch ——WE HAVE Potted Meats,Potted Chicken,Deviled Ham, Olive Zest,Sandwich Olives,Datenut Butter, Peanut Butter,Loose Sweet.Pickles,‘BottledOlives,Apples,Oranges. Comein and see what we have.>[Bagh &Mifholland.. Statesville Tin Co. |Kverythingin Sheet Metal ~fline for good roof.-Slate Roofs a specialty. PHONE *55. 114 EastBroad Street. BU DING?,Can,WATKINS.KloFSt”ABO ,erm COR /is and other of Stomach Sufferers owe their com-|tion by.holding ‘up |beauties. |Freckles try ACagnolia Balm. |smooth,|sure to please. Sell “stands up”well ||{ YRSwonmerrutRE iclare,has been unneutral—has:been| in sympathy with the.allies.and has|“ for >STOMACHEDY done all possible for the allies except) oy oe4 eyAL ee IEE go to war for them—and came.near| MAYS 'Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of the |doing that;-and,tov,while we have| Stomach and Intestines,Auto-Intox-|been jication,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit- fatal ailments from Stomach Trouble. unfair to Germany :and have’ |aided Great Britain and the allies, Thousands |Great Britain has,repaid our Gevo- our commerce, our mails and doing about as| pleased with our property—all.of | which Mr.Wilson has permitted.| ae And in the ’way-back rural districts j ithe Republican orators.will -tell “the | “Magnolia Balm,voters that a vote -Wilson is a is the Liquid Face Powder used by fanious|vote for King George and that ifIfyouhaveSunburn,Tan or |Wilson is re-elected this couniry will| bur end womoves de quickly|become practically a colony of Great.| Makes your skin soft and|Britain;that the wicked Democrats ;Gi are scheming to put us_under the |Easy to use and ; fas British yoke,which our fathers| i; plete recovery to Mayr’s Wonderful |rifling Remedy.Unlike any other for Stom-ene ach Ailments.For sale be the Statesville Drug Co. ror stops the Blemishes. Three Colors: White,Pink,Rose-Red. 75¢.at Druggists or by mail direct. fought,bled and died to throw aft | and:of which they declared their im-j SAMPLE:FREE dependence in 1776, LYON MFG.CQ.,Yes,we will hear some interest!ng 40So.Sth St,BrodklynjN.Y.|thirfigs in the campaign,us we gen-4} =-|erally do.When the speakers go out!) —-€,WA’TKINS CAN —to talk tothe voters they usually ap- you Doors Windows,Columns,peal to passion and prejudice.Treat- |Mantels and Stairw uys delivered to}ing the voter as sane and sensible and: you just as you requite them,cheaper |appealing to his reason,scems not to|‘than you can buy them f.o.b.ears}*;‘§elsewhere.This is because the Wat-|©01 the programme of the average‘kins’buy in quantities.campaign _orator.— SG.WATKINS,Statesville,N.Cc. Governor’s Secretary. Col.John P.Kerr,secretary ‘toPhoneusYourOrdersGov.Craig,died Thursday afternoon For at his,home in Asheville,aged 62aanoon:vears.Mr.Kerr had been ser ‘ously J, ill since February.Recently his :eon-' dition was thought to be improved: and he returned to his duties in ‘Ral- eigh,but.remained only a short time, Funeral and interment in Asheville Sunday.—.| 3 Col,Kerr was the son of Rev,W.AK.Kerr,a Methodist minister.He| @;was engaged in newspaper work the| most of his life and was for a long| Ink,Typewriter Rib-bons,Carbon Papers, Pencils,Paper Clips, Ink Stands:and.all your office supplies. R.P.Allison’s Book Store. time one of the publishers of the| Asheville Citizen and ‘editor of that, paper:During Cleveland’s second| administration he was postmaster atAsheville.He was also engaged inj} various business enterprises at dif-| ferent times.He managed Locke) |Craig’s campaign for Governor in,|1908 and when Mr.Craig was elected||Governor in 1912 he appointed Mr.: DR.'G.A.LAZENBY.I DENTIST. Office,in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494,-Residence,451 Black. The‘‘Royal”’is a Range Boiler and Water Heat- er in combination and is designed to take the}, place of the old-fashion-ed method of attaching an independent heater to the side of an ordi-nary range boiler The ‘Royal’?can be} installed’at\a supris- ingly low cost and will| furnish hot water every hour of the day and night et an expense well within -reach of:the average house own-| FT TT EEOTW Announcement is made of the are farement of Miss Marie Hardin to} Ross Sigmon.The ceremony.‘will;take place at the Church of the Holy|Spirit.Blowing Rock,August _15.|Miss Hardin.is the daughter ofArch-deacon and Mrs.W.WH.Hardin ofSalisbury. The contract for the reconstruction|of the Davie county court house,| jwhich was burned some months |has been let to J.L.Crouse of G boro.The contract priceis $27,500. HOW'S THIS? any case of Caterrh that cannot be cured by!|Hall's Catarrh Cure.Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by ta.|er or-renter itarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five ite||:jand has become known ns the ‘most.relidtble|remedy for Catarrh..Hall's Catarrh:Installed by faets Chrourh the Blood on the Muenus sfaces,exnelling the Poison from the Blod and, Col.John P.Kerr Dead—The! sndénce of “The Landmark Stony Point,June 19.—Sadie Lee Lnmsile on,daughter of Mr.and Mr; BE.Lumsden,aged one year,.&4 months ‘and 28 days,died at thes?* jhome in this place Saturdey nicht 2 tafter an illness of three w 3 of flux!4 and spinal meningiti Survived by :[his scerctary,which carried;&bright—and promising ‘child and 2}~—y—|with it the title of colonel.favorite in the family.Col.Kerr was married in 1884.Hisi--A child of Mr.and ae Joseph|THE 3 wife lived but:a short time and he|Brown.2t-months old,——was barredROYVALHEATERneverremarried.He is surviv a by|hereat 10 a.m.Saturday.one son,two brothers anc soral'L aera ne Mr.White of Mebane Killed in! day afternoon when the upreturning from Hawfield’s church to We offer One Hundred Dollars Réward for ff ‘THE COOL SPRING CLUB.| ;aa ane,.||Miss Jamison’s Visit,the Club and Its Purposes —News of | “Cool Spring Community. |Correspondence of The Landmark: Cool Spring,June 17 +-The Cool} Spring Demonstration..club-met—ast Thursday:afternoon at,the home of| ‘the president,Mrs.J.H.Knox,We| ‘were glad to have with us’Miss Jam-|‘ison of Raleigh,Miss Celeste Henkel||and Rey,Harper Brady.} Miss Jamison gave a demonstra-![tion of bréad-making and cooking|meats,She told us how we might | have water run into the kitchen,how | to make a fireless cooker and how to! care for our floors at very little cost.| ‘Her visit to our club was helpful ag pleasant and we hopé that she will]come again. Miss Henkel brought a home-made fireless cooker that any .woman can| make,and.while Miss Jamison was| talking beef,potatoes and onions were |cooking in it...At the close of ‘ourmeetingquick’rolls and beef roastLwere-served, Our club was organized two months ago.We now.have 31 members and’ are expecting others to join.The!club meets on Thursday afternoon‘after the first and third Sundays.| The subject of our next meeting is “Butter-Making,”and we hope alltheladieswillcome.We_shall be, glad to have you visit us even if you|do not join the club, Mr.Brady’s Sunday night lectures| at Fifth Creek are interesting and helpful and are being:well attended,| esnecially by the young people. The young people of the communi-| tv were delightfully entertained at the Methodist parsonage last Friday| night.Tuesday night Miss Grace Guffy gave a party in honor of Miss Tucile TOE,who has gone to THE UNIVERSALCAR Get Your Fords Now!: Most of the seven-ear loads-of Fords that we told you about are here and being unload-” ed.CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVER-b IES FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS! is the.time.to get your.Ford, Carolina Motor Co... STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AN |D NEWTON. Now Greensboro,to attend the summer) school.Miss:Annie Lazenby will en-} tertain tonight,| We were glad to welcome Prof.’J. F.Mitchell and family back to our; little village.|Miss Elizabeth Moore,who has!heen living in Seattle,Wash.,for the, _past two years,is at home.Mr.Neal;Moore of Cleveland spentwithhomeveople.Mr.S.J.Knox| was a Sunday visitor.Mrs.°E.T. |Lazenby spent a part of this week in||Statesville with her daughter,Mrs.| W.W.Sherrill.Dr.Orin Montgomery| _spent.a few days at Harmony.| IN FAVOR OF THE PRIMARY Mr.Steele Findsthe Basis of Opposition—His Vote in Bar-| ringer. To the Editor of The Landmark:| I am one of your readers who. strongly endorse the recent editorials | Sunday | The Westinghouse Electric Iron t If you pay the servant by the day you will.find:‘te much cheaper to use an ELECTR IRON;‘Decanee set sqves time! No waiting for Iron to ‘heat!No delay of aly" kind—always at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE]...Hayé,.- ‘you seen the new Iron with the Heater that iis guaranteed: forever?os CALL AND SEE THEM! HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y:: 516 Center St. a _in defence of the legalized primaary. The primary is a big step forward:° |in freeing us from the dominance of a few,and it is these few who see their primacy threatened’who are raising their voices against the pri- mary.They have béen fixing the “slate”for months and years in ad- vance and now.they see they.cannot deliver the goods under the primary. One of-—the leaders told this writer that he was opposed to anything that would nullify the effectiveness of the “workers”on election or nominating’ day.One reason that makes us love the primary is the enemies that it has 5made.As the Durham Herald so 4 iwell said,“If the politicians do not 2 like the primary let them stay out of 4 jit.”We can understand the Repub-.y i lieans being opposed to-it;for they ? have been accustomed to their exee-3 uutive committ 10 running the party largely,but we Democrats.whose proudesst boast is that we are Jeffer- sonian Democrats |and tule of,for _and_by the people,cer- tainly should rally —strongly to primary,whereby we may truly have our affairs run by the people,Shouldwehavea“soap”box some people should remember that soap is slippery and they might slide into political ob-|% livion.___-JAMES_A.-STEELE,: Mooresville,S.C.i I notice that in your revort of thé:§ vote for Representative from Bar-.@ ringer,you give Matheson 78,Steele ’37.Of course the vote should be 18! and 87,making Matheson’s vote 1363/4 and his majority 209.I supposed at. first that this was a typographical |3 etror,but after adding the vote saw?4 it was meant for 78,This is not very)# material except that it shows I car-|§ried precincts near me.JA.S.>)3 I Te EOE BT 1|oe Children Dead. ‘parents,two brothers and two sisters ‘Funeral services were ‘condueted yes-| terday at 4 p.m.,at’the Methodist |3 church by Rev.’I.P.Gwaltney,pas-_ itor of the saptist churen.Sadie was| Bo u on e RE E C E believe ina Sr iselegans ca se outtomc ihe.sia WHEN YOU'RE DRIVEN 10:DRINK | Be sure to get the right drink.That leads you ri ghtuptotheFOUNTAINONTHESQUARE,where'We +serve delicious sodas made of natural fryit flavors-+pure grape juice,both refreshing and nourishing emonade that livens up-your liver,mineral waters that tone up your system.oo‘aub -Don’t FORGET THE SEVEN JOYOUS D:SsundertheB'G TENT.After each performance,aeofftheeveningwithadishofRacy’s RicH Ick OREAM. POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square - aSPECIALSALE= ibe OTT HsOF MEN'S SAILOR STRAWS. Lon ViseFormerly$2.50 and $3.00.Choice $1.89;sonyPanamasandotherstrawsatspecialté-"""" duced prices. Special price cash.oo STROL LERS’QUARTET,Chautauqua,June 26. ms i sddur THES Fisiy +SACRE CTT TTA PHONE NO.83. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO, Auto Wreck.ly David A.White,a prominent fur-|| |Niture manufacturer of Durham,was]! i killed,Miss Mary Hooker of Durham ;Seriously injured,Miss Margaret !Darby of Maryland and McCoy pats ton of Mebane painfully injured, the result of Mr.White’s big Prarie ear skidding and turning turtle Sun- party was Mebane.The automobile crushed Mr.White so badly that he lived but!a*few minutes afterward.~| {Mr.White was 55 years old and unmarried.He survived by his aged mother,three brothers and twosons.: is yeMrs.Arnold Fisher aa Miss Mar- sine See DID YOU KNOW IT’S ONLY TWO WEEKSUNTILCHAUTAUQUAWEEK? FOR CHILLSANDMALARIA,©: Ws .SSih se Hall’s Chill Tonic.:| 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. HALL’S DRUG STORE, W.E Munday ‘garet Fisher of Norfolk,Va.will ar-oes *‘heatingthediseased nortto {vide sher’s Ha-114 FE.Broad St.|OA (her fou have taker “Wail a Catarrh core ene,uey EO ,ne ae a ae ‘ied Ba "PHONE 20.°Presctiptionist.a:fot a short time you will see a cgreat ime 9 MY.anc ie J.B.Glover,|sienPhone55.lraeamant in your genera)health,Start take.Mrs.Henderson Steele and chil-'¢&5 eth wlFOLLOW,PHE CHOWD_TO[et'enirh,“hers cor'eetnentia eect apatigt Charlotie ure visiting:Mrs.aESNyeeeOOeteeeeele’s parents,Mr.and Mrs,W.iy rer Buy ?icCARE {JUNE 22:28 laa vy orate Ye,"EDO OO (Harbin,itWECLOR’S BAND.GONGER?,Chautauqua,June Q3yl)10 xaviad Snuetse Hh sstomtaO omit ed *i)’vit 19 POR ¥314 ipl ebiad 4fieGury}'ODNi HOWRT ta Ae Ae it ‘‘ey?Bay:oh AVG TY §hes He easy Hote y (NX ‘hash %REA ‘ryt ng aon Rebbe main planks of the,platform =|adopted by the Democratic national &|convention at St.Louis are—printed in The Landmark today.The record of the party's achiévements is one of which every Democrat:has a right to be proud.This Democratic adminis- tration has done things;it has,as Mr.Bryan says,written more con- structive,legislation on the statute books within three .years than .any other administration within so short &time.On the party’s record,with Woodrow Wilson at the head of the ticket,the Democrats can with as- surance appeal to the country for a vote of confidence.Mr.Wilson and the Democratic party deserve the confidence and support of the coun- try and they should be triumphantly| re-elected. June 20,1916. ec-COMES HOME-TO.US. "Ne have heard much of war for two years and now it has come very close.to us when our friends ©and neighbors,our kindred,hose with whom we daily associate,are called into service.Conditions in Mexico has made it necessary for the Pres- ident to call the State troops to mo- bills ©:State of North Carolina will of course furnish its full quota and The Chautauqua is next on the Some season tickets WAKE’STRIKE VOTE.ig conti WILL Railroad Employes andtorsFailtoAgree—SProbable.Pee More than 4,000 union and noh-un- ion railroad workers of America’will vote within a month on,the advisa- bility of calling a general strike,to, enforce their demands for an 8-hour as a result of the-failure by repre- sentatives of the railroads and:the men to reach ‘a settlement a ter a two weeks’conference/in New/ork city, Hope of .adjusting .the”dispute through the conference faded when the railroads submitted a tentative compromise offer to the men,grant- ing their demands,but —eliminating the majority of existing ‘double com- pensation”rules.:om The conference adjourned of ‘the 14th to give the railroad managers an opportunity to discuss furthertheirstandonthispoint,but when they met the men next day they not day and time and a half for overtime |. this includes the men from.States- ville and Iredell.They will mobilize at!€atnp:Glenn,Moreinead City.We may hope that ‘a settlement will be programme. may yet be obtained and the call for them should be prompt.The Chau- tauqua offers Statesville and.this section an opportunity to hear some of the great men on the lecture plat- form and some of the best musicians and other talent at smali cosj.The community does itself credit by the interest it manifests tn the Chautau- qua,which is worthy of our support. Those who have labored for its suc- reached without their being called in- touactual service,oreat least that théy may not have to go further than ‘the Mexican border,But the probability is that will not end it.If} the United States has 40 go into| Mexico,and set up a stable govern-| ‘ment,the work will réquire time—a long.time—and many who answer cess have done so to help the com- the’call will femain in Mexico,or)munity and their efforts deserve the their ashes will be sent home.hearty co-operation of all our citizens, At is not a holiday expedition,but)While this side of the Landmark tine te comior ee oe has little concern about baseball,it is thege who go anewer ae patriots)ping the Statesville sans will en- éal¥to duty and they will give a good |joy the season's games and get.their account of themselves.:caneaSES |money’s worth;and that the team plays for Statesville will be a When the home team loses, we hope defest will be ac- The editor of The Landmark is that|winner,saddened by the death of John P.| ‘err of Asheville,He was a good |however,1 man and true and this writer feels}cepted in the spirit of a true sport— only refused to make a specific if. fer covering the compensation, submitted either to.the Inter-State Commerce Commission or to’a board of arbitration to operate under the provisions of the Newlands.act.Th men declined both offers and:the.de- cision to take a strike vote followed.The leaders.and the 500-delegates of thé brotherhoods of trainmen,.en- gineers,firemen and conductors,who attended the conference,,decided on the necessity for the strike vote at a secret meeting following the break.-The canvass will consume at leastthreeweeks,the leaders agreed,and before August 1 the result ‘will beknown.If the men vote for a gen-eral strike the leaders will again pre- sent démands for the men to the rail- roads.in an effort either to gain their |demands in full or a compromise of- fer without the necessity of putting the strike actually into effect. Elimination of the “double com-pensation rules,”the railroad .men contend,would not only impair butlimittheirearningpower.It would wipe out wage increases that the menhavefoughtandgainedduringthe last 25 years from individual _rail- a.personal loss in his death Mr,|With the determination to win next ,jtime;and th ye won't hear thatKerrcimeupthroughthemechan-|time;and that,we a and|Some of our best players were aS) He|OF that one had a sore thumb or an-| and other a sore toe;or that the umpire, ical end of a newspaper office became an editor and publisher. was for a long time pare owner wditor of the Asheville Citizen Ehe was .a successful newspaper gand a strong editor—honest courageous.He was,too,successful gin other lines because the same) &qualities that won for him success NK gas a newspaper worker made for his swecess in other business.He was a glove!friend.God rest him!~RS ~Alex.Brooks of West Asheville, %who had served a third or less of a/harrow escapes, €6-ycar term on the Buncombe roads |$10,000,partially *foy_killing Frank Hugill,has-been!Mr.Jonathan Peele,a prominent| goeriones by the Governor—on the!and popular citizen of Scotland county,| recommendation of the soiicitor,tae |dicd Wednesday at his home in thet :gy a |county,a victim of tuberculosis,He| jurors and many citizens.Possibly |had represented his county ip both | ~the pardon was deserved and_of branches of the Legislature.| course the Governor thought so,or/Contract for the erection of a Fed- she wouldn't have granted it.But it eral building at Waynesville has beenfieeeGhatcth:hich res ited |let to A.Blair of Montgomery,Ala.,ee tee ee te Pay We pote’tor ($52,780.The contract calla for gin the killing was over a game of|the completion of the building within baseball.A good many people be-|14 months. jlieve that folks who quarrel andj A Sompe Dy coenoes sn i oe:ate ee ‘ists of New York,Salisbury,Gasto-®fight over baseball deserve a Jong}hie and oiler poilits,has beer orwane term on the roads jusi for that;and | i‘case of Homicide a life term should |izing ml at Salisbury. xe the minimum.|capital $200,000.: pee ene The Boone Democrat says the ship- =A numberof newspapers;8 some-of ment of lambs from Watauga.countyk‘—,.|has begun and the price is 8 1-2 to 9:them Democratic,are suggesting to:‘cents per pound;that a bunch of 160 |acum Wilson to appoint ex-Pres-|shipped a few days ago cost the pur- ident Taft to the vacancy on the Su-|chaser about $1,000. preme Court bench.Mr.Taft is a|Mrs.Belle Phillips of Rockingham mighty fine man and_is an experi-was killed when the machine in whcih g :.-she-was~riding collided with-a-train-~enccd judge.But somehow Thelat a railroad crossing at Rock Hill,Landmark feels that the job should|S.Re Her we children in the careehoAdwithherwerehurtbutnotseriously. ge to a Democrat at ont oe AS The driver of the car escaped injury. Z rules men altogether aS!Mrs.Lou Little,aged 54,hanged&worthy,can be found among the|herself from a tree in the yard at the §Democrats,and as nothing would|}home of her brother,John Gardner, &#probably be gained,from the stand-with whom she lived,near James- a point of policy,by the Taft appoint- ment,it would be just as well to in- #crease the minority on the Supreme) was rotten. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of InterestGathered From Over the State. Mr.Cleve H.Armfield died a few) ays ago at Low Gap,Surry county.| He had been in poor health for some}i\time—a victim of tuberculosis. Potter hotel at Snow Hill,Greene county,was burned early Thursday! |morning and some of the guests ha Loss approximately covered by..insur:. and man and Authorized 545: 5 i ,able men,and ized to build a bleaching and mercer-|3 roads and systems,they assert,The, monthly remuneration of certain en- gineers would be reduced by $75, they claim,while certain firemen would suffer cuts averaging $30 to $40 per month.= Under the present rules,the men state,an engineer or brakeman,,for example,now receives pay for two full days for performing a duty oth- er than that prescribed in his class of work within one working day of te hours,but under the railroads’tenta-|_ tive compromise’offer he would re- ceive pay for only one day and eight hours and the new overtime rate for but advised that their differences be en ET overtime,novmatter what:———||NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS ‘incidents Gathered From All .Parts.of the Country...» Near Isabella,Tenn.,an automobilewentthroughawashout'into a slencreekandfourpersonsweré. drowned.:; United States Senator .Edwin CG.Burleigh of Mathe died-Friday nightathishomeatAugusta,Me,aged74years..Republican in politics, drowned and six are missing as.re-sult of the wrecking of the steamerBearontherocksoftheMendocino coast,in northern California,duringadensefog.*The passengers and crew number 210,~Virginia cities experienced a mildly.“plue Sunday”under the new ouster law.Softinmanyplaces,gasoline sales pro-hibited in some,cigar and tobaccosalesweregreatlycurtailedandinNewportNewsandNorfolkthelawhasresultedintheabolishmentofthesépregated“districts.-*:The woman suffragists didn’t getwhatthey.wanted,from either the|Democrats or the Republicans.They‘want dn amendment to the Federaljeonstitutionprovidingforequalsuf-|frage and both conventions referredithe.suffrage question to the States,;Some of the women boast that they‘have 4,000,000 .wethen .voters and1$500,000 in cash.to give somebodytrouble.Thirty American residents of La- redo,Texas,Thursday led Leo.D, Walker,a Mexican and managing ed- itor of El Progreso,a Mexican news-paper published at.Laredo,into Mex- ico at the point of revolvers and or-dered him not to return.El]Progreso has recently contained “editorials abusing the United States govern-ment.The committee notified othe attaches of the El Progreso to cease publication immediately.- Mrs.Madelaine Force Astor,young widow of John Jacob Astor,the mil-lionaire who lost his life in the wreckoftheTitanic,was married yesterday at Bar Harbor,Me.,to W.K.Dick,a friend of her childhood.Under.thetermsofthewillofherlatehusband Mrs.Astor by the marriage loses the income of $5,000,000 given her in the Astor will and the right to live in the Astor Fifth Avenue mansion,‘one ofthemostpalatialhomesjn:New York. She retains the property.Astor gave her at the time of their marriage. Re To the Public. “I have been using Chamberlain's Tabletsforindigestionforthepastsixmonths,and it affords me pleasure to say I have neverusedaremedythatdidmesomuchgood.”Mrs.C.E.Riley,Ilion,N.Y..Chamber-lain's ‘Tablets:are obtainaple everywhere,~ BUILDING?C.WATKINS. eha “As Easy To’ dAsA good cream,Has th All the gears are enc clean._and_become putrid_or All metal parts that plate,tall and Mr.William A.Cashion,a promi-|2 town,Guilford county,Saturday af- ternoon.She had been mentally un- balanced for some time. &bench. ‘he Burke County Good Association is j roads rally at ép Good.idea. Fourth by doing or planning con-!The following North Carolinicns structive work for communtiy peiter-|were members of the graduating class at West Point last week:Elon A. Abernethy of Hickory,W.E.Coffin, ‘nent citizen of Gilead neighborhood, ‘in upper Mecklenburg,-died on the Roads 14th of typhoid fever,aged about 40 planning for a good!years,.Funeral and interment atJuly4th,|Gilead church.His wife,who is a,.inative of Iredell,and six childrenBettertocelebratethe)cupyive. Morganton i}*“ment than to spend a lot of money) fag ‘:°|in parading decorating,fire-|Jy of Greensboro,W,EK.Shipp of works,red and oratory Hendersonville,Wi.R.Wilson of jj (wind)that vets nowhere.Some di-Sina ial R,A.Yancey of Rocky version along with the practicable is|*on He C Mi%better,but simply w a 7 ne MooresviHe Cotton Mills Com-c ;iply whoops and hur pany has purchased from’J.Y,Tem--rahs count for nothing,ipleton and others about 20 acres of y AE SDSL ETS and }cmonade The cotton mill men who vote for ville,adjoining the company’s prop- i protection in national elections put |erty.| }who oppose child labor laws,are ples a reece‘se child labor laws,ar improve f-against it.The Landmark has eel -mprereeAPIS:peated ee |At Lexington Ike Wargrave,color- :attention to the fact that if they vote ed,fell into a vat of boilingd@iquid at ‘with the Republicans for a protec-|4 Vencer plant and pulled Giles Holt,also colored,in with him.When Har- grave was fished out he either acci- identally fell in again or jumped in and|as a result of insane agony.Te,is expected to die.Holt may recover. ..)|.A bunch of negroes on a south-Federal I 1 .jbound.Southern railway _passenger|train,much liquor,and the pistols but it will proba- i tive tariff they will also vote for a »Federal child ‘labor law,which the t.Republican platform demands; “Now,lo and behold,the Democratic| i platform also demands a {_child-labor law.$ahlinaneaieemmceemnenecineseons Despairing of light and truth from|neared Spencer.Newton McCrackeniieitherpoliticalparty,the Greens-|of Winnsboro,8.-C.,was the corpse| boro News exclaims:“Cannot some-|removed at Spencer and Will Strong, |body get up and make at least an|Rowan ie aaa i honest effort to tell us something we|At the meeting of the North Car-don’t already .know?”Somebody]olina Bankers’ might try that,but whether he would}ville last week W.S. succeed is another matter.You can’t Oe 'tell some ¢ “they already khow all Blakeney 4)secretary .and treasurer, ;land in the southern part of Moores-. What will be done with the! Association in Ashe-! of ¢|roe.was elected president,W.B.Drake of Raleigh,Jas.A.Gray,.dx.,|folks anytning because!of Winston-Salem and J,B.Ramseythereisto|of Rocky Mount vice presidents.Wn.|A.Hunt of Henderson was re-elected 1 IMHqt= | |mi|WU| Cash with order,to new sub cyclopedia,a book have frequent use.Order |the greatest benefit of this can possibly get into the can.No places for the cream to lodge in heavily coated with pure block tin. meta)pzrts are galvanived to prevent rust. The Tubs are well made and very durable.The Cans are of extra quality charcoal tin-narrow—an aid to quick freezing.We sell and recommend them. ee Ose) é 4 With the Peerless Freezer anyone can makeefewestpartsofanyfreezermade.Only three minutes for per- fect freezing.The PEERLESS Dasher does it. losed.-No ice or saltEasytokeep sour. touch the cream are Outside ‘|Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. icici it cc sn |The Greensboro Daily News$2.50= geribers from now until No- vember 30,Your acceptance of this special price will also |entitle you to a free copy of our Handy Almanac and En- you will find invaluable,containing many important facts,statisties and figures for which you, the Daily News today and get special prcie.Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. 1 Greensboro |'were brought into play as the train} |. The Simplicity,Convenience and a\-bah GREENSBORO,N.C. enero Daily N ews, aay KODAK Efficiency of Kodak System have.put amateur photography within reach of every man,woman and child at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIESsuppliesofall-_kinds in the genuine Eastman quality.H.B.WOODWARD $1 tu $12.Kodak Jeweler. etd ore Five persons are.-known to have: rink stands were closed’ || eels Wateuegyol eeContinuesuntileverygarmentis. 0.es-THREE LOTS:_ ”’i $8.95, Some Suits in the lot worth up to $30.00" Dresses at 1-2 price.— Coats 1-3 off. ee ‘p , 4 Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company;— ~_The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.: __Beautiful when closed.What will you take for your old hard.running sewing Machine? Come and see what we will give | That’s the way to find out WE do not send an agent to your door to take your time and offer you half price for your old machine.We want to be fair and allow you a full legitimate value for it. Remember—we sell ‘Sewing Machine (Invented and patented by W.C.Free) We buy your old machine $1.00 a Week for-only a few weekspaysthedifference. This -offer lasts onlyduringtheintroductionofthenewmodel.Come and see us today_It might rain tomorrow. Iredell Farmers’Union Warehouse Company. ~.Statesville and Mooresville.| w Convenient when open ee peerereeeenernnnnmenm—e| “UNCLE SAM’S EXPERIMENT,”Junior Chautauqua,June22-28. Seer ye ST etcre ar aie tantne26,24",MORALITY PLAY)“HAPPINESS,”Chautauqua,Ju “iEIMPSE PASSING THRONG. '£/,Mrs, STATESVILLELodgeNo.487:A.,KF.&A.M.meetstonightat7:30‘o'clockin MasonicHall_All ‘mem-‘heme peqlieatedito be present andvisitingbrethroncordially”may;ed,Regular meeting, » :Pérsonal Mentionof People and»*i}Their-Movements. ;Missée ‘Elizabeth and Lois Lazenby{of Salisbury ave visiting Mr.and Mrs.“<B.M.Stephenson,».J Be Ives and Miss~Gertrude ives returned yesterday from Wil- bmnington,,where they .spent a few“weeks with Mr.Ives.Mrs.L.Har-‘rill met.them at Hamlet and accompa-“nied them home.Miss Bride Lippard of Barium went ,to Washington yesterday to visit rel-‘atives.y.Miss Lucile Brittain,who was theigeuestofMissMarionYount,returnedyesterdaytoherhomeinSalisbury.>Mr.and Mrs.A:G.Corpening andchild,who spent several days ~withyrelativeshere,returned yesterday totheirhomeatRocl:ingham, .Mr.R.O.Self is visiting‘folks at Sylva,Jackson county.. Mrs.Judith Douglass of Richmond “js visiting in town.. Mr.Jo.H.:Ruff of “Tupelo,Miss, gis spending a few days with Mr.Jack +Wallace.They were fellow studentsatTrinityCollege. ,‘Mr,-and Mrs.L.W.MacKesson and ©.children spent the week-end with rel- *atives in Morganton.Mr.France Carlton.of Sehatorium: will be here this week to visit home‘folks.—1aMissJanieLeonard,who had been ‘visiting relatives at Lexington and *Salisbury,is spending awhile with her'father,Mr.J.S.Leonard. +—Miss—Mary “Allison is spending a =few days in Reidsville,the,guest ofiMrs.James Hamlin.&:Mrs.J.F.Link of Hickory spent-the week-end with Mrs.J.A.Weisner-at,Olin.Myr J.Ft Hoffmann left Sunday for Danville,Va.,where he remained untilyesterdaywithhisdaughter,Mrs.‘Kaufmann.Yesterday Mr.Hoffmann was joined at Danville by Mr.A.H. .Boyden of Salisbury and they went-to Richmond to spend several:days‘attafishingclubnear.Richmond,the »guests of the Messrs.Clarke,Mr.¥Hoffmann’s nephews.| Lucian Ramseur (who was! Miss Helen Anderson)of Hot Springs,Ark.,is expected in States-ville:tonight,to visit,.her.mother .and,tsister—Mrs.W.-E.Anderson and >Mrs.J.H.Hall. Misses Louise and.Margaret Butler of St Francisville,La.,are visiting ‘their sister,Mrs.G.E.French. Mr.N..B.Mills leaves today forWrightsvilfétoattendthemeetingof the State Good Roads Association. Misses Sadie and Frances Somers! -and Eloise Starr,wha have been vie ing in Statesville and the county, turned to their homes in Wilkesboro Sunday.Mr.Alan R.Anderson is at Chap- el Hill,taking a‘special course in physics and chemistry at the Univer- sity. Miss Ina Anderson is at home from --Gastonia,where she taught in the city-schools last session; ‘Miss Annie Hayes,who had been visiting in the home of Rev.J.S. home Jjonnell at Long Island and was a}-in|guest of Miss Mary Lee AustinStatesville,returned Friday to_her —home—in--Asheville. Mrs.McBride Holt of Burlington spent Saturday here with Mrs.J.H. Hoffmann and Mrs.G.W.Long.-Mrs.N.,Smithson and__Miss Cornelia Smithson left Saturday’for Knoxville,abe to visit.Mr.Smith-son.Miss Minnie‘Sparrow of Gastonia is visiting her sister;Mrs.C.Watkins. Miss Lois Steele-of Turnersburg, .who had been~visiting her sister,‘Miss Addie Steele,in Charlotte,went,to Granite Falls Saturday to visit.Mr.-J.DeWitt.Ramsey went:_to Black Mountain Saturday and brought Mrs,Ramsey and child home Sun- day. Mr.M.E.Ramsey went to Ashe- ville Saturday to enter Highland Hos- pital,?Mrs.C.L.Cruse left Saturday for ;Lexington to visit.relatives.Dr. Cruse joins her there Tuesday and they go to Wrightsville for themeet- ing of tate Veterinaries.. ‘Mrs,T.P.Lueas of Charlotte ig ex- ¥nected here today to visit Mrs.R.L. Poston. Mr.Lewis Poston returned yester-| day from Waynesville,where he at-| tended a oa arty.Mr.F.Johnson of the States- ville Coco-Cols Company,has return- ed from Shepherdstown,W. where he spent several weeks.:Mrs,Clifton Colvert of Linwood is .visiting Mrs.J.E.Colvert,_Mrs.N.P.Watt has returned from*~a visit_to_her brother in Florida.___ -Mrs.J.F.Anderson has been visit-ing in Charlotte for 9 few days.|Mrs.Ji H.Dinglehoef ‘of Lenoir is*visiting her mother,Mrs.W..Ae.Lutz. ‘The Woman's,club ofMonroe edit-|, ed.Friday’s issue of the Journal and|they.did a.good job.The paper wasfullofgoodmaterialofpresentday .interest and purpose.Fact is,the*sisters nowadays can do things—,about whatever they’re amind to do. Bowel Complaints in India.‘ In a lecture at one of the Des Moines,Towa,,churches a missionary from India told of go-ing into the interior of India,where he was.taken sick,that he had a bottle of Chamber-‘lain’s Colic,Choléra and Diarrhoea Remedy with him and believed that it saved his life.“This remedy is used successfully in India bothSasapreventiveandcureforcholera,Youetunyknowfromthisthat:it can’be depended it occur in this country.Obtainabte eve Va.,,! Feild-Cochrane Wedding in‘Trinity Church”This:After- -noon—-Miss Kathleen Kluttz aliebee Mr.Land Married in _Salisbury—Wedding in Flor- ida—Social Events. Miss Fannie Blount Feild and Mr. James Donald Cochrane,Jr.,will bemarriedthisafternoonat6.45.The eeremohy will take place in TrinityEpiscopalchurchandArchdeaconHardinofSalisburywillofficiate,as- sisted by Rey.C.G.Prosperi,thebride’s rector.{The eewill _be-Messrs..OscarMarvinandBenRamsey...Mrs.J.C.Duke,will sing and Mrs,W.R.Me-Lelland,aunt of;the.bride,will playtheweddingmarch.'The bride’s only attendant will'be her sister,Miss Eu- dora Belle Feild,who will be maid ofhonor.Little Eleanor Moore,daugh-ter of Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Moore,will be ring-bearer.Mr.George Feild,brother.of the bride,will:be Mr.Cochrane’s best man.®Soon after the ceremony Mr.andMrs.Cochrane will leave for Bir-mingham;~Ala.,..which.is.to_be:their home. Mr.W.Herbert Morrison leaves to- day for Jackson,Northampton coun- ty,where Thursday ‘he will wed MissKatherineReid.His brother,Mr.Em- met Morrison,will accompany him. The ceremony will be atthe bride’s home and will.be ‘very.quiet. Miss Louise Sherrill entertained Friday morning at three tables of bridgefor Miss Fannie Feild..There was presented with a pair of silk hose.A salad course with sweets| was served.Miss Louise Jones of Hickory was a visiting guest. Mrs.Eugene Davis entertained the Neighborhood Bridge club Thursday.Out-of-town guests were Mrs\A,G, Corpening,Rockingham,Mrs.Small, Charlestgn,and Miss.Louise Jones,Hitkory.;The club gives no prizes but each of the out-of-town guests was given,a handkerchief.A salad course with iced tea was served. Mrs.Fred.Thomas gave a hearts party.Friday afternoon in honor.of her guests,the «Misses Moffatt,of Birmingham,AJa@...,The.game wasplayedatseven‘ta bles and Mrs.'H.O.Steele won the prize,a pair of silk hose.On their arrival the guests were served.punch by Miss.Amaker and Miss Louise Walker.An ice course, with cream and cake and salted nuts, was served,On each plate was a bunch of sweet peas. The following from the Salisbury Post of Saturday is of interest in Statesville: ‘A wedding which comes as a great Uf -oviee to their:.“ngtny’friends throughout the State,took place last evoning at the home of the bride’s fa- ther,Kon.Theo.F.Kidttz,when Miss Kathleen Kluttz’and Mr.Murel Land of Greensboro were quietly married, Dr.Byron Clark of the First Presby- terian.church officiating.While Miss Klittz’s engagement Was kriown toherfriends,they little suspected the were no prizes but the guest of honor| jtwo matters before the public. const,oftheState,.For the tripns Stine was gowned in a motor 8silkpoplin:in.-one of.the’ shades,“She wore a hat to eidThebrideasateacherinthe Cen- tral grammar school of this ity is popularly known to hundreds ‘0 dren andyis:equally as well ifked:by the school patrons,.who appreciate her work.r,Stine Is a young engi.neer of ability and both young le are popular,especially in W ite| Retccte circles,as members of _t @)| Young People’s class of the First’ Methodist Sunday school.‘After Junc| 20 they will be at home to their| friends at Virginia Avenue,Park Place.i} Notices of New Advertisements. Special offering.—Mills .&Poston,\ B.F.Avery &Sons’implements.—| Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co.| Greensboro Daily News special of: fer.‘Hoosier club opens Saturday,‘Bath.| —Crawford-Bunch Furniture ee ;Suit sale continues,—Ramsfar| Bowles-Morrison Co,Fannie Ward at the Lyric today.Jim Tharpe offers $100 reward — Iredell Produce Co. Ice cream.andJames&Short.‘ Peerless freezers.—Lazenby-Mon¥-| gomery Hardware Co.Silk hose,awning stripe skirt ma- refreshments.— Announcement to sheet music cus-| tomer's.—Leonard Piano Store.2Westinghouseelectriciron.—HomeElectricCo.NidMargaretLandis Breakers.”——Crescent today.\Everything to build with.—C,Wat kins.Ww Horse,buggy and wagon for‘sale. —C.H.‘Thomas or J.E.Tharpe.:Veal calf for sale—D.V. bell’s store,New Hope.Razine thresher and baler for sale.| —W.D.Creedmore,Charles.|Mill in operation——J.M.Ostwalt.|¢Mule and two cows for sale—Mrs.’, T.C.Gray,Dunlap.Smith Typewriter for sale,—E.~M.| Sentman,.Henkel-Craig Live Stock Company.| |4 'iCamp-| |Remove Rubbish—Stop Expec-| torating on Streets andin Stores| Correspondence of.The Landmark, The Health and Sanitation Commit-tee of the Civic League met at the Commercial club rooms last week.A! number of subjects pertaining to the, but the ladies wish especially:to ren} front of and along the sides of a num-| ber of vacant lots;and in some cases lots which are not vacant,a good.dea!| of trash is to be seen—paper,crackerboxesandsuchlike.Will nct>thosewholiveat;or irtthe-vicinity-of -such places make an effort to have such| trash removed,and see that:mo mere, accumulates?It will help to beautify | and cleanse our town ‘And then another and ratherinele-| gant subject to discuss Not infre-| quently men are seen to expectorate on the streets and even in some ofsour grocery stores where the.fruits,and| vegetables,which we buy-to-.ser Hh Lour tables,are,kept.This,is.notuncleanly,but it’is ‘unkealthy‘in’ wedding to take place so soon.For the past two weeks Miss Kluttz had} been the guest of Mrs.Carter.Dal- ton of.High-Point,where she and Mr.| Land decided-to hasten their wedding day.Accompanied home by Mr.and Mrs.Dalton,the latter being a sister of Mr.Land,the bridal party went at once to the home of the bride.To the soft strains of Wohengrin—wed- ding march,played in a most artistic way by Mr.Francis:Griffith,they en- tered the parlor,where shaded pink | candles cast an enchanting glow over masses of pink sweet peas and ferns. Here the vows were taken in the presence of only the immediate family “The bride,a_petite,attractive|-blonde;—wore—a—most—hecoming blue serge traveling suit and a small tan hat trimmed in tiny pink flowers. She carried a handsome bouquet of lilies of the valley and ferns.” The bride,the youngest daughter.of Mr:Kluttz,is a niece of,Miss Janie Caldwell of Statesville and.Salisbury has frequently visited in Statesville and has many frierds here who extend congratulations-and best wishes.She is an.accomplished yout?lady.For some time shé:was society cditor of the Salisbury Post ang social corres- pondent of the daily papers,Mr Land is a son‘of Mr.and Mrs.E.P. Land of °Greensboro.He formerly lived in Salisbury and has recently been engaged in businets ip Greens- boro.Mr.and Mrs.Land left immediately after their marriage for a stzy in the mountains.They will be at home ir Salisbury after July Ist. The follawing account of the mar- viage of Mr.W.L.Stine,formerly of Ircdelly-of the Hazmony,.eommunity—is from the Miatii (Pie):Metropolis of the 15th:Two of Miami’s,best liked young people were’last:eveging united in wedlock at the home“of the bride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.:Geo.Pfeiffer, |221 Seventh street,when Miss Macy Agnes Pfeiffer and William Lee Stine |stood before Rev.P..S.Merrill and |made their marriage vows.The ceremony was a private’one, only the closest of friends of the young couple being privilered to wit-jness the event.The biride:is the fair-‘est of blondes and was lovely in the sheer white of her wedding gown of crepe de chine...A brodgpet of,whiteand_an ‘armful_of bride’.roses_com-,| pleted the pretty picture.She camedownthestirs.on the arm of her father,who gave her in marriage.{| Preceding the ceremony ..Charles Pfeiffer,a brother of the bride, a favorite love song, Think of Thee”(W..Rhys-Herbert);Miss Carmen Ericson played the nup- tial music,using that of both-Lohen- |grin and ‘Mendelssohn.Following the ceremony friends of the young couple were given an opportunity to wishthemjoyintheirnewlife.\ After receiving the best wishes oftheirfriendsMr.and.Mrs.Stine left on an automobile trip up the edst Stomach Troubles and Constipation, “T will ¢heerfully say ‘that Chamberlain’s Tablets are the mose satisfactory remedy forstomachtrotbles_and constipation,that I havesoldinthirty-four./years*arug.store service,” eae for the milder forms.of,bowel ey |wt where.j){SAL iv.pp HOE Ped.tae OM sang| “Tis Then Ti effects.Will not our merchants o- |hibit this in their-stores and will not ithe offenders,on the streets,for our‘health’s sake,refrain?%. The ladies of the Civic.Learueare| idoing all they can‘to make the condi-! tions in our town better and,whattheyshouldbe..Without co-opera- tion they can datlittleCIVICLEAGUEPUBLICITY COM || ||Crop Prospects Not So Good—,Personal Mention.9 Correspondence of The Landmark.| about over and the crop will fall" ator The-small__grain-.came out some after the rains but will notmakeover’a~half~crop,—Other-crops are rather discouraging,especially cotton.The -continued -rains have caused the grass to get such a start that crops will be hard to clean._As near as I-have kept record,there—-has fallen between-11..and 12 inches of Mr.and Mrs.W.:G.Gaither and. children of Orange,Va.,are visiting? Mr.Gaither’s mother,"Mrs.M.EGaither.’a burg,Tenn.,Tuesday,to attend 9family,reunion and birthday dinner, ‘of her father,Mr.Thos.Shields,who is in bad health.“Mrs.Virlee Moore is visiting her father in the Clarks- bury community.Miss Jarre Henley is at Black Mountain for her health. Mrs.Margaret Gaither,who makes her home with Mr.Calvin Godbey; County Line,is critically”ill. Harvest About Over —Too :Much Rain. Correspondence of The Landmark. Houstonville,June 17 —The farm- ers of this vicinity are most through| harvesting.Probably some will fin-|ish this week.Most of the.wheat isfilledverywellbutisveryshortofstraw, The binder has not been as useful} as common_on account of the ground being wet and the-wheat short of straw. The farmers have been very busy’!for the past few days and will be for | some bit,if the ground gets in plow-| ing condition.We have had so much rain recently that the ground has not, been in plowing order. The Cuininea i Does Not Affect The Head use of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXA-TIVE BROMO QUININE isbetter than ordinaryQuinineanddoesnotcausenervousnessnorringinginhead.Remember che full name andlookforthesignatureofEH.W.GROVE.7%. RESOLUTIONS OF ‘RESPECT, Whereas,Almighty God,in His infinite wis+dom,has removed from our midst our belovedbrotherandesteemedfriend,Grover S.Martin;and whereas,we deeply grieve because’of theJ loss of this loyal brother and faithful worker from’our Union and community;therefore,ibe itResolved,that we,the members of Amity Local No.2681 ‘of the Farmers’Union,4- sembled this day to honor the memory of our departed brother,do extend our deepest andheartfeltsympathytotheereavedfamilyand #numerous friends of Mr.Martin,and Resolved further,that a copy.of these rese- lutions be spread upon thé minutes of our Lo-~ eal,that a copy be sent ta his bereaved mother and that these resolutions be published in theStatesvilleLandmark.R.Le MeNEELY,J.C.TEMPLETON,WM.Ww.LENTZ, wig 8.hy,»druggist,Wellsburg,patel ahora Lsioi terial.—Johnston-Belk Co..ni |,§ work of the committee were discussed,|‘ Harmony,R-1,June 15 —Harvest : rain since the rains set in.(¢ i Ror The Defense” Mrs.J,L.Heath went to Whites+f ».,MARKET REPORTS.._,, Statesville Produce Market,“The following prices were paid yesterdaytor"produce on the local mar Spring Friers,18¢.per tb.Old Hens,13¢,per Ib,Eggs,16c.per dozen.Rodéters,6c,per Ib,Butter,16¢,per Ib. Beeswax,26,per Ib.Green Hides,:34¢.per,Ib,Hams,20c.per lb: Sides,18c,to 1de,per Ip, Shoulders,13e,te he,per Tb.New Red Honey,10c,to 1%1-2¢,per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to lsc.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,de.Sweet Potatoes,60¢,per bushel, Grain,The following prices were paid catia |for grain on the local market:Wheat $1.20 per bushel.Corn,(new),80c.per bushel.Oats,Sic.per bushel.“” Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yesterday 12 3-4c. pound was Lae!for best grade cotton. per (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 cents)per line.No ad.taken for less than 25 cents.Cash must accompany order.) \FOR SAL E—Two-year old mule and two good |milk cows.MRS.T.¢.GRAY,N.G.June 20-~2t* |MY¥:MILL is again open and ready for busi-»Mea.J.M.OSTWALT June 20~—1t. FOR SALE—Razine Fhrekac ped Baler com-| “bined.«MORE,Charles,N.C.Good |condition,|*W.D.;June 20—2t" FOR SAL /E—Veal calf at D.Vv.“CAMPBELL'SStore,New Hope,June 20--1t. FOR SAL E—Smith Typewriter,in first class condition.Apply to EK.M.SENTMANN,Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.June 20--4t* |FOR SALE—At a bargain,good young horse,in’“The Home |Wagon and Buggy.THARPE.nedrly new NissonSeeC.H.THOMAS or J.E. June 20 Lbs. FOR SALE—A?farce vat a sacrifice.J.al_LEONARD,Statesville.June 16--% \FFOR SALE—Ten shares Paola Cotton Mill stock at $75 per share.Address D.,careTheLandmark,June 16. CREED- Dunlap,| | | | | |||| | FOR SALE—At a bargain,or will trade:=|CAR- June 9% CORN—We are in:‘the “market for Shelled Corn and will pay highest market price, cash,STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO.) May 6. shares Diamond Furniture Co,stock, OLINA MOTOR co. cottage corner of Apply at LEON- June 2. FOR RENT—Five-roomStocktonandBoststreets. ARD PIANO.STORE. |FOR SALE—Practically new Ford delivery body.CAROLINA MOTOR COQ.June 9. |SECOND-HAND CARS—Two Overland Tour-ing Cars;one”Studebaker “Touring Car;one Buick Roadster and~a few Fords.Thesecarsarebargainsandwillbesoldmighty cheap to quick buyers.CAROLINA MOTORco.June 9. Ice Cream and Refreshments A new and up-to-date enterprise,cor- ner of Highland Aye,and Taylors- ville road.Our departments —are sanitary in every respect.The ladies are especially invited to visit our place.You will always find good order. You can get your clothes made to look like new,a Hair Cut and a Shave by a trained and up-to-date barber. Look out for the lee Cream contest Saturday night.Respectfully, “JAMES &SHORT. fmitthe ee THE LYRICTHEATRE TODAYFANNIEWARY eh Paramount Photoplay..,,WEDNESDAY,©»>ALICE Se “The Ballet Gr A delightful production. Don’t miss it.THURSDAYjeeeeDORO >MARIE DORO’‘famousPlayers Paramount _}13 “The Wood Nymph”The prettiest phoebeeve;*produced... it alsoHARRYGRIBBON mle“The Perils of the :Park”he A Keystone comedy «THE »LYRIC THEATRE v‘The Coolest Place in Town” cl a d e or s e c e r s o e n i e s b a a e t e d i n c reo ge Fune-oLdthy 1916,.--Committee, -.WATIING, Bicylqecyy ty ‘‘agit terurgd Moe EREDMeeOeaSts 244 segiely aide g .TO THE YOUNG BUSINESS|MAN! The Banking needs of Busi- ANN ness Men are given special at- tention by this Bank!If ‘you . carry a Checking Account with »' us we are always willing to help you in the development of your | business.YOU ARE ASSUR- ED OF ABSOLUTE SECURI-+ TY AND THE 40ST COUR- TEOUS SERVICE! RT s TR S ET NN ee A nt aa d ee cr e e ef ma a r Don’t Forget Your Season Tick- et for Chautauqua Week.ne ee — ae s - Ar t s af Pe eS a 7 er e Fata OR z DA R E N ee e Fe ee e , 2 — 2 Statesville,N.C.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Depoa}tss S.Depository.Capital $100,000.oeU.LIE ~—eee <r caer onlNewAwningStripe:Sita Skirt Material,"°°'4 Special 25e, 30 Dozen Silk Hose, All Colors,© Special 23c. ‘Are You Going To Travel? oitve NEW TRUNKS,SUIT ae A big-line to select from a SPP If so,see our line of CASES and BAGS! ~at OLD PRICES! Wardrobe Trunks .7.......00-0 ener $6.95 to $18.50 .,_,, Trunks of all sizes ..8...eecee ee $2.50 to $15.00, Suit Cases oo...ccc cc eee ee eee eee 25c.to $7.50. Full line of Traveling Bags!me: NEW TAFFETA SILKS!al All staple shades,98c.and $1.25;black,69c.,$1.18 and: $1.25.‘iad WHITE GOODS!, AN EL EGANT LINE AT SPECIAL PRICES!Short!" length in 40-inch.Organdy,20c.--and 25e.value,roe price,While it JastS ©.sos...ss.<2orp eenowe ; SOISETTE! A beautiful Wash Material for Ladies’Waists and Men’s: Sport Shirts,25c.value,special ......ee 19 READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT : 3eing added to daily.See our NEW WHITE WASH SKIRTS at 98c.;White Corduroy Skirts,special $1.985. better grade,$2.98.; ~BEACK-AND-BLUE_SILK TAFFETA SKIRTS,$4.95 Special line of Ladies’Waists at 48c.,79¢.,98c.,$1,98, $2.48 and $2.98.cele GCNE LOT LADIES’NEW TRIMMED BATS —.»)\, Justin,AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES—98c.THEY ARE,iWORTHFROM$2.00 TO $3.00!”cndong Johnston-Belk Co.ce THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS,a PHONE 212.ame© hea ‘ THEE To ese MAS sStiaSh ¥ ie WaTa USE AN OIL STOVE nitod “Why get hot cooking on a Wokor Coal Range these long summer days?When you can keep cool,feel good and_look pleasant by using ONE OF OUR OIL STOVES.‘wx Fruit canning season is also here.Your.«3 canning will be an actual pleasure by °? moving one of these stoves out on the porch ’ne orin the yardin the shade. Try it once and you,will never again.can fruit inthe old way--stooping over\a hot stove or range in the kitchen. .It’s Victor’s Band and Miss Bentley Friday of Chautauqua..ya +ue HetStatesvilleHousefurnishingGo.. stale ‘Better Goods For Less Money.ne Lot HONE 17a ius ‘ mae va \Sak Votel,.-The..rules,were-.suspended *land the delegates simply roared faye”when the names of Wilson and eieeriacoeeh Marshall were)called and Chairman | PY ACCLAMATION.James‘declared:them:nominated -by} and Marshall Nominated aclamation.. Responding to calls,there were| ::some speeches after the nominations Without the Formality of:@/and then the convention adjourned | Ballot—How It Was Done.|untilFriday.wes asses! ;ea .i senator James > President Wilson and ee sac The achievements of the Wilson nt Marshall were ane b Bai administration in enacting benefi-| cclamation Teeny .MNhtien at |cial legislation and it keeping the mocratic nat Nat boi vampleted|Country:at peace withgut sacrifice of| .Louisy;the ae ‘oe ee The |the national,honor,Were pronounced| four miuptes before Sod etal Fri.|¢poch-making in American history| nvention then adjourne th lat.|by _Senator Ollie M,James of Ken- ay to hear-the report of the pla “|tucky,in his address ‘as ‘permanent| orm committee.’t of|Chairman:of the Democratic national| There never was any doubt of)oo ention. sident.”Wilson's:nomination —bu “For the first time in the history of| ere was a possibility that pee four country,”said Senator James,af-| ice presidential booms.mL OSTter reviewing briefly Democratic leg-rought’out in opposition to Ted |station which he declared had made ‘eaident Marshall,They meltec ‘prosperity possible,“the United way,however,when the gl aati States leads ..the world in:exports, t in session and as soon ra)been’We are more prosperous than ever,| nt Wilson's _nomination.ha aa and mills which have not turned a ade nas ae OF ae spindle for years are now’busy.All|ation,Senator a,inated Mr.Marshall,cast the laborers of the United States are| bes renominatec ~Marshall,cas fj side a long-prepared speech and employed as never before.With the| tmifiy declared -world-war_raging,.our_country_is themply‘declared::3 I nominate.Thomas’Riley Mar-only ‘neutral one that is not in dis- lof Indiana for Vice President.”|tress and the only ‘one inp has ib | ‘#'President Wilson’s nomination 4 ae ‘t Rip sce ae Ne Soeae‘as te,Mand o the stressof war,the Demogrewasonlyonedissentingvote,ieratic party has met quickly,We havegeben’Emmett Burke of Dlinois,freed business from’the blackmail ofgawhocametotheonethePres:the politician as we have emancipated Bias May fe Sta eonnically ms iy it from the clutch of monopoly.”meen Pe nination 7.091 to 1 “It is a perfectly easy thing,con- sf resicenhS be %Sneech *|tinued the Senator,“for the Presi-|a Mr.Bryan’s Speec fe Thurs.dent of the United States to plunge “The coliseum was So fu :hee his country into war if he is a politi-| yday night that the fire geen aoe ian before he is a patriot.He would took charge of the entrances iene |seek his own re-election as he came |-mitted no more to come in.Wi ry UPan horseback up the bloody high-,J.Bryan,however,managed ee Yi way of contending armies.Of course,and got an abasdeaese eee ‘army could invade Mexico —andj ween James eal me a iy After march in triumph to its capital,but.ee foes aid ne jafter the war was over other armies|athe ope ~Mee ~)would march—an ‘he demands for a Speech oe Mr.and orphans,an army of cripples|be nyae:i Loreen eae oe ee and men broken in health,an armyiy8yore‘|aos the chairman,Senator James of of pensioners,and an army of tax col-; lectors gathering up the earningsof | the people to pay a great war debt.’”’' “No President during the life of this republic,”said the Senator,“has| ever had to deal with so many deli- ;eate and dangerous problems as those which have,confronted’President Wilson.With more than half of the world in arms in Europe,with Mexi- “Kentucky,ruled that two-thirds had ‘4yoted to hear Mr.Bryan,who was wescorted to the platform and intro-| duced by the chairman as “one of | “the leading citizens of the world and a@America’s greatest Democrat.”Mr. “Bryan expressed his appreciation of, “the honor conferred by the invitation.| Every Democratic eonvention Is)4,in pevolution at our border,these’‘“rae é or,se.slove feast to me,”he said.t It tye.|difficult and complicating |problemsareanopportunitytoRhieepsith|have confronted him almost daily,| yew Bedue niece a 4 oe voli and he has handled them as becomes whom I have been associated in pola patriot and a statesman.When the| “Aies for more than 20 var h |Lusitania was sunk the militant voice W&Reviewing the struggle 2 the par-of Theodore Roosevelt cried out forpty,Mr.Bryan said:After -ee War,and if he had been Presidentof | of waiting our party entersee t ©the United States at that time,todaygWhiteHouseandfortunatelyre900,000 brave American sons would; yd theSenate and the uoure a a ©!be contending around the forts ofgametime.Our party became re-vogun in this highty niaelstrom of“sponsible for national affairs,andi \Godaathousands)|would have been_mow we come after three years of la-buried in ditches.Our President,pa-‘bor to make our plans for the future,tient,patriotic,far-sighted,the real“and to submit to the American peo-'statesman,handled this question with epic the claims of our party to con-the greatest ability and won fortinuedconfidence,..America its greatest diplomatic vic-,“Whatever differences of opinion tory,There are two kinds of cour- Bray exist,or may have existed,as to age—the courage of the man who is~particular measures or particular elie cooeriala |e ance. ee ee ne here to begin the fight himself and the courage of the man f 1916,a united party im every that sends others to the conflict.»/State in the Union,ready for attle.Woodrow Wilson has both kinds of gPoday those who stand for the ee conrage—the courage of conflict andweraticpartyareabletogoeae'S "the courage to act coolly and sensibly B:reason’when he is dealing with the lives ofnationandnotonlygivea or the faith that is in them,but give others the fate of a nation. ‘Pour years ago we sneeringly call-fie defence of the administration’s claims to’the confidence of the peo-BA Woodtew Wilson the cence)teatIC| er.Today he is the world teacher.es ple.Gy,y -ini .. be oat Meee ae ee hiee His subject is the protection of Amer-Ps cy Borat vanuhlic!to —periine life and American rights under Mrihe presentlone and vou eh aot international law.And without or- find as many laws.written upon the phaning-a single American child,Matai naoke of Sekt drone tance te without widowing a single,American ,mother,without firing a single gun, he.wrung from the .most militantwatepeople,as.-you will find,written; spirit that ever brooded a'dove a bat-the last three years by Woodrow Wilson.a Democratic President.”tlefj ::.efield.an acknowledgment of Amer-Mr.Bryan then referred to the ican rights and an agreement to! American demands.He has elevated~—sguutariff -revision,the Federal eserve- jj law and the strengthening of the an-himself to that lofty but lowly emi- sinceinence,occupied by George Washing-ti-trust laws.“No President face said Mr.Bryan,“has had ton,Abraham Lincoln,and)WoodrowiWilson,the three ‘worst abused andpiuiedtsuchanunholycombination| of the powers of high finance,and pest loved Americana the republic ev-even Jackson himself never met the or grew.:a situation better than Woodrow Wil-Platform Adopted—Last Day. son met it.We have just commenc-The conventi nee Saaeeeee |on finished its .workedto.learn-what the Federal reserve Friday ‘by adonti ¢::=::ay by adopting*the platform ex-,,law means for this nation.This great gotly “as ne Deas ".5 A ::y as approved by President Wil-piece of legislation,the greatest piece <4,and.suban ate,:-ue ies é submitted by the resolutionsofconstructivestatesmanshipina)committee.hut :,ee i .but not until the harmonygeneration,has not only broken the’of jts three davs’sessions:|s ays’sessions had beenholdofWallStreetuponthebusinessgisturbedwithA,:;|dis a row over the suf-of the nation,but it has broken the |frage lank.N tak wae pA;ae é plank.No voice was raisedgripofWal!Street upon the policies!against A ete Fareaye!Pea i ‘gorous declarations ofofthe’Uhited States,For 20 years’the Americanism plank,but at onetherehasnotbeenanelectionbut!time it looked as i ‘ee ed:;ked as if the woman suf-what 100 men in Wall Street could,|frage plank he it los Sarsbycoerciontheyhadintheirpower,|Ses ee eee cnntenJver,Walsh of Montana told the conventionchangetheresultoftheelection.:that the President wanted it adoptAnyonewho,like myself,has felt |gq ;.Teeniey’.),as’ed and it went through—%&8 1-2 totheirpower,must be pardoned if he j91 4-9 rejoices that we have an administra-Ag We went into‘:As it the ‘platform thetionthathasbrokenthatpowerandsuffrageplankstands:“We favor thesetaaosmie’‘extension of the franchise to the wo--B res ae ee men of this country,State by State,Mr.ryan spoke for 45 minutes on the same terms as to men.”and at the conclusion of his remarks!The minority report ate by Gov.Deore er epee were de-|Ferguson of Téxas,read:“The Dem-clared in order and John W,Wescott 'ocratic party always has stood for theofNewJere.took the platform to:sovereignty of the several States innominateWoodrowWilson.the control and regulati f 6elec-|The delegates were attentive bones We ela ee oequietasJudgeWescottproceeded,sition of our party in this regard andjbutthegallerieswereimpatient.favor the continuance of that wise|Name him!name him!”came cries|provision of the Federal constitution |zm ie Bp eres:and Judge’Wes-|which vests in the several States of|co urried his speech.He spoke for the Union the power to prescribe theabout40minutesandasheclosedat!qualifications of their electors.”|=10.49 with a mention of the name of}North Carolina cast 1 votes for|agar,Woodrow Wilson,”the crowd broke|the minority report and 13 against|into a great demonstration.._Moving it.The minority —1report—being——de—|picture_flashlightsblazed—and flags|feated,tHe platform as a whole was|“®were paraded in front of the stand,adopted and the convention adjourn-4.The.band played “The Star Spangled |ed without _a day.if Banner”while a huge banner bearing|::ae()the President’s likeness was unfurled |,Notice of suit against Col.J.T.|from \the roof.|Gardner of the First’North Carolina |The delegates began a parade bear-|Regiment,National Guard,has been |ing State stanchions.The crowd,5¢'ved om Col.Gardner in Shelby.rose to its feet.Many delegates Rana hesuit is brought in Davidson coun-| on their chairs.“Dixie”and other |tY Superior Court by Jas.R.Allen ofmelodiesbythebandevokedfresh|Lexington,who alleges that Colburstsofcheering.Chairman James |Gardner wrongfully and___illegallyyieldedthechairduringthedemon.©2USed his imprisonment in CharlottestrationtoRepresentativeHeflinofaaetimeofthe20thofMaycele- abama.Women delegates were,?ration.among the paraders.Senators andRepresentativeshelpedearry ban-ners,The demonstration kept up for!45 minutes and then when quiet was,i :restored the roll call of States was |hod enabled tO fs thro eee pennedees.Pacey,pear of Ohio:ularlymadethefirstsecondingspeech.The!Grove’s Tastel i i ifnextiwna.iby GoveStuart of Vireinia (chesthe loch ead apnetaleinenrdigup ‘kE.3 be and | |The Strong Withstand ‘the ‘Heat’ofSummerBetterThantheWeak} ing heat of summer.by ta}:ing reg * Soyo tees ~AA~woopRow WILSON, ;“We Have In Our Window A’Ni oh) aie) TOSIRAL President and Candi date For-Re-Eleetion. army of ..widows|~’THOMAS BAILEY MARSHALL ce Four-Piece Suit,2 1°Combination Library Table,.27x '45;.1 Four-foot’Settee,1-Large.Arm_Chair,1-Large “arm Rocker:¢Fumed oak finish,and genuine leather seats.Call,3andletusshowyouwherewecansaveyouMoney.:.We are expecting ‘‘Happiness”at Chautauqua,Mon-"day Evening. illiams Furniture Inc.° CRE BRT HIT ANAT eI ALN "_—~ RNIT\ House ps idaTH PACE INSTITUTE s N ideal Christian Home School.Pre,Home §f paratory and C rses,A Expression,Physical Cultbre,Pedagogy,DomesticSilence tantoone ete,eetvatory of Music.High standard maintained by large staff of experienced,pale fiat aghonaie Pes oe boarders and teaches the individual.|Ufy;:Rr .sbiteCondComeanesulldings.Steam heat.Electric Hghts.Exce!*ball.”Write for ourcatalog before selecting the college for your daughter, PTaS Ra YOUNG WOMEN geYe Park-like .:“ri e campus,-Concerts,lectures,tennis,basket> MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM,President.Raleigh,N.C. Vice Presiden and’Candidae For Re-Election, 3 Small Cost State Primary, Figures given out by Mr.Wilson GL Ville,was shot and “amb,chairman ofjofElections,show that the State pri-;Mt.Whilted was nary held on June 3 did not co ¢ag The negro escaped,much as had been anticipated,| |ecostwhereasOldpeoplewhoarefeeble,and younger Would cost the State $15,000 1000, | lthe ¢ 7, go through the depress-|Lamb.which includes the cost of the second primary in the sixth distriet.was $10,500. jof feesnet amount is ateeieeeneeeanennseneenenaam ALITA vas sliehtly coho CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS |Iredell Hardware ‘Com’y.} Republican Candidate For Vice President. I '| perhaps fatally | Jonrd wounded Saturday night by a negro.| shot.three times. The cause of theTheshootingwasnotlearned. than.$&,000.-festimatedthafjtDrivesOutMalaria,Builds Up System oy S20 the Old Standard general strengthening tonic,My,GROVI?S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out |*Matatia,enrichestheblood,and buildsupthesys- tem.A truc tonic,Foradults and children.50c. the State Jess some had The total’cost found Deducting the intuanwebyBb,WET ON f S418 .4 paid oto ndjolrial pire| AMG$|22 and JUNE pat:SAID CHAL TAUGUAG | AUTOMOBILE TIRE REPAIRING.- SAVE MONEY.SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY, by having your tires in good shape. PUNCTURES,BLOW-OUTS,RIM CUTS. Every curable ailment of your tires andinnertubessuccessfullytreated.Allsizesandmakes. Vulcanizing at its .best,and all work1!guaranteed. Iredell Vulcanizing Company,| COURT STREET,"OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE.:; mm _JOHN DEERE. MEANS the BEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AUTO TIRES FOR LESS. Havinr om hand a good tot of Tires bought before advance in price enables us for the balance of this month to sell you Tires at old price,which is 10 per cent.less than pres- BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE If IS ent price. OF THIS PROPOSITION WHILE OFFERED! CAROLINA MOTOR CO. STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE.AND NEWTON. 'J.O.Whitted,a merchant of Ashe-F ~REPAIR WORK.| Clocks,Watches aind Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.Eyes examined free,Satisfaction guaranteed. Jeweler..2.F.HENRY, BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY® MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909. PHON f p24 (rHO).Th.VEPHONESRefox’Vice Pres..an Spates oar Rieee sacont otto |\afot ow tieis hebaotysyyadercriayesche ,;bem ?'n sivsit)OLAT JOUS AH? eee ee es With thisv ofdes:either galvanized.or tin-plate red eaves Oe hiaien the right style ofConright ens ningles for »BP gour building.Look for trade-mark,“Cortright”g.U.S.Pat.Off. ga :ts.Far Sale by”poe UALENBY MONTGOMERY:HARDWARE CO., gaat =STATESVILLE,Ne Ge zi THe beeareeereeesererres 73) is GIFTS SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS OR BRIDAL SHOWERS.: Se .oe IN—-— Cut:Glass,Hand-Painted China,Sterling Silver, Parisian Ivory,Perfumes and Toilet Articles. STORE OF QUALITY All the children will want to see the Junior Chautauqua play—Oncle Sam’s Experiment—Wednesday afternoon,June 28,1916. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. PO P S SP S S PS S S9 PO SS S SO S SO SO C I O OO et e Remember the June Brides RO P P L E S S O S D S C S S S O OO S SS S S S S SI S O S OI OS S Ot o ee e ee e re ti s i i e t a s e s i e s e s e e e t r ||:"MONEY IS POWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY'IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST:WAY TO START IS WITHABANKACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will draw interest trom April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates.of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interesfromdateattherateof4percent.per annum.a Checking accounts,cither large or small,cordially invited. *We want your business! i People’s Loan and Savings Bank. ;GEO.H.BROWN President.O.L.TURNER Cashier. CRORORCROFOFOROROHOEOROOHORO pe r e r r r o r e o r r r e s n t +r 4ryPYBS55BYpy:PYry:bYH5Py3?ir5B,Pbybi 3 4ryi4Bspy:5P Pe e d eo n s ce a r e e d s e c s e s e s e o o e c e o o r e e H ihanged one of them in Halifax.This Dainty Tea Glasses. s good and refreshing,but.the dainty etched GLASSES we are now showing make it taste just a little better.Prices from $1.75 set and up.Better see’them. R.H.RICKERT &SON, _JEWELERS. Get Rickert’s time and remember Chautauqua. |Ice Teais al ways "|flouted our officials.” HUNT BROTHERS,- ‘STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING. * ™ambing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES I'URNISHED. The Statesville Realty &Investment Co. ==INSURANCE!Z=— As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in the contract,of the policy which they buy.We deem it advisable to mention some of the causes_under which the same will be-rendered valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longeryouragentforpermit,i2—Mechanics making additions to,or exttaordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. 8—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of dame is given—apply to your agent.|.4—Any change in the title or ownership,ty insured other than by death. 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another. 4€—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—The taking of other insurance without notice. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil.-. 9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.°= Policyholders should ‘read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contract of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de- ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation.::“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!” than 80 days—apply to or interest in proper- sis:one HONE,64.STATES|J.F.CARLTON,Manager,3 ,BSVILLE,N,C....! -lagain the big —hall |fully and which had been the subject TUESDAY,---Tuna20,10 CROWD STRONG FOR PEACE The Biggest Hit at St,LouisWas:Gov.Glynn’s Recital of Our Record of Peace Under Strong Provocation. “Wealth has come to us,”said ex-Gov.Martin Glynn of New,York,-4n the St.Louis Democratic.conven-tion,“power has come to us;betterthanwealth/or power,we have main-tained for ourselves and /for ourchildrenanationdedicatedtotheidealsofpeace,rather than ‘to.thegospel:of selfishness and slaughter.”He told how-the-Spaniards ~hadshotthecrew_of the-Virginjus,—but-we had not gone to war over ‘it;how the Chileans had killed.and wounded 17:-of our sailors,but without a’re- sulting war;how foreign countries’had violated our rights in the civilwar;how Confederate sympathizersfrom_Canada_had_raided Vermont;how the.Alabama“had_been let looseuponourcommerce,all without war. This was the point at.which Gov.Glynn,says the New York Times?re- port;-intended-to—stide-over what he imagined-would be a dull and unin-teresting recital of bare facts.He} started to say so,and ‘instantly the| entire convention,which had beenj hanging on his words with an_.ex-{ pression of.mingled delight and |gmazement at his historic proofs thatitwasreallyonthepatrioticside, rose spontaneously to its feet,shout- ings tempestuously: “No,no!Go on! more,more! of it!” Cites-More Precedents, .He went on to show that in Pierce’sadministrationGreatBritainviolated our neutrality,but that there was no war;that when Van Buren was Pres- ident,Canadians attacked .an Ameri-can ship,killed some.of her crew, and sent her adrift over Niagara Falls,all without war.Each_of these instances was rapturously cheered,as all-the other instances.of.our peacefulness under provication——had. been.Next he came to the historic case in which the British ship Leop- ard fired upon the Chesapeake,killed several of her sailors and took three American citizens off the ships and Give us more,Don’t leave out a word is the case to-which American histo- ries refer as the supreme evidence of American weakness and many of them describe as cowardice,and.Mr, Glynn approached that case with ev- quite sure,how a it|might be,received.It was received |with a great roar of cheers. |“What did we do?’yelled dele- |gates from all over the hall,and itlwastakenup—in—an-exultant,joy- ous chant,“What:did we do?what reference to ;et began to:déal with the historic |dawning -jaboyt it. his speech as temporary chairman of | jand historically un-American to go \as-little-terrified—party. ident misgivirig,as if he were.not| did we do?”