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The Landmark, December 1916
.XLII. if Ager =Train Runs ight at Elmwood,F Several Trainmen ssengers,But None usly, on wood yesterday morning, ger train No.15 running intht,injuring several people fone injured are:E.B.Allison, Asheville,fir bth arms broken at wrist andndsplit!open.His injuries Engineer J.W.Cline, V.B.Garrison,Glen Alpine, right side. we young son of Spencer;pinned ty,who was lying on seat,wasedoffbutnothurt.—z No.15,slight scratch on face. All the injured were brough Statesville,all being taken to RAILROAD WRECK. Into Injur- and Se- a result of Engincer BoonehttrainNo.88 misreading Las there was a serious wre¢k at pas- o the andysmashingsomeofthecoaches, eman0.15;'in jumping from engine rightarepnsideredmostseriousofany.) Asheville;badly shocked from jump off engine. rail-vay mail clerk;in jwmping from car struck iron,puncturing inner side of Ar.and Mrs.W.T.Abernathy and be-tween seats and slightly bruised.Ex-Sheriff Reid of tsuncombe coun- bonc- Capt.Thos.Murphy,conductor on t to Dr.Long’s Sanatorium except Mr.Garri-son,who was taken to Billinhospital.Mr.and were here"long enough to have gsley Mrs.Abernathy theirwotindsdressedandwentonwest. Freight train No.88, made up of cars loadedandcoal,pulled into E!mwood tion on ‘the main line morning about 7.07 o’clock and eastbound, with cattle sta- yesterday stop- ped with the front of the engine a few feet east of the station.E eer Boone alighted and went int ngin- o the station for orders.There were orders for meeting two freight trains be-tween Elmwood and Salisbury.He remarked’that he was running 25minutesaheadofschedule.He was| ‘informed that he was in error,that he was running about 35 .minutes late.It was then that he discovered he had misread his watch about an hour.He left the office and started for his train.Passenger train No.15, westbound,was then in sight and soclosethatnothingcoufdbedone gineer Boone and his fireman ved back from their engine and .En- step- were saved from injury.The engineer andfiremanofthepassengertrainj ed from their engine but were in:falling.'The engine of ‘the passenger ump- .hurt train struck the other full in the face and, being a bit the smaller engine,plow- ed'under it,the headlight o¢the senger wedging under.the heac pas-Hightofthefreightengine.The passenger train was made up or a baggage andmailcoach,two day coaches,_twoPullmansandadiner.The impact fram the collision drove the day eoaches against each other,telescop- ing them for several feet.The mans andthe diner very little.None of the Pull- were damaged Pullman Massengers were hurt except one fel-low who happened to be on the plat- |bership of STATESVILLE,N.©.)FRIDAY,DECEMBER 1,1916. NOT FOR HARVARD PLAN. Metho/*s Turned it ‘Down— tr Expelled —Statis- (Report. ye Methodist folks decided,at .e Gastonia Conference,to continue, ,for a season,“to board among’.the scholars”when they go to Confer- ence.The MHarvaye plan,which would force the delegates to shift for themselves after the host,had provided lodging and breakfast,was tabled. The committee appointed to con- sider the charges against B.M. Jackson,late pastor at Lilesville, Anson county,found Jackson guilty of immorality and he was.expelledfromtheministryand,from member- ship in the Church.Jackson was not present.He had departed af- ter the charges were brought againsthim, The statistical report read to theConferenceshows2totallaymem- 108,428,a net pain of about 2,000 over last yeer;1,806 in- fant baptisms;3,163 adult baptisms; 84 Epworth Leagues;2,871 Epworth League members;|850 Sunday schools;6,424 Sunday school officers and teachers;97,812 Sunday |school scholars;$16,000,assessed for Con- ference claimants;$11,679,distribut- ed to Conference claimants;$26,120, contributed for foreign missions; $25,184 contributed for home mis- sions;$9,584 contribused for Church extension;$13,667 contributed —for education;$922 contributed :for Bible cause;$21,849 paid presiding elders; $202,932 paid ~preachers in charge;$2,829 paid to -bishop’s fund. The congregations number 911; number of church ‘buildings,,864; value of churches,$2,706,810;indebt- ednesseon same,$192,263;248 pas- toral charves;204 parsonages;$509,- 340 value of parsonages;$33,754 debt on parsonages;10 district parson- ages;$50.200 value district parson- ages;$6,515 debt on distriet parson- ages;$910,808 insurance carried. THE DEATH RECORD. Have Answered Final Call. Howard,the five-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.James Morrison,died at the home of his parents at Scott’s at 9 o’clock Wednesday night.The little bey was stricken with pneumo- nia the night previous,death ensu- ing within 24 hours.Burial took place at Loray yesterday afternoga at 3 o’clock,the funeral services be- ing conducted by Rev.Mr.Pearson of Stony Point. A note from Miss Mattve:Gantt,at Blossom,Texas,brings the informa- tion that her cousin,Mr.Carl Deal, died suddenly at that place Saturday, November 25.Heart disease was the cause of death.J : Mrs..Annie Wiltiamsson,sister of Mr.A.P.Barron and aunt of Mr.I. P.Grier of Statesville,died Monday evening at 6.30 at her home at Rock These Hill,S.C.,aged about 60 years. Seven children survive.Mr.Barron and Mr.Grier went to Rock Hill Tuesday to attend the funerel,which took place Wednesday.form between a Pullman and the],pci eae diner.He was thrown forward and Byers Had a Reason. Sal pel wa eda nue eee The Landmark stated Tuesday ae thoncGnMCA TaNCoRine freight ree that Adlai Byers had,apparently de-damaged slightly ang one of the|Serted his family and no cause for cows was killed andaslightlyinjured.few others Elmwood is not a szop for passen-ger train No.15,which is due there at 7.10 o’clock.It was exactly on time yesterday morning and wascomingintoElmwoodatabouttwen- Mi0not clear.The headlight of freight was not burning,it is and Engineer Cline could not se “freicht ahead through the tog. miles an hour.Engineer Cline had feason to think the main line was the said, e the The first news of the wreck receiv-ihere was a call to Dr.T.FE .An- a rson,local surgeon for the South- ern,to go to Elmwood and take all the doctors available.The news spread like wildfire and were .worked over t:me by thoseterestedinknowingdetails,the news indicating the trouble mor rious than it really was.i The news of the wreckStatesvilleaboutassoonas it pened,the call coming here for tors,and in a few minutes the then]telephones »in- first e,Se- reached hap- doc- road was filled with|automobiles.headed for.Elmwood.A number of the tors were there and looked afte wounded,while hundreds visitec scene of ‘the wreck. doc- r the 1 the Engineer Boone,who has been in the service fov about twenty years,is consideréd one of the best e ngzin- eers on the road and is very muchhurtoverthemistakehemade. Officers Made Good Cap .Last Night. Sheriff,Deaton, and Deputy Sheriffs Will Policeman ture TFuln Baity,C. L.Gilbert and Ed.White comped onthetrailofanothefboozespeciallast night and near Union Union Grove townshin,they ca Grove church, ptur- ed R.L.Tucker and Bryan Simmer- son of Davie county,a Fordmobileandfiftygallonsofliqu ings.The officers had got wind auto- or in thatthespecialwouldrunlastnightanditdidruninabouttwentymizutesafterthey’had S#t’their “tram officers placed their -cars in thethistimeandInidlogsacross road.Tucker and Simmerson arejail. —Carolina won 7 to~6 in theball.game with Virginia atmond,Va.,yesterday.Messrs.Gray.and John W.Guy,Jr.from here to witness the game. -Mi!and’Mrs.W.Ru Williams Norfolk,|Va.,e are visiting daughter,Mrs.Eugene Davis, ow! The road the in foot- Rich- P.C. went s oftheir In the light of present information he had cause aplenty.He got rid of several checks to lecal merchants,Saturday, Novemher 18,all of which.checks proved to be forged. 3vers paid Mr.M. small account with a check for $10, made payable to js.H.Byers,en- dorsed by him and signer i.N.Me-Elwee.He vave Mr.8-H.Garrisen one for $5.50,drawn and signed ‘as above.Smithey &Irratey cashed one for Byers fer $7.30.This was signed J.H.McElwee.Probably Byers dis- posed of one or more other small cheeks,realizing from all $25 to $50. The checks were turned down by theFirstNationalBank,on which they were drawn,because the signatures had been forged.p Made-in-Statesvillé Exhibit. They're wetting ready for the Madea in-Statesville exhibit)next week Thursday,Friday and Saturday,7th. Sth and 9th.Thirty-five Statesville manufacturers will put on exhibits of goods made in Statesville;and not only all the Statesville and Iredell folks,but the folks from all about should make it a special point to see this exhibit of things made in States- ville.It will surprise you;it will stimulate local pride;it will show what,is being done at home -and sug: gest other things that ean be done, Admission free.Good music. the new Lazenby-Montgomery Co, store on north Center street.Doors open each day from 10 a.m.to 10 bp. m.Under auspices of StatesvilleMerchants’Association and everybody invited, Talked-of Changes in Schedules It is rumored ‘that effective the 10th the night train from Charlotte will-be put back to its old scheduleleavingCharlotteat6.10 ingtead of 7.20,as now.It is also stated that an extra train will be run ‘from Charlotte to Winston-Salem,leavingCharlotteat4.10 a.m.,arriving at.Winston-Salem at 8.15 a,m, con- necting at Barber with No.15 on the Western road.Leaving Winston-Sa- lem on return at 4 p.m.,arriving at Charlotte at 7.30 p.m. his going.assigned. D.Stinson a Tn They had a fine day yesterday et the ornhanage rally at Hebron chiirch,Olin township.Sveeches were}mane by Messrs.E.8.Millsaps’and R,.T,Weatherman.A good amount‘was retlized for the Thomasville Or- phanage, _ WITH THE CHURCHES. Farewell Services For Rev.Mr. Kirk Sunday Night—Pastors Returned. The service at Broad Street church Sunday will be in tae nature of a :farewell service for the retiring pas- |,tor,Rev.J.F.Kirk.‘At the evening service.other congregations and pas-‘tors will join in the service. The new pastor of Broad Streetchurch,Rev.Loy D.Thompson,serv- ed the church at Marion last year. He is a young ‘man and has a wifeandthreechildren.Mr.ThompsonisexpectedtocametoStatesville next week. The return of Rev.Dr.Ware,pre- siding elder,Rey.J.W,Williams to Race Street and Rev.D.H.Rhine- hart to Statesville circuit,is pleasing to their charges and the publie gen- erally.,All have done fine service during their first year in their re- spective fields and have made a good impression. Rev.C.M.White was returned totheStatesvillechargebytheConfer-ence of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch,in session last week at Par-mele,Martin county.Dr.W.Q,A. Graham,who was district superin- tendent.(presiding elder)and made Statesville his headquarters,is madeConferenceevangelistandwillreside at Mansfield,Carteret county,which is his home,Rev.J.L.Dennis sue- reeds Dr.Graham as district super-intendent.He will not live Yn States- ville.Other appointments made by ‘this Conference in Iredell.are:Rev.S.C. West to the ‘Zion charge,Eupepti¢Springs community,and Rev.J.M. Wall,who has been at.Boonville; Yadkin;county,to the.Harmony charge.Mr.White enters upon his fifth year as pastor in Statesville.He has made many friends here who are pleased that he has been returned. A further opportunity for contri- butions to the orphans will be given at Broad Street Methodist»church Sunday morning. Services at Trinity Episcopal church Sunday morning at 14 o'clock? The public’generally and musi- cians especially are invited to be at Front Street Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 7 o’clock and hear Rev.Dr.Parker discuss the “New Song.” Rev.R.S.Patterson,secrétary of the Hume Mission Board of the Lu- theran Church in the South, vreach at St.John’s Lutheran church Sunday morning and evening. »There was general observance —of Thanksgiving with services at the local churches yesterday.Collections were taken to aid orphans. Would Mean $100,000 Statesville College. At the recent meeting of the Pres- byferian Synod in Salisbury a com- mittee was anpointed to take in hand the matter of raising a fund of $1,- 350,000 for the equipment and en- dowment of the ten church©schools and colleges in North Carolina underthecontroloftheSynod,or its Pres- byteries.If the amoun:is raised it will be apvortioned as follows: Union ‘Seminary,Ricnhmonc,Va., 850 000;Davidson College,Queen's College,Flora Macdonald,Peace In- stitute,Statesville.Female College, $100,000 each;Westminster,James Sprunt.Elise.Glade Vaiiey,Albe- marle,$25,000 each.This is just one- half of the preposed $1,850,000.Hach of the above institutions would receive its proportionate fraction of the above till the entire $675,000 has been paid out.° The remaining $675,000 would be under the control of the executive committee of the Synod,who ‘will disburse the income from this fufd from vear to year,as in their judp- ment is wise.‘It must be borne in mind that this fund is all to raise;and that even if the effort is successful it will take several years’hard work to secure the amount..But ¥*wourd mean great things for Statesville,as well as for Statesville collere.for this in- stitution to receive $100,000)for For _jequipment and endowment. Statesville Man in Bad at Danville. The following comes in a dispateh from Danville,Va.: of few Mon “t,A.McKnight,a nativeStatesville,N.C.,and only va weeks a resident of Danville, day morning fell oa vietim of —the Mapp prohibition Jaw:He gave to a friend a drink of whiskey in a res taurant,was seen by a policeman and focked up in jail He ywas fined $50 -for the city and sent to the grand jury.— “McKnight,who has but one lew, is a paper hanger by profession,said he meant no ‘harm in oering —the whiskey.to hig friend and pleaded ig- notance of the strict law.” McKuirht is a native of east.Hick- ory but lived int Statesville for sever al years and is well)known to many people here. The Glee Club“and Orchestra. The Wake Forest College Club and Orchestra played to a fair- sized audience at the court house Tuesday night.There were 23 in the company,headed by Prof.H.M.Po- teat.The programme consisted _o niimbers by the club,the orchestrpy vocal’and instrumental solos.Every number was encored and respondedto.Statesville has,had few more de- Mightful entertainments and few that have been more appreciated by the audience,: Charlotte White,colored,was tax- ed with the costs by the mayor Tues- day ‘for being ‘drtink and disorderly. ‘progress from will, ‘Priests of Baal Glee NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered From THE REV.JOHN F.KIRK And the Debt We Owe Him An Appreciation.Over the State. Corresnondence of The Landmark The ice plant’at Gastonia was If there is one thing above all oth-'burned Monday morning.EstimatedersthatStatesvillepridesitselfup-loss $20,000 to $25,000,with no in- on,it is its high virtue in paying its surance.debts.The people hold this to be al-|Thomas W.Gibson,aged 43 years, most the chief end.of man.|salesman for the Ed.Mellon Compa- And because this is so we must re-ny of Charlotte,died Wednesday.member,estimate,and pay our debt,Wife and baby survive.to John F.Kirk.Having a ,Mer-|Capt.Peter F.Smith,Confederatechants’Association that can tell you:Veteran and prominent citizen of off-hand the exact degree of solvency Conover,died Monday,aged 82.of every man in the county;having;Eight children survive. created a body of Public Opinion so The annual oratorical:exercises by strong that legal .sanctions are not the senior class of Davidson College necessary;having barely missed turn-|will be held in Shearer Hall at Da-ing the Minister’s Union and the vidson today and tomorrow.churches into a machine to further |Daniel McAllister of Belfast,Ire- this movement,and having originat-j jad,and Ingenuin Heckenbleikener ofedoDebtCollecter’s Agency ;that}Austria,both residents of Chariotte,was so efficient that it had to go out!were piven naturalization papers thisofbusiness,we will surely not fail to reel: meet our obligation,now due,to this -, mun that has so faithfully served the Friends of Mr.Walter Murphy ofcommunity.Rowan claim that gentleman has All the more because this debt is!enough votes pledged to elect him a debt of love are we bound to pay Speaker when the Legislature meetsinJanuary—a claim that will be dis- it.For four years he has given his :en i:ee He fe labored ;puted by Mr.Gallatin ©Roberts _oftoadvanceourinterestsatconsidera*,Buncombe and Mr.Henry Page ofbleexpensetohisown,and has prob-|Moore. ably given more time and thought to]_,Geo.Andrews,.employe of the the town’s good than any other man Clark Lumber Company at New:Berne,entered the engine room to}not paid for such work. Of course we know:that his own congregation owes him aes of oe debt.He put his church first in althingsawasfaithfultoeveryde-body was forced through <the wallmandofhispeople.As a pastor and.and terribly mangled.°:preacher he was faithful to the min-Bryan Thrash,aged 20,a specialister’s highest obligation—all the ;Messenger,for the Asheville postof-more true to his people because he|fice,died Tuesday from injuries ‘e-was first true to God..The success of ceived Sunday afternoon,when a mo-\torcycle he was riding collided with jstop a “runaway”engine and at that ‘moment the fly wheel burst and Mr. Andrews was instantly killed.His his work here may be seen in his ::anchureh’s development in all its de-,2"automobile driven:by A.Phillips.partments—more money,more peo-|One of the handle bars of Thrash’s ple and more power.He led his con-;Motorcycle was driven into his side, gregation through all the phases of and he sustained other injuries.assessments to.Con-|__The News says that the home ofreligiousvre-,Mr.and Mrs..Edwin’Bogleman,about ”of -his four miles southéast:of:Gréanshoro, ~must!was completely destroyed by fire ear- be seen in the new place his church ly Tuesday morning.They were his assumed,both in prestige and awakened about 4 o'clock~by thespiritualleadership.|roof falling in and had some difficulty But while his own congregation;in escaping from the ©building,as owes him most,our own debt is{they are advanced in years.Loss $2,-heavy.It,is splendidly:true of him ,000 to $3,000 ang no insurance. that while he was faithful to his or-|Judge Frank Winston,who was genization he was also loyal to his;appointed to fill the unexpired termtown.The best evidence that the |of Judge Peebles,deceased,and was Kingdom of Heaven was dawning inj defeated for the nomination by Solic- his own church was che Scriptural;itor Kerr,resigned when,he finished one that the Publican and Sinner)holding the term of Cumberland Su- were not forgotten—“Go tell John|perior Court a few days ago..Inas-the things which ye have seen and;much as his job was up January Ist beard;the blind see,the lepers are,he might as well have held on to the cleansed,the deaf-hear,and the poor;honors and emoluments to that date.have.the gospel preached unto them.”|The Reflector Company at Green- It is even a fair proposition that ville,publishing the Daily ReflectorhelpingtheOutsideSinnersbrought)and a weekly,and also doing job blessedness to the Inside Saints,for}work,has been placec in the hands is work in the town certainly in-|of a receiver.It is a stock companycreasedtheimportanceoftheiror-'and some creditors wanting to _col- ganization.But what 1 am mainly)lect led to the receivership.Mr.D.J interested in is the fact—that he |Wichard was for many years the ed- sometimes did “consort”with us to/jtor and owner of the Reflector and our very great advantage.ae is yet interested in the paper.HeThePreacherCitizenisnotwith-'surrendered active management onoutprecedentsandthismodernkind|becoming postmaster:at Greenville.?~1 nas ,ro Jhe P °:‘Hearnie ae the Teople”would |,‘The bakers of Wilmington are toEOSSe:.eae Ries wee be tried for “unlawfully and wilfullynotlistentohimevenwhenhisser-|cejing and offering ror sale sundrymonwasontheeeeofueloavesofbreadweighingothertharGreatJehovah.potauee o:1 honda.the standard as provided by ordi- pf exipib and tor |thet t wh :aie nances for bread and without havingage,”he lead them out of slavery tolimyod thereon any label or stamp toHeveneersotheGreatJehovanlindicatetheweightofthesaidloaves ference,up to a great vival,The full .measure worth as a minister,however, ‘ah’s ini wae all the mote eplen in violation”of a city ordinance.TheiidteXDIOLOoa:ee Thevard loaves are required to weigh 16didbecauseapoormansyare'lounces each..The officials weighedwasatthebottomofhiscontroversy with a King that had stolen the,vine- vard and with four hundred and,fifty that supported —the royal theft.And Samson cleaned up several little towns just like our own with the Jawbone of an Ass.before he undertook to exercise his own in glorious prophecy.~ James,too,to be more modern, claimed that the care of the widow and orphan was “pure religion and undefiled.”Johndreamed ofa_city coming down from God out of Heav- en and wus none the less a preacher of salvation “because he wanted that kind of city on earth.And even Je three loaves and they weighed an av- erage of only 11 ounces. Miss Margaret Berry of Charlotte has achieved the unique distinction of being the first woman lawyer to file a brief before the North Caroli- na Supreme Court and have that.tri- bunal reverse the verdict of the low-ker court.‘This was done,in the caseof‘the Citizens’Bank vs.Warehouse Company from Gaston,which has just been reported.Miss Berry is a eraduate of the University of North Carolina and a most capable and en- ergetic young woman.' The Supreme Court delivered opin- gus brooded over.Jersualem.with|ions Wednesday afternoon in 26 ap- tears because it would not under-|peals,one of the most notable being stand,that of Waddill vs.Masten,from And so Brother Kirk has high au-|Forsyth,involving action against Masten for the recovery of about $8,- 000 county funds alleged to have been misappropriated.Waddill sued for the county under special act and Masten entered general denial andallegation{Wat Waddill had no prop- er authority to sue.-The court below held that while the shortage was ev-ident Waddill could maintainpthe.ac- tion.Judge Hoke,writing the opin- ion for the Supreme Court,held that Waddill is fully authorized to main- tain the suit.and directs that the case against Masten proceed, Statesville and Uredell Winners thority for the ‘werk he has “done among us-—-and he has done his work well»There are not many,move- ments for the Good of the Order that have not had his help.‘There are few good acts for the general advance- ment that he has not worked fot as well as approved.We are a better people hecanse he has helnec us and a happier people because he has lead us.Somehow he has made us think moreof Preachers and Churches and more of ourselves.Tt is a better world heeanse of hts faith,and our town is a better town.Jo mav as.well add that this sert of things increases our property values.People like to at Charlotte Poultry Show. live in the kind of town Kirk.”has Statesville and Tredell won.prizeshelpedtobuild.This sort of religion is really a very powerful thing. And-they tell us that he loves Statesville and is sorry to leave, am vlad that this is true.But let us consider this carefwiy within our- selves and’be praverful and earnest about it.It won't do to be smug and too self-esteeming on that.IT have a teasing sort of notion that somethinglikehalfofhispleasureinbeing among us was because there was so much he had to do for us.His work was not in making us at home in our little world,but in showing us a lare-er one beyond*us—and above us.Hehasdone—will say ten times as much for us as we have done for him. And—come to think of it—I don’t know whether we will pay that debt or not.There are some things about it that make me uneasy.But we can at the Charlotte poultry show as fol- lows:Single comb Rhode—Islahd Reds— Kk.A.Morrison,Shiloh township,first hen,third pullet,third pen.Eugene Morrison,Shiloh townshiv,second hen,second and third cockerel,first pullet;Claude Morrison,Shiloh township,first cock,first hen,first cockerel.second pullet.Also best display .by one club member. Barred Plymouth Rocks -—-Harry Sherrill,Statesville,second cock.Hu- pert Sherrill,Statesville,first hen, first’cockerel.Miss Muriel Sherrill. Statesville.second cockerel,first and second pullets. among us—and the Woman that is his Helpmeet.Let us thank God and take courage.So in saying Hail to the new man, try—like the °proverbial.angels—j,we say Farewell to the old.God be even if we can do no more.vith you,’Kirk,and.bless “you. mén,A The Manv that is Kirk has been =|Statesville.for *5 |rEBRIEFITEMSLOCALNEWS, /iacacaeane \—The condition of Mr.J.B.Armyfieldwasveryseriousyesterday. basketball team will play Statesville tonight.: —-Hunting season opens in Iredelltoday.Very probably it opened —to,some extent yesterday.: —A large attendance is desired atthecourthouse.tonight to discuss the community Christmas tree.——Box supper and debate tonightatElginschoolhouse,Shiloh town-ship.Proceeds for benefit of school. —The government will continueitsaidtoroadworkintheflooddis--trict.of Iredell for several weeks longer at least. —Mr.W.H.Morrow,|register ofdeeds-elect,has smallpox in a mildform.Mr.Morrow has not been.sick enough ‘to takehis*bed.——Mr,J.B.Cooper is now soleowneroftheStatesville!Motor Com-;pany,having bought Mr.W.R.Mills’interest in the company.‘ —Mr.Geo.M.Foard and familymovenextweekfromnorthCenterstreettooneofMr.’W..A.Eliason’scottages,on Tradd street,";—The regular monthly meeting oftheDaughtersoftheConfederacywillbeheldintheCommercial‘club 380.;—‘The Lusitania Sunk”‘is the title of a song written by Mr.Edw.W.Moore.of “Bethany township,andwhichMr.Moore has had copyright- ed,J —Mr.Fred.Lefevers,night opera-tor at the depot,has been transfer-red to Asheville for a few weeks.Mr.E.R.Moore is at’work here in hisstead.ade —The Masons have asked Mr.J.\H. mittee,to solicit funds for the Oxfordorphanageandthepeoplewillbeask-ed.to contribute.eee ——Mr.R.R.Clark went to Biltmore:yesterday to spend Thanksgiving.with his mother,--Mrs.--Sarah.B-Clark,who on.yesterday celebratedher90thbirthday.# —-Mr.J.C.Vickery of Loray has.sold his farm to Mr.J.M.WattsleftWednesdayforChaseCity,Va.where the will live.His family willjoinhimthereinafewdays.—The attendance at the meeting of the Civic League:‘Tuesday after-.neon was small on account of the’tendance’at the Daughters’Gs} definitely. +The Landmark is unable to ,yer-.ify a:report that a Statesville motor-cyclist a few nights ago near Cone-. wie broke the leg of one Tom Parker,an aged man.f es —TheBirth,of a -Nation,.the mov-ing picture ‘show that attracted:80; much attention at.Charlotte and Salisbury some months ago,willbegivenattheCrescenttheaterDecem- ber 11th and 12th,ey —The college girls got a holidayyesterdayandresumetheirstudiestoday.The graded school childrenweremorefortunate.They ‘were turned loose Wednesday afternoon until Monday morning.; —Mr.C.D.Cashwell,who hadbeenmanzgeroftheBoulevardDrug.Store,goes.to Rose Hill today to ruadrugstorethere.He:is sueceedeherebyMr.H.T.Campbell,a regis<tered druggist of Hickory.; .—License has been issued for thamarriageofMr.J.B.Raymer,andMissMattieFrancesWagner;Mr.Horace >Thomp iss Cora,May Brown;—W.B:McAuley.andMiss’Gladdia E.Fleming,©ee —The Ladies’Aid.Society of Elm-wood Presbyterian church will hold abazaar.at Ramsey-Bowles MorrisonCo.’s Saturday,December 2,for,thebenefit.of the church.Many articlesoffancyworkwill,be:offered.—The public is reminded:of the ha-zaar of the Young Woman's.Chris-tian Association of _the -college,.at.‘the college next..Monday evening,Ath,from 7.30 to 9.30.The young la-. dies should.have liberal patronage..Mr.D.T.Price,who lives on.theBuffaloShoalroad,on the edge oftown.informs The Landmark of the suicide of a rooster,by hanging onanicketfence.Mr.Price says it was the result of the election. The Alexander -Iredell Medical Society meets at Dr.F.A.Carpen-ter’s office Tuesday night at»7,80o'clock.Dr.Carpenter will tead.apaperon“Kye-Strain”and Dr.Jas,W.Davis one on “Appendicitis,”The society will elect officers for the next year. With .reference to a.statement in a communication)in the last issue of The Gandmark—that.the convicts at the County Home were allowed:tohunt—-Mr.W.C.Perry,superintend-ent of the Home,advises The Land-mark that the convicts at the Homehavenotbeenallowedtohuntonthe Homefarm.or any other. _-Miss Linton of ‘Athens,Ga.,has been spending several days .inStatesvilleinhistoricalresearch:Miss Linton is a-descendant of Rev. John Thompson.a ‘vioneéer Presbyte- rian minister of -this section,whodiedinCenterchurchneighborhoodin1753,and she is.gathering infor- mation about her ancestor., —The Landmark is -indebted to Mrs.W.A.Suther of the vicinity ofafine.bunch.ofThanksgivingcelery.At the Sutherhomethey.“live at home”—they pro-duce about everything that can |begrowninthisclimateforhowscon-sumption and they have.an all-t!year-round garden:-Mra.Suther,has: our thanks,i ¥ »i ee * —The Spartanburg Y.M.C.“Ay. Hoffmann,chairman of orphan.com-: Those who were -present didnothing K RHO rp rooms next Tuesday afternoon at 3 - ver,Catawba county,Tan over,ahd . a Republican bird and the suicide was lokeot me n o s . al t e n es e ‘ ne e We ' ioh, ote F % 7)his three.children allege,is incompe- .oyer the estate to a legally constitut-|North Union ‘dence was circumstantial and an ac- }living alone for several yearg :WHERE PREACHERS|GO. =—=Decomber 1,1916.|Appointmentsof the Westerri—————-—orth Carolina Conference.ey're After the Old Man’s|}»Asheville District, ee rty.Presiding Elder--R,G.Tuttle. F :Asheville,Bethel-—J.O.Ervin.*An_action brought in Burke Supe-|Asheville,Central@-C.W.Bird.rior Court to have a guardian ap-|Asheville,Chestnut Street--v.Atkins,for Robert Winkler,a Asheville,Haywood Street--O.P,Ader.Ith f Bridgewater,who Asheville,West,Asheville--S,T.Barber,wealthy man 0 ge »*!Asheville circuit-—J.H.Lanning,supply.Biltmore-and’Mt,Pleasant--D.R.Proffit.Black Mountain.-G,H.Christenberry;R..L,Ferguson,supernumerary,Brevard---W,E,Pooyey.Fairview-—W.A,Thomas,supply. Flat Rock and Fletcher——A.Burgess,Hendersonville—W.F.Womble.Henderson circuit—John H.Green,:Hot Springs and Marshall-—To be supplied.Leicester—J.E.McSwain. tent to handle his estate,has attract-ed some attention.W.E.Erwin ofMorgantonwas»appointed guardianforWinklerbutitseemstheactionwillberesistedbyWalkerLyerlyofHickory,who has been associatedWinklerfor20yearsandhas ears,Mars Hill-J.L,Smith,Be I SgnLeLT aye]ae soandhiswife,who'was Miss Kate|fosmanc.Aydolmsem on. Long of “Caldwell county,were di-}Sulphur Springs—T.A.Groce, vorced,she receiving the custody of |Swannanoa —L.P.Bogle. the three children and he agreeing to |eon A eh repels educate them.ace of doing what}Weaverville—E.W.Fox.R he had promised,the children.were |Weaverville circuit to ee wair2was|President Weaverville College J.R.Walker; no:more to their father —Ke “t missionary to Korea,M.B,Stokes;mis-no more to them,it is said,than 1 |sionary to China,R.J.Parker. neither had existed,but recently the Charlotte District.heirs instituted a proceeding to have|p..iding Elder—T.F.Matr. a guardian named for the father,|ansonville—E.B.‘Troy. whose health is bad and who_is|Charlotte,Belmont Park A.L.Aycock.claimed to be incompetent to man-|Charlotte,Brevard StreetT.L.Cordell. age his estate.-According to attor-|Charlotte Chadwick ‘D.W.Brown,dg.A; neys for Mr.Lyerly,no notice Was)sBaldwin,junior preacher.served on Mr.Winkler,the proceed-|Charlotte,Dilworth—-W.E.Abernethy. ings for a guardian were of.Me star eee.Nicholuon Supernumerary.chamber kind and therefore invalid.|Chartotte,Seversville-W.F.Elliott. J Lyerly deposited as agent $35,-|Charlotte,Spencer Memorial—C,M,Campbell.ry iyeriy cep ti :Vonee000belongingtoMr.Winkler in a PCRALIC ee bank at Marion abcut a yearthissumbeingtheproceeds from!Marshville-Seymour Tayror.the sale of a large piece of land at}Matthews -J.A.J.Farrington. Bridgewater.Mr.Lyerly’s attorneys |Monroe,Central-J.E.Abernethy. :sae North Monroe J.say he is perfectly willing to turn)Morven —J.H. 0,|arlotte,Tryon Street—Z.E.Barnhardt.AO,|Litesville—J.P.Hornbuckle. R.Warren,supply.West. f ;RgH.Kennington,supply..ed guardian,but that he will not sur-'}Pineville”B.FP."Hargett.h ty ithout compli |Polkton--W.B.Davis.render the property without compli-|prospect M.A.ance with law.Thrift--B.F.Fincher.;=|Unionville—G.W.Fink.Husband Killed —Wife Beaten.|VadsboroA:W,Bivler.| Rev.Hugh Harrelson,a prominent!Weddington-C.L.MeCaln 2farmerandpreacherofDilloncoun-|Missionaries to Japan--S.A.Stewart and N.} on .sant)nei S.Ogburn;Dean Candler:School of Theol-| ty,S.C.,Pleasant Hill section,pas ogy,Plato 'T.Durham;assistant —editor murdered near his home Tuesday |North Carolina Christian Advocate,W.L. evening of last week by a negro and Sherrill ;Commissioner of Emory University,| Mrs;Harrelson was scverely “beaten||.T.Mann.‘ with a club and left,unconscious,| says the Lumberton Robesonian.A}Presiding Elder J.H.Weaver.| negro called at the house and said he pabehare ‘e ene | »orareries .2 zs oleridge .L.Melton.wanted to buy groceries.Mr.Harrel |Deep River-.W.B.Thompson,supply.son ‘went with him’to the commis-|Greensboro,Bennett,J.P.| sary,100 yards from the,house.|_Lanning,supernumerary,F | About 10 minutes after her husband |Walnut etc ahd Corteny Memoea A.C |.|.ee arra ay emor -_.elandthenegroleftthenouse,accord-|"Ginbs.ing to the report of the affair,a ne-}West Market Street—E.L.Bain.ro entered the house and attacked|Greensboro circuit—J.E.Woosley.firs.Harrelson with a club.She rec-|Cea a Becta dl } ognized this negro as John Johnson,High Point,Main Street--H.H.Robbins.|-a former laborer on a near-by planta-|High Point,Wesley Memorial G.'T.Rowe. tion.Mrs.Harrelson was beaten in-,Hixh moines East and West-W.A.Barber,|to unconsciousness and the negro)pyeavant Garden C.F. fled.When she regained conscious-)Ramseur and Franklinvilte—H.C. ness Mrs.Harrelson rang the farm!Randleman and Naomi -A,R.Bell.bél]and)summoned neighbors.Mr.|Randolph”T.B.Johnson.’manner aWairectl |Rei@sville.J.F.Kirk.Harrelson’s body was found directly |Ruffin.W.'M.‘Smith. in front of the commissary.He was)Uwharrie J.M.Varner,supply.| killed by a blow on the back of the)|PWentsorthe Le i iene rae :head with a plow point.Arch.Camp-|residen ireensboro College for omen,S. Greensboro District. Centenary -J.H. Sherrill.|Bynum.| v |B.Turrentine;treasurer Greensboro College| bell;a negro,is under arrest and |for Women,W.M.Curtis;secretary Greens-|reward is offered for Johnston.|(:y ;tor North Carolina Christian Advocate,H.M.Blair;State secretary Sunday schools, _‘To soar over the North Pole in an,Moose;student Emory and Henry College,| s )°>J.EK.Womack;student University North| ald Amundsen,the Norwegian ex:|a A |plorer,who a few years ago attained|See ee nrce | |' boro Callege for Wonmen,Frank Siler;Edi- P “Would Fly to NorthPole.J.W.Long:missionary to Korea,J.R.| hydroairplane is the ambition of Ro-|Geslne bok eae the South Pole.Captain Amundsen|Presiding Elder —Parker Holmes.:<Bakersville--W.J.Hackney,supply.atriyed in New York this week from|paig Creck John S.Mitchell,supply.Copenhagen to purchase two,hydro-|}Broad River--C.C.Tutrow.airplanes for that purpose.Starting|Burnsville--M.T.Smathers.in the summer of 1918,he said,he|Chimney Rock—C.M.Butler. ,Miffside —H.L.Powell.pects to be in the var-north fromreetofivevears.The main object|“Wiionofhisflight,Captain Amundsen de-}gnola—s.P .Maudiin.claréd,would be to study the air cur-|Forest City J.A.Bowles. rents around the pole.Green River —J.M,Barber,supply.|“y care nothing for the mere™ac:|Henrietta and Garoleen M.B.Clegg.| ¢omplishment of reaching the Nortn yarn eRe oePole,”-said Captain Amundsen.|aren Grint eeyt“That feat already has been achiev-|McDowell J.A.Fry ed and it has resulted in little or no!Micaville—1.,D.Gillespie.vractical good to anybody.But if,|Morganton -E.E.Williamson.| having reached the northernmost Te eee circuit A.C.Swafford. gions,I can)soar in an hydroairplane Sen ce vee “| I purpose to make a study of air Spencer Mills J.B.ooeniencurrentshighabovethepole.Spruce Pine..M.W.Mann. “At the same time my partywill)‘Table Rock.J.B.Tabor. take observations of the currents far|Thermal City--M.W.Heckard,supply.below the surface of the water in the|Prefessor Rutherford Collece.W.T.Arctic basin.Thus a comparison of|©“tdent Trinity College.T.EB.Higgins.the currents,high and low,will bej,,pee Dn et:possible and this I believe will he of|hr slimy Pller H.C.Snrinkle. value to science.”}Danbury C.R.Hutchinson,supply.|Dobson-T.V.Crouse. | | Connelly Springs and Rutherford College—B. Morris.Kirk. Usry; .Marina Survivors Report.|pve"yM-folker- A:detailed report of the torpedo-j Jonesville 0.P.RouthingandsinkingoftheBritishsteam-Cea ioe ee ;ship Marina on October 28,off the |Mount Airy and Conteal GD:tecmansouthwestcoastofIreland,when 19/Mt.Airy circuit J.W.Benne,.nersons,including six Americans,lost|Pilot Mountain J,W.Combs.their’lives,was’given in Wew York |Spray Hall ©.R.Allison.ee .:Spray—J.F.Armstrong.this week by 41 horsemen,American!stokesdale M.T.Steele,survivors,who arrived as passengers}Summerfield A.SherrillonthesteamshipTuscaniafrom|Winn Cove G.W.Williams,Glasgow.,Yadkinville —-W.M.Boring. “Jesse T.Hancock of -North Wilkesboro District. News,acting as spokesman,said the |Ro eeshipwastorpedoedwithoutwarning.|Boone D.P.Waters.two tofpedoes being fired,the first|Blue Ridge -To be supplied. hitting on the starboard quarter and |Cee ¥2 Po supplied:thé second on the port side.He add-|Welton.I.Hickman. ed,and his assertion was supported|Jeffersén—T.J.Houck.by the others,that the firing of the |peur Springs —-R.E.L.Plummer,supply. second tornedo was unnecessary and |gorth Wilkesboro —T.J.Rogers.:meee Sparta--A.S.Abernethy.had it not been fired there would not,!Watauga Guy Hamilton.invall prdbability,have been any loss |Wilkesboro 1.RB.Hayes.of:life.Wilkes.W.S.Cherry.Acti North Wilkes circuit.R.F.Wellons,supply.| «Aequitted of Murder Charge.|Pa te eal Appalachian Training t|1 Newport | :q Downum:missionary to Japan,elIn Caldwell county Superior Court W.A.Wilson;principal Jefferson School, ;Ajmbrose-Whisnant,Brooks and Al-|WW:}Bead aarer ae DistrictbertKaylorwereacquittedofthe)p,oidine rac UmastderofJohnHice.*All.the ae residing Elder J.C.Rowe.f mur:2,€Vi-|Albemarle,Central.E.Gay.Albemarle,First Street)W.L.Hughes;C.M.Gentryt supernumerary. '@uittal was generally expected.eThe crime was revolting and the.!Raye eet OF.Starr,supply.tial attracted unusual |attention.|Bethel-J.T.Stover.|{Hjce,an inoffensive miser,about 55|China Grove and Landis —W.S.Hales.|2 é .Concord,Central—M.F.Moores.ears of age,was found murdered in|©:‘|ida 'cottagein North Catawba .Cot bcos aie warttown-|Concord.Forest Hill.C.-M Short.ship,Caldwell county,on.the after-Concord,Westford-—S.L.Owen,supply.noon of April 29,1915.He had heen!West Concord —R.K.Brady.|a Concord cireuit--P.L..Terrell.i a |Cottonville-J.__.F.__Sthrnes.as known to have some four,or five|Gold Hill —J.W.Strider.‘hundred dollars,which he always|Kannapolis.—-P.W.Tucker.carried on his person.This money |Kannapolis circuit—-R,L.Forbes,|Mt.Ple 3.A.Stan;undoubtedly caused the loss of his!New 1engnt GA:Samer.,kife,for when the body was found his|Norwood—R.M.Taylor. Onakboro and Love’s—J.«#.TWads. Salem—-A.L.Coburn,supply. Salisbury,First Chureh—-W.A.Lambeth.Salisbury,Park Avenue—G.W.Vick.Salisbury,South Main Street—J.H.Brendall.Salisbury circuit—R.C.Kirk. ‘old leather pockétbook,empty riddled,lay near by.ae and. Danger Signal et the fire bell should ring would you run‘abd stop it or go andi help to put out/'the fire?4 :|Spencer—-C.M.Pickens.It is much the same way with a coteh.Aj yy :cough is a danger signal as much as afrebell.|aah yledlnec and North Main Street—S.E.“You should no more try to suppress it than!to stop a fire bell when it is ringing,but|wcodlestshouldcurethediseasethatcausesthecough-i ing.This-cam nearly always be done by tak-*ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.Many haveuseditwiththemostbeneficialresults,‘It is|Belmont—A.P.Ratledge.\‘rently valuable for the persistent cough|Belwood—J.F.Moser;H.G.Stamey and I,that so often follows a bad cold or an attack E.Stacy,supernumeraries.ythegrip.Mrs.Thomas Beeching,Andrews,|Bessemer and Concord—W.B.Shinn.d.,writes:“During the winter my husband}Cherryville—O.C.Fortenberry.ene an coughs ee coset pease -F.W.Cook."6 zh,Remedy is t.med-|id.High Shoal 0.Wil ;foe tp iheee attacks ‘aud’toy POs 455 nc iN liams J.W.Kennedy.Conference Evangelist—R.A.Taylor. Shelby District.Presiding Elder-—J.H.Barnhardt,—\ Praniklin-;Avenu:d » fo take any other,”Obtaina fi.1.‘a —nt A.Gastonia,Main Btreet—H,H.Jordgn, fg Me?\ Hawthorne Lane—R.DPD.Sherriff?| Trinity—J.W.Moore.| | | | | Osborne.\ |Kings Mountain |Shelby,Central-C. |South Fork--T.A. Secretary of Education |appeared in)last |Glenville —T.L. _BIDS FOR DRAINAGE. So with automobiles. popular priced cars ride like freight cars.This is due to the old fashioned type of spring. Statesville Overland Sales Company,Dealer.‘ Statesville,N.C. :The Willys-Overland Company,Toledo,Ohio **Made in U.S.A.°*. eenaasesnense nna emreneLrVeARSeIERMONARO Pullman or Freight?.i No one would think of riding ina freight car if he could enjoy the comfort of a big,comfortable easy riding Pullman parlor car. Most of the o Many manufacturers still continue to use them.oe The Overland does not.The 75B Overland has the latest type of cantilever shock ,absorbingsprings.Asa result it is one of "i the easiest riding carsin the world.\ One demonstration will prove this, $635 f.o.b.Toledo,: ’Phone 140.,; Rna a ea a a al Ozark--O.J.Jones. and El Bethel--R.M.Lincolnton—Z.Paris.Lincoln circuit--J:P.Lowell.and Bethesda -J.R.Lowesville -L.L.Smith.Mt.Holly J.C.Harmon.Polkville -N.gM.Modlin. Rock Spring ~W.L.Dawson;J.H. junior preacher. Gastonia, Hoyle. Davis.Robertson te Green, A.Wood.Shelby circuit —A.J.Burrus. Plyler.W.A.Jenkins.H.H.Jordan, Statesville District. (The appointments _for Statesville districtissue. assignments for Statesville district aside from the pastorates:President Davenport College (Lenoir),J.B.Craven;2rofessor DavénportCollege,FE.J.Harbison;student Emory _Uni- versity,H.O.Allen;student.Trinity College,B.C.Reavis; Simpson.) Stanley and Tron Waynesville District. Presiding Elder -J.P.Rogers.Andrews.W.T.Albright.Bethe]-C.E.Stendman. BrysoW and Whittier J:W.Canton -J.H.Bradley.Clyde—_E.O.Smithdeal. Franklin R.H.Daugherty. Franklin circuit~-F.O.Dryman,supply.Fines Creek KE.M.Avett. Noble,supply.Haywood—-A.L.Latham. Hayesville--C.M.Carpenter.Highlands.-D.V.Howell. Judson—-E.B.Bell,supply.Jonathan.L.H.Griffith. Macon-D.S.Rishardson. Murphy--T.J.Ogburn. Murphy circuit-—P.H. Ranger —Gay Bryant.Robhinsville G.A.B.Sylva J.A.Cogk.Waynesville--W.B.West.Webster--J.L.‘Teague.Vice President Southern Crowell. Campbell. Brittain. Holderby. Assembly—43.—H. Winston District. Presiding lder--H.K.Boyer.Advance I.Myers.Cooleemee-N.R.Richardson. Phuvidson.P.L.Shore. Davie--T.S.Coble.Denton —P.E.Parker.farmington -D.C.Ballard. Forsyth-J.W.Vestal.; Hanes d Clemmonsville—‘To be supplied.Kernersville.J.M.Price. Louisville J.G.Holloway.Lexington W.H.Willis.Linwood.-J.W.Ingle.Mocksville--E.-O.Cole. New Hope Joseph W.Thomasville.W.O.supernumerary.Thomasville circuit Fitzgerald,supply. Géode,J.C.Richardson, W.T.Sandford.*Walkertown--R.E.Hunt.«West Davie W.J.S.Walker,supply..Winston,Burkhead and Liberty-—J.E.Thomp- son, Winston,Centenary--E.K.MeLarty.Winston,Grace J.S.Hiatt. Winston,Salem--To be supplied. Winston,Southside —C.C.Williams,suuply. Winston,.West End—R.M.Courtney. Missionary:Secretary--W.H.Willis.| Transfers -To South Carolina Conference,R. L.Doggett;to Virginia Conference,%.V.Johnson.2 MRS,SLACK’S LETTER To Mothers of Delicate Children rns ugh and little girl had a chronic cougl)and was so thin you could count her rips,and she had no appetite. Nothing we gave her seemed to help her, until one day Mrs.Neibert asked mc totryVinol,and now she is hungry all tho time,her congh is gone,she is stouter and has a more healthy color.[I wish every mother who has a delicate child would try Vingl.”—Mrs.ALFRED SLACK.We guarantee Vinol,our non-secret tonic,to make delicate children healthy and strong. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY. Sealed proposals for the —construction ofDrainageImprovementinLittleRockyCreck Drainwge district,Iredell county,North Caro-| dina,will be received by the Board of Drain- age Commissioners up to two o'clock p.°m. on the 4th day of December,1916,at their office in Statesville,N.C.:The work to.be done consists of about sevenmilesofdredgedtches,containing approx- imately 186,089 cubic yards;2 1-2 miles-of lateral ditches,containing approximately48,455 cubic yards included in above total;four highway bridges. This work is to be completed on or beforethefirstdayofJune,1917.A certified check in the amount of One Thousand Dollars,made payable to the BoardofDrainage.Commissioners of Little RockyinalDrainageDistrict,must accompany eachbid. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.The plans and specifications maybeseenattheofficeoftheBoardinStates-ville,North Carolina,or in the office of:theClerkoftheSuperiorCourtinIredellcoun.ty.Work to be done as per the specifications of the engineer.T.A.SUMMERS,W,W.HOLLAND,|Sec’y.Chairman,W,D.Turhér and R.T.Weatherman,At-torneys for Drainage Commissioners,Nov.Mh.Ai fy AEMGET TNC mMOIR DODONAEAAteREMae ARR? Following are the| student Boston University,O:L. Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS.NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of it to the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. { Cary (€.Boshamer, Local Representative,’Phone 125 Black.It.aw. We Sell the Clansman By Thos.Dixon,Jr. The Birth vf a Nation Photoplay is founded on this book.The price is —60 Cents.— ea YOUR WIFE LOOKS Mat that old pine mantel all day— year in and year out.You couldn’t give a present that would add more cheer to the home than a nice oak or, mahogany mantle with mirror,| bought from7 1%WATKINS. FEED AND FLOUR. Two car loads of. Feed.and Flour. Sweet feed for Cows, Tuxedo chops _for Horses. Two cars Michigan Hay.~ ‘IREDELL FEED (0. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7c.per pound,Light Brass-6c.perpound1*,'FOR SALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboiler room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER.Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. C.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. Allison’s Book Store.| SI I s s s SERVICE!., easeea Te T V o r e s ov e v e e s Our Service Department is always on THE JOB to handle ‘your needsatonceandwithgreatrapidity.Nomatterwhatiswrongwecanfixit,* Wecarry a complete line of acces- sories. WY rr r o c c t c s c s c i s s s c s c s s e s s e s e s e s Suits. Have just received big line of latest styles in Broadcloth,Gaberdine,Serge,Poplin and other material,in all the latest shades, For.tailoring,fit and style these cannot be ex- celled.We offer many of these at about one- half the regular selling price. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered to procure ‘a fine Suit at such a tremendous saving.Don’t delay but come in and get choice.Respectfully, The Corn Exhibits Will Be Left On Display Several Weeks.—# In order to give an opportunity to those -who could not attend the corn show last Saturday to see the exhibits,we have decided to leave the corn on display for several weeks.Our friends in town,as well as those in the country,are cordially invited to come in and see them. All exhibitors who who did not get their brushes last Saturday will’please call at the bank for them. ¥ Merchants and Farmers’Bank. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” ran SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS -Will buy a Kodak.See it and believe.Sample‘pictures to look at before you buy.,Will.make the ..oy or Girl happy.A cheap birthday gift that will _ amuse the whole family.ilms for it-10c,roll of.” BUILDING?(G.:WATKINS. six exposures.gp)‘HH.Bi WOODWARD STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.| J.M.McKee &Company.| Great Sale of Sample (oat!4 | Constantly Supplied With iford’s Black-Draught, iHf,Va.—‘I suffered for severalsaysMrs.J:B.Whittaker,ollace,‘‘with’sick.headache,andhtrouble, ren years ago a friend told me to try, ,fediord’s Black-Draught,which IdiAifoundittobethebestfamilymedi-ine for young and old, mime now,and when my.children feel afittlebad,they ask me for a dose,and if}Goes them more good than any medicinetheyevertried.We never have a long spell of sick-‘gess in our family,since we commenced|sing Black-Draught.”’ * Thedford’s Black-Draught is purely,vegetable,and has been found to regu-*late weak.stomachs,aid digestion,re-+Heve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,»headache,sick stomach,and similat¥symptoms.e .It°?than 70 deers.and has benefited more_+thana millionPeople, Your druggist sell,;Black-Draught.~Backageto-day. lis and recommendsPriceonly25c.‘Geta N.C,123 _Jitney Service. :Owing to the irregular movement 'of the people during the winter the |JITNEY SCHEDULE LINES OUT _FROM SQUARE will be discontin- Tie EENDMA been in constant use for more| RK FRIDAY,©-=|Devembey 1,1916. Personal Items From Barium, Correspondence of TheLandmark, Barium.Springs,Nov...80.——-Mr. and Mrs.Clark:Barkley of Spokane, Wash.,are visiting here.They have been in Washington for 15 years.Mrs.R.W,Hutchins and children of Spencer and.Miss Linnie Parks, who is teaching near Pineville,arespenaieThanksgivingwiththeirfather,Mr.W.B:.Parks.Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Lowrance are spending Thanksgiving.with relatives near Mooresville.Mrs.J.C..Moore ofStoffy,Point is visiting her father, Mr,R.R.Leonard.Mrs.L.B.Sloan 4 is keg a ny days wy her fe Ler,"‘om ray,at Statesville.I keep Black-Draught on hand all the *Yr.an rs.W.T.Cowan and Miss Eva Gray are spending Thanksgiving with Mrs.Cowan’s father. HISFRIEND HURT;HE HELPED HIM ‘Injured Man Laughed When Simple Treatment Was Sug- gested,But He Thanked His Comrade Later. Once-upon a time word came iHenry A.Voehl,of.Plainfield,N.J., that a close friend had been injured,jand full of anxiety he visited the af- |flicted man,who was suffering from a sprained ankle.; “It was so bad that the leg had turned black,”said Mr.Voehl,in -re- ‘lating the story.“I told himj\I would\have him out in a week and he laugh- ‘ed at me.But I took him a bottle of!Sloan’s Liniment,that night he put{some on and noticed the ankle felt better.I told him to use it ‘every to —-keenly the sepataiion.We can’t,for THE FUNERALS AGAIN. An <AdVocate of Mourning— ‘+The Dead’Should Have the Best.We Can.Give Them. To the Editor of The Landmark: Some weeks back’Dr.-Thomas An- derson wrote an article in|your pa- per about people wearing black.for mourning,expensive funerals,etc.There are two sides to all things— a happy medium in all things—andwiseistheman.who can |view ‘an épinion from more than one-angle;who can find the’happy :medium, Those:in the happy,medium clas’age the people who,today,are doing most for the uplift of humanity. (As to,wearing black for moyrning,that should be left entirely to the,in- dividual.Every woman who has ‘everwornblackformourning,will .‘tellyouit‘is a protection—a proteetictothecrushedheartthatfeels™ la season,be amused with the things‘that before entertained us—anad when‘in black you are saved the oxplana- tion;it speaks for itself. Again I say,let cach do as she |wishes,and the critic keep quiet.., “Then gently scan your brother| man.”|There is muck more that might be| said on the subject,but I pass on’to| the next—expensive funerals—and jhere’s where we should strike the} happy..medium.,I wonder if those who| criticise would be willing to put one | of their loved ones away in a “wind-|ing sheet”or a “twelve-dolar “gof-fin’—and no flowers.It seems to’me it would be a very much wiser ‘plan| to commence cutting expenses on the| living.Why spend $50 a season for | a wife’s or daughter's millinery when| a two or three-dollar hat would pro-| tect her head justi as well,from the jheat or ¢old?You say that is €x- jtreme.So is wrapping the body of a‘loved one in a winding sheet.It ‘Henry Reagans of near Mt.Mourne! “+ eaeceeeateceeian a OD BEV ORAIIS MAOIEN why: MT.MOURNE?COMMUNITY. Work on Railroad and County) Road-——Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mt.Mourne,Nov.29 —A ditchingcrewoftheSouthernrailwayhas! opened the side ditches of the rail-|road in and near Mt,Mourne and the|ditches are in good shape to carry off| the water of the winter rains.The county is repairing the roadfromnearMr.R.J.Houston’s to the Mecklenburg line.They are hauling soil from near Fairview church.Peo- ple who have for a long time been wanting to know what Mt.Mourneis | noted for can now bear in mind thatitishotedforgoodsoiltobuildgood sand clay roads.The people of Center church con-| gregation are again this year giving. something to the’Orpnans’Home at Barium for Thanksgiving.| Mr.Thomas Sherrill,who as beenillfoysometime,has tmproved.Mr. has also beef in bad health for two or three weeks. Dr.Thomas M:Jordan,inspector of he health of school children,visited he Mt.Mourne schoor last week and went from here to Long’s school house.There was a teacher’s meeting at he Mt.Mourne school Wednesday of ast.week.qMr.and Mrs.George Stutts of near Mt.Mourne visited their son in! Harrisburg last week.Mr.P.A.Kel- ly spent Saturday night and Sunday| with Mr.and Mrs.J.R.Ballard ofStatesville.Mrs.Ballard .is Mr.Kelly’s daughter.8 Mrs.W.H.Newton and Mrs.D.N.} Alexander of near Mt.Mourne have, gone to Cleveland to spend Thanks- sing with Mrs.Emma McLaugh-;in.' Presiding Elder Ware’s Ap-) pointments—First Round. — \‘oy A CVCRage ate Te RMI L ar ‘Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Comp es The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service: NOW FOR tristmasShoppin Ay Bik tod, 'otoN stank dowoertigw: Ap win Today we begin ing our Christmas Lots of new things for the early shopper. cry- I BLO eve itt ng odsrf a @S.:Oi :‘ht fh ah 2 ued until Spring.'day,and in three days his ankle was|would be verv much better for the BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE,|practically ve a qeu ae ee or Gaventey,to learn to sleny |Presiding Elder Ware has made i .a.‘was working.e gladly ad mits that |herself—to make some sacrifice in|the following appointments for the aS tae INGE will continue |Stoan's Liniment “put him on his life—in order that she might have'first round of the Statesville district: ee wy S ’|feet.ra ;|the more with whick.xo help the poor |(atawba circuit,Catawba,Dec.9-10.| with FIVE CENTS CHARGE EACH}Sloan’s Liniment cin be obtained and needy—a great deal better than Statesville,Broad St.,Dec.10—night.' WAY.jat all drug stores,25c.,50c.and $1.welling ana qeoue then giving ithe Hickory circuit;Houck’s chapel,Dec.| Special attenti lls off |cheapest burial,you cou possibly|16-17. Prac ee Ge Lee a me have.What good will it do them|West Hickory,Bethel,Dec.17,3 p.| city for TEN CENTS |then?None—and the sacrifice,the|ym Dec.17—: -Attractive Displays. .Appropriate Articles,church,+Rive.self-denial,they liad to make ‘while|Hickor ; Parents can make special arrange-living will mare of them’citizens|ne First worthy of any man’s name.|Statesville circuit,Chapel Hill,Dec.|Why should a man pay fifty dol-!923-94larsforanovercoatwhenafive-dol-Statesville;Race St.,Dec.24—night.|lar one would:keep him just as Lenoir circuit,.Littrejohn’s,Dec.30-'warm?Agajn/ypu say,“extreme”;|31. andagairyT say,-So is having no flow-Lenoir station,Dec.31—night.|ers at a’funeral.Sirike the happy North Lenoir circuit,Mt.Zion,Jan.| medium.Deny yourself while you are;6-7,living and you will be better prepar-|South Lenoir,Whitnell,7—! ed to deserve a few flowers to cover!night.| the clay that hides your lifeless body.|Alexander circuit,Taylorsville,Jan.|A man loves his family—loves to)*13-14.‘ lsee them well-dressed on the street |Stonv Point circuit,Stony Point,Jan.|—and he will make sacrifices just to|14-15—night.“keep up.”Then when tne soul leaves|Rhodhiss.Jan.21st,11 a.m. the body,the bodies that he Jdvéd,!Granite Falls,Hudsén,Jan.20-21.jtoo,he wants,as a final touch,to lay|Maiden circuit.St.Paul,Jan.27-28. ments for children to ride to and from school.Jitney is comfortable. Careful and polite chauffeurs. Call us at Sloan Clothing Co.St.Charles Hotel. THE JITNEY TRANSFER CO. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,2 Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.__—-Hours 8 to 5. SPECIAL ATTENTION ‘TOTEETH. or CHILDREN’S ° CreeLiniment a0]ae a ee |VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the SuperioriCourtofIredellcounty,rendered in an action entitled C.L.Poston et al.vs.Horace Dry jet al.,the undersigned commissioner will sell jat public auction,to the highest bidders,at'the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,on|MONDAY,DECEMBER 4,1916, |at 12 o'clock,m.,the following described lands }lying on Fourth creek in Chambersburg town- ship,to-wit:First’tract:Beginning at a {white oak in the David Waddell line,thence‘with his and the Franklin Gay line,west 170{ Jar. i Comeearly and g¢best. The Ladies’Aid Society of ElmwoodPresbyterianchurchwillsellFancyWork,Candies and Novelties at our store all day tomorrow. tthe 1 5 *yor Oty anae yt es4 aH, toate VLE“sortker “gaot ipaid’Gay line’north 102 poles.to biack oak,|that loved body away just as leving-Newton,Jan,28—night.|B..J.Poston’s corner;thence with his line east |lv,and beautifully,as he_kept.it in Jredell circuit,Olin.Feb.3-4,|'50 poles to hickory,his corner;thence with his|life,} Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.: We wish to announce.to ourfriendgandpatronsthatwehave ||line south 88 poles to walnut;thence east 120 He wants just the flowers they|Cool Spring circuit,New Salem, Feb.4-5.|eeured the services of Mr,#T.E.arefgot,from:one of.the-bestthoesinthéSouth.’He'is up-to- Tube work.«We can assure you that any work:left here for attention will behandledpromptly. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING~&SUPPLY COMPANY. date and expert on all Tire and fi beginning at.a rock on Hall's old line,now| Phone 201 Court Street. YOUR LITTLE ONE WILL KNOW ‘how good tasting are the things thatcomefromthis:grocery. such a lot of other things.She thinksonlyofthetasteofcourse.But youmustthink‘of quality and cost be- sides.Well in those things we canpleaseyouaswellasourfoodprod-ucts will please the little one.:Miller -McLain Supply Co.All Sizes D-4-S and Framing. C..WATKINS,’Phone 43§ W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and GunsmeDaiteeandKeysfit-ted.-In fact anythinginrepairline.-Phone 209. -Prepare For Winter. Let us go over your plumbing and heating plant and put it in shape for the long winter months. Anything in the plumbing or steam line. Let us put you in a closet.that WILL NOT FREEZE! W.E.MUNDAY. Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. The jam,| the biscuits,the breakfast foods,and| slongza’bs your wants.{l LAHloieisiacgalnrreeenrlaternedaaon ei eae sd |poles to’stake,Knox's corner;thence with,his\line south 64 poles to the ‘bégifining,contain-jing 80 acres,more or less.Second tract:Adjoining above tract and ¥Gay’s corner;thence north 28 poles to a-black- }jack;thence west 48 poles to a stone;thence| {south 70 poles to stone on Gay’s ‘line?thence j north 50 degrees east 64 poles to the begin- \ning,containing 14 1-2 acres,more or less.Terms of sale—One-third cash,one-third insixmonthsandone-third in twelve months.|R.L.POSTON,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Commissioner. Oct.31,.1916. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.—Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.80 p. m.‘2.80 to 5 p,m.and by ap- pointment.Andezson Bidg.,113 W.Broad St.Office ‘phone 324. Residence *phone 279—green. | a”r COUGHS,(COLDS,ETC. Price 25,50c.and $1..4 .‘For sale by/all Dealers.[ARNER &BROWN i}Hides and Junk Dealers ——WEF BU Y— Hides,Good Tallow,|‘Beeswax, Auto Tires,Light Brass,Heavy Brass, Light Copper,Copper Wire,Lead, Zine, All kinds of scrap Iron. Highest Prices Paid, |Work on Short Notice. Roofing and Sheet Metal work our line.We can do your work on short notice.We carry stock to take care of any job at all times.. Stock of Tobacco Flues ready for you.ATATEMILLE TIN CD en ey hovsd-—everything for those .who'are| {sunshine and showers .)begin it on the dead!“Present.vou Hebetter..at present.eS a AD ANY Smith,Cooperate veteran, ‘separated from the loved ‘ones,’to‘think of as beautiful,for the depart-, led.The flowers,the casket,the robe,jare not for the dead.No—they need nothing of the kind.But it is for us who are left to wait the last call;it lis for us who feel so keenly thé sep- |aration.It is that we may.more‘hum- ‘bly bear our part.We have laid the body that contained the spirit of our \loved one away,and we love to;do itlsurroundedbythebeautiful.*'.A noble Christian seems to me to iblossom at a funeral.A bud,a fiow- ‘er,that has lived and grown in the alike, |the Heavenly [ather’s care—now opens in its full beauty.And can say that many a person,many a ‘life,,seeing the full-grown flower, cut for the Father’s mansion,is,in| 'sending flowers for the grave of the departed friend,touched by the life lof the deceased.touched in the floral ‘token he presents,touched in his in- ner conscience,resolving to more per- sistently fight the F.vit One, -IT am not advocating an enormous amount of money for flowers at a‘funeral,but I am _aevocating the ihappy medium.I am advocating imore self-denial in life.Less luxuries,| more gifts for suffering humanity. |Less show,more sinceritv;and don’tr ***jbodies a living’sacrifice |which is your reasonable service.” |(In justice to Dr.Anderson,it is ‘but fair to say that The Landmarklisresponsibleforpracticallyallthe leriticism of the custom of wearing \hlack for the dead and the expensive ‘funerals,Dr.Anderson ‘being quoted as in eecord with the paper at prac- tically all points,he favoring |thelimitto$12 coffins;and in all the jtalk The Landmark distinctly stated jthat.it favored flowers at funeral ia modest,not a lavish,display.From ‘its viewpoint The Tancmars could ‘make answer to all the foregoing but. lit is too busy today.Some other day jit may take up the subject,with Dr. ‘Anderson's assistance).:~ee |York Institute Items. Sorrespondence of The Gandmark. Yor, K.Alersin North Wilkesboro.Mr.H.N.| iSharpe returned vesterday from.a} ivisit to Mr.J.B.Miller in Monroe.| |Mr.and Mrs.Marvin Bowles mov-| led vesterday to Iredell county.Misses Nora Allen and,Willie May! Sharne from Hiddenite,Mary Sharpe| Geen a“ land Mr.Ralph Harrington from Sto-}iny Point High School,are expected) |home for Thanksgiving.i,| |:Mr.Whit.Patterson left M@gnday; ‘for Georgia.Mr.¥id.Sharpe:is at|home from Great Bend,Kansas. |The protracted meeting at Sulphur| |Springs closed with a baptizing last| |Sunday. Some of our farmers were in Statesville with tobacco this week. {They report tobaceo the highest evers The school at Rocky Springs ‘is;jproeressing nicelv.Mr.Victor Aber-| inethv and Miss Blanch Claywell are teaching.co_Mrs.R.M.Morison visited her|folks at,Loray this week.Miss Ber- \tha Mortison has been sick but is ‘for ten.vears shériff -of Mecklenburg {"Phone 53,114 E.Broad Street. BUILDING?C.WATKINS, county.died suddenly at his home.in Charlotte Monday |.evening. and five children’survive. ‘ under | who ; Iistitute,Nov.,29 —Mr.C.} er has been visiting his broth-| ‘in the world, Widow [ee Troutman circuit,Wesley Feb.10-11..Mooresville station,Feb.11—night. |Mooresville circuit,Fairview,Feb. |17-18.: |Mt.Zion,Feb.18.11 a.m.jem‘Davidson,Feb.18—night.t |.The district stewards will meet in {Broad Street church, :Thursday.December 14,27 4.m. |Pastors and charge leaders will 'meet for council and to plan chapel,|* Statesville,| our |& \vear’s work in First church,Hickory,|3|December 18,at 12 ovctock.noon.i.|EW.R.WARE,P.E. Honestly Elected,is F the Claim. Dispateh to ,Weaver: |Raleigh -Greensboro ||News.|Be 'Tenth district lawyers here don’t 4 'think Congressman —Britt has any‘chance in the State courts or in ‘the ‘national Congress. +The attornevs believe that any in-§ivestigation will drive from any mind> ‘not made up as to fraud,all dissatis- \faction..One of them,who appears iin the case and dodges the calcium,| \declares that Weaver has been as surely elected as Ed.Pou.“If.we| {count all unmarked ballots he is ‘safe | ;by 300 and if we count only thé}; ‘marked ones he elected by 100.| 'That’s what made Weaver safe in| 3 ‘eiving Britt any standard of count-|5 ‘ing.If there is a contest absolute ||proof is ready to show Weaver's hon-|3 est election.As the case is much has been printed that looks badbecausethefactshavenotbeenpre-|[sented that were not relevant in!‘granting the certificate. |“There never was anything more ‘uniust than some of the news ‘stories,-written about the tenth.People have||allowed themselves to hecome biased jbv imperfect.reports.If anybody will| show.me what could be fairer to Mr.| Britt to agree to count all:ballots or|to cast out those unmarked,T don’t| |see what it could be.And if there| jis a contest all these things will bt} ibrought out.” |Reforestration in’Sandhill _Section. In the hove of reforestration of the whole Sandhill section when the testjhasbeenmade,the State Sanatorium and the University of North,Caroli- nh have placed Dr.J.S.Holmes,| State forester,in charge of 200 acres|ofthe 1,200-xt-the Sanatorium,to be| in the exneriment.us :\ \*ofessor Holmes will take the 200, acres ‘and plant:anew the long-leaf| nine.That section,denuded of its! forests bv fire and axe,lost its pine|timber,then among the most famous| and used sreatly in} shipbuilding.The people thought the|land was worthless when the trees| were felled but the sandhills have be-| come noted as trucking veaces and recently one man,clearc’$7,000 from | an orchard of 12 acres.| Prof.Holmes believes.that he not|only will be able to restore the long-| Jeaf pine and in 20 yewrs nave a new |forest,but he hones-also to work out,| a plan wherebv the fires may.be nre-|vented hereafter.Fire.more than| the unsettimental Nérth Carolinian,| has wrecked the forests down in| Moore and adjoining...counties.Myra}Holmeroithinks eroteX pines «remain ttofurnishthesupplyférEvLOreetra= | ~G WATKINS. LAANa ye f now & n _The Store That Pays the Postage on MailOrders Nursery Fender ey BABIES: howl “a Et out of the fite.Wagons to make the small boys happy.Good Cook stoves and Ranges for the kitchen,Oil Stoves 5 a:{eee y nf aet" yee rodMe‘f at for the bath room.-Coal Vases for the parlor,and lots of other things. ae —— If w:could only get you by the ear,and hollo:,in it and tell you that we guarantee our Flour and guarantee it to be as good or better. than what you eat,three times a’day--provided, you do not eat corn bread---we believe you would }¥ insist on MORRISON’S HIGH GRADE FLOUR‘. the kind that is made at your door and handled BSS Sea SSNA A if\); \ Wi.Nit in your store.-Now try and say Morrison’s High,4¥) We'll apprecsi.2 --2ur patronage.(S S BULLARLAS HIGH GRADE Se eeamas)tater ——STATESVILLE.N.C, Grade i'!>::-when ordering another sack of flour...\ yy e \\téh was,or was supposed to be, able to make /8nd an institution so equipped is not! STATESVILLE COLLEGE,- Statesville and Iredelt this section generally will feel NDMARK ESITOR.AND OWNER. Presbyterian .Synod to RIPTION "wick:i ERO ER EVE reees $2.00RUNaRTensNA1p;and schools ‘and equipment-—of colleges,seeing December..1,1916. THE INTENT. In Cumberland Superior Court a few days ago J/Sprunt Newton,a prominent lawyer and business mian,|Plan ig successful;but $100,000 Who ‘had been in the~courts before |¢qpipment and endowment for on account of financial’transactions,|!o¢al institution would mean an et- --.FRIDAY,|carne be raised and it will be some .was acquitted of a charge of embez-!largement of its work and a eS tiee thazlingseveralthousanddollarsfrom/|ing of its sphere of influence an estate of which he was adminis-|Would mean much for Statesville and trator.The question of Newton’s|the county.and this immediate sec- guilt or innocence turned on themat-|tion—materially and morally;would ter of intent.That is to say,if he |mean an addition to.the town and did take the money’and use it,he |Community that would be a great ad- was not guilty unless it could be/|vantage:to all the people,.aside from shown that he intended to misappro-|8"Y particular advantage to the de- priate the money,and this could only|ngminati that owns and controls be shown by the attending circum-|the college.; stances.It was shown that at the)Jn this modern age a school that is <time of the alleged transaction New-|not equipped for work in the first a,tank,and endowed,is handicapped; wealthy man and was good any reasonable demand.There-jonly of great material benefit to the fore,it was contended that Newton |Community in which it is located,but did not use the trust fund with the its moral worth and its influence in intent to embezzle,but expected to|the general uplift cannot be measur- replace it and was able to do so.But led in dollars and cents.It was men- misfortune overtook him and he was/|tioned recently that friends of States- unable to make good.Hence he was |Ville college were endeavoring.to acquitted on the ground of lack of in-provide additional equipment neces- tent to commit the crime as charged.|5ary to place the institution in the The case is not new.This.kind is Class of A grade schools,which will common;and the law,like that which |be of great advantage in its work.Aprovidesthatif.one have a certain|friend outside the State has given| amount of liquor in his possession it $100 to a fund for thts purpose.It is is:prima facie evidenceof an intent|hoped that other friends.at home and to sell,is very discriminatory.The |abroad will be moved to contribute colored man who borrows a pullet |t this fund,as the work of the col- from-a chicken roost may have a !ege can be greatly enlarged and the h jinstitution and the zommunity help-|5purposetoreplaceit,or make good;|:atheclerkinthebankorinotherpo-|&4 Pending the raising of the larger sition of trust,who takes and spends |f¥"d mentioned. the money of =hi i anecyofhisemployerwithout|CHpcK FOR CHECK WRITERS.the latter’s consent,nearly always intends to return it.But these peo-That youth who made two effartsple6fsmallmeansandsmallinflu-|pass forged checks in Statesville ence have a poor way of showing |this week will have to have a check, their good intentions,and generally |°F he will get in bad.The persist-the deed _is taken as an expression of |"°°witt which he tried to work the intent.But a man of prominence|ame indicated an abandon as to con-and influence and standing,who is|Sequences that means a ;criminal ca- people and an interest in the proposition of the raise more than $1,000,000 _for the.endowment Presbyterian | that Statesville college will get $100,000 of the amount,‘The money is.yet to time before it-ecan—be raised,even if the in the ‘night when 2 passenger train on therailroadplowed.through NEWS OF CURRENT Parts of the Country. Henry’Ford,of Ford .automobilefame,saw his first.cotton gin atSpartanburg,S.C:,this week,> “Two million ~destitute--Armenian,Syrian and Assyrian Christians havebeenaidedinthepast18monthsbytheAmericancommitteeforArme-nian and Syrian relief.A fund of $2,- 018,902 has been raised to date.« ;Five-negroes wer least seven others ini ured ©Tuesday ;Laekawan ja crowd of about 400 employes of theCanadianCarandFoundryCompany at.Passaic,N.J.a" |The Ohio State Republican centrallandexecutivecommittees,in joint |eonference,have décidgd to conduct a |Statewide investigation of the voteleastforStateofficersatthelastelee- ition by which James C.Cox,Demo- jcrat.was elected Governor. |William A.Jones,aged 20,of Mun- |hall,Pa,a ‘member of /a~football |team representing the dental depart- ;ment of the University of Pittsburg, died Wednesday from injuries receiv- |ed in a game on November 3.Jones ;was kicked in the spine and paralysis |resulted. A Chicago dispatch says “Peter’s pence,”the annual collection for the Pope of Rome taken in Catholic jchurches,amounted vo an aggregate lof $100,000 in Chicago Catholic churches.Heretofore the amount was about $30,000 the same churches. In answer to the suit for alleged libel brought against him by Jeremi- ah A.O’Leary for a statement pub- lished on October 8,Vance MeCor-jmack,Democratic national chair- |man.declared that his assertions were ‘justified.The O’Leary suit will prob- ‘ably never come to trial. The N-4,the latest type of subma- ‘rine built for the United States gov-‘ernment.has been launched at the ‘yards of the Lake Torpedoboat Com- ipany at Bridgeport.Conn.Three oth- er submersibles of the same tybde are /under construction there and are ex- |pected to be completed within'a few|weeks.de|Bishop J.H.Mech of the South-;ern Methodist Church,and Miss Ma- ‘ry Nv Moore,former president of the in Se emer TT EVENTS (Incidents Gathered From (All killed and.at:The Way To Health. |.Preparing to Locate Banks. The Federal’Farm Loan Board,which has.returned from its finaltourofthefounteytodeterminethe!best -location for the establishment.of the twelve Federal Farm Loan Banks,has“begun studying the massoftestimonyreceivedduringitstrip,Announcement of theselection of the |twelve Federal districts in which thebanksaretobelocatedisexpectedwithin20days, Health.is.the mostthinginlife:—It--is-toovitaltobebandiedabout as an arti-'cle of merchandise.It-cannot bepurchasedinboxes’or phials at the corner drug store.“4BARIUMSPRINGWATER aids; pature to restore itself when drugs | all.|A prominent 'Charlotte attorney| writes:“I was suffering from shat-| tered nerves and disordered stomach| and kidneys and ‘the BARIUM) SPRING WATER brought a speedy cure.” If you are suffering from stomach, kidney,liver or bowel trouble;Rhev-| matism,Gout or other ailments, caused by Uric Acid poisons,use BA-RIUM SPRING WATER and get re- sults.,’Phone W.A.EVANS,or write Ba-: rium Springs,N.C.,Box 1-55.MR,KIRK'S LAST SUNDA, important | recious,too | } We want every member of the} Men’s Bible Class,Broad Street| Church;to come next Sunday| morning. There will be no lesson.We’re going to devote the morning hour to saying goodbye to Brother Kirk,whom we all:loves honor and wish the best things in life for. We'll have,too,a few little heart-to-heart talks.You'll be glad,I’m m.. A.J.SALLEY, sure,to come—9.45 a. |Athens Woman’s College.and’promi- Inent in educationa!circles in the |South,will be mairied December 2 lat the home of Dr.Frank W.Bran-| |don.Miss Moore’s brother-in-law,at- |Gadsden,Ala.t :| |President Wilson ‘yesterdav at-)| |tended pontifical high mass,celebrat- jed at St.Patrick’s church,Washing- ‘ton,by Cardinal Gibbons in memory is Joseph President.ee ee es ae MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a mortgage deed executed May 11,1915,to Thos.J.Conger by-Louis Wilson and wife,MaryWilsontosecure.an indebtedness of $33.50,and}default having been made in payment,I will onSATURDAY,DECEMBER 23,1916, at the court house door in Statesville,sell for |eash at public auction,to the highest bidder,| eaten yoann homer 4 supposed to be responsible financial-|Teer unless something can be’done to of the late Emperor Franc ly,and who for.this reason is often made the custodian of trust funds, can violate the-trust and escape be- show him the error of his way.-Ev-| erybody is sorry for the poor moth-| er of course.The pity of it is that it of Austria Hungary.Secretary| |Lansing and members of the diplo-| matic corps not connected with the| entente allies,also attended. Universal military training in ,ry Keaton and others,’being Lot No.11 in|! i the following ‘tract of !and in Statesville town-} ship,described as follows:Adjoining the lands of Wesley Privett,Jer- Block C Company. of North Statesville Development For further description see map Ye ws X ‘* “GIVEN AWAY |‘Saturday,December.1916 == FREE TOY RANGE~~THE CHILDREN. storethemaToypasteboardRangewhoutandfoldtogether,We will also explain to the children oursitiononDolly’s Favorite,the smallest.World that cooks and bakes perfectly.It is agenuine,practical little Range that.will Bring your children to our and we will giveichtheycancut propo-Range in the cook and bake everythingWillCook. There Are Large Favorite Ranges That will just suit the Mother,too,as they save a.°quarter of the time usually spent in the kitchen.Favorite Ranges..cost no more than inferiorRanges;They cut fuel bills one-third;Practicallyeliminaterepairiexpense,and give perfect cookingandoeresults,ork,worry and money are saved by buyinFavoriteRange.Come in and bring tlie onildsen!We'll give the children a Toy Pasteboard Range andwe'll show you why a FAVORITE will pay for itself that Mother’s Big Stove cause the ci s im |is always the inz:oceny h ff .record in Register of Deeds office of Ire-.“:Su tances enable him y :pee we Sumer |some form as the solution of the re-el ais lead toby ae 15,the lot cela)in three years.to shone nnt he did not intend to most when crime is committed.\eruiting problem for the army and|the same conveyed to reue Wilson by A.A : commit trime.But for the welfare of society aS acre will be placed formally before|Colvert and wife,M.J.Colvert,September|“11:°H .|A ,piace Tm ally OTE |30,1910.THOS.J.CONGER,W ;All of which is recited to say that well as for the benefit of the wrong-Congress during the coming session,|Nov.21,1916.Mortwapee!illiams Furniture ouse Inc.‘ this intent business generally—we |doer and especially as an example to if Chea eee Ae ae SALE UNDER EXECUTION.“The Favorite Store.”fdon’t know all the facts in the New-|Others,something will have to be |reer ul nme :“his nnoune-|UR ,|aay 5 :icessful in carrying out his announc-|Vorpy CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY .|ton case and are not passing on that done with the folks who circulate |ed programme.}In Superior Court,January Term,016.|=:ns ne qisusedsolelytohelppeopleofin-|Worthless paper.The -passing of}The,Chicago diet squad,which is co Pe Isaac H.Whiting and APPS Na a :\, fluence escape the consequence of |forged checks and drawing checks |undergoing a two weeks’test to help!"5,‘Virtue of an execution directed to the ie $f ]ith it .he b 'establish an economical standard of undersigned from the Superior Court of Iredell ;‘wrongfu acts.The very moment-a}Without any money in the bank to living and to prove that palatable and county,in the above entitled action,I will,on|SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE COcustodianoftrustfundstakesandj4rawon,has become a very common nutritious meals can be served at a coe SE Oe ae -:° uses funds he has no legal right to|ffense,but one that is rarely pun-|cost not to exceed 40 cents a day,has eee cade ine Sisvece pacer oF ot eal °:_use,that very moment-he -is guilty ished,considering its frequency and |been fed for a week et a net cost for satisfy said execution,all the right,title and!°@ z 4 5 .:*‘food consumed of 33 2-5 cents a per-|interést which the said Isaac H.Whiting and 9 :It is nonsensé to say that he intends gravity.The latter fact accounts |son each day.‘On this diet the squad Mrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in}4 ,g , _to replace them and was at the time|largely for the frequency of the of-|has gained a total of 27 pounds.lee Pet ee ie ober ane ae oe iableto‘do so.If he had no right to |fence.When one who gets the con-|The transcript in the case of the the siocean State and county:bounded on the!:Je luge them,the -wrong was committed |Sent of his mind to forge a check,or |Meer Ona See (on Beavalrana ccehaw invert:on the east by |.ax.;2 OF se >Y Y ‘the lands of Clarence Moore and Witt Corne-|:.the very moment he used the funds;to darw a check on the bank when he of the Adamson 8-hour law,has been jius;on the south by the lands of J.Q.Cer.and even if he afterward replaced has no funds,is caught and escapes filed in the Supreme Court of the)ter:on.the west by the lands of John Honey-|Ne 1 ne :ihém,he is guilty of moral,if not |Punishment,he will be disposed to|United States.When the court re-°")"RB Eddie:wil alan ee ‘al Vew and atiractive line of Caps,50c.and $1. Ibgal wrong,the moment he takes |Tepeat that offence;and the example |convenes.next Monday a motion to purchaser.J.M.DEATON,|:ajil ses funds not his own,without |Will encourage others to do the same|@dvance the case for early Pearite Nov he Sen een |New assortment of Neckwear,25c.,50c.,75c.and $1. fHi¢*knowledge and consent of those thing,seeing that nobody is punish-|Department of Justice with concur-|SERVICE BY PUBLICATION.|,.49°whom they belong.The law ought |&4 for it.is rence of a railroad counsel.|NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.|New assortment ot fancy Hose at 50c.the pair.tobe made to read that way and|These remarks are not intended as|The Ohio State Beyupucen central ee McDanicls plaintiff,vs.Vernice Me-2 i i urgin unish i ia]|and_executive committees,in join NOTICE Vernice’McDaniels,the above |i .2there:ee be no equivocation and es oe pune an oe Bpecial conference,decided to conduct aj ,.02)een pee ote Complete line of Kid Gloves,$1.00,$1.50,$1.75 ~ rie eng Vo shield the veuilty,re toned as above others;but|State-wide investigation of the vote ‘ion entitled as above ras been commenced|and $2 00 poTheWinstonRepublicanofThurs-|enseie renectad ohThe (ener ee eee ee tate ences ME Cons Demo.(ee,Dureoneof blaine divorce auninat wes«‘epublican o urs-|ease is reported in The Landmark to-|tion,by which James M.Cox,eMo-|her:i the said Veraice McDaniels will,:é : .dy,November 23d,-a day after Mr.day ee oftoncee ies beeen crat,was elected Governor.The ac-!farther take “notice that he e Feared to)Complete lineof.Sweaters,$3.00,$3.50 and $5.00.‘s i S *om ;uppear at the term of said court,to old |ae had sent a tetegram to Pres-very common,it seems to be necessa-Pees ncient peeonpr ed on the ae Peat the Gat EY Brat Monday||i i :.:te =e Ss re S in M .1917,at t ourt house of Iredell|5idmtWilsoncongratulatinghimonrytodosomethingtocallahalt.|which to.base a demand for a_re-|pant iState of “North Carolina.and cancel =)patyaetee TTTDNY qo re exhire-election,told its readers “there —_—jcount of the vote.eee ene completaae in eels Besion FOR MEN’S I URNISHIN GS,—is*still doubt”whether Wilson or!That proposition presented by;Sixteen thousand pounds of erie:filles demanded 1a aid complne a ae =Hprter bad won:and remarked joj Mr Thom,counsel forthe rallronds ef Who,000Purge Of Sante Hie a Es |ay Phone 83,# thé same issue:“Still Hughes has it to the investigating committee _in ‘anges,4,000 pounds of plum-pudding Cterk Superior.Court,.|,oeoOWilsoninthathehascarriedhis|Washington,that.Stute regulation of and 7.000 pounds of candies and oth-.-,¥.Mayberry.Atty for plaintiff,| oWn.,State.”The Republicans need |railroad rates should pe eliminated er dainties,were shipped Monday SHERRILL-WHI |ESHOECO. all the comfort they can get and we and all Federal regulation substitut-ene eu ne ee Gon |.:t:,.a:.|gi ‘:adi zen ;¥uldn’t begrudge them the small |€4,has some merit.Under present|Pershing’s troops in Mexico.Thirty-ANNUAL BAZAAR |PMBMMBEEE EMAAR OTCAM INCA ETT CTSforttheygetoutofthefactthatConditionsthereisconstantconflict‘three motor trucks in command of -=a ghes carried his own State—New between State and Federal regula-Captain Herringshaw,conveyed’the TUESDAY DECEMBER 5 I.-aise aa agua aaa de Ygrk—and also President Wilson’s |tion on account of inter-State and in-|CARO.anes ho claj to)u r ea ‘ h 1e State—New Jersey.But it is a,tTa-State rates;and on the face of ete s Sea ESE CEST At the CourtHouse,|h R oC 5fagtofcoursethattheRepublicansit,the more uniform Federal regula-|and who is said to have homes in By Local Workers of Broad |0e epalring.wi Id have gladly given Wilson both tion would be better.The Landmark,southern California and Florida,is)Street Methodist Church :: N§w York and Now Jersey if they however,is by no means committed held in Londén,Eng.,on a deporta-|ai .could have secured elsewh 2.theaechanveaton tan ailcee ‘tion order,charged with maintaining||Fancy Article Sale to begin |,:| occu ncle wre "id ge,Torit realizes that 4 disorderly house.Doctor Jones |at Ilo’clock.Please send all ’s'son apt enough votes to put |ere woulc be serious doubt wheth-was first arrested for violation of fancy articles €o Mrs.R.A.|Have your Shoe Repairlgehesover.;er,under all Federal regulation,lo-the defence of the Realm act upon,Cooper by Monday after-|!,Ow ical conditions could receive the atten-ne eerie ene cea peeved noon December 4th |Work done by our ex- enator Overman,wh as on |ti ::ie ‘information of military value from |,|.'‘ined ly eta oe nny ba is oa from his followers.but this charge appar-pert shoe repairer.It -fiTres;.'a State board,in touch with local ently was withdrawn.:1 20 >y_thg Senate,now vacant;and for the conditions:It would be better for only takes him 15 to 20 aeocraticleadershipintheSenate,|the people,however,as_well as forSqontobemadevacantbythere-/the railroads,if a way could be found4ementofSenatorKernofIndiana,to avoid conflicts between Federalithe-Salisbury-Post-ha isa can-/and State rate-making bodies on ac-dilate for neither place.Senator|count of inter-State and intra-State rates,Ogerman now has ample honors.in Qn SRNR The constitution of ‘North Caroli- na says,article 2,section 2,that “the|Senate and House of Representatives shall meet biennially on the first Wednesday after the first Monday inJanuarynext-after thein election.” The first day of .January falls on Monday this year “and some of’the papers are now debating whether Wednesday,January 3,is the proper date for the meeting of the Legisla- ture,or whether_Wednesday,Janua- ry 10,is the times?Nothing else ap-"pearing,,The ,Landmark is unable tosee,at this moment,why Wednesday, January 8,isn’t the first Wednesdayafterthefirst.Monday as’prescribed ortant committee assignments,ith he desires to retain;and °he.4s ks the Western Senators are eri- éd to regognition;that the Southamplehonors.All of which is E seaeeeeennemesiemtiaeemnemenm enema ndinn brandof.Democratic primary iti:ics at Huntsville,Ala.,must be hs igh As the result of a primary a spring,a county officer was kill- the sheriff of the county and a ruminent lawyer committed suicide,_@@ an ex-county officer has just been victed of murder...Family rows’ always more.~bitté#than others’ |factionalpolities is the worst Judgment in Tolbert’s Case.| In the case of Ollie Tolbert,the |young man whose car’struck and}killed Special Officer Linker in Salis-jbury,and who was convicted:.of man- ‘slaughter in Rowan Superior Court,|Judge Carter required that the de-| 'fendant pay the widow of the dead! 'man $1,100,satisfy the costs in the | jease by the next term of court;| |judgment suspended for the term of jone year,and Tolbert to appear at |Rowan Superior Court next Novem-||ber and show that he has conducted|jhimself well.Further,that judgment||be continued for a term of five years||land the defendant appear from time| |}||| conclusively that abstained |he hasjabsolutelyfromtheuseof intoxicat-||ing liquors.':| jin the constitution.The 10th:would ibe ve second Wednesday.“Howsom-DAVIS’100 per cent.PURE |lever,The Landmark isn’t worrying|PAINT soars above them all in;about when the Legislature meets.|quality and popularity.iThememberswill\ie there in good time and will hold on while lasts,Von to time ‘during that period and show)« the pay Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., eee FOR SALE BY Statesville,A.C. t minutes to tack or sew ona pair of half soles.. Plenty of comfortable seats—you can have work done while you wait. In town shoes called,ai for and delivered. Remember we shine shoes free. SM.GUL Shoe Gori,x a O0it ©*i ogitis "i 18 WORTH WHILW (0 STUDY THE ADS,_. 7 eM - j ~~‘ REDUCTION IN MILLINERY (offering all our trimmed hats at a “gacrifive.s 3.50 to $5.00,~$ 3.00,1,98. c plored hats at half price.We still have a,fewFgoodnumbersieftinCoatSuits,we are offeringagreatsacrifice,See us before buying. RS.MARY SIMS. "THELANDMARK |PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND.FRIDAY,| jORFICE WEST BROAD STREET. ‘ERIDAY,--December:1,1916.| “GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.,| ‘Personal Mentionof People and| Their Movements. |Miss Jo,Dunn is spending the 'Thanksgiving season at her home in 'Albemarle.|Mr.and Mrs.A.E.Hendley and | children of Spartanburg,S.C.,arriy- ed Wednesday.night to spend some ‘time with Mr.Hendley’s parents,|Mr.in Mrs.'A.F.Hendley,at Elm-|weed 120 |.and Mrs.P.R.Mason of Thom- »WACROGOCOIOOQ0 PACH O19 tS TOC OHOLCHOHOHO OGOOQO6 CHASE THE CHAPS By using AZMON’S BENZO-GLYCERINE on that raw,jeritaied ‘skin.-Many people call for AZMON’S as regularly as,the winter comes. They know from experience that they can depend upon it Eto keep their skin in perfect condition the winter through.: If you're still unacquainted with its soothing,softening,tonic ef- fects on the skin,a trial will soon make’you one-of its regular dependents.. Don’t dodge comfort by delaying the trial any longer..,Drop in 'and get a bottle as you go home,or telephone 109. POLK GRAY DRUG lt 39“On the Square E5: || ms a 5 7 < CR O R E PR O C RR A RO R I ST ; aweitie were in Statésville Wednes- ,day,They were ag¢ompanied home by Miss Glenn:Mason, Miss Mona Gaither,who teaches in the Kannapolis Graded Schools,is) spending Thanksgiving at her home |in’'north Tredell. Miss Epps,a returned missionary from Brazil,is visiting friends in Elmwood. Mrs.O.M.Norwood and Miss Dorothy Dixon of’Charlotte spent ,Thanksgiving with Mrs.J.L.Sloan, Mr.and Mrs.L.W.MacKesson,\. and children went to Morganton yes-|lterday to spend a few days.|Mrsy J.H.Hoffmann has returned ‘from a visit to Danville,accompanied} by Mrs.J.Kaufman,who will visit her daughter,Mrs.Herbert Hoffmann,}Mrs.E.F.McNeer,who spent sev/ ‘eral days with her sister,Mrs. Miller,has returned to hey home at | Elkin. |Miss Norma Redman,‘daughter ‘of| ‘Mr.J.W.Redman of Bethany town-| ship,left Wednesday for Richmond : |MIDWINTER CLEARANCE SALE OF MILLINERYBEGINNINGFRIDAY,DECEMBER 1,9 A.M. 1 $7 00,$8 00 to $10.00 Trimmed Hats,now $4.98. 5.00 ‘“2.49. 2.00 and $3.00 98, Untrimmed Hats from 49c.to$2.98 Among the lot will be found a few Velours, Hatters Plush,Beavers and Lyons Velvets that sold as high as $5.00 and $6.00, Fancy Feathers,Flowers and Ornaments must go regardless of cost. Come early and get first choice.All sale pricescash.-Respectfully,MRS.J.M.McKEE. “a 6é 66 where she will study nursing. Rev.and Mrs.S.W.Haddon spent | eee in Concord.\ Mr,H.Shook and family of| Shannon are spending ten days with | relatives in the’county and at New-| ton. 'Miss ,Naomi Fithian went toy Da-| |vidson Tuesday to spend a week with} (relatives.;|Mrs.R.P.Allison went to Mocks-| ville Wednesday,where,today,she attends the marriage of Mr.Duckett| ‘and Miss Irene Clement.| |Mr.A.F.Sharpe,super eno ,of schools for Alexander courty,and| 'Mr.R.L.Downs,a member of the, Alexander Roara of education,were in Statesville Tuesday en route -to Raleigh to attend the Teachers’As- sembly. Notices of New Advertisements.| Made-in-Statesville exhibit Ne-| cember 7-8-9,free to all.Hoosier kitchen cabinet club opens|, tomorrow,—Crawford -Bunch Fur-, niture Co. Deeember sale Weser pianos and player-pianos.—Leonard Piano Store.| Toy ranges given the children.—| 'Williams Furniture House. Appropriate Christmas Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. wares.— ,Azmon’s Benzo -Gylcerine for ‘the 'skin.—Polk Gray Drug Co. es |“IDEAL iFireless Cooker Demonstration |Ht.ALL NENT WEER.AT |:Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. Mrs.Herr will Tatura:and demonstrate the “IDEAL” Fireless Cook Stove every day at 9.to 12a.m.and 2tooFm.Something codking all the time.hese lectures are very interesting and instructive. Trimmed hats-at a sacrifice.—Mrs.| Mary Sims. New and beautiful things for hol- iday trade.—Johnston-Belk Co.| Midwinter clearance sale of mil- linery.—Mrs.J.M.McKee. Men’s furnishings.Sherrill-|' White Shoe Co.. Christmas gifts Yor particular| shoppers..Statesville Drug vo.° Ideal fireless cooker demonstration all next week.—Crawford -Bunch| Turniture Co. Coat suits and coats.&| |Poston.Service department.—Statesville| Motor Co.The way to health.—Baritum Sprin Water.’Phone W.“Evans,or write| 3urium Springs,N. Fresh goods.eed‘ill &Reece. | me ness.Clerk Superior Court.|Salesman -wanted.—Riverside Re- fining Co.,Cleveland,Ohio.Few shares Paola stock wanted.—| Write A..care The Landmark. ,tek,Cy Privet!and R.T.Weather-| }man,commissioners,will re-sell Jand.| Come and bring your friends with you.If you alre ady ‘Water in Farm Homes—Road| have a cooker come and learn how to make it do more That Failed—News Items. for you.Correspondence of The handinark, ’Cool Spring Nov.28 —Well,The “IDEAL”will Roast,Steam,Stew,Bake and theresis eave.a calm after a storm.Boilpertectly.The “IDEAL”will save 80 per cent Since,things shave been settled ell).’ically,every one seems to be eas} ‘|of your gas ill,i and resting.The farmers are about) Had you thought of an “IDE AL for a theese through with their fall work.If we) e t?could have a few more years of pros- presen perity there would be a great change, (f d B h i .it (on most farms and farm homes.The} -automobile is finding its way into! :Law or unc ur ni ure ompany.many farm homes and now water- ;‘PHONE NO.400.jworks and electric lights are begin-,-‘“‘The Store That Always Welcomes You.”ning to find a place on the farm.eee aid PEO oe.C.Blaylock and J.L.Abernathy,| oem =;are putting in both.bli es oonI;ers are prosperous and happy it}fe \.seems the world is happy. re j ODA Y FRESH GOODS Miss Eula Summers has any ‘¥¢:,We :as bookkeeper for Johnston-Belk Co. é eh "A good meeting has just closed ee (with the Baptist:church at Cool|A fresh shipment of |},Spring.Rev.Mr.Staley,from Win-) °9 G :F Cranberries .‘ston-Salem,did most of the preach-|Pace :tt ¢.’Ling: Davis nana cae Celery The faithful and one ntteachers :of Cool Spring High Sqhool are do- and Kellogg’S Toasted oO t jing fine work.There will be a lec-| B ysters .ture this afternoon.on domestic}ran.—iscience by Miss Grace Shaffer of|3 :;Kvaporated Prunes Raleigh: The Bran 1S something Mr.Cole,of the Sigma neighbor-| | Evaporated PeachesNew.| Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St Try it. ——Phone 89,——a |Eagle &Milholland.| which caused all the neighbors to, hustle for vaccination. This,community has been promises for a good road‘ to digest | ) \has none yet,that it fai inow.’Cool Spring townshi y has not} received her share of the road mon-| ey.\ ||hood,-has a genuine case of smallpox,| {| | {fed on long and| D BROWN CUTyTAXES|FRYERS AND!4 Be Bie cease ay tanttorthécollectionof1016Texde: FIREPROOF:PAINT.payment is requested.W.L.NEEL’ CGC.WATISLNS.!puripina?| a,:‘ Nov.8 City Tax Colléctor” PromptSLY. c WATKINSS. |Charles Holert,clerk in a’store|, (at Asheville,is under $500 bond to} answer a aearge o?stealing $260,)3,from the safe of the county treasur-'¢t’s office. yh ene atte Constipation.Chatabertaserh Tnelke are fexbelfent for.con:|stipetion.They are pleasxant to take and mild *and gentle in effect.Obtainable’everywhere, valley lillies. |Miss lof Greensboro,Mr. |Duke of }Charlotte,Mr.Clark,Mr.and Mrs. |Crowell of Louisburg. Mr.Thomas A.Rimmer and Miss| |Bessie Murdock of Troutman were married yesterday morning at 9.30atthehomeofthebride’s mother, |Mrs.A.A.Murdock.Rev.J.L.Mor- gan,vastor of St.Michael’s Lutheran ‘church,officiating.Mr.cand Mrs.; |morning Davis’Graham flour and Kelloge’s|‘ toasted bran.—Eagle &Milholland. Mr.Kirk’s last sunday.—Men’s; |Bible Class,Broad Street Methodist 'Church. Local Workers’annual bazaar| Tuesday,December 5th.| Collie pup lost.—Notify Clarence | Patterson.pt Notice to landowners.—J.A.Hart” |WANTED—Few shares Paola Cotton Mill Stock.State number of shares and price.Write A,care _The Landmark,Dee.1--1t. THE WEEK’S SOCIAL |Meetings Here and Elsewhere of Local Interest. |Reported for The Landmark, A very beautiful marriage was} |'solemnized Wednesday at \noon at!the home of Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Duke|‘of Franklinton,‘when ‘their only daughter,Mis8 Lura Lee Duke,was wedded to Mr,A.B.Johnston of| Statesville.The ceremony was per-formed by Rey.Mack Stamps and | the music was rendered by Mrs.J.F.| Mitchiner,cousin of the bride.The parlor was beautifully decorated in| ferns ahd white chrysanthemums, and’the wedding gifts were display-| ed in the living-room.The bride,a very beautiful bru-| wette,was handsomely attired in a blue broadcloth coat suit with hat to match,carried a shower bouquet of The maid of honor,| Willie Green Way of New! 3erne,wore a beautiful dress of| green satin and velvet and carried an} arm full of yellow’chrysanthemums. |Mr,Johnston was attended by MriKrankArmfieldofStatesville.| After the best wishes had been! said the guests were invited into the’ dining room,where an elegant lunch- eon was served.The bride and groom} ‘left immediately afterwards in their| ar for their home in Statesville. Among the out-of-town guests | present were -—Mr.and Mrs.D.S.! Thomas,Miss Mary Thomas,Master | David Thomas and Mr.Frank Arm-| |field of Statesville,-Mr.Percy Thom-| as and Miss Mary Upchurch,of Ral-| leigh,Mr.Duke of Portsmouth,Mr.| |Duke of Newport News,Mrs.Bart.| Duke and Miss Duke of Henderson,| 'Mr.and Mrs.Ed.Thomas of Manders son,Mrs.Dr.Strictrand and Miss} Strictland of Moncte,Mrs.Riddick! and Mrs.Otho| Vashington,Mr.W.|Johnson ara Mr.F.A.Wilkerson i Themadn with,ype opentaank iforhis Itis {72 his iy wa bith OS If you will give your child a toy BANK when he is a baby and teach him to put his pennies into it,then, later give hima Bank book and teach him to go to the Bank,you will give him the best Christmas present he shall ever have,and you'll’start him on tha.; road to wealth.‘ Try it. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. tear tt orgs ole “aide atu Pass 3 thet a We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.paperate ,onyTHEFIRSTNATIONALBANKfm voStatesville,N.C..me Rimmer left on_No.11 for @ visit to | Asheville.Mr.Rimmer is new locat-' ed in Statesville,where he holds a|, position as clerk at the _postoffice, but formally lived at Troutman. Miss Cora Brown and Mr.Horace], Thompson were married yesterday| at the home of Mr.C.LBrown,brother of ihe bride,Rev.J.H | Pressly officiating.The -marriage!'took piace about 7 o’clock Mr.and! |Mrs.Thompgon intencing to leave No.15,but on account of the wreck | ‘left on No.11 for.Asheville for a few} deys.| .1 »Reported for The Tanne The Priscilla club was delightfully|! ,entertained Eriday by Mrs.J.HughBryant,at her attractive home on, Elm street.After an_interesting| {period of fancy work the guests were invited into the dining room,which! rwas'lovely—being dimly lighted and| {decorated with red carnations.A de-j{ Llicious salad course with coffee and/ /eandies was served,after which the | euests departed.Miss Nell Steele of| ‘Biltmore was an out-of-town guest.|\ Roads Constructed. ‘The equivalent of 562 miles of 15-| ‘foot roadway was constructed under || ‘supervision of the Federal public! roads bureau during the year ending| June 30,according to the annua:re-| port.This was more than double any| previous annual record, Post roads constructed had a mile-| age of 397 and the balance were ex-e |perimental and county highways and’and something every friend would be glad to receive.‘roads in national parks or forests. We have those oh Before you do your Christmas buying we would™be glad’Wee to have you come "and see our superb line of holiday goads.,;ahs We have presents for every member of your household Mill une gad adsWehavemanycharminggiftsatPOPULARPRICES.. _MARKET REPORTS.| Btatesville Produce Market. “The following prices were paid yesterday | |produce on the local market.{Turkeys,16-18¢.per Ib,i Chickens,12c.per Yb.Rroaters 6c.ver Ib Eggs,33c.per dozen.| Butte Oy .per Ib.}Beeswax,25c.per Ib | Green Hides (unsalted,18-He,per Ib. Green Hides,s:20-20.per tbh, Hams,22c.to 2 ‘per Ib.Green Hams,14-I6c.per Ib.Sides,16c.to 18e.per Ib.j Shoulders,16¢.per Ib.| New Red Honey,8c.to 12¢.per Ib,:Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.to 20¢.per Ib.|! Old Auto Rabber Casing,4e.per Ib,|Sweet Potatoes,s0c.per bushel.| Irish Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel.| Grain. The following prices were paid yesterdayrgrain’on the local market: Wheat (new)$1.85 per bushel, Corn,$1.05 per bushel. Oats,65-70c.per bushel.’‘}Statesville Cotton Market, “On the local market yesterday 20 cents per pound was paid for best grade cotton. Cotton Seed,90¢.per bushel. .Seed Cotton,&1-2¢.per Ib. (ADVERTISE ME NTS in aecolamn 10“eents|per line.No ad.taken for less than 25 cents.Cash must accompany erder.) LOST—“ollie |pup.Notify ¢L ARE NCE PAT-| TERSON.Dec.1 ae 3M AN WANTED—To sell lubricating sc,specialties and paint.Part or Mehole %ime.Commission basis until ability;is estr Ub Tied.Permanent position and wide field hep qualified if desired.Man with rig prefeP ied.RIVERSIDE REFIN-|ING COMPANY,‘Cleveland,Ohio.| Dee.1. NOTICE—No trespassing or hunting allowed| on the lands of MRS.MAMIE S,NOOK, Nov.28 —1t*.§ WANTED—To rent good farm with 8-room |house,within three miles of Statesville.J.H.WHEELER,Stitesville”-Nov,28---2t*.| FOR)RENT—Six-room housestreet.Water and iights.SIGNow28.} FOR SALE—Large 715 Mulberry...street, on StocktonWALLACE.| | Buck heater.Apply to} Nov,28-~—2t*.| |WINNING -Strain Single Comb Red;PRIZECockerels,$1 to $2.E.A.FRYE,States.|ville,\N.C.Nov.28--2t*. WANTED—To correspond either -by wire or |letter with parties ‘having real estate or livestockauctionsales.We have 14 years ex-| (porlence,latest.methods)any!ehereinee ine dauired,»First gs servigg Rr Yy gel]every day!weadut Stinday!ARR Nohehus.SENGLAND REAL STATE °LIVE ot woh Cough Medicine For Children.i +Curroeet ;.oul Mrs.Huxzh Cook,Scottsville,N.Y.,says:|Our NariS Upon a package ASSUTeS its quality.oy a $f‘About five years agh when we were living in|;Le eae |Garbutt,N.Y.,I de vetored two of my children |,vt heelsufferitigfromcoldswithChamberlain's R.F.H ENRY,Je W ri i i Cough Remedy ang found it just as represent-|e e er.j Fi;ed in every w It promptiy checked their|:tay RE coughing and mired their eolds quicker than |See anything J ever used.’QObtainable everywhere.| 20 Shopping Days till Christmas. Shop Early,Not only" Earlyin the Season But’ Earlyin the Dy | oTheMenof Iredell | me ».as i If you want to see PEACE and t PROSPERITY bring every member of your family,including ©your Cousins aad your Aunts,to ohnston-Belk Co. For the Holiday Trade. beautiful things arriving daily to New and suit every taste. Come and be satisfied. The eAThat Sells For Less.* sre Dring “4 ;ale ‘to etoin,»ONT Skalia sean 4 SsTOeK PUBLIC AUCTIONEERS,rege|.boro,N.C Nov,28—3 HELP THE HOME TOWN BY TRADING WITH Kone MER & I LLATION CEREMON ER,D.Brown Installed ARev. “Thanksgiving. ICorrespondence of The Landmark. new charge,Back Creek andPresbyterianchurches, th county.:e services were held of the Secondtor: h of Mooresville,preachedchiresermo: of the¥irst Presbyterian churchalisbury,;delivered the chargethepastorandthepeople.=’ At Thyatira at 3.30 p.m.installa- tion services were also held.Dr.By-|ron Clark preached the sermon,Rev.|Peat Barnes charged the pastor and| R/A CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD, 8‘Pastor at.Back Creek andThyatira—Much Moving— hy- in Row-ounty,.These two churches com-’ose.Wmost prominent charge inBpPretmoresChurch‘in Rowaninthé;morning at 11 o'clock at BackCreek,where Rev.F.A.Barnes,pas- Presbyterian theandDr,Byron Clark,pastor oO to j :se nh ~Ae NA glAAOAKAROS AA mem ehoBt odd ely Mr.Bickett’smagnetonAttorneyG 1)and GovernoofCorruption,Frauds,elect ‘Thos.W.Bickett will ask thwisiature ae\Ete.to Be Investigated,“a areAshevilleSpecial,Noy,29,to Char-The ideiseraticneutinanttsi‘'lotte Observer.smite EN vlace on the’second Wednesday ‘jSolicitorJ.E.'Swain created al Januar entsensationinSuperiorCourtthisaf-Mr.Bickett willterrioonwhenhereadapetitiontoUnitedStatesSup:emeJudgeW.J,Adams asking that offi-Washington January 8,.wcialtosetatimeandplacefortheneysreinvestigationofcertain.rumors and ba’willchargesofelectionfrauds,made by Cuba to enterindividualsandinnewspapers,sinee|of North Carolina fothegeneralelectioneyNovember7.of $2,000,000 ofJudgeAdamsimmediately.|issued 1anordersetting-next Saturdaymorningatthecountycourthouseasthetimeandplace,and SolicitorSwain.promised to have such.evi-;dence as the State may secure in the;meantime then ready for presenta-|tion, Since the election November 7 andthecloseracebetweenCongressmanBrittaidSenatorZebulonWeaverforthecongressionalseatfromtheitenthdistrict,there have ‘been made He ot o vy! seek to ob r,the collectrepudiated¢h the inauguration. community,aged .about {died last night at Long’ daily during the creditable daily,too,' Inauguratjon,— r- to postpone his inaugur- Itke appear before ‘theCourtinhenattor+!presenting the republic of Cirtainpermissionforsuitagainstthe‘State gn.Tpet-bag bonds,Because of this fact Mr.Bigkett will ask a postponement of i bn errr)‘Mr.John L.Sides.of.the Loray 50 years, s Sanatorium, The ‘Gastonia Gazette issued!asessionsof“theMethodistConference,and it was al ‘esi‘4 ShayemtdaleepovppcicemealiWeilAyAMOVAL “HT, -tanh sat ar {Hoosier Kitchen Cabine—=OPENS TOMORROW.Almost Enough Names Enroll 4 icharges of corruption and |electionfrauds..The people who have beenidoingthistalkingwillnowhaveachancet6comeforwardand MAMMA!DON’T YOU SEEYOURCHILDISSICK,«. || Ruling Elder T.N.Hall of the First |their evidence before Judge dane.CONSTIPATED?Presbyterian church of Mooresville].::nce |ee ‘te ha ch ie tke le,|Who will sit as a committing magis-|;priereeeeenonejyLogkatTongue!“Move Poisons)eae .taryjeng |Olicitor Swain as repeatedly from Liver an owels::.at-tions ae ertof eS sed.old,|Promised that he would use his office|Once!.ewe oad Splendid fen ae :‘the |t®probe any such charges made be-|ae,a a eNOume7gadCSa“|fore him,and he made his word good|Mother!Your child isn’t natural-|oe e8.d ze have in Mr ithis afternoon when he requested the ly cross and peevish.See if tonguepernetORPeefavetnMe.inestentan ecemeees auvel core cee de:as :_::|e stomach,liver and bowels need apastor,whe oe do aoe ee i ne Cash and Carry System.ie es at once,attach oneof theseld and"well es,A,et0Cer_n Fon du Lae,Hi hasop Wem Hates ale,feverish,falltablishedchurchesafaithfulbandof|Mtroduced what he calls the “cash |°f ey ae ae a ae hasnobleworkerswhowillassisthimin|®"d carry system.”Be ae a ah aae oe wareeverygoodwordandwork,ever|/f his customers pay cash for etn eee ieee ee “heal Earreadytoholduphishands.Mr.Hall |&00ds he :REEL teentinent ff 5 per cent.If 2throwsoff6percéntHtshould always be the »or horseback.5 there were very few horse vehicles—| <ramarked‘that in years jagone at these churches,almost everybody rode in wagons,buggies,carriages, But on last ‘néarly every family coming in a car. ‘ ,people were so well dressed and look-' o Verily,times have changed;and Mr. Hall stated furthermore that the ed.-so prosperous that they were one selciof people the good times wereakinglookstillbetter.Most of »these people are farmers—diversified ve 0? _»their rations 5s many of us do. cs farmers—and stock raisers,who have their hog and hominy at home and age independent,for they don’t get in paper.bags,like Rev.T.B.Stewart and Elder 4G. :,M.Hogsette of Monitor,West Vir- ©his brother-in-law,Mr. “éwh Ccsa 2 f6«% ginia,have been visiting in this sec- tion.Mr.Stewart was the guest:ofJ.P.Mills,and Mr.Hogsette visited Rev.R.C. Davidson..Rev.R.C.Daviason..will hold Thanksgiving service at Coddlergekchurchtodayat10,having it an‘hour early in order to get homertheturkeydinner.Rev.L.U.Weston will hold service at 11 a.m. 'at.the First Baptist church.Servicesaes ‘aes:is assisted b Ail,week at the Second church at meght.The pastor,Rev.A.W.Wil- Rev.J.W.WattsofTaylorsville,Shs preaches at 11 a.m.today.Rev.S.H.Haypreach- ed a special sermon at the First Pres- byterian church and there was also aspecialsermonattheLutheran Sunday | they carry their purchases homethrowsoffanother5percent.If the!family’s grocery bill is $25 a month}that means a saving of $2.50—which addition to thesavingsbankbalance.The plan,it is reported;takes wellwiththisgrocer’s customers.More-over,he is tickled with himself,It /would ‘make a tidy saved himself the expense of putting ,on more delivery wagons,which hewouldhavehadtodoifhehadn'tadoptedthissystem.It has increasedhistrade.It as given him the benefit on the books.It seems to be bene-‘ficial all around.|f the customer is given a discount|for cash and a discount to deliver hisiowagoods,the thrifty will naturallysavethemoney.But so long as thecustomer,willing to pay cash andwillingtomakehisowndelivery,re-ceives no advantage over the”timecustomerwhosegoodsaredelivered,he is naturally not disposedto paycashandsavethemerchantcost.ofdelivery.It’s up to the merchant tosave.his customer and himself aswell. Raleigh News and Observer. Mr.R.M..Gray,superintendent ofpublicinstructionofIredellcounty,has appealed to the-State Board ofHealthfortheloanofthc’HealthMovies.He writes that he wantsthemoviecarforatleastthreeweeksbeforeChristmasandhastwelve cleansing | ||given.|Nothing equals “California Syrup |of Figs,”for children’s ills; of cash in the till instead of credit | Wants Health Movies in Iredell ‘teaspoonful,and in a few hours all|the foul waste,sour bile and fer-/menting food which is clogged in the‘bowels passes out of the system,and|you have a well and playful‘again.All children love this harm-‘less,delicious “fruit laxative,”and itneverfailstoeffectagoqd“inside”cleansing.‘Directions-for ‘babies,children of.all ages and grown-upsareplainlyonthebottte.|.Keep-it handy in your home,A Jit-jtle given today saves a sick child to-|morrow,but get the genuine.Ask{your druggist for a 50-eent be le of“California.Syrup of Figs,”*then|look and see.that it is made by,theCalifornia:Fig Syrup Co.”!‘NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.Under and by virtue of the order and judg-ment of the clerk of the Superior Court ofIredellcounty,in the action entitled “L,G.Horn,administrator of Mary E.Campbell,deceased,et als,vs.Willie G.Campbell ‘etals.,”the undersigned commissioner on’’MODAY,DECEMBER 18th,1916, at 12 o'clock,at the court house door of Ire-;dell county,will sell at public auction to the|highest bidder the following described tract|or parcel of land,to-wit: Lying and being in TurnersburoftheaforesaidStateandcounty,on the.wa-ters of Little Dutchman creek;and beingboundedonthenorthbythelandsofLonnieCartner;on the east by the Massey lands;onthe’west by the lands of Kellas Campbell,con;taihing 147 1-4 acres,more or less.The terms of the sale will be one-third cash‘ g townshiy, ;|give aj; child | Imagine the happiness of the .Woman who gets a HOOSIER KITCHEN.CABINET this Holiday season.io Your wife will.appreciate the HOOSIER as over a hundred other||Statesville Women do.‘.|Your HOOSIER will be an aut||Mever wants a day off.;Pay only one dollar,choose any Cabinet and your membershi|dues quickly pay the balance.Cabinets ‘will be delivered Satur.cember 2nd.Better phone right now and enroll your name.|Crawford-Bunch Fumiture Co.|—aa PHONE 400sm ‘‘The Store That Always Welcomes You’’ CEILING AND FLOORING Sold by C.Watkins is omatic maid that never complains,and pweekly day,Dec- { bE SSSSSSSSSSRSESESESTOSSENETSSSRETRELETTELESESTEETELEEE eee eee ETT eeeeee TeteeT PONTTt Tes /CHRISTMAS GIFTS——FOR— _Particular ShoppersAREONDISPLAYATTHESTOREOFQUALITY. WE ARE PROUD OF THE MERCHANDISE WE HAVE TO OFFER THIS YEAR. NOTHING PLEASES US MORE THAN TO SHOW YOU EACH ANDEVERY ARTICLE. AT YOUR SERVICE Statesville Drug Comp’y THE REXALL STORE.° eESSETESELTIISILITILESITILE on confirmation of sale,one-third in one year!and one-third in two years,with interest at 6| church by Rev.B.S.Brown.Lots scores of big dinners and Sundayaits’for Thanksgiving..Mr.H.J.Cook,at Amity,mashed both his.feet Saturday,by a falling cross tie,and has to use crutches to fe %points in the county where the show,|roperly Kiln Dried andmaybeexhibited.He is of the opin-|per cent on deferred payments.|Bidding on!P OF yionthatthesituationwilljustifya,same will start at $3,550 L.G.HORN,|Wont open.six-weeks’tour of the county instead’-a ee Atty.Commissioner.»|C.WATKINS.of three weeks.—————____—_——-Trying the Boycott. An attempted nation-wide move-ment under the auspices of theHousewives’League,is under way inmanyoes,the object being to force5:down food prices by a boycott.FirstNo.2 cotton mill,aera,and |offorts are directed to eggs and thewillrunaboardingnouseAeM_|slan is to refuse to buy eggs.Dur-Teen en cree of ‘the ham is the only tow in North Caro-|Ami p y :|lina,so far reported as joining in theitycountryalsomovedherelasttovenietweek.Mr.Kennerly 1s a weaver in’je ANo,2 mill .“4g :i en .ome changes are to be mede soonMr.Pink Barnin ce anarebee mGy ‘in the train'service between Salis-i ence ce Chie Bo aa bury and Asheville.Trains Nos.15,j mati Balser Amity,will WOKS a “ihe and 16 will be operated as through»’i cté6 ing’,ahomeofhisfather,Mr.cames F,|‘tains,ctopping only at the largera)j towns slong the way,except betweenernaepeeenepeeeetothefarmvatatedbyMr.Goodman,|Wi!l do local work.No.15 will leave!j ‘|yee ane .;on |Mr.Zeno Anderson moved in a house |Salisbury at 5.50,a.m.and arrive atneartheC.L.Beaver store,where Asheville at li a,m.It will carry a.he.runs a_blacksmith and repair|New York sleeping car,Washingtonshop.Mr.Ernest Horton has rented Sleeping car and dining car.No.16)eae J.A.B.Goodman farm’and Mg.|Will leave Asheville at 3.35 p.m.,in-R.B.Brown will leave it and move |Steed of 6.45 Dp.m.,2s now,and willtotheJ.C.Shinn farm,adjoining his |27rive 2°Salisbury at 8.45 p.m,father’s,which he bought this fall.Train No.36 will leave Asheville atMr.Ira Childers will work ‘the6 @ ™.JfarmofMr.J.L,Goodman,who has|Mr.W.P.Canter of “Cool Sprin5Aa..°¢U ©gmovedhisfamilytoRaleigh,where |oft yesterdav for Shelbyville,Tenn.,|to enter school.| v ~Mr.Emerson Chilcers,who livedontheoldMorrowfarmnearAmity,now owned by Mr.Tom Morrow,hasdecidedtoquitfarmingandmovedwithhisfamilyinadwellingnear ss s Ss s s s I I e e s s e e t e r o r e SB x s I I I L I z e e r e 2 ee EE E Sh s aEe e ee s . sr e e ce e me e =. ee s se s e s s s i e e e r r re pe o be c o s e s STTIIIIIITIITTIWIIesstss7e7e72982e 2227 r Se eeeeeeeedenten einai OUR STORE HEABQUARTERS,- Genume Jéwel Ranges! Stoves and Base’Burners made by the Detroit Stove Works---the largest stove plant in the world.Each hears the Jewel trade mark,which is a guarantee of high | quality and satisfactory service.Come in and see the stoves.Remember;every stove sold on an absolute guarantee. ;s 5 Statesville Housefurnishing Co. “Better Goods For Less Money.”: |PHONE 157.a__ he is in railroad work,as he has-been |for a number of years,his familyhavingmadetheirhomeinStates-|LOST.—Twoville.uMr.George U.Overcash of Amity :agretored to Statesville Sunday to see RE-SALE OF LAND,his aunt,Mrs.O.P.Sowers,and =spend the day,accompanied by his NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.|mother,Mrs.A.C.Overcash;his sis-|vIn the Superior Court.Refore the Clerk,|Mi Vi tO a --Nelson Bailey et al.ex parte,|ter,N 18S ictoria,and Mrs.Linnie’Pursuant to an order 6f the Superior Court,Martin.,We,the undersigned commissioners,will onThefarmersofcenBseeape ;Nes sell a e court house door,for cash,the,about done picking 2 following described piece of real estate:|want fo the rant i aioe ae RES EIDIOR at_a pine,Ellen Wilson's corner;ered.ev are finis ing up the odd ,thence north 7 degrees east 92 poles to a;*15 .|80urwood;thence north 16 poles to a black |a ee the nogs and get oak;thence north 87 degrees west 106 poles totingupthefirewoodforw:nter.A a maple;thence north 37 degrees west 18 =|in all—(except the flood sufferers)—-2 a stone,Tucker's corner;thence south 44thepeoplehavemanythingstobe|derrees west 22 poles to a pine;thence south!~thankful for.Thankful for PEACE,|thinine og Lust65 poles to the beginning,con-|;|&2%acres more or less.thankful for prosperity,thankful for |This is the old William Bailey Jand and is |health and a thousand and one other |being re-sold on account of a higher bid.|daily blessings vouchsated to us and_|Bidding ae RITE OF Roles cash.|-Cc.ETTE,to ours.May The Landmark force R.T.WEATHERMAN,on As fe reader have a good day }Commissioners.and be thankful,is my earnest.wish.!“TINJ.A.B.GCODMAN.Meg ee CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT.Trial For Killing Sheriff.9)*8 NAG:|LAND NERS TAKE NOTICEThetrialofErnestIsenhower,erates 4c ie eeeJesseMorrisonandJamesT,Rawls,|Viewers in the above entitled matter must be SUGAR charged with the murder of Adam D,|filed with the Clerk of the Court by Saturday;|ceaseHoodsheriffofFairfieldcounty,s December 9th,1916;that the Court will]hear |PHOSPHORIC ACID (P205)C.,June 14,1915,was begun at York,err on Fridey,Diese cane tees the Court |Other.mineral substances a on 0.092 per cent.ouity Gi Penie ceuie flection wil “he.held atthe ‘court howe in “BUCK”is a splendid TONIC,and as it contains quite a bit-of SU-On the date named Sheriff Hood,1itcsville on Friday,December 15th,for the GAR,is fattening and healthful.Ask your doctor to pass on thehisdeputiesandbisnegroprisonerahoveanalysis.Most good’dealers sell.it.INSIST on YOUR »purpose of electing drainage commissoners,| Jule Smith,charged with criminal as he Vy appol ‘‘h wenof i election.The|dealer supplying YOU Retails for 10 cents per bottle.CON-|-mfeetheywordarcondingheied(spice rom amone those reatiee's SUT|TAINS ONTGT oN XRG OF ONE PER CENT.ALCOHOL!of such proposedrienPiaeieeenot,receive.the chert wilt rie ei :Statesville, ‘R L.JOHNSON AND MRS,M,C.PRICE,OWNERS, Irith Setters.|Dec.1,1916,|Red‘HUGH R.COWLES.TS CS E GE WO TE WA S ee t >ae ae i3 3 5 south Iredell are! cotton and sowing| . eae YSIS OF “BUCK”BY THE TE OF TECHNOLOGY,CHICAGO. 4.67 per 0.17 per 0.19 per 4.75 per Pha .ANAL ~.SLEBEL INSTITU |Sacchrometer indication (Balling) ALCOHOL by weightTHEMATTEROF_sNnow|Carbonic acid gas .Extract that all!flnal report of the Board of SV I t GI T MI s sa g e ee t cent, cent. cent. cent. Dec.1-8. cent. 0.179 per cent. 0.002 per cent. we l SE E K St e s ag e r : eee ee eee eee ’ IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE If. KILN DRIED FLOORING AND.CEILING..2»RotthnaC tea)tisteieeAMadetiyHi olBaith8|“BOYCE LUMBER COs Phone 294. Se s s " S3 3 te r s e te e s t hercby appointed judges of said election,The |”commis-on as they were ascending th t Beer from among those receiving at:e steps of votes at said.election,or if any one or more (, of the court house by the defend-drainage commissioners shall {DISTRIBUTED BY THEifI|remainder from among those voted for in theFaleRzHepd,-Jule,Smith,gysy,g oyRaleighouware,’a deputy,cor fr ring ca thd ar of necerbepostedatthecourtousedoor¢t$Owery nwore killed.Ernest .fve conipicuidus “place within »the att fehowerwistriedatyorklast|Giiris and be published for two consecutiveerastheresultofachange,“e¢ks in The Landmark,«newspaper of gen-;I’.I.JOHNSON,MANAGER. ie >.{eral circulation throughout the county.of venue,the trial’resulting in an ac:|J.A.HARTNESS,ttal Dec,1-8,Clerk Superior Court,% Fe a t Se Sane Raters bya thymeg and Absorption. “No Dosing. lungs,In vintaoan’can be ap)chest and cov with Vick's is absorbedtightyose overthe throu and.@,warm flanneltakeinternalmedicinesor|cloth—or a little put up the nostrils—or,for ‘these:troubles.|mélt a little in aspoon,and inhale ig va.Rub”Salve is appliedcoemedi.poethatare talesumn to-body,pore arising,Also for Asthma and‘ever,’apligcs the nervous Ree:rub Vick’s welJ over the ee feecurd FUMIDON (Insect Destroyer) For the Destruction ‘of Weevils, Beetles, SOC. Moths and Insects. A BOTTLE'——AT-— HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. i BOON OsCHOCO, Election Over | ——-AND —— Returns are unanimous in ¢ favor of SLOAN CLOTHING § COMPANY being the best § place to buy your nice Fall and Winter Suit,Overcoat $ and Gents’Furnishings.Big $ line'of latest up-to-the-min- ute fabrics and styles. OUR MOTTO:= “«“The Store of Honor.” Vox Populi. oe Why Anything Less ‘Than the Best? The Penn Mutual Life ’unsurpassed with benet Other companies are a Insurance Company issues policies fits unequalled. sking,“How can you do it”?-ij THE FACT THAT THE PENN MUTUAL IS DOING ITISAGUARANTEEOFTHEPLAN! formation.It will cos ERNEST G.GAITHER, |Ask for full in- t nothing but the asking to know. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.*Phone 23.Mills Building. District Agent, ¥itions of the Austrian and .(British government feels justifiedwithholdingitsconsentforsuch dip-| »|THE LANDMARK sf FRIDAY,December.1,1916. BANKERS ARE WARNED. Better Not Tie Up Too Much inForeignLoans.— American bankers are.warned ‘bytheFederalReserveBoardtoavoid lockingup their funds by purchasing Treasury’bills of foreign wovern- ments jinvolving long term obli;tions,‘While specifically disclaiming “any intention of reflecting upon thefinancialstabilityor«any nation,” the board advises all investors to ‘|proceed with caution and formally ‘lannounces to member banks of /the‘|Federal reserve system that the liq-uid funds which.should be availabletoAmericanmerchants,manufactur- ers and farmers is in danger of beingabsorbedforothérpurposes.Officials would not discuss ©the question for publication,but some oftheminformallyinterpretedthe warning 2s the reserve board’s an- swer to the recent proposal of J.P. Morgan:&Co.,British fiscal agents in this country,to have American bankers accept British Treasury bills of an indefinite total issue,secured by gold reserves held ins Ottawa. Such Joans would be for 90 days,with the privilege of renewal for fiveother90-day periods, H.P.Davison of the Morgan firm was in Washington recently and con- ferred with President Wilson and scme of the members o”the reserveboard.It was said Jater that he sought to have banks of the reserve system authorized to buy British Treasury bills as if they were bills of exchange,to cover financiai transac- tions..Danger from further importation of large amounts of gold,the boardsaysinitsstatement,will arise onlyincasethegoldispermittedtobe- come the basis of undesirable loan expansions and -or _inflammation. Emphasis is laid upon the necessity for caution in putting money into in- vestments which are short term in name,but which “either by contractorthroughforceof(circumstances may in the aggregate have to be re- newed until normal.-conditions re- turn.” No Safe.Conduct.For Austrian Ambassador. The British forcign office has re- fused American Ambassador Page a safe conduct for Count Adam _Tar-4 |niowski von Tarnowski,the new..Aus- ambassador to the United The reason for the refusal| trian States. f};mav be paraphrased as follows: “Even if international law forbade “iment entertains such The Newest Gruen - Achievement. 1I9-JEWEL. “VERY-VERITHIN,”$50. “The greatest Combination of Watch value at the Price.” R.H.RICKERT &SON, Exclusive Agents for Gru en. *|vassers-!to enjoin them from delivering Mr, :|diately following. Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. ‘Capital Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business -solicitedand every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent-with prudent hank- ing methods, Four per cent.paid on time and Savings. Deposits remaining on deposit ‘three \ months or longer.\ OFFICERS W.D.TURNER,KE.MORRISON, D.M.AUSLEY,~-Vice President. Cashier,-_~ G.K,HUGHLEY a linaeetant Cashier, the refusal of such a conduct the ac- German {embassies and consulates abroad ihave been so much in excess of reg:|ular diplomatic functions that the)|in lomats to travel to their posts.” That is to say,the British govern- strong ill will against Austria -Hunjyscry and Ger- many,on account of the war,that it refuses the usual courtesy,which»is to accord safe transit to a represen-| country. This gives ground for another con troversy with the Britisn governs ment.Whatever Great Britain may feel about Austria -Hungary,Amer-ica has some rights in the premises. While the State Department issued no statement,it was evident that thé unfavorable action of the British for- eign office on the notice of the inten- tion of the new ambassacar to crosstheAtlantictohispost,was an un- pleasant surprise. Britt-Weaver Case ‘to Raleigh. Interest in the tenth district elec- tion muddle shifted to Raleigh:when attorneys for James J.Britt,seeking to prevent Congressman-elect Weev- er from securing a certificate of elec- tion,filed suit in Wake county Supe- rior Court asking for =-estraining order against the State board of can- and the Secretary of State, Weaver’s certificate. Britt’s attorneys «ppeared before Judge Adams in Asheville Tuesday, asking that he issue a_restraining order against the State board,and the Secretary of State,but Jidge native mandamus county board of canvassers,tald attorneys that he would writ against the the prefer to Judge,Adams explained that he haddismissedthemandamuscasebecauseof‘lack of.jurisdiction and would hardly care to sign an injune- tion agzinst the State bodics imme- Britt’s attorneysthenaskedthejudgetomake.a.find- ing of additional facts in the case, and this request was also declined. The Britt faction then began ac- tion at Raleigh before Wake Supe- rior Coyrt,seeking to.cbtain the de- Bjsired injunction there. ;ry restraining HB |Wednesday. (Judge Carter issued the tempora- order at Salisbury It is Judge Bond in Wake Superior Court lin Raleigh today). ai Mr.Hughes to Resume Law Practice. Charles E.Hughes,late Republi- :can presidential candidate,announcesithatJanuary1hewillresume_the |,H\practice of law as a member of the 3 |nominated for -Governor BE.Hughes,Jr.,also will firm,it was stated. New York city law firm of Rounds, Schurman &Dwight.His son,Chas.enter the ‘In 1906.when Mr.Hughes was of New.4;York,he was a member of the saméBilawfirmbutits Biwas Hughes, title at that time Rounds &Schurman.H)With Mr.Hughes again In the firm, 4 its new name,it\was announced,willHibeHughes,8 |Dwight.Rounds,Schurman & ‘HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foranychseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredby|Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca- H tarrh sufferers for the past’thirty-five years,2}and has become {known as the most reliable President,7 remedy for Catarrh.*Hall's Catarrh Cure actsthrough”the Blogs on the Mucous surfaceas!expelling the Poison from the Blood and heal-ing the diseased portions. After -you have\taken Hall's Catarrh Cure ag for a short time you will see a great improve-ent in your geheral®health.Start ~takingWaCatarrhCureatonceandgetridof;hy i fo .ials,free2Raa“&poled,SGhte,*,hy all Drugiste,fe yy ae a THE BIRDS AND ROADS. Protect the Birds—Also the Roads, To the Editor of The Landmark: Harmony,Nov.28 Since .Mr, Heath has ‘called me out,I will say a few words in regard to our birds.I have.long since been a great believerinthepeotersianofourbirds—espe- cially the partridges.This genera-tion perhaps will never realize whatourbirdsareworthuntilitistoolate.A Northern man once told me that’they would not take $50 apieceforbirdsthatwoulddestroythein-| sects,that the partridges do for us;| that we were just simply ignorant orfoolishtoletourbirdsbekilled,and we would wake up some old day and see where we were at.y Let every person who reads this begin right now to fight for the pro-tection of our’birds in every way| that will do any good.Ask our Rép- resentatives,every one of us,to have |what laws have been passed put intofullforceandtopassmorestringent ones—Something that will protecteurbirds.Read the State bulletinsonthissubjectandleteverybody wake up on this.subjecv. Justa few words about our roads. Why not ask the next Legislature to bass some kind of a raw for the pro- tection of our good roads?Give us ‘the broad-tire,wagon;force every lumberman and every merchant to buy a broad-tire wagon and then the farmer can buy one as he needs ‘it, as he does but.little hauling.Every- body that agrees,with me in this matter can vote by keeping their seats in silence,and if any one has any objection to this let it be-known by coming forward and saying something.We want to see the ma- jority rule.The election is over and it seems almost everynody is satis-fied,if they will let Prof.J.J.Britt jup in the tenth take his seat,as it seems he got,the majority.We canwaitwithpatienteuntil1920andsee if Billy Bryan will give ns national prohibition.CHAS.C.THARPE,eae DENNEN Republicans Had Surplus. Cornelius N.Bliss,treasurer of theRepublicannationalcommittee,hasfiledthefinalfinancialstatementof contributions and expenditures for the Republican campaign.The re- port shows total contributions of $2,445,421,from 34,201 |contributors and expenditures of $2,441,565,leav- ing a surplus of $3,856.; EATBIG MEALS!NO3!NO SOUR, tative of a_belligerent to a neutral| Adams,who had dismissed an alter-} have some other judge sign the bill.|! returnable before} ACID STOMACH,INDIGES-i |TION OR GAS! |“Pape’s Diapepsin”is Quickest, Surest Stomach Relief Known .—Try It! Time it!Pape’s Diapepsin will di- 'gest anything you eat and overcome /a sour,gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If you meals don’t -fit comfortably, lead in your stomach,or if you have heartburn,that is a sign of indiges-|gx tion. Get fram your pharmacist a fifty- cetit case of Pape’s Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can.|There will be no sour risings,no} belching of undigested food mixed! with acid,no stomach gas or heart-| burn,fullness or heavy feeling in the! stomach?nausea,debilitating head- aches,dizziness or intestinal a This will all go,and,besides,there stomach to poison your breath with| nauseous odors.1 Pape’s Dianepsin is a certain cure |} for ‘out-of-order stomachs,because ittakesholdofyourfoodanddigests| it just the same as if your ‘stomach |wasn’t there.| Relief in five minutes from,all) stomach miscry is waiting for you at|any drug store.| These large fifty-cent cases con-| tain enough ‘“Pape’s Diapepsin”to|keep the entire family free from | stomach disorders and for many months.It belones your home,in| Flowers For All Occasions! # We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van Lindley,Co., GREENSBORO,a!6, Polk Gray Drug Co., Lecal Agents. GC.WATKINSfor “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices,Shingles,Doors,|Windows, Ceil-ing,.Flooring,Siding,Boxing,sepulding,Laths,Lime,|Cement, :L Neot rages “eeatdivitid,° 9 will be no sour food left over in the} PS S S S S S S I S S S S E S S S T I S S S S S S T ES S IS T E eee r i e ir r r e r e r e t e rs s clear,steady light of the Rayo Lamp makes thinking easier. Its soft,mellow glowis rest- ful to the eyes, Steadier than gas—more restful than electricity— cheaper than either, Use Aladdis,Security Oi1— the most.economical kero- sene oil--for best results. STANDARD OIL GOMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE,MD Washington,D.C.Charlotte,Norfolk,Va.Richmond,Va So w Sp a i n ~ + ne e 3 Li aS gt eg he n Ht pe ca g ug ) Le oN.CCharleston,W.Va.,Charleston,S © or what you eat lies like a lump of|% on your future concerns you alone,BUT---where vit family is concerned,can you affford to take the chance S of pulling them down with you.when your earning,¢ capacity is destroyed and -expenses largely increased ig through illness or accident?mnt @WHENforsolittleeachmonthyoucanplaysateby4 carrying ‘one of our DISABILITY POLICIES,WHY risie:ae 4distressing-a situation? The feeling of financial safety sucn a policy eigea” ders is th more than the small sum it costs,eveh %should YOWnever need it.You'll have to straddle a @mightystraightstreakofluck,though,if you don’tneed:-it off and on, Let us®how you the policy,whether you takeit 8K Oe ;~ STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUSTCOMPANY, W.E.WEBB,Manage:ee “HUNT.BROTHERS,||a GREENSBORO,N,C..-inantSTEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,:).ambing and Private Water Systems. |.REFERENCES FURNISHED, = Ly i indigestioz |'} W OF,fueStatesvilleRealty&Investment Co.|===INSURANCE!2 Asaa great many policyholders do not seem to know that'their insurance will be void under certain cofditions named in the!contract of the policy-which they buy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberendered®sh valueless,viz:i1—Vacant or idle property for Jonger than 80 days—apply.w ‘your agent for permit.t2--Mechanics inaking additidhs to,or extraordinaryaltera-.f tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.OM8-—Property.upon which there’is a mortgage unless notice.vi same is given—apply to your agent.MES 4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in Proper+:ty insured other than by death. 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another.~*6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—The vaking of other insurance without notice.8—Keeping explosives on -the premises without permit other” than kerosene-oil.ai 9-~Property.encumbered by chattle mortgage.YE Policyholders should read Tine#7 to 30 of the printed Giitrnet toftheirpolicies.It,is impossible for agents to know of these de- ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-"’ mation.Fe“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”w S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54 STATESVILLE,N C, aoeeee Seen ORILOHOSE RBG bePeople’s Loan -il MONEY IS POWER, MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE,, AND OPPORTUNITY!| THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO\SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START MS WITH,A BANK - ACCOUNT! This Bank Wolentics Savings Recounts from both women and,men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum, Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. We want your business! \ GEO.H.BROWN —0..L..TURNER ; nae +>) President..wmv ae és eeeeek ae—.Ta"rtANTALORS as IN THE NEW WAREHOUSE .OF LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE COMPANY,NORTH CENTER STREET THURSDAY,FRIDAY AND:SATURDAY, December 7-8-9.—-)«MANUFACTURERS >35 ji WILL:SHOW YOUJ GOODS MADE..IN STATESVILLE. Everybody:ih vited,Admission Free. ~Open 10 a.m.to /10 p.m.GOOD MUSIC. FREE TO °UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE :;S BIGALL“WERCHANTS ASSOCIATION.|pays THE1 LANDMARK,FOUND GUILTY-OF MURDER |A SURPRISE =WEDDING. nN FRIDAY,--December 1,1916.‘End of a Sensational Murder,|Mooresviile Couple Give Their!e f :|Trial in Alabama.°|Friends a Surprise —Person.)::CLODFELTER-LACKEY.|After béing out 17°hours,a jury;al Items.ye a /; in the Circuit court at Huntsville,|Correspondence of The Landmark. :Ala.,found David D.Overton,for-;Mooresville,Nov.830 —A Thanks-.:at Taylorsville —Personal mer clerk of the county court,guil-giving wedding took place here Wed-and other Wearing Apparel fot Women”and Children.at Very Items.jtv of the murder of Probate Judge nesday evening at 7.50 at the home Special Prices at Special Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.|William T.Lawler,last June,|and of Mr.and)Mrs.M.L.Baker on N’& Taylorsville Now:30.--Miss F:+,recommended the death penalty.Main street,when Mr.W.Bruce Mc-?MILL S &POS I O S Alexander Young People Wed Lackey,daughter of Mr.T.P.Lackey.|Judge Millér immediately sentene-Neely was married to Miss Claudiaedthedefendanttobehanged,on Fleming,both of —Mooresville,Rev.,1 t ’is .i iaMlotheltensaeettersSonofMr.January 12,but suspended the gen-C.8,Kirkpatrick,the retiring pastor Look over these quotations,tell your friends,visit our stof and we will Stony Bags ot he icy oF tenee when a motion was made for of the Methodist church,officiating,"prove our assertions.Ladies’Black avid Navy Coat Sul in all wool day-Morning at 10.30 o'clock at the 3.ReW trial,Thedate for arguing There wore only 9 Bia ne Serges,Poplins and Gaberdines,at the’following prices.+se .,he motion has not been fixed.ate Triends anc relatives sent.om '5Presbyterianmansehere,Rev.L.Le|Overton received the verdict with Thes@ are good people.Mr.MeNeely p ocre ee iichine Company «apparent calm,and when asked if he an d His bride certainly sprang a sur-Ladies Coat $5 (00)$8 (00 $10 (00 $12 a)$15 (0)$18 QO having-a new and larger press instaj].had anything to say replied with de-prise |fon their many friends.Mr.P.Suits °°:cae f ceedthisweek.‘¥iliberation:“Nothing judge,except Hovd.superintendent —of—the =1HsMr.R.6,Cox,priricipal of the Tay-that I am not guilty.”'eon ville Cotton Mills,jokingly Ladies’and ?50)3 50 500 6:95 10 1?50 orsville State High Se een and Mize!Overton and Lawler were political remaiked when he heard of.it that he Childrens’Coats 1c :a .{-e earHeIren,teacher of th oe fifth opponenis and the killing grew out of woul {turn Mr.McNeely off Monday a ;Seco GLC teas we EE)strong feeling engendered in the them for holding a position with ol q fe:.:'ae Hebe bee Hart,Democratic primary last June,Law-them For 15 years and then go and These prices represent values that cannot be duplicated.See us for a as eee «EOS Jey was known to have gone to the getting married without saying a Sout Suit.Cox yy ,o are os Yours ftheteachers’assembly at Raleigh,cout house at huntsville the night Word about i They are _-spendiine Coat Suit,Coat or any other Wei ring Apparel,Yours truly, ~Mr,C.Munday and Miss Mabel o¢June 14,last,and was not.seen Thankspiving Day in Charlotte and {Cooper went to Greensboro by auto-alive after that.His.body was found wil!refurn to Mr.McNeely’s home |f ©T ca‘mobile Wednesday aftcrnoon for a June 17,under 15 feet of water in a tonight}where they will live.SSS M I I L S ,&Pp O S L O N —_few ‘days’visit.“Mr.Hugh Wilson Tennessee river slough,10 miles.Theif many friends wish them =k 4 ‘‘:Lindsay,‘student at Horner’s military fyorh Huntsville,weighted down with well.Way they live long and be |:esschool,Cifarlotte,is home for the g piece of railroad iron and.bearing happy.|:ssThanksgivingholidays.Miss Evelyn g bullet wound that was believed to,Rev.J.L.Morgan and Mrs.A.DHenley,studeiit at the high school at fave caused.his death Troutman of Troutman’s were.here Jamestown,came home Wednesday within 4 create Sheiby Pleasants.visiting Wednesday.Miss Mary VirnighttospendThanksgivingwithheraHuntsvilleattorney.and Sheriff wjnia Telnnleton spent’Wednesday a edarents,Mr.and oe D.C.Henley Robert Phillips had shot and_killed with her Sister,Mrs.L.Brady at Da-Mrs,oe B.Statesvilwili spend today and themselves,their action adding to the vid son.es Morrison Brawley and night in §tatesville with her ee mystery and excitement that was Miss Mary Perry spent Tuesday infershlissSoraerke.,irs fare tive dhe town,The Ste walkin Chae "|OUR DECEMBER PIANO SALE IS NOW ON.PRICES ON PIANOS,PLAYER..atheson,studgnt at Stet:vil e Ie-was encamped at Huntsville several Rev.A.iW.Wilcox,pastor of the:Ree aa a home foy oe holi-davs to prevent any outbreak.zee nic ee :church,will eet at PIANOS AND ORGANS HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO A MINIMUM TO INCREASE ays.Mrs.L.Ash of Statesville is In the meantime Overton had dis-the colored -resbyterian church =at the event of Mrs.EH.1.Hedrick.appeared and a wide search was 3.29 p.m Sunday.White folks invit-SALES AND MAKE 1916 OUR BANNER YEAR.ty.i Edwards returned Tuesday made for him,extending to the Cnr-ed.A picked crowd of colored sins . rom the Methodist Conference at nadian border.He was arrested in ers will sins,as ongy.the.ecloredd PigGastonia,His brother-in-law,Rev.J.Smithville,Teun,&aw WEEKS ana.folks™¢an (a.e.Our scale 6f prices for this sale publishedin our big ad.last Friday showed Pie ene i bean at cee At ae ee oe en ae the Th.’ae noeIrcs Dae Ae =you that we were giving:you an opportunity to buy a high-grade Piano or7yanta,Tor several stand and stated that he killed Law-|ina?nae Waitt anc 1 Dies ee —-x rMosesadthisyearcinodFlConscrcpelideiaice,He caidas “he Graham er Grice Debore of Player-Piano at asaving of from $40 to $100.The fact that they are ference and goes to Gibsonville to met Lawler on the river bridge,bv oo is visiting her sister,Mrs.W.‘Preach,accompanied him home and agreement,to talk over their dif-|.Gilmore.Miss Vernie Goox Tene i e :e made a short visit.Mrs.Matthews of ferences:that Lawler attacked him-spendine hal viving with her old eser 1anos anc a y er-1anos pehuille.Tenn.,who is the guest of and he shot him in self defence.He school mate,Miss Mary Patterson,at 2 :.. ‘Mrs.W.P.Hedrick,and Mrs.Hedrick denied that.he had anything to do China Grove.;Went to Statesville Wednes fy eee ith hiding Lawler’s body.Evidence,‘The stores are all closed.es Makes it doubly important that you should take advantage of this sale.AtBingtospendtodaywithMrs.Hed-was introduced to show thay Overton jcryhody who hasn't left tov will regular prices the WESER.is the best instrument on the market for therick’s sister,Mrs.Ralph Sloan.»had heen treated for knife ones to to church,and Mooresyvvfile ha:corroborate his story thet Taw!yas ee 1.A.B.GOODMAN.money.Come to our store,or send us your address and we will mail youSuccessfulSale,jtacked and cnt him with a knife be Nothing on Cub:descriptive catalogue and names of local people who have been.using The Daughters of the America ee ee eee Lawler had defeat Pee WESER instruments for from one to84 years.Revolution and the Daughters of the |!the primary Lawler had defeat-(We thought our election returns ne ;Confederacy are pleased’with the ie aaa an for the nomination *for were slightly belated,but eM aves!;5 success of their fair and sale,held ProPate Judge.thing on Cuba.They “nad-a presi eh Y.<"T ):FTuesdayintheLazenby-Montgom-Pe Vo dential clection down there Novers-LEONARD PIAINO S ORE,Statesville,N.C.ery building on north Center street.American to .Wed French {her 2 and at last account it was not .: The aggreate amount.taken in from Heiress possitively ey who_was elected. the sale of articles at the Shmenf Paul A.Rockwell of Asheville.N.thooths,the dinner and refreshmen 2 C,will,marry Marie —Francoise ~ANOTIE cn WOMAN TRUS Shin les $1.40 §$as about $175.A small amount GI Geer ae nt?(eepes ex nse itoh a S if from this Soret aeeare af-How Vinol Made Her Strong Per Se Nails,Ridge |HIGH PRICED EGGS AND BUTTERexpenseistobedeductedfromthis >betwe 5 :ceanizg.fairs committee of the French cham-Scalisville,Ohio.—“I wis!eT oeEte,PN Eee le ES toot;Rolland Valley ‘Tin.Jj Camot be prone by Peary and Cos mls ther ae in@haleMae)¢Rockwell is 2 brother of Kiffin’jayeVinol.’1 was so run-down,weak r ,Ct ood condition for.the winter.’Thereis nothing to equal Dr.Miss Mary Tries H:ll Sof Lenoir Rockwell.the American aviator kill and.nervous 1 eould not sleep.Every-'.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.B 4el‘q ’1 7 1spentThanksgivingDaywithJudgeedinFrance.in September.The thing Late huré me,and the medicine |Alea i HESS and CLARK’S Tonics for.this.Stock Tonic,PoultryandMrs.Ac L.Cobte”hrothers went to’France at the be-Thad taken did me no good.I de-‘(et ete ™Tonic,Roupe Remedy,Louse Killer,Healing Powder and DiptMissTheoTerrellofCooleemeeis@inningofthewarandenlistedin,eided to try Vinol,and before long [Having qualified as adypinistrator of the *8 the guest of Mrs.D.M.Furches and the foreion legion.Paul was retired |could eat anything T'wanted and could peueente OT aia Geet lain”weal a and Disinfectant.Call forFree Booklet.ee‘Miss Altie Corpening.hecanse of injuries received ii the’sleep all night.Now Lam well and.the estate to present same to the unde I have sold this for years and]refund the money.if you .are Y ,rs trenches,while Kiffin was transferréd strong,,,and,in better health than [on or before October 27,1917,or this ONCNeryousWomen.to the aviation corps.»Paul is 27)have been’for years.