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The Landmark, April 1916
” ‘<i Wwere in the same order. and —Wiltiam Snider, fe ‘were n VOL.XLIl. STATESVILLE WON TWICE. _Our Debating Teams Victorious in the Triangle and Will Again|Go to Chapel Hill—MooresvilleandCoolSpringAlsoWinners—The Debates Friday Night. The Statesville debaters—-Miss Mar- garet Kirk and Cowles Bristol—repre- “senting the affirmative,won-a unani-mous decision over the Salisbury rep-resentatives—-Walter Lowe Tatum andRalphJohnson—jn ‘Statesville Fridayevening;and at Concord the.same evening Walter Mitchell Adams andStuartLeeCowlesofStatesville,chanmpioning the negative,won byavoteofthreetotwoovertheCon-cord debaters,Ben White and Eu-gene Graeber.At Salisbury the de-cision was a three-to-two vote in fa- vor of the Salisbury team,Eugene White and--Guy Sink,who had the) affirmative side of the question, against Lura Caldwell epnd FrankBrowerofConcord. The victory at both Statesville andConcordisthesecondforStatesvilleandagainsendsourdebaterstoChap- el Hill for the finals,on the 14th of this month,with the Aycock cup as the rize,With one exception the sametatesvillédebaterswonthisyearaslast.Last year Stuart Cowles and Cowles Bristol,representing the af- firmative,won over Clyde Propst andEugeneGraeberofConcord,in States- «ville,and:at Salisbury Miss MargaretKirkandJamesAlexanderwonoyerSalisbury.The question last year.wasthattheUnitedStatesshouldsubsi- dize the merchant marine engaged in foreign trade.Stuart Cowles and Cowles Bristol,for Statesville,wereinthefinalcontestatChapelHilland lost to two girls,Misses Lalla Flem- ing and Ethel Gardner,who represent-ed the Wilson high school. In Statesville Friday evening the debate was heard ‘by a full house in thegradedschoolauditorium.R.R.Clark presided,Mr.Flake Sherrill was secre- tary,Messrs.William Snider of Salis-bury and Frank Grier of Statesvilleweretimekeepers,Messrs.J.G.Shel- _ton,D.L,Raymer,A.8.Carson,J.H. Morrison and Rev.Dr.Hi.M.Parkerjudges.The question,“Resolved,that.the United States should adopt the policy of greatly enlarging its navy,” was réad and-Miss Kirk opened fortheaffirmative.She was followed by‘Walter Lowe Tatum for the negative.Cowles Bristol.then spoke for the af-firmative and Ralph Johnson followedforthe|‘negative.The rejoinders Each speak- er was allowed 20 minutes,not more than 15 to be used in the first speech. All the speakers did well.As the Tribune said of the debate at Concord, “Both teams were a credit to their re- spective cities.’While the audience naturally sympathized with the home team,the applause was as liberal forthevisitorsasforthehomefolks.The Salisbury young men acquitted themselves handsomely and neitherthey,their school nor _their town should feel discouragea,The debaters were so well matched that many oftheauditorswereindoubtaboutthe decision until the votes were announc- ed.The Statesville team made fineargumentsintheirfirsteffortsand —their rejoinders were especially good.>)The rejoinders of the Salisbury team mad to their first efforts,At-the-eonelusion of the debate the votes were collected from the judges, who.did not sit together.but.were scattered over the audience and votedwithoutconsultation.When the thirdvotewasannouncedfortheaffirma- tive,which proclaimed the home team the winners,the cheering began and the defeated team was the first to of- fer congratulations to the winners. In turn they were congratulated by manv of the audience who desired to bear evidence to their good work and their gentlemanly bearing.The whole affair was.carried.out in excellent spirit and was enjoyed.‘Accompanying the Salisbury debat- _ers were Prof.J.A\Leitch,principal of the Salisbury High School;MissesMaryWoodMcKenzieandAnnie Rabe,teachers in the |Salisbury school,Messrs.Louis Witherspoon students of ~Y Salisbury school.Prof.M.E.Yount,principal of the Statesville school,and some ‘ofthe pupils of the school,accompanied theStatesvilledebaterstoConcord.Ofthediscussion-there the Tribune says:“Mr.Ben White opened the debateandwithplentyoflife,spoke ener- getically and brought ont many force- ful points.Mr.Adams,first speaker on the negative,foltowed aad with achallengecreatedextraenthusiasm. Mr,Eugene Graeber acquitted him-self admirably in his,debate,whichwouldbeacredittoanycollegeplat-form.Mr.Cowles gave a number of oe strong points in a distinct,clear-cut and concrete style.The entire team came back on their rejoinders with the proper spirit,and kept the audience, Which almost filled the auditorium,interested until the tinish.” In the triangutar debates Friday night between Wnnbny,Scott’s and Troutman,the affirmative won at eachplace.Horace Earley and Oscar Lit-~tle,Troutman debaters and represent- ing the negative,debated against Clay Daniels and Burgess White,affirma- _tive,at Harmony,and lost.Culver'Smith and Forest Heath of HarmonylostatScott’s-to Katherine Morrison;and Ralph Harris:Dwight Feimsterand.Staley Mason.ot Scott’s lost toEstelleBrownandRuthEadsat+Troutman.,»In.the triangle composed.of Coolee-mee,Gleveland -and ‘Cool Spring,thelatterwonatCoolSpringoverCleve-land-and-at-Cooleemee over Cooleemee. Cool Spring representatives were Ma- ~3 COMING TO TOWN FRIDAY. The Children and the GrownFolks,Too,Will Be Here For the County Commencement. The programme for the countycommencement,Friday is not entirelycomplete;but it is expected that theexerciseswillbeheldatBristolpark. There will be no regular address.Certificates and prizes will be award-ed.The following committees havebeenappointed:'Parade—L.B,Bristol,Prof,J.M.Moore and Mrs.Chas,Anderson.Cooking—Mrs.D.S.Thomas,..Mrs. J.F,Anderson and Mrs.'Sig.Wal-ace. Sewing—-Mrs Dorman ‘Thompson,‘Mrs.F..F..Steele and ‘Mrs,H. Grier.: Exhibits—Mrs.R.E Clapp,Mrs T. ™,Anderson and Miss Laura Lazenby. Judges for Declamations—Rev.J.H,Pressly,Prof.M.E.Yount and Mr. D.F.Mayberry : Judges for Recitations—Rev.J.F. Kirk,Miss Elnore Reid and Mr.John A.Scott,Jr. Only a partial list of the winners in the contests of the schools in thecountyhavebeenreportedtothe county superintendent.The winners will be entitled to take part in the contests to be held here commenc-ment day—next Friday.'The list ob- tainable follows:Cool Spring township —Broad high-jump,.Wade Moore and Robert Moore;running broad-jump,Robert Abernethy and Holland Price;60- yard dash,Holland Price;100-yard dash,Robert Abernathy;recitation,Olivia Goode;declamation,Wade Moore, ShitshcRupning broad-jump,100- vard dash and running high-jump, Sam Brown;60-yard dash,running broad-jump,Rochen Brown;running high-jump,Jas..Stewart;recitation, Mary -Lackey;declamation,Clarence Wagner. Davidson—Recitation,Mary Gibbs; declamation,Jas.Gudger;100-yard dash,Japtha Jones;60-yard dash, Russell Sherrill;broad-jump,Luke Mayhew;;high-jump,Harry CaldwellandVanceThompson. Statesville —Recitation, Mills;declamation,,Raymond Reid; broad-jump,Dewey Sherrill and Al- fred Troutman;high-jump,Raymond Reid and Alfred Troutman;100-yard dash,Roy Barkley.2 ,Bethany—Recitation,Ethel Holland and James Dunlap. Olin —Recitation,Elsie Coffey; declamation,Raymond Weisner;high- jump,Lon Shaver and David Coffey;broad-jump,Lon Shaver and Coite Sloan;100-yard dash,Pau!Current; 60-yard dash,Coite Sloan. Barringer —Running high-jump, Marvin Blackwelder and Rock Cook; running broad-jump,Vaughan Ar- thurs and Russell Sherrill;100-yard dash,Jason Westmoreland and Fan- nie Beaver;recitation,McEwen Tem-pleton;declamation,Fannie Beaver. Chambersburg —Declamation,Al- len Morow;recitation,Mamie Reavis; 100-yard dash,Robert Reavis;high- jump,A.V.Lowery and Pleasant Lit- tle;60-yard dash,Jas.Ellis;broad- jump,A.V.Lowery and Jas.Ellis. Concord—Recitation,Rachel Sides; declamation,Delbert Vickery. Carrie Commissioners Appoint List- Takers.| The county commissioners and thecountyboardofeducationwerein regular monthly esssion~yesterday, transacting routine business.The commissioners appointed the follow- ing list-takers for the various town- ships:a Barringer township—L.G.Sloop; Bethany—N.F.Blackwelder; Chambersburg—-Walter Chester;Coddle Creek—J.Frank Brawley;Concord—A.L.Sides; Cool Spring“D:P Sartin; Davidson—A.G.Neil; Eagle Mills—R.W.Windsor;Fallstown—T.J.Smith;Olin—J.W:Lawrence;_ New Hope—R.L.Shoemaker; Sharpesburg—D.N.McLelland; Shiloh—A.W.Stevenson; Statesville (inside)—S.L.Parks; __Statesville (outside)-—-W.M.Ram-sey;Turnersburg—R.J.Stroud; Union Grove—J.C.Sharpe.The commissioners adjoufned |to meet April 19,when the committee inspecting the State Central Highway passes through. bel Guffey and Fred L.Bradley.af- firmative,and Beula Elam and Hugh R.Foster,negaitve.They debated against Cecil Brown and Mabel Wil- liams from Cleveland and Hugh Lef- ler and Mr.Tatum at Coolecmee, Cool Spring having won -both will be in the contest at Chapel Hill,,as was the case last year. In the Mooresville,Taylorsville and Stony Point triangle,the MooresvilleteamswonatMooresvilleandStonyPoint,and will go to Chapel Hill\for the finals.At Stony Point the Mooresville team—two girls,Misses Annie Lardner Moore.and ©CelesteCarpenter—championed the negative.Ait Mooresville Loms Rogers ,and Thomas McKnight,championing the affirmative,.won over John Crouch afid Clyde Warren of Taylorsville, This is the first year the Moores-ville school has been represented in the debate and its victory sends toChapelHill,for the finals,on the 14th,representatives of three Iredell schools Mooresville,Cool Spring and States- ville.: Morganton won overv Hickory “andLenoirinthat'triangle.The winning team at ‘Morganton was two!:-youngladies~-Misses Laura.Claywell.andMiriamGoodwin, P,|dress of:welcome by Att Jim <<STATESVILLE,N.C.,"TUESDAY,APRIL 4, COUNTY COMMENCEMENT. The Awards:at.the Alexander Commencement—Gov;Craig’s Address —Price Pardoned— Taylorsville Lost Debate. Correspondence of .The Landmark. Taylorsville,April 3 —It was esti-mated that 8,000 people’were hereFridayto'attend Alexander county. ov;Craig's;‘ommencement and hear fine educational address.The exer-‘ses ‘were opened by a short,appro- priate talk by our efficient county su- verintendent,A.F.Sharpe,whosetireless.efforts made this day a greatsuccess.Prof.J,A.White led in vrayer,which was followed.by an ad- ey A.© Payne,chairman of the high schoo committee.The court house was acked by an attentive audience to hear the interesting programme, The following named were the win- ners in the various contests:Declama-tion,seventh grade,A.Elliott;recita- tion,seventh grade,Mabel Montgom- ery;vocal solo,Blanche Chapman; quartette,Ellendale school No.3; spelling,seventh grade,G.A.Robi- nette;spelling,fourth grade,C.Childers;reading,8 years of age,lit-tle Miss Daniels;composition,Nell Russell;English grammar,Miss Mul- lis;high jump,D.Baker;hop—boy,A. Crouch;girl,M.Campbell;hand- walk,Will Teague;best appearance in march,-Beckham school;best map of Alexander county,Miss-Mazo.Deal; high school declamation,.Stamey Payne;high school recitation,Miss Thelma Albright. Attorney L.F.Kluttz presented some ‘of the prizes.Diplomas werepresentedtoallwhohadfinished.the seventh grade by County Superintend-ent A.F.Sharpe.At the appointed hour—2.30—the school children,the school committeemen,-:the county hoard of education.and Attorney J. H.Burke formed a line,marched to the Campbell House and_escorted Gov.Craig to the court square,where he spoke to a large crowd,who show~ed their appreciation by standing throughout the address,Mr.Burke introduced him in an appropriatemanner.While here Goy.Craig pardoned Marshall Price,who was sentenced to four months in jail at the fall term of court for cutting Bud Hallyburton at.Stony Point.Price took an appeal to the Supreme Court and was releas- fd on bond,but he appeared at the February term.of court,withdrew the appeal and begam to serve his-sen-tence,.The pardort’is conditioned on good behaviour.In the triangular de- bate between Taylorsville}Stony Point and Mooresville,Friday night,Taylorsville was defeated in the af- firmative here and the negative at Mooresville.The speakers here were Grover Teague and John Deal; negative,Charles Holland and Otho Sharpe,of Stony Point.The judges were Attorney A.C.Payne and Messrs.O.F.Pool of this place and James Keever of Stony Point.Messrs. John Crouch and Ralph Warren were the speakers from this school at Mooresville.Mr.and Mrs.James Watts.and family of Enid,Okla.;are visiting Mr.Watts’parents,Mr.and Mrs.Thom- as Watts,and other relatives in town and county.Mr.and Mrs.W.L. Matheson spent Sunday with Mr,Matheson’s mother,Mrs.W.B.Math-eson.Mr:Rowe Campbell accompa- nied his brother,Mr.M.C.Campbell, to the University,Chapel.Hill,yester- day;for a visit.S Mooresville Debaters Won— Memorial Day Orator. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,April 3 —In the high school triangle debate Friday evening the Mooresville debaters won at both Mooresville and-Stony Point.The af- firmative was represented by Tom McKnight and.Louis Rogers and the negative by Misses Annie Lardner Moore and Geleste Carpenter.Inas-much as this is the first year that the schools here have entered the Debat- ing Union,they are very much grat- ified over results.The Mooresville debaters will go to Chapel Hill for the finals and hope to make a good showing there.The judges at Moores- ville were Dr.S.Frontis,Prof.A. Currie,Davidson College,Rev.J.J. Edwards,Taylorsville.The decision here’-was-unanimous Mr.J.C.Bundy of Concord will be the speaker for the 10th of May- Memorial Day.The local chapter U. D.C.is to be congratulated on secur- ing such an able speaker for the oc- casion, Life Term Convict Escapes. Sheriff—-Deaton—was—advised FridayoftheescapefromtheWhitneyplant,Stanly caunty,of Harry Smith,alias Stafford,colored,a State con- vict serving a life-term.The negro was captured in Charlotte Sunday morning.~ Smith was convicted in Iredell Su- perior Court,August term,1914,of the murder.of Forrest Nettles and was sentenced to be executed Octo- ber 2,1914,but the Governor com-muted his sentence to life imprison- ment,The murder was committed atthecampoftheHardawayContract- ing Co.,on the Catawba river,in Ju-ly,1914.A general row among the negroes started in a dance hall-and Nettles was kitNed and.several injur-ed,Smith was seriously injured but recovered,His home was in Cabarrus county,2 3 ~-The Local Workers of BroadStreet:Methodist church realized $21.-40 from thé:saleof candy,and apronsfatithestoreof’the Williams Furni-ture House Thursday~afternoon, f \ NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS Incidents Gathered From’‘All -»--Parts-of the Country. Five children,from 13 months —totenyears.old,were burned to deathwhenthehomeofPatrickMarionwas destroyed by fire at Scranton,Pa, John..Fortner,,8-year-old son.of J.D.Fortner,proprietor of the CentralHotelat.Greenville,9.(C.,.stuck asplinterinhisfoot«few days agoanddiedSaturday.of lockjaw..‘Several persons were injured,12homesandaschoolbuildingdemol-ished and many cattle killed when acyclonesweptoverYellowPine,Ala.,‘early Sunday.The damage is esti- mated at $50,000.Fight men were killed Thursday byanexplosionofgasintheRobindalemineoftheConemaughSmokeless Coal Company at Seward,eight miles west of Johnstown,Pa,.The dead in- eluded John Waddell,superintendent of the mine, A-dispatch from Tokio,Japan, says the steamer Wakatsu Maru,hasbeenwreckedonsa‘sunken rock. Eighty-nine:of her passengers and 16 members of the crew are believed to have beén drowned.~Wakatsu Maru was a vessel of 252 tons. Marines from the United ‘StatesgunboatWilmington<went ashore Sunday at Swatow,China,where theChinesetroopshavedeclaredtheir independence of the central govern- ment.The detachment reconnoitered and found the city quiet. ;Refined sugar valued at about .$75,- 000,000 has been exported from theUnitedStatesinthe20monthssince the beginning of the war,against ap- proximately $2,000,000 worth in the 20 months prior to its beginning,ac- cording to figures compiled in New York. Since recruiting was begun to se- cure the 20,000:men needed to bringthearmyup-to maximum strength. 2,250 had been accented,up to Apriltst,from 8,969 applying.San Francis- co,Chicago and New York led in the number of recruits apptying with 451, 383,and 356,respectively. Mrs.Williamson,wife of Sheriff F. J.Williamson of Appling county,Ga., was cleaning clothes with gasoline when one of the children struck a match.One child,a 7-year-old girl, was burned to death,a 5-year-old_boywasprobablyfatally.burned and Mrs.¥iu1amson was sériously injured. Speaker ‘Clark has replied to crit- icisms that Congress is dawdling in its work.In a characteristic state- ment he denounced such criticism as a “bald and malicious lie,”outlined what has been accomplished,and asserted that the present House had worked more steadily and_industri- ously than any within his service of 22 years.With the selection—of—April-24 asthedateuponwhichJudgeJesseEd- ington and Attorney General Z.N. Estes,both of Memphis,are to ap- pear before the State Senate to an-swer charges of malfeasance and mis- feasance in office,the passage of the appropriation to take care of the ex- tra session expenses,both houses,the Tennessee Legislature has adjourned. Senator Culberson of Texas,chair- man of the judiciary committee,has introdueed an amendment to the anti- pass act to permit publishers,editorsorproprietorsofnewspapersormaga- zines to make an exchange of railroad mileage for_advertising space.Sena-tor Culberson is the author of the orig-inal anti-pass act,and proposes to press his amendment for passage as soon as possible James B.Angell,president emeri- tus of the University of Michigan, died-at his home in Ann Arbor,Mich,, Saturday,aged 88.As one of the foremost educators of his time Dr. James.Burril-Angell had the_inciden- tal destinction of being the oldest col- lege president in point of service in the United States.Hie conferred de- grees on nearly 2,500 graduates,2,000 of whom were women. The Doctors at Salisbury. At the meeting of the Ninth Dis- trict Medical Society in Salisbury Thursday afternoon,Dr.J.B.Coun- cil of Salisbury_was elected president. to succeed Dr.T.E.Anderson of Statesville.Dr.Byerly of Cooleemee was ‘re-elected secretary.The next meeting:will be held in Hickory. The local physicians and_visitors were entertained at dinner at the Em- pire hotel at 6 o’clock and at 8 o'clock a public meeting was held in the Community Building,at which there was an address by Mayor Woodson and-papers on “The Care and Devel- opment.of Children,”by Dr.I.W. Faison of Charlotte;and on “Preven- tive Medicine,”by Dr.W.S.Rankin, seeretary of the State Board»ofHealth. Drs.M.R.Adams,J.E.McLaugh- lin,Ri A»Campbell and T E.Ander- son attended the mecting from States- ville.\ay To Arrange For Memorial Day. The:Daughters of the Confederacy met yesterday afternoon with Mis.L. Ash.Mrs.J.H.Hill,Mrs.R.L.Pos- ton,Mrs.H.P.Grier and Mrs Sig.Wallace were selected as delegatestoatendthedistrictmeetinginSalis-bury on‘the 27th.The following named were appoint- ed to make all arrangements for Me-morial Day:Mesdames R.P.Mitchell,B.B.Webb,H.P.Grier,D.S.Thom- as,J.E;Deitz,C.H.Turner,R,L.Poston,J.F.Carlton,W.M.Barring-”,©,V.Henkel,D.F.Jenkins,J.A. Cooper,F..A.Carpenter and:MissesMargaretBradyandMamieGray.—Assistant District Attorney:Clyde Hoey some time ago accepted the in«vitation to deliver the Memorial Dayaddresgy.2.00 o..‘ 1916. VILLA STILL IN THE TIMBER Wily Bandit Eludes Captors When Hard Pressed. Unless Franciseo Villa is located in the next.day or two,says a dis- patch from El Paso,it is believed that:.General Pershing will.begin.asearchofthemountainswest‘and south of Guerrero. ported on another page of The Land-mark).in and near Guerrero,lightly equipped.detachments of»cavalryhavebeensweepinginwhirlwindfashionthroughthe-district abouttheheadwatersoftheSantaMariariver,trying to locate the elusivebandit,reported to have gone in.that direction after,being .desperately wounded. General Pershing did not get a.re-nort through to General Funston Sun-day but his chief of staff did,indicat-“pg that the line of communication was maintained.No mention of news of Villa was made,There is increas- ing belief that General.Pershing mayhavebeendeceivedastothedirec- tion taken by Villa and even concern- ing his injuries.Information has beenreceivedindicatinghewasnotinjur-ed at all and that.instead of-goingnortheastofGuerrerohemovedinto the hills to the south and east.: Washington...announced —that —nonéwshadbeenreceivedfromthefieldexpeditionsincethereportofWednes-dav’s.battle..jThefirsttrainfromtheCasasGrandesregioninaweekpulledinto Juarez,Mexico,Sunday from Pearson,80 miles south of the military base-established by General Pershing:at Colonia Dublan. Several Mormon colonists.on—the train threw no light on the veil of mystery which has enveloped the op- erations of the American troops sincethedecisive:defeat inflicted on the Villa forces last Wednesday.They re- ported everything quiet at PearsonandCasasGrandes,and that the Mex-icans apparently had become recon- ciled to American troops on Mexicansoil.Mexican merchants sold goods freély to American soldiers,the col- onists said,and were more interestedintheAmericancurrencysystemthan in the pursuit of Viltz.;There is no indication that —the American military authorities haveanyanxietyoverthesupply:problem for the troops at the front.No at- tempt has been made to ship food or forage by the Mexican Northwesternrailroad.A-—train form Juarez forCasasGrandesisnotexpectedtomoveforatleasttwodays. Later reports say Villa continuestoeludethecavalryandhiswhere- abouts are a mystery.5 BurglarsLockedYouth inVault. Greensboro News. The North Carolina Public Service Company was robbed of $556 early Sunday morning-in-a peculiarly boldmanner.Gilbert Newell,a 17-year-old clerk,was assaulted while plac-ing the money in the company’s vaultat3o’clock and the grating.of the vault was forced back upon him.Therobberseizedthemoneyboxestheclerkhadwithhimandclosedthedoorofthevaultonhim.There in a close little room with its steel wallsandhermeticallysealeddoor,theyoungmanspentfivehoursand’when‘discovered and released at 8 o’clockSundaymorninghewasnearlysuffo-cated and had fallen to the floor in a stupor.°:. College Girls on a Lark. Nearly all the boarding pupils at the college and a number of.the day pupils celebrated All Fools’Day,Sat- urday,going on a lark to Bostian’sbridge,two.,jniles-_west—_of town.School keeps at the college on Satur- day,Monday being the day off,butthegirlsdecidedthatitwasupto them to do something for April Ist,4Jso they departed without leave.Forlunchtheychippedinandboughtsup- plies “at a store en route,and svent the day picnic’fashion.In the after-noon a part or all of them got a ride back to town by hailing passing auto- mobiles_and teams.__eres They had a good time of course atid The Landmark is hoping they got off ght. Auto Party in Wreck._ Messrs.Ed.~Alexander,.Harry Gregory,Wade Deitz and Elree Web- ster composed a party that went to Charlotte Saturday night in Mr. Alexander’s automobile and who wound up in a wreck.The party was returning to States- ville early Sunday morning.When they came tothe turn of the road be- low Barium,Mr-—Alexander steered his car towards the river.When theyhadgonetowithintwomilesofEastMonbo-the-car ran-into-an_embank- ment and was badly wrecked.All theoccupantswerethrownfrom.the ma- chine except Mr.Alexander,but none were hurt. Mr.Anderson West,a farmer oftheFarmingtonsectionofDaviecoun- ty,ate a hearty.supper Friday:eve- ning.went.to bed apparently in his usual health and died during thenight.He was 67 years old and_issurvivedbyeightchildren. In Petersburg,Va.,Sunday night, a mob surrounded the jail in whichJohnWilliams,a_negro charged withcriminalassault,was.confined.The‘mob.was finally dispersed,The Progressive Republican.Statecommittee,Z,V.Walser.chairman,will meet.in -Greensboro-tomorrow, Ex-Supreme Court Judge J.S. Since the defeat.of Villa’s.force March 29 (this is re-| NO 75.| BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, —Mrs.M.M.Morrison,who was.operated on at:Billingsley.hospital”the past week,is improving.cok -+Mr.C.B.Morrison has rented:Tunstall drug store corner and ¥open a market there next Saturday.| —Mr.Elam Robbins Saturday slips ,ped and fell down the steps at the city.hall.and’his.leg \was.painfully...- ruised,ee «Mille Pearson,colored,aged 76vears,died the past week at her homesouthoftownandwasburiedinthe.colored cemetery’in town.i—The weather was rather disagreesableyesterdaybutyoumaytakeyourchoiceofthatorthatofthdsamédatelastyear—a snowstorm... ‘~The locgl Royal Arcanum paid:to Mrs.J.U.Lamprecht yesterday$2,610.17,due her on insurance !ried in the order by her late husband, The receipts of the StatesvillepostofficeforthequarterendingwithMarch31stwere$6,517.87 as compared;with $5,542.71 ‘the same ‘quarter last’year.The gain is $974.66, —Mr.H.C.Foster ‘of Mocksville’R-5,was.brought,to the SanatoriumSundaywithhisleftthighbonefrac-tured,He was run over in MocksvilleSaturdaybyawagon,with the above.result,‘pe cae—Mr,Ben Terry Clarke of “Anson,county.and Mrs.Alice _Warren of.Statesville were married _Saturdaynightatthehomeof’the officiating:minister,Rev.D.H.Rhin art,RE teenorthStatesville,.e ae a—Those interested.in the SnowCreekDrainageDistrictmethereyesterdaytodiscussdrainagemat-ters.Another meeting will be:heldthe24thandplansfurtherdevelopedforbeginningthework,==.—Mr,Zeb.H.Yount of Newton andMissDorisAmandaHenkel,daughterofMr.and Mrs.D.S.Henkel of Cald-’well courity,were’married ereThebrideisanieceofMessrs.L,P,.and .C,V.Henkel of Statesville.”*/ —In addition to the $9.25 received’by The Landmark for the Bel nefund,the Statesville graded school’children and teachers contributed $10,<:44—-making a total of $19.69 sent fromBatesvilletothecommitteeinAshe-ville.Noe—Mr...C,W.Boshamer hasboughtfromMr.Harold Yount the vacant lob.corner Mulberry and Front.streets,..consideration $2,000,Mr.Boshamercontemplatesbuildingabungaloworanapartmenthouseonthelotatalaterdate.:‘;—In an effort to relieve the carshortage,the Southern Railway.Co.’has increased its demurrage rate from$1 to $2 a day.This will be in ef-fect from April 1 to June 15 in thenatureofatry-out.This applies onlytocarload.freight. —jOn authority from the Fourth As.sistant Postmaster General The Land<mark announced that rural carrier No..2 from Troutman would wait on thesouthboundtrainandleaveTroutmandailyat11.30 o’clock.This:is an error.It is carrier No.1.who will wait, —One day the past week.fire de-stroyed_the home and’contents.and -300.bushels of corn ‘belonging:to Mr.A.P.Troutman at Keyser,Moore,county.Mr.Troutman is an Iredellman-and-_had-not-owned-his-home tong,~~ Details of the accident’are not known, —Mr.R,E.Tatum,who had beenfor-some-months—in Lenoir with”a ébranchstoreoftheHickoryGroeeryCo.,-spent Saturday in Statesville and‘.left that night.for Mooresville.Mry—.--=Tatum has given up his.position inLenoirandhasnot:decided what hewilldo.x—There was'a hitch in.grantingtherequisitionpapersforJohnKale,the Catawba county’negro under ar-rest in New Jersey.for stealing cotetonatLongIsland.Additional evi-+dence was secured and the case was-resented to the Governor at TaylorsvilleFriday.“7—While the Southern maintains @ volicy of strict secrecy as to exactfigtires,it may be safely said that forthepastsixmonthsfreight.receipts at Statesville have been the largestinthetown’s history.“Its rank withothertownsintheStatein:thisspectisdecidedlycreditable.~~—A bunch of suckers—fish,not theothervariety—fresh from the waterandapoke.of water ground corn mealwasthedelightfultreatthatcame-toTheLandmarkafew.days ago fromMr.W.R.Moore,the miller at Turenersburg.It was a'treat indeed.andandMr.Moore has our thanks. —-Gov,Craig arrived in StatesvillFridaymorningonNo,11 and ShereiffDeatontookhimtoTaylorsville‘iaan’automobile,The Governor spoke :at the Alexander county aament_and SheriffDeaton brought himbacktoStatesvilleFridayafternoon,He returned to Raleigh that evening, _._~In_thewrestling-—-match-at—-théoperahouseFriday.night,the CubanWonderwontwostraight.falls.fromConAlbright.The first fall was.won |in 28 minutes and 30 seconds with thehead-scissor and toe hold and the secsondin12minuteswithwaist-lock andtoehold..It was the fastest and mostexcitingmatchofthe:series:;Young .Gotch and the Cuban Wonder:wrestleherenextFridaynight. —Recently.a hen disappeared fromthepremisesofMr.D.F,JoatiesycornerCenterandWater‘streets.was stpposed the fowl had wanderedaway.Thirty-four days later that.—id ittxbox f hen,barely alive,was foundiinthewoodhouse,«She ‘had: the box to ‘lay,beseaine”: and stayéd therefor 84d|food or water.“Helprisonwhend|appeased and she Manning announces his candidacy for Attorney.General,PRTC ORYO cere ase nt ay eam wagthrivi saeco i 9 nS)Se oe “April4,1916. OWNERSHIP, "-gemi-weekly at. Statesville,N.C.R Clark,Statesville, A.Bryant,States-’ Ciark,,Seatedrille,N.Gville,N.C.—mortgagees..and .other1percent.ormoremortgagesoroth-of.bonds,er,securities:ReHoe&Co.,on {VILLA BANDITS ROUTED. Col.Dodd and American Troop- Kill Thirty —Villa,Badly Wounded,Escaped. El.Paso,Texas,Dispatch. Four ‘hundred American cavalry- men under the command of Col,Geo. A.Dodd,galloping down from the anite slopes of the great continental ivide,have fallen on the main body of Francisco Villa’s bandits at the San Geronimo ranch,scattering them in many directions-and driving the ban- ers Make Surprise Attack and. had separated his 6¢bands,each fleeing inScere di- rection,and that.the bar welfy owe as be-ing jolted over mountain )in alightcarriageinanattempttoreach Trees Budding.~. April Popular Mechanics’Magazine. lorchardists are trying out a rather a hiding place.SS aa linteresting plan of retarding the bud- It-was asserted in the @ispatches!ding of their fruit trees until all dan- that despite the ardpous “mopntain|ger of damage by late frosts has march of the Americans,the advance!passed.‘The experiment consists of guard crept up through arro be-|burying about 50 Ibs,of ice.around vond the Villa:outposts before they|the base of a tree when the weather were discovered and that the Ameri-|becomes mild early in the .season. éan Springfield rifles.mowed down!This supply is replenished at inter-| ithe Mexicans as they sprang from)yals of two weeks until it is safe to their-pallets...Villa_himself:was.in-a;allow the trees to burgeon,Ice is Near Luling,Texas,a numberof} ang’ “ies better job,where he'll get a big- i\Jiholds a pastorate at Greensbore,has $S"salary and is well liked by his own ts Jlerything puts it in the record that Dr. J |i Wien os | | | * +~--~-State a great service and have set a ww:,.meeting could properly do what.a few(we ay do privately—suggest the names ~press,.BP.A.BRYANT,Business ee dit chief,wounded and crippled,to seek a hiding place in the mountains, Villa was hurried from danger in a carriage.The battle opened at 6 o’clock in the morning of March 29 and_continued.for several:hours, The news of the exploit was flashed into Juarez,Mexico,Friday and sent a thrill along the border.For 17 hours the veteran colonel,with his picked troopers of the Seventh and Tenth Cavalry,drove down the valley. of the Santa Maria river.At the end of the 55-mile ride they fell upon the unsuspecting Villa camp,where 500 bandits were celebrating the massacre of 172 Carranza soldiers two days previously at Guerrero. Villa,shot through the leg and with one hip shattered,was hurried from the scene barely in time to es- cape the onslaught of the Americans, The bandits made a brief but hopeless stand before a charge of Colonel Dodd and his troopers.: Then they broke and fled,leaving 81 dead on the field,including their commander,General Eliseo Hernandez Two machine guns,a number of horses,rifles,ammunition and equip- rT.‘of March,1916.as "3.H.HOFFMANN,April 4,1916. remanence Notary Public. TALK ON VARIOUS TOPICS. It’s the usual talk,when a preach- accepts a call—leaves one charge d goes to another—that he’s:going er ‘her salary—a promotion.They think, -many of them,that the preacher -«Jooks--on-his -work-like-other-workers, who change base.when.they thinktheycanbettertheircondition.May-be some of them do—because some ofthepreachersarenobetterthanor-dinary folks—but by no means all of them do that.Rev.Dr.Clark,who _a strong congregation,gets a good _flock and the community,has accept-ed.a call to Charleston,S.C.:and Ev- Clark is going to a church that is rundown,to try to build it up—and is go- fng for $1,200 a year less than his present salary.He is going becauseheisconvincedthattheLordhascall-+ed him there to do work that needs to be done.If he consulted his own comfort and convenience and pleasure, he would doubtless stay where he is. That’s the true conception of the‘Lord’s work;and Dr.Clark isn’t theonlyministerwhohasthatconception.The Landmark knows of others.This paper doesn’t believe that it is a min-ister’s duty to make unreasonable’gacrifices—to go half-clothed and~half-fed,his family unprovided for,when he could do as good work formeetadineaefield,bliai e could get a decent iving.But i ne bands of half a dozen men each.has a genuine call to the work hewill |Villa’s pete has ended:-his power of course make sacrifices;he won'tihas been broken.His death or cap--consider the salary and the promi- nence of the post,but where he can|do the best work-——the most effective |work—for the Lord. icans.Among the known wounded is Pablo Lopez,Villa’s lieutenant in the Columbus raid.The American casualties were four privates wounded. The American soldiers did not lin- ger on the field of victory.For five hours they drove the enemy before them into the wilderness of mountain peak,desert.and canyon,where roads a mis-step means death to horse andrider.They halted only after the |chase had_led them 10 miles and the ifugitives were scattered into little harps only hours. able conclusion reached.here as little °|by ia the coral of “Dodd’s ride” .jreach the border.It seems impossi-| ;The a ara ee aad Ela that the crippled bandit can long, a hi oe varolina Vemo-|remain hidden,even in the mountain-erat has written Chairman Warren,|4.;wastes in which he has soughtoftheneePemocreuecommerefugeexpressingfearthat“good men”will|.7 A ae Rte not enter the race for the Legislature |;,phates oy chica Dore these under the No atplan.pee argues,|the Santa Maria river.To the east and pag y,t :usually the pestis a trail,made famous by Villa,which aLe |not see 4 nee OT leads through the Laguna de Castilla| the gislature and that under the |district to Santa Ysabel.It was atconventionplanmenofthistypeweretheJatterplacethatVillakilled18usuallydrafted.Under the primary)Ayperican mining men,a crime which plan they must register their names!cont a thrill of horror throughout theascandidatesandeaafee,which’United States and marked the begin-Wed fears they,won’t do.i remedy|ning of what many believe to be the this situation ,he urges that mass |end of his blood-stained career.It meetings be held and candidates S€-|was toward Santa Ysabel that he waslectedtorun.in the primary.|believed to be heading when theItisalamentablefactthatmentroopersoftheUnitedStatessweptbestfittedforlegislativeservicerare-|gown from the north upon his camlyofferascandidates,but The Land-|From the meager atau .aie _mark is unable to see any reason for have been reported here from Mexi-| alarmunder ‘the primary plan.Anyjcan arid American military sources,,Man,or any group of men,can regis-Colonel Dodd’s men made their wayterasacandidatethenameofany|ynnoticed through the arroyos,‘or‘with they.want to vote for,with or|dqeep gulches,which split the foot- wat out Ly consent.There is nO jhills in all directions and were almostimitto.the number of names that!in the camp before the alarm was}can be filed,all of which will be plac-|given ed on raid primary ballot and thus;”Villa is reported to have been in agivethevoterschoice.The mass|small tent nursing his injuries when meeting idea may not be objectiona-jthe crash of the American volley fireaeexceptthatitsavorsoftheold|awoke the bandit to panic-stricken.gonvention plan;and objection mayjaction.The extraordlary hold the!_be-offered that it defeats the object:;F bandit chief has on his followers ‘isoftheprimary.True,folks in mass|shown by the fact that their first| thought was to save him.Unable to- walk-or ride,he was placed in-a light; wagon and driven over the rough, mountain trails to some secret lair.; While 81 of the bandits are known} |to have been killed‘it is said the num-| ber may have been considerably larg-| er.|The last outrage credited to Villa! occurred at Minaca,a town about 10} miles southeast of Guerrero on the, Mexican and Orient railroad.Here! the Mexicans are reported to have’ murdered Herman -Blankenburg,a. mine foreman,and two other foreign-| ers.It is feared that the two un- known victims are Americans.Four Americans—Acklin,;Hemple,Locke and Doctor Stell—are known to have of eandidates—but under the prima- i.ry plan anybody is at liberty to file {a name and if a mass meeting is held attempts would be made to excludeallexcept,those named by the mass‘meeting.Better let it go as it.is,except that citizens should see to itthatthenamesofgoodandworthy men are before the primaries. 2)RE History of:Watauga County— Interesting and Valuable Book. “A History of Watauga County, North Carolina,with Sketches ofProminentFamilies,”by John Pres- ton Aurthur,was recently publishedattheinstanceof22citizensofWa- ,tauga county,who guaranteed the;cost of publication.These 22 citizenshaverenderedtheircountyandthe It is thought improbable that Villahimselfcouldhavemadehis from.Miraca to the San ¢ ranch,30 miles to the northest,inthetimeelapsingbetweenthemurder of the foreigners and the fight on the ranch with Colonel Dodd’s riders. “worthy example for citizens.of othercounties.._The-Watauga-history is not only of avalue to_Watauga citizens and na-|tives of the county,to whom it is nat- g urally of special interest,but it is an -interestingly written story that isworththestudyofanyreader.Be- ginning with the first settlers,the story of the county and its citizens, their traits of character,manner of life-and customs;their churches and schools,their industries,and many other thing relating to the county anditspeople,is entertainingly told.In the sketches of prominent families is cre Villa descended on Guerrero, where he slaughtered ell the Carran-za troops he could find.After the battle on the San Geroni-mo-ranch the American soldiers—re- leased a large riumber of General Carranza’s men whom the bandit chief was holding.It is probable that it was at the Guerrero massacre that Villa was wounded. Colonel Dodd attacked the Villa ment fell into the hands of the Amer-| or even trails are unknown and where: {ture is only a question of days,per-_ Such is the inevit-! been in or near Minaca recently.i way |Geronimo | Some time before the Minaca massa-— one ‘of the Bingham family and a handsome portrait.of the late MajorHarveyBingham_of Statesville,who .was a native of Watauga;and a por-trait of the late-E.Spencer Black- burn appears with a sketch of theBlackburnfamilyofWatauga.There\is also an excellent portrait of the late Congressman Linney.The fron-tispiece is.“The Grandfather Pro-file,”"a fine view of Grandfather-sMountain. The Landmark is indebted to Mr.‘W.%.Bryan of Boone for a copy ofthisinterestingbookof350pages. ‘‘Kerr’s condition is slowly improving. The price and where it is on sale is‘not stated,but Mr.Bryan will answerinquiriesofthoseinterested.a Col.John P.Kerr,private secretarytoGov.Craig,who has been seriouslyillinRaleighforweeks,has been tak-en to his home in Asheville.Col. not causeRememberthefullname andOfR.W.GROVE.25c. camp with 400 members of the Sev- enth and Tenth Cavalry at dawn,com- pletely surprising the Mexicans andforcingthemintothedefensive.Be- fore the battle,the American forcesmarchedthroughoutthelatedayand all night,making a march of 55 milesthroughthechillofthemountain night in 17 hours, The Villa flight after .the enge.ge- ment was an_utter rout,artis and |equipment being thrown away.Two }machine guns and a quantity of am-' munition and supplies were captured. The dead and wounded Villa soldiers were lying about the field over which the Americans fought and Colonel Dodd’s reports said that perhaps the estimate of 30 killed:was low.Later reports indicate that Villa Told That.There Was No Cure For Him.+ “After suffering for over twenty years withindigestionandhavingsomeofthebestdoc-tors here tell me there was no cure for me,Ithink‘it only right to tell you for the sake ofothersufferersaswellasyourownsatisfactionthata25-cent bottle of ChamberMin’s ‘TabletsnotonlyrelievedmebuteuredfheWithin,twomonths,although I am a man,of 65 yeats;*writes Jul.Grobien,Houatons ‘Tekas,lable every where, little tent in the rear-of the’encamp-| ment and took no active part in the} engagement,leaving the direétion of| his troops to Genefal Hernandez. The dispatches did not state defi-| nitely that Villa was wounded in the! engagement,but intimated:“that he! had been wounded previously and was| nursing his injuries at the time of| the attack.wee The news of the battle caused re-| joichg ..in .Washington,»Congress| stopped.business _and cheered the| fnews of the,dash of “the “Americar troopers.President.Wilson,sent |words of congratulation to Secretary |Baker and the Secretary sent més- isages of’congratulation to,Major |General Funston to be conveyed to |Brigadier General Pershing and Col- j|| |stration of cheers and applause in the |House when Speaker Clark ‘interrupt- fed proceedings to read General Per- shing’s dispatch.Debate on the army |increase bill was halted.in the Senate 'for the reading of the telegram;sent|lto the Vice President’s desk by Sena- tor Warren of Wyoming,General Per- -shing’s father-in-law. eReHMahRMaNnDREN,*LAE AES |Twenty-One Days in’Jail -For $5,000 Judgment, |Yorkville (S.C.)Enquirer, |Roddey Reid,a well-known |young ‘man of Rock Hill,against whom Mrs.|Carrie Hendricks of Rock Hill secur- ed judgment.in the sum of $5,000 at the November,1915,term ‘of the. Common Pleas Court,for the.killing,of Mrs,Hendricks’husband<by Reid in an automobile accident,thas,been /Crought to jai!here,where he ©will serve 21 davs following an,execution * ‘of a jud ement against his persen un-eran 1 battery act. Judgment was Sled against.Mr,Reid| on March 9 and was returned unsat- isfied on Marcn 14.Attorneys for the _plaintiff then had Mr.Reid imprison- ed under the old debtor’s.aet.:“The case i$the first of its kind/in York county in many years.The defend- ant is allowed to.give no»bond but must serve his.time.“After “three weeks have expired he will be taken before the proper authorities and then released from further liability in con- nection with the judgment. Southern Railvay Memorial to President Finley. memorial to the Southern fatming late President| Harrison,of the| has ar-|the|Vir-| As a_perpetual reat interest in manifested by the Finley,President Southern.Railway Company ranged to give $1,000 each to State Agricultural Colleges in _ginia,North Carolina,South Caroli-| na,Georgia,Florida,Alabama,Mis-| sissippi,Kentucky and Tennessee,to | be designated “Southern Railway| Loan Fund;William Wilson Finley Foundation.”Loans from the fund in each State are to be made by the col-| lege authoritiéS to worthy students} in such way as the authorities of each| college may determine,subject only|to the restriction that the students re-j ceiving the benefits shall be from|counties traversed by the lines of} Southern Railway Company or its as-| sociated companies. A WORD FOR MOTHERS Itisa grave mistake for mothers to neg=| lect their aches and pains and sufter in silence—this only icads to chronic’sick-ness and.often shortens life. If your work is tiring;if your nerves are | excitable;if you feel languid,weary.er depressed,vou should know that Scott’s Emulsion overcomes just such conditions.| It possesses-in concentrated.fori the! very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues,nourish the nerves |and build strength.' ‘Scott’s is strengthening thousands of |mothers—and will heip you.Noalcohol.-| Scott &Bowne,Bloomfield.N,J, |:For Sprains,Lameness,| | Sores;Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Béast||| 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers,LINIMENT- |COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL!ESTATE. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior | /Court of Iredell county,North Carolina,made | iin the special proceeding entitled Dewey L.|‘Raymer,executor of the will of Lynwood Bost,t |deceased,against Philip Bost, devisee and lL heir-at-law,the undersigned commissioner will {sell at public auction,at the court house door | in Statesville,North Carolina,to:the highest| ,bidder,on |{SATURDAY,APRIL 15TH,1916,|lat 12 o’elock,M.,the following described real} estate,belonging to the estate of Lynwood | Rost,deceased,situated in the city of States-||ville,North Carolina,adjoining the lands ofMrs..J.8.Ramsey,N.A.Bost and others,and more particularly described as follows,towit:Beginning at Mrs.J.S.Ramsey's corner.onDavieavenueandrunningthencewithherlineN.41 degrees W.182 1-2 reet to a stake on N,A.Bost's line;thence with N.A.Bost’s line S.52 degrees W.70 feet to a stake on Park Istreet;thence S.40 degrees E.182 1-2 feet to|Davie avenue;thence with Davie avenue N.61 |degrees E.70 feet to the beginning,and beingtheidenticallandconveyedtoLynwoodBost by N.A.Bost,by deed cated December 6th} 1907,and registered in Book 87,page 319 ofRecordsofDeedsforIredellcounty,Carolina.Terms.of .Sale—One-third cash or.day ofconfirmationofgaleandtheremainderduein six months from date of confirmation of sale with privilege to purchaser to pay cash atanytimebeforematurity. draw interest from date of confirmation,ofsale.re Title to be retained until purchase mohey ispaidsinfulDEWEYL.RAYMBR,=!~March 39,1916. North |Ona:BUILDING?C,WATKINS.| ‘are-a source of much anxiety-to; |growers of early fruits,not alone in‘the South,but elsewhere as well. eRAe LTREE |onel Dodd.“Fhe-news-eeused-ademon=| PWwrite Deferred payment,;to |; being supplied to several growers by a local producer to encourage the tests with a few trees.Although’a considerable expenditure would be represented were the scheme carried out ona really large scale,it might not prove.excessive if successful in preventing crop losses;|Late frosts Connecting Road With Iredell. A news itém from Woodleaf,Row- en county,says surveyors last weekcompletedasurveyofthepublicroad|from Wowdleaf to conneet with the good roads of TIredcli near Elmwood,by way of.Mount Vernon..This road will be built by contract at oncé and| Will complete the highway from Salis-| bury to Statesville by way of Wood- leaf.Ihe road toSalisbury has been practically completed.A number of farmers are assisting in the work by furnishing sand delivered on the road.ELDERLY WOMENSAFEGUARDED Tell OthersHow They Were |Carried Safely ThroughChangeofLife. Durand,Wis.—‘‘I am the mother of fourteen children and I owe my life to | Lydia FE:Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound.When Iwas | |‘||1 {t {||45 and had thesfChangeofLife,|§ a friend recom-, mendedgaveme such relief from my bad feel-| several bottles,I ‘}am now well and| healthy and recom- :mend your Compound.to other ladies.’’|| —Mrs.“Mary RipGcway,Durand,Wis.| A Massachusetts Woman Writes:| Blackstone,Mass.—‘‘My_troubles were from my age,andI felt awfully sick for three years. pains.I took Lydia E,Pinkham’s| Vegetable Compound and now am well.””| |—Mrs.PIERRE COURNOYER,Box 239,| Blackstone,Mass.} Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation,hotflashes,headaches,back-! aches,dread of impending evil,timidity,, sounds in the ears,palpitation of the |ff heart,sparks before the eyes,irregu-| larities,constipation,variable appetite,| weaknessanddizziness,should beheeded | by middle-aged women.Lydia E.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound has carried meny women safély through thiscrisis. FOR SALE. and exbout an acre -repaired and —painted,| oh.t Five-room cottage ground.House new Garden and truck yi a small Using Ice to Prevent Fruit;gem oORARD PRIZE WINNER RANCTISEO |Rana 1?) fUSITION, (-The LowCloverleaf Gives the Maire ‘Two Healthy Beatings = WE used to think that if we threw manure‘‘*onto the ground any old way and plowed, it under,we were doing a good job,“But now ~~we know that won’t do.-Todo any real good, the manure must be broken.up into small pieces and spread evenly. The Low Cloverleaf spreacier is the one that doesthisworkbest.It gives the manure two healthybeatings,one with the regular beater,the other with the wide spread disks,When‘the Manure.reaches the ground in that condition your soil gets all the good there is.in it,and gets it quickly.The Low Cloverleaf is one spreader it will pay you to:see before you buy.See the local dealer who has one set up for you to look at. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated)popeten Low Cloverleaf spreaders are sold by Iredell Hardware Company.. it and it*{ Jings that I took | I had hot fiashes | ‘often and frequently suffered from | Go-Carts and Su kies!| Take the.Babies .out ‘these fine spring days and bring the roses to their cheeks and |health to their bodies.We have the GO-CARTS and SULKIES in quantities—assorted styles,sizes and prices.Cone and see and get first choice. Statesville Housefurnishing Co.-] BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. of |= Orchard of apples,|& peaches,cherries,firs,pears,all improved va-|Property located in the growing towninnorthIredell.Finerieties.of Harmony,High ifSchool,Farm Life School,churches,stores,ete.)Will ~sell cheap—te Possession at*Miller Railrdbad now )building. quick buyer for cas or-see WW. nérsburg,Turners rg,*.Mar.3l--4t. once.(fat‘Tur-!& SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY! As executrix of the will of A.A.Colvedeceased,I will sell at public auction for rt, on SATURDAY.April &1916,a lot of waholdandkitchenfurniture,consisting of bed- room furniture,carpets,dininy room furniture,|q china,feather beds,cle.Sale will take place | at thebegin at 11 o'clock,a.m. »M.J.COLYVERT, Dorman Thompson,Atty.Executrix,Mar,21.itwk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Colvert home on Race street and will @ Having qualified as administrator of the es-| tate of M eT.Hoover,sed,this is to notify all persons j ihavingclaims¢ estate to present them to me on or before the|#h,1917,ov this their recovery.~All persons|ke im-| 28th day of M pleaded in bar c indebted’to the said estate will please mamediatesettlement.8.A.HOON ‘iMarch28,1916.Administrator. Sale of Personal Property! The undersigned executrix of the estate of J. U.Lamprecht,deceased,will,on WEDNES-|DAY,the 5th day of April,1916,sell,at pub-! lic auction,to the highest bidder for cash,the following personal property,belonging,to said ate,viz All the shop tools,turning lathe,} ying machine repairs,gun and s,one good safe,tables,black-| nith forge,d everything in said shop.{ Sale to take place in the shop tately occus'pied by him,in the old Somers building on,Court street,in the city of Statesville.Sale|to begin at 10 o'clock,a.m.| Al ocksmi Ss. 1 persons having guns,pistols,locks,or| anything else in the shop will please call andwetsamebeforethedateofabovesale.TheserepairscanbegottenfromW.D,Harris or}J.A,\MRS.J.U.LAMPRECHT,| Executrix of J.U.Lamprecht.| March 17,1916.—4t. C..WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.. Shingles,Doors,—Windows,Ceil- ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, et¢ N WANTED!SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass74c. pet pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound.ee :eee FOR SALE:° ‘New and sécond hand machinery forsale and all kinds of boiler room.supplies, R.°ie Cc,HH.TURN E.‘Yredell:Phone No,‘74,Bell rady, ext.Planters’Wh.,Statesville. xthiar? notice will be|iq re]SALE!fal 968 acres 10 miles from Statesville on the Catawba river,100 ‘acres in cultivation,50 of which is fine river bottom,balance in woodland,two-story,7-room dwelling,large stock barn. 112 acres,16 miles from Statesville,on the road between Olin and Williamsburg,three-room dwelling,barn and out-buildings,40 acres in cultivation,12 of which is productive bottom land,60 acres in -‘fine-original oak,poplar and pine timber,near school and churches. 76 acres,2 1-2 miles from Harmony State High School,on public road,with small dwelling,20 acres:in cultivation,balance in wood- land,quarter of mile‘of scheol and 1 mile from-church. Yor further information call on or write ERNEST &GATTHER,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT- ALS AND REAL ESTATE. PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. RTE “PI ere AS RRP SRSeR an PPPTPTITETITI sersySITILPTOSTISISIIIITT ST I T T ST S : Commercial National Ban OF SYATESVILLE,N.C. Ss ‘Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 © Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Le e Pe PP P S TT P PO S PS P S P S SS I S IS P S S S PO S S PO S OS OS T A PO O O Oe er ee i i s l e s e s e e s e e b e e c e e t e e e s e b o s e e o o o o o e e e e t e t e e s e Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business -solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Sayings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS:| W.D.TURNER,°i President. E.MORRISON,Vice President. D.M.AUSLEY,eo -__Cashier. @.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier,| PPPTIPPPSRISIPSOLETELPOSTIPSITILPITTIeeehaeess .No.Te ' ~SHEADVERTISER ASKS FOR YOUR BUS Bisplacesya |Teale Mb BR a Lo Ue"yang Cott Sep ik Thedford’s Black-Draught. merni aePeano einen MO ee ensa leAehopes ‘ Ten year$ago 4 friehd told me to trTheford's Black-Draught,which I diandIfoundittobethecineforyoutigandold.I keep Black-Draught on hand all thetimenow,and when my children feel alitttebad,they.ask me for a dose,andi r does them more good than any medicine|tioning the teachers from Elgin dis- they ever tried.We never have a long spell of sick-;Janie Summers,who teach at Gil-} ness in.our family,since we commencedusingBlack-Draught.”’.Thédford’s Black-Draught.is purelyenfoundtoregu-‘weak stomachs,aid digestion,re-ve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similas ‘vegetable,and has been symptoms.€ It has been in constant use for moreandhasbenefitedmorethan70years,:than a million people.Your.druggist sells and recommenBeceeePriceonly25c.backage to- t family medias mea?S08 24 atenot operated on Sunday. i ds the score being 9'to 4. |Geta._N.C,123 ed Se 4,due 1TrainNo,2%,ind;due.1.ifiefieseesAt SE R E R R B E “10:60 om..mm,From Taylorsville.rain,No.28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m,‘rain No.16 ar.6:40,m,leaves 7:06 p, Personal Mention. Correspondence of;The Uandmark. Stony Point,R-1,April 1 —In men- |trict I overlooked J.Watt and .Miss bert’s,Miss Bertha Stevenson,who has a position in a hospital at Laurens,S.C,,is at home on a visit.;Mr.J.D.Dagenhart is very feeble. Mrs.H.G.Morrison,who was,hurt in a runaway last Sunday afternoon,isimprovingslowly. +-Cedar Hill school beat Olin in a |game of baseball Friday afternoon, DON’T NEGLECT KIDNEYS.| | YOULL LIKE If. Buy our home-made anut butter and ourerris’.sliced break- fast bacon and_boiledham.and sliced beef.Try these once and~you will repeat’theorder. Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St |Swamp-Root,Dr.Kilmer’s Prescrip- tion,Overcomes Kidney Trouble. It is now ,conceded by physicians that the kidneys.should have more attention,as they control the.other organs to a remarkable degree and do a.tremendous amount of work in re-moving the poisons and.waste matter |from the system by filtering the blood. The kidneys should receive some‘assistance when needed.We take ‘less exercise,drink less water and of-ten eat more rich,heavy food,there- by forcing the.kidneys to do more work than nature intended.Evidence of kidney trouble,such as lame back, annoying bladder troubles,smarting or burning,brick-dust or sediment, \sallow complexion¢_rheumatism,|maybe weak or irregular heart ac- tion,warns you that your kidneys re-quire help immediately to avoid more serious trouble.; An ideal herbal compound that has (had most remarkable success as a kidney and bladder remedy is Dr.Kil- DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone |mer’s Swamp-Root.There is nothing ielse like it.It is Dr.Kilmer’s pre- |scription used in private practice and it is sure to benefit you.—Get.a bot-tle from your druggist.: However,if you wish first to try this great preparation,send ten cents| to Dr.Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton,N.! {TEMS OF CURRENT n NEWS. HappeningsHere and There in Theaioe See ina aser‘ship of the I In’Fur-iture Manntactiing Co.at.Lintoln-“hag been made permanent,Catawba—county.Democrats.willmeetin.mass convention Saturdaytonamecandidates.Sah Levy Strickland of Zebulon,Wakecounty,65 years old,committed sui-cide by shooting himself,Ill health is assigned as the cause; A canvass is being made.for a fair in mares county on the same plan:as,whee n Iredell.The shares are $10 eacn, A bunch of University,students have organized a Carter club.TheywillboostJudgeFrankCarterforAt- torney General. The Rev.Arthur._Talmage Aber- nethy,who edits the Yellow Jacket atMoravianFalls,wants to representWilkescountyintheLegislature. It is announced ihat Senator Sim-mons will be temporary.chairman:oftheDemocraticStateconventionwhich:meets in-Raleigh.-on the.22dandwilldothe“keynoting.’”’ :Fred.D.’Hutcheson,a motorcycle salesman who.crashed into a-tree atFayettevillewhiletryingoutama-chine on a race track,died of his inju-ries.His remains were interred atGraham,his home,town. Fourteen members of a squad.ofBuncombecountyconvicts.went’.onstrike.Thirteen were finally induced to go to work but Norman Walker,16yearsold,was so stubborn that it took four men to put him in irons.; The Baraca-Philathea convéntion will be in session:in Goldsboro April27-80.Dr.J.Wilbur Chapman,the noted evagelist,and other speakers of national reputation are’expected to make addresses. A Republican convention of .the28thsenatorialdistrict—the district composed of the counties of Wilkes, Yadkin and Davie—will be held atYadkinvilleonthe17thtonameacandidatetobevotedforinthepri- maries.: John P.Yount,a cotton mill man ofNewtonandabrotherof.Mr.H.A.Yount of Statesville,has bought acottonmillatWalterboro,S.C.ThemillhasbeenidleandMr.Yount purposes to set the spindles.runningsoon.. Lieut.'Gov.Daughtridge;who is making a campaign for the Demo- cratic nomination for Governor,is speasking at various points in this sec-tion of the State.He was in Mor-ganton Saturday.Accompanying Mr.Daughtridge and speaking with and for him,is Mr.John A,Porker of Charlotte.: Miss Lettie P.Spainhour and_Rev, rape eg arent rename Instance of Villa’s Cruelty——Tor-tured and Killed MexicansWhoWere--Friendly.With Americans.’ An Asso¢iated Press dispatch sentfromthe:headquarters of the Ameri-can’expeditionary force,at ColoniaDublan,.Chihuahua,Mexico,under date of March 26,and from Columbus,N.M.,under date of March 30,says:_It has been learned here that Fran-cisco.Villa nearly lost his life a fewdaysagoontheCorralitos-ranch,—ashortdistancefromthisplace,wherehetorturedandputtodeathfiveMexicans.One of his victims leaped upon-him—and was strangling Villawhenofficersbeathisassailantsense-less with the butts of their guns.Mucio Polanco was the name of theMexicanwhoalmostsucceededin!ending Villa’s career.}The murder of five members of the|Polanco family was said.to havevbeen| intended as a warning to other Mex-|icans against having dealings with!Americans.Investigation showed|that the Polanco family.was involvedwith.no.political.faction in.Mexico,but that they:had a record of uniformhonestyandreliability.in dealing| with the American.managers of the}Corralitos ranch,where they.were|born’and.reared.|When Villa,retreating from Colum-| bus,arrived at the ranch,he had al list of all the Polancos,six men,the mother and two daughters.He seiz-! ed the men and hunted for the daugh-| ters,but the young women had been| hidden so well that he never found)them.To five of the men,Gregorio!and his two sons,and Mucio and hisoneson,Villa “said: “I am going to kill you because you TORTURED THE MEXICANS. go lovers.”‘But instead of killing them out-right,Villa had them partly strippedandthen.beaten with.the flats ofheavyswords.Mucio Polanco brokeawayfromhiscaptorsandgotonehandlockedaboutVilla’s throat be-fore he was beaten off.Next Villa ordered the five stood upbeneathahugearchway,where hetoldthemhewouldhangthem.Ropeswereplacedabouttheirnecks:andtheywerejerked_into the air butwerenotpermittedtodie.Just when loss of consciousness approached they would be lowered to earth with de- ‘places of horsesabouttheranch..There were no horses,so far as an investigation has disclosed.The prisoners also wereofferedtheirlivesiftheywouldtellwheremoneywashiddenorpointout |documents. After several moek hangings,Villaorderedthefivementakenintothe times. are too Americanized.You are’Grin-|- mands that they reveal the -hiding|,said to be hiddefi}| garden,Where each one was shot five}— The No.76 Planet Jr.pivot wheel riding cultivator ‘with — extra wide arch;adjustable stops to regulate depth,large and comfortable seat,new lever springs,makeit themost:attractive and practical riding cultivator on the market today.xe_Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.poche ihavislenancanioaiaeeemeeaeneee Keep Away From The Fire!Let Electricity:-Take its Place.eked |Electricity will.eventu-:ably beconie the univer-sal cooking agent,par,__-ticularly in summer,be-’-eo Se )cause the heat is:appli-:ope ane Tec od.where tt thatOhoThewastedheatfromacoalorgasrange*Gcthetemperatureofthewholehouse.Properly.constructed Electric Irons and cooking appliances-like the Hot Point Electric Ware radiate the least.possible heat to theatmosphere.See our window.— HOME ELECTRIC COMPANY.|Phone 361 Statesville N.C.7% 494.Residence,451 Black..W.Hamlet were married in Mor-To the residents of the ranch,allgantonThursdayeveningatthehome"ate rm |Y.,for a sample bottle.When writ-|Mexicans,Villa said:“You may bury,ing be sure and mention the States-| { te Se a y One of the.many parts of Myers’ Pump'that make up the quality.asthisfeaturealonehassolved.the secret.,, W.E.MUNDAY Sells Myers Pump.’Phone 55, ville Semi-Weekly Landmark. Wood Shingles $1.40 per Square That are zond for 15 years ¢*more, All -grades-of-Pine,Cedar,,-Cypress and Tin Shingles cheaper (ian any- |body.Ask others.Nails,Ridge |Roll,Ready-painted Valley Tsn and|¥ire-proof Paints,|: |C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- (dell County,Statesville,N.C. || {|L| } Is almost here and we have the seed: Seed Irish Potatoes, Seed Corn,Seed Beans,Package Garden.Seed, _Onion Sets. Come in and see whatwehave.- ——’PHONE 89.——|Eagle & Milholland. “PLANTING TIME?|@ -JUSTRECEIVED. A fine line of Berlin &Jones stationery,the latest in writing paper.Come and examineit for yourself,—Also a nice line of pound paper. Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. The line:that always gives universal satisfaction...Careful tailoring.fashion-able designs and thoroughness as to service—these.are the things,which have built for “Shield Brand"Clothes, the reputation they so richly deserve.@ Our new models and fabrics are now here awaiting your inspection. Prices $10 $1259 $15 $18 Come in and see them. Baseballs, ccueetemeeneneinenpenprmnlsenaenaeeat Mitts,Gloves,Bats andMasks..Tennis Balls,Nets and Rackets.Any-thing in Sporting Goods.ll new.R.Py ALLISON'S Book Store. |Coite L.Sherrill,M.-D., _cWill answer ’phone calls left :L.ong’s.Sanatorium or THE WATT-WHITE CO.,© STONY POINT,N.C, Saas Best Brick made in the’State right at hand in.any quantity. Many people pay -$3 per M. freight on our FACE BRICK, You save this. COMMON BRICK, FACE BRICK, FIRE BRICK, DRAIN:TILE.Statesville Brick.Comp’y 20..M,-Foard’s residence. é ‘ai ‘+tion,that Mrs. |of the bride’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.|J.F.Spainhour.Both were former-|ly missionaries in China and it was| there.their courtship began.TheywillreturntoChinasoontocontinue their mission work.“4 A mob of negroes made an angry demonstration against Arthur Smith, la negro,confessed murderer of his|wife,when Smith was,brought to i Fayetteville from Selma,where he|was arrested.The officer hurried his|prisoner into a waiting automobile ‘and he was rushed te the jail,a jeer-‘ing.mob.of negroes following. |-A revival meeting that aroused i wnusual interest was held at Marion |last week,conducted by Rev.Wm. :Black,Presbyterian Synodical evan-i gelist.At one service more than 50 persons professed faith and prayer- meetings held at cottages and in of- fices and business houses in the af- ternoons,were attended by hundreds of—persons. Alleged inhumane treatment of in- |mates by attendants -of the Central|Hospital,Raleigh,form the basis ofchargesagginsttheinstitutionfiled with Governor Craig by Mr.CharlesE.Latta of Raleigh,a former inmate of the institution,says the News and Observer._Dr.Albert Anderson,su- perintendent of the Hospital,flatly denies the charge.A hearing of the cherges.will be held later. A. Southern to Increase Terminal Facilities in Asheville. Nearly half‘a million dollars will be spent by the Southern railway in building a new passenger depot at ornearBiltmoreandinextendingitsfreightyardstothatpoint.For this purpose the railway company will ac- quire land now owned by:the Vander- bilt estate,says the Asheville Citizen..The purpose of the new passengerdepotwhichrumorsaysistobebuiltnearBiltmore,will be to.relieve the -+eongestion ‘atthe present Ashevilledepot.At the new depot will behandledallthetrafficfromSalisbury and the east. It is also rumored,in this connec- George W.Vander-bilt is considering the sale of certainotherholdingsatBiltmoretolocal real estate interests, Brokaw Estate Sold. Fairview.farm kennels,the magnifi+cent estate of W.G.Brokaw,in Ran-dolph county,has been sold.The dealwasconsummatedbyJ.M.Millikan of Greensboro and Geo.T.Penny ofHighPoint.The purchaser is namedas‘a syndicate”—but speculationcouplesthenameofBelmontwiththetransaction.The estate is said to be one of thefinestintheSouth.There are 2,500acresand@mansionfitted-with Aus- trian importations,which.is said to have alone cost $250,000.It was stat-h{ed that Brokaw spent as much as $1,-000,000 in developing the lodge.It con- tains a deer park with 30 head of deer, as many elk,and among its attractions are polo grounds,golf links and otherfieldsfortheactivitiesof.all round sportsmanship.©The price is said to be areund $500,000. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless.chill.Tonic is equally valuable as 4: General Tonic because it contains thewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUININEand.IRON,.Macs on the Liver,DrivesontMalaria,Enriches the Blood and BUILDING?C,"WATKINS. them or not,as you please.”They were all buried in one grave after Villa left. Before going,Villa led one male young man’s mother and said to her: “I am going to leave you this one son to support you.You ought to thank me for leaving him.”Next the bandit imprisoned ‘each of the workmen on the ranch,plac- ing -them in separate rooms.Whenwhehadthemall!locked up he went to each one in turn,warning him in these words:“I am coming back and ifI don’t return some one else will come in my place.Whoever comes will kill any one here whom he finds working for -Americans.” Polish wheat,offered for sale in the West at $1 a pound,with glowingstatementsregardingyieldsandvalue,has been tested by the Department of Agriculture,which advises farmers that it cannot.be recommended for growing anywhere in the UnitedStates.\President Wilson is expected to sound the keynote of the Democratic (1916)campaign on April 13 when the Common Counsel Club holds the Jefferson Day Banquet at the New,Willard Hotel in-Washington.= Dr.Cary T.Grayson,President Wil-|son’s physician and naval aide,and| Miss Alice Gertrude-Gordon of Wash-,;ington,Mrs.Wilson’:most intimate: friend,will be married soon.| ENDORSEMENT FROM A_HIGH SOURCE,| Leader of the Grange Writes of _theFitnessofMr.Hobbs.' Buffalo,W.Va.,Oct.7,1915. Mr.Theodore Patrick,Jr.,| Editor Sampson Democrat:\“J understand that Mr.S.H.Hobbs. of Clinton,North Carolina,is a can-} AN ture of that State.I want to say to! you and the farmers generally ofNorthCarolina,that I have repeated-ly-met Mr.Hobbs at-Washington,D.C.,when there as a member of theNationalGrangeLegislativeCom- mittee and while he was representingtheNationalFarmers’Educational}and Co-operative Union,in the same| capacity.Few,if.any,representa-tives of the farmers of any StatehaveevergonetoWashingtonwhoweresoalertandforcefulinpresent-ing the cause of agriculture beforeCongressionalCommittees,and es-pecially was that true in regard to‘rural credits,”and allied subjécts.He seemed instinctively to get the farmers’viewpoint and to present.it with loyalty to the farmers’advan- tage.: lina.honor Mr.Hobbs with the officeofCommissionerofAgriculture,—Ifeelcertainthathewillperformthedutiesoftheofficewithabsolute}fidelity,and that the.real farmerswholiveintheopencountryandfeedthenationwilleverfindinhima sympathetic and faithful servant.His training and associations give himpeculiarqualificationfortheusefuladministration‘of this office,and I people of North Carolina havedecid-| ing a man as I believe Mr.Hobbs to,e,NS 4“Very truly yours, oie «pC.ATKESON,“Master West Virginia State,GrangeandmemberoftheNationalGrange Builds up the Whole System.50sent ~Legislative .Committee,’ Nitrite vimanas ibobans member,of the family,Gregorio,Jr.,| “}aged 21,back to the didate for Commissioner of Agricul-|———— “Should the people of North Caro-|f shall rejoice to know that the-good ed to confer this office upon so deserv-|§ 9 QUESTION—Why -have 186 Ford owners in Iredell county ;bought the Big-Six Flexible Rider Shock-Absorber for Ford Cars?,._ANSWER—The “Flexible Rider”is sold with:the cndecoienieingthatiftheydonotdoallweclaimforthem,and if they do not pay for themselves by the saving on Tires alone,to:say-noth+ing about making your Car last longer and as easy ‘riding’‘és any”of the expensive Cars,or if they do not please you in‘every rqp.-spect,or if for any reason you are dissatisfied within"80 days, send-them back and we will refund your money!eR ae oe aires$10 per set of four and fully guaranteed for one year from:dateofsale.Beware of cheaper ones,but if you want.cheaper ones,we can supply them.:SeSAMR.BROWN.&SON,-State Atente’18 Commercial Bank Building,Statesville,‘N.C. s ome We have just received another big lot of the fainous =“W.W.W.RINGS”.These rings are:fullyguaranteed.If a set breaks a new onewill be put °|in free of charge.We have them from$2.00 up™ ON, Get one. R.H.RICKERT &S JEWELERS.© ‘Women’s Spring Footwear We are showing many new ideas in women’s Dresg-Footwear.We're ready for the woman who wansomethingfashionable—something that’s Dainty:Exquisite.Everything in the new creation of § Footwear._The woman.who wants handsome DreFootwearofcorrectformandstylesthatareawfromtheordinarysort,can be suited here. PHONE NO.83.SHERRILL-WHITESHO THE yi a edt wg 2 One lone German held up.-a-cap- ee "pleased to learn that Mr.w.H.Har- see time two or three Mexicans i ‘ove around in sightof the™Ameri-| ean:border towns,the news -is_flash- ~~¢d-a@broadthatthereare “mysterious movements”which Cause alarm. tain and crew of 56°men on-a_Brit- ish boat and made them dance to his music;and he was headed tg get by with the whole proposition had not an American coast guard showed a little nerve,-.No wonder the Germans ate staying so long in the war zone. \As ‘we remember ‘it,the DemocratsraisedsomehowlaboutRepublicanextravaganceinWashington;and as we recail it,the Republicans are now“yaising ditto over Democratic ditto. Hickory Record.:Andthey’re alike guilty as charg- ed,Both parties are extravagant in administering the national govern- ~ment. EROORLEANS We're growing talkers in Iredell,as Tho Landmark has remarked afore- time.The record of the Statesvilie school in winning ‘debates is fine. ;Lait year Statesville and Cool Spring were represented at Chapel Hill and this "year Mooresville is added.Out) .af the dozen who will go from Iredell| to Chapel Hill,The Landmark is hop- ig and expecting that the winners of the,Ayecck cup will be named. A dispatch from Woodbury,N.J., says’there was considerable excite- ~ment in that beat Friday on account “of the appearance in the western ‘sky of a rainbow-colored cross, Bible students have been searching for something that would enlighten them on the matter.”“The supersti- tious,”continues the Woodbury sto- i ry,“naturally foresee continued wars *all over the world,and,within 1,000 »years,the end of the world.”Well, if the end of the world is 1,000 years ¢hence none of us will live to see it \so why worry? ? “There is no imaginable calamity, ;setting aside the possibility of an in- >vasive war,that calls for more stren- ;uous preventive measures.than the:| .)threatened,all-embracing—strike of| +railroad employes,”’says the Ashevilie *Gazette-News.The newspaper read-' _jer-is familiar with the demands of| ~the railroad cmployes,which were| |last week presented to the railroad; ~+officials.If the demands of the em-! +-pioyes-for-an—8-hour-day—is.rejected, |as seems probable,a strike is inevita- ‘ble,and that means that business ‘over a large section of the country ‘will be paralyzed.It is high time §thatthe public take notice of this im- _Pending calamity to the end that all }possible“effort be made to-prevent it. The differences should be arbitrated fand efforts to bring about the-arbi- tration should be begun before the~+strike ison.It isa calamity that |should be averted. oe ASATOMSUTES.In ‘the Charlotte Observer of Sun- dy.Messrs.Word 1H.Wood and Geo. ;Stephens,owners of that paper;an- nounced that they have sold the Ob- +nerver to Messrs:-W.-B.Sullivan of i South Carolina and C.B.Johnson of :Tennessce.Both the new owners are experienced and successful news- _paper men .Mr.Sullivan was recent- -ly.with the Columbia (S.C.)Record. 'He will live in Charlotte and will be in “active charge of the Observer.Mr. |Johnson has been interested in va- ‘vious Tennessee newspapers and is _“now president of the company that sowhs and publishes the Knoxville ‘Sentinel.He will continue his resi-dence in Tennessee.Thesale does not“include the Observer Printing House 'QJeb printing department)it is said,which will be continued under pres- ent ownership.The y.andmark is ris will be continued on the editorial _.Staff_of the Observer.This paperwelcomesMessrs.Sullivan and’John- Son.to the State and wishes them“success.They have acquired a fineaPropertyandtheirprevioussuccess“in the newspaper field is assurance of‘their success in.Charlotte. ©Doctors to Meet in Durham. .,The State Medical Society of Northeityaowillholditssixty-third an-.Spualpereene:in Durtiam April 18-20,on the day preceding,April 17,the North Carolina Health Officers’\ssociation will hold its sixth annualbe:in Durham.Dr.Mf.H.Fletch-r of Asheville is president of theteMedicalSociety,Dr.B.K.HaysOxford,secrétary,and Dr.W.M.lones of Greensboro treasurer.....' ¢North Carolina Health Officers’lation’of which Dr.D.E.Sevier,h officer of waneenis county,isf;.G.M.Cooper of theBoardofHealth,is secretary, sessions on Mon-J.M:Manning:of‘deliver’the address of nt,andDr D1 lof the hearing-at-which-the. <'RAILROAD RATES AGAIN. Roads Trying to Increase StateRates. Recently the Inter-State Commerce Commission ordered the railroads to change certain fertilizer rates so as to prevent discrimination,the inter-State :rates in this instance being higher than «the intra-State rates.\,The change must be made by May 20.° The intra-State rates affected are n North Carolina and the railroad people seek to raise these,whith has .igabaoat Ig _from_both Cunierk avis of the Commission and.Gov.Craig.Mr. Travis says the State was not notified i in rates was ordered and it is at least due the dignity of the State that the change’be not made without notice. Gov.Craig calls attention to.the agreement of therailroads,when the agitation.about rates was settled by compromise in 1914,to allow the rates then agreed on to,stand,: The Governor intimates that he does not concede that the way to obey the order of the inter-State commission 1sfortherailroadstoraisethejntra- State rates,as they seem to be under- taking to do.The inter-State commis- sion,he insists,merely orders the elimination of.the discrimination against inter-State rates and he holdsthattherailroadcompaniescan.and}should merely reduce the inter-State|rate to a parity with the intra-State{ rates they have obligated to give}North Carolina shippers and not come with effort to violate their solemn ob- ligation in the matter of the intra- State rates given North Carolina. The indications are that if the rail- roads promulgate rates May 20 that inerease the intra-State rates for,which this State holds compromise| agreement the corporation commis- sion and the Governor will move in the matter by blocking the railroads as to collecting increased intra-State |.rates.| Corporation| THE DOGS AND RELIGIONeSperenneatteTheTwoDon’t Mix -Well-:x periences of Mr.Ivey and ‘Mr, Linney’s Story of the Alexan-der Man.Ty” This comes form Princeton,Indi‘“Religion can't do a dog any good;|we don’t want dogs here,’declareEvangelistGeorgeRose,as he seizeacurbytheneck,carried it to a doorofthebigtabernacleandtossedjoutsidewhilethemeetingwasatitsheight.behest oe anaes~-n-explanation-Rose said that:notlongagoduringoneoftheirmeetingsadogstrolleddownoneaislethetabernacleanddownanotheraisle‘Came another dog.They met in frontoftheplatformjustastheRev,Mr,Bulgin wag in the climax of his “@)peal,and right there a dog fight tookvlacethatbrokeupthatnight’s meet-ing.The Rev.Mr.Rose said he wastakingnofurtherchanceswithdogs,and asked that all attending the sery-ices bring their Bibles:and hymnalsand-leave.their-dogs.at-home,”All of which reminds The Land-mark of the.story the late Rev.G.W.Ivey,the faithful old-Methodist min-ister so well remembered by many of this paper’s readers,told of a’pastoralvisitononeoccasion.Mr.Ivey calledat.a home where there were many chil-dren and many dogs.-In accordatice with his custom,the good man offer-ed prayer before leaving.As he knelt in prayer the many dogs in and aboutthehouse,no doubt alarmed by theunusualoccurrence,set up a-barking.One fice in the vicinity of Mr.Ivey was very noisy.Mr.Ivey continued his prayer,and at the same time“hereachedout,caught that fice by the throat and shut off his wind and hisbark.When Mr.Ivey had finished-hissupplication,that dog was almost’fin- ished,: Then there is the story the late R.Z.Linney used to tell about the good Alexander brother at the campmeet-ing.A dog wandered among the wor- kyotes of Senators©Chi and | The application for revision of rates|‘th.: on fertilizer arid fertilizer material for |shipers,under ae oe and some- |distances of 30 miles or less,between |hedy kicked the dog.In revenge the‘all points within the State of North c@nine sunk his teeth into the leg of carolina,is made by representatives |the man nearest him,and it happen-of the Atlantic Coasi Line,Seaboard|ed that a pious old brother,one of the Air Line,Southern,Norfolk Southern.|pee of the meeting,was the suf-eR erer.The dog’s bite was more pain. Country Wealth By States.ful than:serious and the pain,wasi:|sufficient to ruffie the spirits of theTheUniversityNewsLetterpub-|good man.Just as the dog snappedlishesatablepreparedbyF.H.Dea-|him and ‘got away,the minister in|ton (of Statesville)and S.H.De-|charge of the service called on theVault,in which is ranked the per cap-/good brother to lead in prayer.Not-ita farm wealth ef the country popula-|withstanding his suffering,the.victimtions.Country people and farm prop-|of the dog knelt with the congrega-jerties are alone considered—the value|tion and started this way,as Mr..Lin- ‘of lands,buildings,,domestic animals,|ney told it: and farm machinery...|_,We worshiping Christians”—andInthisparticularNorthCarolina!about that time the pain from thatjranks44thamongtheStatesofthe)dog bite got the better of him and he{Union.The farmers of only four |continued: |States rank below us—Florida,Mis-!tians ought to.keep our d—n dogs at sissippi,Louisiana and Alabama.Com-'|home.” menting on this the News Letter says:Evidently the Indiana man was ofOklahomacountrypeopleareworth|the same opinion. |$830 apiece upon an average,counting|, ;men,women-end children.The aver- \age in North Carolina is only 322. ‘Our per acre crop vatues in 1909 were| |Immigration Bill Passed House. The Burnett immigration bill,with its literacy test and Asiatic exclusion “We worshiping Chris-!; ‘Weser more than double those of Oklahoma— $22.28 against $10.95.Why then are our farmers poorer? For one thing,Oklahoma is a sclf- feeding farm State.In the census|year she produced bread and meat enough for home consumption,and had $20,000K000 °surplus’to market abroad.Oklahoma was the only State in the cotton belt that had stan- dard,staple_food crops -to—sel]-in-the census year.’She is both the young- est and the richest of our Southern Commonwealths, Germany Not Yet Informed. The German government has in-formed Ambassador Gerard that it iswithout.official information concern-ing the explosions which damaged theBritishchannelsteamerSussexandsunktheBritishhorseshipEnglish- man,both of which ‘were carryingAmericancitizens.In a dispatch dated Thursday and reaching the State Department at Washington..Staturday,-Mr.—GerardsaidtheGermangovernmenthadonly newspaper reports on the two cases,and was making’an_investigationwhichmightbeconcludedwithinthreeorfourdays.,The Berlin foreign of-fice promised to inform Mr.Gerardwhentheinquiryiscompleted.‘Meanwhile the State Department’sowninvestigationintothecasesoftheSussexandtheothershipswhich,while carying American citizens,re- cently have been overtaken by disas- ter,will be continued. aGETAERTS Blame on the Engineer. Blame for the New York Central wreck at Amherst,»0.,last Wednes-day in which 28 persons were killedand40injured,is placed on HermanHess,engineer_of the second section of train 86,by D.C.Moon,general manager of the company,in an official statement.-Hess—crashed__into the first section of the train while driving hour. The fixing of the blame,says Mr. |vote of 308 to 87. through a dense fog at 50 miles an/ ‘provisions unchanged,passed the‘House of Congress Thursday by a}Its passage by the Senate is regarded zs certain. phe high standard of eaten ae vi ~ Favorable For Mr.Brandeis, By a vote of 3to 2,the sub-commit-tee pf the Senate judiciary commit-,tee,which -has been considering’the’SonneTnAatio of Louis D.Brandeis as.member of the Supreme Court of theUnitedStates,voted to report favor-,ably to the main committee.:The vote was on party lines,the Democrats supporting Brandeis andtheRepublicansopposinghim,-Chilton,' and Fletcher were cast for him andthevotesofSenatorsCumminsand/Works fgainst him.,;It is predicted that the full com-Inittee will recommend Brandeis’confirmation,probably-by—a=vote-on:par-ty lines,and.that he will.eventuallybeconfirmed. _RhepieeRETEEERASERSLAMARAINA Was the State’s Biggest Editor. Everything.The citizens of Statesville present-‘ed to the State an exceptionally fineportraitofJ.P.Caldwell,North Car-olina’s biggest editor.Jo.Caldwell’was the one man in North Carolina|who early blazed the way for freed-om of speech.He.”didn’t “stand on customs,He thought and then wroteouthisthoughtsandprintedthem.!Often he jarred the slats of the gum'shoe and whispering multitudes,but|finally he made the path clear and!many have followed.Jo.Caldwell|will live long in North Carolina. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.tFrom#small beginning’the sale-and use ofthisremedyhasextendedtoallpartsofthe;United States and to many foreign countries.|When you have need.of such a medicine giveChamberlain’s Cough Remedy a trial and youwillunderstandwhyithasbecomesopopularforcoughs,eolds and croup.Obtainable ev-erywhere.1 Clean-Up Day. I hereby appoint Monday,April 10,Clean-Up Day inStatesville.All citizens are!urged to give special atten-tion that day to removingalltrashand,garbage fromtheirpremises.Wagons willbepeebytheCitytohaulawayallaccumulationscollectedandplacedinre- ceptacles,_The co-operation of allcitizensisearnestlyrequest-ed.Let’s get busy andmakeStatesvilleaclean town. L.Cc.CALDWELL, Mayor. Phonographs. “Weser xcellence”which has made the WESER PIANOS and PLAY- ER-PIANOS famous the world The literacy test,about which the fight against the bill had centered,was sustained 284 to 107.This *pro-|vision has been the cause of vetoes of similar immigration bills by Presi-| dents Cleveland,Taft andTheHousepassed’the bill:over the’ Cleveland —veto,-but-it failed—in the| Senate.Motions to override the ve-| toes of Presidents Taft and Wilson: were lost in the House by narrow ma-| jorities.Representative Burnett,| chairman of the immigration com- mittee,predicted that there was suf-| ficient strength to repass the bill in:the event of another veto.The Pres-| ident has not indicated his purpose| to the House leaders.Both record votes—on the literacy |test and on the passage of the Dill! were without regard to party:lines.|Majority-Leader Kitchin voted for the|literacy —test-and for the bill.Minor-}ity Leader Mann .voted against the,literacy test.and then for the bill. Auto Manufacturers Will Make| Gasoline._| The formation of a gigantic enter-,prise,to be capitalized eventually at|from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 and to’ engage in the manufacture of gaso-: line and other products of petroleum,| is announced by officers of the Nation-|al Automobile Chamber of Commerce; in New York.This step,it was stated,was the an- swer of the automobile manufacturers of the country to the interests whichhaveforcedthepriceofgasolineand} similar products to figures which are| declared to be’almost prohibitive.| With _a_majority of the leading mak-|ers of cars interested the movemeansvirtuallythatthemanufactur-| evs_propose_to_make their own gaso-| |line. \Sonia omer aBrutalCrimeinGreene. On the farm of J.T.Dixon,in, Moon,was determined by the fail- road’s own investigation and cor- roborated by the evidence adduced at the hearing conducted bw the inter- State Commerce Commission and Ohioutilitiescommission,—The finding—oftheStateandFederalinvestigationhasnotbeenmadepublic. Will Try to Fly Across the At- lantic. In a_new aircraft,to be equipped ‘With six motors of 300-horsepowereach,capable of making a speed of 100 miles an hour,carying six persons, Rodman.Wanamaker will renew theattempttoflyacrosstheAtlanticoceanwhichheabandonedinthesum- mer of 1914;when his flight comman-der,*Lieutenant John C.Porte,wascalledtoEnglandbythe.Europeanwar.This is announced by Allan R. of Arerica..It-is expected the at-tempt.will be made some’time thecomingsummer. —_—_———To Drive Out Malaria Take the Old Standard GROVE’TASTELESS chill TONIC.You Masewhatyouaretaking,ag the formula igntedotteverylabel,showing it isinineandIron“ina tasteless {6FtH.e-drives’out malaria,’the peas 5 wy reas”sae Dr.B.W.Page of Lum- respond,.sive ean.ie Bae Hawley,president of the Aero Club és And Bulld Up The System |“ ip the--system;een , Greene county,Friday,about four | jmiles from Farmville,Pitt county,a negro youth named Mack,about 16!years old,criminally assaulted a lit-{tle daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Tyson,| ‘between six and eight years-old.The}child’s mother,attracted by screams,|ranato the child’s aid and was knock-ed down by the negro,who escaped |j\temporarily..He was later apoired| ||by a posse but not until he had shot,one of his pursuers in the legs and|was himself shot.He was taken to}Goldsboro for safe-keeping and his father,who had aided him in trying|to escape,was sent to jail with him,| The little girl was seriously hurtbutisexpectedtorecover. STATE,OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS COUNTY.‘Frank J,Cheney makes oath thatheisseniorpartnerof.the firm of F.Cheney &Co.,doing business In theCityofToledo,County end.State afore-sald,and that said firm will y thesumofONEHUNDREDDOLLARSforeachandeverycaseofCatatrhthatcannotbecuredbytheuseofHall's GatarrhCure,J.CHENEY,Sworn to before me and subscribedinmypresence,this 6th day of De-cember,A.D,1886, =otary Pubillic,Hall's Catarrh Cure fs taken internal-ly,;(end acts directly on the blood and,imuegug ZC ithe systata,SendforE&Fe bi Y&CO,Toledo,0.||fold-by all druggists.7“Make Halla.Vamily Pills tay consttzctloq. Wilson.|__ over,:is making the WESER PHONOGRAPH one of the mostpopularmusicalinstrumentson the market. Here is shown a Model 50,price '$50..Models 40,50 and 75 play |Victor and Columbia records. |Models 100 and 125 play Victor, Columbia and Edison records.LEONARD PIANO STORE,|: Morrison Building,W.Broad St. te emma eigini ARE PREPARED 4 YOU te Shoes and Pumps ofatuleandQuality,stocked in allsizes,for you today... 4 ' Waists and Coats.Fresh ~ arrivals today.° Look Us Over. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison | ARE YOU ONE OF THE @WNERS OF|===STATESVILLE = YOU ARE IF YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME! -You’re a shareholder in this big municipal stockcompany—you share in the prospertiy of thetown,for.everything that boosts Statesvilleboosts-you. Your property increases in value every dholdit.: In a short period it will,not onl command amuchhigherpricethanyoupaidforitthroughoursystem,but it will become priceless to you.in the wealth of proud satisfaction and genuine...happiness it affords you every day of the year. If you’re a married man,you need that’homerightnow;if single,you'll need it some day.cere NOW to get it!Saturday,April 1st,is the date. ay you > Mutual Building &Loan Association.: t eee % IT IS WORTH WHILK ‘TO STUDY THE ADS” Dress C Laren aria'g ih Taffeta Silks.....«$1 to $1.50.Tub-Silks,..,.25e.,,50c.and $1.36-inch Satin Stripe Messa-line Copen,Mais,Rose,Sky;.Pink and White,.....$1.° Fancy Silk Marquisette,36- inch wide,50c.per yard.- Very stylish and pretty! 86-inch Crepe De Chine,..50c. Copen,Reseda,Mais,Rus-sian_Green_and.-Rose-—ahigh-class Dressy Fabric. 54-inch “Silverbloom Suit-ings,”a very Stylish WideStripeWoolMaterial,Plain Cloth to match,at $1Peryard. ether ; Dolly ‘Madison Voile,86-inch Sheer Materials,Plaid andFloralDesign,strictly new ©and up-to-now,price ....8c.) 86-inch Crystal Silks,’. A beautiful Sheer’Fabric in Striped and Plaid effects, with Floral Design. *"g6-inch Reception Voile,handsome Plaids and-Stripes,beautiful color-*-jngs.for the up-to-date TIPOOMOL,|16's k0 bg 6h o'59 5 ap OOD Ready -to -Wears—Suits, ‘Coats,Skirts,.|Shirt Waists,Petticoats: Millinery —Pattern Hats, Shapes,Tailored Hats,Flowers,Ribbons and Novelty Trimmings. t te ‘ Mf Uahbees ~~Very Special For Middy Blouses:.One Case 36 inch fine quality Bleached Drilling,10c.yard.Yours truly: wy gt | 7m de Wa iyoa’a i!Ce es ‘o 088 aor fot" MILLS &POSTON.Goods,Silks,Millinery,Ladies’Ready-to-Wears. ~..29 TO 25 PER CENT.UNDERPRICED.. *&A.M. errata Tie ene ne enePe.Par eT ; ‘f Meee SERe 07487 (A.;pA.M.‘meets meon it at.7:30a’olock in Masonic |ten-days-Dr.-and Mre. ce(CENTURYCLUBMEETING |Meeting XXth Century Club—~Other Social’Affairs —Dr.Cruse Goes to Lexington’to .Dr.C.L.Cruse left yepterday for Lexington,where tonight he will wed Miss Ola H.Horney.He was accom- panied by Mr,Clyde Walker,who willtakepartinthewedding,After about3-Dr-and Mre,Cruse willcometoStatesvilleto”tive,Dr.Caldwellwilbehere’tamorrow to’look afterDr.Cruse’s'practice while‘he is ‘away: :“Mrs.L.Ash entertained the Thurs- i woo Hall-—--Ad}-—-mem~-berg,roguested to.be present andvisitingbrethrencordiallyinvit-ed.Regular meeting. ie =‘PERTINENTLY PERSONAL. +Mention of Folks Who Come and Rae 0.iL Mr.Jas..H.Wood of Asheville'rey ‘Friday ‘night:here with ‘Mrs.“Wood,at Mrs.L.Harrill’s.”He ‘left;Saturday for’points east.Mrs.R.A.Cooper went.to Marion4Saturdaytospendafewdays.+Mrs,J,8.White.went to Salisbury+Saturday to visit.Mrs.R.F,West.leaves today for‘Good Thunder,Minn.,to join her.hus-band,who.has been there.several»weeks,.,=Mrs,Ri R.Cline of Old Fort visited*relatives:and friends.here the past \week,“Mrs.J.H.Cornell and little.son¢left Friday for their home at Roan- -oke,Va.|:+éMr,Eugene Culbreth,who is now».State examiner for the Rural Cred-’ its.Associations,spent ‘Sunday in Statesville with his parents,Mr.and :Mra.E.W.Culbreth.Mr.Culbreth had:been looking over associations in 'Mecklenburg county..He went from here to Raléigh,his headquarters. ‘Mr.C.G.Armfield and Mrs.Rich- ;ard Chatham of Elkin spent Saturday -night and Sunday here with their pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.R.E.Armfield.Mri J.C.Somers:of Jacksonville, *Pla,is visiting relatives’her.*My.J..B.Gill and Miss Ruth Gill are,in Charlotte with the FederalCourt. :.Mr.Eston Webb of Stonv Point left yeNterday for Dayton,Ohio,wherehe‘will live. Mr.and Mrs.H.W.Hhrkness,who spent’some time with relatives :in Alexander and Iredell counties,re- turned yeserday,to their home at Molson,Wash.~My.and Mrs.J.A.C.Wadsworth of Charlotte spent Sunday at Mr.L..P..Henkel’s.Mr.Everett Rhinehart of Spartan- burg,Rey.’D..H.Rhinehart.: ..3 Mrs.T.B.Finley,Mrs.Wm.Blair ‘4nd Messrs.W.H.H.Cowles,Jr.,and ‘Walter Horton of North Wilkesboro dey Afternoon Book club Thursday.Mrs.W.M.Barringer read a sketch ofthelifeofVerdiandMrs,L.,Whitereadthestoryofhisopera,Aida...Asaladcourseandicecreamwereserv- a's De te dee .‘The Elericemoh club met Friday af-ternoon...with Mrs.Eugene MorrisonandthesubjectforthemeetingwasoeaseTodayandYesterday.”Mrs:J.G.Powell was in charge of therogramme,assisted by Mrs.J.-F.irk and Mrs.J.L.Cowan,Mr.Al-wyn.Morrison furnished.music while two courses of refreshments—wereserved,. hee Misses Rose and Leah Stephany‘en- tertained Thursday and Friday after-noons in honor of Mrs.Herbert Hoff- mann.Hearts was played at eighttables.Thursday afternoon Miss Sa-ra Cowles won the first prize,a white-enameled basket of sweet peas,and Mrs.Hoffmann was given a bouquet ofsweetpeas.Friday afternoon Mrs. Culley won the first prize,a box ofcorrespondencecards.Mrs.Hoff-mann was also presented with a box of correspondence cards.Cream,cof- fee and mints -were served.The front hall was decorated withcarnations,the dining room with jon-quils and the back sitting room with violets. Mr.David J:Craig gelebrated his 89th birthday Saturday.Qut-of-townguestspresentwereMr.and Mrs.T, L.Craig;Mr.Robt.Craig and Miss Lillian Watson of Gastonia;Mrs.Ed.Mellon of Charlotte and Mr.and Mrs.Jake Childs of.Asheville. Mr.and Mrs.N.P.Watt entertain- ed at dinner Friday the following: Mr.and Mrs.S.P.Eagle,Mr.and Mrs.Jas.Milholland,Mr.and Mrs.Charlie.Murdock and Mr.-and Mrs.Rufe Alexander. |Reported for The Landmark. |The XXth Century club held its iMarch meeting with sirs.-D.M.Aus- ley Friday afternoon. Presidents’:Day.’The members were favored with a most interesting talk :|lon “Ten Years’Experience in Mexi- accomplished.Spanish linguist.She showed illustrations and beautiful sou- venirs of Mexican handicraft. A “Baby Day”programme was car-ried out.“Clean Militand Infant Mor- | i Brey coowners.SHE MARCYTASSocialAffairsandtheDebate-Correspondence of The Landmark.Statesville,R-4,April 3.-—the,Vy.E.club met Thursday afternoo ith,with Mrs.A,J.Beaver at her home,“Lone Oak.”Seven members of.tclub’were present and the —visitorswere:Mrs,J.A,Fox,Mrs.“Ki.Proffitt and Misses Martha Finn Gar-ter and Carrie Nantz.The featureloftheafternoonwascera“Peanut.Contest”..was-.lywhichfurnishedmuchusement, ber of peanuts fromone,table to an-other on a knife bladé in two minutes‘was awarded-a-prize;~Miss:MariettaMurdockwastherecipient:of a pret-ty crocheted centerpiece,sae carry-ing 91 peanuts in two minutes..Thehostessseryedparchedpeanuts.»Theclub..adjourned to ,meet’Thursday,April 6th,with Mrs.R.A.Lowery,.The “pie supper”at Vance Tues-day night,28th ult.was vane Deresting.Four contests were held,inwhichMr.Bert Eidson was the win-her of two,Miss Martha Finn Gar-ter_one and Mr,Jo.Miller another.Thirteen pies were sold and the re- ceipts.were $6.38. entertained at_a pound'party.Friday,81st ult.,.at the home of Mr.‘and Mrs.John Carter,Miss BeulaWet-more received:the guests at:the door.In the parlor music was rendered byMrs,W.M.Carter and Mrs,R.A. Lowery.A “donkey contest”«washeld—pinning a tail on the donkey, Miss Ellen Rimmer was the ptizewinner,a pretty handkerchief.beingtheladies’prize.A box of candy,the gentlemen’s prize,went to Mr.RalphCornelius,Later the guests were in-Vited to the dining room,~whereabeautifultablewasspread,the’color scheme being green and pink,The debate at Vance Saturday hightwaslargelyattended.The subjectwas“Resolved,that the schools‘-of North Carolina should be consolidat-ed.”Speakers for the affirmativewereMrs.I.H..Whiting,Miss Beula Wetmore and Mr.Frank Pfoffitt. Negative,Miss Mary Carter,Messrs.Bert Eidson and Robt.Starrette.De-cision in favor of affirmative.The clubhasaeriticnow—Mr.Ray Barkley.The Progressive club is:very.gladindeedtohave-as a new member—Mr.David.White.’We feel that Mr.Whiteamakeanactivememberin,the;club. |Birthday| Celebration and Fam- |ily Reunion.va |Correspondence’of The Landmark, |Mrs.Edgar Absher planned an*un- It was “Clubj|usually pleasant day when she invit- ed_kindyed and friends to meet at the home of her parents,Mr.and Mrs.T.|M.Crawford,March 81st,as a sur- S.C.,is visiting his brother,|co”by,Miss Janie Love,who is an}prise-birthday party for Mrs.Craw- |ford.|'The first neighbor to arrive to}dthemthatperhapstheywouldhave;agoodlynumberofvisitorsthat..day,ithis being the first intimation to them rocheting..Lat, The girl -carrying~the greater mum-| Quite a number of young folkswere Teeters,little daughter of Mrs.LouTeetersofCaldwellcounty,was onherwayhome‘from school and wasstruckbyalimbblownfromatree.She was.rendered unconscious and|{when she.regained.consciousness was |F unable to walk:She had to crawl to her home,a quarter of a mile away.|Her condition has since improved.| | MARKET REPORTS. %f eeeeaeauesMashet.:—Phe~—toltowine 7B "Weispaldyealerdaferproduesaniketees]aatkeG oeWinter.Friers,16¢per’lb.ld Hens,12 1-2c,per |b.hurkeys,16e.per Ib.Eggs,5c,pe dozen,Roosters,6¢,per Tb.Buiter;—16e--per Ib.———-Beeswax,25¢,per Ib.Green Hides,18¢,per Ib.Hams,16c,to 17¢.ver Ib. Sides,12 1-2¢;per Ib,Shoulders,12 1-2c.per lb.Honey,8¢.per pound.Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to 18c,per lb,Irish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel. || 1 ’Grain,|The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrainon.the,1 market;Wheat,$1.30 per bushel.Corn,(new),7Qe,per bushel.Oats,56c,per bushel. *Statesville Cotton Market.Oh ‘the-local market yesterddy 11 7-8poundwaspaidforbestgradecotton; | per (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 cents|per line.No ad.taken for leas than 25,eents.Cash must accompany order.)' FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room,close talallconveniences.‘Phong 145 Green.tApril4—2t.| FOR SALE—Two good buggy and saddle |horses.Call on STATESVILLE MOTOR!co.April 4--2t.| TO LET—Furnished room in private home,|east Sharpe-street.Inquire of MRS.GEO.|HH.MYERS.&3 April 4.°| PLOWING!—Let my Plowman,M BORNE,do your work!Good,fast Horse,good implements.J.PAUL LEONARD.April 4—1t.is WANTED —To buy few loads stable Manure!|Will do the hauling.J.PAUL LEONARD. April 4—1ty AGENTS WANTED—To sell Motor Fan.Goodcommission.J.E.HARRISON,Branchville, Virginia.April 4—2t*. FOR SALE—At a bargain,buggies.J.L.SLOAN. IF.YOU WANT the genuine Maine grownTrishCobblers,see D,J,.KIMBALL. March 31.& FOR RENT—The J.W.CdQeland residence onWalnutstreet.Possession may be had atonce.Apply to D.J.CRAIG.March 28—2t lt.a w.. FOR SALE—Nice gentle Horse,Buggy andHarness.-J.D.COCHRANE:Mar.28—2t. FOR SALE—Two nice grade PercheronColts.‘Two and thtfee years old.J. WATTS,Statesville,R-6,N,C.Mar.10. NOTICE! ‘The public generally,and all garages in,par-ticular,are hereby notified that 1 will not be responsible for any articles charged ta my ac- two second-handMar,31—2t. Filly.M. \\count unless the same are authorized by my-|self personally or by Mrs.Brown.|March 29,1916—2t.S.R.BROWN.| LONG LEAF KILN DRIED ‘Tuoriny,’Ceiling,Weatherboarding,| ACK O8-|o “Duringthe recent windstorm Kittie} EFFICENCY! That the number of Patrons of “this:Bank are:steadily increas- ing is the best evidence that its methods.and service are satis: factory and adapted to the indi- vidual needs of Customers. Invest your surplus in.certif- icates of deposit in this Bank and it WILL DRAW 4 PER CENT INTEREST!Loans at legal rate of interest.i t T NATIONAL_Statesville,N.C. 000.Four Per Cent Paid‘on Time Deposits. U.S.Depository.‘ THE FIRS ANK : Capital $100,an "elt?Spee"NO WORK ICE CREAM FREEZER oo fhe 8 tt i tod & A SYS. No Turning!No Cranking!3fspentAaturdey.here with,Moa.W,o Owies Sarees vy ltdlity’?was*treated by Mrs.Heinzer-|thet there was to be-a “party.””‘Mrs:N.M!Salley is visiting her .|TET aeling,“The Child’s Home Atmosphere |good housewife was somewhat dib- was Mrs.F.T.|tressed at having so many visitors bb- Biting anid Casing-are cheapest and test,because they cost less and give entire satisfaction.No Worry!:‘gaughter,’Mrs.F..H.Adden,in Hick-and Allowances” Meacham’s topic.Mrs.Keiger de-‘scribed “A Kitchen Beautiful.”Mrs. |Géo.Nicholson’s subject was “Proper ‘Feeding and School Lunches.”Mrs. iFrederick Conger spoke of “Proper|Kind and Care of Clothing.”Mrs.D.iM.Aysley spoké of “Community Bet- |terment.”|__Mrs.Rufus Cooper’s report as treas-urer showed a neat sum_in the clubitreasury.Offers of yifts of 500 vol- janice were accepted with thanks and are available for the South Statesville Public Library,special schools,and 80‘in addition for the Mt.Airy Library.|During the social hour dainty re- ory.«Mr W,.W.Bailey and niece,Miss Cora Lee Bailey,-who have been vis- :iting in town for a few days,will re- *{8PM today to their home at Spruce Pine.:Miss Edyth Taylor of Bridgeport, Conn.,is ‘the guest..of Mrs.W.Harris.oe! Death of Mr..Stackleather—St.‘James:Services—Farm Work. Corsespondence of The Landmark. Shinsville,April 1 —Mr.Bruce Staekleather died at his home near nigh of pneumonia, . here,Wednesday agéds45 years,after an illness of ten| xi)",Deceased was a good citizen sad pepular among his associates Dighout this section.A wife,sev- —wares two.brothers,Messrs. and.Lee Stackleather,and his\Mr's;John Stackleather of themotte.:Sysection,survive.Funeral serv- ices were conducted by his _pastor, »Rev,J:°C.Keever,and the interment wha at-Wesley chapel cemetery. "Mr.Jason Brawley has arrived home from-achool-at Charlotte. >«0G;James now has services regu- larly’twice.each month.Rev.C.G. Prgsperi of Statesville,minister in chars preaches the first.Sunday and Afehdeacon.Hardin of Salisbury (peaches and administers the holy communion the fourth Sunday.The »pahlie is cordially invited to these .services. ’$ermers are well up with their wotk and will be.able to plant their ciips.on:time.Quite a lot of bottom la $reently reclaimed by the dredg- _14%"on ‘the creeksis being cleared ‘sg yput.in shape for a corn crop. ge lands are very fertile and we fer good-crops-of-corn.Wheat‘oats ore looking their best. red.Overcash has received a¢of registered Duroc-Jersey pigs .Tennessee. t Be ;—_— “Satice of.New Advertisements. i Hee.with electricity--Home Elec-t ’«Brains that:never tire.—Mercharits:&Rarmers’Bank.{«<G@o-carts.and _sulkies.—States- 1 vllé_House Furnishing Co.«MAN ¢kinds +buflding material.— {Watkins.:pirat epee oe aig *“Agents.wanted to,sell motor fan. #*No°turning,no cranking,no-work J a wwer's.-—Crawford-Bunch “Furniture +«Shoes and pumps of style and qual- ‘ityiRamsey-Bowles-Morrison Co: 7.At the:Lyric this week,;Weser.excellence in ph|=-Leonard Piano.Store.,-Avtrial order will.convince you.—'Shoprill &Reece.}“At the Orescent,mat ‘morning.‘#‘Rurnished jrooms for irent.—Mrs.ice.H.’Myers.*i tiggy.and saddle horses for sale.— 'Statesville Motor Go.:°Bet-my plowman dJsPaul:Leonard. ’-Few loads stable manure wanted.—33h ehetipe dagacae ea,Clean-up,day+—Mayor.,Caldwell,‘Furnished réom for"rent.—-Phone5°green,re, 1 onographs. inee Friday 0 “your work.— i;PI peired 6 M ays -4 i ete at rine cit hing,a otrud in Gtoisdays.|4 ] ‘receiving a souvenir sent by an absent|member—Mrs.R.K.Murcfock—for|Miami,Florida,Being a Lenton ‘meeting no additional guests were‘bidden.The subjects for the study ‘hou proved interesting.The South Statesville Library:isprogressingwell,an average of 100volumesnewlycirculatedeachTues-|Gifts of 60-volumes were}{day night. added last week and 100 more volumes are expected soon,which will make 1,- 700 volumes total (Charlotte-Carne-gie Library only has 8,215 volumes). met at Statesville College Saturday,March 25th.The offer of books for the rural.schools was welcome.Threesmalllibraries:were piaced that dayandafewadditionalbooks.ThreedozenmoreNorthCarolinatoasts were given the teachers,and $5 in gold was offered for a prize for the school having the best percentage attend- ance upon the county commencementAprit-7th.The XXth Century clubcontributedhalfoftheprizethisyear. —A Faithful Teacher. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,April 1 —States- ville Junior Order No.47 presented a Bible and flag to the Plyler school yesterday.._Mr.Mayberry presented the flag,Rev.J.F.Kirk presented the Bible and Rev.J.C.Keever acceptedthem.The gifts are very highly ap-preciated by the teacher,children and patrons_and_we wish to._extend our thanks.The addresses were ladies from far and near spread on a table in the yard a nice dinner andeverybodyenjoyedit.‘‘In the afternoon Messrs.Lu:her andTho.Clodfelter,with their violins,andMr.Fred,Murdoch with his autgharp,furnished ‘music,which added much totheoccasion.Later a game of ballwasplayed.Our faithful teacher,Miss-Tolbert,and the children have cleaned up theschoolyardanditissaidtobethe cleanest school ground in this section.Miss Tolbert has been teaching ourschoolforsevenyears.This is be-lieved’to be the best record of anyteacherinthecounty.If.she willservewe:want her for seven yearsmore.She has wielded an influenceamongthechildrenthatwilllastforyearstocome.Not .only has she‘taught us from the school books butshehag,taught vs spiritually.Never ‘Tethers atetekThendgrdoetigthenic, GR ST EL bb’Ic,. e Palg.a chi!Malaria,enrichesthe blood,buildwup the system,*: al freshments were served,each member| The Iredell Betterment Association| Flag and Bible For Plyler School fine,| which all enjoyed.At noon the good. |fore “spring cleaning,”but we were |too busy enjoying ourselves to see if ‘it was needed. \ !neero’s tenth pig that wouldn’t sta|still to be counted—there was anothér |baby in some of.those beds or bun-|dles that made an even 100..Some of the good old fat ladies said we could!count them’a little overplus and eas-ily claim a round 100. This wasn’t a “bahytherecertainlywerebabies to show. as’fine as you ever saw,several of them representing the fourth gener- ation.These wee ones didn’t appre- ciate the inviting peal of that big farm bell at midday as it called us to —not a luncheon,if you please—din- ner,twelve full yards of dinner.I saw-numbers of them eat from oneendofthattabletotheother,and they must have had twelve full yardsofdinner,for-it certainly was there to be had. After dinner there was music.There were those there who could play the violin,but being in the*country we just called for plavers of the fiddle,banjo and guitar...You ought to have seen Messrs.Sherri!]and Bost dance!|Perhaps they could give Mr.Weath-erman some points on tripping the light fantastic toe.The graphophone afforded much amusement,as the little fellows peer- ed into that great horn to see whereallofthatnoisecamefrom,The boysplavedball,horse shoes,etc. We knew that we would never all meet again and as our hands clasped in goodbyes,there-were;good wishes for all—from the great grandmothertotheweegrandbaby.Loray,N.C.ONE PRESENT.¢ Mr.Montgomery For Commis- sioner. ! +To the Voters of Iredell County: Cool Spring township does not of-,ten ask for anything,and seldom of fers candidates.; county commissioner within the mem* ory of most voters.. We are in the swim this time and ask you to help us nominate and elect+Mr.V.C.Montgomery,a good Demoycrat_and one of the best.citizens in the county.VOTER.;; has she opened schoo!in the morningwithoutreadingachapterfromthé Bible and following it with prayer, and then a few words of advice andencouragement.Just one more week will close our school,—\:The Farmers’Union had a_publi¢ meeting last night to discuss.the pres- ent-system-of—publie-schools.The atetendancewassmallbutthetalks were*:real interesting.All who.aréinterestedintheschoolsshouldhave been there.;Little Blanché,daughter of Mr.andMrs.C.8.Bass,who has been ill withyneumonia,is improving..Eula ‘anZula,twin daughters of Mr.and MrsH.E.Tucker,have been sick with | grippe and bronchitis. Splendid for Rheamatism. “I think Chamberlain’s nt is —jussplendidforrheumatism,”writes Mrs.Dunburgh,Eldridge,N.Y.‘It has.been used b; pa’ yself,and-gthe bers of,ry family tim if f: 5 ys BivenickéliefTro past.six.years an it,pmoany.st ecbatisteston.”T ¥ We counted:99 but}we firmly believe that—like the.old|, show”but }} This township has not furnished a} Hn | in which ‘Chamberlain’#}! C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s |Planters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C.| THELYRICTHEATRE TODAY | The distinguished-emo-tional actress, PAULINE FREDERICK, _“LYDIA GILMORE” Easily one of the fore-most photoplays of theyear. WEDNESDAY _FREDERICK PERRY ~“THE FAMILY STAIN” Another of those wonder- “ful Fox Features. THURSDAY ~~VIVIAN BLACKBURN —in—- “EXCUSE Mk” A Pullman car pleasant-ary of berths an mirths, us ) No Bother! |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company... Here it is—just the thing you’ve always needed—an ICE be -CREAM-FREEZER-that-dees-al_the_work.itself-—with-"7" out a bit of cranking..mer: Just think!All you-need to do is pour your.Ice Cream 6: Mixture into the can,pack down the ice and salt—and £0-vik: get about it for 15 minutes,then stir it a bit with a spoon.a —that’s all!;aeAfterahalfhourtakeoffthecover—and presto!There,3 before you is your ice eream—as smooth and firm-as you -could wish for!__aeNoworkatall.No elbow power or any other power | needed,No laborious turning and turning,ica NOTHING TO DO BUT SET YOUR MIXTURE then.54 go off about your.work or sit down and read.Your Ice ie Cream is all ready for eating -when-you Wwant-it—frozent —just to the degree of firmness that makes it most enjoya-yab ble.weary The NO-WORK is made in two sizes. ONE QUART,RETAIL PRICE,TWO QUART,RETAIL PRICE, at ;PTS$2.50.Wot3.00 inyetBe —_——PHONE 400 ——a“The Store That Always Welcomes You.”*st sea 198, ah, :;{oni The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System_havay})put amateur photography within reach of every man,woman and child,a at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIKS $1 tu $12,.Kodak,supplies of all kinds in the genuine Eastman quality.2 woke H.B.WOODWARD ate Jeweler,a “REPAIR WORK. Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Speetactae fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guarantedd.. R.F.HENRY,- 4 Jeweler. “BOYCE LUMBER COMPA_.DEALERS IN kiln Dried Finish Lumber:Also Rough Framing: We manufacture all our own stock.~! 5honOfice2GEO.H.MYELResidence423°.’‘ice res.and.ae NX i aPIIONES: i ti jo e a s s te i c e Ca s s a r 30 5 s 9+i te i a t k mt te 1 an e s *e e S3 5 7 ¢ g. Se t e se e c t sa g c t t st a t so e a e t l s e a c e : qcontemtero re 8 | 4iiii:dij -~have been driven,out of their coun- sa sguyn~They eould not stand against wattbeing filled by political favorites,whosareplacedinchargeofeachsetof oxenast;.of the whole production.” April 4;'1916. y-Two Million Men in War. shington Post.‘ —#Thirty-tnaleoed.i engaged inthe European war,and the end is not yet,”observed Dr.8.Sargentich,of the Imperial Russian Hospital at Nish,Serbia.“It is impossible to write accurately about «the-war,-for-the vastness-of-it-is-be- yond human comprehension.It is vakbning in its horrors.No man can Yast long under the-strain.I spent the greater :part-of two-years-at-the _frontand spitals._Mil-Jions of men have been killed,but the “per centage of mortality is not so} hiv,perhaps,as in some other wars.| WBixty per cent.of .the wounded | treated in the hospital at Nish where| I was stationed were back in the trenches inside of a month,The cour- age of the soldiers of all nations en- yragred is wonderful.The Serbian sol-| diers told me that.Austrians:were the! bravest individual fighters they en- countered.They have high praise to the Germans in mass fighting,but t said-the.Teutons=-were not-as good fighters individually as the Aus- trians. “The world has never known a .brgver little army than that of Mon- iS égro;”added Dr. -‘Sargentich. ‘With oné-quarter million of men the Montenegrins stood off their ene- mies for more than a year.Monte- gro has been a free nation for 500 pears,and this is the first time they the.combined forces .of’Austrians,| gymens,Turks and Bulgarians.”| ould Pat;Presidential Post-| asters Under Civil Service. “The civil service committee of ‘the House of Congress,of which Repre- sentative Godwin of North Carolinais | chairman,is hearing argument on the hill’introduced by Representative Tinkham,Republican,of Massachu- setts,‘which would place presidential postmasters of the first,second and third class under the civil service. The bill also would provide that employes of the District Government be placed under the civil service.Mr. Tinkham argued that the biggest business of .the government.shouldclearitsskirtsofthespoilssystem. He ,said there are 9,000 postmasters with salaries totaling approximately $16,000,000.;“There is no sound or defensible reason why these positions should befilledbypoliticalhirelingstopaypo-litical debts,”said Mr.Tinkham.“To-day this>greatest-of-the departments js-demoralized because of the irregu-lar system of appointments of the first,second and third-class postmas- ters,these most important positions etitive civil service employes in «the 9,121 principal postoffices.” RTL ALA NT AL Marshall in Contempt of Con-! :gress, United States Attorney Marshall’s recent:letter.to the sub-committee investigating Representative Buchan- an’s impeachment charges will be submitted to the House of Congress “without recommendation and a resolu- tien to find the attorney in contempt of the House will be:offered.The | Hoase judiciary committee has so de-|=-¢ided————_—2++—--------1-8 letter.to.which the commit-| % Thteetakes exception was written by the’United States attorney when a sub-committee was in New York tak- ing testimony on the impeachment charges.It attacked the committee’smethodsandineffectdeclared—the|-committee’s course was being pur-| sued because Mr..Marshall had had the.temerity.to indict a member of fvress.He referred to Represen-ive Buchanan,who has been in- dicted with other members of Labor’s National Peace Council,which has “been invglved“in charges of attempts=to prevent shipments of munitions to,the allies..The specifi¢charge against the men™€Conspiracy to restrain)f the United States. pSheeteenttioaenTES In Farm and Fireside Dr.Walter F.Rittman,chemical engineer of the United States bureau of mines, guesses—and:his guess is worth some- thing—that gasoline will go right onadvancinginprice._“In 1910 there were 350,000 auto-mobiles in the country,”he says. “Now there are 2,250,000. “A million new ones are added an- “nually,-while about one-fourth ‘that number are ‘scrapped.” “There are 700,000 gasoline en-| /*gines working on farms,and 6,000,000 -‘other farms-are-wanting to buy en-gines.“There are about 300,000 motor|+boats-in-the-country,using asoline-|“The demand for gasoline is _in-} creasing by leaps and bounds.The( supply of petroleum is decreasing. “Before the war we were exporting about 100,000,000 gallons of gasoline aeually.Now it is 300,000,000 to;--480,000.000,or thirty to forty per| || RATNERAEE NEES LTSOITAIT Robeson Man Shot Four. During the closing exercises of a, school at Smith’s school house,nine |miles from Lumberton,William)Nance,said to have been drunk,got+mad when somebody refused to loan-him money and began shooting a pis-tol in the crowd,with the result thatonemanandthreewomenwere “wounded.The man and two of the*women are in the hospital in Lumber- ton,"one of the latter being seriously injtred. two million--men,it is es-|' j.there are|observed THE.WAY IT CAN BE DONE. Build Up a Moral Conscience That Will Refuse to Recog- nize Those Guilty.of Immoral- ity.5 Scandals in Goldsboro ,.have brought on discussion of the “socal evil”and the problem of the “Red Light District’is somewhat acute in that city.Col.John D.Langston,a rominent.lawyer_of Goldsboro,has publisheda statement in Which ‘he of- fers-a’remedy.He says: Now while —wer realize that-—the building.up of a moral conscience in all the people is-a slow process,yet a few_rules that could bebymoralmenand—women of professed piety,that would,in my opinion,put a decided check upon certain kinds of immorality that have been properly condémned.The question is,have we the courage to apply these rules,are we too coward- ly to put toa practical test our pro- fessed desire to rid the community of immoral conduct?)The rules I-sug+ *rest are three in number.ice “1,Regardless of social position, refuse to entertain socially,or consort with socially,the woman.whose life you are satisfied is not straight.Jf her life is ‘crooked’enough for you to gossip about,-you —can.safely apply the rule,or you convict yourself of slander.Women of the lower world have no respect for their prototypes of the upper world.Then why should you? ,“9.Refuse to recognize socially the man whose professed life is saintly, but whose moral conduct,from ail re- ports,is not safe.You only —judge houses of ill-fame by repu'etion,and while I doubt if reputation is a safe rule by which to convict or condemn,itvis equally safe to apply it to the libertine who is making his daily rounds under the guise of piety.“8.Deny to your daughters,pa- rents,the privilege of accepting calls from young men whose reputation you may know is besmirched and who are reputed to be intimate with evilwomen.Surely you are not afraid of making some one in high position mad if,at the same time,you can protect your home and society at large?Don’t let your daughter dancewithhimorspeaktohimonthe streets.The man who holds your daughter in his arms in the simple movements—of—the-danee is responsi- ble,perhaps;for the criminal life of some poor creature that you would condemn to a long term in jail.Give him the same dose of medicine.You only know the poor,painted creatures by-reputation;you know the young libertine equally by reputation.You are dodging the question when you say you don’t.Both are —unsavory. You cannot punish the one by impris- onment,you.can put the social ban on him.Social ostracism may save him, and her through him.The woman of ill repute says to herself,‘I am as good as he is,and they do not appear --business;“it~also;takes~it to CHANGES TIME 1 Iredell Man in the West .About Back Home —Pr ous Times in the West.| Correspondence of The.Tae Wheatland,Wyo.March 27 note we are about at the endof our line with your valued paper,un we donate a little,and as we are @ it takes money to turn the w “in the business world in our line of press.So you.will find enclosed my check for two more years,a8 we allin my household appreciate your paper, While I have spent the most of ‘my life since manhood in the West,T have taken“The Landmark~all~0f>these years.Both myself and my wife see}local news in the paper now that ig not of much interest,as 25 rs make a great change in.faces in acountry;but we still read the paper with interest,and see many _local jtems that we both feel well repaid, So.many of the older persons arefast passing.away,and this brings a sad feeling to us,as soon on our trips to.our old home State we -will know’so few.; bors and friends in and around ‘there whom we met.and enjoyed being withthem.so much last year,who havesincedepartedtothegreatbeyond.One:of the most pleasant little visitsthewritermadeinStatesvillewasto see our old neighbor and my old school teacher.When 1 was a boy I thought then,as I still think,he was the best, teacher I ever had,as he made us allknowhewasmasteroftheschool,made us realize we were there.‘for. some good,and fully explained every-thing to us.I often think back and realizé now he was the teacher’who fitted me.with practically all :the knowledge I had in mathematies,which at this day is the one probleminlifehereintheWest—a man doing a lot of business needs that knowledgeeverydayandcouldnotdobusiness.without it.The teacher I refer to isMr.Jehn C.Turner.May he live longandwhenhisworkisdonehere,|hecantruthfullysayhisschoolboysfrom the old field school,scattered far and wide,think of him and rememberthosedaysandknowhedidwellby them. A trip home as we grow older is appreciated more.We meet our oldSundayschoolfriendsandteachers, and we see the older people «with white heads,and it makes us realize that soon we,too,will be old. I can see the same changes here.When I was a boy and landed here the country was very different to what we see today.The men who werehere23yearsagoinmysectionofthe country,owning the ranches andhandlingthelivestockbusiness, vith one or two exceptions,have runtheraceandgone.These ranches and herds are now run and owned,as a rule,by men who have come in here within the last 25 years. Our country is very similar in many to think less of him.’Are they jus-tified?" The Landmark is of the opinion that |Col.Langston offers the only effective| remedy for the evil.If all the good people,in season and out,would in- veigh against the double standard and practice what they preach;if they would build up a sentiment that would refuse to recognize men and women of doubtful moral character,the evil would not be entirely eliminated,but it would be greatly checked.So long as women of doubtful reputations are received in’the best society “because of their wealth or family prominence:| and so long as men known to be of immoral character are accorded the game respect as men whose lives are clean,it is useless to invgigh against the common prostitutes. If the woman who falls is to be a social outeast,then her companion in sin should be accorded the same treat- ment.It is outrageousty unjust to condemn the woman and spare the ways to that of yours. ticilans,and plenty,too.We have churches-of every denomination and plenty of preachers to fill all the churches.We have court houses and plenty of lawyers,and a man who} ‘oes wrong here has a _ring put} around him as quickly and severe as any place on earth.We can always) use more good citizens.but the unde-| sirable man reaches the end of his | race here quicker than any place he} can go to.A deadbeat or a man who| wil not-pay his bills;-~we-don’t want;!nd he eannot last long with us,as his style of doing business travels faster than he can.On the other} hand a man who is a good -business |man,and.who can handle the line ofbusinessheisengaged.in ang.suc-| -eed,and who is honest with his fel- lowman,can go to no place on the!globe where he can establish a bet-: ter credit than here.| Our polities is different. We have man;and if every despoiler of female| virtue knew that his punishment would be the same as the woman's,there would be fewer men of_that| type. Snake Walks on Its Ribs. Philadelphia North American. Have you ever wondered how a snake runs without any legs?The snake’s legs have been a source of myths and mysterious tales since an- cient times.There-is an old story, which some persons still believe,that if you throw.a snake into a fire it will show its legs.The story,of course,is purely a myth,for the very good reason that snakes have no legs. Strictly speaking,they walk on their ribs, A snake’s ribs are jointed at the backbone,and extend dewn-over each side of the body.Thé ends are con- nected with plates on the under side of the snake.These plates have pro- jecting edges,which take hold of thesurfaceofobjectsbeneaththerep- tile.When the snake moves his ribs, therefore,he can move forward just as readily and as swiftly as though he had a thousand legs. Perhaps you have tried the experi- ment of putting a snake on a smooth plate of glass and watching its vain attempts to run.The reason that the snake cannot move is because the projecting edges of these plates canfindnothingtotakeholdofonthe smooth surface, Butler Gives News and Observ- er Notice of Suit. Through his attorney,ex-Judge Robinson of Goldsboro,ex-Senator Marion Butler has served notice on the Raleigh News and Observer that he will bring civil and criminal ac- tions’for libel against the News and Observer Company and the editor of When Nance‘claimed that he didn’t remember an thing about the trouble. y- »The closing exercises of Oak Grove“school,Statesville township,takeplacetomorrowevening,5th.Exer-eas cises begin at 7.30 with a programme of recitations,songs and dialogues.;Small admission charged. ADVERTISERS—will please bringngeofcopyearly.No change of |‘|.guaranteed after 12 o'clock to- 4 caoeSpematte»ree .i,C.0 full waked up in jail he!that paner,Mr.E.KE.Britton.|The threatened suit is on account ,of the publication in the News and Observer of the recent letter of JudgeEwart,in which Butler was severely |’ |denounced. The News and Observer gives notice that it will offer neither apology nor make retraction’on account of the pub- lication.aee|Should Not eel Discouraged. So many people troubled with indigestion ,al d constipation have bee.benefited by takingChamberlain's Tablets that no one should.feel‘seouraged who has not given them a trial, They conti no pepsin or other divestive fort |Werte but strenvthen dhe #témach.and enat“WATKINS.it to perform-ifs functions’naturally:Obtain,able everywhere,£ Pain Smneailbet LAE oe the same parties of course,but here we vote for the man rather than for: the party,and this applies to our, counties more than the other offices.! 3ut we never see any bitterness arise| in elections. Our schools do not take a back seat ;with any State in the Union,as we feel our State is a leader in’the school question.Jn my country dis- trict we have.I believe,48 children of school age.This season as treasurer| of the district I have or will at the} close of the school vear,complete the} sayment of 40 months for school.We; have six months terms,and we paynoJessthan$50 per month to any teacher,and some pupils,where there is only one,we send out and board them,as it makes it cheaper than to hire_a_teacher.In addition to this we) furnish every child in the schools all their books,pencils,tablets,chalk and| everything.These school laws here| are made right and work well,and: give us ample funds,and were the! story and the laws not so long to re-, ‘ate I_would-fully-expiain-them,but}it will require too much space.| Our live stock business of every kind | has been 2 hummer for the past few vears.All we have to do is_raise} vlenty of stuff to sell in wool,sheep, eattle or horses,and take care ~of} them,and the markets take care of us|in the profit column.The European} war has drawn heavily on us for all}‘inds of live stock and the end is not| vet.The horse demand this spring, is stronger here than I have ever seen|‘t.not wholly due to the war-buyers.| The Central’West is a heavy buyer! this year for our best heavy horses to! do farm work,and they are no doubt) ‘ling the places where the war buy-| era made holes a year ago.\ We have had an ideal winter and fast making his appearance,With’best wishes for The mark and its readers,H.R.H. —Mr.Ollie Gillespie and family will move Monday into one of SheriffJ.M.Deaton’s new houses on Meet- ing street.They dre now-at Mrv R.M.Mills’on south Center street. ——Mayor Caldwell has:designated Monday,10th,as clean-up-day and everybody will be ‘expected to.got, thejr premises,in apple-pie order. i eMbicenge haa been,issued for theteoffeoBichard4G.West anissVernieSe eesti eatienes Sh pepstatin r ‘n A 3.(NEWS IN CONDENSED I cay recall several of our old neigh-|’ We hive poli-}, |gto ° stock of all kinds are looking fine and| Land-| Items of Interest Gathered From=Over the State. Rel.Walter Holcomb,evangelist,isconductingameetingatestEndMethodistchurch,Winston-Salem, «In Charlotte Saturday night S,A,Simpkins,accidentally shot himselfwhilecleaningapistol!and died a few hours later.3 W.B.Barger who recently came toHickoryfrom.Lowa,and.tonk.charge of,the Times-Merecury,has leased the Concord Chronicle,a *Republican pa- er,t i-The-foreigner-——firstsaid-to._be an Italian,now put down as a Hungarian~iwho.shot-and-seriouslyawounded.a deputy sheriff at Baden récently when the officer attempted to arrest him,es- eaped from jail Friday night.He was} in jail at Albemarle awaiting.trial. B.H.DePriest,editor and publisher of the Highlander of Shelby and later|of the Aurora -Highlander,has retir-|ed from that paper and is succeeded by}his father,.Geo.W,DePriest.De-| Priest’s valedictory ‘fills about three |columns but he doesn’t say where heis |going ner what he will do.a Recently.it.was suggested that Mr.|Geo.W.Watts of:Durham,“whose: State,county and city taxes aggregate |f about $27,000,was the largest taxpay-;er in the State.Now Winston-Salem| puts forward.Mr,FR.J,Reynolds,|whose personal taxes tn the State ag-| xregate $65,975.85,not counting per-/{ sonal taxes he,pays in other States.|| Earl Bost and Pink Holbrooks of| Newton suffered Severe injuries Sun-!day when Bost’s car collided head-on| with the car of IF.W.Thompson of} Lincolnton,at a point on the Maiden | road five miles south of Newton,So)terrific was the impact that every| member of Bost’s party were hurled} out of the car,one of them landing|{ on top of the Thompson machine.| One Tugwell was driving home from |fFarmville,Pitt county,and being un-! der the influence of the ardent,his!horse ran and left him on the roadside.Tugwell crawled into the barn of G.H,Burnette and went to sleep.) Awaking early next morning,shiver-|ing from cold,he built 4 fire andwent | to sleep again.The neighbors man-|aged to get Tugwell out of the burn-| ing building,but the barn and its con-| tents were destreyed,causing a loss of}Several hundred dollars.\ { Negroes Want to Help Make Up’ Army Units.| The negroes of the United States, are urging Congress,through thou-| sands of petitions,from all sections of| the country,to set aside two regi-| ments of artillery and two of infan-! try for the negroes in the additional|units that are to be added to the ar-|my.The National Association for the! advancement of colored,people has|addressed a letter to the Senate and, House committées on military affairs| voicing the demand that ten million; native-born”colored Americans be}granted.the right to serve their coun-;Ary in this erisis and revalling the ex-| ‘cellent record of the negro regiments | now in the army,.“There will be no difficulty in quick-|ly recruiting these two regiments, which,it is declared,will maintain the enviable record of the present ne-!organizations,which,|under! stress of battle,have given ample ev-| idence of their courage and loyalty. | March Revenue Collections. During March Collector Watts;of , this district,collected internal revenue taxes amounting to $1,189,215.24,as)follows:| Tobacco: S.-.s nee $1,164,828.14 | Income .Taxes*......me 12,406.51|Kmergency Taxes 11,574.67| Liquor License 227.09 I'ines and Penalties Narcotic Taxes Oleomargarine License .. This is the largest amount ever! colleeted in one month in the district, exeeeding last month by $133,869.69,| cand March,1915,by &:7.55 | 39 1-2 per cent. Old Singers at Harmony. Correspondence of The Landmark. The Harmony Old Singers’Associa- Jed to everybody to attend. P,P.GREEN,Chairman. J.V.Bagegarly,Sec’y. Miss Mildred Hobbsof Lenoir has tion extenc will take charge this week.Mr.and Mrs.R.M.Mills,who had rented the house,decided not to take it. NATIONAL SLOGAN SUG- GESTED BY PROMINENT (Ke DAVIS’VARNISH STAIN MEMPHIS DRUGGIST Would Remind the Public to Prevent Sickness by Removing the Cause || a lot of hay will be carried over;| “pring seems to be with us,as Gen-| ———— T.D.BALLARD |a prominent druggist of Memphis says: “Munch.sickness could and would be |prevented if the people would only re- member that constipation is one of the first.causes.As a reminder,I would |suggest the slogan, |.#*Rexall Orderlies,the laxative tab- |let with the pleasnnt taste.’ “1 guggest Rexall Orderlies as I know |their formula and belieye they are the |heat remedy for relieving constipation. men,women or oral Green,the life of the West,is! |They can be used by |chifdren.”“ |STATESVILLE lea maithasnnionpiiien nab,ve ag +PO |tion will meet’in annual session at the||Bartist church in Harmony on the first | ‘Sabbath in May,1916.A cordial invita-| || || 'rented the Gaither boarding house and | |4!i i ||Lazenby-M ‘NOTICE OF SALE.UNDER EXE- New Suits” ‘New Dresses New Coats. New Skirts’ New Waists IN ew Petticoats Prices,Specially Attractive.° |Johnston-Belk Co. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS!ONE OF TWELVF.BIG RETAIL STORES! Slelel el ele.ewlelws THE MOON'S RIG Havo“¥ou a few spare feet of ground?Why not dig up the dol- lars in it by planting something next summer? Nothing like having a good garden with fine,fresh vegetables right out of the ground,with no lost flavor and strength from be- ing pulled too long before they’re used,«’We have a selection of the finest varieties you can buy,both vegetable and flower.: ‘he right seed. There’s nothing so beautiful and flowers. ing a place really look like HOM Con,:in TODAY and let’s get the garden and’flower beds while the moon’s right! GRAY DR With their beautiful combinations of delicate tints and texture they're equal to a coat of paint in beautifying and mak- that will save your pocketbook — A good garden calls for refreshing ‘round—-the house as E! started > PANY “On the Square.” NO R S R C E S R g R O E O a s a b E S e O E O E O E C s S E C e C e os e Ee e se e gov &czemaandotherSkinTroubles We GuaranteeSaxoSalve 158.47|to stop the itching and begin healing |14.8¢|With the first application or return your VSO enone ye There are lots of skin reme-|dies but Saxo is the only one they guar-antec like this..Why don’t you try it ?.,VW.Bq HALL,DRUGGIST,' ‘Statesville. ‘|Won't.you let us prove to you by} one trial that there is no finish that!will give you a lasting satisfaction! in point of luster,béauty,hardness,and above all WEAR?It is proclaim-.ed the best.by those who have used it for years, FOR SALE BYontgomeryHardware Co., Statesville,N.C.: TRUSTEE’S SALE OF ACCOU TS.| Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Iredell county,the undersigned assignee ofW.FE.Gaither of “Harmony,Gs will, MONDAY,April 10th,1916,at 12 o'clock, sell to the highest bidder,at publie auction,for eash,at the court house door of iredellcounty,all the accounts and other evidences ofdebtsduesaidW.E.Gaither and remaining unpaid at that date.JNO.A.SCOTT,Jr.,March 31,1916-—2t*,Assignes W.EB.Gaither, CUTION. North Carolina,Tvedell County,:In Superior Court,January Term,1916.J.R.Eddinger vs.Isaac H.Whiting and Mrs.Annie Whiting.BY VIRTUE of an execution directed to theundersignedfromtheSuperior.Court of Iredell county in the above entitled attion,1 will,on MONDAY,MAY 1ST,1916, at 12 o'clock,at the court house door of saidcounty,sell to the hishest bidder,for cash,to satisfy said execution,nll the right,title andinterestwhichthesaidIsaacH.Whiting andMrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in the following described real estate,towit:Ly-ing and being in Chambersburg township oftheaforesaidStateand.county,bounded on thenorthbythelandsofEmanuelBeaver,New-ton Beaver and Arthur Beaver;on the east bytheJandsofClarenceMooreandWittCorne-lius;on the south by the lands of:J.Q.Car- ter ;-on theowest by the lands.of John Honey- éUtt,-eontaining 60 acres,mdére or,less,Jd.M.DBATON,+.’b March 81,1916,Sheriff Iredell Co. on}4 TRY A CAN |. —OF=== Yuban Coffee Willer-McLain Supply Co. ’ Home comforts can only be byheatingyourhouse.Heating isonethingwegiveourspecialat-tention.Everything in Sheet Met- al we make.Ask us any questionaboutthisline.If you have nottimetodropintheshop’phone 55.Yours for Heating and Sheet Met-al Work. Statesville Tin Co. W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Locks andGunsrepairedandKeysfitted.In factanythinginrepairine.: Phone 209. FOR SALE. ;wearer -1 40-acre farm,in high atate of cultivation,anroodimprovements,two miles from Statesvil N.C."A bargaity at $82.60 per acre.If in BUILDING?C."WATKINS. ioe Robemci ¥ 8 Pig ate ee ested fee rhe:at once.R.C.BUNCH,‘yille,N.C Mareh 31,i Pe eeea Lisette TUESDAY,1916. BLUFFED WHOLE CREW. German Stowaway Held Up.Captain and Fifty-Six Mem- bers of Crew of British Ves- sel, \*‘Lewes,Del.,Dispatch.|.How a lone German:stowawaytaupthecaptainand56membe'ory oFcrewoftheBritishsteamera breakwater after he had rifled theship’s safe and taken their yaluables, sgl of the Matoppo.ihe stowa- who days his name is ErnestSchillerandthathehadlivedinHo-'!boken,N for the past eight, the disposition of his case.The Matoppo sailed from New York ing chiefly of barbed.wite and -farm immlemgents.She Passed out Sandy| was-told--here-by —-Captain Bergner,| THE L,ANDMARK FROM OVER.THE CO’ (tems of Interest AboutVarious!Matters.\HThomasTaggart,recently appoint-|ed United:States Senator ad interim|from Indiana to succeed the late Sen-|}atorShively,hag.issued an announce-| ment saying he will not be a candi-;daté for the senatorial nomination to|succeed himself,The annual fight over the—river’and.harhér-improvement was,..openedinthe’House of Congress,Friday,|| with Chairman Sparkman urging);compelling,them at the point of a re-|pacsage of the-$40,000,000.appropri-| -volver to change the course of the ation’pill framed by the river and}vessel and land him at the Delaware|payhoy committee,‘and ‘Republicans| attacking it as an extravagant “pork| barrel”.measure.|State Warehouse Commissioner Me-||Laurin 6f§outh Carolina has as kod | |Gov,Manning to convene the legista-| ture in extra session “to provide for: State insurance,in view of the with-| |months,was locked in;jail awaiting!drawal of many:fire insurance com-| panies from South Carolina sin*e the |Laney-Odom act,outlawing the,South-}for Viadivostock with a cargo consist |pactorn Underwriters’Association,be-| ;came:effective.” MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUE ‘AND OPPORTUNITY!; THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE i AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!ue$O-THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITACCOUNT! A New.Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Departs:— ment,..All Deposits made on or before April 5th will — draw interest from April Ist at the rate of 4 per cent.” coinpounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from beth womenandmen!fieseh Certificates of Deposit:issued by this Bank;bear interest) from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum,. America’s exports und imports both Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially favitter We want your business. People’s Loan and Savings Bank noe at 6 o’clock in the evening and jwore preater in February than in any|two-hours later,upon.entering his|‘roviolis month in the country’s histo-"cabin,Captain Bergner says he wasiy,Tigres assembled by the bureauconfrontedbyayoungmanwithare-of foreipn and domestic ‘commerce| volver in each hand.“Hands un and |show exports had a total value of, THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here’s an important fact:one-half of all the carson American highways areFordsBecauseFordcarshavegivensatisfactionfromthebeginning.liveryFordownerisaFordbooster,for the car more than meets his expectation. Consider the record of the ord firstandyouwon't look further when youbuy,Runabout $390;Touring Car.£440;Coupelet $590:‘Town Car.$640;Sedan oral.All prices f.o.b.Detroit.:On sale at Carolina Motor Co.,,States-|ville,Mooresville and Newton.‘ coonONLENERYRTEROWOTTFAPOEFF TRE RRL not @ sound if you value your life!” was the command.The captain was,then bound hand and foot and locked| in his eabin,promising under penal-|y of death,not to raise an alarm. |Cautiously making his way to the} ‘wireless cabin,the stowaway,whois | j about 26years.old,put the instru- |ents out of commission and threw 'the ship’s-guns.consisting«of ©six! |viiles,overboavd.He then returned||to the captain's cabin,rifled.the safe| jend destroyed many impor tant papers?||He had expected,he told Captain!! |Berener.to find at least 2,000 pounds| lin English money ahoard,~but there | |was not a nenny in the sate,Later||however, ain and the first officer to.hand over{2 pecketbooks containing a ‘total|crease'vears, |their jof shaut 20 pounds,With Captain -Bergner_still a} |pyis oner in his,own eabin,©Schiller|rroccrded to round up the crew of 56) ‘men,all but a few of whom_were inj‘ their bunks,He lined all hands.up|'"n one end of the ship and threatened| to blow evervbody to ,pieces -with| hombs he said he had placed in differ-| ent parts af the vessel’if,any one! made a-move. At 4 o’elock in the morning Schil-|‘ler released Captain Bergner still erfpping a revolver in each hand,! /ordered the steamer headed toward| ‘chore.Other officers and members of: the crew were ordered to their places| ay told to put on all speed for the. Delaware capes.When the Matopposamewithinsightofland-about noon |Schitler-ordered-a-small boat lowered| to take him’ashore.Meanwhile the: steomcr’s signals asking for ‘assist- snee,had heen sighted by the pilot sont Philadelphia,which took the small boat in .tew,disregarding the We've Bought a Machine With Steel | Brains---Grains That Never.Tire. ~No matter-how fast or how long you feed figaes into this machine it never lets er- ro,s croon in through brain fag.-Thisis car?‘ying out one branch of the helpful service that it is.our constant effort to render ouy patrons.To best understand what this machine mean’s to a busy Bank, one mustseait in-actual operation,We are ready and pleased to demonstrate its efiziency to any one at-any time A mighty good plan would be to start an account with us if you haven’t one al- ready, Mercthants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” |threats of Schiller to shoot anybody. who laid a hond-on him.{ Of Cape Henlopen,Del.,a coust, ,euard power boat which had put out | from Lewes in answer to the Maton-| nas signals,met the Philadelphia: Captain John S.Lyneh,coast guard| ‘keeper at this stationgin commandof | the power boat,placed Schiller in| |irons and brought him ashore.| Schiller was later taken to prison |. in New York.Ata preliminary hear-| ine before a justice of the peace he; i/made a detailed statement as to his| |motives in starting what he termed| ‘a privateering —exhibition.Revenge | /against England for erresting him as | |spy as well as the spoils he expect-|[ed to secure,he declared,were the| himnching motives. ;“Jn making war on England I am i guilty of nothing more than a.breach,of the neutrality Jaws of this coun- try;?’—Schitler continued,=“FE was imeacefully practicing my profession | i of textile ongineer in Hull,™ngland.; |when the war broke-out.—A friend of}imine was arrested,charged with sic- (naling with caleium lights to the raid- ping Zeppelins.He was shot and]was. arrested.I had committed no offence -ereatly humiliated,although there! |Was no evidence against me. ;“J-told the Hull officials that if ihe |persisted in persecuting me on ac-| ;count of -my German.nativity they| itvonld pay for it dearly.They could| find no excuse for shooting me,so: ;they punished me by exiling me from the country and so I came to America. 'T spent some time in Danbury,New! Haven and Brideevort,Conn.,and| ES O S 88 8 8 8 8 OO O O OO OP O SO T FS Ie ot e ee t ee s oee e es «Yes saeedssuegeeeaeesseseeeeaeetessesaTeedcaatabeasesstetetteeettetas soseabistoetebeeebeecsBurpee’s Seed! THAT GROW. To your interest,Mr.Gardner,to plant SEED that grow and are true to name. Give us your SEED business for 1916. After that always ours. The Rexall Store.——— Statesville Drug Comp’y Quality a ae srtetsssrsi22 retetere? |finally went to Boston,where I secur-|{ ed employment with a textile compa-| I ny|“AN the time I was thirsting for.|revenge on the English and I used to!vie awake at night studying how to} vet square and doing something for |Germany at the same time.“Thenit | occurred to me that it would be much} |simnler for a prize crew to stowaway | +on British ships over here than for} |prize crews to run the English block=|ade.I went to Hoboken with my | |plans fully formulated and there got‘together my gang,picking out four}|of the most likely looking fellows to} |accompany me on the expedition.J|told them I was out to capture a Brit-| ‘ish steamer and make it my yacht| 'and explained that five of us easily |. /could hold up any ship’s .crew and| ;that we could —claim the ship as a}|orize besides getting all the money on} board.i“When I went aboard the Matop-| no I had been told it was another boat,|the H|sparto,I think,and that it car-|ried at least 2,000 pounds and a can go of munitions for the allies.I went} aboard last Thursday and notified myfourhandymentoalsogetonboard| but they were not there and I had to} see the job through alone.” Ships Put Out of Commission. ist HOTTYMivenda " eral,2 HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. ea HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.Plumbing and Private Water Systems.rs »REFERENCES E'URNISHED. || | Senator Nelson has submitted a| memorandum to the Senate showingthat203Norwegian,Swedish,DanishandDutchmerchant,vessels have beensunkinthewarzoneuptoMarch’.25, Of these 97 were Norwegian,50 Swed-|.ish,28 Danish and 28 Dutch.Submasj rines sank 136,66 were destroyed by mines and 1 was sunk by a cruiser.Since the war began,the report said,Germany,,had detained,or seized val af seized or detained BIGfoo ae |a graduate of Wake Forest College,| Schiller.compelled the’¢ap-|has introduced a resolution proposing and,|. (jaded:“T back up every but I was shut up in a dirty jai!and|doses of Dozen's.Kidney Pills give mo: Swedish.'vesséls,while England had}; $409,836,525,exceeding by $15,000,000}the record set last December,Imports jreached $194,000,000. Hon.Chas.A.Smith, Lieutenant Governor who was Fridayin Johns Honkins hospital.Bal-| timore.He was Governor of South! Carolina for a few,days in January,| 1915,Blease resigning five days he-| fore his term expired.Gov.Smith’s| home was at Timmonsville.He was} a native of Gates county,N.C,,and} Congressman Bailey of .Pennsyl-! vania,a close friend of W.J.Bryan,| constitutional amendment to in- the presidential.term ‘to sicwithaone-term limit.Mr.! Bailey said the:Democratic partv andPresident,Wilson had been unjustly| criticized in-connection with the sin-! “lo-term nlank of the Baitimore plat- iform.and pointed out that Mr.Wil-, son did not pledge himself to fe term,but merely was pledged by the! convention’to the principle. Having been advised by Secretary,of Commerce Redfield that gasoline|§ was likely to go to 40 cents a gallon vithin the next two months,Represen- tative Howard of Georgia and Rev-) resentative Steenerson of Minnesota! have introduced in Congress legisla-' tion designed to control the price of| this product.Mr.Howard proposes: an embargo en gasoline so thet it can- not he shipped abroad,and Mr.Steen-: of South Caro-|}|DochcomosonssEaonbonuD TONE dovoORGDSNODSNNARNN lina when Blease was Governor,died |reaSUdUUALEUSd SESTERIERRT STITTSTE T denser ae 0.L.TURNER ”’Cashier.nanpe WHAT'S THE USE? oe To go away from home for your FIELD ShEDS* when “J.E.Sloop has what"you need at the! right price,and you may return what you don’tiOH use and get your MONEY BACK?See me for” first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Oxchard,Herds,** Kentucky Glue;Tall Meadow Oats,and Sudan?’ Grass and Rape.Burt,Black,White,~Red -.rust proof and Bancroft’s aS Vertilizers from“ 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2.Am looking for shes who need supplies and fertilizers on time.as well. as cash,I can take care of your wants, J.E SLOOP. erson’s bill provides that the.Feder- s}‘Trade Commission be cemnowered! to fix masoline prices on gasoline and |; siiied products. DOUBLY PROVEN! Readers Can No Longer | Evidence. woman Statesville Doubt the This Statesville long ago.5 Told of quick relic?—of benefit. The facts Such testimony is complete— idence conclusive., Tt forms coavineing proof of syrritcg Mrs Reavis,212 ae says:“T—suffered from pain ecross the small back and kidneys.[ couldn’t gf sloep well and in th:merning,I elt all tired out.My kidneys didn’t act right and I was nervous end diz: Doan’s Kidney Pills,procured fon Wall’s Drug Store,made nee och."ig (Statement given Mareh 1,1512.) On March ~6,1915,Mrs.--Renvis- >word of my if former cnilorsement.Whenever my | testified undoubted are now confirmod. the oy Seventh St.ig of my |g sine is given—apply to your.agent. aUetesTs ideaeasaI:saenssncesnezasensstessccegnrestat: The Statesville ie &Investment Co.” INSURANCE! As a great many policyholders do not.seem to know that: their insurance will be void under certain_conditions named in the: contract of the policy which they buy.We deen:it advisable te:mention some of thg,causes under which the same will be rendered veiueless,viz?&1—Vacant or icle property for longer than 30 days—-apply toi your agent for permit. 2—Mechanics making additions to,or extraordinary.alteras; tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.iets 3—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of “Any change in the title-or ownership,or interest"in -proper-"~ ty aa other than by death,i5—Assignment or transfer of property to another.‘ 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.—— 7--The taking of other insurance without notice,8—Keeping ,¢xDlosives on the premises without permit other. than kerosene oil.9—Property encumbered hy chattle mortgage.Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract,of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-: ficiencies unless notified.“Call on us for any INSURANCE infor mation. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ‘PHONE 54 STATESVILLE,N lt kidneys cause me any trouble,-a-few- |relief.y ! “Price 502,at all Don’t simply ask for a kidney remody-—tet Doan’s Kidney Pills-=the same that Mrs.Reavis had.Fostér-Milburn_Co,, |Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. Spring dealers. ee SPECIAL VALUES = IN TOOTH BRUSHES,HAIR BRUSHES,NAIL BRUSHES, Cae eG aoeine: HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 29.Prescriptionist. Flowers! Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. Van Lindley (o., Polk Gray Drng Co., LecalAgente,” SIERO HOBDSCHOECA.ICEOBOBOACRO RAC AOBCICECISHO OHARA IRRCRSIOEIED JUST ARRIVED. New Line Spring Suits,Hats, Shirts and Neckwear.:; ALL THE LATEST in these LINES. Call,early and look through.Will take pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or not,: epee re Sloan RUT LANDMARK |MANY .=«April 4,1916,|}German Air Ships Inflict--Much Damage in England —One Comes to Grief —German Gain at Verdun.; The coast of ‘Scotland and the} :ttys Editor of ‘The Landmark:northern and southeastern counties of i ~“‘L)see in your issue of the 28th ult.)England were attacked by German can?rticle from Mr,J.M.Deaton,Zeppelins Sunday night,according to eee th”guewer”to-s PYeviOUE yan Official announcement by.the Sec:| irene er nen MASSE rotary of-War-for-Great-Britain,The! i :ar e jannouncement says:| -/wareespecially gratifying to me,if they|nth Zeppelin raid took place Sun-| ,i sare carried out—t.e.,that he propos-|day night when the coast of Scotland} _;@%to settle in full for 1913 and 1914)14g the northern and southeastern taxes befgre going out of office.This counties of England were attacked. Sounds very plausible on its pan a |Bombs _were dropped at various me avestion natura y ca 1 Y'places.No details are available, exe not 1918‘anna been settled long This was the third or fourth Zenpe- before this time?and as they have not ‘lins within as many days.-An official pore settled MyeY conte keaternene|Steer of the Saturday night raid | ;are says:| that they will be settled before he)ipwo airships approached the north-| “AYER.COMES AGAIN. ,to ‘Sherif Deaton and ~.Asks Questions, $ =goes out of office as sheriff and into)act coast Saturdaynight.Only one’ office as county commissioner;and in’crossed the coast.‘The other turned view of his actions heretofore these)},¢%.For the present we know that: starements may be taken with a very)16 persons were killed and about 100, cqrisiderable “grain of salt.linjured.Eight dwelling houses were Peer Neen a a te cor ye |dermoliahed and a_serious fire was poaahhcable::E |caused.”1peesciseonyante,Wwas.clect-“Of the raid Friday night this re- ‘an oath to carry out and support the ecrnepee casualties reported in, Jaw;after which he attempted to keep the Zeppelin raid on the night of several thousand dollars of commis-;Warch 31-April 1 now amount to 48 sione,as well as draw the salary of |killed and 66 injured.Nearly 200, sheriff at the same time;and suit had explosive and incendiary bombs were| to be brought by the county to recov-'dropped. ‘or Same.Sears :|“A Baptist chapel,three dwelling Again Mr.Deaton,in his withdraw-houses and two cottayes were demol-|al as a candidate for sheriff,stated ished.A town hall,four dwelling that he would manage the business of |pouses,85 cottages and a tram car Re tet of Mer ece hed were party wrecked.There i act :«!Avas no military damage. Now if this is the case,why should ‘A number of our aeroplanes went he want to be county commissioner:uy to attack the raiders.Lieutenant as we all know that the amount paid!Brandon,rising 6,000 feet,saw a Zep-| to a county commissioner 18 _Very)pnelin about 3,000 fect above him.At email,1 respectfully submit that it |9,000 feet he got over it and attacked, ooks as if there wasa “nigger in the qropping several bombs.three of| woodpile somewhere.a /which he believes took effect.{ Summed up.Mr.Deaton’s record)“Tater he got -over the airship! looks a little this way:lagain and let off two more bombs) fi =opposed salaries for county of-|gver her nose.His own machine was | ces.‘hit many times by machine gun bul- He then attempted to collect both |jets.This may have been the Zep-| salary and commissions.._|pelin which dropped a machine gun, He was allowed the largest delin-ammunition,a petrol tank and ma- quent list of taxpayers for 1912 0 ‘chinery.or possibly that which came’ any sheriff of Iredell that I know of.)down off the Thames estuary.”{ ant,weay he be a county oe |A correspondent in‘a ndrtheast 3 Nene -coast town says a Zeppelin dropped A CITIZEN AND TAXPAY ER.|14 explosive and.seven incendiary night.»Tenre|~Pastors’C ,bombs there Saturday nd Conference hureh men,three women and three children| ‘Ws.,jwere killed and 25 persons were se- The pastors’quarterly conference riously injured.In.addition |about of the South Yadkin Baptist Associ-|80 others received minor injuries. ation met at the First Baptist church)A tram car inspector was killed ZEPPELIN —RAIDS.| A Program AY“THE PHANTOM ISLAND,” wie FORD AND DAVENPORT. “FIRING THE BUTLER.”A laughable tw>reel “L-KO”COMEDY. *DIAMOND FROM THE SKY,” Featuring Lottie Pickford,SIX BIG REELS—5e.and 10c.Cos et }:WEDNESDAY— “FATHER AND THE BOYS,”Featuring the popular Musical Comedy Star—Digby Bell. This play was written by George Ade,America’s fore- most.humorist,and is-one of:the biggest-Film-Plays ef the Year—5c.and 10e. :THURSDAY—: “TUE TRAIL OF THE WILD WOLF,’ A two-part red blooded “IMP”FEATURE! “THE ANIMATED WEEKLY”and a funny NESTOR COMEDY! FRIDAY— '“HIS MAJESTY,DICK TURPIN,” A splendid “BISON”FEATURE with FRANCIS FORD. AND GRACE CUNARD, “THE BROKEN COIN,” FEATURING FRANCIS FORD AND GRACE CUNARD. @ ELEVATING FATHER, ONE OF THOSE LAUGHABLE TWO-REEL “L-KkO” COMEDIES.SIX BIG REELS=-5c.and 10c. resent Thi Pictures That Will Please Every One ™4 Educational and !a,ComScenic. wi GEORGE ADES A ae4 “Father anaBeereyes The Greatest Treat of the Season DIRECTED BYJOSEPHDEGRASSE COMING—"THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII,”PASQUALI’S MASTERPIECE,IN WHICH TEN THOUSANDPEOPLETOOKPART.EIGHT REELS,DIVIDED INTO A PROLOGUE AND.TWO PARTS.“THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE,”IN NINE PARTS.MADE AFTER HUDSON MAXIM’S “DEFENCELESS AMERICA.”IT SHOWS THE UNITED STATES LAID IN:WASTE BY A FOREIGN ARMY AND TEACHESTHEWISDOMOF“PREPAREDNESS.”EVERY MAN,WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD SEE IT,WATCH FOR DATES! Special Announcement---Saturday Morning Educational Matinees. After carefully investigating the matter and getting the advice and experience of quite a number of Civic Work- ‘ers throughout the country,among them Mrs.J.A.ALLISON and Mrs.W.H.JASSPON of Charlotte and Mrs LE- VI of Louisville,Ky.,we have decided to arrange for a MATINEE SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN!These Matinees will bel given éach Saturday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock.SATURDAY MORNING EDUCATIONAL With the assistance of these Ladies,we have arranged a {special programme of educational,scenic and mythological Pictures that will be very instructive as well as entertain ing to the children.In this programme we will also have quite a number of Cartoon Pictures by some of America’s]greatest Cartoonists,that will.be very amusing. These Pictures have to be rented in addition to our regular programme and,in order to get the variety,we haveesterdaywiththefollowingout-of and a woman tram conductor had a on ministers present:Rev.W.N.|°¢blown off.Several houses wereJohmstonofWakeForest,State sec-_wrecked in one street.One house was | retary of missions;Dr.E.T.Carter|demolished,but the family of.five es-| of Spencer,Rev.J.F.Kirk of Salis-|caped without serious injury.bury,Rev.i.U.Weston of Moores-,report from Berlin,giving an ac-ville,J.L.Teague of Stony Point,,count of the raid and the damage in- Rev.H.C.Marley of Cooleemee,Rev.flicted,says:J.S.Connell of Catawba.|“In snite of the violent bormbard- It was decided to hold a mecting ment,all the airships returned,with with the Spencer church about the!the exception of the L-15,which,ac- middle of June for the purpose of de-cording to a report,was compelled tovelopingStatemissions.Rev.Mr./descend on the water of the river Johnston spoke at Western Avenue!Thames.Searches instituted by our Baptist:church last night on “Stew-|naval forces up to the present have ardship.”‘not been productive of any results.” “Communion service at Sharon Lu-A London report says 17 unwounded theran church Sunday morning at 11,and several.wounded prisoners were o'clock.Preparatory service Satur-,taken by a British patrol ship from’ '-day afternoonat 8 o’clock.‘the Zepelin L-15,which was hit by —Phe-meeting of the Ministeriat:As-+shell fire in a raid on England and fell| Sociation was not held yesterday,on!in the Thames estuary.The surviv- necount of the absence os some of the!ors said that a iunior officer had been | “members.The Landmark is request-|left on the airshiv to blow her un if! ed to announce that officers will be!necessary.The Zeppelin sank.while eletted at the next meeting,on the)eing towed to port,after the crew 17th.}was.rescued. “Mr.R.T,Weatherman talked on A German official report savs that| “Christian Statesmanship”at’the,Teuton troops have cleared 1,000 vardsBloomfieldBaptistchurchSunday)of French trenches northeast of Hau-night.::court in addition to the positions tak--—-In-the absence of the ~pastor,Dr.en March 30.The Germans-took 731: Chas,Anderson,the services at the/|nrisoners in the battle of Vaux March First Baptist church Sunday were!31.The only mention of fighting;conducted_by-Mr.Hamrick of the}around Verdun April 1 tells of the) Thomasville Orphanage,who talked repulse of _a French counter-attackoftheorphanagework.jafter a terrific artillery bombardment| :{near Vaux.tomes Deaths.A Paris dispatch says four fresh Rachel Lee,infant of Mr.and Mrs.|brigades participated in the German “A.L.Hunsucker of Concord township,|attack which ended in the occupation: died Saturday and was buried the same|0f the village of Vaux,to the north-day.‘east of Verdun.An attempt by the ,)Miss ‘Kate McDorgald,a sister of |Germans to follow up their success in, Mr.T.A.McDougald of Statesville,|obtaininga-_foothold_in.the village of died last week at tne home of her!Y8ux by an infantry attack between brother-in-law and sister,Mr.and Mrs.Vaux and Fort Douaumont,©failed. Dan Hugh McLean,at Lillington,The |Preparation for the attack was made remains were interred at the McDou-|hv a violent artillery bombardment,: gald burying ground in Harnett coun-|The French curtain of fire stopped ty._Miss McDougald is survived by |the infantry assault,Paris says. ‘two sisters-andone brother.\:z Ta oe ae ee ee ee at 'The funeral of Mr CC.Phillips|Why the Lawyers Oppose Mr,Colored Man Shot Two.M EODGGEIEEE II OSU USOMOMUNTET ISTE Was conducted Saturday morning at Brandeis.Friday afternoon at Lookout Spur,2 l 10:80-0’clock at the homé of Mr.and/.is on the Catawba river,near Catawba };Greensboro News.station,Paul Shuford,colored,_his_|g ‘Here is Louis D.Brandeis’opinion.Mrs.F.J.Axley by Rev.Messrs.J.,:<¥F-Kirk,C.E.Raynal and J.1 wife and another negro woman got in-{8 Pressly and the interment was in °f the present-day lawyer:“It is true to a row,resulting in Paul shooting .]&Oakwood cemetery,Here for the fu.tHat at the present time the Jawver)both of the women.His wife was the jg ““niéral were Mrs.A.A.Fain/and Mr,oes not hold that position with the,™ore seriously injured but it was re-Reb Phillips of Murphy and Mr.Will People which he held 50 years ago;ovted yesterday that she was gettin [DyGarltonofAtlanta,Ga.Mrs.Phillips but the reason is,in my opinion,not along all right.The other woman wasandlittledaughterareatMr.Axley’s.lack of opportunity.It is because,-»!y slightly hurt. Reel SL nea me instead of holding a position of inde-The negroes live and work at Look-Flags and Bibles For the Schools pendence between the wealthy and)ot Spur,where there is a force at ‘Statesville council No.399,Junior,the people.prepared to curb the ex-|work getting out sand.iOrder,will present a Bible and flag to |C¢SS of either,the apte lawyers have)Rocky Branch school,Sharpesburg to a great extent allowed themselves;WINSTON-SA LE} _township,tomorrow,bth,at-11-o’clock.'©become adjunct of the great cor-|SAVED FROM Public invited to attend the exercises,|Porations,and have neglected their4{fhe Eufola Junior Order Saturday |obligation to use their powers for the eemented a Bible and fiag to the Aber-|Protection of the people.If we areWieprShilohtownship.Rev.C.