|“We didn’t go tq war!”answered Glynn,and there wasanother:roar ofjoy.Men jumped up.ir.their seats |grant certain demands.Officials of thc |and danced about the aislés and wav-/road made the threat verbelly somc like ‘time ago,and though no formal notice|jed American flags,shouting school boys and.screaming like!steam sirens.If Mr.Glynn had any| doubts remaining they all vanished | now.His face wore a smile of con-| tentment,no longer mixed with that| |puzzled exvression it had worn at the | ‘first outburst,and he went on with|confidence to the time-when Franceihad“extended her seizurds,search- ies and confiscations to the very wa-|,ters of the United States them-|Lselves,”and there-was another whoop} ip delight.But that was not all.He beat the applause down with,his | hand to show that —he was not! through,and went on:.| “American ambassadors who; sought to adjust these wrongs were| refused recognition—and—openly in-_ sulted at.the French court.”|“What Did We Do?What Did We | Do?” “What.did-we-do?”*tame the yell: again,and again the chant began,around_the -hall,_-“What-did-we—do?! What.did we do?”|“We did not go to war!”answered| the chairman,and again the Ameri-! can flags waved madly over the heads| of the cheering delegates half mad! with ‘joy. _On he went,telling how in Wash- ington’s administration our ships! dared not put out to sea,how Ameri-| can crews and =passengers”were| thrown into prison and deprived of| legal rights.He told how Genet “fit-! ted out privateers in our harbors and) ‘He told how: “up in Quebec 4.ord Dorchester prom-| ised Canadian Indians the _pleasure’ of burning American homes and) scalping American’citizens.” ;And around the hall went ringing|jthe shout,“What-@hid we do?What, |did we do?”And the same uproar-. iious howl of approval greeted Glynn’s |invariable answer,“We didn’t go to, |War!”:\ “Are they ©willing,”he cried “tobrandGrantasacowardbecause‘he kept us,at peace with Spain?”And trembled withshoutsandstamping’feet.||The stone which the builders hadtrejectedhadbecomethehead-—of the! corner,The part of his speech which| Glynn>and the leaders regarded so}lightly that he and they had intended to omit all but a few paragraphs of it had taken the convention by storm. The —eloquence,—the-—oratorical-out-bursts which he had polished so care- of so many conferences and __yevis- ions,had produced only polite ap-plause;what had set the convention mad was a plain,matter-of-fact reci- tal of dry precedents from our diplo- matic history,such as niost conven:tion orators omit from their speech- es if they can,because they are cx- pected te have a deadening and damp- ening effect.A Reason For Their Faith.But there was no mystery about it to those who watched the faces ofthedelegates.What was going on intheirmindswasaseasilyreadasifithadbeenprinted.When Glynn || | Forethought.‘People are learning that a little forethought|often saves them a big expense.Here is aninstance:E.W.Archer,Caldwell,Ohio, writes:‘I do not believe that our family hasbeenwithout’Chamberlain’a Colic,CholeraandDiarrhoeaRemedysinceweeedkeepinghouseyearsago.When we go on an extended’wet ine take it with us."Obtain-fableeverywhere,;é jits.mail service at midnight Junc tances there was ap expression ofngbewilderment,,,which speedi-ly.changed to half-ineredulous __joyandthentorapture.»It was.plain toseethattheyhadbeensuppliedwith@reason‘for their faith.Pacifism hasenjeeredat,made to seem in op-pec tion to Americanism,until theydcometofeelalmostapologeticNow.they were told thattheyhadbeenrightallthetime,thatonecouldbepatrioticandpacificist,that it was the historic American pol- icy to submit to great provocation to war over it;and they could notcontainthemselves.“What did wedo?”was born on the.instant—theubilantandunterrifiedwarcryofa itherto none-too-jubilant and -just- Delightand-Astonishment.The behaviour of the conventionwhenGlynn.gave it,unexpectedly|to it and himself,its chance to cheer,|was compounded’of delight and as-|tonishment..The impression created| by it that the .delegates had been;strongly in favor of peace under proy-| ocation,but that they were not sure; this-was-a heroic attituce.When.Mr,Glynn told them that not only wasit | true Americanism to bear with prov- ocation-and-settle—disputes—without war;but that it had been the ‘almost |invariable policy of our government | throughout its.whole existence,the| effect was simply electric, He iden-| tified in their .own minds.the cause| of pacifism with that.of Americanism,|and made the two identical, It was probably the first.time in the| history of conventions that one.of| them ever became frantic with joy) over a mere recital.of diplomatic | precedents,the effect of which the} orator himself.doubted so —serieusly} that he intended to skip over them. The argument’of Chairman Glynn,}so far as that part which brought ahout the demonstration is concern- ed,was that disputes with other na- tions should be settled by negotiation instead of warj,:and that this was the| historic and almost anbroken policy| of the United States.| “Save where the liberties,.the ter-| ritory,or the substantial rights of the | United States are invaded and as- saulted,’he-said,“itis the duty of| this nation to avoid war by everyhonorablemeans.The policy of neu-| trality is as truly American as the|« American flag.Where is the Ameri-| can hardy enough to challenge a} policy so.firmly fixed in the ttation’s}traditions ?”|2 Z | Would Handle Mail By Private| Conveyance.:| Washington Dispatch. Tentative arrangements are’being made by the Postoffice Department to} jhandle mail by ‘wagons and automo-| biles along the lines of the Norfolk| Southern —raih*dad,-between Norfolk|Va.,and Charlotte,N.C.,if the rail:| road earries out a -threat to abandon| dC | because the department refuses tc ||||||has been given,the department is prc-| paring to have the mails carriedthroughtheterritoryfromnearest points on other roads if necessary |Eleven demands of the Norfolk| Southern were refused,the most im.| portant of them being for pay on back | hauls to stations having no facilitic:|for-handling mail at night. provision eliminated by the House from the pending postoffice ap-| prepriation—hill would impose a fine of $5,000 for each refusal of a com- mon’carrier to transport mail.OM.| cials of the department hope.to havetheclausere-inserted by the Senate: before the measure is finally past.| onveresnecto e ‘will moh rm are penn meenta Aer ie 8Pty “Summer?L Don’t Dread It!” “@NOOKING will be a real pleasure ' this summer on my New Perfec- tion Oil Cook Stove—for the kitchen will be cool!”’ Why cook over a hot range in a hot kitchen when you can be cool and comfortable.-The Wew Perfection Oil Cook Stove,the stove with the’long- blue chimney,works like a gas stove.» The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft,assures a clean,odorless heat and lasting satisfaction.‘The fuel cost is only two cents for a meal for six. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes..They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Biue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in -Oil Stoves,.Heaters and Lamps’__-oo STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey)o BALTIMORE Charlotte,N.C. Charleston,W,Va. Charleston,S,C. Washington,D.C. Norfolk,Va. Richmond,Va. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK?Se ee_Commercial National BanThenyourealizetheutter-weakness| that robs ambition,destroys appetite,' and makes work a burden.| ~-Torestorethatstrengthandslaminathat-. is-so essential,nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Kmulsion,be-| 1| }\ | | cause il.strength -sustaining—nourish-8 ment invigorates the blood to distribute |# energy throughout the body whileitstonic |§value sharpens the appetite and restores |§ health in a natural,permanent way. If you are run down,tired,nervous,overworked or lack strength,get Scott's Bunulsion to-day.It is free from alcohol.| Reott &Bowne.Bloomficid,ti.J.; The Bride’s ‘ Bouquet! dings;and we are ina po- sition to furnish the very best in Wedding Flowers. Our special booklet,‘“The |Bride’s Bouquet,”tells you something of them.We are always glad,too,to offer suggestions,if you do not find in the hooklet just what you want. Van Lindley (o., GREENSBORO,H.6. Polk Gray Drug Co., June is the Month of Wed-.|.§ _OF -STATESVILBLE,-N O--—2 o Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00:F Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.| OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,- - - -_President, KE.MORRISON,—+-Vice President, D.M.AUSLEY,---_Cashier,“". G.K.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier.. TITITITITITILTxtrt’ t Tr|a|FOR SALE!| 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling, barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in. meadow,balance in woodland,level and:productive, 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large.stock barn and out-buildings,.good orchard,two branches running through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in; woodland enclosed in pasture.: Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x. 200. Vacant lot on Armfield street,50x150.A if SIE 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance in. woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard.»Will exchange for smaller farm or.city property./:A For further information call on or writeERNESTG.GAITHER, PHONE 23. GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS AND REAL ESTATE.©, BUILDING?’C.| eee WATKINS.|JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA,Every Morning,June 22-28, ar yi .40,000.regulars,and probably ¥ * Pe)PAGE BIGHT ie an DOA THE LANDMARK June 20,LyleTUBSDAY; etn { CALL FOR STATE TROOPS, om Oe h ne will pave the way for re- 000 regulars for im- in Mexico in the hostilities.with —the The Guards- beyond the =oston'’s li leasing.some 30 Mediate service event of open Carranza government. gen could not be -used lire without authority of Congress wid until they had volunteered for that duty,as they are called out un- der the old militia law,The new law, which would make them available for any duty under’the Federal govern meut,sroes into effect duly-t. The entire mobile regular army in the United States,several provision- al regiments of regular coast artil- lery,serving as infantry,and the Na- tional Guard of Texas,New Mexico and Arizona,are now on the border or in Mexico...Definite digures never have been made public,but it is un- derstood General Funston has about5,000 or more Guardsmen,of whom 10,- O00 regulars are with General Per- shing or seattered along his line “of communications,from Namiquipa, Mexico,to Columbus,N.M. Preparations on the Border. A dispatch from._F1 Paso,Texasy preparations were made on both des of the border Sunday for posi- ble hostilities,The.garrison was rein- bby the arrival of additional General Bell announced,tht eventuality the fullest pos>i- protection would be afforded to ibiding Mexicans ,on the n side of the frontier.‘The {‘om did much to quiet the fears expressed by the large Mexia ean population of El Paso. Reports from various towns in Chihuahua and Sonora indicated that citizens generally were being armed and that a furore of anticipatory ex citement prevailed throughout nort ern Mexico. Expedition Returns. Having accomplished its object,the dispersing of Mexican bandits who friday night raided Texas ranches and attacked a detachment of the Twenty-sixth Infantry cast of San Benito,Texas,the fourth American punitive expedition to enter Mexico was withdrawn Sunday.There were no American casualties,says a dis- patch from Brownsville,‘Texas. Promises were given by the Car- yanza commander at Matamoros that he.would run.down and punish the outlaws.Two bandits were killed and two wounded in an action with a detachment of.about 16 Mexicans when the Americans began to with- draw.The withdrawn expedition camped at San Pedro,Texas,about 12 miles west of Brownsville,await- ing developments after having,ac- cording to General Parker’s official report,“cleaned out a nest of ban- dits on ranches opposite the San Pe- dro-Ranchito district.”These:ranches imeluded the Tahuachal ranch,about 10 miles west of Matamoros,which is notorious as a bandit haven. Three of the bandits were killed and several wounded. Gen,Ricaut,Mexican commander, had served notice that unless the ex- pedition was withdrawn the Carranza troops would attack.This was ex nected to precipitate trouble,Whilk a statement issued by Gov.funston says the expedition did all it’went into Mexico to-do—=and if was entite- ty proper for it to return—it is fear- ed that its retirement may mis- understood;that a bad —precedent was set and that a clash has only been avoided temporarily,aus other raids on the American side will be sure to follow. attacked as it was jdeaving Mexico and it is believed the attack was led by Carranza soldiers.The Americans yet er h- be replied vigorously and the Mexicans *.oO fled,some being killed and wounded... The Americans did.not—vetire auntil- they received the distinet promise of Gen.‘Ricaut that he would —pursue and pufiish the bandits, Gen.Trevino'’s Threat. Confirmation of General ‘Trevino’s warning to Gen.Pershing that any movement of American troops in Mexico except toward the border would be treated:by .the Carranza commanders as a hostile act,reach- ed the War Department late Satur- day.Secretary Baker declined to comment or to make,public General Trevino’s message or the reply Grneral Pershing refusing to recog nize authority of the Carranza een- Ils over the American expedition, The of the President in fur State troops to go to the \i of t (i act calling border, relieve the regulars for duty i if necessary,is the Raid On Thursday. LaRosa,Mexican,Thurs- good his threat to raid the when about 100 of his*men at mall detachment of the h United States cavalry at ;1 A0 miles Laredo,Texas,Th eight men kilted, and thany:horse ment.The Ameri killed and six wourder the first shot ine party was at guard at2am. the voiecs Mexic post.Hie could see « the corporal Wit ‘corporal were tarkl ings party attacked, For 30 minutes,according to a re- port made by,Major Gray,brisk cneagement ensued.There were not more than 80 Americans in the éamp it is believed the pected to find a smaller number.The sricans fought from trenches in- ones answer. southeast of action cost him yal wounded come equip- was three {fire y the allack- val of the 4 heardondhis and eall- oeptyy raid- th A of od at 1the svt }and ar hich they were ordered immedi4 ately.after the attack began,Wher they moved out and began the offen- sive the Mexicans were gone, Pythian Memorial Service. Sunday afternoon ai 8.20 o'clock at the Pythian hall a memorial serviec for dead Pythians was held.The services were presided over by Chan cellor Commander R..H. Talksiwere,made by Rev.J, and Rev.C.E.Raynal and there wa: miusie by a quartette.Holding memorial service will be an annua ;hereafter, Rickert The expedition was I.Kirk a eAmerican AN AUTO RIDE AND A ROW| et|Took Girls to Ride)Young Men ;irks’Fa-;Assaulted By the G ther and Brothers,| c,W.Combs and two sons,Ever- ette and MeKinley Combs;were fined an negregate of $5 and costs’Wed- nesday by Justice Lazenby for a sim- ple assault on Gurney Pierce;C.W. and Everette Combs were required to give $76 bond cach to appear in Iredell Superior Court and answer an indictunent.lor injury Lo.personal property,the spt vifie charge being that-they cut the rear tires of Mr,A.| F,-Hendley’s automobile, All the parties live in Chambers- yure township.Both Sides had coun- se)and a good bateh of —witnesses were examined?The trial attracted more attention than the usual hear- ing before a mayistrate and a good crowd was present to hear it.The de- fendants all plead guilty to the éharge.of simple assault and the to ‘develop.the evidencehearing.was injury to personalinthechargeof prope tty.| Flovd Hendley,son of the prosecu- tor,testified that on Sunday night, 1.he and Gurney.Pierce were Hendley’s ‘automobile and y passed Misses Rosa,Carrie and Lucey Combs,daughters of Mr. CW.Combs of.Elmwood,who were home fram church,about a.39 o'clock;that they stopped and asked them to vet in and ride,which they'did.When they had come to the home of Mr.Combs,|Miss Rosa Combs sug@ested that they had bet- top.Witness did not stop but proposed that all go on for a ride. No further protest was offered by the voung ladies.The party went on to Barber Junetion and returned to the Combs home at EImwood,about an hour Jater.The girls got out of the machine and went inte the house. Immediately the three defendants ap- peared,Everette getting in the ma- chine between the witness and steer- ine wheel,while the others began an assaulton Pierce.Pierce went out on the other side of the car and all three of the defendants after him.Pierce wot free hy running out of his coat and wnited ahead in the road for Hendley to come on with the ma- chine.Pierce -called to witness to look out-—-that they were cutting his tires.Witness saw C.W.Combs cut rieht rear tir¢and Everette cutting left rear tire.Witness said that Ev- erette asked him why he had taken his sisters to ride and had kept them out Before witness could ex- plain the assault was begun.Gurney Pierce told in substance the same sto- ry that Hendley told. The three defendants weit on stand and admitted the assault claimed by the other side.but denied any knowledge of cutting the atuto- tires.They heard tire pop 0” turnings ter pr ¢St so date. mobile burst,but neither C.W.nor Everctte head cut tires or seen them cut.An effort was made to show that the Comb girls had been punished to in fRuence them to tell the right story in court,C.W.Combs denied that this been done,either by himeelf or Mrs.Combs.,, uc side put up character witness-ae THE AFFRAYS NUMERO!iS. Lecal Caurts—One Grave Charge. C kind of had Cases in Lon Sherrill of Cool Springtown hip gave $150 bond before “Tustice Lazenby Saturday afternoon te appear in Superior Court and answer a charge of assault with intent to commit rape. Tillie Holland,a ealored girl.was th prossentiige wirlwess, Mayor Caldwell Saturday fined Mr.Thos.Ross of Chevlotte $29 and costs for disorderty eonducet,Mtr Ross—shot—out—an-electrre leht globe the square several days a nd arraigned in Justice atte timc.:: ithaniel Penn,who was arrested Winston-Salem officers and who brought back here ‘Phursday by Policeman EFulp,was committed to jab by Mayor Caldwell in default:of 250 bond.Penn used a knife very ef- feetively on Henry Johnson,colored, Penn told the court that he yas act ine in self-defenee;that Johnson wa coming at him with an axe. Justice Lazenby yesterday Clyde Bass $2.50 for cursing in the public hig 1y.Hallie Bennett.and Albert:Mebet! land “fout”in one of the back Seturday evening,Mel sland rocks on Bernett ard the latter cdo quart of booze over MeLellan heed.Realizing the enormity of deed--(wasting a good quart ofonaheadDe out for the country, |rsuit, afternoon» Lazenby; by: My gh fined lot nsin’s mahi negra’s Bennett strie! with Mehelhand 3 Rot pu Trial of the case will be later in the week. Odell King and John Allison.boil colored,had s scrap ia William Simet ton’s barb iop Saturday nieht.NN weapons used and no dane Will be tried Tater. John Allison and Whit Allise: colared,with be tried Jater this for a fight in Not AL the 1 danrye Wee! Saturday.Belmont Progressives Fer Hughes. While many of the Progressive party jeaders have notified Hughes that they will support him,by no means-all-of them are tumbling into he Republican party. The State chairman ‘eesive party in Colorado,in» »ment issued at Denver,bitterly criti his party’s leadership in the ize convention and predicts that Vilsan will reap his harvest of Pro- ressive votes. ‘dwar A.Leach,secretary of the ovelf Non-Partisan League New Jersey,has sent communi to H,A and Ey of the Pro tate of lions Hf.Hopkins,State chairman, rett A.Calhy,who led the Jersey delegates at the Pro- gressive convention,urging them to jinddy Wilson for the presidency in the event that Roosevelt finally re- fuses to run.. Hueh T.Halbert,former chairman _of the Minnesota State Pr committee,savs the Progressives will imake no move to support -Charles Hurrhes until he had made clear his s attitude regarding the German- influence.Under says Mr.Hiatbert,willivessupportFairbanks, ogressive 1,dition the no con- the HOOSIER KITCHEN C OPENS SATURDAY,JUNE 24th. AT OTH: Pay only $1.00 now. DECIDE"NOW: You're going to buy a Hovsi- er Cabinet some:day.| cause— It steps saves you miles It gives you more service for the money than a labor-saving machine ‘an.buy— This week,$1.00 puts in your home. you CRAWFORD-BUNCH FURNITURE.STORE. Choose any Cabinet.Yourweekly-membership dues quickly-pays the balance. i aes ic Rommel Y Sey My “f i ie i +a 3 talee * a Save Yourself from Sum-:“mer Fatigue. »C=Prepare now for those long, i hot months ahead.Youhave often said to yourself,‘I’m, heme!Note wide cupdoardpaceuncluttered‘dy partitions oFcubdyholes going to buy a good kitchen cabinet SOME DAY.”$1.00 now.puts a.HOOSIER in Then why con- ny it your home. tinue to wait and wish? Ns The Famous Hinge Door“Hoosier Beauty’’ ESCAPE SUMMER DRUDGERY!| Don’t wat will have your HOOSI(i summer as you have nes A HOOSIER vacation ¢: your HOOSHER! We have béen allotted | day,June 24th.Don't ¢ This Club is under th t until Fall to buy your HOOSIER! welve HOOSIER CABINIGTS and only twelve. e direct supervision of ONLY YOU AND ELEVEN OTHERS C CRAWFORD-BUNCH by then if you start NOW!Then.you. 'You can enjoy theYoucanhaveitpaid:for rough with your kitchen drudgery these hot days Most kitchen worries will.cease. so muca that we hope you will come in w 2 to help vou tl ‘oy enjoyed it before. little aud means ithout delay and chooseystSso ladies enn join the HOOSIER CLUB,Satur- us NOW to enroll your name!, THE HOOSIER MANUFACTURING COMPANY! A SINGLE DOLLAR! lelay,‘phone AN JOIN FOR FURNITURE COMPANY. “THE HOOSIER CABINET STORE.”"PHONE -L00. CE DW RATTR EC LE aa CRESCENT TODAY— oeeaeTHE ICKBRROCKER STAR FEATURES PRESENT MARGARET LANDIS eal Ne “THE HOME BREAKERS” ||||| §VITAGRAPH BROADWAY| FEATURE HOUT OF THE QUAGMIR —WEDNESDAY— Tee:Ade THURSDANY-— \splendid Essanay feat “THE SPIDERS Wieb” LEC; with pecial Offering AT MILLS &POSTON’S.|| 1 Case 36 in.“Magnolia”Bleached Twill fine Bleached.Drilling suitable for Ladies’- and Middy Blouses. 21-8 CENTS PER YARD. quotation.only applies ~~Yours truly, This isa splendid quality of ‘hildren’s Suits,Skirts OUR SPECIAL PRICE 1 This is the regular Loc,quality and the above to present stock, -MILLS &POSTON. “CHAUTAUQUA is a good thing--Talk it up.” ooo ($100 REWARD. Jim Tharpe will pay $109 re- watd to any one Wanting Chickens,Eggs,Hams,Honey, Hides,Veal Calves and Junk “worse than he does;or that sells Feed,Flour and Meat for less prafit than he does. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR Sheet Music Customers? without a demonstration is’something We have realized this and have therefore made arrangements for the adoption of a°perfect shect music demonstration plan,which will be inaugurated in our sheet upon the arrival of our equipment this week. outfit will come several hundred To buy a sheet of music like Kitying “a pig.in'a poke.” musie department Along with the demonstration BRYANT WASHBURS VRIDAY— “THE STRANGE CAS || MARY PAGE,” ECF FEATURING HENRY WALTHAM, STAR IN “THE BIRTH OF A NATION,’AND EDNA MAYO, THe BEST DRESSED AC- TRESS ON THE STAGE. REMEMBER— “THE GiRDL AND THE GAMU,” featuring HELEN HOLMES, will be shown at this Th every MONDAY! s hee TERA, at aire Ar ebay sons (re alee ck ONECEI “ALL-A-BOARD” _NO!“AUL A SHINGLE”!!! _C..WATKINS,Shingle King of*Ire- ‘Idell County,Statesville,N.C, rik! IREDELL PRODUCE £0. RTAANSTEIES I sheet.music.ITS SOMETHING “song hits”will hereafter be receiv- Visit our copies of the latest popular NEW AND NOVEL!The new ed each month-jtst as-they—come fromthe presses, store and sce and bear for yourself, LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.€. Morrison Building,West Broad Street.Telephone B22 eeNS THOROUCHLY.PLEASED? “Some years —aro-I painted my house with } } TITTITILTI7: URUTVEREBTEVTTLT ATT essIIIs TTITIT IIIT IIIs i646 ITTITI STIS TIT IsI5 7524ses Hanes,Vehicles and Hardware| cnid it would take 27 and Oil hand-mixed the work with 15 “My Painter gallons of Sead paint.I finished gallons.of DAVIS’, “9g,T.DAVIDSON, “Queenstown,Md.” LOOKS PERFECT BE-4 PERFECT PAINT! FOR SALLE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (o., Statesville,N.C.Og BEFORE C.WATKINS Came to.Statesville builders wanted the best material for their houses had to make special orders. You can now buy Long-leaf Kiln-dried Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboarding Joxing,Casing and Step Plank right here in Statesville cheaper than any, other kind of pine.B We are still selling our popular makes of Buggies,Surreys,Wagons and Harness at old prices. We are also handling a line of Farmers’ Hardware and Implements. Our leader in implements is the B.F.Avery &Sons—the oldest and best on earth. Johnston’s Mowers and Rakes. PAINTCAUSEIT who C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s| Planters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C.) *}},‘ TIEAR DR.CADMAN,Chautauqua,June 2%. oy or VOL.XII. * * STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,JUNE a fe {_ 233,1916.NO 99. Troops of,Tenth Cavalry Engag- ed Mexicans —Casualties on Both Sides —-The MexicanVersion., Gen.Pershing yesterday reported to Gen.Funston that he had not yet received a report on the fight at Car- rizal,but added that on information“gent tovhim,he~“had sent’out two,squadrons of the Eleventh cavalry with instructions to get ‘into touchwiththetroopoftheTenththatwereengaged‘Wednesday by the Mexigan forces,General Pershing said that allhismenhadpositive.orders not to doanythingcalculatedtoprecipitatea fight with troops of the de facto gov- ernment.The Mexican official report of the engagement says the Americans lost ‘T2 men killed,including their com- ‘mander,and 17 prisoners,while 14Mexicanswerekilledand30wound-“ed in the battle of Carrizal. A resolution authorizing the Pres-ident to draft Nationil Guardsmen, willing to take the Federal oath,im- mediately into the regular army,un- der the terms of the new army bill, will be presented in Congress today. Members of the National Guard who take the new oath would be subject J to draft under the resolution.ThePresidentwouldbeauthorized|to combine various incomplete units in order to bring them up to war strength and to appoint officers for them. Mexican Demand.*An official communication from the Mexican foreign office,announcing the clash between Mexican and American troops at Carrizal and say- ing the de facto government found itdifficulttounderstandwhytheAmer- icans should have been so far away from their base,was delivered to Sec- retary Lansing yesterday by Eliseo Arredondo,the Mexican ambassador designate.Mr.Arrendondo also sought an explanation of the report- ed action of General Pershing in oc- cupying the towns of Casas Grandes and Nuevo Casa Grandes,saying such ap act would be one of open hostility. No explanation was given. “a The First Report,. American and Carranza troops en- gaged,in battle’Wednesday,only a few hours after President Wilson’s 6,000-word note warning General Car- ranza that,the “gravest consequen- ces”would follow an.attack.upon American forcés ‘in Mexico,had gone forward.‘ The casualties were unknown at the time of the,first report but nearly a score of General Pershing’s men were said to have been killed and the Mexicans were reported to have lost more than 40.Seventeen Americans ‘were declared by Mexican officials to have been captured and hurried to Chihuahua City under guard.A ma- chine gun used by the Mexicans was said to -have done heavy -execution. The engagemé#t occurred near the town of Carrizal,nine miles south- east of Villa Ahumada,the Mexican field headquarters in northern Chi-huahua. News of the battle was received in Juarez,Mexieo,early Wednesday af- _ternoon by Gen.Francisco Gonzales, Carranza commander~of-the-military zone of the border.For some reason +—General Gonzales kept the story se-cret until late in the afternoon when ~—an-American,-J.-C.Hubble,returning to the border from the—interior, brought to El Paso,Texas,the news that he had seen numbers of Mexi- cans dead along the Mexican Central railroad tracks at Villa Ahumada, and had been told that there had been an encounter. General Gonzales’first step after confirming thé .news was to issue a statement.placing the blame on_the American commander.He charged that the American troops fired on theMexicansandthattheirshotswere directed at.a courier who had just ‘presented to them a_request thatthey-retire.;; The Mexican Story, Gen.Gonzales said his information was transmitted to him from Villa Ahumada -by General Genoveso Ri- vas,who conmmanded the Mexicans.af- ter their leader,General Gomez,wasslain.General Gonzales also gavetheMexicanexplanationofhowthe two forces came in contact.Accord- ing to General Gonzales,he was in- _._formed by General Gomez at Villa~Ahumada Tuesday night of the nres- ence of the Americans westward be- _tweenVilla_Ahumada_-and_El]Valle. He says he immediately instructed General Gomez to proceed to the San- to Domingo ranch,where the Ameri- eans were reported in “unknown force,”and advise their commander to retire to their camp.This,he says,General Gomez did-Wednesdaymorn- ing.The’American commander, whose name was not given bv Gener- al Gome ;said to have replied that he was instructed to proceed to VillaAhumadaandmustdoso. Whichever side.began the engage-ment the Mexicans had the advan- tage,for they had provided them- ‘Relves with a machine gun and this is supposed to have done deadly exe- eution in the ranks of the Americans. That the latter were not inefficient, |however,was proved by the number of Mexican dead and wounded.remov-ped to Villa Ahumada.and.witnessed “by Americans coming north on a train‘bound for Juarez.The battle began about 10,30 a.m.and lasted.not.more than’an hour.It apparently endedwithbothsideswithdrawing. Gen.Gonzales gave out the_ing statement:|“Immediately upon ‘presence tl|She vicinity Ale 4 follow- learning of the American troops inarrizal,Gen,Felix And J.Paul Leonard Secretary State Merchants’Association. Special to The Landmark, Winston-Salem,June 22—-The North ,Carolina Merehants’Association in an- jnual session here today unanimously ,elected R.L.Poston of StatesvilleState_president,.and.J.Paul.Leonard of Statesville secretary,thus making Statesville headquarters for the State Association for the ensuing year.|©.V.Voils of Mooresville appear. ed before the association and asked for the re-instatement of ‘the Moores- ville association in case it is reor- ‘ganized.His request was unanimous- ly granted and he assured the associa- tion ‘of a live local at Mooresville. The State body voted to meet next in Wilson.‘Rocky Mount contested for the next mecting and when the roll call ‘of local associztions was made it‘was found that Statesville held the power to turn the meeting to either of the two towns.Statesville voted ,solidly for Wilson and thereby gave that town the.next meeting. |Statesville was represented in the ,State meeting just closed by R.L./Poston,A.W.Bunch,Fred W.Sher- rill,Raymond Maiden,John A.White, .A.Conner,W.Eo Munday,B.F. Russell,R.T.Weatheriman and J.Paul Leonard.;The Statesville delegation ‘returns home this evening,feeling that dt.was good to have gone to the Twin- city,which has so royally entertnined the visitors.oe ,Gomez despatched a messenger with ;a request that the American com- ;mander withdraw his camp.When the American troops remained motionless was fired upon by the American troops after he had delivered “his message.The Americans immediate- ly moved forward and attacked Gen- eral Gomez’s command. “All the -prisoners admitted thattheblameshouldbeput,on the Amer- ican commander for having ordered the attack.The prisoners were sent to Chihuahua City with the customary protection.” An American's Story. Gen.Funston telegrafhed the War Department a similar~story from Mexican sources and added the fol- lowing: “An American who was on the train today (Wednesday),—passing Villa Ahumada at 2.30,said he ‘saw several “dead Mexicans put:on his train,among them a dead Mexican general,There were also several Mexican wounded.He gathered from talk there that the fight was with American cavalry,nine miles west. and that the Ambricans were decoyed into a trap by the use of a Mexican flag of truce and they were then fired upon by machine guns.Report states our troops engaged were the Tenth cavalry.” Fhe—Tenth troop.eavalry—isa —-eelored Hubble’s Story. J.C.Hubble,the 'American told this story,was corroborated by James Maxey,another American, who also was on his way to El.Paso from the interior.Hubble and Maxey said that while their train was stop- pig at Villa Ahumada they noticed numbers of dead and wounded _being brought in ahd.was told by a Carran- za captain that a battle had taken place,The captain—informed__them, they aid,that a number of American prisoners had been locked in a cattle ear and were to be taken to Chihua- hua City to be hanged. “The Mexican officers at Villa Ahu- mada treated us with the greatest courtesy,”said Mr.Hubble..“They answered our questions quietly and with no show of antipathy or excite- mentee “According to the story they told us the Mexican command was con- cealed in the underbrush when it dis- covered the American cavalrymen riding toward them over -the-sand. General Felix Gomez,the Mexican commander,immediately sent a cour- ier asking for a parley under a flag of trnee with the American command- er.The parley was arranged and as the Mexican leader -and two aides started forward the Amepicans sud- denly deployed’in a semi-circular skirmish line.= “Gencral Gomez,apparently believ- ing he was about to be attacked,rais- ed his arm and signaled a machine gun in the rear to open on the Amer- icans.The machine gun swept —the cavalry ranks,causing heavy losses. “Immediately,however,a detach- ment of American troopers dashed forward under heavy fire,to the cen- ter of the field,where General Gomez and his staff were sitting on their horses.In the resultant encounter one of the cavalrymen killed the Mex- ican leader with his.pistol,while the remainder of the Carranza party es-cape to their own lines.” Hubble and Maxey said that some of the Mexicans openly boasted that the Americans had been drawn.into an ambush. Rate to Statesville Held Not Un- reasonable. The inter-State Commerce Commis- sion has reaffirmed its former decisionthattherateof$2 per net ton on sand in car load lots from ‘Mendota,Va. to Statesville,is not ain unreasonable rate.The case was brought against the Virginia and *Southwestern rail. way by the O.W.Slane ‘Glass.Com- pany of Statesville.The case has now been dismissed and the former decisionofthecommissionaffirmed, who _News comes by way of Durham that Judge R.B,Peebles is criticallyilldnNorfolk,Va, /he sent a second despatch-bearer,who| Company E Leaves For More- head Tomorrow Third Time This Company Has Gone to War —Spanish- American Veterans —The Regiments. Capt.Wm.Westmoreland of Com- pany E¢the Tredell’Blues)had-orders Wednesday from Col,Gardner.direct- ing that he have his company ready to proceed tomorrow evening on No.16 for mobilization headquarters at Camp Glenn,Morehead City.The regular membership of the company to'a man has reported for duty and are ready to go.Besides,the company has been recruited to about '75 members.The new recruits,in addition to the names ;ef those published Tuesday,are as|follotvs:, Carl Cline,A.L.Davis,.Robert Garrison,J.M.Leonard,R.F,Keat- on,J.B.Honeycutt,Robt.A.Savage, Tra Gilbert Poston,Milton R.Wiggs, Ernest Hart,John Moose,Wade Ha- ger,Fred,S.Bradley,Andrew Wal- lace,Vance Ward,T.P.Lloyd,#red. Baker,Jerry T.Moose,Lee Linebar- rier,Kenneth S.Herman. Several more will be here today to enlist. Major L.B.Bristol of Governor Craig's staff has volunteered his serv- lices if he gan be used.in any way. ‘Major Britol is not a member of the militia and does not have to go but is willing to go. When the local company departs tomorrow night there will be those now now living in Statesville who have ;seen the Blues answer the war call for the third time—in 1861,in 1898 and 1916.Those who witnessed their go- ing in 1861 are few.Many will recall the departure of the company in the early spring of 1898—18 years ago— to answer the call of President MeKin- ley for volunteers for the Spanish- ‘American war.Major R.L.Flaniganwascaptainofthecompanyatthat itime and commanded it through the war.Capt.Westmoreland,the present Jcommander of thecompany,:was a member,asiWwas Major J.Es Deitz andLieut.Chas.H.Turner,all of whom answer the present call in differentcapocities.: All this week the’members of the company—since -they received)the call Monday—have been on duty,awaiting orders to’move.”They have been drilling and making preparations to |leave.‘They know not how long they will be away.Some have families or others dependent on them,and these had to be arranged for;some had to make arrangements to have their bus- iness cared for.Some of the youngei men go light-hearted and care-free. To them it is an expedition whic! promises some pleasure.To others— and especially thase who leave fami- lies—it is much moreserious.business. Whether.they---will_-see--home ~and friends again is a matter of specula- tion. Thegompanies of the First regimen! go to Morehesd tomorrow night.The companies of the Second and’’Thire regiments will go,there early.nextweek.How long they will be’there depends of course on developments They may be in camp for months and if the Mexican troubles should be composed—which is almost too muchtohopefor—they may not be sent totheborderat_all.Some of the Statetroopswillbesentto.the border in a few days to_reinforce regulars,butthesewill,it is understood,he seni from States’North and West. call will come later for the erners if they are needed. The Three Regiments,The First Infantry,Col.J.T.Gard- ner of Shelby commanding,is com- posed of the following companies:Company A,Hickory;.Company B,Gastonia; lem:Company D,Charlotte;Compan:E,Statesville;Company F,Asheville;Company G,_Shelby;Company H, ™).ne South- Second Infantry,-Col.W.GC,Rod- boro;Company B,Kinston;CompanyC,Selma;Company D,Goldsboro:Company E,Goldsboro;Company F,Fayettevile;Company G,Raeford:Comvany H,Clinton;Company 1,Edenton;Company K,Wilson;Com pany ‘IT?Lumber Bridge;M,Dunn. Third Infantry,Col.S.W.commanding:Company A,ton;Company B,Raleigh; C,Henderson;Company Lexing D, KF.Franklinton;Company G,Reid pany I,Burlington;Company Kk. Company M,Durham. ton,Cant,W.A.Fair commanding, and Asheville,Capt.Frederick Rut-ledge commanding.The first regimentalinfirmaryisatRutherfordton:the second at New Berne;the third at Reidsville.Thd field hospital is atAsheville;the ambulance corps atCanton. Getting the Park Ready. Improvements at the Park,under ‘the direction of the Civic League la- dies,are under.way and making: good progress.Electric lights will b« installed,water and)sewer connec tions made and thé fadies are plan- ning a rustic summer house,in which they will sell refreshments,As soon as the improvements ~are completed there will be an opening and the pub- lie will be invited to make use of thisattractivespot,which the ladies havebrovides.. Waynesville;Company I,Mount Ai-|ry;Company K,Asheville;Company|L,Concord;Company M,High Point.| Night—The|. Company C,Winston-Sa-!pleted by that time. ‘ti man,commanding:Company A,Tar-| Li Ww ‘tempted atCompany| Minor | Convicts Taken From States- ville Air Line and Other Roads—Sent to Badin to Work For Private Contrac- tors —Action-Seriously tiam- || BATTLE WITH MEXICANS,|R.L.POSTON IS PRESIDENT)THEY ARE OFF TOMORROW|CONVICTS "TAKEN AWAY.{CHECK FLASHER ACTIVE. Ordering Goods in the Name of R.F.Rives and Giving Checks in‘the Name of Mr.Rives and Others. In the Democratic primaries June pers Air Line —Officers and,3 Mr.R.F.Rives was nominated for Stockholders of the Road Pro-|county treasurer and hasn’t that to test Annual Meeting of Air Line Stockholders. The State convicts have been taken from the Statesville Air @ine Rail-road Company.They.will be sent in a few days to Badin,Stanly county,to work for the Hardaway company, which is building a dam at Badin. That is the news which greeted the stockholders of the company at their annual meeting in Statesville Wed- nesday.To say that the stockhold- ers were not pleased is to put.-it mildly.They feel that they had been badly treated and some of them said so in plain words,while others voiced approval of what was said. The action ordering the removal of the convicts was taken at a_joint mecting of the Governor and Council of State and the State Prison board in Raleigh Tuesday.At the same time the convicts employed on the Elkin and Alleghany road and the Watauga and Yadkin River road (the latter road running from North Wilkesboro into Watauga county) were ordered removed to Badin.“The Statesville road has 54 convicts,’the Elkin and Alleghany 55 and the oth- er road about the same number. The Excuse For It. The only notice given of the in- tended action was a notice to repre- sentatives of these roads that a mat- ter would come before a meeting of the State Prison Board and.Council of State Tuesday in which they were interested.Mr.D.M.Ausley. treasurer and general manager of the Air Line,journeyed to Ral- eigh to see what‘it was about There he and representatives of the other roads found.that-“it was cutanddried.”The removal of the con- victs had already been determined upon and no amount of talk could forestall action,although Mr.Ausley and-the others did the best they could. Only the three State-aided railroad lines are affected.Convicts at work on the State Central highway betweenOldFortandRidgecrest,and on the same road in Madison county,were left alone.The plea for State aid for tnége highways was mainly in behalf of automobile tourists.The railroad men.pointed out that they were de- veloping undeveloped sections of theState;-adding much to the State’s taxable property and wealth;that the State had valuable interest in the way of stock in these lines,and 1|that the State’s interest as well as the interest of the stockholders would be seriously affected by the removal of the-eonvicts:But after-all the con- victs were taken from the railroads and left on the highway;and it is said that State Treasurer Ben Lacy was the only man who voted against the proposition:‘Gov.Craig voted for removal with the understanding that the-eonvicts are to be returned to the railroads December~1st—and the motion-adopted by—the-Gouncit-of State and the Prison Board so pro= vides—but the Air Line railroad folks build little hope on that prom- ise.They believe the convicts are cone-for—good,-but-if they should be returned in six months the Air Lineand.the Elkin and Alleghany aswell—are greatly damaged by thedelay. The-exeuse for the removal was that the Hardaway company is der contract to complete A dam for the Aluminum company at Badin by December 1st;the company can’t get free labor and will lose a large sum of money if the contract isn’t com- The HardawaycompanywillpaytheState$2 per day for the convict labor (the rail- roads are paying $1.75 in stock),the State expects to get about $50,000 by the deal,and the State needs the money.:‘ Blow For the Air Line. All this Mr.Ausley told the Air ne stockholders at the |meeting ednesday.The action in remov- the convicts came as a_great‘prise to the officers of the road. They had assumed,after this was at= the last meeting of the ewislature and overwhelmingly de- cated,that they wouid be left alone it least until thé meeting of the prext Legistature:that as the matterCompany; Louis:|burg;Company FE,Oxford;Company |1» ville;Company H,Warrenton;Com.' Asheboro;Company L,Thomasville:!+-~+ The cavalry troops are at Lincoln-; taking the convicts from these ids had been agitated in the last »Legistatures and the Legislature, a_decisive vote,had decided that existing contracts with railroads r eonvict labor should be carried it was not expected that the Leg- ature’s action would be overruled the @ouncil of State and the State son Board,and that these con- ts would be taken from our own ..izens,who have put up money to bald railroads into undeveloped see- rons and help develop the State,and hired to private contractors to work for a foreign corporation. Relying on the assurance that the “ate would keep faith with the Air line.as the Legislature decided sHould be done,the officers of this company had completed negotiations and executed.a contract for the pur- pose of completing ,and equippingwithrollingstockthefirst20miles ’the’lihe,which would,when the work was done,have put trains to running to Hunting ereek.This con-tract was ready for ratification at|the stockholders’meeting.It was rati- fied,but as it was made with the ex- pectation of keeping the convicts the (Continued on Kighth Page.) || || worry him,but he has ‘another worry now. About a week ago he.had,notice from the Union Supply Company of Marshyille that ‘the stationery ‘he ordered would be shipped July 1st. Mr.Rives had ordered no stationeryandsonotifiedtheUnionSupplyCo. He learns that some one gave an or- der for stationery in his name and paid for it with a’check signed with the name of T.D.Miller and drawn on the First National Bank of States- ville. Later Mr.noticeRivesreceived ‘from the Richmond Grain and Provis- ion Co.of Richmond,Va,,that they could fill only part of his order—did- n’t have some of the things he had or- dered.Mr.Rives had given them no order and on investigation found that the company had a check signed R. F.Rives for 8.25,on the First Na- tional Bank.; Next Mr.Rives had acknowledg- ment of.an order given the Progress-ive Farmer-of—Raleigh for advertis- ing which Mr.Rives had not ordered and knew nothing about.The adver- tising had been paid for by a check of the Star Milling Co.of Statesville on the First National Bank for $7.25. Then ¢ame notice from a liquor house in St,Paul;Minn.,explaining that they had his check for $8.90 on the Commercial National Bank but they could not ship such a_large quantity of beer legally..Mr.Rives had ordered no beer. All these mysteries and others sim- ilar have mystified Mr.Rives.An ef- fort is being made to locate*the par- ty engaged in the work.Mr.Rives is of the opinion it is some crank or crazy fellow.In the correspondence Mr.Rives is variously addressed at Statesville,Loray,Jennings and else- where.It is hard to see through the fellow’s game.None of the .checks are being cashed and Mr.Rives is not losing anything,The firms who are filling the not losing their goods for Mr.Rives is refusing’them. So far as he knows,Mr.Rives says he hasn’t 4n enemy in the world and he can’t think an enemy is doing this. But he is anxious to stop the promis- cuous writing of checks and giving orders in his-name. CHAUTAUQUAIS NOW ON. The Opening Yesterday —Pro- gramme For Next Four Days —Something Good Eyery Dav Today’s programme at Chautau- qua:Afternoon,lecture,“The Heart of a Boy,”by Dr.Forbush,and con- cert by.Victor’s:Band and Venetian Troubadours;evening,Victor’s Band and Rosani,Prince of Jugglers.Tomorrow:Afternoon,“The Educa- tion of Princes,”by Dr.Forbush and concert by the ~Schubert ~String Quartette;Evening,Schubert String Quartette and lecture,“The Burden of the Nations,”by ‘Dr,Thos.E. |Green.Sunday:Evening,sacred.concert.by Schubert quartette;devotional exer- eises--by—members.of.the Statesville Ministerial Association.: -Monday:Afternoon,“The —Girl |Problem,”by Dr.Forbush;concert.byun-/-Strollers’Male Quartette and Hand Bell Ringers;,evening,concert by Strollers’Male Quartette,and enter- tainment by the College Players. The Junior Chautauqua class,Ire- dell Blues and others formed-a pa- rade in the college circle yesterday and marched to the Chautauqua tent next to the court house,where Statesville Chautauqua was formally opened. Rev.J.IF.Kirk introduced Rev.W, R-Ware,who made a short talk on the benefits of Chautauqua.Mr. Kirk then ifitroduced”the Brookline Choir Boys and their leader,Mr.A. H.Marsh.The choir is composed of six boys and two men,a bass and a tenor.-The programme,varied and interesting,éonsisted of and secular music,The numbers by the boy soloist,the Dutch and Indian songs,given in costume;and the May dance,were particularly good. The platform superintendent,Dr. W.B.‘Forbush,was introduced byMr.Kirk.He made announcements in regard to the beginning of the Chautauqua sessions.The afternoon session will begin at 2.80 and_the evening session at 8. Dr.Forbush introduced Miss Way- good and Miss-Weeks,who—will have! charge of Junior Chautauqua.Dr. Forbush’s first platform lecture was “Why the Chautauqua Makes Life Worth Living,”He gave four reas- ons:(1)Helps folks to get together;(2)it gives a good vacation to all members of family;(8)it gives a national platform for all sections of the country:(4)it gives a broader outlook on life. Last night there was another con- cert by the Brookline Choir Boys, and a lecture,“The Conquest of theArctic,”by Dr.Lincoln Wirt.Dr. Wirt visited the interior of Alaska, being,sent as a representative of the government to the mining camps.He described the country,its customs, ete.;and described a trip to the Pa- cific coast,made in midwinter by’a dog team..Preceding the lecture pic-tures taken in town during the daywereshown. orders-on the checks are! both sacred‘ SeBRIEFITEMSLOCALNEWS —The Landmark is asked to advisethepublicthatLibertyHillbridge.is unsafe.ne —Mr.J.M.Ketchener of-Hiddeniteisanewclaimclerkat-the Southern — freight office.5 ig —Capt.W.H.H.Gregory broughtinthefirstofthenewcropoftoma- toes"Wednesdays ee —The condition of Mr.B.F.Phifer,whose illness was mentioned in Tues-day’s Landmark,is serious.Mae —Ice cream supper at the schoolbuildinginStonyPointtomorrownight.Proceeds for benefit of.base- ball team.=,’ —-Miss Margaret Rickert,daughterofMr.Chas.Rickert of Sharpesburgtownship,was operated on at..theSanatoriumyesterdayforappendi- citis and is getting along well.. —Miss Katie Westmoreland .willmakeherhomewith.Mrs.C.J.Ste-vens in Mooresville while her broth-er,Capt.Wm,Westmoreland,is awaygivingattentiontotheMexicans.» —Miss Lacy Shoemaker ‘and Mr.Otis Goble,both residents of Bloom-field,were married Wednesday ‘eve-ning at the home of the groom in Bloomfield,Rev.A.H.Goodin offici+ ating.—dJ,M.Goodin,the |Alexandercountymanwhobecama,suddenlyandviolentlyinsanelastweekwhilerunningastreetcarinCharlotte,was taken to the State Hospital at Morganton.' operated_on for.appendicitis,..hassufficientlyrecoveredtobebackatworkasassistanttoher.father,Mr.J.B,Gill,deputy clerk of the United States Court. —Wednesday and yesterday werethelongestdaysoftheyear,Thehourforthesunriseandsunsetwasthesameeachday—5.09 a:m.and 7.40.p.-m.—but—-yesterday —was>(the:longest by a trace,the experts say.’ —IMiss Rhode of the Southern Rail-way Co.was here yesterday to con-sult further with the Civic Leaguetinregardtoimprovementsontherail-road yards here.Nothinf&definite wisdone-but_shewill_rezurn here July8anddefiniteplanswillbemade.~~ —The truck-of ‘the Iredell Hard-ware Co.ran into.Mr.Jim Rayle’sFordtouring.car Wedieetny ‘andcrushedarearwheelandthefender.The car was ‘parked on north Centerstreet.The steering wheel of.thetruckfailedto.work and the truck. ran into the car.: —A sea turtle,shipped from thecoasttoMr.R Cooper,attractedsomeattentionTuesdayasheaethesunonthesidewalk.by the.Wil-liams Furniture _House.Bea.monster didn’t look comfortable.-Hemissedhisnativeelement.He“prob-ably got into water_soon byt the wa-ter he got into was more uncomfort-able than the sunshine,: —In view of the Mexican troublesMr..W.J.Poston is concerned ..about”his brother,Mr.L.F,Poston,‘whowasinMonterey,Mexico,at last ae-count.Mr.Poston has lived in Mon+—terey for many years..Some monthsago,when.American _troops-were-fitst —sent into Mexico,Mr.Poston broughthisfamilytotheUnited“States,buttheyreturnedtoMexicoinMayandhisbrotherhasnotheardfromhim ‘since that time.~ay2 ea ee Statesville Makes Good Start in Ball—Games Next Week. Statesville’s baseball —team——has done all possibleso far in-the’West- ern North Carolina League—it hasplayedtwogamesandwonthem both.Monday it.won over Kannapo- lis 7 to 6 and Tuesday it won fromKannapolis6to0.The feature ofTuesday’s game was Max_Heins’pitching and home runs by Beale and J.H.Hines,»Fred.Patterson,captain of the University of North Carolina team,starts in today at Kannapolis to playsecoridbaseforStatesville.Thos,J. Darlington,outfielder from ErskineCollege,joined the team at Spencer Wednesday.:On account.of the Chautauqua thegameshereMonday,Tuesday andWednesdayof.next week with Gas-tonia will not be called until 4.30 p.m.Chautauqua visitors will have;ample time ty attend the games. |~Statesville played exhibition games|with the Spencer team at Spencer—;Speneer—is not-in-this league—Wed-jnesday and.yesterday.Today and‘tomorrow,Statesville playe Kannapo- \lis at Kannapolis.‘|At.Spencer Wednesday Statesville|lost-—13 to 5;and yesterday States- |ville won—8 to 5.|Morganton beat Gastonia Tuesday3to1;Wednesday 2 to 1 and yester- day 5 to 3, reSoolnrrgonicctaoch |The BlastsNot a Sound of War. The,noise Wednesday afternoonwasnotasoundofwar,Some might have been momentarily alarmed by|the thought that the Mexicans ‘had'“erope up on us unbeknownst,”com- ‘ing up Fourth creek in their wat-ships and bombarding the town.*The noise,was dynamite blasts setofftoblowuptheconcretefounda-tions of the hoiler room at the ‘oldelectriclightstation,,When States-/ville was dependent’on steam to ‘Op- erste its electric light plant,iweretwobigboilersinthestation 6nWaterstreet.The town is duilanewhouse,on the site of the ‘old’station,for storage purposes ‘and dy-namite was used to tear up the boiletfoundations.The new bduildiig a”50x60..Mr.D.A.Morrison is intending the construction,# Miss Ruth Gill,who recently was“ seraat be F _Not Be Withdrawn. jas to American:officers,have -been-en~! ranza)prior to the entrance of such an’expedition into-Mexico if.the ex- pedition was:to.be effective. “Subsequent events and —corres- ND OR FOR CARRANZA,|pendence.have demonstrated.te the ya ;oe satisfaction of this yee that Has .|General Carranza would not have en- Not _Protected amen |tered into any agreement.providing ns Nor Punished Ban lits for an effective plan for the capture or Showed a Disposition,:to )Do So—American Troops Will and destruction®of the Villa bands. While the American troops were mov~ ing rapidly southward in pursuit of the radiers,it was the form and na- ture of the agreement that occupied the attention’of —General-—Carranza rather_than-the_practical-object which it was to attain—the number of limi- tations that could be imposed’upon the American forces to impede their progress rather than the obstacles “The American note flatly rejecting Gere Carranza’s —demand-for~the withdrawal of United States troops from Mexico,and rebuking the Car- yanta government for the discour- teous tone and temper of its last com- munication,was made public Tues-; day.It contains about 6,000 words.|that could be raised to.prevent the Following are the principal features:|escapes of the outlaws. ““Phe government of the United!Didn't Try to Help. States has viewed with deep concern| Reciting and increasing disappointment the |Gens,Scott,Funston and Obregon at} rogress of the revolution in.Mexico.|%)Paso in May,in which the Carran- Continuous:bloodshed and disorders}7_government gave assurance that have marked its progress.For three|jts forces were being augmented and ‘years’the Mexican republic -has~been}strengthened to such extent:that “dis- torn with civil strife;the lives of}orders could be prevented,the note| Americans and other aliens have been!continues:: sacrificed;vast properties developed «Jt was because of _these assur-| by American capital and enterprise ances and because of General Scott’s| have been destroyed or rendered non-!confidence that they would be carried productive;bandits have been”per-|out that he stated in the memoran-} mitted to roam at will through the territory contiguous to the United| States and to seize,without punish- be “gradually withdrawn.”It is to} be noted ‘that,while ment or without effective attempt at |government was willing to ratify this'ber of the Durham,Tarboro,Chapel punishment,the property of Ameri-| eans,while the lives of citizens of the United States who ventured to re- main in Mexican territory or to re-\ turn there to protect their interests have been taken,and in some cases| barbarously taken,and.the murder-| ers.have neither been apprehended|that the forces of the de facto gov-| nor brought to justice.It would be!ernment have not carried on a vigor- difficult to find in the annals of the!ous pursuit of the remaining bandits history of Mexico conditions more de-land that no proper distribution of plorable than those which have exist-|forces to prevent the invasion ofedthereduringtheserecentyearsof|American territory has been made. civil war.io I am reluctant to be forced “It would be tedious to recount in-|to the conclusion:which might be stance after instance,outrage after drawn from these circumstances,that outrage,atrocity after atrocity,to the de facto government,in spite ofillustratethetruenatureandextent;the crimes committed and the sinis- of the widespread conditions of law-ter designs of Villa and his followers, Jessness and violence which have pre-|did not and does not now intend or vailed.During the past nine months desire that these outlaws should be in particular,the frontier of the Unit-)captured,destroyed,or dispersed by -ed States along the lower Rio Grande}American troops or,at the request ofhasbeenthrownintoastateofcon-this government,by Mexican troops.,stant apprehension and .turmoil be-)******** #% & cause of frequent and sudden incur-|Sweeping Charges Denied. sions into American territory and)“You state in effect that the Amer- depredations and murders on Ameri:ican government has*_placed «every ean soil by Mexican bandits,who!obstacle in the way of attaining thehavetakenthelivesanddestroyed)pacification of Mexico,and that this the property of American citizens,js shown by the volume of diplomaticsometimescarryingAmericancitizens|representations in behalf of American’ across the international boundary interests which constantly impedewiththebootyseized.American gar-|efforts to reorganize the political, risons have been attacked at night,economical and social conditions ofAmericansoldiers_killed and their|the country;by the decided aid lent equipment and horses stolen;Amer-at one time to Villa by American of- ‘ican ranches have been raided,prop-|ficers and by the Department of State;erty stolen and destroyed,and Amer-|by the aid extended by the American, ican trains wrecked and _plundered.}Catholic clergy to that of Mexico;by The attacks on Brownsville,Red!the constant activity of the Ameri- House ferry,Progreso postoffice and!can press in favor of intervention andLasPeladas,all occurring during’the interests of American business. September last,are.typical.In these|men;by the shelter and supply ofattacksonAmericanterritory,Car-,rebels and conspirators on Americanranzistaadherents,and even Carran-territory,by the detention of ship- .zista soldiers,took part in the loot-'ments of arms and munitions pur-j ing,burning and_killing.Not only;chased by the Mexican government;' were these murders characterized by and by the detention of machinery ruthless brutality,but uncivilized acts |intended for their manufacture. of mutilation were perpetrated.“In reply to this sweeping charge, to do.so,as General Obregon stated, because,among other things,it im-) posed improper conditions upon the Mexican government. “Notwithstanding the assurances in the memorandum,it is well known “Representations were made ‘to’I can truthfully affirm that the Amer- General Carranza and he was em-,ican government has given every pos- phatically requested to stop these|sible,encouragement to the de facto reprehensible acts in a section which,government in the pacification and he has long claimed to be under the rehabilitation of Mexico.From the complete domination of his authority.!moment of-its recognition,it has had Notwithstanding ~these _representa-!the undivided support of this govern- tions and the promise of General Na-|ment.***If a denial is needed farrete to prevent attacks alongthe!that this government has had ulterior: international boundary,in the follow-|\and improper motives in its diplomat- *jng month of October a passenger!ic representations,or has counte- train was wrecked by bandits and nanced the activities of American!speveral persons killed seven miles|sympathizers and the American press: north of Brownsville,and an attack’opposed to the de facto government, ‘was made upon United States troops ;}I-am glad most emphatically to deny: at the same place several days later,’it.It is,however,a_matter_of—com- Since these attacks leaders of the'mon knowledge that the Mexican-handits,well known both to Mexican press has been more active than thecivilandmilitaryauthoritiesaswell}press in the United States in endeav- -oring to.inflame__the two —peoples- joying with impunity the liberty of |against each other and to force the:‘the towns of northern Mexico.So far|two countries into hostilities.“With; has the indifference of .the de facto the power of censorship of the Mexi-! government to these atrocities gone}can press,so rigorously exercised by| -that-some of these leaders,as I am/the de facto government,the respon-| advised,have received not only the!sibility for this activity cannot,it! protection “of that government,but’)would seem,be avoided by that gov-! encouragement and aid as’well.”ernment,and the issue of the appeal Didn't Afford Protection and Hamper-|0f General Carranza himself in the ed Americans.press of March 12th,calling upon Reciting numerous attacks upon!the Mexican people to be preparedandmurdersofAmericancitizens;'for any emergency which might arise,including the Villa raid,and thefail-'and intimating that war with thesureoftheCarranzagovernmentto’United States was imminent,evi- furnish promised protection or to|dences the attitude of the de facto capture and punish the guilty,the government toward these publica-| “communication continues:tions. “In the face of these depredations| +***the perpetrators ofwhichGeneralCarrdnzawasunable the unconcealed hostility of the sub-|or possibly considered it inadvisable ordinate military commanders of the’ to apprehend and punish,the United ;de facto government.toward the States had no recourse other than to|American troops ****and!employ force to disperse the bands of |the efforts of the de facto government |Mexican outlaws whg were with in-|to compel their withdrawal from!creasing boldness _systematically|Mexican territory by threats andj)raiding across the international Show of military force instead of byboundary.The marauders engaged ,aiding in the capture of the outlaws,jn the attack on Colombus were driv-|constitute a menace to the safety ofenbackacrosstheborderbyAmeri-|the American troops and to the peacecancavalry,and —subsequently,as|of the border.As long as this men- soon as a sufficient force to cope with ace continues,and there is any evi-the band could be-collecteds were pur-|dence of an intention on the part of|sued into Mexico in an effort to cap-|the de facto government or its mili-|ture or destroy them.***tary commanders to use force against | American forces pursued the lawless |the American troops instead of co-op-bands as far as Parral,where the |erating with them,the government ofpursuitwashaltedbythehostilityof|the United States will not permit mu-Mexieans,—presumed—to—be—loya}-_to+nitions_of war_or_machinery-for-their+the de facto government,who array-|Manufacture to be exported from|ed themselves on the side of outlawry|this country to Mexico.and became in effect the protectors of |Will Not Withdraw Troops —WillVillaandhisband):Fight if Nothing Else Will Do,“In this manner and for these reas-|“In conclusion,the Mexican povern-ons have the American forces .enter-|ment invites the’United States toedMexicanterritory.Knowing fully,support its ‘assurances of friendshipthecircumstancessetforththede|with real and effective acts,whichfactogovernmentcannotbeblindto'can be no other than the immediatethenecessitywhichcompelledthis,withdrawal ofthe American troops.’government to act and yet it has seen|For the reasons I have herein fullyfittorecitegroundlesssentimentsof|set forth,this request of the de factahostilitytowardtheexpeditionandto|government cannot now be entertain-impute to this .government ulterior ed.The United States has not soughtmotivesforthecontinuedpresence|the duty which has been forced uponof.American troops on Mexican soil.!it of pursuing bandits who under fun-It is charged that these troops cross-|damental principles of municipal anded.the frontier without first obtaining|international law,ought to be pur-the consent or permission of the de|sued and arrested and punished’byfactogovernment.Obviously,as im-|the Mexican authorities.Wheneverhacesigneoeeowillassumeandeffectively‘A NO opportunity to reach anj execute that responsibility th it-agreement (other than that of March|ed ‘States,as’it tka minty nae kn40-13 now repudiated by General Car-|fore publicly declared,will be.glad to No More Munitions. “Candor compels me to add that. est eT a Rave this obligation fulfilled ty the de facto government of Mexieo,If, on the contrary,the de facto govern.|" ment.is pleased to ignore this’obli- gation and to believe that ‘injease of a refusal to retire these troop: is no further course than to defend its territory by an appeal to arms,’the government of the United §tates|©would surely be lacking in sincerity || and’friendship if it did not “frankly there impress upon the de facto govérnment|-+.that the execution of,this threat will lead to the While this government would deeply|} regret such a_result,it-cannot_recede i settled its national rights and to perform.its full duty in preventingfurtherinvasionsoftheterritoryof from its maintain the United*/the peril which Americans along the |international boundary have borne so the conference between |long with patience and forbearance.”aR Will Pay Employes spond to Country’s-Call. Immediately for the’mobilization |troops,the Company posted the following notice dum that the American forces would |ent time is a member.of and who answers the call of the American|President Wilson to arms as a mem-|| Guard agreement,General Carranza refused)Hill,High Point,Goldsboro and Meb- ane companies,the difference in wag-|! es between his pay’as a soldier and his pay as an employe of the Durham ‘Hosiery Mill Company will be made good by this *tcorporation.” The Durham company has plants at the points named.the head of the company and his gen- erous spirit prompted the offer made.NT Bowel Complaints in India. In a lecture at one of the Des Moiries,Towa, churches a missionary from India told of go- ing inte the inter: taken sick,that he had a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Colic, with in all its plants: “To any employe who at the’pres- Cholerahimandbelieved thatThisremedyisusedsuccessfully in India both as a preventive may know from this bgravestconsequences.)‘ determination *to States and in removing Who Re-|| following.the _order | of the State]| Durham Hosiery’.Mill the.State | Col.J.S,Carr is ior of India,where he was and Diarrhoea Remedyitsaved:his life. and cure for cholera,You thar it ean be depended t Less Than Th -Several Other Standard Makes *- with Non: And thethanever.before.;ne recognize the greater dollar-for-dollar value in =ss Fisk Quality by for Fisk y Other Tire? Every Fisk Tire backed by seventeen ycars ofmanufacturing knowledge— and the Fisk reputation for Quality: “SkidePlainTread Styles of CAROLINA MOTOR Co. mileage returns this year are gréaterCarownerseverywhere more than tripling the demand More.than 125 Direct Fisk 4Tires. Branches throughout the country assure dealers ; -of..promptest attentionandtire users of un-| rivalled and countrywide Fisk.FREE Service.a. Fisk Tires For Sale By Statesville see fae sees Oona ne ee en see maisSODTe4 0005220 EEE Ce a SI S I I I T I I F Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C.. II T I S I I I I I F T I I I S I I B I I S IS I T E LI T IW V I V I I I V I T S I I s y r r s s Ir II T I I F ez SU T B I V I I I T I T T . W.D.TURNER,--= Kk.MORRISON,-- D.M.AUSLEY,- G.Kk.HUGHEY, :Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits —-31,900.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking:business solicited and every accommodation extended to.de- positors consistent with:prudent _bank- ing’methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits months or longer. OFFICERS: remaining on deposit three -President. —Vice President. Cashier, Assistant Cashier. so o s t s s e s s e 33 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 09 S 5 0 b P0 O O CO HD O S D DO SO O OO S OO O E I O OS eb er e s e s t e s s e s s e t e s e r e e s s e s r e t e e r e c e s MEANS the BEST. JOHN DEERE A Few at-the OLD PRICE. Iredell Hardware -Com’y. Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed.integrity. ’Phone 125 Black. Practice EconomyThis Year!_ Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,orworthlessby-products,but se-lected feed scien- tifically blendedforresults.Made-by a house withareputationfor —C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative, ‘“/ Harmony “If there PACKARD.<—eet~Sa TS perfect balance of major and minor—all the elements in true accord. in the piano.” A great artist once said of the Packard: “That -instrument was HAVE BEEN who find gontent in their labor,and who believe,heart and soul,in the worthiness of their product.” LET US SHOW YOU A PACKARD! All instruments sold for cash or on terms.Liberal allowance for old instruments. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,? a ‘Phone 304. tinct Ki =o is the very soul of music,the blending of tones, is no harmony in the factory,there will be.none built—AND COULD ONLY ~ BUILT!—by men who love their work, ee he n se 4, he l g Sa t h e r ha 105 East Broad Street. ta WE'LL SIFT IT DOWN, -and you will find the so-called LUCKY MAN is the one who keeps building up a_reservein hank,and can catch a bargain when it comes his way.Why not be one of the “Lucky Men”in your community by making regular deposits in the Merchants and Farmers’Bank.- Y “The Bank For Your Savings.” JUGGLER--ROSANI--TUESDAY OF CHAUTAUQUA Of Statesville,. ALL WANT TO SEE THE MAGICAL FINE OPPORTUNITY 10 BUY AUTO *Having on hand a good lot of Tires bought TIRES FOR LESS. “THE BURDEN OF THE NATIONS,”Chautauqua,June 24,")"" ‘before advance in price enablesus for the ~ *hbalance.of this month to sell you Tires at old OFFERED!*CAROLINA MOTOR:CO.| STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. r price,which is.10 per cent.less than pres- ‘4 ent price.BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE J *OF THIS PROPOSITION WHILE ,IT IS # a ‘AN freal Christian Home School. ServatoryofMusic.High standard mai Nr Ttity,itIN NS)T 1]vt al 4 ie YOUMG WOMEN aeP- Expresston,Physical Culture,Ped:Boman Science eatenetc,.large staft ofexperienced,trained Instructors.‘Takes only 100 boarders and teac 2GeeBalen,mrp tce oe”Oea eae|cal pball.Write forSurtcaribgibaereselecting the college foryour daughter,siaMISSMARYOWENGRAHAM,President.Raleigh, nme Reeve by Cord. Mt.Airy,N 0.Mrs,Sarah M.Cha;if of thistown,Says:“‘T suffered forveaeaewithwomanlytroubles,alsobles,and my.punenigatyesmioesthananyOnecouldtell I tried most every kind of medicine,none did me any-good, “Tread one day about Cardui,the wo-man’s tonic,and 4-decided to try it.