—Mrs,.ANNaWil be plendai bar of vere vs All not satishied.You have all to gain,nothing to lose.Tryit. HE When thé nervousness ix enused by toneti-”voay 1}i}H ale ,‘7)ine vdebted to.si tute w Mense settlenetSaincRcanatesiaeroneeearsold.The a edding w i take |Mitiison,Beallsville,Ohio.:ue toe “LEAZAR.Adminisstrator,TL N.BROWN,Harness.Manufacturer,(iuano.Dealer,x hy Qaking@hamberitins Pehlets.RheseyBaage.carly in December.With her,We guarantee Vinol for all run-down Oct.27,1918"Mooresville,N.C. hha leo iupnepa.Ahh alla tign,«Obtaha,-ister,Ro chiwell's.fiancee will inher.).weak and -debilitated.-conditions,re oe :xT A CHEZEA Aner STATESVIGLE,N.C..pS UREIW DARE spn ewiatempsminty 7 Lit.the.bulk.efya large fortune.|omesvol onanthakaodeugenstyubitatesville,|BUILDING 2,Bec WARKINS,+= viii naat Sh i a &F ||-treated.Mrs. “the Greensboro News: L.XLII. Seeraereeereceneecnacnienreenonetenas 1 ® STATESVILLE,N.©., TUESDAY,DECEMBER 5,1916. KILLED IN AN AUTO WRECK. Veatherman,Formerlly of Iredell, the Victim. .M.J.Weatherman,formerly Union Grove township,this coun-Mied Sunday afternoon at:2,30 injospitalatHighPoint,from thetofinjuriessustainedshortly fore noon that day.Her remainsMl’be buried today at Winthropurch,Union Grove township,beingentothatpointthroughthebuntry,Mrs.Weatherman was 65rsoldand_is survived by a sondtwodaughters.~The driver of the car,G.R.Cha-ney,white,an employe of the South-brn Car Company of High Point,las arrested by the authorities of(Davidson county on a charge of reck-sly driving an automobile -whileintoxicatedandwastakentoLexing- ton for trial.|.The following account of the acci-dent is from a Hich Point special to “In Chaney's car at the time ofthefatalaccident:were Mrs.BertieDavisandhertwosmallsons,Mrs.Weatherman and Cleo *Cloaninger,the lil-year-old granddaughter ofMrs.Weatherman.The party was en route to Lexington for a short visit and had gone about four miles from this city when the accident.occurred. At’the point where the machine was'totally wrecked there is a slight:fill,possibly six feet in height,but thereisro.curve in the roadway,it run-ning straicht at this point for a dis- tance of about 250 or 300 yards.At,the.point where a culvert passes un-der the roadway there is a hole possi-bly thre feet deep and this was part-ly filled with water.Chaney statedafterbeingarrestedthatsomething ‘went wrong withthe.steering gear.and that he jerked at the wheel toremovea_catch that he had_been“sensing.”There was no catch thistimeandthe“tar took the fatal swerve.,“The front of the machine struckthesideoftheholecausedbywater rushing through the culvert and themachinemadeacompletesomersault, throwing the occupants clear of thewreck.Mrs.Weatherman was found lving in the hole when aid arrived.She was carried to the _hosvital,where she died at 2.30.Mrs.©Davis -and her two childr:n,Cleo,Cloaning-er and Chaney,wer?carried toa phy- sician’s office,where their injuries,consisting of .cuts and bruises,were Davis was hysterical|Tate this evening and one of her|sons,Frank,aged about eight years. |driving more than 25 “miles showed signs of having been injuredinternally. “While Chaney insists he was not lan hour, |the Cloaninger girl:has stated that |the members of the party more thanonceaskedthemannottodriveso fast;also that they noticed he hadbeendrinking.”~ MR.HADDON GOFS TOCONCORD—CHURCH NEWS. Rev.S.W.Haddon,pastor Pressly||Memorial Associate Reformed Presby-‘terian church,Statesville,and Perth and Salem churches,in the county, recently resigned this charge and has'gaecepted a call to the pastorate of the |Associate Reformed PresbyterianchurchatConcord.Mr.Haddon has already taken up his worl:at Con- cord,preaching there Sunday,andwillmovethereassoonaspossible,|He succeeds Rev.J.O.Hoots,who:recently accepted a call to Spartan-.burg,S.C.Mr.Haddon has been a resident of Statesvitle for six years and he andMrs.Haddon have made many friendshere,-who ‘will regret their going away.‘Rev.J.B.Pearson will be install- ed pastor of -New Stirling churchnextSundayafternoonNoservicesat11. Danger in Union Labor’s Threat. “The danger to American economic “strength through the tendency ofunionlabortoplaceitselfabovelawandorderisonebigcloudonourho- rizon when we look to the days tofollowtheworldconflict,”said for-mer President Taft in an address at‘’the chamber of commerce at Provi-dence,R.I.“The highest tribunal in the na-tion has been notified that unless theAdamsonlawisupheldtnethreaten-ed railroad strike will be enforced.It is a threat to starve the nation in-to submission.The decision result-ing may be the proper one,but,themeanscontemplatedare~wholly wrong.If we have a railroad strikeallforcesofpublicopinionandpub-lic action must be called into play toforceobedience.” Good Showing For MoonlightSchools. Complete:reports to the State De-partnient ‘of Education show thattherehavebeenheldinNorthCaro-lina during the schoor year of 1915-16—just-994-moonlight —schools--welldistributedthroughouttheStateand having enrollments that totaled 9,-698.pupils.who very generally signedpetitionsfortheseschoolstobecon-tinued through the present school]year.The:greatest number of these schodls were in Wilkes county and»the biggest enrollment was in Wake county.Wilkes had 55 schools andWakehad450pupilsenrolledinher18schools.There were only ninecountiesinwhichthereweteno“mdonlight schools held:.during the1915-16 school year. Mrs.R.E.Grice of Asheville is visiting her parents,Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Harris.Mrs.J.B.Houston of MooresvillespentSundaywithherparents,Mr.pnd MrsiiW,:L)Harbin,who a¥e ill, caqee od Tliy ee 90 at 3 o’clock. ‘1 Joint session,today, wilsio! NEW DEAL AT THE COURT HOUSE J.£.Boyd Chairman Commissioners To Giye His Whole Time to the WorkandWillbePaidaSalary. The new board of county commis- sioners were sworn in yesterday.The board is composed of Messrs.W.C,Johnston,J.T.Smith,C.S.Tomlin,J.A.Brown and J..E.Boyd,Mr.Johnston being the only member of the old.board remaining.The com-missioners elected Mr.Boyd chair-man.Messrs,Caldwell &.Caldwell were elected attorneys Yor the board.A resolution was adopted to re- quire the chairman.of the board’togivehisentiretimetothecounty,forwhichheistoreceiveasalaryof$1,- 500 a year.He will keep an office atthecourthouse.He is to purchase allsuppliesandmaterialsforthecounty; statements of which he is to rendertothecommiggionersattheirregu- lar monthly meeting,the same to be approved by a majority of the com- missioners.He shall have supervisionofallroadsunderdirectionofthe commissioners and also have author- ity/as>to employes of chain gang.He is {to inspect,audit,or have audit- ed,all the county offices and see thatfeesareproperlycollected. The néw officers —Messrs.M.P. Alexander,sheriff:W.H.Morrow,register of|deeds;R.F.Rives,treasu- er—all took the oaths of office andfiledtheirbonds.C.L.Gilbert gave bond and took the oath as constable for Statesville township.B.F.Wil- liams,constable for New Hope town- ship,did the same.H.C.Cook,was_re-elected court house janitor at $45 per month and Mr.W.C.Henry was re-elected su- -perintendent of the chain gang.Register of Deeds Morrow has ap- nointed -Mr.J.W.Snarpe of Union Grove township his deputy.The treas- urer will have no deputy and SheriffAlexanderhasnotcompletedhisap-'pointment of deputies.Miss Lena Rives will remain in his office for the present.The commissioners ordered that when a complete audit of the tax-books for 1914-1915 had been com- rleted and approved ‘that Sheriff Deaton be given a receipt.It was al- so ordered that the report of Clerk of Court Hartness fcr the past two years be audited and that all the other county offices be audited for the past two years., PLACED UNDER HEAVY BONDS. Simmerson and Tucker Continue in Jail—Officers Missed *Another Car. Bryan Simmerson and R.’L.Tuck-er were given a hearing Saturday be- fore Justice Lazenby.These are themenwhowere.arrested Thursday night in north Iredell with a load ofLliquo.They were travelingin a Ford automobile,the property of Simmer- son of Davidson county.Instead of the license number of the machine being displayed it was inside the car. Simmerson was put under $1,250 bond for having too much liquor inhispossessionandwasfined$40 for operating his car without the num- ber being displayed.He appealedfromthefineand$100 appearance bond in this case was required.Tucker’s bond for ‘aving too muchliquorwasfixedat$750.Neither gave bond and were,returned to jail.The Lexington chief of police no-tified the officers here to hold Sim-merson,as he is wanted there on a similar charge of having too much whiskey in his possession,and it issaidthatheisalsowantedinSalis- bury.The local officers who captured Simmerson and Tucker and_their outfit have learned that in making the capture they missed bigger game. It is understood that following a few minutes behind ,this party was an- other’party that had 105 gallons. However,‘the officers may consolethemselveswiththethoughtthataaHinthe.hand is worth two in the bush.:: Mr.Claywell Dead. Mr.J.A.Claywell,Sr.,died Fri- day,at his honie in Morganton,aged92.'He was the oldest man in Burkecounty,had been a business man in Morganton since 1858,and was a fac- tor in the town’s affairs.He was a man of.mos:remarkable physique and continued active work until twoyearsago,as book-keeper for the 4 answer in Superior Court a Morganton Hardware Co.,of.which Mr.Claywell was a church worker odist Sunday school for over 40 years, resigning just a few years ago,his daughters,Mrs.W.G.Hogan and Mrs.Bessie Roundtree,all of Mor- ganton.kMr.Claywell was a native of Ire- dell—was born and reared in the Snow ..Creek section—and was amerchantat.Olin before the war ofthe60s,moving.from Olin to Mor- |ganton about.1858. Mr.Lentz’s Injuries—May Be Crippled ermanently. Mr.J.Frank .Lentz,who is in a hospital at Greenville,S.,C.,recovering from injuries.received in.a wreck near there several days ago,writes Mr.J.B. Foster that-he is improving.He fears,,however,that he will be crippled for life as a result of the injury to his kneecap.His nose was burst to pieces but Mr.Lentz says that is:back,in fairly good shape.It will be several days longer before he can leave the hospital. Congress Met Yesterday. Congress reassembied.yesterday fortheshort.term.The President wil]read his message to both houses,in my he and his son,R.T.,were members.| and was superintendent of the a | hauling a THE HOME EXHIBIT THIS WEEK. ere tDisplayofStatesvilleMadeProducts. The ‘‘Made-In-Statesville’?exhibit,to be staged by the Merchants Ajssscia-tion Thursday,Friday and Saturday,promises to be an event of considerable interest.The large exhibit hall,/in the new building:of the Lazenby-Mont- gomery Hardware Co.on Center street,has already been.decorated and par- titioned into booths and some of the exhibitors have begun work on theirdisplays.It is hoped that all exhibitors will finish work on their booths by to- morrow afternoon,so tiat when the hallisopenedtothepublicThursdaymorn ing at 10 o’elock everything will be in place.4Thelistofexhibitorswhowill have booths includes the Imperial Furniture Manufaeturing Co.,Stimson’s Studio, Home,Bakery,Paola Cotton Mill,C. Watkins,;-G.A.Criteher,Slane Glass Co.,C.H.Turner Foundry and Machine Shops,Statesville Show Case Co.,Brady Printing Co.,Barringer Green Louse, Bradford Knitting Mill,Harness,Ve-hicle &Supply Co.,McElwee Tobacco Co.,Statesville Cotton Mill,Ster Milling Co.,J.C.Steele &Sons,Overeash Bros, Cit¥™Flour Milling Co.,Bloomfield Manufacturing Co.,Dellinger Show Case Co.,Park Place Green House,States ville Printing Co.A.B..Lineberger, T.N.Brown,Carolina Brick Co.,W.F. Hall,Statesville Tin C@o.,Statesville Coca-Cola Co,,Statesville,Flour Mills, and the Diamond Furniture Co.The art’department of the college and the industrial department of the graded school will probably have booths.Some of the booths will be veryattractiveandtheexhibitliallpromises to present a scene of beauty.Player- piano.and phonograph music will be furnished all .during the afternoon and evening of each of the three days of the exhibit,and home-talent .vocal and instrumental musical programmes will be arranged for each evening. The exhibit hall will be open from 10 a m.,to 10 p.m.Thursday,FridayandSaturdayandthepublieiscordially invited to visit the hall during these hours.-There will be.absolutely no admission charge.It will be a ‘‘free show’’worth seeing. MANY OFFENCES ARE CHARGED. One Barnett Arrested Here is Sent to Ashevill Cases. Dan Burnett,business unknown,was tried Friday night by May-or Caldwell and sentenced to the roads for thirty days on a charge oflewdwomanaboutthe ‘streets.He was also put under $100,bond for his appearance at court toanswerforctealingawatchandoth-er valuables from Hotel Iredell.Burnett was yesterday turned overto.the authorities of Buncombe coun- ty,where he is wanted to serve two years.on the roads for larceny.Hewasconvictedandsentencedtotheroadsbutescapedbeforehehadserv- ed any of his term.The Buncombeauthoritiespaidallthecostshere and the mayor decided to l¢t Burnett |: go.Just about the time of the JulyfloodBurnett‘and a woman stoppedatHotelIredellandhewascaught prowling around:rooms at the hotel.Among other things missed aftertheyhadgonewasafinewatchhe- longing to Clerk A:J.Brooks.Ef-forts were made to locate the _dar-ties then but they esc ti Thecouple:landed here again -Fridavnightandwererecognizedbylocalpeople.The woman was _dischare-ed and it/was later learned that shewasreallymarriedtotheman. The mayor:fined H.L.Craig and J.A.Hoke $5 each for being drunkand_disorderly--Thursday-night.fficers Thursday night relievedDeveTomlin,colored,of -an over-al-lowance of whiskey.Dave jumpedfromhisbuggyandgotawaybut left behind a hal?-ganon. Henry Brawley:Saturday gave $100 bond before Justice Lazenby to charge He alsokeepthepeaceofassaultonawoman. gave $500 bond toforsixmonths. —_—Appraisal Committee for Farm Loan Association. The directorspf the National FarmLoanAssociationofStatesville.insessionSaturday,appointed,I.B. Sample,C.A.Dulin and’T.S.Barkleyanappraisalcommittee;I.N:Paine,J.E.Boyd and W.P.Hager a'sub-stitute appraisal committee.D.L.Raymey and D.-F.Mayberry wereelectedjattorneysfortheassociation. The appraisal committee was.di-con,FB.taking is place,He.is rected to proceed at once to apseE.B.and R.T.Claywell,Bade tae |the value of the lands offered as se-curity by applicants for loans.|AstheDistrictLandBankswillbelocat-ed in the near future,it is urged that all persons who expect to apply for loans through the Stategville associa- tion make application at once to W.L.Gilbert,secretary,so that the apprais- al committee can pass on all the land when it goes to work.It is the pii-pose to get all the preliminary workdonesothatthelocalassociationwill be ready to do business as soon as the District Banks are organized. INVESTIGATING THE ELECTION FRAUDS.Numbers of mén_in}Buncombecountyvotedintherecentelectionwithouthavingpaidtheirpolltaxalthoughtheytookthe)prescribed oath that they had paid .their tax.Votes were bought,the prices rang-ing from $1.50 to $8 each.Guaranteesofofficewereofferedinjreturnforpoliticalsupport.1 this was brought out at an in- vestigation begun in Asheville Satur- day by Solicitor Swain,before JudgeW,.J.Adams sitting as committing magistrate,he investigation wascontintiedyesterday. \: HAVE ANSWERED THE LAST CALL. Mrs.Turner,Mrs.Hayes and Others— Mr.Winklerof Burke. Mr.Robert W.Winkler of Bridge-wate,70 years old,died yesterday about 11 o’elock at Long’s Sanatorium,where he had been a patient since No+vember 24.Mr.Winkler came to the Sanatorium suffering from a stroke of paralysis—the third stroke.-He washelplessandina.stupor when lie ar-rived and his condition was hopeless.Mr.Winkler’s remains were taken to Bridgewater yesterday.afternoon for interment,accompanied by his two daughters,who were at the Sanato- rium when their father died._In its last issue The Landmark car-vied a story of a suit brought in BurkeSuperiorCourt,by the three childrén of Mr.Winkler,to have a guardianappointedfortheirfather,on,the ground that he was incompetent to manage his affairs.Mr,W.C.Ervin of Morganton was appointed guardian but Mr.Walker Lyerly of Hickory, who had been acting as agent for Mr. Winkler,employed attorneys to resisttheproceedings.Mr.Winkler had considerable estate.The same’story said he was divorced from his wife about 20 years ago,she retaining thecustodyofthethreechildrenandheagreeingtoeducatethem. The death of Mr.Winkler doubtless ends the litigation,as the property,it is‘supposed,will go to the children. Mrs.Mary Amn Mastin Turner, widow.of the late Henry Turner,diedSundayatthehomeofherson,Mr.H.C.Turner,in.Scotch -Irish township, Rowan county,death following astrokeofparalysiswhichshesuffered Thursday.She was 82 years old. Mrs.Turner is survived by two sons —Dr.J.P.Turner,Greensboro,andMr.H.C.Turner,Rowan county—and three daughters—jMrs.C.R.Owen, Charlotte,Mrs.W.S.Pagé,Cool Spring,and Miss Lucy Turner.She was the stepmother of Messrs.W.W. Turner,Statesville,Sam Turner,Mon-bo,J.Chap.Turner,Goode,Va.,Dr. J.M.Turner and.Mrs.Geo.Isley,Wilkesboro,and Mrs.Florence Cowan, Tennessee.A.brother and several sis- ters also survive. Funeral”services were conducted yesterday morning at the home of Mr. H.C.Turner,in Rowan county,and interment was at Mt.Bethel church. Mr.John _L.Sides of Concord town-ship died Thursday night at Long’sSanatorium,where he had been aweekfortreatment.Mr.Sides was asonofthelateJacobSidesandwas He is survived by three brothers—Messrs.Charles,Leon and D.W Sides;and four sisters—Mrs.R.L. Watts,Mrs.Crawford and MissesLauraandMinnieSides. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Con-cord church by Rev.J.We Williamsieintermentwasinthecemeteryere. Mrs..Bertha Fox Hayes,wife of Mr.Ray Heyes,died Friday morning at 4 o’clock at her home in Bethany township,aged 29 years.Funeral services w;nducted at Bethany church Sal afternoon at 3 o’clock by Rev.’Messrs.Ovid PullenandC.S.Cashwell and interment was in the cemetery there. Mrs.Hayes is survived by her hus- band,five children,three sisters and two brothers.Mr.N.Fox of Statesville is a brother. Mr.Martin Salmons~died Friday evening at his home in Yadkin county, aged about 68 years.Interment was Sunday at Zion church,Yadkin coun-ty.A family survives.Pauline Holler,__18-months-olddaughterofMr.and Mrs.N.P.Holler,died Sunday night at their home insouthStatesvilleandwasburied.atOakwoodyesterdayafternoon. A PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEEHEREYESTERDAY.Rev.Messrs.S.H.«Hay and F.A. Barnes of Mooresville,E.D.BrownofThyatira,W.M.Sikes of Newton.J.G.Garth of Hickory,C.M.Rich- ards of Davidson,C.E.Raynal andJ.Harper Brady of Statesville,mem- bers of Concord Presbytery,were in conference here yesterday in regardtoprovidingaChristianWorkers’home at Montreat.The home it:is proposed to provide will cost $12,000 and is to be built bythePresbyteriansoftheState.Mr. C.-E.-Graham of Greenville,S.C., owns property at Montrcat valued at $5,000.He proposes to sell this and he and Mrs.Graham donate $1,000 on the proposition.Those here yestcr- day discussed plens for raising the amount Concord Presbytery will be expected to give towards the under-taking._ When completed it will sccommo-date about sixty guests and will be used for conferences of women,young people and church officers when theymeetatMontrentduringtheconfer-ence—season. The Governor Went to Baltimore. Gov.Craig left Raizigh last weck and it was reported that he had gone Later he“was reported as being:in for treatment for rheumatism. turned home Siturday night. Demonstration at the College. This afternoon at “3 o'clock, will give a public demonstratienithecutsofmeat.All ladies of town will be given a Narcotic taxes’ meeting in’ o'clock this, hearty welcome to thisthecollegelibraryat3afternoon.got 49 years old.He was never married.: THE GOODBYE FOR MR.KIRK. Tributes Paid the former Broad Street Pastor at His Last Service SundayEvening. Before an audience that filled theauditoriumandtheSunday|schoolannexofBroadStreetchurch,Rev.John F.Kirk preached the last _ser- mon of his four-year pastorate Sun- day evening.The congregations of the First Baptist,First Associate Re- formed Presbyterian and First Pres- |byterian churches united in the ser- vice,the pastors of these churches being present.«“Hitherto hath the Lord helpedus,”the assurance’that He will ‘con- tinue to help us and our dependenceontheLordforhelpwasthebasisof the heart message that ‘Mr.Kirk leftwithhispeopleandthecommunity at this last service.Always modest,Mr.Kirk did not enumerate _the progress that has been made by Broad Street during his pastorate—and it is a record of which he has reasgn to be proud.In the brief ref- erence to the work of the church the Lord,the faithfulness of the peopleand.their loyalty,.were given the credit.:‘At tha.gonclusion of the sermon, Dr,C.E.Rayna)of the First Presby- the privilege,of the presiding elder and take charge of the meting.Then an experience meeting was opened.Dr.Raynal urged all who would,wo- men as well as men,to “testify—tosaywhatheknewitwasintheirheartstosay—about Mr.Kirk..The pastors responded first—Dr.Chas.Anderson ‘and Rev.J.H..Pressly.They paid tribute to their brother minister _as_a pasto?.and worker inthereligious.field ‘and as a workerforcommunitybetterment.In all thetalks—of —these—_-_pastors—Raynal,Presslv and Anderson—there was,a clear note of the unity and co-opera-tion of.Statesville pastors and churches.’“My people are.your peo-ple and your people are my people,”was stressed,and the fact was em-phasized that in working together thepastorsandchurchesofStatesvillehadbeenenabledtodomuchgreat-er and better work than in workingseparately.. Following the pastors there,wereremarksbyMayorCaldwell,.Mr.G.E..French,Mr.W.L.Gilbert,Mr. Dorman Thompson,Mr.J.F.Ander-son and Mr.A.J.Salley.The _firstthree,not members of Mr.Kirk’s congregation,testified to his greatservicetothe.community and hisworthasaman.Mr.Thompson,onbehalfofBroadStreetcongregation,expressed appreciation of what had been said about their pastor and tes- ‘tified to the love of the congregationforhimandtheirregretingiving him up.Mr.Anderson,superintend-+ ent of the:Sunday school,spoke ofMr.Kirk’s help in that departmentandMr.Salley mentioned his work in building up the Men’s Bible class. Then Mrs.J.F.Henninger,speakingfortheladies,said that an importantparthadbeenomitted;that in aman’s work there is often a powerbehindthethrone,and she testifiedtotheloveoftheladiesforMrs.Kirk and her part in her husband’s work as pastor.Thig.was well said. The pastor’s wife must bear a greatshareinhisworkandtoherthesuc-cessful pastor,as wel]as’the suc- cessful man in any avocation of life, is often greatly indebted:for his suc-cess,and too éften the wives do notgettheirshareofthecredit.At the conclusion of the testimony Mr.Kirk modestly expressed his ap- preciation.Even if they had “spreaditonalittlethick,”he said,it “waspleasanttohear.He admitted thathedidnotwanttoleaveStatesville,but he is loyal-to the powers that be and of course obeys.the laws of his Church.He expressed his love for the community,his desire for its welfare,andthe service was con- cluded by singing “Blest be the tie that binds.”After the benediction many of the audience bade Mr.Kirk goodbye.At Broad Street Sunday morning Mr.Kirk made a talk to the Men’sBibleclassinlieuoftheregularles-son.fay Mrs.Kirk will Yeave _to- morroW evening for Reidsville,their new home,Rev.Loy D.Thompson, the new nastor of Broad Street,is expected-here with his family this week,from Marion,and will hold his first service at Broad Street next Sunday,te Victims of the Wreck Improving. Three of the victims of the Elm- wood wreck last Lhursday morning are still in Statesville hospitals.All are improving but it will be some days before they ca go to their homes. Mr.W.B..Garrison,the railway postal clerk,-i¢-nt Billingsley hospital. His family—swife and two children— live at Glen Alpine.Mrs.Garrison has been here to visit-her husband. Engineer J.W.Cline and Fireman E.B.Allison,both of Asheville,are at Long’s Sanatorium.Mrs.Cline and Mrs.Allison have been here to seetheirhusbands.”Mr.Cline is a Ga- tawba man and his wife.was Miss |Shepherd of Elmwood,a daughter of to Washington on private business.| Johns Hopkins hospital,jBaltimore,, Hb Collector A.D.Waits of this districtwasatthehospitalforexaminationcollected but the specialists found him in good amounting to shape,says the report,and he re-lows: .c the Fines.and penalties ,...jdomestic science class of the college Emei'rency taxes .on Liquor license . the late Geo.F.Shepherd. November Revenue Collections. During the month of November internal revenue taxes $1,524,175.42,as fol- Tobaceo (all fonyms)...$1,517,819.20 Income trxes (corpora- tion and individual)4,620.251,020.10358,36817.72 112.0027.79 Thig is an‘inercase over November,1915,of $524,388.71,of 52 #2 per cent,8 |Oléomargarine taxes .. terian church said he would assume, district,Catawba county. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, License has been issued tor ‘themarriageofMr.P.Jones ‘and Miss,Myrtle Gillen./at —The Troutman Community ¢lub will meet yt,the’school house tomorrow afternoon ‘at 3:15 o’clock.i -~Methodist bazaar at the caurtkousetoday.Fancy work sale at 11o’clock end dinner at 12;hint —~Mr..Arthur Fulp suffereda brok-~en/’arm Thursdey night as the resultofanautomobilecrankkickinghm. —On account of the prevalence ofsmallpox,scarlet fever,etc.,the com-munity Christmas tree propositionhasbeencalledoff.os that —Dr.R..K.Bingham,a Statesvillemanwhohasbeenpracticingmedi-cine at Boone for several ‘years,has.decided to change 1BlowingRock. —Reuben Wooten,a youth,livingneartheStateFarm,jacceidshothimselfwitha22 riflelateThursdayevening,producingfleshwoundsonhishipandthigh, —Mr.Frank Brown of MoravianFallswasinStatesville.yesterday,having ‘accompanied Mr,John Pear:son of Moravian,who comes toLong’s Sanatorium for treatment,,, -~-Mr.and Mrs.J.Rowan Davis:will move this week from Statesville.to their farm near China Grove.‘Mr. ing~salesman forCoffeeCompany, -—Mr.W,L.Dunlap of Bethany town-ship was taken to .Westbrook Sana-torium,Richmond,Va.,‘Sunday .night for treatment.He was accompanied byMr.T.J,Allison.Mr,Dunlap has been unwell for several weeks,sone —Mr.R,F.Canter,who recently,sold his mill and farm in Cool Sprincommunity-to Mr.J.A.VaughnStatesville,hes not definitely decid-ed on a new.location.He maymove3toStatesvilletemporarily. —The Landmark is asked to “taythat“A Landowner”is toshedinThe eonvicts the Danne-Miller prove the statement publLandmarkaweekago—that |from the County Home’havobeen al-lowed to hunt on private farms: —The board of:directors of theAssociatedCharities‘is celled to meetattheCommercialclubroomseveningat7.80.The meeting is.portant and President Thomasthatallthedirectorsbepresent,—Messrs..A:Cannon of epee ncountyandW.J.Shuford of:staaneountyspentyesterday»atthe StaeTheyareasaan Test Farms.They go'to Raleigh toda’to attend a meeting 6f the State BoardofAgriculture,Pe Aas aa—Mr.A.E..Armour of Davidsonhasboughttherestaurant:business oftheJateS.:A.Foster and.will takechargeofitthefirstofteyearnItisunderstoodhigbrother-in-law,Mr.John P.White of Mooresville,will ‘be.associated .with him.pees—Sheriff Deaton,Deputy.Sheriffs Til-ley and C.L,Gilbert.and:PolicemanFulp,destroyed a distillery outfit:in:New Hope township early Sunday morn:ing.Deputy Collector:Allison was notalongbecausetheofficersdidnotknow he had returned to town.;Aas —Dr.C.L,Cruse ‘sent'a ‘dog ‘head report from there-Saturday said thedogwasaffectedwith:rabies.The.dog had bitten some dogs in Cham-bersburg township jand it.was feared it had rabies:«|RS aa~The only thing.done’by theboardofaldermenFridaynight,|:attheregularmonthlymeeting,was to:appoint Aldermen T.N.-MeElweé,J.G.Shelton and_J.F.Carlton.a specialcommitteetoconsidertheadvisabil- ity of buying and substituting an gu.to truck for the fire horses andequipment.|by—Mrs..Hill Knight received a.tel-egram Saturday from |Brewster,Wash.,stating that her sister,Mrs.John W.Foster,was operated on:inBrewsterandwasgetting‘on nicely.Mrs.Foster is remembered here «asMissAnnabelEagle.She is a daugh-ter of Mr.ard Mrs,J.F.Eagle ofthevicinity-of Statesville.cua -—Cases ,of smallpox continue.toappearinlocalities,A Shiloh town-ship mantells *The Landmark.there..have been a half dozen ‘or more cagesinthattownshipandthata.-gaodportionof.the population has,..beenvaccinated,Vaccination is the only.remedy.To neglect that means-totakechancesonthesmallpox. —Mrs.S.F.Watson,who taughtschoolatBerlin,Ashe county,duringthesummer,going there immediate-'ly after the flood,closed her school in Ashe some days ago.and went ‘on:a visit to friends and relatives in Virvinin.She returned to her hameinNewtonSaturdayandthis‘weekhegins2schoolintheLookout.Shoal —The party arrested at Danville,. friend a drink of liquor—an,offence:under Virginia law—and who said hewasJ.A.McKnight from Statesville,was from this community all rightbutwhenhelivedherehisnamewasNight.The Mc.has been added;and it may be further stated that theacauaintancesofNight,alias Mce-Knight,hereabouts op not.seem sur-prised to learn that he is in trouble, —The people of Statesville and yi-cinity are to be congratulated on theopportunitytosee“The Birth of aNation,”which will be put on at theCrescentTheaterinStatesvillenextMondayandTuesday.Many of durcitizenswenttoSalisbury,and Char-lotte last spring to see this picture.Confederate veterans and ‘others whoremember-the piircing vente,followsing‘the war of the 60s will be espe-cially interested.Cg Catal his location to } Davis will continue his work as travel- ony to Raleigh,to the State.Labara 2of,Hygiene,for examination and the © Va.,_a few days ago for_offeringa / t Vids 7, tit ah 43-UNDER-MILITARY RULE Marines Will Police Republic ofSantoDomingoUntilElection. ‘Military rule has been praclaimed in Santo .Domingo by\the United States navy to suppress\existing po-litical chaos in the little republic and), pave.the way for guaranteeing fu- ture quiet by establishing thére such DMARK'*December 5,1916, -Optional With Militia But They“Ate Automatically «Released~~"Jf They Don’t. ve 2 ial to Raleigh News |,financial and police protectorate as IE ‘:the American government now exer- ~The —instruétions issued —some |cises over Haiti.) weeks aga to State authorities and|Kightéen hundred.American ma- litia to conform to the —require-|rines will maintain order for the nts of ‘the new National Guard!present and,at least until eléctions by taking the dual oath to uphold jare held in January,their officers te and Federal authority by No-jwill supervise the conduct of govern- vember 80 were not intended to be)ment by native officials and disburse absolutely rigid.Further time will be the customs revenues which Ameri-|allowed 2 which State officials and |in receivers have been collecting by|mia formaynehasen realy manent for ni,Je.-apt.H.§.Knapp,In command 0 men must subscribe to the new oath|the United States oa in San Do-| or automatically release themselves |mingo,issued the order proclaiming| a oa ta vetantary-und woen peabliteary government as ae result a 4 aUaS ¢-iplans careful]worked out dy | bers of organized militia units can-|Btate and Navy Department__offi;| not be compelled to take the new/cials after conferences with Minis-| oath.They are wholly at liberty to ter Russell,recalled from Santo Do-| refuse to take it.If they elect to re-|mingo for the purpose and consider-| fuseie sane reo ae.cant Toe ee,of reports from naval officers ceive a ;lon t ; means,of course,that by refusing to?"The cpecpaalty for a arastic step, bring themselves under the new sys-|has been considered since the over- tem militiamen automatically release throw several months ago of Presi- themselves from National Guard ser-|dent Jiminez by General Arias,a, vice.i :strongly anti-American revolutionist. oo to TT ee re With Sad gontra).the Pordat st) 0 e approximately |:‘assembly rederico _—_elected on- rqiis since the President called out!riquez ‘president,but the United the militia and ordered it to the Mex-|States Yefused ‘to recognize the! ican border have so far refused to new government and withheld| take the new oath.They will be\the balance of customs revenues -given a reasonable time within which left after payments of interests, to do so..jon the foreign debt.Consequent-| :When the new law is in full opera-jy the native officials and employes| tion every National Guardsman will|now will draw their first pay since| have subscribed to the new oath.No the downfall of Jiminez.Secretary taki aaeenscides gue 1 sear Daniels explained that O,form IEA ene ne Wants:e of rule set up by aptain ‘taken it he can be compelled to ful-|Knapp did not contemplate any in- fill his obligation,but no man,fringement of the ene or pro-| whether in or out of the Guard,can jcesses of the native-goyernment.The ‘he obliged to take the oath so long municipal and civil laws will still be as it is a voluntary matter.‘administered by Dominican courts. The State authorities generally,[non the election of a president _have endeavored to induce their mi-hy the assembly to be chosen in Jan-| litiamen to take the oath.In the uary,the United States will ask for event that the troops of any State the ratification of a treaty similar to decline as a whole to take the oath,that now in force with Haiti,provid« “all Federal support will be promptly |ing for American supervision of Do- withdrawn,and arms and equipment)minican.finances and for a_native now allotted to:them must be surren-‘constabulary officered by Americans. dered..The Washington government is War Department officials are hope-:determined that there’shall he no re-| ful that most of the men whothus jewal of the revolutions in Haiti and far have refused to take the Federal|santo Domingo.which for years have oath will come forward promptly and |rendered the islands a source of men- do so as‘a patriotic matter and there-|ace to the international relations —of by wer the SEA ate |the United States pee of the for-., newlawgives the ;N=|gi omen hGes i ment a much larger degree of control [een capital invested ners over State troops,but at best is de-|GEEKS GUARANTEE PEACE clared by military experts,to fall|s ! short of the national requirements.'German Chancellor Says —|.+7m 7SaleofForeignPaperCalledOf.many is Ready For That. J.P.Morgan &Co.,financial agents:Berlin Dispatch. sant >Beance !Chancellor von Bethmann -Holl- for Great Britain and France,nave |op,in an address to the Reichstag { * term notes of Great Britain France,offered for sale in this coun-ny was ready to end the war by a try to secure money for war purposes.peace guaranteeing the existence and This is the result of the warningof}future of the nation. the Federal Reserve Board,which)In presenting the cautioned banks in the Federal Re-|for compulsory service of Serve system against investing inj|for war purposes,the these securities.A member of the/spoke in regard)to the military situ- firm of Morgan &Co.visited Presi-ation and the’purposes of the meas- dent Wilson in the interest of the sale:ures. of this foreign paper,but w'thout re-|“The war continues,with its ‘sult.Aster the warning issued by the Federal Reserve Board Morgan &Co.:“Accordingly our isaid they would sell the securities re-;They celebrated the past summer gardless.It is announced that the!a period of withdrawal is by request of the Brit-|obtain what they wanted? ish and French governments as a re-sult of the attitude of the Federal) Se bill providing civilians ga b e de- enemies desire it.as mania,through.whiche a Reserve Board.‘change of events was expected, The extreme pro-German element|now atoning for what she did.God has helped us up to tne present.HewillKelpusfurther.“The almost superofour:troops,which cannot be ex-1 in words of thanks,and oursincewe,the first in this country,who have charged the| American Ne ene with practi-| veally financing the war for the en- tente allies,should give the govern-| ment credit for this step,but they|Pressec ,clear conscience won't.|eT land only ones,were ready and are This is About the Way of It.jready to end the War by a_peace :oh guaranteeing our existence and our The Newton Enterprise asked a’¢yture—they give us:moral tight to man from the tenth district,who does |ouch confidence. not take an active part in politics but)«But,gentlemen,this right ought who is “as fair as fair can be,”says not to make us forget duty.Our en- the Enterprise,for an~honest opinion|omies do not desire peace.They have of the.Britt-Weaver controversy and |superior numbers at their command got_this:land almost the whole world delivers “I believe that the Republicans}war material to them.”‘ took up that clection law,gave out!The chancellot urged the necessity such clear orders and had such a fine}to do everything in Germany’s now- system of carrying them out inre-jer in order to manufacture the nec- gard to the marked ballots,that Britt |essary war material,saying:“Hands ‘was elected by the marked ballots.I!that are idle assist tne enemy.” honestly think:that.But,on the|“On behalf of the confederate gov- other hand,the will of the district.!ernments,”the chancellor continued, take it man by ‘man,is undoubtedly |“T ask you to assist in the work which that Weaver -represent it.Counting |will bring us new strength and guide all the ballots cast for him,marked/us toward victory and peace.” and unmarked,he is elected.But ac-|ao =—— cording to the election board’s ruling|Can't offer It.to a Friend or Take | only marked ballots should be count-in Public in Virginia. ed.Then Britt won.The Democrats|.;ing fr pee rerorentsimplyfelldownontheirjobofsee-eae he teNea ae :ing hat the tickets were all marked.”¢xeme drow the Visine a A ree Norees Cacao leans were |mark has told of the Statesville man /who was arrested in Danville for of-beaten at their own-game,so to speak.That seems to.be about the |toring a friend a drink.It is not only aa \“agin”the law to offer a friend afactsinthecasesofarasdeveloped. ee Gebel)|TL :j;smile in Virginia,but its a violation ee pee een jof the law to take one in®public— |which is more ygasonable,because.it Monroe Enquirer.ae offensive to many people to witness A man who,according to his own|this sort of thing.statement,had at,one time $34,000 |In Richmond Thursday P.Watt on-his person as his part of a bank Richardson of Greensboro suffered a robbery,is going around over this hs be |Spencer,it being found more.econom- Ger-| withdrawn from the market the short Jast week,introducing the man-pow-| and jer bill,again announced that Germa-| chancelior , ‘structive forces,”the chancellor said.| victory.But did they;— |“Our lines are unbroxen,and Ru-| greatis | human heroism | “ehyou most will be ene all over the scalp.| HOSPITAL FOR-THEHORSES,ih 6 a British Government to” fant Maintain One at -Spen, cer.oe e Spencerscorrespondent of Chanlotte Dbseryer gaye |that British government has sad | the establishment of a hospital ‘in| Spvencer for the treatment of live! stock bought in America?and intend- ed for foreign use.The conttact has been let and the building is now be- ing erected by the Southern Railway Company at the reauest of represen- tatives of Great Britain.The struc- ture is 46 by 100 feet a size and is being equipped in a modern way,.>) “In adcition to the hospital,“four!~ un parlors for horses,.75 by 200 feet n size and accommodating about 500 animals at one time,are being.built. So far as is known this is the first move of the kind made by any of the foreign powers and Great Britain has sent a -special representative to Spencer.to look after her interests In talking with the officer it:‘is learned that England expects to han- Me thousands of horses and mules at this point.These animals are bought. in Western States and shipped to Spencer for food,rest,inspection and treatment.Great Britain has:bought during the past year some 750.000 of the 23,000,000 horses and mules “in America,The British officer located here,however,points out the,fact that his country is only taking the normal increase and that his:govern- ment is not deponulaiing America from that standpoint The average cost 0 houcht so far is about means that the best are at home,A small per centage of these animals are found to be.diseas- od or injured in trans:t and it is for the trentment of this class that:the), has been +siablished —in oe the ©animals$165,whichheingkept hospital ‘eal to.treat the horses and *mules hore than to ship them before being% sensoned for sen voyages. Approximstely two train loads of trem 1400 to 1,600 horses and mules ive heine-received in Spencer each week for consignment to Great Brit-|.> vin.Out of ithe thonsands that have ready passed only two animals have heen erinnied sad.only 150 have been treated ‘Tor .pneumo-| nia,fever and other diseases.EE g Would Abolish Useless Talk. Speaker ‘Clark says if Congress| wants to clean the legislative slate and go home next March,he will eladly join in a movement to elimi-| nate useless orator’by cutting down | vallery space,abolishing the Con-| eressional Record and introducing voting machines.; “It is not difficult to see that the, ealleries and the Reeord cause an} awful waste of tirae and money,”the|Speaker declared.“Any time the eal leries are full the orators on the floor are posing and wasting time.| And everybody knows there are anv number of Congressmen who talk | for the Record a great deal more | »than is necessary.| “The Record isn’t necessary.The}“Wnelish House of Commons nas none.| A journal is kept.| “I haven’t much hope,though.| that I'd receive much support if 1, started to make a fignt vor smaller ‘galleries end no Record,so I won’t start it..But.there is hope that the present methods of taking roll calls will be abolished.It is srchaic and a time-waster.” CENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF AiIND STOPS FALLING HAIR! Save Your Hair!Make It Thick, Wavy and Beautiful Try This! |Thin,brittle,colorless and scraggy |hair is mute evidence of a neylected iscaln;of dandruff—that awful scurf. |There is nothing so destructive to! |the hair as dandruff.It robs the hair lof its lustre,its strength and its 'very life;;eventually producing a fe- i verishness and itching of the sealp, ‘which if not remedied causes the lhair roots to shrink,loosen and die— ‘then the hair falls out fast.A little |Danderine tonight—now—any time—|will surely save your hair.|Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s 'Danderine from any drug store ons toilet counter,and after the first ap- plication your hair will take on that |life,lustre and luxuriance which —issobeautiful.»It will become wavy ‘fluffy and have the appearance of |abundancean incomparable —glossandsoftness;but.what will please after just a few you will actually downy hair—new| | ' '| weeks’use,i when ee a,lot of fjne, ekg—MUSTANG about |» It Isn’t th It’s the dressing in Clean,durable,good-to sets your teeth on edge. Your dressing room would be as warm as toast every morning if you had a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. the chills the minute you strike a match—and you can carry it wherever you need heat— bathroom,breakfast room,or pantry. less to run than any coal fire. more than 2,000,000 users,or examine it at your departe ment store,hardware or fiirniture dealer’s. Use Aladdin Security Oil—for best results STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE \ Washington,D.C.Richmond,Va harieston,W.Va. Norfolk,Va Charlotte,N.C.Charleston,S C é e Getting Up a room like an ice-box that It starts thawing out oking.Inexpensive to buy;costg Ask any one of the FRESH GOODS. Cranberries Celery Oysters &. Evaporated Prunes Evaporated Peaches Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123..108 West Broad St For Sprains,Lameness, |‘1!Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. |Stops*Pain At Once |For Man and Beast 1 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers, badly sprained ankle.when he fell country making a good living,wear- ing good clothes anc eating at first- class hotels by tellirig the boys not to do the things he has quit doing. Now,what do you think of that?Got —$34,000-plunks from the-bank—and_is now capitalizing his crime,and turn- ing his cussedness into coin of therealm.Oh,yes,the boys turn out to see the fellow who has the nervetostandupandtell’em avout bank robbing and they chip into him right liberally.That guy is makinga bet- ter thing out of it pulling suckers tohearhimtell.about it than he made out of bank robbery.Besides,he is-nét running any risk of getting his‘hide shot full of holes waile he pullsinhissuckers.°, _ARSE Sef EET IIE Cough Medicine For Children. -.Mra:Hugh Cook,‘Seottaville,N.Y.,says:\*About five years ago when we were living inGarbutt,°N.Y.,I doctored,two of my childrensufferingfromcoldswithChamberlain'sCoughRemedyandfounditjustasrépresent-ved in every way.It promptly checked theircoughing_and cured their colds quifker than_muything Levey used.’Obtainable everywhere. from the bleachers at the park while| exulting over the Tar Heel football) victory.Richardson missed his foot-| ing and fell about ten feet to the)—————-——~-——— ground.As he lay:in agony a kindly!]° disposed_bystander passed him a bot-||tle to take a drink,hoping thereby to; % steady.his nerves.<A policernan whc I OD,\\ came up saw the act and placed Rich-|: ardson under arrest for violating the | Virginia prohibition law by drinking) in public,and Richardson’s friends| had trouble in fixing things while he!went to the hospital for treatment.| f a man was dying of snakebite in|Virginia they’d have to put him un-| LINIMENT A frost |shipment of Davis’Graham”Flour and Kellogg’s ‘Toasted 2 MAW pres q Ni a ufae thWivs Holiday .Specialties. We have on displayafulllineofDolls, Toys,Wheel Goods,Fancy Goods andStationery.Call and _See us. Allison’s Book Store. mahogany mantle |withboughtfrom ‘YOUR WIFE LOOKS w\AY at that old)pine mantel all day—y AW WS year in and year out.You couldn’t %Ww a at \give ‘a present that would add more cheer to the home than a nice oak or mirror, _C.WATKINS. Delicious 2nd Refreshing: ,?fj resdty wb w roorcents TOFLCe +Bottles By: Hi se iki dhHill=> [FEED AND FLOUR. Two car loads of Feed and Flour. Sweet feed for Cows, Tuxedo chops for Horses. Two cars Michigan Hay. IREDELL FEED CO. Statesville GOUE BottlingCo. F.L.Johnson and Mrs.M..C.Price,owners.Exhibits Will Be Left On. Display Several Weeks. In order to give an opportunity to those | who could not attend the corn show last Saturday to see the exhibits,we have WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7}<. per pound,Light Brass 5c.peround,FOR SALE: New anc second hand machineryforsaleand-all kinds of boilerroomsupplies. CG.H.TURNER. Iredell "Phone No.74,'Bell No.7. der cover to administer the remedy.|Bran. Whenever You Need a General Tonic|i oeTakeGrove's |The Bran is something The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless|.achillTonicisequallyvaluableasa’New.Try it. General Tonic because it contains the |well known tonic propertiesofQUININEandIRON,It actson the Liver,Drives out Malaria;Enriches the Blood and |Builds up the Whole System.50 cents. “——Phone 89,-—— RUILDING?CG.WATKINS. decided to leave the corn on display for several weeks.Our friends in town,as: well-as those in the country,are ‘cordially invited to come in and see them. All exhibitors who who did not get their brushes last Saturday will please call at the bank for them. ’ C.1.LESTER, ||REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Eagle & Milholland. Tithe 4 BUILDING?C.WATKINS.| Statesville,NC "Phone340Green. fyf ey Merchants and Farmers’Bank.© Of Statesville,N.C.. “The Bank For Your Savings.” d HELP THE HOME TOWN,BY TRADING | With TOME MERC {t.Ho ¥ TE T Ni ge PR U SR eT oe aE py . zh RP E <eemtteeIRE PIERmeNRe emai A PAD eeNtAN eh AR a tt UtNF ek Oe te et |Y AvoiDs "(THE LANDMARK ( Phedford’s Black-Draught, i.—_—— Oulf,Va.—"1 suffered for severalH,””says Mrs.J.B.Whittaker,of Digc h trouble.1 years ago a friend told me to trly pet[* A for young and old.© Hi keep Black-Draught on hand all theanenow,and when my children feel aftiebad,they ask me for a dose,and itgoodthananymedicineHoesthemmoretheyevertried. ¥We never have a long spell of sick-pees in our family,since we commenced/Using Black-Draught.’’f =Thedford’s Pack:Draugtt is purely).vegetable,and has been found to regu-late weak stomachs,aid digestion,re-lieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,_headache,sick stomach,and .similas“symptoms.e ..It-has been in constant use for more&than 70 acer.and has benefited morethanamillionpeople. Your druggist sells and recommendsfh.Black-Draught.Price only 25c.GetaiRackageto-day.N.C.123 "Jitney Service. :.'Owing to the irregular movement “of the people during thé winter the /dITNEY SCHEDULE *LINES OUT FROM SQUARE will be discontin- ued-until Spring.4 BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE on Center street we will continue _about a 10-MINUTE SCHEDULE .with FIVE CENTS CHARGE EACH’ WAY.-, Special attention given to calls offscheduleline.Go anywhere in thecityforTENCENTS. Parents can make special arrange- ments for children to ride to and from school.Jitney is comfortable. Careful and polite chauffeurs. Call us at Sloan Clothing Co. St.Charles Hotel.or THE JITNEY TRANSFER co,SOld by C.Watkins is' DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. -Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville.N.C. TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.Hours 8 to 6.SPECIAL are TO CHILDREN’S TEETH. our“friends and patrons that we have.|,.Secured ‘the services of Mr.T.E.‘Barefoot,from one of the bestshops;in the South.He is up-to-dafe and expert on all Tire andTubework.We can assure you that any workleft/here for attention will behandledpromptly. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. We wish.to announce to YOUR LITTDE how good tasting are the things that come from this grocery. such a lot of other things.She thinks only of the taste of course. ‘sides.Well in those things we can -please you as.well as our food prod-| -ucts will please the httle one.Miller-McLain Supply Co.| All Sizes D-4-S and Framing. C.WATKINS,’Phone 438 W.dD.VWARRIS 118 Court Street.° Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and Guns repaired and Keys fit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. -Prepare For Winier. Let us go over your plumbing and heating plant and put it)in shape for the long winter months. Anything in the plumbing |or steam line. Let us put’you ina closet that WILL NOT FREEZE! ’Phone 55 your wants. oe HOUS SICKNESS fag Constantly Supplied With »“with sick headache,and Hford’s Black-Draught,which |did,found it to be the best family medi- The jam,| the ‘biscuits,the breakfast foods and! But you , must think of quslity and cost be-| Your Plumber,114 E.Broad St. :rere ae TUESDAY,-,~.December 6,1916. The Teachers Assembly.The North Carolina Teachers’As-sembly,in.session’in Raleigh,closed dress ‘by Gov.Martin-G.Brumbaugh,of Pennsylvania,There were to havebeengreetings:by.Governor-electBickett-and.Gov.*Craig,but Mr.Bickett:found it impossible to fill theengagement.:and Gov.Craig was outofthecity.The Assembly elected.Prof..A.T,Allen of Salisbury president,Prof.W.M.-Walker of Chapel Hill vicepresident,E.gE.Sams’of the State Department of Education,secretary- treesurer,and D.F.Giles of Raleigh and J.Everett of Waynesville members of the State executive com- mittee.:The Assembly.endorsed the prop-osition to establish.a “nome school for girls”(reformatory)and approv- ed the proposition for the govern- ment .to locate a laboratory for scientific research at Southport. TAKE “CASCARETS”IFHEADACHY,BILIOUS ANDCONSTIPATEPR! Best For Liver and Bowels,Bad Breath,Bad Colds,Sour Stomach! Get a 10-cent box. Sick _headache,biliousness,coated tongue,head and.nose clogged up with a cold—always trace this to tor- pid liver;delayed,fermenting food in the-bowels or sour,gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in- testines,insterd of being cast out ofthesystemisre-absorbed into’the bloed.When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con- gestion and that dull,throbbing,sick- ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach,remove the sour,undi- jgested food and foul gases,take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter ‘and poisons in the bowels. |A.Ceascaret tonight wil!surely |Straighten you out by morning.They ‘work while you sleep—a 10-cent box |from your druggist megns your head \elear,stomach sweet and your liver jand bowels regular for months.CEILING AND FLOORING ‘Properly Kiln Dried and‘Wont open. |C.WATKINS. TURKEYS. We have a Large Order4tofil!for Turkeys andcanuseallyoucanbringusforCASH. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.30 p.. m.2.30.to 5 p,m.and by ap- pointment.Anderson Bldg.,113 W.Broad St.Office ’phone 324. 55 ani its session Friday:nignt.with an ad-: .Residence ’phone 279—green. ONE WILL KNOW COUGHS,COLDS,ETC. Price 25c.,50c.and $1. For sale by all Dealers. ARNER &BROWN —-WE BU Y— Hides, Good Tallow,Beeswax, Auto Tires,Light Brass, Heavy Brass,Light Copper, Copper Wire,Lead,Zine, All kinds of serap Iron. Highest Prices Paid. Work on Short Notice. Roofing and Sheet Metal work our line.We can do your work ‘on ‘short notice.We carry stock to.takaicare of any job at all times. Stock,of _Tobacco Flues.ready for youd !: STATESVILLE TIN CO. {ie 'Phone 55,114 EB.Broad.Street.{ ;saePlogGared-in-6 to 14 Days SERIEebAronamoneydfPAz0Blind,Bleeding ot Protruding Piles in 6tol4daya,The first application gives Kase and Rest.S0c, , Hides and Junk Dealers |' TODAY, In Tenth District Injunction Case—The Contentions. ‘The injunction suit,by which Con-gressman Britt seeks to prevent theStateboardofcanvassersyndGov,Craig issuing a certineate of}electiontoZebulonWeaver,Demoprat,as Representative ,.in,..Congregs fromthetenthdistrict,was heard byJudgeBondatchambersin,RaleighFriday:and decision reserved.It isexpected.to be announced ey.The contention of Mr.)Britt is thathereceivedamajorityof.the votesinthetenth‘district;that:unlawful-ly the’Buncombe county -board of tan- vassers -had counted unmarked bal- lots foy Mr.Weaver,and that the out,giving him a majority of some275votes;or that only the marked ballots be counted,‘giving him a ma-jority of 18,For Mr.Weaver it wascontendedthatthecourt‘ha’no ju- risdiction,the matter being one to bepassedonbyCongress;thit.:theStateboardofconvassers,being min- isterial body,could not go,behind thereturns,which,with the yote of Bun-combe county,gave Weaver a ma- jority of nine. Congressman Britt ‘made a state- ment,claiming that he had been le- gally elected.His.application for in-junction was presented.by Hon.Thomas Settle.The State board of canvassers was represented by Attorney General andGovernor-elect T.W.Bickett,ex-Gov. Kitchin,James H.Pou and'Judge J.Crawford Biggs,while Mr.WeaverwasrepresentedbyJudgeJ.D.Mur- phy of Asheville,Mr.Weaver made ng_statement.His counsel argued that he had beenlegallyelected;that with all the un- marked ballots rejectedi:or acceptedthathehadamajority;that the faceofthereturnsshowed‘his election House of Representatives and notthecourts, MINOR LOCAL ITEMS. —The county board of:education was in,regular monthly session yes- terday,trasacting routine business. —The Southern Audit Gompany of Charlotte yesterday began the audit- ing of the office of register of deeds. When “his is completed the other of- fices will be taken up. —The bazaar held at the store of the Ramsey -Bowles -Morrison Co,Saturday by the‘Ladies’Aid So-ciety of Elmwood was a_financial success.Funds for ‘the benefit of the church. ——Red Cross Christmas seals¥#6 on by-Montgomery Hurdware Co.,R...P. Allison’s book store,Merchants and Farmers’Bank,Mills &Poston,Ram- sey-Bowles-Morrison Co. —Sheriff:Alexander will begin his tax collecting rounds next Monday, 11th.He will spend Monday fore- noon at Bradford’s,in,Shiloh,and Monday afternoon at Morrow’s store, in Concord township.Tuesday he will be at,Bryantsville.Full list of |appointments in next issue.' iSergeant Penly a=Suieide— Family Lives in Wilkes. |Sergeant Walter H.Penly of United States army,a_native the of “|North Carolina,whose relatives live fat North Wilkesboro,.committed sui- cide in Washington Thursday by drinking a liquid,probably a disin-fectant,that he found in a can underabathtubinthehospital.4, Penly,who was 34 years old,wastakenillwhileondutyinthePhil- ippines,was sent home and hed been placed in the hospital in Washington for observation as to his mental con- dition. (The North Wilkesboro Hustler says the name is Pendley;that Ser-geant Pendley has*teen in a hospital in Washington since November 12, when he returned from Ponama.He was 35 years old and unmarried.His parents,Mr.and Mrs,A.J.Pendley, livé in North Wilkesboro and two sis- ters and two brothers also survive.) 'THE STATUE LIGHTED. At a wireless signal flashed by President.Wilson from the yacht Mayflower,in the New York harbor Saturday night,the Statue of Libertywasbathedinlight.Bartholdi’s fa- mous:symbol cf American freedom, which for 20.years has been a tokenofwelcometotheUnitedSiat.s to millions of immigvants from every land,will be illum‘nated every night ,hereaftcr from top to bottom.Funds |to install the permanent lighting sys- ;tem for the Statue,the ¢fi to the |United States of 400,000 citizens ofFrance,were -provided by subse tion in this country. Death of Mrs.Richie. |Correspondence of The Landmark > Harmony,R-1,Dee:4 —Mrs.Noli |ilie Richie died at her hame near\Pleasant View church,‘Turnersburg;township,Friday about 12 o'clock, from cancer.The ftineral was cone iducted by Rev.B.F.Rollins and the ‘interment was at Pleasant View;church,° Mrs.Richie is survived by hand and a_host of ‘near |She was a consistent 'Pleasant View Baptist church an |was.ready when ‘the summons came |SSeSeaseneseacartes emer poe|FIGHTING DOMINICANS. |An encounter between American marines and -natives at Marcoris,{Santo Domingo,in|which a number ;were wounded |on 2 huge hoth sides,theheaviestlossesbeingsufferedbythe Dominicans,was reported to tha Na- \vy Department yesterday.No Amer- icans killed. |James Muli,known as Uncle Jim my Mull,2 Burke county citiden who iwas noted for the rfumber of his de- lseondants,is dead.He,leaves more |than 140.-living children,grandchil- jdren and great grandchildren, |neet ee |The South Carolina troops sent to |Anderson to help the civil authorities |maintain order on account of a strike lof cotton mill operatives,have all {|been sent home,the trouble being over.|ee EEnEnj:|Nervous Women. pation,4s,is often the case,you will wet quiek hid.berhiiasadtlablets.Obtaina-4.ph dsacdafde |tablets iso improve the digestion. ble everywhere,* vote of that county should be thrown| and that the case was one for,the! sale today at the drug stores,Lazen-}sians and.Rumanians rip-| *|champion ‘|the school committee ~|Ithe’Massachusetts Legislature. .4IWhihythe(ierwvousness fy)Gade by consthe ‘Thema “ee +444 $F +.+ )a hae wit 2:CUM,fe~— EWs OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From AllPartsoftheCountry. Dr,Henry Van Dyke,‘Americanministerto‘the Netherlands,has re- signed,’ Hon.W.J..Bryan was in Raleigh vesterday and was.entertained at a“dollar dinner.” Mrs.Elizabeth Anderson,aged 98,died last week at her home at,Cala- hatn,Davie county. The second trial of Hyman Ep- stein,for the killing of Leonard Ed-;wards,is on at Goldsboro this week. AY W.Haywood;aged /62,.a promi-nent,citizen and cotton manufacturerofHawRiver,died Sunday night at)his home in Burlington.: In Halifax county Thursdey Lem ‘Staten was shot and fatally wound- led by the accidental discharge of a jfun in the hands of his brother,Her- /'man Staten,while the two ~-were |hunting. {|A young man named May of 'Greensboro,giving a.balloon ascen- sion at Kannapolis Saturday as part\of the entertainment for a lot.sale,fell from the balloon anc died in a ishort time.His ‘parenxs live in |Greensboro. Miss Pocahontas Butler,daughterofex-Senator and Mrs!Marion But- ‘ler,and Capt.Thomas D,Woodson of |the United States Medical Corps, |were married Thursday at Elliott,|Sampson county,the country home \of the Butlers. The Mecklenburg hotel,at Chase City,Va.,was burned ‘early Friday‘morning.Many of the guests had \narrow escapes.Some cf them,in- cluding North Caroline boys en route home from the football game ‘at Richmond,lost their perscnal ef- \fects. |.Miss Elva Deaton,daughter of \Mr.Sam Deaton,’who lives near |Beattie’s Ford,on the Iredell -Meck- lenburg line,and Mr.Fred.J.Stutts} of Charlotte,whose father lives in jthe same neighborhood as Mr.Deat- on,were married at the home of Mr. C.L.Gribble in Charlotte Friday afternoon,Rev.John E.Wool offici- |ating.,|- |The War Zone. |Rumania.still holds.the center of} jinterest in the world war.The en-: ‘eircling movement of the Teutonic ‘allies continues to draw closer to- jward her capital,Bucharest, al- |though the «Rumanians apparently ‘are stifferiing their defence. |The Teutons have crossed the Ar- cechu river west of Bucharest,but |both Petrograd and Bucharest assertithetsouthwestof,the capital the Rus- heve forced retirement of the Teutons and\the booty—the lat-‘taken prisoners and ter including 26 guns. After a day of terror in Athens, in which Venizelists fought royel- ists and Greek troops fired upon en- itente:forces which had heen landed to maintain order,according to Vice Admiral Du Fournet,a truce was ar- ranged.King .Constantine—“finally ‘agreed td surrender the mountain suns demanded by the allies and the ‘latter are withdrawing their troops with the excevtion of a gmall guard. |The King of Greece,who is a |brother-in-law of the Emperor of Germany,has.steadily refused to \join the Entente allies or to take nart in the war.but the Entente al- ‘lies are gradually taking possession|* ‘of Greece;and meantime a part ofitheGreekpeople,who have rebelled yunder the leadership of the former prime minigter,;are helping the En-jtente ‘allies.a |SICK PEOPLE AND VISITORS. |Correspondence of The Uandinark |Statesville,R-5,Dec.4 —Farmers| ‘have about finished their fall work!land are breaking land for the next} {crop.| |“Miss..Mae White has been visiting jher grandfather,Mr.W.S.Eagle.in \Statesville.Mr.and Mrs.J.OtisWardwellandMrs.Geo.Carter |Haverhill,Mass.,are at 'the Yadkin Valley Hunting club to spend some‘time. |Locke.small son of Mr.and Mrs.|W.W.Holland,who has been time to sick for some able to return {who has been(with tonsilitis,is |her school.|Misses Annie Bell Gaither and Ev- felyn White spent Thanksgiving with ihome people.Mr.J.O.Gaither,who ihas been at Barber,is visiting homeipeople.Miss’Maggie Watt of near |Statesville.who has been visiting rel- |atives:in’the neighborhood,has re- {turned home.Miss Mary Lawrence from Raleigh,where she attended the Teachers’Assembly.has returned The Champion Officeholder. Rockland,Mass.,Dispatch.*Ezekiel.R.Studley,ghe country’s i officcholder,received |the leongratulations of his fellow-towns- en on the oceasion of his 85th ‘GIVEN AWAY Saturday,December FREE TOY RANGE FORTHECHILDREN. i, Bring your children to our store and -we will givethemaToypasteboardRangewhichthey:can’,dutoutandfoldtogether.:ua-We will also explain to the children our prdpo-|sition on Dolly’s Favorite,the smallest Range in:the oNWorldthatcooksandbakesperfectly.anesItisagenuine,practical little Range that-oavallcookandbakeeverythingthatMother’s Big StoveWillCook.whe .:gi PareThereAreLargeFavoriteRanges That will i suit the Mother,too,as they save..aquarterofthetrme-usually spent in the kitchen,™_,Favorite Ranges cost no more than inferior —Ranges;They cut fuel bills one-third;Practically .eliminate repair expense,and give perfect cooking‘and baking results.eaeWork,worry and money are saved by buying’“a +Favorite Range.Come in and bring the childten.‘We'll give the children a Toy Pasteboard Range and —we'll show you why a FAVORITE will payfor itselfin-three years.oat,-oeWilliamsFurnitureHouseIne.© “The Favorite Store.2 ofa, =i of |: very | sick,is improving.Miss Lucy King,| Po mnNurseryFenders! .TO KEEP THE BABIES" Tne Be Si out of the fire.Wagons to make the. small boys happy.Good Cook stoVes ..,. (he nit toandRangesforthekitchen,Oil Stoves ¢; L a wat weforthebathroom.Coal Vases for the parlor,and lots of othe¢things. ipier‘o{> ®i We iio Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. yesyd 2 EL ne ;m|birthday anniversary...Probably —nojother.than in the United States hag "held public office as long as Mr.Stud. ley,or has held so many offices atlthesametime.He has been town Yelerk of Rockland since the town was lineorporated 43 years ago.In addi- ition to filling this office he served as;7 town treasurer for over 20 years,waseR}!selectman,assessor and overseer of the poor for five years,a member of yor three years and for several years a member of Dur- jing a part of this trme.he has been chairman of the board of selectmen,| tax collector and justice of peace,, READY TO ADMIT MISTAKE. The German government is ready to admit that a mistake was made , when one of its submarines sank the| British steamer Marina,resulting:in the loss of 8ix American lives.Ger-| many is also willing to make repara- tion to the.United States for the mis- take,if it ean be shown that the Ma-| the |g By using AZMON’S BENZO-GLYCERINE on that raw,irritated skin.Many people eall for AZMON’S as recularly as the winter They know from experience that they can depend upon it mt comes, to l:cep their skin in perfect condition the winter through.1 If you’re still unacquainted’with its soothing,softening,toni¢sef- ‘se4s on the skin,a trial will soon mele you oné of its regularasaitdopendents.-sag Don’t csee comfort by delaying the trial any longer.‘Drop it as you go home,or telephone 109.iyandgetaLy.3? POLK GRAY,Divs CO.“On the § CECE CROC O yvina was not an armed transport:.at the time of the attack but a peaceful merchant vessel entitled to immuni- ty from attack witthout warnmg.—————— Good For Constipation,¢ Chamberlain's Tablets are execllent for eon-|stipation.They are pleasant to take and mild| nd gentle ig,effect.Obtainable every where. ADVERTISERS will .piase trikyeineGTeopyearly.“Noemie of° ad,guaranteed after 12 o'clock to- a a, RATAW IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE If. KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING,— ~~Made by- Aw %, aK, BOY CE-LUM BER-CO_uae t SC T E a Te e d aebeweee eeeee ~December 5,1916, Cot Monroe Enquirer has it down yy,about right when it ridicules the nu- merous.investigations of the high egst.of food products.Much of the Nipw!is without reason and little,ex-cept cost to the government,will cpime'of the so-called investigations. Of .course the unscrupulous,who ake advantage of a situation likehepresenttocornerandcombine and ‘force up prices,have a hand ihit;and if the investigators could reach ‘these and give them a long term in State prison,it would be worth while,But nothing will come of ‘the investigation.Moreover,the High!prices are,in the main,due to shorticrops and the big demand for fdd.y,‘products,as wel’as other| things,on account of the war. ‘The,city consumer thinks the far- meris rolling in wealth on account of-{He'htgh prices.The producer is h@nefited of course,but he hasn't so a to sell on account of the crop» sttage andthe high price make <9 for the shortage.If there were nl ¢rops the prices would be lowerof}cpurse.The farmer would have mpre'to sell and get less.As it is he _Hagitgss to sell and gets more.©So it@mewhatevensup.,Moreover,the r zn,rather than the farmer, bly reaps the lion’s share.of the 3 <pBut-how human we all arc.When nglees are depressed and farm pro-ugts.gré low,the producer demands the,government “pass a law”or d6-\sombething to boost prices.They anthdthe government to buy a few fori beles of cotton and destroy Diton,when the price of the sta- low.a few Gears ago.At mes the city cohsumher ridi- the producer for asking for ment help to boost prices.Now that Prices-caf ~food products are sobri ig the city consumers ‘have set up a,great yell.‘They demand thatthe-.goyernment do something ©to~down’.the price.They want nbiatgo on.the export of fooducts;investigations and other thi aes ::TE Ss sensible thing for the earnestness oftment,frompolitics —Charlotte Ob- “4 there is no evidence to corroboratethatthecolonelhasretiredfrompol- Col nel Bryan 'goin to name hisishevillehome“Mount Calm,”wi ichis‘corroborative evidence of the“his announced retire- berver,6.::So fafas The Landmark has seen, itics,Within the last ‘two ’weeks Col.Bryan stated himself that he was hot politically dead;and in an-nouncing ‘that he would make Ashe-ville ‘his summerhome he ‘stated that it would “be near enough to come to Washington whenever ‘it'may be de- sirable to do so.”.The Landmark in- terpreted this ,statement to mean that the colonel is of the opinion that the Washingon government will need his attention from.time to time. While the colonel may never again enter the presidential race,it is ap- parent that he expects to remain a factor in public affairs,and in his announced intention of trying to commit the national Democratic par- ty to prohibition,he has an issue that will give him prestige and power. _RSNANOSESTREN “God has helped us and will con- tinue to help us,”says the German chancellor,discussing Germany’s part in the war.Also Germany has a, | | | many;we are not informed as that—no matter what ourButifGermany—or any ff the ha-| tions at war,except possibly France ,North Wilkesboro has issued invita- fighting on the defen-|tions for the marriage of his daugh- ‘ter,Miss Mary Louise Finlev,to Mr,and Belgium, sive—have clean consciences as_to; their part in the world war,then we unclean. North Carolinians who took in the giving ‘Day report that it is there.Possibly —possibly,mind North Carolinaedthe team win the game,which it did for the first of Mr.and \Mrs. age.”Heretofore|four miles from Monroe,was |by the discharge of a shotgun in thehandsofher7-year-old brother.The .gun was left loaded in the rack,the The change|hoy got it down,hammer struck the in climate may or may not have had|door and the weapon was discharged. time in “a coon’ the North Caroljnians went out of a)dry climate into)a’damp atmosphere in Richmond—ahd lost. somethingto do with the result;and now that the Virginia climate is like ours,they won. The -existence of an inter-State | commission of ‘cold storage houses to keep up fodd prices is charged|by Joseph Hartigan,New York,com-|missioner of weights and measures,|who as secretary of Mayor Mitchel’s disappeared from >.eonsitmer .to do is,when:the price of any attiele’:gets to the point he-thinkathe can’t afford,is to put it.on |thefats list and leave it off.If one| willgtry that he'll be emazed how!manythings he can do,without.4 | {They're’all tarred with the samc’! stick and the age-old proverb,“it | mihkes-a difference whose ox is gor- ed;”‘is daily illustrated. oS MR.KIRK. .That was an unusual tribute paid| the Rev.John F.Kirk at Broad |2 Street church Sunday evening,and| (the best of it was that all of it was| ‘deserved and the tributes were sin-ceré:'and spontaneous—a free will~offering.7 “Mr.Kirk has been a_successful pastor and has done a splendid work at;Broad Street church.But he has ‘een more than that.He hes becn “e-citizen who has helped in everyoodwork—in every forward move- mment—in the community.The yalue of.his:service in that respect can, rdly be estimated and his loss’will e deeply felt.He is a modest man, be ostentatious nor extremely ag- ressive.He does not thrust himself“in:the front.But he is among the Oremost in every good work for the averieral welfare—and he works. ging “about among his fellows there is nothing of the ministerial air.He nets one just as one man meets an other,quietly but always sincereBinaearnest,.and he is always doing emething to help,and his fine com- rion sense and practical judgment is in:asset to.any cause. Mr.Kirk will long be remembered n.Statesville for his personal,worth Rand ,his public service,and in his go- ite he takes with him the best wish- h—hincere and heartfelt—of the frommonity for -his welfare. *The:Landmark is in sympathyithSpeakerChampClark’s propo- wiition to abolish useless oratory ..by Atting down gallery space and abol- ishing:the»Congressional Record,and Iso to introduce a time-saving de- ice for taking a vote.A reasonable mount of discussion is wise and roper.But most of the congression- ~|oratory,as everybody knows,isaKrasteofstjrneandaccomplishesno- hing so far ‘as~the vote in Congress s coheerned.It isa play to’the ‘sallerics or for home consumption. Brot only is the waste of time fre- quently serieus matter,bit the :Briative and circulation of .the peeches through the Record is,for he most part,an unjustifiable ‘waste ip pbblic unds.and a criminal waste Mof printing paper in the present hortage.If there were few péople>hear the talk and it could not beprinted,much ld-Stop:auto fein s., Mr.Kirk is,too,an intensely hu-| art ‘man.He is a piain man and in| committee on food supply,is investi-|gating the cost of living with a viewtoefiliefforconsymers.jed as aeffectingreliistoragebeenseen about the oifice,the“There.is’.a ~so-calledtrust,”Mr.Hartigan said.“Its mem-!bership comprises 75-cold_storage,warehouses in New York,New Jer-|sey and Connecticut.It is ‘believed|that;to evade the laws of the va-| rious States,it is made easy for the}owner of goods in one.cold storage, warehouse to hold his goods in one!State until just before the,time ex-| pires for the goods to be released and| then to move them to a warehouse inanotherStateandkeepthemthere as long a&the law allows in that oth-er State.The laws relating to cold;storage houses are a joke from a na-tional standpoint.-If the Federal governmient were to take under:its cloak all the cold storage houses in the country and make one ‘compre-hensive Jaw for them,the evil would be abated.” To Relieve the Car.Shortage. As an emergency measure to re-| lieve the freight car shortage,the Inter-State,Commerce Commission and maintain untilnewprogressivedemurrage higher than the present flat rate of $1-a day.The scale is a compro- mise between the proposed graduat- ed schedule in the railroad tariffs.re- cently suspended and the rates sug-| gested by shippers’interests.The rates will become effective three days after each railroad files with the commission its formayY scnedule,or probably within a week. Under.the new scale two free days are allowed,’an subsequent chargés are $1 for the tnird day,$2 \for the fourth dey,$3 for the fifth (day and $5 for the sixth and cach day thereafter. The railwa:y committee on car.ef- ficiency conferred with officials of the Erie,Philadelphia and Reading and Chesapeake and Ohio,and_~in- structed those roads ‘to move to rail- roads south and west of their terri- tories 20 per cent.more box cars than they receive daily. Watson Acquitted. |After deliberating 16 hours,the jury in the:Federal court at Augusta, Ga.,acquitted Hon.Thomas E.Wat- son,author,editor and former Con- gressyman,of the charge of sending obscene matter throngn the mail. The verdict was received without demonstration by friends.of the de-fendant.Watson shook hands with the jurors and one of them,J..H. Koger of Grovetown,Ga.,embracedhim.Watson was charged in an indict- meht containing four counts with having,violated the Federal penal code.in sending obscene ‘matterthrough’the mails in publications of which he is editor.He was acquitted on all four counts.A _year ago his trial on the same charges resulted in the jury disagreeing.The alleged ob-seene:matter ‘had reference to the Catholic.Church and ‘Watson—and oehdkerwas-a native of ;some_others as well—charged that jthe ‘Church was behind the prosecu- jtion—a charge there was no evidence jto sustain. |Edward Wood,aged .35 years,sec- jretary of Union,Naval Stores Com-pany of New O raraeey at Hatti|‘ateidental’dischahe protest to the city aldermen. Wesley Banton was struck by a Southern engine at Greensboro Thursds.y and died from the effeets. He jumpec alighted in the path of another, location of the hospital which “the Western Nofth Carolina Conference,}) M.E.Church,South,proposes to lo- cate within the ‘bounds of.the Con- ference.i “:”|markets,issued by the Division:of. clean conscience,”says the chancel-'Markets from the State Department lor.The Lord may be helping Ger-|of Agriculture,shows to cotton buvers paid ybts.the past few years tnan sny other ‘town. 'Patrick Murphy Williams of eastern ,Carolina,the marriage to take placehavenodesiretoknowwhatwouldpecember14 be necessary to make a conscience church at North Wilkesboro. |who was accidentally ;|died football game at Richmond Thanks-|and the small son of a neighbor went dry jinto the vard at night to f chicken thieves and ane pia ar ‘by the boy as accidentally discharg- you —that dry atmosphere help-|q and Mrs.Mincey fatally wounded, dentally killed Thanksgiving near Hendersonville,by the acciden- tal eee oe panin Soe aamaay ;of Monroe cCrary,20 years Cold Storage Trust Evades the The youths were hunting;Levi was Law.down beside ascarestandingby.holding his gun the weapon was discharged and the top of Levi’s head blown off. total of $16,000,was found a_few} |days ago by Sunerintendent C.H.| Lee and his assistant.Lee’and his| has authorized’railroads to establish|te he Ree,May-1,_next,a e fire bell should ring would you run ay-t,ne Te "d stop it or go and help to put out the fire?;,fr: NIGWHPN CONDENSEDIF Items of Interest G From Over the Bite The officers of Clevelan are .a salary and collect More fees than their salaries amount’ reduction of fees 15 advocated, The plant of ‘the South Ath Lumber Company at Greensh ora. destroyed by,fire Thursday’ the loss.estimated:at on $100,¢ An infant,color not Known,| found in the fields near Li Angon county,a few days ago,h its head crushed.Investigation bes ing made,‘Re Edward L,Steele of Tne Winiteh States.Marine Corps and has joined the American protectorate in The trustees of the New |Berne public schools are opposed to paying: by the A committee will become a marksman In the e re- public of Santa Domingo. the town for water and lights schools. off of one train and Lenoir will endeavor to secure thé The report of the North Carolina inat Monroe more vor cotton Mr.James.Edward Finley —of or in the Presbyterian Mrs.Fannie Mincey of Charlotte,’shot recently, of her wounds.Mrs.Mincey look for Jamie Aycock,8-vear-old daughterNewtonAycock,killed Ben Levi,15 years ofd,was acci-Day, the handsold. log attempting to) rabbit,McCrary waswhenouta At Asheville a few days ago $240 the safe of the .Having bought the interest of Mr. ee *Car a Ww. ._R.Millsin the Statesville ‘Motor:Com- pany,I amsole owner of the business.I have learned something about the auto- mobile business during the several months I have been init.To this knowl- edge will be added my determined ‘ef- forts to provide and sell to you the best accessories possible and at the most reasonable price possible.Pe Bring Me Your Crippled Automobile.| [have employed men to repair all your | troubles.It makes no difference what is wrong with your,car they*can fix and fix it right.-I have enough.of them so that there will not be any unreasonable delay in turning out your job. Give me your next order for accessories and let me have your next repair job. Courtesy and fair treatment will be accorded you. J.B.COOPER,Statesville,N.C. county treasurer at the court.house, Chas.Roberts,a young,man employ- v clerk in a local store,had|= store | where he was employed was searched | and the money found.Roveris waiv-! ed examination and gave $500 bond} to appear at court,his employer be- coming his bondsman.Roberts has a/|wife and children and is said to have| borne a good reputation.Pity. The Monroe Enquirer says that a} leak in the city power house Yxoma| half-inch drain pipe,which had been| overlooked,has been causing a loss | to Monroe of $226.50 a xsonth for the past six years,amounting to a! «| men have been looking for this leak| for more than a year,as it was| wasting in.water more than the en-{ tire payroll’for the power house| force. \oo Pierce M.Reese,a Southern brake- man,was killed at Spartanburg,S. C.,as a result of mispsacing his feet while trying to swing his train. “Danger Signal uch the same way with a cough»*A®* cough isa danger signal as much asa fire bell,You should no more try to suppress it thantostopafixebellwhenitisringing,butshouldcuretheéxdiseasethatcausesthecough- ‘Yes,and if you let our DECEMBER PIANO SALE pass without buyingthatPianoorPlayer-Piano you have been promising yourself _and family,you will find that Procrastination is also a thief of dollars.Piano pricesareofanecessityadvancing.Only those manufacturers who are using inferior material are maintaining old prices.Factory prices on Weser Pianos and Player-Pianos Increased November Ist.But the instruments we are offering in this sale were bought before that time.We have reduced the price to a minimum to increase our sales and make this our Banner Year.You can save from $40 to $100 by buying during this sale.Come to our store,or, let us have your address and we'll come to see you..We would like to fur-{ nish youa list of local people who are using WESER PIANOS.Yours for DEPENDABLE INSTRUMENTS--FAIR PRICES—SQUARE DEALINGS--SATISEIEDCUSTOMERS.,LEONARD PIANO STORE,Statesville,N.C. ing.This can nearly always be done by tak- ing Chamberlain's Gough Remedy.Many haveused‘it with the moat beneficial results.It is especially valuable for the persistent coughthatsooftenfollows&bad cold or an attackofthegrip.Mrs.Thomas Beeching,Andrews,Ind.,writes:“During the winter my husbandtakescoldeasilyandcoughsandcoughs.Chamberlain's Cough’Remedy is the best med- icine for breaking upxthese attacks and youcannotgethimtotake‘any other.”Obtaina-ble everywhere.we xTheWayTo Health. Health is the most important thing in life.It is too precious,too vital to be bandied about as an-arti- cle of merchandise.“It cannot bepurchasedinboxesorphialsatthecornerdrugstore.BARIUM SPRING WATER aidsNeparetorestoreitselfwhendrugsail.‘ A prominent Charlotte attorneywrites:“I was suffering from shat-tered nerves and disordered stomach[and .kidneys and the.BARIUMSPRINGWATERbroughtaspeedycure.”oh _If you are suffering from stomach,kidney,liver or bowel trouble;Rheu-[|matism,Gout or other ailmentscausedbyUricacidpoisons,use BA-ae SPRING WATER and get re-sults.oa_’Phone W.A.EVANS,or write Ba-rium Springs,N.C.,Box 1-55. > ’Childrens’Coats éandotherWearingApparelforWomenandChildrenatVery _ Spebial Prices at ° J _MILLS &POSTON’S Look over these quotations,tell your friends,visit our store and we will rove our assertions.Ladies’Black and Navy Coat Suits in all wool erges,Poplins and Gaberdines,at the following prices. $15.00|$18.00LaatesCoat1$00]$8,00|$10.00|$12.502501350|=5.00|695}10.00]12.50 See us fora — Ladies’and These prices represent values that cannot be duplicated. Coat Suit,Coat or any other Wearing Apparel..Yours truly,wai ' ==SMILLS &POSTON.= Ellis Photograph Gallery Broad Street,will be re- opened about the [5th. MRS.T.W.ELLIS. Dec.5. a © All ealls.telephoned -to Jasy R. Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-‘ru will have prompt attention. 4.‘ DR.COITESHERRILL,||1s .>.Cost a r .oe vo BatGeneralPractionerinMUCHLESSperjob‘tharthe other|I have sold this for years and I refund the money,if you are . City and County...kinds.not satisfied.You have all-to gain,nothing to lose.Try it. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,, “HG PRIOR,Hoos AND.BUTTERCannotbeprodncedbyPoultryandCowsunlesstheyarein good condition for the winter.There is nothing to equal Dr. HESS and CLARK’S Tonics for this.Stock Tonic,Poultry "Tonic,Roupe Remedy,Louse Killer,Healing Powder and Dip »and Disinfectant.~Call for Free Booklet. s all Paint—no adulteration _what- TRY IT and you will use no other. FOR SALE BY Procrastination,The Thief Of.Time.:: COAT SUITS AND COATS 'T.N.BROWN,-Harness Manufacturer,Guano”Dealer, es ""GSTAPESVILLE,Ny:Civ fo TERYAE Bh HE LE ND EES NT a a a a Pateawile,WO)i Lo |sean meaenemunncernentgegesemn”anemone“16 Shopping Days Until = Lots of new and attractive ‘items ‘for the early shopper this week. Thursday,Friday and Saturday, Mrs.Donovan will serve White House Coffee “She knows so in Mi o n . all day long.| how to make it and you'll enjoy a cup, while out. _Be sure to come in and be served. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders. DEAL”Fireless CookerDe era“ALL THIS WEEKCrawford-Bunch Furniture Co.ee §=«9to 12a.m.and 2105 p.m.> >» Come andtaste some “af the GOODIES cooked in the Tuesday Morning—Baked Stuffed Ham,Corn Bread. Afternoon—Apple Pie,Wednesday Morning—Baxed,‘Chicken,Steamed Rice.««Afternoon—Chocolate Cake,Butter Scotch Pie.)Tuesday Morning—Baked Possum and.Sweet Potatoes.’ /Afternoon—Hot Rolls and Bread,Gold Cake. Friday Morning—Baked Fresh Pork Ham,Brown Bread.Afterncon—Banana Custard Pie,Baked Apples.Saturday Morning—-Fried Veal Chops,Rice,Biscuit. <If you already have a cooker,come any way and learn“how to make it do more for you. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” Silver Cake.Hot Biscuit, ~“SEVENTY-FIVECENTS ‘See it and believe. ictures to look at before you buy.Will make thebirthdaygiftthatwill s for it 10c.roll of Will buy a Kodak. Boy or Girl happy.amuse the whole family.six exposures.H.B.BposwARD |Jeweler. NaliniRanedareacdehe ReddRkeohY-M ERA Y PUBLISHED Tt JESDAY AN]FRIDAY, OFFICE 120° STREET, |Corr d Thanksgiving Exercise —The Mooresville Creamery. Decem J\AGAIN IT IS THE WEDDINGS. Some to Be and Others that{Have Been—Social Events Miss Estelle ‘Harris,whp has been with Mrs.’Mary Sims’Hlinery es- .tablishment,.left yesterd§y for herhomeatStonyPoint.iss Harris is to be married December'20th to Mr.Winston Dotherow of Brooksville, Miss.The marriage will take place at the home of the bride’s.parents,Mz,and Mrs.H.M.Harris,at ‘Stony Point.ba { Messrs.Walker McLain,W.Millen [Walker and James Clyde Walker le’ yesterday for Wrens,Ga.,where t marriage of Mr.James Clyde Walke and Miss Julia Eleanor Wren wi take place’Thursday.Mr.McLaigwillvisithisbrother,Mr.CampbMcLain,at Columbia,8.C. Mr.and Mrs:A.B.Johnston,whicametoStatsvilleaftertheirma riage in Franklinton last week,ar stopping temporarily with Mr.ar ‘Mrs.D.S:Thomas.“ater they w|go to housekeeping in.the home |Klm-street which Mr.seu t cently purchased from Mr.Tomlin.Mrs.Thomas will ae Friday afternoon in honor of Johnston. Miss Estelle ee hatier -daugheiterofMr.and Mrs.Fergus Stikeleather,,Jr.,and Mz.Zlliott A.F of Asheville were marricd ig rat Hendersonville,the wedding com: ing as a‘surprise to their friends. The bride is a granddaughter of tr. T.M.Stikeleather vy Turnersburg, Iredell county,and a niece of Mr. L.Stikeleather of Statesville,——§ | Miss Lila Anderson of Morgar- ton and Mr.Ross Edward Frazier.of |Asheville were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's father,Dr.J.R.Anderson,in Mor- anton.The bridal pair left imme- j diately.vafter the ceremony for Flog# |da.Miss Anderson was formerly nurse at Long’s Sanatorium in States- |ville. |Miss Jessie Setzer returned here {Friday evening from Winston-Sale ;where she attended a house party giv len by Mrs.John Turner.Mrs. ner entertained Thursday evening dijhonorofherhouse‘guests.‘5 |Reported for The Lanamark.2 |Mrs.J.L.Cowan was hostess —to‘the Elericemoh club and a few other lpuests Friday afternoon.After hour spent’on the programme,Wi Mrs.C.E.Penningtan as leader,; delicious salad course,ponayed yy cream and éake,was served. |Mr.R.B.Joyner,‘who is prohab the oldest citizen of Statesville,celé-|brated his 90th’birthday Saturday, |2d.Out-of-town reletives who Joint +{ed the family at dinner in honor ‘of |the event ‘were Mrs.John Clark,and |little son:ond Mr.W.H.Young o Charlotte.Mrs.Clark is a ot \daughtér ‘and Mr.Young a sén-in-law lof Mr.Joyner.Notwithstanding his badvenced years Mr.:Joyner:is still ‘active and his mind is clear. For many years Mr.Joyner was ‘the keeper of the county jail—during ‘the administrations of the iate Sher- (iff T .A.Watts and Sheriff T.J.Al- ‘lison—and was widely known in that i capacity. (GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. |Parsonat Mention of People and |Their Movements. |(Mr.S.O:Lazenby returned yester- gad to Bladen county to complete |some surveying:he is ‘doing there. |Mrs.J.Kauffman,who visited at |Mr.J.H.Hoffmann’s,returned yes- ‘ter day to her home ar Danville,Vai +Mr.Alfred Sternberger has return- led to Bingham School,Asheville,af- ‘ter spending some days with Mr. |Mrs.Sig.Wallace. Mrs.B.M.Garrison and little son: and Miss Maggie Sherrill,who visitecitheirsister,Mrs.T.B.Walker,a‘|Johnson City,Tenn.,have returned. |»Miss Julia Sherrill has returned tc |Charlotte after spending a few day: at her home near town./Miss Lou:Lippard who spent some |time with her sister,Mrs.H.A.Trex. jin Farm Life School at China Grove.ispent Thanksgiving with home folk: lat Barium Springs,returning—tc China rae Sunday.1 |Mrs.J.Colvert and guest,Mrs. |George Bichasaees of Norfolk,Va., |spent Thanksgiving with Mr:Clifton ;Colvert at Linwood.Mrs.Colvert ‘came home Sunday and Mrs.Rich- ‘ardson left for Norfolk. |.Miss Naomi Fithian,jheen visiting friends in who has Statesville calledatDavidsonlastwees.was home—Haddonfield.N. Fithian.{igrandmother,Mrs.F. ae Miss|Mrs.J.L.Ward |Rev.and Mrs.J.W.Williams.Mr.J. home,has Tenn.Prof.and Mrs.A.S.Webb and lifeeson,Halbert,who svent Thanks- bag with Mrs.Webb’s .paren |Mrjed to their home Saturday \the trip in their car..Miss |Stimson of Gastonia. i visiting her parents,went with them. |Mrs,John Davidson and little son, ‘Frank,of Charlotte,and Sunday w eees|Mr.and’Mr® eee R._E.Poston. ‘Hall of Cov- “HUNT BROTHERS,| GREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING:_apne and Private Water Systems,REFERENCES KURNISHED. —- |vin was transferredI\to Ashéville by thelence. itoymaye,them to his oe BUILDI ATEING, br 5,1916,| igiving has«come and gone,bringing: ||within was warmth ‘and cheer.| B.|but:will Tux.|” anc iler,at Craven,Rowan county,has re-}:|turned to ~her home at Barium|Springs.: Miss Mareuerite Porter,a teacher.| \for some time and who was visiting J.—Friday jevening by news of ne illness of her Sadie‘Johnson of Farmineton are guests of>Mtiame of “Pat. 'M.Johnson,who was a guest at the returnea fo and Mrs.Logan Stimson,return- makingRebeceawhowasalso svent Saturday lineton,Tenn.,are thors at the home of Mr.J.ue Shepherd.Rev.and Mrs.O.Ervin andichildrenspentBoiainStatesville iwith Mrs.Ervin’s father,Mr.T.J. iConger..They eft’vesterday for 1)Asheville,their new home.’Mr.Er-from Charlotte recent Confer- of ‘The Landmark. Statesville,R-8,Dec.1 —Thanks- with it aglow of gladness and grat-itude for the hame,coming of absentfriendsandmanyotherpleasuresthe day afforded.An appropriate exercise was heldattheOstwaltschoolhouse—yester- flay afternoon,consisting of a son #nd prayer service,interspersed wit readings and recitations by some of the schooi children,and also talks on the observance of Thanksgiving,andfor‘community’betterment,by some of the men.The community spirit| was in.evidence,not merely by thefolksofthisvicinity,but through the visitors from an adjoining dis- trict.Although the day was cold and dismal,the.school brightened with blodbming chrysan- themums and geraniums.afid all) Through the effort for community' betterment perhaps Mr.W.A.Su- ther deserves special mention.He has been superintendent of the Sunday school at the Ostwalt school house for nearly six years and has always been unswerving in the faithful perform-| ance of his duty. | We would also mention that Mrs. Ada McNeely is teacher of the Ost-walt school and the patrons consider |themselves fortunate in securing her, services.Mrs.J.I.Troutman suffered a strokenoe facialcpere a a few days | ago.Mrs.Hi M.Litten is ill with} eee and grippe.Q.I.Troutman,cream collec-| ae Saade 2 disbursement this week| of $145 in checks from the Moores-| ville creamery to the 16 families Who are’shipping crear on this rgute.| Créam shipments are at low ebb now, soon begin to “pick “up”ie again.Some of -us attended -the “Moores- ville.fair and through the courtesy of,Mr,J.A.Stewart:were shown through the building and explained the management of the creamery, which convineed us how necessary it was for the managers to have the co- operation of the farmers in this new enterprise,which is a credit to the} county and should have the support and confidence of the people. Loray Items. ‘errespondence of The Landmark. Loray,Dec,4.—Every one is enjoy- ing this fine weather,for there is very little sicknegs in this community at! present,Scarlet fever and smallpox,have not yet:spent much time with us. Thanksgiving passed very quietly with us.The usual number of visitors ‘and hunting.}Mr.Charles Sides of Salisbury| spent the week-end with,his parents,| Mr.,and Mrs.L.C.Sides.Mr.and| Mrs.Sides -ate Thanksgiving.turkey, with their daughter,Mrs.W.a Watts of Bethany.| Miss Estelle Woodside eiteriained about fifty of her friends at a social| ‘Thanksgiving evening.Some guess- ing contests were played and all re-| | iport a pleasant time. Messrs.James Turner and‘John) Morrison of ‘Mt.Ulla were visitois at| giving.Miss Lucile Osborne entertained a number of young people Saturday night in hozor of ker guests,Misses| Grace Guffy and Rosemary Moore of| Cool ‘Spring and Ruth Current of | Woodleaf,who were here for a few ‘days.Miss Osborne is teaching and | ‘was at home ona visit to hcr moth- er,Mrs.T.N.Osborne. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and Jaxative effect,LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININEis better than ordinaryQuinineanddoesnotcauseneryousnessnorniaginginhead.Remember a full ‘name andjookforthesignatureofE.+GROOVE.2°. MARKET REPORTS. +Btatesville Produce Market. The following prices were paid yesterday‘or produce on the local market.jTurkeys,16-18¢.per Ib..Chickens,12c.per Ib.iRoodters,6c.per Ib.”| Eggs,35c.per dozen. Butter,22-25c.per Ib. Beeswax,26c.per 1pGreenHides(unsalted)23.per Ib. Green Hidgs (salted)23-2be.per Ib.Hams,22c.to 24c,per Ib.Green Hams,14-I6¢.per Ib. Sides,16c.to 8c.per Ib.Shoulders,16c:per Ib. New:Red Hongy,8c.to 12¢.per Ib. 'Sourwood Honey rl Bee wy 20c.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casi 4c.per Ib. Sweet Potatoes,kc.ae bushel, Trish Potatocs,$1.50 per bushel. 3 Grain.The following prices were paid yesterday “op 'grain on the local market: Wheat (new)$1.75 per bushel. Corn,$1.95 per bushel.:Oats,65-70c.per bushel.eee: Bu ft Statesville“Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 19 5-4 cante per pound was paid for best grade cotton. Cotton Seed,¥Oc.per’bushel. ‘Seed Cotton,8 1-2c.per Ib. ‘(ADVERTISEMENTS in this colamn i0 centsperline.No ad.taken for tess than 25 cents.Cash must accompany erder.) LOST-—Auto-Crank on north Center or Water Street.Reward.Return to HENKEL- CRAIG CO.Dec.5 ~-1t*. REWARD—For,|return,or information,ofColliedog,miale,red color.Answers to JNO.M.SHARPE. i+Dec.5--it* See STATES-K WANTED—200 cords of wood. VILLE FURNITURE CO.or W.A. .AS,De c.6 Lt. FOR RENT—140-acre farnt™five miles from Hickory on sand-clay road.Land ¢for cotton,corn and wheat. Eight-reomdwellingandouthouses.S.EB.KILLIAN, Eee N.C Dec.5 —8t. BALL'S:Dec.5 ~1t. purse containittg about $8 in cash.for return to THE LANDMARK office.Dee.fies 1t. FOR SALLeesFarr’of 24 acres,orchard’pas-|we and>Sood buildings,near State Farm. A.TUCKER,Statesville,R-6. Dee.5---3t*, ‘PHONE W.B.CRAWFORD 916R.for Pork | Hogs.e Nov.28--Dec.5. FOR RENT—Six-room house onstreet.a ater and ifghts. Nov.28.- WANTED—To correspond either by wire or! letter With parties having real estate or live!stock huction sales.We have 14 years ex-| Stockton | |It is cheaper for R.F.Henry,the|~perience, |jeweler,to sell his coods for less thean latest methods,any reference re- A dad First class 9 or no pay,sell!ery ihAN Sunflay.All Beha 4 x eh NGI,(Sfock BeyRe RA Cat is,etoUBLIGRUCTIONDERS,teat AD PHE OHM HCHO |, house was'}’ CT ae a 1 oF analog Bi ares lonolo?|SaYDtoueM"sired itty,for the ufure:- 3 bad 4999 Wives a 4 os ‘ay hares ta satTheManwithoneysaveshis°.:money for his future and puts 7itintheBankwhereitissafe.«> This picture shows one of nature’s lessons to us:-ve The squirrel gathers jand hoards the nuts.that’ete realizes he will NEED’some day.He doesn’t depend| on his friends jn time of need.He depends on what” He has saved.He knows he won *t have any friends,,;,40 when heis broke and besides they)couldn’t spare the.,ae disow A Saget fruits of their frugality.Po Te 63)oun Do you get the point?“ye oe COL PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.2 ae':OS eee We pay 4 per cent interest on time Genosite,!Pi sant ar THE.FIRST NATIONAL BANK; Mr.and Mrs.D.B.Morrison’s-Thanks-}, Statesville,N.Cc. BAAD ;em Sentiment is a great force;itis the life of L-O-V-E:Christmas*? is the happiest time of all the year. Why?vr Because at Christmas time we all turn our minds away ond from ourselves and our hearts toward others.rool,This,to remind you that our jewelry store now gleafits ** with enchanting gift-goods and that those who receivepresents,aad which come from us cherish them,because they know thatsiio the “quality is there.’*th a Z R.F HENRY,Jeweler._ae THOM:' suitabhe ‘PLENTY ‘of ‘Cabbage Plants at D.1“KIM.| ¥.OST—In Statesville or on Wilkesbobro road,| Reward | SIG WALLACE.| sok eli TO TISOINS TD,221.2,ai J ust Arrived— |20 NEW SUITS. |25 NEW COATS. Sn eee Our buyer picked up about 20 Suits formerly — sold for $25.We put them on sale at Special,coos $12.50.|ae 25 Coats in Broadcloth,Blue,Brown and Black, worth $25 to $30,go at. $15.00 to $18.50. ee to}|Johnston-Belk Corn’Yer: Ge]; ne aifTheStoreThatSellsFor‘Less.; paiiimAine old iAsien,b Poste 5,1916,L. OF MOORESVILLE. sath of Mr.Car-come to States-News of Town and jal Correspondence of The Landmark.— Mooresville,Dec,4 —Rev.C.S. rkpatrick,the retiring pastor of e Mooresville Methodist church, ached his farewell sermon to a| ge congtegation at the 11 o'clockvicesSundaymorningandwill ve to Greensboro this week.This urch is left in a good condition, th financially and spiritually,and|~Kirkpatrick says it isthe best! inge he has ever had.He leaves!re with the best wishes of the| ole town.he new pastor,Rev.L.A.Falls,| o ‘comes from Brevard Street! urch,:Charlotte,will ‘move this|(vr tek and will fill his first appoint-| )nt next Sunday at 11 a.m.| am:Mr.W.P.Carrigan died Saturday cancer at his home a few miles) st tof town—the old Hargrove farm,nd was buried at’Prospect.Sun-|ostlas at-11-o’clock.Funeral by his| ~pastor,Rev.W.E.West.Mr.Carri- gan was.46 years old and leaves a| %wifé and six children,the oldest 16, ed and the youngest three.He,was high-| 8 ly @teemed in his neighborhood an¢ chutch,being a deacon of Prospect.| %}He was reared in the Thyatira neigh-| ®khorhopd,but had lived in this vicinity.| for 14 vears.His wife is a daughter | of Mr.David Sloop,a prominent far-| mer &nd citizen.Mr.Carrigan was a great sufferer from cancer on his| face.He'was treated by doctors|here and in -Baltimore-by specialists, but got only temporary relief. Mr.John W.Lamb,now in the in-| ea l US E SS S HO 2 surance business,spent Sunday here |os sun his Aamily.Mr.Gip-Freeze,| 2 ywho spent ksgiving with his | %Pimily,left Fy¥iday to continue trav-| ~'eling.Mr.Grover Stowe of Belk&Bros.’Charlotte,spent Thanksgiving ®here with his parents.&Mr.A.B.Marshal,manager of the| ©anand 10c.store here,has been sent | .to Statesville as manxger of the Mc-© Lelland store there.?Marzied at the residence of Rev.3 Jones in Mooresville Wed-|2 aig “night,November 29,by Mr. &‘ee Mr.Burette Raymer of%&Mooresville and Miss Mattie Wag-\out xr,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Sam.er,who live near:Troutman.neighbor,Rev.J.C,Umber-|rer,the young man from Mt.UllawhowasreceivedintotheConfer-'ence at pertgnies:stopped over here i:last week ‘erf@route to'his appoint-}ment at.Gibsonville,near Greens-‘boro.He will preach at the Gibson-ij ville Methodist church and also atthechurchatWhitsettInstitute,near |there.Said to be a good work and |we heartily wish him success. Mr.Frank D.Moore,who -haslivedherefor15yearsandhasbeenapopularclerkatHarris,McNeely| |&Co.’s,has resigned and will move with his~family to Brevard this) :i week.He has secured.work there as| a clerk.We regret to lose Mr.Moore|, »and his family from our town.They| {|are good people and will be a distinct| loss|to the First Baptist church,| where they were members and nel i church workers.Mr.J.F.Dorrah of Gray Court.| i S.C.,is here on a_visit to his old, friends and acquaintances.He has| “wcmteen working ‘on a farm the past “=——Summer,has gained in health and | “rarestrength and looks better.| Mr.John P.White,who recently | sold his\stock,tools,etc.,will move| to Statesville and go into the cafe |t¢ _+and-boarding house business with his |*‘ -.brother-in-law,Mr.A.E.Armour.| {The!firm has secured the old Foster |plitce,’on Court street.yt oJThe graded schools,which resume|tegular work again this wére dismissed Wednesday evenine| «to take Thanksgiving.Supt.Ariail|‘attended the Teachers’~Assembly _in! Raleigh and Prof,Ward spent-a day| at Greensboro.| Mr.E:H.Miller,one of our lead-| ing druggists,addressed a gathering | of farmers at Mt.Mourne on the | merits of the Federal Farm Loan! Bank a week ago and has engage-| ments for speeches at other places | in-south Iredell.Mr.Milter is an ear-| hest advocate of this loan bank feat-ure and is an_interesting and con- vinging speaker.i Mr.Mack Freeze had as Thanks- morning,| giving visitors’his daughters,Mes- dames Taylor of Smithfield | and F.N.Rodgers of Glass.Prof.'Hawlev.D.Waiter.DrncOny of Ellijay Institute,at Ellijay.Ga..son of Mr.and Mrs.C.L.Walter of| Mooresville,was married November| 21st to Miss Effie McHan;catghter ie ae has been teaching ih eorgia for some time.ar President J.L.Donald of ber of commerce has received; §m the:Southern railroad a map ofethb®plans for the park-and flower garden to be placed near the passen- *~ger station.Theimittedtothe Civic League and chamber of commerce for approval at He its meeting this afternoon._,AIf the ‘proposed new schedule of| ;trains is put into effect next Sunday ff as published,it will take several rood | families away from here to Char- E lotte,which we hate to give up. it if put on’the new.schedule.the train from here to.Winston-Salem will be run from Charlotte to Wins- tony Salem with Charlotte B 1,instead of Mooresville, Charlotte at 4.10 a.m.and nass here#about 5 a.m.,arriving in Winston at| 840.a.m.;leaving there at 4 p.m.i and arriving at Charlotte at 7.30.No. 24 to leave Charlotte 6.30 p.m.and returning arrive at Charlotte\at 12 m,,Its,to be hoped that the rail- i road company will yet reconsider and |not put this into effect. i ‘ ‘phe regular monthly meeting of wrt oo7 HOW'S THIS?We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ense of Catrrrh that eannot be cured byHall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca-tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, has become known as the most reliable“edy for'Catarrh.,Hall's Catarrh Cure netsDiale»the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, Hing the Poison from the Blood and heal-ing the diseased pores. After dyou hawe:turk en Hall's Catarrh CureforasportsapAstLeaneeagfreatimprove-ment in health.>Start takin:.ure at once fin’needrid J.CHENEY &CO.,sold by all Draggists,7ie. rai pdo,Ohio, .of.Rey...J.T.McHan,of Ellijay,Ga. the. plan is to be sub-| As} as termi-|to leave| o De SRN A RHTTERHONGCi Jamison,w the Vir-|wife, aro ,|0,391,office of Registe oS 0 tina @ at Rich-aS Metault having been made in Ses mond,:reporta good tianttrip.Mr,H.G.Newtonily.of Cliffside have movlive.Misses Ernestine WeClydemiaxtonofWilkesboro, Miss Mary here toy Thanksgiving with Mrs.Zeb,Deat-|south "|ee nae north 20 degrees east 78 poles:toa stone,Thomas Bell's corner on said Blacks |welder’s line; poles to a’stone on Mrs.Bell,Howard's es MWothton preventing there will beaninterestingbasketballgame,to which’the public is invited,\Friday|! night at 7.30—Mooresville and,Lin-|gexrees.west 69 1 ||containing 39 1-2 acrecolnton,Mrs.McClure has moved into her|home at the corner of Church street| and Center avenue,Miss Julia McNeely,who last week|fell down the stairs at “Mr.Oscar’ Brawley’s,was severely bruised’and {was laid up for several days,is now|improving.D.L.Lowrance,has moved to Mooresville to live and occupies his home near the picnic grounds.The Farmers’Union gives notice that they will entertain their mem-| bers’and families at a fish fry at the |home of Mr.W.B.Harris on Decem-|Hope township of the aforesaid Sstate and ‘ber 14th.A good:time -isin store for county,and more particularly described:as follows,to-wit:all who attend.Friday there was an oe supper served in the chamber of commerce rooms by the Knights of|¢ Pythias and a great time is report-|cast 48 poles to a fallen white oak;thence* north thence ork 40 poles to a maple,G. 1 by the ladies of the U.D.C.chapter jiams’gorner on the branch; snid branch to the fed.The splendid supper was served and there were also short speeches By virtue of the § and Ww.)|mortgage deed ex@cuted @ and pleas:|nent thereof,and fam-|will on r and |if|highest bidder for.cash,the following 4 andHed real estate: Myers of Advance spent|Summers’ Th Dee,5. U NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL coun’ nder and by virue ofthe p yr of sale tained in the mortgage deed executed by Q,G, Williams and’M.J.Williams to R.M, jand reeorded in Deeds of Tredell county in Book 18,page.1§0, and signed,on at 12 o'clock,at the court :house door *éf Ines. cell county,will sell to the highest bidder re cash at public auction, led tracts of land, bank of creek: bd “powers *eosititned dbygonnWellmana which is duly recorded in Book of the undersigned as morta SATURDAY,JANUARY 6,1917,‘ 12 o'clock,noon,expose for sale to* Beginning at a stake,an 1f,inatecorner,on Moore's line} 86 degrees east 719 1-2i See to a Bob Backwelder’s corner;thence ith thence north 86 degrees east 1038 ‘omas Bell's corner;thence south abo , -2 poles to the beginnings 3,more or less, GEORGE BLACKWELDER,Mortenhen LAND. R NOTICE OF SALE OF I ystheofficeoftheRegister of, Williams,theassignedtoB.F.wn MONDAY,JANUARY 8,1917, the following ‘deserib- lying and being,ih New Tract Beginning on an ash on.thethencenorth98degreeswest‘irst poles te a stone;thence north 9 degrees y) 9 degrees west 8 poles to a stake;W.Wil-5thencedown%mouth of second “ditch; thence with said ditch 20 poes to a,istake; ane ue d leduant h »he thence south 68 degrees east 19 poles tqa birethaseendecidecoOave1€on the bank of said creek;thence up and.witCommunityChristmastreeonFridaythevariouscoursesofsaldcreek‘to the be | night before Chriswunas—December 22—-provided all arrangements can be made.The large tree will belightedanddecoratedwith_tinsel. Around the tree the choirs of the churches and the.school ¢hildren sic.for every child finder 12 years be provided,but there will erewitlbenOtothe beginning,containing »ginning,containing 30 acres,more or ‘less, Second thence south 80 poles to a stone; 20 thence south road; white pine;|will gather and sing Christmas mu-to a A small box.containing a treat po -poplar, Tract--Beginning at =a_hickory,athenceeast to a spanish oak,Shoemaker's corner}{**23 poles to a stone on the Ridgewithsaid’road 23 poles to at oak;south 26 degrees east 2h poles toa! thence south 81 degrees east 22 1-2 ier: pine;thence north 6 degrees east 14} to a poplar;thence north 4 .poles to alWilliams’corner;thence north 3,de-|es east 64 poles to a chestnut;thence west ‘ae 50 acres,more or ? poles thence présents on the tree.less.R.M.MYERS,Mortsavee,i Buy Red Cross Seals—buy them B.F.WILLIAMS,Assignee.|"D.F.Mayt !916now!The old-time song of “Shop Seo AUS -S| Early”would be a_blessing to the |RE-SALE OF LAND...’| ee as well as the seller,who is al- ways rushed near Christmas.| time merchant of the town and a fa- miliar citizen on the streets of Mooresville for a generation is,we e are sorry to say,at present confined, to his home on account i health and is not able to be at place of.business—R.W.Freeze & Sons’store—except for a very short while.In”addition to veing a suc- cessful merchant and_enjoying good trade for many years,Mr.’ Freeze is one of the leading cotton buyers of the town.J.A.B.GOODMAN. Notices of.New Advertisements Ellis’.photograph opened—Mrs.T.W. Reward for return or Collie—Jno.M.Sharpe. Auto-crank lost, Craig Co. Sale of land—R.M.Myers,mortgagee, B.F.Williams,assignee. Resale of land—Dorman Thompson | and R.T.Weatherman,insta Summons by publication—J?A.Hart ness,C.S.C. Repair work handled promptly satisfactorily—J.B.Cooper. A Victrola for the children— Music Store. “The Birth of a Nation’ cent Monday and Tuesday, aycet New.suits, gallery to be re- Ellis. information of Andrews "at the Cres matinee new coats—Johnston-Belk| oe sixteen shopping days.Coffee| to be served—Ramsey-Bowles Morrison| Disability policies,let us show you—! Statesville Loan &Trust Co.,W.EQ; Webb,manager.| Pianos sold on easy terms—Andrews | Music Store.| Holiday speeialties—Allison’s Book| Store.| Save money for the future—First National Bank. Christmas gifts of quality—R.FP. Henry,jeweler.| Piano sale still ou—Lronard Piano| Store.i ‘Made-In-Statesville Exhibit’?at, new show-room of the Lazenby-Mont:| gomery Hardware Co. A Hoosier makes an ideal holiday gift -Crawford-Buneh Furniture Co, 200 cords of wood wanted—Statesv ile Furniture Co.,or W.A.Thomas. Dr.Coite’Sherrill me moved to Mr. Jas.R.Hill’s residence. Cabbage plants—D.J.Kimball,| Purse lost,reward for return to The| |Landmark,| Farm for Sale—-A.L.Tucker,States:|ville,R-6,| Fireless Cooker Demonstration--Craw-| ford-Buneh Burniture Co, |Valuable real estate for sale-—-h.G.| Gaither. Protest Deportation of Belgians. Acting on its own behalf,the American government has informed |Germany anew of its deep concern'over deportation of Belgians by the German military authorities.This ac- ;tion has been taken as a result of in- ‘formation about the deportations gathered from different sources and after fruitless informai efforts on be- half of the ‘Belgians made by Mr Grew,the American charge d'affaires at Berlin. Germany ,has been informed that ithe treatment of the Belgians has made a very bad impression in this;country,and that the United States ;eannot avoid taking ntice of the situation,basing’its stand on the ‘broad grounds of humanity.Germany ‘is deporting thousands of Belgians! into Germany,..where they will bemadetolabor’for Germany. Villa Victory Temporary. All of last week the réports of 'Vil+ la’s attack on Chihuahua City.Mex- ico,indicated that Villa had defeat- ed the Carranza forces.It seems that he secured partial control of the city but his victory was short-lived.His forces were dater defeated south of Chihtahua City and compelled —to flee in disorder,according to the re- ‘ports,and following this victory the} Carranza,troops ae Chihua-|hua ‘City. JeI Vieille laGold in One eaeL. |Druggists refund:money if it fails to cure..W.GROVE'S signature on each box,25¢,\ Jessie Foster Albew et al vs. Mr.-R.W.Freeze,a prominent old-Padgett et al.Under and by Superior Court of Iredell county,dersigned commissioners will sell to the st his cstate: Beginning at Pool's cornerlineandrunssouth45dézrees east 100:poles to a degrees west 35 a of lot No.1;to a stone in the old line; grees east 37 poles to the beginning, ing 22 1-3 of failing|aU the court house door of Tredell county,at ee, Jessie Stroud" an order of,theweckun-igh-i virtue of bidder onWEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 20,116, o'clock noon,the followny descriked real 2* in the iHeath stone,Pool's -corner;thence south 47 3-4 poles to a stone,’¢drner thence 45 degrees west 932 polesthencenorth26de-contain- => acres more or less. The above described land is a part of theoldSamuelFosterlands bu on account of an nereased bid and bidding will start for months, me Soe all reward —Henkel-!PU) Dec.5,1916. and lie in Turtners- rg township.This land is’being re-sold at $23.50 per acre.‘Terms of sale one-third cash,one-third inirmonthsandremainingthirdineight with interest on all deferred pay-and title to remain in commissioners payments have been made.”The haser will have the option-of paying all nts, DORMAN THOMPSON,:| R.T.WEATHERMAN,-|Commissioners. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NORTH CAROLINA, A; and)deceased,vs.J.T. {da The defenint above named will take notice | that a summons in the above entitled action|ROnmenotmcollec On MaGUE Loma Laxen:E ROMEpaymentisrequested.W.L.NEELY.was issued against suid defendant on the 28th!Nov.8.Cit T.CollectyofNovember,1916,by J.A.Hartness,|2am cre atoneale |which summons is returnable on the 28th day|of re 3 Lavenbeto icomern |as on North Genter Street. 13 BIG DAYS Thursday,Friday and Saturday,| DECEMBER 7-8-9. EVERYBODY.INVITED. FREE TO ALL.| Exhibit Hall Will Be Open Every Night.i MERCHANTS’ASSOCIA:ON, Hardware Xo., * Qt Sa g e ci St se s h MUSIC. Under Auspices Of < ' IREDELL COUNTY.“|Before the Clerk.|C.Crouch,administrator of .Fred Robb,Robb,heir-at-law. CITY TAXXES.In the Superor Court, rk of the Superior Court of Iredell county, December,1916,before the above mention-| quired to”appear aoe answer or demur to} The Gity-Tax Books are now in my hands GREENAND BROWN: ed clerk,when and where the defendant is|SHINGLE STAINS AND, [OUR STORE HEADQUARTERS eee FOR (2 “pesante thie etionty tuease |FIREPROOF PAINT.and for assets.asi A.HARTNES S Dee.5 -4t w.Clerkget|C.WAT Ix I N Ss. Thists the Victrola, $50 Why child eed the Victrola It’s a playmate to them.Keeps them out of mischief.Plays for them to dance or romp—or sings and tells them stories.ae But it gives something greater than amusement. A Victrola in the home helps shape the spirituwal and { mental growth of children,helps form their charec:i ters and tastes,he hem.And it’s a great | help to every rfother!ov Is there a Victrol-in your home You rfay think you can’Pat # we'll show you that-ycurcane You'll scy youfrover heardcf.more ¢{oom than ours.Victrolas$ae to $400.»Comte in foday and heoser youre.,I:ANDREWS MUSIC STORE Everything Musical. 105 East Broad Street. ®!aan :;2 |Genuine Jewel Ranges! Stoves and Base Burners made by the Detroit Stove Works----the largest stove plant in the world.Each-bears the Jewel trade mark,which is a guarantee of high .Come inqualityandsatisfactoryservice. and see the stoves.Remember,every stove sold on an absolute guarantee. ‘Better Goods For Less Money.”:.{ __#PHONE 157 Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| hoe Repairing. RY “Work done by our éx- pert shoe repairer.tt only takes him 15 to 20 minutes to tack or sew ona pair of half soles.Plenty of comfortable seats—you can have work done while you BIG REDUCTION IN MILLINERY We are offering all our trimmed hats at a sacrifice. $3.90 to $5.00,.$ to 3.00,a Poe... All colored hats at half price.«We still have a few real good numbers ieft-in Coat Suits,we-are offering at agreat,sacrifice.See us before ‘buying - co m s “e : J G E R A G E S O U N hy se t e wait. \ for:and delivered, Remember we shine shoes free.~s, kunges s Have your Shoe Repair. In town shoes called % > * ‘% « fof fresh 2 pe Goan oFdoy tickoion taken promptly for hard ahsunyieldin pais,when strengt Tis hiisloweredfromanycause. orn coughs tear and wear B nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sic neéss,The rich cod liver.oilimproves thequalityofthebloodtorelievethecoldandtheglycerineissoothingandhealingtothelungtissues. RefuseAlcoholic Substitutes Which Exelode theSi.:£6-8 SERVICE! PSZSIITIIITI771 os s r o t e s o s s e s e s ‘Our Service Department is alwaysonTHEJOBtohandleyourneedsatonceandwithgreatrapidity.Nomatterwhatiswrongwecanfixit, Wecarry a complete line of acces- sories,, |STATESVILLE.MOTOR GO. pepteesresseececssenesseseeetesseresseseseeeestetsssseesee Iii reese re s e e e s e s s e s t e s s be t e t s s s s s s e s e e s : (—)‘LtncepeeeS|aed 3 FORO OUOOGOOO SERED: COCR COMPANY being the best Election Over ——AND—— Returns are unanimous-in favor of SLOAN CLOTHING place to buy your nice.Fall § and Winter Suit,Overcoat ¢ and Gents’Furnishings.Big § %|266,153.Single persons inher 6 Tne THE ININCOME “TAXPAYERS. Near 400,000 inin.the United| “‘States—Some inNorth Care-/ lina.- North:Carolina ranks first.in the number of .pounds of |smoking and|chewing tobacco and ‘second in the}number of cigarettes manufactured,|according to the annual.report of|Commissioner of Internal”RevenueOsborne.The report shows that 5,217,826,490.cigarettes were manu-|factured and that —112,1)7,089,ounds of smoking and chewing to-|acco.the (lager "85,201)287| pounds was accounted for by Collec-|tor Watts and 26,988,960 by the Ral-eigh collector.In North Carolina there are.threeindividualswhoadmittheir‘incameisbetween$500,000 and $1,000,000; one $250,000 to $800,000;one $150,- 000 to $200,000;five.$75,600 to $100,- 000;10 $50,000 to’$75,000;five $40,- 000 to $50,000;15 .$30,000 to $40,000; 21.$25,000 to "$30,000;380 $20,000 to $25,000;80 $15,000 to $20,000;170 $10,000 to $15,000;384 $4,000 to $5,- 000,and 404 $3,000 to $4,000. ceipts from individual income tax} aggregated $67,943,594.63,as com- pared with $41,036,162.09 for 1916.The corporation income tax payments during 1916 aggregated $56,993,657.- 98,as compared with $39,155,596.77 in 1915.From both sources the gov- arnment collected $124,937,252.61,as compared,with $80,201,758.86 in 1915. The personal income tax was paid by 336,652 persons.Of these 120,402 aid on net incomes of between $5,- 000 and $10,000 a year.The nuniber of married persons.paying tax waspavingthe income tax embraced 47,583 men and 22,916 women.The figures show that :120.persons paid.taxes on net incomes of $1 ,900,-000 or over,1,793 on from $100,000to$150,000,a total of,724 on from$150,000 to $200.000,a total of 889 on from $200,000 to $250,000,a total of 254 on from $300,000 to $400,000, total of 122 on from $400,000 to 500.000,.and 209 on from $500,0000 e $1.000,000, In New York State 73,409 persons naid the perscnal income tax to.the Federal government.Of these 55,008 were ‘married.Of the 120 persons_in the entire country who paid taxes on net incomes of $1.000,000 or over,an- nually,74 live in New York State. The distribution by States of the line of latest up-to-the-min- ute fabrics and styles. OUR MOTTO: “The Store of Honor.” Vox Populi. ing, dirt road,with balance in timber, FOR SALE 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,NG college and graded school,fronting about 700 feet oss 3-rgom tenant house, witer,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- with about 30 acres in cultivation; into Jotes. 97 acres three miles from Harmony State High School,one-half mile from public school on public road,40 acres in cultivation, 7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out- buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place. For further information call on or write ‘ ERNEST G.GAITHER, INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. "Phone25. near ad and large stockarn,running lies well for,sub-dividing -Statesville,N.C. Mills Building. The Newest Gruen “VERY-VERITHIN,’ “The greatest Combination ofWatchvalueatthePrice.” R.H.RICKERT &SON, Exclusive Agents for Gru en. Achievement, 19-JEWEL.( $50. /, eet TTT pettiseseostedertrrsiversrrrrrrcyrssryzrsrrzseysSeeTstee ITTTTT TesTITTLIESaeeeSS ISS IS8 NET14'Commercial National Bank| OF STATESVILLE,N.C." |Capital Stock Paid in - i ~—-Surplus and Profits © Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business ‘solicited and every accommodation extended to de- \positors consistent with cheat bank- ing fmethods. Four per cent.paid on time ‘endsSavings Deposits remaining on Uyposit three |W.D. "D. months or longer. OF FICERS: ‘TURNER,-K.MORRISON,-M.AUSLEY,OB ‘HUGHEY,.- $100,000.00 -31,500.00 22 9 9 9 9 99 9 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 9 4 po s e s e e e o o o e t s e e t s s s Pe s o e e s e s e s s ”-President.Sieg -Vice President.-'~~+Cashier.i =Assistant Cashier.j ,joffce in North Cat PS P S S t o o e s e e s e s e e s se s s 120 persons paving taxes on .annual |He also calls attention to t that the actual experience government in the ternal taxes and collection of this means to the full sion has been attempted. Rryan to Build in Asheville. Hon.W.J.Bryan hereafter he expects to spend spring he will istated that he will |Lincoln,Neb..his ispend part of each ‘cluding election day. |“Bv svending the summer in Ashe- aes ”Mr.Bryan said,“I can remain home ‘more anid yet be _near enough[to go to Washington may be desirable to do so.’ The report.has been circulated.of- ten and as often deed,only to be ;started .afresh later,that Mr.Bryan !would make his permanent home in|Asheville...would transfer his citizen- ship to this’State and‘would run for Jina,probablv for part of.the! home and_will thexSenate.’.‘fhe latter|story.was so.improbable that it og leredited the whole.’Now that |Bryan has stated his exact eeteee the matter ought to rest,but it is doubtful if it will.Some of the newspaper writers who constantly pee for ‘sensations won’t accept facts when they don’t coincide with iwhat they want. | |Lawyer Acquitted of Murder. ||ville,Tenn., 'ness stand that when he shot and| |killed Harry S.pieker also a law- lyer,in the latter’s law office in Nash- ville last April, fence,was acquitted. pied several weeks. The shooting grew out of a feud. On the witness stand Trabue said he The trial-occu- went to-Stokes’office in the hope of securing a signed .rétraction of de-lrogatory statements he alleged Stokes had made.“He’Said the lattereehimandtheshooting fol-There \were no others pres- were members ofi prominent Tennes- see families and at_the time it occur- red’were acting as ‘counsel on oppo- ville. Disturb the Stomach. In addition to other pro}‘oe Cascara in table form,a During the,fiscal year 1916 the re-| uals who have taxable incomes and of ascertaining the taxable amounts..fact of)the in- customs duties has demonstrated the necessity of secur- ‘ing information that will enable,it to [determine for itself whether or not ‘taxpayers’declaration is true and by ascertain and collectamountoftaxwhereeva- announce that his summers in Asheville and that next build a home there \which‘he will call “Mount Calm.”He continue to call year there,in- ‘whenever it Chas.S.Trabue,a lawyer of Nash-} who testified on the wit-| he acted in self-de-| ed.on Both principals in the tragedy site sides in a suit growing out of amunicipalpolitical‘scandal in Nash- enemies” Lax-Fos,A Mild,Se aeLaxative &Liver Tonic Does NotGripe nor rties,Lax-Fos eal Laxative dnd Tonic.Lax-oevelyanddoesnotgripenérdisturbstomach.At thesame time,it aidscit,atouses the liver and secretionsrestotesthehealthyfunctions.50,iy eee |warns, 000—-Gain Over Last Year. .The total receipts 6%the tredsur- er of the Baptist _State Convention | jthis year are $170,035.09,a’gain of | }$21,119.23 over last yegr;according jto the annual report of Rev.Walter| (N.Johnson,corresponding secretary,| |which is now ready for presentation |ito the convention at Elizabeth City , ‘this week.|.The financial statement.of Treas- urer Waters Durham shows that.the’ Beptists gave $54,853 for State mis-!gions $33,699 for home missions,and| 7,933 for foreignmissions.|I “The State.mission work of the lyear includes 11,568 sermons preach- ed;319 churches served,116 out-sta- tions served,2,211 baptisms,1,583 added by letter,447 mectings.held; (3,487 conversions,7 churches organ:| | rl| | jized,$35,432.87 paid in salaries,$27,-t 1879.62 paid on churches,“$26.25 paid) on parsonages,$3,768 paid to orphan-| nese,$481.25 paid to ministerial re-\lief.Of the $344,848 received last year by the Home ‘Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention,North\Caroline gave $29,824;and of the /$517,828 reccived b the Foreign Mission Board,North Carolina geve $51,148,sevs Mr.Johnson. In his report to the convention urges that during theyearstr:ss be laid upon men’s mis-sion study classes,regular giving by he church building fund, He recommends also that 150 Bzp- tist pastors in North Carolina be asked to give at lezst one week to protracted meetings and_enlistment work with mission churches,lettingthemmeetir.small groups in about ten different places for a three-day study and prayer before they go forth to do the work assign- ed.The board should pay alli the expenses of this,Mr.Johnson thinks, and he estimates it will be equivalent to keeping one men in the field foranentireyear.“Unless we mistake the direction and the force of the deeper currents in the life and thought of North Car- olina Baptists,”he says,“the hour Receipts For Year Over air approaching y the churches,compaét pastorates and|( has struck for a great one-mission campaign for all lines of our mission work—State,Home,Foreign Mis- April 30.”oo’ The new form of the Yadkinville Ripple is an improvement and EditorRutledgeistobecongratulatedon the change. sions.all—$140,000 for all these by! ERE is a well-fitting stylish rubber with a heavy serv yicesoleandheel.Neither.sole-nor heel will wearthroughuntilyouhavehadmoreservicethanordinary rubbers give. Titis rubber looks well,fits well,and wears well. Hub-Mark Rubber Footwear is made in a wide variety of kinds and styles to cover the stormy weather needs of men,women,boys and girls in towp or country. The Hub-Mark js your value mark;Look for it on the sole...° HUB-MARK’RUBBERS ~The Worlds Standard Rubber Footwear For sale by all good dealers. é two or|g POCCOGRO ENON UDOUD OE is bad enough,but there are MARY OTHER:CHANCES. of being temporarily or permanently disabled.>+3 You may be hurt while you,work,or hurt while yous walk,with the present rapid rate:of locomotion---' several disabled by autos last week right around here. Something may run into-y2u,0’you may run into some- thing,such as smallpox and other contagious diseases,i A thousand chances of being laid up.But---here's théBIGCHANCEtobeatthegame,by having one of ‘our 40percentsavingDISABILITYPOLICIESatyourbackto work while you’re weak and can’t help yourself.“ Let us show you how much.it means to you dnd:how : little it costs.STATESVILLE LOAN.&TRUST courant, W.E.WEBB,Manager, ence.,-s Mrs.C.A.Kyles,210 Bell St., Statesville,says:“Some years my back was very lame and sore. I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills and they made my back as str ong as ever.I havan’t had any from my kidneys sinée.” Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t sim- ply ask for g kidney remecy—yret| Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs.Kyles had.Foster-Milburn Co., BOD ys Buftals,N.Y: Flowers a For All Occasions! 7 We can always supply you with the best to _|!|{ behad in Flowers for whatever purpose they | should be wanted. Van Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,&.G. Polk Gray Drug (o.,thecal Agents ~C...WATKINS for; “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, Next ceiet ae jashcevn a trouble | incomes of $1,000,000 «and,over |===re f shows,besides the 74 in New York,|SUSPECT YOUR KIDNEYS! four each .in voniecs ae Delaware,ae \Tllinois.one each in Georgia,Mary-.° :lee:Minnesota,Missouri,Oklaho-Too Many Statesville People See Telbnd and ane two|Neglect Early Symptoms of 1 ‘D : leach in Massachusetts and Michigan,f :nsec estroyer i?in New Jersey,and 6 in Ohio.Kidney Trouble.»y } The distribution by States of in-*,:.veer ’ $If your back is lame—if you feel .ee ;' jcome taxpayers whose incomes ag-:i : \ereeated from $500,000 to $1,000,000|dull,tired and all-worn-out—For the Destruction of Weevils,sy yd Bea Hieach last year,was:California 3,/If you bave hardaheadaches,back-.ats fone f ealeate 1.Connecticut 4.Delaware eee dizzy spelts—|Beetles,Moths and Insects.‘5 eat Florida ae 16,Maine 1,a If the ki ney eecpeiione areiditoe |:TEES Ee aed ae 2.Massachusetts 13,Michi-}i ::ee ~\nvry ‘.Con nec ae igan 7,Minnesota 1,Missouri 3,New}dered—DOC eo:A.BO I TLE ee og x ; Jersey 2,New York 117,Texas 1,1 Suspect your ‘kidneys and Hake a cr h : eee 1,Virginia 1,and:Wiscon-stitch.in time.”|I a re “Commissioner Osboine points out in Use Doan’s Kidney Pills,the time-| his report that the problem of in-|tried,home-endorsed kidney remedy,|HALL’S DRUG STORE, fe Be eee on oe ~a It may save you from some serious|into a matter of locating the individ-|yigney trouble.fs Make use of Mrs,Kyles’experi-!Statesville,N.CG. |4, ! { | \ | n vatoeety viz: Sg re r The Statesville Realty &InvestmentSon,===INSURANCE!== As a great many policyholders do not seem totheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainpnnnesfonecontractofthepolicywhichthey\buy.We'deen aaamentionsomeoftnecausesanderwhichthesamewillbe oa e 1—Vacant or idle property for Jonger than 80 daye—apyly your agent for permit;‘2—-Mechanics inaking.additions.to,or extraordinary alters:; tions in or on property—always get permits from agents,..#5):|38—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless nati¢e ot same,is given—apply to your agent.4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interestin:proper.ty insured other than by death, 5—Assigrnment or transfer of property to another.:.6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be give7—-The vaking of other insurance without notice.*.ee8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit:other ;than keroséfe oil.teh9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.MyPolicyholdersshouldreadlines7to30oftheprintednace:of their policies.It is impossible for agerts.to know,of these dé-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us.for any INSURANCE intaps a mation.“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday:.ofChautauqua!J.F.CARLTON,Mama et PHONE 64 STATESVILLE,N C.. en. Sy e v r r e r e r r r r e r s r r e e r e s r s s y Se r e r er r e r r r y r y i rr s y e r r r ir e [MONEY 1SPOWER: MONEY,1s POWER AND GOMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!__ SO THE BEST WAY ‘TO START IS WITH A BANK -ACCOUNT! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both wolnait’;* and men!\ Certificates of Deposit issued,by this Bank bear interest a from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum,* ”Checking accounts,either large or small,contin:tvited, Ne want hee business |:y People s Loan and|AeBank,GEO.H.BROWN —-President...'0.L.TURNER ve 4 * » / i|| i\ THE WORLD’s tetanstnansmmosnacsnnaeaaatte Se mere emISCEN =“THE.BIRTH OF A NATION’. MIGHTEST MOTION’PICTURE PRODUCTION.| ie a” JUST AS PRESENTED IN NEW YORK AND OTHER LARGE CITIES, The Most Stupendous Dramatic and Spectacular Enterprise Which the Brain of Man Has Yet Visioned and Realized,—| “TUESDAY. THE NEWS OFOF TAYLORSVILLE. Thanksgiving “Service —Personal: “Mention. Correspondence of The Landmark. »“Taylorsyvolle,Dec.5.—Thanksgiving! ‘s@rvies were held at the Pressbyterian | church ,Thursday morning at 11:00 o7elock by the pastor,Rev.L.L. ,==December 5,1916..|Contracts Moore,| Accompained by Symphony Orchestra of 40. See Friday’s Landmark for Announcement of Seat Sale. ceSE ET itl THE LANDMARK wer NEW FIGHTING SHIPS.|THE VOTE FOR STATE OFFICERS.| $65,000,000 | For Worth Let For Navy. Secretary Daniels has awarded contracts for more than $65,000,000 worth of new fighting ships for the navy,including four battleships ~at ‘$11,000,000 each,two fleet subma- |rineg at approximately $1,190,000 each and 27 coast suymarines at from ‘$694,000 to $698,000 each. The vessels contracted for com- and at the Methodist church in the |prise the bulk of the great building evening at 7:00 o’clock by the pastor,|programme of 66 Rev.J.J.Edwards..The many friends of,Mr.Edwards and family are glad _they are-toeremain on this cirucit. «Miss Ada Viele,teacher of mathe- idaticn in the high school at Winston- lem,—spent from Wednesday night until Saturday morning here with herfViele.|six months’limit set by Congress.‘parents,Mayor and Mrs.C.G. Dy.and Mrs.R.Z.Linney of Charlotte spent Thursday and Friday here,guests of Dr.Linney’ssister,Mrs.W..D.Deal. Misses”Neal Maxwell,Daisy Wilson,| Jeanette McGirt,atudents at Statesv ile inch.They will displace avoutFemaleCollege,were guests of Mrs.R. «lw Matheson Thanksgiving Day.Prof. John I.White,of Nashville,Nash county,spent Friday herewith his! parents,Prof.and Mrs.J.A. Messrs.Robt.Starr and William Somers| of Wilkesboro,were guests of friends|here Thanksgiving.Mrs.McKnight of Greensboro,who visited her sister,Mrs. Re C.Cox,returned home Saturday morning.Mrs Sallie Walker and sons, Messrs.Milton,William and Clyde,of Statesville,were guests at the home oo Mrs.Walker’s daughter,Mrs.-A. Brawley,Thanksgiving.Messrs.R.en Matheson,Chas P.Matheson and J.P.! Robinette‘spent Saturday in Greensboro. Mrs.©.L.Everhart and baby daughter,| Naney Rose,who have been visiting Mr.Everhart ’s parents,Mr. “Thomas”Watts,returned home Sunday, Mr.Neil Alexander Of Statesville,spent Thanksgiving here with friends.Mr. John Feimster of Charlotte,spent Thurs. .day and Friday here with his aunt,Mrs.! Sarah Feimster.~Mrs.Kelly of Char- lotte,who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.J.8.McIntosh,w::i return home today. Mr.and Mrs.Ray Echerd and baby s0n leave today for Asheville,where| they will make their home.Mr.Echerd igfireman on the Southern Railway with| headquarters at Asheville. Miss Sue Kerley,who spent Thanks- giving holidavs in Charlotte with her mother,Mrs.Charlotte Kerley,returned home Sunday.Her sister,Miss Abbie Kerley,aceompanied her here to visit her sister,Mrs,W.T.Rowland. Statesville Won at Basketball.' *““In the double-header basketball games here Thursday between States-|ville and Rutherford College,ville won both games —‘the first,intheafternoon,57 to 21,and the sec-|Statesville’sond,at night,51 to 18. players in the second half of both games were principally members ofthesecondteam. Friday night Statesville beat theSpartanburgY.M.C.A.team 51 to!24,.This and the gomes Thursday| night were referred by Mr.Maple-beck of Detroit;Mich,The attend- ance at the games was very good. The next game scheduled is for Saturday night—Statesville vs.Da- vidson College. New Experience in Transportation. Mr,ae M.Mason and his’sister, Mrs.J.McLelland of north Iredell, Visited aca in High Point last week.Mrs.MeLellatid,.who is 60 years of age,took her first automobile aide as.she went from her brother’s residence to the station;her first trip on a train in going from Statesville to High Point,her first street:car ride in going from the station at High Point to the destination.On the return trip ghe «ame to Mr,Mason’s residence from|the depot in the ditnay,which was algoAnewexperiences: What:it:mneald,ost R..F.Henry toveanarticle19takenoffonpriceFootnow~—ad, By ens ys.ier aiegNi (H\"', 'battle cruisers will be received White.| and Mrs.’ States-! craft of various types appropriated for by the last session of Congress.Bids for four De-cember 6 next,and for tnree scout cruisers on January 3,with the hope of completing the task of getting all |the ships under contract within the The new battleships will be sister ships to the California and Tennes- see,now under construction,except that they will be fitted to carryeight 16-inch rifles instead of twelve 14- 32,-500 tons.The department now is ‘considering plans for the 1918 ships, three in number,with indications jthat they will be of 40,000 tons’dis-| placement,carry twelve 16-inch guns ibnd make 23 to 24 knots an hour,in- 'stead of 21 knots,the present battle- ‘ship ‘standard of the navy.|The fleet of submerines will be of tthe so--called 800-ton type and simi-| lar in size to the German U-53,which |called recently at Newport,R.I.A |third boat of ‘this size will be laid | .|down at the Portsmouth navy yard, |where the L-8 is nearing completion. The coast submarines will range between.475 and 550 tons,according to design,being substantially simi-| lar ‘to the most recent sunmersibles of the L class completed zor the na- “|YYIredell Veteran Diesinn Mississippi. Capt.John F.McNeely,a native of aren and a brother of the late FE. '(Ezekiel)McNeely of Mooresville, [died November 21st at Coustland, |Miss.He was captain of Company |K,56th North Carolina troops,in the Confederate.army and is remember- ;ed by Confederate veterans and old-;er residents of south Iredell.He is survived by one son,William McNee- ily,with whomhe lived at the time of lhis death. R.F.Henry,the “jeweler,is selling for less rather than pay cost of mov- ing.—ad. ‘Fhe Canvass.Completed —The Majorities. |The State board of elections last' week canvassed and certified the: vote for Governor and all other State officers and the two Superior “Court .November| votes,| judge voted for in the election.The State officers’ name of the Democrat being first leach office,follow: |Governor —Bickett 167,761; ney 120,151.Bickett’s 610. Lieutenant.-Governor —ee 167,261;Jenkins 119,999.'- majority,47,262. Secretary ‘of State —Grime 167; 263;Stroud 119,065.Grimes’oT ty,48,198. ‘Auditor —Wood 167189; |Wood 119,950.Wood’s major ie239.at in Treasurer —Lacy 167,rniaeBarris.| 120,020.Lacy’s majority,47 Superintendent of Pubhba 1ation—Joyner 167,106;ahi} 078.Joyner’s majority,47,098" Attorney General —sdastinge 168,-.312;“Parker 120,121.ae.ma jority,47,191.Be .Commissioner of Labor‘ah 'Print-ling —Shipman 166,927 Forde 1}9,- |1517.Shipman’s eae|Corporation Commissior 1h ‘Lee 1167,282;Faison 119,878.¢qna- ‘jority,47,404.oF 4 Ccmmiss ioner of.Agrieglture— Graham 166,947;Freneh 434193538. Greham’s majority,pve ,; |Commissioner of Instira ‘ge Young‘166,903;Hevea s024.oo “majority,47,27 Judge Third District -166,-923;Snipes 119,567.Ke ajority, 147,356.4|‘Judge Eighth Disk ‘Stacy '166,920;Meares 119,527;ley 's ma- ‘jority,47,393, President Wilson carried every county in Utah,his:plurality in the State being “29,892.King,Democrat, was.elected Senator by 24,033.Utah has heretofore been reliably Republi- can,being one of the two States that Taft carried in 1912.Mr.Wilson’s official plurality in New Hampshire is 56.A recount asked for by the Re- publicans was to have begun yester- day.- |Drives Out Malaria,Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out Malaria,enriches the blood,and builds up the sys- tem.A true tonic.For sauits and children.50c. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. Men’s Furnishings. | and $2.00. FOR |\ | ial icy.i)TREA Ni eh ph ‘ |New and attractive line of Caps,50c.and $1. New assortment of Neckwear,25c.,50c.,75c.and $1. New assortment ot fancy Hose at 50c.the pair. Complete line of Kid Gloves,$1.00,$1.50,$1.75 Complete line of Sweaters,$3.00,$3.50 and $5.00. MEN’S FURNISHINGS, SE Phone 93.a _SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. \Lin-) majority,47,- SS THIS IS HOOSIER WEEK Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘.;:ww > ~< ‘< 4. a& —— For a Holiday Gift—give a HOOSIER.A Hoosier will|be used over a thousand times a year and the kitchen work can be done in just half the time. Pay only $1.00 and-the Cabinet will be delivered now or Christmas and your weekly membership dues quickly pay the balance\, “The Store That Always peeeera Ss You” it r ae he e We Sell All Pianos ~On easy terms. hoppersAREONDISPLAYATTHESTOREOFQUALITY. WE ARE\PROUD OF THE MERCHANDISE WE HAVE TO OFFER THIS YEAR. NOTHING PLEASES US MORE THAN TO “SHOW YOU EACH AND:VERY ARTICLE... -AT YOUR SERVICE J Roll and Valley Tin.Statesville’Drug Comp’y C.WATKINS,oa:N,C. Liberal allowance on old pianos taken in exchange..\ Andrews Music Store. Everything Musical. 105 East Broad Street. Shingles $1.40 Per Square,Nails,Ridge BUILDING?©KINS.lege | et e li t e ma c e ap t ee e ea s ¢ OF ¢ «remainder of the $50,000 a »design-and coitstruction to that pro- .gate $619,400. ‘enlarge the opportunities .STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 8,1916. DIRECTORS MEET. the State Institution at Mor-ganton and Its Future Needs.°i board ‘of directorsiof the StatepitalatMorgentonwereinquar-Session at the Hospital Wednes-ll the members present.fe report of Supt.McCampbell forptwoyearsendingNovember30edanincreaseof175inpopula-4 The number of patients is now 84,including those on parole.~Thepcoveryrate,based on total admis-ons for the two year period,was0.18 for men and 29.69 for women.e death rate for 1915 was 5.96 and or 1916 4.86 of the total number un- mer treatment.The gencral health has been up to the average and thelightincreaseinthedeathrateisduetothefactthatwith,increased eapacity a larger number of senilecaseshavebeenadmitted.Within the two years the ReceivingBuildingForWomen,with hydrother-'apy treatment,and &\new colény foren,have*been completed and occu-ied,increasing the capacity:of the spital 160 beds;Tha ReceivingBuildingForWomencost ropriated by the Legislature for thé buildingisbeingusedintheerectio dormitories for women,whith —willivespacefor1additionalbeds. dormitories /are under construc-tion and it is hoped to have them com- pleted early in/the New Year.Thiswill.increase the capacity of the Hbs-pital to 1,450 beds.Additional room for male patientsisbadlypeededandSupt.McCamp- bell recommends that the Legisla-*\ture be’asked for $75,000 for a Re-' ceiving Building-For-Men,-similar-in vided for the women,and an_addi- tional dormitory for men.Better fire protection is needed anditisrecommendedthat$5,500 be ask-!ed for hydrants,hose and fire extin-|guishers. The refrigerating plant is in -bad condition from age and long use and_,the institution has outgrown its ca-|pacity.Ten thousand dollars will besavedforanewrefrigeratingplant. The per capita cost of mantenance the past year was $162.25,the same as the previous year.The low cost!is.due to economies practiced to hold| the expenditure as nearly as possible’within the aporipriation of $205,000forsupport.These economies cannotbecontinuedwithoutimpairing|the,efficiency of the institution.This per|capita cost includes repairs to build-'ings,which had to be somewhat neg- lected,and to take care of the.build-ings and more properly provide.forthecareofthepatients,taking into| consideration the increased cost oflivingandthejincreasethatwillbe necessary for wages'of employes,a much larger appropriation will have, to be provided for maintenance next’:ear.After a close estimate ‘it is be- fleved that $181 per capita will be required and this,estimated on hecapacityof1,450 beds,will increase the support fund to $262,450 per) year.“The total éstimated requirements, therefore,for the two years,aggre- The biggest increase is in the support fund,but the closest estimates made,on prevailing condi-tions.showed that the emount asked will be barely sufficient.In each;case the estimates made are for ac-'tual needs and the minimum amount.| ’after careful :ihvestigation.For 1915, the support fund was $200,000 and| at the end of the year the balance was $10.94.For 1916 it was $205,000, and with the most careful economythereisadeficitof$6.418.93.In the|single item of bacon the increase,in'cost.this vear over last was about|$5,000.Considering that other items range somewhat the same way,and considering also the yncrease in pop- ulation,it will readily be seen why the increase in the support.fund -is' recommendations of Supt.Camp- hell and will lay the facts before the Legislature.: Other Matters.. The last Legislature appronriated, $60,0000 for a new water supply and | a splendid supply has been provided.! A balance of $7,977.20 of this fund | will be used for an additional supply,| which will vrovide amplé water for| ~necessary.The heer or the| 'the Hospital’s needs for many years. Requests were received from many of,the employes for an increase in’ wages,the applications being based| on.the increased cost of living..The board svmpathized with the requests hut vould not make the increase until it learns what the Legislature will do in the matter of appropriation.. The election of an assistant pvhysi- cian to succeed Dr.FE.M.Gayle,re-| signed,was deferred.There were three applicants for the position,but! the board instructed Supt.McCamp- bell,to make further investigation, to see if the services of a nwhysicianofexperienceinthisparticularwork! could not be obtained.:| With a view.to enlarging the ovpor-tunities for the employment of pa-tients,Supt.McCamovbell and two .members of the board,to be selected,were instructed to investigate with ‘al view to providing additional emnlov-ment in the arts crafts.All patientsableand-willing to work are given employmelit.in various ways,this be-ine a diversion that is heneficial men-enh and physically.The idea is to for suchuseful‘and practichl work as may be to employ an additional stenographerFormerlytwowereemploved,:-butforsome‘time an effart has beenmade-to get on with one,/To properly| take care.of the records\of patientsandthe-business of.the institution,another.is found necessary.