|to solve the important economic,so-' to get them from quite a number of different Film Companies.This,of course,makes them more expensive than getting them all from-one Company.However,we feel {that enough interest will be taken in them for us to come out even and,if we can do this,we will continue the progrjamme indefinitely. The prices for these Matinees will be 5c.for children ofj twelve years pnd under and,while they are intended _es- pecially for children,adults will be admitted at the regula'r admission price of 10c.Quite a number of the Pictures will be very interesting and instructive to every one! We will begin these Matinees on Saturday morning,April}8th,at 10 o'clock,with the following programme: “RAPIDS AND WATERFALLS OF NEW ZEALAND;")“A VISIT TO THE PARIS Z00;”“MODES OF TRAV- EL IN JAPAN;”“THE HEART AND THE CIRCULAT,ION OF THE BLOOD;”“THE WINE INDUSTRY OF MARSOLA,ITALY;”“A RUSSIAN BOAR HUNT;”“EF,LIVER’S DILEMMA”—COMEDY. Below will be found a partial list of the Pictures we have jbooked so far and these will be added to as we can secure them.If possible to secure it,we wilbbe glad to show any special Picture that’any one knows of that will be suita; ble for this programme.. A PARTIAL LIST OF THE PICTURES WE HAVE BOOKED." ANIMATED MOVEMENTS ANALYZED—Educational.HEAD DRESSES OF HOLLAND—[ducational. CALIFORNIA’S ROCKY SHORES—Scenic.MOVEMENTS THE EYE MISSES—Educational. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD—Mythological.GLIMPSES OF JAVA—Scenie. WHERE TREES ARE STONE—Scenic.ENGINEERING IN OREGON—Educational. CLIMBING MONT BLANC—Scenic.SIBERIA,THE VAST UNKNOWN—Educational. OLD,UNCHANGING HOLLAND—Educational.WATCHING FLOWERS.GROW—Educational, QUAINT DANCES OF JAPAN—Educational.BY THE ZUYDER ZEE—Scenic. FROM KABYLIS TO CONSTANTINE—Educeational.HOW FLOWERS BREATHE-——Educational. UNFAMILIAR FISHES—Edueational.IN THE FRENGH SUDAN—Scenic. SHORES OF THE BALAC SEA—Scenice::THE STUDY-OF-BIRDS=Educational: FEATHERED FRIENDS AT DINNER—Educational.CHILDREN OF THE NETHERLANDS NIAGARA FALLS IN WINTER DRESS—Scenic.THE BOY SCOUTS—Edueational, WONDERS OF THE ALPS—Scenic.THE HEART OF A CHILD—Educational.- THE LEGEND OF THE STARS—Mpythological.SUPMARINE MYSTERIES—Educational. INSECTS THAT MIMIC—Educational.TRIP AROUND THE WORLD—Educationat. YELLOWSTONE PARK—Scenice.BIRTH OF THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER—Ed. THE FAIRY AND THE WAIF—Mythological.THE DEAF BLIND WONDER—Educational. The above list does not show any of the Comedies or near all the Picturey we have booked,but will give a fair idea of the class of Pictures we will show on this programme.We will announce what Pictures will be shown several days ahead.: NOTE—IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THE SCHOOL CHILDREN WHO WILL BE HERE ON FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH,WE WILL GIVE AN EDUCATIONAL MATINEE FRIDAY MORNING,BEGINNING AT 10. Cee Pe A Sei ee a oi i 7 Educational. DEATH, J.EK.Erwin Says Wonderful Remedy | Brought Him Astonishing Relief. in Jd.Kk.Erwin of Winston-Salem,N.;} M.White presented the Bible and Mr.|cial and industrial questions which |©aes for a long time the victim ofH.F Cowie the flag.|have become political questions also,|serious disorders of the stomach.He The Statesville council,Junior Or-/tt,Seems to me clear that the attitude!tticd all kinds of treatment and had :er;will present a Bible and flag to the of the lawyer in this respect must be M&ny doctors.PoeWilliamsburgschool,Union Grove ™aterially changed,**©*The|;One day he took a dose of Mayr’s | township,Saturday.The school closes %’¢at opportunity of the American|PU iaE Reedy erty neuthatdayfortheterm._bar is and will be to stand again as it ed 2t the results.The help he soughtsrteeaees‘did in the past,ready to protect also shad come.He wrote:|Court Items.,the interest of the people.”es an ae through personal|ahi It is notorious that the most sav-Use of the life-saving powers of youreAtn¢£,rPadbyColey,(Chas,Brow er pee Viet of the attacks on Mr.Brandeis;Wonderful Remedy.You have.saved the.mayor for an affray a few days!have come from members of his own ™y life.I could have lived but a fewMestadaopeettatray&fev -i profession.This attitude of mind,|Weeks more had it not been for your)t was Lec cpanel furnishes an ex-idles i am inelosing a list ofoWetiaddie:of the Morganton |cot"qetPlanation of the phenome-frienc sufferers who ought to haveit|adjunct of the great cor-|Some of your rémedy.”|0})taken off the train here some -yorqtj it,com.|Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives:ons”could have stocaysagoandsenttothegang,was!ing from a layman;but’when the |permanent results for stomach,liver| q —oo o any ed over to Sheriff Berry of Burke |coc :;‘Dh 1foantySeturdahumorfilerco|sec ond,perhaps not.even the second,|and intestinal ailments.Eat 4s much!Doors,Windows,Mantels.Havlik duelttied “ae ‘adental @anted thete for fighting and the |Sreatest lawyer in the United States |and whatever you like.No more dis-|:'j hy,|aie of Wm.A,Gibson,deconsed,late of |Ire-Ras er Wuehat decir Tee ae;ALIN the 'talks that way,it is not merely an/|tress after eating,pressure of gas in|Columns,Stairways;Lime,Laths,del!county,North Carolina,this is to notify 'te of Mrs.C.TL.Campbell,deceased,late of urke authorities paid his fine here,assault oi the or foagionr ik 1h fre:chee an ’Ze as 1G ment:Dov:‘and Window Frames:@ll persons having claima-againat the estate {Iredell county,North Carolina,this is to notifyGatosweretheytogethim.tan toi profession;it is treas-!he stomach and around the heart.)©@ ’iw:Door Locks,Sush Locks of the said deceased to ptesent.them to the un«/all persons having claims againat the estate of Peds giao |okie :a Aloe lik!such a her-|Get one bottle of your druggist now}ee Colar ?ai att‘all grades dersigned on or before the 11th day of March,|the said aoe present them to the un- a .‘i |>be admitted into the bod that ig}and try i :.|Hinges;ec OSts t ze i i i in bay of dersigned on or before the 11th day of March,“Old Sores,Other Nemedies Won't Core the Inwudr what the cotte y yee is |ane ved it an ‘an absolute kuarantee |3 ough and Dressed Lumber.¢All persons indet 117%;ov this notice will be pleaded in bar ofratcases,to matier if how lon statiding,|di yale fe:th th te a Fe oO}car-|ot,satisfactory money.will he|ye :said estate will please:make imm their recovery.All persons indebted to theredbythewonderftl,old reliable Dr,|slecta e priest?Not if the;returned,{|C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.7 "JOHN D.GIBSON,said estate will please make.immediate payAntivemticif,It relieves |ble lawyers,led by Mr.Choate,cant.F -‘hae ee Administrator -of We As Gibson.~inirent,A.©,CAMPBELL,y }ate,can or pale bythe Statesville Drug|fu teatthethe.be,£1.00,.|provent.it,iCor and.all other reliable drug ris \BUILDING?C Laesa tere tt hilotaiesies,bE ery Sita ieea:(O%andall other reliable druggists,|ANG de March 16,1916,Dib.eee,Att'y.<March 10,4eefiaachatahjitaiwaolfai Here’s the 7 Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivate3SS your corn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LINE. UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE. .IREDELL HARDWARE COMPANY.. To be sure of crop,NEW JE S T E R SO « WR CTC (NEL ADMINISTRATOR'S -NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator of,the es-|ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. r beéovery, nicationsWATKINS:Rs Weatherman ‘and / APRIL 7%, 4. Fe aasieia anora bs vote tater emit FRI DAY,1916 Oe THE ANSWER IS THE SWORD)FROM OVER THE COUNTRY.|BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. German Chancellor’s Statement){tems of Interest About Various—Quiet at Verdun.Matters.\associated with Mr.S,H.beridbiatt The German imperial chancellor,!’Mrs,Hugh Blizzard and her 7-year-CN a tne Tinie oftorsDr,‘von Bethmann-Hollweg,in outlin-|914 gaught ate killed’by ‘lighting |bbe.‘ing Germany's ‘attitude before®thesot eee ha chee Une|Mr.W.A.Evans,on Western avenue,At the quarterly meeting of the Wie ve re ay e before ne jat 6 o'clock Wednesday evening at Ar-|4.A p.Rdwards,who had beenboardofdirectorsoftheStateHos-|elenstag,declared that any sugges-|cadia,15 miles from Brisol,Tenn.setting type on the Sentinel,went toite¢_itions of peace on the pasis of destruc-| q A \pital at Morganton,held at the Hos-:tion of the Prussian military power Senator Lodge has.submitted as an’Spencer Tuesday.where he will workamendmenttotheSenatesubstitute|foy the Crescent.Mr.G.BrownpitalWednesday,Mr.1.I.Davis was would make possible only one answer}re-elected president of the board,Re the Raman nened:it ;|for the free sugar repeal resolution!takes Mr,Edwards’place on the Sen- tinel.:eae $447,940.45 :aselecte .Germany’s|4),ch PS ane { ie Ge eet rere nee oe and |Javersaries desired to continue the |Se provision for a tariff on Tate were re-elected the’executive S@ushter of men and the devastation:vee “=I apportioningtammittas“of the.board.fof Europe the guilt would be theirs,|Senators and members of the House |among 96 counties in‘the State,to The steward and matron of the in-|%¢,821d.ce of Representatives used 38,664,367 ‘Lying the public school term up,toHecharacterizedas“the silliest of|envelopes in 1815 in frankingletters!five months,Iredell —gets $8.162,50, ‘COUNTYSCHOOLS TODAY.|TOM County “Commencement Pro- gramme—Events of the Day. Interest—inthe county commence-ment exercises today is evidenced by the fact that phone calls came in yes-terday to know “what kindof weath-| er we are to have for commencement.” “A small remnant of the Villa|Following is.the completed:pro- forces,defeated by Col.George A.j grammeé:Dodd’s cavalry:at Guerrero,eight!11.00 a.m.--Parade.:days.ago,was scattered in a skirmish!11-3)4,m-ExercisesOn the Callege campus,’with Carranza,troops.on..March.29.in|'“¢ity Senols. “the mountains near the town,accord |2.ZR wration.Rev.J.F.Kirk,eo .j »8.Address of weleome.Mayor L.C.Caldwell. Ms es cae srochiag here today’Song,“Ho,for Carolina’*Children of the AKE ROOM FOR MORE. Increase in Number of Patients at the State Hospital at Mor--ganton—Meeting of the Direc- _Some of His Associates VictimsofAmericans,But the ArchVillainKeepsOutoftheWay.| A wireless form Namiquipa,Chi- huahua,Mexico,under date of the Sth,says: —Mr.E.F.Nesbit,who has been Schools, é¥ be i}alry,encountered band Villistas and _»from General |20 miles southeast of Bachineva.Na-~tives say from 30 to.40 Villistas killed =e'clock by a mob estimated at 300, ‘the engagement could be obtained oth-er than that the Villa leader,ManuelBaca,was.killed,:: “Additional reports received today.from Col.Dodd indicate that the Vil-|la losses at Guerrero numbered 46. Previous reports placed them as high} as 60, “Although by hard marching Amer-; ican cavalry have overtaken and re- pulsed two detachments of the Villacolumn,General Pershing and officers of the expeditionary command realizethatmuchdifficultworkliesaheadofthem.Many of the slopes of the Si- erra Tarahumares,which the Ameri- cans are searching for trace of Villa,have never before been explored ex- cept by the native Tarahumare .In- dians.” The story that Francisco Villa is wounded and that his capture is im- minent is asserted again by General Gavira,Carranza commander!at Jua- rez,Mexico.General -Gavira made public a telerram he said he receivedBertaniatMadera,| stating specifically that the bandit hadbeenshotandwasinhidingsome- where between Bachineva and Satevo,The message is confirmatory ofAmericanheadquartersreportsthat Villa was heading toward Satevo. The following report from Gen.Pershing,received by Gen.Funston, was made public Tuesday:“Report just received from Major Evans,Tenth cavalry,by courierfromvicinityofRubio,that Colonel| Brown.with squadron of Tenth cav- was pursuing them through San An- tonio.No further details.No report from Brown.“Natives traveling from ChihuahuastatethatBrown’s command,part dis-+ mounted and part mounted,surprised'Villistas at noon.meal_with horses. grazing near Agua Calientes,about: and same number of horses captured.All this lacks verification from official sources.“PERSHING.” :Another Lynching in the State. :Joseph Black.negro,aged 50,was ~taken from Lenoir county jail at Kin- ston Wednesday morning about 3 carried in an automobile to the Mau- ty section of Greene county,shot to death and the body left in the road. Black was the father of Will Black, who is in the penitentiary in Raleigh. Will Black last week is alleged to have criminally .assaultcd a 6-year-old white girl.clubbed her mother<-shot two members ofthe posse who arrested him.Joseph Black is said to ‘have given his son arms,threatened_to kill the little girl’s father if he} prosecuted the assailant and declared}She was no better than his son. The mob.was comprised of Greene “county farmers and others,says the-feport sent to the daily papers.The, -leader was a mere boy,continues the} “report.The jailer,without assist-/| -ance,handed over the keys whenthreatenedwithdeath. —Fortifications Bill-In. The third great“element of the na- tional.preparedness.programme was-prought into the House of Congress yesterday.It is the largest fortifica-Won bill ever reported,and the first,of four annual measures under which“it is proposed to spend approximate-“Tv $100,000,000 for increasing and “modernizing the coast defenses,al- “ready officially declared to be supe- ior to any in the world,and to sup-ply an ample store of reserve ammu-“nition for the guns. -School Contest at Davidson. '~Beginning yesterday and continuing through today,at Davidson College, are being held contests of the HighSchoolsofthewest-central district of|-North Carolina.Those from the! Statesville graded schools taking part “in the contests are James Alexander, -declamation contest;Elizabeth Carl- ton,recitation contest;Bessie Ander- -80n,composition contest;Annie King, ‘Spelling contest.A gold medal is the|prize for the winners. =A dispatch to the daily papers from “Wilson says that_Mr.Sneed Boyett,of ‘Spring Hill township,Wilson county,died of heart disease and was buried“Monday.When the grave was filledhiswidowfellacrossthemoundwith /a moan and when they attempted to-pick-her up she was dead. Miss Pink Houston of Charlotte ‘and Mr.Clyde Culp of Fort Mill,S.G,,will be married tomorrow,inharlotte.The bride-elect is a daugh-+of the late Mr.and Mrs:James P, duston of Mooresville. Lacy Candler,a negro who shot and Weriously wounded Sheriff Dierker of ‘.Charles county,Mo.,Tuesttay,was‘a by a posse Wednesday. \‘o masked men entered the First:aal Bank of -Houston.Pa.,-heldcashierandgotawaywith$15,- 4 No details of \S 2.00 p, Awarding of certificates to Seventh Grade Pupils-«Dorman Thompson. Awarding of reading eircle certificates—-Rev,C..E.Raynal,D.D,Awarding of Domestic Science CertificatesR.R.Clark,°e Awarding of Prizes--H.P.Grier.Song,“The Old North State’—-Children oftheSchools. 12.30 p.m..-Dinner,m.-~-Deeclamation 5, 6. T B. 9. contest—-At court house.2.00 p.m, College. 2.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m.HarmonySchoolvs:School. The Kannapolis band will furnish musie during the day.All the exhib- its have been arranged in the vacant room on west Broad street. Reeitation contest-—-At Statesville ‘Athletic contests.Baseball game‘Troutman High High Belgian Flag Day and Help For the Belgians. The Daughters of the American Revolution throughout the country will observe tomorrow,April 8th,as Belgian Flag Day,for the purpose of raising $1,000,000 for the relief of the destitute people of Belgium and north-ern France.Mayors of more than 2,000 cities in the United States have issued proclamations calling atten- tion to the day and its purpose.The day to be thus celebrated is the birthday,ofsKing Albert of Belgium and Mrs:Daisy Allen Story,the pres- ident general of the National.Society of the Daughters of the Revolution, has a cablegram from Queen Eliza- beth of Belgium endorsing the plan. In expressing her appreciation,QueenElizabethsays:“To all who will wear the Belgian flags April 8th and 9th,I send,in the.name of the Bel- gian mothers,.my.heartfelt.thanks,” The local Daughters of the Revolu- tion will have these flags for distri- bution in Statesville tomorrow.The flags.will be given in acknowledgment of donations for these destitute peo- ple,about 9,000,000,and 3,000,000 of whom are entirely or in part destitute. Each recipient of a flag is expected to give as much as seven cents,which isthecostoftherationofoneBelgian for one day.:The cause is a worthy one and the need is pressing.-The flags can be found at the drug stores and otherplaces.; The Death Record. Mrs.J.P.Campbell died suddenly of heart disease Monday evening at her home at Jennings,aged about 50 years.Funeral was held at Grassy Knob Wednesday afternoon.She_is survived by her husband,two sons— Mr.Smythe Campbell of Monticello, ‘Fla..and Mr.Isom Campbell of Jen- nings-—-and two daughters-——Mrs.J.R.Walker and Miss Dessie Campbell of Jennings. Mrs.Bettie Scott died Tuesday morning at the home of her son,Mr. 1.F.Scott,in Olin township,aged about 75 years.She had —been ill- about three weeks with ta prippe. Funeral and interment at Snow Creek church Wednesday ee services conducted by Rev.J.C.} Mock.| Deceased is survived by a son,Mr. L.I’.Scott,and a daughter,Mrs.T. M.Warren,of Statesville. Organized. A charter for the Buffalo Shoals Clay Manufacturing Co.has been ap- nlied for.The incorporators are Messrs.J.C.Stcele &Sons and Mr. Ek.R.Rankin and the capital stock, authorized,will be $125,000. The company has bought from Mr. J.R.MeLain,through Mr.FE.G. Gaither,268 acres of land in Shiloh township,on.the Catawba __river, known as the H.L.S.Lollar place,for $10,000,and will immediately,begin the erection thereon-a plant-for the manufacture of clay and hollowware. Mr..E.R.Rankin will manage the plant. Mr.and Mrs.Rankin,who have been living at Tryon,go te Tryon to- day to move their effects to States- ville,and will make their home here. Thrown From a Horse and Hurt. Miss Williams,a nurse at the State Hospital at Morganton,was thrown from a horse on the State Hospital grounds Wednesday and_painfully hurt.She was rendered unconscious hy the fall.A gash was cut on her head and she was severely bruised but no bones were broken. Miss Williams and another youngladyhadstartedforarideandMiss Williams’horse balked.Her compan- ion undertook to lead it and in endeav-coring to get the dnimal started’gotthebridlereinsoveritshead.”Then the horse broke away and ran andMissWilliams,with the reins beyond her reach,was helpless. School Closings. The school at Oak Grove closed Thursday night with public exercises. The exercises were énjoyed by a large crowd,. The school at Eupeptic Springs closes Tuesday with -an entertain-ment in-the afternoon and evening.Rev.Mr.Castle will make an addressat3.30 p,m,. stitution are elected annually and Mr. I’.M.Scroggs was.re-elected stewardandMissCilfaSummersmatronandhousekeeper.::: The,report of Supt.McCampbell for the period from November 30,1915, to April 1st,1916,showed that there were on the roll November 30,1,490 patients—632 men and 858 women. One hundred and 25 were admitted during this period—57 men and 68women;one woman was transferred to Raleigh,one man and one woman were discharged;12 men and 16 wo- men died.Remaining on the roll March 81,1,584—676 men and-908women. eneral health of the patients has been good and there were no epi-demics or accidents of consequence, Since new buildings were opened a year ago,practically every deserving applicant has been admitted,but theroomisnearlyalltakenandcrowdedconditionswillsoon’make rejections necessary,. In accordance with the order of the hoard at the December meeting,plans have been prepared for a new build- ing for women,which will accommo- date about 100 patients.Excavation has been made for the building and most of the material is on the ground. The hoard approved the plans and ordered the work to proceed.Thenewbuildingwillbepaidforoutofabalance,of $10,890 left ‘from thebuildingfundappropriatedbythe Legislature of 1918,with such addi- tion from \the snecial fund of.the Hospital as may be necessary to com-| plete it. At the December meeting the board ordered the erection of a new cow} barn.The committee appointed to supervise its construction—Directors Alspaugh and;Matheson and Supt.McCampbell—were instructed to_re- port the estimated cost of the new barn and the cost of remodeling the old--barn,to the board at the June meeting.The board made increases in the nay of employes as follows:Farmer,from $75 to $85 per.month;tinner,$5 per month,’teamsters,$2 per month. The board rejected an offer of the commissioners of Burke to selt eight acres of land to the Hospital at.$50 per acre, Supt.McCampbell was authorized to buy an auto truck for the Hospital. The board and the Morganton town- ship road supervisors.agreed on thelocationoftheroad—adjoining the Hospital property.The board agreed to allow the county road to connect, with the Hospital road at a_point near the creek,the Hospital road be used as a public road.from that »oint to the railroad station,a half mile or more.The road supervisors sre to add the necessary width to thefillat_the creek and pay half the costoftheupkeepoftheroad.This con- cession was made.to the township road suvervisors-on-condition that they follow the present line of road around the Hospital property,in re- building the road,instead of cutting a yew road through the Hospital prop-,can go down at 1.15 o’glock,attend|erty. All of the directors were present at the meeting.viz.:-I.I.Davis of Mor- A.Shuford of Hickory,Dr.’L.N, Glenn of Gastonia,Heriot Clarkson_of Charlotte,A.E.Tate of High Point, I’.P.Alspaugh of Winston-Salem,C P.Matheson of Taylorsville and R.R. Clark of Statesville. Considering Army Bill. Advocates of the Federal volunteer provision of.the Senate army bill be- lieved the section had been saved by a narrow margin when the Senate re- cessed Wednesday night without hav- ing reached a vote on the Lee amend- ment_to strike it.out.Senator Cham- berlain,chairman of the military com- mittee,again asked that action be de- ferred,as one or two Senators still desired to be heard. Debate on the volunteer provision lasted all day.champions of the Na- tional Guard,supporting the amend- ment,occupying most of the time. the closing hour,however,Senator Chamberlain vigorously defended the provision as vital to any military plan and denounced attempts of National Guard organizations to interfere with legislation...He Was joined by Sena- tors O’Gorman and Williams in a ‘warning that at the close of the Euro- pean war the United States would need a great navy and an adequate army to back demands on the bellig- erent powers for indemnification for losses sustained through violations of her rights as a neutral. “Uniess-this-country-puts itself in a.condition where it can resist and withstand bullying,”Senator Williams said,“we are going to be in troublewiththevictorinthiswar.unless we surrender the ‘positions we have dip- lomatically taken and timidly submit to the rule which the victor may laydownforimmunityordisclaimer.” oo 7.-cee ane,At Tryon ‘Sunday night Chief ofPoliceRossshotandkilledArthur Cheek,colored,aged 19..The negro was drunk and ran amuck,was ar-rested and attacked the officer.The policeman was exoncrated, to} ganton,J.P.Sawyer of Asheville,A. .Certificates In} a the imputations”against Germany the report that at the .war’s end Ger-lmany would take measures against‘the American continent and attempt {to conquer Canada.‘|WIth respect.to.Belgium the chan-‘eellor sand:“We must create real|guarantees that Belgium shall never ‘be a-Franco-British vassal;never |shall be used as a military or eco- ‘nomie¢fortification against Germany.” He declared Germany must assuresoundevolutionoftheFlemishrace‘and added that Germany wanted ineighbays with which collaboration could’be carried out to mutual advan-| tage,For the moment infantry of bothsidesisquieteverywherealongthe western front in France.On the sec- tors around Verdun the only activityhasbeenintermittentbombardmentintheregionofDouaurnontandVaux. This rather unprecedented calm fol- laws a successful French offensive,in which they recaptured some lost ground and drove the Germans back. On the Russian exsstern line,theGermanshavetakentheoffensiveand ‘are heavily attacking with infantry ‘and=artillery-the Russian position. |Unofficial advices from Petrograd say,however,that the Germans nowhere ‘have been able to penetrate the Rus- stan ling in frontal attacks. Italians and Austrians are continu- ing their operations along the Austri- ‘an-Italian frontier,but no important {changes in positions have occurred. Berlin reports the loss during March of 14 German,aeroplanes and of 44{British and French machines.Thirty-leight of the latter.were brought to earth.in air combats,according toiBerlin. | Yesterday’s ‘report says a desper- ate all-night struggle around Verdun!resulted in substantial gains for the lrench west of tht river Meuse,ac- coxéag’to a Paris bulletin,while east.lof that stream ‘German attacks on |French positions were repulsed.At ;one point,along the Avocourt-Beth- ‘incourt line,however,it is admitted that the Germans succeeded in pene- trating French positions. ITEMS OF CHURCH NEWS. ‘Interest in Kilgo Meeting and In- vitation to Statesville. |Presiding Elder Ware,Rev.Messrs. ‘Kirk,Williams and Rhinehardt,local ,Methodist pastors,and others from Statesville “have been attending the meeting in Salisbury conducted by Bishop Kilgo.iMr.Snyder,chairmzna.of the com- mittee,extends through Rev,Mr. Kirk an invitation to all Statesville men,especially those employed at.the different manufacturing plants,and the railroad men,to attend a special service.at the Tabernacle Sundayafternoonat3o'clock.-Delegations are expected from Lexington,Thomas- ville,Concord and Albemarle.Those who want to attend from Statesville both the afternoon and evening servi- ‘ces and return on No.35 Sunday ‘nieht. |Miss Mamie McElwee is visiting several towns in the State in the in- -terest-of the-woerk-of the-young peoplejofConcordPresbyterial,and Bibles have _been; awarded to the followfng members of the Sunday school of the First Pres- byterian church as a reward for their ‘having —memorized anad_recited the \Shorter Catechism:Adele Allison, (Cornelia)Smithson,Gertrude —Ives, |Mary Bliason,Margaret Gilbert,Vera |Wiley,John Gilbert and Percy Steele.|The Sunday school of the First |Baptist church will observe mission- ary day with a special programme of exereises-Sunday morning at the reg-lular Sunday school hour. |Regular quarterly communion at|Wifth Creek Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.Preparatory services tomor- 1row afternoon at 3.30 o’clock. The regular spring meeting of Con-{cord .Presbytery will begin next |Tuesday at Marion at 8 p.m.Rey. |E.D.Brown of Concord church;Rev. |CLE.Raynal and Mr.F.A.Sherrill of‘the First.‘Presbyterian church,and 'Rev.H.-M.Parker:of Front Street |Presbyterian church will attend. Aside from other work to be done, |several ‘ministers will be transferred ‘from this to other Presbyteries and |some from other Presbyteries to Con- icord Presbytery. |iatisneccatenientintiannemiemenns New Buildings. Miss “Annie Marvin and Mr.OscarMarvinhavesoldtheiroldhouseon \east Broad street to Fred.Chambers ‘and will erect’a bungalow on the lot. |Chambers will move the house to Gar- field street.Mr.O.W.Slaine will have two houses erected on the lot on Front strect Which he recently bought fromMr.Lv B.Bristol.When they are}‘completed Mr.Q.A.Stephenson will ito their constituents and others,'through the postal service. The government.\Public Health|Service reports show that’pellagra|caused 8,000 deaths in the United{States in 1915.The disease can be |prevented by proper diét—a_simple ;and cheap diet—the health.service|experts contend. |_.Davis,seaman of the battleship|New Hampshire,and Charles Stron-|stom,marine from the Naval Hospital,_were shot and killed by George Carter, ‘a negro,in Norfolk Wednesday night. ,The shooting was the result of a dif-ficultv on.the street. Suffering throughout Turkey caus- ed by the war is described in a cable- gram to the American Red Cross, The situation has become so alarming,it is said,that the Turkish govern- ment has at last decided to permit foreign relief.agencies to enter the country. The House of Cangress has passed the bill introduced by Representative Page appropriating $1,500 for the re-lief of the widow of E.A.Moffitt,who was killed over 20 years ago by an al-leged moonshiner while employed as a deputy revenue agent in Randolph ‘sunty.The amount was cut from $10,000 to $1,500, John A.Law of Spartanburg,S.C.,, ‘former vice president of the associa-tion,was elected president'of the American Cotton Manufacturers’As-sociation at the close of the twenti-eth annual.convention at Atlanta.Ga. Caesar Cone of Greensboro was elect- ed vice president and C.B.Bryant of Charlotte secretary and treasurer. Two hundred and fifty women will go into military encampment at theUnitedStatespresidioinSan’Fran-+eisco June 1 for six -weeks understrictmilitaryrule,to learn the ways of war,according to’announcement made by Mrs.Frederick’H.Colburn, regent of the San Francisco chapter ofthewoman’s section of the Navy League. Wild horses have inéreased to such an extent in New Mexico during_thelastfewyearsthattheyareamen-¢ce to the domestic herds,according»a report of the Cattle SanitaryBoard.The county board of SantaFehassuspendedprevious_restric- and shipment—ofthese —unbranded horses. ;American Consul Frost at Queens- town:has cabled the State Department that the British bark Bengarin,sunkoffFastnetApril1,was destroyed by ‘shell fire from a submarine after am-| ple warning had been given and thatallofthecrew,including two Ameri- cans,were saved.The “ample warn- ing”eliminates this case from our list of troubles with Germany. In the Chicago municipal election i Tuesday the Democrats ‘carried 21 wards,the Socialists one and the Re- publicans 13.A year ago the Demo- “rats carried but seven wards —and William.Hale Thompson,Republican,‘was elected mayor by 17,477 majori- ‘ty.There are 35 hold-bver aldermen, and the Democrats came within four wards of wrestling control of the cityouncilfromtheirrivals. _Dr.Arthur Warren Waite,the New. York dentist,expresses remorse—forthedeathofhisfather-in-law,JohnE,Peck of Grand Rapids,Mich.,whose murder he has confessed,and declared that he was “ready to pay the price.”He also said that.he had no accomplices in the crime.Waite is charged with the murder of Mr.and Mrs.Peck,by administering _poison,and js also charged with attempting to poison.his wife. The House of Congress has passedtheHeflinresolutionprovidingforthecollectionbythebureauofstatisticsonthequantityofcottonusedinthe manufacture of explosives.The reso- lution directs the census bureau to collect and publish statistics of raw and prepared cotton linters,cottonwasteandhullfibreconsumedinman- ufacture of gunpowder and explos- ives.The present law confines the statisties to raw cotton. Honor For Mr.J.L.Davis: Mr.J.L.Davis.who married MissLouiseHarbinofStatesvilleandwho is known to many here,has been ap- pointed by Governor Manning of South Carolina a member of the State Board of Conciliation,which has to do with the investigation’and arbi- tration of -industrial’disputes .and strikes,His term is for four years and he is appointed as a “member of a recognized labor union.”Mr.Da-vis is a linotype operator on the Co- lumbia State. Vital Statistics. Miss Annie Marvin;vital.statisti- cian for Statesville township,reportsyninedeathsand25birthsinthetown-ship during March.The town hadLfdeaths,two white and three col-|occupy one and Mr.D.W,Stephens+4x¥8. ithe other, _-Mr.J,_A,Stewart has.movedfromStonyPointtoStatesvillefor the praetice-of law. ‘red,and outside four deaths,one|white and three colored.There were19whitebirthsinsideandtwoout-side:six colored births inside and oneoutside,are he tions and will allow the roundup,sale; which’adds 20.5 days to the schoolsofthiscounty.y Miss Sarah Hambrick,who lives in(the Jennings “neighborhood,acciden-tally fell at her ‘home.;some nightsagoandherhipwasbroken.Her coneditionisreportedseriousandherre-covery is doubtful.j —-Citizens generally are admonish-ed not to forget to clean their prem-ises Monday and Tuesday.The townwagonwillstartWednesday.and haulawayfreeallthetrashthat.is placedconvenientforthewagon. ==The county board of educationMonday,authorized the purchase.ofsomefarming:utensils for the FLifeschoolatHarmonyandagreed tobuypaintforTabor.school,nersburgtownship;provided the patronswouldapplyit. —Mr.E.G.Gaither of Statesvilleisbeingurgedtobecomeacandidateforcountycommissionerinthe-ocratic primaries.Mr.Gaither tells ..The Landmark that while he is not °seeking the job,if the people want hisservicehewillaccepttheoffice, —The regular annual meeting ofthemembersoftheCommercialclubwillbeheldaweekfromtonight,atwhichtimefourmembersoftheboardofgovernorswillbe~elected.ffourwhose.term expires are Messrs.D.M.Ausley.L.W.MacKesson,C,M.Steele and J.H,Morrison.: —Mr.J...B.Bridges of .Catawha,who had been at the Sanatorium forseveralweeksfortreatmentfor‘an ,|injured limb,the limb being hltated,was taken to his home at.tawba Wednesday.His condition isencouraging.Yr.Brdiges’‘anklewascrushedbyaloadedwagonrun-ning over it and it was necessary toamputatehisleg.: —The clerk of the court has an in-—quiry from Washington as towhereaboutsofthefollowing~whocarriedmailin-this section just priortotheCivilWar:John B.Johnston,Statesville to Hamptonville;.Benj.Myers;from Statesville to Lexington;Absa Sherrill,.from Statesville to .Charlotte.—It_is.presumed.these aresomethegovernmentowesforserv- ice.CHILD FATALLY BURNED. Baby Left Before the Fire— Alexander List-Takers—Tay- lorsville News: Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,April 6.—Mr.and Mrs.Reece Marshall,who live about threemilesfrom~here;left —their -three-months-old daughter in a rockingchairbeforethefireMondayevening,while they went out to do their eve-ning work.Mrs,Marshall was outonlyashorttimebut‘when,she returnedshefoundthebaby’badlyburned,fire having popped out on her Dr.A.M.Edwards ‘was ~~clothing.summoned and everything possible.was done for the child.but she passedawayat11o’clock,.The funeral andburialserviceswereconducted_by.tha.pastor,Rev.J.J.Edwards,at Careson’s chapel Tuesday afternoon... At the meeting of.the-board:ofcountycommissionersMondaythefol-lowing--were-appointedlist-takers-for— 1916:Miller’s.township,J.-H.“Maretin;Sharpe's,W.A.Bogle;-Gwalt-ney’s,I.B.Linney;Sugar Loaf,RosecoeLowe;.Little River,Milton Chap- man;Ellendale.L.B.Tuttle;Witten-burg,W.-C.Robinson;Taylorsville,G.W.Thompson;Taylorsville school district,C.,Mc.Moose;Stony Pointschooldistrict,P.F.Somers;Hidden« ite school district,W.-C.Lackey.|.All other business transacted was routine,_Oy OS es maMrs.Emma Clark of Lenoir spent from Monday until this morning here,the guest-of-her cousins,Misses Polly —and Amanda Matheson,Mr.L.C.Watts is fitting up an up-to-date ‘barber shop in the northeastroomofthebankbuilding.Mr,Wattsrecentlygraduatedat’a tonsorialschoolinAtlanta.Mr.W.A.Ingram will go to Char- lotte tomorrow to undergo an opera- tion. Colored County Commencement,| The county commencement of thecoloredschoolsofthecountywillheld:today week ‘in’the ‘new school building at.Belmont..There will be,exhibits for which prizes will be giv-en.”In the afternoon ‘there will -be ‘anaddressbyMayorCaldwellandprob-ably others.That night’in the col-ored Baptist church there will be aprogrammeofliteraryexercises, Local Republicans to.Re-Con-vene.— The Republicans of Iredell countywill,re-assemble in county conventionSaturday,April 15,for the purpose ofelectingacountychairmanandexec-utive committee,A,full county ticketwillalsobenominated.. Mayor “Caldwell Wednesday ‘pubAndyBlackburnunder$50 bond to.appear in Superior’Court to answerforappropriatingleatherfromthe._S.,M.:and H;Shoe Co tt Po ese ape eeremateenrenen madmen MANY ZEPPELIN —RAIDS. German Air Ships Inflict’Much Damage in England —One ‘omes to Grief —German Gain at Verdin. ‘HE LANDMARKAY,~~April 4,1916, i@s'‘to Sheriff Deaton and »Asks Questions,The coast of Scotland and .the Mey Editor of‘The Landmark:northern and southeastern counties of TL see.in “your issue of the 28th ult-|England were attacked by German /article from Mr,J.M.Deaton,|Zoppelins Sunday night,according to mably in answer to a previous)4)oficial announcement by the See-|; Nn 3ofPicturesThatWillPleaseEveryOne---Drama, iele.from-me.._-_Mr.Deaton makesomeStatementsinthisarticlethatrespecially@ratifyingtome,if theytarecarriedout—i.e.,that he propos-&to settle in full for 1913 and 1914axesbeforegoingout_of_office.-This sounds very plausible on its face,butthequestionnaturallyarises:.Whyhavenot1913taxesbeensettledlong'hefore this time?and as they have not“heen settled’as yet,we have no as- ‘®urance but Mr.Deaton’s statement that they will be settled before he goes (out.of office as sheriff and into office as county commissioner;and inview.of~his-actions.heretofore..thesestatementsrfraybetakenwithavery carisiderable “grain of salt.” Mr.Deaton was nominated for sher-iffat'the convention that placed the retary of War for Great Britain,The |announcement says: |.“A Zeppelin raid took place Sun- |day night .when the coast of Scotland| ‘and ‘the northern and southeastern | reounties of England were attacked. |Bombs were dropped at various) |places.No details are available.”| |This was the third or fourth Zeppe- |lins within as many days.An official | report of the Saturday night raid | ‘says:| |“Wwe airships approached the north- least coast Saturday/night.Only one ;erossed the coast.The other turned| ‘back,For the-present we--know.that '16 persons were killed and about 100 injured.Eight dwelling houses were i demolished and a_serious fire.was |caused.”. -.-4.News. =~gonducted by Mr. Sey Oaciss Gn anlariss,hea Of the raid Friday night this ,#‘port .is made:an oath to carry out and support the |rhe total casualties reported.in Jaw;after which he attempted to keep the Zeppelin raid on the night of several thousand dollars of commis-|March 31-April 1 now amount to 43 sione,as well as draw the salary of!\ijled and 66 injured.Nearly 200 re- tobe brought by the county to recov-|dropped. **AgainMr,Deat fie writesgainMr.Veaton,in his withdraw-‘houses and two cottages were demol.| al as a candidate for sheriff,stated!j.heqd.A town hall,four dwelling that he would manage the business:of |jouses,35 cottages and a tram car} the Carolina Motor Co.,which was @ |shed were partially wrecked.Therehatterjobthanthatofbeingsheriff.|was no military damage. ¥Now if this is the case,why should}“A number of our aeroplanes:went| he’want to be county commissioner?|yp to attack the raiders.Lieutenant| as we all know that the amount paid!Brandon,rising 6,000 feet,saw a Zep-| toa county commissioner.is very|pelin about 8,000 feet above him.At) small.1 respectfully submit that it}9.000 feet he got over it and attacked,; ‘noks as if there eee “nigger in the!Gropping several bombs.three of|woodpile somewhere.:|which he believes took effect. ,Summed up,Mr.Deaton’s record;“Tater he got over the airship! looks a little this way:lagain and let off two more bombs, ent’opposed salaries for county of-|gver her nose.His-own machine was| ‘'hit many times by machine gun bul-|He then attempted to collect both.tets.This may have been ie Zep-| salary and commissions.;..}pelin which dropped a machine gun,' He was allowed the largest delin-|ammunition,a petrol tank and ma-! quent list of taxpayers.for 1912 of!chinery.or possibly that which cameanvsheriffofIredellthatIknowof.}gown off the Thames estuary.”i He wants to be a county commis-|“4 correspondent in a ndrtheast| sioner.Why?teoast town says a Zeppelin dronpedst+says Zeppelin dropped| A CITIZEN.AND TAXPAYER.|14 explosive and seven incendiary )ao ;bombs there Saturday night.Ten, Pastors’Conference Church |men,three women and three children|jwere killed and 25 persons were se- The pastors’quarterly conference!riously injured.In addition,—about| of the South Yadkin Baptist Associ-|80 others received minor injuries.ation met at the First Baptist church!A tram car inspector was killedesterdaywiththefollowingout-of and a woman tram conductor had a’ wn ministers present:Rev.W.N.|°&blown off.Several houses were Johnston of Wake Forest,State sec-|wrecked in one street.One house was | retary of missions;Dr.E.T.Carter|demolished,but the family of five es-| of Spencer,Rev.J.F.Kirk of Salis-|caped withoutserious injury.| bury,Rev.L.U.Weston of Moores-A report from Berlin,giving an ac-ville,J.L.Teague of Stony Point,|count of the raid and the damage in-|Rev.H.C.Marley of Cooleemee,Rev.’flicted,says:J.8.Connell of Catawba.'“In spite of the violent bombard- It was decided to hold a meeting ment,all the airships returned,with: with the Spencer.church |about the!the exception of the L-15,which,ac- middle of June for the purpose of de-|cording to a report,was compelled tovelopingStatemissions.Rev.Mr.|descend on the water of the river Johnston spoke at Western Avenue!Thames.Searches instituted by our! Baptist church last night on “Stew-|naval forces up to the present have ardship.”;jnot been productive of any results.”| “Communion service at:Sharon Lu-'A London report says 17 unwounded theran church Sunday morning at 11/and several wounded prisoners were| a’clock.Preparatory service Satur-|taken by a British patrol ship from) day afternoon at 3 o’clock.'the Zepelin L-15,which was hit by| “The meeting of the Ministerial As-/shell fire ina raid on England and fell| Sociation was not held yesterday,on'in the Thames estuary.The surviv-+ account of the absence os some of the|ors-said that a junior officer had heen ! members.The Landmark is request-!left on the airshiv to blow her un if! ed to announce that officers will be}necessary.The Zeppelin sank whileFyxtedatthenextmeeting,on the,»eing towed to port,after the crew,17th.i was rescued.“Mr.R.T.Weatherman talked on,A German official report savs that,“Christian Statesmanship”at the,Teuton troops have cleared 1,000 yards | Bloomfield Baptist’church Sunday|of French trenches northeast of Hau-|night.::(court in addition to the positions tak- In the absence of the pastor,Dr.’en March 30.The Germans took 731) Chas.Anderson,the services at the/|nrisoners in the battle of Vaux MarchFirstBaptistchurchSundaywere'31.The only mention of fighting) Hamrick of the!around Verdun April 1 tells of the:Thomasville Orphanage,-who talked/renulse of a French counter-attack|of ‘the orphanage work.lafter a terrific artillery bombardment| {near Vaux.: Deaths.A Paris dispatch .says four fresh: “Rachel Lee,infant of Mr.and Mrs,|brigades participated in the German| ‘A.L.Hunsucker of Concord township,'attack which ended in the occupation' sheriff at the same time;and suit had explosive and incendiary bombs were “A Baptist chapel,three dwelling !NY one i ij “THE PHANTOM ISLAND,” .*FORD AND DAVENPORT. A “FIRING THE BUTLER.” A laughable tw reel “L-KO”COMEDY. ‘DIAMOND FROM THE SKY,” Featuring Lattice,Pickford,SIX BIG.REELS—5c.and 10c.Mpa WEDNESDAY— “FATHER AND THE BOYS,” Featuring the popular Musical Comedy Star—Digby Bell. This.play was.written-by George Ade,America’s fore- most humorist,and is one of the biggest Film Plays-of the Year—5e.and 10¢,| )THURSDAY— “TUE TRAIL OF THE WILD WOLF,” A two-part red.blooded “IMP”FEATURE! “THE ANIMATED WBEKLY”and a funny NESTOR COMEDY! / FRIDAY—|** '“HIS MAJESTY,DICK TURPIN,” A splendid “BISON”.FEATURE with FRANCIS FORD. AND GRACE CUNARD, “THE BROKEN COIN,” FEATURING FRANCIS FORD AND GRACE CUNARD. “ELEVATING FATHER, ONE OF THOSE LAUGHABLE TWO-REEL “L-KO” COMEDIES..SIX BIG REELS—5bce.and 10c. i ee ™Educational and Scenic.el 1 TR REae;|i “ UL SL“BoeBrose The Greatest Treat nA )the Season )oa DIRECTED BYJOSEPHDEGRASSE COMING—“THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII,”PASQUALI’S MASTERPIECE,IN WHICH TEN THOUSANDPEOPLETOOKPART,EIGHT REELS,DIVIDED INTO A PROLOGUE AND TWO PARTS.“THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE,”IN NINE PARTS.MADE AFTER HUDSON MAXIM'S “DEFENCELESSAMERICA.”IT SHOWS THE UNITED STATES LAID IN WASTE BY A FOREIGN ARMY AND TEACHESnaeaeOF“PREPAREDNESS.”EVERY MAN,WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD SEE IT,WATCH FOR ‘ES!; Special Announcement---Saturday Morning Educational Matinees. After carefully investigating the matter and getting the advice and experience of quite.a number ob Civic Work- ers throughout the country,among them Mrs.J.A:ALLISON and Mrs.W.H.JASSPON of Charlotte and Mrs LE- VI of Louisville,Ky.,we have decided to arrange for a [SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING EDUCATIONAL MATINEE FOR CHILDREN!These Matinees will be!given each Saturday morning trom 10 to 12 o'clock. With the assistance of these Ladies,we have arranged a {special programme of educational,scenic and mythological Pictures that will be very instructive as well as entertaining to the children.‘In this programme we will also have quite a number of Cartoon Pictures by some of America’s}greatest Cartoonists,that ‘will be very amusing. These Pictures have to be rented in addition to our regular prog‘to get them from quite a number of different Film Companies. However,we feel {that enough interest will be taken in them for us to comegettingthemallfrom_one Company. ramme and,in order to get.the variety,we have This,of course,makes them more expensive than out even and,if we can do this,we will-continue the progryamme indefinitely. The prices for these Matinees will be 5c.for children of pecially for children,adults will be admitted at the regula will be very interesting and instructive to every one! We will begin these Mati twelve years ond under and,while they are intended es- r admission price of 10c.Quite a number of the Pictures es on Saturday morning,April}8th,af 10 o'clock,with the following programme: “RAPIDS AND WATERFALLS OF NEW ZEALAND:”|“A VISIT TO THE PARIS ZO0O;”“MODES OF TRAV- EL IN JAPAN;”“THE HEART AND THE CIRCULAT,ION OF THE BLOOD;”“THE WINE INDUSTRY OF MARSOLA,ITALY;”“A RUSSIAN BOAR HUNT;”’“FP,LIVER’S DILEMMA”—COMEDY. Below will be founda partial list of the Pictures we have jbooked so far andthese will be added to as we can secure them.If possible to secure it,we willbe glad to show any special Picture that any one knows of that will be suita- ble for this programme. ANIMATED MOVEMENTS ANALYZED CALIFORNIA’S ROCKY SHORES—Seenic. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD—Mythological. WHERE TREES ARE STONE—Sceenic. CLIMBING MONT BLANC—Scenic. OLD,UNCHANGING HOLLAND—Educational. QUAINT DANCES OF JAPAN—Educational. FROM KABYLIS TO CONSTANTINE—Educational, UNFAMILIAR FISHES—Educational. SHORES OF THE BALAC SEA—Scenic. FEATHERED FRIENDS AT DINNER NIAGARA FALLS IN WINTER DRESS WONDERS OF THE ALPS—Scenie. THE LEGEND OF THE STARS—Mythological. INSECTS THAT MIMIC—Educational. YELLOWSTONE PARK—Scenic. THE FAIRY AND THE WAIF—Mythological. Educational. Edueational, Scenic. A PARTIAL LIST OF THE PICTURES WE HAVE BOOKED.’ HEAD DRESSES OF HOLLAND: MOVEMENTS THE-EYE MISSES GLIMPSES OF JAVA—Scenic. ENGINEERING IN OREGON Educational, SIBERIA,THE VAST UNKNOWN—Educational. WATCHING FLOWERS GROW—Educational. BY THE ZUYDER-ZBE—Seenic. HOW FLOWERS BREATHE—Educational. IN’THE FRENCH SUDAN—Scenic. THE STUDY OF BIRDS—Educational. CHILDREN OF THE NETHERLANDS THE BOY SCOUTS—Educational. THE HEART OF A-CHILD—Educational, SUPMARINE MYSTERIES—Educational. TRIP AROUND THE WORLD—Educationat. BIRTH OF THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER—Ed. THE DEAF BLIND WONDER—Educational. educational, Educational. Educational. ~“@ied Saturday and was buried the same|°f the village of Vaux,to the north.|“day.|east of Verdun.An attempt by thessiss-Kate-MeDer-gald;—a—sister—of|Germans to follow-up their success in|rT.A.McDougald of Statesville,|obtaining a foothold in the village of died last week at tne home of her!Vaux by an infantry attack between! brother-in-law and sister,Mr.and Mrs.|Vaux and Fort Douaumont,failed. Dan Hugh McLean,at Lillington,The!Preparation for the attack was made) remains were interred at the McDou-|bv a violent artillery bombardment.| gald burying ground in Harnett coun-|The French curtain of fire stopped| ty.—Miss—McDougald is~survived by |the infantry assault,Paris says. two sisters and one brother.| The above list-does-notshow-any-of the Comedies or near ail the Pictures we have booked,but will give a fair idea of the class of Pictures we will shgw on this programme.We will announce what Pictures will be shown several days ahead.NOTE—IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THEAPRIL7TH,WE WILL GIVE AN EDUCATIO ray. DPNSCHOOL,CHILDREN WHO WILL BE NAL MATINEE FRIDAY MORNING,BEGI COT ar Os HERE ON FRIDAY, NNING AT 10.tN TORS SE a ey EMEDOLEONODOLODO NOLO WOOSONOS OOOOColoredManShotTwo.The funeral of Mr.C.C.Phillips)Why the Lawyers Oppose Mr.was conducted Saturday morning at|10.80°0’clock at the home of Mr.and|Brandeis. Greensboro News.|station;Paul Shuford, Friday afternoon at Lookout Spur,!| on the Catawba.river,near Catawba colored,hisMrs.F.J.Axley by Rev.Messrs.‘J.|:i :AF!Kirk,C.E.Raynal and J.H,;_Here is Louis D.Brandeis’opinion |wife and another negro woman got in- ~~Pressly and the interment was in °f the present-day lawyer:“It-is true;to a row,resulting in Paul shooting-Oakwood cemetery.Here for the fu.that at the present time the lawver|both of the women.His wife was thenéralwereMrs.A.A.Fain and Mr.,40es not hold that position with the;™ore seriously injured but it was re- Reb Phillips of Murphy and Mr.Will 0¢ople which he held 50 years ago;"ted yesterday that she was gettineGarltonofAtlanta,Ga.Mrs.Phillips |but the reason is,in my opinion,not|along all right.The other woman was and little daughter are at Mr..Axley’s,‘ck of opportunity.It is because,nly slightly hurt.ieee PY :‘instead of holding a position of inde-,The negroes live and work at Look-and,out Spur,where there is a force atFlagsandBiblesFortheSchoolspendencebetweenthewealthy.F work getting out sand.‘Statesville council No.399,ithe people.prepared to curb the ex-| Junior |;Order,will present a Bible and flag to |C&SS of either,the ante lawvers have Rocky Branch school,Sharpesburg |a great extent allowed themselves township,tomorrow,5th,at 11 0’clock.|‘: Public invited to attend the exercises,|Povations,and have neglected theirTheEufolaJuniorOrderSaturday‘obligation to use their powers for the M:White presented the Bible and Mr.cial and industrial questions which H Lewis the flag.: The Statesville council,Junior>der will present a Bible and flagsto the!:Witstneburg school,Union Grove!materially changed. township,Saturday.The school closes |8¢at opportunity ofthatdayfortheterm.bar is and will be to stand again as it i 'did in the past,ready to protect alsoCourtItems. Ca ** op sented a Bible and fiag to the Aber-i protection of the people.If we are!Se %y school,Shiloh township.Rev.C.|t®solve ‘the important economic,so-| to become adjunct of the great cor-| iC.,was for a long time the victim of j have become political questions also,| Oy.|it seems to me clear that the attitude|of the lawyer in this respect must be,™any doctors.The|:the American |Wonderful Remedy and was.astonish-|} WINSTON-SALEM MAN SAVED FROM DEATH. J.K.Erwin Says Wonderful Remedy Brought Him Astonishing Relief. J.Ef.Erwin of Winston-Salem,}Net OU E EU S : SU S U R EU S IE A serious disorders of the,stomach.H> tried all kinds of treatment and had One day he -took a dose of Mayr’s) ed at the results.The help he sought had come.He wrete:| “T am.satisfied.through personal|| # Here’s the “Line”t Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivate QE i 0 tere Up With |the interest of the people.” -W,B®.Coley,Chas.Brown and W.It is notorious that the most sav-"se of the life-saving powers of your your corn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LINE.To be sure of crop,NEW age of the attacks on Mr.Brandeis|Wonderful Remedy.You have saved UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE,J.Knight Friday.submitted before i have come from members of his own,™Y life.I could have lived but a fewthemayorforanaffrayafewdays!profession,This fevious..and were taxed with $2.50 ‘if not this utterance,furnishes an ex- Ellen,one of the Morganton “a taken off the train here gone eae‘days ago and sent tosthe gang,was!ing from aformedovertoSheriffBerryofBurke|second.po.F county Saturday afternoon.Ellen is!prerantedthereforfighting.and the!tq)Burke authorities puid his fine here,ious were they.to.get him.| could have stoc* layman;but when ks that way,it is not merely an assault on the profession:it is treas- :a ee |etic be admitted into the body’that i d try it bsol euarldSores,‘Other Remedies Won't Core |°in e body’that is anc ry it on an.absolute guarantee "6 to the lawyer what the college of car-|—if not satisfactory money will be Not if the |returned.it,relieves |Able lawyers,led’by Mr.Chaate,ean| caves,NO matier-of how long standing,|d-by the wonderful,old reliable Dr.|niiseptic Healing OM,deat theeanic rime.Mo,00,£1.00,prevent.it,:est 8 ;4 i : dinals is.to the priest? attitude of mind,)Weeks more had it not been for your,E ‘cellent explanation off the phenome-|friend sufferers who ought to have adjunct of the great cor-|Some of your remedy. ‘t,com.!the permanent results for stomach,liver},perhaps not even the second,|and intestinal nilments.Eat as much!atest lawyer in the United States{and Whatever you like.»No more dis- on-within-the camp:Shall stich a her-|Get one bottle of yout druggist now Se0g remedy.I am inelosing a list of ” L HARDWARE COMPANY. Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives 'Doors,Windows,Mantels. LGolumns,Stairways;Lime,Laths, |Gement;Dove and Window Frames |Ready-made;Door Locks,Sash Locks, ‘Hinges;Cedar Posts and all grades of Rough and’Dressed Lumber. .G.WATKINS,Statesville,N.©. tress after eating,pressure of gas inthestomachandaroundtheheart. For sale by the Statesville Drugiotheprcliabledruggists,| Pi BUILDING?©.WATKINS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the es-|tate of Wm.A,Gibson,deceased,late of Tre- dell county,North Carolina,this is to notify all persons having elaima against the estate|of the said deceased to present.them to the un- devaigned on_or before thé 11th day of Mareh,Iki,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery,All persons indebted to thesaidestatewillpleasemake:immediate pry-ment.JOHN 1D,GIBSON,~_Administrator of W.>Av Gibson,R a Weatherman and DL tayAtt’gs,oo 4)Mare 10, * ; ADMINISTRATOR'S.NOTICE. |Having qualified as administrator of the ex- tate of Mis.C.I.Campbell,.deceased,late of Iredett county,North Carolina,this is to notify‘all persons having claims against the estate ofthesaiddeceasedtopresentthemtotheun«dersigned on or before the 11th day of March,1917,ov this\notice will be pleaded in bar oftheirreeovery,All.persons indebted ta the(said estate will please make immediate payment,A.C,CAMPBELL,~~~Administrator of Mya,C,1.CanipheL,.Raymer,Att’AO, 1 VOL.KEI. Tice %; orrertlteinial Sib a. ____“STATESVILLE,N.C,,FRIDAY,APRIL.7,1916. VILLA NOT--¥ET-CAUGHT. Some of His Associates VictimsofAmericans,But the ArchVillainKeepsOutoftheWay. A wireless form Namiquipa,.Chi- ‘huahua,Mexico,under date of the bth,says: “A small remnant of the Villa forces,defeated by Col.George A.Dodd’s cavalry at Guerrero,eightdaysago,was scattered in a skirmishwithCarranzatroopsonMarch29inthemountainsnearthetown,accord~Ingeto:reports reaching.here todayfromCarranzasources.No details of‘the engagement could be obtained oth-er than that the Villa leader,ManuelBaca,was_killed.“Additional reports received today“from Gol.Dodd indicate that the Vil-{la.losses at Guerrero numbered 46. Previous reports placed them as high a8 60. “Although by hard marching Amer- ican cavalry have overtaken and re-pulsed two detachments of the Villacolumn,General Pershing and officers of the expeditionary command realizethatmuchdifficultworkliesaheadof them.Many of the slopes of the Si- erra Tarahumares,which the Ameri- cans are searching for trace of Villa,have never before been explored»ex-cept by the native Tarahumare .In-}dians.”The story that Francisco Villa is wounded and that his capture is im- minent is asserted again by GeneralGavira,Carranza commander at Jua-rez,Mexico.General Gavira made public a telerram he said he receivedfromGeneralBertaniatMadera, stating specifically that the bandit had,been shot and was_in hiding some- where between Bachineva and Satevo.The message is confirmatory of American headquarters reports thatVillawasheadingtowardSatevo. The following report from Gen. Pershing,received by Gen.Funston, was made public Tuesday: “Report just received from Major Evans,Tenth cavalry,by courier from vicinity of Rubio,that ColonelBrown.with squadron of Tenth cav-/alry,encountered band Villistas and was pursuing them through San An-_tonio.No further details.No reportfromBrown.° “Natives traveling from Chihuahua state that Brown's command,part dis- mounted and part.mounted,surprisedVillistasatnoonmeal_with horses grazing near.Agua Calientes,about ~20 miles southeast.of Bachineva.Na--tives say from 30 to_40 Villistas killed and same number of horses captured.All this lacks verification from officialsources,“PERSHING.” Soe |Another Lynching in the State. Joseph Black.negro,aged 50,was -~taken from Lenoir county jail at Kin- ston Wednesday morning about 3 o'clock by a mob estimated at 300, -—-earried-in an automobile to the Mau- -ty section of Greene county,shot to *death and the body left in the road. Black was the father of Will Black, who is in the penitentiary in Raleigh. —Will Black last-week is alleged —to have criminally .assaulted a 6-year- -old white girl,clubbed her mothershottwomembersofthepossewho ariested him.Joseph Black is said tohavegivenhissonarms,threatened to kill the little girl’s father if ‘he»prosecuted the assailant and declared|phe was no better than his son.The mob was comprised of Greene county farmers and others,says the --Yeport sent to the daily papers.The leader was a mere boy,continues the “report.The jailer,without assist-“ance,handed over the keys when~threatened with death. FortificationsBill In. The third great element of the na-‘tional preparedness:programme was brought into the House of Congress ~yesterday.It is the largest fortifica- Won bill ever reported,and the first of four annual measures under which “itis proposed to spend approximate- -Iy $100,000,000 for increasing and<modernizing the coast defenses,al- _Yeady officially declared to be supe--rior to any in the world,and to sup-“ply-an-ample-store of-reserve-ammu-nition for the guns. School Contest at Davidson. Beginning yesterday and continuingthroughtoday,at’Davidson College,;are being held contests of the High “Schools of the west-central district of-North Carolina.Those from.the|Statesville graded schools taking partinthecontestsareJamesAlexander, -leclamation contest;Elizabeth Carl-“ton,recitation contest;Bessie Ander- nN,composition contest;Annie King, spelling contest.A gold medal is theprizeforthewinners. A dispatch to the daily papers fromWilsonsaysthatMr.Sneed Boyett,of “Spring Hill township,Wilson county,éd-of heart disease and was buried‘Monday.When the grave was filledhis.widow fell across the mound with |#moan and when they attempted to|pick her up she was dead. Miss Pink Houston of Charlotte and Mr:Clyde Culp of Fort Mill,S.G.,will be married tomorrow,inharlotte.The bride-elect is a daugh-r of the late Mr.and Mrs.James P.ouston of Mooresville. Lacy Candler,a negro who shot andSeriouslywoundedSheriffDierkerofSt,Charles county,Mo.,Tuesday,wasslain’by 4 posse Wednesday. Two masked men’entered the:FirstPNationalBankofHouston.Pa.,heldipthecashierandgotawaywith$15,-00, County Commencement Pro- gramme—Evénts of the Day. Interest in the county commence-nent exercises today is evidenced by the fact that-phone talls came in yes-terday to know “what kind of weath-!er we are to have for commencement.’’,Follewing is the completed —pro- |gramme: 11.00 a.me--Parade.~~:|11,80a,.m.--Exercises ‘on the Collége campus,(4.Song,“America’’-—-Children of County and| |City Schoels,)2.Invocation-Rev.J.F..Kirk.,8.Address of welcome Mayor I.©,Caldwell. ‘A.Song,“Ho,for Carolina r-Children of the|Schools,&.Awarding of.certificates to Seventh GradePupils—Dorman Thompson. 6 Awarding of reading sirele certificates—— Rev.C.E.Raynal,D.D, 7.Awarding of Domestic Science Certificates R.R.Clark. i8.Awarding .of Prizes~-H,P.Grier.; '9.Song,“The Old Nagth State’—-Children of the Schools. 12.30 p.m,--Dinner, 2.00 p,m.—-Declamation house. 2.00 p.m, College. 2.00 p,m, contest--At court Recitation contest—-At Statesville 4Athletic contests.3.30 op.m.—Baseball grame—Harmony School vs.Troutman High School. The Kannapolis band will furnishmusicduringtheday.All the exhib- its have been arranged in the vacant room on west Broad street. High Belgian Flag Day and Help For the Belgians. The Daughters of the American Revolution throughout the country will observe tomorrow,April~8th,as Belgian Flag Day,for the purpose of raising $1,000,000 for the relief of the destitute people of Belgium and north- ern France.Mayors of more than2,000 cities in the United States have issued proclamations calling atten- tion to the day and its purpose.The day to be thus celebrated is thebirthdayofKingAlbertofBelgium and Mrs.Daisy Allen Story,the‘pres~ ident general of the National)Society of the Daughters of the Revolution, has a cablegram from Queen Eliza- beth of Belgium endorsing the plan. In expressing her appreciation,Queen |Elizabeth says:“To all who will wear the Belgian flags April 8th and 9th,I send,in the name of the Bel-gian mothers,my heartfelt thanks,” —The local Daughter;of the Revolu-tion will have_these flags for distri- |bution in Statesville tomorrow.The \flags will be given in acknowledgment ,of donations for these destitute peo- i ple,about 9,000,000,and 3,006,000 of j;whom are entirely or in part destitute. Each recipient of a flag is-expected.to ‘give as much as seven cents,which isthecostoftherationofoneBelgian for one day. The cause is a worthy one and the need is pressing.The flags can be found at the drug stores and other places. | j The Death Record. Mrs.J.P.Campbell died suddenly of heart disease Monday evening at her home at Jennings,aged about 50 years.Funeral was held at Grassy Knob Wednesday afternoon.She_is survived by her -husband,-two sons— Mr.Smythe Campbell of Monticello, Fla..and Mr.Isom Campbell of Jen- nings——and two daughters—Mrs.J. R.-Walker and Miss Dessie Campbell of Jennings.Mrs.Bettie Scott died Tuesday morning at the home of her son,Mr. L,F.Scott,in|Olin township,aged about 75 years.She had been ill: about three weeks.with la grippe. Funcrat—and-—interment at.Snow Creek church Wednesday morning,(services conducted by Rev.J.C.,Mock. Deceased_is survived by a son,Mr. L.I’.Scott,and a daughter,Mrs.T. M.Warren,of-Statesville, New Manufacturing Company Organized. A charter for the Buffalo Shoals Clay Manufacturing Co.has been ap- vlied for.The incorporators are Messrs.J.C.Steele &Sons and “Mr. KE.R.Rankin and.the capital stock, authorized,will be $125,000. The company has bought from Mr. J.°R.MeLain,through Mr.E.G. Gaither,268-acres of land in Shiloh township,on the Catawba river, known as the H.L.S..Lollar place}for $10,009,—and_will immediately,begin the erection thereon a plant for the manufacture of clay and hollowware. Mr.EDR:Rankin—will manage the |plant.: |Mr.and Mrs.Rankin,who have ‘been living at Tryon,go te Tryon to- pagy to move their effects to States- !ville,and will make their home here. Thrown From a Horse and Hurt. Miss Williams,a nurse at the State Hospital at Morganton,was thrown from a horse on the State “Hospital grounds Wednesday and_painfully hurt.She was rendered unconscious ‘vy the fall.A gash was cut on her head and she was severely bruised but no bones were broken. Miss Williams and another young ladv had started for a ride and Miss Williams’horse balked.Her compan- ion undertook to lead it and in endeav- oring to get the animal started gotthebridlereinsover_its head.Then the horse broke away and ran andMissWilliams,with the reins beyondherreach,was helpless. School Closings. The school at Oak Grove closed Thursday night with public éxercises. The exercises were erijoyed by a large crowd,ey+The xchool at —Eupeptie’y Springs!closes Tuesday with -an éntertain-ment in the.afternoon and evening.|Rev.Mr.Castle will make an addressgat3.80 p,m,boy ’ { COUNTY “SCHOOLS TODAY.|TO MAKE ROOM FOR MORE. Increase in Number of PatientsattheStateHospitalatMor--ganton—Meeting of the Direc- tors. At the quarterly meeting of the board of directors of the State’Hos-pital at Morganton,held at the Hos- pital Wednesday,Mr.I.I.Davis wasre-elected president of the board,’R. R.Clark was re-elected secretary and Directors Davis,Clark and A“*E,Tate were re-elected the exéeutive committee of the board.oeThestewardand_matron.of the in- stitution are elected annually and Mr. F,M.Scroggs was.re-elected steward,and Miss Cilla Summers matron andhouseKeeper. The,report of Supt.McCampbell for the period from November 380,1915, to April Ist,1916,showed that there were on the roll November 30,1,490 patients—632 men and 858 women.One hundred‘and 25 were admittedduringthisperiod—57 men and 68women;one woman was transferred to Raleigh,one man and one woman were discharged;12 men and 16 wo- men died.Remaining on ‘the roll March 31,1,584—676 men and 908 women. «xeneral health of the patients has been good and there were no epi- demics or accidents of consequence, Since new buildings were opened.a year ago,practically every deserving applicant has been admitted,but theroomisnearlyalltakenandcrowded conditions will soon make rejections necessary.# In accordance with the order of thehoardattheDecembermeeting,plans have been prepared for a new build- ing for women,which will accommo- date about 100 patients.Excavation has been made for the building and most of the material is on the ground. The hoard approved the plans and ordered the work to proceed.The new building will be paid for out of a balance of $10,890 left.from the building fund appropriated by the Legislature of 19138,with such addi- tion from the svecial fund of the Hospital as may be necessary to com- plete it. At the December meeting the board ordered the erection of a new cow barn.The committee appointed to supervise its construction—Directors Alspaugh and Matheson and Supt. McCampbell—were instructed to ré- port the estimated cost of the new barn and the cost of remodeling the old barn,to the board at the June meeting.The board made-increases in _the nay of employes as follows:Farmer, from $75 to $85 per month;tinner,$5 per month,teamsters,$2 per month.The board rejected an offer of the commissioners of Burke to sell eight acres of land to the Hospital at $50peracre. Supt.McCampbell was authorized to buy an auto truck for the Hospital. The board and the Morganton town- ship road supervisors.agreed on the location of the road adjoining the Hospital property.”The board agreed to_allow_the county road to connect with the Hospital road at a_point near the creck,the Hospital road to be used as a public road from that soint to the railroad station,a half mile or more,The road supervisors pre to add the necessary width to the fill at the creek and pay half the cost of the upkeep of the road.This con- cession was.made to the township road supervisors on condition that they follow the present—line of road around the Hospital property,in re- building the road,instead of cutting anewroadthroughtheHospitalprop-erty. All of the directors were present at the meeting.viz.:I.I.Davis of Mor-ganton,J. A.Shuford of Hickory,Dr.*L.N.Glenn of Gastonia,Heriot Clarkson of Charlotte,A.E.Tate of High Point I.P.Alspaugh of Winston-Salem,C P.Matheson of Taylorsville and R.R. Clark of Statesville. Considering Army Bill. Advocates of the Federal volunteér provision of the Senate army bill be-lieved the section had been saved by a narrow margin when the Senate re- cessed ‘Wédnesday night without hav- ing reached a vote on the Lee amend- ment to strike it out.Senator Cham- berlain,chairman of the military com- mittee,again asked that action be de- ferred,as one or two Senators stil] desired to be heard.Debate on the volunteer provision lasted all day.champions of the Na- tional Guard)supporting the amend- ment,occupying most of the time.In the closing hour,however,Senator Chamberlain vigorously defended the provision as vital to any military plananddenouncedattemptsofNational Guard organizations to interfere with legislation.He was joined by Sena- tors O’Gorman and Williams in a‘warning that at the close of the Euro- pean war the United States would need a great navy and an adequate army to back demands on the bellig- erent powers for indémnification for losses sustained through violations of her rights as a neutral.“Unless this country puts itself in a.condition where it can resist andwithstandbullying,”Senator Williams said,“we are going to be in trouble with the victor in this war.unless we surrender the’positions we have dip- lomatically taken and timidly submit to the'rule which the victor may lay down for immunity or disclaimer.” _At Tryon Sunday night Chief ofPolice?Ross shot and killed ArthurCheek,feolored,aged.19.The negro was drunk and ran amuck,was ar-rested and attacked the officer.Thepolicemanwasexonerated; }| P.Sawyer of Asheville,A. a THE ANSWER ISTHE SWORD German Chancellor’s Statement "—Quiet at Verdun.- The German imperial chancellor,Dr,von Bethmann-Hollweg,in outlin- ing Germany's ‘att}tude before theReichstag,declared that any sugges- itions of peace on the basis of destrue- tion of the Prussian military poweri;would make possible only one answer‘-—the German sword..If*Germany’sladversariesdesiredto-continue —the‘slaughter of men and the devastation fof Europe the guilt would be theirs,the said. |Hr characterized:as “the silliest:of all the imputations”against Germanythereportthat,at'the war’s end Ger-lmany,would take measures against (the American continent and attempt{to conquer Canada.:,Whth respect.to Belgium the chan- ‘gellor sand: ibe a Franco-British vassal;never ishall be used as a military or eco- ‘nomi¢fortification against Germany.”|He declared Germany must.assuresoundevolution.of the Flemish race 'and added that Germany wantedineighborswithwhichcollaborationcould’be carried out to mutual advan-|tage, For the moment infantry of both sides is quiet everywhere along thewesternfrontinFrance.On the sec- tors around Verdun the only activity has been intermittent bombardment intheregionofDouau:nont and Vaux. This rather unprecedented calm fol- lows 2 successful French offensive,in which they recaptured some —lostgroundanddrovetheGermansback. On the Russian exstern line,theGermanshavetakentheoffensiveand ‘are heavily attacking with infantry and artillery the Russian |position. |Unofficial advices from Petrograd say, however,that the Germans nowherehavebeenabletopenetratetheRus-sian line in frontal attacks. |Italians and Austrians are continu-ing their Operations along the Austri- ‘an-Italian frontier,but no important changes in positions have occurred. Berlin reports the loss during March of 14 German aeroplanes and of 44 {British and French machines.Thirty-‘eight of the latter were brought to earth in-air combats,according to Berlin. } Yesterday’s ‘report says a desper- ate all-night struggle around Verdun resulted in substantigl gains for.the French west of tht river Meuse,.ac-coxgeag to a Paris bulletin,while east |of,that stream German attacks on |French positions were repulsed.At jone point,along the Avocourt-Beth- (incourt.line,however,it’is admitted that the Germans succeeded in pene- trating French positions. i\ITEMS OF CHURCH NEWS. |eee) ‘Interest in Kilgo Meeting and In- vitation to Statesville.|Presiding Elder Ware,Rev.Messrs. ‘Kirk,Williams and Rhinehardt,local;Methodist pastors,and others from Statesville have been attending the meeting in Salisbury conducted by |Bishop Kilgo.:Mr.-Snyder,-chairman_of_the com- mittee,extends through Rev.Mr. ‘Kirk an invitation to all Statesville men,especially those employed at the different manufacturing plants,and the railroad men,to attend a special service at the Tabernacle Sunday afternoon at 3 o‘clock.Delegations are expected from Lexington,Thomas-ville,Concord and Albemarle.Those who want to attend from Statesville; attend|both the afternoon and evening servi-} ;can go down at 1.15 o’clock, ices and return No.35 Sunday inieht. Miss Mamig McElwee is visiting several towns in the State in the in- |terest-of the work of the young people of Concord Presbyterial, Certificates and Bibles have —been awarded to the following members of the Sunday school of the First Pres- jbyterian church as a reward for their ‘having memorized and recited the |Shorter-Catechism:Adele Allison, |Cornelia Smithson,Gertrude _Ives, ‘Mary Eliason,Margaret Gilbert,Vera |Wiley,John Gilbert and Percy Steele.|The Sunday school of the First |Baptist church will observe mission- es day with a special programme of exercises Sunday morning at the reg-|ular Sunday school hour. |Regular quarterly communion—at|ifth Creek Sunday morning at 11 |o'clock.Preparatory services tomor- jrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The regular spring meeting of Con-cord Presbytery will begin next'Tuesday at Marion at 8 p.m.Rev. |E.D.Brown of Concord church;Rev.|¢.E.Raynal and Mr.F.A.Sherrill of ‘the First.Presbyterian church,and ‘Rey,H.M.-Parker of Front —Street |Presbyterian church will attend. Asidé from other work to be done, several ministers will be transferred from this to other,Presbyteries and |some from other Presbyteries to Con-cord Presbytery. on |teanne ae ae peneNewBuildings.' Miss Annie Marvin and Mr.OscarMarvinhavesoldtheiroldhouseoneastBroadstreettoFred.Chambers and will erect a bungalow on the lot.Chambers.will move the house to Gar- field street.‘Mr.O.W.Slaine will have two houses.erected on the lot on Front street which he recently bought from Mr.Le B,Bristol.When they are completed Mr.Q.A.Stephenson will j occupy one and Mr.D.W.Stephenstheother. —Mr.J.A.Stewart has movedfrom®8tony Point.to Statesville forthepracticeof.law. “We must create real|{guarantees that Belgium shall never| “FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. {tems of Interest About Various Matters, |Mrs.Hugh Blizzard and her 7-year-‘old daughter were killed by lightningjat6o’clock Wednesday evening at Ar- icadia,15 miles from Brisol,Tenn. Senator Lodge’has submitted as an!amendment to the Senate substitute|for the free sugar repeal resolution|the House provision for a tariff on dyestuffs. |Senators and mémbers of the House ||of Representatives:used 38,664,367|envelopes.in 1815 in franking letters:|to their constituents and”others, ‘through the postal service. The government jPublic Health Service reports show that,pellagra States in 1915.The disease can be prevented by proper diét—a simpleandcheapdiet—-the health service experts contend. E.Davis,.geaman of the battleship New Hampshire,and Charles Stron-stom,marine from the Naval Hospital, ,were shot and killed by George Carter, a negro,in Norfolk Wednesday night. The shooting was the result of a dif-ficultv’on the street. Suffering throughout Turkey caus-ed by the war is described in a cable- gram to the American Red Cross, The situation has become so alarming,it is said,that the Turkish govern- ment has at last decided to.permitforeign’relief agencies .to enter thecountry. The House of Cangress has passedthebillintroducedbyRepresentative Page appropriating $1,500 for the re-lief of the widow of E.A.Moffitt,who was killed over 20 years ago by an al- leged moonshiner while employed asa‘deputy revenue.agent in-Randolph-ounty.The amount was cut.from$10,000 to $1,500. John A.Law of Spartanburg,S.C., former vice president of the associa-tion,.was.elected president!of theAmericanCottonManufacturers’As-sociation at the close of the twenti-eth annual:convention at Atlanta.Ga.Caesar Cone of Greensboro was elect- ed vice president and C.B.Bryant of Charlotte secretary and:treasurer. Two hundred and fifty women will go into military encampment at the United States presidio in San Fran- cisco June 1 for six weeks under strict military rule,to learn the ways of war,according to:announcement made by.Mrs,.Frederick H.Colburn, regent of the San Francisco chapter ofthewoman’s section of the.Navy League. Wild horses have increased to such an’extent in ‘New Mexico during the last few years that they are a men-¢ce to the domestic herds,according7areportoftheCattleSanitary Board.The county board of Santa Fe has suspended previous _restric- tions and.will allow-the roundup,saleandshipmentoftheseunbranded horses. ;American Consul Frost at Queens- .town has cabled the State Department that the British bark Bengarin,sunk _off Fastnet April 1,was destroyed by ‘shell fire from a submarine after am-_ple warning had been given and that ‘all of the crew,including two Ameri- cans,were saved.The “ample warn- ing”eliminates this case from ourlistoftroubleswithGermany. In the Chicago municipal election Tuesday the Democrats carried 21 wards,the Socialists one and the Re-publicans 13.A year ago the Demo-oyats carried but seven wards andWilliamHaleThompson,Republican, was elected mayor by 17,477 majori- ty.There are 35 hold-over aldermen, and the Democrats came within fourwardsofwrestlingcontrolofthecityouncilfromtheirrivals. Dr.Arthur Warren Waite,the New York ‘dentist,expresses remorse for the death of his father-in-law,John E,Peck of Grand Rapids,Mich.,.whosemurderhehasconfessed,and declared that he was “ready to pay the price.”He also said that he had noaccomplicesinthecrime.Waite is charged with the murder of Mr.-and Mrs.Peck,by administering poison,and js also charged with attempting to poison his wife. The House of Congress has passedtheHeflinresolutionprovidingforthe collection by the bureau of statisticsonthequantityofcottonusedinthemanufactureofexplosives.The reso- lution directs the census bureau tocollectandpublishstatisticsofraw and prepared cotton linters,cotton waste and hull fibre consumed in man- nfacture of gunpowder and explos- ives.The present law confines the statistics to raw cotton. HonorFor Mr.J,L.Davis. Mr.J.L.Davis,who married MissLouiseHarbinofStatesvilleandwho is known to many here,has been ap- nointed by Governor Manning =of South Carolina a member of the State Board of Conciliation,which has to do.with the investigation and arbi- tration of industrial’disputes \and strikes.His term is forfour years and he is appointed as a “member of a_recognized—labor—union.”.-Mr.Da-vis is a linotype operator on the Co- lumbia:State. Vital Statisties, Miss ‘Annie Marvin,vital statisti-cian for Statesville township,reportsninedeathsand25birthsinthetown-ship during March.The town had five ‘deaths,two white and three col-ored,and outside four deaths,onewhiteandthreecolored.There were19whitebirthsinsideandtwoout-side:six colored births inside and oneoutside,y | \t cea oe aaroneeaEruarere eee caused 8,000 deaths in the .United| erBRIEFITEMSLOCALNEWS —-Mr.E.F.Nesbit,who has beenassociatedwithMr,8.H.GarrisoninameatmarketonCenterstreet,isnowconnectedwiththebusiness©ofMr.W.A.Evans,on Westefn avenue, --Mr.A.P.Edwards,who had been.‘setting type on thé Sentinel,went to;Spencer Tuesday.where he will workifortheCrescent.Mr.G..F.Brown|takes Mr,Edwards’place on the Sen- ;tinel.,or r —In °apportioning $447,940.45‘among 96 counties in‘the State,to!bring the public school term,up tofive-months,Iredell gets.$8.162.50,which adds 20.5 days to the schoolsofthiscounty.:: ~~Misgs Sarah Hambrick,who lives initheJenningsneighborhood,acciden-tally fell at her home some nights ago and her hip was broken.Her coneditionisreportedseriousandherre- covery is doubtful.i —-Citizens generally:are admonish«ed not to forget to clean their prem-ises.Monday and Tuesday.The townwagonwillstartWednesdayandhaulawayfreeallthetrash:that is placedconvenientforthewagon.—_ —-The county board of.educationMonday,authorized the purchase ofsomefarming.utensils for the FLifeschoolatHarmonyandcresea tebuypaintfor.Tabor school,Tprners-burg township,provided the patronswouldapplyit.4 —Mr.E.G.Gaither.of:StatesvillisbeingurgedtobecomeacandidateforcountycommissionerintheDem-_oeratic primaries.Mr.Gaither:tellsTheLandmark.that while he —is notseekingthejob,if the people want hisservicehewillaccepttheoffice, —The regular annual meetirig ofthemembersoftheCommercialclubwillbeheldaweekfromtonight,atwhichtimefourmembersoftheboardofgovernorswillbe.elected.Thefourwhose>term expires are Messrs,D.M.Ausley.L.W.MacKesson,C,M-Steele and J.H.Morrison.: —Mr.J.B.Bridges of Catawba,who.had been at the Sanatorium for t injured limb.the limb being ampu-tated,was taken to his home at Ca-tawba Wednesday.His condition is .encouraging.Mr.Brdiges’anklewascrushedbyaloaded‘wagon run-ning over it and it was necessary toamputate‘his’leg.; —The-clerk of the court has an in-quiry from Washington as to thewhereaboutsofthefollowing°whocarriedmailinthissectionjustpriortotheCivilWar:John B.Johnston,Statesville to Hamptonville;.Benj.Myers,from Statesville to Lexington;Absa Sherrill,:from Statesville toCharlotte.It is.presumed.these aresomethegovernmentowesfor:serv-ice.: CHILD FATALLY BURNED. Alexander List-Takers—Tay- lorsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,April 6.—Mr.and Mrs.|Reece Marshall,who live about.three+miles from here,left —their:-three-;months-old__daughter.in a rocking.chair before the fire Monday evening,while they went out to'do their eve-ning work.Mrs.Marshall was outonlyashorttimebutwhen,she re- turned she found the baby badlyburned,fire having popped out cn’herclothing.Dr.A.M,Edwards ‘wassummonedand-everything possible ...was done for the child.but ‘she passedawayat11o’clock.The funeral andburialserviceswereconductedby.thepastor,Rev.J.J.Edwards,at Careson’s chapel Tuesday afternoon.—.At the meeting of the board of county commissioners.Monday the fol-lowing were:appointed list-takers for1916:~Miller’s township,J.H.Mar-tin;Sharpe's,W.A.Bogle;.Gwalt-ney’s,I.B«Linney;Sugar Loaf,Ros-coe Lowe;-Little:River,Milton Chap-man;Ellendale.L.B.Tuttle;Witten-~burg.W.C.Robinson;Taylorsville,G.W.Thompson;Taylorsville school district,C.,Mc.Moose;Stony.Pointschooldistrict,P.F..Somers;Hidden-ite school district,W.C.Lackey.All -other business.transacted wag routine,a as eeMrs.Emma Clark of Lenoir spent from Monday until this morning here, and Amanda Matheson,.Mr.L.C.Watts is fitting up.an up-’to-date barber shop inthe northeastroomofthebankbuilding.Mr.Wattsrecentlygraduatedat’‘a tonsorial_school in Atlanta.Mr.W.A.Ingram will go to Char- lotte tomorrow to undergo an operastion. Colored County Commencement. The county commencement of ~thecoloredschoolsofthecountywillbeheldtoday‘‘week «in the new schoolbuildingatBelmont.There will be:exhibits for which prizes willbe giv-en.Ih the afternoon there will beanaddressbyMayorCaldwellandprob- ably others.That night ih the col-ored Baptist church there will be aprogrammeofliterary.exercises,chetesgahmesteeectLocalRepublicansto.Re-Con- vene.: The Republicans-of Iredell countywill.re-assemble in county conventionSaturday,April 15,for the purpose ofelectingacouhty,chairman and exec-,utive committee.A,full county ticketwillalsobenominated. Mayor Caldwell’Wednesday ‘putAndyBlackburnunder$50 bond toppneayinkrhous%sito or appropria eather from Es aeaeSM.and HH.Shoe Cos re. several weeks for treatment for an ‘Baby Left Before the Fire— the guest of her cousins,Misses Polly x ti ! Porc »..Clarence Reginald Hudson.single-handed k possession of the British freight the high seas, “has been committed to Bellevue pital,New.York,for observation as to ce es Ee aarti sANDMARKApril7,1916. ”Partsof the Country. George of England has given ds a half million in consequence of the war,to the government deems personal fun best,°° Serious __The tion by distributing corn. -srnest ‘Schiller,who, too“steamship Matoppo on _his mental condition. John Williams.the negro who is to have confessed to.assault- ing a 15-year-old girl near Blackstone, Va.,and whose life was threatened by .4 mob which surrounded the "jail in “Petersburg,Va.,Sunday night,was taken to Richmond for safe*keeping. After listening to ‘evidence-at the preliminary hearing at Idabell,Okla., charged with having attacked a 18-year-o]d alleged of Oscar Martin.a negro, girl,a mob of several hundred men ‘overpowered court attaches “balcony of the court house. _A yard of cotton cloth,as measured "‘by the English manufacturers,will hereafter measure 36 inches instead of 97 inches,as for many generations heretofore.,The origin in the habit ‘of spinners in measuring “from the further side of the thumb,”thus add- ing about an inch “for good meas- ure.”. W.M.Logan,a Moultrie (Ga.) merchant;Jack Calhoun and Cleve .Calhoun,brothers,were killed in a ‘pistol fight.in-a barn near Moultrie, Ga.,Sunday.A note found on Logan gave directions for the disposition of his body and_his two small sons.A family quarrel is said to have caused the trouble. A check for slightly more than $70,708,600,said to be the largest ev- er drawn,passed through the New York Clearing House Tuesday.It was made by J.P.Morgan &Co.,on a lo- cal bank to the order of the Canadian} government in payment of $75,000,- 000 par value 5 per cent.bonds re- ceritly purchased by..a syndicate of bankers.. Substantial evidence of the rigid ~“.enforcement of the anti-treating law “fs given in the English shipping town ‘of Southampton,when a man_was fined one pound ($5)for treating his g wife to a glass of wine in a public es drinking house;his wife was fined an equal amount and the barmaid who| served the drinks fined five ‘pounds ($25). The chairman of the Georgia rail- ‘road commission has issued a call for the State railroad commissioners of ‘Alabama,Tennessee,Mississippi, Kentucky,Virginia,North and.South Carolina and Florida to meet in At- lanta with the Gevurgia commission May 10to discuss a schedule of intra- State rates proposed by railroads op- erating in Georgia. By a vote of 116 to 29,the Balti-more Conference of the MethodistEpiscopalchurchdecidedtosendto the General Conference a memorial fa- voring the election~of bishops —forracesandlanguages.This means that the Conference favors-the elec- tion of colored men as~bishops—to preside over Conferences of coloredmembersoftheChurch. Maj.-Robert-W.-Hunter,prominent Confederate veteran,lawyer and “journalist,died.in-Washington Mon- day after.a short illness.He was born at Martinsburg,Va.,and was inhis79thyear.Major Hunter was with Stonewall Jackson at Manassas,was promoted for gallantry at Get- 'tysburg and fought on-nearly every-battlefield in Virginia during the Civ- ail’War. A bill introduced in Congress by «Representative Harry H.Dale of -New York carries a provision for $50,-‘000 with which to -establish a fishhatchingorfish-cultural station in the was —“mountains—of —_North—Carolina.—A+ similar bill was introduced early in the session by Representative Britt fora fish-hatchery somewhere in the mountain section.Six SouthernStatesareprovidedforbythebillof “Mr.Dale. Geo.Hardy,a negro,who has serv-ed 23 of his 39 years in Atlanta peni- tentiary,was ordered released by“President Wilson.When Hardy was 16 years old.in 1893,he held’up a _man in Washington and gave him a“heating from which he died.Hardy was sentenced to be hanged but Pres- ident Cleveland reduced his sentencetolifeimprisonment,because.of Har-dy’s youth.President Wilson Tues-day commuted his sentence to expire‘at once. =~_Kill Women and Children Inci- dentally,Not Intentionally. London Dispatch. I do not think you would find an officer of the German navy or army who would willingly participate in the killing of women and children,”saidLieut.Com.Breithaupt,commander of the Zeppelin L-15,who was cap-tured when the Zeppelin landed on theriverThamesduring’the recent raidinLondon.He was requested to ex-plain the psychology of German airraidsondefencelesscitiesandthe killing of harmless civilians.“We have a much more importantobjectinviewthanthekillingofwo-men and children,”he added,“name-“ly,the destroying of the enemy’sarmedpositions,warships,and facto-ries.omen and children~becomethevictimsofouroperations,but rot |»because we kill themItiswar.”*Asked whether he knew the loca-tion of the airship raids.in the dark-ness and whether he could distinguishbuildingsandotherobjectsatnight,_he asserted that he could tell almostexactly,but could not say whether‘the bombs fell where they were in-to fall except in some in- intentionally. Ser food riots are reported at Porreon;Mexico.-Many-buildings were daiiaged-by-the-riots.The govern-‘: ment attempted to relieve Wie sie United States a alias hos- and hanged the negro from a second story| “-TOM-DOWD,YEGGMAN. An Expert in HisLine and Will "Be Tried Here This Month. Greensboro News. Tom Dowd is coming to trial.He is-an Irishman.of interesting person- ality and,if the officers are right,of a career which is rivaled by the lives of few men.Although Dowd is 65 one’of.the most._active,if not the most active,yeggman in the nation- “al gume-~-He-isalleged by officers to have been in suspicious proximity to many.safes of t postoffices of the of other places, when the safes were -blown_and their ontents removed. :One officer stated yesterday~~that Dowd recently was sent back-from North Carolina’to Baltimore,where trial occurred in “Federal Court..on the charge of blowing a safe and that conviction resulted and was followed by a sentence of five years in the At- lanta penitentiary.Then,so the offi- cer stated,Dowd was returned to this State for the trial’on an indictment held’in the North Carolina ‘district court,—~ae, Dowd was arrested in Virginia some months ago,by the»goyernment au- thorities,and was brought to Greens- boro and kept:in.the Guilford jail for some time.When brought here he was well dressed and entertaining His pockets revealed $240 in cash,in- cluding two $100 bills.He attribut- ed his prosperity to the sale of jewel- ry,and declared he had been selling cheap jewelry for some time.Tt is stated that one of the witnesses who is summoned to appear fot the trial of Dowd,now imminent.will identify him as a certain “umbrella-fixer” who visited Hillsboro about.the time of the cracking of the postoffice safe there,at Mebane and Elon College. If the suspicion of the authorities is 'correct,Dowd’s specialty is postoffice |safes and he is credited with being 'an expret in the profession.His trial |which is now coming will be held ir the ‘district court,presided over by Judge James E.Boyd,in Statesville April 18.Local members of the mar- shal’s organization were called or yesterday to summon witnesses. It was related of Dowd that he has a wife in Virginia,who wrote to him when the letters were available to of ficers here,while the Irishman was 2 prisoner in the~county—jail_of Guil- iford.One of these letters,an officer stated,was full of affection.and alse |of excellent admonition to Tom to be ‘wood.The writer said she was send- jing along under separate cover a |prayer book and a Bible which she ‘wanted him to read and look to the |“sure source”of goodness and power |for his guidance.This letter also tolc 'of an interesting reason why Tor |ought to be home soon.Officers were| i| | isaid to have visited the letter writer |later and to have heard a different ste- iry altogether,in|which the womar years of age,he is charged with being |: -Sunday—afternoon_b said that Tom had deserted her ir three months after marriage and hadn’t given her support.An alias| alleged as Dowd is “Tom Price.” |Would Pay Many.Carrier Claims Washington Dispatch to Charlotte Observer:: If a bill reported by Representative Pou from the committee on claims,is passed,the sum of $12,474.11 will be disbursed bv the United States to 10¢ North Carolina mail carriers of 1861. or their heirs.This is an amended bill and has the committee recommen- dation.It provides.forthe .relief of over 400 carriers in the Southern States.Their claims total $195,568.- 25.The claims are for services ren- dered in the first three months of 1861.The United States—had_paid the carriers to December 31,1860,and they were under contract to continue into the next year.It was in April that the Confederate government took over the routes,and the Federal government refused to make payments for January,February and March.AsearchoftheTreasuryrecordshasre- vealed’that the money is to the cred- it of the carriers.From time to time in the past-few years payments have been authorized and the present bill is designed to clean up-the remain- der.The Confederate government made payments on some of the claims. Most of the mail conrtactors were operators of stage coach and horse- back routes,while not a few were therailroadsofthattime./ (In the list of claimants are W.P. Bollinger $110.66,John Haynes $72.- 82,Absa Sherrill $126.87,Western North Carolina Railroad Co.$122.69| and many others.) Would Prohibit “Cotton Gin.” A traveling man tells the Char- lotte Observer—so the Observer re- ports—that some of the ladies who came down from the North to attendtherecentChildLaborConferencein Asheville and to help in the enlight- enment of the benighted and unciv- ilized Southerners;and who were so deeply-concerned.about the ignorance of Southern mill workers,demonstrat- ed that they are by no means omnis- cient themselves. “Do you know they exclaimed in my hearing,”said the veracious trav-, eling man who told it to the Observ- “‘We have been observing closely and every where we have been seeing negro men loafing about the railway stations,and in close proximity we have seen again and again the sign, ‘Cotton Gin.’It is very apparent that and it is outrageous that such a thingshouldbepermitted.Congress ought to pass a law forbidding the sale of this intoxicating cotton’gin.We are going to take the matter up with our Congressmen when we-return home.“What do you know about that?Shades of Eli Whitney,and his marv- elous invention that all.the —schoolbookstellusrevolutionizedthecot-ton industry.”. Community Song-Service. Correspondence of The Landmark. The people of the community of Graycrest school building,two miles south of Statesville,are arranging tohavesongserviceonSundayafter- noons,and desire a full attendance ofallwhofavorthesame.At the school building next Sunday at 8.30!o’clock,p.m..forthe first that is the real source of the trouble |% practice.Parents are requested to at-tend with their children; Items of Interest Over.the Stat Miss Sallie Fry,an estimable lady of ata died suddenly Tuesday of apoplexy.s aea:‘Asheville Emmerson Hollar,14yearsold,riding a “bicycle,collided with a street car and his thigh bone was.broken.Re: The public.health nursds of —the State are holding their first State meeting at Sanatorium:yesterday and today:Se Se waxing — Emma Sanders,white.17 Yéars old, committed suicide--in--Caldwell--coun-~ ty,in the Happy Valley.section,last yshooting her-| self through the head with-a shot gun.| Jealous and depressed: Ss.L,Whitener was elected mayor of Hickory Monday by a majority of| 78 over P.C.Setzer.In Morganton| Monday Wilson Tate was elected may- or over J.R.Taylor by a majority of| 156 votes.| Mr.Ora L.Jones,late editor of the Brevard News,is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for.the Leg-| islature in Transylvania @ounty,and “he Landmark is hoping he'll get it ind-be elected.; The commissioners of.Catawba county have under consideration the question of appropriating’$600 for the purpose of compulsory vaecina-| tien of all schoo!children of the’coun- ty against smallpox and typhoid fever. Durham and Orange county citi- zens are moving for a_great boule- vard from Durham to Chapel Hill,but they want State and Federal aid in ‘he building.‘The State will be asked ‘or convicts and Uncle Sam for cash. The Davie Record says that Dor-: man,little son of Mr.and Mrs,R:A. Blaylock,~whg formerly lived in Statesville,wa struck by —an ‘auto- mobile and painfully hurt Saturday afternoon.No serious injury result- rd.‘ It is said that the late Tom Pence, secretary of the national Democratic committee,who died in Washington recently,left.an estate of about $25,- 100.He left no will and the proper- v,it is said,will go to W.N.Jones| vf Raleigh,an uncle of Mr.Pence. The alleged election fraud cases hrought by the Superior Court grand jury some months ago against Mayor Moore and other city officials of Wil- mineton failed in New Hanover Su-nerior Court.Some of the cases were nou-suited and in Others.the de- fendants were declared not guilty. Midshipman Philip D.Northern, who was appointed to the “Naval Academy from the first congression-' il district of North Carolina,died at Annapolis,Md.after-ans-.operation or appendicitis.He would have »raduated in June.His remains were ‘aken to Snowden,Currituck county, ‘or burial. Vill Black,the Green county;negro ‘hare@ed with ‘eriminally assaulting a small white girl,knocking the,girl’s mother down and shooting a member |yf the posse who attempted to arrestState:~him,is now confined in the prison.He was taken to Goldgbcro| irst and later removed to the Svate »wrison. Near Leaksville Sunday morning an} automobile party frem Mayodan | lrove into a mill pond,the car fall-|‘ne 20 feet into ten feet of water.| The occupants,Chas.Baughn,his sis-| (the North Carolina WI Get Most For Your. -When-you buy Fisk you get a good tire —\{) plus good treatment,and free service,in more than 100 Fisk Branches—service that brings the uttermost to your tire investment. Fisk Non-Skid Prices arestill lower thanthe plain treads of many other standard.makes.fi al Size s 3 x 30 3ix 30. 4x33 4}x 35 41x36. 5 x 37 ee”e a RPAIIDASHUNAGQENRON PARIERARAY :Compare These Fisk Prices r=!Grey Non-Skid Casings.and Tubes. Casing 10.40 13.40 22.00 31.20 31.55 37.30 Fisk Tires For Sale By CAROLINA MOTOR Co. Statesville mi Es R PUN Pines a mBES“4 nesoIDEenneeaekBhceaseYapesiitNEATSines | NL ‘ sloney !-- Tube 2.60 .2.95 4.25 5.55 5.70 6.90 ~~ MSC haeeen Petes No Mental Anguish For Inter-| State Shipments. John Byers of Asheville case against the Southern Company in the Suprenie~Court of the United States.The judgment of Supreme Court awarding him $250 for mental guish because the express company failed to deliver a casket in time for the burial of his wife at Hickory Grove,$°C.,in $912,was reversed. The judgment whs set aside on.the eyound that recovery for mental suf- fering eculd not be had in a case in- volving inter-State commerce.The was shipped from Asheville. lost his AeleatCAGKEE HOW THIS-MOTHER Got Strength To Do Her Work Fair Haven,Vt.—‘‘I was so nervous an-} Express| |\' { |t |||} | + end run down that [-could not do my | housework for my little family of three, [had doctored fornearly two years with- out help.One day I read about Vinol, and thanks to it,my health has been re- stored so I am doing all my housework once more.I am telling all my friends what Vinol has done for me.’’—Mrs. ’er and his four small children,were|James H.Eppy ill rescued without injury save an un-; »xpected bath and the car suffered no| damage of consequence.The mishap | was due to an inexperienced driver.| That the National Dye and Muni-! tions Company of New York and} Washington has acquire@ several hun-| ired acres of tand near Sanford,up-! yn which to erect a munitions plant! via.cost of probably $10,000,000,is| the information brought to Raleigh by} R.P.Gibson,a reputable building | contractor of Rocky Mount,who says| ye has been awarded contracts for| most:of the buildings.ii{ \|} Newest,quickest train | to Texas! Leaves Memphis 9:30 p.m. Arrives Dallas 11:15 a.m. Arrives Ft.Worth 12:50 noon The only tine operatingsolidtrainsbetween MemphisandTexas Cotton Beli Route all the way: —no change of cars,no missingconnections.Morning trainleavesMemphie9:40a wv.TrainefromtheSoutheastconnectatMemphis. Low Fares ¥6Texne;LouisianaandNewMexico. H.H.Sutton,Diet.Pass»Agent, 109_W.9th Strect,Chattancoza, Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN—VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginla.IT HAS NO EQUAL. *Makesbetter bread and more of it to the pound than other flour..It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary (C.Boshamer, Local Representative,’Phone 125 Black.It.aw. NAN eaetelsath?ae ees)CROCE RCA ORC Oe nereburg,Turnersburg,N.C. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic which creates a healthy appetite, aida dicection and makes nure blood. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity. WE sell the celebrated Gold Medal Flour. WE sell Sweet Feed for Horses and Mules WE se!l Sweet Daisy Fced for Cows.WE sell Hay,Gorn,Oats and Cotton See&Products. WE SELL FORACLESS. WE pay CASH for country *~Corn and Oats. WE deliver in the cily. IREDELL FEED CO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop.*Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St. FOR SALE. Five-room cottage and about an acre jground.House newly-repaired and —painted. Garden and truck patch. peaches,cherries,fixs,pears, rieties.jof Harmony,in north Iredell.FineSchool,Farm Life School,churches,stoves,Railrond pow building.Will sell quick buyer for cash.Possession atWriteorseeW.R.Miller at ‘Tur- Mar.$1 --4t. all improved va- MOORE, SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY! i | Orchard of apples,} Property located in the growing tawn |High | etc.| cheap to} once.| As-exeeutrix of the will of A.A.Colvert,}‘deceased,I will sell at public auction for jon SATURDAY,April 8 1916,a lot of house- hold and kitehen furniture,consisting of bed- room furniture,carpets,dining room furniture,jechina,feather beds;ete.lat the Colvert home on Race street and will |begin at 11 o'clock,a.m.Ie M.J.COLVERT, Dorman Thompson,Att'y.Executrix.Maer.21--1twk. Sale will take place| C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil- ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. WANTED!| ‘SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7ic. per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound.FOR SALE: ‘New.and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler. room supplies. Cc.H.TURNER. Iredell.’Phone NG,74,Bell No.4%.‘i UO Cidetdit Take the Babies out these-fine spring days and bring the roses to their cheeks,and health to.their bodies.We have the GO-GARTS and SULKIES in quantities —assorted styles,sizes and prices.Come and see and get first choice. ‘Statesville Housefurnishing Co. BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. :“|SALE!|#| 268 acres 10 miles from Stetesville on the Cataw!river,100 acres in ciltivation,50 of which is fine river bottom,balance in woodland,two-story,7-room dwelling,large stock barn. 113 acres,1@-miles from Statesville,on the road between Olin and Williamsburg,three-room dwelling,barn and out-buildings,40 acres in cultivation,12>of which +s productive bottom tand,66 acres in fine original oak,poplar and pine timber,near school and churches. 76 acres,2 1-2 miles from Harmony State Hich School,on public road,with small dwelling,20 acres in cultivation,balance in wood- land,quarter of mile of scheol and 1 mile from church.2® For further_information call on_or write | ERNEST Gi.GAITHE :GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT- L ALS AND REAL ESTATE, PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILTANG. rere rfdergnaly 7 SITTITLITITILT ELIA TIIE eee easak hese eoacheese neesueee ea ee eset Teoeees SIITSIIITITIIII Commercial National Bank | |Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 || “Surplas and Profits -31,500.00 | Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended.to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.oo Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.os OFFICERS: WwW.D.TURNER,-mE Goat Sins President.$ K.MORRISON -«© ~Vice President, D.M..AUSLEY,--.-.Cashier. @.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. $900900008 PPP POOPesoePee rereese?LETS T PIIee TTT s sos Feseeeeene eee eee eee TE B I E I I T T I T I I T V S T S S S S I TT T TS T TT T sa s s SI L T I T I I II OT e Lo v e r s py Sa z o o c v e c e o o r e e s e e cs Carts and Sulkies!| as ae oa k , ete SP S S Di e s ee ee e :Se SE E S Ne e d Sa Et s CE ee d GT S =e te BG . AI S Ni n ra r al l en Re PE R S CA te Re e St e . Ee ae .4 eee SE S Ue sina Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre-.VentsDaughter's End. ;rane rf A Laura Bratcher,bar wat in bed for three months,-*f-cannot-tell_you -how-I-suffered withpiyhead,and with nervousness andOmanlytroubles,i nearly six months,”writes acio i ancedOurdoctortoldmyhusband hehyhotdomeanygood,and he hadiveit-up.We tried another doctor “WHE LANDMARK Ky.—"'I was not able to da is of this place,“‘and |'‘Trel ekeee FRIDAY,>==April 7,1916. E¥ v y pe r p SE E S S R E S I From rlotte.Train No.16 ar.9,50,leaves 10,85 9,m.Train No,24 ar.8:14,leavs A ME i MP »ie.”i Train No.28°ar.10:00,leaves 10: Train No,15 ar,6:40,leaves 7:05 p.m.Nos.28 and.24 are not operated on Sunday. A Bets my mother advised me to takehewoman's tonic..|thought‘was no use for |was nearly dead anothingseemedtodomeanygood.But~H took eleven bottles;and now |am abletodo--all of my work and my own “ee °TN —the oe oieis fe best medicinia a-My wei ncreaseandIlookthepictureofhealth.*—~*it eas mittee from soy pitsplineatylowomen,get a e-of Cardu-Delay is incor:We knowhelp‘you,for it has*helped’soythousands.Inthe past50years. Write te:Chattanooga Medicine’Co.,LadiesAavisoryBert.Chattanooga,Tenn.,for SpecialOurcase64-page book,*’omen,"inplain wrapper.N.G,138 = YOU'LL LIKE IT.. Buy.our home-made eanut butter and ourerris’sliced break- fast bacon and_boiledhamandslicedbeef..Try these once andyouwillrepeattheorder. Sherrill &.Reece, Phone 123._108 West.Broad St DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank..Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. One of the many parts of Myers’Pump that make up the quality..as this feature alone has solved the secret. W.E.MUNDAY Sells ’Phone TRY A CAN Myers Pump.65. —_—OF— Yuban Coffee Miller-McLain Supply Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the estate ofJohnL.Hellard,deceased,this is to notify all‘persons having claims against his.estate tobresentthemtomeonorbeforeMarch7,1917,or this -notice will be pleaded in bar of theirrecovery.All persons indebted to said eatatewillberequiredtomakeimmediatepayment.ssiaas bi R.T.WEATHERMAN,March 7,1916.Executor. Se JUST RECEIVED. ,Afine line of Berlin &Jones stationery,the latest in writing paper.Come and examineit for yourself;Also a nice line of pound paper. Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N..C. -Baseballs, Mitts,Gloves,Bats andMasks,Tennis Balls,Nets antl Rackets.Any-thing in Sporting Goode. 3 All new.RP.ALLISON'S Book Store. of other weak women |. New Stirling Notes —Warning About County Commissioners. Corresnondenee of The Landmark. Statesville,R-6,April 3 —Rev.Mr. Kidd,’pastor of New’Stirling,is suf- fering from throat trouble and may have to give up his work there. Miss Cora Lee Bailey of Spruce Pine,Mitchell county,has been visit-ing-Miss Matie Gray.Miss Bailey’s father and uncles_have a deer ranch‘of 100 acres enclosed,with about—25 deer.Mr.Jake Dagenhardt,.who haspassedhisthreescoreandten,is inveryfeeblehealth, Fellow citizens,be careful whomyouvoteforforcountycommission- ers.It is ane of the most responsible offices of ,the county. SI le htASEAMENANOERNTS Foreign Governments Outbid. Grand Island,Neb.,Dispatch. The French and °British govern- ments have outbid Washington for cavalry horses._in this section,and American buyers have been-foreed_to go into other fields for mounts. Recently,the United States army attempted to buy 700 cavalry horsesinthismarket,price fixed by the government.being $140 a head for allanimalswhichpassedinspection.The British and French goverments have been paying $165 for the same grade‘horses.The American inspectors|withdrew their bid this week and left;ve Grand Island market in ‘posses- ;sion of the foreign buyers. ‘DONT NEGLECT KIDNEYS. |Swamp-Root,Dr.Kilmer’s Prescrip- |tion,Overcomes Kidney Trouble. It is now conceded by physicians ithat the kidnéys should have more|attention,as they control the other }Organs to a remarkable degree and do }a tremendous amount of work in re”;moving the poisons and waste matter|from the system by filtering the blood.|The kidneys should receive some assistance when needed.We take iless exercise,drink less water and of-! a.)them.to.lend‘the THE Progress of the Campaign andAnAppealForCo-operation. To the Hadltor of ‘The Landmark;.Now that the campaign for secur-ing subscriptions.for stock in thecountyfairassociation...has.beenJaunched,many.will be interested inknowingofitsprogressandmanyotherswilldoubtlessbecomeinterest-ed as they see their neighbors takingholdofit.Increased activity on thepartofthosefirstinterested‘willcause‘others to think more seriouslyofthevalueofafairandwilllead ir_assimovement,j iFollowingtherecentmassmeetingheldatthecourthouge,the commit-tee-secured-the-services of Mr:-.-N:Paine to make a personal canvass ofthecountyinanefforttosecurethenecessary.subscriptions for the stock.After looking over the field it was de-cided to make:a more +iorough edu- cational campaign before endeavoringtosecurestoclkhclices.-3 many had not yet heard of the movement orthoughtofthevalueof|it to thecounty,With this object in view Mr.Paine is now attending school closing exercises,Farmers’Union meetings. etc.,and securing the co-operation ofenthusiasticlocalleadersto:acquaint their neighbors with .the plan _andvalueofthemovement.These localleadersareauthorizedtotake_sub-scriptions whenever the opportunity:isofferedbuttheirmainworkisto,ed-ucate and enthuse in favor of the fair.So far some encouragement has ‘been received,as about one-sixth ofthestockhasbeensubscribedforwithbutverylittledirecteffortonthepartofthoseinthiswork.How-ever the hardest work is to come yet, as those living farthest out,or oth-erwise least interested,will be difficulttoreach.It is for these that.thecommpittee-most desires the co-opera-tionfPf all who are already favorabletothemovement.A few encourag- ing words and enthusiastic support will.do much to get these lined up for the fair and thensuccess will be*as-sured,- As some questions have been receiv--ed with regard to the plan,when pay-ment would be expected on the sharesone.subscribed,etc..alittle comment on that line might.hot be out”ofvlace.It is desired that all have as thorough an understanding of all ofthesepointsaspossiblebeforeenlist- ing his support.A‘fair and square organization and management is.what we want. After considerable study of the decided that at least $5,000 and makexthe fair permanent. ers as possible without making burdensome to to...the., COUNTY CLAIMS PAID.“ ‘County Commissioners.-| At their regular monthly meeting| Monday the ‘county.commissioners|passed the following claims:{Court House and County Officers—|H-C:Cook,janitor,salary $45;fmpe-|>rial Brush Co,$12,R.P,Allison $6.10, I.N.Van Vooher $3.40,Edwards &Broughten Printing Co.$55.69,J.A, Brady $25.25,Geo,D.Barnard &Co,|$2.07,D.T.orrison $2,Holland|Bros.$86.44,all for supplies;W,J.)Matheson,$70 for insurance;West-| $33,22 for water;Iredell Telephone|Co.$8.27;City Electric Light De-'partment.$31.20;Statesville Loan andTrustCo,,$170 for insurance.County Home and Paupers—W.T. Mills $15.55,Statesville Drug Co.$21.-20,Eagle &Milholland $65.81,Mills &Poston $9.77,R.C.Bunch $2,J.FE.Sloop.$10.75,-’Miller-MeLain Supply|Co.$6.70,,Lazenby ~-MontgomeryWardwareCo.$21,City Flour Milling Co.$67.45,Smith &Brown $21.57,allforsupplies;W.C.Perry, superin-tendent,$45,R.L.Freeze,farmer,$35,Lewis Lucky and wife,laborers, $20,all for salary;Dorcas and Ame-lia Stephenson,$8 each temporary relief. Francis Gregory and wife,JaneGregory,were received as inmates ofthecountyhome.Jail and Prisoners—Dr.E.N.Law-rence,$1 for extracting tooth;F.E.Robertson and S.B.White $6,C.L. Gilbert $7.66,for conveying prisoners; C.L.Gilbert,jailer,salary,$87.95; C.LL.Gilbert,conveying Mrs.Bridges to Morganton.$7.90;C.L.GilbertandCharlieFulp,conveying FrankGillespie:to Morganton,$13.: Miscellaneous —-City of Statesville, assessment on Couft street,$337.85;W.J.Lazenby,C.L.Gilbert and Geo. Monthly Payment-of—Bills By ,Mitotane O77?aes ae alee Try The New ern Union Telegranh..Co.,B2.Cents,£02)ccccscn-nnn —U aay.rsal -T::ad:sipUnion Paeeragh Devartment,|hive :re v2NoOtherTireLikelt._For_All-'round Service-—~-The New Michelin Universal Treadisanimprovementonrubbernon«skids of both the raised-tread andsuction-tread types,combining:theadvantagesoftheseearliernon-skids; AND IN ADDITION ; this tire possesses the long life andre~siliency that havealways characterizedboththeworld-famous Michelin Rac-~ing Type Flat tread,and the MichelinPlaintread._ Thia ie the New.Tire Everyone..+‘te Talking About _Carolina:Motor Co, 2 on Ayers,$2.65-in-ease-of-State_vs._Ver- non Ross;W,J.Lazenby,C.L.Gil- bert and John Neighbors,$3.45 incaseofStatevs.Emmet Kerr:Car- olina Motor Co.$10 and D.0.Cowan$4,for automobile hire;Ed.G.White,serving notices,$4.20._B.L.McDan-iels and Will Work were exemptedfrompolltay:C.O.Deal was givenrehateonpolltax. The following -was_paid’out after the March meeting and before the April meeting: Holland Bros.,coal for county, $127.25;L.C.Caldwell,attorney—in Houston Overcash case,$25;South-ern Fixpress Co.$1.87;Benevolent vlan of organization the committee |stock| would be necessary to finance a-fair} that would do justice to our county)for postage;Everett L,Phifer.$5:for Tn or*supplies;Tredell Hardware Co.,$50 der to interest as many of the farm-!to apply on contract of D.B.Sternsit!for moving two any by makingthe|home;N,price of stock too high or on the oth-|book typewriter.$10.50;R.L.Freeze.|@ and’Relief Association $60:Holland Bros.$6,91 for freight and drayage; G.FE.Dull $100,-salary for January and February:clerk and register,$5 Caps For.The Babies. We are showing over fifty different styles.from25cts.to $1.50 each,Kegan Alsé a nice line of Georgette Crepe,Chine,Silk and:Wash WSuits,Dresses,Skirts,etc. Crepe :Deaistsforladies.Coat >MRS.MARY SIMS.<} houses at county | Edderth,L.overhauling|% |ten eat more rich,haavy food,there-|er hand to not place too great.a*task|565 for rake and mowing machinefor |§|by foreing the kidneys to do more|anon the committee by making the}/county home;Civic League $15;J.A.|wofk than nature intended.Evidence:price too low,$10 was fixed as.the}Redman $3.60.C.W.lof kidney trouble,such as lame back,|price at which shares should be sold.|Culn and MeNecly Bros.$47.25,R.F.lg \or burning,brick-dust or'sallow complexion,rheumatism,maybe weak or irregular heart ac-tion,warns you that your kidneys re-quire help immediately to avoid more,serious trouble. 'An ideal herbal compound that hashadmostremarkablesuccessasa|kidney and bladder “remedy is Dr.Kil-|mer’s Swamp-Root.There is nothing‘else like ‘it. lseription used in private practice and}jit is sure to benefit you.Get a bot-/(tle from your druggist.However,if you wish first to try,this great preparation,send ten cents!ito Dr.Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton,N.|'Y.,for a sample bottle.When writ-|jing be sure and mention the States-+ville Semi-Wcekly Landmark. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administratrix of the es-‘tate of M.N.Hall,deceased,this is to notify;all persons baving claims against the estate ofIsniddeceasedtoexhibitthemtotheunder-|signed’on or before the Ist day of March,1917,jor this notice will be pleaded in bar of theirrecovery,All persons inoepted_to said estate,will.please make immediate payment,t .MATTIE HALL,Administratrix of M.N.Hall.Feb.29,1916.. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. sediment, | BY VIRTUE.of the:powers contained inacertainmortgagedeedexecutedbyJ.M.Waugh and wife,S.EK.J.Waugh,to the un-dersigned,and recorded in Book 38,at page479oftherecordsofmortgagesforTredell;county,default having been made in the pay-iment of the pote thereby secured,the under-signed will séfl at public auction,to the high-est bidder,for cash,at the Court House door inStatesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,APRIL 24TH,1916, at 12 o'clock,M.,the following describedlandslyingandbeinginIredellcounty,Falls-|town township,and described and defined asfollows,towit:Beginning at a stone,M.L.Troutman's cor-ner,it being the corner of lot No.5 on plotoftheH.M.Troutman land,running north86degreesW.71 poles to a white oak:thenceN.33 degrees E.5 poles to another white oak;thence N.46 degrees W.,crossing the branch26polestoastake,Lippard’s corner;thenceN.20 degrees W.18 poles to a_stake,Lip-pard’s line;thence S.79 eégrees E.57 polestoastone,Holland's line;thence S.'2 de-grees W.27 poles to the beginning,contain-ing 17 acres,more or less,and being the tractoflandconveyedtoSE.J.Waugh by herfather,H.M.Troutman,by deed dated Sep-tember 23,1904,and duly reeorded-in’theRegisterofIredellcounty.J.W.RASH,R.T.Weatherman,Att'y.Mortgagec.March 24,1916. SALE OF LAND, BY VIRTUE of an order of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,the undersigned willsellatpublicoutery,to the highest bidder forcash,at the Court House door in Statesville,N.C.,on SATURDAY,APRIL 22,1916, at 12 o'clock,M,,the following land situatedin‘Turnersburg township,adjoining the landsofthelateW.Turner and others: Beginning at a pine,W.Turner's corner, running N.6 degrees FE.32 poles to a pine;thence N,-75 degrees W.30>poles to a pine ;thence S,40 poles to a stone,W.Turner's line:thenee-E.25 1-2 poles to the beginning,con- taining six acres and 39 poles,more or less, Also the following tract,adjoining theabove,beginning at a maple,J.L.Padgett'sline,running.southwest 79 reds to Tomlin'sjcorner;thence EB.70 reds;thenee N.SL rads to the beginning,at the maple,containing five acres,more or less.I.G,GAITHER, Mareh dtw.Conimissioner,24e lt is Dr.Kilmer’s pre-/} /amount is subscribed janneying bladder troubles,smarting}With this modest value every one of,Holler $3.33,F.J.Smith 90 cents,John.Bell Glover $3.18,-A.-B.Parker |8‘$2.7.W.Smith $2.42,’Lee C.Woods |£the 4,000 farm owners.inthe.counylshouldnothesitatetosubscribefor at Jeast one share.Doubtless practi-| cally every one of them spends this!3, that;Howard $39.06.J.A.Wise $21.06.all!§ Why |for rebate on,taxes,\ famount each year for notionsfareofonlymomentaryvalue, not.make an investment that will pay dividends in better farming and het- ter livine every day of the year? As to the time this stock should benaidfor,the committee.cannot say. This would be left to the stockhold- ers.themselves...After.the.necessary. the company will have to be organized and_incor- norated,-officers élected,plans form- ed,a site selected,etc.Here you see cach shareholder would have a vote #s3-to who should be the officers,when the payments should be made,where the fair should be located and how-it should be managed.AH this wouldtakesometimeanditisnotatall likely that the entire amount.would~needed at one time,so you see no sreat difficulty should be experienced in_meeting-this small obligation. Let us all wet busy now to make it .v0.Give it good.financial supvor and_do-all_the enthusiastic_boosting~*ssible.The committee cannot do it all in financing and organizing the fair,Even if they could the fair would not be a success.This dependsuponyoursupport.Are you contenttobeaprizewinneronly?Buy some shares and be a booster.“Where the money is there will be the heart also.”G.E.DULL, County Agent. FOR CRIPPLED ORPHANS. Revival of Plansto Build Hos- pital for Their Care at Gas- tonia. To.the Editor of The Landmark: Gastonia,N.C.,April 5.—The members of.the board of trustees of the North Carolina Orthopaedic Hos- pital _-have started in dead earnest to raise funds to build a hospital for thecareofthecrippledorphansof-thisState.“A charter was granted to the institution two years ago but on ac- count of the depressed financial con-ditions the work was postponed.How- ever,since there is a general revival of business everywhere,an effort will be made to raise the funds as.soon ag vossible to erect the first building. Two sites have been offered by public- spirited citizens for this-institution. A young woman has been employed and has started to work to-solicit_the funds for building this institution,which will require about $50,000. The purpose of the institution is to build a home for the crippled or de-, formed orphans of North Carolina, there being no.provision in the State for the eare omreatment of this class| of orphans.In fact,there are only a few in the country where such chil- dren can be treated,and not one south -Grove- of Baltirnore. _NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. Having heen named Truitce in ‘a deed of ag- signment made hy 'T.A.Wood &@o.,this is }to notify all persons having claims against the lnhove-naned firm’to present them to me oni:jbefore the 24th day of April,199% tice will be pleaded in bar of thei All persons indebted to T.A.Wor frequired to make immediate settlément, C.M.ADAMS,TrusteeMarch24)1twk.?BUILDING?...C.matinee neinATKINS.| Thess children will be treated and) red if possible and given some suite! la irade whereby they can obtain aj 'Uvelihood..There will be a pay wird | where the cripples of wealthy parents} “an be treated also. The idea of the hospital originated| “in the mind of Mr.R.B.Babington,of |Gastonia,who,will appreciate any do- jnations sent direect..to him or giver|\o the field agent. BUILDING?_C.WATKINS, Leckie $3.18.John Sherrill $3.59,C.L.Neil-|Ss son $9,J.H.Stewart $8,Mrs.A.B.j iBoyandMatchBox—News of 8 New Hope Section.f Correspondence of The Landmark. New Hope,R-1,March 31 —Wheat is mrowine:fast.Oats thin and seat- tering.There are still plentv of neaches.__The—scheol—at—~‘fayltor Springs closed last Fridav with reci- tations and dialogues.Mr.D.F. Mayberry made-an-interestine talk on education.Mr.Mayberry is one of the young men that Iredell should be proud.of, Miss Esther Mayberry left here Saturday with her brother,after sev- eral weeks’stay in this part.Miss/# Beulah,dauchter of Mr.-Vance Wil-|§ liams of Wilkes,leaves today for herhomeatFerguson.Although it was|§her first school,she has made good as assistant teacher and.has.endeared herself to the little folks and parents. So we will want her to teach again next session. $5.25,: |SHERRILL-WHITESHOEC PRUTUECUGSTEALR GATEURG N aaH:eE TSHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CONPANY.MONEY SAVERS! i)ever made for Boys’feet.”a 1 ng gs Re =% Boys’Scout Shoes.'e |the pair.et fe5 As well as being thebest:thing e sory heComeinandletusshowyouthe very best thing ever made forBoys’feet—BOYS’SCOUT —SHOES.-an PHONE NO.83. PBDI AGTH RS TOR EastHO Oo OUSROR TH LOTT OTCLSWNY IPCC ERETON The school at Barker Grove.MissStellaReed,teacher,closes today.Ihad_the pleasure of —attending—theclosingexercisesofMt.Pisgah school, in Wilkes,and hearing Prof.C.-C. Wright talk about schools and educa-tion.Mr.Wright is a self-made man.|having only attended one short ses-|sion except free schoo!.He has been county superintendent for —several years and is devoted to the work; which reminds me to say that our ownMr.Gray should have at least one! more term.for no man can do as ef-}ficient work in a new field the first! year as he can the second.~| Mr.B.L..Williams is minus a chaff ben and the straw that was over it.The little boy-had-the match box. Mr.Harrison Williams.after alongillness,is able to visit his close neighbors.—Mr.Davis Welborn is onthesicklist. Three From Oak Grove School —Keep Away From The Fire!Let Elec eeestrreityPlace.a Electricity will eventu-ably becume the univer-sal cooking agent,.par-ticularly in summer,be-cause the heat is appli-.ed where it is useful.The wasted heat from a coal or gas range raises -the temperature of the whole house.operly.constructed Electric Irons-and cooking’appliances —like the Hot Point Electric Ware ‘radiate the:least —‘possible heat to the atmosphere.See our window.—HOME ELECTRIC COMPANY.Phone 361 Statesville,N..C. Take its. Won in Township Contest. To the Editor of The Landmark:“abe I write this in justice to Oak Grove and Long school,in the township con- test held at Brawleys school house,as vour.Mt.Mourne correspondent omit-ted the names of winners from the above schools.James Gudger of Oak school won the —declamation contest and Harold Caldwell of OakGroveschoolwonthe-high jump,Ma-; itation contest. ONE INTERESTED. Mooresville,R-4. STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS COUNTY.:Frank J.Cheney makes oath that|is senior partner,of the firm of F.| | ry.Gibbs of Long’s school won the resp : i S.Cheney &Co.,doing bustness’In theMityofToledo,County ead State afure-4aid,and wbat safd firm wilt pay the sum of ON HUNDRED LCOLLARS foreachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcan!not -be cured by the nse of Hall's (One jfarrhCure.FRANK J,CHENEY.;Sworn to before me and stbseribed|mn my presence,this 6th dey of De-| cember,A,D,! (Saal.)A.W.GLEASON,|Notary,Pubite.Hall's Catarrh Cure {ts takeh tnternal-|ly,Gnd acts directly on the blood and|Mucong sufaces of tha aystefa,Send|for testimasials free,a | 1886. Sold.by ali druggists.750. QUESTION-—-Why ‘have 186 Ford owners in .Iredell countybought,the Big-Six Flexible Rider Shock-Absorber for Ford ‘Cars?ANSWER~—The “I"lexible Rider”‘is sold with the ‘understands.ing that if they do not do all we claim for them,ahd if they’do *not pay for themselves by the saving on Tires alone,to say noth-”ing about making your Car last longer and as easy riding.as any-of the expensive Cars,or:if they do not please you int every re-spect,or if for any reason:you are dissatisfied within 30 days,send them back.and we will réfund your money!ae$10 per set of four and fully guarantced for one year from dateofsale.Beware of cheaper ones,but if you want cheaper ones,©we cam supply them.”peer CaeSAMR.BROWN&SON,.-State Agenta, k.oJd..CHENEY &CO.,.Toledo, ‘Take Hall's.Family Pils tap oonstts ction.18 Commercial Bank Building,Statesville,Wy ape tecpih GAN CLARK'S STRONG TSn.Champ Clark is rather yere-on_the folks who have criticised .Gongress_for_dawdling.The _state- ment that such criticism is a “bald and malicious lie”not only savors of. Roosevelt,but it is unwarranted. Perhaps some of:the criticism has been malicious;but much of it has been honest,even if it be granted that the critics were poorly informed. >Moreover,President Wilson has more than once during the present session urged-the..congressional leaders to speed up legislation;and that there has been’an apparent increase.in the need within the past few.weeks is ident.Furthermore,while the pres- ent Congress.may have made,as’the Speaker declares,as good or better progress than any of its predecessors, that does not mean that no time has been wasted;for any observer of leg- iglative bodies knows that it is an al- most universal custom for them to go slow the first half of a session and then get into a greater rush in the latter half,with the result that of- ten’hasty_and ill-advised legislation is »put through. Mr.Speaker Clark is evidently not in the best of humor toward every- body:He’has a sore toe and occa- siénally he puts it on exhibition. °Judge Carter’s withdrawal from the race for Attorney General was something of ao surprise,although it had been reported that he would with- .draw if his friend,Judge Manning, entered ‘the contest.It was a sacri- fice for Judge Carter,for he was un- doubtedly the strongest.man in the race,if he did not have the nomina- ‘tion won,as his friends claim.Under ihe cireumstances,however,he has --probably done what was best.If the clement hostile to Judge Carter forced Judge Manning into the contest to get rid of Gartor,as is boldly alleged,it | was-a.big sacrifice Judge Manning .has required of his friend.Judge .Manning,who is an able lawyer,has been a Supreme Court judge and will be a popular candidate;but whether ;Judge Carter’s enforced withdrawal ~will befor his benefit remains to be ,seen.:‘en eeSTEERER ‘It is The Landmark’s opinion that *the libel suits brought by ex-Senator -Butler against the Raleigh and Char- *lotte papers are a bluff;that .they ‘wil never come to-trial.We have no inside’information on this point—it is .simply an opinion.We renew the suggestion,however,that Democrat- ;ie newspapers and campaigners ;would be wise not to depend on abuse +of Marion Butler ‘to win the election. ‘It is proper and wise to keep his rec- ‘ord beforé the people—and there is +abundant campaign material in that “record.But extreme personal abuse I may react in his favor.All readers _of.dhis-paper know that The Land- |mark-has ‘no.fancy for Mr.Butler; and the fact that it does not want _hin,helped in his effort to come back in;North Carolina is the reason for )this warning. |“Officials of the Federal Reserve Banks,in their monthly reports to -the Federal Reserve Board on com- mercial conditions,declare with the -opening of spring “American busi- ness is at a high tide.”That is the story that comes from everywhere— y business at high.tide and general prosperity.All industries active and ‘everybody busy who wants to work. "Phe politicians who want to talk hard times and depressed business in the —¢ampaign_next-summer will have_up- hill ‘work, ‘Changes in Child Labor Bill. ~The child labor bill,recently passedbytheHouseofCongress,améndedinseveralimportantrespectsbythecommitteeofinter-State commercetheSenate,will be favorably report-ed to the latter body within a fewdays.The amended measure was ap- -proved by the committee 6 to 5.The bill as it passed by the House“would have prohibited the employ-ment of children by manufacturers ofgoodsshippedin-inter-State com-merce.As amended it would prohibit‘shipment in inter-State commerce ofgoodsin’the manufacture of which‘children’had:been employed,|The_.committee:held this|change would'make an attack~on the constitution-ality of the measyre less probable.Another amendment makes a pro-“wteer,manufacturer vr dealer liable )prosecution if he ships in_inter- t ecommerce a product from ainwhichchildrenhavebeenloyed30dayspriortosuchship--The House bill had made thisriod60days,but had established aofevidencewhichwascliminat- the committee.» President.Wilson broke a precedenttbygoingtoFortdaynigh,'a.,for dinner‘with Maj.Gen.Scott,chief of staff of theItiscustomaryforthe.Presi-‘dinner invitations only of his cabinet, st MR.SUNDAY HAS The Evangelist Talks About the Social Card Games. Recently there was some discussion in The Landmark about card playing: Evangelist Billy Sunday,who is hold- ing a meeting in Baltimore,addressed himself to card playing’avd dancing a few days ago-—and he»gave both “particular fits,”“down the country,” and-then-some:~With -no--purpose te}. revive’the card playing discussion, The Landmark is printing a few ex- tracts from.Mr.Sunday’s_remarks: “I have just as much respect for the old-gambler.who will bet his last sou as for the women who will sit around in their homes and play cards for prizes.They are just as much degen- erate,blackleg gamblers as the gamb- ler in the gambling hell.They ought to be putin the calaboose with the rest of the gamblers. “I -believe that cards and dancing are doing more to damn the spiritual life of the Church than the grog shops.Though you can’t accuse me of being a friend to that stinking, dirty,rotten,hell-soaked business. “}-believe more people backslide on account.of the social side than the sa- loon.“A seemingly estimable woman will tear and snort and pout through an afternoon,what for?I mean the di- amond-wearing bunch;the automobile gang;the silk-gowned—that’s the bunch.So she can take home a dinky cream pitcher or a whiskbroom. “A woman who will play bridge whist is no better than a man who will go out and play poker,and the man who comes home with a pocket full of money won at a poker game is no worse than his wife who has been playing auction or 500 all evening for a nice cut-glass dish in which to! keep the boucuets that are sent to her “vy her church-going friends. “In a town where I was preaching they had all the parties to get them off their hands before I came.They had a big affair,and the prize was 2 $20 cut-glass ‘dish,and a woman worked and sweated and lied and cheated and took progressions "which she didn’t win,and then she lost the dish by two points.-She was short on Paul and long on Hoyle.She was sick in bed for two days..Now listen! Her:boy came in one morning and kissed her and said: “Here,ma.Here is a $20 gold- niece.Take that and.go down to the jeweler’s and get a cut-glass dish like| that prize.I won this up at Rich- ardson’s last night.’ “She-said:“‘My boy!I take a $20 gold-piece that you won at gambling to buy a cut-glass dish?’“He told her that it was just the | same to buy a prize with the $20 won) ‘at gambling as to win the prize.| |“She said to me afterward:| |“I was just as low-down as that | }/man Richardson was,whom I had \looked at:with horror’~~=1 “You are as low-down as the gam-) |bler!| |-“‘But,’some womah says,‘Mr.; |Sunday,Tam teaching my boy to play) 'cards so that when he grows up he |won’t want to play cards.’ |“TY have heard that;but say,whydon’t you send your daughter to live||in a brothel.so that she won’t want |to be a prostitute when she grows up?| |You are a fool and a jackass to talk! that way.Your argument won’t hold| water three_minutes. “I don’t care who you are,there jis'| only one thing to do,and that is to go home and-to throwaway —every card that you have into the furnace and get rid-of-the thing.“T believe 10 times as many church members backslide over dancing and card-playing as do over the saloon. “You say,‘It will never get me!’All right,but it will get others.So -ou ought to refrain.from gambling for the sake of other people,whomyourexamplemightleadastray.Ihaven’t had a pack of cards in my hands for over 30 years.“Tf this world was made up of only one family,I probably would not need to preach this sermon.But for tunately or unfortunately we are made up of many familles.If you are lax in the care of your children,itmakesitharderformetotakecare of mine.” Marion Butler Serves Notice ofAnotherLibelSuit.~ Charlotte Observer.:The Observer Company,owners of the Charlotte Observer,and Mr.Wade H,Harris,editor,have been served, each with a notice of suit for damages by Marion Butler for the publication of several alleged libelous articles ap- pearing in this paper during themonthofMarch.A civil as well as:a criminal action is intimated against both parties of the suit.The first | A WORD. JUDGE CARTER IS OUT:) Asheville Jurist Withdraws From*Race For —Attorney General on Account of Judge|’ Manning.jae Judge Frank Carter,who announced his candidaty.for the Democratic nomination for,Attorney.General mor than six months ago,has withdrawn| from the race because his friend, Judge-Manning,has -become-a.caudi, date.Judge Carter issued the follow. ing statement; “Judge-—-Manning’s—annou literally forces me out of the Attor-| ney Generalship race.My attitude toward the suggestion of his c&ndida- ey was wired to him some hours inadvanceofhisannouncement,as fol- lows:“My obligation to you is such as utterly to prohibit my engaging in po- liti¢al rivalry with you.If you enter the race -I shall,of course,instantly withdraw.I beg ©you to’settle the matter in strict accord with your own inclination,without regard to my.sit. uation or feelings.’Tan~“Jn the supreme crisis of my life, when everything that -makes life at all worth living was an issue,I had from Judge Manning,without stint or price,services of a value equally in- estimable in terms of money or devo-tion.In the resulting state of my feelings it would falsify every instinct of my nature either to oppose the re-alization of his ambition or to ques- tion the wisdom of his course.: “Admitting my incapacity for.com- bat with an adversary wrapped in -the armor of my own sincerest friendship and gratitude,I hereby announce my withdrawal from the contest. “To my friends in all parts of the § State who have so generously suppor-|{ ted my candidacy,I send my warmest gréetings,and beg them not to think of .me as disgruntled,vroves the quality of friendship.I deem nothing vain thatIn the discovery of whom Ilove,the can-||seems more|jidacy now terminated than.justified.I shall with the utmost cheerfulness continuethebenchuntiltheexpiration of my term affords to the people an oppor-aS tunity to vass directly upon my offi-|; cial record.“My chief regret at quitting the nresent race runs toward Mr.Haynes.|; whose management of my campaign |) has exhibited an energy and ability ||possible requi-||beyond all praise orfaleroeent =. (Signed)“FRANK CARTER.” The withdrawal of Judge Carter brought vigorous.protests from hiffriends,but he refused to reconsider j He had the fight won,they say,anf his manager,J.W.Haynes,charges:|'that Carter’s enemies forced JudgeManningintotheracebecausethey knew‘Carter would not oppose Man:|" ning,who was Carter’s counsel before the legislative investigating commit-tée;when an attempt was made to ims |} peach Carter..i PHYSICIANS’FEE TABLE!+ We,ville,on account of frequent.misunderstand: ings among ourselves and our patients,have agrecd to publish this,our Fee Table.Wefeeljustified,in view of the advance in sala rilife,and the increase in the cost of living of preparation and armamentarium,and otherdemandsmadeonus,to increase _thechargesforourservicesandfeelthatallfair, minded people—knowing that they have no‘been advanced_in.the last forty.years—will secthejusticeofthisincrease.The following irourRevisedFeeTable,effective on and afte:May 1,1916,a3 agreed on by the undersignec physicians: CITY VISITS. Night (8 p.m.to 6 a.m.)...ResNormalObstetricalcases,includingoneaftervisitComplicatedorInstrumentalObstetri-rical cases $20.00 and up:Consultation (whether asked for by physician or patient) COUNTRY VISITS. Day,$1.50 up to two miles and .50centsadditionalpermiieorfractionofmilebeyondtwomiles. Night (8 p.m.to 6 a.m.)$1 extra. Normal Obsterical cases,includingoneaftervisit Complicated or Instrumental Obstet- rical cases $20.00 and up.Consultation $5.00 plus mileage.Examination and Prescription at of-fice $1.00 to $6.00.DRS.T.E.ANDERSON,M.R.ADAMS,R.A.CAMPBELL,ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL,L.V.CLOANINGER,J.W.DAVIS,P.8.EASLEY,L.O.GIBSON,W.J.HILL,H.F.LONG,J.E.MeLAUGHLIN,ROSS S.Me- ELWEE,C.L.SHERRILL,F.L.SHARPE;E.M.YOUNT.April 7—2tw. Weser Phonographs The high standard of ‘Weser Excellence”which has made the WESER PIANOS and_PLAY- ER-PIANOS famous the world over,is making the,WESER ‘article referred to is the well-remem-bered editorial appearing in The|Charlotte Observer on March 12 en-| titled “Marion Butler.”The pecendisthenewsstoryundera_Raleigh! date-line of March 15 captioned as} follows:“Editorial wn sutler Makes|a Decided Hit.”The third is_the! article of March 20 last entitled|“Ewart on Butler.”The notice of! suit__recapitulates the.statementswhichtheauthorofthenoticechar- acterizes as “false and defamatory.” No designation of the amount ofdamages--sought-for-is_indicated.(In the editorial columns of the Observer,Mr.Wade H.Harris,editor,says that “neither the editor nor the Observer has any apology to make to Marion Butler for’anything ap- pearing in the publications referred to in this notice,’’) SADE LS EEELEEIE TTD Suit Against Prominent Durham Woman. Mrs:Richard Kendall,wife of a Richmond,Va.,~man,has started asuitinDurham_Superior through her attorney,Mr.Victor SBryant,fot $30,000 heart balm,al-leging alienation “of.the affections ofherhusbandbyMrs.George A‘Carr,wife of,a prominent dentist of Dur- ham,Attorney Bryant has also had Judge R.H.Sykes,attorney for.Mrs.Carr,served with attachment “papers tokeephimfromdisposingofmoneyhereceivedbythesaleofMrs.Carr’srealestateinDurhaw,while acting Court;- popular musical instruments on the market. (\| Here is shown a Model 50,price $50.Models 40,50 and 75 play Victor and Columbia Models 100 and 126 play Victor, Columbia and Edison ‘records,LEONARD.PIANO STORE, disappointed,much.less [5 my work on|'B the undersigned physicians of States:|, es,fees and wages paid in other walks of ' PHONOGRAPH one of the most!& records,|.’ New Discovery!Dodson’Liver Tone Acts LikeCalomelButDoesn't Gripé, ree iy -Salivate or Make You Sick—Don't Lose a Day's Work—Harmless Liver Medicine for Men,Women,Children—Read Guarantee!— Ugh!Calomel makes you sick, Take a dose’of the dangerous drug tonight.and totviorrow you may lose a day's work.Calomel is mercury or quicksilver-which’causes Catomel;when it comes in- to contact with sour bile crashes into it,breakingThisiswhenyou‘feel that awful nausea If.you are sluggish and “all knocked out,”if your-liver is torpid and bowels constipated,or you have headache,dizziness,coated tongue,if breath is bad or stomach sour,just try 2 spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone tonight. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone. necrosis of thé bones. it up.and cramping. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t It's horrible!|right up and make.you feel fine and vigorotts i.want-you to go back to the store and get your ~money.Dodson’s Liver’‘Tone is destroyingthe: sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine;’ entirely vegetable.therefore it can not-salivate or make you sick.’pt we1guaranteethatonespoonfulof.Dodson’s Livery,Tone will put your sluggish liver to.work ant): clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipatesl waste which is clogging your system and making°vou feel miserable.I guaranteé that a bottle’of: Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire fantily: feeling fine for months.Giye it to your children,:It is harmiess ;‘deesn’t gripe and they like its pleas straighten,you|ant taste. Tu BU OU E R GY DO O L E Y . UE U B U E K x A NEW MACHINE department.With it we can sure that every item in our books bank. MU U BU R R O T HELPS US GIVE YOU BETTE By the machine method,every depositor’s account is kept in balance all the time and takes such as are unavoidable with other ways of handling figures.} the machine gives.us an opportunity to improve the service to our customers in all departments of.the Dl NA igSaoaiVa ANTS & erful set of steel brains which we are putting to work in our accounting handle our figure work faster than ever before and at the same time be- is right!{ R SERVICE!.: there areno mise... The time saving”made’possible“ THE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS!MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK OF STATESVILLE | Here’s the vn corn crop with our NION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN IRED ———————— PREPAREDNESS LINE.To be sure of crop, “Line”to Line Up With Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivateNEW: DEERE.COMPANY.ff Clean-Up Day. I hereby appoint Monday, April 10,Clean-Up Day in) Statesville.All citizens are urged to give special atten-| tion that day to removing; all trash and garbage -from' their premises.Wagons will be provided by the .City to haul away all accumulations collected and placed in re- ceptacles. he co-operation of all citizens is-earneehty request- ed.Let’s get busy and VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS ARE A CONSTANT DELIGHT. They are the ‘Musical Messengers”that bring to you the kind of music YOU like best.Ever | ready entertainment so delightful that you en- joy hearing itoverand overagain. Stop in any time and we'll gladly give you a Victor Record Catalogue and play for you any music you wish to hear. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety from $15 to $400.Easy terms if desired.\b' ANDREWS MUSIC STORE,|EAST BROAD STREET." make Statesville a clean town.L,Cc.CALDWELL, Mayor.7 FOR SALE. 40-acre farm,in high state of cultivation,and good improvements,two miles from Statesville,| N.GC.A barrain at $82.50 per‘nere.‘If inter-| ested see me at once.R.H, ©.*»7 with the power of attorney,Sf, a MorrisonBuilding,W.Broad S¢.\BUILDIBistee MANUFACTURERS OF © Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and -re-. tail,Established in 1880..Incorperated 1909, ~ BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY |- 1996 A PHONES:athe!, GEO.MEER, ence ourné,April b —Mr.Gultman+Nantz,son of Mr,J.R.Nantz,whotoCityPoint,Va,a fewa|980.Was recently taken—to-a-ital in’Richmond tor an epetation,ich he didnot survive.His fatherréceivedatelegramcayingthathissonwasdying.He aied at 9.05 lastFridaynight.Mr.Flake Neill,broth-ore ave of Nantz,went to Richmond ‘brought the.corpse and Mr.Nantz’s wife and children home.They,arrived .Sunday morning,-The -re-mains were taken to the home of Mr.Nant2’s father and the burying tookPlaceaboutnoonSunday.The funer-V'gervice was conducted by Rev.J.T.F.Ratledge and.Rev...exter:Thomp-San,at Center church,Mr.Nantz,issuivivedbywife,two children,father,mother,eight sisters ‘and brothers,<>Miss Jennie Kelly,Miss Ruth New-ton and Mr.Ray Newton were guestsofMissDessieReidofMooresvilleSaturdaynight:and Sunday.MissesBeulahandMinnieHobbsand..Mr.Frank Carter spent Saturday nighta‘Mrs,Arthur Beam,near States- yille. A party composed of Mr.J.M.Cow- ap,Ur.and Mrs,B.S,Templeton andwochildren,Mary Belle and Mildred,Mrs..D.,.N.Alexander and Miss KateugermotoredtoCharlotteafewdays.ago.\yn play at Mt.Mourne school house:way’well ‘attended:ang the audience“seemed to enjoy it.‘Mt?‘Mourne and Cornelius crossedbatsSaturday.‘A fine game with the‘score in favor of.Cornelius,['+”A box ‘supper was served at “OakGroveschoolhouséSaturday|night.The proceeds will be ‘used in having asignpaintedwiththenameofthe‘gehool,to be placed in front of thebuilding.+-A-large-numberof school children-will attend the county commencement'from south Iredell.©Miss Hudson of Barium orphanagethadeaveryinterestingtalkatCen-i tre Sunday afternoon on the work that%being done at the orphanage.Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Bell of Moores-|=e ere-visiting-Ms-Pels~mothers|Mrs,Elizabeth Bell,1 Mt.Mourne.|‘Miss Johnsie Jamison of Charlotte‘Was a guest.of Miss-Carrie Thompson_*Saturday and”Sunday.Miss ClaraMillsofMooresvillewasalsoaguestofMissThompson.Mrs.I.B.Ches-‘ter and.childrén of Corneliys visitedMrs,Leah Williford tn Mt.Mourneithiswek, -Oak Grove school will close April6th,Miss Eva Bell is teacher. PERTINENTLY PERSONAL. jaMentionof Folks Who Come and ss :a:Go... Mr.M.__M.Witherspoon was in town,Wednesday,returning from avisittoWhitney,Stanly county.ie,Mr F.C...-MeAuley.of Bethany}township left Tuesday for Wheatland,Wyo.,-where he will live.+4 ‘Mrs.’J.H.Wood,who visited rela-tives here,returned Wednesday tohefthomeinAsheville.;—-=Mrs._J.-H),Hill and ‘little son,Ed-ward Hall,are spending the week inCharlotte.They accompanied Mr.)‘andMrs.FE.O.Anderson home.'-.Miss Elizabeth Henninger leavestomorrowforChattanooga,Tenn., ;wbere<she will take a course in nurs- ys‘A,A.Fain,who washere.toattind.'the funeral of her brother,Mr.CE-@.-Phillips,returned yesterday.toherihomeatMurphy.Mrs"W -T Nicholson and Miss La-!sb.went to Salisbury yes-| AA’: aM J.T,Ingram of Loray leftTuesdayforClaremont,Wyo.,wherehe*will live.eae‘|Méssrs,N..B.Mills and J.W.Ka-'neet were~in Atlanta,Ga.,this week 0Bin Cotton Manufacturers’.Associa- gaMSWin,Pinkus of New York isvisiting:in town.“Myand Mrs.S.C.Tedder of Al-aly county are guests of Mrs.I ‘Caudill in Shiloh township.-"Rifsy-Lena Reeves cf Blowing.Rock4g¢Miss Margaret Taylor of Hickory.Vardsthe guests of Mrs.P.D.Kennedy.eee Ervin White of oe and‘as Hill of Clio left Wednesday for “bat »Wyo.,to make their home. =Aofive of New Advertisements. >:“eee :from_prize-winning S.C.Redsae~eeWay-Keter arm,Stony Point,-N.C., eT.—~-Beliah—bulbs—'Phone 249-Black or :_Wilk pay $1.35 for wheat—Davis‘Springs. ——-Nbdticé-to-creditors—N.J.Gaither.'”Kight-room house and storebuildingneardepot—W,A.Bristol.‘Waitresses wanted—Statesville Inn. ‘Pictorial Review patterns and thematerialforthegarment—Ramsey-Bowles:Morrison:Co,i aaatom ,days’special—Johnson-Belk :tmier Mayonnaise dressing—Ea-|gle.&Milholland..The Lyric:open-today.from 10 a.m. to of Betts ves .ts on Iding 2—C.Watkins, ..,WietrYolas and Victor records—An-~“dtews Music Store.: Néw:silks,pumps and slippers—J.Mi\Mckee'&Co. Willow grass rugs,sanitary,odor-«legs,and.germ-proof —Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.“Caps ‘for the babies—Mrs.Mary es aching method makes better ser-vicg,possible—Merchants &Farmers’ |HORNEY «CRUSE WEDDING. .Nuptials in-Lexington of Inter- {>¥rom the Lexington ‘little Miss Virginia Melvin Sidney Alverson,which took|FOR RENT—Eight-room Howse and SijplaceTuesdaynight.| aa convention of the Ameri-|} Closing -Exercises 4 O@pWalt School y , Correspondence of The Landmark.mae The:Ostwalt..school “will..close -Mon-day night with a public debate gn thequestion,“Resolved,That the’Unit- ed-States should:adopt:the renee ofgreatlyincreasingitsnavy.”-PercyandEdwinTroutmanwillhave.theaffirmativeandHoit’Lippard.‘and est in ‘Statesville —SocialEvents.°°cy correspond- .ence Greensbore Daily News,April 4:‘ -A-beautiful-but,simple wedding:|affwascelebratedherethiseveningat8|Clinton Troutman the negative. o'clock in the First’Methodist church|The exercises_-will-eontinue all daywhenMissOlaHarrisHorneywas)Tuesday,beginning at-10o'clock,withmarried-to Dr;Chtarlés”Lee Cruse of ;Rev.J.C.Keever conducting the de-Statesville.Simple decorations of}vctional exercises;Exercises by thegreenboughsandpalmswereusedto|children follow and at 11 o'clock ©anbankthealtarbeforewhichthevows|address by —Prof,-M;-THinshaw~of|rwere spoken with Rev.W.H,Willis,;Rutherford College.The _morningpastorofthebride,officiating:programme is-concluded-with-a pub-Just before-the-eeremeny—Miss-An-+tie-dinner;;SetenieGreenfield,of Kernersville,at the!At 1.80 o’clock'exercises by theorganrendered“To a Wild Rose,”|larger students will be held and at 3.-MacDowell.)followed by “O,Promise|15 o'clock baseball by Ostwalt and Me,”sung by Miss Marguerite Robin-|Troutman High School.The evening ‘DONT FORGET” To include a bottle of Premier Mayonnaise Dressing in-your next order |for groceries._ “Ten and 25-cent sizes. Fresh shipment today. ——'PHONE 89.— Eagle &Milholland. gon of Greenville,Tenn.Miss Green-|programme,beginning at 7,30 o'clock,field then gave Schubert’s “Serenade,’’|will:consist.of two plays and music.and Miss Robinson sang “Because screre renee terre areraeGodMadeYouMine.”“Traumerei?|Left $50 to Alexander’s Poor. Corresponaence of The.Landmark,*was played ‘during the ceremony.The ushers were Dr.W.L.Kibler.|Stony.Point,April 6:;—Mr.J.D.Supt.D.-V.-Woosley and J.F.Spruill |Brown,executor of Andrew J.Malone,and James E,Workman,Jr.Mrs.@.|late of Alexander county,informs theM.Clodfelter was,matron of honor. Miss Mary,Trise maid of honor-andand forthe benefit of the poor in Alex-McCrary _ring ander county,chiefly tosbuy clothing writcr that the late Malone willed $50 }— FOR SALE—Nice gentle Horse,Buggy and: Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboarding,~| Boxing Leaf.and Kiln-Dried.They cost.me: less,I sell them to you for less;andtheylastlonger-and-more satisfaeto-~-rily because your Uncle Sam says so. and Casing that are C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. Harness.J.D.COCHRANE.Mar,28-—2t, Long- bearer.The bride was given away by her brother,Julius T.Horney,an attorney of Canton.The groom ‘was attended only by his best man,J.Clyde Walker of Statesville.After the wedding Dr.and Mrs.Cruse left for a honeymoon trip to.New York and Washington.Upon their return |ey will make their home in States-ville, The bride is the daughter of Mrs.J. D.Horney and the late J.D.Horney, of.High Point,and was educated atLenoirCollege.For the past seven vears she has been stenographer for H.._B.Varner,for several years court reporter and.the official reporter of the North Carolina Press Association.She has,made for herself a reputa- tion as an artist in her profession and her excellent traits of womanhood have won for her'a very warm placeintheheartsofLexingtonpeople,as is ‘attested by the large number ofcostlypresentsreceived.Most nota- ble among these is an array of.sterl-ing silver vresented by the bar asso-ciation of Lexington.|The groom is the gon of Mr.and Mrs.A.M.Cruse-of Rowan county,|a_graduate of-A.and M.College and}Grain,bi ualsKansasCityVeterinaryCollege.He!The following prices were paid.yesterdaywasformerlylocatedherebutmovedrooseeeto,Statesville about..a.year ago and|Cerne fnew),40e-per -bambetyshasbuiltupaverysuccessfulprac-|Oats,bic.per bushel,tice there.|ay for the inmates of the county home. The.family horse of Mr.J:W:Honeycutt died rather suddenly a few days ago;about the same day MrziW. P.White also lost a horse.,Mr.R.'N,Ryan is having imprave- ments made on his dwelling.The whippoorwill has failed.so far|to’put in its plaintive tune this season. —Singing at.the County Home Sunday afternoon ati 2 o'clock,.¢on-ducted by Mr.E.O.Shaver. MARKET REPORTS.. Statesville Produce Market.The following ‘prices were paid yesterdayforproduceon-the local market.Winter Friers,16¢.per Ib.:Old Hens,12 1-2¢.per Ib. Turkeys,16c.per Ib.eeEgys,lbc.per dozen,Roosters,6c.per Ib. Butter,16¢.per Ib.Beeswax,25c.per Ib.Green Hides,13c.per Jb.Hams,16c.to 17¢.per Ib.Sides,12 1-2c.per Ib,Shoulders,12 1-2¢.per Ib.iRedHoney,8c.per pound.fourwood Honey Comb,16 to 18e.per Ib.?‘Trish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.‘Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel.ee Statesville Cotton Market.:ae the 1 8 iferMrs..D.M.Etheridge entertained!ona Shi ad he te ee ee +oetheG.G.G.club Monday afternoon “stkeNOS Teinatbridgeandhearts.Mrs.W.H.j (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsHoffmannwonthebridgeprize,aj per line.No ad.taken for less than 25pottedplant,and’Mrs C.B.Webb the;|hearts prize,a*work‘bag.A ailad For SALE—Daliah Bulbs—13 ~varietics.|course,with mints and almonds,was |*Phone 249 ‘Black or 464,April 7—2t.,served;|DAVIS SPRINGS will pay $1.35 for Wheat.°”°pil I—1t.Miss Kathleen Stimson went to!—A?tlt sCharlotteTuesdaytoattendthemar-ea eee at Statesville Inn,°riage of Miss-Mabel-Trotter and-Mr.April Ta-1t*. cents,Cash must accompany order.) 3 ||| building’near depot and.formerly owned -by!!Bob Henry.Apply to-W.A.BRISTOL.| 1t.;;<=:{eeMrs.Sie.Wallace entertained at)April %1eleventablesofheartsTuesdayafter-|ror SALE—Eges from my ‘Prize-Winning ‘8.noon in honor of Mrs.M.H.-Lowen-}PR ey at ~per Seen erie:||Chicken elu merabers,QGEW*stein,Mrs.D.M.Furches wom ‘the,FARM.Btony Polat Wie eeeprize,a-hox of stationery,and afbq:the|-““Apsil 326tuestofhonorwaspresentedwitha,,alacecenterpiece.The dining coon ae beoght —F.Be Samplex7wasdecoratedwithsweetpeas,the!service at Shepherd eg it,have him.in,yceteg gas yess,|Service at Shepherd's for the season,1916.1hall-with-potted-plantsand narcissus|R:¥..CLOANINGER.April 711°.and the sitting room with carnations.|———~———are;i -“th.|WANTED !—Ten shares of stock in either of.A salad course was served with-tea,the.Statesville Cotton Mills.ISIDOREice-cream and fancycake.The favors ||eae h k WALLACE.April 7—2t.were green baskets with pink candies.|;&>Pp {FOR RENT ——Nicely furnished room,close in,all conveniences.’Phone 145 Green.!April 4=2t,1 The MacDowell Music club meets.this afternoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs.}pci :SALE—Two good buggy and _seddie!D.J.Craig.)FORalgiehorses.Call on STATESVILLE|MOTOR |Mrs.Wm.Wallace,representing the See eels eneeevaleclub;ae J.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.1 vully the Civic ague,an rs.‘|Having qualified as executor of the estate ofR.Adams _the Eclectic Book club,js.Emily Campbell,deceased,1 hereby notify |went to Salisbury yesterday to attend ia persons having claims against her estate,the Reciprocity meeting of the Elev-/jg)F'"ent Same to me on raneenthDistrictoftheNorthCarolina|—Rr.B.MeLaughiin,Atty.”Executor.Federation of Woman’s clubs.Mrs,j April 7,1916—*B.F.Long,who was to have respond-—is eeedtotleaddressesofwelcome,could |Doors,Windows,Maniels.not attend and Mrs.Adams acted for!‘Columns,Mouldings,Door and Win-!;dew Frames,Door and °WindowLocks,Sash Weights and Cords,and{all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lum-. er. Mrs.E.B.Watts entertained theteachersoftheSundayschooloftheFirstPresbyterianchurchTuesday evening.The purpose of the occa- LYRICTHEATRE TODAY10A.M.to7 P.M. “HUSHING THE SCANDAL” A —two-reel KeystonecomedyfeaturingSyd Chaplin.Also twoothergoodpictures. TONIGHT GERALDINE FARRAR “TEMPTATION” A more wonderful pro- duction than ‘‘Carmen”’, SATURDAYDorothyGishandOwenMoore| “JORDANIS AHARDROAD” Fatty Arbuckle “FATTY AND THE —BROADWAY STARS” Open this day at 11 A.M. MONDAY _Edna Mayo and HenryB.Walthall —iIn— “The Misleading Lady”One of the best photo-plays‘of the season.-LYRIC THEATRE ‘THE F Capital $109,00 -EFFICENCY! That the numberof Patrons of” this Bank’are steadily increas- ‘ing is.thé best evidence that-its methods and,service are satis- factory and adapted to the indi- vidual needs of Customers, Invest your surplus in certif- ieates of deposit in.this Bank and it WILL DRAW 4 PER... CENT INTEREST!“Loans ©at legal rate of interest. Statesville,N.C. 2 AN GaeteIRSTNATIONALBANK, SVS 0.Four PerCent Paid on Time Deposits.a0 sob jet _.U.S.Depository.7 | | Ay ri Ah X sion was to discuss the different phases of Sunday school work. cream and cake were served. War’s Worst Wounds. Baltimore Sun. Every now and then the smoke ofbattlerisesinEuropeandwegetlit-tle glimpses of what is going on awayfrom_the_trenches.—France—-smiles|~bravely on the vivisection table’ofwar,and we hear_little plaint or mur-mur—from—her.but the missionaries who come back to us tell stories of the sufferings-of women and children in the zones of terror that wring the|hearts of those who hear them.Rus-sia keeps the curtain down,but it iscertain-that a cruel drama of misery and horror-is being enacted among “the dumb,driven.cattle”ofthatgreatempire.The whole ofRussianPoland,says a dispatch from Lublin,especially the sections devas-tated by the:contending armies,is/ ravaged by snotted typhus,smallpox“and cholera.TheAmericanRed Cross|~ has received word that Turkey asks aid for 500,000 of her people who facestarvation.Handreds are dying forlackoffood,and typhus is spreading with \high mortality.; If war consisted only of the fight-ing.at the front,only in dying forone’s country in battle,it would beeasiertodefendit.But its’worst wounds,its most appalling wretched- ness,are inflicted upon helpless non-combatants.Europe has found itshellbeforedeath. The report of the State insurance ber.C.WATKINS.|! Ice _RTE You musé not judgeitsfirstcost. cost of making and_materials,bought at 1theForda,better carOrderyourstoday!Touring Car $440;-Town Car $640;prices f,o.b.Detroit.‘olina*Motor.Co.,ville and Newton. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan $740, F LOD the Ford car byThatislow,because thebestmanufacturingmethodsandthegreatvolumeofproductionreducethe selling.Better ower prices,makeforlessmoney.Runabout $390; Coupelet $590;All On sale at Car-Statesville,Moores-. —EE[E_7—7" » ——--PHONE 400 —— “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” "-Withaw Grams tug tp 100 WILLOW GRASS RUGS. These Seamless Rugs are distinctively individ--“"*ual and appeal to the refined and cultured ~~people who demand service at a Low Price,| Sanitary,Odorless and Germ Proof.Suitableforanyroominthehouse., i Crawford-Bunch Furniture Compan ee otHow ft eet rant § 4 ciel suddd 9 oth ott s bee sage (i0de | Movie music. house. y for the bene- Lol fen.Mintel FRIDAY NIGHT,APRIL 14th.§ This minstrel is given under the auspices of theStatesvilleAthleticAssociationdirectlfitofBaseballandBasketball. An orchestra of fourteen pieces,under the able lead:ership of Dr.Chas.A.Turner,has-been ‘‘tuning-uforaweeknowandisinfineshapeto:furnish_thThechoruscrowdhasbeenworkinghardandineverywayabetterperformancethanwas‘lastgiventwoyearsagoispromised.this will be the last show given in the present opera: "en sfhe In all probabilit NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Shingles at $1.40 Per Square Having qualified,as executrix of the That are good for 15 years on more,| department show collections of - 8 iis of John U.Lamprecht,deceasdd,this ts tp| Twelve ‘grades of :Long-Leaf Pine,|tate to present them to me on or befor 238.57 for.the year ending April 1st.This amount is practically the same aK,oe ‘nufacturers kiln-dried North.Cérolina ‘pine—Boyce Lumber Co,tify all persons having.claims against-Physicians’feo.table,Stock in cotton mills wanted—Isi-dove }Whillace.:‘Stallion’for service—R.L.-Cloan-“Pomere.pe bey os fy 4 Cypress,Cedar’and Tinaslastyear,but the figures last year 4 Ne =a (A i :Shingles:included license fees collected fromfireinsurancecompaniésdoing.busi-ness in this State,which are now ap- ipd,by legislative;enactment,to fire |...£1 A erentlon.The.totalrecipithoanincreaseoverast:year 9 Of $25,000).“: Nails,Ridge-Roll,Ready-Painted -Val-ileyTin,Shingle Stain and Fire-Proof |i)Paints.“f LOs7 a ©}WATKINS,"Next to Mckiwee’s| 7,1917,or this notice will be pleaoftheirrecovery.All persons indehtestestatewillpleaseoei I Reo T.Wrenieer cree Att’ Af:Pinte’Warehouse,Statesville,¥,-C.|BU Berto:ay scone "The Supreme Court of the State of Pp re oe 1)and has sustained a verdict-in i f.A onto the employe.—=“may.be due to purely acidental causes oR it may be due to oversight and1¢é 5 -S 3 S S S e TO R S So e s t : Se e s es s e : ce e e p e r pe e t e s ~“en toward the elimination of thedis- .itenough to clean up. ve Would Abolish Gesticulation in| -..@§..t0-think he hegins to wave .his own case by physical excitement.| :tovthammer a thought into another's|‘head.The most impressive orators! “Prosperity of the Railroads.| ‘aoe=temarkable prosperity of the rail-__roads of the country ‘is shown by the {oAYkansasTownandCounty SATA AK |g: Helena is the seat,was named for a ;,8:é: splendid for rheumatism,”writes Mrs.)Dun- ~<not-a disgrace only,but a prima fa- 1oid Fever Sets a Prece- Greensboro News, Wisconsin has ruled that a victim of fever died an accidental his favor against,the company that Cite edhit.The Docket,the West Publishing Company’s famous maga- xine,mentions the~case as involving Aig novel and interesting question 2 Ae,a .Workmen’s Compensation ma Tt seems that a man named Ven- néh was employed by a lumber com- pany,which furnished its employes polluted drinking..water.