|a not taken but about six bottles until -was almost cured.It did me moregoodthanalltheothermedicinesIhad |ied,put together, My friends began asking me why 1fookedsowell,and |told them eboutCardui..Several are now taking it.” Doyou,lady reader,suffer from anyoftheailmentsduetowomanlytrouble,$uich as headache,backache,‘sideache”slee nents and ‘thateverlastingly tired |feeling? Ifso,let-us urge you to give Carduitrial.We teel confident it et help you. lust as it has a million other women in1pasthalfcentury. Begin’taking Cardui to-day.‘won't regret it.)All druggists,Yau! Write to:Advisory Dept.,Ghattanooga,Tonn.,for Stecialdastructionsonyourcaseand64-page ‘book,‘‘HomeforWomen,”in plain wrapper.NG,124,* Select.your Flour From This List. XXX,Palace, ’Dan Valley, Blue Ribbon, Save Trouble, *Morrison’High Grade, “Shenandoah (Fancy Patent) Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St \7Lasting*Legibility Multikopy gives copies that are beautifully neat and that are really permanent, In blue or black,Multi- Kopy never fades. MultiKopycopiesoftenrivalthe“original incleanlinessandTégi-bility.MultiKopy issurprisinglydurable,and economical. Write for FREE Sample Sheet Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.C. OU-WOULD-HAVE every day,if you once tried It is choice enough for the finest | salad dressing,as delicious as any | oil you ever tasted,and so much | cheaper you can use it for cooking,|jp too.It makes a smooth,delicious Ay mayonnaise ‘that “stands up”well “fand-pleases everybody. This is the Weck to Chautauqua ‘Tickets: Miller-McLain Supply Co.) GOOD MEATS ce AND | IVEGETABLES When.dur.”refrigeration —plant was installed it was left witha slight defect ,which had an undeé- ‘sirable effect on the meat.A man from the factory has been here and completely remedied this. SP Now-we-are-cequipped—to—-furnish our customers the best of meats and vegetables from our refriger- ‘ation plant, M.P.Alexander &Bro.. The Sanitary,Store, eeepc “Statesville Tin Co ||Everything in Sheet MetalJiineforgoodroof.Slate Roofs a specialty, Eat sual nad8 Gilattanooga Medicine.Go,Ladies!| SALAD i 'Sell ifi i bons, Buy Your ||@ ‘ ET .K [NEWS IN CONDENSEDRORM): *.June 3,1916, #veTadit Sama SCHEDULE. |arrtval and eileef Tretne “Braree Train.No,°16,eeesm 124Train.No,’11,Train Now 21»,86,eae‘Train |:Train No,36,.east-boun‘Train No.22,east-bound,°iTrainNo.12,east-bound,due 6:55Train.No,..16,east-bound,due 10.60CHARLOTTEANDTAYLORSVILLE.From‘Train No,16 ari °9.60,¢leaves 10.86 wTrainNo.24 ar.9.20,leaves 9,20 p.From Tay‘oreville.Train No,28 .ar,.10:00,keaves 10:40 a m.Train ‘No.16°ar,6:40,‘eaves 7:05 p.m.Nos.28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. _;sam:in Market Horses:and Mules. The tited States government neods| Fo s p e r e e Se e s m. m. Uncle | thousands and thousands of horsesrand | mules and is willing to pay good ‘prices far.good,sound animals, The War Department announces that bids will he opened at Front Royal,Virginia,the ~great “remount station of the government,for approx- “imately 100,000 horses and mules on June 26,The government wants im- mediately 26,550 cavalry horses,15,-900 artillery harses and‘192 light }draught horses.It also wants 8,100 draught wheel mules,8,100 draught lead mules,and 4,000 pack mules. Charlotte People:Appreciate a Good Thing. |An increase of 60 per cent over last week And 100.per-cent—over the first, WSK in June.Thisis a gratifying in- a%e,which we accept as an ~en- der sement of the real merit,and as an evidence that many are ‘being benefit- ‘ed by the use of the wonderful BA- ‘RIUM ROCK SPRING WATER. Phone your orders to BARIUMSPRINGSLODGEorremit$2 for ten igallons,which will be shipped by ex- press.We loan the demijohns,guar- ,antee to ¥C fund money if no benefit | is received,if the water iS used.ac- ‘cording to our directions.|B ARIUM SPRINGS CCOMPANY. SNOW CREEK DRAINAGE. In the of Creek District. a 5S. matter Snow Dhainage King et al,vs.Willian Bailey et al. Landowners Snow Creek 2 ‘District will »notice that the ary preliminary report of the Board hus been filed in my oflice ing of same on wune 12,1916,at 10 o't was fori Upon examination to he inBroperform.‘The court finds from the Vie oh ers’supplementary preliminary report tha the entire dyaipase district,including the Yad: kin river from a point near Sharpe's mill to a point near the Kilpatrick ford,is leable and will benefit the ;siiie health and be eonducive to the general welfare ef the com- munity;and the court hereby appoints the 22d day gf July,1916,at 10 o'clock a.m.,as the day set for the filing viewers’final repert,untess further time may be nllowed.' ordered that a eapy of rnis order be posted at the court house door,city of Statesville, and at five conspicuous yraces within —the drainage district,and be published in)The(Ly andmark for two consecutive “ksJ.A,HARTNESS,C.S.C. upon application June 16 “NOTIC E OF ac TION IN SUPEsRIOR|COURT: North Carolina,Iredell Gounty. in Superior Court.Before the Clerk. unistrator of Miss Mary EB. Campbell et als.,vs.Wilk 2w, Campbetl, ie Car seh ¢TICE Campbell,Willie ¢amohell,Ose 3)Thomas Safriet and ‘Elis Safriet,defendants tm the above entitled netion,will hereby take notice that an action entitled as above has bee:commenced in the Superior Court of Iredell county,before the ‘ks,praying the court for the partitioning: »of lands described in the petition filed d the said Daniel G.Camp- il,Osear Thomas |Safrict rel r take nog tice that they ar pe before the elerk of the/Superigr Court of aera)coun- ty on the 6th day of July,1916,and answer or femur,to the camplaint in said action,or the plaintiffs will aq ly to the court for the re- lief demanded in said complaint.!J.A.HARTNESS, June 6,1916.CertK Superior Court. C.WATKINS CAN you Doors,Windows,Columns, Mantels and Stairways delivered to you just as you require a cheaper chan your tiy—them—f.—o.—h,car dee wheres This is because tis Wat- a *buy in quantities. .WATKINS,Statesville, Cc ki N.C. Phoneus Your Orders —for— Ink,Typewriter Rib-varbon Paners, Pencils,Paper Clips,Ink Stands and_allyourofficesupplies. R.P.Allison’s Book Store. “ALL-A-BOARD” NO!“AUL A SHINGLE C.WATKINS,Shingle King State sville,N.CL THEROYALHEATER The‘‘'Royal”’is a Range!Boiler and Water Heat-| er in combination and| is designed to take theplaceoftheold-fashion- ed method of attaching| f an independent heater|‘to the side of an ordi-!nary range boiler. The ‘“‘Royal’’can be installed at.a ‘supris-| ingly low cost and will furnish hot water every | hour of the day and night at an expense well within reach of the average hotise own- er or renter.| Installed by W.E.sMunday.| 114 E.Broad St.\-nee fh.‘ THE.GQUAT it of Ire-| toll County, -land burned the gin house of Jesse For| and upon| practi { er the board of re-| It is further| i withstanding his ‘in Lathe smailest-crop since 1909, .a record,notwithstanding the |844 running bales,tae,Es Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State.: Senator Vance’s statue was un-veiled in Washington yesterdaybe appropriate exercises. postmaster at Boone,.He was recent- ly chosén in a primary. The State Pharmaceutical Associa- tien,in session at Wrightsville Beach this week,will hold its next meeting in Asheville, In Anson county lighcning struck Sullivan.Loss about $2,000.with $500 insurance, The barn of John A.Lentz at Hick- ory was struck by lightning Monday and burned...The barn was used for |thestorage of feed and farm imple- ;ments. A car driven by,Claude.BuchananandBryanTurner,of North Wilkes-|’ boro,overturned on ©shorn curve intheedgeofCénoverSund:iy”nightand,catching fire from.the tail light, was -burned,~-Neither oceupant.washurt, En route from Mouit Holly to their home in Lenoir,the automobile’of Dr. Lawrence Coffey turned completely over just outside Hickory and pinned his 4-year-old son underneath the ma- chine, ed and others«in-the minchane slightly injured, Sergeant W.L.Blliott of "the Con- cord military company wes to have been married Wednesday.When thecallcamefortroopstheweddingdaywasmovedup_and the marriage.took place Monday evening._When_Ser- geant Elliott leaves for Morehead to- morrow the bride of less than a week will be left behind. W.B.Flowers,the Lumberton man who deserted his wife and children and was living with one Lottie Tay- lor at Durham when a former lover of the Taylor woman,came.on the iscene,shot and ser iously wounded the woman and then killed himself,has ‘got a part of what was coming to him.The Lumberton’man was tried a few days ago for abandonment and sent to the roads for 14 months. win Guilford county some time ‘ago Chureh and Dobbin Allred, oon fell out about a line ditch], ‘and fought.Chureh struck Allredwithamattockandcamenearputting (him out of business.it was thought \for a time the wound was fatal.All- ived recovered and in Guilford Supérior ;Court Church was fined $50 and.All- ‘red,also found guilty,was allowed to ig°without punishment.He had hadlhis. | |Senator Overman,at the request of| lthe Secretary of War,hxs nominated| Harry Crawford,son of the late | Congressman Crawford of Waynes-| iville,for admission to the Military ‘Academy at West Point,July 10. ‘This is a-result of the jéxamination ‘held June 6 (last,at which,there Was not a sufficient number of eligi- bles to fill the existine vacancies.| Young Crawford is a senior at the A.| ‘and M..College. \eeeMr.E.M.Correll,Formerly of: Iredell,Now of Texas. A recent issue,of the Galveston (Texas).Daily ‘News contains an in-' teresting sketch.and photograph of Edward Monroe Correll,who now re- sides at Edna;Jackson county,Tex- as.Mr.Correll is well remembered by many Iredell people,especially the older residentsof:the -~Mooresville section,from whence he moved to Fexas in 1898.~3 Mr.Correll was born in .Rowan county November 21,1826,and ts now in his ninetieth yéar.His grand-father,a native of Gerthany,was a soldier of the Revolution,and his fa- ther,John A.Correll,was a soldier ‘of the war of 1812.The sketch con-|tains an interesting story told by Mr. Correll of the early days and the primitive methods of life,=In 1856} he married Agnes E.Lowrance,a daughter of Rey.John N.Lowrance, a Presbyterian”“ministér,atid has heen a member of the Presbyterian!@ ‘Church since that time.During the; ‘Civil War Mr.Correll served as °;member of Company I,Seventh| North Carolina regiment,and was i ‘part of Stonewall Jackson's “Foot; 'Cavalry.”He (was wounded —twice,| ‘the second wound compelling his re- ‘tirement from service. Mr.Correll’s’son,John N.Correll. iwho died at Milford,Texas,a few ivears ago,was president of Milford 'Presbyterian College.Mr.Correll lives with his daughter,Miss Cortier iat Edna and is one of the highly ¢ teemed oftizens of that town.Not- advanced age hi: mind is clear,he makes daily trips to! "the postoffice and does turns about’ ihis home.Mr,Correll’s old friends Iredell]will be glad to have this news of him. 915 Cotton ‘Crop the Rise of, 11,000,000 Bales.| Final statistics of the 19th cotton crop issued by the census burean -place the-preduetion-at—194820 ibales,equivalent to 500 pound bale Production in every State showed a decrease,the greatest proportion- ately being in Oklahoma,where —the crop,was only a trifle more than half as large as that of 1914. Production—ef tinter-eotten reached smaile: crop.The increase,estimated at 24.- 000 ~bales more than 1914,was duc in part to the high prices obtained for the fibre,which is used extensive-' ly in the manufacture of gun-cotton ‘and smokeless powder. Texas,Georgia,Souty.Carolina apt Alabama produces almost two--thinls of the total crop.Ellis county,Texas was the leading cotton county,with 117,387 bales ginned.Bolivar county.Mississippi,was the only other eoun- ty ginnine more then 100,000 bales its totel Being 16 &bales. _North Carolin,production was 699,494.Texas was first with 3,227,- 480 bales—more than one-fourth the otal erop:.Georgia was second and Sonth Carélina third, Sen Island eotton amounted to.91,- less than one Pe of the total cotton produced.All; “was..grownh.in Ceatitine|epee ean Carolinas) went W.P.Critcher hasbeen apoaethe v The child was seriously injur-|, icfe svemnathizer continued )diyyou-alone, ‘MISS!JAMISONAT VANCE,| Her Visit Muchuch Appreciated—| —The Debates —Church Services—Personal Mention,, Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Statesvilley.R-4,..June 22 —.TheanceDomesticScienceelubhashad|as.their guést Miss Minnie Jamison,who is assistant in home demonstra-| tion work in this State.Miss Jamison)was accompanied by Miss CelesteHenkel,Every one seemed inter rest | ed,as a very good crowd was pres.ent.We were so glad t6 have some one tell us the very things we wish-ed to know,and best of all she teach-| €s us to be economical, She gave ideas and examples of how to make iceless refrigerators and | fireless cookers.A short programme was:then ren-dered by part of the class,after which a few samples of cooking were displayed.I wish.to mention es- pecially the light bread prepared and baked by little Miss Anna es| aged 10 years. A lunch was later served,this be-ing prepared by the girls:of the aes | and the dadies of the community;also samples of cooking.with a _fireless|cooker planned by Miss Jamison,|were displayed.Literature was dis-| tributed to teach us what we further| tan do.. Miss Jamison left-declaring she had never been so highly entertained at a meeting like this and you can’t imagine what an impression it left, upon us,as these Words were Ene by our visitor.We were glad to have with us on| this occasion our county demonstra-| tor,Mr.C.E.Dull. The debate of Saturday night was very interesting.The subject was,| “Resolved,that fire has been more| destructive than water.”Speakersforaffirmative_were Messrs,Grier Sherrill and Ray Barkley;negative, Messrs.Frank Proffitt and George|Gillespie.Decision in favor of néga- i Subject for discussion the 24th ,“Resolved,that the loss:of love is aie than the A business meeting for the purpose| of electing officers will be held Tues- day night,the 27th.Only members, are asked to be present. Sunday being the third Sundays Rev.©.G.Prosperi preached for us. We are always.glad to have:him | with’us.Rev.Mr,Foster will be. with,us next Sunday,the 25th,at 11 a.m.and 8 p.m. Misses Martha Carter and Nera! Woodward are at home after spend-! ing a week with relatives and friends in the;Vance community. Mr.and Mrs.Oscar Mills of For: est City are with Mr.and Mrs.G.C, Mills.Mr.Mills is first lieutenant of the military company (Iredell Blues), and leaves with the company for Camp Glenn.While he is away Mrs. Mills will be _with his,parents,Mr. and Mrs.G.C.Mills. Mrs)R.A.“Lowery underwent an operation for apnendicitis at Billings-! ley hospital this morning.She is felting along as well as could be ex- rected.The writer hopes she will soon he at home.; loss of money.”| | ||| Death of Dr.Eagleton in Texas '—~His Father An Iredell Pastor. A copy of a Texas newspaper tells of the sudden death of Dr.David F. Eagleton of Sherman,Texas,which eeceurred on a train near San Antonio, an as,early on the morning of the i Dr.Eagleton was the gon of Rev. Geo.Eagleton,who during the Civil War was pastar of Concord Presby- terian church.at what is now Loray, this county.Mr.Eagleton came from Tennessee cord church and his son,who was 54 years old at the time of his death, was but a baby while his father serv- ed that church,The elder Eagleton moved.from--Iredell_to Arkansas—but- he sent his to he educated.David F, fraduated at Davidson in iseenred the degrees of A. and Lit.D.from that 1884 and B.. institution. Pap.27-years-he-had—been—a—membesef of Austin College at @of.the faculty Sherman.was prominent‘and ‘teacher. and.as a citizen his wife and seven children. When the Rev.Mr.Bagleton ;pastor of Concord church he Served other charges -=Shiloh probably Clio.He lived as a writer was also and pointment at another church,unless some means was voluntarily provided for his transvortation,he went afoot He never asked for help.It is said the left Tennessee and came to Iredell heeause he was an and the Union sen- that lived. timent.was strong in Tennessee in which he Called His Blut. “Tf T ever get out of here T ing to kill myself!"deelared John Seaman,arraigned in police court ANSAS Cc ily,Mo.,for be atingihe “All right; aid Judge am gro-! his| you're a free man,” grady.=“Your ease until tomorrowMeantimethepoliceareordered especially féré with anv suicide may make,The river of that street out the window;or Tl cive you any amount you require to} |purchase poison.Your wife and baby | and everybody else concerned would? ha Se avhole lot better off if you were| to| nittempt you is at the foot}® Res sae e er nmeNNEa : | to the pastorate of Con--% son to Davidson College & Eagleton & A.M.:§ Ernahan in his Church.# He is survived by@ ardent Confeder-3 part of| at |§ is |3 night.+4 ARMEDHEE EG NEE TT RNValin igh eet eas TAN BLS Tee ne a ene ea 2 DrenkoreStoMesetStripsHera Fabric Hero a 4 \ CICKELN UNIVERSALTREAD When you buy your.next tire make this simpletest.Let us weigh:a-Michelin Universal.Tire in comparison with any other non-skid of the same size, You will find the Michelin 12 to 1596 heavier than the average,the exact percentage depending on the size of the fires used in the test. This extra weight represents extra rubber}and fabric,which means extra corvicn,& |Carolina Motor Company,|! = STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE,NEWTON.” e—— — {ONE QUALITY ONiy-THE st gus pt : tSp os = _—wt>FOR ee | The Westinghouse Flectric Tron! side Te much chee ance to use an ELEC JSTRIC IRON,because it saves time! No waiting for Iron to,heat!No delay..of any kind—always at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE! forever? CALL AND SEE THEM!HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. 516 Center St.’Phone 361. =ohh If you pay the ee int by the day vou will ‘find it, Have 13 you seen the new Iron with theHeater thatis guaranteed «tai A A Be sure to get the right drink.That leads youright up to the FCUNTAIN ON THE SQUARE,where weservedelicioussodasmadeofnaturalfruitflavors—pure grape juice,both refreshing and_nourishing+-* lemonade that livens up your liver,mineral “waters: that tone up your system. Don’t FORGET THE SEVEN JOYOUS:‘DAYS under the BiG TENT.After each performantofftheeveningwithadishofRacy’s RicH ICE POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square”, TAO OO SPECIAL SALE ——~ar MEN’S SAILOR STRAWS. BAY REAM, ‘at Concord @ and when the time came to fill his ap-rag E=» Formerly $2.50 and $3.00.Choice $1.89. Panamas and other straws at special re- duced prices Special price cash. hee WT,Chautauqua,June 26.THE ee STROLLERS ~PHONE NO.83. now to inter;¢ FARINA RMR 1B top a == DD you KNOW IT’S ONLYTWO-WEEKS dena” And Seaman made no)reply to that. Guardsmen Sentenced —to the, Penitentiary. Emmett FE.Walker,former liecu- tenant colonel and assistant quarter-| master general of the Texas Nation- al Guard,and George J.Head,for- mer captain of militia,were sentencedtoservethreeyearsintheUnited States penitentiary 4 Leavenworth, Kans,by Judge Russell in the Feder- al District Court at Astin,Texas. They were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the government and of em- hezglement of povernment property, the charges growing out of the sale to Mexican Constitutionalists of Nation-al Guard,equipment furnished -by the War Department,. BUILDING? | ||}| arpmangeaisinnesand Coy WATERS, UNTILCHAUTAUQUA WEEK? FOR CHILLS AND MALARIA,2 =USE-— Hall’s Chill Tonic. 50 CE NT Ss A BOTTLE. HALL’S DRUG STORE, ‘PHONE a.Prescriptionist 19 S %.ia Peer fr rena VICTOR'ST HIT sransSANDCONCERT€a au al urnudua,June.23:haga:sents met. |THE ANSWER PROMPT. P ce -they must go,it is a pleas- ure to notethat members of the mil; itary:companies in North Carolina answered the call to war with a read- iness that is commendable..The members of the companies of course have to go to the mobilization camp. There:the eliminating process will take place and for good and sufficient :reasons some may be retired.In the «meantime,-however,,there seems to have.been the minimum of_pulling back and the number of _volunteers has been ‘as surprising as creditable. When the call came for volunteers for the Spanish -American —war there was an epidemic of cool feet. The coxiditions were different thenandhewhohad~-worn=the~uniform andl.paraded on holiday occasions for the “hig of the thing”didn’t have togq@uniesshewantedto.Asa result | in‘some cases whole.companies of hol- iday soldiers lay down;in others the officers,who in most cases had too much,pride to back out,were joined| ‘byj hardly a corporal’s guard of©the| original company.There were vol-, vnteers aplenty and the ranks were| ison.filled,but in many cases the} pefsonnel of the company was en-| ‘tothe front,At.is well to keep in mind that join- “a military company in these days means something,and all who join in peace times should do so with the_foll understanding and purpose that they will answer the call without hes-itation if the command is called towar. ae WITH CLEAN HANDS. fhe Greensboro News,which has, ein much displeased .with the atti-| tide of the Wilson administration as |‘o forei¢n affairs—contending that ‘Hé-has been too strenuous with Ger- many and far too mild with Mexico --tukes this’cheering view of the Mexican situation:‘“There is only one ray of light piercing the clouds—we go into Mex- nito.with hands as clean as any nation ger possessed.All the world knows a thoueht of any war,the United States| has hated the thought of war with |Mexico..Injuries,insults,outrages of every description,have been heaped pon us for five long years,and we iiave patiently turned the other cheek.| .Qnty the.stern necessity of protect- ing.gur very lives has spurred us to| Bre om,of any kind, *But it is comforting to .remember| :that we have a privilege,as well as-a| 4 duty to perform,if we,handle a matter resolutely..There are 13,000,- 000 people in Mexico suffering under| °-ga—tyranny compared with which the! tyranny of the Ottoman sultans over Greece,was a’mild and_beneficent sway.It is our privilege in protect- ;ing ourselves to protect the weak andi suffering.as -well.The only hope of| the ‘starving neon is the Stars and Stripes,the only power that can save- Shim an American bayonet.It is not.a campaign of conquest to which we Bare eing impelled;it is merely ar_effort to obey the high command &written in lettets of iron on Liberty Rell—proclaim liberty —throughout the world.” x ' Z served with news that is very an-cient.‘News has been received here,” f says a report from Lenoir,dated the 16th,.to the Greensboro News and printed _under-the-head of “Special,” cnt a most distressing accident.”TheCharlotteObserverhadasimilardispatchundersamedate.Well, that,distressing.accident happened gon.the 3d of June,two weeks beforeitwassentasaspecialtothese ~~dailies,—H--first got -to-Hght-through,the Wilkesboro Patriot the week fol- lowing—the first issue of the Patriot gafter the accident and more than afweekbeforeitwassentasaspecial t Sometimes the daily papers get “~@ mass meeting of citizens of aunton,Va.,Tuesday night,$1,000 was subscribed for the families of ere Guardsmen called for Mexican border service and support pledged for dependent families of 200 soldiers. in event of war between the United States and Mexico. The people of.Staunton .had the right spirit.They.realize that those who stay at home have a duty and they were prompt to perform it,.All over the country corpoyations and business concerns of various kinds are offering to pay their employes who belong to the military companies and | have to go,the difference in their wages as employes and the amounts they “get as soldiers.This is a vol- untary contribution and is most gen- erous,Others guarantee the men their jobs if they should be so fortun- ate as to come home;other§will help look after families and other depend- ents of the soldiers or will in other ways do what they can to help.00 ee 7,297,928 6,858,183 —— While the impending Mexican trou-)j994 |.......7623486 6,077,911|To the Public. ble is as yet a comparatively small)jog |.......7,678,908 6,409,104 “I have been using Chamberlain's Tablets affair,it is serious for most of those|4949 ue ee *7,604.463 6,298,019 |f°indigestion for the ey six months and who have to answer the call to arms,|““*Gombined Taft-Roosevelt vote,lived oY FeeneyStink“eed sam.et achok good.” and those of us who stay at home! y,these figures there is.a possible)-M.C.F.Riley,Ilion,N.Y.Cltamber- Si {lain's ‘Tablets are.obtainable everywhfiiustrémember-that -we...owe these men something.They go out as our). representatives;they go to fight,our battles.It is our business to help them by doing what we can for them or for those they leave behind.Just what that duty is it may not be pos- sible to point out now.But if we look about us,in the right spirit,we will find,right here at home,some- thine we can do to help. The soldiers go about the street | and we laugh and joke them,It is}: {tirphyechanged when itmarched-away |\o}}to make the best-of it,-but it is’the mere popular vote is the outlook FOR THE STAY-AT-HOMES.{SHY ‘VOTE IN PAST YE. Presidential Election Figures New York Times. ident Wilson was 6,293 pared with a combined Ts ‘00 velt vote of 7,604,463.Figures© three preceding presidential elections show thatfewervotes than nings and that his vote exceeded onlyAhat|abiljty,in temperament and in ca- of Alton B. Democratic : 1904,The popular vote for the Repub-|to be its standard bearer,because it lican nominee in.: 1908.elections,which may be regard-|sented a contrast to the Democratic ed as an indication of the normal par-|Wilson,It ty ‘strength,ran slightly abave the|préme Court of the United States in- combined Taft -Roosevelt vote four}to years ago. four presidential elections: indieation,according gressive party did =draw some Votes from the Democraté in 1912,and that, ssbeone ty ae*ye Republican Complithent:-to :Dfr. 'apes Wilson kets vs =|New York World,: In nominating Justice Hughes for President the Republican .party hasonpaidtoWoodrowWilsonthehighest om-compliment it was capable of paying 'to him.we eRe It has:selected as its’own candi- date’the Republican who in the:-pop- |ular -mind most nearly resembles|Presideht Wilson in character,in a Basis For Speculation, te? In"1912,the popular vote for| 019,as’ Taft - President Wilson’polled did William Jen- Bryan in 1900 and in the!pacity for idealistic public servicé.Parker,who was publican Wilsonpresidentialnominee«in|It has taken the the 1904°and the/did not dare take anybody who pre- has brought the”Su- Plitics because it was afraid toanominateacandidatewitharecord he figures for the last|of opposition to the President.It hasnamedHughesintheblindbelief Republicans.Democrats.that history may repeat itself. Here are t to.the Demo-|that”the “Pro-} ratic leaders’view The Stocg With.the QuickParcel Post Service ae a4txOUR Continues until every garment is sold. Bie|S Su | with the Progressive party not a@ se- rious factor and Col,Roosevelt nota candidate,these will come back in| 1916.But it is frankly admitted that! it will be necessary for President Wil- son to receive from the:defunct:par- ty more than the diverted Democratic strength.; But of far greater importance than well to remember that there is trag-!for Democratic victory in such States edy bencath the surface;and we will|as New York,New Jersey,Hiinois fall short of our duty as citizens and}and Indiana,which,if lost to the the facts,the patriots if we fail to look for some:| thing we can do to help.AS THE PREACHERS'SONS. Chas.E.Hughes,Republican nomi-| nee for the presidency,is the son of| a Baptist preacher,while President| Wilson isthe son of a Presbyterian| preacher.First thing you know this | fool idea that some folks have ‘that| preachers’sons turn out bad oftener) than otherwise is going to be entire-| tv.eradicated-—Lumberton Robeso- nian.| The idea that preachers’sons are usually bad probably was founded on another erroneous idea—that’preach- ers’sons should be so much_better than the sons of other men,The} ‘eye 5 :|preachers’sons are supposed to Have|respectively,t ee oven coun dele the |better training and the influence of a/paid into the Treasury amounting,re- better example than tH average boy,| but we often fail to take into account| the fact that preachers’boys are just! boys like others and sometimes pre-| disposed to be bad just like other, boys.So,when a preacher’s boy goes | ito the bad he attracts much more at-/|probably had reference to the annual tention and causes more talk than| when some other boy is the offender.| Hence,without stopping-to examine} idea gained currency} and has become fixed,that more! |preachers’sons go to the bad than to!commiss will show,we! preachers’sonsThefacts that the the good. believe,javeragé up much better as a whole |000,000.We don’t|1 sons:‘of preachers\handling overthanthesonsoflaymen. know that being had anything to do with it,but Demo-{ crats may have reason to think that! preachers’sons are their best bets,| seeing that the only Democratic Pres-| idents elected since the Civil War} were sons of |preachers—Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson. Some members of Congress who are also members of the National Guard,says a-Washington dispatch, are much concerned to know whether taking on the soldier job will cause them to lose their sevts in Congress. It would seem that members of Con- gress might do like other members of the Guard—respond to the call and let other.busnicss take care of _itself, Men in all ranks of life,some of them with duties as important as any mem-ber of Congress,forsook all and.an- swered when the call to the colorscame.The member of Congress whoisa_member of the National.Guard isn’t setting much pf an example in ‘patriotism when he bothers the publicjwithhisworriesabputhiscongres- ‘sional job when he goes on duty as a soldier.: from-Lenoir.This isn’t the fault of fine daily papers of course;they have like the rest of us;and far be it from us to suggest to them.-hew to run their business,but -we have some man who would searchs.&weeklies for news they *fresher stuff—sometimes at least: the country i “Maybe some of the jingoes who‘yelamored for war with Mexico will be mess enthusiastic now,”remarks the Asheville Citizen.The enthusiasm Swit be modified very much if it ap- Bpears that the war enthusiasts may the:called on to back up their talk. iticipate in the actual fighting.But in the fighting. Iinot be too enthusiastic unless he ex- ye to prove his words by his deeds. oe Gen.Carranza,dddressing the pop- |utace in Mexico City,according to "press dispatches is reported to have ta lake news when they can get it,! Pusually the loud talkers are not so’ they.if it comes home to them. HThey expect George to do it.Of Notwithstanding “Americans:have 000,000 behind.’ Democrats,would spell a Democrat- ic minority in the electoral college, eeATT Department Will Have Surplus. Postmaster General Burleson has | issued:the following statement: “False assertions have been pub- lished that ‘a state of insolvency’ex- ists in the Postoffice Department and| that the department ‘is running $80,-| | Postoffice »“For the current fiscal year ending) June 30,there will be a surplus cer- tainly in excess of a million and probably in excess of three million dollars.-‘ “Por the fiscal years 1913 and 1914, eash surpluses.were spectively,to $3,800,000 and $3,500,- 000,or $7,300,000 in all. “The statement that the Postoffice Department is ‘running $80,000,000 behind’was credited to Senator Hard- wick.Such a_statement,if made, loss to the department under second class mail. “Computed for the present volume of second class mail,according to the conclusions:reached by the Hughes ion in 1907,of which the-Hon.Hughes was chairman, now.about $80;Charles E. this yearly loss is “But for the excess of costs of the revenues derived from second class mail,the Koso Department would turn in a surplus | for this year of more ‘than $81,000,-| 000.” Republican Tribute to Mr.Wil-| son—Was Unintentional. Philadelphia Record. In the rather superficial and com- monplace keynote address which Senator Harding,of Ohio,made —as temporary chairman of the Republi- can national convention appears one! statement which must be considered} aga fine,if unconscious,tribute to} the statesmanship of Woodrow Wil-! son._-After speaking of the univer- sal upheaval produced by the Euro- pean war and the “embarrassments in our foreign relations as difficult as those which the individual citizen ex- periences whose every neighbor is in- volved in deadly quarrel,”he contin- ued?-oe ee “Amid these conditions has stood this unarmed giant,typifying «the American republic,neutral and sane, to whom the neutral nations haveturnedforleadership.Our nationa] unselfishness had been proved,our |been warned more than once,within ithe past three years,to get out of |Mexico,several thousand of them feontinued —to teke chances intimesthoughtiftheywouldputona)that country.Within the past week'to the wise diplomacy of the Presi- |they have been hurrying out as fastwouldgetias“they can’and,te old Carranza’s|Only knows where the United States ‘credit be it said,he appears to be ‘protecting them and helping them get ‘out as best he can.So far as report- ed,few if any attacks have been 'made on American residents since the _trouble became acute,but the tension is very great and outbreaks may be expected. j it’s all very well to shout for war,so!District Attorney to ‘Be Tried,long as one does not expect to par-|For Contempt of Congress. Contempt charges against Snowden ‘Marshall,United States district at- 'torney of New:York,beceuse of hiscourseonemayfavorwar—may hon-Criticism of a sub-committee of the estlv think it necessary under certain|House of Congress,were sustained bycrossed the Styr and reached the vil-"conditions—-who may not be in posi-!the House Tuesday by a vote of 208 to |lage of Gruziatyn,west of Kolki,en-tion,for various reasons,to takepart |85,and the sergeant-at-arms wasor-j tered the town. But he who is of the dered to take Marshall into custody)town changed hands several timestiproperageandphysically.fit should ‘and bring him before the bar of the|but under a concentrated German ar- |tillery fire the Russians finally were],|House.The vote was noz-partisan. The action is the outgrowth of im- peachment proceedings broughtagainst|men-made prisoner,Berlin reports.Mr.Marshall by Representative Buch-| anan.The sub-committee which in- vestigated them and whose motives devotion to humanity had been estab- ‘lished,our committal to internation ay justice had long been proclaimed.” “Neutral and sane!”Yes,thanks |dent and Secretary Lansing.Heaven ‘would ‘be standing today if the un- balanced Rough Rider had been the ;national pilot.If the American peo- ‘pyle understand their own affairs they iwill keep the giant,no .longer un- jarmed,just where he is today. ‘Germans Contest With Russians Fierce fighting,with the Germans generally the aggressors,is in prog- jress between the Russians and Ger- imans in Volhynia,along the Stockhod and Styr rivers and in the region ly- ing between Lutsk and Vladimir ‘Volynski..The Russians,who had In the fighting the driven back with the loss of 1,000 LOOKS BETTER,LASTS LONGERCOSTSLESS.PER JOB ‘THANTHEOTHERKINDS.WHY NOT BUY IT?FOR SALE BYLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. THELYRIC THEATRE TODAY CONSTANCE COLLIER —_in— ‘The Code of Marcia Gray” THREE LOTS ~ $5.95 © Saturday MARGURITE:MARSH with ORRIN JOHNSON —in— “The Price of Power” MABLE NORMAND and ROSCOE ARBUCKLE_in— “He Did and He Didn’t” ~ETHEL BARRYMOR andH.COOPER CLIFFE —in— “The Kiss of Hate” THE | LYRIC THEATRE “The Coolest Place in |$8.95 : =~$1095 $30.00° Dresses at 1-2 price. Coats 1-3 off.a y? Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company, at e Some Suits in the lot worth up to The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.- . hee T =v THE UNIVERSAL.CAR Get Your Fords Now ! Most of the seven car loads of Fords that we told you about-wre-here-andbeing unload-. ed.CAN.MAKE PROMPT DELIVER- IES -FOR-THE NEXT FEW DAYS!Now is the time to get your Ford,: Carolina Motor Co., ’STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AN D NEWTON. Town”a Sea ——— MORALITY PLAY,“HAPPINESS,”Chautauqua,June 26. SS =Ss $$$p——. |Very Special Offerin =! On_both sides_of the Meuse river in the region of Verdun the Germans again launched ‘strong attacks against Marshall impugned,had recommend-|the French positions,but everywhereeanintheusualformandmannercommononsuchoccasions,that ed_against impeachment."Mexico is not seeking war but would ‘The impeachment proceedings wereInotavoiditatthecostofnational|Started by Representative Buchanan ,dignity.”It's a pity about that na-pafter the district attorney’s investi-ij tional dignity that is always so sen-|gation of thé alleged unneutral activ- sitive—especially in a country like |ities of Labor’s National Peace’Coun-|Mexico.jeil,which resulted in the indictment| iof Representative Buchanan and oth-|i aa aaa peTheStateMerchants’Association |ers.Charges against Mr.Marshall has honored,Statesville by electing |related to the general conduct of his "both the president and the secretary|office and particulariy his conduct of oe this town and made good selec-'the Rae Tanzer perjury case.Con- tions.Next year the association |tempt charges were preferred after should select Statesville as its meet-j|the district attorney had written a let- |were repulsed by the French artillery, {Except for intermittent bombard- ;ments there was comparative quiet on the other parts of the French front |Wednesday.‘—orrerneimanmntrenonenreeTi, HOW'S THIS? We offer One’Hundred Dollars Reward foranycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredby|Hall's Catarrh Cure.|‘Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca-jtarrh sufferers for ‘the past thirty-five years,jand has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh.Hall’s Catarrh CureactsthroughtheBloodontheMucoussur- jfaces,expelling the Poison from the Blod and to present stock. ing place so the members can come ~ahd see what a fine town we have. i TTY, send-off tomorrow night?We could them.on the way,,c: Why not give the soldier boys a |ter to.ithe investigating sub-commit- tee branding its work as “irregular|jand extraordinary”and declaring it was attempting to protect)a member| of Congress by ruining 2 districtat-| POTDON secdiicro coms te AARale healing the diseased portions.After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cureforashotttimeyouwillseeagreat‘im- provement in your general health..Start tak-ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure at once and get ridofcatarrh,Send for testimonials,free,lr.J,CHENY &CQ.,TOLEDO,OHIO, This is the regular 15c. MILLS&POSTON'S. 1 Case 36 in.“Magnolia”Bleached Twill This isa splendid quality of fine Bleached Drilling suitable for-Ladies’ and Children’s Suits,Skirts and Middy Blouses. OUR SPECIAL PRICE 121-2 CENTS PER YARD. quality and the above \uotation only appliesYours.truly, ==MILLS &POSTON.& :“CHAUTAUQUA is a good thing—~Talk it up.”och Sold by all Drugaists,The,ee rs : { ‘)Personnl Mention.of People“>‘Their Movements. Mr,J.A.Brady ‘left last night for a business and sioksure trip to:Phil- adelphia.and—other _points in .the North.aoeMissNolieCharlesTurner of CoolSpringisspendingtheweekwithMrs. ;Feild -Cochrane .Nuptials in{Trinity Church Tuesday |Af-~ternoon —Marriage at Scott’sYesterday—Social Affairs. I Qdandert poMdatiog?amd:Rally Corresponaence of The Landmark.f walk The third Quarterly Meeting ‘and and opening services—-Rev.W.R-9.50 a,m.Recitation by boy or girl > 10 a.m.Address —-Benefita of the organ,ed class in the villagze and country Sunday.se!Rey.J,W.Williams., 10.25 a.m,Music Olin Sunday school i. 10/35 a,m.Recitation by boy or girl,(5 are,Pine yaywaMONEY TO LOAN—From $2,000 to $4,000 on, EMER or SH foyveeSRReneeBatete epRaen tageseae ie. Ejeneraeteneceeed Two usedFORSALE—At bargain,prices: two ice!Sinwer Machines;six other makes,:See eee |.Mrs.W.J.Wilson of Louisville,Rally Day Services for Iredell Cir-|es.one Kitehen Cabinet,JAMES MOTT| sERIDAY,©~~-)dune 28,1916,Ky ce Mr.R.E,aaiaee <Mash cuit Gilt ee held at Macedonia church iiine ABMntsteer ae laias is 4 ¥ville,‘Tenn,,are guests for the week |Saturday and Sunday,July 8-9:©WANTED—Building lot (central)best loca-| "TWAS.A PRETTY WEDDING end‘of Mrs.WwW.FYHall.Narevcites Le maida:’Hon,,Paice must be moderate,Write A.,.} t .staat,9.30 a.m,Musie-Macedonia Sunday’school ceYe The Landmark.June 2bedt. Write A,care Theapprovedsecurity.fJune24—-1t,|Lindmark,..Sn eet gr VOR SALE—T'wo goed horses,one mule and one two-horse wagon,for cash or on time. th bays »::Stims ee ire .Md LL,VHIFER,Phone 479,June 231k. Miss Macie Leola'Morrison and aes se ek ok -Weilkcabcoo renee wi aes 3 Church”Extenaio ait pone 4 | “-Mr.D.Neil .Morrison were married "i ten ss cagtiay :painted 11.05 a.'m,Music Snow Creck Sanday Toner Rar sews 0nd are aac se »DD.G ;was in town .yesterd athool..:m ‘nN G .Dunlay, tyesttrday afternoonat 6 o'clock at|Mr.and Mes.WD.Clark and chil-|"11-15 a m,Recitation by tus.or aint ||Ria ding’202" |‘s--Wry should LT give my eTNTTCOT NTTrttn the home of the bride’s father,Mr,|dren went,to,Schyll’s Mill,Watauga Prese Morrison,at Scott’s,/Rev.J.|county,yesterday,where they will “with white,and tastefully decorated| 11.20,a,m.Addrese Isservicesandmymeanstotheestablishing and jmaintenanee of Christ's kingdom yn earth FOR SALE—Rezine Thresher and Baler com-|CREED-|bined Good condition.W.Dd. ’ ‘CLIMPSE’?TAD KERTISHBENGS Jruthinenyae HIT)AMON Te NT NO:‘a ty 25 w ved be NOL. Day ut -Mavedonia,cents,"Cash must accompany order.)‘>2 OCT Best ,;MOKW,Charles;N.C.dune 20 at".roa owen a |Spend the summer,|Rev,J.BF,Kirk.Ge ,WNe H.Sresaly ee ]si Migr jens Mrs.J..O,Parehman of Okolona,|31-60 a.mi oMypje--Mount -Bethel Sunday rok SALE—Smith Typewriter,in first class ai {was a quiet event,only close friends!y7)..is the guest of Dr.and Mrs,J./°°]2".,sncitation ue Kor of Mal coudition,Apply to@B.M.SENTMANN, and relatives of the couple being gE McLaughlin ‘WW Ob a a .ddress “Systematic Bible}|!okcl-Craig.Live Stock Co,dune 20--4t ‘ee .rc io .ae Ie °.pas feats)3 a Re Ee RE ge oe gene crea oe |present.Mr.Morrison is a son of |Mi,and Mrs.8.L.Cushing of Try-readings and prayers in.the home ~The Charch RORMOAL CCA fates at a uncriice,mG. :»Mr.D.A;Morrison of Statesville.|0.tre visiting Mrs.Cushing’s _pa-|maper,Rew De HL Rhinehardt.Pou PENG aes teetlie LaLa cates =ms i ,as ””SMe {|12.30 p,m.inner.‘i :ha a c ene ae oe eee pk eo rents,Mr.and Mrs.F.A.Sherrill.{1-30 p.m,Music Turnersburg Sunday|je ()y SALE—Ten shares Paola Cotton Mill nig 1 their *b ey)o eeu Mr.W.L.Campbell of Alexander School.Recitatlon ‘by t a |vtogk at $76°per share.Address P.,care :TO:THE YOUNG BUSINESS eo »Sper cH OHA POE.|county left yesterday for Spokane,|ae Ea FI nioceM aa vemoinet \Sunday The Le ark,dune 16,NF ae m ¢Reported for ‘The Landmark,|Wash.,where he will make his home.|sehool.ae LPO BA Loa hacapitu oe wilt fades (88 R “IAN: q A wedding notable for its beauty |Mr.Ww.C.Gaither,who spent a Sey 16)m,Address ~Missiong~-Rev.wT.haus Diamond Burniture G3,stock.CAR.ks ‘and quietelegance took.place in Trin-|days hers aes panyek ee "30 a m.Recitation by Hey or sir.OLINA MOTOR.Coy ies June 4FA The Banking needs of .Busi- 4 ity Episcopal church Tuesda after-yester¢ay to Harrison purg,Va.—rs.85 p.m.-Quarterly Conference,¢9 |CORN—W.in the market for Shelled 4 ge rc i 4 jn]¢ nosis venad bias Fannie Blount Meild |Gaither and little daughter will re-|3.30 p ma Pig aa pee cata e mee Gorn and phy pay highest market reat M4 ness Men are given special at+ _<<heeame thé bride ‘of Mr:James Don-;main--here -awhile—longer.—._...|e)tte gaerament=or hori Sapper ila STATESVILLE FLOUR.MUMLS..CO+Wo tention by-this-Bank!Ifyou: ald Cochrane,Jr.,in-the presence of|Dr.G.W.Painter of Pulaski Coun-|Rey,W.R,Ware,:Ber eee |ae .Chock}any i x Ja large number of.relatives.and ly,Virginia,spent Tuesday awd Wed-|Let all the officials of the cixgpit rok,RENT—Five-room'cottage corner of [EWES carry a Checking Account with a0 *friends.The beautiful service of the|nesday here with Mr.W.W.Walton.}come early Saturday .morning gd on and Kost streets.Apply x“LEON.{}3 us we are’always willing tohelp er i Episcopal prayerbook:was used and |Dr.Painter and Mr,Walton belong-|stay,if possible,through the’11°_4 aD ER en ie SEND |alt :hi the ceremony «was performed by|ed to the same company In the Civil o'clock serviee Sunday.Pray 00 yor SALE—Practically new Ford delivery !4%you in the development of your a eh fs :|WNT ay yo :age services every di Bo otedy.~CAROBINA MOTOR CO.June 9.‘3 :r ata retArchdeaconWilliam.H!‘Hardin of |Wer.;,_{these services every day.|)||{sit business.YOU.ARE ASSUR-ey .Salisbury,assisted by Rev.C.G.}Mr.Harlee Morrison of Scott's |J.C.MOCK,Pastogs SECOND-HAND CARS—Two Overland Tour-|iM .1 ‘mt Why fy‘\ f Prosperi,the bride’s rector.|went to Charlottesville,Va.,hecele M °tM 1 d For ing Cars;one Studebaker Touring Car;)‘Z ED OF ABSOLU TE SECURI-* "he dhance aii ca eeyteall Qe atte »summer school o arriage oO rs.Leonar “|one Buick Roadster and’a few Fords.‘These |,i. _ino cliveslot the:Charen pieaent ne aninecnd Nig S|amedly of Tartan.Oe ty ant mi bm veld wien)by UIE TY AND THE MOST COUR-i ed a lovely picture,being covered |sity of :|rly é .thikp to quick buyers’CAROLINA MOTOR|“Af: y.:|Mr.W.-A.Thomas.went to Ashe-|i Gini eee ares Sa Cacate yits TEOUS SERVICE! attend the annual'in white and green.Ferns of various|ville Tuesday to Retaileta|kinds,white geraniums,ivy andjes-|convention of the Southern .samine were used.A graceful cen-|Furniture Association. “tral arch_rose from two white pil-/|Mr.Zeb.V.Long has returned from lars,which were further surmounted ja trip toWashington. ;by silver candelabra.|Mrs.D.M.Ausley Before the ceremony,Mrs.J.c,|Ausley have gone to Duke,accompanied by Mrs.W.R.|for the summer, McLelland,aunt of the bride,at the|_Mrs.Wm,‘Morrison organ,sang in her rich contralto!Tinne Morrison left and Miss Mary Blowing Rock and Miss Co- Tuesday for Our Fatherless Ones. |Mrs.Hester Leonard and Mr.W, ion the 7th of June.Mrs,GallowayLwasonetime-nurse at the Infirmary,; ;and had a daughter in the Orphan-lage for five or six years..Mrz and |Mrs.Galloway arrived Monday ight[for a short visit and Mrs.Galloways (daughter,Adelaide,left with them voice,two selections—“All for Love,”|Blowing:Rock,where they will spend|Tuesday and will net return.to Bar Harmony Council No.445,dr,O.U.A.M,! will vive a reward of $23.00 for information: which will lead to the arre.«and conviction of| the party ors parties who,during the com-|meneement,cut down the flay belonging to} the Harmony High Sehoo).|OVID PULLEN,Councillor.| June 23: js25.00 REWARD.{|J.Galloway of Hamlet were married), so Don’t Forget Your Season Tick- et for Chautauqua Weck. “WANTED!|;“,Sono”;some time.lrium.Mrs.Galloway has a son in Ly ee ped oye Penk:|Miss Kate Finley,a member of the |theeOxford orphanage who will noy To the strains of Mendelssohn’s|Statcsville —graded school faculty.|join his mother.:4 f ’iReely;JeasSeal rn|, :;‘rited |passe roug’edifesday en |eS ;|/1 SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass7c.-ey. wedding march,rendered in aspirited |,Pa*sed through:town Wedriesday en}Johnny Dodge,third baseman of the d.Light Brass 5c |wr, manner by Mrs.McLelland,the min-|route from her home in Charlotte to!Mobile {AIB.)hall tenn,Aled ine the per pound,Light Brass oc.per }).T ON A BA ye isters having taken their places with-Marion and other points in the west-|sult of fijunies when struck i the po THE FIRST NA I L ANK,4 ;~FOR,SALE:Statesville,N.C.in the altar rail,the ushers,Messrs.¢T)part of the State:|face with a pitched ball during ‘the Osc Marvint and Edwin.Ramsey,|Mr.W.T.Watt of Waco,Texas,|Je-Nashville g:ae .:*°ae a ’ Oscar |Marvi an)dean Ratner’,|scriven here Wadnewley 15.isi his |Mobile Nashville game Sunday,New and second hand.machinery Capital $100,000.Four PerCent Paid on Time.Deposits.om First came the dainty little ring-,brother,Mr.N.P.Watt,and other|Card of Thanks.{or sale and all kinds of boiler U.S.Depository.sac relatives in this section.Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Blackwell want,through |room supplies. | '||||| Lazarus of Mor-|the Landmark,to thank friends who were | | } bearer,Eleanor Moore,daughter of| Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Moore,dressed/ all in white,and bearing the ring in a basket of sweet peas.She was fol- Master Bernard ganton is the guest of Master'don Wallace for two weeks. Gor-{kind and helpful to them Guging the illness and C H.TURNER.jdeath of their little son.‘:|—_—{redell Phone No.74,Bell No.7. .‘ 30 Dozen Silk Hose,-|New Awning Stripe. [ae ;a .«cc,Mrs.Frank Tharpe of Elkin,who|airs ine -\oe co aaMaee pee aemeld eeu ie has been visiting reiatives in States-|MARKET REPORTS...Ci-4 Se =All Colors,Skirt Material,ae ‘ bride,very attractive in a lovely cre-|Ville,left Wednesday for Lenoir.|Stateaville Prades Miihck.i!;aveSpecial238c.Special 25c. Are You Going To Travel? If so,see our line of NEW TRUNKS,SUIT ation.of blue maline over wearing a lace straw hat and carry- taffeta,|Mr.‘R.L.Cowan,who came in from|Then followligMipriced Mwkrempaldiayes ‘the West last winter and has been 'for produce on the local market. e e°{Fine Opportunity For}‘| :.:9 'visiting his mother,Mrs.W.H.Cow-Spring Friers,18¢.per Ib.>}‘|ing.pink Killarney roses.Then came.V!S!N8 ANS 5 pictoae E Ojasrcne Wise Ibe T hthebride,leaning upon the arm of |For his soln ey igi Tuesday |Ses Nees nertdssent eachers.her father,Mr.B,S.Feild.She look-|fo",his home at Harlem,Mont.|Roosters,6c.per Ib.;mn | ed unusually pretty gowned :in a Mrs.M.T.Pettit went to Ashe-|Butter,10c.per Ib.0 Teachers have a most excellent {| 4 handsome and hecoming meat tend ville this week to spend the remain-|opportunity for a vacation and a |! ‘blue p&plin,with hat and accessorics ,¢"of the summer...::|in the‘to match and carrying a large bou-|Mrs.J.T.Taylor of Madison is.the|th,:| auet of bride’s roses.She was met at [every Cee ae eee alee | chance to study Second Term of the Summer School of the Appalachian Training School.|4'-Board $2.00 per week. Shoulders,13c,to Ide.per Ib. New Red Honey,1M,to 142 1-2e.per Ib.Ne ” ca ~.|‘Miss Ruth Corpening of os sd Honex Com:eo Racy *‘ Cisalter Be ae ee.bestber at |Texas,arrived last night to visit Mrs |Old Auto Beco SS |CASES and BAGS!_A_big line to select fro =e ed ‘the-bridé.who came in from the ves:|oe oe ~Miss i Conpenin!Swect’Potatoes,Gir,ner,bugle}.itd Registration Fee $2.00 at OLD PRICES!*ee eaeBgpecan.wip,Of Rockingham is expected tonight te)arom ”ates Fad on m.,-5 oisdtryroom.Standing unde r the ites)Ge Mrs.Gurches!cues!|;swing p Grain.hla reooninaDomesticncciencem Mill Wardrobe Trunks ......Nvies weoee ee $6.95 to $18.50 iva wreathed arch,the solemn words were The following prices were.pald yesterday -:ah ;°5 ‘ :Sanna :;|ae a aR ORS jor grain ‘on the local market:{‘sic,Art and all the public school }}Trunks of all sizes...2.005%.6.one .+.$2.50 to-$15.00 ..: spoken which launched a new couple THE CHURCH DEDICATED,|Wheat 31.20 ner bushel.lantaaworlc |Gait Casas 25c,to $750 Riis oer ee uncharted sca :4 4 |Corn,few),80c,per bushel.j ":|i uit re 7 a a ie 1 sceAeied ees C,20 $:Hert rs,C rane is.t ir aurh-a cs Tay os .Oats,65c.per bushel.|oy »of Traveling Bags!iuekeETeeServicesatTaylorsvillePresby-|:ats,G5e.per bushel,—|July 11,August 18.Full line of Trav eee ee ;an nN AYE oe very popular with a large cirele of;ferian Church —Personal)6,i.Fee kat gertodeg 1 Bede.a -For booklet address |.NEW TAFFETA SILKS!begins VRheeCoctapeiUfeecofItems,found was paid for best grade cotton.D.D.Dougherty,|All staple shades,98c.and $1.25;black,69c.,-$118 and’... r.J,.Cochrane an was b 4,wt .|=es :SAITA ONT ot |PTS i mh aaehs and reared in Statesville ‘He is how Bee pone Desl wie “it Landmark..{OLD SEED Irish Potatoes for July plantings|:»BOONE,N.°C.|$1.25,ta nia aoe 9 tes r-promising voungr business man of Beers Se tee :+WHITE GOODS!:mifbe SseprenatalforwhichplacedpamectingsbeginningThursday—eve-|=s ===pace .i :"= BirminghamAle for whiehmacethe‘ning:at the Presbyterian church closed .§AN ELEGANT LINE,AT’SPECIAL PRICES!.---Short ita eae hearing sith’them pen Ee:The pastor,Rev.ae ;S length in 40-inch Organdy,20c.-and-25e.value."Our:. many wishes for their happiness and iichards,DY.pastor of the Presby._er cen COUCTION Sale is rive while ee nieces Le.10ere93 prosperity,:a ee terian-~ehureh at -Davidson College i .SOISETTE!:i = 'bala.G._E.re cy eed y hie ached strong,clear,Scriptur lt.é A beautiful Wash Material for Ladies’Waists and’Men’sasat ormally esday afternoon at eieht'”me “j ‘:ig o ieNECAOAteCeGit,aime (A HO ate cet,sport Shirts,25c.value,special .....54s Pay eat OOStablesofheartsforhersisters,Miss-!At J.M.McKee &Co’s,°oe pee an aoats Butler.Mrs.a ore .un wer ee a rae READY -TO -WEAR DEPARTMENT ©ah Sam Tomlin won the prize a box of Close ©te year 1915,was dedicated oes .i Being added -t lail Se “NEW.WHITE WASHHzib correspondence —cards.Jee eream,Sunday morning at.the 11 o'ctock nS .a eng.added Lo CaLy:.vee ou ..teSaleavi:enited=anta—wens served service.Mry H.P.Feimster of the),On summer Lavns,Voils and Wash Silks,SKIRTS at-98e.;White Corduroy.Skirts,special $1.98;'* rine decorn .building committee gave a-brief his-' ‘torical sketch of the building.Dr |)aoe -‘-|__Richards offered the dedicatory prayer!Covenanters in Can and Hav-!and preached the sermon from the); ing a Fine Time.“ttext,Psalm 48,verses”12>and 13:/!ow 7seeeernWalkaboutZion,and go round about :;>oe ._,;her:tell the towers thereof.Mark |¢_.qHiddenite,June 22 --The Junior ye well her t leennicemcana donmenan tl Govenanter Band of the First Pres vA pepe oar a egalececctocar rs VETRUT OE better grade,$2.98.en aor ti BLACK AND BLUE SILK TAFFETA__SKIRTS,$4.95!LaMagnoliaswereused tions.in figured and colored materials..Fine opportunity ~—to-get-anice summer dress at a bareain.CUT PRICES on several lots of Shippers‘and Men’s Work Shoes. Special line of Ladies’Waists at’48c.,79¢.,98c.y.61.98,.ov$2.48 and $2.98.nn A, ONE LOT LADIES’NEW TRIMMED ILATS Justin,AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES—98e.‘THEY ARE WORTH FROM $2.00 TO $3.00!-ee rT Geyer palaces:that ye may tell it to the ||oobyterianchurchiscampingatfron Spring,down.on the creck,several| hundred vards from Davis’mill.We: are living in true camp fashioh and} naturally are having the time jof our| lives.Most of the cooking is done by; Miss Mamic McElwee,since she can} generation following.”| The members of the church were! glad to ‘have with them a number of !t the ‘offivers and members of the} ehurches in this group—\New Salem,!and Wash Skirts,$1.25 Stony Point and Shi:sh;.and Rev.Cy special Week-end Sale Price of 98 cents. A.Munroe,D.D.,of Hickory,who.for| NEW SHIRT WAISTS to &1,50—values,at the Johnston-Belk Co.: ‘THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR.LESS.cook over the camp-fire,while We years has taken great interest in this|cook in it,:Very respectfully '| ;fae co _i fietand is known and loved by many|=>:Mountain climbing,fishing,swim-|of the people.The communion serv.|!i,PHONE OO ie it .ming,bowling,ete.,keep us busy andjjce was conducted by Dr.Munroe.The}C ee oOmpany = happy all day long,Before going to!Scriptural lesson was read by Rev |!,="“4 TH,:::hed we read the Bible,engage in.an)J.A,White.of the Baptist »churchi|=2 |mene mt =e open discussion of what we have read!The music was appropriate and in-|ee er ae ee es f {..7 ieee and other things that concern us,then |spiring.|SERSEESESGETELET TofS ATS ETE Ba TET 3 .atl We all lead in prayers Then to your,Mr.John Watson Moore of the fae-|:.‘Bg |\/ih aaeOCovenanters!ulty of the Winston-Salem high school.;}:\5 4,_Payne and Edward Brown of Loray|who underwent an operation for ap-|#Cr 3 :“RV REAE)a joined us Wednesday,thourh Edward|pendicitis at the Presbyterian hospital L ./Ae could only spend the dav.Only ten!in Charlotte-two—weeks—aro,arrived |§4 aad :ee a rm softheCovenanterscouldcome.We)Tuesday night and will spend the va-!Pen cu nal acne ate ae :ee See ee :aehieBRcoudavecniazenoepeeatthehomeefhisgrand-j ;Se ee Why get hot cooking on a Wood or Coal i ‘se days 8.se came fa ,J.W.OD re |Stl WAM ars ACU 3 Why 1 aye ::Her cChavlen Hariiees Macon Binbie =We en NTI We are Still selling our popular makes of 1 Range these long summer days?When you +:;David Thomas,WadeAllison,Frank /eson and A.F."Slosn spent Thursday|§Buggies,Surrevys,Wagons and Harness at can keep cool,feel good and look pleasant Pinens eee eC emel ison,in Greensboro,guests of Mr Mathe-/rice BEY Hy ing’4 iJamesHill,John Cooper Fowler.one pat Mr.J.A,Matheson,|§old PENCE:’Se ee ee Aealee hers Oyeanyean.aking the trip in Mr.Matheson’s car,|#a ar ‘ne in¢e Rapmers i ve as S als *_Notices of New Advertisements.Miss Marguerite Burke left “Wednes.|f We are also Cee oe cur |canning mall be an actual-pleasure b ?Ten per cent.reduction sale.-—J.M.|day morning for McCuller to visit her|#Hardware and Implements.3 :j 8 I y‘MeKee &Co.cousin,Mrs,Hi C,Culp.Mr.and Mrs,|B Gumicnior in iwiereateiethe Po vee A moving one of these stoves out on the porchmiGrahamflour.—Eagle &Milhol-|A.J Connolly,who were guests at the |§.aaer in Hnpte ee ISTHE De PO AVErY |or in the yard in the shade.ia:iors cE their daughter,pies.Wilson|#&Sons-—-the oldest and'best on earth.3 "ine’opportunity for teachers.—D./|Watts,have returned to:their home in|#?3 |a]nO j aoa 7 +,D.Dougherty.Boone.|Lenoir.Miss Sara Burke,a milliner|§Johnston’s Mowers and Rakes.39 Try It once and youwill never again can,pqcomstanee Collier at The Lyric to-with Mrs.Mary Sims,Statesville,is|§=oo ,|fruit in the old way--stooping over a hot :~day.s {spending her vacation:here with her!%\,orr ye ]kitchen.,»_Barium Rock Spring water.—Ba-|mother,Mrs.R.B.Burke.Lawyer|§Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co.$s stove Ort eley at the kitchen,rium Springs Co.'L.F.Klutz has returned from a visit|$:;b ae a ;:1% Cabinet sale.starts.tomorrow.—to his father,Dr.Klutz,at Maiden.|sttsIIssssessTIstItII82 S2tsstsssstasttsssssssessseeeaeasasstet esses sass It 3 \ictor’s Band and Miss Bentley I riday ~»Grawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Mr.M.Clyde Campbell has*gone to)=ss aah ea of ChautauquaBuildinglotwanted—A,care The|Chapel Hill to attend the summer tad ial . -Landmark.school at the University.Mr.C.S.|Ea Money to loan.—iA,care The Land-Robinette has returned froma trip toj|}: mark,;:-Richmond and Norfolk.a ¢.;|-.°e veo ee waltes Peeen ste flag.Forethought.The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System have |]|Statesville Housefur nishing Co;":,,ore People are learning that a little forethought put amateur photography'within reach of every man,womanand child :°f Me .Bs L.Phifer.Horses,mule and wagon for sale.—|’Phone 479. often saves them a big experige.W.Archer,Here is an instance:E Caldwell,Ohio, at small cost..KODAKS $6 upward; BROWNIES $1 to $12.Kodak, Better Goods For.Less Money. he :writes:“I do not believe thatour.famil i ci i ine,jigeictatoesforJulyplanting.—D.J.been without ‘Chamberinin’s Colle,"Gholers :supplies of all Iinds in the genuine,Eastman quality..|ig mee -an iarrhoea Remedy since we commenced a {:ieening howe years ano."when wewoneal!He Be.WOODWARD Jeweler.|_#PHONE 157,4_BUILDING?“G.”WATKINS.|sine evergeneneeste oN SE Shae =erpencvent iu be /A —f *ff ‘6,$Bed oe cis ion ae aaa ne a bs a Riss) RRENT EVENTS Diplomats Try , Incidents Gathered From All While General Carranza end his ea.ihet had under’considerationPartsoftheCountry.American rejection of the demand for: The betting in Wall Street,New the reeall of General Peeahing 5 =S. ::;Hi from Mexico,,European,.diplomi°.|/York,on the presidential election fa-, Ol ‘Seed eal Fed inNorth vors Hughes.-The odds are 9 to 5.M exerting pressure on Carranza to prep“Be n-in :i Liven(Better “Than”fn),Ammricn,aviator srting10Eu./Utied Biten,coring”Y,aieeDispatch‘heen invited,by the Aero Clubof PATE Aitinumatte-renrementaticoa ie ve at :America,to return to’their —native|yaxico belie Gesatiat“Though cotton seed meal from “the|oo intry for service in the event of war Pieciae beltaye,£00,that Gao infutaytebelsedextensively.in|°°lence has been working on Carranza inSquthisbeing&i |with Mexico,‘an effort to creite a situation that‘sgn the |*:;he re lance pan “eroute jn-used |President Wilson’~~has~~appointed.mipht—embarrass.the enemies)of ‘the, z ae te Apacs ‘Robt.F.Whitehead of ‘Virginia assist-;central powers:ei ;hy ae Wad ioe 2 tant commissioner of ‘patents.‘|They have’asserted that Germanthisfac.F, none i ASSAEDRaRERE en _ Sdm F.) ata Pepart-Foust,credited to.North -arolina,is'agencies have been active’in stirring|y of..the A ne the appointed an examiner-in-chief in the up feeling against the United Statesment,who have been 8!‘patent office.,not only:in Mexicg but throughoutmeatsii:i States.at situation of the United Sta Many Southern cattle,”they say, re PeStor market while the says a campaign fund of $1,700,000 merly controlled)by German mer- is often returned South for will be raised by poputar subscription chants. oe ahes find that enormous for the Democratic campaign.Now Guantities of grass’and fodder are is the time to subscribe. W.-W..Marsh of Iowa,treasurer of South and Central America,to prevent Colored Veterans Volunteer, Two prominent Raleighae2>rs z Torres Villa,wife of Fran-negroesitowastethere.;Mrs.Luz Torres Villa,wife o \n n es, F np e Southern States,”it is de-cisco Villa,was arrested by the police James H.Young and James E,Ham@lared,“should raise,fatten.and at El Paso,Texas,“luesday night ‘lin,tendered their services when the:’laughter their cattle to the extent and with her sister and her sister’s Mexican trouble Aes Relate They vod:supplying their own needs;after child,and a German urse,Was de-cannot come in yn a ae mili-_mat if a surplus of the cattle or .cot-.ported to Juarez,Mexico.ee but are eligible under the? ‘ton seed meal exists it should be ‘The British House of Commons has Boe ee army regulations and| shipped’to other sections of the coun-passed a resolution authorizing the t rey ledge themseélv es to ratings try.Freight is often paid several erection of a memorial to the late Tesiment of negro troops if it = times on feeds and feeders for fat-|field Marshal Earl Kitchener out of Comes necessary.., ‘gening purposes,paid again—cattle the public funds,with an inscription Bone Young serv a 2 the Spagensreforoashfoextnonohia>AmerenwaCoandCagcsr,e dresse es eee iets rari ;.SB:s j $B ughtye and again on trious career and gratitude for his Philippines:Both received theie “#8 tiles in actual service.‘ ‘meat going back to the place where services, “he catile were fattened teaug.|The Western Union Telegraph Com-=“That seems like a most See Bae hae aancaneed Mueeny oF ice —ee ents eee Stent:employes in any part of the country.——iqffairs,which—to—a 9 “could be remedied by raising,fatten- ang @slaughtering cattle in the, Same’section,”says the report. “These apparently wasteful methods wayeifrequently justified,however,by existing’conditions which are often Jooked by the casual observer.j *“The lack of adequate slaughter-|"0~ , ‘who have been in the~serviceof-the :st company for more tnan a year will Ry order of the Board of Aldermen of MhereceivehalfpayduringtheirmilitaryeroeiveetoaelawBeenBeae:co Lh yeaa NAY |0!orth ‘arolina,wil se at public ane-service,provided their military pxy LignMatoahenhighcuenidden ron cacnwondoesnotexceedtheir.normal salaries.MONDAY,JULY 2,1916,re The Civil ‘Service Commission has ‘*t the court house door in’Statesville,Ne Gyse‘ee wetjy beginning at 10 o'clock a,om.,the following,ruled that civil service employes Will described tracts of land and®city lots for ‘une lose their positions through ab-paid taxes for the year 115.fltac;rn ss than a year for military W.L.NEELY,ng’facilities,well organized and sence of less than a year for military joi.2 yore,on service and announced that where CORPORATIONS.ty.Tax.Collector, i markets,the necessary cap-I | Bee octation and refrigera-|absences of more tian a year are a in-transit facilities,and a con-Necessary the commission will recom- stant and sufficiently large supply of mend reinstatement by the President. sattl@:and hogs will often prevent the;James Henley,formerly of Stokes Compress Pad &Saddle Co.,lot,Cen- COP Bt rect eee.eee Statesville Gas Lisht &lot,Center 80.17 cece c evay 209.67WHITE slaughtering of cattle at a profit in county,this State,has been sentenced pranere |cre,'he ith strect yer Sid ....ie,one Te 7 :rca,alker,at,add St...Bs AtheBectionwheretheyareraised|to death at Petersburg,Va.,for the |Alexanders!Missi Telia Lllot.Highe and fattened.In such cases it might murder of James Lewis last April.ind Ave.........Pein dasne ee. be better to ship the fattened ani-|The date of the execution is Septem-Ash,Je agent Benjamin Ash,1 lot, we ney WAS an rr Pe ater ‘stree Para Peete tye celal swine als to some of the larger markets,”ber.29.Henley was ili employe of a Beaver,W.P.,1 lot,Wise street 6...+Cotton seed meal has been used in ,cotton mill and apparencly deliberate-tlaylock,Mrs.Ro AL 1 lot,Race sts... Marge quantities for fertilizing’pur-|ly killed Lewis,the night watchman food (Oy,1 Tot,Caldwell street... Rooses.The first year of the Euro-,at the mill,when the Intter ordered Prater.Adin,J.5.0 Kerr,1 lot, ean war the following amounts him off the premises.Trentrenee Ls fwere put in«Southern.soil:North’Increase in watermelon acreage and ieee street oo.eae‘Carolina,5,000 tons;South Carolina,a slight decrease in that.of canta-(ere,FQ1aey Seen oo 188,192 tons;Georgia,251,981 tons;loupes this year is reported by the na-Carter Bros.--2 lots,Armfictd street»Alabama,100,000 tons;Florida,_35,-.tinoal_Department-of —Agriculture,In Cashis is Mrs *E |lot,Pourth st... 68 tons.15 principal producing States water.pevikow.Coan 1 ton eee*~The nitrogen out of cotton seed’melon acreage is 100,965 compared ‘Douvlas,Mrs.Judith,1 lot,Mulberry dmeal,it-is stated,is worth as much with 96,508 acres last year,and can-/was the meal usually costs.“At the taloupe acreage is 41,278 comparedgsame,,time,the use of cotton seed with 41,981 acres last year.meal.as a fertilizer is exceeding poor,“practice,since cotton seed meal.after¢o tbeing fed to cattle,will return 75 per: Executriax,2 lots, ) el lote Park lace)a... n,W.A.,2 lots,Snarpe street ...P.M lot,Caldwell street sa .3 2 .snete i Mrs.Lula,1 lot,Sharpe st...A building programme of at:least.Gorosth.FANT iGtaGecn tint continurbattlecruisersandtwodread-~Gunn,J.A.1 Jot,Cemetery street .. ame et aughts and an increase of 20,700 Harbin,Ro Jo.1 lot,Alexander street ..cent.or more of the original fertili-'men in the Navy's enlisted personel Hartis:A.W-1 tot,Bell street .....%12.28 i oa ets Harris;Mrs.J.L.,1 lot,Mulberry st..ty to the soil in the form of manure.pave been agreed on aS provisions Harwell,U.C.,1 lot,Walnut streetnOnlyone-fourth of its original fertil-Which theizervalueislessenedinfeeding administration,will ask the na Mrs.Bellediil.,lot,Davie avenie 48.73 to’Senate to include in tne pending naval]Hubbard,P.Land S.T..1 tot,Tradd :‘:street joseccce ceca eee oe.Rcattle pnd cattle will sur es bill.As passed by.the House the Jachs,m.1.1 lot,Pourth street...Leelee oe on cotton ane mea!measure provides for only five capita]Johnson,A.C..1 lot,Bost street 6...15. when ed the necessary roughages.ships,all battle cruisers,and for a K«*t a a ae city etree eee street...k personnel increase of only 11,000 men.Lawre nee,t No.1 toe,Bells While 60 guests were cating a wed-nat Miss IsabeUla,1 lot,S.Center ding breakfast Monday at the sum-Linley.WLW. mer residence of James A.Farrell,Lippard,1 |Baking Powder,Sugar and Sil_,,Stockings From Sawdust. :|Mandfacturers’Record.,1 lot,Pourta street .... D.,1 tot,Seventh street .. Baking powder,sugar,artificial President of the United States Steel el CL,8 ;Bs :::yj uisttect papal spats uceniteean Be|sitk,silk stockings,twine,furniture,Corporation,at.Rock Ledge,Belle Lyons,Miss M.M.and L.©.1 lot,‘milk bottles;rugs and “the strongest sle,Conn.fire started in the |rite eee ee oe 5.3\3 ”kitchen and destroyed the home,Miller,Ro A.)1 lots Armfield strget .,29,paper ever made”are some of the sine a loss estimated at $10,000.Miller Wi W..1 lot,Tradd street ...2 1sT{things which the National Lumber causing a loss estimatec at x a0,*Mills,W.M.,1 lot,Caldwell street ....8.73Manufacturers’Association of Chi-|The guests fled from the dining room Moore,W.A.1 lot,Davie avenue ....8PeesIanare“arry to safety the Moore,V.B.,1 lot Bell street .........chgo-reports as being successfully but managed to carry to safety the re Mati tiie,Seventh street Morrison,J.C.,1 lot,Highland avenuc Mott,Dr.J.J.,1 lot,Broad street ....205.05Nabors,John,.1 lot,Seventh street .... Orr,R.W.,Lt lot,Front streete........malal ,produced’‘at “Madison,Wis.,in the Wedding presents,valued at $50,000. |t rest products!laboratory of the Tom and Jo.Fitzgerald,twin 'Unfted States Department of Agri-brothers,born near Greeneville,in clilture.east Tennessee,64 years ago,drifted Phifer ®1.,1 lot Front street ......14 al According to this story,sent out apart when the duties of manhood Pratt.J.S..1 lot,Boulevard ..........4bytheLumberManufacturers’Asso-called,but were destined to geo Burnie Wi Pajt Jot Hrontstreet920 1.cjation,demonstrations were recent-through the ‘valley of the shadow”“nue Jo,vee ecevs op ee ly made at.Madison to the members at the same time,although neither Rayle,J.C.,1 lot,Fifth street .......AL ot.the.aSsoeiation which proved knew of the other’s illness,being sep-afoss.ORR 7 Pea en es street.a BSeeeesAoi:A -.Sse A.,SU Oakes(eetsecre rrrereat lint ae ’‘amasing to them.This “sawdust”/arated by “more taan 400 miles.Rufty,-D-Cs-t tot,'Tradd-street-2...16-62 the 16th at Knox-.Sells,John,2 lots,Fifth street ........ sJotlevard“Jaboratory,as it is called,is produc-|Thomas died on 5 n4ingbakingipowderfromsawdust,/ville,Tenn.,and Jo.died~about the Shaver ©F Hy a and.the visiting lumber—people—were--same—hour-at his-home-in-Washing=-Shadiick potcoetobiscuitsmadewiththis;ton,Tenn, owder and “sawdust sugar’instead|eapeeuseoftheusualtartaricacidLettheWomen Handle Saking powder,'-Broom and Sweep Cleanierthi&x .«.Among other:things made of saw-Monroe Enquirer. Many a time a heavy-handed man r pene or,converted mill waste is arti-' cial silk.It-is said that this coun-|~™try last year produced sawdust silk ‘Tying to sweep the house and mak- stockings to the value of $5,500,000,ing a regular botch of things has had D.,1 fot, Shuping,Geo,Py,1 lot,Seventh street..Somers,W.V.,estate,3 lots,Front . th .BS UOCGUiatemt yscuate ay alters aseece severe sense ener omens©Sowers,G.H.,1 lot,Caldwell street... Sowers,John,1 lot,Tradd street 5 Starnes,J.B.,1 lot,Sharpe street .... Tease,C.G.,1 lot,Patterson street .. ‘Fevepaueh,J.H.,tot,Seventh streetTharpe,L.E.,1 lot,Park Place ...... Turner,Z F.,1 let,Davie avenue ...Turner,1 lot,Seventh street :5 ia «51 mat Rahn ,furner,Mrs.A.F.,1 lot,Mulberry st‘The same laboratory is said to be his deft-handed wife _Snatch TO ein Gene aE RUCE Se AEN pturnipg sawmill waste into binder broom from him,push him aside and Wilkinson,J.W.,1 lot,Buffalo Shoals : “twin6,rape,woven furniture,milk |i?@ Jiffy has had the house swept |Road Peery.foc cceceeceneee 15 Thoftle i .‘and garnished while he looked sheep-Wiliams,W.Lo d lot.Race street ....42~boslles,woven matting,rugs;and.‘AEN :SNCOP~Woolen,D.Wa.1 lot,Calawell street...15tlikewiseitisclaimedthattheishlyon.That's about the way thestrongestpaperevermadeispro-ladies of the Woman’s Club in this Eee,;:.g aso eal een eile WallsducedinasimplemannerfromthegoodLownofMonroehavedoneinre-inca.a.