| The Superintendeng|was.also i The ly an eto was authorized. aue >iff SHOW STATESVILLE PRODUCTS. The.Made-in-Statesville Exhibit At-\tracts Visitors. The Merchants’Association isscoringabigsuccesswihitsMade-in-Statesville Exhibit.The exhibithall,in .the Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Company’s new building on north Center street,was openedtothepublicyesterdaynoon,and from that time has been crowdedwithadmiringspectators.The boothsarenumerousandbeautiful,andwhattheycontainis2sourceofprideandinerestingstudy. “T didn’t know so many thingsweremadeinStatesville”;“Isn’t thatanattractivedisplay!”and numcrousotherexclamationsoflikecharacter O.,for par and a premj |were heard on alt sides when the ,or $157,350,serial bonds drawing 5throngbeganmovingupanddowntheaisles:of the hall yesterday af-ternoon.,The only pity is that thehallwasn’t large enough to really show “something ~ofmade-in-Statesville.’The.hall —willbeopenfrom10a.m.until 10 p.m. today,and from 10 =.m.until 11 p. m.tomorrow.It is hoped that ev-‘erybody in reach will see the exibit.j There is no admission charge._ To say which of the booth 4p-themostattractivewouldbeiteJeraw- ing straws.”The Statesvillé ShowCaseCo.,the Dellingey“Show CaseCo.and Mr.G.A.Crjtcher are show- ing many useful and attractive prod- ucts of their shops,such as screendoors,chests,spOWw cases,mantels, etc.,while the Amperial Furniture Co.|and the Diafacnd Furniture Co.haveqndisplaybeautifulsuitesoffurni-ture manufactured ar’their plants.Mr..C.:Watkins,lumber dealer,has a novel booth with lettering made ofbrightnewpennies.while Mr.L.K.Overcash and the Statesville Lumber Co.have lumber products of their shops in good designs.Tobecco from the leaf to the plug and smoking sizeareshownbytheMcElweecompany and L.Ash,and cotton is shown ontheStalk,in the bale,in yarn and rope by the Statesville,Paola andBloomfieldmills.The BradfordKnittingMillhasabeautifuldisplay of hose,which takes cotton to a fin-ished product.Brick and:other clay products are exhibite@ py the States-ville Brick Co.and the Carolina BrickCo.,;and brick machinery is shownbyJ.C.Steele &Sons.Glass madebeautifulisshowninadisplayof mirrors by the Slane Glass Co.,and the various uses of tin and sheet met- al are shown by the Statesville .Tin Co.Machinery made in Statesville may be seen in Mr.C.H.Turner’sjbooth,and there’s harness and other Dr.C.E.Raynal. leather products galore in the boothsoftheT.N.Brown manufactory and ,this county,but had lived in Virginia &Supply Co.the Harness,Vehicle The Statesville Flour Mill,Star Mill-ing Co.and City Flour Milling Co. have plenty of flour and meal on ex-hibit and the Home Bakery is show-ing things made on_this foundation that “make your mouth water.”The Lineberger -Abernathy Manufactur- ing Co.is showing wnat it takes to put the ground in proper condition for growing crops in the shape of its sub-soil ‘attachment for plows.Stim- son’s Studio shows you just as you are when posing,and if you want to see something better than your photo take a look into the booth of the Bar- ringer Greenhouse.To whet your ap- petite see the beautiful and reallv re-markable exhibit bv the Iredell Coun- ty Girls’Canning Club,and:to quench |vour thirst visit.the booth of the Statesville Coca-Cola Co.RemediesdisplayedbvHall’s Drug Store will cure your ills if not too severe,but if a doctor is necessary the Iredell Televhone Co. filled with telenhones which are at your service.Printng of every de-scrintion may be seen ¢n ine displavs of the Bradv Printing Co.and _the Statesville Printing wo.Music is:furnished ‘by a jzayer-pi-ano and ovhonogranh in the musicboothintherearofthehall. CLAIMS ARABIA WAS A TRANS-PORT. Germany,in a note made public by the State Department,contends that the’British steamer Arabia,sunk Jin the “Mediterranean on November |6, was in reality “a transport ship fortroopsintheserviceoftheBritish government,which is\to be consider-| ed as an auxiliary warship according to international law,and can:there-fore be treated like a warship.” ENGINEER TANKERSLEY GOESFREE. Engineer Tankersley,who was con- evicted of manslaughter on account of the wreck in .Salisbury Thanks- fiving eve,1915,has been set free by the Supreme Court.The court dis- misses the case. Two persons were killed in wreck and others severely injured. The engineer was indicted for crimi- nal neg'igence. MR.DUN ee eee EXPECT- Mr.°W.L.Dunlap of Bethany towrship,who went to Richmond Sunday.nirht to enter Dr.MeGuire’s hospital for treatment,has been critically ill since Tuesday and at ImportantMeeting-at Commercial Club.|: last account his death was expected. .MISS.GILMER TO WED. Miss.,Josephine .Gilmer,niece,ofaeranlMr.E.G.Gilmer-of Statesville,end|eneficial.eal who is temembkered in Statesville as a singer,and Mr.Jordan P.Chasearetobemarriedatthehomeoftheparentsoffe.bride,ex-AttorneyGeneralandMrs.R.D.Gilmer,atWaynerville,: thorized to employ a resident dentist,to better take care of the dental work of othe,patientsit:F1AMD Gy everything | has the exhibit hall | the. va KptARERRCR yd THE’SPREAD OF PROHIBITION. More Than Half the Population and 85 Per Cent of the Area Under Prohibition. Sixty million’people in the UnitedStatesarelivingunderprohibition;more than/85 per cent.cf the area of|the United States,not counting Alas-ka,isdry;and at the same time pro-duction .of distilled liquors ig on theipérease,Y William H.Osborn,commissionerofinternalrevenue,in his annual re-port,declares also that though pro-duction of fermented liquor decreas- ed in the first few months of the year,a steady increase followed. Bootlegging,,Commissioner Osborn’s report says,continues unabated and will continue until there is more‘hearty co-operation of local officersinthevariousStates. Figures.on the spread of prohibi-tion are obtained from the Anti-Sa- loon League.ly 86.8 per cent.of the nation (iniarea)is dry and 18.7 per cent.wet,Hvar ‘,;:On the basis of the census of 1910,“Alexander county Farmers’Union!the last Federal census,the dry ter-‘will meet at the court house Satur-|ritory contains 59.1 per cent.of theday,9th.at 11 o’clock.The farmers |people and the wet territory 40:9 perwhowishtoborrowmoneythrough|cent.This compilation includes astheFederalFarmLoanBanks.are dry the four States—Michigan;Mon- requested to be present for the pur-jtana,Nebraska and South Dakota— pose of organizing a farm loan asso-|yoted dr at the November election.ciation.At the meeting Monday|Detroit,with 800,000 people,willabouthalftherequiredamountwasjbedrywhentheMichigan’prchibi-;secured and they hope to complete tion law goes into effect.The largesttheorganizationatthismeeting.{city already dry is Seattle,with 310,- |__Mr.Jacob Moser went to Mt.Airy|000.The biggest dry city in a StateMondayeveningtoattendthefuner-|that is not under State-wide prohibi-al of Mrs.W.J.Byerly,wife of Mr.|tion is Cambridge,Mass.,with 125,- Bverly,vice president of the Bank of |000.There are many other dry citiesAlexander,in “wet”States,including Berkeley,_Mrs.E.A.Cooper went to States-'Cal,Rockford,Decatur,Elgin.andvilleTuesdaveveningtobewithherGalesburg,Illinois,Shreveport,La..daughter,Miss,Gertrude Coover,a Brockton and Somerville,Mass:,andstudentat‘State Normal College,!Fjint,Kalamazoo,Lansing and Bat-Greensboro,who underwent an oper-tle Creek,Mich.,which went dry in ation for apnendicitis at Dr.Long’s|advance of the rest of the State.jSanatorium.Statesville,Wednesday][py three States—Indiana,Florida‘morning.Her condition is favorable}and Utah—Legislatures have been|for an early recovery.,_{elected which are expected to adoptMrs.E.'S.McIntosh of Atlanta is)prohibition legislation in 1917.Flori-;the guest of Mr.MclIntosh’s aunt,)da already ‘is 90 per cent.dry,Indi- Mrs.Lelia Bogle.ana 65 per cent.dry,and Utah 55neapercent.dry.reckoning by popula-THE RECORDS OF THE DEATHS.|'<,,the battle:Other States whereMrs.Greenwood and Mrs.Mooré—'jines will be drawn shortly are Ken-Burial of Mr.Winkler.tucky,now 80 per cent.dry,and Min- The remains of Mr.Thos.J.Os-peer os peecane dry.he ha dies ;‘:=|Rhode Island presents the hardes ,borne,who died in a Richmond hos problem for the Anti-Saloon Leagues,pital Sunday,were brought to States-h 1 f|ville Tuesday and interred in Oak-|0Mly three per cent.of the people 0woodcemetery.Brief burial servicés that State having voted themselves were conducted at the grave by Rev.free from the saloons.although the Mr.Osborne State has.had a locel option law formerly a resident of Olin township,, THE ALEXANDER BONDS ‘SOLD. County Officers.Sworn in—Taylors- News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Dec..7 —The new board of county commissioners met,Monday and{all’the new county.offi,\cers were sworn in.’Mr.B.F.HinesofStonyPointwaselecedchairmanoftheboardandMr.L.F.Kluttz was retained as county attorney.The otherbusinesswasroutine,Tuesday the board received sealed’ids ‘for the $150,000 of road bonds.ixteen bids were presented andthegreaterpart.of the day was taken up in considering them.The borids weresoldtoSidneySpitzerCo,“of Toledo,.of $7;350 ,ber cent.interest,“dated December j 1st,1916,and ranéing from 10 to 35yearpayments,”“The bonds are to he,delivered onr before February 20,1917.and the county is to furnish hJank-berids,attorney fees and payapcieeinterestuntilbondsare.de- since 1838.'.Five per cent.of the peonle of New Jersey and 7 per.cent.of New York State are dry.In Illinois 42 per cent.of the population has no saloons.Cal- ifornia and Missouri,which defeated prohibition at the last election,have26.and 50 per cent.of their people in —drv territory,respectively.a Mrs.Hattie Ward Greenwood,wife!The battle for national prohibition,of Rev.Wesiey Greenwood.died at,through an amendment io the Feder-‘hex home in Kannapolis and was bur-!al constitution,is depended upon by ied in Salisbury Saturday.Mrs.the anti-saloon forces to force liquor {Greenwcod was a daughter of Mr.{out of the States that oppose prohibi-Dudley Ward of Bloomfield and for-,tion: meriy lived in Statesville.Mrs. _Ward’s death resulted from pneumo-nia,after an illhess of eight davs. She is survived by her husband,fath-{er and mother,Rev.Mr.Greenwood ue ey Dunne:standing,represented by shares of Mrs.Euvhemia Morrison Mcore.:the market value of $75,000 or more,wife of Mr.Wm.A.Moore.died;must make a return,irrespective of ‘Saturday at her home in west States-\the par value of its capital stock. iville,aged 64 vears.She is survived ,The first return is required to be made ‘by her husband and one son,Mr.Ed-|in January,1917,and on every $1,000ofthefairvalueofthecapitalstock'gar Moore of Muncie,Ind.°!Interment was Sunday afternoon|in excess of $99,000 25 cents will beassessedforthesixmonthsending.et 3 o'clock at New Stirling church, June 30,1917.Then in July,1917,funeral by Rev.J.H.Pressly,as- sisted by Rev.J.B.Pearson.and annually thereafter in July,re- Deceased wars a daughter of Feim-|turns must’be made and 50 cents for ster Morrison.each $1,000 of the fair value of the capital stock in excess of $99,000 will be assessed. In other words,the excmoption al- lowed by law of $99,000 will be de- ducted from the total amount of cap-ital stock and the tax will be laid up- on the balance at the rate of 50 cents for each full $1,000. All corvorations in this district—fifth North Carolina—which are die to make this return will be furnishedblanksbvCollectorWatts,States- ville,'N.C.;to whom returns mustbemadeduringJanuary,1917. ,for some years.He was 86 years ‘old and death resulted from pneumo- nia.The remains were accompanied to Statesville by his nephew,Mr.| Hobbs,and other relatives from Cleveland. Returns of Corporations. ‘Under the special excise tax law, section 407,act of Congress of Sep- tember 8,1916,every corporation hav- ing a capital stock issued and out- The remains of Mr.Robert W. Winkler,whose death.in -Statesville wag reported in the lest issue of The Landmark,were taken to Hickory Tuesday morning and the funeral and ,interment were at Winkler’s Grove ‘church,Catawba county,Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr.Somers’Injuries. Mr.J.C.Somers returned to Statesville yesterday after having svent twelve days in Georgia and|Florida.He was called to Augusta,Ga.,by news of the,serious condition of his brother,Mr.R.A.Somers, who was injured in an automobile ac- 1cident two weeks ago.The latter’sconditionwasverymuchimproved when his brother left him’His inju-ries,which included severe >ruises on his legs and a wound on his head, were receivéd in an unusual manner,Something had gone wrong with hiscarandhedrovetoonesideoftheroadandcrawledunder/the car toremedy.the trouble:While he was|under his car another/car_collided with it from the rear,and both carspassedoverhim.Both cars were} badly poe but Mr.Somers was the only perfsn who suffered injurlesofconseauence./ya While bathing in/the surf in Flor-j ida while away Mr,J.G,Somers suf- | Mrs.A.D.Cooper For Secretary Associated Charities. The board of directors of the As- sociated Charities met Tuesday night in the club room.The recom- mendation that Mrs.A.D.Cooper be elected secretary was ‘approved andhercompensationistobefixedby the executive committce. A committee of one from wards one,two and four and two from wardithreeaxenamedtolookafterthe work,in their ward.Mrs.Chag,An- derson will have charge of the,work inthefirstward:Mrs.6.«%°Fowler second ward:Mrs.R.E.-Nooe ©andMrs.Carl Miller in the thifd and Mrs.J.F.Bowles in the fourth:Each committeeman is allowed io name one person to assist them,making a committee of ten for the town. SIMMERSON GAVE BOND. Brvan Simmerson,who had been in ‘jail for several days on a charge ofThe.business men are requested tojhaving too much liquor.and for op- meet at the Commercial club rooms erating his automobile without thetonighttoheatapropositionfromanumberdisplayed,gave bond Tues- ¢:day and was released.At the samegentlemanwhd|wishes to move a man-tine he gave bond to appear in Lex-ufacturing plant,now in successful|ington Monday and answer a chargeoperationelsewhere.’of hiving too much liquor ii his pos-This is an opportunity to secure an-eae in ct ha p geenee oe ou other manufacturing plant for States-|LomobNe,which was seized by thevilleandourbusinessmenandcitjzenseelaisstillheldhereon generally should manifest their inter-Bae aoe jest by attending.the meeting.Seere- j tary Gilbert of the club urges,@Jerge fered a sprained ankle,and he returnedtoStatesvilie“with a Itmp.”° ,—The second teachers’mecting will be held at the conege tomorrowmorningat11o'clock, They show that exact-|; Colored Folks Know How to Lift a Collection —.Personal and Other Items. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. ‘Mooresville,Dec.7—Mr.John.T. McNeely has returned from a businesstriptoTennessee,Miss Edna Brown of China Grove,a former teacher inthegradedschoolhere,stopped overfor.a short while last Sunday en routefrom.Cornelius,where she spent Thanksgiving.Dr,F.A.CarpenterofStatesvillewasavisitorherethisweek—ion professional business.At-torney Starr has returned from Rock-ingham,where he attended court.Mr.F.N.Chamberlain of States-ville came here Tuesday to assume themanagementoftheMcLelland5and10centstore,succeeding Mr.Mar-shall,who has been transferred to Statesville. Miss Marie Cloaninger,who under- went an operation at Dr.Long’s San-atorium,is improving.Miss AliceBelleCloaningerisinStatesvillewithhersister.e ae Evangelist Cleramer,assistedby Rev.Messrs.Wilcox and Ballard oftheBaptistchurch,held special serv-ices at the colored PresbyterianchurchlastSundayat3p.m.At 7o’clock Rev.C.S.Kirkpatrick of the Methodist church also preached forthecoloredpeople.These serviceswerebothexcelient,and ‘the musicrenderedbythechoirbroughtmany compliments from the white folks. The-collection was a feature that gavethewhitepeoplesomepointsonhow timore for medical treatment...—-The condition of Mr,J.:Bo Armfield:continues critical,aig though anwasthoughttobealittiebetteryea- nt ee Jim.Long,colored,for trescompromisedinJustice y, —Mr,T,M.Dale this week occu-ied the Carrigan property on.¢ast chased.from Mr.Thos.Kerr. —Box-supper at.Bell’s : fer benefit of school.Public.invited:and ladies requested:to take boxes: Statesville yesterday.They stoppedinGreensborolastnightandwillreachYer —Messrs.James and Jesseer,sons of Mr.J.C.Gud the barred Plymouth Rock strain at)~the State Fair at Releigh.Breer sy ei three children passed through StavilleTuesday9routePyattle ams -was formerly &resident’of |Washington.Les that ‘those whe-go to see “ThofaNation”must be in thee ne performenes and 8.15 for the:perfo:nce,=fr F,Steele of court Wednesday. ell street,which he recently “pur- Roads school house -Saturday, —Rey.and Mrs.J:F.Kirk ‘left Reidsville—their new home- Mooresville,won $2 for bestcael : “Mr.and Mrs.R.Lee Adama and — Wash.,where they will live.Mr.Ad. TheLandigark is asked to. promptly—by:2,15 for the af —Mr.”John tice ille,‘son .of ,Mr..and |Mra.Tto“raise the dough.”Two brethren wae ith the:took their stand by the table and in-Steele ike ,eeari ab vited those present to bring up theirofferings.After it was countedthey ment to West Point.He ¢ take the examination about were 50c.short of the $6 they desired.|of March !This fact-was announced and the choir].—.Dr,M.R.|Adams of Stasang‘another hymn while the collect-|who‘is councilot for thisorspickedupenoughnickelstomake]trict,will speak to the Cataw!up the amount.This custom is fol-|j¢a]Socicty at a meet ety.to be held in Newtonlowedbythemregularly.ingWedneaday. Mr,and Mrs,W.B.Goodman of!Dr..Adams willAmitywereintownMonday.Little]of the creat aM weMissMargaretGoodmanisvisiting her grandparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.AvB.Goodman. Mrs.H.C.Mohler and.son,MterRoy,uh sect Va.,joined: The Wharey Memoria!Society hee hak‘stated:the tiesily:will’nowmeetsnextFridayeveningat7.30}make their home in Statesville,o¢eu-o’clock ‘with Mrs.W.M.-Norman.ying the Woodward house -eantProf.C.C.Ward Wednesday mailed)Broad street,adjoining the Associatetheblueribbonstothe75prizewin-|Reformed Presbyterian ¢;;ners of the Street Fair.This winds}°:.isk up the business of the fair until next Salat eta akeFrekipatyeh chen! Year:ad at the court house Tuesaday.¥uneyRey.B.S.Brown of Landis has de-|cstictes and jana pald.fra yclinedthecallextendedhimbySt.lfhree attractive Yooths erranMark’s Lutheran church of this city.|;'corridor,kind of farewell meeting was held om adliguerishs'ie ae arranged ininthe-barraca rooms of’the Metho-rear.The bazaar waswell pa ‘dist church at Mooresville Wednesday}ond the receipts amounted to ‘about. 200,jnight,when a lot of speeches were $i made by different members in praise —JMessra.ManlyMcDowell of gahton and Frank A:n £of Rev.C,§.Kirkpatrick’s work here.pto Rocky Mount,who investigate in.Mr.al os Kirkpatrick leave at noon today for their new work at :Wine a.Greensboro,with everybody’s best aye.in Statesvite ttle Grnseswishes.J.A.B.GOODMAN.|enjoyed a call front them ‘yeatanaayeofohohaouhhlMR—a social call.Uncle Sam’s resen-c ty ee ae oe tatives know better |than togotr.W.H.Booker of Raleigh,rep-|newspaper offices looking for ineomecethepaiBoardofHealth,taxes.-ae iwashere‘yesterday to arrange wit!—Mr.C.E.Sloan has moved inSupt.Gray for a visit by the board’s his handsome.new brick bungalow.%(motion picture health car to a num-'east Front street.Mr.otberofschoolsinthecounty.It~is who has been occupying the fpossiblethatthecarwillspendsev-house .on.¢ast Broad street,hasteralweeksinthecounty,beginning ed-into’the,house,on east &one week before Christmas,omitting ‘street vacated by Mr.Sloan.one week and then resuming.The S,Coffey;who bought the P‘motion picture health car is a large |property some.time sgo,.contem-{automobile equipped with an electric plates remodeling the house and oc- plant which operates a modern mo-|cupying it later.eee,tion picture machine.The health}__Rey.L.T.Mann,former!Shows given usually ineruce two reels siding elder of the.Statesville:le thodist of comedy and three on neatth and trict,who at.the recent.Mesanitation,The schools to be visited |Conference in Gastonta ‘was’ and the number of shows to.be given ‘Sout Hi ie,at each will be published later.The ee ee aut of EmoryUashowswillbefreetoall.side in Charlotte:He was presidag elder of ‘the Charlotte’district after:he left Statesville.His new ..dutiesYesterdayafternoonasMr.B.D.jare to help rajse an éndowment for |Brady of Shiloh township was going |the Atlanta University,TeasdownsouthMulberrystreet,.near eens :CHANGES OF SCHEDULE.|.Walnut,in an _automobile,Miss r LMaePainecamedownWalnut,the|Considerable changes in the sched-ules of passenger trams.willcarsrunpingtogetheronthecorner,|D D|Mr.Brady was driving and as soon effective on the Western road andashesawtheothermachineappliedtheCharlotte-Taylorsville line eeehisbrakes,his car was stopped with-,day,according to forecasts published ‘jout serious damage to it.The Paine,in the papers this week.The locak‘car was damaged and Mrs,J.N.|railway station has not.received anyPaineshockedfromthecontact.She|official notice of the proposed chanwastakentothePolkGray.drug ,€8,but it is not unusual for the Soustore,where Dr.Yount rendered ern to make changes without giv!medical aid.Later she was takento,the public authoritative advance aherhome..The accident.was una-;tice.If the proposed changes aivoidable,as neither.Miss Paine nor,made No.15,the carly morning trajn‘Mr.Brady saw the other car com-|from Salisbury.will arrive in States-ing.There were three ladies in the'ville about 6.50 o’clock;No.16,Paine car.late night train from Asheville,will.moe _.,[arrive about 7.45;No.24,the nightIredell-Alexander Medical Association train trom Charlotte,will arrive,stTheIredell-Alexafder-Medical 8.35,and No.23,‘the morning train .‘Association met Tuesday night at from Taylorsville,will arrive in _Dr.F.A.Carpenter’s ‘office and,Statesville about 9.30 and will,go onelectedthefollowingnamedofficers:|t0 Charlotte without waiting for connectionsontheWestern:road.Dr.J.W.Davis,president;Dr.Lit-|i cea vat .._proposed changes affecting the oth-.tle,vice president,and Dr.J.E.Mc:er frains ard ici material afLaughlin,-secretary.The retiring e officers were Dr.F.A.Carpenter and Way-Bills to Be Typewritten,| For the convenience of handling Mr.Brady was alone. Dr.P.S.Easley.president and viceprBoerespectively.Dr.Davis on]Way bills and to eliminate errors and appendicitis and Dr.Carpenter on inconveniencé to shippers,the South- eye-strain.The association decided to!er Rajlway Company has installedmeetthefirstTuesdayeveningof,specially constructed way-bill ;leach week at Dr.Carpenter’s office!Writers at 28 principle stations w and to pursue some definite course of the great volume of package freightstudyondifferentsubjects.is handled.The way-bill typewriter:Drs.Geo.W.Taylor and W..D.Mc-{has large,easily-read letters,and aLellandofMooresvillewereelected;capacity for making as many as x members of the association.copids at one operation.Mr.B..A.—Cowan,the ~Southern’s agent;.at»CHURCH NEWS.Statesville,has.made requisition forRev.Loy D.:Thompson..the newjthe installation of one of these.ma-pastor of Broad Street church..will chines in hig-office,and expects to ne-arrive tomorrow and will préach’at ceive it at an early date.4 Broad Street Sunday morning at.11jo’clock.Rev.W.R.Ware,presidingelder,will preach,Sunday night at 1 o’clock,it being first quarterly meet-2ingoccasion.Mr.Thom soni..comes |Walter B.Harrison offromMarion,His famitywill come,Rowan county,died this ‘Wepky ito Statesvillé next week.itim of appendicitis, Twenty-six.women were killed and’about.30:injured by ieee inmunitionfactoryinEngland, = FRIDAY,--December 8,1916. a CONDENSED FORM ,..From Over the State. .Down at Gastonia they organize a fnew cotton mill every few days,TheJatestisamillof$150,000 capital,‘which will make the 24th mill for~Gastonia and:the 74th jn Gastoncounty...a “Capt.WW.L.“London,prominent6fede:veteran,citizen and busi-esa’man of Pittsboro,died last week, i "9.He was a brother of Ma-‘or H.A.London,editor%of the Chat-m Record. a The new Rowan bl ‘went into offic§with so Prayer was offered byWayoftheEpiscopal Church and e ceremony. «roll.. Fire broke out in the basement of 2 First Methodist church at Lenoir turday night and but.for the prompt action of.‘the fire company theventire building would;have been destroyed.—Fire originated in,an air chamber near the furnace and the se t e Ne e s ee te r e Oscar Hollins,a Macon,Ga..negro, was shot and killed by Lizzie Thomp- ta,Ga.,as her home,at a road camp in the southern part of Lenoir coun- ty.The woman and El.Small of Au-| gusta,charged with having a hand in the crime,are in jail. In e rear-end collision between freight trains at Elkin,L.A.Allen of South Carolina,a trainman,was killed,and B.C.McDowell,another trainman,got both legs crushed.Mc- Dowell was from East Bend,Yadkin county.U,C.Mitchell-of North Wilkesboro wes painfully hurt. Ila Hodges,5-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.C.P.Hodges of Spray, ‘Rockingham county,was burned to death a few days ago.The mother went to a neighbor’s,leaving two small children.asleep in bed.In some unaccountable way the little girl caught fire and was fatally burned.| Ed.Harmon,the notorious ©block-| ader whom Revenue—Off:cers—_H.G.} Gulley,.J.P.Stell and =.G.Richard- gon captured 90 days ago after Kar-| mon had mortally wounded Frank) Knight,posseman,submitted to sec-| ‘ond degree murder in Wake Superior| ep e e se e d e r e es oe a ra n e fg e t s aE aa ae Se m ot ter,but recovered. been informed that %.3.Qwens,22 vears old,son of Mrs.B.B.; inston -Salem,.who was serving with the British army in France,wasee ee ee France,”October 12.Young Owens had.been away three years.He went from.Winston -Salem to Panama years ago. school at Stem,Granville county.for- tade the boys to play baseball on their way home from school.Two disobeyed.The professor caughtAe r a a i e c ? Aa m S st a t e at t h e wand.chased the other to.his home and :chastised.him in the barn.‘Then in- i _¢dignant parents “haléd the professor “before a magistrate and ve was fined “?g95 for whipping the boys outside the school room.Inference is_if the whaling had ‘been done inside it would have been all right.i EL +‘'s Indiana Man Shot Up Court. ap e s . mt s te e pe s on a l e n i e n ma i s ae r a Greenwald.Bailiff Lew Debok and George Robbins,a juror.The injuries gre not regarded as serious. .¥sund to be a walking arsenal when F gearched.He hed four revolvers.a i.-xezdr-edged cavalry sabre,a hatchet, i a hammer,a long butcher knife,a »a “jimmy,”a black jack and 165 re- ¢ 4 elothes he wore a crudely fashioned -armor suit made of sheet iron and j ‘Btove nipe..Wrapped in a bundle he carried ‘2 sheet’iron’head mask. Cae as "- 4 Abolishing County Treasurers. 2 i {The idea of abolishing the office of :county treasurer—an office The Landmerk has.always maintained is a useless appendage—has takén con- siderable hold!within the past few “years and many of these offices dis- “appeared this week.In Catawba the office of treasurer is no more and the office was also abolished in Robeson ,.and other counties.In Robeson, ,*however,they “whipped the devil weewrSround the stump.”They abolished the treasurer but’gave the sheriff ¢:$900 year additional salary to dis-burse the county funds.If they’re %poine to pay that much for disburs- ing the money it would be as well to:j keep the treasurer.an New Bank at Hickory., Mr.Geo.E.Ransom:son of the late Senator Ransom,E.L.Shuford of ae Hickory and others,are promoting theCatawbaTrustCompsny,a bank to be organized at msi with $100,000 re c o n Ne n e aS capital,to begin’business January Ist Ransom will be président,Shuford vice president and J.S.Orabaugh of Wel-don cashier.: Mr.Ransom recently sold some ofhisrealestateontheRoanokerivertoNortherncapitalistsformillpurposes»for $150,000.He has investments at_S\...Blowing Rock,Lenoir and.Hickory &and is one of the owners of All Heal- ing Springs,Alexander county. ESTHERTRIALTMNTTEDTIENEN we Football Victims.Football claimed 16 ‘lives;one intheSouth,during’the 1916 season,which closed Thanksgiving Day,ac-\:.-eording to ‘figures compiled by the.Associated Press.“Last year there were 16 and in1916therewere15.College officialsidentifiedwiththesportdeclarethat.not a single death occurred in anygameinwhichtheplayers.werephysicallyaswellasmentallytrain-for the severest test,’.and thatcollegemanwasamongthe €._WATKINS, y tema of Interest Gathered |. |Raleigh,Rev.Hight C.Moore,editor)¢h,ysanthemums and carnetions,Only jassisted by Rev.BE.P.Bradley,pas-|aging room,wkere.the ceremon ee :ae gdh Soong oe was performed:the arch from _which |Mocksville,performing te ¢|was suspended the wedding bell being| ty officials [we wena the,impressive ring,8€IV-)+ined with trailing cedar and white |n Dr.W.-W.ithe,wedding gown of her mother,a F a |gorgeous dress of ivory satin,with) for~Eie@o.I’...Kluttz delivered an|real lace overdress,‘the court train address,after which the officials:took| the oath’and registered on the pay-|in seed pearls with veil of tulle, |crowned with orange blossoms,car-| damage was small.\5 fis a brunette of a most pronounced|the altar,Rev.J.B.Pearson spoke the son,also colored,who gives Augus-, _Court and was sentenced to 24 years }pink taffeta,covered with silver lace. in the State prison.Harmon was!/wearing tulle hats with touches of desperately wounded in ie encoun-|mo ¢. iry Stockton wearing gowns of tur-cf silver and hidden away in one were Relatives in Winston -Salem have| killed in ‘action “somewhere in; and enlisted in the British army two dress were:Messrs.Will X.'Coley,; iJr.,Frank W.Miller,James W.Ccn-LOOK AT \T 1a4ACHILD’S py .sete «4 inedge and Grover Poole of Raleigh.4i/-:Prof.-Ragan;a teacher in'the high ToT""pies of Lumberton and TONGUE WHENCROSS, |Bailey Clement of Louisville,Ky.FEVERISH AND SICK one and whaled him on_the higway| ”Inik was overnowered and.was'throughout this county and State.A ‘memker,2 |very approvriate feature of the wed-should always be the first treatment| '@ing was the bride wearing the wed-/|riven.Full directions for babies,' ‘ding dress and orange biossoms_of cnildren of all ages and grown-ups ‘her mother apd ‘on this,the thirtieth ere printed on cack bottle.| heavy iron chain,a strong iron hook,janniversary of the mother’s wedding.|Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. |After the ceremony the bride present-Ack your drurgist for a 50-cent bot- volver cartridges.Under his street/ed her bouquet to her mother.:f _|pation,‘as is often,the case,you will get quick|’relief by taking:Qhamberlain'’s Tatilets.These(i .,Phone 1 Black.It a CLEMENT -DUCKETT WEDDING.|A WEDDING IN DAVIE, Marriage in.the First Presbyterian|Marriage of Miss Carter and Mr.Craw: Church of Mocksville,~ford Near Cooleemee.- Reported ‘for Thie Landmark,|correspondence ‘of The Landmark.4 One of the most beautiful church’-Quite a number of friends and rela- vena celebrated in this section tives witnessed a beautiful yet simple of the State in recent years was per-|home wedding Wednesday afterngon, formed at the First Presbyterian:November 29,at the residence of Mr. church in Mocksville Friday after-)and Mrs,A.T.Lefter,near Coolecmee, noon,December 1st,at 5.30 o’clock,|when their nicce,,Miss Lola.Blanch tive daughter of Col.and Mrs.Wil-'Grier Crawford of Lexington,The liam Kerr Clement,became the bride ome was beautiful with its artistic of Mr.Alfred Forbes Duckett,of ecorations of trailing cedar,ferns, of ‘the Biblical Recorder of Raleigh,wiite and green were uscd in the oe :a a,éftysanthemums.In the hall the deec-| The bride,beautifully attired in oratiohs consisted of red carnations} and ivy.| To the accompaniment of Lohen- and bodice being beautifully trimmed rd,Alllgphrot Stataoyilie,fommke piano teacher of the bride,and her | rying s beautiful bouquet of bride’s|Son,Lessesne Allison,violinist,‘the roses with’showers of lily-of-the-val-bride and groom descended the stairs ley,was/escorted to wie altar by her and entering the north parlor halted father,Col.William Kerr Clement,|beneath the arch.The bride was at- in full evening dress,and was there tractively attired in a traveling suit met by the groom,attended by Mr.|of brown broadcloth and carried a Hardy Mills of Raleigh.Miss Mabel ,bouquet of white Killarney roses and Quinn of Shelby,maid of honor,who maiden-hair fern.Standing —bekind type,beautiful and vivacious,looked impressive words of the marriage re- queenly in her elegant gown of yel-etal while “Humoresque”was softly low satin,with tulle overdress and rendered.Following the ceremony, court train,wearing a maid’s short Mendlssohn’s wedding march was} veil and carrying an armful of gor-')!ayed as the guests withdrew to the) meous yellow.chrysanthemums.As dining room,where an informal recep-| ishe:came dowr one aisle,the ring-tion was held.| bearer,Master Glen Clement,baby —In the dining-room the color scheme|brother of the bride,dressed in black |of "pink and gzeen was carried out in} velvet trousers and silk blouse,came detail.Pink-tulle suspended from} down the other,bearing the ring in!the chandelier and tied to the handles|the heart of a magnificent white |of crystal baskets formed a_lovely! chrysanthemum.._.|canopy over the table in the center ofBeforetheceremony,Miss,Irene the room.while carnations,potted|Berke one UT Ee hed taker:plants and pink czndles were also| «ae .«a ae >,*eC 7 ~ ters,beautifully attired in a gown of co :peore nees bene const turquoise blue satin,with overdress ,ee Tee SE Chua d| of black tulle trimmed in pink roses,and mints,was served by Misses Lina| wearing a becoming bldck lace _pic-aes Margaret veal Ada Shuping. ture hat,with touches of pink,ae tafe Gray,Ella Carter and Lil- sweetly sang “At the Dawning”and}oN run.:=Ras “I Love You Truly,”being accompa-|*mid much merriment the —bride’s| nied on the organ by Miss Berths cake was cut,in whicn were conccaled| Knox,one of Salisbury’s most ac-*arious trinkets.each revealing a for-| complished_musicians “and ~by Mr,|tene in itself.Soon afterwards the| Lessesne Allison,Statesville’s gifted |bridal eouple left for an extensive vis-| yourg violinist,on the ‘violin.iit to the groom's relatives in Gastonia| The six .bridesmaids,beautifully ;°: attired,included Miss Mary.Price|future home at Lexington, Hobson and Ossie Aliison,wearing In the gift room the great number of handsome and va!uable gifts attest-| ed the popularity of the bridal pair.| silver,‘Misses Kopelia Hunt and Ma-Among the presents were two chests| || ||| quoise blue satin,‘covered with sil-five $20 gold pieces.tre -bride’s gift yer lace,with becoming hats of tulle,from her uncle..| wens of |and.silvez:Misses Elsic Horn ‘and Mrs.Crawford was.formerly a stu- Annie Duckett of Raleigh,attired in dent at Statesville College and also at white satin,covered witn siiver lace Guilford Collere,and has won many} with hats of tulle ane siiver,each frien@S.over the State.Myr.Crawford bridesmsid carrying an armfull.of is a populiiy_insurance man of Lex- white chrysanthemums.ington,having been in that business| The grocmsmen in full evening a number of years. Under the skillful touch of Miss Mary Sanford and an able corps of Take N Ct =so: assistants,the decorations at the ake NO hances!Move Poisons church were beautiful in perfect taste From Liver and Bowels at Once._ ‘and simple elegance.The altar cov-Mothers can vest exsy after giving ;ered in white,with tracing of cling “California Syrup of Figs,”because ing ivy over all,with an imposing In a few hours all’“he clogged up background of palms and ferns.In Wweste,sour bile and fermenting food the center was a_pyramid in white,gently roves out of the bowels,and| crowned with -crystel candelabra.you have a well,playful child again. holding twenty-five tall cathedral Children simply will not take the!’ \eandles.On either side were impos-tire from play to empty their bowels| ling pedestals in white,with tracings and they become tightly packed,liver| io!clinging ivy.holding yarcenicrs ‘of|gets sluggish and stomach disorder- Mike Inik,who for several years;white chrysnathemums and _aspara-ed.. has been trying to collect alleged /gus ferns,the front being tastefully,When cross,feverish,restless,see! damages from the Standard Oil Co..jdecorated in ferns.‘if tongte is coatéd.then give this de-| entered the Lake Circuit Court.at/)The wedding was a very heautiful licious “fruit”laxative.”Children love Hammond,Ind..and shot Judge C.F.'cne and the great wealth -of hand-it and ‘t cannot cause injury.-No dif-| 'some and expensive presents attest’)ference what ails your little one—if ‘the high and widespread esteem_in full of cold,or a sore throat,diar-| iwhich this popular couple is held rhcea,stomach-ache,bad breath,re-| rentle,“inside cleansing”| ”tle of “California Syrup of Figs,”. The bride,the"attractive daughter then look carefully and see that it is lo Col.and Mrs.William Kerr Clem-made by the “California Fig Syrup! lent,is an unusually popular and Company.”We make no smaller ! ‘charming young lady,as the large size.Hand baek with contempt any number of pre-nuptial functions giv-*other fig syrup...||si .ieninherhonorbyherhomefriends 7,Sane -aa|1 TEI 7 ONTfullyattest.She was a student for a ThE MATTER OF SNOW,|two years at Meredith College in xEEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT..| |Raleigh,whereshe met the Cree |..LANDOWNERS TAKE NOTICE,that all, |Mr.Ducket is the son of apt.ant exceptions to the final report of the Board of}iMrs.John Ducket of Raleigh.and is Viewers in the above entitled matter must be |jive ae'a popular traveling salesma&n-for the|5 5 ais .December 9th,1916;that the Court will hear! |W.H.King Drug Co.He isa grad-all exceptions to said final report of the View-juate of the A.and M.College and ers on Friday,December 15th;thet the Courtihas.made quite a reeord as.an ath-yall pas on said report on said date;that an |:‘.ee ay.clection will be held at the court house in jlete,being aA splendid baseball plav Statesville on Friday,December 15th,for the| er,1n addition to being a splendid purpose of clecting drainage commissoners.| and popular young business man.|W.R.Sloan,J.E.Boyd and J.M.Watts are| |Amid showers of congratulations paeey appointee eee of oe election.The| lew .——-i aoe €Ee E appoin ree drainage commis-/} jond rice,Mr.and Mrs.Ducket left ON,sioners from among thosé receiving a majorityitheeveningtrain«for Baltimore,|of votes at said election,or if any one or mare|where they will spend several days of such proposed drainage commissioners shall| iwith Mr.and Mrs.Carvel,a special,Met receive the vote of a madority of said]ene OlenetHewotoam hennern <i andowners,the ‘ourt wilkcappoint all or,the ans 2 ’oe gz ro remainder from among those voted for in the} ithere to New York anc other points|election.2.| ‘of interest.They will be at home,It is further ordered that a copy of this or-|_E alos ;ays,|der be posted at the court house door and at|East Lane street,Raleigh,January|gy.conspicuous places within the drainage{ alist e district,and be published for two cohsecutive| A-inumber of out-oyv-town guests weeks in The Landmark,a-newspaper of yen-| {attended the wedding,among them eral circulation throughout the county.|bee Me Nail eee|J.A.HARTNESS,yeing:«Mr.F.»Miller and daugn-|Dec.1-8.Clerk Superior Court.ters,Miss Elizabeth Miller and Mrs.i)aaa eee eee = /Rose Allen of Winston -Salem;Mrs. {John Ducket and Mr.and Mrs.2 iver Poole of Raleigh;Mrs.R.P.Al-|rslisonandson,Miller,and Mrs.W.H.|an |Allison and.sons,Herbert and]; |Lessesne,of Statesville;Misses Ber- |tha and Margaret Knox of Salisbury. |Diplomats Resign.|The Flour of Quality.|,Dr.Henry Van Dyke,minister to.-7 A|the Netherlands,has quit the diplo-3 DAN VALLEY is milled fromimaticservicetoresumeliterarywork|\. {it is explained.The resignation of the celebrated wheat grown.inThaddeusA.Thomson,minister to Co-|the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-lombia,and William H.Hlornibrook.|%ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. minister to Siam,is also’announced |.i |Mr.Thomson was appointed-in 1913 |Makes better bread and moreofittothepoundthanother|Mr.Hornibrook was appointed in, fleur.It is economy to buy 1915. Some of the diplomats are quitting |DAN VALLEY.TRY IT because they want to and others be-! cause they may realize that the Pres-|ident wants them out.hs~~Cary C;,.Boshamer, Nervous Women. When the nervousness is,.caused by consti-|Local R y resentative, when Miss Irene Clement,the attrac-)}Cayter,became the bride of Mr.John). grin’s wedding march,played by Mrs.}- and from there they will go to ‘their. filed with the Clerk of the Court by Saturday,» -aW, CHOOT tablets also improve the digestion?Olftaina-|ble everywhere."4 | i oo ravedSlipafewPrince Albert —smokesintoyoursystem!| ‘fy f’You've heard many an earful about the.Prince Abertpatentedprocessthatcutsoutbiteandparchandletsyou WSffsmokeyourfillwithoutacomeback!Stake your bank roll that XYitprovesouteveryhouroftheday.@~-peePrinceAlberthasalwaysbeensold*mewithoutcouponsorpremiums.We ©hr.prefer to give quality!’SS There’s sport smoking a pine oF rolling :your own,bit you Know that you've got Yi;to have the right tobacco!We tell you Ay Prince Albert will bang tHe doors wide :’open for you to come in on a good time '‘firing up every little so often,without a the nationaliy same regret!You'll feel like your smoke past has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot |backup for a fresh start. iiy7 ayir) You swing on this say-so like it was a tip toa |thousand-dollar bill!It’s worth that in happi- "oo cat ei 1 ness and contentment to you,to every manCum—FEE aS anit .i who knows what can be“ia aig gotten out of a chummy jimmy pipe or a makin’s \x ANNE a NY cat 0 cigarette with \\\{Prince Albert for fr 4 Rw NOOO os “packing”!HE PrinceAlberttidyredtin,and infact,every Prince’i _Albert package,hae.a real mesenger Ge a»onitsreverseside.You'llread:—"Process PatentedJuly30th,1907."That meansthattheUnitedStatesGovern- ment has granted a patent on the process by Which Prince Albert ts made.And by which tongue bite and throat parch are cut out!Every-where tobacco is sold you'll find Prince Albert awaiting you in toppy red bags,Se:tidyredtins,10c;handsomepoundandhalf-poundtinhumidorsandinAbatclevercrystal vlass humidor,with sponge -moistener top,that keeps thetobaccoinsuchfinecondition= ulwayet R.J.REYNOLDS roeacte co.Winston-Salem,C. This ta the reversesideofthetidydtin ~Topay |{FREE BOOKLETS! A fresh shipment of Below is a list of interesting booklets that we ‘Davis’Graham Flour are giving out to our farmer friends. and Kelloge’s Toasted A Great Opportunity for the Southern Farmer.‘‘7 =Are Your A Miner or a Farmer.ij Dairy Hand Book.The Bran is something {|f Formaldehyde—‘‘The Farmers Friend”.|New.Try it.:We also have two other booklets on banking.. ‘Phone 89.8 if “A Little Talk About a Good Bank..Better Bank Service To You.Eagle &Mulholland. Bran.‘ -All of these are free for the asking.If youarenotcomingtotownjustdropusacardstatingwhichonesyouwant,and we will be aNgladtosendthembymail.; We also have a few copies of the ProgressiveFarmer,and Hoard’s Dairyman that we will_,send free to any who will send us their names. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.] Of Statesville,N.C.. “The Bank For Your Savings.” FRESH GOODS. Cranberries Celery Oysters Evaporated Prunes Evaporated Peaches The Statesville Realty &Investment Co-Sherrill&Reece,|==INSURANCE!<= Phone 123.-108 West Broad St |}= t t ;As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that :their insurance will.be void under certain conditions named in the Se ceeeaeeesneana contract of the policy which they buy.We deem it advisable to :;mention some of tne causes under which the same will be rendered Holiday Specialties. valueless,viz:.*1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply to your agent for permit. .2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera- We have on display tions in or on property—always get permits from agents. a full line of Dolls,;3—Property sen which there is a mortgage unless notice of 1:same is given—apply to your agent...sce e Toys,Wheel Goods,4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-Fancy Goods and ty insured otherthan by death.ie ;.N —Assignment dr transfer of property to another. Stationery.Call and 4 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. see us.ae 7—The taking of other insurance without notice.8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other°9 ; Allison S Book Store.Ben eee ara by chattle mortgage.Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contract reer eee of their paises:It is Teese for agents to knew ot ane: x iciencies unless notified.Call on us for any I infor-YOUR WIFE LOOKS |f Baten ::; at that old pine mantel all day—“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.' year in and year out.You couldn't S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!: give a present that would add more :a! cheer to the home than a nice oak or J.F.CARLTON,Manag f,\’: bought.from mantle with mirror,’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,NG. RC.WATKINS.—: “WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 74¢. per.pound,‘Light Brass.5c.peronFORSALE: ‘New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies..: By using AZMON'S BENZO-GLYCERINE on that raw,irritated’ skin.Many people call for AZMON’S as regularly as the winter comes.They know from experience that they can depend upon it to keep their skin in perfect condition the winter through. If you’re still unacquainted with its soothing,softening,tonic ef- fc‘iiso ii Byi,:ia‘e%i Cc.H.TURNER.fects on the skin,atrial will soon make you-one of its regular #., Iredell "Phone No.m4,Bell No.7.dependents.q :Don’t dodge comfort by delaying the trial any longer.Drop in :By ‘a rt re ‘hone 109.f°Bead Mi1]I.L ESTER,5 and get’a bottle as you go Home,or telepho a f Bios : REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C,’Phone340 Green. 7 , POLK GRAY D :& ee ecemane |YAVODS.; usS SICKNESS ing,Constantlytly Soppied Withford’s Black-Draught, ff,Va.—'l suffered for several’*says Mrs,J.B.Witter,ol ‘( os eee RG Menmeoo THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,December 8,|1916, Grateful To Those Who Filled His Larder. To the Bditer of The Landmark: Allow us through your paper toexpressoursincerethanksto.the people of Society,New Hope,Gay’s Chapel and Cool Spring churches for jtheir grateful remembrance of us on ‘Thanksgiving Da Our heart wasmade:gled’indee "when we returnedhomeon/Saturday and found our“eadache lorderwell filled’with all kinds ofotmenandgoodthings..We pe met seismanyexpressionsofkindnessfromPiid’syeats ago a friendeiotd heh Pad this people since.we have been t,ckeDraughndIfoundiSitsbeth t famil i-B for young and old.7.F‘keep Black-Draught on hand all ‘themenesandwhenmychildrenfeelahittlebad,they ask me for a dose,and it “R t Sp e y Pe e t ko e op an og ”vegetable,and has been 'with FIVE CENTS .CHARGE mien | and Framing. Hoes them more good than any medicine'y ever tried. We never have along spell of sick-in our family,since we commencedgBlack-Draught.” Thedford’s Black-Dreught is purely‘ound to regu-late’weak stomachs,aid digestion,re--lieve ‘indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similatsymptoms. It has been in esrictant use for moreeGua1rs,and has benefited moreEatstolionpeovle. sells’and recommends|(Pribe only 25c.Geta) N.C.123| YourrauBlack-Drat Rackage to- J itney Service. Owing to the irregular movement of the people during the winter the| JITNEY SCHEDULE LINES OUT. ued until Spring. BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE\upa ‘good circulation,relieves continue ||gestion.on Center street we will about.a 10-MINUTE SCHEDULE: WAY. Special attention given to calls off schedule line.Go anywhere in the:city for TEN CENTS.-:/ete.Parents can make special:arrange-|ments for children to ride to andfromschool.Jitney is comfortable.Careful and polite chauffeurs. Call us at Sloan Clothing Co.St.,Charles Hotel. THE JITNEY TRANSFER co.| DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second:Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C. TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,"Phone 197.SPEGIAL ATTENTION TO ‘CHILD HEN'sTEETH. We wish to.announce to our friends and patrons that we havesecuredtheservicesofMr.T.E. Barefoot,from one of the bestshopsintheSouth.He is up-to-date and expert on all Tire andTubework.;|We carn assure you that any worklefthereforattentionwill,behandledpromptly. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. YOUR LITTLE ONE WILL KNOW! how good tasting are the things that|come.from this grocery..The jam,| the biscuits,the bredkfast foods and| sucha lot of other things.She thinks| only of the taste of course.But youmust.think.of quality and cost be-| sides.Well in those things we can |please you as well as our food prod:|ucts will please the httle one. Miller-McLain Supply Co. All Sizes D-4-S: C..WATKINS,’Phone 438 Ww.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same.Inspirators,-Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete,“Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. | | CEILING AND ‘Sold by C.Watkins is) Properly among them,but:this large manifes-tation of their regard was entirely| unexpected,and therefore the moreappreciated.Surely such things’make it easyforustoserveourMaster.May theWessingsofHeavenrestuponyouall,J.L.TEAGUE,Pastor. January 26 is set as the date fortheelectrocution,of Monroe Johnson of Greensboro,who is sentenced:for the murder of Carl Peddy. The Baptist State Convention is in session at Elizabeth City.John A. Oates Was re-elected president. Mr.Osborne Brown XVas re-elected chairman of the board of commis- sioners of Catawba: RHEBUATISM MAKESYOUFEELOLD! Pains and Aches"Yield to.Sloan’s| Liniment,the Family Friend. When your joints become ation ef Sloan’s Liniment you quick relief—kills gives pain,starts| cdn-It is easier and cleaner to} use than mussy.plasiers or oint- iments,acts quickly and .does not clog| the pores.It doesn’t stain the skin.- You don’t need to rub —it pene-| tratesCanis fine for rheumatism,stiff jneck,sciatica,lame back,toothache, .For sprains,|straing,bruises, Sloan’s Liniment.reduces -the pain) and eases the soreness.Its use is so universal that you nN!‘school with at Hiddenite a few eu timated will yield not less than 1,000,-or|consider,Sloan’s Liniment a friend of|before.jthe whole family.Your druggist sells, iit in 25¢e,50c.and $1 bottles. RetLUMESVee Ellis Photograph Gallery Broad Street,will be re-: opened.about the I5th. MRS.T.W.ELLIS. Dee.5. FLOORING Kiln Dried and‘Wont open.| C.WATKINS. Dr.S:W.Hoffmann.|| Osteopathic Physician.Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.30 p.m.2.80 to.5 p,m.and by ap-| pointment.Anderson Bldg.,113 W.Broad St.Office ’phone 324. Residence ‘phone 279—green.| =| ! coucHs,COLDS,ETC.| Price 25c.,50c.and $1. &orsale by,aeDealers.| “ARNER &BROWN| Hides and Jonk Dealers—_WE BUY— Hides, Good Tallow, Beeswax,Auto Tires,4H Light Brass,|HeavyBrass,HiLightCopper,Copper Wire,Lead,Zinc,”All kinds of scrap Iron. Highest hee eos 4 a ‘Prepare For Winier. Let us go over your plumbing and heating plant and put iit in shape for the long winter months. Anything in the plumbing or steam line. Let us put you in,a closet that ‘WILL,NOT FREEZE! 'p one 55 ea Rt,bei phic ORUNID ABW wa Ht Your Plumber,«114 B;Broxd ml Kor, Work on Short Notice Roofing and Sheet Metal work our line.We can do your.work on short notice.We carry stock to take care of.any job at ~alf times.a , ||| | Stock of .Tobacco Flues ready | for you.STATES TNgot "Phone 65,114 E.Broad Street. stiff,| jyour circulatiom poor,and your suf.|Shady Grove,in FROM SQUARE will -be discontine tion makes you irritable,an appli- |son bovs. ‘consisted of hot chocolate,andsecondonewillbeheldTuesday eve=|. TWIN S VERY."NUMEROUS. eeASchoolTeacher Foul Many«Pupils That Came in Pairs. Correspondence of The Landmark. Hiddenite,Nov.28 —I have hadaschoolexperiencethatIthinkis4)to.|bit out.of the commyn for this coun-ty,and I have my doubts if there are|many fellows my age:that have hadaparallelexperience,(What I haveinmindisthenumberoftwins[|have been associated with in the school room.I was in-school.at Vashti academyforanumberofyears;,.the gchoalwasconductedbyProfs,‘J..W.andJ.J.Hendren,twin brothers,who re-sembled each other so “much that one had to be associated with themforsometimetodistinguighbetween them, |.After leaving Vashti sehog 1 I en-} ‘tered the school of Prof.A.at Hiddenite.In this scliobl were| ‘two sets of twins:namely,0.B.andiJ.P.Lyerly and L.V:‘and 8. 'Hendren,In the following spring I‘attendedjanormalschool‘at Taylorsville,inwhichweretwopairsoftwins.These were sons and daughters of the Rev.| Bumegarner. *.Sharpe | near the Catawba river,in the south|end of Alexander cotinty..Two Staf-|and Floyd—came|ford boys—Loyd to school.They so much resembled each other that,after being in the school room,with’them for almost|four months,I never learned to know| them,one from the other, I taught during the next winter at|att school house,in the:upper end county.Mr.:Green Barnes|pad a boys in school there.Their, names were Ray and:Roy,and they | |were very much.alike,The next school I taught was at -Gwaltney’s iship.In this school were ‘Ewa:sets ofi'twins—Fannie.and annie’.McLainlandMattieandChattieGilreath.|I then taught at Vashti and there| |were three sets of twins in school.atlonetime.These were Fannie and|Annie McLain,Mattie and‘:Chattie|Gilreath,Willie and Allie,Williams..The McLain girls especially°lookedalike;so much alike that after know-" ing.them for many-years,I cannot} eveh yet tell them apart. I taught one year in the school at |Hiddenite,’and in that school were itwin:girls,daughters of Mr.M.e |Hendren.—the same girls I was I taught~in Anson county.and had}lewin girls in my schopl—Onie and\| JOnnie Jones—and;the girls’were as;much alike as their names., Two years ago I taught in Cataw-| ba county.Two young ladies—Lil-| lie and Lydia Beard—entered.s¢hool. |They were twins and much resembled | wieach other. |Iam again teaching at Vashti ||Academy,and Mr.John F.Wapdfin has twins in the school—Frank |and|Vance Woodfin.In the meanwhile I have Studiba at ithe Appalachian Training decdgl.at ‘Davidson College,at Trinity Callége land at the State University;and jdoubt not J have been associatefl in school with a number of sets of itwins.I think,were twins;also two Hanbi-|But my mind is not clearastothat.J.T Ly THE “EVER-READY”CLUB. Young Ladies Organize Cooking Club —Motto. ‘arresnpondence of ‘The Landmark. Miss Chaffee,assistant State dem- ‘onstrator,accompanied by Miss Ce- leste Henkel,visited the home of Miss Bona Carter Monday evening, November 7,for the purpose of atalktothoseinterestedintheorgan- ization of a cooking club.Miss Chaf-fee made an interesting talk on bal- anced meals.The first meeting o”the club was held Tuesday evening,December 5, iwith Miss Bona Carter chairman of ithe meeting.-Members of”the clubareMissesRoseMills,Lottie Shu- \ford,Mae Little,Mary,Martha and|Bone Carter and Mrs.fenry John- |son.Officers are:President,-Miss Rose‘|Mills;vice president,Miss Mary ‘Car-|Miss. corresponding; ‘ter;secretary and treasurer, Lottie.Shuford,and secretary,Miss Mae Little.i The club adopted for its motto: “Tf a task is once begun,Never leave it till it's done;Be the labor greet or small, Do it well,or not-at all.” After the club was organized it'was christened the “Ever Ready” |Cooking Club. The club is glad to have as teacher=,|Miss Bona Carter of the eastern,sub- iurhs of Statesville. The first lesson in second year’s course kas already been given,which the 7.80 o’clock.ning,December 12,at (Miss Henkel hopes to be present at |this meeting and ahy who are inter- jested are invited to visit our club and! co bake Boston Brown Bread. Cause Apparent —Waste -ofMoneytoInvestigatePrices. Monroe Enqui¥er. One of the most foolish things be-| ‘ing pulled off just now is the govern-, mental investigation of the high cost |of’food.The government has |swered the question in its crop Yre-! /port.That report sows that there, ‘is a shortage in the wheat crop this |'year-of 43,948,000 pushels.In the) ‘year 1915 the wheat an-- this year it was but 607,575,000 bushels.Is it any wonder that wheat, ‘is high under such conditions?)Anjusetoinvestigatethehighpricea icorn when thé government’s crop re-! \this year of 414,535,000.bushels com-| ipared with the crop ‘of 1915?Is thére juny use in this big government ‘pay- ing_expert.investigators to find 6ut iwhy potatoes are high when ‘that.same big government’s crop report- ers have said that tne potato'crop of!ithis year is 289,000,000 tbushelswhen \that.crop last.year.was 359,108,000‘bushels,or a falling off of 70,108,000 |\hushels?The oat crop ts’over 840.-farmer."900,000 ‘bushels short.Is it worth lwhile to pay men io fintl out joats are high when tne ctop re ore All,§met iat raeteoatAe high “when a crop of 15,000,000 bales|is an average one and”the ‘crop this| That fall I began teaching a school | town-. Two Allison boys at Trinity,| crop ‘of —this |"*jcountry was 1,011,505,000 bushels and!ston,Enfolst NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS| ‘Incidents.Gathered From All’Parts of the Country. President Wilson's plurality in Col- lorado wag 76,508,actording fo the of-||ficial count, John D.Archbold,president of theStandardOilGompany,died Tuesdayathishomeat‘Tarrytown,N.Y.,death following an operation for ap- |pendicitis. Charged with murder in connection with the lynching of Anthony Craw- |ford,a-negro,eight white men are(held for trial in the circuit,court at |Abbeville,S.C, |The.Italian steamship Prlermo, with 25 Americans on board,has been torpedoed off the Spanish coast,ac- cording to a report from Madrid, Spain.One American died of woundssustainedbyshellfireandthreeoth- ers were seriously injured. |A political crisis has been threaten- ‘ing in’Great.Britain for some time fon account of dissatisfaction as a re- |sult of the conduct of the war.The|Asquith ministry has been overthrown /and David Lloyd-George will become )prime minister.Andrew Bonar Law was offered the positién and declined Miss Mattie Anderson,a school teacher from Front Royal,Va.,com- mitted suicide at Atlantic!City by drowiing.She was walking with her mother on the boardwalk when _she‘ suddenly dashed into the waver and{resisted rescue.She 1s said to have|been suffering from a nervous break- {down. |The Federal investigation of the high cost of living is actually underjway.Not only is a sweeping inquiry into'.the cause of the soaring cost of foodstuffs *contemplated,but the re- cent pinch in.the coal supply and itsresultantpriceadvancesalsomaybe ,made the subject of broad investiga- 'tion. |A dispatch from Chihuahua City,|Mexico,says a reign of terror pre- vailed there during Villa’s occupah-cy.Municipal President Ho!guin andeightprominent.citizens were execut- ed.About 40 Chinamen were?slain and otker foreigners were killed or injured.The city is now in control of Carranza troops. Withdrawal from entry of 45,000360of.public land in Colorado and86,000 acres in Utah,which it is es- | 000,000 barrels of fuel oil,is recom- mended to President Wilson by Sec- retary Lane.The land lies within eosy:reach of railroad lines and ‘iit is |believed they will be exceedingly val- uable as a fucl reserver for the navy. Mrs.J.R.Blake,widow of the i late Professor Blake,founder of the Elizabeth Blake hospital in Sou |Chow,China,aS a memorial to his mother,and for 35 years a professor in Davidson College,dicd at the home of her nephew,Law Blake,in Green- wood,S.C.,last week,aged 84.She maintained the hospital in China since ‘the death of her husband and it is said her estate will go-to it. Federal judges,the United States SATA menecin TeRenerenenennnninnreney v wr Ae JA likey Suit won make a nice Christmas aie a Our buyer has just returned from High Poitt co where he bought a real bargain in Library si : “and Odd Chairs.We can save you at least" per cent on these,goods.They are finished a Golden Oak,Early"English and Fumed Oak i a Three pieces to eachSuit. ti the \Es Seeing i1S believing,so come in and look them? over for yourself and be your own judge.ones ase nou ~Christmas Goods for the ‘Little Folks,:— Doll Beds,Doll Ge- ‘Carts and Small Chairs: andRockers.i)OR4Ase!ad Remember ,we dive away FREE on the 28rd,- Little Favorite.RANGE. -Williams Furniture House Tn “The Favorite Store.”2 2fSoda Supreme Court holds,do not po inherent power,exercised for.a cen- tury but without specific congres- sional authority;to indefinitely sus- pend execution of criminal sentenceimposedintheirrespectivecourts. Suspension by District Judge Killits of ‘Ohio of sentence ypon James J.Hendhan of Toledo,convicted of bonk embezzlement,was revoked. Dr.€.Alphonso Smith,North Car- olinian —1 Greensboro man —profess- or of English at the University of Vir- ginia,former associate professor at the University of North Carolina:ex-change professor to Berlip and cuth- or of the O.Henry biography,has been offered a iob as head of the de- partment of English at the United,States Naval Academy at Annapolis| Ye has not decided whether he ‘accept. Notices of New Advertisements Bargains in library suits.—Wil- liams Furniture House. Victrolas and Victor talking ma-| chines for Christmas.—Statesville, Howsefurnishing Co. |Free booklets for ‘chants &Farmers’ farmers naBank. Hay at old prices.—tredell Feed ||Store.‘: Holiday sale suits and coats.—, |Ramsev-Bowles-Morrison Co.| Feed crushers.—Iredell Hardware 10.,'The Birth of a Nation at The! Crescent.|Weser pianos.and plaayer-pianos.—|Leonard Piano Sore.| Men’s Bible class,Sunday,9.45.— A.J.Salley,president.Organs-+-Leonard Piano Store. Suggestions to Christmas shop-| i pers.—Sherrill-White Shoe Co. Gun to be given away.—aA.A.|| urner.“Dolly Varden”sewing baskets for | Christmas,—Crawford-Bunch Furni- ture Co.: Reduction sale coat suits and coats.| —J.M.McKee &Co.|‘“Made -in Statesville’building.—! Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.) List of jewelry for your selection.| —R.H.Rickert &Son.jewelers.i Plumbers and electricians wanted.|i—aC.KE,Ritchie.| Private sale-—J.R.Abernathy,|'Elmwood,R-1. Registered Jersey bull for sale.—| T.L.Moore.Seott’s..6 ‘ Noice to ‘taxpayers.—M.-+Alex:|dere sheriff. Fresh cow foré sale.—J.0.John-| Money found.—Annie B.Terry. TO CHECK BOLL WEEVIL.| Creation ofse.serics‘of zones in!the South in which no ¢otion could he| lnort shows that there is a falling off)|er own for n period or one year as a ||means of checkine and exterminating| |the boll weevil,in this country,will| be proposed ina hill to be introduced| in|Congress by Senrtor Smith of| South Cerolina. Two colored 'men snd a-~colored+ ;Wwoman are in jail at Durham to an,! swer for the burning of the barn of| J.D.Markham,.a “Durham county The fire carried with it the| death of two horses and the loss of vehicles,farm imp!ctnents and feed. 7;ngg ee veut 1 000Gb| here is to? “hel AeSAR eRacc ARG rice|of ‘stuff..It is scarce,that’s what's | the matter, ene aarp epee gies it will |} A Useful Christmas: A “DOLLY,VARDEN”Seving Basha tie ah + Both Baskets: UP‘Handdsomely.:>:‘Lined.Wide« ‘of Hard Wood and Metal,“: Beautifully.7 Aste +o Ornamental As Well As Very Useful — in Any Home. Price Only $2.40.Finished iin Mission Oak. pacttinut eS oeCraefordBunchFurnitureCompany.‘PHONE NO.400.ho “The Store That Always Welcomes You:ae OGL -————Ce uleaeeee Oe 3 Listen Mr.F armer'a rigJ ;inDaly home MOSS to AECL ren? sOAtthepresenthighpriceofallfeed wn bl ae bik =**,@ >r Mpstuffiti8uptoyoutogetallyouro can out of your feed,The best way :to dc Nis |is to get one of our Feed Crushers and .::mall engineand save TOEeverybitofit. we <p wha hoe © soy i09 pte ALO",aig pom —VA ey vasaIredell:Hardware ‘RIDAY,--December 8,1916. *“WEVER SATISFIED. The time has come for union labor to seek a seven-hour work day:in the .President Wilson's address to Con-gress Tuesday ‘was marked by a wo-man suffrage coup in thé galleries—the first real show of-organized mili-tancy in the capital—and by a greatemonstrationoftulationtothePresidentuponhisre-elecion,inwhichmanRepunlieesejoined.After acknowledging the prolong-ed cheers and applause which greetedhisentrytothehalloftheHouse, opinion of John P.White,Mine Work.|President had launched into hisalpresidentoftheUnitedMineWork- ers of America,speaking to repre- sentatives of local unions at Christo-|pher,Il. “A ‘further redvction in the daily|about to begin a sentence:“Th address,reviewing recommendations for railroad legislation,practices act,and had ssed to hisrecommendationsforabroadergov-ernment for Porto Rico.He was just@pres- a corrupt THE FOREST HELPED SOME Flood Damage Greater Where Timber Was Cut Off. Examiners of the Forest Service have but recently:completed inVesti- gating\the forest conditions resultin from the floods in.the mountains o North Carolina.They are preparing a report of their findings which wiibeprintedinaspecialbulletintobe issued some time during the winter.Their report will be based on the ac- |tual conditions as discovered in those sections where the food damage w|the most severe.+i |$o heavy was the flood and so imeager are the reports of accurate|measurements of theltheexaminersfinddifficulty in form,jing conclusive estimates of the ef-ifects of the flood on tne forests.hours is necessary,”he said,“if we are|ent laws governing the island.and |%R'congere the ccnomie and "sil roglating the ibs and)VICE siges aid fromthe reportsaval welfare of our vast membership.This |of its people are not just,”when over almost essential by theuseandintroductionof ma- So widespread has is.madecreasedchines. ‘That’s the way of it.Give them 6 eight hours and some of’them will demand ‘seven.Give them seven and next the demand will be for six.This man White is the type of labor agita- tor who does more harm to organized labor than its avowed enemies.The opponents of an 8-hour day argue that organized labor will not be satisfied; ’that if their demands are granted they will immediately.scek a further reduction.The attitude of White and| this kind prove the contention of the ‘enemies-of organized labor and handi- ‘cap its friends who.want to see reas- onable demands granted and |justice done.aes ARRTT RS,y NOT SERIOUS. The election investigation in Bun- combe county will probably not be. continued—for reasons of political _expédiency.The lid was raised just cnough to show that a pretty bad 'state of.affairs exists.in Buncombe; .and‘it is said that some citizens were sd much concerned when they found the irivestigation,under’way,that they vacated their premises for sev- cral days.It is not in order,howev- er;to’point the finger of scorn atBuncombe.The,conditions existing there can be duplicated,doubtless,in some form,in many of the counties in the State—and all parties are guilty of:the fraud and corruption, the ‘more’s the pity.~Someday,pos- sibly,public opinion.will become so strong that.election frauds may be climinated,hut that good day has yet to dawn.’The Asheville affair is hopéfulto the extent that an inves- igation was started,even if not con-tihued,and the results may have a tendency “to Sta “sentiment that will cause the corrupters’of.the elec- torate.to move back apiece from the oad,although that hope is very faint.a rn WEAVER-BRI CASE. The court pfoceedings in the Weaver-Britt contest case hang on; and no matter what the decision of the courts Congress will .more than _likely be called on-to settle the con- test.If the .case had not gone to court,Mr.Weaver would have been awarded the certificate and then it wotild have been up to Mr.Britt to enter contest in the House.If by a court decision Mr.Britt is awarded the certificate,then it will be for Mr. Weaver to ask the House to oust Britt..and award him the seat.Con- gress is the final judge of the elec-- tiong of its members and no matter what the courts hold,the losing par- ty as the right to make a contest -and‘it will.be for the members of the ‘Houge to say who was elected in the tenth last month;and unfortunaely the®judgment .of Congress.is same- timés warped*by political expediency. Enfgring contest in the House is mat- ter for the losing party.If he does not jake action,nothing is done.© “see be the papers”that Judge “Boyfl,who has been off the bench for 8 weeks on account of impaired health,convened Federal court at Grefinsboro .this week and “delivered his gisual charge,which centered abogit the high cost of living and kin- dre@ topics.”We trust the Greens- bor@ News took due note of the number of mountain wagens en- cated on the court house lot and they number of ‘nountaineers who gatBered in the court house and list- ene@ to his honor’s charge of ~“gyllble words,and who thus i inf,ation from this,their soufte of light and knowledge.— a Twand-a-Half Cent Pieces Wanted. two and one-half cent piece isndedbythecountry,accordingedirectorofmint,whose annualrecommends.passage-of--a’law authorizing coins of that denomina-tiorfrom copper.and nickel.‘“When you consider that we have no foin between the one-cent piece and he five-cent piece,and.that manyangrticleworthmorethan-a cent an less +t n ‘five cents sells for thelatt@rpricebecauseofthelackofanioeihmonetaryunitofval- ue,’"Bsays the director,“the economicrtanceofitwillbe—readilyArticleswhichnowscllforntseachortwoforaquartersellfor121-2 cents.Popular»Such as the five and ten-cent»would uhdoubtedly place arti- eTfcents.” de to t im see G.Candler,Democratic nomi-8 elected mayor of Atlanta byjorityo1independent (tale mere pete vey become their use that pick-mining in many districts has become almost a lost art.” in-/the rail of the gallery,where sat aparyofwomansuffrageleaders,therefluttereddownabovetheheadsofan lemased assemblage of Senators and Representatives a silken banner..ofsuffrageyellow,bearing in great black letters the inscription:“President Wilson,what will do for woman suffrage”? The suffragists afterward said it was their protest against the Presi- dent’s plea with Congress for broad- er suffrage for the men of Porto Rico |while he did not mention their own }cause in his address.|As the banner’rippled down,the lsuffragists sat smiling and unper- |turbed.A page,raised on the arms oftmendirectlyunderthegallery. grasped the edge of.the banner and|snatched it down.President Wilson, lattracted by the stir,looked up from\his reading’and apparently taking lin the situation at a glance,smiledlbroadlyandwithouthesitationorin- |terruption,turned -his eyes back to his manuscript and continued his ad- dress to its end without further dem- onstration.Policemen and gallery guards scur- ried to where the women were seat-led,but contented themselves with |watching the party,as if to prevent ia further outbreak.“When the jointsessionwasoverthesuffrazistsfiledoutunmolestedby.the police.who&they had no orders other than to you prevent any further.infringementtherulesoftheHouse.The banner remained with the sergeant-at-arms. Aside from the suffrage incident, the demonstration of welcome which gteeted the President was_thefeatureofthejointsession.ManyRepublicansjoinedinapplauseandcheering,which was led.on the floorbvWilliamJenningsBryanandsomeofthecabinetmembers. Domestic Subjects. The President’s address wes whol- ly devoted.to domestic subjects,prin- cipally the problem of railway legis- lation.He not only,renewed his rec- ommendation for legislation to pre- vent a nation-wide railway strike or lockout before there has been oppor- tunity for investigation,but defend- ed it against the attack of organized labor as nothing arbitrary or unjust and the “justifiable safeguarding by society of the necessary processes of its very life.”Aside from recommendations.for the passage of the Porto Rico gov- ernment bill,the corrupt practicesbillandtheWebbbillto American collective seffing agencies ebroad.the President’s address was devoted wholly to the railroad situa- tion.The only feature which had not been forecast was the elimination of the proposal that Congress give explicit approval to consideration by the Inter-State Commerce Commis- sion of an increase in freight rates to meet additional expenditures by the railroads caused by the operation of the Adamson law. The President took the position that “the power of the Inter-State Commerce Commission to grant an increase of rates on the ground re- ferred to is indisputably clear and a recommendation by the Congress with regard to such a matter might seem to draw in question the scope of the inclination to do justice whenthereisnoreasontodoubteither.” The other recommendations on the railroad situation made in a special message during the last session, which were not put into law,wererenewed.They include: “Immediate’provision for the.en- largement and administrative reor- ganization of the Inter-State~.Com- merce Commission along the lines | embodied -in the bill recently passed by the:House of Representatives and now awaiting action by the Senate; in order that the commission may be enabled to deal with the manv great‘and various duties now devolving up- on it with a promptness and_thor- oughness which are,with its present constitution and means of action, practically impossible. “An amendment of the existingFederalstatutewhichprovidesfor the.mediation.conciliation and arbi- tration of such controversies as the present by adding to it athat.in case the methods of accom- modation now provided for should fail public investigation of the mer- its of every such dispute shall be in- stituted and completed before a srikeorlockoutmaylawfullybeattempt- ed.“The lodgement in the hands of the Executive of the power.in case of militarV necessity,to take control of such portions of such rolling stock of the railways of the country as may be required for military use “and to operate them for military purposes, with authority to draft into the®mili-tarv service of the United States suchjtraincrewsandadministrativeoffi- (cials as the circumszances mey re-jauire for their safe and efficient use.” BPA RET OTL EE TTCIIE |SISTERS GETTING THEIRS. The sisters are coming into their}jown—or probakly the men think they jare coming into “theirn’—in Kansas. At the recent election 155 women |were elected to various offices in the “Sunflower State,”There are -thre probate judges,59 superintendents of ipublic instruction,47 registers ofjdeeds,15 county treasurers,¢county\clerks,25 clerks of district courts andjonecoroner,In‘all but 17 counties initheStatewomenwereetectedtoanofficeofsomesort. *SLR ATS PT TENN TT Prohibition carried in Montana by a(ma ority of 28,886 at the election Nbo-|Vo i 7)The tp ‘oposed amendment|legalizing’prize-fighting in the Statewasdefeated:by 4,000Votes/”re - of |uteries to the Swannanoa. legalize | provision | ‘|merated ible on rainfall their discovery showsithatheavyforestatioavendedtomin-limize the damage done by the water,|This will be shown in a number of|places where e careful comparativeistudywasmade.On the other hand, where timber had been cut there ap- |peared to be a:tendency to greaterdamage,The rains were so heavy ‘and so long that much of the damageleouldnothavebeenavoided,itis de-|iclared,.even if no timber had’been }cut.|*Forest Examiner E.H.Ffothing- |ham spent several months in the!sec-ition where the storms broke and in-|vestigated effects.One of his studies jwas along Clear creek,on the Ma- |rion watershed.Thvre,as is shown ‘in photographs which he has,the first landslide on the creek waswheretheheavycuttingoftimber |began.That slide caused idamage.Further down the damageincreasedandtheinfluenceofdebris, \logs-and the remains of:logging was |clearly.merked along the banks. Above the place where the cutting began there was comparatively ‘littledamage.If there was a slide it cov- ered very little territory and did noappreciabledamage.The inferencewouldbethattheheavy‘growth hadsomeinfluenceinprotectingthe land,s ,Another instance was cited whichjwastakenfromastudyofthetrib-For in- stance,on the North Fork creektherewasaheavicrrainthanontheBeeTreecreek.On the latter creektherewasmoreloggingandthe damage there appeared to be great-er than on the North Fork,although on the North Fork rain was heavier. Mr.Frothingham coés not regardthisasconclusiveevidence.“I don’tthinkthattheforestsinafloodof that sort,”said he,“‘would prevent landslides but they would preventtheminsomecases. Penrose.“Offer a Force Bill. Washington Dispatch to New YorkTimes. On the eve of what promised to be a congressional session devoid of sensational happenings,Senator Pen- rose of Pennsylvania has let it be|known that he will press a measure ‘that is sure to furnish the foundation| lof a bitter partisan contest that may| j overshadow’all other legislative do-| |ings of the three months remaining|jot the present Congress.Mr.Penrose| ‘said he will intraduce bill provid-ing for Federal supervision of na- tional eleetions.Those who remem-: 2 rainfall that }* serious |. tae t Greensboro ea ; It ig.indeed’a sublime spectacle toseewomenoutorganizingegg-boy+} the ree wearing shoes t cost them 314 espair—boots,they call ‘emnow,withenoughwasteleatherin‘em-to half,sole,their husband’s pants.}It is‘‘sublime’spectacle to .seemenouttellingaboutthehighcos'of living and holding meetings dinouncingthemenwho.»contro}thpriceofsugar,the ywhile they ar@trushing‘through the world‘in sixcylindercars,paying all that’s askem®for gasolina—and millions of uselesautomobilesparkedareundthe’couf ‘cotting pee whi y:a iItisasublimespectacle tothesemodernreforsworkwithout.system and without purpsavetoexploitthemselvesinthecitiesandthelittlecities,If the eggs are too high in 'pric§don’t buy ‘em.There are milliong,men and women in this.cou hard-working people,«wo longhaveput'eggs on the list of luxuandnevereatthem.’Those who @ not afford silk dresses do not,ji overboard and start a voycott agasilkdresses—they simpry buytlecalicoorginghamandletit ® that. Good For Constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent fo’P gtipation.They are pleasant to take and and gentle in effect.Obtainable every I will be-at the followinx places date mentioned below with the 1916 tag) for the purpose of collecting the 1914Pleasemeetmeandsettleyourtax:Shiloh township,at Brady's X Roa to 12 o'cleck a.m.Monday,Dec.11,1 Concord township,at Morrow's sto 3.20 o'clock p.m.,Monday,Dec.11,19 Sharpesburg township,at R.J. store,10°to 3 o'clock,Tuesday,Dee. New Hope townsitip,at J.I,.,Reig 10 to 3 o'clock Wednesday,Deo.18,1 Union Grove township,at E.E.Ri store,10 to 8 o'clock,Thurgday,DecEagleMillstownship,at Houstonv®)1916. b 8 oclock,Friday,Dee.15 Turnersburg township,&~Parks’store,10 toDec...16,1916.,. Olin township,at Weisner &je 10 to:3 o'clock,Monday,-Dec.18,1916 Bethany township,at Eidson’s sto o'clock a.m.,Tuesday,Dec.19,1916,Cool Spring township,at D,store,9 to 3 o'clock,Wednesday,De; _Chambersburg township,at J store,10 to 3 o'clock,Thursday,De Barringer township,at P.A.Shfi10to3.o'clock,Friday,Dec.22,199Fallstowntownship,at Troutma’o'clock,Saturday,Dec.23,1916: Davidson township,at Dr.Moor@ to 3 oclock,Thursday,Dec.28,19CoddleCreektownship,at Ca Co.,Friday and Saturday,Dee.29M.P.ALEXANDER, Dec.8.§ Brother Thompson With Us. Our new Minister will com nastoral work next Sunday, every member of theClasstobepresentSund9:45.., Please don’t let’anythirf with your coming.-k We want to show Broth what a big Men’s Class help back up his work, A.J.SALL 8 o'clock, ber the contest of 26 years ago over |{the so-called force bill \there may be livelv times ahead i the legislative arena.:There is little.prospect that-the. Penrose measure will make ary head-' way toward enactment,serve as a text for Republican ora-| tors in Congress to set up the claim, that through the suppression of Re-|publican Votes in the solid South the| Democrats were able to bring about! 'the re-election of Woodrow Wilson.| |.(If Penrose wants to keep theSouthsolidandtofurnishanexcuse|to keep it solid,he could find no}lsurer means of doing that very thing| ithan the method he proposes.—The| but it will'| realize that| iano or} Decemh, 'And buy “a during our will allow you the. your instrument.— Leoaard Pial Landmark).xSD McCoy Case to Be Heard at Jackson-| ville.| Hearing before a United States| commissioner at Jacksonville,Fla.,| te the case of Thomas C.McCoy of, Asheville,held in connection with al-| leged whiskey frauds,has been set! for December 11.McCoy,who is un-| der $3,000 bond for his appearance at Jacksonville,is understood to be pre-, |paring to fight removal to Fort’ |Smith,Ark.,where he is under in-iieament charged with illicit distil-ing. John L.Casper,the Winston -Sa-|lem man who was convicted in Fort,|Smith on similar charges,has been ‘brought to Jacksonville as a witness.||Guy L.Hartman of Davie county,||who gained prominence in Mexico as! a scout for General Pershing,is,likewise a witness for.the govern-| |ment in the case at Jacksonville and| lis to go back to Fort Smith January 2 for trial under a similar indictment.| |Anybody Could Get One. |Fellow named Sinclair,from Fay-| 'etteville,spoke in Statesville during| leampaign.Liked to have talked all, \night about dead and gone_issues. |Remember him?| |Well,this Sinclair person sent| \the President a telegram congratulat-|ling him on his re-escction.Got an} |autograph letter of thanks and pub-| lished it in the papers as something||unusual—as if he—Sinclair of Fay-| |etteville—had been singled out for special favors with a letter from the|President.John Jones from Dbown/!|Creek would have received a similar ‘letter had he sent the President atel-|egram. Censoring the Films.| Films showing safe-crackers at | iwork,tramps stealing watches and | |people taking.drugs are to be elimi- jnated from moving picture ~exhibi- tions in Pennsylvania,according to a bulletin isssued by the State board|of censors.A long list of film plays,some of them thrillers:with heroinestiedto-tracks,is forbidden: Scores of films in series are enu-as condemned,including about 60 on the subject of white slav-ery and.25 on Mexican:scenes whose|mpnufacturers the censors have:been|umkble-toJocate.;Prize fightin filry |have hiso‘beeh Put.under the Ban! Now’s the oppor During our Decey buy a really hig at agreat.savin,LEONARD'S P! General F City-a All calls —telexHill’s residenceriumwillhav GREEN SHINGLE FIREPR \ /@ Jazenbyi RK {very interestingm q | ity, Deaths.in Yadkin—Case of Infantile Paralysis. Correapoddence of The Lundmatk. Jennings,Dee.6.—-They closed a meeting at Mt.Ver-non,Quite a number were convertedandjoinedthechurch...Rev.J.W.Rash of Statesville assisted the pas-tor,Rev.D.W.Pool.Rev.Messrs.J.G.Weatherman and J.E.Privette al-ssisted in the meeting.“Rev.My.Hudspeth—I believe that’s ithe name—the new pastor at Union ,|Grove,filled his appointment there ‘Sunday,The case of infantile paralysis at) 'Mr.J.E.Jurney’s/doesn’t improve‘Very fast.Some tink that the little| tthe may,be a cripple if she gets over | the disease.| Mr.Martin Salmons,who died at this home in Yadkin county last Fri- .|day,and was buried at Zion Sunday, was a man of pretty large ecquaint-ance.We understand that he owned} considerable real estate.He had been} a sufferer from Bright’s disease for| some tithe.| Mr./Bruce Bell,about 26 years of| age,died at his home in Yadkin coun-| near St,Paul’s church,last week| of tuberculosis.He leaves a wife and| three small children,the youngest on-ly a féW weeks old and the oldest only| three years old.We understand that| they also have the care of his or her mother,who is blind.Our tenderest sympathy goes out to this bereaved family,‘A.case like the above,where a@ young man or ‘voman is taken off of the stage of action in their prime ‘|by that dreaded disease—consump- ;4ft States- to ing former eo | Sueithrela-! ted her,Mreturned,a ton.-|afdaughter| Tuesday|Mths with;“f _visit,to} Ad Hugh + in aans andmark Institute’ ives sve| i q Cli fton, | y_delight-| $3,Nous club | ting ode ‘|fof Shakes-| tagons were; hd oe was|o le | | smet with | Hsday after-giftess session g a”‘contribute| led with Christmas good-| sfVera B.Jones,to be by-her Win the cotton mill section. acting secretary,called d each member’answered| Wke or‘an *anecdote,as the. the programme was| ‘Humorists.”| ge read an article on Amer-}fporists,Mrs.McLapghlin Grave of Adam"hy Mark | rs.Dorman Thompson’s as “The Candidate,”byanextractfromArtemus| as read by Mrs.Wood.| a discussion of Current | hostess invited her! her dining room and| Mm about a round.table, tilly decorated with holly andj fons.The centrepiece was sket of fruit and also held for each guest,which was| ipy the place cards.These were|fphe comic order.:A delicious| urse,with coffee,salted nuts |served ginger,was .served.:.| toNorth Carolina—Death. ndence of The to |{ Landmark. Institute,Dec.6 —Mr.and!» W.M.Perry,who left here last. er for North Dakota,have re- They think there is no placei|; orth Carolina.| Jira Crouch came homefrom | last week.Mr.Reuben Crouch| rkansas is visiting relatives’.in}Poser | Isaac Sharpe has been criti-| ‘il for some days.She is thought | a ile better now.Mrs.D.A.but —is Mr.He waled Sharpe ,entered Hid-mte school this week.|o@ little child of Mr,and Mrs.I.N,| iarpe was buried at Sulphut ings Monday.| [Missionary Meeting at Troutman. respondence of The Landmark. he Woman’s Missionary Society)W St.Michael’s Lutheran churehy _outman,will meet at the home of| rs.W.D.Troutman Saturday af- #rnoon,December 9th,at.2.30.Miss fna ©:Moore of Barium,°formerly mission worker {mong the IndioenoestheSociety. |||||{ | Dirty el Sides,16¢. FOUND— tion—that is drawiny more heavily on the human family than probably any other,leaving behind those entirely‘helpless,with hardiy any dependenccforsupport,reaches the tenderest sin our hearts.I hope the publicschoolswillteachhygiene,sanitation well ventilated bed rooms,ete.,till| we can stamp out a lot of ee tion cases in the rising gencratior There are too,many people who are_;afraid of a little fresh air. East Monbo Recovers From Feod| and Smallpox—Clark’s School. Sorrespondence of The Uandmark. East Monbo,Dec.7—The village of| East Monbo has almost recovered}from the flbod.The mill is running| night and day. The smallpox has died out in helvillage,and there is not a single case |The people Who have been a‘raid tc! to come to the village need not have |any fear now.| 'Clark’s school has enrolled sbout 75| ;Pupils.,The schoo!has two exccllent teachers rs of Mon-| |bo and Miss Sethe ‘Kyl ;of Trout- an,Dr.Jordan,medical inspector a the children of the schoo Mond The box supper Saturday night was| quite a.success and neat sum _was Haske which will go towards buying a| liams of Race Street ¢hurch,Statesville,will preach at St.| ‘John’s M.E.church Sunday afternoon| 3 o’clock.Mr.Williams will be!‘tHe #éWular pastor for St.John’s forWecomingyear.| jAmity Demonstration Club—Church News. respondence of The Landmark. ei poutman:R-2,Dec.5 —The en- tertainment at Amity last Thursday| 'wais well attended and was quite 5 /SUCCESS.The club“realized $8.5 from’the various things:that Bey sold.Ae Demonstration club meets| Thursday afternoon.Miss| Celeste Henkel expects to be = them. Mr.A.C.Plyler and family moved| to their new home today,which they ‘have just completed.a Mrs.Madaama Morton of Troutman| is visiting’her daughter,Mrs.B.C.| |Howard.| Rev.Mr.Cashwell of Statesville| will preach at Shady Grove Sunday| at 11 o’clock.The members of Shi- loh church are #lad to know that.Rev.| ‘Mr,Keever will be with them for an-| /other year.| | | ij Cough Medicine For Childrén..N:Y.,Bays:ago when we were living inMrs.Hugh Cook,Scottsville} “About five years |Garbutt,Ne-¥s,~1 doctored two of my children|sufferings from colds with Chamberlain's\ Cough Remedy and found it just as represent-| ed in every way.It promptly checked thejrcoughingandcuredtheircoldsquickerthant anything I ever used.’’Obtainable ec where. The felowine prices Were paid yeaterday |for produce on the’local market.Turkeys,16-18¢.per Ib.Chickens,12c.per “)b. "8 er dozen.‘.Butter,25e.per Ib. Beeswax,25c.per «inGreenHides(unsaGreenHides(salted) Hams,22c.to 24c,per Ib. Green Hams,14-Y6e,per Ib. to 18c.per Ib.Shoulders,16c.per Ib. New Red Honey,&c.to 12¢.per Ib. Sourwood Honey oe18¢e.to 20¢.Old AtitoRubber Cas fe.per Ib.Sweet Potatoes,s0c..Trish Potato Ib.perperIb. per Ib. Q bus hel. The following prices were paid yesterday)wrain on the local market:r~Wheat (new)$1.80 per bushel. -Corn,$1.05 per bushel. Oats,65-70c.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 19 8-4:cents||‘per pound was paid for best grade cotton. || | bushel.~ Ib. Cotton Seed,Seed Cotton,90c. 8e. per per 1 »| |(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 ents |per line.No ad.taken for less than 26) = ‘oll of money.”Owner can get same | by scribing and paying for ad.ANNIE|B.TERRY.Dec.8-—1t*.~ FOR ‘SALE—One fresh cow.to J.0.! OHNSTON,Eufola,P 8-1t®, NTED—Plumbers and Electricians. but.firs sf Nowe‘| ce]RITCHIE |s workmen nee@ apply.‘E.| »Dec.8. PRIVATE SALE—For next ten days two mules,one good two-horse sursixewheelwagoh,buggy and otherJ.R,ABERNETHY,Elmwood,R-1." Dee.8.--1t* JL SELLTL. wt“pell | y,strongarticles.|i | Jersey Bull,rexistered.| “}Scott's,N.C.cheap, MOORE,Dee.8 -1t* FOR RENT—1402eacre,farm five miles fromHickoryonsand-clay road.for -eotton,“corn and wheat.avene #nd otithouses.8.N Land suitable|Kight-room |.KILL isn,ec,5 —8t. FoR RENT--Six-room house -on street,Wirterand =Now, Stockton |SIG.WALLAGE.,Aj mdosiut nd -for the flarehadmoneyhe‘have it in thenk. SctTheManwith ene saves hismoneyforhisreandputs —it in the Bank where it is safe. This picture shows one of nature's lessons to’us.| The squirrel gathers and hoards the nuts that he;w realizes.he will NEED some day.He doesn’t depend vj on his friends in time of ‘need.He depends on what!ial He has saved.He knows,he won’t have any friends '9"940 when heis broke and besides they couldn’t spare the aaig fruits of their frugality.iaTiver won Do you get the point?Yiald: k SADPUTYOURMONEYINOURBANK. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. |THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Statesville,N.C ‘oy 19” reek »drodd 1.ona "nt ing ion ad Ula :Liteqod «, Pe ob tt ohWehave those oa? BIW ue ont vlodit Sed Sentiment is a great force;it is the life of L-O-V-E.Christmas... is the happiest time of all the year. Why?' Because at Christmas time we all turn our minds.4away from ourselves and our hearts toward others.ee gitae This,to remind you that our jewelry store now gleams s,s: with.enchanting:gift-goods and that those who receive presents 1 plvowe which come from us cherish nen because they:know,that oir _the “quality is there.Pe ee F.HENRY,Jeweler.. Just Arrived Our buyer picked up about 20 Suits formerly 'sold for $25.We put them on sale at Special,‘aa $12.50.ie OE a 25 Coatsiin Broadcloth, Blue,Brown.and Black, worth $25,to $30,go at $15:00 to $18.00. Johnston-Belk Com’y ~The Store That Sells For a gtd HGisal f oneal stolbine tt seissert ont aiaytnJHiia ‘siaotusT 94h oP peers nica nee ra — |CRESAN THEATRE —oN 3STATESVILLETWICE DAILY,6 IS —me PRICES EVEN INGS—Lower Floor,75c,$1 00,$1.50,|MATINEES—Lower Floor,75¢,$1) RT ne is yt ‘t‘».” i f /’j « Regular Seat Sale Opened 9 Thursday,December 7th.|OTK Mig Seats Now on Sale at Store,Statesville,N.C. .Seats Now on Sale at Statesville Drug Store..|D.Ww.GRIFFITH'S Statesville,Drug Store.\ y sy 4 “The Birth of a Nation”Cagle —18,000 People.3,000 Horses|f Has Thrilled Over Ten Million ‘Be |oe |Cost $500,000. T heatregoers. oath ri geet BAB Took 8Months to Produce. 450 Performances in Boston.£ :‘6 p ee en ;.\Decisive natalthe the Civil War;Shetman’s _500 Performances in Chicago.aoe ;as SE March to the Sea;Cities Built up Only to :1 1 ee PRD)2)Sena ,be Destroyed Before Your Eyes;Grant and Lee‘. 300 P erformances in Philadelphia.ee |at Appomatox;The ‘Tragedy of the death of.’ Abraham ‘Lincoln;How Brayely the Mothers and- |‘Mait Orders-NOW.--Sel ti Money Ord:rs anid ‘Sel | lest,nect ‘ac e \addressed Stamped Ey} velope to Statesville Dru}| ‘2 CC L GA S HE , NOTE—Mr.Griffith’s new spectacle,‘‘Intoler- _ee Sisters did Their part;Anguish of Reconstruc- ance,”the first and only production he has made a é tion;Wild Rides of the Ku Klux Klans;History since ‘‘The Birth of a Nation,”has been pro-ef wy iin the.making. dlaimed the artistic triumph of the world. .“Intolerance”in now playing at the Liberty Coae oe ee ee The Great American PlayAt Last. Gt i < SE R S IMPORTANT.—“The Birth of a Nation”will never be To Out-of Town Patrons:—You must see “TheBirth 4 resentedin any but the highest class theatres and at or .eee pe es we nel aS ace charged for the best theatrical attractions.°ym vny [¢AS [dq (}of a Nation”in this City or not at all.This is positively © D.W.Griffith.the last appearance of this attraction in this vicinity. Exactly as presentedin Winston-Salem,Charlotte,Salisbury and every important City of the South. NOTE:.----Patrons must be seated at 2:15 at this Theatre and at 8:15 at the evening performance. i ESi NS ee er ee es aeafnaeeeoy a cc ijCTHE LANDM ARK What Bryan Favors and Opposes.School Teachers Must Teach ||Colds RelievedEriembainytotehhehonesfo'cim-"Public Health.|“GET READYeeeieDemocraticpartyandtosee|ns :.} oe “|necomplished within he.next four’Public _School teachers must |Without Dosing,:j 5 Farmers Have Had Good Year In|years were outlined in Washington teach public health,”said Mr.Rob-|Skinsvile’Comimunity:4Wednesday night by William Jennings ert H.Wright of Greenville,presi-|If you havo tried “Internal”medicines |=)OR—— Correspondence of The Landmark.Br yan at a dinner given in his honor cent of the North Corolina Teachers’)without success,we waxt_you to try the rgr¢Shinsville,Dec.5 —The crops are |ficials and members of C ongress.Nga ee eeee ae Ta Be eaRian hee yvis;,aning’acer 3 i Wi 2S : .about gathered,the grain crop has tionw is ey aS ae aw MoSt make for greater service for the Tub Vick’s in well and cover with a warm : been sown and many farmers are |imppor a ea other causes on his togchers of North Carolina,Mr.!flannel cloth.‘The body warmth releases f . y pildwing.for next year’s crop.Taking|ee ae seen eleties ey,ny Wright said:|healing vapors that aro a bea a x cs PYal @ 2 no ne .the year,‘which is drawing to a close,|Pranidgne By dives oO |“Teachers must teach not only in-|breath,and,in addition,Vick’s is absorbe ; ;by admirers among Democratic of ‘Assembly,in his sddress to the|“External”treatment —Vick’s “Vap.0- everything considered,it has been a|popular vote and!dividual health in the public schools,|through the re 25c,50c,or $1,00.'¢hanges to make the constitution it {k ,ysut community heelth.“We now “Vi ‘ pana sled ee bie ee aye ae pm nueles t {know much about preventing _sick-|APORUB,f Buy one ot ous Victrolas.Please all1 the-which ithe.farmers have 1 De Rodi tons tos nis Programme Olness (end)(disease,and these things|3 a ami i ,ing ' Fe a tee tien mee ap ‘for the short.2°advocated,Mr.Bryan gave a prom:should be given the children in the SALE UNDER EXECUTION.|family.Nothing more ejevating than age.There have been killed ‘more inent place to two things:he proposes!schools.1 remember years ago when|-:good music We bring the world’s great-big hogs—800 and‘400-pound onese fight:The effort to give the Fed-'a letter received from the yellow fe-;NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY,|" in this community.than have ‘been °'#!government ~exclusive control ver zone was punctured end fumizat |3.pe eiioner vs,isano H ae cst singers,£9,ey Our homesat small cost.rey ailros 'ads jddingér vs,Isane and,@killedinyears.It is the firgt fall in over railroad regulation and “theled before it was.read.We know,mis.Anne W hiting. years that I have not heard single Menace of militarism,”presented by}now that on ly a certain kind of mos-;By virtue of un execution directed to the |$$ on in this section want.to oon proposals for universal military ser-quito transrzits yellow fever and byy [under neecre pe eer PY One Pai on Victrolas andVictorTalking Machines,15.00,25.00,°30 7money.Many of our citizens not |Vice.{screening our homes and otherwise ©"Ay,ea nee jl re :40 00 $50 00 75 00 $100 00 $150.00“only have enough for their own i |protecting ourselves from mosqui-'7 ,:,-UU,U.UY,,|WU,UY;VV.heels tat haves few’hundred”tol._’No Cup Awarded This Year.toes,we aay protect ourselves not °c,my sount euse door of raid 8 TT an gt onloan.This year will be remembered|,,Delivering:his.annual address at only from yellow fever,but from ma-|satisfy’said execution,all the right,title and |We have now on hand 500 of the latest a the opening feature of the North laria also.”bet |interes hich the said Isaac H..Whiting andy.many:as a most ptosperous year.|t Vai hMiss,Mary Baxter,who had|;Carolina Literary and Historical As-|Again Mr.Wright ‘said:‘Vo are Mrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in and bésst Records. th the following -deseribed real estate,towit:Ly-*theer spending several months here ‘sociation in Raleigh Wednesday |trvily grateful that tiie time has come;ing and being in Chambersburg township of § err relatives,returned to her home |ee Dr.gens Rone of|when every child in the I:ink not |the aforesaid State and county,bounded on the Ff |-2 3 -or Le cs of Emanuel Beaver,New-in Concord Sunday.Mr..and Mrs.{Winston -Salem pleaded that North cue ted to have whooping couch and ;nerth by the lands of Bi ie >i Everette -a Sonco Carolinians should think of their'measles.We are glad+riso.that he EN ee a ee rnis in O.rette «Denny oncor een i Stat el Cent |d i g the Twnd’of Clarence Moore and Witt Corne-Sunday with Mrs.Denny’s parents,|>tte intelligently and with healthful ignorance of the means of preventing|tius;on the sodth by the lands of J.Q.Car-#‘Mr.and Mrs.S.A.Wagner.Mr.Jy ’|pride.Characteristics*of the State disenses which have been fils,o our ter;on the west by the lands of John Honey- =E Hagler is spending.several days|2te not shared in common with other;blind institutions,our feeblgaminded|th i Edinger will join thbeans Sa “Bette ods For Less eas in Concord on business.Mr.John W.|States.,schools pnd our child refotimintorics,Daves J.M.DEATATON,Clampett is moving.‘today to Bear L.Ames Brown of Washington de-is heard disyelled.The light of dis3+|Nov.21,1916.Sheriff Iredell Co,[:PHONE 157. T SE wa t s SB E : SE wg e s e g gt e s y s g r i e s te r m e : re a c t ar t s : me e Si t s Poplar.Mr.A.M.Morrow moves livered an address on “The President ease prevention and health conserva.|NOTICE OF SALEtomorrowtoafarmnearStatesville.an the pecn eye ',tion that is so.rapidly coming to us|°ca eensMr.S.C.Overcash had a sale recent-ie ce t -stCe since it was of-should 2s rapidly be given to our!py VIRTUF of the power of sale contained|=ly and has moved to Charlotte.|ered by Mrs.Lindsay Patterson of children through the public schools.”in a certain mortgage deed,executed on the!Winston -Salem as a memorial to 6th dayof N ber,1912,by J.N.Redman!—__—or -a as men rl (126 dayof November,1912,by J.«Redman!7 . ’1 ’»rac ©ray 7 .7 f iP ‘.*zy e " Sunday’s Topic For Luther League—ee eanen there eae award of Sunday School Christmas Tree.Ae Teena oat Mortuanee Nes :ae Borate *e or.|a}¢m4 a >AS oe .,<My 4 2ServicesatSt.John’s.|J a erson cup oF e best liter a-Gonrenondencel COM lhemtancinalk a |3,at page 263,in the Register of Deeds’of-;f .hee e arin :Correspondence of The Landmark.:ry production of the year by a North Statessill R-3 Nee ;7,‘i {fice of Lredell county,the undersigned mortra-f a (ie ie:paaeess IY \a earn Carolinian.-The-committee found),>'8tesville,R-3,Dec.6—The-Sun-}goes,wiltvon i ,/ee ONE —oe nailing of the ninety=five}that there was no production the day school at the Leonard scliool house VRIDAY,DECEMBER Bist,1916,| eses to the door of the Church in|past year th:at came within the ruleg!)15,Progressing:nicely,<but on a:‘cqyunt |sell to the highest bidder for cash at:public Wiittenburg on October 31st,1517,by|as to ewar of bad weather du *the wintercaaetion,at the court house door of Iredellartofthiscup.ie \. Mattin Luther,is called the Birth of}ciaanatsanaiiesmensenniiaasieieeeoeesion months it will be discontinued from|count sth iene)clock my themtollowing sides ved i the.Reformation,or of Protestantism.|Card from Mrs.Foster.December the 31 to Api thom!ttine aeribed real estate,situate in Iredell county,;;4 an .:Have your Shoe Repair. :vane iNew Hope township,and*described as follows,a A iSeveralProtestantdenominations—|te the Editor of Tha Lanarbark:one quarter!We willShave 4 Christ-|to-wit:4 nt ee Work done by our e€X-Aiphergns especially—are now active].I notice in the last issuc of The ™M#s tree Satutday nivi.t,December||Mist Tract:|Resinning ats fe ae 7s .i “It5»4 »Or LA neta ta hae {north 42 2 east 22 poles to a*stone hence :ae ,:‘ ge oune ER Bean slucet Landmark ae a -es ATMmQUY :.ae ie aS ne el poe st 36 poles to a atone,on Raze Dillon's line;,|a era)pert shoe repairer.3 al)since had bought the restaurant “business,\“ind ask all who wish ‘to «do $0 |thence south 22 east 44 poles toa gum;thence :; that event..The Luther League of |of my husband,théelate S.A.FNate to put presents -on the tree for'their /S8.13 west 27 poles to a pine;pene nce south 18 on .only takes him 15 to 20 5 "7 Y Wy wes 7 les to a pine:thenee north’20 ge Jpiceshaselectededucationaltop-i beg to say that Mr.Armour.has not Tiends or whoever they wish,went {62 poles to the beyinning,contain-,|.ve ;minutes to tack or SEW: ies on history,doctrine,missions,etc.,)bought my restaurant businesa,Mr.There will be Christmas exercises |i more ors leas.:for.eae Sunday of this yeer..The Armour did not ask meto sell to him |oe opine at.°6.30 o’elock.Woe hope!)Tract:Beginning at a pine,Har-|trey %:on:-apair of half-soles, pic for December 10th is “The Burn-the restaurant business that tho:s¢.1 to have all the pupils pre:sent chur ing.=ES RUDEDCONSCU CM CRCURUe!AEDES LORD)Nee :4 &€:Be :thenee north 22 poles to the mouth of :,ing’of the Pope’s Buil ,”or the letter noble hands and mind*had qorked so the remainder of\the month 1 gully Sawa tackGe tie creek ;ula c :Plenty of ©comfortablebywhich.Pope Leo :X..excommuni--hard.and so faithfully to build up,but |imorth 72 west —poles to a stone;thence |i :seats—you can h av e .cated Dir.Luther from the Catholic}when that noble voice was still and!“TWN.H.Heavnergebutcher and :meat 'seuth to the beginning,containing2 acres f -Maid W ,:move or less,( a phen ta fi idle a.Default havirie been made in the pryment|a 4 ay work done while youChurch,June,1720,‘cold in death the rent was raised on @c2ler ofThisisthetopicfortheLuther;me from $25 per month to $100 per door of his hor open,his trousers [of the indebtedness secuited by said mortgage| ~League of Statesville,at St.John’s|month,which has forced me to lool in the middle?the flogr “aad aydeed,sale is madesin eccordance with the|f baay.!!wait.:i : ‘church,next Strect,west 6f the post-|for buSiness elfewhere,and has forced pee eee containing $40 gore.—"stipulations therein.contained,for the purpose ve office,on ‘next ‘Sunday evening at 6;/Me away from friends out among|oe Lyin pian einceuced bees={5 GRIE —:.F i, o’clock,with Mr.Dewey L.Raymer strangers,and away from the town,WEAK,“SORE:LUNGS %:BY,tM y };dn town shoes calledasleader,where the body of that noble husband’ee SOMEae:ie .:f vrind delivered.Preaching in St.John’s at 11 a.m,and father lies.|Restored To Health-By,.Vinol pean caaauanecieanian |aa Layton ®0 .ee ‘and Te.m,by Dr.Longakecr of Le-_MRS.S.A.FOSTER.|Camden,N.J.—I had a deep seated|'I al onoirneeHickory.:HOW'S THIS?_cough,was-run-down,and my lingswere |“ORG,\NS!as R be e shine ::Moves to Statesville.ats,offer “ome Hundred Dollars Reward§weak and gore.I had tricd everything ’ememper W ie ja seo atxrrh that cannot be cured iy 2 vd ith t hel 0;.OVp.|Dp3 aia 7Hall's Catarrh Cure,sugge sted without help.One ‘eve-|{Our Sale,Prices on Organs result-'is.Cétrenvondence of The Landmark.Hall's Catnerhoe ure ‘has been taken by’Ca-ning {read about Vinol and ‘docidert ||eA 7 j ].,’a she Hiddenite,R-1,Dec,4 —Farm (tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,‘to try it.Soon,I noticed an improve-\ed y one we had in stockrsabcandhasbecomeknown{h t }sce thsworkisaboutoverinthiscommuni-Rereayetare a (era Cea uve arts ment,I kept on taking it.and ay [||being:sold the second day of theFeandpeoplehayebegun,moving through,the Blgod on the Mucous surfaces,®M,®well.man.:.The -soreness all |ne qrm-one place to another.Mr,B.L.expelling the Poison from the Blood and ‘heats gone from my lungs,T do not hav any sale,Others are on the way fromnton’is .moving’to.Statesville,|ime the disbased.portions,the fdetory.Come in and net”dough and have gained.fifteen Por es aV;ken all'swhereheawtWDJBdatefotbusinessWe1,4S,Gee es:ne FIM.:will miss him in this,comm y a aah .yours.: Robert Frywill occu the Wake iaanictetth,wan at ee and et i ne ete Wind,for.‘¢oh fora.globe Sewkl ou aathhse ve “OY:ot Vint rf,aad tianahit ia,anit all |<18 bola {iow.tied :ton.vacates.og Calmerh4Rend fo,tontir amisi i “Queryis “very ill.i CHENEY CO.Potedo Ohio.=H saat ern Leotard Pid { = Rs |}7 | | me «all Druggists,75¢.Baeairt,Statesville, -.only one night Memphis to Texas.‘Nomissing connections—entire train_runs through,Memphis to Texas. Leave Memphis 9:30 p.'m.ArriveDallas..11:45 a»m.next morning, Ft.Worth 1:25 p.m.%0 Texas: Another through train to'Teéxas via CottonBeltRouteleavesMemphis9:35 a.m.H,H.Sutton.District Passenger Agent,“oromnODWeet0thSt.Obattancoga.Tean.--\~. VINTER TOURIST FARES ly until April 30,1917,to man:aw Mexico.‘AeopoversMay91,29177" a ee 'yi SSS~FUMIDOD (Insect Destroyer) For the Destruction of Weevils, Beetles,Moths and Insects. 90C.A BOTTLE roa HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. Election Over | 2 =:_Returns are ‘unanimous infavorofSLOANCLOTHING §COMPANY being the best § place to buy your nice FallandWinterSuit,Overcoat {and Gents’Furnishings.Big {line of latest up-to-the-min- tite fabrics and styles.OUR MOTTO: "“*“The Store of Honor.” Vox Populi.; PORESTICDT ANU RROCROTIORONG FOR SALE | 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.C.,nearcollegeandgradedschool,fronting ‘about 700 feet on railroad anddirtroad,|with 3-room tenant ‘house,large stock barn,runningwater,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm-ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for Sub-dividingintolotes.|gl ,A an 9?acres’three miles from Harmony State High School,one-halfmilefrom\publie school on public road,40 acres in cultivation,balance’in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out-buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place.-For further information call on or write: ERNEST \G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C.INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE._'Phone 23..Mills Building. Ss e ep e c o c e w t o v e e n s — The Newest Gruen_Achievement. I9-JEWEL,“VERY-VERITHIN,”*$50.“The greatest Combination ofWatchvalueatthePrice.”R.H.RICKERT &SON, Exclusive Agents for Gruen. SERSERRER EMREREESESORTOre Tee es eeeesresees SRRTeeeoeheeeeelsec: xy i Commercial National BankOFSTATESVILLE,N.©.“Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited andeveryaccommodationextendedtode-positors consistent with prudént bank-ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and SavingsDepositsremainingondepositthreemonthsorlonger.OFFICERS:—y W.D.TURNER,President.E..MORRISON,-Vice President,D.M,AUSLEY,—5 Cashier.GE.HUGHEY,.-Assistant Cashier, ~ #;|merings. Y /mark from,some Yinloy a lawyer don the farms in‘the outskirts.The con- 4)publican leaders in Washington. Hiforward by the 7)aS H |race it will be seen that even thoughHitheRepublicanshaveamajoritytheyHjwillbeunabletoelectaSpeaker.orHitoorganizetheHouseinanyway.HiFailure to do this means the IHicratswillretainalloftheircommit-Hitee chairmanshipsH|$400,000,000-odd worth of patronage. d and stop it or go and help to put out the fire? |cough is ‘a danger signal as much as a fire bell, H|to’atop a fire bell when it isi ringing,.but{should cure the disease that causes the cough. especially valuable for the persistent cough H |of the grip.Mrs.Thomas Beeching,Andrews, Bi takes cold easily and coughs 7 Hekepywiaehe.fake Any other.”Obtaina- December 8,1916. llTHEOLDSMITHY IS NO MORE. Reminder .of Longfellow’s Poem Dis-appears at Troutman—The Poachers—Life in a Village. rreeyondence of The Landmark. Troutman,Dec.4 —They’ve tornawaytheoldvillagesmithshopwhichhasstoodheresincedirectlyafterthewar.It had ali the ornatesettingsofMr.Henry Longfellow’speemanduptoafewyearsago.itstoodunderthespreadingboughsofagreatbigchestnutoak,In fhe - just as HenryW,depicted him,with large;capable.hands and—a —ruddcountenance,smashing and crushingawey,day in and day vu:,for 45years—toiling,rejoicing,and occa-sionally he'd sorrow a little but none to hurt.He goes to church on Sun-day and sits among his (grand)boys.He hears the parson preach anprayandhehearshisdaughter'svoice.*-It.sounds to him ;mother’s voice.right here’swherethesmithdownatTroutmanhasoneonthesmithMisterLongfel- low told us about.When he_hearsthedaughtersa-singing over.there .inthechoirit’reminds hing of.their ma all right,but she isn’t singing up in Paradise—not ~yet.She has.athroughticket,but r-gnt across the aisle,opposite the amen corner,‘shesits‘where he can.see her...He &smug,satisfied:,look.Hethislipswhenthe.serszon’is.abouthalfever,for he .knows that.down home,a-simmering-on the.range,18a.chickcn and some stuffin’,with pos- sibly a roast of prime rs. But is.already :placed om:theboardanda»slice-has.been.taken,a one frosty side to see if the tex-ture were fine.He’s mighty.thankfulthattheyarestillpasszng<ne mile: posts sidé by side and that while.hewashammeringawaythese45yearsshewasrearinghishousefullofchil-drén with nota single break in»the But the old smith shop is razed and |the rubbish isThechestnut oak is eut down.and burned.’.The place where we used tocongregatetotalkpoliticsandtoSiborfowtoolsisnowonlyahistoriccrot.The smith will’be engaged henceforth in helping his wife.spenditheinterestonhisaccumulatedham- last week’s Land+fellow down-thiswayisrefreshing.°Just why this rarty thinks a lawyer weuldn’t pros-ccute a poncher is a puzzle to mé&iWHY they think it necessary to em-is also perplexing.iThere’s a little promiscuous hunting. ‘oronnd here.but very few quails areishotwithoutwrittenconsentofthe Jandowner,If the party who com-'nlains of poachers on his Jand will|just get the name and file a_littleleomplaintwithscmeoneofthe1o-‘eal magistrates,he will have the fun lof secing ‘the poacher shuck out $5)lwith a cost in each instance'and noquestionsasked.If the rarmers do The plaint in {not desire hunting on their premises{they are wrapped up.-and_protected. {by the law as much as it is decentlypossibleforthemtobe.If they:rtand tamely by and see their birds [shot up just because they think a jlewver necessary,then it is up to\them... |There was a hie Thanksgivine din-incr at Mr.©.H.Brown’s last Thurs- i day.and another big ne at Mr.G. |M.Young’s the same day.Those vil-nee:when they®take a notion tolhave2blowout,never consider theipriceofbutter,turkevs,ege@s and\things,High prices @isturb them not|the least.The eggs come from thejsamenesttheydidbackinsummer: Butter is as easilv churned »s When it sold two pounds for quarter.Sausage is made from the nies and the pigsfedthesamediet;which was produced, cern of the hovsemothers over the ex-Ltreme prices of culinary necessities in lthe cities is getting serious.Even |people of wealth are beginn'"g to feelithepinch.About the best place to(live and move and heve your fun is in la little'éfd village,where everybody;knows everybody else and where .you|can always find plenty of friends whocanrunyourbusinessalittlebetter than you can yourself.W.D.TROUTMAN: Republicans Divided—Mann Can’t Be Elected Speaker. || i ‘|Washington Dispatch to Greensboro|News.. |That the Republican party is more midst of the setting was the smith,| like her, smacks , he | .|pound cnke made some time a week tefore family circle hiy.the avenging angel.| being carted away.| Bucharest)the capital of Rumania,| is in the hands of the forces of the| Central Powers.—Exactly 100 days after the declar~ jation of war b umania against|them finds the Tuetonic allies in con-|trol of about.50,000 square miles of,|Rumanian territory—virtually —one-|half of the kingdom—ranning from’the Transylvanian Alps,northwest.of.|ithe capital,to the Danube,south of | lit,and a large part or Dobridja,and probably still on the heels of the re-|treating Russian and Rumanian ar-|mies,which have been endeavoringtohold’them back. ment of the fall of Bucharest _came|the_news_of the capture of the impor-| tant railroad junction”of Ploechti.}north of the capital,the conauest of|which places in the hands of the inva-|ders the last railroad in the west andgivestothemthe.head of the line|running northward to Jassy,where|the capital ofRumania is now situat-|‘ed. The Germans have ‘again essayed asomewhat,intense attack in the Ver-|‘dun sector.Jaunching it on‘slopes of the famous hill 304 near |'Avocourt.According ‘to Paris the at-tack was partly successful,the Ger- mans gaining a footing in some of‘the advanced French trenches.Other- wise on the French front there’have|been only bombardments and _opera- tions by raiding parties.{In the Aus-tro -‘Italian and Russian _theatres cn big guns are still doing the great-‘er portion of the work.annette Redaction of Illiteracy in Caldwell. Lenoir News. There are 548:adult persons in Cald- well eounty who cannothread or write.This is shown,by the result ofacanvassbytheStatebureauofCommunity:Service in connectionwithSunt.R..M.Smith of the coun-ty board of education. "the report also shows that —theadultwhiteilliteracyinthecounty has.been reduced from 1,598 persons schools in |comsty last fall are.credited jin‘small degree in bringing the‘ber down to the present figures.One hundred and 75°persons attended theschoolsduringtheir80days’sessionlastfall. ACIDS IN.STOMACH:SCUR The 17 moonlight |Gassy,Upset.Stomachs in |Five Minutes! If what you just ate is souring on{your stomach,or lies like a lump of ‘lead,refusing to digest,or you belcheasandeructatesour,undigestedfood,or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn,fullness,;nausea,bad tastejinmouthandstomiccarsurelygetreliefinfiveminutes,'Ask your pharmacist to show’:you |the formula,plainly printed on.these |fifty-cent cases of then you will understand why dys-peptic troubles of all kinds must.fro,| and why it relieves sour,out-of-order| stomachs or indigestion in five min-|utes.“Pape’s Diapepsin”is harm-| ‘Jess;tastes like candy,though each |\doge will digest and prepare for as-similation into the blocd all the food, you cat:besides,it makes you go to|the table with a healthy apnetite;| but what will please you most,is that| vou will fecl that your stemach and intestines are clean and fresh, andvouwillnotneedtoresorttoJaxa- tives ‘or liver pills for biliousness or} constipation. This city will have many ‘‘Pape’sDiapepsin”cranks,as some peanle| will call them,but you will be enthu-| siastic about.this splendid stomach | preparation,too,if you ever take ityforindigestion,gases,heartburn,|“sourness,dyspepsia,or any stomach |misery.of 1 Get some now,this”minute,and!rid yourself of stomach misery and| indigestion in five minutes.anaes a ah Flowers For All Occasions! jhopelessly divided today,if such a}thing is possible,than at any time | since Theodore Roosevelt threw a}(aries wrench in tha:great politicalmachinefouryearsago,is the firm|conviction of one of the leading se {Should ‘later’developments show| Hithat the Republicans have a _Slight |#imajority in the House they willBiunabletoelect‘-James be, R.Mann Speaker because.according to this:Republican,the Republican Congress-men from the great West,Northwest Bland Southwest,will#ifor the Iinoisan,even }Bicession in the way of adopting more refuse to votethoughcon-| Democratic rules have clready beenHofferedtheseWesterners.Lenroot of Wisconsin is to be put|Western contingent, their candidate for Speaker,whether the Republicans have a ma-jority_or not.With Lenroot in the Demo- along with the ..DangerSignal 1Ifthefirebellshouldringwould you run It is-much the same way with a cough.A You should no more tiy to suppress it than ing,This can nearly always be 'done by tak-Many haveingChamberlain's Courh Remedy.thleuseditwiththemostbeneficialresults. that so often follows.a bad cold or an attack “During the winter my husbandInd.,writes:"wie.and.coughs,Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best med- We can always supply you with the best to “he had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,&.@. Polk Gray Drug Co., Aacal Agents —G.WATKINS for .erything to'Build With.”Ful Stock—-Lowest Prices,Shingles,,Doors,~:Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,‘Boxing,Moulding,Lat Lime,*Cement; icine for breaking up these attacks and you in.1910 to the above number in 1916.'6the|%no|% num-|} THE FOOD AND CAUSE|&INDIGESTION!|§ “Pape’s Diapepsin”Fixes Sour,| ach headache,you|| aay E LANDM RK Rumania Overran By the Teatoni| FRIDAY, Simultaneously with the announce-|“ the| *.,4 ‘ pi S i r r i e r r r t e r s BE S T A Er e r r r r r e s s SS E B S B a s r e e r e r r r e r s s ete,ane aNextPlanters’Wh,Statdaville: “ft ~—and booksareeasytofindandeasytotceadbytheRayoLamp,It gives a steady,mellow light,best for the eyes,minus tho:flicker of gas and the glare ofelectricity.No troublesome lamp-shade orchimneytoremovewhonlighting.|...Use Aladdin Security Oil—themost€conomical kerosene oj]for best results,FSTANDARDOILCOMPANY (New Jersey)' BALTIMORE,MDWashington,D.C.Charlotte.N.CNorfolk,Va.Charleston,W.VaMy:Richmond,Va.Charleston,8.C A HEAD-ON,COLLISO is bad enough,but there are many OTHER CHANGES ifofbeingtemporarilyorpermanentlydisabled.=| You may be hurt while you work’;or hurt while youwalk,with the present rapid.rate of lotometion=--several disabled by autos last week right around.here,. Something may run into you,07 you may ruhinto-so @thing,such as smallpox and other contagious dipeaseg,. A thousand chances of being laid.up.But---here's'the 3BIGCHANCEtobeatthegame,by having one of our 40°per cent saving DISABILITY POLIGIES at your back:‘to -work while you’re weak and can’t help yourself.0).Let us show you how much it means to you and how §little it costs.a *gee ecSTATESVILLELOAN&TRUST COMPANY,| W.E.WEBB,Manager.eee Pape’s Diapepsin,|°:ti CSEUIXEITITEgersreieersrrrsrryrzrrersi CHRISTMAS GIF rT POR BaParticularShoppers 4AREONDISPLAYATTHESTOREOFQUALITY,, WE ARE PROUD OF THE MERCHANDISEWEHAVETOOFFERTHISYEAR.NOTHING PLEASES US MORE THAN TO...SHOW YOU EACH ANDEVERY ARTICLE.~AT YOUR SERVICE.={Statesville Drug Comp’y 'THE REXALL STORE... slssissestesssteseseposesesecesteorececeree: CeCRO BOO ER! F MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE ~ AND OPPORTUNITY! SOOO AOC ORO OOONEYISPROVof phot * THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!»SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT!. This Bank «welcomes Savings Accounts from both womenandmen! Certificates ofDeposit issued by this Bank bear interestfromdateattherateof4percent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially iWewantyourbusiness!-.... People’s Loan and Savings Bank.GEO.H.BROWN President.O.L:TURNER -Cashier.| HUNT BROTHERS,| :GREENSBORO,N.C.=STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,~.ambing and,Private Water Systems 9110<REFERENCES HURNISHED,it pote eet NiLineswieReRacketTy 1 okt Caw pame«ph Ee}ee ta rn WATCHES (ee eee $1.00 td $50.00BRACELETWATCHES......-................7.50 to 40.00SOLIDGOLDANDPLATEDWALDEMAR«CHAINS 000...cc cececccceeceyecssnecs 1.50 to 7,00.SOLID GOLD AND PLATED VEST CHAINS...1.50°to 15.00 FOBS 2...ccc cece cee eeeee are .25 to 11.00GOLDHANDLEKNIVES........--....-sees 1.50 to 5.00GOLDCIGARCUTTERS3.50SILVERKEYRINGS........................1.50 to 3.00SILVERBELTSANDBUCKLES..............3.00 to 4.50SILVERPENCILS.................000l 1.50 to 2.25EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR SETS 1.21...1.00 to 5.00DORINEPOWDERBOXES...................1.50 to:.5.50HANDKERCHIEFHOLDERS.................1.00WATERMANFOUNTAINPENS.............-2.50 to 11.00PLATED€UFF LINKS ..............cceeeeee 0 to 2.00 ville People.The County Board Of Education Passes|correspondence of The Landmark. The county board of education,in Seals is here again,and they are on GOLD CUFF LINKS 2.........006 ce ceeeeg ees 2.25 to 7.75CAMEOBROOCHES.............0cceceeecees 6.00 to 35.00DIAMONDANDPEARLBROOCHES..........15.00 to 60.00GOLDBROOCHES...f.c.ccc..cccccececcecece 1.00 to 25.00PLATEDBROOCHES....cececcc+ceccicccecs . .25 to 4.50SCARFPINGooo)ose Cee i ck conc ce thebeuces 25 to ‘85.00GOLDANDPLATEDPINSETS...............25 to 3.75PENDANTSANDCHAINS..,...............%4 1,50 to 35.00PEARLNECKLACES.......0.-:cccececceceace 1.00 to 25.00PLAINBANDRINGS...........ccceeeececeve 1.00 to 6.00SETRINGS........ccc ccc cc ceccceececeeceneee 1.00 to 24.00DIAMONDARINGS.....ccc ccc cee ce cecaeceees 10.00 to.285.00SILVERTHIMBLES...............Mars eae:50 to 1.00GOLDTHIMBLES...............e0ceeeee poses 450GOLDCAMEORINGS.............0e00:fovwvne 2.50 May Be Ignored. In the injunction case before*Judy Bond,in Wake Super:or Court,‘t i|| }eourt continued the injunction until |Claims.;The time for buying Red Cross ‘the 19th in expectation that by then |the Supreme Court will have -pass SS Everything bought from us will be engraxed free.reason we urge you to “SHOP EARLY?’ ==The Gift That Will Bring Joy to The Wife and -Daugther.=¢ Do you recall that promise to your wife or daughter that some day you would add to thehomesomeniceSilver,Cut Glass or China?»:Redeem that promise this Christmas and bring that happiness that such a gift would bring to the household.| R.H.RICKERT &SON, THELANDMARK BUY THE RED CROSS SEALS.Bend Continues Injunction—Ordet| FRIDAY,--December 8,1916.How the SaleLocally |Will Help States- ye| hé} ed|regular monthly session Monday,AD at the drug stores,Merchants &on the.appeal from the Judge Adams passed acs following claims:|Farmers’Bank,Lazenby |-Montgom-Dr.F.B.Gaither and Supt.R.M.ery Hardware Co.,Ramscy -Bowles- Gray were “appointed a committee to Morrison Co.,Mills &Poston and Al- meet at the Farm Life School,inves-,!ison’s Book Store. tigate and repert on needed improve-hese firms have generously givenments.Mr.Bullard:was authorized their time to the aid of selling these to have domesiic science room screen-St®™ps,as well as being liberal Daedandlockputondoor.Miss McCan-chasers,.less was authcrized to buy equip-|..The money realized from sale ofmentforherdepartment,the cost these stamps is used to fight andnottoexceed$50.j overcome the “Great White Plague,“Dr.W.G.Nicholson was author-that brings so much suffering and ex-iged to buy pump stand for well at pense to.individuals,families andHarmony.|communities.For three years’we District No.5,Statesville township,have sent one-fourth of the moneywasapportioned$125 to add a new received to aid the general,or Stateroam’to building and was allowed nd national work,-and three-fourths half the amount necessary to punch has been kept for use in local work.a:well.|The nurses’committee investigates ‘Pressly school was paid half the and reports need and during the past ount of drilling well.;yeer about three dozen Audividdals‘The school maintained by the have been helped.*Milk and eggs‘Statesville Cotton Mills was given have beer furn ished and about two $100 to aid in the work .»thousand sputum cups -have_been Miss Celeste Henkel was allowed Placed and used.ce.$10 on her expenses to Teachers’As-'The committee having in charge sembly at Raleigh.She was allowed the sale of these stamps,urges our$4.37 for freight and drayage-on ex-reople to buy thém.They are orna-hibits to fairs.;mental to letters and packages.They. silently testify to ,Philanthropy.TheyMoreHousesNeeded—Why More Are,cheer by the megsage they bear—aNotBuilt.|willingness to help bear the burdens 'of one enother. The:National Tuberculosis Associ- ation has plang to recognize the workofatownorcityinitssuccessin selling -or buying these seals.The smail places and the large ones are in a separate class.For a town to! purchase’an average cf five seals for each inhabitant is said to reach the “Standard of Five.”Can’t we make our town take a high standard in this work?We have heen wonderin (2, iv Charlotte ean buy 100,000 seals if Statesville can’t.average five aniece, thus giving us a_sale of 24.000,‘forapproachedanumberofcitizenswhowhichwemayrealize$250 °with|own houses 'for rental purposes to \4;,S eau ne |urge them to build more houses,but ee eee ae aemetwithlittleencouragement.It is MISS MA BEL POSTON z ?claimed by the landlords that the DR.J E McLAUGHi INbuildingofhousesturentisnotaEEGonmnitieepayingbusiness;that rental charges).+-“.*must.be increased before more houses Dr.Jordan at Troutman. Teenie le 2 ae one oa)Special Correspondence of The Landmark.ople who ren ouses claim e|*Thos.M.Jord:-presenta-rental charges are already too high.ee ee tie Bete teeea of Pifealth,Domestic Scisace Demonstration —!Wil!give an illustrated lecture onBhealthanddiseasepreventionatthe;bazaa/.-|Troutman High..School auditoriumThedemonstrationofthedomesticFridayevening.December 8.at 7,30scienceclassatthecollegeTuesdayp.m.The nublic is invited toafternoonwaswellattended,and was present at this lecture.of much interest to the visiting|Dr.Jordan is a most/congenialHousewivesaswellastotheyoung!man and a very interestingladies,of the class.Miss Darlington,structive talker.fe visited ourdomesticscienceteacher,explained|school on November 28th and 29thfromamarkeddrawingthelocationandgavemostvaluableleturesbothofdifferentcutsofmeat,and Mr.days.He made an examination ofae’,P.Alexander,of “Alexander the punils and found 21 that neededos,”market,was present with a medical attention.That Dr.Jordansideofbeefandexplainedashecutisdoingaverygreatworkgoésthedifferentpartsthosedesirableforwithoutsaving.and it is up to.theanesteakandstew._People of Iredell county to showThebazaarheldbythecollegeY,their anpreciation of this work byWw..A.at the college Monday night giving him their hearty co-opera-8 well attended.The young ladies ,tion,ealized $25fromthe sates.|Troutman,N.©, <The “shortage of houses to rent in! Statesville is becoming a_serious problem.Real estate and_rental agents say they are daily receivinginquiriesfromout-of-town people who would like to move to Statesville if suitable houses to live in could be cured,but the houses are not avail- le.The lack of houses’for rental purposes and the effect on efforts tosecure“hew residents for Statesville Was discussed by the Merchants’As- gociation at its recent meeting.The secretary of the association has since be ~}-——z1is cheaper.|for RF..Henry,the ;What capie cost R.F.Henry to and in-== ruling as to the Buncombe board r e- turns.Counsel for:Weaver argued | and pleaded non-jurisdic:on and rig httobeheardnowinanswertothe| Britt complaint,but Judge Bond per-| sigted in his insistence that the righ of neither party could be impaired by] continuance such ys he ordere pending action by the SuprenCourt. In taking recess to December 19 ts| d,'ne in}compliance with the order of Judge,Bond,Gov.Craig and the State]Board of Elections stated that they> deny the jurisdiction of Judge Bond | to interfere with their dischargeof | their statutory duty in the matter of| the award of the certifieate in ac-cordance with the official return from the district now in their hands; and that when they méet on the 19th. the last day under the provisions ¢ the statute within which ned can ae VS ofot,| they propose to discharge.their duty| with respect thereto.This means that if the Supreme Court has not! heard and decided the appeal from| Buncombe in the procceding before| Judge Adams,they will ienore any| further action by Judge Bond and! award the certificate to Weaver. The Sheriff Names More Deputies. The real thought back of Chilatinas giving is best expicus ina eift of Jewelry:It is not. only the gift beautiful but the gift personal—something that is cherished and adored long | after gifts of other kinds have gone and been forgotten.©{| Look_over the list that follows and you will find it easy:to.get.the gift satisfactory for Wife, Mother,Father,Brother,Sister,other relatives or friends.And:rememberthat whatever i is"sold by us must be as represented or money will be refunded. MESH (BAGS wish ese oace becees oer coke 2.00 12GOLDNECKCHAINS,:eee alec res ccs ae wm 1.25 .1400BABYBRACELETS......ccccccccccecesdecee 1.50 to 600LADIES’BRACELETS .........0.c.cccecueeuce 3.00 to 18.50PICTUREFRAMES.............cccscceceeese 35 to 4.50COLLEGE:SEALS ......puede nee sce eok se:«se 50 to 5.50BATPINScsicyaevetccngcscesesinceeesCaleaae«+25 and upSILVERTOILETSETS’.............5 00.0000,9.50 to 25.00LEATHERTOURISTCASES................--8.00 to’12.00EBONYMILITARYSETS............cccccucece 4.00 and up |~STERLING MILITARY SETS ................7.00 to 12;00GLASS-LINED MAHOGANY TRAYS ..........1.50 to 11.00PYREX-LINED CASSEROLES ........Neewiusers 5.75SILVERCARDCASESeeedeleeleieeeeeote_8.50 to 12.50UMBRELLAS.:7...ieeeeeeeee naedec ence eG This requires some time and for this JEWELERS. = Special Prices at rove our assertions. “~MILLS &POSTON’S Look over these quotations,tell your friends,visit our store and we will COAT SUITS AND COATS. and other Weare Apparel for Women ‘and Children at Very Ladies’Black and Navy Coat Suits in all woolerges,Poplins and Gaberdines,at the following prices. eee |$5.00 $8.00|$10.00 |$12.50|$15.00 $18.00 cuit mn |200: 3.90|5.00]6.95;10.00 12.90 Theseprices represent values that cannot be duplicated.See us for aCoatSuit,Coat or any other Wearing Apparel.Yourstruly, =EMILLS &POSTON.= Shingles $1.40) ‘Per Square,Nails,Ridge| Roll and Valley Tin. In addition to deputy sheriffs al C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.ready appointed by Sheriff M. Alexander and heretofore enriches ed,further.appointments have been |made,as follows: Coddle Creek township,J.W.Ot- ten;Shiloh,C.A.Brady;Concord,W.G.Reynolds:Bethany,N.F.Blackwelder;New Hope,Jim Sprink-| le;Falls sown,J.A.Collins;Olin,Ed, Siceloff;Turner:sburg,Sankey Caith- er. RUN-DOWN WOMAN Made Strong By Our Vinol |_Fort Edward,N.Y:i—“I was in a run- |down,nervous and weak condition,socouldnotdothehouseworkformylittl family of three.I had taken cod live ‘oil emulsions and other remedies with-‘out benefit.A friend told me abouVinol.I tried it and it soon built up my strength and made me a well woman soInowdoallofmyhousework.”—Mrs,ELMER GLIDDEN, Ve guarantee Vinol»to restore ,strength and build up run-down,weak | and Stns conditions, W.IF.Hall..Druggist’..Statesville.ee ee ;}:arLISTEN! Have you heard that little Weser, Jr.,Plaver Piano down at the Made -in -Statesville,Exhibit Hall?Let'us move it “from the hall to your home.The Sale Priceis$385.sae soods for less..th a Saddi yinken oft.on rice3A‘move.them to his new store.il Sh wedi Sa PsiSARAASA8D. Leonard Piano -Store. [eor t ~~MORTGAGE S/SALE “OF ‘LAND.— BY VIRTUE of then powers contained in a |mortgage deed executed May 11,1915,to Thos.J.Conger,by Louis Wilson and wife,MaryWiltontosecureanindebtednessof$33.50,and default having been made in payment,I will on '“SATURDAY,DECEMBER 23,1916, at the court house door in Statesville,sell forcashatpublicauction,to the highest bidder, the following tract of land in Statesville town-\ship,described as follows:Adjoining the lands of Wesley Privett,Jer- ry Keaton and others,being Lot No.11 inBlockCofNorthStatesvilleDevelopment Company.For further description see.maponrecordinRegisterofDeedsofficeofIre- dell county,deed book No.15,the lot beingthesameconveyedtoLouisWilsonbyA.A.Colvert and wife,M.J.Colvert,September30,1910.THOS.J.CONGER, Nov.21,1916.Mortgagee. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND. NORTH CAROL INA,|IREDEL L COUNTY.4Underandbyvirtueoftheorderand;judd-|ment of the clerk of the Superior Court of| Iredell county,in the action entitled—“‘L.G.!Horn;administrate of Mary E.Campbell, deceased,et als,vs.Willie G.‘Campbell etals.,""the undersigned commissioner on MODAY,DECEMBER 18th,1916, dell county,will sell at public auction to thighestbidderthefollowingdescribedtraorparcelof.land,to-wit:Lying and ‘being in Turnersburg township,of the aforesaid State and county,on the wa- ters of Litthke Dutchman creek;and being boundedeéon the north by the lands of LonnieCartner;on the east by the Massey lands:on the west by the lands of Kellas Campbell,con-taining 147 1-4 acres,more or less,The terma of the sald wall be one-third cashonconfirmationofsale,one-third in one yearandon--third in twd years,with interest at 6percentondeferredpayments.Bidding onsamewillstartat$3,550 L..G.HORN,D.F.Mayberry,Atty.ese erNov.24—8t w. CITY TAXES. .)The.City Tax Booka are now in my hands at 12 o'clock,at the court.touse door of ‘bet for the collection of.,1916 Taxes,Prompt}—— es Work |]For the Gun,Boys! —Made by——— aPhone 294, I am going to give away absolutely free a12-gauge single barrel breech+loading ‘shot »gun anda hox of shells to the boy who sellsthemostbowlingticketsbetweentontorrow—Saturday,December 9—and January «Ist.A $3 bowling ticket,good until used by thepurchaser,will be sold for $2.50.Alt boys_who want to enter the contest:see me to-morrow at 10.30 o’clock at bowling alleys. A.A.TURNER. iF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE It, KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. BO YC E LU MBER co. pistes to look at before you buy. Six exposures,|a.B.WOODWARD payment is requested,W.L.NEELY.be Now ,ea SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Will buy a Kodak..See it and believe.SampleWillmakethe.oy or Girl happy.A cheap birthday gift that willamusethewholefamily.ilms for it '10c..roll ons y i iL | ik} H ¥x, y) -*‘ . * ob ¥ ‘AyéLY . Soh53‘N A ityty k i é 4 .: uy a j 4 Z Fy fi wy i Ne ‘+ ¥ of ¢ nesas /STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,DECEMBER 12,1916. eesntereeenererrmemerciene|» a -Statesyille ExhibittheEyes.of _Home 6 and Astonished Visit-'—-More Facts About JtiningClubsandPrizes, de-in-Statéesville Exhibit,con-by the’Merchants’AssociationewstoreroomoftheLazenby-omery Hardware Company,a Saturday night,.according tocement.The event excited sohenthusiasmonthepartofmanyvillepeoplethattherewerefe-s that it be continued a tionisweek,The committee havingmatterinchargemetSaturdayhttoconsiderthequestion,of atinuanceand.decided it was ‘bestclose,according to the original pro-famme,‘The exHihit was largely at-nded and wa cess from everyandpoint.T itors to the hallereaskedtorepYstertheirnames, nd nearly 3,000 did so.;fsitors and Home Folks Surprised.*Favorable comment on the exhibit commendation for the exhibitorsidthe‘Merchants’Agrsociation camefromhomepeopleandvisitors,far d near.The display of so mnayifferentarticlesmaderighthere“ander their nose,”so to spexk,was an “eye-opener,”as predicted,forStatesvillepeoplethemselves,and .Nisitors from out-of-town points wereinsomeinstancesreallyastonishedtoknowthatStatesvillecouldputon“such a fine show,Town pride on the part ofthe home*folks was.therebygreatlystimulatedandStatesville’s real importance as a manufacturing town was impressed on the minds oftheoutsidersir.a most helpful man-ner.The free and vaiuable advertis- ing for Statesville which will come from.traveling men who saw the ex-hibit will be worth a great des]more than the cost in time and money put into the event;.and our own folksandothervisitors,in addition to the twaveling men,will do a lot of talk-ing that will count for good.|One traveling man from Buffalo,N.Y¥.,who was shown through thehall,declared that he had neverseenanythingtoequaltheexhibitin towns much larger than Statesville.He had attended many shows of the same character,and While some had been larger,they did not contain the_variety .of manufactured articles shown in Statesville,neither weretheexhibitssowelldisplayed...“IhavebeenmakingStatesvillefor years,”he declared,“but I never dreamed.that ‘you*had‘so*many -fac-' tories here.”Another traveling man who coverstheSouthinhistripsstatedthathehadnotseenanythingsouthofBal-timore to equal the Statesville’exhib-it.Baltimore holds a “Made-in-Bal-timore Show”évcry year,and manyothertownsdolikewise,but this fentleman says he has seen nothing of this character south of Baltimore “which will begin to compare withStatesville’s first effort.Still |an-other traveling man stated thatStatesvillewassettingsthepacefor the cities;he had seen many exhib- its at fairs and other like events,but none that would compare favorably. with Statesville.And there were nu- “merous others who made statementsofthiskind.Statesville should feel proud of herself.But we should not be content to stop at what has beendone.Made at.Hpme—Buy at Home. It was interesting ‘to note how very many things we make that are in every-day use right here at home,and it should make some of us ‘ashamed of ourselves that we did hot give first consideration to “made-in-»Statesville”goods when we make purchases.The exhibit should prove‘a.“boost”for the ‘“‘trade-at-home” =any cates:This fact.was impressed on-—tyie exhibitor,who distributed ad- vertising matter bearing this slogan: “Made-in-Statesville Isnt {Enough,Trade-in-Statesville that’s the Stuff.”To study the exhibits from the -ftandpoint of locally-produccd raw -material manvfactured into servicea- ble articles was very interesting.To begin with,take mother earth her- elf..In the booth of the Stzxtesville Brick Co.qwere various grades of ‘brick,farm drain tile,silo blocks, etc.,.made from Iredell county clay. The Carolina Brick Co.had an_at- trective display.of brick in the shapeofafire-place and mantel with an electric fire.The Carolina company -js.a_new enterprise owned by Megsrs.J.L.and A.R.Sherrill,their plant-heing located just south of town.In _the “Statesville Brick ©Company’sbooth:were photogravhs of brick-making ‘machinery,manufactured byJ.C.Steele &Scns of Statesville. whose machines are used throughouttheworld.Trucks jor handling brick,‘also fiade by the Steeles,were -exhibited,‘hut it was not found prac--sticable to display the brick machines.Timber and lumber products —nat- urally figured largely in the exhibit.C.Watkins,lumber dealer,—had theonlyreal“stunt”booth in‘the ex-‘hibit;By use of a window frame and*door frame of.his own manufacture, _with,the aid of some black goods andnewpennies,he prepared and inter- esting guessing contest..“C.Wat-kins Makes Small Profits in BuildingMaterial,”was spelled with Ilctters made of the new_pennies,which numbered between 500 and 1,000,and every person:who passed was asked to register 4 guess of the number ofpennies,with the understanding thatthe*first person guessing the rightngtmberwouldreceivethepénnies,at MR.W.L.DUNLAP DEAD. Died in Richmond:Friday Eve-ning—Other Deaths. Mr.William L.Dunlap of BethanycommunitydiedFridayeveningat7.16 in Grace hospital,Richmond,Va.Mr.Dunlap went to Richmond Sunday night,4th,.for treatment.He did not undergo an operation.Deathresultedfrémpneumcnia,.which de-veloped after he reached Richmond.Mrs.Dunnlap and daughter,Miss Lillian Dunlap,started to Richmond Friday evening and were stopped in Salisbury by news of Mr..Dunlap’sdeath.Mrs.A.P.Haynes of Alex- andria,Va.,a daughter of Mr.Dun- lap,had started to Richmond,learned of her father’s death en route and came on to Statesville.Mr.T.J.Al- lison,who accompanied Mr.Dunlap °Richmond,returned home Wednes-day. Mr.Dunlap’s remains were brought to Statesville Saturday night,accom-panied by:Dr.James K.Hall of Rich- mond,a former neighbor and friend,and were taken to his home in Beth any.Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clockthefuneralwasheld.in Bethany church and the interment was in Beth- any graveyard.Mr.Dunlap had been an elder in Bethany church for 34 years and was superintendent of the Sunday school.The funeral service was conducted by his pastor,Rev Ovid Pullen,assisted by Rev.Dr.’C. KE.Raynal of Statesville. ville friends of th¥ead man’being present.: Mr.Dunlap—best known amonghisfriendsandneighborsasBilly Dunlap—was near 70°years old.He was borr and reared in Bethany com- munity,where his life was spent.He was a good citizen and a stbstantial citizen—an upright man who took an interest in public ffeirs,a man of convicticn whe had the courage of his convictions.‘i Mr.Dunlap was a “eabinet-mak- er’—as was his father and his grand- father—and his shop in the old days was a noted’place.The ‘‘cabinet- maker”“made the coffits .for the countryside and made and_repaired furniture. Forty-two years ago on the 4th— the day he left for Richmond—WMr-.Dunlap was married'to Miss Hetta Love,who survives him with five chil- dren,two sons and three daughters— Mr.Roger Dunlap of Lewiston,Mont.; Mr.-Wm.Dunlap of Toppinish,Wash.; Mrs.A.P.Haynes of Alexandria,Va.; Mrs.A.‘S.Gillespie of Lookout,Wyo.. and Miss Lillian Dunlap,at home Two brothers and a sister also sur- vive—Messrs.John C.and F.A.Dun- lap of Bethany and Mrs.Bettie Steele of DeView,,Ark..Both non-resident daughters were here for the funeral Mrs.Gillespie.being on a visit to her parents at the time of her father’s death. W.D.Caldwell,aged 62,a brother of Mr.Gilbert Caldwell of Troutman died Thursday at his home in a.suburb of Charlotte,dcath resulting:from a stroke .of paralysis.Widow,four sons,sister and three brothers sur- vive.1 -“.} Mrs.A.D.Price,sister of Mr. Burton C.Deaton of Statesvilie,died Friday afterncon at ner home in Charlotte,aged 81.Mrs.Deaton is survived by’three sons,a,daughter and a_sister,Miss Donie Deaton ofCharlétte. Mayors |Consider Charters. In preparation for gett'ay through the Lessislature the best possible fen- eral statute for th:control of munici- pal affairs of North Carolina.cities and towns,under the operation of the con- stitutional amendmetits effective Jan- uary 1 for local -control of charters and bond issues and the like,the leg- islative and executive comm‘ttess of the Carolina Municipal League delib- erated in Raleigh Fridsy, The net result of the deliberationswasthatacommittee.of five is to be anounced by Mayor T.J.Murphy of Greensboro,chairman,to prepare a bill to be finally approved at the an- nual meeetingof the league and then pressed upon the Lecislature for en- actment.The annual meeting of the league is called for Raleigh January 10 and 11.©,\ Cotton Crop 11,500,000 Bales. Cotton production in the United" States for the season of 1916-17 will emount to 11,511,000 bales,equiva- lent to 500-pound bales,the Depart- ment of Agriculture announces in its final report of the ceason. Last year 11,191,820 500-pound bales were grown and during-the five years 1910-1914 the average was 14,259,281 bales.The record Crop was grown in’1914,when 16,124,930 bales were produced. The North Carolina crop is®esti- mated at 646,000 compared with 699,-494 last year... GERMANY GUILTY., Announcement wes.made at theState.Department.yesterday -that. complete.information,now at hand covering the case.of the,British horse ‘six Americans,‘makes %appear to be a “clear-cut”.violation of Geriany’s pledges to the United States..j “The Birth of «Nation”wasshowntofull.houses at the Crescentthéateryesterday<fternoon and last night.Many.people from the sur- rounding coun y came to sec.’The the close of.the exhibvit.