|Vennen taok.typhoid and ‘died.His adminis- trator brought suit claiming that Ven-nen’s death was accidental and due tothenegligence-ef.the-employer;andtheSupremeCourtagreeswiththatview.: AtGhe term ‘accidental,’says .thecourt,‘as.used in compensation laws, denotes something unusual,unexpect- :and undesigned.The nature of itpliesthattherewasanexternal tor occurrence which caused thepersonalinjuryordeathoftheem-plove.It contemplates an event notwithinone’s foresight and expectation resulting in a mishap causing injurySuchanoccurrence negligence.” :meremgiarayer while in the employ ofmpany,it proceeds,would notmerentRacharge:that he sustainedcidentalinjurywithinthemean-ng of the statute.But the allegationyesfurther;it states that he con-tracted the disease through drinkingpollutedwaterfurnishedbythede-fendant,-and-the presence of bacteriainthewaterwastheundesignedandunexpected.occurrence.The courtholdsthisduetothenegligenceofthe‘company.that:furnished the wa- ter.::Scientists have proved long ago thattyphoidfeverisnot,an act of God,but on the contrary,an,entirely hu-man disgrace.Now if the courts go a step further and decide that it is fact that:the man took cie evidence of criminal negligence.long step will have been tak- ease.The city that furnishes pollut-ed water.the dairy that furnishes pol-luted milk,the restaurant that serves polluted food,might not be moved by any sense of shame;but if they findthatfinancialruinislikelytofollow the practice:there will be incentive ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. 5 Happenings Here and There in the State.~ ‘The Governot has .granted condi- tional pardons to John E.Williams of Harnett.county and W.P.Queen of Haywood county,both serving terms for selling ‘liquor. On the train between Warsaw,Du- lin county,and Turkey,Sampson county,Miss Iona’Murray-and Mr..J. T.Boyette of Clinton were married a few days ago. dermen of Winston-Salem have |or- dered the churches and sehools of that city closed for a period of 12 days.to avoid a threatened epidemic of scar- let fever. Huntersville has voted ,$15.000 of bonds to erect a school building.Two years ago a bond gssue for:this pur- pose was defeated.”The town of Cor- nelius is to vote soon on a bond issue for a school building. Steel magnates.of:Pennsylvania, ‘a vein of rich ore in Mangum town- ship,Durham county,that is expect- ed ito turn.out something valuable. They have purchased mineral rights m 400 acres. In the action to debar James H. Johnson of Cumberland county from practicing law,which was before the Supreme Court on appeal by the State and the solicitor from a judgment of the:lower court dismissing the action, the.Supreme Court reversed the lower court.Johnson was sentenced to the roads for the illegal sale of wine. Dave Tonly of Sandy Plains,Ruth- erford county.was accidentally shot and killed Monday.He had been mar- ried about two weeks and,with his wife,was in a wagon starting from his wife’s home to his own home.In arranging the cushion on the seat of the wagon the pistol slipped from his pocket and was discharged,pro- ducing almost instant death. The Supreme Court has granted a new trial to Melvin Horne,convicted in New Hanover Superior Court of first degree murder in the killing ofD.L.T.Capps and ©sentenced todeath.Horne’s attorneys based their appeal on an exception to the calling in of an expert oninsanity by Judge Rountree,of his own motion;and thefactthathetoowarmlycommended to the jury the testimony of the ex- pert.: The board of directors of the State Hospital at Raleigh will meet May 41-for-a formal hearing of the-eharges brought against the management of the institution by Charles E.Latta of:Raleigh,late an inmate of theHospital.Latta charges that the in- mates are poorly fed,poorly clothed and are made to work harder thanconvictsinthe.State’s prison.He also charges unsanitary conditions Speaking. Ohio State Journal. ~The National Association of Aca-demi¢Teachers of “Public Speakingprpposestoabolish gesticulation. The idea is that gesticulation is apt ta confuse thought by blending it with emotion.When a man begins to-ges-|ticulate he stops some of his think-| ing and makes use of his feeling.A|person who thinks quietly and calm-|lygmaintains a quiet and calm condi-|tion of the body.But when he ceas-| arms and shake his head.The more and if it is all gesticulation there is:no thinking.It-stands-to-reason that if aman; does not want his hearer to think,he,inflicts upon him his own lack ofre-|flection,which he has attained to in| Reason is.never violent.I It speaks in a quiet tone.It does not attempt that ever‘lived spoke.without gestic- ulation.Mild manners carry convic- a more.surely.than wild demonstra-Alon.t--Omaaes January report just issued by theBureauofRailwayEconomicsinWashington,a report made up of thecarriers’returns to the Inter-StateCommerceCommission. The net operating inceme of all the railroads of the country increased inJanuaryoverthecorresponding month of 1915,$111 a mile,or 64.5 percent.The increase over the-av- erage January returns for the last five years was 50.1 per cent. Operating revenues of the Southern railways a mile increased 20.5 per cent.Operating expenses increased 8.9-per cent.The net operating reve- “nue increased—53.8 and-taxes increas-ed 11.4 per_cent.-Operating income increased 68.2 per cent.Comparing January.1916,with the average for five s past,the increase was 41.9percent.on the Southern railroads, Named For Tar Heels. Monroe Enquirer. It_is not generally known that Helena,Ark.,is named for a ladywhose,father went from this county and that Phillips county,of —which former citizen of Union county.These are the facts.Some time pri-or to 1800 Sylvanus Phillips wentfromJacksontownshiptothethenArkansasTerritory.\He located inArkansascountv,a very large coun-tv,and in 1818 he was representa-tive from his county in the Legisla-ture of the Territory.That Legis-lature made a new county from a part of Arkansas county and as Rep-resentative Phillips lived in the por-tion of -his county which was laid offforanewcounty,they named thecountyforhim.Mr.Phillips had thehonorofnamingthecountyseatandhenameditforhisdaughter,Helena. LT LALITLEED,SOE RDSTATUTES Splendid for Rheumatism. #}think Chamberlain's Liniment is .just “It has been used by at the hospital,all.of which is deniedbySupt.Anderson of the Hospital. NOW IT’S REDDIN’UP TIME. A Good Qld Word That is Apro- pos in Statesville Now. Greensboro News. Middle English.“reden,”from An- glo-Saxon,“raedan,’”’to arrange,put in order;akin to English “ready.” English dialect has “red”and “rede,” and Dutch “redden,”to put in order; “reeden’”?to make ready.There is al- so a dialectic “red’or “redd,”“to get his |+jd-of”:and English “rid,’“to.save. ';|to free.”~—aoman gesticulates-theess he thinks,j “To redd”is in good and regular dictionary standing as Scottish or di- alectic,meaning to clear,or clean;to put in order;to make tidy,as a house, the person,etc.,usually followed by “up.”The same (Scotch and dialect) has “redd,”noun,meaning act of red- ding;and that which is cleared,or is to be cleared,away. A good verb;but you never hear any one use.it except your grandmoth- er,and not her.unless she be of Scotch or English ancestry.“Redup”the room,“red up”the house,is common-amongst the grandmothers in certain North Carolina communi- ties,to the occasional embarrassment of grandsons and_granddaughters,who suffer needlessly on account ofthe“ignorance”of _grandmother in Mayor-Eaton_and_the board of al-|" headed by Mr.John Logan,have found|| =roa eT gee The Leonard School Tomorro bi of The Landmarks.To,the Balter of *April6o>The will be a public entertainment »¢ Leonard schoo)house Saturday, 4.beginning about 10,80 o'clock,”Ir the:foreneon the Eufola Junior © Jer will present a flag and Bible with addresses by Rev.Mr.Anderson and others.:CE L In the afternoon the school will ren- ier a programme.of declama ; recitations,dialogues,ete, There will also be exercises that night.Public cordially invited, A large-crowd Clark's school house last night,’pub, lic exercises being rained out”and postponed until tonight.TS Chamberlain's Cough Remedy...” From a smal)beginning the sale and’use of this remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign couptries, When you have need of such a medicine give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and you will understand why it has become so popular for coughs,colds.and croup,Obtainable ey- erywhere. LIME. CEMENT.LATHS. CALCINE PLASTER: FINISHING PLASTER,:C.WATKINS: BRE ; DAVIS’100 per cent.PURE PAINT soars:above them all in quality and popularity. FOR SALE BY Statesville,N..C. We D-IEARRIS~ 2 118 Court Street.3 Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Locks andGunsrepairedandKeysfitted.In factanythinginrepair line. was.disappointed at |. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., ee os | Phone 209. |GOODRICH“BAREFOOT”Tires ~Cords;laid transyersel Fab spopp!=i r Ba ene éSo,we lcd to devise practically a new hud of Rubber,” i Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.- the use of this and a few other simi- lar words of equal dignity and re- spectability. “Red up”the room;“red up’”’the house;“red up”the garden,and “red up”various other things—meaning to clean up,clear away trash—was in common use in south Iredell in the olddays.Sometimes there was a “red- din’out,”meaning that somebody was “cussed out”;that one individual told another,in plain,unvarnished lan- guage,what he thought of him; sometimes called “reading out.”’ Mayor.Caldwell has named-next Monday,the 10th,-as-“reddin’up”dayinStatesville.The folks should get busy and “red up,”not only because the mayor asks it,for requests from the powers that be should be heeded: —the more attractive appearance that will be presented;and because,more important still,the removal of waste and garbage means the removal in large part of the danyver of disease. If the mayor’s request isn’t observ-ed,he will be doing the community a service if he does some “reddin’out”that means.something—has —your plaee tleaned and puts_a fine on you that will more than pay for it. RSET EEREA SELENA TERENTS State Provides For Five Months’ School. State Superintendent:Joyner’s office has completed its apportionment of the fund of $447,940.45,which is de- State a minimum school term,whichistosay,an average. The highwater mark is reached withthe100.5 davs.or a half day more‘an five months.This does not,in-elude the outside methods of project-ing the school term,special tax elec- tions-or kindred resorts,It meansthattheStatehasprovidedforsuchaterm. Should Not Feel Discouraged.So many people troubled with indigé:tion but because of the “looks of the thing”| signed to give tothe counties of the} tt Costume 668015cents for samples come in. Have.you a_cepy cf the FASHION BOOK sor SPRIN EASTER FASHIONS sceatesses PM sees:Pictorial Review Patterns This is another OURNNY”frock .oeFinen,silks,etc. ost.fascinatingaeensmedeis,with ‘that are s:m- Many others equally chic in the Pictorial Review 9Patterns for MAY Toe eerDecuene!6 costs only te:cents when purchased with one 15 cent pattern. Get your patterns here and look through the new Silk, Linen and fancy Cotton materials for the garments you want to make,or send if you can’t AKING the ‘‘Cilvertown’?Cord Tire,tauswea.few lessons in the manufactureof:i cooler,more flexible andenduring FAI RIG ‘The “Glivertewn”?Tire,you know,gains its marvellousSpeed(and the Coasting qualities that demonstrate its Sveed)primarily through wvO layers bend more readily thanOfcourse,these ‘readily.yorsof Fabric do (or of Cord wouFive,Six,or SevenPet,wwe foun Hemibiity (in tha f ‘Tread avor it which was cqually flevible,—equally strong, and clastie crcugh to act as a sort of spring between the Marth and the Tire-casing,when Brakes were thrown on er-eluteh-thvown in atstarting. for this puspesc,‘TWO YUARS AGO, And this new kind cf Rubber Compound now does for: COODRICH Wires a werk paralleling that done by thevonderfulAlloysofSteelandBronzoinmodernMotorCar, construction,af eeItmultipliesRubberEfficiency,for Tire. while decreasing its Weight,and without increasing its Bulk,ov its Cost to you, °2 Od S we cannet yet eupply haif the demand for ‘Silvertown Cord fires’?(until enough manu- facturing eauipment.can be constructed)..we compromise with the Publie by giving them,without addi- tional charge,the highly efficient black Silvertown Rubber j Mi, in all Goodriel:FABRIC Tires for 1916.:'This makes GOODRICH Fabric Tires the most:Re-s ond Responsive-to-Power,—the most:Long-Lived {:(PABRIG ‘Lives,at ANY price,—withoutNornsheirrelativepricetoyou.aeWecallthisnowSi!vertown ‘Tread Compound by the 9 and brand of ‘‘Berefoot Rubbeyr.’’:Because,it CLINGS to the pavement for the same govt of reason that your bere fcot clings toa slippery floor, while being flexible,stretchy,springy,and light,TENACIOUS,resilient,enduring,this “Barefoot Rub- ber”you today geé in.all black-tread Goodrich Fabric ‘Tires,—Goodrich Motor-Cycle Tires,—Goodrich Truck Tires,—-Coodrich Bicycle Tires,—-Goodrich Rubber Boots, Overshoes,Ssles and Heels,and in nore but GOODRICH _,products...‘ oDesk Sut A pale of those moderately priced black-treacs- ReaTABRICTiresandseeBRAINSwithRubber. THE LP.F.GOODRICH CO. Lkron Okio what results from the mixing of 4enamnanemelne RIDING CULTIVATOR ht having only ‘TWO layers of © ekcessary,In order to conservethet -fyo-ecrd construction),to put a Rubber , R |a 1 , 5 jeeme{Bes: The No.76 Planet Jr.pivot wheel riding.cultivator ‘extra wide’arch,adjustable stops to regulate depth,large ‘and comfortable seat,new lever springs,make it the mest — jattractive and practical riding cultivator on the market today.eek Lazenby-Montgomery Hi ardware Co. ‘with SRORORCRORLREE OBOE EBTHEMOON'S RIGHT--TIME T0 P Have you a few.spare feet of ground? next summer? Nothing like having a good garden with fine,fresh vegetables right out of the ground,with no lost flavor and strength from be- A good garden calls for : We have a selection of the finest varieties you “9ingpulledtoolongbeforethey’re used. the right seed. can buy,both vegetable and flower. There’s nothing so beautiful and refreshing ‘round the house as With their beautiful combinations of delicate tints and texturs vhey’re equal to a coat of paint in beautifying,and mak-flowers. ing a place really look like HOME! Con.)in TODAY and let’s get the garden and flower beds started while the moon’s right!POLK GRAY DRUG COMPAN on Clocks,Watches and Spectacles.Repaired.Spectacles Why not dig up the dol- lars in it by planting something that will save your pocketbook:; .bergh,Bldridwe,N.Y.and constipati;4 %:stipation have been:-fenefited by takimynelftanidothermembersofmyfamilytime|Chamberlain’s Tablets that no one should’feel ree the past ‘six yearsand |diseottraged who has hot given them a rial. fitted.Eyes-examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed, hk.FE.HENRY... Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. ef from var which Chamberlain's |merts but strengthen the stomach and e@ab Ja.worth many times “it to perform jts functions naturally:Obtain.tSjeeverywhere,able everywhere,Q ¥bones Men i 8 x semen wycROOSEVELTTORUNAGAIN.| 6,|Report That theColonel”wiit | Hughes the Regular. Washington Correspondence Greens='boro:News.© Theodore:Roosevelt will run for the presidential nomination on the Pro:fressive ticket and willbe nominated| withoutopposition at Chicago,aceon! MONEY IS POWER AND ae INFLUANDOPPORTUNITY! ‘THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY Is TO AND THE BEST TIME TO START.JS RIGHT Ny “80 THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITHACEGUNT!== fA-NewInterest Perio April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depament.All Deposits made on or before April bth w.draw interest from April Ist at the rate of 4 Der.cent.compounded quarterly.i This Bank welcomes§ and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest:from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum.” Checking accounts,eitherlarge or small,ent invited,:We want your business ee People’s Ioan and Savings.Bank,GEO.H.BROWN |-President.7°"0.L.TURNER -Cashier,Asie|SCORN SOROS TOOTAIA TOTOSOOOVTO “nCXELLIRISELESUSESAITSESRESESTASESSETSTOTLTTSeTETSTIUTESTSWHAT'S THE USE To go'away from home for your FIELD SE EDS.:when J.E.Sloop has what you need at the”right price,and you may return what you:don’t:use and get your MONEY BACK?See me.for’first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds,’Kentucky Blue,Tall Meadow-Oats,and Sudan ;Grass and Rape.Burt,Black,White,RedisrustproofandBancroft’s Oats.Fertilizers froma.:14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2.Am looking t0ythosewhoneedsuppliesandfertilizersontimeaswe Liseascash,J can take care of AswantsMUNNsmsOa J.E SLOOP. TRIBISIST. Inaddition,Vick’s is absorbedakin,relieving the tightness leges and utlen ; Correspondence of Tha Landmark.~~overthethrout and Jennings,March 20 =It_is said?3 with 9 “warm flannelinternalmedicinesor|cloth—ora little put up the nostrils—or |that in Japan the flowers have -these troubles,/melt.a little ina m and inhale th fragrance and the birds no song.Soo hietoe.“Athens wn Hay,‘America it is quite different:—-We>, are a orenee ee! i yster |soothing,medi.ares rub Vick's well over the spinal col.|have almost.every wealth that nature =&to friends ae haveAik oy ster |that are inhaledjumn to aoe the nervous tension,6c,To appreciate our great|8ay man’s confidence,And just aon:oe ae sagen ereae :eed Saguidy |certain is_the outstanding fact that}‘i /such asChina|the regular-Republicans-with nominate:it ill’do this we will|Justice Charles E,Hughes ahd he will!tawaken to our great opportunities|accept.This in a word,is the infor-‘|and:responsibilities as we never have|mation brought ‘here by newsns pert before.hmen who-have just left the colonel,|This Lrings me to the one ‘word|These men are known to have the |that T want to call your attention to!confidence of Roosevelt.Two or thrae| briefly,and that is Opportunity!>ewspaper men who are known to be!Over the hills and across the mead-|close friends of the colonel retu ned |ows,comes the sourd.of the school,here from New York and Oyster Bay!bell,five days in the week and from and state in unecauivocal terms:that|four to six months in the year,beck-|Roosevelt will be the.Progressive can-|oning the boys:and girls between the};didate,and,of course,will bo noesagesofsixand2%,in eyery home,to |nated.come and-drink deep at the fountain On the other hand,while tho regu-|of knowiedge...What_a grand.oppor.lar old guard ‘Republicans do not caretunity,boys and girls,to equip your-much about Hughes,they realize that)selves for life,It-is-as free to you;be is their only:chance.as the brook that flows -down the |According to the plans,another very|hillside.“Who can afford to grow up,“'rene man will be seleeted to run as)in ignorance within the sound of the Vico President.with Hughes and in’common school,the academy and the;‘his way it is hoped that.their efforts.colleve hells that dot the land through.May he crowned with success,no mat-t out its length and breadth?In these ter what the Rough Rider may decide|you can lay the foundation for a)to do..good education and build largely on)The “prevaredness”luncheon which|jit.The State Hieh School forms the|took place in New York with Colonel|stepping stone from the’common,Roosevelt,Senator Lodge,former Sen-|school to college and it also furnish-|2tor Root_and Gen.Leonard.Wood,as'|(es tuition free after you-Bave!made,Svests,and Robert Bacon as host,|the proper grade..The Farm:Life,vas far from a preparedness gather-| School.run’in connection:with the _ing in the opinion of many wise ones|State High School,enables the boys!\cre..That polities was‘discussed and|to learn the first principles of agri-|'*politics at that,no one here’ eiture and the girls the first princi-|coubts.} y l ?= ;ples in cooking and-housekeeping.oe hile the metropolitan press are)¥OU ARK IF YOU OWN YOUR OWN HOME!Then thefe is the moonlight school -“oclaiming that a .compromise has||for the unlettered.who are deprived|[teen rezehed between Roosevelt and| |of the privileee of attending the oth-lithe.old guard.,those who have thelerschools.With these opportuititics,‘confidence of Roosevelt declare th:ut |can there Jong be anv oxeuse for ig-|be has yielded nothing ard that he |} |norance ?henin,00 the still morning|il not stand for anv one of the men | iaty of the holy Sabbath,comaés.the)mentioned so far.Hughes does not‘clear.soft tones of the churek hell,Svit him heeanse Roosevelt,thinks the | j callin:rus to worship.-How many,jurist would be more on the order of|yn a deaf car to its pleading tonés?|Frosident WWiison in regard to ignor-' Ans we not hecomine earelesg¢!and)""party lines.| neeclirent about church aud Sabbath|TheLaken-dance?What an opportu:|oh iy.but they are convinced that it isnilyy,ine to become better Vughes cr Wilson,and they prefer!|eitiz .a_hetter life,te:build Hughes to the present incumbent of! rong Chriistian nation and win!the White House.i=jayala Na:wonder ie is the conclusion of one-of the cPohbatn Meoes ahd hlacks gawdiing...colonel’s advisers here that.thers.will,smoke f.6 distillbries--as-ub four mén seriousty consideredstunder‘the dome.1 Chicago.These are the colorel him-|No wonder.that %7!{,Supreme Court Justice Hughes,| up 6n=sbooze,|John A.Weeks of Massachu:H ,committing:mur-sand former Senator Theodore E,dey,when we net awake to oer *Urton of Ohio.cooapemenerectensansmrbarsiaesinesoasfrrentopportunities:when °we Fenegiectinethepronertraining&fb .Didn’t Like Detective's8 Methods |gaesmenznconmmmouths..when we had rather tb a.Marion Dispatch,If the Statesville Realty &invesiien:Co.avEy3kcameonSundayas¢a church.A detective alleged to have been INSUR ‘NCE!In-eonelusion,det me .that with omployed by the mayer and board of.4.“that thousands of bright comport aldermen of Marion to seeure evi-that come to us every yenr tney >against alleged blind tigers of:Oe ee As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that?their:insurance will -be.void under certain-conditions named’ine,contract of the policy which they buy.We deem cit advisabhe jery.one_of thera.bring ¥ith lien is town.was roughly handled before||vesponsibility,We have thelgitht-|deayin «for nariortr,his sss mention some of the causes under which the same will be rendered”velueless,viz: =(est,hest and happiest country In thelt.said he sec ured eviders nee the is 1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply ) produces. country as-we ought-wetheOriental;countriesandJapan,If.we/w Ww We have just received anotherfoe lot.of the famousWW.wi RINGS”.These rings are fully~«guaranteed.If a set breaks a new one will be put“an free of charge.+We have them.from:$2.00 up»Get one. R.H.RICKERT &SON,.JEWELERS, Savings Accounts from both women: ARE YOU ONE OF THE OWNERS OF You’re a sharcholder in this big municipalstockcompany—you share in the prosperity of thetown,for everything that boosts Statesvilleboostsyou. Your properholdit. In a short period it will not only command amuchhigherpricethanyoupaidfor_it-through~Our system,but it will become priceless to you_in the wealth ofproud satisfaction.and..genuine...happiness.it affords you every day of the year, If you're a married man,you need that nomerightnow;if“singe,vou Nl need ib ‘some dayStartNOWtoetit!Saturday,Apri!1st,iethedate. Mutual Budding &Loan Association. y inzreases in value every day you eld evard think about the same tha OER ICOM ERAT SOOTY of onr churscontearetan anactine up ko Sen:ator £Sere { SeceTSLBWILITI Tyee TT SELSSIIT Sse essere Practice Economy This Year! Feed £dgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds,| Not screenings or offal,or_worthless by-products,but-se-lected feed scien-tifically blended 6forresults.Made/o”(itmbyahousewith.(ethareputationforintegrity. world.We have the.most ‘congenital sa pan allesmet hlind nee ; M*5 your.agent for permit. climate,the-elearest,blue sk;the|methods met with tho Rs;purest air and water,the atest royal of a certain element.aifreedomofthought.word and,ae Nar hyphy,with the aid,of sever al dep-M fe,:toler echanies:inaking.additions to,or.extraordinur al Yh|Hon,the greatest religious toleraAibea|atien.nut the detects afcly on tionspe on srereriy nae get permits from Been ‘ere. 3—Property phon which there is a mortgage unless notice!of?same is given—app!}y to your agent.: and almost every other Hoessing of Cocrd the train,‘any country in the world.Thea-tet|Pee ener ernerwer rere di—Any changein tho title or ownership,or interest in Propertyinsured-other than by death. [us strive herder than ever to be wor:|Not 2 Cause For Disturbon-a, 5--Assignment or transfer of i thy:“of the country we:live in.and to,rimprove the many opportunities that ra reenshoro News.| ee ee ”ae neverbe oe Paice sarea ot o-By any increase in the hazard,ae mast be given.ro ?ae c own to disturts 7—-The taking of other insurance without notice._:(Cur Soldiers Cost More Than)business,”says the Winston Respubli-|8—Keeping-explosives on the premises without permit othar's*$1,000 Each.|an,The prospect ofRepubiien:1 suc-than kerosene oil.aesLettertoCincinnati.SoS?in North Carolina hardly _ever __9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.Lo::Jisturbs anything.Policyholders should read lines 7 1o 30 of the printed contravtioftheirpolicies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor,mation. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” 2 Old Beck Sweet Fred. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Peed. Gom Scratch Feed. property to another. i Washington Times-Star. |.It costs a great deal more per capita i maintain an ar my in the United |States than it does in Europe,and_in } jorder to meet the demand in Congre Se| Gem Sweet Dairy Ford.A DELICATE CHILD =Made Strong By Our VinolC.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. ’Phone 125 Black. \for.information on this question the {general staff of the army has prepared} data comparing the cost of the United SerisIelaweesterres S3zIwT %,THAT GROW.AV To your interest,Mr..Gardner,to plant SEED that grow and are true to name. Give us your SEED business for 1916. After thatalways ours. —The Rexall Store.——— Statesville Drug Comp’y Quality Prescriptionists. (Bape I SB I IS I S Ss e e s e s e s e |United Hi ranks,the per :United States or items,such as those for permanent ‘=a KODAK == The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System haveputamateurphotographywithinreachofeveryman,woman and childatsmallcost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 to $12."KodaksuppliesofallkindsiathegenuineEastman‘quality. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler, ——ence eee =eeaSaranac HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C.. STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING.Plumbing and Private Water Systems. REFERENCES FURNISHED. eee army with thai of the army of Great Britain.To avoid becoming in- |volved in the extraordinary expenses jincident upon the war,the year 1912- 11918 was selected for Great Britain. (The year 1914-1915 was chosen for the|United States.It was necessary to |make the comparison equitable to de- Fayetteville,N.C:—‘‘MY little dsugh-|ter was in poor health,delicate andsoweakitmadeusveryuneasy.heard about Vinol and decided to ty i and the results were marvelousappetiteimproved,Rie geineoie =andis now one of the healthiest children-- in town.Mothers of delicate children |shouldtry Vinol.”—Mrs.GORDON JESSUP.: Vinol is a delicious cod liver am iron | tonic without oil,a constitutional rem- edy which creates an appetite,aiids di-| ’PHONE-54 2 J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ST ATESVILLE,N SPE akSFOCIALVALUES:WS +duet-from-the-Americen account cer='tain items,such as the expences of the»}Mexican situation. The totals thus obtamed were $106,-|W.¥.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. |005,973 for the United States army of |'101,195 enlisted strength,and $114,-4|264,512 for Great Britain’s army of!}171,568.The latter figures included|‘the standing army at home andsin the:$B |colo:lies,exclusive of India,which sup-| |ported its entire militar y force.Based. on these figures the cost per annum for}each enlisted man was $660.01 for'| Great Britain and $1,047.54 for ell States:and,considering all; eapita was $630.08 for; and_$1,000.13 for the} Deduezing certain oth! {Great Britain defense,from—each—.ountry’s-total,| ‘Great Britain’s cost for each enlisted! [man Would have been-$631.71 and that, (of the United States $935.60,or,all! iranks being considered,$597.58 for![Unite Britain and $892.25 for the United States. Mr.Baldwin’s Demand.| Prof.James Marx Baldwin of Balti- ‘more,whose daughter—was seriously: ‘injured in the explosiog on the cross-|;channel steamer.Sussex,forwarded| from Paris the following cablegram |to President Wilson: “A woman traveling where herrightWas,carrying an American pass- port,stricken on the Sussex,hover- ing between life and death,demands| that reparation for assault on Amer- ican-life and liberty be exacted.“(Signed)MARK BALDWIN.”Miss Baldwin was seriously injuredbytheexplosionontheSussex,sup-posed to have been caused by a Ger-man submarine.oon EY(00S TeSe ETANI Told That There Was No,'Cure For Him, “After suffering for over twenty years with?jindigestion and having some of the best doetorsheretellmetherewasnocurefor,me,ithinkitonlyrighttotellyouforthesake‘ofothersufferersaswellasyourownsatisfactionthata25-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tabletsnotonlyrelievedmebittcuredmewithineemonths,although Iam a man of:66 yearsy writes Jul,Grobien,Houston,.Texas.|Obtain gestion and makes pure healthybioed,° ‘Ail children love to take it. | P| Spring "PHONE 20. T OOTH BRUSHES,————Tee ee ;+ HAIR BRUSHES,-NAIL.BRUSHES,— ee A HALL’S DRUG STORE, Prescriptionist.ii Flowers !/&es Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion) * Van Lindley (Co., GREENSBORO,gw C. Polk Gray Drug Co., Lace)Azmin. nble vervyhe Peay py *hens New LineSpring Suits,Hats,— Shirts and Neckwear,; ALL.THE LATEST Call early and look through. pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or nos. in these LINES,t ee Sut ih ONoil Will take peat © FOR $1.00 rida 4 ONE BIG COUNTER Loaded with goods worth 7 1-2c. ~yo-10¢.-yard,at 5e.yard. Calicoes,Ginghams,Chambrays, Lawns,Dress Ginghams,5c. 40-inch Voiles,5c.;Tans and Whites,yard-wide Sheeting,5c. ONE BIG-REMNANT COUNTER On this you will find goods of all ~-kinds.marked one-half and less. At 7 1-2C, You will find goods on this Coun- ter well worth 10c:to 12 1-2c.to- -y.Gay.86-inch Pajama.Checks, 7 -1-2c.;10¢e.to’15c.Colored Ra- tines,7 1-2c.;°1 lot Outing,7 1-2c. ‘AT 10C. On this Counter we have made ex- tra preparation.40-inch Organdie worth 15c.to 18¢,10c.;18c. Yrepes,all colors,10c.;15c.Reppe- lettes,10c.;82-inch 12 1-2c.Cham- bray,good line of colors,10c. 1 BIG LOT “PALM BEACH” Cloth sold at 25c:Special,15c..1 lot Windsor Crepes,sold at 18c., special ‘price,.10¢. Blues,White,Lavendar. AT 8 1-2C. We offer good Hickory Shirting, :8 1-2e..good.Bed Ticking,8 1-2c.. good Embroidery Cloth,8 1-2c.; 36-inch Linen Finish Suiting, 8 1-2c.;36-inch Cambric,8 1-2c. :BIG JOB |Jn Real Linen Finish Suiting,very fine-and pretty,25c.-quatity,~36- inch wide,12 1-2e. “=TP HUN yaras 257 Pique;nr s-variety of colors,in lot,worth 25c.,special, 15c. 86-inch Bleached Domestic,a 10c. value,10 yards to customer,for T5e.; i jerealized months ago that the market on all manufa ARGE ORDERS,hence we can anlay,Saturday ‘1 lot 36-inch —Big-tine-Linen,.Cotton,Huck.Tow-.| St eee a es ereserenecnetner EXTRA VALUES AND PRICES GN SILKS AND DRESS’GOODS! 1 lot Fancy Silks for Waists and Dresses,15e. 1 lot Figured Silks,new Patterns, 35c.value,assorted colors, special price,.:.25¢. wide Silk Poplins, cheap at 75c.,big line of col- see nee OVE.cote ee ee es 50c, Yard-Wide -Black.-Taffeta,..85e. quality,for this sale,..~59e, SILK.AND WOOL 50C.GOODS! Crepe DeChines,36-inch wide,all colors,special,389e. $1.25 All Silk Crepe De Chines,98c. Big line Stripe and Plaid Taffetas, $1.25 Silks,all new,this sale,.......082-:9&e. 1 lot Solid Colored Taffetas,Messa- lines,‘in Navys,Blacks,Tans,. $1.25 valie everywhere,..89e.' WOOk’GOODS AT “OLD PRICES.” The popular Shepard Checks in a real 75c.value,at A8e, All Wool Serge,48e. Big line Serges,VPoplins,Gaber- dines,42 and 44-inch,$1 to $1.25 values,79c.,89e.98c. 1 lot real 12_1-2c.Pillow Cases,9c. 1 lot 50c,Bed Sheets,72x90,37- 1-2c.;1 lot,84¢.’value,81x90,69¢. TOWELS AT OLD PRICES! 1 lot Huck Towels,4¢.;1 lot Huck Towels,8c.{special in Bath Tow- els——llot 12 1-2c.Towels,10c.;1 lot 25c.Towels,19e.;1 lot 15c.to 20c.Towels,12 1-2¢. eling,12 1-2c.quality,8 1-2c. EXTRA SPECIALS IN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR! Big line Children’s Drawers,well made,good Muslin,8 1-8c. fuer por wel dare giving you today the advantage we secured.greatly ad vance, i Our SPECIAL IN ® Air Float Taleum Powder, 8c.; Air Float Taleum.Powder,4c.;allofWilliams’and Colgate’s Powderat12c.;Lano’Oi)Soap,the 26c. quality,18¢.box;Sweet Maiden Soap,3 cakes,8e, CHILDREN’S GOWNS! All sizes,6 to 12 years,special, 19¢.;Ladies’Gowns told prices;1 lot Gowns,all 50e.quality,39¢.; 1 lot Crepes and Muslin Gowns, 75¢c.;1.lot.Muslin and Crepe Gowns,$1 to $1.25 values,89e. READY -TO -WEAR WAISTS! 1 lot Waigts,48;1 lot new Waists,some in lot worth $1.50, all real $1.25 values,entire lot to go at 98c.each./ Big assortment of real $2.50 Waists,made of Crepe De Chine and Wash Silks,all the styles wanted,special,$1.98. New line of Middy Blouse Waists at 4&c.and 98e,,new trimmings. 1 big line of Silk Dresses in Taffe- ta,Poptins,Crepe De Chine,in the xewest styles and’Cloths,$3.98,$4.95,$5.95,$7.50,$8.50. A great line of Wash Dresses for the little ones,sizes 2 to 14 years, made of Ginghams and Percales, nicely trimmed,fast colors,well made,48c.,75¢.,98e. COAT SUITS SPECIALS! All the new things made of Serges and Taffetas in’the new shades and styles.All these values are really last-year prices~—$9.45,..$0... 95,.$12.45,$14.95,$16.50,$18.50. VERY GREAT SAVING READY-MADE SKIRTS! 1 lot of Wash Skirts,.well made, andbuyingfor"12 BIG.advance purchasing.We offer you ;:{al :7 LIKE STORES’today goods at 7 Sun Galan :7 “OLD PRICES”and i a 50c.;big line colored Skirts ingrays,tans,black and_white checks,real $1.80 value,at 98c. Big-line-Skirts—sold for $2.50 to $3,for this special sale,$1.98. Great line Tailored fashionableSkirts,any size,style or make,at’ $2.95,$3.95,$4.95, Great line of Petticoats in Sateens, Silks,in all colors,98¢.,$1.48,$1.- 98,$2.98.ete New line House Dresses,“Wash Materials,well made,all sizes,98c.,$1.48,$1.98. New line -Kimonas,new patterns,98¢.,$1.48. ““SPORT COATS!” We still have,a few $5 to $7 Sport Coats left to close at a very low price, $5 Coats,Plain and Checks,$8.75; $6.50 Coats,Plain and Checks,$3.+ 98;$7.50 Coats,Plain and Checks,$4.45,ise SPECIAL IN-BED COUNTER- PANES! Big lot regular size large Counter- z ’ _$1 fine:Dress Shirts,‘pretty ne Patterns,$1 value,special for this ‘25c.,special,2 for 25e,— .New line of Lion Brand Shirts and Boys’Pants,68¢.;‘1 let Boys’Pants,6 to 17,75c,;.1 lot Boys’Pants,extra size,18 to 34,$1.50. GENTS’FURNISHINGS!~~ at “Last Year Prices”!Extra long and larger Work Shirts,45c.;1 lot Faney Shirts,26¢.- sale,50c.;’all sizes. “OUR SPECIAL SOX!’This Sock sells for 18¢.to 20c,Fast black and Navy.Special,11c. J lot.25c.Suspenders,15c, 1 lot BV M Sogks,usually sold for Collars just in,beautiful line Patterns,95c.and up.. SHCES!SHOES!SHOES! Ovr new line “Dorothy Dodd”low- cut Shoes now in stock.You knowwhat.they are!‘And the pricesarethesameaslastyear!aeNewlineGodmanShoesforLadies and Children.None better made of- _We Save You Money on TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES 25 Cents Up. THE LANDMARK ‘RIDAY,os April 7,1916. ‘Republican Progressives Elect he Delegates.| Boat a meeting of the Republican @State committee at Greensboro Wed- ‘Wnesday Progressive leaders strongly id paorsed the action of the National Dicprecsive committee in January, “and instructed the delegates to vote ae Colonel!Roosevelt at the national nvention.|«Where-and when.to hold Sthe State convention were lett to a Scommittee ‘of 15.' The meeting was presided over hy %7eb V.Walser of Lexington and M. ‘gF:Douglass of Greensboro was secre- ry.Delagates at large chosen were: *Teb-V.—Walser,MM ‘Douglass,John || .Kurfees of Germantown and James N,Williamson,Jr.,of Burlington. %Resolutions adopted first endorsed| “WHY I Mr.Kirk ing. ed last Sur card playit to make m condemn it T used the I am op there and in the pres horizontal;ermore ony form or fa plicit. And Ja .to it,and the women dancing be they are, thinks.”/ a spasm o proprietor nearly lite cussion: as you ke habits we found out your soci big ball is of girls. That.is _Mthe action taken by the Progressive “pledged itself to work for the elec- ‘steadfast for principles. tions at Chicago will be able to agree ives.“In the event that there can’ Ron Progressive national convention,”, -Stion our faith in Progressive princi- 'Newell’s Story a Frame-up. |Monday_night,charged with the: occurred,Sunday morning at 3 o'clock ey was placed.He was found there “In the raid the police found $420.23)oes un a red,the police department struck thé)’.4 Nort ‘mational committee at its meeting in aChicago in January,1916,and ‘tion of delegates to the Progressive Biational convention who will stand) ;The hope was expressed that the ‘Progressive and Republican conven- -*upon a candidate for President who yw be acceptable to the Progres- @ no such agreeement,we pledge ourselves to support the nominee of! @said the resolutions,and it was added:“Wo reaffirm with increasing devo- les and the leadership of Theodore :Roosevelt.” “Gilbert Newell,Robert Jones and B.Bradley were arrested in Greens- say of $500 from the North Carolina ublic Service Company.The robbery - land Newell,as told)by him,was!locked in the vault in which the mon-: *at 8 o’clock Sunday morning in an al-leged semi-conscious condition.mands ot gin the room of Bradley.Early Sun-'dances.” morning,after the robbery occur-| trail of the alleged robbers“and a‘close ‘surveillance of the three boys: Another ‘of the robbery and the get-away ofhethief,did not fit in with the sus-ipicions of the police. to publie nate “crowé¢ probation officer,which means that)clusive,aroa z plead not guilty, der bond for trial.~ Sermon and Tells Why He Qp- To the Editor of The }.andmark: In a sermon on “Influence,”preach-|it to define my position on more sarcastic. future;opposedtherounddance, —Now that,t hope,is sufficiently ex- because I am a preacher,but because I am a man. ‘the same ground. passions that are strong’enough stimulation. specifications, munity.The grand jury was ordered to clean up the red Kght district.The district was summoned before the ju- ry to give her testimony in this in- vestigation. “You respectable people have made our trade a social necessity. er towns to send in an extra supply Our exverience has enabled us to-anticipate to-a—nicety the-de- than five years ago. Was mite.The tale told by Newell.as to why ily [am a great-believer in equality)Newell pleaded guilty of a charge}and democracy. of larceny and was put in charge of)tain relations that are by nature ex- Clothing For Men and Boys!pi." and Fancy Worsteds,made for young and All colors and sizes,34 to 48.We bought ines of Clothing on our counters. Prices.”Ask to see our “All Wool”Blue Serges,$10 value,at $7.50.Ask to see our line of Plain old men.Can’t match them today for less than $15.Great line of patterns,special $9.59.New line of “Palm Beaches”just in. these away back yonder and we give you last suynmer prices. JOHNSTON-BELK COMPANY, OPPOSE DANCING.”|to do so. and Harry of the ordinary summer re- Explains About His,sort claims’the trenched as iday morning,I attempted|know of dancing and |margins. ig.Ut seems that J failed|years before I yself clear. since quoted me as saying,“I do not}women.The‘effect on a young man is ”that is,dancing.J think ,had.J sy words exactly as quoted | and Iam sure I never intended to be’she is right,but I know she is wrong.| {I am not.theorizing. posed to dancing, everywhere,in the ent and throughout all the |to thesquare dance,the dence vertical of |in J am eternally and forev-;let yosed to it in every shape,| shion.Amen.[. +1 past,|stinet. m not in opposition to it), Most men are opposed| they are opposed to it on} And men know,if I am opposed to tends to arouse a3 artificial Carl E. do not. cause it centlyTheyneedMore than 100no «You say,“Evil to him who~evil All right.Here are the 2re suspectedInthecityofW——fraud: f reform struck the com-pee (the lost of one of the houses in this Pal revenue, T quote her testimony as ral as I ean in a publie dis- ents comeSolongtbeingmade byepupyourpresentsocial. must keep open.We have that the demands vary with al activities.Whenever a anhouncéd,we wite to oth- the trade,The demand is stated,claimed to nd down with your big: tributed..,goodstestimonydirectinacourt h Carolina.city,given less reason that.I may advance I am so strongly opposed dancing,is the indisarimi-i there gathered,Ordinari-| ;t |clus 1d among these are the re-ADVERTISERS|will please bring he is reléased on parole for the time.|lations of husband and wife.There is|change of copy.early..No change of 2 was |'tio-harm in in husband's embracing his}ad.guaranteed.after 12 o’elock |Wife in public,if his taste tends:him |myorrow. STATE But -when-any Tom,Diek| ‘husband’s place. .\I am just as much opposed to card|poses Dancing and C ard Play-!niaying as a social EERO:The| :gaming instinct is all too strongly in-, human ‘stands,without sedulously cultivating| I see too much stock speculation;| too much gambling Some one has;have played cards with men and with| New York.| Washington Dispatch.; Treasury offieials—said today that Whitney,a New York law- ver,had filed charges.that a number of denuty internal revenue collectorsinthatcityrareinyolvedinthe discovered ™tobacco in Now York but only a part of them involving hundreds of ciyarette manufacturers in which covernment is believed to $20,000,000 in uncollected inter- Mr.Whitney made charges to Assistant Secretary horn but declined to give names deputies involved, some of the cigar manufacturers and i is understood he will use his infor-mation about the deputies if his cli- to trial. tor at New York. Carson’s Operations. Hi.F.Carson was convicted in Bun- combe Superior Court of conducting a lottery and was senteneed to pay a fine—of-$4,000 -and—costs,--€ Knoxville,Tenn,,company and dis- members to pay so much a week ‘and hold a drawing every week,the winner to be given an article.selected.claimed that the clubs involved about 600 people in Asheville,and that after a certain number had:been winners, the collectors quithmoneyandmanyof the investors gotButtherearecer-,nothing but experience for their cash. SVILLE,N. C.+ Ce ETERS ET Cana) = panes,worth $1.25,special,89c.and few as good as Godman’s,All“MARSAILLES QUILTS!”pee oe leathers aid peieae =: We have a few slightly soiled fine N Races ae ae:=ys ew line of Ladies’-a nyQuilts,extra large and heavy.We }all leathers sree one Sane :a bewillclosethislotverycheap.$1.48,$1.75 oe i :s$5 Marsailles at $2.95;$3.50 Mar-|Ack io see Lady 5 ,i an a ea ee sk to see Lady .Bess y essaillesat$2.48;$2 Fringed Quilts,Shoes,$2.50 Show ope oe cutcutcorner,$1.38,Gyn :98,all BSPOLITECTTGlae a iOSWASHSUITS;Men’s low-cut Shoes and the prices 'PyBoughtjobinthese.They are $1 are the same as last year!¥y fsand$1.25 Suits.New goods,well “Ralston Health”Shoes,all.theamade,fast colors,to close lot,75c.new Toes and leathers.Also rub-Stree EC EE SSD —BG)Ss os at even less than last Our new line of Godman’s or Fair+-°5 =ON year prices.‘field Shoes are:now in and Shoes é =1 lot Boys’Pants,6 to 15,25e.;1 |worth ‘$2.50 to $8,solid leather.oat + lot Boys’Pants,4 to 17,4&c.;1 lot Special,$1.98. We bought very early and are in on the,“Lowest E 25 Dozen'Fine Dress Shirts, $1 Shirts,All Sizes,Well Made,at 50 Cents.4 right to usurp the| T balk.i nature now | on! MILLS &POSTON.|2 Dress Goods,Silks,Millinery,Ladies’Ready-to-Wears 20 TO 25 PER CENT.UNDERPRICED. I was a man a good many . poe cece peo ee $1 to $1.50.[86-inch Crepe De Chine,.. 50c.|Fancy Silk Marquisette,36- ub Silks,.... 25¢.,50c.and $1.F Cone aed:Mais._Rus-:: yeak from experience ||86-inch Satin Stripe Messa-Tae eee ie ineait®inch wide,50c.per yard.ak fro >xperience.|:Cc el Mais rn ae K ee ike 7 ; Your lady correspondent may think ane Pik and eee ey high-class Dressy Fabric.Very stylish and pretty!Sky,and °bb oonao St. 3oys and men ‘inch “Silve wae Pe ne er eee ae ace vito atherejuceWataeallefasetheoalhineUL54-inch |“silve rbloom Suit 36-inch Crystal Silks,-......50c.|Dolly Madison Voile,36-inch :Vinineven saul antallesainmer ings,”a very Stylish Wide A beautiful Sheer Fabrice in Sheer Materials,Plaid and ame of -}tas Pat th Lab ie |Stripe Wool Material,Striped and Plaid effects Floral Design,strictly newanolmarBee:mut tha ca deve op-Plain Clath.to match,at $L sth.Floral Desis ?’aA 4 ’adintoagame“for keeps.”It’s there_ee _with Floral Design._|__end_up:to-now,_priceSher us men,and you women had better caeitsleep,if you can,36-inch _Recepti Lei Milli ,4 :.::36-ception Voile,Millinery —Pattern Hats Ready -to -Wears—Suits I hope I have made myself ee -handsome____Plaids and Shapes,Tailored iG /ae :JOHN-FKARK.Stripes,beautiful color-Tears |a RhOns Ae Coats,Skirts,Shirt- :oe p -jngs for the up-to-date Novelty Tr ae eT epeere rAfterCollectorsofRevenueof,ue ey ue a Novelty Trimmings.Waists,Petticoats. re- frauds. deputy collectors are Very Special For Middy Blouses:_ One Case 36 inch fine quality Bleached Drilling,10c.yard. Yours truly,MILLS &POSTON.= of participation in cigar have his Mal- of He is counsel for Investigation is John Z.Lowe,collec- Carson,--it represent a by forming clubs, tention.It is |al we make,|about this line. Yours for calling for the Home comforts can only be by heating your house, one thing we give our special at-j| Everything in Sheet Met-fj Ask us any question time to drop in the shop ’phone 55. Heating and Sheet.Met-«al Work. |While the prices Heating is ||prices If you have not | | toe)“eomimission.J.B.\Virginin, Statesville Tin Co.| ?|adie .daar AGENTS WANTED—To sell Motor Fan.Goody *HARRISON,Branchville; Learnereen April 4 a4% INEW SILKS.* We are showing some specially attractive SILKSnow,both in Messalines,Taffetas and Tub Silks, {|as you know,we were fortunate enough to get ini}on early purchases and are prepared to sell almost, with a few exceptions,at old prices. New dainty striped Voils,Poplins,Suitings andmanyotherprettyEasterdress.materials,we are~ |anxious to show you.1itup-to~$6.00,-.Palm.Beach Coat Suits at speciali]values.A few more Sport Coats left at inviting PUMPS and SLIPPERS.Our showing in this line is large.We handle someofthebestfactorGetourpricesbeforebuying.J.M.McKee&Company.| ‘THE LANDMARK'S ADVE are very much higher in this line, Big lot of Skirts from.98c. lines which cannot be excelled.Very truly, ARE:TISERS AREUP-TODARERTISERS- ,could. VOL.XLII. “THE YOUNG FOLKS INLINE| Big Attendance on County Coni-mencement and a Fine Parade—Weather Stopped Out DoorExercises—The Contests and the Medal’Winners-—Those Who Received Cerificates andPrizes—Fine Exhibit. It would seem that an annual eventwhichbidsfairto.outrival.the delu-sive circus for drawing crowds,is theIredellCounty,Commencement.Friday morning by 10 0’clock southGenterstreet,from Sharpe to theSquare,and west Broad street fromtheSquaretoMeetingstreet,had theappearanceoftheusualcircusjamto-see a parade.People from all parts of thé county had gathered to see a.parade—not of animals in gilded cages but 3,500 to 4,000 children from the schools of ‘Iredell county.Onecountofthoseintheprocessionmadethenumber3,981,another 3,990.Lastyearthecountoftheprocessionshow-ed 2,840.The number this year ex-ceeded last by at least 1,000. The different schools of the county were lined up two abreast along southCenterstreet.It was originally.in-tended that the parade should form alphabetically,according to township and district,but owing to the large- ness of body and threatening clouds the order to march was given before this could be done.As the Kannapolis ..band played on an improvised ros- trum in the square,the:procession,headed by Chief Marshal Deaton andCounty.Superintendent of Schools Gray,mounted on horses,proceeded north along Center street,swungaroundthesquarealongwestBroadstreettothecollegecampus,where it was proposed to hold the exercises.Before half the procession had reach- ed the campus,however,it was de- cided to abandon.the open air _exer- cises on account of the cold .and threatening weather,and children -Were..magching from.the-campus:-be=.1 fore the -end—of the“.rocession,—com=. posed.of the Statesville graded school, ~~veached--there.Soon rain began fall- ing and the children were hurried to shelter.Churches were opened and heated and the people made as com- fortable-as-possible, All further exercises were aban- doned until the afternoon,when the declamation contest was held in-the court house and the recitation contest in Shearer Hall at the college.|Theathleticcontest,which was,to.havebeenheldontheWallacegroundsbé-yond the depot,was called off on ac- count of the weathesStartingwithafewdrops of rain occasionally,before the crowd got under shelter,it began to rain harder.Before the day was over it had ra‘n- ed,sleeted and snowea,the *latter melting as fast as it fell.Despite this fact the crowd moved from place to place and enjoyed the day as best it Interesting Exhibit. Probably the most interesting part of the commencement -was the exhib- its from the different schools,all of which were displayed in a vacant storeroom on west Broad street.It was all of articles made by'children— woodwork,needle work,crochet work, cooking,drawing,canned goods,etc.It was_all well done and does credit to pupils and teachers.The needle work was especially creditable.TheHarmonyHighSchoolandFarmLife School made an exceptionally good showing but was not allowed to com- pete for individual prizes.This schoolsoldalotofitsarticlesatauctionand realized a good sum—therefrom,—It had barbecued the pig raised on the scraps from the school children’s din-ner pails and sold this for a good sum Winners in Recitation and tion Contests. Miss Olivia Goode of Cool Spring~school,won the gold medal in the rec- itation contest.The judges were Miss Elnore Reid,Rev.J.F.Kirk and Mr, John A.Scott,Jr.In addition to Miss Goode the other contestants were: -Misses-Rachel-Sides,-Dette Rollins,} Mary Lackey,Florence Troutman,Mc- Ewen Templeton,Mary Gibbs,Mamie Reavis,Carrie Mills,Elsie Coffey,Ja- nie Pharr and Ethel -Holland. James Gudger of Oak Grove school, Davidson township,won the gold med- alin the declamation contest.The judges were Rev.J.H.Pressly,Prof. M,E.Yount and Mr.D.I’.-Mayberry. The other contestants were:_Fornie Beaver,Arthurs school,Barringertownship;James Dunlap,Duffy school,Bethany township;Allen Mor- row;Amity school,Chambersburg township;Clifton Harris,Linwood school,Coddle Creek township;Del- bert Vickery,Loray school,Concord township;William Gaither,Holly Springs school,Eagle Mills township; Cephas Lippard,Troutmen school. Fallstown township;Floyd Fox,Bar- ker school,New Hope township;Ray- mond Weisner,Eupeptic Spring:s school,Olin township;Clarence Wag- ner,Fullbright school,Shiloh town-ship;Raymond Reid,Feimster school,Statesville township;Jay Feimster, River Hill school,Turnersburg town- ship;Charlie.Madison,Trinity school Union Grove township,. _These contestants had been selectedinéachcaseafteratownshipcontest,in which representatives,of all theschoolstokpart.Only twelve of thetownships‘were represented in the'recitation contest.Fourteen of thetownshipswererepresentedinthedeclamationcontest...~~Completed-Seventh Grade. The pupils in the different schoolsofthecounty,who completed the sev-enth grade work and who were award-ed certificates entitling them to.en-ter.the High Schools,are as follows:Barringer Township.School—Emma_Kenner'ly,eo Kerr’s Declama- THE HACKETT DIVORCE. Cruelty Not Atleged-and——Non- Support Denied. In mentioning;several weeks ago,that Mrs,Lois Long Hackett ofStatesvillehadsecuredadivorcefromherhusband,~ex-Congressman-R.N,Hackett of Wilkesboro,the suithavingbeenbroughtatCarsonCity,Nev.,The Landmark stated that cru-elty and non-support were the allega-tions’in”the complaint.This infor- mation was obtained from a_source question,Yesterday The’Landmark —was shown a certified copy of the com- plaint ‘filéd in,the Nevada court in this action,and:no mention is madeofcruelty.The sole allegation is non-support.The charge ‘of non-sup- port is denied by Mr.Hackett and he has submitted evidence to The Land.mark to support the denial—evidence that he urged Mrs.Hackett to con- tinue to.live with him;that he offer-ed her money which was refused andthatchecksenttoherwasreturnedtohim,; These facts are stated in justice toMr.Hackett,who feels that the first!publication wronged him.“The Land-mark requests all papers that’pub-lished the first item appearing in thispaperaboutthedivorce—and a kergenumbercopiedit—to publish’thisstatementasamatterofjusticetoMr.Hackett. Mabel Johnson and Nannie Smith. Mazeppa School—Onlan Templeton. Bethany. Duffy School—Ethel HollandLucile,Holland. Fair View School—Vera and Mabel-Summers. Bethany School—June McAuley,Julia Dunlap and Andrew Gray.Moore School—Flake Redmond: Chambersburg. ,Wavside School—Wade Cloyd,Ma-mie..Reavis -and/Vander Shoemaker:|.Plyler Schiool-—Rehecca Freeland,.Coddle Creek. Linwood*School—Lelia Kistler,Ne- na Kistler,Elizabeth Linker.James Linker,John Johnson,Bernice Willi-ford,Lois Hudspeth and _Clifton Harris. Shepherd’s School—Harry Gabriel. Winnie Long,Myrtle Brawley and Den McCoy. Concord.Scott's School—Estelle Mitchell,Anna Harris,Maude Browning andUMildredModrigk,: Loray Schoot—Sharpe Edward Brown. Morrison,School—Mary Davis,An- na Davis,Maggie Beard,Rachel Ste- venson,Annie Stevenson and Colum-bus W.Watt. Trinity School—Rena J.Priv- ett,Dawsy Weston,Fanny .Weston, Elise Massey and Baxter Privett. Davidson.,Kennedy School—Cora Maness. Doolie School—Charlie Hawn andRebaHawn. Mt.Mourne School—Maidaree Cor- nelius.Mabel Houston,Mary Kelly,Winnie Hobbs and Rav Newton. Eagle -Mills. Eagle Mills School—Pauline Fletch- er,Paul Fletcher and Ola Nicholson. Stellman School—Bruce Jones.Odas Chaffin,Tracey Grose and _LizzieGrose, and Harmon Browning, % Fallstown, Ostwalt|School—Dessic Troutman, Dora Clodfelter,Katherine McLainandEdwinTroutman, Troutman High School—Keith Cor- nelius,Honorine Holtshouser,Homer Keever,Lela Waugh and Edgar Rank-in. Norwood School—Florence Trout- WI ice ee eee aa Leonard Schooh—James Rimmer. Olin.Kupeptic Springs School —RexWeisner,Raymond Weisner,Glenn Templeton,Dessie Templeton,Paul Current,Ruby Douglass and RebaDouglass. Hebron Sehool—Della Bell and Al- UabipasteyAe ae Sharpesburg. Rocky Branch School—Maggie MaeHilandNellieTeague. Sunnyside School—Blanche Pharr.Shiloh. Fulbright.School—Ruby Morrow, Adclia Cates_and Beulah-Deal. Statesville.Open View School—Key Barkley. Myrtle Barkley,George Barkley andDeweyBurgess. Feimster School—Sara Seroggs andRuthBrown.‘ Oak Grove School—-Irene “Patter- son,Fannie Cline,Eva Cline,George Cline,Malone Sherrill,Yates Bolling- er,Nellie Lackey,Janette Hoke,Watt Thomas,Paul Ellis,Mae Rash andWilliamPoteat. Greycrest School—Carrie Mills andCullenLentz. Eureka.School—Callie_Troutman. *Union Grove. Union Grove School—Herman Cash, Tom..Jennings,Ethel Jurney,Sarah Templeton,Allen Templeton and Ru-by Van Hoy._Liberty—George George Sharpe.Campbell and In addition to the above the follow-ing were,given certificates but insendingintheirnamestheteachersfailedtostatefromwhattownshiporwhatschool:;Hursell Dearman,Bertie ‘Stine.Hugh Weaver,Carl Weaver,EarlWeaver,Amelia Gasque,Lola Braw-ley,Ave Feimster,Sallie May Tatum,Clyde Shaw,Loyd °“Shaw,.EschelStroud,Dewey Joyner,Fuy Frieland,Novella Campbell,Ray Shaw,VelnaReece,Mary Lazenby.Lois Yates,irnest Heath,Orin King,Richard King,Ruby:Smith,Gay Jones,Elva(Continued on.Third Page.) STATESVILLE,N. ville.high school who won in the re-cent triangular debate—Miss Marga-;ret.Kirk--and--Cowles--Bristol for theaffirmativeandWalterAdamsandStuartCowlesforthenegative—willleave’tomorrow for Chapel.Hill to!take’part in the finals at the ‘Univer-sity, Supt,Thompson,iwhichthis.paper had no _reason-to 4 D‘a ;in-the-triangulars two years in suc, cession.Irepresentedat.Chapel Hill.this r have ,It is quite a compliment to Statesvilleschool,then,that this..is--the.third)consecutive trip of its representativestoChapel‘Hill-and two of the repre-'German government is able to an-sentatives—Miss Kirk the third time.schools.in the State—iPleasant Garden,!steamship-Sussex.— Wilson,Graham and Stem—have ‘at-|t to 4,000 high school students who replying to the inquiries of the United say.trip to Chapel Hill the home folks are/the Sussex.prove to have been de-confidently expecting the Aycock.cup |stroyed by a German torpedo contrarytocometoStatesville near doing last year, .|about 2 o’clock,the victim:of appen- urday—morning,was-ina dyiditionwhenshereachedthere an her fifteenth year,is peculiarly sad. verely,A physigian.was callet;. and bright girl. Two verses ofa song which the young |Katie “Ostwalt,assistant,take place ship,will beginning at_10-a.m:address by Rev.J.F.Kirk of States= ville and exercises by the children-af- ternoon and evening. Charity and Children,conducted ‘theserviceat Sunday evening. isn’t a preacher mighty fine sermon,which he did Sun« day evening. are always a_pleasure and complaint his many friends here make of him is thet he doesn’t come:often enough and stay long enough. supply.the pulpit for the pastor,Dr Chas.Anderson, ducting a meeting at Thomasville,Mr, gratifying night home yesterday. the First Baptist church of Statesvillé will hold services at Hebron..church, near Turnersburg,next Sunday af- ternoon, While everybody is member of Hebron church especially, who can do.so,is urged tt attend, 7+ CHAPEL HILL FOR FINALS. Statesville-Goes-For-the-.Third Time,, The-representatives of the States- They will be accompanied by Very.-few.ofthe high schools win Only 10 af the schools te be been represented there before,| and Cowles:Bristol—are going to Chapel Hill for! Only~four ~other} ained that distinction.Of the 8,000) have been entered in the preliminary| three,schools’at |Statesvillerepresentedtheir The third time is the charm,they! This being Statesville’s.third’ ,as it came very Sudden Death of a Young Girl. Miss Cora Murdock,young’daugh- ter of Mr.-and-Mrs,A;-A;—dockofthevicinityofTroutman,died attheSanatoriumSaturday.afterioon: dicitis.She was brought to ‘the Sana-torium between 9 and-10.o'clock Sats’dying “ton=} anoperationwasnotattempted:?The death of this young:girly-in She became ill while .at ‘school,’Thursday afternoon,but soon’recoy-| ered,Friday she attended*countycommencementin,.Statesville,‘inwhichshewasgreatlyinterested,and Gmarchedintheprocessionwith.‘herschool.When she reached home Fri-day afternoon she was suffering ‘se- on accourit-of the rah it GatetqwaituntilmorningtobringhertotheSanaterium. Miss’Murdock was 15-years and five months old and was a very attractive She was the young-est of a family of ten brothers andsisters,all of whom,with her parents, survive.The funeral service was con- ducted in St.Michael’s church,Trout- man,Sunday afternoon,by Rev.J.C. Keever,-and the interment-was-in-St- Michael’s -cemetery,;—near Troutman: lady had sung a few days before her death,playing -her own —accompani- ment on the organ—the last time she was at the organ—were sung at thegrave. Two Accidents. The closing exercises of the Moun- tain View school will be held Satur- day.-In-the morning’songs,-recita= tions and plays.In the afternoon songs,plays,declamations and an ad- dress ‘by.Mr..R.-T.Weatherman. Inthe evening songs,recitations, plays and the valedictory.° The closing exercises of Shawnee public school,Davidson township,Mr.T.A.Kennedy,principal,and Miss tomorrow,12th.Exercises begin at 10 o’clock with songs and recitatigns,At_11_o'clock the Junior Order willpresent,a flag and Bible.PresentationaddressesbyMr.C.B.Webb and Dr. Chas.Anderson of Statesville,ac- ceptance by Rev.J.C.Keever.Dinner at 12.-Address at 2 in the afternoon by -Mr.-H,C.Privette of Statesville, Songs and recitations in the.after- hoon and in the evening,beginning7.30,a play,“Coon Creek Court-ship.” The school at Athens,Olin _town- close tomorrow,exercises Puplic-dinner, Mr.Johnson.Here—Church News. Mr.Aychibald Johnson,editor of chureh Johnsonpreacha the First Banvtist While Mr. he can His visits to Statesville the only Mr.Johnson came to Statesville to who'has been .con- Johnson’s home,for two weeks.The meeting,which was attended by very results,closed Sunday and Dr.Anderson returned The Laymen’s.Missionary team of 983 o'clock,every16th,.atinvited, April W.F.PRIVETT. ~License has been issued for themartiageofMii.William Knox PopeandMissJanieMay.Aldredge. C,,TUESDAY,APRIL 11,1916. ne =— AND GERMANY DENIES IT Didn’t.Torpedo Sussex and.Oth. er Vessels,Says Report From Berlin. «in a desperate struggle for posses- sion of:Dead Man's hill the French dines were penetrated’Sunday night for a distance of aboéut 500 yards in the vicinity of the height.Paris -an- nounced this yesterday.in reporting a battle which raged in the Verdun region along a:13-mile:front north of the stronghold.’‘Elsewhere the Frenchlinesstoodthetestofthesavageat-tacks of the Germans,who are bring-ing notably heavy forces to bear inan.effort to break the new Frenchlinewest:of the Meuse,‘A dispatch from Berlin says-the nounce that fie German submarine orwarshipwasresponsiblefortheex-plosion which damaged the BritishRoot When Germany on April 5 handed Ambassador Gerard an interim note States government regarding the Sus-contests since the debating union wWas|sex and four other steemers,the mat-organized four years ago,only. have Chapel Hill three times.tfurnishestwooftheseandthe third)ating the.agitation|comes from Stem,Granville,county.|States.over these cases,transmitted ter of responsibility still was in doubt and the investigation was proceeding The German foreign office,appreci- in.the United zn interim response declaring —thereadinessofthegovernment,should to the understanding with the United States,to.make all reparation,.in-cluding the payment of compensation:The Associated Press is informed authoritatively that the investiga-tion has now been completed;thatallthecraftwhichpossiblymight have been involved in an attack on the Sussex have reported;that.fromthereportsof.their commanders it is absolutely certain that the Sussex was‘not“destroyedby a~German torpedo;rand-that—termanyis"ii no wise re-sponsible for the dissster.iFromthematerialathandit alsowillbepossibletoreplytotheAmer- ican inquiries regarding the steamers Englishman,Manchester Engineer,Eagle Point and Berwindvale and es- |tablish,according to the German con-tention,that no “blume attaches’toermany. Washington says Germany’s dis-claimer of responsibility for the de-striction.of the channel liner.SussexaurcoundsthepositionoftheUnited.States in the present difficulties,Be- fore the next step is taken,collec- tion of evidence,intended to prove le-gally that the Sussex was destroyed by a German submarine,will fave te proceed further.A decision will be reached on the evidence and the Unit-ed States will absolutely be sure itstandsonfirmgroundbeforerender-ing one. ‘THE~ALDERMEN SITTING. Citizens Present Requests and Claims—Delinquent.Taxes to Be Advertised—Mr.Lazenby to List. The board of aldermen met in reg- ular monthly session Friday night. Messrs.M.L.Trexler and O.W.Elam,who live on Water street,ap- peared before.the board and —askedthattheybenotrequiredtopayfor sidewalk improvements because theyhadbeentoconsiderableexpense raising their houses and lots to con- form to the ‘sidewalk grade.The matter was left to a committee. Mr.R.E.Clapp was before the board in regard to his lot,corner Armfictd-and Mutberry streets.Mr. Clapp claims 26 inci on Armfield street used by the toWn in sidewalkimprovement‘and offers to adjust it on the basis that the town pay for the 26-inches-at-the rate-that-he paid forthelot.Mr.-W.J.Lazenby was appointedlist-taker for Statesville inside and was ordered to sit at the same time and place as the list-taker for States-ville outside. Hilliard Byers and other colored citizens petitioned for an extension of water and sewer lines south along Green street from the colored graded schoo)._The matter of the sewer-was left in abeyance and the matter of thewaterlinewasreferredtothewater eommittee.: The petition of citizens for cement sidewalks on both sides of —west Sharpe street was granted. It was ordered that advertising of city property for taxes begin June 2. The street committee was authoriz- ed to consider the matter of purchase or exchange of a street roller;and it was ordered that Sharpe street,be- tween Center and Mecting,be —im- proved. It was decided to enter into a con- tract|-with Mr.W.A.Evans whereby Mr.Evans is to use for a slaughterpenfortenyearsthecity’s old rock quarry south of town,and the city is to get sand-clay from Mr.Evans’place for ten years. James Alexander Won at David- son, James Alexander,14-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.M.P..Alexander, won out in.the declamation contest atDavidsonCollegeFridaynight.The contest was between reptesentativesoftheHighSchoolsofthewest-cen- tral district of.North Carolina and the prize was,a gold medal.Fourteen Were in the contest.Thursday night and eight of them were eliminated. Of the six who contested FridayniehtyoungAlexanderwon, James is properly proud of himself,Saying that he had to declaim againstsomeasbigashisdaddy. jin-Barton Creek township, VILLA IS’STILL AHEAD, Soldiers—The Punitive Expe- dition, Tn his flight from:the American cav- alry.Francisco.Villa is believed to have passed Parral and with his band, said:to number over 200 men,is re-ported to be heading to.Durango City.The Mexican:mititary authoritieshaveofferedtheAmerican'‘punitiveexpedition:the--use of Mexican’tele-|'graph and telephone lines,accordingtoGeneralPershing’s report to’Gen-eral’Funston.‘Up to the preseiit con-sent to use the railroad lines has notbeengiven:The drivers of the aeroplanes thatvisited:Chihuahua said they had been treated courteously by ~-General -Gut-ierrez,commanding officer at Chihua-,|hua,after it was demonstrated thattheyhadcome.on.a friendly migsion. Before that fact was.determined bythealarmedpublicafewstoneshadbeenthrownatthemandashotortwofired.No one was injured | General Pershing said some sup-plies had been purchased in Chihuahuaandthatthereappearednodisposition on the part of those with stores to withhold their.goods,but that the lim-ited amount of supplies at Chihuahuaat.present made it almost impossibleto_vet provisions. Frank admission is made at armyheadquarterstodaythatwithouttheuseoftherailroads,a materialstrengtheningoftheforcesorthees-tablishment of a.new-base and line of,communication,the moving into Mex-.icoc an proceed:but a short.distancefurtherunlesstheadvancedforcescutloosefromtheirbase.ca—Twenty-Apache.Indian scouts wereassembledonthe.border last:week.They.will be sent into Mexico to aidtheAmerican.expedition.in.thesearchforVilla, ] t ranza..was_abcAmericapedi.tion to retire from Mexico is denied in Washington.For-the first time theordersgiven-the expedition sent intoMexico,through Gen.Funston,havebeenmadepublic.They are datedMarch‘10 and are as follows:“You will promptly organize an ad- equate force of troops,under the com-mand of Brigadier General John J.Pershing,and:will direct:him to pro-ceed promptly:across the border inpursuitoftheMexicanbandwhichat-tacked the town ‘of Columbus,N.M.,band ‘troopsthare:iThesetroopswill.be withdrawn’‘toAmericanterritory.as,soon as the defactogovernmentof:Mexico is abletorelievethemofthiswork..In anv event,the work of:these troops willheregardedasfinishedassoonasVilla’s band or bands are known tobebrokenup. “In carrying out.these.instructionsyouareauthorizedtoemploy.what-ever guides or interpreters are neces- sary,and you *are given general au- thority to employ.such transportation, including motor transportation,withnecessarycivilianpersonnel,as mayberequired. "You are instructed to make allpracticable.use.of the aeroplanes —atSanAntonioforobservation.Tele- graph for whatever reinforcementsor__material you need,Notify thisofficeastoforceselected,and exped-ite movement.” MATTERS OF NEWS. The President has~appointed-J;-H; Ball postmaster at-Elkin. McClellan Walker,12.yéars old,was killed by a tree falling on jhim, Wake i T county. The House bill repealing the free sugar clause of the tariff Jaw is un-der debate in the Senate.A vote will be taken today.2, The silk mills at Wadesboro,which have been operated successfully by colored labor for years,will be -en-larged-and-the force of operatives.in-creased.ay] Miss Marguerite Fries,only daugh- ter of Mr.and Mrs.Henry E.Fries of Winston-Salem,died Friday as the result of an.attack of scarlet fever. ‘She was 24 years old.: The bronze statue of the late Sena-tor Vance will be unveiled in statuaryhall_of the national capitol June-7_oF 8.Gov,Craig and Vice President Marshall will be the speakers: Editor King of the Durham Her- ald complains that they’re charging$1.50 a pint for 30-cent liquor in Dur-ham,The folks who pay that priceandtakechancesonthestuffmust want it bad.5 I:BE.Robbins,a young white man who appeared in Greensboro recently(where from not stated)and is said o have represented himself asa min-isterial student,was’arrested on achargeofpassingworthlesschecks, 1 A man in this county ordered $30worthofpaintfromamailorderhouse.He could not use the paint and had to buy $17 worth from a lo»cal dealer,He would have saved’$30bybuyingathome-and not foolingwiththe.mail order shark. ‘Mr.Hudson Dies at Wilkesboro. Mrs.Hunter Moore of Statesville was advised yesterday of the death of her uncle,Mr.Thos.Hudson of Wilkesboro.Mr."Hudson ‘formerly lived in Statesville,He’is survived by.his wife and.several children. Burial at Liberty church;near Hid- denite,this’afternoon, ‘Manages ~to-~Elude~American}~—j day night.Publie cordi: fruits and other ed by the frost Mr.Cooper’s farm. day.‘sold the stock ‘of goodsA.Wood &Co.to Messrs,ETharpeandJ.R.Poston.’The com-pany recently assigned.©> ceric eee na Woe cocornerRaceandWalnuts $consideration being $8,400,MrtakespossessionJanuary1,1917, the colored —peopleDickerson,AdambitandJo.King.The ‘first:were aged and the latter a;youth. night from her home -in»Tennessee,where ‘she spent a month recapefromanattackofillness,her work yesterday. onthe?9th instant!of'internal fhislegasthetafriend,at his home inMr,McCanless is now a fie pass when there are notpersonsfrom‘Yadkin,see county.here enroute.to the.est.Wilkes county,composed of EB.W.Ball,J.H.Holland,Jaret Ball;RufeJohnsonandWillMoore..ThheadedforIllinois. was_arrested -in-New Jersey,cently told in The Landmark.-Ksupposedtohaveobtainedabout $400byhistheftsandforgery,When ar-rested he had $25 in cash,a watchandacoupleofsuitcasesfuclothes. was caught in the shafting 0:machinery at the plant of the 0.WySlaneGlassCo.Thursday afternoonandhisclotheswerewas.slightly bruised. Company.to Manufacture tof Beber,but it’s worth the price, RRerte “—-Box-supper at Loray ie —It is,generally reported t -—Mr,R.A,Cooper Saturday borfromMr.F.K.Bost fifty acrés.and in Bethany township,‘adjoaySfOmer —The South StatesvilleJuniorOrderwillpresenta BilflagtotheOlin«school |morning at 11 o’elock,—A play will be given at 3hemschoolhousetomorrow:small admission :the benefit of the school.will be «Mr.Roy Herman has gonWinston-Salem,where he hasaionwiththeCarolinaCadillacCo.Mrs.Herman will join:him later, —Because of conflicting attractions;the annual meeting of the Commecialclub“has’been ppetponenF 2 riday night to Friday-night;we Ist :4‘—iMr.C.M.Adams,trustee,yeof - —Mr.J.B.Fraleyhas sold to Mt —There were four aon Imes,Hen —There is no céssationmandfor.automobiles.-often-sold:Taster iat Asalthem.pects this week two carslandsandFords.©‘ The Carolina Moteach of Verasees“nur ‘Mrs.oneoereturned ay and | —Miss Mary Graham,nasiasianperintendentofpubliciastrueMecklenburgcounty,was heretoattendtheIredellCountymencementandwastheguestCelesteHenkelwhilehere. —Mr,Walter F.McCanl enue,feleaeof a n the revenue service.89" It is rather unusual for a week to, ir or moreexanderor Friday the:party was.from ey were: —Deputy Marshall J.L.MilhollandSaturday.transferred from the Burkejail.to the Iredell jail John Kizer,Scyler-Smith.and John:Young,the:ast named colored,all of whom %to be tried in Federal court next wiforblockading.They were arrestesomemonthsagoandhad|beenBurkejailin,default of bond.~~ —The Democratic primaries -meetSaturdaytoelectdelegatestothcountyconvention,to be ‘held on the 22d,elect delegates to the State conven+tion,whichgatestothe national-Neither-the-county-nor-nvetionsnominatecandidates,These willbenamedintheprimariesJune8. The’county.convention. in turn.will elect dele-convention. t——John Kale,the negro who stolecottonfromtheginatLongIslanCatawbacounty,and sold the cottoitotheLongIslandCottonMills,wasandedin.Catawba-jail last week.He. ois of —The Landmark is|Persons interested-in the tural schools.ol-the-county -have been consideringmensuitableformembershiponcountyboardofeducation,)Landmark is asked to say that Mr.J.Iproper man.the place,it is stated,but is’willing:to serve,and it is urged in his behathathéisapracticalschoolmanandacquaintedwithrural‘conditions. The School Glosings. ‘thendThe >.Watt of Scott’s is believed to be aMr.Watt is not seeking». Mr.J.F.Murdock of Shiloh towns ©ship-fell from a ldad of straw Thurs+day afternoon and was painfully in> J .but on account of Mr.Murdock’s age,ee eee 71 years,it is feared he will belaid Experience With a Mail Order.|}?for some time.his Taylorsville Scout. ured;‘There are no bones~broken He fell ‘on >ead.recaereRoyHoneycutt,‘about 14 yearssome jerked off and,he : O48 Pl rTMessrs.J.H.McElwee '&SeL.Fleming and others have ©fornacompany,for the man plug tobacco;ordered ‘andbuildingon tpectedthatitwill bheforethenewcompany isbusiness. ‘Machinery hasillbeinstallediiaterstreet.ItiIlbeabout| This paper is @ so % ie¥ . FROM OVER THE CLUE aena”s x ‘Summary of the Activities ofInterestAboutVarious,the Organization th -----Matters. Great Britain and her allies have} for ‘wheat in Aus-} and Roumania,. ns were killed,several in- ured and a number ished.by.a windstor leans ‘suburb. ‘Senator “Warren--G... Ohio has been selected for temp ry chairman of can convention; cago June 7.~The American steamer which sailed from Puget Sound late in December with cotton and othermerchandisefortheRussiangovern We have had reavests for:oUF Boos,whom there 6 no ro An order for 20,000,000 pounds of |‘Manufacturing and ¥* American tobacco for delivery to Eu-|every State in the Union. principally|to this they have gone (OUS TOPICS. Lantnar,ha pocommentoThereisn’t anything ta say. “of them who get divorces-of themarried.state—they spent $86,000,000tralia,Argentine demiol-+club-the..past year,Unt jimportant matters are summarized. Things too numerous to mention done ¢,by the club,and which would justify|system. ora-l its”existence;=gannot—be included in|consists<ef= bli-;the report.Among other.things the i i i ;_{report says:° widen:Seen s ie “We have been concentrating’our?Rev. efforts on distributing the books,and/|ciation,said ‘the the results that have been-obtained-in |the replies to the advertise iwere carried have been in a New Or- enburg Superior Court a fewweregrantedatsandbvthetime days ago_divorcesnumberofapplican:ink.dry-.on_-the..decrees—of.separation two who had attained free-in one case,a woman inre-entered the bonds of Rio Pasig,| dom—a mananother—had ao 2 fSolicitorShawoftheKinston dis- trict is investigating the killing of Jo.Black,the negro who was.recent-“wv taken from jail at Kinston,Greene county citizens,it is alleged,carried to Greene county and shot todeath.The reports say the solicitor~expects to*bring the perpetrators:ofthecrimetotrialforbreakingjailandmurder.”,had no right to come here.and takethemanoutofjailandkillhim:he}was not even charged with murder,”the solicitor declares,same nothing will he done about it. Tf anybody is brought to trial,which governments, France and.Italy, has been placed and|Canada and Mexico. is said to be the largest order of its)tributed in this manner approximately,¢ 12,200 books.As to the result obtained |wor d from this distribution,this is entirely’efforts for the orphans;provide more| ton of old St.Paul's problematical.You know that the adequate and effective punishment for abandonment of children by parents;| bringitig a number of citizens who are raise the age limit of school attend-| now here and taking’a part in,our ance and continue,the campaign for: |was found in the belfry of the church,business affairs.In addition to this the “One Day’s Income”for the or. it has been the cause of a number)phanage of one’s choice,2s conducted| varying ‘in/so successfully kind ever received in this,country. Philip G.Walton,55 years old an for 31 years sex chapel,New York city,recently com- plained.of the monoteny of his exist- ence.A few days ago his dead.body He had hanged himself with a sash John Edward Lanier of Chatham, Va.,said to be a wealthy member of}.C / icti i |ss243 s *x *+nr securing he WwW icenotexpected,a conviction will not},distinguished family,shot his.wife in securing,the new ice committed suicide.recover.|Friday and then|Mrs,Lanier is The ‘couple were married in Decem- Despondency is the only reason Col.Dodd.who is dashing about the |interior of Mexico at the’head of cav-alry troops,falling on bandits whenhecangetunwiththemandsmitine_,them hiv and thich,is 64 vears old.~.Ivvhis first attack.on the Villa band,.he was in the saddle for 17 hours be-,,&ore he found the enemy,banged them for a couple of hours orso,chasing them ten miles.before he stooped to take a breathingCol.Dodd’s age hasn’t impaired his vigon—that is evident.it.may not be generally known that| :which figuresprominentlyintheMexicanexpedi- jon,is a negro regiment,and a regi-;ment that has a fine record for serv-| naval sta- broke from By the way,inde four ed at the depot ryears and empowering the President ed in displeying to take steps to intsitute a free and/of the manvfactu ‘independent government. Over 50,000 postal ‘Great Britain have enlisted in the ar- he result that.the postal now handicapped the|shortage of labor.‘Except in the case do so.|“With the,idea.ol getting.the peo. “ple interestedin ~~beautifying their | back yards and premises,we secured slides which we exhibited at the-eols. lege about a month ago.“As you inow,the club will some time in June move io the new quar-ters in the Morrison building,which are now occupied by Mr.G.E.French tne Wo across the hail.All these rooms are)© to be remodeled,and when completec will be an ideal place for 2 with all modern improvements.” Appended to the report is ie Judge Carter wrote to Judge Man- “My obligation to you is such as to employes ,in utterly prohibit my engaging in po-!litical rivalry.with you;if you enter|my,with ‘tltheraceIshallofcourseinstantly)service is :I beg you to settle cannnqatter-instriet=accordawithsyour owntor the larger titles,math “deliveries:= inclination without regard to my sit-|have been cut down to |While the hours of Manning announced|postoffices have been’shortened. aeae he had th ot |.Chas.Penland,a young Says he ha e nomination won.Asheville,was convicted Whether he had won by a two a day, uation or feelings.” Then Judge his candidacy.Judge Carter’s man-! in Federal F don’t |court at Greenville,S.C.,of violatingknow,but it was evident.even to the}the Mann -white casual observer,that he had a strong’sentenced to two years in the Weder-following and had good reason to be-|al prison at Atlanta. lieve that he would win.Under the ported a girl from Asheville to Green- ec -oeireumstances it -was a greatsacri-|ville and registered at a local hotel that Judge Manning reauired of!as man and wife. sn friend—a greater“should have been required under the¢?citcumstances,it.seems to The Land-wtark.Judge Penland trans- sacrifice than)‘The Republican presidential pref- erence primary in Michigan wesulted Hortation fol boost: gained|in a victory for Henry Ford,the au-“: 7 tomobile man. friends.We are not so sure but that |Senator William Alden Smith was 5,- Tord says it was a victory for peace rather than for himself. vote to mean that a,But suc will quic His majority vices:Judge Manning haslost, =z (The civic devartment of the Wo-| man’s club of Greensboro says:“One|filthy back yard can raise enough ty-vhoid germs to kill half of Greens- People whose .premises breed_pestilences have been responsible for more deaths than anv murderer everoi,Jodged_in Guilford jail.If your yard| your neighbor’s|It is as much a menace to, Sanitation is interprets the majority of the Michigan voters en- dorse his views on preparedness. Existence of an international an- archistic plot to assassinate all rul-i ers-of:Europe-has.:-been.discovered -in-:;- Chicago,according to a formal state- is uncleanlv it ment by Maclay Hoyne,State’s was {known to anarchists in various cities lin America as well as in Europe.One from each city was believed to \have been delegated to the work of, |assassination.|written statement had been made to ‘him by an anarchist bearing the de-|rheumatismbias itails of the alleged plot. President -Wilson has commuted them as to vou. finickyness:it is a fight for health,often for life.Are you helping to ren-der your neighbor’s efforts vain?”A bald statement of.theClean-up and sanitation campaigns now being urged are not fads—theyarefightsforhealthandhappiness|and often.for life. refuses to keep his premises clean andsanitaryisnotavood-citizen.He is) amenace.The individual has no right; to-do-things-or to allow.conditions to}exist that may seriously affect others.His home may be his own,but he has no-_right_to_allow_his_premises_to—be- come unsightly and unhealthful. The Statesville people who didn’t! clean up yesterday should get busy The citizen who lal prison in Atlanta under a year’s ‘sentence for operating an illicit dis-; The men were convicted a;Greensboro and sentenced to four and \six months in Guilford county jail. |They asked that sentence be changed|® ‘to a year each in the Atlanta prison. Boyd a A parent comes to us and wants |Joined in the request for the commu-}; jus to advocate changing the law con-|_ cerning minors loafing in pool rooms:;Catawba Democrats Name Tick-' et—Mr.Self Withdraws. Catawba county Democrats,in mass He says he has just learned that his|son,unbeknown to him,{ an expert pool player and has also|been gambling.The boy is but 15|meeting at Newton Saturday,nomi- He says as the law is;nated Walter C.now the pool room-owners are not-li-:Legislature,R.L.Hewitt for sheriff, He wants the law changed so/A.P.Whitener for register-of deeds,,money.Thére are lots of skin reme- that when a minor is allowed to play!W.G.Ramsey for coroner,Enlo Yo- pool the license will be revoked.The der for surveyor,W.B.Gaither forrecenthappeninginthistownofajcountyjudge,Frank Seagle,young boy accused of going wrong,Phillips,Charlie Huitt,John J.Ratch-|has caused several fathersbusyandtheyarebeingsurprised.—|missioners. *s Everything. years of age.for the get|ford and J.A.Lentz for county com-| Leave the children un- i controlled at home and when they get“in trouble demand that a law be'|?passed or that a society be organized |to:take care of them.Nine times out|=fenchikiren 0 to the bad because|.they haven’t been properly trained |;and controlled at oka Veen | ‘them go until they are past control.|If a.boy-is allowed to run the streets|until he is 15 it is too late to try tocontrolhim.If,when a babe in arms| he is taught to obey and made to obey{/}.-and properly instructed,the chances!Birmingham,Ala.,are that the training he gets at home|ASsociation of Southern Church.Col- ‘,will save him—in the great majority|l!eges,which will take upLandmark|work of «fighting’lynch patience with the race for Attorney General. Anti-Lynching Society. Eighteen Southern ‘represented at the organization,last week,of the actively the of cases\at least.has mighty little .parents who neglect theirtrainingandcontrollingtheirdrenandthen,when the childreintothewildwaysthatistheir nat-ural bent,set up a howl for the State!in the South.po society to do what:they.failed to| Speakers said that approximately |4,000 dynchings have been committed’ in the United States since 1885 Out Malaria cam- Old Standard G ‘HSS chill TONIC.Y:a are taking,as the formula isfedofeverylabel,showing it ‘iseandinj@tastelessform,|ves out’malaria,the| eRe ry Se atin Cough Remedy. rom a smal ginning the sale and useof |this remedy.has extended to_all parts of the|Marc 15,A018.pred ma and te acct foreign countries.:!en you have ni of such a medicine giveupthesystem.50 cents |Chamberlain's:Cough Remedy a trial and you|will understand why itDING?C.WATKINS,| s become so popularObtainableev- for coughs,colds and ¢ Year. ‘Attractive Statesville,’ as q will be held here this n The 80-foot naval dirigible balloon,si:mmer we eae bs |recently received at the |tion at Pensacola,eee its moorings Friday and was driven:were ENarMORneOe about by the wind for six hours be-:cote)os fore it descended at Argyle,-Fla.,100 miles northeast of Pensacola.It was ijon Jooki eich fully inflated with 25,000 cubic feet Se Ae f gas when it broke away. Passage of the pendence bill is recommended to the! |House of Congress by the insular com- |mittee,just as passed by the Sonate, the Clarke amendment the necessity of swatt with Dr.Chas.Ande to ity.During the r industries.of Stat the of together with Roost the goods that 5 He They can get along w If they “Boost for every for Boost for eve Boost the n =f — If you'd m at-|Boost it to COUNTRY,|COMMERCIAL CLUB WORK.‘Would Investigate Mothers’Pen-|. The North Carolina Orphanage As- sociation,in session in Raleigh last iweek,adopted resolutions previding that a special conimittee be appointed for_investigation as to the operation s’Pension”system asberof:States.and dvisability of urging.the North Carolina Legislature to adopt~such-a; Archibald Johnson,J..R. Young and M.-L.: In favoring suc The Commercial club of ‘hassent.to the members 2 summary lof the report of the activities of the of the “Mother Only the \most ted-in-a-num ha pension fund, 7-Paris,president-of the Asso- re are now applica- tions forthe admission of more thansonfilewiththevari-s of the State and for) ments that)1,000 orp gratifying.|ous orphanage “| ;Resolutions also called on the Leg-| ‘arming,’from!jslature to provide some In addition|that will protect the orphanage work’ into Cuba.|of the State from irresponsible per-| We have dis-|sons working in the interest of so- alled orphanage and child k,to the hurt of the,really worthy ~Does It Run On Kerosene? hooks hate been.the sole cause of ‘coming here for stsvs Thanksgiving| length from one week to six»months.| “The club secured,or rather aided| company.tee showed that about $25 \which is.now under course of ean-)in the contributions to the orphanages;ttributable to | campaign for| The report of the publicity commit-|.000 increase | struction,and assisted these gentle-:of the State is direcily a men in getting ‘located.“!the “One Day’s Income’ “The club secured the convention donations made for last Thanksgiv-! of the Seventh Day Adventists,which)jng Day.Letters were received from Last:the officers of nearly all the orphan-| sides showing ares,givingwthe benefit each received flies,and)from this campaign and commending: n's assistance;the movement highly. preading the.gos-|=:ar napencers orn |GIRL COULDNOTWORK pel of cleanliness around the premises. The club now has under yay negotia- ‘ds the ereetion of signs at Winston-Saiem and Greens- boro calling the attention to the good roads west and south via Statesville | “The club has kept at work on the| ‘THE most important feature of a farm power engine today is ‘the fuel it uses, That,more than anything clse,determines its usefulness and economy. At present prices of gasoline and kerosene,you could not afford to accept a gasoline engine as a gift, if you had to use it. You could better afford to pay a big premium fer a? Mogul kerosene engine. See the Mogul work on kerosene.Ask your dealer to show you the difference in fuel cost between a Mogul in any size from 1 to 50-H.P.,and a gasoline engine of the-same size,The figures will surprise you. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) -Mogul kerosene engines are sold by Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. sign boards for the public roads until now in many instances they are a‘real-year we heve.install- a display case to be us- me of the producte, ond.farming ille county,and if the people would only| give us exhibits this would do a vast ‘sides and when my periods came |had amount of good,but so iar it has been ,like drawing eve teeth to get them to How She Was Relieved from | Pain by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Taunton,Mass.—‘‘I had pains in both from werk and suf-| |Pinkham’s Vegetable C: mother bought it ond the was so well that [wo without staying at ho in good health now and hey girls about it.’’—Mis: 22 Russell Street,T S38 Thousands of girls suffer in silence every month rather than consult a phy- e troubled with ods,backache, “Boost your city,boost your friend, over Roost the lodge that yeu attend, Boost the street on which you're dwelling, you ave selling, Boost the people round about you, ithout you, find thembehindthem. mavement, rovement, ou labor, painful or irregular po |headache,dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-| pound;a safe-and pure’remedy made* from roots and herbs,much svffering|etter.” To arrest rhcum and other Skin Troubles H.WW.F.HALL,DRUGGIST,ive Statesville. PA EESSCLSTLeereRe J.D.Elliott of Hickory was en-MISSIONER?ALE OF RI dorsed for the State Senate in Lincoln COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF Rt and Catawba counties. Mr.Feimster,who is a native Iredell,represented Catawba in the Legislature some years ago. Mr.W.A.Self of Hickory, was chairman-of the convention, who ‘de against Philip Bost, an-be the in Statesville,North Carolina,to the highest| bidder,on |SATURDAY,APRIL 15TH,1916, at 12 o’ciock,M.,the following described real} estate,belonging to the estate”of Lynwood} were | and tho id Pees m |Records i YredellTheorganizationhasbeeninpro-|Records of Deeds fore Seve me courts) cess of formation for several months and it is proposed to inaugurate the most aggressive draw interest from date of confirmation‘sale.“Titlesto be retained until purchate money ispaidinfull.DEWEY L.RAYMER, might be avoided.. Write to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine | o-Carts and Sulkies! ‘ ” cameeisecaen ev cae“Take the Babies out these fine spring days and bring the roses to their cheeks and health to.their- bodies.We have the GO-CARTS and SULKIES in quantities —assorted styles,sizes and prices.Come and see and get first choice. Statesvilie Howsefurnishing Co.- BETTER GOOBS FOR LESS MONEY.=f a I RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the tortures of Jame musclesand stiffened joints because Lof impurities in the blood,and each suc-||ceeding attack scems more acute until Co.,Lynn,Mass.(confidential)for irce advice which will prove helpful. edthe wholes |atism it is quto!portant toimprove your general heal four and six months,respectively,the to purify your blood,and the cod liver oil | sentences impdsed December 15 last inScott’sl upon Arlie and Ernest Vuneannon of maker,while its’ North Carolina,who are in the Feder-|strengthens the organs to expelimpuritiesand-upbuild-your strength.Scott’s Eniulsion is helping thousandst}every day who could not find other relief —_—_Refuse-the-a!coholicsubstiluics. igi is nature’s great blood-+ medicinal nourishment Home comforts can only be by heating your house. one thing we give our special at- Everything in Sheet Met- Ask us any question ———We Guarantee—— Saxo Salve t re :<:aT LETTS RC eee :a her SL STL EAE aN Ta i mh ~ae‘OR SALE![e[_| 268 acres 30.miles from Statesville on the Catawba river,100 acres in cultivation,50 of which is fine river bottom,balance in woodland,two-story,7-room dwelling,large stock barn. 118 acres,16 miles from Statesville,on the road between.Glin and ee se i sburg.©three-room dwelling,barn and out-buildings,40 : acres in eultivation,12 of which is productive bottom tand,56 neres in fine original oak,poplar and pine timber,near school and ‘churches. 76 1s,2 1-2 miles from Harmony State High School,on public road,with small dwelling,20 acres in cultivation,balance in wood- land,quarter of mile of school snd 1 mile from church. ior -further-information call-on or write PRAT PUGH GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-BRNEST G.GATTRSK,Sts sno REAL ESTATE, PITONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. Wea LOT ITSSPIT IFIPPPST LEVI eooe eae esse TIT STIS t If you have not time to drop in the shop ’phone 55. Yours for Heating and Sheet Met- Statesville Tin Co. FOR SALE. and about an acre about this line.CPPPOPESOPOSITEOT 19 Eee ee Tees icsteouS|to stop the itching and begin healingwiththefirstapplicationorreturnyour SI T I I T e dies but Saxo is the only one they guar- “antee like this.Why don’t yor try it? ZE S T ey : ESTATE. of BY VIRTUE of a decree of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,North Carolina,made)jeaches,chertinthespecialproceedingentitledDeweyL.rielies ,Raymer,executor of the will of Lynwood Bost,of Harmony,ii ie Ree dnraienedbeomminn and |School,Farm Life School,churches,stores,ete, ,Geer Iderelened com Miss Onel Wh Pitailroad Dow llsellatpublicauction,at the court house door)qyiek buyer for cash. 33 {Garden and truck Property located in t VI I I IS T |nersburs,Turnersburg,N.C. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. Shingles,Doors, re e c e se s o o e t Bost,deceased,situated in the city of States-|!in ville,North Carolina,adjoining the } Mrs.J.S.Ramsey,N.A.Bost and oth more particularly deseribed as follows,towit:! .Beginning at Mrs.J.S.Ramsey’s corner on} Davie avenue and running thence with her line|the N.41 degrees W.182 1-2 rect to a stake on Ne}\.Bost’s line;thence with N.A.Bost's line|S.62 degrees W.70 feet vo a stake on Park |tt:thence S.40 degrees E.T82 1-2 feet to|venue;thence with Davie avenue N.51}s FB.70 feet to the beginning,and being} 4 entienl,land conveyed‘to Lynwood Bost| practically 90 per cent.of these were |by N.A.Bost,by deed cated December 5th,| 4 '1907,and registered in Book 37,page 319 of Windows,Ceil- Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, ete.eeNextPlanters’Wh-,Statesville. WANTED!r e SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per ound FOR SALE: New and second hand:machinery }- for sale and.all kinds 9f “Uoiter room supplies. PI T P I TS I TT T es o s _Vertes of Sale—One-third cash or day of ‘confirmation of sale and the remainder Jue in;six months from date of confirmatic |with privilege to purchaser to pay caAndBuildUpTheSystem|paign against the mob spirit ever un-|time before maturity,Déferved ROVE’S|dertaken in the South,it is said, Ve I T e v o s e e Fe s Te o s e o c e s COMING!THE BATTLE CRY OF}PEACE!BUILDING?C.WATKINS. Cc.H.CURNER. fredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. Commercial National Bank OF SFATESVELLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits —-31,000.00 Members of Federal Reserve System.- Lo P O S 0 9 99 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 09 0 8 50 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 OO CO O ee ee e te e t e r s ea t e r t e d Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.oo Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS:—°.oe W.D.TURNER,--=~-_.~_President.°@ ‘Ry MORRISON,=+ -Vice President.¢D.M.AUSLEY,--.-_Cashier. G.KE.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. san ae [o> an — py or ped Nt et and mymorethanany‘one could tell. “fread one day about Catt,-man's-tonic,and-1 decided-totbadtakenbutahoutsixbottlBSwasalmostcured.It.did morefeetthanalltheothermedicines1had_put together.‘My friends began asking.me why Ithemabout60well,and |tolveralarenowtaking it,’’2po you,lady reader, such as headache,backache,sideacheSleeplessness,aud that everiastingly tired “Ito,let us urgeWefeelcon’ taking Cardui to-day.Yaudruggists.‘won't regret it.All Writeto:Chattan DERE |TUBSDAY,- — ffwithwomanlytroubles,ooen"I tiedtno eyeiy’Klee’of edie anna good,.a pe Now 28._.are 10:00,loaves’10:40 sm.sa -fe Ges supdFplage p.m.-fhe-wo-Fy eA Nos.28 and unti suffer from anyailmentsduetowomanlytrouble, ou to give Cardui 2ionfidentitwillhelpyou,ist as it has a million other women inpasthalfcentury. Medicine Go.,Ladies?:Dept,01 Tenn.,for ayeciet on rv case ebook,omeforWomen.”inplain weapper.1N.G.194 To include a -bottle of Premier Mayonnaise Dressing in your next order for groceries, Ten and 25-cent sizes. -Fresh shipment today. ——’PHONE 89,—— Eagle & Milholland. DR.G.A.LAZENBY. oe DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. ’One of the many parts of MyersPumpthatmakeupthequality.asthisfeaturealonehassolvedthe “secret.aay W.E.MUNDAY "Phone 5555.Sells “TRY A CAN Myers Pump. Of ”Han cote 2 1 Miller-McLain Supply Co.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. LANDMARK <*>Apriblt,1916. oe \LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Train’No.west-bound,dueTrain‘No,86,‘east-hound,due’10.35»,m.Train No.east-bound,due”1.15 p.-Train’No,12,east-bound,due 6:55 p.“m.Train No,36,Pros or aan oe 44 CHA TAYL:i From :Charlotte,;in No,36 ar.9.50,leaves 10,38 mm.No.2d ay,78)1a,leave 814 ps msFromTaylorsville. operated on Sanday. The Money on Hand. The general stock of ‘money in theUnitedStatesonApril1,according to a statement issued by the Treas- ury Department,consists of gold coin, silver,dollars,certificates,subsidiary silver,Treasury,United States,Fed- ¢éral reserve and national bank notes amounting to $4,372,777,017,an in-crease of:$455,204,995 .over April,1915;“Money in circulation amountedto.$3,917.480,994,or a per-capita of$38.41.The population of continen-tal United States was 102,004,000,an increase,for the month,of 1,704,000. About two-score students from the Pennsylvania State Forestry CollegehavebeenlookingovertheforestsintheNewBerne’section.~ ’DON’T NEGLECT KIDNEYS. Swamp-Root,Dr.Kilmer’s Prescrip-‘tion,Overcomes Kidney Trouble. It is now conceded by physicians thatthe kidneys -should have more attention,as they control the other organs to a remarkable degree and doatremendousamount,of work in re- !moving the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. The ‘kidneys should receive someassistancewhenneedéd.We take less exercise,drink less water and of- ten eat more rich,heavy food,there- by forcing the kidneys to do more work than nature intended.Evidence of kidney trouble,suchas lame back, annoying bladder troubles,smarting }or burning,brick-dust or sediment, |sallow complexion,—rheumatism,{maybe weak or irregular heart ac- tion,warns you that your kidneys re- quire help immediately to avoid moreserioustrouble, An ideal herbal compound that has (had.most remarkable —success—as-—-a |kidney and bladder remedy is Dr.Kil- jmer’s Swamp-Root.There is nothingelselikeit-“It is Dr Kilmer’s“pre-|scription used in private practice and jit is sure to benefit you.Get a bot- a from your druggist. this great preparation,send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton,N. Y.,for a sample bottle.When writ-jing be sure and mention the States-iville Semi-Weekly:Landmark.MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates arid Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1.At All Dealers, ‘Theresa Renegar,Ora’Joyner.Naomi However,if you wish first to try! a Tales,—-Grim’s—Fairy Tales,Hans mond,Ollie Little and Neva Reynolds.Feimster School,J..O,Overeash,teacher—Lois Scroggs,Garnet Hines,|Bowles,eresa Stevenson,Madge|Sherrill,Ruth M.Brown,Mary Amy!~Renegar,|Stikeleather,”~Sara Boggs,Saracroges,James Ralph Reid,Eliza-bet Reid,Mabel Pressly Stikeleath-er,Rachel Caroline Stevenson,NallieHatchett.—-Prizes Awarded.A picture,donated by R.°P.Anison,for the greatest improvement inthehouseandgroundsofanyone-:teacher school,was won by the Beth-any een Miss Corg Bell teacher,on-the-4 ‘oHowingitem ior eae TT Painted schdol house,inside andout;secured and—-painted—woollbox; righted floor and-olled=it-twice;re-|paired and rehung ‘window shades;window glass polished and kept clean;new.curtains made;bought new board| erasers and used dustless chalk;|blackboard cleaned and washed fre |quently;polished stove four times;shelves and hooks put in closets;|floors and shelves in closet scoured:|neat watercooler shelf put in;.used| individual drinking cups;desks|washed:four or five times;water!bucket:-and;wash pan “bought;~built|woodshed;raked school grounds and|burned trash;dug ditch to divertwa-|ter from front yard and ‘partly filledwashedplaces;planted a dozen pretty jtrees in front.yard. The Athens school,Olin townshiv,Misses Lucy King and Mary Law-} rence,teachers,..was awarded the} prize,a picture donated by the Craw-|ford-Bunch Furniture Co.,for the} most improvement by a two-teacher|school.The improvements follow: Painted the school house,two coats,-inside.and out;put up new flag-pole;|made new steps;bought shades.curtains,six lamps,two pictures,table,chairs,paint brushes,turpentine,sixbrooms,14 window glass,axe and fireshovel;mended water cooler and doorléck;oiled floor twice;polished stove;washed:windows;painted blackboards;secured wood boxes;hadsignmade;organized literary socie-73 organized eooking class;had “OneDay”club with 30 or 35 _patrons nresent;cleaned off grounds;took up2b.stumps;whitewashed.trees;put out flowers;planted vines;had Christ-mas entertainment,with $10 donatedforChristmastreat;realized $12fromboxsupper.and $1 from.pea-nuts;fixed grounds for track meet;made school banners;built shelf out-side for water cooler;removed three to four loads chips from prounds; moved woodpile to edge of grounds;Patrons furnished wood _so that_mon-1) sy for wood could be used for im |provements;painted teachers’desk¥! adonted individual drinking cups.|The prize,set_of--curtains,donated.hy the Ramsey Bowles-Morrison’Co. for the greatest improvement by any!High School,-was-awarded to the!Harmony High School on the follow-| ing items:{ Stage enlarged and extended across | front.of ball and stage equipped with) curtains;a square piano;painted in-! THE YOUNG FOLKS.IN LINE Chappell,-.PasCartright,Jo,Setzer,¥Helen Troutman,Disa.sap Bas oyner,May JoynerLoisErvin,Emma»dna Pharr, Wooten,Grady.Katie Lee NeiDaniels,Anna’Danpong.eeerene :Ed 2s Mae Sell,Fred,her, HGgar ayes,Rank Ellis,Fred.Paria,Roscoe Camp-bell...Moner Paris,Henry Mobray,Dette Rollins,Gertrude.Downum,Nannie Ellis,Lonnie Little,Mary|Lackey,Nellie.-Gilbert,---McFarland:Woodsides,Fred.Crawford,Glenn-Kox,-Clare-Baity,-Ethel..Bernard,Total,1 OT ah >Pomestic Science Classes, Those-who completed-the lessons incooking.for the term and who wereawardedcertificates,follow:Linwood School,Miss Irene Gudg-ier,teacher-—Elizabeth Linker,Nena Kistler,Lola Kistler,Lois !-udspeth. |Bernice Williford and Rowera Willi- ord.yVanceSchool,Mrs.I.H.Whiting,teacher—Mrs.N.A.Beaver,Mrs.A,J:Beaver,Mrs.W.-G.Carter,Mrs.B;Murdock,Mrs.U.S.Edwards,MissesBonaCarter,Rose.Mills,Mae Little,Lottie Shuford,Ellen Nantz,RobertaMoore,Marietta Murdock and Mrs. George.Fox..Elmwood School,Mrs.W.C.Pou.teacher—Clyde Atwell,Mrs.Ada M.|Byford,Mrs.C.W.Combs,Miss Rosa|Combs,Miss Carrie Combs,Miss LucyCombs,Mrs.Loyd’Combs,Miss ZulaCashion,Miss Ruth Fl ing,Miss Estelle Flemming,Mrs.John Fraley,Miss Maie Freeze,Miss Rosa Freeze,Mrs.John Goodman,~-Mrs:—-HaGoodman,Paul .Hines.Miss LindaKnox,Claude Pierce,’Miss BerthaPierce,Mrs.W.C,Pou,Miss CoraShook,Miss Pearl Smith,Miss MarySmith,Mrs.John Thompsof,AllisonThompson,Gilmer Witherspoon.This is the largest club in the couny-‘«Wayside School,Miss Alice Bilbie,teacher—Odell Dellinger,Miss Effie Dellinger,Miss.Lula Ellis,Miss FannieEllis,Allen Freeland.Vance Free-and,Miss Phoebe Lowery,Miss Ma- mie Reavis,Vander Shoemaker,MissMaryLee_Lowery.:Athens School,Miss.Lucy.King,teacher—Elsie Coffey,Annie BellGaither,Miss Sarah Lewis,Miss Ma- ry Lawrence,Miss Elizabeth Law- ‘rence,Miss Bessie.Perry and Miss |Lorena Summers,Miss Mary King.|Cool Spring School,Miss Daisy|Jennings,teacher—Miss Beulah Elam, ;Miss Bernice Guffy.Miss Grace Guf- ‘fy,Miss Mabel Guffy,Carey Moore,Dewey.Moore,Miss.Nannie....Roge_Moere,-dMiss--Evelyn -Osborne,-Miss Lucile Osborne,.Misses Mary and ;Louise Tomlin,Miss-Julia Foster. ;-‘Troutman High School,Miss Sarah ,Adams,teacher —Fredonia.Brown, Marvarine Brown,Miss Jettie Sher rill,Gladise Troutman,Miss Ruth Troutman. Sal How a Machine Does :Bookkeeping ~ A short time ago we installed a remarkable machine in our Ac-The Burroughswill Handle.counting Department—a machine|.figure work in about half thwhichaddsandsubtracts,tells |£oTmerly needed.This:more time for other ‘thingthedate,keeps our books and gets to improve the service-in‘evoutmonthlystatements.It.does |partment of the banx.’”‘all this work much faster than]|Come inand see out!any bookkeeper could,and has |bookkeeping’system inneverbeenknowntomakeamis-|We will be glad to shortake.the machine makes enTheinstallationofthisBur-|books,how it automatiiroughsBook-keeping Machine|-one column,subtractsmeansthatouraccountsWillbe|and so on,and how it’)handled just as rapidly and accur-|takes impossible,‘You!ately as those of the largest.anda come any time.,SAYmostup-to-date banks in the We don’t want you'to thcountry.ethisbankjustasaplat INSURES ACCURACY?_your money,:although 6:;are glad to have you KThefactthatour‘figure work is |’a balance with us as fedone.on a Burroughs isa guaran-|is our desire to render 0}tee to our customers of absolute {every service andaccuracyinthehandlingoftheir|that can be reasonsaccounts,The machine method of |from us.eatledgerpostingmakesitimpossible|.Talk over your biforamistaketogetpastunnoticed.|lems with us.It isThisaccuracyinsurancealoneis|’work to study businimpartantenoughtoyouandtous to justify the -use-of-the-machine-cial conditions,and it::-mach >We-can’suggest:some“method,but there are many other advantages. you will ‘tind worth while,Plfcelfreetoconsult‘us at'any: Merchants and Farmers’ .Of Statesville, |.River Hill School,Miss Ada Perry,| teacher—sMiss Helen Elam,Jay Feim- ster,Migs Nellie Jones;Miss Ada Martin,Miss Pauline.Massey,Miss terior of auditorium;bought—six) |leaves,trash,etc..and dumped same}'Claire Parks,’Miss Ruby Stroud,;9n school farm;cleaned,burned;Beach Stroud,Selma.Stroud,Geo.|trash,plowed,sowed oats,grass and}i Stroud.--lover on two acres of school land;| Open.View School,Mrs.E.L.Law-|raised two pigs on scraps from din |‘rence,teacher—-Carl Barkley,George|Der pails and built pen for same:} Barkley ,Inez Barkley,Ray Barkley,|made over desks ;from oldKeyBarkley,Myrtle Barkley,Miss|eauipped a girls’basket ball Sallie Boovey.Miss Lois Boovey,4Miss"Mary Caiter.Miss Martha Gar from Christmas play end $20 from'!}ter,Allen Miller,Miss Mary Wood-|Old Fiddlers’Convention,oe_ward.Miss Nera Woodward,Floyd!The Cool Spring school,;and Robert Woodward.|Lunsford and Miss Daisy Jennings,| Mrs.R.W.Orr's Class —Sara'teachers.was awarded a book,given|§ rink;| ;Scroggs.Ruth Brown,Elizabeth Reid,|by Mr.E.S.Millsaps,for the great-Maigie |est improvement of any school exceptMadgeSherrill,Fay Boggs ;ae Te school.The improvements||Wakefield,Vallie Hatchett,Elizabeth2 highOre:|were:aTotal,110 :Painted building inside and|m.j :lt ht teachers’table,oil stoves with!(The members of this class request|Pought teac Rae ee :The Landmark to thank their teacher,|°Vens,two cooking tables.kitchenMrs.Orr,for her faithful efforts in|cabinets,complete outfit cooking uten-i their behalf.They appreciate the in-|*!Js,.pantry Supplies,curtains andstructionshehasgiventhemand/basketball outfit;water cooler and in- want to make public expression of dividual drinking cups adopted;win- their appreciation). Reading Circles.on :; Those,of the Paail Reading Cir built parry;painted kitchen;organ cle of Iredell County who read dur.|ied hikes Gejingthepasttermsixofaselected|i = list of books—Robinson Crusoe.Lit-| tlé Lame Prince,Little Men,Uncle| Remus’Stories,Anderson’s.Fairy| and grassbed,plowed,prepared old |sown,trees and hedge planted; rlay or gravel put on all walks;play-,Brinker,Colonial Children,Two Lit-ground extended;stumpstleConfederates,Last Days of Pom-|&0" peii and Scottish Chiefs—and to |Ne ar Cee the best seventh ee a wore oars:|zrade examination in English was won son,teacher—-Elizabeth Linker.aie ence e eRe a ny weenHuds‘etlor,Nell B *\school,her grade being 99.ludspeth,Nena Kistler,Nell Brant-|post prize for same,a pin,was wonley,Ida Be ys Pe rn -y Miss Honorine Holtshouser of ‘the|whe Ta peo!Muss Grace Hil’,Troutman High School,grade 98 12.teacher—Jay Feimster.:.,.|Both prizes are donated by Robbins!Wayside School,Miss Alice Bilbie.|&Rowe. teacher—Wade Cloyd,A.Bi erary,|Prizes Awarded to Schools and Pu- “The Bank For Your Savings.”_ hrooms;-hauled 35 loads of stumps,|=" desks;1.@ sauipped eroquet yard;realized $35), out;|¥ |dow shelves put up with pots of flow-|f ‘rs:equipped domestic science room;|i one-day clubi§individual'f i donations of -work;-yard-was grub-/8 road filled;two-drives made-and-sand-+#— dug up;iff Second! +3 Join the happy throng and come to see SMITHEY&FRALEY and your dollars will have mofecents.Below we mention a few of,aur many:bargains:SE avaitaq nk §Good Fat Back Meat...siete ee ieGranulatedSugar$1.85 per bag?25 tkButterBeansweeseLOC.pax qualWhiteBeans........<F Sree 5 dozén Clothes Pins .. Arbuckle’s Coffeé ............Good Green Coffee ...........000e ree ceCaliforniaPeachesaan 2 Ib.Soda :wea 15c.Box Corn Flake ........cee Good Axe Handles ...... Good Axes with HandlesCottonSeedMeal..: _Bran and Shorts ...... 2 cans Milk for .°ee ee Four Plugs Apple Tobacco ........$10 Dinner Sets,only ........0cccceececsettes30c.Can Baking Powder for.....ecccseeeves Big lot Ladies’Skirts,Waists,Hats 1d Men's:Clothing,all at-half price andless,Other goodsjustascheap...Come in and let -us-show you ourwonderfulBargainsandBRINGUSYOURCHICKENS,EGGS AND BUTTER!WE WILL ..+-$1,70-bag ee ene e +++$1,60-fe tteeeeeemmeemersesee Ce eee eee we se wy _PAY YOU THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE!2MamieReavis,Vander pils.and Henry Warren.Prizes were won and awarded as!Cool Spring Academy,B.Luns-!sijowes:ford,teacher—John__Sartin,Cary The Elgin School—Two pictures byMeoreandRobertMoore..,|the Statesville Housefurnishing Co.,Holly Springs School,Miss Cecil |for pest appearance in parade.Paris,teacher—Clara_Baity,--Upie}Bethany School—Set of People’s‘Tharpe and Mamie Forcum.Encyclopaedia by Jas.E.Tharpe.forRockyBranchSchool,A.J.Crater,best exhibit of any one-teacher school.teacher—Emma Godfrey.|Loray School—Teacher’s desk byeHendersonSchool,J.W.Crater,/the Williams Furniture House,for;:Tes teacher —Chattie Speaks,Norajpest exhibit of any two-teacherJThelinethatalwaysgivesuniversalam|Speaks.:ee school.satisfaction.Careful tailoring,fashion-[im Hampton School,Miss Sue Linney.|Harmony Farm Life School—Set;f able designs and thoroughness as to teacher—Willie Summers,—Mabel|o¢maps by R.M.Gray,for best ex-service—these are the things which Summers,Alexander Summers and |,ihit of any high school.have biilt for “Shield Brand”Clothes,Vera Harmon,.:Feimster School—Clock by R.F.the reputation they so richly deserve.Troutman High School,Miss Sara Henry,for best exhibit of any schoolAdams,teacher —Fredonia Brown,|with three or more teachers.Marvarine Brown,Marvin Kyles,Mil-|Harmony Farm Life School—Alum-dyed Young,Summa Alley and Gladise linum coffee percolator by the IredellTroutman,..|Hardware Co.,for the best domesticLoraySchool,Miss Lina Deal,|science exhibit.-f |teacher—Payne Brown,Raymond,Feimster School—Domestic science;Edwards.Lonnie Edwards,Janie |table by the Hickory Desk Co.,for!|Stikeleather,Edward Brown,Sharpe |best domestic science exhibit by any)|Browning,Howard McLelland,Hat-|school except,Farm Life School. Linwood School—Set of cups andjDeal,Adolphus McLelland,| Gladys Thompson.‘|saucers by Tharpe’s 5 and 10-CentScott’s,J.F.Mitchell,teacher—|Store,for second best.domesticMiss.Katherine Morrison,Miss Pearl)coiance exhibit.'Morrison,Caruilia Rufty,--Mildred Miss Muriel .Sherrill,|Feimster| ee ey W ae ‘Mande |school,a fountain pen by the States-|j Shook,Della Wagner,Naomi ed-Continued on Sixth Page}mond,Mary Murdoch,.Bessie Red-|-ma :-———--eet |Whenever You Need a General TonicTakeGrove's | The Old Standard Grove’s "Tasteless |}..ieen|chill Tonie is equally valuable as a}y.kk uly rie ¢oul for the »of |:4 3 at0odeLEWiconeahteeconsnatlatuction|General Tonic because it contains thejthatav5-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets|well known tonic propertiesofQUININEjnot.only relieved me but cured me within two!and IRON.It actson the Liver;Drives[months althetgh Tam se ntin of 65.years.”|ont Malaria,Enriches the Blood and|{writes Jul,Grobien,Houston,Texas,Obtain:|Builds up the Whole Syste.80 cents.able everywhere, Having qualified as executor of the estate af,John L.Hellard,deceased,this is to notify allpersonshaving¢laims ‘against his estate topresentthemtomeonorbeforeMarch7,1917,or_this_notice_will_be_pleaded in bar_of_theirrecovery.All persons indebted to said estateWillberequiredtomakeimmediatepayment.R.T.WEATHERMAN,March-7,-1916.—_—Executor. JUST.RECEIVED. Afine line of Berlin &Jones stationery,the latest in writing- paper.Come and examineit for yourself.Also a nice line of pound paper. Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. Our new models and fabrics are now hete awaiting your inspection 4 Prices 310 125 315%3 g% PU L U U B U R O E Given.by local talent for the benefit.of Statésville.Athletic Association.The choruses and solos are;getting in fine shape and a home talent’'showthatwillsurpass:anything ever given in Statesvillispromised.:a aeDr.‘Turner has worked up an orchestra of%fourteen pieces that will furnish the musie anddelightallwhohearit.°'’»Seats.on sale Thursday morning at.Drug Company.Prices will be 50c,gene BCome in and see them,§ .ae tie B..K.WEISNEER, ;OLIN,N.C. |NOTICE TO CREDITORS.|Spee . Having been named Trustee in a decd of as-signment made by T.A.Wood &Co,thia is ito x y all persons having elatms against thePSaboamedfirmtopresentthemtomeonor‘before the 24th diy of April,17,or this noe- {tice will be pleaded ins bar of their ree } -Baseballs, Mitts,Gloves,Bats andMasks.‘'Tennis Balls, ets and Rackets.Any-thing in Sporting Goods.l new. .on /AIl persons indebted to T.A.Wood &Co.aRPALIISON’S lrequired to make Jmmediaté pettlement,©°e 4 C.M.ADAMS,Trustee, BU E O R U R O R U E O M I U : tekIO “After suffering for over twenty years with | indigestion and having some of .the best doc. tors here tell.me there was no cure for me, x aa y 2sion and 75c,reserved seats.VU E |Mareh-24---ltwk,BUILDING?G...WATKINS. Book Store. #344soeSahnniedniott {|LINNEY FOR ~GOVERNOR,|NEWS OF CURRENT EV:|Republican ‘State Committee!Incidents Gathered FromNamesTickettoBe,Voted Parts of the Country.meth AK eH teForinPrimaries.He Barney-of Springfield,Masy,,Se niger‘Berier wh ie gee,The Republican’State ~committeo,ott anes Sein te ee i g sand Sheriff Almond tempted towhich-met at Greensboro Saturday,est 16 negro soldiers:who had cre-|r ted for ments,a pease ..“hbun eyintheprimariesazfoliows:|J.B.Worsham _vas instantly killed ated disturbance in house In the|ioj::a Waey 2 taecmcummmees|For Governor,Frank A.Linney of and'J,T.-Guest totaly te a in Be cameos ars said t6 have at-|f goad \AsApril11,1916.Watauga,thairman.“of~the State:their automobile waa struck by a tre tacked the officers while the latter!|4 |7 ”he _Yj Paaeoo==committee;Lieutenant Governor,L./%t Forsyth,Ga,in }Were taking them to jail Wadel_vfNTYSCHOOLS."""TL.Jenkins of Astevitte (itr.Jenkins,Republican primariesinWisconsinjwere,taking them |to,jail.Wade ee |ena ble|Who is a prominent banker,has said,sive Senator oan ur rt 26 to stories told by witnesses,pressgythedisagreeablethewould-nat-begcandidate);Com-|candidate for President,14 of the jhim to.the ground,and clubbed himpartiallyspoiledtheday,!missioner of Agriculture,A.h.|delogates other natintist FepeunhOn ET the head sith the b _”Friday was a great day in Statesville}French of “Rockingham county “(Mr Convention.Reicer,Lying om Fit his -French is a-prominent farmer and is;Cold weather,with snow,prevailed Grow his pistol.end:Aired =sens ve of MUUUNAS] Al I f great day for the children and well known as a contributor to the|throughout a large section of the shoulder.Wade was killed,BHT: ve fal Ve.Ff(f) for all the folks.The crowd was im-Progressive Farmer and a lecturer at|country the latter part of the week,Protests against.the presence .“Mense and notwithstanding the/farmers’institutes);Attorney Ger-|Fifteen inches of snow reported in the’negro soldiers and requests for kore aS Ee as maeweieral,Zeb,Vance Walser of Lexing-|West Virgniia.:their removal are being prepared to j‘weather discomforts See WORST ton (Mr.Walser was Attorney Gener-|“I am much obliged to the gentle-by sent to the War Department.;more than worth while.A year ago!)of the Russell administration and|men and I am grateful for their good|ranean ete a ;“Yredell had its first county commence-!is chairman of the arora ee wat she daly aos ae About Catawba People.-;aemii-|committee);Auditor,J.Q.A.Wood/ihu Root on the address issued in New .::eo ee of Pasquotank county;Contatiastoner (oie by 74 prominent citizens favor-|Gatawba |Correspondenecg —_Newton :-nterprise, }e Strugglef did,considering that it was the first of Labor and Printing,W.J.Jordan‘ing his nomination for President...[Mrs.Laura Cline went to Asheville|‘“T I oF f a DT OVWIN cea ry fort.This year’s attendance of the|o¢Greene:county.James Moran,a NewYork ‘chants lay,where she will make-her|children:was more than 1,000 in ex-|No names were suggested for State feur,confessed at San Diego,Cal.,te Neg arth het son and dacahterineaan,f th Treasurer,Secretary’of State or Com-!participation in the robbery,\two :and Mrs,R.R.Cline..Mr,peen Of tant Wear.|Take note.o |missioner of Insurance,In its report |months ago,of a mail trick in’New did a ©H.Coulter have saychanfactalsothattheworkofIredell},¢the meeting the Greensboro News|York city from which securities valued the Cliné residence and will moveéchoolshasattractedmoreattentionsays:-|at thousands of dollars and valuable t it in a few days.Mrs.B.E.Che-ia)wnspiepactyearthaneverbefore,which|"The offer of the candidacy for At-/bonds were stolen.«|Mault,who has made her home with!__ns ‘that they are doing more work)trey General'to Mr.Walser was)J.B.‘Austin,32,fireman on the rs,Cline,will be with Mr.and Mrs.aneeerenktheyareColngjoneoftheevidencesofthepresenceof|Chesapeake &Ohio railway,died in ajw."},Sherrill at Catawba Inn.”Pe ae th Fandbetterwork.The report ofthe!tho olive branch.Mr,Walser is,with hospital at Richmond,Va.,as a result}™?." enerncimmeneimnnmamenimemenatin aaacountycommencementin.the news!a few others,bearing the heaviest|of injuries received at Warminster,|Splendid for Rhoumatlaa,WHORE ieolumnsshowsthat.This was large-/Part of the Progressive machinery in)Va,-by @ train.His father,Geo]“I think Chamberlain's,Liniment ta Sus Maths baereeaeon|the State,according to all indications.Austin,of Patterson,N.C.,brought pees for rheienettam Tres Mee,0 ms .Fa rR ly vn Ilydue’to the publicity given by jit was Riernne too,eeePro:|the remains home for burial.Wyualt ‘and other members of my family tae —CM SYSELS“county commencement—last—year..The |meeting was the secretary of the Pro-.{Jefli and time again during the past six years an :nals attracted notice and set peo-|sressive committee,of which a hae fneroduned te cures <Tontn eR Tale fetes fait eae ones ee THURSDAY,APRIL 13TH,le to talking and taking interest in|'®head.This was +ay Biases ers |tion asking for a “coniplete and thor-|Liniment affords is alone worth many times ONE DAY ONEY— p e who is not only a Bull ooser but ®ough investigation of the New York/|the cost,Obtainable everywhere,“THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII,”them.who had heretofore given them member of the Republican committee:|cotton exchange,”where,he said,he WoT VinGinik Da PASQUALLI’S MASTERPIECE.‘no thought.The next school term)“There was no apparent inclination |\4s convinced that a “conspiracy ex.ariiy2.|0f the Republicans here to do that,z ::;;_3 EIGHT REELS—DIVIDED INTO A PROLOGUE AND TWO.PARTS.wil be better than the last;more en which the Progressive committee de-‘S'S,and has existed fur some time to]NO.1 PORTLAND CEMENT.A motographic dramatization of LORD LYTTON’S famous book,oa been a re a e ae pu ne rae tate Sete pent er ek lee for 0.1 IMERRTAL PLASTER:von mine chs SEROY to witness the biggest and best edueationalen-|and better progress will be made,be-)sake o peace,AS ti cs my,|residents of Belmont,La.,about 60}.NO,1 SAP LATHES,ertainment ever produced.betcauseofthatshowingatthecountySeeaiehnieswestofNewOrleans,was re.C.WATKINS.OVER 10,000 PEOPLE!a 260 BIG SCENES!’eeeemencement.last.Friday.ae fice,2 the nation was Judge Jeter Ore anbali nee Virtoals)THE FIGHTING GLADIATORS AND THRILLING CHARIOT RACES!It was an inspiration—that para |ioe ie ees molished or carried away by u tornac THE HISTORIC ROMAN ARENA IN ALL ITS GRANDEUR!ildren.Th ade a fine!ra Meet dey Re |THE LIONS TURNED LOOSE ON HEROIC CLAUCUS!< ee ee Sir see ang |would have been endorsed and.his/@0 early Friday.No casualties were MEATS |THE CITY OF POMPEI,BEFORE,DURING AND AFTER THE ERUP. ar .._|name placed before the primary-for|pecan but .ay stated that many TION OF MOUNT VESUVIUS!girls,from the wee tots just begin-|the presidency,in answer to State-/families were homeless.This Picture was made in Italy by the great ITALIAN PRODUCER,PAS- ring ‘to the larger ones who have/wide request,but for the ruling of;A provision to abolish the title of QUALLI,and actually shows MOUNT VESUVIUS AND THE ANCIENT:finished the course ix ie rural|Attorney General T.W.Bickett to counsellor of the State Department :|CITY OF POMPEII,eSoie.|the effect that the offices of President|and create instead the position of un-(|It was shown for months at WALLACR’S THEATER in New York city at schools;and the training they are re-/and Vice President may be left blank|der Secretary of State,was voted inte Country Hams prices from 60c.to $1."eeiving means a better citizenship|in the primary and each voter allow-|fhe annual legislative,executive and J.,We will show it for one day only,THURSDAY,APRIL 18th,at 10c.and 16¢.for Iredell;that-the coming genera-|ed to name his idnividual choice.’No-|judicial appropriation bill without op-,We will give four performances,beginning as near as Possible at 2,4,6 and:ee ‘thing was said about endorsement of|position just before it passed-the Sen-.}-*9 :8 o'clock.b.m.»ay :ti 1 be better d and bet &:F H »p.mionwillbebettereeAreeet~|Roosevelt.”eae passed the bill oe ra errs ams,re eee aerating oeinsspeee ‘nalified to.discharge .the duties Se |196,762,an increase of about half a.2 — Spare hiEe ai,make Iredell aj FHE PROGRESSATVERDUN:million over-thé totel-as-jt-passed-the/}--AIS,an att Re (Of citizenship and to_make |i r |Nice Country Bacon EEE eSNSENCie Roe A Pics 1sees House.7 apse ns oo.aoe ae oeBreascounty.Teutons Made Advance —Re-|..; Y ;=,|Henry Youtsey,convicted 16 yearsTakenoticethatthisyear178nsportsFromWarZone.|ago of complicity in the assassina-:pleted the seventh grade course and)The capture by,French troops of)tion of Governor William Goebel of .ato ready for the high school—not as!about 175 yards of a German ‘trench;Kentucky and-sentenced:-tolife:im f=Sherrill &Reece,-:Se a et -amanyasshouldbethatfaradvanced,|Southwest of Dovaumont-village,|prisonment,was refused a parole by ea :‘h |northeast of Verdun,is announced by;the State Board of Prison Commis-_but a good showing compared wit ithe French war office.The Germans}sioners.The board is composed of |Phone 123.108 West Broad St °°other counties and our.past progress.|made two h eh !apenas Tete and-grenade.atttacks on.three persons and the vote was two“Take notice,plso,that 110—notall!French positions in the Caillette wood,to one.Youtsey is the only one among |": young folks but nearly all—completed in the _Douaumont region,but both the six accused of complicity in the!::i |Were repulsed,|assassination who is serving a pris-|~(%$a5 'T : :the domestic ‘science course and are’Berlin reports the capture of two|on term.The others either were ac-|J 48 es 'thus.qualified to properly prepare strong points of support to the south quitted or obtained executive clem-,Pa TB Fee’{:(Bae ‘‘ainily—z st di r-/0f Haucourt,which yassed recently|ency.nah :fe {j 'i J.: food for the family—a most impo ‘into German hands,an entire French|es 3 :::e ir -«-tant part of modern education;and,‘position along a-front of more than a,Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly :take notice,too,that some of the do-|mile and a quarter coming into Teu-ee Standard general strengthening tonic,Lr Fi at?|most acienee pupils are toys,who {onic possession,Parts hay aumitied Gloves TAsTudtsSaneCakerte|H :1higere/German advances,but declares that on ,:507,are thus qualifying to heip in the the opposite side of the salient the ad-|A true Tonic,For adults and children.60+.b ihomewhentheirservicesmaybe'vantage in.the recent fighting has!is "posta pom adulteration.whatev-| }e .{necded;and that’s a fine idea,too,been with the French.The present Ger-;Doors,Windows,Mouldings oe Htrce erent ae poe“These boys -ere-tobe.commended.am lata eowtbahiotd a oS eran reeion 1S Columns,Mantels,Stairways;pal 7)The ‘school exhibits,too—showing |atic nIth an th aT rin othe e (and.Window:Frames;~Locks,Sash’TRY IT arid you willuse-no-other:+-;:jation,althoug e artillery in other)weights and Cords;and all kinds of +what_the pupils are tearning to Go |sectors around the foriress is being Rough and Dressed I.umber.FOR SALE BYwiththeirhands—that was a sur-intermittently employed.C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s|Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,_flse as well as an inspiration,Atto-|ypty the presenthereseokodee|Planters’Warchouse,SetteNo Ge piatenrillp,aC —gether,we have cause to thank God|tal of two hundred thousand men,one :a AO anesandtakecouragefortheIredellofieorebattlelossesinthe>schools.They have far to-go to do the|WHole range of warfare,according te i h Od iee|Semi-official estimat ,work they should do,but we’re mak-|Paris.eas made Pablic Ip :e .or ess'ing progress—a progress that is;A dispatch from Malta says one R {f tgratifying.All hail to the county engineer a ee oot ce the e rigera orBetefijcrewofthesteamerChantala,were ‘aes Ae);‘‘mpmencement!We can all look for-/kitled when the vessel was sunk by a Is built upon scientific principles of refrigeration.Every detailwardto_a bigger and better one next submarine.Ninety-two survivors has vodsere vas onesie deBree ie ae hesd gal are A ’Ae were rescued and landed at Malta.‘constantly flushed with a-strong,current o!cold,pure air.e heavy j 5eeeters|Theydeclare they had ee Waniike of insulation of chemically treated flax insuresbig savings on ice bills.Crawford -Bu ich Furniture Company.é STATE NEWS the impending attack.The Chantala The frame is solid oak—beautifully finished.Thetrimmings wt ueeeeee__{Sailed from London Merch 10 for Cal-.are cast brass and satin finish.The flues and other important inside com-~——PHONE 400 —=s—Col,Al.Fairbrother “has bought|cuttay sartments are removable—it's easy to clean—absolutely sanitary and’odor-the Gréensboro R d.—————~less.The visible drip trap—inside the provisionchamber—is easily accessible,4 .That.” ER wat a,oh.deatrnyed—~the Can Vote For Choice For Pres-One-piece linings,ice pan and drip pan are guaranteed ofainst leckaze.The Store That Always Welcomes You.”_Store_and stock of Ellis Glass.|_ident Vice President.Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height—can beCaldwellcountyRepublicansnom-;.Attorney General Bickett has made arrangedtosuit your requirements.—:|ae nrETNET inated §.A.Richardson for the Leg-the following ruling with reference “Odorless"is the last word in scientific refrigeration,If youislatndds,|to voting for candidates for President i i :ei :-° iglature a d ehonngtd the Democrats and Vice President in the State Bee are Boing to buy a refrizerator,come in and seeUS.ep QS;Three children,two boys and a girl;mary election: =e ~~: were bitten hy a rabid dog in High-“1 -That feote.mandatory u on the 6 :vee Jana.»suburb «f Hickory,and taken State Board of Elections provide << to Raleigh for Pastcur treatment.the means-whereby a voter may ex-ro ‘—_ee |:FOR SUMMER BLOOMING.inal ey :&ee ad ee ee es eaat his choice in-the primary—for |.fAlk See 2 se ss a S.S.Martin,2 si ;si 3 o Hi bi rr :Tra i ae *°:é ‘white man,was beriously seifded,|us tee eee for|me ASz sere NC iS It is time to put out Roses,Cannas,Dahlias;aPaiexntodedattheHigh|candidates for President and Vice!ae RA a Gladiolus and Tuber Begonias..We have a teyobsy-Kriday.President to file notice-of their candi-!.=ni Hy i q |la tment of all A fe While handling 2 rifle Earl Duke,|dacy with the State Board of Elections;Pesaqugy ie Tr ih TAT Tge assortme 4 Samat teeIiForthePorchBoxwehaveFerns,Geraniums‘..i St Sn a Mr.-and—Mrs.-_J.am the State board can print on the!#¥Nae |ANBWGdintatAeord:Was shot by the|official ballots only the names of such!&wn Pee AN A AaB i‘accidental dischorre of the weapon|candidates as have filed notice of their’fs3f3¥oP ee aN andColens.See our window. “and died a day later,candidacy with said board,|A if k;See i A 2 <,e 3 * ~The news columns of the Charlotte!_“3_It follows that it is the duty of}§ie 3?isl Barringer S Greenhouse, _Observer mentiona ne ‘0 on the Fed-|the State board to provide a ballot!¢,:s ie ,eral eoutt jurv in that town as some.for the national Reoublieas ticket and|fe BC Ae;a eco TTT ee Greenhouse,356 West End Avenue."usual.Negroes have been |the aire ene seket,On|at a as ee aaa an .Office,:on:Federal court juries in|these ballots will be printed the names!}ra MESaDSE?)fi ik a |ie MH 4 ALPE Y >ey i seville for-40-years or a ,|of the candidates for Congress who!§Fy ea ORGAN A ik samme (11 q HOME ELECT RIC COMI ANY.;"Miss Aileen Butt,daughter of Mr.fled notices with the board as requir-|sa ee A |B Wii Phone 57 and 361.RedsandMrs,William Lee Butt ofChar.|&4 by law,and blank spaces must be a any a ,jfotte,and Mr.David Clark were mar.)left on these ballots where the voter!§H aa ty ;Wael ::; ried at the home of the bride in Char-|™@Y insert the name of his choice for ne i f I :=ee lotte Saturday evening.f +,President and Vice President.ThisnofChictTustioneeinsertionmaybemadebywritingtheiBiMlstalisiaar20seersoypatsorpastingthenameonthebal-Zz .;F ”Ne i |a VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS ARE A $30.00. | ,:“||Sanitary Steel Couch.This Davenport_fin-|when opened makes a Blah Site aly|comfortablefull size bed.Equipped with national -|Just the Bed for your steel springs and-felt|}sleeping porch.mattress.: Fes os Becnciar for the Southern rail-Tce hea Hhy.sheville,injured while hand-Auto Racers Killed.|i ¥z'hog =PE sees ieny \ite \ae ‘a .rn fi 4 \V\4 tBaecates,"MESiedof]ny Surmuin ot Debeie eto a pein |fh .CONSTANT DELIGHT.brought to Newton,his former home,Sean ee Pa yee at),ae ae Mp va ;”th th fet yg ak Bett :‘0 lcago,and a trac |tee te ;mor BEY Oy ;\}rx for burial.|giard are.dead as &sesull nf nen id :2 .They are the “Musical Messengers at bring‘Revenus Officers E.L.Hedrick of |";,Hip age.:eh i ic:ike.best.Ever., RAs ead FC Teh Salig.overturning of Burman’s car in the RES it SHY .to you the kind of music YOU like.best.EBuryfoundastilinChathamcounty|Gort read 14 at Corona,Cal.ive CLL .hig Mi Spud enol ek ensSa ala‘and One man,Green McLean,was riously.°s oor neeeeeeeeei RET ES _joy hearing it over and over again.faught by Talbot.In the struggle!Burman suffered a fracture of the|f=eee =: McLean was shot and seriously skull and his left leg was broken,:-Stop in any time and we'll'gladly give you a Victor Recordwoundled,gas His car threw.a wheel in the ninety-|REP A I R W O R K ‘Catalogue and play for you any music you wish to hear.(pone 7-months-old child of Mr.and|seventh Iap on the back stretch and i ;There are Victors and Victrolas.in great variety from $15:to Mrs.Chas,Pressly of ‘Hickory fell in|the machine overturned in a crowd, 400,Easy terms if desired: *és the ‘fire and wes fatally burned,dy-{.The race was won,by.Eddie O’Don.ua *>hort time.MurphyHefner,‘nell,who ‘covered.the Boe einetft Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles|e Heter of Hisar fifty-twe sande omy nine Sees fitted,Eyes examined free,Satisfaction guaranteed.AINDREWS MUSIC STORE,‘seriously not fatally|——-——{ses ;‘wey cela oul ai tM a“©KAST-BROAD STREET...(22.0 sree nedeerie reneenee |in sleet 'pay .his clothes caught from {comme THE BATTLE CRYOF}t.K,HEN RY,‘he Jeweler. __Eve-|Mention.ae Who Come and |roxBALE—Nice gentle Horse,Busey and GHE,COLLEGE.|PERTINENTLY PERSO Ae ene | ~-Heree,Buggy --a'arness.J,D.COCHRANE.Mar,26--2t. a oe |FOR a,[BreJ.G,Millar and daughterof PF tH ict cabeatt tenCorrespondenceof‘The Landmark,|Louis.ye eee FOR bat eee errs Serre RP A Nigdn,ge E—Eges from my Prize-Winning 8.; INGS OF CLUBS.Greethe Liverary.Societies sre con.|.,Mra.8.L,Cushing,whd spends.ciwiee “*3%,Pete.Sverlad pricestoWhatFor,|ceted:will be thejoint debate which|three weeks with her partniha:¥.~PARM.Stony Point,R-l,N.C.ingsand What For.yo ie ‘held in Shearer Muste Hall,wd Mrs,F.A,Sherrill,has returned}Ave 12 TT,gon of Mr.R.L.|Monday evening,April 17;at 8.15|%her home at Tryon.«{WANTED!—Ten shares of stock in elther of‘Ulla,and Miss Marjo-|o%lock::The public is cordially in-|.,Miss.Edens,who was a guest.at/“the Statesville Cotton”Mills.ISIDOREighter-of-Mr.-“Mrrs:|ited toattend sid Btneha wel “the.bom.Mr,F,'T.Walser,re-|WALLACE.April 7—2t.on of -Mount-Ulla,we Tris honed chat college spirit?"al-turned Saturday to her.home at Oho “OOD Pp CIN;ere eee net :Ww fheliaineg of valueto beth college 2:Mi W.A.Thomas went to Ra:Coe ears :NAS3 ee a the.subject t i hag Vesterday-to-attend-w-eaecagent teat t Paint-oa pond-40 tae Sant a eh-RoR a "the de-|sustees of Meredith College there!solutely fire-proof and costs less,‘i ft "The G..G.G.dub meets tomorrow]Pee?chosen.”For ‘this today.afternoon with ‘Miss Sophie Henning:inate eae ee ee at Mr,and Mrs,Gwyn Harper of}-©WATKINS.|‘ont ve a Padvantages.that Statesville College)Vilkesboro spent Sunday at Mr.U.j2-— The Saturday |Afternoon”Bridge!+dents enjoy—and at thé same time|P:Henkel’s.club:met’last week with Mrs.B.Bipoint out the needs of the institution,|..2*-Comgressman R.N,Hackett offebb.A’salad course,with hot bread’The query is,’“Resolved,that States.|Wilkesboro was:in Statesville.Sun-en ith an ered tls igs heaved oan SY,2 Pel THE“The Entre Nous club met Thursday|4"d affiliated with Davidson College.”j.1n Bishop of Asheville,who ereafternoonwithMrs.Z,V.Long.Af-The Phi Kenpo Society will uphold|v iting Mis,Shuford’s brother,Mr.ter a-discussionof current events,Mra,|the @flirmative and the Phi Mu So-J.F,Harbin,return home this morn LYRI(’: “YOUR STANDING! Fi F.Steale read a paper on_the|ciety the negative,}tee“Names of Prominent Women Writ-|The Shakespearean celebration will Nis.1.4.Wall of.Lenoir-is visiteOserica.”“Mrs.G.E.French|be given on the college campus,Where |ing her father,Mr.J.F.Harbin,i _When you undertake to do. d ‘the,“Life of Louise Alcott”ora eet prea ner eect)Miss Nell Gwyn of Elkin will arrived)_business with a firm away from ’ ae fom Louise Alcott nema which of the three eveningsmention-|Thursday fe viel Mire,©,vs Kenoady,A At I Hh ihe S domme Tews.ie gntaideeeguestswereshowntothedin-|ed will be used for the performance.School Closings—Personal Items/}:Fi BRU EIS firm is going to get a line on - eR e RS Se a re y ith|The dates"planned for are’Tuesda : is ecankwihe anton andpte April 35,Thursday,27th,andFriday,PeceesRenee.8,Thk:LARGER.you.They are more than aptdies,was served.The vtables were|28th.The play to.be given is “A|Bethany Township,April 10—The to get this information from a Bank.-Have you anything in the ;Se aT Midsummer Night’s Dream.”The cast|8chool at Hampton closed ThursdaydesaminswithcvioietasdRaewill'include 75 people,Daily rehears-|#{ternoon with recitavions by the pu-TODAYA Bank ‘that will enable the Bank- er totell the outside fellow that ‘|als/are held..The costumes are or-|Pils.Pictures were taken of theadPuryue.ending oa quent dered from Philadelphia and the play|School building and children.Nearly.lien”‘is to be staged in a first-class way |all the pupils of this school attended{#"MARY PICKFORD a at you are all right?that you have Yount were hostesses to the MacDow-|of its kind ever given in StatesVille.ores to her poeoes ee money in the Bank,or that yourieclubFridayafternoonattheshemaleioeniomnenrntrenin;#riday evening.The Moore school also SEAATO.fi,He ivedn oe enneeBhoTheprogrammeDeathofMissMurdoch—Trout-|closed Thursday.Mr.Flake Baity of standing in the business world 1 *:*.Taking.part.in it»were Misses Ty ';jnate in securing the services of pro-ee routman,-April -10—Miss*»Cora 5arionYount,Mary Scott,Rose Murdoch,the 15-year-old daughter of Eressize and aicteny seneoatg ie ae ee oi e ot a e r 4 ew e ae . :tienes without regard to expense.It is in-the county commencement Friday;*Mys..D;-J.Craig and Miss~Marion}tended-that it-shall surpass anything|4nd the teacher,Miss SueLinney,re- consisted of.piano and.vocal.selec-man Items.|Harmony was teacher.The people of|f'.j Pare Pi {BS has been established with thetionsfromtheopera,Madama Butter-|correspondence of The Landmark.|these two districts were very fortuy :PC }ata ae Bank? Stephany,pes Call Brett;Mr,and Mrs.A.A.Murdoch,died)”Miss Garnette Linney of HiddeniteM,H.Tomlin.Mra.R'E Cl ey nc’Saturdayat the Sanatorium in States-|spent Thursday night with Mrs.W.C -x of She ie nek sah ie hence ville after a very brief illness.Fri-|Wooten:Mrs,C,Privette is able tobeaneakespeare§songs in honor!day she took her plave in the line of out again after several weeks illness ti)MARY PICKFORD i en Win:Wallace id f the |march with her school but felt very/Mrs,Jno.R.Morrison is also improv:Xi{nos eesieanountMrs.Wm:Wa wee ich ent ee |ill.Once she dropped out but when|ing,Her sister Miss Janie Bradley:club,reported on her visit to Reci-tho paroxysm of pain subsided she re-|wij]leave for Gaffney,8.C.,in a fowprocityDayatSalisbury,sumed her place to the‘end of the UNE teTharamenalselectionsfomBa!avch.‘She beeme.worse al Sw anh,Her te Mil ke wetwork —in—a Butterfly and other operas were|urday was tal ;:;y was taken to Statesville for an ;ank renjoyedbytheclubandalargenum-|operation but arrived there too late.Sei Pe to their’how cc 1999 Statesville,N.CberainvitedepeeAdelightfulThisgirlwasthebabyinalargeaeaaaeeeBalTHEFOUNDLINGAESVINC,IN.a,lunch was served,family of.adoring sisters and brothers.!Dr.Mayo to Speak at Durham.Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on TimeDepositsReportedforTheLandmark.She.was petted but not spoiled.A ’U S.D sas manseh.S.Depository.:ec :At the meeting of the State Med-.,TOMORROWnatefhersI;::Sung.vale i 2Miss:Ann Ever West entertained at |Mee ca var Sitdae oc x.‘teal Society in Durham,April 18-21, ber’purs.Monday pight,of last ieeky ‘more radiant little tmetd or one with|Dr-¥.qo eye of Rochester,Minn,,|{THED A BAR A =asportyin:which_Miss.MamieNash and {more chee and.life wouldhe hard eaetinavoceor mores Baa AE int nsamein a enmaenmaga ens SAN EAC TET pit ARRAS EAE LARAPa pap a CIN wisateieBavizgo,|to find.—ng the baby and the pet F :on ateaarar <x °Masi eckLinebergervonthepiso te honsehgeepartis ess enderataccomplohment ‘gure |in 1 SHERRILL WHITE SHOE COdoorbyMissesIdaJohnsonandAlice}¢78 and sisters are sorely stricken.hid (ood *success in other lines of .“Ts L Aad AS z eres.Harbit,and‘in the parlor Misses Pen-|They.buried hey esterday at St.Mi-|™cdicine,will speak on “Some Indi-|f -‘7 chael’s,Rev.J.G.Keever preaching|“ations for the Removal of.-the “CARMEN”——daz.dohnson-and eee pen fe +the-funeral.A great concourse-of ;SPlcen.”Dr.Mayo’s addresswill be’;weg poke a5.f “ree me <a oe _=,a a ee ee ;se posite which Mi friends attended the funeral,Every-|“¢livered on the evening of the 18th,NG A ts F ai Gle Db ;T iloriz ae Co.’ :Beas Ane ea oS States pecly,As seeeetine ae sympesiy Should Not Feel Discouraged,‘He Everywhere conceded ,to ¥gen §or 0 e al ormg 0.'8feorthefamily,especially for Mrs,|go.;‘;:e pent etslzwbapeTn,chocolate,cake ne Murdoch,who herself has been sickjandconstipation havebees|benefited by teetees be a masterpiece of pho nths were used in the dining room EE ts ere tune of Hickory ts lieeouraxed”who hasnt‘eiven thin a OO toplay accomplishment.;Needle Modeled Clothes aSetGeeiaOlwenorien&here on a visit to her many friends |mente but stionathen‘the.stomach ‘and ena iA totally different ver-:;Meesetnies.paris .‘and ‘relatives.jit to perform:its functions naturally.Obt 7 é ::ee i:*Sanh other ‘sick ones in this igh.Me everywhere us i ie sion of the opera.Noti¢e of New Advertisements.|bortiood remain about tie same.|MARKET REP |‘Everyone who has seenAttheLyrictoday.Mr.Fred Brown,who has been em-|OR z eee oH i “(R"ghe’two Carmens says.It is only a very short time until Easter,Come :MAE,and country bacon—Sherrill Bs toy a Tang:time has cheirecl the softerPeteMat this is better than the |/f in and let us take your measure for one of those:Wikinds rough and dressed lumber.|his Pase eeae ener fan [Wivinter Friets,1c aer |Farrar production.Come |/#Globe Needle Modeled Suits.—C.Watkins.+.:S;Old Hens,12 1-2¢.per Ib.|da f *If ee x f e:vs.—Williame|Waugh,whowas a salesman with J,S.|Turkeys,16c.per Ib.\y and see for yourselt.a WW ,rorkmar "ites iV eiFituiureHoweWiliamsWrugh,succeeds Mr.Fred at Smith)Baws,16e.per dozen.Admission 10c.and 15e.e guarantee the workmatship,“if andl Wearol ayRoosters,6c.per Ib.Sanitary steel couches and daven-|©.Brown’s.In other words,the two;Butter,1Ge,wr Ib,f every Globe Needle Modeled Suit..q S ;rts.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture |™e"exchanged places.Both are splen-|Beeswax,265¢.per Ib.|oe \iCo‘-¢did young men.___..__|Green Hides,180.per tb.——THE Call early-and let us take your measure for thataiSarseeeoeSeaaseeiscicero°~!""Hatms,16¢.to I%e.ver Ib.|.Minstrel by local talent,Friday;COMING!THI |Sides,12 1-2c,per Ib.:aut ;rz 778.night,14th,at Opera House..mene CRY Shoalierss 12 1-2c.per Ib.ie 7 Easter suit,Globe Needle Modeled ClotheswillGlobeTailoringCo’.s Needle Mod-|Oya +terly Meeti d Exercis.)£0"rwood Honey Comb,16 to 18e.per Ib.LYRIC THE ATRE 4,please you.Ee [UaeeledSuits—Sherrill-White Shoe Co.|Quarterly Meeting an XCFciS-Irish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.ee Hg ..%tu]eoat—valucs,=Ramscy-es at Bethel.|Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel. Bowles-Morrison Co.:The second quarterly meeting and_:Grain.San “Quality P hotoplays for«£lowets.for summer blooming.—helpful exercises for the Statesville|.The following prices were paid yesterday| TRL ie Cresent nie:circuit will be held at Bethel church,|"Wwireats S46 eee |Discriminating People”.;SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE ca.April 15-16.|-Corny (new),70c.per bushel: PHONE NO.83. t dok-Keeping machine.—Merchants PROGRAMME FOR SATURDAY..°|Odts,55c,per bushel.&:‘armers'Bank.9.30g,-m.~--Special music by Bethel Sun-|—_——So ae .“Sratials in all lines.—Johnston-Bell;|@a¥_sclitol and opening services by Rev.W.|Statesville Cotton Market.|The U.S.Government Paid 3dhRWare.os on :|On the local market yesterday 11 7-8 per);3 oF ‘b ALITATOTOATfo:9.50 8,'m,—Recitation,‘The Way,the Truth;pound was paid for best grade cotton.-:|Experts to find out which kind of Pine :\Btringless green pod beans—D.J./end the Lifc,”by Grace Dagenhart.||lasts longest.The experts reported|~aii.9.55 a.m.—Recitation,“Doing for Others,|(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 cents.|ONG-LE AF ein Sahn izhWill‘highest ket price for)°Y,Sve #itls—v|per-line,«No ad.taken forless than 28/,.-0 gs gS as paneoD)pay nignest market price for)“10 a.m.—Recitation,‘The Rope Holders,”|C .Bee ee ceee ee iit madeaed:i whi i :cents.Cash t der.i into ~Flooring.Ceiling,|4 eng cegoedwhiteshelledcorn.-—Statesville oe ee Sere aa Ene mast _Sccompany conder:)|"Weatherboarding,Boxing,Casing The Sfatesville Realtya vestment Co.Mills.-:1 :“,;''by Willie Dellinger,|LOST—Heavy Chase Lap-robe,between Bos-'and Step Plank.See it and get my|iMotorcycle at bargain.—Carolina|9.10 a.m.--Song by the school.tay bridge and square,Return to E.A.prices,and you'll know it is not poly SE INS!R N¢,qétorCo.10.15 a.m.—Address,“Organized Sunday :April,11 1t*.|the ‘best but cheapest .2 ee-room cottage for rent.—R.P.;School for All-Year Work,”by Rev.J.W.|LOST—Pocket-book containing sum of mon-{Se :i C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.;‘ir |Ua withar-tn~—Reeltation,“All for Chriat.""hy|S¥cheek-and note Return to THE LAND.Hei /aiistineaytaaniae -As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that“Bargains in merchandise.—Smithe:Johnny)Ganth -—MARK-or D.F.WEISNER,Olin.t 5;==ee (q their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in theehwe:y °10.80 a m.—Recitation,“Choosing,”by |__-April 14—1t".Weser Phonographs contract of the policy which they buy.We deen:it advisable to probe lost,—E.A.Fry.Heddle Miller,Glarx Myssey and Eyla Dagen-/epoT CASH peld for all kinds of Produce at mention some of the causes under which the same will be renderedhart.—e ."P Suelotcountryhams,cash for all "1066 a.m.—Reeltation,“The Everlasting the UNDERPRICED GROCERY STORE!valueless,viz:Saul ‘,ial,”{-:136s i nger th days—applyto—le _produce—Underpriced Grocery|Memorial,Rette swWhat Art Thou Do-|ANTED—10.000:bushels of good white sxc'-|The high standard of _“Weser fare Vagantoridle propertyfoe.Jones shat.00 dayy anes4Ore.ing?”by Baxter Miller ed Corn.Will pay highest ‘market cash E ll ”«hich has ]8 D aie eye a $:-Groceri Jas.°E.|i2%7)by Baxter Miller.rice.STATESVILLE F ILLS uxcellence”‘which has made the 2—Mechanics snaking additions to,or—extraordinary-altera- —Maroceries below cost.Jas.E.11.5 -a,m,--Address,“The Personal Benefit}”April E FLOUR MILLS.|+;’:*oa at ‘attTape,Jos...R.—Poston.and Objective Needs of Christian Liberality,”|pril_il..‘WESER PIANOS and PLAY-se Td On Prone aenee get eeLin ae ‘a atColyertpersonalpropertysaleSat-|>Y,Rev.J.Fe ere wy children,Children’s |BIG_LOT of Country Hams at the UNDER-ER-PIANOS famous the world |!eoneik vena SEs come acne o BOECECE ee :Unday,15t good tandi First N 7%5 a ERICED SROGERY STORE =-0Ver,-is making the -WESER 1 Any ohare Te the titleef ownership,or interestin proper-.—~in®-standing.==First Na-“40°"R.Recitation,“Help “Somebody =cnr t :;Roe '‘‘tional Bank.."by Fannie Witherspoon.bap AylehSI bargain.CA®-’PHONOGRAPH one of the most ty insured other than by death,:Pocketbook 1 Mab ac)mieRecitation magoy Dinnela’Our 0.April U—1 |1 sical instrut 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another,-ga.oeketboo ost..one ets by hey ee What Can I Do?”FOR RENT—Five-room Cottage on Trad popular musical instruments on 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given.tH Baby Day and Better Babies|>y Daisy,Dellinger."-nee a sb evi ert omit Aprit 1,themarket.a ne ne a oie ee ara otherIOr-11.65 a.m.—Recitation,Nannie Dagenhart.>-py)eee a ae i x v :eiStpplementing-the Clean-Up cam=|12 noon—Dinner at the Church,CPRIGED GROCERY STORE.the UNDER if than kerostne oil.a oe mee. piign urged by the mayor,that we are oo Bright Angels,”by six lit}“gn ee i :9-—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage.:may have a better and cleaner city,|°4.65 "p.m.—Recitation,Lillian Dagenhart.::y :Policyholders should read lines 7 to 80 of the printed contractDr.F,A.Carpenter,president of-the}—1:10 p.m.—Recitation,“Our Heavenly Fa-|SALE en of their policies:It is impossible for agents ‘to know of these de- Irédell-Alexander Medical Society,|ther,"by Teddie Miller.|;ficiencies unless notified.Call_on us for any INSURANCE infor-ne 1.15 p.m.—Recitation,Jessie Gantt.j &F cisdgofurtherandhavebetterba-1.20 p.m.-——Recitation,Eddie Gantt.\On account of the inclement \.;|mation,“bjew ‘and better mothers in the town|-1.25 p.m.-—Address,“Church Extension,”by |weather the sale of-the per- “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.” ane.county.there is to be a ‘Baby Moe a ieee Your Hands,”by|sonal property uf the late A.A.Le .a &eo i J.FE.CARLTON,Manager,Day:some time in April and every-|'"S p.m Recitation,May Dasenbart,ihmake placerat thy Goleert AD ‘PHONE 54.STATESVILLE,N_-€.yi k a i 2.05 p.m.—Address,“Family Religion,or cic waieconbrecaatepeaaaHC,help,make thisis Christianity in the Houschold,”by Rev.A.G.homeon Racestreet Saturday,Ne R eeeftin.iply.asking the people-to -make eT p.m.—Recitation,Reba Massey.April 15.titesville a better city for the com-|2.40 p.m.—Quarterly Conference.‘|Sale ea begin promptly.at:2 pe generation:‘zi 8p.ne -tt 0’ock>j g 4 ye <4 rr i B aM ministers will be asked *to|3 ».sag-aPreadhing,followed Uy.the:Lanta id i 2 ma Gh.:C J A L V A L U E 8 ee."on the subject;the school chil-}Supper._~M.J.COLVERT,a OR ,ae ©H,4 pread ‘pel oS ce to write composi-D.H.RHINEHART,P.C.April 11 Executrix :tions;the club women to talk about Minna ae .trix.|i.§4babiesandthemerchants,grocers,|STATE OFUNS:Sduty."OhEOO ml fg INd¥uggists,dairymen,moving picture Prank J.Cheney mankes gate ofhat sik nemabinmanclioicaanicepsenk kn |Ail .\meii—-everybody—will ‘be expected to T°Gneneybb 0s,,Going:bustiaus,dn ane ‘¢i:..merits na 5talk-“Better Babies.”Lie Posse County and State ators||Groceries Below Cost.fo :Fe TOOTH:BRUSHES.-|; a7 )\°.A number of ‘nurses will assist in|said,and that said firm will ray ue adethonstrationworkandsomeofthe|Mm of ONE HUNDRED COLLARS for We have bought the er er abéstphysiciansintheStatewilllec-|act be curedbythe use of Hails Ca"||TT.A.Wood &Co.,¥3 HAIR BRUSHES,ee ove tee ee ees e tt calbomen to before,me.aha’cuvsscined|—-stock of Groceries on -[jaa 3 ;Let every one helpto.make it -a tn Mer otepenes,this ttn Gay”OF Der W Broad Sand s fy NAIL BRUSHBS,grand day for Statesville,not because]eember,A.D.U8.-Oa son West Broad street and |trove is shown a Model 50,pricewenotareattS.e LBA fa *.a =rs es €>i ‘than mayother ties intheState,but Sasha Dated ‘Core’ietaken teteroal will putin new Gro ,$50,Models 40,50 and 75 play:ey)tere we want to have the finest,|iy,andacts directly onthe blood and pe et hes ape wr ‘Victor and Columbia records.:See rece end:the--best./in--any|ceteatimoaiain,frees sell out the old stock |Models 100 and 125 play Victor,ee nea Candee HT Days |:Sold bya Grueeits “toc”|]much below’cost.Columbia and Edison records.HALL’S DRUG STORE,| Bg.$:Take Hall’s Family Pills fo 2-2Han.{|nr :;oeeetJAMESE.LLL LEONARD.PIANO STORE,||}YPHONE.20.___..Preseriptionist,,log oF pila Meare PEOMENGE:oe Ae LE CRY OF||)JOS.R.POSTON.{|Mortison Building,W.Broad St.Qt.pas .Ls a +aly tee rR biee4er oe r ge e t & ee ee > aee nats pansnowing-and—eontinued-until_af- tfneofthetoe Moore wilt go-to Marion’Tues-stop day-to-attend:the -meeting-of Concord ¢ * —_Mr.Watts to Build New ~Home—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Alpril 10 —Friday “was a wintry day,....The morning was cloudy and cold.About noon it be- ter 4 o'clock,when it began raining and we had rain and some sleet until‘at nightsursday ¥F 14th,have been appointed clean-up days for the town.All-trash placedconvenientforthewagonwillbehauledawayfreeofcharge.~“Phursday,afternoon at 3.30 o'clockMrs.T.H.Miller most*charmingly en- tertained the Book club and these ad-ditional guests:"Mesdames J.A,Mil-ler,Jr.,R.L.:Matheson,L.L.Moore, _Asa Thurston,H.C,Payne,J.C. ‘Connolly,J.D.Herman,Eugene Crogs and -.Misses Lula--Matheson, Elizabeth Lindsay,‘Rosa Watts and Gertrude Cooper,at her lovely home on east Main street.Apple,blossoms, hyacinths and violets were.beautifully arranged in the living.room,library, hall and dining room.In the inter-esting contest—anagrams—Mrs.J.F. Clement won the prize,a‘pot of beau- tiful pink hyacinths.Several piano‘solos were well rendered by Misses Elizabeth Lindsay .and Rosa Watts and Misses Rosa Watts and Gertrude Cooper sang a duet.The victrola alsofurnished-enjoyable-music._The host- ess was assisted by Misses Watts andCooperinservingdeliciousrefresh-ments in two courses,The presence of these pretty little girls,Misses Sa- ra—Miller,-daughter of the hostess, and Constance Miller and Blanche Hanes Clement,added pleasure to this delightful meeting. Rev.J..W.Watts has purchasedtwoacresoflandfromMr.O.F.Pool and six acres from Mr.W.C.Mathe-son in the western suburbs,and willsoonbegintheerectionofa.resi- dence,Miss Ada Viele,teacher of mathe-matics in the high school at Winston- Salem,is visiting her parents,May-or and Mrs.C.G.Viele.Mr.Wade Campbell,a:student at Mars Hill,re- turned home Thursday night.MissRubyDeal,teacher of the sixth grade at Winston-Salem,came home Friday aay15th and {° ville Drug Co.,for the best biscuit, ‘Miss Elizabeth ©Linker, sthool,fountain pen by the StaDruConforthebestloafof ‘for best rolls.;Miss Annie Bell Gaither Landmark,for best corn pone. rbread. Co:;for~best-eake.——~ Hall’s Drug Store,for best muffins. Co.,for best pie-crust. bles,canned fruits and Girls’Canning club.|Miss Lula |Sherrill, dy,for best shirt-watst. Miss Katie Oliphant, Drug Store for best middy. school,dress byCo.,for best:plain dress. Miss Rachel Stevenson, wear. for best piece of fancy work. by Van Buren Jurney,for best compo- sition on “Model Country School.” Honorable mention for same,Miss Beulah Elam,Cool Spring school.—_ A.Troutman,Graycrest school, baseball glove by McLelland 5 and 10-Cent.Store,for best piece hand- made furniture by boy under 12 years.Ted Dellinger,Feirhster school, fountain pen by the Statesville Print-ing Co.,for best article of the follow-ing:bird cage,bird box,scrubbing brush,fireless cooker,iceless refrig- erator._Jas.Gudger,Oak Grove school,Da-vidson township,gold medal by Com- mercial National Bank,E.G.Gaither and First National Bank,for winner in declamation contest.Miss Olivia Goode,Cool Spring school,gold med- al by First National Bank and C.V. Linwood "Miss Sara Scroggs,Feimster school, a year’s subscription to the Sentinel, ther Athensischool,a year’s subscription to The Miss Gladise Troutman,TroutmanHighSchool;box of-chocolates~andbonbonsbyHamoy,for best ginger Miss Bernice Williford,‘Linwoodschool,silk hose by the Johnston-Belk Miss Lucile Osborne,Cool SpringtheJohnston-Belk Feimster| school,purse.by the Ramsey-Bowles-|Morrison Co.,for best suit of under- Miss Evelyne White,Athens school,pair of curtains by Wallace Bros.Co., Payne Brown,Loray school,book! tharvest..That oul!“Mrs.Clara|whose ‘husband,a°N|has confessed to.thWaite’s.father by‘suit for divorce.‘that ‘her husband ©to marriage byfrau ed her cruelly;that”father and mother atokillhiswifeandthefamily:ra A total produeiton:o: :-495,000,000bushelsofwinterwheatig.forecasbythenationalDepartmentofAgri- CENT,UNDERPRICED. culture,basing.its.estimate on the eondition-of-the-cropA pril-8-and-theassumptionofee“acreage and average influences on-the crop to% “Miss Fredonia Brown,Troutman}, High School,box of stationery by |duction in 1915, {}Dewey Moore,Cool Spring High} School,handbag by the-J.-M.MaKe! |Elizabeth Linker,Linwood school,|W.R.Davenport Better:After First box of stationery by.the Polk Gray|Drug Co.,for best display of vegeta-|jellies from)long suffered from a peculiar malady |j Shepherd’s;with but ‘|school,box stationery by J.Ay Bra~;seemed that he would have:to:give up;wees Shepherd’s school,bottle toilet water,by Hall's ‘disease which puzzled doctors..They night to visit her.parents,Mr.-_andMrs.W.D.Deal,while the schools in Yinston are suspended on account of the epidemic of scarlet fever.Rev. Henkel for winner in recitation con- test.~ WAS:A DISAPPOINTMENT And-Also a Danger—The Wrong. Presbytery.Mrs.L.’P,Gwaltney of |Kind of Drink.| Stony Point,who spent a few days Sto a :;::ay Says).Two citizens of Statesville will al-}with Mrs.J._W.Watts,will return.ways”remember county~commence-; _._home today.Mrs,J.J.Edwards and ment day=and-the recollection ~will| babv daughter,Brooks,went to Row-/not be pleasant.The weather,you;an Saturday morning to visit Mrs.|-emember,was cold,damants“{re ,’p—raw.One,We UntbereerMrsMartha itehieOf,the eitizens aforesaic”wHto ©will“of :Saliabury spent Thursday with |sometimes take a drop of the ardent} .(if it is called to his attention,ran,her cousin,Mrs.A.H.Matheson.|across a bottle of what appearedto|Misses Frances Hendren and Jennie!he the real stuff,which is a mighty| Lee Hart,teachers in the school at:scarce article hereabouts.The weath-|Hiddenite.spent Sunday here,guests|of Miss Gertrude Cooper.Mr.J.A |cheer weuldn’t be amiss—that Kelly of Salisbury spent Sunday here,fing was a most fortunate one.at the home of his brother,Mr.H.T.He}-;took -a-whet of the eontents of the;Kelly:“‘bottle and was so well |:::'as §‘ll pleased that|T a Bchool at Hiddenite will close he Jooked up a friend and generously |uesday.offered to divide.The friend thoughtTherewasaheavyfrostlastnight}Pe are aeeaeiafeelheigamedeeorfavorableandtook ay A play,“The Broken Trail,”writ-'Then the scene changed.To the |ten by Prof,Tyler,principal of the ‘last man the taste of the stuff arous-|Taylorsville State “High School,will'oq suspicion.Hasty examination! be given at the school building Friday |gisclosed that the bottle contained | night.__a or alcohol—rank_poison.Terror-| —_stricken and with blanched faces,the|School Closings and Other News.victims of the mistake made a rush’ Correspondence of The Landmark.for a drug store,a hurry call was sent : Jennings,April 10 —School clos-;for doctors and each of the unfortun-|ings and.entertainments’are about|ates-called on the doctors—and pos-!the order of the day.The boys and |Sibly on the Lord,too—for help.right girls who have been in school this,then,.regardless of everything,and|winter will return to—their homes)cach wanted it first.One demanded| and have about-eight months.to for-|0f a friend to tell him if he had agetwhattheyhavelearnedinthedie,as he wanted to make some last four months.I would suggest to}Preparation.them that they make good use of the’The doctors got the stomach pumps| school-libraries and other good liter-to work and the unfortunates.were|ature during the -summé@y;-to keep Saved.\but it was a close call:and if,their.minds active,and also try to di-Mr.T.-J.Conger had been on hand} gest What you read.It is not the|With his Bryan temperance pledge|amount that we read that counts,but Tight then he would probably have re-|it is what we get out of it and the|ccived two signatures without urging.| mental training that we get while at|,P.S.Names are omitted because|aes re :|taking a-drink_is-a—private—matter?School closed at Trinity a week ago |although the results sometimes make|Saturday,with a most excellent en-|it public,and the victims suffered|tertainment.They had an_all-day|enough.|and night programme,that was good|NCONNER,tare m .| “throughout_and-.showed—the splendid |NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM. training of the efficient teachers—||Mr.Sherrill and Miss Genie Madison,‘tems of Interest Gathered From|Rev.Mr.Castle delivered—the—11-Over the State.|o’clock address,which was most ex-|The J.&D,Tire and Rubber Com-|cellent.“He is’an“able speaker and pany is a new industry in-Charlotte.everybody enjoyed his speech very|It is chartered with an authorized!much.He has just recently taken/capital of $500,000,to manufacture |charge of the work on Friendship|automobile tires.Rochester,N.Y.|church circuit and is making a most |and Charlotte parties are interested,|favorable impression.|It is W.B.Hargett,recently em-|Quite a number of our young folks ;ployed on the Hickory Times-Mercu-;are entering school _at Pisgah,which ry,not John O.Berxley,editor and|is under the direction of Rev.Mr.|proprietor of the Times-Mercury,|Comer,--;who will take over the Concord,There was a big birthday dinner |Chronicle.Rev.J.L.M.Lyerly willatMr.Wes.White’s Sunday.|be associated with Mr.Hargett in!School _will ‘lose at Eupeptic |publishing the Chronicle.’|Springs Tuesday with an entertain-|Near Jonesville,Yadkin county,onment..ithe 5th.the home of Deputy Sheriff;We had snow here Friday and the |R.L.Gregory was burned with its |Blue Ridge is said to be covered with _contents.The fire is supposed to|it,which accounts for this cold spell,|ne pueineted from a defectiveflue,|Se a |The house was nearly new a |Snows When They Come to,loss included not.only‘all the tenaTown.|ings but the wearine apparel.of the| |Hamrick &Swaim,who do business:family.No.inaurance.at Cycle,Yadkin county,sell chicken|,5,,Stembere of Asheville,recently|coops to'the Iredell Produce Company |i”Montreal,Canada,on business,|in Statesville.Some time back they|2°held in custody for three hours| brought a load of coops\to Statesville |a8 a possible German spy.Mr.Stern-|and landed in a~s \“|herg admitted that he was born in|snow\storm.”The Germany but explained that he aenexttriptheymadewithcoop:|.+aStatesvilleitsnowed.A for eee naturalized citizen of the United | ago Mr.J.E.Tharpe,of the Produce |States,He didn’t expect to visit aeCompany,notified them he wanted.ada when he left home,however,and load of coops and he hoped they could;bring them without bringing snow.!They came with ¢the coops.Friday’and snow fell that day,:Mr.Tharpe should get these people! to suspend trips to Statesville until| next winter unless he can get some!assurance that they won’t bring snow.|Rarewan any a ae untilnextwinter.He says_he has ordered ;another foad for this month,with the |TIVE BROMO QUININE fe betes Ceets AKAuaranteeitistobeunaccompanied,Qiisine and does not cause wervousness nor|;“|finging in head.Remember the fullibyhow,book for the signature of EK,W.GROVE,He \ the Canadian officials were not dis-nosed to accent his unsupported state-|ment.Finally Mr.Sternberg pulledhisElksmembershipcardandasthe,order of Elks is known only in theUnitedStatesthiscardwasaccepted|as corroborative evidence. LLL,The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head PTET Te" er was such that‘he decided a bit of|Se the|= didn’t have his papers with him,and‘: 0 swith 655,-'000,0045~bushels;-the- PARKER,N.C.,MAN GETS.QUICK RELIEF. Dose of Remedy, W.R.Davenport of Parker,N.C., of the stomach.He sought treatmentlittlerelief.).At times it hope.;He took Mayr’s Wonderful Remedyandfoundimmediate—benefit.He wrote:See“For years I have.suffered from a. termed it catarrh of the stomach,say-ing the only hope would,,be.a.changeofclimate,and that inall probabilityIwouldnevergetwell.Then I heardofyourremedy.-One bottle gave meinstantrelief.It made.me reel likeanewman.Your full course oftreatmentshasaboutcuredme.Sev-eral of my friends have’also beencured.”SetMayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives and whatever you like.No more dis-tress after eating,pressure of gas.inthestomachandaroundtheheart.Get one bottle of your druggist nowandtryitonanabsoluteguarantee —if not satisfactory money will bereturned. For sale by the Statesville Drug “estimated pro-t permanent results for stomach,liver|| and intestinal ailments.Eat as much|| aitien,SUeE Fara:to ae 86-inch Crepe De Chine,..50c..