«waste of Southern pine,”and it is Std to a clean up.The ladies look-seae.tr! DELINQUENTS. 1 lot,Seventh street ....1 dot,Boulevard ...... 1.Int,Seventir stre 2 lots,Center street Levitin,Etihu, W 7 fisaid if the new process should be used ed on and they saw what was not Se sons,J.Mt lot,S.Statesville oo... Kes +:.y y ¢1 ro pr the Sim »Mes.Lee,1lot,Fourth stret ..wfenerally,it would increase the pa-ane pe ant uney vo a the orca eee eee @per production in the South 20,000 Poard of aldermen,|snatchec Lee immerse Fe Clots ParkeDiace igtons daily.ibroom of the sanitary department COLOR ‘a terrence from masculine hands and put it in ur ms,Honry,ee Harrison street THiatip 4)ys :on Ie F Bee ;ison,Caesar,ot,Green stree :Suiride Follows Murder of.Ala-the hands of a lady,and she is going paity.Annies Alfred and Hattie,1 lot,a after dirt and filth in this town to |Gartichd street,o..0.cccccesseseeeee‘a P ate ive : &jbama Probate Judge.beat the woman who killed herself Uailey.Walter,1 lot,‘pradd street HH.S.Pleasants,an attorney widely fighting dirt, Nes.sit they aye 2 ge aa in Alabama,was found shot,SP@tched that =municipal sweeping boron.Ashley,2 lots,Green streetvbodeathinhis-office at Huntsville,|Proorn.away from the men eng.we Cowan,MOT EE Front etree ee Ala,Tuesday.Near the body was a who is wielding it ahd the places ULET Eee ate Chote,apparently written by him,say-.sisters who are backing her,and.if Davidson,Mamie,1 lot.Chambers street? cing he had killed himself because of a they do not improve conditions we Fralcy.Lee,1 lot,Green street.Veimster,Melvin,1 lot.Chambers street Alexander,L dot,Chambers st. John H.,1 lot,Sharpe street will publicly eat a large plate of crow on the publie square next Fourth vee last |o'July.All they have to do is to let (teen.Margaret,1 lot,Garficld strectbexGriffin.Thos.,1 lot,Bell street ........odithewomenkeepthe*broom,TTalte THinieteuitctsmraddletrectin aeswas|Hollowell,ah Tie lot,Walker street .. “Suspicion directed against him in con-|OSH nection with the murder there :of Probate Judge Lawler. y A short time after the body ound Charles.M.Nails.clerk of the}Masonic Officers.Kerr,Henrietta,1 lot,West End:nve-adison county,Ala.,Circuit Court,|—-.IG ene eee oir i aoe j a “he C pe t AEN .Kimbeoueh,Wil,1 lot,Harris ato sc 18urT@ndercdhimselfonawarrant!The Ancient,Free and Accepted Mees,GC.i lot,Green Ae,ere 1 1 lot,Chambers st...{Richard,1 lot,Green street ....too) arpie st.F.AtL MeLelland,W.7.,Mocre,harging him with complicity in the)Masons elected the following named Jeath'of Judge Lawler.Other ar-|officers Tuesday night and installed z ::.:4 Murdock,J..A.,estate,1 dot,§\fre have oe pees i officers them Wednesday night:Dr.R.A,Murphys oP.1 Tot,David avenue e:..2108retookingforD.D.Overton,who «,,emmcnt Repenic ,(Osberne,'Mamie,1 lot,Walnut stret ..TAGasdefeatedbyLawlerintheprimaryCampbell,worshipful master;S.We pon son,Jennie,1 lot,Garfield street ..0:i Richardson,Jerry,1 lot,Garfield)st...Hoffmann,senior warden;J,1.Bry-&;|‘:Stmonton,Delia,1 lot,Garfield street ..Voslection.i 4 eee)Lawler .mysteriously disappeared &%t,junior warden,W.BE.Webh,se-wWednesday of last week. ie Spann,Luther,1 lot,Walker-street ..asSaturday,hier deacon;J.M.Ramsey,junior Stockton,Anna,1 lot,Walker street 2 2u't fis dead body was found in a swamp deacon;R.C,Bunch,treasurer;E,PE eeaneea a mas :fe ee hae wu 1 3 :naar J Se ‘Rr rOt etre 7 al I is,a.ot,Garticld street ....20genmilesfromHuntsville,with twe |N-sentman,secretary;W.E.Mun-thomas)Jeanette,1 lot,Sharpe street Autulletholesintheheart,skull crush.day and W.PF.Bowie,stewards,White,Joseph,1 fot,Tredd streat ....hyandaheavyironweighttiedWoods,R.B.,1 lot,Garfield street 5...in)Wood &Carson,1 lot,Cemetery RUrcate ‘ze Mary }guohter .round the waist:The murder fol-/Miss Mary Smith,daughter of Mr.Wood,Vina,1 lot,Walker street ......jowed a hot primary election contest 8%Mrs.W.PB.)Smith of |Coddle Wood)David,blot,Garfield street oo 5.13undsarebeing‘subscribed to Iuila |Creek.and Mr.Eugene Clark of,Wood.eo 1 ie Gren.meres 6) .York es mA re .,'Younx,Mary Lee,ot,Walker street ..monument to Lawler in the court,Clarkton were married at the hom«me DELINQUENTS.us,: ole yard.-of the bride Tuesday.Clark,Agnes,1 lot.Garfield street 2...2.51—een |;Davidson,Keto,1 lot,Green street ....1Qinkcr,,.|.My.Frontis:Gentz.-of roavilig Martin,Lee O.,1 lot -Garfield street ..11 4 KS A Certainly.|has een F Bree ce ok ae jRimontan Sam,1 dot,field street ..#46rpc*eel ite ee LEO 0 SSsor OF pharmMas |Stevenshn,John,1 lot,Chambers strect 5.75 ve role ‘"CE EHROMMTMEHBItY.of “May mrt f |Webb;Ray,1 lot,Harrison Street coscve W744atégressive,She is)Baltimore,He graduated at the jo-|growing,ooks forward,‘stitution ‘tied!years ago.id 1 to HoldCarranza wagab} vent him from going to war with the) Alliéd diplomatic representatives;in+- North and West the national Democratic committee,this-country from-securing_trade for} Gity Tax Salef”| exander street...ee .——in Tires x? OODRICH Tire Values are nota|_all ‘‘Accidental.,””:—They spring from Conditions~which ae-legical-as the Laws of the Uni-verse.The best-intentioned TireManufacturercannotAVOIDbeingheavilyhandicappedwhencompetingagainstthem.Because,Goodrich *‘Conditions’’sym-marize into this:oieIst=The longest’Experience in Mfg,- the Product é2nd-The greutcst,Leverage on’pur-. chasing of Raw.Materials at lowest prices,.§| throumh ability to take largest quantities.a ‘ee Srd--The lowest Cost of Manufacturing,a -through largest VOLUMEof Output.;: Ath-—The clearly-demonstrated INTEN-§°TION to give Consumers and Dealers the full benefit of the large ECONOMIES re-sulting from possession of the three Cardi- nal Advantages above defined. Ph ae *** Ik Produet of such a Rubber- Concern,-when marketed under _such conditions,giving the bene- nt ef such huge Lcopomies to Consumerswell,and Jovically,be considered—- dhe,SGOLP-ATANDARD”in Tire Values.Therefore:; Whon you pay MORE thantheGood-§.rich Fair-List prices,here printed,for ANY>§ Fabrie Tire,you are merely “contributing?—§of thie difrerenee,: may Because,You CANNOT get ‘better?JP °>: Pabrie Tires,~at ANY price!!.Test them.dhoroughly,-and see!, LHL B.FP.GOODRICH CO. Akron,O.. a ( |Goodrich “Fair-List”Prices}ff ;(SAFETY-TREADS) r30x3 0 ere:{$10.49|oe Ford Sizes =2 $13.40 | Bus “----$15.45 aoe ----°$22.004eeeer aus ----$31.20 )rc AS me mo $31.69“Boe =ee $37.85 oo RS x oe Le Uy “any Os :Creer ee areataSegtrees:besos is {}“2k 5 ”ro4 499 é 66 ni Bl a pe 3 7 4 ae"iach ~lread ERTL OR ELT Ee I ta SORTS oe ee : COUP TRS ji Pale Goodrich Shoe Sole (for your Feet). t Ae fh af your SHOES what the black “Bare- meme rt ''Iseed does for Goodrich Tires. ay -—15 more Flexible than _Leather!.—se =73 1LASTER on your Feet!, ©Ask 5 lop fae Posten Soles on your next pair of Shoes.”|p, ARERRARN NSP enema in WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity. WE sell the celebratedMedalFlour. and Mules ‘Cows. WIE sell Hay,Corn,Oats OWE SELL FOR LESS, “OWE pay’CASH for :Corn and Oats. “WE deliver in the city. 4¥Phone No..88._ Stop!Look!Listen! Gold WE sell Sweet teed for Uorses WE sell Sweet Paisy eed for and Cotton “ecd Produets. country TREDELL FEED GO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop. 114 b.Broad St. wr 118 Court Strect. “game, in-repair line. ok ty Che?cattle will.plase Phone 209.“: D.UARRIS~ ‘‘Plumbing and Weat-ing and all repairs for*Inspirators,.Lubricators,Oil Cups, renete./Locks and Guns'paired and Keys fit-.ia In fact anything ‘“KDMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE.— “laying qualified as ‘administratrix of Thom- 'dd C,Gray,dec ed,late of the county of Lyre- fe North:Carolina,this is to notify all véraons’having claims apainat the estatecof the deceased to exhibit thom to the under. dened at my home on or before the Oth day Afefude,1917,of this notice ify bar of their recovery.make settlement,NANNIES,FB, re sfane GBB ie will beAllpersons inilebt-| immediate |\GRAY, Administrattix of Thomas ©fake |oDumlap,DR.yo | plogded Gray, RVING?—-C.WATKINS,(BUILDING?«.G.WATAINS Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired..Spectacles fitted. |XC —~TMT =If a|| 7 | 1 Combination Library Table,27-x-43;1 Four-foot_ Settee:1 Large Arm Chair,1 Large Arm Rocker. Fumed oak finish,and,génuine leather seats.Call, and let us show you wheréeiwe can save you Money. We are expecting ‘‘Happiness”at Chautauqua,Mon- day Javening. Williams Fur Hou i a, se Inc. on Sa: ure REPAIR WORK. ‘Eyes exaniined free.‘Satisfaction,guaranteed.:f pig Wek i preeg esbe(veBR.F.Lgdes of aPTDNE 8 Jeweler. ~2iefips/RA Sale A lmlm i.}|co ||| Ty i A e|i F. wy }} | | | ¥| }| , 4 Ay 4 (ALOMEL SICKENS!IT’S HORRIBLE!”wd ~<<DON’T STAY BILIOUS,CONSTIPATED ~~¥Guarantee “‘Dodson’s Liver Tone”»‘theBest Liverand Bowel Cleansing Bick Nhx,Galomel makes you sick;yqu lose@day’s:work.Calomel is quicksil-ver'and it*salivates;calomel injuresYourliver.,“Tf you are biliovs;feel lazy,slug.gek and ull knocked out,if yourowelsareconstipatedandyourHeadachesorstomachissour,justtakeaspognfulofharmlessDod-Bon’s,Liver ‘Tone instead of usingSickening,salivating calomel:Dod-gon's Liver Tone is real liver medi-¢ine,You'll know it next morningbecauseyouwill’wake up feelingfine,your liver will be working,your‘headache and dizziness gone,yourstomach-will be sweet-and-bowels—Veguler.,You will feel like work-ing.You'll”be cheerful;futt of -vig-or and ambition.‘ Your druggist or dealer sells you ref dangerous—ealomel. Will Give YouYouEverHad. a 50 cent’bottle of.Dodson’s LiverToneundermypersonalguaranteethatitwillcleanyoursluggish’liverbetterthannastycalomel;it won’smakeyousickandyoucaneatany.thing you went without being ‘sali. vated.Your druggist?guaranteesthateachspoontal*will start”your liver,clean.your bowels andstraightenyouupbymorningoryougetyourmoneyback.Children glad-ly-take--Dodson’s.Liver-Tone becauseitispleasanttasting”“and doesn’t gripe_or-cramp-—or~make them sick:I am selling millions of bottles ofDodson’s Liver Tone to people who have found ‘that this pleasant,vege- table,liver medicine takes the place tle on my.sound,‘reliable guarantee. Ask_your druggist about me. a aaa = - IMPORTANT.ANNOUNCEMENT.TO-OUR-:“Sheet Music Customers! }reraa ; L Src like biying “a pig in a poke.” et copies of the latest popular To buy a sheet,of music without a demonstration is something We have realized this and have therefore*made arrangements for the adoption of a perfect sheet *musie demonstration plan,which will be inaugurated’in our sheet music department upon the arrial of our equipment this week,Along with the demonstration outfit will come several hundred sheet.music. NEW AND NOVEL!The new “songhits”will hereafter be receiv-ed cach month just as they come from the presses.Visit our store and see and hear for yourself.”. .LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.C.Morrison Building,West Broad Street.Telephone 822. I’S SOMETHING Bstiseécxiesiwtisr7 SISTIIFTIBIzIzzT. te r e t e t e t s \Wednesd Statesville Drug Comp’y,| Quality Prescriptionists. |Remember the June Brides GIFTS SUITABLE FOR “BRIDAL - PRESENTS OR BRIDAL SHOWERS. tee Cut Glass,Hand-Painted China,Sterling Silver,Parisian Ivory,Perfumes and Toilet Articles. STORE OF QUALITY All the children will want tosee the JuniorChautauquaplay--Oncle .Sam’s Experiment—ay afternoon,June 28,1916. st e z e s t t s t MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE |AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST:WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITHABANKACCOUNT! _A New Interest Period.._ ~AprilIst starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-ment. compounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both womenand,men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interestfromdateattherateof4percent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited.We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN0.L.TURNER All Deposits made.on or before April 5th will_draw interest from.April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. President. Cashier. _innersizes and makes. Vuleanizin guaranteed. {AUTOMOBILE TIRE REPAIRING. ~~SAVE MONEY.SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY, by having your tires in good shape. PUNCTURES,BLOW-OUTS,RIM CUTS. Every curable ailment of your tires and tubes successfully treated.All at its best,and all work -Iredell Vulcanizing Company, i COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. HUNT BROTHERS, Ee GREENSBORO,N,©. STEAM.HOT .WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.=’.Jmbing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES,FURNISHED. Buy.one‘bat-- fm H |half more proteH|especially valuable to young 3 |ioous ‘to the digestive system than ‘}and at the same time preparing the to pursue in each i HL quite-successful for one condi |THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,--->June.28,1916,ee eereeeeeeaesCOWPEASANDSOYBEANS. They Make Ideal Green MatureandSoilingCrops—TheirAdvantages,Methods of Seed- ing,Ete.5 ,ig Correspondence of The Landmark.}*Now that the wheat and oat.fields have been cleared of their cro’Ssthéthoughtsoftheownersshoulddi-rrect themselves to methods and crops,that will prevent the leaching of theplantfood,add humus to the soil andprovidefeed-for_..the-live stock;_No’ground should he permitted:to remainwithout,a cultivated crop growing upon it except when in a frozen con- dition,as it will not remain idlé butwillbecoftstantlywashingawayandleachingouttheplantfoodthatisbe- coming available -fareach‘day.A growing ¢rop.takes.upthisfoodasfastasavailable~and when turned under decays and releas- ,jes it for the following crop.For.the short:..growing..season, with its -hot-days,—remaining~after harvest.the cowpea and soy bean are ideal crops.‘A:choice between the ;and dislikes.Either ‘one has.a \strong,deep root system,takes nitrogenfromtheair’and places it.in théreot-to be left in the soil upon its de- cay,js excellent for turning under orfurnishesgoodpastureorhayfortheilivestock.While neither will takeitheplaceofalfalfaorclover,they will fill in the remainder of the grow- ing-season-after-harvest-and-may_beusedasstepping-stones to sufficient i fertility for+better-farming:and per-;manent meadows and pastures.|As soil builders:they sheuld-have «| | ;Place—on_every—southern.farm...'Twotonsofcowpeavines“to the acrevare|jequal in’nitrogen content ‘to*-600) pounds of nitrate of soda,Turning un-|dev cowpeas in the alluvial soil of,the|Mississippi river delta increased.the) |vield of sugar cane the first year 2,-)|®1 tons,the second year 3.69 tons and|ithe third year .82 tons.The Delaware| eeemnenanseinenseeenioves .:.vistationfoundthatamaximumcropofBrideWouldGoWithHerHus-|cowpeas yielded about 725 pounds of||vrotein (containing 115 pounds.of:ni-|jtrazen)per acre.Since they will)grow on land where the more perma-;nent legumes fail the same,work will||be performed and the land may be im-oved so the latter can be grown.As to food value,they contain ain(the food compound stockjanddairycows)than red clover hay.{While the grain contains three-fourthsasmuchof‘that compound as_does|cotton seed meal,the staple concen:Hitrate of the South.Thus by theis|+’erowth much money could he saved#|that is now spent for that feel and toigoodadvantage,for the health of the|lanimal,forthe natural feeds ‘are legs are the more concentrated ones.With:the present moderate price |\of seed it would appear.that met;Siveareas should be~seeded‘to,this!lerop but the financial side is usuall¥/\the smell part of the task.Securinp||mMen and teams to prepare anid scednaegroundistheseeminglyunatiitainablepartwithwhichtheaverage|farmer has to deal.Saving the graincrop,working the cotton and corn |ground and seeding the peas or beans,\trvly make the farmer a busy man,|{\If some way.could be devised to get|this done with less labor or ‘to accom-|plish more with the means at hand,;doubtless a greater acreage would be|seceded to these valuable soil-building g|crops. |While it is not possible for one to{tell what would be the best methodfieldorforcach|Vear_or under the conditions *prevail-‘ing on the different farms.a few sug-H |gestions may help to get in a greater |}H acreage or to do it with less Jabor./|&|With whatever method used its suc-|cess depends ubon the ability of thejoneusingit.One-method “may he pa-comnicte failure for another,|While it is customary for one,Writing on anv subject to describe|what ‘he thinks nearest an ideal ofthoroughness,there are conditionsunderwhichtimemayheagreaterfactorthantheother.The customofbreakingthegroundafterharvestandthenharrowingbeforeseedingmayseemprover,but it is “burningdaylight,”as the auctioneer Says,and plant..growth| two would -be mainly personal .likes| iN.Y &Makes better bread and more tion and Fe me pleted ‘bank acegunt.,‘ As.in seeding the crop”there are ation,however,our piedmont ‘soils are generally deficient in phosphorous,ni-trogen and lime.The first should,al-ways be supplied,the second is what the legume and the'third is not a fer-tilizer but a conditioner that is use-ful.The first gan be supplied in the Phosphate.or in basic slag.The rockphosphateandtheslag:.will ‘furnishsomelimebesidesfrom18.to 29 percent.of acid.“As the acid is not-rap-idly available ‘in the twHioned-the use of at least part:of.thecommon-16°percent,acid will be ad-visable,About150-to-200-pounds oftheacid”phosphate”alone or 100poundsofitwithtwiceasmuchofeitheroftheothersperacreshouldprovesufficient,—However,the rockphosphateand«slag are most too}slowly available to.expect much re-sult.fyomethom-in_such:a-short<rrow= ing season.They would be especiallyValueblesinthegrowingofthelonger-lived legumes._GE.DULL, _.County Agent,.. Same the Court’s View. At:Greensboro some time aro Gil-|bert Newell,a youth employed by the(Public Serviee”Company,was found\locked in a vault.and told a story ofhold-up and robbery.‘The umountmissingwas$547.20.The hold-upjandrobbery-praved to be a fake.It;Was found that’Byron Bradley and|Newell had conspired to pull off thelaffair,Bradley,having no friends or|Teliitives-in-Greensbore,-was prompt\ly sent to the roads for a year.New-|ell’s parents live in Greensboro andjhavingtheinfluenceofrelativesandfriendshewasallowedtogounderaSuspendedsentence,under the obser-vation of an.officer.(The Superior Court took anotherviewofthecase,and this week NewellwastriedandgiventhesatnesentenceasBradley—a year on the roads.HiscaseWasappealedandhewasreleas-ed on a bond of $1,500. band to War. Perhaps the first woman in NorthCarolinatovolunteerforserviceasa|nurse in Mexico is Mrs.A.B:Breece|of Fayetteville,a bride of six weeks,‘whose husband ig a member of Com-pany F,Second regiment,North Cav-olina National Guard.Mrs.Breece is|‘a professional nurse. Mr.Brecce is a candidate for theLegislatureinCumberland,in a second‘Democratic primary to be held July 1.‘but he announces that wherever hiscompanygoeshewillgo. Stomach Troubles and Constipation.“I will cheerfully say that Chamberlain'sTabletsarethemosesatisfactoryremedyforjstomachtroublesandconstipationthatIhave|sold in thirty-four years’arug store service,”+writes S.“H.“Murphy,druggist,Wellsbury,Obtoainable everywnere. ~C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil- ing,”Flooring,Siding,Boxing, Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc. Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. ‘Dan Valley é The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from 3 the celebrated wheat grown in 3 the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL, #of it to the pound than other.flour.It is economy.to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY [T. requires much:horsepower when allarebusywithotherfarmtasks.Aless.thorough preparation may ena-ble one to get.the crop in sooner andatthesametimesavesomeofthemoisturethatwillhesuretoescapeshortly,after the grain is removed.The disk harrow is nerhaps the best |”implement we have for stirring thesurfacerapidlytosavethemoistureandput.the soil in fine condition,al-though not stirring it very deeply.However,deep breaking may do harmbycutting‘off the water supply of thevoungnvlantsthataretooccupytheland..The seeding may be done bvsowineaheadofthediskorbydrill-ing afterward.:A more-rapid method~of.plantingthathasprovensatisfactory,especial-ly where the crop is being grown forseed,is to run off rows about threefeetapartwithanarrowsingleshovelandfollowinthiswiththedeepoatplanterorordinarycornplanter.Ofcoursethecropwillneedcultivationtoholdthemoistureandtopreventrrowthoftheweedswhenplanted_inJ.this way,but work is not likely to besopressingwhenthiswouldbeneed-ed.If planting for hay or green ma-nure the three-row oat planter woulddomorerapidworkandcultivationwouldnotberequired..Speed is oneoftheessentialpointsinfarmworkatthisseasonoftheyear.Fertilization is another point too frequently overlooked in,plantingthiscrop.It needs fertilization asmuchasanyifbestresultsaretobeobtainedandthisis.especially so if grown following a grain crop and cutforhay.Being called a;soil-builderdoesnotmeanthatanyleguminouscropisabletothriveandmakeagood yield on any soil...Thése crons arevigorousfeedersandinrealityrobthesoilofitsplantfoodifnotprop-erly handled,Removing a cron of The Bride’s Bouquet!| June is the Month of Wed~ dings;and we are ina po- sition to furnish the very best in Wedding Flowers. Our special booklet,‘The Bride’s Bouquet,”tells you many conditions to take into consider-:“As Easy To we are trying to supply by:growing|# common ‘16 per cent.acid,in.rock}#2 just men-|§ Medicine For Both Was | DOOOOOONDOOD Grind As A With the Peerless Freezer anyone can:makegoodcream,Has the fewest parts of anyfreezermade.‘Only three minutes for.per-fect freezing.The PEERLUSS Dasher does it.All the gears are enclosed.”No icé or saltcanpossiblygetintothecan.Easy to.keep.-clean,--No places for the-cream to lodge inandbecomeputridorsour. All,metal:parts that touch the cream areheavilycoatedwithpureblocktin.Outsidemeta}pzrts are galvanived to prevent rust.The Tubs are well made and very durable.|The Cans are of extra quality ‘charcoal tin--'plate,tall and narrow--an aid to quick # 3ER GL treezing.We sell and recommend them,ee Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.===INSURANCE! As a great many policyholders'do not seem to know that|their insurance will be void under-certain conditions named in theycontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberendered“valueless,viz: |1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply.to|your agent for permit. |tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.|38—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of{same is given—apply to your agent.:|4—Any change in the title or ownershi|ty insured other than by death. i 5—Assignment or transfer of property.to another. |6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be-given. |7—The taking of other insurance without notice. |than kerosene oil. |9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.-: |of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of.these de-* ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for anmation.|~“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURARLK.”i |S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!.|J.F.CARLTON,Manager,us ’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N '* eae ‘=the2—Mechanics inaking additions:to,or extraordinary:alteru- ;o> Pp,or interest in proper-tae:a | ee :A :ve Rae|8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit ‘othér,.)" Policyholders should read lines 7 to 20 of the printed contratt!” y INSURANCE infor!® vate 1B a we +ex iy Ice Tea is always good and refreshing,but the -dainty etched GLASSES we are now showing _.make it taste just a little better.Prices from . |R.H.RICKERT &SON; Dainty Tea Glasses.| cif$1.75 set and up.Better ste them.a Ly“H es : ee e oe ieneOyos TE R R O R S 30 0 - 0 DO O OC O O OC : SHIRTS,ete, Before buying. kado”last night of Chau- tauqua.' JEWELERS.| Get,Rickert’s time and remember Chautauqua.va|a TROGBEaOROSOCORRIRAR anit S RASC iD %‘ KOOL CLOTH | PALM BEACH SUITS,| PANAMA HATS,:|: olae We all want tosee ‘‘The ‘Mi+*: Yours to Serve,»= Abe iM ‘ id? ay Ry; { a ' something of them.We are always glad,too,to offer suggestions,if you do not find in the booklet \just what you want. Van |Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,3,o. Polk Gray Drug Co., Laeecal Aganta hay after a crop of grain and without ¥ fertilizer may prove,just anotherform‘of overdraft on an already de- een see near ‘BUILDING?C.WATKINS), 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling, meadow,balance in woodland,level and productive. schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock barn and_out-buildings,»good orehard,two branches 1throughplace,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balancein.!woodland enclosed in pasture. Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x200.°°°:iVacantlotonArmfieldstreet,50x150. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance ‘in woodland,small dwelling,barn’and good orchard, for smaller farm or city property. »For further information call on or write % ERNEST G.GAITHER,SfNERAL INSURANCE,RENT-=ALS AND’REAL ESTATEPHONE23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. \“THE MIKADO,”Chautauqua,June 28. [=FOR SALE![a]_ barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in.\; -102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near «;; running 3 ¢ Will exchange’ i { oriterhetiieda emscaneshi ake NR ee beh %SR ERRA woreaal oldie oe ees Bes :Gene enanRane ceeamt yehegmeaibre <at hyK SONVICTS TAKEN AWAY. ers of the road:are 1 means tain that they will be able to car- ¥yit out.This they will try to do, however,as‘soon as they can make ge to that end.It is the purpose use every effort to build the road as planned,notwithstanding the re- moval of the convicts.‘In addition to the convicts,the company ‘has’em- ployed 25 to 80-laborers,has 12-mules and the equipment of a construction force.The action of the State in re- moving the convicts has not only jeopardized the State’s interest in a quarter to-a half million dollars of stock in the railroad lines under eon- struction,but has jeopardized the in- terest of the private stockholders, who put in their money when the ,State agreed to help and were | the |pending on the good faith of Stafe.oon i Protests.Voiced, Director Wm.Wallace said he re- ‘ded the removal of the convicts as wn unfriendly act,Before our peo- ple had agreed:to put a dollar in the had no right to expect favors,had ent the convicts here.Gov.Craig, prior to’his election,had promised that this aid should be continued and ia publicly pledged ‘it in’speeches in his county.Since his election the jovernor’s attitude had not been friendly to the road.The North Car- olina Good Roads Association has fought persistently to remove all con- victs from railroad them on the public raads.jslature decided that the.State should carry out its contracts with the rail-| roads to which convict.Jabor had -»promised,but notwithstanding ;the convicts are taken away.Yon.W.D.Turner,president of the vend.said it was just as well for usto know who our friends are in thismatter.Gov;Kitchin and Capt.J.J. T.augshinghouse,former:superintend- nt ot the State prison,proved their friendship.After he left the State prison Capt.Laughinghouse,as a member of the Legislature,although from eastern North Carolina and without personal interest,worked val-iantly to retain the convicts on these railroad lines in western North Car- olina.While Gov.Craig had pledged his support to the road,since the day of his inauguration the attempts to take the convicts away has been per- sistent.and continuous.They would have been removed before now,said the Governor,but for the influence of Senator Simmons;and we are_in- debted to Senator Simmons for their retention the past three years;and to.the activity of RepresentativeGrierandSenatorDormanThomp- son in defeating in the Legislature tl the attempt to remove the convicts.| Gov.Turner said that he and Mr. Ausley had repeatedly to make trips to Raleigh,at their own expense,tofightthisconvictremoval,‘and atlastthecontinuedeffortto them had been successful.Formerly the roads paid the State $1.50 per day in stock for the convicts.The price was increased to $1.75 and now,said the Governor,for 25 cents per Yay temporary advantage the State!has taken the convicts away and jeop- ardized the prospects of railroad lines which would have added thousands and thousands of dollars to the tax values of the State,which would have given markets to undeveloped sec- tions,have been.feeders to other rail- road lines and eventually have short- ened the haul of coal into this sectionandmateriallyreducedthefreight cost,The proposition is not a busi- néss one,said the Governor.TheStateislosinginsteadofgainingbythisaction.: The contract by which the Air Line had expected to equip the first 20 miles of its line was laid before Gov. Craig the 26th of April.He said he approved it personally and wouldhavetheCouncilofStatetakeaction,| and not a word was heard from him after that.Mr.H.P.Grier spoke with empha-| sis against.hiring convicts to private “ontractors.that a law should be passed to pro- hit it and that one would be passed -f there is any sincerity in our Chris- tain civilization. Resolution of Protest. The following resolution,offered -hy Gov,Turner,was unanimously adopted: “Resolved,that we,the stockhold-rs of the Statesville Air Line Rail- rood Company,in annual meeting as- -sembled,are greatly disappointed in the action of the Governor and State Council,in withdrawing the State ‘convicts from the work of the road in'the construction of its road bed,es- ‘nacially at this time,as we are under contract with certain parties for equipping the road with ties,iron,en- fines,coaches,depots,etc.,in which contract we are under obligations to do certain work.This we were ex- pecting to do with convict force.We had full faith that the State of North Carolina would carry forward the nolicy of the Legislature of 1915, which refused to direct the road.as well as other roads in the State.” Business of the Meeting. Mr.P.B.Kennedy of Eagle Mills was chairman of the stockholders’ meeting and Mr.D.M.Ausley secre- tary.Among those senting stock voted by townships in Tredell,Yadkin and Surry countiesverethefollowing: Deep Creek,Liberty and Boonville ‘ownships,in Yadkin—W.E,Rut-ledge,editor Yadkinville Ripple;S. Carter Williams,D.M.Reece,W.T.Wetcher,W.G.Wooten,the latter romister of deeds of Yadkin.Dobson township,in Surry—W.W.Hampton,R.C.Freeman, Fagle Mills (Iredell)—P.B.Ken- nedy,C,C.Tharpe;Union Grove,J. JT.Jennings;Turnersburg—Dr.PLC Jurney,R.F.Gaither;Bethany—T,1.. Adams;Statesville —H.P.Grier,_D.M.Ausley.The report of Treasurer and Gen-eral Manager Ausley showed that thecompanyhadpaid$12,500 for the engineering on 62 miles of the line,$7,500 for construction equipment and 9246;900 for grading 22 miles,includ-ing masonry,’culverts and drain work and put, The Leg-' remove, He said it was brutal,| with-; tyawa!of the cqnvictforce from this, present repre-| tole -Tetae pipes.Of’the latter $122,200 has been aid to the State in-stock for conviet abor.; The three~townships”in«Yadkin have voted $90,000 and the Surry township $35,000.None of”these subscriptions will beroadisgradedinto these counties. Statesville township $50,000,Betha- ny.$12,500,Turnersburg $35,000,Ea- gle Mills $20,000 and Union “Grove $10,000 have all been paid—the bonds issued and sold.The private subscrip- tions amount to about $3,050.The report-of-the treasurer was received and approved,: The stockholders unanimoysly re- lelected the old board of directors,as follows:Dr.J.J.Mott,W.D.Tur- iner,J.H.McElwee,Wm.Wallace,N. B.Mills,D.M.Ausley,T.L,Adams, Dr.P.C.Jurney,P.B.Kennedy and 'J.T.Jenningsof_Iredell;D.M. |Reece,S,Carter Williams,F.W. |Haynes,W.T..Flecther of Yadkin; 'R.C.Freeman of Surry.<: The directors-re-elected present of-ificers as follows:W.D.Turner presi-/dent,Wm.Wallace vice president,P. (CG.Carlton secretary,D.M.Ausley|treasurer,general manager and as- |sistant.secretary, Elkin and Alleghany,Too. also seriously handicapped by the re- moval of the convicts.Alleghany county had just voted $60,000 addi- tional bonds and the officers of that road were preparing to sell the bonds and complete the road into Alleghany by the use of the conviqts. work will be stopped,temporarily at least. “Guardsmen Can’t Be Released— Statesville Application Failed. ‘Washington Dispatch to Winstor-Sa- lem Journal. One of the North Carolina Sena- tors appealed to the War Department ‘on behalf of a large tobacco manu- facturer at Reidsville,who said that if the superintendent and assistant superintendent of his plant obeyed the call to the colors it would seri- ously handicap his business.He was willing to spare either the superin- tendent or the assistant sup?rinten- dent he said,but could not spare both.One of the North Carolina Con; gressmen received a telegram from a distressed father at Statesville. who requested the War Department be appealed to excuse his two sons from service in order that ‘might finish school at and College. A. In both cases the War Departmentpolitelybutfirmlyrepliedthatthe ifather,sons,employes ers should have realized what enlistment meant and that now the Guardsmen must report,and report immediately,or stand the conse- quences.: Talk of a Cavalry Troop. There is some talk in Statesville of attempting to organize a company of cavalrv,Under the old law members of a cavalry company of the National Guard had to furnish their own mounts.Under the new law the gov- ernment can supply horses to these mounted organizations and provision is made for the‘care and maintenance of the mount. That is to say,everything would ‘be furnished members of the cavalry men,and the men would be paid a {small amount for their time in at- tending drill. |,Acavalry troop would be a_fine _thing for Statesville and there are |doubtless enough men in Statesville ;and in this section who would take |to an organization of that kind to make up a troop.Those interested may talk to Mr.Walker McLain,at the store of the Miller-MeLain Sup- nly Co.If sufficient interest is mani-\fested friends in Washington will |push the matter along. ‘Farm Demonstrators Coming to |State Farm. Friday,July 21,there will be held |the Iredell Test Farm,north of |town,a meeting of the farm demon- |strators of the western district of North Carolina.<A similar meeting will be held at the other test farms of ' Lat ithe State as ‘time and opportunity of-| fer.The object of the meeting is to study the work that is being done at these test farms.Whatever progress has been made there the demonstra- ,tors will go-back and report to their ‘respective counties.If any of the lo- cal farmers care to meet with the demonstrators July 21st,they will be privileged to do so and will be wel- comed by Mr.F,T.Meacham,super- intendent of the farm. The counties composing the western district are Iredell.Mecklenburg, Rowen,Cabarrus,Lincoln,Stanlv, Guilford,Davidson.Gaston,Forsyth, Surry.Stokes,Rockingham,Wilkes, Catawba.Cleveland,Caldwell,Burke and McDowell. Court Items. Justice Lazenby yesterday heard a civil case in which Mrs.W.B.Lack- ev was plaintiff and Mr.M.F.Orr defendant,and he found in favor of plaintiff. Nearly two weeks ago Mrs.Lack- ey impounded a gander and three gos- ‘lines belonging to Mr.Orr and which had strayed onto Mrs.Lackey’s prem- ises,After they had ~heen there about a week Mr.Orr took them with elaim and delivery-—-papers.Mrs. Tackey sued to recover damagé and impound fees. Mayor Caldwell is holding jude- ment over Jo.Eckels,colored,for dis- orderly conduct Tuesday evening. Would ©Manufacture Plate at Cost. Since the government has apuro- priated $11,000,000 to build a vlant to manufacture armor plate,the Beth- lehem Steel Company has offered to manufacture the plate for the govern. ment at “actual cost of operation plus such charges for overhead ex penses,interest and depreciation as the’Federal Trade Commission may determine to be fair.’‘ “Our new proposition,”says the let- ter,“is not a‘deathbed repentance; it is a renewed effort to make clear Armor- to the government and to the public paid until the} eed,Gov.Kitchin,from)whom Well The Elkin and Alleghany road is! ,-, All this| they | M.if and employ-| their | WO AGED LADIES PASs,| Mrs.Murdoch of Iredell Miss Peden of |Wilkesbor 'Other Deaths.‘ Mrs.Nancy Lou Kimball Murdogh, |widow of the late 'T.A.Murdoch, \died Wednesday morning_at 11,25 to’clock at her home in Chambersburg |township,death resulting from old page,._Mrs.Murdoch was 83 years_old |April 8th,Her husband has been ;dead nearly four years.: +Deceased is survived by six sons— Messrs.W.H,,T.J.-G.Li,H.Wi, |W.S.and J.E,Murdoch—and |two |daughters—Mrs.G.W.Eagle:of Wi-|chita Falls,Texas,and Mrs.S.-T.Me- |Corkle,DeLand,Fla,»Two sisters— |Mrs.Laura White,Statesville,and |Miss Chrissie Kimball,who lived with her,’also survive.: Funeral services were conducted at ;}Salem church yesterday at 11 o’clock |by Rev.Mr.Goode,her pastor,and |Rev.Mr.Edwards of Taylorsville,her |former pastor,and the interment.wasLinthe.cemetery..there.~~~ges |Mrs.Murdoch’s six sons acted as} |pall-bearers. Mr.W.A.Norris died Tuesday morning at 6.30 o’clock at the.homeof-his parents,Mr.and Mrs.§S,.T, |Norris,two miles north of town.He ‘had been sick only a few days.. |Deceased was 28 years old last Oc- |tober,Besides his parents,one brother,Mr.Jno.A.Norris,and one sister,Mrs.Mack Hartness,survive,| |Funeral services were conducted |Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock by |Rev.J,H.Pressly and the interment|‘was at Pleasant Hill church,Shiloh |township.. |Miss Fannie W.Peden died Satur- iday at the old Barber home,°two miles from Wilkesboro.aged 80.Miss' Peden was born in Wilkesboro,had| lived there practically all her life and ; had been a member of the Episcopal,|Church since childhood.She is sur-|vived by:her half-sister,Miss Mamie - Barber.Miss Peden was a half-sister of Mr.W.W.Barber,a prominent at-jtorney.of Wilkesboro,who died re- ‘cently..a |Electric cars are now running vhe-|tween High Point and Thoyhasville, the first trip being made Wednesday. |The cars are storage battery and six trips are made daily.The distanceissevenandahalfmiles. ARRIVED TODAY A shipment of Davis Brothers GRAHAM FLOUR, Get a bag while it is fresh. Phone 89. (Eagle &—Milholiand.| company,as in the case of infantry-. i ec *3 .ay o .a a to.r Mei,Slip a few Prince Albertsmokesintoyoursystem! S ~-Youtve heard manyan earful about the Prince Albert Sy patented process that cuts out bite and parch and lets.you ‘smoke your fill without a comeback!Stake your bank roll that ~ ¥+r tame te rrr aT . Kalo pbiaiiniaplciantarsaSee Lo derbies 9 Ae <—|eeQ eo is \it proves out every hour ef the day.Prince Albert*has always been’sold without ‘coupons’or premiums. prefer to give quality| We There's sport smoking a pipe of rolling your own,but you know that you've got to have the right tobacco! Prince Albert--will_bang the doors.wide open for you to come in on a good timefiringupeverylittlesooften,without a ST atta”eegffitt)are an 4 THY 0}\N PLL“PE Aa q /9 aa vgaNFLEiti We tell you iV|; the national joy smoke regret!’You'll.feel like your:smoke pasthas-been:wastedand~will-be serry you cannot. back up for a fresh start. J “ty - You swing on this say-so like,it was a tip to a thousand-dollar bill!It’s worth that in happi-ness and contentment to you,to every man who knows what can be gotten out of a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin’s WwW cigarette with‘a Prince Albert for NY \\\\“;s ”pe packing”! Pt ROE AN NY ?Winstou-Selu,NC” HE Prince Albert tidyredtin,and in fact,every Prince Albert package,has a real message-to-youonitsreverseside.You'llread:~"Process PatentedJuly30th,1907,"That meansthattheUnitedStatesGovern- ment has granted a patent on the process by which Prince Albert is made.And by which tongue bite and throat parch are cut out!Every-€where tobaccoissold you'llfind Prince Albert awaiting you in toppy red bags,5c;tidyredtins,10c;handsomepoundandhalf-pound tin humidors and in that clever crystal-glass humidor,with sponge -moistenez top,that keeps the ‘SY),tobacco in suchVaAEAS\‘4 AA fine condition—°j ‘Var i alwaye!CNET \J WY St BURRS Woe This {s the reversesideofthetidy BEFORE C.WATKINS' Came to Statesville builders wanted the best material for their pure had to make special orders.+ ou can now buy:Long-leaf Kiln-dried Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboarding Boxing,Casing and Step Plank right here in Statesville cheaper than any other kind of pine.° ©C.WATKINS,Next to McEIwee’s Planters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C. se who DRESSED SQUARS. .Easily Digested—DeliciousRECOMMENDEDBYPHYSICIANS For Convalescents. ROYAL WHITE-KING LO?TS, W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor. ta BOYCE LUMBER COMPANYMANUFACTURERSOF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909. PHONES:Office =294 GG KO.H.MY ERSPHONES:Residence 423 Vice Pres.and Manager.” FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, LATHS, LIME,PAINTS. SHINGLES, DOORS, WINDOWS, CEMENT, PLASTER, DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and° Savings Bank.|Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. C.WATKINS.The Hoosier Club Sale Starts Tomorrow \ | Pay only I AT THE CRAWFORD-BUNCIE FURNITURE STORE. |Members are enrolling their names now. |$1.00 now. Choose Notewidecupboard EESiacubbyholes any cabinet. The Famous Hinge Door*‘Hoosier Beauty”’ ee NE5)MET,Tig feespet. SeePeRoepees A A Hoosier will save ‘miles of steps. The Club opens tomorrow and‘will be open for a wee!:if our supply of Cabinets last.Those who come first are sure of being supplied at once.it to our store. HOOSIER CABINET! two. If you don’t want ty wait for your Cabinet,then please don’t put off your vis- EVERY WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE UP-TO-DATE IN HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS WANTS A You owe it to yourself to see what expert men and women have achieved in eutting your kitchen work in How a HOOSIER lets you sit down with.400 articles all handily arranged.at your finggr’s ends, ends unnecessary walking back and forth to gather supplies and put them away each meal. How it Why waste your strength toiling long hourg in a hot,sultry kitchen,when a HOOSIER will save you miles of useless steps and re-duce your drudgery one-half?.t ’Phone the CRAWI'ORD-BUNCH STORE,now to enroll your name And your Cabinet will be delivered early tomorrow morning. ance. PAY ONLY ONE DOLLAR NOW! We want you to visit our store,and bring your friends with you. Your weekly membership dues quickly pay the bal- CRAWFORD-BUNCH FURNITURE COMPANY. that we want only what is absolutely ||fair,” “THE HOOSIER CABINET STORE.”’PHONE 400, ON ee hhOReth, VOL.XLII. THE GUARDS GOING SOUTH Fifteen Thousand |Sent From .Four States to the Mexican Border. Fifteen thousand National Guards;men fromthe States of’New.York,Massachusetts,New Jersey and Cori-necticut will start for the Mexican-border today,Maj..Gen.Leonard Wood‘announces.The selection of the units will be lefttothesuascommendersinthediffer--ent Stages.General Wood specified in his order only the number of troops té move and their classification.Trans- portation details also will be arrangec by the quartermaster’s department in each State.The crack commands of Maine,‘New Hampshire,VermontMaryland,Virginia and Florida will be started for the border today or to-morrow. In all there will be f!reyiments of infantry,one complete _reciment of cavalry,one complete regiment of field artillery with the usual hospital and ambulance units and signal corps fox such a force.The infantry regiments will average 950 and 1,000 men.The other units are believed to be recruited almost to war strength. General Wood.announced that he had telegraphed Géneral Funston,ad-vising him of the inended departure of the troops and asking instructions as to where they are <o be sent. Incidents of Impending Struggle: Official reports both to the State andNavyDepartmentsSundaytoldofthe rapid exodus of ‘Amevicans in MexicototheUnitedStates.Within the week,officials said,’every American will have Jeft or declined on opportu- nity to do so.Three move navy ves- sels have been ordered to Vera Cruz to aid Americans who wish to get to the United States.State Department rec ords showed less than 200 Americans wow remain in Mexico City. Two million rounds of ammunition consigned to Carranza military author- ities in the interior of Mexico and re- cently confiscated by United States customs officials,have been sent by special train to the United States supply stores at San Antonio,Texas. .Will Either Pray or Fight. A minister of the gospel who will either fight or pray,in whichever ca-pacity he is most needed gn time of war,has offered his services to Ma- jor General George Barhett,¢om- -mandant-of the:United States mariné|* corps.He is Rev,Ferdinand F. Schultz,pastor of the church of Christ Disciples,Chillicothe,‘Ohio— a practical engineer as well as min- ister. In offering his services Mr.Schultz expressed willingness to serve in the fire room ef a battleship,or as chap- lain of marines in the field.The pa- triotic and versatile Ohio pastor is 57 years of age,but says he is hale and hearty*and_ready to respond to a calltoserve“Old Glory”at any time. The Ball Games. Gastonia-won-over-Statesville-here yesterday 4 to 8.At Morganton yes- terday ‘Morganton beat Kannapolis 7 to 1. Statesville and Kannapolis broke even on the games Friday and Satur-day at Kannapolis,Statesville win- ning Friday 5 to 3-and Kannapolis Saturday 6 to 5. Friday Gastonia beat Morganton 3 —to-2-and-the game Saturday-was-rain- ed-out. __Statesville plays only three days this weck —yesterday,today and to- morrow ~~all three of which.are with Gastonia and on the Statesville diamond. The Boys at Cc amp GGlenn. The companies of the First regi- ment reached Camp Glenn-safely Sunday morning and most of the day was consumed in pitching the tents, unloading supplies,and placing things in readiness fer the hard work before them The trip to Morehead was without incident and most creditable to the soldiers,the officers said.The men were quiet but determined and in good spirits. Would Prevent Return of Troops A dispatch from Chihuahua,Mex co,says immediately after the evac- uation of San Geronimo and Bachin- aba,by American troops,General Trevino occ upied these points and is- sued strict orders that any attempts —of General Pershing’s men to return south must be forcibly prevesited. .Roosevelt Declines Support of Hughes. Theodore Roosevelt,in a letter read to the Progressive national commit- tee,in session in Chicago yesterday, _finally declined to accept the _presi- Urges ‘|strued, eaeareetennagneonnhcaterspaneieroegenoaaonmearmarapene STATESVILLE,N,C,TUESDAY,JUNE 27 .|SHARP DEMAND ON MEXICO American Prisoners Must’)Be Released and Carranza Must}. Clarly State His Attack on.Americans Because’They Mexican Orders. A demand.for the immediate .re-lease of the American troopers tak- en prisoner at:Carrizal,Mexico,coup- led with a stern notification that the United States expects an early state- ment of the purposes of the Carran- za government,was telegraphed to Mexico City’Sunday by Secretary Lansing.: The note discloses that the State Department received Saturday a com- munication from the de facto.gov- ernment stating that the Carrizal fight was the direct result of orderstoattackAmericansoldiersmoving: otherwise than toward the border,personally issued by General Car- ranza to General Trevino and by the latter communicated to General Per- shing, In reply Secretary Lansing requires that the de facto gavernment trans- mit a.definite statement “as to the course of action it has determined upon,”through the usual diplomatic channels “and not through subordi- nate military officers.” The Mexican communication is con- Secretary Lansing states,‘‘as a for‘mal avowal of deliberately hos- tile action against the forces of the United States now the purpose to attack without provo- cation whenever they move from their present position” ly mission on which they are engaged and which is reaffirmed in the Ameri- can rejoinder. General Carranza is required to place himself on record formally,,and the plain intimation lies behind the restrained language of Mr.Lansing’s communication that force will be met with force.Apparently,however,the Washington government is determin- ed that the de facto government shall not evade responsibility before the world if war is forced upon the Unit- ed States. Purpose— Was Disregarded The Note, The text of the note to the Mexi- can.de facto government,transmit- ted Sunday to James Linn Rodgers, special representative of the Ameri- can government in Mexico.City, says . “Mr.Arredondo yesterday deliver- ed to this government the following communication: “Tam directed by my government to inform your excellency,with ref- erence to the Carrizal incident,that the Chief Executive,”through the Mexican War Department,gave or- ders to‘Gen.Jacinto B.Trevino.not to permit American forces from General Pershing’s column to advance fur- ther south,nor to move:either east or west from the points where they are located,and to oppose new incursions of American soldiers into Mexican territory.These orders were brought by General Trevino to tne attention of General Pershing,who acknowledged the receipt of the communication rel- ative thereto.On the 21st instant,as Your Excellency knows,an American fotce moved eastward quite far from its base,notwithstanding tne above orders,and was engaged by Mexican troops at Carrizal,State of Chihua- hua.As a result of the encounter, several men on both siges were killed and wounded and 17 American sol- diers were made prisoners.’ “You are hereby instructed to hand to the minister of foreign relations of the ‘de factor government the fol-lowing: “<The government of the United States can put no other construction upon the communication handed to theSecretary of State of the United States on the 24th of June,by Mr. Arredondo,under instruction of your government,than that it is intended as a formal avowal of deliberately hostile aetion against the forces of the United States now in Mexico,and of the purpose to attack them with- out provocation whenever they move from their present position in pursu- ance of the objects for which they were sent there,notwithstanding the fact that those objects,not only in- ¥volve no unfriendly intention towards the government and people of Mexico, but are on the contrary intended only to assist that government.in protect- ing itself and the tterritory and peo- ple of the United States against.ir- responsible and insurgent bands of rebel marauders, “Tam instructed,therefore,by my government to demand the immediate release of the prisoners taken in the encounter at Carrizal,together with any property of the United States taken with them,and to inform you that the government of the eres dential nomination of the party and strongly urged the organization to support Charles E,Hughes. Major Abbott Emmett Lloyd,50 years of age and for more than 30 years a_resident and leading mer- chant of.Durham,committed suicideSundaymorningbyshootinghimself in the mouth with a revolver. In St,John’s)Lutheran church, Salisbury,_on the evening of the 22d,MissRosa Bernhardt of Salisbury and Mr.W.Henry Hobson,Jr.,of Da- vie.county were united in marriage. War news is likely to be curtailed.Preparations are made to impose cen- sorship. Rev.C.A.Monroe,D.'‘D.,willpreachatthePresbyterianchurchat Troutman Sunday at 11 a.m.Com- ;munions service following sermon,iPvelitninary service Saturday at 3 p.ma.) States-expects an early 7s from your government as 1S the course of action it wishes the govern- ment of the United States to under- stand it has determined unon,and that it also exnects that this state- ment be made through the usual dip- lomatic channels.and not .through subordinate militz ry commanders.” Stone Thinks It War.ep The President was in conferenceSundaynightwithChairmanStone of the Senate foreign relations com- mittee,Senator Lodge,ranking Re- nublican member,and.Chairman Flood of the House committee on for- eign affairs.The President told them of the Carranza note and the reply. Senator Stone was very emphatic af-terwards in regard to the +démandforreleaseofthe‘prisoners.’“We must have those men,”he said sol- emnlv.The Senator madeno:efforttohidehisownbeliefthatwarisvir-(Continued on Sixth Page.) in Mexico and of: despite the friend-: 4 Pershing. -mingo |back, THE STORY CF Americans Trapped, —Lettcr From Capt,Morey, Left on Field to Die. Left.to die thirst,two miles from the scene of the encaunter.between..Mexican.and. ‘American troops at Carrizal last’ Wednesday,Captain Lewis Sydney, Morey of the Tenth cavalry,has made| his way back to the American lines.| General Funston received by —tele- phone «at San :Antonio,Texas,Sun- day night,from Mrs.Morey,now at! Austin,Texas,the following message,| which reached her by wireless from| the field: “Somewhere in Mexico.Am back on the line with two men,safe. (Signed)“SYDNEY.” That,ac cording to Mrs.Morey,was| the manner in which Captain Morey signed all communications to her.: A letter.from Captain Morey,writ- ten while hiding in a hole near the scene of the fight at Carrizal,after his men had been broken and scat- tered by the Mexican force,was re-ceived by General Funston,Sunday night,through General Pershing,In that letter Captain Morey described how,fearing an ambush,the Ameri- tan troopers had advanced ‘in battle formation on the Mexicans who had come out from Carrizal during a par- ley over permission,for the Ameri- cans to pass through the town;how the Mexicans had opened ae how the remaining Americans “had been forced to retreat and seatter,each for himself,asHowCaptainMoreymanaged to make his way to the American main column,a distance of-more than 80 miles,is unknown,but it is inferred he was picked up by a detachment of the rescuing force sent out by Gener- al Pershing.He was without food or water in a desert country and.his sufferings must have been intense. ‘apt.Morey’s Letter. Capt.Morey wrote the letter at 9.15 a.m.,June 21,while hiding in a hole about 2,000 yards from the scene of the battle.He was wounded and had another wounded man and three un- wounded troopers with him.The three unwounded men were picked up by a detachment under Lieutenant Henry A.Meyers,Jr.,of the Tenth cavalry and the létter brought to General Captain.Morey.-was -]to die upon the desert from thirst afd his wounds.The men abandoned him at his own orders,The three un- wounded men had carried-him,ac- cording to their stories to Lieutenant Meyer,from the hole where he had hidden and made their way, nearly two miles,from the battlefield. They were foreed to stop and Cap- tain Morey,believing wimself hope- lessly wounded,ordered them to leave him.They also thought him about to die from loss of blood and thirst and obeyed. The stories’of the rescued men to Lieutenant...Meyer were.very.vague about the details of the ficht,accord- ing to General Pershing’s report to General Funston. Following is the text of the letter: “Carrizal,Mexico,June 21,1916,9.- 15 a.m, “To commanding officer,Ojo Frederi- Co.: “My troon reached Ojo Santo Do- at_5.30_p.m.,June 20.Met _C troop under Captain Boyd.I came under Captain Boyd’s command and marched my troop in rear for Carri-zal at 4.15 a.m,,reaching open field to southeast of town at 6.30 a.m. “Captain ‘Boyd sent in a note re- questing permission to pass through the town.This was refused.Statéd we could go to the north,but.not east. Captain Boyd’said he was going to Ahumada at this time.He was talk- ing with Carranza commander.Gen- cra]Gomez sent a written messagethatCaptainBoydeouldbringhis forces in town and have a confer- ence.Captain Boyd ‘feared an am- bush.He was under the impression that the Mexicans would run as soon as we fired. “We formed for attack,his inten- tion being to move up to the line of about 120 Mexicans on the edge of the town.When we were within 3600yardstheMexicansopenedfireanda strong one before we fired a shot; then we opened up,They didnot run._To make a—lony;-ecount short, after about an hour’s fire,in which both troops had_advanced,C troop to’ vosition of Mexican machine gun and K troop closing in slightly to the left. We were very busy ‘on the right, keeping off a flank attack.A group of Mexicans left town,went around our rear and Jed our horses off at a gal- lop. “At about 9 0’clock—one platoon of K troop,which was on our right.fell of loss of »blood and) CARRIZAL.FAREWELL SOLDIER BOYS.| Betrayed| _and Slaughtered By Mexicans| The Departure of the Blues Sat- urday —Public Exercises at the Court House and Courte- sies Shown the -Company— The Roster. |The station and station were.jammed Saturday friends and relatives who were there to see the Iredell Blues off to mobili-zition headquarters at Camp Glenn. They departed gn second section of No.12,which was scheduled to arrive Lat 7.05 but which did not:arrive until an hour later..The special was’in charge of Division Passenger Agent James H.Wood of Asheville and wascomposedof12touristsleepers,two baggage coaches and the officers’ Pullman, A,Hickory;Company E,Sthtesville;Company F,Asheville;Company H, Waynesville;Company K,Asheville, the Field Hospital’Corps of Canton, and the First Regiment band. The Iredell Blues—Company FE,of the first battalion,First Regiment— left here with a rester of 838,as fol- lows:- Captain.Wm.Westmoreland;First Licutenant Oscar Mills;First Ser- geant R.’H.Turner;Quartermaster Sergeant John A,en Sergeants —Jno.A.Fes E.Millsaps, Jr.,Jno,Englebert fs!Owen W.Leonard;Gorneeale —Ches.Kilpat- rick,Wn.T.Marshall,Geo.Kilpat- rick,W.E.Smith,G,B.Millsaps, Thos.M.Asbury:Cooks—Jas.B.Kest- ler and Clyde Brandon;Musicians— N.C.Hartline and Thos.A.Johnson. Privates—Bob Curlee,Robt.LL. Dowdy,John A.Dowdy,Bryant Deal, Ralph Eastep,Marshall Fowler,Rog- ers B,Gaither,Hal.Gill,Harold C. Heath,Monroe Hagger,Jas.R.King, Thos.Kilpatrick,Baron P.Moore, Coite.Marshall,Marvin FE.Marshall, J.Walter McCoy,W.J.MeDade,Tal- madge D.Price,John S.Smith,Jas. R.Stewart,John F.Steele,Chas.E, Scales,Geo.D.Saine,Lock R.Tom- lin,John T.Troutman,Sherrill Wil- son,John H.Wyckoff,J.D.Morrison. Harry Gregory,Ralph Kirkman,Ivey EK.Johnson,W.L.Young,J.Be:Wil- liams,Carl Cline,A.L.Davis,Robt. Garrison,J.M.Leonard,R.F.Keat- on,J.B.Honeycutt,Robt.A,Savage, Ira Gilbert Poston,Milton R.Wiggs, Ernest.Hart,John Moose,Wade Hag- ger,Fred.S.Bradley,Vance Ward, Tt.P.Lloyd,Fred.Baker,Jerry .T. Moose,Lee Linebarrier,Kenneth °S. Herman,Tom Ledwell,Feimster Smith,Roy Sherrill,Sherrill Frazier, Foard E.Beaver,Thos.M,Gilleland, Wm,Blackwell,Chas.H.LeGette, Wm.R.Culbertson,Mack Holler, Wm.G.Staley,Doit Holtshouser and Carson Hill. Second Lieutenant W.FE.Sherrill remained here to attend the funeral of el father,who died Saturday.He will be located at the armory for some weeks enlisting new recruits for the company.In the absence of the Blues Neil Garrison,former member of thecompany,Will-have-eharge of the ar- mory. A programme as a send-off to the Blues had been planned for Saturday afternoon but a.storm came up.and the programme had_to be dispensed with.Instead,the Blues were gather- ed in the court house and exercises held there for a few minutes.Mayor Caldwell made a short talk,speaking words of comfort to the soldiers and-in justification of the un- dertaking.The invocation and bene- diction were by Rev.J,H.Pressly. When the exercises in the court house were concluded,the company march- ed to Hotel Iredell,where they were bountifully fed as guests of Proprie- tor Gray. The:United Daughters of the Con- federacy,the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution and friends provided nacket lunches for the company and delivered them at the train.Mr.C.Watkins and others sent cigars and cigarettes to the armory for the boys during the afternoon and other cour- teous attention was shown them In addition to the company the fol- lowing commissioned officers of.:the National Guard went:Maj.Robt.L. Flanigan of the first battalion.of the First Regiment:Sergeant Major Clar- ence Ramsey.Surgeon R.A.Camp- bell.who ranks as captain. Maj.J.&.Deitz of the third battal- ion and Adjutant C.H.Turner of the seeond—battalion resigned.Neither Major Deitz nor Adjutant Turner in- tended _to_re-énlist under:the new or- ganization of the Guard July’1 and tthought it to the best interest of the service that.they resijgn now and Tet their suecessors be named at once. Capt.J.H.Howell of >Waynesville succeetls Major Deitz and Adjutant Turner’s suecessor is Lieut.Rufus M. Jolmston of Charlotte . It is not at all certain.in fact it is grounds |- evening by | The train carried Company| -believe departing; ,1916. WESTMORELAND. Commander of Company E (Iredell Blues)«-Joined the Blues more than 20 years ago and was a pri- vate until the “Spanish-American war,when he was appointed —ser- geant.After that war was out of company two.or_three years and .When he rejoined was elected sec- ond lieutenant;>served in that ca- pacity four or five years and re- signed to locate in another State.When he returned to Statesville three or four years ago he was elected captain of the company.- CAPT,WM. Dr.Pearson TakesDr.Cadman’s Place This Evening. Dr.S.Parkes Cadman,who was to have spoken at.the-Chautauqua.this evening,has been called to .the front in his capacity as chaplain of the ‘Twenty-third New York regi- ment.In this sudden-emergency the local.association has been fortunate in securing as a substitute the presi- dent of the Chautauqua Association of Pennsylvania,under whose auspi- ces the Statesville assembly is being held—Dr.Paul M.Pearson of Swarth- more College. Dr.Pearson is a great favorite Statesville.He has been for many years one of the strongest men on the lyceum platform.His reputation was made in the West as a reader, of the class of Leland Powers,but of late years he has become known -as an eloquent lecturer.To Statesville he is known-as-the-man-who-achieves impossibilities!He was the first to that the Chautauqua —idea could be carried east of the AHegha- nies.Three years ago he put States- ville-on-the-Chautauqua-map,and it} has stayed there.Because of his sturdy energy and his delightful per- sonality the current number of the Lyceum Magazine calls him “rein- forced concrete coveved with ‘velvet,” Statesville will enjoy the man who is the founder and director of the eastern Chautauquas.It is expected that Dr.Peeracn will give his new lecture,“Who Is Great?” The Fort Dobbs Celebration Off. The Fort Dobbs chapter of the D.A.R.,which had planned a celebra- tion of the Fourth at Fort Dobbs,has been compelled to abandon the cele- bration for several reasons,One reas- on is that adequate preparation could not be made to entertain the,crowd at the Fort and another is that At- torney Generak Bickett,whom it was hoped to secure as the orator of.the day,was unable to come. Next year the Deughters hope to be prepared for and to have a great event at Fort Dobbs. in Postoffice Robber is With Us. Charles Hamilton,alias Hamilton Dutch,another of the Gld Tom Dowd gang of postoffice robbers,is now in Iredell]jail to await the October term of federal court.He was transfer- red here from Hust Cambridge.Mass., Saturday night and came in the cus- tody of Marshal John J,Mitchell and Alleged = “Sergeant said he could not stay there.Both platoons fell back about 1,000 yards to the west and then to-gether with some men of C troop who were there these men scattered. “fT was slightly wounded.ey Boyd,a man told me,was killed.No-J thing was seen of Lieutenant \dair after fight started,so man I saw stut- ed. “Tam hiding in a hole 2,000 yards from field and have one other wound- ed man and three men with me. (Signed)“MOREY,'“Captain.” In transmitting Captain Morcy’s letter General Pershing said: “The three men referred to by Mo- rey are the three men who had:above message in their possession,ThewoundedmanwasfromC_troop,shot through the knee.Lieutenant Meyer reports that the three men were rather vague as to where they very improbahle.that all who go foCampGlennwillgoontotheMexi- can border.At Camp Glenn they will undergo medical examitvation and onlythesoundwillbesanttotheborder. Tt is believed,however,that the bulk of the local company are anxious to vo,not only to the border,but beyond if needed, An informal serviée for the com- nanv was held at the armory by the local ministers Friday afternoon. Talks were made by Rev.Messrs. Lut%,,Kirk,Raynal,Pressly and An- derson. Many people were on the streets Saturday to see the members of the local company,bid them farewell and wish them God-speed and a safe re-turn.The plan was to have the pub- lic ‘exercises of farewell on the ‘col-lege campus.The company marched ftofh the armory on west Broad street (Continued on Sixth Page.)to the court house,where a’proces- Deputy Marshal Ruhl of ~Massachu-| setts.He was receipted for here by ee uty Marshal John Milholland. Paoied fb aren a the The rainstorm prevented this and the exercises were held in the court house.After this there was supper at Hotel Iredell for the’com- pany and then they marched to the armory to don the equipment for thefinaldeparture.At 6.30 the march to the station was begun.People lined the sidewalks’and looked as the sol-diers passed.There was.little dispo- sition to cheer.It was a solemn oc- casion.Those who looked realized that some of those men were,in all probability,passing along States- ville’s streets for the last time.It sion was Ke be college. |Cooper. ‘\the United States army is NO 100. ei EKQe BRIEF ITEMS ane NEWS —Mr.J.O.Rogers,who recentlycametoStatesvilleafter,finishi post graduate course at Prince’ ulty of the Greensboro high school.” -=Mr.T.C.Moose and family jwillmaketheir’-home in:Charlotte after.July--t..-Mr:Moose--wil -have«c¢of one of the departments of the:i Mellon Co.,eclothiers. ‘Dr.C.L.Gruse of Statesville,who attended the meeting of|the|North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association ‘at Wrightsville,“was elected first vice president of the ‘as sociation. —Maj.R.L.Flanigan.has‘diaponedtoftheCrescenttheatertoMr,R.A;The latter took charge yes-terday_and will operate both it and the Lyric with Mr.Ross Barkléy asmanagerofboth.bg —-License-has been.issued for.aemarriageofMr.Herbert ClampMissMaryViolaAldridge;Mr.geDurhamandMissCeliaLaviniabert;Mr.Chas.King Burton and& Dora Adline Stout. —Recruiting Officer J.J.silen .hereen-listing men.He is located at Mr.:Rd.S»*White’s,on Walnut street,andwantstoenlistmenforcavalry,an- fantry and artillery, —Flake Sherrill,son of’Mr.JessL.Sherrill,has beerr ill with typhoidfeveratRockyMount.for .aboutthreeweeks.-His condition is»im-proving.Flake went to Rocky‘Mountafewmonthsagototakeaposition. —Mr.Tom Troutman of Troutman&Suther,blacksmiths,was pawed’ontheheadbyamuleSaturdayahdMis.scalp slightly cut.He was engagedinshoeingthemulewhenthe’acci-dent happened,Dr.Ross McKiyeedressedthewound. —Creditors of E.L,Flowers’eeHickory,trading as the Home ‘CantierManufacturingCo.and E.L.FloManufacturingCo.,have asked «!he be placed in bankru|ptey.:matter will be heard July 3°We.if:eree W.S.Pearson of organton.- —Sheriff Adams _of Alexatcounty-was here Saturday,‘from Danville,Va.,where he.beer to take Rom,Catrigan‘of \A)ander..Carrigan had joined ‘the e:litia at Chase City,Va.,a few weeksagoanddecidedthathedidnot.wank to go to Mexico.g—Mr,L.D.Benfield of Shitetownshipwasridingabicycle‘acrossthe-square yesterday ‘and..collidedwithMr.Lester Tomilin’s automobile,Mr.Benfield fell against-the-radin-tor of the machine and suffered ®bruise on his face.-No serious sand-age to man.or machine. —While Chas.Lanier,three-year.old son of Mr.and Mrs.L.L.Lanier,was playing in the yard at:his omeonWaterstreetyesterday,he waalihe. ten,presumably by a spider.bite was on the finger ‘but ‘the eiitirebodyswelled.Dr.Yount :attendédtheboyandheisgétting’on all right, —As required,county candidatesintherecent.primary have filed ‘gec~ond statement of pd pona belows:J.A.Steele,$81.40;.MeLelland,$167.80;W.C.Wooten0 $21 26;-J.F.Mitchell,$6410;—W..-Matheson,$8;M.W.Smith,ws 30; “H.Morrow,$43.40;W.H.1.Hunter, —Mrs.H:G.Maul,who is athePhilippineswithherhusband,‘Dr. H.G.Maul of.the United States na-vy,writes her parents,Mr.and Mfrs.W.A,Murdoch of the vicinity“6:Statesville,that she is well pl iwiththePhilippines.Dr.Maul “will”probably be _stationed.«there twoyears.Mrs.Maul was.formerlyMaeMurdoch,a professional nurséinWashington.She married Dr,‘MaulinColorado. Those who may wish to calle inthemilitaryservicewiththeir‘hcompany(the Iredell Blues)ibeaccommodatedbycallingonLieut, Sherrill,at the Blues’armory on ‘westBroadstreet,over the Carolina Motor Company..The home company.mustberevruitedtofallstrengthand‘isanxioustogetrecruitsfromHite people—from Iredell and this ‘se¢tion—but there is no restriction as to resi-dence.Lieut.Sherrill.will give full information. Charlotte Visitors Today.” The Charlotte visitors .who.--ate coming to Statesville today on a “‘So-ciability Tour”are expectedto i at the station at 12.50. Secretary Gilbert of the Cotanmlscialclubrequeststhatallowners:of automobiles who can possibly do so, take their machines-to-the ‘station:tohelpbringthevisitorsuptown.Im-mediately after the arrival ‘of’‘the“Chartotte—party a meeting willBeheldatthecourthouseandbrief‘ad-dresses made by Mayor Caldwell:ardoneortwootherStatesville.people and by two members of the Cha party,‘The visitors will stop in Statesvilfaboutonehour.It is urged that, business men and citizens weneral attend the meeting at the court house and help show proper courtesy to thevisitors,who will be otrguests,dar- ing their stay. Buffalo Clay Co.Chartered,Hie, The Buffalo Clay ‘Co.of ‘Stuteshasbeencharteredtodéal“inmanufacturehollowbricks,drainaridotherclayproducts.The ingratorsareMessrs.F.F.Steele was a sad @eeasion not only for Rankin and £.G.Gaither.friends and -relatives but for all who|$50,000 authorized capital ‘a gave thought to what it meant, thé station there was a long wait ‘ahd there final farewells were again ‘said. At;000 is paid in.This is the:acutheriverwhichwillbegin before long. hus been elected a member of thefat wr « a bie to Germany. wor r AASaNER Nl eid RRORS,1 a a dyeei ee=eran\w’COY MUST STAND TRIAL. Judge Boyd Orders Him to -Florida’—Charge Against Deputy Commissioner, T.Cy McCoy of:Asheville, revenue officer,must go to Jackson- ville,Fla.,to stand trial in the Fed- eral court ona charge of conspiracy to.defraud the government.|This is) the,decision_of Judge Boyd,who pre- sided as a committing magistrate at a hearing in Greensboro Friday.Me- Coy was required to give bond in the sum of $8,000 to appear at Jackson-ville in December.; McCoy was.indicted with John oe y groups of--foreigners_in_this try who have been perniciously tive during the world war in be-alt of the governments of their-na-re land;who seem to be more con-ed about the-land_of their _nativ-tw.or the native land of their for-s,than the-country of their adop- “or in which they were —born;yatise partisanship has gone so farMattheydidnothesitatetosayorothings.that would harm this coun- flin their efforts to manifest their|Casper,formerly of Winston-Salem, pathy for a foreign country;and|the late Revenue Agent Booth and have denounced our government |others for an alleged conspiracy to M*our public officials because,‘as defraud the government,in connec- ¥felt,the foreign government in|tion with the manufacture of whis-| Which they were interested did not |key,the indictments in which McCoy |t,a square deal—these foreign |is “implicated being brought both in aps will be liberally denounced in|Little Rock,Ark.,and in Jacksonville, coming campaign,and properly|Fifa,Casper is now.serving a_term notinced,‘in Leavehworth prisof for his offence.