\ The Statesville:Lumber Company showed samples its specialty, “box shucks,”and fmilding 1aaterial suehlas moulding,:etejfiandsI4 Ka!Overeash,successor: a irdwood flooring,: eo (Contimied,on)Page Three),i,Mrs,"J.'Mi-Miller;at Stony Point:a ‘,: exhibition continues this afternoontndtonight.‘al Miss Minnie:Harris,«who ..spentsometimeinSouthCafoline,has re- hened andilis,i now with her sister; The service }, was largely attended,many States-|}, jziven to ship Marina,torpedoed with a loss of | work and :repott.io FUNSTON MAKES ANSWER. The General Opposes.Revivalsin.Military Camps —The Controversy ‘With Dr.Gam- brell.: *The Landmark ‘has reported.the dis- turbance between Rev.Dr.Gambrell, a Baptist minister of Texas,and.Gen.Fred.Funston,in command of .the American troops on the border,Dr, Gambrell:asked for permission to hold meetings .in the camps..Hedidn’t see Gen.Funston but the nego- tiations were conducted throught the chief of staff.Dr Gambrell under- stood that lunston refused permis- sion on the ground that he was ‘op- posed to revival meetings and didn’t want the men told they were lost. This aroused much criticism and in- dignation,especially in the Baptist denomination,and many Baptist bod- ies passed resolutions denouncingI'unston,and it was stated,that the affair:would be carried to President Wilson,A resolution asking for in-formation on the controversy has been introduced in Gongress.: The incident occurred some months ago and+the first statement of Gen,Funston’s side of the controversy has just appeared,He says he has re- ceived copies of many resolutions of criticism.but has more letters ap- proving his stand.In answer to the charge that his action was a reflection on any one denomination,Gen.Fun-ston says that,if he was told at thetime‘to what denomination Dr.Gam- brell belonged,it made no impression on him;that the matter of denomina- tion was not on his mind.Gen.Fun= ston says it was explained to.Dr. Gambrell that while seiigious seryices along the usual lines conducted in the camps by chaplains and other clergymen were welcome,he could not give his consent to the holding.of revivals—that is,a serfes.of meetings continuing day and night for an ‘in- definite period,with loyd exhortation and singing and much emotionalism. Gen.Funston evidently considers such meetings in military camps un- wise and he thinks ‘the ,rights of,thé soldiers who do not care for such meetings should be considered;that the meetings should not be held in the camp ‘and thrust in the faces of those who may object to them. The doctrine to be:preached to the soldiers,says Gen.Funston,was,not mentioned,nor considered.He denies that he ‘objected to the soldiers beingtoldtheywerelost.The only time he used the word lost,says the general was when he stated that he resented the implication that because a man had put on his country’s uniform he was necessarily lost,or worse than other men;that he thought there were peo- ple who had stayed ki home who need- ed revivals worse-.than the soldiers did.In conclusion Gen.Funston says: “Every regiment has its chaplain and these practically represent every Christian denomination —-many of these chaplains are Baptists.They regularly hold service’in the camps but at the proper time and =along usual lines,just as services are ordi- narily held in churches”B A dispatch from Deridder,La.,says the refusal of Gen.Funston to permit the holding.of revival services within the lines of troops along the Mexican border was defended by Major FE.C Clemans,chaplain of the Second Min- nesota regiment,who spoke before theannualGulfConferenceoftheMetho- dist Episcopal Church,South,at De- ridder.General Funston meant ne disrespect to any Church,asserted Major Clemans. The Canvass For the Associat- ed Charities. The ecinvassers’appointed on half of the Associatcd Charities of Statesvillc will this week make a “whirlwind canvass”of the town to secure subscriptions to support the work of the’organization for a year. It is cstimated that $2,500 will be needed.”The ladies are doing this work for charity and tiey ask that all ovr,citizens be ready to give a prompt response.It is adding to their work to ask them to call a sec- end time.: The Associated Charities takes ovei all the charitable work of the town— that heretofore dene by the Benevo- lent and.Relief Association,the vis- iting nurse work ond the juvenile court work.All this.is to be adminis- tered by one o1ganizetion—in a s¥vs- tematic and business way.The calls fer aid will be invesifgated and help the deserving who are in real necd,The plan is to secure in one canvass enough pleages to bear the expenses of the work for a year, and-+o~prevent repeated calls during the year.The work to he done by his associztion relieves our citizens of the neeessiy of cohiributing to in- dividual cases::Al]these can be re- ferred to the organization. The‘canvassers are:TV irst ward— Mrs.Chas.Anderson,Mrs.A.J.Sal- ley;second ward——Mrs.J.C.Fowler Miss Mabel Poston;third ward— Mrs..R.FE.Nooe,’Mrs.C.M.Steele Mrs.Karl Miller,Mrs.T.S.Lazenby; fourth ward—Mrs.J.F’.Bowles,Mrs T.D.Miller.ig Sheriff Deaton’s Settlement. Just before his term expired.ten days ago Sheriff J.M.Deaton paid in- to the county treasury $34,000,the es-timated.amount of.his indebtedness to the courity.Final settlement with the ex-sheriff is yet to be made and will not..be made until his books areauditedbytheauditorswhoarenow engaged in checking up the accounts of the county officers,and who have not.yet reached the ‘sheriff’s office:The,settlements:and statis of af-fairs in each.office will be publish-ed iwhen the auditors ‘complete their be- _la position with Barron :é&Conner. >om we --oo MEETING OF ©TEACHERS. New Air For America —Offi-cers Elected —Motion Pic-ture”Car’s Visits —Dr.Jor- dan’s Talk, The second meeting of the Iredell County Teachers’Asseciation.was held in Shearer Hall Saturday:morn- ing.The meeting was opened with deyotional exercises conducted byMr.R,H.Lankford.of HarmonyHighSchool,The chorus class of Troutman.High school,under the direction of Miss Rowe of that scheol, rendered an excellent.programme of sacred and popular songs.“America” Was sung to a new.air =which has been composed for.it ana 1s distinet- ively American.A change in the air of “America”has been suggested,asthenationalanthemsofmanycoun- tries dre sung to the present tune of “America.”Harmony High School volunteered to furnis.music at the next meeting of the association.. The following nemed officers were elected by the ascociation:Mr,R.H. Lankford of Harmony president,Rev. J.L.Tate of Cool Spring vice presi- dent,Miss Celeste Henkel.of States- ville unanimously elected secretary and treasurer: Supt.Gray announced the apnoint- ments for the visit of the motion ricture health car to twelve schools in lredell,os follows:Yecember 15, 1.30-p,m..Linwood school;Decem- ber 15,night,Mt.Mourne;December 16,afternoon,Amity school;night, Waysidé school;December 18,after- noon,ye Spring;night,eee Decemb@r 19,afternoon,Cexf¥al school;night,Taylor Springs school;December 20,afterngdn,Lo- ray school;night,Bethlehem school; Deeember 21,afternoon,Grzycrest school;night,Troutman school. The czxr will make two!additional Visits to cach of these schools duringt the two weeks after.Christmas,omit- ting Christmas week.A complete change of programme will be made ecch time and the shows will be ab- solutely free. Dr.Jordan made an_interesting and instructive talk to the teachers concerning their work in instructing the children in sanitation and hy- giene.He pointed ou’that the word liberty has been too often misunder- stecd.Liberty means freedom— freedom from ignorance and preju- dice,not freedcm to do as you please: The only Way to free the people from ignorance and prejudice is to instruct the childrens This is the teacher’sjob,Dr.Jordan explained.to.the ‘teachers the use of thé ‘test cards ‘in examining the children’s cyes and urged them to observe medical in- snection day and to study the cate- chism of sanitation and hygiene intheirschcols.The association —ten- dered him 2 vote ef thanks in appre- ciation of his Iccture.:President Lankford appointed the following programme cofnmittee |to have charge of the programmes of the meetings:Mr.Adderholdt of Troutman school,Rev.Mr.Goode of}, Elpikora schoo!and Supt.Gray. New Railroad Schedule —De- murrage Rates. The new schedule between Salis- bury and Asheville and between Charlotte and Waylorsville went in- to effect Sunday.Thes¢hanges areasfollows:~Westbound train No.15 leaves here at 6.40 a.m.,instead of 7.24 a. m.,and No,11 at 10.10 a.m.,instead of 16.05 a.m.Of the eastbound trains No.36 Jeaves at 10.10 a.m., instead of 10.35 a.:No.12 at 6.- 45 p.m.,instead of 6.55 r.m.;No. 16 at &p.m.,instead/of 19.50 p.m. No 16,the morning train from Charlotte,wil!arrive at the sametime—9.50-—but will leave at 10.20 for Taylorsville,15 minutes earlier than heretofore;No.24,the evening train from Charlotte,will arrive at 8.10,instead of 0.15;No.15,the evening train from Taylorsville,will arrive at 6.85 and leave for Char- lotte at 6.55;No.28,the morning train from Taylorsville,will arrive at 9.50 and leave at 10.25 for_Char-lotte.vd New regulations |aneeting*demur- rage on freight went tptg effect a few days ayo.‘This means tnat de-. murrage per car will be .$1 for the first day.’$2 for the second,$3 for the third and $5 a day thereafter. Mr.Bristol to Improve Court Street, Property—The Rent. Mr.L.B.Bristol,,who owns the building on Court street occupied by the Foster restaurant,decided months ayo to improve the property, the first of next year and.werk on the improvements will begin ‘about Janu- ary ist.The place will be converted into a small hotel of 17 rooms,includ-ing bath rooms,and will be made ‘up- to-date.The cost of the improvements is estimated at $4,000 to $6,0@0.Messrs.Armour and White,whorenfed_the place,will take charge Jiin- uary Ist,the J’oster restaurant -con- tinuing to-that time.They pay a ren-tal of $40 per month .until the im. provements are completed,after which the rental will be $100 per mgnth. With reference to the statement o the inerense in rent,made in the lasissueofTheLandmark,it iss ptoper to say,in justice to My.Bristol,thathedecidedsonthese-improvements be- fore the deatif of the late Mr.Fosterandnotifiedhim/Ahak-when they were made the rent would have to be in- creased to $100 per-month;and -that while he had an offer of $100°permonthhegave-the present tenants therefusalofthepropertyat$80 permonth.:as —Mr.J.M.Suther,whe has been living in Orange,Va.,for some time,has moved back to Statetville and has© o% MR.LUTZ TO'‘CHARLOTTE, Former Statesville ©Pastor Ac- cepts Call —Stewards —In-stalled—Church News. Rev.W.A,Lutz,former pastor of St.John’s Lutheran.church,States- ville,has accepted a call to Holy Trin-’ ity Lutheran church,Charlotte--a mission church.Mr,Lutz has been supplying the charge recently. Tonight week,at 7.30 o’clock,the choir of Broad,Street’MethodistchurchwillgiveitsannualChristmas song service,_, Rev.L.D.Thompson,the new pastor of Broad Street church,held his first service Sunday morning and made a good impression on his con- gregation..Mrs,Thompson and chil- dren arrived yesterday and the ladies of the church had dinner prepared at the parsonage for the new pastor's family and a number were present to welcome Mrs.Thompson. ‘Statesville district stewards.will meet at Broad Street church Thurs- day morning at 11 o’clock.The ses-sion will last two or three hours.Thepastorsandchargeleaderswillmeet at Hickory,Monday,18th,at 12 o’clock. ‘Presiding Elder Ware preached ‘at Broad’Street Sunday evening,held the first quarterly conference of the Conference year,and the board of stewards was-installed,The instal- lation service is new and impressive, The following constitute the board; F.B.Bunch,chairman;Felix J,Axley, vice chairman;.J.-G,Colvert,secreta- ry;J.L.Sherrill,treasurer;Dr.T,E. Anderson,T.M.Crowell,E.G.Gaith- er,J.fF:Harbin,W.R.Holland,W. T.Nichlson,J.L.Sloan,W,R.Sloan,B.L.Srorce,W.D.Turner,D.Matt: Thompson,Dorman Thompson,L.B,Tomlinson,W.KE.Webb,W:i.White, A.R.Sherrill. members. Rev.J.M.Clark is the new super- intendent of home missions-——or pas- tor-at-large—for Concord Presbytery, the position formerly held by Rev.Dr,Munroe.Mr.Clark.is located at Hickory. Booze Joy Riders Landed. Near Union Grove church,in Union Grove township,Friday night about 9.30,Iredell officers capturcd a Ford automobile,about six gallons of liquorandtheoccupantsofthemachine— Robert |Faggett,.Luther Saunders, Ed Sheehan and Cora May Starnes,all of whom gave Concord as theirplaceofhabitstion.The auto party wus’coming out of Wilkes,where the sypply of ‘booze had been obtained,when the Iredellofficers—Sheriff Alexander,Deputy Sheriff O.L,Woodsides,Chicf of Po- lice:Kerr and Constable C.L.Gilbert of Statesville called «»halt and tookthem-in tow.The outfit wes brought to town and the Concord party lodged in,jail.Saturday mornin the womanwasreleased,it appearing -that she was simply a companion of the men. The men were tried Sunday morn- ing by Justice Lazenby and were put under bond—-Sheehan $200 and the others $300 ach.Faggett pave bond yesterday and was teleased. Cold Storage Plant. _The Commercial club is.looking into the practicability of a cold stor- age plant for Statesville.The plant will be a great’advantage not only to Statesville.but to all this section if it can be established.It would cre- ate a good market for live stock, that could be slaughtered and kept The last three are new on cold storage and shipped to mar-| ket in refrigerator cars.The market! for beef cattle,hogs,.poultry,etc.,is| now limited because of the lack of|cold storage and ‘they can be sold to better ‘advantage when ‘shipped af-| ter being dressed:.than when alive, In the same way eggs,apples .and other things could be stored and shipped to advantage. At a meeting of the club Friday night Mr,C,V.Henkel was -‘appoint- ed to visit ‘cold storege plants and gather informatian,oS Changes in Time of Closing’Mails. Under the changes .of railway| schedules,effective Sunday,the hour for clésin®mails at the postoffice has Leen advanced in mos Mails for No.14,th ern road,and No,35,the wes nightetrain on the same line,close p.m.and 9.50 p.m.,respectively. Mails -for Nos.11 and 36,west and east.bound,respectively,on the Western line;atid for Nos.16 and 23, the Charlotte -Taylorsville —trains,| oll close at the same hour-——9.40 a.m. Mails for No.12,east-bound on the| Western,and No,15,ihe evening train for Charlotte,close at 6.10 p.m. Mails for No.24,evening train for Taylorsville,and No.16,evening: train for Salisbury,ctose at 7.380 p.i m._;| Herman Eppstein Acquitted. Herman Eppstein,who killed Leon- ard Edwards in Goldsboro last spring, was aequitted in Wayne Superior! Court Saturday.It was trial.At the first trial the jury dis-greed,\ Eppstein was a suitor for the hand | f Edwards’sister and the girl’s fam-| ly was very much opposed to him. In the evening of the homicide Epp- tein made an engagement to take e girl ont.Leonard Edwagds learn- ed he was coming’,met him on the sidewalk in front ‘of the Edwards home and was’killedby Eppstein,whoclnimedhe:acted in.self-defence. the young -wéman,who _was_thecauseofthediffieulty,was a strongwitrless.for:her.lever.:# <+M?t2 Frank Sherrill is moving his cigar ‘stand from Hotel |Iredell’)tothegas!office,near the’postoffice, the second |; |'This concern manufactures springless BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, —Mr.'J,W.Thompson of,the Loicommunity.moved to Statesville Ja week-and-is-—located in the Pu house,on west Front street.fe ~-Mr.W.J.Lazenby amily,|who had been living on wee street for some time,have moved back to.their former home on Race street.s —Box.supper at Pifth Creek schoolhouse,‘Cool Spring township,Saturdaynight,the 16th,Proceeds for:benefit of school.Public invited, —JIt is understood-that EngineerBoone,who misread his wateh andcausedthewreckatElmwood’|” Thanksgiving Day,will resume «his:run soon.on —Mr.L.L.Vanier,who hasbeenconfinedtohisroomfortwo weeks by his illness,is able to:out again.Mr.Lanier lives on Wa- ter street.% —Mr.O.L.Woodsides,”the newjailer,took charge of the jail Thursdaynight‘and Former Jailer Gilbertmovedtohisnewhomeon.northCenterstrect.ae Mr..J.E.Hendren reports,that .the Thomasville Orphanage:(got jacheckfor$50 as a result of the ~Thanksgiving services at “Hebronchureh,Turnersburg ‘township.’» —Ladies..of .the |Race "StreetMethodist‘church will hold a.at.the court house Thursday,‘1Fancyarticles.will be on,throughout the day and lunchvt12o’clock.te oe—One Burnett,who escaped fftheBuncombecounty.chain.g:last week,is supposed to.be thesamemanrecentlyarrested«Statesville and.taken to Asheville finish serving a term.‘ —The price of cotton droppéemorethan$5 a bate after the gin-ner’s report.appeared Friday.bsprice:is now quoted .at po cotamountginnedislargerthanai;same.period last year.ea--Census report shows 4,714°of cotton ginned to eene bal1916,as compared with —7,284 balestoDecember1,1915,in Iredell .ty,and 648 to December 1,1916,to -1,021 December 1,1915,in Alexander ; e county.: court at GreensanindictmentagainstJ.H.»(of Iredell county for violation of*Harrison _anti-narcotie law,|means the illegal sale or presetofcertaindrugs.SO ieee —Mr.LC.Henderson:of JonningreceivedamessageSundaynight.#vising him ofthe critical iNness.his son,Mr,Grover Hendetshas.4.position in Winston -SalemMr.,a hes gmeasles.and ©not“expected to.live.at me —The game of basketball between ~Davidson College and:Statesville,> scheduled for Saturday night,did not.materialize,Davidson notifying the —local team it could not play.A god *game is booked for ates hight rinity College and Statesville.” —ft will be of interest to those.|who guessed at the number of pennies in C.Watkins’sign,in his booth«at.the Made-in-Sthtesville Exhibit,toknowthatMr.Jo.summers was:the.—first.to.guess the exact number of ©pennies—6724-and he .was given the.:pennies,a —In-one .Statesville establishmentisthissign:“If you.want to find outwho’s boss here,start something.:Nocursingallowed.”As one of the pro-prietors is a heavy-weight,|B fone‘was disposed,to start’somethinginthatplacehe’d think ‘twice beforetryingit.on.Re Ronee —iLivense has been_issued,for,themarriageof.Mr.Benjamin.H.eae and.Mis§Hattie May.Crater;Mr,~Wm.H.Taylor and Miss Mary Lee Sveridge;Mr.Thos.Spencer.Deaton and Miss Lillie Josephine Douglass;|~ Mr.James Shelley Waugh and Miss’ Edna Ola James,i j-~Mr.Ephraim R,McAuley hasbeenappointedpostmasteratDun-lap,Bethany township,to -sticceed Mrs.Howard,who resigned to move..;to Statesville.Mr.McAuley —takeschargeJanuaryIstand.the office willbemovedtohisresidence,about a half mile from the home of Mrs.How- ard,its present lo¢ation. Pythian Officers. The local lodge of Knights .of*vthias elected--the following named-icers Thursday night,‘who willbe installed in January:M.E.Rasmey, Jr.,chancellor commander;.Clyde’ Alexander,vice-chancellor;.“Jd:B. Glovet,Jr.,prelate;L.Srontce,keeper of records and seals;J.B, Gill,master of finance;R.L.Poston, master of exchequer;.Fred.Sherrill, master of werk;Marvin:Joyner,in- ner guard;D,F.Mayberry,outer guard.a eee { Wife Charged With Murder., Mrs.Alice .Henderson and her mother,Mrs.Bob.Andréws,and her =brother,Fred.-Andrews,who livednearBlowingRock,.were lodged.in jail at Boone on the 2d,charged with:the murder of John Henderson,theHeneragthefirstnamedwoman, ce Hendersoft was reported to have com-'mitted stlicide about.two months agoandsomeinvestigationwasmadeatthetimebutwasdropped.Recent ru-more caused the arrest of the ‘trio. Springless Shade Company..i ‘Mr.N.T.Patterson of Coats,Hur,nett county,was before a meeting oftheCommercialclubFridayeveninginbehalfoftheSpringlessShadeid Window shadesin-a smetlcway-ar the company desires to move to a lar er place ant enlarge the plant...proposition to move)tol Stateaviwastakenunder‘advisement,:).) i m i ¢ for>ing of the .oy eros WillingtoMake Good If In acceptance of responsi-sinking without warn-7sag vig rhwith:explanatior er submarinewegtookthevesselforanaux-malfarewarship,has brought the issueie,err submarine warfare to a more se-‘pious and clear-cut basis than any-ot that has happenec since thethreatoftheUnitedStatestobreakdiplomaticrelatignsafterthetorpe-are of the channel liner SussexlastApril. a NEWS ..OF ,MOORESVILLE.FR RN apgtetatge ftPNhe nfham Mooresville—Weddings—Death of Mr.Evans.Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,“Dec.11 —The»Athe-nian and Alpha Literary societies ofthehighschooldepartmentof—thegradedschoolsarepreparinganin-teresting public programme to berende’before Christmas,|Theworkinthisdepartmentisanessen-tial factor in the education of anychild.and these.societies have beendoingsomesplendidworkthisterm.Representing the Battle of Ben-tonville chapter,U.D.C.,Miss Ju-lia Stirewalt'and Mrs,Harry Deat- on have ,presented to the gradedschoolsofthe¢ity a most acceptable i ita, FLOOD RELIEF MUST GO ONarudyonecarapeimmdikawrote Engineer R.8.Howerd of»the United States engineering contin- gent assigned to this territory to Ipok after flood relief work,last week feturned to Charlotte from a tour.ofinspectionthattookhimovermuchofAlexander,Catawba and Iredellcounties,says the Charlotte News,He reported that he found in,thecountiesinspectedaveryconsidera-ble need for relief;and that he ex-pects McDowell,Burke and Ruther-ford counties,when they are careful- ly-inspected,will revealconditions.‘:“The funds provided for ‘gratuitous aie ee feanyPeopleYetinNeed| "Help.lt the same | v,¥“,y ‘ifWih>sechindamsiemirieehancoridie Biuineticatinain neataca oe MET,4yaoe*Ay I.»j *Ey %oe ‘dae f ;Peele ,Such information as the AmericanvernmentnowhasshowstheAra-fia to have been a passenger ship ofthePeninsulaandOrientalLine, gift in the form of facts showing“Where North Carolina Leads.”The paper was prepared by Miss.Georgia :Y |Hicks,historian ofthe North Caroli-passing through the.Mediterranean |na Division of the U.D.C.,and isonaregularvoyage.Among the;mounted in a handsome frame. “many passengers was an American)Invitations have been receivedcitizen,who was rescued.:|here for the marriage of Miss Dora-The,German note,made public by |Maggie Murdoch and Mr.Wren EB.the State Department,says if official)McNeely,at the home!of the bride’sdataisfurnishedshowingthatthe!mother,Mrs.A.A.Murdoch,atvesselwasanordinarypassenger)Troutman,at 8 p.m.on the 20th. steamer,“this then would be a case’Miss Murdock is a daughter of theofregrettable.mistake from which/jate Bert Murdoch and a niece of the German government would |Capt.J.W.Murdoch of this city.promptly draw the appropriate con-|Mr.McNeely is an enterprisingsequences.”It is assumed that}young farmer of the A'mity section—|and shiftless,but many of them are| the consequences would be an ex-!a son of Mr.J.R.L.MeNeely.the most substantial farmers -and} pression of regret and offer of repar-|Rev.L.A.Falls has arrived to as-!householders in their several commu.|ation for any injury or danger suf-|sume his work as pastor of the|nities.They have .been completely|fered by the Americans on.board.|Mooresville Methodist church.He'ruined as a_result of the floods.of|The note has been referred to)filled his first appointment Sunday |July,because in many instances.not.President Wilson,who is considering |preaching to a large congregation.)only their standing crops were ruined ;personally a review of recent Ger-|He eomes from Brevard Street!but their lands were completely.dev-|22.man submarine activities to which |church,Charlotte.'astated.In many cases they”havefeetheArabiacasecomesasaclimax.|The Civic League,with Miss Carey|no corn in their cribs or any provis-..«There probably will be no immediate|Wilson as chairman of the commit-jions of any kind for the winter.Af-| action,as the State Departmentfirst!tee,has begun the sale of Red Cross|ter the floods receded they did not«must clear,up beyond question the’Christmas seals,and it is hoped!have time to vlant and grow another;,4.@fact status of the liner at the time}that every person will-buy a gener-/crop,even if their lands had not beenaoftheattack.Then tt will be for the|ous amount,thus aiding 2 great|devastated,So that they are about| name bresident to decide-tne course to be;cause.The League is striving to/as destitute’as can be imagined andRAOoflowed.|raise Mooresville to the ‘class ofjin a’great many cases families ‘willInofficialquarterstheGermanex-!towns that sell five seals per capita.|have to be broken up and separated eAlanation is regarded .as weak and;Mr.D.F.Moore and family left!in order that the father and othercupsatisfactory,no weight being at-|last Thursday for their new home at}members of the fanvtty in some_in-tached to the statements that the)Brevard,accompanied by the goad |stances,may secure work away from“Arabia was painted like a transport!wishes of all who knew them.Their heme to tide them over the winter|and was following a route usually!removal is a loss to the town,and iand preprre them for starting all“taken by transports,and that the sub-|especially to the First Baptist church,/syor negin next spring.”|Marine commander saw many China-|where Mr.Moore and his good wife Bneinber Howard has returned to!“men but no women and _children/were earrest workers.ees (his nost.in Savannah and Engineeraboardher.It is realized,however,Miss Charlotte Smith has retprned,W.A.Poftingcr.who will direct the|‘that ‘if official data finally establishes!to her homé lat Hickory after spend-|And elie?work,will maintain «an/|the innocent character of the vessel,|ing several.‘days here,the guest of fice in Charlotte for that purpose.view of the Sussex case val Mrs.W.W.’Rankin.Miss Smith was/—i yd -«$tily one action remains open to the/accompanied to Statesville by Miss-|i eder udges.United States and that would not be|es Annie Mills and Gazelle ennseeelee®eee cS 25/aeytaKenuntileverypossibleconsidera-|Miss Jette Brawley is visiting Bv a narty vote of 33 to 25,thein|3 .eal:t¥on had been given Germany’s posi-|Asheville.|United,States Senate Thursday nags-|tion.;'Statesville basketbail team played|°d Senator Hoke Smith’s bill author-| eee SUEY te :Wriday ove.|izing the President to appoint an ad- pocrenville (High eshool Es day eee si cnal Federal circuit judge in’any| istribution,which Congress ‘appro- sek last July for the benefit ‘of flood sufferers,were exhausted aboutOctober31,”it is stated.“The gov- ernment aid now and through thewinterwillbegivenintheformof| work on public highways.This kind|of relief is now being extensively given and will have to be continuedthroughthewinterinseveralof|.the| counties.”:|Engineer Howard,discussing his| tour of the counties named,stated|that the people in the sections he vis-|ited were a most deserving body.| “They are not chronically.dependent| Te :|Makes Cold Corners Cozy he Get a Perfection Smoke.ess Oil Heat- er—it’s comfort “¥nsurance.Makes the coldest corners cozy—andis cheap- er by far than.any coal fire.Spreads comfort wherever you want it— dressing room,bathroom or pantry. Carry it anywhere;it weighs lees than ‘a -half-grown puppy. iyClean,dirable,good looking.Ask any of the 2,000,000 users,or your hardware,furniture or department store. ahd Use Aladdin Security Oil—for best results.: STANDARD OIL COMPANY(New Jersey) BALTIMORE Washington,D.C.Charlotte,N.C.;<Norfolk,ya.Charleston,W.Va.pkiehmon,Va.Charles;on,8.C. I es $ [ | | “advisory President Dines Campaign Managers. :)*Praise |for the men who managed:his.campaign was voiced bv Presi-rigs Wilson at a dinner at the White ¥ouse'Thursday night.given by himsinhonorofVariceC.McCormick.“chairman of the Democratic national committee,to which were invitedDemocraticandProgressivecam- paign workers and their wives. After dinner the President made ahxiefspeechinappreciationofthe activities of the campaign leaders, “and:in.turn proposed toasts to Mr. _McCormick,Senator Walsh.Western«,Democratic manager,and BainbridgeColbyofNewYork,member of the campaign committee of Progressives.Senator Walsh,Chair-man McCormick’and Mr.Colby re- sponded with brief ‘speeches congrat- ulating the President and each other cn the successful outcome of the campaign. The guests included members of the Democratic campaign committee, the advisory committes «<Progress- ivés,the finance committee,officers ofeDemocraticnationalcommittee,and Representative Doremus,chair- an of the Democratic congressional-Committee.“Two women,Mrs.George Bass,Democrat,and Mrs.Antoinette Funk, Progressive,were preserit as mem- hers;of the campaign committees.*Mrg..Wilson attended,as did the. wives of the guests.. 1 _EREERNESTO Presbyterians Threaten to Quit Federal tee Council. «~The Southerr,Presbyterian Churchthreatenedtowitharawfem.the Federal Council.of |Churches saChristinAmericain2memorialpre- ‘Mented at the quadrennial convention Of that body,in St.Louis Friday,bytigRev.W.S.-Jacobs of Houston,Texas.The memoria?hed beenadoptedbytheGeneral“Assembly ofthe‘Southern Church and stated that the activities of the Federal Council in international matters and in ’so- cial reforms were inconsistent ‘witn the object of the Federation and sub- Nersive of the principles of separa- tion of Church and State.In present-ing the memorial,Mr.Jacobs saidtheactionoftheFederalCouncilin political and social matters “placed a stick in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church tu use on the heedofProtestantism.” The cotncil adopted a resolution declaring there was no conflict ‘tween the deciared purposes of theChurchfederationand.its activitiesinbehalfofsocialreform,and that the memorial from the SouthernChurchwas’based on a misconcep-tion.The president was authorizedtoappointacommitteetoattendthenextGeneralAssemblyoftheSouth-ern Church and explain the council’sattitude. Monument to Orphanage Founder. That a monument to the memory ofJohnHaymesMillsbeerectedontheagtoundsoftheBaptistorphanage-atThomasville,representing that friendofthefatherlessshieldingadesolatechild,and that the children alone befivenopportunitytocontributetohe-fund for this memorial,was thesuggestionputbeforetheBaptist4ptateConventionatElizabethCity,ma resolution offered by Rev.Bavy-lus Cade,which was unanimouslyadopted.:A committee wa’appoint-ed to put the proposition under wayMr.Mills was the founder of theBaptistorphanageandhadprevious-ly founded the Oxford orphanage. RA RCT OR RRA RRR~~Whenever You Need a General Tonic |Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s TastelesschillTonicisequallyvaluableasaGeneralTonicbecauseitcontainsthe‘well known tonic properties of QUININEendIRON.It acts on the Liver,Drives * ‘out Malaria,Enriches the Blood anduptheWholeSystem,50 cen ning,the score being 43 toy21 in fa-where the incumbent has be-| 0me vor of Mooresville The visitors|district .vDlayed a good clean game.The)reached the age of 70.has served 10 Mooresville enon has won.every)Vears and is suffering from mental |game of the season they have play-°°physical disability ofedsofar.;nent character.—. ‘Sheriff Alexander was in Many Republicans contended Saturday with the tax books.joMr.David McNeely has accepted Mins,opposed the language adonted a position at the J.P.Stowe drug|relating to mental or physical disa- store,in Charlotte,and left last week bility.replacing the original words to take charge of his work.He was)”ermiting action where the President accompanied to Charlotte ‘by his,finds the “‘official conduct of the busi- brother,Mr.Maurice McNeely of|"ess of the court”requires it.The Gastonia,who had been visiting rel-|bi]now goes to the House.>|This bill.was pending last session.atives here.|’‘Mr.H.K.Hays of Lenoir has ar-|Some of the frieyds of Judge Bovd;Nirth Carolina dis-rived to.assume charge of the of-|of.the western cficeworkattheCarolinaMotorCo.’s|trict secmed to_think the measuregarege.|was aimed at Judge Boyd.who re- A number of the prize-winners:at|cently reached the age of 70.and itthestreetfairhavereiurnedtheiriswnderstoodthatBeyd©himselfcashpremiumstothefairorganiza-|thinks tley’re after him.As a mat- tions to help towara the fair next ter of fact.in several Federal courtyear.|distriets,iudges who have reachedCardshavebeenissuedbyMr.andthe age of retirement and have’re-Mrs.T.W.Kistler anpfouncing the/fused to retire.are vhysicallytwenty-fifth anniversary of their;mentally iheapable of verformingwedding.On the 29th they willbe,their duties and the .public interestathometoanumberoffriendsat}suffers.The bill is subject to abuse. their country homg,.Water Oak as almost anv measure is,but the farm.=“urpose is entirely pronér and neces- Mr.J.Lee Goodman of Raleigh,a!sary in,some cases.‘In North Caro- former resident of Statesville,is vis-|lina right now some means.should iting relatives here and at Amity.!be provided to retire some of the Su- He spent several days at -Amity last|nerior “Court iudges who are mental- week with his brother,Mr.Elmer/ly and ‘physically ineapeble,but whoGoodman,who was quite sick but is)refuse to retire.Thev can be reached,|improved.fof course.when their terms expire,i Mrs.A.E.McAuley of Middle-'hut the Federal judge has no term}town,Ohio,who:has —been visiting|limit xcept death or its own will.|her parents,Mr.and Mrs.S.As for Boyd,there is no reason toFurr,left last“week to visit relatives!think that he will be removed unlessinSalisburyandCharlottebeforere-|he should become physically andturningtoherhome.Dr.W.D.Gil-mentally incapacitated,which he is|more and Attorney G.,;A.Morrow at-,not now.tended the field trials at Thomasville| last week.Mr.J.Frank |Lowrancc and bride have returned to Morven,| where Mr.Lowrance is principal of |;the high school,after visiting the’ groom’s father,Mr.W .D.Lowrance. The Mooresville Free Library was|the grateful recipient recently of SesomenewbookspresentedbyRev.,Stamper,a_sister of Rev.G.A. G.Prosperi of Statesville.‘Stamper,a prominent minister of A number of our people attended,the Methodist @hurch,now locatedtheMerchants’Association “Made-at Mt.Pleasant.The funeral servi-in-Statesville Exhibit”and were en-|¢es were conducted from the homethusiasticintheirpraiseofthedis-|today:at 1 o'clock.|play and of “the best town in North Mr.and Mrs.Tom Morrow of Am-;Carolina”—except Mooresville.ity spent Saturday here with Mr.and|Mrs.Arthur Craven of Mazeppa Mrs.Jas.Lee Harris.Mrs.Floyd|went to Charlotte Friday to enter a)Menius and little daughter,Opal.ofhospitalfortreatment.|Hartford,’Tenn.,are visiting Mrs.The Crystal Palace Theater,under Menius’pzrents,Mr.and Mrs.W.P.the management of Mr.Conrad John-,Goodman,at Amity.ston,advertised for a new name last|——=week,offering a $5 gold picce for|Don’t HaveGatarrhthebesttitlesuggested.The win-|ner,a J.H.Frazier,was an-nounced Friday evening and this the-|i 7aterwillbeknownas“The Rain-One efficient wey 2 oes|bow.”_nasal catarrhis to treat its cause|Mr.H.B.Craven of Coddle Creek’Which in most casesis physical|passed through here Saturday en,weakness.The system needsBoutiepoyevilstovisitfriends.|gnore®oil and easily digested *'‘Miss irginia arris of Coddle iquid-Creek went to,Statesville Saturday |liquid food,and you shouldtoattendtheteachers’meeting.Mrs.|ea spoonful 9C.KE.McConnell has gone to Wil-9'mington to spend the winter withherson,Mr.Geo.McConnell. In observance of the day set apart ||by the State board of health as tu-||beculosis day,the congregation |W.Taylor on “How.xo preventspreadoftuberculosis.”A large au-|fience vee Beene to hear Dr.Tay-|after each meal to enrich youror¢@ a g st i sting |‘an help bat nanan most interesting |blood and help healthe sensi- Mr.Joseph W.Evans died at his|tive membranes with its purehomebeSundaymorning,aged 54| Oil-food properties,years,e ceceased had been ill)i 9,for some time and the end was not|The results of this Scott'sunexpected.»Besides his wife,Mr.|mulsion treatment willEvansleaVesfivechildren,all grown,surprise those who have used .ne g SER teens|except one son about ten years of|irritating snuffs and vapors,jage.He was a.native of Person’scounty,but has lived in Iredell 33 |ettheG |01 1’Syears,being a resident of Mooresville|enu ne vforthepast20years.“Mrs:Svans |pe saanheforeher__marriage was a Miss|BUILDING? town|the Josephus Daniels,dx..-of eat sen of the Secretary of the Navy, was elected a vice president of the National Younz Men’s Democratice League at its annual meeting New York. |the First.Baptist church was|dressed Sunday morning by Dr. r ‘tho e 515 Tort .:f ustiont beater et wubb and| |a perma-| bill is unconstiintional.Senator Cum-! | } in |- || TODAY Afresh shipment of Davis’Graham Flour and Kellogg’s Toasted *Bran. The Bran is something New.Try it. ——Phone 89,—— Eagle &.Milholland. FRESH GOODS. Cranberries Celery Oysters Kvaporated Prunes About those Christmas presents.Just a.fewminutesinourstorewillsatisfactorilysolvetheproblemforyou.=You'll find SOMETHING for EVERYBODY—man,woman or child.Wehave"presents at all-prices;you can suit your.fancy and finances,.©.Hadn’t you better come in RIGHT AWAY?The SLODEINE CANE are slipping by and Christmas.isjustaroundthecorner.e’re ‘‘On the Square’’., Evaporated Peaches Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.'108 West Broad St H ~C_WATKINS," i Holiday Specialties. We have on displayafullline.of ‘Dolls, Toys,Wheel Goods,Fancy Goods and Stationery.Call andseeus.\ Allison’s Book Store. PERETTIEE“YOUR WIFE LOOKS. pine mantel all day—at that oldyearinand year out.You couldn’t ive a present that would add more cheer to the home.than a nice oak or mahogany mantle.with mirror,bought from C.WATKINS. -WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpo“FOR SALE: New and.second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsof.boiler room supplies.: C.H.TURNER. Iredell "Phone No.,74,Bell No.7, C.'H.LESTER,| REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.’Phone 340Green. ae ettf9tooFaltalTRHYMAMIO laalbuttortio ghibsoll bail |eo tovig Uctagdaga tA SAT | GET READY _ =POR —CHRISTMAS Buy one of our Victrolas.Please all the family.Nothing more elevating than good music.We bring the world’s great- est singers to your homesat small cost. Victrolas and Victor Talking Machines,$15.00,$25.00, >~»$40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100.00,$150.00. We have now on hand 500 of the latest and best Records.: Statesville Housefurnishing Co. “Better Goods,For Less Money.” _#PHONE 157.q_ The Statesville Realty &Investment Co. ====INSURANCE!= As a great many policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoid.under certain conditions named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhich‘the same will be renderedvalueless,viz:‘1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply toyouragentforpermit..S =2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary ‘altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.8—Property upon which there is a mortgage ‘unless notice of. same ispiver-—apply to your agent,4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.::Assignment or transfer of property to another..6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.7_—The taking of other insurance without notice.:.8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit otheraeBAe‘aa by.chatéia!aint ‘roperty encumbeted by chattle:mo :Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 oftthe,printed contractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-‘ficiencies unless notified.-Call on us for ‘any INSURANCE infor- tion.iRanaee“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday_of Chautauqua!Jj.F.CARLTON,Manager,a.,"PHONE 54,STATESVILLE, eos bri th astaingy HELP THE BOME/TOWN “yy OF aad vatariteh wit t TRADING BOM .Y haga A oN *\ Pr a RE ee ag MO a co". eat has been in constant use for,more .,,city for TEN CENTS. St.Charles Hotel. ig Constantly Supplied Withbedford’BlackDraught. ff,Va.—‘I suffered for several says Mrs.J.B.Whittaker,olpiace,‘‘with sick headache,andthtrouble.4pnyearsagoafriendfold me to trfoa's Robene oe gitfooe.meédi-oo young and old,4 ‘|keep’Black-Draught en hand all thepinow,and ioe nychildren ret a pei Sa e bad,they ask me for a dose,and ifoesthem.moreevertried.e never have a long spell of sickourfamily,since we commencedigBlack-Draught.’” Thedford’s Black:Deaught is purely,le;and has been found ta re;Tate weak stomachs,aid digestion,re-4 indigestion,:colic,wind,nausea,:che,sick stomach,.,.and similas‘Symptoms,©He HIRES © ery ‘10 eats,and has benefited morethanamillionpeople.:cour d st sells and recommendseeeearPriceonly25c.GetaDackageto-day.N.C.128 Jitney Service. ‘Owing to the irregular movement of ‘the people during the winter theJITNEYSCHEDULELINESOUT FROM SQUARE will be discontin- ued until Spring.iyBETWEENDEPOTANDSQUARE! on Center street we will continud _‘about a,10-MINUTE -SCHEDUBE Ht" *!with FIVE:CENTS CHARGE EACHWAY. Special attention given to calls offscheduleline.Go anywhere in the .oParents.can make special.arrange-ments for ‘children'to ride‘to andfromschool.Jitney is comfortable.Careful and polite chauffeurs. Call us at Sloan Clothing Co.or THE JITNEY TRANSFER -CO. DR..VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. ‘Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.‘TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,*Phone 197.'Hours 8 to 5.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’STEETH.°a [handled promptly. ‘YOUR LITTLE ’Miller-McLain Supply Co.; and Framing.| C.WATKINS,’Phone 43% We wish to announce to ourfriendsand’patrons that we havesecuredtheservicesofMr.T.E. Barefoot,from one of ,the bestshopsintheSouth.He is up-to- date and expert on all Tire’andTube.work,@-can assure you that any worklefthereforattentionwillbe THE IREDELL VULCANIZING ~&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. ONK WILL KNOWhowgoodtastingarethethingsthatcomefromthisgrocery.The jam,the biscuits,the breakfast foods andsuchalotofotherthings.She thinks only of the taste of course.But youmustthinkofqualityandcostbe-sides.Well in those things we canpleaseyouaswellasourfoodprod-ucts will please the httle one. All Sizes D-4-S if W.D.HARRIS“118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-_ing and all repairs forsame.Inspirators,_Lubricators,Oil Cups,ete.Locks and Guns.repaired and Keys fit-,ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.;Phone 209. Prepare For Winier. Let us go over "your plumbing and heating plant and put.it in ‘shape for the long winter months. Anything in the plumbing or éteam:line,- ‘Lets put yaqu in a closet that WILL NOT FREEZE! _o *Phone_65.your wants.OMT THONNDAYET 4 %4’ Soran eternaonererespare nemae reaper eerTHELANDMARK TUESDAY,.--December 12,1916. .Mr,Taft in the State,. Ex-President Taft,’spoke’.three times in the State last week—beforethemeetingoftheStateLiteraryand Historical Association in Raleigh Wednesday evening,at a lyncheon giv-en in his honor in Raleigh ThursdayafternoonandbeforetheUniversity eople and newspaper folks at ChapelFullThursdaynight.The secondRaleighaddressandtheoneatChapelHillwasinbehalfoftheLeagueto Enforce Peace,for which:the formerPresidentismaking«campaign.Mr.Taft de¢lared that all of thebelligerentshave-ignored the rights of neutrals,therefore-future wars mustbemadeless,likely by the unity ofneutrals.The,League for the .En-forcement of Peace has adopted four good than any mediciné|planks in its platform.‘The first is aunfonofthegreatandsmallnationsforacourt.of arbitration;the sec-ond,the catrying of’all questions not settled to a committee of conciliation;the.third,the eeupeeepion of recalci- trant and.obligati breaking na- tions that begin watsTefore settle- ment;and fourth,the codification and enlargement‘of international law.MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.'At All Dealers,LINIMENT THERE’S A REASON.THEY ARE WESERS.Investigate our:Sale. LEONARD PIANO STORE.Morrison Building,W.Broad(St. |Ellis Photograph Gallery -BroadStreet,will be se- opened about:the 15th. MRS.T.W.ELLIS. Dec.5.CEILING AND FLOORING Sold by C.Watkins is Properly Kiln Dried and Wont open.- .C.WATKINS. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.*Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.30 p.m.'2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap- poijtment.Anderson Bidg.,113W.°Broad St.Office ‘phone 324.Residence ’phone 279—green.. COUGHS,COLDS,ETC. Price 25c.,50c.and $1.For sale by all Dealers. ARNER &BROWN! Hides and Junk Dealers WH buy E Hides,:Good Tallow,Beeswax,— Auto Tires,Light Brass, Heavy Brass,Light Copper,Copper Wire,Lead,Zine, All kinds of scrap Iron. Highest Prices Paid. sé Work on-Short Notice. our line.We can do your work on short notice.We carry stock to take care of any job at all times.*,@ Stock of Tobacco Flues ready for you. '|Statesville Coca-Cola Co. THINGS assortment.of dodrs, The Statesville Show Case show cases,|chests,ete,,which attracted muc tention,and the Dellinger Show’Casesnowingwithwardrobe,chests,screen doors,mantels,and erticles of this’character,cabinet worker, cedartablesandotherarticles,’which.were the products of his ownCritcheraddedto Co.made a good Mr.G.A.Critcher.exhibited beautiful mantels, chests, hands;and Mrs.e attractiveness:of ‘the booth ucts.The ng:exhibited old bed room suits, exhibit. home. original and finished state.la Cotton Mill booth mill the milling of the cotton fine yarns was shown. ville Cotton Mill play of hose!in many colors.Wheat and corn products the City Flour Star Milling Co.,all very creditable booths. it is milled,and also showed featured their leading brandsflourandmeal. in,a most bread,cake,pies,etc.A featur which streamers ran to J.H.McElw the Ash boot plug tobacco, chewing;tobacco. used in decorating the booths. Leather was representedboothsof.the Supply Co.,and T.N.B facturers of harness. in material and workmanship.The many uses |Statesville Tin Co.,which lhuckets,tobacco flues,roofing,’|Little skeet metal souvenirs |made on a crimping machine |Pomte and passed out to visitors, pngystah dE tO)TAUM AGLI door vows ai veneer agWEMANUFACTUR to Overcash Bros,had on display -an'sashes,mantels,ete,manufactured at the Overcashplant,which is.the.oldést ©wood-work establishment in Statesvilte. Co,hidranelaboratedisplay:of .book eases, screen doors,.desks, at- by displaying some of her handiwork. Only twd of the town’s three fur-niture factories displayed.their prod-Diamond’Furniture Co.lshowed a beautiful:oak dining roomGetandthe-Imnerial Manufacturing ivory.’and walnut of Statesville to build or furnish Farm products’were shown in theirThePao-contained astalkofcottononapaleofcotton, and by a display of spools from’the intoTheStates-had an attractive display of yarns in about a_dozen has been very successful as a.man- ufacturer of fine hosiery yarns,also showed samples of its products:And the Bradford Knitting Mill showedfinishedcottonproduc’in a fine dis-| wereshownbytheStatesvilleFlourMills, Milling Co,and the of which hadTheStates-ville Flour Mill featured its “Save Trouble”flour,which Is seasoned as:sam-ples of its feeds,while the City Flour Milling Co.and the Star Milling Co. ofTheHomeBakery demonstrated what can be done with flour by proper seasoning and baking appetizing Cena 0thedisplay.was a fruit cake,.fromsamplesofthemanyingredientsofthecake.;_The tobacco booths of L.Ash and appealed esped@allytothemenwholovethe“weed.”|In was a good display of and in the McElweeboothweresamplesofsmokingandLeaftobaccowas theHarness,Vehicle’&rown,manu- Both.bdoths contained harness of a high grade of for sheet metal;could be found in the display of,the,feat TAIT 5 5 red’"ete.were | in.the | 2 8eeeeters mee Happenings Here and There intheState.<5 session at Durham yesterday,' meet next year at Greenville. William Jennings Bryan will be thestarspeakeroftheannualconventionoftheNorthCarolinaAnti-Saloon witl a|League in Raleigh January 15.Madam Sara Bernhardt,the noted‘French actress,will ;play in North in Greevisited the State before, The North Carolina Live Stock andPoultryAssociationswillholdtheirania!meet at Winston-Salem Janu- ary 9-10-11-12.Gov.St ginia,Dr.Kilgore,Dr.STait:Butler and others appear on the programme.Reduced railroad and hotel rates.” and others.gIt should not be’granted. co manufacturing firm of -Taylor Bros.,Winston-Salem,died.Saturday.Mr.‘Taylor was a Socialist and wrote in behalf of.Socialism.He.was-achurchmanandwasknown’as.a friend of ‘the working classes and thepole.Dyed oe tion which ~poor.colored yarn are milled was”also rshown.‘The Bloomfield Mill,witich|,Mr.W.W.Dysart of Lenoir,fore-man on a_Southern railway’work train,lost his right foot as the result of a head-on:coliision between theworktrainandtheMarion.shifter near Marion Friday aiternoon,says the Hickory Record.The foot was tated at a Hickory hospital. Gov.Craig has appointed Gen..Ju- }lian S.Carr chairman of the Mitchell monument committee.General Carr will have the complete management and control of the building of a mon-ument to Dr.Elisha Mitchell on thesummitofMouentMitchell.He will,if he desires, composed of such persons as he may select,to assist in the work. John Talton and Arthur Klass, members of 4;bridge ‘construction force working on the Norfolk-South-ern railroad near Razeigh,were kill- ed Saturdey night when the motortrackcarinwhichtheywereriding collided with a freight train: other’men in the car were nét Seri-ously injured.The men were _re-turning to camp from work when the collision occurred. Mrs.Maria Louisa.Patterson,72 years old,widow of the late I.Frank Patterson of China Grove,died Fridaynightatthe<fome of her daughter—Mrs.M.L.Stevens—in Asheville.Remains taken to China Grove for burial..Ten children.survive,amongthenumberRev.Dr.L.R.Patterson, a prominent Lutheran minister of Atchison,Kans.;Mrs.Clarence Clapp of Newton,Prof..K.B.Patterson of Hickory and Mrs.DeWitt C.Swear: ingen of China Grove.‘ Demolishing the Rumanians. The importance of the successes ofTheskilloftheglass-makers.‘at|the Teutonic armies on the battlefield‘the Slane Glass -Company’s display were much admired. foundry and machine shops,hibited by Mr.C.H.Turner. of beauty.To look at the ‘and happiness. play of printed matter from vresses, strated. of the Stimson Studio.Numerous drinks vlayed and served ty Johnson,manager. Hall’s prepared factured by Mr.W.F.Hall, shown in an attractive manner. |The Lineberger -Abernathy Co,’s|sub-soil attachment came in for in- favorable com-|ment on the part of farmers ‘visiting| which jteresting study and ithe exhibit.The Iredell Tclephone Co., dust conveyors,manufactured ath “Grown in Statesville’flowers and potted plants of many varieties were shown by the Barringer Greenhouse in its booth,which'was a real scene prettyflowersmadeonethirkofweddings “The Statesville Printing Co.féa%t-ured “commercial printing”and the Brady Printing Co.had a large dis-! itsThathighclassprintingis done in Statesville was fully demon- Familiar faces reproduced by the ;camera were cn displzy in the booth bottled by ,the were dis- Mr.F.L. remedies,manu- were plant}in the vicinity of:Bucharest is em-was shown in the beautiful display phasized by the announcement that|of mirrors arranged in the’booth of,since December 1,the Roumaniansthiscompany.A.glass checker Daard|have lost in prisoners more than _70,-and glass lodge emblems,etc.,in fie!000 men,184 cannon and 120 machine.guns and the losses in dead and|A complete saw mill:outfit and!wounded are declared to be in propor-his|tion to the number of prisoners.The ||were,ex-booty taken by the Teutonic armies is reported as “incalculable.”‘The ultimate fate of,the Ruma-nian armies still is in doubt,but theycontinuetoretreatbeforethe)Teu- tonic allies whose pursuit,it is an- nounced,“is progressing ‘as planned.”The Russians have again.lguncheil strong attacks on the upper Transyl- vanian frontiers,but the majority of-them are reported to have failed withheavylosses.la Less Political Activity.More stringent legislation to curtailpoliticalactivityby‘civil service em-ployes is advocated by the civil serv-ice committee in its annual.reportItisurgedthatlimitationsplacedby executive order on the employes’par- ticipation in politics be incorporatedintoaformalruleofthecommissionandthatitbemademandatoryuponappointingofficialste—enferee —the commission’s findings as to whether its rules have been violated.During the past year,the report says,45 em- ployes were rempved or otherwise punished for political activity,and 4C reprimanded..; so badly.mashed that it was ampu- ADDY eof EITEMS OF CURRENT Nitws.ff )h Carolina Conference,’M.|ae.2 et South,Which closed its|dig Caroling towns/fext month.Will play|ges a ==boro/January 6th..She has;2 Pay nod rt of Vir-|& Application’for the pardon of E.‘S.|B Thomas,the young white man serving)& all of ~which*were!a term-of one year on the Wake coun- greatly admired by the visitors to the |ty roads for assault upon a young girl It is not necessary to go out|from Tennessee in a Pullman car at, a|the Raleigh depot,will be vigorously|2opposedbycitizensofNew’Berne! J.P.Taylor,member of:the tobac-= much for the Winston-Salem papers = appoint -4 committee!& Two|B Roofing and Sheet Metal workc}. {mercial club for |of Shawnee club; is a strictly hame prceduct,furnished excellent service throughout the ex- bibit hall,quite a number of ’phones being installed.. Canning Clubs. .Last to be mentioned,but -by nomeans:least in importance,.was ‘th display of canned vegetables |anfruitsbytheIredellCountyGirlst|Canning Clubs.Prior to being plac-ed oh exhibit the products’of ‘the canning clubs had been judged by? Miss Grace Schaffer of Raleigh,ias+sistant State home demonstration agent,and the award cf prizes of- fered by Miss Celeste Henkel,coan- ty agent,early..in.the fall was made. The list of prize-winners and their winnings will give an idea of the va-. riety of canned gcods in the exhibit.Following is the list:Scholarship valued at $50,offer for best exhibit of club products in club containers,awarded to iss Elizabeth Linker .of*the Ly od,club;Statesville College ‘scholaforsecondbestexhibit,Miss;Rewe-na Williford of Lynwood club;Ashe-'vite Normal scholarship for third,best exhibiff Miss Bernice Willi ; of Lynwood club;$10 by.thebestexhibit bya“first year girl,”Miss Pearl Erwin.canning ‘outfit,by the Hickory Canning Co.“for ‘th greatest number.ofmercialcansofproducts in tins ,formarket,Miss Bertie Moore j way club;$5 by the Farmers’Union for the best exhibit by a club ftber.over 18 years old,Mrs.G§brje Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Day, nGPATESVILLE TIN CO._ Your Plumber,’114 E,Broad St.’ ‘Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. ‘Your Griexist will refund money i!PAZOOINTMENTfailstocureanycaseofItching,Blind,Bleeding or Protruding Piles in6‘ol4days,The first application gives Kase and Rest.50c, standard com*+ service,296,926 now tions. The British steamer the undersea boat,it ‘nounced from Berlin. bwas taken prisoner. On the 480,327 positions in the civil be subject to competitive 'examina- sunk by a German submariné on De-|cember 4,after she had tried to ram. are shown to Caledonia was is ‘officially an-) Her captain | jot Shepherd’s club;$5 girl sending in the bes she marketed:her missioners,board of bering Gant, canned peaches,Miss Kistler,vegetables,-Nenacanned uce,Miss §jelly,Miss Sophbest The | exhibit in the State. Druggists:refund moneyHR.W,GROVE'S signature ville Merchants’Association for’the| 1915ElizabethLinkerofLynwood club;| $1 prizes given by the county com-| the,Merchants &Farmers’Banktatesvillewereawardedasfollows: est.jar of cucumber pitkles, attie Gouger,Mt.Mourne;best jar atermelon rind pickles,Miss Kath-Bethlehem; Mourne;best jar canned’beans,MissLynwood; Hpbbs Mt.Mourne;best Nannie urne;best jar mint in Duckworth,Mt.Mourne;best ia.Combs,Mid- uyay cucumbereatriceErwin,Shawnec. exhibits of-MissesOT}Hobbs,Bernice Williferd .and Eliza-|Mid~beth Linker,shown he fitedtogttherattheGilford County‘Fair and won $5.as the second best To Cure a Cold in One Day-LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine.Tt dpa thecoughandHeadacheandworksofftheCold.if it fails t6 cure. e 1 by the States-| t paper on how!crop.Miss | education;‘and | of iss best ierEvaBell,,t. best jar vieappleMt.Miss Miss jar Kerr,jelly, rings,Miss. Winnie | re,Were exhib- Ag Tepe veces et Syn eee mney ef Aenea Sed HOT; WHATA BIG CAR —Or— aft ;|; HM xNEE ei te Just unloaded.We make a specialty of ov». doors:and Sash and builder’s Hardware;ag Plaster,Lime and Cemerit.Our prices*."? are always the lowest for first class goods.,(7° We do not sell cheap.and inferior.stuff.....: Long experience taught us it was high ia at any price.The trading public remem- 7 Tas righ t ritt price is forgotten. ~ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Ci. AOL | SS eee Christmas is almost here,aiwestillhavesomeof*thd#e @HighGradeSuitsand©=.coats left.In Pinch hag NeEnglish,Semi-EnglishConservativeCuts.ss ? If you haven’t alreadyboughtnowisyourtime.e goaréguaranteedasrepresenbyusoryourmoneyback, SLOAN CLOTHING COM’Y: bi ant Cees ey7 ee yong HBA | syhines zy “.c i wefod "as .?*a p ad ae] A Library Suit would make'a nice Chrisimas Gift. Qur buyer has just returned from High Point: where he bought a real bargain in Library Suits.’Cae and Odd Chairs.We can save you at least 25.ag per cent on these goods.They are finished in... Golden Oak,Early English and Fumed’Oak. tThreepiecestoeachSuit.re Seeing :3 believing,so come in and look them, over for yourself and be your own judge. Christmas Goodsfor the : Little F olks.**).° Pray|Doll Beds,Doll Gé-|} ‘Carts and Stall Chaife © and Rockers.Bn|fe Remember we give away FREE on the 28rd,the ,; Little Favorite RANGE.=_.4 Williams Furniture House Ine. “The.Favorite Store.”i.s aaw ayes wlan?odd au ebling.| vaio ol orolod |aaa ls on each box.2Sc. THE LANDMARK’S ADVERTISERSARE UP-TO-| Cae )LP AV LARK,EDITOR AND OWN Sa).TURSDAY AND FRIDAY. CRIPTION wich:Pikewabav banscabned odine veerSaavenideaun } sees ALL OF:CHARITY,Associated ©Charities Batesville has.been organized andthisweekacAnvassforfunds,.for AR hupport of the organization next a {a ‘under way.This organiza- for POA,fi takes in charge all the charita- wark'of the town—that of.the iB Hevolert and Relicf:Association, ch {8 to relieve the needs of theabtitute;that of the visiting nurse,HH Ipoks after the sick who are un- able ti make Proper provision for @mgalves,and’the work of the ju-vebile court,which looks after youth:Offenders.against the law.All his work ean be better and more écbtia ically.done by -one organiza-{Ich than by two or three—hence the ‘@onsolidation,A budget has been tOa? ;tions.—.whichever.you choose..to call =!be news to mention it;but incidental- oe ng,conten-“digpuitings, it'—is so common jn Charlotte mu-nicipal ‘circles,that .it.has ceased.to’ ly it may be remarked that the bick-ering just now is.over the framing of.a néw charter for Charlotte. “There is'no use losing temper over the charter question,”remarks theObserverbywayof-admonition.“It is.a safe rule that a man who can- not talk charter without getting,mad is hardly capable of framing a’char- ter that would please anybody but himself.”.And in that remark the Observer Has given the belligerents some sound advice. _ANCENRTERANTERT Close Call on Circumstantial Evidence. After being held in jail for twodays,at Birmingham,Ala.,in connec-tion with the death of Mrs,Fredilkes,who was shot while the twowerewalkingtogether,W.K.Whee-lock was released after Bertha Ridge- Way,@ negro woman,confessed sheshotMrs.Wilkes accidentally.Wheelock,manager of the Birming-hain terminal ticket office,where.Mrs.Wilkes was a clerk,asserted that he romeae -ceo ae is a ms —" FROM OVER THE COUNTRY, Items of Interest About VariousMatters._nieThe‘Southeyn Commercial .Con-gress is in acsion at Norfolk,begin-ning yesterday.+.- Field Marshal Prince Iawao Oya-ma,commander-in-chief of the Man-churian army of «Japan during theRusso-Japanese war,is dead. .The German commercial subma-rine Dedtschland,which left Ameri-can ports some weeks ago,has reach-ed home in safety,according to adispatchfromBerlin.: An explosion in a Russian ammu-nition plant has caused the death of about 1,000 persons,according t@ theOverseasNewsgency,quoting theRussiannewspaper,Rech. 'Congressman Sam.J.Tribble of |;Georgia,Democrat,died Friday inWashingtonfromtheeffectsofastrokeofapoplexy.tle was servinghis’third term in the House. A-tornado at Atlanta,La.,Fridayvirtuallydemolishedthebusinesssec-tion,causing a loss of about $40,000,Three churches,the railway stationwereamong:the buildings destroyedandsomepersonswereinjured. John E.Osborne,assistant Secre-||tary of.State,has resigned and_willreturntohishomein.Rawlins,’Wyo-ming,ta devote himself to his pri- Boe thas not been heard .from’ * and the vessel wa and worthy citizhishomeinAsheboro,é Th rena Rete me*The neh Ye ahswhichleftNovember24tororienoHa.French naval station in wae the French minister of marne cones th‘ers the vessel lost with all on board |.ae oee and 700 men.)|e Suffern was reported tobeendamayvedbyshellfire}atesallies,tried to force’the DardanellestassenttoToulonforrepairs.ee,: Col.A.C.McAllister,&Prominent .ast week~ataged79 Quinine That Does Not THE UNIVERSAL CAR | ;Shipments of Ford ‘Touring : _Cars nowhere.’More expected this week,.Now‘is the time 'to place your order:Get that car before the Holidays. No advance in the Ford Cars. Touring Car’delivered for $384.25, st en ‘TURKEYS. We have a Large OrdertofillforTurkeysand’can use all you can bringusfor"CASH.Carolina Motor Co. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Company. was walking with her when a negrowomanapproachedthemfiringare- volver at some’fleeing men.He.saidhewrestedtheweaponfromthewo- man but she managed to elude him and he fired at her as she ran away.Citizens who rushed to the scenefoundWheelockwiththerevolverinhishandandMrs.Wilkes lying deadbeside’him with a bullet through herthedestituteinStatccvillemustbe/heart.A neighbor said he heard a esyed for and it requires no argu-shot and had seen a man fire at a wo- 7 :man.ment to Prove that the work should (That’wie at very ebche’Gase of ~.be*done in a systematic,methodical|ci-cumstantlal evidence and a close“wpy,by investigation so as ‘to separ-call for’the man.H(e’d likely have @ the.deserving from.the undeserv-|been convicted but.for that,.woman’s e.2APhis “work the Associated confession and the wander is that she pities will do and our citizens will confessed.The Landmark.) “pared solicitations from individ-|'Boycott High-Priced Food. ijand ,from the responsibility of}A nation-wide appeal to the peopleteyminingwhetherthecallisgen-of the United States for a boycott Wyneor pat.It is the purpose,too,against speculators,as the most _ef- 5 :fective means of puncturing the pres-tf podsible,to raise the amount nec-8 enn 5 p ayy fgr a year's work in one can-ent inflation of food prices,is made by ,George W.Anderson,special assist-|psi,g0ithat there will not be re-/ant Attorney General,in charge of nf red *of s during the year. “Theag Ae the facts add it is hoped the Federal‘food probe. “Low priced foods,”Anderson says, that’)r neopld will respond prompt- Wr.i fea taerously as possible. “The:wm arid substance of thie “which are beyond influence of food speculators,are to be had in greatest abundance.The people must.resort Funston’-Gambrell controversy is hat ‘Gen,Funston opposes the hold:ig of revival.meetings,with the Hendant,excitement and emotional-ign,in military.camps.There’might to these.It is vastly more importantthattheydothis,”Anderson said. ip @add.yeason why.the meetingweenot:be held.withinthe’camp, tmade of estimated needs of the ‘or-fanization and it is estimared that $500 will bo necessary to carry on the work for a yéer.The ladies who will’make:the canvass to raise this atpount are devoting their'time and >effort to this work to help those who egnnot help themselves.The sick and vate business.His successor has notbeennamed.He was appointed in 913. Madison Square Garden,New York’s famous amus:ment amphithe-|° ater,has been purchased for $2,000,-|. 000 in a foreclosure sale by the New York Life Insurance Company,which was the only bidder.Tha companywastheplaintiffinthe’foreclosureproceedings“ Merchant ships built in the UnitedStatesinthefirst11-months of thisyearmorethandoubledintonnagethe whole of last year’s outputs.The ufeau of navigation announces that]: ,115 vessels had been .turned out with a gross tonnage of 521,711.All but 49 were for the American flag. .-Albert J.Griffith,a patrolman on[the Los Angeles,Cal.,.police forceforfouryears,confessed that,he wastherobberwhoheldupanexpresswagononabusystreetandmadeoff with about $5,000 in cash and $34,-000 in checks,drafts and other bank- ing papers.Most of the money was recovered.;i The $11,000,000 government armorplantisvirtuallycertaintobelocated at some point in the Middle Western area.“Some point having good con-nection with the mineral supplysourcesandtransportationfacilities to coast points,but sufficiently re- mote to remove.danger of destruction by any hostile invading force prabablywillbe-selected.‘ One Hayes,a magistrate,and J. M.Taylor,a {ggmer of Lexington county,S.C.,wére convicted of pe- onage in the Federal court at Charleston,sentenced toa year and a day in the Atlanta penitentiary and to pay a fine of $500.each.They were charged wit conspiring to force a white man,William Cook,to work for Taylor,: The first of the administrationmeasurestobeconsideredinthe House at this session,the vocational education bill,came up Saturday.It would provide aid for State schools teaching agriculture,erades and in- dustries to boys and girls under 14, the.States being required to maké appropriations from their own funcs equivalent to the amounts they °re- ceive fram the Federal govérnment. Tests of the efficiency of men be- tween 45 and 65 alongside of an equal number of young men have been start- ed in charge of a committee of 15 em- ployers recently organized with Ben-jamin J.Rosenthal,a Chicago capi- talist,at its head.The committee was organized primarily,Mr.Rosen- thal said,to “upset -the fallacioustheorythatmenbetweentheagesof45and65arefitonlyforthescrarnrred.Cornelian’Sie inetd.by The Season’s Greatest and BestoveeiCOATSUIT.SALETenn.,on two bills,one for the theft: of $40,900 and the otner for embez-|| NOW ON AT OESTREICHER’S It’s the Suit Sale You've Waited For.| Usual January Reductions Now---COME EARLY nelison was the express messenger in charge of a large shipment of bank funds and claims to have beenheldupbytwomenandrobbedwhile en route from the express office tooneoftherailroadstations. ne :NOW,INSTEAD OF AFTER CHRISTMAS,COME THESE GREAT REDUCTIONS,MAKING THIS ©‘ff.peat dan fe aiups eka rany THE MOST IMPORTANT SUIT SALE OF THE YEAR.THIS SALE IS OF THE WIDEST.IN-.:ity.This state of thin i RO Caneris|TEREST :TO THE WOMEN OF STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY,FOR THEY KNOW.ion manu iaitlons re ee nintes JUST WHAT KIND OF APPAREL IS OFFERED TO THEM AT SPECIAL REDUCTION PRICES..rial.it is ri laingd)fac‘there roaainl.THEY KNOW THAT OESTREICHER’S ONLY HANDLES SUITS OF “THE:BETTER KIND,”ANDesseeenaraleonlheeTHATEACHGARMENTREPRESENTSTHEHIGHESTCLASSWORKMANSHIPANDTHEdactapiaGereunable(6 bats Bee ,BEST OBTAINABLE MATERIALS,AS WELL AS THE LAST-MINUTE STYLES.;Seta P .Now you don't have to wait until January for the Greatest Reductions—You can come now and takeOf1.200.000 eniplovermendaced (fl |advantage.of this Unparalleled Sale,in which only Coat Suits of the HIGHEST CLASS are offered to Belgian industries before the war,poe cee neauetio ~eee505,000,including 158,000 women, are now wholly witnout work,and 150,000,including 46,000 women,arepartlywithoutwork,making 655,000personsdependentonpublicaid.In addition,there are 293,000 wives and612,000 children of men without work, so that 1,560,000 persons,or one-fifth of the total Belgian population,re- guire assistance.The deportation, }Germany contends,is .nécessary ~toprovide!suppprt for.these dependentswhichcannotbeprovidedinBelgiumandtdtakecareoftheidlewhohaverefusedworkofferedbytheGérmansinBelgium.. TT +,.’HOW'S THIS?We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foranycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbyHall's Catarrh Cure..:Hall's Catarrh Cure:has been taken by.Ca-tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,and has become known as the most.reliableremedyforCatarrh.Ha]l’s Catarrh Cure actsthroughtheBldéodon‘Sne Mucous surfaces,expelling the Poison from the Blood and heal- ing the diseased portions.: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qpalified as administrator of.the es-tate of Ellen Bratcher,deceased,late of Iredelléounty,N.C.,this is to notify all persons havingtlaimsagainsttheestateofsaiddeceased‘toexhibitthemtotheundersignedatStatesville,N.C.,on or ore December 12,191%,or this‘notice will be pleaded‘in bar of thelr |recovery.All persons indebted to said estate will pleaseFmakepayment.-D..BRATCHER,~W.A.Bristol,Atty.Administrator. Dec.12,1916.*MILLS &POSTON, ELEVEN |:SHOPPING DO.YOUR SHOPPING NOW!SEE DAYS TILL |We Have Many Articles of Real)pays TILCHRISTMAS.[Value Suitable for that PRESENT.CHRISTMAS. Write,Phone or Call .and our “best :yd il.Phoenix,Linenwear and Arundel Hosiery,inSilk,Lisie and Cotton,for men,Women and Children.Corsets,‘Gloves,-Hand- kerchiefs,CoatéHangers,Hand Bags,Purses,Combs,Brushes,Hand Mirrors,Ostrich Boas,Camisoles,Ladies’and Gents’Neckwear,Wool and.Silk Scarfs,Eagle Suspenders,Bath Robes,Bath Mats,Huck-and Turkish Towels,TableLinens,Napkins,'and Art Linens,Bed Spreads,Comforts and Blankets,Petti-.*coats,Skirts,Sweaters,Umbrellas,Suit Cases,Slippers,Slipper Soles,Wirth-more Shirt Waists.Our Millinery Department is offering many Hat Bar-gains.See us.Yours truly,==MILLS &POSTON.ace " t & A few su:gestions—Please take note.service will be at-your disposal.“than that we,.as a result of our in- vestigations,obtain convictions against at it,would’.seem that:-permission hold {tat a nearby place,allowing certain speculators.”One week of a:¢oncerted food boy-cott against high priced foods would the doldiers full frepdom to,-attend While’off duty;would be unobjection- ..dble.e difficulty into which Gén. knock the very bottom:out of prices, Furist |has ‘landed is the apparent ig the consensus of:opinion.‘Department of Justice.officials state attempt to dictate the character of tho religious services far the soldiers that Federal.grand~juries at NewYorkandDetroit,probably at Cleve- +-not the ‘doctrine to be preached, hut ‘the character of -the service. land and one 4 at Kansas City, t. Reasonable:people will see that Minneapolis and Loujs,will con-duct sweeping inquiries into the high there may be good reasons for not holding &revival.mecting in a camp, cost of living.Indications are that séveral hundred witnesses,including and at.times .it might not be advisa-q ha eg ts heqinity of the camp.But dealers in coal,railroad employes and led that’a command- dealers in and producers of foodstuffs, r say dittate the character will be examined. In Jail UnderSerious Charge. a Vige,it will readily be seenanigoifarafield. in-Statesville Exhibit Ransom R.Jones,“holding papers testifying to his good character and indicative of his close-alignment withvariouschurches,is in jail at Greens- boro,says the News,charged with at- Og d*)better appreciation of E {town is doing in manufac- jit,Should be.an ingpira-gtan enlargement of manufac-ig industries.’Make all you can tempting criminal assault upon a 12- ore arid buy.all you can at home year-old girl. Jones was professedly canvassing id-be .our slogan,and if we talk “Vand practice it constantly for a magazine,entered a home where &young girl was alone and made the tedville ‘will grow great and ng,We should not ‘only buy the attempt,it is charged.He is alsochargedwithasimilarattemptat th 1g made’at home but patronize ‘hemi¢.dealers if we aré to have a Durham,under similar circumstances, Aawne Ninety-five per cent of thethu Scene teatierrerenpeeern een teetersen teentnge Seecenmnen eee aeet QESTREICHER’S THE LEADING STORE OF THIS SECTION. » Let Us Have Your Next ;Mail Order.‘ Christmas Stocks Now Ready.— Jones says he is a native of Duplincountyandhasawifeandchildat Rustburg,Va.This item,supposed tomefertothesameman,appeared in the proceedings of the North CarolinaConference:at Durham last week: “The character of every preacher in the.Conference,except one,R.R.Jones’of Town Creek,Wilmington district,was approved.Mr.Jones was admitted on trial at the last ses- sion of the Conference,and left hisworkinthemiddleofJune.He was discontinued!by vote of the Confer-ence. Transfer of Belgians Explained. The German.government has _is- sued a statement in explanation of| the transfer of-Belgian laborers«toGermany.It says the measure is bynomednsahardshipforthelaborers but is a social necessity.Owing chiefly to the British em-! bargo against Belgian overseas trade|which before the war supported a!large part of the industrial popula-| tiqn,large numbers of Weigian work:|,ers are idle,the statement says,and} Applications for Loans Exceed Amount in Sight. The applications for loans under the Rural Credits act are so numer- ous that -there may be difficulty in accommodating all who apply.The ferm loan board stated on the -7ththatmorethan50,000 had appliedforloansaggregating$150,000,000,more than.17 times the amount available at the outset of the service; and of course not near all the~appli- ications are in.:Most of the applica-tions for loans are from the Routh and West._::ioe the Sa eH of the banks |F ile .will not be announced béfore Decem-mbri--man.Without educational |her 20th,it is said that irhmediatetyiehehadreadmuchandwide-jafter the ‘organization it will’befn“remarkably intelligent.A|necessary to issue bonds to sccure‘money sufficient to meet the demands*of positive.opinions,he took a, sdvstand on all public questions. an of sound judgment,he was y community counsellor.Honest «just,no-lone ever questioned his dor:doubted his.sincerity..He ot only a-readet but a thinker Kié conclusions were the result within the week. Sands sent’elsewhere could be Spent,at home,with a saving to the ‘pligchager®in’most cases.The buy- a away from home is simply a NABitidhd-.is for the “big of the ithe thing”‘in ‘nearly.every case. >haine folks'have,the goods.See |ve DAhdniark’s atvertising’col-}yen - res LW,L.‘Dunlap.’of Bethany, ¢passing is reported in -The f mark's news coluwnns,was an|: of borrowers.NNN The Cade Machine Again.Lenoir News. Mr.J.R.Quinn of Shelby,secre- tary of the Cade Manufacturing Com- pany,was hereseveral days last week to confer with Rev.Baylus Cade,theinventoroftheCadeline-casting ma:ofareful deliberation.He repress-chine,or typesetting machine.Mr.éabhig shaddlarial:native 1 s Quinn said that the company is plan-ce ¢and was Un-ning to do some active work now to-'ohstrative,but his heart was ten-|wards.placing the Cade machine onahdlittlechildrenwereinstinct-|the market."**°My,Cade hhslatttactéd’to hitn.He was a yee pee scme elec rd abeete,ments for the machine and justi‘asen‘ahd true.May he rest!soon as these are worked ep thecd,8 :new machine the company will bereadytoplaceanumberoftheirma-chines’over the country,for demon-stration purposes:ot} Lloyd-George Premier,| $27.50 &$29.75 SUIgS PTS 619-75 HO 8$6,006.75 $42 60 &$45.00 SUITS $99.75Now. Approval -$15.00 SUITS:Now.re otaS975 $17.50 &$18.50 SUITSesNOWcissacs. $19.75 Spits© Now .0.0c.e4:.$12 75 §22.50 &$20.00 SUITS$0.00MS.1775 DAVE OESTREICHER $11.75 eee boneeve TNone__Sent.’onident8.oB,“Turrentine of Duri this Saluringtnissale,ensboto.College ,for Wornen an-nces the #ift of $1,250 to the en-hee og es Pa of HighBit.This:makes $4,given by|David Lloyd-Geor e,the new Brit-hi Powit ih the $20,000 |80°far|ish crathien,{wal Pisceade Harterod‘for the endowment.,;Asquith,‘has ‘formed his cabinet and4—is now in charge.It is expected:that ly odd antivll 34 aol|;about a year agoercameoravian oh whith he had madeiq Mr.Lloyd-George will put more vigorintoBritain’s war activities.He is aVaryeeeAanybelievedtoWw. tl th tal control,ased the pa-|b@ the most power if of the British statesmen,“yes $5 MK «hac Mi y2' After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Cure‘oy a,short time youwill see a great improve-ee yyour geneyal)bealth.«Start takingV'§Catarrh Cure at once and‘get rid ofror:Setid.for testimonials,free.{FP J.CHANEY.&CO,,.Toledo,Ohio...»all Druggists,75c,, Sold by “sande bes.eee”BldsfemHavoc)w nialiodl aah ae sacinond an Sh Liste BQ IL Ot if Yaa De PAeSALISBURY;BCS{ager en!}r ANT)Tod ahs WAeT sent,t te meee ae hl ty.Ch ,q }4 Pe he +) ass.of December 12,1916.| ASSING THRONG tion of.People and.Movements. ;Turner,who has been‘folks here for two orthree |;‘return to Thomasville to- M,Adams spent a por-L past week in Hickory onnal.business. ella WhiMae who has bhecn the Miss Marietta Murdock,inInty,for Several days,return-her home in ‘Mooresville Sat- er ey s.Bayard Holmes,-BruceandEaocardSteele,who areatBrant’s Beach,N.J.,,Pending some time with .homemeHarmonycommunity,»J,J.Meroney left yesterday sSioux City,Iowa,to visit rela-|for a few ‘days.This will be“Meroney’s first visit home in 20 re.r,Henry Boshamer will ac-D3pany,bin as far as Chicago,Ill. Ay F.Hubbel of Chattanooga,| hn.,is visiting relatives here.Mrs.Mary L.Ramsey has returnedmavisittorelativesinSouthCar- PMsadames J.HW Gray.and F,-E.radley spent yesterdayin Charlotte.‘Mrs:’L.K.Lazenby left yesterdayiaabethtown,Ky.,where she willtheChristmasholidayswithrelatives. Mr.Nathan O’Berry of GoldsboroanPeidSaturdaynightto_visit hister;Mrs.Ross McElwee.D Messrs.J.D.Cochrane,E.G.Gaither,J.A,Ballentine,C..H..Tur-ner,Albert Cooper,O,W.Slane,Dr.E.M.Yount and probably others leftyesterdayforCharlottetoattendadey.meeting last night and to-aey. .Jas.K.Hall,who accompaniedbie.hinaine of Mr.‘Dunlap from Rich-mond,returned home last night.Mrs.J.D.Ramsey leaves ThdayforRussellville,Ky.,to sp ndChristmaswithherparents.Mrs..Richard Chatham of Elkin is spending some days with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.R.E.Armfield.Miss.Janie Caldwell of Salisbury is spending a few days at her homeinStatesville.Mrs.C.W.Bogshainer has returned fram a visit td:-lHer sister,Mrs.J.E.| Murphy,in Jacksonville,Fla. Notices of New Advertisements ‘3 ae and Tip-top bread—D.J.Kim-all.Paola Cotton mill stock for sale.—See H.P.Grier,atty.Wagon for sale or exchange.—J.’F.Scroggs.*©Agents to canvass.—E.M.Wagner,Ostwalt.-Room for rent,range for sale—DCyRufty.Notice to creditors.—D.Bratcher, administrator. ‘Gold medal lost.—.L.Ashe.Quality display of Christmas gifts.,—Statesville Drug Co.:Ford cars at old prices.—CarolinaMotorCo.»Unusual suit sale now on.—Dave Oestreicher,Salisbury. Christmas savings club closes—Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank of Statesville sa Annual fur sale—Ramsey-Bowles-»-.Morrison Co.;Presents for every one.—Polk GrayDrugCo. »Piano bargains.—Leonard Piano Store.‘Picture frame made to _order.—!s Crawford-Bunch*Furniture Co.4 ‘Christmas.suggestions.—Mills &i Poston.Doors and window sash just receiv- Gp shazenby-Montgomery Hardware ‘Christmas cards.—Brady ~Prititing Mewalty’for Chern gifts.—R.F. \‘Bank book forChristmas present.—First National Bank.“Gifts.that do not disappoint.—H.B.foodward.‘High grade suits and overcodts.— Sloan Clothing |Co.° ~OlinItems.. Correapon:of The Landmark.a Mrs.‘Thomas’”Recept *|were discused,after which refresh- .|ments were served, *Pat veal calves wanted—F’.T.Burke.” HONOR-OF-MRE,‘JOHNSTON ion—ClubMeeting—Marriage. Mrs.D.8,Thomas entertained.’atamostenjoyable.reception.”Friday afternoon,,complimentary to Mrs. Avery Johriston,.a’recent.bride.Mrs.R.S..McEhwee and Mrs.W.H,McElwee welcomed the guests atthedoorandlittleMissesSarahandElizabethMcElweetooktheircays.Mrs.James Mag.,Connelly receivedinthehallandMrs.R.E.Clapp pre-sented the guests ta the.-receiving arty,which was’composed of.Mrs.homas,.Mrs.Johnston,Mrs.M.JE.Ramsey and Mrs.W.H.Morrison, two other brides of the year;Mrs..H. A.Mullis ‘of High Point,Mrs.“*KolossofapeMissBayneHenderson,Mtys.)J.H,McElwee,Mrs.D.H.Har+ett’of Philadelphia’Mrs.John Pat- ton and Mrs..Ellen Morrison.The guest of honor.‘wore a becoming gown of whitc satin with pearl orna-ments and corsage bouquet of whiteroses,Mrs.R.V.,Brawley and “Mrs.Tv,Foy White ushered tie guests to thedining.toom,Migig Miss Mamie Mc-|Elwee and Mrs.H:Turner receiv- ed,Misses rhea "Thomas,Catherine Brawley,Virginia Henkel and Eliza- beth -Bowles:served delicious cream, eake and bonbons.Mrs.H.E.Lewis{ushefed.to the punch ‘room,,where|Miss Anniebell Walton apd Mrs®“E. N.Lawrence:served refreshing vunch,Receiving in this room:were Mrs.J.M.Moore,Mrs.J.E.Heinzer- ling and Mrs.B...B.Webb.Misses Mary Wortham and Maggie Garltng- ton received in the library and Miss- es Elizabeth Andefson and Jeanette McGirt presided at the guest book in which all the guests were regis- tered. The Thomas home,which has beenthé*scene of so many delightful social everttsy never looked’prettier than on this occasion.The coloy scheme’in the-parlor,‘whcre the receiving party stood.was yellow.and:white.The chandelier was shaded with yellow gnd the decorations were of white narcissi and fern.The dining room was dainty in white and green,with decorations of narcissi,fern and can-delabra.A lace luncheon cloth cov-ered the table and the centerpiecewagareflector,surmounted .by a basket of white snapdragon and as- naragus fern.The punch room’was beautiful in pink,with pink carna- tions and ivy and lights softly shad- ed wi ink.Red and grecn was the scheme in the library andhallandthedeeorationsofhollyand| voinsettias were suggestive oe the ‘holiday season. The Thursday Afternoon Book club was entertained Thursday |by Mrs.S. L.Parks.The subject of study for. the_year_is France and_-Aurtrias—and interesting papers were read.Mrs |Clem Dowd read a chapter of Frenclt history,Mrs.J.F.Bowles read two articles,“A Trip to Paris”and “The Streets of.Paris.”Current events The next meet- ing will be with Mzs.Ches.A.Tur- ner December 28th. Miss Ollie Stone and Mr.C.R. |Rimmer were married Tuesday at the home ofthe bride’s brother,Mr. B.M.Stone,at Petersburg,Va.They| arrived home Friday and will live {for the present at Mrs.W.H.Adder-|holdt’8,on1 Sharpe street. Taylorsville Social and Person- al Items. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville.Dec.'11°—Mr.and|Ms.G,W.Watts gave.a delightful party to the young people of the |owe Friday evening,at their at-tractive home on south Main street. |Progressive games were pleyed at |seven ie and were ,much enjoy- jedi.The hostess was assisted by Misses Marguerite Burke,Elsie Al- len and Lura Allen in.entertaining and.serving delicious refreshments. Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Fortner havegoneto#lofence,S.C.,to spend the winter at ‘the home of their son,Mr. W.J.Fortner.Dr.and Mrs.C.R. Zickler,Mr.A.C.Payne,Mrs.H.C. Payne and Miss Irene LeQueux spentFridayif-Statesville._Miss Sue Hedrick,who has had a position as milliner in €laxton,Ga.,‘for the season,returned home Thurs- day night...Mr.and Mrs;F.-R.Har- ris and little daughter,Elizabeth, left Saturday for Roaring River to visit relatives.Miss Sara Burke, ‘Olin,Dec.9 —The Glin school hasenrolledforty-two and we expect tohavean.assistant soon.“Mrs.McRoy Gasque has returnedfromLakeCity,S.C.,where she hasanspendingseveralweeks.Dr.J.M.Holland spent Thursday in ‘Olin ie he has been doing dentalwork.Mr.R.F.Canter and son, Bhery,were in Olin Friday on _busi-riess.Rev.and Mrs.J.C.Mock leftteday.for Winston -Salem,-whereweyexpecttospendseveraldaystheirdaughter,Mrs.Butner. whe Olin girls gave a pie supperfrom..which they realized $7.10.Themdheywillbeusedforthebenefitofthe:school.“We are planning to have a Christ- mas tree on Saturday night,23d.Wevalgphaveasmallprogramme.Thepublicisinvited. :i Death of J.P.Arthur,Historian. "“John P.Arthur,aged 65,author of‘a“History of Western North Caro-Tina”and other books,died.on the 6th ~at,Boone,Watauga ‘county;after ashort.illness.‘Mr,Arthur was a native of Colum-bia,S.C.,but had lived in Ashevilletesoonafterthewarofthe60s. was a lawyer but was better Known as a writer.Recently he“Wrote a history of’Watauga countyandhehadbeenspending’much timeap,Boone. t Danger Signal ®ot the fire bell should ring would you runi.tad ‘stop it or go and help to put out the fire?ia'much the same way~With a cough.A’ds a danger signal as mueh as a fire bell.es should no more try to suppress it thanstopafirebell’when it is ringing,butshdyldcurethediseasethatcausestheeough-ity.jis can nearly always be done by tak-_y ftig’Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.Many have;used it with the most beneficial results.It is_eapecially valuable for the persistent cough“so-often follows a bad cold or an attackgrip.‘Mrs.Thomas Beeching,Andrews,writes:“During the winter my husbandwoldemsilyandcoughsandcoughs.berlain’s Cough Remedy is the best med-for breaking up these attacks and you.get him to ‘takeany other.”Obtaina-iette ntions a tet em MRM ST“to move thom to eee:store;~“ned: who-was with-Mrs.Mary Sims,mil- liner,Statesville,this season,is ex-pected home tonight, A number of Taylorsville people will ga;to Statesville today and to- morrow to see “The Birth of a Na- tion.” Mr.Chapell Badly eeei.tems. Treapondence of The Landmark. Olin,Dec.9 —The people of this community are getting busy ‘andmovingandgettingreadyforChrist- mas..Mrs.Templeton and her son have moved to Mr.W.A.Gregory’s. Mr.Dock Ireland is moving to his place.He has ptirchased the Aleck Ball place. We are delighted with the good road work in north Iredell,as it is so greatly needed and as wehave wait- ed so patiently for our time.¢ We.were sorry to hear ofthe sad accident to Rev.Thomas Chapell, who was seriously hurt by falling under his wagon,which was heavily loaded with lumber.While on_his way to Elkin Wednesday night,6th, about 9 o’clock,as‘he started to get on the wagon with the team moving, his foot slipped off ‘the double tree, catching in the stay chain,‘throwing him under the wagon and,the wheel (running over his body.Two ribs \were broken.and he was dragged 25 yards or more.The ‘doctor thinks with good care he will recover.Mr. Thomas’watch was crushed:in his pocket When the wheel passed over his.body.= Lax-Fos,AMid,Effective Laxative &Liver TonicDoesNotNotGripenorDisturbtheStomach. In addition to other propersise,Lax-FoscontainsCascaraintableform,aamaandTonic.Lax-Fosactseffectivelyguddoesnotgripenordisturbstomach.At the same time;it aidsoearousestheliverandsecretionsoa)a functions.|50c. clfe Cnr v5 thie ° RP. tas pth DR.JORDAN'S LECTURES. Talks to the “Teackers ang |vatTroutman. Uorrespondence of The Landmark.’8 Dr,Thos.M.Jordan of the StateBoardofHealthhasdelivered:two:ofthebestlecturesheardbytheteachéinawlongtime.Dr.Jordan spoke Saturday at the teachers’anStatesville.of the misconception the word “liberty.’”He saiwastheerroneousideacommon to'$6,80 many people,viz:“I have a righttodoasJplease,”that caused.:samanydeathsfrom.»preventable dis-,eases,and caused wholesale spread of contagious diseases.hoped to see the day when the Statewouldcompelmentoobservethe§im- ple laws of health and.sanitation.The teachers were impressed with their responsibility of creating.a pub- lic sentiment in favor of measureswhichtendtopreventdisease. Jordan says that a man does not Have liberty who has not been vaccinated against smallpox,etc.The essence of,his talk on liberty might be expressed in these words:.“Our liberty ends at the point where the other fellow’s privilege begins.”In this ell thought- ful persons will see .that Dr.Jordan is correct,The man who has a con- tagious disease has no more right to endanger the health of other people than he“has to steal the property,of|other .people—no,not/:as much;for’ in taking the wealth of his neighbor | he is taking something which can be replaced,while in spreadifig a -con- tagious disease he often permanently injures the health of his victim and thereby renders him unable to’pros duce wealth and deprives him of theGod-given right to enjoy’life «aad! health.*,Jordan is a man who is not at- Fanci to advertise himseif.His!reputation is already made...But,he is a man who is earnestly and consci-| entiously trying to better health con- ditions in North Carolina. ers showed their appreciation of his work by giving him a rising vote of thanks for his two lectures before| them.4 The people.of Troutman again prov-| ed their interest by coming out to the| number of over 200 to hear Dr.Jor-| dan’s illustrated lecture Friday eve-| ning.This is the third lecture Dr. Jordan has delivered to our people and the reception they have given him on each occasion proves their interest. Troutman,N,c Christmas Treeat ‘SimpsonSchool House. Sarreapondence of.The Landmark. There will be a Christmas treee at Sinipson school house Friday night, December 22,beginning at 7 o’clock. Atso-a short programme consisting of ‘songs and recitations. is cordially invited. The following named committee! have been appointed,and would be glad to get all presents during thedayof22d,which are to be placeduponthetree:Misses Blanche Hag- ler,Essie Arthurs,Lillian Sree oreBertieBeaver.CECILE PARIS,Menchar,Troutman,N.C. mt “a Good |‘For“Constipation. that |+: He said thatshei The teach-| The public| 4 a'Miss Gantt Goes to Virginia. Correspondence of The Landmark. Miss Lucy Leigh Gantt of Loray community,passed through Statesville aturday en route to Virginia,where,She will take a course in nursing, }Miss Gantt is a graduate nurse ofMorgantonandhasmany.friends whowishher’mush success in the work J which she has chosen. R.F.Henry,the jeweler,is scltingforlessratherthanpaycost,of mov-ing,—ad. MARKET REPORTS. Btatesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterday|for produce on the local masket.|Turkeys,16-18¢.per Ib. Chickens,12¢.per Ib. Roosters,6¢.per Ib.Eges,83¢.per dozen. Butter,22-25c per lb. Beeswax,26c.per to i Green Hides (unsalted)22¢.per Ib.\ Green Hides (salted)28¢,per Ib.|Hams,22c,to 24¢,per Ib.|;Green Hams,14-{6c.per Ib.Sides,16c.to 18c.per Ib.Shoulders,16c¢.per lb.| New Red Honey,8c.to 12¢.per ‘Ib,|Sodiwood Honey Comb,18c.to 20¢,per Th.|Old;Auto Rubber Casing;4c.per Ib, Sweet Potatoes,80c.per bushel.tikh Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel.\ |Grain |The following prices were ne yeaterday|e train on the local market Whéat (new)$1.75 pérbushel. Corn,$1.10 per bushel.Oats,65-70c.per bushel. | {| t ||ay ||| a |“Statesville Cotton Market. |On the local market yesterday 18 1-2 cents per pound was paid for best grade cotton.|Cotton Seed,85c.per bushel.PSeedCotton,7 1-2¢.per Ib. |(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 cente|péeriline,No ad.taken for less than 26/|cents.Cash must accompany order.) |etn ts Medal used as Watch Charm. Return to L.ASHE Dec,12, WANTED—To buy fat veal calves.Wjll pay|highest market price.F.Ty 3URKE,"Phone 295 green.Dec.12. |For RENT—Nice large front room,furnish- ed,close in,reasonable,Also for sale cheap,|six-hole Range with hot water reservoir and| warming.closet,in first-class condition.|D.C,RUPTY.Dec,12—2t*. | |WANTED—Agents to canvass.Apply to E.|M;WAGNER,Ostwalt.Dec.12--2t*.| TWO-HORSE WAGOGN for sale or exchange.}J.B.SCROGGS,Dec.12—-1t*,| FOR SALE—Five shares capital stock Paola |Cetton Mill and a small office safe.MRS,M..@ FRAZIER,admr.See H.P.GRIER, le attorney.Dec.12--2t. BUY TIP TOP BREAD at D.J.et'Best sold in the city.6c.a loaf.Dee.12.| { || —| || |!|t| SEE ME for Fruit Cake and Pound Cake.|,Will sell the Fruit Cake for 30c.None.in its class sold in our town.KIMBALL.Dec. per lb.D.J.| 12. NOTICE—Every day‘this week:1 will give.a Metal Home Savings Bank with each pack-age of Old Dutch Cleanser.‘Phone 134,J.R.POSTON.Dec. |BPECIAL—25 Ib.ae Sugar at J.R.POS-|TON’S Grocery $2.15."Phone 134 W.Broad | 12. «Street.Dee.12. GREENSBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE Estab-| ;lished 15 years.Write for catalogue.§.Deé..12—B6t.*| WANTED—Plumbers.‘and Electricians.None |but first-class workmen need apply.cr E.|£RITCHIE Dec.8.| |FOR RENT—Six-room housé on Stocktonstreet.Water and iights..SIG WALLACE,Nov.28.:: -| For SALE—Farm of 24 acres,orchard.pas-|Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent for-conads ture and good buildings,near State Farm.stipation.They are pleasant to take and mildandgentleineffect. PICTURE FRAMES' Obtainable everywhere: A,F.TUCKER,Statesville,R-6.Dec.5—3t*. ADE TO ORDER. from.} We use dust-proof: ““The Store That’Al Pictures make .nice Christmas presents. We have 73 new patterns of moulding to select Crawford-Bunch Farniture Company. ‘PHONE WO.400. acks in all frames. —Welcomes You.” Bargains In We have four used Pianos’‘which Sale ‘at very attractive prices,as, One Style O Weser Piano,‘regal One Schulz Piano,regular prie¢ ‘While these instruments have bec ed,and are in good condition! 129 W.Broad St. One Style C Weser Piano,regular price $278,ssale price $175.| One Schulz Piano,regular price |$825,sale price ‘$225: I will’pry you to investigate our December sale prices on all ingLEONARDPIANOSTORE,Statesville,N.C ‘Ted Pianos, we are offeringin our December | Follows:: ge price $325,sale price $200. 150,‘sale price $325, used,they have not been abus- ments. ’Phone 322.ay ' ‘antler,to sell his goods for less than 1 é Newest Gruen ¢WERY-VERITHIN,”$50.The ¥Achievement, 19-JEWEL.ia. eatest Combination of 1 value.at the Price.”.RICKERT &SON, &¥e-Agents.foricGoont (ubve ai. yopir Jog,bas Sotto j8 |sau’)arinsAg “telbstavrrt ran eh SoG) seta oO Viv "-at _ vithmoneyikristmaspresen ware mn .,PrN It will make “her’’happier if you give her a:BANK . BOOK;and it isa sure thing that she will make that fo account grow bigger all the time.’In doing so shewill”:8 keep herself happy all next year and at the end *the year HAVE something. You know what’s hers is YQURS and it’s safe int the bank.Someday it will make the merriest Christ-, 'mas you will ever have had.Try it. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.. We pay 4 per cent interest on time.deposits. Stateavilley:N.C. Our Jewelry ~”is the thing %,ae metsThereisnodoubtaboutit—Jewelry is the thing to sive”.earl!for Christmas.Jewelry.has more L-O-V-E in it.BHO But do not think because we sell the BEST there,is injewelrythatwedonotalsohaveinourstoremanygift.goods":for POPULAR PRICES. Christmasis nearly here.Come in now that indy.»have ample time to engrave anddeliver your presentsyi-sbat ‘R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. ai atOo& 1 8 8 al ol lod a neiti ‘gill Just Arrived20NEWSUI25NEWCOA Our buyer picked up about 20 Suits formerly sold for $25.We put. them on sale at Special, $12.50. 25 Coats in Broadcloth, Blue,Brown and Black, _worth $25 to $30,g®at $15.00 to $18.50." The Stare=That Sells.ie all0gliv9'9'1090-byok i dw,ce:ivitoR Ppa'aiativel apni fan vat ade,feanl OntealPTLONTE”212,alles netsh ea ab fe8' & E fi. H od effHaA % | hi BR A T RE T : Ta r e e : im e ff hk oe permission. i Overpowering the jailer and tyingg;him,’seven negro prisoners,some of "WOU Gaennanod Vil away, lt :yim Lescanieow ~ WAA rege nb . saved this nice sum of money. habit of saving systematically. \qhi galt We |MERCHANTS &FARMER MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK:PasStatesville,—December 15th, The Club has already closed for this year,and:all members are asked to call¢at:sthe bank for their checks Friday,December 15th.All checks not called foraon the 15th, out on the 16th. The members of the CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB should be congratulated for having It.is not only the pleasure‘in having the cash to pay for. Christmas presents,and such like,but it gives many the opportunity to provide winter ap- parel,buy fuel,food and other necessitiesrequired for comfort and happiness at this season.of the year.THIS IS NOT ALL | The most important thing about the whole matter is that the people whojoin are forming the Quite a number of the members are going to open regular savings account in Savings Department,with part of the amount they have saved during the year instead of spending it all for Christmas—this is what really counts WHAT YOU SAVE. Wishing ali a merry Christmas,and a prosperous New Year. We are,Yours very truly.! BANK OF STATESVILLE. “The Bank For Your Savings.” The New Club Will Open December 27th,1916. EE RAE A a HAR Mes heVGwil be mailed — 4A pase nh HM MP i cA RA THE LANDMARK @ROESDAY,-+December 12,1916. ie DEATH AT TROUTMAN. “A:Coming Wedding—Plea For Se!Better Live Stock. _{atrespondente of The Tecra Troutman.Dec.11 +Last Thurs-day the little two-and-a-ha!lf-year-old gon of Mr.and Mrs.Thomas O.Sher-*‘pif]died at}their home near here af-;The child’s con-|©ter-a_brief-illness.‘¢Mition was not considered serious un-til a short time before the end. terment Friday at Bethel cemetery, with funeral services by Rev. ‘Cénnell,the pastor of the parents.Mr.and Mrs.M.D.Stinson ofStatesvill¥/the grandparents of the ild,came down for the funeral.‘phi of ‘registered Jersey and -Holstein 3 cattle;also .50 head of Berkshire gs.This sale is to be heid at the «o-Selwyn farm,-which was owned by,aoc Me.Bdgay B.Moore,who recentlyed.{Moore was recognized as on *the most progressive live 12 men-fn the State and in the last dozen years had gathered’to- .capether the choicest collection of Hol- >>stéin and Jersey cattle on any one farm in the State.We ought to bring 30 to 40 of these dairy young things to the farms of Iredell.A lit-tle Jersey.heifer makes a most ap- propriate Christmas gift for the boy.There are alsc about 50 pure-bredsiresofapprovedbloodlineswithintheborder. ‘A cantata at the school,a Christ- mas tree at the church anda bigoystersuppersomewherenear,are placed on the programme so far. Mrs.A.A.Murdoch has sent out invitations to relatives and intimatefriendsofthefamilyforthemarriage her youngest daughter,Dora,to r.Wren E.McNeely of the county. This marriage will take place at the Murdoch home December 20th,at 8} o’clock in the evening.Thesedochgirlsareverymuchindemand. Fact is,they’ve been raised right. aey wete brought up in a school of estic science and arts unger the iepesti of their capable mother. They’re young—very voung yet—but their hands are already trained to that pultiplicity of little housewif- fe.duties devolving on the good lit-. .matrons when.they take up first:‘of home-building. agistrate Matheson sent me}word that I had-created a false im- pression last “week ‘about the:'$5 fine for,shooting quail without permis- He says it will at least cost to shoot a bug-eater i them desperate characters,escapedfromtheHenri¢o county,Va.,jail.An eighth negro followed them ‘outandafternotifyingthecitypolicere-xpurned to the jail. ‘The United States Supreme CourtwillhearargumentontheAdamson ey >y guaranteed after 12 o'clock to; et lawey Jahuary 8)8, ROVERET il};¢_ploase,prily:No change ‘merrow! _**At Charlotte next Thursday there| is to be a big auction sale of 60 head |. Mur-|| without THE SCHOOL aa ROLLS Children in County Schools on the Honor Roll. Correspondence of The Landinark. Honor ro}l of Oak Ridge school: John Bell Carrigan,Julia Nantz, Bennett Young,Effie Brawley,Pau- line Atwell,Hugh Smith,Harry Car- rigan,Elizabeth Carrigan, Stamper,Estelle McKnight,John Mack McKnight,Ruby Moore,Flora Wiggans,Vada Stamper. Pupils who have yeen neither tar- dy nor absent during the first monthIn-of school: Lewis Carrigan,Bennett Young,| S.|Johnsie Wiggans,Frank Young,| Elizabeth Carrigan,Ruby Moore.LINDA KNOX,‘*.LETTIE BEATY, Teachers. '.Honor roll of Fairview School— first month: Janie Morrison,Margaret Morri-|Sum- Sum-| son,William Morrison,Mabel mers,Alex.Summers,_Willis mers and Glenn Summers. ~Honor roll #er-Mt.Bethel school| for first.month::Robert and Flora; Thomas,’Lonie;Hester and Bertha! Haves,Dessic Mae Greene,Walter Williams,Libia and Stamey Shaw,| Clarence and Willie Ward.‘MISS STELLA REID,Teacher. The honor roll of Olin school for.the} month of November—seventh grade: Mary Hoilard.Lola Bradley,Mv-| ron Tatum and James Casque;fifth|grade—Mary Bell Reid:fourth grade —Dura Mowbray;second prade— John Gill and Frank Reid. MISS GERTRUDE MOCK, Teacher, Honor roll cf Oven View school—! Pressly Deal,Mvrtle.Barkley.Minor Barkley,Luna Mills,’Clydie ‘Thomas-| on,Robert Woodwaxd. MAUDE NICHOI.SON, ALICE BILBr, Teachers. L Names of students on cer rolljforfirstmonthofElmwoodschool— Allison Thompson,Charlie Fleming. Ervin Chester.Clyde Atwell,Fleyd| Atwell,John Shook,Claude Picree, Kd.Cashion,Paul Hines,Floyd | Hendley,an Pierce.LloydGoodman,Robert Pou,Arnold Stamv- er,Chester Somers.Floyd Smith, Henry Templeton,Glenn Galliher,Ed. rar Witherspoon,Zula Cashion,Net- jtie Galliher.Pearl Cooper,Cora|Shook.Ola Galliher.Mae Goodman,Nola Shook,Katie Shook. NANNIE POWELL, LOTTIE FLEMING. Teechers. 'An or‘ganized effort rected by the ‘American Federation of Labor te| dinduce Congress to grant wage ancsalaryincreasestoallemployesoftheUnitedStatesgovernmentfrom} 'borer,wwas planned -at a meeting held|in Washington Sunday presided overbySamuelGompers,president of the|federation., -Nervous Women, 11M Hic Petodsncng,iisgeaused by const taking Chamberlain's Tablets. also improve the digestion,ery where, Obtaina- Grace , |President down to the humblest la-| as is often the case,you will’get onic the Old Standard general strengthening tontt!These|GROVE'S TA VOLUNTEER METHOD FAILS. Military Training Must Be Universal to Prepare for Adequate Defence.: The volunteer military system again has proved itself a failure and should be relegated to the past,de clares Maj.Gen.Hugn L.Scott,chief of steff of the army,in his annual report.Basing his conclusions on the showing of the Federalized .Na- tional Guard,when mobilized for border duty,and the fact that stren- uous recruiting campaigns for both the regulars and Guardsmen have: produced negligible results,General! Scott says: “In my judgment,the country will never be preparcd for defence until we do as other great nations do that have large interests to guard—like Germany,Japan anc France,where everybody is readv and does perform |military service in tire of peace,as \he would pay every other tax,and is ,wilting to make sacrifices for the protection he gets and the country |gets in return.There is no reason |why.one woman’s son should ‘to outanddefendorbe’trazned to.defend |another woman and her son,whd re-} fuses to take training or give scrvice,| |The only democratic method is:forevery~man in his youth to become!trained in order that ne may tender |efficient service if called upon in war.: |Taking up the question of the Na- (tional Guard in its Federal status, iGeneral Scott declares the training |Period of75 days in three years pro- ‘vided by the new national defence act \is wholly inadequate '“In my judgment,”he says,“it pre- ‘cludes this force from being made fit ‘for war service until it has received at least six months’additional train- |ing in time 00 war.”The report reit- erates the opinion that it.takes -a 'vear of intensive training to make a soldier and adds that the countrv and Congress appear to have a vital mis- conception of the facts in |gard, substituted for the ~!citizen volunteer army advoc ated by ithe general staff,can be given great- cr training,General Scott says,the country faces 4 serious situation.In spite of the fact that the ‘pre- |;which Congress paredness agitation stimulated inter-¥! est while the effort was being made to bring the border forces up to!war strength,General Beott sserts,three months of ecruiting ba any National Guard units below inti- mum strength.Every effort was made to get the,men,‘he says,‘ahouse-to-house“4 tfivass ee ‘CON: {ducted in some ri“The failureg?&the A doort,\‘'should make the whole:people tp reyjalizethatthevéltinteersystem|does {not and probably will’not givé ‘MIS! |either the men we need for eepeaceorforseryiceinwar.’ { Howard Gray,an American nfining(man,was hanged at Parral by;Villa,‘bandits when they entered that town;November 5,according:to Tere-[eed at El Paso,Texas. |Drives Out Malaria,Bullds Up Sypatect ELESS chill TONIC,drives out |Malaria,enriches the blood;and builds up thé sys- item.A true tonic.For aluits and children.50c. this re-}! Unless the Federalized the Ying wisdom and love,has seen fit to”call fromherlaborsonearthtotherewardofthefaith-ful,our dearly beloved sister and co-worker,Mrs.W.A.Lutz,a faithful member and treasurer of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of St.John’s E.L.church,Statesville,N.C.;and,whereas,in her death we have sustained an irreparable loss,we,as a society,deem)it highly fitting that we re-cord our appreciation of her worth;thereforebeitresolved:1.That we bow in bumble submission to RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas,.our Heavenly Father,yes uner- the Divine will. 2.That we lovingly cherish the memory of our dear departed sister’and express ourgratitudetoGodfortheinfluenceofherbeautifulChristianlife. 3.That we extend our sympathy to the 'bercaved family. 4.That a copy of these resolutions be sent the bereaved family,a copy be recorded in oyr minute book and a copy be furnishedTheLandmarkandtheLutheranChurch Visitor for publication.MRS.M.F.MRS.E.MRS.L.L. P.TROUTMAN,A.FRYE,LANIER,Committee. Fe NOTICE! I will be’at the following places on thedatementionedbelowwiththe1916taxbooks for the purpose of collecting the 1916 taxes.Please mect me and settle your tax: Sharpesburg township,at R.J.Bryant'sstore,10 to 3 o'clock,Tuesday,Dec.12,1916.New Hope township,at J.L.Reid's stare,10 to 3 o'clock Wednesday,Dec.13,1916. Union Grove township,at E.E.Robertson'sstore,10 to 8 o'clock,Thursday,Dec.14,1916. Eagle Mills township,at Houstonville,10 to 3 oclock,.Friday,Dec.15,1916.Turnersburg township,at Harmony,Gaither &Parks’.store,10 to 3 o'clock,Saturdiry,Dec.16,1916.Olin township,at Weisner &Reid's store,|, 10 to 3 o’clock,Monday,Dec.18,1916.Bethany township,at Eidson’s store,9 to 12o'clock a.m.,Tuesday,Dec.19,1916.Cool Spring township,at D,P.Sartin’s store,9 to-3 o’¢lock,Wednesday,Dec.20,1916:Chambersburg township,at J.J.Long’sstore,10 to 3 o'clock,Thursday,Dee.21,1916. Barringer townghip,at P.A.Shinn’s store,10 to 8 o'clock,rey,Dec.22,1916. Fallstown township,at Troutman’s,10 to 3 o'cldck,Saturday,Dec.23,1916. Davidson township,at Dr.Moore's store,10 to 3 oclock,Thursday,Dec.28,1916. Coddle Creek township,at Carolina MotorCo.,Friday and Saturday,Dec.29 and 30,1916.M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff. ,Dee.8. Now’s the opportune time to buy. During our December Sale you can uy a really’high-grade instrumentatagreatsaving.i LEONARD'SPIANOSTORE.— DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in.City and:County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s.residence or Long’s Sanato- rium will have-prompt attqntion. BUILDING?C.WATKINS. FURS FORCHRISTMAS! f t Fridaly and Saturday We will have ourANNUALFUR ‘SALE. Big lot Rich,Lustrous Furs in- cluding most of the wanted varie- ties..= See special display in suit depart- ment Friday,and Saturday.: :We will be!;zt OPEN EVEN INGS ‘from now until Christmas for the -convenience of those who can’t ; come earlier in the day.ae’ ee ha t a i Additiénal experienced salespeople to assist you in making your selections. be sure to see the ms Hise fe ae inky -Ramsey:Bowles-Morrison Company, The Store.TThat hy the.ie on Mail Order:ae ie ”av Sel cited geet aree READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS 3MEN orFEa ey i ‘ Checs :fs Y wee *> “3 >sone =wa : a -Ie J :ia ae f e “-ff ‘2 4 é .o~e .As bracing, .|S ON early oe a TOOPNing rie =a a é=YS |Carlet|¢4é2a ‘ ee fk 225 Délicious &Refreshing f ,+Bob+e By - By ee “a +‘ ‘F.L.Johns on,Manager. F.L.Johnson and Mrs.M.-C.Price,owners. Bottling Co: |The county commissioners,in reg-ular monthly session last.week,pass-;jjed the following claims:‘County Home and Paupers —W.-C.Perry,superintendent,$45;R.LL.‘Freeze,farmer,$35;Lewis Luckeyandwife,laborers,‘$20 ae for sala)jry;Mrs.Della Myers $7,Mrs.Mag-Jgie Salmons $5,ArthurWilliams y-lor and wife $6,for tempoorary relief.Ed,Bailey and.wife,xie Bailey,and child to be received at home,andOC,B.Jurney $3 for conveying ahemnd$2 additional as walany for BWeisnerforsuppliesfurnished edand.Roxie Bailey;C.E.Ritchie $94,for plumbing;Ramsey Bowles-Morrison Co.$60,D.J.Kimball $3.- 4/15,Statesville Grocery Co.$36.18,{Sloan Clothing €o.$238,Smith & Brown $30.10,Lazenby -Montgom- ery Hardware Co.$17.95,Statesville Drug Co.$7.80,J.W.Johnston &Sons $2.50,Eagle &Milholland $7.35,J,B.Waugh &Co.$19.50,'Waugh&Brown $13.91,F.A.Mills $20.67,W.D.Troutman $10,all for sup-pliegs Deitz &Patterson,smith work, 1 é Court House.Court and CountyOfficers—H.G.GCoox,janitor,$45; Dr.Ross McElwee,county physiciany| $50;Caldwell &Caldwell,county at-| torneys,$25 for salary;J.'M!Deaton, stamps for sheriff’s office,$7.85;Hol- land Bros.$112.20,Southern RailwayCo..$1.36,Edwards.&BroughtonPrintingCo.$67.28.K.P.Allison $7.- 06.Brady Printing Co."$44,25. dell Teleohone Co.$9,City Light and Power Co.$25.74.City Water Denvart-ment $16.80.Walker -Evans -Cogs- well Co.$80,West Disinfecting Co. $116.75,Statesville HousefurnishingCo.$3.50.Statesville .Printing “Co.$32.60.all for supplies;Western Un-ion Telegragh Co.$1.94 for service to county;Hotel.Iredell,$11.75 for meals for jurors;W.D.Harris,$13.- 25 for repairs. Election Claims—D._T.Morrison $3.50,renairing election boxes;«Z. Vi Lone $90.chairman county hoardofelection;J.F.Brawley $60.10, chairman of board.of canvassers;J. KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ———Made by ——— BOYCE LUMBER CoO. :‘*Phone 294. “IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE IT.F.Brawley $44.48,registrar of Cod-dle Creek No.2;W.B..McLelland $30.81.registrar of Sharpesburg::W. M.Albea $32.65.registrar of Tur- nershurg:J.L.Shepherd ip ‘judge ofelectionStatesvilleNo.W. Crawford .$4,judge of eclen.Beth-| any;J,W.Vickery $4.jude of elec- tion,Bethany:W.A.Heltshouser,$2, jiudge of election.Statesville No.3; )U.S.Edwards $2.judge of election, iCeol Snring;S.M.Goodman $4.50, ~FUMIDON_ (Insect Destroyer) For the Destruction of Weevils, Beetles,Moths and Insects. 50C:A BOTTLE *——_A T—-—. I.HALL’S DRUG STORE, mee Statesville,N.C. |slection.Davidson:W.W.Hair.$4, lindge election,Chambersbure;J.C. 'Harmon $4,judge election,Bethany; M.UL.owdy $2.iudee election, Statesville No.4;1.-S:Morrison $4, —~ J lay $2,jnde election,Coadte Creek| No,2:J.W.Allison $2,judge.elec. tion,Statesville No,3:C.M.Warener$2,iudee election Fallstown:G, W.Harris $2.judze election,Con- eord:J.A.W:Barkley $4,judge’election.Statesville.No.‘2;Marsh Howard $4.judze election,Barring-, M.Young $3628.registrars late stow:W.A.Wright $9.19, indge election.challenge.ete., loh:T.G.Wallace $32 32.registrar, Facle Mills:J.G.Morris $35.71.ree-Jistrar.Union Grove:R.I.Shoemek- ar 98340.revistrar.New.Hove;F.Rt Siceloff $2974.registrar.Olin:C.Hi! Knox $26.85,revistrar,Cool Spring; T.L.Adem:$27.09.registrar,Beth-anv:9.L.Wondsides $32.84,reris- FOR SALE. 55 acres one-fourth mile from thé depot in Davidson,N.C.,near college and graded School,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and dirt road,with 3-room tenant house,large stock barn,running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- -ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes. :97 acres three miles from Harmony,State High School,one-half “mile from:public school on public road,40 acres in cultivation, balance in Sea 7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out- buildings,sone fruit,one branch running through place. .For further’information call on or write ERNEST G.GAITHER, INSURANCE,STOCKS*AND REAL ESTATE.*Phone 23.Mills Building. Statesville,N.C. trar.Concord:W.-S:Clendenin $24, ,|registrar..Chambersbure;PSmith$80.42.registrar. J.-H.|Cloanineer $49.35,Coddlé Creek No.1:-T.E.Ervin $39.- 99,registrer.Davidson:C D.Moore 830.08,registrar,Statesville No.13CG.Ae Ardrews $20.31. Statesville No.2:F.G.White %43.59. veristrar?Statesville No.3:E.B. Teinster $40.45.registrar.Statesville No.4;A.W.Stevenson $34.95,reg- istrar.Shiloh.Jail and Prisoners —-C. Barrirrer; recistrar, T.. veving Red Thomas.from Hieh Point.reward,Miinday $3.95,repair work:J.R. Writht and 1.F.Warren 430.forwork;Tredell Hardware Co.$9.85 and Ww.A.Evans $7.70.for supplies;city. of Statesville.$30.26 for water and$6 10 for lights. Miscellaneous:—T.ee Fraley $3.85,for ticket ‘to Raleigh;J.M.Deaton $13.50,trip to State farm,Halifax eountv:C.1.Gilbert.$640.conveving Poul Shuford from Nervton to States- ville;State Hosnital,Geldsboro.$16- PSSSIITIIITIIITOTIIISITIAILILITIIIIZIITIL esesssesesessssisessesereesseretestes ‘Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits ‘31,500.00 “Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent hank- 60.expense Martha Poe,and $17 2h, expense Geo.Houston;C.TL.Mur- Bidock $14.20.for’arrests;Johnston-BH}Relk Co.$11.89,supplies for county: BiDr.E.N.Lawrence SI,extracting H itooth for convict;C.T..Gilbert $20, Bidestrovine illicit distillery;N.+A. 8 i T.ewis $10,five days axtra as commis:Hictoner:C M Swisher $20,for de- B istrovine illicit distillery. H Tt weg ordered that the tax hooks Ai for 1916 .be turned over to “M./P. |}Alevander.the present sheriff;that #|Mack:Feimster be exempted fromBivoall.tax:thet W.B..Campbell “com- a inlete the Ellis ‘road as fer aq survev- Bied:that the matter of W.M.Sum-Hi mars,whose horse was injured on Allison’s bridge.be referred to the a jcounty attornevs.. nanan H|Senator Overman Will Be In Charge. #|Senator Overman has been ap- H pointed ‘chairman of the joint com-Himittee of the House and Senate which Ire-| B.44 |indge election'and two dinners,Cod-| RH Creek:J.A.Doveiass $4.-judge| iudgeelection,Davidson:T.0.Braw-| registrar Gil-| tert.$93.20.jailer.and $17.40,con:| jail fees,etc.;W.¥., d | Shit} |$193,155,000 werit to 709,572 persons, NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items"of ~interest |From Over.the State. Pitt county voted down,|ehaletiaely,a.proposition to$50,000.of bonds tohospital. M.L.Hall,who lived near Jones-boro,Lee county,«was killed a fewdaysagowhiledemolishingan’oldhouse.Some timbers fell.on him. Dick Higgins,negro,died suddenlywhilesittingbyafirewhichhehadbuiltontheroadside,a short distancefromMerion.Had keentomuchhome-made.booze, The Asheville market,it is said,is abundantly supplied w:th deer and bear meat,’the deer and bear being unusually plentiful this season,in the extreme western section of the State. The contractors who ,have beenbuildingthesand-clay road,throughYadkincountyhavefinishedtheir work.There is now a continuous line:of good road from Elkin to Winston-Salem,a epee of 47 miles.~ marta over-issue pata a county The baby son of Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Humphrics‘of Moravian Falls wasleftalone-in the house while his mother,went to the spring for water, his vetting caught fire and he was vs ly .burned;dying a few hours ater, Agnes Rockwell,sister of the fa- pope corsuming Ls ‘Pictured above is the Hub-Mark StormSlippe i ‘From the Atlantic to the Pacific,from the Gulf td the: Lakes,this is the favorite rubber of men and womens wha:a light-weight and dressy rubber that is a real protection in sauerandrain,This Storm Slipperis also made for men,boysandgirls,© Hub-Mark Rubber Footwearis made in a wide varictof ‘of kindsandstyjestocoverthestormyweerneedsofmeOER,boys and girls in town or count ner The Hub-Mark istyeue value mark, HUB-MARK’RUBBERS. The World's Standard Rubber Footwear 4 For sale by all good dealers.a mous aviator,Kiffin Rockwell,who was recently killed in France,was quietly married in Asheville FridayinighttoRev.Leonidas -Braxton Hayes:of Wilkesboro,.Rev.W. Abernethy of Charlotte officiating.Mr.Hayes is the Methodist pastor at Wilkesboro, ‘While taking the anaesthetic pre- paratory to an operation,in &.oelotte.hospital,for the.removal of| metal pencil cap,one inch long.ehichhehadswallowed,and which had settled on his left ‘lung,Ralph OWens," the 6-year-old son of Secretary Ow- ens of the Kannapolis Y.M.C.A.,began coughing violently,with the result that the metal cap was cough- ed up,thus’making the operation un- necessary. Reduction iin Pensionersand Pensions. (The report of Commissioner Salt- zabger of the pension bureau shows that more than 5,000 Civil War vet- erans have died within:the last year,reducing their total to 286,080,hard-ly more than a third of what it was18yeargago.Thére was a net re-duction {n all .pensioners of 38.000, and in the amount paid for pensions of $6.000.000.«Pensions aggregating |s A STATESVILLE MAN GIVESEVIDENCE! His,TestimonyyWill Interest Ev- "ery Statesville Reader. The value of local evidence is indis-.putable;It is the kind of ‘evidence . we accept as true because we know. we can prove it for ourselves.There has been plenty of such evidence in the Statesville papers lately this straightforward testimony has established a confidence in the minds éf Statesville people that will not be easily shaken: J.E.Fry,foreman in shop,220 E.Bell St.,Statesville;says:| “T had lumbago and often such sharp, pains caught me across the small.of hardly straighten.Sceing Doan’s Kidney Pills highly recommended,I ‘got a supply from the Statesville Drug Co.and began taking them.I my kid=>s«are not acting just right, I take a iew dosgs of Doan’s Kidney Pills and they put mein good shape.” Price 50c.at all dealers.-Dott simply ask for a kidney reo ee Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same_that Mr.Fry had.Foster-Milburn-Co., Props.,Buffalo.N.Y. KF lowerale For All Occasions! We can always supply _you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van-Lindley Co., ‘and|| furniture!p my back when #.stooped,that I could g was soon relieved.When I notice that)% At the present high price of allfeod ‘ stuff it is up to you to get all you .canoutof your feed,:‘The best way.: to do thisis to get.one of ‘our Feed Crushers and a small engine’ind save: every bit of it.ee aaa CHORSROHOORCHOHOF?OCC O OOOCTOHO -Something may run into you,or you may run rearrive ‘isahaa a but there .areswWANY Biilea:csofbeingtemporarily,or permanently disabled.“ You.may bé hurt while you work,‘or hurt.:walk*with the present rapid.rate.of:locer utseveraldisabledby’autos last ‘week right.aroundh ‘thing,such as smallpox and other contagious di wA thousand chances of being laid up:‘But---he 6“the:BIG CHANCE to beat the game,by haying one ob6UR4percentsavingDISABILITYPOLICIES:at your:back work while you’re weak and can’t help:yourself.”5 ae Let us show you how:much it means "to you,andalittleitcosts.wh W.E.WEBB,Managel 7 Pe r er er s t re r e r r e y co r y PI T TT PT T Ey e s ee e rs ls EE T er e s MONEYIS POWEI %’4 MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INL AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE iy ae AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!© SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A.onACCOUNT!ae This.Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men!a Certificates of Deposit issued By this Bank bear interedt from dete,at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum..:,* Checking accounts,éither large or small,cordially inviteas’ We want your business! 0 oe +ee People’s Loan and Savings Bank,| aod.a a :=3 will make arrangements for the sec©f ing methods.Bs |ond pugareties of pene Wil-BOE GN -*ceesldent e 5 °;Bison,and by’virtue of the chairmany «ks am snier,Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Hjship Senator Overman will be in GREENSBORO,@ 6. mi Ccnarge oO e inauguration.e WH x-“Deposits remaining on deposit ae H ride with the President to and from Polk Gray Drug Co =eres monthsor longer H ithe White House when Mr.Wilson}!9oFNelsenpactoe ~HUNT BROTHERS,ed ry]H tol steps. ;\‘OF FICERS:Hy Four yer ago ener ee ;¥was Ul e ranking emocrat on the$e.W.D,“TURNER,<<==President.”§chargeof babu te C.WATKINS for GREENSBORO,N.C.votHMORRISON,-=.-Vice President.§—_—-—|,“Everything‘to’Build With.”STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.*oe -D.M.AUSLEY,-- Cashies,Se ae mein full Stock—Lo PriRimeda.K,HUGHRY,-Assistant Cashier.spl,He Sok:Beavie H ASA a aie eindonas Coll ~.ambing and Private Water Systems.4 Oe Ne ,pacar Niet aegzoredtaro of mychildren|1 ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,REFERENCES FURNISHED.i epgeaeeeterteriressesereressrstesetereeerereseneeseceoeereeseeresesrerereeteererecesceerireereeeertoesd:Gourh Remedy and found it ast as Fepresent-octets Laths,Lime,Cement,.y ar 7 in very way.Dares ye te er eir .—a1 nee—ZaIE-ADVERTISEG-ASKS.SOR-ZGUR BUSINES aries {rete Seah eet |_Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville.IT 18 WORTH.a ene 10,‘ay,ADS. ex ee ;\feo Regt tcnie amesteoen Tepe Thee ne ce tr sae aaaa A iy Seley ‘elements ==.¢g :‘x :puteg "this boot apes hiovarialAMm endo dite 4 om invader Be.”:eM AA |BADITAW O)SDM LS ta Sian tad aad ats Bt lilt , ‘ includ ing 93,861 round bales and 77, => ===READY FOR YOUR.INSPECTION.= We Aré Proud of the Merchandise We Are Showing This Secs. Each Article Personally Selected From the Best Gift Shops of America. There Are No Duplicates In The Better Grades. Six Of Us Waiting To Show You si : Silver Handled Umbrellas Coin Holders Three-Piece Toilet Sets . Card’Cases Mesh’Bag& Vanitiio eee Slipper Buckles and Pins, Dorin Crochet Sets Matinee Bags Locket and Chain Puff Boxes Toilet Sets .......0..... Military Sets Manicure Sets Hair Brushes ..Ladies’Combs ‘“Powder Boxes Hair Receivers Shoe Horns,Shoe Hooks, PARISTAN IVORY, Nail Files, STERLING SILVER FOR LADIES. $6.50 to $15.00 4.50 to 6.50 ree 22.50 to 25.00 wisechs ere ree 6.50 to 31.50 yee 22.50 to 35.00 ieee 6.50 to 22.50 felt Pins, ADE woOn ones 4.50 to 8.50 eacistershetereieneeie 3.50 ereneiviete ‘9.00 MeleGelecrerere 10.00 Peers 7.50 to 9.50 The Better Grade. eee:$7.50 to $17.50 Dee 4.50 to,6.50 eons 3.50 to 5.50 ees ees 1.50 to 4.50 ae te ees 00 to 1.00 eyes 50 to 2.00 ee oe ae 0 to 2.00 Cuticle Knives. Military Brushes ’Belt with Silver Buckles’.. Hand Bags ee Strap Pon eee re Traveling Sets ........... Sewing Sets Manicure Sets STERLING SILVER for GENTLEMEN. Three Belts in colors with Silver Buckles 7.50 Cigarette Cases .......ee .8.50 to 11.50 Card Cases ..........80dbeeceeetes 5,00 to 6.50 Silver Handled Umbrellas ..........6.50 to 10.50. Pocket Knives. L.E.Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens .2.50 to 11.50 HIGH GRADE LEATHER erie 50 to $8.50 to $17.50 4.50 to 9.00 GOODS.: $3.50 to $7.50 6.50 50 to 2.50 1.00 to 3.50 75 to 6.50 2.00 to 6.50 1.00 to 4,00 eee 1.00 to (12.50 Loeweeees 1.50 to 3.50 BROOCHES and LAVELLIERS. Gold Brooches,with Diamond and Pearls,from $14.50 to $30.00..Each ina Parisian Ivory Case, Lavelliers,with Sapphires and,Pearls,with Diamonds and Pearls,with Pearls,ete.,from $8.50 to $35.00,Each. in an elegant Plush Box.,.CAMEOS. Genuine Italian Pink Shell Cameo,surrounded with genuine Pearls,$8.50 to $20.00. PERFUMES. Toilet Waters,Ioreign and Domestic;Sachets,Mary Garden,Houbigants,Garden Glo, Violet Dulce,D’jer Kiss,Azurea,La Trefle.A complete assortment. souquet Janice,Hud- nut’s, Te deeerereentereeerineHE LANDMARK TUESDAY, Highway from Statesville via.Wilkes- boro Into Virginia. Tr,the Editor of The Landmark: North Wilkesboro,Dec.8 —-We @re very much interested in the ex- tension of the national highway fromStatesvillevinWilkesvoroandJef-ferson into Virginia.We consider it the most practical route.The roads re now being surveyed in Wilkes end we wish to call the attention of the business men of your town end Section to this.route and ask them to Use their influence with the StatehighwaycommissiontohavethexouteextendedfromStztesvilieeith- @ to connect at Warren’s bridge,orztTempleton’s store,with the dikes county road.|The most feasible foute for this section’snd yours is the one’we sug- gest,and we take this means of urg- ihg the people of your town and gounty to aid us in making this the national highway.‘The outlet thiscountyandAsheneedsistheonegout,2nd in the absence of railroadicSutletthehighwaywillbethebest’:\thing for a connecting link with your you"'¢ounty and further south;andwilldothismountainsectiona last-“he favor by calling this matter totheattentionofthehighwaycommis-ion and also urging your people indarcundStatesvilletoretbusyaboutthisroute.a J.FE.WINKLER, E.O.MASTIN. bred Officers Rhode Island Red Club‘ —Prizes. Ata cmectire of the State branchof‘the RhodeIsland Red’s club,inWarcteThursdaynight,Dr.R.E. |THE ENGINEER NOT GUILTY. --December 12,1916.4 The Supreme Court's Finding As to What Constitutes Criminal Negligence. The case of Engineer Tankersley, whom the Supreme Court has reliev- ‘ed of the charge of criminal negli- gence,is of unusuai interest.Tank- ersley’s train ran into the rear of an- other train in the Salisbury railroad yards,killed two passengers and se- verely injured others.It was alleged that Tankersley ran by a signal,he was indicted for criminal megli- gence,convicted of manslaughter and given the minimum punishment—four months in jail. Thecase was appealed and the Su-preme Court not only scts aside theconvictionformanslaughterbutdis-misses the case,holding that the en- gineer is not guiity of any criminaloffence.Judge Hoke writes theopinionofthecourtandinreviewingthetestimony,says “The testimony of the State as totheexactspeedtowhichthedefend-ant reduced his train at the time ofthecollisionvaries,different witness- es giving it by estimates at 19,15,18 and 20 ‘miles ean hour,but undertsircumstancesdisclosedbythered,with only a signal of thatcharactertoguidehimandwithno-thing whatever to show that therewasapassengertrainbetween’himondthecross-over switeh or anylikelihocdofit,even if he had notredue¢d his train to the speed requir-ed by the highest prudence,or evenifhe.fail to stop it within 120 feet.the distence he was able to see aheadaroundthecurve,this,while i{michtbeconsideredanerrerofjudgement.or even a negligent default in a civilissue,should not by any reasonable er just estimate of his condnet be im-nuted to him for a crime.The decis- are of Shelby was elected presi-ions of the court have described indent;E.A.Morrison of Shiloh town-different ier;the of neghi-Ship,Iredell county,Vice president,cence required ‘to ce itute a ¢rime.and Miss Sallie David:‘on of the vi-Tn some of them it said to be nes.cinity of Statesville was re-eBected lieence ‘culpable,and)gross.’and jSecretaryandtreasurer.other that it must be such as:oto&®Over 30 members are as ted in show a reckless disrevard of ihe€work of the club and¢banquet eatetg of others ete.But all rayattheMecklenburghételwasapartitiesaereethat‘in orter to hold one@theproceedingsoftheCharlotteaerimiral,there must be a Richermeeting.,degree of neeligenco than is requir-On exhibits —the Charlotte poul-ed to establich negrrent default onttyshowMr.Morrison won prizes on 9 more civil issue.and th in or-hist cock,frst hen and #fth eo tor fo vecnre aceonvietion of invalunsanaggregateof$15-cash prizes—-tary manslaueh ter attributab!)andéa silver cup)and two blue rib-4 isent omission of duty,when en-Hons for thebest display of the Rhode »vod ina lawfal ect must heIslandtRedcluh,shown that a homicide was not im-Other prize-winners at the Char-prohalle under all the facts existentlottepoultryRiawereProfD.=t the timo and yl Ot 1aerandwhecouldhaveMatt,Thempson,Rose ¢omh Reds,yea ony influcticee and ofoet vnon thefirsthen,fourth Dullet,foutth eoe}ct of the per char‘eed :.Bee : 07 I Usrel;Miss Sallie Dar ids4én,Rose CA rosite to the facts of hiaSeem)Jae 1)coe;H “SF a ’Baegem,Reds,fi pea es:CCON peony”“he positien is very well.stat-oe third hen,third puliet,color {and eC ine MeLean'e Criminal Law sectionShane«peri:in +f c a ‘3 :o foesnapespecialinRoseCombRev890:SA negligence which will renderuminatentionsomicide—erimins isCottonGinnedtoDecuber”Wee ene ial agCsucheatelessnessorrecklessnessas%ottor ginned to December |3.ineomnatihl ;,1959.2 ecompetihle with proper regard]Smounted to 10,359,846 running bales,,.homoan Jj ';ter human life.An act of omissioyincluding177,661 round bales and ae y has)eommissi Y I‘ella comm ion ly Os101,620 bales cf Sea Issland,the cen-yim;las to ;nd q uy i tir °‘mal as onder dea "ASsusbureauannounces,here a ace Sat&Last vedr 9.703.612 running bate 5b bales of =‘a Tsland were ginned ,to Decémber 1.1TheSeantgrinnedin:North CatoDecember1was JR.POSTON¢; aro-567,136,| | eave you mo:ley ar e if bourhtrmw ainrhtpe sits manslaurhter,—But iesemicstonmustbeonelikelytoeausedeath.”|The court finds from the evideneeithatthesignalseavenoindication,of |®train ahead and no order to stop—| What it world cost R.F,Henry to|move an article is taken on con price | L hi Stationery In Christmas Boxes,25c.to $5.50.Conmesnendcnce Cards,25c.to $1.00.Christmas Candies—‘Norris’,Liggett’s and ea s.InHalf,One,Two,Three te)Five Pound Boxes,Fancy saskets and Boxes.STATESVILLE DRUG COMPANY. te THE QUALITY GIFT SOP" that there was nothing to the existence of the train into which | the engineer ran -his train.And un- der this finding it was eminently proper thet the verdict and judgment of the lower court be not only set aside,but that the engineer be relicv- ed of further prosecution. Mr.Bryan Has Changed His Mind as to Government Ownership. Federe!regulations of railroads should be in addition,and not a sub-stitute for,State regulation,W.J,Bryan told the Newlands joint com- mittee on inter-State commerce,in Washington.He vigorously oppos- ed the proposal of the railroads for a greater centralizatioa of (regulating authority in-the hands of’the Feder-al goverrment on the ground that |this would impose such a burden on|the authoritics at Washington thattheycouldnotdealwiththeprob-lem adequately,becruse it wouldtemptrailroadstoexertinfluenceonCongress,and becezuse “the people athomeeanbestattendoothething: at home.”He said that Congress could exercise its fullest powers over the ‘railroads without interfering |with the powers of the States and!that nothing would nasten govern-* ment ownership of railroads more!than the success af the centralization| 2 \Plan,“|sir,Bryan explained”that he had changed his mind on the,subject ofgovernmentownershipsincehead-|voeated such a steno 10 vears ago andthathenowdoesnotdegovern.i ment ownership if it ex:ye avoided,|“Theve believed for =number of |yeers,”he said,“that government |ownership was inevitable,but onlybecausetherailroadswouldnotcorsenttoeffectiveregulation,and th:qthepeoplewouldbecompelledfortheirownprotectiontotakech:of the reilroads.Personally I cannotaythat.I desire government ‘owner-shin.Tam fo0 much of an individ-ualist.T desire it only when com-andpetition proper ImMNoscome atble, is indefensible.” Settling An Election Bet in Watanga. Boone Democrat. Some time just election,“Big Ed,” tain of Private monopoly preceding the'| Miller was so ce r=| nresidency that he wagered one of.Watauga farms,valued at about |“2.900,against three ity lots inyJohnsonCity,Tenn,“With @ “wise’|traveling sale sman|“who}.makes hismonthlyroundsin’Wat:auge.Lastweektheaforesaidsalesmancame|over to make settlement.,Mr.Miller, ||||||i|heving:heen in poor health for some‘ime.possibly worked somewhat up-|on the sympathy of the winner,and |4 compromise was -effected,Miller |paying $250 eash and “Prince,2 his'|{rusty saddle horse,and,we suppose,|was glad to pet off ‘at that price,’ TS.RLSAERTE ETN OID Baptist State Convention. The Baptist State Convention,in sion at Elizabeth City,selectedmehamforthenextplaceofmeeting,Among the other matters of inter: est at the Conventioa was the reportofGeneralManagerKesleroftheThomasvilleorphanage.The “orphan:.|age is taking care of 500 children atanannualcostof$55,000. ALDINGtowne WATKINS.|Payment tt manniahone“net te a suggest ; ,to be ,farmers to +6 |«twice as many.Everyone seems | regulation —he-|, Judge Hughes’election to the |- | |{ Save the Cotton Seed. Again the United States bureauof | USiant industry is urging cotton grow- ers to make certain of their supply of seed for planting next yéar. All kinds of cotton seed are likely”scarce next season,says the advices,“the unvrecedeniéed prices paid by the oil mills may tempt qany sell their seed,pt tting down the reserve supply Zor being able to buy a little better grade at small advance in price.” White it is always desirable ta re-| place inferier stock it would be welltomakegreoftheseed.Only a| limited ly of good seed is in sight and t should be saved for planting. plant-|”ing,or of selling out in the hope’of| » pestle LS e Act Nowee- While the assortment is complete “Tam sending more Christmas cards than before” AST year so many of my) EVE7 | { | (4 be | friends called my holiday cards ‘dainty’,‘clever’,‘just too dear’,that this ycar I am using to credit M¥with their quality, yet all I do is to ask for THE A:M:DAVIS CO.(QUALITY:CARDS A complete line may be found at this store. BRADY PRINTING CO. HAVE.TRIED .THE REST—ae BEST YOU NOW USE FOR SALF BYLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,WN.C.:| goth ITry TAXES.| The City Tax Books fre now in my handsforthecollection’of 1916 rei.ania is axt Collector, -'GREEN AND BROWN Shingles DEBBY,orsfarviemaomaar an '1 4 |iy ee‘nm eee. ¥Awoee1 see oe ‘)7 e For a short time we are offering each “customer ordering a Suit or Overcoat,.ifromtheFALLAND.WINTER LINE OF 64eGILOBE TAILORING CO. of Cincinmati, a FANCY VEST OR A ‘PAIR OF TROUSERS, FREE.Every garment “Nrrpie-Mo.pep”toyourmeasure,thus making your satisfaction sure:Step in and Ict us take ‘your measure,to-day.)SHERRILL:WHITE SHOE COMPANY.° In renrenneenemmmmrmnemantrmenmnner:or naire LK i usSengeeee [What Shall I Give? 1 A gift of Jewelry will not disappoint,for itis some-.|thing everybody likes to have.The offerings at mystore,will help you solve the problem of what to give.You will be surprised at the lowness of price to—“Where Gems and Gold are Fairly Sold,”HsB.WOODWARD.Jeweler.” $1.40,‘Per Square;--Naile,Ridg SHINGLE STAINS AND RE ROUGE PAINT af Pe re -the globe.°_<For the retention of Constantinople will be;el tral nations —the United States, Pp-firm ’by armies. ;«gut.fear and |.ready for fighting and we are ready be ernments were in the diplomatic box. STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 15,1916. |TERMS OFFERED. ly and Her Allies MakepositiontoEndtheWar Not Made Public et Declared. tter of prime interest thispthepeaceproposalofthealpowers—Germany,Austria-mry,Turkey and Bulgaria.Thepeedtermshavenotbeenmadep.The guessers have fixed|about as follows:by the complete restoration of the evacuation by Germany of|territory captured in northernNeeduringthe‘progress of *the Por the establishment of Poland@Lithuaniaasindependentking- For the retention of Serbia by Hungary,and the restora- on to Bulgaria of all territory lost‘that.country in the second Balkan |For the restoration to Austria -of 1 y captured by Italy in theNeighborhoodoftheAdriaticsea.'/For the restoration to Germany ofNlherColonialpossessionsinAfri-ca,the Far East and other parts of i key.Just what consideration,if amygiventheofferisnott ear,: ~The German chancellor,von Beth-man -Hollwegg,Tuesday read to theReichstag—the German Parliament—the following note which he hadhanded.to representatives of the neu- Spain and Switzerland:“The most terrific war ever expe-rienced in history has been raging forthelasttwo‘years and a half overalargepartoftheworld—a catas-trophe which thousands of years ofcommoncivilizationwasunabletoprevent,and which injures the mostprecious‘achievaments of humanity.“Our aims are not.to shatter norannihilateouradversaries.In spiteofourconsciousnessofourmilitaryandeconomicstrengtnandourread-inebs to continue the war (which hasbeenforceduponus)until the bitterend,if necessary;at the same timetrampted.by the desire to avoid fur-ther bloodshed and maxe an end tothe:atrocities of war,the four allied powers.propose to enter forthwithinto,peace negotiations.The proposi-tions which they bring forward.fornégotiations.and which:have for. object:a guarantee of the exist-ince of the honor and liberty of evo-ution for’their nations are,accord-irg to their firm belief,an appropri-ate basis for the establishment of a lasting peace.“The four allied powers have beenobligedtotakeup&rms to defendjusticeandthelibertyofnational evolution,The glorious deeds of ourarmieshaveinnowayalteredtheirurpose.We always maintained the belief that our own rights andjustifiedclaimsinnowaycontroltherightsofthesenations.“The spiritual and material prog-réks which were the pride of Europeatthebeginningofthetwentiethcenturyarethreatened.with ruin.Germany and her allies—Austria-Hungary,Bulgaria and Turkey—gave proof of ~their unconquerablestrengthinthisstruggle.They gain-ed gigantic advantages over adversa-ries superior in Humber and war ma-terial.Our lines stand unshakenagainstever-repeated attempts made “The last attack in the Balkans ‘hasbeen’rapidly and victoriously over-come.The most recent events have demonstrated that further continu- anee of the war will -not result in breaking the resistance of our forces, and the whole situation with regard J to our troops justifies our expec ation of further successes,~~ “Tf,in\spite of this offer of peace and reconciliation,the struggle should go on,the four allied powers are re- golved to|continue to a victorious end, but they!disclaim responsibility for his before.humanity and history. he imperial government,through the good offices of your excellency, ask the)government of (htre is in- serted the name of the neutral pow- ers addressed in-each instance)to bring this communicationto the knowledge of the government (here are inserted the names of the bellig- rents).:“Atte reading the note,the chan-cellor,said:“Gentlemen,in August,1914,ourenemies:challenged the superiority of power in the world war.Today we raisé the question of peace,which is a question of humanity.We.await the answer 6f our enemies with that sereneness of mind which is guaran- teed to us by our.exterior and inte- rior strength and by our clear con- science.If our enemies decline to erid ‘the war,if they wish to take up- on themselves the world’s heavy bur- deni of all these terrqrs:which hereaf- ter will follow.then éven in the least and smallest:homes _every German heart will burn in -sacred’wrathagainstourenemies,who-are unwill-ing to stop human slaughter,in or-def that their plans of conquest andannihilation:may continue.3“In a fateful hour we took a faté-il:decision..God will be the judge,'@ can proceed upon our way with~unashamed.We —are for peace,=“rhe chancellor's speech was listen- ed to by thronged galleries.The roy- al box was crowd All the ambas-gadors and ministers.of foreign gov- The Austrian,Turkish and Bulga- hvears old. MR,J,B.ARMFIELD DEAD. Lawyer and Student —FuneralYesterdayAfternoon:—Oth-er Deaths.nesMr,James B,Armfield died at hishome.on Davie avenue Wednesdayafternoonat2.60.He was a victim of Bright’s disease and for months itwasknownthathiscasewas.hope-less..For.weeks his:condition hadbeencritical.éThefuneralservicewasconductedattheFirstBaptistchurch,of which Mr.Armfield was a member,yester- pastor,Dr.Chas,Anderson,The ac-tive pall-bearers were Mr.Armfield’slegalbrethren—Messrs,W.D.Tur-ner,Dorman Thompson,Dewey Ray-mer,R.T.Weatherman,H.BurkeR.B.McLaughlin.Other members ofthebarandthe,deacons of ©thechurchwerehonorarypall-bearers. Mr.Armfield was,the youngest sonofthelateHon.and Mrs.R.F.Arm-field.He was born in Wilkesboro Oc-tober 11,1867,but had spent practi-rally all of his life in Statesville.When quite a young man he studiedlawunder“his father —who wasthemostnotedlawyerofhistimein,this section of the State, judge of the Superior Court and nape of Congress —and,hadec_,advantage of fine legal training.From 1898 to 1897 hewasa_clerk’in the office ofUnitedStatesMarshalT.-J.-Allisonandsincethattimedevotedhimselftothepracticeofhisprofession.Hewasastudent—of the classics aswellasofthelaw—and was among the best informed lawyers at theStatesvilleber.His practice waslargelyinhisoffice.Never strong physiéally,always modest, to be diffident,he lacked the aggress- iveness-which,with his learning and his mental power,would have givenhimprominenceandrenownatthebaropontheforum.He servedthreetermsasamemberoftheboardofaldermen.While often urg-ed to become a candidate for office, his modesty kept him out of the po-litical field. Personally Mr.Armfield was a kind-hearted and lovapfe man,andfewwhocalledonhimforfavorsor for help that he could give,were turned away.In his last illnesg af-ter he became unable to wl was occasionally brought up to ;his daughters,in a wheel chair.Forsomeweekshisdeathhadbeénex- pected at almost any time.On:June 28,1893,Mr.Armfieldmarried’Miss ‘Emma _Anderson, daughter of Dr.John Anderson of Davie county,and is-survived by his wife and three daughters,MissesFlorence,Julia.and--Frances Aym-field;by one brother,Robt.E.Arm. field,and three sisters—Mrs.W.J.Hill and Mrs.C.J.Jones ‘of States- ville,and Mrs.Frank Lewis ofBrooklyn,N.Y.Mrs.Lewis hasbeenvisitinginStatesvilleforsome time..Two older brothers of Mr.Armfielddiedaboutsixyearsago—Mr.Chas.H.Armfield,a prominent lawyer of Statesville,and Gen.J.F.Armfield,who was Adjutant General of theStateatthetimeofhisdeath. Mrs.M.A.E.Moore died Tuesday afternoon at her home at Bloomfield, aged 65 years.Interment was yester-day at New Salem church.Severalchildrensurvive. Mr.Rockwell Hoke,aged 21 years, died Wednesday nighi a:the home-of his father,Mr.John Hoke,on~the Buffalo Shoals road,death resulting from tuberculosis.Interment was yesterday’afterncon at Connelly’s chapel.He is survived by his pa- rents and..:several brothers and sis- ters.~Mrs.Florence Ellis,wife of Mr. A.L.Ellis of Advance,Davie county, a@ patient at Long’s Sanatorium sinceSunday,died there yesterday morn-ing about 11 o'clock.She was 52Theremainsweretaken to Advance yesterday afternoon and will be interred there.Miss Annie Beck Boyette,a’niece of Mrs.W.H.Allison of Stztesville, died yesterday morning at ‘the home of her father,Dr.J.M.Boyette,atBessemerCity,and will be buried atWadesborotcday.Miss Boyette hadvisitedStatesvillefrequentlyandhadfriendshere.= Judge Cooke Resigns —Mr. iley Offered Place. Mr.J.W.Bailey,collector of in-ternal revenue for the Raleigh ©dis- trict,was Wednesday tendered Sunerior Court judgeship of the sev- enth judicial district,embracing Wake and Franklin counties,to fill the va- cancy caused by the resignation ofJudgeCharlesM.Cooke of.Louis- burg.Julge Cooke resigned Mon- day.He hes been in .very feeblehealthformonths.Gov.Craig offered the place to Mr.Bailey. Wilson Gets One *Virginia. in West ried West Virginie by 2.plurality of2.721,the cfficial count shows thatPresident:Wilson will.receive oneelectoralvotc.Colonel S.A:\Scott,Republicenelector,who was placed on the tieketfollowingtheresignationofJ. Dawson,was defeated,receiving a smaller vote than Oriando Depue,Dertiperatic elector. Prohibition and Woman Suffrage. The constitutional amendment for national prohibition has been favora-blv renorted bv the judiciary com-mittee of the House of Congress.