|Fancy Silk Marqulsette,86m‘ub Silks,....25e.,an :,s 2 Bye caupen ee cas cap NG36-inch Satin Stripe Messa-ee ee ee.inch’wide,b0c.per yard, —=Jine-Copeny—Mais,—no hiheelags-i -~Very stylish-and-pretty!—-— pe e dSky,Pink and White,“<<... _b4-inch”“Silverbloom~Suit-"~—~ings,”-a-veryStylish WideStripeWootMaterial,Plain Cloth to match,at $1 per yard. hclags Dressy Fabric, ~Sheer Materials,Plaid andy :Floral Design,strictly new ate.;be heer intStripedandPlaideffects,.and up-to-now,price ....with Floral Design,Bae 86-inch Reception —Voile,:‘Millinery —Pattern Hats;4 ”Ready-to -Wears—Suits,ze handsome ~Plaids and ‘Shapes,Tailored .Hats,“4 Regt ot eaStripes,beautiful —color-Flowers,Ribbons©and Coats,Skirts,Shirt-ings for the.up-to-date Novelty ‘Trimmings.»’i.fb.Waists,Petticoats.PPASBER ee oe ce ae Peek es 25e.re 7 °me aE hie ;i‘Very SpecialForMiddy Blouses:—~~ :One Case 36 inch fine quality Bleached Drilling,10c,yard.ete Yours truly,.mM =S ON.=‘*——_—_.MILLS&POST Co.and all otherreliable druggists. PINECEDARCYPRESSTIN Shingles 12 grades at $1.40 per square and up.5C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire- dell County,Statesville,N.|ea W.D.HARRIS a 118 Court Streetl”—: Plumbing and Heat-ing and_all_repairs forsame.~Locks “andGunsrepairedandKeysfitted.Infact |, anything in repair ||line. Phone 209. 15 | ies|1 ER| '40-nere farm,in high state of cultivation,and .?6s me ”-.;Here’s the “Line”to Line Up With | Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivate ffyourcorncropwithourPREPAREDNESSLINE..To be sure-of-erop,--NEW.- UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE.;:|IREDELL HARDWARE COMPANY.| FOR SALE. - SO B R E EE ) RIDING CULTIVATORsxoodimprovements,two miles from Statesville, 'N.C.A bargain at $82.50 per acre.If inter-;ested see me at once.R.C.BUNCH,States-!..:Maych 31,3ville,N.C hoe *Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.| SUITS AND $15.00. STYLE AND VALUE. New arrivals for this -week’s selling,made of Shepherd Checks,,Poplins and Gaberdines.Several new box effects and braid trimmedstyles.Suits $12.50 to $25.00.»Coats,$5.00 to SPECLAL COAT VALUES. Old Rose,Wild Rose,Copen and ‘White Cor- duroy Sport.Coats,special at $6.00. -The No.-76 Planet Jr_pivot-wheel-riding—cultivator—wit}‘extra wide arch,adjustable stops to regulate depth,larg¢ and comfortable seat,new lever springs,makeit themos}. ‘attractive and practical riding cultivator on the marke today..ae |Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware.Co.| OHORCR COROTHEMOON'S RIGHT--TIME T0 PLANT! Have you a few spare feet of ground?Why not dig up the dol-lars in it by planting something that will save your pocketbook next summer? Nothing like having a good garden with fine,fresh vegetables right out of the ground,with no lost flavor and strength from be- ing pulled too,long before they’re used.A good garden calls for. the right seed.We have'a selection of the finest varieties you can buy,both vegetable and flower. There’s nothing so beautiful and refreshing ’round the house asflowers.With their beautiful combinations of delicate tints:andtexture~hey’re equal to a coat-of:paint_in_beautifying and_mak-ing a place really look like HOME! Con.)in TODAY and let’s get the garden and’flower beds startedwhilethemoon’s right! COATS OF Square.” 28 CRORES ._BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY |MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and _re- tail.,Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909.Sh Ramsey-Bowles-M wa Fak orrison Company,pones:fice §=2¢@..GEO.H.MYERS,1}Residence 423.=‘Vice Pres.and Manager.©---4 |a —— Se ra eeeaaane as eee 0 aereemnemerave <a] ST PN AT eRaN -If IS WORTH WHILE 10 STUDY STATESVILLE DRUG CO. W.W.W.RINGS. We have just received another big lot of the famous“W.W.W.RINGS”These rings are fully guaranteed.If a set breaks a new one will be put in free of charge.We have -them from $2.00 upGetone. R.H.RICKERT &SON, ‘escent cpcnast ag TUESDAY,April11,1016. THE VOLUNTEER SECTION |OF Army-Bill SaveSaved By. ;EosSage a aa ate Fear .I Means.Negro Soldiers. |tained the volunteer army-provision in| the army bill.|Without»Republican support ee |volunteer section would have+¥eted—out—by._the.‘Demoeratig.Sena |tors;<despite the fact that wasjunanimouslyrecommended-by-the -mil-|-2 jitary committee.Twenty-four Dem-le Lorrats and-107‘Republicans,ineluding.|—lnearly’all the Progressive Republi-|” cans,voted to strike it out.Nineteen | Democrats and 17.Republicans voted!to retain it.Both Senators Simmons|and Overman voted to climinate the! provision,=} The struggle had little hearing up-) ress beyond the fact that.advocates | of the volunteer:plan asserted it wasstintto:--any--scheme~to-hack -up.the: regular army with citizen ¢oldiers while opponents declared it 'would!serve enly to disinterrate the Na- tional Guard”All who spoke declaredinfavorof:preparedness,and)many; “rged even more liberal provisions for: ‘e regular army and National Guard! than the bill makes.Others urged| that the vclunteer section be made stronger,Senators.Vardaman and Gallinger debated the race .question,the Mis+ stssippi Senator declaring that .under the provision of the volunteer section ~the bill negro armies would.be adistinctmenacetotheSouth,Sena- ter Gallinger declared Senator Var- daman wanted to keep the negro.in \menial position.He said-the negrolmadeagoodsoltlicrintheCivilane Spanish-American ways and the timejmightcomewhenhewouldbesneed- ed to defend the country. |;The section:under dispute provides| for the organization by congressional |districts of 261,000 ‘federal -volun- ‘sers.wholly under the control of thePresident,and for their training in |ceace times under such regulations«as ithe President may vrescribe.It was ‘esigned to provide for summer}! '*raining camps similar to those held (Jest vear at Plattsburg,-N.Y.,apd ;elsewhere.and also for the organiza-‘tion of volunteer army units in coun.| JEWELERS. MONEYISPOWER! yayNCE POWER AND COMMANDS INFLU AND OPPORTUNITY! ‘THE BESTWAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE iT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Dopart- ment.All Deposfts made on or before April Sth will draw interest from April Ist at the rate of 4 pe:cent. compounded quarterly. MONEY IS This Bank welcomes.both women and men! Certificates cf Deposit issued Bank b frem date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. aNSavingsAccountsfrom by this ear inte rest cif small,-cordially invited.Checking accoun(s;cither large or We want vour business! People’s Loan and GEO.H.BROWN O.L.TURNERWAN e?eSAVES President. Cashier i SI Q T I M A L T SA E sr i g g n s s t e c g e s e t e e n r e t e t s t e e c t e n r s z tt t °° Sr r e r e s e r e t e t e r s e s e o r e r e s Bank, ‘try districts,where its members could;Snare lime during the summer for-ajmoanthormoreofintensivemilitary raining.during each of the three ‘years of their service with the.col-| jars.:rs"Senator sub-|!McCumber —offered a high school, cents be,assembled in -military_train<- ag camps,those of suitable age -be- ‘ne liable fer service in the rogular qr volunteer armies in time.of war and ©remain in the class of available re-' -o3 for 10 yearswasdefeatedwithout a roll eal. Several others urged steps to train 4th dents as a reserve voree,indicatine ; in fight to insert such a provision will! :made later.paahads, >+ Col.Jones Calls Attention t6 a Few Thing’. Noting the cntrance of «fl nipe and Mr.Sinclair ef lard county into the race for Attor- Ceneral,Col.Edmund Jones of Caldwell county,says in a published statement: “Could I ests of the Domoeratic narty demand- ed that Ido so,I would willingly ef- face mvself hy retiring from the con-task:Bat.naturally.T-eannn*see it in that light...The 12 counties com-Lposing northwestern North Carolina. with a difidence characteristic of ‘thei.have no other candidate than, myself,for any State office.These 13 counties /280,000—more than one-se white population of the State.They “poll re one-ninth of the Demo- eratic For more than 75 years |there is po record,except in five in- stances.of their ever having had rep- udee Man- Cumber- nev 4thi venth of the arhy CPOCRITIACO CRON CETORI CORA HONORA?TORRID | x To your interest,Mr.Gardner,to plant SEED that grow and are true to name. Give us—your.SEED business for 1916. After that always-ours. —The Rexall Store.——— Statesville Drug Comp’y Quality Prescriptionists., FP 29 9 9 9 0 2 0 0 9 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 0 0 2 8 2 0 7 020 S e CC T RT s 2O S s $3 Baan peea non the State ticket n the other hand.Wake‘county| (alone has rot been without represen: tation on the State ticket for 49 |veors,and now demands two.There pro at present 21 avowed candidates| for-the-pocition to be fitted at the next? ection.Only one of these jis from} the entivpe northwest.and four are} from the county of Wake.”\ Students Teach at Brawley’s—; Farm Work. Serrespondence af)The Tandmark. Mooresville.R-2,Apvit 7 —Farm- ers.are very busy preparing land for another crop.Wheat and oats are looking well. Stucents of Davidson College have been having a,successful Sunday, school atBrawley school house.Sun-, day echo!in.the afternoonPreachingatBrawley’s every two, weeks on Sunday afternoon.Rev.F.| K.Hobson-of Cornelius preaches there|occasionally.He has gained many: friends and has influence by his kind-, ness and ability.There is some talkofaPresbyterianchurchbeingbuilt|near Brawley’s.Hope the —students will not give it up;that they may work with great interest so we can have a church. |Admitted to Registration Area. IY KODAK The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System haveputamateurphotographywithinreachofeveryman,woman and childatsmallcost..KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 to $12.Kodak supplies ofall kindsin the genuine Eastman quality. H.B.WoC)D a J ore: Dr.W.S.Rankin;secretary of the notification from.Sam.L.Rogers,di- rector of the United States Census, Bureau,that North Carolina has been admitted.to the “registration area”of|the United States,thus giving:the| State not,only national but interna-| tional recognition as to vital statis-ties.This recognition comes to North, Carolina,sthe third Southern State to lex admitted,as a result of a recent | |ex:amination by experts of the Feder- “HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,”Plumbing and Private Water Systems. |REFERE NCES 'URNISHED, =s| } al census bureau,of the record of tho| |State board.|The result -of the investigation|shows that 94.26 per cent.of all} j.deaths occurring in the State are reg-,istered,the standard required-for ad=| |mission being 90 per cent. (Sioteamenieinerenneaeone |Cures Old Sores,Other Remedies Won't Core, |The worst cases,no.matter of hbw long standings |p. are curéd by the wonderful,old reliable Dr.|Yorter’s.Antiseptic Healing Oil.It relieves. of, Paid oy!Ueala at the sane tinje,She,Ge.$L.00, gecttengd ole By a vote et 36 to 34 the Senate re-jtonSunday. stitute for the section providing that|*# academy and college stu-© after gradnation,|— catee nk thet the hest inter-.: have a white population of | at 3.) StateBoard of Health,-has received|° Ocean ag meet ee Mr re y "|(TEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.| Happenings.Here and “There in! the State. Shipments of ©strawherries~“from Close the eastern trucking section are .ex-|a ees“to begin about the-25th. J.Wilbur Chapman,the evan-" began a’meeting at Wilming- A-mad;dog-ran-amuck at Sanford,|Jast week and bit five children,all of ie ;Whom were taken to Releigh for Pas-|een|teur treatment. “Pwo colored:-children-teft—alone—in- house “at “Kinston,—Tavo-year-oldFohildbumaed‘with house and two oth-| er houses damaged by same fire. “Wecoyonnson-ef Chicago,employ- ed in constructing a water tank at ‘arventon,fell from the top of the tan’:and was instantly.killed. Do.J.L.Mann,superintendent of oro_schools,has resigned to! aceopt a similar position ,at Green- Greens} on the general question of prepared-Iville.S.-€, Wilkes count¥cemmissioners have| |petitioned Gov.Craig “to order aspecinttermeof<-eourt for Wilkescounty.beginning June 19 and to con-tine for two weeks,for the trial ofcivilcases,The Governer is asked to assign Judge Shaw to hold the court. Mr,Cecil Moore,a farmer of Mar-| tin'county,was shot while he sat in!‘his home,onc night last weck,John Guilford,a negro with whom Mr. Moore had had trouble,is’in jail.charged with the crime.Moore’s re-|covery is doubtful. Near Manteo,Dare county, LAS Mrs,:Bennett Branch,65 years old,was at- tacked by a negro-and her.throat! slashed.when she refused to disclose Ithehidingplaceofsomemoneyshe|Was supposed to have.One Harris,|| colored.whois charged with the| crime,is under arrest.The condition of Mrs.Branch was reported criti-| cal-as a result of the attack. Dr.Geo.AX Carry a prominent den-|tist of Durham,‘has brought suit for|divorce against his wife.The suit!follows a suit brought against Mrs. Carr by Mrs.‘Virginia Kendalt of| Richmond,who charges Mrs.Carr|with alienating the affections of her| husband,Richard Kendall.a jewelry| salesman,and asks %29,000 damages.|The whereabouts of Mrs.Carr.it is; said,are unknown and Dr.Carr is said to he serioysly ill as a-result of|his troubles.x More Than 5,000 Corn,Pig Pouitry Cluk Members. Latest figures,from the ond) \farm Ex- tension Service show that up to April “there had enrolled’inthe corn,pig|nd poultry clubs,5,183 boys and! ,divided as follows:Corn clubs,| pig clubs,1,012;poultry clubs,| Stokes county leads in corn club: entries:149-boys havine entered.fn: me clubs,Durham leads with 65. “Ist 'RHEUMATISM? Arart You Really On theTrack?Wrong A good share cfso-called Rheuma- tista is caused by weak kidneys.When tho kidneys fail to-clear the blood of _, the acid irritates the deli-utic acid, cate Torturing through ths affected par it-is moved.By strengthenine ¥Doan’s Pills wen their worth in thousanc Rheumatic case:Lum nerves. Kidney . a al 3 ie i revel,and Statesvilie and warmly re by Statesville DSiatesyile case: Mrs.D.C.=Coenee,256 Cc t i,ay peonte. pains in my bad with my hionethatwhen—lips dowp,1 couldn't. cord hardly turn bothered me Kidney Pit!s strengthened and my cause me anv trouble.” Price 5Oc.,dente; ply ask for a kidney Dosn’s Kidneyf Mrs, Co.,Preps., Spring Flowers !'.. Biraighten ia m7 Afiver takine for awhiley my -back-« iad. £0. kisneys cidn’t ~Dov't _yemer att all sim- iil me Cooner hed.Peatei Buffalo,N.¥ Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. Van Lindley (o.,} GEEENSRORO,#.©. Polk Gray Drug C0, hecal Agoats, (crack theleather.aandtheirshinolastslongor. .BLACK-WHITE*=TAN~ 10 ¢- SnKEEPYOURSHOESNEAT) THE F.F,DALLEYT CO.,LTO,anenee N. THE UNIVERSAL CAR With severat hundred makers of au-torapbiles in America,Ue Ford factory turns out more than one-half of the en-tire finished—product.Because theworthofFordcarsasdependable,money-saving utilities has been demon- strated beyond all question,the demand .is constantly increasing.‘Order yoursNOW.Runabout #890;Touring Car.$440;Coupelet 3590;‘own Car $640; Sedan $740.All prices f.b.v.Detroit.On sale at Carolina Motor Co,States- ville,“Mooresville and Newton. We aveshowlig over fifty different styles from 95ets,to £1.59 each.- Also a nies line of 7 543 anOWSil suits,Dresses, =MRS. rerette eles Crepe De Vaists for ladies.Coatyathiwy RYakIvMAE SIMS.<d reARENA Re "494Qn tyte ALS To go away fiom home for your FIELD SEEDS when J.E.Sloop has what you need at the Yi;ight price,and you.may return what you don’t ari get your MONEY BACK?See me for frst glassRed Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds, Kentucky Blue,Tall Meadow Oats,and Sudan Grass andRape.Burt,Black,White,Red rust proof and Bancroft’s Oats._Fertilizersfrom * 14 per cent.acid to &-2-2..Am looking for those “whoneed supplies and fertilizers on time as_well as cash,I can take care of your wants.‘ J.E.SLOOP. ee te r e s aa g t ho e w e d e r se s c a a a s e n c e s s s {o e SU S t z b E T e E S ? 2 .sitetyargeatgtarscascats:TyOssS tubgidtreaeanaer amano speestSEPRRENIELTSS LLSESERSL ABATEATT TERE as eet DOCINECRER COSTEParteMesvieteterere ptistetetererets JUST ARRIVED. New Line Spring Suits,Hlats, —Shirts and Neckwear. ALL THE LATEST in these LINES. Call early and look through.Will take pleasure in showing you--whether you are ready to purchase now or noé, Respectfully, SN C ) SR Te l a l a d i e c a l e s a - el a . a tfoe aK Fi otoan aes Ss E a oe ” ie - a as iEOAPCETRTTAGERMUMT NEifftyeyge; “Talia Vets 5 to a customer. ohnston-B. STAT 1 GermGe. “We realized months ago.that the.Saree on-all “anatactared:eoede:would” greatly advance,and buying for “12 BIG LIVE STORES”in North and South> Carolina,we placed LARGE ORDERS,hence we can and are giving you today the advantage we secured in our advance purchasing.We offer you today | “goods at “OL ‘D PRICES” ONE BIG COUNTER Loaded:with -goods worth 7 12c. to 10c.yard,at 5c.yard. Calicoes,Ginghams,Chambrays, Lawns,Dress Ginghams,5c. 40-inch Voiles,5c.;Tans and Whites,yard-wide Sheeting,5c. ONE BIG REMNANT COUNTER On this you -will find goods of all kinds marked one-half and less, AT 7 1-2C. You will find goods on this Coun- ter well worth 10c.to 12 1-2c.to- day.36-inch Pajama _Checks, 7 1-2c.;10c.to 15¢e.Colored Ra- tines,7 1-2¢.;1 lot Outing,7 1-2¢ AT 10C. On this Counter we have made ex- tra preparation.40-inch Organdie worth 15c.to 18c.,10c.;18e. Crepes,all_colors,-10¢.;15¢c.Reppe- lettes,10c.;32-inch 12 1-2c.Cham- bray,good line of colors,10c. 1 BIG LOT “PAEM BEACH” Cloth sold at 25c.lot Windsor Crepes,sold at 18c., special price,........10e. Blues,White,Lavendar. Special,15e.1 AT 8 1-2C. We offer good Hickory Shirting, 8 1-2c.,good Bed Ticking,8 1-2c., good Embroidery Cloth,8 1-2c.; 36-inch Linen Finish Suiting, 8 1-2c.;36-inch Cambric,8 1-2c. BIG JOB. In Real Linen Finish Suiting,very fine and pretty,25c.quality,36- inch wide,.............12 1-2c. 1,500 vards 25c.Pique,in a variety of colors,in lot,worth 25c.,special, 15e. 36-inch Bl cached Domestic,a 10c. value,10 yards to customer,for TY,no oe SILK AND WOOL 50C.GOODS! Crepe DeChines,86-inch wide,all colors,special,39¢. $1.25 All Silk Crepe DeChines,98c. Big line Stripe and Plaid Taffetas, $1.25 Silks,all new,this sale,ccc.eee e ee eee eee 98¢c. 1 lot Solid Colored Taffetas,Mes- salines,in’Navys,Blacks, Tans,$1.25 value everywhere, 8oe. WOOL GOODS AT “OLD PRICES.” The popular Shepard Checks in a real 75e.value,at ....48e. All -Wool Serge,.........--A8c. ke .aBiglineSerges,Poplins,.Gaber- dines,42 and 44-inch,$1 to $1.25 values,79¢.,89c.,8c. 1 lot real 12 1-2c.Pillow Cases,9c. t a 50c.Bed Sheets,72x90,37- TY Tot;Sdc,value;81x90;69. 1 lot Huck Towels, TOWELS AT OLD PRICES! {c.;1 Tot Huck special in Bath Tow- Towels,10c.;1 1 lot.15e.to Towels,&c.; els—1 lot 12 1-2e. lot 25c.Towels,19c.; 20c.Towels,12 1-2c. Linen,Cotton Huck Tow- 8 1-2¢. sig line eling,12 1-2c.quality, EXTRA SPECIALS IN MUSLIN UNDERWEAR! 3ig line Children’s Drawers,well made,good Muslin,8 1-8e. SPECIAL IN TOILET ARTICLES Air Float Taleum Powder,2&c.; Air Float Taleum Powder,-4e.;all of Williams’and Colgate’s Powder at 12¢.;Lano Oil Soap,the 25c. quality,18¢c.box;Sweet Maiden Soap,8 cakes,&c. CHILDREN’S GOWNS! +J Big’assortment of real $2.50Waists,made of Crepe De Chine and Wash Silks,all the styleswanted,special,$1.98. New line of Middy Blouse Waists at 48e,,and 98c.,new trimmings. 1 big line of Silk Dresses.in Taffe- ta,Poplins,Crepe De Chine,in the newest styles and Cloths,$3.98, $4.95,$5.95,$7.50,$8.50. A-great line of W ash Dresses for the little ones,sizes 2 to 14 years, made of Ginghams and Percales, nicely.trimmed, made,48¢,,75c.,98c. COAT SUITS SPECIALS! ©McCatu a\\ All the new things made of Serges fast colors,well Great line Tailored fashionable Skirts,any size,style or make,at $2.95,$8.95,$4.95. Great line of Petticoats in Sateens, Silks,in all colors,98c.,$1.48,$1.- 98,$2.98. New line House Dresses,Wash Materials,well made,.all sizes,98c., $1.48,$1.98, New line Kimonas,new patterns, 98c.,$1.48. “SPORT COATS!” We still have a few $5 to $7 Sport Coats left to close at a very low pr ice. «$5 Coats,Plain and Checks,$3.75;° $6.50 Coats,Plain and Checks,$3.- 98:$7.50 Coats,Plain and Checks, $4.45. BOYS’WASH SUITS. Bought job in these..They are $1and$1.25 Suits.New goods,well made,fast colors,to close lot,75c. Suit, Boys’Pants at even less than last year prices! 1.lot Boys’)Pants,6 to 15,25¢e,.;1lotBoys’Pants,4 to 17,48c.;1 lot Boys’Pants,.68c.;1 lot Boys’ Pants,6 to 17,75c.;1 lot Boys’ Pants,extra-size,18 to 34,$1.50. GENTS’FURNISHINGS! at “Last Year Prices”!Txtra long and larger Work Shirts,45c.;1 lot Fancy Shirts,25¢. $1 fine Dress Shirts,pretty new Patterns,$1 value,special for this sale,50c.;all sizes. “OUR SPECIAL SOX!” This Soek sells for 18c.to 20c. Fast black and Navy:Special,llc. 1 lot 25c.Suspenders,15c. 1 lot B V M Soéks,usually sold for 25c.,special,2 for 25c. Men’s 10c.value Socks,5c. New line.of Lion Brand Shirts and Collars just in,“beautiful line of Patterns,95c.and up. SHOES!SHOES! Our new liné “Dorothy Dodd”low- cut Shoes now in stock.You know what they are!And the prices are the same as last year! New line Godman Shoes for Ladies and Children.None better .made and few as good as Godman’s.All makes and leathers and_prices same as last year. New line of Ladies’low-cut Shoes, SHOES! sgh hes pakNENLaeEAa a ae LB tel.)a5 :and Taffetasi :1ew shades all leatl and styl 98 “$1.25,4gEXTRAVALUESANDPRICES|All sizes,6 10 12 years,special,|ng io all these values are-|SPECIAL IN BED COUNTER.|$148,$1750ONSILKSAND-DRESS-GOODS!_|-19¢.;Ladies’Gowns at old prieest |yoany iast year priess—$9.45,$9.}Sea:OES sen oe tut 1 ;all 50c.A J,dIC.5 1 :29 °$ag 5 5 y r §©1 lot.Fancy Silks for Waists and |4 ‘ce Creepes and nats eonne 95,$12.15,$14.95,$16.50,$18.50.|Big lot regular size,large Counter-ee $2.50 Shoe at $1.98,all Dresses,..¢2...-.sree 100,75c.;1 lot Muslin and Crepe ni os rar :ES CHORIN Hay Siyclatel teh Men’s lew=-cut-Shoes and the prices |_1 lot Figured Silks,new Patterns,|Gowns,-$1-to-$4.25 values,89.VERY GREAT SAVING ON 5 are the same as last year!35¢c.value,assorted colors,READY-MADE SKIRTS?“MARSEILLES QUILTS!“Ralston Health”“Shoes ;all the special price,.........25¢,READY -TO -WEAR WAISTS!{Jot of Wash Skirts,well made,We have a few slightly soiled fine new-'Toes_andtleathers.Aten rubs —-}1_lot_26-inch-wide Silk Poplins,50c.;hig Tine colored Skirts in Quilts,extra large and heavy.We ber_-bottoms,$4 and $4.50. cheap at 75c.,big line.of col-1 Jot Waists,4&e.:1 lot onew grays,tans,black and white {will close this lot very cheap.Our new line of Godman’s or Fair- OFS.ee eee:50c.Waists,some in lot worth $4.59,cheeks,real $1.50 value,at 98e.$5 Marseilles at $2.95;$3.50 Mar-field Shoes are now in and Shoes Yard-Wide Black T eiieta,85c._]all real $1.25 values,entire lot to Big line Skirts sold for $2.50 to $3,[seilles at $2.48;$2 Fringed Quilts,|worth $2.50 to &8,solid leather. quality,for this sale,59c.go at 98c.each.for this special sale,$1.98.cut corner,$1.38.Special,$1.98. Our new lines of Clothing are on our counters.We bought very early and are in on the 66 °”.‘”?,nmLowestPrices.”Ask to see our ‘‘Ail Wool’Blue Serges,$10 value,at $7.50.Ask to see e e ps Bes:Ss i i :ge ess as Se MESS pe te v9ourlineofPlainandFancyWorsteds,made-for young and old men.Can’t match them to- day for less than $15.Great line of patterns,special $9.50.New line of “Palm Beaches” justin.All colors and sizes,34 to 48..We bought these away back:yonder and we give you last summer prices. nee inks &Suit Cases |OHNSTON-B !LK C0)PANY,its,$1 Shirts alle,e 7 ‘]F ey i?‘aTrunks&Suit Cases Ls 7 Shirts.$1 Shirts,all sizes, 25 Cents Up.S’I A’J ES V ILLE,N.C.Well Made,at 50 Cents. : b, 5 a + ate ae ~~having been reached as to the terms t (4the withdrawal-of the troops until.a -ington yesterday.While no official _yhasized the fact that permission for _that a band of Villa followers,num- ~~Villa-was with thé raiders. *ceived from Ojinaga stating that Col- -mationthat Villa had doubled in his of that-town. ~-Yeports from Mexican sources agree*that Villa is convinced that the force of the United States soon will be re-_called_and_that he will be able thento.rally_all_the BS ard., Z troops are needed principally, “Outlaws would the regulars need sup- y |Can’t Collect Insurance When Contemplated when the policy was is- _shouldbe.inserted in a policy,it would As ~the limited--use-of the ‘Tine-wiii“per- OR WITHDRAWAL.| .Carranza Says AmericanTroopsAreinMexicoWith: “out.Permission,—Wants Them to Get Out Until There‘is a Definite Arrangement, Gen.Carranza asks for the with- drawalof American troops fromMexico.Tho demand reached Wash- announcement was made,{t is not ex-pected that the troops will be with- drawn,for the present at least./ ‘The Mexican note contains about 5,-000 words,In it the de facto govern-ment of Mexico contends that,as the American troops crossed into Mexicowithout:permission they should bewithdrawnuntil'a proper formal com-pact.can be entered into between the two governments.It is insistentlyarguedthatthepreviousnotesoftheMexican.government especially em- reciprocal .crossing of the frontierwould’be granted only in the event oftherepetitionof—a raid “similar~~toiemade.by Villa at Columbus,N. Emphasis is laid on the fact thattheAmericanexpeditionwasunder-taken under a misunderstanding.Al-though acting in good faith the dec-laration is made that the United_States had interpreted the ‘first noteofthedefactogovernmentaseffect- ing a definite agreement between the ent rae Se _STATESV rere eeeearnnrcens —nienteGERMANYADMITS‘FOUR. Torpedoed Four But.Did,It Le-gally.¢ The German reply to the Ameri-can note concerning the damaging orsinkingoffive:steamships containsthestatementthatthesteamersEng- lishman,Manchester,Engineer andBerwindvalewerédestroyedpyGer,man”submarines.-Evidence was pre-sented to show that the vessezs weretorpedoed:legally,in accordance:withtherulesofwar.A Washington dispatch says admis- sion by Germany ‘that her’subma-rines recently attacked three mer-chant ships carrying American citi- zens,and that one of them torpedoed a vessel.in the vicinity of the pointwherethechannelsteamerSussexwasdamagedby:an,explosion,‘hassimplifiedthetaskoftheStateDe- partment.in preparing for the next step in the issue over submarine war- fare.; After receipt in cabled press-dis- patches of the latest German note,itbecameknownthattheUnitedStateswouldcontinuetocompileinforma- tion indicating that German subma-rines are operating in violation oftherulesofinternationallaw,and that very soon a communication,de- signed to be the final word of the American government on the subject, would go forward to Berlin.The State Department virtually has completed collection of facts relatingtoallattacksonmerchantshipssince two nations,-But the intention of thedefactogovernmentwasthatnoex-| peédition .should be sent into Mexico|until ‘terms and conditions relative to; an agreement were defined.|The note declares therefore that in consequence of no final agreement,| of the treaty to regulate the.recipro-| cal passage of troops over ‘the divid-ing line,“the Mexican governmentsjudges—it--convenient™to™suspend”forthepresentalldiscussionornegotia- tions in this particular,or founded on,the circumstances that the expedi- tion sent by the United.States gov- ernment to pursue Villa is withoutfoundationinvirtueofthe‘non-ex- istence of a previous agreement for-mal and definite.”The note insists that the United States has accomplished all it can ac-complish for the present and asks for more definite understanding is reach- o News comes from El Paso,Texas, ering several hundred and possibly a thousand,have.sacked Sierra Maja- da,Mexico,five miles across the Coa-huila line and 80 miles east of Jimi- nez,Mexico,destroying many thou-,Sands of dollars”worth of American property and looting the town of ev- erything of value.It is believed that The bandits made their attack onthetownonApril5.They came fromEscalon,a junction point on the Mex-ican National railroad,60 miles south- “east of Jiminez and about an equaldistancesouthwestofSierraMojada.On their way to Siéfra Mojada-they-sacked the small town of Corrilo.,The belief that Villa himself may be directing the operations of thebanditsissupportedbyarevortre- onel Rojas,the commander,had _infor- tracks and was 200 miles southwest Sierra Majada is 140 miles cast ofthenearestpointatwhichAmerican oeps—are—known to be,Numerous| anti-Carranza~~fac-tions in northern Mexico :to his stand- +—Disnatches from Washington statethatfurtherincreaseoftheUnitedStatesforcesinMexicoisagain prominent in official consideration.InthisconnectionitisofficiallystatedthatGeneralPershing’s future move-Ments in the hunt for Villa will in- ‘elude adequate preparations for any eventuality...Strengthening of thelineofcommunication,for which hasproceeded.with that end in view, General Scott,chief of staff,whiledenyingthatanyorderstosendmore troops into Mexico had vet been is-fued,declared General Funston didnotneedsuchauthorityfromWash-ington and had carte blanche to moveanyforcesinthesoutherndivision.Persistent reports that use of the Na-tional Guard was contemplated,drew @ statement on high authority that the President is not considering such B®step and that only in the event of more widespread military operationsan_the-mere—chaseof-Villa—and_his port. Supplies are being snipped to Ca-s Grandes over the fiexico North- estern railroad for distribution |toeéXpeditionaryforce,as rapidiy as mit.~\ Party is Executed. .In Searborough vs.Insurance Com-any,an ‘appeal from Durham coun-y,the State Supreme Court revers-es the lower court,which held thatinsurancepolicyonthelifeofaManconvictedofcrime,sentenced and executed by law,is collectable.The court holds that no'such risk was ed and that if such’a stipulation void,ap iagainst public policy. the.Lusitania.‘Further evidence in the case of the,Sussex,forwarded by the American embassy at London,istoarriveonthelinerSt.Paul.It is understood that instructions to Am- bassador Gerard,accompanied by the information gathered by the depart- ment,will go forward soon thereaf- ter. Senate Passes Sugar Tax Repeal:~~Bil.—aoe The Senate Tuesday passed its sub- stitute for the House free ‘sugar re- peal resolution,extending the present duty of one cent a pound on sugaruntilMay,1920,The vote was 40 to Sees ee =eeTourDemocrats—Senators Brous-sard,Ransdell,Newlands and Lane— joined the -Republicans in 'voting against the substitute.Thev favor the flat repeal passed by the House.A sharp controversy in conference be- tween the two houses is predicted.Anticipsting that the House wonld An- sist upon its resolution,Senators Sim- mons,Stone and Lodge were namedastheSenateconferees. Unless a conference agreement is reached and approved before May 1 sugar will go on the free list until such time as the repeal of extension of the duty can be made effective. Most of the tariff discussion Tues- day was devoted to an amendment by Senator Works of California to te othercreasethetariffonlemonsand citrus fruits to one cent a pound.s was defeated by a vote of 44 to 29, Senator Phelan of California being the only Democrat to support.it. Senator Vardaman said he would vote for the Senate substitute sugar resolution but would not give his con- sent to the House measure.“I would not vote to tax any of the necessities of life for battleships that are not needed,”he said,“TI have very little sympathy-.for the preparedness”pro- -gramme that-scems to be agreed up- on,but if I had I would ‘not be will- ing to pay for it with a tax on su-gar,but would raise the money witha greater income tax,an inheritance tax and a much greater tax-on-_thelux-furies of life.” Will Resist Raise in Rates. Although no public statement hasbeenmade,a Raleigh dispatch says tt is a fact that the cornoration com- mission has given the Seaboard Air Line,Atlantic Coast Line,Southern and Norfolk Southern railroad -com-panies to understand that the petition these companies filed for permission to raise the intra-State freight rates on fertilizers about 20 cents per ton, to conform to the maximum rates or-dered to _apply in the inter-StateratesbytheInter-State Commerce Commission in the noted.Royster Guano Company case,recently decid- ed.will be denied. This means that steps will be taken by the State authorities to prévent the proposed raise in the intra-State rates.Under the order of the Inter- State Commission there must—be an adjustment of the rates that will eaualize the inter-State and the intra- State rates b yMay 20;Just what move the corporation commission and the Governor will make is not yet-re- vealed.% Segregation Case Before Court of Last_Resort._ Constitutionality of race segrega- tion ordinantes was argued this week before the United States _SupremeCourtinacaseinvolvingvalidityof the.Louisville,Ky.,regulation,mak- ing it unlawful for any negre-to 6c- ciipy a residence--in~any_block in which a greater number of houses are occupied by white folk,and unlawful for a white person to occupy a resi- dence in-a “negro block.” The decision is expeeted to affect.all cities having similar ordinances. The Same Story. -The-news.from the war zone_ispracticallythesamedaily.The strug- gle at Verdun and along the ‘otherbattlefrontscontinues.First oneside,then the other,gains a little,or loses.”No “material change’any-where,and the details,such as areobtainable,are of little interest, | Co STORE ROBBERY AT CLIO. Mr.J.W.Hager’s Store RobbedSafeForciblyOpened. The store of.Mr,J.W.Hager at Clio,Sharpesburg township,wasbrokeninto.Wednesday ©night ~$40 to,$50.in cash taken fromsafeandprobablya.few.articlesfrom.the store.AS ey aEntranceto‘the store’was©madethrough‘a window.:In gaining.en-trance to the safe,the knob and dialwereknockedoff.Then a piece of steel was jammed against what wasleftoftheknobuntilthecombination.was.broken.:The money consisted of 300 to 400:pennies,small silver pieces,$5°and$1 bills and one $10 bill,‘Sheriff Deaton was called to make an invéstigation Wednesday morning. It was suspected that the deed was committed by a-negre who had re- cently returned to the community but after investigation this idea was abandoned, Mr.Hager lives at Stony Point, where he is in business,but also op- erates the store at Clio,his.former home,which is under the management of Mr.D.N,McLelland.Mr.HagerwasatCliothenightoftherobberyandsleptinhis,former,home,in.aroomnearesttothestore,but heard nothing during the night,-and.‘it was not known until next morn-ing that the store had been en-tered,A nail-puller that belong-ed to the store,but which had been missing for the past two months,was found where the burglar had been op- erating and this suggested the idea that the deed was committed by someonefamiliarwiththepremises.*It isnotthoughtthatitwastheworkof. experts. NEWS OF .THE CHURCHES. Appointments For Services— Thomasville-Pleased-With Dr. Anderson.i Services at Trinity church Sunday at 11 a.m, Yadkin Presbytery,colored,con-.Yened in the Second Presbyterianchurchhere~Tuesday and will hold through Sunday.Rev.S,C.Scott’is moderator of the Presbytery.The at- tendance is considered very good. Rev.Dr.J:M.Grier of Concord preached the opening sermon of the session of Concord Presbytery,which assembled in’Marion Tuesday eve-ning.Rev.W.M.Sykes of NewtonwasclectedmoderatorandRev.R. W.Culberson of Cabarrus and Rev, A.8S.Barnes.of |Mooresville wereelectedassistantstothestatedclerk, Rev.E.D.Brown of Iredell. Special ‘services at,Front StreetBaptistchurchSunday,conducted by the pastor and membership,Subjectfor11a.m,“Disaplaying the banner.’ “Bring an_offering and come beforeHim.Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”Subject for 7.45 p.m.: “Preparedness.”“‘I-was glad when they said unto me,let us go into thehouseoftheLord.’”’Welcome to all. Your coming means that some one elsewillcome.Your staying aYay means that some one else will stay.C,S.CASHWELL,Pastor.Charity and Children has this to say of Dr.Chas.Anderson,who recently concluded a meeting at Thomasville: ‘Dr:Charles Anderson,who-has Episcopal been preaching the gospel_in Thomas-, ville for the past two weeks,great- ly endeared himself to the communi-ty.He is a_man of.the-finest.socialqualitiesandwehopetoseemuchmoreofhiminthefuturethanwe have in the past.He is a preacher of rare power and his.searching ser-mons reached the hearts and con- sciences of those who heard him.His} morning sermons to Christian peoplevereespecially’tender’and_helpful.All the churches of thehlessedbyhisministry and the two Baptist churches in whose especial in- terest he came to us were greatly ed- ified.We are glad he lives so nearus,” Sunday is Palm Sunday,the anni-versary of .the Saviour’s...triumphal entry into Jerusalem,when the multi- tude strewed.palm.branches andshoutedhosanna. Senator Pharr Withdraws. Senator lenburg,who months ago.announced that he would-be a candidate in the Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor,announces his withdrawal. He says: “After mature deliberation,I have decided not to énter the primaries in the race for Lieutenant Governor.In so doing,I am actuated solely by con- sideration of the force of circum- stances that made it practically im-possible for me to prosecute an ac-tive campaign.The demands of my personal business_-have been such thatIcouldnotgetawaynortouldIsparethetimetoactivelytakeupacam- taign.Furthermore,the situation is 80.from,this time_on..—I--have-donepractically-nothing in connection with my campaign and nothing at all sincelastAugust,”.VaSenatorPharr’s withdrawal leavesthefieldtoO.Max Gardner of Shel-by,who had apparently already won the nomination..Senator Gardner is a very popular man ahd the inactivity of Senator-Pharr made-easy sailing,for.him. The President is satd to be stand- ing by Mr.Brandeis,whose nomina-tion for.Associate Justice of the Su-preme Court is vigorously opposedandhasnoideaofwithdrawingthenomination. ~-Cedar Hill and Olin played base- ball yesterday afternoon at ‘Olin mYOlinwon—12 to 8,; town were! H.Neal Pharr of Meck-| an ae eeATTSeeseent STUCK SCISSORS Little Child’s Serious Injury—~..Another Child’s:Injury. Caroline,aged about two'and a half years,daughter of Mr.und Mrs.|Branch Smith of»Mooresville,is in;Dr.F.A.Carpenter’s hospital withherlefteye,gone and her skull frac-tured as a result of a serious accidentWednesdayafternoon,~*~'The little girl was playing on.aporchataneighbor’s in Mooresville.She became frightehed at a dog andfellfromtheporchtothe.ground, eight to ten feet.At>the-time shehadapairofscissorsinherhandandinthefalltheywerejammeddownthroughherskull..and through thelefteye’She was brought.to -Dr. Carpenter,who removed the left eye-ball and,took twenty.stitches in sew-ing up the wound in her head.While the accident was a most se- rious one,the little girl did ‘not seem to suffer a great deal and is getting along as well as could be expected. Richard Hall.little son of Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Hall,also suffered an in- jury to his eye Wednesday.While playing with other boys at the college an arrow,shot by one of the boys,accidentally struck Richard in the right eye,puncturing it.Dr.Car- penter does not anticipate any serious result to the eye. Again the Neal Suit. The suit of F.H.Neal of Jeffer- son,Ashe county,against Dr.H.-F,Long of Statesville,-was again this week,for the third time,ordered re- moved to Wilkes county for trial.Messrs,Zeb.V.Long,H.P.GrierandL.C,Caldwell were at Ashe court this week as counsel for Dr. Long and asked for the removal, which was ordered by Judge Webb. Messrs.Grier and Long have return-ed.Mr,Caldwell.stayed to appear in other cases to"Be tried es i¥.H.Neal;who was at one time w Patient at Dr.Long’s.Sanatorium,breught suit in 1912 against Dr.Long, for $50,000 damages,alleging that hehadsufferedbyneglectwhilea_pa- of defendant the suit was for trial and plaintiff took a volun- tary non-suit.The suit .was againinstitutedin1913andatOctober term,'1914,the plaintiff for a secondtimetooka.voluntary _non-suit. Again.the suit was instituted:and i dea it has been ordered moved to;Wilkes for trial. Whether the case will ever be tried jis a-matter of doubt,but the plaintiff has managed to put the defendant to a lot.of trouble and expense. |Had Too Much Liquor. G.-€,-Pearce,a young man from ‘committed to~jait—yesterday ~—by |Squire.Lazenby in default of $250 1 bond for having five quarts of whis- key and for alleged purpose of sell- ing Same. Pearce has been under the eyes oftheofficersforsometime,Yester- day morning the officers were notifiedto_be-on-the lookout for him.He wasdriving.along Water street towards north Center when they first saw 'him.Seeing the officers coming his :way,he whipped up his horse,turn- ,ed north at the telephone _building |ficers secured an automobile and gave |chase.-They saw Pearce stop,get|outvand hide something in the bush- es,then get back in the buggy and ‘drive on.They caught him and‘found a quart of liquor in his pocket. In the bushes they found a suit case i containing ‘about a galYon. |Pearce claims all the liquor did not ;belong to him;‘that.some person_un- {known to him placed it in his buggy. |Fruit,Grain and Cotton. |The general opinion seems to.be ‘that the freeze of Sunday night kill-|ed nearly all the peaches in this sec- |tion,-A few are left in localities,but ‘peach pie from home-grown fruit |will be “a rarity”the coming sum- |mer.The apples are safe,it is gen- jerally.believed.They were not.ad-|vanced sufficiently to be killed. Small grain crops in the county renerally are looking fine,”The prom- ise for a good wheat crop,especially, jisa#very encouraging,barring theevilsthatmaybefallitbeforethe ‘June harvest.|It is the opinion of folks who have{taken observations that the cotton ‘crop in Iredell this year will be much increased over last year,notwithstand- jing the high price of fertilizer ana |past experiences with big cotton |crops. |Barium Springs Co.Chartered. |A-charter has been granted to theBartum-—Springs~Co.,of Barium |Springs,.Messrs,J.B.Ross;A.J.|Draper,J.R.Ross and C.W.Johnston of Charlotté™are the incorporators|but.there are other stockholders.The capital stock paid in is $4,000.with privilege to increase to $125,000. |The company has bought from Rev. |A.S..Caldwell the Barium Springs|propertyy consisting.of the spring, (the Batium Lodge hotel and 90 acres ef Jand,—'The-purpose of the company is-to-market the water and operate the hotel.The stockholders qwillmeetinStatesvilleMonday.to com-plete-the organization and”plans, Mr.Clarence Scroggs,who is|known to and related to many Iredell|people;has resigned as city editor oftheWinston-Salem Journat,on ac- count of ill health,and is now at thehomeofhisfather,Rev.J.R.Scroggs;in-Shelby.Mr.Scroggs is~succeed-ed by Mr,M.R.Dunnagan.te RIDAY,APRI14, IN EYE. |tient at.the Sanatorium.On petition! ordered| moved-from Ashe to Wilkes county! and-headed-for the-country:—The-of-- .[Butler,Tenn.,for burial, 1916,le aig ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There-in the State. Work on the Federal building at Shelby,to cost $60,000,has begun.A|Tennessee company has the contract, |Commissioner.of Agriculture Gra-ham says the total tobacco sales.for'the-sexson now exceed the total sales of last season,at this time,by morethan2,000,000 potrids. A campaign is on in Greensboro to, secure $40,000 for the Y.M.C.A. The campaign was inaugurated.Mon- |day evening with an address by Sec-retary of the Navy Daniels. A cable order from —Petrograd,Russia,to a Gastonia cotton mill,for quotations on certain goods,was not answered because the mill alreadyhadmoreordersthanitcouldfill.‘ Plans to:incorporate a company tooperatetheBlowingRockhotel,.at Blowing ‘Rock,have been abandonedandMrs.Emma*Taylor will havecharreofthehotelthisseasonas usual. Mr.Minor C.Mayer,a prominentcitizenandbusinessmanofCharlotte, died Tuesday,following.a stroke of paralysis.Was 67 years old,native of Lancaster,S..C.,but had lived in Charlotte 48 years. Fair View park,the big huntingpreserveandlodgeofW.G.Brokaw,in Randolph county,has been sold bythecorporationwhichhasowneditforsometime,to Miss Florence Sat- terwhite,of Long Island. Representatives of Davidson CollegeandErskineCollege,Due West, S.C.,engaged in debate at Rock Hill,'S.C.,and the decision was in favor of Davidson.The ship _purchase_billwasthesubjectfordiscussion. J.Locke..Erwin.has resigned as |Cotton Mills of Concord and will gotoNewYork‘atid-Philadélphia to en-gage in “the ‘yarn business.W.A.Erwin of Durham succeeds.him as president and treasurer,of the Locke,€‘their conduct and|ville lady thinks it shouldbeconsidhwere<excellent.“Fhis ‘commendation: Shae ee BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL wa —The event of the week is the min-—strel by local.talent at.the operahousetonight,eee cree —The Lazenby -Montgomery Hard+ware Co.is.having a modern frontputin’its store room.”.~pnsieeh —There will be'singing at the coun-°ty home Sunday afternoon at 2 —Capt.P.C.Carlton’s friends will|be glad to knowthathe has been’abletositontheporch-some.the past fewdays,Ue ig—License has been issued for themarriage.of Mr,James AlexanderHoneycuttandMissMaryWatsonofsouthJredell.ERC —Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Gray’s home 4 \in north Statesville has béen com-pleted and they expect to occupy it,within the next few days:©a —Mr.A.L.Lowrance has been orpointeddistrictmanagerfor iePhiladelphiaLifeInsuraticeCo.,withheadquartersinStatesville. Mr.-W.E,“Webb the Coon_property..on west Front.street..Mr,Coley willoccupy.the property later,=: —Wednesdaywas,Halifex Day andalegalholidayinthisState,made soonaccountoftheHialifaxresolves,but few folks knew about it.°*>>> who occupied the.Colvert hotise on now at the Statesville Inn.- ~Clean-Up Day was ‘by far thebiggest‘success this yearthat’it everhasbeen.Four wagons ‘were’busy.for four days hauling ‘offtrash,ae—County commencement daytedgoodmanyofthechildren‘heithelawnsabout.sown Bah a. is.general...eo BENG ~iMrs,M.R.Adams and Miss Ma- president of the Locke mills, Boone Democrat:A_flock of 17ewesonthefarmofMr.Thomas county),is mothering 35 lambs.At} the thrifty farmer for a ‘very small|outlay. Phil,Willis,negro foreman for the ,Thrasher Construction Company,lwhich has the contract for buildingasectionofdoubletrackforthe Southern railway,was instantly kill-ed Monday afternoon by an explosionofdynamite.The accident occurredneartherailroadstationinConcord. William Nantz,who,under the in-fluence of liquor,fired his pistol pro-miscuously into-the crowd at a Robe- \the northern part of the county,was 80n county school closing,wounding |Warts;|four persons,three of them ladies,|his Sister,»Mrs.‘will have four years’on the county||roads to meditate on his conduct.And the punishment_is just.and deserved. An unusual snowstorm,says-a dis- patch from Boone,Watauga county,|under date of the 11th,has been on in that section for nearly three daysandnights.The average fall is about.6 to 16 inches,but’the snow is.drift-ed in some places.to several-feet.The |Diplomatic relations between Trin=ity and Wake Forest College have been -severed—that-is—_to-say,the two colleges will not engage in furtherathleticevents.Basketball and_base-ball games between the two-institu- tions caused the break,Trinity ac- duct. Payne Erskine,noted author, burned Wednesday at Tryon,Polkcountv..The house -was~erected ~in1896byCharlesE.Erskine and was the first of the fine residences ‘erect- éd_in Tryon by Northern people.’Avaluablecollectionofbooksandan-tiques of various kinds was burnedwiththebuilding. The meeting of the State Press As-sociation will be held in Durham Ju- ly 12-13.The executive committee—Messrs.-Cowan —of -Wilmington,Sherrill of Concord and Caine.ofAshevillebeingpresént—so”decidedatameetingatGreensboroTuesday.The committee had invitations fromGreensboro,Durham,Charlotte,Gas-tonia,Lincolnton.and Morehead-City. Junius Davis,one.of.the foremostlawyersoftheStateandoneofWil-mington’s leading citizens,died Tues- day afternoon at his home in a Wil- mington suburb,after an illness ofthreeyears.He was:71 years oldandissurvivedbyhissecondwife and several children.My.Davis wasasonofHon:Geo.Davis,who wasactingAttorneyGeneralinthe.cab-inet of the Confederacy. |The board_of-directors-of-the-StateHospitalatRaleighhavingdecidedto investigate charges:made against themanagementoftheinstitution“by Chas.E.Latta of Raleigh,a patient, Dr:Albert Anderson,superintendentof.the Hospital,has asked the board to make a full and complete investi-gation to determine whether his ad:ministration of the institution has shown,deterioration ‘or.the adverse in twelve leading tests of efficiency. The Lenoir News says Mr.ClarenceVought,was instantly killed at theRitterLumberCompanyplantatMor--timer,Caldwell county,on the 4th;by.a boiler explosion.:He was plan«ing.room inspector and*went to theengineroomtoblowthewhistleforthenoonhour,the fireman being tem-porarily absent;Just as «he pulledthe’whistle cord the boiler exploded:Mr.Vought.was_unmatried.‘His re- ‘was ‘temperature Monday was down toscons cusing Wake Forest of aPrOPer @20-| Lyncotte,the home of Mrs.Emma} mie Adams went:to Barina Sotieeyesterdayto.attend.a meeting of Con-|cord Presbyterial orphanage secre.Greer -on-Middle~Fork"(Watauga|taries-and-other womenwho—were <--=-"~there to get first hand informationthehighpricelambsarebringing,|2bout the Home and its needs,<.(,.this will bea prettylittle’sum for!—The State Farm Wednesdayshipped‘36 head of:two-year-old cat- terson shipped 26 head that wouldaverageabout1,000 each to Richmond:packers.He received $7.40 per 100poundsonfoot.Teeth —Mry.W..W.Forcum left Tuesday|afternoon for Iowa.Mr,’Forcum hailivedinIowaformanyyears,‘mostofthetimeatMontezuma,but makes’frequent ‘trips ‘to Iredell,his nativecounty.For near 18 months he’hasbeeninnorthIredell,at the home of |Jo..Mize,in the€larksbury~section-———*et —Fire Tuesday night between *11:and 12 o’clock..completely destroyed—the store room and its contents.ofD,J,Arey,colored,on Tradd street.The porch of Arey’s ‘house caughtfromthestore.room.but.the firemenextinguishedthisbeforeitdidanyamage.Arey estimates his loss at$250,with no insurance,Origin offirenotknown. ;two Good Natured-Conductors. |The Southern News Bulletin,pub-ne \lished at Atlanta,Ga.,has the follow-.ing pleasant reference to two South-- ern railway conductors:~~AGoodhumorandkindly‘courtesyaresomucha.part.of ConductorsClaude-Morrison-and-GeorgeHanger,that they radiate amiability through-out the coaches,declares the editor oftheSentinel,Old Fort,N.C.,who re-cently published the following edito-rial--concerning:them:~cae“The Sentinel,when traveling.between,Old Fort and Charlotte,.al-ways finds-more than ordinary satis-faction in riding on a train undercommandof.Claude Morrison andGeorgeHanger...Good humor “andkindlycourtesyare.so much a partofthesegentlementhat.they radiate.amiability throughout the coaches,and itis a human misfit who doesn’tlosehis.grouch in.the.genial.atmos-phere they create.oral s“They are fine fellows,each in hischaracteristicwayaddingtothe,Joyofliving.and the.pleasure fo travel»ing over the Southern—and~that’s ~why we say the company is to be fe-ncttated for having them in its em-ploy.” Assaulted,Robbed and Died of His Injuries. E.B.Cantrell,a furniture dealer ofWinston-Salem,went to Baden,Stan-ly county,several or ago to collectanacountcfromC.D.Burgin,’whoformerly.lived ..in.Winston-Salem,While looking for —Burgin —Cantrellwasassaultedbythreenegroes,whorobbed‘him after they.had.inflictedfatalinjuries,He was taken to hishome,where he died Tuesday.4ThethreenegroesandBurginareinjailatAlbemarle.The negroes al-lege that they were hired’by yarntoassaultCantrell,but the latter vig:jrously denies the story.ae |Meredith May Offer a Course in‘Spanish.SeaMr.W.A,Thomas,who attended ameetingoftrusteesofMeredithCol-lege,Raleigh,‘this week,offered a motion,which was nna eaethatthefacultyconsiderthe‘advisa-bility of offering a course in SAsabusinessmanMr.‘Thotfias real.izes the necessity|ofdentinSpanishtobusinesscorresponden mains were shipped to his home at, \the development of SouthernSouthAmmerita,-Toe o'clock and preaching at 8 o'clock.) —Mr.and Mrs.G..L.Ballance,” ee tle to Canton to pasture during,sum-" mer.’At the same time Mr..L,B.Pat-~ —Mr.W.E.Coley has bought from.i. Race ‘street ‘the past two years,are ()-“ mecca Farm Prices of-Hogs,CzSheepandPoultry.Imereased |:-More Than 16_Per Cent,the -Past Year.ies The value of Aes o United States,without improvements is estimated at $45.65 per acre,; Be and HowWe Can Have It. To the Citizens of Iredell County: “An effort is being made to interest the people.of Iredell county in anoag- ricultural,educational -and--industrial fair,It is generally known that I have favoredafair for a numberof years.._I have urged this matter a number of times,but usually there has‘been little response.There is no other —county~in-—-the-State of the wealth,size and resources of Ir@ell that has not a fair.As fairs are or- dinarily conducted there is.not so much to them,but some of them are very valuable in promoting local in- dustry—not only on the farm,but in every activity of the entire county. If a fair is undertaken at all I be- lieve it should be made:permanent, or at any rate,it should be organized on a permanent basis.Sufficient stock should be subscribed and raised to -place-the.proposition.ona .perma- nent basis.If grounds-are leased or purchaséd,buildings erected,«and stock pens built to accommodate the enterprise.a considerable amount of money will be needed.I do not be- lieve it should be difficult to raise enough:money.to finance the under- taking.The shares have been,placed at $10,and it should not be hard to raise $10,000.“This sum could well be used,but a very creditable fair can ‘be held if 500 shares can be sold. As to whether a fair will be a div- idend-paying proposition or not does not matter.Some of the fairs have been money-makers,but even if the =|Its Advantages,What it Should 4‘Federal Trade Commission has 4 mted to:ssa.preliminary on its inves'tion.of the rise price-of-gaso d- ine,The.report s a mass of statistics on pro- and prices,but,draws no con- as to the cause of the in- of the latter.The consumers line may find some comfort in ng the figures but they will con-finns Yo.pay the price Dr.David B.Teem,who conduct- |ed a “chiropractic adjustory,”what- ever that is,at Sherman,Texas,has +been arrested for the murder of Miss :Aline Walker.‘The indictment says “\"that Teem caused her death by “roll- ‘dng,pounding,beating and pressing ‘o!ner in a grossly ignorant manner.” e fact that he murdered the woman a grossly ignorant.manner”should mt against him.If he had done aioe job:intelligently and artistically Wie’he might have “got away with it,” filme gentlemen who want to do mur- Nit der should learn to do a neat job if iinithey do not want to be called to ac- ill eount for inartistic work.'n rs 31 two years ago,$38.10three- ago,and $36.23 four years ago, eensus reported the valué of farmlands.in.1910 as.$32.40-and-in 1900 a8 $15.57 per acre,hfe tadIn‘recent.years the value of)farmlandshasbeenincreasingattherateofabout5percent.a -year,or ap-proximately $2.per acre.’per year.The exceptional increase,of pastyearmybeexplainedpartlybythereactionintheSouthernCottonStatesfollowingatemporary’depression andpartlybythestimulusgivenbythewartoprices,particularly of grain:Increases have been ©general throughout the “United States,~theonly’noteworthy exceptions beingorchardlandsand’some -irrigatedlandsin.the northwest,which appar- ently had been overvalued before,The ver centage increases in value of farmlandsinthepast’year by sections oftheUnitedStatesare?’posNorthAtlanticStates,10 per cent.; aastern part of north central States, )per cent.;western portion,of north sentral States,12 per cent.;south At- lantic States (which inctudes”North Carolina),19 per cent.;south c¢en-tral States,11 per cent.;far West-ern States,11 per cent.;entire Unit- ad States,11.5 per cent,. ji The retirement of Mr,W.A.Self of Catawba from the contest for At- fii torney General leaves Col.Edmund ,i Jones of Lenoir.the only candidate ii in the western section of the State I at the time of this writing.By the "time this sees the light there may {nave been other entries,as numerous r ‘gentlemen continue to be mentioned stockholders did not make a cent out!~The per centage increase in:farm iiifor the place Mr.Bickett is to vacate.|of it,I believe the investment should |'gnd values in four years,that is '*2But if so be that.no other candidate|bemade willingly as a matter _of|since 1912,are:North Atlantic’ _appears in this end of the State,the/pride,and as a means of promoting States,17 per cent.;eastern vart of| euwcnfact that Col.Jones is the only|the various enterprises of the coun-|iorth central States,20 per.cént.;| “western man”might be of some ad-|ty de u :| {posi-|industry,*Agriculture is the most’28 per tent.;south Atlantic States,23 | |ty,..,Iredell county has a variety of |-vestern part of north central States,| antage to him,if geographical i f ion were considered in the distribu-|important,and one which would be|ber cent.;south central States,25| tion ofthe honors,as has been the |greatly promoted by a fair,but every].er cent.;far Western States,34 per| case in the past.That would have |other industry should be equally pro-jcent.;entire United States,25 per | been a strong card in a convention !moted.The various manufacturing!cent.These estimates are based:upon| where the delegates vote first this;enterprises of the county would have|reports from crop reporters.ofthe! way and then that,for one reason ora fine opportunity to make knownto}bureau of crop estimates.| another,But in a primary election,|the public what they are doine,and!Farm prices of hogs,cattle,sheep| where each voter picks his choice|the commercial interests would have}ord chickens averaged 16.4 per cent.| and each vote counts,the geographi-|an equal opportunity to advertise;yigher March 15 than they were on | -cal position will have little chance to their goods and wares.Then the,that date last year and 12.7 per cent.| be considered.'schools would have a showing also by}hieher than the average for the lest| *°exhibiting the work of the schools.)3ix years on March 15,a Department| Thetatistics showing the increase |The women of the county could show).f Agriculture report said last week.| in farm land values is evidence of |their handiwork,and this feature of!The level of prices paid producers of| iWrosperity and increasing wealth.|the fairs has always attracted a great meat animals increased 8.4 per ‘cent.| fond does not increase in value un-/deal of attention,There are many!from February 1%to March 15,+the| less the country is prosperous.More-things in the county that most of us)report said,as compared with an in-| =“gyer ittis showr-that ‘the-average-in-|-know-.nothing—about...that would__be crease-of 3,1.per-cent.inthe same pe-! <n eae in Tat prices of live stock and brought out to the fair.In giving riod the last six years.Hogs were $1.-| poultry were 16 ver cent.higher farmers an_opportunity to exhibit 53 a hundred over March 15,1915,| ‘Maych..15,1916,than on March 15,|their good live stock,the mothers of|and 63 cents over the 6-year average.’ 1915,and that on this date the prices;the many fine babies in the county)Beef cattle were 45 cents lower last| were 12 per cent.higher than for the should be given an epnortunity to!vear and 98 cents over the 6-year av-| o—~past six years.It isa’favorite ar~have-a-better babies'-exhibit.Many a*crage for March 15.eo rument of Republican campaign ora-|mother has learned much about the ns | tors in North.Carolina that when the!baby by having it examined by a com-| Democrats control the government|mittee of doctors.In the same man-|vice in the navy now-than ever be-| there is depression,stagnation;that ner farmers have learned much about!fore in the country’s history.Seere- industries languish,prices fall and|live stock by having a committee of;tary Daniels says the enlisted per- “hard times”result.The late Spen-(ea verts pass upon their animals.)sonnel for the first time has réached cer Blackburn won many votes for |Then the matter of sanitation should!the 54,000 mark.- Congress in the old eighth district by |have good attention.There should Lewis Wardlaw Parker,former| telling the.voters that the prices of be every mean§provided to make the;president and largest stockholderaf bull calves,beans and farm products |fair an educational institution worth|the Parker Mills Company,|which had increased under a Republican ad-|while.'eantrols 16 of’the largest mills in ministration.No allowance was’All these things are worth while,South Carolina,died Tuesday at his made for changed conditions;it was ‘but there is still another feature!home at Greenville,S,C. all attributed to the change in the;that should not be lost sight of:hal —_—_—-_—— WEAK,NERVOUS OHIO WOMAN More enlisted men are in active ser-| NI EN |} |{|{| national government.That argument/is the social feature.Every farmer,| will fail this year in the face of the /as well as his wife and children,| facts,but.the Democrats will not be |would look forward to the fair as the allowed any credit by the Republican place to meet their friends,and to Made Well By Delicious Vinol — orators..The.war_in Europe,.they|make new acquaintances year after),A a a will contend,is responsible and”has /year.One day spent at the fair would |pee oe blood was., saved the country in spite of nee be Rone en in many a vear..Raa ean condition.I tried different Democrats.|ow,my friends,what do you|:3 ‘ *8 *Tin IeCEhigemiatten?|remedies without benefit and one da:Do you want,i i Those who have surmised —anda fair?If you do,come forward with |oy een rae ie Seren ae some have insisted —that Col.Bry-|one or more shares of stock.This is;—blood,strength and nerves,and Itell an proposed to oppose President Wil-not a proposition where we would!my friends it is the best medicine on son,will get no comfort from the |like for a few persons to take the en-'earth.’’—Mrs.EARL BRUNSON. April issue of Col.Bryan’s Common-|tire responsibility,but it is one in!Vinol,our delicious cod liver and iron er..He not only predicts Democratic which everybody should be-willing to tonic without oil,sharpens the appetite, if|aids digestion,enriches the blood andOE EE SE OE SE NI TT I A TE T OI E + a Re e Se NR T SR ES E . Ee success,but in a signed editorial the |shoulder his share ofthe burden, colonel speaks agreeably of the as-it be a burden.It would be better to,in this natural manner creates strength, ‘sured renomination of Mr.Wilson and|have 10,000 shares at $1 each than:W.¥.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C __says the platform will endorse his ad-|to have one share at $10,000.|pS ee a eee ese a os ministration,together with the rec-|should be a popular fair where all the PHYSICIANS’FEE TABLE! ord-made by the Democratic Congress,|peovle should have an interest.:,Tz , “The differences,such as may exist,,You ask who shall control the poli-’We,the undersigned phystcians of States: between the President and Congress,”|Cy of the fair?The men who make|ville.on account of frequent misunderstand- says Colonel Bryan,“will be com-|it possible to have a fair.If you put ered to publish this our Fee Table,"Wepromisedandthepartywiltpresent-a+some—money—into—it,-you-will-have—a-feel_justified,-in_view of the advance in sales united front.”In submitting his own|part in the management.The stock-|''¢;;walks endorsement of the administration holders will elect the officers and the)We aesstre ci ecuiananianiaye an ite Colonel Bryan says that it “is a re-|directors and outline the plan of man-jecr demands:made on us,to increase ‘the markable record of achievement,”and |agement.There should be no trou-|charses for our services and feel that all fair- he thinks there is nothing to compare 'ble about that,T would personally.he!ee eee irae with it in number and importanceof |opposed to spending money to promote j the justice of this increase.The following is the reforms accomplished.“When |horse-racing.but would rather sce |0vr Revised Fee Table,cffective on and after Republican leaders have been wrong,”|premiums offered for the best calf,or |M&¥,.1915 4s a gr eeds Ongb YAU lequilucceig uedColonelBryanavers,“the President |pig.or chicken,or the best baby,the and the Democratic Congress have(best fly-trap,the best means of ajpbeenright.Nishaveopposedallthathasbeendoneofmanufacturedgoods,the best wayyeein-favor-of lower tariff rates,an in-|-to keep the public roads in good con-| _..come tax,currency reform and anti-|dition,the nicest display of groceriestrustlegislation,‘ed.on war with Mexico and even want |There might be some amusements to! to enter the European war.Where ‘interest peovle,especially the young,|.H|the President has conceded more than ‘but all gambling or Ghance earnest re ae|-he -should-to the scaredness pro-/|should:be excluded.The fair should;of mile beyond treo.alles,ia |gramme,the Republican leaders have |be clean in every part of it.|Night (8 p.m,to 6 a.m.)$1 extra,demanded even more,so that the;It might be asked if there would hee ae aiemia ail President is nearer to the people thania charge for admission.Yes.No!Complicated yes nstrumental |Obstet:the Republican leaders.Let every|one should expect to see such a great/_,Tical cases 820.00 and up.|Democrat get ready for the campaign |show as a real fair would be for no-|Consultation (2000 plus mileage-| and go to work,”is the colonel’s in-|thing.I think we have learned that he ee iret 1 i $5.00. junction.:/we are not beggars,and that we are Me R.ADAMS,R.|DRS.7.FE,ANDERSON,M.R.ADAMS,R. EEESTS not to expect something for nothing.|}y >BELL,RCHIBALD CAMPBELL,| Col.Fairbrother and Geo.Cra-|T believe a clean,well-conducted, CITY VISITS. $3 1.502.002 ‘|;EDAYo a eeTheRepublicanleaders;home water supply,the best display|Night (8 p.m.to 6 a,mo..........Normal Obstetrical cases,includingoneaftervisit Complicated or Instrumental Obstetri- ,an d vical)cases....007esot $20.00 and up.They have insist-|or dry goods,or anything of the sort.|Consultation (whether for byphysicianorpatient) COUNTRY VISITS. 15.00 | 15.00 |Instrumental Obstet-| L.V.CLOANINGER,J.W.DAVIS,P.8.|EASLEY,L.O.GIBSON,W.J.HILL,H.F.ter Get the Record.|well-patronized fair is an asset to any|LONG,J.EK.MeLAUGHLIN,ROSS ‘Ss.Me- The Greensboro Record,afternoon|Community,and I believe the people EM YOUNT.Sa is ae...‘atw,paper,so long edited and published |°f Iredell county can have as good a by the lamented Jo,Reece,has been|fair“as any other county.if they will) sold by Mrs.Reece to Col.Al.Fair-|8°determine.We boast -about —our:rother,editor of Everything,and |County and say “Tredell is the county Mr.Geo.B.Crater.The purchase |that does things,”and we say of“price;it is said,was $15,000.Statesville that “It is the best townCol.Fairbrother is a newspaper |i?North Carolina.”Shall our boasts man of wide and varied experience|b¢.empty?Some of our neighborsi»‘and he will make the Record a live|88Y_we are too boastful.What is toproposition.His weekly publication,5¢the answer?What is.your an- . Dan Valley The Flour of Quality, DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more. of itto*the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy ;DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Carz C:Boshamer, Local Representative,,,’Phohé 125 Black.Itaw. Everything,will be continued.;Sswer?Are you a citizen of Iredell?Mr.Crater is also a newspaper|Are.you.a citizen of Statesville?man of experience and is a valuable|Shall we have a fair amply financed|acquisition for the business end of |that will make us all proud of it?any paper.He is a native of Iredell What is your answer.Iredell men?, and lived in Statesville when a.boy.E.S.MILLSAPS.-For many years he was in the busi-|aanessofficeoftheCharlotteObserverandforalongtimewiththeGreens-boro News,going recently from thelatterDispa Ratification by the Nicaraguan Con- gress of the treaty by which the Unit-ed States acquires for $3.000,000 ta- nal route rights and a coaling stationonFonsecaBay,is announced. STEARATELEEAADCCTRTIORETEE 1 gad to the Meridian (Miss.) en jeeeeqameenone-Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.|Should Not Feel Discou d.Prem.«small beginning the sale and use of |So many people troubled with fhdigestionly.has extended to all parts of the land constipatiiy.pas exte pation have been benefit iStatesandtomanyforeigncountries,|Chamberlain's Tablets that no Soa tbeekt tediscouragedwhohasnotgiventheratrial,"3 They contain noae’pepsin:or other “direst ~md why it has become so popular |ments but strengthen the stomach aan pibes hy er “you have need of such a’medicine ‘givamberiain’wh Remedy a trial and ve| ries,fees and wages paid in other walks of} 5.00 compared:with $40,85-a-yearAgo;$40..} ye whowant their money's ree dislikea to:for the-A iving-ex aeiceof—in the.price of theronTires,should sit wp andtake notice of following FAeSarre,ae Se Peer Brie on a is based‘upon what itcosts thelargest,:andbest eqnipped,RubberFactory in Americatoproduce them.mNo‘‘Insurance’”’?Premium atided to the NORMALretailpriceofGoodrichTires,im order to protect theRecklessDriverattheexpenseoftheCareful:Driver,throught 8 fancy List Price which is high enough to absorb The excessMileage each Goodrich Tire is reasonably ~certain to deliver,when given reasonable care in driving,ft es becomes clear “‘Velvet’”to the Owner of GOODRIC mm es.ot ‘: Money cun’t make,and can’t buy,better.‘Tires’of _ Fabric construction,than Goodrich Safety-Tread Tires,as ‘' Test will prove.sek 4 And,money.can’t buy the B.F.Goodrich Co.to a : roduce Tires which would discredit the 269 other lines of.4RubberGoodsmadebytheB.F.’Goodrich Co.,for which i its name stands Sponsor.& o e °: OMPARE prices on Goodrich ‘‘Fair-List”’Tires:4 with present prices on any other responsible ay fe: Tires in the field,bearing in mind that NO 3“‘LARGER-SIZED”’‘Tires (type for type and size for size) than Goodrich Black-Treads,are made in America.,4 Then,Test out at least ONE pair of*Goodrich black- tread Tires,on their per-DELIVERED-Mile cost to you, against any other Tires’in the field,at any price,and,— abide by the Result.~ne “ Why (if YOU are not a Reckless Driver)should YOU ee ay MORE than the “BUSINESS”price of the Goodrich ee ire,for ANY Fabric Tire in the field?—-Par ceeGetasliverofthenewGoodrich‘‘Barefoot”Rubber fT” from your nearest Goodrich Dealer or Branch. THE B.F.GOODRICH Co.Akron,Ohio. ($10.40($13.40 P34 x Feet Fair-Lie ‘36x 4%..... 37xS--38x Sh. :GOO a ETE! Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity._WE sell the celebrated GoldMedalFlour.oeWEsellSweetFeedforHorses {| and MulesWEse!l Sweet Daisy Feed forCows.WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts.WE SELL FOR LESS. WE pay CASH for country :Corn and Oats.WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CO., C.D.MOORE,Prop.’Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St- ¥ DRICH —‘BAREFOO can only be by Heating isHomecomforts heating your house. one thing we give our special at- tention.Everything in Sheet Met- al we make.Ask us any question about this line.Hf you have not time to drop in the shop ’phon®é 55. Yours for Heating and Sheet Met-al Work. Statesville Tin Co. C.WATKINS for “Rverything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.Next Planters’Wh.-,Statesville. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7ic.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per oundeeFOR SALE: New aiid second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsofboilerroomsupplies,C.H.TURNER. NOTICE. “No Concern in ‘America made,or sold,duringitslatestfiscalyear,nearly so many Motor-Cat heyatpires:asedice The Be FS Goodrich:Copa oni oat “Our published’Chilienge,still:unanswered,-—2--—- proves this.” T”Tires" 5 Ie hp Go-Carts aid Sulkies! Take the Babies out these fine spring days and bring the roses to their cheeks and health to their bodies.We have the GO-CARTS and SULKIES in quantities—assorted b e t | FO L ET OP AN TO L L E AG LO P S I BL styles,sizes and prices.Come and ~see and get first-choice. oe Re IE S Statesville Housefurnishing Co. BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY.: pr i Ra t e r t Ci e Secee recs ecee eee es ese ee eeeeeesegerseeeerees reas reenepererreeseseseeereseeresesesoreooeesoteoesoars ss Commercial National Bank / OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Barking business solicited and,3 every accommodation extended to de-te positors consistent with prudent bank-f |ing methods.ve ‘ Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits.remaining on deposit three months or longer.. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER, -EK,MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,4.K.HUGHRY, President. Vice President.--Cashier.. $P E ST PS P TT TS 0 29 9 0 2 8 8 0O T OT ET T ST P SO P F9 9 9 OS S 9S O S S S S S S O S IS S O SE O GT ee is i s e e e e el e te e e co e oee e re S e S S SS N S eS e e e e b O O E Ss Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No,‘7. and croup.Obtainable ev-lit to perform ita function:uneth "j=4 1 nee 8 naturally,Obtain #\BUILDING?-“C, -WATKINS. Ae i —_Assistant Cashier. eeetess:tes SVILLE BUSINESSMEN OFFER ed6 Fo R ee SE S aT i + yh b e r t t e t : ES A SI E PE | Faia eg e t Pe t e <=“Something.New” oe “9 e af [ it“hae pw10:25 pp,msd,aa a.m, nd due.Gib6 ete “McDuff,Va.—''1sullered for.several cH tee aPeta Ghat oT er with Bick headache,‘and Train New fteare t ld,teav's G14 pe onearsagoatriendfoldmefotrpasNosegatome100emoRack-Draught,which |did,Nos,23 and 21 are not operated om Sunday.Sees Sernlie:ausal |young andold.an Submarines:Got.Eight Vessels_L keep Black-Draught on handall the in 24 Hours,oe,.and when.my children feel'aNhe,woreyood thanap medicinemoreCltheyevertried.©Ks»We never have a long spell of sick-}our family,since we commenced)Black-Draught,””.._-rd’s Black-Draught is purely andhas.been foundto:regu-stomachs,aid digestion,re-mn,colic,wind,nausea,e,sick similarstomach,and,,Symptoms.£</It-has been in constant use for.morc10andhasbenefitedmore.a n-people.Your druggist sells and recommendssensePriceonly25c."Get ato-day.N.C.123 HE GOOD ‘THINGS IN;|our Store would tempt theimost.fastidious appetite.Ifyourfamilyishardtosuit,try In.any kind of salad dressing,it: is,simply deliciouwgy This bland,‘delicious -oil costs only a third asmuchasimportedoliveoilany-re near so good.We have everything to make asalad,clean,crisp and fresh.Miller-McLain Supply Co. Fresh grated coconutwiththemilkprecisely .like a fresh coconut.Use for everything afreshcoconutisusedfor.Try a ten cent canforyourEastercake, ——’PHONE 89.— Eagle & Milholland. .The 24 hours,from Sunday evening to Monday evening,marked the high- est toll,it is said,of the German sub- marines against the eommon enemy since the beginning of the war in so‘short a space.A totalofeight ves-sels,six Briush,one ‘Spanish,oneNorwegian,were victims of the’U-boats...Five of these British steam- ers have been in the American trade.:At least four of the British boatsaresaidtohavebeenunarmed,but oftheseonlyoneisreportedtohave been.sunk by.Germans:without warn-ing.i Tried Various KidneyRemediesButOnlyOne It_is.with great pleasure that I write these lines of praise for your wonderful kidney and bladder reme-dy.I had kidney trouble so bad I be- came very much alarmed,I had triedvariouskidney.remedies I’heard ofbutwithoutrelief.I was about dis- couraged of ever~being helped,when, one day,I picked up a book contain- ing testimonials of people who hadbeen“helped and cured of their kid- ney trouble by the use of Dr.Kilmer’sSwamp-Root,so I decided to try it and’I'know I owe my present good health to the wonderful curative pow-er of Swamp-Root.I sincerely hope my words will be the means of -restor-ing many othe?sufferers of,kidney and bladder troubles to good health. Very truly yours,|B.J.FENSTERMAKER, 1491 Roycroft Ave.,Lakewood,O. Personally:appeared before me this statement and made oath that thesameistrueinsubstanceandinfact.Wm.J.KLOTZBACH,Notary Public. Letter to lDr.Kilmer &Co., Binghamton,N Y. Prove what Swamp-root will do for you _|'To the Baltor or rheTandmark:. DEFENCEOFTHESHERIFF.et aM eat‘|Fate Unjustly Assafled. ‘BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Commended. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark and then sign his real name toarticleinsteadofconcealingitbehindsome‘fictitious ®ne.+)“The author of that letter may beamongyourbestmen,yet is greatlyatfaultinhisinnuendo,his state-nients.Sheriff Deaton is‘as fine anofficerascanbefoundinitheState.Every judge that has ‘held coyrt inTredellsinceDeaton.his.bosn «heriffhaswarmlycommendedhisfidelityto erected in.the yard on:the east sideofthehouseso.as to protect the peo-vle-fromthe wind,hen -the-tablehadbeenspreadbytheladiesandeverythingready,Mr.J.Henry Steel-man of Hamptonville,in a very im-|Oressive manner,returned thanks to|Him who giveth us these’bounties.Then all were invited to partake oftheelegantdinner.The evening was spent in the cozy rooms by the Two~-Remembered.—-Mr.Kirk! Ordinarily I don’t think an‘outsider) Hamptonville,N.C.,R-2—Notwith-should interfére with,policies of a’standing the very cold weather of lastcounty:and:in-|Sunday,-o .people rathered at thesist‘that ‘inno sense will 1”te;home of Mr.Floyd W.Denny to cel:in,this particular.*1 do think,howev-|ebrate his 39th birthday,also the 50ther,that any outsider should espouse!birthday of his neighbor,Mr.M.Lithecauseofafriend,when he feels;Cass,It had been planned as a sur-that the friend was as unjustly assail-|prise for these gentlemen but they-ed-—-as—was-my-good..fr:Sheriff|had—“eaughton"somotime:ago.by|Deaton;-in-a-recent-issue-of-your.-ex-|listening .at--some-of-the ladies’con-|cellent paper.In the first place,|versations over the ’phone.After the‘when aman makes an attack on an-|crowd had assembled and exchanged“other he should “be sure ts;|greetings for .awhile,a~table was Proved Reliable 18th day of October 1915,Boy.Fen”Esstermaker;-who-subserited=the above?going”to “keep”warm “and spread the|fine: duty,his:excellence..a&-anjofficer.IknowenoughofIredelltoknowthata-large majority,‘in fact,well-nighallofherpeople,regard him ‘as,hon-est,truthful,kind hearted,generoustothosewhoneedassistance.NosheriffinNorth:Carolina has a finerrecord,either as an officer pamnvatecitizen,and no:man in Iredell hasfmoreormoreloyalfriends,and welldotheyknow’that:your correspondenthasattemptedtodohimagreatin-justice.But.Deaten:is:so ‘entrench-ed in the affections oftheIredell folksthattheattemptwillproveabortive.Really it has strengthened him andthecorrespondent-will see,_No-vember time,-that Deaton’leads histicket.C.F.McKESSON,Morganton,N.C.'(It is proper to say that the cor-respondent complained of authorizedTheLandmarkto.furnish his nameonapplication.)GENUINE HOSPITALITY. That’s What Scgtt’s and Midway Schools Regeived From Two Statesville Ladies._ Correspondence The Landmark. We,as patrons of Scott’s~High school,want to thank the good peopleofStatesvilleforwhatwesawandreceivedoftheirhospitalitytothepa-rents and their children at the countycommencement,The children.of Scott’s High school and Midway will never forget the kindness shown them.It turned to be a rainy and cold day nd the children and.parents alikeverealalosstoKnowhowtheyWere; ;noon lunch,so as-to.feed-so large a} {crowd of each school. ;room tables,covered with nice linen;|}and that is not all—the kettle was!the friends,relatives and neighbors||started to boil and the old faffee 1 of Mr._Mrs,Wiley Rash,whogttstoDr,Kilmér &Co.,|drinkers began to raise their héads|live near Olin,be :Binghamtan Nowe for maarnple size|9s they got a whiff of that coffee,'their home,bringing large supplies But!the;at Mt.Vernon and Moss.thoughtful Mrs.W.M.Barringer and|in reach of either place are cordially‘Mrs.J.-F.Bowles opened wide their invited to attend.|doors to hall and dining rooms and;your time and influence in ‘a better!;carried out store room and.pantry}Way.‘ fire,as it was too cold to venture onthe:outside very much.©Every’oneseemedtobeengagedinapleasant:conversation with some one else.Haditnot‘beeh for the ‘uncomfortableweathertherewouldperhapshavebeen150ormorepresent.So manywereafraidtoventureout.Late intheafternoonthe.crowd began todisperse,all wishing Messrs.Denny and Cass many more happy birthdays. Mr.R.H.Cook has been right sickforthepasttwoweeksbutisbetter,ig Nancy Johnson continues veryow.. Mr.Bill Cass and wife and Mr.Will Holland,‘wife and children,ofEupentic.Springs,came over ‘for thebirthdaydinner.°We want to congratulate Bro.KirkfortheplainpreachingheisdoinginStatesville.-Would that we had more conscientious,God-fearing men,o many preachers preach to pleasethepeople.We are not only com-manded .to shun evil but-we are com: manded to shun its very appearance.Oh,that mothers could realize that“the hand that rocks the.cradle is thehandthatrulestheworld!’We wanttobidBro,Kirk Godspeed, A BIRTHDAY DINNER, Mrs.Rash ‘Remembered -—The Sunday Schools. Correspondence of The Landmark. Olin,April 12 —We have had a large variety of weather around Qlinthisspring.The farmers here areakoutreadytoplantthesummer erops.~“Phe-“small “rain is*-tooking’; The healtt’generally is “good. We are having good Sunday schools All with- You couldn’t_use On Sunday morning about 9 o'clock| began to gather at about noon there | battle.”It will convince anyone.You!Which I heard several of the satisfied,will also receive a booklet:of valua-|thirsty say was as fine as they everibleinformation,telling about the kid-|drank.Think the writer made 4 re- |sure and mention the Statesville Semi-|of cree:am not sure a aor oe|Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-cent/%00¢women got around to Mrs.Bar- |neys and bladder...When writing,be)™atk as he reached for another piece| and one-dollar size bottles for sale at EASTER. We have on display:afulllineofEasterNovel- ties,Post cards,Book-lets and Egg Dye.- R.P.ALLISON'S Book Store. DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. -Office in People’s Loan,and{Savings Bank.Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. One of the many parts of Myers’Pump that make up the quality.asthisfeaturealonehassolvedthe secret. .W.E.MUNDAY ,. Sells Myers Pump.’Phone 55. tlt eee : NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Having.qualified as executrix of the estateofJohnU.Lamprecht,deceased,this is to no-tify all persons having claims against his ea-;tate to present them'‘to me on or before March:7,1917,or this notice will be pleaded in baroftheirrecovery.~All:persons indebted ‘to said‘estate will please make immediate settlement.HELEN LAMPRECHT,R.T.Weatherman,Att'y.Executrix, March 7,1916.: JUST RECEIVED. A fine line of Berlin &Jones: stationery,the latest in writing : paper..Come and examincit for yourself.Also a nice line of pouid.paper. Brady Printing Co.,\,Statesville,.N,C. Fi ktsannee HE AG Meee ie Madit cote | CREED all drug stores,. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS. {Having qualified as exeeutor of the estate of 5S.Emily Campbell,deceased,I hereby notify all persons having claims against her estate {o—present—same:to me on or-before—April 71917,N.J.GAITHER,R.B.MeLaughlin,Att'y.Executor.April 7%,1916—* NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE-CUTION. North Carolina,Iredell County,In Superior Court,January Term,1916. J.R.Eddinger vs.Isaac H.Whiting andMrs.Annie Whiting. BY VIRTUE of an execution directed to theundersignedfromtheSuperiorCourtofIredellcountyintheaboveentitiedaction,I will,*on MONDAY,MAY IST,1916, county,sell to the highest bidder,for cash,toejsntisfysaidexecution,all the right,title andinterestwhichthesaidIsaacH.Whiting andMrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in the following described real estate,towit:Ly-ing and being in Chanrbersburg—township_of.the aforesaid State and county,bounded on the north by the lands of Emanuel Beaver,New-ton Beaver and Arthur Reaver;on the east bythelandsofClarenceMooreandWittCorne-lius;on the south by the lands of J.Q.Car-|ter;on the west by the lands of John Honey- ‘cutt,-containing—-60—neves,more_or leas, “J.-M.DEATON,March 31,1916.Sheriff Iredell Co. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a!certain mortgage deed executed by J.MeiWaughandwife,S.FE...Waugh,to the un-! dersigned,and recorded in Book 38,at page|479 of the records of mortgages for Iredellcounty,default having been made in the pay-ment _of_the note thereby-secured,the under-signed will sell at.public auction,to the high-est bidder,for cash,at the Court House door inStatesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,APRIL 24TH,1916, at 12 o’clock,M.,°the following desctibedlandslyingandbeinginIredellcounty,Falls-town township,and described and defined asfollows,towit: Beginning at a stone,M.L.-Troutman’s cor-ner,it being the corner of lot No.5 on plotoftheH.M.Troutman ‘land,running north86degreesW,71 polés to a white oak;thenceN.38 degrees E.6 poles to another white oak;!thence Na 46 degrees W.,crossing the branch26polestoastake,Lippard’s corner;thenceN.20 degrees W.18 poles to a stake,Lip-pard’s line;thence S.75 cegrees BE.57 polestoastone,Holland's line;thence §,2 de.grees W.'27 poles to the beginning,contain-ing 17 acres,more or less,and being the tractoflandconveyedtoS.E.J.Waugh by her father,H.M.Troutman,by deed dated Sep-tember 23,1904,and daly recorded in theRegisterof-Iredell county.J.W.RASH, R.T.Weatherman,Att'y,Mortgagee.-Mareh 24,1916. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the es-tate of Mrs.C.I.Campbell,deceased,late ofIredellcounty,North Carolina,this is to notifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateofthesaiddeceasedtopresentthemtotheun-dersigned on or before the \U1th day of March, 1917}or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.All persons indebted to the jgaid estate will please make immediate pny-ment.A.C.CAMPBELL, Administrator of Mrs,C.1,Campbell.,D.L.Raymer,Att'y,Mareh (10,1916. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having*bcer*famed Trustee in a deed of as isignment made by T, {to notify all persons having claims asrainst thejnbove-named firm to present them to me on oribeforethe24thdayofApril,1917,or this no- tice will be pleaded in’bar of their recovery.All persons indebted to T,A.Wood required.to mak¢\\immediate settlement,roe te ADAMS,Trustee,March 24--1twk.. at 12 o'clock,at the court house door of said! A,Wood &Co.,this is | |ringer for a recipe.| |When the hungry and thirsty:were |Satisfied then the old and young,were entertained with piano.and‘graphophone musie,which we all en- |joyed very much.You can never-get‘those.children_to.say what some said,“\using their word,“bigety.”|County commencement and various|other meetings that’the town and|country unite in is what makes us to|understand and know.each other bet-|ter.I hope this will continue,for;one.cannot get along without the help||from the other.So may we all grow|stronger and better. ONE PRESENT, J.E.Boyd Suggested For Com- missioner.. |To the Editor of The Landmark: Asa reader of your paper I see several names’sugested for com-missioner to succeed N.B.Mills.Be- thought on these names’and the re-sponsible position of the chairman oftheboardofcommissioners.I wanttoaskthevotersofIredelltothinkseriouslyonthematterofoneto‘succeedN.By Mills,———ae I would like to suggest a man to succeed.Mills,one who has lived long-cr in Statesville than some who have been-named—a ‘man who has been clerk for the board for—eight yearsandforthatreasonisbetteracquaint-ed with the needs and wants of the people of the county,and at the sametimehasabetterknowledgeofthefinancialconditionofthecounty;a man who has been conservative,safe,and would put on the breaks when necessary—whose name is J.E.Boyd.J.°E.Boyd would-have no insolvent taxes to pass on in which he wouldbe-directly interested;neither wouldhehaveanysettlementstomakewithhimself,as his settlements are madewiththeauditor.Voters of Iredell,think on these things and give us J.E,Boyd as chairman of the board of com- missioners for Iredell county. “ONE INTERESTED.N.C, Marshall Doesn’t Take It Back. United States Attorney Marshall of Mooresville, of the House of Congress that he did)not withdraw and had no apology to make for his recent criticism of the judiciary sub-committee of the House,which is investigating RepresentativeBuchanan’s impeichment chargesagainst\him. Marshall,in a letter to the subs committee,said “the committee’s in- vestigation is a deliberate attempt to intimidate any district attorney who had .the temeritv to present charges avrainst a Congressman.”ThereupontherewasintimationthatMaYshall{would he artaigned for contempt. |SELS SET te}peoeeee Splendid for Rheumatiam.|“EP think Chamberlain's Liuiment is isplendid)for rheumetiam,”writes Mrs.Kurgh,Eldridge,N.Y,“It has been used by justDun- st &Co.are;myself and other members of my family timeandtimeagainduringthepastsixyearsandhasalwaysgiventhebestofsatisfaction.TheauickrelicffromgainwhichChamberlain's -inga_voter__and taxpayerI have| New_York has informed a committee |, of rations,until were about an hundred people ‘gath-|ered.About 12.30 o’clock the crowd|was invited into the dining room,||where-they were confronted by a|jlong,broad,well-filled table,which was covered with a bountiful supply of rations that were so well preparedtoutofthebestofmaterialandwould thave tickled the appetite of ‘the.most;refined and fastidious.After feast-ing until-all were well filled and sat- concerned,you could hardly tell thattheyhadeatenany,and when all was cleaned up we had a few nice songsandsomewenttoSundayschool,some lingered with the family,while;others went home. The affair was_a_surnrise birthdaydimerforMrs,Wiley Rash,this be-ing her 46th,and the surprise to herwassocompletethatwhenshesaw them gathering in she began to lookAboutforsomethingtofeedthem.on.All present enjoyed a happy time. The writer will join their many friends in hoping both Mr.and Mrs. Rash,who are a worthy ‘couple,areehappy,peaceful and successfulife. ‘Holly Springs School Closing— Pupils on the:Honor Roll. Yorreapendence of The Landmark. isfied,so.far as pood__rations were |4-- is TIRE!oe.Red Inner Tubes.| One Quality Only The Best!_4 ®You Want the Best TiresAmdYouWantService!i) Better Service to You!S 'i.eh WG ©._‘deed HD We dent want you-te think-of the-Merchants and Farmers’.Bankjust_as_a place t»deposit your money,although of course.we'are -glad to have you keen-as large a balance with us ‘aa is afItisourdesiretorenderour-patrons every serviceand accomeme-Cation that can reasonably be expected of us:a PRS bow xTheBurroughsBookkeepingMachine,which we have justadded atoourequipment,makes it possible for us to give you better Sserviceinthehandlingofyouraccountthaneverbefore...ons~By the machine methods,your account is kept in balance all.thetime.If,.as-sometimes happens,you want a statement of yebalanceinahurry,we can give it to you,including totchecksanddeposits,in less than five minites.;}:bis {esAneatlyprinted_statement-made.eutoon the Burroughs,goes to.es cach “depositor every month.”This statement’shows all ‘cheeks ®and deposits and gives the balance of your account to date,tal BYtheplaceofthetedious-and-unsatisfactory plan of calling in.balancing pass books.Sa ee‘The machine affords -absolute_protection_against_errorg in’figare ~handling.It can’t make a mistake.You can always besure thatyourmachine-figured balance is correct.SaTheincreasedspeed,accuracy and protection of this mechanic omabookkeepingsystem,added’to our thorough knowledge:of “oeconsistentbankingandbusinessmethods,makes it possible for wstoofferyouanimprovedservicethatisequal.to that furnishad ensbythecountry’s.most -progressive banks,et a oN ae~‘-ett oF.t :cpr o—ae ae) Jpiaa Harmony,April_10-—“Those who(‘are on.the honor roll of Holly Springsschool,neither tardy nor absent for the whole term,are:Clara Baity,Opie and John Tharpe.Mamie Forcum,Maggie and Ernie Maiden,Mandie “and Dewey Marler,Edmonia and RoyHeath,Robert Cook, There will be an entertainment atHollySpringsApril15th.Exercises by the children to begin at 10.30,AnaddresswillbemadebyProf.Lank- ford of Harmony High school.‘MusicbyHarmonyband:Statesville Juniors will present a flag and Bible at 12 12 o'clock.Everybody.is cordially in- vited to come,bring dinner and have an “old-fashioned exhibition.” Certificates will be given those who nassed the seventh grade examina-tion and pupils’reading course at this time,as it was impossible for every- thing to be done up-to-date at the county commencement on account of the bad weather. There will be a “spelling hee”at this place Thursday night,13th,if‘weather permits. “Honor Roll Kestler School. Forrespondence of The Lanamark. “First month —Mayfield Bundy,‘Frank Bundy,Charlie Bundy,Roy Davidson,Ralph Rumple,KatherineRumple.Mory Massey;second month—Roy Davidson,Ralph Rumple.Kath-erine Rumple.Ossie Teaster,William Troutman,Worth Troutman,Dewey’Troutman;third)month —Mayfield Bundy.Frank Bundy,Charlie Bundy,Roy:Davidson,Worth Troutman, Dewey Troutman:fourth month—Mavfield Bundy,Prank Bundy,Char-lie.Bundy,Ralph Rumple,Katherine Rumnle,Ossie Tenster,William Troutman,Dewev Troutman:fifthmonth—Mavfield Bundy.-Frank Bun- dy,Charlie Bundy.Ralph Rumple,Os-sie Teaster..Worth Troutman,DeweyTroutman,Noma Troutman.'| js : Merchants.and Farmers’Bank, a Of Statesville.=== “The Bank For-Your Savings.”on We havejust received another big lot of thefamous.|“W.W.W.RINGS”.These rings are fully:guaranteed.If a set breaks a new one will be put:in free of charge.We have them from $2.00 up:Get one.:ue oeR.H.RICKERT &SON;.JEWELERS.|‘ meet coe Caps For The Babies.| We are showing overfifty:different ‘styles from25cts.to $1.50 each..:aieAlsoanicelineofGeorgetteCrepe,Crepe DéChine,Silk and Wash Waists for ladies.Coat:-Suits,Dresses,Skirts,ete.if a Oi a 2 ADR oF RRL Yr ;COMING!THE,BATTLE CRY OF}Q 7 Ay,f to’rth timea JaBUILDING?,C.WATKINS,|/iniment atergsieatoneworth many #26 cine PRAGEL cp,rBENSAREAineSeSetteemettreeef:‘Att ;PORTE ,feo a Me oh f oe iki is‘4 a et mikes en LIMIT FOR FILING NAMES.” ‘Matiyschool~closings in -Tre-}damaging to -the--_Democrats...Mr., ing-the-past-.few-weeks.have fered the local candidates unusual portunities to mix with the people, ‘which they have availed them- solves.The legal limit for the en- ‘try of candidates for the primary ex- pires on the 22d,The names of those “not filed on or before that date will not be printed on the ballot and they -¢annot be voted for in the primary, Of course all the avowed candi- dates will file their own notices,But there are some offices,such as coun- ty commissioner and members of the board of education,for which few candidates will not offer,because the pay is in the main the’honor and much criticism,not to say abuse. Some interest has been manifested in candidates for commissioner and it is important that the best men:possibie he secured for this service,because the position is really the most impor- tant and_responsible of any in the county,The Landmark has no can- didetes for commissioner,but it is calling attention to the limit placed} “Ly the primary law,so that those) who want to vote for certain men for| this,or any other office,can see to it,| _if they wish,that their names are| filed in time. ss When you go into the; primary your choice will be restrict-| ed to the names on the ballot—that| is,the names filed—on~or—before-the 22d,and if there is anybody you want to vote for,who may not be an avow- ¢d candidate,better see his name is on the list,if you are interested to that.extent.: The Wilmington Dispateh wants to know’“where has Mr.Butier been all this itime that his feelings were not! -pricked and his indignation was not stixred to action before by the many hard.things-said-about--him-.through-+- ‘out.the tength and breadth of North Carolina,both on platform and in press?”‘Possibly it is a case of the worm turning.Mr.Butler certainly} has had as much cause in the past,if| not more,to bring suits for libel| thant he has now,biff maybe he is pa-| tient and long-suffering and the limit “éndurance has just now been reached. What The Landmark would like to} know is why Mr.Butler brings suit| against newspapers .that published; ~-Jadge Ewart’s denunciation oz him| and,‘so far,has ignored Judge Ewart.| Hf-the-papers-have-libeled-Mr.Butler by publishing what Ewart wrote,cer- tainly the man who wrote the article and offered it for publication is the, =original sinner._But Mr.is | Butler is| probebly trying to bluff ’em so they will be’s little milder during the pres- *ent.ccmpaign.. 1 The Salisbury Post says the pub- Ligh s of afternoon papers met -in Bal igh a few days ago to consider Umatters in connection with their pub- Jicntions—the_price-of_print paper be- “ing the chief item of interest.About all they found out about.paper was that the price was higher when they _met_than_when they lett home;that) paper “deaters will not accept busi- “Hess at a stated price or definite time of delivery.If you can get pa- ‘per at all,you pay the price named; but delivery is not guaranteed at any price.The inerease_in the price of print paper the past’few months is alarming,especially to the small pub- lisher,whose profits are none too large.The Hickory Record says thet*_cost.of publishing that.paper has in-| “creased $30 per month in six fionths —the-main items of increase being the cost of paper,ink and other sup- lies.“Some of the reasons for the ‘Increased cost of paper are stated in another column. It’s all coming Mr.Roosevelt’s Way,so far as the Republican presi- dential nomination is concerned.The “New York Tribune,long the leader of the old line conservative Republi- ans,hasdeclared for him.The fact that the colonel has apparently forced the:Republicans to accept him,after --hé-disrupted and’defeated the party four years ago,is a tribute to his leadership and his following.That fact alone .makes him .cangerous for the Democrats.The Land- tk doesn’t want to _believe fountry will accept Roosevelt, licans,.realizing that and twill be .6365 ha . LINNEY AN"}MR,eee ih -Mr Frank A;Linney of Boone;Re- ‘|publican State chairman and proba- ~~hore”News to complain of the-Demo- |iting the employment the but ‘Democrats don’t want to under- his strength if they woutd avert calamity,Taking counsel of hopes,we might contend that the their is hopeless,are willirig for the sl to have the nomination‘in the d expectation that he will bey,will thus be rid of the:re- —_\seni D THE NEWS- ERSS "spray ble Republican candidate for Gover- nor,writes @ long letter to the Greens } cratic newspapers of the State,which he charges are not only unfair but that they suppress information to which the-public-is.entitled,_because the information aforesaid might be Linney—citesa-number__of cases of this alleged unfairness,and to the best.of The Landmark’s recollection and belief practically all,if not en- tirely all,the items he mentions have been published in Democratic news- papers and that is probably whereMr, Linney saw them.Mr.Linney ‘says: ‘The Republicans have .been such generous patrons of the Democratic papers that we have robbed ourselves of the-means of self protection.Un- less the Democratic press will give us better treatment we will have to.’re- ‘sort toa means.of protecting our- selves.I do not want a partisan press but a ‘free and independent press that will tell the truth on atl parties.‘ Republicans probably _patronize Democratic newspapers not as a mat- ter of generosity but because they can,in most of them at least,get the news and the facts.The Landmark is.undisturbed by Mr.Linney’s SS ae ee — NEWS OF CURRENTEY. L{neidents Gathered From_ Parts of the Country, “The largest submarine in the Un ed States navy,the L-1,the first a series of seven of that type,wa turned over to the commandantof Charleston Navy Yard this:week.Siz others of the same type will be com-' pleted by July 1.. -Three leaders of the Diaz plot seize Juarez,Mexico,and-o , the Caranza garrison there last Sun-|day,.were,executed at JupreyTuesday.| The condemned men confessed: plot before they were executed.Oth:er Mexicans were implicated.~| Coat tails worn by students at.one of the leading Londonschools.are tobeabbreviatedintheinterestsof, war economy.along with reforms jin the matter of dress..It is even stat- ed that next.term these coats wil be discarded for the ordinary businessstylesuit.. According to reports,more than 80personswerengneantaresibed wrecking of the Mexican National ¢b sated <hisal h railway __train «by.Villista bandits.theusure--Cong Piyin aeeines oie near Combrerete,March 27.The ban-ah 4d Webb.The total of ape roprta: dits are said to have set fire to the sion.for North Carolina is $1,267,-train aiid to have fired on-those who BOD:the most important part of which escaped;death in the wrecks ge.is $1,000,000 for the inland =canal.State Insurance Commissioner Me-{the North Carolina.members who Masters and Attorney General Peebles ‘yoted for the bill were Congressmen of South Carolina are notified that:Houghton,Godwin;Hood,Pou,Sted-they are enjoined temporarilyfrom{man and Small.Mr.Kitchin did notenforcingthe“anti-compact”INSUT-}vote,©‘ ance law,which has caused a large)“My reason for voting aginst the majority of fire insurance companies!jj]js that with the present state of to withdraw from the State.the Treasury,making necessary the At Spartanburg,S.C.,Henry Me-}levy of additional taxes upon the peo- Caroli ‘The rivers and harbors appropria- tion bill,.carrying sip 000,was|. by the House of.Conehaassday,by a ee 210to 188.Th1:-to the- led toveducethetotalto$20,000,000 failed, -200..to..149.-The enti at for a $700,000 item to deeeeoeees-for-continuing—--work-on im . ment projects already authorized andunder.way.The single new projectwasurgedbyPresidentWilsonand‘Secretary Daniels as part of the pre- ‘paredness «programme,“Among the larger appropriations,are:Mississippi river,$8,000,000;:in-land water way,Norfolk to Beaufort, $1,000,000;Tennessee river,$954,- “All the North Carolina items wereretainedinthébill.Three North Car- charges because they do not affect this paper;and it docs not believe | the allegations are truc of the great! majority of the Democratic papers in| the State.A few of them are so! hide-bound and partisan that’they! may exclude things that do not ap- pear to be for the best interests of| “the party,”but these are few.Most! of the papers are “real newspapers first and consider party allegiance a secondary matter.That is to say,| they print the news and do not al- low their editorial:policy to affect their news columns. But the idea of Mr.Linney talk- ing’about Democratic papers being unfair.For real hide-bound_parti- sanship,the papers that see notning but good in one party and nothing but evil in the other;and who work the news columns to suit the edito- rail end,regardless of facts,com- mend.us.to._some of..the Republican papers in the State.The same trouble affects Mr.Linney that affects many} other people about all sorts of things,| If the newspapers do not print things| just as they would have them,the| newspaper is unfair.It doesn’t oc-| cur to these people,of course,that they are hide-bound partisans and) can see but one side. Writing about the county schools, Mr.W.A.Campbell asserts that while the order of tie county board of education prohibiting committee- men employing relatives to teach, has been violated,the “rule”prohib- of teachers who have not attended institutes has been adhered to.It is well to get the proper.distinction.The “rule”which prohibits the employment of teachers who have not attended institutes is the law of the land.The county hoard cannot violate it without violating the law,which it has no right to do. of relatives of committeemen was an order of the board,not a law,and the board can rescind its own order or disregard it,if it chooses.The Land- mark believes the order a good one, &proper one,and that the board /should-liveup to-it-or rescind it:But: it is well to keep in mind the distinc- |tion.noted.a The Landmark wasalittle curious to know why so many candidates and near candidates for Attorney General had come into the open recently.The Durham Herald says the reason is |that the Attorney General’s office “is ithe only job sure to -be vacant,”as |of the President or any officer -who 18entitledtosuccession.to.the presiden- |millionaire iwhen arraigned on The rule prohibiting the employment| Abee,a farmer about 40 years of age,‘ple,and with a river and harbor Jillwasshotandkilledinfrontofhis!carrying $40,000,000,more than ‘half own hone gy Tom Taylor,a neigh-'of which sum is proposed for expen- bor of -MdMbee and a mill employe.|diture on projects that are,to say the The shooting is said to have ‘been the least,of doubtful value,I did not feel result of a quarrel over a debt of ten!justified in voting for it,because of cents McAbee alleged Taylor was duel'a few projects that were in it.As al’ him.member of Congress,I still have inRepresentativeWebbofNorthCar-|mind the people who pay the bill,”olina has introduced in Congress a said-Mr.Page,who favored thebillprovidingpunishmentforany,amounts appropriated for North Car-person who threatens by mail the life}olina projects,but did not favor sev-€ral_millions of dollars to projects,which he thinks are.not worthy.| | | cy.A fine of not exceeding $1,000 orimprisonmentnotexceeding_—five;8TATE OF OHIO,CITY OF ‘TOLEDO,| avy”"Yard;|"ie ip a as ligne aw a TH ie a seta oyUDSONMAXIM,international authotity ~*arms and ammunitionmakesan camest, ‘pleain Yon patrioticTHEBATTLECRY_OFPEACE .. This call:to arms against wer touches the heart |strings of your every emotion.It appeals to yourseaseofhonos,your scase ef dutyas’an American...”:Itis an inspired revelation focm the pen cf J,Stuart.Blackton and produced,under his personal supervision,‘ 26 . ¥ % It is more than a picture.{t is 9 great nationalpropagandawhichdeals*with the most importantproblemthathasconfrontedthis’nation’since the ’ Civil War—the problem of unpreparedness. THE CRESCENT THEATRE shows this CALL TO ARMS AGAINST WAR“ll Wednesday,April 19,Two Days. ;Send the Children tosee CINDERELLA,Tomorrow Evening Matinee, Ies = years,or both,is the penalty fixed.” The United States Senate rejected, by a vote of 41 to 25,the amendmentbySenatorLodgetoincludeatariff on coal tar dyes,in the bill providingtheretentionofthepresenttariff‘of one cent per pound on sugar.Senator Norris of Nebraska was the only Re:publican voting with the Democrats against the amendment.: As a result of the war and.th scarcity of food a decree has been is-sued providing that hereafter allbreadbakedinAustriamustcontainatleast20percent.of Indian corn.The compulsory use of corn meal in bread began about a year ago,the proportion at various times being set! at 50,70 and even 80 per cent. Dr.Arthur Warren Waite,the New York dentist who confessed to pois- oning.his.father-in-law,John_-E.Peck...) drug.manufacturer .ofs | |Grand Rapids,Mich.,entered through his counsel a_plea of not guilty, the indictment charging hi mwith murder in the first degree.His counsel reserved the right to change the plea. Mrs.Ellen French Aldrich,former-; ly of:Dayton,Ohio,will be the first “woman”mayor of Sawtelle,Cal.Inthemunicipalelectionshereceived| LUCAS COUNTY.Frank J.he ts senior partner of the firm of F.|3.Cheney &City of Totedo,County and State aiure-|wald,and what said’firm will pay thesumofONETTUNDREDLOLLARSfor|@ach and every case of Catarrh that car!not be.cured hy the usetarrhCure.-FRANK J.CHENEY,|Sworn to before me and subscr!|in.my presence,this 6th day of De-cember,A.D,1886..Beal.)Notary Pubite, ly,@nd acts directly on the blood andMucoussurfacesofthesyatemn.Sendfortestimonials.free.F.J.CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,O.Sold by all druggists.5c. Take Hall's Family Pills for const?ction Cheney makea oath that ls Co.,doing business in the|| of Hall's Ca-||& | A.W.GLEASON,|A Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-|4 (OPERA HOUSE} MINSTREL } Prices 50c.and 75c. Seats now”on -sale Statesville Drug Co. the largest vote-polHed—by--candidates: for places on the board of trustees.| According to custom the candidate with the largest vote has been elect- ed president of the board,with the ti- tle of mayor.— First think of Pianos in general;|secondly of WESER PIANOS in par-| ticular,and thirdly of the LEONARD| PIANO STORE,distributors of the!_.|*unexcelled WESERS.” Carl Dudley,negro charged with A young lady living in an adjoin-having shot and fatally wounded ing:county was “thinking of buyingJamesHayes,a policeman,was tak-'.Piano.”In fact she had decided inenfromjailatLawton,Okla.,by a her’mind which “make”of Piano shemobofseveralhundredmenandwaggoingtobuy.Why?Simply be- shot to death.After the negro’s cause she had seen that particularbodyhadbeenriddledwithbulletsPianosowidelyadvertised.“Have youitwastiedtoan_automobile and made a personal investigation of thedraggedthrough.the streets,None,durability of this or any other Pi- of the mob was masked.ang?”she was asked.‘No,”was the| The ‘Maryland—-encampment-of —the answer.Our salesman then offered to} Grand Army of the Republic (organi-'take her to see 15 or 20 Wesers in|zation of Union veterans of the war:Statesville which have been in use of the 60s)passed unanimously a from one to 30 years,resolution giving its pledge to stand!A list of the owners of these and by President Wilson “in maintaining many—other__Wesers_in—this—section ‘and.defending the dignity of the:was furnished.Shestartedonthe| American flag.”The resolution con-{round to see some of the Pianos,but cludes with the declaration that the}hadn’t gone far whén she tested an Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds, pee ee ANotscreeningsoroffalordworthlessby-products,Se-lected feed scien-tifically blendedforresults.Madeby.a-house ‘with}—a reputation forintegrity.GW.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative,—] _*Phone 125 Black.i Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. Maryland veterans “stand ready by!instrument which had been ‘in use for word and deed for the fulfillment of;several years.“No use going fur- this patriotic pledge.”:|ther,”she said,“this 1s the Piano for At Birmingham,Ala.,Tuesday me”“And she is now a Weser boost-night,Henry D,East ‘of ‘Chattanoo-|°F-;: ga,Tenn.,forced his way into the|a apartments of Young Neal and in the LEONARD PIANO STORE,'presence of Neal’s bride,formerly ;ee |Miss Belle Cooley of .Chattanooga,|Morrison Building,W.Broad St. fired four shots at the bridegroom,| Mr.Bickett is going out regardless. |Probably that’s it. The Landmark confesses to some sympathy with the ‘members of Con- gress who voted against the rivers and harbors bill.Many of the projects in the bill are meritorious,but usually so‘many of them are not.and so much money is wasted in this way,that the |whole bill possibly deserved defeat, 1 Wage advances which will put thepayoftextileoperativesinmanyofthemillsinNewEnglandandNew. York State on highest basis in the history of the industry,are announc- ed.The American Woolen Company of Boston,employing 25,000 opera- tives,issued notice of an advance of 10 per cent.The Arlington Mills of Merrimac Mills,‘whose product is both cotton and worsted,announced an advance to aproximately 6,500 op- eratives, SATAERADEATRITIITA The recent change in China from an empire to a republic—only a fewmonthsbeforetherepublic,after ashorttrial,had been changed to anempire—has not allayed the disturb- tion,Which began after the change from republic to empire,seems to begrowing.The revolutionists appar-ently have no confidence in Yuan ShiKai,the man at the head-of the gov-ernment,who ‘changes the form ofAlyaaneagbinnpretendsto,as read+ly as he would changehis’clothes.”” «Lawrence,Mass.,and the affiliated |} ances in that .country..The-revolu-|} all taking effect.Neal is expected to,' |die.East escaped,but a note found Doors,Windows,Mantels, in his suit case gives his infatuation |Mouldings,Columns,Stairways;'for Miss Cooley and disappointment Door and Window Frames,Door and lover her marriage as his motive,He!|Window Locksp Sash Weights .and|was a’moulder at Chattanooga and it |Cords,-and all sizes of Rough —and |is said he was engaged to Miss Coo-Dressed Lumber.‘ley when her marriage with Neal was;C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s|announced.Planters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C. iI ON’T WAIT!| FLOWERS.|¥ It is time to put out Roses,Cannas,Dahlias,° Gladiolus and Tuber Begonias.We have a’palargeassortmentofall,F a For the Porch Box we have Ferns,Geraniums’.",.' and Colens.See-our window.es a ag Barringer’s Greenhouse, Greenhouse,356 West End Avenue.Office,.:HOME -ELECTRIC.COMPANY.Phone 57 and 361.step fas ef. ¥ ! , 3 ‘ ue 4 But get in on the “FIRST PICK!”Big lot of Boys’Blouse Suits, Ladies’and Girls’Wash Dresses.Price from 25c.up. Beautiful line of Kimonas,98c.up to’$2.48. New shipment of Ladies’Skirts,both in Woot and Washable ones. Ask to see our $1.98 and $2.98 Wool,Skirts,which are very specialattheprices,Wash Skirts 50c.arid 98c.;White P.K.and Gab-erdine,$1 to $1.25.; SHIRT WAISTS. |Another Express shipment of those popular $1 Silk ones,$2.25 Crepe De Chine Silk Waists are great values.¢ Full stock OXFORDS AND PUMPS!—Mary Jane Zast for grow-ing ‘Girls,Boy Scouts,Barefoot Sandals.Our showing in Ladies’fine Pumps,and Strap Sandals can’t be surpassed.Best Factory makes,‘up-to-date styles,prices reasonable.~Visit us often and : let us show you MANY NEW THINGS WE CANNOT HEREMENTION!Very Respectfully, \ Our eee Se VICTROLAS AND “VICTOR RECORDS ARE A:CONSTANT DELIGHT,= They are the ‘Musical Messengers”that bringtoyouthekindofmusicYOUlikebest.Everreadyentertainmentsodelightfulthatyouen- joy hearing it over and over again. Stop in any time and we'll gladly give you a Victor RecordCatalogueandplayforyouanymusicyouwishtohear.;There ate Victors and Victrolasin great variety from $15 to$100.Easy termsifdesired.Lo laineyAINDREWS,MUSIC STORE, é J.M.McKee &Company, i unex —STATESVILLE,N.C.S EAOM Nepean ‘oan rhe \EAST BROAD STREET,2.49 P| ___»resulted from PigsTorthe“dlingford-Bunch Furniture Co,novelties,—R.P.—Allison’s _Wesaon:oil‘for.salads.——Miller-Mc-Lain Supply:Co.'’ldayay.:yhotoplay».—The Lyric.coe est lity,skill and service,— :augCo,5 4:waists,shoes.—J.M. Better setvice—Merchonts &Far-mers’Bank:*3 :Unexcelled..Wesers.—-Leonard Piano :in-dried lumber will not tkins,|‘Specials.rae Mills’&Pos- ane oo’“Notick“to ‘vural school districts.‘Improv.nts*-in ofttee.—Dr.T,DWPbb,:The Battle Cry of Peace,—TheCregeentiTheatre.+«Minsfref tonight. Persoial ‘Mention. :Mr,Geo,Watts of Taylorsville washereTuesdayénroutetoMoline,IIl.,where he ‘will live._Mys.‘B..M.“Stephenson went .toSalisbury’Tuesday.to’spend a fewdayswith‘relatives,Mr,Raymond Colvert is visiting hisparents,Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Colvert.Mrs,’F,F.Steele has gone to Au-gusta,‘Ga.,to’spend two’weeks ‘withrelatives,;.Mrs.Julia McCall spent Wednes-day and yesterday in Charlotte and will return home today.Mr,Paul Barker of Conneaut,0.,is the guest of his:sister,Mrs,L.-J.Freel,: Mrs.W.-H.Tomlin and children are |visitigg in.Concord.,Messrs,Blake Gant,Roy.Little,Mack;Moose and Ralph Summers ofShilohtownshipleft’Wednesday.fortheStateofMichigantoliveand_work,...2 :.Mrs,8.-H.Garrison is visiting rela- tivés in.Rock Hill,S.C,‘Miss.Mary Dunn Ross,who wastheguestofMissArleeneGiimer,om returned to her home in:Char-lotte.' She Spread -‘Sunshine—Revival2».Meeting—-Other |News, Correspoudence ot‘The Landrark.~: -Troutman,R-2,April:10—Miss CoYaMurdoch,the youngest daughter:of,Mr.and Mrs.A.A.:Murdoch,diedSaturdayattheSanatcriuminStates-ville after a brief ilness.Intermentwhsat.St.Michael,with funeral:serv-4~ices“hy;,Rev.J,C.Keever..Miss Cora was a-very brilliant i:and *Hattractive‘girl,‘fast budding “into womanhood,atid her kindly nature had:won for hermany.friends,She wass.a_littie opti- mist-and always saw ;the sunshine.She culled for her friends the roses from among the thors and was ‘in-terested in other pempie as well asherself.Although stricken down at 16,the world is bettey:that she lived.- ~Rev.J.C.Keever and Rev.R,S.Kyles are conducting:a meting at theArthursschoolhouse,~~-Mrs,T.B.Dearman is real sick atthiswriting.Mr,D.L.-Wagner isalsosick.,-Mrs.Ada McNely has returnedomeforthesummer.Miss ~JessieBailArthursreturnedtoMooresville‘ber Spending some time with home is,She.was accompanied home ‘byissRuthArthurs,who will spend aeek“at Mrs.James Ham's. ‘The Debate atthe College Mon-tf day Evening.Cdbrexpondence of The Lanomark.“The progtamme for the joint cele- h¥ation of the Literary Societies,whichis to be held Monday evening at8.16 .o’clock,is as follows:fj ret March-—Miss Melissa War-é :: -—_—-Salutatory—Miss-Juliet-McCrory.—‘Debate.Affirmative —Misses Lilylemming,Grace.Cochran,MargaretFlemming;|negative—Misses Corde-He.Katte,Annelle Goode,Margaret ee Solo—Miss.Mary Spratt.Aper—History.of.Statesville.Col--._le#e-—Miss—Ruth-Cochran.“it ano.-Duet—Misses Letitia Wise- mani Bessie Hudson.~.‘Naledictory—Miss Helen.Bailey._»“this.‘programme will.be given inShearerMusicHallandthepubliciscordially‘invited to -attend,“The students and teachers are verybusilyengagedwiththerehearsalsfortlieplay,«“A Midsummer_Night’si,”which is’to be given on the6campusTuesday.evening,Rent 25.8 : Meeting ~at Arthurs’SchooliHouse. Cétrespondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-1,April 12 —.A meeting is ‘being -conducted at theArthursschoolhansebyRev.J.C,Keever,Much ‘good is being accom-plished.and,ig conversions.havethe_splendid.sermonsthat;have’been preached.The peopleof:this community aré taking verymitichinterestin,the’meeting and therésults.wil]‘no doubt be seen for gen-erations.to ‘come.:,A.good Sunday school and_prayer-Meetings have been conducted at thisplace‘for about a year and are themeans:by which the people are beingbroughtclosertogetherinChristianfellowshipandtheworkofChrist.*Services at this meeting at 11 a.m.’atid 8 dt night.It is expected tocloseSaturdaynight,April 15.MayBhatniaeveryfather:and mother ofthisdistrictcome’out:and worshipwiththeirchildrenduringtheseserv-idés,.It’is gratifying to have thescholarscomebacktotheirschoolhouseandworshiptogether.Let ev- erybody come that will.i smepgasinetntanniantsinmmtinm |Aes:‘Fish Friday and Saturday,UNDER PRICE GROGERY.@TORE. 2 ne 134.—ad,$6 OR RE REE ‘|Miss Ella Summers,daughter of Mr. Ww illion Club:Formed |. iss Martha Van Graw Simons wased:Wednesday night to Mr.Hol-_n@ Sussex’Parry.The ceremony wasperformedatthehomeofthebride'smother,Mrs.|ke Si Vonavieavenue,at'9.46 o'clock,Rev.Dr.Scott officiating.Only relativesiewerepresent.The home The bride wore a traveling suit of Mrs.Parry is a young lady of cul-ture and accomplishments and a de-s¢endant of one of the leading fam-ilies’of this séction.Mr,Parry “isfromPhiladelphia,a graduate of‘both the collegiate and engineering departments of the University~ofPenngylvania..He is an engineer ofthenationalgovernmentandisem-ployed on postroads about the ¢oun- try.He spent some time here andthosewhoknewhimwereverymuchimpressedwithhim.Mr.and Mrs.Parry left Wednesday night’©for Asheville.After'a few days theretheygotoAtlanta,Ga.,where -Mr:Parry is now at work. Mr.Thomas Leary Cashwell and W,R.Summers,were married,Wed-nesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at thehomeofMrs.J.E.Summers on Pat-terson street.The ceremony.was performed by Rev.C.8S,Cashwell,fa-ther of the groom,in the presence ofrelativesonly.Mr.and Mrs.Cash-well left Wednesday afternoon for thewesternpartoftheState,where they will spend a few days. The Statesville Cotillion club hasbeenorganizedwiththefollowingofficers!‘L.W.°McKesson president, Mrs,Jerry Friel vice president,BenCooperleader,Eugene Davis secre-tary and*treasurer.;The,organization starts with about 30 membérs and it is proposed to give dances the second and fourth Fridaynightof.each month.This,of course, subject:to change.The membership is composed of both married-and sin--ele—gentlemen--and—a-—few additionalmemberswillbetakeninascharter members if application is made be- fore-April 21st.Ladies who have been made honorary members will have cards issued to them within thenextfewdaysandchaperoneswillbe named by the club for each dance, The.first dance of the club.will be given at the armory Thursday eve- ning,20th,beginning at 9 o’clock.Ad- mission to all dances given by the clubwillbebycardfromthe:secretary. Dr.and Mrs.C.L,Cruse have re-turned from their bridal trip and are!at home at the Montgomery boarding | house. The Daughters of the Revolution| will.meet with Mrs.J.T.Montgom- ery Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. “Miss Sophie.Henninger entertain- ternoon,‘Hearts ‘was -played and Mrs.MacKendree Long won the prize, a box of correspondence cards.An ice course with»mints the favors were tulips. Clark School —Meeting —Post-! poned. Correspondence of The Landmark, Statesville,R-3,April 12 —Teach- Lers,_pupils_and —parents....of Clark killed.The -fruit—is-badly-too,“There was many a sad heart at the’-;commencement last “Friday amon decorated with--spring=flowers;the:I .< and the’eommittee even came.in’and’ ef theG.G..G.club:Wednesday af-| school gave a pie supper,voting con-test and spelling match Saturday} night,April 1st.Miss Daisy Day’! received a box of candy,receiving:the most votes for the prettiest girl.|Mrs.W.A.Colvert received a box of| candy for standing the longest in the |spelling match. Wednesday.afternoon,April 5,Rev.J.F,Kitk of Statesville made an ex-|cellent talk at the school closing,} which -every-one-enjoyed.In the eve- ning several plays were given.“The | District School”was very amusing,|with Mr,Orren Setzer as teacher.Misses Trotter and Kyles have}done excellent work and the parents!hone they will return at the fall term.!The protracted meeting that was)to:begin at St.John’s M.E.church} Sunday morning has been postponed-until_late_-in-thée-spring——=‘Clark school was well represented at Statesville on commencement day. Mr.and Mrs.James L.Turner spent Saturday,Sunday and Monday in Hickory,visiting_relatives.Mr.Tur- ner is attending Presbytery in Ma- rion this week.Miss Lottie Trotter and—Miss-Blanche-Kyles:have return-ed to their homes.The Juniors of Eufola had a flag raised at.Leonard’s Monday after-noon.M. Guim Grove School —Fruit Not All Killed. Correspondence.of The Landmark. Harmony,R-1,April 12 —The clos-ing exercises-of -Gum Grove school were postponed on account.of the in-clemency of the weather.The schoolclosedWednesday,5th,and the enter- tainment did’not co:ne off until lastTuesdaynight.The exercises weregood.Mr.E,W.Downum has taught a‘good school and the people want him again next winter.At the close of the entertainmentstepsweretakentohavetheschoolhousepainted.A box supper will beheld_at_Gum Grove Saturday night.before the’fourth.Sunday in_thismonth,the proceeds of which will gotowardshavingtheschoolhousepainted. Farmers are slow to begin plant-ing corn.Winter sec:as to linger in the lap of spring.Last week snow,hail and a cold wave.Fruit has suf-fered some but plenty of peaches yetandappleswerenotoutenough-to damage them much. Some who went to the county com- mencement last Friday are laid upwith.severe colds.‘ There will be an entertaifimen:atRockSpringsschoolhousenextSat- urday night,‘Candidates are plentiful in this neckofthewoods.} Big bargain.in Roller Top Desk andRefrigerator.CERY STORE,’Phone 134,—ad. -with-friends-he:an UNDER.PRIGE GRO-/| puget yaaa BUILDI woreda ahi ey NG?“c.‘WATKINS. Ma saa *:gechialy outicimannattie Patrons leasedvillePeopleKind. cold and frost have ~the parsers considerably,Lots"of youre eans just out of the und,were snow began to fall,y(ed forward to that day,for months}:expecting to see so much.After therainandsnowcameon,the best place:aaa couldkas spans —in ertindness:that the people of:-States+)ville showed that day to the children, nd-welcoming.us,was highly appr.ted and will long be rememésbered.We can tow say with Capt!Rowland,“Statesville,the.best towninNorthCarolina,”neIwantto'say a few words in commendationofthePlylerschool,for itrightlydeservesit.”I’have taughtsevenyearsforthemandfind.themtobethemostagreeablepeople'toworkforthat’I have ever tried.In’every effort that I undertook for the betterment of the school,the patrons: would -help willingly.I have never’asked far anything to be done in thewayofrepairs—such as making newsteps,putting on new locks,makingshelves,putting up new blackboards, and many things too numerous.to mention,but they”promptly ©did it; doors sawed wood ready for use,when they thought the boys too small'to do it;)and I did not ask that of them:‘I can say that the children are not hard‘to}'The neighborhood is «noted 4’control,for,their big dinners at school clos- ings and log raisings,or any publi¢ occasion that might call for a publicdinner.All that would induce me toleavethemwouldbealongerschool,for I have been asked by the majori- ty of the patrons to teach again.Miss Hicks and Mrs.Blanche Ow- ens taught a successful school at Am-ity.It-closed_last week.i _Mrs.J.H.Brown has gonetoRock}Hill,S,C.,for a two weeks’visitwithherdaughter,Mrs.G.C.Critch-er.Mr.Clyde Goodman and wife of.Birmingham,Ala,,have-returnéd home after two weeks’visit with Mr,Goodman's mother,Mrs.Alice Good-man. bs)Close of Rocky Branch School. To the Editor of The Lanamark:’ The Rocky Branch school ‘closedWednesday,5th,with public exercis-'es.The Junior Order of south States-:ville presented the school with a Bi- ble and flag...At 11 o’clock addressesweremade‘by Reéev.-C.M.WhiteandMr.Scott of Statesville,Rev.°Mr. Albright of Stony Point and Mr.Da-vis of Sulphur Springs.The afternoon was taken up witspeechesanddialoguesbytheschool.Owing to the rain the.night .exet. ‘Are Pleased—States-|; 'Statesville ‘Market.i,‘The following prices were paid yesterday}for.prodice-on”the‘localmarket,Winter Friers,16c¢.per Ib,|Old Hens,121.26.‘per Ib,eo‘Tirkeys,16c..per Ib.»)EBeys,1c.per dozen. $e.per Moy¢Butter,16c.per Ib. “Red Honey,8¢,per pound,i «Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to 18¢.per Ib.-Irish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.Sweet Potatoes,70e.per bushel. for grain*on the local market:heat,$1.30 per bushel.4 Corn,(new),70¢,per bushel,4}Oats,55c.per bushel. j «Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yesterday 11°7-8Pound‘was paid for best grade cotton, |(ADVERTISEMENTSin this column:10 centsperline,No ad.taken for leas than 25‘cents,Cash must accempany order.) ‘DR.WEBB will be out of town MONDAY andTUESDAY,Is having tmprovements madein‘his office.April 12—1t. ,EGGS FOR -HATCHING—From my -White.,Rocks and Black Langshans,15 for $1.°J.PAUL LEQNARD.April 14—-1t. ed Corn.Will pay highest market cash“price,STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS.oeteil 1b Soe eee MOTORCYCLE for sale at a bargain.CAR-OLINA MOTOR CO.April 11—1t. FOR RENT—Five-room Cottage on Traddstreet.R.P.ALLISON.April 1.“NOTICE. All of the rural school districts of the coun-ty needing new buildings,or other school im- provements,are hereby notified to make ap-plication for same to the County Board ofEducationatitsregularmeetingonthefirst Monday in May,1916.‘J.H.HILL,Chairman, R..M.GRAY,«Sec’y. April 14—4t, If You Build Your House Ceiling,“Weatherboarding,Boxing, Casing,and Step-Plank,you'll havethebestguaranteeagainstwarpingand.opening.«It will take hard oil finish beautifully,as there will be nobluestains.And best of all,IT WILLCOST-YOU-_LESS!‘.C..WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.: THELYRIC night.«Thursday:evening:lowe befo: the hour for the exercises to begin people began to come in.They came (from Alexander,Davie,Yadkin-andwasservedand}Iredell counties.A large crowd was present and the entertainment Wasee | splendid success in every way. The school was taught by Mr.J.| |E.Critz and Miss Lizzie Hunter.The!‘school was a good success,Mr.Critz | is the right man in the right.place.|He has made many friends in thisifsection.Both patrons and students! were sorry to see him leave.We hope? to see him take “charge of our next:school.:A PATRON. Stony Point,R-2.f Barium Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Barium,April 13—4A number of Ba.|rium people attended”the commencement.All report a good} time.1MissBellGarrisoz:of Statesvillehasbeen’visiting relatives here this|week.Mrs F,A.Sharpe has returned/¥ to her home in Statesville. some time.:.Miss “Verna.Woods re-| turned to her work at the orphanage! Monday.Miss Marie Whitley spent week-end| a!a - cises-were postporied until ee f TH E A T R E |“THE TONGUES Ostwalt ft" She-has|f;been employed at the orphanage for |{*' TODAY The Famous London Star CONSTANCE COLLIER =i OF MEN” TOMORROW WM.S.HART —in— “Grain.teachers and all,in opening _their ne following prices were paid yeaterday | per italeabAEXeeSeaihelpeyedhe oben ape: WANTED—10,000 bushels of good white shell-|. |With Long-Leaf,-Kiln-Dried Flooring,|- YOUR STANDING! =When*you iwndertake to do business with a firm aavay from _ the “Home Town,”>the outside firm is going to get a line on you.They are more than ‘apt to get this information from a Bank.Have you anything in the Bank that will enable the Bank- er to tell the outside fellow that you are all right?that you have money.in the Bank,or that your standing in the business world has been éstablished with the Bank? RST NATIONAL Statesville,N.C. Capital $100,000..Four Per Cent’Paid on Time Deposits.U.S.Depository,° Assignee’s SalelOFTHE T.A.Wood &Co.Stock of Groceries, Shoes and Notions... Grand opportunity to save money on your Groceries..Few sample prices: 1 °3-lb,can-Tematoes 1 8-lb..can Apples Can Salmon . Can Pork and Beans .. Apple Butter Nice line of Shelf Groceries. prices.BONED -hot-of-PETERS’Mens’fine Shoes to close out at manufacturer’s cost.: Ladies’and Boys’Shoes from 98c.up. less than Lot of Blue Ridge Overalls and Men’s.Work.Shirts to is agcloseoutquickat‘a bargain Full line of new Fresh Groceries added.Let us have aesyourorders.Cash paid_for all kinds Produce!‘PHONE 134,The Underprice Grocery Store,. T.A.Wood’s old stand,west Broad Street.aJ.E.THARPE and J.R.POSTON,Proprietors.“| x Mooresville,-visited Mr.and-Mrs.I H.Lowrance last week.Rev.W.T./|Walker and Mr,J.L.Turner are at-|tending Presbytery at Marion this}week, Mr.Jesse Arey,the farmer at theorphanage,has moved his family hereMiss'Cary Graves of Charlotte;spent the weck-end with Mrs.John|Q.Holton. Manufacturers of—snuff,tobacco,| cigars and cigarettes face leaving out,gift cards and premium coupons alto-|gether or putting them in all ship-|ments,including those.to such States|as Florida,which has passed lawsprohipitingthepractice.iThe—Treasury Department holdsthatunless.such cards*or*coupons are!included in all shipments regardless| of destination,the practice comes| within “the law forbidding lotteries,! because consumers.in localities where| premium coupons are omitted,would; not have the same opportunity to ob-! tain valuable pries as those in morefavored—locatlities.:nine Approves Mr.Watt For Member Board Education. To the Editor of The Landmark:|It strikes me.that the suggestion|of Mr.J.P.Watt of Loray for mem-|=bership~on the county’board of edu-!ceftion is most fortunate.;iHeisoneoftheveteranteachersinthecounty’s country schools,end has| a very lively conception of their place|in,our edfcational seneme and,their |them capable of fill-;needs to make ing that place. As ‘a teacher he has been conspic-uously ‘successful.As »member oftheboardhissuggesttonsandinflu-ence could not but be beneficial to ru-|ral education.T.M.STEVENSON, Florence,S.C.rs Big cut on »Groceries.| PRIGE.GROCERY STORE.13$\+-ad.’Phone He ih eR aaindaatse BR Tb Y re,Mrs.Frank Ketch-|fF ie and her mother,Mrs.McNeely of |} |LYRIC THEATRE | UNDER’ “THE DISCIPLE” :Also : BY WIRELESS” p A Keystone Laugh pro-‘ducer. “SAVED —ywae MONDAY LILLIAN WALKER «—in— “GREEN STOCKINGS” Sy ae THE ~.Quality Photoplays. SALE On account of the inclementweatherthesaleoftheper-sonal property uf the late A.A.Colvert was postponed and“will take}place.at the Colvert hone on Race street Saturday,‘April 15.=,Sale-Avill begin promptly at11o'clock. »M.J.COLVERT, ee April di..._Executrix. Refrigerator— Is built upon scientific principles of refrigeration.Every detail.Jhasbeencarriedtoaremarkabledegreeofefficiency.Allcompartmenisare .B constantly flushed with a stron,current of dry,cold,pure air.The heavy -;insulation of chemically treated flax insares bit,savings on ice bills, The frame is solid oak—beautifully finished.The trimmings are cast brass end satin finish.The flues and other important inside com-©. poe are removable—it's easy to clean—absolutely .sanitary and,odor- ess.The visible drip trap—inside the provision chamber—is easily accessible. One-piece linings,ice pan and drip pan are fuaranteed against leakage.+ Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any -height—can bearrangedtosuityourrequirements,i “Odorless"is the last word in scientific refrigeration.-If youareBoing,to buy a refrigerator,come in and see us,a ;Williams Furniture House. All sell et same under.f New York Times.After May 1 all clocksaretobeset-ahead-one..order of the J'ederal oeLmands,‘and,as orders :fea i on |sonal fioulethingone,7 4 AN Ras ee Sa ites ated t eee ect.is to make people got k :tt /sal how de 4 ‘Prinee aMwe'pe here otwrtenitah ar ~f/“really is,smokedinajimmypipe or rolled:artificial illumination,‘.4Theeconomyisnotafthebestmakin’scigarette you ever set- and its desirability,with G '‘Shut cui in San NOR zsituation,is not incompr:-For,Prince Albert has a wonderful message~bub che device for |ea of pipe-peace and mzidin’speace:forevery:seem a little—well,naive.”sc ent 7 ::e :though set forward,ive The re man.It ‘will revolutionize yoursmokeideasbodyaxto.che tints2 ere and ideals.‘The ,patented.process fixes..night,either,for tte)so xr cual s :the power of suggestion y -that—and cuts‘outbiteandparch! to the extent of producing at:j _—.:rs ;say,or at 11 p.m,,,the Soeine:atl ee }.Zit.£ up in the one instance or to ®the other that is or may be felt at°7|-/and 12,'ee KaTheproposedsavingcouldagwell)and even better,because more,ably;-be~obtained,itwould-ag, 1h iyae =}Payne ~Brown's~CompositWhichWonthePrize. "|.For the-best.composition on “AModelCountrySchool,”Payne BrownofLorayHighSchoolwasawardeda. prizeattherecent county:commencé-ment:The composition,which is a :t model itself,follows:;-apbmission >|:Te thesedays the countr yand)its:wee iB ee re Oeeens institutions are attracting widespread ons attention,The improvement of ourhe.The Sun wanted|country life is oceupying a large‘know what Roosevelt would have|share of the thought of our great wedone-in-Mexicos“What would he do|}men,With ie sing exception ofrf“yin Mexico if-he were President now;the country “church,the country ‘school is the most important factor in ‘building up the life of a ruralcommunity.‘The school is or should be the cen- ter of the community life.Keepingthisinmindlet-us make a short-visit to a Model School.It is the fall of the year.As we near the school we see many tal]oaks and gorgeous maples arrayed in au-tumn magnificence,Masses of brightcannasshowbetweenthetrees.and.climbing roses twine their.fragrantlengtharoundthebuilding.At-onesidewehearshoutsof“Slide!Slide!”and as the dust clears away we see the form of the boy who hasjust“stolen home.”From the-other side come the cries of the girls astheyplaybasketball.Over therethroughthetreeswe:catch:glimpsesofthetenniscourt,while from:therearcomethemerrysoundsofthe'lit-tle children playing “tap”or a mod- ified form of baseball.As we proceed along the neat cement walks-we—-no-tice the pump with the cement blockaroundit..The grounds are ‘enclosedbyastrongfenceasa_protection against stray animals and_trespass- ers.We note with pleasure the hand- some red brick edifice with its tiled roof, As we enter we notice the clean appearance of everything but whenwelookintooneoftheroomswefindthereason.The tallest boys are nd conditions through no fault or under of his own,were what they ‘are today?”The Sun wanted to know-if he would regard war with Mexico fas “a just war,”‘If so,would he use<"every expedient”to avoid even:that just war,and what expedients wouldheuse?The Sun also asked what he*would have done with Germany,and»what he would do with Germany's sub-marine policy if he were President.Show,and the international situation,,through no.previgus..omission..or-mis~‘take on his own part,was what it is Stoday?Would he:regard war with.Germany as “a just war,”and if so,“would ‘he be using “every expedient” jp.tocavoid even that just war,and-what mexpaaent would he be using?”he Sun’s Oyster Bay man_called jon the ‘colonel in quest of replies andwaspooh-poohed.“Hypothetical é questions,”quoth the colonel,with+which hezhad no time to.bother,Ifesheshouldbeginansweringquestions‘sof that kind in one case,he would“have to do it in hundreds of—others, =“However,he quoted his messages toCongressandhisnewautobiography as completely covering the ground.Itwassufficientforhimtosaythathe stands on his record. Breadstuffs Exports Decrease —QOther Products Increase. American .breadstuffs exports,which broké all records the first year Feason-,seem,‘bysettingactsahead,not clocks,‘Thetroublesomechangeofhabits;is “thesameinbothcases,and,after ‘all,there is a certain satisfaction in know-ing that clocks and watches are right,not wrong.prepare’AY Our Exports and Imports, “We import:more than we’export ofcrudefoodstuffsandmeatanimalsandofmiscellaneeus@ticles,“whileweexportmorethanwefmport‘oftheremaininggyoups,”says Secreta-ry Redfield in a report of foreign trade under the new tariff giving.com-parisons of the imports of.dutiable goods fell off the country.: Imports free of duty increased from $988,000,000 to $1,128,000,000,while the ‘imports of dutiable goods fell off from $825,000,000.ta ..$766,- 000,000.The increase in the total freeimportswasduelargelytothetrans-fer of many important articles.from ‘Tebwcon the national joy smoke is so friendly to your tongue and tasto "thatiiismightyeasytogetacquaintedvita.You'll like every pipefut or cigarette better |than the last because it is so coc!and |fragrant and long-burning.You'll jest sitbackandponderwhyyouhavekeptaway <from such joy’us simokings for so longa time! Men,we tel!you Prince Albert is all we claim Wy# t Sh TE Oe ee ee e ee e te e ee ee e ce 2; ee Se e of the European war,are shown by‘the bureau of foreign and domesticcommercetohavedeclinedsteadilyinrecentmonths.‘In.February__foodstuffs__shipmentsreachedthevalueofonly$38,700,000, against $64,000,000 the same monthlastyear.Breadstuffs the last eightmonthstotaled$266,500,000,compar-ed with $358,250,000 for the corres- ponding period of the year before. Eight months’exports of meat and dairy products are —given as--$160,- 870,000 against $104,000,000 for the corresponding eight months a year ago.Live stock shipments increased from $344,000 to $2,250,000, Our Financial Prosperity. Financia)prosperity and strength is greater in the United States than ever before and ts-rising rapidly tonewlevels,according to the interpre-tation placed by Comptroller of the -e.iGurrency Williams on figures,made public,showing conditions March 7 in the country’s national banks.The returns show: Total resources’of national banks increase of $2,- 271,000,000.Total deposits $10,790,- 000,000,an increase of $1,198,000,000increaseof $411,000,000 since December 81 last. $13,838,000,000,an -Within:a year,and an _.An increase of $990,000,000 in loans and discounts within a_year. Surplus arid undivided profits of $1,- 031,278,000,an increase of $18,800,-000, Barnes Not For Roosevelt.William Barnes,former chairmanNew_York Republican State _commit-tee,who sued Col.Roosevelt for libel and lost the suit,denies a published -sma]l_art class-.after school hours. dusting the walls and ceiling whilethegirlsandsomeoftheotherboys’are preparing to mop the floor.There we see a group of little girls wash- ing off the blackboards,In the pri-mary room is the low-sand table with its artistie touches ‘put on by |theteacher.There are rows of littledesksjusttherightsizeforthelit-tle folks.Here in the intermediate and senior rooms are larger desksandmanydrawingsofthepupilsare displayed on a large piece.of green.burlap,The windows of this school are none of your tiny affairs.Theyarelarge,fully equal to one-fourth the floor space,and are so arrangedastomakeallthelightcomefrom the back and left.There are no cross lights to strain young eyes. But now the bell rings and here come the children.They form in line. The teachers step out.They are nice looking,erect,well educated,well in- formed,young men and young wo- men.They are teaching because they love children and not for the money that is in it.All of them are just and impartial.This school is the only one most of them have taught be- cause they are re-elected every year. The principal,a young married man, has been teaching here for eight vears,or ever since he left college. He attended a farm life school before he went to college and makes the school garden a source of wonder and admiration in the neighborhood,The brimary teacher,a lover of children, ‘s much beloved by the little tots.She has had training in art and teaches a She is also a musician and makes the singing of the little folks a de- light to the ear.She is kind and justtoherpupilsbutinsistsoninstant the dutiable }ist to the free list bythetariffactof1913.Among the ar-ticles so transferred are iron ore,pigiron,Bessemer ingots,steel rails,bal- ing and fencing wire,cotton ‘ties,wool,flax,hemp,burlap;cotton -bag-ging,lumber,—chemicals,‘wood pulp, leather,boots and shoes,agricultii implements,food animals,corn,meat,milk,cream.and whenimported!fromcountriesthatadmit-free of duty sim-ilar products from the United:States, wheat,,;wheat flour and potatoes,- Three Killed:Powder —Plant Destroyed. Three persons were killed,one per-haps fatally injured and two-others: less seriously hurt at the NemoursplantoftheduPontPowderCom- Va.,when 4,000 kegs of black paw- der exploded:a :The plant.was almost.completely destroved,with a loss of.about,$100,- 000,Howard Mathena was blown.tonieces.Calvin Butts was so seriouslyhurtthathemaynotrecover.Geor and Roy Crawford,asleep in blast. A.P.Setzer gf Lincoln county was placed under a bond of $1,000 a few days ago to answer a criminal chargebyhis18-year-old niece,who lived in his home.ee Colds Relieved ==Without Dosing. If you havo tried ‘Internal medicines vany,eight miles from Bluefield,W.|, thi home,almost a mile from the»m |ywerecrushedtodeathundera3rock,blown through the roof by the [i Bn Cn the reverse side of this tidy red tia"PaieatedYOthy2687,9 which hue wmadd (Aree)qaocke pipeswher:ans siaukel-beicr.| you will read:*'Process for it,You'll understand just how different . cer-patemted “process“makes ‘Prince Albert’quick as you omoke it!aCes Bey Princes Albert everywhere tobacco is sold:intoppyredbags,Sc;tidy red tine,10cy hanpaandandhalfpoundtinhumidorsandinpoundervsts!-clais kemidora with rponye-moistencr topatha:eocp Lis tooacco in such prime conditions R.J.REYNGLDS TOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem,©.|dnty DO N O ON O AP A C S co n Here’s the “Line”Vallitee Up With. Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivate .report that he would not oppose the nomination by the Republican party of Mr.Roosevelt for the presidency. To be sure of crop,NEW E COMPANY. obedience.The intermediate teach- ers are both college-bred and have‘taken.a course in domestic science“This year,”Barnes asserts,“the :oeperiodicalcandidacyofMr.Roosevelt ae the word Ce ee cae=oa oaoe wren awe 6 They march to their separate roomsseitdirteyssandstand:until all have reachedPorepeeveaeneTeXCMIe|their gests Let us doin.with thcomesfromhisdeclarationinbehalfprimaryehilarenThstouahentape Be aesere a ruaveraibis 1 bell and the children sit.She thenforiynaturalpheyemenonnorhas|ScPs (0,the windowsand lowers theeapatentontheobvious.That this;PES"°4*es -,.country should be properly defended,|rection,one of the,boys cloves theindebate”efended now,1s _not_open the perfect order that:prevails.Yetecallappeartobeattheirease.From_Hurt_in_Automobile Accident._|here we pass to the second—and-third,Mr.J.D,Elliott of Hickory and|intermediate rooms.There is a—his-daughter,Mrs.C.M.Sherrill “Fé:spelling match-in full swing,for it is ceived painful scalp wounds and nu-|Friday afternoon and they have no_merous bruises Tuesday morning ~egular lessons.Passing through the*when their automobile,driven by Mrs.cloak room,on the ale ives of ‘whieh pues pe ee Newton baee hate hoon Dice eee ieanckor;as pi Oxes >ad,we reac ,bercath digtasbat Mrs,Sherrill wae high school room,—Here the pupilsthrownclear“The accent happened|‘comluting meetingoftheriteereartiresblewout,|©1 ,eeeaesacaoctolosecontteewetallinedignityofthemachine.ey were taken to oe oe em LethehospitalatHickory.Mrs;Sher.hate by six of the older boys and girlsrill’was unconscious at that time,but|!S Just beginning.—ee a sentipaes ee be taken m aie ee tie ooo-her home.Mr.Elltott h:tay |:z eects.1ginthehospitalafewieeeeeattendedbythechildrenand_their(epee »parents.Here plans are discussed forWouldEstablishMonkeySchool,|*"ight meeting.We hear that there!“Prof.R.L.Gardner,the monkeysharp,is in New York with an idea jis to be a debate by the older men} and several recitations by the chil-| en,after which the League will!to open a regular school for the edu-|"c”i z oyegationofapes,He has.been associ.sell refreshments.At the meetiig a| ated with monkeys for 25 years and“is just about to leave on his seventh vote of thanks is given to the teach-!ers and pupils for the play which) anthropological mission to the FrenchCongo. they presented at the last night meet-| He will call his school a seminary ing.Reports are presented by the and he would establish courses,start- committees in charge of the corn,to-,mato,poultry and pig clubs.The!— ing with a kindergarten and embrac-ing as Many upper grades as leaders are much encouraged by the| werefoundtobenecessaryto-meet the te. interest shown by the boys and girls,|After the business part of the meet-quirements of the gradual mentalawakeningofscholars. ing is over the cooking class demon-| DRADER REAeR strates their work.|rinauleakeuees aie whole life of this community|Vice President Marshall +,|revolves around the school.Its in-|FuRiine tite fer alee wi,fluence extends far beyond the four!and ‘Senator James Hamilton Lewia walls of the building until it be-|of Hlinois as temporary chairman|°°™4S &Power sor ood Ih te cbme)and “keynoter”at the Democratic na-|inunity._vrom this school go .out)tional convention,is the prospective well educated.practical farmers and}arrangement for ‘the St.Louis gath.housewives.,The lure of the city has|éring,{t is said.yo charms for these clear-headed|iL 1(Fret.John M.Webb,co-pringipal ||Soe,eae Te ae a a men and young women’would’remain|(:on the farm if in every country com-ousaus in the South,died a)munity there were a “Model School,” | without success,we wart you to try the“External”treatment —Vick’s ‘‘Vap-O- Rub”Salve.Apply hot wet towels over’ the throat and-chest to open the pores,then Tub Vick’s in well and cover with a warm flannel’cloth.The body warmth releases healing vapors that ‘are inhaled with each breath,and,in addition,Vick’s is absorbedthroughthepores.2§c,60c,or $1.00.VICKS WeousSALVEStSHINGLES$1.40 Per Square! And up.All grades of Pine,Cedar,Cypress and Tin Shingles,Ridge Roll,|Painted Valley Tin,.Nails,Shingle Stain and Fire-Proof Paint.:C.WATKINS,Shingle King of Ire dell County,Statesville,N.C.; MEATS.» your corn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LINE.UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEER,/ aae.PAR ANTONIOION AN TAN ANI76X sa e ot ug e n >ae . “o l si g h . ea e This Painter Is Right.DAVIS’PAINT is what you want, Country Hams,a ‘FOR SALE BYLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C. SALE OF LAND. Ferris’Hams, Nice Country Bacon. BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior Court of Iredell county,the undersigned willsellatpublicoutcry,to the highest bidder for cash,at the Court House door in Statesville,N.C.,on :.;SATURDAY,APRIL 22,1916, at 12 o'clock,M.the following land situatedin’Turnersburg township,adjoining the lands |. of the Iate W.Turner and others: Beginni at a pine,W.Turner’s corner,running*N.6 degrees E.32 poles to a pine;thence N.75 -degrees W.30 poles to a pine; thence S,40 poles to a stone,W.Turner's line;thence BE,25-1-2-poles tothe beginning,—con= taining six ‘acres and 39 poles,niore or less.Also the following tract,adjoining theabove,beginning at a maple,J.L.Padgett’sline,running southwest 79 rods to Tomlin’s eorner;thence E.70 rods;thence N.81 rodstothebeginning,at the maple,containing fiveacres,more or less,E.G.GAITHER,».March 24—4tw,Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualified as administrator of the es. tate of Wm.A.Gibson,deceased,late of Yre-dell county,:North Carolina,this is to notifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestate Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.- dersigned.on or before the llth day of March : Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St W.D.HARRIS ~ 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for;same.Locks and’Guns repaired and-Keys fitted.In factanythinginrepairline, ‘The No.76 Planet Jr.pivot.whee]riding cultivator..with extra,wide arch,adjustable stops to regulate depth,largeandcomfortable.seat,newlever springs,make it the mostattractiveandpracticalridingcultivatoronthemarket today.:cnet bovs'and girls.More of the finest types of young Phone 209. Aemacee -NOTICE TO.CREDITORS.The tabernacle meeting at Salis-|A |Having qualified as administrator of the es-sad which has heen in progress ior eee MasaieT.Hooser,deceased,this is to |7 .1 a fe"aving cla 8 again iKeeweeks,conducted,by Bishop estate to present them to me on or hefore theigo,will close this week.|28th day of March,1917,or this notice will he|pleaded in-bar of their recovery.COMING!”THE BATTLE;CRY OFCh)3.WPBAOR)8 e He was a native ofAlamancecounty,this State,and wasrelatedtomanypeopleinNorthCar-olina,The corner stone of the new Fed--eral byilding in Charlotte will be laid“on they20th with Masonic ceremonies.<ito Coat $250,000,""| I All persons.indebted to the said estate will please make ima!mediate settlement,_S.A,HOOVER,}¢Mayen 28,:Administrator)«ITT AD SH :fryy ieyi fnid estate will:please make immediate pnay-ment.JOHN.D.GIBSON, —_a ————||Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and reé |ROR'SALE,tail,Established in 1980..Incorporated 1909. tated.see me at once,it’.BUNCH,‘Stapes- 1917,of this notice will be pleaded in.bar of|'eS fe i :BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY ©Administrator of W.A.Gibson. A0-nere farm,in high state of cultivation,and ‘Office f 294 ‘GRO.H. 8 VicePres.andville,‘N.&4 :.a are 's mee their recovery.All persons indebted to the YR.‘T.Weatherman ‘and D.1.)Raymer,MANUFACTURERS OF. good improvements,two miles from Statesville,PHONES:eur Residence 423° Licsctshya baaep tb eB ab aida a *iAaaechgochercage eG aM by fi)(HD si | — a rma ic I iSityit San OLEAN LoseaDay's ents biges Doa'tL >|sluggiah!You feel lacy,dizzy and all knocked ott,Your head is dul,your tongue ie coated;breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipat:ed.But don’t take salivating caloy*,mel.Jt makes you sick,you mayloseadiy’s work.ra et .is-mercury.or quicksilverwhich‘causes necrosis of the bones,yee ¢rashes into sour bile iikenamite,breaking it up. ‘That’swhenyoufeelthatawfulnauseaandcramping.‘.If you want to enjoy the nicest,gentlest liver and.bowel cleansing you ever.experienced,just take aspoonful,Of.harmless Dodson’s LiverTonetonight.Your druggist.ordealersells”you a 50’cent bottle of . IS MERCURY,IT. CKENS! sonal.~back guarantee thateachspoonfulwillcleau:your siug-wish liver better than a dose of nas-ty calomel and that it won’t makeyousick.» Dodson’s Liver.Tone is real liver medicine,.You'll know it‘next4norn=:ing,because vou will wake up.7eel-ing fine,your,liver will be working,your headache and dizziness ‘one,yaar stomach will be sweet and yourwelsregular.You will feel likeworking;you'll be cheerful:full ofvigorandambition.Dodson’s Liver Tone vegetable,therefore harmless,andcannotsalivate.Give it~to yourchildren.Millions of people are us-ing Dodson’s Liver Tone instead ofdangerouscalomel,now...Your drug-gist will tell you that the sale cf ¢al- is ontirely WELS GENTLY|Soe LAN 3 Work!||'Y our Liveris Sluggish or,Bowels Constipated Take ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.” You're:biliovs!Your ™liver is: DM? FRIDAY,April14,3 THE SCHOCL COMMIT Mr.Campbell Criticises .theChangeFrom Distriet toTownshipGoyernment-—Ad-vantage of the Former—Rule as te Employment of Relatives Violated.caer 1 is To.the Editor of The Landmark:oiItwouldbe/interesting to hearfromtheschoolsinthedifferentparts|of the county,and to find’if thechangefromdistrictcommitteetotownshipcommitteehasmadea.no-ticeable improvement in the ‘schools.That the schools aye making steady|progress,all will agree,T suppose,| should be improved,for we have to|pay about $200 extra for the servi-| ces.of tawnship*-committcemen? eee but to be commensurate to’cost they A ment,but spoke privately to thosepomIthoughtoughttobeinterest—|- I have called attention to a rulewhichwasnotkept.:.In the follow-ing,the rule was.kept:There is ateacherinthistownshipwhohasbeen |teaching more than 25 years;always|‘eeps posted and always secures.a!first grade.certificate.This téacher|was denied the privilege of teaching |because“he did not attend the insti-|tute,He was the almost unanimous’choice of a district This teacher, FORE Bee mene trey reta who could’conduct a beneficial insti jtute,or write a good theory and prac-| tice of teaching,couldn’t ;teach he-|cause he failed last summe’to ‘see|that his affairs might permit his,teaching the “past:winter.|Good| teachers should be kept in the work,for the county needs them more than! some of them need the county’s pay, good teacher realizes.that he is setting only meager pay for his win-| ter’s work without being required to: wsoupart-of the-summer,..if-any=be=!If we refer to a certain copy of The|eve thoy get more salary than they —re Se a seer308080802080808080eU80atOM convince you Sloan’s — Landmark,printed soon after.the ap-%T¢able to give good Service’in reDodson's:Liver Tone under my.per-:npr pointment of the township:commit-turn,they make due preparation toomelis'almost stopped entirely here. Stierorceenste gre ae seas c aor enn a pn RILL-WHITESHOECO. ore ree |“Agents ForGlobe Tailoring Co’s |Needle Modeled Clothes. It is only a very short time until Easter.Come in and let us’take your measure for one of those Globe Needle Modeled Suits. We guarantee the workmanship,fit and wear of every Globe Needle Modeled Suit. Call early and let us-take your measure for that aster suit.Globe Needle Modeled Clothes will ‘please you.: SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. ‘the texchers and seerned to think that Fo ereat shame..order of ie |toant, 1 |omploy:teachers tees,and the adoption of the “order”|that the committeemen “shall not”:closely related tothem,we will find that tour corres-_ pondent highly praised that order:that would stop committeemen‘giv- ing relatives.work in.schools.He| rave an instance where a.committec-| man succeeded in turning.down “a! rood teacher and placed a.poor.téach-|er because.the latter was a relative.|He'snid the -committeeman boarded| Let us see how thetheboardofeducationis| Jf you will come over to;i Sharpesbure:township vou’will find| si relatives of the committeemen hold-|jine ferth in 40 per cent,of the white|B |schools of the township.Out of a to-||ES |;::BE}daughter of one committeeman,while| ‘1 of five schools,one is taught bv a, take the work,while the teachers who are needed inthe schools are disqual- wed, For.the benefit ofthe said corres--pendent,I will say that two teachers| are boarding with a “committeeman| out here,About 50 men were dis- charged from the office of committee- man in Iredell,most of them with un-expired:terms,It,would seem that| some kind of notice to each of ©us} would have been in order,and [sug-' very expressive:| “Sir:Your services are no long:|cr needed.Should we ever see that we'could use you to any advantage,| even the most remote,we will let you know.”i {the President should discharge the postraaster of New York city,he would first serve notice.It would be }Ei ‘he sister-in-law of another is assist-/20 almost insignificant affair for it a ant in another school,Remember that I do not say theseachcrsare“misplaced.Probably| they sre noeded at these identical|FE j@laces,but I am Showing the absurdi-|fi iv—of claiming the new—way-to—_be | i |tiemen who compose the |cure for this.or superior to the old. 'Only one of the three estimable gen-| committee|‘has children,to “attend school,We!Fi could not reasonably expect a man|g |who-has no Bal miles away direct interest in any|;school,and whose residence is sever-.|,to show vital intérest;in our community or school.|3;By the hearty co-operation of our | IS #MONEY IS POWER AND-COMMANDS INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND,THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW! SO THE BEST WAY TO SPART IS WITH A BANK*ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment.All Deposits made on ‘or before April 5th will draw interest from April 1st at the rate ‘of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear inierest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. or small,cordially invited. * Checking accounts,either large ..We want your business!st : ’<rPeople’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN President.0.L.TURNER Cashier.wY |Nistrict we are having a good school.|'Tam glad to add that such is the cus-|tom in our district,and the peonle,al-|{most without exception,“stand-by-the++sebnol.””“The committee is legal cus-!‘todian of the school property,yet I)rhave reason to believe that neither:has ever seen his property here.They|are located so distant,shoulda teach-|ev leave his school to go to each resi-|dence of committeemen and return,he|must travel 14 miles,or 70 miles to!have five”vouchers signed by.thethree.Then for the two teachers,140!miles.unless sommodation.-.;/nae |It is probable.”that the.facts are:rraetically the same in most town-|shins.The _principle—is wrong.Ire=dell county has denounced rule bynon-residents.Why.should.it be ve=instated?We who have been servingthedistricthavealwaysusedour!best efforts to make ours as good-as’any rural school in the county.We}|have never been.offered pay for our}services and we want no pay.We}have served willingly in the interestofourcommunity,and we refuse to!|believe,in the absence of proof,that!others more distant avill or can serve|to better result than we who are well!accuainted with the needs of the dis~!‘trict.If the authorities wish to be-!“ome reallv narrow and.consider podlitical”affiliations,they ean find acompletecommittceofwellqualifiedandcanable.Demorcrats in our dis- ‘nnointment of non-residents of thedistrictapnearsto_infer that none ea=nable,or having enough interest,can|be found in the district.|\,Reluctantly,to prove that there istrinterest:in the schools out here,Ul|give these facts concerning myself,| & THAT CROW. To your interest,Mr.Gardner,to plant ‘SEED that grow and.are true to name. Give us your SEED business for 1916, -After that always ours. The Rexall Store. Statesville Drug Comp’y Quality Prescriptionists. fe s r e s e s e t t PIIPPVIISSSISoevessssossessssssIIIITsTeesesessossessessllseserereeoe ns ~MKODAK=— The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System haveputamateur-photography within reach of Syery man,woman and childatsmallcost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.KodaksuppliesofallkindsinthegenuineEastmanquality. Jeweler, H.B.WOODWARD pa a e c t a p o r e c s s e n d Mw s s e o s s s a s e s s s s s s e e s r e t e s e s e s s e r s e s s c s s s s e e e s e t r e ~HUNT BROTHERS, a STRAM,-GREENSBORO,N,C.OT WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,‘79 Plumbing and Private Water Systems,~*',| ‘ * sees «>vs:REBERENGES-FURNISHED,ont rand fami not alone,but many others|here are thoroughly interested|will perform anv reasonable service ;1in the interest of the school.When,that staunch friend of education who}received fram the Legislature |of|(North Carolina a Jemon in the form!|f a special limitation of-salary,came ||to locate a school he reavested_a site,‘T donated it from as good farm land asThave.I algo donated all necessaryLroadsacrossmy~farm.I left the|forest north’and northwest|School,“for protection.and shall con->,tiue to leave it so.We had to payifordesksoutofschoolfunds,which|imadeour-term shorter.The ex-com-mitteemen will recall that I offered ‘to|baut one load free if some one would |haul remainder;so as to save our |school funds.A few years ago-wetifoundthatweneededlumberinmak-/\ing prenarations for the exercises aticlose_of school.I felled the trees, took the logs two miles ‘to a mill and) the lumber was at hand in due time.|The land had become worn about the;door of the school house,I hauledsoilandbuiltitupforproperdrain- when they want.to rebuild or repair! for tools,or for any assistance I|might be able to give.All free,andj no regrets.I am glad to be of some!service in educational advancement.|In a more direct way my interest} in education has been manifested .asfollows:Three years ago I tried to in-|duce a certain neighbor to come to my|residence on stated nights and have! me assist him in learning:toMorethanayearagoIinduced allthemenwhomIcouldinteresttomectmeattheschoolhouseforstudy.Ifurnishedbookandlightsfree.As IhadnotheardofanightschoolinIredell,and as such might be unpopu-lar,I did not make public announce- Told That.There Was’No Cure For Him. “After suffering for over twenty years withindigestionandhavingsomeofthebestdoe-tors here tell me there was no cure:for me,think it only right to tell you for the sake of}.other sufferers as well as your own satisfaction: that a 26-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tabletsnotonlyrelievedmebutcuredmewithintwo}months,although I am a man of 65.years,writes Jul,Grobien,Houston,Texas,Obtain-‘able everywhere,;: spared it.by some*pe-*ey AE. |deals almost entirely with monetary } considerations.The selection of per-. sons to give instruction :is vastly more important,-as they must build for time and eternity.iJusticewould.demand that the! peovle he informed as‘to the origin! of the demand.for such change.Did! 16 men in Iredell county petition for| the change? furnish its proportionate one man?W.-A.CAMPBELL. Coifee and Tebacco’Scarce in} Pershing’s Camp. This story comes from Gen.Per-; shing’s.camp of the American expe-| dition in Mexico: -Gold is the word adopted along this! front to describe coffee.A teaspoon-| ful of coffee will buy more than a!