|But it is well a criticising .these|Revenue Agent Booth is dead,Oth-|ign groups that we usemination.Sympathy with our|yicted.and €land or the land from which|pending,¥| Beeinens came is natural and prop-}The allegations against McCoy and | er long as the sympathy does not}the other revenueofficials are,in -a| reehit in speech and acts harmful to |general way,that they werepaid by}the government of the land in which|distillers to aid them in defrauding | wetlive and to which our allegiance|the government.McCoy was fight-|ig'due while we are citizens thereof;|ing against going to Jacksonville|in joining in the cry against fer-/for trial.His guilt or innocence was |ighers it is well to remember that}not the issue.He has also resisted| all.of us who are not Indians are de-return to Little Rock for trial on th}seendants of foreigners.|Thy exam-!jndictment there,and so far the an-|ples herein cited will givé us an idea |swer to the request-that-he-be com- of.where the distinction may be}manded to’go has been held up and awn.Nee pcRemnan writ-|will be until the Florida case is trieding.,to the New York Tribune,says:|out.| We told -you long ago that se J.H.Suber of Atlanta,a formereandidatewouldbenominatedatthe|revenue official,was a witness for phltago convention,and heproved to;McCoy.Asked if he was not under e the unanimous choice.Mr.Roose-j indictment,Suber said:“Yes,velt was the most offensive to us.and indicted on the testimony of a per-we.proceeded to put the kibosh on!jurer,who was himself indicted to; Ly and oe ah bed of politics save the deputv commissioner of in-7 man next most offensive to us is’ternal revenue.” Mr.:Woodrow Wilson.We now are;Judge Boyd ruled that this answer|able to deal with him in his turn,had no part in the proceedings andWeshall-use your paper and Mr.should be stricken from the record.Roosevelt to put him where he be-(A proper ruling no doubt for thatlongsandtoelectourcandidate,who hearing,but the charge against.‘theis*wise enough not to offend the Hy-|deputy commissioner of internal rev- | punished,or cases are; T am; | phenates.”.enue,made under oath,should be in-Mr.Ackerman is a German-Ameri-}vestigated.It is understood that thecamjHeboldlysaysthecandidatethe}reference was to David A.Gates of Sopa cans favored (Hughes)|Arkansas,who.is deputy commission-was nominated at Chicago and the|er of internal revenue under Internalcafididatemostoffensivetothem|Revenue Commissioner Osborne.(Roosevelt)was defeated;and they |.>~will now defeat Wilson,“the man THE SHERIFF A SUICIDE,next most offensive to us.”That is.a10.82y,the German Bye perbiers in|Second Suicide as the Result ofIs‘country propose-to help elect as,va,Y aiwilorPresidentof;the United States the|the Murder of Judge LawlermanwhoisacceptabletoGermany,|of Alabama.:and to defeat the man who is not ac-|Sheriff Robert Phillips of ‘Madison :In the.face of |county,Ala.,shot and killed himself ‘that statement,the issue of Ameri-|at the county jail in Huntsville,Ala., eétiikm —America first —is not}Friday,the second suicide growingoly,timely but acute;and in reply|out of the recent murder of Probate; to,,it one might be justified in de-|Judge Lawler.; ding,Germany or America!!The sheriff.was not confined in jail“Which?We must keep in mind,how-|but lived there as sheriff and jailer. ever,that by no means all pro-Ger-|He,had been knowa as a_political mans or German-Americans are inj friend to D,D.Overton,for whom atheAckermanclass.That class is)warrant has been issued in connection comparativély small.|with the Lawler murder,and it is saidTheGazette,a newspaper published;by the sheriff’s friends that.worry at’Cologne,Germany,has this to say:|over criticism because he had not ar- ‘“German-Americans,on whose |rested Overtan had caused the suicide,votés perhaps the decision of the elec-|That the sheriff should have thought tion rests,are for the most part pub-|himself suspected of the Lawler mur-licly.on the side of Hughes.They |der,however,was as great surprise tohave«now an opportunity of paying |many as that caused a few days be- President Wilson back for his false,|fore,when S.‘L.Pleasants was found hypocritical neutrality and for his un-|shot to death in his office,leaving a heard-of attacks on their American |note saying he killed himself because nationality.”jhe was suspected of murdering Judge_In a campaign excited partisans al-|Lawler.The prosecution declaredwaysbringunjustaccusations.It/|that no suspicion had been directedwillbedeniedthatMr.Hughes is in|against Pleasants...Bympathy with these foreign groups,Sheriff Phillips recently issued 2-and he may not be.But they are in|Statement replying to criticism he-seeympathy with him and are using him |cause Overton had not been arrested, b iK fit’to be called a citizen. Demand For Men Trained at A. # i || ble everywhere,lain’s Tablets are obtainable everywhere. it as a club—and prior to his nimination|Saying he was doing all in his power the;New York.Tribune said Hughes|to apprehend him.Later when a $1,-by his silenée indicated his wil-|000 reward was offered for Overton,lingness to be used as a club—to de-|the sheriff asserted neither he norfeatWilson,whom they hate.If it.his deputies would share init if they be said that the denunciation of these |arrested Overton,which he reiteratedforeignersisunjust,“or thatthe.they were making every cffort to do.|charge that German influence is try-|The sheriff's dead hody was foundin-ing to name the President of the |a cell of the jail.~A-note,addressedAmerican.people has no foundation!to his wife,said he and his son,Mar-in.fact,it will be well to remember |Cus,went to serve a summons in thethatsome‘evidence to support the|Vicinity of the place where Judge|charge is found in the extracts quoted,|Lawler’s body was found and that thiswhichareonlysamples.of what can had caused him to be suspected of thebe.cited,‘(murder.“It is more than f can standjen|to live under this.”the note continu-The President’s Mexi ran Policy.red.“The man I thought a gentlemanGreensboroNews.[has fooled me.I don’t want the stainPurelyfromanethicalstandpoint|°”™Y children.cant Beerde VesthePresident's policy in dealing with |@cused of such a crime,\Mexico has been beyond all praise.|The note did not name the manItfailed‘merely because Mr.Wilson |Who fooled”the sheriff,but added:rated the civilization of Mexico far|I liked Judge Lawler,even though Itoohigh.To insinuate that the Pres-|Worked against him,and I was fool-ident suffered three years of insult}° former |» proper|ers have been,either acquitted,con-4_ beredit velopment in and outrage unprecedented in the his- tory of nations through cowardice,orindifferencetothehonorofthena-tion,is worse than slanderous—itis |idiotic. The weakness of the President'spolicyhasbeenthathecarriedfor-|bearance,in itself most admirable of | |} the virtues of a great nation,to thePointwhereitbecameafault.That}weakness he seems to be about~to!eliminate;and the alleged American|who will not support him’in that en-|deavor.not grudgingly,but enthusi-|astically,may be a voter but is not| |} _.«.and M.College. The demand for young North (olinians whosequalifythem places in jar-education and training to take responsiblethe.State’s advancing de-agriculture,manufac-turing,and other productive enter-prises,grows apace.Of the 90 young }men who were recently graduatedfromtheAgriculturalandMechani-cal College,practically all had Posi-|tions waiting for them on.the day of|their graduation,These young menaretakingtheirplacesnotmerelyasdersintheState's materialgrowth,but in its solid progressivecitizenshipaswell.The announce-|ment of this great technical institu-|tion appears in this issue.|ihthiiidanathiaitatinatamnens |the active list as adjutant general and|.Forethought,nee are learning that a little forethoughtaaeabigexpense.Here i: :»Chamberlain's Cholera jfor indigestion for ‘the past six Months,find|ff Rete yeast tah When we voror en ere me pleasure to say I have {ri nm we go on an/used a remedy that did 4 e rd?|one visit ‘we take it”with us.”Obtain-|—Mrs.C.E.Riley,tlio Ny Cneon bona tial),L*(¢enua}),Lynn, \North Carolina troops. |pacity. The note then referred to businessmattersandtotherearingoftheyoungchildren,and added:.“f can’taffordtolivehereandbelookedup-on.as a murderer,when God knowsIamas_innocent as the ange|s inHeaven.”eeePromoteEstablishmentof RifleClubs. Training in rifle practice for allmalecitizensofthecountryistheobjectofanamendementtothearmyappropriationbill,which has beén’in-troduced by Senator Fletcher.It proposes to appropriate $300,-000 to establish in-door and out-door |ranges for the use of all able-bodiedmalescapableofbearingarms,under }regulations to be prescribed by the;director of ~@ivilian marksmanship |and approved by the Secretary #of|War. sented an amendment allowing 000 for payment of trans rifle teams to particip tional matches, Adjutant Young Becomes a Brigadier. Adjutant General Lawrence W. or Craig Brigadier General of Former Brigadier General B.Royster.of Oxford,who was retired|the first of June,has been placed on takes Gen.Young’s place in that ca- 1 .To*the Public.I have..been using.Chamberlain's Tablets |J never | Chamber- Senator Fletcher has also pre-|Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-$60,-|pound and tOld my husband about it.[porattion of;said ‘I.know nothing will help me but Iateinthena-|Will try this.’'ing from the very first bottle,and in twopetineIveenuetositdownandcataheartybreakfastwith3~|band,which th eyes:|I am now in the best of health and.did not have the operation.’?—MrsYounghasbeenappointedbyGovern-.Joun A.KoEnIc athe,Astoria,N.Y S.|and the operating’table.nothing else will do; i ee say they ‘are necessary when2 |to the Pinkham Laboratory,telling how|Operations were advised|pect aod ee ADJUTANT C.H.TURNER, Joined Blues 24 years ago.Was elect- ed second lieutenant in 1896.Re- signed this 30 days before Spanish- American war and served in that|war as sergeant.Was second lieu- tenant when he came home from the war and soon afterward “was, cleeted first lieutenant, resigned three years ago.Bight months later he was appointed bat- talion adjutant. fered By Hailstorm. Washington Dispatch to Charlotte Observer, 4 Secretary of State Lansing issued “diplomats as the last word of the |jean territory. _the present situation, a policy,but the defence of American which he eo t[yr 18.NOT INTERVENTION.|~ Pan -American Diplomats As-| Mexico. he 21st a circular note addressed fo.South and Central American dip- Jomats in Washingtony It’accompa- nied copies of the #ote to General Carranza,distributed as a matter of information and was accepted by the United States beforeprogeeding with any steps which Carranza’s course might make necessary.The note reads:-nae .“]enelose for.your information acopyofthisgovernment’s note ~of June 20 to the secretary of foreign relations of the de facto government of Mexico on the’subject of.the resence of American troops in Mex!This communication states clearly the.critical relationsexistingbetweenthisgovernmentand “the de faeto-government.of .Mexicoandthecauseswhichhaveledupto a“Should this situation eventuate in- to hostilities,which this.government would ‘deeply regret and will use ev-ery honorable effort to avoid,1 take this opportunity to inform you that this government would have for its object,not intervention in Mexican affairs with all the regrettable conse-quences which might result from such territory from further invasion by bands of armed Mexicans;protection of American citizens and property along the boundary from outrages committed by such bandits,and the prevention of future depredations by force of arms against the marauders infesting this region and against a government which is encouraging and aiding them in their activities. “Hostilities,in’short,would be simply a state of international war without purpose on the part of the United States other than to end the conditions which menace our nationalpeaceandthesafetyofourcitizens.” This communication was issued to the Latin-American diplomats,it is understood,to reassure them as to the policy of the.United States and in &n effort to keep intact the Pan- American understanding for which the|administration has labored. Who You Talkin’About ?—Gas- tonia There With Goods. Gastonia Gazette.\ Gastonia does rote make as much} Massachusetts his quota”of Senator Lodge of has allowed part of seeds to be used for the people in Alexander and Caldwell counties whose crops were practically destroy-, ed by recent hailstorms.The Depart’ ment of Agriculture has:promised to extend ‘its aid as far as possible to the people of these counties,although it cannot.vive any financial assist- ance,“Phe department has instructed eS.Millsaps of Statesville to see what damare has been done and what aid is necessary. The appeal frem the stricken peo- ple was made to Congressman Doughton and he took the matter up immediately with the department.It| was found that most of the seed had been used.The department,in look- ing over the list.found that the Sen- ator from Massachusetts had two full sacks left.He was communicated with and wave his consent readily for Sessy Doughton to use the "eSSALY, Credit Unions in the State. An official statement of the devel- opment of credit-unions in this State, W.R.Camp,director,shows an in- crease since March 1 from $2,264 to $6,846 in total resources of the seven local credit unions,the-first-one-hav- ing been organized at Lowe's Level January 20,and the most recent one included in April t4. These credit unions have 44 depos-Hor 20 outstanding loans andSk,a agement has offered a prize of $10 to the credit union that secures the| greatest number of —new depositors |diving the summer mouths and $5 to (ho individual member Who procures the targe-t numberof new depositors.; There was an inercaseof 36 petcent.in the total resources of —theunionsthepastmonthwhiletheloansincreasedG4percent.|WOMAN AVOIDS OPERATION. Medicine Which Made Sur-geon’s Work Unnecessary.| Astoria,N.Y.—‘‘For two years I}was feeling ill and took all Kinds of |tonics.I was get-|ing worse every day, I had chills,my head | would ache,}was| always tired.[could | not walk straight|because of the pain | in myback and I had |pains in my stom-|ach.I went to a)doctor and he said [|must go under an/| }annum,with allowances during the report at Bahama| 3 rash in banks,The State maiz} noise as some other towns we know of,but she does things all the same and can always be depended on when}there is ‘need for something to be} done.One town in the State,not a) ‘thousand miles)away,which claims | three or four times as many people | as Gastonia,has been straining.ev-! |pany of infantry up to wartime strength and up to today (Friday)had a total of 102 men.Gastonia’s com- {pany had about 60 men on her ros- ter Monday when the call to arms went forth and up to this morning | \@fficient recruits had been secured to! |fun the number up to 125.SR Civilian physicians will have an op- portunity toventer the United States avy Medical Corps on passing an) examination which will be held Au-| gust 7 in Washington,Boston,New| York,Philadelphia,Norfolk,Charles-| ton,8S.C,;Chicago and San Francis-| co. Successful candidates will receive|special courses at the Naval Medical,School in Washington,beginning Oc-| tober 1,and will receive $2,000 per thecourseandcommissionsasassistant surgeons when finally passed.HAVE YOUWEAK LUNGS?}| Do colds settle on your chest or in your |bronchial tubes?Do coughs hang on,or |are_you.subject to throat troubles?_| Such troubles-should have immediatetreatmentwiththestrengtheningpowers | of Scott’s Emulsion to guard against |consumption which so easily follows.; ’Scott’s Emulsion contains pure cod liver |oil which peculiarly strengthensthe res-| piratory tract and improves the quality oftheblood;‘the glycerine in it soothes andhealsthetendermembranesofthethroat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special-|ists.You can get.it at any drug store. Scott &Bowne.Bloomfield,N.J. || ‘hance For Civilian Doctors. | { Fine.Opportunity .ForTeachers. i\i ' | Teachers have a most excellentopportunityforavacationanda«chance to study in the Second f!Term of the Summer School of the |}Appalachian Training School. | ' Board $2.00 per week.° Registration Fee $2.00. Courses-in-Domestic Science,Mu-| sic,Art and all the public school i| | | | | | || | | | work, For booklet address D.D.Dougherty,. operation,but |didnotgo.I read injthepaperabout) I found myself improv-| ad not done for two years, ,502 Flushing Avenue, Every one dreads the surgeon’s knife |Sometimes but many times are not.Letter after letter comes 3 and were noted;or,if performed,did no ‘ood,ut LydiaRk.Pinkham’s Vegetable yom-,ound was used and good health followed.Tf you.want advice write +¢KK.Pinkham Medicine Co BOONE,N.C. ARRIVED TODAY _A shipment of Davis Brothers GRAHAM FLOUR, Get a bag while it is fresh. Phone 89. Ragle &‘Milholland,. Mass,tnd! sured As to Our Purpose in| '@very nerve to recruit her one sins )‘|AW PET “Cooking Never T ires Me”, Y kitchen is conmforienle andcool—there is no coal or wood to carry—and no fires to build.T use .a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove.” A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove,the -stové with the long blue chimney, gives kitchen comfort.in 2,000,000 American homes:.e It turns on and off like a gas stove.Its fuel cost is economy itself,2 cents amealfor6people.| The Jong blue chimney givesa perfeet draft and assures a clean odorless heat -anda lasting satisfaction. New -Perfection Oil Cook.Stoves are made in many styles and sizes.They are sold by most good dealers. Look for The Long Blue.Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain thebest_results in Oil Stoves,HeatersandLamps¢ STANDARD OIL’COMPANY \(New Jersey) BALTIMORE _MD. Cherlotte,N.C. Charleston,W.Va. Charleston,S.C.° Washington,D.C. Norfolk,Va. Richmond,Va. July 11,August 18. SIFT IT DOWN, and you will find the so-called LUCKY MAN is the one who keeps building up a reservein bank,and can catch a bargain when it cone his way.Why not be one -of the “Lucky Men”in your community by making regular deposits in the Merchants and Farmers’Bank,© Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” The Greensboro Daily $2.50= Cash with order,to new subscribers from now until No- vember 30.Your acceptance of this specialprice:wil}also entitle you to a free copy of our Handy Almanac and En- cyclopedia,g book.you will find invaluable,containing many important facts,statistics and figures for which you have frequent use.Order the Daily News today atid get. the greatest benefit of this special prcie.Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. Greensboro ‘Daily NewsAA/)M@REBNSBORO,N.C.oo News ? didde ti e oe ay '®%Black-Drau (2 8 Ve r s . es 2D VA G U RI A . wo r AS S I S Ba r s " > Being ons tly Supplied With Thedford’sBlack-Draught,a oe sattbound,dus 10:3622,east-bound,due 1,i6 12,east-bound,due 6:56JNo.16,east-bound,due 10.50 p.RLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILEFrom‘Charlo’ SB E B R E B S en McDuff,Va.—"'l suffered for several cy tte.higeee Uh:ekcreana |train Nor for aor teaver 830 peispwye,an ‘rain No,ar.9.20,ares.©:yp. ttomach trouble.ee Train No,28 'an 16700 Ionves 10:40 &‘+‘Ten years ago a friend fold me-to try|Train'.No.15 ar.6140,leaves 7:05-Thedford's Black-Draught,‘which I did,|/Nos-'23 and 24 are:not operated on Sunday.“and I foundit to be thebest family medi-;¥cine for young:and-old,ao Fine,Timothy and Red Top. \|keép Black-Draught on hand-all the;“Mr.R.B.McLaughlin,whd has.onMmenaw,and -when my children feel.a\his farm on the eastern edge of town*wiittle bad,they.ask me for a dose,and if|about the,finest meadow hereabouts,joes them more good than any medicine}secured from the meadow a few days©they evertried:‘-o |age some of the finest timothy and-We never jhave a long spell of sick-|red top ever seen here.The timothyAvessinourfamily,since we commenced;was more than five feet in heightmassingBlack-Draught.”’and some of the‘heads were a footThedford’s Black-Draught is purely!long,”It is Cértainly a fine specimeniWeert,’and has been found to regu-|of grass and Mri ‘McLaughlin willjMateweak‘stomachs,:aid digestion,:Tes|frame it for/an addition’to.the Com-4 Reve,indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,’mercial club’s,agricultural exhibit at;Wache,’sick.stomach,and similat|the railway station:,It will be a val- * * PO N I E S 2 oe ae m. m. m. m. symptoms.:fet uable addition to,the exhibit.and thea)ft has’been in’constant‘use ‘for more}actual evidence of what can be done“than 70qrars,and has benefited more)in the way of growing grass in Ire-4 thanamillion people.dell, Your .druggist sells and recommends|Price only 25c.The directors of the High Point, Geta Randleman and 'Ashéboro railroad N,C.123 |have decided to operate the road inde- wae |pendently,beginning with July 1. |For many years the road has been |operated by the Southern railway.'‘The North Carolina Veterinary |Medical Association,in session at |Wrightsville last week,elected Dr.R. |H.Parker ef Gastonia’president and )selected Charlotte as the place for z.9 Backaue today. Select your Flour From -This List. -‘x,|*Palace,|next,mosting. Dan Valley,| Blue Ribbon, Save Trouble, Morrison’High Grade,. Shenandoah (Fancy Patent) Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St y Ris vonerru REMEDY Jorer y MACHCOPimisktealetlhaltos Gall Stones,Cancer and Ulcers of theStomachandIntestines,Auto-Intox- jication,Yellow Jaundice,Appendicit-|is and other fatal ailments ©result from.Stomach Trouble.Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com- plete recovery to Remedy.Unlike any other for Stom-ach Ailments.For sale by the Statesville Drug Co. Magnolia Bal is the Liquid Face Powder used by famous beauties.If you have Sunburn,Tan or |Freckles try ACagnolia Balm.-It quickly ji.8tops the burn and removes Tan an \‘Blemishes,Makes your skin soft and |smooth,Easy to use and i |sure to please.é |Three Colors:bee White,Pink,Rose-Red.é|aoMultiKopycoplesoften|75c.at Druggists or by mail direct.© poe VE As rival the original in |SAMPLE FREE Ss re \“_'Lasting‘:'Legibility MultiKopy gives copies that are beautifully neat and that are really permanent. Jn blue or black,Multi-Kopy never fades, cleanliness and legi-+| LYON MFG.-CO.,bility.Multikopy is : surprisingly durable |40So.Sth St.,Br vaNY.& and economical, Write’for FREE Sample Sheet W.D.WARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same._Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.~ Phone 209. Brady Printing Company Statesville,N.C. Murrikorr Carbon Paper : Mayr’s Wonderful | Y ova WOULD HAVE Sau H CY.WATKINS CAN ry day,if you once trie“ao ‘Sell you Doors,Windows,Columns, |you just as you require them,cheaper |than you can buy them f.o.b.cars |elsewhere.kins”buy in quantities.~ C.‘WATKINS,Statesville,N.C., |DR.G.A.LAZENBY. |DENTIST.. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494,Residence,451 Black. oC Ys SEECS It is choice enough for the finest |salad dressing,as delicious as any |! oil you ever tasted,and so much |! cheaper you can use it for cooking,|| stoo.It makes a mnooth,deliciousmayonnaisethat“stands up”well and pleases everybody.| We've got anything you want to }) make a salad—as well as Wesson ||Oil.: Miller-McLain Supply Co. |DRESSED SQUARS. Easily Digested—Delicious‘RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS **!Wor Convalescents.(8 ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS, W.B.CROWSON,Proprietor. “ALL-A-BOARD” “AUL A SHINGLE”!!! GOOD MEATS = AND VEGETABLES|3 Sao|3 THE NO! When our refrigeration plant was installed it was left with a slight defect which had an unde- sirable effect on the meat.A man from the factory has been here and “completely remedied _this. Now we'are equipped to furnish our customers the best,of meats and vegetables from our refriger¢ ation plant. M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. nary range boiler. Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet Metal | line for good roof.Slate Roofs a specialty. 4;-PHONE 55...114 East Broad ‘Street,., night at an.expensewellwithin er or renter. Installed.by W.E.Munday. 114 E.Broad@t.°’sPhone 55. C.WAT ¥a,%S aa 3 BUELDING? ARI.TEAOEE LY WOOL ke Vy¥ ‘ioaped. C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire-| ROYALHEATER The“‘Royal’’is aRange of the conference were held undqr aBoilerandWaterHeat-large tent and the delegates in atténd- er in combination and |2@nceisdesignedtotakethe|place of the old-fashion-|ed method of attaching|an independent heatertothesideofanordi- reach of!the average house own- te ;rit 5 Aurphy,druggist WBNSI HA batt:everywhere.’: KVIBWED-IN»WASHINGTON. War Seems Almost’‘Certaii—| ‘Action in Congréss —Con.) Guard. Special Correspondence of The,Land.|mark,4 ;Washington,June 25.—At is re-ported here today that President Wil-|son ‘will go before Congress tomorrow|and make a statement on the Mexicansituationthatwilldeclarewhatwil!)amount to an ultimatum to Carranza,|which will-call his blur’and make himbackdownorfight.The Presidentwasin-conference today with bothSecretaryLansingandSecretary‘Ba-ker and it is stated that the future Policy:toward Mexico was definitely decided upon,There is no doubt that the trouble| ‘witjithas been at all and the only hopejentertainedanywhereofavertingact-jual war is that Carranza might disa-‘vow the Carrizal incident altogether,|but it is not thought Likcly that;tte can| consistently do so in view Of thestatementsmadeby-Mexican ments mandens,to the'effece that in’firingontheTenthcavalrytrooptheywere|carrying out the orders of Gen.Trevino,| the commander of the northern divis-|ion of the.Mexican army.| « Latin-American nations have propgsed| mediation of the trouble between this| ranza favorably entertains the pro-|posal,but..in view of the continued| bad faith of Carranza toward the|United States it is not thought’that| the administration will look favorably| ‘yon the conciliatory proposals,certain-| ly not until Caranza takes steps to,show-his-good-faith,It-is pointed_out|that all movements of the Mexican troops recently have been toward making their position advantageousoverPershing’s army in case of fur- ther trouble and thai the Carrizal| fight ‘was an incident of this general) plan of Carranza and his lieutenants | In the meantime the National Guard| is being made fit to fight:and beingrushedtotheborder.The.District! Guard,which has been in camp at, Fort Meyer only a few days,is to be}sent to the border this week-and will! probably leave.tomorrow or next day.|Much interest and approval was ex- pressed over the action of the House| in pasing a resolution the last.weel: ‘making a large appropriation for the! support of the dependent families of; members of the National Guard.) However,the resolution was held upintheSenateasa.resuit of the op-| |\position marshalled’by Senator Gore; and a substitute was offered relieving |the soldiers of service who have de-; pendent families.. Notwithstanding the expressed de:| djsire of the President that Congress| adjourn early,it is thought that.the’ session may be prolonged indefinitelyasaresultoftheMexicancrisis.On-ly this week the Senate was said tobe ;table to adjourn by July 20 and the, \House could easily get throyghbythat , ‘time,if no unforeseen mattbrs :present | ithemselves.; |One Congressman,Representative Tilson of:Connecticutt,has left for hi: \regiment to enter the Mexic i such it is to be.He ieft his resigna- tion with the judiciary committee of the House,to be passed upon as to hig status as both a Representative and an officer in the army.It is stated that the committee decided that he would hold his seat in Congress but would lose the salary attached during his.ab- sence.There are other members who belong to the National GuarJ and will likely go forth to fight. J.W.VAN HOY. id |Court Cases. |David and Odell Gregory were com- ‘mitted to jail yesterday in default of ,;bond to answer for store breaking.iThey are charged with entering the istore of Mr.J.H.Weston,three miles ‘north of town,Saturdaynight,through ithe window,and taking therefromMe~¢Stolpuwa ve r]}-;%o is wie 2MantelsandStairwaysdeliveredtoshoes,hats and other articles of mer-|The raising:of ichandise.Officers located the’goods at ithe home of Mr,Ed.Gregor y,fatherThisisbecausetheWat-of Odell Gregory,in Concord township,|is David's bond —_is 50 and Odell’s $100.When arrested Odell had a_pistol land $50 additional bond for carryingconcealedweaponwasrequiredofhim.|Justice Lazenby fined John and |Whit Allison,colored,$2.60 each for jan affray.~- |Sunday,June 11th,at the depot at ‘Mount:Mourne,Mr.N.B.Dishman iWas assaulted by a negro woman ‘named Conner and two of her brothers (Sunday morning.$2 gum Che woman was arrested and brought |bestowal of her blessings than now,'to jail at the time but the men es-They have been taken since ithen and were given ao hearing Satur- iday afternoon at Mooresville by.Jus-itice C.V.Voils and all gave bond for \their appearance at Superior Court.* |Perry Sims,white,charved -with jbeing drunk and disorderly,and Jim |Clark,colored,.charged with an as- isault on Jerry Curtis,will he tried by |Mayor Caldwell Saturday. |Adventist Conference Closes. The annual State conference and icamp meeting”of the Seventh Day|Adventists,which had been in session| in a grove on Park street for ten days,closed Sunday night and practically all of the Aidventists here for theevent“broke camp”yesterdsy and’de- parted for their homes.The sessions occupied small tents duringtheir--stay-here.All sections—of the State where the Adventists cre.or- ganized were represented in the con-j\ference and quite a large number of ilocal people attended the night meet- lings.Adventists of nationel reputa- ‘tion were among the speakers whoThe“‘Royal’’can be ‘addressed the assemblage from time tad gigte installed at a supris-|time.ingly low cost and will;Tfurnishhotwaterevery|Officers for the ensuing year:Rev. hour of the day and |B.Locken president,C. conference elected the followingJ R..Callicott treasurer and secretary,‘Prof.Leo(Theil cdugational secretary,Av ‘By Everts home missionary,young peo? jples’volunteer and Sabbath -scho¢ ‘secretary,Rev.J.B.Locken religious’ iliberty secretary. \Stomach Troubles and Constipation.;}“IT will cheerfully say that Chamberlain's|Tablets are the mose satisfactory remedy for|stomach troubles and constipation that I havelsoldinthirty-four Yedrs’arug store pieendWellstiurg,, wht gressmen Members of the[ h Mexico is now more serious than |{f ‘In Jail For Robbing Store—| school|Whenever You Ncoed a General Tonic Wa It is learned here today that six|% country and Mexico and that Car-|), \ MAJOR J.ED.DEITZ.Joined the Blues in 1897 and was cor-| poral ef the company in the, Spanish-American war,Was sec-| ond lieutenant two years,captain 11 years,major for three years. THE INTEREST IN THE WAR. Rural Dwellers Feel the Thrill) —Dogs’Killing Sheep—Na-| -ture’s Bounty. Corresponaence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-3,June 24 rural correspondents can “find very' little news of interest to write,and| our letters seem more insipid now, than ever,when the reading public is} eager for news from the elections and} the Mexican situation.|These are red letter days for,the| newspapers,and while Phd Landmark is always interesting to its |readers,it is’doubly so now. conflict between Germany,and the al-|, lies is banished from our minds,to be. ‘ THE UNIVERSAL CAR Get Your Fords Now! Most-of the seven car loads of Fords that we told you about are here and being unload- ed.CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVER- IES FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS! is the time to get your Ford. Carolina Motor Co., STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AN D NEWTON. Now Wel. ©Stov voy aw ent_——=t>FOR ECONOMY ~t—— The Westinghouse Electric Iron! SteerigorIfyoupaytheservantbythedayyouwillfind.nad much cheaper te use an ELECTRIC IRON,bécause iit «i saves time!:nist bage' No:waiting for Iron to heat!No.delay..of an - kind—always at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE?Hav.‘as you seen the new Iron with the Heater that isguarante Bo forever?saniosk)f vom.Liw CALL AND SEE THEM! HOME ELECTR Re oF wih 516 Center St. IC COMP’Y replaced by a graver situation,in! which we are more vitally concerned.| Mexico has sprung into such promi- nence,we -are-making a_geographi- cal study of the country,but how are we to pronounce the names?If war} is ever justifiable,it would seem in;‘this instance there is no other alter-|§,native,and those who are inclined to |} ‘harshly.criticise the—step-our--Presi-; an wats if|dent-has taken should consider the in-| dignities we have long suffered from the Mexicans,and that patience has ceased to be a virtue.Many are the ;speculations as to what the outcome will be,but who can foretell the for-| tunes of war?and we are dealing (with a nation that has little scruples| }of honor and their treacherous Indian ;Nature makes them ‘a foe to be dread-| jed.We are beginning to feel already | |the thrill of anxiety and apprehen-_ |Sion others have felt,from whichour | lives have so long been sheltered. Since the human race seems intent| }on the shedding of life blood,someof ;|the dogs in this section are possess-| ied of the same spirit and have been }making depredations on the i folds.Two of “Uncle”Daniel Clod-} ifelter’s sheep were killed a few| |nights ago,and the entire flock of| Mr.Neill Kestler except one sheep.| sheep is becoming al-}{||most extinet and since the agitation| {over a dog law a few years ago,little| said_ordone_that_offers any pro-} tection,and everybody’s dogs are al-jlowedtoroamthecountryattheir| own will. 'Farm work is advancing ranidly| |now since the rains have let up.Stub-| ‘ble land is being broken,to be sown /iN peas,soy beans,ete.Crops are| |good in this vicinity except cotton,| |The nights have been too cool to pro-| Lmote the growth of cotton.Thereis | fan abundance of fruit and seldom} jhas nature been more lavish in the | |iwhen the war cloud is overhanging| |these landscapes of prosperity and} vlentyv.which perhaps may be laid in; waste by the ravages of war.All na-| ture shows the handiwork of a Crea-| tor.portraving the blessings of peace,| and ‘where only man is vile.”| The Record of Deaths.| Mr.Joseph Blanton Sherrill died| Saturday at 12.25 o’clock at his home | in-Shilch-township,-aged 74-,years, seven months and 17 davs.He is sur- vived by his wife,three sons—Mr.B. A.Sherrill,Taylor,Ark.;Harry Sherrill,Colorado,and Mr.W.E. Sherrill at home—and_three daugh- ters—Mrs.W.A,Parker of this coun- ty;Mrs.S.A.Taylor,Washington, D.C.,and Miss Jennie Sherrill at home. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at 11 o’clock at Shiloh churchbyRev.L.L.Moore of Taylorsville and the interment wag there. | |Mrs.Robert Sudderth died on the{21st af the home of her daughter, Mrs.Hardie,McGalliard,in Morgan- {ton,aged 72.Mrs.Sudderth was a r of Capt.L.A.Bristol,clerk of |the Superior Court of Burke county, and an aunt of Messrs.L.B.and W. (A,Bristol of Statesville.Mr.and|Mrs.W.A.Bristol were in Morgan- ton when Mrs.Sudderth died.De- |.coased is surviyed by six children. Va Take Groye'’s |The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a |General Tonic because it contains the |well known tonic propertiesofQUININE, and IRON.It actson the Liver,Drives‘out Malaria,Enriches the Blood and "Phone 861.)74mmSidefiftax DRIV a GORCLCEOEOE ~- WHEN YOURE ‘Be sure to.get the right drink.Thatleads‘you ri up to the FOUNTAIN ON THESQUARE,where we. serve delicious sodas made of natural fruit ‘flavors, oot Ottpuregrapejuice,botlr refreshing and nourishiiig’=- TO DRINK ..°.5 caf ow iflemonadethatlivensupyourliver,mineral waterswonNeeod Oat BEEthattoneupyoursystem. CHOHOHOHOROHOHO! POLK GRAY DRU sheep-|4 eRIT wine oth. smgiotrents.100,000.00.sh Tae31,500.00.::35. .+dotghw OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in - Surplus and Profits Members of Federal Reserve System..r MaEYICES <1,Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to dée-= positors consistent with prudent bank+.\:;’'\osax ing methods.baat alt eae Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,:E.MORRISON,-Vice President.«:D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier,"9G.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier: Y add Tibbs biped ifrwere ¢Aiogstead - reo the Square,”| ‘Bal 3d aoe ae > ir Presiden{, SS I S ss r i e s s t r r s s e s s i s s e s r s i i t% z ze FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AUTO.TIRES FOR LESS.= Having on hand a good lot of Tires bought before advance in price enables us for the balance of this month to sell you Tires at old price,which is 10 per cent.less than pres- ent price.BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE." OF THIS PROPOSITION WHILE IT JS OFFERED!CAROLINA MOTOR CO," STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON,»:17 ie ndeby ert Pyro yh HY WAY a spobkeXS Builds up the Whole Syetems 3 4 whale wh babe ts eek BT ee fyitirenatin. «S0'centa.;! eT ve annt aan date riotsWHILE,STUDY’a 1S WORTH sola .‘tem eaten 9 meer oe eae x=————_ JON PRICE: abevenreveveeereeeeesee ,NTHS ey seeeeey ‘THEY'VE GOT THEIRS. ‘The North Carolina Good Roads Assotiation would take the State con- viets from.railroad work and put them ‘to building ‘highways.Natural- “dy;being enthusiasts for good roads, these gentlemen think the whole re- sources of the State should be direct- ed to.that end—just as people who are enthusiastic for anything ‘usually| think that.too much can’t be done for that one thing and that nothing else | neeils attention. Alt this:is preliminary.to.saying that .any argument for State aid _for building public highways,in coun- {ies and ‘sections where the people are unable or unwilling to build their own roads,can be used just as effective- ly—and more effectively—for State 9 |only.a small minority understand fan- THE MUSIC,; ‘of us who don’t understand high-class music—and we constitute the great.majority—can’t understand and never will ‘understand why the ‘musicians who play to popular au- diences don’t appreciate the fact that cy music and that the bored-majority. could forgive the fancy playing if there was /an_occasional popular air that the common herd could under- stand—and appreciate.The musical organizations at/the Chautauqua were all fine of course and their.music was appreciated by the few who under- ‘stood it.But will musicians never learn that the great.majority uneducated in the “high up”music, can’t appreciate it?They could stand for it without a murmur if there were one or two numbers of popular airs that they could appreciate.But.to the average musician the popular air ig-an~abomination;--_he plays .not_,to the common herd but to the souls of the beggarly few of his kind wito hear him.And the great mass is not only bored,famished,but disgusted and sometimes they relieve their feelings by knocking everything,without dis- ‘olution declaring the.existence of an) lemergency and giving the President a free hand to draft as I diers all Guardsmen willing to take the required oath,-= be appropriated ed,with the restriction that no family should receive more than $50 a month, cialist and a Democrat, the resolution.During the debate pre- ceding its-adoption several Republi- cans attacked ed Congress of the emergency instead of expecting it to act on its:own=ini-} tiative. however,that an emergency has aris- en and former Speaker Gannon and others dé, clared ‘that in reality a state of war, existed. ore acamapa wea ante en arene a CONGRESS “HAS.APPROVED|NEWS IN-CONDENSED FORM Action of President in.Calling |Items of Interest Gathered From National Guard —Provision Over the State. For Drafting Into Serviceand|The ‘State board.a atexami. is i ssion at Ashev!Appropriation to Care Forjer inn cting of the North Caroli Families.ae:ea i -tna Dental Society begins there to-ae Wilnne ive of the Nevotal Guard’i}The Salisbury Post:reports that a the Mexican crisis.was-voted_almoatati little negro,caught in a récent hgil unanimously by the Hovyse of Cons}storm in western Rowan,was struck gress Friday by the adoption of a rea-lin the eye by a hailstone and the sight of his eye destroyed,| Solicitor Swainofthe Asheville ju-j dicial district wa’considerate,He no- tified officers of the Asheville compa- :=ntes that if any of their men were un- By the resolution $1,000,000 would!der summons to appear in Superior to...aid--dependent |Court in misdemeanor or other petty! Guardsmen so draft-|cases,they were excused, Mr.W.E,Christian,an experienc- ed newspaper man,at one time man- aging editor of the Raleigh News and | Observer,has answered “the call to| the colors”as staff.correspondent of | the Charlotte Observer.He will be! with the First North Carolina regi- ment.f Theodore Robinson,18-year-old son of.Mr:and Mrs.H.L.Robinson of Federal aol- families of the Only”two Representatives,a So- voted against the administration’s Mexican policy and _insisted —that President Wilgon should have inform- No one attempted to defy,*ounty,was plowing a mule with the plow line wrapped around his,arm, The mule ran away and dragged the young man for some distance.He.was fatally injured,dying that night, .Examinations for departmental! Republican Leader Mann, {} North Catawba township,*Caldwell | s The.Store With the Quick Parcel Post |ipeeoneeeneinioneregsenpien? Text of Resolution.Wace The text of the resolution as adopt ed,follows: “Resolved,by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of “America in Congress ‘as- sembled,that in the opinion of «the Congress of the United States an emergency now exists which demands the use of troops in addition to the regular army of the United States, and that the President be,and he aid in building railroads in undevel- opedsections,where the people are unable to build the roads but are will- ing.tp tax themselves to the limit to help—as has heen done in the case | of the State-aided-railroads. The argument can be used more ef- fectively for the railroads ‘because The applause?That is eralcie:the ‘yraetieally all the railroads in the good manners or the deception of the Stat@ have been built by State aid,|ase,as you choose to-call it.Many hereby is authorized,to draft into the and those who live in sections deve*-|.a {military service of the United States siPoy.tied Statenided.reada are iof those who applaud no more under |under the provisions of:section Ill of aped,.by these state-alt .|stand what has béén said or played |the National Defence Act,approved estopped—or Ht Common decency than a rabbit,but some of them ap-|June 3,1916,so far as the provisions _should he estopped—from objecting plaud for manners’sake and most of of said section may be applicable and vi ;i ie e inconsistent with the terms here- toggjving the same aid by which they tham because they:want to make it |Mot inconsis he 'ere- have prospered,to the few sections y iof,any or all members of the Nation ::re appear that they know what they do/|al Guard and of the organized militia that yet lack railroad facilities—sec-not know.of the several States,Territories and tiona rich in material resources but SE the District of Columbia,and any poor in money because of lack of de-It is said that numerous South Car-ne a eno a Pid .Ratonn ‘:ini :uard and organized militie Velopment and that can never be de-jolinians (and doubtless not a few ts cekve for es period of the emer- veloped until they have railroad -fa-|from other States)are besieging the gency not exceeding three years,ih: War Department for commissions as}less sooner discharged. r ;QO"»8officers.A good many people in war|“Section 2.The sum of $1,000,000 times are willing to serve their coun-is hereby appropriated out of any °money in the Tressury not otherwise try if they can pick out the job—oc-|appropriated fo be expended under di- cupy some post of honor,or take ser-cee of ie Se ee =e .ng a anate ;"|so dt ...{under such rules and regulations as ‘Tijroads live in sections that would|vice where the work is pe and tne),may prescribe,for the purpose of L be in the backwoods but for the|danger not so great.Going into the|maintaining at a cost of not more fate-nided railroads built.in years|ranks as a private and taking a full agone.‘They proceed on the theory:|share of the work and danger does| 1.-got mine but you shan’t have|not appeal to this class.However, service in Washington will be held-in | North Carolina the coming fall,For this immediate section examinations will be held at Hickory September 13 and October 11,North WilkesboroSeptember25andSalisburySeptem- ber 13-18 and October 11.‘ Mr.B.GC.Ashcraft,editor of the Monroe Enquirer,who had been nam- ed for Democratic presidential elec- tor in the seventh district,has declin- ed that honor for business reasons. The Landmark regrets’the declina- tion,Editor Ashcraft is’a good speaker and,what ‘is better,he talks common sense. Mr.Leonard Stone,65 years old, was fatally injured at a saw mill near Barnesville,Robeson county.The governor belt broke and as a re- sult of the terrific speed of the enginethefly-wheel burst and a piece of the wheel struck:Mr.Stone,inflicting in-juries from which he died a few hours later.Enraged because his wife had left} him to seek shelter under the roofof | her brother,Ben Wilson,a farmer of| Orange county,Lonnie Allen of Dur-| ham started on a rampage with his} shotgun Thursday night that ended | when he was shot down and seriously if not fatally wounded by.his broth- er-in-law,Wilson.Wilson surrendered to officers.Allen shot into his house before the brother-in-law got busy. Allen is in a Durham hospital. crimination.To:add td their misery, sometimes one of the musicians must get up and talk about the music in terms that are Greek to the mass— adding to the suffering until one feels like starting something with a briek- bat.. Vo -+eae Redfern Corsets Represent the skill of the World’s Greatest Corset designers—designers who are in close touch with*‘the fashion creators of the day.The new shapes are comfortable as gloves, yet are so designed as to control and mould the gure. cilities. Some of the gentlemen who r dily applaud the removal of the ‘State convicts from the Elkin and Al- vhany and the Statesville Air Line so enlisted man of the National Guard called or drafted into the service of |the United States until his discharge the |therefrom,which famiiy during the lterm of servicé of said enlisted man ihas no other income except his.pay ‘adequate for the support of said fam- The Strong Withstand the Heat ofSummerBetterThantheWeak Old people who are feeble,and younger |people who are weak,will be strengthened| and enabled to go through the depress-|} ing heat of summer by taking regularly than $50 a month the family of each e ygurs.Tve concluded it’s all wrong.”|if one is real anxious to serve Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. me of these virtuous gentfemenj|country he will take a place in the ght.at least propose to repay the|ranks,where there is vpportunity for State the money it spent on rbilroad Jines, ‘meen eeRGSS“4g-AN UNUSUAL CASE. gl’s rather strange that two promi- nent citizens:of Huntsville,Ala.—} he ‘a prominent lawyer and the oth-| a the sheriff of:the county—should 1a themselves because a ‘prominent tizen was murdered and they felt ie suspicion was directed to them. L is possible of course az such times,| inder the stress of excitement,for ane of morbid temperament,mentally balanced,to take up an idea like Zc.idea which exists only in his -@vn—mind—and_-commit_suicide.-This §rems to have been the case of the Kiwyer,A political friend of the |ee charged with the murder,had dl.and the sheriff was criticised be- &uuse his friend escaped arrest.This ~disturbed him.so that he-committed ticide.The two cases,from the game cause,are so unusual they nat- Wrally cause one to speculate whether @ither of the men felt responsible in ny way for the murder.‘ their|real service and for promotion,too,jly; if it is deserved,Asarule the pub-/ lic has too little regard for the private| soldier in peace times.He is not at-| ways welcome in company,but he| bulks large in the public eye when actual trouble comes.As Kipling has so well*expressed it of “Tommy At- kins,”as the English soldier is called: It's “Tommy this,”and ‘Tommy that,”and“chuck ‘im out,the brute,”iBut it’s “this way,Mr.Atkins,”guns begin to shoot. when the They’re signing up for another Chautauqua in Statesville.This time the number of guarantors required is 150 and the liability is limited to $10.The Landmark hopes the num- ber of guarantors can be secured without trouble.There is practical- ly no risk and whatever risk there is should be cheerfully borne to secure the Chautauqua.The Landmark is ‘firmly convinced that the Chautauqua is Statesville’s best asset in the way of.entertainment and by far the best asset we can get at so small cost. Not all the numbers on any one pro- i The dead sheriff left a note saying e@ couldn’t live under the suspicion— uldn’t stand for the stain to attach his children.If he had been capa- He of reasoning he would have real- ed that suicide under the cireum- tancesstett a stain almost as great 5 real guilt. i While it is a matter for regret that|ty good he sees in it,has the list of the whole Dr.°S,Parkes Cadman,who was to have lectured at the Chautauqua this Avening,cannot be present,it is x! matter for congratulation that his Hace is to be filled by Dr.Pearson, who will receive a cordial welcome to Btatesville.The Chautauqua-people jever substitute unless a change is La necessary by circumstances be- fond their control.Two changes have Been made in the programme prom- ed Statesville.One of these was Rc by death and the other is due b the fact that-Dr.Cadman is called —ainto service as chaplain -of-a regiment of the National Guard.Changes in st two cases were of course im-| rative, é Fs SADATE ERANLMAO ARTEENTOPEM i}They're to arraign a district attor- mey for contempt of Congress.If all pf us who have expressed contempt fer Congress on occasion should be rraighed and punished,they would lave ‘to enlarge the prisons and a ood many newspaper's would go out f business for lack of editors—who| ould be in’jail. ‘Thursday afternoon at Concord a me bronze fountain erected incourthouseyardtothememorytheCabarrusBlackBoys,by thealchapter,Daughters of the Amer-Revolution,was unveiled with ap-te.ceramonies.........-‘ gramme please everybody;that is }impossible.But the whole _pro- gramme is high-class,educational and |uplifting.We can’t afford to abandon ,the Chautauqua.Rev. |who has wrought so faithfully in this| |community in many things,and who: ,has been especially .active for the | |Chautauqua solely for the communi-| See him and sign up. ‘Corn Products Company Held to guarantors. |Be a Trust. Dissolution of the Corn Products| Refining Company and its allied “cons| cerns as an illegal combination in re-' {straint of trade was directed by Fed-| ;eral Judge Learned Hand in a decis-| lion rendered in New York. The suit was instituted by the pov-| ernment on March 1,1918,under the| Sherman anti-trust law,hearings had| been held in New York and other cit-| ies before a special commissioner.| The Corn Products Refining Com-| pany is an_$80,000,000 corporation | with plants in New York,Illinois and other States.Other companies made| defendants in.the suit were the Na-| tional Starch Company,the Novelty| Company and the St.Louis Syrup and |Preserving Company...There |also! were several other defendants.|| Special Service For the Ashe:| ville Troops.| Under the patronage of Mrs.Geo.|W.Vanderbilt,a special farewell,service for the Asheville members oftheNorthCarolinaNationalGiiard| was held at All Souls’Episcopal church,Biltmore,Friday morning,the day before the troops left for camp at Morehead.The services were conducted by Bishop Horner and the music was especially appropriate.“Onward,Christian Soldiers,’“The Star Spangled Banner”and “My Country}°Lis of Thee,”were sung.Mrs.Vanderbilt manifested specialinterest.in.the soldiers.eo rine ‘ed.shall from the date of their draft J.EF.Kirk,|-; and the word family.shall in-Gude ~wife.dependent*mothers,~fa= thers and sisters as well as brothers under the age of 14 years.|“The provisions of section 112.of| the National Defence Act of June8,| 1916,shall be applicable to any offi- cer or enlisted men drafted into the service of the United States pursuant to section one of this joint resolution. “Provided,that all persons so draft-| |Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.‘Itpurifiesandenrichesthebloodaidbuildsup|the whole system.50c. PRICES FOR JUNK. 4 Cc.SWARTZ,BIGGEST JUNK DEALER | in North Carolina,pays the highest prices for the following junk:Rags 32.00 per ewt.;Cop- ‘per Wire 18c.lb.;Light Copper 16c.lb.;Brass’from 10¢c ‘to 13c.Ib;Aluminum 26c.Ib.3!Zine Te.Ib;Pewter 20c.Yb.;Auto Tires 5c.}tb,;Inner Tubes ce.tb.;Rubber Boots and Shoes 7e.Ib.;Bones The.per ewt.Buy aes thing in Iron.We make a specialty on Hides,|and’can quote these prices:18c¢,Green Hides;19 1-2e.Ib.Green Salted Hides;Calfskins $1to$2.25 Lamb and Sheep Hides from 26.to'$1 each;Horse and Mule Hides $1 to $4;Wool|from 26e.to 30ce.Ib.:Beeswax and Tallow;| any kind old Sacks,le.to Se.éach.All.pricesf.o.b.Durham,Write us for quotations on any other junk products.Reference,FirstNationalBank,Come.te.see.or write C,SWAR@Z,DURHAM,N.C.June 27. militia service the theirstanddischargedfrom during the .period of under said draft.” Other portions of the resolution provide for the organization and of- ficers for the men-‘thus drafted into service,: Japan Enters:Denial. The war scare brought out the usu-|gv¢week WAY 2A DI al story that Japan was preparing to,$25.00 REWARD. take the Pacific coast.A report that .Japan was selling munitions to Mex.Hammon,cone Nttoeinturanin| ico and Japanese warships gathering |which will lead to the urrese nnd conviction of| on our west coast was sent abroad.|the —or parties ve CT the com- The United States Navy Department mencement,cut town te fag belonging to asked fora report on the tatter story:|aaron EVID.PULLEN,-Cotincillor.— ‘course,any claim tha e Ja- panese government will assist Mexi-| cans with munitions and arms is out of the question and absurd,”says; Baron Ishii,foreign minister of Ja-| pan.“Let me say this with all em-: phasis and earnestness,”said the minister:“The Japanese nation sin-| cerely hopes that armed conflict be-| tween the United States and Mexi-| co may be avoided.Japan’s interest| in America,North,Central and/f South,being essentially pacific and| commercial,any event bringing dis-| turbances into the American market would be felt keenly in Japan,This; is especially true at a moment when| European trade is virtuallyclosedtoJapanandtheChinesemar- ket is seriously upset.”| June 23. JUST TAKE A WALK To W.E.Coley’s place and look in on the CLEANEST barber shop. Don’t mention sanitary,it’s just absolutely clean in every detail. With:all the latest and best ton-- ics and shampoos and face lo- tions obtainable;with four first class barbers who are ever ready to please and like to see you go out with that satisfied grin.Hot and cold and ice water,shower and tub bath any time and scrupulously clean—that’s it.Buster Brown hair cutting a spectalty. W.E.Coley,Prop. June 27—4t. Peade Commission For Mexican Trouble.| William J,Bryan,Chancellor “Da- vid Starr Jordan of Leland Stanford University,and)Frank P.Walsh of! Kansas City have been-appealed_to by| the American Union Against Milita-| rism to act as members of an “unof-, ficial conference’’of three representa- tive Americans and three representa-| tive Mexicans .to go to El Paso andendeavortopreventwarbetweenthe| two countries by imposing mediation.| The official programme calls for|them to do all in their power to “de-|lay hostilities,promote mediation,| and relieve conditions on the bor-| der.”The anti -militarism organiza-| tion makes no suggestions as to what |they shall-do,and announces itself|} FLOWER POTS. We have in stock alargesupplyof ~Flower Pots.and. Jardinieres.Getourprices. :’ ready to abide by.any action they}Allison’s Book Store.\ may decide to.take.A number of! prominent Mexicans are members S|the commission.Ww ANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7ic. per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound.FOR SALE: New and second hand machinery for sale andall.kinds of boiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER. Dr.Rankin at’Mooresville—| Death of .Mrs.London. Dr.W.'S.Rankin,secretary of the || State Board of Health,will speak at |Mooresville tonight—the {mportance|of a civic league for the town being one of the matters to be stressed. Mrs.Jane London,widow of An- drew London,died Tuesday at the home of her son-in-law,K,M.Hobbs,two miles west of Mooresville,says the Enterprise,aged 77 years.Sever- -The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. 4 al children survive.Interment at}Iredell Phone No,74,Bell No.7 4 NUOF ous BOS ONE HUNDRED:LADIES HAVE JOINED at the Crawford-Bunch Furniture Store since the Don’t you _want.a HOOSIER CABINETto help _ you through with your kitchen work these hot days! Enroll your name in our ¢lub,choose any Cabinet, _pay‘onlyshipdues :\ Just think of the miles of needless stepsa_HOOS- IER will save you,and how much more time:you will have for rest,recreation and pleasure.; You owe it totheHOOSIER Club, Phone 400 right now and delivered at once. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Cotnpany: “THE debi THE HOOSIER KITCHEN |CABINET CLUBS <aHavehadtheagency.=* a single dollar now,your weekly member- quickly pay the balance. ourself and to your family to join your HOOSIER will ‘be CABINET STORE.” wiht Lig PHONE:400," HOOSIER Mt Zion“chtireh,Cornelius, seeing,iit ig we sa +ue a Ceeprmne:ec Jackson,and Othe cial Evenis. for The Landmark. e marriage of Miss Katherin Es- “aie “Reid of Jackson,Northampton“eoynty,-and-Mr.Wiley Herbert.Mor-riegn of Statesville took ‘place on the marine of June 22d.at the bride’s h.:‘account of mourning in the fam-ily:the-marridge was~a--very quietongOnlyrelatives:of the bride andgrgomwerepresent,t the appointed hour Miss Lo-retta Joyner,a niece of the ‘bride,layed Mendelssohn’s wedding march.Db ing the ceremony “The FlowerSong”was.softly played.The bride was beaftifully attiredinAanitetaffetaand.georgette crepeandcarriedashowerbouquetofbride’s roses and lilies:of the valley.Her only ornament was:-a handsomepear!necklace,the gift of the groom, encase after "the ‘ceremonythdbride’s dtess was’changed to thatofastylishand.becoming_tailoredsuitandbrideandgroomleft,for anextendedtourofwesternNorthGar-olina,’iricluding:“Asheville,Wavynes- ville,Hendersonville and other places | of,interest.The bride is one of North.Caroli-na’s most popular daughters,while thd,groom is one of Statesville’s mostprbminentbusiness“men The following announcements have heen received:“Mr.and Mrs.William Lee Reidannouncethemarriageoftheirsister, Katheryn,to Mr.Wiley.Herbert Mor- rigon,Thursday,June 22d,.1916,Jack- son,North Carolina. “At home after July 5th,States- vile,N.C.” Miss Lois Steele of Turnersburg was maid of honor at the marriage of, Miss Carrie Honeycutt-and Mr.Wade| Gentry,which was celebrated last ;Wednesday in the Methodist church at.'Granite Falls.The ceremony was nerformed by Rev.M.V.Honeycutt,father of the bride. Miss Stella Foote,‘daughter of the late Major Jas.H.Foote of Wilkes county,and Mr,Carl Young of the Mouth-of-Wilson,Va.,were married Jast ‘Tuesday evening at the home of the bride’s brother,Mr.A.V.Foote, at)North Wilkesboro.The ple,having’visited here while her sister,Mrs.A.D.Cooper,was a resi- dent of Statesville.Mrs.Cooper was dame of honor at the wedding. S| ‘“CLIMPSE-PASSING THRONG |Personal Mention of People and brideis|*well known to.many Statesville peo-| peeronmermrepcemcesirs LSCRAP AT TAYLORSVILLE: Trouble Among.1g.Cotton Mill onal —A Wedding —Persona«Their Movements. Mrs.J.G.Gillespie has gone to}. .|Cleveland to’spend a few days with |, relatives.Mrs.°M.Lichtenstat of Atlanta, ‘\Ga .is yisiting Miss Cynthelia Mills.Miss Katie Millsaps has returned from’visiting Miss Clyde Fowler”.in Wilkesboro,’Messrs.©.V.Henkel,C.°B.Webb and Z.V.Long were in Washington| last week on:business. Mr,and=Mrs;-d.—H..McElwee leave Items. Correspondenee of The Landmark. gene Cross,who has betendentoftheTaylorsville Cottén:Mill about four years,and his broth-er,Mr.U,E.Cross of —Mississi were indicted for an assault on|'T.Hy Miller,secretary and tecedeaeoftheTaylorsvilleCottonMill.The |’ case wads tried before Magistrate WeF.-Patterson ‘atthe court house®day.Mr,Cross was found guilty.of and.costs, He was-tried before Mayor|C.””G.Viele-and.bound to Superior courtunder$100 bond.Lawyers’FvréA jney of Boone and L.F..Klutz,o'|place represented.thé»State andC.-Caldwell of Statesville and ‘J,HaBurkethedefendants. } is | | today for Connelly Springs to spend Miss Mamie McElwee,Miss Marga- yet Deal and Mr,’Gus.Deaton go’to Young.People’s Missionary Confer-ence.J.E.Hallyburton of StonyPointpassedthroughStatesvilleyes-terday en route to Detroit,Mich. Mrs.L.GC.‘Asheraft and little son, Master Calvin,who visited Mrs.Ash- and.Mrs.-Spurgeon:Kerley,and,,Mr: PyshD roruened yesterday to their |Chadsia Robinette,son of.Mr.and Loaf township,were marriedMissesRuthandAnnie:Lou,returned gar -: yesterday from a visit to Mr,Brown’6|Thursday eyening at gounty;iG.on Bumgarner performed the er Miss.Cora Miller,:!who visited |™; :this morning to visit ner auntsherhomeatMooresville.ly -:Mrs.W.F,Hall’spent yesterday in|J,A.Neely of Winston-Salem Miss Katie Flowers,©wno visited.|igrandmother,Mrs.Cameron Wither Mrs.Kittie Caldwell,‘left eastardayt!spoon of Kernersville.She expects}. |Henry.Mathesonis visiting his grand-|Mrs.J.H.McLeltand~of Newton|and Miss May McLelland of Moores-father,Mr.A.H.Matheson.Miss i ©lis the guest of her uncle,Capt.Ww:TaeMcLellandfor)Rowland.Mri and Mrs.J.C.Con Matheson and M.L.ning for Philadelphia to attend the |Nakional Advertisers’as|sociation.||Messrs.C,C.Munday and L, 7 Sara Burke are among the Taylors-Mr.Wm.L.Allison of Chicago,Ill.|Maidan ea :arrived:Friday niorning to yjisit his|Ville people who attended an after- lle.Mrs.W.P.Hedricl:|He was accompanied by Mr.Frank |"Statesvi :\Thomas of Topeka,Kans,Mr.Thomas ‘and daughter,little Miss Elizabeth, |Mrs.Ralph Sloan.Mrs.J.L.Gwalt-State,to visit for a few days.E Miss Rachel.Blivins of Mars Hill)2¢Y is the guest of her daughter,Mrs.’ 7 the fruest of Miss Lois Morrison.AllMissLillianDunlapand,Mr.For-est Dunlap of Dunlap have gone |are attending ‘the Chautauqua in pavandae jleave today for a visit to friends in’|Mrs.A.R.Campbell of Statesville.rampbel!of Belton,S.|Dt A.Fallentine,‘and Mrs.W.LeGette,has joined theMr.R.B.Leinster of Raeford |Tredell Blues ‘and left Statesville Sat- Mr.and Mrs.W.‘A.Bristol and lit-Mr.and Mrs.H.T.jkelly and chil- tle son,W.A.Bristol,Jr.,returned |8 and Miss Lula Matheson spent x in Mocksville at the home of-Mrs,};spent several days.jing in . Mrs.J.H.Mclver and little daugh-,|Kelly’s mother,Mrs.W. a few weeks. Blue-Rridge today:“to;attend--the Mr. where fe has secured a position. craft’s parents,Mr,and Mrs.C.B. Mr.-Q.R.-Brown:anddaughters;+Mzs-‘Charles.Robinette,both.of Sue: old home community in Catawba |the home of the,bride’s parents.Rev, Statesville relatives,:has returned td Miss Elizabeth Lindsay will sere. Hickory.ret Ed.Linville of Mt.Airy,and eceinhen home in Meridian,Miss.|to be away a month.Master William Ville Swill.arrive atomorrow)(to Ruth Chatham of Spartanburg,S.C:, Mr.G.E,French left Saturday eve.|Molly and children,Mesdames CC.L. Maa.French accompanicd him,Klutz,Misses Laura Hedrick and parents,Mr.and Mrs.T.J°*Allison.|noon and evening of the Chautauqua left yesterday for Virginia,his native |27e guests.of Mrs.Hedrick’s sister, is visiting friends in town.|C.E,Echerd,and Miss Nell Burke ds Lookout,Wyo.,to visit relatives and |Statesville.Miss Irene LeQueux will C.,is visiting her daughter,Mrs.J.|Mr.Charles LeGette,son of spending a few days in town.jurday evening for Morehead City. Friday from Morganton,where they from Saturday until Monday.morn- Mildred,of .Wadesboro,arrived |Making the trip in Mr.Kelly’s auto-[eet Taylorsville,June 26 —Mr.Ey-/";pete9 simple assault and Mr,U.EB.Gross’ not guilty,The former was fined:$5)>U,EB.Cross’was.also ine} dicted for carrying concealed weapon:|» pth Miss Ollie Kerley,daughter of Ma, 6.80.o’clock:at |’, Gwaltney, ne Woodruff,‘ Otis MeDanirs,Fannie’county,wasbi 1;'18-year-old.Bop,Daniel\of ‘RandelldrownedFriday|whileathinginacreeknearhishome. Spring Friers,18¢.per Ib. Old Hens,18¢.per Ib.Eges}-16c.per dozen,)Roonters,6c.per.Ib,Butter,16¢,per Ib.BeesWax,26¢,per Ib.“Green ‘Hides,14e.per Ib:Hams)20¢.per Ib.Sides,13¢.(fo lc,per Ty.shoulders,18¢.to de.perl -Sourwood Honey Co fetes Grain, »Wheat $1.20 per bushel. teen!(new).$1.10 per busorn;(new);8e,per,bushel.‘'Oats,55 perbushel, On the locale market yesteStatesvilléCottonMarket. Pound was paid for best pal cotton, MARKET REPORTS. i Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayfarproduceonthelocalmarket. ib.NeéewRed Honey,10¢.to 12 1-2¢.per Ib.mb,16 to le,per ib,Old Auto,Rubber Casing,4e. ‘Sweet Potatoes,60c.per bushel, The following prices were paid Seguardaaforgrainonthelocalmarket: hel, rday.13, || | | | | || per| pear:tihe.,Cente, Poirsi py the man in uniform, WANPeEn.:D—MenTier delUnited States Army. 2724June ~lt. June 27--1t*See| (ADVERTISEMENTS In this column10°“centa|No ad.taken for less than 25 ‘eCashmustaccompanyorder.)‘|DRS.LEVY of Gharlgtte will be in Stony|at Hotel every Thursday to fit eye- jo dell Blues). office ih armory,over Caroli June 27. —Reward formeJune27 E.G.GAITHER. LOST—Fountain ‘Pen. 4+to-H.,care The Landmark. L08tT—Open-(aren‘gold watch, return to THE LANDMARK.| na Motor Co. FOR RENT—Six--reom anne Ricsell in,with! city improvements,furnished or unfurnished:|onJuneBde "Finder.please returnJune27—1t* RECRUITS WANTED—For Company E el Call on»LIEUT.SHERRILL,|{{ fob attached.| —| moderateW.ELLargelot, reasonable, FOR RENT—Two story residence close in. eonveniences. MUNDAY,June .27, Rent The Landmark. condition.Apply to E.‘Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.M. FOR RENT—Rooms for light housekeeping. Pleasantly located and ciose in.H., June 27—2t. FOR SAL E—Smith Typewriter,in first elabe SENTMANN, 4tJune20 care 'FOR'SALE—At a bargain,o OLINA MOTOR CO. cash,May 6. slates Diamond Furniture Co.-stock. CORN—We are in |.the market for ~Cornand will pay highest market price,STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS CO. r will trade: June 9, 35CAR- “Shelled FOR RENT—Five-room‘Stocktan and Bost streets.{y)ARD PIANO STORE. cottage 2June corner of Apply at LEON- body.CAROLINA MOTOR ing Cars;one Studebaker chenp to quick buyers.£0. one Buick Roadster and a few Fords.cars are bargains and will be sold mightyCAROLINAMOTOR FOR SALE—Practically new Ford deliveryco.June 9. SECOND-HAND CARS—TIwo Overland Tour-Touring.Car;These Une 9. 1 | re 1M CaP TO THE YOUNG BUSINESSMAN! The Banking needs of Busi- ness Men are given special at- tention by this Bank!-If you carry a Checking Account with \tine rbsso't Ri e t e r e N tk e Ne a e en ee ee ee ,us we are always willing to help you in the development of yourbusiness,YOU ARE ASSUR- ED OF ABSOLUTE SECURI- TY AND-THE “A0ST-COUR- TEOUS SERVICE! Pe r e a Tt ee s pt e em THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK,Statesville,N.C.aL ee Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on TimeDeposits.Gana U.S.Depository, New Awning StripeSkirtMaterial," Special 25c. 30 Dozen Silk Hose, All Colors, Special 23c. LIVERY BUSINESS. bile.:Notices of }New Advertisements.|Saturday hight to vist Mrs.MelIver’s|™°Capt.Wm.W etn eng has responded to! jparents,Mr.“and Mrs.P.V.Dotson.|RECALLED THE "SIXTIES:|President’Wilson’s mofela the border,but’will} i Prof.Melver is conducting a teachers’i continue his livery business at the same old linstitute at Ashboro.iA Lady Who SawSaw the Bh stand and,gasks his friends and customers not |to forget him.He has feft his business in ‘John Barrymore at the Lyric today.; ‘Flower pots.and jardiniers,—Alli-| san’s Book Store. | Redfern corsets.—Ramsey-Bowles-| Morrison Co,~Hall's,headacheThugStore.*Checkerboard ,skirtinggs.—Mills Poston:- The North Carolina cores me es riculture and Mech:Owne,registrar,W.Ralcigh. “Men’s sailor straws at a reduction. —Sherrill-White Shoe Co. ~Hoosier cabinets,—Crawford-}Bunch Furniture Co. «Millinery.clearance Sale,—Mrs.J./M.McKee. Dr.Levy at Stony Point Thursdays. “remedy,-=Halt's: ‘Men wanted for United States ar-| mv.—See man in uniform. ;Recruits wanted for Company R-)Tieut.Sherrill at armory. *Capt.Westmoreland to continue his| Ibvery business, ‘Watch lost. The Landmark. Cottage for rent Gaither. Reward for return to close in.—E.G.! -Fountain pen lost.—H.,care The) Londmark.s Highest vrice for junk.—C.Swart#>Durham,N.C.Rooms for—light—housekeepingfor. rent, Two-story residence for rent,—W. Rk.Munday.*Absolutely -clean.—W.froprietor.E.Coley, Meeting CivicLeague July 5th./ Correspondence of Vhe Landmark. »On account of the Chautauqua, there will be no meeting of the Civic League today (Tuesday)nor willtherebe.a mecting the following}! Tuesday,as’that date is July 4th.On Wednesday,July.5th,the next Meeting will be held,at 4.30 o’clock, in the new auarters of the Commer- cial club.The club kas kindly of- fered the Leaguc the use of its rooms,|find henceforth the meetings will beheldthere.A business meeting will be held first,followed by a_social Kalf-hour,-during which time light re-freshments will he served.The ladies of the League are doing tnuch important work at present,and _it is urged that each member attend the meetings and become actively in-terested in this work.PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. Gov.Craig WillPrefer.Those ;Identified With Guard. Gov.Craig announces that in fill- Ing whatever vacancies that may oc- cur in.-the—-North Carolina National. Guard official roster,he will give a Wecided preference to those men whohavebeenidentifiedwiththeNorth arolina militia all these years,and have labored diligently and unselfish-ly to build up.He insists that these men are entitled to places of honor or responsibility as they ‘may occur. HOW'S THIS? ‘We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for|any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured byHall's Catarrh’Cire.Hall's Catarrh ,Cure'has been taken by Ca- tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,atid.has become known as the most.reliableremedyfor,Catarfh.Hall's Catarrh Cure ets through the Blood on the Mucous’sur- ‘aces,expelling thé Poison from the Blod andhealingthedisensedportions.After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Cure for a-short.time you will see a great .im-Re itells in your general health.Start tak-nz Hall’s Catarrh Cure at once and get rid‘of oe SendPi ei brrimamials:free.CHRNY ‘TOLEDO,OHIO.‘hp all ‘Drugalste,“tie.alone oie“a cones 7 &| Miss Hazel Dotson,who has.been| visiting at Wadesboro and Charlotte for several eee is.SATA home, today. Leave For the War in ’61 Re- calls That and Some of the, “Experiences-That:Fotiowéd,»¢:Mr.J.FY Lippard left Veneniay |ceforCharlotteto,bé away for some It reminds me of the time whanoeMrs.J.H.Wyckoff will be with the Blues went away.to the war in| W bien Lippard while Mr.Lippard is/’61,”said the old lady,who was inaway. |Mrs.BF.Long went to Waynes-making their final preparation to de- \ville Saturday to spend a few days.