|'The woman-»suffrage |amendméntwasrenortedwithoutprejudice. notes to representatives of neutral rian governments passed aime j ‘States and to the Pope of Rome. day afternoon at 3 o'clock by the}: inclined |’ the |; Although Charles E.Hughes car-|} MAY SUFFER FOR BREAD.j SoaksBlockadérsUsing:All the Sur- plus-Corn to Make Liquor. The Landmark learns that citizens of north Iredell and adjoining portions of Wilkes are disturbed on account ofthelargeamountof.corn bee usedbytheillicitdistillerstomakeliquorAprominent:citizen:of north Iredell}says it is feared that people will act-ually suffer for bread because of the corn.being.used to make liquor;andsoscriousisthesituationthatnoticesevebeenpostedwarningagainstthesaleofcornforthis-purpose.:The corn trop in)that section thisyearwaslight.The demand for liq-uor is active and-much is being made.The distillers fird rendy sale,for theliquorforcashandcanpaycashfor corn.In this way they are able’tobuyallthecornthatiforsale.Ma- ny poor people have not the money tobuycorn.They have to obtain creditfortheirsupplyforbread.If ail thecornissoldforcashthisclasswill actually suffer.our informant says:North Iredell people say that while, there is some blockading in their,sec-tion mast of it is across the line in Wilkes,where,they ailege,the booze manufacturers are not-.often disturbed by the officers;and those Wilkes.dis- tillers,they allege,come over into Iredell and buy corn. It is a peculiar situation in a pro-hibition State,but The Landmark.isinformedthatithasbecomesoserious as to give general concern in that section. Suit Against Dr.Long in Su- preme Court. The suit of J.W.Bailey of Burke vs.Dr.H.F.Long of Statesville was:decided ‘by’the State Supreme CourtWednesday. Mr.Bailey alleged in his complaintthathiswifewassenttoDr.Long’s Sanatorium in Statesville with a kbroken hip and that while a patient in this hospital'she was subjected to exposure which resulted in a cold,fol- lowed by pneumonia,which resultedinherdeath.The suit is a sort of mental an- guish effair,based on the damage done Bailey’s feelings and svmna-thies from witnessing the suffering and agony of the wife;the loss-of the coniugal society and the further loss of ‘services and industry. The case came up in Burke court and was dismissed by Judge Webb. Judge Brown,writing the opinion oftheSupremeCourtandreferringtothedefhurrerwhichJudgeWebbsus- tainel,the ground being that neq cause of action was stated in the why,if a husband can recover dam- ves from telegraph companies for mental anguish caused by delay of a telegram informing him ofhis,wife’sillness,he should not recover;for mental anguish:accompanied by wit- nessing her suffering and death.”The case is sent back to the lowerrourtfortrial. Tredell Man Dead in Colorado. Mr.Lewis Fletcher Morrison,a native of Statesville,a resident of Colorado since 1887,died on the 1st at the home of his mother,Mrs.J.F. Morrison.in Canon City,Col.,aged 50 years and six months.Mr.Morrison ~lived in Col.,for many years and was engag- ed in mining.He suffered an injury, in November.1915.while working inamineatLeadville,from which he never fully recovered.He was also a victim of “miner’s consumption”and‘had been an_invalid-for--more.than.six months.y Mr.Morrison married -Miss Mary Forbis in Canon City in 1889~and his wife and a daughter survive.Heisalsosurvivedbyhismother,thrée sisters and four brothers,viz.:Miss- es Fannie and Coney Morrison of Canon City;Mrs.V.C.Adams of Steamboat Springs,Col.;Messrs. John Q.Morrison and Lee Morrisonof.Boulder,Col.;Al.Morrison of Great Falls,Mont.,and~Hall Morri- son of Canon City. McKnight Alias Knight Again ‘in the Limelight. The fellow McKnight,known as Knight when he lived in Statesville, mentioned recently in ‘The Landmark as being in trouble in Danville,Va., is again in the limelight,as witness the following recorded in a dispatch of the 12th from Danville:“J.A.McKnight,a North Carolin-ian,used his wooden leg to good ad- vantage last night,when,after saw- ing through one of the bars over the window of his jail cell,he prized theironasidewiththelimbandmadean aperatureof sufficient size to squeeze through.McKnight was sentenced to serve 80 days for drinking in a pub- lic:place and yesterday was sternly lectured by Judgegeettrors. “How the prisdnér got the sawandhowhewasabletouseitwith- out people in adjoining cages hearing im.is a mystery.He had to scalea-12-foot stockade,‘the top of whichhasseveralrows:of barbed wire.” Church News. The setond:meeting of the SundayschoolinstituteatCoolSpringtomor- Ww.row morning at 10 o’clock,in the highschoolbuilding.3ServiceatTrinityEpiscopalchurchSunday‘morning at 11 o’clock. Dr.Longaker of Lenoir College, Hickory,will preach at St..John’s:Lutheran church Sunday morning at11o’clock and Sunday evening at 7o’clock.Sunday school at 9.45o’clock in.the morning and Lutheraaat6o’clock in the evening.“Confession”will be the subject ofDr. Parker’s discourse at FrontStreetchurch.Sunday morning at’11 o'clock.Sunday evening at 7.30,“Sa-tan’s Devices,” romplaint,says:‘We see no reason]. Leadville,| NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM Items of Interest Gathered+-From Over the State:Mrs:Harry Cy Wells of “Hickory. aged .44,died yesterday,the result ofburnssustainedWednesday.Cloth- ing caught from a spark. In two head-on collisions of,auto-mobiles in the vicinity.of WilsonSundaynight,11 out of 15 persons inthefourmachinesweremoreorlesshurt. Col.James A.Bryan,a prominentcitizenofNewBerne,suffered a stroke of apoplexy a few days ‘agoandmaynotrecover.He is 76 years old. Moses A.Winccoff of Bear Poplar neighborhood,Rowan,died this week,aged 25.Was hurt in an automobile accident 2 month ago and never re- coverédy*‘ Jealous because this sweetheart had receivel attentions from another man at Concord,Matthew Ivery,ne- gro,shot and almost instantly killed Viola Mason,20 years old;and then made his escape. Miss Madge Webb,daughter ofJudgeandMrs,J.L.Webb of Shel- by,and Mr.Silas Ray Riley ofGreenville;S.C.,were married Tues-day evening in the First BaptistchurchofShelby. Luke Tedder of Wilson county, who embraced the “Holy Roller”re- ligious-fanaticism,became a ravingmaniacandtriedtokilltwoofhischildrenbefore,he was taken inchargeandputinjail. J.H.Hill,a blacksmith,committed suicide at his home.in Lucama,Wil- son county,by shooting himself.Toomuchbooze.Had slashed a crippleacrossthefacewhileunderthein-~boa of drink and brooded aboutit. At the preliminary trial of Mrs.John Henderson,Mrs.Robert,An- drews and Fred.Andrews,-in Boone, on the charge of killing Mrs.Hender- son’s husband,Mrs.Andrews was discharged and the others held for trial. Hon,W.J.Bryan,who had anappointmenttospeakatHamletWednesdaynight,missed connection and stopped at Monroe,where the citizens called on him to speak*and he responded,speaking in the Bap-tist chureh. Gaston county commissioners are gathering evidence with a view :of contesting the validity of the election held some months ‘ago,by which a ,ortion of Gaston county,includingasectionofthetownofKing’s.Moun- ‘tain,was transferred to‘Cleveland county.:‘ Members of the Catawba County Sweet Potato Growers’Associationhavelaid‘away half their crop until next spring,and state they will shipnoneuntilthen,when high prices are hoped for and expected.Independent growers will sell,and have been sell- sting a few.. Yesterday was the date for the Su- preme Court to hear the argument in the appeal of J.J.Britt from the ruling of Judge Adams in the Bun- combe county branch of the litigationinwhichBrittseekstoprevent.theissuance‘of the certificate of electiontoCongressfromthetenthdistrict to Zebulon Weaver.: Riding horseback on the 9th,two miles from Lenoir,Hugh Munday, son of L.L.Munday of Lenoir,be- came ill,stopped at a house and fellintheyard.Was put to bed anddiedinafewminutes.Acute indi-gestion and a weak heart.Young Munday was employed as fireman onthe.Carolina and Northwestern rail-way. Following the breaking in of thehouseofHenrySpeagleinJacob’s Fork township,,Catawba county,while Speagle-was absent last Sun- day,four young white men were lodged in jail.They are Grady Propst,Rob Groves,Wilson and JohnWorkman.Their trial is set for De- cember 19.Several stores and other buildings have been broken.into in that section of the county recently. Southern Commercial:Congress. The Southern Commercial gress,in session in Norfolk this week; discussed many subjects of .impor-tance and heard.addresses from prominent citizens among “thenumberSecretaryoftheNavyDan-iels and Secretary of Commerce Red- field.Mr.Daniels.sard,among oth-er things,that when the administra- tion’s naval programme is carried second strongest navy in the world.If there is not an agreement amongthenationsfordisarmamentafter’ the European war,he'asserted,theUnitedStateskasthewealthandthewilltobuildanavythatwillprotectitfromanypossiblefoe.Resolutions opposing an embargoontheexportationoffoodstuffsfromthis.country and recommending that the pfoposed government nitrateplantbeerectedatMuscleShoals,Ala...were adopted by the congressandaninvitation’was accepted toholdthenextmeetinginNewYork.Senator Fletcher of Florida was re-elected president of the congress. Mr.Kirk at Reidsville. Reidsville Review. Rev.Jolin F.Kirk preached_hisfirstsermonatMainStreetM.E. church to a large congregation Sun-day morning.He présented forceful- ly and impressively the.thought sug- gested by his text.Mr.Kirk is’a very attractive speaker and_will doubtless ‘draw large tongregations during the year..Wherever he hasservedhehaswontheloveandes- teem of not only his’own congrega-tion-but every one in-general,and wefeelsurethatReidsvillewillprovenoexceptiontothisrule, Yon.‘hole in out,the United States will have the}4 ‘heing converted. MIX-UP ON,TREASURERS. Trouble Under Act AbolishingCountyTreasurers. As has been”mentioned,an act was passed by the last LegislatureabolishingmanycountytreasurersintheState.The act provided that the county,commissioners,where thetreasurer’s —office was.abolished;should arrange with a bank to han-10thdlethe*county funds,without com- pensation for:the.bank.In.somecounties—Catawba and Lincoln be- ing two-—banks have refused to dothisandthecommissionershave made such arrangements as they can until the.Legislature meets.Whethertheywillaskforthetreasurer's of-fice to be re-established:or for per- mission to allow the banks some compensation,remains to be seen.In other.counties banks haveagreedto.handle the funds without compensation,but not.everybody is satisfied.In Lee county the com-missioners selected the Bank of San- ford and a restraining order was se- cured from Judge Stacey to prevent the “arrangement.The order wasbagedontheallegationthatthe Bank of Sanford was.selected by avoteofthreetotwoofthecommis- sioners,and that one of those votinginfavoroftheBankofSanfordwas J.J.‘Edwards,chairman of theboard,who is a stockholdor and.di-rector in the bank,and that his wifeisalsoastockholderinthebank.A hearing on the restraining order wastohavebeenhadbeforeJudgeBond in Raleigh yesterday, A.good many people are naturallyopposedtotheabolitionofanoffice ahd this’element will of course try to prevent the change.It may havebeenamistake’to expect the banksto,handle the funds without compen-sation,but_.The Landmark_believesthatabetterwaycanbefoundthanmaintainingtheofficeofcounty treasurer.THE MOORESVILLE NEWS. New Train Schedule —Christ- mas in the Air.. Jorrespondence of The Landmark. ‘Mooresyille,Dec.14—:Mr.JohnFlowersdfRedSpringsishereonavisittohiscousin,Mr.W.S.Flowers. He is on a prospecting tour,lookingforagoodfarmorsomedesirable city property.4 }Mrs.J.W.Lamb moves to Greens-boro today,where -her-husband has a position with an insurance:company.He has been at.work there for amonth.Miss Cary Wilson came home fromAshevilleTuesday. Rev:Jno.W.Jones preached to thecoloredBaptist.congregation.Sundayat3p.m.*This is called.MartinCampbell’s church because Uncle Mar-tin is the bell sheep.Mr.Jones saystheycertainlyapprvcratedhisser- mon and gave him some good musicandalotofJoudamens.Mr.Ivey.Ingle,a native of Iredell. who has been living at Seyppel,Ark..for four years,died there cember 8d,aged about 40 years.’He leaves awife,a sister of Mr.Pink Gabriel,and two children—a'boy and girl.Hissister-in-law,Miss Mamie Gabriel,islivingwiththemsincelastMarch.Just lots of porkers being killed thisfinecoolweather.Christmas is ‘in thieaizeverywhere.The stores ‘are all decorating and most everything soldisforChristmas.Rich and _poor,black and white,saint and sinner,areallgettingready.Uncle Jack Good- man,an aged'\colored man,says hecanalwaysfeelitinhisbones. Here is the new train.schedule put on Sundey,of local interest.No.25 from Charlotte to Winston-Selem.from Charlotte,arrives here at 5.258.m.;returns going south at 6.15 /p.m.No.16,Charlotte to Taylorsville.due from Charlotte 9a.m.;returns going south,7.45 p.m.No.23,going south,11.02 a.m.;returns going north,7.19 p.m.No,27,Winston-Salem to Charlotte,south at 8.27 a.m.;returnsgoingtoWinston-S:lem 1.07 p.m.| “The Strange Place.” Some of the colored people are telling a sensational story about atheground—"The StrangeReescallit,which they dis-vered on the nofth side of town,flear the right of way of the States-ville Air Line road.4 According-to the story of the col-ored people a great hole has’been torn in the ‘ground—40 feet deep,some of them say,although it is im-probable that they measured it—andtheearthhasbeentornup.all around $if -by some powerful explosive.Some of them are inclined to think that a German Zeppelin,or “one o’ dem airships,”passed’this way and dropped a bomb;and maybe that wasit.tyTheyGaveBond. The three Concord men —Robt.Faggett,Ed.Sheehan and LutherSaunders—-who were taken with the booze car in Union Grove town- ship.last Friday night.by SheriffAlexander_and assistants,have—allgivenbordandbeenreleasedfrom jail.Faggett vot out Morday—ashasbeenstated—under a bond of$800.Sheehan .was.the next to givebond—$200—and Wednesday Saun-|Ny ders gave bond of $300.All are ex-pected to appear at the next term ofIredellSuperiorCourtfortrial. New Garages. The opera house building,which is into =modern gar-agt.by the owners,the Messrs.Mc-Elwee,has been rented to the States-ville Motor’Co.,who expect ‘to occupyitJanuary1st.Mr.W.R.Mills,whorecentlysoldhisinterestintheStatesvilleMotorCo.,will open agarageinhis-building,now oceupied by the Statesville company,as soonasitvacates,. |BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL m +pears HET GA—The Trinity College anvillebasketballteamswillthearmory~tonight.>pers—-Sheriff.M.P.Alexander haeedtohislistofdeputiesMr.B.;Smith,in Barringer township... —-The Southern will pat on reducedratesfortheholidays,effective 20-25,with final limit to return Januth,‘f rE -—Miss Annie Marvin,whose termasvitalstatisticianfor§letownshipexpiresDecember$1,willbereappointedforanotheryear. Jitney company has foene: ed its quarters.’Office and:ing room between.stores..of “theJohxston-Belk company,Center ~street.a ees J—-The bazaar at the cou housevesterday,by the ladies RaceStteet:Methodist church;had:avgoad —patronage.Fancyarticles.were:aanddinnerserved,me —The loans so far epplied for:bymenosoftheSeay | Associaion,whoare’pre ing to’?advantage of the’Rural Credits ; aggregate $100,000.Ta —Mr.J.D,Joyner,deputy,sheriffin.Eagle Mills focal “teat reanillicitdistilleryplantafewnigagointheextremenortheastern:ationofthetownship.«0 66)566): —Mr.Wm.H,Jeffreys,cilor of the _Junior :OrderAimericanMechanicsofVermont,'lecture at Evans’store tonight ‘andallJuniorsareinvited.©©4%4 —A fine milch cow,belopia,Pi dt inrancnesdayandits‘necbroken.The cow was ‘tied:‘thebanktograzeandfellsin.»Re —Messrs.Dorman.Thompson and iof H,-P...Grier,who.are_on:-the:a-tive committee to audit the.the State officers;went>to.Flastnightf'fy—Mr.Frink Lentz,who eninahospitalatGreenville:8.pring from injuries receivedwreckafewweeksago,hasedhome.He is imp 1g.—A number of landowners of-Snow.Creek drainage district filedceptionsto‘the classification oflandandwillhaveaheaClerkoftheCourtHartness—The health movie car’visits in Iredell today atandMt.Mourne schools.:At%and Wayside tomorrow,irpointmentspublished.in another.umn.ee —After due considers!temperature of the past fewtakingduenote.of.weattionsInatnieht,’'e .been forced to the coWinterhasaxrived.at —Messrs.H.P.Grier of StaandA.L.Starr of |Maeeteomn—is aoe vfupericrCourtaockingham,~the case of 'Blackwelder ee BargeBros,of Mooresville.)«=:dicted by.the Bedetal gaat.feoic’y the eral grand.jurGreensborolastweekforviolationtheHarrisonnarcoticlaw,ha:living in Statesville but it isstoodthat-he recently left here, tee has dropped to y {e ginners’report sent it downandthentheestimateofthisYear'scrop,published Tuesday,sent it lower.~Folks who could have ‘sold cotten’at20‘conts:and waited’for 25 will havetowaitawhilelonger,but they maygetthatlater.a an —The Merchants’Association will hold its regular Py meeting’at >the Commercial club this evening at8o’clock...The meeting es°to.be an interesting one,and .allBimbersareurgedtobepresent.The““Made-in-Statesville Exhibit”__eonmitteewillmakeitsreportto,the ‘as-—sociation at this meeting.wi bag eeDeathofMr.Kerley—Wed-ding in Alexander.©>© Special Correspondence of The Landmark...-Taylorsville,Dec.14—Mr,Rial Ker--ley,an aged citizen of)Sugar.Loaf.township,diced of the infirmities of age ©Monday evening at 6 :o’clock.‘Sur-+viving him are two ,sons and:two /daughters.The funcral and burialserviceswereconductedbyRev.WsJ.Bumgarner at Salem Lutheran churchWednesdaymorningat10.30 o'clock,Miss Ruth Pritchard,daughter’Mrs.H.Pritchard .of the.Libertychurchcommunity,and Mr.T:V.Wileliams,'son of Mr.Munroe Williams ofthecounty,were married Sunday af-ternoon at the Methodist parsonage.here,the pastor,.Rev.J.J.Ed- wards,Gerforming the ceremony.|.Mr.C.C.Munday and Mr.We P.Ray went to Charlotte:Monday”by-automobile to attend the meeting oftheShriners.’Mr.Jefferson :PhillipsofOklahomaisvisitingrelatives.the county.‘3 Booze Car—QOne Met Death.° R.L.Blake was killed and W,NiMcGeeinjuredwhenan-—_automobiletheywere’driving ran off an“em-,bankment two miles south of Ken-.bridge,Va.,and pinned the occupantsbeneath.Both from Wake \county,..C.En,‘route from Washin \with a car load of liauor.McGee was ~held by.‘the Virginia cuthorities and the car and liquor confiscated.a et aati iWilliamA,aged.61,Rowan county mig,fed at the stateHospital’at.Morganton this’weék,where ‘he had been a patient for 81‘Buried at Thyatira:church,in am, years,Rowan.cJohnCrabtreeofNewBerne,ears old,-‘accidentally shot’wiunting,died a:week later.’’ Senator Saulsbury of Delaware hatbeen.elected’president.pro.tem,.the Senate.fo aiden \«tions—which become political factors’ ay ““gogance that would bring on iochfers;and the attitude of some of the a eS Is PR R me ) am p l e ti e ec n e s en e e ! ent Taft,is a real one..The :me from labor organjzations,or-~*ganizations of capital and all other rn |MAY INCREASE POSTAGE. |Newspapers May Have.to PayHigherRates. The newspapers have been howling+-and with good reason—about theenormousincreaseinthecost’ofprintpaper,Now they’re going tohavesomethingelsetohowlabout.The government.proposes |to.in- crease newspaper’postage.Under the law as it has existed for years,newspapers pay a rate of onecentapoundforpostage.They getpostagefreewithinthecountyinwhichthey’are wpublished -exceptwhere»there is free delivery ofmails,as is the case in Statesville.The Landmark pays no postage onpaperssentto-subscribers in’Iredellexceptthosedistributedatthe Statesville postoffice,and sent on the rural routes from the Statesville postoffice.These pay the pound rates.City mail carries in free de- livery towns,however,can’t deliver a localypaper published oftener than once a week unless a one cent stamp is placed on each paper,which is.a rrohibitory rate.Papers published in towns where there is no free mail delivery are delivered without cost to any point in the county;anywhere ‘country through the tendency of union labor to ‘place itself above law and order, to enforce its demands’regardless of MN other interests,voiced in an ad- ef at Providence,R.I.,by ex- organizations,is when they get the idea that they are’powerful enough to enforce —their demands.~We:see that spirit manifest at times,locallyandnationally,in all organizations —not excluding Church organiza- through*power of numbers and glory. in their strength.Always with their demands is a covert or .open threat that if’they do not .get what they want the party in power will suffer; andthe politicians are usually dis- HOW LAW-BREAKERS HIDE Landowner Recites the Case of‘Poachers —-How Jones MadetheCircuitandGotBackWhereHeStarted.is To the Editor of The Landmark: The article on poaching by W.D.Trouman in The*Landmark of De-cember 8th took me completely by|surprise.Mr,Troutman is one of our|very best citizens,but ne can be mis- taken.;:|--For Mr.Troutman’s benefit I will state that not many /moons ago onelandownerinthisvicinitypereneaily‘warned 25 hunters,or poachers,togetoffhislandandthisallhappenedinabouttwohours’time.“The -next day the same thing was to do-again,'and so on throughout the —season;|Where was their permitt ;|Mr.Troutman seems to think en-| forcing the game law is “dead easy”|and only «fol would think of need-|ing a overs assistance.Now T|don’t profess to know everything but} have been reliably informed.that| when one is tried before a magistrate| and is not satisfied with the decision or verdict,he has the privilege of!might have decided to try for thecarryingthecasetotheSupreme}Court.Suppose Mr.Troutman had| posed to make concessions to power-in the United States outside the ful organizations rather ‘than stand in the open and fight. It will be charged by the enemies|which Congress has yet to approve,of,President Wilson and the Demo-|but which seems to be favored, cratic party that the Democrats are| responsible for the threatening -atti- tude of union labor on account of ‘their action in the 8-hour law con-| troversy last summer;and The, rk .confesses that its fear and is that union labor's victory would result in a spirit of ar-| the| re- Under the.proposed arrangement, tance.Papers sent to points within! will pay the same rate ascentapound;.300 to 600 miles,cents;600 ‘to 1,000 miles.3 cents;1.-| 000 to 1,400 miles,4 cents;1,400) to 1,800 miles,5 cents;over 1,800 miles,6 cents.e |The free-in-county circulation will| be continued as at present.In addi-! |tion to paying the extra postage on} now—a |9) ‘danger to which President Taft L anq—‘miles from the place of publication,|publishers will be required to separ- {ate the papers so that charge can be }made for those going the different;distancds in which different rates of {postage prevail,which will be con-|siderable trouble, 5 This order wilf-have little effect on ~“Tf the action of My.Wilson and the|re Se ee ey nave ongress—a ;jy |little circulation eyonc miles C nd many Republicans 1"The Landmark has some ‘subscribersCongress-voted for the bill and oth-/<cattered throughout the ers who didn’t vote for it made no/States.F attempt to defeat it—is responsible 4 yore:oe.a 'York,Massachusetts,for this apparent spirit of arrogance you Jersey,Marvland, in the labor organizations,and!South Carolina,Florida,“trouble results,it will be argued by the enemies of -organized labor that the organization should have been defeated then at all hazards,so as to make.impossible trouble in the fu- labor leaders since that controversy lends color to the belief that thcir success through the aid of’the Pres- ident at that time has turned their heads. Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia. Ohio.Wyoming,Colorado,Illinois, |Oklahoma,California, |Towa,etc. State in the Union into which one or more copies of The Landmark is not ::rs sent—to subscribers—not to mention ture.IfPresident Wilson and those copies to Hawaii,Panama,China andwhovotedforthe8-hour law were!Canada.Not so many to one State moved by political expediency alone,|—Texas with 24 is probably the lars- they will deserve all the eritaeiai |et outside North Carolina—but the laggregate will take|several dollarsthatcomesandshouldbearfullre-;ore postage in the course of a year sponsibility for any ills that follow.|a}!of which means something in| But the evidence that.political ex-|these days of increased cost of pub-| ation in almost every department}fPediency was the governing motive |lic /papers sent to points more than 300) United |For instance,it sends paners| New| Tennessee,Alabama,Texas,Indiana,| Washington,; In short there is hardly a| 7 |-Gus ie)inthe:case of the President is lack-have to lose the extra cost or find a way to recoup—by taxing the extra) powerful aid from the railroads,had}postage on individuals wherever it is he gone with them,than union labor |Charged,or in some other way. ing.He could have obtained more | could give him,and he had sense! enough to know that.Moreover,evi-|posed new law f a newspaper.The publishers will| Among other provisions,the pro-increases rates for deyice’is lacking that he reccived the mail order catalogues from 2 to 8) solid support of union labor.The only question to be solved in the 8- {eents a pound, |elass matter,instead of parcel ‘post; |raises the limitations on promotions making them|third- hour proposition was,was it right?|of clerks and carriers in first and sec-| If it was found that the demand was @ntitled to what they ask, Should have been given them re-/! @ardléssof.any evil effects that action may have in future.Their de- mands were granted by the aid of| the administration.If that action!local first-classducedfromtwo cents to-one. would mean that local letters in free,results in unicn labor leaders losing their ‘heads;if drunk with their sup- posed power they becume unreasona- ble and arrogant—there is a remedy, and it must be applied with a firm- ness that will -leave no doubt.‘In brief,union labor and all organiza- tions that atterfpt to control the ‘country and enforce.unreasonable demands,must be taught that other people have rights that must be re- spected.No-organization or group should be given a concession because of their power or refused ,a just de- mand because they may misconstrue the action.All should be fairly treated and then all made to know!’ that ‘success in one case does jot} mean that they can thereafter /get what,they.may dsk,regardless’of the merits of the case. ATLAS TES There was a storm when members of Congress,several years ago}voted| themselves $1,500 each for clerk hire.The:provision remained and the peo-ple forgot it.This week Congressincreasedtheclerkhireallowance from $1,500.to $2,000 and allowed each member $75 per month for anadditional,employe.Members ofCongresscanusuallybedependedontoobservetheBiblicalinjunction: He that provideth not for his own‘household hath denied the faith andisworsethananinfidel,or words tothat.effect. TA It is related that Geo.P.Bemis,who died a few days ago,campaign-|éd\for woman suffrage with George‘Francis Train in Kansas in°1867,and‘that the pair were frequently arrest-ed and sent to.jail.How times havechanged!The man who would un?dertake’a‘campaign against woman,suffrage in Kansas today would like-ly get in jail, “Will Congressman —_JeannetteRankifclaimthewoman’s privilegeandhave’the last word’?asks the¢leigh News and Observer.Sheoubtlesswill—with the editor whocallsheraman.PK : 'ond-class postoffices:eo -‘Es Postmasterfair,that the railroad employes were 'deal with lotteries,drugs and_nois- then it/ons,and increases thc rural mail de- delivery towns,now tw be cut to one cent.| through better distribution of. foods are detailed in the annual re- port of Secretary Houston of partment of Agriculture. that except for meat and dairy prod-|ucts the per capita production of the department.has =<;editor “raised”that he never heard the to! broadens General’s authority ivery appropriation by $4,000,000! over the $49,000,000 recommended by Assistant Postmaster General:Blakes-| llee.It is recommended that .postage on! mail deliveries be re-} That) ro cents,would | More Food Needed.| Efforts to reduce the cost of living| increased production and! the country’s| the De- Records of the department show, leading food commodities tin the Unit-) ed States‘has remained about the| same,despite the rapid growth of} population.Statistics presentcd over} a period of 16 years show population| has increased in that time 33 per,cent.There is ground for optimism,}|the report says,as to the ability of}the nation not only to.supply itself with food but increasingly to meet the needs of the worla. One of the principal aims of the been to increase meat production.The report shows a steady growth since 1913 in the out- vut of.beef and an advance in the number of swine every year since 1899.More extensive sheep raisine is recommended as a source of food.| It is pointed out that only one farm} in seven in the United States now supports sheep.Fifty million sheep, it is Said.could be added to the coun-try’s.ficcks. Doesn’t Know Rabbit Tobacco. Oxford Ledger. A little boy about 7 years of ageslippeduptoustheotherdayandaskedusforamatchtolight,his cig-arette.We refused to be a party tosuchatransactiononthepartofthekidandpromptlydeclinedhisre-quest.The little féllow with \a grin,said “Oh pshaw,boss,it ain’t nothin’but rabbit tobacco”!That’s too bad,we told him,with rabbits selling for25centsapiece;but we finally lethimhavethematch.Now,what wewant.to know is,what ‘ia rabbit to-bacco?é (And what The Landmark wantstoknowis,where .was the Ledger of “rabbit tobacco”?Prof,Godbey oftheGreensboroNewsisrequestedtosubmitsuchremarksonthis‘gase ashethinksthesubjectwarrants.—TheLandmark), |property. a poacher arrested and tricd and the| county of ‘publication,the cost is a/case was carried up to'a higher court;|pay the salary and will even furniscentapound,|suppose that the poacher enipl a} Tawyer who was a good friend of:the|ierk of the court and they did not,the|want the case to come to trial.Sup-/the word on to the Greensboro edit-cost will be in proportion to the dis-/pose the clerk would,either through|orsmistakeorcarelessness(of -course} 800 miles of the place of publication,being on oath he would not purpose-j none need be repealed?ly neglect his duty),leave the case off| the docket (what has happened once | can happén again you know),what is! to be done next?Suppose he.(Mr.| |T,)knew to go before the judge and|J.H.Henley’s, have it put on the docket,still there| are other tricks to wa:ch for.Sup-, pose it did come to trial and the op- sosing counsel,being a smart man, ‘ould easily -make a juror believe} {black is white and the verdict would |most likely ‘be “not guilty,”leaving Mr.Troutman to shoulder the cost.| Of course he can take an appeal but| 'not believing in lawyers,who is go-| ing to plead the case beforethe.Su-||t|sreme Court?. |The above is a hypothetical case.| Now let me give you some facts—| which T-ean vouch for,because I; have seen the letters in question.For| convenience we will call the parties| Smith and Jones,though this is not| their real names.Smith set fire to) Tones’property,which Jones discov-| ered and promptly extinguished, warning Smith not to do soagain.In| a short time Smith,with malice! aforethought,again set fire to Jones’| ‘roperty.It was oniy by prompt ac-| tion on Jones’part in putting out this| fire that a heavy loss was _avoided.| Again he warned Smith and assured him if the offence was repeated he would have him arrested.In less| than a month Smith fired Jones’! vroperty the third time.Jones,being| jetermined to enforcé the law,went} ‘to a magistrate and asked him to fill| ‘out a warrant for Smith.The magis-| trate insisted that Smith was not;euilty of a misdemeanor until the| yroperty.was actually destroyed.He said that there was no law to protect| one’s:property from being.fired andjthatJoneshadsavedSmithfrom} the clutches of the law by saving his| Jones had a copy of the} new law on setting fires (clipped fromtheLandmarkaboutthetimeit went into effect),so he was sure he | wes right.Accordingly he went to}Statesville ard consulted one of our! leading attorneys..To his surprise | his lawver agreed with the magis-! trate.Not being satisfied he went to-another lawyer,who took the same view.Now Jones was not convinced,| and believing in investigating mat- ters he wrote the Governor of North | Carolina to know if our laws were | to protect property from being fired} or only to punish after the same was| destroyed by fire.-The Governor an-| swered that there was‘a law to pro-|tect and advised Jones to write the insurance commissioner.The_insur- ance commissioner assured him the law was for protection,sent him somepostersandofferedhisservicesinthe matter.Jones wrote him again but for some reason he kept the stampenclosedandneverreplied.Then Jones wrote Dr.Joseph Hyde Pratt, New Treatment for2CroupandColds Relieves by Inhalation and Absorption. No Stomach Dosing,- L Plenty of fresh air in the bedroom andagoodapplicationofVick’s “‘Vap-O-Rub”Salve over the throat and chest is the bestdefenseagainstallcoldtroubles,The medicated vapors,released by thebodyheat,loosen the phlegm,clear theairpesandsoothetheinflamedmem.brane.addition,‘Vick’s is absorbedthroughtheskin,25c,60c,or $1.00. “<T am sending more |Christmas bards than*®ever before”? AST year so many ‘of my ‘friends called my holiday cards ‘dainty’,‘clever’,‘just too dear’,that this year I amusing twice as many.Everyone seems to credit ME with their quality, ‘yet all I do is to ask for G ‘THE A-M:DAVISCO;A ()UALITY:CARDS ~ A complete line may be found at this.store. a |misdemeanor but it ~would first have who was assis in’investigating |;forest fires.De Srathanteret”thislettertothe’forest commissioner,who happened 'to be a man inrightplace,trying to do his full du-ty.He took the letter to a <promi-nent attorney and after going overittogetherthey“blue penciled”’theitem.telling what.two Statesvillelawyerssaid’and returned it toJones,advising him forward tothedistrictsolicitorinSalisbury,which he did at once.After waitingaboutsixweeksareplycamesayingSmithwasundoubtedlyguiltyofa to go before a magistrate.There youare!Jones found himself backwherehestarted,with almost noth-ing accomplished. Tt could relate’another story alongsimilarlineswhichhasbeenrepotocertainRaleighofficials,but to tell it now would spoil a better story later on-—consequently we can af- ford to wait. Come to think of it,perhaps Mr.Troutman noticed my °suggestion about giving Editor Clark a salaryforworkonthislineandastimesarehardandasalarysoundsgoodhe palm.by making it appear he was an expert.in ane the law.If ‘he c|Hay.A That’sa queer statement,but I mean.word,ryl knows what's hatoeoat not only to.hareeepricesaresoaringskywards,and'nearinsig'£RUA RFBeforetheadvance,I placed‘some hay contractspriest.and am making those Seals tes West come:8,At ae oanIsavedaprettytidysumbythislittleforesightact,Hay Buyer,come in on it,t60.'“riePilbecontentwithaprettysmall’profit,for hay,yousoldonawfulcloseins,{Now hare’s what I'll do aboutUNTILaENTPRICES—AND PROMBE-LOW ENOUGH TO MAKE YOUHere’s some of my Hay stock:sNO.1-MICHIGAN TIMOTHY.:;/NO,1 CLOVER,MIXED ‘WITH TIMOTHY,aidandyHey,ne Pour TPECoes ae Bat every ounccanget,Be t f :ay cet fs conpm *00,because there's no waste, Just ‘phone 88 or call at the store.You'll be satisfied withprice,a a Everything’in Feed line.Scale |i will take the place I’m willing tonelp a nice list of names to begin with, so he can go on duty.at once.And,Mr.Editor,hadn’t you better ~pass that the machinery to enforcethelawshadatlastbeenfoundand A LANDOWNER. Mocksville \Record:The new bridge |}across the Sduth Yadkin river,near~Ras Ybeen completed and is now open to the public. AFTERTHEGRIPPE , Vinol Restored Her Strength Canton,Miss.—“I am 75 years old and | became very weak and feeble from the | gffects of La Grippe,but Vingl has done |me a world of good.It has cured my:cough,built up my strength so I feel| active and well again.”—Mrs.Lizzig| BaLpwin,Canton,Miss.[ Vinol is a_constitutional remedy | which aids digestion,enriches the |blood and creates»,ength. Un-| equalled for chronic coughs,colds or!bronchitis.Your money back if’it.fails | What we have to show you for your Christma Gifts.Things useful and will be appreciated? Table Linens and Napkins,Hosiery,Under.’wear,.Gloves,‘Handerchiefs,Hand Bags,—Underskirts,Rain Coats,Sweaters,Scarfs,Ties,|Caps,Scarf Sets,Middy’Blouses,Shirt Waists,4WoolBlankets,Bed preads,Fine.Shoes,Over- shoes and many other nice inexpensive articles, Also don’t forget our Special Price Sale on Coat ‘Suits and Coats.Real bargains in these lines. :4 _-Very truly,| éW.F.Hall.Druggist,‘Statesville. i}OnfayBBOUTCRCECCRC CECECEG |J.M.McKee &Company. Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of it to the pound than other flour.:It:is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. C3 Cary (.Boshamer, Local Representative,’*Phone 125 Black.It.aw. PORCORCRORCECRC A fresh shipment of Davis’Graham Flour and Kellogg’s Toasted Bran. The Bran is something New.Try it. —Phone 89,—— Eagle &~Milholland. FRESH GOODS. Cranberries Celery Oysters Evaporated Prunes Evaporated Peaches Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St YOUR WIFE LOOKS at that old pine mantel all day—year in.and year out.You couldn'tgiveapresentthatwouldaddmorecheertothehomethananiceoakor mahogany mantle with mirror, bought from C.WATKINS. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass’7ic. per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound:FOR SALE: ‘New and second hand machineryfor.sale and all kinds of boilerroomsupplies.-Cc.H.TURNER. BUILDING?©C.WATKINS.BRADY PRINTING CO.| Iredell:"Phone No.74,BellNo;4, fiiti baalinet fia { ?''hate x nta*‘ . a ORRY | About those Christmas presents.Just a.fewminutesinourstorewillsatisfactorilysolvetheproblemforyou.adYou'll find;man,woman or child.We have presents .at.all“§3’prices;you can suit your fancy and ‘finances,.Hadn’t you better come in RIGHT AWAY?§The shopping days are slipping by and Christmas -is §just around the corner.e’re ‘‘On the Square”.POLK GRAY DRUG CO.“0 “m ———POR———|CHRISTMAS! Buy one of our Victrolas.Please all the family.Nothing -more elevating than good music.We bring the world’s great- cst singers to your homesat small cost. Victrolas and Victor Talking Machines,$15.00,$25.00,. $40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100.00,$150.00. We have now on hand 500.of the latest and best Records. Statesville lousefurnishing Co. ‘Better Goods For Less Money.”| __#PHONE 157.4__ SOMETHING for EVERYBODY-—4 _The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.==INSURANCE!== As a great many policyholders do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamedinthecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesamewillberendered valueless,viz:::1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—apply toyouragentforpermit.:ag Re2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary altera-tions in-or on property—always get permits from nts.ee’8—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice ofsameisgiven—apply to your agent.4—Any peal in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-\ty insured other than by death,‘5—Assignment or transfer of pro to another,6—By any increase inthe hhazard,notice must be given.7—The taking of other insurance without notice.©i8—Keeping explosives on’the premises without [permit other |than kerosene oil.::;9—Property encumbered by chattle Bee ;BePodlicyholdersshouldreadlines7to80oftheprintedcontractoftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de--ficiencies unless,notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-mation.:“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”S.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday‘of Chautauqua!J.F.CARLTON,Manager,’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,NC.’ inG WITH HOME, a’ teteenrtibnpelpfavreRANTS. LI E RE L O A D OE S eeeeee ne .- Atm€ 1 1\atee C ‘4,HOS esi V0 ford’s Black- ee Va.—"I suffered forsaysMrs,»“with sick headachtrouble.m ears ago a friend told me tod’s ee eee,which I did.nd it to be the family medi-young and old,©A p Black-Draught on hand all thepignow,and.when my children feel aHebad,they ask me for a dose,and itbesthemmoregoodthananymedicinebeyevertried. "We never have a long spell of sick-ess inour family,since we commencedigBlack-Draught.”’Thedford’s Bisck:Draught is ppirelyivegetable,and has been found to regu-late ‘weak stomachs,aid digestion,re-i eye indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,t che,sick «stomach,and,similar 'Symptoms.€It has been in constant use for morethan7agers:and has benefited more ¢ oo ® fie% SR E ot RS EE aS §Sek, uae ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- |Hides and Jank Dealers '.f-Anything:in the plumbing or million people. °N.C,123 BeRCOUARE fice oly Ser "GetsCK=.ght.ice only ~Geta :itney Station WE HAVE SECURED THE BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- “=<KICE AND WAITING ROOM, o¢(WHERE,YOU.CAN STEP IN ’AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- TION GIVEN TO-CALLS.‘ ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10c.BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE5CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. Jitney Transfer Company. DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C.TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,*Phone 197.Hours 8 TEETH. We wish .to announce to ourfriends:and-patrons that ‘we have|,secured the services of Mr.T.E, “Barefoot,from one of the.bestshopsintheSouth.He is up-to-date and expert on all Tire AndTubework, We can assure you that any worklefthereforattentionwillbe handléd promptly. &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. ARNER &BROWN —-~WE.BU Y— *Hides, ‘Good Tallow,Wee _Auto Tires,3LightBrass,aap Heavy Brass,¥Light:Copper,»Copper Wire,**Lead, ryt,Zine,;All kinds of scrap Iron.. Highest Prices Paid. All Sizes D-4-S and Framing. _WATKINS,'Phone 43, W.D.HARRISra118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same.,Inspirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups,etc.Locks and GunsrepairedandKeysfit-ted.In fact anything“in repair line.Phone 209. Prepare For Winter. Let us go over your plumbing ‘and heating plant and put it in shape ‘for the long winter months.“ isteamline. ~Letous put you in a closet thatWILLNOTFREEZE! _“Phone 55 your wants, J.B.Whittaker,of.‘and |NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.Under and by virue of the power of sale-con-| to 5.SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’S F 4 less.t THE IREDELL VULCANIZING 4Ay 1p?®Stock of -Tobacco Flies ready i a a mrTHELANDMARK AY,December 16,1916. |Strength of Regular Army.The)lar army.was 175 commis-sioned officers and 26,985 men.shortof:its authorized .strength June 30,last,and the .next day more than84,000 men under the authorization,according to the annual report of Ad-\jutant General McVain.The;sud-den increase was due to the fact thatthefirstincrementofthe‘army in-crease authorized’in the ‘national de-;fénce act became available July 1.The report shows.that the.totalauthorizedstrengthforallbranchesoftheserviceonapeacefootingdur-ing*the present year is 138,897.menand7,252 officers,while the actualstrengthonJune30was107,641 of-ficers dnd men.Iti notes that hichwagesihcivillifehavepreventedthe army from obtaining the recruits it needs,although the.largest number of recruiting stations established in many years have been engaged in the task, From Russia to Asheville. After tftaveling’more than 12,000 ;miles,almost.half the *distance ;around the world,Mrs. iter,who left Russia with her children last September to join her husbandlinAsheville,arrived at her destina- ‘tion a few days ago.She traveledacrossSiberiatoJapanand_thence on a steamer to America.Two of ther children’died.on the trip,which was one full of terror.Mrs.Hechter’s sufferings through the war were great but she met with no more mis-fortune and endured no more hard- ship than millions:of other Jews are enduring in Russia today. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. tained in the mortgage deed executed by O.G,Williams and M,J.Williams to R..M,Myers,and:recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Iredell county in Book 18,page 160, and assigned to B.F,Williams,the under- signed,onMONDAY,JANUARY 8,1917, at 12 o'clock,at.the eourt house door of Ire-dell county,will sell to the highest bidder forleashatpublicauction,the following describ- Ved tracts of land,lying and being in New|Hope township of the aforesaid Sstate and‘county,and more particularly described as |follows,to-wit: \|bank of creek;thence north 98 degrees west 64 poles to a stone;thence north 9 degrees east 48 poles to a fallen white joak;thence north 59 degrees west 8 poles ito a stake;|thence north 40 poles to a maple,G.W.Wil-eat corneron the branch;thence down | said branch to the mouth of second ditch; thence with said ditch 20 poes to a stake; thence south 68 degrees east 19 poles toa birch jon the bank of sid creek;thence up and withthevariouscoursesof-sald creek to the be-|ginning,containing 80 acres,more or less.|Second Tract—Beginning at !thenee south 80 poles to a stone;thence east 20 poles to a spanish oak,Shoemaker's corner; thence scuth 23 poles to a stone on the Ridge !road:thence with said road 23 poles to # ‘white oak;south 25 degrees east 25 poles to a to a pine;thence north 6 degrees east 14 poles to a poplar;thence north 4 poles fo a |poplar,Williams’corner;thence north 3 de- ‘grees cast 64 poles to a chestnut;thence west {to the beginning,containing 50 acres,more orR.M.MYERS,Mortgagee,WILLIAMS,Assignee, Dec!5,1916,B.F,D.F.Mayberry,Atty. u THERE’S A REASON. THEY ARE WESERS.Investigate our Sale. «‘PFLEONARD PIANO STORE.|Morrison Building,W.Broad St. Ellis Photograph Gallery| Broad Street,will be re- | || opened about the !5th. MRS.T.W.ELLIS. Dec.5. CEILING AND FLOORING ‘Sold by C.Watkins is‘Properly Kiln Dried and|Wont open.C.WATKINS. Dr.S.W..Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician.Office hours 9°a.m.to 12.30 p.m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap- pointment.Anderson Bldg.,_113-W.Broad St.Office "phone 324.{Residence "phone 279—green. oe L —a me png———— COUGHS,‘COLDS,ETC. Price 2bc.,50c.and $1. For sale by all Dealers. Work on ShortNotice | Roofing and Sheet Metal work our line.We can do your work on short.notice.We carry,stock to take.care of any job at all tintes.: f HV SPAPRSVILEE THYCO "Phone 55,114 E,Broad Street, First Tract--Beginning on an ash on the| ;1a_hickory, |pine;thence south 81 degrees east 22 1-2 poles | |Saturday,Oth,at Mr.Millsaps Approves ay loy-ment of Chairman of |Com-missioners For,Whole.Time. Correspondence of The Landmark.© It was good to note in The Land-mark the order of the new board of county commissioners making theirchairmancountymanager.This isthemostforward-looking action theIredellcountyboardhastakeninalongwhile.If the chairman is thesortofmanthe’other members ofthe.board take him to be,and thesortofmanhisfriendsovthecountyclaimhimtobe,Iredell coun-tv is fortunate to be ablé'to haveMr.Boyd’s services in this new ca-‘nacity.This new move by the .new jboard places Iredell in the’forefront,of North Carolina .counties in the matter of county government.:|The new board comes into ‘office |singularly free from partisan obliga-tion,having been chosen by.the un-itrammeled vote of the pore in a‘primary end elected by a large ma-|jority of the yoters in a popular.elec- ltion,At their first meeting they,stepoutoftheoldrutandshow@pro-/Rressiveness'that even’their best Reina Hech-friends feared’they would nothaveitheboldnesstodeclare.The old or- der of meeting once a month:andtransactingthebusinessofthecoun- ty is out of date,wasteful and inef- ficient.We are living in a’:new jera,an era of progress and advance- ment;and while the new board hasstartedoutwell,giving promise ofefficiencyandeconomy,yet,the peo-|ple will hold them to a strict{/account- |ability. |I doubt if the people of the countyIneedtoexpectanyreductionintax-jes.I do not,and I-doubt the wisdom ;E tax reduction,but the:people.do expect economy and efficiency in the expenditure of public money,and inthesemattersthenewboardwill«be |held accountable.Economy does not |mean niggardliness,any .more ‘than it means extravagance;but it is the wise expenditure of the ~people’s |money.in maintaining the county’s |institutions and activities efficiently jand well.We are living in‘a great ;age;we are supporting a wonderful icivilization,and we should not.ex- pect these for nothing,but:we have ithe right to exnect the largest enjoy- iment of these things.that our money,|wisely used,will bring to us.” |For one,I confidently expect bet- iter things under the new role,Cer- itainly a man who gives-his.whole|time to the county will be able to do |better by it than one who has-to de- vote twenty-nine thirtieths of»hisimetomakingalivingfor‘his°fam- y.:Very few counties employ.a coun-|tv manager.Buncombe has one andBuncombeisoneofthebestmanag- ‘ed counties in the State.Iredell’s new move will be watched by our :own jpeople as well as by our neighbors. |but here’s hoping that the friends of ithe new move will,get all they)are ‘expecting and that the opposersi will |be-agreeably disappointec.ia|E.8..MILLSAPRS.|:eerereeeentinenrnnintnee , |Birthday Celebration —Neigh- |borhocd News. Correspondence of The Uandmurk. Troutman,R-2,Dec,18 —°The children and neighbors of Messrs. W.A.Winecoff and D.R.Howard‘gave them a surprise birthday dinner |Howard,in honor of their 70th anni- |Versary.There were five childrenjandtwelvegrandchildrenofMr.|Howard present,one child of .Mr. |Winecoff and 35 friends.About.1.80 }a table was prepared out on the lawn, where the good ladies spread a din- ner fit for a,queen.After)thanks was returned by Rev.Mr.Morgan,all en- joyed the sumptuous spread.A nice box of the good things was sent to Mrs.Winecoff.who was unable to be present.Music and games were .afeatureoftheafternoon.At alate hour the guests bade Mr.Winecoff and Mr.Howard many more happy !returns. Mrs.R.B.Dearman is the guest of Mrs.F.B.Dearman this week.Miss Gradie Cook of Troutman.spent’the |week-end with Miss Florence Dear- jman.Miss Noy Beard of Barber Junction is visiting her aunt,Mrs. Laura Hoover. Mr.and Mrs.Sam.Rimmer’gave a reception Saturdav night,9th.in honor of their son,Mr.Charles Rim- mer.and his bride.4,Christmas cakes will be few in inumbers,as most of the cows and|hens have gone on strike in this com- |munity.t |Epidemic of Measles—Visitors. |orrespondenceof The Londmart |Statesville,R-38,Dec.12 —The‘farmers have taken advantage of the |pretty weather in breaking land”forithespringcron.It is hard to real¢\ize that Christmas is sv near,as we‘have had so little winter weather,Prof.V.V.Aderholdt and M¥.H. M.Lippard spent Saturday night and /Sunday at Lenoir College;..Hickory. Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Troutman.of Asheville are spending a few dayswithrelativesinthiscommunity.Mr. and Mrs.N.W.Troutman of Keyser are expected home this week to spend the holidays with their parents.Measles is very prevalent ‘in ,thiscommunity.Messrs.H.A.,,Ri ».O, and J.C.Troutman have the pleasure of entertaining the “little red visit- ors.’:The Troutman No.7 school is pro- gressing nicely with Mr.Julius Waugh and Miss Mariemma Henleyasteachers.: Christmas Tree at Sidelight.° |Povresnondenee of The Landmark. |Hiddenite,R-1,Dec.11 —Christ-mas tree at Sidelight school house,by,Sidelight and South River M.E. Sunday schools,Saturday night,23d.All invited to.put presents on the tree for any one. ‘Danger Signal If the fire bell should ring sould you ynandstopitorgoandhelptoputoutthefire?j-lt is much the same way with a cough.Acoughisadangersignalasmuchasafirebell. |You should-no ‘more try to suppress it thantostopafirebellwhenitisringing,butshouldculethediseasethatcausesthecough- ing.This eat hearly always be done by -terk« ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.Many haveuseditwiththemostbeneficialresults.It isiricsa®valuable:for the persisteht cough"slat sq often follows a ,bad-cold or an attackTeatkribsNe,suai Haoonivig,Andrews,nd,writes:‘During the wih tri husband5sicoughs.:Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ig the best med-tine for breaking up these:attacks and youeantotgetshimtotakeanyother.”Obtainay, ble-evérywhere.° NEW ARRANGEMENT GOOD|TRADE IN 'Merchant’s Wife Admires the)&Mer:|= the home of>:-Mr.! ep enema goer ae STATESVILLE.| Slogan and Gives the‘chants a Jolt. Sorrespondence of The Landmark. Hurrah for Mr.:Brady’s |slogan:“Made in Statesville isn’t enough—Trade in Statesville—that’s the stuff!”With the echoes of ‘Made-in-States- ville’still ringing in our want to ask,Why don’t:we trade inStatesville?;Is it because the business menthemselvesdonot.set the example?I know of one business man whosefamilywenttoanearbyvilletobuytheirwintersuits.We got them cheaper,but we don’t.want it known Can’t Statesville merchants bring on rival ville can?Another business man’s entirefamilybought.their.winter hats andothergoodsoutoftown.Haven’t the milliners in Statesville as good taste as the milliners in smaller towns? Yet another business man sent out of town a piece of work,of nearly $100 value,when it could have been done equally as well by a master workman in Statesville.Do we prac- tice what we preach—trade home?Some time ago I wanted a certain article—not.made in Statesville.Onefirmshowedmetheir.stock oe they had nothing quite as good as I want- ed.-They very politely brought out their catalogues and offered to orderformeifIcould.notwhere.stated my wants.The proprietor in- farmed me that the article he carried when I knew differently.I told him that I wanted something better andthatIexpectedtospoila$10 bill in buying it.He didn’t seem at all anx-ious to wait on me.Neither did he instead,as I left the store,I heard him remark very slurringly to a clerk,“She wants to spoil a $10 bill.” He did not know my name,Now do vou think I'll go there next time T need‘anything in his line?that it is almost’impossible to handle every grade of merchandise thatthetradedemands,but the merchants must at least try to handle what -is handled in a nearby ville,or make an offer to order it when a_customer makes a demand for !%. And last but not least,try to in- duce their own households to trade athome.A MERCHANT’S WIFE. DR.JORDAN AND HIS WORK What He is,Doing For Children and Future Generations. Correspondence of The Landmark . Troutman Dr.Jordan,‘the State’s diagnostician,was here again Friday evening and gave a lecture on health which was illustrated withlanternpictures.: _Now it strikes me that,this man Jordan is paving the»way for one ofthegreatestupliftsruralNorthCar- olina has had in many aday.He looks on human life’as an asset,as one of the sources of the State’s i greatest.wealth.He believes in con- serving these lives by the prevention of preventable diseases and by ob- servance of various laws of sanita-tion which are not obscrved as theyshouldbeintheruraldistricts.Dr.|Jordan began life as an_ordinary practitioner in some of these little towns over in the eastern part of the State,35 years ago.He was one ofthosehumankindoffellowswho would ride by and hail his neighbor as “Hello,John!Good morning,Ma- ry!How's little Lucy’s throat’?He would draw in and eat greens and bacon whenever he felt like it.Early in his career he developed a kind ofanunethical:penchant for looking af- ter the children of his people and ad- vising them,concerning the precau- tion he thought necessary to keep thekiddieshealthy.These little father- ly counsels began to bear fruit local- ly and soon they were sending for him to come to the school outings and make a talk on health topics. After sojourning in the village a number of years he removed to Ral- eigh,where more than ever jhe was sought as a health lecturer.,He was appointed city physician and a little later:was also appointed physician in charge cf the criminal insane asylum at Raleigh.It was here that he was most forcibly impressed with thé ap- palling effects of preventable’diseas- es which hadn’t been,prevented.But you get him to tell you about it when he visits your school.It will not cost you anything and if you have a chance to take him to your home,do so.You can get much val- nable information from him.True,he is advocating some reforms in rurallifewhichitwilltakeyearstoestab- dish,but he’s.driving the entering wedge.capable,efficient health officer and is naying him to come down here for vour benefit.Get all you can out ofhim.W.D.TROUTMAN. The Late A.M.Salmons. ‘areespondence of.The Landmark | Jennings,R-1,.Dec.9.—The fu- ‘neral service and burial of A.M.Sal- mons took place at Zion church last Sunday.conducted by the pastor,Rev. a E.Redman.Mr.Salmons is sur- vived by a wife,one daughter,Miss)Ella,-who.lives with her mother at’ their country place in Buck Shoal| township,Yadkin county;and.two! sons-——-Dr.H.C.Salmons of Jones- ville and Dr.l.C.Salmons of Wins- ton-Salem.Also one brother,Leroy almons of Roaring River,Wilkes county., Mr.Salmons was a good man,who by his kindly and nccommodating spirit:had’a host of.friends who are saddened by his death.By industry and good business foresight he had ears,I|& that we trade out of Statesville.|2 as good a suit for the money as this 2 at|= find it else-|BeIwenttoanotherhouseand|Be was the only kind on the market,|& make any offer to order for me.But}‘ I admit}¢: The State looks'on him_as ai! accumulated a competent .living— having provided well for his family| in every way..Two of his sons— Drs.H.GC.and b.C.Salmons—hay-\ ing been giver.the advantage of a}good medical education.His other,son,William,who died at Winston- Salem about two years ago,had stud- ‘ied law and was succeeding well in} {the legal profession up.to the time! fof his déath:;}|.Mr,.Salmons was well and favora-| \kin and Jonesville. BUILDING?C. } a WATKINS.| i CLARA TNAAMTUALS aa tay ‘oul and the almanc says it’s December 095 25th,you will wantto give some.a useful gifts to your friends and ; loved ones.A hardware store is”reg the very best place to buy such © gifts.Had you thought about it? sgh a)‘gbut =Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware ERNE oe ri a Are you having the usual trouble to de«cide what you.want to give your friends’:on this happy Holiday occasion?Come’tous and let us help you out of the.trouble.-What:would be nicer tha 3niceUmbrella,Traveling Bag,Hat,FancyVest,Bath Robe,Muffler,Neckties,Com-:|bination Sets,Gloves,Silk,InitialorLinenHandkerchiefs?And one of ourup-to-date Suits or Overcoats would be |” great.teprt CS EY With all Kindly call and let us help you.re good wishes.—couk SLOAN CLOTHING ‘COM CRORCROR CROCCO Ta t a SP I LI L I L I R I L Gi Sa t To t SL I T S ) POORER CHOCO LIBRARY SUITS: sje gt oo och SA.OS ia eater BailALibrarySuitwouldmakeaniceChristiiasGift,,; Qur buyer has just returned from High’Poitif,, where he bought a real bargain in Library Suits,’ and Odd Chairs.Wo can™save.you at least»25° per cent on these goods.They are finished -.in~. Golden Qak,Early English and Fumed Oak Bod he RL Oth ertieh ’Three pieccsto each Suit. Seeing is believing;.so come in and look thems: Y uroverforyourselfandbeyourownjudge.to) mt deChrisimasGoodsforheLittleFolks. :“NSE ebay 4Doll.Beds,Doll Go- Carts and Small Chaigs and Rockerts.,a a ya eetatigoeahy g 4 Remember we give away FREE on the 23rd,the . Little Favorite RANGE.s Williams Furnitureakewnandhispianerslwas:at-|gp ite asked tended ‘hy:an unusually large s-¢en-|}.isn ORY Ae Sto f “ae oa co pf ,wn umber.SIT AW r soOwid favorite STOLE.|pata tod al ihe pnt Sta Sel it PXinville ome TA wists:i ie Pie hata ; ss suet :es eeeHouse: “THE LANDMARK)ADVERTISERS ARE UP. 1 ihe ai ;is ; 3 MbAs Geb donananes ol jcomber 16,1916. .WHAT 18 BEING SAID.e hétice of how the folks areitingfor,The “Landmark thesetaya?Good thing;keep it up.It’s What this paper has always desired.Hfigoo have something to say on anysfibject.of public Concern,write it toLandmark,Hf it's something for‘al’good,publicity is the on- ‘to’make it effective.If an 18 e boostingworkDr.Jord¢n is doing in themeédiéal‘inspection ‘ofthe schools. fod tiuch can’t be said for that.The alk shows the interest aroused,thatébaitefitsarebeingseenandthe as taking hold.’Dr.Jordan says tio few of the school patrons attend6meetings.Force of habit.The to get them gut is to talk whatJasbeiigdotieandarousemore.inter- a oS)‘A Landowner”hes an interesting y about attempts of privat®in«gividuals to ‘enforce the law—to se-| ‘.protection of the law—and or handicaps that caused failure. re y ‘for thought in that story. ASA:Metchant’s Wife”talks tading at home —ana we can't talk ro eee about that.The amount “lcopy of ESET TINE“WEYIP COMES HaitD. In normal timesthere would prob-ably not be so much objection to the:|Dropowed increased rate of postageon‘newspapers,‘but coming now,when-jewspaper publishers are so*40|hard hit by the increased cost of pa- per and in other respects——it seems atriflehard,Since the’foundation of the postal system the postage rate for newspapers has‘been less thancost.‘The government favored news- papérs and periodicals in this way because of their educational value— not as.a favor to publishers but ‘to the public,The privilege has been much abused,of late years especial- ly,by crowding the mails:with pub- lications not entitled to the low rate, but which by some means obtained it.However,if the government -will distribute semi-weekly papers—or all papers other.than dailies—in—free mail delivery towns at.a rate of postage they can afford to pay.The Landmark will not complain.Thegreatesthandicapthispaperhasin the matter of distribution «is in Statesville.Because it is publisher twice-a-week the city mail carriers, can’t distribute it except on the pay-, ment of one cent for each copy—a prohibitery rate. VALUABLE PUBLICATION. The Landmark received recently a the “North Carolina.Club Year Book for 1915-16,”and to say that it is one of the most valuable ,publications ever issued in the State is.stating about The book is a compilation of papers on the State’s resources,advantages and opportunities,prepa®ed by mem- e ,sent away —sent away bors of the North Carolina club at the fact conservatively. :hott*good reason —-that could be the state University—students who et Among bone folks to bettéy have done this work under the direc-thtage and would help to build up ‘commit —is enormous,and "BS sin and a -shame,”sosneak..But “Merchant's Wife”also jolts ‘the merchants who don’t try toProvideforall”the wants of the/and.who permit their own! amilies »to_go'away trom home:to| iy.Remember,too,that buying at AgMe means not only from honie deal- ¢ta-but from farmers who have things a end patronizing home mechan- -Parker enters a vigorous and tie protest against the reckless ig --and the Lord knows Méthing needs to be said —and}One —about that.-Mr.Millsaps boosts.the county r idea —and there are otherthings,too.The Landmark is grate-Rito its readers for the help theydregivingusinmakingatableofcontentsof-jpterest and value. RE PUBL *BUILDING GRAFT.é the Landmark has frequently dis-ieeet waste and extrava- nce in the erection of Federalulldiigd—the erection of buildingsOWns;where the business of thement:is:‘not sufficient to:war-the outlay,and the ercction ofh3onably-®kpensive buildingshire’building is.necessary.In hisHiport6Congress:Secretary:McAdoo:days gn this clibject:os+e convinced,”says iatiby,that thethethods Be gahSeChnetessforthepast15years~.providing Federal buildingsueh::‘so-called omnibus publicwilding.bills,have resulted in thegongtrictionofmanypublicbuild-dfigs in small towns and_localitieswher, i esmall communities are too fre-dictated by local reasons andtregard.to the best interests Pose on the Treasury a _per-it”and poreantly increasing mon serie and business judg-am rwould.Seém to demand|thattrugfuresforthetrans-ction of gov-t business should be authoriz--oply in localities where they areSyalyneeded,and that build-@hould not ‘be erocted where noNecessitycanbeshown.This‘Resul¥‘can be accomplished by di-Noro g the ublic buildiig questionrexnaalllocalorpotiticalconsidera-ional and authorizing ‘no publicuntiliathoroughandintel-Anvestigation of cach proposediBorprojecthasbeenmadetois.Gepartment and a full reporterednhasbeensubmittedtoCon-If such.reporcs were follow-the introduction and passageatate..Measures to cover each ed.building project,the abuses‘of the omnibus bill mothodatlicated . guring in Mecklenburg it-county lost a million dol- is yegt on account of the short _¢rop..Other counties have logsés the same way;ahd "8 strange aboit that figuring.Theatesarebasedonafullcropattheprices,that have prevailed thisfearDoesanybodybelievethatablecropof_Sotton ‘would’have@it18to20centsapoutid?Thers.arc.of “courte ‘partiallyduetheshortctop.°With’a fullCroptheywouldhavebeenoffat‘teas :third,,In figuring on the loss“88.8 pesult of a short crop,they wantfthepricedownathirdatwe.eGe. Burke,three /at-Datham fromwhenhis...clothes ill Ae een teh lint» tion of Prof.E.C.Branson of the |University faculty,who ts in:charge ,of the extension work of the institu- |tion. ble,concise and reliable information about the State’s agricultural and in- dustrial resources and opportunities than has ever copy of the publication should be in the hands of every citizen who wants to be informed about his State and of every outsider who wants informa- tion about North Carolina.It is free to home folks while the limited sup- ply lasts and is 25 cents to outsiders. Copies may be obtained by address- These papers give more valua- been published.A ng The.Bureeu of Extension,Chap- el Hill.. PEACE PROSPECT. Germany’s offer to consider peace proposals gives hope for the end:of the bloody world war. of course not be accepted in its pres- ent shape. that. feated nation,suing for peace. comes from a country which boasts —and with ground for the boast af- ter two years of war—that it cannot be defeatéd. matic move to place the responsibili- ty on the Entente allies for further continuance of the war and to make a’favorable impression on tral countries. The offer will Germany does not expect It does not come from a de- It It .was a sharp diplo- the neu- But no matter,how selfish may be Germany’s .purpose,the offer opens the way for what we have not had since,the war began—an opportuni- to urge peace proposals. neither side would listen to peacetalk.The.opportunity for negotia- tions is now here. *|may come of it for the time,there is{in it hope for the future.God grant that the hope may soon be realized. NA, Heretofore While nothing On behalf of Statesville The Land- mark is making its manners to the.|newspapers,especially our neignbor- papers,that printed ~informationaboutour“Made-in-Statesville ‘Ex-hibit”and have said nice things about it.The references have been kind and the neighborly spirit wasgratifying.—_Auto Brings Out the Hog. Monroe:Journal. Many persons are naturally meanand.overbearing and inconsMerate,and the automobile happens td givethemthebetteropportunitytobringoutthehogthatisinthem.A)realgentlemanremainsa-gentl an,even when driving a machine.Ag thecargivesabetterchancetothéhogtoshowhimselfitalsogivthegentldmananopportunityto/contin-ue gentlemanly,only there is a nat-ural exhileration which makes himoverestimateorunderestimate’theeffectofhisactions.Hence he mustbedoublycareful.-The way the manusesatelephoneisaprestygoodin-dex to his character,bat it does notcomparewiththeautomobile. Army Feed Costs Less. _Despite enormous increases in theprice“of provisions,Paymaster,Gen-eral-McGowan’s annual report shows}that the cost of subsistence for the’army is lower than it was before theEuropeanwariIn1915and1916,the report says,various economieswerecarriedout,resulting in’a sav-ing of $800,000.The daily.cost of ra-tions per man was half a cent lowerthanforthe1913-1914 périod,whenitwasafractionover36.\cents.That 1s to say,while army rationsarecostingmuchmore,by good man-agement the cost is now less than informeryears.,We've got to hand ittothepring‘Mt’s/unusual for a de-partment of ‘the government to effecteconomiesthataré‘worth while.(TSTRentencENEERaeNRTEES Chas.T.Creecy,a.baker,former-ly:gf:lizabeth:Gity,N.€.,commit-ted ‘silicide’in Was #ton this weekishootinghimself..About 60--yearsolddndleavesafemily, THE CANNING CLUB WORK; Money Made By Canning ClubsandtheOtherFeatures, With 44 counties..organized,withatotalenrollmentof8,781 girls and.864 women,or a grand total of 6,-95 workers organized in differentclubs,and with the betterment of thehomeandofthecommunityasapartofits’programme,the report of theDivisionofHomeEconomicsoftheAgriculturalExtensionServicetotheStateBoardofAgricultureshowssomeofthe.greatest progress madebyanydivisionintheorganization.Of the total number of girls andwomenorganizedinthework,3,453hayereportedfillingatotalof680,551containers,which represents a cashvalueof$117,816.46,at a cost of $29,- 432.50,which leaves a net’profit tothemof.$88,383.96.In estimatingthesevalues,a conservative scale ofpriceswasused.In some cases thegirlsreceivedmorefortheirgoods than_is shown in the report.This is because of the scarcity of vegetables,occasioned by the poor gardens dur- ing the year 1916.The work,which is under the di-rection of Mrs,Jane S,_McKimmon, shows that the.profits made by thegirlshaveincreasedgreatly.since itsinaugurationin1912.At the end ofthatyearthegirlsreportedaprofit they.made a profit of $75,256,which is below the profit of the present year by $13,127.53. Sampson,Anson and Wake,in theordernamed;are the three countiesreportingthegreatestyieldsandprofitsbyclubmembers.The highestprofitreportedis.$155.86 by Miss El- sie Yarborough of Cary,Wake coun-ty.Miss Emma Reid of Charlotte}' reports $109.71.- Twenty-seveh scholarships inschoolsandcollegesand105girlswhoarepayingtheirwayinschool wholly or in part through their Can-ning Club work,is another feature of. the report worthy of consideration. One hundred ‘and ninety-one wintergardensarenowreportedtobeunderwaywhere,in most cases,not a veg-etable has been grown before during the winter months.The girls also have made a total of 2,381 caps, aprons and dresses and .have given 1,085 demonstrations in cookingmeatsandvegetablesand555in making bread.*«~.,Organizations for women have al- so received a great impetus during the yeay.Plans which have been ontrialfor°a year’have proven.thattheycouldbeworkedoutsuccessful- dle Said:eR a to.neh:here when Uni tal .inraidthat resulted in ‘men who,formerly stood high inbaneadelphiabusinesscircles,swindles.is declaredtiestohaveinvolved $2,500,000—most of it money of widows and or-phans.@ ; Frank .W.investigation into the affairs of thecompaniesthatlastedayear,the In- ternational :pany was the principal.concern of the.Cooscheme.on’their work of $2,476.In 1916|500,000 was sold broadcast among600victims.used mostly as ‘‘come-ons.” vading France,Bemis and Train at-tempted to found a French republic.They were condemned to be shot forincitingtotreason,”but the orderwascountermanded.Train and Bemis campaigned together for woman suf- frage in Kansas in 1867.Frequentlythey-were sent to prison for short terms. pation,as is often the case,you will get quickreliefbytakingChamberlain’s Tablets,Thesetabletsalsoimprovethedigestion.ble everywhere. lina Concerns.Philadelphia Dispatch.ea et‘A gigantic.swindle,e:wildest dreams of theRufusWallingford,was _brough apectors Fondiseae a i alee@arrest. by the authori- Eight companies are They are the Inter- Bachman &Company, Logan,Philadelphia;Company,Concord,|N..;the Suburban Gas company,East albondiy N.Y,;the Gaston Gas Co.,|:Gastonia,N.C.;,Georgetown yeriolide and Light.Company,Georgetown,S.|—C.;the Southern Gas and ElectricCo.,Philadelphia. it rds ne of the} :named by theauthorities..as being involved in‘thealleged“steal.”}national Gas.and ‘Electric Company,Philadelphia;‘banking firm,Philadelphia;Bank ofIndependence,Concord Gas ing to Postal’InspectorAcco.Smith,who conducted an Gas.and Electric Com-' Its worthless stock of $1,- The other concerns cae With the single exception of theBankofIndependence,all passed in-to the hands of a receiver in Decem- her,1915..in one grand smash,’leav+/ing behind a trail of ruin,accordingtoSmith. Geo.P.Bemis,who with his:cous-; in,Geo.Francis Train,built the:first|tramways in London,died.this week.'He had been twice elected mayor of |Omaha,.Neb.He was 78 years’old,! he career of Bemis was spectacular.n 1870,when the Prussians were in- “Nervous Women. When ‘the’nervousness is caused by consti- Obtaina- ly and the enthusiasm of the agents has carried these on with great suc-cess.Thirty counties report organi- zation of Women’s clubs,with a membership of 2,864.Nine of the re- maining counties do not employ .an agent.long enough to carry on a sys-tematic work with.the women,and four others employed their whole-time agents too.late for.their worktoberecordedinthepresentreport. Meeting OrphanAssociation. Person’s Remedy. thirty -five years.most reliable for ailments.peculair towomen. gan Stimson &Son,StatesvilleCo.-Ask your Druggist or write Per son Remedy Co.,Send for testimonials,Price $1:perbottle,3 for $2.75,-6 for $5.Prepaid. “WOMEN ‘Ask your Druggist for Mrs.Joe Known for over Safest—best— For sale by W.'F.:Hall,Lo-Drug Charlotte,N.cl’ The North ‘Carolina Orphan Asso- ciation,in session in Raleigh thisweek,endorsed proposed legislationintheinterestofpublicwelfareand,particularly,the need of larger legalcontrolovertheorphanchildinthecareofinstitutions,says the NewsandObserver.Mr.J.S.Barnes,General Maneger M.L.Kesler of the Thomasville orphanage and Supt.W.|.T.Walker of the Barium Orphans",Home were appointed to confer with! superintendents of orvhanages rela-! tive to amerding charters to furnish such closer bonds.:Other movements receiving the fa- voring vote of the association through resolution were widows’pensions, raising the age of°consent,jmprove- ment of desertion laws,more definite| protection from irresponsible persons|seeking aid for dependent children,| establishment of a home for wayward girls. _Mr.Archibald Johrson,editor of 7.Mofe Shopping Days Until Christmas. Come and select your VICTROLA NOW Then you'll will be sure to get it. Andrews Music Store. Everything Musical. 105 East Broad Street. , Charity and Children,offered the as- sociation a resolution endorsing the establishment of a public»welfare board to have caqntrol of social service work in the State,and which will be an extension of the authority and the scope of he present Board of PublicCharities.Such a bill will be present-ed.to the Legislature in its approach- ing session. A poll of the institutions repre- sented on results of the recent or- phanage campaign,produced the tes- timony,without an cxception,thatorphanagecontributionsin.North Carolina have grealy increased and, in many cases,doubled,this year,be- cause of the movement fostered bytheasscciation.The publication committee was extended a vote of thanks that included he press of he State. Higher Standard of Living theMainTrouble. Hickory Record.‘We were impressed the other day by the declaration of one of Hick-ory’s older citizens that the cost of living is not so much in’the_high|prices of necessities as in the exalted tastes and demands of the.people. Comparing:prices of today with those’of 40 years ago.he pointed outthatthenecessitiesoflifeintheolddayscostmorethantheydo_now.Then every member of the familyworked;today:few members of thehouseholdcontributetothe,family’s needs.‘In like manner one might ,heatkenbacktothenineteénthcentury,ortheeighteenthcentury,when theluxuriesoftheveryrichwerenogreaterthanthe~comforts of the poor today;but who wants the sim- ple life with all of its rigors?Society ‘has progressed,whether for weal or woe,artia the problem that confronts it is to make the fam- ily purse strings stretch enough to conform to the present standard of Handsome and Useful Christmas Presents For Automobilists. Warm Leather Driving Gloves for men and women. Glengary Motor Car Robes---Beautiful and Warm. Electric cars. -Trouble Lamps. Flash Lights. Spot Lights. Finally,and BEST OF ALL,What-is “Home without a FORD?”--A Family Pleasure and a Family Necessity.\Carolina Motor Co. Horns for all living,even if it includes a few nights each week at.the movies and several new dresses a season for the:-wife. Society is not going back to the simi-ple life unless it happen to be cast adrift on a deserted island,like Rob- inson Cruesoe. Hampton Was There. The humerous frjeids and -admir-ers of J.Hamp.‘Rich will be pleasedtoknowthathewasattheSouthernCommercialCongressinNorfolkthisweak;andy was:jin evidence with,reso-3 8,etc,i J.Hamp.figures in the BUILDING?“C,“WATKINS. 1--o¢easionse----:-« iazenby- Continued use by the:same PEO-PLE is the strongest possible argu- ment in favor of your trying PANT |W. HarmonCentralTaylorSprings School,December 19, Loray School,December 20,-Bethlehem School,December 20,Graycrest School,December 21, Troytman School,December 21, Linwood School,December 15,Mt.Mourne School,December 15,Amity School,December 16,_ayage School,December:16, en enact Bd RO I ABS a ‘oor rt mT to e to ae s ss s s s ‘Spring School,December 18,chool,December 1hool,December 19,?a goi] AT et pe t ST sn o b s , Sa Oo {P P P S PU S U E P E S rl S eet5 * ‘o— — _PREPAREDNESS Every one is talking about it.Well, we are preparing to move,January 1,1917,into the roomiest and most up-to-date garage building in this section.Our business has grown to such an extent that we are compelled to have more floor space to take care of our trade. We are having fitted up,equipped with every convenience,a rest room for the ladies and children of our customers., Leave your car with us when’in ‘town.°We will do our best to take care of you at any and all times. Statesville Motor Co. _—,The House of Service,gue EE MILLS &P so Waists Always Make Appropriate Christmas § Gifts.These Are Particularly So,ForTheyWereDesignedEspecially°For Holiday Selling.7 4 THEY are here in festive array—in stylesso appeal- 4 ing as to delight those Bi receive.And because of the co-operative arrange- 2 ment under which they were obtained,the prices ares|the most favorable.Selections'can best be made =|now while assortments are so very complete. o give as well as they who § NEW WIRTHMOR WAISTS IN ATTRACTIVE HOLIDAY ENVELOPES HAVE JUST ARRIV- ED.AS ALWAYS PRICED JUST AT:$1.00, Verytruly,3OSTON,| (OMICSSSI SAIN NETICNO NLCNLU NMLEC MIE NESSIE NUTT NCT LOZ TT SUTTONNOTICE neeShallIGive?"| A gift of Jewelry will notalnappelnt,for it is some-|thing everybody likes to have.‘The offerings at my__| store will help yousolve the problem of what to give.||,You will be surprised’at'the Cs.sllnn a , 4 ROR:SALWBYniv,©gaurd lontgomery Hatdwate 'Co.,Statesville,N,CG, *‘ at’the lowness of price tox...!mut “uinad Where,erns gnd.Gpld are Fairly salar"Wo siflnetH.B.ARD<* deweler!:}" 7 ber 15,1916. NG THRONG lion of People andmovements, ter and Miss.AltieTuesdayinChar- Binghamis visiting in -Pharr,who was the&Lois Steele at Turners-Tuesday to her home “county.~Cowles spent yes-arlotte,Cooper,who is a stu-Mary’s,Raleigh,will ar- rrow night for the holidays.’bn Gill arrives tomorrow to ristmas at home.He.is afattheAgriculturalandMe-College,Raleigh.wucile KimbalinWinston-Salem.nd Mrs.C.F.McKesson,Mrs.|Falls and Miss Florence Mc-P-‘were:among those fromnhherethisweek:to -h of a Nation.”Fand Mrs.D.J.Williams leftHehtforSeffner,Fla.,to spend is visiting inter.‘Clyde Carscadden,who is now type Operator on the Greenville,“News,was in town this weekDrie!Visit ‘td.his mother.i Rose'.and Leah ’Stephany2istforanextendedvisitaand.Cuba.,f rs.D.H.Baity of Green-i,{Ind.,afrived,yesterday to visitCTinIredellandYadkincoun- apb .C.J..Thompson,nee MarjorieofMontana,who has beenhgfriendsinStatesville,hastoThomasvilletovisither - ATH pr.She will return to Iredell to visit.‘ Lee Neill of Tyler,Texas,isspenlsometimewith-hismothrs.-Carrie Neill.He andhis7otherarenowvisitingrelativesouthIredell. INoti¢es of New Advertisements Apples for sale at Wliilkcsboro.—"WF.Doughton.~-Two-horse wagon and coal burner|Mor sale.—Z.V.Long.Rooms for rent.—!Phone 249 black.(Thermite protects against frozenradiators.—Carolina Motor Co.Not responsible for debts—(Mrs.G. M.Anpstin.Sale of personal property of theleteT.A.Mrdock —<L.Murdock.Slightly used Singer sewing ma-gine for sale.—Williams Furniture ae.tl‘(Appropriate Christmas gifts.—ill-White Shoe Co. _Moving picture health;exhibit in y.my Pidarance sale.—Mrs.Mary Sims. jna, WREN -WALKER WEDDING Ceremony at Wren’s,Ga.—So-cial Events, Reported for ‘The Landmark,, The wedding of Miss“Julia Elean-or {Wren'of)Wren’s Ga.,-and*Mr.James Clyde “Walker of Satesvillewasapretty.event of Thursdaymorning,December 7th,taking placeat10o’clock in the Associate Re-formed.terian..church atWren’a aeThechurch‘was tastefully decorat-ed with ferns,stately palms und crys-tal vases of yellow chrysanthemums.Acting:as ushers were Messrs.A.A.Wren,W.J..Wren,Jr.,and LamarWren,brothers of the bride.Just be-fore.the bridal perey arrived MissJuliaStonc.of uisville,Ky.,ren-dered a musical prcgramme and be-fore the ceremony Mrs.B.G.Press-ly of Hickory Grove,8S.C..sang Webber’s “Constancy”.and d’Harde-lot’s “Because.”The party entered the church tothestrainsoftheBridalChorusfromLohengrin,played by Miss Stone. First to enter were the dainty little flower girls,Agnes Wren:and Eliza- beth Howard.Then the bride came in with her maid,Miss Eloise Hardeman of Louisville,and:was met at the al-tar by the groom with his brother, Mr .W.M.Walker of Statesville,whowas’best man,Rev.W.C.Kerr per- formed the ceremony in an impress-ive manner, The bride,a young woman of thebrunettetype,was _lovely in |her traveling suit of dark brown broad- cloth with hat,shoes and gloves to match,Her flowers were yellow chrysanthemums.The maid of hon- er wore a suit of brown with accesso- ries to match and a corsage bouquet of Parma violets. Immediately after the ceremony Mr,and Mrs.Walker left for.Atlan-ta aud points in North Carolina.‘Af-ter a short time they will be at home to their many friends in Statesville, where Mr.Walker is a_prominentvoungbusinessman.Mrs.Walker, who is the only daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Wren,has through hercharmingpersonalitywonahostof friends in her native State,who will regret.to rive her.up . (Mr.and Mrs.Walker arrived in Statesville Wednesday evening and are at the home of Mr,Walker’s mother,Mrs.Sallie Walker,on Greene street). Mrs.Walter P.Moore ‘and (MissChristineRutledgeSaturday.enter- tained the Saturday Afternoon Study club.The programme was Argenti- led by Miss Clyde Feild.The cuests sewed while discussions weregoingon.‘Creamed chicken,coffee and hot rolls were served.Mrs.J. | A’WEDDING ‘TOMORROW: Miss Lippard and Mr.Cartner— Birthday Celebration. Dorrespondence of The Landmmrk.te Statesville,R-8,Dec.18 —°Thechildren,grandchildren’and a num- ber of .other relatives gathered atthehomeofMr.and Mrs.J.P.Col- lins yesterday for a surprise celebra-tion of Mr.Collins’71st birthday.The day was spent in the usual man- ner—the dinner being one of the im-portant features.Rev.W.D,Halti-wanger ‘made’an appropriate talk,’efter which the children .presented their gifts to their parents.Mr.Collins is one among the fewsurvivingConfederate soldiers-’of our country,and this,together ,with and neighbors. hardshivs’endured in -their earlylives,all seems smooth sailing for he and “Aunt Sue”(the partner ofallhisjoysandsprrows),now that their voyage is nearing the harbor of life’s sunset.Mesdemes D..I.Troutman and Al- vale Darr entered Dr.Gibson’s San- atorium last.week and.underwent operations Monday..The conditions of .both are favorable for an early recovery.; Mr.Baxter Collins +has been con-fined to his bed almost a week ‘withavaccinatedarm.ry .Mr.and Mrs.spent.a°few days with Mrs.U.Ostwalt,returning to their home friends Minor Troutns L.Lentz of Stony Point have movedto.this vicinity and we welcomthem.ait Miss Florence Lippard and Mr. Joseph Cartner of Kannapolis-will be married Saturday afternoon,at the home of the bride’s parents,Mr. and Mrs.Julius Lippard,Rev.W.D: Haltiwanger officiating.-f The writer:was one among country folk who saw the exhibit of “The Birth of a Nation”in |States-ville Monday afternoon,and to some of us it was our first sight of thiskindofattractionthetownoffers, For his reason perhaps we were the more impressed. Tar Heel in Indiana—All Days Except Sunday.\ orrespondence of Tne Lanamark New Castle,Ind.,Dec.12 —The weather here has been very favorable so far.Had two *light’snows and the temperature was zero one night.It stood about 8 and 10 above fot several days.The people say there will be an early spring..Here’s.hop-ing it will be.I like the summer season best.:Talk about no mud in the West!’I want to say there is more mud H.Cornell of Roanoke,Va.,was anout-of-town guest.;| sceceiatal | The MacDowell music club will! meet with Misses Christine Henkel and Marion Yount Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock,,at Miss Henkel’s home on east Broad street. Mrs,Ross Mills was hostess to the geful gifts at hardware store.—aby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Fur:sale now on.—Ramsey-Bowles-Mortison Co.Great gift shop—Johnston-Belk Co__For.Christmas dinner.—Miller-Mc-Lain ‘Supply.Covgee’y ddlls—Allison!s Book2.ect your Victrola now.—Andrews Music Store.Christmas presents for automobil-istdi+-Carolina Motor Co.‘Wirthmor waistc.—Mills &PostonReduction-in pisno priccs——An-dréws.Music Store.Will move Janurry 1st.—Statesville Motor ‘Co.<Special price sale—J.M.McKee & Company.The’dighity of thrift—lMerchantsandFarmers’Bank.~ Christmas Suggestions.—Sloan Clothing Co. Carpet sweepers,tables,triplicatepailsforgifts—Crawford-Bunch Fur- niture Co.:Seeing is believing.—Statesville g Co.|New.Jitney Station —Jitney Trans— fer.Company.a Ee .House for rent.—Jim_Tharpe.Reward for Jim Byers —Jimarpe.Spectacles lost.Reward for re- turn to The Landmark.’ borrow $3,000. Birthday Celebration —News*¢.aAbout ‘People. Correspondence of The Landmark. York Institute,Dec.13 —Monday,the fith,the friends and_relativesatheredatthehomeofMr.A.G. Matlock to celebrate the 89th -birth- day.of Mrs.Matlock’s mother,Mrs. ,Ligzié.Lackey.It was so cold’the 'erowdiwas not as large as usual,but the dinner.was fine and ‘abundant,all enjoyed it and hoped Aunt Lizzie willlive ‘to’celebrate many more birthdays..H.C.Patterson went to Statesville Monday to meet his son, Clyde,who was taken sick in Wyo- ming,where he has been for‘some years,’‘:“Mr.and Mrs.L.E.Crouch were inStatesvilleMonday.Messrs?Lackey and Jackson Smith went_toWinstonthisweek.Mr.Whit.Pat- terson went to Statesville yesterday.Mrs;Isaac Sharpe,who has beencriticallyill,is thought to be improv-ing.Mrs,D..A.Lackey is rightsick,,*.This is a cold,clear day.and manyhogsarebeingbutchered. ‘Song Service at Broad Street. dist church will render the following programme Sunday evening at 7.30: Preludé—Verset oo cess ccc cece ences BatisteAnthem—The ‘Herald Angels ........Lorenz‘Byes Sie ile veep obiee Peer dete \aiieea a Hearne +—Holy Night’Divine, a..Thompson,Mrs.Salley,Mr.Slown,° i *Mr.Salley.“Anthem—Unto Us a Child is Born ..Wilsonswpastes64%.Minetti§olé-—Séng of BethlehemMrs..R.H.Troutman. Scripture ReadingOffertory---And There Were Shepherds,VincentDuet—A)Song of:Praise GoublierMrs,Thompson,Mr.Saltey,Solo—The Glorious Morn .........NeidlingereeMissGillespie. AntHymi Sing,O Heavena rer ds bade eeee A service will be anf P.jcare The Landmark,wants to, The choir of Broad Street Metho-| G.G.G.club Wednesday afternoon jand a few outside guests were pres- |ent.The time was snent in sewing. ‘|A salad course,coffee and nuts were 7.:friends wiserved. Miss Celeste Henkel went Wilkesboro Wednesday afternoon and was present there,vesterdayv,at the marriage of .Miss Lcuise Finley to Mr.P.-M.Williams. Miss ‘Leah Stephany was.in Lenoir yesterday to attend the marriage of |Miss Sadie Downum,a former resi- Price Postelle. Mr.and Mrs.Thompson Were Popular in Marion. Of the last service held at Marion by Rev.L.D.Thompson,the new pastor ‘of Broad Street church, Statesville,the Marion Progress says: ““Short talks were made by Mr.C. |F.Jemes and Mr.D.E.Hudgins, twhich were followed by some remarks ‘Moore,all of whom expressed keen regret at Mr.Thompson’s depart-ure,Mr.Thompson has been pastor of the Methodist church here for nity feels a distinct.loss;however, proud of the fact that he goes into a lerger field.” Mr.and Mrs.Thompson were al- so honored socially before their de parture from Marion.The Progress'says at a meeting of the Twentieth Century club “each member express-ed a wish in prose or poetry for Mrs. Thompson and Mrs.Gay,to take with them to their new homes,”and “as guests of honor each was _pre- sented with a beautiful book by the hostess.”4 The Progréss further says: “An informal congregational’re- ception was given by members of the Methodist church Monday evening at the home of Mr.John Decker,in hon- or of Rev.and Mrs.L.D.Thompson.Quite*a -humber attended.The board of stewards presented Mr.Thompson with a handsome traveling bag.” “The Aid Society of the Metho- H./dist church gave a very délightfulentertainmentTuesdayafternoonatthehomeofMrs.W.W:'Neel in com- pliment to Mrs.L.D.Thompson.The menncr of entertainment was unique, ‘emposed of various.games.The min- isters’-wives of the other denomina- tions were also guests.The societypresentedMrs.Thompson with a ca-meo.brooch.” Missionary Society Officers. The Woman’s Missionary Society ofBroadStrectMethodistchurch,at a meeting Monday afternoon,elected officers for next year as follows: Elects President,Mrs.T.E.Anderson; first vice president,Mrs.G.;Ballance;second vice pxesidént, Mrs.‘L,Sloan;superintendent of publicit and mission study, Mrs.D.J.‘Kimball;superintend- ent social service,(Mrs,A :Cooper;superintendent supplies,Mrs. Emma_Sherrill;recording secretary.Mrs.G.M.Foard;corresponding sec-retary,Miss Delia Lazenby;treasurer, ;oo Minge,By (Mi y<nson;agent forpio’ochre PH ole Mx ay?F,,Andersoii. MEU Demare |eo Miidsidh!Study tlass will beginthetatitly'oF m new oak “Th Neweyaty.. South,”the first of Janu 4 + \here in one month to| \by Rev.J.C.Story and Rev.Wm.H.| three years and has given the utmost’. satisfaction,and the entire commu-| *leounty,R.L. than I ever sawbackhomeduringthewholewinter. Christmas will soon be here.New iCastle is putting on its Christmasgarb.Thanksgiving here was dob‘served to a -dot.So is every other.holiday.You don’t see any work go-'ing’on when there is a holiday.It is |very strange but true,that all days|are observed more than the Sabbath.|We had the pleasure of ‘visiting /Mr.and Mrs.James Cranfield.Their ll be pleased to_know theylaregettingonfine.: We are expecting to hear of Old‘Santa distributing some very valua-‘ble presents in Statesville,the way ithe officers chase the Ford machines |around down there It”may be a igood thing for Mr.Ford ‘to keep, plenty on hand.Maybe it will givg his own personality,gives him °dis-tinction and popularity.among “histAfterthe)” in |? Asheville Monday.Mr.and Mrs.M-}! |! if tyChristnasTreeatAthens:Mrs.Rickert Il. Joprespondence,or ‘Yhe Lendmars Statesville,R-5 Dec.14—There willbeaChristmastreecatAthensschoolhouseSaturdaynight,December 23.A short.programme.will also be ren-dered,Th¢public is cordially invitedtoattend.*”, Mrs.©.F.Rickert,who has been critically ill for some days,is improv- ing.Her daughter,Mrs.LeRoy gencue of Cool Spring,has been wither.Mr.and Mrs,J.Otis Wardwell andMrs.George Carter of Haverhill, Mass.,who have been spending sometimeat;the Yadkin.Valley Huntingclub,expect to return home today, MARKET REPORTS. ;Btatesville Produce Market.'\]The following prices were paid yesterdayfor;produce on the local ‘market.yjcTurkeys,16-18¢.per lb.Chickens,12¢.per Ib., Roosters,6c.per Ib 1 Egas,85c.per dozen. Butter,.22-26c.per Ib.Beeswax,25.per tvyareenFiges(unsalted)22¢,per Ib.‘Green “Hides (salted)28¢.per Ib “Hams,22c.to 24¢,per Ib.qigreen Hams,14-16c,per lb.»mides,16c.to 18¢,per Ib.*"Shoulders,16c.per lb,¥'New Red Honey,8c.to 12c.per Ib.»Bourwood Honey Comb,18c.to 20c.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c.per lb Sweet Potatoes,80c.per bushel.Irish ‘Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel. ‘Grain.The following prices were pald yesterday\¢wrain on the local market ‘Wheat (new)$1.75 per bushel. ,Corn,$1.00 per bushel. Oats,65-70e.per bushel. M -Btatesville Cotton Market. On the.local.market yesterday .18 cents per pound was paid for best,grade cotton. Cotton Seed,80c.per bushel. Seed Cotton,Te.per Ib.e (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsperline.No ad.taken for less than 25 cents,Cash must accompany order.) WANTED—To borrow,$3,000,First Real Es-tate mortgage.P.care The Landmark. >Deo 15—3t. NOTICE—1 will not be responsible for debts ZEB.V.LONG.ee,15. FOR SALE—At Wilkesboro,morning,of De-‘eember 20th,several wagon loads of niceapples.W.F.DOUGHTON.Dee.15—1t* FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms,block from"9 Hostoffice.134 E.Sharpe street.honef-<249 Black.Deg.16. FOR SALE—Slightly used Singer Sewing Ma-»chine.Cheap for cash.WILLIAMS FUR- ?éNITURE HOUSE.Dec.15—I1t*. FOR water. WANTED—To locate Jim Byers,colored. imeward:JIM THARPE.Dec.15—1t. LOST—Pair spectacles.WHE LANDMARK. WANTED—To buy your fat veal calves.Will“pay highest market price.Also two fat Burner. RENT—Seven-room house,lights andSeeJIMTHARPE.Dec.15—1t. $1 Reward for return toDec.15—1t*. awemhogs,weighing 200 Ibs.each,fat sheep andplambs.F.T.BURKE.Dec.15. R RENT—Nice large front room,furnish-}close in,reasonable.Also for salé cheap,six-hole Range with hot water reservoir andwarmingcloset,in first-class -candition. D.*C.RUFTY.Dec.12—2t*. WANTED—Agents to carivass.Apply to E. M.WAGNER,Ostwalt.Dec.12-—2t*. FOR SALE—Five shares capital stock Paola if3ed Cotton Mill and a small office safe.MRS.M.G.FRAZIER,admr.See H.P.GRIER,Dec.-12—2t.attorney. GREENSBORO EUSINESS COLLEGE Estab-lished 15 years.Write for catalogue. ‘him a good advertisement for his jears.Guess the reason they use dent of Statesville,to Mr.Charles them so much for booze is because of'WANTED—Plumbers and Electricians.None their speed.Wishing every reader of The |Landmark a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.A TAR HEEL. News of Eufola Community. |Correspondence of The Landmark Eufola,Dec.13 —The people of is community are busy moving andChristmas.Mr. moving to.the Lewis ferry |thgetting ready for Charlie Waugh is Moose place,‘on the road.Mrs.-M.E.Troutman,who has been ‘right sick for some time,does not seem to improye very fast.Mrs. Troutman has broken up _housekeep- ing and is now living with her son, Mr.Harvey Troutman.-The smallpox scare is about over in this community,but there are still a lot of sore arms from vaccination.¢ Miss Emma_Wilson has rison spent the week-end with her mother,Mrs.G.W.Wilson,near Eu- fola.Mr..and Mrs.Robert Wilson have been:visiting in’Lenoir. Della Wagner is Visiting her uncle, Mr.and Mrs.George have.been visiting here,have return-ed_to their home at Shannon.Miss Carrie Wagner has returned home from Statesville,where she visited her uncle,Mr.W.C,Kyles.24 We are thinking there will be a lot munity Christmas. The Ever-Ready Club. Jorrespondence of The Uandmark. Statesville,R-4, day evening at 7.30 the Ever Readyclubmetwithafullenrollment.MissCelesteHenkelwasavisitorandit present.Some members answered the roll call with a joke and Miss Henkel told a*story written by Sir~Walter Scott,“Kenilworth,”which was en- joyed.very much.The lesson was ‘Boston BrownBreadandeachmemberisrequested to try thebringsample to \néxt meeting.|The next lesson will be given:Tuesdayevening,19th,at the usual hour.The lesson for next meeting is Christmas candies.Visitors are expected,as every one wants to know how tomakeChristmascandy.3Onenewmemberhasbeenadded -~Miss Nora.Moore. farm in Davidson Lomax unearthed a number of bowls,pans,plates and forks of-early Colonial design,which Plowing on his to bear the:marks of London silvet- early.HOMB!, ad, returned|? ‘home from Virginia,where she took: a course in nursing.Mrs.Bertha Gar-|j Miss| Mr.Henry Troutman,at Statesville.|*Shook,who} of weddings to report from this com-|. Dec.12 —Tues:p was certainly a pleasure to have her} bread at ‘her home*™and |; appear to be of silver and are:said’ smiths offstlheMPR.WE td BibibesoiBRshureyouY6¥dirlK2rhkiasl CakesSEAMSBAKERY<i: Dec.12—5t.* but:first-class workmen need apply.RETCHIE.De FOR RENT—Six-room house on_Stockton|Pytaeet.Water and iights.SIG WALLACE. Nov 28.‘Sa -PUESDAY,DECEMBER 19th,beginning at 10 .o’clock,at the residence of the late T.A. Murdock;in Chambersburg township,5 milescastof:Statesville,N.C.,I will sell to thehighest.bidder for CASH,all of the PersonalPropertybelongingthereto,consisting of Houschold and Kitchen furniture,Farming Tools,Reapers,Mowers,_Rakes,Tedders,Binders,Plows,Wagons,Harness,one new Geo.E.Nisson Wagon,three Mulesand‘one Horse.This stock is young and asgoodasanyinthecounty,and can be bought on time with good notes;eight head Hogs,three head Cattle and two Milk Cows.Dee.15—1t.Cc.L.MURDOCK. DOLLS!.DOLLS! ~We'were fortunate in get-’ ing a fine selection of genuine kid-bodied dolls at low prices. E.oe t| See us before buying. Allison’s Book Store. made”"extept by my verbal permission.MRS."G.M.AUSTIN.Dee.15—1t*.+ HERMITE—Sure Protection .against frozenRadiatérs.Get it at the CAROLINA MO-;"FOR COMPANY.Dec.15-—It.EA arses rea mn oe HQR;SALE—Two-horse wagon.and a CoalD Buggies;-1 Théman with money knovfpeatmoneyae t 11 } eb e n t }O D i \\s fi nN \a It will make “her happier if you give her a BANK — BOOK;and it is a sure thing that she will make that — account grow bigger all the time.In doing so she will *": ’keep herself happy all next year and at the end of the sn year HAVE something.pon You know what's hers is YQURS and:it’s safe in - the bank,Someday it will make the merriest Christ- mas you will ever have had.Try it.hh PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. % We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits.THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK __Statesville,N.C.Se Our Jewelry.‘isisthethingtogwe4), for There is no doubt about it—Jewelry is the thing ‘to giveforChristmas.Jewelry has more L-O-V-E in it.(O But do not think because we sell the BEST there is in:4teva jewelry that we do not also have in our store many gift goods «.taforPOPULARPRICES.eh np aN Christmas is “nearly here.Come in now that.we may-4) have ample time to engrave‘and deliver your presents.R.F.HENRY,Jeweler. *} Toilet Water, Perfumery and Talcum Powder. Christmas. This store is one “Great.Gift Shop”,because every.*,:|7 ababacs Ue item in every department makes a Aea]|hine ee V iTf *’FOR:CHRISTMAS DINNER Rvérything that your ‘grocery_list ealls for can be found in this holidaystockofstaplesanddelicacies.The -quality and variety were never so great as now. ~’Phones 91 and 21. Miller -McLainSupply Co. }' .©.H.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, | ie ;Phong sensible,practical gift. And so for this year’s giving we have- scollected ample holiday stocks for all who may come.The promient feature of the entire stock can be expressed in |one word—usefulncss. And so this store is now’well prepared to show the Best things that people are. going to be calling for this Christmas Season.En The Store.That Sells For Less. i9fhioay But!si creo: esi8 4 Sd B40 Green:| Till sfooyr et ns #999)“P eatOatPITONE!212. ose erssLATATZINT,MONDO Te Ly trTar gh obit esti Peean eRe pa ape see et \,‘ad'S WORK IN WAR.|FROM OVER THE COUNTRY.|Gov.Craig Invitation.sh Bee —--—rr Declining an invitation for himself1916;Women in British Isles at Work |Items of Interest About Various|and party to pay avisit to the repub-|;rnoa of Home Number3,-Matters,Sa he ora Lt anes mueats BoHy.New York State gave Charles FE.ce neeahraeaaLonnDisitch.Hughes a plurality i 118,680.over|Wrote Chairman F.Lawrence of thedopa:Cuban-American Society,New YorkPut.All Postmasters on The saying that woman's place is |President Wilson,accorling to.the by ue shay ly the eine of CubsCivilServiceBasis.in the home hag little application in |official returns made.public;this |Tesenting Pareunderconsiderationin|war time..There are.now.in the "Pastridges a plaittiten i P in hacamntee ~~foal,a pndabana\.|British Isles 3,219,000 women em-in bringing suit against:North Caro-tates’Ry agers epns ‘ployed outside ‘their own homes,it |Menten,he national Department of|lina for the collection.of Recontruc-postoffices now filled by prenidential 18 generally retognized that their|Agriculture will import from ‘that Planj tion ora Abas sats ae roe reeralDntill|Fally to work “in the national inter-|country 35,000 of these birds to be “lated.The plan of the society is toprobablybeadethatanattofCon.(est”is going to make t difieutfor shipped Be ot eed ete deka the teinioe cat caeeeeressedtomaketheseplans‘Parliament to refuse the demand for|States where the game is scarce,(eee i Soni their cramahertetion 'poNard a tmasters thereby would suffrage which will be renewed when |The report comes from Washing:|Giwene Craig wrote that ordina-be chosen under the civil service just hostilities end.}jton.that every member of President|.i1.he would be glad to ‘accept Cu-as postoffice employes and mostof |During the -first two years of war Wilson’s cabinet,with the possible eX-|hay hospitality,but that so long astheotheremployesofthegovern-the increase of women jworkers,ex-/ception of Attorney General Gregory,|Guia attempts 6 maintain this suitmentarenowfilledthroughcivil‘lusive of purely feminine occupa-iis expected to remain ‘in office ‘after |).could not consent to be the guestserviceexaminationjtions,was 866,000.Of these 766,000 |March 4,when the President's ‘second bey that nation.He recited somethingWhilethereisstrongsentimentdirectlyreplacedmalelabor.In oth-term begins.lof.the.unsavory history of the repu-mong some members of Congress;@"Words,more than three-quarters|While seated ‘|bonds and North Carolina’sldofamillionwomenlefttheirhomes|1 then ore ides S |diated>te ;:re 8 place rtan §.|sacri .i ithemene,|by Sou to release that number of men for 2 °°¢,8t her home in Spa sacrifices for Cuba,especially in the!ure,ret,ae :eee C.,Mrs,Elizabeth Abbott nied 03 |valenteartn of her citizens to fight|wich many of them would be loath Military:service.In most instances years,suffered a fatal heart attack |8 | We suggest a few of the many thin osthatwehaveto,ffer as useful |aswell!as appropriate for Christmas Gifts:* ni sfire- for Cuba’s.relief,adding that.it wasandfelltothefloorsonearthefire|with and “=-matters but in postmastership is e™=tontention that will be argued strong-} - betocreges.~——-Two.hundred other cases are pend-.Gee»Ng. )id ifiEdi femszc-Attendance honor roll for.firstvyMonth, g S Shrinig '9Alice Goodman,gs w :lan Morrow,Linnie Sue Morrow,Ro-|Working steadily at agriculture to-|-“$sa"Lee Morrow, >Dr.Jordan on December +.were convicted in New York of hav- Aca :.resent method the women went into the munitionMeekseeeegeceninPlants,where a.considerable numberWhesplectionofthepostmasters.It of them have given|up their lives in®Ahas been found that men are ap-doing their bit:prnwted teo frequently from ranks of iS ver Bhe a gsiness of the postof-tors on the ,busses,-girl window-on ~Shaan peel wae Pe cleaners,van-drivers and messengers.*%Tht’the Postofice Department of But as the war progressed the fieldoeWwitedStatesthroughout<its or-broadened and now even in building, Se pon a requiring expert Men are employed.The metal tradesinge£Sts affairs,is the princi-also have claimed their.share of thePHarcamehtsetforthbythosewho2eWindustrialarmy.It»must be un-fawor the adoption of new methods.derstood that this is an armyThepaieapostandpostalsavingsSkirts.As a matter of fact skirtslaws‘have Increased the business tre-/8"¢worn for the most part only in;“bringing many new de-|those occupations which.bring wo-jails inte the service which’were not /men in touch with the public.In mostadilPritttotheWilsonadminis-0f,the factories and shops,¢he brew-tien?-That -this uires.the su-cries and the railway yards,jumpersGSiiersingattention-men who are 2nd regulation overaris are the ap--:;roved costume..The bus and tramexperiencednotonlyinbusinessPs:by 4 a conductors,or “conductresses,”arejauntyintheirneatbluetunicsandskirtsthatreachjustbelow.the knees—low enough to overlap close- fitting black leather puttees.is seldom.a glimpse of stocking.Thebuscompanies‘issued an order re-cently that no silk hosiery should beworn. It is stated that provably 100,000ofthewomen“war workers”havebeenrecruitedfromthoseformerly{engaged in purely feminine occupa-tions—domestics,dressmakers,milli-ners,ete.The servant problem is ly for the proposed new plans.+@ Postmastership,under the new ar- “Fangement,would be made'a business‘ér which a man first must qualifyefore‘being appointed.It would be n occupation in which there would a chance for growth of the deserv- ing occupants.If a postmaster inasmallofficeshouldbefoundqualified for a larger one,he would be moved up to that one at an increased salary. This method,it is declared,would not only introduce business methodsintothe,service but promote its ef- ficiency and prove economical to the government. In the United States now there are 9,192 postmasters appointed by thePresident.'Of these 567 are firstclass,2,212;second class and 6,413thirdclass.North Carolina has a to-tal of 174 such postmasters,of which a :eight ar yin the first class,42 in the railway posts open to women weresecondand124inthethird.In addi-|¢lerkships —and __carriage-cleaningtiontheStatehas1,523 fourth class tasks.Now there are women ticketpostmasters,who are required to Collectors,porters,engine-cleanerstakeexamination,the total for the 2nd workshop laborers.In GlasgowStatebeing1,697.South Carolina |4nd some other cities ~vomen are be-has 102 presidential offices,seven be-|ing tried out as tram drivers or mo-ing in the first class.31 in.the sec-|torwomen.oe .ond and 85 in the third.|.Interesting —statistics regardingSSwoman’s part in war work have been;THE SCHOGL HONOR ROLLS Collected by the employment bureau Children in of the Board of Trade.The numberCountySchoolsofwemenrecruitedtotheindustrial.¢.:occupations between July,1914,andWhoAttainedThisDistinction.(Try.1916,was 362,000.Of this num-Correspondence of The Landinark .ber,263,000 directly replaced men.Roll for the first’month,for inter-In commercial occupations the in-Hediate department Cool Spring crease in the number of women.-Pigh School—Jay Foster,Ruby Guf-|workers was 198,000,while the num-y,Wade Moore,Oliver Moore,Sa-ber of women replacing men in thisrahTomlin,Walter Teague.’‘class was 201,000.This apparentKATIELOUSTEELE,Teacher.discrepancy is accounted for by the the dentand for munition workers isincreasingdaybyday,and the wag-es offered are far beyond the dreamsofavaricetoamajorityoftheEng-jlish domestics. The number of wu:nen employedinrailwayworkhas-ncreased more primary department Cool ments.The increase in women clerks‘High ‘School—Edith Canter,.+Ar iPrerettDayvault,Paul Dayvaut,Bit |aeeece eee eet a whom,iy FShen".|The increase of woman workers ineebiadmakingaSeatonetnistelsandplacesofentertainmentiswhoareontheattendancehonorrollOnlyetaeneofdinesare-on “The Honor Roil”—-Edith Can-|2CP:2ce¢_in Fares en er eeter,fourth grade |31,000,many of the old female em-=ter,'Tat ployes now doing the work of men.MRS.:W.L.MOORE,Teacher.|There hes been much more discus-is sHonor roll of Amiity school—GeorgeSion lately as to whetner the city™Beaver,Nancy Benfield,Mabel Chris-|WOMan is a success on the farm andty,Mary ‘Deaton,Ervin Goodman;|the point is far from being settled,Chas.Goodman,Al-|Nevertheless 66,000 more women are Jim Mac Morrow,4ay than in July,1914,zn i914 thereGeorgeMoore;Lamar Tolbert,Elean-|Were only 2,000 wome:employed inor‘Tolbert,Mary ‘Templeton,Carl |7overnment arsenals and dockyards.9iBéaver:5:|Now there are over 70,000.The Eng-11th ex-jlish breweries formerly employed 8.-9-2mined about 52 children of this ,900 women.Now they have 18,000.“school.All the people of the com-|And so it goes through all the indus-munity are urged to be present at tries....,the Moving’Picture Health Show!As a whole the industrial post-war’Saturday,16th,at 1:30 o'clock,at problems are going to offer muchAmityschool._,/food for reflection,and,to be amica-le ad —-‘bly solved,will require an intelligent(M ‘TERS OF NEWS.‘skill of direction and “square deal-eee ing”equal to the best thought andThirty-seven produce merchants ing sold¢old:storage eggs as fresh McCoy Hearing at Jacksonville.Fimes ranged from $2 to $10.long time in the revenue service and_known to many ‘Statesville and Ire-‘dell people,indicted with five Jack-sonville,Fla.,men for alleged fraudipconnectionwitha\distillery there more than a year/£g0,was placed on trial at Jackson-i ville Monday.‘mal plea of not guilty.and W.M.Troutman and A.T.Cooper,two ofbesdayintheReedyandRiancoalthemenindictedwithhim,cave tes-Mine ‘at Stone City,15 miles south-|timony for the government beforewestofPittsburg,Kans.The injured Court adjourned.Troutman said themenwillrecover,it is believed,A distillery was run at night to evedecombinationofgasandpowderex.|the Federal revenue tax and Cooperplosionissaidtohavecausedthe‘ld of his relationsdisaster.ay Wen I :ee the hearing next day GrahamBee-Keepers to Meet.Dale,indicted with McCoy and“A meeting of the bee-keepers of -others,corroberated:testimony that‘State will be held at Winston-Salem :on the night of January ii,in con-|80nville was run at night after thenectionwith.the meeting of the |fovernment gauger and storekeeperStateLiveStockAssociation.It isproposedto.form a State Bee-Keep-ers’Association.It is expected thatDr.E.F.Phillips,head of govern-qment bee-keeping work at Washing-on,and other authorities on bees,|Long Branch distillery,will.be ®resént and will contribute to)Ment closed its case Wednesday andtheprogramme.j testimony for the defence was begun.st ————Among several witnesses heard for:HOW'S THIS?|MeCoy were H.HWeofferOneHundredDollarsRewardforinternalrevenueat Jacksonville,andanycaseofCatarrhthateannotbecuredby)M.At Brown.his chief deputy,bothHall's Catarrh Cure.,tCHall's Catarrh Cure has been taken.by Cn.of whom testified that they had been3told.by others indictedtarrhuferersforthepustthirty-five years,ade that the latter had the Mucous surface and,ome known as the most reliable iEWith the.distillery, from the Blood and heal:.:mer,a white man medy for Catarrh,, :waitednHall's Caterrh Cure 4 aL 1 ped!oft ©street ca igh the Bloodexpellishy“the Paiok AY StnnsFee ahem Henlemeaty eae MPS Satay uredBaswatarrhCureatonceandgetridof:It is cheaper for R.F.Henry,theterehjeweler,to sell his foods for less than tng the diene ,Dar hao »Send for testimdnials,free.|PF.J.CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,Ohio,Bold by all.Druggists,‘Te,to move them to his now store,—-ad, John D.Rockefeller has¥$400,000 to the mén’s Christian givennationalYoungWo-1 Association,whichwillenabletheassociationtocam-“plete the Grace H.Dodge memorialfundof$1,500,000.Twenty miners were killed andseveninjuredinanexplosionWed- on the Whiskey thus manufactured.J.L.Caster,D.C.Cline and GuyHartmaneachidentifiedMcCoywithallegedfrauduientoperationof ho connection¥Hall's Catarrh Cure acts fF oF There seems to bé no limit to the|:we sah >have not had the Class of.work women can do,At first|—ee ie admin-it seemed strange to see girl conduc-| gtown into a tremen-Mining and quarrying scores of wo-! in; There | becoming more and more acute,for, than 200 per cent.Ordinarily the only| transfer of women from the feminine ,'side to the male side of the establish-| energy put forward in the war itself.|eens Thomas McCoy of Asheville,for a, the operation of | McCoy entered a for-| with MeCoy in P|26th ‘dayof November,1912,by J.N. the Long Branch distillery at Jack-| had left and that no revenue was paid, the |The govern-|’ -Lewis,collector -of| with McCoy | ft that her clothing caught fire and thebodywasbadlyburned.nr ea A dispatch from Halifax,NovaScotia,says the entire crew ofCanadiantorpedoboatGrilse,..con-sisting of 44 men and a boy,are .be-lieved to have bee sinking of the vessel in the,galewhichsweptthecoastMonday:night. An increase of $5 a month iin thepayofeveryenlistedmaninthena-vy is recommended’by SecretaryDaniels.It would add $3,000,000 0ayeartothepayroll.Enlistments arejontheincrease,Mr.Daniels said}in'disapproving a proposai for-a bonus‘to stimulate the enlistment campaign.|A decree ordering that —vafious|properties taken over by the M candefactogovernmentbereturfied“to/the owners,since “the reasons’which|jcompelled the government to exer-,cise its power of intervention nolongerexist,”has been issued ‘by ‘the|Carranza government.Ay|An investigation made,by the’cen-sus bureau intu causes of intrkasedfoodpricesshowthatinWashingtonjthecostofdeliveringice,coal,wood|and milk is 8 per cent.of the ‘#etailprice.The cost of delivering “about ||$6,000,000 worth of such commodities(covered by the ‘investigation,’jas|j about $500,000.f |Arthur Martin,30 years of age,|‘entered his home at Chesnee,S.C.,/shot his wife three times with a pis-|tol,once with a shotgun and_.then:;turned the weapon upon himself,in-|:flicting wounds from which he died | instantly.The wife was 22 _years;old and the couple had been married;three months.No light on the.cause'of the tragedy.;i |Major General Sharpe,quarter- master-general of the army,told;the, military committee of the House.of| Congress that the War Departmentfaceda$25,000,000 deficit now-oen ac-jcount of the extraordinary;expenses,‘of the border mobilization yand pre-| |dicted that if the National GuardwerekeptthereuntilJuneata}!strength of 75,000,the deficit wouldibe$50,000,000. A memorial /several hundred signed in type withnames,protesting|‘against Senator ,Simmons’bill to reejfundtoSouthernStates$65,000,000 | collected as a tax on raw cotton just after the close of the war of the}60s,was laid before the Senate this,|week by Vice President.Marshall.,Suit is pending in the District of Co-:|lumbia courts,to have this money turned cver to negroes or their de-‘scendants whose labor produced the,cotton.|At its annual meeting in Washing-,ton the American Red Cross:A'ssocia-|tion re-elected Woodrow Wilson pres:| ‘ident.The report of the trezsurer| showed that the Red Cross has spent||$543,535 in the 11 months preceding} |December 1.for war relief york,ex- |clusive of hospital and medical sup+plies sent abroad.The balance in the,'Treasury was reported as $1,273,240. 'The association now has /members and 250 chapters,as com-|‘pared with 22,499 members and 145,chapters a year ago.|SN | R.F.Henry,the jeweler,is selling :for less rather than pay cost of mov-|ing.—ad. GREEN AND BRQWNSHINGLESTAINSAND)FIREPROOF PAINT.| |C.WATKINS,|SALE UNDER EXECUTION. |NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY,||In Superior Court,January Term,1916.|J.R.Eddinger vs,Isaac H.Whiting and|;Mrs.‘Anne Whiting. By virtue of an execution directed to the|undersigned from the Superior Court of Iredell ||"I :county,in the above entitled action,Iwill,on |»MONDAY,JANUARY.1,1917,| {at_12 o'clock,at the court.house door of said!county,sell to the highest bidder,for cash,.to |satisfy said execution,all the right,title and!interest which the said Isaac H.Whiting andMrs.Annfe Whiting,the defendants,have -in ||the following described real estate,towits Ly-|ing and being in Chambersburg township of |thé aforesaid State and coanty,bounded on the|north by the lands of Emanuel Beaver,Naw-|ton Beaver and Arthur Beaver;on the cast by’!the lands of Clarence Moore and Witt Corne-|ius;on the south by the lands of J.Q.Car-|or;on the west by the lands of John Honey-|cutt,containi 60 acres,more or less. -Eddinger will join in conveyance to.) J.M.DEATON,}Sheriff Iredell Co, NOTICE OF SALE. _BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained |a certain mortgage deed,executed on theRedmanndwife,Roxie Redman,which said mortgageeedisdulyrecordedinBookofMortsravesNo.5,at page 263,in the Register of De«ds’of-ce of Iredell county,the;undersigned mdrtga-grees,will on IE FRIDAY,DECEMBER Bist,1916, ‘sell.to the highest bidder for cash at publicauction,at the court house door of Itede}]county,at 12 o”elock’m.,the following de-scribed real estate,situate in Iredell county, to-wit:Mirst Tract:Beginning at a,stone and runsnorth421-2 east’22 poles to a stone;thenceeast36polestoastone,on Raze Dillon's line;thence south 22 east 44 poles to a gum:thencéS.183 west 27 poles to a pine;thence sonth 78west37°poles to a pine;thence|poles west 62 poles to the beginning,contain-Ings 23..aeres more or legs.Second Tract:Beginning at a pine,.Har-ris corner;thehce south 72 east 14 poled to apine;thence north 22 \poles to the mouth of(a sully on north bank of ‘the oreek:thence|north 72 west poles to a stone;thencejsouthtothebeginning,containing 2 acresamoreorless,‘\Default having been made in the,spaAidansievesaceatahabyanid Pi rposeofsatisfyingsaidindebtedness,eared .HH.P.GRIER,° the | n lost through jthe| |ing |deceased,vs.J.T.Robb,heir-at-law. New Hope township,dnd described as follows, north 20]4 mant Enethe, surprise disappointment |that North Carolina learned of the |action of Cuba’in undertaking the |collection of these old bonds,| a,| The country’s manufacturing indus-! tries in 1914 turned out products val-| ued at more than $24,000,000,000 and! employed 8,000,000 ‘sersons,ing to the census report. accord-|: TAX NOTICE }| I will be at the tollawing places on the)&date mentioned below with the 1916 tax books|for the purposeof ,collecting the 1916 taxes.|EsPJeasemeetmeandsettleyourtax:izTurnersburgtownship,at Harmony,Gaither|&Parks’store,10 to ¥%o'clock,Be turday,|Dee.16,1916,‘3Olintownship,at Weisner &Reid's store,|&10 to 8 Bethany township,at Eidsén's store,9 to 12;&o'clock a,m.,Tuesday,Dee.19,1916.Cool Spring township, y o'clock,Monday,Dec.18,1916.1s |1atD,P.Sartin's|3store,9 to 3 o'clock,Wednesday,Dee.20,1916,|3 Chambersburg ‘township,at J.J.Long’ store,10 to 3 o'clock,Thursday,Decy 21,.1916Barringertownship,at P.A..Shinn's store,|10 to 3 o'clock,Friday,Dec.22,1916.|Fallstown township,at Troutman's;10 to 3!= io'clock,Saturday,Dec.23,1916.|Davidson township,at Dr.Moore's store,oy 33to3.0 clock,Thursday,Dee.28,1916. Coddle Creek township,at’Carolina Motor|: Co.,Friday and Saturday,Dec.29 and 30,1916.|M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff.|Dec.8. 2 a SW O T es I s e s s e e e e r r e r e e 7 Now’s the opportune ttme to buy..During our December Sale you can!buy a really high-grade instrument |at a great saving.|__LEONARD'SPIANOSTORE.| DR.COITE SHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County. All calls -telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-rfum will have prompt attention. RE-SALE OF LAND.—_—.14JessieFosterAlbewetalvs!Jessie Stroud |Padgett et al.|Under and by virtue of an order of the ;Superior Court of Iredell county,we the un-!}dersigned commissioners will sell to the pinaestbidderon WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 20,1916,13|ANDREWS MUSIC STOatthecourthousedoorofIredellcounty,at!12 o'clock noon,the followng described real|cstate:{Beginning at Pool’s corner in the Heath WI I I L I S I I x z r e r 7 2 7 7 Men’s Sweaters cs $3.50 to$5.00)Men’s Combination Sets,consistingof Hand. kerchief,Tie andHose } Men’s Mufflers Men’s Kid and Work Gloves $1.00 ta,2.50.:Hand Bags and Suit Cases _2.50 fo We will be open each evenin‘until Christmas.: |4 Phone 83.7 idSHERRILL-WHITESHOEGO, —— ry35 $ 33 posseieesesebeetilele titers) $1.00, é 68.5 eR,ne es 7 Pd Rt ha seers SSTSIsssEsressreeerreererereresBIGCLEARANCE SA ¢16-880 ead Oa all Millinery,Coats and Coat Suits, We also carry a big line of Brassiers,Cami-soles,Boudoir ‘Caps,Silk HandkerchiefsandanumberofotherarticlessuitableforChristmasgifts. ‘MRS.MARY SIMS: line and runs south 45 degrees east 100 poles|3toastone,Pool'’s corner;thence south 47 of lot No.1;thence 45 degrees west 92 poles |to.a stone in the old line;thence north 36 de-|frees eust 37 poles to the beginning,contain-|2 1-3 acres more or less.|The above described land is a part of the|old Samuel Foster lands and lie in Turners-burg township.This land is being re-sold|on account of an ncreased bid and bidding will |start at $23.50 per acre.Terms of sale one-third cash,one-third in|four months and remaining third in eight |months,with interest on all deferred pay-ments,and title to remain in commissioners |until all payments have been made,The |purchaser will have the option of paying all}cash. DORMAN THOMPSON, R.T.WEATHERMAN, 916.Commissioners.Dec.5,1 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY.In the Superor Court,Before the Clerk.A.C.Crouch,administrator of Fred Robb,| ||| The defenant above named will take noticethatasummonsintheaboveentitledacticnll|Was issued against said defendant on the 28th}day of Novémber,1916;by J.A.Hartness,clerk of the-Superior Court—of FredeH county,|which summons is returnable on the 28th dayofDecember,1916,before the above mention-|ed clerk,when and where the defendant isrequiredtoappearandanswerordemurto|the cemplaint or the relief demanded willbegranted.°This action is bronght to sélllandforassets.J.A.,HARTNESS,|Dec.5-—4t w.Clerk Superior Court.|:MORTGAGE SALE.| By virtue of the powers contained in amortgagedeedexecutedbyJohnWellmanandwife,which is duly recorded in Book-of Mort-gages No.40,page 391,office of Register ofDeeds,default having been made in the pay-ment thereof,the undersigned as mortgageewillon SATURDAY,JANUARY 6,1917,|at 12 o'clock,noon,expose for sale to thehighestbidderforcash,the following deserib:|ed real estate:Beginning at a stake,Flenry|Summers’corner,on Moore's line:thence}south 86 degrees fst,79 1-2 poles to a black|oak,Bob Backwelder’s corner;thence withhislinenorth20degreeseast73poleste'astone,Thomas Bell’s corner on said Black-welder’s line;thence north 86 degrees east 103polestoastoneonMrs.Bell Howard's ‘line,Thomas ‘Bell's corner;thence south about 6)degrees west 69 1-2 poles to the beginning,|containing 39 1-2 acres,more or less.|GEORGE BLACKWELDER,Dee,5.Martgagee. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in amortgagedeedexecutedMay11,191 5,to Thos,|J.Conger by Louis Wilson and wife,MaryWilsontosecureanindebtednessof$39.60,and|default having been made in payment,I will on | SATURDAY,DECEMBER 238,'1916,: at the court house door in Statesville,sell for‘eash at:public auction,to the highest bidder,|the following tract of land in Statesville town.|ship,described jas follows:»|Adjoining.the lands of Wesley.Privett,Jer-|ry Keaton and others,being Lot No.11 in|poche Nis 0 be waOMRABY.6 Rap Ay \On .recondyin;ISOly Tagedas miticg,nf |Ire-deli See eed book No,15,the lot being|the same conveyed to Louis Wilson by A.A.|Colvert nd wife,M,J,Colvert,30,1910," aring Ae,map | Z.V.LONG,‘Mortgagees,Mortgagee. iBentearlie,MANO opmMepbera Will be sold°atreduced’ prices until January Ist:: q|f”yours.us ymoney for you. “EVERYTHING MUSICAL.” 105 East Brood Street. 286,461|degrece:west 36 5-4 polee to n atone corn |SMITA A014RRR REE MRA aa Statesvil See us before you get" We can:save, RE, ee4vieOS: *The Newest GruenAchievement, 19-JEWEL.©|“VERY-VERITHIN,”$50.- ‘‘The preatest Combinationof:Watch value at’the Price.”R.H.RICKERT&SON, Exclusive Agents"Por"Grune 7: 4 VigMy:£a Sorat a ee oa Crake Choe —_— j DN Have your:Sh Repairing Work done by our ex¢ pert shoe repairer. only takes hin 15 to -20:minutes to tack or sew: on a pair.of half sol Plenty.of comfortable®: seatsyou can ‘ha work done:while youwait. It eg, ve 4 #« “In town shoes called for.and delivered. Remember we_sh p shoes free. A ITAAVOA HT THOS.J.CONGER,|5 Ee gly ine oe Repair'f i —only one night Memphis toTexas.No missing connections etrain Vokes Sawobs 9:30 p.m.Ante’ Dallas 11:45 a.m.next morning, Ft.Worth 1:25 p.m. Another through train to Texas via CottonBeltRouteleavesMemphis9:35 a.m. H.H.Sutton,District Passenger Agent,208 Wont hb Bhs Chauinoogs ‘Tein. oS Sains In Used Pianos. fo have four used Pianos which we are offering in our December jale at very attractjye prices,as.follows:. »Style O Weser Piano,regular price $325,sale price $200. 0:ne Btyle C Weser Piano,regular price $275,sale price $175. e Pchulz Piano,regular price $450,sale price $325. ne Schulz Piano,regular price $325,sale price $225. Ww ite these instruments have been used,they have not been alyis- ned)and are in good condition.It will pay you to investigate our :‘December sale prices on all instruments. ER TouRisT FARES: ay until A 1917,10See sae bie“ye?0,aca Se 129 W,BBroad St.*Phone $20. sth nam HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. "STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.™.ambing and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES FURNISHED. IF YOU.WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE IT. iE DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ——-—Made by ———BOYCE LUMBER CO Phone 294. — _FUMIDON (Insect Destroyer) _For the Destruction of Weevils, Beetles,Moths and Insects. 50C.A BOTTLE——-AT-— ~HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. FOR SALE 55 acres one-fourth mile from ‘the depot in Davidson,‘N.C.,near college and graded school,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and dirt road,with 8-room tenant house!large:stock barn,running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- ing,With about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes.. --97-aeres-three miles-from Harmony State-High—School;—one-half—~ ‘mile.from public school on,public road,40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out-. buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place. .For further information call on or write Statesville,N.C.ERNEST G.GAITHER, INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE."Phone 23.Mills Building.e eae re Set eared ener eee PESISISIIIITSTIIITE ITS TATTITISILI STISIss IIIIsTssisssseesessseeceeese eresesses st Commercial National Barik OF STATESVILLE,N.OC. Capital Stock Paid in ~-$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits:31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking.business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits .remaining on deposit three ey months or longer. i;OFFICERS:: Bee Ww.D.TURNER,---President. r ‘a KB MORRISON,°---Vieo President.—D.M.AUSLEY,-Cashier.4.ie,HUGHEY,-ae Cashier. ‘;and perheps a lett 8 |and ‘children.H |protection of Old Glory.The next H|morning,however,a delayed —tele-8\gram arrived from Chihuahua via#|E1 Paso and Marfa,informing Re-H |jose that reinforcements :of Villigtas)‘%ithat he had gone out to meet them, Hialso like to experience a3|/citement during my stay here.How- Hiever,I expect I would make a new Mirecord inBithisplace was attacked. Hifor speed,you know. THELANDMARK FRIDAY,December 15,1916, ON-A VISIT TO PRESIDIO. Location on the Border— What He Found There.~ial Correspondence of The Landmark. Presidio,’Texas,Dec:6 —I amdownatthisplaceonfurloughvisit-ing my ‘brother,Ralph,who is withtheTexasinfantry,stationed here, Sergeant Leonard Visits a New| dD THE CORN CROP OF THE STATE. Commipsioner Graham's Report of Our oc Affairs—The Canning n his report for the year to.theStiteBoarof’Agriculture,Commis-sioner of Agriculture W.A.Graham|estimated that ‘the corn crop’in’this State the past year was 56,000,000bushels,nearly a million ‘bushels short of the previous crop.The oatarewasthepooresteverharvested;Trish and sweet potatoes wete very from this sec-tion would inform the civilians what border duty really is, although on the northern side of the}Rio Grande.There are approximate-| ly.25 Americans in the town,the ma-|jority being .Mexicuns and half-'reeds.The town is situated imme-'diately.on the river and.the military|camp is about a half a.mile away,| There are 600 troops here and 75 men}are on guard each night:The old the feelings of the young fellow as he walks his beat or stands guard.on outpost duty.‘The camp is well pro- tected by pits and trenches,and.each officer,non-commissioned officer and man knows exactly what todo in case of attack.Immediately upon my arrival here.I was assigned a placeinoneofthe.trenches and promised a rifle by the quartermaster;if we had trouble. No soldier is allowed to leave camp unarmed,and cannot go alone.any-where except down town,where ofcourseguardsarestationedatall times.Before leaving El]Paso I was instructed to.bring my side arms —an automatic Colt’s—as I would be arrested if found without arms in this,the Big Bend,district. When a‘hunting party goes out several of the men must carry the regulation rifle,so that,in case aMexicansniperdecidestotryhis luck from the other side of the river,he can be met with what he gives. There is quite a lot of small game here and some wild beasts.One day: last week the first sergeant of Co.:G, Ralph and I killed 45 doves in abouttwohours.Perhaps this does not seém extraordinary,but when you consider that we have no dogs and that the birds do not allow us good;.|range,you will see \that that’s fair shooting,especially’with single bar- rel shotguns and black powder.I have procured a_high-powered Winchester rifle (no army rifles.can be used except for protection)will try my wolves tomorrow,if the weather per-mits.One of the officers:here had organized a party which.was to par- ticipate in a three-day hunt,using back mules and automobile trucks, but just as we were preparing the last details the commanding officercancelledhispermit—why,I do not} know—thus destroying our high an- ticipations.We were going up_in-'to the section where deer roam.Presidio is 80 miles from the near- est railroad,which is at Marfa,Tex- as,the headquarters for this district, and all supplies are transported by auto-trucks and’wagon ya The| ride from Marfa to Presidio on one The trails meander as do those of,North Carolina,but the mountains in southern Texas.cannot compare in beauty to the Appalachians.Texas mountains are barren and uninviting.| |Owing to the unfavorable conditions!~under which:supplies are brought in,the troops here are not equipped as are those at E]Paso and elsewhere.The food is inferior and the men are thereby more discontent- ed.Very few amusements are to be had.However,there is a “movie” show here which gives the fellows alittlediversion.Another thing that makes the men sore is the fact that the Fourth Texas Infantry is the only Texas regiment doing border duty,while the other regiments are still in concentration camps,milesfromMexico.The men tell me that, they have been ordered to refrain from writing to newspapers and toinstructtheirrelativestopublishno letters written from this regiment. Whether this is true I cannot say.But I am about to forget an excit- ing and rather amusing occurrencewhichhappenedtwoweeksago,pri-or to my arrivaiphere,Just across|the river from Presidio is-a-Mexican and town sattlement kncwn as Ojinaga, there were stationed in the some 600 Carvanz soldiers,under the command of General Rejose. Word was received in Ojinaga that 1,500 Villistas’were advancing to- ward the place for the purpose of capturing everybody who did _not herald him (Villa)their champion. Rejose and his brave lads immedi- ately took to the tall timber,leaving the inhabitants to shift for them- selves.About 2 o’clock in the morn- ing the natives began to cross .theriverandmorethan300men,women came over under the were com- ing to Ojinaga (you see the advanc- ing column was Carranzistas instead and Rejose claimed when,in fact,he was of the yellow;class and had retreaved to the hills.The men here long for somethingtobreakthemonotony,and I wouldlittleex- cross-country running ifI’m built ‘We have no orders for returningHihomeyet,bat all of us have our Hj hopes and opinions.Serg’t OWEN W.LEONARD. To Hearar From |Carranza. Carranza’s action on the protocol ;signed atAtlantic City by the Mexi-Hican -American joint commission,will be submitted to the Américan z commissioners by the Mexican mem- bers at Philadelphia December 18.Upon the nature of the report of Al-H|berto J.Pani,who carried the proto-col’to Carranza for his signature,H |will depend whether the conferencesS\are to continue in a further effort to;#ladjust all questions ut issue betweentheUnitedStatesaridthe.de facto8|government of,Mexico.‘ ood For Constipation.\»Chamberlain’s ‘Tablets are excellent’for con-stipation.They are pleasant to take and mild sat and ‘gentle ‘in effect.“Obtainablé everywhere, ‘a ss ‘year first in the vroduction of:cotton Presidio is a typical Mexican town,|potatoes,peanuts veterans of Iredell can appreciate | and, uck on some foxes and of these trucks is roughly enjoyable.| so.well;, fine,,The State is for the’seventh |Der acre and in the amount of sweet|and soja’beans. The wheat crop is /sufficient to feedithepopulationandhave_several jthousand barrels to export.The corn\is sufficient for the needs of the State | and the production ‘of animals for |ibeef and pork is-considerable. There are twelve creaméries and| nine cheese factories in the State./North Carolina apples are becoming known in the markets of the countrywithprospectforadvantageousmar- kets for all the yield in the near fu- ture..The commissioner recordedconstantand’most beneficial progress in the work among the farm women of the State.The commissioner.complains —that in the survey work the districts are too larg#and often for this reasonimvortantdepositsoflimeandother soil characteristics are poorly repre-sented.He urges maintaining a sep-arate division of soils.In his treatment of progress andconditions‘in State tést farm’workthecommissionerrecommendedaban-donment of commerctar farming.onthesefarmssolons=s they are maintained and more attention at a mrmber of them to raising mules and other stock.He said results of ex-veriments showed that maintainingorchardsinthemountainsides‘ot western Carolina’were not.practicalandthattheselandswerebestadapt- ed to pasture.according to the -ex-periments at the Blantyre farm.In-hog cholera séfum work the sales have increased from 56,496 in 1911 to 2,686,498 in 1916.The cost of the serum is 1.02 per cent.In cattle tick eradication the workhasadvanceduntilthereareonly22countiesintheextremeeastthat.are not entirely.cleared and ‘work of eradication is under way in,nearly half of these.If the Legislature would give the Department an anpro-nriation of $20,000 the whole State, through.co-operation with the Feder-al authoritieS,could be cleared of the tick evil. especially tHe canning club-work, there were 3,731 girls enrolled incanningworkand2.864 women.The output.was 470,614 tin cans and 194,-|399 glass iars and 4,171 bottles.of ketchup and grane Anige,the whole|valned at $117,816,net profit of $88,383.Fine progress is snown in extension work and in tie develop-ment of the effort for supnlying ag~-ricultural lime to farmers at cost and jin the growth and utilization of the}30ja bean in eastern Carolina. |LT| More For the Congressmen. After a warm debate the House of‘Congress Tuesday voted to increase the salaries of Representatives’pri-\ vate secretaries from $1,500 to $2,-000 a year and give each Represen- eye an additional.employe at $752month.|JACKSON,MISS,MAN'Tells How To Cure Chronic Cough Jackson,Miss—“I am a carpenter, and the Grippe left me with a chronic cough,run-down,worn out and weak.I took all kinds of cough syrups withouthelp.I read about Vinol and decided to|try it.Before I had taken a ‘bottle I felt better,|and after taking two bottlesmycoughisentirelycured,and I have ined new vim and energy.”—JouN L.ENNIE.|Vinol is a delicious non-secret tonic ‘which is guaranteed for coughs,coldsandbronchitisandfor.all weak,run-down conditions. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville. In’the woyk:among farm.women,|: i even Arithmetic a little easier,’ .Built of solid brass and nickel :Plated,« they last a life time.>, _Steadier than gas~more restful than clotcheaperthaneither. Use Aladdin Security Oil—the most:econom-ical kerosene oil~for best results,- STANDARD OIL (COMPANY ,(New Jersey)Vs BALTIMORE,MD,Washin sa C Charlotte,N.C...2 «Norfolk,Charleston,W.va:fiRichmond,“Va my »* At the present high price ofall feed u stuff it is up to you to get all "you can out of your feed,The best way’nd to do this is to get one ‘of our Feed _Crushers and a small engine and gaye everybit of it. . eee Iredell Hardware=yy ‘Is bad enough,but there are MANY OTHER’-CHAN of being temporarily or permanently disabled. You may be hurt while you work,or hurt while:walk,with the present rapid rate of locomotigseveraldisabledbyautoslastweekrightaround. Something may run into you,Or you may run into.thing,such as smallpox and other contagious disea ¢ Flowers u For All Occasioms!|) _We can always supply = you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,&G. Polk Gray Drug Co., Local Agents C.WATKINS for “Everythingto Build With.”Full Stack—Lowest'Prices, ing,Flooring,Siding,.Boxing,|eatsLathe,Lime,Cement,7 punele Doors,Windows,Ceil-{| A thousand chances of being.laid-up.But---here"=3 BIGCHANCE to beat the game,by having one Of our!3 .per cent saving DISABILITY POLICIES.at your:bacworkwhileyou’re weak and can’t nee ‘yourself; Let us show you how much i means to you ‘and,how little i€costs.: W.E.WEBB,Manager. CHOROROTHORDROROHOIO OO OHORCHOOON ORCSOMHOH Blaiajelata OTB CEO OAD OCHO ee pe e r r r r e s r s s r s y MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE ~~AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!’ AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT Now!,: SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH ABANE ACCOUNT!aThisBankwelcomesSavingsAccountsfrom’both wot and men!a = = Ps y v e r r r e s r y r er e s ” ¥ *J ¢ Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bankbear intorent: from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per aunum,— Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially vi se want yourbusiness!ued ph ai ASe l e n e th d l si l on on -GEO.H.BROWNwy«OWL TURNER ‘Nat Planters’Wh:Statesville. + ‘Postmaster General Burleson’s an-nual Yeport declares there was a||Postoffice Department surplus of $6,-200,000 during i ,ac-Stagbiahmeats:Eaerticemce are/errens toommitteeoftheNational t,extension of city andAssociationandtheAmer-“mpaper Publishers’Associa-tion to work out,for the commis-n’s approval,a plan for an cquita-ble distribution pf the stocks of print *Eanlenas Hurley of the commis-sion asked the map Heber eaneias.The department makes,recommen-turers and oe badltbap h ce dations for improvement of the ser-oe -ay pawns:te-eTwith|Vice Some of the most importantppointcommare,these:the commission tomorrow.1 That early action be taken byThemanufacturers’proposa came \Congress declaring governmentasanunexpecteddeveiopmentwhen|monopoly over all utilities for the}the Trade Commission,after finish-|public transmission of intelligence=publishers as _witnesses,|and that as soon as possible the tele-on the manufacturers ;top ;|Phone and telegraph facilities of the‘Sent their case.Newspaper owners!United States be incorporated intohadtoldofwidedifferencesinpaperithepostalestablishment,iced various paris of the country |“phat $300,000 be appropriated now the postal savings iplusof$12,500,_is shown,the report,for three years of hfourtheadministration”has been inoffice,and it calls attention to deficitsunderpreviousadministrations, the ynability of many small |¢o).acquiring telegraph and telephonepublishers.——paper at any)utilities in Alaska,Porto Rico ‘and t ‘Now,on “Paying Fr-~Recommendations...|| from eee paar tee‘ap :‘to isectionof"the"Leugue.ot Neutnatheprosentyear.and States :“Your President has said.that‘sooner or later a»moment.wouldcomewhenthewarwouldmake.the ble.For us Hollanders that momenthasarrived;not through our «ownsufferings,but.because we “cannotlonger.passively contemplate.itheghastlysufferinginflictednyuponBelgium,our neighbor.“One must turn to the history oftheearlyagesoflongpastcenturies,before international law.existed,find a parallel to the enslaving of theBelgians..The Hague:regulationsstipulatethatthe‘honor and rightsofthefamilymustberespected,’buttheGermangovernmentdeliberatelydragstheBelgianfamiliesapart,'Tousthiserueltyis:more vivid everyday.Every day numbers.of fugi-tives,in spite of the deadly.electricwirewhichtheGermanshaveerectedalongthefrontier,succeeded in es-caping to.The Netherlands.From sruraldeliveries mag peoeenent a bee of ‘neutral nations unbeara-r ee omer.|Hawaii.A dispatch from Washington to!“phat second-class postal rates betheStatepaperssaysthatEditorHepovisedtomakesecond-class matterB.-Varner of Lexingzon,publisher of pay more of its share of transporta-the Lexington Dispatch and)the ¢jo,expense and that the one-centenepgynact’|rate be applied to all so-called dropimgascheirmanomenewletterspapercummitteeoftheNorthCaro-|phat public buildings erected forHienPressAssiciation,started an Ac"!postoffice purposes be standardized|tin te hawe the print paper trust.ind that their costs be commensur-_He fied a complaint)ate with the needs of the service; them we learn the painful details oftheunutterabledespairofthewomenandchildrenwhoareleftbehindandoftheagonizingsceneswhich©takeplacewhenhusbands,brothers andsons,dragged from their homes andwomen:fo and freight cars and .thus transport- ed slaves to .an unknown destinationandtoanunknownfate. Germa-' to, Ik,are packed into cattle’ Price $3.00 to $8.00. Bissell’s Carpet Sweepers. This beautifulGoldenOakTable has 30inchtop.Price $10.00.° u Quartered will$3e A set at ‘rip tmadeofheatobeygasbil ‘wih! Ad]s } |)CRAWFORD-BUNCH FURNITURE GC“The Store That Always Welcomes You” {LS HELP THE,RURAL.CARRIERS.'How Patrons May Help The Mail Car-_riers and Help Themselves,Too.To the Patrons of the Rural MailCarriers:|As a rule the people are very “To put an end to this—to arrestthishellishscourge,’which at.thismomentlaceratesthewholeofnorth- Firesecutad L . with documentary evidence with the that funds be expénced in a number courteous to the men who carry themDepartmentofJustice,where he WaS of large cities for buildings,not of their mai]six days m a week,.fifty-two weeks in a year;and in return FURS FORS4 Senator Simmons.|but designed to —o____The_report_of —Mrs.Vera Jones, \ Ra ‘ « ag her ornamental design ern France and western Russia—there is but one way open,and thatiscollectiveactiononthepartofneu:tral nations.: “And for you,citizens of themightiestoftheneutralStates,it is,in our opinion,the right and duty totaketheleadershipuponyou.Qnlyifyouplaceyourselvesatourheadcananysuccesscrownourefforts.This tyranny is not to be borne inpatience,and the netural nations cannolongerstandidlybywhilein‘west-ern Europe the most primitive lawsofhumanity,observed even by unciv-ilized races,are trampled under foot.“We appeal to you to urge yourgovernmenttoenergeticanddecisiveactionandtocallupontheotherneu- tral nations to rally around.you.” SLRAL RRC OCALANOREEN GATEISAMATTEROF—BUSINESS. Buying fed Cross Seals is expenditures| carry.the esti- estimated Business,Not Sentiment. To enable their policy-holders toliveaslongaspossiblewasthesolereasonforalargelifeinsurance company buying last month 43,000RedCrossChristmasSealsatonetime.This firm made the statement‘hat their action was dictated solelybybusinessreasons.and that ‘theyouldnotforanyreasonclaim“anycreditonthescoreforphilanthropy.They believed it good business on the‘ollowing grounds:,. That presence oo?tuberculosismeansagreatfinanciallosstothecommunity,end its greatest ravages re found among the poor.: That it is more logical to spehd moncy to get rid of the disease than »reflect the cost of supporting itsvictimsinanincreasedtaxrate. That the affliction ‘of the bread vinner of the family with the dis- ase means lowered efficiency and lessarningcapacity,which.in tum means a lessened power to provide ‘he proper nourishment and environ- ment to successfully combat its rowth,and that his incapcity often throws his family upon the publiccharge. That no one makes a profit upon a|dead man but the undertaker,and he makes it only once,whereas a live man is a constant source of profit toveryonewithwhomhedoesbusi-ness,and the more alive and the moreprosperousheisandthemorebusi-hess he dees,the greater are theprofitsofthosewithwhomhedeals. |The Congressional Vacation. There was some talk,a few weeksago,of abolishing the usual holidayrecessofCongressthisyear—or atleastlimitingtheYMletiderecesstoadayortwo—on account of the ur-gent business before Congress.It isnow~stated that the usual vacationwillbetaken,Congress to adjourn |January|on the 22d and reassemble2d.If they’ll keep busy while theyareonthejobitdoesn’t matter somuch,but a vacation of a day or twoatChristmas,in an emergency,wouldhardlyhaveresultedinnervouspros-tration.for the members,on accountofoverwork.| Highest price for Turkeys Monday,December 19th.See.JIM THARPEIREDELLPRODUCECO.—ad.|C.