¥. sold coin,-and the rich color of the: coffee,enhanced by its scarcity,hasfixedthenicknamefirmiyforthiscampaign,: An eficer dealing out the coffee ra- tion to a soldier advised him to save his coffee grounds for second boiling in 'case.of,temporary delay in the ar)vival of new.supply trains...i --“]-save mine,”said the officer,i “How many times do you use the same grounds?”he was asked.| “One set of grounds I used eleven’ times,”he replied.“The last few times To was just drinking suggestion but it kept me happy.”Another officer offered one dollar in gold for a cup of well-used co%ce grounds and his bid was refused. _Fobacco is the only article which has approached -coffee-in the exarger= ated value which this campaign has vlaced on a few ordinarily common-| place commodities.One soldier who was “flush”with coffee sold a tea- spoonful for three cigarette papers. ~—NMRS.KERNS?ADVIGE ToWeak,Nervous,Run-Down Women 4veeCSt If so,did Sharpesburg |!; 'gest the following as appropriate and |—Ca |SIVREMKEES mation.= eo..e.seeLiniment& Arrests Inflammation.Prevents severe compli-cations,Just put a fewdropson!the painfil_spotand ihe pai diss « ‘appears, Pe J a eHinetpint a rs DECREELAA STU Statesville Realty &Investment-Co.|INSURANCE! AS a great many policyholders’do not seem to know thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercertaincenditionsnamedinthe contract of the policy which they buy.We dee it advisable to mention some of the causes-under which the same will be rendered velueless,viz:;:r ce1—-Vacant or idle property for longer than 80 days—-upply tu your agent for permit,\. 2-~Mechanics inaking additions to,or extraordinary,altera- {ions in_or on.property—-always-pret-permits from agents.ooo ot8-~Property upon which there.isa mortgage unless noted afi, sume is sriven—apply to your agent.1 AE 4t—Any change Inthe title or ownership,or-interest in.proper ¢ ty insured other than by death.ee che 5h--Assignment or transfer of.property.to’another.‘tlie 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be gyedm T=The taking of -other-insurance-without-notice.——__ 8—-heeping explosives on the premises.without,pentait than kerosene oil.: 9-—Property-éneumbered by ‘chattle mortgage, Policyholders should read Hnes*7 to 8¢of the printed soutrace of their policies,It is impessible for agents to.know of these de-.figiencies,unlcss notified.“Call on us for-any INSURANCE infor- “WI INSURE ANYTIUING INSURABLE”< 7 ™~—RES aie LateJ.F.CARLTON,Manager,— PHONE 54>STs TESVILEE,No Coe is SSN AMESIA PANSYORE NE TYAg Ae RACIAL,5 - }The ‘ other+ . SSTLIRETTULIITISI eee IS LITLE eI:: pe E tSo.Cumberland,Md.—‘‘For a:lonz I could not eat or sleep-and was, so_weak I-could-_hardly_walk._._My hus-~ band heard about Vino!and got me to try it.Now [have a good appetite, sleep soundly and am well and strong.Every nervous,weak,run-down vomanshouldtryVinol.—Mrs.D.W.Kerns.;*“@+—-Vinol is a deliciouscodtiver-and-iren—+ tonic,without oil,which we guaranter tion and make pure healthy blood. W.F.Hall,Druggist.Statesville,N.C. from | are;the schoolboys cut my timber}, stage,or rearrange seats;they come|: read.|] -Spring lowers! Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. Van Lindley Co., Polk Gray Drug (o., age LeealAganta eeetieedie ipa taceeaneTHEBATTLECRYOFPEACE!COMING!— aand|‘to create a healthy appetite,aid diges.3 2 Bs pe ee eg e t s - pe e s t ee ne e sa c s gr t e r e s e e : SI I I I T s r s c ks trict.who will serve without pay.The|-time I suffered from a nervous break.|} ;jdown. wi s toeSPECIAL VAL IN TOOTH BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES,2 ot HALL’S DRUG STORE,°'‘|"PHONE 20.Prescriptionist, sea omecoon sesmomecca pcintlipane 6: eteeagsstssetWHAT'S THE USE?| 4 Togoaway from home for your FUALD SEEDS ¢when J.i.Sloop has what you.need at the right price,and you may return what you don’t”#use and get your MONEY BACK?See me for — first class-Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds, ixentucky Blue,Tall Meadow Oats,-and Sudan= Grass and Rape.Burt,Black,White,Red. rust proof and Bancroft’s Oats..Iertilizers from: 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2.Am looking for those... who need supplies and fertilizers-on time as well. as cash,I can take care of your wants, J.E SCOOP.Sr e g e r p r e s e e r e g e s e n s e t e c e r peatsehitonttehisnssissesoiiatiesiinassionsSeitinesceatetene 0;CEDRCRCECIRCECESACJUST_ARRIVED. \ New Line Spring Suits,Hats,ee Shirts and Neckwear. ALL THE LATEST.in these LINES,— Call early and look through.Will take pleasure in showing ygu—whether you are ready to purchase now or nob.\ Respectfully, \ Com Te =<pasa vs -si Tr ;-+ms —<See ee TS -err :=a ~7 ARK |LUST FOR BLOOD LETTING Negro Gets New ‘Trial,© ,,or _|'The-Supreme Court has gra Brak 44-4016.anEnaee -Delibersie vestruc new trial to.Thomas Mertitk,4 H f Ke *—ORpAtA P-.|victed.in.New-Hanover coun :ew Yor mes |first-degree murder and sente in a Good Com;|A Russian hospital ship,the Portu-|yo"electric.chair,..The court munit,aria Similar Events.|gal,on her way to the south coast of /three to two,Justice Aten Sn fat FOUR BIG EASTER.oer Be ts. FOUR SILK SUIT SPECIALS:| hich!Merrick,a negro boy,killed a Silk Poplin Suits Bed $15.00 of .ing Oo oy *p cK,an y OY,i *oT <e iy 4 mn i esday,and were attended.by as Tsetion the Bee St tan ecaon iman named Hudson in Wilmin sda ‘Silk TaffetaSuitsBAS ueontATa y number of the patrons and}‘.od |followi lispute over a ‘hitching #.mn ie oO.eA!Or.i:ipanying vessel.She was~-painted|following a disp 0 !2.00 250 3 J 16 50 1 ;‘ s of -the neighborhood and 4 |white,with great,red crosses on her!strap,.which both claimed.“ae ag::in A ’Vy Ped!an Vr |PlVesIVy PLOVUY:al -—DesFoVUe - pee srt :“Ithe Black Sea to pick up wounded sol-|dissenting opinion’in of 2 nee closing exercises of Athens)qi...stopped off Cape Fatieh to per-|Justice Clark concurs.a4 Ladies’and Children’s Dress. in Olin township,took place _Nisitors.There were exercises|i404,’She bore all the insignia of/trial is granted because :ee se salese toe forenoon by the children,anjio.humane purpose and use agreed;judge did not charge the jury as to at 11.30 v Rev.J.F,Kirk t The Hague in 1908.~It-was?manslaughter,and further that the ]:4 ;!rn)‘MOANA,CDECTA .Teen tatesville and BREE SENT reat rome uh Pal yi shearers tele-|judge failed to charge clearly as”to-F In rock?Ae at eek th seks FOUR PETTICOAT SPECIALS:ie SoAayetations,dialogues,etc.—in the af-|_,sriscope,or human eye,could!What constitutes “cooling time”in|i :_Tetoen ad evening by the chen,°R,PPC Ma a,)Peet feature of the afternoon was a reC-|hoard,besides her crew of Russians}iF =e 50c 1 ()2 00 ani $3 ()‘f Bae a :.itation contest _by ane fue an ®/and French,Red Cross_officials Sis-|‘oe iuehin os thi oak ce ares .:$1 $1 50 $3 $5declamationcontestthreeboys.|)...ho}ciciane.narees |Wes in Washington this week to sup-:°:a. Prizes—books—were awarded Aba:ere Ot eee)Boyeclare es Shia|vlement Congressman Stedman’s*ef-!)./Silk,Cotton and Lingerie.4 ae 9 e 9 ;. 'Hilpa trick.for the best recitation |8°her different degree and way,was |forts to get pronto fora Fedéraly#'eee:Canltns feb:Wiebe “ecie*jon a evans.<t tiananlin tniae i)Setar taser enced Notwithstanding the great advance in all kinds of Staple Merchandise,w Pea Pe ap pi 9 ee j.relieve.suffering,having a mn wy 1 AG i i #i a =.Kirk's address stressed ~some 4°CEDAR POSTS={f @te still offering an elegant stock at OLD PRIGES.-Verytruly,=e evidences of progress in rural com-/A submarine appears,circles about, munities ~~urged the young folks!the motionless ship ‘as if to make)No.1 Virginia Lime,Laths,Calcined —= to stay in the rural communities ‘doubly clear that not in ignorance but!Plaster,Cement.}i SS he :‘¢A helpto make this development,NOW|with full knowledge and with malice!‘just beginning,ren it he bes Aceepetne was she to be attacked.From|_C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. Ap Athens school 18_ocatsod we vd ‘less than 170 feet away the submarine |Se ee RNS -.SE her Sec nemace ae ee eS :ee i a the best communities in Iredell and’tros two torpedoes.One misses,one,| the people are loyal to their school)axptoding in the engine room,sinks|.,meh a oey co : and take a pride in it.At the recent |the ship.A Russian torpedo.boat One Lot New Wash One Lot Wash Skirts }:iP R sounty commencement Athens Was |saves 158-persons.The other 115,.Y«h awarded the prize for the most im-|.jong them 50 physicians and nurses,Skirts Black and Blue Assorted Colors 9 : 9 °°Dy r CHOCHOECLCEOLOHOHCEO CECHOROROECHO ECE HC HORE OEOHO Hn.ee bt bee) provements made by any two-teacher and 14 women of the Red Cross,aresehoolthepastyear,and a visit to}growned i :5 : the school house is evidence that the!”purkey +Mp}i ee ce :tseyhasdeniedthataTurkishNn:n ¢.has SI RUNG,but it has been anything but “gentle”in its land- Ee ee on eT eee cyKing |submarine —the eee a this sa-y °y ~ik mn ty .x ything g :Ne cred ship,the murderer of these mis-::;Py os et : and Mary Lawrence,two youngla-|cignaries of kindness.Turkey will With its sudden shifts {rom mild,balmy days to cold,bleak days, dies of the neighborhood,capable |},,believed.In spite of her alliance iu is the most treachereus season of the year and sorely taxes the teachers who love their work,the!“Christian” Schrecklichkeit.|.human system tc retain ite normal condition. school made splendid progress.the |vakey ia etneek sei Red Cone rey i It is therefore up te us to supplement the efforts of nature and past year.The grounds are Yeat,This is the ‘deed of a specialist.It is Te keep the system so reguated that it will be proof against the ills the building is neat and well kept.\tne climax,at present,of a series of 7 of this varyin and wearing period,:: The pupils gave evidence of careful @ ;Pts Rad Th ‘sea massacres,long become a habit,Our high-class Prescriptior Department is always at your call and conscientious bbgiieepee he rec-'4»disease,haematomania.with the HIGHEST of QUALITY,SKILL and SeRVICE!2 tations,songs.deciamations,eic..|There is a nation that spits upon;PURITY,PRECISION and PROMPTNESS come first,last and work ear ee ot pecially international law,upon treaties,up-always “On the Square,” fine.pon picakes and agreements.It mis-e :e .:es :2 5stringband,with two lady mem-|wees for terrifyingsteneth.toro I Kaster Display of Coat Suits,Silk 2 POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square.”§ bers,furnished excellent,music.|killing of harmless men,women and ;a An important event of the day was children;children seem to be its fa-:thedinner,Guests rally conser ¢vante subjects for Zepnein sieve D)regses and Shirt Waists in eh aeON ANT ORS RO NEES es eee aE Bi neAtres.On land and sea,from under fine and all that.and sometimes they |the sea and from the air,it kills non-!}say something else when they get)combatants as nonchalantly as an Je °7 away.The visitors to,Athens could-!4_.,)ae ’eal K |):i FOR SAI E! n't ie what that spread deserves.to enach oF ae care woua es?|4XC uSivé signs,:5 %e ;::;:|y or dash out its brains against a ‘ have said of “i Oey oS to |doorpost,The madness for destruc- Re ;gst rai ic Sern those +tion which it can satisfy only in part ,: who prepared it have peceon to |be te monuments OF Heleian ene Why shouldn’t your Easter Coat or Dress have style and preud—and they have that sort of : 1G%-acre farm,1 1-4 miles from Harmony State High School, new five-reom ccitage,Larn and orchard,40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber,level and productive,will cut 500,000 feet of ding Il the ti +Athane)if la Pe eee ee looks as well as quality?WE HAVE THEM!:'lumber,cne-third cash end balance on terms to suit the purchaser. inners a e time a ens,it is.|:-ch jen?cena power scorns all the “sentimentali-r .1 1 a AM.1130acres 1 1-4 miles from Olin,three-room dwelling,barn and said,which isn’t surprising when YOu ties”of honor.Wherever it can it DOROTHY DODD SHOES AND OXFORDS in all the outpuildings.49 acres in cultivation,14 of which is fine bottomknowthefolks.There was a splen-!pales a breach in the walls that the new and up-to-date styles.\-Ca]l and get a pair for Easter H:land,balance in fine omgi <,pi ine|:kes th ir alls the é p ate sty aK a pa as b and,balance i ginal oak,pine and poplar timber,$2,- ee ee nations have slowly built against the —ace ;60U cash and.balance on easy terms. Tent and there was much more than |ieneaaiett Te :.‘SILK HOSIERY.‘26 acres 21.1-2 miles a Harmony,:near pee and churches, mough for everybody.|:;.;:)acres In cultivation,balance in woodland,small’tenant house =e cio HE)Et Ld KL NUN a The style that goes with the Dorothy Dodd footwear,all 2 and on,; gehool closings have pee numer-|T E MOUNTAIN MONUMENT shades and sizes.Prices,35¢.,48c.,98c.,$1.50 and $2.in Two vacant icts in Harmony,eath 650x585. ous in the county tnis week —one!°Rveae ..11 i ::i‘about every day,and.some days two.|cara ewer a a ee TAFFETA SILKS AT THE OLD PRICES!§'@-For further information call on or write Oneontbe eC eee .|a Vl ERNEST G.GAITHER,SENPR4AL,NSURANCE,RENT- Bik-at Sutewile is a”favorite}Tak SILK POPLINS,75c.QUALIBY FOR.50C.AT «Ut ALS.AND REAL ESTATE. speaker for these occasions..He had;Mention has been made of the pur-hl 5 «;j :PHONE 23..OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. already spoken at one or more of the Pose of the Daughters of the Confed-ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF THOSE BEAU-AA)Gigmemmsepers reas —7 d this k he made three.'/eracy of Georgia to convert Stone Se 2 2 See ates ———— Be at Ginwood inday.Bee |Mountain,a great naked dome of TIFUL SILK AND CREPE DE-CHINE SHIRT —-—-a Elmwood school will close today,|light-gray ore an eee BD motor WAISTS,prices $1.98,$2.48,$3.48 and $5.90.: 14th,.Public cordially invited to at-;'rom Atlanta,into a colossal monu-hi ack,Maize :;? tend the following exercises,which)ment commemorative of the sacrifice:Waive,Black Maize Sr SoewillbeheldinthePresbyterian|and military endeavors made by the _church:10.30 a.m.,address,Rev.South during the Civil War.|In_the VOR UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE IN STYLE AND John Kirk;.12 m.,public dinner on)!UPPer portion of.the mountain's pre-JTY,CALL AT THE ST HAT SE .FOR ounds;1 p.m.,address;awarding|cipitous face it is expected to chisel See ITY,CALL AT THE STORE THAT ‘aS oe prizes and certificates;5 p,m.,final 2 frieze representative of the once sn.PHONE 212. entertainment.|formidable army of the Confederacy. ea ee |A handsome page view in the April y Why the Scarcity of Paper—Se-)|Povular Mechanics’Magazine shows ~~5 rious Problem For Newspapers.|how this stupendous piece of sculp- :z »turing will be executec.e ne Frogs ot ie ee |The financing of ihis enterprise is ' ‘ap.a ehorit.ee ©-lin the hands of the Stone Mountain ]OW rass ul tswiews for April.-Confederate...Memorial Association,.}-a wed EE eA MASE NEIe Ld ,ts High Romupdity ‘even eo fndiresilypa.Which is headed by the honorary::°°@rAey4presidentoftheUnitedDaughters.of rtatl sawing ie prevailing ee the Confederacy.It is estimated that orciestosuchadegreeericWato|g9 000,000 will be sufficient to carry 9 embarrass _publishers.higher out the undertaking,ahd this sum isAhaaaRaveniaaeito-he-ratsed by -subseription-in the :c a vy dolig Tw 7 >1 .are >o i:7 [94>We $soarachieffactorinthediscontinuanceeanteeS:jncade of the rice : ity March of the London Daily Stand-Se a 4 °I 6 eaSeeserveitssky-line,and an 80-acre tract Ehnpiderable ge whine at the hase which will be developed the-most important organ of the ante into a park,have been donated for the dle..classes in.Engiand.—In ‘America |memorial.This-property wit remain ‘i demand for pa aa)han ison ie under the custodianship of the women, ‘easing for six Perth We *result although virtually conveyed to the of.general business activity.At the |State. game time,supplies used in its manu-—facture have been decreased by war: One of American’s foremost sculp- tors has been chosen.to execute ~the The arts :~|work,’His composition represents andinsomecaseshavShescae:nditions,and cases have army divided in two wings,mounted ee arnt been shut off.The supply of and afoot,following the contour of Ay~a rags 18 affected we the cutting off the mountain.Pressing over the ite sey er agi Sa pepe a srest and keeping to its right will be ang tie i ky f ye ‘The ithe main body composed of cavalry,satan corms eae nee =infantry,and artillery.At one side Fee eeeduced by sulohuric:acid and {of this,rounding the monolith,will::Pees “apnear the other force headed by aaliceeesorormanbrilliantgroupofhorsemenconsistine Pacturers oF.OXplosives,watle mM of the figures of Lee,Stonewall M idal of a nave fallen of un"Jackson,“Jeb”Stewart,the John-a cson,“,s art,: eat ee stons,and probably other great South- Ip f:PN ard Soro OC fern leaders of the ’60s.This graniteGunadastoerveyareeaancarvedinfullrelief,will ex-aiir'ces ee an en “The pre i tend across the side of the great rock per publisher is indeed hard hit by £2"roughly 2,000 feet.The horsemenbeswileGanditionsineaeothren;will doubtless average between 45 f li ,y io NS |and 50 fet in height,although these Set besides the basic one of and the former figures are merely ap- Baper See i proximate estimates.There will be «Richard Harding Davis Dead.|2!toxether some 1,200 separate _por-rie ;;|traits,each uniformed in the gray of 3 +]i :i ‘ a airccrendentMie ee and the granite.It is possible that nearly oe ae ee _—S ITS ND C0 TS OF.»Gied at his home|a]l of these figures will represent men i :*iMt.Kinscoe,N.Y.,Tuesdaynight,who actually fought for the South.9x 12 All Fibre Rug,Price $7.50.7 |A A ¥om heart trouble.His body was pa <a eu Meier z found in front of.the telephone,and fae eas eof sufficient 9x42 Duplex All Wool Rug,Price $12.59.pee if ee a aer es e eoTe aa be ts Sy eS |size to be visible a distance of several SF i nat rones mew to Strike Out Nitrogen |(‘rawford-Buneh Furniture Company.!STYLE AND :VALUE. Went and.writers,was a.play-!Pl::) wright and a veteran.war correspond-|ant Plan,\\i \,|et ;‘ ..He was for a time engaged in)The Senate Wednesday defeated,———PHONE 400 New atrivals for.this’week’s selling,made of paper work in Philadelphia andj by a vote of 47 to 24,the motion of ;j i New York and was correspondent in|Senator Hardwick of Georgia to Shepherd Checks,Poplins and Gaberdines.~4:”*. bsareco-Torkish ae the Russo-|strike out the fertilizer feature of the “The Store.That Always Welcomes You.Several new__box effects and braid cenmedDewar,the Spanish-American|nitrogen plant amendment to the ar-§i 5 00..~wrote syndicated articles on)my bill,ae fa $$ea Suits $12.50 to $25.08.:Goats,$a aahe SH bknd-a a \s ae Foecents the probability of :a ;Bast ¥$1 00.;::yOne of his earliest and most wide-|favorable action on the proposal to j W j 1p NTAT.::1a (3 wread books,“Soldiers of Fortune,”|establish a government plant for the REPAI R 'ORK.SPECIAL COAT VALUES. in30 voto in 1899,He wrote more,extraction of nitrogen from the air _80.volumes of fiction and war!for munition’purposes in’time of war ;OldRose,Wild Rose,Copen~and ‘White Cor- ences.He .was 52 years old.Erbe hleos ee offertilizer |Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles ,duroy SportCoats,special at $6.00. Wiee President Marshall has ac-|Senator Hardwick declared ‘the’shu abosoaa’‘éptedtheinvitationtodeliverthedraridiment;Sort uy Hane fitted.Eyes examined free,Satisfaction guaranteed. encement address at the State)Smith of South Carolina,was Social-' =mal sCollege May 23.’istic.Democratic Senators who voted R.F HENRY,pie Jeweler.F |Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.Z Oi a «t a aa a a —|for the Hardwick motion were:Over-| ae BATTLE CRY OF}man,Pomorene,Smith of Goorsia Fee ———en ee eee sroctremnm “i PBACE!;Stone,}WIDE AWAKE PEOPLE Sava Baers RY READING ADS. i Baeyeneyanibtthagiesaemowiae.!seine eho goto oyetetLeeSMeta.a XLII. ery nameREPORTOFVILLA’S DEATH ,DeadBody Taken From Grave‘Officially Con-—Story Notfirmed. _The report of the death of Villa had-not-been:officially confirmed yes-| terday.The dead body reported to be Villa’s will have to be positively ‘fdentified before the American.sol- diers are called.off his.trail, Francisco Villa is dead and_his body,disinterred some days after.his burial,is in Lossession of the Carran-za troops,according to 1 series of tel- egraphic messages received in Juarez.»Mexico,Sunday by Mexican officials,*>For more than a week reports that‘Villa had died from wounds~havebeencurrentinMexicoandalong’theborder.“Sunday’s accounts”were themostcircumstantialreliableyet.received.They were ac-/cepted with reserve by Americanofficials, theThedispatcherof Mexican .+Northwestern railroad at Juarez re-ported to General Gavira,CarranzacommanderatJuarez,that he-~hadheardaconversationonthetele-aph wire to the effect:that Villa’sody.was in the hands of the Car-ranzg troops.The Mexican consul at-El)Paso,Texas,’was notified and heaskedtelegraphoperatorsatMaderaand.Cusihuiriahic for information.They confirmed the report and said the body was being taken to Chihuahua.The telegraph operator at San An-tonio,50.miles;west of.Chihuahua, telegraphed Consul Garcia that Villa’sbodywasinpossessionofColonel Carlos Carranza,nephew of General Carranza,who was taking it in a spe-cial ttain to.Chihuahua.A’message received at Juarez Sun- day,by a private individual,said Vil- la’s death and burial were revealed by a former colonel of the bandit band,~~who had been captured and was under sentence of death.This colonel offer- ed to show his captors Villa’s grave in return for his life.He led the detach-ment of Carranza soldiers,under thecommandofColonelCavazos,to San Francisco Borja,a small town 30 milessouthofCusihuiriahic,with which it -~is connected by a vague and desertedtrail.Near this lonely spot the Car- ranza soldiers are said to have ex-humed the body of the bandit.Onelegwassaidtohavebeenswollentoenormoussizeandtobeinsuchagangrenousconditionthattherewas no doubt as to the cause of death,,..Whilé this news may be too good tobetrue,if it should prove to cor-rect American troops will be imme-diately withdrawn from Mexico. Forest Fires Do Much Damage —One Fatality. One man was burned to death and thousands of dollars worth of proper- ty destroyed,Saturday,by forest ..flres in Beaver Dam and Cedar Creek townships,Cumberland county.Dan- jel B.Carter,a farmer,was overtak- en by the fire while he was walkingonthepublicroadandburnedtodeath,The fire swept a wide area and destroyed buildings as_well astimberandfences.:At the same time forest fires did =gréat-damage—in——other--sections—-of eastern Carolina.‘ington county,the big plant of theRoperLumberCo.was burned.St.James’Episcopal chuch at Pan- tego,Beaufort county,was destroyed and it is reported that other buildings in the district were damaged.; The town of Bayboro,Pamlico county,was threatened and a call foraidwassenttoNewBerne.The shift 6f the.wind,however,diverted theflamesandthecallwascancelled.___| In’sections of Brunswick countytherewasmuchdamage.A Methodistchurch,a residence and other_build- ‘ings were burned.;In the vicinity of Wadesboro fire~destroyed lumber and timber of the estimated value of $7,000. .Must Take an Oath to Obey the President. Twod.more provisions designed to strengthen the Federal status of the --National Guard were written into the Senate army bill Saturday.In the course.of debate,enlivenedbychargesthatFederalfundspro-vided the National Guard in past --years had_been foolishly thrown awayandinsomecasesembezzled,the‘Senate adopted amendments providingthatallofficersoftheGuardabove~-the rank of captain be paid $500 a /year by the Federal government andthatallGuardsmenonenlistmentbe required to take an oath to obey or-ders from the President as well astheGovernoroftheirrespective~States. |Negative Won Debate at the College. _The negative won in the debate at -)the college last night. ;The question was,“Resolved,that~Statesville College should be moved to|Davidson and affiliated with Davidson.College.” _.The Phi Kappa Society had the af-firmative,represented by Misses Lily|Fleming,Grace Coghran,MargaretFleming;representing the Phi MuSocietyandthenegative:Misses Cor-“delia Watts,Annelle Goode,-Marga-|ret Long.|The judges were.Rev,John F.peirk,Rev.J.H.Pressly and.Miss.Kirk. »-Mr.Eugene Morrison left «last“Night for Baltimong for treatmentforhisthroat, “|Wednesday,at and.apparently; ;stones and to shoot at tl.é Americans. |Realizing that the action was that of a ST ATTACKED BY _MEXICANS.| Mob of.Mexican—Citizens—-andSoldiersAttackedUnited States Soldiers at Parral —Two Americans and _ForiyMexicansKilled—PossiblyTreachery—The Mexican Re- port. A report that a small detachmentofAmericantroopswasattacked,last(arral,Mexico,by “amobofMexicancitizensandsoldiers, was an exciting phase of the news from,Mexico within the past few days:The first report said that two Aimer-ican soldiers,unarrhed,had —entéredthetowntobuysuppliesandhadbeenattacked.This led to.an engagementwiththeAmericansoutsidethetown.The official report of the incident says a detachment of cavairy,under com- mand of Major Frank Tompkins,was attacked at Parral on the 12th.Fight-ing on the defensive,the Americanskilled40Mexicansoldiers,including a major,and one civilian.Two Amer- ican soldiers were:killed and six wounded,including Major Tompkins, whose .wound is slight.;Major Tompkins arrived outside Parral on the forenoon of April 12withtwotroopsMandK,of the Thir- teenth cavalry,Reduced in numberthetotalofthesetwotroopsapprox- imately is 100 men.Major Tompkins marched his troops into the city upon the invitation of an officer of the Car-ranza_garrison at Parral,who met them ten miles out,and urged ‘them toacceptthehospitalityofthemilitaryandcivilauthorities.Arriving in the city.they were met by Gen.Lozano of the garrison;who received them gra-ciously.The civil authorities joined in the welcome and the incident ap- peared to be progressing without un-pleasant featiires.General ‘Lozano and the civil authorities discussed with Major Tompkins the question of camping sites,he and the local offi- cials deciding on just outside the city, to which Major Tompkins was.direct- ed.The Americans were preparing to move out to the designated camp when soldiers and civilians ‘began to throw mob of civilians and of soldiers whohddyrottenbeyondthecontrol:of-their officers,Major Tompkins made no stand but retired his Men,without making resistance,towards the city limits.Shouting crowds |followed them,while stones -and occasionalshotsfellamongthembut-without do- ing great damage.:,:It was.after noon .when Tompkins led hig men into a defensive position behind a railway embankment outsidethetown,The mob resyccted the ad- vantage the Americans .ad taken but within a brief time there appeared on their flank a force of 300 Mexican troops who began in military fashionaformalattack. Maj.Tompkins,still averse to fight-ing in anything but a defensive man-ner against this force,since every of-ficer who has entered Mexico with the ;supposed-to-be-co-operatingwith them At.Roper,Wash-| ;teached Santa Cruz just before dark |Villa’s men. punitive foree has had it impresed up-on him that the clashes with the troopsofthedefactogovernmentwhoare in their pursuit of Villa and his ban- dits must be avoided.Also it soon be- ;came apparent that the Mexicans su-periority in numbers made a retreatfromthepositionbehindtheembank.ment.imperative. A retreat was begun that wag ended only at Santa-Cruz.The Mexicanspursued‘them almost the entire dis-j tance of the intervening’eight miles,the Americans contenting themselveswitharearguardaction.In the run-ning fight the Americans caved foritheirdeadandwounded.|Major Tompkins’information that41Mexicanshadbeenkilledwasse-cured from one who pased over the ;trail from Parral after the fight.Major Tompkins and his two troops and there met-Colonel Brown and Col-onel-Young with asquadron of theTenth.Later in the night MajorHowzearrivedwithhispickedsquad-ron,making the force there About 500men. Major Howze also had led his menthroughaseriesofminoradveatures,,He had come from San Francisco Bor-,ja inthe neighborhood of which hehadbeen:in a few skirmishes withHereportedthelossof one man killed and one wounded.De-‘tails of the skirmishes or of his oper- ‘ations have not been made public.!__As Major Tompkin entered the town;Upon the invitation of on officer of ithe Parral garrison,it is probable thathewasdeliberatelyledintoatrap,al- though it is not believed that Gen Lozano,in command of the garrison ‘was a party to the deception. Gen.Funston,in,command at the border,said when he received the re.port of thé incident that while Major Tompkins undoubtedly acted in accord- ance with his best judgment in.re- treating he regretted that “he had not made-a stand on account of the itl: effect the story of his retreat would have on the Mexican people,who will naturally regard the.incident as an American defeat. |'Contrary to expectations,howeverthisincident-did not apparently create the fevling in Mexico that was ex-ipected.It is said the report of it was minimized by Mexican newspapersanditwastreatedasalocalincident,the natural result of feeling among ,Mexicans on account of the presence of.American soldiers in Mexico. Gen.Pershing reported Sunday that a motor-truck train carrying aero-planes was attacked by 40 banditsFridaynight,15 miles ‘north:of Satevo, The Mexicans were driven off and oneoftheirnumberwaskilled.General,Pershing was with the motor-truck}(Continued on Sixth Page.)| t % Well Known Physician and|’Prominent,Citizen of Moores- ville Passes —Funeral Sun-day_Afternoon.ne ‘Dr.Samuel W.Stevenson died Sat-urday afternoon at his home inMooresville,aged 72 years.He suf- fered a stroke of ‘paralysis about twoyearsagoand:had-since been an in-valid...The funeral First Presbyterian church of Moores-ville Sunday afternoon at/3-o'clock,was largely attended.by citizens |ofMooresville’and the _surroundingcountry.A number of —StatesvillepeopleandrelativesofDr.Stevensonin.this vicinity,,were present,TheservicewasconductedbyRev.:S.H. Hay,the pastor,assisted by Rev.A; S.Barnes,pastor of the Second Pres-byterian church of Mooresville,andRev.R.C..Davidson,pastor of theAssociateReformed.Presbyterianchurchof'the town.The latter spoke briefly of his personal acquaintancewithDr.Stevenson and paid tributetohisChristiancharacter.“The in- terment was in the Mooresville ceme- tery. The death of Dr,Stevenson marksthepassingofoneof*the pioneer cit- izens of Mooresville and for 40 years or more a practicing physician andleadingcitizenofthecommunity.HelocatedinMooresvillewhenthetown was begun,about 1873,and was for a generation one of its leading spir-its as.well as.an influential:citizenandprominent:physician of his see-tion.He was-a student of men.and things.He was a reader and think- er and was’especially interested inhistoricalmatters.He was the bestpostedmaninthecounty,probably, on local history,and wrote many sketches of local history,his mostnotableattemptinthat.line being a history of Concord church (Loray), which was published a few years ago.Samuel W.Stevenson was a son of William Sydney Stevenson of Con-cord church (now Loray)community,six miles north of Statesville,wherehewasbornApril1,1844,Early.af-ter the civil war he taught schoolandreadmedicineandattendedmed- ical college in Baltimore. the 70s he located in south Iredell for the practice of his profession,‘first making his home at the home of Ru- fus Alexander,Esq.,-two miles north of what is now the town of Moores- ville.After the town began to buildhelocatedinMooresvilleand©about that.time was joined by.the late’Dr, J.R,McLelland,who was his class- mate ‘and the associate of his’early years.The two were medical part- ners for many years. Dr.Stevenson was twice married. His first wife was Miss McLelland,sister of the late Dr.J.R.MeLelland,and of the late Rev.W.R.McLelland of Statesville.Two children of this union survive—Mrs..Fred.White ofCharlotteandMr.W.M.Stevenson, an attorney of Bennettsville,S.C.His second wife,who -was-Miss-JohnstonofRowancounty,and one son,Sam.W.Stevenson,Jr.,survive.Dr.Ste- STEVENSON DEAD:| ‘Republicans having held their conven-service,held in the}tion in.February,..the.one.Saturday 'M.Goodinan acted as secretaries,Mr. Ject of the convention was to discuss ize the precincts for better Early in T ne epee oteREPUBLICANSCONVENE, Vrestle With the Election of AnExecutiveCommitteeandSuggestCandidatesforthePrimaries,— The Republicans of the county held@conventioninthecourthouseSat-urday..There were about 100 in at-tendance,all the townships exceptSharpesburgbeingrepresented.The was in the nature of a re-convention.~The convention was called to orderabout2.15 o’clock by Mr.D.L.Ray-mer and Messrs.L.C.Wagner and S. W.A.Bristol stated that the the ob- ptospective candidates.and to organ- work,Bach township was furnished with adistofthetaxpayersofthattownship.to aid the precinct committeemen indoingmoreefficient:work.Mr.Bris-tol also read a list of the contributors to,the campaign and a motion for moreworkalongthatlinewaspassed.On:motion of Mr.L.C.Wagner itwasdecidedtohavetenmembersoftheexecutivecommitteeinaddition‘o the chairman.On motion of Mr.R.V,Tharpe,Mr.W.A.Bristol wasbyacclamationelectedchalrmanofthecommittee.Other names werenominatedfortheplacebutwerewithdrawn. So far everything had moved alongsmoothlybutwhentheelectionoftheexecutivecommitteecameup,it wasnotsoeasy.’.One delegate got upandreadhislist.of ten.Anotherelegatehadalist,some of his beingthesameaswereonthefirstfellow’slist-and some different._Nominattonswere@ontinueduntilatotalof23nameshad-been suggested.How tosettlethematteroccupiedtheconven.tion,for quite awhile.It had beencustomaryinRepublican‘conventions80longforallnominationstobe‘made by ratifying a list prepared be-forehand that any other way “was“too sudden”and they were not pre-pared for it.By-elimination and oth-erwise,the list finally adopted wastheonefirst-proposed with -minorchangesand‘was as follows:C.C.harpe,R.S.'Templeton,E,A.Math-eson,Thos.Kennedy,W.B.Gant,R.V.Tharpe,R.‘T.Weatherman,J.L.Deaton,J.M.Sharpe and J,T.Jen-nings,' ith this out of the way,the con-vention.ratified the following nomi-nations of candidates for cdunty of-figoys,to-be voted on in the primaries:Legislature—Senate,R.T.Weath-erman;House,J,T.Jennings and T. C.|Marshal Chas.A.Webb and Chief FEDERAL COURT SITTING. Postoffice Robbery Cases May Come Up Tomorrow—Cases Yesterday.; Federal.Court convened here ‘yes- terday with Judge Jas.E.Boyd pre- siding and District Attorney Hammer and Assistant District Attorney Hoey prosecuting.There are a big array of visiting attorneys present. The=following-cases.-were-disposed of yesterday:® Will Noblitt,McDowell,county,dis- tilling;plead guilty;a month in jail and $100 fine atid fine.suspended. Alex.Bowlin,’Burke county,distil- ling;judgment.suspended and de- fendant discharged.©Vester Lindsay,Burke county,dis- tilling;plead guilty at former termandprayerforjudgment.continued.Hub McLean,Alexander’county,distilling;plead ‘guilty and judgmentsuspended.‘ Gene Pattérson,Alexander county, distilling;plead guilty at former term and prayer for judgment con-tinued;judgment suspended. C.C,Mitchell,Burke county,dis-tilling;found guilty at former termandprayerforjudgmentcontinued;judgment suspended. Caleb Blackwood,Wallace Tallent, George Mull and John Young,Burkecounty,distilling;plead’_guilty;Blackwood and Tallent fined $100each;nol.pros.as t-oMull and judg-ment suspended as to.Young.Younghad-been’in jail’six months and hispunishmentwasconsideredsufficient. Lee Kiser,Burke county,distilling;plead guilty. Adolphus Lewis,.Iredelldistilling;plead guilty; judgment continued. Holland Willard,H.J.GassawayandCageSmith,distilling;——pleadguilty;fined $100 each.Frank Evans,Burke county,distil-ling;guilty.\‘The case against Old Tom Dowdandothers_for robbing —-postofficeswillprobablycomeup~tomorrow.Dowd is in the.Atlanta penitentiary.serving a five-vear term from Mary-/land but an effort is bene made’tobringhimherefortrial.Two of his’band,Brooklyn Slim No.2 and GradyKoontz,are here and will be tried.A writ of habeas corpus ad testifi-candum was signed by Judge BoydandsenttoAtlantayesterdayafter-noon for Old Tom Dowd to be brought |here for trial.BeeMr.C,C.Tharve of Iredell is fore-man of the grand jury.Among court officers and witnesseshereareMessrs.R.L,Blaylock,Greensboro,sécrétary to Judge Boyd: county, prayer for Deputy J.Y.Jordan,Asheville:J.H.McKenzie,Salisbury;J,F,Carter,Asheville,and J.L.Boger,Greens-horo,deputy marshals;Messrs.R.-W.Hodgin.Greensboro,and B.B.Webb,|.Statesville,postoffice inspectors.Among the visiting Jawyers areMessrs.R.L.Huffmann,C,F.Me-Kesson.Jno.-M.Mull and W,-S.-Pear-son,Morganton;.R.S.Hutchinson,Charlotte:_W,—A.—Self—and—_W,B: venson-was-a-member~of-a family of ten brothers and sisters and of thesetwosurvive—Miss Matilda Stevenson,who lives at the old home near Lo-ray,and Hon.W.F,Stevenson,aprominentlawyerandcitizenofSouthCarolina,who lives at’Che-raw. Dr.Stevenson was much interestedinpublicaffairsandalwaystookanactiveinterestinpolitics.He was aDemocrat—and—represented Iredell intheHouseoftheGeneralAssemblyatthesessionsof1901-1903,-his col-league being Mr.A.D.Watts ofStatesville.He was also for a time,just before his health failed,recorderofthetownofMooresville.In all the relations of life,Dr.Ste-venson was_a good man-and-a goodcitizen.He was a life-long memberofthePresbyterianChurchandformanyyearsarulingelderoftheMooresvillechurch.: County Commencement of Col-ored Schools. The attendance at the colored coun-ty commencement Friday is estimat-ed at 5,000 to 6,000,about half beingchildrenfromthevariousschoolsofthecounty.The exercises ‘were heldattheUnityschoolbuildinginBel-mont,east of town,and the childrennaradedfromthechurchtotheschoolbuilding.2 An address was made by Rev.JohnWalkerofGreensboroandthenextmostimportant*event of the day wasthereportofMaryCharlton,countysupervisorofcoloredschools.A demonstration of bread-makingandshuckmat-making was given.Arepresentativefromeachschoolinthecountytookpartinaspellingmatchandsevéralgamesofbaseballwereplayed,Statesville winning inthese. There was a good exhibit of fancywork,plain sewing,cooking,corn-shuck and other industrial work.Prizes to the number of 43 wereawarded. .The colored folks have three domes-tie science schools in the county—Poplar Branch,Unity and Elmwood—and they are making good progress. Passing ofa Colored Citizen. Giles Nichols,colored,aged about73years,died Friday nimht at Monbo.Giles had been a servant for Mr.C.L.|'Turner for many ,years.He was aslaveofthelate“Life”Nichols of theCountyLineneighborhoodandissaidtohavedonetwoyears’work in ‘theConfederatearmyduringtheCivilwar.‘Many.Statesville people.knewGiles.He was buried Sunday at Con-cord church jn:Cetawba county, i FRA » A.Kennedy. Commissioners—L.-C.Myers,L:C,Wagner,C.Green Smith,C.C.Tharpe,Avery Alley,J.M.Robert-son,R.B.Gant;W.L.Dunlap,B.A,Hoknes.and E.L.Harmon.Sheriff—J,M.Davis.and T.ScottBarkley. Treasurer—H.V.Furches and J.C.Duke. Register of Deeds—M.E.RamseyandJ.U.Sherrill. Superintendent of Schools—J.W.Rash County Board of Education—W.A.Campbell,M.W,White and _J.E.Tharpe,KmCoroner—Dr.F.L.Sharpe.Surveyor==S.-T.Goforth."In conclusion,Mr.Bristol asked theconventiontoreaffirmthereselutionadopted.at.the former convention foranauditofthebooksofcountyoffi-cers.‘With this motion the conven-tion adjourned,but before it was outofthehouseMr.lL.C.Myers wantedaresolutionpassedfavoringareduc-tion of salaries of county officers,Hewastolditwastoolate.Mr.MyersexplainedthattheRepublicanswererespohsible_for_the officers being onsalaryandhethoughtitwouldmakegoodcampaignthunder-to-favor a re-duction.Just how the Republicansareresponsiblefortheofficersbeingonsalary,Mr.Myers didn’t explain. Demoeratic Primaries —Coun- ty Convention Saturday. Democratic precinct meetings wereheldinthecountySaturdaytoelect delegates to the county convention, which meets next Saturday. As there were no candidates to be voted for,little interest was mani- fested in the precinct meetings,which elected.delegates to the county con- vention and precinct committees.So far aS reported to The Landmark, Fagle Mills precinct is the only meet- ing that took action outside the rout- ine.This meeting passed resolutions endorsing President Wilson’s adminis- tration,éndorsing the President for ra-election,endorsing Congressman Doughton’s course in Congress and endorsing him for re-election,and en- dorsing the Democratic State admin- istration, The convention Saturday.will elect delegates to the State convention,which meets on the 27th,and the State.convention will in turn elect del- erates to the national convention,which meets in St.Louis June 14. Real Estate Deals. Mr.H;BL.Yount has bought from Mr.E,G.Gaither the vecant lot be- tween the express office and the Caro-lina Motor Co. Mr.J.M.Deaton has traded 25 acres of land in:Fallstown township to Mr.J.A.Davidson for the Fred Conger stables,on Salisbury street. Dr.R.S.McElwee has bought theMitchelllot,corner West End avenueandMulberrystreet:The present house will be moved:déwn’'on Mul-berry street and Dr,:McElwee —willbuildonWest,End avenue.Mrs,Mc-Lelland and Mrs.Wakefield will con-tinue to.oceupy the old nouse when itismoved, Council,Hickory;John -Carpenter,Gastonia:J.H.Burke and A.Payne,Taylorsville.‘ Highway Partvy—Meeting at the Court House. The inspectors of the State-Cen-tral Highway are scheduled to arriveinStatesvilletomorrowmorningat10o’clock,and.a meeting will be heldin.the court house at that hour.-As|many citizens of the county and townascanattendthemeetingareurgedtobepresent, The party is composed of JosenhHydePratt,State geologist;Mr.W,SS.Fallis,State highway:engineer;Mr,J.-E.Winslow,senior chief of theNationalDivisionofHighwayMain-tenance,and Mr.James,chief of thedivisionofNationalHighwayMain-tenance. These gentlemen will have some-thing to say about highway mainte-nance and it is important that asmanyofourpeopleaspossiblehearthem. Two Stills Destroyed. Deputy Collector Allison,DeputyMarshalMilholland,-Sheriff DeatonandDeputySheriffGilbertwerein Wilkes county Friday night and de- stroyed an illicit still near Pisgah church,It was an unusually large copper outfit,about 120-gallon ea- pacity.The outfit and 1,500 gallonsofbeerweredestroyed.At the plantwerethreemen:sand a woman but they dodged and made their escape.he raid was.*made about ~10:80o’clock at night. Sunday morning Deputy Collector Allison and Deputy Sheriffs Gilbert and-Jones destroyed an ‘illicit:distil- Jery outfit in northwest Iredell,near the Harrington—old=mill-place.—Ten bushels of -meal and 700 gallons of beer were also destroyed, The United States Supreme Court has construed the various Federalsafetyapplianceactssothatallem- ployes—no matter whether engaged at the time in intra-State’or —inter-State commerce—may recover dam- ages’through injuries occurringthroughfailureoftherailroadstocomplywiththesafety,appliance laws.‘ N,R.Sandy,an émploye of the Carolina Light and Power Co.,waselectrocutedatSanfordyesterdaywhenhereceived2,300 volts of elec-! tricity.' Robbers blew open the safe of theTexasOilCompanyinRaleighand,obtained’about $400,; —The Murphbeenoverhauled and newprovedfixturesinstalled.i -——The stockholdérs of the BariumSpringsCo.,who were to have methereyesterdaytoorganize,postponedthemeetinguntillaterin.the w Persons interested are asked totakenoticeofthecallforthemeeting,at the Commercial ‘club’rooms’this.evening at 8 o’clock to organize theAssociatedCharities...)00 —Mr,Jones’of Hickory was,‘inStatesvillelast.week in the interestofthecandidacyof.his’kinsman,Col. “shop has:adda . Edmund Jones of “Lenotr,who seeks -the Democratic nomination for Attor-ney General.~° —Mr.E.E.Grant,who has been "teaching at Glass,Cabarrus county,was in town yesterday on his waytohishome:in north Iredell.Higschoolclosed‘Friday.with eommence-ment.exercises,' —Saturday,29th,has been selectedas“Baby Day”in Statesville.In ad-dition to the local talent engaged inthisJaudablework,‘Dr,’«Faison-*ofCharlotte-will be here to talk “abouthowtoeareforbabies.’\(°°—Drs.H.F.Long and T.B.Ahnder-'son went to Durham ‘yesterday to at-tend'a meeting of the North CatolinaMedicalSociety.Dr.‘Mayo ‘of Ro-chester,‘Minn.,’is to.one of the chief:speakers of the occasion:”re --The county.board of elections—_Messrs.Z.V.Long,D,L.Raymer.andW.J...Matheson—met Saturday andorganizedbyelectingM>.Long chair-man and Mr.atheson.‘secretary.This board will meet noxt.Saturdaytonamepoll-holders for the primaries. —lLicense has been issucd for the Patterson and Miss Nannio Jane |rill,My.-‘Ed.Welch and Miss CisMay’Sherrill were married Friday af-ternoon at the home of the offminister,Rev.D.H.Rhinchart,: —Mr.Dave Elias,who was a resi-dent of Statesville nearly50 years agoandwhois'a'traveling salesman, marriage of Mr.George dane Sher :i LOR spentSundayandyesterdayhere.Mr,ils was wonderfully impressed withchangesandimprovementsthathavetakenplacesincehewasaboyhere,.—Mr.F.D.Rives left Saturday _night for Portsmouth,Va.,where hewillworkinthenavyyardasmachin-ist.Mrs.Rives ‘will remain here forthepresent.“She went to CatawSaturdaytospendawhile.'Mr,Rives-had:been,with Messrs,J.C,Steele’& Sons for Some years,~©§5°)—While in the jewelry store of R,H.Rickert &Son,Fridey afternoon,|Mrs.Jeff,Ingram,who lives on.westSharpestreet,fell in a faint and-wasshocked’and bruised yythe'fall.:T.E.Anderson was called’and admin-istered to “Mrs.‘Ingram,who wassoonabletobetakenhome,—The Landmark hears that WillAdams,colored,was ‘arrested on .sus-picion of connection with the.robberyofMr.J..W.Hnoger’s store at Clio,last_week,-but-there was-not -to hold.him and he was released.is-alsolearned that a-shot- of clothes and ‘a pair of's joes wereC.|taken in addition to about $59 in cash. —Dr.J.H.-McClellan,son of.Mrs.McClellan of teaville, )riticallyillforsix weeks,rheumatic fever,at :the ‘Children’shospital-in-Philadelphia.“His condi-tion-was slightly improvedat last ac-count.Dr.McClellan was easingdiseasesofchildrenatthehospwhenhewastakenill.~~‘; Mr.Cameron Morrison to Speak| at Cool Spring.sian Mr.Cameron Morrison of Char-_lotte,who is‘one of the State’s.mostjar—orators,—will-7dressatCoolSpringcommencementFriday—at-11-a.m.vey ’The commencement begins Thurs-day evening,20th,at 8 ‘o’clock,.withthechildren’s concert.Pee morn-ing at 11 Mr:Morrison.will speak.Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock,classdeclamation;4 p.-m.,basketball;8 p. m.,high school entertainment, Will Hold Monthly.Meetings. Deemirig_it.a_good-idea to-be-betteracquainted,the Carolina Motor Co;-—~Statesville,Mooresville:and Newton—has decided to hold a meetingmonthlyof—all-connected=-with thebusinessinthe‘three places,Thefirst_meeting was _held_here-Thursday night.and--there were 25-to-80-pres-ent.After they had discussed busi-ness_for.a few hours they went-to-the—drug store and had refreshments.The next meeting ,will be held inMooresville.: Wil]l Sell $50,000 Cotton Mill Stock. At.the annual meeting of thestockholdersoftheStatesvilleCottonMills-authority—was-given-forthe ‘is-suance of $60,000 additional prefer-red ‘stock.--The directors met Fridayafternoonandagreedto‘sell ‘thisstock.’“Machinery has.been’orderedjandisexpectedherebythefirstofJune‘to increase the number of spin-dles in ‘the:mill from 10,000.to.18,-200. Moving Picture.Attractions. The local picture shows are offering.-unusually fine attractions this week,The Battle Cry of Peace at the Cres-cent tomorrow and next day is a won-derful picture and one’that is attract.’ing attention everywhere it is:shown:The same days—tomorrow and next,day—Charlie Chaplin,in’his “Bar-lesque:On Carmen,:attheLyricandisjustasfunnyastheotherisserious,Both pictureswill beworthwhile,ie I aN tans ‘ i asuit Are will be shownat _setting’theStateofKan-adopted our ~“Communityfideaandthe:State of is patterning after theour. State.Board of Concord-aldermen believe that hog Rs ‘ast “week,Voted to continue’the hog as x ‘financial ability. e \that they .commencements. .training.and 4 -dren and then,when the children fall into the wild ways that is their nat-Jast drop in the bucket and believe;Ur 'ural bent,set up a how!for the State|= <pens,ee more than 800itioned-for-their abolition. ‘In some respects a modern,progress- ive city,Concord in this matter ad- theres to the ways of .a country vil- ,lage. a¥ **® Last year when the Chautauqua was in Statesville somebody made a *point about it escaping taxes;but as *the Chautauqua is a moral and edu- »cational,force,nd not a money-mak- ing proposition like a circus,it was »-gupposed.that it.was not liable to taxes.The Monroe Journal ‘says the corporation commission has ruled that Chautauquas:are liable to a tax of $5 per day,but ‘the Journal insits d just as well tax school * They’re trying to raise $40,000 for the Y.M.C.A:at’Greensboro.and this is what Everything found: “Those who were Soliciting money for the Y.M.C.A.in Greensboro heard more tales of woe than they suspected existed this side the war zone._Men who were _joy_riding and men who were living on big incomes suddenly became very poor—and oth- ers,men not suspected of having any too much of the world’s goods,came across handsomely.” It’s usually that way.The fellow of comparatively small means pays more taxes in proportion to what he 16.|MeantimethePunitiveExpedi- ~}Pending the outcome:ofthe diplomat- “have a placeina modern city.’ ise the aldermen,at a mecting L TALK..ABOUT .\/XT.| tion Will Be Continued in Mexico —Mexican Govern- ~ment Wants the Number Lim- The United States-is—prepared to treat with General Carranza as pro- posed in his note for the.withdrawal} of American.troops from Mexico. c ‘ ic relations,however,the status of the expedition will remain unchang- ed and.the pursuit of Villa continue. This was the situation —officially stated Friday after President’Wilson and his c¢abinet‘had-considered “the -new-—phases—ofthe-Mexican_problem raised by General Carranza’s commu- nication.Secretary Lansing.said he) was prepared to take up the matter with the de facto government,but! would not indicate when a reply might be sent.Secretary Baker said no new orders had been sent to Gen- eral Funston and that none were un- der contemplation. The Mexican government will in- sist with inflexible determination.that; any armed expedition of ‘the United} States which enters.Mexican territo- ry in the guise of a punitive expedi- tion must be limited to 1,000 men of} one service alone,cavalry,according| to.a statement made to the Associat-ed Press at Mexico City Friday,by|Juan Neftali.Amador,sub-Secretary| of Foreign Relations.' “The.Mexican government has con-| tended in all of its notes to the Wash-| ington State Department,”said the) sub-secretary,“that.the sending of heavy artillery and slow marching in-| fantry on-a-punitive expedition is il-| logical and the work of the present) so-called punitive .expedition has! more than demonstrated this,for they| have accomplished”absolutely noth-; ing.Mexico will and.has in all of its communications to Washington,in-, sisted that all punitive expeditions| must be limited:to certain restricted | has than the wealthy;and as a rule he pays more to the preacher,gives} more to.charity and does more:for| his community,in proportion to; There are excep- tions,of course,which only prove the} rule.An examination of the records| will show that the average man—the} middleman—is the dependence,' * areas,: “The request of the United States,that the present expedition be con- sidered exceptional cannot be agreed to’by the Mexican government fer the very good reason that each day of its, presence so far inland does but ex- cite our people..This is being taken! advantage of by enemies of the Con-' stitutionalist government,who are linvelved--fer-some-time; cesarITEMS.OF )Here. The State:meeting .o chants’Association “will-beWinston-Salem’June 13-14. Congressman Heflin of Alaba to speak in’Winston-Salem on 22d,at the Forsyth county.- cratic convention,_: The livery stable of A.G,Tillotson was burned at Roanoke Ra and two mules and four horses perished in-the flames.oo aeTheHolt-Morgan cottoFayettevilleisinthehandsers.“The affairs of the mill mill have been A forest fire covered )40 acres of|land near Winston-Salem.Friday:af-| ternoon and burned the office tent andnearlyalltherecordsofthecounty! conviet camp,“{ David Chalmers,the —12-year-oldsonofMr.and Mrs.L.W.Cobb «of|Reidsville,became.violently il}after|eating candy and died two days later,|-Ptomaine poisoning,it ‘is’supposed.| A meeting of ‘the directors’of the| Delgado cotton mills”in-Wilmington;broke up in a fight,About the only’news that leaked out was that R.R.|and W.M.Bellamy,uncle and nephew fought.: _The Newton News “says:a.“move- ment is on foot to move CatawWbaCollegefromNewtontoWinston-Sa-| lem;-and that it has reached a.point|where Newton must get busy if it is to keep the college.‘ After the meeting of:the Concord aldermen,Thursday evening,.two;members of the board,Messrs.Riteh- ie-and Means,scrapped en-aecount of remarks made in the council eham- ber,‘j Deputy Sheriff Byrd of .Haynett county attempted to arrest Will Ray, colored,charged with resisting an of- fieer..Ray resisted and the officer shot him,Ray died and the coroner's jury decided the shooting “was justi-: fied.. The News-Herald says ~Kistler, Lesh &Co.have purchased the Roy| Sprinves’prénerty,adjoining °'the Barke Tanning Company’s plant;at Merganton,and will begin at once the erection ef buildings for a big extract plant, { “.forest fire in)Sampson ‘e6unty The.Statesville Landmark says it!ondeavoring to stage incidents thatv wept ever severs!“has mighty little patience with the ‘parents who neglect their duty in r controlling their chil-{ or society to do what they:failedto| do.”True,perhaps,but isn’t it bet-'Iy accede to Mexico's reguest and,in.to ter for the State to take care of ..them by making laws to protect them rather than wait until they get into, the courts and then take care of then} in the penitentiarv?The ounce of| prevention idea.The parent should do his duty—but when he shouldn’t the State surround the neg- «lected kid with laws that will help,him keep out of trouble ?—Every-; thing.-: Certainly,certainly.ThemarkfavorstheStateandsociety do- the young.But it also hopes:that a ‘ers. ing all possible to protect and train }jeyes in the friendship of the Unit- i will cause grave international com-woodland,catching plications. “The Parral incident is a case in point.I consider this happening th: that when the American people real- ize its full significance they will glad- the interest of peffce and in line with the traditional friendship Which ex- ists between the two countries,wil! withdraw the troops.: “No one has ever questioned honesty of the the purpose of the Unit-sn’..e,e i 4doesn’t (ed States im limiting the present mil-,, itary movement to a punitive naiure, but it is hard to convince the popu- lation that a force of thousands of /men of three branches of the service pijesjLand-|:do not have the’semblance of.invad- The Mexican government be- ed States’and believes that the pres-|way will be found to reach the pa-)ont crisis will pass,leaving relationsrentswhotknowtheirdutyanddoit}ore cordial.than ever.” not .In the home is where the effec-| tive training must be done if it is) done.The State and society can’t, “except in exceptional cases,get:con-| _trol of the child until it has |gonewrong.Therefore somebody should|4 be held responsible. In some of the countries,when:a building burns the owner thereof is«—held-to-answer for a crime unless-he+=gan,show it wasn’t his fault.Instead =wise,or take the consequence. 4i? of,¥eceiving the sympathy and help of his neighbors:and friends,as is !from all parts of President Wilson’s Political Ad- .dress, President Wilson,speaking at Jefferson day banquet of Democrat -the country,in’ Washington Thursday night.prayed that the Unied States would not be): drawn into a quarrel not of its own choosing,but asked if the people, a Ss |were ready to go in where the inter- 3 p i :fests of America were coincident with:‘ ;the case in this country,the law,the interests of humanity,and have:'” +-assumes-that—the_fire was the result |the-courage to=withdraw when the in-:of criminal negligence and the bur-:*den is on the owner to show other- fire loss is materially reduced, caution against fire that he shouldtakebutwon’t unless he is compelled.) i served,The and shouts of “yes!”law may be alittle extreme,but the! be-had mentioned thecause-every owner and tenant of a'and the Mexican question,without in-‘ building is forced to take ‘the pre-|i terests of humanity had been con- He was interrupted by cheers | During his address the President Buropean war timating his plans in either of those|problems. ithe ardent. .QO.Johnson,a reral-mail ecrric’,and severely burn- ing him.His bile was destroy.|1 Raymon on was:badly at thes 2 time. [board of directors of the A. and M.College,igh,met Friday consider 2 x to President D.H.Hl,»»resignation is effec- ive at the clese ef the present term. The nara of 87 men were presented to the board.The election was post- od until the commencement,~the part of next month.| bh a viesw to making Asheville a for hay-fever sufferers,cof ne ure About 1,000,000 in the vies,the Asheville -eom- ers are preparing to.pass:an ordi making presence ;of | reeds,especially golden rod,on any | property in the city limits a misde-{ meanor.2 | Monroe Johrson,who shot and kill-} ed Carl Preddy,at the White Oak| eotten mills in Greensboro some ago,was given a prleiminary hearing at Greensboro last week and4 ecornmitted without bail for trial at the May term of Gnilford Superior Court.Since the killing Johnson had been in jail at Winston-Salem,feeling st him at Greensboro being jute strong. ‘Geyned mecca whom the United § freeks 2aAnautomobileranintoa ditch at Pikeville,Wayne county,and the own- er thereof called for help.To a cit- :who responded the .auto man that @ machi:ine,explaining that.it was loaded with several hundred pints of The citizen to whom this statement was made happened to be the mayor of Pikeville.~Result: ywner of maehine,who says his name is Lumpton,from Richmond,is injailatGoldsboroandhis”machine about 560 pints of various:brands “\olared-—the newspaper Larmies.... e be used in handling’). 7Newer Old St Two or three year's ago—oor.when-ever it was,after war had been de. out bulletin.boards in front of their offiees ee ‘on.those boards:the” of the war Was posted..Thousar eager people surrounded the ‘place “land it was confidently predictedby all|interested that the war could not last}:-sixty.days,It was pointed out thatwithmachineguns,air ships and themodernenginesofdestruction the|.he.mowed dowthebattleswouldbe“short,sharp anddevisive”’-—but “behold the modern en-pines’of war werg niet with modernjdeas~-of -defense~and--protection”and} the war lasts longer than had it beenfoughtintheoldwaywithbayonets and muskets,“The truth is the war can last tenyearsifthepowerswillit,The men are in the trenches;the munition makers are busy and there really is noendinsight.And the bulletin boards were long ago discontinued.The ave erage man hurriedly looks at the head| lines;knows nothing,about what‘is| happening——and lets it go at that, Told That There Was No Cure For Him,“[°” “After suffering for ever twenty years with} indigestion and having,some of the best doe- tors here tel!me there Was no eure for me,1|think it only right to tell you fer the sake of!other su ors us well as yeur own.satisfactionthata25-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets|not only relieved me but cured me within twa| months,although I am a man of 65 years,”’|writes Jul.Grobien,Houston,Texas.Obtains | able everywhere.| A POSITIVE STATEMENTBYABIGBUSINESS MAN. |“Neglect 'of Apparently Unimportant Conditions Wrecks Many a Healthy Growing Business” & W.S.ELKIN,JR. a prominent draggist of Atlanta,Ga.,|§ is authority for the above positive state ment.In explaining this statement he | asked two questions and offered one | suggestion,.:?a ai {it a growing healthy business turns and begins te run down hill,what is|@ the condition of the owner's health?| Almost always,unusually bad. What was the first cause of his poor health?Constipation.| This constipation could have been} avoided by taking Rexall Orderties OC|a easionally,They are a pleasant candy tablet laxative which can be used by men,women or children witht the best results.: STATESVILLE DRUG CO.{USTAN For Sprains,Lameness, i i Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once Ber Man and Beast 25.50.$1.~At All Dealers. ublishers put). KS . Does It Run On Kerosene? HE most important feature of a farm power ebgine today is the fuel it uses. That,more than’anything else,determines its usefulness and economy. ~-~At-present-prices-of.-gasoline and kerosene,;>you"could not afford to accept a gasoline engine as a gift,if you had‘to use it.You couldbetter,afford to pa Mogul kerosene engine.See the Mogul work on kerosene.Ask your dealer to sHow you the difference in fuel cost between a_Mogul in any size from I to 50-H.P.,and a gasolineengineofthesamesize.’The figures will surpriseyou. vya big premium fer a International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) *Mogul kerosene engines are sold by (a rs) Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware ao ;![|FOR SALE!|s 1G7-aere farm,11-4 miles from Harmony—State High—Seheol,« new five-room ecttage,Larn and orchard,40 acres in cultivation, ~balance in timber,leve!and productive,will cut_500,000 feet of lumber,cne-third cash and balance on terms to suit the purchaser. 8,:a .'113 acres1 1-4 miles frem-Olin,three-room dwelling,barn and outbuildines.49 acres in cultivation,14 of which is fine bottom land,balance in fine .omginal oak,pine and poplar timber. $2,- 600 cash and balance on easy:terms. 76 acres 211-2 miles rom Harmony,near schools and churches, 20 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,small tenant houseandbarn.‘‘ Two vacant lots in Harmony,each 50x535. For further information call on or write s ;Wo GENERAL SNSURANCE,RENT-ERNEST G.GAITHER,OTS ano REAL ESTATE. PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILUING “Mes 4 Take the Babies out these fine spring days and bring the roses to their cheok$and health “to their bodies.We have the GO-CARTS and SULKIES in quantities—assorted styles,sizes and prices.Come and ‘ 2 ;:|He declared that in the present sit-oe =: «.Pity there isn’t some way to reach|uation the #ésponsibility whe with the 35 see and get first choice.the parents who allow their children’Democratic party,because that par-in the hands of the law. But 4to_run_wild.—It-isn’t-the-fanit-of the:t¥—controls-the-povernment-and—that- ~“@ crops and in order to _children.‘They don’t know until they}“it is for us to hold the balance even’are trained;and if the parents neg-,lect them they follow the natural bent of every child of Adam—which is to or 4.rents,by neglect,reared them forthepathsofevil,They didn’t have a fair chance because nobody taught them to do the right and eschew the ®wrong.It might be a good thing, /while parents are asking for laws toforcetheStateandsocietytodofor ,them what they neglect to do,to passalaw‘holding the parents legally re- &sponsible for the acts of their chil-| ~dren until ‘they reach maturity,—un-less the parents can show that thedidtheirduty.y §War Boosts Price of Soap—Kill Sparrows to Save Grain.Owing to the shortage of oils andifatsthepriceof.soap in Austria has“advanced enormously.Fine scented»Soap now cost six or seven times as4muchasbeforethewar.Laundry,Soaps at the beginning of the war costAaboutthreecentsapoundat:whole-sale but now they are priced at 16 to!4 19 cents. *A war on sparrows is suggested in4Englandtoreducethehighcostofglivingcausedbythewar.Sparrows»usually take a serious toll of cornipreventsuchwastageatthecomingharvestfarm-ers are being urged to let school boysboyscoutsmakeraidsonspar- é ?districts. |Little:son of Mr,and Mrs.D.D.Brinson of New Berne fell into a tubof|boiling water and the injurieswerefatal. Chamberlain's.Cough Remedy. rows’nests throughout the country, sess From a small beginning the sale and use of"this emedy has¢United StatesWhen extended to all parts of the ins ly a trial and youUnderstandwhyithusbecomesopopularcoldsandcroup.Obtainable ev- ‘and not to allow some m Leneeler.”do evil.Thousands of criminals are| *in jails and_penitentiaries and |=chain gangs today because they lack-}Democratic party :ed.-home training;because their pare three y z |reviewing the |Republicans’as the and to many foreign countries.have eee of such a medicine give 5 align influ- to depress one side or the oth- aMost of the speech was devoted to achievements of the during the ~last ears,and to a criticism of the party with “a provincial —spirit.”He mentioned, ‘none of the Republican leaders by/name,but when he spoke of ambi-tious men,there were shouts of “T.:j jane |Referring incidentally’to Mexico,-he-told-of-how aman had urged that:|trustees for the nation’s welfare hechosen,and of his reply that no na-ition had achieved real prosperity andapesforitsmassesthrougha|trusteeship imposed on it from above.;It was the first speech of a politicalnaturethePresidenthadmadefor!several months,and was delivered be?fore an audience including nearly allthemembersofhiscabinet,Demo-,cratic members of the Senate andHouse,Democratic State chairmenfrommanyStates,and other high of-|ficials of the nation and States gath-|ered to attend the annual banquet;of the Common Counsel club.4erence Iredell-is Ahead. Wadesboro Ansonian.\ We note from the Statesville Land-|mark:that 178 school boys and girls!graduated from the seventh grade intheprogressive¢ounty of Iredell,|that 110 boys and girls graduatedfromthedomesticscience’depart- county had 97 graduates'from theseventhgrade,the largest number ev-er finishing this grade in one year,but not a single domestic science pu-pil in the county. mereere Should Not Feel Discouraged.cSomanypeopletroubledwithindigestionandconstipationhavebeenbenefitedbytakingChamberlain's Tablets that’no one should feeldiscouragedwhohasnotgiventhematrial.They,contain no pepsinor .other digestive fer-ments but strengthen the stomach and_enableittoperform:its functions naturally,-able everywhere,sens siazauny ments of the various schools.Anson; ‘NOT ENGUGH CHILDREN ever Feccive the-proper halance of food to sufficientiy nourish both body audbesinduringthegrowingperiod n “gs demands are greater thrlife.This is shown in so many p:ex,lean bodies,frequent colds,| and lack «inbttion | unmistakal iSeott” possesses iti Tete Tori the very food elenients to enrich their blood.It 4changesweaknesstostrength;it makes jthemstudstrong.No alcohol,| Nowne,Bloowficld,N.J.” ~W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs forsame.Locks andGunsrepaired-andKeysfitted.In factanythinginrepairline,. Phone 209. JOUand other Skin Troubles —wWe Guarantee—— |to stop the itching and.begin healin|with the first application.or Fetarn yout|money.There are lots of skin reme«|dies but Saxo is the only one they guar-antec like this.Why don’t you try it? ,W.BF.HALL,DRUGGIST,|Statesville.|}| @)ot |!Ve |q EE i es < Home comforts heating your house. one thing we give our special at- can only be by Heating is tention.Everything in Sheet Met- al we make.Ask us any question about this line.If you have not time to drop in the shop ’phone 55. Yours for-Heating and Sheet Met- al Work, Statesville Tin Co. GC.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest—Prices,— Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-;ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc, *Next Planters’.Wh-,Statesville. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7ic.per ‘pound,Light Brass 5c.perPaFORSALE: New and second hand machineryforsaleandallkindsof“boiler room supplies. ©,He-TURNER. Iredell."Phone No.74,Bell No.7. ||Statesville Hou sefurnishingCo. BETTER GOODS FOR LESSMONEY. SIEIITIIOILITITITAIVITATIT S33USESIEINITTTTTS 3:tab bebeeeitueloe Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.CO. Capital Stock Paid in -~$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System.19 9 9 0 9 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 0 09 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 ee ee r si ii s s ,Your Banking ©business solicited and |every accommodation extended to de- positorss consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three ‘months or longer.. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,éE,MORRISON,Vice President.D.M.AUSLEY,..="-|.Cashier.@.KE.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. / President.. BUILDING?C,<WATKINS. x A osj _nothing’seemed to do me an ‘Cardui Fateae»-K rot Twas:notable toyoearlysixmonpavinglenRimenth ed‘was downin bed for three months.= hervousness and -Me any good;-and-he hadgiveitup.WeFf f rBAAsnceeSo~-Atlast,my mother advised me to take»,the woman’s ‘tonic,it was no use for I was nearly dead andygood.ButItookelevenbottles,and now I am ableto-dowashi;ing. A think Cardui is the best medicine intheworld.My weight:has increase“IT look thepicture of health.”>*ot suffer from any of the aifrecullartowomen4wardloday.Delay is dangerous,’will-help:you,usands ofinthepast50years, At all druggists. Write to:Chattanooga Medici .»LadiavisoryBoot.‘Chattanooga,Tenn.for Lacesran“page book,**Seestmont for amen”th plain weeseee akc 138“MEATS. Country Hams, Ferris’Hams, Nice Country Bacon. We know Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123.108 West Broad St “Soinething New” Fresh grated coconutwiththemilkpreciselylikeafreshcoconut.Use for everything asieehgcocaniltisusedfor.Try a ten cent eanforyour.Easter cake, f ‘*“Prone 89/—— Eagle & Milholland. CEDAR POSTS. No,1 Virginia Lime,Laths,Calcined Plaster,Cement. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. EASTER. -We_have_on-display—afulllineofEasterNovel-ties,Post cards,Book+ ‘letsand Egg Dye. -RP.ALLISON'S Book Store. ns DR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.,Office phone 494.Residence,451 Black. ’One of the many parts of Myersumpthatmakeupthequality.asthisfeaturealonehassolvedthe secret. a W..E.MUNDAY Sells “Myers Pump.'Phone 55. cemententhetrn sn ne i stationery,the latest’in writing |Paper.Come and examincit for E yourself,Also a nice line of P pound paper. :Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. Cc cannot tell.h}oat csPea I suffered with womanly troubles toldmy tisbandhe thought | for it has helped so}‘Tho compound will cost és"thanotherweakwomien|two cents for the equivalent of ugal-| | ~,)same is true in ee WATKINS.| Tal No, ‘No,12,east-bound,due 6:65TrainNo.16,east-bound,die 10.50 »,RLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLE._From Charlotte.,Train No.16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.36 &,Train No,24 ar.8:14,leaves 8.14 p.*From Taylorsville.}Train “No;2h-ary 40700;-leaves-10 340-8‘Frain No.15 ar.6:40,leaves 7:05 p,m.Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Substitute For Gasoline Costs Two Cents a Gallon. |$A dispatch from Huntington,N. |Y¥.,says persons who have witnessed Pe PP R S r s F SE B E R B B S B BB all of my work and my own ;the demonstration of the use of AAs.Mba Canton Lackey of Tedell. ppaeebetind invented by Louis Enricht, ta German chemist,which he asserts will revolutionize automobiling and make gasoline bills a thing of the ;past,are of the opinion that the high getabottle of Cardui |price of gasoline is a thing of the}|past, \lon ‘of!’gasoline,which now sells for \from ‘25 to 80.cents a gallon. {chemist declares he has operated,his|two automobiles.regularly for the ‘last two months with his new inven- ition exclasively.:But if-this is so the {Standard Oil interests will of course buy the invention. |The flour mill of John A.Teter,in |West Albemarle,Stanly county,was burned’Friday night svith all supplies and fixtures.Total loss—no~insur- anee.Origin -of:fire unknown —but|possibly incendiary. Tried Various KidneyRemediesButOnlyOneProvedReliable |‘It is with great pleasure that I |write these lines of praise for your '}wonderful kidney and.bladder reme- jdy.I had kidney trouble so bad I be- ;came very much alarmed.I had tried various—kidney +-emedies-I-—heard—of jbut without relief.I was about dis- couraged,of ever heing helped,when, jone day,I picked up a book contain- ring testimonials of people-who had ibeen helped and cured of:their kid-| iney trouble by the use of Dr.Kilmer’s| |Swamp-Root,so I decided to try it ‘and J know I owe my present good i health to the wonderful curative pow- fer of Swamp-Root. imy words will be the means of restor- Ling many other sufferersof kidney ‘and bladder troubles to good health. je Very.truly.yours,--9 |Bod.FENSTERMAKER, i1491 Royeroft Ave.,Lakewood,O,. |Personally appeared before me this 18th day of October,1915,B.J.Fen- (stermiker,who subscribed.the abovetatemehtandmadeoaththatthe substanee_and in fact. J.KLOTZBACH, Notary Public. Letter to |Dr-Kilmer &Co., Binghamton,NY.| Wm, -Prove what Swamp root will do for you Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co.,| Binghamton,N.Y.,for a sample size’ bottle.It will convince anyone.You; will also receive a booklet of valua- ble information,telling about the kid- jneys and bladder.When*writing,be sure and mention the Statesville Semi-| Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-cent and-one-doHar-size-bottlesfor sale-at all drug.stores. #:Pullen,in fit and appropriate The | I sincerely hope, ;,we,ing—Other News,ina Correspondence of The Landmark._ Taylorsville,April..17—Mr.J.W, Warren,a Confederate veteran,died Jat the advanced age of 88 years at the home of his son,Mr.W,.F.Warren, in ‘Sharpe’s township,Friday eveningat8o'clock.He had been in feeble.health for some time and death wasduetotheinfirmitiesofage.For 55yearshehadbeenamemberofLib-erty Methodist church and the funcralandburialserviceswereconduthereSaturdayafternoonat8o'clockbythepastor,Rev.J,Deceased is suvived byusix.sons_andifwodatighters,namely:Messrs.;We .Warren,D.L.Warren,F.A.War-;ren,H.T,Warren,W.F,War*e>,Mrs. /William Abernethy,zi!of this coun~- 'Fortyenine grandchildren and 41 great }grandchildren also survive.|Mrs.J.F.Clement ©entertained a{number of friends Friday afternoonlasasurprisetohervousin,Mrs.|'T."Kelly,whom she had invited,withher..family,for..the day....A.salad.|course and ice tea were served by thehosteds,assisted by Misses Hedrick,|Lindsay and Cooper.Mrs,.Kelly’s linfant..son,John Austin,was intro- |duced to her friends,: Mrs.H.T.Campbell,who has been lat Dr.’Long’s!Sanatorium, States+ ville,for a week,underwent a suceess-ful operation Saturday morning.She is getting along as well as could be expected.Mr,Campbell and their daughters,Misses Lacy and LucyCampbellandMrs,Hall Watts,were with her.:The play,“A Broken Trail,”writ-ten by Prof,Tyler,principal oftheTaylorsvilleStateHighSchool,wasgivenbylocaltalentat‘the school,building Frdiay night before a crowd-ed house.The characters were well chosen and each one played the parwell.Mr.Tyler is to be congratu- lated upon the success of his work. The characters were Misses EspyLittle,Blanche Watts,Annaleen.Nel- son,Gertrude Cooper,Messrs,Mack Stikeleather,John Deal,Walter Brown,Swan Blankenship—ofthe school,and.Messrs.R.8.Echerd,R. W.Chatham,M.R.Ingram of the -town.—ee palin sts tier oe HayatWene Postmaster J.L.Gwaltriey,who re- cently underwent a slight operation-atDr.Long’s Sanatorium,.Statesville, got along well and is at work again, his many friends will be glad to know. Mr.A.H,Matheson will return:to- - \SAVI Event and Play at Taylors-) Edwards.|h Aas NG.THE CLOVER-SEED. 4 .So aap Fg i a nye tfUtilizingDeadVegetable’Mht-||ter —.Plant:a Crop For Hu-|pnts —Crimson--Glover—and+ ’Saving Seed. Sorrespondence of ‘The Landmark. Our American farmers are toopronetolookuponpreparednessas} applying only to military problemsmournationaldefenceanddonot)place stress enough on preparedness|of the individual as a factor in our|national existence.Lack of prepara-}tion or failure to:conserve the re-|Sources,so far as the power lies with-|}in\that,individual’s_pa an_in-|uence on our national existence justasgreatinproportiontotheindivid- ual’s ability as have those of ourigheststatesmen.While the farm-er may think that-his_practices have no bearing on-the course of our na-|tion,he must,remember that the tiny|grains of sand make up the beach. Dead Vegetable Matter. Many methods are used on.our}farms that are detrimental to ‘the|producing power ‘of those farms.No|thought is given as to the value of the|dead vegetable matter in producing!another crop,as the owner applies|the match to it to’save the’labor of) moving:or-—-burying:it...Every—--day-;‘during the spring one..may.see the! farmers piling up brush and setting!fire to it instead of moving it into!some of the large gullies that are.within a few rods of the pile,where| it ‘would prevent further washing| and fill up the gullies so they could) be farmed over.Again we see himlaboriouslycuttingthecornstalkswithahoeandpilingthemuptobe! burned instead of cutting them down| with a dise harrow to be turned into|the soil where they would help admit|the air to sweeten the soil and hold |water to keep the crop-growing dur-|ing the frequent dry spells.Anydead | vegetable matter will do this,and|besides will carry with it back to the} soil a considerable portion of the ele-ments of plant food that are now be-'},ing purchased of the fertilizer com-| panies at a high price.|Grow Humus Croy.|Besides saving this old plant body| to form humus one should grow Bonecropjustforthispurpose..In addi-| tion to forming humus,if this crop! is grown during the late fall and win- ter months it will prevent washing; and leaching of the land at a timo! when—this—is—likely—to—be—greatest Plant food is constantly being made!available for the use of the plant and} |Crystalized”Figs, —HOME-ELECTRIC COM 15c.per Can.fe -13e.Each eR y ate i ‘:ig fThavejustreceivedafull,lingof the SunShine.Biscuit Compan:8 5products,and as you know,thére is no concern in the country’that’puts up a better line of Cakes and Crackers than they do.They arealways.fresh and.good,.and the very thing that you need for your *}f-- tea parties,The price is very attractive,: ¢coterie Arrow Root’Crackers,30c.val-,ot ue,for Hydrox,50c,value,for ....Malted Milk Biscuits,25¢.val-ist ué,for ace’g " Cheese Chips,40c.value,for 24¢;.Clover Leaf Cakes,55e.value,or...ets NsLibertyCakes,25c.value,for.18e.Easter Eggs,25c.value,for .28e.Penny Wonder,25c..value,for 18¢;Mable Cakes,25c.value,for .18¢;Yori Vanco Tea,25c.value,’or... Queen Marshmallows,25c.‘val- ue,for ,,22c.Ib. Nobby.Biscuits,25¢.value,’.22¢Chocolate.Marshmallows,.25c.value,for sees 28e.Ib,Saltine Crackers,20c,«value, for oe oe HeRReealb,Snowflake.Crackers,29c.‘val-ue,for .:..’18¢.Ib. value,23, 723c. 28¢e, The RobertBunch Cash Grocery,©“The Store of Better.Values.”oo.PHONE 229,= a ee ee eee ae er.—sFLOWERSZ_FOR SUMMER BLOOMING. It is time to put out Roses,Cannas,Dahlias,Gladiolus and Tuber Begonias.We.have’alargeassortmentofall.For the Porch Box we have Ferns,GeraniumsandColens.See our window. Bartinger’s Greenhouse, Greenhouse,356 West End Avenue,'Office,.Ae :PANY."| “avd eae "250. for 25e.value, ee +> Phone’57 and 361, if not so taken up will leach or evap-| a SS orate from the soil andbe lost forev- If it is taken up by some plant,which! day from Marion,where he attendedPresbytery,and from a_visit ito his dauchter,Mrs.T.F.Stevenson,*in Hickory.Attorney J.H.Burke‘re- turned Friday from Jefferson,where he spent a week -attending court. Mesdames_E..L. ledrick have returned from a visit,to relatives in Tredell c¢gunty.MissLillianBradfordaccompanied‘them home ‘and will return this evening. Mr.FE.L.Hedrick came in Saturday to visit his family here.Miss Eloise Starr of Wilkesboro was’a guest.of Missurday at the Campbell House. Schoo!Closing at Williamsburg.| To the Editor of The Landmark: Harmony,April 14-—West States-ville Council No.460,Jr.O.U.A.M..! presented Williamsburg school a Bi-' Hedrick and.W.—P.! Mabel Hendren Friday and Sat-: *¥ er.so-far.as_that land is concerned. is-turned under before planting timc: |for the regular crop,it will be re- ‘leased by the decay of the plant at a} |time when it can be consumed by!|some staple cron,and thus be turnedintocashinsteadoflost.| Crimson Clover.| '~There are several small grains and’) ‘clovers that may be used for this! cover crop but usually a clover is the} best,as itis a lerume,taking nitro-| ‘gen from the air instead of requiring|‘its being supplied through a fertilizer.|Of all the clovers that are edapied ic} this section there is probably none;‘that quite fill the place of crimson!Clover as a green manure or cover! crop.It is easily grown,.on almosi| any soil and may be turned under tn} time in the spring to permit thc! nlanting of.a crop of corn.which wiil| be greatly helped by it.This clover|ble and flag at the closing of the term.|may well be sown in the cotton dur-) ‘VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS ARE A_CONSTANT DELIGHT,= They are the ‘‘Musical Messengers”that bring | to you the kind of music YOU like best.Ever -ready entertainment so delightful that you en- joy hearing itover and over again.—hsvphet Stop in any time and we'll gladly give youa Victor.Records "4.0 Catalogue and play for you any music you wish to hear...~*There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety from $15.to’$400..Easy terms if desired.AINDREWS MUSIC STORE,| * rE April 11th,Mr.B.F.Russel presiding ing August or September and the EAST BROAD STREET. Rev.J.F.Kirk,in a very forceful and|eround vlanted to corn the following impressive manner,presented the Bi-|year,This will helo you in startingole.Mr.Kirk-spoke of the advantages |q plan of crop rotation:on your farm of today as compared with the time|which will also be helpful in increas-when he went to school and “ciphered” ‘on the outside what time he and the “boys were not-worrying their partiallyblindandpartiallydeafteacherby| |dropping.chunks down the chimney.| National~Councilman C,B.Webb} presented the flag and spoke of the! great.work of the order,\ On behalf of the school Rev.Ovid; re- jmarks,accepted both. \Quite a creditable gathering of veo- iple assembled for the occasion and fo ithe closing exercises ut the school {Candidates especially were much ir evidenee:—lf--we-mede—io—mistake—in+ ithe count,there were only three pres- ;ent seeking the office of sheriff. |—The--erowning feature of the day: twas the dinner, dy and plenty eft.Special’ ‘should prove a good investment. There was dinner for! ing the yield.S The cost of getting a start of crim-son clover is not great,as about 157poundsofthere-cleaned seed is_all, hat is necessary for the seeding of an aeré.This cost may be materially re- duced,at least from the standpoint af paying out-money,if one-will pro- duce and save enough seed on his own farm to seed such land as he!§ may desire,and no land should be!§nermitted to remain uncovered during|§ the winter months.sven though-4 ry ‘the clover is not permitted to grow) inches |@morethanfromfourtosixG high in the spring before being turn-'ed under,the purchase of the scedi§ Saving the Seed.tf An.acre.of crimson clover should| Zi mention;however,should be made of : crop was seriously injured. (Mrs.R,-L.Alexander’s persimmon (pudding.Just ask your townsman ‘C.B.Webb,about this,or.G.M ;Young or L.N.,Brown from dow ‘Troutman way. n |_(Fruit Crop Injured —Personal Items. |Correspondence of.Fhe Landmark. |Taylorsville,R-4,April 15 —This is a beautiful spring.morning.Does ‘not look like last Saturday,when it |rained .and sleeted_and "everything'looked like winter..We fear the fruit’ |Miss Mazie -Montgomery,|who |taught in Iredell county during the past school term,—returned home—a}few days ago.The children and all are glad to welcome Miss Mazie back,#as she taught here last winter,Miss by fe aB A Pt pet,Pie The line that always gives universal § otisfaction,Carefultailoring,fashion-@ able designs and thoroughness as to 9 of service—these are the things which @@Hhavebuiltfor“Shield Brand"Clothes,9 he reputation they so richby deserve.g if m®Our new models and fabrics are now i ae 3 1hereawaitingyourinspection, Prices $10 125°$15 $18”ft eB Come in and see them.A WATT-WHITE CO., POINT,NuCe.\ \ n taSTONY}}TH arm@Gm “4 im)SHINGLES $1.40 Per Square And wp.es of Pine,Cedar, Cypress and Tin Shingles;Ridge Roll, ‘Painted Valley Tin,Nails,Shingle stain and Vire-Proof Paint.: «C,WATKINS,Shingle KinTL”COMAER Statcsville,g&of Tre- N.Ge an / Nite ;Jennie Wren Echerd-is visiting her |brother,Mr.Charles E.Echerd;in Statesville..She will also visit Miss |Lottie Bowman,Statesville,R-4,whileiinJredell.Messrs.Fred.Milstead,Romulus||Tuttle and Clyde Harrington,who live near Taylorsville,left this morning|for Charlotte,where they will take ambusinesscourse.|Messrs..Julius and Robt.Johnso:im of West Virginia came’in a few days,w agg to see their sick mother, fa Samuel Johnson,who hag’been Mrs. |sick|for some time.They intend to return a |Monday. Marshall in Contempt.‘ A committee of the House of Con- zress has submitted a report pro- snouneing United States AttorneyMarshallofNewYorkguiltyofcon- tempt fur criticising a House sub-committee investigating —impcach- ment charges against him by Repre-sentative Buchanan.Chairman Moon informed the House that.he would.ste-+. }quest no action for at least two weeksinordertogiveMv.Marshall oppor-tunity.to.constder it,VIATA SH: i“lacing a sheet on the ground—beside+{ nroduee-about-ten-bushelsofseedand}is not difficult to save.This will nec-| essarily-be saved-in-the rough chaff# in which it grew,but this fact will! usually make it more certain of se-|§ -curing-a-stand when sown during the alternate dry and showery veriods of|yutumn.It may be gathered by 4 ‘home-made strivpers,by hand,or by } mowing early ins the morning while |§the dew is on and raking in a simi-|§ lar condition.~The seed athered by}hand or with the strippers wilt be alli ready to sow,while that cut with the /§ mower.will need to be threshed,The|threshing may be done by hand by the windrow ard gentlv lifting a fork |§ “ull unon the sheet and striking it afew-sharp-blows withthe fork.afterwhichthestrawisshakenandthrown ty one side,The threshing should be} done in the middle of the day,while|the plants are quite dry.| Those having a crop of this clover growing at present should plan to save enough seed for their own use,as more will be sown than if it must he bought,even though it he of the same value,If more is grown than isneededforyourownuseyouwillbe) encouraging your neighbors to sow! it,They would rather buy of you! ‘han of a dealer,as home grown seed| is likely to be more nearly free from|Noxinud weed seeds.Sced in the/f chaff should ‘he sown a little thicker |§ than the -re-cleaned seed.One hun-dred<pounds in the chaff is said to be.cane!to 60 pounds of the re-cleaned| soeqd, One Lot New Wash|One Lot Wash Skirts, -Skirts;Blackand Blue,|—AssortedColors,=4Only$1.98.Only 98c,| of CoatSuits,Silke| ~Dresses and Shirt Waists in | Exclusive Designs,| Easter Display Why shouldn’t your Easter Coat or Dress have style and : looks as well as.quality?WE HAVE THEM! DORCTHY DODD SHOES AND OXFORDS in all the ,__ new and up-to-date styles,“Call and get a-_pair for Easter,;- SILK HOSIERY. The style that goes with the Dorothy Doc.i footwear,all shades snd sizes,Prices,35c.,48c.,98c.,$1.50 and $2. TAFFETA SILKS AT THE OLD PRICES! SILE POPLINS,75c.QUALITY FOR 50C. ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF THOSE BEAU- TIFUL SILK AND CREPE.DE-CHINE SHIRT WAISTS,prices $1.98,$2.48,$3.48 and:$5.00. Wiiite,Black,Maize and Flesh! FOR UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE IN:STYLE AND)‘QUALITY,CALL \A THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR... LESS.’"PHONE 212. i Now is the time to plan for that} fall Seeding.Don’t wait until vou havé turned the young clover under,| ‘Wen wish you had left it for seed,| Help vour neighbor also by saving} mare than vou need yourself.I will! help vou make a stripper if you wish., By all meting save some.seed.:GE.DULL, County Agent.ee }1C.WATIANS.‘| BUILDING? BOYCE LUMBER COMPANYMANUFACTURERSOFKilndéiedNorthCarolina.Pine.Wholésale and,ré-tail.Establighed in 1880,Incorporated 1909,nongs Otee =244 GEO.H.MY ERS,PHONES:Residence 423 Vice Pres.the BSon 2 Oye 0/Wayne may succeed in a great de- Candidates”for “county offices.and| for the Legislature have until May 20j to file notiee of candidacy,The Unik:dates for——State-and district offices is April 22.In a hur ried reading of the primary law The “Landmatk had gained the impression that April 22 was the limit for all. Candidates for State ~offices and for district.offices,such as Congress, State Senator’(where the district is composed of more than one county), ote.,must file notice on or before April 22,which is next Saturday,or their names will not appear on the ballot tobe voted in “the primary of June 8.Candidates.for.county of- fices,members of.the Legislature and State Senator (where the district is composed of but one county)scan file pes up to and including May 20,That is to say,notices of candi- legislative officesdacyforcountyand good if filed oninIredellwillbe May 20:= The primary is a new proposition| to ofr folks and The Landmark un-| derstands that some of them are dis-| posed’to back away from it.That is| evidently because they do not have > clear’tnderstanding of it.The law; was pagged.to give every voter an op-| paortinity to express his choice in se-| ectimz the candidates for his party| —oniething he hasn’t had.And the! choice is left with the voters.The | nominee must get a majority of the| voted}there are no conventions to) mpnipulate and trade.Moreover,the | voting is legalized—governed by the | same laws as govern the general | election.Heretofore,in our “soap box”primaries,ballot-box _stuffing,| iNegal voting,intimidation,bribery, ‘|vocating and giving their support for VISIT70THORFRepresentativesofthe } “County fairs are —institu which help.So here's hoping that ve.men of Iredell coun- ty and of Wayne county who are ad-terials Look Over th phans’Home. Correspondence of ‘The Landman”7 The following named ladies,*- senting.Orange,Fayetteville,Con: cord and King’s Mountain:Pres! rials,:paid us a.pleasant-visit Thursday;Mesdames 0.G,Joni W.McAllister and Bernau,-- reensboro;Miss Mamie Adams and;esdames J,E.~Tharpe-and-M,~R,! |Adams from Statesville;Mrs,Wo A West lS.Burwell from Lowell.; After going through all the build. the establishment.of county fairs for the good old counties of Iredell and gree,”remarks ©the Raleigh©News| and Observer.The Wayne folks seem to be succeeding all right.At last report they had raised $10,000, “at $10"per”-share,;-and—-expected_to. make it $20,000.Iredell,which as- 'pires to try out @ strictly agricultur-| al fair on a much smaller-scale,is. from Fayetteville,-and-Mre;~i?| a #se Meee : cali tec ee ele antAiMet h ings.— m 1 for other trying to raise $5 at -$10 per methods for carrying on the work un. share and isn’t king progress on dertaken-by..the Presbyterials were ingsthe ladies met in.the parlercof [>Synod’s Cottage for:conference,Beat that of which to boast,Nevertheless, The Landmark believes that if an ac- tive canvass is made the stock will be subscribed;and that is the only discussed.The question of howte in-crease the interest and secure the co-|operation of the local secretaries for |Barium was brought up.Mrs.A.W, 'McAllister of Greensboro,one of the way the amount Will be raised,Few)Presbyterial —secretaries for the i ‘Home.was asked to tell of the meet. people’volunteer to.sabenxiie mame”of the loca)secretaries for the or.for anything.They have to be aak-|shanage,held in.Greensboro’March ed and many of them have to be la-|9d.“At this meeting information was| bored_with.}given about the orphanage,after Col.Edmund Jones of Lenoir,who!tage.the dormitory taken by Orange will be a candidate in the Demo-/|Presbyterial to replenish,were taken.d plans were madecraticprimariesforAttorneyGener-|0p snd plans wie ae ce:eat eee al,is-a Confederate veteran and One jing of the kind held in the Synod. of the fewoveterans among the can |and by o pecioning proved at et :Rees ¢>j |eessfrl,t was recommende oadidatesforanyoffice;and he is i Brashsteria):aecretaries, SiaKnea only candidate for Attorney General |tho naver placed in every church on in this part of the State since the the “Church club plan”was assigned withdrawal of Judge Carter and Mr./88 @ very important part of the local| Self.Col.Jones’friends are present-eee:bee dee ing his claims and he has strong sup-|pest,' port.ao |Altogether the meeting was a help- ————|ful one.The visit of these ladies was Voters who are liable to poll tax}a ace Pee to ue oo we trust 5 .43 ir |Was to them.e exten em a cor-should remember that unless‘their ial Sevttation to come @8 Ofbenaee p oll tax is paid by May Ist,which |they ean,ahd to bring others with isn’t far off,they can’t legally vote;them.Being the first visit made by either in the June primary or the}some of them,they expressed _them- ._.selves as beine’surprised and de-November election.The same law |tiehted with what they saw, applies to the primary as to the elec-|FIELD SECRETARY. tion and the payment of poll tax by|seen May 1st is ono of the requirements.|Increase in State Bank Holdings —|The corporation on esaeAni-|made public a statement showing:the) oe apt i aeaP oes jaggregate resources and liabilities |iof State,private and savings banks; Dr.A.M,Ballard died Friday night |in North Carolina at the close of busi- at his home in Asheville.He was a ress March 7,1916,as compared with native of Framington,‘Mass.,but had March 4,1915.A gainof '$12,303,- vracticed medicine -in~Asheville-for--929.04-is shown in-total resources, t which the needs of Annie Louise cot work -with 400 articles all | “handily arranged’at your |: fingersends.=sdf iF YOU WANT SYSTEM.IN YOUR KITCHEN,Join our Hoosier Cabinet Club; Saturday,April 22.-ingore “Club Terms:$1.00 $1.00:weekly. ‘now,— Below is a list of ‘your neighbors who -have joined our Hoosier Clubs and are. now enjoying hours of extra time saved by their Hoosier. *‘Hoosier Beauty’’ .B.L.Sronce,..Statesville,N.C. Mrs.Gales White,Statesville,N.C. Mrs.James Mc,Connelly,Statesville,N.C. Mrs.O.T.Gillespie,'............Statesville,N.C, Mrs.H.W.Clifford,...........Statesville,N.C.Mrs.E.S.Johnson,.........-06-Statesville,N.C. Mrs,Arthur Sloan,,...........Statesville,N.C.Mrs.Z.V.Murphy,Statesville,N.C. Mrs.C.L:Poston,...Statesville,N.C. Mrs.S.O.Lazengy,Statesville,N.©, Mrs.A.B.Lineberger,........Statesville,N.C.Mrs.D.‘¥.Jenkins,Statesville,N.C. Mrs.Frank Bryant,Statesville,N .C.Mrs.Glen Holland,....Statesville,N.C.Mrs.J.E.Heinzerling,+...Statesville,N.C. Mrs.A,Y.Alexander,...¢:seceeesee cence ee «City,Mrs.W.F.Hair,bene a Rb wle bs REMrs,--C,-AvKYyles,--o6cds :ve City. Mrs.J,R.Alexander,.....;Mrs.T.O.Morrison,|........-Mrs.A.B.Campbell,......... ‘Mrs.W.E.King,*..firs.S.-W,Haddon,....Mrs.A.W.Harris,.:........ Mrs.Oscar Mills,........05Mrs.J.F.Carlton,vege r esac e GlewMrs,W.B.Brown)oc.cccs cess sss tered ner vo GnttyMrs.J,Mi Cargon,.coseteteeesestvasesGlty,Miss Lizzie Christopher,.'.6 City.Mrs.H.G.Hallyburton,...++City,Mrs.€.D.Stevenson,..........SPrinirerial ¢;(5-4 City.wed bay ye foe's CEPwartheaseccssathseeseesennaCity, years,was 74 years old and un-ete.;could be practiced without fear eee eas The Citizen says of him:The banks have loaned out $65,498,- 123.89,as against $58,735,067.87 Mrs.D.J.Kimball, Mrs.Geo,.Ayers, Statesville,N,C. Statesville,N.C. Mrs, Mrs,JS.MeRarie;..ook coda at doen ns oo HEM T.I.Bailey,........seeeensoeees if any one choose to adopt that sort of means,as our primaries were held | by mutual agreement and not under| lega!regulations,Under the new} law,the things mentioned are made| &crime.All that.is important and) tothe advantage of those who want | the people to govern. The restrictions are not unreasona-| ble.‘The voter who.enters the Dem-| ocratic primary,or the Republican,, either,{is not required to pledge him-| self as to his vote in the November | election,although he is expected to pbide.the action of the primary,as fias always Leen the case.In the primary the voter is restricted to the| names on the printed ballot.That is| to say,only the names of candidates filed by April 22 for State and dis- ~trict offices:and by May 20 for coun-| ty and legislative candidates,will be} or this ticket,and the voter can't| substitute names of his own choosing when he goes to vote.That is not! uréeasonable.Names of all the avow-| on|ed.candidates will of course be “Dr.Ballard never refused a call from any one in need of his skill.Aevreatpartofhisworkhad_been among those but poorly able to pay him any fee,and his friends among this class were almost without num- ber.He was a lover of all animals, last year.They.gain in .value of bank- ind houses,furniture and fixtures, $355.208.55.the total value of all be- ing $3,147,971.27.In “cash on hand,” the banks show a total of cash items, ‘gold,silver and bank notes,of $3,- 860,686.06,a gain of nearly $700,000 |accumulation of mere wealth,” -over March 4,1915._The State banking“institutions have ‘nereased.their capital stocks duringthepastyear$576,531.80,the total amount now paid in being $11,257,- €15.05.The surplus fund shows a decrease of $126,327.34,but the un-|divided profits have jumped $594,484.+ 70 during the year.In the items of“bis payable”a big decrease is noted, last year’s total being reduced more| knowingly take the life of a living,than 50 per cent.,the decrease being| thing.Even when one of his dog!$1,805,070.37.| friends went out of the running!Savings deposits have reached $16,-' through old age or accident,he could |882,854.06,a gain over last year ofnotadministerthemeanswhich|$3,405,172.01.Deposits subject to would have ended its sufferings,but|check amount to $34,151,817,17,a sorrowfully delegated that duty to!vain over last year of $6,013,976.31.' another,--His-charities -have--been-Demand-eertificates-of-deposit-amount large and in all respects he was the;to $6,283.263.15,nearly double -the! ideal physician,setting always the)figures of last year.relief of human suffering above the!:.Will Not Hurt Us,Great Britain’ -nag Claims.Increased Consumption of Cot-|...ms |ton—Mills Bus |.Great Britain’s reply to the Ameri-|2 sy.;ean note of January 26 protesting.Cotton manufacturers used more /against the trading with the enemy| ynd had always been especially fond of dogs.It was said of the venerable. physician that he believed these hum-| ble friends of man have souls the same as their masters,and c¢ertainly there has seemed to be a peculiar un- derstanding between Dr.Ballard and the many dogs he had always own- ed “He was so constituted that he: could not,under any circumstances, —thp.ticket,-and_if-any-voter or group |raw-cotton-during-Mareh than‘in any--act-as “pregnant—with possibilities of: of?voters they can have their names put on the want to vote for others,| |the 600,000 bale mark was passed for|domestic legislation one month before in the nation’s his-|undue interference with American, tory.Census bureau statistics show,trade,”describes the act as “purely: to restrict the,eine by taking the pains to file them |the first time,as far as records show.|activities and trade of persons underintime.Voting scattering votes in an election count for nothing anyway, and there is no reasonable objection toithis-regulation.There is absolutely nothing in the pram ‘to prevent the voter vot- ing as he chooses at the November cldction. The exact.quantity of cotton used British jurisdiction,”and assures the| during the month was 613,625 bales,'United States that in-its enforcement: exceeding the previous record month,every care will be exercised to avoid, which was March last year,by al-j,injury to neutral commerce, most 90,000 bales.|The act,approved last December, Indications are that the year’s con-is designed to prevent sumption of cotton in the \British sub-|United |jects from trading with any business||States will be a record one,as the firm which has business connections|:wer cotton manufacturing industry is ex-|with or is controlled in any part by'When the:voter goes into!tremely active.Up to the end of|Great Britain’s enemies.The Unitedthe.primary he must bea Democrat|March,4,228,990 bales of cotton had States held that the regulations had| orjo Republican—the primaries of i parties are held at the same time.and place—for the time.That is,he can’t vote in the primaries of both parties,and a voter who has any selftrespect wouldn’t want to do that. But’at the»November.election,the voter can’vote all of any one ticket or _.part of it;or he can substitute names, by writing them,for the names on the printed ticket;in other words,he ~will have’at the November election all the liberty he has ever had-as to his choice of candidates.‘EINER Old Carranza may be insincere and uhreasonable,as some of the newspa- pers are disposed to charge,but.he was acting the part of a friend of theAmericanswhenheinsistedthatour_soldiers should stay out of the towns.But for the American troops going in-to Parral—a natural thing for themtodounderthecircumstances—theclash,at Parral would probably nothaveoccurred.Carranza knows hisfolksandheknewwhatmighthap- pen when the.mob feeling was stir- red by demagogues.Inasmuch us wearenotfreefromdemagogiesand “mobs in this country,we had better be.sure of the old man’s incinceritbeforechargingit, ‘a ATOLLTOTESIOI ews has reached Waukesha,Wis.,Dr,Jos.Shimoon,a former stu-Carroll College,Waukesha,member of the 1903 class ofnMedicalCollege,Philadel-,wan’beheaded andJeatakeinPersia;*~~: ‘been used during the first eight been framed “without a~proper re-! imonths of the cotton year.That is;eard for the right of persons domi-| |651,000 bales more than were used |ciléd in the United States to carry on! ‘last year in the same period.trade with persons in_belligerent|.Cotton spindles active during countries.”and made a formal reser-| {March numbered 32,032,589,or 1,-!vation of the right to contest its ie-|;125,000 more than were in operation |ality should it be found that Amer-at the close of March last year.The ican trade was hampered.|number of spindles is a.record one. American cotton goods are pushing 'their way into foreign markets to a |greater extent than ever before.They ;are taking the place of goods former- Butler Elected Delegate—Roose- velt Endorsed.|| F ae une of Marion Butler de-!ily qiatGtnetdusdst :at {cated the forces of Carl Duncan ineaered"by countries now at the third district.Republican conven-a ‘tion at Goldsboro,‘Reduced Sentences For the |iclegate to the national Republican!|Sni :iconvention at Chicago,defeating Tom|pos :pes./Owens,from Butler’s own county of||_Frank Snipes and his two sons,Sampson,editor of tie Clinton Dis-|ae and Charlie,of Forsyth county,/patch,who was supported by Duncan‘who were convicted in Federal Court sympathizers,by an ovérwhelming|at Greensboro of a conspiracy against |majority.J.J.Brinson of Pamlico|the government last fall,have aban-county was named‘as the second del-doned their appeals and have been legate.taken to Atlanta prison to serve their)A resolution offered endorsingterms,|Roosevelt for President and callingTheSnipeshelduprevenueofficers,upon the people of the district and-thewhopheh4reaaeprem-|State to vote for Roosevelt in the pri-ises for contraband liquor,disarmed jmaries,was adopted with a whoeesxedthreatenedthemwithdeath,|:=and then tried to bribe their victims|Etosaynothing.Old man Snipes was ANNOUNCEMENTS.sentenced to six years in the Atlanta!..\For Treasurer.prison and the boys to’three years To \the ‘Democratic Voters of Iredell County:each.They appealed’and pave bond.|,!hereby announce myself a candidate forHavingthroughtheircounselse.ae pice of Suny)eee subject to the cured an agreement for the reduction |primaries,to be held due:30,1916.Wileoftheirsentences,the appeal was |Preciate your support.©Respectfully,abandoned.-In Greensboro Saturday -AESJudgeBoydcuttheelderSnipes’sen-DNicpai Mia ehaalsltenceinhalfandcuttheboys’trom|*Por Register of Deeds.three to one year each..The Snipes |I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-|were well fixed financially and em-\fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell -county,;;|subject i ie priployedableand-influential lawyers bey fred ie Wa MOR iewhomanagedtogetthemofflight.April 18.eRSTETTPEASSPEARAehCoresOldSores,Other Aemedies Won't Care The worst cases,no matter of how long standing,are cured by the wonderful,old:reliable Dr.Porterfa (Aritisentic,Healing.Oil.It reliPaidahdHoalsattheionees2c,Be,+100, April 18. For Sheriff:-; candidate for Sheriff of Iredel)jcounty,subject to the‘action of ee ie rimary,and solicit the support of theDenthegadignmetereintheprimary.\i lieApril18,M.P,AURXANDER, |T ama ity.Mrs.Alice Mortis,"City, Mrs.S.K.Carson, Mrs.E.EF.Stanley,.... Mrs.W.E.Webb, Mrs.Eb.Boyd, Mrs.A.J.Beaver, Mrs.J.W.Sherrill, Mrs.W.A.Bolinger, -Mrs.N.A.Beaver, Mrs,Winfield Blaylock, Mrs.R.F.Dagenhart,...Statesville R-6. Mra,KR Li.Maiden,.....006.0s cece cee CityMrs.:C.O.Troutman °weer City.Mrs.L.O.White,...City. «Mrs.J.A.Brady,........ey tersrerteceieiere ieeeanlt¥s |~Mrs.W.-S..Johnson,me ae CACY,«Mrs.G.M.Austin,we .City. Mrs.J.L.Chamberlain ..............oo oe ow City,Mrs.J.A.Vaughn,:oeeee City. .Statesville,N.C. Statesville,N.C.Statesville,N.C. .Statesville,N.C.Statesville;N..C-Statesville R-4,Statesville R-6. Statesville R-6. Statesville R-4. Statesville R-4. Mrs.W.M.Cooper,....Mrs,R.C.Bunch,..°....:.seveeceeeceCity.Mrs.James L,Milholland,...............0+..City,Mrs.C.R:Sloan,....0.0%55...veeeerecees City,Mrs,C,E.Sloan,......sis Sislp esis e+e aieies «hes »CROYsMrs.Geo.Myers,ity.Mrs.J,F,Anderson,ity. Mrs.Sig:Wallace, Mrs.Dr.E.N.Lawrence,. Mrs.C.E.Ritchie, Mrs,S.A.Foster,Mrs,A.C.Payne,. Mrs.R.L,Matheson,....-Taylorsville,N.C.Mrs.G,T.Ingram;............Taylorsville,N.CG,.Mrs.J.A.Smith,....0505706..7 ,..Catawba,’Mrs.L.E.Hedrick,...oe be i aes wees MAONRY:Mrs.W.R.Little,.............-Cleveland,N.C.~A.M.Brawley,...¢4..........-Cleveland,N,C.Mrs,.B.S.Sherrill,....ceeeeeveyLoray Rel.”L.S.Robbins,Mrs.J,C.Durham,....-+...Salisbury,N.CiMrs.C.E.Mills,Mr.N.F.Steele,............Stony Point,N:C.-CRAWFORD-BUNCH FURNITURE CO.—~——PHONE 400- \ Butler was elected | “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” +Veane ncient History Error-proof bookkeeping is just as necessary for theasisamodernburglar-proof safe.;eect +asda 2TheBurroughsBookkeepingMachinewhichwehaverecentlyinstalled,haridles our figure work|with absolute accuracy.Its calculations are done by parts of hardened steel—it can’t make a mistake._.The operator feeds the figures into the machino,-which-makes-all-additions-and--subtractions-auto-—matically,A completely posted ledger sheet or depositors’statement,with every item printed in thepropercolumn,comes out..poe os 7 :usAnabsoluteandautomaticproofofeveryentryisgivenbythamachinemethod.There is no dan- ger of a mistake being made in your account,or-in-the account of-any—other of our-depositors,i Besides affording this accuracy insurance to you and to us,the Burroughs handles our figure workinabouthalfthetime'formerly.needed.This gives us time to do other things—to improve our service to customers in every department of the bank.‘{Come in,any time,and see the Bookkeeping Machine atwork.i ’’Bank,[-ank,f- protection of.your.money on deposit with us { The Merchants &Farmers“The Bank For Your Savings.” tint NOTICE. All of the rural school districts of the coun- ty needing new buildings,or other school im-provements,are hereby notified to make ap-plication ‘for same to the County Board ofEducation_ite poeee meeting on the first0’in May,1916.a :J.H.HILL,Chairman.R.M.GRAY,Sec’y. Caps For TheBabies. We are showing over fifty different styles from 25 cts.to $1:50 each. Also a nice line of Georgette Crepe,Crepe De -Chine,Silk and Wash Waists for ladies.CoatSuits,Dresses,Skirts,etc.’;>MRS.MARY SIMS.<|_ April,14—4t. If You Build Your House With Long-Leaf,Kiln-Dried Flooring,Ceiling,‘Weatherboarding,Boxing, Casing,and Step-Plank,you'll have the best.guarantee against warping and opening.It will take hard.oil finish beautifully,as therd will be no blue’stains.And best of all,IT WILL COST.YOU,LESS}...eR ERE Nee be“16,--WATKINS,Statesville,N.©,« “ee 4 “STATESVILLELodgeNo,487 A., “|\daughter,Miss pr.and Mrs.8,B.-Garrison an-nounce the coming marriage of theiraryBell,and Mr,‘Frank Powell of)Asheville.The peemonywilltakeplaceSunday,2at3p.m,at their home on.GeniSharpe-atreet.:= ‘The Entre.‘Nous.Book club met Fri-}<day afternoon with Miss Carrie Hoff-| “tonigat:7:300clockinMasonj¢“Hall All”mem:tobepresent and|ing brethren,ordially in viteegularnesting,i mann,:The.penamns.was.in.Comiemoration.ter-centenary of|William hakespeare.’The ratieall!as answered:by:quotations from|Seen alo and the-first:number ontheprogramme’was'a piano selection,with music from.Henry the Eighth, ‘ea Mentionof People and“yc Their Movements, Miisses Mary Johnston and Annie|Milta of./Mooresville are expected in |Meee today to visit Mrs.A,-Y. ‘Ma;Pp E.Hefner,who has been’athigvhome“in:Concord*township for.“months,returns to-Washington,D.C,tomorrow,Mrs.J.G.Miller and little daugh-who .visited Mr.and Mrs.R.P,ison,returned Saturday to their¢in.Louisville,Ky.ft.‘Holland Thompson and littleoh;Lawrence Thompson,of NewYork,arrived «Saturday and willspend:some.days here with relatives.*Miss..Neva,,‘McClellan will _leavetigweekforavisitto,Raleigh andotherpointe‘in:the eastern section of%‘Btate.fas‘Beuyla Jenkins spent yesterday~>her sister,Mrs.’W.W.Hanks,harlotte,and goes‘from there towe,_Ga., Miss Mafy McLain went to Clinton,|S.E0y yesterday,where on Thursdayshe’will:=Of.Jacobs,iss-Ame Copeland and Mr,Miss McLain will visitheehrother,Mr,Campbell McLain,incumbia,8,C.,-while away.igs.Elizabeth Gitt,who was thegestofMr.and Mrs.R.E.Clapp forsqvetal’weeks,returned yesterday tohethomeatHanover,Fa,Mr.Raymond Colvers left yester- day:for.Preckinridgc.Minn.,after spending a few days here with his L. parents,,Mr,and Mrs.J.E.Colvert,afd’other.relatives in-this’section,Miss Annie Eagle of \Raleigh ‘issbehdingaeekwithherfather,Mr. Wi:S.Ea:oMr,an Mrs.M.W.child of Sumter.S.Cs, Mr.and ‘Mrs.C,E..Mills,book will return home in ‘a few days,and.‘Mrs.Seabrook and child will be.here some time.Mra.J.S8.Medlin of ene:Ga.,isthéeuestofMrs.B.F.Russell. rs...W,G.Lewis,who has beenating.her daughter,Mrs.H.iMillis.at High Point,will returnhometoday. Seabrook and are visiting ‘Mr.Sea- Ne titegofNew/Advertisements.| lace orders early for Easter flow-,;—Park “Place~Green House. Gandidate for county treasurer.—W,C.Wooten,“Bethany township, ‘Home.on Mulberry street for sale orrent.—Dr.J.A.Scott.Lincoln Lithia Water.—Polk GagDieCo.facant,lot for rent.—E.G.Gaither.Horse for sale—Dr.M.R.Adams.|Lumber rule lost.—C.R.Gaither.“Shipments:of cream“wanted:—Caro-lina Creamery Co.,Asheville.Graduation dresses,8-inch boots.—Ramsty-Bowles-Morrison Co.——$ystem-—in—your_kitenen,club—epensSaturday,22d.—Crawford-Bunch|Furniture Co.Error-proof bookkeeping a necessi-*ty——Merchants &Farmers’Bank. Battle.Cry of Peace Wednesday andThiursday—The Crescent. Snowdrift.the perfect shortening. —Miller-McLain Supply Co. Wednesday -morning,10 _o'ock,“Langdon’s Crescent. to 12 “Special at the Lyric today,tomor-, ..row and Thursday. Ey thet ieFs Kresano kills the.germs,—Hal!’s|Drug Store.“Sunshine Biscuit Company's prod- nets.—Robert Bunch -Cash Grocery,EKastet candy and:flowers.—States- ville Drug Co.Saddle,found.—J.C.Henley. Will exchange city property or farm)Yand for cotton mill stock.—E.G..Gaither.Candidate for register of deeds.— W;.H.Morrow.Candidate for sheriff.—M.P.Alex-»ander.Sale of land.—R.W.Ingram,com-mi8sioner.‘Drug clerk wants:position—W.P.H.,idr.,Taylorsville. ~Ostwalt School,the County rk Commencement,Etc. Coxrenpondence of The Yandmark. Statesville,R-3,“April 15 —-The 0 pwalt chool commencement was a cess,The primary gradesAremarkablywell,and the higherpthaoedid.credit to their teacher.But;we think one of the great feat- 'are of the occasion was the good ad-8 by our old friend and.teacher,bala Melvin Hinshaw.bette with us,too.The county commencement passedoff;very.well.Owing to’the .very~disagreeable weather,some.thoughtthemarchshouldhavebeencalledoff,ot else made more quickly,by march-ing;double file.It made.so manymothersfeelsadto’see children so exposed,‘and ‘thén we have heard of 80°many getting sick and deaths re-sulting from the exposure that day,though we know’that the kind teach-ers did not mean,‘or wish,to do any-thing to injure their pupils.The many friends ‘of Mrs.AlbertJohnsonexpresstheirheartfeltsym-pathy over the death of her infantson,which was born and died lastWednesdaynight,living six hours.’In a ball game Ostwalt school won. _Tnvigorating to the Pale ‘and Sickly Gove andard general strengtheningtonic,S$Soe tenes relia out: ,6 tip the raeAme.Tonic,For,adults and childrens.60c. L010 SENeR OL . He enjoyed: a bride’s maid at the mar-| Legacy”—The - by Miss Rose Steephawy,Mrs.Pegram'|! A,Bryant read a paper on the,“Haunts of Shakespeare.”Mrs.Z,'V.Long sang a solo from.Midsum-!mer Night’s Dream.”Miss Celeste}Henkel read a paper on “Shakespeare| the Man,”and Mrs.A.P.Steele sang|a Solo with music from Measure for| M asure,A reading was given from’: Julius Caesar by Mrs.B.B.Webb! and Miss Carrie Hoffmann,The clos-} ‘ing numbers were two piano selections|from ‘early English|music by Miss Mary.Scotty °~-—The house was decorated with lilacsrand-violets and a:big bronze bust of;Shakespeare was given place ofhon-| ‘or.in the -hall;draped with laurel!wreath.In the dining room,where‘was served a salad course followed| with ‘sweets,the table was covered|with a lace luncheon cloth,set with. crystal vases of lilacs.The place |cards were bunches of violets and the! favors copies of Shakespeare’s piays. Ly |Miss Loula Campbell was hostess |to the Eclectic Book.club Wednesday|afternoon.The programme consist.| ed of a paper on the Monroe Doctrina| by-Mrs.B F,Long and apaperon the| to.visit ._Miss.Julia cearece of South America by Mrs.|ly,Woo@.Mrs.James Wilson was leader in discu8sion of current events. Decorations in keeping with Easter! were used and Miss Campbell served elahorate refres hments. Mrs,Sig Wallace entertained the ®lerieemoh club Friday sfternoon..Mrs,R.R.Clark was in charge of the|prowramme,which consisted of Amer-|ican Literature and.Journalism and; Fiction.Assisting with the pro-!cramme were Mesdames R.A.Coop-! er,Eugene Morrison,J.-F,Kirk,J. Cowan,Mrs.J.C.Fowler,Mrs,C. \i.Steele and Mrs.E,B.Watts.A ‘alad~and vice’course’were served,. Guests of the club were-Mrs._M,H.; Lowenstein of Brooklyn,*N.Y.,and Mrs.Sol,Simon, Mrs.J.DB.Glover,Jr.,has received, a card announcing the marriage of wher»sister,Miss Eugenta Lucille:-Bishop,daughter.of Mrs.Robert Hunter Bishop of Wake Forest,toMr.James Sherwood Coxe,-a drugs gict of Wake Forest.The marriageyy, was Wednesday,12th,, Mrs,J.T.Daniel and Mrs.C.B. Penner of Atlanta,Ga.,and Mrs.W.EK.Heinitsh of Columbia,S..C.,will}|atrive‘in Statesville this week to be|the héuse guests of:Mrs.Eugene Nor- fleet:Davis..Mrs.Daniel possesses a’ lyrie soprano voicé of unusual sweet- ness and will assist the choir of Broad |Street Methodist “chtirch with their j ane Easter Sunday night. Mrs.P.D,Kennedy entertained the|Saturday Afternoon Bridge club Sat-urday in honer of Mrs.E.N.Law-.irence’s birthday and Mrs,Kennedy’s house guests,Miss Reeves of Blow: jing Rock-and=Miss Neil-Gwyn-of Ek; \kin.Each guest of honor was pre-||sented with a pair of silk hose.The! house was decorated:with spring: |flowers.After the game the birthdayjcake,set with egndles,was brought in! jand cut.A salad ‘course,with tea.!‘ices,ginger and mints was served.| Mrs,J.C.Fowler left Sunday eke-for-Washineton,D:-C:;to represent ‘the Fort Dobbs Chapter in the annual Congress of “the Daughters of the:American Revolution,.| Sarford the S$.S.club Saturday afternoon After spending awhile sewing refresh-| jménts and fruits were served,1{ Miss |_York Institute Community.| Correspondence of The Landmark. York Institute,April 15 —Mr.and Mrs.W.M.Perry have moved to Taylorsville.Mr.Ed.Sharpe left_on the 14th for Kansas to visit his sister,Mrs,Dan- iels.He will spend some time in the West:Mrs.Della _Fry —and__little daughters,Louise and Elizabeth,of Charlotte,are spending some tmiewithrelativesaroundhere.Little Miss Ruby Sharpe,who has been spénding some time with her sister,Mrs.Jay Lackey,near Hiddenite,is.at.home.Mrs.Amanda Deal is visiting at Mr. B.L.Deal’s. Mrs.J.T.Sharpe is on the sick list. Mrs.R.M.Morrison was called to see her mother,Mrs.Combs of Loray,who fell out ofa wagon last weekandwashurt. Whooping cough has made its ap-pearance in.these parts.Guess the cold the first of the weekgotthepeachcrop. Forest Fire—Saw Mill Located. Correapondence of The Landmark. (Mr,John Raymer has put his saw mill near the Duck creek bridge.on theAmityHillroad,from Statesville.It is now ready for ope ation. A,fire started in the woods,abouthalfamilenearly.south from thisbridge.yesterday afternoon,with a possibility of doing a good deal ‘of damage,but ’phone and other calls soon brought assistance that Succeed- ed in stopping jt when only a couplelacresofforestweresuredover.~Itissupposedtohavestartedthisvery. windy day from a snag that caughtandheldfirefromabrushheapburnedatGrantGabriel’s last Tuesday andthoughttohavegoneout. Farmers are busy using this fine‘Spring weather preparing for a bijcrop.of grain and cotton.LaF.Statesville,April 15. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The HeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA-‘TIVE BROMO.QUININK is better than ordinaryinineanddoesnotcausenervousnessnorokfeinheRememberthefullameand’ |STATE Or OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO, lor thes ignature va W,..GROVE,Be! Statesville;Ret,formers ‘are yery busy oucire ‘togitls are oon getting the”spring ceane ;ne Freeze is veryiillatthis|me Mr.Lee Plyler has been illduring.the:past week with:pneumonia|and p eurisy.Little Grace,daughter|.af Mr,and Mrs.Gray Ayers,hasboonsickforafewdays,but is bet-.+eMiss Edun Plylér.and her brother,Master.Oscar,went.to Elmwood fortheentertainment.__They—were-—ae~"-éompanied by their.grandmother,Mrs.Freeze.“They were called hometoday.on account of thé illness ofMr,Freeze,Through a mistake Miss Edna Ply-ter didn’t March with seventh grade|sero.at,the commencement,but she receiy-ed a certificate later.Misses Plyler:and Freeland were the two of the; ay? Plants the good housewives and |” Ps ee wedice on the todkt omay eettwietFriers,16c¢)petOldHens,12.1-2¢.per 1 urkeys,\16e,per Ib.Exgs,15e.perRoosters,6c.per lb »Buiter,16,per Ib,>Beeswax,:25¢.per,Ib.4 Green Hides,18¢.per:Ib.4 8,16c.to 1f¢,per Tb.‘Sides,12 4-2e,per Mh.Shoulders,12 1-2¢.per’Ib.oo Honey,8¢.per pound,Aurwood Honey Comb,16to.t-Pornvers,tae bushel. Potatoes.»TOs per bushel. Grotu,Mh, Wheat,$1.80 per bughel, Corn,(new),70 per bushel,Oats,65e,per bushel,° Statesville.Cotton Market,On the local market yesterday 11 7-4oondwaspaidtor.best grade cotten,per Plyler school to get.certificates.’Preaching at Shiloh Easter Sundayat8o’elock p,m.The writer is glad ing held at the Arthurs school -househasbeenasuccess,seemingly,The preacher and the good people of thatneighborhoodhavebeen“working*to-ether.The*Arthurs school and pa-trons seem.to-be a wideawake.people;working for the good of their |chil-dren and their neighbors’children... LUCAS COUNTY.Prank J,Cheney makes)oath Bit‘he is senior partner of the firm of F1.Cheney &°Co.,doing business in theCityofToledo,County end State afore-sald,and that safd firm will pay thesum’of ONE:OUNDRED LOLLAPS foreachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredby.the use of Hall's Ca-tarrh Cure,FRANK.J.CHENEY.Sworn to before me and subscribedjinmypremanceguile6thdayofDe-888,\eember,A.D (Seal!)A.W.GLEABON,Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internalondactsdirectlyonthebloodendtucoussurfacesof‘the system,Sandfortestimonials,free,uei.J.CHENEY &CO., W's Family Pills for eee The, Toledo,Sold by all drugyists.Take (ADVERTISEMENTS “in this“eolusmn1 10.“cobtaperline.No od.taken for leas than,.«a5 cents.Cash must eccompany order.) FOUND—Saddle. we td. aatacaarecere na hates pcre4Ownermayhaveseme/by J.C.HENLEY,..606,east_April 1p;f "oxchange city _pronerty vor] cotton mil stock:G Ap ap‘18; CHAS. golem:| R.°yea}i Ww ANTED—Wittfaraland-for CAITHER. La $T—Lum}her nee gett toGAITHEERtApril 18 HORSE ror SALE—Dr.M.Re ADAMS.avil18—~1t* es to say that the meeting which is be-;(>. Tf you are well drink Sinsoth Lithia Waterahdkeepwell;if sick,get well by the samePolkGrayPrueCo.has it,THEOLNLITHIAWATERCO.,April 18-“Att. INT—One and a-half acres‘vacant“Totr100feetofrailroadsiding.E.G. FOR “RENT—Five-room Cottagestreet.“R:P.ALLISON, SPECIAL. —AT THE—CRESCENT J.Warren petra it “Langdon’s_Legacy”ACTS- Wednesday mortiing from10to12o'clock.The Most Sparkling,Refresh-ing and Original DramaoftheSeason. PRICES 5c.-and 16c. He had this picture booked for the same day as the “BATTLE CRY OF on TraddApril11. Lilies,Carna-! Prim ,Roses,Tulips,Pan-cissus and .many ~other! thingss.Kindly place ofder early,PARK ‘LACE GREEN HOUSE."Phone 285Black.April 18—2t) ‘VOR SALE OR RENT—My home on Mulber-ry street.Terms reasonable.|Possession about May Ist.DR..J..A.SCOTT. KASTER FL ow pe Smetnster ns,CECE ERE PEACE”but on account:of the latter picture,whichstartsat1.15 P.M.We ihave decided,at the,request of a number of April 18--2t. WANTED—Shipments of ¢1cream.‘Present price!for butter fat 35c.Give us a trial..CARO-!LINA CREAMERY CO.,Asheville,N.C..a April 18—20". DRUG CL ERK ana ‘Soda,‘Dispenser (not ‘|istered),two years’city experience,wants ; our patrons,to show itWednesdaymorning.We will give two perfor- »mances “starting at 10 work,Address W.P.Hz,dr,lorsville,N.C.-.April 18-=1t%, The Lyric Theatre | Box 108,'Tay-:jand 11:15 A.M. pire eureameranmesner eenier _—_TODAY= The Exquisite — MARGUERITE CLARK One|OEReOo1SO EEO 1 A TPH Henley —entertained ANtN mtnt 3 cya PERO DEIN RARE le| “MICE AND MEN” A Charming Romanceiof the Sunny South. Wednesday and:Thursday The World’s Highest.Priced Artist CHARLIE CHAPLIN —In His—“Burlesque On Carmen.”. The only Four Reel Picturehe has ever made. Think of it--four reels ter.The $670.00 star’took six months to produce. éf ‘side splitting laugh-s latest picture which In order to handle the crowds we have booked it for two-days at the biggest rental ever paid for apictureinNorth.Carolina.”It will keep youlaughinglongafteryouhaveseenit. FORGET THE WAR AND SEE CHAPLIN IN THE BIGGEST THING HE HAS EVER ATTEMPTED. Admission 1THELYRIC Oc.and 15c.THEATRE LO.TBO.DOP AD meeps LINCOLN:‘LITHIA WATER! Lincolnton,| ' Rt +MARKER‘T RERORGS.That} mene ornatetaeenile Ppa Nadirpaarad B The following prices were—peld—yesterday7-tg rain on the locel market: YOUR STANDING! When you undertake to do business with a firm away from the.“Home Town,”the outside firm‘is going to get.a line on you.They are more than’apt to get this information from a Bank.Have you anythingin the Bank ‘that will enable the Bank- ér to tell the outside fellow that you are all right?that you have money in the Bank,or that your standing in the business world has been established with the Bank? ;Statesville,N.C, Gopal $100,000.Four Per Cent’Paid on Time Deposits.U8.Depositary,\alae RAee perererrieses treet etter REE SEISSEITE TA BRAT Flowers. deliver when Easter Candy, Gl and ig us your etd we will wherey<u gtrUSay. Justinby Express,placedinour ice cooladnis C andy Refrigerater.Sri One,two and three potind bexes, Statesville Drug Comp’Ve >+The Rexall Stor PEN caeabee:we * wae inst Prescriptionists..— nase snerirersntee— ROLLOW 1OUR » 0RINGtl BANG he Thorough Disinfectant.“Kill the germs: ~on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use._—wt USE KRESANO.ey ~Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 20.Prescriptionist. We!RIDING SOT Toe ae 19g DR git me 2 inetaes vate ateeBerar oalet renee ws bart sane The No.76 Planet Jr.pivot wheel.riding cultivates with,,,extra wide arch,adjustable stops to regulatejdepth,largeandcomfortableseat,new lever springs,make it theattractiveandpracticalridingcultivatoronthemarkeaeWat1Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware NaSOF CURRENT | {Incidents Gathered Fr ~~Parts of the Coun John Dykes,a white manHeitranteler,ae 3 takenGreenhead,nchiAseyeregaleswept Bi:much.|girls,roller skating on the. |Newscof theclashwas contained initelegeamdated” Bueretheo;Mexico,which has ‘been Joceupied as the Carranza seat of lar,the Carranza foreign minister, OFFER “YOURBIG EAST|~~Ladies”and Children’s Dress x si mme.of music andfim.Tho oe 0 attended with the 1g ofa nyoreFy sémedod:flayed,were disappointed,The ee thrusts,of fun were.good natu and aptly put.”The oa estra wag/directed by Dr.Chas.Aw Turner and was composed ofMikG*Rose Stephany,pianist;Messrs.JeE,Robinson,Frank Whiting,C.E.Ei ,©.A,Andrews and.Miss Dor-othy Gill,-violins;.Mr,R.L.Sloan,viola;Mr,R.O,Harbin,cornet;Mr, R,A Stimson,horn;Mr.EverettWilkerson,trombone;Mr.A,L.Mills, bass horn;Mr.R.V.Barkley,drums, One.woud have to go a long ways tohearbetterorchestralmusic. «Sengs were sung.by Messrs.R.F, Armfield,E.O.Heritage,W.M.Sally, L.-J.Freel,G.C.Kimball,J,K..Mor-_rison and A.J..Sally,with—orchestra“aecompaniment and a chorus com-~-pesed-of Messrs,DF.Mayberry,A.Y.Alexander,C.E.Pennington,R.M.Rickert,J:J~Meroney,D.M.Ether- idge,T..D,Webb,Frank Harbin,E.G.White and R.M.Gray,Mr.Ether- idfre pwas interlocutor.: The second part.consisted of musicand,monologue and Song by Mr.Heritage and by Mr.Meroney.Thefinalewasanegrofarce.jThewriterisnotofthosewhothinkthat’whatever you get away fromhomeisbetterthanwhatyougetathomie,but to those who do think that way'a lesson may be drawn from the entertainment Friday night.States-ville has splendid local talent whichsigIdbedevelopedandthehomepeo-ple ‘given the benefit of it;and in turn support.it:It is well known that few plates’have better musicians,vocal and-instrumental,and-byall_meanstheyshouldorganizeandgivethepeo-ple’an opportunity to hear them,Thisiwould add greatly to -the life of the ‘town.‘There is also abundant tal-ent for a dramatic club and one shouldbeprganizedandgiveentertainments fréquently. -STATE NEWS “John W.-‘Rouse of Kinston bought| a coffin.40 years ago-and didn’t get| to’use it until last.week,when he died at the age of 82.ae Senator James A,Reed of Missouri is.billed to speak in Salisbury Sat- _urday,at the Rowan county Demo-cratic convention. ‘Mount Grove school house,near Ba- ker’s mountain,Catawba county,wasburnedFridaynight.Believed to be work of incendiary. -~-In Durham Friday night the safe in «the office of a laundry was cracked in fprofessional style and $15.80 in cash confiscated.No clue,to the burglars, audienceat,the opera house Friday,to.Eliseo.Arredondo,General Car- ranza’s ambassador in Washington:— *Please confer with the“Honorable Secretary Lansing.and inform him that today at 1 p.m,a.column of 150 American ~soldiers:entered the city of Parral,The mayor of the city,Jose De La Luz Herrera,imme- diately called the attention of..the commander of this column to the in- convenience of his entering the city, soldiers immediately withdrawing, but when they were leaving the peo- ple protested and the mayor and mil- itary commanders tried to control them with their appeals in order to prevent friction,but owing to the imprudence of a civilian who fired a shot,a general disorder followed in which one American soldier was.kill- ed and several civilians were wounded by shots from American soldiers. “Military commanders succeeded=in checking the mob at .Maturana to avoid them from following American troops,forming .acordon_of Consti- tutionalist soldiers.: “Jn this connection the Mexican government’warned the government of the United States from the ‘be- ‘ginning that it would be unwise for American troops to pass through cit- ies,due to the impossibility to avoid friction between them and the people and our forces at an unexpected mo- ment.The American government,to that effect,agreed to give the neces-| sary instructions to its troops to have| them abS8tain from occupying any} towns.The Mexiean government de-! plores the occurrence,but it was be- vond its efforts to prevent it,and in- sists with the American government on the necessity of withdrawing its troops-from—our soil_in_order not.togiveroomforthealterationofthegoodandcordialrelationswhichboth countries are obliged -to-preserve.” Dispatch From Carranza, A dispatch from Gen.Carranza him- self follows: “After message sent you by Sec- retary for Foreign Affairs Aguilar, the Secretary of War received a message from Gen.Gutierrez,dated at Chihuahua,informing him that it had been impossible for military commanders to check the mob against the American troops who.entered Parral and that that evening (April/ 12)the fight had continued between! our people and the American forces,| that many deaths.had occurred on,both sides.|“General Obregon has already giv-; en orders to prevent continuation of} battle,but the excitement is so great| among the people that I ‘fail to know! whether the struggle can be stopped.| “Call on the Secretary of State and| believed to.be professtfonals. Mr.W.W.Barber,a prominent at-| storney of Wilkesboro,is in Johns | Hopkins ‘hospital,Baltimore,for |treatment,and his friends will be glad advise him that the occurrence is due| to the unwise action of the Ameri-| can commander in having entered) Parral without the permission of the, authorities,to.know that his condition is improv-|that government forbidding the oc-!ing.*: Miss Helen Bruner of Salisbury and Mr.W.°B.Wood,a railroad man of Spencer,were married in Rich- mond a’month ago and the marriage ‘was announced last week.They are now.in Texas. The dead body of Mrs.Ernest Cau-le of Rural:Hall,Forsyth county.vas found in_a stable at.her.home aturday afternoon,An automaticistolandthecircumstancesindicatedSuicide.Mr.Caudle,who is a mer-hant.at Rural Hall,was rezentlyurnedout.The husband and three small daughters survive. i William Swanner,a dent of Washington,(N..C.),whowasconvicted‘there last summer—on_ithe charge.of-having—-liquor—in-his possession for the purpose of saleandorderedtoleavethecountyor else serve sentence on the _roads,:ffcommitted suicide Saturday at"Grimesland,Pitt county,by shooting“hifiself.He had made an unsuccess-tul effort to secure employment,it issaid, g _-#urprise_Birthday Dinner.Pia For The Landmark. “Day for the friends.of Mr.and Mrs.3S.G.Caudill,who met at their love-~ly_country.home to celebrate the gbirthday of Mrs.Caudill.—Havine a stip as to the nature of the occasion, gzeach prepared a well-filled basket of#rood*things to.-eat,such as -Shiloh ‘folks are noted for.About 11 o’clock}fthere was hardly hitching room in the! lots for the horses and autos.The; ;.contents of baskets were placed on the} “spacious tables,which reached across gthe yard,and which were very much3erawdedtoholdthegooddinner,Served as agsurprise to.Mrs.Caudill, siwho,having spent the night with a *neighbor,was sent for to come to.her Jaily duties,as she supposed,and on *reaching home was welcomed by the) "cheering voices of 150 friends stand-' “ing close to the heavily laden table.|Mrs,Caudill was escorted to the} shouse,where she was still further|surprised to find in her short absence|handsome parlor suite,kitchen and!ydining.room suite and other household|#furniture had been brought in for her}uture comfort.Dinner was soonannounced”and all enjoyed the good#8 to eat.The guests made them-y Selves at home,amusing themselvesyinmanyways,When tne time came‘to depart for their homes we hated to;i,bid farewell to this good lady,asour |i Stay was a most enjoyable one to all}|present.ONE OF HBR FRIENDS,| former resi-| LC SS 1 rs :it Ste s oftiddy-April-14-was-a Red Letter!ross dogs for the United States ar-| cupation forces,i “Please cause the .Secretary of} State to see that it Is unwise for American troops to remain any long- er on our soil,as more serious inci- dents than the present one,which we must avoid at all cost,may develop. “Please make use of any arguments vou -may-deem--advisable-to --put --an- end to the situation created by the presence of American troops in our territory.” of towns by American} ‘i Red Cross Dogs For the Army, A press dispatch a few days ago stated that Surgeon General Gorgas had “asked Congress to authorize the army to feed-its dogs.”The av- erage reader wondered what that meant,as few had heard of dogs in our army.The Army and Navy Journal tells about it.The dogs were a gift and it is,necessary to; get Congress to authorize provision|or their keep.Says the Army -and} Navy Journal: Six dogs which are expected.to:—lform_the_nucleus_of_a_corps_of Red |@ mv have been received at Fort Ethan} Allen,Vt..and are now in charge) of Capt,Edgar C.Jones.They are Boxer_puppies,_presented to Major General William C.Gorgas,surgeon reneral of the army,by Mr.and Mrs.| M.R.Spellman,of New York,pedi-| greed German boxer dogs,whose an-| cestors belonged to Emperor William| of Germany and the late King Ed-| ward VII of England.The Boxer! breed is the result of the cross be-: tween.the German mastiff and-.the English bulldog,which was suggested' by Emperor William more than 15vearsago.It is this breed of dog’ that,according to military observ- ers,has proved to be king of Cross dogs in the European They are the leaders of all the Ger- man dog detachments,and are also found in the canine organization of France.England and.other belliger- its. s the result of a conversation be- tween Mrs.Spellman and Mrs.Leon- ‘rd Wood.Mrs.Spellman inquired if our army and navy had any Red Cross dogs.Mrs.Wood regretted to ‘ay that it had not,To help solve the problem Mrs.Spellman asked Mrs.Wood how she-could-go~about presenting them to the government.Mrs.Wood informed her that the proper procedure was to tender them to the surgeon general.; Sick Folks. were blown into an automo) recruiting station in one of them,10 years old,was kil Hher-neck-being broken.brentS,GeE antHerbertDoss,19 years old,.¢ ed with the assault and murder’of: year-old Louise...Thomas »near Barbour’s Creek station,Craig con Virginia,March 11,was found guandhispunishmentfixed‘at Ji prisonment.3 The civil service rule providing |hienlistedsoldiers,sailors and.m may not take-a civil service -etionwithouttheconsentofthé he:of the department in which they’aserving,has been revoked by.dent Wilson.: The Panama canal was re-ogtotrafficSaturdaywiththepasof16ships,seven northbound,and nine southbound,including the tran port Buford.The channel throuthe‘cut was in excellent condition and} the passage of the out “incident.-ire Mississivpi’s new.prohibition,lawbecameeffectiveSaturdaynight,Itprohibitstheshipmentinto.the State to any one person of more than one quart of whiskey or.24 pints of beeroftenerthanonceeverytwo.weeks. Liquor advertisements in newspapersafealsoprohibited.RE 'The suit ‘of Mrs.J.W..Coleman against the National Pencil Company of Atlanta,in which she demanded $10,000 for the death of her daughter, Mary Phagan,for whose murder LeoM.Frank was convicted,was missed in court when it was.an- nounced that a settlement had been reached out of court. Catholic ecclesiastical 'authoritiesinGermanyhavereceivedfromanauthoritativesourceintheCatholic mission,trustworthy information vessels was With, that.more than 2,000,000 Armenians|have been murdered by~Turks through starvation or ill treatment. About 100,000 Catholics were amonthem,including four bishops...; The American Legion in Canada, already 1,000 strong and now ‘being extended into a brigade of 5,000,,is impatiently awaiting a call to the front,according to reports from.the Windsor.Legion,it is said,is composed exclus-ively of Americans,many of them ex- soldiers and ex-officers of the Ameri-can army, The Boone.Democrat says |snow |began to fall in Watauga county Fri-|7dayevening,the 7th,and continued |°“ at intervals until Monday evening,when it reached a depth of 10 to’121?"By Wednesday,however,it|’inches. was practically all gone.Mr.Jake Newell of Charlotte ‘an-nounces that he will be in the run- ning for thé Republican congressional] nomination in the ninth district..E.Greene of Mitchell county has beer-|:) violating the orders of;out for some time for the same honor te CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL OF STOMACH REMEDY.|" Sufferers Find Swift Relief by Use|’of Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers in the Southeast and,in fact,all over the country,have found remarkable and efficient results from the use of Mayr’s Won-derful Remedy:> Many have taken this remedy and tell today of the benefits they receiv-| ed.Its effects come quickly—the first dose_convinces.Here”is what two Carolina folks have written: W.R.DAVENPORT,Parker,N.C. —“For years I have suffered from a disease which puzzled doctors.I heard-of-your-remedy:and-one bottle gave me relief.Your full treatment has about cured me.”os C.—*I am satisfied through personal use of the—powers—of—your-remedy.- You have saved my life.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach,liver and intestinal ailments.Eat as much tress after eating,pressure of gas inthestomachandaroundthe_heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now é and try it on an absolute guarantee —if not satisfactory money will bereturned. For sale by the Statesville Drug Co.and all other reliable druggists. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. dis-| The| T.ERWIN,Winston-Salem,N.} nd whatever you like.No more dis-| “Silk Taffeta Suits Ce ati Pe ecm seaman ov ag‘$2.00,$2.50,$3.00 and $3.50.~==-/FOUR BIG VALUES In Ladies’New Waists at.50c,$1.00,$2.00 and $3.00 | Silk,Cottonand Lingerie,©oot FOUR PETTICOAT,SPECIALS!:SILK AND COTTON1.50,$3&$5|¥ $1,$ } Notwithstanding the great advance in all kinds of Staple Merchandise,we °are still offering an elegant stock at OLD PRICES,Very truly,tans ==MILLS &POSTO 1 ‘ | ‘OU I 5SU E S 7JB EU an n an i o n PU B EI E D BE AD E -IREDEL Veg PUVAMS? First think of Pianos in Seheral; secondly of WESER PIANOS in par-! ticular,and thirdly of’the LEONARD ;PIANO’STORE,distributors of the |“unexcelled WESERS.” 4—A—young—lady living in-an—adjoin-. jing county was “thinking ‘of buying‘a Piano.”In fact she had decided in ‘her mind which “make”of Piano she |was going to buy.Why?Simply he- /eause she had seen that particular |Piano so widely advertised.“Have you ;made a personal investigation of the durability of this or any other Pi- ano?”she was asked.“‘No,”waanswer.Our salesman then off to take her to sce 15 or 20)Wesers”inStatesvillewhichhavebeeninuse, from one to.80 years,| A list of the owners of these and!many other Wesers in this section!jwas furnished.She started on the! iyound to see some of the Pianos,but) ‘hadn’t gone far when she tested an; instrument which had been in use for rseveral years.—““No-use going ture?ther,”she said,“this 1s the Piano for| me,”.And she is now a Weser boost-; 0 STORE,[EONARD PIANO STORE, | aC ORRMII AR ATM TORTI thes IEC StudSRN tat t-o'ctock, The presentation of the dogs! BY VIRTUE of’a decree of the Superior }+Court of Iredell county,North Carolina,made in the special proceeding entitled R.W.In-@ ma administrator of J.A.Ingram, de- ¢VS ale Ie.signed commissioner will,on MONDAY,MAY 22,1916, the highest bidder,at the court house door in| bed real estate.towit: First Tract-.Adjoining the lands of Yevil| winning at a stone,Ingram‘s corner,onthe W.N.C.Railroad,and runs _N.7 degrecs W. (20 poles to a stake;thence N.5 degrees FB.124polestoastone,Bost’s line;thence N.87 de-wrees W.44 poles;thence S.¢} stone;thence W.6 poles; thence S.26 degrees W.8 poles to a dorhickory;thence S.48 degrees W.2 thence S.40 degrees W.19 poles: 25 degrees W.12 poles;thence with the rroadtothebeginning,containing 46 6 more or less. Second Tract-Beyinning at a stone on the! Ingram's corne)i SP] les to a stone,Bost’s corne 1-3to_n white oak:thence S.as.Wi 2 poles;thence S,-41 degrees F.13 poles »railroad;thence with the railroad to the beyinning,containing one acre,more or less, the land bought of G.W.Clegry,er,and others,-in the sale of land,excepting an half aere sold to Adjoining the above tract,bat Ingram and others,tlre un-2 p.m.,sell at public auelion,tol PRE |Statesville,North Carolina,the following de thiRed:re,|WAY.|Bost and others,and baeunded as follows:Pe-}-+ You will have |mt eT 3 : |Mouldings,:‘{Poor and Window Frames,Door and!com-|Window Locks, Jneob|Cords,and all sizes of“Dressed:Lumber) = Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivate your corn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LINUNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE. L HARD kK._To be sureof crop,NEW WARE COMPANY.| MiNec tac Ate ba?NblkcNae EM TC LCNL v‘The OdorlessRefrigerator Is built upon sciontificprinciples of refriseration.Every detail has been carried to a remarkable desree of efficiency.Allcompartments areconstantlyflushedwithaon,current of dry,cold,pure air.The heavyinsulationofchemicdllytreated:flax insures-bis,savings on ice bills.The framé is solid oak —baiutifully finished.The trimmings are cast brass and satin finish,The flues and other important inside com- ps are removable—it's easy to clean—absolutely sanitary and odor ess.The visible drip trap-—inside the provision chamber—is easily accessible, One-piece linings,ice pan and drip pan are Zuaranteed against leakage. Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height—can be arranged to suit your requirements.i “Odorless”is the Jast word in scientific refrigeration.If you , are Zein},to buy a refrigerator,come in and see us. Williams Furniture House.. aa | | | ||| |tYourbuildingwilllookwell. The paint will wear well, The paint cost will be lowest,since FEWER GALLONS to buy. What stronger arguments do you FOR SALE BY |4ontgomeryHardware(o.,: Statesville,N.C. azenby-M ’ Doors,Windows,Mantels, Columns,=Stairways; Sash Weights Rough and and | CG.WATKINS,Next to McElwee's W.W.W..RINGS: We have just received another big lot of the famous - “W.Wad.RINGS”.These rings are fully guaranteed.If a set breaks a new one will be putinfreeofcharge.We have them from $2.00 up Get one.—R.H.RICKERT &SON, JEWELERS.\ eg ee ;Outlook For Civil Population of |j Belligerents Hopeless.(ionresvondence of The Landmark, }The outlook for the civil population «44 y oN ry om oe:Belliof.the belligerent,countries of Bu:cnewha Gees eT Niapes,plmost hopeless,aceite to Miss Sallie Rives is very Jow at theHuropéanrepresentativeoftheWarepeererina,rei a white oak,Parker's,r r;thence W.7 1-2 poles poles to the railroad;}lroad 8.ode} | ae \Planters’Warehouse.Statesville.N.C.tne Wt vats."dee "4!NOTICETOCREDITORS. rock »t the head of a diteh;thence N.5 de.)7 Sg eae '‘| srees FE.124 poles to a pine on Levi Bost'p |;Having heen named Trustee pn 8.deedof a line;thence east with said Bost’s line 28 poles jsignment made by 'T.A.Wood &Cou,thin.ts|to a red oak:Boat's corners thence §.to thet®notify all persons’having claims against the _bevinning,containing 24.acres,mote ov lesa.labove-named firm.to present themto me on ort For fuller description,see deed “of Jacob.Par.ibefore the 24th day of April,1917,or this.no-ker to J.A.Ingram,Book of Deeds 12,page |tee will be pleaded.in bar of their recovery.|Foundation,who arrived there Sun-|To Drive Out Malaria in Iredell county;excepting,howeeee |All persons,indebted to T.A.Wood &Co,are|Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.SpectaclesdayonthesteamerNewYorkfrom|And Build U |462,-A tab ,ipTheSystemneIns:*dary abot eae quired to make immediate settlement.‘is 4 Liverpool.'Take the Old’Standard GROVE'S [sce sol oy ioe toe me Me is 1twk pe |tl fitted.a Byes examined free,Satisfaction guaranteed. t :a é s ..44R.FL.HENRY;|. __All the private charity in the world |TASTELESS chill TONI |Terma of Salé—One-half cash on day of con-!could not entirely relieve the distress |wast you aretak ia,the ormaua |rmation of sale and the remainder four |WANTED—10,000 bushels of good whiteshell-| Seperate aegis WIDE AWAKE PHOPLN SAVE MONEY RY READING! i ‘ rock;thence §, thence with the 55 degrees W. Relief Committee of the Rockefeller| |:*:Si months fr date of conilrmation of |sale.|;Jeweler eoofnon-combatants,he said,unless)printed-on every label,showing i Defer ie stay ales]orn,Wil!highest ket h Py ite St::¢it is |Deferred payment to draw interest fro Vai Wort Wil pay Dishes’.mitket.cas sa ca aeeeespespplonpatedbyansDuinondTrobinatasteleanform,|of éanfirmation of gale.”7at W.INGRAM,Mi Ce FLOUR MILLS.oe snaentassistance.from neutral!The Quinia€’drives out malaria,th eager?Ue gen,COMMiBsioneH,ee reneeJcountries,in the form of Toans,-(Troty builds “up the system.50°conte,Paige Meeiorman.AU's |RPE DING?Ce.“WATKINS.i Mien yy 3 vs ;od é '1 i AYGELE tf thf ei'i yeWO Bisley 8 Ne tte polishthat easiesttouse~ the shine thats“hardesttolose. Sailors,-$1.59-to $3.00,Panamas,$5.00 and Le shorns,$3.00. Come in andletus3 fit on that new Hat for Waster. CORRENTE Sate 54 Wreetin4nee ermnetre ee eeePHONENO._SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECco.SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. CRS TU RRA t “AT AMT NLT SCTEMINIM 2ONOD re ee renee ne ae ere JUST ARRIVED. iOP SG P R E P A S TO D CrNewLineSpringSuits,Hats, Shirts and Neckwear.Oo ) RO C 3 ALL THE LATEST in these LINES. Call early and look through.Will take pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or no:. Respectfully, Sloan Sonne Com’y. TRHACRCROICEIEDMONEYISPOWER! MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCE AND OPPORTUNITY! THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! _AND,THE BEST TIME TO STARTIS RIGHT NOWL—— SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK :ACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. “April Ist starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will draw interest,from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly. This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women and men! Cartificates of Deposit issued by this-Bank ‘bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO..H.BROWN President. LL.oe Cashier.- ‘SPRING,GENTLE SPRING has SF RUNG,Lut it has been anything but “gentle”.in its lending, With its sudden shifts from mild,balmy days to cold,bleak days, it is the most treachercus season of the year and sorely taxes the human system té retain its normal condition. It.is therefore up te us to supplement the efforts of nature and keep the system so regwlated that it will be proof against the ills of this varyiny;and wearing period. Our high-class Prescription Department is always at your dail :with the HIGHEST of GUALITY,SKILL and SSRVICE! PURITY,PREC ISION and PROMPTNESS come first,last and.always “On the Square.” POLK.GRAY DRUG COMPANY “Onthe Sure”: 7 Y0 o yyi ‘s 0 0 a n).O 2) o n o Sailors,Panzmas and Leghorns.—— fecTENANTNEN |'The SuccessfulContestants:‘al -Chapel Hill —~Honored,at ~Home.- The fourth:annual seated mot oe High School Debating Union,charac-terized by President Graham of theUniversityasthebiggestcontesteverstagedinNorthCarolina,came to anendFridaynight,at Chapel Hill,whentheGrahamHighSchool,fendedingtheaffirmative,defeated Wilsononthenegativeofthequery:“Re-‘solved,That the United States should |ado t ‘the policy of greatly enlarging its Navy.”|The speakers for Graham .weré|Miss Myrtle Cooper and Boyd Har- iden;for Wilson,Wade Gardner and David Isear.Thus the Aycock cup goes |to Graham this year.¢ After sitting in ju:vgment for over|six hours the judges in the first pre-|liminary rendered verdict as follows? j |Twenty-four schools eligible to entermitesecond’preliminary which took||place Friday morning.Five schools,had the -henor.-of winning-out.beth.|affirmatively ‘and ‘negatively-—these being Raleigh,Wilson,Statesville,|{Gastonia and Rocky.Mount..The} jother teams,—represénting.-the affir | |Mative,which spoke.sain Friday| |morning,‘were Mooresville,Graham, |Eas st Durham,Faison,vinnacle,Lav-| |rinburg und Startown,The schools | 'wining out in the ne gative,excluding| |the towns mentioned.above,»were:| |Pleasant Garden,Cary,Wendell,Low-, joll,Clarkton,Glade Valley and Stem.) When the Graham debaters veachec ||home they were mete<the station by| la procession.of p~utomobiles,headed| iby a band,and Myrtic Cooper,and| |Boyd Harden were put in ¢gaily dee-{orated machine and escorted to ‘tlic court house,where congratulatory j tailks were made.Mr.Lynn Willian: |son,on behalf of L.Bans Holt,own ;cr of the Oneida mills,in whose em- everal members of Miss Cooper's f y have been for the last 23 years| iy resenteed he Coope>«eatinggoldIestatedthatMr.Hott: Brot a “of having-cuch peoats con- cted with his mills and wished to show his‘appreciation of the honor'| ithat has been br oveht to the town, Boyd Harden was given a gold watch | en behalf of citizens A Coere Mergen or the.Greensbars ’ { rem Teehis recor d as Gevaters..°Threc vyears-ago Miss Julia Cooper.was or 'Graham’s affirmative team whieh, jranked next to the winning affirma.|tive team in the final esatost..Two. yvoar3 avo Mics Plonie Cooper,ancthe' ieister,was on’Groham’s affirmative tcam which contested.with Winston.| {Salem for the exp.Miss.Myrtle |Cocper,only 14 years oldat |W ag a member of Graham's nogatyc lwhieh ranked next to WJinston-Salemmeee‘ Votes to Establish Nitrate Plant| The Senate Fridayadopted the ar- jmy_bill amendment of Senator Smith | |of South Garolina,appropriating $16,. /000,000 for a government nitrate|i plant.The vote was 43 to 22.This: action disposed of the second big| Hight in the Senate oyer the Senate|substitute for the House army roor-|4 |ganizatior bill,| |Senator Smith’s amendment pro-. vides for the sale of Panama canal! ‘bonds for raising:the tequircd $15,- +900,000 and the President is author-; rixed to designate not more than five) 'woter power sites for power plants.: | ;|When products of these plants,which will be operated exclusively by the| |government,are not needed for manu-| i facture_of munitions—of—war,-the-sur-- plus could be disposed of..by the Sec-| |retary of War.for fertilizer. ;Three Democrats,Senators Cham-}Lberlin,chairman of the military af-| |gia and.Johnson of Maine,voted ||;2gainst the amendment,while seven’ ‘|Republicans,Senators Clapp,Gronna,F |Kenyon,LaFollette,,McCumber,Nor-!(ris and Poindexter,joined the major-| lity in supporting {t.Senator Under-| |wood’s-proposal to have the govern-| |ment secure a_process for taking ni-| trogen from the air as part of the ar- |my bill,was voted out.by the Sen- ate,48-to 11,Over the objection of|the military-committee an amendment! |by Senator Pomerene,giving military | rank to members of the dental -corps, was adopted.| Turks Sunk Hospital Ship.| Announcement is made by the, Turkish government that the Russian| ‘hospital ship Portugal,sunk in the)Black Sea last month,was tor pedoed | |by a Turkish submarine.The official report says the ‘‘Ship’ was sighted on the night of March 29-! 30.It was steering toward a landing, place.When—daybreak came it wasascertainedthattheshipwasladen heavily and that it was:towing sev-|eral heavily:~loaded punts with nu-/ {merous occupants.The commander! ‘and other officers of thé.submarine| were justified in believing the ship was a‘transport which was on the,way to land troops and supplies.The ship was painted gray with a small red line and flew the Russian flag.No Red Cross flag was flying and the name of the ship was invisible.| “The first torpedo did not hit.Af-ter the explosion of the second tor-, pedo,which struck below the bridge, a violent explosion occurred within’ the ship,This explosion undoubtedly| was due to large quantities of explos-| ives stored in’the ship.Immediately|after this a destroyer©attacked the| submarine.”|The Landmark ~recently ~copied,| from the New York Times,a severe| denunciation of the Germans for the |destruction of .this ship,the Turks, having denied it according to the)Times’story.The responsibility isnowfixed,with the usual excuse. Wheneyer You Need a GeneralTonicTake-Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless|chill Bao is equally valuable as al General Tonic.because it opine thewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUININEandIRON.=It acts on the Liver,DrivesoutMalaria,;@nriches the Blood andBuildsuptheWholeSystem.50 cents. | | | | ments in connection with |has |reading, }death,” ‘ed himself‘s t that time is (rheumatic twinges in my limbs =ayo prfairscommittee,Hardwick of Geor-|™¢to try Doan’s Kidney Pi and the:rheumatic twinge: Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y- Matters, A hired incendiary started ‘the fire!which burned a large part of Salem,|Mass,,causinga loss of $13,000,000,|in,June,1914,Sere.to develop-| the “grand,Jury’s:investigation of a so-calledar:| son trust.The claim of the American meatpackersagainsttheBritishgovern-|ment has been =settled by compro-;mise.The packers shipped a large auantity of rheat,which was seized|by Great Britain.‘The amount agreed|on has been paid the packers by the|British government. Claude A,Fisher of Charlotte, aged 29 years,died in a hospital atPetersburg,Va.,last week from theofectsofinjuriesreceivedinafal from a building at the du Pont pow-der plant,where he was employed.| His remains were taken to Charlotteforbvrial.| Ten actonene have been purchas- ed in the United States for the useoftheChineseaviationschoolatNan.|vuan and should arrive in Peking be-'fore the end of this.month,Four ac-| lanes.have been.sent by the Chi-| nese government for use against the revolutionists:..in Szechuan province. “Hopewell,Va.,the city which has rown from a.village to a city of 35,-880 peeple within a year,and which s twice during that time been wiped wt by fire,Thursday celebrated:itsfirstanniversary.Governor Stuart, members of his staff and other prom- inent State officials headed the pa- rade,which was two miles in length. The body of Henry Delmont East, the mman who last Tuesday night shot roung Neal in Birmingham,Ala., was found later in a vacant lot..InEast’s baggage was found a'note: “Revenge is sweeter thanEastisbelievedtohavekill- He shot.Neal because|the later had married the’woman /with whom East was deeply in love. Attorney General Gregory holds 'that the Federal ‘Reserve Board has no authority.to change.the location of 2 Federal Reserve Bank,His opin- -ion.submitted in-response to a reauestfromtheboard,also held that there is nothing in the law to pre- vent reduction of the capital of re-| serve benks,fixed at $4,000,000 on or- ner |canization,‘by the transfor of mem-' ber banks from one district to anoth-:oy,| The boll weevil will infest.the en- tire cotton section of the South be-fore its progress is checked,accord- ing to the renort of a special mit- |tee of the chamber of commerce of ‘he United States..Attempts to de- stroy the weevil by ‘spraying and pois- cniné have.met with scant success ause the weevil bores.into the! id to vary from 40 to 70 miles, erding to conditions. DON’T TAKE A CHANCE!| Statesville People “Should Act Time. If ‘you suffer from‘backache: ¢/FRomovERTHECOUNTRY. .18,1916,|(tems of Interest About Warlous'’18_|GRAHAM WON THE i i ~ -~Mrs. in3 if you have headaches,dizzy spells;if If the kidney secreti ons are ulaz, Don’t delay—likely jare sick. ate your Statesville —people omm2nd ‘Doan's Kidney Pills. ree Here’s a Statesy a vontan's rience: Mrs.Eugene Fesperman,23 Bell St.,Statesville,says:“I sharp pains across my kidneys 992 1 and} got a supply from the Sta’Leaville| Drug Co.After taking a few dosess, I was relieved of the pain in my back ed,Whenevcr I have any sien of kidney trouble now,I use Doan’s Kid-| jney Pills and they do me good.” Price 50e,at .all.dealers.Don't! simply ask for o kidney remody—-get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that| ‘Mrs.Fesperman had.Foster-Milbarn| SE A LS e L E c g e R e s s S U S e s e e Sa a s Sa Spring re t r a i t e re r e tr e e s owers ! Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. Van |Lindley Co., GREENSBORO,%©.Polk Gray Drug Co., hacal Agents.d BUILDING?C.WATKINS.: and 'q shoulders.One of the family a 7 cand Tb,7 Se . irreg-at kidneys W. had@iy 5 disappear-|Sat Operation have been “infade ‘well by -taking it and now {don’t know + read and answeredby &woman and hele The annual rate of sea re vhs the Dreadful OntealSurgicalOperations. Hospitals are great and neecessary institutions,but theyshouldbethelasteelforwomenwhosufferwithIepeculiartotheirsexanylettersonfileinthePinkiatLaboratoryatLynn,Mafoe”prove that a great number ofwomenaftertheyhavebeenrecommendedtosubmitt<Lydia E,Pinkham’sVegetableCompound.Here are three such letters,Allsickwomenshouldreadthem.“ ~“Masinotte,Wis,—*I Sioa to the doctor.exdhetoldme1mnsthaveanoperationisfemale©trouble,and I hated to have it ote as I pee ese 1anarric:d only a short time.IT would have te le"?apainsandmyhandsandfeetwerecoldallthe”ee Ltook Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Con...ind and was cured,and I feel better in every.)°aor I give you permission to publish ‘myDa because I am so thankful thatrefeel well agate::—Mrs.Frep.Beunxe,Marinette,Wis, Detroit,Mich—*When I first took Lydin:Pinkhain’s Veget=‘hie Compound I was so run.doywithfemaletroublesthatIcouldnotdoanything,and our doctesaidIwouldhaveto.undergo an operation,I could hardly walk,without help so whenLF read about the VegetableCompound.and what,it bad done for’othors I thought I woulda try it.I got a bottlo ofLydia.Pinkham’s Vv evetable Compound and a package of Lydia E.: Pinkham’s Sanative Wash and used them according to directions,’They he ee me andtoday Tam able todo all my work‘and Tam wellnos.Dwrry,989 Mitwaukco Avo.,Kasi,Detxoit,Mich.” Bellevue,Pa,—*T suffered more than tongue cen tell with terrible.Rearing down pains and-inflammation.”Uiried several doctors and>they ail told me the camo story,thas f never could get well-withoutanoperationandIjustdrecadatheihoughtofthat.Talso tried.a ‘good many othor medicines thst_were recommended to me and none ‘of them helped ms until a fr iend advised me to give Lydia E.Pink.ham’s Vegetable Compound a trial,‘The firet bottle helped,Ikept:seeatibistobesickanymoreandIampickingupinweight..Fam 20 yoord cld and weigh 145Lgbcratey |Kt will be the greatest pleasure to ye if ¥can have the otunitytorecommendittoanyothervaiferingwoman—REX omFHORLIGER,1 23 ManhattanSt.,Nozth Side,Bellevue,Pa, “Jf yourwould likes eo atvice writeto Lydia EB.Med.o.(considential),Lynn,Mass.Nour lelter will Pinkham :z in Strictconfidens PEED ea 2 on—< The Statesville Realty &loves Aah Co. eG :INSURANCE!<= As a great many policyholders do not seem to know.thattheirinsurancewillbevoidundercorbingondieay,named in the,contract of the policy Which they buy.We dee it advisable to”mention some of the causes under which the same will.be rendered, valueless,viz:;i—Vacant or idie property for longer than 80 daya--apply.to your agent-for perrait.$"Mechanics inaking additions to,or extraordinary altera-.- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents.ae8-—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of .— same is given-—apply to your agent. 4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-ty insured other than by death.5-~-Assignment or transfer_of property.to ‘another:Soe eee 6—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given,| {-—The taking of other insurance without notice.8—Keeping.parlenives on the premises‘without permit other than kerosene oit9—Property.“encumbered by chattle mortgage.*eePolicyholdersshouldreadlines7to30oftheprintedcontractoftheirpolicies.1t,is impossible for uyents to know of these de-.”ficiencics:unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- on.=ate “WE INSURE ANYTHINGINSURABLE”LF:GARLTON,,Manager, ‘PHONE b4.suoemeneguesee sae eSIBTTTess eessessses Lesseeses To go away from home for your FIELD SEEDS when J.E.Sloop has what you need at the _ right price,and you may return,what you don’t- use and get your MONEY BACK?See me for first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds, Kentucky Blue,Tall Meadow Oats,and Sudan Grass and Rape.Burt,Black,White,“Red rust proof and Bancroft’s Oats.Fertilizers from” 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2.Am looking for those~ who a supplies and fertilizers ontime as well— as cash,I can take care of your wants,© J.E SLOOP. LITT ssa! 2 KODAK Sama The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System have» put amatetr photovraphy within reach of every man,woman and childatsmallcost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.KodaltsuppliesofallkindsinthegenuineEastmanquality. _H.b.WOODWARD ‘Fewororni a HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C.STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR HEATINPlumbingandPrivateWaterSystems,*»* REFERENCES FURNISHED. rene ate ht |ACALLTOARM Aresneer|AMERICA AWAKE!~~ fo Five million men,in the flower of their vigorous young manhood,maimed and—|. *crippled eyon pen Five million more,luckier,perhaps,than their broken comrades,rotting in shallow charnel pits or on the war-torn,blood-soaked soil between miles and miles of hostile.trenches, Ten million men!Half of them dead,the other half worse than dead.: Five million families,each burdened with a helpless human wreck until death removes the burden.Five million more families deprived forever of the bread- winner.Ten to twenty million women-—-mothers,wives and _sisters----saddened, suffering,despairing.Millions of children fatherless,destined to know only a.life of zh hardships.:Millions again---peaceful,innocent non-combatants----old men, “women,little children;starving,homeless,outraged,outcast. for life;legless,armless,blinded,shattered,hopelessly destroyed beyond | name of War. country in case of war? LOOK AT EUROPE TODAY! yd *These millions of people did not.want.war,not one of them would have per-mitted war had they the power to prevent itWhythen,should America feel safe and secure?—.-:What protection is there to’keep the civilized barbarians of today from ex-tending their operations to America?Not the law of right.:Every law of humanity,morality and civilyzation h as been outraged oh the What protection is there to keep the bankrupt nations of Europe from seizingthegreatesttreasurevaultsintheworld-and making slavesof us allofmight.Our Navy is hopelessly inadequate----fifth rate.even more rediculously inefficient.Don't say that we are brave and patriotic and will rally to the support of.ourBraveryandpatriotismamounttonothingagainstthemodernmachineryofwar.: ?Not the lawOurArmyisadmittedly day morning,beginning at 10 o'clock. too,to rally to the support of preparedness. wasting of the land that is invaded and is not prepared for war.” THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE is founded upon HUDSON MAXIM'S famous book,“DEFENCELESS AMERICA,”and shows how entirely unprepared we are to protect ourselves in case of war.