|part. Miss Elba Henninger leaves this| j week for Knoxville,Tenn,to attend aj Iredell Blues,she continued.They ;summer school.From there she goes!were at work on the farm at ouritoSearcy?Ark.,to teach expression}home in the country,in April,1861,’ jand be physical director in©college.when Claude Alexander came out to’ Mrs.T.T.Lucas and children of|notify them of the call.The‘call was pian tere are guests of Mr.and Mrs.;sudden and no preparation had been iR.Poston.made.In trying to prepare extra Me Shelton Henninger has gone to clothing for them,I made two shirts |Calhoun,Tenn.,to spend the summer.)in one day,sewing with _the~needle.|Miss Janie Caldwell of Salisbury;I never sewed so hard before or sinteéjandMissAngieCaldwellofAsheville{(it was before the Gays of sewing jare expected today to visit Mr.and/machines). Mrs.J.Y.Foard.|The night before the Blues left for Miss Christine Rutledge of Mount the war,she said,my sisters and IHollyistheguestofMrs.Walter P.{came to town and spent the night.Moore.She leaves Saturday for New |didn’t sleep a’wink.The \York to attend.the National Educa-jleft before day next morning.(It) ‘tional Association.anes be mentioned here-that the two \orothers of this lady came.back af- Catawba—Man_—Got Damages--+ter the four years of strife had énd-{From Hardaway Company.a Sty vee grommet a few years)a s ater and the other still lives).Rev.) Newton ee cnee [Waites Pharr,pastor of the Presby-|The suit of G.Stewart againstterian church,preached to the sol-|the Hardaway Coe uction Compa-|diers the night before they left. ny,for $5,000 alleged damages for!The good lady’who was telling this| personal injuries sustained at the)story was talking in private conver-| Lookout dam,was compromised!sation and didn’t expect what she. Wednesday by the payment of $1,|said to be printed,and the name.is!500,the company paying thecosts,|omitted for that reason.Notwith-|doctors’bills _and hospital account.|standing the horrors-of-the four years} Mr.Stewart was injured |of that war,she said,the time seem-| I \Ii severely construction. To Close July 4th.‘that they were all so busy—so very, The following named merchants and busy not only providing for those’ business mien:have agreed to close |left at home but for loved ones in the their places of business during the en.|army.They made about all the | tire day of July 4th:|clothes for the family at home,in-;Statesville.Grocery Co.,J.K.Mor-|Cluding the’negroes until they were (rison Grocery &peaduen Co.,_Bal-freed,and also clothes for the sol-! lance-Sullivan Co.,Wallace Bros.Co., Crawford-Bunch Furmture Co.,Dy- sard Electric Co.,Gillespie PressingClub,Underprice Grocery Go.,Miller- ‘any other four years of her life,' | soldiers at every opportunity.She| came,but.she learned to weave and‘! |town Saturday when the soldiers were |} Two of my brothers belonged to the soldiers ie while employed at the dam during its|'ed to her to pass more quickly than JP |This she thought was due to the fact |& diers,and sent boxes of rations to the|} had learned to spin before the war! feharxe of J tiate; ig ‘TAenking the public in ad rersitntsJune27. Lr. vance,Very—respectfulty,WM.WESTMOREL AND, G.Warren,whowillappre nything that his friends may do for him.I remain, Ut BARRY groom” ORRIN JOH “The Price of Also I MeLain Supply Co.,F.B.Phifer,D.J. “Kimball,R.P.Allison,wrady Printing||\Co.,J.M.McKee &Co.,Lazenby- |Montgomery Hardware Co.,a |&Reece,Sherrill-White Shoe Co,N \Harrisor,Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.,Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, Home Electric Co.,RF.Henry,S., M &H.Shoe Co,,McLellan Stores,Tharpe &Co.,Statesville Printing Co., W.E.Munday,Statesville Tin Co., H.B.Woodward,Fuller’s Store,H.C.Gaither.Eagle &Milholland,Har- ness,Vehicle &Supply Co.,Barron & Conner Marble Works,Iredell Feed Store,T.N.Brown,Leonard Piano Store,Mills &Poston,Andrews Music House,M.P.Alexander &Bro.,John- ston-Belk Co.,J.E.Sloop,Smithey & Fraley,S.W.Stimson,Sloan Clothing Co,R.H.Rigkert &\Son,.Ramscy- |Bowles-Morrison Co.,Williams Fur-initure House,Mrs.Mary Sims,Mer- chants &Farmers’Bank,Commercial National Bank,Peoples’Loan &Sav-ings Bank,First National «Bank,Statesville |Housefurnishing Co.,Statesville Steam Laundry. The drug stores will close during the afternoon _ball game—ftom 4 to 6o'clock.iThé barber shops Will élose!at mountfortheremainderoftheday.—ad.| do many other things during that pe- riod that she had not‘foulid hecessa- ry before.Home-made clothing was abundant in families ‘where there were spinners and weavers and she had plenty of dresses-~all homespun.’ They wouldn’t be considered fancy now,but they were .all right:then,for that was about all anybody had. “Tt’s amazing how little folks cangetalongoniftheyhaveto,”she} continued,“as we found during the} war.When they about:the searcity of dyes I recalled | roots of plum trees boiled and mixed with ‘indigo made a beautiful fast brown.”There is no prospect that we will} ever be subjected.to anything like the| privations suffered in the South from| 1861 to ’65,but.sometimes the idea| suggests itself that a period of pri-; vation would be a valuable lesson to|the folks of this generation who have no conception of privation;the folks| who have enjoyed luxuries until hey | consider them common necessities. Drives Out Malaria,Builds Upsystem |{ The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,#GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out tus A true toutethie blood,atid buildsupthe ays-A true tonic,For adults audance 50¢,|en ene | || talked so much if 1 that we found,in the,60s,that thet =)fl q THELYRICTHEATRE TODAY MORE |‘“The LostBride- ~WEDNESDAY "FRANCES NELSON “Love’s Crucible”THURSDAY NSON J Power” FATTY ARBUCKLE “MABEL NORMAND “fle Did and He Didn't”i THE |LYRIC THEATRE “The Coolest Place in- Town” aa day Write tt Py etd LES ¥v J+ao!TMi OT. j Are You Going:To _— If so,see our line of -t-CASES-and-BAGS!-— at OLD PRICES! Wardrobe.Trunks .. Trunks of all sizes ... Suit Cases Full line of TravelingBags!4 NEW TAFFETA SILKS! All staple shades,98c.and $1.25;black,69¢.,$1.18 and $1.25.a7 $6.95 to $18,50$2.50.to $16.00. 25¢.to re 50 « WHITE GOODS! AN ELEGANT LINE AT SPECIAL PRICES! length in 40-inch Organdy,20c.and 25c.value.. price,while it lasts Se yer es es SOISETTE! A beautiful Wash Material for Ladies’Waists and4 Men's tit ‘Sport Shirts,25c.value,special : READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT 3eing added to daily.See our NEW WHITE WASH — SKIRTS at 98c.;White Corduroy Skirts,special $1.ae Short : Our ;a A10e.ti better grade,-$2.98.~~ _BLACK-AND BLUE SILK TAFFETA.SKIRTS,$4 Special line of Ladies’'Waists at--48c.,79c.,98c.,$1 8$2.48 and $2.98. ONE LOT LADIES’NEW TRIMMED HATS Just in,AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES—98c.-THEY.ARBtr WORTH FROM $2,00-0 $3.00! Johnston-Belk Co ‘THE STORE THAT SrLLS FOR LSS.- vrnia Fit ede Why get hot cooking on a Wood or Coal Range these long summer days?When you can keep cool,feel good and look pleasant by using ONE OF OUR OIL STOVES. Fruit canning season is also here.Your canning will be—an~actual—pleasure—by 7, moving one of these stoves out on the porch or in the yard in the shade. \ Try it once and you will never again can fruit in the old way--stooping over a hot SU or range in the kitchen? Better Goods For Less Money, mee oT. fgets157. ihdvahan?eT CEB,a TEof ~nioSge AEE)ESR ie the’going,to ‘attack1without;Rogtise,”‘he ”said,»is only.one thing to do,We Pnever have peace down there un- ‘we use foyte enough'to'compel it.’ Phere is reason’to ‘believe that the ‘military situation:may.be influencing the administration’s «*diplomatic course,as.well as the desire to make it clear to the world and particularly to the ‘Latin-American’nations that the United States is being forced in- to ‘war-like measures .by the hostility zof General Carranza,~------No Mediation Now.ig One fact.as-to the conference is sig-; <nificant.-There-was-no-discussion of he possibility of mediation.The ‘sub: t was not mentioned,either by the yesident or his callers,Senator | Stone ‘said.‘}This statement came in tlie face of formal notification to Eliseo Arre- ondo,»Mexican -ambassador desig-,| ate,by his government,that it ap-| proved the principles of mediation as| proposed by several Latin-American| countries.Mr--Arredondo-expected; !} =early authorization to begin corversa- SEchoumecs that the Washington gov- the’State Hospital at Raleigh unani- tions with his Latin-American col-| ‘Jeagues in an effort to divert the cri-|sis to peaceful channels.There was no indication that any”“diplomat had attempted to sound Sec- retary ‘Lansing in this regard,It is nown,however,that he holds the Uritted ‘States has nothing to medi- tate;since its only object:is the pro-‘teepionaf its,own borders.He hasjerlynotifiedallLatin-American ernment has no aggressive purpose| toward Mexico,but is resolved to freeits‘citizens-along-the border of the danger of bandit raids.AmbassadorNaonof,Argentina,,who saw Mr.Lansing.last week,is understood tohavegainedtheimpressionthatof-fers of mediation would not be accept-able ta.the United States in the pres- ént situation,and to have so informedhisgovernment. Charges Against State Hospit- ;al Not Sustained. After a hearing which continued four days,the board of directors of mously decided that charges against the management of the institution were:not sustained.-The decision was not a surprise.The attorneys =|that on: }“To top:i “Captain Morey,.but statedthenightofthe21st\theyhadcarriedhimtwomiles;that Mo- rey became weak and could not gofurther,and told them ‘to,leave.Mey-er reconnoitered 20 miles east of San-ta Maria,but.found nothing.:Out ofgrainandforage,horses in bad ‘shape,had to return.”“iQ(As is’generally”known,the Tenth cavalry is composed of colored menbutisofficered*by whites.—The Land- mark.)f 'A Trooper's:Story. Sam H.Harris,a private in C troop of the Tenth cavalry,«wasbroughttotheborder,late -Sunday, says a dispatch’from ‘Columbus,N. M.,with bullet wouncs in the leftshoulderandarm,received in the en- gagement at/Carrizal.“He said“that ithere were fully 700°Mexicans against ithe 84 men of the American detach- ment. t off,”Harris said,“theyhadamachinegun‘and they surpris- ed_us,We approached;them in a peaceful.way and never had an idea that they would try to massacre us. Had.we.known they wanted:to-fight. we could have given it,to them.I guess they got enough at that.” ~-Harris’troop was surrounded by the Carranzistas.he said.He escaped |: wounded from the cordon the Mexi- cans had..drawn ayound..the Ameri- cans by riding straight through_their line.on his charger,which also had been.wounded.He rode this horse until it fell from loss of blood and then caught another fleeing animal, with which he eventually caught up with other survivors,whom he ac- eompanied to field headquarters, Other Stories of the ‘Fighting. The following was ‘sent to Wash- ington Saturday night from Gen.. Pershing: “A'report received this morning from Major Jenkins reports five men of troop C and one man of troon K have been found at the San Luis ranch.The men state that Captain Boyd’s troop C occunied the left of the line and that Captain Morey’s troop K occupied the right. “After the firing began,troop C advanced 250 yards toward the Mex- ican position along the irrigation ditch,taking it and capturing ma-|chine guns.Captain Boyd was twice| wounded in the arm and shoulder be- fore reaching the position and was killed in the irrigation ditch. “Troop C continued to advance through the town under Lieutenant Adair.This was the last seen of troon'C by these men. “Troop K was outflanked and with- drew a short.distanse,occupying an adobe house,Captain Morey was wounded in the shoulder.This house was surrounded by Mexicans and was under fire for some time.The men! {THE PATRONAGE1s Ww Be Discontinued Unless Pa. tronage Increases, The passenger’train p tween Mooresville and Sta week’ago is ,rly patron railroad people say,and patronage increases the.siprobablybediscontinued,:&year ago this»same std put on and discontinued gia > time because,it was claimed tronage.did not justify,thThetrainwasputonagain, at the urgent insistence of.the, mercial club of Statesville,}.,a sponse to what seemed tolardemandforaservice ‘would!|give —southern-connection a’Shas! lotte.The train is a great..canve-| nience in this respect and it.Was purges! ed on the railroad peopte Thad the jfar|patronage would justify it.Sothetrainhasbeenpoorlypatropized)and it would seem that.the.S¢vilee traveling men and otherg,,who! were so insistent for this servi egwere! either mistaken.about the d q,,for it,or they are patronizing the ditneyorgoingbysomeotherroute,,,,/, The Landmark believes the travel on this tyain will increase as_the na-ture of the service becomes gen- erally understood,Certainly itawpulenotbefairtodiscontinueuntilample time has been given to try.iteouty-But The Landmark is calling attention tot the situation so that those’interested ‘may be advised that the train wif be! discontinued unless the patronage;jn-|creases.The railroad people*caynot| be expected to continue the:.servicu| unless it is shown that it is avarrant-} ed,and it is up to the traveling.peo-| ple who have insisted for yearg:thatthisservicewasneceb’sary to.,show) that they had the facts with them.| The expense of operating the‘train! between Mooresville and ©Statesville is small,and the Southern should con-| sider the convenience to its patrons as| well as the immediate returns,By and by people of Mooresville .and south Iredell who wish to come:to Statesville in the early morning will find this train a conveniencé./‘Ehosewhomaywanttomakeashort:trip can come on this train andiwreturn on the regular train.“3h Beginning today The Landmarks for Moagresville and__intermediate voints are forwarded bv thisstrain. This puts the paper in Mooresville in time to get out on the ruralirdates the day it is published andsfiitsiwill reach patrons on these routes/.24 hours earlier than by the old schedule. This will not only be a great cenve- nience to the patrons of the paperbutagreathelptoTheLandmark. This paper,therefore.has a personal 1 Riot PuleaydrdsARE hy Formerly advertising signs 4a *|the:principal -streets; “jused for the Chautauqua programme?Oh,yes;but allowed for the Chau- nee eTi‘ on Principal Streets]Step Backward...--- “Too bad that they let the billboardsgoonthestreets,5 Ly mark;ed the four corners of .the square.After a time and some effort to.se-cure:their removal,it was decidedthesquarewould:be more attractivewithout,them;*and it’s a pity,sincetheeffortsto-make Statesville.an.at- tractive town were meeting with suc- cess and’so many unsightly things arebeing.climinated,that a backwardstepshouldhavebeentakenby.al-lowing billboards to be set up along ‘They are only temporary and are tauqua programme the precedent hashoen_set---and.the---same-~argumentwouldusethemforbaseball,for car- nivals.or any sort of.shows,or for! r.Cureall’s worm medicine...The Jhautauqua people should not haveaskedit.|The institution they rep- resent tends to...civic .improvement;and who will contend that it is theproper‘thing,in this day of effort.to|.make Our towns attractive and beau-tiful,to spread billboards ‘along thenrincipal-streets?In allthe forward-looking towns billboards are restrict- ed to.certain.localities.,Certainlytheyarenotallowedon.the principalstreetsinandaboutthe.square.While they may have their uses it will hardly.he seriously contended that they are exactly the thing to be conspicuous on the principal streets in the business section.iTheCivicLeague,which “is.al ready.overburdened,.will have to get busy about the billboards. Don’t Take Our Word For It, Read What Others Say. Statesville,N.C. In regard to BARIUM SPRINGS WATER I have to say that it hasslowlybutsurelyestablisheditselfintheconfidenceofourpeople,both professional and otherwise.. Its medicinal and curative proper- ties are known and acknowledged by all.For a long while I doubted its claimed ‘efficacy,but my skepticism|has long since been dissipated by a} personal knowledge’of its ‘effects up-|on the system.Its greatest triumphs| have been in cutaneous disorders,act-| ing as a-_specifice in both acute and_| chronic Eezemas in many cases.) Though in rheumatic and gouty con-! ditions of the system it exerts an in-||| fluence almost amounting to curative. THOS,E.ANDERSON,M.D, ‘Bottled NY To the drinkvdShahGlenMniversalenjoyment. * \ Delicious &Reffexhing *Bottled by- / |wy 5 eteenHiURE 1}!IMl i \NB irs |huni rea Bottling Co:;-'Statesville,N.C. i Lane sis ae PSo— The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak ‘System hava’put amateur photography within reach of every man,woman and child:at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.Kodak.supplies of all kinds in the genuine Eastman quality.‘ H.B.WOODWARD ree 4 vy i ‘ Jeweler. with Jenkins state that they believe interest in this new train.10 or 12 of Morey’s troop who occu-|[It is hoped that people whg,havepiedthehouseescaped.”occasion to travel between Mooresville The-Missing.jand Statesville,hetween MooresvilleTeissaidthat84INGioriennaoreCharlotteandfarthersouth,:willin’the engagement at Garin Thir-ean of the convenience offered epe5°=pe eae |bv this new train.Connection ‘i8'made'Pee ee Bre eels ae at Mooresville for Charlotte angyin-|!|ed tet oe ‘oct ae iwee iS esumat-termediate points and —at Charlotte2::i for southern points:—to 2 |NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS|Southern Can’t Increase W eb e n CA R We e n SO N OW A A CR ee s WE R ME T S Ke e oo FLOORING,CEILING,SIDING,LATHS,LIME,PAINTS. m4 ne aoe Cc.Weiss BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY ~MANU ACTURERS OF : Kiln dried North Carolina:Pine.Wholesale and re- tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909.PHONES:Office =294 (}KO.TI.MYERSPHONES:Residence 423 Vice Pres.and Manager.” aaBiUSvotWomen’ Preparatory and Collegiate coursExpression,Physical Culture,Pedagogy,Domestic Scnce une ceservatoryofMusic.High standard maintained by large staff of experienced,collegetrainedinstructors.‘Takes only 100 boarders and tedches the individual.’Unsur.passed health record.Brick buildings.Steam heat.Electric lights.ExcellentGoodGymnasium.Patk-like campus,Concerts,Iectures,tennis,basket-Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM,President.Raleigh,N.C. Lee TLEancn ‘ i ~~Judge.+e 5 A,~"Y"onee knew an eccentric man,” JOHN DEEREMEANStheBEST.A Few at the OLD PRICE. Iredell Hardware Com’y.[ CC A S CR C et CR F a CA R S ! EC R C Y anem at tether CS SD N ideal Christian Home School.Art,Con- are an 1 Combination Library Table,27 x 45;1 Four-foot Settee,1.Large Arm Chair,1 Large Arm Rocker... Fumed oak finish,and genuine leather seats.Call,’ and-let us show you where Wwe can save ‘you Money. Williams Furniture House Inc, ANTE Cat Harmony is the very soul ofemusic,the blending of tones, perfect balance of major andminor—alltheelements in’ true accord.ee “Tf there is no harmony in in the piano.”” A great artist once said of the Packard: “That instrument ‘was |bultt—-AND COULD ONLY HAVE BEEN BUILT!—by ‘men who love their work, who find content in their labor,,and who believe,heart and soul,in the worthiness of,thefr product.” LET US SHOW YOU A PACKARD! All instruments sold for ¢ash or on terms. Liberal allowance for old instruments. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles Phone 304,“105 Bast Broad Street.fitted.Eyes examined free.’Satisfaction guaranteed,ce ;oe HN sy j vniekionanenaien LIL ENR Y.ee T oncseasonll CW CMLOL savameenene!AA i cei Kt 7 :’fo — es TACOS EL ASK BARAVE HTT? e the factory,there will be none fi The following statement was made the evidence introduced on both sides; perintendent and the management of SE<A¥E Ot Sustained.The findings of aces.|0 ages,| 'signed and a copy will be filed with Parts df the Country.‘fore shown appreciation of ouwn;em-,)’ patients,insufficient food,ihsanitary worth League,Conference is in ses-!of employment;we have met most of | ||was charged ‘that he profited finan-ral Victor Chapman of New York,a whole duty,we would be glad to do | .none §|PAINT soars above them all in:qual-| ithe charges against the superintend-Ue eae oan | is::pe lost their’General’Manager E.H.Coapman;in|~-yes,according atesforfertilizer.used on his farm.When ee eee ontgomery Hardware Cos, ;Ewhile professing no-recollection of the |Mercury was sunk in the Black sea.ing their attention to the position of| !Only One of His Kind—Hence The War Department has issued or-|organizations,i a WINDOWS,sentatives be permitted to accompany 2Y &nnounces that emploves called ae’! stated old-Festus Pester,“wh h :vecOmenexpense.|the service_lasts.—Positions;will bey aeesireénmBAUSSoetn——-telephone did not demand_fiercely Union.The total quantity of chew-, dick wishing to speak to Mr.Buck- pounds—one-third the amount in the: held in the neighborhood where he In Federal court at:Roanoke,Va.,' convinced that they would never Va.,pleaded guilty to a charge of vio- Home.with taking a young married woman his wife in two months will in these!Commander Kavanaugh of the gun- dier,but unfortunately got married ,;at Mazatlan,Mexico,on.the 18th, is wholly dependent upon him—ex-|seized,said his men were attacked : send in.|The Senate has adopted by |bill which gives the Inter-State Com-A boy fell into a pond,and when a ee eter Cans “Well Gah ee aia |for handling mail.It is a victory for %,.t come to fall in at all,”re-;The member of the National Guard : i SECTSRA PRESCOTT |»aGardenCreel:Valley,in Haywood |National Guard refused to take the | awe visited by a very destruc-|banded together and strips of yellow ..4squareandwithinthatareanotStreets.while their comrades yelled, for-the.prosecution admitted that theevidencefailedtomakeoutacase. of the board’s decision:“The board carefully considered all it has carefully gone over the charges that have been made against the su- the institution;it unanimously findsfrom:the.evidence that the charges tsi othe.board on each charge have been i ie ccUrMEnalieventl ron AG .|;-dictated and will be transcribed and|(ncidents Gathered From All e veleve that we have hereto:|, e nor.”:ployes by just and liberal treatment’a|the okies cd wieteatmentock The Western North Carolina Ep-|in the matter of wages and donditions ,ew ’Aah :;:sion at Greensboro.heir expectati ‘au {“a.d lity:ght .\|their expectations and.hopes,and,}j iDr.ea ne aeale e ecient A dispatch from Paris says Corpo-|were it possible,consistent with:‘our |.’’—_—_—fe|W member of the Franco -American!-e.but w bmi ,fry |really b h d a :ous ct |more,but we submit that the propo-'|,rl ;“ent.PURE vital.Ce ee en eas flying corps,was killed last week at’sitions embraced in these demands|£we MN Ree Bone|‘:ik i three are without reason and totally unjus-"ity and popularity|B .|German aeroplanes,|tifiable.”declares Vice President and'|"”so ,|cut movethan $100 ofProstarfends|Fou"hundred persons eapman,i FOR SALE BYPreports,;atter ;aee;|when the Russian passenger ste ee pe e ee employes of,Lazenby-Mthisieas._disclosadthe-—-ex-steward,s I a ;the Southern Railway-Gompany call-"|—~~~Statesville.N.C eee I ;by a mine.The total number aboard!the ¢any he i ase 2 A Sonneincident,repaid th :;Ms e company on the increased wagé|ey;pal e amount was approximately 550.demands made by the four cena SHINGLES,‘t .DOORS,ders to the departmental command-*ae EET Aa |the Sorrow.ers directing that newspaper repre-|_The R.J.Reynolds Tobacco ;(ompax National Guard or other troop trains for border service will continut td‘re-"|eee to the border,traveling at their own)ceive their regular pay as long as|“PLASTER,he got the desired number _on_the ;enn eee tee -281 amber _0|North Carolina produces more to-|held open-for the men.‘rl ‘Whizz ziss?‘Instead he invariably!bacco than any other State in.the!«ater zsaidcivilly,‘This is John J.Poppen-|!(‘ing and smoking tobacco yielded byover.”-:‘|the State in 1914 was 105,137,525Hisfuneralwasthelargestever1UnitedStates,which was 440,935,721 resided,and there strong men broke|pounds. down and wept like children,being uRev.D.F,Landis,formerly pastor atagain:3 Price’s Fork,Montgomery county,: Whit éeps Someof |jlating the Mann white slave act andwasfined$50.Landis was charged Raleigh Times.,out of the State for immoral purpos-Many a man who hasn’t thought of |es. days of enlistment suddenly remem-|boat Annapolis,in a report reaching.fberthathe’s always wanted to sol-|the Navy Department on the incident to the best woman in the world,who,when a boat from the Annapéli eos ;.a ‘i .»\M apolis was &~@»fable.with four ;beautiful invalid children,|fired on and two American”officers Se ”ball. cept.for what she manages to pick |without provocation ‘by Mexican cus-up at washing and what her folks!toms officers and soldiers. Didn’t Come to Fall In.overwhelming -majority-the—amend=Ladies?Home Journal.Litent to the postoffice appropriation &man who was passi Hed hi {Mee eee onanmAassingpulledhimout,e rate o to be given railroadshesaid-t6 the bey.p e pay to be given railroads cH v you come tothe railroads and another defeat fotoflinerelake?”|Postmaster General Burleson. ied th i rat,“-ii Psfish.”boy with some heat,‘I came who.tries to get out _has—hard—lines.|About 140 members of the Maryland = county,said to be the most fertile |oath containing the three-year ‘re-farming spotiin western North Caro-|S¢TVe Clause.Several of them were tive hail storm a few days ago.The |tied to their uniforms.They thenvalleyembraces:about two miles|Wee marched through the company : Hk of corn or wheat,not a vegeta.“See the yellow streak in them!”:ble;was left.“joe Wiliam Humphrey,a half-breed am rin!LETMEPIS Mexieatn employed as a watchman at | -—the Naco,Arizona,water plant,was: )R K ; exonerated of criminal blame by 4): |R .W ,coroner’s jury for killing one United |RE PAIStatessoldierandwoundingfiveae —':ers,one seriously..Humphrey testifiedthathecouldnotseetheuniformsof:the infantrymen and had__believed|them to be bandits.He fired on themof.}as they approached the water plant >j.at 2 a.m.to change the giiard. Sonnyil The barn.of-J.Pink Setzer,twoariles.west of Hickory,was struck by |lightning Friday and burned with its contents,including 100 bushels ofwheatintheshockandalargequan-tity,of ‘oats., Annual reunion of Confederate vet.erans at Newton August 17. ~Wilkesboro has voted $15,000-is for water works.fend | wutsthl qe |-<tettemeenrnren HA fi oa ¥ ren st iDe,VARA,san Soca aa \g c |~of |Hai ywre PY GIP sy |a nenbt ee an ane ounrinegnadetrnennapn RNORTay ne a etesctengbetce* paate Te ie TT eOU Te1SHINGLESwv“> 'can avold the expense,delay and dirt of ‘temoving the old roof,‘the inside of your house fs not exposed duriog the re-roofing.|In- a STATESVILLE,|N.Ce Se. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR Sheet uae oa Nowe t ay To buy a sheet ‘of music without a demonstration.is something like buying.“‘a pig in a2 poke.” therefore made arrangements for the adoption of a perfect sheet sgmitkic demonstration plan,which will be,inaugurated in our sheet niigic department upon the arrival.of our equipment.this week. Along with the demonstration outfit will come several -hundred copics of the latest popular.sheet music.IT’S SOMETHING NEW AND NOVEL!The new “song hits”will hereafter be receiv-- ed cach month just as they come from the’presses.Visit our store and-set and hear for von LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.C Morrison Building,WestBroad Street.Telephone 322, We have realized this and have:; ‘Statesville Drug Comp’y,. GIFTS SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS OR BRIDAL SHOWERS. SIN. Cut Glass,Hand-Painted China,Sterling Silver,. Parisian Ivory,Perfumes and Toilet Articles, STORE OF QUALITY All the children will want to see the JuniorChautauquaplay—Oncle Sam’s Experiment—.Wednesday afternoon,June 28,1916. Quality Prescriptionists.oO o oo d SO S O o Po r e Pe o ere e s e er e s se e s es o s es o s es i s e t t i s i t s t i s s e s s e t e s t s e s e t t e s t e s e e e e s e e e s MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! ‘SO:THE BEST WAY TO START'IS WITH A BANK — AND:THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will “draw interest from April Ist at thetate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly.4 This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women atid-imen! ;Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest om date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. “Checking accounts,either large or small,cordiallyinvited.-We:want your business! People’s Loan and.Savings Bank. ‘GEO.H.BROWN :0.L.coe President. Cashier. Ce s e s e t s e t e c t e e e e j e s t e o s o r o c e s s s c e s ‘points,‘and is the .8B|A ithe United States. H |the presence ‘of about 200 people,iA|his son Le s e e t e s e s e s e s e e s 3 ~~UTOMOBILE TIRE REPAIRING. SAVE MONEY.“SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY, --+*—~by-having your tires in good:shape. PUNCTURES,BLOW-OUTS,RIM CUTS. Every.curable ailment of your tires and‘inner tubes successfully treated.Allsizesandmakes. Vulcanizing at its best,-and—all-work guaranteed. Iredell Vulcanizing Company, COURT STREET,OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, H\the North Carolina H |Cheshire of North -Garolina’ :ranging the-plans,q (in turn made the speech of donation :|to the United States,-in-which he es- TUESDAY,.-'+-solemn|THE MYSTERIOUS LIGHT. An IredellLadySeSees the Much-| June 27,1916. Talked-Of Light That ‘Nightly,Appears in Burke County... To the Editor of The Lanamark:©I remember there has been,in.timepast,considerable interest manifest- ed in Iredell county concen aemysteriouslight.to be seen in thenorthwesternpartofBurkesonny,My home is near Statesville,andIusedtoreadwhatTheLandmarkhadtosayin-regard to this light.’Now since-it-has been my privilege to see.it,I would like to say a few wordsaboutitthroughthecolumnsofThe Landmark. I am teaching a summer whack ay)Jonas Ridge,in the northwestern part’of Burke county,25 miles from Mor-ganton and ten from Linville Falls. Last.Saturday night I was visiting,friends at Loven’s hotel,three miles|from Jonas Ridge,and was invited|to climb a high hill and see thiswon| derful ‘light.Accordingly,we mounted this.hill,sat down on a bench-and looked across a beautiful scene of mountain peaks,|watching for the light to appear.Thenightfell,the :mountain peaks faded into darkness,the twinkling lights of Lenoir and Morganton came.intoview.Aboyt half-past nine this strange,mysterious light suddenly appeared from behind Brown’s moun- tain.-It came suddenly into view,ascended perhaps’several hundredfeet,then faded away.Itis one of the strangest,most mysterious thingsthesepeople-have ever known.Afreatmanyhaveseenit-and have ex- pressed various conjectures as to itscause;but’no one really knows any- thing about it,except what he cansce. In appearance this light resembles an electric street light,both as to size and hrillianev..It does not al-ways appear if thé;same place,va- rying sometimes four or five miles, It varies,too,in brilliancy and the height to which it ascends.Some-times it appears only once;thenagainithasbeenseentoascendthreeorfourtimesinonenight.The venerable Mr.Loven,the pro-prictor of the hotel,was asked his nersonal opinion as to the cause of |the light,and he replied that “it might| be one of the signs -and-wonders of Almighty God.”|But this much.is certain:itl strange light certainly does exist;it! ascends above the mountain tops .ev-| ery night.varying as to time.posi-| tion and height of the ascending;it| can be plainly seen from several|most mysterious,| awe-inspiring thing the writer has} ever had the privilege of seeing.| As to its cause,that is for scien- tists to determine—f they ean, Best wishes to The Landmark and| its readers.MISS AUGUSTA SMITH. Jonas Ridge,June 21,1916. ‘Vance Statue Unveiledcand Pré-' sented. North Carolina made the first con- tribution to Statuary Hall,in the capitol %§Washington,Thursday,when the handsome bronze statue of Zebulon Baird Vanae,;:Governor and enator,was formally presented to The unveiling occurred at 10.30 in heafly all North Carolinians,includ- ing ‘the widow of Senator Vance and Major Z.B:-Vance of theUnitedStatesarmy.Justice Hoke ofSupremeCourt Joseph Blount offered presided.Bishop the invocation. The great granddaughter of Sena-| tor Vance,little Miss Dorothy Espy |Pillow,a granddaughter of DavidVance,unveiled the statue.Clement Manley of Winston-Salem.presentedittotheStateforthecommissionar- Governor Craig timated the character and services of Vance,and Vice President Marshall accepted it for the government. In the Senate chamber,following| the unveiling,time was given to me-| morial addresses by Senator Lodge of Masachusetts,who had served in the Senate with Vance,and Senator Overman of ‘North Carolina,who wasVance’s_secretary when he was Gov- ernor, Meetin g of ‘Good Roads Associa- tion—Prizes Awarded. The North Carolina “Good Roads Association,which concluded_its mecting at Wrightsville Friday;was attended by delegates’from 63 coun- ties.Prizes were awarded to coun- ties having the largest delegations according to number of miles travel-|ed,as follows? Cherokee *county,10 delegates,| traveled 450 miles,first prize,a cup;| Swain county,six delegates,traveled| 420 miles,second prize,road culvert; Sampson county,which is nearby,116 delegates,third prize,road map. The following towns had the larg- est delegations:Andrews,BrysonCity,Albemarle.Automobiles com-ing.the longest distance —two cars from Swain county—-prize,a cup.Best’road exhibits of photographs,Lee,Guilford and Swain counties (es ~HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,‘N C. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.=ambing and Private Water Systems.‘REFERENCES FURNISHED. t Sia camaLANDMARK’S cove TISERS ARE UP-TO-DATE, ty oe —— the working of convicts on The Salemburg—‘Woman's club went first prize in having the largest wo-man’s delegation.Resolutions were adoptéd favoring Statehighwaysratherthanhirethemout to work on railroads;encouragingtheplacingofroadsignsandtoabol-ish narrow tires.H.B.Varner was re-elected presi-dent of the association and Dr.Jos. Hyde Pratt secretary.Place of nextmeetingwillbeselectedbytheexec- utive committee, Bowel|Complaints in“India. In a lecture at one of the Des Moines,Iowa,churches a missionary from India told of s0-|)ing into the interior of India,where he wastakensick,that he had a bottle of Chamber-lain’s Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedywithhimandbelievedthatitsavedhislife.This remedy is used successfully in India both as a preventive and cure:for cholera.Youmayknow:from this,that it can be depended Ypon for the milder forms of-bowel complaintbeoccurinthiaopenObtainableevery-where, irr Is ik:PRIVILEGE TAX. The Ad Valoremrem Tax For Dogs :ifess Easy To 4-by-other en-: is Rejected. To the Editor of ‘The Landmark: l_have-been.tanglements.from heartily oMlorsing Grin d As A Watch To your suggestion,in.a recent issue ofryourpaper,that a tax be put.on dogs.|This strikes me as prefectly legiti- mate and surely no loyal citizen wouldobjecttoit.Yes,I freely extend tothecitytheincrementwhichthetaxonmydogwill.bring to the city treasurer.Of course ‘the basis onwhichImakethistenderisonthe“ad valorem”plan.Now.«I can as- sure you that.I am abundantly andsufficientlysatisfiedwiththetaxthecustodiansof¢this town impose onme. |interested citizens—with the one con- pdition that they be honest—to assess| my dog at his real value and list him|for taxation.I don’t ask for any)‘concessions,such as one-third or even| two-thirds value.His real worth,| full value,even liberal value,is all! Land what-1-wants But I am willing for three dis-|= By this means I will have the con-|=|Sciousness ofhelping my town and at | ‘\the same time arrive at the full val-|ue of my dog—a thing I am net at Sea about.T.E No,sir..The ad Silica value doesn’t go in the case of dogs.Keep- ing a dog is a’privilege and the citi- zen who enjoys that’privilege.mus bay for it;and the privilege of keep-| ing a dog in town is cneap at $1 or $2 per annum,It is really worth $50to$100.The-vad valorem tax won’t}g0 because the average dog owner, at tax-listing time,will solemnly as-severate,just as T.E.A.is preparing| a do,that his dogis absolutely worth-|ess, cripple that dog,the same dog own-er would just as solemnly affirm that the canine.was a high-bred,imported animal,subject to registry,worth $300 to $500._The Landmark renews its sugees-}tion that the.ladies of the Civic|League.get busy with the aldermen| and ask for a privilege tax on dogs,| or rather dog owners,tne funds to be used for civic improvement;.and in case of doctors.who keep dogs thetax might’be made $10,because the doc-| tors are supposed to know better, The North Carolina Pharmavteutis| tical Association,which’met in} Wrichtsville last week,elected E,G.Rirdsong-of—Raleigh president “and decided to hold next :meeting in Asheville.®|| CAN YOU DOUBT I¥#| When the Proof Can Be So Easily| Investigated!*| When so many grateful citizens of | Statesville testify to benefit derived| from Doan's Kidney Pills,can you! idoubt the evidence?The proof is not | |far away—it is almost at your door.| |Read what a resident of Statesville | says about Doan’s Kidney Pills.Gan TY pyou demand more convincing testi-| mony?*t A.B.F. Statesville, St.,||have taken! Gaither. says: v1G Tradd “oy Doan’s KidneyPills-off and on’for|: some time and have found them to be just.the thing to regulate| At times | feels a little weak and rh A.few} doses of Doan’s Kidney Pills makes| the action of my kidneys. my back have pains across my loins, me feel better in every way.” Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get | Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that. Mr.Gaither had.Foster-Milburn| Co.,-Props.,.Buffalo.N:Y,{—— 1 | Price 50c.,,at all dealers. “Cc.WAT KINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices, Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc. Next.Planters’Wh.,Stateaville. The Bride’s —_Bonet CE E O L T EH ATule is the Month of Wed-‘dings;and we are in a po- ‘sition to furnish the very best in Wedding Flowers. Our special booklet,‘The But if somebody should.kill ort Fr Pa With the Peerless Freezer anyone can.make good cream,.Has the fewest parts of anyfreezermade«Only three minutes for per-fect freezing.The PEERL¥SS Dasher does it. All the gears are enclosed.No ice or salt an.possibly get into the can.Easy.to.keep...clean._No places for the cream to.lodge inandbecomeputridorsour. Alt metal parts that touch the cream areheavilycoatedwithpureblocktinyOutside meta)pzrts:are galvanived to prevent rust. The Tubs are well made and very durable. The Cans are of extra quality.charcoal tin- plate,tall and narrow--an aid to quickfreezing.We sel and recommend them. &Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. nT see ER The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!|amsotte ed =<< aea great many policyholders do not.seem .to know that,their insurance will be void under certain conditions named iu the contract of the policy which they buy.We dects it advisable to mention some of the causes under which the same will be rendéred valueless,viz:i 1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 dayk—aprily to your agent for permit..”t 2 :2—Mechanics making additions to,or extranrdinary valwra:- tions in or on’property—always get permits from agents.3—Property uporp which there is a ‘mortgage unleds notice of same is given—apply to your agent. ve 4—Any changein the title or ownership,or interest in proper:‘‘ ty insured ther than by death. 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another. 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.« 7—The taking of other insurance without notice. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other 4thankeroseneoil.i :9—Property encumbered by.chattle mortgage,rH Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30.of the printed contrastoftheirpolicies,It is impossible for agents to know of those do-ficiencies unless notified.Call gn us for any INSURANCEinfor- mation.»“WE INSURE:ANYTHING INSURABLE.”.S.-Parkes Cadman is:‘coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!J.F.CARLTON,Manager, "PHONE 54 STATESVILLE,NC. ie er ron or a Dainty Tea Glasses.| Ice Teais always good and refreshing,but the * dainty etched GLASSES we are now showing x Prices from.‘}}make it taste just-a little better. $1.75 set and up.Better see them, R.H.RIGKERT.&SON,JEWELERS.. ee oe OUR LINE sa Ge KOOL CLOTH —— ms, Before buying. kado”last night of Chau:: + SL cnet nein teheee| PANAMA HATS;a:SHIRTS,etc,3} We all want tosee ‘‘The Mi-. tauqua.~sis 5 : ..Yours i Serve: Sloan Clothing Co. OR cree GUARANTEES Bride’s Bouquet,”tells you something of them.We are always glad,too,to offer suggestions,if you do not find in the booklet ‘just what you want. Van Lindley (o., Y GREENSBORO,Bw.6, Polk Gray Drug Co., [=|FOR SALE![2 el c i S 152 acres,7 miles east of Statesville,two-story,six-room dwelling,’ barn and outbuildings;50 acres in cultivation,part of which is in a meadow,balance’in woodland,level and productive. 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,near # schools and churches,with 2-story,6-room dwelling,large stock barn and out-buildings,good orchard,two branches running. through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in, woodland enclosed in pasture. Modern new six-room cottage with all city improvements;lot 100x 200.Vacantlot on Armfield street,50x150. 186 acres,6 miles from Statesville,75 in cultivation,balance jin) woodland,small dwelling,barn and good orchard.Will exchange for smaller farm or city property. ‘s For further information call on or write.ERNEST G.GAITHER,ALS AND REALPHONE23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.. d GENERAL INSURANCE,.RENT-ESTATE. cieeeiiehee tei aaaae ee ee |000 yearly on‘irmy and navy.’WhapSaromesof-it he does neh ‘know.’In a ‘addition to this expenditure we areroSane1916."asked to-issue $600,000,000"in govsTHEFORCESTHATFAILED. Dr.Greene’s Talk Against Pre-what-about-Mexico?_Hf you wouldfindthesourceoftroubleinMexico,paredness—Chautauqua Ends)jock at the capitalists in the large ‘Tomorrow.—-Summaryof the |cities,who are stiiving to gain von:|tt «a |‘We have received from the factory a For (trot of the oil fields.There you willfindthesourceoftrouble.If we go|into Mexico we will go for Mexico'stomorrow|sake and notfor our own sake.It Events —ProgrammeTodayandTomorrow. The Chautauqua —ends evening.Following is the programine|will be the same work we did in Cue) for today and tomorrow:'}ba.It-will take years of work,;-infin-“Today?Afternoon-—Serics lecture ite patience,largebyDr.Forbush,“Firefight and Chil-!and it willcost human _life.dren's Faces’;concert,The Trio,opera and Neapolitan Kvening——Concert,The Bijou locttreé by Dr:-Pearson, Tomorrow:Afternoon Sam’s Experiment,”presented songs,government will be pet bask inTrio;hands of the people when they are | “Uncle In closing Di.~Greene-askedbyansweredthreequestions:(1)Pre-.Junior Chautauqua;concert,The Mi-paredness —against-what?Prepsar-|kado Company;lecture,“Christianity edness against the victor in the Hue}and the Social Crisis,”by Prof.Wal-)ropean war is the only answer he hasterRauschéntuseh.“Bvening —-Op-)been able to-find to.this question,Theera,The’Mikado;with full cast,cho-victor in the European war wouldrusandorchestra.scarcely be in a condition to overrun«The evening hour has been chang-America.As long as you’re true toedfrom8to7.20.the flag and the principles it stands,for,no nation insthe world will tryDr.Forbush’s subject yesterday af-to harm you.They seek your friend-ternoon was “The Girl.Problem.”He ship.The second question,“Who'spointedouttheincreascdopporunitie:agitating Preparedness,and why?”of American womanhood.Ten years The navy leavue ts agitating Prepar;have been added to girlhood.Women edness.The navy league was found-are shaping new ideals for themselves ed in 1908 by .19 self-appointed men,There are four rights which are’due headed by J.Pierpont Morgan.Allthem.These are life wisely guided,these men ate interested in the man-liberty,the pursuit of happiness ana ufacture of armor-plate.They advo-beauty.Beauty comprises health cate Preparedness for their own gainbeautifulspeech,love and expectancy “and profit.The bill for the establish-Following -the lecture there was a ment of a government armor-plate|concert by the Strollers quartet.con-factory is still pending.The third!sisting of vocal and violin selections,question was,“How are we defendedreadingsandselectionsplayedonandwhydoyouthinkweneedmorehand-bells.defence?”America has 42 warships.Last night the Strollers’quartette |Three of these are the largest in theentertainedagainandtheywereveryworldby3,000 tons.We have fivemuchenjoyed.The singing,read-more coming—the largest in ‘theinesandimpersonationswereallworldby4,000 tons.Germany hadgood.This was followed by the c&.)31 warships:at the beginning of warMoralityplay,*which was not only and 16 of these ean be used only ingoodbutwellputon,:the Baltic and North Seas becauseDr.Greene's Talks About the Forces,chey have no room jn which to storeThatFailedandPeace.coal for a long voyage.In regard toSaturdayeveningDr.Thomas E,Cast defence,sea-going warships canGreenediscussed“The Forces.That ly land in harbors and the Ameri-Failed,”and again on Sunday eve-C#n ports are protected.America isningDr.Greene discussed “Peace.”defended,Leading naval officials,Both lectures were of unusual inter-men who should know,say so.Wood-est because they,had to do with war.row Wilson was right when he said:Introducing his subject Saturday eve-“Let not,America be apprehensive,ning Dr,Greene said that he visited |W have looked well to America’s de-Europe a short time before the be-fence,Pray God that defendedginningofthepresentwarandheAmericamayneverbeprepared.was assured onevery hand that an-he Schubert String Quartetteotherwerldwarwasimpossible.The Gave a concert preceding both of Dr.|nations were bound together by inter-Greeno’s lectures.-Sunday evening‘national commerce andunited in eth-|the Chautauqua hymns were |sung:ical and moral endeavor.All were 204 devotional exercises were con-striving for the uplift of man.How-“ducted by local ministers.ever,he found a peculiar contradic-;Phe String (Quartette.ztionbetweenwhatmenweresaying).Saturday afternoon Dre Forbushanddoing.They were talking peace |talked ,about “The |Education —ofandpreparingforwar.He discov-|Princes and there wits a concert by-ered,that Europe was surrounded by the Schubert String Quartette.The,a great ring of armament makers,quartette made fine music—too fine forwhowerefeedingthe‘nations’hatred ®Popular audience.,Only a very.few!and jealousy...The corporation hold-Uderstood the music well COMERSing--the -fundamental—patent—awas—to=-2PPreciate it andthe concert Was un:;cated in the United States.He real.'elieved by a single popular air theiizedthenthatthefinaloutcomewouldWoldhaveappealedtothemass.hibeeitheranationalwaroranation.#4dition the manaver felt called tialawakeningtotheconsciousnesstikaboutthemusic,using technicalthatthepeoplewerebeingbankrupt.t'ms that were Greek to the grea!ed.Germany was spending 53 per|Majority.As a result the great mavent.of its income in rivalry with |/0ity didn’t appreciate the SchubertEngland.England spent half of jie Ver tee tor the simple peer eaincomeonpreparednessin1912,;it couldn't.The applause was libers]year of absolute peace,and the Unit.cnough,but think you that all thoseedStateswasspending65percent.|Who clapped and smiled knew whatDiscussingtheforcesthatfailedhadbeenplayed?Not at all._TheyDr.Green_said—that there were two @PPlauded because they thought it waspathsbeforeAmericatoday:(1)the the proper thing to do or becouse theyaldpathofsafe,sane Ronee ee wanted to appear.as having under-(2)Europe's pathway of failure.sted..aEuropefailed,first,because she fail-|,,Talking about rhe Education ofed-_to.appreciate _the stupendous Princes Dr.Forbush,said the Ameri-financial ruin that would foow-such 82 boy is heir to a princely heritagea’war.England’s national debt was because of his many opportunities.$3,500,000.000 at the beginning of the [he most interesting phase of —the|war and Germany's debt was $5,000,-P&Y’s education is his000,000,These debts were the herit.for a vocation,Parents and teachersageandlegacy*of war.A war debt should encovrage and aid him in this.is easily made.It does not have to The boy is fnorant,lacks foresight-be paid at once,but its fruitage isa.edness,but.is eager to learn.Give!nation withered and burdened with hima glimpse of the world’s work,toil.The warring nations are spend.|Put do"not Pies ta him to leaveing$65,000,000 a day.In twenty ,School.Don’t stop and decide whatMonthstheyspent$46,000,000,000,,YOU are going to be,keep on and de-Stop and think before going into war,Cie _Lhe joy of the trained man isThesecondreasonforEurope’s'::failure was that she failed to take ac.|JY.is when his work isrover,count of the stupendous toll that stich aration Is necessary for young mAwarwouldtake.She knew from any ic.ors successfully,history what it meant-to lose men by Heart of a Boy’—Victor’s Band,tens and hundreds of thousands,4./8¢Subject of Dr.Forbush’s lectureWhatichancehasmantodayinficht.k riday afternoon was “The Heart of ankagainsttheveryforcesof“na-Boy.”Dr.Forbush first mecussed (hpture?Three million men Ate dean development.of the small boy.In-,already,men between the ages of 18 stincts are the most Important factorand35,the potential fatherhood of 7”this development.Instinct eevurope,It will take a hundred years unlearned Oetoreplacethem.Stop and think i Instinct is unimportant,The most im-fore going into war.All Mexico jg Pottant of the earlier instincts is thnotworththelifeofoneStatesvillefightingpeeAboyusual;boy.fights for one of three reasons:‘l)toThegreatforcethatfailedwaediscoverwhetherornothisplaymate“Preparedness.”Force never made \..%Rood Sport,(2)134 contestPeace,It breeds opnosition,resent-yi (28)An act of chivalry,Timentandwar,Dr.Greene challeng-ae ee HNSE 8 ehedhichandienecersmentiononenationmakingofastrong,Vi rile maninthehistoryofthepast200vaneCoomstinetoffighting,if crusherwhichhadpreparedforwarandhadnotbeenplungedintowar.In clos-ing his lecture he said that he woulddiscussPreparedness,the last’forcethatfailed.on Sunday evening.Heloftwithhisaudienceanepigram:Kurone exvloded because it wasJoaded,”telling them to think over,this until the next evening, Sunday Evening. Beginning his lecture Sunday eve- { Prep-+ en to controlled will result in a strongvigorousman.Other important in-stincts are:the destructive and con-structive instinets and the mane jn-stinct.The camping instinet is anoutgrowthoftheganginstinct.Themeaningofthegangspiritisthede.sire for friendship and it develops late;into the friendship-makiag spiritIndiscussingthelaterdevelopment;of the boy Dr.Forbush said that theningDr.Greene said that he had no period of the:teens was a period ofanologiestomake,for his subject was quiet,marked bythe awskenine ofPeace,and if any subject belonged new instincts,and cnara;terized hyto.Sunday it‘was-peaceé,He js not,he irregularity of physical’and mentalsaid,a peace-at-any-price man,Peace growth...The boy is resiless and musttabelastinemustbepeacewithhon-he entertained constantly.Durineorfromrighteousness.He is a thor-this period it is ‘important that \hyoughandardentadvocateofadc.should learn the value of money,“Thecuateandsufficientdezence.Defence love of money is the root of all evil.”has been a constant American polity.but experience in the use of money j:lhe nation has never been invaded by the root of all good.Responsibility‘a belligerent force in the past 140 must be put on a boy to make ameyears,The defence of America jis no of him.Always treat a boy as thoughnewthing.She has always been de-he were a little bit older?Wiser andfended.First of all God defended|better than you fear he is.her.He kept the heart of the Amer.’A concert by Vietor's band follower!lean continent for His own.and the the lecture,This band has been heardnationwasfoundedonthePhilosophyinStatesvilleseveraltimesand.itsonwhichHisSon’came into the playing is always much appreciatodworld—the brotherhood’of man,It makes fine music.American is defended by the mighty,Friday night “Rosani,ocenns flune out on.either side.There Jugglers,”entertained and there wacisabig.difference between defence|“second concert.by ©Victor's bandandadequateahdefficientprepared-|Rosani did a lot.of wonderful tricksness.The first méans peace,the aec-and he.was en joyed by the erown-nnondewar,America,spends $240,000,-(98 Well as the children. Prince of Footie ete Pete neoeegemmenhen neers eres -ernment bonds.‘The proceeds will bet. fused to build up the navy.You ask/ sums_of money,|»But if)Bijou we go to do it,it will be done and the | the) ready to receive it,+2and|§ /150 will sign as guarantors.and_it| ,community. preparation * in his work,but the untrained man’s |3 results in a coward,but if it is rightly n-ups * jt| feo +{\ Pi a MAJOR Rb.FLANIGAN,>Joined the Blues in 1888;was elect-ed second lieutenant in 1889)firstlieutenantin1890andcaptain:in1803.Served as captain ‘through 36 inch “White Checkerboard”Skirtings. PRICE 25 CENTS PER YARD._ This is an up-to-date fabric and is a 35c.value. sMIL-LS &POSTON. i ae beautifal line Yours truly,. re [oral<< the Spanish-American war ang was elected major in 1899,t ee RRA.maGuarantorsSafe—Would,HayeChautauquaNextYear, For the third time the Chantaugquahasbeenheldwithoutloss—te theguarantors.Even to the opening dayitlookedliketheywouldhavetoput |up for the guarantee,but the wheelhorsestookholdofthingsandmettheguaranteebythesaleof:tickets.At a meeting of guarantors it wasunanimouslyvotedtohaveChautau-.qua hext year provided as many ‘as| ‘Capt.Boyd a Friend of Mrs.J. Capt.Chas.T,Boyd,who ~manded the troops of the,Tenth cav- alry engaged in battle with Mexicans at Carrizal,Mexico,on the 21st,and who was killed in the served under the late Gen.Hayes,fa+ ther of Mrs.James W..Wilson of Statesville,had visited in the Hayes home in Washington and was quite well known to-Mrs.Wilson,who is distressed by the news of his death.Capt.Boyd graduated at Westisbelievedthatthismanyormorc.will do ‘so without any urging.It isbeingrealizedmoreandmorethattheChautauquaisaninstitutionthat|serves too good a purpose “to be al-lowed to drop out of the life of the fantry in the Spanish-American,war and in the Philippines,He was 46yearsoldandleavesawifeandthreejchildren,_ie Seo ;ine Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head;|Recause of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXA.-Farmers Coming,Too,|QiisiueQMOQUININEisbetterthanordinaryThemeetingtobeheldattheState,jocktetue tiene cree e Groves enFarmJuly21,as announced in the!—last Landmark,is to be not onl a timeeting’of farm demonstrators ‘fon BEFORE C.WATKINS19counties,but of farmers from gev-Came to Statesville builderseralofthecounties.They will spend|wanted the best material for:theirthedayandbéentertainedhere;Tre-{houses had to make special.orders.dell farmers who have machines:are!You can now buy Long-leaf Kiln-driedaskedtoattendwiththeirmachines|Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboarding.and help in showing:the visiters the|3oxing,Casing and Step Plank rightcounty’s good reads and other insti-here in Statesville cheaper than anytutions.,jother kind of pine.BUILDING?©.WATKINS.|p)‘; who anters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.C. A Big Clearance Sale_of Milinery. _All Trimmed Hats are on sale at asacrifice. $5.00 Hats $1.983.00 1.492.00 "98 Children’s Trimmed Hats and a lot of fine Ribbonsverymuchreduced.A new Tot of beautiful WhiteHatsandNoveltyTrimmingsjust-received. 66 we of the bargains while ‘theyCome,get your sh: Very respectfullyaregoing. W.Wilson.| com-— WATKINS,Next to McElwee's! encounter,| Point in 1896,served ag major of in-| || | | { || Mrs.J.M.McKee. opoSSHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.| _SPECIAL SALE —-OF--——--MEN'S SAILOR STRAWS. Nothing done hy § of, It will be to vour advantage to now lay aside thathotfurorstiffhatandtakeadvantageofourSpecialSaleofSailorStraws.Special Prices Cash.Formerly.$2.50 and $3.00,choice $1.89Formerly$1.75 and 82.00,choice 1.19 PHONE NO.83. L-WHITE SHOEC TURRETTOUATTLPEE Haat tan eaneane Oe | ||| |! {||| ~The North Carolina College ofAgricultureandMechanicArts. Young men seeking an education which-will equip them for prac-tieal life in Agriculture,and all its allied branches;in Civil,Etec-trical and’Mechanical Engincering;in Chemistry and Dyeing;inTextileorotherindustries,and’jn Agricultural teaching will findexcellentprovisionfortheirchosencareersattheState’s greattechnicalCollege..This College fits men for life by giving prac-tical instruction as well as thorough scientific education..Four-year courses jn A griculture,in Chemistry,in Civil,ElectricalandMechanicalEngineeringandinTextileindustries.‘Four-year,two-year,one-year and summer Normal courses in Ag-riculture.Numerous Practical short courses.’Entrance examinations.held ai each county seat\on July 13th.lor catalogue and entrance blanks,write _place or HEALTHandHappiness for every woman whobuys Beautiful when closed,he FREE Sewing Machine (Invented and patented by W.C.Free) Because—; The FREE runs lighter for tired limbs,The FREE sews faster for aching backs,The FREE is noiseless for exhausted nerves,The FREE makesa perfect stitch for weak eyes,The FREM is more beautiful for artistic homes,-The FREE will give you_a_life-time of service.' ‘Two wonderful improvements make this machine superior to all oth-ers~—The Rotoscito Movement,causing the PREE to run as light asafeature,and’the Toggle LinkMovement,which ‘removes all.noiseandfrictian,You cannot afford cither for your health or money touseyouroldmachineanymorethanyoucanaffordtocookinafire-travel~in a”covered wagon. Trade your old machine forTheFREESewingMachine. The FREE is absolutely guaranteed for life.We don’t have to put atimeHmiton-our-guarantce,becnuse we know the FREE is built tolastalifetime. This offer to buy your old ma- chine is good only during theintroductionofthisnew-model.goan—-—'Ser $1.00 a Week for a short time pays the differ- ence between your old machine * and this heautiful piece of par-—tor-farnitere st We buy your old machine. ~We sell The FREE machine. Iredell Farmers’Union Warehouse Company. Statesville and Mooresville. Convenient when open r ? HEADACH PROMPTLY RELIEVED ——By Using——,. Hall’s Headache Remedy »10 MINUTES-10 CENTS, HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 20.-Prescriptionist. COCOLADE AT FOUNTAIN. E.B.OWEN,REGISTRAR,West Raleigh,N.C. Harness, We are still selling our-popular makesBuggies,Surreys,Wagons and Harness old prices...©ae We ate also fiandling a line of Farmers’Hardware and Implements. Our leader in implements is the B.F,Avery&Sons—the oldest and best on earth. .Johnston’s Mowers and Rakes. Harness,Vehicle &Supply €o, at Pe e s e S e s e e e e s s e s a e s s e e e b e ee e ee e ee e eT TI T S t ee t OO Os strzt727tt __tion, VOL.XLII.STATESVILLE,N.Oy FRIDAY,JUNE 3Q,1916.NO 101."Paty err te naeeeRELEASETHE PRISONERS.| ‘Mexicans:SendCayCaptured Caval- rymen to Border —TensionRelaxedButBigQuestionUnsettled. Gen,Funston at San Antonio,Texas,received.Wednesday ‘night a“report from Gen.Bell at El Paso,-whieh-stated-—that-General-Belt —had+been notified by Mexican Consul Gar-Cia that the American prisoners tak-en at‘Carrizal were on the w.horth to Juarez and probably would arrive there yesterday morning.cording to the report,Mr.Garcia aireceivedwordfromGeneralJacinto|Trevino that the American prisonerswiththeirarmsand accoutrementweretobedeliveredatoncetotheAmericanauthorities.,The reportwasforwardedatoncetoWashingtonbyGeneralFunston..An immediate break between theUnitedStatesandMexicohasbeen‘averted by compliance with the Amer-ican-demand_for release of the —28 troopers captured in the fight at Car- rizal.says a Washington dispatch. ‘Whether war has heen prevented or merely postponed on one can_say.Official information as to the attitude of General Carranza is lacking.Un-til his response to Secretary Lan- sing’s note,dispatched Sunday,mak-ing two peremptory and distinct de- mands,is received there will be nodecisiononwhetherPresidentWilsonshalllaythecrisisbeforeCongress.News of the release of the prison- ers brought undisguiseé relief to high officials.It was accepted as correct. and assured that Carrizal,impressed with the urgency of the situation,hadorderedthecaptured©cavalrymenstartedfortheborderwithoutwait-ing for his announcement,of the ac-tion to’reach Washington. Big Question Yet Unsettled.While it generally is conceded that this move lessens tension and makes the crisis less imminent,no one con-versant,with the grave problem lost ‘sight of the fact that the all-impor- tant ouestion of Carranza’s attitudetowardtheAmericanexpedition across the border to protect:the ter- ritory and citizens of the United States from bandit outrages,remains unsettled.If the de facto govern- ment stands upon the orders to Gen,Trevino to.attack Pershing’s men,when they move otherwise than to-ward the border,the situation,actu-ally is just what it was before.ex-cept that.there now is a possibility;of diplomatic negotiation that did not| exist while the Americans were held| prisoners at Chihuahua. macenannisaeeayneanetate The.preparations of the United: States for war will go steadily for- war?.There will be no interruptionoftherushofNationalGuardsmentotheborderandGeneralFunstonwiil continue disposing his troops as though he expected an immediate at-tack. Mexican Protests. Secretary Lansing has not studied the trio of communications submittedtothedepartmentbyEliseoArre-dondo,Mexican ambassador desig- nate.-They protest against the al- leged actions of a large column ofGeneral(Pershing’s men towardMexicancitizens,against the arrestofotherMexicansintheUnited States and'-against the general em- bargo effected without °proclama- stopping.~virtually-~all-—ship=ments-to Mexico. The protests are being treated asroutinemattersintheState.De- partment.Two of them relating toallegedimpropertrextmentofMexi-can citizens,require reports either from army officers cr from Federal civil authorities in Califernia and Arizona before any answer can hemade. Prisoners Reach Border. ‘Special Telegram to The Landmark. E!Paso,Texas,June 29 —Twen- ty-three negro troopers of the TenthcavalryandLemSpillbury,Mormon scout,released from Chihuahus peni- .tentiary,Mexico,brought to border at noon today and turned over tomilitaryauthorities.Gen.Trevino released them_on order of Carranza at emphatic “demand of PresidentWilson. Judge Peebles Dead. Twenty thousand National Guards- ~men are now on their way the Mexican border from the Department_of the.East and 40,000 others are in camp,awaiting orders,Major Gener- ~al Wood announces. General Wood said that many ofthetroopsattheconcentrationcamps cannot move for the present because they are unprepared orr_unequipped. 20,000 on the WWay. Judge R.B.Peebles,for years one ~of the leading figures of the Superior Court bench.in North Carolina,diedWednesdayinahospitalinNorfolk,Va,,where he had been under treat- ment for several weeks,‘The body was ‘taken to his homeinJackson,Northampton county,forburial. TheBeBall Games. In the game on the local diamond Tuesday Gastonia shut out Statesville '2 to 0,allowing Statesville only onehit.Wednesday the worm furned andStatesvillewon8to2.DarlingtonandBealedidfinehittingWednesdayandPatterson's fielding was sensa-tional. .Morganton beat Kannapolis at Mor-ganton Tuesday 6 to 5,organton and Statesville will beagainsteachother,all.next week— __yreex'at!Morgariton,' Mota:‘Tuesday and.Wednesday’inteethebalanceofthe, CAPT.P.C,CARLTON DEAD. Long Time Prominent Citizen of Statesville Passes—Sketch of His Career. Capt.P..C.Carltom died Wednesdayafternoonat6,30 o’clock at ‘his home on-south.Genter-street.He suffered a stroke of paralysis October 21,1915,from the effects of‘recovered,He was better at.times ‘since then but his condition offered no hope of recovery.For nearly two‘months he,had been vonfined to hisbed.H»bembn to decline rapidly about noon Wednesday..|ae are three -sons—Messr‘s. W.B.Carlton of Atlanta,Ga.;E.P. Carlton of Philadelphia,Pa.;and Dr.F’.D:Carlton of Swannanoa—and two daughters—-Mrs.C.C.Phillips .and Mrs.L,W.MacKeson of Statesville. Funeral services will be coriducted at the home this morning at 10.30 o’clock by Rev.Dr.C,E.Raynal and interment will be in Oakwood,” Capt.Carlton was for more than:agenerationoneofthebestknowncit- ‘izens of the community and a leading leitizen of.the town and county.Al- ‘though he had passed the four score mark he wore his yexrs lightly until he wes stricken last fall.Up to that time he was active and interested in all the affairs of the day.He was much interested ffi anything pertain- ing to the late Conyederacy and at- tended all the reunions.He had been for years and was at the time of his death brigade commander of the North Carolina division of Confederate vet- erans. Pinkney Caldwell Carlton was born January 22,1832,near Houstonville, Eagle Mills township,Iredell county. He was a son of John Carlton,who came from Halifax Court House,Va,, and bought lands on the east side of Hunting creek,two miles south of Houstonville,in 1829.John Carlton was one of the first farmers in Ire- dell_county_to_raise tobaceo-for—mar- ‘ket..dir 1837 John Carlton’s wife died and in 1840 he married Mrs.Ma- ria Kerr,who was keeping the Ire- dell Inn in Statesville,where is now located.the stores of D,J.Kimball and Allison’s book store.April 17, 1841,John Carltoh moved to States-ville. The first school C apt.Carlton at-tended was taught by Peter S.Ney (Marshal Ney),who boarded with Capt.Carlton’s father more than a vear.Later he attended school at ’Possum Knob,taught at different times by S.R.Bell,James Scroggs, Rev.Mr.Knox and Ross Stevenson, and in town he went to school to Samuel Morrison.In 1848-'51 he was clerking in different stores.Septem- ber 17,1852,“he,with Davidson Sharpe and J.R.Simonton,went on horseback to western Tennessee and from there to”Arkansas,thence to 1Columbus,Texas,where he visited his uncle,James Carlton.He rode the same horse all the way and spent Christmas in Dallas,Texas.Return- ing home he came by Galveston,New Orleans,Nashville,Chattanooga,’ete. ™the fall of 1853 he,with Mae. Haynes,-went-to —Philadelphia.and took a position as salesman.Next fall he went to*New York and was there until,1861,but returned home just before the Civil War came on. In April,1861,he,Capt. Campbell and R-F.Simonton,were in Salisbury the night that Gov,E]- ‘lis called for volunteer companies of the State.Simonton.was orderly ser- rseant’of the Iredell Blues and Capt. Carlton,who was nota member.vol-unteered there and then.A.K.Si- monton was captain of the Blues but was absent in Alabama.April 17Capt.Carlton,with 16 members of the Blues,boz arded ‘the train for’Fort Cas- well,under command of W.A.Elia- son,who was clected first lieutenant. Next day they reached Wilmington and the day following were ‘sent down to Smithfield,now Southport,where they remained tWree or four days andwerethensenttothefort.A fewdayslaterCapt.Simonton arrived with the rest of the company.In June Capt,Carlton was furloughed and re-turned home and joined a~ciivalry company being formed by C.M.An-drews,In July’this company wassenttoKittrell,onthe Raleigh andGaston.railroad,.where they were joined by ‘nine other companies com;(Continued on Eighth Page), _Which he never. re awoke and complained of not.feeling Reuben) TWO PASSED SUDDENLY. Miss Jurney of“of Olin and Mrs. Simms of Statesville—Death of Mrs.Duke,Mrs.Howard, Myr.Adderholdt of Mississip- pi and Others. Miss Eliza Jurney was found deadinbedatherhomenearOlinyester- daymorning,Miss Jurney lived withhernephew,Mr.R.W.Jurney,at the old|Jurney homestead.She was the last’member .of her family.Death probably resulted from the infirmities of age.She was apparently in ‘herusualhealthwhensheretiredWed- nesday hight.Funeral and burial today,the latter at Bethany church. Mrs.J:C.Simms died rather sud- denly Tuesday night at her home atDiamondHill.She was 68 to 70 vears old and was considered in goodhealth.Tuesday night she returned home from a neighbor’s about’9 o’cloek and retired.About 10.30:she well,She died an hour later from heart failure. She is survived by three sons,oneofwhomisPerry,with whom —she lived.Funeral services were conduct-ed at 8 o'clock yesterday by Rev.G. H.Church and interment was in Oak- wood. Mrs.Louisa Howard,widow of Da- vid M.Howard,died Tuesday noon at her home three miles .west ‘of town.Funeral services were conduct- ed at the residence Wednesday morn- ing by Dr.Charles Arfderson and the burial was in.Oakwood cemetery.Mrs.Howard was’a native of Stanly county and was 80 years old.Sheand.her husband located on the farm where she died many years ago,and hoth were ckarter members of the First Baptist church of Statesville. Mr.Howard died about a_year ago.Surviving Mrs)Howard are three children,nimelv:Mr.John HowardofStatesville,Mrs.Dr.Lee of Man- ning,8.C..and Miss Margaret How- ard,who lived with her mother..Three stepchildren also survive. Mrs.Nancy Clorinda Dowdy DukddiedTuesdayeveningat9,20 o’elock at her home two miles northwest oftown.She was a few months —be-vond 80 years and death resulted from the infirmities of-old_age.She died in,the neighborhood where she was born and reared and where she had lived all her life. Mrs.Duke is.survived by three sons and three daughters —Messrs. J.C.Duke of Statesville,C.M.and C.F.Duke of Virginia;Mrs.T.W. Vickery of Loray,Mrs T.:T.Woot- en and Miss Mary Dukey who live at home.Twenty-five grandchildren and six great grandchildren also survive. Mr,M.I.Dowdy of Statesville and Mr.-G.-W.Dowdy of--Arkansas—_are brothers and Mrs.Jas.Crawford of Loray is a sister. ~Funéral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon.at 4 o’clock at the home by Rev.J.W.Williams,as- sisted by Revs.Messrs.E,D.Brown and-C.S.-Cashwell.The intermentwasinOakwood. Mr,W.W.Adderholat of Dundee. Miss..formerly of this county.diedMondavnightinahospitalatMem- »ohis,-Tenn.,-where-he had_underyone. in operation for appendicitis,The vemains.-accompanied by Mrs.Adder- holdt,the widow.and ‘Mr.and Mrs. R.M.Adderholdt.arrived in States- ville Tuesday evenings on train No.12 ond were taken to the home of Mrs. W.He Adderholdt or west Sharpe street.The funeral and burial tooknlaceWednesdayatRosechanel. Bethany township.Rev.Messrs.Pulk ‘en,Goode and Williams all had a vart in the funeral service,Mr.Adderholdt was a son o*thelateW.H.Adderholdt of Bethany townshin and was 88 vears-old.He married Miss Rena Hall,datghter of Nr.E.A.Hall of Bethany.who snr- vives him.Surviving also are his stev-mother,Mrs.W.H.Adderholit\half-sister,Miss Annie Adderhold? of Statesville,and one brother.Mr R.M.Adderholdt.who was his husi- ess-—partner.~The Messrs,—Adder-‘oldt were levee contractors on the Mississinpni river and had been Jocat .d at Dundee for the past few vears Dr.Jas.K.Hall of -Riehmond washeretoattendthefuneralofMr.Ad- lerholdt,his brother-in-law. "Ready For Service Anywhere. The National Guard of North Car- olina is to obey the otder of the Pres- ‘dent of the United States and volun- teers to go into Mexico or elsewhere As they may be ordered,regardless of the technical provisions of the army regulations,This was the substance of a_telegram.sent.by Gov._Craig to Pres ident Wilson.The Governor said he sent it because some members ofCongressaremakingthepointthat the President has no right to send the soldiers into Mexico.He says.that every man of the North.Carolina Guard,from brigadier commander to the private.is ready to sign any en- ‘istment volunteering his services to the United States anywhere and at iny time. Numbers of members of the First reviment have been rejected after ex: amination at Camp Glenn becausetheycouldnotmeetthephysicalre- quirements.The number last by the Iredell Blues has not been learned. Miss Maud Ostwelt of EBufolscommunityunderwentanoperation at the Sanatorium Tuesday.Her’con- dition is favorable.;Sir,Roger.Casement,on trial inLongonfertreason,was convicted. ‘would have been heard from. It issaid he will ask to be beheaded. THE ¢‘H ARLOTTE?P ARTY Spent an Hour in Statesville Tuesday—tThe Talks. Charlotte boosters to the number of 106,accompanied by.a.band, reached Statesville at 12.50 TuesdayonTheir...Sociability .