“During the past year,”the}———————————— the carriers usually try to be as ac-commodating es the law allows,andmakeasfewcomplamtsaspossible.There are,however,some thingswhichIbelievenearleverypatronwouldgladlydofortheaccommoda-tion of the carrier if their attentionwasonlycalledtoitsneed.The mainthingIhaveinmindnowisthebuy-ing of stamps,stamped envelopesandpostcardsinquantities.In thesummerseasonthecarriersdonotmindsomuchpickinguppenniesoutofamailbox.But when the weath-:er gets cold,end perhaps the carrierridesallday—from 8,9 or 10 o'clockinthemorningtofrom8to.6 in theafternoon—and_this,perhaps,infallingsnow,sleet,freezing rain,:orchilling,raw,biting wind,and’hishandsgetsocoldthathisfingersarestiffas“dad’s shirt”and torpid,heisnaturallysomewhataggravatedwhenhecomesinthisconditiontoaboxandhastofisharoundwithnumbfingersandgloveson,too,to pick uppennies.Even in boxes that havemoneyreceptacles,the money ismightyhardtogetwithstifffingers.All this could be very easily reme-died,and I am sure it will be by manywho,see this.Simply buy yourstamps,postal cards and stamped en-velopes in quantities from the car-rier.Many families soon use up aquarter,half dollar or dollar’s worthofsuchsupplies.So why not spendthatmuchandlayinasupply?Anex-carrier who has been through allthisandknowswhatitmeanstobeacarrier,purchased from me_thisweekapackofstampedenvelopes.I intended saying something aboutthebadroadswehavetotravelsometimes,particularly those known.s “country roads,”which no oneseemstohavetheresponsibilityofkeepingup.ButI will not prolongthislongerthantosayinallsinceri-'tv that there is not a single carrierthat.will not appreciate your buyingstampsandothersupprfesinquan-tities.Thank you.patrons!We'lltrytoserveyoubetter.A RURAL MAIL CARRIER..Iredell Co.,N.C.ee Value of our Cotton Crop. It is ‘estimated that the 1916 ¢ot-ton ¢tép of North Carolina will be646,000 500-pound bales,which willbring$97 a bale,or a total of $62,-662,000.,The crop of last year was699,497 ‘bales and -brought $87,971,-664, These figures arecentcotton,December 1,19-4-cent cotton,December based on 11.2- 1915,and1,1916. Whatit would cost R.F.Henry tomoveanarticleistaken.off on priceifboughtnow.—ad. =CITY*TAXES. The City Tax Books are now in my handsforthecollectionof1916Taxes.payment is requested.W.L.NEELY,Nov.8.City Tax Collector. Shingles Roll and Valley Tin.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. CHRISTMAS 6 This is the week for our be t _Annual Fur Sale. We're showing somebeautiful Muffs .and Scarfs and they are priced moder-7atelyforquickselling.: This sale will only last a few days so you’d better see the display while the showing is complete. KID GLOVES. We've been fortunate in getting a big”shipment of Ladies’Kid Gloves for Christmas selling.Blacks,Whites,Tans and |rays and contrasting Stitchings.} We are open evenings _from now untii Christ- mas. ae _Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. ~~The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.~ Prompt & $1.40;‘Per Square,Nails,Ridge of |g year 1915,has grown in strength and}volume—and_is-now —widely”diffusedthroughouttheUnitedStates,Fun-|damental economic conditions have |never been more sound.In all lines|of industry efficiency of organization |and production have reached the |highest poifit in the country’s history.|eneral confidence in the future,|healthful enterprise and develop-|ment have been marked characteris-|tics of the year,|“The financial strength of the!United States—the greatest in our!history—gives us a commanding po-!sition in world finance.We have|been transformed from a debtor intoacreditornation.On November 1,}1916,the stock of gold coin and bul. ~x siso ‘testified before|v.comodate the postal service,beforetheFederalTradeCommissionthatmoremoneyisspentinsmallertownsomepublisherhadfyiledto’get &®where buildings are not needed andquotationompaperbetauseofhisac-cannot be justified;that changes beGeityimtestifying.Commissioner made in the present building policyDawesaskedforthenameofthewhichimposesafixedchargeonthepoblisher,to be used in confidence.{department that has yrown burden-Sneg aS cya SOME.'.Cam Force Guardsmen to Serve.That the cites acmaee ee ~—President Wilson approved the ac-tended to include the position otionofanarmySerrearcialenPenaPetesofthefirst,sec-sentencing Lewis O.Gardner of the ond and third classes..New Mexico militia to dishonorable)That the department be authorizediandayearinprisonat’to bond its émployes so that thehardlaborforfailuretoobeytheeencanhileneveecanmoreFederalcallforborderdutylastadequatelyanatreliefmaydune,but remitted the prison sen-/afforded officials and employes of theténcethecasehadbeen’service..eeetana tse |That the pay of rural carriers be War Department officials regard equalized by fixing salaries on the the decision as important because oF e pe A ial oF hee Faewarningitgivestomorethan!weight o mail transported,length oieoenenraltedweatheroftheNa-/routes and time required to servetionalGuardwhohavenotappeared;them instead of solely on length offorFederalservice.|revtes,3 onceoe tated for|fficers say the right of the;That $10:,0 @ appropriated fo Sie ereyconerrement to enforce pee peewee in aerial trans nartation |se"has been well es-!of mail.;| Ed nto creeelant set for the;That legislation be passed to ena-| treatment’of future “slackers.”They!ble the department to organize post- claim,however,that the fact that be-j|-ffices on .nee ape nerenike pass m 10,000 and 15,000 enrolled|«and to standardize the salaries o u-| Seinen "of the Guard never have)vervisory employes in an equitable | m located for Federal service con-|manner.. ero a serious impeachment of the Growth of the parcel post PanewholeNationalGuardsystem,andj ‘he cost of living to the city dweler,expect to have this point fully pre-|he report declares.The service -sented to the military committees of|now penulline ea tetiees aeiion.;agesamonth.Liberalc itsSeeseine.the present session a aletiohe have done much to BEngVilla’about its extension,it is deciared.Villa’s Threats.Under a law passed last July theeearece.nee ‘onortment on aoe I put parts |eaptur apimi,a mining town in|.¢the railway mail service ‘on thetheStateofDurango,Mexico,/ac-|ooace basis of pay,using rateswhich |gording ite a at ee ay eet are the maximum Picco py theernmentagentsaAsO,texas..Thes tes,the report says,Villa announced in Chihuahua City oe reno under the law thethatheintendedtodividehismenin-lonartment will on January 1 filetogroupsof25eachanddistribute}itn the Inter-State Commerce Com-them along the American border and |mission a comprehensive plan of ser-e a eter of eee aia aan vice wach will oupoey,a fecommnenootandburnpDttflatiireductiono eterreceivedfromaprominenesoe7oeoehuahuaCitybusinessmanandfor-warded to Washifgton.7 r ’INANCES.The bandit also declared ie ee GOVERNMENT'S Ftionofraising’an army of 25,0 e—Def-menbut denied he pees pack What It See ante ratGen.‘Pershing’s column,the letteradded.These statements,according Secretary McAdoo’s annual reporttotheletter,were made to the meet-|of the government’s finances,_pre-ing of merchants called by Villa,who sented to Congress,estimates thataddedhewouldhavehismenintheisdinJ30,1917borderStatesissueproclamationsthefiscalyearendingJune30,’calling upon the Mexicans living on will show a balance of $115,000,000theAmericansideto“rise in rebel-jin the general fund but that the fig-lion against the United States”and|ures a year later—June 30,1918—|join his army.Villa is also reported|will show a deficit in the general|to have made cther statements,more son a eee Oe ;;ifoolishthanthese.reliminary estimates.place e—————cost of conducting the governmentisitiSe,for the coming fiscal year—1918—Report of Visiting Nurse exclusive of the postal service,aevisitingursforthemonthofNo:|iexpertedtobe self-sustainig’andvember,shows h total a .re The ordinary receipts for the fiscal |Beeeeerre the month,its—16 to |Yea"1918 he estimates at $995,550,-_mimnberSZ were nursing visits—Te,,|000,which is $282,471,000 less ‘than|weighing visite were Dadenty et the’cetimated easstructiongiventotenmothers.fae eae BE anceTotalnumberofpatients26—14 old mated outlay beyond theand12.new patients.All visits dur-naan |ing the month were to white patients.For the fiscal year 1916,the Sec-|Three children were oe to 8!retary reports great prosperity and|Physician and one child was taken to|expresses greatest confidence for the}a@ dentist.Magazines and public |tuture,‘health literaiure were distributed.Secretary says,“the prosperity which|J ied with th Nl 2 ‘Mrs.Jones aided wi ae POX|set in so strongly during the fiscal,vaccination and in the medical inspec-|tion in the graded schools.One childWasgottenreadyforschool.The fivechildren,who are being helpedthroughschool,are making good.Mrs.Jones closes her report by say-ing: “If you want to make a good |in-|vestment,invest in the welfareboysandgirls.”Could there be a better one? Scnaeieee enmeerNaeRecklessSpeedingand-the Re-sponsibility. To the Editor of The Landmark:|Unless something is done to check |reckless driving in Statesville,some|one is going to get hurt and the faultwillbethatofthecityauthorities,Tuesday night at dark,on westFrontstreet,a car passed,me goingabout.25 miles an hour.Thelimitshouldbeputatafigure—say 12 miles per hour-and|then enforced.If the city officialshavenotthebackbonetoenfarcethelaw,they should resign and letsomeonebeputinwhoismanenoughtokeeppeopleinbounds,_-An interested citizen who cares foxthechildrenonthestreets.Z H.M.PARKER. Cough Medicine For Children.Mrs.Hugh Cook,Scottsville,N.Y.,says:“Ahout five years azo when we were living intN.¥I doctored two of my children‘from =colds.swith =Chamberlain's=and found it just.as represent-every way.It promptly checked theirandcuredthelrcoldsquickerthan Sees ae white Uv LU speed |of $714,597,804reasonable|months. jor in any Vever used.”Obtainnble everywhere,|aq,Spcaubbaaimaanuinion ot at bon lion in the United States was esti-|mated at $2,700,136,976,an increase in the past 16)This is the largest stock of |held in the United States,other country in the world.|'Through the operations of the Fed-|jeral Reserve System and with our||abundant supply of gold as a basis,|jthe credit resources of the United||States have become more than suf-|jficient for home demand,and we|have been able to finance our great ||domestic and foreign trade without ||Strain and to extend vast amounts of‘eredit to’other nations throughout\the world,” E B shure you order X mads Cakesearly.—-HOME STEAM BAKERY.—CWI OIG EL |rat |gold ever ‘ ‘ pend be Byat BhealAked’ |The Dignity:Thrift THERE is a dignity attached to the own-ership of a Savings Account that is notfullyappreciatedbysomeofourmoderndaypeople.A few dollars depositedeachweekwillsoongrowtoasumthatyouwillbeproudof, There is a feeling of safety and self-respect attached to a nice cash balance inbank,’:Have you a bank account?If not you.are cordially invited to open an account atthisbank,if with only a small amount,There is nothing like making astart. Merchants and Farmers’Bank.Of Statesville,N.C.; “TheBank For YourSavings.” WE WANT YOU:TO HAVE THE PLEASUREOFSEEING The Q uality Line of Christmas Gifetuses SEEING IS.BELIEVING, COME AND SEE. Statesville Drug Comp’y SaSeeeseeeeete!SSee onteemmacaen CywTrr OV" eet,»Ey eryth THE QUALITYGIFT STORE.i=waein-your home (HPIOCN SELECT YOURS FROM OU ANDREWS105EastBroad§ R COMPLETE STOCK.|MUSIC STO *‘® f NEeee RE ——_SeLewSTATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,DECEMBER 19,1916. NO.AT. \ penne ena a reer A at oremPROPOSALS\SENT.|DEATH:OF MR.WALSER.|MORE HOUSES THE '/NEED,|IREDELL |,PENSION LIST./THE SAVINGS CLUB GROWS|BRIEF ITEMS*LOCALNEWS tion From the Unit-Unexpected Death of Veteran,Merchants’‘Association Con-Money For Veterans and Wid-!Merchants and Farmers’|Bank {Miss Hazel Dotson has takenaedStates,Government Employe—Miss|cerned About More”Resi-|ows —List Decreased.By|Distributes $17,000 —Oppor-portion as stenographer for Mr,E.G. mt Wilson Saturday for-|Mattie Church,Mrs.Bomar}dences For Statesville.Death.tunities For Saving.°ais Chstisie tetukaleue os sal ae!he peace proposal of the}at-Morganton and Others.The continued ‘scarcity of houses}The vouchers for the Iredell county}Friday and Saturday the Mer-iat the be of Mr.W.ALMurdockpowerstotheEntenteallyMr:F.T.Walser,veteran deputt ilable f ts he|Pensioners were received by Clerk of ’sstribut-|in C ;:r ty i oR TS %eputy available for rental purposes was ‘the ,t eel chants and Farmers’Bank distribut-|in Cool Spring township.neicts,mnacrapipanted by any in Ag:office of the paisctor of inter-'principal matter discussed by the Pe nonin Bartanes,Eviceya ed,in round numbers,$17,000 among]-—J.W.Nicholson &Co.,undertak--renter of interest in the peace Mae obeat te ati pear Pat Merchants’Association at its meeting!peneficiaries are in classes as follows:|1020 people,the proceeds of the 1916]ers,are expecting today an auto- is now in the allied capi-Friddy night.Furth rts of|.Jno.H.B a M.P:Beard.’to.|Christmas Savings Club hearse for use in their business,’Sh t riday night.urther reports 0 no.H.Brown:and M.P.Beard,’to-|C gs Club.)";hit ey Aenea whee we oveiit a :arter.~families desiring to locate in States-|tally blind,receive $120 each;Milas}The Christmas Savings Club was}—Mr.J.A.Weisner has resigned — The funeral will be conducted from|Ville,but who cannot secure available|Holtshouser,the only first-class pen-|organized by this bank three years|48 postmaster at Olin and an exami-Trinity Episcopal church at 9 o’clock houses to live in,have come to the as-|sioner,receives $72;thero are 113!ago.The first year there were 450|nation for his successor will be held |to find expression,peep hee °“statement by Premier this morning by the rector,Rev.C.|Societion since its last meefing.One|widows,who receive $32 each;three|members and the savings aggregated|January 14.i ge.G.Prosperi,and the remains will be,family now residing in ‘Statesyille|second-class soldiers $60 each;three|$4,777.91.Last year there were 650|—-~Mr.C.M.Etheridge has return-ree versionsof the proposal,taken po Yadkin College,Davidson|will leave within the next few weekg|third-class $48 each,and 140 fourth-|members and the amount was $10,-|ed from Raleigh,‘where he spent sev--\BNE:oi :°Beri Vi the|county,nine miles from.Lexington,|unless a suitable housc can be found,|class,$32 each.267,21.Take note of the growth.|eral days helping with the iaudit’ofSatineTeanBerlin,aiead for interment in the Walser bury-j|the house now occupicd having been]Soldiers who were on the pension|The third year the amount is nearly|the St4te*books,ee)fciialAg,WEre ulate ing ground.sold to a family who desires posses-|roll but who have died since the last|four times as large as the first year.| __TH health motion ©picture.car,a :f exe See Reon ‘Frederick Taylor Walser was a na-|sion.The demand is for houses of|pay day are:J.F.Foster,G.W.|The bank will open tne club for next will be at Oak Grove December 20th,sane”‘aeons on ie the|tive of Davidson county and was in five.to six rooms,with modern con-|Hudspeth,J.D.Dagenhardt,J.A.|year on the 27th.at 1,30 o’clock,instead of at Loray,~belli erent ate are here the|his 68th year.He would have been|veniences.The association decided to]Ingfam,'C.L.Johnson,Jno.D.Kerns.|_The Christmas .Savings Club idealas announced:INege et2Benenrcemricnne,Wnern 68 next month.About 44 years of continue its efforts to get the moneyed|S.D.Moore,J.F.Moore,Jno.T.Red-|had its origin in the suggestion of]«ion,”e-id States represents Germen,|,)?4:A 48 ,:.:ha he tes é :The Fall of a Nation,”the se-.te or Turkish ‘diplomatic inter.his life had been spent in the govern-|citizens of the town buildgmore houses man,J.M.Reavis,Richard E.Speaks,|beginning to save,’a year ahead,to quel to “The Birth of a Nation,”hasThetextswillabtbefor-|ment service and he was regarded as/to rent.It was suggested by one|J.P.Shoemaker,J.B.Sharpe,Wm.jaccumulate some “Christmas mon-been booked to appear at the.localdedtaterinordebrtnSrectudeany|One of the most efficient men in the member of the association that more|Smith awd L.F.Young.ey.”This doesn’t mean that all the picture shows Jabuace tit AOCneeoferrorormisinterpretation.|S°°Vice-For at least 27 years hej supportbe given the building and loan|Widows of soldiers,who,were draw-|Savings are to be spent,or~will be Statesville sollewe’d States-ether any suggestion or offer to had been a deputyin the office of the associations so that more money would|ing pensions,are marked “dead”and|Spent,for Christmas,but the Christ-iile ‘blic ©ho ege hat Sadiediatewill’be made by’this_govern-collector of internal revenue for this|.be available from this source for home|stricken frora the list since last:time mas idea appeals.It is ‘the savin Yo e the Ch penonls ©‘iday Bothntuntilitisindicatedunmistaka-|“istrict.For years he was chief dep-,building.If persons who do nat care|as follows:Mary A.Bass,widow of|habit that is the big thing.Some o vill .Wed ead -5 ve $d.rthat such hetion would be wel-|UtY,ahd the fact that he was contin-|to build themselves would carry shares |Wm.J.Bass;ElizabethBenfield,'wid-|the members of this Christmas Sav-|will resume TIGER T,CRNIATheenbmédbybothsides,remains unde-|Ued under eight different collectors |in the building and loan associations!ow of J.W.Eidson;M.A.Burton,|ings Club —and the membership}—The Statesville Gas Light andmined,but President Wilson is 2°4 under different administrations!as investments it would put more]widow of Geo.W.Burton;Dolly Chil-{@™braces all classes and conditions,|Fuel Company will move.January 1°mown to be anxious that the’United ,'8 the highest tribute-to his efficiency.money into the hands of the associa-|dress,widow of-Wesley Childress;K,|™any colored people being ne from.its present office near thepostStatesshallnotimpairitsusefulnessHeeeepoets,on sarlcctaicen to loan to those who want to}P.Graham,widow of S.P.Graham:oe ee ine navines Pe pane:pear to rooms over N,Harrison's jrbction.:ao pace uild.Mary C.Hudson,widow of Thos L,foi itl eee TE‘iytoe a 2 Wreiay while page business “at his’fingers’end.”The ‘association went on record as|Hudson;Elizabeth Hubbard,widow of|87OWS and the longer one practices it —Trinity Coliege wonover.States-orm translation of the peace notes|_.Mt.Walser first came to States-'favoring one-cent letter postage and|Jas.T.Hubbard;Mary Ann Hartline,7 OE he oe -ee th,|Ville in the basketball:game lay‘was being prepared may,in the be-ville in 1889 and took a position in'a heavier postage rate on catalogues|widow of D.-L.Hartline;Mary h cies 8 oy ne nat &grea *it {night,by the modess score of 56 toMiefofsomediplomats,constitute in|the pene ur office ane and magazines.Morrow,widow of M.Morrow;Laura hale Sa Ave.that ockinte mall the|it:There was alarge attendanceat‘itself a-hint to the belligerents of cae i.eres ‘or e hen ee Every member of the association|M.Mills,widow of T.C:Mills;Mary Rtsteaville”heaica hava saves de.|*he game.ARN aiatheweight.that is attached by Amer-|°°R aH Aue 3ot HY cote ra was feeling good over the success of|P.Reavis,widow of Samuel Reavis;artments and some of them feature}Ment yesterday and the hearing 1deanofficalstoanypeaceproposal.ae C x the ofice "Asheville od the -Made-in-Statesville Exhibit and|Rebecca Salmons,widow -of C.W.Praca departments.With these and|8topped.The landowners /ele :|The attitude of the Bnyente allies Walace went with it He continued|He commendation the association has}Salmons;M.J.Sprinkle,widow of W.the building.and ldail associations,|Mesrs,H.R.Cowles,A.R.|Bowles”is not definitely known.Russia is in 3,received for having conducted it.The|T.Sprinkle;M.C.Whraker,widow of ,®;jand N.A,Lewis:drainage commis-— in Asheville and in the office until me .nas ::have ample’opportunities|®,ioutspokenoppositiontopeaceandassociationverymuchappreciatesthe|Noah Whitaker.our peopte |:0 sioners for the district.;France is'practically the same way,Caectiy Gan.Honbees the |co-operation of the manufacturers}There is a net decrease of both whe wakes &ie Piittne’byt —The landowners of.the ‘,accordingto the reports.But there 1907.Mr.Walser came hack.to who smade the exhibit poss‘ble.widows of soldiers and of soldiers|gmall amount of ?thd earnings,at|Creek Drainage district,who |e.seems to be some disposition in Lon-Statesville with the office and con-!_President Bunch,who was last]since last year.stated times,will be surprised how]being heard by Clerk of the.Chatdontogivethematterdueconsidera-|ji 7 Gq with it.until the day of his Month re-elected for another term,Fg fast ‘the Revives will grow Hartness on exceptions to‘ton.oe death.He was a quiet man hat lit-|ae a oe executive clay DEATH OF REV.J.P.KNOX.Save something.Put by a nest|tion of their lands,came to an —e ‘Tom McCoy’Convicted ©.at/|tle to say and mingled little with his’a Fe association:»A ::egg...Good idea,Get the habit.Be-]—lLicense has been issued for the”Jacksonville.ne poe ne ee esteem |BL Sek end wen:Brady,Fell Dead While Pumping Au-gin the New Year with a savings ac-|marriage of.Mr.J.D.Rogersand Miss _of all who knew him,e was a y 3 ; tomobile Tires.count.Laude Moore;Mr.John 8.Bost.and .n was eonvieted bya jury in’tho|22az,mans”is the general testimony:/HE STOLE TWO RABBITS.|,Rev.J.P.Knox,a minister of the!Short Coal Welghts in Asheville|Miss Julia Annhuyles;Mr.C.,was convicted by a jury in the)”Mr.Walser in early life was for a!Associate Reformed Presbyterian Benjamin Harmon and Miss Je!‘Federal District Court,at Jackson-|time in the newspaper business at t;1 :7 One day.last week Judge Glenn of}Parks...ville,Fla,Friday;of conspiracy to]Winston-Salem andraas cnet tee Love of Cotton Tails Landed|Church and known vo many Iredell|;¥Ate .fi le,died ddenly Th the Asheville police court,who seems|__|i TedefraudthegovernmentofrevenuefoundersoftheWinstonRepublican,|Colored Man in Jail —Court)fis homein Columbia,S.C,whi en.|to be a meddiesome sortof person,|pave taken ies HuntonGetataxonwhiskeydistilledat,the Long]The deceased is survived by his}Items.gaged in pumping ‘his automobile|took a notion to look into ths weights)+4 make the Christmas seanoai.ile.Me-|wi en ;‘:zopraeelary-eae ee ae wie bee a children,we aapenters|Herbert.Moore,white,was arrested|tires.He had been in poor health for|0f coal sold by dealers.In Asheville,year safe and sane .by}a :::as in most other places,the coal deal-‘eeticeofamotionforanewtrial.bell of Chattanooga,Tenn.,who was eve Saturday by locat officers.He Oeil ok os _|ers weigh their own coal,on their own|preworkss ae ae ee:pe iis wanted in Rockingha ty t r,Knox was pastor.of the Asso ‘eartily in the request.\It.was’announced:that sentence!here when her father died;Mrs.C.|cOGAaM County OP icte Hae d church of Columbia |Scales,and the customer accepts their =sedwouldnotbepassedonMcCoyuntil!G.Prosperi of Statesville,Mr.F.T.Serve out a term for larceny and the and hat pat he Tats %ity Ha 1a |weights,—J.B.Duke of New ‘York,after the prospective motion for 2 |Walser,'Jr.,of Asheville and Mr,|sheriff ‘of Rockingham will be here]oF ne Soe barat ov oO af .prety Well,this Judge°Gleni-perwon-had}owner .of..the.Sout ar Penewtrialhasbeen-heard.The maxi-!Reid Walser of Chattanooga,Tenn.today after him.Moore escaped last Was 56 years An Se the’police to-order drivers of chal pany,andhe Ss.viceAaniteeuneeoraourx$20,000 the}The sons arrived yesterday.week after having served one month burg county,aTidhaiiaterigad by his;W@gons to the city ‘scales,whichsaid oo ont Lonkoe hoe ae4ores‘ae of an eight months’term.;i ;;2;scales had been tested as to their z ”ootlemenitedwith|Miss Mattie Church,a 40 years,:wife,three brothers and a sister.The ;specting the work being doi hMeGoyareAobentiedateecetaldiedyesterdayaeat“12.36 GG ee oe vali latter live at Huntersville.porchesBaga 8 he re The following patienttermofcourtinMarch._|o’clock at the home of her parents,|as he was passing —Ginoeghi Union chi cha fants in the yard wagon.Did they find a few pounds|Under treatment at Long's SaTheDepartment:OF De tied in,|Rev.‘and:Mré.Geo.H..Church,on!Grove township with three and a half|ete arena State says.Mr.Knox!more coal than the ticket called for?um,left!for their homes fganotherindictmentatFortSmith,arn id this ©rs 10 o'clock |gallons of booze.His horse and;was one of the most distinguished gNot on your life.jan tera on Mend and Mr T.v..reArk.next month.In an_official!Will be held this morning at 10 o'clock }upoy were also taken.James gave!pastors of his denomination.He was ee ranged Sah ee 5 Wilkesboro;Mrs.Geo.Tullof Kinston,statement,the department said the,at Absa oe een oe |bond to appear here tocay for a hear-:fanen ors poem of trustees of Sounds reese.oe =rT "2 Piven State su yconvictionofMcCoywasanotherconducteykev.©.8.ba ‘ing.rskine College,chairman of the Coe :—Mr.T.EL ;ervistepinthegovernment’s determina-'and intérment will be.in Oakwood F ck Redman,colored,is com-|board of trustees of his church orph-Not Te bi Pte h ne sor.of on and ane,tion to punish all participants in the!cemetery.She is survived by her pa-itted to sail fr ane H anage and secretary of the Columbia|2&¢of weights,this same Judge Glenn|will visit the FarmLifeSeool *frauds which operated with Jackson-}rent anaes see te pn oPY|Ministerial Union.He went to Co-|8t,quotations on retail prices of;mony Thursday to inspect thea=nate on ee dietuuting rents.peumpborticed an caudate bond for fanstia:ri 1899 and took charge of the £2!ony citieg sill pont,ae then |Sher.ze members a,the.countyVEOa:‘_of,the larceny of two rabbits..2 fee |Showed that Ashevillo dealers were;board of education ‘will accompan:moh eral rice alleged conspirators ne fe Win Omen Smith Powell is in jail in default ae en andthe coveroane not only giving short weights but were}him.pyeaediedinMorgantonSaturdeyeveningofoeaenstionhadgrownstrongunderhislead-charging above She matiseg.Ts even|Mr.J.W.Ward,whe is arisonersMscaped.at 6.30.Funeral and interment at oney ership.He graduated at Erskine Col-|2S8erted tha ey were selling poor!warden for Iredell:and is now at hom:.cealed weapon.Pres.::.|washerwomen,who had 4o.buy coal by ;.tha:Three negro prisoners —Sherrill,Morganton Sunday.Mr.Wilson was)Ca!rying a con Seeen eae lege in 1887 and served churches in »from a stay in Georgia,saysifthe:Dalton,Letter Flow and Boulding,called to Morganton Friday by news of pie red a Fee op eae Virginia and ‘South Carolina before ine bagful,.the —of $10 a ton}folks who complain.of ‘violations ”Young,2ll charged with larceny—his sister’s serious illness.Ree a i ba s leased.All the|20img_to Columbia.It was through|®"%he deal U Sa short weights.the Jaw will furnish him the evidence:and one white prisoner —Herbert}Mrs.Bomar was the oldest daughter|NOt su vrad Se es ®\his efforts that the Associate Reform-|_,1h*dealers have ‘done a lot of ex-|he will gladly swear out the warrants.Moore,an escaped convict from of the late Major and Mrs,James W.ae “Gomi ‘i 4 ed Presbyterian orphanage was es-|Plaining but they |haven't explained!and prosecute the trespassers.°°.-‘i Rockinghem county—escaped from;Wilson of Morganton.She is surviv-os.Compton was arrested yes-|tablished at Hickory Grove,S.C.Thc|#Way Judge Glenn’s facts.Asheville —Dr.'T.D.Webb arid:family,who’.;-,jail yesterday evening about 6,ed by her husband,Major T..H,Bo-eyie a Cn town oy State says Mr.Knox was a man of people are now agitating for what have been living on the corner ‘of,o'clock.They were running loose;mar of Tecos,Texas,by four sisters})°PULY Wo lector &.E.Allison and’unquestioned ability and was highly |¢very town should have—an official Ma :wil :;Walnut and Ibe streets,Joutide the cells and madetheir es.and three brothers.Freee AIC ae esteemed in Columbia.Weighmastet,move this week to Mr,C.B,Webb's,“wikeh some other prisoners escaped|,Ed.Byers.an iratell county man.|examinationandgavebond to ap-|Charlotte Observer Office|__‘The State's Finances,|"east Broad street,‘Dr.Webl has°.swe ne :::aooSytheother,sprite er had fee Nevin Hi pigs of tabestolote,He the charge.It will be recalled that Wrecked By Fire.The balance of general and educa-|and will build a,residence on it.os:;pitty A tional funds sho the books ofbeenrepairedexceptwithachain,|is survived by a wife and children.|the officers destroyed a blockade dis-|The five story brick building imme-|the State “Treasurer,December %;isoner +night.|Funeral and interment at Newton /tillery at Compton’s home a few diately in rear of the Charlotte Ob-|1916 as $224,623.08,ihhhoftkewedateastcaUpRtSaturday.months ago and Compton escaped.|server building,and used as an annex et oe —The snow’s all very.:fine for.Christmas weather,but the merchantswouldhavepreferredthatitcomeLA:ie Ce \the report of the legislative commit-|reosceeThisisthecharge‘on which he was|to the Observer hich was 1 ::;the day before Christmas,say,at last reports.mo Subscriptions For the Associ-|arrested yesterday.dleyauminceiag roam ioe!dhe Obese ee eon ue aero Ane They've been having a fine tradé andYMr.Bailey Declined.ated Charities.‘and.Two Jor Friday night.The committee was|Wid!have a rush this.week if thenyeethe‘stock and press room,and the|or Friday night.The committee was ‘”Mr.J.W..Bailey of Raleigh,who]The ladies who made the canvass se eae pie pamters Observer Printing House and bindery|composed of J.J.Laurhinghouse of it will'to somersttegte ee siewaslastweekofferedbyGov.Craig|for the Associated charities have so .:*|Was practically destroyed by fire of|Pitt county,Dorman Thompson and Rev.0.J.All ;t f ththeappointmentasjudgeoftheSu-|far received pledgts aggregating|Trapped in their two-room cabin.|Unknown origin between 5 and 6/H.P.Grier of Iredell.jored Baptist hurch:ask th t tperiorCourttosucceedJudgeCook,|$1,505.a a mile west of Canton,Haywood|0’clock Saturday morning.‘The balance of the general fund white ah ne hates .ec hin ahasdeclinedtheofferandwillholdTheyhopesoontoraisethefull/County,shortly after midnight Fri-|The fourth and fifth floors were oc-|December 1,1915,was $130,008.20.|™ee ve tb ave eit ane :‘on to his job as collector of internal|amount estimated for the nceds of the|4@Y morning,Jack Penland,aged 67,|cupied by the Printing House,the|The total receipts for the year wera |aah,Te con pig 8 the ad y¢‘tevenue,much to the disappoint-|work—$2,500—and they request all and daughters,Mildred,aged 21.andj third floor as the Observer composing|$4,970,878.87.Total disbursements |00.0'y 1;d cea °t >ion willbe.‘ment of some of the faithful,who who will contribute to notify ‘them.Laura,aged 14,were burned to|]rodom and the second floor as be Ob-|for the year.$4,879.965.07.Balance|398 Red and the contributions ;ig :es death;Mrs.Penland and son,Willie,|server stock room,and the ement|of general fund on hand,‘$220,922,|called.for.He expects to distributesgfor's VaOgncy in oy collector ios who pombe t oe much S|aged 16,were severely burned and|as the press room.The f h and Balaice educational fund on hand the gifts,the day-before Christmas.:Ga Craig has appointed Albert |;ecoues 2 ‘titled tos ;S ears are in an Asheville hospital,while a|fifth floors with their contents were|December 1,1915,$3,426.89.Total}—Mr.Wm.H.Jeffreys:of—Vere:L.Cox of Raleigh successor to Judge|ont clection af “i scbie ea ibe an-)4-year-old daughter and a son aged|totally destroyed,the loss estimated at|rece!pts for the year,$122,916.28,mont,former State councilor of theeoCookeJudgeCoxisa*member of 7 the cc POOLE cLOls:}i]11 were slightly injured.‘|$25,000.The Observer Printing |Disbursements for the year,$122,-|Junior Order in Verinont,who ad-i We’National Guard.and fs now at le severe winter weather wi The fire,which was of unknown|House is a separate corporation from|642.09.Balance on hand,$3,701.08.{dressed the.Juniors at Evans’hall inBHeehorfromtheborderonfurloughmultiplythecallsontheassociation!origin,had gained such headway|the Observer and owned by different cae alana aia south Statesville,Friday night,iseshaNSSedtedatete*.|for help and it is desired to securc,as}when Mrs.Penland awoke that she parties.The Observer’s loss is not North Carolina Society.traveling in the ‘interest ofAORSnowYesterday.goon as possible,subscriptions for the|was barely able to grab up the small known,but hoth losses are partially!Mr.R.H.MeNeill of Statesville,Daughters of Liberty,which ordertan?full amount.Payments may be made|daughter and dash through a door ,3 :;lembraces the.same principles asFeerermagbatintheeng.|monthly or quarterly,or the fulllthat was in flames,the small son fol.othr a thecourtesy of the Char-idune of Washingia Nek ‘hoen elect.|{those of the Junior Oxier.Mr.Jef‘lotte News and other Charlotte print-|ed president of the North Cavolina freys was heard by,8 good:sudienamingestablishments,the Observer has|Society in|Washington,Sam’l.L.|/"4ay night. f eit gloaming aut us retoen amount can be paid at one time.lowing.Willie Penland succeeded inMs4a?ners limbi throu 3 ;1-ff ec ny day,thease te d depth —of Occupying New Quarters.eioueh he eetreritale bea “It abOeared as usual since the A Pati ieee ar ok ;Bell Ch Mana;%cons .te ;,as usual since e fire.ar opers,director o.e e@ensus,1s xWith-a low temperature ail day and}The Lazenby -Montgomery Hard-#OSU EEE tee bee ee and his!of its machinery will be saved and it|first vice president,Wade B.Hamp-|4 A octrad Tan haestiff'wind part of the time,it was.a|ware Company is moving stock into|‘W°@aughters must have been over-r.L.A.Loe »who beenapL:hopes to operate from its own plant in|ton,a native of Surry county,is sec-|real winter day—the kind you read|its new building,on north Center|C°me by smoke,which filled the room|,gay,days.retary-troasurer,.jmanager of the local ioffice of the Mai :::.:d the flames surrounded them be-”:poke ‘Telephone Company for some.time,about.Winter is making good since}strect.The lower floor,is for agri-|®":ee The society is considering the ad-.1 1 'som »cold weather set in a week ago.cultural implements and hoavy hard:Bec ean Valuable Stock.eae of aes of_a i”ante Janney pee eer.7 .|Ware and the second floor for a dis-|,i Manuf.5?orth Carolina building in the capi-!°:an MARRIED BROTHER'S .SLAYER.|play room of building material,ete.|‘he neighbors raked the embers next|Manufacturers’Record.tal city,first as a home’for the Succeeded,by Mr.W.M.Matthews,;‘:Oo Peet morning,although burned beyond rec-|It has been generally supposed :pains who has been manager of the Bell of.!Hyman Eppstein,who was ac-|The new building,which is simply an oghition.that the Union Sulphur Comnny of |North Carolina Society;second *uitted of the murder of Leonard|addition to the present store,is con-;,v g n on headquarters for sons and daughters fice in Morganton for several years, dwards in Goldsboro a few-days|nected with the latter by an overhead]Wreck Victims Still at the ees 1200 Pee yee at!of North Cerolina,native-born‘or ie eo not announced hisago,and Judith Edwards,sister of|passage way.Stock is being moved Hospitals bit the Boston News’Burous ib che adopted,when visiting the national ,P!@n8 tor the Tuture,7*the dead man,were married Friday.|from the wareroom to the new build-Pee au is q4aSs capital;third,as a bureau of \infor-‘‘The killing was the result of Ed-|ing.Postal Glerk W.B.Garrison;En-Se See es the|mation and place for exhibiting the,Mr.McCanless Resigns.igineerJohnW.Cline and ©Fireman pany Sea Pel!nroducts ane resources of the Old!,Mr.Walter McCanlcss,formerly aStatesville.Folks.on Programme}Ernest Allison,all victims of the |°¢™,Pe year.Under these circum-|North Stat deputy in the office of the coHectorfe“See a stances,it is not surprisi c ate.,7 zy :T]Secretary of the Navy Daniels has|,,Supt.Meacham of the State Test/Elmwood wreck on the morning of|500 per share is the bid icatttNew Stole Contents of Suit Cas Who tetae’retried 0 es pone thy2aodi7estedNakCarolinians|Farm,Statesville,will respond to the|Thanksgiving Day,are still in Strtes-York,and that even at these figures|O°VOntents OF Sull Case.8 ti a E ls nunc .+reea*h n ae i Md Jont.cannot|2¢4ress_of welcome to be made by}ville hospitals,the first named at nobody seems to be disposed to sell.}|_Soine one entered the baggage room br:.h ot‘th pri ‘ee .a-eeihy ‘hat ee OF Pp tteville af Mayor Eaton of Winston -Salem and|Billingsley and,the two latter at won ne at the railway station Friday night|P7anch ©e service,has resigned,Posthe decision of the boards of the|County Agent Anderson of Forsyth,|Long’s Sanatorium.All are improv-President Wilson “has:sent a check]and removed a suit case,which they resignation effective 7 1,ae 4iina|ing.f 5 ,‘»|will be succeeded by Mr.F.C,-army and navy that it should be in-at the meeting of the North Garolina|ing or $2,500 to Treasurer Marsh of the|cut open and removed therefrom an| 7 wards’objection to Eppstein as aae‘suitor for his sister.; a< Live Stock Association at Winston-|Mr.Cline,who is able’to walk a\Democratic national committee,as his]overcoat and pair of ‘shoes.The suit bert of Rolisbury.eeland200miles.:Salem January 9-12.;little on crutches,hopes to go to his|contribution toward mecting.the de-|case was the property of Mr.John|They puli the automobilé.speasd:In the recorder’s court in Charlotte)In the-Poultry Division,_Mr.B.L.}home-in-Asheville this week.-Mr.ficit in the committee's campaign fund |Knox of Cool Spring township.It'ers in’Charlotte —occasi 'yesterda Preston and F.M.|Sronce of Statesville will discuss!Allison is able to walk about but his .c r Mrs.Graham,wife of President E,|had been in possession of the railroad Jeast.Twenty-five.were 6%Shannonhouse,lawyers,got “het up”|“Winter Feed for Poultry.and How|hands were so badly hurt that he will;K,Graham of the University,is|for some time on account.of a,differ:|Sanday oy rape er onderaandtonflunga*,book at Shan-/to.Stimulate Egg.Production.”and not be able to leave the Sanatorium desperately ill at her home at Chan:ence between Mr.,Knoxsand the comsipolire to enforce the.automobilenonhoeses ciotui ad?9%{Somerof the Recent:Feed Problems.”for |some time...7 )¢l-Hill and her death is expécted,'|pany as to storage charges,|dinances. i c MARKJenner,“ »+December.19,1916. “Social.service”and “community pervice,;”now so much stressed,donotappealtoBishopKilgo.Infact “olent in his opposition.He is moved by the same feeling that \actuates other Church people to oppbse these "movements—and that is that the zeal| ©flor social service and community ‘service will become so great that this work will pass for,religion.There is danger in this and th¢preachers »Shave to keep stressing the fact that good works alone’can’t save any- body.But the Church people who oppose social service because some people may ¢et the idea that that is all of religion,are more extreme than the folks who make social serv- ice their religion. At the recent Durham Conference Bishop Kilgo thanked the Lord for ‘the itinerant preachef,declared that the Methodist .Church is without a rural church problem,and condemn- ed the Methodist preacher “who at- tended an institute designed for the solution of the country church prob- Jem,”on the ground that such action brought reproach upon the Metho- dist ministry. Unquestionably the Methodist sys- tem comes nearer solving the country church problem for the Church than any other.But The Landmark is of the opinion that the circuit.rider who wears out his life on the meager sup- port found in the rural districts would hardly claim that the problem has been entirely solved for the Meth- odist Church;and that he would be tempted to welcome any movement that would tend to upbuild and make stronger the country church,not- ‘withstanding bishops who do not face the problems ever present with the circuit rider,may not think so. NATIONAL PROHIBITION.: The prohibition amendment to the national constitution may not be adopted by the present Congress,but a great forward stride has been made :In the favorable committee report and by and by the necessary two-thirdsvotewillbesecured.When that is!done it will be up to the States to ratify the amcndment,and consider- ing the rapid growth of the prohibi- ‘@ tion sentiment in the country and theincreasingnumberofdryStates,it»is a reasonable expectation that bythetimetheamendment-is submit-ted»to the States three-fourths oftheLegislaturesoftheStateswillbereadyto;adopt it.Those who expect~.40,universal drought,so far as the.*degal manufacture and sale of liquorisconcerned,about 1920,may be ali¢tle in advance of the time,but theyarenotfarwrongunlessthereisachangeinsentiment,which is notprobable. Mr.Bryan’s idea of making nation-al prohibition 2n issue in 1920 is bynomeansaheadofthetimes.Frompresentindicationsthenationalpar-ties will have to line up on the prop-osition by that”time.and it wouldseemthatprohibitionwillbeapopu-|,lar issue.‘Nothing except woman!suffrage has grown so rapidly in pub-lie favor as the prohibition ofliquortraffic. ba NEUTRALS SHOULD SPEAK: Senator Stone is right. trals have suffered much in world war.Thetr rights haverbeen'respected.They havemueh:«in silence to keep The neu- the not borne out oftrouble.Now that there is an open-|ing to talk peace,the neutrals will beentirelywithintheirrightsiftheyinsist—and demand if need be—thatpeacetermsbegivendueconsidera-tion;and it is hoped that they willdothatverything. Nations have the legal right toengageinwarandtheyhavethele-gal right to fight until they are sat-isfied,But they have neither the le-gal right_nor_the moral-right to dam-_age innocent bystanders.The neu-trals sometimes endure much whentheironlyrecourseistotakepartjnthefray,which simply adds to thetrouble.But when opportunity..of-fers to assert themselves to put anendtothedisturbance,for their own00daswellasthegoodofmankind,they should not hesitate to impressuponthebelligerentsthattheyarehottheonlyfolkstobeconsidered.The serappers who have heretoforeingistedthatinterferencefromout-siders in behalf of peace wouldoffensive, stand that some of thehavecause‘for offence, be rest-of ug The case of the “diet’squad,”who found by actual experi-ment that one can live and thrive on40centsadayforfood,even at thepresenthighprices,has attractedconsiderableattentionandmuchcomment,Living on 40 cents @ day may be something remarkablecainChicagobutitisn’t in North Caro-tina,That is $12 per month,|In:some places fair to’good table board Chicago 1 for that;and numer-|bit Monccndlats live on less than_Hhat—because they have to, |the | should be made to under-| excited|| TI Sener RR ee ae toasts si cen asada nomi nraiacyFIVEDAYSAWEEK.|OUR RIGHT TOINTERFERE |Churches Recommend OneDay|NeutralsHavetheRighttoCallForRecreationSabbathKeeping (port of the commissionjon Su rennial’meeting of the Federal Coun-} ‘America,in session at St.Louis.Theireportsays:@,|“In such times as these in which|we live it would seem as if a five-day‘industrial week ought to be adequatetothemakineofagoodliving,and that two days might be given definite- ly to the making of a good life.As our higher life does not consist in the abundance of the things that we pos-, reasonable for us to’sess,is it not have two days of the week for rest. ‘recreation,self-culture,social service ‘and public.worship?We are told that ‘this general question is receiv- ing no little attention in the businessandindustrialworld. “The toil and-stress of six workine days tempt thousands of good people to welcome the seventh as a day of rest and recreation,rather than a time for public worship and other Christiang activities..The progress ,of science in the realm of vhysical forces and the rapid increase in the world’s possession of material goods and power are allowed to en- courage forgetfulness of invisible and eternal riches.We need therefore to stop at stated times,in homes and churches,to think of ~God and mortality and exercise our faith in other.and immaterial values—values that will last forever.But #our Sabbath observance does not m#ke us better Christians the other six days.there has been no true Sabbath keeping.”: The commission recommends: “That,affirming our protest as to the present conditions of society, which demand of 4,500,000 of ourveopletoworkcontinuouslythrough- out seven days in every week,we hledge our support to all measures looking toward the provision of one day of rest in seven for brain—anuthandtoilers. “That we not only endorse a gen eral half-holiday of one of the days of the week for physical rest. vreferably Saturday,as tending to a better observance of Sunday,but for the higher sake of the largest possi- ble culture,we hope the time.may come when brain and hand_toilers shall have for their own use both Saturday and Sunday.one being a day of social recreation and the oth-er a day of worship.”RE In the War Zone. The French are continuing their great offensive in the Meuse sectoroftheVerdunfrontandhavemadefurthergains.The British also have made progress and succeeded in Sat-urday night’s engagement in’raidingenemytrenchesnearRansartandsouthwestofWytschaerte,gaining afootholdinbothcases.The GermanwarofficeadmitsthelosstotheFrenchofthévillageofBezonvauxandawoodtothewestofthatplace.but asserts that ‘the’French thrustfurthertothenorthwardbrokedownbeforetheGermanfireonaheightnorthofBezonvaux. The Teutonic armies under Marshal yon Mackensen in |Wallachia have crossed the ‘and lower Calmattuiui rivers,‘addition to taking 1,150 prisoners,captured great quantities of railroadrollingstockwithinnumerableve-hicles of other.The pursuit of theRussianandRumaniantroopsinDob-rudja continues and the Teutonicforcesnowareclosetotheforest|district in the north,where it is ex-}pected the Russo-Rumanian armies|will offer a stiff resistance.|eeeeneananeneenennepestemaence Field eastern Buzen |May Call For Extra Session. Chairman Newlands,of the Senat¢Inter-State Commerce Committee andofthejointcongressionalcommittecinvestigatingrailroadproblems,an-|nounces that if Congress cannot find;time at this session to pass railroad‘|bills suggested hy the President,thesubjectshouldbedealtwithatan‘extra session of Congress.The Sena-|tor also stated that the joint investi.|gating committee had determined.t+jask Congress toy extend its life unti!|January 1,1918,to ask for the reten-tion on the commission of RepresentaitiveCullopofIndiana,who leaves|Congress March 4,and to seek van/inerease in the appropriation for ex-|penses from $24,000 to $40,000.The|joint committce decided to ask a year’s;extension because the time of thepresentsessionissolimited,|Referring to pending railroad bills,|which provide for investigation of|railroad disputes and would empowe1|the President to take over the rail|roads,telephone and telegraph lines‘in time of military necessity,Senato;;Newlands declared ~theyacted’on ag soon as possible, No Booze For Unmarried Men.Prohibition’Commissioner J.Sid-ney Peters of Virginia finds that an{unmarried man who doesjwithhisparentsintheirhome,can-{not have shipped into the State the(quart of whiskey a month or/equivalent in beer or wine,asiseribedunderlaw.Mr,Peters called|attention to ‘section 61 of the prohi-j bition law which prominentjheysclaimmakesbachelors in Vir-;f#inia nonentities,and which reads as||follows:|“But the word;herein shall be thedenceoftheperson‘and shall not be construed to includejaclub,fraternity house,lor eponuier place of com}or room df a guest in hotelboardinghouse.”|iden |Danger Signal |If the fire(dnd stop it or ‘home’as permanent resi-and his family a or bell should ring would you rungoandhelptoputoutthe‘ire?|It is much the same way with a cough,A|cough is a danger signal as much as a fire bell,You should no more try to suppress it than|to stop a fire bell when it is ringing,but|should cure the disease that causesing.This can nearly,always be done by tak-|ing Chamberlain's Cough|used it with the most beneficial results.It 1g|specially valuable for the persistent cough|that so often follows a bad cold or an attackofthegrip...Mra,Thomas Beeching,AndrewsInd.,writes:itakescoldeasilyFGhamberlain’s Ootjleineforbreaking Up these attacks a yexnnotgethimtotakeanyother,”ae:ble everywhere, and coughs.and coughs suggested and hoped for in the re- cil of-the Churches of ‘Christ in ;nity of wonderful ’ im-. and inj who presided. ,may i ton, attor-| used | lodge room,|mon resort,| the cough. Remedy.Many have “During the winter my husband Remedy is the best med.ormin-|BUILDING?C.-WATKINS, ,to|on rentsto.Consider| .wi i |UnitaayndsekacegSih ce was asserted in |¢League to Enforce|Peace by Senator Stone,chairman of”|the Senate foreign relations commit-| |“Singe the war,almost from the be-/ginning,has resulted in continued of-|fensive attacks on the rights and dig-is sovereignty and in inflict-ing incalculable injury to our nationalinterests—all of which we have borncwithpatiencebecauseofourfriend-ship for the nations involved,”saidS_nator Stone,“it seems to me thatafterenduringtheirattacksandsuf-fering these losses for nearly two andahalfyears,with no end yet in sightwehavearight,without regard to anyquestionofsympathyorhumanitybutsolelyonourownaccountandtcsefeguardourowninterests,to ap-proach the combatants cs a mutualfriengandopennegotiationswith»view to the re-establishment of norma}international.conditions.“Our relations to the combat are,such,and our interests are so involvedthatIthinkwehavearight‘to speakacarightsoclearagtoentitleustcspeakwithoutaskingandwithoutjustoffence.We would not speak imperti-npntly ag intermeddlers,but as afriendwhosufferedgrievouslyandin.nocently from the ruthless acts ofwar.” The Senater declared he wisheddistinetlyunderstoodthathecnhisownpersona:responsibility.He said he.weuld not discuss thewisdom,or unwisdem of an approachofthebelligerentswithpeacepro-posals,but merely of “the proprietyoftheright,”and pointed out that(istinguished men in this country andinthewarringcountrieshavewarn-ed that such a movement would notonlybefutilebutoffensive.“Iam not disposed,”he added)“toaceeptwithoutquestioningeithertheaccuracyofthesestatementsor.thesoundnessofthereasonsonwhichtheyarepredicated.Two familieswithafeucbetweenthemmight,solongestheykeptthepeaceand.ob-served the law,resent ‘any effort ofinoutsidertoharmonizethem;butiftheyshouldbreakforthintoopenwer,¢to disturb the general peaceisi1harmuponthewhole2rhood,the law-abidingmembersofthecommunitywouldhavearightto'call a halt without be-ir guilty of y it spoke AS impertinence.Whyuldnotthesameruleapply,mor-nd legally,to the family of na-9 NEE Mass Meeting Requests cession For Belgians. Vigorous expressions of indignationwerevoicedatanmeetinginNewYorkFridaynight,co protest against“enslavement of Belgians”by theGermangover)%t.The deporta-the ‘5 Was condemnedinlettersrTheodoreRoose-velt,Archbishop Ireland,Joseph HChoateandBishopThomasO’GormarofSiouxFalls.Faually forceful we-ses delivered by Eliku «RootsM.Beck,former Assistant At-torney General of the United States:Alton B.Parker and the Rey.WilliamT.Manning,rector of Trinity Church Inter- the tion of Resolutions were.sdopted urgingthe,“government of the United Statestoprotestwithallitsforcethede.|testation with which the AmericanpeopleregardtheseabusesandterequesttheGermar,government inthenameofallneutralstoceaseit:policy of expatriation and slavery,”and pledgi ‘our utmost support totheadministrationinwhateverwayitconcludetolact.”neveReincarnation of Progressives.|“Reincarnation”of the Progressive |party with a-“new sense of party in-}dependence,”based upon “the new |Uberal spirit,”was agreed upon at ayconferencepfprominentProgressivesfromseveralStates,held in New’Ye rk,Funds were subscribed to opennationalProgressiveheadquarters inNewYorkuntilthenationalconven-tion meets in St.Louis,Permission}for “those leading Progressives whehavemadepartymistakes”toenterthepartywasdiscussed,but neactionwastaken¢_Assurances were given chatthoseknowntobe“loyal and true|Progressives,who had refused to geovertotheRepublicansorDemo.crats,”would have a voice in organ-izing the new party.”The conferencewascalledbyMatthewHaleofBos-national viee chairman of thc,Progressive party. ay re-| only Should be! not live} its|pre-| “Tam sending more Christmas cards than*ever | before” AST year so many of my friends called my.holiday cards‘dainty’,‘clever’,‘just too|dear’,that this year I am using|twice as many.Everyone seems_to credit ME with their quality,|‘yet all I do is tovask for |’|THE A:M-DAVIS Co:—UUALITY-CARDS|} |A complete line may ‘be found at a“ |this store.BRADY PRINTING CO,oweneneeaaboee. |effects of the European war,to initiate!¥)a movement forail1skeaheeakaajaharevaneesubmittedatthequad-St Louis before going. The Perfection Heater is The passing chills offall days are gone before _you can:get the slow, ‘ them,Startsthawingout chills the minute youstrikeamatch.Gives you an abundanceofextraheatwhereveryouwantitforhalfthecostofa;,coal fire, Clean,durable,dependable,go0d-looking. 4 Youcancarryitanywhete.Ask anyof the 2,000,000users,or your hardware,furniture or departmentstore. Use Aladdin Security Oil—for best resulta STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey)BALTIMOREWashington,D.C.| Nortolk,Va Richmond,Va.Charlotte,N.C.Charleston,W.Va.Charleston,8.C, if ww a *,APeaD© on vueALLAanaa {ry TURKEYS. ;We have a Large Order;to fill for Turkeys and|can use all you can bring‘us for |% 1|CASH. |J.K.Morrison Grocery ;&Produce Company. DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in’ City and County. All calls telephened to Jas.R.Hill’s residence or Long’s Sanato-rium will have prompt attention. )More Shopping Days Until Christmas. Come and select.your VICTROLA »-NOW, Then you'll will be sure to get it. Andrews Music Store. Everything Musical. 105 East Broad Street. FRESH GOODS. Cranberries Celery Oysters Kvaporated Prunes Evaporated Peaches Sherrill'&Reece, Phone 123,108 West Broad St YOUR WIFE LOOKS |at that old pine mantel all day—| couldn'tyearinandyearout.Yougiveapresentthatwould add morecheerto,the home than a'‘nice oak or |mahogany mantle with mirror,bought from *____..C.WATKINS._“WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7c.per pound,Light Brass 6c.per.p'FOR SALE: New and second hand’machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies.C,H.TURNER.||Iredell "Phone No,76,Bell ‘No."7. About those Christmas presents.Just a fewminutesinourstorewillsatisfactorilysolvethe.problem-for you.aE ae ;You'll find SOMETHING for EVERYBODY—man,woman or child.We have presents at allprices;you can suit your fancy and finances,Hadn’t you better come in RIGHT AWAY?The shopping days are slipping by and Christmas isjustaround.the corner.We’re ‘‘On the Square”. “On theOLKGRAYDRUGCO. n 3OOOHCHOCOOE 9 CHONOSOAOAOA POPC ~GET READY OR=CHRISTMAS! Buy one of our Victrolas.Please all thefamily.Nothing more elevating than good music.We bring the world’s great-est singers to your homes at stall cost. Victrolas and Victor Talking Machines,$15.00,$25.00, $40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100.00,$150.00. We have now on hand 500 of the latest and best Records. |Statesville Housefurnishing Co. |“Better Goods For Less.Money.” PHONE 157.a_ . The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.”==INSURANCE!2eeseasAsagreatmanypolicyholdersdonotseemtoknowthattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertainconditionsnamedin’thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.We deem it advisable tomentionsomeofthecausesunderwhichthesaméwillberenderedvalueless,viz::aaa or idle property for longer-than 80 days—apply toyouragentforpermit.,i2-—-Mechanics making additions to,or’extraordinary altera-tions in or on property—always get permits from agents,8—Property Upon ee there o &mortgage unless notice ofsameisgiven—apply ‘to your agen ;:4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death...6-—-Assignment,or transfer of propert to another.6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.7—The taking of other insurance without notice,8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit othertiessegronensil.bailed -a aPropertyencumberedbychattlemo:,Policyholders+should read lines to 80 of theprinted contract .of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor-tion.mee”ewH INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”§.Parkes Cadman is coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua!J.F.CARLTON,Manager,‘PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,‘NC! . v4? ned ae “HELP THK HOMETOWNBY TRADING WITH HOM f +i }£ ° , “a Sh * aom % 2 ‘Ay ‘y/ of ya ‘BETWEEN D % ~Jitney Transfer Company 7 Af rd’s Black-Draught, 4 Says Mrs.J. n trouble.; years ago a friend told me to tr ound it to.be theloryoungandold, pow.and when my children.,they ask me for a dose, ever tried.J ng Black-Draught.”’ je weak ‘stomachs,aid digestion,re-|indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,|Sick ‘stomach,and _similat| ¢" Padache,Symptoms, an a million people. |Constantly Supplied With t,Va.—"l suffered for several ;TUESDAY,Rem December 19,1916, i Ss hn + FOR:THE ‘GLAD HOLIDAYS.Ameena ied Mt.Pleasant,will’Many f Rt 'larrive Thursday to spend the holi- turers in Conference. turers are infinda:basis of agreement,with theaidoftheFederalTradesCommission, to relieve the newspaper|situation.There is an adequate tonnage of ov print paper in the United Statestomectallrequirements,according to Publishers and Paper Manufac- Newspaper publishers and manufac- Washington,trying to ‘Yuletide ~Events °at |days a he homie,Hara i;/r,.A.B.Troutman has entered aeyvilleaeSurrounding|oy icago sanatorium for treatmentountry—Farm Loan Asso-|for heart trouble ana high blood Wedding and Other Events,hima speedy recovery. Special Correspondence of The Landmark,,Miss Jette Brawley.returned Fri- ‘ciation —Federal Building—|pressure,’His many friends wish for : Mooresville,Dec.18 —-More than ward to next Ftiday evening and the Community Christmas tree;/and there’s going to be a great time and 1,600 children here are looking for-| {day from Asheville,accompanied .by |Mr.and Mrs,Frank Brawley,’Jr., |who will spend the holidays here.|Mr.J..P,Austin of Greensboro spent ;several days with friends here /last week,returning to Greensboro Sun- {B.Whittaker,o!»-with sick headache,and brd’s Black-Draught,which |did,st family medi- feep Black-Draught on hand all theela ‘ree}it]Was objected,to by the larger papersBthemmoregoodthananymedicine|Who refused to:yield anything,clainscouldrerhavealongspellofsick-our family,since we commenced ;ra ed are,Dean ae Petit prices and asking for prosecution of It has been in constant.use for more|ears,and has benefited more| a statement given out,following a con-ference of publishers’and manufac- mission.The statement declared there paper is.properly distributed,©An ja chance to get paper at living rates ing that’the .manufaciurers remedy the.situation. Meantime .some of the publishers Justice evidence of collusion to raise |the trust. R.F.Henry,the jeweler,is sellingforlessratherthanpaycestofmov-ing,—ad. Y druggist sell ’1 ing faithfully with this cantata for a!thy j ubstantial bpucongi’Bc Sy Msesets |DOLL CARRIAGES,ff mister't seas!amtwittamie GYayiae UH hawt peaqagtactlay.N.C.123 f |less be well rendered.The children of |amount of provisions and.supplies iit WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- BELK STORES FOR OUR OF- FICE AND WAITING ROOM, WHERE YOU CAN STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY Is NOTINSIGHT.9 SPECIAL ATTEN-TION GIVEN TO CALLS. ,ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10c, 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. ney Station We can supply your wants in Doll Carriages.Any- thing from 25c,to $8.00. Be sure to see.our large stock of toys of all kind. Allison’s Book Store. ‘TAX NOTICE i |I will be at the following places on ‘the |date mentioned below with the 1916 tax books for the purpose of collecting the 1916 taxes.Please meet me and settle your tax:Turnersburg township,at Harmony,Gaither turers with the.Federal Trade Com-}| 4s no reason for undue alarm,if the! effort to agree on a basis of distribu- tion,so as to give the smdiler papers are pressing on the Department of} a ther io,”nae Wl eT te goon otegin‘at.7 o’clock.The schoolchildren of Statesville.spent.bet andicalnyeeaeeeeeouhere,the guest of Miss Whitley Con- m :5 ~)nelly./i Brat varius chatty of sue town.|Miss Marid Cloaninger returnedlePigranotre-4 arge:go}Sunday from Dr,Long’s Sanatorium,aba,the achoht -Vinlinre aitbo |eeeeee recy,UnceEMERE 6,auc:‘ers of #ces 7 =cordially welcomed on this ceeasion.sera:Betas ae Se seer eeComeoutandlet.Mooresville Wish}.Not only?is Mooresville looking1058heeeat|forward to a new depot,but news:‘thenia |Societies of the High §Wal. ‘schod!depart-|Senator Overman introduced a bill‘ment will render a public programme Saturday providing for a postofficeThursday’evening,at 7.30 \\o’elock.|building here>Lei |This promises to be a very interest-,)“Mr’Stamey ing occasion,and the public is invited,{to come and be_entertained. |mission will be chargec. 2MorrowoftheNo,mill,who has been s:ck and unable’toNo.ad-|work for a number of weeks,was|1 |visited Saturday evening by,a num-|,On Christmas Day at 6.30 p.m./ber of his friends,togetiner With his|}the choir of St.Mark’s “Lutheran pastor,Reg.L.A.Falls.Now these|church will render a cantata,“The/folks didn’t only go to cheer Mr.|Greatest Gift.”The choir,directed Morrow and his family with mere|by Mr.Hugh Sloop,has been work-|words.They expressed their sympa- |the Sunday school will give a short |that were greatly appreciated.programmeat this time also.|.Miss Land Moore and Mr.JohnMissLouisaFricks,who for sev-Rogers,both of this city,were quiet-eral years has been employed by Mrs.|ly married Sunday evening at 5.30|Richards as governess,left last.week|o'clock at the Methodist parsonage,for New York,from which point she|by Rey.L.A.Falls.The ceremonywillsail’for her home in London.iwas witnessed by a few |Rev.L.A.Falls,the new Metho-|friends. |dist pastor here,has been pleasantly;The Health Moving Pictures.werejandpainlessly“pounded”by the;shown at Amity school Saturday af-jmembers of his congregation. |people expressed their good will and|ple were highly pteased with theLesteembygenerousdonationsforthe|show. |pantry:Mr.Falls has already made!Christmas exercises at Amity 'a fine impression here and will ear-|church Saturday evening at.6.30|ry on with success the wae so ably |o’clock. reanducted by the former pastor,Rev.eens|C.e Kirkpatrick.a ‘Moving Picture Health Car at|elcome vistors here last.wee ;eee |were Mr.and Mrs.John F,Harden |Linwood—Pleased the People.orrespondence of The Landmark. the’week-end/| jiterary |has reached us from Washington that} intimate|il The }ternoon to a packed house.The peo-|' EPOT AND SQUARE *|store,9 to 3 o'clock,Wednesday,Dec.20,1916.| &Parks’store,10 to %o'clock,Saturday,|John T.McNeely.Mr.Harden :isDec16,1816,we oe |well known in this section,havingintownship,a eisney eid’s store,|h-j i10to3o’clock,Monday,Dee.18,1916.ns here a number of times withBethanytownship,at Eidson’s store,horses and mules,o'clock a.m.,Tuesday,Dec.19,1916.,The members of the local Farm-Cool Spring township,at D.P.Sartin’s ers’Union,together with their fam-sae v *|Chambersburg township,at J.J.Lo:ilies,spent a pleasant day Thursday 9 to 12 DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 6-7-9,Second Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,Statesville,N.C..TELEPHONE ENGAGEMENTS,*Phone 197.Hours 8 to 6.SPECIAL,ATTENTION TO CHILDREN’STEETH.e |store,10 to 3 o'clock,Thursday,Dec.21,1916.|at the home of.Mr,Ben.Harris.ioearringer tow oe at P.A.Shin's store,|ap and delaras were features ofRorirnearaleeetaScecraneerRtnOstheoccasion.Seventy were present.orrnuptagrn,tawnehip,et,Troutman's,10 to 31"Mes,HR.Gibba and.Httle”son:|Davidson township,at Dr.Moore's store,10'Harvey,left:Thursday for ‘their |to 8 ocleck,Thursday,Dec.28,1916.jhome at Kaygee,Wyo.,after spend- ‘ing several thonths with relatives| Coddle Creek township,at Carolina Motor «pp j here and at Amity.Mrs.Gibbs was M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff.fees Miss Lucile Morcow.‘hid re }Co.,Friday and Saturday,Dec.29 and 30,1916. j{(iDee.8.|a daughter of Mrs.G.M.Morrow ,of date and expert on all Tire andTubework, :We can.assure you that any worklefthereforattentionwillbe-handled promptly. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court Street. ARNER &BROWN, Hides and Junk Dealers —WE BU Y— Hides, Good Tallow,Beeswax, Auto Tires,Light Brass,Heavy Brass,Light Copper,Copper Wire,Lead,Zine, All kinds of scrap Iron. ‘Highest Prices Paid. |.this city.5:{|The M.H,S._basketball team _is.We wish to announce to our ||'still marching cn to victory.In thefriendsandpatronsthatwe.have i |wame with Denver Friday ‘eveningsecuredtheeservicesofMr.T.E.||'the score was 28 to 7 in favor ofBarefoot,from one of the “best |Mooresville.shops in the South.He is up-to-|My.BE.L.Cornelius has ‘arrived |from Georgia to spend the holidays {with his family here.Miss Jessie Lee |Cornelius of High Point is visiting jher parents,Mr.and Mrs.E.L.Cor- ff m™ fi\Piha aN |nelius.iz|.He .RD )|The school at Coddle Creek:willathon,vf ia ff ;close for the holidays,with appro-|\Hd alas priate Christmas (exercises,Friday |/evening at 7.30 o’clock.Rev.R.C. ||Davidson of Mooresville will proba- t {bly deliver thé address.This school, | |_FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER —under the efficient management ofma...,|Prof.Giles Edgar Kindley and Miss‘Everything that your grocery list.)4 na Wallace,is enjoying a mostcallsforcan_be found in this holiday panneee ti]tern 2 ae stock of staples and delicacies.The |~rine Brawley school,taught byjqualityandvarietywerenever80qicsMerleShcafofMooresville,will EERO As Pho 3 91 121 jalso render a Christmas programme ee mute “an ..lon Friday evening.Dr.Arbuckle of 8 |Davids i i s\Maller -MeLain Supply (o.eae be present and make ee ae Mr.C.E.Cornelius,the popular and jolly traveling salesman,is with |his family here for the holidays.Mr. |Cornelius says he’s sick and declares that the doctor says so,too,but you’d |Ellis Photograph Gallery Broad Street,will be re-:‘t jnever think it to look at him.}opened about,the ISth.|Rev.L.U.Weston of the first Wek LLIS.|Baptist church returned Friday from|MRS.T. | [= 1 Dec.if ja visit to Danbury and held his usu-Coed :‘al services Sunday morning.The ser- eT eee SM ev cue were cons aere ‘1 by Mr.William Holcombe,a candi-CEILING AND FLOORING ince ah me ee mE iSold by C.Watkins is |N e old C.C.Deaton property,near Properly Kiln Dried and Mr.J.Will Deaton from Mr.W.H, ivaluable property,.including a house All.Sizes D-4-S and Framing. C.WATKINS,’Phone 438 W.D.HARRIS118CourtStreet. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.__Inspirators,‘Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and Guns*repaired and Keys fit-ted.In fact anything“sinrepairline.e Phone 209. Prepare For Winter. Let us go over “your plumbing and heating plant and put it in shape for the long winter months, ‘Anything in the plumbing or steam line. 'Let us put you in a closet that ‘WILL NOT FREEZE! ‘PhongStarpervennts.2 M BNDAY.Meo kadkbusdmber, } |be NV Cit AG MEA SRE o.2 mill,has been purchased by ‘Wont open |Woods of Lexington.This is quite a C.WATKINS. |i| ' ‘and three building tors. Friends here have received invita- jtions to the marriage of Miss Lena;Coleman and Dr.Charles Wilson _Harper,at Augusta,Ga.,December \19th.Miss Coleman formerly lived ‘in Mooresville.Capt.and Mrs.J. |W.Murdock and_probably others ‘from this city,will attend the Mur- 'dock-McNeely wedding at Troutman |Wednesday evening.,|Mrs,Ollie Kimmons had as_her |guests the past week Mrs.W.C. |Warren and Mrs.A.W.Campbell of |Asheville.Miss Florrie Beard of |Charlotte visited Mrs.W.S.Flowers [last week.~4 A number of those interested in ‘the organization ef a local Farm Loan} |Association met in the chamber,of lcommerce rooms Saturday after-jnoon to discuss’the matter in detail, ;A number of our prominent citizens lare enthusiastically supporting this) organization and will no doubt see ‘it through.'Gabriel and..Jo. Dr.S.W:Hoffrrann. Osteopathic Physician. if Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.80 p. 'f m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap- if pointment.Anderson Bidg.,113 |W.Broad St.Office "phone 324. Residence ’phone 279—green. }of Boone,the guests of Mr.andMrs. Aj “birthday.which was a com |Mooresville.Dec.16 —TheingPictureHealthCarfilledits {appointment in the county at Lin- |wood Friday afternoon.Despite.the jinclement weather,the attendance |Was splendid.Every available seat jin the school house was taken,and ‘some had _only standing room.The vrogramme,which lasted two hours, |was both entertaining and_instruc- 'tive,'and favorable ~eomment was ‘heard.on every side.Five reels of ;nietures were shown,some of which iwere on health topics,while others |represented beautiful .scenery or |were of a comical nature.Instead of‘being shown the usual Western or shown were of places in our.own State.There were typical scenes from Hickory,Lenoir,Blowing Rock and other places.‘To many of the children who have never been in our worth more than any lesson in geog- raphy,and the health pictures taught text.book.To vary the programme still more,a number of comic tures were.shown and a musical pro- gramme was rendered. It is though that the county-educa- tional authorities.have been very wise to secure thé car at this time, following,as it does,Dr.Jordan's.re- cent visit of inspection .to the schools.The State Board of Health That| Northern scenes,the travel pictures|; mountain section,these pictures were}— sanitation more effectively than any) pic-|, rity in gettingupthis outfit,complete in every respect,to carry the gospel! eitizens,and Iredell is fortunate to be among the first of the counties to, take advantage of it. Money Hoarded.in Her,Home. Greengboro Record.| Several days ago Mrs.Narcissus Summers was found dead in her bed in her home a few miles enst of the city.She had acéumulated,during her lifetime,enough to.buy a neal little farm and as far as was knowr this was her only worldly possessionHowever,she did have the reputation in her neighborhood—she was hardly known beyond these limits—of being a quiet,e&sy-going person and did not disclose her.personal affairs to out- siders,and there was no one else liv- ing in the house at the time of her death,consequently nothing was known of her affairs. A party of men from this city,onc of whom was acquainted with the de- eeased,took the matter in charge and went out to the house to look theFlaceoverand,if possivle,locate a} will,And it was during these formal.|, fties that nearly $2.000 in cash was} revealed.The first find was in a clos- et—about $600-in greenbacks of every!description.The second.was gold| in a secret drawer in an old deskTherewasabout$700 of this.And; in different places over the house. there was found five or six hundred doliars in silver.1 -*|Mr.Dearman’s Birthday. Correspondence of The Landmark Several friends and relatives gath-| ered at the home of Mr.H.W.Dear-; man,on the Wilkesboro road,*Friday,|November 15th,to celebrate his 83d/plete sur-|:\ prise to him.| At 12.30 a bountiful table was set, COUGHS,COLDS,ETC. Price 25c.,50c.and $1, For sale by all Dealers. |Misses Marie { |Johnston,who /are.teaching at,May-| ihew,spent Saturday wjth Miss Leo-| ina-Robison.Miss Ila Lee Munday! (of Cornelius spent the week-end with)!|Miss Lena Howard. A number of the boys and girls}'|Work on Short Notice. |iwill be home for the holidays’this} }4 ‘‘f{)week froyn the various schools andj «Roofing and Sheet Metal work |colleges,Myong them being Miss |Mareueri Brawley,from ‘Greens:| |hero Nofmal;Miss Carey Troutman,| ifrom Greensboro College for Women;|'Misses Louis and Beatrice Hall and}|Euniee Sloop,from Flora McDonald|1 College,and Messrs.Sam,Neal and){Eugene Cornelius from:A.and.M|Mr.Emmet Morrow of Amity will _al-' We can do your work We carry stock to take care of any ‘job ‘at all times,‘ our line. on short notice. ‘Stock of Tobacco Flues ready STATESVILLE TIN CO. ei ‘a fe ha "Ph 66,114 E.Broad Street,. a |Drives Out The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,|ahovers TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out Malarin,enrichesthé tlood,and builds upthe sys-adults and children.50c. ‘so axziye from,d,and Me.Miss ;Lo-.|yondl Wal ‘ok $0 Heuty of Mont:¢hat have..made-“more:”wiosotmanmttitoRON|)dem mnneeiteet T8 Malaria,BuildsUp System '.To Cure a Cold in One ay.; Dsugatet serand and the dinner was ‘greatly enjoyed|by all.Mr.C.A.Dearman could not bé?T present but he remembered his fath-|‘er by sending him a nice present, Mr.Dearman and his daughter, Miss Nola Dearman,live alone,and | it is a pléasure to know that .Mr.! Dearman was remembered.)We Wish | for him many more happy birthdays.| He enjoyéd this one to the fullest.| {| Fine Town and County.| Hickory Record. There is_no better town anywhere than Statesville,and when one drives! over Iredell:county roads he is sure}there a4 [few idauntiebi fo)ithe.Stiite)wey| Tike LAXATIVE BROMO Qujnine,It stops the |Cough and Headache and works off the Cold.money {ff it fails to ¢5 signature om each box,’ rfeee, of good health to the remotest of its|]_ nee ityWH /”// Forks andj Spoons,Pocket Knives, Scissors,Razors,Razor Straps,Per- colators,Nickel Tea Kettles,Coffee Pots,Aluminum Ware, od Any of the above goods and many other things not mentioned will make useful.gifts ‘for father,mother, brother,sister,sweetheart or friend.::i Don’t be a ‘‘tight wad”.Make some-. body glad at Christmas time.an ee pat Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co;je BT Are you having the usual trouble to de- cide what you want to give your friends on this happy Holiday occasion?Come_to us and let,us help you out of the §,trouble;What would.be ‘nicer than.a hwniceUmbrella,Traveling Bag,Hat,Fancy»‘=Vest,Bath Robe,Muffler;Neckties,Gom-*?*bination Sets,.Gloves,Silk Initial or |”Linen Handkerchiefs?And one of our,up-to-date Suits or Overcoats.would be,—.;,. great,4 Bike ed aKindlycallandletushelpyou.With all »‘six, good wishes.Wp HOB Bhs ; PORCREORORORORRLEOP CRORCRCECRPCLIILRELITIRO is to’be congratulated on its original-|- A Library Suit wou .; Our buyer has just returned from High Point::: where he bought a real bargain.in Library Suits... nd Odd Chairs.We can save you at least 25s Gak,Early English and Fumed Oak..Be Three pieces to each Suit. 6 .as ‘::sti opSeeing.s believing,so come in and look them negoverforyourselfandbeyourownjudge.crane Chris'mas Goods for the. Little Folks. Doll Beds,Doll ‘Gos Carts and Small Chairs’ ®and Rockers..,.0 sa... :Ee aj te Ee Remember we give away FREE on the 23rd,the: Little Favorite RANGE...-_----Weeckolor re Hou4et Store,’wetht Williams.Furnitu ii-P heKavorite \%7 ¥ 4 rN 4 & breytrnomaeamsinenedinceen ee %eee rte THE IMMIGRATION ~BILL: Passed and Veto Expected—May Get Over Veto. The immigration bill,with the lit-eracy test attached,passed the Sen-ate Fridav by the overwhelming vote60of64to7.It is now in the hands ofaconférencecommitteeoftheSen-ate and House for.finat revision.On-ly slight changes in its phraseoloryareexpectdbeforeitissenttothePresident.Members of Congress areexpecingthatMr.Wilson will vetoit,but the vote by which it was ap- vroved has given those in charge ofthevicorcaeneethatitmefoda.;:ita.|Pass y the necessary two-thirdstfeadingadspiritualmeditaandwillbecomealawinspiteofthe|The suggestion was received|president's opposition.h more or less ridicule.It-is dis-||One amendment was adoptedbe- recalled that Dr.Johnston of yore me final vote wae abe.geal::{fvin e provision excluding:“thoseby.and Children was somewhat 0"teach or advocate the destruc-‘in his remarks,intimating tion of property by exempting suchoFlessdirectlyandwithhis!destruction of property”as might oc-al.candor,that The Landmark ed-|cur in the course of a war,revolu-fare ;tion,or political insurrection.a yc -his Sen Senator Phelan of California madeell,The Landmark isn’t claim-}a final attempt'to get an anti-Japan-ig ‘vindication,but it is calling the|ese restrickne into ve bill ee mere:che -tion |ing reconsideration of his amendmeniOetheBoofersitotheaction|srohibiting the entrance of»“picture of Christ in America,:brides”—Japanese women importedinsessionatbymenherewhopatbenethrough ‘Louis,who recommend the five-:.amarriage ceremony with their pros--roposition practically in line|Dective brides photograths,thus com-1?‘.|Dlying with the provision ‘of the Ja-wit The Landmark's suggestion|panese agreement which admits theyearsago.The recommenda-'wives of ch parr a ees here.The+i i i .pattempt was defeated.gfijs.printed in this paper.The men|®.posing that Council are eminent As passed the bill contains the:Z amendment decided uvon by the Sen-urebmen,representing practically!ste committee excluding Asiatic im-'the ,Protestant.Churches in|migration by geographical limitation ‘Babbath for church attendance, FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. f Matters,*Blizabeth Mims,11 years old,wasrunoverbyanautomobileandkilledonthestreets.of Cofumbia,'S.C,Sunday.A brother of the girl wasinjured.The car was Adjutant Gen-eral John D.Frost’s, ’Announcement is made in Baltimoreoftheestablishment,next spring,of asteamerlinebetweenBaltimo:andpointsinNorthCarolina.The routewillbebythewayofNorfclkandtheDismalSwampcandl,with |NewBerne,N.C,,as the terminus. Mr.and Mrs.John P.Becker,85and83yearsold,resfectively,werefoundmurderedSunaayattheirhomenearMasonCity,Illinois.The couple had been ‘shot,to death and_their home riddled with bullets.Robberybelievedtohavebeenthemotive. 'The Governors’Conference—com- tates and.organized when Col.Roosevelt was President,at his in- stence—iwas in session in Washing-ton last week.The next meeting will be held at Salt Lake:City,Utah. {tems‘ofInterest About Various} osed of the Governors of the various j Mrs.Oscar E.Hartley of Jackson-ville,Fla,,and her four-year-old son were drowned and six other persons were bruised,Sunday,when:an auto-mobile plunged through an opendrawatAmeliariver,between Jack- sonville and Fernandina,an q20feettothewater. _After exhaustive tests mice and guinea pigs,the dium asa cure for cancerhasbeenfound:to be a f&itGre,gc-| cording to,the annual reporg€'of r.|Francis Carter Woods,hea %the- erica.Dr.Johnson maythink!Within certain lines of latitude and»:ilongitude,which expressly excepts|yy,are foolish,too,but The Land-|Japan from the provisions of the bill.|is taking some comfort in hav-|This amendment conforms with a re-‘ing.such company in its position.quest of the Japanese embassy that!“There is a general demand in the /"0thing be inserted which might sug- Crocker Cancer Research Fund ofColumbiaUniversity,New York. With a holiday recess planned-to begin next Saturday and extend until January 2,congressional Ieaders do tifestrial world for shorter hours of|gest a failure on the part of Japan:°.to live up to its “gentlemen’s agree-labor.The demand is being recog-!ment”to prevent Japanese coolies| not hope to accomplish anything be- fore adjournment except.the passageofafewappropriationbillsinthe |shire,the regular Sudden Death —of \German, enly Saturday wh lectur-:died sud RadcliffBagDeesreBeheate e,Cambridge,Mass...ee OL Munsterbare was born in Danzig,Germany,in 1863,and afterdistinguishedworkasaneducatorinGermany,came to Harvard in 1892asprofessorofpsychology.In 1910hereturnedtoGermanyasHarvardexchangeprofessorattheUniversiofBerlin.Next year he organiandbecametheheadof’the AmerikainstituteoftheGermangovernment,At the expiration of his term as.ex-change work at Harvard,he was!made president of the AmericanPsychological.Association in:1898,At the time of his death he was pres-.ident of the Boston German Associa.tion.For 20 years Prof.Munsterberg had written extensively on philosoph-ical,psychological and scientific sub- ects. His wife;-also a native of Germany, survives,«” Divided on President Pro.Tem, ‘Senator La Follette cf Wisconsin caused the first split since the elec- tion between the conservative andprogressivefactionsoftheRepubli- can party in the Senate by nominat-ing Senator Clapp of Minnesota as president pro tempore in oppositiontoSenatorGallingerofNewHamp- Republican.nomi-Senator Saulsbury of DelawaretheDemocratic nee. was nominated by majority.Mr.Clapp,who was absent fromthe-chamber at the time,receivedfivevotes,those of Senators Borah of Idaho,Cummins and Kenyon ofTowa,La Follette of Wisconsin,andNorrisof.Nebraska.Senator Sauls-bury was elected with a plurality of 18 yotes over Senator Gallinger,whoreceived24. Good For Constipation.—Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent.for con- .Scholar.y i |Hugo Munsterberg,professor ofjf —Paychology of Harvard.iversity,| When you want what you want when you want it,we’re prepared - )for.the rush. Lotsof new novelties.— for this week and ex- perienced salespeoplenizedasoneentitledtoconsidera-|from emigrating to Continental Unit-|House,and possibly the dispositiontion,but every concession has to be |¢d States.::...|@f the Sheppard prohibition bill forOughtfor,and there is much con-|peTesident Wilson vetoed a similar|the District of Columbia in the Senate tention between employers and em- and gentle in efftct.Obtainable everywhere. |bill when it came before-him early in :.his term of offiee,because it contain-|_Beron R.B.Cho eeehaecb.‘,‘si ts |?eran 4 i ia aSe:mes re also among oe Tate aad Clever ale ee ican line steamship Noordam,said towrehpeopleseriousconcernabout:lar bills.;be a member of a wealthy family of CSundayobservance.More and more NN |bankers with offices in London and;|.the:observance of the day as Chureh|a State Purchasing |Paris,was prevented from landing |os ;Brbple contend it should be observed,|Agent.PREG)Eucriee e iy a fowdava tilig’.passing.The workers contend Raleigh Letter to Greensboro News.|steamship arrived in New York Sun.On y a few days titliataftersixdays’labor it is a_Christmas,and notphenoughCakes.Why Members of the legislative auditing|day.Ysical necessity to usea part at/Committee,notably Harry P.Grier)Eleven survivors of the Spanish worry?We_have ..‘em,from one pound :‘and Capt.Jo.Laughinghouse,are steamship Pio IX,wrecked in a stormoeftofSundayforrecreation—for |strongly urging some sort of a State and stink several hundred miles off }easure;that they have no other purchasing agency,wen Gey i the Canary Islands om December 8.time,-While the Church people de-'the State institutions sadly need._|arrived at New York Sunday on the °*‘plore this,some of them at least Capt.Laughinghouse championed |steamship Buenos Aires.Eleven oth-|tofive,Fine Fruit.Cake and cheaperthanyoucanbuytheingredientsthat 1s in them. boa auize the justice of the claim of such a measure two years ago and ;ers were reported to have been s:.ved! See us for your at has won converts since.He has been by a French transport.Forty of the/4,ic”workers;and generally speaking,superintendent of the State prison crew,including the captain,wereStndayobservancein Christmas Groceries we Can save you stipation.They are pleasant to take and mild to Serve you quickly and efficiently.| Favor v Open Evenings.~ the religious and there saw the need of it.Mr.|drowned: use is fast passing.‘It has already rier declared that more than $100.-!=1 Be ;s 000 could be saved the State annual-}passed ‘in the.greater portion of the |ly if it had a business head with pow-{We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward forGoiintry.“A:pts to,enforce Sun-/er to buy what the State needs and |Hale that cannot be cured byday:obseryance laws.are generally as it peeds it..\Hall’s Catarrh Cure has been taken by Ca--fruitless on account of -the divided|The very thing that often causes’ Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.The Store That Pays the Postage on Mail Orders.tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,| péntiment.“Would not theRideral.Councilhtistin.America tend to solve bothRfobleni#the shorter working dayandSatbathobservance?ets had ‘one whole day for recreation,|.fet test and pleasure,there wouldtig=be-8o’'much concern for shorteroeandtheChurchpeoplecouldwithmorereasoncemandtherelig-igus observance of the Lord’s Day.7‘It Would take time of course to ad-Jost the industrial world to five days_-!fweek—but it could be-done. “When Virginia embraced prohibi-tiba it went all aboiit the way.Men-tion been made ‘of the law which*prohitiits drinking in public or offer-ing liquor to another.Now it fallsoutthattheprivilegeofhavingawartofliquorshippedinoccasional-2 ¥to rélieve the drought,is confined- householders—to married men liv-ig,With their families or to unmar-Hed men who live in the homes oftheirpatents.Liquor can’t be ship-Ped tobbarding houses,hotels,clubs,ete.,and ‘thus the occupants of theseplaces;married or singie,are barred.Ordinarily this would increase matri--Mony and the establishment of homes~in Virginia,but that would not solvetheproblemineveryinstance.Not@verymarriedmancandoashePleasesinhisownnome.In fact,few of them can, ~The.Charlotte —Observer‘have the “sincere sympathy of theirnéwspaper‘brethren in the disasterwhichovertookthemastheresultof If work-|State institutions,but there 0]the declared public sentiment was forafireSaturdaymorning.Notwith-|Teturning it. people|lina bonds while a~member.of the Standing -the fire /Awrecked the me-| the paper,through the courtesy oftheNewsandtheotherCharlotte|YTK brokers in getting South Da-priting estabiishments,appeared asusualSundaymorningandinveryféixshape,No matver what happens08newspaper,it must manage insomewaytokeepgoing. ‘The’mayor of Charlotte wants passes,even if Cuba is held to be aStateaidtobuildanarmoryfortheCourtwitharighttosueasovereignCon-,|State,then:Charlotte military companies,‘sidering the demands on the State -.stitutions,reformatories,etc.,‘Carolina is.Hardly in positionginbuildingarmoriesformilitaryCompanies,especially in view of thefact 01 ato reports from_Copei-»dhe-.people -of Denmark,byert Stati wei agréed to the salehnianIslandsto;Some time ago anofourgovernmenttobuy aeis was held up by objections |ba and got through some deal|to help collect those bonds.The pur-|dose of my bili is stmply to prohibit [ici the job is done at the Carolina |chanical department of the Observer,|terest, :Y the bonds.”"for the educational and charitable in-|- North | to be-|arhe unspeakable Villa is now |Ment,according to reports from ,E'7 |Paso,s,¢i oshateverymilitarycorapany:ta!80,Texas,that he will refrain from state would have tie same right |aid as the Churtotte compa-|the United States will not interfere pee from ‘using your Car,then isi thei a merchant to break is a thing that It is a form of ex-! travagance.I never have believed! that there is any graft about the! is thewasteofoverbuyinrandunintelli-vent buying often. and has become|known as the most ee|a good government in a State cannot [emedy for Catarrh.suggestion of the avoid,”Mr.Grier said.“OverbuyineofChurchesof85meantbankruptcyforthousands.i|of good men. expelling the Poison from for a ment in your general health.Hall's Catarrh Cure’at once and get ricAtarrh, I do not know}- Hall's Catarrh Cure actshroughtheBloodontheMucoussurfaces,the Blood and heal-|| Hall’s Catarrh Cure|short time you will see a great improve-|Start taking| of|Send for testimonials,free.|F.J.CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,Ohio.| money. BROOKSHER CASHGROCERY, The House of Better Values. ng the diseased portions. After you have taken -~Senerepee Sold by all Druggists,75c. what is the best measure in detail, but something is needed.” Captain Laughinghouse thinks even more could be saved.This has beenahobbyofhis.He advocated it while prison supermtendent 1915 General Assembly there was a|}good deal of sentiment for Capt.Jo.,|>who has all the money that any one/f man needs and doesn’t want anythingfromtheStateexceptabillofthis 5character.He believes it would mean|fhundredsofthousandsinonesingle|gubernatorial term. May RequireCuba to Show'sGoodFaith.A bill introduced in the House of|Y last week,if passed in|time,is expected to cause Cuba con-|8% Congress siderable trouble in sustaining her frequestbeforetheSupremeCourttosueNorthCarolinaforover$2,000,-i000ofcarpetbagbonds.The meas-rurewouldrequireCubatoproveshe|%came into possession of the bonds ingoodfaith.It was intréduced-byRepresentativeCharlesH.Dillon ofSouthDakota,and was referred tothejudiciarycommittee,ofRepresentativeWebbischairman.|’An effort will be made to secure its and |$therefore had a big State job.In the S which|§ 2 GyGORCECECRCRORORCRORO!CEC ECR) Peace Te —That’s what we offer you. _You can go about your work in the daytime—-}-you can leave your place of business when the day’sworkisover—you can lie down at night IN PEACE,knowing that your LIFE,your HEALTH and.youroeareinsuredinthe C8 STRONGEST,MOSTIABLEandECONOMICALcompaniesintheworld,where we handle yourpolicies..You can’t have too much insurance of the rightkindforyourownpeaceofmindandthegeneralpro-tection of yourself and family,_We're always glad to consult with you aboutinsurance,whether you take outa policy or not.Drop in any time.STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, W. Passage before the Cuba case comes up in the United -States SupremeCourtJanuary8.Representative Dillon ’says he be-|came interested in the North Caro-| Senate of,South Dakota.He led a|fight to return money collected from |North Carolina,.but failed,although | I He was born in Indiana|but his grandfather lived in North/|Carolina and that gave him added in- Referring to the action of the New kota to accept the bonds,he said:“Evidently now they’ve gone to Cu- there States going on the curb buying thisold,dishonored paper that’s ‘hawk-ed’about on the market.If this bill show the possessed Cuba,mustgoodfaithbywhichshe Villa Would Make Terms. fro-}{Posing ‘to the United States govern- further destruction of foreign life andpropertyinMexicoonconditionthat anywhere with his campaign againsttheCarranzagovernment.Washington announces that it willentertainnopropositionsfromVilla. WHEN BAD WEATHER.KEEPS Bt time to have it.overhauled.And Christmas.“Stationery! Will Please You and Your Friends. May We Show You? HUYLER’S CANDY,CIGARS, TOILET ARTICLES.HALL’S DRUG STORE, Statesville,N.C. \ IT WOULD BE HARD 10 GIVE A present that would'be more pleasing to thewife,daughter,sister or best-girl than adaintyGruenWristWatch. We have them from $15.00 to $35.00. -Won’t you come and let us show you.R.H.RICKERT-&SON.A UEWELERS.©7 1ST STH$Mr j. +.& iBegoF Bon Meena Motor Sopipany it is done in a work-mani anner.—ad, “a. GREETINGS With the Christmas Season at hand we stop shop talk long enough to wish each one a Merry Christmas.May each anticipatedjoybefulfilledtotheutmost.May thewarstopforeverandthensome!In the words of our good old brother in his usual Sunday night prayer,“May it be well with us all whether we live long or die soon”, Iredell Hardware Co. FOR CHRISTMAS! -“Ehe Store That Al A Royal Easy Chair For Father. “Push the Button-and Rest” Royal (syGairs Equipped with foot rest and.reclining back.‘After the,|day’s work relax and rest ina Royal Easy Push But-:|tom Chai heChair.PRICE $16.00.2...Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.E NO.400,:iu!nsat Always “Welcoitiés’ue ea READ WHAT STATESVILLE B .4 STATESVILLELodgeNo,487.A.,.&A.M,meetstonigatat8:00|“90 clockin MasonicHall=All mem. ate to be present and brethren cordially in vit- PASSING THRONG 1 Mention.of People andheirMovements, Ellen Morrison ‘leaves ‘tomor-*Okolona,{Miss.,to.visit her.Harvey Lee Morrison. Minnie Morrison of the Salem »faculty will arrive tomorrow d the holidays with Miss Mattie THE HOLIDAY WEDDINGS. at Aen of Yuletide Nuptials —Social Events.Mr.Troy W.Holder and,Miss Nancy .|d.Owens of south Tredell were mar- ried yesterday morning in Justice La-zenby’s office at the court house,Jus- tige Lazenby officiating. Mr.Henry Wade Watt and MissHenriettaGibsonweremarriedThurs-day afternoon at the home of the offi-ciating wninis ter,Rey,.D..H.Rhine-hard,Thé same afternoon Miss.Ruth M.‘ei was.married to Mr:Roy Lee Mocky,stice W.J.Lazenby perform-ing the ceremony in the office of theregisterofdeeds.& Miss Louise Finley,daughter of Mr and Mrs.J.E.Fialey of North Witkos- ‘liems of Whllace,Duplin county,were married in the First Presbyterian]. church.at North Wilkesboro at 12.45 Thursday,Rev,C.W.Robinson offi- ciating.Mr.Williams is a brother of Rev.R.Murphy Williams,a well known Presbyterian ministerf of Greensboro,who was:best man af?the wedding. Miss Leah Stephany of Statesville was a bridesmaid at the:wedding of Miss Sadie Downum and Mr,Charles Price Postelle,which was celebrated Message From An Invalid’s Sick boro,and-Mr.Patriek Murphy Wil-|¢ Chila’s Gingham Dress. Room.|.“Here'sa‘child’s dress I found ona{the street,”said a bright’and gen-Darreqpnndence of:The.Landmark tlemanly little boy who:called at TheInasmuchasChristmasisnear&t)Tandmark office thé other*day,“and hand,I wish to tender thanks to all)7 want to leave it here.Maybe.theourgoodneighborsintownwhohave}owner ‘will call for it.If nobodytreatedasso,kindly jn our Cian ¢alls for i IWant some poor child toSinceFebruary1stIhavebeensickhaveit,”Re said.and since the Baek Of June.I-havel.’The Landmark has a dress for heen confined.to.my bed and myjsome child and under the cireum-room with-a crippled limb.During]stances it is giving this free adver-all this time our rood town neigh-|tisement.If the owner doesn’t callhorshavesympathizedwithusand>for the dress it:will be turned overhe'ped ‘us in reat kindness.Mayyto the Associated Charities for sometheyhegreatlyblessed.i !child who needs it,as the finder re-Some of our former neighbors in quested,the county may not’have learned ‘That little boy set a fine examplethatIhavelosttheuseof:my-limb to some folks.Some of.them who! that was wounded in the Civil War.find things want to keep the find un-|T cannct walk but I can move about less there is a réward.They seem} the house in an invalid’s chair,Sinc®to think that what.they,find is theirs|winter weather set in a place at the,unless they’re paid to give it up.fire-side feels more comfortable than’s:|vit doors.I do not.suffer ‘rreatly the Quinine That Does Not Affect The Headvithnositivepain,but loneliness is Bra ischats atisuni is beucesien Sedtmnymygreatest‘trouble.I wish to ex-Quinine,and does not cause nervousness nortendacordialinvitationtoallour,sgingin head.Remember the full name andneighborsandacquaintancesin.the /4%fF the signatureofI.W.GROVE,?°= country to call to see me,bringing a}word of pood cheer with them,I can New,.York was visited by a heavy ,littl q snow storm last week and’the weatherdonothingbutwritealittleandvo.severe along the coast,.withreadagooddeal.A good deal of my.come damage to shippingtimeisspentonmybedinthesweet,pping.|hour of prayer for my_kindred,'Piles ‘Cured in 6 to 14 Days friends and all people.I often won-."your druggist.will refund money if PAZOderhowmanyreceiveblessingsin’OINTMENT fails to cure anycase of Itching, would advise'yo , now to turn ovenewleafar If you banked your spare change all last year ‘yorB.ancwe ars %hey Blind,Bleeding or ProtrudingPilesin6t014days,answer to prayers a those theyfeeepomsleavestomorrow]in the First Methodist church of Le-|know not.The Ore,Spplication gives Hase and Rest.5c. xtended visit to Holly Springs|noir at noon Thursday.The bride isa}As Christmas draws near let mé;:‘(ADVERTISEMENTS in thi Yi 10 teWaterValley,Miss.,and Mem-|daughter of Rev.and Mrs.J.M.Dow-|teg young men and’boys to be ex*ff per line,Ne Pit aha tari lana,thanr44 menn.BURY corner residents ee Sua eerie.tremely a SAE embling|cents.Cash must secompany order.) C.E.Orr andthree ‘children;and the groom is a son of Rev.J.C.jand fireworks and join tremblingfi*‘LOST—Pair Nose Glasses.~Silvered case with‘a few days.with Mrs.Orr’s|Postelle.The fathers of the bride and|with your mirth.shcattle it is Ree!eer Baer ANDERSON.Dee.19-1t* her,Mr.R.A.Cooper,and other|&09m officiated at the marriage,|a military affair at all,but a memo-:which o od the 30h |rial of the birth of our Lord and Sa:For SALE—Pigs,.Shoats and Pork Hogs.tives here,leaving yesterday for So pet eee Ee anniversary f "Phone 915R.©.A.DULIN,Dec.19—£t*,Pome ae Brevart.The had of the marriageof thé bride’s mother|viour Jesus Christ,who came from,bane.OL» h visiti lati G :and the seventh anniversary of the heeven and gave His life to save lost FRO RENT—Two or three desirable office‘vis ing relatives in Greensboro marriage of her sister,Mrs.Arthur!men from their sins,that He might}“rooms by January1,N.B.MILLS.pollector Watts returned yesterday G.Foard.Mrs.Foard,'who is a|bring them back to God and toglory.|Dec.19-—-2t*.h Washington,where he spent 2)dauchter-in-law of Mr.and Mrs.Geo |May your Christmas be a happy one!)waNrED—To borrow $3,000,First Real Es- Pay :E.E.PRESSLY.tate mortgage,P.care The Landmark.Ss.M.Foard of Statesville,was dame of -W.Front street.Dec.15—8t.88 avy Bettie Feild spent,from honor,and Mrs.W.J.Fraley of Salis-|Statesville,411 ront street.. rday until yesterday with friends)bury,danghte r of Mrvand Mrs.Geo \FOR SALE—Two-horse wagon and a Coal are now enjoying a Happy New Year.If you didn’oo it won’t do any good*to talk about it---there’s no use “crying over spilt milk.”ae But you don’t have to make the samemistake , |you did last year,Start a Bank Account Now--- RIGHT NOW.Add to it every cent you can.‘Sooner | than you think,you'll be “A man with money.” PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits."'; arlotte.~.|M.Foard,was the organist,Mr.and]correspondor ottiee eee Fini as howe ea eres|PHE FIRST NATION ALB AN .H.0.Steele and ‘children have|Mrs.Postello will mske their home FOR RENT—Twofurnishedrooms,block from fir.W.A.Thomas returned Friday peal for the orphans at Oxford is WANTED—To bay your “fat.reall calvin:Will Franklin county.Miss Carrie Hoffmann Priday.|forward the fund this week and thoge|hogs,weighing 200)Ibs.each,fat sheep and,Make their }opened with the roll call,which was!WEBB.vlished 15 ye =Write for catalogue. "months.is spending the holidays with Steele rexd Sioddard’s lecture on Els-)ormespandrnes of,Vie Tandmark ESTATE ss ;The cheerful response of the “gen-ee ,Ee Sh De a DSBaeYoeongham,Ala.,to spend}at Atlantic Beach,Fla.Rios aeople of Gtateavillesa the ap:ene 184 E.Sharpe stree on ee Statesville,N.C. yas Wh FOMAUL Ces Reported for The Landina rk.2 L I acy | »week’s |visit to relatives in The Exftre Nous club met with greatly appreciated.It is desired to pay~highest market price.Also two fat;—© *r a};3 lambs.F.T.BURKE.Dec.15.|Shakespeare’s Hamlet was the sub-|Who have not paid will kindly hand)_°_ies Achevilte tor the Chvistmas bot iject for the afternoon.The meeting}same to J.H.HOFFMANN or W,E |GREENSEORO ‘RUSINESSCOLLEGE Estab-/ Me J.W.Ward,iho has been’liv.pie aero le cer oie A.cy Entertainment at Troutman,|Holidays Happy .Pin sat Monrae,Ga.,for several|#PSt a "S.0 f eas |® c |more and Kronbery;Mrs.Ross Mc-|,,On Friday night,December 22d,at MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL with our his family here.|Elwee gave the sy:mopsis.of Hamlet,the Troutman High School buildingNoticesofNewAdvertisements|‘from Lamb’s Tales of Shakespeare,|there will be an oyster supper under land the first act of the play was|Pigs and pork hogs for sale.—C.A.|Dulin,‘phone 915R. Desirable office rooms for rent.—N..B.Mills. ortgage sale of real estate.—R.Lee Wright,Salisbury.Nose glasses lost.—Dr.T.E.An-dergon. Reduced prices for Christmas holi-or:.—Johnston-Belk Co. pecial sale pianos.—Leonard Pianc, Store. ‘Seasonable groceries.—Eagle &Mil-holland. Doll carriages,toys.—Allison’s BookStore.Christmas cakes,groceries.—Brook- sher Cash Grocery."Start a bank.account.—First Na-,;‘tional Bank.Quality gifts —R.F.Henry,jeweler|Christmas stationery.—Hpll’s Drug|Store. Ford cars for Christmas gifts—Carolina Motor CoRoyaleasychairs.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture €o. Four days’hat sa\e.—Mills &Pos-, ton, Montgomery -Hardware Co. ‘yGruen wrist watches make ideal)gifts —R.H.Ricert &Son,jewelers.|Service counts.—Ramscy-Bow}es-|Morrison Co. rectings.—Ircdell Hardware Co.Peace terms.—Statesville Loan &!Trust Co.Germany’s greatest battles.—Cres., cent Theatre tomorrow., Mooresville ‘Social Items. We anpondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.18—Mrs.Z.V. Turlington was hostess to the Strat- ford club on Monday afternoon of lastweek.The members were presented with |artistic booklets in the season’scolorsinwhichwereoutlined—pro-!|grammes of Milton’s “Paradise Lost,”which is being studied by the club this winter.On Tuesday afternoon Miss ClaraMillsentertainedtheMdidsandMa-trons club at her home on _Broad street from 8 to 5 o’clock. Wednesday afternoon from 8 to 5o’clock Mrs.Harry.Melchor entertain-ed-the Wkdnesday Afternoon Sewing Circles.Ain interesting game of pro- gressive rook was enjoyed,at the con-clusion of which a salad course was2“served. ‘Enterthinments, Christmas tree at Race StreetchurchFridaynight.Rev.J.G.Garth of Hickory will givén an entertainment at the audi- torium at,the Barium Home on Christmas night.Stereoscopic viewsofscenesinBethlehemwillbeshown.Public invited.: A.box supper will be given at Wil. Rogers 1847 silverware.—Lazenby-| jread by different members;Thich jconeluded the pregremme.All ere then seated at the dining room table.| which was prettily decorated with! ithe season’s‘holly and greens,where|[delicious refreshments were served.| | The MacDowell Music club meets ;for Automobile tooling with Miss Christine:Henkel this af- {ternoon at 3.80 o’clock. |Chriistmas at Harmony. loareamandence of The Landmark Harmony,Dec.18 —The Christ- ipmas holiday are drawing near and |everybody seems to be in good health) |and good cheer except those whoare | |There will be numerous Christmas fentertainments in the community, but the Harmony High School is go- |ing to give one of the best that has ever been at-Harmonv.Friday night, pec 22d.The programme con- ists of a “Military Drill”and a “Western play,“The Daughter of the Desert.”Everybody cordially invit- ed. The Methodist.Sunday school -will j have aa Christmas tree Monday night. 'December 25th,and ask all who will to heln them,in giving presence and i presents. Mr#R.T.Reed of Houstonville has jbought Mr.J.W.Koon’s residence, lnear the Baptist church. Miss Gay Jones spent the week- lend with.Miss Mabel.and Gladdys Baity.Miss Pearl and Mattie MaePowellspentSundayafternoonwith Miss Edna Tomlin. ‘hristnias Tree-—_.News of Clarksbury Section. Jorresbondence of The Landmark. Harmony,R-1,Dec.16 —We are having real winter weather.The first sleet of the winter fell Thursday night and the weather has been real cold since. The Gum Grove school will have a Christmas trec next Friday evening, ally invited to bring:a present. last week.Mr.A.F.2York killed two 430.; Mr.and Mvs.L.W.Gaither have been visiting in this and.Harmony section for the last ten days. Mr.Wright Rieves,an aged citizen who lives in the edge of Davie coun- ty.is critically ill. suffering from smallpox vaccination.|;NA MOTOR COMPANY.—ad. tor produce on the local market. per pound was paid for best grade cotton.R.LEE WRIGHT,Trustee, with recitations.Everybody is cordi-}§ Several fine porkérs were killed fine hogs.One tipped the beam at|@ Mrs.Ann Rieves of Statesville)is|4 visiting her bro&her,J.L.Heath,in the Clarksbury “community. bungalow below W.L.Gaither’s. Lower end of Harmony is on a boom. From Harmony Vicinity. Correspondence of\The Lafidmark. liamsburg school house Thursday |health of this vicinity esems to be} night. Exercises by the young people atConcordchurch24that11.30.PartoftheofferingwillgotoBariumand p.rt for ministerial reief.Could we do better than to make glad these—His little ones—and cheer those whohave‘grown old in His service?COM. Box Supper at Union Grove. Correspondence of The Landinark. Jennings,Dec.18 —We have beenrequestedtoannouncethattherewill; be a box supper at Union Grove Sat-urday night before Christmas,forthebenefitoftheschool.’All arecordiallyinvitedtoattend.They are preparing to put a new roof on Union»Grove church. A BLURRED|WINDSHIELD ISaneaeandadanger.A 25c./box of Whizz insures clear vision in stormy weather.Try it before buy-AN YOU’LL BUY!©So' wvvery good except a number of per-|§ sons have colds.Mrs.Mary Sharpe} has la grippe but is improving.Sev-|# eral families near Eagle Mills and § Zion have measles. of Concord aml Mr.James W.Sharpe} of Statesville are expected home the, days.Mr.John’Sharpe is teaching} the River’‘Hill school’for a few days’ teacher.The vancancy was caused! by the resignation of Mr.James W.)= Sharpe,who was appointed deputy register of deeds. Judging from all reports abroad, we are to ‘have a marriage in thisneighborhoodsoon.Wishing alk a happy Christmas. Lax-Fos,AMild,Effective Laxative &Liver TonicDoesNotGripsnorDisturbtheStomach,° In addition to other spate Lax-Fos le form,a Mrs.Geo.Setzer has built a nice Messrs.W.M.Mullis and E..E.\f Grant and Mr.and Mrs.D.P.ene 3 last of ou week to.spend the holi-||3 until the committee can secure a's .ees .Pursuant to the terms of a mortgage trusttheauspicesoftheCommunityclubdeedexecutedbyM.L.Overcash on the 9thOnthesamenightaChristmascan-|day of November,1904,to R.Lee Wright,trus- tata,“First Aid to Santa Claus,”will tee Moses registered in the officé coe eaeshe-ee c leeds ©rede county,in 00!0.be given by the chorus class of the page 304,and:in the oftice of the Register ofhighschool.Proceeds of both for the}Deeds of Rowan county,in Book 57,page 74,benefit of the school.and default having been made in the payment ef principal and interest,and the holder of y the note secured by said mortgage having made Ww INTER Is THE TRYINGTIME demand for foreclosure for the purpose of pay- ing said note and mortgage,the undersignedThermiteisprotectionagainstfroz-|will sell at*public auction,to the highest bid-en radiators,pumps and connections.|der,for cash,at the court house door in Salis-7 :..bury,at 12 o'clock,m.,onThermiteisnon-evaporating,one SATURDAY,JANUARY 20,1917,application being sufficient to protect!the following described real estate lying andaCarallwinter.This removesthe”being in the counties of fredell and Rowan, constant dread of the “solution be-;224_more particularly described as follows::cee Be ;i First Tract—In Iredell county,N.C.,Coddlecomingweakened.Replenish Ther-Creck township,adjoining the lands of Whis-mite solution only to take care of ton Mellon,’Locke McKnight and others,andlosssustainedthroughleakageor,on the waters of Coddle creek,and bounded asoverflow.For sale by the CAROLI-follows:Beginning at a hickory,J.F.8. ,with his line south 21 degrees east 25 1-2 poles N 7 vas to d mulberry;thence south 80 degrees east 14 MARKE fr REPORT 5.{poles to a sweet gum;thence south 20 degreesStatesvilleProduceMarket.iene 33 poles 2 oe stake,corner at No 3 ,‘;|thence with said lot east 92 poles to a stake; The following prices were paid yesterday ahence south 5 degrees east 29 poles to a stake‘atthe corner of the barn lot;thence north 75degreeseast31polestoastake;thence north 20 degrees east 16 1-2 poles to a stake;thence|South 78 degrees cast 45 poles to a stake,cor-ner of No.1;thence with said lot north 52nolesto@#stake in G.G.McKnight’s line; thence with his line 123 poles to a stone; thence north 12 1-2 poles to the beginning,|containing sixty (60)acres.For back titlerefeyenceisherebymadetoBook25,page 465,Register's office of Iredell county,wherein|deed_is.registered.|“Seeond Tract-This tract lies in Rowan coun- |ty,N.C,,on Coddle creek,adjoining the lands;0f Locke McKnight,Dan Fisher and others, hepa bounded as follows:Beginning at e stone,G.G.MeKnig corner;thence witl }ling north 12 degrees west 67 1-2 poles to W.'O:;thence west 27 poles to the creek:Grain.\¢thenge a ihe creek 88 1-2 poles to a sweetChefollowingpriceswerepaidyesterday|mim stump:thence south 83 degrees east 33 svain on the local market:poles)to’the beginning,containing six (6)Wheat (new)$1.60 per bushel.|Holes?and being tract No.2 in the aforesaidorn,$1.10 per bushel.\teed.'65-70c.per bushel.|The Turkeys,16-18c.per Ib. Chickens,12¢.per Ib.Roosters,6c.per Ib Eggs,35¢.per dozen. Butter,22-25c.per Ib.Beeswax,25¢.per ti Green Hides (unsalted)20-22¢.per Ib. Green Hides (salted)22c.per Ib.Hams,22c.to 24c,per Ib. Green Hams,14-16¢e.per Ib.Sides,16c.to 18c.per Ib. Shoulders,16¢.per Ib. New Red Honey,8c.to 12c¢.per Ib. Sourwood Honey Comb,18c.to 20c.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4¢.per Ib. Sweet Potntocs,80c.per bushel. Trish Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel, eS terms of the mortgage provide for the =[fale to také place ir lisbury for both tracts.Rtatesville Cotton Market.Now is the time to valuable tracts of land.tyOnthelocalmarketyesterday178-4 cents|This the 15th day of December,1914.. Cotton Seed 85c.per bushel.By order of G.H.Shaver,admr.of H.H.Seed Cotton,7c.‘per Ib Swicegood.:Dee.19,1916. Smo UE MO Ee A We Are Now Ready -——FOR ——ar m m p m e e n n o e s m n m u e y ©= ristmasShoppers We suggest a few of the many things that we have to.ffer‘as useful as well as appropriate for Christmas Gifts: RA T E MM R AI Hatmony,R-2,Dec.18 —The |# "$3.50 to $5.00 Men’s Combination Sets,consisting of Hand-kerchief,Tie and Hose $1.00 and $1.50Men’s Mufflers $400,1.50 and 2.00 Men’s Neckwear |25c.,50c.75c.and 1.00 Men’s Kid and Work,Gloves $1.00 to 2.50 .Hand Bags and Suit Cases .2.50 to 8.50 Men’s Sweaters We will be open each evening to 8.30 until Christmas. Mellon's corner;thence with this line west 79 |: poles -to P.0.”N.Johnson's corner;thence |, Handsome The greatest happiness we have ourselves is in making: others happy.Thisis the timé to show your affectionto vod loved ones aeod devotion to oes ae cherish the giver: ock of Roliday goods is.yet nBrakere R.F,HENRY,Jeweler. Newton. THE UNIVERSAL a ee What Christmas}Gift will will give your .wife and. daughters as much happi- ness and health as a Ford Touring Car? wp Carolina Motor Co. Statesville. \ “What Shall T Give ? A gift of Jewelry will not disappoint,for it is aonthingeverybodylikestohave.store wil help,you Mooresville. ~The offeringsve;the problem of ntaedno 9capita Ara in oe ta‘at Cae A,MOTOR}COM peepita aoe woe_ipsrie‘i PA vedOOP ean Wecoratn,At the sametine,it aids,Etheliveratidsecreti“sora rn therestorestheoe Aanctions.50c }mineWives F :||You:will be’pee atthe lowness of aeERRILL-whiteSHOECO.1 B.WOODWARD.Fairly imeee £2 WeNant yet ren FatatooreSoeneromeene|NEWS.IN CONDENSED FO | ‘IItems of Interest Patheret } .-From Over,the State. Lumberton’s new ©hotel—the Lor-|raineé—wwhich has 44 rooms ‘and cost |$60,000,is open for ‘business, Adelaide.Adams,an aged coloredwoman,was burned’to death whenherhomewasburnedinSwiftCreektownship,Wake county. Fire at Rockingham last week de-) stroyed four store buildings and dam<'ped other buildings;Loss about $10,-| 000,covered by insurance.| W.0..Lockamy of WilmingtondiedinaPullmancarnearRockyMount,while on his way to Phila-| ed Corn Brei: qgred at Asheville, 43 and¥-t0 the*Mountain'City!jj Asheville offers a waiting world,ie this.era of high-priced food,asompoundmadeof15cents’worthOfcheese—whatever that amount isiow-and’a cypful of corn meal,totalFcostof11-2 cents,for a meal for‘&family of five.‘The veracious Citi-zen thus makes report on this new food,which was ,prepared in an®Asheville cafe:\-«“This substitute was made\of one | upful of cori meal and one and.one-f nif cupful of grated cheese,ixture was baked ana tasted good. (it is a highly nutritious dish andGBtainedpreciselythesame_nutri- »Ment as six chops costing—whatev-|‘Sep six chons cost,or one pound of"ebod beefsteak.In other words‘there were in the dish 1093.5 calories The ||delphia for an operation.| td.McAllister,34 years old and |unmarried,was killed at Gastonia by the accidental discharge of a shot- {gun he had cleaned and loaded.| |The 4-months-old_sen’of Mr.and|Mrs.Hubert Holder of.Winston -Sa-| ‘lem,was found dead in bed when his “added,with.pepper and salt for sea-| 1 -»™oe.i .parents awoke on the morning of the)and 48.6 grams of protein,;.|Pe |«4,'The corn meal and cheese,when|a hais have ica‘baked,had somewhat the appearance}Durham merchants have signed an, "or a torn,pone,smelled good and!agreement to discontinue the —prac-wtasted’better.rts |of sendin haa been thoroughly mixed and stir-/al.Saves trouble and moheyredtogether,a very little water was damage to goods. O.B.Deaton of Montgomery coun- and “soning,and the whole baked for pos-ty,editor of the Troy Mortgomrian, ! sibly five minutes.In a way it might wants to edit the State prison,as su-be ‘called glorified corn bread,and as/perintendent,under the administra-to its nutritive value there can be no tion of Gov.Bickett.|doubt.”-a 1 W.P.Craven,36 years old,ofAssumingthatthecalories”anc |Worthville,Randolph county,died in a |‘grams of protein”are not poison-|pocnital in Greensboro a few days ago|Ious,The Landmark eerthe along from the effects of a gunshot wound!the Asheville discovery,ve Stale-'accidentally inflicted by a friend.|ment that it is something:like corn ay 4oneappealstous‘O.C.Klingman of Greensboro,one,P P ees —time a resident of Statesville,undereeeeeRRsatamessentenceofaroadtermforembez-|Aeroplane Mail Service,'zlement,seeks a pardon from.the)Regular aeroplane mail service be-Governor and has strong backing.|tween New York and Chicago is be-|James Poteat,at one time a Mor-!ing considered by the Postoffice De-|.sania mare eet’;;ganton policeman,married _three |partment.The plan is regarded as)>“"a td ;pagel::)bli Wives,‘without the intervention ofpracticableand’may be established Aiea ah ‘|7 |death or divorce.He is now engaged|with part:of the proposed $100,000 'in road building,under contract for a!postal appropriation for experimen:|.ay.=?i m4 ean Sadat estimate that|.Petitions are being circulated in | the flight of 720 miles could be made |Asheville and ord ee caeeecne |:s.wi an aver-|district asking t e Legislature to en-in fee 8 ea aS a load)act the Australian (secret)ballot law |of from 500 to 1,000 pounds of.mail.Election troubles -and frauds in the |Flying would be at night,a plane|tenth have helped on the sentiment for |leaving each city at 6 p.m.,alight-/the secret ballot.:|ing at three regular stations,near;Learning that his chomé was sonWilliamsport,Penn:;Niles and Na-fire,A.J.Warner of Charlotte suffer |Poleon,Ohio,where extra machines,|ed a stroke of paralysis and had to be}fuel and equipment parts would be/j carried out of the burning building.|maintained.At Niles a second ma-'The fire wos extinguished after thechinewouldbetakenonrelay.Even-|building had been damaged severaltuallyemergencyalightingstations|thousand dollars.|might be established every 22 miles,;Mrs.T.A.Marvin,about 20 years |each equipped with powerful guiding|of age and only for 10 or 12 weeks the|lights.|bride of a well-known young man ofeanginee.Lenoir county,is expected to die asMr.Bryan Appeals to Lloyd)’ae.:|the result of an accidental shooting|George.|Her 11-year-old brother was handlingMr.Bryan sent the following tele-|an “unloaded”revolver:gram to David.Lloyd George,the new|Ransom R.Jones,the ex-preacher|British mier:.‘charged with attempting to criminally“Asa Triend of the nations at/assault young girls in Durham andwar,as a Christian and a©lover of}Greensboro,was found insane by a_tumanity,I respectfully but most jury in Guilford county Superior Courtearhestlyappealtoyoutouseyourandsenttothecriminalinsanede-| The component parts |tice of sending out goods on approv-;* | !|{‘| astra a great influence to secure your gov- ‘ernment’S”“"consent to There is-no dispute that must neces/Sarily -be~settled by force.All inter- ‘national disputes are capable of’ad-,;justment by peaceful means.Every guarantee that can possibly be secur- ed by war can be stated as a condition precedent to peace.Do not,I pray “you,by refusing an exchange —of /Views,-assume ‘responsibility for a _continuation ‘of the unspeakable’hor- oe negotiations.||pertment of the State prison. Stokes county jail,says the Dan-;bury Reporter -Post,has been with-|out prisoners since October court,|with the exception of a week,whenjaninsanenegrowaseonfined.The|jailer had departed and as his suc-|cessor had nol moved in the;prison|was deserted.|Mrs.Minnie E.Harris of Proximity ||village,a suburb of Greensboro,wag! 2S SE S A ODa ee ee ».the Garibaldi on her way to New York-from “Ma 2 i.‘otal trohibition throughout France|a commybiipa yf}such alcoholic -_tions_are-under “of the Bell company may intimate fatally burned Saturday morning|may mean life or death to millions.”'when her dress caught from an open |—_—_—_—_——_———|fire.She ran into the yard,envelop-|May.Settle Out of Court.,ed in flames,her clothes were burned|W.G.Lee,president of the Broth.and her body burned almost to a crisp |erhood of ‘Railway Trainmen,announc-|Died i few hours later.|ed at Evansville,Ind.,that nesotn|Intimations are coming out of Ashe-| ors of this conflict.Your decision “ /jweepGreatArmies Before (‘rescent neCEsRL A at eae,NANoS 2oe heatre Oa Ae amt ee sae .Sagoae Pee es ~i 1B Wednesday,December 20th. Doors (Oncn 1.O'clock. os Children 10c.Adult!20¢. First Time Ever Shown In The South. GHRVANY’S GREATEST BATTLES See Them with The Eyes of The Camera!:Storming of Fort Novo Georgeievsk!The Fall of Warsaw! Great Seven Day Battle!Battlefields From Aeroplane!Von Hindenberg’s Smashing Drive!The Kaiser at the Front! !Murderous Machine Gun Fire!Hammering the Big Forts! Zeppelin Raids on Warsaw!Rain of Russian Shells! Fierce Infantry Assaults! Miles of Battling Demons! Terrific Trench Struggles! Despcrate Bayonet Charges!:.On The Firing Line With The Germans.. way between —the!Ville that Chas.A.Webb will have a!brotherhood and the operating de-|Tun for his money when his term aspartmentsoftherailroads,looking tc |United States marshal expires.Oth-a settlement of their entire contro.|ers want the job and they'reversyoutofcourtbeforeJanuary1|make it appear that the marshal and|when the Adamson law is scheduled to|his friends were none too active for|go into effect.|Weaver in the tenth district contest.|Mr.Lee'made the statement in-the!—Jchn H.Pearson,the nevly-elected| |GREEN AND BROWN] trying to SHINGLE STAINS ANDFIREPROOFPAINT. CJ.LESTER, REGISTERED ARCHITECT,C.WATKINS. course of an address befo-c the cen-|Representative of Burke,ealled amasstralStatesconferenceonWaterand|meeting of citizens from every:town-RUILDING?—C.“"*|Statesville,N-C.’Phon2 340 Green.WATKINS. Rail Transportation.He declared}ship in the county te’meet in Moi-that both sides to the controversy are |ganton yesterday for an open dis-|carefully €tonsidering plans for set-/cussion in regard to legislation for!tling the entire question before Jan-|Burke at the coming ssion,espe-|uary 1,but that the settlement was |cially legislation applying to good!still in a crude state.‘roads...—_————|The Mocksville Enterprise saysTheGoodBell’s Benevolence.|the 5-year-old son of Albert Bowman,|That’benevolent institution,the),Colored man living near Redland,|Bell Telephone Company,which exists |Davie county,was accidentally shotforthegooditcantio,not for the with a 22-rifle by a younger brother.money it can make,announces with The ball artered iS below the leftconsiderableparade,that it is dis.©¥¢,8"d lodged in’the back of thetributinganextracashpaymentex.|Poy’s heady but he is expected to re-ceeding $6,000,000,to certain classes ae Fanreofemployes,|ee The pene ansee7sesaEVv$2 paper in e StateSomeoftheunreasonable,outside the daily class.It has com-Dany now.The Gastonia Gazette will|be $2 per year after January ist anditheLumbertonRobesonianoesto&|;February 1st—and strictly cash inadvance‘at that.Increased cost ofpublicationcompelledtheraize. .Gamewell Smith,aged four,wasinstantlykilledandhisfather,Bar-nett Smith,a merchant of King’sMountain,and the latter’s wife,werebadlybruisedSundayeveningwhenSmith’s car turned over a mile fromGastonia,Mr.and Mrs.Jason Fry,also of King’s Mountain,who wereridingwiththem,were more or less‘eriously injured. patrons ee that from its patrons in excessFharges,but there are always carpingriticsto‘make unkind remarks abouttketrulygood. that the company has collected several Ener rTieeeGroundForAviationField.The War Department tins purchasedabout1,700 saeres of land on lowerChesapeakebay,near fort MonroeforuseasanaviationexperimentalandprovinggroundforthearmyThepricepaidwas$290,000,appro-priated by Congress at the last session_for this ‘purpose.The War Devart-+ment officials estimate that $1.500.900willbeaskedofCongressforbuild-ings and equipment with the idea of Monroe Journalmakingitoneoftheforemoststations|Every timeofthekindintheworld,outside of}Mayor T.I,Kirkpatrick of Charlottethecbuntriesnoweheagedinwar,has to send 2 telegram to somebodyHislatestwasacablegramtotheGerman.Kaiser,congratulating himonhisbidforpeace,Messrs.BohHouston,Amos Stack and John Ene-lish,noticing that the Charlotte may-or was always sending telegramsbutthatheneverreecivesany,open-fed up and sent him the following/message: “We,young men of Monroe,tition your highness/al the belligerentjstrifeinEurépe CR +Mayor Kirkpatrick's Telegrams. something happens Vessel and Crew of 12 Lost.The Brazilian bark Netht's,with 12!men on board,wag lost during theSnowstormFridaynightoffBarnegat,on the New Jersey ‘coast,according:“to Captain Moroes of the tug Gari-haldi,which arrived at New YorkSunday.The Nethtis was a tow of 1do pe- toasend cables tonationstostoptheImmediately,—Mon-jroe Peace Committee.”:,af Mayor Kirkpatrick gees f|Jf Kpatrick gees fit todeineLakthdtequestoftheMon-NOgy SPMAR MENS one feels reasonalffy“suk Hat the Heys in be out of tiejtrenchesbyChristm:‘bo B shure you order XonHOMESTEAM ranham,Brazil,to be eon-¥verted}wa Steam vessel. Iskies,brandies andtidedonbythe bieheveraliquorshas-Raald!government. order X mass CakesEAMBAKERY,BAKERY|Acad +Svat FX%Prange —> As bracinssAsIngs BS WN early TROP,ride Délicious &Refres?Ning *BottrearDy-| io:Oe a aONLBaySLTATORitMOAT 8“Rot thing: F.L,Johnson,Manager.sf STELSISTELAARSLSLATSTINSS TAITT ETTTLS TLSTE TIE IIEITHEYAREGOING! WE WANT YOU TO HAYETHEPLEASUREOFSEEING The Quality 3 SERING IS BELIEVING,—COME-AND SEB Statesville Drug Comp’y THE QUALITY GIFT STORE. Line of Christmas Gifts! W se e e s e s g e f$ 9 S S 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SI 2 F 9 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 F0 0 0 00 e0 0 0 ow , .\sf e *Klay At Old Prices. oF That’s-a queer.gtavement,but-I mean every word of_it.yTheta,qasersiaterient happened,not only to hay,but all feed jast how prices are soaring skywards,and the end nowhere near in sight.,:Before the advance,I placed some big hay‘contracts at the old prices,and am making those dealers out West come across ‘with the goods.:I saved a pretty tidy sum by this little foresight act,and you,Mr, Hay Buyer,come in on it,too.i (ll be content with a pretty small profit,for hay,you know,issoldonawfulclosepues...‘ Now here’s what [’ll do about prices:::UNTIL DECEMBER 31ST,{WILL GUARANTEE THE PRES-ENT.PRICES—AND PROMISE YOU THOSE PRICES WILL3)LOW ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU TAKE NOTICE. Here’s some of my Hay stock:NO.'MICHIGAN TIMOTHY.: NO,1 CLOVER,MIXED WITH TIMOTHY. lt’s dandy Hay,and your four-footers will eat every ounce of ttheycanget, ordinary Hay.: Just:’phone 88or call at the store,You'll be satisfied ,with the price,}‘o& Economical,too,because there’s no waste,as * IREDEEEFEED SFO f :aie ane cat atestREETREOSSeninginFeedlite.”Tate RE, and Mrs.M C.Price,owners. 1 Seas ts on hay ell pv ananandphysicalstraintaxtheirmoredelicatepmsandbringamor"age and chronic in 1e8S treatedint 'e,i lls and alcoholic Someta cannot build up ath,butthe concentrated medicinal food propertiesinEMULSION nild ircath emtits verysource,and are helping thousands fof women to gain control of their nerve power—overcome 4 nervousness,impatience and irritability. SCOTT'S iisabale od“Ose from alcohol. SSTSVATATTLSLISSATSTSSISTSTIIITALICS ISS ILIT STITT TSisixzs3s)IG CLEARANCE SALE OvalMillinery,Coats and Coat.Suits. We also carrya bigline of Brassiers,Cami- soles,Boudoir Caps,Silk Handkerchiefs /anda number of other articles suitable for }Christmas gifts. MRS.MARY SIMS. errr sagcarrrasiseareseezeest snatesassseisetserrzeeeeasstt THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,--Degember 19,1916, FINAL ‘CROP_ESTIMATES. Principal.Food Crops Under Five-Year Average. Final estimates of thisyear’s pro-duction:of the country’s princinalfarmcrops,announced by the De- partment of Agriculture:Corn—2,583.241,000 bushels com-pared with 2,782 457,000,the 1980-14average,‘ Wheat—639,886,000 bushels,‘com-pared with~728,225,000,;the five-yearaverage.Oats-—-1,251,992,000 bushels com- average. Barley——180.927,000 pecs 208,000,1910-14 avera,Rye—47,383,000 against $7,568,000, 1910-14 average. Buckwheat-—11,840,000 against 17,- 022.000,1910-14 ‘average. Flaxseed—15,459,000 against -18,- 858,000,1910-14 average. Rice—41,942,000 ‘against 24,378,- 000,1910-14 average Potatoes—285,487,000 against 360,- 772,000,1910-14 average. Sweet Potatoes—70,955,000 against| 67.117,000,1910-14 average. att’,’(tame)—89,991,000 tons rer chacct mes AY 150,622,000 pounds! against 991,958,000,1910-14 average. Cotton —11,511,000 bales against14,259,000,1910-14 average. Sugar Beets 6,671,000 tons against 5,391,000,1910-14 average.Apples 67,695,000 ‘barrels| against 65,966,Q00,1910-14 average.The crops generally.are much.un- der those of last year,which.were pared with 1,157,961,000,the 1910-14, 186,-| gainst 66,234,000,1910-14 average.| NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From AllPartsoftheCountry. The.United States Senate haspassedabillfortheerectionofamonumentinWashingtonto‘thememoryofMatthewFontaineMaury of Virginia. of liquor advertisements by mail any one except licensed liquor dealers|or agents has been favorably report:|ed by the postoffice committee of the| House of Congress,It.is aimed at/| (the so-called mail order liquor busi-| That carbon dioxide gas piven off byflowersmayhave¢atised the death,atJoplin.Mo.,of Rev.Ray Cornell *and John Russell,is one of the theories| advanced by the police.The bodies| lof the men.were found in 2 green-! house,where they slept the night be-| fore. A commission consisting of the! chiefs of ordnance of the army and! ;navy,the superintendent of prisons: and the postal purchasing agent,have | ;recommended in a_report submitted | |by Attorney General Gyegory,the in- stallation of a textile mill at ‘the At- prison,to cost $695,- |lanta Federal 000.; |Plans for pressing a *$30,000,000 omnibus publie’building bill at this |session of Congress were practicdlly| A bill prohibiting the geaeeee vg0), ness in dry territory!-Lh sericesoleandhecl.Neither sole nor heel avy beh vethroughuntilyouhavehadmoreservicethanordinarubbersgive. This rubber looks well,fits well,andwears,well, Hub-Mark Rubber Footwearis made ina wide varietyof kingandstylestocoverthestormyweatherneedsofmen,women,boys and girlsin town or country. The Hub-Mark is‘your value mark,Look for it on the sole. HUB-MARIC RUBBE , ;The World:s Standard Rubber Footwear : For sale by all good dealers, EREis awftfitting stylish rubber with ah feos |agreed upon at conierences between| |members of the House rules ahd |public building committees,The ‘measure was reported last season,jbut determined opposition prevented |action, Jealous of the attentions of anothermantoMrs,Maggie Boulton,who had |spurned him,William Browder,for- Tice and Irish potatoes.are consider-|woman and then turned the gun upon All Pianos Will be sold at reduced prices until January ‘Ist. See us before you get 4 yours.-We can_save "money for you. ANDREW S MUSIC STOR B, “EVERYTHING MUSICAL.” 105 East Brcod Street.Statesville,N.C, aS|years—1910-14, above.the average;and it will be no-|mer police-detective at Richmond andticedthatcorn,wheat,oats,barely,|Pabertoares Va.,shot and.killed the average fof the five|himself with fatal resuft,at PhoebusablyundertheleeRye,sweet pota-|Va.The dual tragedy was enacted in Siapples are above the average. E/sbout the short crops. for value of the country’s important| &|000 by the Department of Agricul- Ej value. ;|)than a billion dollars. sugar beets and}toes,hay,tobacco, howover |comfort, ‘All records |There.is this farm crops”were exceeded this year | ‘|despite the smaller size of the crops Their value is placed at $7,641,609,-| That is.$1,750,000,000 morc| than the same crops were worthlasi|, year.Hig‘her prices,due partly te uced production and partly to the! nds for American food from the’ ug nations of Europe,were re- ysible for the vast’increase bp wore Four erops each were worth more| Corn,with ¢ total valuc of $2,295,783,000,showee {the greatest increase,being worth $573 last year’s|$573 ,103,000 more than RL A AAA output. HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,0. STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.>.ambing and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES I“URNISHED. omSee eee IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,SE I. ‘KILN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ———Made by ——— BOYCE LUMBER CoO. Phone 294. {@ Ina dense fog the H-3 struck a sand 56 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.C.,near college and graded school,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and dirt road,with 8-room tenant house,large stock barn,running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes. 97 acres three miles from Harmony State High School,one-half mile from public school on public rdéad,40 acres in cultivation, -,balance in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out- ‘buildings,some fruit,one branch running through place. ERNEST G.GAITHER,’-Statesville,N.C,. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.’Phone 23:Mills Building. !ftom Puget Sound on the way to .thc h|Cheyenne said they believed that the Bi this way * @\a steadier position, »|around like nuts in a barrel.One lone- |Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business -Solicited and every accommodation’extended to de- positors consistent wigh prudent hank- ing methods. Four per cent,paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.ONNICERS W.D.TURNER, KE.MORRISON,President,Vice President,D.M..AUSLEY,--..Cashier. isa HeDa.HUGHEY,+Assistant Spelier.. :Raleigh News #/Faulkner of the Kinston A |accidental. 4 cumstances Hlindicate that there is some doubt as H|Faulkner is under arrest and will beHitriedforhislifeincase i wounds prove fatal. H.jcommission recently under pressure, H#|says the correspondent,its 4 |ance being recommended for the goodH|of the service. #(druggist of Wilson. H |Whenever You NeedaGeneral Tonic J chill Tonic iq equally valuable as aHjaeae,‘ HH |well knowntonic propertiesofQUININEH|}and IRON,ieBoutMalaria, | Cotton,the second most valuable| with a total of $1,079.598,000,increas- es $475,878,000 over last year. Wheat is worth $1,025,765.000,1 | |$83.462,000 over last year,when thc |produstion was almost 400,000,000 | |bushels more.— |tay has a value of $1,008,894,000 | | |{! an increase of $95,250,000. The value of the oat crop is morc than $96,000,600 over that of last |Year,potatces over $95,000,000,to- bacco over $72,000,000,sweet pota- toes over $15,000,000,beans .about $18,000,000,onions $1,690,000,wild hay over.$11,000,000, Imprisoned in a Submarine. |Twenty-six members of the crew of ‘the United States submarine H-3 imprisoned in the submersible which went ashore on a shoal Thursday,near the entrance to Humbvufdt bay,EurekaCal.,were rescued Thursday night,af- ter ‘having been imprisoned since dawn that morning. spit while cruising down the coast Mare Island navy yard in Sav Fran- the presence of the 7-year-old son of |the woman. Chinese newspapers are unanimousinwelcomingAmericancapitalinto China to build railroads.The’an- nouncement of,the conclusion of thc|agreement whereby Sicms and Carey financed by the American Intcrnation- |al corporation,are granted’a contract? for over 2,000 miles of railway costing approximately $100,000,000 gold,has been received with great enthusiasm Neither the Chinese public nor the; |Chinese press has any’fear that the |United States has any ulterior mo, tives. KNOW IT WELL! ‘Familiar Features Well KnowntoHundredsofStatesville Citizens! A familiar burden in many homes. The burden of a “bad back.” A lame,a weak or an aching back. Often tells you of kidney ills. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys.° ) Here is Statesville testimony: Mrs.L.A.Lineberger, street,Statesville,says:“T was in der blades.I couldn’t rest at night and the kidney secretions were irreg- ular in passage.My health was all run down.Reading so much about Doan’s Kidney Pills,I decided to try them and got a supply from Stimson &Son’s..Drug Store.After taking them a few days,my back felt.bet- ter and one box cured me. neys have been normal ever since.” Price,50c.,at all dealers.Don’t Every one is talking about it.Well, we are preparing to move,January 1,1917,into the roomiest and most up-to-date garage building in this Our business has grown to such an extent that we are compelled to have more floor space to take care’ of our trade.: section. We are having fitted up,equipped with every convenience,arest room for the ladies and children of our customers. Leave your car with us when in’.: We will do our best to take. care of you at any and all times. Statesville Motor | town, 804 Bell) misery from a dull ache across my |a kidneys and pain between my shoul-| My kid-|; —««aa.The House of Service The Dignity ‘Thr THEREis.a ‘dignity attached to,tile.ownia ership of a ‘Savings Account that”is“np fully appreciated by some of°‘our.‘modern cisco bay,accompanied by theUnitedStatesshipCheyenneandthesubma- rines H-1 and H-2.Officers oft,the accident was caused by the engines of the H-3 becoming disabled.The men were able to-keep alive by crowding beneath the conning tower for air,.in “escaping the chlcrine gas fumes from the batteries. “All day long,.until tle sea swept the frail little craft further beachward tc the men of the H-3 bottled up in the hull were rattled ly figure stuck to the bride as if he were lashed to the diver’s superstrué- ture,until the bowling of the great b:eakers began hecling the submarine over and back,its conning tower pounding the sandy bottom of ‘the surf.Then he disappeared,the hatch- es were battened down and crew and officers were prisoners in their bottle- boat. One North Carolina ‘Soldier Shoots Another. A dispatch from Camp _Stewart, Texas —the headquarters of theNorthCarolina.soldiers —to’the and Observer says that Sergeant Norman,Barbour,°jof the Wilson company,was shot through the shoulder last Tuesday night by Lieutenant William A,company. Barbour was taken to the base hos- pital at Fort Bliss,where he is rest- ing well with every prospect of re-covery.A bullet from a Colt’s 45 struck Barbour under the shoulder blade,coming out over the heart. Faulkner claims the shooting was Barbour says he wasshotwithoutprovocation,and the cir-related by the corres-pondeht of the News and Observer to the accident. The shooting is being investigated. Barbour’s He resigned his accept- His victim is a young Take Grove’s -The.Old Standard Grove's Tasteless ause it contains thé It acts on the Liver,DrivesEnriches€tie Blood andBuildsuptheWholeSystem.SO cents, Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that, cured Mrs.Lineberger. burn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. Flowers For All Occasions! We can always supply yu with the best to ‘be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted. Van Lindley (Co., GREENSBORO,@ 6. Polk Gray.Drug Co., hecal Agents. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,ie hati,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Lat Lime,Cement, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get | Foster-Mil- PS T T T T I T I I TT I ee s e s i t s e r e r se e r re v e r e re t r e r ye r rr er e s e e s r r i r r e r e s e s ete.‘Next Planters’Whi,Staten vitted” osday—people.—A.-few.dollars.deposited. each week.will soon grow to’a sum that you will be proud of. There is a feeling of safety and self ‘ respect attached to a nice cash balance in bank. Have you a bank account?If not you: are cordially invited to open an account at: this;bank,if with only a small amount.~ There is nothing like making a start. Of Statesville,N.C. “The Bank For Your Savings.” BORCHERT AND OPPORTUNITY!as THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT!: and men! _Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bankbear interest, from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum, Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited We want your business! NS People’s Loan and Sayings»GEO.H.BROWN:Frgghice0.L.TURNER DRCRCRCOCRTECRCCREIRONCEECEIRORCAIROIRCRRIBEIRORoecoe Le r r e e e s r r er e er e e r re r e Se e e ee s Pr e r e e r e r r r es ET i “ +gtills were $25 to $30 Suits .. $20 to $22.50 Suits $16.50 Suits $15 Suits $10 Suits Midnight Blue,hese are new and up- their actual value. etc.:$7.50 to $1025.00 LADIES”AND LADIES’: Navy, terial and workmanship.Serges,Poplin, Broadcloth andVelours. SOME WONDERFUL COAT VALUES. Latest style garments to be put on sale fortheholidaysatfiguresnotmorethanhalf The most popular big Collar styles of AllWoolVelours,in Navy,Burgundy,Brown, GHILDREN’S BATHROBES. $1.98,$2.48,$2.98 and $3.48.Big values in Furs at factory prices. LADIES’WAISTS. An elegant line to select from.48c.,98c., vi:98,ue 98,$3.48,$3.98,$4.95,$5,95. SUITS. Brown,Green: -to-datein style,ma- Big25 bleQ 25, ble :Lr thres years to 14,48c.,75c.,98c.and | Whenin doubt,give Hosiery.Stockings, particularly when they are silk,are always} welcome—50c.,98c.,$1.25.4 c.TABLE DAMASK AND NAPKINS. Whatis more acceptable than All Linen Ta- value,72 inches wide,at 98c., $1.48.Cannot be duplicated. 22x24 inch Napkins,All Linen.Exception- al values,$3,$3.98,$4.50 per dozen. Marseilles and Crochet Counterpanes,$1.- Ful kerchiefs,Gloves,etc. RALSTON HEALTH SHOES FOR DOROTHY DODD SHOES FOR LADIES CHILDREN’S DRESSES. HOLIDAY HOSIERY!| HANDKERCHIEFS. line Crepe De Chine and Silk,19c.and Cloth?Weare showing a wonderful $1.25 and $2.25,$2.48. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT! 1 of good things,which will be accepta- Christmas presénts.Ties,Sox,Hand. GENTLEMEN! 4)What to give for Christnaas 3isa question that will be made easy of Solution by a.visit to The Store That Sells.For Less. Johnston-Belk Co. NAROBIA é BensDAy,~~December 19,1916. venue Officers Overcome By -.)Gas—E.L.Hedrick One. AsphvSiation of eight deputy rev- enue collectors on a'.gas boat delay-ed for four hours,almost prevented,the raid in western Carterct Thurs-day morning that resulted in the de-struction of three distilleries and the capture of two operators,says theRaleighNewsandObserver.Ali the Officers overcome by escaping gas andseveralentirelyunconscious,—theeightweredraggedfromthecabinofaeboatbytheboatmanandexposedeycoldairuntiltheywerere- eae Collector E.L.Hedrick ofTaylorsvillewasintheparty.Oth-ers were H.G.Gulley,J..M.New-~ton,-M.-Ful—_k-Y:—StetJT gece.Jonn Morrison,George B. aters.‘About 1 o’clock Thursday morning,Bays the News and Observer,the rev- enue men took a yacht and proceededtothepointwheretheythoughtthe located.They tried to sleep,getting such rest-2s was posSible.At 5 o’clock the boatman en-tered the cabin to arouse them andfoundallofthemundertheeffectsoffasescapingfrom2leakingpipe. The men were dragged and__helped @ut,some unconscious,and it was fecessary for them to remain at theRostuntafter9o’clock before theyIdbegin!the raid. In the pitched batt!e which accom-‘panied the raid the officers believethatoneofthemoonshinerswasin- red.\They learned on their return $New ‘Berne that an Oriental phy- sician was attending a man from that -—-geetion ;wounded by <a bullet.“|After making the iraid and destroy-g the three stills following a bat-af the revenue men were fired upon jm ambush and later were shot at\,When they were on a small boat they Seized to make their way back to e@ir own yacht.None of them was Mae.soeaantacaTEanaesREMsWouldBuyPeaceSentiment.‘Frederick C.Walcott of New YorkWhorecentlyinvestigatedconditions in Poland and Belgium for the Rocke-eller Foundation,told a number of mators andRepresentatives in Wiash-agton“Sunday night,that a fund of 00,000,000,collected in this countryandofferedforreliefofhon-combat- ants in Europe wouid be a powerfu'jpoace influence at this time.He saidsuchanactwouldtendtocreatepopu- lar demonstrations for peace among'givilian populations of warring na- mar.Walcott suggested that a fundthatsizeshouldberaisedbycom-bined popular contributions and con-| essiona]l appropriation.Considering|6 wealth of the Unted States he,declared it;was not.an exorbitant oat to give. Cough,Medicine For ChildrenioMre.Hugh Cook,Scottsville,N.¥.,says: about five years ago when we were living inbutt,N,¥.,I doctored two of my childrenrifromcolds.with Chamberlain's;n Remedy and found it just as represent-fin every way.It promptly checked.theirduredthelrcoldsquickerthanSsObtairinhleeverywhere:| Role ne “WATKINS. Fue LA NDMLARK \TWTWO PASTORS OUT OF cry ‘Dr.Anderson in Raleigh and! Dr.Raynal in Charlotte Sun-| day—Church News. Rev.S.L.Cathey of Mt.Holly has accepted’the call to the Concord,Clio and Stony Point group of churches and will assume the duties of this pastorate January Ist.The manse at Loray is being painted and a smokehousebuiltforthenewpastor. A meeting of the stewards of theStatesvilledistrictwasheldThurs- day at Broad Street Methodist churchandtherewasaverygoodattend-ance.The salary of the presiding el- der was fixed on the same propor- tionate basis as last year.It wasdecidedtotakestepstoliquidatethehalanceoftheindebrednessontheistrictparsonage..Rev.J.W.Williams preached aspecialsermontomembersoftheTuniorOrderatRaceStreetchurch Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock. Rev.Mr.Hughes of Charlotte »reached -at the First Presbyterian “hureh Sunday morning and_eve-ning’ Rev.Dr.C.E.Raynal,the First Presbyterian pastor,spent Sunday in Charlotte.Saturday night he ad-dressed the members of the Men’s Club of St.Martin’s Episcopal church,Charlotte.The subject whichwaspresentedbyDr.Raynal dealt with the relation between the Church and civic and community life,and theonportupitiesandobligationsofthe Church towards -civic life,The ad-'dress was able,says the Charlotte News,and was interestingly present-ed,making a fine impression on those‘ attending.Following the address a luncheon was served.Dr.Raynal preached in the Second Presbyterian church of Charlotte Sunday morning and evening. Rev.Dr.Chas.Anderson,pastor of the First Baptist church of States- ville,pr éd at the Baptist Taber-necle 4 aleigh Sunday.Dr.An- derson’’’pulpit was filled by Rev.C. S.Cashwell.Dr.Anderson returned heme yesterday.| A-special programme of.music was) réndered to a large audiente at Broad Street Methodist church Sunday eve-, ning by the choir.The main auditori-! um was filled and there was a good| over-flow in the Sunday school room. The programme published in Fri-| day’s Landmark was carried out.Public Building For Mooresville, Senator Overman Saturday intro-:duced a bill in Conyrcss appropriat-| ing $75,000 to purchase a site and oes a postoffice building,at Moores-| ville.{ So long as Uncle Sam is spending| money that way,The Landmark hopes| Moorsgville will get a building.It} |has a stronger claim than,some towns that have obtained buildings.| LOOK!IT PAYS TO FRADE)at SMITHEY &FRALEY’S!Five,barrels coarse Granulated Sugar for| today and tomorrow to close out,/| 25 Ibs.for $1.88;25 cases Oranges, 20¢c.dozen;1,000 Ibs.whole-grainRice,6 1-4c.Ib.; Arbuckle’s ‘Coffee,20¢.or Beef Steak and Roast,8c.|THE“AND OUNEP foods.just as cheap.asant seeLEY)—ad SMITHEY & FRA-)¢Gs Democratic Gains —Union the. Banner County. State Chairman Warren finds that jin the recent election in North Caro- lina the Democrats made,gains in 87countiesandsustainedlossesin,only,, 18,these being small.Union \céunty became the banner Democratic coun-ty of the State,with a gain of 59.97 per cent.The increase in the entireStateoverthe1912yotewas11.86 per cent. The counties in which losses weresustainedwereallinthéeastexcept three—Swain,Wilkes and Randolph. The others are Brunswick,Famiio. Robeson,Pender,Carteret,CravePerquimans,Bertie,Northampton, Chowan. To keep the record straight,it must also be said that Republicans made gains—the amount not stated. Austrian Ambassador Gets Safe Passage. The entente.powers have décided jo grant safe conduct to Count Tar- ‘nowski von Tar now,recently appoint- ed Austro-Hungarian ambassador to the United States.The British for- eign office made this’announcement, saying the entente had decided to grant the safe conduct in considera-| ‘tion of the*representations made by! the American government. As a matter of fact the refusal ey grant safe conduct to the Austrian |ambassador to the United States was'| an unwarranted assumption on the] part of the belligerents and their hes-| itation in the matter was offensive.