- It is the most marvelous production,the most realistic portrayal of patriotism,love,honor and devotion ever shown.This Picture just finished a week's engagement at the Academy of Music in Charlotte at 25c.,35c.and 50c.,and,on account of being booked so far ahead,we were only able to get it for two days—WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY,APRIL 19th and 20th. We will give four performances each day,beginningat.2,6 and 8.p.m.,and if the attendance demands it,will give one Thurs- The prices of admission-will be 25c.for children and 35c.for adults in the.afternoons and 35c.for all seats at night. The Charlotte papers say:‘The Picture is a national appeal,calling to the manhood of the country and to,the womanhood,The effects of war on the womanhood are shown with a fascinating horror. sents the Picture of war's horrors in every detail,with naval battles,land-battles,explosions of huge shells,burning of cities and the It pre- Serra oe Se =— f Ey «|DR.SCOTT TO VIRGINIA.|Presbyte s held Marion last THE LANDMARK :.|Ge Nene ienday evating andThe TUESDAY,--April 18,1916.’Former President Statesviile adjourning Thursday evening.-s |College Goes to Pastorate—‘ovening sermon was preached Tues-Mecting at Club to Organize)Passion Week Services—Con-|2 frening by kley.Dr J.M.Grler-.Board of Charities.cord Presbytery—News of the Rev.Dr.'C.M.Richards of Davidson “The board of directors of a pd Churches.popeecned me ae esey mOEnie Rev.sociated Charities of Statesville,de-op oe Sie 5.H.Hay of Mooresville.partment-committees—and-others-in-1 Rev.Dr.J.A.Beate of Statesville,|Wednesday was spent,in hearing terested,are called to meet at the!who had received a call to 2 pastorate rcports and communications.Dr.W. Commercial club rooms this evening in Campbell county,Va.,near Lynch.,J.Martin was there in the interest“rat 8-o’clock to perfect the organiza-)burg,and wiio Was in Virginia visit-|of Davidson College and President J. tion.r ing when the accident occurred which!@.:Moore in the interest of States-The directors elected at the mect-made him acripplé for several months,|Ville Female College.Elder F.A. ...ing held at Broad Street Methodist |will leave in about two weeks to take!Sherrill of Statesville _presented to__ghurch the first Sunday in January ar€’charge of this work.The people of,Presbytery a resolution from theas,follows:R.R,Clark,J.G.Shel-'the charge declined to surrender Dr.|Alumnae Association in the interest ton,B.F.Long,W.-A.Thomas,Dor-!Scott when he was disabled,but have |of Statesville college.Wednesday af-|man Thompson,D.M.Ausley,L.C.'awaited his recovery and insist on his|ternoon was a conference on Sunday| ‘Wagner,illiam Wallace,E.E./seryices..Dr.Scott served this charge|Schools.Wednesday night a popular|nley,C.M.Steele,Mrs,John F-‘in his early ministry,36 years agu,|meeting was held in the-interest of)owles,Mrs.J.B.Armfield,Mrs.C.|Dr.and Mrs.Scot will be accompa-|home missions at which addresses’V.Henkel,Mrs.T.D.Miller,Mrs.M.|nied-to their new hom:vy Miss Mary!were made by Messrs.C.F.McKes-|-¥-F.Troutman.|Seott and Mr.Gordon scott,son and I.T.Avery of’Morganton.Members of department committees Communion services at Mount Her-'Rev.W.M.Sikes of Newton was|elected at the same time were as-fol--man Lutheran church Sunday morn-Moderator and there were 24 minis-dows:Visiting nurse }—Mrs Charles’ing at 11 o'clock.Preparatory servi-ters and 30 ruling -elders—present.|~Anderson,Mrs:-R.-V.-Brawley,Miss~ces Friday morning at 11 o'clock.j Ministers were “dismissed”to other|Mamie Adams,Mrs.R.E.Nooe,Mrs.;Rev.J.L.Morgan will conduct fields as follows:Rev.J.C.Grier to!.H.Pressly;benevolent and relief,services Easter Sunday—23d—at St.South:Carolina,Rev.T.B.Sheldon!rs.A,L.Coble,Mr.Orin L,.Tur-|Michael’s church at 11a.m.,at Ami-to West Virginia,Rev.Jas.Lapsley»Mrs.L.Harrill,Mrs.J.F.An-}ty at 3.30 p.m.and at St.Paul’s at to’Florida,Rev.E.H,Tron to Italy.derson,Mr.R.R,Clark;_juvenile |7,30.Ee _The latter _is_a Waldensian,livingat- eourt—Rev.J,H.Pressly,Mrs.Ver:The usual Passion services are be-|Valdese,and has been called to the|.Jones,Messrs.Dorman Thompson,jing held in St.John’s Lutheran church!colors of his country and will return! +L.Gilbert-and J.B.Armfield.;this week.Services every evening at there.ae .| *The formal organization of the As-|7.30,with a service Friday at 11 a.m.'_Received into the Presbytery werePociatedCharities,authorized at the Sunrise services Sundav ct 6 a.m..|Rev.S.H.Hay to Mooresville,Rev.'ting mentioned,has been delayed;with preaching and the administration |H.I".Beatty to Concord,Rev.H.M.!+y.various causes.It is hoped there’of the Lord’s Supper az 11 a.m.,con-|Parker to Statesville.Qyill be a full attendance at the meet-'cluding with a sermon at 7.30 p,m.|Reports showed that during thengthisevening.|Rev.F.C.Longacre of Hickory will year 629 had been received into mem-|! ‘7 [a i preach at all the services,after Wed-|bership,making a total of 8,374,|1 Court Cases.[nesday.All that Jesus©oad Hartline was fired and taxed |and did during the lasi week of aton- with the costs by the mzyor yesterday|ing sacrifice,as recorded,will be read for being drunk and disorderly Sun-|in one continuous harmony.This is‘day.divided into seven parts,one-to be used;sembly at Orlanda,Fla.,May 18th,|%Olyde Brandon paid tive costs in the|2t each evening service.The public were elected as follows:Ruling EI-Wihyor’s court yesterday for public|iS cordially mvited to attend these ders I’.A.Sherrill,Scott Miller andsing.services,especially an Good Fridsy,!J.H.Bell;alternates,J.P.Watt,R.|!Earle Kale of Shiloh township sub-and hear this great preecher picture |V.Caldwell and J.M.Furr,Minis-|nitted before Squire Lazenby yester-|this suffering Friend cf Sinnesr.ters,Revs.L.LL.Moore,C.B.Hellerforanassault,a few days ago,on!COM.‘and J.C .Story;alternates,Revs.F.|10 Davidson,He paid the costs.The Laymen’s Missionary team A.Barnes,Byron Clark and C,C.!erman Gabriel,colored,was be-'from the First Baptist chutch was at Myers. e@ Mayor Caldwell Saturday morn-!Hebron church,near Turnersburg,Presbytery adjourned to mect for ‘assaulting his wife the night,Sunday,and held a special missiona-\t Poplar Tent in September.An ad-Gfore,He was let off with the cost ry service.Talks were made by journed meeting will be held in States-- with the understanding if he offended’Messrs.R.T.Weatherman,D._F.:ville May 15th to license T..G.Tate,|‘again he would be dealt with more;Mayberry and J.Paul Leonard.Mu-who lives near Old Fort. -geriously.:{sic was furnished by the Baraca .,Paar ee =C.C.Pierce,who was committed|quartette.‘School Closings. posi Thursday under $250 bond for.The meeting of the Ministerial As-The school at Elmwood closed [ri- ing the year $80,993,which was $10.-|85 per resident.member.|Commissioners to the General As-! having too much liquor,gave bond:sociation‘was held yesterday and the day with exercises and talks by RevWridayandwasreleased.|following named officers were re-elect-J.I’. 7 °W..H.Horton of south Statesville!ed:Rev.C.M.White president,Rev. (was arrested Thursday night with!5S,W.Haddon vice president,and Dr.Fae gellons of liquor in his buggy.!Chas.Anderson secretary.The hour ‘The officers were waiting by the road-|for evening service was changed,be- Side about seven miles north of town.|ginning next Sunday,to 8 o'clock. <gbout 10.30 o’clock,~-when Horton!Miss Arnold of West Virginia,a:along,headed for town.He mission worker for the Southern Pres- |arrested and gave $200 bond for,byterian Church,who recently attend. is.appearance before ’Squire Lazen-|ed themissionary congress in Panama.| y Friday morning for a preliminary,and Miss Kirk of Tuscumbia,Ala., pring.At the hearing the bond ‘ddressed the members of the Young gs renewed for appearance at Supe-|Woman’s Christian Associstion of the tior Court.|college,and others,at the.college:shih tier cabins canatpas Sunday afte*noon.sented a Bible and Mr.Henry LewiséSplendidforRheomatiam.=Concord Presbyterial meets at Da-|a flag,-Bh ate hor cemberiain’s,Linimerin past|vidson today and Mrs.C.E.Raynal,!The Mazeppa school closes Friday. :ridge,N.Y..“It has been used by|Mrs,BE.B.Watts,Mrs,R.W.Orr,Mrs |Se weelf and other members of my family time!/J.I.Tharpe,Miss Mamie McElwee}fg time agnin during the past six years and)and ‘probably others areisfaction.”The|i }‘bur ties pee which “Chamberlain's (attend from Statesville.| ‘Mffords:ix “ntone worth many times oan a |Kirk and Rev.Dr.Chas.Ander-| son,Mr.G.E.Dull also talked on;commuxity club work.| The closing exercises of Holl:Springs school were held Saturday,|The Junior Order presented a Bible} and flag,the Bible being presented by| Mr.C.B.Webb and the flag by Mr | John Lewis.There was a_larzecrowdandtheexercisesweregood.Mountain View school,New Hope township,closed Friday.In additiontoother-exercises,in behalf of the Junior Order Mr..C,M.Adams pre. a —Interestedparties are invited andexpectedto)asked to take boxes.to a box-supperRatClark’s school house —SaturdayForthebenefitofBethel,Bap- sien ~— Gift For Tuberculosis Sanita-! it rium. A gift to the Southern Sociological Congress of 700 acres of land nearAfheville,to be used as the location of*a proposed large tuberculosis.san- itarium for the South,was announc-' ed-by officials of the congress,in ses-sion in New Orleans Friday.The ‘gift was made by Mrs,D.B. Safford,.a wealthy widow of Hot Springs,N.C.She also gave $20,- 000.in cash aa the nucleus of a fund to be raised to erect the hospital buildings.With the announcementofMrs.Safford’s gift,J.E.McCul-' loch,general gress,stated has ben pledged by an unnamed per- son for the operation of the.sanita- rium=after-meney forthe buildings has been obtained.The Sociological' Congress,officials said,will make the| raising of $100,000 forthe _projeetpartofthehealthcampaigncontem-!plated by the organization.The congress also purposes tryingto-induce the several Southern States to.appropriate funds for the erection! of State buildings on the sanitarium. grounds,‘where tubercular’patients from the =several Commonwealths , secretary of Ancient Landmark Burned. The Iron Works Mill,in Rocking- ham_county,was-burned last week. The loss was about complete and is es- timated at $15,000.\This mifl,says the Reidsville Re-| view,was built about 150 years agc|and has been in continuous operation|! during that period.{t received its| may_hesent.for treatment._—sae many years ago there was a foundry! in operation in -conreciion with the} erist mill.—It-is rich in historic asso-| ciations.and has’chansred owners}many.‘times.t the con-| that $200,000 already, Christ said There was given for all purposes dur-|name from the fact that at one-time || Cornwallis’-army,it ist said,camped there during his retreat| from Guilford Courthouse to York.| town,| Piles-Cured In 6 to 14 Days | Your druggist will refund money if PAZO; 1The first application viv=s Kase and Rest.50c. “y HEN GOOD COOKS wantW:thing,we want to haveitreadyfor-them.Good eooks ask.for Snowdrift.So.we have it.Have you tried SNOW- DRIFT,the Perfect Shortening, a,if FOR CROQUETTES Croquettes and everything fried look better,taste better and digestbetterwhenmade.with the per-fect wholesome shortening—-Snow-drift.Snowdrift is the perfect shorten-ing for every cooking purpose— for frying,for shortening,formaking.bread,«cake,biscuit and pastry?)s 3 |OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching,||Blind,Bieeding or Protruding Piles in 6tol4 days,| | sii tone :|night.JThespringmeetingofConcord|tisk church,waeryt ? Miller-McLain Sapply Co. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. GRADUATION DRESSES. Added to our stock of Silk dresses we have a dozen or more beautiful white net gradua- tion and party dresses.Some trimmed with pink and light blue and some all white ——very,very attractive at $12.50. Other street and afternoon dresses of white and colored Voils,$5.00 to $8.50. White Voils,washSilks and combinations, latest models,special,$1.00,Some new numbers at $2.50 to $3.50. Sinch White Lace Boots. The most wanted Shoe for Women today is the high eight inch White Boot. We’re showing them today in the white cloth,with.white soles and heels,at $5.00 the pair., Same styles inwhite washable Kid,at $8.00 the pair.You should see them—they’re great. SHOP-BY MAIL AND SEND _US_THE ORDER,it you can’t come to town,and you'll get quick and careful attention given to your wants and everything will be sent to your door prepaid within a few hours after you say the word. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. |The Store That Pays The Postage on’ “Mail Orders. wea -=i {tT 1s ‘WOR’TH WHILE(ELDON GI i ees ene fap tsnent te ee srooetennapn exepreeternntineerrenneretegmemnanentecnicnsneensenneef0STUDYTHE-ADS—~ eee = — VOL.XLII.STATESVILLE,N,C.,FRIDAY,APRIL 21,1916. ee oC NO80.'oe SPEPee rere,sare LAST WORD TO GERMANY. Submarine Warfare as Now Con-ducted Must End or Diplomat- ic Relations Will Be Severed—The President Sends Practical Ultimatum to Germany andTellsCongress.What He Has Done. President:-Wilson’s long-expectedfinalwarningto.Germany that’the} United States will break off diplomat-!ic relations unless she abandons her present.methods «of submarine ‘war: fare,and immediately declares herintentiontodoso,was delivered Wednesday in a-note~to Berlin and was announced by the President in an address to a joint session of Con-gress.’: The President demands nothing lessthantheabandonmentofsubmarine ‘warfare against commerce.Both the President’s address and the American note declare in unequivocal terms that only by Germany acceding to the Wednesday afternoon. demand can the breaking off of}re- lations be prevented., The President considers that the next step depends solely upon Ger-many and that three or four daysconstituteareasonabletimeforare-ply.He is willing to discuss how sub- marine warfare may be conducted within’the limits of international law and humanity,after Germany aban-dons her present methods. Diplomatic history records but one | instance as yet where a breaking ofrelationsbetweentwo‘first-class pow-ers has not eventually brought warthatwhichnowexistsbetweenGer-many and Italy. Count von Bernstorff,German ‘am- bassador,has already reiterated to Secretary Lansing that under novcir-|cumstances will Germany give up thesubmarineas'a weapon of warfare,because,he contends,it is a retalia-tion‘for Great Britain’s food block--ade.-The ambassador has declared,however,that his government will at-tempt to bring their operations with-in the law of nations.This the Unit-ed States is willing to discuss,afterGermanyhasabandonedherpresentmethods—not before. Against that possibility stands thedeclarationintheAmericannotethattheUnitedStateshas-considered fromthefirstthattheemploymentofsub-marines for destruction of commerceisbyitsverynature“utterly incom-patible with the principles of human-ity,the long-established and incor-trovertible rights of neutrals and thesacredimmunitiesofnon-combat-ants.”Clearly the President’s de-mand is that the use of the subma-rine should be restricted to operationsagainstwarships.Upon that rock thefriendlyrelationsbetweenthetwocountriesmayberent.“Tate Tuesday evening the PresidentnotifiedHouseandSenateleadersthathewantedtoaddressajointsessionofCongréssat1‘o'clock Wednesday.At once it was understood that thelaststagehadbeenreachedwithGer-many and there was intense,thoughsubdued,excitement.When the Pres-ident appeared in the House prompt-ly at 1 o’clock he was confronted by}an assembly of grave Senators andRepresentativeswho.greeted himwithapplauseandlaterhungintent-lv unon every word he uttered.ThePresident’asked nothing of Congress.He came only to inform it of his ac-tion.He did it in 15 minutes and_Congress_went—back-to work solemn-ly impressed with the situation whichconfrontsthecountry. Mann a Dissenter, Official Washington,barring.Re- publican House Leader.Mann,—seems to have decided that President Wil-son has taken the only course_possi-ble with national self-respect in hislastwordtoGermany.Mann says thePresident“never has been neutral”but has heen “on the English side allthetime.”What the President sayshboutGermany,said Mr.Mann,‘whileitisgrosslyexaggerated,is a justcomplaint..But he could say just thesameaboutEnglandandourship- ving,substitute ‘seizing ships’for ‘sinking shins.’It is a mistake to break off diplomatic relations with Germany.That is simply to-quit in a pet.It is perfectly evident that! the President,as a campaign politi- cal dodge,is trying to work.up»to a point where he can get’into a war with Germany during a presidential campaign.”.| The Address. Following is the President’s ad- dress to Congress:|“Gentlemen of the Congress:|A situation has arfsen in the for- eign relations of the country of | which it is my plain duty to inform’you very frankly. It will be recalled that in Febru- ary,1915,the imperial German gov- ernment announced its intention to treat the waters surrounding Great Britain and Ireland as embraced within the seat of war and to destroyallmerchantshipsownedbyitsen-! | emies that might be found within anypartofthatportionofthehighseasandthatitwarnedallvessels,of neu-,tral as well as belligerent ownership,|to keep out of,the waters it had thus,prescribed or else enter them at theirperil. First Protest,The government of theStatesearnestlyprotested:It tookthepositionthatsuchapolicycouldnotbepursuedwithoutthepracticalcertaintyofgrossandpalpableviola-tions of the law of nations,particu-|larly if submarine craft were to be!employed as_ifs instruments,inas-much as the rules orbesrited by thatlaw,rules founded upon principles of»Wmanity and.established .for the!(Continued on Fourth Page.)|| United ithen, Cvs =l'THE YEGGMEN ON TRIAL! Three Men Charged With Many Postoflice Robberies on Trialin-Federal Court—A Cloud of Witnesses —Chain of Circum- stantial Evidence For the Gov- ernment. The three alleged yeggmen,“OldTomDowd,”alias Thos.O’Dowd,alias Thos.Price,and then some;James ||Hackettt,alias Brooklyn.Slim No.1,'Brooklyn Slim Nox 2-and.about 47 other ‘aliases more or less;Grady Koontz,alias something else,werevut.on trial in the Federal -eourt+The bill of; indictment is as long as the moral law,but it charges in brief,that the|gentry aforesaid did unlawfully con-spire,enter into by force and rob the -postoffices..at.Hillsboro,..Mocksville,| Kannapolis,Marshville and North Charlotte at certain periods during1915. Old Tom Dowd,citizen of the world, is 65 years old and-of unprepossess- ing appearance.It is said that his, prison sentences aggregate 40 of his’ 65 years.“He is under sentence now of five years for a postoffice robbery in Maryland and was brought to, Statesville from the Federal prison,in Atlanta.He was arrested in Vir-| ginia last winter,at the home ofhis! wife,to answer for the North Caro-| lina robberies,and was later taken to Baltimore to answer for the Maryland offence.He plead guilty,it is alleg- ed,to save his.partners and received the sentence of five years., Hackett,alias Brooklyn’Slim,is a young man,rather —boyish -looking. His face does not betray the criminal the government alleges him to be. He was arrested in Charlotte last Oc- tober and has been in jail there since He comes from the North’it is said—a product of one of the cities, Old Dowd jis cunning.Hackett is smart.It is said that he has plenty of money;that he had his meals served from a cafe when he was inCharlottejail;and when brought toStatesvilleheaskedifthejailwas sanitary.He was not used to sleep- ing in dirty beds,he said.He is offastidioustastes. »Grady Koontz,young man,ratherboyishlooking,is a North Carolinapreduct,from Davidson county.He was arrested at Mayodan,Rocking- ham county,last October.Re had a lot of liquor,six dynamite caps andfuses..and other suspicious articles in his suit case,and the local officer notified the postoffice inspectors.The ‘e ..tmovernmentistrying to show thatKoontzparticipated:with Dowd andHackettinsomeoftherobberies.The mother of Koontz,Mrs.J.D.Raker of Greensboro,sits by her sonincourtandisevidentlymuchcon-cerned about him.With her is ayounggirlfromLexington,Miss Vir-tie Kindley,a friend of young Koontz,Koontz’s father was also here,Hisfatherandmotheraredivorcedandeachmarriedasecondtimesincethedivorcewasgranted.Dowd’s wife isnot-present.If Hackett-has-any rel-atives they are not in evidence. Mr.Plummer Stewart of CharlotteiscounselforHackett;Messrs.J.R.McRary of Lexington and H.P.Grier-of—Statesvitle-appear for Koontz.Dowd employed no counsel and JudgeBoydassignedMr.John Lewis ofStatesvilletorepresenthim. The jury was selected with littletrouble.The government,represent-ed by District.Attorney Hammer andAssistantDistrictAttorneyHoey,excused three or four of the regularjurors.Mr,Stewart excused one_be-eause he was a second cousinof Dis-trict Attorney Hammer and anotherbecausehewas;or-nadl been.an as-sistant postmaster.Mr.Stewart\didn’t want jurors who were,or are,inanyWayconnectedwiththegovern.ment.As finally constituted the jurywascomposedofthefollowing:J:E,Colvert,Jesse M.Fisher,B.L.Mor-rison,T.O.Teague,J.R.Alexander,C.A,Holtshouser,L.F.Weaver,R:KE.Armfield,G.C.Courtney,G.M.Barger,T.C.Green,Jr.,W.V.Watts.The Testimony. Two witnesses were examined Wedsnesdayevening—Sheriff Flynt of For-syth county and T.R,Hilton,a depu-Sheriff Flynt identified two suitcaseswhichcontainedcapsandfuses,brece and hits,‘bcttles of liquid,cartridges,ete.,and a lot of clothes.Which were found,with two “pinch”bars,in an abandoned automobile nearGlemmons,Forsyth county,early inthemoriingafterthepostofficerob-bery at Mocksville.The outfit wasbroughttothesheriffbyDeputyHil-ton and others,who found them in theautomobileg Yesterday morning when court con-vened at 10.30,Postmaster Geo.Lynch‘of Hillsboro told of the wrecking of thesafeinhisofficeonthenightofMarch25,1915,from which money andstampsweretaken.The safe doorwasinevidence. L.E,Huggins,—postmaster.atMarshville,said the safe in his offfec,was wrecked by an exptosion on thenightofOctober15,1915.Stamps tethevalueof$148.88 and some cashweretaken.Pieces of the wreckedsafewereinevidence.a , Thos.A.Stone,assistant postmasteratMocksville,told of the w~ecking ofthesafeintheMocksvilpofficeearlyonthemorningofJune25,1915,Therobbersgotnothingfromthesafebutdidget$17.02 in stamps from a draw-er in the office:Parts of the wreckedsafewereexhibited.Mr.Stone saidtherewasevidencethatthesafewaswreckedbyliquidofsomesort.,Heidentifiedamailsacktakenfromtheofficeandthenumberoystamps.J.A.Garrison of Charlotte testifiedthathearrestedJamosHackettatthe Charlotte postoffice October 27,1915andfoundonhim2bottleofnitro-glycerine.Knew it.was ntiroglycerinebecausehe'and postoffice inspectorstestedthestuffnextaayanditburstapieceofgraniteintosmallparticlesJ,A.Smith,postoffice inspector,wa: present when Hatkett was.arrestedandcorroboratedGarrison,InspectorSmithsaidHacketttoldhimthestuff in the.bottle was medicine for .eczema,“You are.not a doctor?”asked)MrStewart,Hackett’s counsel,+“No,”said the inspector.“You don’t know that nitroglycerine isnt good for,eeze.ma?”The inspector admitted that he}:didn’t.“‘And you know it.is-used fa: other purposes except to blow safes ?? continued Mr.Stewart.The inspectoradmittedthatitwas.~~ H.J.Walker,officer at MayedanRockinghamcounty,arrested Grady Koontz at Mayodan October 5 or61915,He asked Koontz what he had in his suit case.Koontz prompily.an- swered liquor and was placed underarrest.The officer found in the suit case caps and fuses.12 pints of liq-uor,soap,flash lights,chisel,Scissorsbrushes,ete.Koontz tried to breakout,of the lock-up.He asked the.offi- cer.what the bond would be and the answer was $2,000.Koontz sent a 'tel- ogram,to J.W.Coe,Winston-Salem, asking for aid.Koontz’s counsel ask- ed questions to show that Koontz was a barber and that some of the tools in.the suit case were barber tools“Where's the liquor?”asked Mr Stewart,and Judge boyd said the in-quiry was timely..The officer said -he poured it out and Mr.Stewart.said that was all he wanted to know. A.G.Maynor of Greensboro,a barber,knew Koontz and had.soldhimbarbertools.Koontz worked in Greensboro as a barber.J.C.Tate, a Jiquor dealer of Roanoke,Va.,iden- tified Koontz as the man to whom he had sold 12 pints of liquor. C,L.Gilbert,jailer of Statesville, told of an apparent attempt on the part of Koontz to -escape from |jail since he was brought here.Suspic- ious actions of a party.on outside at- tracted attention,Koontz’s cell was searched,a blanket cut in strips,'a ball of twine,a razor and _pocketknife were found in the bed in the cell.It was learned that Koontz got razor from county _prisoner,Ex-SheriffMeKenzieofRowan,now deputy marshal,testified to about thé same tacts. Rober J.Hitt,garage man at.Wins- ton-Salem,had a visitor,who said his name was John Clark,with an avi¢- mobile at two different times,the last time the day before the Mocksville robbery.The car,a Ford,made up of 1918,1914 and 1915 parts,was the same found by officers near Clem- mons the morning after the Mocks- ville robbery.= Z._N.Anderson,merchant of Mocksville,met a car about seven miles from Mocksville,the evening before the robbery,.going in the di- rection of Mocksville.He thought Dowd was one of the occupants of he car. J.R.Harbin,jailer at Mocksville, heard an explosion the night of the rabbery,went out and saw two men run away,Mr.Dingler,jeweler,was vositive Dowd was in:his place in Mocksville about June 10.Mrs.C.G.Woodruff heard the exptostow =the] night of.the robbery and saw a car pass without lights.Mayor Swaim ofMocksville.aroused by the explosion, also saw the car pass,going toward Winston-Salem,without lights.A.W. Ellis,at Farmington,got a_telephone message about the robbery.A car had passed a short time before. Policeman Early of Winston-Salem, heard-of-_the-rebbery-by~phone-and-he- and others started toward Mocksville. Near Clemmons.they ran up toa car in the road and a man ran away from it.Car was disabled.They found thesuit-cases—and-—contents,already de- scribed. R.W.Hodgin,for nearly 13 vears a postoffice inspector,explained the sys- tem of safe-blowing as he had ob- served it in about 75 cases,He had seen and examined fluid Found in possession of Hackett and it was nitro-glycerine.He gtated that within a period of a few months in.1915 and within a radius of 130 to 0 miles of Charlotte,safes had been blown,or pn attempt made to blow them,in tTillsboro,|Marshville,Mocksville, Kannapolis.North Charlotte,Lowell, McAdensville,Cleveland,Forest City, Huntersville,Mount Holly,Matthews, West Durham,Mebane,Elon Colleve, Carthage,Lillington and Stanley Creek, Alex Chafin,now serving a term in Union county for felony,testified that he had seen Grady Koontz at several points in the State in.June of 1915,craveling.in an automobile with a (915 body and 1914 ranning gear.In Winston-Salem Koontz told him thathehadlosthiscarinMocksville. This-eonversation—-was—just after the Morksville robbery. C.L.Gray,chief of police of High Point,told that Chafin had said tohimthatthedescriptionofthecar found at.Mocksville answered that of the car Koontz had had.Gray said Chafin’s general character is bad.W.J.Dixon,posoffice inspector of Baltimore,Md.,testified that he knewTomDowdandhadparticipatedinhis arrest December 18,1915,at Steven- son,Va.Found on him Savage re-volver,cartridges,flashlight,steel drills,maps of several States,time- tables and absorbent cotton and afewhundreddollarsinmoney.These were exhibited in court,©. Alice Hill,colored;of Hillsboro,near the postoffice.Saw automobile inHillsboroaftermidnightofMarch25,1915,with three men in it.Recogniz- ed Dowd as one of the men and Brbok- lyn Slim‘as another.Did not think (Continued on Sixth Page.) STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Community Hospitals —Protest Doctors’Tax—Dr:Long’s Paper Community hospitals in every North Carolina town of 5,000 popula: tion and more,supported.by county taxation,was the central theme pre- sented in the address of Dr.H.M.Fletcher,president of the State Med- ical Society,at the meeting of thesocietyinDurhamthisweek.Thecountyhealth‘societies are urged tofakethelead.in this work.:Dr.Fletcher also entered ~protest against the tax of $5 Ievied on doc-tors by the Legislature, “The Boston tea party cid not haveanythinglikeasmuchofagpriev-ance against the British as the NorthCarolinadoctors..have against.our State Legislature for levying a special tax on our profession,”continued Dr. Fletcher.“The $5 in itself is not the only cause of our protest.The prin- ciple of allowing the State to class us with trades,the circus,the barber, and tax us accordingly,without a protest on our part,is wrong,It istaxingapubliccharity. “The State exacts much of our time,makés us pay a penalty for not reporting our births,when that infor- mation is of no direct benefit to thosewhomakethereports.The public isbenefitedbythisandmanyotherserv-ices that we render the State free. Half of the work of the average doc-tor during the life of his active serv- ‘ee is done without’compensation. We pay for the privilege of servingthepublicfornothingandnoother ¢lass—of—citizens~who work forthe good they can do,are taxed in thisway.” “Modern Methods of Chemical DI- agnosis”Was .a paper by Dr.J.R.Lowery of Raleigh,formerly,ofCountyLine,Davie county;“ys- menorrhoea,”was the subject.of a paper by Dr.H.F.Long of States-ville. The application of surgery in the future will concern.itself more with the manifestations of diseased —or- gans and the care of parasitic organs than heretofore,was the prediction of Dr.William J.Mayo,world-famed surgeon of Rochester,Minn.,in his address to the Medical Society on the subject,“Some Indications -for the Removal of the Spleen.”= Dr.Chas.O’H.Laughinghouse —ofGreenvillewaselected—president .ofthesociety,Dr.D.J.Hill of Lexing-ton first vice president and-Dr.J.-H. Shuford of Hickory third vice presi- dent.Dr.M,R.Adams of States- ville is a member of the board~of2ensors. Guilty of Mailing Obscene Let- ter—Federa!Court Cases. K.E.Ampiah,Rowan county,us- ing the mails in furtherance of scheme to defraud;nol.pros.withleave: ‘Pink Mitchell,Burke county,Gistil- ling;mistrial last term;continued. L,F.Willis,Burke county,distil-ling;continued for defendant.because his house burned Monday. J.H.Dellinger,McDowell county,distilling;not guilty. John Goins,Burke county,distil-ling;not guilty.0.et York and Patterson Lail,dis- tilling;plead guilty;to be imprison-ed for a-year-each in Atlanta and fined $100 each. opening of next court the ment wil be suspended. Schuyler Smith and Sidney Cook, Burke county,distilling;guilty; Jo.Vanhorn,Burke county,distil-ling;plead guilty;prayer for judg- imprison- Fment continued.| John Barrier,Burke county,distil-ling;called and failed;judgment niSci. John Kizer,Burke ling;not guilty. John Yancey,Burke county,distil-ling;plead guilty;fined $100. T..C.Fortner of McDowell was con- victed of sending an obscene letter through the mails,The letter was to his brother-in-law and was too bad to be read or spread ‘on the records. mer leave today for a visit to-Ral Tredell Man Injured in Ball Game. Mr.Glenn Frye of Shiloh —town- ship,this county,a son of the late Eli D?Fry,who is in school at Hick- ory,was seriously hurt while play- ing ball in’Hickory Monday after- noon.The Hickory Record of Tues- day says: “What promised to be one of the prettiest.ball games ever played on the local diamond was marred yes- terday afternoon by the serious inju- ry of Glenn Fry,second baseman for Lenoir College team,who fell at sec- ond base during the sixth inning and sustained hurts that the attending physician,Dr.C.L.Hunsucker,for-a time thought would prove fatal.**Mr.Fry remained unconscious until 7 o’clock last evening,but hewasmuchbetterlastnightandtodayhe.was regarded as out of danger. For 15 minutes after the fall his lifewasdespairedof.He .was knocked breathless and his back and head in-jured.His many friends will be glad to:learn that he is getting along nice-ly:today.” Child Struck in Head With Axe. éRex Moore,3-year-old son of Mr.Locke Moore of Chambersburg township,is in Billingsley hospitalwith‘a three or four-inch gash in hisskull..The wound is serious but is not expected to give any permanent serious trouble.The little fellow gotinthewayofanolderbrother,whowas’chopping,and the axe acciden- tally struck him.Dr,L.V.Cloaning- county,distil- er dressed the wound, If the fines are paid by the} AN ENGINEER IN CHARGE. Government Engineer _Will Su- pervise Maintenance of Cen- tral Highway. The county commissioners,in special session Wednesday,made ap- rdlcmaliin to the United States Office of Public Roads for the assignmentofahengineertosupervisethemain- tenance of the Central Highway through Iredell.The county is topay..theactual cost.of the mainte-nance.The service of the engineer isfurnishedfreebythegovernment.This was the result of the visit of the road engineers,who are inspect-ing the Central Highway through the’ State,to Statesville Wednesday.Thepartywascomposedof,Mr.E.W. James;chief of the United StatesOfficeofPublicRoads;Mr.«ks Spoon,senior government road.en- gineer,and Mr.W..S.Fallis,State highway engineer.These gentlemenaddressedthecommissioners—and-afewcitizensintheSuperiorCourt room,after their arrival here fromSalisburyat10o’clock Wednesday morning.° The government is giving‘all pos- sible aid in promoting good road work and is especially encouragingthepropermaintenanceofroads. With the latter object in view,gov- ernment engineers have been assign-ed to the more prominent throughhighways,where the county authori-ties agree to have the work of main- tenance done under the supervision of these engineers.The purpose ofthetripovertheCentralHighwayistomakethisarrangementwiththedifferentcountyauthoritiesthroughwhichtheroadruns.In ev-ery countyothrough which"the high-way passes,from Morehead City toStatesville,the agreement was madewiththecountyauthorities.If ar-rangement.can be made with countiescovering51percent.of ‘the totalmileageofthehighway,two govern-ment engineers ‘will-be assigned tosupervisethemaintenance—the su-pervision of course covering only theterritorywherethelocalauthoritiesapprovethe.grrangement and agreetoabideitforayear.Following isthe‘order passed by the Iredell com-.missioners: “It is ordered that request bemadetotheDirectoroftheUnitedStatesOfficeofPublicRoadsfortheassignmentofanengineertoadvisewiththisboard,‘or its members,and’to take charge of the maintenanée ofthepublicroadleadingfromRowancountylinethroughStatesvilletotheCatawbalineatBuffaloShoalsbridge,and known as_the CentralHighway;and the road leading fromtheDaviecountylinetoStatesville,and known as the Post road,a totaldistanceofapproximately31miles;and,in order to facilitate said main-tenance,it.is._further-ordered-thattheroadshallbeunderthecompletecontrol,in so far as maintenance—isconcerned,of the said engineer,andallemployeshavingtodowiththemaintenanceofthisroadareherebysubjecttotheordersofthesaiden-gineer.:“Tt is further ordered that the ac-tual cost of maintenance,for-the-cur-.rent fiscal yeag,from:the revenues ofTredellcounty,be appropriated forthemaintenanceofsuchroad.”The sum and substance of the mat-ter is that the county will continue tohavetheseroadsmaintained,eitherbythecountyroadforceorbycon-tractors,but the work will be underthedirectionofagovernmentengin-eer and must be annroved by him be-fore-nayment-is-made-to eontractors;and bills for material purchased mustbeapprovedbyhim.The maintenance of our roads—tosecurethehighestdegreeofefficten-cy at.the lowest possible cost—is themostimportantproblembeforeourcountygovernment,The road__en-gineers assigned to this maintenanceworkbythegovernmentareexpertswhohavestudiedtheproblemand“who are expected to get results at thelowest,possible cost.While the su-nervision:will be confined to one mainthoroughfare,it.will be-a practical‘bject ‘lesson for all ‘the road majn-tenanee in the county and will conse-quently be a practical benefit to ey-ery _roud_in_the county. After two hours’stay in States-ville,Messrs.Fallis,James andSnoonTeftforNewtontoconferwithCatawhacommissioners,,SheriffDeatonaccompaniedthemtoNewton.Mr.C.J.Fleming of Cleveland pilot-ed the partv through Rowan en routetoStatesvilleandtheyweremetnearElmwoodbyanautoparty.fromStatesvillecomposedofMessrs.N.B.Mills,W.I,Gilbert,W.C.Moore,R.V.Brawley and Sheriff Deaton, Immigration Bill Favorably Re- ported. The House immigration.bill,-con- taining the hard-fought literacy test,hut with amendments said to meetPresidentWilson’s objection,has been favorably reported to-the Senate.TheSenateimmigrationcommittee thought the House provision exempt- ing nersons who committed or advo: cated purcly political offenses toobroad,and amended the section to @x-clude such if the offence was a felony.The.bill as now recommended would exclude all aliens over 16 yearswhocannotreadsomelanguage,In-eluding Hebrew or Yiddish,but pro-vides that any admissible allen mdysringinhisover55yearsold,his,wife,his moth-er,grandmother or his unmarried:orwidoweddaughter,Exemption.fromtheliteracytest-also would ‘ineludethoseseekingtoavoidreligiousper- Ae father or}grandfather BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS =-Mrs.W.Statesville reported ripe ©strawber-ries from her garden yesterday,—Miss Sallie Reeves,81 years old,died yesterday ‘afternoon at her homenClarksburyneighborhood,innorth Tredell,:ees—The public is asked to rememberCoolSpringcommencementtodayandMr.Cameron Morrison’s address at11o'clock his oa :cat -——-Mr.H,;orton 6:Wilkesboro,who had-been.in the San-atorium for-an operation,left.TuedayforCharlottetovisitrelatives, —Some one forcibly entered thepressingclubofMr.Calvin »Young,Bloomfield,Wednesday night,+took some razors and clothing.‘No clue.:\—Miss Annie Rode of Washington,|D.C.,in charge of welfare work of the Southern Railway Company,washereWednesdayinspectingthesta-tion and premises of the Southern,— —Miss Maggie Sherrill went toCharlotteWédriesdaytoseeherfath-er,Mr.J.W.Sherrill,who is in theCharlotteSanatoriumforMr...Sherrill’s condition is improved, t—-Meeting of Commetcial»club *members tonight to elect’successors whose terms have expired.Mr.J.B,Ross of Charlotte will cddress‘the club.J \Soh SEE—Messrs.J.A.Ballentine,J...H.Bryant,Albert Cooperand P,P.Pur-nell were in Charlotte Tuesday meet-ing with the Scottish Rite «Masons.Degrees were conferred and a banquetserved.;:Ue oa feet4—iLicense has been issued for themarriageofMr.Walter Lee Rodgers |and Miss Bessie Lee Cloaninger;Mr,H.D.Dellinger and Miss Rachel AnnGant;Mr,Allen B.Codfrey and Miss: Eva Lee Bruce,a i—The teachers of the primary de-partment of the First PresbyterianSundayschool-will give to:the*chil=: ternoon_at_3_o’clock.eek—Drs.H,F.Long,R.A.Campbell;i.M.Yount,M.R.Adams,T,E.An:derson and F.A,Carpenter have re-—turned from Durham,where they.at-tended the meeting.of the North Car-olina Medical Society.:--hs ORR~-Tomorrow is clean-up day at.Harmony High:School.;are asked to.bring dinner:for“adirimer.Inthe -afternoon-~willbeanegg-hunt for the little ones.There will -be‘an ice cream supper intheevening.z ct—Mr.W.J.Bost,a saw mill man of No.11 township,Cabarrus.county,was in Statesville this week to buysawmillmachineryfrom.Mr.C,H.Turner.Mr.Bost’s mill was buriedistSaturdayandhethinks-the fire, was incendiary.~‘nN=Rev.-Dr.Chas,_E.-Raynal has:acceptedtheinvitationtopreachthebac-calaureate sermon-at the commence-.ment.exercises of Salem.Aicademy. picniciL make an address before the North Car-olina Federation of Wiomen’s clubs atBighPoint.; bought the:Miller property on_west.Broad street,has decided tq movethepresenthousetotheeastsideofthelot-and-remodel it,This-willbedoneinthecourseofafewmonthsandMr.Henkel will build a nice res-idence on.the west side of the lot. —Some.of the -_railroad_-section_forces at work in this section areeauippingtheirhandcarswithmotors.This arrangement will doubtlessly.beéasierontheworkmenbut—it-wilt-never look the same to the-outsider..What is a handcar without the menpumpingitalongthetrack? —An alarm that sent the fire truck out-early yesterday--afternoon-was:onaccountofaforest:fire.on Mr..Geo. south of town.The firemen were no-tified that there was-a fire at “Mr.Lentz’s and the.truck went to theresidenceownedbyMr..Lentz,on Bell street.:|.—-Mr.Ed.Powers,who lives nearMooresville,early yesterday morn-.ing lost his barn,outbuildings,sixmules,a horse,—two-cows,—vehieles,-farm implements,grain,roughness,etc.,and about a ton of guano by fire. The loss is estimated at $4,000:wtihnoinsurance,Fire believed to hay been incendiary.‘,~-The Seventh Day Adventists, who will hold a méeting in States-ville for several weeks,will havetheirtentforservicesonMr.’D.F,Jenkins"lot,adjoining the People’s:Loan and Savings Bank.Many “Adsventistsfromadistancewillattendchemeetingandtheywilllivein)&camp which has been established.in —The ‘attendance on the meetingattheCommercialclubrooms.Tues-day evening to organize the Associ-ated.Charities for -Statesville was small.It was.decided to appoint.acommitteeonconstitutionand.by-laws,to report at another meeting to’be held within a week,when officers-will be elected and the organizationcompletéd.“Messrs.W.-A,Thomasand-C,M,Steele and Mrs,J.Fv:Bowles compose the committee..'Thedateofthenextmeetingwillbean-nounced.in due time.ae A report comes from Badin,viaAlbemarle,that a negro,eriraged ‘athiswife,beat her brains out with anaxeandinanattempttoescapéjumpedintheYadkin:river and wasdrowned.pi a . Russia has’sent troops toFranceandEnglandin.the secution,a oe)against the’Germangon the front..i FE.Bowles of “north~ dren of that-department an©Easter ~egg-hunt_on_the-church lawn this af-- »An-. All patrons. heb next month.May 2d Dr.Raynal will ~ *—Mr.C.V.Henkel;“who .recently ~ Lentz’s farm,about a mile anda half — te grove on Park street,adjoining|Billingsley hospital.-:eo North } 5 tment,»." to members.of---board-ef-governors > sited:Boi ftary trial. “RR,QV A rere who lived in the aug section of Davie county, ed on the 15th,aged 81 years. C.Trenholm McCleneghan of Ral- ‘eigh,a well-known insurance —man, :tered the race for Insurance -missioner against Commissioner J3.7R..Young. Lenoir News:Dr.C.L.Wilson.has sbeured ‘a big hollow tree to turn in- a playhouse for his children.The ee measures four and a half feet co and the cavity is four feet. ‘The Postoffice Department,it .is ina ,has requested the removal of J. 'E.Ligon,from the postmastership at Lillington because of alleged.failure to.discharge his official duties,The _telaim is made that he failed to sub- imit his official reports promptly. Julius Cauble,superintendent of a ‘ba mbe county convict camp,was acquitted in Superior Court of the charge of embezzling county supplies. Judge Harding decided —the evidence was.not sufficient to°allow’the case to go to the jury. Gov.Craig has pardoned George Thrift of Mecklenburg county,con- victed of manslaughter in.March, 1914,and.sentenced to four years on the roads.Geo.Mayhew of Union county,convicted of manslaughter in 1910 and sentenced to ten years in State prison,is also permitted to go. Harry Stein,a young business man of:Kinston,died in a hospital there Tuesday from a bullet wound inflict- ed three weeks ago by Margaret Par- who is being held pending pre- The police say there 483 is no evidence to offset her claim of Tae . s@fdefence.The woman says Stein jealous and had threatened herknifewhensheshothim.eeete he interests got possession of a, “7 majority of the stock of one of Gas- *tonia’s numerous cotton mills,a few days ago,and at once turned out the | ¥officers and management and put in j others.Then the men ousted—one be-| =ing W.T.Rankin,a well known mill man—got busy for a new mill.They: raised,$75,000 of stock in two hours <:and of course Gastonia is to havean-| :;other -mill. MATTERS OF NEWS. Sterling F,Higley,a city official of, Glens Falls,N,Y.,shot himself dead while his books were being audited. Mr.and Mrs.Randall Brown,aged about 60,were killed and their home, ~*near Batesville,Ind.,was set on fire.| <:Robbery is believed to have been the; ‘es pays its own way. motive. The Copyright Office is one of the few government ‘institutions which In 1915-its ex- penses were $102,580 and fees receiv- ed were $9,342 more than that 43 amount.' A dispatch from Berlin,Germany, i.says vacant lots in Berlin and_other >.German cities are suddenly springing ay —into life as vegetable gardens.Be- =cause of the food shortage,lot own- a ing seeds this spring.ers throughout the empire are sow- It falls out that John Dykes,a manrecentlylynchedinFlorida,was post- master at Greenhead,Fla.Whether nele Sam will take notice of this ther abrupt method of severing apostmasterfrom~his~job,-remains~to be seen.Dykes was charged with itinurder. “tween Chinese rebels |Uae }@thd provinces. “An armistice has been declared be-and ‘President ‘Yuan Shi Kai and peace negotiatians are jn progress,the State Department at:Washington has been officially id.Prominent:leaders of bothnsareendeavoringtore-unite, Ex-Gov.J.S.Cox of Tennessee hasbeenappointed.postmaster at Bris-,tal;Tenn.The ex-Governor was not a candidate.He had recommended N..D.Bachman,a Confederate veter-— an.The department ruled that Bach-man was too old.Cox was then rec-| ommended and appointed, —Gustave-Olson,-one-of two Ameri-* cans aboard the Russian bark Impe- “xator from Gulfport,Miss.,for Mar- seilles,France,was ‘wounded whenthe,vessel was fired upon —without warning by an Austrian submarine off the Culumbrede Islands,according* toofficial advices to the State Depart-' ment,Olson is said to be from Min- neapolis. Von Papen and Other German Emissaries Indicted. Captain Franz von Papen,recalled:o been in- {;:Qe?attache to the German em: +dicted by the Federal grand jury in’I at 'Washington,has New_York-city-in connection with theallegedplot.to blow up the Welland, ~--~eanal in September,1914. hifi ‘The indictment is understood to be| based on testimony given before the, éj5 2 .plot to destroy the canal. ¥PRLS‘ATT Von Papen was one of five persons| indicted in ‘the case,including Cap- tain Hans Tauscher,who already is| under arrest,charged with being con-céizied in the plot. jury by Horst von Der Goltz,also known as Bridgman Taylor,who was|brought here from England lastmonth,after it had been discovered|that check stubs taken from Von Pa-| —pen-on-his-return trip back to Ger=° many showed payments by the mili-. wy?attache to Von Der Goltz.Von tified that Von Papen engineered the \ ba,’ii Iredell Man Named For Senate. ‘4 i The Republican convention of the28thsenatorialdistrict—composed of the counties of Davie,Yadkin andWilkes—met at Yadkinville MondayandnamedS.Carter Williams ofYadkinfortheStateSenate.Themendationisequivalenttoanominationintheprimaryandthenominationmeansanelection;for thedistrictisoverwhelminglyRepubli- can. ~-member of the well known WilliamsofnorthIredell.He has livedinYadkinvilleforsomeyears,wheresheisapracticingattorney.He repre-sented Yadkin in the last Legislatureandsecuredforthecountyabondis- ‘the cost, Goltz is understood to have tes-| Mr.Williams is an Iredell man,al mer dovadse,wide, |DEATH OF MRS.FO Taylorsville Guests at an Iredell ‘Wedding—Taylorsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark.- “Taylorsville,April 20—Mrs.Jane Fortner,died Tuesday night~at the home of Mr.Wilson Chapman.on Highland.Death resulted from heart trouble.She was 78 years of age and is survived by two step-sons—Messrs. T.J.-Fortner of this place and J.M. Fortner of Little River township.Mr. Fortner died in prison during the war between-the States and she reared his sons and of late years had made‘her home with Mr.J.M.Fortner,Three weeks ago she came here to the home of Mr.Fortner’s son-in-law~so—she could be near a physician,The re- imains,accompanied by Mr.and Mrs. T,J.Fortner,were carried to Mr.J. |M.Fortner’s Wednesday evening.The |burial will be at the Bumgarner bury- jing ground this morning and the fun- leral will be from-the residence,Rev. |W.J.Bumgarner will conduct the |services.|Mrs.W.P:Hedrick and.Misses |Laura and Sue Hedrick and Gertrude i Cooper,went.to Bradford's,Tredell,.to attend the marriage of Miss Lillian ‘Bradford,daughter of Mr,and Mrs, R.L.Bradford,to Dr.Espey E,Little,| lat the home of the.bride’s parents. lthis afternoon at 5 o'clock. |Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Deal and Mrs. IL,L.Moore will leave this evening| ‘for Washington,D.C.Mr.end Mrs ‘Deal will visit their son,Mr.Roy L Deal,and Mrs.Moore was called there by the serious illness of her nephew |Master Robert Banks,son of Mr,and 'Mrs.Howard A.Banks.Mr.and Mrs. 'T.H.Miller will go to Raleigh Friday iin their automobile,where Mr.Maller will attend the banquet of alumni of 'Harvard ‘University.Mrs,H.T.Kelly and children will go to Mocksville to- ‘day to visit Mrs,Kelly’s mother. Mr.Kelly will take them down in their, tomobile. Mr.Chas P. has called a convention of the Demo- cratic party to meet at the house Saturday,22d,at 2 o'clock for au the purpose of electing delegates:to, the State convention.Messrs.G.C.Teague and U.A. Teague have sold their farm and or- chard jin Ellendale township to Mr Chas.Stine of Ellendale,Mr.G.C.Teague,who has had charge of Sheriff R.A.Adams’furni- ture store,has resigned.He will de- vote his time to farming andthe sheriff’s son,Mr.Gre.Adams.will have charge of the store.Mrs.C€.L.Matieson went to Mooresville Tuesday evening,where she will visit at the homes of Messrs, C.P.McNeely:and W.L.Matheson and will also attend Concord Presby- terial at Davidson College.Messrs Roscoe Watts and Pleas Teague re- turned Tuesday from Virginia. Birthday Dinner—Mir.Bowles Very Ih. Sorreapondence of The Landmark. Hiddenite,R-t,April 18 —Sun- day,16th,the friends and relatives of Mr.W.W,McCurdy met at his home to celebrate his 58th birthday by giv- ing him a big dinner.There was a inice,large table and all present en- joyed themselves.Mr.Wm.Linney made a nice taik,after which Mr.R. Carson returned thanks,and then all feasted.There was a large crow¢ and while a good many of the young folks hurried off to Sunday school andotherplacesofinterest,a good many stayed around and chatted until the shadows began to lengthen and then all went home,wishing Mr.McCurdy many more birthdays just as pleasant. Mr.Wm,Bowles,Sr.,is very ill with heart trouble.As he is very old, dhis recovery is doubted.Rev.J.P.preached at -Linney’s Grove Saturday and Sunday Gwaltney 'in the absence of the pastor,Rev.J. W.Watts,who was“in Statesville as- sisting in a meeting.‘ ‘Girl Charged With Killing Her. Mother. Charged with the murder of her mother,last’Saturday afternoon,Sal- ‘lie Bryson,the pretty and_intelligent youhg daughter of Robert Bryson of Hamburg township,Jackson county, is now in Jackson county jail at-Syl- va,says a dispatch to the Asheville Citizen. It is alleged that the girl was rep- rimanded by her mother for trifling offence;that she discharged a gun at her parent while the latter was sitting at a sewing machine, |The gun’s contents lodged in the side of her mother’s head,causin ginstant (death.The coroner’s jury found that the mother came to her death from a gunshot-wound,the gun being in the i hands of the daughter. It is said the girl first admitted that she shot her mother but laterclaimedthatthegunwasaccidentally 'discharged.Soeeeeneeneseneceneneneeneeeneneeneaa Box Supper—Some Fruit Left. Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,April 19 —We have been requested.to announce through box supper at Union Grove Saturday i night,22d,for the benefit of church—to help put a new roof on it, and “other expenses.The public is will try to make it pleasant. placé Sunday afternoon at 2,30 p.m., |for the benefit of he children.There seems from:the freezes. |they will be spared. |Mexican War Survivors. |North Carolina has four survivors of the Mexican war—the one of the |40s,not the present.They are James \ |haw and John Curtis of Bryson City,|Swain county.In the United States pe were 680 and in 1914 there were Ove,caaiauipamanstinisianemisiiiniagias bo __,Splendid for Rheumatism,|1 think Chamberlain's Liniment is just{splendid for rheumatism,”-writes Mrs.Dun-urgh,Eldridge,N.Y.“It has.been used by miynelt and other members of my family timejandtimeagain.during the past Six years and{has always given the best of satisfaction.”ThepatarelieffrompainwhichChamberlain's}Liniment affords is alone worth many timesObtainableeverywhere., Fortner,widow of the late John -G.|- Matheson,chairman,!a court | some, The Landmark that there will be a ; the| cirdially invited to come out and we! i There3 wil also be an egg hunt atthe samc’ to be a few peaches) ,and a good crop of apples left,so far,; May we hope that N.Brown of Concord,Benj.Pritchett| ‘of Senia,James M.Sweat of Wax-, there are only 510 survivors.In 1915 |€LOSE OF OLIN The Programme—Flag and’ble Presentation —Two Fine Teachers. Correspondénce of The Landmark, SCHOOL and appreciative audience. forenoon the exercises ‘were with prayer by Rev.J,C.Mock,fol- |Jowed by music,and an able address April 18th,was attended by a Tale‘AY%2 heard with great interest.It is with pleasure and vride we remember that Mr.Holland:lives among us and does |not come by “parcel post”from a ;distance,;|The Rev.Ovid Pullen,In an apt‘and interesting talk,presented the|seventh grade certificates to the class| |of seven.as follows:Carl,Earl and!|Hugh Weaver,’Sallie Tatum,Ava |Feimster,Amelie Gasque and Lola |Bradley,|.Other features of thes morning’s|programme were songs and music hy the string band.Recitation by How- ard Jurney,“Getting Acquainted!“With Dady’”“The Dead Pugsy Cat,”|‘by Marjorie Gasque.~After this a)sumptuous dinner was served on the}grounds,1 in the afternoon the audience was, highly entertained by members of the ‘Junior Order,The opening speechbyMr.C.B.Webb was wholesome||ith wit and was a fine exvressfon of|la strong man.He was followed by, Messrs.Adams,Fesperman,W..W,;‘Holland and Rev.Mr.Pullen,and} 'cch was greatly appreciated.The| beautiful scene of the presentation of|the Bible and flag will long Hnger-in, our hearts,| The skill with which the young’ people played their parts in the eve-| ning marked them as artists,The} ‘drama,“Jumbo Jim,”with Mr,Rash| as leading man and the ever faithful| “and inimitable “jumbo”as his able| ssistant,with others in the cast,licited much commendation.| In the “Cabbage Hill School,”with? its amiable teacher,Miss Kathleen Holland and 2 coterie of children,|:¢displayed extraordinary ability,| The poem,interpreted as repre~! senting “War Brides,”with original, music and pantomime by Mrs.Mok. Gasque,was effectively rendered by|seven young -women.| The play,“Dr.Snowball,”by the} Weaver brothers.in which-was char- acterized three “noar’real Ethios| pians,was highly enjoyable.i“Taking the Census.”by Myron, T:Mary Holland;“The Pro- vosal,”by James Gasque and Lola) Bradley,were ~worthy of .mention.| Music by Mrs.Holland,Mr.No T.} Summers and others added niuch to the enjéyment of the occasion.«' t is with reluctance,and &senge of¢ inward pain,we bid adieu to a good? and worthy woman.Miss Nannie| Rivers,the principal of the school,| and her assistant.Miss Ada Canter.| Both have won the high regard and} affection of our people.The excel:| lent work they have done still lives ret them.|aiter e Would Increase Eeer anu Whis-| key Tax. Estimating that the government! will have to provide for $225,000,000| additional revenue in the coming general revenue revision bill,the House wa and means committee! Democrats.are seriously contemplat-! ing increasing the tax on beer to $2! a barrel and on whiskey to $1.50 a gallon.| This would produce about $33,000,-| 000 more from beer and $50,000,000! more from whiskey and the commit-| teemen are considering raising the|balance of the .$225,000,000 by a} franchise tax on war munitions,low-| _cring of the exemption of the income:}. tax and a raising of the amount of| the income sur-tax, GLERK ALL RUN DOWN Restored To Health By Vinol Shelbyville,Ind.—‘‘I ama clerk ina hotel and was all run down,no energy,my blood was poor and my face coveredwithpimples.I got so weak I had to-put up an awful fight to keep at work.After taking many other remedies with-out benefit Vinol hes retored my health and strength.’’—Roy F.Birp.For all run-down,—weak,nervous'conditions of men and women,nothing |equals Vinol,-our delicious cod liver and }iron tonic without oil,Try it on our guarantee, W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. Olin,April 19 —Theclosing exer-}:cises of Olin school on.Thursday,) by)Mr.W.W.-Holland;-which~-was}* SS S as h.}vesBPord Gizto.ceees {ape »$i5.aS JODRICH *atively e @ NSIDER nowthe means by which many Tires have been given maximum tion,—1.¢.,byAmeansofa‘‘sandpapery’’texture in theRubberteacrytimetheBrakesarepuiton,to make suck Tires‘Kv ime the Brakesareput.on makesuch Tigriptheroad,the relatively hard,imyielding and comparbrittle,texture of the Rubber in their causes these Treads to grind away on the pavement,to WEAROUTfastatthepointofcontact.~The suddenefficiency of their grinding-Traction alsotugssosharplyontheRubberAdhesivebetweenthelayersofI’abric inTireas to separate these layers,-There is little ‘‘give’’to them~~just as there is little“slide”?to them.‘.So,they gain Traction at the expense of.Mileage.;_\\Naturally such Tires ‘require a great:BULK of suchmeberinordertodeliverreasonableMileagebeforewornouVewe And,therein they differ radically;from GOODRICH“‘Barefoot’’Tires.Beguuse,—the Safety-Tread on Goodrich Tires is made”of ‘‘Barefoot-Rubber,’?a new,and exclusive compoundwhichdiscardsunnecessarywhitish“‘frictional’’ingredi-ents that are heaviest and inert,as proved by theirlighterweight, H _—When the weight:of.the Car bears on.this clinging ‘‘Barcfoot-Rubber’’Tread,andthepowerisappliedtogoaheadorreverse,the wonderfulstretchinthe‘‘Barefoot’’Rubber Sole (or Tread)of theGoodrichTireactsasasortofLubricant.between theVabrieStructureoftheTireandtheRoad,-ty.Then,the Barefoot-Rubber ‘‘Toes,”of the Goodrich Safety-Tread Tire,CLING to the pavement (instead of grinding against it),in such manner as your Bare Foot would cling to a shppery surface—without Grind,and so,with the minimum of Frictional Heat or Wear for mazi- mum Traction.14..Goodrich ‘‘Barefoot-Rubber’’is now made into Goodrich FABRIC Tires,—Goodrich Silvertown Cord Pires,—Good-sich Inner Tubes,—Goodrich Truck Tires,—Goodrich MotorCycle,and Bicycle,Tires,-as well as into Goodrich Rub-ber Boots,Over-Shoes,Soles and Heels..Get a Sliver of it from your nearest Goodrich Branch,or ee:Stretch it thousands of times,but break:it you can’t.,That’s the Stuff that GOODRICH Black-Tread Tires are made of. e >*yT.e ERE is how it acts in Automobiling,— THE DB.F.GOODRICH CO. uns 2 Lkron,Olio ——"“BAREFOOT”Tires Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots.WE sell in any quantity._WE,sell the celebrated.Gold.Medal Flour.WE sell Sweet teed for Horses and MulesWEsellSweet Daisy Feed for Cows.WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts. WE SELL FOR LESS.-WE pay CASH for country __‘Corn and Oats. WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CO., C.D.MOORE,Prop. *Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St. BORE Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY is milled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of itto the pound than other flour.It is economy to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary (C.Boshamer, Local Representative, ne 125 Black.It.aw.’ W.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street.. ‘|Plumbing and Heat-ing and all repairs for same.Locks and Guns repaired and1.Keys.fitted.In fact |anything in —repairline, | Phone 209. ’WANTED! Home comforts can only be by heating your house..Heating is one thing we give otir special at- tention.Everything in Sheet Met- al we make.Ask us any question about this line.If you have not time to drop in the shop ’phone 55. Yours for Heating and Sheet Met- .al Work.Statesville Tin Co. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full Stock—Lowest Prices. |Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing, 'Moulding,Laths,Lime,-Cement, ete.°Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpoundee:ieFORSALE: New and second hand “inachinery for sale and all kinds of-boiler room supplies.".. ER.Cc.H.TURN Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. BUILDING?C.WATKINS.|§, PP P P E P S TL I O LO S S SL O S S TC O ST TE ee e ee e e e et . Go-Carts a Sulkies! Take Babies out these fineQ spring days and bring the roses to the their checks and “health to their We have the GO-CARTS and SULKIES in quantities—assorted bodies. styles,sizes and prices.Come and_ _see and get first choice. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. LIIFIervosecesselessTTTee SITITIIVIIITES5.552205555555 TIIIT77t SITsIIIIII SO T P T O O S e OF STATESVILLE,N.C.Commercial National Bank Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Fedéral Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and évéry accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer.4 oy OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,-«~_President. Vice President,_.KE.MORRISON,©=~Cashier, ~-Assistant Cashier,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E,HUGHEY, 3 corte i i‘was'morethan any onecouldtell, « % % # A of the et $ ‘(6%)Wette tor.Chattanooga Medicine Co.,Ladies’:Dest,Costancoga,Tonn,,for SpecialiOnyourcase64-page book “Home,|Remora "inplainwrapper.N.C,124 24a ‘butnone did me anygood seAEL AGN.si apvavena»Says;“Isuffered Train 1 stomach ly etuaged Itried most every kind of.medicine, read one day aboutCardul,the wo-man’s fonic,and !decided to try it.Jahottakenbutaboutsixbottlesuntilalmostcured.“It did-me morethanalltheothermedicines'I had»put together, My friends began asking me why Ikedsowell,and {told them aboutveralarenowtakingit,”Do you,‘lady reader,suffer from anyailmentsduetowomanlytroubte,such as headache,backache,sideachesleeplessness,and that everlastingly tired Ifso,let us u ‘ou to giveCarduiamaeelconfidentitetthelpyou,million other women inpasthalfcentury, 4 in taking .Cardui.-to-day,Y‘won't regret it.All druggists.~ LINCOLN LITHIA WATER! Tf you are well drink Lincoln Lithia Waterandkwell;if sick,get well by the sameroute.Polk Gray Drug (Co.has it.THELINCOLNLITHIAWATERCO.,Lincolnton,N.C.April 18—4t*®. I We have the greatest dis- :“Something New”| poy|Easter Candies! ’ play of Easter Candies in ‘town.See our windows. Sherrill &Reece, ‘Phone 123.|108 West Broad St Fresh grated ‘coconut with the milk preciselylike.a fresh coconut.-Use for everything a‘fresh cocdnut:is usedfor.Try a ten cent can for your Easter cake. ——’PHONE 89.—— Eagle &Milholland. EASTER.| We have on display afulllineofEasterNovel-“ties,Post cards,Book-#7letsandEggDye. ~RP.ALLISON'SBookStore. * ‘Has all grades of Pine,Cedar, |press and Tin Shingles at from $1.40 SE B B E B E S me ee ee aesinNo.24 ar,83 veFrom.Taylorsville.=‘|Train No,28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m.¥iH-+until evening,but I am'told that |Train No,15 ar.6:40,leaves 7505 BW.Nos.28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. Honor Roll Wayside School.. Correspundence of The Landmark. Honor.roll of Wayside school forfifthmonth:Fred..Allison,WadeCloyd,—-Oscar.Dellinger,.Pressly,Ethel Deal,,Paul Ellis,James Ellis,Lula Ellis,Allen Freeland,Em- ory Freeland,Vance Freeland,Phoebe Lowery,A.V.Lowery,LeeMayLowery,Cortez Lowery,MaryLineberger,,Margaret Lineberger,Cora Lee Munday,Grady Reavis,Ma-mie’Reavis,Vander Shoemaker,Hen-ry Warren. Teachers—Miss Janie Gray,MissAliceBilbie,Bis Tried Various KidneyRemediesBut:Only One Proved Reliable It is with great pleasure that Iwritetheselinesofpraiseforyour wonderful kidney and bladder reme- dy.I had kidney trouble so bad I be-came very much alarmed.I had triedvarious_kidney remedies I heard ofbutwithoutrelief.I was about.dis- couraged of ever being helped,when,one day,I picked up a book contain-ing testimonials of people who hadheenhelpedandcuredoftheirkid-ney trouble by the use of Dr.Kilmer’sSwamp-Root,so I decided to try it and I-know I owe my.present goodhealthtothewonderfulcurativepow- er of Swamp-Root.I sincerely hopemywordswillbethemeansofrestor-ing many other sufferers of kidneyandbladdertroublestogoodhealth, Very truly yours, B,J..FENSTERMAKER,1491 Roycroft Ave.,Lakewood,0.‘Personally appeared before me this18thdayofOctober,1915,B.J.Fen-stermaker,who.subscribed the abovestatementandmadeoaththatthesameistrueinsubstanceandinfact.Wm.J.KLOTZBACH,Notary Public. Letter to meDr.Kilmer &de, Binghamton,NY. Prove what Swamp-root will do for you Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co., Binghamton,N.Y.,for a sample sizebottle.It will.convince anyone.You will also receive a booklet of valua- ble information,telling about the kid-| neys and bladder.When writing,be sure and mention the Statesville Semi- Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores.: SHINGLE KING WATKINS Cy- per square and up.All he asks is that you “Buy Where You Can BuyCheapest!” C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. “DADDY,IWANTIT” Sd -<Knox.-a Correspondenceof‘The Lands =|=“Elmwood,April 17..— ")fort and patience on the part gf Miss __jion for vocational education of enligst- THE ELMWOOD SCHOOL.| Closing Exercises—An Appre-|lation of Mrs.Pou and Miss. ~t rrire Milaebaage eo | be tA ,Friday was.a red letter day for the children and,for thé matter of that the grown-ups,|too,Quite early.in thé “giorning;folks began to gather’on the groundsadjoiningthechurch,the -morningprogrammebeingtimedtosat11!o'clock,when addresses wereRev,J.F.Kirk and others.day a sumptuous lunch was enjoyed| by all present.‘¥|I was not.privileged to be present those lunch baskets contained:things |to make a hungry man’s mouth wa-ter,and men are always hungry at a| pienie,|In the afternoon Rev,Dr.Ander-;son,Mr.Dull and others made ‘talksonco-operation,progress and everysubjectwhichhelpsthecommunity spirit.MeThecertificateswerenreschated tothemembersofthecookingclass(alist.of the names’was’published inlastTuesday’s Landmark),and afterthepresentationMrs,W.C.Pou madeatalkontheworkdone’by the class and the work still to be done..The evening programme’was.fur-nished entirely by ‘the ‘school chil-dren.and it certainly showed great ef- Knox,the school teacher.::.I would like to add a few words of appreciation.to this report—of MissKnoxandMrs.Clarence Pou.Both oftheseladieshavedonemuchforourcommunityduringthepastwinter.Mrs.Pou has devoted her timejalmost1entirelytoourcookingclassandIsincerelyhope'that the members will benefit by all that she has ed toteachthem;and not think that be-cause the classes are over it is notnecessaryforthemto,think of thisworkanymoreuntilnextsession.LetusallrepayMrs,Pou for her unsel- fish interest by maintaining ovr owninterestinwhatwehaveleaun-til such time as she is prepared to teach again.ieForMissKnoxIwanttosay thatI-hope the school committe will seetheirwaycleartogetherhereagainforthechildrenofnextsession.Itisnecessary,if possible,for the same teacher to teach for more than oneyearin,succession.Country.childrenareatagreatdisadvantagebyYreas-on of the short sessions of school andtheaddedhandicap©of differentteachereveryyear.The change doesthemanirreparablewrong,egpecial-ly when the teacher is one of high!moral courage,who does her duty! with a fearlessness which one can only admire.We all hope that Miss!Knox will have a restful _vacation) and that the committee may*see fit| to ask her to come -back and take!charge of the new school,which we|are all hoping may be.built”before | next winter.A.M.B. |A MILLION FIGHTING MEN. |Senate Makes Big Increase in’ Army Bill.oT The Senate was consideringthe ar-| {my bill Tuesday afternoon when ad-vised that the President wighed a| joint session of both houses next day,| and in.quick succession the body}adopted amendments which in effect. would eventually create an available| fighting force -of 1,000,000 men.The |reorganization of the National|Guard,the creation of a volunteer ar- imy,military training in schools,and an amendment to increase the stand- |ing army to 250,000—a number much‘in excess of the military committee’s recommendations or the provisions of the House bill—were quickly approv- ed. Important provisions of the Senatehillnot.in the House measure include the following: Appropriation of $15,000,000 for construction of government plants for production of nitrates to be used in manufacture of ammunition;provis- ed men of the regular army,compell- ing instruction either in agricultureorthemechanicalarts;creation oftheNationalGuardsectioninthe general staff_of the army and requir- ing all officers_and_enlisted men of the National Guard to subscribe.to an oath to support the United States aswellastherespectiveStates;provis-ion for Federal pay for all National A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.~Office phone .494.Residence,451 Black. DR.G. One of the many parts of Myers’Pump that make up the quality.asthis.feature-alone has solved the secret.. ~”W.E.MUNDAY Sells:Myers.Pump.’Phone —55. Of course she does.And you should get it for her.There are’many “born musicians”who would become famous.pianists if their “daddies” would get them a piano while they are in their tender years and their minds in the formative stage,Your little girl may be one of these.Give her an opportunity to develop her tal- ent.The cost of the piano is not to be compared with the loss of the tal- ent.How often have you heard your mother,wife or sister regretting that she did not have a piano when she was a girl?If you-do-not-feel-able now to buy a new high-priced instru- ment,we-can sell-you a slightly used high grade Weser Piano at a low price.Visit our store or write fora list of our piano bargains. LEONARD PIANO STORE, Morrison Building,W.Broad St. YOU HAVE TRIED THRE REST— P JUST RECEIVED. Afine line of Berlin &Jones stationery,the latest in writing paper.:Gome and examine it for yourself.Also a nice line of pound paper. Brady Printing Co., -Statesville,N.C. NOW USE pHs BEST! ‘|The patrons of the school showed Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,, BUILDING?C.WATKINS.:Stateaville,N.C, Guard offigers above the rank of cap-tain:oa Close Monogram School. Correapondenege of The Landmark. The commencement exercises ofMonogramgradedschool,which oc- curred April 18,were marked by ex- ercises of excellence on the part of the students and of the speaker;and by the fine attendance of patrons and friends both in and out of the community.Promptly at 10 o'clock exercises were rendered by the students,con- sisting of songs,—recitations, logues-and_—instrumental _selections.At 11 o’clock Mr.W.C.Feimster ofNewton,in his most interesting andimpressivestyle,delighted his au-dience with an address on “Man.”At 8 p.m.a play entitled “Home Ties” was giver to an immense and appre- ciative audience,Catawba,R-2. Close.of Shinsville School— —Pleased-With the Teacher. Correspondence of The Landmark Shinsville,April 18 -—Shinsvilleschoolclosedafewdaysagowithout an_entertainment.Those on honorroll-for-the-year-are Ethel Overcash,Johnnie and Lucile Shinn.‘The school was successfully taughtbyMissLulaHendrenofAlexandercounty.._This makes her second year at this place, [their appreciation of Miss Hendren’s |work as a teacher by signing a peti- |tion requesting her to teach their school next year.She is a teacher of ‘quite a bit of experience and_it.is {hoped that she will accept the.invi- tation and come back next year. |Chamberlain’sCoughRemedy. |From a small beginning the sate and use of[this remedy has extended to all parts of the} |United States and to many foreign countries,|When’you have need of such a medicine give will understand why.it has become so popularforcoughs,colds and croup.’Obtainnble.eve eminent |. dia-1 {cember, a Cough Remedy a trial and you erywhere. eet NEWS OF CURRENT EVENTS| Incidents:Se red.From illPartsoftheCountry...7%ae ere ta eenf Guil- ord county,a lepress-‘ed,shot.himgelf dead,4 m The National Association of Fish-eriesatWashingtno this week and heardanaddressbySecretaryRedfieldoftheDepartment:of Commerce. Gov,Rye of Tennessee has issuedaroclamationdesignatingGoodri fasting.and.prayer to the end thatmayguidetheactionsoftheAmericanpeoplerelativetothegreatwarinEurope.a‘The North Wilkesboro HustlersaysMr,L.W.Vannoy,a Confeder-ate veteran living near the foot oftheBlueRidgeinWilkes,fell fromaloadofhayandwasseriouslyhurt,|Since he has sustained a stroke ofparalysisandhisconditioniscritical. Miss Mary Owen Graham of Char-lotte,president of the North Caroli-na Teachers’Assembly and assistant|superintendent of schools in Meck-lenburg,has been offered the presi-dency of Peace Institute,Raleigh,andhastheofferunderconsideration.| The plant of ‘the National Conduit&Cable Co.at Hastings,N.Y.,wasclosed:Wednesday after striking em:ployes and their.sympathizers hadstonedthefactorybuildingsandbat-tled with deputy.sheriffs a few hours earlier.About 1,000 men who had re-mained at work will be thrown.outofemployment. The Senate Democrats have decid-ed to enact into law the House bill re- pealing the provision in the Under-wood-Simmons tariff law,which wouldhaveplacedsugaronthe‘free ‘listMay,1915..The Senate offered as asubstitutefortheHousebillameas- ure simply extending the sugar 'taxforfouryears.The House refused toacceptit. Struggle on the Battle Fronts. The Germans near Haudremont,northeast of,Verdun,in a hayonet at- tack in which heavy casualties were} inflicted onthe French,have captur-|, ed a stone quarry,around which they.#gained a footing Monday.Artillery duels are still in progress!on the Russian front;but there havebeen_no_important changes in_posi-tions. reth river,in Galicia,was’repulsed,Still another defeat of the Turks intheregionofErezeerumisrecorded amebytheRussians. Trebizond,the most important Turkish ‘city on the Black Sea,has been captured by the Russians.This 1S cation. Trebizond is a city of Asia-Mino¥t on the Black Sea,575 miles east ofConstantinopleand100milesnorth of Erzerum,the town stormed by the Russians on February 16.Trebizond has a population of about 40,000,in- cluding some 18,000 Christians.The importance of the Black Sea port was due to its command of the point where the chief trade route from Per-sia and Central Asia descends to thesea.It is separated from the rest of Asia-Minor ie a barrier of rugged mountains 7,000 to 8,000 feet high, which the Russian .armies had totraverse. Nothing Further in Mexico Till Scott Reports. No decision as to withdrawal of American troops from Mexico is ex- nected.for a week or 10 days unless there are new outbreaks against the forces in Mexico to compel immediateaction.This was made clear.when confirmed in an official communi- mmissioners was in session | t}||| ay,which is today,as a day for! A Russian attack against}:Austrian positions on the upper Se-j£ mh :He BuyMICHELIN »Red Inner Tubes Often Matched in Color—_But Not in Quality! Michelin Tubes.are ‘Red’because certain in«gredients n to thei i»Sotacanywonti2.Red.superior elasticity and Many inferior tubes are si d;-: nadln Imitation of Micheline act the Michelin ingredients are]:1arenomoredumabiethanordinarygreeoeBuyMichelins--The Original Red Tubes--AndlGetThe.Best :Carolina Motor Co. ‘Secretary Baker dispatched Maj.Gen.|* Whether you live.in the City,the suburbs “> or on the farm,this is a good year for you Beettohaveabetterlawnthaneverbefore..”'-“Uncle Sam”wants you to have a better'(\*:.lawn and will help you to make it.He has 151 published a bulletin on ‘Lawns and LawnSoil.” uoteHowever,‘you can never have a pretty lawn Jijiw without a lawn mower.Our mowersare «i.the kind that cut.We call your especial “"*attention to our famous ‘Eclipse’mower,"2 the one with the simple cutter bar adjust-..r ment.No tools are required to keep this’,“?"mower in perfect cutting condition.The®4, man who pushes the mower can adjust.itiéms’with his hands.In other words itis a’.: mower that can be operated without brains») or tools.sie We are headquarters for lawn hose and»9+ spray nozzles. ne 4 o EA 1 ANY EVs Hugh L.Scott,chief of staff,to the| border as his personal representative to make a complete report on the mil- itary problems confronting General ‘unston. The administration’s final action on General Carranza’s suggestion that; the expedition be recalled probably will be_based...largely-on—-his-report] General Scott.will hardly be.able to complete his observations inthan10days. There are no new developments intheMexicansituation.Since theParralincidenttheAmericantroopsif! in Mexico have been grouped look- ing to a defence against ‘Carranza|| forces and reinforcements have been.sent to guard the line.There.has been some-firing—on—American_troo: isolated cases. The story of Villa’s death has nev- ei been confirmed.:eR Life in the Country—Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-3,April 18 —The county commencement is over, public schools have all closed,visit-ors have come and gone,and all isquiet.in the country once.more.Don’t imagine,though,that farmlifeisallworkandnoplayfrom henceforth,for if somebody.takes itintohisheadtocelebratesomebody's|—— birthday or any other event,every- body must go if the plow-has to stop, for the farmer is usually his ownboss, «Mr.C.E.Troutman,traveling salesman for a Detroit,Mich.,firm,|# stopped over for a few hours’visit |# with home folks Sunday.Misses Ber- tha Cline and Zella Massey of States-jvillespentSaturdayandSundaywith|# Miss Bleka|%Miss Dessie Troutman. Reavis,who has been visiting hercousin,Miss Golda Troutman,has re-|§Statesville.|#turned to her home in Mrs.M.L.Lentz of Stony Point is visiting her daughter,Mrs,F.M,Troutman. STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO,‘LUCAS COUNTY,Frank J.Cheney makes oath thathe‘is senior partner of the firm of F.J.Cheney &Co,,doing business in the“ity of Toledo,County and State afore-said,and that said firm will pay theeumofONEWUNDRED-LOLLARS foreachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcan!¥not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca-tarrh Cure.FRANK J.CHEN®Y.Sworn to:before me and subscribed(n my.presence,A.DL.188(Seal.)A.W.GLEASON,Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure 1s taken internal-'v,end acta directiv on the blood andmucoussurfacesoftheaylitetn,Sandfortestimonials,free.k.J.CHENEY &CO.,Toledo,O.Sold by all druggists.76c.Take Hall's Family Pilla for conat®ctiav.| less}; the |; [pS-4———dren’s,MensincetheParralassaultbut.only in} this 6th day of De-1 We want you to see our attractive line of new ShirtWaists,,whieh!)we will offer this week at very special Easter Week:Prices—$1.25 _values for $1.A very special one for-50c,—-Our $1.98 to-$2.256-ones“are g¥and.=Ne‘Ht ber eyies e 3 éSlippersand Pumps. We are well prepared in thisline.All the newModels-in Chi“Ladies"-LowShoes,We call special-attention’to our $3 and $3,560 grades.which,by comparison,you will find we_giving just~a little better values than same jiadés usually,.sell for.Yet zh \as THREE OR FOUR MORE SPRING.COAT SUITS“teft;which wewillcloseoutverycheap!Also,few Sport Coats.We are showr,ing some good values in.Palm Beach:Suits now.hanLookourlinesoverand‘hear our prices.We want our Count :Friends to stop with us and make our place their headquartersf}!-VeryTruly, J.M.McKee &Company,_STATESVILLE,N.C.aca ais7. +Flowers.Candy, aEaster Glve us your order,we will deliver whenandwhereyousay. NORRIS’EASTER CANDY. roby 6SJustinbyExpress,placed in our ice cooled Candy Refrigerator.got tRL ant int EVE iQ borStatesvilleDrugComp’y,§ The Rexall Store,——sc Quality Prescriptionists.— One,two and three pound boxes. ails, preeeees EESSESSSSSSSALSSRSETTLEsetteeeeeeeTelles cP TY MED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. OE:120 WEST.BROAD STREET. siaeecuien NEAR:-TO WAR... President Wilson,in his note to _.Germany and his address to Con- gress,hag placed”the responsibility “with Germany,The final...ward..is, practically an ultimatum.Germany must cease,and at once,further sub- marine warfare,or diplomatic rela- tions will be severed.If Germany promptly discontinues submarine ac- tivities,then the President is willing -to diseuss submarine.limitations,for the future.But there will be no fur- ther talk unless Germany makes a halk.;: The,situation is very grave,The ‘severance of.diplomatic_relations does not necessarily mean war,although that°is usually the first step.Fur- thermore,the fact that Germany al- ,ready has.her hands ‘more than full with close neighbors,puts the situa- tion in a different shape from what it ordinarily would be.Germany can’t get over here at present to at- tack us and we can’t well go to Ger- “many.if we wanted to,The Landmark is hoping—and it admits~that the Wish may be father to the thought— that we will get by without war.But we are nearer to it than we have been since ‘the Spanish-American af- fair.: While war is to be avoided if pos- sible,The Landmark is unable to see that the President could have done otherwise than he has done.He has been long-suffering and patient—too patient,many people think,He has pursued the only course left him. Mr.Mann,the Republican congres- sional leader,has several times stood by the President in a way that com- manded edmiration.His present at- titnde,that the President is trying tobringonawarwithGermanyforpo- litieal purposes,is unworthy of him, But not.all the Republicans are that $T..WORD TO GERMANY. ‘0 Jives of non-combat- ants.at sea,could not in the nature of the case be observed by such vessels. It based its.protest on’the ground that persons of negra nationality and vessels of neutral ownership would be exposed to extreme and in- tolerable risks,and that no right to close any part ofthe high seas against their use,or to expose them to such risks,could lawfully be as- serted by any belligerent government. The law of-nations in these matters, upon which the government of “the United States based its protest,is not of recent origin or founded upon merely arbitrary principles.set_up by convention.It is based on the contra+ ry,upon manifest/and*imperative principles of humanity,and has long been established with the approval and by the express assent of all civ- ilized nations.Defied Our Protest. Notwithstanding the earnest pro- test of our government,the imperial German government at once proceed- ed to carry out the policy it had an- (nounced.It expressed the hope that the dangers involved,at any rate the danger to neutral ‘vessels,would be reduced:to a minimum by-the'instruc- tions which—it--had-issued_to-its sub- marine commanders,and assured.the government of the United States that it would take every possible precau- tion both to respect the rights of neutrals and to safeguard the lives of,non-¢dmbatants. What has actually happened in the year which has since elapsed has shown that those hopes were not jus- tified.those assurances insusceptible of being fullfiled. In pursuance of the policy of sub- marine warfare against the com- merce of its adversaries,thus an- nounced and entered upon by the im- perial German government in spite of the solemn protest of this govern- ment,the commanders of German un- dersea vessels have attacked mer- chant ships with greater and greater activity,not only upon the high seas surrounding Great Britain and~Tre- land,but wherever they could encoun- ter them,in a way that has grown more and more ruthless,more.and more indiscriminate as .the months have gone by,.less and less observant of restraints of any kind,and have delivered their attacks,without com- munication,against.vessels of every nationality and.bound,upon every sort of errand.Vessels of neutral ownership,even vessels of neutralownershipboundfromneutralport to neutral port,have been destroyed along with vessels of belligerent own-ership in constantly increasing num- bers.Sometimes the mercharitman) attacked has been warned and sum-| moned to surrender before being fir- way...Senator Lodge of Massachusetts says:" “I think that the President could|not rossibly have done less in the cir-| eumstances.He has made avery}clear statement of,the course of Ger-|manv’s act and.policies in submarine| warfare and of the rights of shipscarrvingneutralsand non-combat-|ants.”anal The recent Clean-up Days in States- ville counted for something. ons were kept busy for about a week hauling of the trash;and if not a clean town now,Staesville is atleast | “near-cleary’Formerly Glean-up| Days amounted to little. Wag-| |palpable violation ed on or torpedoed;sometimes pas- eae eee eerievet etecawncne:15 keeneerktothehundrBicecseenne BreakingPoint Heached. One of the latest and most ee ing instances of this method, fare was that.of the a the.French cross channel 3! Sussex,It must stand forth,: sinking of the steamer Lusitania so singularly tragical and if ble-as to constitute a truly example of the inhumanity:of: German vessels have for the past months been conducting it;If this in-. stance stood alone some explanation take or wilful disobedient on the part_of the commander of the ‘vessel that fired “the”torpedo,--might=- sought or entertained;but,unhappily it:does not stand alone.‘Recent events| make the conclusion inevitable that‘ it is only one instance,even though: it be one ‘of the most extreme and dis- tressing ,instances,of the spirit and method of warfare which the imperial, German government has mistakenly adopted,and which from the first ex- posed that government to the reproach of thrusting all neutral rights.aside in pursuit of its immediate objects,| The government of the United States has been very patient,At ev- ery stage of this distressing expe- rience of tragedy after tragedy,in’which its own citizens were involved,'it has sought:to be restrained from| any extreme course uf action or of protest by a thoughtful consideration|of the extraordinary circumstance of this unprecedented’war,and actuated in all that it said or did by the senti- ments of genuine friendship which the people of the United States have always entertained and continue toentertaintowardstheGermanna-tion.It has,of course,accepted thesuccessiveexplanationsandassur- ances of the imperial German govern- SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. As the administrators ‘of the estate of W,W:Wilhelm,deceased,the undersigned willsellatpublicauction,for cash,to the highestbidder,on FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916, a lot of personal property belonging to thelateW.W.Wilhelm,consisting of Mules,’Farm Machinery,Wagons,Saw Mills,CottonGin,Corn Mill,Threshing Machine,Planer,Reaper,Drill,ete. Sale will takep lace at Plyler place,on Buf- falo Shoals road and will begin at 10 o'clock.’B.N.WILHELM,E.MORRISON, Dorman Thompson,Att'y.Administrators, April 21,1916.FOR SALE. 190-acre farm two miles from station;5-room house,large barn and outbuildings;%6acrescleared,balance timber,20 acres ‘bot- tom.Good red soil,on public road,Easy Stak| rine warfare as the commandera qf, P reached.The facts are neneee{-nt one interpretation.The or disavowal by the German govern.|German government has been unableFeotorintnnlaiect*©ment,some evidence of criminalmis-|warfare against either freight or pas- ,senger shih.It has,therefore,be-|&ully terms.Write or call on J.W.WEBB,Etm-; wood,April 21.0. vert iéhitive od fai ’against hope,that.it wobepossiblefortheGermanfooa ment.so to order and control acts OF of its naval commanders as-to”5]of ite avait,the principles ofhus ~jmanity as em bodied in the law of na- tions:It has been willing to wait until the significance of the facts be-came absolutely unmistakable and susceptible of but one interpretation.That point has now unhappily beenble.ofimperial put-any limit or restraint upon its come pain evident thatthe.posi-;tion which-this_government took attheveryoutsetisinevitable,namely,/|% that the use.of submarines for the de- struction of an enemy’s commerce is of necessity,because of the very (Continued on Sixth Page.) ANNOUNCEMENTS.. For County Commissioner.am a candidate for county commissioner, 1subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|§ ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER.April 2),1916. ‘For Regiater, To the Democratic Voters.of Iredell County:I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-3 fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic primary.Ji H.MecLELLAND,‘April 21.*Mooresville,N,C. For Treasurer.To the Democratic Voters of Iredell ‘County:I heréby announce myself a tandidate for action of the county Democratic nominating primariés,to be held June:3d,1916,Will ap- preciate your support.Respectfully,W.C.WOOTEN,Bethany Township. ‘For Register of Deeds.I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell April 18. ry June 8,1916.Wm.H.MORROW.April 18.. For Sheriff.I am a candidate for Sheriff of Iredellcounty,subject to the action of the Democrat-ic primary,and solicit the support of the Democratic voters in the primary.April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. JRON MOULDERS WANTED) To work in an open .shop,.Ge wages for competent experienced and able-bodied men.Write or apply in person to LIDDELL COMPANY,Charlotte,N.C.April 21—1t. CEDAR POSTS.LIME,LATHS,CEMENT,°CALCINED PLASTER. eet eee C.WATKINS. sengers or crews have been vouchsaf- ed the possibility of being allowed to} take to the ship’s boats before she was sent to the bottom.But again and again no warning has been given,j no escape even to the ship’s boats al-'}- lowed to those on board.What this government foresaw must happen has; happened.Tragedy has followed trag-' edy-on the-seas-in-such fashion,with, {such attendant circumstances,as to, ‘make it grossly evident that warfare. of such a sort.if warfare it be,can-inot be carried on without the most)of the dictates, alike of right and of humanity.| Whatever the disposition and in-| tention of the imperial German gov-; ernment.it has manifestly proved, A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM IN COMM EMOR AT ION OF The Shakespeare Tercentenary Will be presented on.Tuesday evening, April 25,8:30 o’clock,by the Students of Statesville College.But line up-jrnpossible for itto keep stich meth.‘;impossible for 1 Oo Keep cn metn-on line and precept on precept arous-|ods of attack upon the commerce of;ed-the civie-conscience and-the citi-.its enemies within-the bounds-set_by zenship is beginning to realizé the ad-|either the reason or the heart of! Costumed by Fischer,Beautifully Staged ‘on College Campus.==”. ‘vantages of cleaning up and keeping | lean.-May the spirit continue to grow. #1@f course the President can’t please ‘em all.Many have denounced.him for writing notes to-Germany instead of calling for war,charging’him with humiliating the country and ‘making it-an object-of ridicule among the nations of the world.Now.when vatience has ceased to be a virtue and Mr.Wilson has passed the last word toGermany,they accusehimoftry- __ing to bring on a war to help his cam- paign for re-election. The Democrats might not be soloiidintheirpraiseoftheRepublicancandidateforGovernorif thought there was a possibility of hiselection—Durham Sun. And some of them may be saying mezn things about him before the ides of November. Fight Only For Humanity. President Wilson,in an address welcoming the Daughters of theAfhericanRevolution,gathered.inWashingtonfortheirannual_con- gress,declared that the only excuse America ever can have for the asser- tion_of her physical force is that it be.done in behalf of humanity. He was speaking of the purpose of | the republic—born to serve the restOf,the world just as much as itself—and had just said that the nations willhaveforgottenhertraditions.when- ever she fights merely for herself un-der such circumstances as will showeaeforgottentofightfor‘all man-nd. The President was enthusiasticallyapplauded.When he was introduceby‘Mrs.William Cummings Story,president general of the organization,the;audience stood and cheered,andmanyofthewomenwavedAmerican flags,' A imill will be built in Salisburyforthemanufacture‘of Jacquard mer-cerized towels, be known as the Marsh Cotton Millsand‘will be of 50 looms capacity andemploy.15 or more hands,The incor-‘ators are T.B.Marsh,Sr.,T.B.f arsh,Jr.,and F.J.Murdock. _.Phe Hickory Democrat has been2atotheClayPrintingCo.,pub- be published as the weekly edition of«the Record.nsJ.D.McNeill has again beén cho-:pen,for.mayor of saree Itprimariesthistime,but hebeat“em out.! they | The new plant will s of the Daily Record,and will| mankind.‘|In February of the present year the||imperial German government inform-|jed this.government and the other |neutral governments of the world that| ‘it had reason to believe that the gov-ernment of Great Britain had armedallmerchantvesselsofBritishowner-ship and had given them secret orders General admission 35 Children 25c. Seats on sale at Hall’s,Polk Gray’s and Statesville Drug Co’s. c;Reserved seats 50c; and.has!)eds evenuldproveto county,t subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|= ) || to attack any submarine of the enemy and that the imperjal German gov- ernment felt justified in the circum- stances in --treating all--armed.mer- chantmen of belligerent ownership asauxiliaryvesselsofwar,which it would have the right to destroy with-out warning.—The-law-ofnations-haslongrecognizedthe.right.of mer- ShirtWaists Galore Ranging in prices from they might encounter upon the seas :=== =Big line of Wash Skirts, __48e.,98c.to $1.98. chantmen to carry arms for protectionandtousethemtorepelattack, though to use them,in such circum- stances,at their own risk;but the im- verial German government claimed the right to set these understandingsasideincircumstanceswhichitdeem- ed extraordinary.Even the terms in jwhich it announced its.purpose thus!;still further to relax the restraints it |had previously professed its willing-| jness and desire to put upon the op-| panes of its submarines,carried; the plain implication that°at least! vessels which were not armed would, still be exempt from _destruction without warning and that —persona! safety would be accorded their pas-| sengers and crews;but even that; limitation,if it was ever practicable| to ohserve it,has in fact constituted! no check at all upon the destruction \of shins of every sort. Violated Solemn Promises. Again and again the imperial Ger- man government has given this gov- ernment its solemn assurances that! at least passenger ships would not be| ce dealt with,ee yet it has again} and again permitted its undersea com-|I manders to disregard those assur-|f asterances-with-entire-impunity.Great!liners like the Lusitania and the Arab-,ic and mere ferry boats like the Sus-/}sex have been attacked without a} |moment’s warning,sometimes before! |they had even become aware that they| |were in the presence of an armed ves-|sel of the enemy,and the lives of non-combatants,passengers and crew |have been sacrificed wholesale,in a|manner which the’government of the|United States cannot but regard as|wanton and without the slightest col-or of justification.No-limit of anykindhasinfactbeensettotheindis-|criminate pursuit and destructionof ||merchantmen of all kinds and nation-;|new dress Silks. |ONE OF THIRTEEN THAT SELL FOR FOR WOMEN'S We are showingFashionableMercha Waists,Neckwear, Charming New Many new models variety of materials, Crepe and Crepe jalities within the waters,constantly ,extending in area,where these opera-tions have been carried:on;and therollofAmericanswhohavelosttheirlivesonshipsthusattackedandde-stroyed has grown month by month[until the ominous toll has mounted in- Johnston-BelkCo. EASTER NEEDS d«beautiful line.of ndise. Coat Suits,Dresses,Coats,Skirts, etc.,at prices that can’t be duplicated.Raster Millinery. ‘Shoes. here tor this week.The display of women’s Footwear in- cludes staple and novelty effects in great Splendid Assortment New Silks for this week at old prices.Georgette de Chines in all the desirable colorings to combine with the BIG RETAIL STORES LESS:Phone 212. : on oe the office of County Treasurer,subject to the|ae “Phoenix”Silk Hosiery ~~ For Men and Women ae “Linenwear”Hosiery —— For Ladies,Silk and Lisle,at seen 25c.,35c.and 50c.Pair. “Arundel”Hosiery _ For Men;Women and Children at:10c.,15c.and 25¢. These are three splendid lines of Hosieryandareguaranteedtogivesatisfaction.-Yours Truly,~ Just ReceivedaBarrelof Libby’s Sweet Mixed Pickles and they are fine. -~Potato Chips 10c.Package.|sy 4can.Maxwell House Blend Coffee isroastedandpackedbyoneofthelargestCoffee*Houses in the Southandinmyestimationthereisna@betterCoffeeeverpacked,A trialcanwillconvinceyouthat.it is _as good as the best.1lb,cans 338e., &-lb,cans,98c.Bourbon Santos Coffee in bulk,35c,value for 26c.lb.: Wikaculsa earn \ace keeeeOe DELICATESSEN! Boiled Ham,(sliced to ord at Bologna Sausage.Wieners of FrankfurtersSmokedBloaters Sliced Bacon (in bulk)..°«Chipped Beef 48c,Ib.Swiss Cheese 48c.Ib.A full line of Fancy Cheese,suchasNeufchatel,Philadelphia Cream, Pimento,Club,McLaren’s Cream, Welch Rarebit,ete.7 er)88c,‘Ib.15¢.Ib.16c.Ib. 5c,each.82c.Ib. n tans: Queen’s Blend Coffee is strictly a high grade piece of goods and is guaranteed to please or money re- funded.A regular 35c.Coffee,| special for Saturday only,at 3ic.*“% The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery,: ‘‘The Store of Better Values.’’ aes rem ST |Easter Flowers |°~Office:HOME ELECTRICCO. + Azaleas,Easter Lilies,cut and in pots. Calla Lilies and Carnations. Tulips and Hyacinthsin pots. Roses and,Sweet.Peas. _Barringer’s Greenhouse, W.M.BARRINGER,Proprietor. Phone 57 and 361. [|.FOR SALE!| 1G%-acre farm,1 1-4 miles from Harmony State High School, new five-room cottage,Larn and orchard,40 acres in cultivation, balance in timber,level and productive,will cut 600,000 feet of lumber,one-third cash’and balance on terms to suit the purchaser.. 113 acres’1 1-4 miles from Olin,three-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings.49 acres in cultivation,14 of which is fine bottom « land,balance in fine original oak,pine and poplar timber.$2,-4 000 cash and balance on easy terms.:a 76 acres 21 1-2 miles from Harmony,near schools and churches,- 20 acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,small tenant houge's.. and barn.s Two vacant lots in Harmony,each 50x535. For further information call on or write =4. ERNEST G.GAITHER,SENERAL,NSURANCE,RENT: ALS AND REAL ESTATE, PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY... ri MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail.Established in 1880.,Incorporated 1909. PHONES:Office 294 :GE e HH.)YERS,Residence 423 es.and Manager. REPAIR:WORK.| Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.,Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed. —— Jeweler.R.F.HENRY, UBMIBHED “TUESDAY AND ¥RID/ Oprigg "1:9 WEST DROAD SPRERT.April 21,1916. Jsic FESTIVAL._Statéeville Will Have Chorus inNationalMusicalFestivala"Black Mountain.= __the 'Ata meeting held in Shearer.HallWednesdaynightanorganizationwas‘perfected to furnish a chorus oftJessthanforty:members to par-tel te in the National Musical Fes-tiva]to be held at’.Black MountainéweekbeginningAugust14th.~yite a large number ofwerepresentandthe follow-'ing.ed officerswere elected:Mr.C.E.Mills,president;Mrs.Wm.Wal-lace;,vice president;Mr.A.J.Salley, ‘etary and treasurer,and Dr,has,’A,Turner,director,and thesecompagsetheexecutivecommittee.Itwillbethedutyoftheexecutivecom-mitte@ to pass on and elect to mem-bership such voices as may.apply,in mind at all:times a per-‘balance of voices.The first re-“hearsal will”probably be “early nextweek.at the college,where Mr.MoorehasKindlygrantedfreeuseofShear-er Hall for holding the rehearsals. .Phe committee will be glad to hearfrom’any one,who has a:properknowledge.ot ‘sic,from Statesville,the.county ofAjoining towns,rela-tive}to joining this chorus.-::Wm.Wallace,who was present at the meeting,made a very interest-ing ‘talk,‘setting forth the fact that¢t was the golden opportunity forthemusicalpeopleofhissection,-im-pressing on those present that thisiswotmerelyalocalaffairbutana-tional affair and that the chorus or-ganized here would join in with cho-ruses from each of the States,form-ing:a chorus of 3,000 voices and ledbythe’Damrosch orchestra.The Festival will open August 14andlastthroughtheweek.The cho-rus’will sing three nights—the Crea- tion’Tuesday night;Elijah on Satur- day-night and two Wagner choruses ;|Spectal Meeting"|—Mirs,Lingle to Address Civ-|: musical}Evaline Speece will be married tomor- eredal 7McDowell Club ic League Tomortow—SocialAffaire;Dr.Espy Little aid Misa ‘LillianIreneBradford‘were married yester-day afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home ford,in Shiloh township,Rev.Mr,Kidd officiating,They left on the eve-ning train forWashington,D..C.,andotherpoints.(Mr,J.W.Hager of Stony Point andMissAddieBelleMooreofShijohtownshipwillbemarriedtomorrowaf-ternoon at the home of the bride.Mr.-Monroe’Souther’and”Miss Icie row at the home of the bride inSharpesburgtownship.“Mr,Ross FYDavidson,son of Mr.JA.Davidson,and’Miss Janie MalindaStevenson,daughter of the late W.R Stevenson,were married last night atthebride’s home north of-town,Rev.E.D.Brown of Loray officiating.Miss Bessie Williamson,formerlyanurseatLong’s —Sanatorium,Statesville,and Mr.William Wagnerwerequietly:married in ‘Stockton,Cal.;April 6th:Mr.Wagner is in theemployoftheSantaFeeCo.and his parents live at San Jose,Cal.MissWilliamsonisfromYorkville,S.C., and is a graduate from the States-ville.Training School for Nurses (Long’s Sanatorium),class of 1909.She has been engaged in nursing in Stockton for some years,Mr.andMrs.Wagner will:live in Portland,Ore.;: The McDowell ‘club will hold a called meeting this afternoon withMissRoseStephany.The hour hasbeenchangedto3,30.All members are requested to be prompt. The Saturday Afternoon Study clubmetlastSaturdayafternoonwithMrs,W.C.Moore.The subject -of study was Chinese rugs.Mrs.F.A.Car- penter led the discussion and short sketches were given by other mem-. bers.Mrs.Moore served cream andtakeandsaltednuts, ofthe bride’s father,Mr.R.L.Brad-|yy Correspondence of The Landinark,in Statesville,R-1,April 18 —Eliza-.beth,5-year-old daughter of Mr.andMrs.-Lon.Litaker,who while’on WhelaygroundsofEurekaSchool,er arm mangled,is now impro me daughter of “Mr.-andeyoungdaughteror.andrs.A.A,Murdoch,who died atLong’s Sanatorium April 8th,did notdropoutofthemarchinStatesville,the day before and was in apparentlyerfecthealthwhenshereached:hernomeat5o’clock Friday eveni iShedid,however,have a slight atonThursdayeveningatschool and os _ebaibaud odTHE’LYRIC ‘THEATRE dropped_out.of-—line-for~a few moz} ments but was soon convalescent. The town of Corneliusvoted $15,-000 in bonds—for-a—new-schootbuild=7]ing. MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.~.'4Thefollowingpriceswerepuid'yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket. Winter Friers,16¢.per Ib.Old Hens,12 '1-2c.per Ib,-oeTurkeys,16c.per Ib,Eggs,16¢.per dozen,Roosters,6¢.per Ib.Butter,16c.per Ib.’Beeswax,25¢.per Ib,Green Hides,13c.per Ib.Hams,l6éc.to lic.per Ib,Sides,12°1-2c.per lb.Shoulders,12 1-2c.per Ib,Red Honey,8c.per pound.Sourwood Honey Comb,16 to 18¢.per Ib.Trish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel. i Grail The following prices were paid esterdayforgrainonthelocalmarket: Wheat,$1.30 per bushel.¢;*Corfi;(new),70c.per bushel.Oats,55c.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 11 7-8 .perpoundwaspaidforbestgradecotton,— (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column10 eentsperline.No ad.taken for less than 25cents.Cash must accompany order.) THE BEST Watermelon and Cantaloupe Seed at D.J.KIMBALL’'S.April 21,.¢ CANDY SALE—The Local Workers of Broad|'Street Methodist church will sell Candy té-}|day at the store of the Williams Furniture House.April 214° 1}Cleo Ridgeley andieWallace Reid || i “The Golden Chance” Positively one of thebestpictures.on the~Paramount Program.Ifyoumissit,.you’ll missatreat.Playing’re-if turn dates-everywhere.,See it by all means. SATURDAY+JULIA DEAN nlFl “Matrimony” Also’ ..FORD STERLING .—in— “His Father’s Footsteps” Siena cogent empemeae utente reer ee VRE DI ERG YOUR STANDING! When you undertake to do business with a firm away:from the “Home Town,”the outside «<<41 firm is going to.get a line on you.They are more than apt to get this’information froma Bank.Have you anything in the _Bank that will enable the Bank- er to tell the outside fellow that you are all right?that you have money in the Bank,or that your standing in the business world has been established with the Bank?: Friday night._The chorus will be a given transportationto and from theFestival’and entertainment during % the,week. FOR SALE—Nice little grocery store,doingasplendidbusiness.Apply L,care THELANDMARK.April 21.—2t." A__reception will be given at the nfanse of the First Presbyterian church this afternoon from 4 to 6 and ‘all the ladies of .the congrega- hs: .Roigie Seiad A Triangle-Keystone = Comedy.|BAN ieFORSALE—Slightly used Wales Adding Ma- chine.Will sell cheap,Address,BAR- Lewis,Mr..andMrs.Henry..Lewis! GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. Petsonal Mention of People and Their Movements. Mr.Grier Waugh left Tuesday for -Florida,where he will spend thesummer.Mrs,W.P.Moore went to Morgan-|ton«Tuesday to visit friends.‘Mrs,J.P.Knox of Waynesville isthe:guest of her’sisters,MesdamesW.'‘T.and H.L.Kincaid.Misses Rebekah Stimson and Grace!Eaton,teachers =atcomehometodayto spend Easter. Mr.Logan Stimson has_gone toBaltimoretovisithisfriend,Mr.Mc-Daniels.i Mrs,A.S.Webb of Concord is the quested to meet promptly at 4 o’clock|Street.R.P.ALLISON.guest of her mother,Mrs,Stimson.Messrs.R.Flake Beaty of Eagle Mills township and John Frank Ed- watdg.of Davie county left yesterdayfor:Indiana to visit for a month. Messrs.Ras.Stimson and J,C.Don- ald of Asheville will be here today to Logan rvend Easter at Mr.S.W.Stimson’s.: They are making the trip in Mr.Don-ald's ‘automobile._Mrs,E.D.Brown and Miss EulaliaMchellandofLorayattendedConcordPresbyterialatDavidsonthisweek.Mrs.A.A.Colvert,Mrs.Annie and little daughter,Eleanor,left this morning for Marion to spend EasterwithMr.and Mrs.Henry Bennett.Mr.J.H.Hoffmann returned Wed- nesday evening from a’visit to his daughter,Mrs.Louis Kaufman,atDanville.Va. Mrs,Clarence Stimpson,ClarenceStimpson,Jr..and Miss Arleene Gil-“mer leave today for a visit to Ral- i eigh,Louisburg and Greensboro.Mrs.E.C.Deaton and Miss CoraMillerofMooresvillespentafew“days this week with Miss Janie Miller. Notices of New Advertisements. Specials in high-grade coffees.— Rabert Bunch Cash Grocery.~Handsome designs-in—Seth_Thomasclocks,—R.H.Rickert &Son.Quality photoplays.—The Lyric.. Annette Kellerman-in ‘‘Neptune’sDanghter.”—The Crescent. Hoosier ~demonstration starts to- morrow.—Crawford-Bunch -Furniture0. Specials for women’s Easter needs.—Johnson-Belk Co.‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,col-lege campus,Tuesday,25th.“Raster _togs.””—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Baster flowers,cut and in pots.—Barringer’s Greenhouse,°Hosiery.—Mills &Poston.Gomplete line millinery—Mrs.Ma-ry Sims."Eclipse “lawn mowers.—Lazenby-en cponhery Hardware Co. & * dv Easter specials —J.M.McKee0.Shingles.—Pine,cedar,cypress,tin,—C.Watkins.;Wesson oil for cakes.—Miller-Mc- Lain Supply Co.Paster candies.—Sherrill &Reece. Pianos for the girl.—Leonard Piano tore.Candv.sale today at Williams Fur-niture House. Grocery store:for sale.—L.,careTheLandmark,~*maneFarmforsale—J.W.Webb,Elm-wid.Re-sale of land.—Dorman Thomp-son and L..C.Caldwell,commission~ers,+Sale of personal property.—B.M.Wilhelm and E.Morrison,adminis- S _.trators, Ivon.moulders wanted.—Liddell Co.,Charlotte,N.C.Candidate for county commission-er,—E.G.Gaither./Adding machine for sale.—Bargain,cate Landmark.;‘Watermelon and cantaloupe seed.—D..J,Kimball. Candidate for register of deeds,—JH.McLelland,Mooresville, -Fresh Fish todayand tomorrow.UNDERPRICE..CASH.GROCERY.*Phone 134.—ad.SianAOwadninwn*RAGE es tion,and the Miriums especially,are'eordially invited to attend.i tteVan’ |Mrs.J.T.Montgomery.entertained |the Daughters of the American Revo-‘lution Tuesday «afternoon.Routine|business was transacted and refresh- |ments were served,sae: Mrs.W.M,Barringer has |eards to.an At-Homenoonfrom5to6 issued ie oeeney after-o'clock. Mrs.T.W.Lingle,president of the GAIN,care-LANDMARK.April 21—4t*. EASTER FLOWERS—Easter Lilies,Carna- tions,Sweet Peas,Prim Roses,Tulips,Pan- sies,Poets’Narcissus and many otherthings.Kindly place order early.PARKPLACEGREENHOUSE.‘Phone 285Black.April 18—2t. FOR SALE OR RENT—My home on Mulber-ry street.Terms reasonable.PossessionaboutMaylst.DR.J.A.SCOTT.April 18—-2t.. WANTED—Shipments of cream.Present price |.for butter fat 35c,Give us a trial.CARO-LINA CREAMERY CO.,Asheville,N.G 'Federated Clubs of North Carolina, jrow afternoon at the Commercial) jclub house.The two Federated clubs |jof the town have been invited to meet| ;Mrs.Lingle.League members are re-| for a ‘short business session. refreshments will be served. SHAKESPEREANPLAY. ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream on, the College Campus Next, “Tuesday Eveniiig and Those: |Who.Are to Take Part.| ;Correspondence of The Landmark.| Among those who will take part in| the Shakespearean play,“A Mid-| summer Night’s Dream,”which is to}|be given on the Statesville College | campus ~Tuesday~-evening,;--are-—the? following:| Egyptians —Daisy Wilson,Vir-| ginia Reamer,Willie Cornelius,Janet,|McGirt;Theseus—Miss Lillian-Goode;; |Hippolyta—Miss Louise Sloan;Phi-! |lostrate—Ruth Cochran;Egeus—Mar-|geret Deal;Hermia —Rosamond; Clark;Demetrius—Helen Florence;|_Helena—Margaret_Long;.Lysander—!|Mildred Smith;Attendants—Misses|Townsend,Bankhead,Guerrant,Car-,ivie Sharpe,Rose Holding,W,Moore,| Giles,Moore,Cochran,Henkle. -Quinee—Juliet_McCrory;Bottom—;Annelle Goode;Flute —Margaret |Flemming;~Snout—Moore Orr;Snug —Fay Overcash; Starveling.—Sa-!|rah-Alexander;Titania —Melissa!i Warlick;Oberon—Elsie Davis;Puck,—Minnie Holding.~~——*-a Fairies —Evelyn Sadler,Sara Sharpe,Mae Maxwell,Eliz.John- ston,Julia Sherrill,Virginia Steele, Myrtle McLain,Ruth -Harris,:-Ada Bell Barringer,Mary Spratt,-GladysSherrill,Cordelia Watts,Mary Cowles,Marguerite AYexander,Leti- tia*Wiseman,Tobia -Hoiland,Rosa- mond Clark,Agness Moore,Rachel McLelland,Helen Bailey,Marion Moore,Eloise Goode,Margaret:Braw- ley,Minnie Holding,Mildred Wal- lace,Eloise Bristol,Marianna Long, Isabella Fewell and Sadie Richards. Sunday afternoon the college Y.W. C.A.held an interesting meeting inShearerMusicHall.Misses MaryWallaceKirkandMissIsabelArnold talked to the students and to their in- vited friends.Miss Arnold has re. cently returned from Panama,where ;She attended the Pan-American Mis- sionary Conference. The event of .the week was the joint debate between the Phi KappaandthePhi.Mu_Literary Societies,which took place on Monday evening. The six young ladies taking part de- livered excellent debates,all reflect- ing credit on the training they are re- ceiving in Statesville College and re- ceiving laurels for their respective so- ‘cieties,The Phi Mu society captured the decision.Rev.Messrs.J.F,KirkandJ.H.Pressly and Miss MaryWallaceKirkactedas.judges. -Dog Attacked Boy. Correspondence of The Landmark.j Shiloh Township,April 19 —Mr. Jim Deal’s 56-year-old boy,Watt,wasattackedbyoneofhishounddogs Saturday morning.The dog was ill- natured and probably the boy kicked him.The boy was badly torn abouttheface,Dr.Little-dressed thewounds.Mr.Deal has-no fear of hy-drophobia,but he killed ‘the dog atonce. Light | William M.Ingraham,former may-or of Portland,Maine,has been se-lected by President Wilson for As-sistant Secretary of Wary el bathe ote April 18~2t*.2 istered),two years’city experience,wantswork.Address W.P.H.+Jr.,Box 108,~lorsville,N.C.I aApril18—1t*, FOR RENT—Five-room Cottage on TraddApril11. WANTED—10,000 bushels of good white shell-ed Corn.Will pay highest market cashprice.STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS, Marguerite Clayton —in—— “Vultures of Society” A beautiful star.in a._,péautiful photoplay. Gastonia,will"will address the Civic League tomor-|pruG CLERK and Soda Dispenser “(hut ly i THEEEYRICTHEATRE |;Quality Photoplays. MONDAY .Statesville,N.C.: Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits, U.S.Depository..Ae t oN. TH OS HORSE FOR SALE—Dr.M.R.ADAMS. April 11.‘Lay pail8—1t*. ST TE Va.ea arit MILLINERY!?© We are showing a compiete line of Millinery,con-.«sisting of Hats in Hemps,Lisere,Milans;also Flow- ers,Fancy Feathers,Quills,Ribbons,in all the new * colors.\:. Panamas From $1.25 to $3.50:Leghorns $2 to $5.\* Come,see and get prices.i Ramsey-Bowles-Mortison Company.. and women. other wanted or telephone send.,your “EASTER “'TOGS” ae etB, For today and tomorrow’s selling. Gloves,Silk and Kid,Ho- siery,Neckties,for men ' § ;‘Men’s Furnishings. Shoes for the whole family. Suits and Dresses, Skirts and a hundred.and one Shirt Waists and articles. Come.and shop where ‘the stocks are complete and sparkling «with:newaess. And if you can’tcome write us.and we'll purchase to your door prepaid. yodcs |Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Corapany. The Store With The'Qikick Parcel Post Service. rd. m he ref ti >MRS.MARY SIMS.<| >a .Sete eae mepeant> Clocks that we have been selling at $5.75 now.have.| they areany higher.We.have just received a new-lot of Seth ThomasClocks.The’handsomest designs we have ever had.We would be gladto sell you one., R.H.RICKERT &SJEWELERS. Hondeonic Clocks to be sold:for $7 and they are going higher--still.-4-:Don’t you think you had better buy one now_before +} ON,|| aS ea The OdorlessRefrigerator = has been carried to a remarkable degree of efficiency.Allcompartments are insulation of chemically treated flax insures big,savings on ice bills, The frame is solid oak—beautifully finished.The.trimmings... are cast brass and satin finish.The flues and other important inside com-— partments afe removable—it's easy to clean—absolutely sanitary ahd odor-a less.The visible drip trap—inside the provision chamber—is easilyaccessible.i One-piece linings,ice pan and drip pan are Sudranteed against mane ::;:‘|;iRe-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height—can be! arranged to suit your requirements, “Odorless”is the last word in’scientific are Zoing,to buy a refrizerator,come in and see us. Williams Furniture House. Ve Is built upon scientific principles of refrigeration.Every detail .§. -constantly flushed with a strong,Gurrent of dry,cold,pure air.The heavy a oe refrigeration.If you!” nt ie / a ee e es ee ee Se e o'clock and heard an automobile. .Had 'bed that night. F.W.Winthrop,Hilltsboro, over postoffice not know it was an explosion until next morning. witness,and was of the opinion it was him that he had seen the evening be- |fore the robbery. !saw two]ognized dictates 1 strangers in postoffice eyening before|povernment of the United States isA.W.Ray,Hillsboro, robbery and they seemed to have been looking at a blue-print. nized \ and the other had a dark complexion. né to the jail Wednesday to identify Brooklyn Slim. Hackett asked him about the postoffice in Mebane |and the others stopped him.Postoffices Mebane and Hillsboro were rob- fe Mr.Stawell a to shake Haywood as to his identifica- tion of Hackett,but he couldn’t.The negro made a good witness.He af- .firmed he had seen Dowd .at Hillsboro four of five times and that a safe had 'heen blown open at the station about |the time of Dowd’s frequent visits. Shepherd Strudwick,a business man “Of Hillsboro,had seen Dowd at ;Hillsboro about two days before the .Hostoffices was robbed.Dowd professed |to be.an umbrella fixer. z.B.Griffin was a resident of Marshville when the postoffice safe “was robbed.Saw Hackett.there the _.night the office was robbed;came in }! 4 the store a asked to buy usp nie didn’t t;was carrying satchel. WwW.BY McRae lives at Marshville. Thinks he saw Hackett there.a week oriten days before safe was blown; professed to be ‘selling advertising matter;Identified.Hackett by scar in forehead.Smith Medlin of Marsh- Wille saw Hackett there before post- office ‘robbery;wab selling advertis- ing “matter.Thought Hackett the SW.H..Warren,conductor on Sea- board,was running betweenWilming- ton and Charlotte ‘at time postofiice| robbery.Saw Hackett and ‘two oth- ets on-train and they had tickets for Greenwood,S.C.;night before post- office robbery.Saw.Hackett.get off at Marshville and didn’t see him or the others after that. J.R:P.Cadieu saw Dowd at Marsh- ville about a week before the rob- bervy,He was passing as an unbrel- ~-In-fixer. er e eS é Sa {the .application blank of John Clark)conditions and for chronic coughs,colds 4 b4 a n e [p e r a s Pe t i t a l b e s s e u i i e c a n a + pe t e r + we e .&will be taken to the ba e o r s * 5 ss:Brown, 3° SS S Se t we on te e n re e : es v e e So t Ba s e ie e a e Mrs.J.Walter Little saw Hackett at Marshville in an invalid chair and: the man rolling him said-he was sick. They were begging:man looked like Hackett.Mrs.C.E.Morgan saw Hackett in an invalid chair at Marsh- ville.Man rolling him was begging. J.T.Leonard also saw man who look- ed like Hackett in an invalid chair at Marshville.This was about De- cember.1914.. W.H.Terrell,Monroe;Eldon Ad- ams.a hotel clerk of Atlanta.Ga.;E. _B.Sickafuss,clerk in the Charlotte postoffice;Mrs.C,L.Lee,keeper of an apartment house in Atlanta;Mrs. W.F.Groves.who lived with Mrs. “Lee;Miss Hall,whose mother rent- ed rooms in Charlotte:Wm.H.An- drews,Greensboro,Chas.Rankin, Greenshoro,were all introduced to prove the presence of defendants in these respective towns.A.T.Har- ris,of Atlanta,Ga.,auto clerk to the Secretarv of State,was present:with for automobile license in the State. The number of the license—5,506— corresponded with the number in court.a"With this the prosecution rested.Counsel:for Grady Koontz introducedC.L.Smith,Fries,Va.,J.F.Koontz, _father of defendant,Fries,Va.,O.D.-Woods,a barber-at—Sanford,-C._L, Winston-Salem,and MissKindley,Lexington,to prove an alibifor-Grady Koontz at the time of therobberiesat.Mocksville,“Marshville~and—Hillsboro..Other defendants of- be argued this morning. Only the robberies at Mocksville, Marshville and Hillsboro really figurein_-the_indictment. jebundiatinmmninmaan ete Life Imprisonment For Schiller ‘Life imprisonment -was the sen-tence imposed in the United StatesDistrictCourtatWilmington.Del.,on’Ernest Schiller,alias Clarence R.Hudson,who forcibly took posses- sion of the British steamer MatoppooffSandy‘Hook on March 29,terror-ized the crew and compelled the can- tain to change the ship’s course.He ederal prisonatAtlanta.Schiller plead guilty to the chargeofpes)In a statement he deniedthathismotivewasrobbery.He de-clared he had seized the Matoppo,be-lieving the vessel carried munitionsof‘war for the Entente Allies,“for.the cause of Germany.” >MechanicalRefrigerator Plant. Messrs.M.P.Alexander &Bro.-+have moved back into their former i | possible to keep everything in good| #toreroom,The building has —beenoverhauledandgreatlyimproved.Amechanicalrefrigerationplanthasbeeninstalledinthestoreforthere-frigeration of all kinds of meats andvegetables.With this system no iceisused,but the large refrigerator,which will hold a dozen or more cat- tle;can be made and kept at a tem-perature below zero if necessary,Thesamesystemisextendedtoarefrig- erdtor counter on which is kept cutmeats,With this arrangement it is «@ondition indefinitely. j' —(crEis.Eee orot Ae their em anne of course Kat icomintibve with the principles of Mrowd.Said that|humanity,the long established and ;of thelincontrovertible rights of neutrals, ‘ol *obbery|and the sacred immunities of non- Had seen’around Hillsboro ‘be-|combatants. fore,fixing umbrellas.“Had tor!The Final Word. the jail here Wednesday to identify Hillsboro;heard]povernment that if it still is its pur-“GuanSin orn, the explosion the postoffice at 2.15 lived =:ed sels of commerce by the use.of sub Heard,noise but did|marines,notwithstanding the now )Hud seen a stranger!qucting that.warfare in that looked like Alex.Chafin,former)with what the ‘government of the ,He reco8-|there.is but one course it can pur- rooklyn Slim as one of these)gye;and that unless the impertal Ger- ‘Haywood “Snipes,-colored,lives.at/fare against:passenger and.freight- |Hillsboro,Car came up,the road and stopped and witness recognized Dowd;|have no choice but to sever diplomat- ii Hackett.and.Chafin,the government ‘witness,in the =car. fered no testimony and the case will| 1 have deemed it my duty,‘there- fore,to say to the imperial German se to prosecute its relentless and [discriminate warfare against _ves- demonstrated impossibility “of _con- accordance United States must consider the sa- cred and indisputable rules of inter- national law and the universally rec-of humanity,the at last forced to the conclusion that man:government should now imme- diately declare and.effect an abadon- ment of its present methods of war- carrying vessels,this government can ie relations with the government of the German empire altogether, This decision I have arrived at with the keenest regret;the possibility of the action contemplated I am sure all thoughtful Americans.will ‘look for- ward to with unaffected reluctance. But we cannot forget that we are in Some sort and by the force of cir- cumstances,the responsible spokes- man of the rights of humanity,andthatwecannotremainsilentwhile those rights seem in process of being swept utterly away in the maelstrom of this terrible war.We owe it to adueregardforourownrightsasa resentative of the rights of neutrals the world over,and to a just concep-tion of the rights of mankind to takethisstandnowwiththeutmostso- lemnity and firmness.I have taken it,and-have taken itintheconfidencethatit‘will meetwithyourapprovalandsupport.All sober-minded men must unite in hop- ing that the imperial German gov-ernment,which has in other .circum-stances stood as the champion of allthatwearenowcontendingforinthe interest of humanity,may recognizethejusticeofourdemandsandmeettheminthespiritinwhichtheyare made.: An Excuse.For Germany. “Submarine insanity,”a queer form of dementia that attacks men long confined in crowded quarters,leads German U-boat crews to commit and neutral vessels,a Spanish spe- cialist declares.Breathing the foul air inside the boat hulls,living on un-cooked food and pursued at all times by thoughts of disaster,the subma- rine commanders grow mentally irre- nation,to our sense of duty as a rep-|: reckless attack8 on passenger ships| —— — “a g ce n a sponsible for short periods,he held. This report comes from Madrid. Whether Germany had anything to do} with the suggestion does not appear,|but it offers Germany a fine excuse for the acts of submarines contrary|to the professed desire of the Ger-| man government.| j \MRS,CLAYTON'S LETTER | To Run-Down Nervous Women Louisville,Ky.—‘‘I was a nervouswreck,and in a weak,run-down con-dition when a friend asked me to tryVinol:—I did-so,and-as-a-result_I haveainedinhealthandstrength.I thinkinolisthebestmedicineintheworld for a nervous,weak,run-down systemandforalgerlypeople.’’—Mrs.W.CCLAYTON,Louisville,Ky.Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron|tonie without oil,guaranteed to over-!come all run-down,weak,devitalized’ and bronchitis. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE CITYPROPERTY. BY AUTHORITY conferred by the SuperiorCourtofIredellcountyinaproceedingen-titled L.C.Caldwell and H.P.Grier,trustees, and-others,—ex-parte,_L.—C,—Caldwell-and—Dor- man Thompson,commissioners,are ordered to re-sell at public:sale,at the court house doorinStatesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,MAY 8,1916,.,at 12 o'clock,m.,the following valuable city property: +—Firet_Tract—A_lot_of land situated on_thenorthsideofAlexanderstreetinthecityof Statesville,N.C.,between the lots formerlyownedbyRev.A.S.Bilimgsley and Thos.J.Cook,containing about 107 feet front on saidstreetby214feetdeep.For more particular description see deed from J.F.Carlton,trus-tee,to T.W.—Frazier,recorded in Book 28,page (104,of the Records of Deeds of Iredell| county.|Second Tract -Adjoining the lands of J.w.|Stephenson and others and bounded as follows:|Beginning at a stake,J.W.Stephenson's cor-ner,on Alexander street,in the city of States-ville,and runs with Simonton’s line north 24:degrees W.207 feet to a stake on Simonton's|line;thence N.60 degrees E.103-1-2 feet to!a stake,Simonton’s corner;thence S..24 de-|grees W.207 feet to a stake on Alexander|street;thence S.66 degrees W.with said street;103 1-2 feet to the beginning,containing a half|acre,more or less..See deed from T.J.Cook|and wife to T.W.Frazier,Book 28,page 300.|“Said sale to be made upon the Cone ate | terms:One-third of the purchase price to be!paid in cash;one-third in six months amd theremainingone-third in -twelve months,withapprovedsecuritytobeacceptubletothecelrkoftheSuperiorCourtofyredellcounty.De-ferred payments to carry 6 per cent;interest |from date of sale.| This property is re-sold by reason of the fact|that increased bids have been placed thereon,and the bidding will start at s1.07800 on thefirstabovedescribedtractandut/$685.00 onthesecondtract.above described./DORMAN THOMPSON,|,L.C.CALD L,\ April 21,1916.Commissioners.| NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE.-|CUTION,| North Carolina,Iredell County,|In Superior Court,Januafty Term,1916.iJ.R.Eddinger vs.Isaac /H.Mrs,Annie Whiting.BY VIRTUE of an execution directed to the|undersigned from the Superior Court of Iredell|county in the above entitled action,I will,on|,MONDAY,MAY 1ST,1916,|at 12 o’clock,at the cburt house door of said |county,sell to the highest bidder,for cash,tosatisfysaidexecution,all the right,title and!jinterest which the said Isaae H.Whiting and|Mrs,Annie Whiting,the defendants,have in |the following described teal estate,towit:Ly-|ing and being in’Chambersburg township of|the aforesaid State and county,bounded on the| Whiting and ' Mrs.W.G.Templeton will leave to-|north by the lands of Emanuel Beaver,New.| day for Chattanooga to join her hus-band : guest of Miss Carrie McLain, ton Beaver and Arthur Beaver;on ththelandsofClarenceMooreandWitt eurelius;on the south by the lands of J.Q.Car.Miss Laura Lazenby is spending |ter:A n ing)ter;on the wert by the landg.of John H %the Easter holidays in Charlotte,the cutt,contalning 60 actes,niore or less veJ.M.DEATON,Sheriff Iredell Co, March 81,1916, W.¥.Hall.Druggist,Statesville,N.C. eeMD “jOY—top class __\\ -—bottom price his car is the result of a definite purpose to supply a definite need with definite finality. It is built for the man whose purse cannot afford a big, expensivecar—=’Lonemany . For the man whose pride cannot afford an unsightly,little, uncomfortable car— And itis a very definite success. Beauty is not necessarily a matter of size. Neither does size altogether control comfort.: But skill,experience and facilities are required to build small,beautiful,comfortable,economical car. In a word,it required Overland organization. And here is the small,light car—complete to the last detail. Its performance is on a par with its beauty,comfort and completeness. And its price—$615—is far below any former price for any completely equipped automobile—regardless of appearance or comfortconsiderations. A glance at the car impresses you immediately with ite beauty and finish. As you look it over and read its specifications,you realize its absolute completeness, But you must ride in it to appreciate its comfort. You must drive it to get the thrill its performance will give you.card You can own one of these cars. But act promptly—for no car was ever in such demand. ‘In spite of record productions and advancing prices,there is a shortage of cars. The demand naturally centers on top class at bottom price—this small light car. And no other car at anywhere near its price can compare with this one for beauty,performance,comfort,complete- ness and economy.,ens Get in touch with us today—now.. St Carolina Motor Company.AK q The Willys-Ove:rland Company,Toledo,Ohio X N**Muss in U.S.of.” LONG-LEAF KILN DRIED Flooring,Ceiling,Weather!réthg, Boxing,‘Casing-and:Step Plank -stay where they are nailed.—They -cost me less than if I had bought forestpinelocallyandmanufactureditere, ville is less than the cost of haulage|by wagon from four miles out ofStatesvilleandtheWatkinsboughtinquantitiesbeforethepricesad-vanced, C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’sPlanters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C. NOTICE.— All of the rural school districts of the coun- ty needing new buildings,or other school im-Drovements,are hereby notified to make ap-plication for same to the County Board ‘ofEducationatitsregularmeetingonthefirstMondayinMay,1916. J.H.HILL,ChairmanR.M.GRAY,Sec'y, April 14—4t, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the estate ofJohnL,Hellard,deceased,this is to notify allpersonshavingclaimsagainsthisestate:to present them to me on’or before March 7,191%,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of theirrecovery.All persons indebted to said estate will be required to make immediate paymentsRT.WEATHERMAN, Executor; NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having qualified as executor of the esta fS.Emily Campbell,deceased,I hereby otahtyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstherestate to present same to me on or before April?4,1917,N.J~GAITHER,*R.B.McLaughlin,Att'y.Executor,April 7%1916—*' NOTICE TO CREDITORS.aHaving qualified as administrator of <tate of Maggie T,Hoover,deceased,thin a Senotifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidestatetopresentthemtomeonorbeforethe28thdayofMarch,1917,or this notice will bepleadedinbatof!their recovery.All peindebtedtothesaidestatewillpleasemake im- March 7,1916. because the freight from the}; |Long-Leaf Pine Forests to States- mediate settlement,&.A.HOOVER,March 28,1916,Administrator, -44 %%tli Aaad saad? igi i pI Shaeknt a!i 5 inn Zea Eyror ‘Ancient History Error-proof bookkeeping is just ep it withasisamodernburglar-proof pte S pe er ree eye wen ere ee i :Fee tobe date Bookkeeping Machine which we have recently installed,handles our figure workwiAuteaccuracy.Its calculations are done by parts of hardened steel=—it can’t make a mistake..4 eperatos tae ne figures into the machine,which ‘makes all additions and subtractions.auto-matically,completely posted ledger sheet ‘or dé positors’statement,with every item printed in thepropercolumn,comes out.‘ioeabsoluteandautomaticproofofeveryentryisgivenbythemachinemethod.There is no dan-ger e a puiceaxe being made in.your account,or in the account of any other of our depositors.ao aa a ording this accuracy insurance to you and to us,the Burroughs handles our figure workinabouthalfthetimeformerlyneeded.This gives us time to do other things—to improve our servicetocustomersineverydepartmentofthebank,Come in,any time,and see the Bookkeeping Machine at work.The Merchants &Farmers’Bank,— “The Bank For Your Savings.” t ‘is ty :ri 7 jo |::5 ey #4 }t fh eae aaa) ae i Tt au t h wa t e ) ee e le rsse e s id c a c t e i a el a s “UGH!“CALOMEL i uonamner‘SHOCKS YOUR LIVER IF ‘BILIOUS|; O im Pel Sicken“Your Liver and Bowels'With “Dodson’s Liver Tone.” gh!Calome]makes you sick.It’s ~horrible!~Pake.a’dose of *the-dan- gerous drug ‘tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day’s work.” Calomel is.mercury or quicksilverwhichCauses“necrosis”of the tones.Jalomel,when it comes into coatactithsourbile,crashes into—it,it up. ing.If you’are sluggish and “aliknockedout,”if your liver is torpidandbowels“constipated or you havehéadache,dizziness,coated ,tongue,if breathis bad or stomach —seur,ust try-a spoonful of harmicss Dod-son’s Liver Tone tonight.Here’s my guarantee —Go to anydrugstoreandgeta50-cent tottleofDodjon’a |Diver,Tone.Take a ‘This is when you}that “awfal nausea ~andcramp?} Work spoonful and if it doesn’t’Straivhtenyouright-up and make you feel -fineandvigorous,I want:you to go backfothestoreandge+your money.Dodson’s.Liver Tone is destroyingthesaleofCalomelbecauseitisreallivermiedicine;*entirely vegetable,therefore it cannot salivate or ekeyousick,_I guarantee that.one apoontul ‘ofDodson's ‘Liver-fone>wilh-put your}sluggish liver to work and‘cleanyourbowelsofthatsourbileandconstipatedwastewhichis<clogging your system and makirg you ‘eeliniserable..I guarantee that a_bot-tle of Dodvon’s Liver Tone wii!keep your entire family feelirg fine formonths.Give it to your children.Ii is harmless;doosn’t gripe and theyTikeitspleasanttaste, =arene cece ote mttaer eto eee, tees S HATSHAYS —-+-Sailors,Panc:mas and Leghorns,---—— Sailors,$1.50 to $3.00,Panamas,$5.00 andLeghorns,$3.00. Come in and !ct us fit on that new Hat for Easter. ao : “Citizen and Taxpayer”Replies! to Mr.McKesson -—Charges as a Tax Collector. To the Editor of The Landmark: It~seems~that’.Mr. more friends_in Burke than at home, judging from the letter of.Mr.“MeKesson_in-yours-of—the-14th inst,—“Now I tirst ‘wish’to”"say;want it fully understood,’that:I am not making any personal fight ‘on,Sheriff Deaton,and I have studiously|tavoidedsayinganythingofaperson+al nature.But as_a citizen and.tax-payer of Iredell,Ido claim the right to discuss the official record,not oglyofthesheriff,but of any of the offi- cials;and most especially so whenoneoftheseofficialsisanaspirantfor one of the most important offices:inthecounty.My only object_in so do- ing is to the énd that we may get the very best menand thereby work tothegoodofallthepeopleofthe county;and just here will add;we are fully capable of doing this.right.at home.Now;Mr...Editor,what is Mr. Deaton’s record:as’sheriff? First.He did not settle:the taxesfor1911and1912untileitherJulyor August,1915,The law expressly says these taxes shall be settled by September Ist of the*year next suc- F §iceeding that in which they,are levied.|Further,Sheriff Deaton in settle-Mi ment of taxes for 1911-12,turned inasinsolventanduncollectable,a_lit-5 |tle more than $7,300, 4)insolvents than were This was more turned in byanvfourcountiesthatadjoinIredell. Does anv person believe that the |good people of Iredell are paupers, B|or that they are dishonest to the ex- tent of more than $7,800,especially ;when the sheriff has the legal author- %iiv and power to collect these taxes? PHONE NO.SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. NDOW DISPLAY.SEE W 83. CSO MMOLE:ena eSAEMAAN TNE HHI AIM ACHOCHED OO 2.0,.084 RAROMAOAA CHORESPORCEONORCENORET:CEEOLTROND,| ARRIVED.e |JUST. >New Line Spring Suits,Hats, Shirts and Neckwear. 4mi iheny y burdens. Second.Sheriff Deaton has «not Bi made final settlement for either 1913jor1914taxesandasa/result it has Bi forced the county commissioners to he pecessity of borrowing money to;pay the school teachers of the county ;ond other’expenses,and to pay in- terest on same;and this interest of course has to be paid by the taxpay- ers,thus adding to their otherwise T respectfully submit that no-mat- iter how good a sheviff Mr.Deaton |may have made in other respects,as a tax collector he-has been a failure; ‘and who will dare say that this is not one of the most imnortant duties for which 2 sheriff is elected ? 'Mr.McKesson says Mr,Deaton} has been uniustly .assailed.Come |down,Mr.McK.,and get some addi- jtional facts,After reading not only} [this but my previous statements.see} 1if the record does not look a little!like the Irishman’s baby—a divil of) blood and he must own Tt My.Deaton,hen taking the oath i |a:.ugly thing but his an flesh and} |of office.swore to perform to thebest | .|House and Religious SeSHERIFF.DEATON anit Feet ot _Landmark.| | That the Sheriff isa’Eatin Deaton “haspre: gtaEY bee Seo cencereneesi:5 be aa INT.DEBATE._AT.VANCE.) 5,Revrivemenis Zeat the School rvices... Statesville,R-4,April 18 —At wo Saturday hight the joint de- between Amity Literary Society tVance Literary Society “was! c Hy enjoyed by a full house.The!“Resolved,that country lifeis|rable to:city life,”was-interest-} Seussed by both teams.Amity|S$represented,by.Messrs.W.$8.) fartin and Billy Lentz and Vance by| Mesiro:FrankSherrill.The decision was in fa-)or of Amity,which had the affirma-| @ side.Vance society will return:their visit at an éarly date.|The school room has been greatlyimprovedduringthelastschoolterm by.tho school and the help of Vance, Progressive club.The room has been! Painted on the inside,A nice black-board,window.shades and curtains have heen added;steps put up at thedoor;the floor oiled and two:exhib-its,one of wheat and one of choco-|late,-and two!large Jamps*have=beenvaddedtotheimprovementsofthe|building.The children:have handed| in a dollar to repair window-panes|broken out by them,and it is kindly|asked -thet-every one breken.out by;any one be replaced. Sunday school at Wance every Sun- day afternoon at 8,except third Sun-day,when the hour is 10 a,m.|Rev.C.G.Prosperi.of .StatesvillepreacheseverythirdSundayevening| at 8 o'clock.The third Sunday night| in May he will make a talk on bap- tism.\ Rev.M.A,Foster will hold his reg-|vlar appointment every fourth Sun-!day at.11 o’clock,a,.m.,and 8 p.m.Everybody is cordially invited to| come out and enjoy these meetings.| These -announcements will “hold good| until further notice. Mrs.D.L.Webb,~who has been dangerously ill,is improving slowly.|Misses Roberta Moore and Beuila: Wetmore,teachers of Vance,and Leila Stevenson and Martha | Finn Carter,who taught at Besaver,|bave kone to their respective nomes—| Mits Moore to Cool Spring,‘MissWetmoretoHarmony,,re Steven-! son to Loray and MissCarter to Ku-} iable:They shall all ke greatly miss- ed,= My.and Mrs.William G.Carter, who lived ncar Vance,have moved to; their farm on the State High;| New Treatment for_ |!}|| |Relioves by Inhalation and Absorption. No Stomach Dosing.' i Plenty of fresh air in the bedroom anda‘ood «pplication of Vick’s3 Vap-O-Rub”|Salve over the throat and chest is the best .:{dofense against all cold troubles,\The medicated vapors,released by the |body:heat,loosen the phlegm,clear the ||airpassages and.soothe the inflamed mem-|In addition,.Vick’s is absorbed ||brane.|tiotigh the skin.25¢,50c,or $1.00. >»Croup and Colds romitt-and-Grier.Hp raerar ~CONSTANT DELIGHT:= ‘They are the “Musical Messengers”that bring to you the kind of music YOU like best.Ever~ready entertainment $0 delightful that you en-joy hearing it over and over again.oi z Stop in any time and We'll gladly give youa Victor RannedCatalogueandplay.for you any music you wish to Hear.~webtere-are Victors and Victrolas'in-gteat-variety from $15 ei$4109.Easy terms if desired, ANDREWS MUSIC STORE, EAST BROAD STRE EL u ee pe FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING -: WITH A insouseaneipanenninns:occeseenenpticneghin Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for pencral use. ae USE KRESANO.~~ ,Let us explain:to you its use, HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 20.Prescriptionist.. Pr actice Heo This yaa Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal, O'd Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed. Gem fcratch Feed. jected feed scien-* _-tifically blended/ forresults,Madefobyahousewithareputation.for integrity, {0 (3a\y 6 ‘e Gem Sweet Dairy Ferd.terCS C.W.BOSHAMER,-LocalRepresentative. "Phone 125 Black. The Statesville Realty &Investment Co.INSURANCE!ave=ma= worthless by-products,:but Se- ge ‘ ctmennd | As a great many policyholders do not seem to know that.their insurance will be void under:certain’conditions named in thecontractofthepolicywhichtheybuy..We deem it-advisable to.mention some of the causes under which the same will be rendered ~ velueless,viz:1—Vucant or idle property for!longer than 80 days—apply to your agent for permit.2—Mechanics inaking additions tc,or extraordinary.altera- tions in or on preperty—always get permits from agents, 3—Property upon which there isa mortgage unless notice ofsameisgiven——apply to your agent. 4—Any change in the title of ownership,or interest |inn proper- ~ty-insured-other-than-by-tleath.~ b5—Assignment.or transfer a8 property to.nother.; 6-—By any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. 7—-The taking of other insurance without notice.} 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil. 9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage..- Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these de-.‘ficiencies unJess-notified.Call-on‘us-for any INSURANCB-infor-—— mation.“WE INSURE ANYTIIING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON:Manager,. ’PHONE 54.STATESVILLE, lof his ability all the duties of the of-| ‘fice,and it is a well-established prin-/’ ciple that when any person occupies’fs an office or a position he accepts the!ge|responsibilities of same,and any fail-| ure on his part to properly per form’ such responsibilities is a violation a jhis oath.of office, Again,Mr.Deaton’s record:Failure to collect and settle taxes CKSew SALVE i ALL THE LATEST in these LINES. Call early and look through.Will take pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or noé.I "allureto.colle :ee anne anes #1 Attempt-to keep -to-his-own person-|imRtfully,lal use both salary and commissions. Now he wants.to be county -com-!i missioner,‘ Whv? A CITIZEN AND TAXPAYER. IN THE DUFFY COMMUNITY|eeeVvisitors—The Country Church-! es:—The Spelling Bee,Etc.:3 \Sorreennandcrce of The Landmark |MemphisandTexas |Yay Community,April 19 —Peo-,,Cotton Belt Route all the way:ivle.on Turnersbure road are muec hi ~no change of cara,rns solsstae )leased to have Capt.Uenry’s ro:ud):onic ere hin S:400 tw.‘laaine i force at work on the road,f ma the Southeast connect et |Evervwhere farmers are busy plant-|fp.Memnhis.Frvit_is damaged—but—not ally Low Fares to Tezas.LoulsiansandNewMexico. Newest,quickest train to Texas! Leaves Memphis 9:30 p.m.Arrives Dallas i}:!5a.m.Arrives Ft.Worth 12:50noon The-only-line-operating solic trains between Sloan Clothing com y:| MONEY IS POWER!| MONEY IS POWER AND COMMANDS INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY! ‘THE BEST WAY TO GET MONEY IS TO SAVE IT! AND THE BEST TIME TO START JS RIGHT NOW! SOTHE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANK——‘econ A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings.Depart-State. ment.All Deposits made on or before April 5th will Re ee erly Conference held at: y |hose apel church immediately fol-draw interest from April.1st at the rate of 4 per cent.GSTNB Ren iaS Ch Reenter compounded quarterly.|largely attended but Presiding Elder This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women [Ware did some good preaching.|A and men!|Deep into Rose Chapel and into Beth-.;any church Sunday schools will con- Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. vince ono that there is vet a “liveteoal’in the country-church and that Checking accounts,either lar ge or small,cordially invited. We want your business! jthe country school teacher turns People’s Loan and Savings Bank. Laside from his duties in our county|schools to the still higher duty of in- GEO.H.BROWN President.0.L.TURNER Cashier. i|exaaraseaggssastistaaaiatetsSeBTEETTE Te tine,‘killed.iz|Mr.and.Mrs.©Chas.Macdonald,|ag 'who have been visiting Mrs.Macdon-|al’s:brother,Mr.W.Bl Widson,re-(¢ iturned Jast week te.their home,i=Hoe‘kwood,Mo.Mr.James Edwards!f of Wyomingis here on a visit to home jf ‘folks.He will return’shortlv and|\ j will be accompanied by.Dr.E.A.) jal,who will visit his sons in_that HH.3utten,mn ist,Pass,Agen’, 109 W Oth Stree:,Chattenoora, enn. To go away from home for your FIELD SEEDS when J.&.Sloop has what you need at the — right price,and you may return what you ‘don’t -- use and get your MONEY BACK?See me for first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,.Herds, Kentucky Blue,Tall Meadow Oats,and Sudan Grass and Rape...Burt,Black,White,Red rust proof and Bancroft’s Oats.Fertilizersfrom 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2.Am looking for those - who need supplies and fertilizers on timeas -“well as cash,I can take care of your wants. J.E.SLOOP. Be h oa ee e te e t a ee PO P E S TO T eT eo ee r Te e p e Te e s se r e r eT ee r i sth : ep e y e ie e e ea t a re e Flowers!|structing the same youths in our!country churches.'Historie old Bethany is taking on new life under the very popular pas-' torate of Rev,Ovid Pullen. Duffy’s semi-monthly spelling-bee was held Saturday night and wasvervmuchenjoyed.The promoters of these meetings are very much en- couraged atthe evident quickening of ;community interest,which fact au- gurs well for the future of Duffyschool. Supt.Grav’s friends Roses, Carnations, “..Violets, in Bethany |township will be glad to see him re-Pegs|tained in office until he shall have Lilies of theValley, time to work out of\comnlex rural 3 .,conditions,a still more efficient s¥s-in profusion.hhitemofpublicschools.Mr.W.‘€| i The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System hive put amateur,photoyraphy within reach of every man,womanand child ;at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12.Kodak.;supplies of all kindsin'the genuine Eastman quality.\ H.B.WOO.DWARD has SERUNG,bui it has been anything but “gentle”in its land-ing. With its sudden shifts {rom mild,balmy days to cold,bleak days,it is the most treachercus season of the year and sorely taxes the human system tc retain ite normal condition. It is therefore up te us to supplement the efforts of nature and keep the system so reguiated that it will be proof against the ills of this varyinss and wearing period. Our high-class Prescription Department is always at your callwiththeHIGHESTofQUALITY,SKILL and SERVICE! )PURITY,T'RECISION and PROMPTNESS come first,last andalways“On the Equare.” POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the ee Wooten was around a few days singe. shaking hands with the veople.His friends in Bethany would be glad to see the primaries “delight to do him honor.”A progressive and public- svirited citizen alway,we doubt not, that the county’s finances would be 4;safely intrusted to his hands. Told That There Was No Cure For Him. “After suffering for over twenty years witindigestionandhavingsomeofthebestdoc-tors here tellsme there was no cure for me,think it only right to tell you for the sake of! other sufferers as well as your own satisfactionthat#25-cent bottle of Chamberlain's ‘Tablets!not only relieved me but cured me within twomonths,although I am a man of 65 years,“dwriter Jul,Grobien,Honaten,Texas,’Obtain:| able everywhere.:z Jowelan . aa SIRT“HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,€. STEAM,HOT:WATER,AND VAPOR HEATING.“Plumbing.and Private Water Systems.REFERENCES I'URNISHED. Van Lindley Co.,| Polk Gray Drug Co., Lees!Agents. —24,1916. RASTER AT THE CHURCHES; Music Programmes at First Baptist and Broad Street|and Special Service at the Lu-| theran—Dr.Parker to.Be In-|; stalled, Services today at Lutheran church,|11 a.m,and 7.30 p.m.Sunrise sery-ice Sunday at 6 “a.—m.Communion;service-Sunday—at—H—and-service-at! 2.30.Rey.Mr,Longacre ,will con- duct all the services,Public invited. Good Friday services at the Episco-|pal church this ‘morning at 10.50 a’clock,conducted by the bishop. Services Sunday evening at 7,45o’clock-by the rector.Communion’service at Elmwood Presbyterian church Sunday at 11 a. m.Preparatory services Saturday at 3.80 p.m.and 8 p.m. The congregations of Thyatira and Back Creek Presbyterian churches, Rowan,the pastorate-vaeated by Rev. J.C.Grier,ae goes to South Caro- lina,seek to,secure the services of Rev.F.A.Barnes,pastor of the Sec- ond Presbyterian church of Moores- ville. ready extended the Creek will join in it. *The adjourned meeting of Concord Presbytery to bewillbeonMay16 instead of May 15, as announced. Rev. mally installed pastor of Street Presbyterian church Sundaynight.Rev.Dr.C.E.Raynal will preach and propound the constitution- al questions,Rev.E.D.Brown will charge the pastor and Elder F,A.Sherrill will charge the people, The Broad Street Methodist choir will render a special programme of Easter music at 8 o’clock Sunday evening.This has “become an annv-| al feature with this congregation,and} has been greeted by audiences that packed the auditorium for the pasttwoyears. At the morning service,the pastor will administer the ordinance of bap- tism to the children of those parents who wish to have them baptized atthistime.This service will be heldvromptlyat11.10,The collection at the morning service is for the Chil-dren's Home..At the evening hour,the collection is for the benefit of the choir fund,used in the purchase of music.. Programme:of music service: Prelude—Jubilate Deo. Hymn 180.Prayer. King of Kings. call and “Back for evening Silver. Simper.Choir.Scripture Reading.eeTeum.Lloyd. 'Choir.- Offertory Solo—O Divine Redeemer. Mrs.‘J.T.Daniel. Cantata—The Resurrection.Manney.Soloists—Mrs.Dorman Thompson,Mrs.RH.Troutman,Mrs.J.C.Duke:Mr.Julian Mor-rison,Mr.A.J.Salley..Benediction.Postlude—Priests’ Gounod. March from “‘Athalie.” The following musical programm They will be given Sunday morning at the First Baptist church: Prelude—Adoration,from The Holy CityyGaul. Anthem—As It Began to Dawn.Anthem-—-And Behold ThereEarthquake.Offertory—Violin Solo. Mr.J.E.Robinson.Postlude—The Palms.Faure.The regular choir will be assisted “by Miss"‘Ruth Harris, DEVELOP BARIUM SPRING Company Organized —Big Ho- tel Possible. The Landmark mentioned oe “the incorporation of _the Barium! Springs Company,composed of Char- lotte folks,to take over the Barium Springs property,five miles south of| Statesville and adjoining the Barium Orphans’Home.The property has: been owned for several years by Rev,A.S.Caldwell. The-Barium Springs Company, which will sell the Barium water and conduct the hotel there for guests,was organized in Charlotte this week.The| officers and directors elected John B.Ross,president’and—treasurer;Chas.'A.Williams,vice president:James O.' Gardner,secretary;A.J.Draper and T.C.Guthrie,Sr..Other Charlotte men interested are E.T.Cansler.Sr., C.W.Johnston,Joseph R.Ross,R.B. Elam,M.B.Spier.J,H.Weddington and F.M,Shannonhouse. Interested parties outside of Char-lotte and Messrs.A,S.Caldwell.Jr., High Point.FE.C.Caldwell and Thos. Gresham,Richmond,Va.,and R:D. Ross,Wadeshoro.Messrs.J.B.Ross and ee Ross of Charlotte,A.XN Caldwell,Jr.,High Point,and Rev. S.Calera ‘of Barium were hoe Wednesday making transfer of pa-pers. The medicinal value of the avai water is well recognized by the best whysicians and it is the purpose of the company to promote the sale of the water by acquainting the publiewithitsworthasacurativeacentformanvdiseases.Mr.John B.RossofCharlotte,the president of thecompany,is an enthusiastic believer Shelley.Was a Great Simper.Selected. |'}| Thyatira congregation has al-| held in Statesville | Dr.H,M.Parker will be for-| Front Mendelssohn.i The Plans and PuPurposes of che|Day—What Will Be»Done on| “the 29th. j Correspondence of The Landmark, Nation-wide “observance of ‘Baby |Week began during the first week of; 'Mareh and since then numbers of’¢it-ies,.towns_and.communities —have||observed the weék,or often-—only-e, t{i }t iday,and others will do so at dates| best suited to each locality.The pur-|nose of Baby Week in’a community is Yprimarily-edueationatand it}object is | tWo-fold;First,to give the parents an-opportunity of -learnine-the~faets-#--- with regard to the care of their ba- bies;and second,to bring home.to every one in the community the im- portance of the babies-——-the facts re- lating to the babies of that communi- ty,and what must be done for their welfare.The community’s responsi- bility for its babies is the thought of the day.central Saturday,April 29,has:been select-| ed as the time when our town will ob- serve:Baby Day.-Drv Fo A.Carpens ;ter,one of the city physicians,is much interested in the subject,and ‘has.as his assistants in making the|day one of }and their mothers,many of the la- dies of the town,.Mrs.B,F.Long is ichairman of the committee on ar- rangements and serving with her are|Mug.T.FE.Anderson,Mrs.Ciement |Dowd,Mrs:M.R.Adams and_Mrs.R. E.Nooe,The following sub-commit-tees have been appointed: Publicity—Mrs..M.R. chairman;Mrs.Zeb.Vance Miss Carrie Hoffmann. Soliciting committee—Mrs. Poston,chairman;Mrs.J.C, Mrs.B.B.Webb. Nurses’demonstration—-Mrs.R.F “ooe,chairman;Miss Ferguson,Miss |Davidson,Miss Dye.Mrs.Jones. At 11 o’clock Saturday morning:Dr.I,W.Faison of Charlotte,the|well known specialist in -ehildren’s diseases,will make an address at thecourthouse.Here,also,two roomswillbesetapartfordemonstration |work by the nurses.Motaers will be Shown the proper methods of pre par- ing and sterilizing infants’food andthenurseswillanswerquestionsre-lating to the physical welfare of thechildren.The doctors will,at thesameplace,give free examination toanychildrenbroughttothem,and lit-erature,bearing on all phases ef childwelfare,will be distribufed by thecommittee.All possible will be donetomakethedayaninteresting:and profitable one and‘the country peo-ple,as well as the people of the town,are urged to come and take advan-tage of this opportunily..Next week'sLandmarkwillgivefurtherdetailsoftheprogramme. MRS.ZEB.VANCE LONG, .Publicity Committee, Adams, Long, R.L. Fowler, Vive per rsons were killed and many‘injured >a collision of trains atBradford,R.1,Monday night: Should Not Feel Discouraged. So many people troubled with indisce tienonstipationhavebeensatelitebytakingsin’s Tablets that no one shou ld feel who has not given thernopepsinorothermentsbutstrengthenthestemne {it to perform its functions naturally.able everywhere. heevi AT THE CRESCENT E MON DAY “The Sublime Achievement 4 of the Moving Picture Art.” AnnetteKellerman “The Perfect Woman,” the Spectacular Picto. rial Triumph, “Neptune’s Daughter.” in the medicinal qualities of the wa.:ter and his enthusiasm is backed byactualexperience,tests and demon-strations.The company is composedofmenofwealthandisamplypre-!pared to carry out its plans.One of|the possibilities,later on,is a big all-the-year hotel at the springs for theaccommodationofvisitors.The enterprise being near States-ville,this community is interested initssuccessandshouldencourageit,Mr.Ross is coming to StatesvilletonighttotalktotheCommercialclubandourcitizensaboutBariumwater. ‘The Music at Graycrest. On account of sickness and badweatherthemusicpracticeatGray-crest school house was omitted thelasttwoSundays,but the communi-ty is requested to meet next Sundayat4o'clock,p.m.:J.8.LEONARD, ‘Two cars,occunied by C.0.Brown, ahd family 6f ClevelandBetwhardt.and family o7 were.in-collisioh in Salisbury, battored byut,nobody,hurt, Concord, Cars and C,F,) At the request of a large ‘number of our patrons we have booked this wonder- ful picture for a return en:| gagement for one day Monday,April 24th. PRICES 10¢.and 15c ee hses Ueeerwank | Zig % ieee E SALINE etre we real value to the babies CabinetsNOH Hoosier’s s unrivaled convenience won the Gold Medal at the Panama-Pacific £xposition,San-Fran-~cisco,and this sale is to celebrate its leadership andletthepublicseethemanywaysthatHoosierexcels.People all over America will-attend this greateventattheHoosierstoresandwehavehadtopre-pare weeks ahead to get a special allotment of Hoosiers from the factory for our own home folks.The salestartstomorrowandwilllastallweekifoursupply of« being supplied at once. cabinets lasts.Those who come first are sure of If you don’t want to wait-for.- your cabinet,then please don’t put off your visit to OUrF Remember there are Hoo window spaces and the center of big kitchens. store. big and little kitchens,for,camps;apartments, old-fashioned,built-in,No further need for rs for farmscrawav uncleanable cypboards. See the Demonstration 0 Hoosier’s 40 Labor-“saving i whe wants is demon ‘oyaen ha rchieved :Hoosier irs will Want in see tI Vee Men imal ?Llovcnwor) cles all h:arrans DOMES your ed the "WOPrkING | that could That’s why acpaiillion 3 Cabinet for the hours of You can easily roll the and the metal such Medal features morrow.Tho We will scare Nua “Dut we kitchen cabinets. Francisco Tair.th sands of people, Come al itMpVOve La} eah+e C rashCA TH Lod PEeer: ee eae7 ea Or eer c YE TRY TO KPE! |Vv hand everything partie customers world groceries.We can reco KE ON ilar. in ond It cost buther ¢ in place of butter. half what the best and will make the iine ever baked. 4Vou're welcome to the si It will please you and bihackformore—which will |us! Miller-McLain Supply (4° only t cake C you ase Doors,Windows,Mantels, Forty-two kinds Moulding,¢ Ready-m:ide Door and \\indaw}ramos,Door and Window Locks:all:izes of one and two light rlaged |Doors;Mantels,Nails,and all”Sizes |+0 _Rough and Dressed Lumber. _W ATKINS,Statesville,N, THs SANDAL TRE lumns;! G; |Sub:cribe for the iC SCTEN{ ed every Nod me atures. NOTH i be AS BEEN OVERLC conv omen use time lloosier int break, demonstrated to all not ready i nough cabinets io last t LO LCOmMe missed your chance id brings vour friends! aford-Bunch Furniture Co STOR $1475 to $45 $1 on Delivery $1 Weekly No Extra FeesMoney-Back Guarantee f i “Premadps Roll Doors don’t enclosures rmin collect in the t Come,see how youcanlittoutthesedoorsforcleaning. ttoasion’s Pull View hide inte pockets or and v« cabinet, »dirt nee fo-Gnie an You ii yy cuths fo be ue tribe ne at your |forth io gs mans I irNV bE =4 11 Meret SeeUnbrealeable CasterSocket enanics a OI eNOS ed cl= CRED! or add to ‘vour comfort. “|jer Kitchen and miles of them. about on its asters, These,and other Hoosier Gold the ill to- won't he expected to, ne out,any- enienc: and ae ATINGT ( folks who ¢: tO tae week Wnmo 1Pewhat inte inside facts about stration at the San ‘ested thou- and le: {nis d1LO The Famous Hinge Door “Hoosier Beauty” mipany. LYS eeCOMES BOS>x Wydy Iaieeal4 SE AC UU GO. Here’s the Line”to Line Up With. Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivateyourcorncropwithourPREPAREDNESSLINE,To be sure of crop,NEWUNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEBRE. IREDELL HARDWARE COMPANY.| ¢!TRIO *a CRUAACICA CACC BUILDING?©.WATKINS.| el had been acquitted here has no criminal record ~on the Mississippi. ‘VOL.XLII.STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,APRIL 25,1916.NOSl. THE YEGCMEN CONVicrED. Four Yef&rs For Hackett,TwoForKoontz—Dowd Had His in Another Case —He Admit-ted Mocksville Robbery— ~~Some Facts About the Crimi- nals,' QOld:Tom ,Dowd,James Hackett andGradyKoontz,the yeggmen,on.trial~“in the Federal’court,were convicted.;,The testimony ©was concluded.Thursday afternoon,the case was ar-‘-gued and Judge Boyd--charged thefuryFridayafternoon.the case go- ng to the jury at 3.55 o’clock.About9-o’clock that night the jury reached ‘a verdict of conspiracy only as:to Koontz and both.conspiracy and rob- -bery as to Dowd and Hackett.About 1-o’clock *Saturday.Judge Boyd pass-ed sentences on the men as follows: The prayer for judgment as to Dowdisto’be continued {ndefinitely,the motion to be re-entered at such timeasthedistrictattorneymaysee proper.Dowd is now serving a termoffiveyearsforpostoffice-robbery inMaryland. As to Jas.Hackett,the judgment of-the court is that considering all the counts in the indictment it is or- dered that he be imprisoned for four years,assigned to the United StatesprisonatAtlanta,Ga. Grady Koontz,as to two counts;that he be.imprisoned for two years,assigned to the United States prison at Atlanta,Ga. Dowd returned to:Atlanta Satur- day night’in custody of Mr.Adder-~~holdt,the warden,who brought him here.The others were taken to At-lanta by Deputy Marshals MilhollandofStatesvilleandGarnerofAshe-ville.“Hackett was first to receive sen- tence.He thanked Judge Boyd™forexpressionsofsympathyandseemed very little concerned.Koontz had no- thing to say.Dowd stated that he had never seen Grady Koontz beforethetrial.He admitted that he had been with Hackett at different points but did not say that Hackett was guilty of the charges.Dowd admit--ted that he was guilty of the Mocks- ville robbery.Hackett,while only 34 years old,has a rather long criminal record.HishomewasinBrooklyn,N.Y.May16,1906,he was sentenced to a yearintheStateReformatoryatElmira, any.Y.,for robbing the.postoffice.atuffern,N.Y..In 1907 he was sen-tenced to five years in’the New YorkStateprisonatAlbanyforsafe-blow-ing.He was arrested in Elmira,N. Y.,in 1911 and sentenced to 90 days in the county jail for vagrancy.in 1912 he was arrested at Elmira, charged with postoffice robbery,but disposition of case is unknown.April 6,1912,he was arrested at Elmira forburglaryofJerseyShorerailwayde- pot,in Pennsylvania.He plead guilty and was sentenced to-from-2-1-2.to 10 years in the Eastern penitentiary. He violated his parole October 26, 1914.He is then supposed to havecomeSouthandresumedsafe-blow- ing.He is charged with the burglaryofthesafeinthevostofficeatMew- ton,Miss.,in March of last year._.._While Hackett has.many.aliases it~is understood that his real name _isJamesWells.He told his that he was not guilty of the charges ted that his was bad,If he he —wouldhavebeentakentoPennsylvaniato “serve an unexpired term.Wells.alias Hackett,says when he was released from the Pennsylvania penitentiary on-parole-he-resolved to keep straight: that he kept straight until one day,in a moment of weakness,he went into ~@ saloon and bought a glass of beer. An officer saw him and he was re- ported for violating his parole.Know- record >ing he would be returned to prison heTan.away,,and—-“thounded”—as hefeeling that he»was expressed it—-helivestraight.That’s He says his mother ~ouit trying to Wells’story._died when he was three years old andhisfatherafewyearslater. --Grady Koontz,as far as is known, up to thistime.He was 21 years old in Janu- ary.As to Dowd,little definite is known.As.previously stated,he is about 65 -years old,has had,aggregate prison sentences of 40 years and has served about 33 years.While it is not known as a fact,it is reported that he is a son of a pirate who operated He is serving five vears in the Atlanta penitentiary for the burglary of the postoffice at Aberdeen,Md.,having plead guiltyFebruary11,1916.Dowd will talk to a certain:point and no further.HeisanJrishmanandweddedtohis*Corn-cob pipe. _.._In the _veggmen trial manv-witnoss- es said they hadDowd”and Hackett,seen “Old Tom alias Brooklyn©$lim..ete.,at v@rious times and plac-es.Nobody saw anv of them robbing “a postoffice,or robbing anythine,but the government was trying to fix the _¢rime on them by circumstantial evi-+dence.When witnesses began to saythattheyhadseenDowdatcertain._times and places.Mr.John Lewis..his‘counsel,wanted to know just howtheycouldbesureitwasDowdtheyBaw.At firstnone of them had the Merve to say what was.apparent—/and that was that anybody who tookgoodlookatDowd’s face once wotldbelikelytorememberhim,for his “physiognomy is by no means common.inally Mr.Shepherd Strudwick ofHillsborowent-on the stand,My.Strudwick had seen Dowd in his placeatHillsboro”two days.before the.Hillsbotdpostoffice was robbed.(Continued on EKighth Page.) i Charlotte and-A.~A.