<Tour.”They were met at the station by Statesville citizens in automobiles and landed onthecourthouse.green,where,after music by the band,they assembled in the Chautauqua tent.It was din- ner hour in Spateovitle and not ‘so many Statesvillé.people were pres- ent as would -have been at a more convenient season;, President D.M.Ausley of the Com- rel club called the meeting to or- aer who gave the visitors an oppropriate and cordial welcome, Mr.T.T.Allison of Charlotte,a son of Rev.T.J.Allison and-who liv- ed at Elmwood whena boy,expressedthepleasureoftheCharlottefolksin coming to Statesville.He was sureStatesvillecouldteachCharlotteséme things and that the towns”could be mutually helpful.They.were engag- ed.he said.in an “uplift movement” —ito ask Statesville to join them in building up this section.Mr.Allison urged eod-operation and its advan- tages, Mr.C.V.Henkel ‘told the visitors Statesville had given’to Charlotte one of its greatest assets—the late J.P.Caldwell.When he was looking for a location Mr.Henkel said he looked over both towns and decided Statesville:was the best place.But Charlotte is a great city;it has done and is doing big things.Mr.Henkel urged that they get busy and make an electric line’out of the Carolina and Northwestern railroad and extend it to Blowing Rock.which would be a bie thing for Charlotte. Dr.J.L.Caldwell.president of Queen’s College.Charlotte,who lived in Statesville when-a boy,when his father was_president of.Statesville College.was the next speaker and he referred to his boyhood days here. We all belong to the same svtem, said Dr.Caldwell,and one star differs from another star in glory.-States- ville and Charlotte are in_different constellations bit belong to the same svstem.Charlotte had not come to dim the light.of Statesville but to get fresh light and fresh glory. Gov.Turner,the next (speaker, auoted Sam Jones as saying that thedifferencebetweenCharlotteand Statesville was the difference be- tween a auart cup and a pint cup.We cancede.Charlotte is greater numeri- cally but in no other way.Charlotte should have connection with Yadkin. Alleghany,Watauga and other coun- ties in this section.Statesville is trv- ing to build up the waste places in this section by building a railroad which would connect those counties with Charlotte as well as Statesville, but when the State took-the convicts from our road the Charlotte Observer. which had formerly manifested much friendliness,for the enterprise,said not a word.(The Observer has since explained that since the deed was done-it considered protest useless:but if it had entered one our folks would have appreciated it).We want to build a great city in western North Carolina,continued Gov.Tutner,andCharlotteshouldbeit.The way tobuildthatgreatcity.is to build upthesurroundingcountrybyshowing} friendliness and sympathy for their enterprises. Mr.P.C.Whitlock of Charlotte,the next speaker,explained that Ed- itor Harris of the Observer,who al- ways championed the interest of the State-aided railroad lines,was absent on a Western trip.If at home he Mr.Whitlock spoke appreciatively of the late J.P.Caldwell and his work. We're pulling for the Piedmont sec- tion,continued Mr,Whitlock,and we ought to make this section as_rich as the valley of the Tigris in Babylon’s greatest glory.Then both Charlotte and Statesville will profit.The doc- trine we preach,he continued,is to buy everything at home you can getafhome.But things Statesville peo-ple can’t get at home they should buy in Charlotte in preference to distantcities, Mr.Whitlock was the last speak- er and when he had_concluded the Charlotte.party hurried to the trainto¢ontinue their journey. Other Stops. After leaving Statesville the par- tv:stopped briefly at Elmwood, Cleveland and Barber Junction,then to Salisbury and beyond.Of the oth- er~stops in Iredell the Observer’s re- port says: “At Mooresville,one tof the ban- ner cities of the piedmont region,the visitors wer®accorded one of the most remarkable demonstrations ev- er shown a Charlotte body,and a re- ception not equaled by any other town or city along the entire route. tn fact.Mooresville demonstrated —in no uncertain way the possibilities of the co-operative spirit in civic under- takings,in this instance the commer- cial body of Mooresville having secur- the services of the fair sex to as- sist them in receiving and entertain- ing the yisitors.“First on the programme was an automobile ride about the town in Machines donated by the receptioncommittee,and then the.visitors were taken to a large hall where the mayor —Dr.Shelly Frontis —wel- comed them to Mooresville in one ofthemostenjoyable-nd spirited ad-dresses of the day.The Charlottemalequartetterenderedvocalselec-tions,after which FE.A.Cole of Char-Jotte spoke on the subject of diversi-fied crops.The ladies of the city ‘ap-(Continued on Sixth Page). 5 a‘in Tie aleene and introduced Mayor Caldwell,. .|THE MIKADO..WAS.LAST. And One of the Best Numbers of the Chautauqua —Prof.Rauschenbusch’s Splendid Lecture—Dr,Pearson and the Others. The Chautauqua closed Wednesday evening with “The Mikado,”full cast,chorus and orchestra.“The Mikado” was well presented and greatly en-joyed.The chorus and —orchestraweregoodandtheworkofthe.lead- ing characters especially fine. Uncle Sam’s Experiment.Wednesday afternoon “Uncle Sam’sExperiment”was.given by the.chil- dren of the Junior.Chautauquay .Itwasanopen.session of Junior Chau-tauaua and illustrated the work done in that department.Uncle Sam was} present ‘and with him were Indians,early settlers and members of the corn,tomato and gardening clubs. There were songs,marches,games,drills-and-athletic stunts by the boys, Dr.Rauschenbusch Community Needs. Following this the last Chautauqua lecture,“Christianity and the Social Crisis,’was:given by Dr.Walter Rauschenbusch.Dr.Rauschenbuschbeganbysayingthathewasespecial= ly impressed with the fine characteroftheSouthernchildren,A child isthevroductofthecommunity.The family is a little community.As the child grows hée becomes a part of thelargercommunity—the town.The community is a maker of men.Bwery- thing becomes more important when men co-operate to accomplishit.Eco- nomic production is lifted to a higher level;art and:music can reach high-er places.On the other hand,intem- perance and vice will drag the com- munity down,+Even _religion,the most solitary of all instincts,is ben- efited by co-operation,In the organ- ized church the flickering impulse ofreligionburnswithasteadylight and gains greater power.The com- munity has great power.over the in- dividual.It is important,therefore, that the community be made.right.The community property is.the place around which the community spirit around the home.Too often the streetistheonlycommunitypropertythe town has and then it is no wonder that the boys and girls .make.thestreeta‘loafing place..A public park is a valuable thing.You may not néed it now,for your town may not be densely populated,but.in after vears when you do need_it you-will be glad that you set aside the prop-erty for it before the price of real es- tate advanced.A swimming pool is another thing the town needs.-What sort of a pursuit of happiness has a boy without a swimming pool?I have a direct interest in seeing a li-braryin every community.Our na- tion is not yet-a book-reading nation. We-are not—likely-to create a book+ reading nation unless we lay thehooksbeforeourchildren.How much education would there he if therewerenoschools.and _the educationalimpulsewaslefttothechildren?On that account Iam for a librarv.Start) on a small seale.You don’t have toheginwitha.hundred thousand books, Give your children an opportunity.to read.good books while they are voung,for when thev are older they will no longer have the taste or time ‘for them.—-In-order—to—support--eom- munity,wealth is necessary.Someprosperitvisnecessaryinorderthat rommunitv may attain great things.But wealth is usually unevenly dis- tributed and -where you find most wealth there is also greatest pover- ty.The South is now on the edge of an upward incline.She.is bécoming 4 great industrial part of our nation. This creates a ‘great problem for the community.Will the entire commu- nity be uplifted,or will a few men fain the advantage at the exnense of the mass of.the people?-You may move to wealth more rapidly if a few men have the power but you will have greater povertv.We in the North have failed,and we hope that the Sonth will not fail in the same way. In the past there were great leaders. exploiting’leaders who fought for their communities,and in return for this took away the—political freedom of the community.They took thewealth—the cream—roff the land intheformoftaxes.Today —in_indus- trial conditions we have the same thing.The community is in their power.The —workingmen get-lower wages and the cost of living is in- ereased.Jesus -Christ distinguishedbetweenthe.two.types of leaders when he said there were two leaders among the Gentiles:the leaders who oppressed the people and those who served the neople.This is the dis- tinction.There rre the -opnressive. tyranical leaders and there are thosewhoupliftthecommunityatacost to themselves,The teacher is an ex- ample of the latter tvne.I do not know_a single great millionaire who isreallylovedbythepeople,unless it is Henry.Ford.Jesus Christ had in His heart some axioms concerning humanity which were just as true as mathematical axioms.He recognized’the sacred-ness of human personality.When He looked into the face of a little child He saw the spirit of God looking out of it:He saw that all men belonged to- gether and that the strong muststandupfortheweak.I believe that Christianity has a field ‘to gain or losebythecommunity.We need a commu- nity where men can Jook one another in the eyes.There is no great indus- trial city.where religion thrives,Itisastrangefact,that Christianity isronlywhere‘the kinedom of heaven isbeingworkedoutonearth..When «(Continued on Sixth Page), i Mic +Ri ie YYreae)ks lodges...as.the.family..spirit..gathers |- frmember for this district. |BRIEF ITEMS ‘LOCALNEWBA,asides elt—License has been issued for themarriageofMr.Dewey C,Douglass and Miss Jettie_T.White;at —Mr.L.T..Stimpson of Turnérs-burg,who suffered a strdke ofparaly- sis recently,does not:improve,<_Deputy Sheriff Ed:‘White tookMrs..Wesley Poole to the State:e Hor ipitalatMorgantonyesterday. —Singing at Mt.Bethel say Turnersburg township,Sunday anoonat2,30.Public is invited,.Dr,S;'W.‘Hoffmann went to Ral-eigh yesterday to’take the examina-tion before the State Board of Osteo-paths,-—An examination is to be heldih July 22d for a postmaster at onnings,to take the place of the. hent incumbent, —Mr.B.F.Phifer,who hag onundertreatmentattheBillingsleyhospital,is._improving and will:“BetakenhomeSunday. —The merchants and Kantian thenofTroutmanhavéagreedtoclosetheirplacesofbusinesseacheveninat7.80 o’clock,Saturdays’exuntilthefirstofSeptember. —Farmers’Institutes:will be helainIredellthisyear.on the plowsdates:Eupeptic Springs July°*Harmony Farm Life School July’Test Farm July 29,Linwood woehouseAugust2.—A citizen of north Tredell-sent to Charlie Hyams twoofore..Mr.Hyams finds one ‘to.con-tain 68 per cent,silver and 14'cent.lead and the other shows,hesays;.$14.21 worth of gold per ton, —-Lieut.W.E.Sherrill has sent thefollowingrecruitstoCompany}Camp Glenn:Thos,B..Speaks,..nie A.Stamper,Henry K.Ennis,SamMcKeeMiller,Perry.Mitcham,Chas.Artonties.:The latter is one "of ‘theloca)Greeks.—The.county pension board,“the”county commissioners.and inboardofeducationallmeetMonAmember.of the pensionboard,:J.C.Neal of Mooresville,ad.since the last meeting snd his :jfilecessoris.to.be named.| —Capt.-f,M.-C.-Davideon.\mander a.the.Reuben.CamphCampof.Confederate Veterans,; quests.members of.the camp.to}‘semble ‘at.40 0’elock -this-‘mornin,attend the funeral of Capt.at the Carlton residence,’| ~The family of Mr.“Chas.~moved Weditesday:from erentLincofnton.Mr,Ross,who:ware aemerlywithJ.C.Steele'&recently been cmpleytc at a feandmachineshopinLincolnton,he and his family willhereafter :mittheirhomethere.—Next ‘Tuesday,July:Ath,bein}legal holiday:the rural carriers.not make their rounds.»Subseribersonruralroutes,accustomed to|ting The Landmark ‘the day.of Peication,will understand ‘what.trouble is.At the Statesvillegeneraldelivery-and carrier windows -will be-open from 11 to 12: At the request.of Major.ae akey Vem Noble of the medical-resefve corpstheUnitedStatesarmy;Dr.J.Long of Greensboro -has-designatedthemembersofaboardtopscapplicantsfor’appointtient ‘in’medical reserve corps.RE LeofStatesvillehasbeendesignatedthe‘ —From Register of DeedsBoyd'sfarmin:Shiloh The Landmark hasceivedthefirstcottonbloom6fseason.It was a red bloom,”was evidence that it appeared Tuesday,27th,and was from a field of akacrescultivatedbyMr.Boyd’s tengnt,Mr.Newt.Smith.That six acres,Mr. Boyd affirms,is the finest cotton inallthecountryside. —The accidental overturning of:anoil.stove at the home of Mr.W.°B. Crowson,.-North Center street,day morning.resulted in a blaze thatcaught-the floor but the firemen ‘ar-rived promptly and.extinguished theflameswithchemicalsbeforetherewasanydamageofconsequence,lid of the stove was accidentallyknockedoutinsweepingandthestoveoverturned,°; —The primary vote is pasthistorybutitseemsthereissome-misunder-standing about the vote for Represen-tative in Barringer-township.As ported in The Landmark ‘the "oewasMatheson,78,Steele-87..This .wasan-error of The Landmark,made in the haste of compiling the vote.correct vote,which was sentLandmarkbyMr.Sherwood.Houston,was Matheson 18,Steele $7. Lazenby -Montgomery Céinpé: ny to Build. The Lazenby -Montgomer Hard- ware Co.is ‘gettingready tobuild:~their lot on north Center ete out of Mr.J.E.Sloop’s grain store.uaewillputupabrickwarehouseerfeetandthreestorieshigh.“It ‘willhaveamodernfront.The first floorwillhaveplateandprism‘glass andwillbeused-for a display and storageroom.This building will be eeeedwiththeirpresentstoreroombanoverheadtramway. Mr.Davidson’s Collar Bone Broken. Mr.J.A.'Davidson res thrownfromhisbuggyyesterdayafandhisrightcollarboneaeen,a Slight gash cut in ahewasotherwisebruised.The accident happened at.the #road crossing in west Statesville,Davidson’s horse took anshiftingengine,ran.aMr,Davidson out.’Dr,, the wounds, at * ee ee mers Had a Rush Time— ‘Mooresville News —Civic )League Organized—Good Will Day. Srespondence of The Landmark, “Mooresville,June 29 +The farms eta in this section are very busy with /the crops,for work gave them Billy,Jones,who i a lift and as Mr. is a very well.Farmers--were 80 busy they couldn work where needed,but by working| early and late they have the crops in| shape.Uncle John Freeze says| it’s the first time in 25 years that he dn’t-take-time-to_look at a _newspa-| r in,two weeks;and you may know | was busy.People-hardly had time| to keep up with the war news,much | légs politics..One lady (a Democrat,, -t@o,).who usually keeps posted,as! she reads the papers,got far enough| behind to ask me,Who is this man) ughes and what is he running for?| suffragette but a hard| worker and just got busy and had too| miuch to do to study politics.| “The Charlotte boosters had a good owd here Tuesday,They were driv-| en aver the town in autos and treat- ed to buttermilk at the e is not a COLONEL /TAKES HUGHES. Wilson .Too Feeble in Dealing ’With Germany and German- Americans. After writing at length about “my statements and my policies,”_Coal. Roosevelt says,in definitely declining the presidential nomination of the Progressive party:ee “3n my judgment,the nomination of Mr.Hughes meets the conditions set forth in the statement of the Pro- A week of good weather | hustler,Says,|the ;7 ree t‘We've about got General Green put); out of business.”Crops generaly look}move in the interest of the election é very|of Mr,Wilson.' t give the crops all|.ag a man whose public record is gressive national committee,issued last January,and in my own state- mefits.Under existing conditions, nomination of a third ticket would,in my judgment,be merely a I regard Mr.Hughesa guarantee that “he will not merely stand for a programme of clean-cut, straightout Americanism before elec- tion,but will resolutely and in good faith put it through if elected.”He is beyond all comparison better fitted to be President than Mr.-Wilson,It would be-a grave detriment to the} country to re-elect Mr.Wilson.I shall,| therefore,strongly support »Mr. Hughes.Such being the case,it is unnecessary to say that I cannot ac- cept the nomination on a third ticket. I do not believe that there should be| a third ticket.»I believe that when} my fellow Progressives coolly con-| sider the question they will for the} most part take this position.They and I have but one purpose—-the pur-| 'THEY.ENDORSE HUGHES. Majority of Progressive Party Committee Take That Action, The national.committee of theafterhearingread Seslin:Progressive party, Col.Roosevelt’s final letter of i ation,voted to indorse Charles «BE. Hughes for President.The vote’was 82 to 6,with nine declining to vote on the ground that the committee was exceeding its power in taking such action.fare By a vote of 31 to 15 the commit- tee went on record as opposed to put- ting a third ticket,in the field,.The committee voted down a motion to substitute the name of Victor Mur- dock of Kansas to’fill the vacaney caused by the declination of Theodore Rooeevelt to.head the Progressive ticket.’ The fight for the Hughes indorse- ment was led by George W.Perkins of.New York,James R.Garfield of Ohio,and Chester H.Rowell of Cali- fornia: The radical element in the commit- tee,represented by Matthew Hale of Massachusetts,Bainbridge Colby of New York,Henry,F.Cochems.of| Wisconsin,John M.Parker of Louis-| iana,vigorously protested against the| indorsement of any candidate for| President and fought the majority at| every step of the proceedings.The| minority’s first move was to insist on| an open session of »the committee ‘and it won this point,after a Number of| committeemen,led by John M.Par-| ker,bolted the meeting,| OODRICH ‘“‘Barefoot’’Tires’og are light in wejght,and close—/grained,io }/Thisproves them relatively free frotheusualinertsubstancesor‘‘fillers,’?"that give.excess Weight,stiffness,andgrind,to Tire treads.More than 200 different Makes andBrandsofMotor-Car,and Truck,Tiresweremanufacturedandsoldin'U.S.A.last year,1915.:hese totalled about 12,000,000 Tires.'~Of that 12,000,000-total-Tires;the-B,F.Goodrich Co:made and sold one-Sourth.: 'Yet,—Tires are only one of the 267differentlinesofRubberGoodsmadebytheGoodrichRubberFactory,which is the largest in the World,with-a 47-yearHuperience,This indicates the ‘Reascn-Why’” Goodrich Best-in-the-Market Fakric Tirescanbe,and are,sold to Consumers (viaDealers)at the lowest prices in America, ereamery,|pose to serve our common country.a The following States voted for the,¢.a.:per delivered Mile of Performance. |indorsement of Hughes on the roll)Compare figures herewith and see! feall:Alabama.Arizona,Arkansas,|* California,Colorado, made speeches at rooms of the cham-|is my deep conviction that at this m her.of commerce,had a good hand{ment we can serve it only by sup- and a jolly good time all around.Each porting Mr.Hughes,| ane was furnished a miniature bolt;©It is urged against Mr.Hughes that |District of Columbia,Georgia INle| og.pssorted ginghams ~from ne he was supported by i vA 80 |nois Indiana,lowa Kansas,Louis-| Mooresville cotton mills,with a rib-|called German-American alliances.Vi aha,Maine.Marcland Michiean | n streamer on which was printed,believe that the attitude of these pro-)yy.7°rs ’ :|:";|Minnesota,Nebraska,Nevada,New“The best way everywhere is by/fessional German-Americans was due,|Mampehive,New Jorsey ‘New York.| Mooresville.”‘North Dakota.Ohio,Oregon,Penn-| Connecticut,| Goodrich “Fair-List”Prices BLACK “BAREFOOT”SAFETY-TREADS /not in the least to any liking for Mr. !Mrs.Ham’s father, Mrs.J:H..Ham and children of | Charlotte visited Mr.J.P.Mills,| and other rela- tives here for several days.Mrs.S. Clay Williams of Greensboro is here} 'visiting her parents.Mr,and Mrs,J. E.Sherrill.Everybody is welcome ‘when they come to Mooresville (ex-| cept the Gypsies and the carnival) -but Mesdames Mary Bell and Lutelle| are.especially so,as they are coming| back home and Mooresville folks, ‘know there is no place like home. Mrs.Sam Pressly of Bartow,Fla., is spending some.time here.She for- ~merly lived here._ Rev.B.S.Brown,Jr.,of Rowan,| preached at the Lutheran church here Sunday morning and evening.He is. i a fine young vreacher.a son of Rev. Backman S.Brown of Rowan,who once lived and preached at Troutman,| St.Paul’s and Amity.He goes to ¢accent a call this week.The Luther- » an-church is without a pastor at pres-| ent.but hopes to secure’one soon.It) hasa great-Sunday schoolgladies’aid | and children’s ‘missionary”societies.| All_the other churches of.the town) “have regular pastors and good ones, too. “Mrs.May Bethel White McNeely,' now at home on a_visit to her pa-, rents,Mr.and Mrs.M.W.White,is also a welcome visitor at her old home town:and so was Mr.J,N.CoYnelius of.Birmingham,Ala.,who was ac- “eompanied bv his wife.Mr.Cornelius| and his brother,Mr.S.F.Cornelius,| are among the prominent business, men of Birmingham,doing a whole-|! ‘zale brokerage business to the amount sof over $300.000 yearly. -+Prof.W.C:Ariail,superintendent. of the schools here,writes from: ’.Greenwood,S.C.,that he is enjoying his vacation in his native State by ‘heing actively engaged in a teachers’ ‘agency,and is very busy. >The school board is making exten-| sive improvements to the school ‘huildings during vacation,buildine “tWo new rooms,putting in water and ‘sewerage,fire escapes,etc.. ="The meeting at the chamber of -enmmerce Tuesday night to hear Dr —Rankin was-well-attended.-He-stirred.. “vn ‘our little city on “swat the flies,” -eleanlines,etc.He made a good im-, pression and after his address.when s:the men had retired.a Civic League “was organized.Miss Maud Lentz,one .of the graded school teachers.was elected president,Mrs.Floyd Melchor“vice president and Mrs.Geo.C.Good-“man secretary and treasurer. Mr.and Mrs.Geo.C,Winecoff were ,Salisbury visitors Sunday.There are, 80 many peovle who come and go; “that we can’t begin to keep up withall.&| Don’t forget “Good Will Dav”at Mooresville July 12th.Everybody in-;vited to come.«The young people of the Christian Endeavor Society were entertained at! ‘an ice cream sunner at First Presby-| terian church Fridav evening.Thev} ‘had a most enjoyable time with ad- dresses by the pastor,Rev.S,H.Hay, and Mayor Frontis.., Hughes,but solely to their antagon- ism to me.They were bound.to -de- feat me for:the nomination.The only way by which they could achieve this object was by supporting Mr. Hughes and they supported him ac- cordingly,without any regard to oth- er considerations.I need hardly re-'! peat what I have already said in stern reprobation of this professional Ger-| man-American element —the ele-: ment typified by the German-Ameri- can alliances and the similar bodies, which have,in the pre-nomination campaign,played not merely an un- American ‘but a thoroughly anti- American part.These men have no-| thing in common with the great body| of Americans who are in whole or in part of German blood;and who are precisely as good Americans as those of any other ancestry.There are not, and never have been,in all our land. better citizens than the great mass of the men and women of German birth| or descent who,have been or are be- incompletely merged in our common American nationality;a nationality distinct from any in Europe,‘for Americans who are good Americans are no more German-Americans than they are English-Americans,or Irish- Americans,or Scandinavian-Ameri cans.They are Americans and noth- ing else.No good American,what- ever his ancestry or creed,can have any feeling except scorn and detesta- tion for those professional German-| Americans who seek to make the American President in effect a.vice-: roy of the German emperor.The pro- fessional German-Americans of this) type are acting purely in the sinister interest..of Germany.They _have. shown their eager readiness to sacri- fice the interest of the United States whenever its interest conflicted with that of Germany,They represent that |adherence to the politico-racial hy-| phen which is the badge and sign of moral treason to the republic.I have singled these men out for specific de- nunciation,and assuredly if I support a candidate it may be accepted as, proof that I am certain that the can- didate is incapable of being influenc- ed_by the evil intrigues.of these hy- phenated Americans, Mr.Hughes’.character and whole course of conduct in public affairs jus- tify us in the assured conviction thatthefactthatthesemenhavefortheir: own purposes supported him will,in; no shape or way,affect his public ac- tions before or after election.His en- tire public life is a guarantee of this. The events of the last three and a half years have shown that as much} cannot be said for Mr.Wilson.In Mr.: Wilson’s case we do not have to con- sider his words,but his deeds.: We owe all of our present trouble with the professional German-Ameri- can element in the United States to Mr.Wilson’s timid and vacillating course during the last two years.* **The same feebleness that was shown by President Wilson in dealing with Germany abroad was also shown by him in dealing with the organiz- ed German outrages within our own! | | ** ‘land,and,finally,in dealing with the| Boyd Within His Rights.- It was both a peaceful and a per- missible mission in which the two troops of the Tenth Gavalry,come) “manded by Captain Charles Boyd, were engaged when they fought Car- Yanza troops at Carrizal on the 22d,according to the view expressed| by officers with Gengral Pershing’s| column,says a dispatch from Per-|shing’s headquarters. It was peaceful,they declared,be-|~¢ause all the United States troops’, campaigning had been done in expec-| tation of co-operation by Carranza} soldiers,and permissible because no!limitations had been agreed on by the!two governments which would re-|strict-patroling by the Americans.|When General Jacinto Treving’s|warning that his men would fire on|*American troops,moving in any di-|rection except north reached.the ex-| peditionary forces they were moving north gradually,in expectation that Carranza forces would becupy the ter-‘ritory evacuated and police it.eantime patrols were sent out on-either side of the American columnsforprotectiveandobservatorypur-,poses,They moved in whatever direc-tion their immediate duties required.The Carrizal.patrol was one of them, _SALERNO Stomach Troubles and Constipation.;:“$will:cheerfully say that Chamberlain'sTabletaaré‘the!mose satisfactory remedy forVesatroublesandconstipationthatIhavethirty-four years’qrug store service,” “Gee,Murphy,‘druggist,Obtainable everywhere,- i Wellsburg, organized German-American vote.| The continued existence of the Ger- man-American menace at home is di- rectly due to Mr.Wilson’s course of| action during the past two years. Col.Roosevelt Would Offer Di-| vision of 12,000. Theodore Roosevelt is preparing to. offer a division of approximately 12,-' 000 men to the United States govern-, ment,accompanied by his application|for a commission-as major -generat,} in the event of war with Mexico and! a call by the President for volunteers,| is the report from New York.| Elaborate plans have been’made}quietly to recruit the grganization| from picked men _throughout the,country and it is said that Colonel! Roosevelt—has worked out every de-| ail that would expedite the mobili- zation of the large fighting unit.! Even the horses and mules necessary are said to have been pledged.qpaunemeusnenementionematmemean HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for, any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured byHall's Catarrh Cure.|Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca- tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,|and has become known as the most reliab remedy for Catarrh.Hall's Catarrh Cur acts through the Blood on the Mucous gur-|faces,expelling the Poison from the Blod and healing the diseased portions.|After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cureforasharttimeyouwillseeaprovementinyourgenera?health.Start tak-|ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure at once and get rid}of catarrh,Send for testimonials,free.ae}F.J.CHENY &CO.,TOLEDO,OHfo,|Sold by all Druggists,7c,: sfwaramnsonnenstbora great im-| 'wail. |pected increases in |committee |Kitchin of the ways and means com-| WANTED sylvania,South Dakota,Texas,Ver-| mont,Virginia,Wyoming and Ha-| ———————| Negro Youth jSentenced to Die!—Tried Under Military Guard.| William Black,a 16-year-old negro,| was found guilty at Snow Hill,| Greene county Tuesday,of a cap-; ital offence against a 6-year-old white| child last March and was sentenced| to be electrocuted on July 21.Tak- ing of testimony and the deliberation| of the jury required only 23 minutes.| Two companies of militia were on guard and crowds about the court house were orderly.| At the time of the commission of the crime the negro attacked the, child's mother when she,attracted! by the screams of her little daughter,| i went to her relief;and two members of the sheriff’s posse were shot while pursuing Black.He was taken to the! State prison to prevent lynching and; ‘remained there until taken to Greene county for trial under military guard, He was returned to Raleigh afterconvictionandsentence. Jo.Black,the father of the bov, aroused so much indignation by.his’ efforts to shield his son that he was?arrested anil taken to Kinston iail to} prevent lynching.A mob took him} from jail.on the night of April 5,| carried him back to Greene county| and killed him. More.Revenue Needed —Bonds: Probable. The expense of meeting the Mexi-} ean emergency,coupled with unex-+ other army and navy items,may result in important changes in the administration’s reve-|, nue programme.Leaders of the? House of Congress have decided to de-' Llay_introduction of the revenue meas-}|¥ ure prepared by the ways and means} and there are indications| that the change in plans might con-| template a Federal bond issue.' The decision to hold up the reve-| nue bill for possible’revision,Was| -Yeached after Secretary.McAdoo had | |gone to the capitol and conferred| with Chairman Simmons of the Sen-| ate finance committee,and Chairman| |mittee.Mr.Kitchin had expected to! ,introduce the measure Tuesday and have it taken up by the House tomor-| row,He says now it may not be sub-!mitted for a week or more. As a result of a resolution passed| at a mass meeting of women of Kay-! etteville,the two leading woman’s or-| ganizations of that city have issued| an appeal to the women of North Car- olina to unite in offering at noon each| day a prayer for peace.| By PRIVATE COLLECTOR Confederate States or early UnitedStatesstamps.Stamps on theoriginalenvelopespreferred. Look thru your old papers,per- haps you may find something ofvalue.Expert opinion furnished free of charge.Highest prices paidforanythingofinterest.Best of banking references furnished. Stanley B.Ashbrook 720-28 Union Trast Bldg.Cincinnati,0.00 Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.’It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary (C.Boshamer, Local Representative; ‘o& \ © 4a \ \ \ ©\ Wa t s 30x3 0 |:$10.40303%5 .Ford Sizes,{$13.4032x3%$15.4533x4$22.0034x4$22.4035x43$31.2036x4"4 $31.60 37x5 $37.35 |Goodrich Truck Tires a Makes’of Truck Tires withGoodrichTruckTires,during last four years were as follows:— 1912 Change-overs to Goodrich 191 3 oe oe oe oe R°PLACKMENTS of other 8,5906,357 1914 10,7251915-.14,000 These Change-overs to Goodrich telltheirownstorytothe.thinking Truck- Owner. THE B,F.GOODRICH CoO., Akron,O. “6 oe os “6 oc 66 66 Rok fs e *%?FairAZLAsListed ““TEXTAL a eg :-—Be 99—Does for your SHOE Soles what black “‘Bare- foot-Rubber”’does for Goodrich TIRE Soles. , e , é longer than Leainer! —Is Waterprocf! Ask your Snoc Dealer,or Shoe Repairer,for Textan Soles on Sy ||—Ia more Flexible than Leather !4 ‘—Is EASIER on your Feet !——-- ong —Is Non-slippery!—) —Is Lighter than Leather! ay a ~’4 S L your next pair of Shoes. Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots.WE sell in any quantity. WE sell the celebrated GoldMedalFlour. WE sell Sweet Feed for Horses-and Mules.WE sell Sweet Daisy Feed forCows.WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and Cotton Seed Products. WE SELL FOR LESS.WE pay CASH for country Corn and Oats.WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop. *Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St. Eagle:& Milholland. ARRIVED TODAY A shipment of Davis Brothers GRAHAM FLOUR, Get a bag while it is fresh.. Phone:89. “Phone 125 Black.It.aw. OOKPOOREST CACORE BUILDING? Cc, ‘f WATKINS. SIFT IT DOWN, and you will find the so-called LUCKY MAN is the one who keeps building up a reserve in bank,and can catch ‘a bargain when it comes his way.Why not ‘be‘one of the “Lucky Men”in your community by making regular deposits in the Merchants and Farmers’Bank,| Of Statesville,te "—**4227 “The Bank For Your Savings.”¥“@ a ct mene ee —FOR YOUWL WOMENcanes School.Prepara and ColteatateCulture,Pedagogy,Domestic Science,standard intained by large staff of100boarders-and teaches theIngs..Steam heat.ts.B Ee Good h Rte eensct heheMISSMARYO‘GRAHAM,President.Raleigh,:ea WIDE AWAKE P!EOPLE SAVE MONEY BY é Ga.ADs, py we’}a arene pera ge ate a ARSet_SES,Seperate ter ripened oecnnent hanyatesraperntennenaa emer:pevneneneeerteeeteen DAUGHTER: eeLPRIDAY,June 30,1916. LOCALRAILKOAD SCHEDULB, Arrival and Departure ofTrains 28 States “Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre °vents Daughter’s Untimely End.‘teak:“Pataca!Haves ae No, TrainyReady,Ky.—‘‘1 was not ableto do|Train ,ROAD,west-bound,due 7.24west-bound,due |?,0.05west-bound,due 8:25weat-bound,due 10:25east-bound,due 10.35 : SE E B B E E S m,. THE LANDMARK! ‘It-is the Premier ~Hay Crop-e|sentials in weather conditions:Ordi- ‘Troops in Mexico or on Border.! enerneaeeaeALFALFACROPFOR|HAY.| The Soils and Other Condi-| tions For Favorable Growth. Correspondence of The Landmark.¢| With most of the attempts aterdw-ing alfalfa’in-this county proving successful,many others will doubt-less be tempted to try this best of allforageplants.With this increase.in}the number of “trials theré/will also!be an increase in the per centage,of|failures,'as enly the more careful gnd| |thoughtful take the first steps in in-|troducing a new plant into an inhos-pitable environment.For the less | vainstaking,success may be secured | by observing the methods.pursued by| the pioneers with thatcrop and by 4) study of the conditidns necessary to) can\be given except that a good) shower and cool atmosphere are es- narily it would not be ‘advisable to seed after the 10th of October andbetternotlaterthanthefirst.Goingtotheextremeeitherwaywillin-crease the risk of loss. Sow only good,clean seed if youwantto-secure a stand that will stay with you and produce good,pure hay.|To do this seed will have to be secur- ed soon,as practically no seed wasproducedMast‘year and this’year’s| crop will not be ready in time.An ef-|fort is now being made to secure good / seed at a reasonable price and to have on hand:what is needed for;the fall seeding will require that you agree!to take a certain amount (whatever| you will need).This will be distrib-| uted by one of the local organizationsattheleastpossibleexpense,Please| gs MICHELIN Red Inner Tubes have a world-wide teputation for durabilityforthe’following reasons: lichelin Red-Rubber Tubes are compounded _ain quality=angencn which preventthem:from:becoming ‘brittle ‘or porots and whichpreservetheirvelvetysoftnessindefinitely. 2nd:Michelin Tubés are not simply piecesofstraighttubingwiththeircndscemented,but ate formed on a sing mandrel toexactlythecircularshapeofthe inside of the casing itselfandconsequentlyfirperfectly, United|its production.decide at onee as to the amountof | |seed you will need and let me know,|that.it may be ready,for you in time.| G.E.DULL,* County Agent. nything for nearly six months,”writes|278!"east-bound,due 1.i6MistasBratcher,of this place,“and|7rain Nor tg,Ghat bound due,36‘me ome -on ceemonths,|CHARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLE.+;I cannot tell you howI suffered with:5 aasay“head,‘and’with nervousness ‘and Fmt XO 28 ary vee 1088»y troubles,:t "From flayloreyille. Our family doctor told m husband he }:Train,No.23 ar.10:00,“seaves 10:40 mw m,ould not do me any good,and he had|g Moi ar,60,leave 1:08 Bm,9 Wve it BB;wie iried another doctor,=|ut he did not-help me,4..At last,my mother advised me to take ;:Cardui,the woman’s tonic.|thought,It is estimated that the 4 awes no ees ae nearly dead and |States now has 44,500 troops in sery-Ae may ie OO a ont‘ing Seemed to do me any good.But)joo }aaa ;ha ay oy.|great many conditions if care is ‘qtook Bleven bottles,and GoW)Bel an [ie tn Mexitg or onthe,border,ex=F “painting how to fit.them’10”anestodoallofmyworkandmyown|clusive of the National Guard,as fol-)needs of the plant,end.under ry | washing,|lows:‘few conditions will.success come -with-| I think Cardui is the best medicine in With Gen.Pershing,15,090;at the|out.this thoughtful.preparation n!(4 2 :ra arom _me ALA,if a8 est medicine in |7eN«-ing,16,0 10 |SE OR e ale Rr Cpe iaen _Conference.Report.on Ruralheworld.“My weight has increased,|hase at Columbus,N.’Ms 2,600;ap/{he part_of thevland owner.Alfalfa,Credits ApprovedfindIlookthepictureofhealth.”+Douglas.and Nogales,Arizona,2,500;|has many virtues.and ‘no faults save}:P .If yon suffer from any of the ailments |et Fort Bliss and Camp:Cotton,i}that it will not grow on sour,cold or!The conference report on the rural| ‘peculiar to women,getabottle of Cardui i Paso,Texas,3,500;ab “Fort ‘Sam |wet soils.These very faults may credits bill was approved in thetoday..Delay is dangerous We knowitwillhelpyou,for’it’has helped so|.many thousands of other weak womeninthepast50years, Houston;San.Antonia;Texas,4,500;/Prove virtues in that they cause men)House of Congress Tuesday—313_tobetweenElPaso‘and .Eagle Pass,|t°think and study their soils and be-)10.Democrats demanded a final roll|Texas,1,500;at or near Eagle Pass,|come better farmers and better men./call on the measure,incview of the| ;11,000;at or near Laredo,6,000;atvor |It is the object of this letter to help |Republican platform,which condemnsAtalldruggists.near Brownsville,”Texas.9,000.|decide as.to what land is suitable for!the bill as unsatisfactory. |Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Co.,Ladies!|rowing the plant,what preparations;The bill provides’for Federal|;Advisory Dopt,,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for Speciat|Ch |tt P,pl will’be necessary before making the |farm loan,board of—five members,|‘Freaimetl onyour case and 64-pae book,Home |ar ote opie :attempt or whether it will be advisa-|four to be named by the President «and | *-ee eee |Appreciate a Goo Thing ble to try it at all.,‘the fifth by the Secretary of the!;Alfalfa roots penetrate deep,hence |Treasury.Twelve Federal farm loan| a \e Select your Flour From This List. X XX, Palace, |An increase of 50 per ¢ént over last!will do best in a soil that is not too |hanks are to be authorized,with pow-|i week and 100 per cent over the first |stiff or hard.They will not stang in |er to make loans of not less than $100 ||Week in dune,This is a gratifying in-|water and thrive long.Water dyer |for periods of from five to 40 years.|,crease,which we accept as an en-|the crown for about 24 hours will kill|No loan is to exceed 50 per cent,of|;dorsement of the real merit,and as an|the entire plant.If too near,the sur='the value of the land.The capitalfevidencethatmanyarebeingbenefit-iface’the feeding ground of the plant ‘stock of these banks is to be $750,000,|jed by the use of fhe wonderful BA-|is limited.For a short time it may|and this money will be temporarily(RIUM ROCK SPRING »WATER.|thrive fairly well with the water dev-|provided out of the United States/{Phone your orders to .BARIUM/el only 2 1-2 to 8 feet below the sur-Treasury.The stock cannot be sold.Dan Valle SPRINGS LODGE or remit.$2 for ten)face,but a depth of 6 to 10:feet will;The legislation is-claimed to be sec-©iu ys trallons,which will be shipped by ex-|make the stand much more perfha-!ond to no other laws passed by Con-}Blue Ribbon ‘press.We loan the demijohns,guar-j nent.As the roots are covered With!press in many years in the good.ef-,,jantee to refund.money ‘if no benefit|nodules when the plant is at its best!fect it will have upon the farming,in-Save Trouble,iis received,if the water is used ac-j and these nodules wil!not form where|terest ofthe country.The Federal|icording to our directions.| |_—wt>FOR ECONOMY~tee iy ehisotwsitheairhasnotfreeaccess,there is a’resery i aera f°the|‘Th W ti h El {:|fo»peacoat High Grade,||"BARIUM SPRINGS COMPANY.-/further reason for good drainage dnd|hin laweon’the uecerve beoke,Enr|e.Westingnouse Qctric IONS aonenandgoan|neta :,4 I INGLE a an open soil,Again,the soil is:usu-leading Democrats declare the rural|ea w {S m (Fancy Patent)h.-4 yh Pa ally sour where it is -saturated .for|credits measure will be far more ben-|Er FG _Pine,Cedar,,CypressSherrill&Reece, it will be readily seen that acid,‘wet;the Greensboro News,who states | 118 Court Street,|red clay to a pipe clay.In fact the|one of them have made any material }The preparation ofthe land is «an- \|Talk About Music.etc.Locks and Guns 'Such is not the case with alfalfa and|itorial on music in today’s Landmark! has beeorhe quite firm,with only a|Know it’s finé to those who under- Carolina Motor Company, STATESVILLE;-MOORESVILLE,NEWTON.aw Michelin Red Inner Tubes give the utmost economy and satisfaction. “TOD, ‘REO, N 7’Lasting Legibility Multikopy gives copics that are beautifully neatandthatarereally permanent. In blic or black,Multi-Kopy never fades. re on 9 0 Multikopycopies oftenrivaltheoriginalincleanlinessandlegisbility.Multikopy issurprisinglydurableandeconomical.‘Somot'stee” F S25,00 REWARD Brady Printing No.3Company Statesville,N.C. as long periods we sl or’is anger jedcial nn he eens ee act,|If you pay the servant by the -day—vou wilkfind itt :wise impervious to e alr:an Fas:eeause It wl peneh ¢Tarmer,|..¢+hea dt TROT ’s it!"|Shingles,12 grades.Ridge Roll,|the bacteria that cause the formation;North Carolina is almost certain,||;much eheaye tocuse dn ELECTRIC IRON,because,MondValleyTin,Shingle Stain,and Nails.|Of these nodules require a sweet ‘soi!saves time!: 'Phone 123.108 West Broad St:C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.|or extremely hard soils are not suited |these facts,to get one of the Federal |:|to the praduction of this valuable|farm loan banks.Greensboro,Ral-|‘plant,A loamy soilds likely to be!eigh and other cities have»been men-| °:latter is usually so sour,wet,hard |procress and one city has just as goodPlumbingand-Heat-and defigient in plant food ‘that it)a chance of landing the bank as an-|ing:and all repairs for would be a waste of time and méans:other. same.Inspirators,© }other sten in which mony beginners |make.a failure.Many have,the idea}.{eaared aie fit |that thorough preparation means,f°the Editor of Phe Landmark:repaired an eys nt- ted.In fact anything other small seeded plants.For these.that I can’t helpbut heartily endorseinrepairline.and alfalfa especially,a good @ecd|What you say.I'd feel-ungrateful if;|hed is one that has ben plowed deep;1,did not;I have been bored so many| ;Says the Washington ecrresnondent of |wane co W.]D.HARR IS |preferable to a red clay soil and ithe|tioned but it is not believed ‘that any| | pin seeding such.:|::,Pleased With The Landmark’sLubricators,Oil Cups, deen plowing just before seeding.|.There is so much truth in your ed-|& -€Phone 209.(ftom:6 months to a year before na}times with such music...Of course I, |shallow surface mulch,such as will be|stand,an how few understand ?I*jnrepared by disking.This brings|ani so glad you wrote such an edito-|Harmony Council No.415,Jr.0.U.A.Mm,|the water from beneath,yet prevents|4).Tee been outspoken about|Ry lMGi Sewanee naCEe 00 for information}itS escaping:into the air,thus keep-|it myse but some one suggested to}peaich will lead to the arre.¢and conviction of |ing the small seed or plant moist un-Be ae I'd eesss ena|the party ov parties who,during the com-|ti]it can become firmly established |by talking agains suc music,|mencement,cut down the flag bel ving to)=y a isned.9 ny.ike i ,=‘}the Harmony Hich Schoo.|Sucha seed-bed can easily be ob-|5¢&Ms that you have ie ieit weeOVIDPULLEN,Councillor,|tained,in a wheat.or oat field which |&%you want to or not.enI can't‘was well broken when seeded to the |understand and can’t feel music I =Jerain cron,then kept well disked|¢are very little for it;and T believe| “from the time the grain is removed fully three-fourths of the Chautau- until time to seed the alfalfa in Au |Net audience feel as you and I feel,rust or September.If it is desired to but it’s stylish to applaud and say |do less work on the land and at the |that the music was just fine—whether+same time to add-some vegetable mat-|YOU like it or not. ‘iy ae tt t4,No waiting for Iron to heat!No delay.ofsany; forever?::; pao 516 Center St.*.*’Phone 361. HEADACHE?|a.«et ti —By Using ate OD kind—always at the RIGHT TEMPERATURE?)“Have’ you‘seen the new Iron with the Heater that is guaranteed’! 7 THeCALLANDSEETHEM!“anda ti at HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y,© :és 5 :serve PROMPTLY RELIEVED, 6 dave on Loall’s Headache Remedy -:: .99;June 23.>f610MINUTES~-10 CENTS," HALL’S DRUG STORE,©hE Aral :Se gle :ontadpotaGHARPE"PHONE 20.Prescriptionist..-.;,,jter which should be’an aid in getting|,Seda £ae :7 ey;the crop started,cowpeas may be |Statesville,June 27.:COCOLADE AT FOUNTAIN.|sown at the first’disking and fertiliz-The Landmark has received other| ied.These will be permitted to grow ‘Jetters and much commendation —in! |until the middle of August,when the|Person from folks Whose views agree‘disk should again be used cutting the |ae those of Mr.Tharpe and The,|vines anite thoroughly into the soil.|Landmark.||After this the drag harrow —should Aanple:|anffice-to"keep the Eustace broken aii?Raising Profitable By!out with thet-satistied grin.Hot ||til,seeding tnkes place.following:#1}Test.;itandcoldandicewater,shower and pean oes which a conten |Tests earefully carried out on the;tub bath any time and scrupulously te ee .wo —moisture cnoulh|Tredel]and Edgecombe Test Farms of |clean—that's ite Buster |Bacal eee ees the “North Carolina Experiment Sta-' |+JUST.TAKE A WALK iPTo W.E.Coley’s place and.look in on-the-CLEANEST-barber shop, Don’t mention sanitary,it’s just absolutely clean in,every detail. With all-the-latest.and best ton- ics and shampoos and face lo- tions obtainable;with four~first class barbers who are ever ready OU WOULD HAVE SALAD every day,if you once tried S3IIITIFCommercialNational BatOFSTATESVILLE,N.C. Y WBIIIIITIIIISIIsITwsIIII ITs zs3z TIZITATLTBITSITIWIIIItrete to please and like to see you fo Ll s e s e r e ee e ee s Sheep vi OR Brown = ee el It is choice enough for the finest -salad dressing,as delicious as any oil you ever tasted,and so much cheaper you can us2 it for cooking,| hair cutting a specralty. W.E.Coley,Prop. June 2i—dt. too.«It makes a mnooth,delicious q@ mayonnaise that “stands up”well |. and pleases everybody. We've got anything you want to”# make aosalad—as well as Wesson | Oil. DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s+Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone Liming and fertilization of the field ;are two other steps in its preparation that,are of considerable importance, especially the former,“All soils here are more or Jess acid and should be well limed to correct this.At leas! itwo tons of ground limestone —rock |should be applied some time before seeding ‘and more would be —better, ithough the cost and the.distance to |haul might.make ‘it advisable to ap- |ply other later.The first application | could well be made shortly after sow ing to wheat or oats,then another ton t{ tion,have proven conclusively that in| the raising of sheep the wool will! easily pay for the upkeep of the; sheep_and the increase and lamb sales| for mutton and other purposes consti-| tute a clear profit. The experiments have been carried! on by R.S.Curtis,whose specialty| with the department is beef cattle; antl sheep investigations.The experi-. ments that have been carried out on these experiment.farms have been with native ewes and purebred,rams, Capital Stock Paid in - $100,000.00»-»: Surplus and Profits 31,500.00." Oaiy “ths Few¢ Members of Federal Reserve system. 4YourBankingbusinesssolicitedandaasir every accommodation extended to de-*ppt::..|patincipaly the Shropshire and Ram-;should be applied”just”before sowie Beuibtet teecdc These a have;the alfalfa seed,;This should be sul |been proven to greatly increase the!|ficiant to.maintain a sweet condition |viatd of wool-and the quality and |we:<ans ;Pace an ‘Mt .oe ae soil for at least one o1 'W®Conseqerently,the market value of| |Parteers Pee :...the wool.ees fertilization as with liming There is-to—he—-prepared-a_speciat a OS ee BY a cone By dees _i exhibit of woolen articles made at thelaneti:I ated :ona i “1 Eelkit Woolen Mills from wool pro--time..._pn-our-piedmont soils the |Vigeq trom the Iredell and Edgecombe;main deficiency is in phosphorus.|page ar eramfna te |ROYAL WHITE-KING LOFTS,|This may be supplied in the form of,|W.B.CROWSON,Proprietors:runerconmmon 10 es ont ae aroun ..|{hens per cent.2a frou’|>Urging Parker to Continue. short time before,and applications,Who sare opposed to Charles E. Boiler and Water Heat-.-2mount and some time before sceding convention,said he would return to}somes: place of the old-fashion-{they contain some lime.Lelders of the Prohibition party in-| 6 ae we TES badnetycept Dist PI S I T S S S LI S I es s a rr w s y r s t r e 494.Residence,451 Black.positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. ome oeSkETN|DRESSED SQUARS. Fasily Digested—Delicious ' Miller-McLain Supply Co.| GOOD MEATS AND VEGETABLES When our refrigeration plant was installed it was left ‘with a slight defect which had an unde- sirable effect on the meat.A man from the factory has been here. and completely’remedied_this. Now we are equipped:to furnish our customers the best of meats and vegetables from our refriger- ation,vlant.{M.P.Alexander &Bro., The Sanitary Store. Po P oSOL S OS E S O S OS OS E S OS EO S O O O E S S O SE SE S O S E S E S SS O OS EO E S S O E S O T S OS S Four per cent.paid on-time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.’ OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,K.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,Gi,KE,HUGHEY, RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIAN For Convalescents. Sr s s s e t e t e s e e vehi saabice} aePresident.'Vice President.".#‘Cashier.:*“.-Assistant Cashier, .:att ORE i i eee |TOCK phosphate or in basic slag.At =wo,3 4:HE ;least 300 pounds of the 16 per cent.Urged to remain in the vice presi-|=a .jacid should be used at seeding,or a dential race by fellow Progressives| en ROYAL HEATER)mace each spring following.If either)Hughes for President.John M.Park-|:;©of the other.forms of acid are used |@%named as Colonel Roosevelt's run-|The‘‘Royal’is a Range they should be applied in greater Ding mate by the recent Progressive * er in combination and/as they are slower ‘acting,The las This Douisiana home “and “think Tt]Ty is designed to take oe Te forms are cheaper and better,as OVER”before deciding on his course.|oe nil j T ’ Alfalfa seed should always be inoc-,timated that he might be their vice!FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AUTOulatedatthetimeofsowingtoin-|Presidential,nominee if he remained 4 ow on .the Progressive ticket.|TIRES FOR L Ss .JottBainbridgeColbyofNewYorkand},e oirotherProgressiveswhoopposedthe!aeactionof.the Progressive national RTAcoitteeinindorsingthecandidacyof.Mr,Hughes,assured Mr.Parker that if he remained in the campaign le vould receive the support of allloyalmembersofthatparty, ed method of attaching|:|ace iaent neater sure its-ability to secure a supply of|€waver .nitrogen from the air.This may he |nary eeeboiler.(done by securing liquid culturesTheRoyal’can be through me or the Department of A=installed at a supris-|riculture,These cultures come freeinglylowcostandwill)to those complying:with the depart-furnishhot waterevery!ment's rules and are easily appliedhourofthedayand/by following the directions —givennightetanexpense|With ae WerecEe a .feeeerieeh;he ‘of,seedine should take place earlywellwithinreachof};4 for ¢:V me ee ho-),wt was reported that Tenry Ford,the average houseow cnough for the young plants to be Pan :;a age MN come firmly rooted before the freezes the-automobile mam.had served notice St Or rent :|of winter begin,else they may hot “any of his employes who answer-Installed by 'pulled up enough to caribé their death.|£%the eall to the colors would lose _W.BE.‘Munday. Having on hana 2 good lot‘of Tires bought before advance in price enables us for the balance of this month to sell you Tires at old” price,which is 10 per.cent.less than,pres- ent price.BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS’PROPOSITION WHILE I't “IS OFFEREDS .CAROLINA MOTOR CO.™ a8 ‘fig creed liner Be i_»STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NBWDQN:onivar| tirot eee oot trio Statesville Tin Co. |Everything in Sheet Metal 4 line for good.roof:Slate Roofs a specialty.- bbb Denk 2 pia ;.itheir jobs,The report is denied by+Mey¢‘to Rawlings her hand,jo report i ry|‘Too ebrly sowing,on the other hanc ‘Mr.Ford,All.employes who’enlist. fee Ay HONE:55.fe oan 114 E.“Broad St.i,they.‘returnbordgtkaBrodetfromeEbaieBia:|sammy On the average the “Aedt)Ln.a+Nblecd ide “Broad Street.N Tae ;ime wou probably come in the firdt Sette betee netted eer mente ear eereraen DINGS,C.Wa!8,£..September,...but..no set tino |BUILDING?Co WATIINS. |Plants to the severe dry spells of eis he..says,.are-assured of work»-whenwouldbeliabletoexposetheyoung Astdyuad Woy yo ot 1 ERIET mes «>NY CES OCR A Wd es PRN.CALL FOR JAIL BLEDS.| Pe Ttig announced that Gov.Harris of Georgia will pardon any convict who will enlist in the National Guard,pro-| vided his crime does not involve .mor- al.turpitude.It is also noted that in some cases men under indictmentfor | misdemeanors and:petty offences’n| court have been excused on-condition that they agree to enlist in the army; ;A and_prisoners in jails have manifest-| ee new,Dr.Johnson,ie yng -ed much Zeal in offering to volunteer,| extite the envy of hie poverty-strick-all because army service.seems to of-| en thren of the,press by boasting fer a Way to escape—punishment for abo iy his “summer home.”Well,only |jaw infractions,,Of course one un-| the Wyopithy can afford it.der indictment for ,an offence of ¥NS :y i ‘;:ence—an_offence which! “We!once recognized Carranza,”|Small consequ remarks the Greensboro News.We does:no serious damage to his char- did;and we're recognizing him again acter—might with propriety be ex- for the purpose of beatin’the face cused if,of his own accord,and fot off’n jim,if we get our hands on him. LEE TESDAT simply to escape indictment,he want- ed to enter the service.But The.Land- Didyou observe how the enlistment ;mark has no patience with the prop-; orators usually avoid the recruiting|osition to pardon prisoners out of station ?-—Charlotte News.'jails and from chain gangs and State as And,Mose who shout foudest |’isons,to send them into the army. for preparedness and for war,who are|We don’t want ‘the army filled with most belligerent in talk,are not |sriminals and the proposition is an moving toward the recruiting sta-!jasult to the soldiers.Under ordi- tions in large groups._|nary conditions the army gets its Beneath Britt |Share of toughs a ape But the .ire .i great majority of the soldiers are ,.ether S Ce ane ot eek honorable and patriotic men who no neh ue mises as ‘more want the association and com- i "eg pa ta |panionship of:jail birds than does the ees re ance private individual.We are not yet td.picture true to life.The address-|hard up for soldiers that it is nec- .of Gov.Craig,of Senator Overman,|essary to offer inducements for crim-| who was Gov.Vance’s secretary and inals to join the army, knew him intimately,were —very —$——: fine.But‘it is no reflection on their Candidate Hughes thanked "the| efforts to say that none of them sur-|Progressives and Col.Roosevelt for| 'f support—and.he has good|pas8ed the effort of Mr.Britt,whose |their : for thanks;the candidate and| ithe colonel have dined together and ®:|eg >tribute was brief but very strong.|cause ee terete (‘The continued existence of the)jt js announced that they are ‘in com-| Geman -American menace at home|plete accord.”It’s up to the Demo-| The address of Congr f i,wr lpineeboteaSS—THE:LIFE AT CAMP GLENN: How the Soldier Boysare FaringintheMobilizationCamp —Fears About the Examina.- nation, Correspondence of The Landmark,+—_ Camp Glenn,June 27.>,Thinking that a letter.from the boys would:be of -interest.to.your readers,I “Haye been designated to let you know how we are getting on from time to time, Inthe beginning,we.want the peo- ple of Statesville”to know.that the send-off they gave us is a subject of every-day conversation here in camp, and the blessings that-were-bestoweduponuswillneverbeforgotten, We arrived in camp about9 /9’clock Sunday_morning and immediately be- gan putting up tents,One of—-the greatest disappointments to the men was that we were not given the same street that we have had heretofore,being put further down nearer the beach,away from the station and guard ‘house,However,we “canned”our regrets and went to work with avimandby3o’clock .we had all the tents-up,the-cots and boxes arrangedthereinand_a big pot of beans on the range “a-bilin’.””The lunches that were “given us at’the station at Statesville answered as our dinner, and I may as well state here that we have not as yet had one equalto it. Moést of the men are expecting —to write,personally,and thank the Ia-| dies from whose boxes they ate,We were off duty all of Sunday af- ternoon and evening,but were called to duty yesterday at 5.30-a.m.+and drilled nearly all of the day.Tam enclosing a copy of the orders for drill,etc.It is the purpose of this \letter to familiarize the folks at home with ‘the details of camp life,so I will not-teH -how many officers_and high “mueck-a-mucks”are here,but wil endeavor to tell you what the “Buck”privates have to do. Every man has a cot,eight men to the tent,a blanket,a half-sheltertentandaponcho,the latter being a} rubber cloth used as a rain coat.Most|men spread the’poncho and shelter| |Harris, indirectly due to Mr.Wilson's course!crats to see to it that the “accord”ier iatriaictl enlea EI on ,is ae <7 ,”;._|the a .ys t D> df aetion during the past two years,doesn’t account for too many Hughes |you would be surprised to know a ‘Col.Roosevelt.German-|votes in November.aL |good head rest is made by folding the ‘Afverican menace at home—this pro-j .;trousers and shirt.together.Some of fessional German -American menace+Senate Struck Out Provision |the fellows sleep in their clothes,but For Dependents of Soldiers. This .rl i ly de-||the majority are as particular of their which Mr.Roosevelt so vigorously dec |heds as they are at home,The irst| no‘inces,is a menace to the Demo-;The resolution of the House of | crats as well as to the country.It is Congress,authorizing the ee j ith solidarity and great to draft National Guardsmen into the | gumpporting with oeoligenty e :!Federal service,was adopted by the}etivity the man Mr. Pe oaares for President and is urg-'ation to aid dependent families “ing others-to-suppori:.Yes,sir;Col.|those so -drafted had__been_stricken| Da and the professional Ger-|out and a provision substituted under| :r -Americans heprofesses to hate _pendent on nd-so often excoriates,are standing from service.:r houlder to shoulder with the colonel |that an emergency now exists requir| -%ws Fy :ingfor“Charles Evans Hughes.‘the regular army,also was ;a ..ted.The million dollar appropriation| i The State Board of Health,as re-for relief of dependent families them could be ated in news columns of The Land-|drafted Guardsmen was stricken out Waiting for ark,will put in a system of hotel by a vote of 45 to 30 after an all-day Bospection August Ist,by means of debate,which was at times bitter. hin oe)eet a an _The debate for the allowance of abasic will on ea cle $50 a month to dependent familiesradedastosanitaryconditions.was championed by Senators Reed of "The proposed inspection is optional ,Missouri,Hitchcock of Nebraska,and Avith hotels.It should be made com-|Lee of Maryland,while Senators Gore . Frew not only for hotels but for.@and Chamberlin led for the opposi- very restaurant,cafe or cafeteria,Senator Overman was one of those’ unch counter,or by whatever name who voted for the Senate proposition.| ny place serving food is called.The,He declared that the Senate could neleanliness in many of these places not go on record for the House propo-| i apparent and what is not apparent ,sition without providing the same Teny.,B:app:a SL pparent |jief for enlisted men in the regular| ci only be conjectured.Any indi-'army,and to do this would eventually| vidual or corporation that undertakes|bankrupt the government.| An agreement under which the ic should be empelled,under pains army draft resolution was put through iL ties noe a heaan tae :without any provision for relief of de-pr penaltics,to observe the sanitary pendent families of National Guards-egulations that insure cleanliness.men drafted into the Federal service,| gThe public should be protected and|was reached by House and Senate|wespecially when it is unable to pro-leeders and has been put through both | fic:itself.houses.| The expected has happened.Col,More Than a Score of American|A sas \oosevelt has finally and definitely,Prisoners at Chihuahua. “declined the Progressive nomination |The British consul at Chihuahua or President and urges”Progressives ®City;Mexico,--who-is—leoking -after| 0 support Hughes;that is to ‘say,|American interests there,reported to! lined up the State Department in Washingtonhecolonel!has with the}.7d.a __Tuesday that the American troopers| rowd that he called crooks,grafters,captured at Carrizal had been intern-| hieves,in 1912;and the Progress-'ed in the Chihuahua penitentiary | ee national committee,by a major-j ee enewell nse 1 ieadoe.en e consul’s message,which was |ty vote,has endorsed Hughes.While |the frst report regarding the prison- his does not mean that ail tne ivro-|ers to reach the department from;sressives will support Hughes,it him,also noted the detention of the, joes mean,of course,that the Demo-|Mormon interpreter taken with theThereportfollows:-2 ;cavalrymen.ras will have a harder fight than!“There are 21 privates and two ser- geants of Tenth cavalry and onerraProgressiveticketinthefield. ith a united party,a fine record ang |White interpreter interned in peni-||tentiary.Two are slightly wounded,|ter support of a large oe of the!one through the shoulder and the oth- ependent element who decide pres-|ér has flesh wound in knee.Both re- dential contests,the Democrats go Covering and recciving medical atten-| tae the campaign with confident as-|U0".hey are sufficiently fed and: :i serve any sort of food to the pub-| :|well tfeated.They have ample roomvranceofsuccess.|for exercises.Am assured that thereiiisnodangerfortheirlives.”i The report to the board of trus-=—a gtees of the Thomasville orphanage|War News From Abroad. ews that Charity and Children,the Since the Russians have chased the iPaper published under tae auspices of Austrians off a wide scope of territorythe‘orphanage,had a the Italians have taken to chasing ‘em, ba ae wend _|too,and have regained much of theastyearof$17,589.02,and a net in-‘territory previously lost to Austria. ,come over all expenses of $5,699.65—|Gains by the Italians from thethenetearningsofthepapergoing|ueienk,ey te we from the es .Pe ectiien 'Germans northeast of Verdun,and by“ee the support of the or phanage.The|the Germans from.the Russians in ‘Baptists loyally support their orphan-|Volhynia are chronicled in the official |it paper;they—realize-its—value as cee ee issued-by the Italians) ilachetiiocltheren heenen |French and Austrian war offices.In ty th she 2 pane ee and they addition,it is stated that the Aus-iknow that whatever it earns over and|triang are still holding back the wing’bove expenses goes to the supportofthe Rusian army which is endeav- f the orphanage.The Landmark |Orie to drive past Kuty,Bukowina, believes,however,that the credit for me ae ite objective. Charity and Children-s success is the,Saw Troop Leave For Mexico.ce and fine sense of its editor—|the Second Time.Mr.Archibald Johnson.In him the, ;Baptist orphanage hes an asset that |old girl stood in front of a company| \could hardly be duplicated.So much |¢la.Al 1 1 thbetsavoPic-eci aula,Ala.,and presented them anihisLSappreciatedthatpoeAmericanflagtotaketotheMexican,eaders of his paper are by no means|war.Tuesday,says an Atlanta dis- ro to his denomination,The |patch,this same little girl,now an oldLandmarkcongratulatesMr.Jonnson|/#4Y>stood in the railway station in &naesuroe |Atlanta and saw the fifth regiment of gross income the National Guard of Atlanta leave for mobilization headquarters of the Georgia guard at Macon,She is Mrs. Frances Wellborn Holcombe of Alba«DAYoaibBeroovsn if fen the success of Charity and Chil- ren,It is evidence of appreciation of the capable work of an honest and bata Minerale:spsteoier yw pak uanatdes poet Roosevelt is’Senate after the $1,000,000 appropri-|courseof|anvthing.- which Guardsmen having families de-dle to it,(which,by the way,is used excused as a frying pan A preamble declaring|camp),a lid thereto,a the service of troops other than obliged to fall in eliminat-,by the kitchen into the mess hall.It’s of;see the fellows holding few nights are very hard on your} limbs,after being accustomed —to mattresses and springs;but you can| get used to most anything,and of} a soldier is expected to stand | We eat out of tin pans,so to speak.| Fach man‘has-a‘tin plate with a-han- away from tin cup,a knife,fork and spoon.All.men are ranks and march when real amusing (to tht on-lookers)“to out their cans| “grub.” There is great anxiety among our company,each .man_fearing that.he or some of his nearest comrades,may not be able to pass the physical exe amination.Several of the ~compa- nies have already gone through the!>, ordeal and a bunch of men have been rejected and sent home.Of course it’s no disgrace to be rejected,but I; really believe every man :n Company. E wants to go to the border,and it will be a great disappointment to, those who cannot meet the require-! ments.. There is no evidence of anv tears in camp,and I suspect that there jsmoreworryingathome.as to the a fare of the boys than here.No matter|how tired the men are,or how many, mosquitos are hiting them,or how,much “sweat”(if I shield say per-| spiration I would be excommunicat- ed)is rolling from their faces,there is always some fellow who has a new} joke to spring,which adds vigor to! i us.Will add that there is a_renort.|which is not confirmed,that’the,First regiment will go to the border next week.—Following -are-the-orders for camp drill:.First call.5.30 a.m.;reveille,5.50;| assembly,6.00;fatigue.6.10:mess,| 6.30;‘sick call,7.15;drill,7.50;as- sembly,8.00;recall,11.30;officers’ call,11.45;mess,12.30 p.m.;drill, 3,00;assembly,3.10;recall,4.50; guard mounting,5.60:assembly,5.- 15;first call for parade,5.80;as- sembly,5.40:retreat,6.15;mess,6.- 30;tattoo.9.30;call te quarters,10.- 45:tans,11.00. Hoping that you and the readers of the best semi-weekly will not wor- ry about us “Tommies.”[am.very truly,OWEN W.LEONARD. Proposed Charlotte -Moores- ville Electric Line. Charlotte Observer. Men who are in a position to know assure The Observer that it will notbelongbeforethecitiesofChar- latte and Mooresville are linked to- gether in half hour communication with an electric line.In fact,certain capitalists are now flguring on what it will take to build such a road and the best route to take.That is an.other step im the process of develop- ment—more frequent daily intercourse with the outside world. LIME,LATHS, PAINTS,SHINGLEMORTAR PLASTER,CEMENT,LOCKSSTAIN?COLORS.WATKINS. Sixty-eight years ago a 12-year-f 'of Alabama boys in the town of Eu-| |Is all Paint—no adulteration what- |ever.Costs no more per gallon and |MUCH LESS per job than the other|kinds.i |TRY IT and you will use,no other. FOR SALE BY ‘ Lazenby Montgomery Hardware Co., As Statesville,W.C, }Miller,W.W., |Chambers,F.F.. “*|Cowan, {SPBINS |Kerr,Henrietta,1 lot,West End ave- Big Army Budget Pussed:|+ After adding|,$25,000,000 to.the entary appropriations being due totheexigenciesof.the Mexican.situa-tion and the demands for national de-fence—the House of Congress Tues-day passed the largest army budgetinitshistory.‘The new total of thebillisapproximately$182,000,000,When reported on June 16,beforeMexicanconditions.became acute,thebillcalledfor$157,000,000,.This amount was $55,0000,000 in excess ofthearmyappropriationsforthecur-rent fiscal year,* City Tax Sale! |Ty order of the Board of Aldermen of thecityofStatesvilleandpursuanttothelawofNorthCarolina,T will sell at public wuc-tion,to the highest Bidder-tor-eash,_onMONDAY,JULY 38,1916, fat the court house door in Statesville,N.C., beginning at 10 o'clock x»,m.,the following:described tracts of land and city lots for un-paid taxes for the year 1916,°W.L.NEELY,1916,City Tax Collector,CORPORATIONS, ;Compress’Pad &Saddle Co,lot,Cen- 'ter streetStatesville”Gas”hight &—Fuet lot,Center REGULARS~-WHITEAbsher,George,1 lot,4th streetAlbea,.Walker,1 ‘lot,‘Tradd jAsh,J.,agent Benjamin Ash,1 |Water streetiReaver,W.P.,,Wise street|Blaylock,Mre.R.A.,1tot,Race st.....|Bost,D 1 lot,Caldwell street .... Brawley,J.S.Kerr,1 lot, Bell street|Brown,Mrs,J.Bi,Executrix,+ |Fourth street )Bullin,W.L.,1 lot,Eighth street ....iCarter,J.Q,1 lot,Seventh street .... l Carter Bros.,2 lots,Armfield street ...2 |Cashion,Mrs.A.E.,"1 lot,Fourth st:.. |Collie,Mrs.E.L.,1 lot,Boulevard .... Davidson;C,M.,1.lot,Fourth street .. |Douglas,Mrs.Judith,1 lot,Mulberry June 2, lot,| 20,3517.47 |13.57} O.,13,57,Admr.,, ATL eT original total of the bill—the supple-|} streetEidson,A.C.,1 lot,Park Place Eliason,W.A.,2 lots,Sharpe street ..|Fox,A.P.,1 lot,Caldwell street |Freidman,Mrs,Lula,1 lot,Sharpe st...