| ~Nervous “Women. When the nervousness is caused by eenetim| pation,as is often the case,you will get quick relief by taking Chamberlain's Tablets.These| tablets also improve the digestion.Obtaina-|ble everywhere.| ntssteea At eatinemaeete ROR CHRISTMAS” We will have Fresh Oysters,Fresh Celery, Cranberries,Coconuts, Dates,Figs,Nuts, Raisins,Candies,Ap- ples,Oranges and Grape Fruit. ——Phone 89,— Eagle ‘&Milholland.} CITYTAXES. The City Tax Hookersre now in my handsforthecollectionof1916Taxes.Promptpaymentisrequested.W.L,NEELY,Nov.8.City Tax Collector, $1.40 Ridge Shingles Per Square,Nails, Rolkand Valley.Pin...:«WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. MILL Ss &“POSTON! Wednesday Thursday +:or Four Days’Hat Sale WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday Women,Misses andChildren Friday Saturday 9 O'clock.+~Qur entire stock of Trimmed Hats will go on Sale Wednesday Morning at Terms Cash at following prices. $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 "as above stated. —————_ None worth less than $3.00.Some as much as $7,00 All go respectively | Yours truly,=MILLS &POSTON. ULZ ae our claims. |VIS’? LEONARD 1PIANO STORE FOR YOURFAMILY GIFT. A Eleven:Hate;Piano,’Organ or Phonograph. moreceeey?WE STILL HAVE IN STOCK AT SALE PRICES THE FOLLOWING PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS. One Style C WESER:PIANO,regular price $275,sale price=One Style 0 WESER PIANO;regular price $325,sale saecom}One WESER Jr.PLAYER,regularOneStyle20PLAYER,regular \USED PIANOS.|One Style 0 WESER PIANO,regular price $325,saleWESERPIANO,regular price $275,saleregular regular $235.price $285.price $385.price $485....4. $200.1 $175.4$325.$225. price $450,sale price $600,sale pricepriceprice price price $450,saleprice$325,sale Investigate our sale prices on veins and Talking Machines. If itis not convenient foryyou to visit our store,let us come to see you and present ‘ Statesville,N.G. Will,“tiara beh VICTROL A in your home CHRISTMAS? will give you BEST results,at the!lowest cost.Why take chances on other paints when you can buy DA- FOR SALF BYLazenby-Montgomery~Hardware Co.kaStatesville,WeCe SELECT -YOURS FROM OUR COMPLETE STOC ANDREWS MUSIC STORE, 105 East Broad5 tapes %4.neeMusical ACE DISCUSSION.‘Calla on BelligerentsTheirCasesandSeemAgreementCan’t Be nt Wilson has appealed toFbelligerentstodiscussterms Hout actually proposing peaceringmediation,the sidentformalnotestothegovern-li the,warring nationsthat“an early occasionhttocalloutfromthena-iw at war such an avowal of®Tespective views as to the“upon which the war might be/and the arrangements‘hore be coe PAterAactory,eee y against its renewal or)kindling of any.similar conflictthefuture,as would make it pos-lefrankly to compare them.”fhe President’s action was with- ft notice and unexpected,in view[the attitude of the Entente allieswardtheGermansnapestion,ter the usual preliminaries bytaryLansingtoAmreicanam-adors in all the belligerent coun-»this paragraph is adtressed toCentral.powers (Germany andallies):®,“The suggestion which I am_in-ucted to make the President hasnghaditinmindtooffer.He iserstembarrassed‘to offer it at particular time because.it ymayseemtohavebeenpromptedby|desire t¢play a part in connectionztherecentoverturesofthetralpowers.It has in fact beennowaysuggestedbytheminitsnmandthePresidentwouldhaveyedofferingituntilthoseover-‘tures had been independently an-wered but:for the fact that it alsocernsthequestionofpeaceandbestbeconsideredinconnection“with other proposals which have thegameendinview.The President canonlybegthathissuggestionbecon-sidered entirely on its own merits andasifithadbeenmadeinothercir-eumstances.”“In the note to the Entente alliestheaboveischangedtosaythattheactionisnot“prompted by the recentoverturesoftheCentralpowers.”Then the note to all is identical,asfollows:\ “The President ‘suggests’that anearlyoccasionbesought’to call outfromallthenationsnowat.war suchanavowaloftheirrespectiveviews“as to the terms upon-which the warhtbeconcludedandthearrange-ents which would be deemed satis-factory as a guaranty against its re-newal or the kindling of any similarconflict-in the future,as would makeitpossiblefranklytocomparethem. He is indifferent as to the means tak- en’to accomplish this.He would be happy himself to serve,or even to take the initiative in its accomplish- ment,in any way .that might proveacceptable,but he has no desire todeterminethemethodortheinstru- mentality.One way.will be as ac-ceptable to him as another,if only the great object he has in mjnd beattained.‘ :“He takes the liberty of calling at- “s tention to the fact’that the objects which the statesmen of the belliger-‘ents.on both sides have in mind inthiswararevirtuallythesame,asstatedingeneraltermstotheirownleandtotheworld.Each side‘Meares to make the rights and priv-jleges of weak EN peoples and small States as secure against aggressioninthefutureastherightsandprivi- \*leges of the great and powerful a :States now at war.Each wishes it-self to be made secure in the future, along with all other nations and peo-ples,against the recurrence of warslikethis,and against aggression orselfish{Interference of any kind.Bach would be jealous of the forma- .tion of any more rival leagues to pre- sérve an uncertain balance of poweramidstmultiplyingsuspicions;buteachisreadytoconsidertheforma- ‘tion of a league of nations to insurepeaceandjusticethroughouttheworld.Before that final step can be 4 x taken,however,each deems it nec- me ae ry first to settle the issues of the ‘“present war upon terms which will ‘°\@ertainly safeguard the independence, j ~the territorial integrity and the po- as 'Fitieal and commercial freedom —of the.nations.involved.‘©Jn the measures to be taken to secure the future peace of the world “the wn and government of..the “United States areas vitally and as directly interested as .the govern-ments now at war.Their interests,<°Jmoreover,in the means to be adopt- **ed’to relieve the smaller and weaker people of the world of the peril of wrong and violence is as quick and ardent as that of any other people or ,government.They stand ready,and Ne even eager,to co-onerate in the ac- \complishment of these ends,when the war is over,with every influenceandresourceattheircommand.But the war must first:be concluded.The terms upon which it is to be conclud- ed they ure fot at liberty to suggest; but the President does feel that it is his right and his duty to point out .es their intimate interest in its conclus- pie ion,lest it should presently be —toolate‘to accomplish the greater thingswhichliebeyonditsconclusion,lest the situation of neutral ‘nations,now exceedingly hard to endure,be ren-id altogether intolerable,and lest,‘than all,an injury be doneiohitselfwhichcanneverbe + A parison of views as to the terms~which must ‘precede;those ultimatearrangementsfortHepeaceoftheworld,which ‘all desire and in which‘<tthe ner nations:‘as well as those opportunity for a com-|it PEACE NOT YET IN SIGHT. Germany Has Not Made PeaceP1,Says British Pre-mier —Lloyd George’s.An-swer to the Central:Powers. The announcement:in the BritishHouseofCommonsTuesdaybyDa-vid Lloyd George,the new primeminister,that the first act of ‘his ad-ministration was:the rejection of theproposaloftheCentralpowersforapeacecdnference,constituted one ofthemostmomentousscenes.which the oldest Parliamentary veteranshadeverwitnessed,The new premier declared that be-fore the allies would give favorableconsideration‘to such.an invitation,they must know that.Germany wasprepared.to accede to the ,allies’terms,giving “complete restitution,full reparations and -effectual guar- antees”;that to enter a conferenceupontheinvitationofGermany,pro- claiming herself victorious,withoutanyknowledgeofherproposal,wouldbe“putting our headg into a noosewiththeendoftheropeinGerma-ny’s hands.”Mr.Lloyd George xsserted that atthemoment.Germany was _penningthenote,asserting her convictions as to the rights of other nations,she was dragging Belgians into slavery/The note presented through Wash-ington,he said,contained no propés- als of terms,but was a paraphraseofChancellorvonBethmann-Holl-‘weg’s speech,and the allies had sep-arately concluded to reject it.Theyhadinformallyexchangedviewsand would within a few days present ajointreply.. Mr.Asquith,the former premier,seconded Mr.Lloyd George’s decision with even stronger words,and almostatthesamemomentEarlCurzonwasinforming’the lords ‘that the govern- ment would enter no conference thatdidnotguaranteeforEuropethe free and independent existence of na- tions,great and small.The Mar-quis of Crewe affirmed the approvalofthemembersofthelategovern- ment. Reparation and Guarantees. Repeating over and over again,that without reparation,restitution and full and_effectual guaranteeagainstrepetitioninthefuture, there can be no consideration ofpeacewithGermany,Mr.Lloyd George said: “Without reparation peace is im- possible.Are all:ihese outrages against ‘humanity on land.and sea tobeliquidatedbyafew-pious phrasesabouthumanity?Germany leaves us to exact the damage for all futureviolencecommittedafterthewar. We must exact it now,so as not to leave such a grim inheritance to our children.4“Much as we all long for peace,deeply as we are horrified with war, this note and speech (the speech ofthe‘German chancellor)which _her- alded it,donot afford us much en-fcouragement to hope for an honora- ble and lasting peace.“What hope is given in the speechthatthewholerootandcauseofthis great bitterness,the arrogant spirit of the Prussian ‘military caste,will not’be as dominant as.ever,if we patch up peace now?The.veryspeechinwhichthesepeacesugges-tions are made resounds to the boast of Prussian military triumph.It is a long paean over the victory of.von Hindenburg. “We must keep a steadfast eye.up- on the purpose for which we enteredthewar;otherwise the great sacri-fices we have been making will be in vain..The Germannote:states thatitwasforthedefenceoftheirexist-ence and the freedom of national de-velopment that the Central powers were constrained to take up arms.Such phrases are intended to delude the German nation into supportingthedesignsofthePrussianmilitary caste.Who ever wished to put an end to their national existence or freedom of development?We wel- comed their development so long as it was on the paths of peace.:“The allies entered this war to de- fend Europe against the aggression of Prussian,military domination,and having begun it they must insist that the only end is the most complete ef- fective guarantee against the possi- bility of that caste ever again dis- turbing the peace of urope.Prus- sia,since ‘she.got into the hands ofthatcaste,has been.a bad neighbor, arrogant,threatening,bullying, shifting her boundaries at her will and taking one fair field after an- other from her weaker neighbors and adding them to her own dominions.“With her belt ostentatiously full of weapons of offence and ready ‘at &moment’s noti¢e to use them;she has always been an unpyeasant,-dis-turbing neighbor in Europe.She got thoroughly on the nerves of Europe; there was no peace near where shedwelt.It is difficult for those whoarefortunateenoughtolivethou-sands of miles -away to understandwhatithasmeanttothosewholivenear.*“Even here,with the protection ofthebroadseasbetweenus,we knowwhatadisturbingfactorthePrus-sians were with their constant navalmenace,what it meant to ‘France and Russjé.Several times there were threats“di- rected against them even within tlifetimeofthisgéneration,whichresentedthealternativeof:war or fginiltaticn,There were many of uswhoHopedthattheinternalinfluenceinGermanywouldbestrong.enoughtocheck‘and ultimately to eliminate “Now that this great.war has beenforced:by the Prussian leaders_itwouldbefollynottoseetoit.thatthis|swash-buckling through -thestreetsofEuroanceofpeaceful;‘citizens was.dealt ie tk ¢ :oe.touiplay.their ,fullREviGemtianedclPageShe).0" te s ‘withHereard now ms the most.s¢- Committee of Job’s Cabin But we can_haYdly -realize, and this disturb-| KILLED BY HIS OWN GUN. Whit.Alexander Met DeathWhenHeShowedHisFriend His Pistol..3 Whit.Alexander cortored,of Beth-any township,was ‘accidentally killedTuesdaymorningbyJimBelk,algocolored."at the home of ‘the latter near Harmony,‘eAlexanderhadgonetovisit.Belk,After nutting up his mule he wentinthehousetothefire.While stand-ing before the fire he announced to Belk that he had a good automaticpistolandhanded-it to Belk to ex-amine.Belk.undertook to ..remove the magazine,when the pistol wasaccidentally‘discharged,the ball.go-ing through Alexander’s head.Hesanktothefloorandneverspoke.Sheriff Alexander and CoronerMoosewenttothesceneoftheshoot-ing,the coroner held an ingnest,anditwasdecidedthatthekillingwasentirelyaccidental.,Alexander and Belk ‘both havefamiliesandweregoodfriends. Two Prisoners Returned. Sherrill Dalton and Lester.Flow, two of the negro prisoners who es- eaped Monday night from the jail,returned Tuesday morning and gavethemselvesup.They brought a bondsman with them,who gave theirbondandtheywerereleased. Thei escape Monday:night,it.is believed,was engineered by Her- bert Moore,the white prisoner.Af- tery the escape through ‘a window onthesecondfloorafewmonthsago,of several other prisoners,chains werestretchedacrossthewindowtomakeitsecureandthechainswerefasten-ed with two locks...Moore claimed tobesickMondayandaskedJailerWoodsidestoallowhim:to remain inthecorridoruntilnight.While .Mr, Woodsides.wés at supper about 6o'clock the four prisoners took a piece of piping from the shower bath,a rod from the bed and with these prized the locks,then escaped. Postmaster at Olin. As has been stated,a civil serviceexaminationwillbeheldinStates- ville January 138 to make certifica- tion for the position of postmaster at Olin,Mr.J.A.Weisner,the pres- ent postmasters having resigned.|Ap- plication blanks and information forapplicantscanbehadofthe-post-master at Olin.,gaMaleapplicantsmustbe 21 yearsold.or over,applicants 18;‘eiallapplicantsmustresidewithin¢ territory supplied.by the postoffice: The compensation of the Olin post-master was $264 the last fiscal year. Four children,all boys and rang-ing in age from two to eight years,children of Mr.Will Baxter of Con- cord township,were painfully injur-ed by the explosion of a dynamitecapyesterdayafternoon.Some of the children had found a‘box of dy-namite caps in the woods and had taken them home.One of the caps was placed on the floor and an effort made to burst it.with a hammer. When it did explode it injured allaboutthelegsandhands.Dr.E.M. Yount responded and dressed the wounds and all are.all right. _Pleased With the Clothing. Mr.W.S.Church,who signs him-self secretary of the Flood Relief ownship, Wilkes county,writes Mrs.M.L..Si- mons acknowledging the receipt of a box ‘of clothing recently sent theJob’s Cabin flood sufferers by States-villé people through Mrs.SimonsMr.Church having written to her ofthegreatneed.:Mr.,,Church says they are very mych pleased with the clothing sent from Statesville,and that it will bedistributedtoworthysufferers. Two Things to Remember. Don’t forget these two things in the Christmas buying: Red Cross Seals.All the moneygoestohelptubercularvictimswho can’t help themselves and to aid in the fight to exterminate tuberculosis. That is in your behalf.-You or someofyoursmaybeavictim. If you haven’t already subscribed, set aside a.contribution for the Asso-ciated Charities,which helps the sick and the destitute.;2 Yoqu’ll be happier for these contri- butions at this glad Christmas time. Cotton Ginned to Dec.13. Cotton ginned prior to Deeember 13 amounted to 10,845,989 running bales, including 183,408 round —bales,and 610,448 bales of sea island,the cen- sus bureau reports. Last year to December 13 ginnings amounted to 10,306,309 bales,or 93.10 per cent of the entire crop,and in 1914 they were 13,972,229 bales,or 87.8 percentofthecrop. 'The amount ginned in North Caro-lina-up-to_the-13th-was-618,946; Mails Christmas Day. City carriérs,will make~completedeliveryofallparcelsandwillhavedeliveryofallothermailatwindowsfrom11a.m.to 12.80 p.m.Christmas Day.,Rural carriers will make usual|delivery.General delivery open 11-to12.30. rious offence against the law of na- tions,;“We will wait until we hear whattermsandguaranteesthe‘German. government offers other than ~those,better than those,surer than..thosewhichshesolightly@broke.Andmeanwhileweshallputourtrust,in,inbrokenfaith,” votMr.Geo.F.,Brown:has:soldVhisterest,in shes restaurant on “depothillv0,na eaharge.ili yet ‘our unbroken army rather than A Pear. (% STATESVILLE,N.O,,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 22,1916. SALARIES A BIG SAVING. County Saved Near $5,000 :the Past Year Under New System. There was saved to Tredell county from December 1,1915,to December 1,1916,$4,480.33 asa result of the county officers being on a salary ba- sis instead of receiving theirfromfees, register of deeds,clerk of the courtandtreasurerwouldhavereceivedinfeesatotalof$15,056.35.The total amount paid to them in salaries dur- ing the year was $10,000,leaving $5,-056.35 balance in favor of the coun- ty..(But the county had to pay forsupplies’for the sheriff $551.02,clerk of the court $10 and register ofdeeds$15,leaving the net saving of$4,480.33 to the county. ‘During the year the county receiv-ed fees through the.sheriff’s officeamountingto$4,746.74,$1,195.72 in excess of the salary of $3,000 and ex- penses;$3,726.26 through the officeofregisterofdeeds,$1,226.26 in ex- cess of ‘the salary of $2,500 and ex- penses;$8,606.69 through the office of treasurer;$2,106.69 in excess of the salary of $1,500 and expenses;$2,976.66 through the office of clerkofthecourt,$23.34 less‘than the sal- ary of $3,000 and expense of the of- fice.This is the only county office which does not show a saving over the fee system.The saving the first year the sal-ary law was effective—from Decem- ber,1914,to.December,1915—wasestimatedatabout$1,000,The ex- act.amount could not be stated’be- cause the Supreme Court had justdecidedthatthesheriffwasnoten-titled to the 1914 tax commissionsandtheamountofcommissionsduethecountywasestimated,All theofficespaidanexcessthefirstyearexcepttheclerk’s office,which fell behind $351.46—the fees being thatmuchlessthanthesalary.This of- fice makes +a’better showing this year and the whole showing is bet-ter.-The salary advocates are justi-fied on the saving,if that was need-ed.As a‘matter of fact their con-tention would be justified if there was no saving—justified as a _busi-ness proposition.- COUNTY LOST THE SUIT. Will Have to Pay Twice a Claim of $660 For Work at County Home. The Supreme Court this week af-firmed the -decision of the lowercourtinthecaseofHutchisonvs.the Commissioners of Iredell county. This was an action brought by R.S.Hutchison,receiver for the Solo-monConstruction ‘Company of Char-lotte,to recover about $660.The Sol- omon Construction.Company con- tracted to paint the county -homeandsubletthecontracttotheLonCruseCompany.About the time the work was completed the-latter com-pany filed a claim in the nature of a lien on the building for about $500. The Solomon Construction Companywasnotifiedofthisactionandau- thorized Mr.M.A.Feimster,-whowasthenchairmanoftheboardof commissioners,to.pay the claim.The matter was overlooked for ‘the time,however,and in the meantime the Solomon Construction Companywentintothehandsofareceiver.After this the county did pay the amount to the Cruse Vompany.The receiver for the Solomon Company contended that the money should been paid to the Solomon Company,as it had not been paid to the CruseCompanybeforethereceivershipfortheSolomonCompany.The SupremeCourttakesthisviewofitandthecountywillpaytheamount. The matter was first heard by a referee and exceptions were filed tohisreportandthematterwasthenheardinSupriorCourtandthecase decided against the county.An appeal to the Supreme Court was taken,Theaction.has been pending:for several yearg and the costs and attorneys’ fees.are considerable. Death of Miss Kimball. Miss Chrissie Kimball died Wed- nesday night at 9 o’ctock at the homeofMr.W.A.Murdock in ‘Chambers- burg township. For several years Miss’KimballmadeherhomewithMrs,T.A.Mur-dock.On the death of the latter,re- cently,she went to live at’thehomeofMr.W.A.Murdoc.h.|She.|was the daughter of the late Joel.andSallieKimballandwas75yearsold.She had been sick for some time and was operated on in the summer forCancer.~°Miss Kimball is survived by one brother,Mr.William Kimball,in Ok-lahoma,and one sister,Mrs,LauraWhiteofStatesville.Funeral servi- ees were conducted at Mr.Murdock’s yesterday morning at 11 o’clock andintermentwasinOakwood. GovernorPardoned Nineteen. Gov.Craig Wednesday ©grantedpardonsto19convicts.Many,are long termers and ‘theoffences:rangefrommurder‘to .rétailing...In grant-ing these Governor Craig announced that he will act upon no more duringhistermofofficeandtheunfinished lot will be taken up by Gov.Bickett. Among those pardoned are the fol-lowing: John Steele,Mecklenburg county. spring term,1904.Murder in the sev-ond degree.Twenty-five years in thgStatéprison.;Howard Jones,Rowan county,Feb-ruary term,1915,breaking‘into freightImprisonedforthetermoftwoyears-and six months at hard labor.inthepenitentiary.pen Preaching at St:John’s”‘church,East Monbo;has:been:'postponed'ftoenextSundayto:Sunday’foltowing:!| pa:For the year thesheriff,i A LITTLE CHILD KILLED. Tragedy at Newton,Result ofFrozen‘Water Pipes Explod- ing.ae Nancy Shelton Wagner,©littledaughterofMr.and Mrs.Carl Wag-ner of Newton,was killed ‘by an ex-viosion in the home of Mr.ClydeWagner,at Newton Tuesday’morn-ng,,Clyde Wagner,a Southern railwaytelegrapher,came home ,from hiswork‘and built the kitchen fire. Frozen water pipes caused the ex- vlosion,‘about 10 o'clock.In thekitchenatthetimewereMrs.Wag-ner and the little girl,her niece.The child was in the arms of herauntatthetimeandtheexplosion literally blew her from her aunt's arms into an adjoining room,whereshewaspickedupinadyingcondi+tion,having been struck by pieces o the flying metal.The force of the explosion was so pieces,one of the dovrs of the rangewasdrivenintoakitchencabinet‘andthekitchengenerallywasmoreorlessdamaged.:Strange to say,Mrs.Wagner és-caped practically unhurt except fortheshock.The little girl was a grand-niece ofMrs..W.F.Sherrill of Statesville andMrs.Sherrill and Mr.Fred.Slaine ofStatesvilleattendedthefuneralinNewton‘Wednesday.eSMr.Carl.Wagner,who lives atNewtonandismanayerofadrugstoreatConover,has had his shareoftragediesrecently.Some weeksagowhilecomingfrom.Conover toNewtoninhisautomobile,he struckanoldman,Pink Teague,and killedhimintheroad,but was wholly ab-solved from blame by the coroner’sjuryandallwhosawtheaccident.Nevertheless,the accident was anerve-wracking shock to him;andthislastvisitationisinexpressiblyery.‘on the young man and:hiswife. Pardon For Klingman. O.C.Klingman will not serve asentenceofthreeyearsontheGuil-ford county roads.Gov.Craig,in histrialofthecase,finds Klingman notguiltyandgrantsafullpardon.Klingman was convicted of ‘embez-zling the proceeds of sale of automo-biles for the J.TI.Case Company,ofwhichhewasagent.went to the-State of Washington,disguised ‘himselfand changed)‘hisname.He was arrested,brought by the Supreme Court.In a lengthystatementofhisfindingsinthecase, Gov.Craig says:“Justice Allen and.Justice Hokedissented(in the Supreme Court de-cision)on the ground that upon the ant under the bill of indictmentshouldnothavebeenconvicted.ThispardonisrecommendedbyJusticeAllen,who states in his letter thatthemajorityofthecourtwouldhave’ordered a new trial upon the ground of the newly-discoverea evidence,but.for the fact that it has long been theestablishedrulenottoentertainmo-tions of this character in:criminalactions.”is Marina and Columbian.- Great Britain has forwarded to the State Department complete in- formation showing that the!British horse ship Marina,sunk without warning’by.a German’‘submarinewiththelossofsixAmericans,wasnotatthetimeand‘had not been be-fore in British public service,eitherbycharterorrequisition.+The State Department about tendaysagosenttoGermanyastate-ment of its-belief that this was thecase,but has been awaiting the full data before making’a final state-fent.Germany recently informedtheUnitedStatesthat,one of ©hersubmarinecommanderssanktheMa- rina,believing her to be a transport,not entitled to the privilegés of a private merchantmay.The German government,in itsanswertotheinquiryoftheUnited,States in regard to thefsinking of the American steamship Columbian,by aGermansubmarine,justifies the.actonthegroundthatafterbeingallow- ed to proceed by the submarine the Columbian used “her -wireless to givethepositionofthesubmersible. Bride Hurt inAuto Accident. iin route home froma trip to New- ton,where they were married,Wed-nesday afternoon,Mr.and Mrs.John E.Thernton (the latter was MissPearlBoyd)and Mrs.Thornton’s sis- ter were thrown from ‘a car between Newton and Maiden when their carskiddedontheice,and the bride andhersisterwerebadlyinjured.Mrs.Thornton was unconscious for sometimeaftertheaccident. Asheville-Will Weigh Officially. Asheville city commissioners will install city scales for the weighingofcoal,etc.,a city weighmaster willbeappointedandthsmatterofap- pointing an inspector of wéights and measures.fot the city fs under con-sideration.All a result of the discov-ery that ‘coal dealers.were ‘short weighing customers.Asheville sets an example to other cities and.towns,( Temperature For a Week. The lowest temperature for theoewas11Wednesdaymorning, th,Thursday,14th,the temperaturewas15;Friday,15th,it was 27;Sat-‘urday,16th,17;.Sunday,17th,28;Monday,18th,25;"Tuesday,19th,18.Yesterday it was $2.00 0.004),saved!*'Rigures from Supt.‘Thompson's 'povernment record. #|blay tonight atthe’ great that the range was torn to back to Greensboro for trial,convict-|:ed and the conviction’was affirmed By evidence before the court the defend-M |A Statesville lady— NO PAPER &;at ee .Ez id 29th bot inly’thereater,i Vv.wiChristmasDay.ception it .With that«will.be open’:‘business as usual,|—HeMerryChristmastoall,-8 weHR e R e E R R E K R HA R A R E SE SE H * BRIEF ITEMS 1 ketball team and the —speunes the:Coibegivenby:Stony PointEthisevening,beginning —Mr.Ino.-H.‘GraytheStatesvilleInn W-running.both’the —Mr.Chap Carter,formStatesville,who ig in’€service,has been trarRichmondtoNewOrleans:Mr.T..Foy;Whitestairsathis.home,Vnoonandsuffered|collar-bone and: bon spend the holidays. Lae it,Walker of phans’Home says peberingtheorphans’they are lookingantChristmas:- day for Salisbury.’have charge of thpartment‘of: a traeaday):hole in thechclosetattheneliusinCool He ran away,!Associa avenue for the nextwhileMr.‘Turner is inandMiss©Margaret Texas,«Me A RS—Motor World,a New ¥ilication,this month copied”tents of a catd pre BdbytheCarolinareeave} and commen :adoption by similar.co Bunch—promptly made“Glorified Corn ‘prendsthelastissueofThe LarecipecomingfromAsh the Citizen.The andaportionandisnow préptifythatthe“glorified’’b —Shortest days of |thhours#nd‘42 minutes.Yertea@minuteshorterthantoda:motrow will be a ‘minute.loreliablealmanac‘fromthisinformation‘further.winter to begin yesterday.er here indicated that ‘winweekortwoaheadoftime. —The Moving Picture HealthoftheState"Board feeea . finished.it charge of ‘Mr.Roy ©.ager’and demonstrator,©appointments at:Graycrest:‘aefeartown,and at Troutman’day afternoon ‘and last nigheach‘appointmentthe car ‘was:as!for a -return eh:ment andbeginitssecond‘round:JantaatLinwoodandMt.«Mourne,—Mr.T.M..Patterson ‘2TuesdayfromMadison,Ga.,his brother,Mr.Clyde PaipatientatSieneeyet ieisbeenin. Clyde Patterson in4ployofthéUnion‘Pacific railroad,the West for some ‘years andbeenunablefordutyforsoriHewasbroughttoStatesville™ week for treatment.; —License has been issued’formarriageofMr.William B..rum and Miss Lucy Harris;Mr.C.Kinder and Miss Willie E iC Montgome Pe Mr.4estR.rat Pg Miss DoragieMurdock;Mr.Pinckney A.2andMissMaude’Johnston;heLackeyBenfieldandMiss.:Hoover;Mr.Wade-Hill Plummer’ani,Miss Verda.May Pool.Sea * *******‘CHRISTMAS _-PRESENT.THE NDMAREbeapopularChristmasent.Send $2 fur asubscriptionfor—somyouwanttomakeglad|glad holiday time and ¢vored one Will ‘haverememberyouallthe |.: ee 2 eR e SR RE D Following.-several.‘minghealth,.Staaanty,j jhehadaffixed t) at gal document. f i‘ «4 le gift. :ogant th fr li‘atheschool.girl ".sade: Te nemshecopletes’herachoolcourseandagain calls for a fresh%from college.ce manera’ipupresents,expensive aneplyIfonegoesonavisittoa4sheisexpectedtoprovideher-“self,with gifts for every member offamilyvisited,to be presentedonherdeparture.If a friend is»again it is gifts—flowers,ee Kaas:games,a boudoir cap or dress- erm gown.oe :ry mas then comes Christmas witheveryonevieingwitheveryoneelseintherichnessandmultiplicityofChristmaspresents.This year,th the increased cost of every-thing,the burden is a heavy one.AbusinessmaninAshevillesaid_re-cently to the Times that it was his*©custom to remember at Christmas‘time a large circle of relatives andfriends.Last year the Christmasbuyingtookjust$100;this yearneersllythesamegiftsarecost-$190,‘ee time has come,the Times be- lieves,to make of Christmas a chil-dren’s festival and confine the givingto:older people to Christmas cards or a single simple and inexpensive re-oghinder of the joyous season. _SRSACARASDERITE * Ma'de me ‘“fails :emia calmly.©Lasta"Ww and =Millstein aes thdalled Fell and Broke His Neck While Throwing Snowballs. “Thad.Hemphill,son of Mr,andMrs.P.O,Hemphill,of the HemphillsectionofBurcombecounty,was al- most instantly killed Monday,saystheAshevilleCitizen,while indulg-ing in the boyish sport of snowball-“ing.Stooping to pick up a handfuljo£snow,the feet of the young manslippedandhefell,striking his headinsuchawaythathisneckwas“broken.He lived about.a half hourafterbeingpickedup.Bn,Young Hemphill had been duckingsnowballsthrown.by friends and hadbeenreplyinginkind.He stooped togatheramassof‘snow,preparatorytomouldingitintoaballforthrow--ing,when his foot slipped and hefellFriends,of the injyred boystartedtothrowathimwhilehewas Kontheground,as the distance of thefallgavenoindicationthatitcouldpossiblyhaveaseriousresult.As ufewminutespagsedbyandhedidnot attempt to rise,investigation was made,and it was found that youngHemphillwasunconscious.Medical.aid was summoned but efforts of the attending physicians were .unavail-ing,the boy ving less than a half_hour after his fall.Investigation of the cause of deathshowedthattheneckhad_beenbroken.‘ .Canada Tearing Up Railway toaeEy Supply War Needs. Canada has begun to'tear up 1,000“miles of railway to meet the needs ofthewaronthewesternfrontinFranceandBelgium.The rails willbeshippedtoFrance,where theywillbere-laid to facilitate the move-ment of troops,guns,munitions andsuppliesfromFrenchportstothefightingline.:-.Laborers now are at work tearingup300milesofgovernmentrailway‘wgidings and it has been decided toZemove220milesofrailsbetweenXBémnontonandthePacificcoast,where.theGra).Trunk Pacificel.-It was impossible to obtain .new rails,owing to the great demand forsteeltomanufactureshells.Soldierswillbeemployedtotearuptherailswhenlaborerscannotbeemployed,it‘was said.-:»It is a matter of history that the.Yailroad’between .Charlotte and{Statesville was torn up during the‘war-of the 60s to get the ties and for another line much needed byConfederateovat.The @ torn up was rebuilt a.few yearsthewar.iBEoleeeMoreMoneyForWageWorkers ‘Not less than 5,750,000 salariedemployesand.wage-workers willhaveoccasiontorejoiceduringthe holidays over the widespread _pros-Y prevailing in the Unitedtates.This estimate of the numberof:persons affected by the increasesinsalariesandwages,houses,profit-sharing plans and insurance benefitsismadebySecretaryofLaborWil-hased.upoh_reports received by artment.:\While no estimateof the aggre:’gate*amount of money distributedunderthesevariousplansforhelp-‘ing employes to celebrate the com-ing Christmas and to enable them tomeetthehighcostofliving,is madebythegovernment,facts collected bytheNewYorkWorldindicatethatitwillexceed$300,000,000..The em--ployes who have or will chiefly benefit‘om these concessions made by in-dividuals,firms and corporations,in-claude almost every variety of labor. Didn’t Want to Die SoChristmas. In keeping with their wish thattheybeexecutedTuesdayinsteadofPic‘owing to the approach ofChristmas,Charles Kumrow -andhleyJ.Millstein met their deathan.theelectric\chair at ping Sing (N.s)prison Tuesday.Both went toSundayIrequestedtheirexecutionbeadvanced|inthatthegriefof’their relatives Canadian Northern and tracks run Near the feelings of their fellow-in-}vee mean Talent be48muchaspossiblebyChrist-‘time.oo Soap Medicine ForChildren.Cook,Scottsville,N.Y.,says:five ago when we were living inN.Y,I doctored two of my childrenromcolds.Chamberlain's it as represent. checked theirquicker|than’,everywhere. ?“As it might be of interegt to som:of the ie ous}:This eotherfarm‘boys of .Iredellcounty,Iwill attempt to give a briefaccount.of the Rea LiveprorsExpositionandHorseShow‘recently at Chicago,Ill.show ‘has d permanentheadquarterssinte1900inChicago,with very pre:Reina suited totheshowingandjudgingof|livestock.It is held every year after thecountyandStatefairsareoverandthebestspecimensofthedifferentbreedsofcattleandhorsesfromtheUnitedStatesandCanadaareas-sembled here.Owing to the outbreakofthefoot-and-mouth disease,noshowswereheldin1914and1915.This fact greatly increased the num-ber of entries of Cattle and the at- tendance this year.Over 75,000 peo-ple were admitted Wednesday,thegreatestdayoftheshow,accordingtotheofficialcountofthegatekgep-ers.No games of chance or freakshowsofanykindarepermitted,alltheavailablespacebeingdevoted.totheexhibitionofthedomesticani-mals’and the display of ‘farm__pro-ducts .Cattle. There were shown around 3,000cattleofthebeefanddualpurposebreeds.Of this number 500 wereShorthorns,about an equal number each-of Herefords and Angus,and the remainder representatives of oth- er breeds—such:as Polled Durhams, Milking Shorthorns,Red Polls,Dur- hams and Galloways.The grandchampionoftheshowwasasolidwhiteShorthornbullweighingover 3.000 pounds,exhibited by Mr.A. F.Auld of Guelph,Ontario,Canada; and there were many others equally as large.Two men from the Argen-|tine Republic assisted in judging the|cattle.This added interest to thejudgingarena.|One of the most popular breeds of|cattle seemed to be the Milking! Shorthorn,a cow which will give al reasonable quantity of rich milk and! yet retain good ‘beef-making quali-| ties,Twenty car loads of steers werg | shown in the fat car contest.These | steers averaged about~1,500 pounds each in the two-year-old_class,and|after the judging were sold to the |packing houses,bringing from 15c.|to 17 1-2c.per Ib.or from $225 to}$260 each.A car of yearling Angus}steers from Illinois won first.These|sold for 28c.per Ib.Two cars of|Shorthorns from Washington county,|ansas,which had been fed from!self-feeders in an open feed lot,won|fourth and fifth,respectively.| Horses.| All breeds of horses were repre-| sented.The Percherons and Clydes-dales were most numerous;also there|were many driving horses,saddle|horses and ponies.The Suffolk Punch |horses attracted a great deal of at-|tention,they being a comparatively|new breed in the United States,hav-/ing been brought over from England |a few years ago.It is said that theyarewellsuitedtotheconditionsof|Southern farms,as they haven’t a/|very heavy coat of air and are small-er and more active than some of theotherdraftbreeds.. The Horse Show held WednesdaynightintheInternationalAmphithe-ater was good.Long before the bu-gle was sounded for the first class anaudiencetaxedthecapacity‘of thevastbuilding,which will seat 15,-000 persons.A grand parade of theprize-winning horses and cattle wasthefirstthingontheprogramme.Two hundred of the best horses inAmericaand300ofthefinestcattlewerein_this great display of livestock.On each animal was fastenedtheribbonstheyhadwonandeathwasledbyauniformedattendant,who carried a card or banner givingthebreedandnameofowner.But themain.feature of the show was theridinganddrivingcontests.Of theeightclassesnoneweremoreinter-esting than the five-gaited saddleclass,and the six-horse team contestofdrafthorses.This latter was wonbyateamofsixiron-gray Percher-ons from LaFayette Stock Farm,La-Fayette,Indiana.;;Among the other features of theshowwerethepologames.Thisgameissomethingsimilartobothtennisandfootball,only more excit-ing,the players being on horseback. The pole-vaulting and fence-jumpingcontestwaswonbyaKentuckysad-dle horse..A trick horse was alsoexhibitedwhichperformedanydifferentstunts.A regular Scottisbag-pipe band furnished music for theoccasion. Hogs and Sheep. Nearly every breed of hogs °waswellrepresentedintheexposition,Poland Chinas,Berkshires and DurocJerseysweremostnumerous.In thefathogcontestaPolandChina21months‘old and weighing 820 pounds, won first.There were many othersequallyaslargebutinthiscontesttheageandqualityofthefleshcount-ed for most.-Among the breedingclassesaBerkshirefromHoodFarm,Lowell,Mass.,won the grand cham-Pionship,weighing 960 pounds.ApenofthreePolandChinaswonfirstinthefatpercontest,the threeweighingoveraton.The pens ofChesterWhitesandBerkshireswerecloseseconds.There were probably100hogs‘which would weigh from500poundsto1,000,and upwards.The biggest hogs were found amongtheTamworthsandlargeEnglishYorkshires,several of these weigh-ing 1,000.pounds each.Over 1,200 sheep were entered,rep-resenting all the principal wool andmuttonbreeds,from the Oxfords andtheBig-horned Dorsets to the South-downs and Shropshires,which areseenmorecommonlyintheSouth.Corn and Its Products.Several of the States had exhibitsoftheir.agricultural products,thoseofIllinoisandMississippibeing es-pecially good.In the Illinois exhibi¢was shbwn the,different grades of allkindsofwoolandthedifferentstagesofmanufacturefromwooltocloth.Also 19 articles of food were shown‘which were made from corn,Amongthesewerebreakfastfoods,syrups,cooking ‘oil,‘sugar,edible.starch,corn flour and a kind of cand vhichisveryoftenseeninStatesvillegro-cery stores about Christmas _tinie. j ited, riley ss,on’old ioned :looms,Samplesvot ‘cotton —stalkswithopenbolls,cotton as it is pick-ed,and the Viola les of co!in'ted thepeoplefromtheNoern’States.vry,much.Samples of theweedswhichprovemostSeoupHNooneinthecultivationofcrops,a ofthedifferentinsects.which are inju-rious to fruit trees and the graincropsalsowereshown.eM,.Stock Yards.j éOneofthemostinterestingplacesvisitedbesidestheStockShowwastheUnionStockYardswhere‘cattlefromseveralStatesareshippedtobesoldOn’Wedensday there were 19,-000 cattle,65,000 hogs and 25,000sheep,in round numbers,unloadedandsold.Cattle sold at‘an averageoffrom10c.to 12c.,,hogs sold for 9andWe.per pound,live weight.|Some of_the fat cattle are shipped |to New York and other Eastern cit-ies but the greatest part.of the cat-tle and all the hogs and sheep areboughtandbutcheredbythehalfdozenorsobigpackinghouseslocat-ed in Chicago. 190 to 250 lbs.andfrom1,000 to 1,500 are most in de-mand by the.packers,but almost ‘anykindofcattleandhogswillbeboughtatsomeprice.Frequentlyyouwillseeamixedcarofcattle—a few fat steers,some milch cowsandvealcalves,shipped in the Hogs weighing from|'cattle weighing }~ as you never thought ~|/could be is yours to =(/7~command quick as’you buy some PrinceAlbertandfire-up a. pipe or a home-made!cigarette! Prince Albert gives, you every tobacco sat-isfaction your smoke- appetite ever hankered for.That’s because it’s made by a patented process that cuts out bite and parch!Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums.We prefer to give quality!se F . 1 8 f r t kp ie a8 ey é *o :a” 3, Fste ae i:t iEE atmsemecarbyafarmer not havingenoughofonekindtofillacar.Again,two or more farmers will |weigh or mark their cattle or hogsandshiptogether,eacn ‘paying hisproportionatepartoftheexpenses,according to wéight.This has been|found to be satisfactory,as the ;packers or the commission companies |will gladly weigh and grade them|separately and return’check to each|man for his part,in order to get thecattle.The farmers of Iredell coun-ty might profitably use this plan in|marketing their live stock,as there |are,packing houses in Richmond,Va.,Orangeburg,S.C.,and other nearby?agAACes, { Packing Plant.| Armour’s Packing Plarit,whose |daily capacity is 19,000 cattle.15,000hogs2nd12,000 sheen,was also vis-|There is nothing wasted at |these packing houses.All the by-vroducts are utilized.Even the hair,|bones,horns and hoofs of the animals |slaughtered are made jnto some use-|ful article.The meat fromthebestcattleisplacedin’cold ‘stor-age and sold fresh,while the meat |from the poorer grades is ground and|sold in tins and eans.Much of the!pork is cured and then shipped out |all over the country.The cold stor:|age facilities 6f this packing plant/are enormous,it taking ‘six 1,200}horsepower engines to provide power |for the cold storage plant alone.|While at the show a.sale of pure!bred Aberdeen Angus cattle was at-/|tended.Every animal entered in the!sale list brourht over $1.000,several!bringing $4,000 and $5,000 each.|Other Things of Interest.|Other noted places visited were}Lincoln Park,on the shore of Lake |Michigan,the Zoo,Museum and Half)of Natural History.the Y.M.'C.A.|building and one of the large stores,|the latter covering several acres and|being many stories in height.One of the most noticeable things ;in the country passed tnrough was}the better farm dwellings and barns.|the good roads,sc¢hoolhouses andchurches,and last the crops ‘lookedbetterwherethefarmerskeptgoodlivestock.Some other things weretheabsenceofloafersabouttherail-road stations,the neat’and well-keptgroundsaboutthedepotsandalongthetracks;also the railroad em-vloyes were courteous.Everywhere in the Western Statesvouhearthefarmers‘and stockmendiscussingtheshortcropsand_itsecmsagreedthatthisistheprinci-pal cause of high prices,not onlyongrainbutoncattléandpoultryproductsaswell,for the scarcity ofrainandotherfeed’stuffs causedmanyofthefarmerstosellmostoftheirsurpluscattleandpoultrylastsummer,9Iowemuchofthe pleasureof thistriptomycompanion,Mr.G.E.Dull.Hemet:quite a number of his col-legemates and teachers.They wereagreathelptousinplanningourroundstoseethingstobestadvan-tage.Iredell’s demonstrator isnopularwiththoseWesternfolks.Mr.Dull will visit his home in “Kan-sas and his uncle in Iowa before re-turning here the first of the year.;H.H.WOOTEN.+Statesville,R-2.° INDLOY ORETENOR STSHouseStillinDoubt. Independent ‘members of the in-coming House ‘of Representatives areplanningan_organization to workapartfrombothDemocrats:‘and Re-publicans with the avowed purpose ofenforcingradicalchangesintherules.Informal conferences amongindependentsnowinCongresshaveresultedinanagreementthatsome-thing should be done to give morepublicitytocommitteework.At least one of the independentshasconferredwithCoionel-Roose-velt over the situation and will seekfurtheradvicefromhim.Both Dem-ocrats and .Republicans are eagerlyseekingthefavorofthe‘independ-ents,as the Speakership’situationdailybecomes,more doubtful.ThepersonnelofthecomingHouseisstillin_doubt,: HOW THIS MOTHER Got Strength To Do Her Work Fair Haven,Vt.—“I was so nervousandrundownthatIcouldnotdpmyhouseworkformylittlefamilyofthree.I had doctored for nearly two years |without help.One day I read ‘aboutVinol,and ,thanks to it,my)health hasheenrestored86Iamdoingallmhouseworkoncemore,I am telling allmyfriendswhatVinolhasdoneforme.”~~Mrs.JAmes H.Eppy,'Vinol is a combination of.femoustonicswhichweguaranteetobuildup-the weak and run-down,: W.F.Hall,Druggist;.Statesville,|BUILDING?.C.|WATKINS. PRINCE ALBERT ©the national joy smoke ie has a flavor as different as it is delightful.You never tasted the like of it!And that isn’t strange,either.ee Men who think they can’t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga-‘rette can smoke and will smoke if they use PrinceAlbert.And smokers who haye not yet given P.A.a try-out certainly have a big surprise anda lot of enjoymentcomingtheirwayassoonastheyinvestinasupply,~Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story! R,J.REYNOLDS:TOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem;N.C.: Buy Prince Albert every- where tobacco is sold intoppyredbags,Sc;tidy red tins,10c;handsome pound and half-pound tin humi- dors—and—that corking fine pound crystal-glass,humi-dor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such clever trim—always! Having qpalified as administratortateofEllenBratcher,deceased,late of Iredellcounty,N.C.,this is to notify all persons havingclaims-against the estate of said deceased toexhibitthemtotheundersignedatStatesville,N.C.,on or before December 12,1917,’or thisnoticewillbepleadedinbaroftheirrecovery.All persons indebted to said estate will pleasemakepayment,D.BRATCHER,W.A.Bristol,Atty.Administrator.Dec.12,1916,*MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness,:Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals.Stops Pain At OnceForManandBeast 25c.50c.$1.At AllDealers, of the es- _NOTICETOCREDITORS, About those Christmas presents,minutes in our store will satisfactorily solve’theproblemforyou. prices;you can suit your fancy and:finances,:Hadn’t you better come in RIGHT AWAY?The shopping days are slijustaroundthecorner, POLK GRAY DRUG CO. e’re ‘‘On the Square”. Just a.few - You'll find SOMETHING for EVERYBODY—:man,woman or child.We have presents at all - ing by and Christmas is ShoppingDaysUntilChristmas. Come and select your VICTROLA NOW Then you'll 'will be sure fo get it..,* Andrews Music,‘Store.Everything Musical.105 East Broad eee FRESH GOODS. Cranberries “Better Goods For Less Money.”Gelery pee _#PHONE 157.a_*Oysters |: Evaporated Prunes Evaporated Peaches Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St ———FOR—— Buy one ot our Victrolas.Please all thefamily.Nothing more elevating than-good'music.We bring the world’s great-est singerstoyour homesat small cost. $40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100.00,$150.00.° We have now on hand 500 of the latestandbestRecords.Cae eS The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.||==INSURANCE!2oe-Baca gegreatmany‘policyholders do not seem toAs‘a know that.their insurance’will be ‘void under certain conditions named in theWedeemitcontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy.mention some of the causes utider which the samevalueless,viz:a1—Vacant or id]your agent for permit.::omMechanicsmakingadditionsto,or extraordinary altera-or on property—always get permits from agents.te,_..8—Property upon which there is a mortgageunless notice of"same is vers spply *.yout agent,ki te a in coychangeinthetitleorownersorinterestinproper.-|ty insured otherthas by death),AGe aeAssignmentortransferofpro:to another.?6—By any increase in the |,no must be given.'ae e nthe e other peueenee on oe:;“Aeseepingexplosivesonthepremisesoutpermitother.eee ce ok ra 2)@g Need‘operty encumber:y chattle re:Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 the printed controftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of theseficienciesunlessnotified..Call on as for any INSURANCEid nh,mation,~FOR SALE:“WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE”,New and second hand machinery 8.Parkes Cadman is coming ‘back Tuesday of Chautauqua!_for tale.sid all kinds of boiler J.F.C ARLTON,.Mana er, C,H.TURNER.|.|PHONE640 0)TATES vcIredelltinsNo.:74,Bell No,7....1|!ae BOXING,CASING,SIDING, Flooring,Ceiling,Moulding.. “C.WATKINS, WANTED! _TSR SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 73c;,per pound,Light Brass 6c.perun tions in % \ + *CHRISTMAS!) |Victrolas and Victor Talking Machines,$15.00,$25.00,: Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| roa % advisable ;will be readnnel 4 e property for longer than 30 days—apply to i Eel a heh ae Black-Dra t,which Iittobethe they ask me foros 8 dose,and il}them more goodthanevertried. g Black-Draught.” ford’s Black-Drau ht isle;and has beens!ose han a ears,and hastionpeople."Your dru;Unga Fa Pricé only 25c, —J New Rural Carrier in’Catawba, »|No.2 4 d friend told metoaidfamilymedi- Draught on hand all theandwhenmychildrenfeela anynledicine never have a ioespell of sick-our family;since we commenced purelyoundtoregu-stomachs,aid digestion,re-E edigestion,colic,wind,nausea,ache,sick ©stomach,and anne it has been in ie tant usefor 1morebenefitedpr ist sells and recommendsGeta N.C.128 |THE TANDMARK ERADAY _December.x,1916. Alvin Rader’has been.appointed.are,neste on.Catawba rural routeviceeerDrum,resigned.The place pays "$100 a month andtherewasa‘cloud of applicants in|the examination,Rader standing sec-ond from the top in excellence of ex-amination papers.It is said.thatthisroutecarriesmoretrafficthananyotherrouteinCatawbacounty,and that Carrier Drum resignedcausethefolkswouldn’t build roads good.enough to run a machine over. and he had more mail,parcel 1matter,etc,,than he could haulPURETerrace Rev,Dr.Moore Dead. Methodist minister,,“died Tuesdaynightatthehomeofhisdaughterin Rockingham. Near 30 years ago’Dr.Moore wasaresidentof)Statesville and served for a time as presiding elder ofStatesvilledistrict.“He had heen re- tired from active work.for some years. What it would cost R.F.Henry tomoveanarticleistakenoffonpriceifboughtnow.—ad. _A Statesville Contractor Said of Longleaf Pine:“IT STAYS WHERE I NAIL IT"!Now,if any builder could ask more,he is hard to ricer’.MyFlooring and Ceiling are WE HAVE SECURED THEROOMBETWEENJOHNSTON-BELK STORES FOR OUR OF-FICE AND WAITING ROOM, AND WAIT IF JITNEY Is NOTerSPECIALATTEN-TION GIVEN TO CALLS. esJ ANYWHERE IN THE CITY 10c.“BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUAREae5CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. -Jitney Transfer Company. ~DR.VANCE HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Sécond Floor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING,i Statesville,N.C. TELEPHONE BEOACRMETE.*Phone 197,Hours8SPECIALATTENTIONTOCHILDREN’8TEETH.‘ Jitney Station’ ‘WHERE YOU;CAN STEP IN ‘* ongleaf Pine and properly kiln-dried sot ey,won't open to let in winter’s i€Cr WATKINS,Statp sville N. nd DOLL ia We can supply your wants in.Doll Carriages.Any- thing from 25c,to $8.00. Be.sure to see our large stock of toys of all kind. Allison’sBook Store. TAX NOTICE! I will)be at the following places on thedatementionedbelowywiththe1916taxbooks for ‘the purpose.of gollecting the 1916 taxes.Please mect me and €ettle your,tax:|Fallstown township,at Troutman’s,10 to 8|o'clock,Saturday,Dec.28,1916. Davidson township,at Dr.Moore's store,10 to 3 oclock,Thursday,Dec.28,1916.Coddle Creek township,at Carolina MotorCo.,Friday and Saturday,Dee.29 and $0,1916,M.P.ALEXANDER,Sheriff. We.wish to,announce to ourfriendsand‘patrons that we have’secured the services of Mr.T.E.Barefoot,from one of the bestshopsintheSouth.He is up-to-date and expert on all Tire andTubework.We can assure you that any worklefthereforattentionwillbehandledpromptly. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING&SUPPLY COMPANY. Phone 201 Court sereatl ARNER &BROWN| —WE BUY— Hides, Good Tallow,Beeswak,Auté Tires,Light Brass,-Heavy Brass,a Copper,reneWire, ZeAllkindsof scrap Iron. Highest Prices Paid. Hides and Junk Dealers : REGISTERED ARCHITECT, Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. fna) Bl —Mafiahei|(FE Ron,piii =\Ilu Te'" |FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER |Everything that your grocery list calls for can be found in ‘this holiday |stock of staples and delicacies.The |quality and variety were never so great as now.’*Phones 91 and 21. Miller-McLain Supply Co. Dr.S.W.Hoffmann. Osteopathic Physician. Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.30 p. m.2.30 to 5 p,m.and by ap-pointment..Anderson Bldg.,113 W.Broad St.Office *phone 324. Quarter:Round ‘Crown Mould-.ings, Door.and Window Stops,and 88 other kinds of Mouldings in stock atC.WATKINS’Lumber Yard!_ W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same._Inspirators, Lubricators,Oil Cups,‘etc.Locks and GunsrepairedaridKeysfit-ted.In fact anythinginrepairline.Phone 209. Prepare For Winier. Meare | Let us go over your plumbing and heating plant,and put it in ‘shape for the long winter months “Anything in.the plumbing or }‘steam ia : "Let us put you/fia,a closet that “th enow--“its.-Rey: Residence ‘phone 210-—green. COUGHS,COLDS,ETC. Price 25c.,50c.and $1. r‘or saleby all Dealers.4 Work on.ShortNotice Roofing.and Sheet Metal work ‘our line.We can do your work on short notice.We carry stock .to take care of any job at all times.: Stock of Tobacco ‘Flues ready for you. STATESVILLE TIN CO. !"Phone 55,116 E.Broadeine THE RAILROADS ©SPECIFY Longleaf}Pine’in nearly all ; mat over--ot ery Pines!HOtC.WATKINS barren a fult aoek,manufactured and ready for deliveryatalltimes! |plated jewelry nor any one of a Rey.Dr.W.H.Moore,a prominent| last ‘|Mrs. ONE CHRISTMAS |GIVER Gave Sensible and PracticalGift—A Stranger,IN—Com-|munity.Christmas Tree—‘News of Mooreaville. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.21 —In the hur-ry and rush of these last ‘few daysbeforeChristmas,when everybody ‘iswonderingwhatoneatththey’re go-ing to give everybody else,and yournervesare.on edge from the wearandtear/of it,one fedls a distinct re-lief when they,encounter a little oftherealChristmasspirit.One daythisweekamanwalkedintooneofthestoresin‘this town buy aChristmaspresent.He didn’t ment&/neckties nor handkerchiefs nor gold+un-dred other silly things to.“swap”to ‘his numerous friends and relatives for something equally as silly.-Hewantedaboy’s suit of clothes:and stated emphatically that.he wantedsomethingjgood.“But you have.no:boys,”the clerk protested.“No,”*he answered,“but there’s a boy who passes our house on his way to°workeverymorning,We don’t Ehow hisname,but we understand that ‘his parents are dead and he has a hard time to make a living,so my wife and I want'to give him a_nice suit for Christmas.Besides,I know he’s going to make a man,for he alwayssmilesandraiseshiscap,when he passes.”“May your tribe increase!” the clerk echoed fervently,and feltbetterallGay, A young fellow about 15 years of age,who gives®his name as.;Parks Johnston and says is home”is in north Iredell,is ill here and is being cared for by the Benevolent Associa- tion.The boy came here some time 7 and says that he was put rain,penniless,by his step-He was sick at the time andwas.later discovered to have measles.He is being well cared for until he is able to return home. The big.Community -Christmas Tree has been put up on the square in front of the depot.It is a fine |tree and the children are waiting im-patiently to see it flash.into light}.with its beautiful decorations on Friday evening,while-they:sing theircarolsbeneathitsbranches, Mr.A.L.Coburn of Atlanta arriv-ed this week to assume the manage-ment of the McClelland store.The members of the ‘A.R.P,church paid a surprise visit to their pastor Wednesday.evening and ad.- ministered a generous “pounding”that was much appreciated by thegoodpastorandhiswife.Wm.H..Jeffrey of Vermont,na-tional councilcr of the Sons °andDaughtersofLiberty,made a splen-did address to the members of theMooresvilleJuniorOrderlastThursdayevening.A lodge of the Pexahters of in berty will be organ-izecThe Binley school of'the |'FirstBaptistchurchwillhaveChristmasexercisesontheeveningof)Ghrist- mas Day. rs.Wmi Neal has.returned from a Salisbury Sanatorium,where|she has been under treatment for sever-al weeks,Mr.W.C.Parker of Doo- lie was in town the first of the week to procure medicine for his little son, who is critically ill with pneumonia. Mr.Ino,Vv.Barger,the “JollyFarmer,”is wearing a wide’smile. Barger and little Miss MildredarrivedTuesdayfroma,month’s visittotheirkinsfolkdowninSouthCar- clina;ayd did you ‘ever notice how cold it can get and how it snows :.inthewintertimewhen.your wife's gone to the country? Miss Ida Henderson narrowly escap- ed a seriou secident while building a fire in her room at the Commercial hotel Tuesday morning.The flames flashed out and caught her -dregs,,running over it and into her face,By quick and heroic efforts she succeed-ed in putting out the fire without raising an alarm. The brick work has been completed at the new Mooresville cotton mills and the roof is on the spinning room It is expected that these mills will be put in operation by the first of March.Announcements huve been receiv- ed of the marriage of Mr.John Rodg- ers and Miss Laud Moore,which’took place here on Sunday,17th. Mr.S.F.Ludwig,one of our oldar citizens,is in feeble health at present. Miss Ruth Allison spent several days recently at Mt.Ulla with her sister,Mrs.C.J.Wilkinson.Mr.iL:L Keen of Belmont,whois“connected with the Belmont cotton mills,was a visitor here Wednesday. off thifather. degdechoe mehnsacdies i Christmas Thoughts. Correspondence of The Landmark Statesville,Dec:19 —As we look out on field and wood this morning and see the beautiful snow,it remindsusthatwinterishereand_that Christmas,the most joyous time of all the year,is near;a time when we all ought to remember God’s great- est Gift to men;when the.angels sang that beautiful song,“Glory |toGodinthehighestandon.Barth Peace,good will to men.”Oh,how we long for the time to come when all people will live in peace and good will.Our hearts are made sad ab we think about the heart-broken moth- ers and orphan children all on ac- count of the war;and as we comenearerhomeandseehowGodhasblesseduswithpeace,so that we can enjoy the true Christmas spirit if we only would. But as we take another view we see so many homes that-are notChristianhomes,we go to church andseesomanyemptypews;and we ‘look a little closer and see that it ismostlychurehmemberswhoareab- sent.What is ‘wrong?Do we lack the true Christ.spirit,of has the en-emy crept in and sowed tares whilethe-Church slept?If so,let us be’up and doing and work while.it is day,for the night.cometh when no man can work,iWishingThe‘Landmark and!’itsmanyreadersaMerryChristmas,and Happy New Year.ot LOOK! y IT PAYS”TO “TRADE AT SMITHEY &FRALEY’S!Five bar-|rels rse Granulated Sugar.for td! day andtomorrow to.close out,25Ibs.for $1.88;25 cases Oranges,,20c.dozen;1,000 et whold;-grain ©Rice, 6 fe a ha20¢lb.Pe aLer”om{see or niaePode oesi Cow and brood sow at auction— ‘his widow's death,he was / All:jothi=Pow, nn eG and in the Mexican ‘War;an AFTER,LIQUOR TRAFFIC. The Evils of theFBusiness—Cit.-izen of North Iredell Speaks Out, dorrespondence of The Uandmark. Jennings.Dec.20 -—We want tocommend‘The Landmark on its standinlettingthevoiceofthepeoplebeheardonthevarioussubjectsofgen-eral interest through its columns,Ofcoursethenewsisimportant,butthereareotherthingsthatthepeo-ple are'interested in as well.We were glad to see the piece in your paper in regard to making thecornintoliquorwhen’it can scarcelybehadforbread.That is a mighty good reason for not making liquornow,and there are some other mighty. good’reasons,There are a lot.ofpeoplepayingout.their mon ev forliquor,in our section even,and lying around drutik,setting a bad examplebeforetheirchildren,when.theyoughttobesavingtheirmoneyto clothe and feed their families,and working to make.more money and'}rations for the same purpose.I wish |to:say further that I am not:sure:that all of this liquoris being bought| on the other side of the county line,|either.It seems to be getting a,lit-| tle risky to haul liquorin an automo- bile.I hope the officers will make it even more risky.<I hope you will not stop at that,either,but go after the buggy loads and _foot-backers’ turns.See if you can’t even goa lit-tle further still,and get the fellow)that is dealing it out by pints and)quarts.Let’s not have any pets in this game.Let’s treat all alike and go after this thing and clean it up. I truly hope that public sentiment will rise up in its might and stampoutthisgreatevil.Let’s have pro-hibitionin reality as well as in name, I am tired of hearing prohibition | speeches when,ofttimes,the speaker; himself.is keeping liquor in hissmokehousetoquenchhisownthirst. I long to see the day when every of- ficer who knocks up a still or reportsone,is free from drinking the stuff that is made in it.A lot of times theonewhoreportsastilloraretailer,is meaner than the one who makes it,if possible.They do it from a self-ish motive and not for the generalvoodofthecommunity.It’s a shametoamoral,civilized and enlightened country to-even think of the ‘numberof‘car loads—I mean auto loads—of liquor that were used in the last election—a time when people ought to be poner and in ‘their best frameofmin I a like to know,just for myowninformation,what becomes of the liquor that is seized by the offi-cers. Christmas is coming.boys!©Are vou going to celebrate it by getting| drunk,\abusing your family and | cursing out the neighborhood?Won't!% ‘vou stop just for a moment,and nee , what Christmas is for and represents?‘The birth of Christ into this world,to redeem it .from sin,that those who will might have life,and abundantly,eternally If you will do thishaveitmore im the heavens. soberly and spend Christmassomebodyhappy. Attorneys Seek Pardon For Cli. ent—Taylorsville News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Dee.20 —Miss An- naleen Nelson,who has been ‘at the right and make The Ford Sedan,with its many soinboten “mma?AD-peal strongly to ‘the proenpatiye buyer of a:car,as meeting most orangesy the ddemands;fanenclosedfamilycar.part frompurchasepriceandlowcostofopeeyins3etenance,are the strong serving qualities ofthe‘Sedan.For social functions,parties,the theashopping,taking the children to school,touringSedanisroomy,cozy,dust.and water proof—‘many-sided utility,every day,re:is Fe of weconditions.The owner of a Fo Sedan has @carofstyieandrefinedSaeTPenstabilityandeconomyofFordconstructionwithity iedependableandthoroughFordservice—universalthecar.aan For Rental On Special Occasions, Carolina Motor. STATESVILLE; intelligently you will)% AFEW: Christmas Are you bitty the usual counts to icidewhatyouwanttogiveyourfrienonthishappyHolidayoccasion?)|to.us and jet us help ay eeouttrouble.What ‘wouldniceUmbrella,Traveling Bag.eeVest,dath Robe,Muffler,Neckties,;bination Sets,Gloves,SilkInitial ‘orLinenHandkerchiefs?And one mup-to-date Suits or Overcoats would ; great.Kindly call and let.us help3you.‘With good crane State Normal College,Greensboro,; this session,came home to spend meweek-end with her father,Mr’W.T.|}Nelson.She went to Cleveland,0O.,| this week,to be with her uncle,Dr.} A.M.Herman.Mr.C student at Oak Ridge Institute, home for the holidays. Miss Gertrude Cooner,who under- went an operation for appendicitis atDr.Long’s Sanatorium,,Statesville,| ten days ago,is at home. Attorney L.F.Kluttz Jeft Sunday} evening for New York city to appear)in a case for the Maiden Cotton Mills,| Maiden.Attorneys J.H.Burke and A.G.! Payne went to Raleigh Monday to appear before Gov.Craig in behalfatavardonforIsaac’Steord. Mrs.Jennie Bowman Master is} and son,| spend Sunday and Monday with their | aunt,Mrs.Ed.Campbell.Miss Jeanette Burke celebrated her| 16th birthday by entertaining a num-| ber of her girl friends,Saturday af-j| ternoon,at the attractive home of! her mother.Mrs.R.B.Burke.Heorts|dice was played at several tables.| Piano selections,beautifully render-| ed by Miss Elizabeth Lindsay,was) an .enjoyable feature.After,the | vames the guests were invited into | the prettily decorated dining room,; where.delicious refreshments were}served..The centre-piece was a/ Christmas'tree that held a dainty; package for each guest. |Improvements at Oak Ridge; School. Parreanandenne of ‘The Landmark A decided improvement in the ap-| pearance of tHe Oak Ridge school} building and grounds was*made last) Thursday when the boys and_girls attacked them with rags,brooms, soap and water,rakes,saws,shov- els,mattocks,ladders,scrapes andjhammers.A still more decided im- provement will be made after we spend some of our box supper money,which we all considered a_success.We made $22.80.: The larger pupils are enthusiasti- cally at work,hoping to have a bas-kethall outfit soon. We are expecting to see Santa Claus at our school Friday afternoon.LINDA KNOX,Principal. Mooresville,Dee.18.i Death of Gen.Gatlin’s Widow. Mrs.Mary A.Gatlin,widaw of the late Gen.Richard CaswelldiedatChapelHillMonday,home of her son-in-law,Prof.CCobb,aged 80 years. How.many people now dish®ard of Gen.Gatlin?A the record,reported in ee account of born atKinston,was a student.at the Uni-versity in 1824 and graduated “atWestPointin1881intheclasswithGen,ae ByLeesand,Oea SHte—sorvod=hirthe--Semathe,“Tndihe)AMLAks!|ge"th cast his lot with his native State ‘whensecededfrom.the Union ‘and was Grier,attorney, t general of Norh Carolina, T.Herman,| Howard Bowman,and Miss |:Rosa Watts went to Charlotte tol?’ rding toy] Ut xi tae i “LIBRARY SUI and Odd Chairs.We can’save youat least 2 per cent on these goods. Thy.“Carts and Small C >and Rockers.— ®Fil j 4nis ® her weaker neighbors and‘the stronger;a constantofirritationanddanger.InGermany‘was so unbearable, cable,that folks at a dis- an’t appreciate what Germa- ighbors had to endure;and‘that‘the’trouble is on,’these Aine.neighbors,who had borne with id arrogant disturber until patience éaded to be a virtue,are determin- @};once for all,to have an end of -busitiess—to fix Germany so that -thé.Teuton will cease for all time todtéturbthepeaceoftheneighbor- hd—if they can.If we felt thatFaboutit,we would naturally hold hé same view as Mr.Lloyd George; “ftom:the viewpoint of Germany'sfehborswetindnofaultwiththem/Bot considering a peace they do ‘fib.think will remove the irritation, wach “as we had hoped that a way ma opening for consideration of ms of peace, f40 combat present high prices andbhgavesmallpapersfromgoingout ~business will be established in h<Carolina if plans practically jded upon are carried out,”is a fement that has appeared in the }pers frequently recently— inte the agitation with reference to Is print paper and prices has been 1 Washington.They say the tal to finance the propositién is ight.The Landmark is.hoping and but th «Carolina newspapers ern newspapers generally, Mate.It takes a bunch of money to §n a paper mill and the North rolins newspapers can’t finance “project.Others will put moneyitonlyas‘matter of business,sentiment,but we're hoping that tt will,see enough in the enter- #tongh.' ba ‘days past it was considered per-Hésibleto remove a.watermelon ha neighbor's patch without his vledge or consent,provided this lone decently and ‘in.order. tions for this offence were But times have changed;and same token it is now unlaw- appropriate to one’s own use its that.are the property of an- »88 a colored*citizen of north ell,who is spending the holidays dmark is somewhat ofa sticklerdiscipline—for the observance ofletter‘as well as the spirit bf the ‘po’cullud man”in jail for theitoftworabbits,an “hit”Christ-;too,But the way of the trans- :is hard,and doubtless theywwholost‘the rabbits feelsathehasarealgrievance,consid-gy the price of meat.:Sees ‘about they’re to have “Com- ity Christmas Trees”this year. Mis idea appeared in North Caroli- a y a few years ago and it has e@ very popular.The popularity erved.The Community Christ- does more to inculcate theritofChristmasthanany- ,of a public character we have :e beautiful tree is an attrac- he singing of Christmas carols her appropriate music is ele- and inspiring.Then there’s ple gift‘of candy,etc.,for all ildren.A nobler,kinder,more us feeling for one’s fellows istthiscelebrationof’the dawn versal.brotherhood.What 4‘is that we couldn’t have theityChristmas:Tree inle’this.year.We.must haveyear,oe&—_—_—wee «enough houses to house thei;who want to live in Statesville. moving away because theyiwethousestoliveinandoth-iting to come to live with us n't,for the same reason.the story and the problementedtothoseinterestedinm's welfare. folks are kept out.The first to be done in the glad New that’s coming,is'to build more roam handed it to 'em straight that government:salary|in-crete.Some of the government 1s may not be paid any toobutsolongastherearenu- }folks willing and ‘anxious to he jobs for the amount paid, ease of salary is not war- And the worst of it is,there ist two or three employes of ,{all mankind,be |who live in the past and whose jour- Statesville can’t: Wilson’s second term. real Christmas Spirlt,‘wnich blesses spread:abroad ‘astheoldpeople ney is nearing its end;and for the little children,to whom the Christ- mas season is ever new,The Land- mark especially hopes for a.double portion of:‘happiness at this blesse season, UNIVERSAL SERVICE NEXT. 'Unless there is an early end of the world war and a peace comes that gives assurance of lasting,we «may expect universal military service in this country,In fact all indications now are that we will have to come to that if we are to have an army worth while,The thought is not pleasant.It is so foreign to anything we have had and so contrary to our views in this free republic;it is ‘so characteristic of the countries of Europe,where the military dominates,a constant threat of war and a..burden in times of peace.All thet is repulsive.On the other hand it appears that the vol- unteer system is a.failure—an evi- dent failure if we are to have the ad- equate army of defence considered necessary if the present disturbed condition of the world continues. Paying higher wages to soldiers, which has been suggested,will’not solve te problem so long as there is ample employment at higher wages in civil life;and the universal~military service has its good points.Under it all men physically fit must give acertainportionoftheirtimetomil- itary training.All are treated alike —high,low,rich and poor.It is not optional with anybody.It is a duty to the country which all must share. The idea isn’t going to be popular, But we're coming to that,brethren beloved,if .this world disturbance continues,no matter whether we like it or not.eo : Increase For Government Em- ployes —Page Dissented. Salary or wage increases of from5to10per-cent.for about 16,000governmentemployesreccivingless than $1,800 a year,and of $500 a year for each Representative’s secre-tary,were provided for in the legis-‘lative,executive and judicial appro- priation bill passed Tuesday by theHouse‘without a record vote.Thesecretariesnowget$1,500 a year.An attempt to provide each Repre-sentative.with an extra stenogra-pher.at.$75 a month during the.ses-sion,failed.,Representative Page of NorthCarolinascoredbothDemocrats.and Republicans while the House was con- sidering an amendment to make in- creases in the salaries of employesofCongress.He opposed the plantomaketheincreasesonthegroundthatthemenwhoacceptedeaejobsdidsobecausetheywofepaidenoughtobringthem”away fromtheirhomes. “There is not a single man of you,”said Mr.Page,“who has one oftheseplacesatyourdisposal,who cannot today fill the place of anymanyouhavgnamedfivetimesover by men who are beseeching you fortheplace.And yet you stand hereseriouslyconsideringsquanderingthepublicmoneyinorderthat.thesemenwhoworklittlemorethanhalf the time,may have a bonus paid tothemasawagetheyarenotonlygladtohave,but that 40 other men are standing at your elbow to takeawayfromthemifyoushalldesig-nate them.” Restraining Order Dissolved. Judge Stacy dissolved :the restrain- ing order against the commissionersofLeecounty,who had selected the Bank of Sanford as financial agentofthecounty—to handle the countyfundsinlieuofthecountytreasurer,that office being abolished.The casewasappealed.The restraining order was secured on the ground that the chairman ofthecommissionersandhiswiféwere financially interested in the Sanford bank.Judge Stacy held that the se-lection ‘of the bank was appointiveandnotintheformofanagreement or contract.It appears also that thechairmandidnotvotewhenthebankwasselected.The selection was made by the vote of the other com-missioners.i Boston Will Continue Saloons. Tuesday the city of Boston,Mass.voted to continue the licensed sale ofliquoraftertheliveliestcampaign on the liquor question that the cityhashadinyears.'The'vote in favor of license was 53,459,‘with 29,997against.Last year the vote for li-cense was 46,115 and 31,877 against.The total-vote was the largest evercastonthelicensequestioninBos- on,Women holding banners bearingpicturesofsmallchildrenand’thewords,“Please protect us by votingnolicense,”were stationed in thevicinityofmostofthepollingbooths. Motor trucks and brewery wagonscarryingprintedappealstovote“yes”were sent through the city bythelicenseforces.NiO ay Judgeship For Governor. It is said that friends of Gov.Craigaremakingasystematiccampaigntosécureendorsementsforhisappoint-ment as Federal.judge of this district,the idea being that Judge Boyd willretirebefore,the end of President gressman Webb,ex-Lieut.Gov, Newland and others also honthesamejob,eesti anonNG t haga i ler theState convict campaoftheirlikingandwaveto theRavehemore.closely watched a three-day pe-riod during Christmas.ssiTheorderapplicstoallpracampsandembracesperhapstrusties,Several times as many.mebeallowedaholiday,though shutvrisonwalls,The Governor’s order the superintendents of theState’s prison,the sheriffs of thecountiesofNorthCarolina,and totheofficersinchargeofconvictcampsandforces:“Greetings:You are hereby au-thorized and.requested to allow eachandevery.prisoner who is and ‘hasbeena,trusty for 10 days,prior tothisdatetoreturntohishomeorotherplacechosenbyhim,and to re-main away from the camp or prisonduringSunday,Monday and Tues-day,the 24th,25th and 26th of De- his honor and satisfy the officer in charge that he’will return by 12‘o’clock on Wednegday,December 27.“You are further authorized andrequestedtogivetoall,of the pris- oners in your charge a holiday onSunday,Monday .and Tuesday,the24th,25th and 26th of December.“You are furthermore directéd and requested to report to me on’or.be- fore the first day of January youractioninaccordanceherewithandthe qf each prisoner parolea.:gee“A request and authority similar It was universally observed by sher-iffs and officers.The isoners that were paroled kept their promise withscrupulous.fidelity,and showed that and trust.” Page Objects to Davis., We see “be the papers”that Mr.Henry Page,candidate for SpeakeroftheNorthCarolinaAssembly,doesn’t like Rev.R.L.Davis,the An- ti-Saloon League superintendent. The Moore county statesman,a pro- hibitionist by profession and prac-tice,has thus delivered himself as toMr.Davis: “IT am now and have always been in favor of proper and sufficient leg-islation to suppress the traffie in in-toxicants.But I resent.Davis.Da-|vis is a hired lobbyist and about the!most offensive one I have come in’ contact with'in my.four years ofservice.I thirk a moral reform haslittleneedof2paidadvocate.” s week repeated hi patie in North rd men.”}"Thespiritof the cember,provided each trusty pledge j. ‘andon me,peehe at rae meoOpreac!@.gospel to.the:;flath sent me to heal the i to ies d vi of sight‘to captives,and recoveryof stotheblind,to set at liberty themthatarebruised.’This is a,day for _magnifyin,the blessings of peace,not ©self-ishly,but with the rejoicing that,should attend the reminder thatwehaveacureforthetroubles-of the’world and a_part in thespreadingoftheremedy.Let the}songs of joy be carried into everycornerofgloom.If peace is toachievevictory,its spirit of glad-ness must.be irrepressible.Nolesstodaythan:two thousandyearsagoisitthemissionofpeacetoshowbyexamplethatin,good will alone Ties the happiness of the people.—Anonymous. Sepnmeenen ‘Good For Constipation.—> Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent for consstipation.They are pleasant to take and mildandgentleineffect.Obtainable everywhere,)NOTICE! ,to preach deliverance | "w e ge ? ©e To ‘all Landowners in the Little Rocky CreekDrainage.District in Iredell County,NorthCarolina:s »| results,.and the name and conduct} to this was issued in December,19165.' they were worthy of the confidence is You will take notice that it is the parpoes oftheBoardofDrainageCommissionersofLittleRockyCreekDrainageDistricttoissuebondsforthepaymentofthetotalcostoftheim-{provement in the amount of Sixteen Thousand,-!5FiveHundred($16,000.00)Dollars.Thesebondsaretodrawsixpercentinterest,paya-.ble semi-annually,and are payable in ten equal,instalments,one year,beginning on January 1,1920. wanting to pay interest on the bonds,on or bes,fore the 27th day of January,1917,.maynaytotheCountyTreasurerthefullamount °|f@forwhichhislandisliable.For Clase A land$35 per acre;for Class B land is $28 peracre;for Class C land {ts $21 per acre;forClassDlandis$14 per acre;for Class E landis$7 per acre.Said amounts having been ascertained fromtheclassificationsheetandthecertificateoftheBoardshowingthetotalcostoftheim-provement.The land on which the assess.ments are so paid shall be released from Ha~bility to be assessed for the said improvement,but such land shall continue liable for any’|kfutureassessmentformaintenanceorforanyincreasedassessmentauthorizedunderthelaw.T.A;SUMMERS,Chairman.W.W.Holland,Secretary.Dec.22—3t w. SHINGLES,NAILS,STAINS, Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,and all.sizes Rough andDressedLumber. Cc.WATKINS,’Phoneé 43. CHRIS tomorrow complete.. hour. KID GLOVES, in all sizes WE WISH YOU A MERRY In the meanwhile let - us help you today and your gift packages Efficient Salespeople ready to please you right up to the last Don’t forget we have And a thousand and one other suitable ar- ticles for giving. TMAS! to make SILK HOSIERY — and colors. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store That Pays the Postage onMail Orders. A gift of Jewelry-will not -You H.B.WOODWARD ‘What Shall Give? thing everybody likes to have.~store will help you solve thewillbesurprisedatthe lowness of price to—i.“Where Gems and Gold are Fairly Sold,”’’ Be for it is some-he offerings at myroblemofwhattogive. Any landowner in the district not,| Henever hasmis deed,heig efficient.©.we ie re.You wouldn't be surprised,eithar,if heselectedtheChevrolet‘‘Four-Ninety”as his-mode of transportation,would you?For,being efficient,he would naturally choose avehiclereputedforitsefficiency.~The Chevrolet.‘“Four-Ninety”is indeedefficient,Otherwise,its unrivalled recordsofeconomy,comfort and merit would have ©been impossible.4 ,ivan eeThebestfeaturesofhigher-priced Cars «are embodied in this Chevrolet:model.But «this is not an imitation.It has many ex.‘clusive features of its own.ye 4Itisacarofmanypatentsapplyingtopointsofrefinementfarinexcessofitspop-lar cost.The Chevrolet is the onry Carthathasa_self-lubricating clutch collar,'hub-mounted rear wheel bearings,com-und steering gear,unit power plant typef‘construction,and especial brake arrange-ment,i |.Directly into the valve-in-head motor—which is a_celebrated feature in’higher-”priced Cars—the vaporized fue!.is introduc-ed.Of course,the impact of explosionmuststrikefullagainst’the pistor head.And this fullness of force is exerted imme-diately on.the rear wheels through theunitpowerplanttypeofconstruction,Nofractionofasecondorhorse-power is lost.You ride faster and farther on one gallon ofgasolineinthismodel.These exclusive features result in Chev-rolet simplicity and efficiency.They hemptomakethemostofeverydropofgasoline—of every minute of your enjoyable ride.Do you see why Santa would want it?Present the Kiddies with Santa’s Car.StepintodayandletushelpyouselectyourChevrolet“Four-Ninety”for your Christ-mas gift.N..W.FOX, Cd ry | Sy RN . . 5 s e KG Yours very truly,Local Agent.§ Eo jc vier NIC NOREEN NEED?NZ NGTOY NLA NPE?NE NGOOE NOIR NOTE?WN TT ELECNIN ETD NOR NGI GTP ee aivevies FHORSES AND MULES.| |Thank My Friends and Customers |i For the business given me and for every kind word said.a Beginning Janyary 1,1917,I will be a Bear on the Horse market;will do every honorable thing to drive down prices: Before you buy a Horsg or Mule,see me and let me explain how I will save you $25 to $50 on each animal bought,no mattér where you buy.Have saved others,why not you?Do not pay me one cent unless I save you.money.Why walk all around town to save 10 cents on a bag of sugar,when you pay enough profit on a horse to buy your sugar for from five to ten years?If in doubt,go with me to the Square and let me point out the teams I have sold and their owners.Will take anything the farmer grows,at highest market prices,in paymentyforStock. If you are not pleased with the last trade you made,-even if it was with me,come and let us talk it over.Others are saving money by doing this, Give me a trial.Satisfied customers my guarantee. F.H.CONGER.. worTooneand all of our customers.May this Glad Season be the best on?you ever experienced is the .——wish of— 'Pi "irthi», 4 fle,Mn EofStatesville,&place at their aoa,January 2d,1917,r.and Mrs.GaitherinStatesvilleafter Montgomery and Mr.pe were married at.the8.Cashwell,on Race afternoon Mrs.J.T.-entertained the Elcrice-da few other guests.Watts was leader.It be-‘Christmas’the ladies werePaintheirfancy:work.De-ents were served. lureday night,at Hotel Ire-olina Motor Company ‘of*Newton and Mooresville |a banquet to its employes.atives of the Ford MotorfromCharlottewillalsobe A for The Landmark, lam Rumor,who has set manyzorthemarriageofMr.Pink Je and Miss Maud Johnston,outwitted Wednesday,night the young couple came to .theoftheproom’s sister andr-in-law,Mr.and Mrs.Hillght.on Bell street,and wereFied,at.7.30 o’clock by their pas--Rev.D.H.Rhinehardt.The cer-wy Waswasbeautiful in its simplicity.bert Eagle,twin brother ofgroom,and Miss Irma Furches,d of the.contracting parties, the only attendants.Immedi-}following the ceremony delic-“refreshments were servedandMrs.Knight.The bridal|then repaired to the home ofde’s parents,Mr.ey Johnston,in.Chambersburg ip,where a real cquntry sup- ‘was served to the bridal party,ind.Mr.and Mrs,Richard Murdock. Mrs..Eagle is a splendid young wo-man ‘and a’housekeeper after TheLandmark's ideal.Mr.Eagle is aprogressiveandprosperousyoungfarmer.He and his bride will be athometotheirmanyfriendsatthe}home of the groom’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J,Frank Eagle. Murdoch-MéNeely Marriage at Troutman. Correspondence of The Landmart’ Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock,atbiporefuabride's mother,Minsoch;at ‘Troutman:igsDla1became°"the bride of Mr.paureeOMtchenty of Amity.Alargecrowdwitnessedtheceremony.Miss Nellie Rowe rendered a musicalSeen:and~Rev.J.L.Morganormedtheceremony.PeThe bride.is an attractive and ac- complished young lady..She wore a}beautiful gown of white silk chiffon.|The bride’s maid,Miss ‘Mary Wine-coff,a niece of the bride,wore a.beautiful gown of white silk crepe|*de chine.The maia of honor,Miss!”Blanch,wore a beautiful gawn of,white silk crepe.de chine.The littleflowergirls,Lou Murdoch and EdithKyles,the former a niece of the bride,scatteréd carnation petals be-fore the bride.Edith,a sister of themaidofhonor,carried a large bunchofcarnations.The little flower,girls wore beautiful gowns of white silkcrepedechine.Mr.Rowe McNeely,a brother of .the groom,was ~bestman.The parlor was beautifully decor-ated with cedar,holly and mistletoe|and potted plants.Artificial flowers|extended from eath corner of ‘the room to the large wedding bell whichhungfromthecenterofthefoom.The room was lighted with red,‘whiteandblue.candles.Mr.and Mrs.McNeely make ahandsomecouple.This is ‘the ‘babygirlandhermotherfeelsverylone- ly without her,as do.her many Tuesday night.for where they will spend some wecks. tle Miss PASSING HOLIDAY THRONG =erns eeGoing of:‘Yule- -Misses.Rebecca eB ‘Plwudia*}Cashwell,Grace Eaton and Ina 'Ander-son,teachers in,the Gastonia publicschools,are at home 'for the holidays.Mr.and Mrs.E..8.Clayton.of RockHill,’S,C.,.will spend —the holidaysboatMrs.D.M.Furches,Capt.H.B,Parks has returned toThishome'in Concordafter a.visit,tohisBanghter,Mrs,T.M.Crowell.r,and Mrs,Irvin Steele of¢|Mocksville,will spend the holidaysherewithfriends.°-Mr,and Mrs.EB.M.:Land ofGoldsboroandMr.and Mrs,Frank-lin Riker of ‘New York will arrivetomorrowto‘spend ChristmasJudgeandMrs,B.F.Long._, Mrs.Nannie Fleming has gone toVirginiatovisit:her sen,Mr.Charles Fleming.Mr.Frank Somers,whois in schoolatWashingtonandLeeUniversity,is spending the holidays with his pa-rents,Mr,and Mrs,J.C.Soemrs,‘atthehomeofMr,and Mrs.W.C. Moore,on Front ‘street.~Miss Annie Troutman is at homefromAtlanticCity,N.Js to spend afewmonths.Mrs.Ross McElwee aie children left Tuesday for Goldsboro,wheretheywillspendChristmas.Dr.Me- Elwee will join.them there tomorrow.Misses Amy and Myrtle Heinzer- ding arrived yesterday from Meredith College,Raleigh,to spend ch Ganswiththeirparents,ir.and Mrs.JFE,Heinzerling,Mrs.B.H.Bohlen cchvea yester- day from.Pennsylvania to join her husband here Mr.Bohlen is.em- nloyed at Mr;C.H.Turner’s machineshops.Mrs.E.R.Rankin and son_left vest-rday for Asheville to spend Chris!mas.Mr:Rankin goes to Ashe- ville:tomorrow. ‘Mrs...J.,G.Powell Carolina yesterday tomaswithrelatives. Miss Bell Feild will arrive tonightfromCharlottetospendtheholidavs wii her parents,Mr.and Mrs.B.S. eild. went to South spend Christ- Mrs.’W.'R.McLelland-spent a few| days with relatives-in Charlotte this week Mr.and'Mrs.Gwyn Harner of North Wilkesboro.Mr.and Mrs. Henrv Rhine and Mr.and Mrs.J.A. C.Wadsworth.of Charlotte’will snend Christmas at Mr.L.P Henkel’s. Dr.and.Mrs.R,C.Bunting and R..c Bunting,Jr.,arrived last night from Memphis,Tenn.,and wifl spendChystmaswithMr.and Mrs:D.J.Craig. Mrsi'J.L.Kimball left yesterday for Chesterfield,S.C.,to visit her dape¥ter,Mrs.Clarence Douglas.Mig\W.W.)Leinster is at home from’Washington for the holidays.Mr.and Mrs.Hayes and children of New Jersey arrived this week to spend some time with relatives in thecounty.Miss,Theo ‘Terrell of,Cooleemee‘will -spdnd the holidays avith:Miss.Al- tie Corpening. Miss Lelia Corpening of Rocking- ham will arrive _tonight to spend Christmas with her sisters,Mrs. M.Furches and Miss Altie Corpening. Prof.and Mrs.J.H.MelIver ©ofWadesboroareexpectedtomorrow to spend the holidays with Mrs.Me- Iver’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.P,_V.} Dotson. Mrs.N.D.Tomlin and econ spent Wednesday in Charlotte r.I,L.Sharne went to Baltimore Wednesday on ‘professional business. Mrs.H.A.Love and children left Wednesday for Waynesville,where they will spend the holidays with relatives.a Mr.Jno.A.Scott,Jr.,left yester- day for Brookneal,Va.,to spend Christmas with his parents. Miss Ruby Rodgers of Coleman, Ga.,is the guest of Mrs.Mary Locke Simons; Miss Marraret Turner has gone to Elmaton,Tex.,to spend some months with Mrs.A.J.Dayvault, Mr.and Mrs.¥.Paine left Mulberry?Fla., Mr.and Mrs.A.A.Fisher and lit- Margaret Fisher arrived vesterday to spend the ‘Christmas holidays with Mrs.Fisher’s parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Glover. "2 friends of the community,..She is a Changes of Location —TooGDyoungladyadmiredbyallwhoknowManyLeavingtheFarm. ;~her.Mr.and Mrs.McNeely will}Corresponuence of The Landmark.}make their home at Amity.Let good| Houstonville,Dec.20 —We.areil;wighes followlow them,heving real Ried BAehsbaaod It poe a cc minds us .that Christmas is here i Notices ofof New Advertisements again.Christmas seems to come soFordsedanforspecialoccasions..|ofter-after one passes the three-score—Carolina Motor Cc.mile post. -Horse for sale—R.L.Wilson,Eu-|Farmers have done very littlefola,plowing for the next crop,which is yin Ease Notice ‘bo landowners.-T.A.Sum-relyee during fall and win-mers,chairman.ter.@ Brick’residence for rent.—A.P.|Mr,R,L.Reid of Houstonville,ru-ee if “Barron.ral mail carrier out from’Harmony, Favorite range given away.—Wil-liams:Furniture House.:Agents wanted.—F.Lee Sheppy,pu New.York city.‘‘yeas Christmas candy and cigars.— tesville Drug-Co. #comfort—Royal Easy Chairs.wrord-Bunch Furniture.Co.gloves.—_J.M.McKee &Co.wishes to all.—lLazenby- Romery Hardware Co, will move-to Harmony soon,having osns property at Harmony of J.W.oon.Claud H.Forcum is arranging to move to Statesville during the holi- days to enter public work.Mrs.Lu- la Maiden will go to Thomasville and spend the winter with her son,C.L. Maiden. bought®the J. Net;and Thos V.Haynes,who te- as ‘C.Tharpe hasI.Messick farm near ‘Sale prices still in effect—Leon-|cently married,has moved to thei“1 Piano Store.Messick farm.Mr.Messick moved :i Setings.—Mills &Poston.to New Castle,Ind.,last spring. on.horse market.—F.H.|A great deal is being said -aboutithehigh-cost of living and it seems itable-articles for giving.—|hard to solve.I think one cause is nsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.:ne Santa usesi.a Chevrolet.—N.W.stocal agent,vb,ietiam goods and.confectioner-P.Alexander &Bre:Fall_stock soeeest pine for build-ae Watkins.:Prottyrecords as gifts-—AndrewslusicSMeeefortheChristmasdin- ner.—iCoca-Cola Bottling Co. ‘fes.—-M Christmas.sayings club opensTuesday,26th——Merchants &-Far-mere’Bank.Horses for sale——H.S.Douglas,cement: _Geo.Cowper,lawyer.anand Confed-Ws died on the at at his oO al |Magis Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best med.Asunih kit hie 1,she these attacks.aud youcannot@otaany’othrisretrphos } that so many young men (and older ones,too),are flocking to town,leaving the old men and women onthewholeoutfit.0 leaving the farms, the farm to support Young man,stayn_the farm! erry Christmas to The Landmarkandallreaders. Danger Signal If the fire bell should ring would you.rpnandstopitorgoandhelptoputoutthefire?,It is much.the same way with a cough.cough fs 4 danger signal as much as a fire bell.You should no more try to suppress jt,thantostopafirebellwhen.it ts ringing,butshouldcurethediseasethatcausesthecough-ing,This can nearly always be done by tak-ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.used it with the most:beneficial results:especially valuable for the persistent*coughthatsoofte Many haveit1s follo bad cold or an attack th with As *billy:ee TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisere whawho have C!_mas ads.,or ads,that wil“out of date after Chriaoawill‘please ‘send.changes tothisofficebyTuesday,26th”—~earlier if convenient.Prompt attention to this re-quest will greatly oblige:theameforceandwillhelpthemetterorioytheMe ** ee e r e 2 ae =* It is cheaper ‘forR.F Hens,thejeweler,to sell his goods for lessthentomovethem’to his new store.—ad. MAKKET REPORTS, Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid senrerdiy.for produce on the local market,5Turkeys,16-18¢.per Ib.Chickens,12e.per Ib.ters;-6c.per Ih.Eggs,35c.per dozen,Butter,22-25c.per.Ib,Beeswax,26c.x ibGreenHides(unsalted)18c..per Ib.Green Hides (salted)20c.per Ib.Hams,22c.to 24¢,per Ib,Green Hams,14-16¢.per Ib.Sides,16c,to 18.per Ib.Shoulders,16c.per Ib.New Red.Honey,8c,to 12c.per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,18c.to 20c.per Ib.Old Auto Rubber Casing,4c,per Ib.Sweet Potatoes,80c.per bushel.Trish Potatoes,$1.50 per bushel. (ay }ntsGrain.‘The following .prices were paid yesterdayerainouthelock]miarket- Wheat (new)$1.60 per bushel.Corn,$1.10 per bushel.Oats,65-70c._ber ‘bushel. Statesville ‘Cotton Market.. On the ‘local market yesterday 17 1-4 centsperpoundwaspaidforbestExetecotton,* -Cotton Seed &5c.-per bushel. Seed Cotton,7c.per Ib.f (ADVERTISEMENTS tn thia colamn 10 cents‘per line.No ad,taken for less than 25cents,Cash must accampany order.) WANTED—To borrow on.first mortgage realestate$600 to $1,000 by January lst. Ap-ply to THE LANDMARK.—Dec.22—~1t,_ LOST—Bunch of keys. THE LANDMARK. FOR."SALE—Medinm |‘size horace.and “mediumsizemare,Cheap for cash.H.S.DOUG- LASS,Bloomfield.ec,22—2t, |FOR RENT—Brick residence on Broad street,close in .A.P.BARRON,Dee,22—lt, THE WILLIAMS _FURNITURE |HOUSE will give away a Little Favorite Range at its}store tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock.Dec.22. |HORSEfor Salc,9fectcondition,Cash.or time.SON,Bufola,R-1 Dec. FOR SPECIAL“OCCASIONS,and in all kinds of weather,the Ford Sedan that is offered for rental by the CAROLINA MOTOR CO.is the classiest and most protective car intown,Dec..22—-2t. FOR SALE—Pigs,Shoats and Pork’Hogs. Reta rn to—~It,Reward, Dec. years.old,1,100 tbs.,per-R,L.WIL-22-1, ’Phone 915R.©.A,DULIN.=Dee,19—2t774 FRO RENT—Two or three desirable office|—_rooms by January 1,N.B.MILLS.Dec.19—2t*, WANTED—To borrow $3,000,First Real Es-tate mortgage.P.care The Landmark. Dee.15-—3t, FOR SALE—Two-horse wagonBurner.ZEB,V.LONG. WANTED—To buy your fat,veal calves.Willpayhighestmarketprice.Also two fathogs,weighing 200-Ibs.each,fat sheep andlambs,F.7.BURKE.Dec.16eeeoaRESISaoiissShes LEE.SHEPPY,8th Floor,243 W,17thStreet,New York City,General Sales Mana-ger of the lx rgest concern of its kind in theworld,wants three or four men in Iredellcountyandseveralmeninadjoining,coun-ties,to work for him spare time or all the time.He can use only those who;have arigorauto.Work is very pleasant’and no previous selling experience is hecessary. Work consists of leaving a wonderful newhouseholdnecessityinthehomesonfreétrial.Tests st more than thirty of.the lead-ing Universities and the Government BureauofStandardsshowthisnewarticletobefourtimesasefticientasarticlenowingeneraluseinthissection.Article is needed in every rural home and benefits every memberofthe“houshold,bringing cheer,comfortandhappiness’into the home.~Not neces: sary to be away from home nights.Pay frem $6.60 to $15.00 per day according toabilityandnumberofhomesvisited.In writing Mr.Sheppy,mention what townshipswillbemostconvenientforyoutoworkin; what your regular occupation is;your age; married or single;how long you have livedinthecommunity;what kind of rig or auto you have;whether you wish to work sparetimeorsteady;how much time you will havetodevotetothework;when you can start,snd abovt how many homes are within sixmilesof.you in each direction,This is a splendid opportuniy for several men-in Ire- dell county and counties adjoining to make good meney,working steady or spare time.Some of the field men earn $809 per month} one farmer earned $1,000 working spare timeonly.No investment or bond necessary.Dec.22—4t*. In the Matter of Snow CreekDrainageDistrict. NOTICE TO LANDOWNERS OF THE ADJU-DICATION OF THE FINAL REPORT.This -cause coming on to be,heard on.the4 final report of the Board of Viewers,and it appearing to the Court that the notices ofthisheoringhavebeenduly.given,the Court considered said final report of the Board of Viewers and the objections,which had been filed in writing to said report.The Courtfindsthatthecostofconstructionisnotgreat-er than the benefits which will accrue to thelandsaffected,and the Court hereby confirmsthereportofsaidBoardofViewers.In_order_that_substantial_and-equal_justiceberenderedtoalllandowners,the followingchangesin’the classification sheet are herebyordered:That the lands of J..K.Patterson be classj- fied 10 acres Class*A,23 acres Class C,22.27 acres Class EF,®total‘of 55.27 acres.That the lands of H..S.King below.thebridgebe-elassified 5 acres Class A,8-actresClassB,6 acres Class C,12.33 acres Class B,a total of 31.33 acres.That the lands of Billie Foote be classified13ecresClassA,10 weres Class B,5.acresClassC,21.28-acres Class B,'a total of 49.28acres.That the lands of:Jim Sharpe be releasedfromsaidSnowCreekDrainageDistrictupon his paying into court for the benefit of saidGistrict,the sum of $100 cash,the same td bepaid2ssoonasfirstassessmentrollisfiled,That the lands of M.C.or Hi R.Cowles be] and a pal|Dec,1h #0 acres Class C,150.20 seres Class FE,a totalof370.20 sercs. said report be stricken out,same reading asfollows:“We recommend that all other hand ditches be dug by the owners of the land throughwhichtheirtributariespass.fuse Gr neglect to dig ‘out any stream with asuitableditch,that is injurious to other prop- lerty owners in the district,or should be donetoprotectthenewdredgedchannel,the-Dis-trict Commissioneys are hereby instructed tohevetheditcheutandchargedasan‘addi-tional assessment against the Jand benefifed,through which the ditch vasses.It is further ordered tnat a copy of this be|posted &t the Court House dodr,at five con- spicuous places in the drainage’district and publishd for two consecwtiv®weeks.in TheLandmark.This the 18th day 6f December,1916,gA.HARTNESS, Glerk Buperios Cuort, ’ fo pu Ao Pere lumber gardeoors,Locks ows.SasfeContyaTAYfowes,doesn’t toewebitingDRtAUSEE HASSAVEDMok ee ee ‘prophecy,spoken hundreds of ‘}years before the:event. ‘|to}Men’s Bible ai SATURDAY,DECEMBER 23,1916, the ;PRs, Be jCogrees west 69 1-2 classified 100 acres Class A,40 acres Class B,? It_is further ordered that the last clause in'|© Should they ress, ete the beginning,containing 50 acres,more or THE MAN WHO.WALKED|, .pet C.WATKINS,North Center st: 2 Me ‘(]hristmas Lesson. The most wonderful sto- -ry in all the.worldthe ‘nowt uplifting,soul-inspir-ing-ethe.one»filled .with the loftiest sentiment,is the story that made Christ- 3. It brought the gospel of eace,on/Earth and good will’toward men—the gos-| pel of Life—that must en- ‘dure as long as‘time. ‘Te Sunday.School lesson for next Sunday deals with Isaiah’s / Come Class,Broad Street’Methodist Church,9:45 next Sunday morning,andyou'll | hear an interesting and inspir- ing lecture on the lesson. Pf)SEE M.P.Alexander &Bro. ——For—— Dressed Turkeys,Hens,. Fresh Oysters,and allkindsofChristmasgoodsandConfectioneries. PRETTY RECORD —fOR CHRISTMAS— An inexpensive ChristmasGiftworthhearing,worthhavingandworthgivinisa..pretty Piece Record.We have them atall prices. tAndrews Music Store. GREENSBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE Estab-lished 15 years.Write for catalogue.-Dec,12—5t.* ry MOR’TGAGESALE OF LAND._ oRY VIRTUE of the ‘popowers contained in a mortgage.deed executed May 11,1915,to Thos.J.Conger by Louis Wilson and wife,MaryWilsontosecureanindebtednessof$33.50,andWefautthavingbeenmadeinpayment,I will on Gourt house door in Statesville,sell for cash at public auctidn,‘to the highest bidder,the following tract of land in Statesville town- described as follows:{@ining ‘the lands of Wesley Privett,Jer-|r¥Keston and others,being Lot No.11 in Bloc C fof North Statesville DevelopmentCompany.For further description see maponrecordinRegisterofDeedsofficeofIre-<county,deed book No.15,the lot beingsameconyeyedtoLduisWilsonbyA.A.vert and wife,M.J.Colvert,September1910.THOS.J.CONGER,Nov,21,1916.Mortgagee, JMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NoRTH!“BAROLINA,iRIIREDELL COUNTY.In the Superor Court,Before the Clerk.A.C.Crouch,administrator of Fred Robb, deceased,vs.J.Robb,heir-at-law. The defenent above named wll take noticethatasummonsintheaboveentitledactionwas,issued against said defendant on the 28thdiyofNovember,1916,by J.A.Hartness,re of the Superior Court of Iredell county, vhich summons is returnable on the28th dayofDecember,1516,before the above mention-ed jelerk,when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur tothecomplaintor‘the relief demanded willhegranted.This action is brought to sell land for asscts.J.A.HARTNESS, Dec.5—4t.w.Clerk Superior Court. MORTGAGE SALE. yf By virtue of the powers contained in amortgagedeedexecutedbyJohnWellmanandwife,which is duly recorded in Book of Mort- gages No.40,page 891,office of Register of Qeeds,default baving been made in the pay- nient thereof,the undersigned as mortgageewillon¥SATURDAY,JANUARY 6,1917, nt12 o'clock,noon,expose for sale to thehighestbidderforcash,the following describ- ed feal estate:Beginning at a stake,Henry Summers’corner,on Moore’s line;thencesouth86degreeseast791-2 poles to a blackoak,Bob Backwelder’s corner;thence withkislinenorth20degreeseast73polestoaj stone,Thomas Bell's corner on said Black-welder’s line;thence north 86 degrees east 103 peles to a stone on Mrs.Bell Howard’s line,Thotnas Bell's corner ;thence south about 6polestothebeginning, containing 39 1-2 acres,more or less.GEORGE BLACKWELDER,Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Dec.5. NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY,fl Z Under and by virwe of the power of sale-con-txkined iri the mortgage deed executed by O.G.Williams and M.and recorded in the office of the Register of Needs of Iredell county in Book 18,page 160,ond assigned to B,F..Williams,the under-signed,on MONDAY,JANUARY 8,1917, at 12 o'clock,at the court house door of Ire-dell county,will sell to-the highest bidder forcashatpublicauction,the following describ-ed--tracts.of land,lying.and being in NewHépetéwrshipoftheaforesaidSstateand eounty,and more particularly desernibed asteato-wit: Tract—Reginning on an ash on thebégets‘of creek;thence north 98 degrees west64polestoastone;thence north 9 degreeseast48polestoafallenwhiteoak;thenceRett59degreeswest8polestoastake; fence north 40 poles to a maple,G..W,Wil-liams’corner,on the branch;thence downsaid)branch-to the mouth of second ditch;ica with said ditch’.20 poes to a stake;ertceHouth 68 degrees east 19 poles toa birch on the bank of swid creek;thence up and withthevariouscoursesofsafdcreektothebe- sinning,containing 29 acres,more or less.cond Tract---Beginning at _a hickory, thence south 80°poles to:n stone;thencd east29polestoaspanishoak,Shoemaker's corner;‘thence south 23 poles to a stone’on the Ridge road;thence with said road 23 poles to #white oak;south 25 degrees enst 25 poles to a 3pine;thence south $1 degrees east 22 1-2 poles to a>pine;thence north 6 degrees east 14 poles to a poplar;thence north 4 poles to al: |poplar,Williams’corner;thenee north 3 de-|grees dast 64 poles to.a chestnut;thence west R.M.MYERS,Mortgagee,B.F.WILLIAMS,Assignee.rp.F,Mayberry,Atl.Dec.5,A916. THE WOMAN’SFRIEND.| Mrs.Joe’Person's Remedy,wonder-ful record ~fors35 years,as ©blood clpanser and tonic.For sale by W.Hall,Ape ke tian,orfrerkeisrtWion RemedytotKEPECIERIE.ern ‘less, a J.Williams to R.M..Myers,. Mors ey If you banked your spare change all last year.; are now enjoying a Happy New Yéar.If you.didn a it won't do any good to talk about enone $s ore ( “crying over spilt milk.” But you,don’t have.to make the same pie you:did last year.Start a Bank Account Ne than you think,you'll be “A manwith manus PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK.— Statesville,N.C. rn Make their Holidays Happy with our HandsomeGifts. v N “ mY Ad The greatest happiness we have ourselves is in’ others happy.Thisis the time to show youraffection to your lovedones a your devotion to your ach Those who receive them will cherish the giver. Our stock of holiday goods is yet unisthane oe R.F,HENRY,Jeweler. Pe cele with them en We wish YOU the HAPPIESTCHRISTMASOFYOURLIFE. -RST DINER Coca Cola,Cascade Ginger Ale,OrangeWhistle“:; ¥ Strawberry,Grape,Peach, Lemon, Root Beer. t ‘‘Made in Statesville” in a SANITARY plant. Statesville . F'L.JOHNSON,MANAGER,ek:F.L.JOHNSON AND MRS..M.C.PRICE,owen iBAT ont ioe:ey gitar | Pied g eiolod were6 for B Frepakh & bottle,3). ! ) ||:| \j | Iij { é ~in Norf k harbor,— Wipalp-on the 14th.Miles,who was.a sndays,:f:jee}was adopted by the House by a Waahany ‘=="@ay.In 1918 he was at Pass Chris- 3 ationale:Guard now in the FederalLocaernice.will be.continued in such ser-stovice to June 30,next.J2%xDry Geo.Ben Johnston,a -noted reer seeeres :ie ne room of a “persone,all of.whom at va- 8,Texas,this week,Four of themen.are Americans, Two miners are dead and 15 in-jured as the result of a gas explos-ion in the Oliphant-Johnson minnearBruceville,Ind.One ‘hundrandfiftymenwereentombedby:theblast,¥The first food restriction went intoforceinEnglandthisweck.Hotelsandrestaurantsarenowforbiddentoservemorethan.two courses forbreakfast‘or luncheon and.‘threecoursesfordinner. Joseph T.Miles,author,of the song,“There Will -Be a Hot,Time in:the OldTownTonight,”died at Santa Rosa, n actor,was known “Jo.Hayden,”on the stageasHewas70yearsold The twelve men thought to havebeenlostonthebarkNethtis,separ-ated from the tu Garibaldi,duringastormofftheNewJerseycoaston@voyagenorthfromBrazil,:wererescuedbyanItalianshipandbroughttoport,Democratic Leader Kitchin‘s reso-lution to provide for 2 congression-al tecess over the Christmas holi-from December 22 to January vote of 141 to 44.A-similar resolu-tion was passed by the Senate.Charles and Jack Thomas,31 and13.years old,respecrively,have:beenarrestedin‘connection.with themurderofMr.and Mrs.John P,Becker,the aged couple found mur-dered in their home in Mason county,Ill,Arrested.on bloodhound testimo-ny and other circumstantial evidence.Winter wheat was sown the past_fall on an estimated area of 40,000,-000 acres,an increase of-837,000 overtherevisedestimateoftheareasowninthefallof1915,the Depart-ment of Agriculture states.The con-dition on December 1st was 85.7 percent...normal compared to 87.7 lastyear.President Wilson:plans to spendChristmasin)Washington this yearwiththemembersofhisfamily.ItwillbethesecondChristmas©sincee@cameintoofficethathehasre-i at the White House for.the ;»and last year he spent‘the.day,in,Hot Springs,Va.ere “Was a shortage of 105,527freight.cars ‘throughout.the countryonber1,accordingtoa reportmagepublicby,thé American Rail:way Association.On August 1 thestatementassertstherewasanac-tual net surplis of 9,762 idle cars,while in 1908 there was at one timeasurplus’of more than 418,000 cars.Rural mail carriers are to receivebackpay.The PostofficeDepartmentsomeyearsago‘interpreted an act ofCongress'in such away that carrierswerenot.paid their full amounts asintendedbyCongress.This:has beencorrectedandthecarriersaretore-ceive the back pay.North Carolina’carriers will receive theirs in a few‘weeks.°; Sergeant Robert.E.Gonzales of themachineguncompany,Second SouthCarolina‘infantry,son of W.E.Gon-zales,United States minister to Cuba,died of:pneumonia,at a hospital inElPaso,Texas,on the 19th.YoungGonzaleswasanewspaperworkerandanotedparagraphwriterontheCo-lumbia.(S,°C.)State before he wentawaywiththetroops. .Roy A.White of Bayles,Cal.,hiswifeandfour‘children,lost theirlivesinafirethatdestroyedtheIn-|work at its meeting on the 9th.ItsteroceanhotelatCheyenne,Wyo.j subsequent meeting November 16Thebodies.of Mrs.‘White and two|was a regular meeting and what itsonswerefoundintheruins.A 9-months-old baby,rescued by firemen,died from burns.White jumped fromthethird‘floor,fell among electricwiresandwaselectrocuted:Secretary Baker has asked Con-gress to appropriate for immediateuse$8,500,000 required -by the WarDepartment.for the support of de-pendent families of enlisted men ofiearmy*and National Guard.duringéprésentfiscalyear.The amount K|ASKS PEACE DISCUSSION nae 4 béen reported killed|beinMexico,arrived at Eagle + reapanelbible part.‘If the contest mustcontinuetoproceedtowardsunde-fined ends,bySo attrition until the one group of.rents or the:oth-er is eit million after mil-lion of human lives lust continue toheofferedupuntilon/the one side ortheotherthereare’no more to offer,if resentments must be kindled.thatcannevercool.;id :dered from which’covery,hopes of,“peace and of thewilling‘concert of free peoples willrenderedvainandidle,“The life,,of the entire world has been’rofoundly affected.Every.vart i the great family:of mankindhasfelttheburdenandterrorofthis unprecedented.contest of arms.Nonationinthecivilizedworldcanbesaid’in truth to stand’outside its in-fluence or to be safe against its dis-turbing effects.And yet the con-crete objects for which it is beingwagedhaveneverbeendefinitelystated, “The leaders of the several bellig- those objects in general te¥ms.But,stated in’genera]terms,they seemthesame6nbothsides..Never yethavetheauthoritativespokesmenofeithersideavowedthepreciseob- jects which would,if attained,satis-fy them ‘and their people that thewarhadbeenfoughtout.‘The:worldhasbeenlefttoconjecturewhatdef-inite results,what actual exchangeofguarantees,what political or terri-torial changes or readjustments.what stage of military success everwouldbringthewartoanend. “Tt may be that peace ‘isthanweknow;that the terms whicthebelligerentsontheonesideandontheotherwoulddeem‘it necessarytoinsist.upon are not so irreconcila-ble as some have feared;that an in-terchange of views would clear thewayatleastforconferenceandmakethepermanentconcordofthenationsahopeoftheimmediatefuture,aconcertofnationsyimmediatelyprac-ticable.j “The 'President is not proposingpeace;he is not even offering media-tion.He is merely proposing thatsoundingsbetakeninorderthatwemaylearntheneutralnationswiththebelligerentshownear.the havenofpeacemaybeforwhichall.man-kind longs with an intense and in-creasing longing.He believes that thespiritinwhichhespeaksandtheob-jects which he seeks will be under-stood by all concerned,and he confi- dently hopes for a_response whichwill-bring a new light into the af-fairs of the world.” The note to the Entente groupwill be delivered to Great Britain,France, Italy,Japan,Russia,Belgium,Mon- tenegro,Portugal,Rumania and Ser-bia.That to the Central allies will he delivered to Germany,-Austria- Hungary,Turkey and Bulgaria.It is being delivered ‘ta all neutral gov-ernments for their information.aeeenneEeEEepEeensheeWEAVERWINSOVER BRITT Supreme-Court Decides in Fa-vor of Democrat in Tenth. erents have,as has been said,stated|1 Pr _STATE NEWS,"|ee ORNING.eee 4 %eee 1m suas iS ye ;+-is fe ShhAeuiensebedalehasbeen,ut Sing hymns thatwere aung by thestare.on,th il to §Mingl.‘ef the.AE EECAGoan,Hom ate.he |S OS ecBoonemuchnearerto,the,outside||Ti the hearte ofthepeopie keeptime in world than ever.before,re ‘yTheStateprisonboard,on the ec-||An#‘he valeeof the world is the voiceofommendationofGov;;aan walesCraig,voted’to i .Whittier. give 10 to each State convict’s fam-;‘iheBeing$0 818 fart (2 over 86000.)ee Wil and They Won'toingto615families,=>hn||Amey Won't,Mrs.Alice Henderson and her broth-|.ona Nera e tua.we oe’er,Fred Andrews,charged’with)the firhti :,;ighting issue,are.between the devilReeBeieeeeemaeendandthedeepbluesea.An injune-,Po ?tion has been served on the boardPeeeieeeninthesumof$500 each restraining them from building thevefencesaroundthecountyandstock.Robert L.Walls,the Watguga’law districts,the injunction beingcountymanwhoattractedattention!returnable before Judee Oliver,Al-by being refused admission to the ‘‘B ;len ‘at’Kinston ‘tomorrow.:penitentiary when he»went ‘there!‘The commissioners are also requir-alone 2 year ago to take up servicei ed to appear in Kinston.Decemberofthreeandahalf’years,and had}:yh to a mandamus or-to wait there for an officer to go 29,in ol&ei them to sHow cause why theromeSoraesspocanls.by Gov do not build said fence.The”manCraig,He had killed his brother-in-|4°"1W6/8 returnable before Judge W.aw,Bs ;C.WATKINS Has just unloaded a car of4x18No.1 Heart Cedar NOTICE OF SALE, BY VIRTUE of the power of sale containedina’certain mortgage deed,executed on the26thdayofNovember,1912,by J.N,Redmanandwife,Roxie Redman,which said mortgagedeedisdulyrecordedamoeofeeeNey i *36,at page ‘268,‘inthe Register o:of.Saficeoftredellcounty,the undersigned mortga-|SHINGLES.gees,will on,:FRIDAY,DECEMBER Bist,1916,SALE UNDER EXECUTION.sell to the highest bidder for cash at public ;sereneauction,at the court house door of Iredell)NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY,county,at 12 o”clock m.,the following,de-In Superior Court,January Term,1918.scribed rea]estate,situate in .Iredell county,!:J,R.Eddinger vs,Isaac H.Whiting andNewHopetownship,and described as follows,;Mrs.Anne Whiting. to-wit;ae |By virtue of an execution directed to the 3nearer)First Tract:Beginning at @ stone and-runs/undersigned from the Superior Court of Iredell|3orth421-2 east 22 poles to a stone;thence|east 36 poles to a stone,on Raze DiNon’s line ;'edthencesouth22east44polestoagum;thence|MONDAY,JANUARY"1,1917,8.18 t 27 les to ine;thence south 73}at 12 o'clock,at the court house,door of said =wes pole ap thence:Hoss 20|county sell to ees poe:for cash,to|&les west 62 poles to the beginning,contain-,Satisfy said execution,all the right,title and|2oseweneegiaeepatealcoalaalthesaidIsaacH.Whiting and|#Mrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in|#ris corner;thence south 72 east 14 poles to aj the following described real estate,towit:Ly.|& west 37 poles to a pine: ing 23 acres more or less.|interest whichSecondTract:Beginning at.a pine,Har-; pine;thence north 22 poles to the mouth of ing and being in Chambersburg township ofy‘culls on north ea of the creek;tKence,the aforesaid State and county,bounded on thethence;North by the lands of Emanuel Beaver,New-south to the beginning,containing 2 acres |ton Beaver and Arthur Beaver;on the east bymoreorless.:|the lands of Clarence Moote and Witt Corne.|tlDefaulthavingbeenmadeinthepaymentlius north 72 west —~—~poles to a stone; deed,this sale is made in accordance with the|Cutt,containing 60 acres,more or less.stipulations therein contained,for the Purposeofsatisfyingsaidindebtedness. H.P.GRIER,%V.LONG vtgagees.|RITLDING? J.M.DEATON,Sheriff Iredell Co, Cc.“WATKINS FIRST. purchaser, Nov,21,1916, Nov.28--4t w. UNTIL JANUARY TAKEADVAN.TAGE OFTHEM. SALEPRICES INEFFECT. District Case. Zebulon.Weaver won the certifi-cate of election to Congress in thetenthdistrictTuesdaywhentheSu-preme Court unanimously upheldJudgeAdamsindismissingtheman-damus brough.by Congressman BrittagaihsttheBuncombecanvassingboard. The court gave its opinion per cu-riam,but designated a justice towriteitlater.For that reason no-body knows whether it discussed thelegalityofunmarkedballots.Itmerelysays:“The findings of fact ofhishonor,Judge Adams,when sup-ported by evidence as they are in thiscase,are binding upon the SupremeCourt.Upon ‘these findings the courtisunanimouslyoftheopinionthat |,his honor properly denied the peti-tion.for writ of mandamus.Thejudgementisaffirmed.”Judge Adams simply found that noofficialreturnonthecongressionalvotehadbeenmadeandthatthere-fore the board had not finished its found that day,the great body.oflawyersisagreed,cannot be review-ed by any tribunal this side of Con-gress.The mandamus case _beforeJudgeAdams,which the SupremeCourtdecidedadverselytoBritt,wastocompeltheBuncombecountyboardofcanvasserstodeclarethevoteofthatcountyonthefaceofthere-turns as they appeared on November9.The returns of three precincts inthecountynotofficiallyreportedatthattimewereincludedwhenthe e oe on the assumption that the “gurgeon,died,,suddenly in Ricmondnesdayofheartfailure.He was‘8 fgilow of the International Surgi-Association and past presidentoftheAmericanSurgicalAssocia-tion,the Medical Society of VirginiaandtheSouthernSurgicalandGyne-cological Society.He was a great the county canvassing board acted on No-vember 17.Britt still was ahead inthecountybutWeaverhadgainedenoughinthethreeprecinctsin LEONARD PIANO.STORE,Statesville,N.C. “EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY===WIL ENJO .This is the chair that father will -sink into with a sigh of comfort afterahardday’s work.It’s one!thatmotherwillenjoy,too,in the after-noons when she is sewing or reading.And the children.will get as muchpleasurefromitasthegrownfolks.A finger pressure on the button givesanyposition,from sitting to reclin-ing.The Foot Rest slides out and al-lows you to stretch out at fulllength;out of sight when not in use.There is a Concealed Newspaper Bas-ket in Foot Rest.:: Many Handsome Low-Priced StylesNowBeingExhibited! Let Us Show YOU One—/ TOD AY.|wee a PTET Ae Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. ‘PHONE NO.400,_“The Store That AlwaysWelcomes You.” xe question to overcome Britt’s lead and five him a plurality of nine votes in.the district.jBrittwillofcourse take the casetoCongress,where it will be threshedoutintheHouse."Following the decision cf the Su-vreme Court Judge Bond dismissed temporary restraining order nephew of Gen.Jos.E.Johnston of brought ‘before him.He.had contin- GREETINGS county,in the above entitled action,I will,on 3 :on the south by the lands of J.Q.Car-|@oftheindebtednesssecuredbysaidmortgage|te™;on the west by the lands of John Honey-= J.R.Eddinger will join sin conveyance to|- We suggest a few of the’many thin that we hasappropriate for Christmas Gifts: *Men’s Sweaters Men’s Combination Sets,consisting of Hkerchief,Tie and Hose Men’s Mufflers” rl‘ae ‘ave to cifer as useful as wen’ $3.50 to.$ $1.00 and$1.$1.00,1.50 and 2..Men’s Neckwear 25.)50c.75c.and 1.0Men’s Kid and Work Gloves $1.00to 250 Hand Bags and Suit Cases We will:-be open each eveninuntilChristmas. i “27 Phone 83,—a———SHERRILL-WH 4 ‘ ane ae Wishing’all Good Cheer and “Happitiess, are,Very truly your friends.t ot 2.50 to 8.50. g to 8.80.|:: * ITESHOECO!| LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,’JUST RECEIVED, A few more Coat Suits left to close out at.almost your own’price.A lot of Coats’in rnLadies’,Misses’and Children’s Reduced to*about wholesale cost. %ie&geewe ee int 97 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.Ccollegeandgradedschool,frontin dirt road,w t,one branch running through’place. near |&about 700 feet on railroad andith8-room tenant house,large stock barn,.runningwater,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm-«ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for subotes, acres\three miles from Harmonmilefrompublicschoolon balance in timber, buildings,some frui For further information call on or writeERNEST6.GAITHER, - -dividing © y State High School,one-half ©public road,40 acres in cultivation,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out-: Statesville,N.C,.INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. ‘HayAtOl ’Phone 23. Mills Building.: That’s a queer statement,but I mean every word of it.Sverybody knows what’s happened,not only to hay,stuff—just how prices are soaring skywards,and thenearinsight.’:Before the advance,I placed some big hay contracts at thprices,and am making those dealers out West come-acrosstheIsaveda Hay Buye goods.pretty tidy sim by this little foresir,comé in of it,stoo.I'll_be content with a spgetsoldonawfulclosemargins.Now here’s what I'll do about prices:UNTIL DECEMBER 81ST,IENTPRICES—AND PROMISEBELOWENOUGHTOMAKEYOU TAKE NOTICE. :| the Confederate army.C.M.Phyfer,a druggist at Ripley,Miss.,Monday shot and killed his wifeandsister-in-law,Miss Callie Nelmsandthenfired.a bullet into his ownhead.He was expected to die.TwochildrenofthePhyfers,aged ‘six andeightyears,fled.to a neighbor’suse,where they told the tragedy.“According to the children,Phyfer was“Of a jealous nature and had beendrinkingduringtheday.‘In compliance with instructions_4rom the War Department to relieveationalGuardorganizationsofbor-4 ty,as conditions’warrant,Gen.in fas designated 16,000 State‘to be returned to their.Homeandmusteredoutof*,The.FirsPincludedinthisonion Taekn“a in thiy oder.oth-from Maryland,Pennsylva- nywa, a;Michi Missouri,Ne-ie New York, ie i church, ued the restraining order to the 19th,simply to stay the award of the cer-tificate of election by the canvassingboardpendingtheSupremeCourt’sdecision.>Immediately after the SupremeCourt’s decision and the dismissal oftherestrainingorderbyJudgeBond,|the State board of canvassers report-ed the election of Weaver to the Sec-retary of State,who certified the re-sult to Gov.Craig,and the commis-sion was issued to Weaver. TRAEMERONAREOEPORTTNTS Reading School at Taylorsville:Correspondence of The Landmark. The Reading School for the BrierCreekands.Alexander AssociationswillbeheldwithTaylorsvilleBap-|Taylorsville,beginning |onday,'January 1,1917...|_The books of Daniel and Revela-|tion will be ‘studied.All.ministersofbothassociationsarerequested.to!be present,Also the public:is invyit-|ed.N.M,FELTS,Sec.-Treasurer,_Wennings,R200 Beas ;| ’December 30,at 12 |4 When of M BI iM With the Christmas Season at hand westopshoptalklongenoughtowisheachoneaMerryChristmas.May each anticipated Here’s some of my Hay stock;NO.1 MICHIGAN TIMOTHY. NO.1 CLOVER It’s dandy Hay, they can get. ordinary Hay. Just ‘phone.88 or call at the store.price. IREDE andEconomical,.too »MIXED WITH TIMOTHY.your four-footers will eat every ounce of {t',because.there’s no waste,as inYou'll be satisfied with theLLFEEDSTORE, Everything in Feed line, WILL GUARANTEE THE PRYOUTHOSEPRICESWI d Prices, butall feed:end nowheré ns heé ty ‘small profit,for hay,you'know,is’ ight act,and you;Mr.e Emf se gis }; joy be fulfilled:to the utmost.May the ?si OR La al os ee war stop forever and then some!s In the | || words of our good old brother in his usual |Sunday night prayer,“May it be well with |us all whether we live long or die soon”.| || \ ' ¥ {iraesee jitas line:3hadtooutib:¢ mos nafeientesion ribarainn #RO Dommpaniath |rédel?.Lh Ueouk [in weiss bom ted’:'Plardwaré Co,.e wife,.daughter, dainty Gruen Wrist Watch. We have them from $15.00 to $35.00,.Won’t you come and let.us show you,R.°H®RECACER'ACESS Meet ERPREERS ty 2 See¥ e IT WOULD BE HARD 10 GIVE Att present that would be more.pleasing to the ||.sister or best-girl than a. * d bo ae88ON. ,Borie that your-LIFE,your.HEALTH and lArmy OfficersContend the Sye-|Fail : ne tem isa lure.” The mobilization of:the-National{Guard for border service was deserib-de as a military failure,emphasizingtheurgentnecessityofabandona.|the volunteer system as the nation’ssiienesfordefense,in.statementsofMajorGeneralScott,chief of staffaeaArai,and Major General Leon-|Wood,commanding the eastern|Se mat.before the Senate sub-»|committee considering the Chamber-“lain universal military training.bill.Both of the generals advocated uni-versal training.General Wood declar-vied that the country now was utterly;Setenrereet against a well-organized 3 |t0e;that the mobilization was a#itragedy,and that if the Guardsmen ¥;y aes of Brassiers,Ba soles,Boudoir Caps,Silk Handkerchiefs Eanda number of other articles alten for Christmas gifts, Hi had met#|never have known what hit them.” {would needH|foree of 1,500,000°'men,wit troops they “would General Scott told the committee:|that lessons drawn from the present‘war proved that in case of war bdoafirst-class power the United Simmediatelyatraanothe!1,500,000 available within days.Walter L.Fisher of Chicago,for-¥imer Secretary of the Interior,oppos-#\/ed universal service and suggested aHjregulararmyofhalfamillion.He#|thought if the pay of privates were raised to $80 a month the service#1 would be more attractive to recruits, stros]rrsinteseeeHeePPOP PTT EE TOFSseo RETEST TOoEeHeHEresree Oo4ee5 BORORCROROROR CRORE ECACBCROBOS ICRCERRORS Peace eTenis -That’s what we offer you. -You:can fo about your work in the daytime—fou can leave your place of businbes when the day’skisover—you can lie down at night IN PEACE,ourPropertyareinsuredin‘the STRONGEST,MOSTRELIASLEandECONOMICAL~companies in theorld,where we handle your policies.You can’t have too much insurance of the right.Kind for your own peace of mind and the general pro-:_fection 0of yourself and family.We're always glad to consult with you aboutinsurance,whether you take out a policy or not.Dropin any time.*‘STATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY,| wy.E.WEBB,Manager. “All Pianos Will be sold at reduced prices until January Ist. |See us before you get yours.We can save "money for you. ANDREWS MUSIC STORE, “EVERYTHING MUSICAL.” 105 East Brood Street. Statesville,N.C, Se “HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N.C. STEAM.HOT WATER AN)VAPOR HEATING.~.dmbing and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES FURNISHED. i COREaii a4 IF YOU WOULD KNOW LUMBER,USE~IT. ne,TURNER,--~" i N on ‘KILN.DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ———Made by——— BOYCE LUMBER CoO. Phone 294, seesees|Forcum,Viola Hoke, 4}Vallie Campbell,Lois Norris,James #|Patterson,Claude Patterson,Mildred8|Martin;3 |Marie Howard,Clyde Hoke,Ada Hel-#\lard,Halbert .Hoke, 3 |John Cline,&|Thompson,a |grade—Clauds.Carron, |Carron,France Cline,Earl Meacham, #|Mildred Patterson,4!May Lizzie Anthony,ae #iny,Pauline Gabriel,#|Earl Lackey,Lucile Lackey. OF STATESVILLE,N.0. Cail Stock Paidin $100,000.0 Surplus and Profits—31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de-_positors consistent with prudent\bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three tnonths or longer.OFFICERS: B{amined about 1364|school. President.”:Vice President, aha Cashier.Ria Cashier. 3 |composed of men who were profes-|Payetteville,N,C.— |tion.H|}would attack us,”he remarked. i How the Sale ofthe Christmas’ >this State and superintendent of the 4 |Judge Charles M.Cooke on the Su- 4|perior Court bench,is oc years old#\and a son of Gen.W.a inent citizen and ashe.of Congress..#|Outside of one term in the Legisla-Hiture the new judge,it seems, ‘#3 |held no office,but has been a practic-R\ing lawyer at the Raleigh bar.#3|was captain of Company B,Raleigh,‘i and when the State Guard was call- ;company and has been with it sin Hiing nothing of the vacant Iudgeship,Ziand was appointed.a |his a court in Harnett Sonny:Jan-Biuary8 Hi sures a waiting world that he .wasA|distin:That General Wood,from whose depart-ment went 8,000 of the Guardsmensenttotheborder,said of the menertrolledwhenthecallcame,an‘av- erage of 80 per cent.of each compa-ny had to be dropped for’physicaldefectsandtheorganizationswentto the ‘border filled upwith green men.“It’s been a tragedy,”he said,“butworthallitcost,if we only profit byit.It was not the fault of the offi- cers or men,but of a defective.sys- tem.If we had been campelled tomeetgood:troops down_there,itwouldhavebeenasceneofcarnage.” Gen..Wood would replace the Na-tional Guard as rapidly as.possible with men trained’in the universalservicesystem.When the system has heen well startec,.ne would drop the National Guard entirely from any ©scheme of national defence,but wants.every officer and man of them in the'new plan,For State serviceGen.Wood.thinks a _constabularyforcewillbebetterthanerscompanies. General Wood outlined his sks as in effect g combination of the Cham-berlain bill itself,an adaption of theAustraliansystemandtheFrench~eneral staff plan.His scheme would give all physically fit men six monthg training ‘during their 19th year,nassine them into the organized.re-serve.to be available for first line du-.ty only between the ages of.21 and) 22,after which they would be passed:nto the unorganized reserve until 29.The result would be a constant for of trained men with.full equipment&|of more than 4,000,000,he said.in a dition to a standing army of 250,0 O, sional soldiers by personal igclina-“J do not think any’nation} Seals Help. Probably the most direct benefit realized from selling Red CrossChristmassealsisthat numbers of young men and women,=\who would otherwise not be able to;do so,to take treatment at the State!”:Tuberculasis Sanatorium,and_there;*@|learn how to fight their way back to+3 {health and usefulness.Dr.L.B.Me- Brayer,who is executive secretary of the Red Cross Seal Commission of Sanatorium,writes:“Just this morn-ing we had a letter from a minister in Zebulon,asking for 2,000 seals whichheexpectstohave’sold to pay theexpensesofapatienthereattheSanatorium.”;“The Red Cross Christmas_seal,”says the State Board of Health,“of- fers any town or community an op-portunity to care for its indigent tu-berculous patients.The sale of seals is ‘as much qa business proposition aganybelongingtothisprogressiveage.ts methods are highly endorsed by all business men and women,and its permanency assured by its past reéc-ord.Red Cross-Seals and their workhavecometostay.” Oak Grove Honor Roll. ‘orrespondence of The Landmark. The attendance honor roll of OakGroveschool,Statesville township.Pupils who have been neither absentnortardyduringthefirstmonthofschool:Irene’Patterson,HarlanHoke,Bleka Warren,Janette Hoke, Nellie Lackey;fourth.and fifthgrades—Marshall JHellard,Annie Fred.Hoke; second and third grades— Paul Cecil Lackey, Emmet.Thomas;Reda Lackey,CharliefirstMae Reda _Anthony,Antho-Wade’Lackey, Dr.Jordan on’December 6th ex-children of this ~—Judge Cox. Albert Lyman Cox,who‘succeeds Cox,promi- has He ed out last summer he went with nd He came home on a furlough,kn He hold Judge Cox is aUniversityandCol.duate of theTomBost.as- player.|==id satisf: 5 hig’fitness for the juid |which the Ameri¢s it helps?\) Sign thethe Protocol.or16,|He”net ==.egotiations Are Off. Secretary of Iiterfor Lane and hiscolleagues.on the Mexican-AmericanJointCommissionhaveplaced-ral of deciding whether the Americangovernmentshouldcontinueitsef-forts to.effect a satisfactory and ‘countries,and then adjourned until to Gen.Carranza,a communica-tion;further explaining the positionoftheUnitedStatesgovernmentandcontaining©protestations that thereexistsnointentiontoviolatethesov-ereignty of Mexico,It was .madeclear,.however,that there can be nomodificationofheconditionstroopswillbewithdrawnfromMexicoandthattheattitudeofthegovernmentasout- {lined in the declaration of policymadebySecretaryLanewhenthenrotocolwassienedgtAtlanticCity,has not been altered’The communication was terse butstudiouscarewasexercisedtokeep out of the document any DhraeeciOgy that might give offense to the Mexi-can Executive,It was not more than 450 words in length.it was handed to the Mexican representatives injointsessionandtransmittedbythemalmostimmediatelytoGeneral Carranza at Queretaro.Neither the American nor the Mex-ican commissioners appeared _pessi-mistic in their contemplation of thefuture.The Americans insisted thattheyhad‘asked Carranza to sign no-thing that would’#mpair his Stenorthatwouldbeincompatiblewit!the ideals of -his government.TheMexicansappearedalmostequallyconfident.that ratification of.the pro-tocol would be withheld no longer. Strained Relations With Turkey American relations with Turkeyareso:unsettled ‘that the State De- partment does not plan to take anyactiontowardtheacceptanceofFuadBey,named by Turkey as ambassa-dor,until that country gives consid-eration to American representations and interests.Refusal of the Turks to allow neéar-ly260 Americans and naturalized Americans to leave Turkey at Jaffa,the conduct of Turkish authorities intheir.treatment of the Syrians and‘Armenians and the abrupt termina-tion of the capitulations or extra ter- ritorial agreements,has created asituationwhichispostponingactionbythedepartmentintheacceptanceof‘the new’ambassador, Fuad Bey:has been chosen by hisgovernmenttosucceedthelastTurk-ish ambassador,Rustem Bey,whowaspracticallyrecalledforrefusingjto.retract derogatory statements mide ina nublice letter comparinginegrolynchingsinthiscountry.to S|eee in Armenia. |ADELIGATE CHILD Made Strong By Our Vinol —"My little daugh-ter ‘was in poor health,delicate andpoweakitmadeusveryuncasy.IFiheard:about Vinol'and decided to try itMandtheregultéweremarvelous;her|appetite improved,she gained in regs1|and is now one of the healthiest chil-in-town.Mothers of delicate children+Should tryVinol.”—Mus.GorponJrssvur..+d ia‘a constitutional ©remed:which’creates an appetite,aida di-an and makes pure,healthy blood,ll children love to take it.Try it on,our guarantee, W.F.Hall.Druggist.Statesville. 1 enh A netentetetaeteFete DR.COITESHERRILL, General Practioner in City and County: All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s.residence or Long’s Sanato- rium will have prompt attention. gwFlowers For All Occasions! We can always supply you with the best to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they should be wanted.| Van Lindley Co, Polk Gray Brag Co., hecalAgents C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Fall Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring ene Laths,Lim ent, t_Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville mtCarranza.the fesponaibility amicable adjustment of the question |'affecting,the relations of ‘the two}’ the holidays.Through his rep-|°|etentatiys 0}the commlion they on}, ner EEN EEN IT’S NOW UP TOPTO CARRANZA : ; and the Kayo Lamp makes old folks’eyes young again, Its restful glow is scien-tifically correct. lighted without removing lamp-shade or chimney. .Easy.to.use—easy to fill —casy toslean, —the most economical kerosene oil—for best re- sults. STANDARD OIL COMPANY(New Jersey)PALTIMORE,MD.wv sanin on,D,CCharlotte,N Novfotx,VaChaiteston,W.V ‘a.,ichmond,Charleston,M GQ Will Please You and YourFriends.: May We Saw You? HUYLER'S CANDY,CIGARS,TOILET ARTICLES. HAL DRUG Statesville,}EC.ae we are preparing to move,ee 1,1917,into the roomiest and most up-to-date garage building©in this : section.Our business has grown:. such an extent that we are compelled to have morefloor éspace to take care of our trade.: We are having fitted up,eculgel with every convenietice,a rest.room:ae for the ladies and children of our .customers,- Leave your car with us when’in — town.We will do our best to take care of you atany and all times. Statesville Motor co ) a nom as a football iey as to /@UILDING?24 WATKINS.3 MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS inn AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE:m AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A ACCOUNT! This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts erin both wore and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank ae i from date at the rate of 4 per cént.perannum. Checking accounts,either.large or small,cordially | We want your business! Vis eaeGEO.Ba BROWNae Tf not we suggest that you join the.new ClubD which opens |TUESDAY,DECEMBER THE 26TH. And be one of the happy.number to receive a check next Christmas.|Everybody Welcome:<==No Charges To id You may join one or more of the following classes. )You May Reverse the Order ofPaymentifYouWishtoDoSo. FOR INSTANCE:in the 5 cents'class you may startwith$250 and pay 5 cents less each week for fiftyweeks,and two weeks before Christmas you will.re-ceive a check or pass book with credit therein for, Five Cents Progressive Class. Pays 5 cents first week,10 cents second week,15|cents third week,and so on for 50 weeks,and we‘will |issue you check or pass book with credit ere twoweeksbeforeChristmasfor, Two Cents Progressive Class. Pays 2 cents first week,4 cents second week,6 cents third week,and so on for 50 weeks,and we will issue Or,in the 2 cents class,you may start with $1.00 andpay2centslesseachweekfor50eoandyou HE IDAY,--December 22,1916. -GHRISTMASINCHURCHES. Christma Trees and Other Ex-ercises in Various Churches.Christmas tree at Society church,|Wikseorebure township,Monday af-ternoon at.1 o'clock.Public invited.,©The primary department of the:First Presbyterian Sunday school*,will have a “White Christmas™atthe‘church »Sunday evening at 6o'clock.‘The®church will be decoratedwithévergreenagainstawhiteback-_ground with a “Star of Bethlehem”+@bove the altar.ere will be songs!and recitations by the children of theeydepartment‘und each class’»jn theoouny school will bring giftsaothers.~All the children of the primary de-'fartment of the Sunday school of the >First.Presbyterian church are re-quested to meet at the church this:afternoon at 3.80 o’clock. 'The evening exercises at the First’esbyterian church Sunday evening,Beton at 7.30 o’clock,will be:e form of a musical.The choir“will sing “At.Bethlehem,”a Christ- mas cantata,Services at St.John’s’Lutherann|ger Sunday;Sunday school at 9.-and sermon by Dr.Longaker at 11 |yclock,Luther League at 6 p.m.andistmasservicesbytheSunday|-gehool at.7 p.m.,including an ad-by Dr.Longaker.*The Christmas exercises by thelayschooloftheFirstAssociate|Reformed Presbyterian church Will |‘he held Sunday evening and will be,‘ae nature of “White Gift”servi-| aa@ Christmas tree at Front itreet Bap-,church tomorrow night:\__.--'<oChristmas tree at Race ,“Streetrchtonight.-«The Sunday school of Broad Street|;Methodist church will give an enter-e inment tonight.Appropriate reci-»ations and songs by the members oféclasses.Gifts chan forbutiontotheneedi)Monday night at 7.30.‘the SundayhooloftheFirstBaptistchurch’have a Christmas entertain-ment.After the exercises gifts will‘distributed to each of the childrenittheschool. |THE COMING OF THE KING. er The whole earth feels the secret :of"hushed expectancy,NaS And reads the ancient prophecythyeyall‘the lores and legencs that foretell4;ecoming—The coming of the King!\ “signs are in the sun and in the stars,”|As snid the 1 lines of old;id alloi ee h viings unfold,1 the sealed gates and barsForthecoming-—-coming of the King. 4 shall not we who catch the promise sweet|“And glimpse what souls may not forget,'Shall’we not rise and softly setSeenenenenssinordermeet‘or the coming-—Coming of the King?ra Beaumant Kennedy.| w orsvere cates by consti-you will get quick|in'a Tablets,.These;ee Obtaina- =”WATKINS.| ;MERCHANTS |Hall's.Catarrh.Cure you check or pass book with credit therein twoweeksbeforeChristmasfor, In The $1.00 Glace You pay $1.00 each week for 50 weeks,and you re-ceive check or pass book with credit therein for, Harris -Dotherow at Stony Point —Boys Robbed Store —Taylorsville News. Special Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Dec.21.—Miss Nora|Mays and Mr.Oscar Beach,son of |Mr.and Mrs.William Beach of Hick- ory,were married Tuesday afternoon|at 2.30 o’clock at the residence of the! bride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.A. Mays,in Ellendale township.A few friends and relatives were present. Rev.Mr.Ivey of Granite Falls per- formed the ceremony. A quiet and pretty marriage was ,Solemnized Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the residence of Mr.and |Mrs.H,M.Harris at Stony Point, when their daughter,Miss Estelle | Hurris,became the bride of Mr.Wins-ton H.Dotherow of Winston county,Miss.Rev.L.L.Moore of this place the bride’s pastor,performed,the cer- emony,’The bride wore ‘a browndravelingsuitwithaccessories_to‘match and carried bride’s roses.Im-: ,mediately after the ceremony Mr.and Mrs.Dotherow left on the morning train to visit the groom’s relatives in Mississippi,and after the visit they will sare their home in Charlotte. Mr.DotHerow is a traveling salesmanwithheadquartersthere.Miss Sara Burke ofthis place went to Stony Point Tuesday morning to attend themarriage. he Liledoun Co’.s store at Lile-ito handle the county funds,as_pro-doun was broken into Tuesday night and a small amount of change and goods were stolen.Two white bojfs,| :Spencer and Sweet,were arrested Wednesday afternoon and placed in jail here.One of the boys confessed to Mr.J.A.Miller and told who the: other boy was.Part of the stolen! goods were returned and the boys said|they were sorry they committed Thc|theft. Miss Lucile Matheson,a student at' |Statesville Female College,States-ville,is at _héme for the holidays.| Mr.Connelly Gwaltney,a student at!Wake Forest College,arrived Tuesday| to spend the holidays with his parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Gwaltney.MissesSueCampbellandMaryFeimster,|juniors at Salem College,Winston-| Salem,are at home for the holidays. Taylorsville State High School clos-es Friday for the holidays and will | ,resume work Tuesday morning,Jan- uary 2d.Miss Mabel;Hendren,teach-er of fourth grade,will spend theholidaysatherhomeinWilkesboro.! Miss Sue Kerley,third grade teacher. goes to her home in Charlotte,and'|Miss Ruth Stanfield to her home in Leesburg,‘Caswell county.Miss Ruby Deal,teacher in the graded school ofRaleigh,is expectedhome‘Saturday. HOW'S THIS?‘| We offer’One Hundred Dollars Reward for}*any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured *)Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken byCa-|tarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years,|and has become known as the most reliable |remedy for Catarrh,Hall's Catarrh Cure acts|through the Blood on the Mucous surfaces,|expelling the Poison from the Blood and heal-ing the diseased portions, After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh Oarforashorttimeyouwillseeagreatimprove-ment In your ‘general health.Sfart taking |at once and..get rid ‘of}caterrh.Send for testimonials,free.F.J.CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,Ohio,Sold by all Druggists,Be. |Landmark will accept vo $25.50 ~$90.00 ~The above amounts will be increased by 4 per cent interest on the average balance, will receive, for,....:= explained when you come intojoin. “The Bank For T ANDM ARK |WEDDINGS IN ALEXANDER Fight Yesterday-—Court Items: Before the mayor yesterday Har- din Lazenby,Dorsey Fraley and Cy- ther Harpe gave $250 peace bond each and $100 appearance bond each to appear before the mayor January 3 and answer for’an .affray and as-sault with deadly weapons. The trouble -between the men took place yesterday.afternoon at Foster’s restqurant on Court street.The fight| was furious and considerable-blood|was spilled,especially by Lazenby|and Harpe.The fight is said to haveresultedfrompasttroubles,and in the difficulty yesterday it was Lazen- by and Harpe against Fraley. Clint.Gray,colored,of Chambers-' burg township,was committed to) jail Tuesday night in default of $200 bond,charged with stealing’wheat.. Gus Bikas gave $100 bond before | the mayor Wednesday to appear in Superior court to answer for the larceny of coal from Holland Bros. Will McLelland was.fined $2.50 Wednesday by the mayor for an as-sault on Russell White. John Knox,Burgess White and Ar-! thur Daniels,all colored,gave $50 bond each before Justice Lazenby yes- terday to appear in Superior Court for. gambling. Another Sideto'Treasurer Case| The Landmark printed a few days ago a story to the effect that the commissioners of Lincoln and Cataw-| ba counties were unable to get banks vided in the act abolishing the office of county treasurer in those counties. The Landmark learns that this is not correct as to Lincoln.The Coun- Your Savings”. In the Fifty cents Class. You pay 50 cents each week for 50 weeks,and youwillreceivecheckorpassbookwithcredittherein es eee eesee cer 0 8.9 8 610 9.8 $25.50 $25.00 Anything r you don’t understand will be i4 FARMERS’BANKOf Statesville N.C.| | |“MERRY CHRISTMAS! | .==MILLS &POSTON. 'The paint that |is:CHEAP per gal- lon is DEAR per JOB ty National Bank of:Lincolnton has|:Hfofferedtohandlethefundsforthat|fycounty. Politics is figuring sn the matter. |It is charged that the provision of the act not to allow the banks any com- ;pensation for handling.the fundswasinsertedtomaketheactunpop- ular,and that an effort will be madetore-establish the office for Lincoln county.A statement elsewhere! shows that erroneous reports were}circulated as to the alleged muddleinLeecounty.The Bank of Sanford was properly selected and the court, order restraining the selection has been dissolved.The politicians don’twantthesesinecuresabolishedandayreputtingthingsintheway. But the good work has been started,and it will go on. Either VWill Do.Do. Col.Fairbrother believes in the gift-giving at Christmas.It makes a man feel better,he says,whether it’s }a sack of flour sent to a needy fami- ly or a diamond pin to a friend.The with thanks‘either the pin or the price of a sack of flour.The latter will be of moreservice,if it’s all the sdme to ‘etcolonel. COME TO BRADFORD'S STOREtomorrowafternoon—‘horsetrading.ay C.WATKI NS Will probably be out of the city,afewdaysnextweekatameetingof| jthe WATKINSES,to”estimate:their|requirements in building ae shitheensuingyear, may cost you a little more per gal-lon but will cost LESS per job than x}any other paint made,as it will dofromone-fourth to one-third MOREWORK,do it BETTER and last*long-er.FOR ee tay|Lazenby-Montgomery ‘Hardware Co. Statesville,W.C. “FOR CHRISTMAS” We will have Fresh Oysters,Fresh Celery, Cranberries,Coconuts, Dates,Figs,‘Nuts, Raisins,Candies,Ap- ples,Oranges and Grape Fruit. ——Phone 89,—— S Her Christmas.Candy ALONG WITH HER CHRISTMAS GFT, Send a box of Whitmans or°Norris.: One,Two,Three and Five Pound Boxes.a His Christmas Smoke | JUST THE FINISHING TOUCH TO HIS CHRISTMAS; oA box of our selected Cigars. 25 in the Box,from $1.00 to $38.00. Statesville Drug Comp’y THE QUALITY ae SHOP. Eagle:&Milholland.} CITYTAXES. The City ‘Tax Books &ere néw “In MY hands‘for the collection of 1916 Taxes.