—Whitener attorney \ broucht against him here,but admit-! MR.SHUFORD LOST SUIT. Se es New Yo n°Over‘Hickory Man—Last of the sual Length. the term of Federal court in States-| ville:occupied a-week.Usually threeto.four days is the limit..The courtadjournedSaturdayafternoon. Next in importance to the trial of the yeggmen was a civil action ‘in which Mr.Wade H.Shuford of Hick- ory-sought to recover $16,567,with in- terest on $14,040-from July 1,1915, from A.D.Juiliard &Co.,‘cotton commission merchants of New York. Shuford’was a stockholder:in the E. L.Shuford.Manufacturing Co.,locat- ed near.Hickory,and manufacturers of yarns.He alleged that trom time to time,defendants bought stock in ‘the company until they held the ma- ‘jority of stock,changed the ‘name.of ithe company and increased the capi- tal stock;that he finally bought ad- ‘ditional stock with an agreement thatitwasalltobetakenoffhis:hand,at will and without loss to him. On motion_ofdefendant’s counsel, it was adjudged by the court that the that the defendants recover of plaintiff and his security on the undertaking for costs,the costs of the action to be taxed by the clerk.Appearing for the plaintiff were Messrs.W.A.-Self.and Chas.W.Bag- hy and Judge W.B.Council of Hick-ory:Messrs.Tillett &°Guthrie a0 Hickory represented the defendants. Mr.C.A.Braman of the defendant company was:here for the trial. Cases heretofore reported in which sentences had not been passed,were as.follows:‘ Schuyler Smith and Sidney Cook, Burke county,distilling;prayer for judgment.as to Smith continued on his recognizance for appearance at issue at request of district attorney; prayer for judgment centinued as to Cook,he to give bond..T.C.Fortner of McDowell county, sending obscene letter through the mails;one’month in prison and_fined $200.;Lee Kizer,Burke county,distilling;prayer for judgment continued to next term.oo .., Frank Evans,Burke county,distil-ling;fined $100. The court is sitting in Salisbury this week and Clerk Gill and his dep- uty,Miss Ruth Gill,are with it. Registrars and Judges Appoint- ed. At their meeting Saturday the County Board of Elections appointed the following registrars and.judges for the primary election June 3 and the’general election November 7,the first named being”register”and the last two judges:.; Barringer township —B.P..Smith, Marsh Howard,Augustus M.Johnson; Bethany—T.L.Adams,W.B.Craw- ford,J.C.Harmon;Chambersburg— W.S.Clendennin,W.W.Hair,H.S. Hair;Coddle.Creek No,1—J.H. Cloaninger,J.T.Berry,Lester Cath- ey;Coddle Creek No.2 —Branch McNeely,T.C.Brawley,Sam.M. Goodman;Concord—W.T.Watt,G. W.Harris,Ed.Douglass;Cool Spring ——C.-H.Knox,V.—6.Montgomery, i;Wm.B.Helton;Davidson—Ephraim }Ervin,J.S.Morrison.J.A.Douglass; Eagle Mills—T.G.Wallace,Jas.For- cum,J.W.Powell:Fallstown—J.T.Smith,C.M.Wagner,John_L,Ken-nedy;New Hope—Robert Shoemak- er,R.W.Redman,H.L.Jordan;Olin —James Weisner,S.A.Padgett,E. L.Harmon;Sharpesburg,W.B.Me- ITelland,A.C.Jones.D.W.Harmon; Shiloh-—A.W.Stevenson,J.P.Mor- rison,Wm.A.Wright;Statesville No. i—C.D.Moore,H.E.Lewis,E.BE. Sherrill;Statesville No.2—Wade Lippard,Frank *Watson,-W.W. Tharpe;Statesville No.83—Geo.Ayers, J.W.Allison,W.A.Holtshouser; Statesville No.4—P.E.West,W.R. Smith and M.L,Dowdy;Turners- bure—P.H.Lazenby,Ed.Massey.J. A.White;Union Grove—J.G.Mor- ris,Robert Holmes,E.M.Sale. sium Considered. Messrs.D.M.Ausley,L.W:Mac- Kesson,C.M.Steele and J.H.Mor- rison were re-elected members of the board of governors of the Commercial club at the meeting Friday night. The question of placing gymnasiumequipmentintheclub’s assembly hall and adding a juvenile department to the club was’discussed and the mat- ter was left to the board of govern-‘ors to pass on the advisability of such a step.As talked of,it would pro- vide that children.should be allowed to use the gymnasium a few evenings a.week,they to pay a membership fee.: Mr.John B.Ross of Charlotte was before the club ‘to exploit the under- taking of the Barium Springs Com- pany,recently organized.- Mr.Deitz’s Home Burned. Yesterday morning at 8 o’clock’the five-room cottage of Mr.A.R.Deitz, corner east Sharpe and Salisburystreets,was destroyed by fire which is supposed to have started from.achimney.Most of the contents of thehouseweresaved.The firemen re-sponded to the alarm but the house was too near gone when_they got there.There was $500 insurance on the-house and $200 on the furniture.The firemen responded to an alarmlateFridayafternoonbutitwasonlyawoodpileatMr.Glenn Holland’s’on Stockton street, Federal Court—Term of Unu-|- For the first time in a long while THE DELEGATES ELECTED.)MR.ALLISON’SoynahereTURLRAemcagbehapaass4dtugprts01STGET Bricf Session of Democratic,Near Tragedy Near Troutman | County Convention—Meeting|}.-—Mr.Troutman’s Eye Hurt} After the Convention Endors-|—A Marriage,Etc.ed Mr.Hartness For Secreta-Earevendence of ‘The Landmark:‘ .Sti routman,April 24—-A marriage o ne a State::.{much interest to the community was'|The county Democratic convention ihat last Thursday of Miss Bessie Lee % met Saturday at the court house to, Officer Got Bad Negro Before He Could Shed Blood——Gambling Case and Other Incidents.of Local Courts. Jim Eddins,colored,is in jail.un-der $200 bond for-carrying concealedweapons.-It seems that Jim is enam- plaintiff take nothing by this action,| next term under.$100 vond,capias to} pelect delegates.tothe State.conven-tion,which meets.Thursday in Ral-' eigh,|All the townships were repre- sented and there were 50 to 100 pres- ent. '~The mecting was called to order by Mr.J.A.Wartness and Mr.H, Grier was elected chairman and Mr. Dorman Thompson secretary.A reso- lution offered by Mr.Z.V.Turlington ‘and adopted provided that each pre- cinet elect,a delegate from its own ,precinet and that the chairman ap- |point 38 at large to the State conven- tion.The following were named from the townships: |3arringer,RB.P.Smith;Bethany,iH.C.Privett;Chanfbersburg,W,-S. |Clendenin:Coddle Creek No.1,Geo. iC,Goodman;Coddle Creek No.2,T.J.Williams,with J.A.Steele alter- inate;Concord,Geo;Harris;Cool |Spring,V.C.Montgomery;Davidson, PD,.Fisher;:Eagle Mills,M.W. {Smith:Fallstown,,G.M.Young; New.Hope,R.C.Redman;-Olin,J.-O.Gaither;Sharpesburg,W.B.McLel-land;Shiloh,A.D.Watts;Statesville,;No.1,GS.Tomlin;Statesville No,2, J.C.Fowlér;Statesville No.8,H.O. Steele;Statesville No.4,H.P.Grier; Turnersburg,W.G.Nicholson;-Union Grove,J,W.Sharpe. The following delegates pointed by the chair: W.D.Turner.R.B.McLaughlin, L.C.Caldwell,R.R.Clark,»D.\M. Ausley,H.-A.Yount,Z..V.Long,L.B. Bristol,C.V..Henkel,John »F. Bowles,D.J.Craig,W.W.Leinster, Dorman Thompson,J.M.Deaton.Jno. A.Scott,Jr.,Z.V.Turlington,W.D- Templeton,J.M.Kennett,R.V: Brawley,J.H.Cloaninger,A.»L. Starr,-Geo.-A.Morrow.C.B.Webb, A.&.Welborn,E.B.Watts,P.S. Bovd,Sig.Wallace,J.F.Anderson, J.H.Morrison,T.N.Hall,M.P. Alexander,Fred.Ramsey,W.H.Me- were ap- N.QB.Mills,H.BE.Lewis,J.N.MeEl- wee.J.B.Armfield,N.D.Tomlin,P. P.Dulin,W.A.Thomas.R.H.Rick- ert,D.I’.Mavberry,J.C.Henley,-C. D.Moore,J.H,.Hoffmann,V.°B.Jur- ney.T.D.Miller,H.Burke,John W. Guy,J.Y.Caldwell,J.E.Boyd,J.G. Powell,W.M.Barringer,Wm.Wal- lace.J.S.MeRorie,Geo.R.Anderson, M.A.Heimster. With this the convention adjourned and the chairmen of the different pre- cinet committees met and re-cleced J.A.Hartness chairman of the exec- reary.They and J.H.Hoffmann,L. BR.Bristol,R.V.Brawley and J.H. Cloaninger compose the.central com- mittee,y Those present assembled in mass meeting with Hon.W.D.Turner‘as chairman.The meeting was in theinterestofthecandidacyofMr.J.A. Hartness for Secretary of State.Mr. Turner spoke at length of Mr.Hart- ness’fitness for the place and review- ed his record of loyalty to the Demo- cratic varty and his friends.Messrs. J.G,Henley and %V.Turlington svoke briefly in advocacy of Mr. Uariness andthe following resolution was read by.Mr.Turlington and unanimously adopted: “Whereas,our neighbor and coun- tyman,James A.Hartness,has nounced his candidacy before the Democratic ‘primaries to be held June Rd,1916,for the office of Secretary of he should be successful in the race for this honorable position;and rec- ognizing that he has always’been anactiveandhard-working Democrat forhisvarty,faithful to his friends,hon-orable in all his dealings,efficient inoffice,‘and an earnest advocate of allmeasuresthattendedtotheunliftandadvancement.of the public good,and believing that he is in every wayworthyoftheconfidenceofthepeo-ple of the State by reason of his in- ‘erritv of character,moral and up-rivht life,and ability to fill the officewithhonortohimselfandcredit_tothenartyandpeople;therefore.he i!rselved by the Democrats of Iredell county,in mass meeting assembled: “Ist.That we will earnestly,faith- fully and enthusiastically support him in his laudable ambition,and that we pledge ourselves to use all honor-ahle and just means to make his:ean-didaey 2.‘suecess.“2d,That we most cordially com-merd him to the Democratic voters ofNovthCarolinaandsolicittheirvotesinhisbehalf.” Will Pass on Mexico Today. _A decision as to whether the Amer- tcan troops will .be wrthdrawn fromMexico.may be reached by PresidentWilsdhiscabijWilsonan1scabinettoday. in a state of defence since they wereattackedatParralandthepursuitof Villa.abandofhed.,.More troops were sent into Mexico last week to strength- en Gen.Pershing’s line A Festival and a Bullet. Dr Speas of —Cooleemee Sundav brought Bob Payne,a negro,to the Sanatorium with a busiet hole through the flesh of his back.The wound is not serious.There was a festival over there the night before and one Tor-rence was thete.He became mad at his wife and chased her around and around in an effort to shoot her.Finally he shot,but ithe ball missedhiswifeand.struck Payne. Fiwee,W.PF.Nicholson,J.G:Lewis,| utive committee and Z,V.Long sec-: an-; State,and it being the supreme desire|of the citizens of Iredell county that! The troops in Mexico have been held |’ Cloaninger and Mr.Walter Lee Rodg- ,ers of Jacksonvillé,*Fla.~The ‘cere- ;mony was performed ‘in Statesville atjtheAssociateReformedPresbyterian ;manse,by Rev.J.H.Pressly...The twedded ones then drove back to the,bride’s home and after supper they jtook the train for ithey purpose spending-a few days,af-jter;which they will g®on to Jackson-ville,where Mr ‘Rodgers has prepared a beautiful and commodious home for his bride.Miss Cloaninger was one of|the leading young spirits.of this com- ‘munity.Mr.Rodgers comes of the good old Carolina stock but emigrated|terFlorida with his parents in early childhood.He now holds an import-;ant position in the postal service. Mr.FE.W.Allison,one of the pro- gressive young bloods of this place, lacked just about 30 seconds of pass- ing the big border last Thursday.Hp iWas operating his well-drilling outfit on the farm of Mr.J.O.Overeash sind ‘while leaning up against the drill-shaft ‘a-pinion on the ‘shaft hooked in the;button-hole of his coat.In the.ver-nacular of the politician the shaft but- ;ton-holed him and began winding him _up.In two or three revolutions it had hugged him up and was tearing inte the flesh of his shoulder His breath|was completely shut off before the machinery could be stopped and thentheyoungmenhadtousetheirpocket- ‘knives to cut the thing loose before he‘could get wind.But tney patched him ‘up-and though somewhat disfigured he is still in the ring.° Mr.Clarence Troutman had the mis- fortune to have the severed end of a belt hit him in the eye while operating'a planer at Mr.C:L.clark’s factory "He was hurried to the hospital and is‘still there.- Mr.David L.Wagner,a good citi- ,zen,lies dangerously ill at his home |two miles north of here.He has beensickforquiteawhileandgraduallygrowsworse. Grandmother Margz-ret Lippard,the oldest woman in this section,fell out of a buggy Sunday afternoon at thehomeofherson,Mr.J_B.Lippard,,At first it waS thought she had brokenher*back but aside from a rather se-rious shake-up it is now hoped the good grandma is othe-wise uninjured |Mr.Floyd:Johnston ond family of |Dublin,Ga.,are-here on a visit to Mr. Johnston’s father and mother,Mr.and Mrs.J.Wi Johnston.Mr.Harlee Sherrill and family ot’Spencer spent,Sunday here at Mr.Johnston’s. (Job For Man Who Can Speak |and Write Spanish. |Something is constantly coming Mr.W.A.Thomas’way to confirm /his opinion that the study of Spanish by some of-our young people,to take {care of South American business in {the near future,is important and |pressing. |A.few days ago Mr.Thomas re-!ceived-a-letter-from a friend—asking |him if he could suggest a young man, ‘familiar with.the Spanish language, {to go to South America to investigate ithe furniture trade,The place is a rovernment position and will pay $10 j2 day and $5 a day additional for ex- 1penses.In a few years it is believ- ted that the Southern trade with|South America will be so developed ;that-some-one-eapable of reading and,writing Spanish will be wanted in the jeffice of every manufacturing and isiness concern of prominence.In ¢meantime persons who can speak ,end write Spanish will be needed tojhelpdevelopthetrade.The oppor- j tunity offers a good opening for |right young men and women.The idea is not —as some have tried to |make it appear —-to put a regular |Spanish course in all the schools,or |to try to teach all the young folks jthat Janguage.But it does mean {that some of our schools should ;make provision so that a number of |young people can.be trained for the jneed that is coming, | |A dispatch from Marion to the;Charlotte Observer,dated Sunday. lsays a forest fire,covering*in widtheveralmiles,had bee-:burning for 24 |hours in MéDowell county and—had ex- itended 20 miles towarc Burke county. |A church,a school building,a largejmillandadozenfarmhouses.had jbeen burned. A call reached Marion Saturday nicht for help to fight the fire,and many automobiles loaded with fire- hut the fight was altogether in vainNothingbutarainorsomewide tream of water can siop the fire,says the dispatch. Smashing Alexander Distilleries Thursday Deputv Collector Allison and officers from Catawba county de- troyed .a big copper distillery,in xander county,near Poly Hafer’s. Two men were operating the plant when the officers hove in sight,but eseaned,<A lot of beer was destroy- ed.The eanacity of the plant was 184 rallons..The same afternoon and not o great distance away another plantwasdestroyed.It was not in opere-tion.Saturday morning Mr.Allison and officers.from Alexander county cut upadistillery:in the Vashtt communityanddestroyedalotofbeer.- —License has been issued for the marriage of Mr.F.Kerr and.Miss Lizzie.Funderberg. Charlotte,where! ghters were rushed to the country,|]? Lered-of-one-Louetta-Owens,who:lives j with her sister,Berta Hagan,a few |miles southeast of town.Jim came ‘all the way from Alabama Iast week, ;it is charged,for the purpose of kill- jing Louetta.He armed himself with |pistol and .gun:and enough ammu- nition to start an —insurrection——in ;Mexico.Friday night he was on ‘hand at a festival in Louetta’s neigh- borhood,thinking that sie would be there,and that he would have an op- |portunity of carrying out his purpose.|His presence there was reported to Députy Sheriff Gilbert and he went down about 4 o'clock Saturday morn- jing and brought Eddins in.He was tried :by "Squire Moore and was com- mitted to jail in default of bond. Walter Steele,a young white man, save bond before the mayor Friday in the sum of $200 to answer in Supe- rior Court the charges of obtaining goods under false pretence,larceny and embezzlement.: Steele is the fellow The Landmark told about recently as naving ordered groceries from Mr,J.W.Rash.to be sent to Mr.Dave Troutman’s,where the money was to have been paid over for them,Steele requested that_Mr., Rash-send change for a $5 or $10 bill with the groceries,which amounted to 95 cents,so that he could pay for them.Steele met the delivery boy on the way to Troutman’s,took the cigarettes,tobacco and change and told the boy that the $10 would be naid to him at Mr.Troutman’s.With this Steele hiked out.He was arrest- ed by Policeman Ayers _Friday. Steele’s home is near Cleveland.Naas we Vance Horton and Clyde Privett, two white boys,were ‘tried before Mayor Caldwell Saturday and put under $50 bond each to answer for gambling.They and Jim Wilborne and Toad Hartline,it is alleged,were caught shooting craps in the’engine room of the Imperial Furniture fac- tory several nights ago.All gave hond then for their appearance be- fore the mayor,but Hartline and Wil- borne failed to appear Saturday.The fame was in progress about”2:30 o'clock one morning.Chief Kerr slip- before speaking to the players. Shirley King.-colored,charged with an assault on his wife Sunday after- noon,was’discharged yesterday by the mayor.: S.D.Lockman was taxed with the costs Saturday for disorderly con- duct. Deaths.: Mrs.Mary Etta --Claywell Wood- ward,wife of Mr.R.R..Woodward, died Saturday morning at 5 o’clock at her home in Bethany township, aged 29.years.Deati resulted from tuberculosis.Funeral services wereconductedSundaymorningat11 o’clock at Friendship church,Olin township,by Rev.Mr.Castle and the interment was in the cemetery there. Deceased was a daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.-E.Claywell_of:Sharpesburg township.Her husband,four —chil- drén,parents and four brothers andhreesisterssurvive. Mrs.Wade Griffin died Saturday afternoon at her home’in Charlotte, aged 62 vears.She was a sister-in- law-of Mrs.Corriher and a neice of Mr.J.R.Davis of Statesville. Mr.L.B.Sloop suffered a stroke of varalysis Friday afternoon cat his home at Newell’s,Mecklenburg coun- ty,and died that nirht.He was 58 years old and is survived by three sons and four daughters.Mr.Sloop was formerly connected with the right-of-way department of —the Southern Power Co.and in that ca- nacitv was known to many Statesville and Jredell people. Miss Mary Elizaheth Campbell. aged 82 years,died Sunday night at her home near River Hill,Turners- hurg township.Interment yesterday ofternoon at New Hope church,Cool Spring township.A brother and sis- ‘er survive, ******** WILL OFFER CONCESSIONS. Confidential dispatches from Ambassador Gerard at Berlin indicate,say the Washington dispatches,that Germany will make certain concessions to the United States in response to the note demanding the imme- diate abandonment of present methods of submarine warfare. Whether the concessions will he sufficiently broad to meet the American demend appears uncertain.However,officials * reflected\an air of ‘hopefulness * for an amicable settlement of * the issue. *****a **” x Answer Expected This Week. Germany’s reply to the American note demanding immediate abandon- ment of illegal and inhumane,subma-. rine warfare probably will be before President Wilson by Saturday.In the meantime,perhaps within 48 hours,Ambassador Gerard at Berlin is ex- wocted to be in a position accuratelytoforecast.the contents of the docu-ment.It is confidently believed,thattheGermanreplywillbehanded‘to Ambassador Gerard on-Wednesday—orThursday...About two days will berequired:for coding,cable transmis-sion and decoding. ped in on them and.stood over and;;|watched the game for ten ,minutes Mr.R.F.West has gone to Da-vidson county.to help in road -build- ing. Reduced rates_on the railroads to the Democratic State convention inRaleighThursday. ‘—Dorothy Henkel,little daughter ofMr.and Mrs,C.V.Henkel,has.been. dition was improved yesterday, {—-Mr.John,H.Thompson Saturday shipped to Tazewell,Va.,59 headpure-bred and grade Jersey heifers hehadboughtaroundStatesville. +~i«Miss Maude:Nicholson and .Mrs. Raymond Maiden were operated on at the Sanatorium Saturday for appen-dicitis and both are getting along all right.j ae —Dr.T.E.Anderson and othermembersoftheState’Board ofHealthwereatSanatoriumFridaytoacceptthenewbuildingrecentlycom- pleted,: —Some lots in Belmont,the color-ed section of town,were sold.at auc- tion Saturday.The property is ownedbyMr.D.O.Cowan.A band parad-ed up town to attract buyers. —Clarence Troutman was chang-ing the belt on a_planing mill at Troutman,Thursday,’when.the.beltbrokeandstruckhiminthe’éye,He was in.Dr.F.A.Carpenter’s:infirsmaryforafewdaysbutwillbeall right,soon.be —Prof.A.C.Kerley,formerly su-perintendent-of the Mooresville grad= ed schools and later postmaster atMooresville,now superintendent oftheMorgantonschools,was reported critically ill-at Morganton Sunday asaresultofanoperationforappendi- citis. '—Miss Loma Fisher,of the milli- nery department of Mills &Poston, was called to Pineville Saturday bythe.death of her father,Mr.Fisher.Mr.Fisher became unbal- anced mentally several days ago andwasfounddeadinawellSaturdaymorningearly.: —Mr.J.W .Ward went to Camden,S.C.,yesterday to build a veneeringplantforMessrs.C.R,Stimpson andP.B.Kennedy,who will open a plant:‘here in the fall.They are now op-erating the North State Veneer plantinsoutheastStatesvilleandwillmovethis‘machinery to.Camden. a -eandidateprimaryforState ville-is-expeeted-tebetheDemocratic Alexander,Cdldwell,Burke and ‘Me-Dowell,The district has two Sena-tors and Mr.J.L.Nelson of CaldwellwillbeMr.Matheson’s running mate, —It is reported that the scheduleofNo.35,the west-bound passengertrainthatnowpassesStatesvilleat10.20 at night,may be changed in thenearfuturetopasshere‘at about 3 in that change.A train passing hereatthathourwillbeworthnothingtothiscommunity. —tThe condition of Mr.John F.Har-bin,who has,been seriouslyill-some time,shows little change.His daugh- ter,Mrs.J.L.Davis of Columbia, Mr.and Mrs.-H.H.Harbin of Marion,S.C.,are here with their father.Mr.and Mrs.L .H.Wall of Lenoir and home Saturday. —Mr,W.E.Munday of Statesville,who attended a meeting of the North Carolina Association of |MasterPlumbers,in Raleigh last.week,was sociation to the national association,which will be held in Atlantie City. J.E.Albright of Goldsboro was elect-ed president of the State absociation and the next meéting.will be -held_in Charlotte. Villa Again Located. Francisco’Villa,slightly wounded but not incapacitated,is reported,to‘have moveg,into.the mountainous re- gion northwest of Parral.This infor-mation,which has reached General Funston,according to .dispatchesfromSanAntonio,Texas,is from a source that causes him to regard it as authentic.Villa was last reported seen at Monoava,about 85 miles bytrailsouthwestofSatevo,where themostadvancedofGeneralPershing’s force were.General Catranza has asked Wash- *;ington for an early reply to his note ‘of April 12.suggesting that Ameri- 'can troops be recalled from Mexico. “The Fighting. |Battles of heavy proportions have,been in progres in all the war theaters»xcept the Balkans.Successes:for theEntentealliesandtheTeutonicallies auite ii with erysipelas but her con-* John. --Mr,C.P.Matheson of Taylors-: Senaor,in.the district composed of... S.C.,—and-son-—-and--daughter-in-law, Mr.Davis were here,but returned *have varied.Fotr vesseis—an Italian.steamer,a French bark and two Brit.'ish steamers are reported to have been *-sunk by submarines.All their crewsarebelievedtohavebeensaved.|On the Verdun front,where for two months the Germans and French ‘have been almost continuouszy in\battle,the,Germans,according tw-an estimate oftheFrenchwaroffice,up to April 22 had used 80 divisions,or about:600,000men,in the fighting or in reinforcing{units which suffered heavy losses. Chorus Club Rehearsal, The ‘first rehéarsal of |the States-|ville Festival chorus ‘will be held to- morrow.evening at Shearer Hall at 8o’clock.The music has been receiv-‘ed and a full attendance of those who|have been notified of théir election tomembershipisdesired.-Membershe.wish,i phtain rouule can get it — vot Mr.A.J:Salley.is very:Hit\tial to have a full attendance at hijmeeting,as matters of impwillbediscussed, LOSE CALL.HE WOULD.KILL.HIS ..GIRL-|BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL-NEWS» ‘yacm.Statesville peopleareInterested ~~ 3)!TL elected -a delegate-from-the State-as=——____-— motteae Ma STATI TREE OE" thar hrtreomedtirtesieete rare CYR ecto tacoma examen tmmpenitin etal im ON AM :nner — ene ae eneeee yy eeepetcvonanennerserrno FARIOUS TOPICS. "he eastern North Carolina folksane Borne,Morehead City and thereabouts _are_positive thatGerman_spies are Jooking over the coast region,making maps,informing themselves as to coast and harbor defences,etc.Gon- “sequently nervous residents:of that region will doubtless lie’awake nights listening for the bombardment by a German fleet to begin on our un- protected coasts.That was to have been expected.Next thing we know the German.Zeppelins —will darken the air as they fly about the country dropping bombs,; The big bunch of,Russian troops—| the number is not made public—sent| to France to reinforce the French and English allies on the Western front—in France and Belgium—were things.”Citizen’of New|. THE SKIRMISH AT PARAL. A Het Bed of Villista Sympa- —thizers ==Carranza Soldiers Attacked. Associated”Press Dispatch From ~American Headquarters in Mexico. On April 12,abou noon,Major Tompkins went into Parral with only a small portion of his force,which to- talled about 150 men,including .a pack train outfit.He had Troops M and K of:the Thirteenth cavalry.sree Major Tompkins had taken *the precaution the night before to send word by a-messenger to the presidente of Parral,Luis Herrera,that he would call upon him next day to arrange for buying provisions ~and to have the Parral military.officials.designate some camping place outside of Par- ral.Major Tompkins left most of his men outside of Parral,but took his advance guard into the city during his call.The presence of this guard was both a military precaution and the usual formal.escort.accompanying received with glad acclaim when they landed in at Marseilles.The fact) that Russia has had ‘to reinforce her| allies on the Western ?ront’is evi-| dence that the continued German as-} saults at Verdun have had their ef-j fect.’News from French sources has| emphasized the heavy German loss- ees.Evidently the losses have been} heavy on the other side,seeing that) Russia has to Send help. According to the report of Dr.W. S.Rankin,secretary of the State Board of Health,’to the State Medi-| cal Society,North Carolina not only, has the highest birth rate of any | State in the Union but of any coun-| try in the world,With 31.5 births to/ every 1,000 population,the birth rate! exceeds that ‘of Holland,with the| high rate of 31.The death rate is correspondingly low,according to} Dr.Rankin.It is lower than that of| any of the original Thirteen States— slightly lower than Virginia and con- siderably lower than South Carolina. gudhat sounds good.No complaint | wt,“race suicide”in the Old North) State and with our health provagan- a the death rate should be further |aateyally reduced. ‘In presenting the certificates to the,whildren who had completed the read-' ‘ing course—that is to say,had read ‘Bix s of a prescribed list—Super-|Th tender Kinsey of the Lenoir coun- ‘ty.schools recently gave this good ad-| wice:“Never pass over a word youdon’t understand without getting| or a dictionary and looking up itsMeaning.”This practice alone will jgoon go a long way toward educat- 4g a boy or girl.Just as the Bible ghould’be the first book in every,Home,so the dictionary should al- Ways be the second._-Progressivewarmer.|ESIf young people would take the Pains to that,the full meaning; ‘sf:the words would become fixed in, aheir minds,they would thus secure| liberal and valuable vocabulary—| ‘Something in which the average indi- ‘vidual is very deficient—and the prac- fice would,as the Progressive Farm- er suggests,be a liberal education ofitself.If you haven’t a dictionary’! in the home for the young people get one and buy a good one—a cheap one’ is of little value because of the lim-! ted words it carries—and encourage‘them to use it,Lots of folks who' ss for educated use words without nderstanding their full meaning and) _thus often use words improperly.The;jdea is not to encourage the use of|“big”words—ythe simpler the lan- gage the better and more forceful it, ag#—but to promote an understanding. ae *** | id early spring,there are manyfor- t fires in the State.Nearly always) there is much damage fo the forests,| which is a serious matter—although, the.actual loss by damage to the trees| end the destruction of the accumula-| pre of rotted leaves is never fully ap-, ee year,usually in the late fall reciated..Then there is often a eavy loss in firewood.lumber,fenc-| ng and buildings.This year the de-| tructien_by—-forest-fires—has been’heavy in the eastern section of the tate:In addition to the damage to’he forests many buildings were! ae and one life was lost. Treater per cent.of these fires are he result of carelessness—usually riminal negligence..Hunters s gampers are careless about fire and!Farmers endeavoring to clear land for) cultivation are not always careful in|electing the time to put out the fire. n recent years laws have been en-' acted to govern the setting of fires,' ut one rarely if ever hears of any-! ody being called to taw.The people! ollow the old custom and there is no; pparent disposition to interfere with: it,notwithstanding the serious conse-{quences involved.“Public sentiment should be aroused so that whenever here is a fire of this character who-ver 1s responsible should be made to!ae that it was an accident and notheresultofnegligénce.The bur-/mien should be on the defendant to!how that he is not guilty and unless|é can so show the punishment should|be so severe that those who carelessly|or-negligently put out fire will learn,to take thought.That ts the only!away these fires can be reduced to ainimum.: ||messenger had ja began,|Tompkins had.ordered ‘as er The:troops:reveatedly caughtmen and/i commanding officers,when,according to Mexican custom,they pay official visits.Conference With Officials. The presidente said he had not re- ceived the message which MajorTompkinshaddespatched,The mes- senger was a Mexican,a Carranza petty officer,After the Parral fight the uthorities there claimed this been captured and killed by Villistas on his way to Par- ral.The conference with the presi- dente and with the Carranza general sauses emma American lines.In the Mexican lin |time with 350 men of the Tenth cav- { | {| in Parral,General Lozano,was pleas-| ant.Promises were made to sell the Americans food and to show them a good camping sight. the Americans started out of the city, accbm whoewere riding with Major Tompkins, .Firing Begins. Immediately? panied by Herrera and Lozano,| When the Americans were out of, the town,the pack train at their rear, Major Tompkins heard firing.Look- ing back,he saw that some one in the town.was shooting at the pack train. He had heard shouts of “Viva Villa” and “Viva Mexico”and curses against “evringoes.” Major Tompkins asked the Carren- |za leaders what they knew about fir- ing on his pack train.General Le- zano and the presidente hurried back toward the town to stop the shooting.| The Americans were in a column formed for defence when this -firing a formation which Majer he heard the shooting against his pack train which had been five or six hundred vards to the rear.Both of the soldiers killed in the action ‘were near Major Tompkins, Carranza Troopers in As the fire became general Ma- jor Tompkins and the men of his command could see some of their as- sailants.They wore the khaki uni- forms which are customary among the Carranza soldiers.Major Tomp- kins discovered one column of these: uniformed men moving out to cut off the road to the:east and io the north,where he would have to retreat to es- cape from the pocket at the camp site. away from the road.When they did not heed his warning the American commander wheeled ‘on has horse and ordered his men to reply to the fire. Sergeant Jay Ridgeley of Troop M, Thirteenth cavalry;was the first American to°fall’as he rode near Ma- jor Tompkins.The sergeant’s body lay all day where it fell,as his com- rades--were-too-hard pressed to_pick it up.A bullet struck Maior Tomp- kins in the left breast.The wound was slight and the major continued fighting all afternoon and until rein- forcements under one of his superior officers arrived to relieve him.Lieut. J.B,Ord of the Sixth infantry,who accompanied the cavalry expediion, was shot.in-the left ear,-a—slight:wound, As the fight began Major Tomp- kins_received word from.the Carran- ga general that the civilians were do-.ing the shooting.that his troops were unable to contro!them,and asked the Americans to fall back."This fallingbackmovemencontinuedforfivehoursandahalfovera@distanceof 15 miles on a road that bordered bushes and hills,affording good coy- for pursuers.The American sight of Attack. in Carranza uniforms at them,but saw few,if any,civil-ians. After moving out from the trap of hills where the fight began,Major Tompkins formed a line of dismount- ed men,well spread out across the road and on adjoining eminences,who retarded the attackers until the pack animals and stores had time to get back toward the American rear. The Retreat. Repeatedly during the afternoon this defence line continued to form,to fire from the cover of rocks,plowed ground and ditches,and then to fal] back to its horses for further retreat. The Americans had no machine guns,| only their pistols and rifles,and ev- ery man was instructed to save his) cartridges until he could make them!count.During one of these stands'| Private Herbert Ledford,Troop M,| Thirteenth cavalry,was shot in the) hand.He continued to fight.Late in' the afternoon,his hand swollen and} almost useless,but still fighting,he:/was shot dead off his horse,a bullet;Passing through his chest.His body) jlay in the road but under cover of| were not hard préssed and to save ammunition...+ota a Shortly before dark the AmericansreachedtheadobeMexicanvillage*of Santa Cruz,where they loopholed some heavy mud walls,a |foot)or more thick,making very effective de- fensive positions.The Mexicansdid not press them in this village,but continued’firing until 6,50,en all shooting ceased.s Immediately a mounted man bear-ing a flag of truce approached the ‘he wished bugles were blowing.the military re-call for cavalrymen.The truce mes- senger brought word from General Lozano,who was at that time in theMexicanlines,a short distance from the Americans.Lozano’s note:sug- gested that he was unable to control his men,‘Tompkins replied.immedi-ately and quickly there came another flag of truce from Lozano,who still was atthe Mexican front.’This gec- ond messenger brought a demand from |',General Lozano that Major Tompkinswithdraw.and.threatened _.to.attackhimifherefused.i Colonel Brown,who arrived.at,this alry and took command,replied that he would not retreat a step from San- ta Cruz unless ordered to do so by.his commanding officers,General Loza- no made-no reply.a Investigation of the Parral situa- tion showed that while General Lo- zano himself had no record as a Car- ranza officer,most of «his cemmand was credited with being former,Villa Would Haye Federal Aid ForStateProhibition. A bill to make the sale of intoxicat-ing liquors in “dry”territory a Fed-ere!offence,as.well as a violation of}law against States having prohibi-|,‘tion legislation,‘has been introduced‘jin the House of Congress by Mr.Ab-ercrombie of Alabama.;“The bill)provides that no license,permit,revenue stamp,receipt or spe-cial tax shall be issued by the Feder- al government to any person or cor-poration,permittnig.the sale of spir-ituous,vinous or malt liquors,in anyStateorsubdivisionthereofwhere such sale is prohibited by State;coun- ty or community law,and providingthatnoissuanceofataxreceiptor stamp shall coyer any sale of suchliquorsnotmadeopenlyandattheplaceofbusinessdesignatedinthe receipt given, Acquitted of Manslaughter, In Buncombe Superior Court a juryacquittedMr.and Mrs..E,M.AmblerofAsheyilleofmanslaughter.A ne- gro preacher named Lewis Ramseur,indicted with the Emblers in the same| ease,was also acquitted. The charge’against the Emblers was;that while their young son,Ez- ra,was lying at the.point of death with pneumonia,they refused to have a regular physician and nurse,sent out by the*county,attend him,and instead employed the negro preacher to pray for the boy. soldiers.The city of Parral.was known as a hotbed of Villathizers.| Villa Pursuit Interrupted,| The direct effect of the Carranza | attack on the Americans was ‘to in-! terrupt the fast pursuit of .Villa,| which American columns were making| with a handful of men.While they | were unable to verify the stories that|Villa,wounded and on a_stretcher,| was being carried by his men south- 1 past Parral,they knew that’an! ‘important unit of his forces was flee-| He shouted to these men to get} shooting|'T@ ing southward toward Durango and| they were daily nearing this forte,In| order to proc ed past Parral the| Amorigans were forced to buyprovis-| fons for men and horses at that town.| The day ofter the fight Presidente| Herrera of ;messengers| to Colonel Bre vine he rerretted| that had been a firht.He said hat he thoveht the American$should|;ive gone into Parral until’an-| Colone!Brown replied by out that the Americans had|)What seemed a most reliable! invicat ‘om Carranza officers and| rad certainly sent the message | an nee their coming.| The vresidente repeated that -Par-! ral civilians outnumbered the soldiers o that the people could not be con- ivolled.So fsr as the actual fighting was concerned the Americans assert| they obtained posiiive evidence that the Carranza troops were not out- numbered -by civilians and that few civilians participated.cae The’btedy of Sergeant Ridgeley wassentintotheAmericancamp.It ap- parently hed not been molested. Parral there 70 dS Case of .Mistaken Kindness— Prisen Reform That Failed. Joliet,Tll.,Dispatch. “Chicken Jo.’Campbell,-the ne- gro.convict.who was convicted of murdering Mrs.Maizie Odette Al- len,wife of former Warden Allen,in he warden’s apartments of the peni- tentiary here,was.hanged morning. The deed was one of the most pit- iful in the annals of crime.It was Warden Allen who gave the honor system its first trial in this State.He was a friend of he prisoners and his charming wife,sympathizing with the men held behind iron bars,came to live within prison gates so that she might exert some influence for good. Last June Mrs.Allen was murder- ed in her bedroom.Her skull was "tactured and her body burned.The fire,by ‘conceal the marks of his crime,was discovered before the body was con-' sumed, sympa-| to|1§ health restorer. HUSBAND OBJECTS.T0 OPERATION Wife Cured by Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Des Moines,lowa.—‘‘Four years ago | I was very sick and my life was nearly | spent.The doctors | stated that I would never get well with- out an operation} and that without itIwouldnotliveone ! year.My husbend | objected to any!operation and got me someof Lydia EK. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound,I took| it and commenced| to get better and am now well,am stout and able to do my cwn housework.| I can recommend ‘ihe Vegetable Com-|pound to any women who is sick and run down as a wonderful strength and | ‘ly husband says I would have been in my frave ere thisifithadnotbeenforyourVegetable Compound.’’—Mrs.BLANCHE JEFFER-| son,,703 Lyon St.,Des Moines,Iowa. Before submitting to a surgical opera-| tion it is wise to try to build up the|female system and cure its derange- ments with Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vege-| table Compound ;-it has saved mea women from surgical operations.| Write tothe Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,Lynn,Mass.,for,advice—it will be confidential.| Friday =:= and other Skin Troubles —We Guarantee——Saxc Salve! to stop the itching and begin healing | with the first application or return your ,money.There are lots of_skin reme-| dies but Saxo is the only one they guar-|-antee like this.Why don’t you try it?|W.F.HALL,DRUGGIST,»Statesville, Campbell,who was serving a long|%@ septence for murder,was suspected of the crime,He was a “trusty”and had access to the warden’s avart- ments.Warden Allen had been at- what he considered geod] in Campbell,and following ts humanitarian wpolicies had made ‘Chicken Jo.”his house servant and established him in the administration building so that “he might be within call,Campbell was tried last Novem- ber and found guilty.Another sen- ‘once for life would be equivalent ‘to acquittal the jury believed,and he was sentenced to death. Can’t Confirm Villa Story. American military authorities de-| tailed to investigate:the report that the body recently disinterred at San Francisco Borja was that of Fran- cisco Villa,reported that they were unable to obtain confirmation. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK?ih a Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition,destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. Torestorethat strength andstaminathatissoessential,nothing has ever equaledorcomperedwithScott’s Emulsion,be- its N Home comforts can only be by heating your house.Heating is “one thing we give our ‘special at- tention.[iverything in Sheet Met- al we make.Ask us any question about this line.If you ‘have not time to drop in the shop ’phone 55. Yours for Heating and Sheet Met-al Work. Statesville Tin Co. oe :cere Dias aba UR tTBaca ‘We’have.‘the ‘ex selling rights for ‘this great laxative exalh Store ae : STATESVILLE DRUGCO. OS ~~Handsome Clocks! Clocks that we have-been selling at $5.75 ncw ‘havetobesoldfor$7 and they are going higher’still. Don’t you think you had better buy one now beforetheyareanyhigher.We have just received a new lot of Seth Thomas Clocks.The han deomest designswehaveeverhad.We wou!d be glad to sell you one.R.H.RICKERT &SON,JEWELERS. (io-Cartsant Sulkies! Take the Babics out these fine spring days and bring the roses to “their cheeks and health to their We have the GO-CARTS and SOLKIES in quantities-assorted bodies. styles,sizes and prices. see and get first choice. Come ank Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. Shee wEOSSODOSSES DS CEOSTS ODEDORODOOEFES ORS OOPOSEDF OE HOS0 9009HO COOP OSE CURIS OES OCERPSEGO EA PI T V S I I T PT I ye ee Te e SI V T T T S Commercial National Bank JOF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 TTT amage Suits Follow Auto-Mo-:‘allict [aera am cee -Je cause strength-sustaining}toreycle Collisions.eu a tk eeecan fire that)ment invigorates the blood to distribute:Mrs.Lizzie Blanton.widow of R.|'*Was unmo ested.|energy throughout the body while its tonic>,Blanton,has brought suit in Gas...The other Americans wounded dur-|value sharpens the appetite and restoresoncountySuperiorCourtagainstC.|ing the afternoon fight were Corporal health ina natural,permanent way. «McCorkle of Newton on account|Benjamin McGehee of the Thirteenth!“If you are run down,tired,nervous,{cavalry,shot in the mouth:Corporal)overworked or lack strength,get Scott'sfthedeathof‘her husband,who was |fatally’irijured on the road between |Walter E,Willingham,Troop M,!|Bunulsion to-day.It is free from alcohol,:Scott &Bowne.Bloomfield,N.J.@iakory and Newton when the motor-.Thirteenth cavalry,shot in the ealf of|ycle he and his brother,H.Q.Blan.|the left leg;Corporal Richard Ta-ae saW.D.HARRIS 118 Court Street. nourish |$-C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Full _Stock—Lowest Prices.Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceil-ing,«Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, etc.Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville.: WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass73c. per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound_:aFORSALE: New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of boiler room supplies.C.H.TURNER._ Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7..~ Members of Federal Reserve System. Po O O S S P S O8 8 OC O D IO OS S Ot t IO S OO Oo o ee ee e oe ee e ee t Your Banking business solicited an@ every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. ‘Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits “remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W:D..TURNER,E.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E.HUGHEY, 29 9 8 0 0 0 8 8 8 SO O O n_of Newton,were riding,collided |™0US,Troop K,Thirteenth cavalry,ith the automobile of Mr.McCorkle,|Shot twice in both elbows,forearm,In .Catawba Superior Court Robt,|and Private Ls M.Schoenberger,ostian has brought suit acaingt |2'00K,Thirteenth cavalry,who suf-|lénn Henkel and his father,Tom tL.|fered a slight wound in the left hip.!enkel of Hickory and Lenoir.Bos-|,,As the Americans fell back Majorfansuesforallegeddamagesonac-|Tompkins finally ordered that only|jount of a collision between his mo-the expert rifle shots should reply to!reycle and the automobile of Glenn!the Mexican fire,as the cavalrymen|enkel,-on the road between Hickory ||Newton.From a small-beginning the sale and use ofthisremedyhasextendédtoallpartsofthe}United States and to many foreign countries,|When you have need of stich a medicine giveChamberlain's Cough Remedy w@ trial and vou}will understand why it hns become £0 popularforcoughs,colds.and croup,Obtainable ey-erywhere,e \ Plumbing and Heat-ing and all’repairs forsame.Locks and|Guns repaired and|Keys fitted.In factanythinginrepairline. Phone 209. 19 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 09 00 0 0 0 9 President.=Vice President,=Cashier.)114#-Assistant Cashier.i Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. == ~~ured In 6 to14 Days ~~ t will refund money if PAZNTMfailstocureanycaseofTheivesBleedingorProtrudingPilesin6to14days.Great application gives Ruse and Rest.50c, Mp PE L T P S FP S OT OS PO C O S OP P O SP S S PI S S SS O P IP O S OL OO O Oe er r o r 55 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 e 55 5 5 5 4 5 5 5N N NS 1Vacott suffered for severalWhittaker,-ol ears ‘0 a friend told me to ttra.4 which ianandittobethebestfamilymedi-ae young and old,fie ep Black:Draught on hand alltherunnO,and when my children feel a:little’bad,they ask me for a dose,and ifdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicinetheyeverea:fi e a long 8 of sick-adenour eDratightsince we commenced dford’s Black-Drau ht is purelyle,,and has been found to regu-‘weak:stomachs,aid digestion,re-lieve”‘indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,e,.sick’stomach,and similas ms,been in Gonitist use for mor¢and has bénefited morethanamHon’people.Your druggist sells and recommends|brick walls and caused daniage esti-|Vanhorn:what Atlanta had failed to} Geta) N;C.123| LINCOLN LITHIA WATER! H Soh‘are well drink Lincoln Lithia Water—k Bail!u ais get well by the sameGra:Drug Co.has it.THEEoSCOLNWaritaWATERGCO.,Lincolnton,April 18---4t*,a Price only 25c,Biecy-Draiict.wackageto~da Evaporated Fruits, ’Evaporated Prunes, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Apricots. Fresh shipment of Sara-toga chips. Big lot nice countryams. Sherrill &Reece, 108 West Broad St Phone 123. Will be at the rie |Lyric Tuesday, Sc}Get the book 7 at ALLISON'S Mm Book Store. woent Price,50c. 9SUITAES Fresh grated coconutwiththemilkprecisely like a fresh coconut. Use for everything afreshEntisusedfor.Try a ten cent canforyourEastercake. ——'PHONE 33.—— |Bagle & Milholland. ‘TDR.G.A.LAZENBY. DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Office phone 494,Residence,451 Black. One of the many parts of Myers’Pump that make up the quality.as‘this feature alone has solved the secret. —_W.E.MUNDAY Sells Myers Pump.’Phone 565. =Train:No...24 ar.8:14,leav 9814p. rand !can THELANDMARK :36,enat-l2,‘east-bound,due 1.if.12,east-bound,due 6:66Train!No.‘6,east-bound,due 10.50CRARLOTTEANDERve¥rom CharlotTrainNo.16 ar,9.60,oes 10,35.#. Fo r e y E e e r SE R E R B S S From Taylorsville.Train No,28°ar,10:00,leaves."ae arainNo.16st.6:40,leaves’7:0)P-Nos 23 and 24 are not’deat iv Sunday? ‘Death.and Destruction By Storm One woman was killed and anotherinjured'when a home was blownawaybyacyclone12mileswestofMobile,Ala.,Thursday..Several otherhouses.were damaged,A heavy:wind aa electrical storm‘swept over Dayton.O.,Thursday,kill-ing-one..man and damaging much|voperty.For a brief period thewindattainedavelocityof72milesan hour,Ernest Oeplenschlager,:17,machinist,was killed.when lightning | struck the factory where he was working. A terrific wind and hail storm! swept over Louisville,Ky.,Friday, jun roofed numeroushouses,blew down menated at upwards of $100,000, ‘Tried Various Kidney Remedies But Only ‘One Proved Reliable} It is with great _pleasure that I write these lines of praise for yourwonderfulkidneyandbladderreme- dy.I had kidney trouble so bad I be-came very much alarmed,I had triedvariouskidneyremediesIheardofbutwithoutrelief,I was about dis- couraged of ever being helped,when, one day,I picked up a book contain- ing testimonials of .people who had been helped and cured of.their kid- ney trouble by the use of Dr.Kilmer’sSwamp-Root,so I decided to try itandIknowIowemypresentgood health to the wonderful curative pow- er of Swamp-Root.I sincerely hope my words will be the means of restor- ing many other sufferers of kidney and bladder troubles to good hoalthe, Very truly yours,B.J.FENSTERMAKER, 1491 Roycroft Ave.,Lakewood,O. Personally appeared before me this 18th day of October,1915,B.J.Fen- stermaker,who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact.|Wm.J.KLOTZBACH, Notary Public. Letter to Dr.Kitmer &Co., |_Binghamton,N Y. Prove what Swamp-root will do for you| Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co., Binghamton,N.Y.,for a sample size |bottle.It:will convinee anyone. iwill also receive a booklet of valua-} ble information,telling about the kid- |neys and bladder. /sure and mention the Statesville Semi- |Weekly L andmark,Reyular fifty-cent| bottles for sale at ail cae stores. FLOORING THAT WON’T OPEN,ICELLING THAT WON'T WARP. BOXING THAT WON’T CURL. STDOING THAT WON’T COMES OFF LUMBER jhat wen't COST MUCH is all Lene Leaf and Kiln Dried, sell them to you for less.C.WATKINS.“DADDY,WANT? yoach were imposed on York and Lail} |OF course she docs. get it for her. “born musicians” famous would get them There many who would become! are pianists if a piano while they| minds in the formative stage,Your| her an opportunity to develop her tal-| ent.‘The cost ofthe piano~is-not to be compared with the loss of the tal- ent.How often have you heard your mother,wife or sister regretting that she did not have a piano when she was a girl?If you do not feel able now to buy a new high-priced instru- ment,we can sell you a slightly used high grade Weser Piano at a low price.Visit our store or write for a list of our piano bargains. LEONARDPIANO STORE, Morrison Building,W.Broad St. TS JUST.RECEIVED. A fine line of Berlin &Jones stationery,the latest in writing paper.Come and examineit for yourself Alsp a nice line of pound paper. Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. B pea Es WATKINS. ae MUSTANG For Sprains,Lameness, Sores,Cuts,Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast '25c,50c.$1,AtAllDealers.NIMENT BUILDING?|C.WA TKINS. re BB When writing,be| And you should ,* are in their tender years and their | sh Aa——ASKS HELP-STATE-COURT.| |Judge Boyd Finds‘inds FederalCourtCan't Do Enough For Burke}‘ 5 Man—Term on Chain Gan —Suggested—Mr:~~McClientsCanMakeaCrop. The following rather unusual inci-dent occurred in Federal Court week:Col.William S.Pearson,who vepearedforJo.Vanhorn of Burke,ad-mitted:his client’s guilt—the chargebeingdistilling,.etc.Furthermore,.|Col,Pearson voluntarily testified that his client’;had been in the Atlanta Federal prison three times,sojourn-ling ayear each time.The _colo elneReclaim:this as a Virtue for client,nor was he trying to make hissituationmoreserious—but thatswhathedid,though unwittingly.mentioning the three trips of a‘dhenttoAtlantaasUncleSam's guest,the colonel insisted that the fact thatVanhornwasagainincourtafterthis experience was evidence that send- ing him to Atlanta wouldn’t reformhim.Wherefore the colonel prayed‘the court to rélease Vanhorn under an|justified bond of $500,which he wasa}prepared to give,on condition that heappearateachtermofthecourtfortwoyearstoshowthathehadnot, in any manner whatsoever,been con- nected.with the liquor traffic.‘Thesuspendedjudgmentandthebond, Col,Pearson insisted,would do for} do.But Sudge*Boyd didn’t fail for Col, |Pearson’s line of talk.His bees thought that Vanhorn’s attitude in|cated that the Burke man was d fy.‘ing the law and the administrators thereof and that drastic’treatmentwasneeded.The Atlanta prison wasn’t drastic enough but a term onthechaingang,Judge Boyd suggest-ed,would be the proper_.medicine.Vanhorn was asked what he thoughtoftheAtlantaprisonandhesaidhethoughthehadenoughofthat. Then Judge Boyd ordered the case continued,Vanhorn under bond -un- til next term,and at the same time instructed the district attorney to no-tify the solicitor of the Burke districtthatVanhornneededhisattention,with the further information that thedispositionofVanhorn’s case in theStatecourtwouldhavemuchtodowiththefurtherdispositionofhiscaseintheFederalcourt.That is to say,‘if Vanhorn gets from the Statecourtthe‘punishment Judge Boyd ‘thinks he deserves,but which he was unable to give him,his honor will letitgoatthat;and he expressed the ovinion that about a year on thechaingangwasthemedicine‘the Burke man needed. JudgeBoyd doesn’t think much of| chain gangs.He says that working :a man on the roads,in chains,is too| |drastic punishment in ordinary cases. But his action in this case is evidence| that he considers the chain gang a nes| cessity for the Vanhorn type.| |ADD PEARSON Mr.McKesson of Morgariton | |(about “svetybody in Burke county ‘calls him Charlie)appeared for Kelly You!York and Patterson Lail,two young do Their guilt was-ad-+ said.Mr.Me- hinen of Burke. mitted.‘Your honor,” Kesson in his most appealing man- iner,“thesesboys have young wives and young babies at home,and we want you to let us go home and make }a erop and then we'll come back in) ithe fall and take whatever punish-|;ment your honor feels disposed to| /give us.”Mr.McKesson’s hope,of; lcourse.was if he could get his cli-| ‘ents off at,this term and they kept! /out of trouble until next term,the, court would Jet them go.At the jtime,however.Judge Boyd wasn't disposed to adopt the suggestion of counsel,but after keeping Mr,Me-| Kesson and his clients on the anxious hench for two days he did practically| es requested.Sentences of a year in} the Atlanta prison and a fine of $100! | t and they were informed that if they| kept the faith and’paid the fines by! the first day of the next term of} court they need not goto Atlanta.| Suggestions to Farmers.| Correspondence of The Landmark. “Jennings —The farmers are plan-} ning to plant a lot of cont it! seems,-Let—we—suggest.that _we do}not forget the hay and feed crops.’ Let’s raise enough bread,meat and} roughage for our whole household, first.and then make_all the cotton we, can.Mr.—Farmer,get a pig this; spring and see if you can’t make enovgh meat to do you next year.It looks mighty bad to see a farmer Start out to buying meat,hay,corn, \the spring.What are you farming | for,anyway?No wonder the farm-|| er is always hard up yor money 'when} he is trying to buy everything he} little girl may be one of these.Give|eats,feeds and wears,too,and then!hanking committee of the House|not making anything to sell.It does:|(n’t make any difference how good the markets are,if you haven’t got some-} thing to sell they can’t help you much. Let’s wake up,farmers,and fix! our land good and usea little com-| mon sense and good judgment,and make a good,independent living at} home this summer. Miss Rodman Mentioned Fort! Dobbs.|In making her report to the meet?} ing of the Daughters of the Ameri-| can Revolution in Washington,Miss Lida Tunstall Rodman,State regent | of North Carolina,said the work ofithearganizationinNorthCarolina|“is advancing steadily.We have 27| chapters and 900 members and threemorechaptersinprocessoforani- zation.” Recounting some of the things ac-| complished and planned for,Miss)Rodman said:“Plans for rebuilding| the quaint and_hiszoric old Fort Dobbs are being patiently worked out,| and the entire State is iniverested in this memorial,which will be a joy tous)when,completed.” Tola That There Was No Cure For Him. |“Aftersuffeying for over twenty years wit |indigestioynoand having some of the best doc{tora here tell me there was no cure forme,|think -it_only right to tell you for the sake of|other sulferers as Well as yoursown satisfactionthata2h-cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets| \not only,relieved me but cured me within two |etter.although Tato a man of 65 years,’writes Jul Grobien,‘Houston,Texas.dita able every UbEy:5 j ‘ |The {ae i from the =wedding march,played by Miss Zu-|= the| and Mrs.David-|con left for his home on the Buffalo |congratulations i sentative of peneancnaaneiruseversecaDISTRICT ys._TOWNSHIP, Another Protest_Against the Change From District toTownshipSchool.Committee--Cérreapondenee—-of TheLandmark. The indignation which prevailedthroughoutthissectionlastfallovertheappointmentoftownshipschool committees instead of retaining ourdistrictcommittee,has never abated,but has been gathering force ever since,and is now ready to burst forth | protest .against|in one unanimous this absurd law,or rather a ruling ofthecountyboardofeducation.Thecorrespondent,in last Friday’s Land- mark has opened fire by voicing the sentiment—of.district--No.-3,--Falls-‘toWn township,afid>we,“who havebeenchafingunderthis.new orderof | rallying to defend}things,are nowNThim.We don’t mean to intimate that themenchosenforthistownshiparein- competent or untrustworthy,butwhenanyproblemarosewhichvital- ly concerned our .school,these men were neither here nor there,owing totheirbeinginconvenientlylocated,and ||already “cumbered ‘with many cares” lof their own.During the recent:termofschoolourbuildingneededsomere-| pair work and the patrons (among them the former any assistance from the county.We paid half the cost of building our school house and paid for our desks| out of our own money. We want to give fair warning also to any one advocating consolidation | to steer clear of the Ostwalt school,|for we are hostile to any such ideas, as that.Our school house is the so- cial center of jour community,situat-ed in our midst and endeared to us by the associations of years,and the Farmers’.Union,The Woman's Bet- terment and all non-members of bothorganizationswillfighttoafinishbe-fore consenting to having:our district broken up.In this age of perpetual changing and reconstruction of things, how can any one find encouragement|* to improve?We would like to have other cor- respondents’views-on this matter,and committeemen | whose services had been scorned:and| rejected,assisted with this work,fur-' nishing the material without asking! Are You Wasting The Price | Of a Titan Engine? ‘TITAN engines run on kerosene._ Average cost of gasoline so far this year,” 16.9 cents per gallon. Average cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon.wed Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than kero-19hsene.Gasolineis going up steadily.Keroseneis not.})* At.present fuel prices Titan engines,using kero-"«°. sene,save their owners about 1.1 cents perhorse power..."per hour.sasha Are you running a gasoline engine?What horse power is -° it?Figure what you "dbe saving if you had a Titan kerosene,°: engine.Rather surprising,isn’t it?How long would it take that saving to pay fora itan engine of the same size? tpt es >a svarnl ‘iS lant ce. ried, Ve interastionsl Harvester Company of America|(lacerporated) Titan kerosene engines are sold by ua Iredell HardwareCompany.i as “a word to the wise is sufficient,”|a=we’re hoping an adjustment will be|&made to-the satisfaction of the ma-|Sejorityofthepeople._MRS.E.J.TROUTMAN.Statesville,R-3. Marriage of Miss Stevenson and Mr.Davidson—Loray News. Correanondence of The Landmark. Loray,April 22 —A beautiful wed-ding was solemnized Thursday.eve- ning at 8,30 o’clockin the presence of about a hundred friends and relatives, when Miss Janie Stevenson became the bride of Mr.Ross Davidson. The house was beautifully decorat- ed,the color scheme white was in of green andevidenceeverywhere with pillars of green draped in white. |Just above were hanging three large|4 white bells from a mass of green,un-!|23 dev which the wedding party stood. The guests were received at ester Morrison,Missés Rachel and} Annie’Stevenson.Receiving -in the vift room ‘were Misses Mae Stike Yeaher and Eugenia Waugh. heautiful presents go to iwhnt esteem the bridalheld. As the hour grew near all were ush- ered into the parlor,where the cere- jmoany was performed by the,bride’s poe Rev.E.D.Brown,assisted by Rev.H.Pressly,pasor of The happy couple —entered hall to the-strains of |the show ‘a Sherrill of Catawba.After Shoal road. ‘Phe bride wore a going-awav suit of blue with accessories to match and ~sied''a large bouquet of white car- nations and ferns.We wish for them .Jong and happy life. Miss Jettie Deal went to Charlotte |Thursday for treatment.She was ac-companied—by her father.She has been a patient sufferer for many weeks.Mr.Deal is about to lose his eyesight.The sympathy of the com-;munity roes out to these people intheirafflictions.The primary room of Loray High |School will be entertained this eve- ning with an egg hunt,Their teach- er,Miss Bell Cochrane,will be with! them, The C._S.VL.held)their nesting yesterday evening. business was ransacted. their “daddies”|ete..,before the buds begin to swell in}Bill For ‘Land Mortgage Banks. A bill.to establish 12 regional land mortgage banks,as part of the ad- ministration rural credits legislation vrogramme,has been perfected by we0 Congress and will be urged for pass- yge by House leaders.The proposed banks would make ‘loans on land through national farm |loan associations.Stock would be tak- -n by the Federal Treasury,but un-ler an amendment,adopted by the cottimittee,no payments would beyadeonsuchstockuntilthebank |in,question had received applications |for loans from at least 10 loan asso-| ciations.Subscriptions to stock also would|be made by the loan associations andwhentheyhadsubscribedto.$750,000~any land bank that bank would be authorized_to apply semi-annually to the payment and retirement of the shares issued to represent the sub- scriptions to the original capital,25‘er cent.of all sums thereafter sub- i;scribed until all such original capital stock was retired at par. Lost a Strong Man. Charlotte Observer. Our.neighboring county,Iredell, lost.one of its staunchest and finest citizens the other day in the death of Dr.'S.W.Stevenson.He was repre- the finest clements in North Carolina marhood and in the days of his.activity he was a tower of abiding strength to his community. NESCN,LTTSET, Cores Old Sores,Other_fiemedics Won't Core The worst cases,no mat ter of how Jong standi are cured by the,won erful,old reliable Dr. ‘Porter's Antise ptic Healing Oil It relievesPaie54Ugaleatthesanetime.whe,ie,$1.00, altar was of white background |§ the; or by the sisters of the bride.Mrs.|| The many| in|= couple are)=z the|22 |monthly | Routine Whether you live in the City,the suburbs or on the farm,this is a good year for you to have a better lawn than ever before.“Uncle Sam”:wants you to have a better lawn and will help you to make it.He has published’a bulletin on “Lawns and Lawn Soil 4 : However,you can never have a pretty lawn without a lawn mower.Our mowers are. the kind that cut.We call your especial attention to our famous ‘Eclipse’mower,|_the one withthe simple eutter bar:‘adjust--+~ ment.No tools are required:to keep this’ ‘mower in perfect cutting condition,The man who pushes the mower can adjust.it with his hands.In other words it is a mower that can beoperated without.brains or tools. We are headquarters for lawn hoseanal: spray nozzles, aah keer Hardware 00: A ey was DA ; IN COMME MORATION.OF | The Shakespeare Tercentenary Will be presented on Tuesday evening, |April 25,8:30 o’clock,by the Students of Statesville College. Costumed by Fischer,Beautifully Staged ‘on College Campus. General admission 35c;Reserved seats 50c; Children 25c. Seats on sale at Hall’s,Polk Gray’s and Statesville Drug Co’s.: BOYCE LUMBER COMPANY -MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.-Wholesale and-re-— tail.Established in 1880.Incorporated 1909. PHONEs:Office 294 Vie ).H.MYERS,S:Residence 423 ice Pres,and eee REPAIR WORK. |]Clocks,Watches’and‘Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles fitted.“examined free.Satisfaction een R.F.ge EAES A “et me ee Oh pth mann ae eeeerDMA HED “TUESDAY AND —-FRIDAY, ee. DITO) OB:10 WESTBROAD STREET. BUBSCRIPTION PRICE:seenee82,00 shee eens Eh ILLICES, *UESDAY,--April 26,1916, -~REPUBLICAN.CRITICISM OF aren MANN. {he charge of Mr.Mann of Illinois, ~Republican floor leader of 'the House of Congress,that the President was attempting to bring on a.war with Germany for political purposes,has been severely criticised’by many prominent Republicans.In a card in the New York Times,Hon.Geo.W. Wickersham,Attorney General under the Republican administration,se- yerely aigns Mr.Mann.Mr,Wick- ersham ‘says he is sure many other 'Republicans:share with him “a deep fecling of resentment at the comment ~on the President’s address.”“What- ever else President Wilson may have done,”continues Mr.Wickersham, “his entire course since the destruc- tion of the Lusitania is a distinct ref- viation of Mr.Mann’s charge’that he has wanted to involve us in war with Germany.” “He is right,”says ex-President “Taft,referring to President Wilson’s yolicy in the German-controversy, “and we all stand by him.”Answer- ing Mr.Mann and those who cite our ‘erievances against England in con- trast with the German controversy, Mr.Taft says: “The difference between the Eng- lish and the German casés is this, “hat:m the former the questions can 0/he thought when he entered the }is worse. *EXPENSE TOO GREAT. fr,Herbert McClammy,lawyer of Wilmington,has withdrawn from the contest for ——the Democratic —_con- gressional nomination in’the sixth district,on the ground that the cam- paign is too expensive.He said race-—that-the “cost —would not be over $1,000 or $1,200,but had since been informed by close political friends that it would require an out- lay of between $5,000 anc $7,000 to ‘win the nomination,Mr.McClammy thinks such a condition deplorable— and it is.The amount of money spent to secure nominations in primaries and_conventions and to win elections isappalling.The expenses of a cam- paign are unreasonable.The actual legitimate expenses of a candidate are heavy enough,but a custom of spend-| ing money freely in a campaign has grown until the burden is beyond all reason..Much of the spending is due to a custom and a,custom that is per- nicious.Usually a candidate spends all he can lay his hands on because What Germany Would Find If Choenak acnte pealag Cae Poe he FROM OVER THE COUNTS Items of Interest About VaMatters.By a vote.of 59 to 10 the Senat Saturday rescinded its own ment,which al extend the existin, hugar duty of one cent a oes!, years,and accepted the House— which continues the sugar tax ind nitely,°eS Methodists who san8Ds to oe gro bishops provi or work‘amongnegropeoplefailedtoreceivethesanc- tion of the annual Conference of Methodist Episcopal Church (North) ‘n—Chicago,the_affirmativevotefails!ing by 680 votes to reach the necegsa-ry two-thirds...eanRev.H,Buchanan Ryley,Episco- pal rector at Greenville,S.C.,will leave the ministry in order to_volun-. teer in the British army.Mr.Ryley is an Englishman and nce erred as captain of the Queens WeStminster Volunteers,in the British Territorialarmy. -Rev.William Smith,a Baptist min-ister of Spartanburg,S.C.,dropped dead Sunday-afternoon:soon after ‘ad-ministering baptism to a class at!West Springs,S.C..Coming out ofthewaterhe.walked to the hotel,where he died.Mr.Smith was a Cone. “ederate veteran.Pe he thinks the other fetiow is doing that and he will be looked on as a) tight-wad if he doesn’t “come across”| freely.And the great horde of graft-| ers who lie in wait tor the candidates| at every turn make their lives a bur-| den.| While the fact that this heavy ex:| pense of a campaign keeps many good | and worthy men—men_whose servi- ces are needed—from becoming candi- dates,is bad enough,the corruption of the electorate by the use of money} Laws have been passed tending to eliminate tiis evil.What) is known as the “corrupt practices| | be settled in the future by compensa- tion in damages to be awarded,if, need be,by an international court.be-| eause they concern proprety and not) human life;in the German case such} n remedy is~utterly inadequate be-| cause human life is involved and the| issue must be settled now,or Ameri-| ean lives will continue to be sacrificed in violation of the rights of those dy-| ing.and of the nation owing them pro-tection,and our losses will be irrevoc-| able.”| It is a question of life vs.proper-| ty.Germany is_killing Americans| en&England is taking our property.| Naturally the.President considers life| more valuable than property and he | has undertaken first to deal with Ger-| many. the 6ther case means the loss of more livés and money damages in the fu-} ture will not be adequate compensa-tion for loss of life.| Citizens of the tenth district have registered Mr.Frank Hewitt,a busi-} ness man of Asheville and Swain coun-| ty,as a congressional candidate in the| Democratic primarfes.»The petition| announcing Mr.Hewitt’s candidacy | -{s accompenied by a statement of the| things Mr.Hewitt stands for.This} is something new and seems to be a _.case of the office seeking the man. The Landmark has called attention to! the fact that under the primary law. the voters can select the candidates| they want to vote for in tke primary.| They are not confined to those who s2ek the office,but any group of vot- crs-can file the name~“of the man of their choice and,unless he positively forbids the use of his name,can make him a candidate.“he idea is a good one.Many men whe.are needed in the public service will not become candidates of their own motion be- cause they abhor the idea of seeking the:place;but.they would be willing —to-serve-if—the people want them. Under the primary their names can .be placed on.the ballot and the vot- ers can have the opportunity to ex- press themselves. In the primaries held from time to time in the various States,Woodrow Wilson is the only name appearing onthe Democratic.ballot for Presi- dent;and considering that the Presi- |colonel,“the act.”now on the statute books,is | stringent enough;but little good will the Jaws do unless they are enforced and they will not-be enforced—at least not enforced as they should be— unless public sentiment is behind them.The remedy,then,for this de- bauching of the electorate —and that’s what the big outlay of money means—is to arouse a public senti- ment that —will not tolerate it.That can easily be done if all the people! who oppose corruption will exert| themselves.| The ColonelStillCritical.| The President’s action as to Ger-| :ERS VESEY.eeruerieny,@S|many did not satisfy Col.Roosevelt,the most valuable were saved by fire- Mr.Taft says,can wait.To wait in |of course.The colonel says that what-!-oof vaults in the lower floors.The ;ever developments may follow the monetary loss was estimated at $200,-note to Germany and the:address to Congress.the President “is found|wanting.”| “Fourteen months ago,”‘says the! President’s strict _ac-| countability note to Germany,if it meant anything,meant at least what|the present note means.Unfortunate-| 'of unknown origin. Hon.Geo.W.Peck,former Govern- or of Wisconsin and a veteran news-paper man,died.recently at Milwauékee,aged 75.He was a native of New York and began work in a news- paper office when a boy.He was theauthorof“Peck’s Bad Boy,”humor- ous articles which gave him wide no- toriety. A dispatch from Boston says.7,000bluejacketsattheCharlestownNavyYardwereputinoverallsFriday-for the purpose of making the 30 war vessels in the harbor ready for sea at the earliest possible hour.It was au- thoritatively stated that virtually ev-ery ship would bé at the top-rietch of efficiency in 15 days. The reports of the Secretary of theNavyshowthat-between 550 and.600' midshipmen,the largest class ever ad- mitted in any single year,will enterthe1916classatAnnapolisinJune, The extraordinarily large class is the result of the recent act of Congressvirtuallydoublingthemembershipof the Academy.!Chairman Simmons of the The first separate American volun-4teersquadrillaoftheFrenchflying corps has been constituted and is sta-tioned at a point on the front,where it is fighting as a separate unit un- der a French officer.A number of {American aviators have been on dutyinFranceanditwasdecidedtobring them together. The general headquarters‘buildingoftheSouthernrailway,in Washing-ton,was gutted-Sunday night by fire Many important records were lost,but officials.said 0G.Gen.Funston has forwarded to the War Department another long report from General Pershing on conditions in that part of Mexico through which tallied enemies au. hey as formidableasFrance,England New York Times.7 ‘If the United States should.enterthewaritwouldmeanthatGermanywouldseethemightyforceofhermented:by the coming into the field of another pow- or Russia.Not in armed battalions or armored fleets,but in the very foodandvitalsustenanceofwar,the tro-‘mendous;incalculable—fteinforcement which our vast eric weiniessvouldbringtotheallies,We indulgetheoSayaeralfethatbeforeshemakesherdecisionGermanymay-give Se)‘Why a Warne’Lace Front _best.lace back Sa = serious attention to so prosaic a:de-tail of our recent annals as the state-ment of the Comptroller of the Cur- rency showing that the aggregate re- gources of our national banks aloneexceedby$3,000,000,000 the aggre-gate resources of the great centralbanksofEngland,France,Russia,Germany,the Netherlands,Switzer-land,and Japan:that the surplus re-serves now held by our national banks arc “sufficient to:give a further Joan-‘ng power of three billions or fourNillionsofdollarsshouldthegrowthanddevelopmentofcommerce,agri- culture,or industry:call for so huge anenlargementofcredit.”Prosaic these figures may be,of great weight andmomenttheycertainlyareandmustbeinthedeliberationsatanycouncil table where there is presented thequestionofrousingthatslumbering viant,Alreadyflying many signalsofdistressandunabletoconcealevi- dences of weakness that portend herdefeat,overtopped by her foes in a degree that seveals her growing rel-ative diminishment since the begin- ning of the war,Germany cannot,will not,by any perverse insistence upon her right to do wrong,invoke the neril of making us an enemy when,Heaven knows,she will after the warhavesorestneedofafriendsodisin-terested and so influential as‘ourself. Simmons and Kitchin Plan For the Needful. Washington Dispatch to Raleigh-News and Observer.| Chairman Kitchin of the ways and}means committee of the House and financetcmmitteeoftheSenate,have prac- tically agreed on a plan to raise rev- nues to pay for preparedness.,They |will tax incomes,inheritances and|munitions of war to raise an addi-|tional $175,000,000 that.will be need-| ed next year,and will retain a por-/| tion of the present emergency tax}law to collect between $40,000,000 and| $5C.000,000. The income tax law will be so re- adjusted as’to make it yield about $75,000,000 more than it would do in its present form,and inheritance tax will be levied for about $55,000,000| more,and munitions will yield $45,-|000,000.‘ Should Not Feel Discouraged. { | i So many people troubled with indigestion | and constipation have been benefited by taking| Chamberlain’s Tablets that no one should feelcouragedwhohasnotgiventhematrial,x,contain no.pepsin or other digestive fer- his troops had moved.General Fun- ston said it pictured a.state of fright-| ful destitution of the country and re-'y the President’s action in Mexico a8|fected the apathy of the peons to- regards other matters,had been such} that Germany did ‘nox believe the, note meant anything and acted ac- cordingly,And the President’s re-,|seated notes since then,interspers- ed as they were with speeches and! statements such as_that about being) too proud to fight,did not remove the! impression.;:“During these 14 months ship af- ter ship has been sunk and many thousands of lives of non-combatants, including hundreds of women andchildren,have been lost.;“Tf Germany now does as the Pres- ident demands it will be proof posi-tive that,if he had chosen to take the vroper position at the time of the original strict accountability note,the lives of all these women and children and other non-combatants would have -been saved and the causes of frictionwithGermany.would have been_re- moved,‘ “If,on the other hand,Germanydoesnotdoasrequested,it is well to remember that such a note as the strict accountability note 14 monthsagoisunpardonableunlessitisback- ed by the deeds to make the words good.” What Mr.BryanHeard. New York ‘Times. wards the American forces.\ The Federal council of Switzerland|has sent a representative to Londén! to charter vessels to bring food sup-! >lies,especially wheat,corn,rice and sugar,from the Switzerland.It is expected to char-' ter steamships flying the American flag to avoid danger of submarine at- tack, A dispatch from Shanghai,China, says more than 1,000 soldiers and men’ of the crew of the steamer Hsin-Yu were lost when the steamer sank af-'ter a collision ywith the cruiser Hai-/| Yung Saturday“evening south of the Chusan islands.‘The steamer,acting. as a transport,was taking troops to Foo Chow.The collision occurred| during a thick fog.| United States for,| ments but strengthen the stomach and’enableit:to perform its functions naturally,Obtain-ale everywhere. AT THE CRESCENT Wednesday THE ORIGINAL “DOLLYVARDEN.” .....Set,but.theyare not _ ‘quality rubber button hose supporters,,and. ony We have heard itsadlechow Warner’s make the lace front design-ers.” There:you are —mis-taken. Warner’s lace .frontcorsetsrepresentthesamestandardsofexcellenceforfash-ion,comfort and wear that havemadethelacebatk numbers famous. Lace front designsaredifferentfrom |eS :lace back ones,but in our Warner stock we are,«showing both,and each type gives the figure lines’*that Fashion now demands.-In aS eh -Warner’s Rust-Proof Corsets. you find the super-flexible,thin,double boning::«:used throughout.You find bust heights and skirtlengthsthatareexactlyright.You find the best.|trim:|mings that are both dainty'and attractive.oh :cloths are soft and strong,and the corset itself’,Rives the same comfort and greene lines every .ay that it is worn,and it will wear you longerthanyoueverimaginedacorsetwould.ey You will be interested in seeing the new models . that we have for Spring.- Every Pair Guaranteed | Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With The Quick Parcel Post Service. The House of Congress rejected,on,»point of order,a proposal by the;Agricultural Department.to.include:in the annual agricultural’appropria-| tion bil!an item of $175,000,000 to in- |vestigate the best method of obtain-,‘~g potash in the United States on a! commercial basis.Extensive experi-ments.at kelp factories on the Pacif-.ic coast were contemplated under the,provision. Fifteen huge motor field ambu-| lances,one of them the gift of Wil-| LAUGHING LULA GLASER FASCINATING PHOTO-~ PLAY, -“LOVE'S PILGRIMAGE” TO AMERICA. Mr.Bryan,whose sunny tempera-ment has been clouded since he ske- that everybody was grateful for the improvement,was lamenting the oth- with jingoes,”couldn’t hear “the still, daddled from the cabinet only to find| er day that Mr.Wilson,“joy-riding| of New York Friday for service on|the petilefelds of Ree:after hav-|ing been consecrated by dignitaries of|;=lite GresacceholicGuueieini |tver 0)vceee ences)cuceenePeerageomen14carsweree3as“Dolly Varden,Mlle. |bought with cash contributed to the yg:Saf 66 ;Y ”‘American Hospital.and Ambulance:Mischief,”“The Prima Donna, IN THE SPARKLING AND!/E liam K.Vanderbilt,Sr.,left the port)Lula Glaser has charmed mil-|§ ‘lions with her gracious manners|&t help you find YOUR style. Se SA SUMMER Certainly not complete for nothing quite equals .the’ charm of a sparkling patent slipper worn.with the} ==dainty summer frock.: We have an unusually good selection of patent pumps for summer wear.Each is different,distinctive and of decidedly new design.The variety of styles is so wide that you will be sure to find one that suits your i tastes and needs.Our patent models in the Red Cross Shoe are partic-‘ularly smart.This is the shoe with the sole that s ‘bends with your foot,”-so you get unusual foot com-' fort along with its smart style.Come in and let us’ Prices $3.50 up to $4.00.° dent is unopposed for renomination, the vote cast for him in many States is surprisingly large.In Montana, for instance,he received more votes than-the combined vote cast for the various Republican candidates—the preference vote for Rapublican presi- dential candidates bemg divided.In small voice of the people.”On Tues-|reat :“.7 66 ; ‘day Mr.Bryan heard in the primaries|eos ea \Madcap Princess,One-of thetheloud,large vos of the Demoerat.,aan ene Yue Tentenant Meld Boys,”“The Girl and the Kais-ic people of his State.His candidates|pee at Sante Ysabel and who er,”“Miss Dolly Dollars,”andwasshotthroughbothlegsintheraidonColumbus,N.M.,was captur-|hosts of others. for member of the Democratic na- tional committee,for Governor,for ed Saturday by Carranza forces,ac-!yg;rig ¥‘cording to information from Juarez,Miss Glaser ce just ee charmingThreeofLopez’s foliowers were cap-/and lovable in this fascinating MILLS &POSTON. Senator in Congress,were badly beat- en.It would have been perfectly easy to defeat his candidacy for delegate-! the Nebraska primary.one precinct in the State —Wanda precinct,in Ad- ams county—voted against the Pres- ident.Most of the voters of the pre- cinct are Germans and they cast theirvotesforRobertG.Ross,a livery sta-a “ble keeper,for President.Mr.Wilson at-large to St.Louis,but the Nebras- ka Democrats are more loyal to him than he has ever been to them.(Later reports.show that Mr.Bry- an was defeated:—The Landmark.) Japan Concerned About Immi- gration Bill. Japan has renewed her objection ;tured with him,the four being taken|° ,in a mountain cave,where they had.play as ever she appeared on the‘been hiding in a starving condition.speaking stage. |Because of the increase of bread.Ss |lines and the growing number of des-|PRICE Se.and 10c.!|titute persons in Belgium and north-||Prancs,the Bein be for Re-'We have an excellent programmeiefinBelgiumhasissuedacallfor'|.Thurs-belghe additional delegates of Ameri-|all the rest_of the See itt Friends | At the Fountain of Quality!| is of course not popular with the Ger-|t0-Provisions in the pending immigra-|can birth and parentage to volunteer.day,“Saved by a Song,”withtionbill.which are construed as vir-mans who think more of Germany than of America.tually enacting into law the celebrat-|for duty inz,the stricken territory.Wilson and Dorothy Phillips; Friday,“The Heart of Bonita,”EACH AND EVERY DRINK A DEL-.“Flag Day”contributions to the re-ed Root-Takahira agreement for the|lief fund,according to the.Daughters |restriction of immigration to the of the American Revolution,probablUnitedStatesandasincludingJa-)will reach a total of $350,000.panese with Hindus in an excluded | According to the records,W ICACY.MADE OF THE.PURE JUICES OF THE FRUITS.SERVED ‘a beautiful Mexican story with ’Miss Gonzales,a Mexican girl, De e s es e se s s a r s o c e s e s s e r s e e e s e o s e e e s e s e e e e re e s e on the;Shakespeare wes born at Stratford- on-Avon,April 23,1564,and died on his.birthday,April 23,1616,at the age of 52.It was,therefore,300 years last Sunday since the immor- tal writer died and the many Shakes- peare tercentenary celebrations now being held are in commemoration of that event. {ccceieinisamanmnetmemeimanaed _The.Quaker Oats Company is:notes|in violation of the Sherman according to a decision by judges-of-the United States-Circuit Court of class. The administration,it is said,fears no difficulty in arranging the termsso,as to avoid wounding -Japanese Senate leaders. _SER SERAASTIICITT To Drive Out MalarlaAndBuild Up The SystemTaketheOldStandardGROVE’STASTELESSchillTONIC.You know what you are taking,as the formula isprintedoneverylabel,showing it is og and Iron in a tasteless form. he-Quinine-drives-out-malaria,the Appeals atChicago.Iron builds up the system,50 cents 4 feelings and to that end PresidentWilsonwillconferwithHouseand |After three days’debate i Bankhead good roads bill,the Senate adjournéd Friday without reaching a vote,and under the recently adoptedlegislativeprogrammethemeasurewillbedisplacedbytheruralcreditbill.This is generally regarded as meaning that there will be no roadslegislationatthissession.Attemptsto.secure unanimous consent for a by Senator Lodge of Massachusetts. Laaererenenearemenenenercomenel Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic,GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC,drives out Malaria,enriches the blood,builds up the system,A true Tonic,For adults and children,60c. lyote on the roads bill were blocked| playing the lead:Saturday,Bil- Alarms.” change of route, lie Ritchie in a 2-reel “L-KO”| comedy,“False Friends and Fire| NOTE.—On account of alf “Neptune’s |§ Daughter,”which was:to havel§ been shown.yesterday,will be/¥ THE QUALITY WAY.BRING YOURFRIENDS.ROOM FOR ALL.SEATSFOROVERFORTY.:| Statesville Drug Comp’y.| Quality Prescriptionists. ‘Gumpaz PASSING THRONG. Personal Mentionof People and‘Their Movements.Mrs.N.Br“Mil “fe viniting ~herughter,‘Mrs..T.G.Faweette,in Mt. R.0.Self went to Asheville:end a few:days.hambers*of Dunlaptrom.‘Saturda unti b gestardayinWinston ; Sevierville,Tenn.,to pend two weeks with relatives.~Mr,and Mrs.J.M:’Suther went ‘to’Salisbury Saturday.to visit relatives.Mr.‘Suther returned home Sunday.~>Mirs;Henry:Nowell and two chil-Aas oeof:Sale h are guests of Mr.Mra.L Caldwell.:rs.Oscar Mills of Forest City isvisitingatthehomeofMr.Mills’pa-rents,near town.,Mrs.W.W.Hanks and little son,‘Prank,and Miss “Bettie Walker®-of|:Charlotte have been guests of ‘Mrs.Hanks’parents,Mr.and Mrs,D.F.Jenkins,for a few days,Mr.Hanksspent,Sunday,here.‘Migses Margaret.Brady and.Ma-mie Adams spent Sunday and yester-day:in Winston-Salem,the former theguestof.Mrs.-Spaugh and the latterof:Mise Minnie Morrison..Ys,Irene Moore and daughter,Miss Irma Moore,of Winston-Salem,spetit Sunday and yesterday here with friends,Mr,and Mrs.C,M.Steele wereguestsat.the home of Rev,and Mrs. Jas,Willson,in Winston-Salem,Sun- oor.J.spent$F dandy with his r.J.L.+Sherrill’s, ocky Mount yesterday.ihe and Mrs.J.H.Sherrill of Ca- tawba,who have been visiting rela-tivés near town for a few days,are now with relatives in town.Mr,W.S.Chappel and family and Mr:N.G.Goodin and family of HighPointspentEasterhere’with rela- tives.Mrs.R.H.McNeill and children of Washington,D.C.,are visiting Mrs.McNeill’s parents,Mr..and Mrs.Geo.H.Brown.Mr.McNeill was here fora_few days’but returned Sunday to!Washington.Mr.and Mrs.T.E,Fry spent Eas-ter’in Winston-Salem. Mrs.M.C.Neely went vie yesterday to spendwithrelatives.Mi.and Mrs.W.H.Hoffmann re-turn this afternoon from Danville, where Mrs.Hoffmann vistved rel- atives for a few weeks. Mrs.E.D.Brown of Loray went toKihstonyesterdaytospendtendayswithhersister,Mrs.R.W.Wooten. mother,returning to Moores- Mrs.F.J.Axley went to Murphy)tion of Mrs.Friday to see her father,Mr.J J.| Phillips.wlto was critically ill. eon Greene of Rocky Mount, some days| { sident F Jerated Clubs Ad-‘Civic League—Social_Events—Marriages.Miss Mary Bell Garrison and Mr.Frank Powell of Asheville were mar-ried Saturday.evening at:7.30 o'clockatthehomeofthebride’s parents,):Mw,.and Mrs,.S..H..Garrison,on.WestSharpe,street,Rev.J.H.Pressly.offi-ciating.:The marriage was attended}only by relatives and a few friends.Mr.and Mrs,Powell left Sunday af-ternoon for Asheville,their future “home.”rMr.-Waler L.Rodgers of Jack-Lsonville,.Fla,;and-Miss~Bessie LeeCloaningerofTroutmanwere—mar-vied Thursday evening at the home ‘of the officiating -minister,Rev...J.H.Pressly.Mr.Rodgers is a clerk inthepostofficeatJacksonville.Mrs. Rodgers was formerly a _—saleslady with Johnston-Belk Co.Miss Annie Rose Pratt and Mr.Thomas Jefferson Treutman were mar-ried Saturday evening at 8.30 o’clockatthehomeoftheofficiatingminister.Rev.C..S Cashwell.The groom isasonofMr.J.dD.Troutman. At the called‘meeting of the-Mae-Dowell Music club held with MissRoseStephanyFridayafternoon,Mrs.Wm.Wallace.was’elected président, Mrs.D.J.Craig vice president,Mrs. A,J.Salley secretary and treasurerandMrs.J.L.Culley corresponding secretary. The children of Dr.and Mrs.H.F.Long gave an Easter egg-hunt Sat- urday afternoon to about 65 of their little friends.Tables,decorated with baskets of cut flowers,were placed on the porch and the guests were served ice cream,cake and.mints, Mrs.L.C.Caldwell gave an EasterbreakfastSaturdaymorningat10 o’clock in honor of her guest,Mrs.Nowell of Raleigh.Those present took part in a game or mock-bridge. Each guest was provided with a score card and for each interesting topic ofconversation.proposed.a...punch was given and the guests progressed ac- cording to their winnings.The break-fast was served in five courses. The dining room was decorated with lavendar sweet.peas-and -each guest was given a bouquet.The par- lor was decorated in Easter lilies and tho hall in dogwood blossoms. Mr.Alonzo Riddle and Mrs.Bessie Shcemaker were married’Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the home of Rev.J.H.Pressly,-who performed the ceremony.The couple live in Bloomfield.Mrs.Riddle is a daugh- ter of.Mr.and Mrs.D.O.Bost. Reported for The Landmark. The executive board of the Civic League entertained very pleasantly Saturday afternoon at the Commer- cial club.At a business meeting held first,Mrs.B.F.Long,who has been acting president since the’resigna- Anderson,was.unani- elected .president of the Various matters were dis- |mously League.‘Mr.Owen Leonard is spending a)cussed and_a committee composed offewda MissMiss@s ‘Mattie and Sallie Thomas. iz here:esa’Guy of Eufolats visiting+Mesdames T.E.Anderson,Wm.Wal- lace,”L.C.Caldwell and J.S:McRo-|rie was appointed to.make arrange- Mr.and Mrs E.F.McNeer of El-|ments for a playground for the chil-kinspent Sunday with Mr.and.Mrs.| Miller.*|dren. Following the business Mrs.J.M.Cunningham has return-|those present had a rare treat in hav-ed -from a visit to Washington and|jing a most inspiring talk from Mrs.other pointsMr.and Mrs.R.M.Grey returned |Horr Garciing yesterday from spending a few days |Clubs. with reJatives in Mecklenburg.Mrs.J.DeWitt Ramsey and little! son returned Friday several weeks with relatives. ‘Mrs.Sol.Sternberger of Wilming- ton.is visiting her sister,Mrs.Sig.|Wallace, Notices of New Advertisements.| .At the Lyric.Lhong-feaf.and kiln-dried—C..Wat-kins,‘Start a bank account.—Merchants | and.Farmers’Bank.‘Grand climax,third day Hoosiersale.—Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. Years of experience,complete equip-ment.—First,National -Bank.Patent pumps for thewardrobe.—Mills &Poston.Phe fountain of quality.—States-| ‘ville.Drug Co.Warner's back and front lace cor- setg—Ramsey -Bowles -Morrison vthing electrical—Home_Elec- tri¢€Co.Snowdrift for good cooks.—Miller-MeEain Supply Co.>“The Call of the Cumberlands.—Alson's Book Store,:At the Crescent. “Evaporated fruits.—Sherrill eece.. #'For county treasurer.—W.H.Hun- ter.For sheriff.—H.L.Gilbert.Milch cows for sale.—J.BuretteHoupe..Cows,horse and surrey for sale.—A.'P.Sigmon."Pocketbook lost.—Cecil Sherrill.‘Plumber wanted.—C.E.Ritchie. summer & ‘For county treasurer.—R.J.Bry-|Among the guests an"For registerBrown.~ ‘Milch cows for sale.—F.,B.Sample.‘For county treasurer.—R.F.Rives. Dancing Mentioned in the Bible. Uncle Josh in Hickory Democrat.‘Dancing is mentioned 18 times intheBible.And 14 of the 18 instanceswérewickedandharmcameoutof them.The other 4 instances were forspecialpurposesandhencewerenotrepeated.Then the men and womendancedseparatelyandnothuggeduptogether,as the manner of some is.$$ STATE OF ventas CITY OF TOLEDO,CAS COUNTY.IN u of deeds—L.N. heney makes oath thatisseniorpartneeofthefirmofF.Shengy &doing business inyetaustountendoaFae srthatsaidscepivofONE{roND:forandeverycase7atarrhthatcannotbecuredbytheuseofHall’s Ca-h Cure.’FRANK J,CHENBY,PM to beforepresence,esthber,A.D,(Beal me and subscribedthis6thdayofDe-888, e Wiystene alt‘W c.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-I.ae oomwa aeon the blood andaystein,SendforSSasfree.hoe mBudSete?Toledo,O. ily "Pills for.constipction.’ evening from!course.-Russellville,Ky.,where they spent |en ealie | W.Lingle,State president of the Federated Women’s Mrs.Lingle,always a delight- ful talker,charmed her hearers byher |forceful and helpful dis- on the various duties of wo- mothers,clabwomen —and |general helpers in making:the world i better and more beautiful.A most |enjoyable social hour wag,spent,dur- ing which delicious punéh and cakes were served by Mesdames H.O. Steele.Z.V.Long and.Miss Carrie |Hoffmann.Mrs.R.V.Brawley wel-/* comed the guests at the door. |earnest, ;Marriage of Miss Bruce and Mr. Godfrey. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-4,April 24—-Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 0 ‘clock,at the home‘of the bride’s parents,Mr.end Mrs.iJ H.Bruce,near Stony Point,Miss Eva Lee Bruce became the bride of Mr.Allie Bird Godfrey of Charlotte.The bride was very becoming in a lovely white crepe -de-chine dress,ac- cessories to match.She was given inmarriagebyherfather.The cere- mony was performed by the pastor,Rev.Mr.Albright. The only attendants were the bride’s sister,Miss Octa Bruce,in.pink,and the groom’s sister,Miss Daisy God- frey,in blue,and Messrs Abner Guy ‘and Frank Elliott. The room was beautifully decorated in green and purple.The bridal pair received many nice presents.Between 45 and 50 people partook of the three- course wedding dinner. The bride’s going-away suit was tan.About 3.30 Mr.and Mrs_Godfrey leftbyautomobilefortheirhomeinChar- lotte.They were showcred with rice land best wishes from every one at the wedding were Mrs.T.M.Hill,Mrs <A.R. Deitz,Mrs.O C.Cqwan,Mr.Roscoe Hill,Mr.Durant Davis,Miss Margaret Deitz,Mrs.G.C.Mills,Mr:Ralph and Miss Rose Mills of Statesville,Misses Bruce and Miss Rufty of Stony Point Master Thos.Wooten #/Winston-Sa- lem,Miss Daisy Godfrey,Mr.God- frey and Mr Kistler of Charlotte. Call_For Books. Correspondence of The Landmark. Will all persons who are willing to tive any good,modern novels orstandardworksforaPublicLibrary for Statesville,please leave them atTheLandmarkofficeassoonaspos-sible or notify Mrs.D.M.Ausley?The XXth Century,club has earnestlystrivenfor12yearstoobtainallpos- sible gifts,and now calls upon Sates-ville:citizens to aid.There are morecallsforthesebooksthancanmeetthedemandhere.One Statesville la-dy has just offered a box of excellentbooksfrom,her own library.~Will all others able:do what they can-now,please? The Quinine That DoesNot Affect TheHeadBecauseofitgtonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA-TIVE pow OUINTN TAs better than ordinarynineandjotcausenervoustiessnor Pogiee in ‘head,Remember the fullifsaneofE,W.GROPEELAS session | 1} ,ereMigs Moore.and:Mrs}Hager. Landmerks teCorrespondence.ofStonyPoint,‘April 22-~A home wed-ding that was made beautiful throughthesimplicitythatattendedthecere-mony,was:that ofMiss “Add Point,.Saturday evening at 6 o'clock,at the home of the bride’s.mother,Mrs.James Franklin Moore of NewStirling.~The -eeremony-—was-—performed by.Rev.E.G Kidd of New Stirling A.P.church,and pastor of the bride,as-sisted-by-Rev..-L;Moore of Taylors~ville;a cousin of-the-bride,and was 8%.tended by.a few of the closest friends}and rélatives of the contracting par-|ties.“The marriage Came as asurprise;to friends’and-even the closest rela, tives,as is was planvieda for a month later,Saturday was the birthday ofthebride’s.mother and all the family;was at home,as is the custom on that date,and they decided to have the‘ceraemonyasasurprisetothéfamily,-The bride is a young woman of ‘ad-; is a leader of-.all social and:religious)work of the community in which.she:lives and:has a host of-friends thr -out,the State.She is a.sister ofW.C.Moore of Statesville.“The brideworeadarkbluesuitoftaffetawith},, stylish hat.The groom”is Point’most successful business man} and is greatly admired :.nd respected; in Stony.Point and keep house in,Mr.Hager’s pretty |home. Death ofMrs.|Watts—Taylors-| ville News., Taylorsville,April 24—Mrs.Etta Watts Echerd,wife of Mr Jo.S.Ech- erd,died of a complication of diseases Friday morning at 8 o'clock,at their,home in Ellendale township.She had,been’in ill heetth abouta year.Sur- viving are her husband,four sons,a M.L.Watts,three brothers,Messrs, F.P.Watts,Wilson Watts and.gho.Watts,all of this place;anda sister,Mrs.Robert Mann of Hickory.Pen ceased was 42 years of age.The fun- eral and burial services were conduct- ed by Rev.J.W.Watts at Three Forks Baptist church,Saturday morning ati 11 o’clock.Mesdames U.L.Alspaugh,Di M. Moore and Rev.L L.Moore Saturday attended the marriage cf Miss Addi¢ Moore and Mr.J.Wi.Hever of StonyPoint,at the home of the bride’s moth- er,Mrs.Frank Moore,about.threemilesfromStonyPoint,Saturday af- ternoon at 6 o’clock., Miss Eva Rogers,who spent the winter at Fort Meyers;Fla.,spenSaturdayhereatthehomeofher brother,Mr.C.C.Rogers,en route to her home in Little River township. The.Taylorsville State high school will close this week.commencement day and Rev,C.M.Richards,D.D.,of Davidson Collepe et deliver the commencement ad-ress : Wedding a Change in Mail Route —Holly SpringsSchodl. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville couricil of the Junior Order} and flag at the closing of :the term,| April 15.Mr.Lewis presented the‘ Bible and National Councilor C.B.,; Webb presented the flag and spoke of}yreat work of the order.There was: a creditable gathering of people as- sembled for the occasion and for iclosingexercisesofheschool.A few, candidates were in evidence.There! ae dinner for ev eryucdy and plenty lefi, We are “having fine spring weather if and the farmers are making good time preparing and planting corn.Plenty of fruit of all varieties ex-~, eet Pears.There are but few pears. L.Barnard and Miss Catherine Parkeet were married Wednesday. Lon-€.Fleming;rural mail car-rier“from.Hamptonville,—has been; transferred to Houstonville,R-2.That sives Houstonville‘two delivery routes. J.I.Keller,who has been at Thom- asville some time,returned home and will work with his father on the: farm this season. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Treasurer.- I am a candidate for County Treasurer,sub-ject to the action of the Democratic primary, R.F.RIVES. June 3.1916.April 25. ——4 For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candidate for!Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to!the action of the Democratic voters,as ex-pressed by them at the primary,June 1916.L.N.BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown Town-;ship.April 25 93, For County Treasurer.I hereby’announce myzelf a candidatefor|County Treasurer,subject to the(iat of the) Democratic primary,June 3,1916 |April 26..W.H.“HUNTER. For Sheriff.To the Demoerats of Iredell County:1Iherebyannouncemyselfacandidatefor dell county,and will greatly appreciate your support.Respectfully,April 25.H.L.GILBERT. For County Treasurer. T hereby .announee my candidacy for the of-ce of County Treasurer of Irédell county.!subject to the action of the Democratic prima- ry,June 3d,1916,and respectfully solicit the!ia se of the Democratic voters in the pri-ma R.J.BRYANT.«4 ‘April 25,1916.| For County (Commissioner.I am a candidate for county commissioner,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-|ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER.April 21,1916. For Register.To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County: fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-! ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J.Ho.McLELLAND, April 21.»Mooresville,N.C. For Treasurer.To the Democratic Voters of Tredell County:"| I hereby announce myself a candidate for! the office of County Treasurer,subject to the action of the county.Democratic nominating| primaries,to be held June 3d,1916.Will ap- preciate your support. April 18.! Respectfully,W.C.WOOTEN, Bethany Township.| For Register of Deeds.|I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to the action of aDemocratic itetyJune8,1916,.H.MORROW.,Abril 18,, For Sheriff.I am a_candidate for Sheriff of Iredellcounty,subject to the action ofthe eeicprimary,and solicit the sup} er iit Yoters.dn..the.primatesTEXAN eel Moore and Mr.J.W.Hager of Stony| \tional activity to make the babies of|mirable qualities and attractive.She:tod Stony} by all who know him.They will live}, tifs yy ,'Butter,16c.per Ib. “Hams,16c.to 17e.per Ib. daughter,her parents,Mr.and Mrs,j; Friday will be}: Houstonville,April 20—The .Westhat presented Holly Springs school a Bible \|.- the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Tre-y fs if , I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-{ and is observed for a week,or more,in most places.Statesville will ob-aonly one day-—Saurday of.thisnm Those of us who have seen our*lit-tle ones suffer from maladies pecu-Lliar to children,especially during thesotSummermonths,know-how ittakesthejoyoutofthelifeofthe household and gaps the—mother’sstrengthaswell,So We urge the pa-rents.to bring their children tothe eoUrt house Saturday,where the doc- ters:of the town and county,with‘nurses-in-—attendance,have ir.services-free-from-9-to-11-a,mm,2-404 —pe— »At 11-o'clock everybody to hear Dr,I.W.Faison of Charlotte.|an authority on diseases’of children,|Af the'interest is sufficient:some of the! ‘local physicians will make short talks m,the.afternoon, I, Irens 4s “iThis-is’a oor movement |, y i is invited offered cg : This is not a contest:but an educa- ay the strong men and women of tomorrow.However,a prize will begiventgthefinestspecimenofbaby-| hood,.in the estimation of the-doc-|tors,anid nurses.who examine.the chitdien’Saturday.~~ Come and bring the babies. MARKET REPORTS. a Statesville ProducProduce Market.‘The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket. aWinter Friers,16¢.per Ib.Old Hens,12 1-2¢.per Ib.turkeys,16¢.per Ib. £88,15c.per dozen,Boosters,6c,per Ib. i a* 'Beeswax,25e.per,Ib.Green Hides,18¢.per Ib. Sides,12 1-2c.per Ib. Shoulders,12 1-2¢.per Ib. Honey,8c..per pound.‘Sourwood Honey Comb,16-to 18¢.per Ib. Trish Potatocs,$1 per bushel:,,PWeet Potatoes,70c.per bushel. Grain.The following prices were paid yesterdayforgrainonthelocalmarket:heat,$1.30 per bushel.Corn,(new),70c.per bushel.i.Oats,55c.per bushel. _»Statesville Cotton Market.On the local market yesterday 11‘pound was paid for best grade cotton. -\(ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsperline.No ad.taken for less than 25_cents,Cash must accompany order.) FOR SALE—Three fresh Milch Cows,J.BU- RETTE HOUPE,Statesville,R-2. April 25—1t. FOR SALE—Two extra good fresh Milkers. F,B.SAMPLE,Statesville,R-1. April 25—2t*. FOR SALE—Two Milch Cows,Horse and Sur- rey.A,P.SIGMON,Barber,R-2. April 25—1t*, WANTED—Plumber.None but need apply.C.E.RITCHIE. LOST—Pocketbook ‘with sum of Money. “turn to CECIL SHERRIGLE,‘phone green,or THE LANDMARK.April 25-—— first-class April 25. Re- 448,1t®. FOR SALE—Nice little grocery store,doing ,a splendid business.Apply L,care THELANDMARK.April 21.—2t. FOR RENT—Five-room Cottagestreet.R.P.ALLISON. HORSE FOR SALE—Dr.M.R.ADAMS. ‘April 18—1t*.‘ THE~LYRIC THEATRE TODAY HAZEL DAWN on TraddApril11. [rarrnaes “HAZEL DAWNFamousPlaye7s-Faramourt 7-8 per |* Hi m e t S2 0 AP OL E EXPERIENCE AND EQUIP- MENT! Our comptete eqareimnene large assets and many years’banking experience here,assure you of a most complete banking:service. Make this Bank your headquar- ters. Statesville,N.C.Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deaiia U.S.De pository. part You may If so you will more than lixely be an object of Charity in your old age. The Sensible thing to do is to save. of your earning NOW.The best: way to save is to start a bank account. are always welcome at this bank no matter how small your account be.Come in and let us tell you about our SAY.INGS DEPSR IS raMerchantsandFarmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” o Just Received a Barrel _of Mixed Pickles —in—- “My Lady Incog” A paramount Photoplay. ee,AE TOMORROW BESSIE BARRISCALE —in— “Her Reward” "A Great production. ee,ieee THURSDAY MABLE TALLIAFERRO “Fey Great Price” This Richmon week.Be sure to see it. ——ee,AP ‘THELYRICTHEATRE Quality Photoplays. pelos tookbystormlast | BUILDING?..G,,.WATKINS." w FOR SALE—Slightly ae WalesAdding Ma-phean.care LANDMARK.,Api alate fine> high grade piece funded. Libby’s Sweet and they are Queen’s Blend Coffee is strictly a | gusarinteed to.please or money re- “The Robert Bunch CashGrocery, “The Store ofBetter Values.” agssPotato‘Chine’ 10e.Package. Maxwell House .Blend Coffee “is, roasted and packed.by.one..of the largest Coffee Houses in'the Southyg - and in.my estimation there is -nojjis better Coffee ever packed:A-triahtiyganwillconvinceyouthatitis)}h.,. as good as the best.lb,cans38¢.,9 ne 8-lb.cans,98c. Bourbon Santos Coffeein bulk,3&c.) value for 26c.Ib:; DELICATESSEN! Boiled Ham,(sliced to order)~.,at 38¢.Ib: Bologna Sausage 15e.lb.Wieners cf Frankfurters _15c.Ib. Smoked Bloaters Be,each}Sliced Bacon (in bulk)..~82c.Ib.jChippedBeef....¢5.5-.Acs, Swiss Cheese 48c.Ib,A full line of Fancy Cheese,such as Neufchatel,Philadelphia Cream,' Pimento,Club,MeLaren’s Cream, Welch Rarebit,ete.: of goods and is } SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. As the:administreators”W.Wilhelm,deceased, sell at public auction,for enssh, bidder,on FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916, a lot of personal property belonging to the late W.W. Wilhetm,Farm Machinery,Gin,Corn Mill,Reaper,Drill,ete.“Sale will takep lace atfaloShoalsroadandwill begin at 10 o'clock.|i»B.N.WILHELM, Dorman Thompson,Att'y.April 21,1916. Wagons,Threshing Machine, th Doors,Windows,< Reena aE Gt Wi Rough land Dressed Lumber,Manert the consisting ofSawMills, Plyler place,ontBuf-| MORRISON,vAdministrafors, undersigned will Door and:Window Frames,‘Dock.0 Nails.pas Oe. Cotton |i NOTICE. eta BE.|provements,are hereby notified to.make a |Monday in May,1916.i Will ,sellCM to the highest Window Locks,Sash’Weigilits~Cords,Valley Tin,Ridge te pages C.WATKINS,Next to.McE wonMules,Planters’Warehouse,Statesville,N.istJ at Planer,|otneg" All of the rural school districts of the coun-ity needing new buildings,or other school)ink! plication for same to the Cou BoardEducation‘at its regular meetingon the YoR.M..GAddgess,.BAR-.April Tat, .|BILL OF PARTICULARS... Coli Roosevelt Fails to SpecifyastotheForeignPolicyHeDenounces.gee Ce |New York Sun.Vee de As to the exact character of a for- eign policy which Colpnéel Roosevelt could applaud as “truly American,” as “straight United States,”we elearly.perceive the need of further statements from him,more definite; more particular,more specific thananyhehas:yet vouchsafed.°.For example,he’is denouncingDr.Wilson’s-administration for its“anmanly failure to uphold Ameri- cunideats.Yf-asked what American| ideals the administration has failed to uphold the colonel would now.point to his Trinidad interview of March 9 and to his Oyster Bay declaration of April.5.From these two documents,andfromsimilarutterancesofthecolo-nel’s,we merely learn that ‘every American citizen must be for Ameri- ca first.”But this is also what Dr,Wilson says.We merely learn fromthecolonel.that no gitizen has “any: the steps into what seemed ‘an-ordt-|rieht.te—be “in--the ‘United States—at nary workroom,furnished \with all if he has any divided-loyalty ‘be- stools and a table.The only window!tiveen this country and any other.” was a long embrasure,hidden outside)But President Wilson has also been by an ingenious -a~rrangementiy of insisting on this .principle with all, branches.‘+»-.\the force of rhetoric at his command. Two officers and some'soldiers“ate |The colonel declares that he abhors! WouldBea Crime to Goto-War, om Says Mr,Bryan.~ Mr,Bryan turned up in Washing- ton last week,to assist in preserving the peace,he said,“I am hoping for Htwo-thingsin-ngs_in the ese ation,”said Mr,evan “First that Germany will accede to the position i of the United States;second,that if|max of the Verdun .strugg she oe beeape?relationswill a fury of charge and count continue with a view reaching’an ,’ amicable settlement of the trouble,Ee eee Oe ane the ‘blood. “We must remember that there is}?i i ae ee 4 aaatfhelltorn nothing final between friends.A rup-In reality tt is vere differanenteee ture between this country and:Germa-Imagine yourself in the dark!cs ould indeed be unfortunate.If},%‘Cal _@ af Emperor ;“fr in-of-a ship,-the whole-fabrie-of-1AnarrowescapeforPthisdisputeshouldendinwarit}°)Sides.in’the tumult of her Pid icholas of Russia from bombs drop-would be unspeakaple.d her migh “by-an_Austrian airman is report:|“wre responsibility ~for_declaring|¢n&inesa8 You Burt through “a ntar- 1 from Stockholm.3 |war is upon Congress,not upon the A abet sie For thatede 3 Shareas Nelson Page,American am-|president,”said Mr.Bryan,“and it is)i).“yerdun battle as 1 saw i h ssador to Itaily,is at home on a fair to assume that when the duty of yal shows raid -glimpees ud eation...He is accompanied by Mrs.|aeting falls upon.Congress,the Pres-:a :one ree ae age.j x1 lident will be willing to refrain from orrors p t- The British admiralty says 49 lives embarrassing Congress,-as_he—was gore lost when tee Eritiph Se ‘anxious that he should not be embar- ent was sunk without warning by @)rassed.” an submarine on April 5.e|In a speech in Washington Thurs- “Hock.Blackwelder,a young man of day night Mr.Bryan declared it would ee was ue by a ven that pe a crime for the United States to y early Sunday morning,arreny enter the present war,under any cir- ley;a companion of Blackwelder,|cumstances.-He insisted that _harm pt a leg.‘done America by any of the belliger- Playing with a pistol at Mt.Airy,|ents had been incident to their war in ul Burgess,16-years-old,was kill-|which the United States was not in- The pistol was in the hands of |terested.It.was a false diplomacy, rl Jones,14 years old,when it was,he declared,that was leading this charged.‘country toward war,and militarists| dents Gathered From All Parts of the Country. Thirty persons were killed by an ex- losion ina powder.factory at Bor- aux,France.—+-Povest fires in the Ronda section of} ilkes county,the latter part of last| Woek,destroyed much timber and onemorehouses. s solid oak-—beauxe-endsatin finish.T:‘Tho fram iully fished The trimanings parses ae removable it cusy to comen--absolu itary and odorvisibledriptrap—insidetheprovision cham!accessible.Onespltee litinis,ice paneadanesamy raleroetaeRe-tinned wire-shelves,adjustab}Sg arranged to suit your reqhirements.«4;;i /me :“Qdorloss"-is-the last svord-instcientifie_refriseration, are joing to buy a refrigerator,come in undsee ys, Williams Furniture House. Tf you”i ure.wpe Captain A had led me through |>maze of trenches,now burrowing’in hollows,now terraced across heights with sandbags,to an oben vate eae buried deep in a hillside due south’of Cumieres.village.if Night had fallen as we descended eum »A report yesterday |and munition manufacturers were re-from Lenoir day |n 1 ys a’serious forest fire is burning|»onsible for.it. f the Linville river section.Build-|SE pes have been burned and damage Arrested in Baltimore. Chairman McCombs of the Demo-Confessing that he posed as Lieut. fied the President that he will retire |Simon P.Buckner of the Seventeenth iy the chairmanship at the meet,ruary sought to cash several fraudu- Seedless tomatoes and cucumbers lent checks in large department stores >::args old,alias Lieutenant,BucknerheyweregrownbyE.P.Sandsten.|Years Qf nee ’ rofessor of horticulture of the State|D.S.Steele,H.R.Carpenter and ::4|for the action of the United States esolutions.pledging loyal support :ae tPresident Wilson and the Federal government authorities.Roberts says 4 Ccrereunanimouslyadoptedbyboth!*\:,....\. branches of the New York Legisla-With him is J.G.Baird,Jr.,son of 27 ‘;_iCharlotte,who,so far as the police“John Harrison Surratt,last surviv-4 ’ae or of the corps of alleged conspira-know,has no record.Both men are i Lincoln,died;©e*S-:assassinate Abraham Linco was 72 The Bertillon measurement here ars’old..i --|from two to 20 years for forgery in‘esting-;‘The:great plant of tne eacturing |Walla Walla,Wash.,on April 20, mpany in East Pittsburg,Pa.,is ein an account of a strike of its|Cape on July 5 of the same year.He:was captured two years later and Manding eight hours a day.‘-i Mr,:e,aged A dispatch from Charlotte says: Mr..Burton B.Clap ead]ged!«William E.Roberts was connected an on the big works at Badin,died|';;‘.lis’esterday |i!engineers,of Charlotte.He left in a hospital in Salisbury |y oe here two days ago,-the night before s ined in a fall Friday.::yes one Union Partie train|rest.A United States detective came here looking for him.” ne Wyo:Friday night.The robber compelled.the rear brakeman to take |Washington Dispatch. Be eee car and one of the}‘The landing of Russian troops at R.f Missouri has +eoarded h t i itiesFgardeereashavingpolitical been eleeted secretary of the national;rather than military significance. te Thos.J.Pence.Only a few days]sia to France long ::;;sid g and dangerous,itbeforehediedMr.Pence sent for!js not believed that enough troops can ecretary during his illness.|mies in a material way.B . ©Mi :$s y.But the po-*Miss Mabel C.Flynn,32 years old.)‘jtical significance of the move is ety,cizlesin Washington and "Germans here look,upon the,eventSiasindicatingthewaningmilitary ashington from injuries received a)coyyagi >:;|ging the French people and sol- week.before by.her horse.fallingon|diers with the thought that Russia’s ®Near Matewan,W.Va.,James Full-|their lines. shot and seriously wounded Missi jon seems to be that the dispatch of reported at Edgemont.|Baltimore Dispatch,20th. atic national committee,has noti-| United States infantry and last Feb- g of the national convention. i the latest freaks in Horticulture.in this city,William T.Roberts,32 Agricultural College of Colorado.|Lieut.R.Marshall,is being held here ministration in the present crisis he’is a civil engineer of Charlotte,N. tare a wealthy and prominent man_in rs tried for implication in the plot charged wi impersonating army offi- :shows that Roberts was sentenced to facturinandManufacturing 1910,and that he made good his es- ho are de-thousands of employes,who a served part of the term. ction fore-|*Aqpout40years,a conseaseen with the firm of Tucker &Laxton,civ- ¥i he Post,from inju-x > Morning,says the oS J the police had a message for his ar- ‘were robbed by a bandit west of Han- Political Move of the Allies. a collection from”the passengers Marseilles to:join the French ¢y is4W.R.Hollister o 7 Gee foee committee to succeed the}With every possible route from Rus- Hollister and designated him to act as!be sent to strengthen the French ar- Warrenton,Va.,widely known in |thought large. ¥horsewoman,died Saturday in |nower of France and the need of en- her.|hosts may be drawn on to reinforce yrtle Keese,a school teacher,and)these troops by the Czar 1s the con- inking his shot had proved fatal,he!elusive answer to the efforts of Ger-| Pate Treen ST many to separate the allied powers,cover,‘y 1S Sald lO’yaking peace with some a :ve resulted from the young Se ee ee »,‘<eo,|. an’s refusal to-allow Fuller tovisit!the Russian soldiers into France,it’is 'believed,the allies intend to show the But the prevailing opin-: WO-'ing the others in detail.By bringing, at.work,the first officer announeitig’! |fieures with an eye glued to hisstele-. |meter glass,pivoted on a massive| lbase—for thé eannonade of the®foe! rocks the ground like the waves of '&|tempest—and the sccond officer bert over his table maps,noting,caleulat:| ing,then snapping orders to soldiers| at the telephone.’| The officers are regulating the fire|of a battery two miles in the rearup-/ on the German trenches down to:our! right,near the’river,where the ‘ene-'/ my is massing for an assault.”At} the same time they direct a search:|light whose rays illuminate their field|of vision.I take my_glasses and| stand by the embrasure.ar “Follow the searchlight and <youwillsoonpickouttheGermantreneh- es and see the effects of our fire,” says my guide.For some moments Isdook,dazzled by the ray itself;It is like an immense white arm out- stretched toward the horizon,barringmyvision.Beside me the observer with his telemeter seizes his.tele- nhone and starts to direct the search- light.: “Higher!Not so high!Lower— that’s right.Cut off the light.Open her!Steady now!”<And the ray shifts and vanishes, reappears,grows bigger,and dimin- ishes,finally focusing on a far-off point,obedient to the orders like a pencil in a giant hand.botAsthereceiverclicksbackon-the telephone I can see clearly.It is a patch of field,streaked diagonally by a dark line,which is’the German trench.Clouds of smoke obscure it iat intervals,stabbed by swift flashes. |J watch interminably,nothing ‘changes.Then the observer throws |another order into the telephone,and a second ray doubles the field of view. |He turns toward his companion at ‘the table and reels off figures in a ‘level,unhurried tone.The latter transmits more figures to the soldier. who has resumed his telephoning.All |three seem perfectly calm,but I sense |a thrill of anticipation. |Suddenly the field patch is covered |with scurrying dots like a mass of !excited ants,rushing forward across \the light,out of the picture into the |darkness.It is the enemy charging “at-last.. |.Then a dense thundercloud covers everything,The searchlight’s’rays heat vainly against its yellowish walls.The glass trembles in)my |hand. Like a nightmare vision,conjured hy magic amid the smoke,a horrible scene is revealed.first.dimly,then clearer,and finally very distinct in {the sharp white light. ithe country out of what millions ar unjust er a wanton war;Dr,Wil-| son also Toses no occasion to make} known his abhorrence of such wars.| The colonel “would use every honor-| able.expedient,to ,avoid even a just! war.”President Wilson’s friends are| praising him for the employement of| every honorable expedient to keep of Americans would regard as just wars. The colonel declares that Uncle Sam must never wrong the weak;but thisarticleoffaithhasaprominentplace in .Dr.Wilson’s code.-The-colonel In-sists on the need of national prepar- edness for war.His remarks on that subject seem but a paraphrase ot what Dr.Wilson has been saying of late to Congress and the country. If.Colonel Roosevelt is to differer-tiate his ideas of American policy from those of the statesman whone| he attacks for unmanly failure,it is indispensable,in our’opinion,‘that -he should communicate to the public his exact reasons for denouncing as “un-manly,”as “base,”as “hypocriti-| cal,”as “infamous”the efforts of the!present administration to avoid even a just war in Mexico or with Ger-many. Germany Will Let Us Have Dyes; The German government has agreed| to permit exportation to the United’ States of.15,000 tons of |dyestuffs,|lack of which has seriously affected; American textile manufacturers.No-'! tification to this effect is contained in| a note delivered.by.Ambassador-von- Nd] Bernstorff to Secretary Lansing. The communication explains that MILLINERY! We are showing a compiete line of Millinery,con-sisting-of Hats in Hemps,Lisere,Milans;-also Flow-ere ancy Feathers,Quills,Ribbons,in all the newcolors.|Panamas From $1.25 to $3.50:Leghorns $2 to $5.° Come,.see and get prices.MRS.MARY SIMS.= while Germany refused at first to per-| y 7: ‘rines, mit exportation of dyestuffs unless!Death of Miss R exchanged ‘for American goods now}!; extluded from Germany by the Brit-Mentionishblockade,after careful considera-| tion of the situation it has been seen; ‘orrespondence of ‘The Lan “Harmony,R-1,Apri “that this blockade has resulted in se-|Sallie Rives died Thursday afternoon her sithehomeof Ann Rives,TurnriousembarrdssmenttothoseAmeri-!at ean industries which are in need of,Vrs. Avestuffs,”and the imperial German)hip,Clarksbury community,in the Miss Rives was la great sufferer from cancer and that~overnment now is prepared to make,‘‘th year of her age. “a single exception”in permitting ex- nortation in this instance,It is re-/| quired only that the dyesuffs shall be)had for yea'ts mad “onsumed by American manufacturers)her sister-in-law. and not re-exported to Grea Britain.!*Ciarksbury Friday Germany’s decision to let us have ‘wral “conducted hy he Aves was coincident with President ™DP.Goode.She ts jlson’s ultimatum about the subma-|brothers—-Wright Rive But of course Germany does-)rear Couny Line,and Litehfield,TL.fi vith old age enused he h ie Yt expect to buy us off that way. The concession made by Germany ‘g the result of a long series*of nego- ations between the State Denart-ral of our peoph nent and the German embassy.Small Winston-Salem to spen anantities of dyestuffs have from:rs Salke May and Alvie ‘ime to time been released by Ger-spend Basler ih the armers:are busy>planted et of the United Mrs.Katie Foster is ives—Personal | r urvived by two Alfred Rives of 44 1 Faster.Miss- rdynark. 121 —Mrs. sister-in-law,| ersburg town.| “ry death.She er home with interment was ufternoon,Fu- pasior,Rev. SNOWDRIFT,*The Perfect Shortening! 2 ea of all kinds taste better whenshortenedwithSnowdrift.South- ern cooks,famous for their delic- who lives3 ’ miantings cern,i n.} >are going to + Campbell vill 4 Vwin-City. still very.sick. ious hot breads,use the famous verfeet shortening,‘ Snowdrift is the perfect shorten- i fyr every cooking purpese— frying for shortening,for*bread,cake,biscuit and yyer pastry.;° Good cooks need it.And we car- ry everything the yood cook.needs,Yr.*Th ide 8 inate aiaas "Wagner for Dear at Ney oe ree ae ”nonce ee a"The field,the dark line,and the rk and Dixon C.Williams for post-|arg groundless.y c oes rushing ants have disappeared.In, aster at Chicago,‘The appointments|aessneaeeni ‘their place a ragged hollow,wherein pre beer ender “consideration “for|_Turnersburg Hems.————{fot and.quiver deavored to name men who will excite |Correspondence of The Landmark.,_Among them the tiny dark things’ ie opposition on account of fac-|Turnersburg,April 24—Saster has.are writhing like fallen leaves flut- onal differences.jcome and gone and we had fine weath-tered by the breeze.Those shapeless x Twenty-four thousand miners_em-/et for it.The roads were in fine con-!|objects are German soldiers.| yéd in the Pittsburg (Pa.)district [dition and there was much traveling!As the smoke clears I distinguish | ’ re ordered out of the mines Satur-/"0ing on.We ere in need-of a goodyby.President Van Bitner of the|tain,as the ground is fast drying out. ine “Wo?kers’organization because|Rev.J.C.Mock filled his regulareirpayenvelopesdidnotcontain/@ppointment here Sunday and a good e 5 ver cent.increase provided for Congregation was out to hear him.HetheNewYorkagreement.It is ex-,Will preach to us hes:every secondfectedthatthedifferencewillbead-Sunday night and 1ourth Sunday sted.‘morning,beginning tne second Sun.ivi :day in next month sapt.Rewland’s Song of the Dr.Fleete Stecle of Hickory spent rushy Mountain Apple Blooms caster with home people here.MissettOTRETVCE,Nora Hendren,of Lexington is visit- #Capt..“Tom”Rowland of Taylors-ye a Bore of her pafents hereWilledeclaresthatthebigapple!yj )y no VTS:archardsonBrushymountainarefastblossomingforthintofullbloom d that the sight is one of the mostBeautifuland ‘Sunday evening with tie writer andifamily inspiring imaginable. urthermore,the atmosphere ispeerywiththemostdelicateandde- cious perfumes,so much so that one has to really visit.the mountain Orchards to appreciate the expe-Tience.:“There is but one other sight (iat¢an approach that now offered,”con-| tinued he,“and that.is the view of|the orchards in the fall of the year,| hen the trees are bending towards _fthesearth with ripe fruit.The lieffectsoftheautmunsunwhe fast and will soon be entirely well. successful Sunday school mount church.The at church has STATE NEWS antes n it .eg pies the burnished coats of the ap-Ce ce bles are simply indescribable,|being myriads of hues and all eee Eee an ee omnestiful,with the faint aroma of the ri-|pened fruit to add a touch to the vis-”;ible apple.I know of nothing more!‘T@ts at Winston-Salem.inspiring.| the beautiful,per se,the appeal of islature at their the ‘orchards that cover ‘Brushy held Saturday. qmountain today,is as near perfection ton was the speaker of the day.ags.this old world gets;I guess,You| can Mr.T. ‘D,Moore and family of Olin spent last |survivors,already dazed and disabled: Mr.8.A.Padgett is conducting a‘!the chaos of Fair-drowning:men. anjhonorableplaceontheSundayschoo)idly,and the searchlight abandons the ;Sam E.Marshall of Mt.Airy has’ h |withdrawn from the race for the Re- ght!publican congressional nomination in. Senator Reed of Missouri addressed,have passed sinceEeetinaraeanatSalisbury,nost. |Saturday!and Congressman Heflin of greatest battle *|||Alshawin apoke tothe Potayth Demis)©eatest battle of Verdun. i Caldwell county Democrats ,nomi-|‘“But to the artist and the lover of "ated E.G.Suttlemyer for the Leg-| county convention Congressman.Dough- rms raised-in-arony or-supplication. 'Some try to crawl upwards.They form heaps.sliding back together,as one mounts another,and drags him down. Meanwhile,from the right of the scene,what seems to be an immense Wack snake creeps forward.In .the rey of the light it glimmers,and the observer besides me mutters,“My; God .1 it reaches the Jin of the hollow,and} the mass of crawling men quiver with/a new agitation.It is the water of, the Meuse overwhelming the German i hy the same concentration of melin-; ‘ite that ruptured the river’s dykes. |Mr.Lee Davis,who was hurt by a!With frantie gestures the German- mule some time ag»,is improving fight upwards,there comes a flagh,| and another cloud-patch,half-veiling! earth and water,and Then the shells begin to fall rap-; strugele against the smoke,swing-! ing higher along the hare hillside. A few moments later it returns,I ‘ase a placid pool glimmering beneath, (the rav,save where an_occasional‘ “not of blacknes is floating motion-| less.:T look at my watch.Three hours: we entered the} That is what I saw of 7 |Florida Melon Crop Short. It may disturb folks hereabouts|who slways anticipate the coming of)|the Florida melon,to learn that the,‘acreage in that State this season is| j estimated hetween 14.000 and 15,000, The cantaloupe acreage prob- the|r many for the use States Bureau of Engraving ment for commercial purposes which: has been permitted. Republican Behaviour. New York Times.| ‘What has become of the Republi- not “vigorous”eign policy was enough?The +t and Vh.D.HW.York of Mocksville is vis- Printing.This is the first large ship-|iting in the community. |egricultural fair. Leounties get ahead of us? i keep the moncy we spend in our owt LATHS couny? Hee Ch; Republicans thought)marder in the first degree. Miller-McLain Supply Co. PAINTMANTELSSTAIRWAYS |COLUMNS-C.Watkins|Statesville,N.C... Let us have a fair this fall—a real ,Why let our sister TIME : Why not ‘PLASTERSixVillabanditsplaced-on trial ‘:CEMENT eming,N.M.,charged with killing|eles D.Miller in the Columbuswerepromptlyfoundguiltyofity they had found a cardinal issue.It! *s dead.he said to have hed life,they have‘lled_it..Mr.Wilson's foreign poliey igs too strong,too Ame n.for oa good many Republicans.They dis- Javed either their jelly-heartedness with regard to “the German vote,”or their want of politieal intelligence,or éth,;by their course in Congress. % the ‘President in asserting American They can explain and protest #9 the verge of apoplexy.The blackrecordwillnotout.Those 102 Re-s~nblican votes in the House for the McLemore resolution,in the Senate! *hose 12 votes,almost all of Senators that crawl yotoriously after the Ger- man vote,cannot be apologized for, mitigated,forgotten.When the Re- nublican party should have stuck to! the United States,it.tied itself o Germany,it sided with Democratic|malcontents and Teuton propagandists, and partisans.A noble opportunity} ignobly thrown away. _Now,when the President,at the rights. to Germany and to Congress the last yord about German submarine war-| are.many Republican voices at,Washington disapprove him,not the, German submarine policy and acts,| Thinks Another Party Form. Senator J.Ham Lewis of Illinois predicts that-a third party,founded \ The remains of G.J.Warren,who,against 2 *wet in erties | k all you please about ‘cherry;was murdered by his wife,Ida Balan 27,000 in 1914,and 19,000 in on "Peace,Frohibition ahd Frosper |ity,”will be formed imnicdiately afterm*time ‘in ol ’|War —,:;;old Japan,’but as|Warren,and her paramour,Christy,!ably will run between 600 and 700,/the Republican and Democratic con- ‘or me,give me the apple blossom were exhumed at Winston-Salem ]ich i i!“re a ston-s ast)which is ch less y rious |8.f will week ends Miers!setvicee MBIA Sane ere much less than any previous|ventions te ay ee ne the auspices of |during March affected both the wa-‘of the present parties ¢Junior Order,of which Warren termelon and the cantaloupe crops to|sition which would indicate that the), ::were|consider Ini Sty is <i the ad-Dee vies ‘podd nogls crop the teinterred In Weaghiten cone alae ge extent.as many fields United States is not backing the ad-} Warren had $500 insurance in me can hazard ah estimate at this!the order and this will be sent to his! eason of Brushy mountain.IackNorthCarolinaagainstorld.” "Incidentally it may be stated that)was a member..The remains this spring is very favorable,if any ctery. son of the year.mother,in Alabama. Heavy frosts and drought! ad to be replanted. This story may be sentout,how- ever,to boost the price of thd (crop. 1 jLj AIRGWA LTO FJorida| Senator Lewis explains that neither an take the po- ministration’s foreign policy.The new) party,he thinks,will be formed by! those disapproving the present foreigr policy.ya If what never existed can WILLISTON,Neon Mr. the victim of stomach dis;UW leal of.mcThevwouldnot»hands oe :: They would not hold up-the hands of lief seemed a long time coming. Remedy,took adose—and.found relief! at once.: remedy in a letter in which he said: ders. thankful to you,indeed,for advertis- |ing your wonderful remedy in the pa- ‘pers,as otherwise I might never have} :known of it.” permanent results for stomach,liver, and intestinal ailments.Eat as much and whatever you like.No more dis- |tress after eating,pressure of gas in Lee stomach and around the heart.| ahd of a great patience,has spoken!Get one bottleof -your-druggist-now- ‘and try it on an absolute guarantee |—if not satisfactory money will .be returned. Co.and-all other reliable druggists. Will)p ment in favor iy Lazet SALE OF REAL ESTATE. VIRTUE il ca > of the SuperiorNorthCarolina,made entitled R. W.In- mh,J.A.Ingram,de- a,:1.Ingram sand others,the un- ined commissioner will,on W.C.,was MONDAY,MAY 22,1916, orders.,He rt 1 o’elock,p.m.,sell at puklic auction,to the highest bidder,nt the court house door in Re Statesville,North Carolina,the following de- €-)scribed real estate,towit:|first Tract-Adjoining the lands of Levi|Bost and others,and bounded 08 follows:Be- ivinning at a stone,Ingram‘s corner,on theW.N.GC.Railroad,and runs N.7 degreea W.20 poles to a stake;thence N.56 degrees E,124polestoastone,Bost's line;thence N.87 de- srrecs W.44 poles;thence S,.91 poles to a stone;thence W.6 poles;thence 8.64 poles;thence S&S,26 degrees W.8 poles to a doublehickory;thence S.48 degrees W.28.poles;thence S.40 degrees W.19 poles;thence 8S.”25 degrees W.12 poles;thence with the rail-road to the beginning,containing 46 acres,more or less..Second Tract—-Beginning at a stone on therailroad,Ingram’'s corner,and runs N.31polestoastone,Bost’s corner;thenee E.7 1-2polestoawhiteoak;thence S.10 degrees W.3 1-2 poles;.thence S.51 degrees E.18 polestotherailroad;thence with the railroad to thebeginning,containing one acre,more or less, being the land bought of G.W.Clegg,com- missioner,and others,in the sale of Jacob Rankin's land,—-excepting-an-half-aere-sold-to Riley Stuart.f Third ‘Tract—-Adjoining the above tract,be- ginning at a white oak,Parker's,now In- gram's,corner;thence W.7 1-2 poles to a g@ rock;thence 8S.31 poles to the railroad:thence with the railroad §.65 degrees W.81 ‘poles;thence N.7 degrees W.20 poles to a rock at ‘the head of a ditch;thence N.5 de- grees I,124 poles to a pine on Levi Bost’s line;thence east.with said Bost's Hne 28 poles ‘to a red oak,Bost’s corner;thence S.to the\boginning,containing 24 acres,more or less. |For fuller description see deed of Jacob Par- ker to J.A.Ingram,Book of Deeds 18,page 662,in Iredell county;excepting,however, from the Inst mentioned boundary about oneaeresoldtoThos.Kineaid,,|Terms of Sale-—One-half cash on day of con-lfirmation of sale and the remainder four{months from date of contrmation of sale. |De ferred payment to draw interest from dateofconfirmationofsale.xt.W.INGRAM,Commissioner. D.L.Raymer,R.T.Weatherman,Att'ys.April 18,1916.> WANTED—10,000 bushels of good white shell.ed Corn..Will pay highest market.cashprice.STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS,f a decree inty, preceeding, inistrator ofMANRESTOR- ED TO KRUALIE.c ofWadeThankfuladAbout Wonderful R GE.T.Wade of Wilhist Ho Re 1G ‘Jed many remedie nd took a great icine and treatments. Then he found Mayr’s Wonderful He told his opinion of the worked won-; T am“Your medicine has I feel so much better. Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives For sale by the Statesville Dru Continued’use by thé same PEO- LE is the strongest possible argu-, of your trying iaS FOR SALE BY ‘ nby-Montgomery Hardware (o.,' z Statesville,Ne Ge od ii iootTee.'? vi pp dor wees FPOadi (aa‘¢;r ale Uuittt Yo TTT l We fincas SS BATSHATSRoz Tare —~--~Sailors,Panzmas and Leghorns,——— $1.50 to$3.00,Panamas,$5.00 and L eghorns.$3.00. 13 fit on that new Hat for Faster, Sailors, Comein 2and key TIONED ‘No.83,SHERRILL -WHITESHOE CO.SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. CRERLUMNEURO MN KT:TCE rg MC ACNNANA CREANGay | TUESDAY,—5,1916, ——eee WOULD:ADD TEACHERAGE Mr.Millsaps DelDelighted ‘WithPayneBrown’s.Model Schoo! —Would Add a Home ior the Teacher. Sorrespondence of The .Landmark.y The “Model Country School,”|by|Payne Brown of Loray,is the finestarticlethatanywriterhasfurnishedTheLandmarkinmanyalongday.+1 do not know Payne,but whoever hemaybe,I know.he has been dream- ing dreams and seeing visions.He has not had an opportunity to see such a school as he so graphically de- scribes.He is far in advance of the school’officers and the patrons ofTredell’s schools.Every teacher and school officer in the county ought tocutthatcolumnoutofTheLand+ mark and read it once a month until the schools of the county approach,-fatéast,the “Model School.” There is only one thing that Payne did not’describe,and that is the “Teacherage.”Payne's .ideal for ‘aschool,so far asthe school building, equipment,cleanliness,and work is concerned,is very fine,but there is one other feature that I-want to add; and that is the “Teacherage,”By the “Teacherage”I mean the home’oftheprincipaloftheschool.One ofthegreatestdrawbacksthe~ruval school has is the itinerant teacher. The “Model School”is not complete|without.a home for the teacher.I|want to suggest that the next time|Payne whites a description of.’‘a “Model School”he add the following:“Hard by this school stands a neatly- yainted cottage,and back of this a little farm of 25 acres of well-tilled land.The cottage is surrounded by a beautiful.grassy lawn.with @ sprink- \ling of flowers and shrubbery.The nerches are shaded ~tounds are bordered by a few_select- Near by is an orchard of oe fruit trees,well prun-|sprayed.A modern: “how se.stands .near Fiend grassy runs are happy ace h Rocks..There is modern.bern,where pure-bred cattle;|ird harses are kent,and a hog house; with nienty of —clover and grasses: with| ‘The fields are well cultivated and the | Rj cops grown supply the teacher’S ta-) |ble and feed the farm animals |resv round.” This storv brmore.hut idea 1 have in mind.TI would be glad| ™ might be embellished in at the Home.=|; by vines and the} by,|male, also ality case,the Governor made all the!/rendered some fine music.Mr.Good-*; j;en is a good,plain,practical preacher it is in keepine with the) ataetiininanatchoresaaeein>* Seriknentienci PHOT.HL -|Pwo DEATHS AT.THE HOME Twe Old:Ladiesjies Pass——~Affairs Correspondence of The Landmark. County Home,Aprilmoreinmateshavedied here since 1wrotelast.A Mrs,Wilkins from|Mooresville,who came .here several! years ago,She hadbeen twice mar-|ried and lived most of her-life in Tex-| as.Her first.husband had good Peeertybutthesecondranthroughwith it and then died and left-her in pover-|ty.She then came.back -North|Carolina,.Old Mrs.merey 3 ied here|a few daysago.Neither of these wereburiedhere.|Mrs.Wilkins was bu-|ried at St,Michael’s,near Troutman,| and Mrs.Massey’s body was taken to|Alexander.county,where she was |reared,' I wish to correct.an item in my last letter,It was a Mr:Sterns of-Char-;lotte who did the house moving here.| 15 —Two |eo ee moan ahs dubbed.ad ne srs :ieanhsienicdronbiden a at VICTROLASAND VETOR RECORDS:ARECONSTANTDELIGHT. They are the ‘‘Musical Messengers”that bringtoyouthekindofmusicYOUlikebest.Everreadyentertainmentsodelightfulthatyouen-joy hearing it over and over again, Stop in any time and we'llgladly give youa Victor Record—Catalogue and play for vou sny music you wish to hear.There are Victors and Victrolasin great variety from $15 to$409.°Easy terms if desired. ANDREWS MUSIC stem KAST BROAD STREET.; Stern winter has at last seemed to! relinquish.his grip and.retire from the lap of spring.As_an indication that spring’is“near,about 40 swect little girls with their matron,all or nearly ail barefooted (from Barium),| were visitors here recently.The last!four or five days have been fine and)warm and Mr,Freeze and other far-| mers have been’planting cofn right} along.Mr,Freeze has’prepared land)for a large crop.One ofthesecrets| in making good crops'is in a_thor-| ough ,preparation of the land before|the crop is’planted...That is what, Mr.Freeze does.He is aiming to! plant a large crop of corn and if the! season is favorable will probably | make the largest crop ever made on | the Home farm. A good woman is the Lest and ninae lovely thing on earth,the topmost! niece of creation...At the same time, the ugliest and most despicable thing| on earth is another woman—a wick-' ed woman,I think violates the law.of God and man and! she should receive the,same punish-|, ment as a man,though it be death in:B the.electric chair.I can’t see why:4 any man should want to sereen such|a woman simvly because she is a fe-| It is the opinion of this old|; seribe that in his action in the Chris-| a mis- hag instead of immortalizing him-! Sel | There-was-a-large-crowd here Sun=" day evening to hear Mr.GoodenpreachandMr.Shaver sing.There was a large class of singers and they|§ } and I believe’preaches from the spir-| it and not from his “larnin’,”as is| when a woman!© FOLLOW YOUR SPRING CLEANING ~ WITH A Thorough Disinfectant.’Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. —et USE KRESANO. Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE, "PHONE 20,Prescriptionist. i le!FOR SALE![a[_ pony State High Schoot, .40 acres in cultivation, 1G%-acre farm,1 1-4 miles from Ha new five-raom cctiage,Larn-and orchat hbalanvo in timber,eve! peeone”tereenmaeeHt"re and productive,aN cut 500,000 feet of —~ lumber,cué-third cash and balance on terms to suit*the purchaser.po 113 acres 1 1-4 rules frem Olin,three-room—dwelling,-barn-and?outhbuildines,49 acres in cultivation, land,balance in fineveriginal oak,pine and poplar timber. C00 cash and balance on easy terms. 2 t-2 m cultiv iles ation TO acres 20 acres in and Larn. from Harmony,'near ,balance in woodland, schools and churches, Two vaeant icts in Harmony,each 60585, 14 of which is fine bottom? $e,<058 LTC \ small tenant house: |sometimes said of other preachers.1i3 !am glad to say they left an appoint-|# iment to be here again on the second) Sunday of May,at the same hour. D.P.HEATH, lta 360 |£,-SRETUCRCBCAD O02.CHOI.SIS Ors CHCA CHOREEOEORRCECECHOUROR OROELCCCROIONO | -JUST ARRIVED. every school have such a home encher.It should belong to! ty nnd the teacher should| to live there and have’ |what he made onthe farm to supple- jment his salary as teacher,One rear- |‘Xn we cannot have “professionai” | For further information call on or write ERNEST 6.GAITHER,ENFRAL (NSURANCE-RENT. ,ALS anu REAL ESTATh.PHONE 23.OFF‘chSN.1;MILLS ROLEING * ashe caoalh Abed ead omaale cm tad The Siaieeville Realty &favestment Co,INSURANCE!2= As a great many policyholders do ‘not seem ‘to uaeog Satheirinsurance-will be void under ecrtain conditions named in the. contract of the policy which they buy.We deen it advisable tomentiensomeofthecausesunderwhichthesame.wil]be rendered velueless,viz:1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply to your agent for permit. 2-—Mechanics making additions tc,or extraordinary altera- tions in or on property—always get permits from agents, 38——Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—appty to your agent.- 4—Any change in the title or ownership,or interest in proper-~ty insured other.than by death,...‘us 5—Assignment or transfer of property to another.: o--hy any increase in the hazard,notice must be given. -——The taking of other insurance without notice. eae explosives on the premises without permit other than kerosene oil. 9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage. Policyholders should read lines 7 to 30 of the printed contract ©”of their policies,It_is impossible for_ogents to-know.of these de-—©ficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation. “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 64 STATESVILLE,e C. omens The North Carolina Medical Socie- i will hold its.next...meeting..in.\cheville—in April,1917. le v e n se t e re l Bt oy teachers ts Jack of money,but if a cchool had a little farm and a com- fortable home on it for the use-of the |toacher,he could supplement’his™in- |same from the farm.The advantage | } New Line Spring Suite,Hats, Shirts and Neckwear. FO S GO NO FARTHER! Evidence is at’Your Door! itd of this vlan would be that a teacher ~xould live in the community and be- jerome a nart of the community life, |He should be the leader among the }men of the community in every ood Waa and his wife should be lead-; amon the women.There tae com-} munlity learue should meet and the!‘farmers’club could discuss the manv| vroblems of the farm.Here would|‘e ithe oroper place fer the Local); \Credit Union,and the teacher should!1 was in,ref as the secretary of the Union and;Kignay |took after its business.Herc the|oe voung:folks should hold=their mect=}baek-was so weaklingsunderthedirectionoftheteach-|couldn't straighten stooping.” /er and his..wife.This should be.the iehomeoftheteachersduringtheses:'Mornings I couldn’t getout of hed.My| |sion of school.if some of the teachers kidneys were sluggish and the kid- |should come from other sections,The | nrincipal idea of the “Te:vcherage’”"is|Mey secretionsfoprovideahomefortheprineingallyhever of the schost.-His wife should also | kha one of the teachers.The jarm.;my life as when thethestockkeptonthefarm,as well as:tions were passing. the little house and erounds,should ibemodelsaswellas.the school.[Been able to help me and I kept gret- The idor could be further elabor ate|jting worse.I was advised to try|el,but this is-enourh to finish the poan's Kidney Pilla and I did.After |idea of the ‘Model School”as sug-|rested by voung Payne—Browwn,This I_had -taken-one—box,-d-was perma- fis written to commend this -younr}nently:cured of kidney troubly.” man,and to emphasize the model |al school “idea.We have not thourht |Price Don’t enough:of our schools,and of build-|simply ask for a kidney remedy—xet| ing up our rural communities so as to .,roelmake—them-attractive to the young!Doan’s”Kidney Pills ne that veople ‘who crow up in them,If more!My.Stroud had.Foster-Miiburn Co., Props.,Buffalo,N.Y.monev could be put into model! schools now the next generation oe| o - The Statesville.proof is what you w ant | and the statement of this banish*spected resident |will doubt: H.&.Stroud, Statesville,says: ALL THE LATEST in these LINES.. Call early aid look through.Will take pleasure in showing you—whether you are ready to purchase now or no3. 229 Boulevard “Some St,4 years ago.j ::pretty bad shape with bladder trouble ; anid sti that and afterRespectfully, scanty and unaatural,| experienced such misery ini ; kidney seere-|4Treonreesnicinnommccoooounr:ee SRRESRISS OOOO IITA HO:RIBOROR EOE Doctors didn't MONEY IS POWER -AND-COMMANDS:INFLUENCEANDOPPORTUNITY! _THE BEST.WAY TO’GET MONEY IS TO SAVE iT! “_AND THE BEST TIME TO START IS RIGHT NOW!_ SO THE BEST WAY TO START IS WITH A BANKACCOUNT! A New Interest Period. April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart- ment.All Deposits made on or before April «5th will draw interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent. compounded quarterly.| :cau ‘lan ears PetreaeHeewelcomesSavingsAccountsfrom both women |New Castle,Ind —Wages are goalandmen!|here and it scems that money is more :.pe :.MY h arol-Certificates of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest DISCO NETS ene Noe Carer from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum.;|na.J never hear any one complainal |ing of hard times.‘Some things out) Checking accounts,either large or small,cordially invited. We want your business! |here are ahead of North Carolina andNorthCarolinaisaheadofNewCas-' People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN -President. |tle in many things;so every sweet ||has its bitter.The people I have met| O-]L.TURNER Cashier. SPRING,CENTLE SPRING |building up fast.The Maxwell Mo-| tor Co.’s weekly payroll is $36,000.| are very nice and sociable,more so; y 1|There is talk of the company being}x 50e,at all dealers, We e Ie e e To go away from home for your FIELD SEEDS 4 when J.E.Sloop has*what you need at the right price,and you may return what you don’t use and get your MONTY BACK?See me for ~ first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds, Kentucky Blue,Tall Meadow Oats,and Sudan Grass.and.Rape.Burt,Black,White,Red rust proof and Bancroft’s Oats.Fertilizers from 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2.Am looking for those who need supplies and fertilizers on time as.well as cash,I can take care of your wants. J.E.SLOOP. be far more Sheen, :S.MILLSAPS. (The ae will’introduce| Payne a n.He is the son of Rev.|and Mrs..D.Brown of Loray), |Iredell Man in ‘New Castle—| Compared With Back Home. |Corresponaence of The Landmark. oz er r e r + are open-hearted and®seem to want) to make you feel good. The weather out here is not very, different from North Carolina,only| the wind has not blown half so much! ae as a general thing as at home:jf.I like the West fine.New Castle is)not an “up-to-date”town but im-| provements are being made,It | Roses, Carnations, Violets, Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. ~KODAK =a The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System.haveputamateurphotographywithinreachofeveryman,woman and child at small cost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES$1 tu.$12,Kodale;supplies of all kindsin the genuine Eastman quality, |H.B.woe IDWARD - than any place I was ever in.They| sold to Henry Ford.Then things will} hum or go to the bad one.| There is more grass out here in|New Castle than I ever saw.Every| little spot is covered with blue grass.| I wish some of the readers of The} 5 Landmark would write a lot of news| from “back home.”We watch anx~|iously for the paper to come and en-| joy reading it so much. has SFRUNG,but it has been anything but “gentle”in its land-ing.. With its sudden shifts from mild,balmy,.days:to cold,bleak days,it is the most treachercus season of the year and sorely taxes thehumansystemt¢retain ite normal condition. It_is therefore up tc us to supplement the efforts of nature andkeepthesystemsoregulated.that it will be proof against the ills of this varyinsy and wearing period. Our high-class rescriptior Department is always:at your ‘callwiththeINGHESTofQUALITY,SKILL and SERVICE! PURITY PRE Cc ASION and PROMPTNESS come first,last and )were “On the Square.’ POLK GRAY DRUG COMPANY “On the Square.” Jeweler..: HUNT.BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C.STEAM,HOT WATER AND VAPOR eam Plumbing and.Private Water Systems....16_REFERENCES FURNISHED.~~ ft ais 4 ay Van Lindley Co., Polk Gray Drug Co., oo Agents, Splendid for Rheumatiam. “I think Chamberlain’s Liniment is _Sust|{splendid for rheumatism,”writes Mrs.Dun-burgh,Eldridge,N.Y.~“It has been used by +;myself and other members of.my family timeijandtimeagainduringthepastsixyearsand}has always given the best of satisfaction.”Thequickrelieffrom».pdin which Chamberlain'sLinimentaffords4saloneworthmanytimesthecoat,”Obtainable every whore. Ne & i ae -ee ee ae Sener ean E YEGGMEN CONVICTED * to |$45.00 $1 on Delivery $1 Weekly. No Extra Fees, The Fam**Hoosier Beauty’’ Money-Back Guarantee. Remember there are Hoosiers for farms,camps,apartments,big and little kitchens,for window spaces and the center of big kitchens.No further need for old-fashioned,built-in,uncleanable cupboards. { a Tomorrow will mark the most eventful demonstration of Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets since the beginning of this remarkable Gold Medal Sale on Saturday. Men and women have come miles to attend.Our sale of Hoosier Cabinets has attracted so much attention that we may have to make arrangements for an- other shipment from the Hoosier factory to meet the demand.Tomorrow’s sales may take every cabinet we have en our floors.1f you don’t want to wait for yours—be sure to come tomerrow and come early. roodsroods 1 Crawford-Bunch FurnitureCo. Ey PIIONE 400.Baar “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” DAESLOUAE ODOLEY TIXSea BE R I T FO O T TI E mit SH U O R O N U A D T I G . TC Y havc.: “It makes no difference how long. hstay here.”said Mr.Walsh,“1 shat! never become a government seed peq- dior,Free government seed does ndt mote formers any more than pink nills make doctors!”he shouted.eeeee Mr.Ford Would Serve. Hen he = ae, ine”to Line Up With Before you for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivate your corn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LINE.To be sure of crop,NEW MPANY.OF AT O R UI E TO T O ce ?4 ayHere’s the ENLISTMordhasputouttheword will accent a nomination fut “One thine TI amtabsolutely sure of this respect,”declared Mr.Ford and that is that EF shatl rot finanec y third party—not with one cen! vould if he made evident that Tan ited,that is a diffe:ent matter ” mim not a eandidate for the presi homination,he--added..-*4J ‘ccard myself in such a rard it as a joke only.Ih y serious question os UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE, BLL HARDWARE CO Ay <>SARA ORT ARMA ITT I TTS(eC a A WCNC SEC APCARNE MEY TLC NNN Mr.Hackeli Retires. fx-Congressman vko had announced his eendidacy fo ‘ha Democratic congressional nomina-! Lion in the seventh district,has with- drawn.Mr.T.B.Wintey of Wilke also a candidate aud Mr.He 73,in announcing his wiehdrawa xt while he is eonfident of his ml gin the Wikes vounty primarics| chat if he and Mr.tiniey remain im! the fleld “it will resalt in party dis eord_-and consequent tari to Democ-! vaey,”and that he i,now,as he nas aways been,willing to set Weide “pcr. nal ambition in ihe interest ef my why and the welfare v7 my country ™ “yfenee,”he continuer,“I have termined,after mature deliberation,te withdraw from the race for the nomi. nation for Congress in the seventh ts “jet -and leave Wilkes with ently one indidate.This decisi¢én is entirely voluntary,and hes arrived atv\itheat consultation,advice,fear of ' Rk,N..[fackett. to whe Anything Electrical! to the recent primar Ws)vt k WE WIRE HOUSES,OLD OR NEW.ANYTHING IN THE ELECTRICAL LINE. nceple ent ——e eT crac TTT ee NDMARK|'TEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.|SCHOOL COMMENCEME ‘April 26,1916.|Happenings Hee and There in cages memeee we the State.:) |Mayor Geo.A,Warlick of Newton!~Invitations have been issued for le =—===—=hay been renominated along with part annual commencement of Statesvil ‘ow can you be sure this in.the}of the board of aldermen and school!Female College,which embraces J man?”asked Mr.Lewis.|board,|14-15-16.nea ‘or.two reasons,”answered Mr.’45..at Ahoskie,Hertford county,May 14,11 a,m.-—Baccalaureate dwick,mildly but positively.)qostroyed the home of J.A,Co a/sermon,First Presbyterian chur :*:|destroyed the home 0 oA.Pp t is the unusual personality of the jind and his daughter,Miss Sue Rev,W.L.Lingle,«D,D.,Richmond,’ ;the other,that since the bank Copeland,was burned.to death.Vay 8p.m.,address to..the.¥. bery at Hillsboro a eye nse ‘ire Shick for a time threatened |Woman’s Christian Assoctation. "eful observation of strangers with :e Dace iil:wection.of Saliabory|“ay 15,4,80 p.m.—Class Day ex- ‘whom I come in contact note ee ISat ioky,daaseoged tive residences |rcises;8p.m.,commencement cons? That ended.it.before it could be subdued.Much’of |°°h se One of the best witnesses for the before 7 eae ee '“May 16,8p.m.—-Graduation exer- ernment was Haywood Snipes,the contents of the Mee ,‘“eises;address by Dr,W.S..Currell,; colored,of Hillsboro.Haywood is by The graded school building at I Ope Class Roll —Martha Rosamond | no means of unusual intelligent ap-|Mills,Cumberland county,was Ean Clark,Margaret Krider Flemin ,| pearance and he is neither “smart”ed early Sunday morning by a fire of |Ruth —Ratcliffe-Cochran,Cordelia| hor “pert,”Just a plain colored?unknown origin._vost $10,000 and Watts.Ruth Cochran,chief marshal.| man,but he told his story and the was insured for $7,500.|The commencement at Rutherford| lawyers couldn’t trip him.Haywood Paul Safrit,about 30 years old and College embraces May 7-10.Y.Me CG: f his home late at night,in|married,attempted suicide at his}A.sermon Sunday,May 7,8 p.my!ent out o ;I sundas 2| the colored section.of Hillsboro,to home at.China _Grove by.shooting,Rey.Albert Sherrill of Ruthertortioay warn a passing automobile that if it’}jimself.He was brought to a hos;annual concert May 8,8.30;com- continued that course it would run in-)pital in Salisbury for treatment.‘fhencement ‘sermon 11 a.m.,May 9,! toa gully.He walked up to the ma-4+Tumberton Will Inman,a 14-Rey.John F.Kirk,Statesville,Gee chine,he said,and leaned on it while |cay-old negro boy,was run over by uating exercises Wednesday,10th.| te ‘talked to the occupants.Three an auto-truck and killed.Will Bul-’Commencement address by Rev.R,T.: ofthe men in it he positively identi-lard,colored,who drave the car,was|Vann,D.D.,Raleigh,and alumni ad:; fied as Dowd,Hackett and a peeneteny |dress by Rev;W.B West,Charlotte, afin,the convict.They tried to ns re BGs hier ona The graduating class numbers 16,} shake "Haywood,but they couldn’t,|.Clever Sr ene Among the members Burley Clyde Mr.Plummer Stewart asked him x.=ae bes acetar boat ov Pamlico!Reavis of Statesville,Sanford Butler| many questions calculated to trip him,ae <fell.eal iG an arcane Hinshaw of Yadkniville. but Haywood had an snswer that let (une Ten ©*a :Tho closing exercises of Scott's| the lawyer down nearly every time,©¢:a Be |Hieh School will be held May 19,Ex-| in a way that made the court room The Elkin Times Says Mr.ercises day and night.i crowd snicker.The “let down”was the |L,Parks of Roaring River,Wilkes The Landmark is indebted to Mr; more pronounced because of the col-county,ate breakfast on the 17th in:y.nes Lewis Poston for an fnvitation ored man’s simplicity of manner.his usual health,went to his work in:t>the commencement of Waynesville There was no trace of insolence _in the field and dropped dead.'High School,Tuesday evening,May answering the white man:“I ain’t dis-|In Cleveland county fire destroyed 2d.Mr.Poston is 2 member of thé putin’nobuddy’s word,”said Haywood,two barns of W.J.Hogue,together graduating’class and will make the jn.characteristic negro fashion,“but with two mules,20 sacks of fertili-presentation of the class gift. it was disaway”;and “disaway”it)cer and considerable forage.The ori-The schools at Cool Spring and Ma- was for that witness,so far as em-gin of the fire is unknown but is be-zeppa closed Friday..Mr.Cameron barrassing him on cross-examination jjeved to be incendiary.Morrison was the speaker at Cool) was concerned.The commissioners of Lenoir coun-'Spring ane Mr.C..McKesson at ee ave He.wl eas 4.4.ty declined to accept the offer to have Zeppa re altendance was good at Mr.John Lewis,who was appointed ,the section of the Central Highway both places,although at Cool Spring by Judge Boyd to defend Tom Dowd i + my oy)fare so “awfully worse”af-through -that county maintained un-Mey as large as usual.; a a ee le fari de supervision of a government ,,-.Sars at See my),Tom rave nie a a 2 pee ee ee ,Winston-Salem 2 Port of Entry. utomobile they.took from mi)<tS ;Deo.me ba): oe i Salem:Mr.Lew-|Fire of unknown origin Sunday af-Winston-Salem is to be made a port}and sold at Winston day !\ js Will see if he can recover it Dowd ternoon destroyed the plant of Chad-of entry.The R.J.Reynolds Compa-' also gave Mr.Lewis the fine revolver |bourn Lumber Company at Wilming-Dy of that city imports annually mil:| he-had but the.postoffice officials will,ton and about 300,000 feet of lumber lions of dollars worta of Turkish to-| hold to that for the present as evi.on yards,entailing a loss of $50,000,bacco for the manufacture of cigar-} dence.It may revert to Mr.Lewis in)‘rtially covered by insurance.attes,sugar from Cuda snd the West) about six months.Mt.Airy has a lady sanitary officer |Indies and Se ae points, :eo wa (--Mrs.A.W.Taylor.A lady with a us row be stored in ware-|r Y ”WWE Ww ohe e PC | CHURCH AT STONY POIN P.determination and backing is)much houses 1D New coe _When os con ae Sa ae a ‘better fitted for sanitary offieer than pany an to ee TaN ECCS Lua Miinisters Look For ean a man.She knows what real clean-ae eee eee ee Officers Presbyterial—Churech ing-up means.MESES valine papers ang ’;se ’,checks for customs duty and numer-} ..News.ee hee pennee An ee Pee cus other formalities that are expen.|5 .ze -u asr resente SC Y y sive @ ‘ause lav t esundey,Was a fine nat it was an-branches of.the Lesisizture,will op-ee esi Barring the wind a .lL ose Hon.Claude Kitchin for the’yreycton-Sale trelecne ease {“4 deal day.The attendance at all the P :;ee Vinston-Salem the company can un-} 1g y:.*“Democratic congressional nomination jong ship carevoes io eprs and bring |.3 churches was good.The pienaepe?ai the second district ont ay So cars anc ring at Broad Street Methodist church Sun-.ies a _them direct to Winston-Salem,draw| day night packed the building.The:Augustus Heinze died recently in.tho stuff_out as it is |wanted and |... special programme of music,which Stanly county.pee ee be pay customs there.This will be a|enables you to see the wonderful workings of this modern kitchen‘ 3 Sane ere Te ark.duly authenticated,was 105 years,vreat convenience and will re-|*<.,5 GXE ams i ,;was published in Friday's Landmark,(uly authenticated eas ne ee eet ee ie ee machine,as thousands saw it last year at the Panama-Pacific Exposi- was carried out to the delight of the six months and 23 days.howland Mc-\heve.the crowded warehouses in New}:=:on ar = large audience.Entre;also a citizen of Stanly,is still Yerk besides taking a great deal off|tion,San Francisco.Every housewife should see it.Every husband The installation of Rev.Dr.H.M3 ive.and active and_in.poss ssion of the duties of the New York:office.The |should see 1 Come tomorrow. Parker as pastor of Front Street 2!!his-faculties,at the age of 108,can also he shipped direct tc}.:;- church took..place Sunday night.;A dispatch from Wilmington says war ston-s alem and i]not nave te} There was a good attendance.Rev.the saw mill of John Herring on 29 to New York as now.' Dr.C.E.Raynal propounded the con-|Black river was destroyed in a for-A deputy collector of customs will) situtional questions,Rev.E.D.'est fire that swept that section Sun-be located at Winston-Salem to look Brown charged the pastor and Elder day.Another forest fire burned over after the collection or the duty. F.A.Sherrill the people.''a distance of 15 miles in Pender coun-=d -b :R At the meeting of Concord Presby-ty.Much timber was destroyed and a See umbug Retained. terial.at Davidson last week,practi-few outhouses.eels :|Was ton Dispatch.he officers were re-elected,Wie coe hte yes Olne : we ee :cio hepa ee a The House voted to retain in the Pe ee MYT.8s.U s 2 i d iculturg f .riatior 5 he President,Mrs.E.D.Brown,Lo-.Davidson,told by het mother to take eure sie poe eel we ray;vice president,Mrs.JMHeReids ears eiekristatceleicleed bichl 0,000 item for the distribution of Davidson:recording secretary and‘ride ar mercury ona sla eee free garden seeds by membersof Con. treasurer,Mrs..E.B.Watts;States-|three.Medical aid:was Candler “of ~Mississippi,c :pat ec,J e as promptly :i ay peepee Ville;corresponding secretary,Mrs.cummoned and the little girl is pe ald CN RNS poe is G.:E.Raynal,Statesville;secretary pected to recover.||Seaman:Sue BAC aneas of literature,Miss Maud Vinson,Da-.litem,averred that ,,ssome of the great- eidaane Garetars of foreign se ee el Thomas Harris,’61 years of age,a est s on of the world have dis- Mrs.ER Honea:Lenoir:wecratary of farmer living near Barnardsville,tributed garden seeds.Both Thomas Assembly’s Hemeunissions ana ot!Ss Buncombe county,was shot and in-|Jefferson ‘and Benjamin “Franklin be- “C:home missions,Mrs.W.Ro stantly killed early Friday by his son-lieved in that.”Representative Walsh,- Grey,Davidson;secretary of the or-in-law,Bunyan Davis,the shooting,who comes forrn the non-agricultural phanage,Mrs.J.H.Reid,Davidson;oceurring in an argument over a wire section of Boston,moved to strike the gécretary of Christian education and line fence whch which Harris and his eprden ceed appropriation.from —the ‘ministerial relief,Mrs.R.W.Orr,wife were erecting on a public road.|Jill.He was vigorously fssailed by Statesville;secretary of Young Peo-!