|Goforth,Floyd,1 lot;Seventh street ...Gunn,J.A.1 lot,Cemetery street ..Harbin,R.J.,1 lot,Alexander street .. |Harris,A.W.,1 lot,Bell street Mrs.J.L.,1 lot,Mulberry st..Harwell,U.C.,1 lot,Walnut street ..Hubbard,P.L.and S.'T.,1 Jot,Tradd stre Jacks,M.L.,1 let,Fourth streetlhalfonthecotandthencoverwith}Johnson,A.C.,1 lot,Bost street ....Kestler,J.B.1 lot,Eighth street ....Kerr,T.R.G.,1 lot,Bell streetLawrence,Dr.E.N.,1 lot,Bell street... Linley,W.W.,1 lot,Fourth street .... Lippard,T.D.,1 lot,Seventh street .. Lippard,J.T.,Senior,1 tot,Seventh street Lyons,Miss M.M.and L. Fifth street\Miller,R.A.,1 lot,Armfield street ..1 lot,Tradd street ....1 lot,Caldwell street ....Moore,W.A.,1 Jot,Davie aVenue ....Moore,V.B.,1 lot Bell street Morgan,Will,1 lot,Seventh street .... Mott,Dr.J.J.,1 lot,Broad street ....Nabors,John,1 lot;Seventh street ....Orr,KR.W.,1 lot,Front streetPhifer,E.L.,1 lot,Front street Mills,W.M., 18» 205.05 Purnell,P.P.,1 lot,Front street ..4.Ramsey,Mrs.J.S:,1 lot,Davie ave- Ross,Charles V.,1 lot,.Seventh street ..Ross,A.,1 lot,Oak street .....eaeiaaaRufty,D.C.,1 lot,Tradd streetSells,John,2 lots,Fifth street Shaver,C.F.)1 lot,BoulevardShayer,John F.,1 lot,Boulevard ....Sherrill,FE.D.,1 lot,Alexander street., Shuping,Geo.F.,1 lot,Seventh street,.Somers,W.V.state,3 lots,Front street Sowers,G.-H.,1 lot, Sowers,John,1 lot,Tradd street a Starnes,J.B.,1 lot,Sharpe street ....ue,C.G.,1 lot,Patterson strect ..H.,1 lot,Seventh street ,L.F.,1 lot,Park Place.Z.E.,1 lot,Davie avenue ...~Turner,W.B.,1 lot,Seventh street ..Turner,Mrs.lot,Mulberry stWelborne,.Tradd street ..Wilkinson,.Buffalo ShoalsRoad.. Williams, evepauch,J. J. lot,Race street ....ELINQUENTS.Levan,Elihu,1 lot,Seventh street .... Mills,W.P.,1 lot,BoulevardMinish,J.J.,1 lot,Seventh strSeago,D.R.,2 lots,Center strectSessons,J.M.,1 lot,S.StatesvilleSimons,Mrs.Lee,1 lot,Fourth stretSewers,-R.L:,1-lot,Mills street.--5Summers,H.C.,1 lot,Park Place .... COLORED. Adams,Henry,1}lot,Harrison street ..Altison,Caesar,1 lot,Green street .... Bailey,Atinie,Alfred and Hattie,1 lot,+Garfield street,::Bailey,Walter,1 lot.Tradd s ;Belt;Frank,1 lot,Chambers strectBennett,G.W.,1 lot,Garneid street Burton,Ashley,2 10.09 1.36 lots,Green street ..1 lot,Tradd street...Cowan,M.L.,1 lot,Front strLelaE.,{‘fot,Green :|Davidson,Mamie,1 lot,Chamber:Fraley,Lee,1 lot,Green street|Feimster,Melvin,1 tot,Chambers |Gaither,Alexander,1 lot,Chamb {Gray,John H.,1 lot,She S‘Green,Margaret,1 lot,Gart|Griffin,Thos.,1 lot,Bell streetHolfowell,J.L.,1 lot,Walker street .. nue|Kimbrough,Will,1 lot,tarrisonst|McKey,G.C.,1 lot,Green street|McLelland,W.P.,1 lot,Chambers|Moore,Richard,1 lot,Green.street BE S Made of Maple,finished natural or painted green.Seats made of cane or rattan, Price $2.50,$3.00 and $3.50, Hammocks and Porch Swings, Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. .The Store That Always ome You.”’‘PHONE NO,400, easonable Goods! WHILE THE SEASON is getting along pretty well to its close,we havea few goods that are still in season we will sell at a close out price.See if you need anything—listen here: Eddy Refrigerators Water Coolers Lawn Mowers Ice Cream Freezers Screen Wire Screen Doors Screen Windows Lawn Hose. . Iredell Hardware Com’y. LENOIR COLLEGE.Hickory,N.C.a nnn A Christian institution for the Higher Education and Culture —of young men and women,It will be unwise to-decide on a College un- til you have investigated the advantages offered by Lenoir.Educa- tional experts have placed Lenoir among the A grade Colleges of North Carolina.Its reorganized,Department of Education secures for its graduates complete recogiition from_the State Board. The Yoder-Science Building offers -superior—laboratory facilities for the study of Chemistry,Physics and Biology. Departments:Literary,Business,Education,Musie,Expression, Art,Domestic Science-and sab-Freshman.,—-Genuine College advan- tages within the reach of alk the people.Necessary expenses guar- anteed not to exceed $175 per yeur.Write for catalogue to R.L.FRITZ President,or F C.LONGAKER V.Pres. CKORY,N : — |Murdock,J.A.,estate,1 lot.Sharpe st.|Murphy,J.P.,1 lot,Davie avenue ....iOsborne,Mamie,1 lot,Walnut stret .. |Pearson,Jennie,1 lot,Garfield street ..|Richardson,Jerry,1 lot,Garfield st...'Simonton,Delia,1 lot,Garfield street .. Spann,Luther,1 lot,Walker street ..Stockton,Anna,1 lot,Walker street .. Summers,Roscoe,1 Jot,Harrison streetThomas,Ed.,1 lot,Garfield street ....White,Joseph,1 lot,Tradd street.....Woods,R.B.,1 lot,Garfield street.....Wood &Carson,1 lot,Cemetery strect Wood,Vina,1 lot,Walker streetWood,David,1 lot,Garfield street.....Wood,Richard,1 lot,Green Strect ....|Young,Mary Lee,|lot.Walker street .°DELINQUENTS.- Clark,Agnes,1 lot,Garfield strect ....Davidson,Ketg,1 lot,Green street ....Martin,Lee O%,1 lot,Garfield street ..Simonton,Sam,1 lot,Garfield street .. Stevenson,John,1 lot,Chambers streetWebb,Ray,1 lot,Harrison street te n e t s es e ee e SH Se a ee ea s S - LE K SE S E DA A 5.7119.78! The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Young men seeking an education which will equip them for prac- tical life in Agriculture,and all its allied branches;in Civil,Elec- trical and Mechanical Mngineering;in Chemistry and Dyeing;~in “Textile or other industries,and in Agricultural teaching will find excellent.provision for their chosen carcers at the State’s great technical College...This Collere fits men for life by giving prac- tical instruction as well as thorough scientifie education.: Four-year courses in Agriculture,in Chemistry,in Civil,Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and in Textile industries.: Four-year,two-year,one-year and summer Normal courses in Ag- riculture.Numerous practical short courses.2 Entrance examinations held-at-cach county seat on July 18th, For catalogue and entrance blanks,write E.B.OWEN,REGISTRAR,West Raleigh,N.C. \ \ i SEE MILLS &POSTON’S |ADVERTISEMENT In Next Tuesday's Landmark! Big Reduction Silk Sale Will Start. Next Wednesday.Yours truly, <=sMILLS.&POSTON.& \ ear Coates th, eine Pe Mentionitionof People oai.>.Their Movements. ‘Miss Norma Bell of.Monroe willatrivenextweektospendsometime UNE”WEDDINGS "AGAIN: |Miss Colvert“and.Dr..Talley, ‘Miss Kerley and Capt.Row- land,-and.Others —Social fairs.oo eave’ Reported for The Landmark. A’pretty home.wedding Was sol-emnized on last evening when.Miss Mary Blizabeth Colvert became the bride of Dr,Banks Cooner Talley of Bennettsville,S.-C,The ceremonywas STIRRING |ON.TVR “FARM. Respite and “Visitors a.hittle Later —News of iit.iiqurhe Community.: Correspondenceof ‘The Landmark. -Mt:Mourne,June 29-—The™farmerwhohasnothingtodonowis’notmuchofafarmer,or else he-is a realgoodone.‘The farmers are very busy. We have been having fine seasonsandthereismuchgvassyet,but ev- orybody seems to be getting on,fine Ap vnurRNEStn shycoe iCays tents.Cash must accompany order.) RECRUITS WANTED—For Company -E-(re- dell,Blues),Call on LIEUT,SHERRILL,omeér in armory,over Carolina Motor Co, June 27,’ FOR SALE=115-Men's Suits,worth $8 to $15,$3 each to close out,W,I.SMITH,Bloom- fleld,©»June 30-—1t* CAROLI-2tFORSALE..Bightefoot.show.case.NA MOTOR CO.June 30 LITHIA BARIUM SPRINGS WATER,deliver- s ed at your home or,office,10e.per gallon, performed at the home of the Special rates for #large quantities.with Miss Iris McDougald.BRAWLEY CO,Phone 16%‘Mrs.W.E.Webb and children andMissRebecct'Fleming have gone©to Hendersonville to spend sometime.‘Mr.Earl Moser has returned fromPhiladelphia,where -he~accompaniedMr.Jo.Ash,who has gone North tohavehiseyestreated,“Mrs,J.P.Hughey and-son,Alfred,have been visiting.relatives here, have’returned to their hame in NorthWilkesboro.‘Mr.and Mrs.°C.V.Henkeland chil dren left yesterday for Blowing Rock.Mas.Henkel and.children will spondthesummerthere...Mr,Henkel willWividetimebetweenStatesvilleand»Blowing Rock.:Attorney D.F.Mayberry will go to Charlotte tomorrow to spend Sundaywithhishomepeople.«Mr.Jay Whitlow,who was for a time an.employe ‘in The Landmark’scomposingroom,‘several years.ago, was in.town this week..He is now with the Sentinel at Winston-Salem, ‘Capt,J,W.Copeland of Clinton,S.C.,spent Wednesday in town and left yesterday for Blowing Roék.He will], return here and will then go to Mem-~B, bride’s parents, Colvert,on Davie avenue,a Promptly at 15.minutes after.6 o'clock.the bridal party,unattended,entered the parlor,where the mar- Tiage ceremony was performed—withthesimpressiveringservicebythe bride’s pastor,Rev.Dr.C.E,Raynal. inthe presence of a few friends andr@latives.The home was beautifully Mr.and Mrs.J.EB.)2nd we are not expec ting a respite for |quite a while.}Crops to work |out, meadows,clover and alfalfa to.mow,Wheat harvest is over and threshingtimeis*fieré.“After this is all overve-can_invite our city friends out in the country to spend a week or7two with us,when watermelons,—eanta-loupes and “fots of good fruits get ripe.But I am afraid that it would decorated in_green-and-white.be useless to asl:them to.come.now. The bride,a_strikingly.handsome,They would be afraid of Gen,Greet. brunette,wore*a traveling suit of 8nd hot sunshine.dark blué cloth with champagne col-|Corn is doing nicely.Cotton seemsoredhat,gloves:and’shoes,and car-|40,need more sunshine or somethitig.ried an armful of white antirrhinum|..The Sunday schools of Center andwandferns:i Fairview.churches are each preparingJustbeforethevowswere|f Child D Thespoken:appropriate music was softly}1°"vildren’s ay.exercises..T z io for the exercises has not beenrenderedbyMissLucileKimball.dateAftercongratulationsthehappy[“ecided upon.ed acoupleleftforatripto“The Land of}Miss Carrie,Thompson —return Fon reinwice the.Sky’after which they wilt be at |honie last week from a_two-weeks skton and Tthome-in-Bennettsville,S.von |visit to-her brother,Mr.Jim Chomp-}1 Misa Hey—is the-only-daughter of |son,and friends at -Nor th Wilkes _- Mr.and Mrs.J.EF.Colvert and was|Pere.Miss Octa Bolick of Denver fs reared:in “Statesville:whore she has |Spending a -w days.with her aunt,| a host of friends who wish.for her|Mrs.T.J.Christie.©Mr.W. W.{SECOND-HAND CARS—Twa Overland Tour- much happiness in’her ew home.|Mott,who has been at home for some Bae wie Wier es nae TheseDr.Talley is ‘:time,shas gone back to Florida,where ahaha osente : Talley of this county.He was ed- as e 2 cars ure’bargains and will be sold)mishty m seniet Ear iere ft he is building roads.He started the}cheap to quick buyers,..CAROLENA MOTOR phis and from there on #trip West.|ueated at the Ao and My College andj first of last week by auto.Mrs.)00.See Messrs.E.'S.Millsaps and J.S.)eraduated with honors from the State,Mott will not return to Florida for a NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Leonard attended the “Annu al Meet-|U niversity of Ohio.|few weeks.-Mrs.Sam Bolton of Having qualifed as executrix of the estate ing”at the Baptist orphanage at!Qut-of-town ruests’here |Charlotte visited Miss Eva Bell ‘OF fof Edward L.Freeze,deconsed,late of dre. Thomasville Wednesday.Kin route to|wedding were Mesdames LL Mt.Mourne last:wee®.Deive cea Get call Gene bs amass cas sareeThomasville,Tuesday,Mr.——Leonard|dvieh_and KE.R.—Hampton—of——As melt The dredge boat on Davidson creek y qi’\criicd,two the understzned on or before yisited his daughter,Mrs,8S.D.)villé.Mr.ond Mrs.O.G.pees of|is nearing the ford on Dr.Morrisén’s the zith day of dune,1917 of this notice will Bwaim,in Lexington.LBertivo;Wis.Dr.J.&.-Talley of|Plantation—the old Reid place.‘pe ne ded in ee cf ae.oe *“wrsons inde 4 o sald.estaty are °Mrs.A.©.Kallam of Pilot Moun-)Troutman,and Mv.and Mrs,J.C.|All of the sick people of the com-ae Dnt tain,who visited her sister,Mrs.W.|Colvert and Mr. ed to make prompt settlement.Frank Be at of Lin.|munity are getting on nicely,MRS.S.A, qu.Turner,on Davie avenue,left Wed-)|wood.The Dishman and Conner trial CR ine Sut prep vit eed Edward 1, hesday for Winston -Salem,where|joff Saturday in Mooresville.Theq °"¢(i)vt).ON" she will spend a few days with rela-|Miss Charlotte Virginia Kerley and |Conner boys were put under beet tives before going on to-her home.Capt.William Thomas Rowland,the}bond each,the negro women under a LER MILL Mrs.Lelia Bogle,who was the)popular conductor on the Charlotte-er 50 bond,the case to be settled at THE ROL guest of Mrs.G.R.Sloan,has return-|Taylorsville line,were married at the}next court.||at Bradford’s has been repaired ed to her home in Taylorsville.‘home of the bride’s-mother,Mrs.Char-|ypopetagn aoe -if and is ready for business.Patron-Mr,and_MrsgS._S.Tomlin and _lit-lotte Elizabeth Kerléy,in’Charlotte;Marriage of Miss Kerley and ave of the public solicited.WIN- tle son,Stokes,are .at All Healing)Wednesday evening at 8.30.The cer-}Capt.Rowland.TERS &DEAL,Proprietors. Springs for an indefinite stav.|emony was performed by Rev.L.P.)Correspondence.of The Tnenamark.June 30—2t*. Mrs.R.B.Brown and little daugh-|Gwaltney of Stony Point.Immediate-|Taylorsville,June 29—Capt.Thom- ter,Marjorie,and Miss Rachel Car-}tv after their marriage Capt.and!ag Rowland and.Miss Charlotte Vir-nenter of Charlotte,visited Mrs,N.|Mrs.Rowland left for South Carolina winia Kerley of Charlotte were mar-{4x24 Cedar Shingles $1.40 Per SquareW.Garrison this week,going from!to visit relatives at Seneca and oth-yjed Wednesday evening at 8.30 o’cloek|;inGalener|And require one-third as’mucheretoHickoryWednesday.|et noints.lat ae homeof the bride’s mother,Mrs.|SARL abonnieren.tae;i ‘::Of the bride tl har I |sheathing as solid sheathing,TheMissAltieCorpeninggoesto)the bride the Charlotte News''C,BE.Kerley,in the presence of .a/i :: nen eh :Coan dane A nate ee o 8)root costs ebout one-third as muchWavnesvilletomorrowspendsays:“The bride is9 native of Tav-)fey Pelntres nnd)criendsse Rev.le P|ee ajene:oulle nalaulernod corn 1Gawhilc.ae sville,but the family has resided inGwaltney7,pastor of the Baptist chureh |aA a cated $s &7 Miss.-Arleene Gilmer went to-Charlotte-for 20 years,and toa large here-and the bride’s-pastor,perform-|°=st Waynesville yesterday to spend the and admiring cirele of friends Mrs.jed the ceremony.Mrs..Rowland is)a De Be eee of Iresummer,ee is known as a-young womansaodaughter of the late Dr.Thomas’Cae poate tii ee Misses Bride.Alexander,Rebecca of superior ability:of rare beauty of,Kerley of this county and Mrs.Char-|Miller,Grace Shepherd,Ruby Deal character.enltured.canable and en-,lotte Poindexter Kerley,and spent,LIVERY BUSINESS.and Marion Yount spent Tuesday in|dowed with exceptional business as-|her-childhood here.She taught fifth’\Charlotte.Misses Marion Yount and/tuteness and foresight.as well as be-grade in the Taylorsville State Hig,.Cant.Wm,Westinor la po?ae “President Wilson's call to the border,but will Ruby Deal and Mr.Marius Cooper |ings intensely womanly,sweet and School here last yeer and made Many continue his livery busipess«at the same oldwereWinston-Salemi visitors Wed-eharmine.For‘several years she haslfriends.here who will welcome her.7)stand anc ks his friends and customers not nesday.jheen a member of the public shaol Capt.and Mrs.Rowland will visit |"forgmut a a has,teft ia visoes tyoJ.G.War 'preMissVadahJohnsonofFarmingtonfaculty:as general substitute.She!Capt.Rowland’s pene Mrs.Row=|ciate netting nagininy trian dain do:tapshinn is the guest of Miss Rae Gill.‘early and easily won the esteem and land,in Central,S.C.,and relatives!Thanking the public in advane I remain,Vary respectfullladmirationoffacultyandpupils.”‘at otherléatioracultvar8.points in death:-Carolina and)«; Noticesof New ‘Advertisements.|To a large part of the traveling pub-|i this State,returning to his home here,WM.WESTMOREL OLE: *Free‘entertainment of highest qual-‘Vie and to the people ofthis section,|Tuesday,where they will live.Capt? ity—iLeonard Piano’Store.|Capt.Rowland needs no introduction.'Rowland has been’conductor on the Sport clothes for women.—Ramsey-}P or near 25 years he has been a con-|Taylorsville -Charlotte train for Bowles-Morrison Co.ductor hetween Charlotte snd .States-many years and has a widecircle of i r XHAZEL DAWN FOR |RE NT—Six-room‘cottage close in, city improvements,furnished or unfurnisEiG.GATHER,June 27. FOR RENT—Two story realdence close in. Lave lot,moderate conveniences,Rentreusongable,MUNDAY.June 27 houseaheeqping: in,H »care June 27 ot, W..&, NT—Rooms for light sntly Joeated and .ciose The L andmark, FOR SALE—Smith Typewriter,in_first_ciass io _M.SENTMANN “June 2o TO THE YOUNG BUSINESS MAN!POR SADEE—At a bargain,oror will tradsharesDiamont!Furniture Co.stock. OL INA MOTOR CO,June CORN—We are in the market for ShelledCorttntwilpay-highest—market—price, ewth,STATES VILLE YLOUR-MILLS Co. Muy 6, The-Banking-needs-of—Busi-: ness Men are given special-‘at- tention-by this Bank!If carry a Checking Account with collage corner i Apply at LEON- June room streets.~you ALE—Practically new “Ford alive CAROLINA MOTOR CO.dune CI O ee NS ed ee us we are always willing to help you in the development of your YOU ARE ASSUR- ED OF ABSOLUTE SECURI- TY AND THE “OST.COUR- TEOUS SERVICE! es business. wy yp e se = fe r s BR A To ea e a ee e for ris P. FREEZE, breeze, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C.SeenCapital$100,000.Four Per Cent\Paid on Time Deposits.:ate U.S.Depository.ere rth’New Awning Sliipe “i : Skirt Material, Special,25c.....’ to 30 Dozen Silk Hose, ‘All Colors, Special 23c. Pa has responded to If so,see our Jine of CASES and BAGS! at.OLD PRICES! Wardrobe Trunks ........6.00eeeeees Trunks of all sizes ee Suit Cases Fulldine of .Traveling Bags! NEW TAFFETA SILKS! All staple shades,98¢.and $1.25;black,69c.,$1.18 and s81,25au. .NEW_TRUNKS,SUITfry va A big line to ae fromJune27. $6.95 to $18,507$2.50 to $18.00jis; 25c.to $7.50...New lot shirt waists and skirts —jVille and Charlotte and Taylorsville;friends who will wish him~and his J.M.McKee &Co.and is one of the most ponular of rail-:bride happines in their*new relation., Screen doors and°Wwire,—Lazenby-|'02d men.Numerous ‘friends and Mr.Chas,Burgess,,.general.man-Montgomery Hardware Co.—pac quaintances will join The Landmark,ager of a steel plant in St.Louis,is+Special sale men’s straws.—Sher-ji extending congratulations and cor-!visiting his brothers,Messrs.Lec; rill-White Shoe Co.‘dial rood wishes to the genial captain |Rurgess of this place and Daniel and) Groceries for less,—Underprice |and his bride...._.|Norman Burgess and other relativesGroceryCo.Capt.hnd Mrs.Rowland will live in’in the county.:=-Taylorsville .SsDiterve.—Po ROT SVIAE.'Drug Oo.intervention.—Polk Good Seasons Interest Valuable real estate for sale.Religious Work. est.G.Gaither.Correspondence of The Landmark. Watch for Statesville,R-1,June 28 The ment.—Mills people of this community gencraily ,Piano,voice,are enjoying health now,but they are, Southern Couservatory not heving-muefr rest,as the scasons Durham,.::are now good and the grass is grow-, Institution for higher education and ing fast,as well as the erops.Corn i:culture,--Lenoir College,Hiekory.Clavie eaten looking:good,but cotton is very y Sener UG oe ee Hard-nen Une or ones Toa rires atau seysl and many ficlds are without a! are Company.:.sli ;TCGTINE eaceeee for the .son of Mr.and Mrs.8.H.Gs:irs)a Mes Mary.Link-ae Eee 7 tea rison of States wmille,eee UTS,MANY,Linker ss "ty Se eae ee Line heer empiaGed by the fouthern stein Mr,eeazelDawnattheLyrieFilaneatfadandMr,and Mrs.William Winecolf‘Roller Mill at.Bradford's seas ireman of a switeh eng this weekWinters&Desal,propriet res,oe sheville Mk "Mrs.FBSs’4 Seckies WeBesst.material at lowest prices.—C.;This ean operation some time ago,is im- atkins proving:slowly.. Githian Barinm Sprine water deliv-Prayer meeting ered,——-R,V,Brawley Co.Arthurs school house.The attendance Men's suits for elose out sale.—W.is Jarge.We have about 20 persons L.Smith,Bloomfield.,in this community who conduct pray-;_Notice to creditors.—Mrs.S.A:er service at this school house and Freeze,executrix.|Shiloh church together.Six of this Show case for number are yvounr men.There is no- tor Co.thine like giving ourselves to a good.Ww kk :‘rT ave,:routingTwoDeaths—Farm Work.Ve eeuntildeath,for then it is too late. Correspondence of The Houstonville,June having ‘nice weather now for farm work;and the farmers are making, good use of it.Some few have begun’ getting up wheat,’most of which is! not in very good shape,owing to the wet weather during harvest.The* straw of the first cutting is badly;township and the groom is a son of weather-beaten;but I don’t think;Mr.Thos-€.Clampitt of |.Cabarrus| there is any wheat sprouted,‘county. Mrs,Sue Blagmond died June 17.P :| Interment at Sandy Springs ceme-Mrs.M.-L.Simons goes to Moores-:_ville today to attend a birthday din-tery.:omMr.Charlie Harris’baby died this;Ber given by Mrs,Geo.C.Goodman |Statesville Produce Market.morning..Interment will be in Sandy,in honor of her mother,Mrs.Sue Wil-|The Cuiewing a=were paid yesterdny:epee |fone.|for produce on the local market.Springs cemetery:Miss Hal Morrison Spring Friers,18e.per Ib.188 FAS s Old Hens,13c.per IbyG,G.Eggs,I6e.per dozen,Roosters,6c.per Ib. Butter,16¢.Beeswax,Green Hides, Hams,20e. Sides,18c.to 14c.per Ip.:feyShoulders,18¢.to.4c.per Ib.|"New Réd Honey,10e.to 1%1-2c.per Jb. Ssurwood Honey Comb,16 to lke.pe ittMrs.Henry Drake and-children Old Auto Rubber Casing,40 ,Richmond are visiting Mr.W.,are a preceee:Shee:natch. |Parks.|Grain.| Workmen from Gr eanetore are)The -following prices were.paid yesterday WHITE GOODS! AN ELEGANT LINE AT SPECIAL PRICES! length in 40-inch Organdy,20c..and 25c.value. price,while it lasts Gray i -:iShort.ibi Ours 6. 'mosses in.Miss Bertha ‘Wilson and Mr. Garrison were married Wednesday evening at the home of —the-bride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.G.W.Wilson,” o few miles west of town,Rev.G.I. Church officiating.Only relatives and intimate friends witnessed the’cere- mony.Afier a visit te a brother of the bride in Lenoir.the couple will ro they expect to Ern Harry—Ern- ‘Tuesday's —advertise=: &Poston. violin,pipe organ,— of —Music,! ay Tat sian’ ? SOISETTE! A beautiful Wash Material for badies’-Waists and Men’s Sport Shirts,25c.value,special READY -TO -WEAR DEPARTMENT Being added to daily.See our NEW WHITE WASEL SKIRTS at 98ce.;White Corduroy Skirts,‘Special $1.98;Ao“better grade,$2.98——;—————_-—ee: BLACK AND BLUE SILK TAFFETA SKIRTS,$4.O54.SUE ial line of Ladics’‘Waists at Ae 79c.,-98e.,$1.98, $2.48 and $2.98.:ete ston ad ONE LOT LADIES’NEW TRIMMED HATS*wey Justin,AT VERY SPECIAL PRICHKS—98ec.THEY ARB ad WORTH FROM $2.00 TO $3.00!isa AF tov BieJohnston-Belk Co. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. a PIIONE 212.2a ito {mk poreh.—' Company. today.ready.—| of Concord was ine pu ‘'Winecolf,who underwent frem the Satishurv.Post: “The marringe of Miss Lottie Botw- man,daughter of J.LL...Bowman of 1 Cool Spring.Tredell county,and W,| W.Moore of Rowan county,was an-| nounced Sunday when Mr.Moore _called at the home of his bride to take!her_to his -homein Rowan.The counle| Were sceretly married in Statesville last January,and managed to keep their secret until Sunday afternoon, set for the bride to join the| ‘HAZEL DAWNFamousPlavers:Paramouni. is being held at the: sale.—Carolina Mo “The Saleslady” SATURDAY ORRIN JOHNSON in— “D’Artagnan” Also CHARLES MURRAY —in— “Fido’s Fate” ~MONDAY- MARGUERITE SNOW —in— i the time groom it their new home.” Miss Mary Viola Aldridge and Mr.' Herbert Clampitt were married Mon- day in the Pola office at the court house,Rev.Kirk officiat- ing.The bride is a Buehler of Mr,: Adam Th.Aldridge’of Fallstown Landmark.tape 28 —We are Rowel-Complaints in India. In a lecture af one of the Des Moines,Towa, churches a missionary from India told of re- ing into the interior of India,where he wa taken ‘sick,that he had nu bottle of Chamber lain’s |Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Rer ay with him and believed that it saved his(This remedy is used successfully-in India bx 4 ‘as a preventive and cure for cholera,Yormayknowfromthisthatiteanbedypended upon for the milder forms of bowel coffiplaintjanocetrinthiscountry.Obtainable every- where. -MARKET REPORTS. TYUSEANOILSTOVE” Why get hot cooking on a Wood or.Coal ange these long summer days?.When‘you can keep cool,feel good and look pleasant by using ONIs OF OUR OIL STOVES, Fruit canning season is also here.Your -eanning—will _be—an—actual—pleasure—by- moving one of these stoves out on the porch or in the yard in the shade. 1 entertains the club this morning. Barium Items. Correspondence of The Uandmark. Barium,June 29 —A number of| Barium people attended the Chautau-'! qua in Statesville and were delighted with it. Sick People —Church Services;G. and Farm Work. Correspondence of The Landinark. Statesville,R-1,June 28 The| condition of Mrs.Lula Plyler is very| serious.Mr.Jas»White and two | children are real sick at this writing. zs leMary Plyler,who has had scar-| fever,is better.\ Rev,W.R.Ware,presiding elder| of Statesville district,will preach at Di ae per lb. per Ib. of} B .\.°.“Try it once and you will never again ‘can Shiloh next Sunday afternoon at 3.30.| Mr.Edgar Wagner will preach atShilohthesecondSundayinJuly. Everrybody is invited to attend these‘services, The hatvest time is past andfarmersarestillbusy.the| Forethought. People are learning that a little forethoughtoftensavesthemabigexpense.Here is an}instance: E.Archer,Caldwell,©Ohio,writes:‘I do not believe that our family has |been without®Chamberlain's Colic,Choleraand’Diarrhoea Remedy sirice we commenced| keeping house years ago.When we go on an} take,it with us,”Obtain: /sheh |year. putting in Steam heat at the new hos-| pital at the orphanage. Rev. .ed Wednesday after a visit of° days to the eastern part of .the State. Miss Allie May Arey’has)returned to | al from New York city,where |as been in’school for the past| Womble ofWagramMrs.J.C. is visiting her sister,Mrs.W, Sir Roger Qeanon, |Walker. who tried to! lead an Irish rebellion by attemptin to land arms in Ireland fr om GermanTeortearsirOngfor and Mrs,.W.T,Walker return-| ten| tensor |for grain on the-local market: .Wheat $1.20 per bushel. Wheat (new)$1.12 1-2 per bushel, Corn,(new),80c.per bushel.Oats,Bbc.per bushel. 'Statesville.‘Cotton “Market.|On the loeal market yesterday 158c, pound was paid for best grade cotton. “NO PIG IN THE BAG v HEN YOU BUY PROM C.WAT- 'KINS!“Yes,sir,-“Everything ‘to a With,”ready to laod onj, and load up,or free deliveryPHONEN02435°" per in.Wank Drive “The Half Million Bribe” _THE LYRIC THEATRE j BUILDING?G..= fruit in the old way~-stooping over a-hot stove or range in the kitchen. \ Statesville Housefurnishing Cox Better Goods For Lessae: To pa 19h a Lit ieRAR.Se CHA NC Goodrich Company Will Pay Part Salary to Those Called .sienna offering to pay.wages to employes om comes and His will is|called to the colons is the B,F,Good- ,then we shall have the|rich Company of _Akron,O,Their and be able to live‘a)announcement applies to all employes| ei ‘the lecture there was a short/members in good standing in any, seesby the Mikado.orchestra.State military or naval organization| Dr.Forbush gave the last platform are accepted for service.The coms Jecture of’the series Tuesday after-.pany's proposition follows:|tak noon,taking for his subject,“Fire-“After allowance being made for) fight and Children’s Faces.”The lec-payment for service by the -govern-| ‘ture,he told his audience,was inspir-ment,or State,or from _.any_oth d around the widefireplace,military compensation the difference|510 Por the real subject of.the talk was between such sources of income and|VIS “ephe Value ‘of Story Telling.”There’the following: -«telling.Stories win a child’s confi-|contributing regularly to the support)o¢ WILL HELP,THE EMPLOYES|THE —C pointed a committee to serve refr ments from the city’s new cregm, ;80,-1916..1 an institution formed revently ndot June se Tih Sade to Service.ready turning out an se of.uaa mo!rous.corporations|$100,000 per annum,e aLAST.|Among the nume rp dopiyeicr tein “A Sree ye was msTroutman’s,t Barium ngs een o t some 200 children from ihe :shouting,“Death to all the Grin es x Mek a '»sembled.at e:epot “to H ristian life.lof the company formally enrolled as)age there assem aye ‘jate destroyed the furniture and thenllysinceregreetthevisitors,having’been dt wrecked the building.Afterward the fore mob congregated in-the-eentral-plaza |"I}et Your FordsNow!ised.a band concert,and just ao ‘{sae 19th,and who,the train stopped at the orphanage!6 tho mi where ig ; Story Telling—Bijou Singers jat midnight Monday,TOth 'John L.Scott,and David Ovens’had eae "rhe Ceevor tid TRE |taken up a collection.for the children,|prominent Mexicans,it is said,ad- E Hanh farm house withchildren)service,this company wil pay as|Pic jhad visited an orphanage.”vata i Mob Destroyed Consulate, :|The United States consulate at BN~}Porreon,.Mexico,'was demolished*|June 18 by a mob of several thousand al-|civilians,.led by the.mayor of.the irly city and @:Carranza:army band,ac- ACON!cording to American refugees arriv- Hibs ing at Eagle Pass,‘Texas.y At]The mob rushed through’the streets Un goes!”and-upon-reaching the-consu- e Rev.A.A.MeGeachy of Ohare |Grosset this”meeting,jneiting “thelottemadethespeechofprésentation|;tae oo 4Raeapbk|populace against Americans,advis- ‘other |and.the collection of anne faces,ing that all citizens of the.United “his:memory-of—an-—old~-New~source,the direct result of military!attentive to every word,formed@a)sites be run out-of the country,ture that made an indelible impres-|3 { n upon the hearts and minds of the itors,many of whom never before Sell you same grades of Ceiling, pcan ten ee flooring,Siding and Boxing cheaper‘agen number of .reasons for story “To all married and single men)ppyee persons are dead as a result,than he can buy them,BECAUSE!the rioting which accompanied the}—¢he Watkinses bought in.quantities ‘dence,they.often.influence his-moral.of —actual dependents,two-thirds _of holdingof*>presidential~elections"in'|'|,ofore the price advence! Jite:‘There are four elements in ev-their previous average salary or wagenatureandtheyteachhimmoreabout‘their average salary or wage based 0n|panama,Quiet has been restored,|-"(.\WA'TKINS,Statesville,N.C, good’story,and’these should be*earned during the three months pre- Eovembered in selecting stories for ceding their absence.- ‘children.‘They are:a good begin-“To all single or married men not ni lot,.mystery or sus-contributing regularly to ‘the sup-/} ae es ane othe There is port of actual dependents,one-half of| cone other’thing to be remembered in their average salary or wage,| ‘story telling—make the story real to “Thus an employe with dependents your hearers and make them see it whose average wage for three months Ayith your eyes,has been $100 per month and who re- The lecture was followed by a con-.ceives $15 per month from the gov- ert given by the Bijou Singers.Their|ernment,will be granted military ‘programme consisted of folk songs|compensation from this company of and selections from the operas given|$51.66 per month.Payment of mili- fn costume,“pianologues,solos,duets;tary compensation will be paid direct and:quartets.The music was good.|to the dependents designated,or up- ‘The singers had the good sense to In-'on the request of men without de- -iain:|“Bverythipgs to Build With,” FLOWER POTS.:: Loto We have in stock a’large supply of:»9 Flower Pots and Jardinieres.Get our prices. Allison’s Book Store... aWANTED! SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 7ic.per pound,Light,Brass 5c,perpound7 >q YY nNFORSALE: New and second hand machinery'f for sale and all kinds of boiler't room supplies.: |CG.H.TURNER,|}Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. +oe on.-Before beginning his lecture Dr.ploye,the life insurance issued to earson told his audience of his un-him .by this company will remain in successful attempts to secure a suc-full force and effect.; essor !to Dr.Cadman.As he—Dr.'“Discrimination will not.be made in} earson—was the only man in sight,any manner against any employe up- sthey would have to listen to.him,but on his return from military service,| f they ‘did not like his lecture their,and as far as possible arrangements oney would be refunded,provided will be made for each man to return ithey stayed Pifougtont the oe to his former position.” Dr:Peatson gave his new lecture,eee ‘Who is Great?”He stated that there MATTERS OF NEWS. re different standards of greatness.|‘All persons do not apply the same William R.Wilcox of New York. tandard.In looking over a United former postmaster of that city,will tates history he divided the persons he chairman of the national Repub- eee in,the book into three.jjcan committee. ~ tersperse with the classical some|pendents,will be held in trust by the |: numbers that those uneducated in’company until the return of the em-;EY_ee -- ‘musie could comprehend;and even in ploye.;'| -the classical numbers there was a lilt “The period of absence on military |cn o ees swing to the music that appeal-duty will not be considered a breach | ed to iall..The“concert by the Bijou in Sound of service as ee us a ]rema ure winge joyed,.They gave a our life insurance or pension regula-| Sonn coat in ie chile,pre-tions,but such time of absence will|Z .e ieeding Dr.Pearson’s lecture._be included in the company service ———————7 Ee if Dr..Pearson.record of each employe the same as .s F F }Tuesday evening Dr.Raynal intro-if he had not engaged in military ser-It now appears that our announcement with regard to our Sheet ihiuced the speaker,Dr.Paul M.Pear-|vice.During such absence of an em-Musie Department was just a’Bit premature.Delay on the part of the music publishing house tn making shipment is the cause, But the music and our PERFECT SHEET MUSIC DEMONSTRA- TION OUTEHE is coming;so don't ¥et impatient.~Some oné ‘has said that all things come’to’him who waits.We appreciate the interest shown by our sheet.music customers in our efforts to im- prove this department of our buginess,and they are not to be dis- appointed.Meanwhile,drop in*for a PLAYER-PIANO or PHO- NOGRAPH demonstration.It’s frec entertainment of the higsh- est quality.You might not now be interested,but after you've heard ’em you will be.am LEONARD PIANO STORE,STATESVILLE,N.C. Morrison Building,West.Broad Street.)Telephone 322. \‘esidents || roups.There were 31 Presidents Safe departure of nearly 1,400 ;pand Sener ar eycoldionseb oH Americans from Mexico was reported 74 Tei anmienmece:group ;.to the Navy Department yesterday, “which ineluded Vice Presidents and i ;A LA yusand are en route from Tam-jassassins.Have we in America no'thousand ¢ ment reported Wednesday by Admiral Caperton between United States marines and Santo-Domingo rebels.The rebel losses were not! vided into those three classes?I con- Keratulate Statesville upon having a ‘monument erected to the memory of.a Bpreacher,oe :ére are in the Hall of Fame 56;§!Ven. _names,There are six Presidents and Memorial exercises for Yuan Shi i five soldiers and sailors.Who are the Kai,the late President of the Chi others?There are two rich men,nese republic,were held in Washing- ale actress,one painter,four states-ton Monday.President Wilson,many ;men,.four jurists,five teachers,eight;members of his cabinet and most of |tients and inventors,five preach-'the diplomatic corps were present. ‘ets and 14.writers,These men are The exercises were.arranged by Dr.|there because of service they have Wellington Koo,the Chinese minis- rendered to their feiiowmen.The.ter,as a part of.memorial.services tnames of two rich men are.written held throughout the world where Chi-| |there because of their character,be-na has diplomatic representatives,si-| cause of the better opportunities they multaneously with the funeral!in Pe-!| ‘‘gave to their fellowmen,and not be-.king. 'chuse of their wealth.Happy the com-.=-|{munity that has for its rich men—Austria Must Apologize and |;{men both rich and patriotic.But not.Make Reparation.hi Gi men_are rich.We all have to! j Work.Who is great’in the business ;:;‘world?The man who helps his fel-regarding the Austrian submarine The American rejoinder to Austria ' ’ ____.ing.for them.Who is great in spirit-.p4;tment paar a |aan re ec eeualaftairs?oa ail che bce partment,-deseribes-the act as a “de j }qwmen:who,instead of workjng for attack on the’American steamer Pe-_ -“his own gain,lessens the cost’of liv-|trolite,made public by the State De-|7.>cK ee &ompan y ® «{ Another express shiment today.Every week something new to show you..We are running for special sale the best $1.00 Waists and Skirts we have ever shown.| Lot Fancy’Parasols in Ladies’and Children’s.‘Closing out very cheap. One lot 81-2¢.to 10c.quality Flowered Lawns and Voils at 61-2 cents the yard for quick selling. Respectfully Hy b eter thanche works for Gn acomplish liberate insult to the flag of the Unit-| more than he plans.“It is not wick--ed States and an invasion of the! sed people who do most harm in this!rights of American citizens.”and re-, erat eee |quests a Deorpe apology,punishment @ fo more certain test of a man’s great.of the submarine commander,and thess than his.motive.If you wish to!Payment of indemnity,iSnfluencepowerfullysnyman’s life,|In vigorous language the communi-! éyou must.work with his motive.A cation,sent a week ago,makes it | Qeure measure of a men’s.spiritual clear that the United States govern-{g watatureis to see him at his work.[Ment believes the facts of the ease @ Mike to see a man at work,with a cntirely different from that which the ‘heavy load.If he has spirit enough he Austrian submarine commander re- tawill take it to the’top of the hill.Ev-ported them to be and that immediate Very preat man is capable of more amends are expected.; rwork each year because he masters ,5 us |histmachine more thoroughly,I like Mexicans Looting—Shipments § «to sce the President at work on the Detained. “Hob,and although I didn’t vote for“him,I’m mighty glad he’s on the job. +A.great man is he who,in the midst Mof the crowd,can live as though he#pvere in solitude.‘instead of.follow- ifing the crowd.Most of us would be ygniles further along the road to great-Hess,but we are afraid of beingydaughedat.Last summer I found out cocsories and clothing v:«Best eritleman is ‘That to grat 1 geqores and clothingvaluednt $100 “have been trying to discover for 60 Charles T.Hardy,United States col-)-— { Mexican soliders Wednesday looted.§ numerous business concernsand homes in Nogales,Sonors,Mex8co.among § other things a shipment of silver bul- lion valued at $25,000 being taken from the officers of the Wells Fargo Com-§ pany.1 An attempt to ship automobile ac--@ EVE EY CEES Eke seek osT=|_FOR SALE![=| 114 acres,8 miles east of Moorasville;45 acres in cultivation,bal- ance in woodland;5-room cottage,tenant house,barn and out- buildings,3 branches.Well sufted-for trucking and dairy farm, Will take part of purehase pric@ in cotton mill stock. 102 acres,7 1-2 miles from Statesville,good neighborhood,ncarschoolsandchurches,with 2-story;6-room dwelling,Jarge stock barn and out-buildings,goed.orchard,two branches running: through place,60 acres in cultivation,generally level,balance in woodland enclosed in pasture, 155 aeres,exceptionally fine redeland,level and productive,40 acres in cultivation,15 in botton§,balance in woodland,6 1-2 miles from Statesville;6-room dwelling,tenant house,barn and out: buildings.Will exchange for snmrall.farm,or take part of pur- chase price in bank or cotton milL stock. T-room,modern dwelling,ccutrally Jocated,with 6 acres of land in Stony Point,N.C.ye , D-room cottage,with one acre let in Harmony,N.C.ERNEST 6.GAITHER,Gian Rear Nsrage,AlePHONE23.-OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. gaan aener 1 “wears.A gentleman knows the dif-fone ee oe fas SonnReerencetetweeravonbonspoonandMyofcurmsAtNogales,Aviano,apn aa bole heats great ment.However,tons of foodstuff: rman must do what every ody SAYS were hauled.from local warehouses tosran't be done or must not be done.freight cars in the &lexic:yardsyyWearenotgreatbecausewehaven’t gach rane first being.ae Hae , the courage.We are.too lazy.There jimuniti :a aaaseetwokindsoflaziness—the kind *me ——that—is_tootlazy_to-start-anything-and——p.—ta pene Ciamin Pf ‘4he kind that is too lazv to atch at Dr.Johnson’s Summer Home.. he right time when he gets anything Charity and Children. ystarted.One is as bad as the other.The editor of this paper is still ie There is one other thing a great afoot,being unable to.command the man must have.That is cheerful-price of a Ford,but he has a summerFeeCheerfulnessis,not often a home-—a regular palace costing some- easure of spiritual stature,but it where in the neighborhood of $150.ItH#should'be,It is easier to-sacrifice was built by Mr.Jack MeGirt andhantobecheerful.It is hetter to consequently bears the name “the airy ten times and fail nine than nev-House that Jack Built.”“It is within }; r to try.i:Develooment comes only ‘hailing distance of the old home of *hrough effort.Cheerfulness is no John Charles MeNeill.The nearest ‘more inherited than honesty.What mountain if 200 miles away.The iijoy,what comnensation,has the country is about the shape of a cheerful man?He is tired but theer-smoothing iron and the people are tful—cheerful to the end of his life be-plain and honest Scotchmen..But it scause he stands where hope springs has Ridgecrest,|Asheville,‘Black eternal.Mountain and the seashore outclAsseilDr.Pearson interspersed his talk a mile and a half! with manv familiar poems,which he recited with fine:effect to illustrate We'll have Chautauqua again. A Big Clearance Sale_of Millinery. All Trimmed Hats are-on-sale at a sacrifice. $5.00 Hats --$1.983.00 “=1.492008ee98 Children’s Trimmed Hats and a lot of fine :Ribbons very much reduced:A new lot of beautiful WhiteHatsandNoveltyTrimmingsjustreceived. Come,get your share of ‘the bargains while they: are going.™Vary respectfully b’ aved a mt o«fyietin + | t|} Mrs.J..M..McKee. ei iid ie Law}.v ceil tes | ~G.Watkins Can Today Kgreat men except Presidents,soldiers|pico to.Galveston,_~TS e.tai e ie come and sailors?Is it right to teach our!One American soldier was killed.4 |a .@ boys and girls that great men are di-and another wounded in an ae Se ,n lt S == ear a i “ANDREWS MUSIC STORE Most of the sever‘ear loads of Fords that we told you.about are here and being unload- ed.CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVER: IES FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS!Now” is the timeto.get your lord,--~Carolina Motor Co., “STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AN D NEWTON. e . ne e sa Re l ss a n e c e s KODAK |- The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System havo | put amateur photography within reach of every map,woman and child at small cost.KODAKS $6,upward;BROWNIES §1 to $12.Kodak °; supplies of all kinds in the genuine Kastman quality.; H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re-| tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909. PHONES:Office 294 FEO.TI.MYERS, PHONES:Residence 423.~~Vice Pres.and Manager. —PACKA Harmony is the very soul of music,the blending of tones, perfect balance of major and minor—all the elements in true accord. ‘T¢there is no harmony in the factory,there will be none in-the piano.” A great artist once seid of the Packard: “That instrument was built—AND COULD OQNLY HAVE BEEN BUILT!—by men who love their work, who-find content in their laber,and who believe,heart and soul,in the worthiness of their product.” LET US SHOW YOU A PACKARD! All instruments sold for cash or on terms, Liberal allowanee for old instruments. EaHi | Phone 304.105 East Broad Street. TCT Want i “'*% cam wae PHT ALOR, as ae g J fiftitor LT ae i as { We Have In Our Window A:Nice Four-Piece Suit, 1 Combination Library Table,27 x 45;1 Four-foot— Settee,1 Large’Arm Chair,1 Large Arm Rocker, Fumed oak finish,and genuine leather seats.Call, and let:us show you where we can save you Money. Williams Furniture House Inc. SITE NaN ONTO eal)CS eT 19a) OOTP a mote 'REPAIR WORK.| Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed.Re RAMENTEY,|+oweler ehis points.‘.More than 150 have signed as guar:oe pantorg and ya contract has been sign-RO aX Wsbddation Anas pl Diddkiend Swarthmore cofuatke feyjessionatWright&ville this week.ab hidiiend swarthmore country ‘f ,MATTIE CEN bean |eatirs eerreivadiertc nirrronee TF BOUL,Yat WMorPTS ib STAG OY-Ts AMG RAMEE WALA PAAMOMAD ABT |S nNSTire teenFEELBILIOUS?CALO re peta meen _SICKENS! Don’fi Love:a Day’s Work!If Constipated,Sluggish,‘Fiagachy,Takea Spoonful of ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone”’ “¢Listen to me!take no more:sick- ‘valet Salivating calomel when bil- Jous.or constipated.Don't lose a day'swork! ,Calomel.ig,mercury.or quicksilverwhich,causes necrosis of ‘the bones._Galomel,when it comes into contact“with-sour bile,crashes_into-it,-break-jing it up.that awful nausea and crimping.If.you.are sluggish and “all knockedout,”if your liver is torpid and bow.|head-|els “constipated,or-you--haveache,dizziness,coated tongue,ifbreathis.bad or stomach sour,justtakeaspoonfulofharmless—Dod-son's’Liver ‘Tone.*)Heve's my guarantee —.Go to anyMrugstore-and get a 50-cent.-bottleof.Dodson's .Liver Tone.Take a “This is when”you”fect! spoonful tonight and if it doesn’tstraightenyourightupandmakeyou-feel-fine-and vigorous by morn-ing;T want you to go back to the store and get your money.Dodson'sLiver‘fone is destroying the sale:ofcalomelbecauseitisrealliver,medi-cine;entircly vegetable,therefore it cannot--salivate or-make~you-sick.T guarantec that one spoonful ofDodson’s Liver ‘Tone will put yoursluggishlivertoworkand.cleanyourbowelsofthatsour.bile.andconstipated-waste--which “is clogging your system and making you feel) miserable,I guarantee that a_bot-tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep} your.entire’family feeling.fine.formonths,Give it to your children. [¢.-is-harmless;-doesn’t-gripeand:they 1 Banumber the JuneBrides like its pleasant taste, GIFTS SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS OR BRIDAL SHOWERS. —————ffNY Cut Glass,Hand-Painted China,Sterling Silver, Parisian Ivory,Perfumes and Toilet Articles. »SFORE OF QUALITY Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. * SETIILATTIITITIBTSSTTIVIIFISIII39 HOSOOS: STITT OODMONEYISPOWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IIT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! -SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- All Deposits made on or before April 5th will st at the rate of 4 per cent. ment, draw interest from April 1 compounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest H|Department.H |against him that he had mishandled .from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,cither large or small,cordially invite We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWNO..L.TURNER President. Cashier. sizes and makes. Vuleanizing at itsguarantecd.: “COURT :AUTOMOBILE “TIRE REPAIRING.— SAVE MONEY.SAVE TROUBLE AND WORRY, by having your tires in good shape. PUNCTURES,BLOW-OUTS,RIM CUTS. Every curable ailment of your tires andinnertubessuccessfullytreated.All Iredell Vulcanizing Company, STREET,OPPOSITE:COURT HOUSE. best,and.all work of Practice Economy This Year! 1“Old Beck Sweet Feed. 1 Little Ned Sweet Feed. |Manma-RiceChickFeed.— |Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. |Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,worthless by-products,but oe:lected feed scien-tifically blendedforresults.Madefbyahousewithareputationfor Se integrity. C.¥.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. ’Phone 125 Black. ,|THE LANDMARKCLEANLIVERANDBOWELSMYWAY|==—=aFRIDAY,June80,1916. Items of Interest Gathered From Over the State.; Citizens of Goldsboro:raised about$15,000 for aid of neédy dependentsofmembersofthetwomilitarycom:panies of that city; ’Mrs.Mary H.Beall,widow of the late:Dr,Robert I,,Beall,died thisweekatherhomeinLenoir.Ason and four daughters.surv:ve, The companies of the SecondRegi- meus of the State Guard are now inCampatMoreheadandthe©Third regiment will arrive this “week. Miss’Frances Julian,daughter i the late John M.Julian,and Rev.Ce- cil C,Hine of Lancaster,.Pa.,were inavrigd in-.St.John’s Lutheran church,Salisbury,Wednesday _eve- ning.>, Josiah Elliott,assistant ‘postmaster at Edenton,has.been removed fromoffice,it is stated at:thé”Postoffice The charge was made |funds. |‘fhe Anson county Sanatorium.will ‘be formally.opened ‘at Wadesboro |\July 4th.Prominent surgeons from ‘different parts of the State will per- ‘form operations and will discuss topics related thereto. The Western North Carolina Ep- worth League Conference,in session ‘at Greensboro this week,re-elected the president,secretary and treasur- ‘er and selected Asheville as the next |place of meeting. |Mr.W.L.Hendrix of Redland,Da- ,vie county,died last Friday,in a ‘hospital in Winston-Salem,following jan operation for appendicitis.Was 40‘yéars old and is survived by his wife {and four children. |Gov.Craig has appointed Miss May |Jones,who has been stenographer in ‘the Governor’s office,private secreta- ‘ry.to succeed Jno.P.Kerr,deceased. J.J.Mackay,Jr.,executive clerk in the Governor’s office,is made execu-' tive secretary. Evidence in the Adams -Westfeldt| case.which is commonly called the |“Million -Dollar Copper Case,” |started in Haywood county Superior {Court June5,was concluded Tuesday. (It was expected that the case would|reach the jury yesterday. 'Monroe Journal:A little bantam hen of Mr.George .McClellan’s has} _hatched seven partridges...Mr.»Will ;Funderburk secured the eggs for Mr.McClellan,and they are both watzh- ing the experiment with interest.Mr. ‘McClellan intends keeping the birds! with him as long as possible. |H.L.Alston,E.W.Pearson,'scoh B.Campbell and John D.Miller, colored citizens of Asheville,have written Governor Craig offering their services to their country -in case ©of, war with Mexico.Pearson has serv- ved in the regular army,in the Ninth, ‘eavalry..These men would raise com-:lSanies of colored troops. In Charlotte H.B,Lockwood asked Baron Jeter to'crank his-ear-for him. _Obligingly,Jeter attempted the job. ;The crank was cranky and kicked Je-, ;ter,breaking his arm.Now _Lock- ;wook is defendant in Superior Court and Jeter plaintiff.The latter asks $1,500 1or that broken arm and such other and further relief as the courts |may grant.NNN ‘Report of the Teenie Or- phanage. At the annual meeting of the board of trustees of the Thomasville or- |phan age (Baptist),held this week,re- ‘ports showed that 500 childrePn are ‘now being cared for at ThorasvillelandtheKénnedyHomeinLenoir county.Sixtyfive were received dur- ‘ine the year and the average was ,491,, Seven thousand.thre hundred and forty doHars-in-—bequests have beer; made to the institution during ,vear,very little of which is availa- ible at.present. report says that $54,822.77 has come into the treasury during the year for ‘what is known as the current fund—,; that .is.the fund for maintenance. This is considerably more than has Lever before been reported,From oth-|er sources and for.other purposes, |$49,504.29 is reported,making a |grand total of money passing through the treagurer’s hand for the year,of $104,327.06.|Charity and Children,the orphan-| gee paner,has had a record-breaking|vear.The total income of the paner ;for the year was $17,589.02 and the |expenses were $11,889.37.“leaving a inet vrofit of $5,699.65,which goes in- to the treasury to help support the institution._The farm shows a_net profit of $476.28,while the dairy busi- ness was $3,467.97 to the good.The Kennedv Home farm shows a profit of $997.25, The cost per capita of maintaining, in these times of high prices is not a)bad showing. Davie School Fund in Court. |Mocksville Record. In the case of the county board of education against the county commis-sioners,the court,appointed Hon.W.' D.Turner of Statesville as referee to JS "HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,©. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.| -I.ambing and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES FURNISHED. <0HE LANDMARK’S ADVER TISERS ‘ARE UP-TO-DATE_ ascertain-some—additionat faets—be—fore the court passed on thecase.Mr. Turner heard evidence June ist a:nd, found-there-was a deficit of $898.26,but claimed that this deficit was caused\by.thé additional expenses neces- sarily incurred while.running the, vided by the State.The board of’ed-ucation has filed an exception show-ing that this deficit.necessarily —be- term.The case now goes back to the Supreme Court for final decision.| The board of education on the_first: Monday in July will pay out all the) funds on hand to the teachers.The teachers will get probably two-thirds! of the amount due them for the two! weeks.ID 1 To the Public. “Y have heen using Chamberlain’s ‘Pablets it affords me pleasure to say I have never used «remedy that-did me ao much good.” Mra.C,Ey Riley,TIilion,N.Y. Chamber- Jain’s Tablets aré obtainable everywhere. NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM of! 2)troop was “finally eut©to~Pieces: JO~, the: The treasurer in his! net | the-children-iis-$9-09-per-month,which 4+— {\| | school the extra month on funds pro-| longs to,the funds for a four months’, for indigestion for the past six months,and| Negro Trooperspers Faced Death!With Songs on,Their LipsHeroismatCarrizal. The negro troopers faced certain death at Carrizal with smiles on their lips and.then’burst into song.once or twice,-astheirgrimfightagainst odds. was the story told by Capt.Morey,when he arrived at field head- quarters, “Vor 45 minutes the men fought,joking among —-themselves—allwhileevenwhentheyrealizedhadbeentrapped’and ©had ‘little chance of getting outalive,”he said. This the valor displayed by Capt.Boydinleadingahandfulofdismounted skirmishers through the machine gun fire and into the ambush of.death. He added that it was not until theammunitionwasexhaustedthatthe He told ofthe heroic death of —Licut. an_ittempt—to—replenish._it,..Lieuten- ant Adair died fighting,his last wordsbein“govon,sergeant!”to a non- commissioned:offider at his side,Capt. Morey said,The two were on their Way to the‘pack animals carrying theAmmunition,when they were inter- eepted near a small irrigatioii ditch by a detail of the Mexicans. Lieutenant ‘Adair’already had been wounded and had lost his‘nistol in the previous fighting,but he had bor- rowed another and was fightinghand-to-hand battle when he w killed, slid toward the ditch,which deeply filled with water. the| long | leave| above the water,until he died, wounded officer —reviving only enough to whisner orders to him and finish the mission. Many From North Carolina. When the military company Danville,Va.,left for mobilization camp investigation showed that 30 of| ihe 160 members were from North | |Carolina.Greensboro,Charlotte,! |Gastonia,Winston -Salem and many | pines points ‘were resresented.From this Smith of Hiddenite,W.Miller Poems A.A.Bentley of Lenoir, TSG ampbell of MOTEStLOns ~~"Po Close»July 4Ath. |The following named merchants and| business men have agreed to close; ‘their places of business during the en.| ‘tire day of July 4th:|Statesville Grocery Co.,J.K.Mor- rison Grocery &Produce Co. Bal- |lance-Sullivan Co.,Wallace Bros.Co,, Crawford-Bunch Furmture Co., Dy- ‘sard Electrie Co.,Gillespie Pressing; ‘Club,Underprice Grecery Co., MeLsin Supply Co., ‘Kimball, ‘Co,J.M.McKee &Co., Montgomery Hardware.Co., I’.B.Phifer, Sherrill SANG AS THEY FOUGHT:|. |Ba R.P.Allison,Grady Printins:| Lazenby-| } 1 they fought. He fell unconscious and was!caught by the negro sergeant as he!= geant held Adair-in his arms,his face| of| section of the State were R.P.| of}! { { | || Milter:| D.J.4\ almost|= Capt.Morey —paid high tribute to!= Henry R.Adair of Portland,Ore,,in’; In times like these everybody is wonder-irig whatis going to happen with ourMexican#rethren,the Germans andthe Allies. It will be well to think about home andhomeaffairs,and to'see if these forts we live in are sufficiently built for our com-' mon enemy,the house fly.These little soldiers never rest. 7 We still have a good stock.of screen doors and screen wire.If you are notalreadyfortifiedagainsttheselittleblack boys,it behooves you to get busy.The season for typhoid feveris here.«Fami- lies who live.in unscreened houses.are in much more danger of typhoid fever than those who live behind screens.It c6sts a very small sum to screen a house.Let us figure with you. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co, CTE Cae &Reece,Sherrill-White Shoe Co,N.| ‘Harrison,Henkel-Craiz Live Stock 'Co.,Robert’.Bunch |Cash |Home Electrie Co,R.I.Henry, M &If.Shoe Co,,MeLellan Stores, Thar iW.IE.Munday,Statesville H.B.Woodward,fT uller’s Store,H. (C.Gaither.Eagle &Milholland,Har-ness,Vehicle &Supply Co.,Barren & Conner Marble Worxs.Iredell Store,T.N.Brown,Leonard Piane Store,Mills &Poston,Andrews Musie “House,M.P.Alexander &Bto..Jchn- ston-Belk Co.,J.E.Sloop,Smithey & Tin Co., '{Grocery,| 5. pe &Co.,Statesville Printing Co..| leed| \Fraley,S.W.Stimson,Sloan Clothing| Ca.,R.H.Rickert &Son, Bowles-Morrison Co.,Williams niture House,Mrs.Mary Sims, ‘Chants &Farners’Bank, Nationa]Bank,Peoples’Lo wnn&S ings Bank,First National 'Statesville Iousefurnishings Statesville Stezm Laundry. Thé drue stores willclose during the: afternoon —ball Sa 4 to G6} e’cleek—-——-_ The:teeta shops wilt aioe:st noon forthe remainder of the day.—nad. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.’’ Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,“Doors,—Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,’Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.Nest Planters’Wh.Statesville. The Bride’s Iur- Mer- Sav- Bank. Bouquet! June is the Month of Wed- dings;and we are ina po- sition to furnish the -very best in Wedding Flowers. Our special booklet,‘‘The Bride’s Bouquet,”tells you |something of them.We are always glad,‘too,to offer suggestions,if you do not find in the booklet just what you want. )‘ {Van Lindley (o., ‘|’GREENSBORO,&.©. |Polk Gray Drug Co., Lecal Agents v Ramsey-. eels ae Go.,| The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!= As a great‘many policyholders do not seem to Enc that =< their insurance will be void under certain conditions numed in thes io contract of the policy which they buy.We deem it advisable to- mention some of tnecauses under which the’same will be rendered),,5valueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply ‘to.bee. your agent for permit. 2-—Mechanics making additions to,or.extraordinary ulieres : tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. 38—Pyoperty upon which there is a mortgage unless notice.of same is given—apply to your agent. 4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in’proper-ty insured other than by death. 6--Assignment or transfer of property to another: 6--By any increase in the hazard,notice must be-given: ‘4 7--The taking of other insurance without notice,} 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without.permit other 5 ; thankerosene oil. 9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.* Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed’contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents:to know of these de- ficiencies-unless notified.Call-on_us-for_any INSURANCE,infor-ae: mation,“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURARLE.” 5.Parkes Cadmanis coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua! J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ’PLHIONE 54 STATES VILLE,S o.* Dainty Tea <7 Ice Tea is always good and refreshing,but the. dainty etehed-GLASSES:we are-now showing - make it taste just a little better.Prices.from oe set dnd up.Better see them. R..H.RICKERT™&SON, :JEWELERS. ‘dl abe LQ ri DO T A O DI O R AO L OR O A A O R A AR A O A O L A O D ‘SEE OUR LINE 7 tint =< KOOL CLOTH —&— >}PALM BEACH SUITS,| PANAMA HATs, SHIRTS,etc, Before buying. Yours to Serve, We are still selling.«our popular makes of Buggies,Surreys,Wagons and Harness at old prices. Weare also handling a line of Farmers’ Hardware and Implements. Our leaderin implementsis the B.F.Avery &Sons—the oldest and best on earth. Johnston’s movers and Rakes,v Po e re r e s e o c e s s s e r e s o s e s e phd i (yogdione,, cement Company E (Iredell Blues),First North Carolina Regiment. f HE LANDMARK mune 30,191 6. CAPT.Rac:CARLTON DEAD. posing the second regiment of caval- rv.afterwards styled the Nineteenth ‘criment,and Andrews’company 728 made Company B.After.the --eiment was organized the first de-‘ail for guard duty was made and Orderly Sergeant P.C.Carlton was -made officer of the day,and this when there were 35 field officers in camp— the first and only instance in the ear- ly sixties when an orderly sergeantwasmadeofficeroftheday. After remaining in camp several months horses were purchased by members of the different companies. The first battalion—Companies B and H—were ordered to Washington,N.‘G.,and the other ‘companies to New Berne.The first battalion remained in Washington till after the battle of New Berne,when it rejoined the reg- iment atKinston and performed pick- et and scouting services and was in several skirmishes between New Berne and Kinston till next winter, when it was ordered to Virginia. In February,1863,Carlton was appointed second lieutenant of Com- pany A,Seventh Regiment;in May after the battle of Chancellorsville first lieutenant and in July.after the’ battle of Gettysburg.captain.He was | severely wounded three times,Part of the Seventh iments were sent to Randolph county in February,1865,and were on dutytheretilljustbeforetheretreatfrom | Petersburg and this portion of the ar- mv of Northern Virginia were the oly ones net surrendered at Appo- mattox,Va.|May 15,1867,Cant.Carlton was) married to Mary J.Boger, of Matthias Boger,in She died November,1907. Capt.Carlton had lived in States- ville-leonger-than-anybody now heres For years he had been the solitary representative of those who lived in Statesville when he came to the town in 1841.He was a merchant’in Statesville for years after the war and was at different times in otherhnsiness,For a long time and up to his last illness he was engaged in the insurance business. daughter Statesville. Two Sent to Jail--C ce Case in Court. Bob Moore,a white)man wanted here to answer charges of abandon +¢ ment and non-support,was arrested in Winston-Salem Tuesday and was brought to Statesville jail Tuesday night by Sheriff Deaton and Deputy Gilbert,who went after him by auto- mobile.A true bill was found agains} Moore by an Lredell grand jury more than a year ago and he was arrested| on a capias.His wife,whom heis | charged with abandoning about two years ago,is a resident of Bloomfield! and is reported to be in’bad health and destitute circumstances. Donald—Moyer,—cotored,—was-com=*+ mited to jail Wednesday by Justice Lazenby.in default of $25 bond,to! await trial in Superior Court for an assault with a deadly weapon.Moyer and Henry Alexander,another.ne- gro,had some trouble Tuesday after- noon,and according to the evidence Mover struck Alexander on the shin with a rock,inflicting a painfulwound, Justice Lazenby awards Mr.E.G." Gaither $100 in a civil action against Mrs.Judith Douglas.formerly .of Statesville,now of Richmond.Va. Mr,Gaither had some of Mrs.Doug-Jas’real estate in hands for sale, Mrs.Douglas sold the property Mr. R.A.Cooper and \Mr.Gaither de-| manded ‘his commission of $200,al- leging that Mr.Cooper was his cus- tomer,The court awards him half. Revival Services at First Bap-tist—Church News.- Revival services at the First Baptist church begin Sunday.-Dr.I.M.Mer- cer of Thomasville,the evangelist, will probably reach here Monday. There will be two services daily—at| 8 a.m.and 8 p,m,The public is in-|vited and urged to come out and join|with us in this work.COM,»Sermon-and “holy communion —atTrinityEpiscopalchurchSundayat11.Archdeacon Hardin will conduct the service, clear, clear‘ and Forty-eighth reg-|« ;Surance |biles, |other i with the extra money rot |day. Miss Goldie Day’s For Herbert Moore. In The Landmark of May 9 it was stated that ‘Irby Moore,”wanted in Surry county on a charge of larceny and default of bond,had been arrest- ed in Bloomfield and returned to Sur- ry.It was further stated that “in Moore’s belt were found three hack saws which it is alleged he stole in Bloomfield.‘The Iredell officers willprobablywant)him later on |this charge and for assaulting Miss Gol- die Day,of the Bloomfield section.” Miss Goldie Day called at The Landmark office Tuesday to say that Moore—whose name,she says,is Herbert,not Irby—did not assault her and that the hack saws were giv- en him by another individual she named;and she wanted Herbert to have the benefit of this statement. Why Miss Goldie didn’t ask for a correction earlier wasn’t exactly but her statement is given now for whatever it may be worth.Miss Goldie let it be known that she felt a friendly interest in “derb.”as she called him.He is still in jail at Dob- son,she says,but he is going to give bend;and she evidently wants to ‘Herb.’s”path of the assault: and hack saw charge against the day| when he gains his liberty. Soldiers Didn't Buy Policies. The Wilmington Dispatch comforts the Guardsmen.It reminds-them they won't be pestered for some time by life insurance agents.’’-—Greénsboro News as It possible to extract comfort from almost any situation,but not even the soldiers can escape the in- men.A Statesville insurance man thought’he had-~struck it rich when he got an accident policy for soldiers.He had visions of automo- a cottage at Blowing Rock and things he was going to enjoy “Accident is out of the commissions.from.accident. policies he would sell tothe soldiers. Then he hastened to the armory of the local company to.supply them with the long-felt want. Did they buy?“Nary a one.”For some reason the men going soldiering: from hereabouts didn’t faney accident 4 policies. ing to And the agent Who was go- buy automobiles and things “he made from ithe sale,has decided that the price of gasoline is too high to own a machine and that he doesn’t eare to go to Blowing Rock for the summer. Card From C‘apt..Westmoreland.' To the Editor of The Landmark: Capt.W.M.Westmoreland wishes to thank the good people of States- ville and Iredell county for their kind and penerous courtesies to him and his company while:preparing to an- swer the call to arms,Every man of Company E responded promptly to orders and almost every one is eager to serve wherever he is placed.Al- though the present enlistment does require any of them to cross the border.-t-am-assured-that-every “man is willing to go wherever his country needs him.We have not had our ex- amination but are expecting to get that work completed tomorrow.—It vis true that all of us will not be able to meet the requirements of the ex- ‘amination,but when we have gone to mobilization camp and then been re- fused we feel that each man bas done his duty.\ Again thanking our\filendé,T re-|main,Yours very truly.W.M.WESTMORELAND, Capt.Co.FE,1st Infantry. Camp Glenn,June 27.:oa Colored Man Hurt. Costin Murdock.a,colored rgsident of Chambe rsburg township,wag ipain- fully injured in Statesville Wednes- He was delivering a load of hay to the Statesville Steam Laundry when in some manner he was caught between the hay frame of his wagonandabuilding.His left side andrightshoulderwereseverelybruised, the skin being broken.After liberat-ine himself he made his ‘way to theofficeofDr.J.E,-McLaughlin,who dressed his wounds. An appropriation..of a national reunion ofConfederateveterans at Vicksburg,Miss.,in 1917 was ineiuded in thesundrycivilappropriationbill,which | $1 50,000 for Federal and |has passed Congress, Accident. Mr.F.E.Bradley of Statesvillewasinjured‘in an automobile.acci-dent in South Carolina Monday,Mr, Bradley,who is a traveling salesman,was a passenger in a car which isoperatedforhirebetweenCherawand Fl Bennettsville.The car was “ditched” while running at a good speed and Mr,Bradley was thrown clear of -the car and landed in the ditch some feet away.His back was severely wrench- ed and he also suffered slight bruis- es.He came home Tuesday to re- main until he recovers from the ef- fects of his injuries.The other occu- pants of the car were not thrown out, and escaped injury.Sanne ||The Senate has agreed to the con, ,ference report on the good roads bill| appropriating $85,000,000 during thenextfiveyearsforco-operation with the’States in road building. THERE IS NO SECRET. About it,because those who kHOw | will tell you that you can buy Doors, Windows,Columns,Mantels,Stair- ways and Mouldings from C.WATKINS cheaper than anybody, Statement,Mr.Bradley Hurt in Automobile NOTICE OF ACTION IN SUPE RIORCOURT.on North Carolina,Iredell County. In Superior Court. L.G.Campbell,Thomas E.Campbell et als.;-vs.Wil- lie Campbell et als.NOTICE-Daniel G. Campbell,Oscar Byerly,iliis Safriet,defendants In the above entitled action,will hereby take notice that an actionentitledasabovehasbeencommencedinthe Superior Court of Iredell county,before the clerk,praying the court for the partitioning by sale of lands described in the petition<filed in said action;and’the said Daniel G.Camp- bell,Willie Campbell,Oscar Byerly,ThomasSafrietandEllisSafrietwillfurthertakeno- tice that.they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of Iredell coun- ty on the 6th day of July,1916,and answer or demur to the complaint in said action,or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the re- lief demanded in said complaint.(J.A.,HARTNESS, Clerk ‘Superior Court. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Thom- as C.Gray,deceased,late ofthe county of Ire- dell,North Carolina,this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ofihedeceasedtoexhibitthemtotheunder- isiened at my home on or before the 9th day jot June,1917,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.All persons indebt-ed to the estate will plase make immediate settlement.NANNIE B.GRAY, Administratrix of Thomas C.Gray, June 4,1916.»Dunlap,N.C. BUILDING?C.WATKINS. Campbell,Thomas Safriet and June 6,1916. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Fashion's Sports Blouse 68475SeentSalrt6622 15 cents has been set on Sports Clothes and every woman is wearing them whether she is a sports- —woman-or-sirfPly—looks on.r They are delightfully fem- inine and piquant,and We ask you to call at our Pat- tern Counter and sec the new “AUGUST Pictorial Review Patterns ‘NOW READY} Approval PICTORIAL| REVIEW PATTERNS show them at their best. bw 7 The Store That Pays the Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 4TH. Postage on Mail Orders. Before the Clerk.| Horn,administrator of Miss Mary E.; Willie! Taken When Company WasWaiting at Statesville Station to Entrain For Camp Glenn. Croceries For Less! You wilk always find a fresh and well-selected stock ofHeavyandFancyGroceries,also fine Fruits,Candies,Cigars,Tobacco,etc.,at this store. If we should not have any.article spleasure for us to get it for you. Our aim is to give you the best the market affords at thelowestpricespossible.Give us a trial! Produce of all kinds bought and sold. PROMPT DELIVERIES! Underprice Grocery &Produce Co., BEST VALUES FOR LESS MONEY! W.Broad Street,next to Building and Loan Association.PHONE 134.J.R.POSTON,PROPRIETOR. Oi Vaviaviaitanidgien:RAWAM NER WERENT IS ZAGa Nt?nt ENN you want it will be a SO T S O T BU U R E N i TE V BX ‘piano |All Musical Degrees Conferred VOICEVIOLINPIPEORGAN Unequalled Teachers training Superior Advantages A Specialty Courses of Study 18th YEAR Southern Conservatory of Music, Durham,N.C. GILMORE WARD BRYANT, :Director. W.H.OVERTON, Secretary. SD OT TTT TT SPECIAL SALE Ok =- MEN’S SAILOR STRAWS! 3ce,tlil,ii Formerly $2.50and $3.00,Special Price $1.49 Formerly $1.50 and $2.00,Special Price 98c. (See our Window Display of these attractive-(ly priced hats.SPECIAL PRICES CASH. PHONE NO.83., SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. SEEMS T0 BE THE ONLY COURS When your system goes on the rampage and you're suffering from the disturbing influences and wasting effects of internal dis- orders,call on our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT for help! Our forces are always mobilized,and,armed with disease-annihi- lating Drugs’of the greatest calibre and force,we'll promptly in- tervene and apeedily réstore peace and comfort to your body! POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY vathe Square.”