|Prompt[emery fs requested.W.L.NEELY.Nov.8,City Tax ‘Collector, Will vay:be a VICTROL in your home CHRISTMAS? SELECT YOURS FROM.OUR COMPLETE STOCK.|.ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,—105 East Broad Street,Everything Mu aT Is ‘WORTH WHILE £0 “STUDY.‘THE '\seGormany,according toa late re-ate ft pet in Washington,will not permit.has leased the Eagle hotel building at '.@ broken limb and fresident’s Peace =HbesaConference—eAllies Hostile —The the wide gulf between.ofnee of the Central powersAustria-Hungary,Tur-Bulgaria)for an immediateerence,and the forecastmousrefusalbytheEn-is to enter such a confer-fhout knowing Germany’sSdvance,the American gov-believes that the negotia- Mm progress are resulting in,pit is said.that until the dderteactuallyisclosedbyonertheother,President Wilsonontinuetchope‘that any dis-h of the subject will tend tomtheendofthewar.unt von Kernstorff,the GermandorinWashington,author-he Associated Press to makelowingstatemenv:;Yegard the note of my govern- as constituting an acceptanceBverythingsuggested‘by Presi-it Wilson in his note to the bellig-me nations of’Europe.”* An ww sy in Washington that Germa-fatands ready to make.known heronthefirstdayofanyconfer-that may be held,and officialsedthemselvesasbeinggreat-prised at the view prevailing inquartersthattheBerlingov- yas made:clear at:the German|eq ent had failed to meet the Pres-t's suggestions by note,setting|wn in the.reply the terms upon |which it is willing to make peace,The German diplomats say PresidentWilsonhasnointentionofdrawing|a public declaration concerning terms |;the Central powers.On theFcontrarytheythinkthePresident’s | -suggestion “that an early occasion|be sought to call out from all the na-|tions now at war such an avowal of |their respective views as to thetermsuponwhichthevarmightbe} concluded,”has been fully .met byGermanyinseekinganimmediateconferencewithherenemies.The Formal.Answer.Following is the reply of the Cen-tral powers to the President’s sug-gestion that each of the belligerentsstatetheircontentions:“The high-minded suggestion madebythePresidentoftheUnited!States of America in order to create~a basis for the establishment of a!lasting ce has been received andconsiRiedbytheimperialgoverr-|ment in the friendly spirit which!‘was ‘expressed in the President’scommunication.The President pointsoutthatwhichhehasatheartandleavesopenthéchoiceofroads. “To the imperial government an; immediate exchange of views seemstobethemostappropriateroadinordertoreachthedesiredresult.It, Sapeeeees reer oe /JATESVILLE,N..C.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 29,1916. is Dis- seatedtheFederal Farmareannouncedbythe Farm LoanBoard,and it is expected’that within60days‘the new system will be in op-eration,ready to make the loans forwhichapflicationsalreadyarepour-ing in from every section of the coun-try.The banks ‘will be set mE inSpringfield,Mass.;Baltimore,Md.; Columbia,S.C.;New Orleans,La.;Houston,Texas;St.Loyis,Mo.;Louis- ville,Ky.;St.Paul,.Minn.;Omaha,Neb.;Wichita,Kan.;Spokane,Wash.;and Berkeley,Cal.pertDistrictNo.2,which will be served by the bank at Baltimore,is compos- ed of’Pennsylvania,Délaware,Mary-land,Virginia,West Virginia and theDistrictofColumbia.District No.8.the bank at Columbia,S.C.,is com-posed of North and South Carolina,Georgia and Florida. North Carolinians.worked for andhopedforthelocationofabankinthisState,Raleigh and Charlotte being the points most prominently mention- The arrangement of the district,however,makes Columbia the more central point. Independents Will Control the House. Washington dispatches assert thatrevisedfiguresonreturnsofthelastelectionshowdefinitelythatneitherDemocratsnor.Republicans will haveamajorityofthenextHouse,:neces-sary to elect a Speaker,and that ahandfulofindependentswilldeter-mine which side will control the:or-ganization.:: Conceding seats .o candidates in possession of certificates of election, because they are certain toparticipate in the organization of the House,the personnel now stands:Republicans 214;Democrats 213;|independentstwo;Progressives two;Prohibition- ist one;Socialist one;contested two.A majority is 218,hence shaquld either emocrats or Republicans win bothoftheconteststheystillwouldbeshortofamajority. The Democrats,so far as appears,will.vote solidly for Speaker Clark. Ordinarily Mr.Mann of Illinois,the Republican leader,would be the choiceoftheRepublicansforSpeaker,but some of them oppose him,Gardner ofMassachusettsbeingoutspokeninhisopposition. ,Changes, Mr.Geo.H.Myers,who has beenmanageroftheBoyceLumberCom- pany here for some time,has sever- ed his connection with the companyandleftTuesdayfor:Durham,where he will live.He has bought an in-terest in the Durham Iron Works ABIA.|MR.JNO.F.HARBIN DEAD. :Fed-|Was Buried Christmas Day— whitrwageto be lo-D/an Banks Mrs.Maxwell,Mr.Patterson,Mrs.Latham and Others, Mr.John F,.Harbin ‘was found. morning,at his home on Alexanstreet.Physicians who were calledthoughthehadbeendeadaboutahour.Death resulted from heardiseaseandthepassingwasevident-ly without a struggle.,For weeks last summer Mr.Har-bin lay at the point of death,his endbeingexpectedhourlyfordays.Con-trary to general expectation he resgainedhisstrengthinameasurandforthepast’few months habeenaboutthestreetsapparently well,although he knewand his fam-ily and friends knew that his condi-tion was precarious.Saturday’hehelpedhisson,Mr.R.O.Harbin,atthemeatmarketall es he.always,.was,friends in his ‘usual light-heartedway.Saturday evening he went homeandretiredabout10.30,making nocomplaint.Pingefuneral]service was held ffomBroad:Street Méthodist church the afternoon ,of Christmas Day at 3o’clock.Rev.L.D.Thompson,the pastor,Presiding Elder Ware andRev.J.F.Kirk of Reidsville,formerpastor,participated in the service,Mr.Kirk paid tribute to the.deadmanasheknewhim—a big-heartedgenerousman;one wo wore his heart on his sleeve,was good-natur-ed and kindly disposed to everybody; one who loved children ‘and youngpeopleandwhowaslovedby.them.Mr.Harbin had been a member oftheMethodistChurch‘since boyhoodandwasforyearsasteward.em-bers of the board of stewards were pall-bearers.Since he was quite a young man Mr,Harbin had been con-nected with the Statesville band,themembersofthebandattendedthefuneralinabody,marched in front of the procession from the residence to the church and from the church,tothecemetery,playing a funeralmarch.At the cemetery,when themoundhadbeencoveredwithbeau- tiful flowers,the mesycians played“Abide with Me.”It was as.thedeadmanwouldhavehadit.He had greeting hi - dead in bed about 8 o’clock Sunday.little or no kick for the manner in ys-apparently|bit and give the pecple of the com-in his usual health,on and emule a merited’pat on the back. "TWAS A SANE CHRISTMAS. eeObservedWithLess Noise— Local Merchants*Good Trade. Those who advocate the “saner”celebration of Christmas should have Child—Taylorsville News. Special Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. which the one just passed was cele-|died of Bright’s diseasebratedinStategville.There werelessfire-crackers shot than usual andless‘of the accompanying noises.There was less evidence than usialofthedrinkthatcausesholiday.cele-'braters to be noisy and conspicuous.If all the people who say they nevertookadropcuringChristmastellthe*truth,and we are not a-doubtingthem,the consumption of the ardentwassmall.Don’t get the idea fromthisthatthere:were not drams takenbythetemperate,for there were,butthe:consumption .was.considerablylessthanChristmasesheretofore,It may not be amiss to philosophize Sugar.Loaf township.years’of age and is survived bwidow,two sons and ‘a dauThefuneralandburialse morning at 11 o'clock. buried at the Bumgarner graveya father,Mr.R.F.Cobb. The local merchants,generally,re-vort the best.Christmas .trade theyhaveeverhad.The local’merchants not only got the benefit of a biggertradethanusualbutmoreofit’wascash.Many people who had alwaysbeeninthehabitofordcringarticlesfor.gifts from out of town houghtthem’at home this year,and the re- cipients of the gifts were none theless‘satisfied because they wereboughtathome.’If the local mer- chants will make a study of the wants of the local people and pro-vide them 'the mail-order merchants will have a hard time making anyconsiderableheadwaywithlocalbuy-ers._What was done this Christmas' will be kept up all the year.3 The scene of greatest’activity dur-ing the holidays was at the depot— people coming and going kome forChristmas.‘There were days whenthewaitingroomwouldnot’near visited Albemarle, her parents,Mayor and Mrs.CVeile. guests at the home of theirparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Ma turn to Mooresville today. are moving today to Mooresville.Mr.Atwell heavy overflow to ‘the yards.The schedulé of the trains was badly de- moralized by the heavy travel and heavy baggage,the latter beingsomedaysbehindtheowner. Mrs.R.L,Matheson.rs.W.T.Woodruff of Mocksville is visiting herdaughter,Mrs.H.T,Kelly.Mr.R.M.Stikeleather,student at the A.andM.College,Raleigh,is spending theeaehilo“7 oecue:Se Bexar renee A ;ti ther.Y »EB,At Broad Street Church—News|and children tatesvilleoftheChurches.* Watch night services will be held Mrs.Echerd’s parents.Mr,and Mrs. frequently remarked that when the call came for him he hoped it would |come at Christmas.When Gen.J,F.Armfield was buried Mr.Harbin,|playing with:the band,requestedthatthefuneralmarchplayed.at)Gen.Armfield’s funeral be playedwhenhewastakentoOakwood—and it was done,: _John ‘inley Harbin was born inStatesvilleFebruary16,1850,and j had spent his life here.For years, until his health failed,he conducted {a meat market in Statesville.He was |fond of music and had been connect- begs,therefore,in the sense of the'and will be with tha:company.His'ed with every band the town had!declaration made on December 12,|which offered a hand for peace nego-| tiations,to propose an immediatemeetingofdelegatesofthebelliger-ent States at a neutral place. “The imperial government is also’of the opinion that the great work of, preventing future wars can be begunonlyaftertheendofthepresentstruggleofthenations.It will,when this moment shall have come,be| ready to collaborate entirely with |the United States tn this exaltedtask.”:Entente Allies Critical.While the reports from Germany)‘and Austria -Hungary indicate afriendlyspirittothePresident's}Pp tion,the British press andvabhie,with a few notable exceptions,'manifest a hostile spirit and some oftheutterancesareunreasonablycriticalof.the President.—King| George,in suspending the sittings:of|Raftliament to February 7,made noméntior.of the President’s note.—“French opinion also seems hostile,.as does that of Russia,but the neu-;tral.countries,such as Sweden and,‘Norway,aré supporting the Presi-|dent and it is rumored that the.PopeofRomewilllendhisinfluenceinbe-half of a conference.On the whole,while the Entente allies give no encouragement for, peace,there is hope in the fact that peace negotiations are being talked !‘and ground.for hope.that.a perma-| Pe nent basis for peace may be laid.Information as to their exact,méaning in secking a “just and per-ent peace,”is the whole purpose |he note addressed to all the bel- ents by President.Wilson.mited States desires afull,practical ‘gud detailed statement from ‘each ofthegovernmentsaddressed.It,is be-;lieved:that in this way only can ne-gotiations for peace have 2 real be-)nning.ai Germany Will Show Up. lroad %6 peace negotiations to beblockedby2refusaloftheentente ely rents to enter.a conference ai wi ee prior dnowiledge.of hereeis,The Central powers dre rep-:supervision of Hotel Iredell and thedentedaswillingtopermitacon-Statesville’Inn,fo .rov~s.President:become necessary to do sdligethogap‘whith threatens to|Ha gathering of Auto’Wreck May Prove Fatal.! »Near Harrisburg,Cabarrus coun-ty,the afterncon of Christmas Day,Miss Blanche Melchor of,Concord andMr.A.B.Burgess were thrown fromanautomobilewhenthemachineturnedover.Miss Melchor was’pin-ned ‘under the machine and sustainedinterna]injuries i ‘by chain gang,ceived the benefits of the Governor’sparole,allowing all trusties a holidaatChristmas.-Buck's wifeforthe‘chainreasonBuck,whilelegeofspendingthree days away from the camp,“preferred to spendwhichmay,cause her-death.She isina,hospital in Charlotte,‘his vacation at headquarters,in thei’.collar bone was extreme northern.‘portion ofpkrak@Ryendhevis:xocovering.-)famee'?oi family will continue to live here forthepresent.‘ Mr.S.G.Boyce will have the man- agement of the Boyce Lumber Com-pany.iss Sophie Henninger,who ,hasbeenwiththeStatesvilleRealtyandInvestmentCompanyforsometime,will be with the First National BankafterJanuary1.The W.R.Mills Motor Company will begin business Monday in the quarters now occupied by the States- ville Motor Company.The latter com- pany is moving to its new quarters on north Center street,the old operahouse. Messrs.J.A.Weisner and Burly Reid have sold their store at Olin to Mr.J.E.Tatum,who will continue:the business. Changes in Revenue Service. The resignation of Mr.R.O.SelfofJacksoncounty,an office deputy in the office of ‘collector of internalrevenue;and the resignation of W.F.McCanless of Rowan,a.field dep-uty,have been accepted,effective De- cember 31.The applications of W. €.Hammond of Randolph countyandF.C.Tolbert uv Rowan,have been approved and these will succeed Mr.Self and Mr.McCanless,respect- ively,appointments effective JanuaryIst.The vacancy in ‘the collector’s of-fice..causéd.by the death of .F.T.Walser has not been filled.It is un-der the civil service and will not be considered for some time.Mr.McCanless.resigned from theservicetotakeapositionwithaThe!manufacturing company and Mr.Self dren the out-of-townresignedtobecome.a candidate forre-election,to the office of chief clerkoftheStateSenate,a position hehasfilledsince1905. Mr.Gray to Open Hotel at Marion. Mr.John H.Gray.of Statesville Marion and as soon as the building is remodeled Mr.Gray will open itasahotel. Statesville and—will He will continue to live in have —personal putting a capableMitialexchangeofbroadtentativemaninchargeoftheMarionhotel,‘Wilson which,he expects to open aboutMarch‘Ist.Mr.and Mrs.Gray liveé in Ma- ce dele-rion for several years.and managedtheMariannahotel. One Iredell Convict Beneficiary. Only one’prisoner on the IredelluckBrown,colored,re- is coogangandforthis¢had the privi- the ‘known since he was quite young.He! was for years a leader of bands and’ ipstructed and trained many bands in Statesville and elsewhere.He was widely known as a yvandmaster and! a proficient one.Mr.Harbin had al- so served the town as alderman and had served at times in other public capacities.| Personally Mr.Harbin was a‘lika-|ble man—jovial,kind-hearted and! loyal to his friends—and he ‘had many friends.He was_especially fond of children and was devoted to ‘his family.It had been his custom | to gather his grandchildren at his home on Christmas Day and distrib-ute presents to them...This year he!gave the presents on Saturday—the|ilast day of his life.Possibly scone sciously he had a warning that the summons would come before-the dawn of Christmas Day.He delight- ed to give others pleasure and among his last acts was thoughtfulness for, others in connection with the coming} i Christmas;and he.expressed regret;‘that he could not send remembrances|to more of his friends. |In 1874 Mr.Harbin married MissMattieMills,who survives him with! eight children,four daughters and four sons,viz.:Mrs.L.H.Wall of Lenoir;Mrs..J.L.Davis of Colum-,bia,S.C.;Mr.Hal.Harbin of Ma- irion,S.C.;Mrs.B.L.Sronce,Mrs.J.J.Moroney,Messrs.R.O.,FrankandWillHarbinofStatesville.Sur- viving also are two prothers and asister—Mr.W.L.Harbin of States-'j ville,Mr.Lee Harbin of Lexington and Mrs.Laura Shuford of Asheville.In addition tothe non-resident chil-|relatives here |for the funeral were Mr.L.H.Wall|of Lenoir,Mr.J.L.Davis of Colum- bia,S.C.;Mr.and Mrs.Lee HarbinjofLexington,Mrs.Laura ShufordrandMissLucileDinkinsofAsheville.| Mrs..Annie.Wilcoxson Latham, wife of Mr.J.R.Latham,died yes- terday morning at 7.45 o’clock at her, home on east Broad street.\Death re-sulted.from measles.followed bybronchialpneumonia.She was 35yearsoldandissurvivedbyherhus-band,two daughters and four sons. Funeral services were conductedvesterdayafternoonat4o’clock atthehomebyRev.bL.D.Thompsonandtheremainswillpe\‘taken this| morning to the family ‘burying; ‘ground in Ashe county,where the in-'terment will be Sunday afternoon. Mrs.Laura E.Eller died on the, 21st at her home in Shiloh township, aged 50-odd years.She is survivedbyherHusbandandasister.Inter-|ment was the day following at Mt.)Herman church.:Mrs.P..J.Maxwell died Saturdayeveningat7,30.o’clock at her home in.Columbus,Miss,Mrs.Maxwellwas72yearsoldandwasasisterofMrs,C.8.Tomlin and Mrs.W.H.H.,Grégory of Statesville.ire.Tomlinleft,Thursday .morning,for the bed-, i {*e of her,sister,arriving there Gat:church,Alexander eoiinty!?!"'°." \“Christ{s |Dougald Munroe. by postoffice receipts showing a gross ,business of $10,000 per “mashed. for treatment.i.- |two weeks ago for tréntment. a senior at the University,CBill,imother;.Sara CampbellMissEmma’Fincunnon ‘and’Mr,Pleas Smith,both of Taylorsville at Broad Street Methodist ,churchSundaynightfrom10to12o’clock. The first number on the programmeisadiscussionof“Peace—Peace intheHeart,”by H.-«.Halyburton;Teachings Concerning eace,”James F.Andersen;“PeaceAmongtheNations,”W.D..Turner.‘After an intermission of 30 minutestherewillbeadiscussionof“Unifi-cation of Methodism—Why Metho-dists Should Unite,”bv Rev.Mr. Sentman;Sjgnificance of UnificationatHomeandAbroad,”DormanThompson;“The Spirit of Metho-dism,”Rev.L.D.Thompson,pastor. Special music will be rendered dur- ing the evening. Owing to the'absence of the pastor,there will be no preaching at the First Baptist church Sunday.Mr.C.O.Lippard will preach at St.Martin’s Sunday morning at 11 0’clock, Preaching,Sunday school and Luth- er League at St.John’s.Lutheran church Sunday morning at the usualhours., Rev.J.N.Binkley will preach at!Shady Grove.Baptist church next,Sunday at 11 o’clock.All the mem-bers are urged to be present.Rev.J,B.Wallace of Athens,'couple of slugging matches.A scrapTenn.,has accepted the pastorate of at a ball game—pasketball andThirdCreekchurchandtheotherbaseball—igrathor common than un-Presbyterian churches in that section!common Renee Usually they J.ee Mr,M.C.Campbell, afternoon at 5.80 o’clock at the home M.C.Fincannon...Rev.J.\W.Wattsperformedtheceremony.Miss Evelyn Henley,student.at:thehighschool,Jamestown,is spending the holidays with her parents,Capt.and Mrs.D.C.Henley.';Little Ruth,the two year old daugh-ter of Mr.and Mrs.Robt.Smith,died Sunday morning about 7 o’clockafteraweek’s illness.of pneumonia,at their home in the cotton mill vil-lage.She was their only child.The ducted by Rev.J.W.Watts:at Mace-donia’Baptist church,Monday after-noon at 2 o’clock. Basketball and Slugging.The Statesville basketball teamdefeatedtheCharlotteY.M.C.A.team in’Statesville Friday eveningbyascoreof51to29. of Rowan comprised in the Third;are conte with one,but as it wasCreekpastorate,succeeding ‘Rev.!near Christmas two were put on atthelastto’add to the gayety.Theystrivetoplease.Not long ago arefereeatabasketballgamewasputoutbyforcebecausesomeofthebystandersweren’t pleased with his decisions.It is;fair to the basketball folks tosaythattheyallegethatitistheby- standers who;cause trouble;and asdisturbancesatthegamesareprivi- leged—nobody being called intocourttoanswer—there is nothing tostopthem._ Drainage Work. Mr.A.R.Bowles has been electedchairmanoftheboardofcommis-sioners of the Snow Creek DrainageDistrictandMr,H.R.Cowles secre-tary.Bids for the drainage and im- provement of 11 miles of streams in Mr.Wallace and>family have arrived.They will maketheirhomeatWoodleaf.Services were conducted at TrinityEpiscopalchurchChftstmasDayby the rector,Rev.C.G.Prosperi. The Mooresville Building. While Senator Overman has intro- duced a bill appropriating $75,000 for: a public building at.Mooresville,the Enterprise notifies its constituents that the prospect for the building inthenéarfutureisnotbright.The demand for a building must be backed year,and;while Mooresville claims a population of 5,000,the postal receipts are about$6,000.; Catawba Man Seriously Hurt. Harry Wallfee of Catawba,29 yearsold,who was at work for the Hardway,by June 1,1917,The plans andConstructionCompany,replacing the!specifications for the work may bedamontheCatawbariverforthe,had by application to the drainageSouthernPower‘Company,was ers |commissioners,or the engineer,W. !ously injured while at.work Tuesday,p,Alexander,at.Charlotte.afternoon.He was caught between a}. dump car and the embankment and He was badly injured:in-numb By;oplternallyandseveralribsbroken.‘Hal suonghe af ee her nad a iaewasbroughttoLong’s Sanatorium boys on the border as Christmas|ap-:iproached;and it was in their“hearts.ee to Sugeest A community Christmasurdaymorning,several hours before remembrance for the men on.theherdeath.Ore other sister,Mrs.A.;tented field.but various.things.in-B.Jones of Natchez,Miss.,‘also sur-,tervened.This week Mr.L.B.Bris-vive,%tol’took the matter in hand and cbl-Mr.Clyde Patterson,aged 26 lected the suth of $100.57,whichyears,son of Mr.H.C.Pattersoh of has been forwarded to the boys withAlexandercounty,dicd Sunday instructions to blow themselves for amorningatBillingsleyhospitalat10treatinremembranceofthefolkso'clock.Deceased’.had lived in the ‘back.home,‘West.for several years ‘and was-an.:employe of the Union Pacific Rail-,Garriss Gave Bond For HearingwayCompany.'Recently he became;Mr,Jno,L.Milholland,deputyillandwasbroughttoStatesville|United States marshal,Friday’ar- For the Soldiers. ‘)He is rdsted “Dr.”J.H.Garriss on asurvivedbyhisfather,three broth-|¢arge of violating the national nar-ers—Messrs.T.M.,D,W.and B.C.cotic law.He gave $200 bond to ap-.Patterson—and two sisters—Miss |pear and answer the charge at tLoisPatterson.of.Alexander:county:April term of:Federal-court:GarrissandMrs.F.‘A.Lackey of .Hamlet.|has—been operating hereabouts for!Fureral services and interment'some ‘time and tives 08s Balk street.Monday afternoon at Shady:Grove It is understood .that he claims,t"||eure tuberculosis,1 DEATHS IN ALEXANDER. Two Old People anda Little Taylorsville,Dec.28.—Mr.EmersonDaniels,son of the late Eli Denials, morning at 2 o’clock at his home inHewas68his ter.ces.willbecondtictedbyRey.J.W.«Watts,atBlackOakRidgeBaptistchurchthis Mrs.Lucinda,Bebber died eat the}county home Monday night and was Wetnennay.She was about’80 yearsold.:Mr,and Mrs.Frank Johnaon ofHickoryareguestsofMrs.Johnson’s |, eson,Mr.'H.P,Feimster,who:has been withhisfamilyhereafewdays,will re- Mr,J,R.Vickers and family are atheson,who has aholdthdsd~the as’a|position in Greensboro,is spending the :"ieee or ate.holidays with his parents,Mr.and]Ga.,this week to 1spendingtheholidayswitha township,were married Wednesday}, of the bride's parents,Mr.and.Mre.|. funeral and burial services were con-|. The game was,featured by al’ Warrensburg,Mo,er,Dr.J.T,Alndey —The auditors ¥ work last ‘week andisexpectedsoon.*—Mr.Fred,Hull —The consevenmiles:oflettoSigmon,. prove,—Mr.D,B.Stearns andMr.George|Charlotte have.moved.inBogleofMcColl,8..C.,spent yester-oe °prend =oy.and Sodaywith his mother,Mrs.Lelia Bogle.Miss Mary Melton,who}ed by Mr.rs.Emma Stikeleather,left ‘Wednesday evening for her home inMissAdaVeileofthefacultyofthehighschoolatWinston-Salem,is spending the holidays wip ‘carriers:that day. Mr.Hugh Wilson Lindsay,student at Horner military school,isathomefortheholidays.Mr,andMrs.B,D.Hulick and children ofCharlottearrivedWednesdaytovisit |:Mrs..Hulick‘’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Matheson.Miss Alma York andMasterRoyYork,of Mebane as toes ano house on ; No delivery ‘y —A few.nights home Oi Awas.severely <spalighted:from —There'is a me eastern Veterinary.composed of |South and East,| ville manwho hasFarmers’Bank:sartdchildrenofStatesvillearevisititig|Ch :oem ¢tire as cachler e first i—At holde: ident,F. ger. rural mail. At the:time tingtoPostmas'pretation hence .the back pay. a page’photo burned the top off preparing to cracker.or,otherwise machine was burn revenue service,whoathis‘home |in two.men,’ leave 'asrembles Wednesda:|Mr.R.O.Self,.w 4 day, no opposition..mas at his h|son county,riTuesdayevenin; been appointed toofficeofSenator.of the Senate finewillleavefor’? here this week and made.the;examination of ©the books.First National Bank,sats doe ledge and the work:rT 7 imark rd{that Mr.JamesStatesvillehas’been:weeks and his condition ¢ was recently ‘purehased Tuesdaynight to attenMr.Sam.E.MeNe ung Vouchers ate being propernepos!or’.Rey 4cua‘pay, automobile.The.bey driving and had set.the eanof gasolixfrontofthe:machine.m oline was ignited and bg ton’.f. company responded and put ‘out,:blaze;if—Mr.E.L.Hedrick of the i ent.TaylorsvThe‘Landmark that while.memberof.the:party searchingblockadersinCarteret°cou:fthe district and construction of .two;was not overcome bybridgeswillbereceiveduntil]Janua-|their trip on the gasry8,1917,the work to be completed |a@ xough trip,says Mr.H|destroyed three stills an To Raleigh Next Week.’ State Senator W.D,TurnerRepresentativeHarryP.GriMondayforRaleighto;upon their duties as memberyGeneralAssembly.when that My,Oot ©Matas¥,©.B,Webb o ville. wereupthecountyofficersfin day to attend a meeting Merchants’Association,—Mrs,J.B.Connelly’ Eee J.M.Deaton:urer and G.L.MeKnigh' July 1 1914,to dane 00 iU.’une:30,391answillreceivefrom§ construesthe law;differen ph ofBarkley,D.D..EsL.Dj wbonpastorofForestA:ebyterian.church,Detrthanthirtyyears.The refgraph.is pasted in the ‘w iPolkGrayDrag:Company.ley isa native of this county,' —Fire Saturday pie.at From|the can am fens ths has:his ‘position in Collector Wafice,will also leaves jor RelaeBieatSectsataclerk6eSenate,a positionhheldsince1906,ae50.oa a (a)fire department was killed and we >tons,as compared with 3,006 000 tons : eH ii i .Following the publication of the ¢aeonXork stock.market. «~-ton had put certain favored ones wise “leak”is pending in Congress. pete wikelkomedkos! jean.waters and is empowered to or- an:theGok wherecoldestweather,snowTuesday—17 inchesin24aSeverecoldandsnowintheWest. a new record in hertoNewYork,Bs Bath Ba Law.received a giftoroaatadinnergiveninherhon-r in New York by the civic forum andheAeroClubofAmerica. oat men were killed on the night of®2ist when:a double-header extraeighttrainranintoawashoutfour“miles west of Lake City,Fla.ThevictimswereEngineersLeeandCox-Conductor Payne,two negroremenandanegrobrakeman.’ ‘Capt.W C.Matt of the Richmond two other firemen were seriously in-when they fell from a ladder while fighting a fire which destroyed ‘the ‘warehouse of the Imperial Coffee»Company,entailing a loss of $100,000. .Cuba’s sugar yield for 1916-1917willbe‘a record-breaking one,ac-ng to a report to the FederalRefiningCompany.The cur-crop will amount to 3,446,000 Tast year and 2,582,245 in the pre-vious season,according to the mes-Sages.The large output is attribut-Jargely to favorableweather. n the House of Congress on the|tMistRepublicanLeaderMannleadingrespectstoRepresentativeofNorthCarolina,who retires“from Congress after this session.Chairman Fitzgerald of the appropria-*tions committee spoke in high termsandtheHpusegaverousingapplauseto,the high tributes paid the industry,fidelity and ability of the North Caro-linian. ‘Private Albert —Streigel —of--theastercorps,United Statesarmy,stationed at Columbus,N.M.,was shot and killed Tuesday by a sen-try.Streigel had~been confined tothestockadeonachargeofdisorderlyconduct.been given permis-sion to go to his tent for blankets and was being taken there when the sen-ieee.claimed Streigel attempted to es-cape. Alfred Coffin Bedford has _beenelectedpresidentoftheStandardOilCompany,to fill the vacancy left byJohnD.Archbold.It is said that in promoting him from the vice presiden-cy the directors followed their owninclinationsandtheexpressdesireofMr.Archbold.Bedford is 52 years oldandbeganwiththecompanyattheageof18,working his way up fromanhumbleposition. Memorial services for a woman suf-fragist were held in the national cap-itol Christmas Day for the first time.Members of.the Congressional UnionforWomanSuffragegatheredinstat--uary hall,by permission of SpeakerClark,to pay tribute to the late InezMilhollandBoissevainandsogreatwasthcrowdthatthepolicehadtobartheentrance.The ‘hall and itsgallerieswerepackedbeforethepro-gramme began. President’s “peace note”last weektherewasagreatflurryontheNewThencamethereportthata“leak”from Washing- and that these had reaped a harvestAresolutiontoinvestigatethealleged‘omLawsonoffinancefumehasassertedthatguch“leaks”are common andLawsonhasbeeninvitedtocometcWashingtonandtellaboutit. WilliamsWonAgainstHeptasophs, The decision of the Supreme courtaffirmingthejudgmentoftheCa-tawba Superior Court in the case of‘Editor F.M.Williams of the New-ton Enterprise vs.the Improved Or-der of Heptasophs,whereby the newspaper m=n_recovers something more than $1,(00,is of interest toformerthembersofthatfraternalin-surance order in North Carolina.Mr.Williams paid his monthly premiums on a $2,000 policy for 17 years,untilthemanagementoftheHeptasophsputall=old members into an in- surance class to themselves,forcingthemineffectto.insure themselves,denying them any advantages and)benefits accruing from new membersof’the order and increasing the“monthly payments,in Mr.Williams’case,from about $3.80 a month on $2,-900 to nearly $9 a month.Mr.Wil-jiams quit vod brought suit for theamountofthepremiumspaid_in,»about $700,and interest. —_LITO .Shipping Board Named. Prosident Wilson has named themenibersofthegovernmentshippingrd.as follows:William DenmanSanFrancisco,Bernard N.Baker'’Baltimore,’John A.Donald ofewYork,John Barber White ofoanene.City,Mo.,and.TheodoreBrentofNewOrleans.1 will have general su-pervision over freight rates in Amer-|° the a.$50,000,000 corporation toorbuymerchantships.Theps*built or ee will be availa-oeto lease or charter by private in-terests,but may be operated by.thegovernmentshouldprivateconcernsiltotakethem.The intent of thew,aside from restoration of shipsforAmericancommerce.removed.by‘war,is to.open up trade routeswhichprivatecapitaldoesnotcon-ie yet profitable enough for it to eaeereeseeeeanamememCale8.Pardon Record.Craig du his term of of-|1‘ons,theincasesforvi-tion laws,lar-minor offenses inweretothecoun- hil ) sto.bell at Cat teatmefood,clothinggees.of ca’s contributions towards.puesthesufferingsofwar,touch th000,000.mark.cee food and clothing and $23,000 worthofhospitalandsurgicalsupplies.In-cluded inher cargo are 1,000 cases ofcondensedmilkforbabies;80,000poundsofbeans,2,000 pounds of su-gar,825,000 pounds of whole wheat,980,000 pe of flour,300,000poundsof_rice,.5,000.gallons.of cot-ton seed oil;and 106,000 pounds ofcrushedwheat.The people of Armenia have littleknowledgeoftheuseofflouranddonotlikeit..The Red Cross consultedArmeniansintheUnitedStates,de-termined just how their countrymenliketheirwheatandthenhadmills crush 4t .just as the Armenians do.The cotton seed oil is sent in place ofanimalfats,which are not eaten in Armenia and Syria.The Red.Crosswasinformedthatoliveoilwascon-sidered highly desirable but the cost was prohibitive and cotton seed oil was substitutea. The Caesar will stop at Gibraltar to take aboard a representative of the American embassy at Constantinople and proceed to .Alexandria,Egypt.where the vessel will deliver coal andsuppliestotheUnitedStatescruiserDesMoines.From there she will godirectlytoBeirut,Syria. The clothing and food were gather-ed and-contributed by the AmericancommitteeforArmenianandSyrianrelief,while the Red Cross itself con-tributed’the hospital and surgical supplies.From the beginning of the war un-til September.30,the Red Cross __it- self received in contriputions of cashandsuppliesabout$3,225,000.Part of the,money was spent in maintain-ing represcnffitives in the field,and some was used for relief supplies.The total value of the supplies ship- ped to the Entente,ally countries was $1,122,000,while the value of similar supplies shipped to the Cen- tral powers was $350,000. The difference in the figures is ex-/'plained by the fact that for more! than a year,because of British and French blockade measures,shipments | to the Central powers has been im- possible.Arrengements now ing made,however,by which the Red! Cross will be permitted to send med-| ical units of physicians and nurses als in Germgny and Austria-Hunga-ry. Unique Watauga Citizen Dead. Edmund Miller,an unique citizen of.Watauga,died on the 14th at his home near Boone.He was about 60 years old and leaves a wife and chil- dren.Miller was far above the averageintelligence,especially along certain, lines.He knew almost every man in Watauga and surrounding counties and could give the history of the ti-| tles of every piece of land that he} owned,it is stated.He had a_per-| fect mania for buying land and wasthelargestindividuallandownerin the county,having titles to 3,000 acres valued by some at $250,000. And yet with all this wealth in landhelivedinutterpovertyproviding little for his family.He spent most of his time going from house to house,eating what was given him and sleeping anywhere he could.He_would beg and wear any clothing that one would give him,begging ter rather than buying it.In the re- cent election he bet one of his plan-|tations on the election of Hughes,| ed the bet by paying $250 and a fine horse.His ambition was to own land to the value of $1,000,000 and his prin-| iciple was to buy all the land possible| but sell none. Seventeen American Lives Lost| Seventeen American muleteers and|eleven of the crew of the British) horse transport ship Russian were, killed when the Russian was sunk by| a submarine in the Mediterranean on| December 14.The British admiral-| ty makes this announcement:“The empty westbound British|horse transport ship Russian was| sunk by a submarine in the Mediter-ranean on the 14th.Eleven of the officer,the first ‘officer and:the sec-ond officer.Also 17 American mule- teers were killed.Their names havebeen.communicated to the American consul.”The vessel sailed from Newport News,Va.,Nov ember 16,for Alexan- ria,Egypt.°In addition to the crew the ship carried 68 white cattlemen,22 negro cattlemen and one _physi- cian,all Americans,and a_British veterinary.The Russian had accom- modations for 1,420 mules and car-ried approximately that number when it left Newport News. To Allow Absentees to Vote. Senator-elect Thomas A.Jones:ofBuncombewillurgebeforetheGen- eral Assembly a bill to allow North Carolina sdldiers,students and anyotherpersons,who from necessity areoutoftheStateat-election time,to vote.It is nothing but fair,he con- tends,that voters,especially menwhomaybesoldiersondutyortrav- eling men who are unavoidably out oftheStateelectionday,should be al- lowed to cast a vote.Several Statés, including New York,—Pennsylvaniaandothers,allowed their soldiers whowereonthebcrderduringtherecent election,to vote.--Virginia and anumberofotherStatesallowall men who are unavoidably out of theStateonbusinessorforotherreas- ons,to vote.The reasonableness and justice of oeSpree ee seems to be general-itted and it is probable thattheLegislaturewill’pass such a bill. ERSCoughMedicine For Children..- Mrs.Hugh Cook,Scottsvillé,N.Y.,says: Garbutt,N.Y.,I doctored two of my childrensufferingfromcolds.-with Chamberlain’s‘h’Remedy.and.found it just as represent-every way.Jt promptly checked their CcO.—ad.‘ ae * wig and,cured their eofds ‘quicker thananythingIeverused.”Obtainable everywhere. sting ta ancienandSyria,Croas et ree‘estimate -Meee “The Caesar carries 200,000 tons of are be-| to take charge of a number of hospit-|2 even the material for writing a let-| and after the election he compromis-| crew were killed,including the chief | “About five years ago when we were living in |, Thecom ittee onciatedby.-Neaieien”oreturetwoyearsggo,¢has ghrecommendationstobePheHartot“eLegislature.The commission is com-posed of Chief Justice saat SudeeAdama,Judge W.P.Byn InBassettandMajorW.WeVGrahannThereare19changesproposed byltthecomimissionandanadditionalonebytheChiefJusticealone,the latterbeingapropositiontoamend’theconstitutionsothatonlyaunani-mous Supreme Court.can declare anactoftheLegislature‘unconstitu-al.,Especially .notable.proposedchangesare:Increase ‘to 32 judicial districts,re-striction of xecorder’s courts and number of justices of the peace;leg-islative authority to abolish the To- tating system of judges;return ‘to original code system for returning y right of both parties to appeal from the petitioning citizens;six peremp- tory challenges each for State -and prisoner in capital cases and’only two each,in all other cases;compen- sation through earnings of the pris- oner for dependents of convicts;pow- er to judges to limit argument of counsel,with three-hour limit for| capital.gases;conselidation of| charges and cases against a singledefendantincourttrial;jury rightofinferencefromrefusalofdefend- ant to testify in his own behalf;ena-ble juries to find guilty of capital of- fence and then exempt from capital punishment through recommendation to life imprisonment:power of juries to fix punishment where they see.fitwithinthelimitsofthestatute;ju-; dicial right to order special juries to;be empanneled;a_resnonsible headforthejudicialsystemoftheState charged with general supervision— ordering of special terms and -direc- tion of judges to hold courts as di-rected to relieve congestions that jmight occur;legalize service of.s |mons by telephone:creation ofsmall |debtors’courts with jurisdiction lim-| ited to $20 and no attorney fees or court costs. Christmas in.War Zone. The third Christmas.of the Euro- pean war passed without much fight- jing on the British and French fronts, w tetoime aeneap ae‘ Ponita is :hi Oe She 4ereported1,956 are bubject to oan$7,680,381demandcertificatesofdeposiMe$11,-464,354 time-serEnitcaten,ofand$19,874,981 savings deposits. Prices For Ground Limestone. Commissioner of’Agriculture Gra-ham advises county demonstrationagentsthattheywillgenerallyfinditpossibletosavethefarmerscon-siderable sums of money en_therpurchasesofgroundlimestone‘and processes to clerks of the court and!Department of Agriculture,which hasadjudicationofdemurrersincham-!State contracts with the leading limeberssothatissuesoffactcanhe|heard by jury at the first term;judi-}near enough to North Carolina,t cial selection of expert witnesses;tory to ‘do business inthis State. any decision of the corporation cot |mission as between the railroads and | /where virtually only the artillery was active,and the men were feasted and entertained as far as was compatible with the sterner business of war. |Rumania’s first Christmas as a par-| ticipant in the’war witnessed heavy| fighting on the Rumanian front.) Ground was yielded by the Rumanians| ‘at some points under the pressure of | ‘the Germans,and north of the Buzeu-|| |Rimnik road a height was lost by ‘the| Russians. WEAK,NERVOUS QHIO WOMAN Made Well By Delicious Vinol: Bellefontaine,Ohio—‘“My blood wasverypoor—I was in a weak,nervous, run-down condition.I tried differentTemedieswithoutbenefitandonedngmydruggisttoldmeaboutVinal. tried it and it built me up in every way|if—blood,strength and nerves,and I tell|1myfriendsitisthebestmedicineonearth:’—Mrs.EarL BRUNSON,|_Vinol~sharpens the appetite,aidsdigestion,enriches the blood and inthisnaturalmannercreatesstrength.Complete formula on every label. 'W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville.MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL|ESTATE. i Pursuant to the terms of a mortgage trust}deed executed by M.L.Overgash on the Sth day of November,1904,to R.Lee Wright,trus- j tee,duly registered in ‘the office of the Register;lof Deeds of Iredell county,in Book No.20, |page 804,and in the office of the Register of Deeds cf Rowan county,in Book 57,page 74,and default having been made in the payment‘of principal and interest,and the holder ofthenotesecuredbysaidmortgagehavingmade demand for foreclosure for the purpose of pay- ‘ing said note and mortgage,the undersigned|will sell at public auction,to the highest bid-der,for cash,at the court house door in Salis- |bury,at 12 o'clock,m.,on,’ SATURDAY,JANUARY 20,1917, j the following described real estate lying and i being in the counties of fredell and Rowan, ;and more particularly described as follows:{First Tract—In Iredell county,N.C.,Coddle |Creek township,adjoining the lands of Whis- {ton Mellon,Locke McKnight and others,and'on the waters of Coddle creek,and boundedas |follows:Beginning at a hickory,J.F.!8.)Mellcn's corner;thence with this line west 79 poles to P.O.N.Johnson's cornet;thencewithhislinesouth21degreeseast251-2 poles to a mulberry;thence south 80 degrees cast 14 poles to a sweet gum;thence south 20 degrees east 33 poles to a stake,corner of No.5;thence with said lot east 92 poles to a stake;thence south 5 degrees east 29 poles-to a stakeatthecornerof‘the barn lot;thence north 75degreeseast31polestoastake;.thence north20degreescast161-2 poles to a stake;thence south 78 degrees east 45 poles to a stake,cor-ner of No.1;thence with said lot north 52polestow#stake,in G.G.McKnight’s line; thence with his ‘lineN23 poles to a stone;thence north 12 1-2 poles’to the beginning,| containing sixty (60)acres.For back title reference is hereby made to Book 25,page 466,Register’s office.of Iredell county,whereindeedisregistered.Second Tract--This tract lies in Rowan coun- ty,N.C,,on Coddle creek,adjoining the lands of Locke McKnight,,Dan Fisher and others,and bounded as follows:Beginning at astone,G.G.McKnight’s corner;thence with his line north 12 degrees’west 67 1-2 poles toaW.O.;thence west 27 poles to the creek; thence dow'n the creek 88 1-2 poles to #sweetgumstump;thenee south 83 degrees east 33 poles to the beginning,containing six (6)acres,and being tract.No.2 in the aforesaiddeed. The terms of the mortgage provide.for the sale to take place in Salisbury for both tracts.Now is the time to buy valuable tracts of land.This the 15th day of December,1916. R.LEE WRIGHT,Trustee,By order of G.H.Swicegood.Shaver,admr.of H.H.Dec.19,1916, TURKEYS. We have a Large OrdertofillforTurkeysandcan‘use allyou can bringusfor-CASH. J.K.Morrison.Grocery |ments are so paid shall be.released from lia- marl by getting prices from the State grinding companies that are Ke MRS,KERN’S ADVICEToWeak,Nervous,Run-Down Women | So.,Cumberland,Md.—For a longtime,I suffered from a nervous break-downs I could not eat or sleep and wasso.jweak I could hardly walk.My hus-band heard about Vinol and got me totryit.Now I have a good appetite,sleep soundly and am weil and strong: Every nervous,weak,run-down womanshouldtryVinol.*—Mra,D.W.KERNS, We guarantee;Vinol to create ahealthyappetite,aid digestion and build up weak,run-down women,deli:cate children and fecble old people, w.F.Hall.Druggist,Statesville. NOTICE! To all Landowners in’the Little Rocky Creck|Drainage District in Iredell County,North |Carolina:You wi!l take notice that it is the purpose oftheBoard‘of Drainage Commissioners of Little Rocky Creek Drainage District to issue bonds|*for the payment cf the total cost of the im-provement in the amount of Sixteen Thousand,Five Hundred (316,000.00)Dollars.These bonds are to draw six per cent interest,paya- ble semi-annually,and are payable in ten equal instalments,one year,beginning on January 1,1920.Any landowner in the district mot wanting to pay intérest onythe bonds,on or be- fore the 27th day of January,1917,..maypaytotheCountyTreasurerthefullamountforwhichhislandisliable.For Class A land is $35 per acre;acre;for Class ‘C land is $21 per acre;forClassDiandis$14 per acre;for Class B land|&is $7 per ‘acre.Said amounts having been ascertained from|§the classification sheet and the certiticate of|3theBoardshowingthetotalcostoftheim-|#provement.The land on which the assess- bility to be assessed for the-said improvement, but such Jand shall continue liable for any future assessment for maintenance or for any|increascd assessment authurized under the law.T.A.SUMMERS,Chairman.W.W.Holland,Secretary.22-—8t w. Dan Valley |.} leposit o F.L Johns on,Manager.- F,L.Johnson and Mrs.M.C,Price,owners, for Class B land is $28 per|% MMT TTTTTMTTT MT TMTT TANTTT All Pianos Will be sold atredoced F prices until January Ist. |See us before you got yours.‘We can save money foryou. “EVERYTHING MUSICAL.”105 East Brood Strest.Statesville,N.C The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- Baazinia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better:bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.It is ‘economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary (.Boshamer, Local Representative, enone 125 Be It.aw. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qpalified as administrator of the es-tate of Ellen Bratcher,deceased,late of Iredellcounty,N.C.,this is to notify all persons havingclaimsagainsttheestateofsaiddeceasedtoexhibitthemtotheundersignedatStatesville,N.C.,on or before December 12,1917,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make payment.D.BRATCHER,W.A.Bristol,Atty.Administrator. Dec.12,1916.* &.Produce Company.. FRESH GOODS. Cranberries Celery Oysters Evaporated Prunes Evaporated Peaches | Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St BOXING,CASING,SIDING, Flooring,Ceiling,onMoulding,© C.‘WATKINS. “WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass 7c.per.pound,Light Brass 5c.per reFOR SALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofpoeroomsupplies.C.H.TURNER. Iredell‘PhoneNo.74,BellNo.1. SALE PRICES IN EFFECT. ADVAN. TAGE OF THEM. cons FOR SALE 55 acres one-fourth mile from the depot in Davidson,N.C.,neat: college and graded school,fronting about 700 feet on railroad and |- dirt road,with 3-room tenant house,large stock barn,‘running water,productive land,well adapted to all crops and truck farm- ing,with about 30 acres in cultivation;lies well for sub-dividing into lotes.i 97 acres three miles from HarmonyState,High School,one-half.: mile from public School on public road,40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber,7-room cottage in good condition,barn and out-©; buildings;some fruit,‘one branch running through place... ERNEST G.GAITHER,>=Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE."Phone 23.Mills Building: coeeeeetegranennnnennerveneeratesenmemntemenmneeBUILDING?““C.WATEING,be Hay At OldPrices.| word of it.but all.noy That’s a queer statement,but I mean averyEverybodyknowswhat's happened,not only to hay,stuff—just how prices are soaring skywards,and the end near in sight.eppelostheadvance,I placed some big hay contracts atrices;and am making those dealers out West come across with the goods..L saved a pretty tidy sum by this little foresight act,and you,|Hay.Buyer,come in on.it,too.Tl be ‘content witha pretty ‘small profit,Sor hay,you know,‘is sold on awful close margins.csNowhere’s what I’ll do about prices:**UNTIL .DECEMBER 818T,I WILL GU.UARANTEE THE PRES-”ENT PRICES—AND.PROMISE YOU THOSE PRICES WILLBELOWENOUGHTOMAKEYOUTAKENOTICE.Here’s some of my Hay stock:NO:1 MICHIGAN TIMOTHY. NO.1 CLOVER,MIXED WITH TIMOTHY.It’s dandy Hay,and your four-footers will eat every ounce of it‘they can get,Economical,too,because there’s no waste,as inordinaryHay.,Just ‘phone 88 or call ‘at the store,You'll he satisfied with the —price.AREDELL FEED STORI Everything in Feed ling,§11%)We j4 — abeye ‘, a : y 4 i 2 ;‘ i ? Be hy “a ys Ws -)i ¢yreerent ndi and old, eak ‘stomachs,aid d lion people. b Black-Draught on hand all theWeandwhenmychildrenfeelaeae?ask me.for a dose,and ifgoodthanmedicine a ‘tong spell of sick-pre we commenced §Black-Dratight is purel"andhas been found to reat “indigestion,colic win terdBache,sick ‘stomach,and similas has,beenin Aaataant use for moreayFeatsandhasbenefitedmore our dreu ist sells and recommendsPriceonly25c.Geta "NLC,128 ~-TION-GIVEN-TO CADLS. ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. _BETWEEN DEPOT AND SQUARE 5 CENTS. ‘PHONE 511. TransferCompaty. fines Station WE HAVE SECURED THE ROOM BETWEEN JOHNSTON- ‘BELK STORES FOR OUR OF-* Hier AND.WAITING ,ROOM, WHERE YOU.CAN ‘STEP IN AND WAIT IF JITNEY IS NOT “IN SIGHT.SPECIAL ATTEN- lde: DR.VANCE.HASTY, DENTAL SURGEON. Rooms 5-7-9,Second Floor. Statesville,N.C.TELEFRORS eRe*Phone 1 rs 8 to -FIRST NATIONAL ae BUILDING, _SPECIAL "AETENTION 10 “CHILDREN’S £Kh arefoot,from one of ee*shops in the South.He's up-“date and expert on all Tire and“4 Tube work. left here for attention.will-handled promptly. THE IREDELL VULCANIZING &SUPPLY COMPANY. ;sh:to announce to our |_-}friends and patrons that we Pry:2oe the services of Mr.T.E.|}'B e best We.can:assure you that any work Court Street. -to- | be Phone 201 ARNER &BROW Hides, Good Tallow,Beeswax, Auto.Tires,Light Brass,Heavy Brass,Hight Copper,opper Wire,Lead, Zine,All kinds of scrap Iron., ey, Hides and Junk Dealers| —WE BUY—| _Highest Prices Paid. | iN| ee -QuarterRound ‘Crown Mould.ings, Door and Window Stops,and_other.kinds,.of Mouldings in stock C.WATKINS’.Lumber Yard! 38 at W.D.HARRIS 418 Court Street,Plumbing and _Heat-ing and all repairs for same.Ingpirators,Lubricators,Oil Cups, etc.Locks and GunsiredandKeysfit-In fact anything“e repair line.Phone 209. I pe »Prepare ForWinter. linac ppt and heating plant and put it Anything in the plumbing steam line. WILL NOT FREEZE! 5aene 55 your.wants. Let us go over your plumbing shape for the long winter months. Let.us put,you ia a closet that “Ww.E.MUNDA Ya nt % Er BrNrse in or 17,var line, ow ¢ pS hany ‘on.thehatMr,ptes.andofralit; 1912 Wil-6,297,099,oD Roose. Socialist 750,000BSimated,Socialist),Prohibi- bi,againstbitionist,in The total popula Mate’for the fourcandidate818,638,871,as against15,045,822 In 1912,This is an in- crease of 3,593,549,accounted for by the inereased population and the wo- man vote in the new.suffrage States,SCOIr’s.EMULSION OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL usually stops a stubborncoughorchestcoldwhenordinaryspecificsfail. It helps strengthen thelungsand_throat—adds energy to.the blood—andgivesthesystemtheforcetohelpresistdisease. Use SCOTT'S _Refuse Substitutes Scott &&Bowne,Bloomfield,NJ. SALE UNDER EXECUTION._ NORTH CAROLINA,,IREDEL L COUNTY,In Superior Court,January ‘Term,1916.J.R.Eddinger vs,Isaac H.Mrs.Anne Whiting.By virtue of an execution directed to theundersignedfromtheSyperiorCourtofIredell county,in the above entitled action,I will,on MONDAY,JANUARY +1,1917,at 12 o'clock,at the court house door of said county,sell to the highest bidder,for cash,toSatisfysaidexecution,all the right,title and 16-8 Whiting and 4 interest which the said Isaae H,Whiting andMrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in the following described real estate,towit:Ly-ing and being in Chambersburg township oftheaforesaidStateandcounty,bounded on the north by the lands of Emanyel Beaver,New-ton Beaver and Arthur Beaver;on the east bythelandsofClarenceMooreandWittCorne-lius;on.the south by-the lands of J.Q.Car- ter;on the west by the lands of John Honey-cutt,containing 60 acres,mére or less,J.R.Eddinger will join in.conveyance toipurchaser.J.M.DEATON,Nov.21,1916.Sheriff Iredell Co, REGISTERED ARCHITECT, ||Statesville,N.C.Phone 340 Green. MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cufs,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 2c,50c.+,At All Dealers,MENT: Dr,“S.Ww."i oftagdan. ,Osteopathic Physician.Office hours 9 a.m.to 12.30 p. ——.|and mules,six automobiles,a number m..2.80 to 5 p,m.and by ap- pointment.Anderson Bldg.,113WV.Broad St.Office phone 324. ‘Residgnee ‘phone 279—green. COUGHS,COLDS,ec Price 25c.,50c.and $_For sale by all Sisters Work on Short Notice. Roofing and Sheet Metal work We can do your work on short notice.We carry stock to take care of any job at all times,4 Stock of,Tobacco Flues ready for you. STATESVILLE TIN CO. "Phone 55,114 E.Broad Street. INS. i THERAILROADS SPECIFY nena eR on -Longleaf Pine in nearly “all “@on= K|ITEMS’OF CURRENT NEWS.|COUNTY “HOME monte ae Happenings Here and There in|dnmates *Remembered©BytheState,Statesville and _Mooresville e havite rae ‘chloralgo haber rere :chanteur,oride of Mercury!oorresponaence of The Landmark.a ie Liar intent and may Couhty.‘Homé,.Des 26cf =4 A.blockade ihodne:lant,setcup forbusinesswithinahalfmilethecourthouseatYadkinville,wasaeanddéstroyedbyofficersafewdaysago. It is stated that R.H.Sykes:of Dur-ham,ex-police court judge,will be ap-pointed assistant Attorney Gereral ander the new administration,‘suc: ceeding T.H.Calvert. Harry D,Gill,+26 years old,wasfounddeadahalfblockfrom,his homeinSalisbury‘on the night of the ‘23d,He was a victim of epilepsy,fell inafitinapuddleofwateranddiedfrom strangulation, An “electric sparkler’in t'e handsofachildsetfiretothe:clothing of another child—g girl of (}ree—atVanceboro,Craven county,“and thelittleone’was fatally burned,dying in a few hours. The Asheville-coal dealrs have seen a great light and are now long instead of short.After being exposed ‘in giving short weights’later investiga- tiins showed they were giving a few pounds over—for the time. Of the four young white.men jailedinCatawbacountyonthechargeofbreakingintohehomeofHenrySpea-gle in Jacob’s Fork township, Grady Propst and Rob Groves,wereheldinthesum’of $300 for.SuperiorCourt.John ‘and Willis oe discharged for lack of evidence... Horace Debrew,a’white trusty on the Buncombe county chain gang, violated the parole granted by Gov. Craig for a -Christmas holiday,andwasstojailforassaultingaman with a bottle.Debrew has a’bad police &urt record and has served several terms on the roads. Baldy Miller,a member of the Salis- bury fire department,diedin SalisburyChristmasDaéresultofanauto-, mobile turning’over near Spencer Saturday night.Miller,Thompson andtwowomenwereinthemachine,re- turning from a_trip to Davidson county.The other passengers were g |cughtly injured.Zz In Moore county Christmas Day Alex.Key shot and instantly killed Henry T.Moore.Previous ill feeling.Key was drinking and threatened to kill any man who sald:a cross word.Moore told him he wasa liar...andKeyshotMooredeadwhilethelat- ter sat on the ground with his arms folded.Key is in jail.; Mrs.Betty.M..Johnston was found dead in her home in Concord lastweek.Lived alone,had,been suffer- ing from heart disease,and whentheneighborsdidnotseeherabout the house the door was forced .,and she was found dead.She is survived by four children and two brothers,the latter being Messrs.w.G.and|Gy WW."Means of Concord.thar The livery stables of Smith Bros,&Stanfield,-at Concord,were burned Christmas night.Twenty-two.horses}! ‘of vehicles,a lot of feed,ete.,wereburnedwiththebuildjng."Loss about $10,000 and no insurance.Origin of fire unknown.Eighteen of the horsesbelongedtodroverswho.were Rop- ping at the stable. At the Patterson school at Ledger- wood,Caldwell county,last week, |thr ee persons were hurt by thé ex-vlosion of thc kitchen ranze caused (from the freezing of the water|nipes.*One of the students,,Mott} Brockington,had.a leg broken: {Claude Church,also a_student,suf- |fered the loss of several fingers,cand |the cook suffered slight injuries.The jrange was wrecked and™tke kitchendamaged.f Mad About the Judgeship. |The Franklir.county folks,if.the |Louisburg Times voices public senti- |ment—and we assume it does—are jsomewhat “het up”about the ap- pointment of Judge Cooke’s success-The judicial distric:1s ecmposed ie the counties of Franklin and 'Wake.The Times maintains...that \the general understanding has beenithatonecountyistohavethejudge, |the other the solicitor.Wake has the |solicitor and when Judge Cooke re- signed the Times maintains that a j Franklin’county man should.have )been appointed his successor.Gov.|)Genie offered the judgeship to Mr.J. |W.Bailey of Raleigh and when he declined gave it to Capt.Albert |L, Cox,a Raleigh.man. Tho Times seems to blame Mr,Bailey for the Cox appointment and it is particulariy severe on the reve- nue-collector,and also hands -Gov. Craig.a few.Moreover it.charges, on authority of a Wake county law- yer,that Capt.Cox is inexperienced and that the only time he has had a case in the Superior Court was on ap-; peal from a -magistrate’s court. Cox may not be an experienced lawyer,but beth Colonels Tom Bost and Sam-Farabee have testified that he has a record as a football player.Isn’t that enough? Newspaper Man Shot Doctor. At Mt.Airy on the afternoon’of the 21st,Dr.J.L.Moorefield :wasshotbyWillJohnson.son.of ‘EditorJohnsonoftheMt.Airy News,and seriously if not fatally wounded... The wound was_inflicted witha88-caliber revolver.“Mr.JohnsonmetDr.Moorefield in the -lobby ofthepostofficeabout3a’clock and firedtwiee.The first bullet struck the ab-domen,the other injured a handvofthephysician,No authoritative causefortheshootingcouldbelearned.Itwasrumored‘that the two men hadhadanaltercationanhourearlierintheafternoonatthehomeofMr.Johnson.Johnson is 24 to 25 yearsoldandbearsagoodreputation.HeWasasdociatedwithhisfatherinthe publication of the Mt.Airy i News.Mr,and Mrs ‘Johnson have two chil-| dren.|Dr.Moorefield is miartied and has|lived at Mt,Airy-about_a_year,‘com.|ine thére fron:Hopewell,Va.He,formerly lived at Pomona,Guilford Semana enters |tracts for ‘building material.They |know its*°superiority over other |. iRinesy:TPE cs‘KINS.carriesMitactiredandreadyat,all:times!BUILDING?hee WATKINS. AMARA Oeom en |4penepreesryousel3aatiedbypation,as is often the ense,you will gct auick|relief by taking’Chamberinin's Tablets,tablets also improye the eetbleeverywhere. two,|Lord $3.each: These catarrh, Obtaina-| eeE my last letter toold‘Landmark would ,be my “Finis.”I have passed the octogenarian lineand:am‘in my second childhood.Itwillnotbeexpectetthatachildcouldwrite,an piel inert.letter,butIwanttowriteatthis.time ,to ex-press my prativade,as well thegratitudeofallhere,including Mr.Perry,to the kind ladies of |States- ville and =Mooresville,through theCivicLeague,for the many.presents and:good things sent to all inmates here,Mrs.B.F.Long and Mrs,D.S.Thomas were the Santa Clausesoeprcpebtphegiftseckcaeville,rs ca,oO oores-ville was Santeefooe tees We also received many presents from Barium —oranges,.apples,candy,ete.I thank God that He has spared my life till I have become a child again, as I can appreciate these gifts as other children do,Mrs.Long often visited the old Camty Home and brought us pres-ents there.May,God forever.blessallthesekindladiesandallotherswhohavehelpedtocontribrtetothe comfort and»pleasure of these poorandunfortunatepeople.And _theywillbeblessed,for it is more blessed to give than to receive;and he that giveth to the.poor lendeth to.the Inmates continue to come in—an old woman from the country and amanfromStatesvilleamongthelast.A widow,Mrs.Myers,was brought here on her bed last week,fromTurnersburg,with three little chil- dren.One a baby two years old,a boy four years old,and:a little ‘girl12or138years.old.Her tame.is Addie,a pretty and bright little girl.She attends to the baby'and waits on her mother.who is sorely afflictedandcannotwalkastep,!I am glad to see children here.Itremindsmeofhomeinthelongago. Di P.HEATH. Christmas For Pershing’s Troops. Christmas Day every man in Gen,Pershing’s command in Mexico,from major general.to.mule driver, received a Christmas remembrance. Tt was the 285th day since the American trocps went into Mexico.The folks “at home”forgot nobod}.and Christmas.was celebrated in afashionthatcarriedoutGeneralPer-shing’s wish that the day might nev- er be forgotten by those held through unimaginable hardships in pursuit of the Columbus raiders. At every lonely water/hole and pass where troops are stationed gifts+ were presented and the day observedin.true holiday style.More than 10,- 000 packages were distributed,their value averaging,accorcing to the Christmas committee,between $2 and At field.headquarters, where thé greatest number of troops are encamped,an elsborate celebra- tion was held,beginning in the morn- ing,,when the bands played carols instead of ‘the bugles sounding _re- veille,and lasting until taps,when the throng about the Christmas tree began to ‘break up.The daylieht programme was given over to athlet- ic ‘events,including polo and football games,pony express,slow mule and shoe races and a_scramble “for;agreasedpig.Dinner,‘which’the cooks had been preparing for days, was a feast not to be regarded light- ly. The President’s Christmas. President.Wilson concluded hisChristmascelebration‘at the White Housé Christmas night with a dinner at whith he entertained a largegroupofrelativesandfriends.It was an “all-America’”dinner with delicacies frem many ‘parts of the country,sent to the President as Christmas:presents. After spending the morning “with Josephine Cothran,his small grand- niece,and other relatives about a huge Christmas tree in,the WhiteHouselibrary,the President took a walk.through the residential sectionofthecitywithMrs.Wilson,and di- rected the distribution of candy and toys to small children in Virginia who wave to him daily when he goes to golf.The White.House was delugedwithtelegramsand.tetters from all| over the United Szaies and from abroad wishing the President a mer- ry Christmas. The President and Mrs,.Wilson at-tended a community Christmas tree celebration in Washington Sunday evening and for more than an hour stood on the steps of the Treasury Department singing Christmas carols with several thousand men,women and children..With them were.the President’s daughters and sons-in- law,Mr.and Mys.Francis B:Sayre, Séeretary “and Mr-.MeAdoo andMissMargaretWilson.The was a leader in the singing. EER REI ECEEROFSTTET Christmas Tragedy in Louisiana A dispatch from Minden,La., gays that John N.Rives and his|oeurresssersarests: wife were found murdered in their|SARE: home,in ‘an isolated section in that vicinity,Christmas morning.Threechildrenwerewoundedandtwoof these have since died.“One,a baby15monthsold,may recover,It was clasped’in-the-arms of its 9-year-old+4 brother when found,On a table in the room where thetragedysccurredweretheChristmas presents for the children;to be dis- tributed Christmas morning.Only one mémber of the family,a:small hoy,escaped.injury,He slept up- stairs and discovered thé tragedy}when he woke up next motning,It is said that Rives:boasted of having $4,000 .in his house,ve#roes aré under arrest on Suspicion. OWS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward.for any ease of Catwrrh that.cannot be cured by/# Hall's Catarrh Cure.»Tfall’s,Catarrii Cure has been taken by Ca- tarch guiferers for the past thirty-five years,}and has betome known as the most reliable:remedy for Cutorrh,Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts! through the Blood on the Muicous..surfaces,|expelling the Poison from tlie Blodde antl bpal- Le A {j nh eadMf wan 8 Bata for-a a time you:Will see a great 5aroyenrepeneratheStartHall's Catarrh Cure at onee and get rid ofSendfot@stinionials,free,KF.J.CHENBY &CO.,Toledo,Ohio.Sold by all.Druggists,76¢, latter Five ne-/ THE MAN OF INFLUE , the man who is “gettingthe:man who has a car,invariably. GAR OWNERSHIP stands for progress me pronowdays.IF‘x0U WANT on to BEER.abreast of the A helan om ARO + tea) at oa OP eoe (4.0 - PERSONAL Wi na Bo each and every one during the yearwhich we areal enter.We wish each of you a H and Prosperous New Year. Iredell Hardware Cath tye‘af + ears neni ett tnateae re ae bea you Happiness and Prosperity.in Sa atetbounteousmeasure.~;r Cratvford:Buech Furniture Comp‘PHONE NO.400.; ‘‘The Store That Always Welcomes You,He Tecolts to give our friends---the blea.conarte deal. To give 72 the best oi drug service in a,cheerful way.: To earnestly strive for the title,Our community’s best merchant.”To dealin honest merchanilisethatupwithourfamous.sont Money back cnet it awanti“as rs +] iy. peace,”Sayscorrespondent.The talk the President has.the commit the country to the of a league to enforce peace the consent of Congress; whether this country should.de- :,from its traditional custom of ne entangling alliances,by lin- p with European countries in a which would require the snance of an army and navy ent to help enforce the agree- if that became necessary,and algo require other departures ‘our customs,Just what a ne to enferce peace would re- re of us would be necessary to a understanding and conception por duty in the premises.Mean- the it would seem that if the Pres- has the power to act independ- ly of Congress it would be wise “have.the consent and co-operation ‘Of that body to insur’the success of ich an undertaking. “While The Landmark would not iidertake to say that we should do @nything required of us to insure the lation and successful operation ;a league,until it knows at the requirements are,it is of ‘opinion that we should go as far sible in that direction;that @itions should not stand in the a ,We are necessarily involved in ‘affairs;we can’t |stay out.if uld;atid whatever we can do, ithin reasonable ‘limits,to help nm anti maintain a peace agree- brit,we should do.It would be better better to help other na-$fight one or two or more bel- rents in order to keep the peaceAnunlikelycontingency:with the it wort of peace agreement andrightsortofforeebehindit— n-to take ehances on a world-war h as we have had;and far better lit be te mainiain sufficient ‘to help others keep the peace to have to maintain a larger ‘to’battle alone with one or of the European nations—a con- mey that faces us now.It |to The Landmark that our du- join with the leading nations ope in a ct to maintain enforce the ce of the world asonably clear.ae tobacco men who fear that if bition wins nationally the rev- ’amounting to many millions, Hit be placed on tobacco—and the co raiser and the manufacturer The’Greensboro need not worry so much about in- sed taxes as the possibility that the reformers finish with liquor turn their attention to the abo- “of tobacco;and that as The ark sees it:is.one of the fags tobacco men of the future Wy havetoface.The possible re- re is probably a long way ahead, it is among the probabilities. ntionhas been made of the in- hin salaries of government yes voted by the House of press.Secretaries of Congress- were increased from $1,500 to 0 The attempt to give each per a stenographer,while Con- s is in session,,at $75 per th,was defeated.Congressman ghton’s constituents will be in- ed to know’that he voted iamst both these propositions.The badiimark expected him to do that it has pleasure in recording the -that he did.\ ‘few members of Congress who einot allied with either of the .political parties,will control ganization of the House,and independents,|Progressives, ts,Prohibitionists and what An position to get what they They can name their own fn pif they will help either sidehizetheHouse.Usually the in- dent is of little force,but some- gets the balance of power hen he becomes the “head of corner”for the time.eeegettheEnglishcriticism of nt’s peace note,the Brit- ait peevedé tet the President @enounce Germany as wholly ie wn ong;and everything that is ind tell the Entente allies whattheyare,.Naturally’the‘at it that way,but if lieves that,sayingtheprospects is said that there is some alarm | oteTheNowaatrenuouslyforafact. ..Fire which originated in the storebuildofJ.S,Owens,"in Winston-lem,Tuesday afternoon,destroyedthestoreandsixorsevenresidencesadjoining.\Chas,-Wilson,65 years old,stumbled and fell while walkingdownstairsfroma_theater in Dur-ham and received ‘injuries whichcausedhisdeath. Henry Polk,12-year-old son ofWilliamPolkofCharlotte,was ac-cidentally shot and killed Christmasveyoy,Albert Shuman,a compan-ion,while the two were hunting. At Greensboro Saturday Mrs.C.H.Vaughn was accidentally shot by J.F.Lane and died of her wounds,Lane was trying to remove a ball) from his pistol when the weapon was|discharged.- Carl Smith,alias be ea Bryant,”anegrodesperado,wanted in Cumber- land county for the murder of DeputySheriff¥.J.Dees about a month ago, was arrested in Moore county ‘this week after he had been shot by offi- cers. H,C.Niven,16 years old,son of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Niven of Waxhaw, Union‘county,died in ~Charlotte hos- pital from.injuries regeived .in_an automobile accident Christmas Day. Seven young men were in the car when the machine turned over. Thos.E.Fleming,a student at Biddle University,the coloted educa- tional institution at Charlotte,was killed this week by a rock thrown by Clarence Bennett,another student. The affair happened on the campus of the University.Fleming’s neck was broken by the rock.He was from Morganton.Bennett disap- peared after the killing. Bertram Owens,the Winston-Sa- lem ,boy who was reported:killed in battle by a British war office cable- gram last month,is very much alive and well,and even now isin the front ranks of*\the British expedi- tionary forces oh the battle front in France.This information was con- tained in a letter received by his mother,Mrs B.B.Owens,this week. C.P.Leith,-formerly in the employ of the Southern Public Utilities Com- pany of Charlotte and charged with embezzling $1,500 of the company’s funds by padding payrolls,was ar- rested recently at:Toronto,Canada, and has been brought back to Char- lotte for trial.He had enlisted in the Canadian militia for service,ip the European war,when arrested.“Leith is a native of Scotland and !hes lived in this country 12 years. _FORRESAIOESLNTL Black Mountain Music Festival in the Courts.. F.S.Westhrook,former assistant manager of the National Music j- tival of America,the half *million dollar’musical enterprise which was to have been put on at Black Moun- tain,and which attracted so much attention some months.ago,has be- gun a civil action in Durham Supe- rior Courtiagainst the corporation for $30,000.1’,The suit.is brought against G.W. Hinshaw and H.D.Shutt of Winston Salem and R.O.Alexander of Char- lotte,and Westbrook alleges in his complaint that the defendants have diverted the original aims of the company and used the philanthropic movement to “boom”their real es- tate holdings in Black Mountain.The complaint charges that R.O.Alexan- der,a cotton speculator of Charlotte, and one of the principal .directors, sold 13 acres of his land for $13.000 and another lot of 27 acres for $50,- 000.,He is alleged to have negotiated thta#contract when other sites just as siitable-were offered free to the philantropic movement.There are also chargs of dummy directors,etc. Mr.Alexander states that he was not even a director of the corpora- tion and he denies the allegations of eee in so far as they relate to him. Gardner Repudiates Mann. Representative Gus Gardner of Massachusetts;Republican,has repu- diated the leadership in Congress of Representative:Jim-Mann_of.Illinois, the -Republican leader,.’because.of Mann’s endorsement of President) Wilson’s peace note-to the European belligerents.Gardner says he will support Representative Lenroot of tiny babi 164abies‘to years of age,weregatheredatthecentralschoolbuild-ing,the athletic hall and the cham-ber of commerce rooms,at whichieeethegiftsweredistributed.hen every child held a.Christmasckage’in each hand,containing amerousamountoffruitsandgocd- tha square,which by this time wasthrowithseveralthousandpeo-ple.omptly at 7.30 the beautifultreeflashedintolightandthechil-dren,under the direction of Prof.Ariail,sang “Silent Night,”“Luther'sCradleHyma.”and *The HappiestDayofAlltheYear.”Then downthestreetcamethechoirsofthedif- ferent churches singing together,“Joy to the World.”Beneath.the tree they sang “Hark!the HeraldAngelsSing,”“It «came Upon theMidnightClear,”and ended with the triumphant hymn,“All Hail thePowerofJesus’Name,”in which ev-erybody joined. As a whole the occasion was &great success,and the town is de-lighted.There were a few tears atthatChristmastreeaswellasmerrylaughter.Here and there among the! children could be seen those of whom it was pitifully evident that this was the very best if not the first realChristmastheyhadever’known.“Lord bless this here.thing ’er hav-in’a Chris’mus tree fur ever-buddy”!exclaimed one old man,whose heart was right if his grammar wasn’t,andwehaven't a g@oubt that the Lord didthatverything.After each child had received two packages a number of packages wereleftandtheseweresetasideforthe colored children.The Benevolent As- sociation sent 19 big baskets filledwithgoodthingstoneedyhomeson Christmas Day,and as many fami- lies enjoyed a splendid dinner.~The choir of St.Mark’s Lutheran church rendered a cantata,“TheGreatestGift,”to a large audience on tle evening of Christmas Day.'It! was ably rendered throughout,the:solo parts of Mr.Hugh Sloop and Miss Celeste Carpenter being especi- ally.good..All|present expressedthemselvesasdelightedwiththecantata,and much praise is due.tothechoirdirector,Mr.Hugh Sloop. At the same time the Sunday schooloftheFirstBaptistchurchgavea Christrnas exercise.A big tree andtreatsfortheptildrenwere-muchenjoyed.GThursdayevening,the 21st,the Alpha and Athenian Literary Societies of the Mooresville High School ren- dered a.public programme,every number of which was enjoyed by an ies,the line of march was formed to|- .Miss Pool aPlugmierandMissEsther HinsonandMr.Gov.Robison,all of the No.2 cotton mill,were married last Sat-urday,at the parsonage of the Sec-ond byterian church by Rev.F. A.Barnes.‘3 Miss Bernice Cook,a daughter ofMr.W.P.Cook of Amity,and Mr.Jason Brawley were married at the Methodist’parsonage at TroutmanWednesdayevening,Rev.J.C.Keev-er offciating.Mr,Brawley is a sonofMr.Burette Brawley,one of thenotedIredellcountytruckfarmers.J Mr.Jack Whisnant of Concord wasaMooresvillevisitorTuesday.Mrs. Bostian of China Grove is_visiting her sister,Mrs.J.Frank \MeGraw. Mrs.L.L.‘Crowson and daughter, Miss Blanche,of Warrenton,:Ga., are the guests of.Mrs.Crowson’s sis- ter,Mrs.John B.,Houston.Mrs.J. A.White,Misses Annie Mills and Mary Johnston and Messrs.Wood Johnston,Lathan Mills and William Johnston’of this city were the dinner guests of Miss Sarah Wooten at Da- vidson Wednesday evening. Miss Nadine Brawley entertained the members of her music class.at a theater party Saturday afternoon. Mr.E.W.Brawley and Mr.H.L. Dearman,president and superintend-| ent of the Dixie Cotton Mills,decided that their employes must have a merry Christmas.Acting according- ly,a big tree,beautifully d orated, was erected on a vacant lot adjoining the mill,and Saturday evening the employes were all invited to come | out and celebrate.Every one receiv-| ed a.present,the children under 15 receiving special treats.Every over- seer of the mill was presented with a valuable gift from their workers.' The occasion was a most’enjoyable | one and the reople were highly ap-| preciative of the courtesy and thoughtfulness of their employers. A Mrs.:Waliace died at”Kannapolis Monday and was brought here for burial.Tuesday,funeral services be- ing conducted by Rev.L.A.Falls of the Methodist chiirch.Mrs.Wallace| Mr.June Wallace,lives here.Death resulted from pneumonia. John White," Wednesday morning of tuberculosis. For a number of years he had run a popular among the by John;ery passer-by was grected and we trust that he has audience that filled the big audito- rium.The programme,consisting of;choruses,recitations,original essays, readings,etc.was highly interest-ing,and every number enthusi-|astically applauded.The town _is| done in ‘this department of its| schools.| Last Friday at 1 o’clock p.m.,Mr.) Ed.Rodgers and Miss Madge Cress,| a prominent young couple of Coddle Creek community,were mar-|ried at the home of the bride’s fath-|er,Mr.J.A.Cress,Rev.R.C.David-| son of the A.R.P.church officiating.|Immediately after the ceremony Mr.!and Mrs.Rodgers left for4 wedding| trip South.| An exciting runaway occurred in} the eastern part of town Tuesday af-| ternoon,when a horse belonging toMr.Will Morrow of Ostwalt became frightened and bolted.Mrs.Morrow |and child were thrown out of the! buggy as it struck a post.The child! was unhurt but Mrs.Morrew suffer-| ed considerable bruises and was un-} able to return home.The_buggy| was totally demolished.Mr. eee Mrs.Crumpton,who is ill} has |'been doing a successful business| the stock and will possibly make a Mr.Wrenn McNeely and_bride of Amity were the guests of Capt.and Mrs.J.W.Murdock and Monday,leaving Monday eve ning for Troutman,where they wil visit relatives.the remainder of the week.They will begin housekeeping at Amity in the near future.Mrs. McNeely is a charming young lady will be.warmly welcomed in_that community.yoTheLutheranSunday school at Amity held a ~successful Christmas exercise last Saturday evening.The various churches of the community Wisconsin for Speaker,and further:| “IT have read the which the leader of my Party gress gave to President Wilson’s of- fer of interference in European af- fairs.This is the fourth or fifth time that Leader Mann has given en- couragement to Germany’s wicked cause,So far as I am concerned, shall longer.Notwithstanding Gardner’s dissent, Mann has reiterated his endorsement of the President’s peace note and says in effect that he would rather help bring .peace to the world than Speaker. tolerate such ” to be elect AAAAAEN 7 Christmas Sandstorm For Our Boys on the Border. -Ai dispatch from El Paso,Texas. to the leigh News and Observer says the North Carolina boys in camp on the border experienced the most disagreeable Christmas.of their lives Monday.“Mere words cannot de-scribe adequately the horrors of a Texas sandstorm,such.as has,been raging in camp all day,”saysthe‘dis- patch.“For hours today it was im- possible ta,see.the headquarters’ tents from the windows.ofthe brigadeofficeonlyafewfeetaway.“The day closed with rapidly fallingtemperature”and-tising wind and ma-ny,tents were torn down.The menwereservedanabundanceof‘turkeyandotherfineéatings,but it was’all with dobe mud,”: endorsement |in Con-|cluded the \tor of the church,Rev.J. JT}leadership no} which con-An addressyoungpas- so in the generous treatsprogramme.was made by the popular Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Goodman and family,Miss Victoria Overcash and Mr.J.R.L.McNeely of Amity came to Mooresville for the cantata at the Lutheran church Monday evening. Mr.and Mrs.R.J.Hoover of States-ville spent the holidays here with Mr. Hoover's parents,Mr.and Mrs..S. A.Hoover. Statesvillewithhissons,Messrs.D.E.and Mar- vin Turner.Messrs.Arthur,Jim and John Miller:spent _Christmas here with their mother,Mrs.Sarah Miller.Mr.and Mrs.Charlie Ste-vens visited relatives in China Grove Monday.Mr.Jay Shulenberger|is spending the holidays at his homehere.Mrs.Johnsie Lee ‘Thompson and daughter,Miss Johngie Lee,ofSalisbury,are visiting Mts.Thomp-son’s mother,Mrs.D.A.Sloop.Mr. Pressly Dearman and’Misg Florence Dearman of Troutman spent Christ-mas here with their reneporteMr,and Mrs.S.S.Denny.r.and Mrs.J.L.Donald and little daughter, Elizabeth,are.visiting relatives—_inRockHill,S CG.Mr.John White left last week withhisfamilyfor,Omaha,Neb.,where he will;enter the.railroad.service as ‘engineer;Mr.White ts a ‘son of Mr. M.W.White and came in from the West about a yéar ago. proud of the splendid work being)gy ©turned to their homes. |home here. Mr.andjcould get seven.h Mrs.Morrow had come to visit their wonderful advance in heating mate- ere.,-The firm of Hill &McKee,which| herd for the past year,has closed out; change the first of the year.| Sunday night| 1|fying your blood.New life to nerv- participated in the exercises and al-; Morgan.; Mr.W.W._Turner__of|spent last Sunday here| where the good darkies go.” Mr.C.E.Hawthorne wascalled to! Savannah.Ga.,last Friday by the ill-who died onnessofhisbrother,brought to!Monday.The body was Due West,S.C.,for Asheville and Mr.and Mrs. Brawley of ,| been visiting relatives here,have re-| was a widow,74”years of age and is § survived ‘by three children.One_son,'® colored,died ~here|¥ restaurant on Main street.and was 'white people be-|%. cause of his unfailing politeness.-Ev-|§ with a wide smile and a courteous |§ bow.Hewill.be missed by the town|§ “gone|¥ znterment Tues-| |y:Mr.and Mrs.J.Frank Brawley of} Jimi§ Greensboro,who have¥ January 1,1917;and we further agree with each other that no one of us will violate this agreement by ex- tending credit on open account to any person or persons whomsoever. “CAROLINA MOTOR COMPANY, By FRED,H:DEATON,Sec’y &Treas.STATESVILLE MOTOR COMPANY, By J.B.COOPER,Sec’y &Treas. ON,W.FOX. W.R.MILIS.. W.P.BEAVER. TROUTMAN’S GARAGE, :By Everett Troutman, WaT Men?METI?WC ELE VE?NUTT ELUCNLU?CLEC OANEDIZ NOE NEL NERO 1 CP S , FR C IT M ST S YO ONFO Ee VT P IO S D O L S Le ” CR I EE YE R PE TE ET es fe RO T T S UT E R O en ARCHERNANT WIR MATE NUIEZ SICAUT NU NEN NEGO ¥Fn den NaudAScat had ea oiievendshea dated menses sehen ~~in ie (GS 3 o This ‘House of Good Shoes Extends »J‘he Season’s Greetings to its Host of Friends!— May the New Year come you well _Jaden with all the good things.to be had—and as for sorrow and disap- pointients—may they be strangers Mrs.C.E.j$ Hawthorne is visiting her daughter,|¢ Mrs.Jake Hastings,at Spartanburg,| S.C.Prof.W.C.Ariail_has as his:§ guests his sisters,Misses Ruth,Cath-| erine and Willie Ariail of Lamar,S.: C.Mr.J.Pinkney Mills,Jr..who is| window decorator and sign designer for the J.B.Ivey Company,Char- lotte,spent last weelc end at his Ne nae Price of Wood Also Goes Up. Greensboro Record. Wood,already cut.for burning,is} coming ta town.You can now get five| sticks for a dollar.Last winter you This .shows the rial. R.F..Herry,‘the jeweler,is selling for less rather than pay cost of mov-| ing.—ad. NEW LIFE. |Mrs.Joe Person’s Remedy puts ‘new life into.your veins,builds up tem ty enriching and puri- 1 j your sys /ous,run-down people.For,sale by |W.Hall,,Logan Stimson &Son, |Statesville Drug Co.Asx your drug- gist or write Person Remedy Compa- ‘ny,Charlotte,N.C..Send for testi- |monials.Price $1.00 per bottle,3 for $2.75,6 for $5.00.Prepaid.; |SALE UNDER EXECUTION.. t NORTH CAROLINA,IREDELL COUNTY. In the Superior Court,January Term. ‘J.R.Eddinger vs. |Mrs.Annie Whiting. By virtue of an execution,directed to the] |undersigned from the Superior Court of Ire- ;on|MONDAY,JANUARY 29th,1917, |instead of on January Ist,1917,as heretofore |advertised,expose to public sale at 12 o’clock, lat the court house door of said county}for j cash,to the highest bidder,to satisfy the said execution,all the right,title and |which the said Isaac H.J |Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in the |following deseribed real estate,to-wit: of the eforesaid State and county,bounded on the north by the land of _manuel Beaver, Newton Beaver and—Arthur ver;on the east by the’lands of Clarence Moore and Witt Cornelius:on the south by the lands of J. Carter;on the west by the ] Honeycutt,coritaining sixty acres more,or less. J.R.’Eddinger will join in_the conveyance to the purchaser.M.P.ALEXANDER, Dec.29,1916.Sheriff Iredell Co.' ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the es- sons having claims against said estate|to pre- sent them to the undersigned on or before in bar of their recovery.All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement.MRS.E.C.WALSER, Dec.29,1916..Administratrix. THE MAN WHO WALKED to buy Doors,Locks,Windows, Weights,Cord and Door and Window Frames,doesn’t.mind,walking back up the hill,BECAUSE.HE ..HAS SAVED M Isaac H.Whiting and j dell county,in the above entitled action,I will)§ interest| Whiting and Mrs.|§ Lying and being in Chambersburg township,|¥ alt nds of John}fj tate of F.T.Walser,this is to notify all per-|jf December 29,1917,or this notice will be plead|§ Down to C.WATKINS’lumber iM f shi ff ae 1 |! |SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO.| To You,Friend:--- As anew broom sweeps ‘clean,so may the NEW & Year sweep all your troubles into that bourne from i whichno trouble returns.. May 1917 bring you 8760 hours of health:and happi- ness.of ‘ ‘_The sincere wish of sand Records! Buy one ot our Victrolas.Please all the family.Nothing more elevating than good music.We bring the world’s great-. est singers to your homesat small cost. Victrola & i,Victrolas and Victor Talking Machines,$15.00,$25.00,» $40.00,$50.00,$75.00,$100.00,$150.00. We have nowon hafid 500 of the latest and best Records. Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| “Better Goods For Less ‘Money.” Ai gt?MEL OAE od EY!Cc.aD ON North Center St. * _PHONE 157.4. thear.*and Miss:ne of Mr.Were married Mon-o'clock at the eeminister,Rev.J,H. ummers and Dr.W.aurinburg were mar-afternoon at theride’s mother,Mrs.J.on.Patterson street..Richatds of Davidson.and Mrs.Caldwell leftigtrainiortheirfuture.jurinburg.EP Mason Scroggs,formerly of|Bs now connected with a’ctory at Lenoir,and MissbbofLenoirweremarried they went to Charlotte toAtivesforafewdays.Mr.fis 2 son of Mrs.M.A.md a brother of Mr,oges of Statesville. nd Mrs.J.E.Heinzerling cel-P the twenty-fifth anniversary—marriage at their home ontreetlastevening.The recep-is attended by a large numberests.Among those from out ofwereMrs.S.N.Whit,Mrs.F. files,Mr.and Mrs.’R,.,Burton gevehter,Robbie Hunt,all ofville, following item from a recentoftheSarasota(Florida)Times. rns an Iredell county man,4 son‘Mr.C.A.Sherrill of Shiloh town-Ds and who is in the accounting de-rtment of the Sandard Oil Company icksonville,Fla.:- r.Frank A.Walpole received a announcing the marriage of MrPW.L.Sherrill io Miss KatheryncFWaugh,a charming young lady.ofres.She is,a daughter ofC,¥Y.Waugh,a former Bremen!of ‘the State University at Lake City.Mr.Sherrill has a host of friends ir: jarasota,who will be pleased to learn ‘last week.After their)! J.) daughter,Mee Wines ie.Dr.F.S.Steele spent Chr¥ttmaswithhis’mother,Mrs.M.K,Stecle,at Turnersburg,returning —to his home in Hickory eae evening. Mr.James S,.Werd,with the Standard Oil’Company.-in Charlotte,wes at home for-Christ-mas, Myr.Jo.Greene of Rocky MountspentChristmaswithStatesvillerel-atives, Mr.and Mrs,Fred.Shepherd of|Rockwell spent ‘Christmas with Mr.|Shevherd’s father,Mr.J.L.Shep- pherd,Mrs.C.W.Spell of Godwin is vis- iting her mother,Mrs.J.B.Connel- ‘Miss Pauline Smith,who is teach- ing nefr Davidson,spent the holidaysathome. Mr.and Mrs,gWilliam.Morrison and Miss Corinne Morrison are spend-ing a few daysin New York, Cant.J.W.Copeland of.Clinton, 8!C.,spent the holidays with Statasville relatives.Mrz.Walter’Turner and child of Tur-J.Morganton are guests of.Mrs. ner’s parents,Mr.and Mrs,W. Peston...* “Mr.A,W,‘Bunch is Nashville,Tenn. Dr.W..H.Critz.of Albemarle vis-ited ‘Iredell relatives during.the hol- idays. Mra D,H.Worke of Concord spent the Christ- mas-holidavs with thels sister,Mrs. W.HH Tomlin. Miss Claudia Williams relatives in Gastonia./ Mr.W.H.H.Cowles was over from North Wilkesboro to spend the holidays with his mether,Mrs.W.H. H.Cowles. Miss Trene -LeQueux of ©Tavlors- ville is the guest of friends here thisweek. Miss Aubin Wert of Chattanoora, Tenn.,is the guest of .Mr.and Mrs. visiting in is visiting of his marriage to such a charmingdady.Ho was for several years man-|:oe of the Western Union Telegraph| Company in this city,but is now con-. Jacksonville.”j | Notices of New Advertisements |; gliable white woman wanted in|honie,—Address Box 54,Statesville.|Waitresses wanted.—Hotel Iredell |-Buncli of keys lost.—D.¥,Arey.|Men’s suits for sale-—W.L.Smith,Bloomfield.Notice to creditors—Mrs.E.C.Walser._Sale ‘under execution.—M.P.Alex-ander,sheriff.Thoroughbred pigs for sale.—Ba- rium Orp anage,Barium,N.C.Office.supplies—Allison’s Book|Store. The season’s greeti ngs.—Eagje &|Milholland. Your bank eeconnt.Solicited.—First National Bank. Things that will please your!friends.—R.I’.Henry.Best wishes.—Mills &Poston.Wish you 8,760 hours of health andhappiness;—Polk Gray Drug Co. ott eetings—Sherrill -White Shoe Oe ciation of,past patronage.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. In own hardware home.—Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. nected with the Standard Oil Co.a‘No \left yesterday C..V.Henkel. Miss Iris MeDougald went to Mon- roe Wednesday to spend seme days with friends. \Miss Mary Neill ‘@nner is visiting iends in Charlotte. Mr.C.B:Webb snent Christmas in Philadelphia with Mrs.Webb,who is visiting their daughter,Mrs.S.N.Poobes \ Mr.Homer of War- ren,Pa.,is visiting his parents.Mr. and Mrs.KR;W.Culbreth.Mr.FB.E. GCulbreth of Raleigh was here for the holidays. Miss Maude Guy.who has_been visiting Mr.and Mrs.S.N.Peters in Philadelphia for ‘several weeks, will return.home Tuesday. Messrs.§.B.and Jo.Nash of Usuisburg,who spent several days with their brother,Mr.T.A.Nash, for Rock Hill,«S.C., to visit relatives. Misses Myrtie-and Floss Houston of Davidson,who visited at Mr.J.A. Brady’s,returned home Wednesday, accompanied by Miss Louise who will spend a -few days them.we Mrs.Frank\Sigmon of Defiance, Ohio.is visiting her parents,Mr. and Mrs.J.D.Troutman.“Mr.Sig- mon will joiny her here in.a few days. Mrs.Archibald “Currie of \David- son wes a holiday guest of Mrs. Leonard White, Culbreth with »Rexall New Year's,resolution—|Wiyrs.R.K.Bingham and_three Statesville Drug Co.children of Blowing Rock are guests A roel...word.—Iredell eA Mr.and Mrs.L.C.Lewis.i ware Co.Mr.and Mrs.C.E.Milholland,Desire to thank friends.—J.M.|who snent-several days with vere McKee &Co,tives’in,the .county,returned Tues-Cash basis.“Statesville garages.Car ownership denotes prosperity. —Statesville Motor Co. Christmas savings club opened.—-|Merchants &Farmers’Bank.{FPin-money savings for holidays.—The First National Bank.Capable white woman to keephouse.—“Y,”care The Landmark. Marriage License. License has been sssued for the ee “marriage of Mr.Raleigh Dean Canip-4 bell’and Miss Mary’Lou Horn;Mr.Magee a7:‘Grover Robinson-and Miss Esther Hin-NO ae son;Mr.David Eranklin Kestler and“Miss Ila May Shoemaker;Mr.ElrecBumgarnerandMissGraceDay;Mr.'«Carl ‘Walter Sharpe and Miss Annie:Mullis;Mr..Chas.Arthur Reavis and-Miss Flossie Ellen Brown;Mr.StaleyHudsonGregoryandMissJuliaElsicFox;Mr.John Clayton Padgett andMissSallieBellKyles;Mr.Marshal)Cornelius Dagenhardt.and Miss Mag-ie Beard;Mr.Ollie Marshall Mise andissMarthaGregory;Mr.RobertGrayLowranceandMissWinnieDa-vis Long;Mr.Samuel Jason .BrawleyandMissBerniceCook;Mr.LonnicGreenNashandMissNonieGant;Mr |,.Esco aeyid Carson and Miss Edna|"Bell:Algood ;Married Sunday. bucvepanieiie of ‘The Landmark. Miss Mary Gatton and Mr.Walter |"C.Tharpe were married in.States- ¥vill@ Sunday,Justice Lazenby offici-“4 ati PY achat op after the cere- ;{:mony Mr;and Mrs,Tharpe left onNo.12 for a wedding trip.Mr.Tharpe is a fine young man and hisbrideisineverywayworthyofhim.Their friends extend hearty congrat-ulations and wish for them a long,and happy married life. —IThe Landmark is beholden to Mr. aS C;Tharp:for sausage and Mrs.J.H.®Knox for immon pudding for thelaymen.Both fine as could be:ese good friends,have .our) y toypried. mo inldegedr.t dev to their home at Mocksville. Rev.and Mrs.John Fairly of Fav- etteville arrived Tuesday to visit rel- atives.;;Mr.Fairly.left Wednesdaynight.pire.Fairly will be here for a week,!: Master Miller Allison and his ‘grandfather,Mr.P.A.Miller,spent from Tuesday until yesterday in Charlotte.Mrs..J.P.Morton of Old Fort is visiting her daughter,Mrs.T.M. Dale. Mr..ahd Mrs..Wm.McRorie of Hickory.arrived.Tuesday to visit’Mr’ McRorie’s “parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.S$.McRorie,Mr.and Mrs.M.<<.Goforth of Kannapolis were in Statesville for Christmas. Mr.M.M.Warren,who is ém-ployed at Badin,Stanly county,was cat apy for Christmuas. Mrs.‘J.H.Hyams of Morganton is Kees to spend some time with hersister,Mrs.Jennie Clark. Mr.E.L.Branch of:Indianapolis, Ind.,came home for the holidays. Mr.and Mrs.T.L.noir spent Christmas with Statesville relatives. Mr.E.E..Grant,who teaches in |Cabarrus county,is spending the holidays-at-his*old’home in:north Iredell.Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Allison Christmas with relatives at mont. Mr..Earl Hargett of _Philadelphia, spent the holidays with his.sister,Mrs.R.E.Clapp.Mr.F.B.Sample.spent Friday with relatives in Mecklenburg.Mr.and Mrs,W.G.Hall went toHantersvilleSaturday’to spend sev--erol days with relatives.Messrs.Wm,L.Allison of Chica-go and Raymond V.Allison of De-troit,Mich.,are spending the holi-days.with their parents,Mr.andMrs.T.J.Allison,Mr.Geo.ives is at home from.‘theBaldwin-Lpcomotive--Works,Phila-ae ia,fot th holidays.’r.Frané/Ceviton-of Swannanoa|boreChfistmaswithhisretevMrgapeeeft‘ip...W.MéeKesson and C. spent Bel- who is now! Pitts and Mrs.N.Fe Brady,| Greene of Le-|. ter,Mrs.H.A. 0 Wilson went to with hersdauatKanna el Goodman in Raleigh.Mr,E.M.Shelton,wartis spending)the holidays with his parents,Mr.anx.Shelton)will return to“}Princeton,N.J.,Tuesday.;Ars,’J. Miss Margaret Ross of Micone, Pa.,is the guest of Miss Louise Cully.Mr.C.C.Moore:and daughters:. pees father and sisters of Mr:Moore,j spent Christmas-with})Mr.a Mrs.!‘iP.Moore,«Mr:Moore went ‘frora "Statesville to Rich-/' mond to visit relatives and the MissesMoore*returned to Charlotte yester-day,accompanied by Misses MildredBedfordandKathleenMoore, “Miss Carrie Mae Watts,who teacher at home.for the holidays. Mrs.Hi Young ‘of Charlottesperttyesterdaywithhermother,Mrs.R,B.Joyner, Mrs.J.B.Houston of Mooresville,Mrs.H.L.Steele andCharlotteandMrs..&.L:Crowson of Warrenton,Ge.,are visiting theirparents,Mr.and Mrs.W.Li Harbin.Mr.and.Mrs.EB. Orleans,La.,and Miss Ruth Arey of Memphis,Tenn.,are visiting relatives in the town and county. Mr.J.McCarter,who’spent a few months with relatives in Wilkes coun- ty,returned yesterday to his home in Kansas.His brother,Mr.W.H.Me- Carter,accompanied him and willspendawhileinKansas....Miss Hannah Wallace is the guest of friendsin Salisbury.Mr...Perey erie of the A..and M. College and Mr.Dent Turner of Trin- ity Collere are ie home for the holi- day vacation. Miss Hattye Sloan,a student of Elizabeth College,Salem,Va.,came home for the holidays, Mr.Preston Watts of Tuscaloosa, Ala.,is visiting his relatives in thecounty.Prof,and Mrs,A.S.Webb and littleson,Halbert,returned“yesterday to Concord after spending several days with Mrs.Webb’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.Logan Stimson. Mr.and Mrs.J.M.McMann of High Point are guests of Mr.and Mrs.L.L.Lanier,on Water street. Mr.W.B,Clarke of Chatham,IIL,is visiting atat Mr.H.B.Smith’s. YULETIDE (IN COUNTRY. Homecomings and Gatherings —Hope for the New’Year. jorresvondence of The Landmark,,; Statesville,R-3,Dec.26.—‘Christ: mas preparation in the.country was more noticeable than usual.Everyfarmhouseworeitsholiday-attire, from the well-stocked.pantry to’the “best-room”with its decoration of holly,cedar and mistletoe.The day wes spent in a quiet,sane way,ev- erybody observing it in a manner best suited to their temperaments and circumstances.Hunting is a holiday Miss May Loftin returned Thurs-day from Davenport,Iowa,Mr.Tate, Ostwalt also arrived home Friday from Palmetto,Fla.At.Yuletide the call of “Home,Sweet Home,”seems strongest,and we are glad to wel- come the boys and girls who have cone out into the world,back to the home land. The Junior Order of Eufola pre- sented a flag to Troutman school No. 7 Friday afternoon. Only a few more days and we'll enter on another New Year,and here’s hoping that it may prove one of even greater usefulness and pros-perity to,The Landmark and many Yéaders than the years have passed;and also that overtures of peace the nations are making will be accepted,and with the dying year as the bells “ring out the old,ring in the new,’may this world-wide conflict cease,and “ring in a thousandand years of peace.” Celebrated Golden Wedding. orcespondence of ‘She Landmark Mr.and Mrs.J.N.Dellinger of Stony Point celebrated the fiftieth an- nivergary of their marriage December 27th.There aehree daughters and one son by this union—iMrs.J.RB. YYoodside,Mrs.H.C.Dellinger,Mrs. John R.Morrison and Mr.J.L.Del- linger.All were present.There are also 27 grandchildren.and five great | grandchildren,All but ‘three of the grendchildren were present. But:one of the attendants was able to be there,due to the inclemency of the weather—-Mr.N.P.Alexander brother of the.bride.-All of the at- tendunts at the wedding fifty years ago are living except two. At 10 o’clock the guests began to arrive,and.by 12 the house was filled that what rto overflowing:with’happy faces offriendsand’near relatives ofthe:bridé and groom.At 12 o’clock the largetablemadeintheshapeofanLwas things to eat that one could desire Sixty dined at this feast.If it -hadonlybeen'a fair day it would have been so much more pleasant.Th« great number of beautifil presentstestifiedtotheloveandesteemin which the happy pair are held.Late in the-evening all took their leave, wishing many happy days for Mr.and Mrs.Dellinger. Marriage in.North Iredell. The -Landmark. Harmony,Dec,26 —Last Sunday morning at the home of the bride’sfather,Mr:D.A.Muilis,in.north Iredell,Miss Annie Mullis becamethebrideof:Mr.Carl Sharpe.Mr.I.G.Reid performed the ceremony.The bride is an attractive and _accom: plished young lady.Miss Attie Reid was the bride’s maid,Mr.:Sharpe isasonofMr.W.P.Sharpe,is a farm- er and school teacher,and is one of north Iredell’s sr promising young Jorreapondence of men.Mr.Grant.was bestman, Immediately after the ceremony all.passed to the dining room and enjoyed a good country dinner,Mr.and Mrs.Sharpe will ‘make their,home with Mr.Sharpe’s father.Rung wish for them a long and happyife: As their answer to.“the schooleh‘decigionac)not granting ‘a rymipsaeHy ihatel,mR eae enroll-ie ti vate eee ser “Mrs,TEL,Steele spent:the:holi-Pa remained away’from:somes. Misses Daisy and Mattie Moore of) at Linwood College,Gaston county,is}, children of '}’ M,Aiken of New. sport in which the iaajority indulge.Sd its| filled.to overflowing with all the good!= THE HOLIDAYS |ATLORAY. Events,Visitors, Correspdndence ot ‘The Landinark. Loray,Dec.28.—Frida|22d,the teachers of the Loray HigSchool’gave a play and aCavisteapetree.for the school.The exercise wasrealgoodandshowedthetalentandrondtasteofthethreeladiesinSareeMany.pretty gifts made.thetreewitholdSaintNickarealChristmaseve:The holidays brought many visitorstoourgates.Mr:Tom Ingram came‘home‘after a long stay in Wyoming. Mr.Troy,Sherrill returned after spending’some time in WesternStites.Mr.Orell Morrison ‘is spend-~pitig'thé holidays with his parents.HehasbeeninVirginiafortwoyears. Charles Sides and-Crit.Morrison arcathomefromthcirworkforafewdays.Miss Clara Andrews spent a vg days with Miss Lillian Bagwell,‘who.is at home from teaching for ‘the holidays.‘Mr.J,Ed.Bagwell sprung a pleas: ant surprise on his friends here when he’came’home ‘from’Henderson ac- companied by his.bride,having mar- ried a Tady at thatplace. Mr.Clarence Sharpe is spending theweekwithhischildrenatMr.A.CG, Sharpe’s Misses Lucile Osborne and Janie Stikeleather have entertainedin honor o:the visitors.All reported a rea! nice time.P Mr.T.M.Stevenson of Florence,8. C.,ig spendingthe week with hismotheratthisplace.His sister,MissRoseStevenson,came up from Char-lotte Tuesday and spent the day withherbrother. evenin even by the members of the Sundayschoolof-the Loray Presbyterian church last Sabbath morning,It was composed of songs,Scripture read-ings,recitations and a short address ‘by T.M.Stevenson. May the Great Giver bring us alltogetheragainforménymoremerry. Christmases, Holiday Exercises at Mt.Bethel School. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Turnersburg,Dec,23—The school at Mt.Bethel closed Friday afternoon for the holidays.The children had pre- pared a wery interesting programme . consisting of songs,reading and reci-tations;and also hada Christmas tree which was heavily laden with presents for all.All seemed to enjoy it.A large.number of the patrons of.the school were present. We are having a very successful school this year under the manage- ment of Miss Stella Reid as teacher,The school at Harmony also closed Friday evening with an interestingprogramme. _It is cheaper“for.R.F,.Henry,the Jeweler,to sell his goods for less thantomovethemtohisnewstore.—ad. v MARKET REPORTS. :Statesville Produce Market.line following prices were paid yesterdayforbroguceonthelocalmarket, ys,16-18¢.per Ib,Chickens,12c,per Ib. £ ae srveens,4Ge.pete Green Hides (unsalted)18¢,per Ib. Green Hides (salted)20c.per Ib. ‘Hams,22c¢.to 24ce.per Ib.reen Hi ams,14-16.per Ib. Sides,16c.to 18¢e.per Ib,Shoulders,l€c.per Ib,New Red Honey,8c.to 12c.per Ib,Sourwood Honey Comb,18ec.to 20c,per Ib.Pld Auto Rubber Casing,4c.per Ib. Sweet Potatoes,8c.per bushel.Trish Potatoes,$1.60 per bushel. a Grain._pftices were pald yesterdaytrainonthelocalmarket: Wheat (new)$1.60 per bushel. Corn,$3.10 per bushel.Oats,65-70c.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 17 cents per pound was paid for best grade cotton,Cetton Seed,The.per bushel. Sced Cotton,6 1-2e.per Ib. The follow (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsperline.No ad.taken for less than 25 cents.Cash must accompany otder.) FOR SALE—T!horoughbred Berkshire and Jer-sey cross pigs..BARIUM ORPHANAGE, Barium,N.C.Dee,29--8t. LOST—Bunch Ge 1 ys during holidays,BeturntoD.J.ARES¥.Det - |lw ANTED—(i :that can ase typewriter: Good opportunity for right party.Address;4b,care The Landmark.Dec.29-—~-1t. pe SAL £—Fifty good Men’s Suits for $2.00 and $3.00 pe it.W.L.SMITH,Bioom-field. 'Phor Dec,29-—-1t. WANTED—Wa ressesroHOTEL IREDELL. Dee.29—-1t. WANTED—-Reliable white woman to help-infamilyoftwo.Addvess BOX 64,States-ville,Dec.29—4t. |WANTED—Good white woman capable of¢ooking and taking care of house for smallfamily.Good wages ‘to:right one.ooY.,care The Landmark.Dec.29-— AT AUCTIONi-—Saturday,Deceniber 30,at.12o'clock,noon,at the residence of Mrs.S.A.Sharpe on south Center street,I will sell ‘at’public auction for cash to the highest|.bidder,one milk cow and one brood sow,H.P.GRIER,Attoprney.Dee,22-29. FOR SAL E—Medium size horse and medium size mare.Chenp for cash.H.8.DOUG-LASS,Bloomfield.D ec,22—2t. GREENSBORO EUSINESS COLLEGE Estab-lished 15 years.Write for catalogue. Dee,12—-5t.* PF,LEE.“SHEPPY,“8th”“Floor,243 W.Street,New York City,General Sales Mana-fer of the largest concern of its kind in the ties;to_work for him spare time or all thetime.He can use only those who have a rig.or auto.Work is very pleasant and no previous selling experience is’necessary.Work consists of leaving a wonderful newhouseholdnecessityinthehomesonfreetrial.Tests at more than thirty of the lead-ing Universities and the Government BureauofStandardsshowthisnewarticletobefourtimesa8efficientasarticlenowingetleraluseinthissection.Article is needed ineveryrural.home and benefits every memberofthehoushold,bringing cheer,comfort and happiness into the home..Not:neces-sary to be away from home nights.Payfrom’$6.00 to $15.00 per day according toabilityandnumberofhomesvisited.In writing Mr.Sheppy,mention what townships will be most.corvenient for you to work tn;what your regular occupation is;your age;married or single;how long you have livedinthecommunity;what kind éf rig or autolouhave;whether you wish to work spare‘.Lime6t steady;how much time you will havetodevotetothework;when you can start,and about how many homes are within six \miles.of you in each direction.This is agpiendidepportaniyforseveralmen.in Iretiecotiityanfonenasointto’eod:MOO,oMINE deadHbk ApdtwtoeSofthe‘field —=¥00ule maeMerern,wo @ eparetSatNoinvestment‘ot ber ” Christiias Celebrations,Soelal «| A beautiful Christmas exercise was : world,wants three or four men in Iredell|} county and several men in adjoining coun-|\ PUT YOUR MONEY IN QUR BANK, We pay 4 per cent interest on time denosits. THE FIRST NATIONAL B. Statesville,N.C. will be a happigr one and the time will comenine yor can stop work and live on your money.aha Itis not yet too late to send return brieents to those sent you holiday gifts,and thus cement for life-time friendship they have shown by remembering you, We'have yet in our store lots and lots of beautiful thwhichwillpleaseyourfriends.which come from our store they will Know that theisthere.” Come in. eee R.F.HENRY,Jeweler.: When.they receive. Ruaalty WE DESIRE 10 TH Our friends and customers for their Lec liberal patronage during this year,and hope t6-merit a continuation of same during 1917. Wishing all a Happy.and Prosperous New Year.e-Yours to please.a J.M.McKee &Compan Mrs.J.M. Me 17th The Seaso.’’s Greetings! a’ We wish to convey to one and all our ap- preciation and thanks forthe liberal patron- age given us the past year and wish for you Happy New Year.: Eagle &--Milkolland, Prosperous and Bibs. necessary,Dee,22-41",Me ete town, BO GUL Ds et ryt LOU >|RoR‘BPROIAT,OCCASIONS;aha"all alan!uc wether,the Ford Sedan thator’rental by.the.is’the classiest and mony protective car inDee.adh 4s.offered}AROLINA MOTOR COQ, insures the quailty of the P Paint insures your properdecay.Don’t you need insurthiskind?”FOR SALE BYLazenby-Montgomery Hal Statesville,&. THE WOMAN'SF ful-record--4cleansernd \There was a little booze in evidence :ARE JOININGI “The Christmas Savings Club ideais nolonger aian experiment..:tt has atteady BY beer! _demonstrated that it is a good plan assave mDHeY.‘People«ofall,shi are: "Five Cents ProceaiveClabs. ‘Pays 5 cents first week,10 cents‘‘second week,15° _cents third week,and so on for 50 weeks,and we will‘issue'you check or pass book with credit therein twoiweeksbeforeChristmasfor,Mid eh eh ook oo ee Two Cents Progressive Class. »Pays 2 centsfirstweek,4 cents second week,6 cents third week,and «on for 50 weeks,and we will issu2 you “check or pass book with credit therein.two _weeksbefore Chr istmas for,MS es Ha oak Rav pai halk In The $1.00 Class. You pay$1.09 each week for 50 weeks,and you re-'.eRive check |or pass book with credit therein for,.... $63.75 $25.50$50.00 Tyou Wey1Revens che ‘Order ofPayment|if you Wish to do So.’ :FOR INSTANCE:in the 5 cents class you,may start a-with $2.50 and pay 5 cents less each week for fifty weeks,and two weeks before Christmas you will re- ceivea check or pass book.with credit therein for, Or,in the 2 cents class,you may start with $1.00 and. pay 2 cents less each week ‘for 50 weeks,and you ATE TRCELV OS oes eles eid be ka ve UN SME EER Oe laee _In.the Fifty Cent Class. You pay50 cents each week for 50 weeks,and you will receivepplieck or pass book with credit thereinFOEarcAUaNaieadluneOSdenRUNSHAERESee rt iything that you don't.fully understandwillbe explained when - :=you come=&EARMERS in to join. BANK Of Statesville,N. “The Bank For Your Savings” m A WEEK’S COURT RECORD, *|Serious Cutting Affray —Grist in the Local Courts. DorseyFraleygof north Iredell yes- “Iterday waived ”examination before Justice W.J.Lazenby and gave $300 bond to appear in Superior Court and ‘answer a charge of having too muchwhiskeyin.his possession.He was arrested Wednesday night,en route from Wilkes,and had three gallons inhis.automobile. Jim Lee was itried yesterday byMayorCaldwell‘and taxed with the cost for being drunk. Guy Brown,colored,went to jail yesterdayin default of $100 bond on a charge of larceny.H'e stole two hamsandothermeatfrgmhismotherandsoldit. Ben Compton was arrested Wednes. day afternoon on ao charge of illicit distilling.Justice Lazenby did notpra:probable cause and:discharged|im C..C,Smith,colored,was placed in' jail this week in default of bond on a charge of the larceny of some,clothing. THE HOLIDAYS AT AMITY. Visitors —Christmas Tree’_ Building a New House. Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutman,R-2,Dec,27 —Chhist- mas_passed off .quietly’on ‘Amity: Some visited and some hunted..Mr. Chas.R.Goodman and family spent Christmas Day in China Grove with Mrs.Goodman’s brother and ‘sister, Mr.Geo.Templeton and Mrs.Pleas- ant Ketchie.Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Tem- pleton and children:spent:Christmas lay in Mooresville with Mrv ‘Temple- ton’s mother,Mrs.G.W.Témpleton, and Mr.and Mrs.Chas...Stephens. Mr.and Mrs;Ernest Horton and.Mr. and Mrs.Billy Horton took Christ-mas at,Long Island with Mrs.Billy Horton’s parents,Mr.and Mrs. Campbell.Mr.and Mrs.Locke Hor- ton of Cooleemee are spending.the ‘holidays with their.parents, P.Horton and Mr.W.P.Cook.Miss Myrtle Horton,who has heen attending school at Harmony,is j;home for the holidays.Miss AvaReetwhokaseeinEenOGsin :|As eville since pril,came home:reine Fe doe Mente ou ‘several days ago and is spending.the| foriiae order’of Superior Court._He holidays with friends .and relatives‘The coming and going was as usual wa8 tried in court for an assault on ik feel ean wr Priday,"Me Eanatthisseason.|Henry Johnson,was convicted,judg-mot Morrow.wha has.heen at thoi’aLillie May Ayers,‘daughter|ment was suspended and he was or;A &M.Cattle 2 BSR leieh t|of Mrs,Mary E.Ayers,died“at the dered to leavé the councy.In the pone for the bei ia aris a anehomeofhermotherinthisplaceeventhecamebackintnecountyhe‘"0™e a Linn Opes argreesaSaturdaymorningat3o'clock,after was’to be arrested and sent to.the nie the h el hethei he i eand|fi a of three years of diabetis.!‘chain gang for 18 months.Penn re-|‘"%M Then,bi cir adaii an.|Sanday at 2.30‘p.m.at the!turned here to play at a dance and!POs rns:Mika Ealion Rage 1,apiechucheu conducted,by.Elder the officers arrested him.He was al-|h Mbronithi at i ne h prigbahoa ud4theAdventistChurch,|‘lowed to go on,account of his physi-|}vite Fock ae L oe?erid’thesVopielinStonyPoint’grave-!cal condition and with the under-holidag OM at J.‘TG.ae eben td..Since 14°years ‘of ‘age;Miss|standing that he get out of.the Chvsinas Dan ik Weoremile ontheenamemberofthe!county.This he did-st once.h ristmas Day in eave mieiV.B.Moore and B.E.Freeze were}"°=digas in-lary,ae t he atriedbythe,mayor Friday for an af-A ,edie ch Sat ou ming.tree The Itfray.Moore was discharged and mity chure aturday eveningn \Freeze was fined $10.tree was beautifully.decorated ‘and,The mayor Friday dismissed -a|lighted with candles.The recitations| cpetee of disorderly’conduct against by the children ane A the Haren|Miller,Wm.Alexander and!©oir were enjoye e childrenJ.C.Henley:under 12 years were given a nice treat..A.Kimmons was tried Friday heonchargeofexceedingtheautomo-Mr.J.L.Tolbert is building a ‘nice7-room bungalow for Mr.LockewaespeedWith”Oe uae ee Moore,on his farm near Amity. When completed Mr.and Mrs.Tol-Jud ent in this case Mayor Cald-bert will move into it and work thewellservesnoticetothepublicthatfarm'for ‘Mr.Moore.the automobile.speed laws will be Mis.Harriet Stikeleather idenforcedfromnowort.Teen:low at this writing.Mrs.dentate fined $3.10 for Brown is improving but is not able An affray took place Saturday af-ae Be aL Prova the peddin bellsternoonatMr.Shuford E.Miller’s|ot)"soon he ringing at Amite”store,near the aire id furniture fac-HOOT UESeeseetory,between Mr.iller and Mr.John Mills.Mr.)Miller inflicted a Glaze and fee Stornis,serious knife cut on Mr.Mills’leg,|,The,old-fashioned “sleet”is:goingnarrowlymissingthelargevein.[t|6ut of style this winter,before thenewer“ice storm”and “glaze:weath-was first feared the wound was fatalbutexaminationshoweditnot.so bad.|¢t bureau officials reporigg™in theircampaignformoreaccuratetermi-Mr.Mills was teken to Billingsleyhospital,where the injury was dress-|nology”of various kinds of frozen éd..Mr.Miller gave $300 .bond for|rain.his appearance at court.Sleet is officially.deserthed asBoldingYoung,another of the es-}small globules of rain frozen’beforecaped”prisoners,was ‘arrested,Sun-|striking the —earth.When!-raindaynightandis‘back in jail.In|freezes*after .falling an4 fornis’ajumpingthe.jail fence the night of|glassy coating on.the ‘ground treéstheescapeYoung’s clothing caught}and wires,the condition is called.aonthefenceandthrewhimtothe}“glaze,”and when>this is accompani-ed by wind it is called’an dc proere:Srouind,paiptaily hurting him.HeMistaif.:eTHe weather,your.to ihth}nate «what is ainproeer!ollivehaes?.alWE tea fe poe fthipo sod theBis -orrtrnttorr ied te ane ed of The Landmark, ay Point,Dec.27 —Amongretmas*events was a very.en-ipOy ble occasion.at the home of Mr.Steele.His daughters erectedr‘Christmas vree tnat,morn-p tree was well loaded withgoodsand.was a great a t to.all present,most.especiallytotbthechildrenThepresentswere:the down b y.Mrs.Mabel Douglas,ie exander.Mr.andImanweretherewith the ‘dau"Alosan and delivered thelr gtaphophone and furnished mu- A.N.Millsaps was splitting=wood one night this week, ;piece of’board pierced hiswrist,inflicting a serious‘wo;Ceerintiies passed quietly _here. _but no serious infractions of the law. t :.She is survived by hermother,‘six brothers and one sister.Rev,L.P.-Gwaltney and Mr.Geo.,who are close neighbors,‘both been en Se sick list tor‘several days.B.Combs,anbieConf,Raises Siar:has.been‘confined fer several*weeks at hishomeinConcordtownship,Iredell vie of our citizens turned out‘week for a rabbit hynt,.One maniedoneoftheanimalsatadis-and ‘quietly yuiled down,He d to pick up his game,.but ost mortem examination.itedithadbeen.dead three y Drwned in §in Smail Stream. of ‘The _Lanamark. 73 very H. “1,Dec.27 —A fineMr.T.J..Clodfelter ¢ehanael of a.smallturelastSaturday‘whenshe was discover-indead.Her (position was‘it made it impossible foroneaneitissupposedthated,as her head wasis vemand water,.was dammed id Mre%F, B.Concord and ker ‘and.Mr.inecoff.MiasF.,,“ Mr.J.eon,aged 55,hanged himself Christ- |Suitable observance next “pgrate Miss Lindley’s dress Clarence Catiton and Will Holdeclaw,|»aannecolored,for carsibe at me es Rubbers fofor aoe M,‘Me.Bees KEE &CO—ad. FROM OVER THE COUNTRY.)Mr.Bryan’s Congratulations. Mr.Bryan congratulated Presi-|Items of Interest About Various|gent Wilson on his peace note to,theMatters.belligerents.He said:In Edgecombe county Carey White-|‘You have rendered an invaluable.|j hurst was shot and killed by Herbert|Service to a war-stricken world inMeygingwhenWhitehursttriedto}asking the belligerent nations to set! ,|forth in specific terms the conces-|f ;va Rpnice SQopR -Sngpber sions and W iearances which they'@ Office Supplies of allItisestimatedthattheexpedition-deem necessary to tie esstablishment |5 kinds.ary force into Mexi sult of,Of a lasting peace.It would be a}‘the,“Villa "vatds “and “enaintabitig!reflection upon the nations at war to:ne we fill your orders Phone us your.WantsLedgers,Journals,Blank’Books,Inks,Ribeons and troops on the border,regulars and;aunt mane wee BHO the face for \fmilitiamen,has cost the government Which they are fighting,or to as-|ftodate$67,000,000.jsume that they have ‘any purposes|Allison’sBook Sto.:Military.training in elementary|which they are unwilling.to reveal. and secondary schools was voted!.“A’definite.statement.by bothdownbytheexecutivecommitteeof;sides,no matter how far these state-te:tg!the American School Peace League,|enter be epare wih cleat the air}SUMMONS BY ’PUBLICATION.at a meeting in New York.The,274 afford a basis fo \|league has poe in in 44 Stetes.“and when negotiations hegin they are|NORTH,CAROLINA,IREDELLCOUNTY.With a cord takea from another|not likely to terminate “ufitil an)4:ba Sasa winitateter be ‘Robb,man’s Christmas package,Gus.Nel-|@g7eement is reached,because neith-|deceased,va.J.T:Robb,heir-at-law,.er side will consent to;assume re-|2 The defenant Abe atid Sep ee5|that v1masDayinthelobbyofahotelat|Spons ibility for cohtinuing the une.chs isc vont eat defend nt,on.the 28thDuluth,Minn.He said he was dis-|SPeakable ‘horrors of this conflict,if|Gay of November,-1916;y eAconsolatebecausehewasaloneon|="¥reasonable terms can’be secured.clerk of the Superior our,of Iredell rongChristmaseveandhadnomoney.“Accept »cordial congratulations |hday::Patriotic societies of Philadelphia |204 my earnest wish for the success, which sumnions.is returnable‘on the -2 have launched a movement for a of the movement which you have had|¢ month of|the honor to inaugurate.” the 75th anniversary of the death of hao RUSORROOOEAJosephHopkinson,author.of,«ft |Twelve “Killed “int _Arkansas’song,“Hail,Columbia.”Hopkinson |Storm.|was born in Philadelphia in 1770 and}Reports from virtually all:of thewasalife-long resident of that city.jtowns and larger settlements in theThepresenceonthissideoftheareasweptby.Tuesday's tornado,inAtlanticofaformidablefleetofal-;south central Arkansas,place theliedwarships‘is announced as a cer-!number killed at 12 and the injuredtainty.The vessels are known offi-50.No accurate estimate of the prop-||cially as:commerce protectors.They.erty damage is available,‘although|are heavily armed and digguised.For ;some reports indicate that»the lossobviousreasonsae'ae disposi-|may reach $3,000,000.tion is not revealed,but they are ex-|Six of those killed.were white per-|pected to take care of German sub-|sons,Frank and James Bridges,phys |Styreal estate:ri atA esis naeMarines,.coming this ~way.|dents of Ouachita’Coltégé,who Were |south &6 degices edst?79 1-2 poles.toTenpersons,eight children and spending the Christnias holidays with |0%Bob Backwelder’s corner;thtwoagedwomen.are reportedeto have.yalatives,were crushed.to death when’ni re nee ‘Pele cornet"om atid LSlosttheirlivesinafirewhichde-'their home ab.Double:Wells Was:de-|welder's linc:thence nokth 86demrecsstrovedtheKansasMasonicHome,|!|molished;Albert L,Schivattz;a farm.|Doles ‘to a stone ‘on Mrs.*Bell ‘Howard'sTin.Thomas Bell's corner;thence’southat=ee Kans.,on the ~er,was killed near England and three.idexrees went '@ 1-3 polestothe=bebinnina,Panes y-two persons were in the!childrren,Choice and Allalée Padgett!containing 39/1-2 acres;muildingwhenthefirebrokeout.The|and -Frances Snow,were killed near|Home was the property of ©the Ma-*|Dee,5.GEORGE BLACKWELDER, sonic lodge of Kansas.|Carlisle,NOTICE OF ‘SALE OFLAND. lortgagee.The chapel!“Cottoh Plant w.thetandthehospital|buildings’were!whi s fA nee reas“ch reported héavy property ‘dam-saved,P Pore ee,Pa CAROLINA,IREDELL ounry.|.Under andby virtueofthepow Loss.estimatéd’at $250,000.rage,but.no casualties. sialiallhadeeelihioms beetmeenmeenteenaeed +tained in the res deed ‘executedSat 0,"¢Ua acatensianiadenateliaaetaeeteientanteretdTeacherBurnedtoDeath.fired Williams and M.J.Wiliams to RB.M,Several hundred shots wereTheresultofafirewhichtotallyacrosstheRioGrandeintoMexico,|and recorded’in the office of the Pesinter :destroyed the home of J.C.Adcock at west of El Paso,Texas,yesterday,Deeds of Iredell county in Book 18,page 16,Cumnock,Lee.county,on the ‘after-and ae to By F ‘Willams,the:unbymembersof.the Kentuck Nation~noon.of 21st.Miss Ruth Lindley,the 2 _“MONDAY,JANUARY 8,.1917;al-Guard,whose officers’declared|~Le20-year-old daughter,of Daniel Web-|that the fusillade was a reply to rat 12 o'clock,at the court house door of Ire-ster Lindley of Guilford wollege,was sh ex i dell county,will.sell to the highest bidde:fatally burned.aS ———mets =saab at publie aan the SivaMhcereedtracts:of lan ying an inWhilekindling.a fire Hope township of the aforesaidcounty,::‘and’.more Darbleigrly describedfollows,to-wit:First.Tract—Beginning on an’nthbankofcreek;thence:north 93 ,64 poles to’a stone;thence north 9°:east 48 poles.to B.fallen ‘white ‘oalkt;north 69 degrees west 8 poles tothencenorth40.Lye to &maniliams’corner the branch;taid ‘branch’to the.mouth ofthencewith’sald’‘ditch 20.poes:tothencesouth68degreeseast19polesonthebankof‘#itid creek;thence up.the various cotr of sald ¢sinning,contaibing 30 acres,more,Second ©Tract-Beginnin:20 pale ‘southTk ow 2 a carEy(ey1 w %we i 1taconus pistes ed cletk,when and where the’defrequiredtoappearandansweror|the complaint or the.relief:‘|-be granted.This action isrefor‘nssets.3.ASA.dt we Clerk Superior So MORTGAGE SALE. Ry virtue’of ‘the bowers jcontained inamortgagedeedexecutedb;hn:Wel!andwife,which is’duly recor ed‘it ‘Book |er.gages No.40,page 391,office of RegisteroDeeds,default having been madeoo thetS.mient thereof,the undersigned ak fisaedwillon SATURDAY,JANUARY ’6,’1917), at 12 o'clock,noon,expose for sale tohighestbidderforcash,the following i it iscau Danger Sign :\If.the ‘fire bell should aly ‘yaad’you:Susiandstopitorgoandhelp’to put out the fire?It fg mitch the sama way with a cough.A.cough is a danger signal as much as a fire bell.You should no more fry to:suppresa sit thantostopjafirebellwhenitisringing,butshould.cure the disease that causes the cough-ing,.This can nearly ‘alwaya be done by takingChamberlnin’s Cough Remedy,a havéuseditwiththemostbeneficialresults.”It’isespecially“valuable for)‘the persiatent coughthat80often,follows a bad cold or an attackofthegrip.rs.Thomas Beeching,Andrews,Ind,,writes:“During the winter my husbandtakesheSarstlymaeigiyenChamberlain's Coug'ly is ‘the t med-11,000 in six Months.The number i¢iné for breaking up thase attacks ‘and yourunning(on!‘Micense applied for exonot get him tg tuke any others”Obtaina-|>ecards is eee ba Lble-averytliehe in an open becameignitedandas.she rushed.out ofthe room flames from:her burning cloth-ing s¢t fire to -cuxtains in the room.The flatnes spread ‘so PPh that they were soon beyond contraMissLindleywasprincipalCumnock:High’School in the home of Mr.Ad There are now.35,000 licknstomebilesintheState,an jnereuse of of December,1916,before thé above mention==") of,me who want.rea}ction firpmadeforieee gine : ear ismade in a widevariety ofkinds fstormyweatherneedsofmen,women,put ‘or ee ; » what we offer you. can fo about your work ‘in’the daytime—eave your place of business when the day’sbver—you can lie down at night IN PEACE,ing that your LIFE,your HEALTH and yourayareinsuredin.the STRONGEST,MOSTLIAGLE*and ECONOMICAL companies in thend.wherewe handle your policies.~You can’t have too much insurance of the rightndforyourownpeaceofmindandthegeneralpro-tection of yourself and family.»We're always glad to consult with you aboutnsurance,whether you take out a policy.or not.rop in any time..TATESVILLE LOAN &TRUST COMPANY, WwW.E.WEBB,Manager. :|Richmond;“|route.Pacer kept a wor dicry,#0‘‘{cannot give Mates:accurate'y, ‘|Wey,“\blizzerd,and,.}endoah river atrien<evening.while.the mush “tharefooted at this is Statesville Realty &Tovestment Co.==INSURANCE!= a erie mnmadly.‘policyholders do not seem topeande:will be.-yotd under certain conditions named in the‘the ‘policy which they buy.We dees it advisable totion:bow e of the causes under which the samewill be rendered oe ‘i iknow thattheirEePe es ™,|shoes to an old negro. me or late property for Jonger than 80'days—apply to “tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.;0!¥Riven apply t®your agent.; 4—Assignment or transfer of property to another. 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other Loolders should read lines 7 to 80ohtke printed contract “WE ‘INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” :‘PHONE54 _STATESVILLE,NC. ~STEAM.HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING. ‘agent for ‘permit. a:Mechanics ake additions to,or extraordinary altera- $--Property upon which.tkere is.a mortgage unless no Any.change in the title or ownership,or interest in proner-|ty Gaur other Re by death,me naa :6—By any picreets in,the hazard,notice must be ‘given,q-—The caking of other insurance without notice, yeqben Kerosene oil.’Bt Property:encumbered by chattle mo policies.«It is impossible for agents to know of those de-unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- 8.‘Parkes Cadmanis coming back Tuesday of Chautauqua! - oL F.See Oh .Manager, GREENSBORO,N,C. ~.dmbing and.Private Water Systems,. REFERENCES FURNISHED. ‘fi where I:did get shoes, Wr ‘YOU:WOULD KNOW.LUMBER,USE Ir LN DRIED FLOORING AND CEILING. ———Made by-———_ BOYCE Lae CO. Phone 294. OF STATESVILLE,N.6.Pe:Capital Stock Paidin -$100,000.00 ©:Sarplus and Profits 31,500.00 :Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- ‘positors consistent with prudent hank-_ingmethods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings’ _Deposits remaining on o threeieohorlonger, OFFICERS: “The.e Hill,of which TwTwaahadcampedintheeeia,November 1st,1862,Fredericksburg,’where.otUrsreOrenonhiswayto.take.and he was ‘roing by this ‘Any-e yroges ing guite atheShen-*y late oneicewesfloatingdown,It is -necdless to.say Here -|we suffered terribly with cold,wet'|feet.Ourco were frozen stiffwemarchedcarat\miles "tarther before striking camponahigh,open place,where thewindandsriowhad-a fair’sweep atus.‘Fortunately there were .same—log and brush heaps on the hill,and)we soon,made these into roaringfiresandsokeptfromfreezing.Snow is beautiful to look at,when}/one is comfortably:housed,but to behalf-clad and ‘oarefooted,“marchingalong”through a.big snowstorm,makes one realize what Gen.Sher-man said war is.I was not so unfortunate as to be particular time, though several of my comrades were,That night orders came from head-avarters that the soldiers who werebarefootedshouldbegivenstripsofrawcowhide,which came from thebeevesthatwereslaughteredthat evening.It took abort four or fivebecvestofurnisheach"brigade withmeatforoneday,when it could besecured.The officers of each com-pany:were to see that every shoeless;}man made for himself moccasins of this rawhide,turning ‘the hairy sidein.and sewing them with thongs ofthesamematerial,so we would bereadyformarchingthenextmorn-ing..As I remember,the moccasins did not prove very satisfactory,buttheywereofcoursesomebetterthan no shoes,:We did get to Frederickshurg ‘intimetohelpheadoff.Gen.Burnsideswithhismightyhost.This battle was fought on the 12th of December.Our brigade was sent to the left.oftherailroad\'to support a_battery;and it was an awfully hot place there for several hours,though we’neverfiredasinglegun.It takes steadynervetoremain,in sucha ‘positionwhiletheenemyistryingtodemol- ish the battery.you are supporting. And I don’t remember ever seeing.so meny artillery horses.killed at anyanebattleaswere,killed there that *“Above t have said that I was for-tnnate in being shod on this trip,buttherewas<a time earlier in the fall,when I tramped it flat-footed for ¢or three deys,the late Tom A’strong and I both.Armstrong ha& a.pair of boots,but they were toosmallandhurthisfeetsobadly‘that most of the time he carried them on his arm.Every town we came toItriedtobuyshoesbutfoundnoneuntilwegottoWarrenton.There’I bought,a pair of No.13s and startedonfollowingmycommand(we wereallowedto-march out of ranks when barefooted),but I soon found my}shoes were as much too big as Arm- strong’s pee too small,for I had*nosocks.gathered leaves off thetreespastuffedthemintomyshoes around my feet,but could not go faruntiltheywouldall.work out.The.next place we came to I sold ‘myIthinkthisplacewascalledLittleBaltimore. I don't remember.just when ,or for we wererushingtoheadoffMcLellandatSouthMountain,and there we heldhiswholeforceincheckuntilGen.Jackson came from ‘Harper's Ferry. There was.another time when myshoeswerein’a verv dilapidated con- dition,and John Cohan,one of mycomrades,had a brand new pair.OnemorningIawokebefore’John did, and seeing his good shoes sitting rear =|him,concluded to play a joke.I took aman |His shoes,put them on and left my old strips in their place.But.I madeitsuittobenotfaroffwhenJohn would say.And he said it,too!To complete one’s toilet those days and times.all you had to do was put on your shoes,if you had any.T.M.C;DAVIDSON. awoke.for he was such a Ipud-talk-er fellaw I wanted to hear what he Sheriff’s:Posse. Upholding:the contention that “a8/|man’s home is his castle,and he has-@\a right to.defend|J6hn E,McCall emphasized in his #3 |charge,a»|Memphis, Tenn., 3i Harris.a nerro,$22,500 compensato- it,”which Judge jury in Federal court jat awarded -Matthew and $20,000 punitive damages in his suit against John A.Reichman,a\former sheriff .of Shelby county, -“M4)Tenn.,and members of a_sheriff's“|posse,’‘|Harris,who sued for $500,000,was|seriously injured when his home was3)dynamited in an attempt to dislodge|him after he fired on a posse which#)was searching for one of his -rela-B |tives,|not-aware-of the8possemnenwhenhe resisB|forts to search his home. Harris.testified that he wasidentity—_of-thetheiref- Reichman was exempted ‘from’the :verdict for punitive damages,as ‘it#|was shown that%|member of the posse.he was not actually a Bill For.Universal Training. A definite plan for universal mili-i {tary training will be laid before Con-Higress next month in the shape of a4)bill formulated by the general staffHjofhtearmy,accompanied by com-4 |plete estimation of cost as comparedH\to the present volunteer system.Inwithehearings.before.the militarycommitteeoftheHouseofCongressBifive.of the 22 members asserted their,“Sl belief in the theory of universal ser-‘Hi vice,while two emphatically decate“4 against such a system. SORT)Few fine Wool§counts.se MERE ,+later,Mrs. enPoca | Awafded Big Damages Against bet eld 4 Lotbeater he ‘died ‘sian 30 eanwhowas’‘aight fsLeSORiaresaiasliglmaers.Wilson,ide’tae husband,on k_but ‘oth:was not.Bog Mrs./R .Cc.Knox,a sister of Wilson,whowas sittin:the rear of the car with the Wi echildren,was not hurt nor wore thechildren.One of the two Gaulon hitch-ed.to,theteam hada Jeg broken andwasahee.The wegor tongue wasbroken,Aen to those who ar-rived shortly after the accident,Mr. road and was evidently moving at arapidrateofspeed.It was presum-ed that he did not see the 2pproach-ing wagon,.owing to the mist andrainonhiswindshield,Wilson was on his wee from Char-lotte to Davidson,where he was vis-iting,-relatives."tie was,a native ofunperMecklenburg,a son of the lateaoe:M,Wilgon and was 47 years of age.:and.three.children,threeandthreesisters,“Dr.W.E.WilsoofSherrill’s Ford and Mr.Wilson of Charlotte are vrothersthedeceasedandMrs,R.C.Kno:Davidson a ‘sister.A Funeral.and interment in Colum-ia.; Editor MartIN:Gov.Bickett’s Secretary.— vate secretary to Gov.Bickett,MrMartinisaYadkincountyman—asonofMr.and Mrs.A.J.Martin ofthatcounty,He is a graduate ofWilkeForest.College and a licensedlawyer,but has been engaged innewspaperworkinWinston-Salemsinceheleftecllege. As Many Statesville.,Know Too Well. When the kidneys are weak or dis- ordering,they fall behind in filtering the blood of poisons..As these pois- ons attack’the nerves,the result is felt in spells .of vertigo,just asdrunkennesswillmakeamandizzy from,the poisoning of alcohol.Dizzi: ness,headache,backache and.irregu- \People signs‘ofweak or disordered kidneys and Doan’s Kidney Pills,theedkidneyremedy.ville resident’s statement: ago,I siffered’a great deal|pains Sena my hack and shoulders.14-eouldn’t:do-my house work and Ifelttired:and languid ail thé time. and I couldn’t.keep from falling.Doan’s Kidney “Pills were recom-mended s0 highly that I began:tak- ing them.Thereliefandthesecond did me a worldofgood.My back got strong er andmykidneysntlormal.” Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t simply ask.for a kidney:remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same’that Co.,Props.,Buffalo.N.Y: at camelDiCOITESHERRILL, eneral Practioner in City and County. All calls telephoned to Jas.R.Hill’s residence:or-Long’s Sanato-rium will Bave prompt attention. Flowers ame8eT For All Occasions!} We tan always supply _you with the best ‘to be had in Flowers for whatever purpose they , should be we G.WATKINS for“Bverything to'Build With.” Foll ‘Stock—Loweat_Prices...pring Doors,es Ceil- Heulding,athe,LiLime,: “Next.Planters wh,8 { ilson was on the wrong side of the|.. He is survived by his wife|©|brothers| Mr.Santford Martin,editor of ‘theWinston-Salem Journal,will be pri-|:, DIZZINESS IS ANNOYING!) larity gf the kidney secretions are all| should not be neglected...Use =ome-eridors-|eReadthisStates-| Mrs.0.L.Leagan,216 Boulevard csoretesville,says:“Four years|fe from|#a My head ached and I had dizzy spells,os rst box brought me!$‘ whilethe:stitches fly twice ,88 fastin the light of — _Ttasof tow glowjowsaving:egontheeyes,is the best pos-.<gible helpfor careful work. “Boilt of solid brass ‘andovplated,it Insts a life | ae Aladdin Security Ot 5_=the mosteconomicalker-‘opene oll—for best resulig,= era ee OnNsANY, PALTMOREMD: Last page of 1 16,ice‘onholdofa@NewYear,we wanoneandallforastfavorsandyourkindconsiderationfor1917 We start the New Year inwarehome,‘and want you toseeourexcellentbusines_Jhore rents to pay,“‘ande;-4at our store”.«It’s ourourHardwareneedby what we are striving“new year hgs someting:everybody,and if youHardwaretradeitwilh ip to 1prosperous,-“Measure us hywesell”, ‘Mrs.Leagan had.Foster’-Milburn}Sa May We Show co -a HUYLER’S CANDY,‘CIGARS,TOILET,ARTICLES: Van Lindley Co,|)= Polk Gray Drug . .Pigl etm:eRaa LT OOO) MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS AND OPPORTUNITY ! AND THE BEST TIME TO START ISRIGHT }SQ THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH |ae ACCOUNT!_| from date at the rate of 4 per cent.‘per annia Checking accounts,either large or.small,cord We want your business! |People’s Loan.and.Say __GEO,H.BROWN"0.L,TURNER KOCH pan TA ay each week you will save. ihe .each week you will save Meat 0 thy, Oc.each week you willsave |1.00 each week you will save .See eee will be added 4 per cent interest. it is a great plan to learn ==Ask us about this Club. to SAVE;it is a great.plan to learn to become acquainted’j °w otganizing a Pin-Money Club for this purpose, ayin January and continue fifty weeks.By saving ee which| 2 _owith this Bank and our methods-whichwill do you lots of good in after years;and —"it isa great plan to have some money for NEXT CHRISTMAS. “Money that you SAVE that otherwise you would have thrown away.You don’t ;have to stint fer it. You will have this-Money au If you are dependent,you do not hav it will make you feel. R.A.COOPER,President,“FIRS4percentonSaying Club. \, COME.IN nd when you spend it,you'can say “Iam spending my own money.’ NOW! T.D.MILLER,Vice-President.Ng TIO STATESVILLE,N.C._ < and NOT MISS A CENT,and you will enjoy itso much. e to ask anybody for MONEY for Christmas’-How good AL BANI ‘ghurch Satur-:rexercises bychildren,and giftsoftheschool.-fist church Christ-exercises by thedren--songs,reci-and music by an orches-of members of the jun-re were treats for the “grown-ups for..These giftsMeal,sugar and“which were dis-in ‘need.The planyy‘sehool childrenwasfirstinsti- years ago,andthe even:‘altogether ‘about the‘had,2 member of Presbyterian churchming,following the exer-giving.by the Sunday,iehem,”awasbeautifully at Hooper paidVandmarksaidhedid-‘was urged toLandmark's .redsuredthatitwasthan‘the left:hind|fabbit.And that old ?’said Mr.Hoop-of my:knowl-! We been old enough to(food,I’ve never tasted.bird,“chicken or to his meat -diet,6ate beef,pork andid.fish and fow ange Location.8 ane mares faetheWilkesboro©road,Statesville,‘to aitnearTroutman—;diand St,tt aria Meoilkesboro:road.»\who hasnFYore a the Oak Forest.eeZ section, -Baptist:Sunday: John Casper Pardoned. John L.Casper of Winston-Salem,.{convicted about a year ago in theFederalcourtat:Fort Smith,Ark.,in nutherous counts,of defraudingthegovernmentin.connection ‘with liquor taxes and sentenced to theLeavenworth.prison for a term ofnineyears,was pardoned by thePresidentlastweekandreachedhis,home in’Winston-Salem Monday.The case in which Casper was con-victed attracted wide attention,theevidenceshowingthathehadde-! frauded the government out of thou-/|sands of dollars in revenwe,on whis-| at Fort.Smith,Ark.,and St.Louis,|Mo.Property valued at about $100,-.000 ‘was *confiscated by the:govern-|ment’and in addition to the sentencehewasfined$33,000.His tocal pris- on‘sentences:on all counts aggregat-|ed.40.years but they were made.to’overlap so that the total was nine’years.,fot-Casper was taken to Jacksonville,Fla.,'a few weeks ago as a witness against Tom McCoy of Asheville,tried for similar frauds:against .thegovernment,and convicted.CasperreceivedhispardonwhileatJackson-'ville-and the.fact that he testified for the government against McCoy |probably:had much to do with his}receiving a pardon after he :had!served only about a ‘year of his,9-year sentence.ee ELECTSALARALITE EET REAGASEE EOENLEE 4 Danish West Indies to Be Ours.| Both houses of the Danish Parlia-: ment have approved:the sale of the:Danish:States..Negotiation’for the pur-‘chase of these islands by.the United ’States have been in progress inter-'"thittently since the Civil War.The“United States Senate has alreadypivenitsapproval,’.and as soon as|the formal.exchanges’have taken,place ‘the .administrazion will,press |measures in’Congress &ppropriating ‘the purchase ‘price,$25,000,000,andprovidingfortheinstitutionofanAmericanterritorial’government ontheislands.«©American naval strategists years ‘have regarded possession ofthis.‘little archipelago,lying 50mileséastofPortoRico,as absolute- ily .necessary to prevent any Euro-pean power from .acquiring it,andmoreovertoestablishthereagreat’nuval base and coaling station for|the United States fleet,_Commercial-ly the islands are regarded as ofcomparativelylittlevalue.There arethreeofthem,St,Thomas,St.JohnCroix;and\’on ‘their 143squaremileslivesome83,000:people,nine-tenths of ;whom.are negroes. RAREAEISINTERSLANT CATTLE TPO Mrs.E.K.’Graham ‘Dead. ‘Mrs.Susan Moses Graham,wife of;President E.K.Graham of the StateUniversity,died on the 22d,after a.long illness,Funeral and interment}at Chapel Hill on the 23d...Mrs.Graham was the daughter of;Prof..E.P,Moses,a noted educator,‘State She is survived by her husband anda a ‘mur-cides an.and little son,five years old;by her fath-ér,two sisters and ao brother.‘Graham was educated at St.Mary’s|'School,Raleigh,.at the State Univer-' eb had:taught in St.MarBeeeeaenehaakegetoDr.Graham in 1908, j' key.manufactured at hisdistilleries .cents. West Indies to the United|y'pastoral duties: bond to retain possession of the auto-' L..,University,.New |e :av ameSwitchmenGetIntrease. An 8-hour day,an”increase ™mwagesoffivecentsan.hour,.andstraightprorata.overtime,weregrantedtothemembersof.the rail-road Switchmen’s Unjon-.employedby13Easternand‘Middle,Westernrailroads,in an award filed in cyYorkbytheFederalboardofarbi-tration that heard their differences The award didn’t satisfy the unionlaborpecee.They wanted the 8-hour day ‘and time and a_half for overtime.Switchmen at present re-ceivea maximum hourly rate of 40Theawardincreasesthisrateto45cents,se that on the 8-hour basis they will receive $3.60 for a day’s work,40 cents less than they received under the 10-hour basis.By working ten hours under the new rdte,they will receive $4.50,or 50centsmorethanundertheoldrate;The railroad trainmen this week will proceed with their 8-hour daynegotiationswiththe.railroads and an early settlement is:expected as aresultoftheawardofthearbitratorsgivingtheswitchmenan8-hour day and a 5-cent.an'hour ,wage increase. AA SUT Church Differences in Court. Differences between members of Pullen Memorial Baptist church,Ral- eigh,.and the pastor,Rey.:LymanDilts,have been taken to the courtsforsettlement.The pastor wanted tosellthechurchpropertyandbuyan-other site,The trustees objected.Then the trustees brought suit forpdssessionofanautomobilefurnishedMr.Dilts by the cohgregation forThe,pastor gave mobile until the case is settled by the courts and says he will fight the mat- ter out at the annual meeting of the congregation in January.The board of deacons ‘claim thatwhenMr.Dilts accepted the pastoratehestatedtotheconferenceofthemembershipthathewanteditunder-stood that his resignation was at all,times in the hands of the board offor|deacons,to be invoked by them when they thought that the best interests ofthechurchrequiredit.The’deacons have invoked this supposed resigna- tion and insist that the pastoral reia-;tions will cease January 1. Dates ForHealth Car. _The Moving Picture Health Car oftheStateBoardofHealthwillmake lows:January 5 —Linwood 1.30 p.m3Mt.Mourne 7 p.tm.;January 6 —Amity 1.80,Wayside January 8 —-Cool .Spring ©1.30,Harmony 7.January 9 —Central 1.80.TaylorSprings7.;January.10 —Oak Grove 1,30,Bethlehem 7.January.11 routman 7.Each commaonity pays the expenseofthesereturndates,either by thoseinterested Graycrest.1.30, the pictures,or in whatever way.may be deemed best, pairs “Dry,Sox” ‘Snes Few.Shoes at:$2).‘Jess than cost at factory——J.M.ie : *KEE &CO--pd, Bat: Not What They,Wanted.>) 1.subsetibing “the amount,'Mrs*'by charging ar admission feé to see: —— ee—_— Ge To You Our Very Best Wishes For a Happy and ProsperousNEWYEAR.| WE EXTEND Ke is» . ¢ Allies Rumania. -sThe net of the Teutonic allies ap-arently is fast closing in upon Braila, umania’s oil and grain center on theDanube.Having taken Filipechti,30milestothesouthwest,Field,Marshal von Mackensen’s troops have captured the railroad town of Aimnik-Sarat, 1 Teutonic east,while the guns of the Dobrudja-army are still hammering and with|Some success the Russo-Rumanians at the bridgehead of Matchin,on the eastbankoftheDanube.';°Prior to the fall of Rimnik-SarattheTeutonicalliesdefeatedtheRus-‘sians on a front.of 10 1-2 miles southwest of the town,while the Teu- tonic Danube army captured several] fortified villages,according to the:Berlin war.office.Petrograd admits‘that the Russians and Rymanians|have been forced to fall back north of Megura,but says elsewhere the in-vaders were defeated with heavy casu-alties.Since December 22,says Berlin,more than 8,900 prisoners and 27 ma- chine guns have been captured in Ru- return dates to Iredell schools as fol«)Nrania. Homicide in Caldwell. At the plant of the Ritter Lumber‘Company,near Mortimer,Caldwell|county,on the night of the 22d,Bill ;Mooney was shot to death by Bob|Cuthbertson.The men were drinkingandquarreled,according to the re-|-Mooney*s-dead body lay whereewaskilleduntilnextday,Cuth-bertson made no attempt to get away(and is in jail.:|.Mooney came to Mortimer from,Dixon county,Virginia,and for some‘time has been foreman of the ‘lead:ingBgang.He was married and leaves6wife:and several small children.Cuthbertson is a native of Avery coun-ty.and married,He wasywoodsifore-nan:forthe.Ritte mber Finishia) relatively the same distance to.the) Ya} Uncle Sam as World Banker. The government this week took itsfirstformalstep,through the Federalreserveboard,looking to the estab- lishment of financial .connectionsabroad.through which it hopes tostrengthenthepositionoftheUnitedStatesas.world banker and to main-tain the American dollar as the stan-dard of exchange.©Under a section of the Federal xg-serve act,the board’authorized.thé appointment of the Bank of Englandasaforeigncorrespondentofthe announced that the 11 other reservebanksmightparticipateintheagen-Pcy relations.zConnectionswithotherforeign gov- ernmental institutions,such as theBankofFrance,is foreshadowed bythisaction,,The Bank of England isthefirst.foreign correspondent whoseappointmenthasbeenauthorizedsincetheoperationofthenewfinancialsys-tem:in this country. “‘Vaporize’’Croup:ae Cold Troubles Vapor treatments for cold troubles arebetterthaninternalmedicines,as the va-rs a See ate ie ung ‘an passages withoutthestornadh:'‘When Vick’a ‘‘Vap-O-Rub”Salve is ap-plied over the throat and chest,these ya-pn seesoe heat of the bed ateinhaledwitheachbreath.250,to $1.00.le ee J Ridge Roll,Valley Tin,and all sizes Rough andDressedLumber.«- iG?C.WATKINS. ‘4 Federal reserve bank of New York and|; SHINGLES,NAILS,STAINS, WATKINS,Phone 43.1 DICATION OF ifscatestohehaeessanalreportofthe0appearingtotheCourtthatthishearinghavebeg.daly sive theconsideredsaidfinalrt”Viewers:and the cbiedtions,whichafiledinwritingto:report.finds that the cost.of:cons!er than the:fits wlandsaffected,and.thethereportofsaidBoInorderthatsubberendered‘to ali Class B,a total of 31.83 alThatthelands18acresClaas’A,Class C,21.28 acres acres,That the lands of Jim SharpefromsaidSnowCreek’Drainage Dihispayingintocourtfortheetetheaeof$100eee,apnidassoonasfirstassessmentro ;That the lands of M.C.or H,R.Cowles :classified.100.acres Class A,40 acres Clams80acresClassC,160.20 seres Class EB,aof870,20 acres.7 "It ia further ordered that the last_report be stricken out,seme jOWsB :\fe“We recommend that all other hand)¢he dug ‘by the owners of the,laniwhich.their tributaries pass.Shontdfuseorneglecttodi,suitable ditch,that is 4ertyownersintheditoprotectthenewtrictCommissioners:are hereby instruchavetheditchcutardchargedas omtionalassessmentootheland.bethroughwhichtheditchyasses.’””’It is further ordéredtedattheCourtspicuousplaces.inpublishdfortwo‘Landmark,*—MyThisthe18thdayof'LON ag,Dee.22-28we Viewers,A