‘Mr.John C.Fisher,an aged and Representatives Heflin of Alabama, ple’s:Work and Sabbath school éxten-respected citizen of Pineville,Meck.of Tennessee and Candler of sion,Miss Mamie McElwee,States-Jenburg county,was found dead in a)Aus ppi.Mr.Heflin declared that ville.well on his place early Saturday Mr.Waish,a new member,“will “Drs.W.W.Orr,R.G.Miller and morning.It was a case of suicide.think differently.on tis subject af tana cxlenburr,repre.He had been menially unbalanced for he-has been here as Tong as IG.’R.White of Mecklenburg,repre.)°He oe a le senting the board of nome missions of )S0Me Gays.fe and nine children :ee the.Associate Reformed Presbyteriar |SU¥rvive ~~Ghureh,went to Stony Point yesterday|Mr.“A.J.McKinnon of Maxton has _to look over the field in regard to)filed notice of his candidacy,in the building a church there.‘Democratic primaries,for commis- %Ss ae _,Sioner of Agriculture.Mr.McKin- The Shakespeare Play on (ol-non is a prominent citizen and farm-|?!" lege Campus This Evening._,°r and has been frequently mentioned Oorrespondence of The Landmark.‘for Governor and other offices of “Shakespeare’s play,“A Midsummer prominence. Night’s Dream,”which is to be giv-Harvey Brewer of Durham,28 vears en tonight on the college campus,the ae ye killed by a freight train weather permitting,promises to in-Salisbury Sunday morning.Brewer troduce a new feature in the work of ard a companion,J.O.Kemp,had been . Kéme talent for the entertainment of riding on top of the train and were | Home people.It is to be conducted both drinking,according to Kemp,who very much on the lines of the Ben Says he was unable to wake .Brewer ;, rect plays,which have been so well ween he left the train.Brewer had ~ @ived by the public,everywhere.vecen to Kannapolie aad was on hi: _Miss’Eleanor Reid.the talented in-way to Durham.His body was cut in wecress in expression at the college,two by the wheels of the train un.‘ Kas devoted much care and patience to der which he fell. the training of the various character tepresentative Britt of the tenth parts of the play.Some appropriate district has prepared’an amendment jj, copimes yom eres nes ok Se-to the agricultural appropriation.bill,— cured.substantial stage has been|now before the House of Congress,ome :ma a erected for the play and a true.secking an appropriation of $2,000,000 cs ions in the Middle West at whicl Shakespearean atmosphere will envel-for the continuation of national for-i enn set OEY,ee er .Op the entire performance.Those who!st reserve purchases under the Weeks _Peer ce er te Pc fail to see this play will lose a decid-i law.He has planned to make the tion,Mr.Ford seid the @d ‘benefit and pleasure.It comes at strongest fight possible for its adop-vas “significant of what the amost fitting time,as a celebration tion and has promise of strong sup-in that section of the country ie-300th-anniversary-of the-death—-ort.a neople who raise the stuff the; e the world’s greatest poet,Easter:the country—thinx of militar unday having been the anniversary of both Shake 1 ..feedsTheshootingofLouisMyers.color-jem,’ faa va (ed,Saturday afternoon by Deputy speare’s death and birth.|oh oriff George Skipper,when the for- MRS.A.L.COBLE,mer resisted arrest on a disorderly:r cespeare Ter ea eae .;re.Co,Chm’n Shakespeare Tercentenary |conduct charge,resulted in an upris-#Celebrations.—a 1)of the negro population of Navas-7...in the engagements at Cuerrer Speed Up at Navy Yards,|“.five miles from Wilmington.Rice a)eee lGuientekae te fege aniareneadGartellthemagistrateswhoissuedtheysocineehood)Sateen sei ce Orders to speed “up repait and over-va erant against Myers,left.the vil-which they will be confined is being haul work on vessels of the Atlantic es Pe :hel}at Columbus,N.M.A double fleet have been sent to the command lage,fearing violence at the hands of ys op 1o-fo0t posts trung wit)Al 8 C }and-one:en seen 770 2-foot sts str with ants of the various navy yards by teens pee time there were harned-wire will enclose an acre of eretary Daniels,In case of labor,~-an ave Tena Quarters For Villa Bandits. Preparatory to the arrival of nuroher of Villa followers taken pris- +ae. HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. W.M.BARRINGER,Proprietor.heen o rtage the —commandants—are —in--—-To prove his assertion._that he structed to expedite the work by em-weuld die for her,Joseph Benton, ving the ships’personnel.who lived near Kinston,placed a re- »©The move was explained as a “pre-volver to his head,fired and dropped *waredness test,”the execution of dead while Miss Lorena Elmore,who é igh:would:illustrate how quickly|had rejected him,looked on,That's the .vessela could be restored to nor-|story that comes from Kinston— 1 conditions ‘after thelr Strenuous where they have a_sensation every winter operations and placed in read-|day and sometimes|two or three a esa for the battle practices and)day—accordingto the newspaper cor- bra beginning May 20.|respondents.It is said that Benton ~mannan Sv threatened to;kill the girl but 17.WATKINS,|fina ly compromised by.killing him-7 self,which was fortunate. army will be housed, It is expeeted the prisoners will-he turned over to the civil authorities of New Mexico after their arrival for trial charged with participating in tho raid on Columbus. which the Mexicans eeecare meena Three persons were injured when anautomobileoverturnedtwomilesfrom Kikin Friday ‘morning.Mr.Chas,Pardue’s -hip was broken and Miss Lu- ey.Hinshaw,a well known young wo- man -of’Yadkin county,wae the most,‘seriously injured, t ansequences,reward,hope of reward | -any reason on earth,save those as-| signed.”cence reaeiteeanecitacetaeee le whenever You Need a General Tonic au ...Take Grove's rf The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless| chill Tonic is-equally valuable as a! General Tonic because it contains the | well known tonic properties of QUININN, and IRON.It acts on the Liver,Drives | out.Malaria,Enriches the Blood and | Builds up the Whole System.£4 conte,| BUILDING?C.WATKINS.| le * NOTICE"TO CREDITORS.~|“Cedar Posts,Rough Boards, Haviny qualified as executor of the estate of |. Emily Campbell,decoased,I hereby notify Dressed Lumber,42 kinds Moulding. Hinges,Locks,Bolts,Columns,Man-C.WATKINS for “Everything persons having claims against her estatecientsametomeonorbefore“April 7,J.GAITHER,Executor. tels.mi MeLanichlin,Att'y.to Build With”at Lowest Prices. 1 ‘1D1G 4 PINE,CEDAR,CYPRESS,TINSHINGLES. CG,WATKINS,Shingle King-of Ire- Il County,Statesville,.N.Cc. FOR SALE. acres cleared,tom.‘Good red terms,wood,N,C. soil,on 180-acre farm two miles from -station;5- réom house,large barn and outbuildings;76balancetimber,20 acres _bo'public road.EasyWriteorcallonJ.W.WEBB,Elm-April 21, Phy |Re Se adebemigghe Rm VOL.XL. *Great Damage in Linville Regionand-Other Points; A correspondent writing from Lin- ville Falls under date of the 26th to the Charlotte Observer tells of the !great destruction by forest fires inthatregion.He says:Thousands:of people in this regionhavespentagoodshareoftheirtimethepastweekor10daysfightingfor- est fires,which have done great dam-age,;From any eminence hereabouts,the past-week,one could see many miles of fire lines in.every direction.FromthesummitofLinvillemountainfires were visible on the mountain itself, and south and east as far as Marion,and all along the .Catawba river to Morganton and beyond to Hickory and Lenoir.All down the valley of the North Fork of the Catawba,from Avery station on the C.C.&C.rail- way to Marion and to the top of Lin- ville and Dobson’s Knob on the east side and Honeycutt mouniain and farbeyondonthewestside,fire was rag-ing with apparently but very littlecheck. Along the C.,C.&O.the damage was the heaviest it has ever been,as many large rtacts of timber in whichnofirehasbeenfor30yearsormore,were destroyed;a number of smal!houses,barns,several lumber yardsandmanymilesoffence.William Mc-Call,J.D.Avery,W.S.Dobey and others suffered losses of thousands of dollars,the exact amount of which is difficult to calculate yet. All along the Black mountains,thelongdarkoutlineislitupatnightwithfires.The reports are that on ;the west side,not visible from here,!the fires are much worse.In thisheavily-timbered region the loss is‘many thousands every‘day the fire|burns.|Fires have been burning alongLinvilleriverfromCrossmoretoLin-ville City,destroying timber,fences,Several houses_and barns and much»hay and other property:-At Newland;county seat of Avery county,and atMontezumaandotherpointsontheLinvilleRiver.railway and near it,heavy losses have been suffered,in-cluding some homes.The same hasbeentrueonToeriver,and in almost !every locality in this end of the State.|These fires have been-started more|by careless persons.Everything is ex-tremely dry,the wind has been,stronger than has been.known formanyyearsinApril.Saw mills havecausedseveralfires,it is said. | Optimism in Berlin. An Associated Press dispatch fromBerlinsaysitislearnedthatdevel-opments are impending which demon-strate unmistakably the desire of Em-|peror William to fallow a course’which land Germany and the United ,States out of the present crisis.The,Situation is viewed more optimisti-!cally in Berlin,itis said.Ambassador Gerard is_still main-taining silence,following his latestconferencewithChancellorvonBeth-|mann-Hollweg,but the Associated|Press has been able to obtain infor-|mation from other sources indicating |that the outlook has improved,\Optimism prevails in Berlin that!the situation between the UnitedStatesandGermanyarisingfrom.the| \ en ea pees abate le were Messrs.J.A.Brady,R.1.American government's demandthat)“8S 0”.ae ea se ekOEY ee Poston,R.H.Rickert and’J.H.Germany cease her present methods tt aS eee we oo PYNOC Ol_Hoffmann.of submarine warfare will be satisfac.|te Lut eran Chure eee e ai aaananaE aatorilysettled.Emperor William —is For Information B.C Campbell:Vant Mangansaidtodesirethecarryingoutof|;a Stoneplanswhichwillleadthetwocoun-|_On the 12th of this_month The}ze :'jtriessafelypastthepresentcrisisLandmarkreceiveda_letter,dated}Mr.Chas.L,,Neilson of Troutman,The indications in Berlin -are-that|Statesvilic,postmarked Statesville has an inquiry from the Saxon China-Germany’s reply to the American note}and signed “B.C.Campbell.”The,Company of Sebring,Ohio,which hemaynotbedelivereduntilnextweek,|letter called attention —to several ‘has referred to The Landmark.If:things’which the writer seemed to any of our readers can furnish the inShootingFestinSalisbury. In Salisbury Monday night GeorgePoole-and-Will R.Rabe engaged in ashootingfest.Poole opened with a88andhisfirstbulletstruckRabeinthe’forehead but glanced and madeonlyaslightwound.His second shotandRabe’s only shot went wild.Anofficer,summoned by Mrs.Poole,pre-vented further shooting.The affair took place in front of thebuildinginwhichPoolelivesandRabe’s place of business,which is inthesamebuilding,and is said to havebeentheresultofbadbloodthathasexistedbetweenthetwo.Rabe is a son of Mr.T.J.Rabe and~~lived in Statesville when a small hoy.Rabe and Poole were fined $50 cachandputunderbondtokeepthepeace.Appealed.. Mexican and American Officials |Confer at Border, The Carranza government has ac-cepted a proposal from the UnitedStatesforaconferenceontheinter-national border between General Al-_varo Obregon,minister of war in thecabinetofGeneralCarranza,and Ma-!jor Gen.Hugh L.Scott,chief of staff 1 i] « t I ‘}think should be published. party;but others were of the nature |of serious charges against individuals,|giv:and The ¥ to know if undisputed proof could be found either as bell,Statesville,;proof of the charges made,has treturnedtoTheLandmarkunclaimed.|ofThepostalauthoritiessaytheycan’t wouldfindB,C.Campbell in Statesville or;the maonany,of the rural routes.therebell,if there is a B.C.Campbell and feel that it woul[he is the writer of the letter,why his |while Looking to Baseball.— talk a league for the coming season.Definite action was he ;vored only amateur ball,the teams to c Titems of Interest Gathered From Over the State. |.Leonard Edwards was killed ©in ‘Goldsboro Wednesday night and Hy-'man Epstein is charged with the kill- The View of the United StateszstotheRights6¥Merchant Ships. An official declaration of the atti-in tude of the United States towardget|The negro Republican State con-;8rmed merchant ships,made public/Wention,at Raleigh on.the 24th,at.>y Secretary Lansing,reiterates and|tracted little attention.The.meeting C*Plains the purpose of the Americanelecteddelegatestothenationalcon-|fovernment to recognize the right-of|vention at Chicago.neaceful brit:to eee arms i ap{<.;;nee and,a €same time—w.ee nee Oe een ay ain:|ferring only to warships generally—anne Mrs TK Matthews dropped clearly sets forth the conditions un-cad %h .lin fe table Si DI ye der which the United States holds sub-hie oe hieiued tat w+SIX WCCKS |marines may attack merchant craft,:;Mr.Lansing insists thatthe neu-Chas,W.Baker,railroad engineer +»!govérnment.is to be the sole judgeofSpencer,has brought suit against|¢the status of armed merchant shipstheSpencerschoolboardfor$2,000 in its ports in the absence of any set-damages on account of his son being tled rule’of international’,law.‘Theexpelledfromschool.|section relating to armed merchantBlountArtis,a negro boy of Wil-!v:son,was instantly killed in an auto-_nositive terms the American view thatmobileaccidentbetweenSelmaand‘there must be no attacks without:Princeton,Johnston .county.Tire ex-warning upon merchant ships,even if;ploded and machine struck a tree.‘ev are armed,unless the command-{Mr.Jos.T.Welborn,long a mer-~of the warship has absolute knowl-chant of Wilkesboro,died at his home!cdg that the merchantman is ‘undernearWilkesboroSundaynight,aged Mandatory orders ‘from her govern-58.Three children,his mother,and |™ont to act offensively.a number of brothers and sisters sur-The right of an armed merchant-vive.man,without losing its peaceful char-Taylorsville Scout:About noon last on x praeeitself either by fipntSunday,while preparing dinner.Mr.{°"?Y Tesistance,1s insisted upon.James R.Hefner's house,in Witten- burg township,caught fire and burn-ed down.He also lost nearly all his furniture and clothing. Mooresville Enterprise:Mrs.R.H. t eising belligerent rights chant ship.the attack must cease as_:A soon as_the resistance stops.Only |Tomlinson has announced _the ar-Wvhon it is impossible to take the cap-riage,of her daughter,Miss Susie tured enemy merchantmen into port| nay it be sunk,and in such case the|persons on board must be put in aInce.of safety. The right to sink a neutral mer-!chantman is declared to be doubtful|“yany case.In direct contradiction toGermany’s contentions,is-the asser-|tion that a merchantman may fire|without waiting for an actual attack,|whenever she is.certain she is about’to be attacked. Tomlinson,to My.Robert McKinley Stafford,to take place at the Tomlin- son home on Moore avenue next-Wed- nesday,May 2d,at 10 o’clock,a.m. Fires in a half dozen neighborhoods in Catawba county the last week,says the Newton Enterprise,did consider- able damage in timbered lands and in several instances threatened dwellings| and farm buildings.-In ath severalhundredacreswereswept.by-flames. Gov.Major of Missouri was in Ral- eigh this week,on the eve of the meeting of the Democratic State con- vention,but left before the conven- ‘Loving Cup For Mr.Brady— Arcanum Grand Council. tion met.He is a candidate for the|,The Grand.Council Royal Areanum|oe aa <.Nort ingDemocraticnominationfor,Vice Pres-of oe scaceiiesues wycdiesdayidentandispersonallyseekingvotes.|™O’!N&in Salisbury.UCEGRY ae,;night a big banquet was held,Hon.Fire in Winston-Salem yesterday:poo,F.Kluttz being master of cere.Morning,originating.in the Neil ho-|ponies.The meeting adjourned yes-tel,caused property damage estimat=\rorday at noan to meet April 24,1977,ed at $90,000,covered’by approxi-irientehavilio’zmately$52,000 insurance,The hotel ~~yy,7 A.Brady of Statesville waswasdestroyedandadjoiningproperty|nrosented with a handsome lovingoccupiedbytheElks’club and audito-|cup at the meeting.It is envraved.rium and the Hutchins pharmacy was “Grand Council Royal _Arcanuni!lamaged.State of North Carolina,Class ofMr.J.P.Cook of”Concord,former Builders 1916,John Archibald Brady.”teacher and newspaper man,promoter Tt is awarded to Mr.Brady for }of the Jackson Training School,inter-ine done most in increasing the mestedinthechildrenandinruralbet-hership of the lodge.Mr.Braterment,has offered a $20 gold piece hae secretary of .the .to be given annually for three years,|¢.ae .for the best-composition,written-by a opie Tae eapupil.of the Cabarrus rural schools,|atected for the ensuing year:Dr.R.L.on How to Make Rural Life Attrac-/anon,Waynesville,“grand regent: John F.Ray.Raleigh,grand vice-re-vent;Thos.P.Johnson,Salisbury, Statesville Salisbury Post:Mr..T.C.Foust,aged about 60 years,a prominent far-|erand orator;Herman Heller,Ral.mer of Davidson county,living eight |ieh eran :Hise ALAN o Na hinmilesfromLexington,died suddenly i \4 sheville F aea dan RI Px nelsin-an-automobile near Barber,-Rowan-Statecville®=ae Ace ce eeecounty,Wednesday morning,death)7)°S¥ie,Srand sentry.being due to heart trouble.Mr.Foust bane who attended from States- Someof;formation thethemTheLandmarkwaswillingtopublish,if furnished—by—a D y can write the companydirect,or send it to The~Dandmark.reliable The letter says: “The geographical survey of 1872*s in Iredell county manganese.!vandmark naturally wanted This is a blue or blue-black deposit} a biue sand or in a!formation,being a blue-ileckItisusedinthemanufactur.had ing of pottery only as color.Ifbeenthereistoyour€nowledge a depositthischaracterinyourvicinityvery)much appreciate t:tter up with us and submiThis,|a Sample.While itis not a defore,is no notify B,C.Camp-|which would brin i ;:tprovidedtoestablishthecharges.jrockAletteraddressedtoB,C.Camp-jrock,asking if he a } we | in { iy ing} posit | ga high price,yet we etter hasn’t been published to date: |if you can loeate the seme.“We are also on the lool:outwhatistermedCornwallston,whiciish-|j t for}y Representatives of the baseball as-|;:sociations of Morganton,Gastonia ,/5,8 brown rock or Shale easiby cr‘nd Kannapolis met here Tuesday to'@¢and light in weight. Commencement.at Harmony. The closing exercises of the Har- deferred until}text Thursday,when a meeting will|xe held in Gastonia. All those present at the -meetingreTuesday,—except-Gastonia,—fa- _7,with the baccalaureate sermon by|Rev.J.FP.Kirk of Statesville at |o'clock in the afternoon.No exercises||be made up of college players and not Monday.Tuesday evening at 7.45 ‘tis :56 o ‘ay.sday 3 ge at 7.45 &of the UnitedStates army.They will!to include professionals.An effort.o'clock exercises by the primarydiscussthemilitaryaspectsofthe|will be made to have Norganton,Gas-‘American punitive expeditionexico,and the de facto governmattitudetowardtheprojectfor‘capture of Francisco Villa. into { * Gen,Funston will be present at the confer-|PencewithGen.Scott.They were ex-|pected to meet Gen.Obregonret last Southern railway has under considera-|offers a gold.medal for successful con-j liams.Mr.Newson of Guilford Col-|*gnt.eeen tion,as reported in.last issue,chang-,‘estant.in declamation contest.Flag lege thas charge of the singing.(TheaeAttemptedSuicide.ing the schedule of -west-bound pas-|raising at.3.p.m.and ball game at)meeting began Sunday and will lastMooresvilleEnterprise, J.H.Towell,aged about 60 years,|attempted suicidé last Friday morn-,ing by swallowing the contents of albottleinwhichthereamountofcarbolic’acid,ell has a pronouncedsandothertroubles,’and his mind wassomewhatbeclouded, ent’s |Hickory andthe“the senger train No.35 so that it will passStatesvilleabout3a.m.instead of 10.-20 p.m.,as now. that the privileges of that train willbe.denied passengers for Statesyillewas4smallandthisendof.Mr.Tow-|The Commecaseofpellagra’ship generifamore convenient schedule ¢éan'tjbearranged, |grade.Wednesday evening at 7.45 1°jo’elock plays and drills.Thursdaymorningat10.30 graduating exer-cises;t1 o’clock address by Dr.H.B.Arbuckle of Davidson College;2.)m.,declamation contest and debstebyliterarysociety.Mr. onia,Spencer,Kanapolis,Statesville Lenoir represented atmeetinginGastonianextweek, roposed Change of The,Landmark orOOD. learns that the 4 p.m.Thursday there will be an admission fee will be ch the benefit of the school. The marshals will be Grady in,chief;Dalles Renegar,Myers,P.Powell and FairyMusiewillbefurnishedbythe mu- evening at That would mean arged,for}¢ the road,in the main.!Lareialcluband‘our citizen-ally should get busy and seo mony High School.band, ssels on the high seas discloses in: the other hand.the attacking:vessel.must display its colors before exer-| do not,prdsently there will be no song ~--s+—-l birds and no eggs..The boys should!amed officers were be interested— when you think of it. natural desire to kill from |thing to do is to get them to under-}stand that the importance of saving| the birds—the import Ss spare the song birds. so few there will soon be none unless £'Sisters Died d be well worth your|and Missetoinvestigateandwewouldap-ly|preciate very much hearing from you!Mrs,J. h!nia. 4é both beer survived hy three brothers—CharlesScenes.:~May|Ralph and Aaron Morrow.Ralph ha‘mony High School begin Sunday,May i been critically ill with pneumonia for3|Several days. noon at ‘Meeting at Race Street—Church ‘at Race Street Methodist church,con-C.B.Webb diveted by the pastor,Rev.J.W.Wil- 7.49 |indefinitely.a play and drill to which!noon and evening. Me-|Sunday,11 a.m.;at Elmwood,3 p.m.;Dwight!young people’s meeting and song ser-Grose.|viee at Fifth Cree sic pupils of the.school and.the Har-|Trin morning at 11 o'clock. bank STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRI DAY,APRIL 28,1916. MOUNTAIN FOREST FIRES,NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM|ARMED MERCHANTMEN,THE ADVENTIST MEETING.DEATHS Will.Hold “Tent Meeting in Statesville Until Their Confer- ence Meets in June. The North Carolina Conference of |the Seventh Day Adventists will be in session in Statesville June 15-25. Preliminary.to.this’conference a ‘cries of lectures will be given in aifentadjoiningthePeople’s Loan andavingsBank,on Center street.The _‘cctures will begin Sunday evening at 7.45.They will be under the auspices,of the Adventist Conference,con-ducted by Evangelists J.B.Locken ‘and W.L,Adkins.The themes ‘to be _tiseussed,The Landmark is informed,,will be the “wide-awake topics of theiday.‘Topics of the Bible will be { jects as ‘The Meaning of the GreatWarinEurope,’‘Battle of Armaged-don,‘Millennium,’‘Second Coming ofChrist,’‘Signs of the Times,’-ete.,will,be considered;and matters pertaining :‘to the spiritual life will be given a{great deal of consideration.”|The State headquarters of the Ad- The Con-June,and the grove on ,Yentists ate in Greensboro.ference which meets.in[which will be held in Park streets adjoining Billingsleyhospital,embraces the State.Thedenominationhas¢hurches in a _num-ber of the towns andStateandinthe|well.rural districts The denomination originated;and while it,2 little more than 50 years ago,with!her son,Mr.may use force against a resisting mer-|four or five members.It now hasconferences.in every State in theUnion,in Europe,Asia,Africa andSouthAmerica.Missions are alsoconducted,it is stated of the wsea, ,in all parts orld and the islands of the The missionaries number about|2,000 and over $4,000,000 was spent:Mr. ‘t year for evangelistic purposes.The subject at the opening serviceatthetentSundayeveningwillbe,“The rebellion in heaven.When didsinoriginate?Where did Satan comefrom?”THE BOYS AND THE BIRDS. Boys Should Be Encouraged toProtecttheSongBirds. Two ministers who are about the conservation of the song birds in Statesville and environs haveaskedTheLandmarkiosaysomething concerned to dissuade the boys who.are collé¢t-|ing bird eggs and destroying the fiests |of the song birds, For a generation it seems to havebeenafadamongStatesvilleboysto collect bird eggs and the fad goes on. While not all boys are disposed to list- ‘en to advice,The Lanamark believes |that most of them would do the right |nrezthingifthefactswereproperlyplaced|hav-‘before them.em-'m ady has |the eggs of the song birds. and mosi of them could;be interested if their parents,teach-|ers and friends would get the facts be-|i fore city beautiful,a delightful placewhichtolive. serve t6wn-attractive and try to-add other:‘attractions. the nests of the song birds we ‘would them—in making Statesville a} in:To do this we must con-i all the things that make the If,instead of destroying protect them;if the boys would put up »0xes and encourage the birds to nest water for.them,by, ould be full of birds| oy.The boys are not so much to blame | They inherit a wild creatures| their huntsman ancestry.The ance of bird life:n the community.;< The English sparrow is generally | conceded to be a nuisance and a pest{Chas. and-he drives away other birds.Letkeboyskillthe troy their nests ifsparrows and de- they will,but The latter are hey are proteeted =-| Same Day—Vic-|tims of Pneumonia.| Miss Fannie Morrow,aged 21 years,| Beuna Morrow,aged 14; ears,sisters,daughters of Mr.and; B.Morrow,died Tuesday atheirhomeinShilohtownship,death| n both cases resulting from pneumo-! Miss Fannie died at 1.80 o’clock! n the afternoon and Miss Beuna at! o’clock jn the morning.They had| Abick about eight days. Besides their parents,deceased are | || 8 ' was Wednesday after-|o'clock at Pleasant —Hillhurch,the sisters being buried in theamegrave. Interment9oO Items. A_protracted meeting is being held Services every after- Considerable in-erest is being manifested. PFeaching at Bethesda fifthon k,8 p.m. and sermon at church Sunday Morning prayer ity Episcopal dwelt upon especially and such sub-| cities of the| as ‘day of the death of his mother-in-law,'and:Miss Estelle Shoaf;Mr.E from a.visit to his mother.M fora few days.labout their homes;if they would feed|.‘them and provide ese and Cornwall.and by the town w nese plumage and songs would be al |Zickler.FP.Deal:—Little—River==Carl Fortner.W.V.Bebber,J.C,Chanman: Ellendale--J.A.Cline, threatened uprising as the result of ment from Dublin. ered |reMrs.Bumgarner-and_Mr. stead—Young Robert Dead—Taylorsville News. |Correspondence of The Landmark. from tuberedlosis and two years. of the late D.G. survived by her husband, and two daughters.She was 88 years of age. morning at 11 o’clock and by Rev. Messrs.W.J.,G.Z.and E.V.Bum- rarneyr. Mr.Zebulon Milstead died at—his home in Ellendale township Tuesday night akout 9 o'clock,after a week’s illness of pneumonia,aged 38 years and 7 months. |wife,four sons ¢and two daughters;‘mother—Mrs.Selena Milstead—two‘sisters and five brothers,all of -this!county except one sister—-Mrs.W.W.Stine of Winston-Salem.The funeralandburialserviceswereconductedbyRey.J.W.Watts at Three Forks Bap-tist.church this-morning at 11 0’elock,Mr.R..L.Snow was notified Tues- Mrs.D.F.Holcomb,at the home of O.C.-Holcomb,in:Wilkesboro.Mr.Snow and daughter, Marion,went to Wilkesboro Tuesd :afternoon to attend tne-funeral.Twillreturntonight.|Mrs.L.L.Moore received a mes-‘sage of the death of her nephew,|Master Robert Banks,young son ofandMrs.-Howard A.Banks,|Wednesday morning at their home in,Washington City.Mrs.Moore went‘to Statesville Wednesday evening tojoinMr.and Mrs.Banks and accom-nany them to Asheville today,wheretheintermentwilltakeplace.-Mrs.J.C.Connolly and Miss IreneTeQueuxwerecharming_hostessesFridayafternoon,of the Embroiderycluband.a number of #riends,at the|home of Mrs.Connolly.The parlor,‘hall and living room were lovely with(decorations of dogwood and other{flowers of the spring.Eight tables_had.been arranged for progressiverames-and an interesting game wasplayedateach-table.The prize,avairof~silver embroidery scissors,|was won by Miss.Lottie Kerley.The,hostesses were assisted by Master'John C.Connolly,Jr,and Mrs.H.C.|Payne in serving seasonable refresh-‘ments in two courses. Rev.Mr.Brown of Tredell ayhey will |dav Therefore The Land-| ark is appealing to the boys to spare} If they} and Sunday o’clock and o’clock. Mr.H.D. evenings at 7.30Sundaymorningat11 Lindsay has returned rs,Cam-cron .Witherspon.in Kernersville.Rey.and Mrs.A.S.Caldwell and sonofBariumweregnestsofMissesPol-'~and Amanda’Matheson Tuesdav.Mr.and Mrs.James Watts of Enid.Okla..who are visiting relatives here,and Mr.Watts’mother and sister,Mrs.Thomas Watts and Mrs.O.F.Pool,left Wednesdav morning for afowdays’stay in Charleston,S.C,Miss Daisy Jennings of Cool Svring istheguestofMissGertrndeEdwardsMr.and Mrs.-W.M:“rouch,Master W.M.Crouch,Jr.,andMissMaryDusonSmith,who wereenestsatthehomeofMrs.Crouch andMissSmith’s uncle,Mr.J..D.Smith,have returned to theirPoint.returned from a visit to her sister,Mrs.G.G.White,in Statesville.Law-ver J.H.Burke and Messrs.C,P,Matheson and J.B.Robinette went toRaleighWednesdavtoattendtheDemoeratieconventionthere—today,;Mrs.#.L.Gwaltney will return todayfromavisittoherdaughter,Mrs.i.Echerd in Statesville.Mrs,Keherd and children -will-come homewithhertosnendsometimehere.Prayer services preparatory to aprotractedmeetingattheMethodistehurchbeganWednesdayevening.The meeting will bein Sunday at 11o’-lock.Mr.BE.O.Shaver of States-villo will arrive Saturday night.tolendthesingingduringthemeetingThepastor,Rev.J.J.Edwards,willconducttheservices.The county election board.compos-ed of Messrs.A.L.Watts,JacobMoserandW.C.Kerley,have an-nointed the judges and registrars fortheprimarytobeheldinJune,asfollows:Miller’s townshin ——Revis-tear,N.P.Alexander;judges.J.WillAlexonder,Leon Dagenhart:Sharpe's—D.T.Camphell,E.FE.Tackey.H .A.Miller:Gwaltney’s—Woalter MeCur-dy,John Woodfin.W.B:Hendren:Suear Loaf—R.R.Kerlev.Dr.C.R. William Milstead,W.A.Hollar:Wit-tonbure—T.M.McGee.A,W.Robin-son W.W.Tearue;Tavlorsville—R.I.Cobh.Jonas Cline,J.1.Sloop.Dr.Klutz and son of Maiden spentWednesdayherewithDr.Klutz’s'son,Lawyer L.F.Klutz. The Democratic State convention met in’Raleigh at noon yesterday and Senator Simmons’address was the first feature.Senators Simmons and Overman,Gov.Craig and Gen.*J,S.Carr were elected delegates to the national convention.:; Martial.law has been declaredthroughoutIrelandonaccountofa the spread of the revolutionary move- IN ALEXANDER. Mil-nBanks’from Iredell to Raleigh to attend the Taylorsville,April 26 —Mrs.Min-|statesy {nie Bumgarner Chapman,wife of Mr. Chas.Chapman,died at their home have been completed.in’Little River township Wednesday morning at 4 o’clock,death resulting rheumatism.She had been unable to walk for about Deceased was a daughter Bumgarner and is two sons The funeral and burial serv- ices were conducted at Lebanon this Surviving him are his ich at Burke’s school house Satur-| homes in High|Miss Elizabeth Robinette has| |trians crossing the square.They will’ ;mill on the place in a few days.It ig i Se ne NRBRIEFITEMSLOCALNEWS —A dozen or fifteen delegates went— |meeting of the Democratie State con- |vention,held yesterday. —The closing exercises of theilleGraded.Schools will be held May 18-22.No detaiis of programme —Mr.Howard Johnson,who lives:near Clio,in Sharpesburg township,left Tuesday for Lander,Wyo.,whereheexpectstomakehishome.pee —Yesterday was the day for.the: opening of the registration books fortheprimariesJune8,but the books,had ‘not arrived.The books will be open--until May 20; |The train from Charlotte yester+day morning,due here at 9.50 o’clock,;did not arrive until about noon.The —‘delay was due to a’breakdown after the train left Mooresville. |.~~Miss Elsie Howard,daughter ofMr.D.R.Howard of Barringer town-‘ship,underwent an operation:at.the‘Sanatorium:yesterday.Her condition‘is considered very favorable. —Mr.John A,Scott,Jr.,--will not i move to Virginia with his:father,Dr.J.A.Scott,but will continue.to liveinStatesvilleandpracticelaw.Thistocorrectanerroneousimpression,| ~License-have~been™issued=for’the ~marriage of Mr.Robert.Sidney Boyd .EmmetHoyleOstwaltandMissAnnieRodg-ers;Mr.Earl White Allison and Miss|Lena.Mae Cavin.2|Some household erticles,belong-ing to Mr.A.F Horton,who former-ly lived here,were sold at auction infrontofthecourthouseTuesday.They were sold under attachment.pro- ceedings for debt.:We —The closing exércises of the’‘school at Terrell,Catawba county,|take place tomorrow.Mr.Zeb,V.Long of Statesville will be the speak-er of the occasion and the Junior Or-der will present’a Bible and flag to the school.. —One of the sleeping:cars of:theSmithBros,show©train caught fireontherailroadyardsWednesdaymorningandtheinterlorandfur-nishings were considerably damaged.|The firemen responded to the alarmandextinguishedthefire.q —Mr.R.V.Brawley began repair-—-ing the stables at:therear-of the As-sociate Reformed Presbyterian church\but discontinued it.when notified’the State Insurance Commissionerthatitisaviolationofthelawto.re-|air frame buildings inside fire lim-its,‘—-Mrs.H.P.Grier offers the fol-lowing suggestion for exterminatingthewild_onion from the lawn:When,one appears,go under it with a trow-lel and take it out by bulb.Fill the|hole in the ground with a teaspoon of.;salt.Mrs.Grier has found this meth-od effective.: ~The Davis Springs Company has|been chartered to operate the Sulphur.;Springs hotel and flourmill,near Hid-|denite.The total-authorized capital-|stock is $50,000,with $7,000 paid in‘by R.Lee Davis,Hiddenite;C.P,;Matheson,.Taylorsville;Dr.J.M.Da-|vis,Wadesboro.es —The many,Statesville friends'ex-Senator John R,Thornton of Louis-iana will be pleased to.learn that hehasbeenappointedon.the board of.‘ordnance and fortifications of the War/Department,Senator Thornton isa‘frequent’visitor to Statesville—to the{home of his sister,Mrs.P.B.Key, |—Eight employes of the StatesvilleLumber-Co,,-seven_colored_and one _white,struck Tuesday,’assigning agareasonthattheydidnotwanttodonightWork.For severar months-theplant-has been running until ‘9.15o’clock at night.Their places werefilledandthestrikerswereallowedtoZO,on —Mr.W.B.Crowson,who has been .manager of the-Postal Telegraph Co.for some time,has resigned,his res-ignation effective May Ist.Mr.Crow-son will be with the Sentinel as busi-ness manager after that date.He has sold his cigar stand to Mr.Frank Sherrill,who has already takencharge.; —The city officials are adoptingthecustomgenerallyinuseinthelargercitiesforprotectingpedes- be asked to cross straight from cor=ner to corner and fefrain from cross-ing diagonally.This will help toavoidaccidentsfromautomobilesandothervehicles. ~—~Messrs..W.C.Moore of States-ville and M.-A.-Christy of Chambers-burg township returned yesterdayfromBladencounty,where theyboughtatractof882acresofland.Mr.Christy will begin operating a saw cstimated_that-there-1s-3,500,000-feet- of:timber on the place. -—The registration of Mr.W;!N,White’s farm,east of town,as LongMeadowFarm,is at last complete.Mr.°'White made application August31,.1915)but as the county had ‘no\hook for making the registry until thisweektheundertakingcouldnotbafinished:Mr.White’s is the first andonlyfarmsofarregisteredinIredell, —The registration of candidates inthethirty-thisd senatorial distrist,composed of the counties’of.’Alexansder,Burke,Caldwell”and McDowell,~as.filed with the State Board of Blec-tions,shows the names of Chas,-P.~Matheson’and A.C.Payne,Demos.crats,of Alexandér,and’A.M.Dula ©and P,W.Patton,RepublicaThe,district’has two’Sena- tors;and‘according to.this,the Democrats or the RepublibothSenatorswillbefrom Burke.= county,which is unusual. :Is yar at once if there is war with ermany,or with any other great =-ficed,not to the nation’s need but to c ‘the’nation’s folly. ipicenae Met-iidysentery and iayscamps,because we have not prepared| cate mechanism of war. (B since the great war began,and during even the smallest degree in order,if, Ee possible,to avert war from us;or, fie:could not be averted,to wage it effi-| er.at Washington have bowed to) azethem and left us helpless, ae in the interests of peace. hha ,¢ is,in battle because we shel guns and Fs the peace of unpreparedness is,the, -Attemigcsit§ WHO THE CANDIDATES A Official List of State and Dis- trictCannidates in-the Prima- ries, The date for filing notice of.candi- dacy for.State and istrict offices,un- der the primary law,expired Satur- day,22d,and it is some relief to know that the speculation as~to candidates ,i a fficial ist follows: Paster Sunday Col.Roosevelt ce--ped.ne.PURppIs Walter Bick-himself of the following:Z *wT Daueht: sayi ett of Franklin county,fh,L.Daug hind ‘thea ne ee Nie and ridge of Edgecémbe~county,Demo- ry I ‘ak to speak for the men crats;Frank.Armfield Linney of Wa: a the eventof ‘wat,wilt stand)‘Her crant Governor—0.”Max a gna Freaaent and perween Gardner,Cleveland younty,Demo- Ps Fe LOE eT ent oes crat;L,L.Jenkins,Bur:combe,Repub- Pay ,lican.of State—J.bine ieSe ene,are behind or beside alr Brvae “These are the men who wll go to bert ee April 28,1916. OSEVELTSWILL GO “Colonel Will Do the Fight- -He’s Mad _Because oper Preparation Hasn’t “Made. } Grimes of Pitt,Haywood Clark of New Hanover,J.A.Hartness of Ire- dell,Democrats;Robt.L.Strowd of Orange,Republican. TA aitor ie W.P.Wood of Ran- dolph,‘Demoerat;J.Q.A,Wood of Pasquotank,Republican. State Treasurer —B.R.Lacy of Wake;J..S.°Mann of ~Hyde,-Demo= crats;Robt.W.Harris of Jackson,Re- publican.:‘ Superintendent of Public Instrue- tion —J.Y.Joyner vf Wake,Demo- erat;Clarence’R.Pugh of Pasquo- tank,Republican,:; Attorney General —-Thos.Calvert of Wake,Edmund Jones of Caldwell, |James S.Manning of Wake,N.A.Sin- lelair of Cumberland,Democrats; iJ.Parker of Union,Republican.‘ |Corporation Commission —D.L. i rex,and who feel,as I do,that we ata far rather go tv war unprepar- sed than see our women and children tdered with impunity and the hon. ror .of the flag stained. (But,it is a wicked thing that the folly of our rulers,in obeying the be- ahests of the peace-at-any-price people| ‘Wand of the apostles of anti-prepared-| yness,should make the sacrifice either | it less or else needlessly and ‘appall.| "ingly wasteful in blood.| “Jn the event of such a war my four} ‘pons:will go,and one,and.perhaps both,of my sons-in-law;I will go my- jaelf;the young kinsfolk and friends‘of »my.sons will go;so my words are japoken with Pe cone what |Boyd and William T.Lee of Haywood, ihappens to us of the AEE generation;|Democrats;Henry J.Faison of Du- 7 war epee!I think of eee Tate eer abor and Printing— Reese pros bither-that their.fe a avid P.Dellinger of Gaston and fant young lives snould_be sacr|Mitchell Lee Shipman of Henderson, |Democrats;Ww.James Jordan oF would far rather see them dead|Greene,Republican. than see them flinch from their duty William A,Graham of Lincoln, %seg honor of our people is cone TH.Hobbs of Sampson and A.J.Me-But if we now go to war)_-::aaa:<|Kinnon of Robeson.Democrats;A.L. Young men_and all their,fellows ;French of Rockinghem,Repuolican. |Insurance Commissioner —C.T. McClenaghan of Wake,James R ‘Young of Vance,Democrats;Join W “ Sam wilt’die*in thousands of fever andlungtroubleinthe; in advance,because they and those,f at*'who would lead and care for them Hardin of were Fee Court ‘have not been trained in advance,|,There is only one &ON“They will beb utchered needlessly |judge to be elected this year—iir the have’failed ti eighth (Wilmington)district to fill a prepare masses of arsfilery and ma-|Vacancy.The voters of that,districtmotortrucks,and jwill name the candidates but te judg ‘ishells and aeroplanes,and have failed Will be elected by the ee the to provide and train the men who shall,State..we .pene y of Now h anover manage all the formidable and deli-!S'S¢tving OY appointment of the Gov-e 'ernor and he isa ‘candidate. He is opposed by A.G.Ricaud of New Hanover.Iredell Meares of the same county secks the Republican nomination. In the ten congressional district: Small in the first,Hood in the third the fourth,Stedman in the anti-prepared-|fifth,Doughton:in the eighth,Web! ness people have had their will and our!"the ninth,Democrats and present:incumbents,are unopposed for renomi- and with renee cee who ae a nom-., :.ay .-nation.epublicans who seek a nom- blind fatuity they said they did eration in these districts are L.E hat Jones of Hyde county in the first George Butler of Sampson in the third Jo.J,Jenkins of Chathamvin§the fourth,Gilliam Grissom of Guilford i: ithe fifth,'H.Sinclair Williams of Ca-a barrus in the eighth,Chas.EK.Greene pt to Justify Trade Block-of Mitchell and Jake F.Newell of d -|Mecklenburg in the ninth.] a e..is the only district in which more thanThelatestBritishnote,in answer one Republican is seeking to become| ‘Twenty-one months have passed| ‘all this time we have not prepared in if| ‘Pou inaicientlyandsuccessfully. “The pacifists and “When will our people learn t i peace of cowardice and folly,and may ‘at any time lead to overwhelming dis- aster?” cae to American protests against allied|g candidate. 23 ten Y’mitigation of necessary interferences with neutral trade,con-/In the second district Claude Kitch-ga,that the practices complainediin of Halifax county,present incum-, *ofrare “judicially sound and valid,”|bent,and C.W.Mitchell of Bertie | *and.that the relief which ‘neutrals;seek the Democratic nomination.W é |#'seek is rather to be obtained by the 0.Dixon of Greene county is the Re-: 1 hardships,publican candidate. than by “abrupt changes either in the,In the sixth district Congressman ~—theory or application of a policy based Godwin,Democrat,is opposed for re- | s every éffort is being made to distin- “upon admitted principies of interna-|nomination by J,A.Brown of Colum-tional law,carefully adjusted to the bus,Jo.W.Little of New Hanover,Q altered conditions of modern warfare.”|K.Nimocks of Cumberland,»E.F.It-discloses that “an impartial and,Young of Barnett.A.L.McCaskill of| influential commission”has been ap-!Cumberland will be the Republican op- ;eecna”nel -Ways-to-minimize-de-+ponent-of-whichever-of-the-above-cen--———-4 -arid pledge the allies to make|tlemen wins the prize. their restraints on trade as little bur-,In the seventh district,Congress- «gensome to neutrals as possible.man Page having declined to become “~The note,in which the French gov-,a candidate for renomination,the<@pnment_concurs,reiterates the mili-;Democrats who seek the honor are T tary nécessity of regulating com-|B.Tinley of Wilkes,L.D,Robinson of ie.to neutrals contiguous to Ger-!Anson,U.L.Spence of Moore,Hanry y,ond justifies the effectivenessB.Varner of Davidson.Pressly FE | ;0%the,.blockade which was challeng-|Brown of Wilkes is theed@y;the last American note.More!candidate. ~*dipfomatic__correspondence__over the,In.the tenth district,where ~Con- eee is expected to follow.igressman James J.Britt,Republican,note refers to the action taken'is his party’s candidate,Solomon Gal. by the United States during the civ-ilert of Rutherford,Frank R.Hewitt of il war to stop such a trade and to the Swain,M.H.Justice of Rutherford Supreme Court’s doctrine of continu-iand Zebulon Weaver of Buncombe, ous’voyage given to cover all cases;Democrats,seek theh onor of attempt- where there was an intention to jing to defeat Mr.Britt,thwart the blockade by “whatever)For each State office more thar one “means,direct or indirect,”and says;Democrat is seeking a nomination ex- ,cept for Lieutenant Governor,Auditor guish between bona fide neutral com-|2nd Superintendent of Public Instruc- merce and that intended for the“ene-/tion;.while for all the State,congres-;my. }one Republican is offering save in the Ininth congressional district,as stated(This Republican modesty,however, \1s more apparent than real.The offer. ings are few because they see no hope of election.In most cases the names’ are put up simply to fill the ticket. For John Cost ofBibles Increase. The price of Bibles has increased and is likely to advance still further because of the war.Statements is- sued by religious publi¢Ation socie-ties show that the expense of publish- ing prayer books,hymnals and other religious volumes is so much larger Looking than heretofore that buyers have Howara RE John; of| Agriculture—| ‘the situation in The ninth!from the building. Republicar |Sional and judicial distriat offices only| been obliged to pay nearly double the prices of last year,This is due main- ly to the advance in the cost of pa-per,ink,leather and glue. he American Bible Society an-nounces that.the stock of Bibles in Eurepean languages,imported from “Ge ny before the war,is approach-dig.exhaustion and the society does ,not.know when it can be replenished. ‘»The Methodist Book Concern saysfitsbillsforwhitepaperwillincrease|,this¢year $130,000 and the cost of oth- ,er materials $20,000.\ |.#V!Damage By Forest Fire. ‘Lenoir News.i ih forest fire'in the section around *Mortimer and Edgemont Sunday af-! ,ternoon destroyed the club house}Bdgemont,the home of ’Mr.Henry;Whisnant,between’Mortimer ‘and_Edgemont,burned a number of tres- at tles and bridges on the Ritter Lum-|jber Company’s road and did consider-'damage .to other property(throughout that whole section of the*\eounty,©iChefiretraveled at a rapid ‘ratedowntheridgetowardsMortimerand“it was only by firing against it thatthetownandlumbermillsatthatplaceweresaved. Payne’s Heirs. When John Howard Payne,author ‘of “Home,Sweet Home,”died at Tu-' |nis,thousands of miles from bis own ihome,there remained to his credit at the Treasury Department in Washing-: ton a little more than $200,For 6¢C years the money has laid there await- Hing-elaimants. |ment has now started a search for his! heirs. Payne died at his post of duty as. United States consul.His accounts,on| file with the department,\included presents to the bey of Tunis of en-; |eravings of the United States Senate, |New York city and Brooklyn. |Cengress several yeats ago passed a bill authorizing the payment of the imoney to Mrs.Elolse EK.|‘daughter and sole heir.”This was not ;done.From indications now,the $200 ;will have to be divided in small por. tions,as many claimants are.known {to the department.eR |Splendid for Rheumatism. |“T think Chamberlain’s Liniment is justsplendidforrheumatism,”writes Mrs.I burgh,Eldridge,N.Y.“It has been used bymyselfandothermembersofmyfamilytimeandtimeagainduringthepastsixyearsandhasalwaysgiventhebestofsatisfaction.”ThequickrelieffrompainwhichChamberlain'sLinimentaffordsisaloneworthmanytimesthecost.Obtainable everywhere,. | TheTreasury-Depart-~ |and my cough and nervousness are all Luquer.! Jun-} sisinih Aemthweke ohRasWUTARTTO SaaremaarTETTereteTHEATTEMPT.IN IRELJ Daring Attempt to Unite Irish Separatists With Germany, A daring attempt by a German aux} jliary to land arms in Ireland for urpose of resistance against England has resulted in the sinking of the yea. sel and the capture of Sir Roger!’ Casement,a leader of .the Separatist faction in Ireland.woe The occurrence is without paralle) ‘in the annals of Erin's Isle and will ‘send a shock of.concern throughout Great Britain.Though the members! of the Separist faction had hailed the. present war as a golden oppor’ty ‘for freland-to strike for freedom},ifrom its allegiance to England,the ac.| itual attempt to effect a ‘union|of lforces between the disaffected ‘Trishj,, land the Germans will take rank as one lof the most sensational developments lof the:titanic struggle.|;‘ |It was during the period between ‘the afternoon of April 20 and the af: iternoon of April 21,says the official !anouncement,that the attempt to land) larms and ammunition in Ireland,was|’ |made.by.a-vessel-under the-guis¢of-a ‘neutral merchant ship,but in reality a |German auxiliary,in vonjunction with a German submarine.In some.way the plan became known,the auxiliary ‘sank and a number of prisoners were lmade,among them being Sir Roger Casement,who was taken to London; |With its accustomed reserve the 'government is silent as tothe details} ‘and fails to specify the location’;of lthis action.The prominence and ‘past history of Sir Roger Casement inten. sify the significance of the occurrence® He is known as the representative of ‘that anti-English sentiment which has alternately smouldered and blazéd ir many Irishmen since the Plantagenet monarch of England,Henry i,eon-+ quered the disunited country in 1172. 5 price. Revolutionary Outbreak in Ireland, A revolutionary outbreak hag:o¢- curred in Ireland,,;So far_ashas bem made public, the revolution has not extended be-yond Dublin,where members of the Sinn Fein Society ,on Monday cap-|, tured the postoffice and other pointsin-Deblin and in fighting which;en;sued with the troops and loyalists killed at least eleven of the city’s de- fenders and wounded nearly a store of others.What the losses of’.the revoluticnists are has not been stated. The British government asserts that Dublin is well in hand,o White Woman Gave Ball ForNegreesandTroubleFollowed. Memphis,Tenn.,Dispatch, A complimentary bail given by Mrs. James H.Reese,a society leader of Memphis,and wife of Capt.James H, Reese,of the wealthy Reese family*of Pittsburg,Pa.,to her negrob utler and maid,family employes for many years,resulted in a riot call being sent fcr the police to check a movement started by members.of the Young Men’s Christian Association,opposite the Reese home.A-n-sro employe at. the Y.M.C.A,was an invited xvest-f inches. ride in. ‘Returning to his wors,he told of the}: reception,and several young ?4en SeeTehbe i.( Note that it is not a small car. The tires are four-inch size—many cars costing more have smaller tires. erty A Complete Car in Every Particular And I’s a Car You Will Be Proud to Own / _It’s the first complete car at anywhere near so lowa It stands out alone—boldly—-unapproached—a power- ful five-passenger touring car complete for cnly $615. Note that word ‘‘complete.” That means Electric Starter,Electric Lights,Electric Horn,Magnetic Speelometer—in fact,every necessary item. Nothing.is lacking.‘There are no cxtras to buy.: The wheelbase ‘is 104 And it is a perfect beauty—snappy,stylish,speedy. In every way it’s a car you will be proud to own and No wonder there’s a rush to possess the car the world has been waiting for, ‘Don’t delay—see us at once and talk it over. Carolina Motor Company, STATESVILLE,MOORESVILLE AND NEWTON. SRE SEE ORESLSemastPemkreget9g ee eee a ya Dan Valley The Flour of Quality. DAN VALLEY ismilled from the celebrated wheat grown in the Shenandoah Valley of Vir- ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL, Makes better bread and more “of itto the pound than other flour._It.-is economyto—buy. DAN VALLEY.TRY IT.° grabbing him up,soused him with a barrel of ice water and ran him away| Dozens of rotten! eggs were then thrown against the Reese home,hitting several negroes who had taken seais in the sun parlor to idle time by smoking big blaek vig-: ars,given by .Mrs.Reese.An egg! struck Mrs.Reese,according to a po- lice report,and whea one «flieer at the front door asked what the trouble was. Mrs.“Reese slapped him in the face,so say the police.' The eggs sent against Mrs,Reese spoiled a $2,500 gown she wore for the> occasion.Three white women receiv- ed the negroes. OR C I ST R En- -sineers A threat-to tie up all coastwise,; sound and river steamship trafiic,as’ well as towing and lighterage craft’ in New York harbor and tributary‘wa-ters is made-by officials of the Marine: Engineers’Beneficial Association.De-| mands are made for increases in wag-| s averaging approximately 14 per cent.and for a revision of the reguln-| tions governing employment,The va- rious companies are given-until May; 1 to reply,and in the event of their, refusal of the.demands thet the spokesman for the engineers deelar< that vessels captains,mates and deck- hands also will quit work out of sym- pathy for the engineers. | Threatened Strike Marine Cary (C.Boshamer, Local Representative,& *Phone 125 Black.It.aw.5 Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots. WE sell in any quantity. “WE sell the celebrated Gold :Medal Flour. ’-WEsell Sweet Feed for Horses and MulesWEsellSweet Daisy Feed for Cows.° WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts.WE SELL FOR LESS. WE pay CASH for courtry Corn and Oats.~ WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CO.,-€.D.MOORE,Prop. |Phone No.88.114‘E.Broad St. Face Death in»Interest Science. Their wills made and with the ba- cilli of a dread diséase introduced in- to their blood,two young orderlies of the Boston city hospital are.bravely facing possible death.,|Hayward Mott of Boston and Hugh W.Rice of Putnam,Conn.,are mak- ing a remarkable sacrifice to the cause of science.After bidding farewell tx (their friends and signing their wills they were inoculated with what are thought to be,the germs of scarlet fe-; ver by Dr.Francis B.Sfalory,who re- cently discovered the bacilli.They ere! isolated in one of the wards and under close observation. of. AFTER GRIPPE VinolRestored Mr.Martin's Strength-: Wapakoneta,Ohio.—‘‘I am a farmerbyoccupation,and the grippe left me with a bad cough and.ina nervous,weak,| run-down condition:and I could not | C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” !Full Stock—Lowest Prices. I-Shingles,Doors,---Windows,-Geil-ing,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Moulding,Laths,Lime,Cement, ete.Next Planters’Wh.,Statesville. —WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 73c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound..' New and second hand machinery for sale and all kinds of:boiler room.supplies. Cc.H.TURNER.- seem to get anything to do me-any good |,until I took Vinol which built me up,| |gone,and I can truly say Vinol ‘is allthaiis2laimedforit.’”—JAMES MARTIN.|Vinol is a constitutional remedy for|all weak,nervous and run-down condi-|tions of men,women and children,and ||for chronic coughs,colds and bronchitis,| |W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C.)} |NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the es-|tate of Maggie T.Hoover,deceased,this is to notify all:persons having claims against said)jestate to present them to me.on or before the!28th day of March,1917,or this notice will he!pleaded in bar of their recovery.All persons| Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. |= _|FOR SALE—Slightly |used Wales Adding Ma-|BUILDING?CG.WATKINS,|ching,Wil sell,cheap.Addvones DAR: GAIN,care LANDMARK,=April 21—At*. indebted to the said estate:will please make im-||mediate settlement.8.A,HOOVER,-March 28,1916,Administrator, Go-Carts ad Sulkies! Take the Babies out these fine spring days and bring the roses to their cheeks and_health to their See bodies.We have the GO-CARTS and SULKIES in quantities —assorted styles,sizes and prices.Come and see and get first choice. Statesville Housefurnishing Co."BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. SI e s r I e s s I e Te ee =po c e s e s c n e e s s s o e s . PI T I I I T I T IT I T ts PEPEPPPOSS S29 POPS PPSPPPPII 9SPCTTET ilissabosleeseseseseeeeseeetet Commercial National Bank | Se t e r e y Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 “Membersof Federal Reserve System,e Se Se Re Ge ¥ ' eYourBankingbusinesssolicited.and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer, -OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,E,MORRISON,Vice ‘President. D.M.AUSLEY,.é .Cashier, _@.E.HUGHEY,.-Assistant Cashier. ‘ai ----President, ei ae %!My McDuff,Va.—"I suffered for several”;;”says Mrs.J.B,Whittaker,olBaice“with sick headache,‘and Ten care ago @ friend told me toTheatfd’s iaek-Drau ht,which I did,and I fotinditto:be the best family medi-cine eae and old. kee k-Draught on hand all the@now,and.when my children feet attlebad,they ask me for a dose,and ifdoesthemmoregoodthananymedicine‘they ever tried.heWeneverhavealongspell of sick-nessin our family,since we commenced~Draught.”” Thedford's.Black-Draught is purelyvegetable,and has been found to regu-tale.weak stomachs,aid digestion,re-lieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,e,sick stomach,and similassymptoms,=.seIthasbeeninconstant use for morePhgandhasbenefitedmorethanamillionpeople. Your druggist sells and recommendsoeeePrice,only 25c.GetaDackageto-day..»NC1 THEROYALHEATER The“‘Royal’’is a Range‘Boiler and Water Heat-erin combination andisdesignedtotaketheplaceoftheold-fashion- ed method of attaching an independent heatertothesideofanordi-nary range boiler The_‘‘Royal’’can--beinstalledatasupris-ingly low cost and willfurnishhotwatereveryhouroftheday:andnightatanéxpensewellwithinreachof the average house own-er or renter. Installed by W.E.Munday. 114 E.Broad St..Phone 55, OU-WOULD HAVE SALAD j every day,if you once tried '|!“|t Mates)a |Rae PN a es v ae shh ca.*PL ?Pe } It is choice enough ‘for the finest ' ‘cheaper you can use it for cooking, “too.It makes a smooth,delicious mayonnaise that “stands up”well and pleases everybody. We've got anything you want to make a salad—as well as Wesson Miller-McLain Supply Co. Evaporated Fruits. Evaporated Prunes, Evaporated Peaches, _-Evaporated Apricots. Fresh shipment of Sara-toga chips. Big lot nice country _hams. ‘Sherrill &Reece, Phone 123. 108 West Broad St Will be at the THE }Lyric Tuesday, Price,50c. DR.G.A.LAZENBY.| DENTIST. Office in People’s Loan and Savings Bank.—Office phone 494,Residence,451 Black. JUST RECEIVED. A fine line of Berlia &Jones stationery,the latest in writing paper.Come and examincit for yourself..Also a nice line of pound paper. Brady Printing Co., Statesville,N.C. |WOMEN SUFFERERS |Honor-roll.of Amity school for fifth SE E E R E B R Train No,16 ar,9,50,Train leaves 10.85 «&No,24 ar,8:14,leave 8.14 'p.From Taylorsyille.Train No,23°ar,10:00,leaves 10:40TrainNo.16 ar,6:40,eaves 7305p.Nos.23 and #4 are not-operated on Sanday. Honor Roll Amity School. Correspondence of The Landmark, 32 BS month:.Boyd Miller,Haynes Brown.George Moore,.George Beaver,CarlCook,Ervin Goodman,Allan Morrow,Lamar Tolbert,Katie Lee Anderson,Gaynell Cook,Mary Belle Deaton,Ma- ry.Templeton,Margaret:Miller,Lin-ward Miller,Rachel Cook,Roberta Brown,Ozelle Overeash,Alice Good- man,Virginia Templeton;Linnie SuéMorrow,Virginia Winecoff,Eleanor Tolbert,Myrtle Horton.On:honor.roll.every month:.Ozelle Overcash,Virginia Templeton. _SEANee Strawberry shipments are now in progress from the trucking section offastCarolina.Growers expect a.short crop on account of dry weather. NEEDSWAMP-ROOT Thousands upon thousands of wo-men have kidney and bladder troubleandneversuspectit. Women’s coutplaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble,ortheresultofkidneyorbladderdisease.If the kidneys are not in a healthycondition,they may cause the cther-or-gans to become disensed.You may suffer-a great “deal withpainintheback,headache,loss of am- ition,nervousness and may be de-spondent and irritabic.|Don’t delay startin treatment.Dr.Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,a physician’sprescription,obtained at any drurstore,restores health to the kidneysandisjusttheremedyneededtoover-come such conditions. Get a fifty-cent or one dolla bottle immediately from any drug‘store.However,if you wish first to trythisgreatpreparation,send ten centstoDr.Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton,N.Y.,for a sample bottle.When writ-ing be sure and mention the States-ville Semi-Weekly Landmark. 3 Si ied aM %Bs PrPRONaeECONORARE, rst‘|®HOM OVER THE CC ||!|| \will give you,the BEST results at the salad dressing,as delicious as any iy oil you ever tasted,and so much ,| lowest cost.”Why “take cha neds on'|other paints when you ean buy DA!!J1S’?||FOR SALE BY |Lazeuby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,|Statesville,N.C.| ,r Cool.Spring|.Aainsford.Moves...to.States:ville.:~| !LINCOLN LITHIA ‘WATER! froute. 1 |‘|ae ;Boxing,Casing,and Step-plank be-\Durham,where he is in school.Miss} | |} || |BUILDING?CG.WATKINS.Me eieua | If you are well drink Lincoln Lithia Water |and keep.well;if sick,set well by the same|Polk Gray Drug Co.has it,THE|LINCOLN LITHIA WATER CQ.,Lincofnton,|N=G:“April 18—4t*,| Buy Long-Leaf Kiln Dried |iat i ;eerFlooring,Ceiling,Weatherboarding,| cause it is best and cheapest. C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE CITYPROPERTY. BY AUTHORITY conferred by the SuperiorCourtofIredellcountyinaproceedingen-titled L.C.Caldwell and H.P.Grier,trustees,and others,ex-parte,L.C.Caldwell and Dor-man Thompson,commissioners,.are.ordered tore-sell at public sale,at the court house doorinStatesviHe,N.C.,on! MONDAY,MAY 8,1916,at 12 o'clock,m.,the following valuable cityproperty: First Tract-——A lot of land situated on thenorthsideofAlexandersyreet_in the city ofStatesville,N.C.,between the lots formerlyownedbyRev.A.S.Bilmgsley and Thos,J.Cook,containing about 107 feet front on said street by 214 fcet deep.For more particular description see decd froni J.F.Carlton,trus- tee,to T.W.Frazier,recorded in Book.23,|page 104,of the Records of Deeds of Iredellcounty._ Second Tract —Adjoining the lands of J.W.Stephenson and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake,J.W.-Stephenson’s corner,on Alexander street,In the city of States-ville,and runs with Simonton’s line north 24degreesW.207 feet to a stake on Simonton’sline;thence N.60 degrees E.1038-1-2 feet toastake,Simonton’s corner;thence S.24 de-grecs W.207 feet to a stake on Alexanderstreet;thence S.66-degrees W.with said street1031-2 feet to the beginning,containing a halfacre,more or less.See deed from T.J;-CookandwifetoT.W.Frazier,Book 28,page 300.Said sale to be made upon the followingterms:One-third of the purchase price to ‘depaidincash;one-third in six months and theremainingone-third in twelve months,’withapprovedsecuritytobeacceptableto.the celrkoftheSuperiorCourtoftredellcounty.De-ferred payments to carry 6 per cent.interestfromdateofsale. This property is re-sold by reason of the factthatincreasedbidshavebeenplacedthereon,and the bidding will start at $1,075.00 .on thefirstabovedescribedtractandat$685.00 onthesecondtractabovedescribed. DORMAN THOMPSON,L.C..CALDWELL,,April 21,1916,Commissioners. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE._CUTION. North Carolina,Iredell County, In Superior Court,January Term,1916.J.R,Eddinger vs.Istac -H.Whiting andMrs,Annie Whiting. BY VIRTUE of an execution directed to theundersignedfromtheSuperiorCourtofIredellcountyintheaboveentitledaction,I will,onMONDAY,MAY 1ST,\1916,.at 12 o’clock,at the court house door of saidcounty,sell tothe highest bidder,for cash,tosatisfysaidexecution,all the_right,title andinterestwhichthesaidIseacH.Whiting.andMrs.Annie Whiting,the defendants,have inthefollowingdescribedrealestate,towit:Ly-f in Chambersbure township of I State and county,bounded on the north by 1¢lands of Ismanuel Beavers New tow Beaver and Arthur Beaver;on the east by| the Jands of Clavence Moore and Witt Corne-| linus;O on the south by the lands of J.Q.Ca ter;on the west by the lands of John Honey-| tutt,containing 60 acres,more or less,‘J.M.DEATON, Sheriff Iredell Co, March 51,1916, i ertyts ‘for the past two years,has moved his |gerated propaganda was_not fraud. |discouraged who has not griven them “i trial, They .coutain wo pepsin or other digéstive fer- ments but strengthen the stomach and enable a Pas ates Y. {temsofInterestAbout Various Matters.Dr.J.William White,noted sur-geon and author,&in.hiladelphia.Tuesday night,aged 66, Democratic leaders of the House ofCongressfinallydefeated.the.effortsofMinorityLeaderManntopreventthe-army-bill from goingto-confer=ence unamended~and the conferencecommitteeofbothhousesisnowcon-sidering the bill. The Department of Agriculture es-timates the Bermuda onion crop ofTexasat2,041,571 bushels,basing itscalculationonthegeneralconditionofthecrop.April -16;-whieh-it-placed-jat 58 per cent.,forecasting:a produc-tion of 208 bushels an ‘acre, Members of Congress are beingfloodedwiththousandsoftelegramsfrom_all-_sections of the country,urg-ing.that the.United States be keptovt.of the European war.The tcle-crams are all similar and gr2 he/ngsentattheinstanceofpeacerropa- gandists. Senator Overman favors a ware-house system for the stor:of sta-ple--and “non-perishable iculturalproducts,and thinks the systemwouldberendereddoublystrongbytheco-operation of the Federal gov-|ernment,as will be provided for in thewarehouse,bill :now pending. All previous records ‘for earningsbytheUnitedStatesSteelCorpora-tion were surpassed in the first quar-ter of the present year,according tothedetailedstatement’for that pe-riod.Total earnings amounted to$60,713,624,net income to-$61,218,-559 and surplus for the quarter to$82,864,172. The cétton compress of the’GulfCompressCompany‘at Decatur,Ala.,was destroyed by a fire that:originat-ed from.a spark from the chimney ofanegrocabin.The compress and be-tween 10,000 and 18,000 bales of cot-ton and 12 freight cars were burned,the loss being estimated at about $1,-000,000,partially covered:by insur-ance,::James Lewis,watchman at the Po-cahontas cotton mills in Batterson,asuburbofPetersburg,Va.,was stab-hed to death,it is alleged,by JamesHendley,said to be from North Car-olina.It is stated that Hendley wenttothemillsandwantedtogointothebuildingandwasrefusedadmissionbyLewis,and then the killing occur-red.Lewis is survived by a wife andtwochildren. In a toast offered to President Wil-son at the luncheon in connectionwiththeannualmeetingoftheAsso-ciated Press in New York,Frank B.Noyes of Washington,president oftheorganization,tendered “our affec-tionate sympathy and our -loyal sup-port to the man who,by virtue of hisgreatoffice,is our spokesman to theworld,and who speaks for ourrightsandourhonorasGod.gives himto-see our rights and our honor.” Y 'Ga..was seriouslyLITTLECHILDBURNED.|hurt,Archie Woodworth,Miss Belle SsFellonaStove—Mr.Page lie and Miss Rena WadePersonals—Mr.| Corresponaence of The Landmark. Cool Spring,April 26°’—The littledaughterofMr.and Mrs.M.B.Hol-ton was very painfully burned abouthereyeslastnight,by falling on a}stove.She was immediately taken toStatesvillebyMr.F.A.Summers.Mr.R.H.Page suffered a very se-“ere attack of inflammatory rheuma-|tism last Saturday afternoon.Misses Beulah and Marie OwingsofSalisburyhavebeenvisitingtheiraunt,Mrs.W.S.Page,and other rel-atives in Cool Spring.Mr.R.PaulLazenby,who spent the Easter holi-days at home,will leave today for Daisy Jennings leaves this weck forTaylorsville,where she will spend @fewdaysbeforeleavingforRoanoke,Va.Miss Alpha Eaton of Davievisitinghercousins,Misses MabelandPentaSwann.Mr.and Mrs.Ful-ler Swann of Iowa are expected herethelatterpartofthisweektovisitvelatives.Mrs.Gertrude Leonard ofLexingtonspent.Easter with her pa-rents,Mr.and Mrs.Mason of RiverHill.She was accompanied by herhusbandandlittleson.Prof.B.Lunsford,who has beenorincipalofCoolSpringHighSchool family to Statesville.Mr.A.R.Reece lost a valuablehorseMondaynight.’ee Supreme Court’s Definition ofFraudulentAdvertising. Defining what .constitutes dishon est-advertising through the mails,the United States Supreme Court holds,in effect,that.advertisers,even though they give purchasers value re-ceived for their money,are guilty of | fraud if,by exaggerated advertising propaganda,they have led clients to expect more.Officials declare the decision willmakepossibletheenforcementofa much more stringent Federal super-vision of mail advertising.The apin-ton was announced by Justice McKen-na,reversing the district court insouthernFlorida,which quashed anindictmentagainstofficialsoftheNewSouth.&Homé Co.The indict- ment charged unlawful use of themailsinselling10-acre farms.‘The!lorida court held tnat if a purchas-er received his money’s worth,exag- -Justice MeKenna took the positionthatitwas‘an offense if the article sold did not serve the purpose repre- sented,no matter what the value might be.°a County Singing. Correspondence of The Landmark. We want the people to get ready and let’s have the best county sing- ing we've ever had-~the last Satur- day in May.BE.O.SHAVER,Man-} arer.oaner sermneresner Should Not Feel Disconraged. So many people troubled with indigestionendconstinationhavebeen‘benefited by takinghamberlain’s Tableta that no one should feel Hendley was arrested.| eae Duke Monday. is | |The offering of water before feeding ‘(Outraged Husband Shoots— jin company with Mrs.Deans. ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.| the State. Adolphus J,pointed. county.‘ The commissioners of Davie countyacceptedthepropositionforthemain-tenance of the Post road under the supervision_of a.government engin«eer, E.P.Hayman,cashier of the BankofHobgood.1Halifax:county,was:in-stantly killed at Hobgood Monday af-ternoon when he was_struck-bya-boxTearshovedbyashiftingengine. Grover Walser,30.years old,a far-|__rmer-tivirig near Yadkin College,Da-|vidson county,cut a small pimple onhisfacewhileshavinghimself.Bloodpoisoningfollowedandhediedthreedayslater;Wife survives: The home of Andrew Cranfill,atCourtney,Yadkin county,and all Mr.Cranfill’s outbuildings were burned,onthemorningofthe19th.The firewasdiscoveredinthekitchenabout3o’clock in the morning. A little son of Mr.Hadley of Mar-tin county’accidentally swallowed a10-penny nail...The.doctors.locatedthenailwithanX-ray and operated.The boy apparently suffered no in-convenience while he had the nail in-side.y Miss Minnie Coley of MocksvilleandMr,Robt.W.Black of BurgawweremarriedinCharlotteonthe21st.The bride ‘is'a teacher and has beenengagedinthat,work at Lancaster,S.C.Mr.Black is engaged in busi-ness at Hopewell,Va.:Miss Sadie Tatum of Cooleemee andDr.Charles H,Durham,pastor of|Brown Memorial Baptist church o€4|Winston-Salem,were married TuesdaymorningatCooleemee,at the:homeofthebride’s mother,Mrs.Ida EatonTatum..Went North on a—bridal}:trip. Chas,F.Ward,a Davidson countyfarmerliving15’miles east of Lex-ington,was killed this week by a.run«away team.He was thrown from thewagonwhentheteam’ran and’en-tangled.in the,brake rope.He was|&dead when found—neck brokenskullcrushed.Was 55 vears old andleavesafamily. Taylor has been ap- | Julian,daughterof:Mrs.John M.Ju-|?lian of Salisbury,and Rev.Cecil Hines |wedding will take place June 28.The|bride-elect is the daughter of the late|John M,Julian,long a popular Salis-i bury newspaper.man and well knownamongtheeditorsofthe‘State. John Leonard,a’farmer living fourmilesfromLincolnton,was instantlykilledMondayafternoon.He wasridingonaloadofwoodandaboy(on a bicycle rode up behind his teamlofmules.The mules,frightened,made/a sudden turn,Mr.Leonard was!=thrown to the ground and the loaded =,Wagon ran over him.‘e Arthur Oakes of if Lawrenceville,|2 not fatally|3 ofHarnettcounty,received inju-ries,when an automobile overturned Going at highspeedandchauffeurlostcontrolwhenimachineroundedacurve.:‘The dead body of Jas.W.Arthur,|18 years old,was found in the woods |say La Grange.Lenoir county,a few‘days ago.Suicide,it ‘is stated,and|fossip connects the name of a youngwomanwiththeself-murder.Re-cently Jo.Benton of the same countykilledhimselfbecauseofunrequitedloveandreportsaysthatwhenAr-thur heard of it he remarked that hewouldsoonbeinthesameboat,=|In the county court at Goldsboro O. Happenings Here and Thére ta|~ ted_postmaster-at-Harley;-Wilkes} and|& {ECLIPSE LAWN MOWERS: of Lancaster,Pa.,is announced..The| Universal - The New Tire EuttgonetaTallinBOORY The Non-Skid Tread combines in One Tire all the Advantages of both the Suction Tread and the Raised Tread Types. PricesModerate and*Quality the Best! Carolina Motor |.Company. o ; O~Oy j =e.Mm:aud,Ta rey h q toa marae)be Whether you live in the City,the suburbs ’”,“!‘or on the farm,this is a good-year for you:,:?#imtohaveabetterlawnthaneverbefore...ie.‘Uncle Sam”wants you to have a better.“UE:lawn and will help you to make it.He’lias apublishedabulletinon‘‘Lawns and Lawn simSoil.”a aa However,you can never have a pretty lawn ©©ij"without a lawn mower.Our mowers-are 3"athekindthatcut.We call your especial -/iattentiontoourfamous‘‘Eclipse”mower,™,.'étheonewiththesimplecutterbaradjust-“ay hoa rlment.No tools are required to keep thismowerinperfectcuttingcondition.Themanwhopushesthemowercanadjust.it,with his hands,In:other words’it“is’a @mowerthatcanbeoperatedwithout.brains “ah ond or tools.+e We are headquarters for lawn:hose and ispraynozzles.Le ee t be pLazenby-Montgomery Hardware Cai = (oor M'ssanLeA chant,”was sentenced to six monthsontheroadsforhavingtoomuchliquoronhand.Recently 500 quartsofliquor,in an automobile,were seiz-ed_in Wayne county and the owner-shin was traced to Jones.He pleadguilty.If the road sentence sticksitmaybeassumedthatJories’wealthisofthedoubtfulvariety.The preliminary hearing of C.B.Burgin,Fred.Wolf,John Adams andLesterHorn,the last three negroes,charged with the murder of E.B_Cantrell,a business man of Winston=Salem,at Badin,Stanly county,a fewweeksago,took place at AlbemarleTuesdayandallwereremandedtojailwithoutbailfortrial.Cantrell wentto—Badin_to—collect_a_bill-from.-Bur-gin.The negroes attacked him andheathimsothathedied.They saythevattackedCantrellattheinstanceofBurgin.:Water Live Stock Often. iC.Jones,said to be “a wealthy mer-|= Feed Bdgar-Morgan Co's Mixed F Little Ned Sweet Feed.lected feed scien-po ifically blended./O:~Manna-Rice Chick Feed.formeaiia.oe 6? Gem Scratch Feed,by.a house with Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. Practice Economy This Yea ia hay :ean tigiNotscreeningsoroffal;:“or.Ord Beck Sweet Feed,.worthless.by-products,but,;#e- a reputation for \4 W._integrity.____Neay_¢ C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative.”:’Phone 125 Black.ada cas wihtecss Progressive Farmer. With the coming of warm weatheritisimportantthatthehard-work-ing horse or mule reccive water of-ten and regularly.If the animal isfedinthemorningwatershouldabeallowedbothbeforeandafterfeeding is,of course,unnecessary,if free ac.cess to water is allowed during thehight.If the distance to be traveled or the time spent is nox too great,theanimaldoinghardworkonahotdayshouldbeallowedwaterInthemiddle of the forenoon.Water should be of- fered when the anima:is “taken,out” and ‘again when “taken up”nt the noon period of rest..Water will berequiredinthemiddleoftheafter- noon,and it is doubtful if it pays te withhold it,even though considerable time is lost in supplying it.At least F MILLINERY. aeiiarien SETI | iy We are showing a compiete line of Millinery,cons:sisting of Hats in Hemps,Lisere,Milans;also Flow:'’ers,Fancy Feathers,Quills,Ribbons,in all the new.~colors.Panamas From $1.25 to $3.50:Leghorns $2 to$5.7 Come,see and get prices,’>MRS.MARY SIMS.<r &little water should be given when the stock first come-in-at-night,-and+:then ‘later they should he given waterfreely.In fact,in warm weather, work stock should have access to wA- ter during the night or be watered after consuming their evening meal, Wife and Companion Wounded. Three miles frm Goldsboro Sunday night Charlie Deans,a farmer,shot) his wife and John Hollowell,who was!Both were seriously wounded;and were taken to a@ hospital in Goldsboro for’ treatment.| Deans went to Goldsboro and sur-}|rendered to the sheriff immediately|after.the shooting.He claims justifi-| it to perform its functions naturally.Obtain- eation.charging Hollowell with invad-|ing the sanctity of his home, Lf = =ee crerereeeerenerreat =aan Handsome Clocks!| Clocks that we have been selling at $5.75 now havetobesoldfor$7 and they are going higher stiil.:|Don’t you think you had better buy one now_before,|.they areany higher,We have just received a new,lot of Seth Thomas Clocks,—'The'handsomest designs:we have ever had.We.would be glad to sell you one:|R.H.RICKERT &SON;|} JEWELERS. +....The point is this,those of us who ame : LD RETURN MR.’KITCHIN. 6 candidacyof Mr.C.W.Mitch- ell inopposition to Hon,Claude Kitch- ain thesecond district is attracting:ome attention.Mr.Mitchell is a “good man but The Landmark hopes he will be defeated.This paper is by ‘no means in entire agreement with ‘Mr.Kitchin,but-it thinks it would be a great mistake to retire him now. -He is.not only the ablest man in the North Carolina delegation,but he is the leader of his party in the House, an honor that may not come our \way again‘in a century.While Mr.Kitch- “ta has not been in agreement with alt >the administration.policies,he has not “soughtto make trouble.If he could not conscientiously support a meas- wre he said so and stood aside,just as his predecessr,Mr.Underwood,did. In the main,however,he has support- ed the President. This paper has never been a sup- porter of Senator Simmons,but if Mr.Simmons was a‘candidate for re- election this year it would support him for the same reason that it be- lievées Mr.Kitchin should be returned —on account of the position he holds in the Senate.When Mr.Simmons was a candidate in 1912 he was not chairman of the Senate finance com- E “Taittee..there was no positive assur- .ance that he would be and his record left doubt as to whether he would be in sympathy with Mr.Wilson.The situation is different now. LIFE VS.PROPERTY. Remarks the Charlotte News: are not pro-British or pro-German or pro-anything save pro-American mustrecognize*-* *-that both bel- ligerents-have violated international law and there is very little more rea- son why we should sever relations with one than with the other,and every reason why we should keep hands off unless we are compelled to do other-wise.: And so say,others,The Germans kill our folks,the English take our goods.So far as feeiing is concerned, The Landmark would be delighted to ¥.|littleshort of a scandal in many in- 00 |UW '‘buildings, ‘ments of thetown which -becomes-the. 4 ‘AS BAD.AS THE OTHERS. e-the effort to eliminate abuses in public building expenditure, In-hundreds of cases the govern- ment has been notoriously imposed pon in.appropriations for —public the money provided being out of-all proportion with the require- beneficiary.This-cannot be said of North Carolina.- Mentioning some of the public buildings in towns in the State,the ‘Observer says”they “are models.-in the economie expenditure of money” and “are but modestly adequate to the needs of their respective communi- ties.” The Landmark wishes It could be- lieve,as the Observer does,that we were an exceptionto the rule in the waste of money in Federal buildings, but candor compels it to express the honest opinion that we are no better —and no worse—than the others. Our folks long ago adopted.the:pre- vailing custom of the country,which is trying to get “our share”out of the Federal Treasury because “others are getting.it,”and the.prominence and influence of our congressional delegation has helped us to realize in some measure.A member of Congress knows that his worth is counted by his ability to “do something”for his| district;that if he doesn’t “do some- thing”he will be retired;and the “do something”means get all the money possible for the district—for:public buildings,dredging creeks and what not,no matter whether we need the| buildings and no matter whether the | other projects are legitimate objects| of government.help.The Congress-| man must produce results or retire. Naturally he does his best to produce results, The consequence of this demand on the Treasury,under the idea that we are getting something for nothing,or that if we don’t get the money the other fellow will,is that public build- ings have been erected in the State where the government business did not warrant the expenditure,and in many cases two or three times as much money is spent on the building as the business warrants.In most of the smaller towns,where the govern- ment has nothing but a postoffice and where the gross postal receipts:are $10,000 to $15,000 a year or less,the expenditure for the erection and| | see Uncle Sam back John Bull up against the wall and make him dis-! maintenance of a Feceral buildingis a reckless waste of money.The tost| NOT AE PRIMARY, The Raleigh News and Observer ré marks that the enemies of the.2 ry are trying to prejudice’the peopl praise be.’The lateL.V.Hark asa “millionaire StandardOilmag-te,”the papere say.His residence stances,the Charlotte Observer says:|againstitbysayingthat it costs the|was -to—the-facts. jfor |with $5,000,or even $10,000? gorge and pay a penalty for all the |of the lot,always boosted when sold| wrong he has done us—if he could.;to Uncle Sam,and the cost of the) But life is more sacred than roperty |building_are away out of proportion| and it is not only natural but’proper |to the government’s business.Usually| that we should try to stop the killing |@n adequate:place could be rented for| of our folks before we raise'a dis-,eGhancemaloutn thelcconfisea on jot building after it is constructed,to say |Banco property.As Mr.Taft says,claims’nothing of interest on the investment;|nominated T.J;Harkins for the State| for property will wait.We can press 2nd where it is deemed advisable to}Senate,Hezekiah Gudger and Don |build,with only the postal business|Luther for the Hause.them later.But we can’t restore! life to the dead and unless we do} something morc lives will be forfeited.| The Landmark is very much opposeg | “0 war,however,and it devoutly! hopes.that a way will be found to avoid it. EORTC -By no means all citizens of Ger- man birth or descent are opposed to President Wilson’s German.policy or are in sympathy with the pro-Ger- tan propagandists who are more concerned about Germany than about America.The Loyal ‘American =‘League,composed of men of foreign _birth,principally.Germans,was re- cently organized in New York,and at «Jast account had enrolled 10,000 _nhames,_The-presidentof the organi- zation,William Lustgarten,says of its! object: “While our organization has notheenformedforpoliticalpurposes,I | have no hesitation in saying that weshalladoptapoliticalprogrammeto smeet any political movement whichhasforitsobjecttheexpressionof -pro-Gérmanism as against American) ideals and democracy.Above all we stand for loyalty to President Wilson at this time and for the American is- sues which he represents.” LAATLATEELTND All the unopposed candidates in the _primary election will .be declared nominees.without the formality of a vote.Under this provision of the State primary law the chairman of the State Board of Elections has de- clared nominated all the State and district,candidates,both Republicans and Democrats,who have no opposi- tion-in-the primaries;and-this means that the names of the unopposed can- -didates will _not_be_printed-on-the-pri- mary Yallot.On the Republican pri- »mary.‘ballot,therefore,there will be but few names.There is only one Republican candidate for each office onthe State ticket and in only one districet—the ninth congressional—is there more than one Republican can- didate.t .The gubernatorial canvass is taking on new life.The Daughtridge forces have been very active within the past few weeks and are making a noise like accomplishing results..Where- fore the Bickett forces are also be- nning to stir more lively.From r until June 3 the ante-primary impaign promises to be lively. less than the cost of maintaining the| to care for,a suitable building could| be erected,if economy and _business were considered,at from one-fifth to one-third the usual expenditure.It is absurd,of course,to put $50,000 to $100,000 in a building to take care of business of $10,000.Any business man who did that would be examined by a lunacy commission;but they never think of asking Uncle Sam for less than $50,000—and usually for more.In the towns where Federal court is held and there are other gov- ernment.officials _in-addition to the postmaster,to be provided with of- fices,the expenditure is usually ag much out of proportion to the need as in the smaller towns. It is natural for the towns to ask for these buildings.A handsome Fed- eral building helps the appearance of the town and the expenditure is a help;but as a matter of business for the government,which should be ¢on- ducted on business principles,it is quite another matter.The Landmark ostensibly in NewYork city.Af. candtdates-too much. vemos : New_Yorktaxgath: “oe ferers brought suit for inheritancetax-is either an attempt t nt |Ss y , the primary or,those who make the}@s-The as os engine filed a charge mentioned have not looked in-|4@vit setting for Harkness’le-‘tgal residence was not in New York cath _.Ubpt-in-Fayette county,Ky.‘The-legalInitslastissueTheLandmarkhaneNeer23ffthemillionaisomeremarksontheexpenseofcam-7"prncs.oF ee eee paigns and said they cost too much,|sked for taxes,But Fayette These remarks,however,had no ref=|epay are 8 7 is always elsewhere than the -place}}-— ‘Wig a Waners Lae ~We-have—heard it —--—=said,‘We know.}...Warner's make thebestJacebackcor- :county,Ky.,has a sheriff who is on erence to the primary;for a3 a mat the job.When he-earned —that-the. of fact the primary has ¥eeuced the ‘heirs of the Harkness ~estate-—gave cost.Under the old system there waa Payette county as the legal residence no limit to the amount of money ®of the millionaire he sat up and took candidate could spend.Under the notice.And he didn’t stop there,this present law there is a limit and the!sheriff,Bradley by name.He filed suit candidate.must make public an‘ex-}for back taxes.on property of ‘the pense account and make oath as to its|Harkness estate,estimated at $100,- correctness.000,000.The taxes and }-enalty on the A Raleigh correspondent state re-|$100,000,000 would be $7,600,000.If cently that the late Henry Grlliam,|the sheriff wins he will make a hole who was to have managed Mr,'in the Harknesg-estave and the treas- Daughtridge’s campaign for Govern-|¥ry of Fayette county,Ky.,will have or,had ‘told Mr.Daughtridge tftat it “money to burn,” would cost $20,000;that Mr.Daught-= ridge was unwilling to spend that much but;had said he would put up $10,000.Under the present law a can- didate for Governor is limited to $5,- 000—one year’ssalary.A candidate the United States Senate can spend an amout equal to one year’s salary—$7,500.Candidates for minor offices,however,can’t spend more than 50 per cent of the annual sala- ry.If the salary is $3,000 a year the limit is $1,500,ete. In the 1908 campaign—the Kitchin, Craig and Horne contest—does any- body believe any one of the candidates}, spent no more than $5,000?or that in the Simmons-Carr senatorial con- test of 1900 the candidates got.off Of course not.The Simmons-Carr con- test was in a primary but it was a “soap-box”affair,not governed by le- gal restrictions nor limited as to ex- penditure. Whatever else they may say of the primary,they can’t justly complain that it is costing more than the old convention system.The candidates should be thankful that a limit has been placed on the money they can spend,otherwise some of them would bankrupt themselves. The primary law as it exists will not cure all our ills,but it is a long stride in removing some of them.It gives the voters an opportunity—the first real opportunity they have ever hadj—to select the men they want.It remains to be seen whether they will} join with those who would discredit the primary for a purpose,before it is given a fair trial. Ig the war comes Col.Roosevelt says he will-go,“my four sons will go and one and perhaps both of my gons-in-law.’Why bother further ebout the increase of the army?If the whole Roosevelt family.is going to war,isn’t that sufficient?If the four sons and even one son-in-law are half as dangerous as the “Terri- ble Teddy”they will be worth a:whole brigade—nay,a divisiqgn or two. Fresh_Vegetables New Tomatoes, New ‘Beans, New Potatoes, New Cucumbers, New Cauliflower, Ne v Celery. Mighty fine line of Meats. M.P.Alexander &Bro. The Sanitary Store. eeemererenenye mare + Beef For Less. I sell Beef for cash and do not deliver.The customer is given the benefit in price of what it would cost me to keép books and deliver. Restaurant:Meals at all hours. I want all and new ones. C.B.MORRISON. my old customers mbe county Republicans have| | | 7 set,”but:they arenot- ~~Jace front design-|"|< ers,” There you are mis-taken. Warner’s lace frontcorsetsrepresentthesamestandardsof-excellence for fash- ion.comfort andwearthathavemadethelacebacknumbersfamous. Lace front designsaredifferentfrom,ae sDlacebackones,.but in our Warner stock Wwe.are,showing both,and each type gives the figure lines_that Fashion now demands.In |Pe ar Warner’s Rust-Proof Corsets 4 you find the super-flexible,thin,double Seusedthroughout.You find bust heights and skirtlengthsthatareexactlyright.You find the bestnietrubberbuttonhosesupporters,and trim- mings that are both dainty and attractive.The °cloths are soft and strong,and the corset,itself; gives the same comfort and grace lines every .day that it is worn,and it will wear.you longerthanyoueverimaginedacorsetwould. You will be interested in seeing the new modelsthatwehaveforSpring. Every Pair Guaranteed eea Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With The Quick Parcel Post Service. oe eee 1 Dozen Lot of Wash Skirts, Special Price 50c.and 98c. New Lot of Wool Skirts, Sizes 24 to 36. Waists at Special Prices. Johnston-Belk Co. Will Put on Sale Tomorrow,Ladies All Wool Spring Coat Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices. All $15.00 to $18.00 Suits at $9.95. holds,however,that-the people (the urban residents mainly)are to blame.| If they didn’t press for these build-| ings the Congressman wouidn’t do so. much pressing.| As remarked at the outset,North | Carolina is no hetter and rio worse. than the folks in other States in this| }matter.We haven’t as much as many, but we've done our best to get all we| could.And the Democrats and Re-| publicans are equally guilty in the| extravagance.Their methods are ex- actly similar.Mr.Britt,the lone Re- publican Congressman from__this State,is trying his best to get ap- propriations for*his district and if he gets them he and his friends will “point with pride,”just as the Dem- ocrats do.‘ The remedy?It will not be found in a change of parties or a change.of members of Congress.It is with the people.If public sentiment would de- mand—and continue to demand—eco- nomic business methods in the con- duct of government,they would be nut in practice by and by.It would take time,but they’would come. SRE I MENS ERP ROTATOR Ida Sniffen Rogers,who poisoned her two children in New York on De- cember 29,1914,has been,given her freedom.The jury acquitted her on $12.50 to $14.50 ee$10.00 =« We have a good line to select from.Come and get the choice. 500 Shirt Waists go onSale at Big Lot of $1.00 Waists,for These are all New Spring Styles. Big line of Children’s Wash Dresses,Madras, Gingham and Percale,sizes 6 to 14 years,at special prices.. $8.95. $7.95. early 6c cc 98c. 79¢. Se PHONE 212" Johnston-Belk Co. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. ‘ciesnteinnnnaiansict WHATS A SUMMER WARDROBEWITHOUTAPATENTPUMP? Certainly not Sonne for nothing quite equals the charm of a sparkling patent slipper worn with th dainty summer frock.sana : We.have an unusually good selection of patent pumps for summer wear.Each is different,distinctive and of decidedly new design.The variety of styles is so -wide that you will-be sure to find one that suits your tastes and_needs,4 Our patent models in the Red Cross Shoe are partic-} ularly smart.This is the shoe with the sole that] ‘bends with your foot,”so you get unusual foot com-f fort along with its smart style.Come in and let us help you find YOUR style.Prices $3.50 up to $4.00. MILLS &POSTON. TTT i ict PPPSPISTI SPTSPSTCLOTPSSTITTS$TVTYTILTT IeTTTI Its 6o5teses boshese ooheeel SebebeeeeeeeNNNMeetYourFrien At the Fountain of Quality! EACH AND EVERY DRINK A DEL- ICACY.MADE OF THE PURE JUICES OF THE FRUITS.SERVED THE QUALITY WAY.BRING YOUR FRIENDS.ROOM FOR ALL.SEATS PP P L T T T T PT TS S OP P S SS L OP T I PT TO C Oe ee ei is i s é e e l BOYCE LUMBER COMPANYMANUFACTURERSOF Kiln dried North Carolina Pine.Wholesale and re- tail.Established in 1880,Incorporated 1909. the ground of insanity, 4 puonrs:Ofice-294 GEO.H.MYERS,Residence 423 Vice Pres.and Manager. FOR OVER FORTY. |Statesville Drug Comp’y Quality Prescriptionists. ¥ PELATTIIITITITITITIITITITSeIITTISs sjesseT PSSBITSIF PESTSIIPISTIIITT “THE LANDMARK’S ADVERTISERS ARE UP-10-DAPR inca ‘an ~April 28,1916. KCEPTIONS VD UBS. phe a “Affairs of the Week “ville”yesterday afternoon,Mro-Irvin!pearsatenpnee _»~Delegates to State Meeting. ,The Daughters ofthe ConfederacywillmeetTuesday o’el Mrs Sig,Wallace. esdames D.J.Craig,W.T.Kin-ft Hoffmann,Louis Kauf-a,-T.-D.Webb and>Miss CarriemannattendedapartyinMocks- ighostess, ..Mesdames-B.F.Long,M.R.Adams,J.B.Hill,B,B.Webb,D.S,.ThomasandprobablyotherswenttoSalisburyyesterdaytoattendadistrictmeetingofthe.United Daughcers of the Con- federacy. Mrs,-W.H.Hoffmann.entertainedtheG.G.°G.club Wednesday after-noon.Hearts was’played and Mrs,D.J.‘Craig won the -prize,a crepe de»chine handkerchief.Salad,ice cream *D,J.Craig,with ~é@xander &Bro. gud mints were:servea. Mrs,vA,L,..Coble entertained theBelecticBookclubWednesday‘after-'noon.Papers were read by Mesdames‘Wm.Wallace and Dorman Thompson;discussion of current events by MissLouCampbellandasongbyMrs.H,O.Steele.Refreshments were served. _The fifteenth annual convention of the North Carolina Federation of Wo- men’s clubs will meet at High Point May 26...Thé delegates from States- wille are Mesdames B.F.Long and.A.L.Coble from the Eclectic Book clybandMesdamesWilliamWallaceanMrs,H.O.Steele al- ternate,from the MacDowell Music elub.Mrs.Long and Mrs.Coble wil! be entertained in High Point by Mrs. H.Albion Millis,one of Statesville’s girls. Mrs.W.M.Barringer received Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock in honor of her:guests,Mrs.J.M. Oldham of Charlotte,Mrs.J.L.Spratt of Fort Mill,S.C.,and Mrs.P.L.Stough of Cornelius.,Mrs.L.White and Mrs.S.L.Parksceivedat.the front door.Mrs.L..Bristol met the guests at the par-lot door and introduced them to thereceivingline—Mrs.Barringer,Mrs.Qldham,Mrs.E.B.Watts,Mrs.Spratt,Mrs.M.R.Adams,Mrs.P.L.Stough,Mrs.P.D.Kennedy and MissCarrieMaeWatts..Mrs.J.F.Carl-gn ushered to the punch room,wherers.O.L.Turner and Miss LouCampbellreceivedandMrs.C.A.Turner and Miss Carrie Hoffmannservedpunch.Mrs.W.F.Hall andMrs.Z.V.Long.showed from the ‘punch “room to the dining room, where ‘receiving were Mrs.J.“Sloan,Mrs.H.L.Kincaid and MrsR.M.’Gray..Ice cream,cake andmintswereservedbyMisseshelleBarringer,Louise Brady,Flor- ence Miller,Ruby Henninger,Eliza- ‘beth Bowles and Cordelia Watts.Attheregister.were Mrs.J,DeWittRamsey,Misses'Margaret.Brady,.Chtistine Rutledge and Clyde Feild.The ‘parlor was decorated in white and green,punch room in pink and grten and hall in red and green.Inthediningroomthecenterpiecewasahugebasketofpinkrosesandfour .tiny..vases-of rosebuds. Notices of New Advertisements. Spring seat fibre rockers —Craw-ford-Bunch Furniture Co, -,Coat.suit sale tomorrow.—John-gton-Belk Co..Men,:women and children’s-foot wear—J.M.McKee &Co.Valuable real estate—E,G.Gaither.“Bible lectures at tent on CheutauquagroundsbeginSundaynight.+The:Overland,the car you will beptetdtoown.—Carolina Motor Co.Beef for.less;restaurant,—C.Morrison. Specials in canned and _packages.—Underprice Cash Grocery,BogeBlanche Sweet at The Lyric today.|Ten)days clearance sale,—Smithey &FraleyWeser.phonopraphs.—Leonard Pi- ano Store,| Royal heaters.—W,E.Munday.Sheet metal roofine.—Statesville Tin Co.wees+Slug shot for insects.—Eagle &Mil- holland,:Fresh vegetables,meats.—M.P.Al- Ma-.Machinists wanted,_«NewmanchineCo.,Greensboro.Milk cow for sale.tP.P,Purnell. -~Goo0d mule for sale—J.R,Aber- —nathy;:;Elmwood,R-1. erywhere. ‘“For,_re-election county superintend-ent’public instruction —R,M.Gray.or sheriff.—J.Otis Gaither.**For’county superintendent schools, ~—John:F.Mitchell.“=\Godd:.milk ‘cow for sale—T.E, Troutman.eee to build with.—C,Wat- ns...‘Sale:of furniture plant.—R.T,Weatherman,trustee. Report of the Visiting Nurse..Mrs,Vera Jones,Statesville’s visit-ing njrse,in her report:for the quar-ter ending March 81,records 266 vis-|its.made to whites during the quar-ter,and 28 to colored;191.nursingvisits.made to white and 6 to colored;four weighing visits to whites;onehomemodification;28 white and onecoloredmotherinstructed;ten pre-natal-visits to_whites;-34—visits tohewwhitepatientsandsixtonew¢dlored patients;150 visits to oldwhitepatients’and 7 to old colored patients.Two hygienic leagues were organ-ized;two layettes given;three loadsof.wood given;18 new garments giv-en by Baptist people;214°sputum-eups;;two girls who were .mothers were provided for;and two laboratory examinationsmade.More.social work.than anytimebeforeandtheneedappearsgreaterthananytimebefore, j Chamberlain’s.Cough Remedy.From @ small beginning the sale and use ofthisremedyhasextendedtoallpartsofthebaStatesandtomanyforeigncountries.|When you have need of such a medicine giveChamberlain's Couzh Remedy a trial and youwillunderstandwhyithusb80populforcoughs;colds and croup.Obtainable ev- three operations BASE le afternoon:at 41? L.|proud of Statesville College’sK Ada-|> Excellent Presentation of “Mid- */:summer Night’s Dream”in a Charming Setting on College) Campus.a Reported for The Landmark. Oberon,King of Shadows,andtania,Queen of Fairies,held their|revels Tuesday evening in a beautiful|spot on the Statesville College cam-|pus,:|It.was a special celebration present-|edby-the-college in honor of the an-|niversary of Shakespeare’s death,|-and-a-more beautiful outdoor pageant;‘has never been witnessed in States-|ville.The play selected,-Shakes-| Deare’s_beautiful-—*fidsummier|Night’s Dream,”was especially ap-'propriate for the charming outdoor| setting,the large stage being at the|foot ofa natural slope,the whole| forming an amphitheatre-in-Grecian style.|iItwasafairylandindeedandthe| illusion was perfect.during the grace-|ful fairy dances.‘Singing ‘and dane-|ing trippingly and hand in,hand with!fairy grace,”dainty fairies danced,| sang and blessed the place.Cobweb,|Mustardseed,Peasblossom and Moth|attended their queen,and gentle Puck,merry wanderer of the night,playedhispranksandwasswiftandreadyintheserviceofKingOberon.Miss Elise Davis was’very hend |some as Oberon,Miss Melissa:War-lick made,a pretty and dainty Tita-| nia,and Miss Minniecaptivatinginthe.part of mischiev:| ous Puck.: The scenes given by the company|of clowns were rendered excellently,-| Miss Nell Goode taking first rank as}an impersonator of Bottom,the,Weaver,“Bully Bottom.”The clowns} proved to be ‘good dancers and were |also fully capable of acting PFratnus,| and.Thisbe,an@presenting or disfig-|uring Wall,Lion and Moonshine.| Verily,to quote Queen Hippolyta,“It|was the silliest stuff that ever was}heard.” And the lovers,Lysander and Her-|} mia,-Demetrius and Helena,led on by the mischievous and blundering Puck,| were made happy finally and all wereunitedonTheseus’wedding day.Miss | Mildred Smith appeared as Lysander,Miss Rosamond’Clark as Hermia,| .Miss Helen Florence made.an .excel-!|lent Demetrius and Helena’s part was | vresented well by Miss Margaret Long.Miss Lillian Goode was These- us and Miss Louise Sloan was regal| as Queen Hippolyta.| |The success of the play was large-|jly due to Miss Eleanor.-Moore:Reid,|the talented teacher of expression at/| |the college,who has been untiring in| ‘her efforts to bring each part to per-| |fection.She was ably assisted by }members of thé faculty and by every college student,each of whom was eager to do her share,The large au-} dience was.‘appreciative and all en-| joyed thoroughly and were justly)Shakes-|H.K.| Tt Was a Fine Presentation, The presentation of this Shakes:| peare play has been very highly com-| mended by those who saw it.One gen-| .|peare pageant. State a few years hgo,says he enjoyed; the one of Tuesday evening just as|much.This is a high compliment for| lamateurs and Miss Reid and the col-! lege girls have reason to be proud of!itheir success.While it was “A Mid-' isummer Night’s Dream”it wasn’t aj ;midsummer night so far as the tem-} \perature was concerned,and it was!;an additional compliment to the play-| lers that the large audience stayed pa-| |tiently in the cool night air_during|ithe two hours of the play.||.Financially,also,the play wag a! fair success,the gross receipts being | $150.yy | Egg HuntFor Children—Mule | :Hurt.| Correspondence of The Landmark.{ 1Statesville,R-1,April 26 —Satur-| |day afternoon the little children of} ee neighborhood gathered at the/| home of Mrs.Laura Plyler and enjoy-}‘ed an egg hunt..Mr.Plyler was very ‘thoughtful of the little children who; have been indoors all winter.All re-||port a good time. Mr.Frank Freeze,who has been; sick,is improving.The condition of! Mrs.Lula Plyler,who has been sick, for some time.remains unchanged.Mr.Edgar Wagner will preach at| Shiloh the second Sunday in May at!3 o’clock.:| —Yesterday—morning Mr.Will Perry| went to his barn to feed and found} that one of his mules had pawed a, brace from ~under the trough.~The; brace contained two large nails and| the mule lay down on the nails,which | were stuck in its shoulder.Mr.Per-| ry had to pull them out,The mule is | unable to work.. A good rain sure would be a help ta! |the gardens.Farmers are planting| cotton. Elmwood Items.. Correspondence of The:Landmark.| Elmwood,R-1,April 26—The farm-| lers of this section are very busyplant-|‘ing their crops.\ |Miss Loyce Clendenin gave an EKas- ‘ter egg hunt at her home Saturday|‘afternoon,which was enjoyed by a |1 ‘large number of her rriends. ~'Miss May Deal and her cousin,lit- jtle Miss Macie Deal,are spending a few days with their <unt,Mrs.A.E.Howard,They expect to visit friends and relatives in Statesville before re- turning to their home at Bradford’s. Miss Eva Hughes is visiting MissesJessieand-Callie Adkins. Miss Nora McLaughlin-has returh-ed from Hendersonville ,where shespentthewinterwithrelatives.“She!is with her sistef,Mrs.Click Clen- denin.eon apnea Americans Are Advised to Leave ‘Durange. American Consul Coen at DurangoCity,Mexico,has advised all Ameri-cans to leave the city and is himselfconsideringtheadvisabilityofgoingtotheborder.:A serious situation hasbeencausedthroughtheviolentanti- American agitation which has beencarriedonbytheDurangonewspaperssincetheAmericansoldiersandMex-icans clashed at Parral. ifor a stay. Ti- iterday to her-home in.Olin township Holding was} tleman who..saw the Ben Greet wplay-|“Erb {June 3.1916. paca elaE PASSING FHRONG. Personal Mention of People and Their Movements.'<) Miss Anne Ferguson of Long’s San- torium has gone to:Black Mountain Mrs.J.M:Oldham of Charlotte,Mrs.J.L.Spratt of Fort.Mill,8.C,,‘and Mrs.P.L.Stough of,,CorneliusspentTuesdayandWednesdayhere.the guests of Mrs.W.M,Barringer.Mr.J.W.Sherrill,who had been in the Charlotte sanatorium for treat- ment,returned home Wednesday,Misses Margaret Mellon of.Char--Yotte and Clarissa Abernathy of Hick-ory,who were guests of Miss:Kather-ine Kincaid for a few days,returnedTuesdayto_their_homes.—————seoMrs.J.T.Daniel and Mrs.C.B. Pepver of Atlanta,Ga., E.Heinitsh of Columbia,S.C.,who: were guests of Mrs.Eugene Davis for a few-days,left Wednesday for Co-i lumbia.Mr.Parks Crowell returned Monday evening from a visit to Charlotte. Mr.Abram Asher ‘Wallace,whospentafewdaysintownwithhisfa- ther,Mr,Julius Wallace,has return- ed to Boston,where he is in business.|’Miss Mary Lawrence returned yes- from a visit to friénds at ClevelandandBarber.Miss.Luna Thompson of SalisburyistheguestofMrs.P.A.Bryant.Mrs.Clem Dowd went to Charlotte yesterday to attend the funeral ofMrs.W.’C,Dowd,Miss Mamie Adams rettrned yester-day from:visiting in Winston-Salem and Mocksville. _Miss Carrie Weisner,who had been visiting in Texas and who is spend- ing-a few days at Olin,will return ]‘ Monday to Richmond,Va._Mrs.J.M.Ashby of Mt.Airy is visiting her sisters,Mrs.S.S.Jur- ney and Mrs.W.H.Weisner,ot Olin.Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Webb and chil-{1 dren returned Tuesday from Whrren county,where they spent a week with relatives.fMissLilaWhitereturned Wednes.day from-Huntersville,where:she taught the past session,Mrs.Louis Kaufmann of DanvilleNa.,is visitng her parents,Mr.andMrs.J.H.Hoffmann.:Mr.J.L.Sloan went to Richmond, Va.,Wednesday night,Mr.and Mrs.Sherrill Sharpe went to Anderson,Ind.,Wednesday.Mr.T.H.Cowan of Hendersonville spent a few days here with-his broth- ae Mr.B.A.Cowan,feaving ‘yester- ay,_Mr.E.G.Gilmer,who spent a short time here,left yesterday for Waynes- ville. Mrs.Merle Thomas,who ‘spent sev- eral days at Mr.H.B.Smith’s,left Tuesday for her home in Los Angeles, Dr.J.J,Mott of Radford,Va.,is in town. STATE OF OHIO.CITY OF TOLEDO,LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J.Cheney makes oath thatheisseniorpartnerofthefirmofF.J.Cheney &Co,,doing business in theCityofToledo,weyinee |‘end State afuore-said,and that said firm will pay the and Mrs.W.} ee =)Editor Dowd Bargarad yoWea.wit Eloise Butt Dowd,wife of Mr.¥,Dowd of the Charlotte.News,died Wednesday.afternoon at her!home in Charlotte,after a long.ill-ness.She was 43 years old and is'|survived by her husband,two sons}and a daughter.The many friends|pt M¥.Dowd sympathize with him in!Lond great sorrow that has.patalion: PVA es serge oe, °Mr.and Mrs,Fuller Swann of Iowaiarrivedlastnighttovisitrelatives. :Statesville Produce Market.The following prices -werepaid~yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket.|-Spring-triers;206,Th,Qld.Hens;'16c..per Ib.|Turkeys,16c.per tb.JEges,6c.‘per dozen.Roosters,6c.per Ib.Butter,16c.per Ib, )Beeswax,25c.per Ib.Green Hides,18c,per Yb.Hams,l6er to lic.per Ib.pBides,12 1-2¢.per Ib,Bhoulders,12 1-2c.per Iba\fRed Honey,8¢.per pound.°;peourwood Honey Comb.16 to 18¢.per Ib.~'Irish Potatoes,$1 per bushel.i Sweet Potatoes,70c.per bushel. 4 EXPERIENCE AND EQUIP- MENT! i Grate,The following prices were paid yesterday for grain on the local market:*Wheat,$1.36 per bushel.,Corn,(new),70c.per bushel.ats,S5c.per bushel. TT re e r Se ? Our.complete equipment,large assets and many years’banking Statesville Cotton Market.experience here,assure you of a On the local.market yebterday 11gound.wus ‘paid for best grade cotton. xaee eS 3-4 per most complete banking service. (ADVERTISEMENTS in this column 10 centsperlinesNoad.taken for less than 25cents.Cash must accompany order.) LOSTL—Automobile Top Cover. W.SLANE. Make this Bank your headquar-Sa Pr e e te e s ters.St Return:to 0.| April 28.Se Nese sen ie FOR SALE—Four-gallon Milch Cow.P.P. PURNELL,April 28—2t. T.E.TROUT-,April 28. sT t e FOR SALE—Good Milch Cow. MAN,115 Allison St. FOR SALE—Good Mule,weight about 1,000)pounds.J.R.ABERNATHY,Elmwood R-April 28—1t*. FOR.SALE--Two extra“good fresh Milkers.|srs B.SAMPLE,Statesville,R-1.| CEDAR POSTSLIMECEMENTPLASTER|LATHSPAINTS|STAINSC.Watkins}Statesville,N.C.SALE OF “PERSONAL _.Statesville,N.C.d Capital $100,000._Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits. U.S.Depository.. “le |FOR SALE! 186 acres,6 miles frory Statesville,75 acres in cultivation,bal-” ance in weodland,level red subsoil,small dwelling,barn,crib,© young orchard,two fine springs,.Vill exchange for city property or sell on easy terms,;: As the administrators of the estate of W.| W.Wilhelm,deceased,the undersigned will sell at public auction,for cash,to the highest |™# biddey,-on ‘a ae Ty)aryiiie : FRIDAY,MAY 12,1916, a lot of personal property belonging to thelateW.W.Wilhelm,consisting of Mules;Farm Machinery,Wagons,Saw Mills,CottonGin,Corn Mill,-Threshing Machine,Planer,|@ Reaper,Drill,ete.it Sale will takep lace at Plyler place,on Buf-falo Shoals road and will begin at 10 o'clock.|B.N,WILHELM,FE.MORRISON,Dorman Thompson,Att'y.Administrators. “April 21,1916. 141Gi-acre farm,1.1-4 miles from .Harmony State High School, new five-rcom cottage,barn and orchard,40 acres in cultivation, balanes in-timber;-levct and-productive,will cut 560,000 feet of =~ lumber,one-third cash snd balance en terms to suit the purchaser. 113 eeres 1 1-4 miles ficm Olin,three-room dwelling,barn,and sum of-ONE WUNDRED LOLLARS foreachandeverycaseofCatarrhthatcannotbecuredbytheuseofIiall’s Ca-|Cure.FRANK J,CHENEY.Sworn to before.me and subscribed|ers’present Shakespeare plays in the?{m my presence,this 6th day of De-|886cember,(Seal.)A.Dz LA.aaota:ublic.Hall’s Catarrh Cure ts taken internal-ly,@nd acts directly on the blo and|mucous surfaces of the systefn,Sendfortestimonials,free.s |F.J.CHENEY -&CO.,Toledo,0.|Sold by all druggists.75c.|Take Hall’s Family Pills for const/ction. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Swperintendent of Schools. I hereby announce —myself—a—candidate—for> re-election to the office of County Superin-tendent of Public Instruction,subject to the peen of the [emocratic primaries June 3,026,i AY.April 28,a For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate forthe.office of Sheriff of Iredell county,subject to the action of the Democratic primary,,June3,1916.J.@TIS GAITHER. April 28,: For County Superintendent Schools.ioTotheDemocraticVotersofIredellCounty:Iam a candidate for the office of Superiné tendent of Schools,subject to the action of theDemocraticprimaries.If nominated =andelected,T pledge to the scnoois of Iredell coun- ty the best service of which I am capabie.April 28.JOHN F.MITCHELL. For County Treasurer.j 7 I am a candidate for County Treasurer,gub-4jecttotheactionoftheDemocraticprimary,a =RO ¥LRIVES. April 265. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds of Iredell county,subject to the-action—of the Democratic voters,as ex-/ pressed by them at the primary,June 3,1916, Le N.BROWN,Troutman,Fallstown ‘Town-|ship.April 25. ¢For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate forCountyTreasurer,subject to the action of the Democratic primary,June 3,1916.April 25.W.H.HUNTER. For Sheriff.To the Democrats of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate for{the Democratic nomination for sheriff of Ire- dell county,and will greatly appreciate your support.April 25.Respectfully,4H.L.GILBERT. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-°fice of County Treasurer of Iredell county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima-' ry,June 8d,1916,and respectfully solicit the! supportmary.April of the Democratie voters in the pri- R.J.BRYANT. 25,1916. For County Commissioner.( I am-a candidate for county commissioner,,subject to the action of the Democratic prima-| ry June 3,1916.E.G.GAITHER. April 21,1916. For Register.|To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County +}I hereby announce my candidacy for the of-|fice of Register of Deeds of Iredell county,sub-| ject to the action of the Democratic primary. J.H.MecLELLAND,~| April 21.Mooresville,N.C. ;For Treasuret.To the Democratic Voters of Iredell County:I hereby announce myself a candidate fortheofficeofCountyTreasurer,subject to theactionofthecountyDemocraticnominatingprimaries,to be held June $d,1916,Will ap-, preciate your support.Respectfully,W.C.WOOTEN,April 18.Bethany Township. For Register of Deeds.|I hereby announce my.candidacy for the of-)fice of Register of Deeds of.Iredell county,| subject to the action of the Democratic prima-} ry June 8,1916.Wm.H.MORROW.|April 18.‘| For Sheriff.| I am a_candidate for Sheriff of Iredell | county,subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary,and ‘olicit the sapport of;th BUILDING?.C.WATKINS,Democratic voters in the primary.April 18.M.P.ALEXANDER. 4 1 ee oN Peraga ann . \Be |Quality Photoplays. | THE THEATRE outbuildings.49 acres in cultivation,’14 of which js fine bottom land,balance in fine original oak,pine and poplar’timber. 600 eash and balance on casy terms. eForfurtherinformaticncallonorwrite my gt e+A ETUTT GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ERNEST G.GARTHEN,“ats'and peat ESTATE.f =PHONE 23.OFFICK NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.- REBAR TS AERIS RS Pd BATE aePSLakehseeeeeeo rset, The Statesville Realty &Investment Co. ==INSURANCE! TODAY ~.BLANCHE SWEET .As a great many policyholders do not.seem to know that their insurance will be void under certain conditions named in the contract of the policy which they buy.We deer it advisable to mention some of the causes under which the same will be rendered valueless,viz:.; 1—Vacant or idle property for longer than 30 days—apply_to your,agent for-permit.s *b “Methatlies:inaking additions tc,or,extraordinary altera-+ tions in or on property——always get permits from agents.si 3.—Property upon which there is a mortgage unless notice of same is given—apply to your agent. 4—Any change in the title-or ownership,or interest in proper- ty insured other than by death. -5—Assignment or transfer of property to another, 6—=By any increase in-the hazard;notice must be-given. 7—The taking of:other insurance without notice.: MY BLANCHE SWEET.G4~,.Lasky:Pararnsant —“The Ragamuffin” \A’Paramount Photoplay.~~SATURDAYBESSIEBARRISCALE fo pa)ea ~The Golden Claw” Also Weber and Fields than kerosene oil.3 9—Property encumbered by chattle mortgage. Policyholders-should read-lines-7-to-30_of the printed contract ~~~ of their policies.It is impossible for agents to know of these -de~—< _cficiencies unless notified.Call on us for any INSURANCE infor- mation.: “WE INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE.”J.¥.CARLTON,Manager, ’PHONE 54 STATESVILLE,N.C. $2,-af ade 8—Keeping explosives on the premises without permit.other”as “The Best of Enemies” Tf you don’t see Satur- day’s program you will miss one of the best photoplays of the year.MONDAY ELEANOR WOODRUFF —in-- “The Islandof Surprise” Just Received a Barrel ofLibby’s Sweet Mixed Picklesandtheyare fine.- iY,Gia Flake, Potato Chips 10c.Package. Maxwell House Blend Coffee roasted and packed by one of the largest Coffee Houses in the South and in my estimation there sis no better Coffee ever packed.A trial ean will convince.you that it.is as good as the best.lb,cans 88¢.,, 2-Ib.cans,98¢.: _Bourben Santos-Coffee-in bulk,-35¢ BE tice‘Wo-o1e is} tie it kite sirty -7 {a value for 26c.lb.vig DELICATESSEN!} oiled Ham,(sliced to order) at »B8e,Tbe Pologha ‘Sausage .,y\dbe.1b. Wieners of Frankfurters |15¢,Ib. Smoked Bloaters ....,.be;each. Sliced Bacon (in bulk).. 88e.Jb. Chipped Beef 48e,.tb. Swiss Cheese Be.Th, A.full line of Fancy Cheese,such: ‘A wonderful Oreuey based on a story by Rev. »Cyrus Townsend Brady. “Be-sure to see it. THELYRICTHEATRE Queen’s Blend Coffee is strictly a j high grade piece of goods and’is ,as Neufchatel,Philadelphia Cream, guaranteed to please or money re-Pimento, funded.Welch Rarebit,ete, The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery,| ‘‘The Store of Better Values.” C.WATKINS SHINGLE KING J2ferades at $1.40 per square and up. A FMRI Te jebatany Ae: Club,McLaren’s’Cream,| apene+ishaost(ane c Incidents Gathered From All »Parts of the Country.3 Al dispatch from Geneva,Switzer- Yand,says an exodus of Americans ‘Germany “has begun;-A number of them have already arrived at Ba- pel;Switzerland.They~are “convinced: that a rupture between Germany and the,United States is inevitable. _.President Wilson went to Princeton, N.J.,to vote in the:presidential pref- erence primary.While at Princeton ‘he planted a tree in honor of Abra- ham Lincoln and delivered:a brief ad- dress eulogizing the martyred Presi- dent. Beis stated that Fred.B.Lynch, of Minnesota,wil be elected chair- mati of the Democratic national com: mittee at St.Louis.of the commit- teé adheres to the known wishes of President Wilson.Mr.McCombs, present /chairman,declines to ©serv¢ longer.: Unpledged delegates-at-large to the Republican.:national.conventian. were elected at the presidential pri- maries in Massachusetts over four candidates pledged to’the nomination of.Roosevelt.»Anti-Roosevelt candi- dates have also been elected in Ohio and New Jersey. The trial of Robert Fay,a lieuten- ant of the German army;pis brother- in-law,Walter Schulz,and Paul Daeche,indicted last .November for conspiracy to destroy ships carrying munitions of war to the Entente allies is in progress in the Federal court in New York. The manufacture of the high explos- ‘Wve known as tri-nitrotoluol is serious- ly affecting the health of thousands of ‘munition workers in England,says.9 ;London dispatch.It causes unusual rowsiness,frontal headache,eczema and loss of appetite and sometimes .jaundice,according to a committee “which has been devoting much study §to the health of the munition work- ‘ers, Attorney.Charles .C.Trabue shot ®and instantly killed Attorney Harry 4Stokes at Nashville,Tenn.,Wednes- “day morning.They had been oppos- ing counsel in the “tax-payers’suit,” Me“involving the probe into city affairs. ‘Mr.Stokes was chief counsel for the ‘tax-payers.in the litigation and Trabue was recently employed as ‘special counsel to represent the city. ¥The shooting occurred in _Stokes’ ‘office.Trabue was released on $25,- “000 bond.; Sense About Keeping.Boys on the Farm.ae -W.F.Massey Farmer. «_“Where can I find any literature on jthe subject of keeping boys on the “farm ?:Have you ever made a speech, eo the subject and where could I get i tye ti No,I have never made a speech on Mhe subject,and do not believe that all the boys should be kept on the farm.The tastes and talents of farm boys differ as in other people.A boy who has no love for the farm and “whose bent is in other directions will ;never make a_success on the farm, Farm boys educated in the line their ‘natural bent directs are needed in the ‘work of the world,whether that is on tthe farm,in the shop,in the labora- \tory,the law office,or the pulpit.Ed- jucate the boys and then study their :bent and give them the best chanceitodevelopintheirchosenwork,and they will be better citizens and the _world wil]be better by reason of their §-work.—A—boy—may—be-educated_in_an agricultural college and may develop “talent in some branch of science al- ‘lied to agriculture,and may natural-hy turn to station work and will.do Smore for agricultural advancement ithan if he went back to the farm.{The farm needs men with-a-love for +the-farm-and-an enthuiasm-for-farm:work,and such will be leaders in their“sections:while a boy or man who has ‘none of this love_and enthusiasm had‘better “be off the farm than on it.i“Close in the Progressive _Springs :School. ‘Correspondence of The .Landmark. st The following named pupils were“pn the honor roll at Eupeptic Springs-for the fifth month:Ollie Mae and Ida Daniels,Ona Ree Current,Mary ‘Lee Fowler,Stella,ina,Dana and‘Mildred Harmon,Lillie,Elsie and Ray ‘Holland,Eva Pharr,Zelda,Ollie, <(10 LIGHTEN TAX BURDEN. ne aS two;‘Ways —Equalize »Taxes Rather Than Reduce Taxes.. ive Farmer. ifeels that he is now paying too much tax,there are two ways to.remedy the situation::1.Simply let the present iniquitous system stand,-but reduce.the nates levied,reduce the public revenues,and_thereby cripple.the.agencies—of civilization now receiving public sup- port—the schools thas are training our boys and girls,thé organizations-and-bureaus-aiding~in-State develop-ment and public welfare,the charita-ble—institutions-for—aiding—the-sick, the insane,the aged and helpless,andoursoldiersoftheCivilWar. This is one way for the farmer or laboring man to get “lower taxes”if that.is all he cares for,and this is a remedy which demagogues and short- sighted men are.constantly putting before the people,Thé other and wiser remedy,as we see it,is as fol- lows:2.See to it that the government,in- stead of doing less for the public wel- fare than now,does even more than government is eliminated and (b)thattheburdenoftaxationismorelarge- ly shifted to the backs of those abletobearitandtheburdenontabor.and poverty correspondingly reduced, We do not say this in any spirit of demagoguery.but simply because we helieve that from time immemorial the strong have forced the weak *to bear an undue part of the burden of taxation,and it is now high time to shift the load. And for this reason we believe thesloganofallfarmer-voters should be not the mere demagogue-cry,‘“Re- duce Taxes!”but the wiser cry of jus- tied and statesmanship,“Equalize Taxes!”Our own conviction about taxes may be briefly summarized as follows: 1.The government ought to do more for the people than it now does.It should provide school books for the sor.It should provrde old-age.pen- sions for the aged.It should provide hospital facilities for the poor.unable to get for themselves and_their stricken little ones that expert help which money summons to_restorehealthorsavelifefortherich.Andthegovernment.should also provide.vastly better system of education and do vastly more ofr the social wel- fare.All this means that the govern- ment should have more money than now.:2.All this extra money,however.should be raised,as a larger part of our present tax money should be rais-ed,by levying on the needed surplus of the rich rather than on the hard-won living of the poor.,a 8.The justest and least injurious tax the world has ever known is the inheritance tax,and every State in the South should adopt (and enforce)the Arkansas law on this subject. 4.Income taxes should be levied, or laboring”man} hnt only on the surplus ' amounts required to support a family||‘amfortably;and even then the inher-|| itance tax is less objectionable than | the income tax..|&.The poll tax should be abolished.|| 6.Instead of taxing a man on $100! to $300 worth of property he doesn’t|own,as the poll.tax does,we should| niture,ete.,he does own. 7.The tax rate on the first $100) worth of homestead (that is to say,| home or farm occupied by the owner),| should be only one-half the rate lev- ied on the surplus beyond $1.000.Thiswilltendtoencouragesmallhome- ownership.and tend to discourage) large holdings and absentee landlord-!ism,2 |8.Land and improvements should} above the!: German U-Boat operations m™ expactert oft New York eee North.Atlantic bors in:many and the Umited Statwar.This is the opinion of ourexperts,who are making_pcordingly.aaae Henry Morgenthau of New:York has tendered to President Wilson his resignation as ambassador to Turkey. No action.has been taken on the res- Hignation,but it is assuredthat“the MELEE Tea‘President will accept it. nows-but~see-to-it’(a)that waste in|” “Yes,and Aint It a Beauty?” That’s about the conversation:whichtookplace‘in our store .he other daywhenaStatesvillecitizensteppedintotakea“better look”at one of ourWESERPHONOGRAPHSandhear a selection or two.He had peeped atitthroughthewindowandnaturallybecameinterested.Above is shown amodel“100,price $100.Prices“rangefrom$40 to $175,Buyy our machinehere.Get your records anywhere?- LEONARD PIANO STORE, Morrison Building,W.Broad St. ~WATCH FOR THE POTATO BUGS And start in time with.a package of SLUG-SHOT,the best In-secticide you can getforallgardenuse. Try it for lice on your TT FOr eeeTeeAs- “road to smoke-j Co)tisiaby )RJ.Pick,akhte A RINCE ALBERT was made to create tobacco 'content where it never existed before!“It per-|mits men to smoke all they want without getting a sore tongue,without any comeback but realtobaccoenjoyment!The patented process by which Prince Albert is made (and controlled exclusivelybyus)fixes that—and cuts out bite and parch! PRINGE ALBERT the national joy smoke comes right to your taste fair and square!And itwilldoforyouwhatithasdoneforthousandsofmen—make pipe or cigarette smoking the cheerful- est of your pleasures!: What we tell you about PrinceAlbertisafactthatwillproveout to your satisfaction just as quickly ;as you lay in a stock and fire-up!rena ode of chette red R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem,N.C.poowhereone emohedberet = Prince Albert is to be hadeverywheretobaccoissoldintoppyredbags,5c;tidy redtins,10c;handsome pound_and half-pound tin humidors.—and—in that classy poundcryetal-glass humidor with_sponge-moistener top thatkeepsthetobaccoin3uchfineshape—always! BY BO E T O E U E R 78 ry exempt $300 in tools,equipment,fur-|= rose bushes and potted —plants.Get it at a —--~’PHONE 89,—— Nagle & Milholland.. UE U E U E Us wi BO ER EK BO M U M O I Statesville Tin Co. Everything in Sheet.Metal line for good roof.Slate || Roofs a specialty. PHONE 55. Here’s theOR O he assessed separately,and all assess-| ments published in the local press;in 114 East Broad Street. the case of farm lands the rate per in each school district separately; the present infamous tendency to as- rere being given,listing lands,say,ALL GRADES AND KINDS ind in the case of town lots,the rate;Doors and Windows,Mantels and Col. ner front foot should be given,each}umns,Door and t street appearing sevarately.In_this|Sash Weights, way favoritism willbe exposed,and!Stairways and 42 kinds of Mouldings, IREDELL gl}your corn crop with our PREPAREDNESS LIN?/UNION,SUNNY SOUTH,JOHN DEERE. Ben YATE TOIVACRTaNTTAXIYOTHTOCIYOXK701Wt/QNii avi V@vi7erh/a\hY@rhYavhr@vh/@xhr “Line”to Line Up With | Before you ENLIST for the FRONT,Let us insist that you plant and cultivatetobesureofcrop,NEW HARDWAR Window Prames,"WV ANTED—PI ae mat ays ‘1 .umber.None uePulleysand»Locks,“iced apply.C.E.RITCHIE. FOR RENT—Five-room Cottage on Tradd first-class { April 25,| sess large holdings at a lower rate) 9,See that tax officials are experts; and not mere politicians or tools of special interests or cliques. The Forest Fires in McDowell. Marion—Progress._=a Forest fires have been ~raging in several sections of McDowell county)inring the past week.Many hundreds| of acres of timber lands were burned| Floyd and Wade Shaver,Ethel Snead | S The school closed April 11 with an}entertainment in the afternoon and| ‘night.The afternoon programme! ‘consisted of songs,recitations and |dialogues by the primary and inter-! ‘mediate grades and recitations and| declamations by the upper grades,af- ie which-a good address was-made by‘Rev.Mr.Castle,the local ministersentitled,“No.” :.Mr.Shoemaker of Olin was pres- ent and made a group picture of the(Bchool,after which the boys enjoyed ‘a game of ball. The hight programme consisted of songs,recitations,dialogues,etc.The nlays worthy of mention were “Tom Thumb’s Wedding,”by tne primary children;“The Country Justice,”a trial in court;“A Flower Drill”by 16 girls;a song,“Pity the Sorrows of aceOldMan,”and the valedictoryyGlennTempleton. -The committee and patrons are planning to add the eighth and ninth jerades next,year. 'Eupeptic Springs and Bumble Bee crossed bats last.Saturday,resulting ‘fn a victory for Eupeptic. Personal Mention. \Correspondence of The Landmark ||Statesville,R-5,April 26 —Farm-‘ers are done planting corn,Some have|planted cotton.|’Mr.and Mrs,Sherrill Sharpe and three children,Paul,Pauline and lit-He James,who have been visiting|their parents,Messrs.T.Sharpe andW.H.Sherrill,and other relatives,:ave returned to their home in An-,derson,Ind.Mr.Neri Beckham is cutting some‘timber for Mr.Angus Leach,;Mr.and Mrs.Adolphus WarrenbepentPasterwithMr,and Mrs.H.C.;Warren, ;and began to practice the principles over,practically all the trees being) killed by the flames.The most se-| rious damage suffered was in Nebo; ‘ownship,where a school house,two! churches,a dwelling house belonging) +o Marion Edwards,and about 50,000|feet of lumber belonging to the W.A.| Conley estate,were burned.At this| writing it is impossible to estimate the) Jamage.However,a number of aie‘ens claim that more than one hun-} tred thousand dollars’worth of prop-|erty was destroyed.|Just how the fires in the different sections originated is not known,but! t is supposed that the fire which did| the largest damage was caused by a! park from a railroad engine. UPISOLAVTEENTALTSNOT,The Reflex Influence Valuable. Progressive Farmer. As important as has been the in-fluence of club work on the boys and girls themselves,its reflex influence on older people has probably been no less important.A county superin-tendent-of-schools—was—teHing—us the other day about having had-to comeintocontactwithcornclubworkone vear simply by reason of his officialnosition.“And then,”said he,“I went back to my own farm next year of corn production I'd seen those voungsters use,and I astonished my- self with the yields I made!’”?No won- der the corn,pig,poultry and can- ning club work is so frequently re-minding people of the Scriptural say- ng,“A little child shall lead them!”|—Mr.T.J.Conger has bought the| 1.¢.Sharne farm,70 acres,in Shi- loh township, ADVERTISERS will please bring: change of copy.early.No change of|ad.guaranteed after 12 o’clock to-}morrow,| than small holdings will be remedied.|- C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.street.R.P.ALLISON April 11. seiteinaiTheOdorless Refrigerator —— 'oe ie .-°Is built upon scientific principles of refrigeration.Every detailhasbeencarriedto2remarkabledegreeofefficiency.All compartments are constantly flushed:wit!trong,current of dry,cold,pure air.The heavy insulation of chemically (roared flax insures bij,savings on ice bills. Aoautifully finished.The trimminjsarecastbrThefluesandotherimportantinsidecom-partments ar (to clean—absolutély sanitary and odor- less,T he visible.driptrap—inside the provision chamber—is easily accessible. One-piece linin}s,ice pan and drip pan are Suaranteed apainst leakage. Re-tinned wire shelves,adjustable to any height—can bearrangedtosuityour.requirements, “°.’...Odorless"is the last word in scientific refrigeration.If youeregoing,to buya refrigerator,come in and seo us. Williams Furniture House. atU Anything Electrical! WE WIRE HOUSES,OLD OR NEW.ANYTHING IN THE ELECTRICAL LINE. HOME ELECTRIC COMP’Y. W.M.BARRINGER,-Proprietor. SeFOLLOWYOURSPRINGCLEANING| WITH A Thorough Disinfectant.Kill the germs on your stock,in your chicken house, closets and for general use. —ete USE KRESANO.~<a Let us explain to you its use. HALL’S DRUG STORE, ’*PHONE 20.Prescriptionist. en|REPAIR WORK.| Clocks,Watches and Spectacles Repaired.Spectacles |fitted.Eyes examined free.Satisfaction guaranteed.: Jeweler. “EE 2.FL.HENRY,-ee ee ‘theBest © #on's Liver Tone instead of usingRickening,sajivating calomel.‘Dod-son's:Liver*cine fine,your liver ‘will be working,your stomath will be sweet and bowels recular.ing.You'll he cheerful ow Your druggist or dealer sells you HNeteceae Mha lJ eh Gamo nerot BrayAURAYOITSbVetaMaat sabia at CPS LO -HORRIBLE!IOUS,CONSTIPAT DO Calomel is quicksil-ivates;calomel injures Tone under m‘that it will cle mel,makes:you.sick;you tosework,y personal guara an your sluggish ver,;“If you are biliovs;fee)lazy,slug.sh and ill kroeaed out,if yourowelsareconstipatedandyouradachesorgtomachissour,justke‘a spoonful of harmless Dod- make you sick and you can eatthingyouwent.without beingvated.Your druggist liver,clean yovr bowels straighten you a by morning or get your moneyoneisreallivermedi-i You'll know it next morningcauseyouwillwakeupfeeling|gripe or cramp or make themIamsellingmillionsof“bottle Dedson’s Liver Tone to peoplehavefoundthatthispleasant,v leadache and ‘dizziness gone,your You will feel like work.;full of vig-|cf dangerous calomel.rand ambition,' Ask your druggist about me. L-WHITES atts i ntee “‘Dodson’s Liver Tone”’Will Give YouLiverandBowelCleansingYouEverHad. |‘a 50 cont “bottle of Dodson’s Liver better than nasty.calomel;it won’t guaranteesthateachspoorfulwil}start.your ack,Children glad-ly take Dodson’s Liver Tone becauseitispleasant.tasting and doesn’t table,liver medicine takes the place Buy one brt- tle on my-sound,reliable guarantee. ECO. JTHE LANDMARK iEDFRIDAY, --April 28,1916. MR.LACY TO MR.LINNEY. State Treasurer Replies to Re: _publican State Chairinan,|<; Replying to criticisms of Mr.Frank|qLinneyonhis’administration otheStateTreasurer's office,StateTreasurerB,R.Lacy makes it plainthattheattackisbasedonwhatheterms“a long since discredited re-nort of discredited’New York aud- itors,who audited my department in1904, “The principal contention is,?saysMr.Lacy,“that I carried for the years 1912 and 1913 average yalances Of recommendation of four capital ship:Sate funds of $300,000 to $500,000 in|This is an inerease of $70,000,000 0bankswithoutinteres,and)was at last yerr’s figures,J€two more bat-the same time borrowing money for|tle cruisers nave added it.will in:PandetheStateandpayinginterestoniti|the total appropriation about $20,000, ‘These statements are based on the/000.as 1 findings of the auditors above refer-|these shins.red to,which were incorrect as to thé;‘The sub-committee prosente:| amount of the balance shown on,the mer-oraadum summariziag-the.rs.0%-“ooks and totally incorrect as to the!mendations of various.naval officer:conclusions drawn from them,for the}who ware examined oi vie question offollowing‘reasons:the building programiae,They are s:“The book balance shown on the much at variance that.the commiito:books of tHe.State ‘Treasurer dg not would be y diehea VAL FoR Eta areTHE NEW NA a Reported to Commitice, bill,the second of the,administration’:reat preparedness measures,hasbeen,reported “by .a sub-committee tcneHousenavalcommittee,Recent in,ications are that the present four:year building programme will be ap-proved but that the first year’s allotmentofnewshipswillbe’increasefromtwodreadnaughisandtwobatthcruisers,as proposed byDaniels,to two dreadnaughts and foubattlecruisers,* nteeliver any- sali. andyou tatal of $217,652,174 for the comin /y€ar,on the basis of the Secret sick: s of who ege- at any time show the gctual cash bal-|Secretary's plan had not.many of theanceinbank.I carry.acthal aec-)Repeblican members and some of thecountswiththelocalbanksineveryDemocratsalreadyannouncedtheirin.section of the State where ‘a State in-liention of supporting a comproniisestitutionis.located for the conve-|programme of six capital ships.nieneo of the ‘patrons of such insti {Contains «AH of Seeretary Daniels’f j Putions.IfT send $100,000 to a-bank|Recommendations.iat.Morganton,for illustration,that!The bill framed by the sub-commit-‘hank hegins paying the money out as|tee grants virtuaily ail-of the recom.~roper vouchers are presented it for!mcndations made by Seeretary Dan-These include provision fcr: |ere;|rtteetion.My books will continue to!ic!s,;a3:show halanee of $100,000 on deposit}An increase of 13,500 in enlisted.;‘‘4iRi“ith the bank until it sends in to me}personnc},$2,000,000 tor avaiation,the Y e c ry >ff m f ;:aN S }"or cancellation a “month's:ac:}¢creation cf a naval flying corps,au-i f}if ii ae {Lp :(Flawesvan Gal jcumulation of vouchers paid.A sit-jthorization of an elaborate naval re-.!ui i *;i Pu |;:5 :F .HATS {uation similar to this exists with-ref=|serve corps system with an appropria-|:‘-et hy me i ‘ Ur 'ererce to funds carried in New York jtion cf 5150,000 to,begin its organ ert deni Haan aianis ppm e ta wee Ok \Mbanks for payment of interest on the ¢tion;$30,000 for summer cam are ae AeyyjhondeddebtoftheState,which |struction similar to the army citizc éi|amounts to £400,500 per year.Interent piraining camp plan,$5,000,000 for 2‘BoC ra ss Sasi f;2upons paid by them are never sentival fuel,$1,000,000 to re-engine thc Tf so von will mova tha SdSailors,Panzmas and Leghorns.2 |nto me under 80 days after they are;draadnaught North Dakola-and-other 41.80.00 WHI more than lisely beanap=;oaid,and in seme.instances in more Ships.with defective power plants;fix-ian y ai beech yee .Sailors,$1.50 to $3.00,Panamas,$5.00 and |than two monhs,and my books show,/ing the commissionéd personne}!of ¢object of Charity in your old age.Leghorns,$3.00.thy balance on hand,the money.that|line Bt per-cent.-of the enli::<,.:a |has in this way heen paid ont.80 to|Strength in both the navy and Mari:Fu.is he .Come in and let us fit you with that new Spring Hat }'59 davs bofore..These New York ace/Corps;to permit line officers on re-he Sensible thing to do is to:saveBelleeerieaie.|counts are not ¢arried directly in:the|Quast to be detailed to specialize in en.¥Cee ;:oe‘mame of the State,buv sre carried |8inecriag duty;the «ddition of soo 4 pare of your Carmine N OW,The best:PHONE NO.$3.|hough one of the Raleigh banks,Qvalihed-cohtge graduates to the en 4 t s \fetoo‘:wich 2zecounts for the showing made!ring force during the next tor :way to save is to start a bank ace tae?SHERRILL-WHI j E SHOR CO.of balance carried with the Raleigh!cares deduction of pay ofofficers 0 i si :we BN GENERE=-:;jbenk..These aeeounts have for 40;Men.absent from duty pecause cf thc;:‘ 5 ‘wy r Y yr?q x XY |acetalyon ;Zh ye ince at it re ag a .°4 e 7]* -SHEE WINDOW DISPIAY.years been carried in the name of:@ Use ofliquor or other misconduct;fur.#You are always weleome at this bank¥;eee TONY MrsMaTONTRUNESME GS RR ENN ate ee ee a eae a uahanion :. si 4 i "s peu a NEG CM OME nds of the State from bond schem-|Tescrve;mereasing the total appropri.4-1Oo-ma!.y anal }ars sith f ae 7 |S)of the Brier tyne,who are.ale/40m for civilian crete a no matter how small your account©ECECECHORO 240 SORCPLECECROR IO.OF OSTEO vevs on the lookout for some n:eans!Amnapolis Naval Academy to £15 i ay me in and let us‘tell y f e vf forcing the State to pay those old(2 provide for civilian inswructors of ‘may be,Come in and let us'tell you,bea ‘“raudulent bends,and has proven ~a/Aigh reputation as heads of purely;;rrI¢2 7 ANTI_§:ee ee ols)about our SAVINGS.DEPARTMENTeg,°|a Mf.Lacy states that.Mr.Linney’s;The bill as reported would providej ,‘*ee a eo ee ene a Ree Seeneee ;-Onelusions take_no aceount of the;ee oe initia:work on Bede ~‘%Auditor’s warrants and that in in-|290.000 drydock at the Norfolk :iei;|sisting on the State collecting inter-/|tard.The Norfolk yurd als:4 .’reg:El cauuglande oe hence ey bu eine ene s Merchants and Farmers’Bank:{:is C .fe |balance in the hanks.he is advo ye aS LE A mn q od :x:-ating something that—has alrearty|there,while $175,000-is provided.fer—a $a7NewLineSpring.Suits,Hats,Bl con rrovided for by the Legislature |¢tedzing the approach to the Charles Of Statesville,.5 ..sh rf 1915 and is now in effect.a Navy Yard in Couper river.“The Bank For Your Savings.”Hy Shirts and Neckwear 4 Pip etal *ae past three years}*_-VIRGINIA GIRL.=ome .ope :‘:;]and four months of my adminiatral;i an as ia r¢e re mh s Tr :|:iRGI |ee Shaaeaoneerphectares fi q tion,”he continues,“forcign’auditors}pp eae+!—i i )Save been in my offices auditine my ee ;in -2 seoks and it is not charged that—a:Gained 15.Pounds By Taking Vinol i wramnar nee rs :b ..-i =i “ingle dollar “coming into my hands|“Norfolk,Va.—‘“‘I suffered from ner-i VCH RGLAS AND VECTOR RECORDS.ARE A3ALL71HELATESTintheseLINES.|oe ac iene second for or that{nee ase ag sr peute ae ryG.:>)‘he State has lost one penny during}thin,NothingI took seemed to help me ‘ORM ARIT DUETfCallearlyandlookthrough.Will take F nv administration.|until one daya fricpdtold me about Vinol.CONSTANT DELIGHT.By .:i :“My books,”he adds,“are public;§dave now taken six bottles and have :zPBpleasureinshowingyou—whether you are |“Tanerty,and no objeciion will be}gflned fifteen ne Sere z Soa eee y :R ready to purchase now or not eet aca Mist In tact kee They arc the ‘Musical Messengers”that bring;C ce sires ave them g ad.act,|:’ra nal :v7 Iein Inne V qj8Thavegottehasadto"thi wine|«inol ie a delicious cod liver and iron ‘o you the kind of tnusic YOU like best.EveryRespectfully,_usiness,and-feel lonesome without|Ln ee cle cone ready entertainment so delightful that you en-as ances :E Line e ve _and?a low.Pi appe e,£estiol Sel =e,a eT RS Te ee aAVhaving—auditors~around.Uandimabed cure cain picods Sera Joy hearing itover and over again.:baa aid ;wtb (ton og 00 OUF Guarantee,we ;Te .‘ae “4 German Raid on British Coast.yy lial,Druggiat,Stateaville,N.C.Stop in any tiras ahd we'll gladly give you a Victor RecordSloanClothingComyAGermanbattlecruisersauadronLinneaCatalogoandiforyouwnymusicyouwishtohear,x e ;bombarded Lowestoft,England,early ="_There ave Victors aod Victrolas in great variety from $15 to :CROERORROFOCRO CROCHET CCRT folate:FO ONCRORCRORTS eg en opening ate anaes V.~D.PARRES #109,Easy terms if desired..eaeENOatir°Ss.u en,one ...=.ceoerenneet See<a --====————wromean-and-a-child were killed.~The 118 Court Street.|?~'Q TOOT OGIOLOI TORCECRCROLORS arn was apparently small 0 i }2?4 »TS t 5|damag as apparently small.In th y 'Trot §:LN Ba eS BY Ne).5 $|neagement two British light cruisers Plumbing and Heat-.3 +sA:.!Aj and 2 destroyer were hit,but none of Cre ‘renaire for ;‘‘rN Fy Fes SI WAP oeHMNiYI)Ow}R e §(‘hem was sunk.The engaenicnt ue and all ee ae I A nf BRK JAD)‘I R I I |Msx7EInstedahout20minutes,when thee=.Same,Locks and :—Be Fi German squadron left,—_,Guns”repaired and poorer ee nee east iter tents 22233 tebsasdsotastesssttsciosttstrertieieeinectitel@MONEYISPOWERANDCOMMANDSINFLUENCE=&_,Lowestoft is on the north coast of |yee ie ie te =;iHANDOPPORTUNITY!.3 England.about 100 miles to the novih-LEYS .!ed.an ce ;7,é .Haast ef London.It is almost opposite {-anything in repair fi Fey5THEBESTWAYTOGETMONEYISTOSAVEIT!|The Hague.|line We PAL :;:;:|On previous occasions attacks have ,=;ee a %an:AND THE BEST TIME-TO-START-IS RIGHT NOW!een ee :the English coast duv-Phone 269 toe i u :Ry:i ‘j ug the warmby German warshins.The oo hoy =:4 §SO THE BEST WAY TO START:IS WITH A BANK {imost important was December 16 rene nreteereererre aan nH¥ACCOUNT!H ee 4,The towns of Searborough,=cnmeeneeniesneaniitinetdanees ‘a H ::};AH)Whitby and Harilepool,about 50 %4 Re ASSES PEE PHT,1)SRDS8NewInterestPeriodHmailesnorthofLowestolt,were hom-8 °i To go away from home for your FIMLD SEEDS4Ihardedo¢+os :ae ;E .Ay ota g A WwW in ‘fates oe ze a ules :4 when J,ti.Sloop has what-you need at theH=April 1st starts this new Period in our Savings Depart-|On January 24,1915,a further at-Pil +right price,and you may return what you don’tHsite‘l "}tempt of the kind was,made but the :3 ,ae MONE :ae ‘P #=ment.All Deposits made on or before April 6th will {cao pcoedran wae WeewyECL.s + wuseand get your MONEY.BACK?’See.me for#«©draw interest from April 1st at the rate of 4 per cent.jish battleships and driven off.One 4 first class Red Clover,Alsyke,Orchard,Herds#=compounded quarterly.=|German ship was sunk.and two oth-i Ce t ria a i iM on oO Na a a A a6:::its set o fire amaged,O ot SS CHEUCKY britie ai ead Was :4 This Bank welcomes Savings Accounts from both women +#jyssicy ches ene eee eee Oe ;§ee ——ag pings :on aS oe eeBandmen!’Hi -The first German naval raid on the .i Grass,_and Rape,Burt,Black,W hite,Red¥_SS :ty,;British ‘coast was made November e ’“3 set neognt 3 spoft’?s O:rtili :#.Certificates.of Deposit issued by this Bank bear interest 13,1914;when Yaimenth aid Looe OWey Q rig rust proofand Bancroft’s Oats.Fertilizers from: bo &j ;t from date at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum. Checking accounts,either large or small We want your business! People’s Loan and Savings Bank. GEO.H.BROWN President, O.L.TURN Cashier. ,cordially invited. has SERUNG,but it ing.. With its sudden shifts {rom mild,balmy days to cold,bleak days,it is the most treachercus season of the year and sorely taxes thehumansystem‘t«retain its normal condition. It is therefore up tc us to supplement the efforts of nature andkeepthesystamsoregulatedthat.it will be proof against the illsofthisvaryiny;and wearing period? Our high-class Prescription Beperoaent is always at your call .with the HIGHEST of QUALITY,SKILL and SERVICE!PURITY,FRECISION.and PROMPTNESS come first,last andalways“On-the Square.’:GRAY DRUG COMPANY has been anything but “gentle”in its land- ‘On the Square.”, istoft were bombarded,A Britishisubmarineattemptedtopursuethe|German fleet,struck a mine and was}sunk.One of the-German ships also;Struck a mine and was sunk with a'loss of 800 men.enemas Seven Condemned to Death. The seven Villa followers who werecapturedaftertheraidonColumbus,N.M.,and convicted of murder in thefirst.degree,have been sentenced todieMay19. The prisoners pleaded that theywereignorantofwheretheywereco-ing at the time of the raid and that they were forced to follow Villa unde: penalty of death.Six of the bandit: listeried unmoved to the sentence of death,but the:seventh,Jose Rangel who had been wotinded in the raid and was carried into.court on a cot,cried ‘|for.mercy.Judge Medler,of the United States}\:nba at Deming,N.M.,who peers ‘'T.ethecase,ordered the prisoneis to the |V L,dl (Santa Fe penitentiary for safe-keep-|an i ey 0.,|Hy |ing.thea ee |NT LTR }e J Told That There Was No Cure For Him.|}°”4 GREENSBORO,&0.| Ci a | 1}|Roses, Carnations, wt,Violets,~~Lilies of the Valley, in profusion. “After suffering for over twenty years ey :}indigestion and having some of ‘the best doc-P Ik G p ( tors here tell me there was no cure for me,L|l.0.ray ru 0.,think it only right to tell you fot the sake ofothersufferersaswellasyourownsatisfaction ,pats.> hacal Agonta.that a 25-ceent bottle of Charhberlain’s mrabtets : not only relieved me but cured me.within two| Tay e aeMEASURE Naval °Preparedness Measure draft pf the naval appropriation Secretary | ‘The measure ‘as submitted carries o | g | the first year’s”provision for) virtually forced to accept the| i ek Da DD D PD Mothers!Your cares in comfort-oe ing the aches and painsefthefamilyfromyouthtooldage,are lessenedwhenyouusethisoldandtrust-worthy remedy—Sloan's Liniment Bruises——Rheumatism——Neuralgia ‘Mothers:“Keep a bottle in your home” Price 25c.,SOc.and $1.00 Sas Da Sa SF afoo CE Caateaa SE PS Soe ELS 2D 05 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 SO 1 se r e n e ee e ry e : 14 per cent.acid to 8-2-2..Am looking for-thosewhoneedsuppliesandfertilizersontimeaswell as cash,I can take care of your wants. J.E SLOOP. +BABWIBTITISSIIIIISIsassIISIIsies eres rreIzree772T 2270727 erte222 220077e0282oseeeepanarenanarrateeaacssenreraresmeeetinegodeaeoeenopeiet The Simplicity,Convenience and Efficiency of Kodak System have’put amateur photography within reach of every man,woman and childatsinallcost.KODAKS $6 upward;BROWNIES $1 tu $12...Kodaksuppliesofallkiodsia-the genuine Eastman quality. H.GB.WOODWARD en Jeweler, , HUNT BROTHERS, GREENSBORO,N,C. STEAM,HOT’WATER AND VAPOR HEATING,Plumbing and Private‘Water Systems, REFERENCES FURNISHED. WATKINS.writes Jul,Grobien,Houston,Texas,Obtnin- able everywhere,;é :“4 months,althourh Iam a man of 65 years,”| 'BUILDING? ip? —_—oe &‘LANDMARK (CASEMENT —IRISH REBEL.{Called ae NDMARK CAREMEN i “squire Lazenby Wednesday taxed ti re ti “April 28,1916.|History of the Man Who Tried to Help the Germans to Fo- ment Rebellion in Ireland. Sir Roger Casement,who is now in| *!London to be tried for treason for his| */attempt to assist the Germans to bs know something that “|land arms in Ireland to start a rebél-| *~ghould re in the paper,call 14;*/Jion against the British government,| if you hear of something that *|has an interesting history.His latest) _ee Se .*!and perhaps final adventure is an) ch give the Up,e tip 18 *lamazing élimax of the,persistent ef-| *in confidence,secrets are sacred *forts of this Irishman’since the war| in a ‘newspaper office.Call *lhegan against the country which he | omptly—don’t wait.If 14 *|had served as consul and consul gen-| an't answer ‘call 261 or 111-*eral for 18 years and which had hon-| *«green.Your thoughtfulness will *}ored him with knighthood.The futile| mre appreciated ~~willsouler *|character of the enterprise which has .a favor.Call any hour,day or *“lended in his capture,lends strength} *®<night,when you have news.The *to the,idea,first broached by his for-| *~Bandmark is here io print the *|friends,that Sir Roger’s mind is| *.news.Those who help it per-mer *|unhinged possibly as a result of long *.form its mission help the paper +* *'service in the tropics. but that isn’t all.They are pub-:Previous to the opening: ‘®Jie benefactors.They help the *|great conflict in Europe Sir Roger, public,‘aaa 3 *was _known.to the world at largeonly | Meise:»ee *through a report which he made in! 11912,while consul general at Rio Ja-|MOUTH WAS THE TROUBLEreirneiro,on the atrocities committed on, 'te natives by employes of a British com- The Teeth the-Seat of Many |pany operating in ne pulemeye rub-| ’- *|ber fields.As a result of his report,| Diseases—One Man’s Experience la British royal commission,headed by| *Bulletin State Board of Health.|him,investigated the situation and | **Pel]the people to consult the|brought about reforms in the treat-) friouth first when they have chroni*in- @igestion,or rheumatism,or are oth-|fry... erwise sick and don’t know the exact Sir Roger was in America when the cause,”was the messaxe of a man who|European war bégan in August,1914.| made a spécial trip to the State Board|While here he addressed an open let- of.Health offices to take this message|ter to thé Irish press,in which he ad- that.others might profit by his expe-!vised Irishmen to remain rience.This man is thoroughly con-while he would see to it that the _yinced that the mouth and teeth,when |country did not suffer the fate of Bel- not kept in the best condition,can;gium. eause lots of trouble and make a per-|tiania in October. n feel’like the end of his days arc!/The.very next month news came| IRS coprosshing.Speaking of his ex-like a thunderclap to London that Sir} perience,the visitor said:|Robert had become a traitor to his; “Recently,I went to a physician to,country,having gone to Berlin and know the cause of a severe stomach|conferred with the imperial authori-' trouble and-other_complications from tics with a view,it was said,to open-| which I was then suffering.After a ing negotiations between the German Yong examination,witch showed my government and the anti-English blood pressure to be 118 at the age of|varty in Ireland. 46,and my system to be thoroughly!It was stated,according to one sto- Poisoned,the doctor said,rater cau-|ry,that he went to gain,and actually| ously,‘You will have to cut out al-|gained,assurances from Chancellor eohol.and tobacco,for your body is|von Bethmann-Hollweg that under no! aurcharged with poisons that are dan-}circumstances would the Germans gerously affecting your digestive or-|make a hostile invasion of Ireland—; ins;your heart,and practically your turn it into a Belgium. whole being.’But when I-told him!Another report was that he obtain-' that I was a total abstainer,he could!ed a promise that should the Ger-| hot believe it,and said,‘Well,you!man troops land in Ireland all native drink either tea or coffee to excess.’|institutions would be respected.Sir On ‘finding that I-indulged in neither'Roger’s followers in Ireland were,ac-| he was 80 puzzled that he decided to!-nrding to this report,to five every give me.a more searching examination ‘aid to the Germans. which included,this time,my mouth!His friends with one accord declar- There he.found the trouble.Besides |ed that the reports were exaggerated having Riggs’disease I had several de-|or that Sir Roger was not responsible cayed teeth and a suppurating gum)for his actions.His very manner of| and it was all this that was filling my .vproaching the German government, body with the poisons that were un-they held,revealed an abnormal mind.| dermining my health and cutting short |eee ! my days.F’or me,then,my mouth)Good Word For Hopewell.| :contained a world of trouble.But since;FYopewell,Va.,the city that sprung having my tecth repaired and mY)into existence with the du Pont pow- mouth put in good shape,I’m enjoying dey plant,has been pictured as 2 the best of health..tough place,The Lendmark is asked ?‘to print a statement from Rev.Geo. Il.Wiley,which appeared a few days ce 8 ****.8 L THE OFFICE.oem ~The:ndmark appreciates * notice of news items of any ie cter at any and all times.* of the! A-Gampaign “Joker.” In’the-Charlotte Observer a few 220 in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.* days ago a news dispatch from High Mr,Wiley says: Point.told of a “rally”at High Point|“One would suppose that Hopewell in the interest of the Daughtridgeand the Bowery in New York were| campaign for Governor,which was Synonymous from the way some peo- -attended by 6,000 people.In addition |ple talk.For four months I have been| the ‘story said that 17.000 voters in/acting pastor at the First Baptist, Guilford’county had signed up to sup-{church of Hopewell.In that time [) port Daughtridge,The exaggeration |have seen one man staggering drunk is apparent.The following dis-jand have met a half-dozen who were| ——patehin_the Observer from High |‘talking drunk.’I have not seen one/ Point,under date of the 26th,par-tstreet fight;_not-one-quarrel_or-alter-| tially explains:<(ee I have not seen a woman| Senge ment:of men employed in the indus-|| neutral,| He went from Sere to Chris-} Tnto Court.~*~ Lester Flow with the costs for. sault on Lafayette.Robertson.the night before.A vr James Morrison,Walter Campbell and.Pink Allison,all eolored,=were’ tried by Mayor Caldwell and committed to jail in $100 bond each for larceny of brass’ from the town,They had stvipped,it AS- is alleged,all the brass from the ma-'jf chinery at-the old light plantas Jeff,Ingram wes taxed costs yesterday for cursing publicly.| i Consider These Prices oor -WELL ———— Before Buying Elsewhere, Mixed Nuts 10¢,Tb. Hazel Nuts Can of Wesson Cooking Oil:2&e. Apple Butter Can Lye Hominy Can €ampbell’s<Soups.Can..... Peas CanPostTéasties Package Puffed Wheat Package Quaker Grits Package .... Extra good grade Coffee Arbuckle Package |Tetley’s.Tea Package !Good grade Currants Box’.. Good grade Dates Box Macaroni good grade Box ..Pure Apple Vinegar ..28c.gal. BIG LOTS OATS,SHIP STUFF, COTTON SEED MEAL JUST IN FRESH FISH TODAY AND TO- MORROW! Underprice Cash Grocery T.A.Wood’s Old Stand. ‘PHONE 134. Trustee’s Sale of Furniture Plant! SIGNED will sell to the bigh- ;on FRIDAY,MAY 9, 1916,at 2 o'clock,p.m.,the following de- scribed property,to-wit:All the machinery and coois of e¥ery kind, consisting of 6 pieees of wood-working ma- chinery,5 electric motors,«number -of eab- inct tools,together with the belting,electri¢ switches,ete.;also all the stock of unfinish- ed’furniture in course of construction,consist~ THE UNDER est bidder,for ing of one hundred mission library tables’and fH other unfinished furniture,the same being all|the machinery and tools,etc.,used in connee-tion with the furniture plant operated byHorton&Horton and situnted in their fae- tery building near the Diamond Furniture . Factory building,Statesville,N.C.Sale to take place in said building.All this machinery is practically new and this is an excellent opportunity for any persén or cor-poration desiring to eng in the manufac- ture of furniture.Fo irther write RL.T.WEATHREMAN.Statesville, C R.T.WEATHERMAN,Trustee. N. “April,28,1916,_|“Everything to Build With”| Manufactured and ready for delivery § ata moment’s notice. C.WATKINS,Next to McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse.Statesville,N.C:|FOR SALE. farm two milcs fror d |f cleared,2 timber,LO aer to Good red oil,on public road.mary terms.Write or call on J.W.WEBB,Elm- wood,N.C.April 21. with the | information,:¥iM 59c.Table Linen . 41 $1.50 Parasols for Ladies and Gentle- 3 men,only es :meiY)ANTED—10,000 bushels of good white shell-,_ yesterday §default of } Begins Saturday,April 29th,and Continues for 10-Days.|} Having recently bought several Bankrapt-Stocks of General ,Merchandise,{we find we are overstocked on certain lines,and to clean up and make room for.other goods we offer the following goods at these astonishingly fow prices. ONE LOT TRUNKS AT HALF PRICE! $7.50 Rain Coats ‘for Men and Ladies, sale price $4 Men’s Odd Pants,sale price $2 Men’s Odd Pants,sale price $1.50 Men’s $20 Blue SergeSuits for men Ladies’and Men’s Underwear at $1 Dress Shirts for Men 50c.Work Shirts $10 Boys’Suits,only” $5 Boys’Suits,only &2 Ladies’Skirts ¥}$1 Ladies’Skirts mM}2c.Crepe Curtain Goods Blue’Ridge Overalls Blue Ridge Jackets $2 Ladies’Coarse Shoe,only 1 lot $3 Ladies’Slippers,only .. $2 Men’s Coarse Shoes,only $3 Men’s Hats ..........56.05 $2 Men’s Hats $1 Ladies’Corsets $1 Ladies’Waists $1 Middy Blouses $2 Counterpanes $2 Table Linen Sf Table Linen r ALL LADIES’UNTRIMMED AND TRIM- MED HATS AT HALF PRICE AND In our Grocery Department we ‘offer— Good Fat Back Meat .. Granulated Sugar,25 dbs...6.4... Granulated Sugar,single pound ...... 5 doz.Clothes Pins .... Arbuckle Coffee... Good Green Coffee .... 10 Ibs.Green Coffee California Peaches 2 lbs.“Soda Good Axe Handles Good 4 1-2 Ib.Axes,Handled, Cotton Seed Meal,100 Ib........... Bran and Shorts,100 Ib.........a 2 Cans Milk 2 Packs Smoking Tobacco 4 Plugs Apple Tobacco 2 Bales Snuff,only $10 Dinner Sets : 30¢c.Can Baking Powder 40c.5-String Broom Mexican Hats for Men and ‘Boys 290c,worth Shoe Blacking,only 20e.worth Table Salt,only 2,000 Toothpicks } 5 Cakes Laundry Soap 25 Cigars,only 2 Boxes Cigarettes 10c.Extracts 10.quart Buckets Visit the Big Store of SMITHEY &FRA- LEY!Welcome awaits all,and BRING US YCUR CHICKENS,EGGS AND BUTTER! We will pay you the highest cash price. 10e, $1.95.ee $2.50 $1.00 50c.pair $1.25 $1.25eweovea0 SMITHEY&FRALEY. i THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO SEE! ed Corn.Will pay highest market cash price.STATESVILLEAFLOUR MILLS.| i —April dale BUILDING? C.WATKINS.| The ‘joker’who forged a name in order to get by an exaggerated newsiteminthéObserver’s columns con- cerning a politicc]rally,is now tak-ing to the ‘tall timber.’It is likely tcproveacostlybitof‘humor’to the ‘young man responsible.In fact it is a grave offense to perpetrate a fraud.wlent:news item at the expense of any paper.”“The perpetrator of the so-called joke ought to be exposed and punish.ed.:--If he expected to help Daughtridge,his efforts were poorly directed.If he was trying to hurthim,:the effort will re-act. Col.Villistas. Mr., Dodd Still ~Pounding the! dressed in more extreme style or be-| have more brazenly than they do on| Broad Street in Richmond any hour| in every afterngon,I have preached | in a plank tabernacle from three te) seven times a week to audiences that i were made up of 90 per cent of men | jand do not remember ever seeing a/ ‘person whisper or in the slightest way |\reveal rudeness or irreverance.The| general bearing and behaviour of the| people at worship is as good as I eversawattheleadingchurchesofRich- ,mond.Where in the world did the ‘reputation that Hopewcll bears come| ifrom?Certainly it is not deservedjatthistime.There is just 2s much and no more probability of insult or! the streets of Hopewell as there is or” |the streets of Richmond,and net s¢ *Adispatch from—Namiquipa—Gen-;much—as—on—some—of_the—streets_of Pershing’s headquarters in Mexicosays:-——‘A-report dated April 24,from Colonel Dodd,siates that he6vertookabandofVillistasnearTo-fachie on 22d,at 4.30 p..m.,killingsix.and wounding 19 others,manyProbablyfatally.Twenty-five horses were captured.Our loss two killed “three wounded,Fight lasted un-til-after dark.Impossible to tell def-Opis loss of Villistas.”: “Another report says:“Late re-ports from Colonel Erwin state that onthe 20th scouting party from his command encountered small body ofVillistasnearCocomorachieandmor- ly wounded four.Wounded®inDodd’s command doing well and none |Petersburg.Wherever I have raised ‘the question some one replies:.‘Well ,it used to be so.”That I do not know ‘about,but for four:months I have' ‘been there much of the-time,day and ‘night,and I do know about that time I protest against the unfair estimate of Hopewell’s behavior at this time.” With Libeling George Washington. ‘Seattle Post-Intelligencer. George Washington may be regard- ed as the father of all Americans,a /Tacoma,Wash.,judge ruled recently-when he_said that the |information ‘against Paul R,Haffer might siand -and that the case should go to trial, ‘Charged expected to die.” a The War’s Cost. ‘Haffer is charged by Col.A.E.Joab 'with having libeled George Washing- ‘ton when he wrote a letter to a news- ‘The war is now costing EuropeWiore-than.$90,000,000.daily,accord- ing to estimates of the Mechanics dni Metals National Bank of New York."The bank estimates the cost per fir.to England,France and Russiafitlyatapproximately$2,500,000.The cost to the Teutonic empires is in excess of $1,000,000.The totalvatofthewar,if still in progress st Ist,will have been forty-five fiion.Of this England’s share isevenandahalfbillion;Germany’s‘Httle less and France nine and a rter billion. LittleSon of Mr.and Mrs.Banksse-).Dies in Washington. *Robert Miller Banks,young son ofandMrs.Howard A.Banks,for- rly of Hickory,died Wednesday atthe!home of his parents in Washing- tor,tHe had been critically ill for pme days.Mrs.L.L.Moore of Tay- ville,sister of Mrs Banks,wasOmtoWashingtonlastweekonac-dunt of his cohdition.‘The remains|ot can to Asheville for inter-;mit,”Mt.and Mrs,Banks have the|4 of»their many friends”inCarolina,| ‘veterans of paper in which he said that the first ‘President was an exploiter of slaves and used profanity and liguor.Joab forced the case through patriotic mo- |tives.he said. Haffer’s attorney contended that it was no more libelous to call Washing- ton a tippler than it was for.persons° to speak harshly of Adam for the indiscretion he and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden . Ckserve Memorial Day on Dif- ferent Dates. Tribute to the Confederate dead and honor to the rapidly diminishing the Confederate army was paid generally Wednesday in Al- abama,Florida,’Georgia and Missis- sippi in which April,26 is set aside as a legal holiday in honor of the South’s heroes.Other Southern States —ob- Serve the day on ,different dates, Novth and Sottth Carolitashaving set‘aside May 10 for this purpose,Lou- isiana June 1,the birthday of Jeffer- son Davis.arfd Tennessee the second I‘riday in May,which this year comes on May 13, «~The cold weather lingers.Frost in plenty yesterday mornings and more last night, Bible “ectures ——ON THE——PROPHECIES At the Tent on the Chautauqua Grounds (NEAR COURT HOUSE)——BEGINNING —— Sunday Night,April 30. Spring Seat Fibre Rockers.i This large,comfortable,high back “American’’Fibre Rocker,Upholstered with Tapestry,over 9 sprigs in seat. Seat is 20 inches wide,18 inches deep,Zack from seat 25 inches high.Arms A inches wide. __Price each,$9.00. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” —“a PIIONE 100 a" Song Service 7.45;Preaching 8.p m. a 1 .nN PROGRAMM wh RERELLION IN HEAVEN—\ho is responsible for sin? did Satan come from?»What is:his final destiny? CRASH.OF EMPIRES--What witt-be the outcome of the present Enrepean War?What docs the Bible say? THE UNIVERSAL KINGDOM OF PEACE—When will it come? and what are the prospects? FOUR BEASTS,KINGDOM OF DANIEL,ViH—An interesting prophecy explained. POMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN PROPHEC Y—wWhat has God's Word said about her? THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST—Are we nearing this great event?\ SIGNS OF THE TIMES—What are they? PIBLE CONVERSION.—is ii fecling?Is it excitement? is it? SANCTIFICATION AND HiGiLINESS—Does the Bible tehch that we ) Where What can live without sin?SANCTUARY SERVICE,OR CHRIST’S MINISTRY IN HEAYV- KN—What is It?, THE HOUR.OF GOD'S JUDGMENT—Has it begun,if not,when? HOME OF REDEEMED—Will it be in heaven or on the earth? MILLENNIUM—What marks its beginning and end?Russell- ism exposed, ANGELS—Are they departed spitits of dead men? YOU ARE INVITED—SEATS FREE. * \J:B.LOCKEN 3iW.L.ADKINSEVANGELISTS Slippers and Pumps} Our business in this line has grown so that we have this season enlarged our stock and carry almost anything wanted in \Men'’s,Women’s and Chil- dren’s SPRING AND SUMMER FOOTWEAR,from the little tots’25c. ones,up to the swell $3.50 and $4 kind.We sell Shoes that wear and fit the foot,which’insures’comfort.Easethattired,uncomfortable Spring feel- ing in the feet by trying a pair of our new Scuffers.=S We have them for Men,Women ahd Children.Full stock of Tennis Shoes,50c,and 75e.pair. Ladies’Silk Hose in all colors.Pfice 25¢.,50c.and $1.Very.Truly, J.M.McKee &Company, -STATESVILLE,N.C.