HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Landmark, October 1915- ,VOL.XLIL. THE.ALLIES STSTILL PRESS.|1 Heavy Fighting onon the’vate Front—Summary.of Actitiesinthe.War Zone—garia to Join Teutonic Allies? Ki Three small sections of the front in the Western zone;says the Asso--dated Press summary of war .activi-ties,are the’central--points around which the battles between the allied French and British and the Germans continue to:rage.These lie between|.Souchez and Vimy;in the regions ofLoosandLaBasseecanal,and aroundMesuilandMassiges,on the,southern bend of the line.Farther east in the forests of Apre- mont and LePetre violent artillery duels are in progress“We have maintained all ‘ine newpositionsearnera report in dealing withbetweenSouchezand the my, me the.Frenchfighting in the Artois region,where artillery and in- fantry battling is in progress in the hillsThe British are dpivinig hard against the German third line to theeastofLoos,while the French in the directing their efforts towards gaining control of the railroad,constituting the ¢hief line of communication of the German Champagne district,are army on that front. Against the claims of the British and French,—the German officialstatementminimizestheallies’prog-ress and describes the repulse of at- tacks by strong counter-strokes, Advances on the Eastern.ling |the sector}Russia near Dvinsk,‘in in east of Vilma and in the southeast- ern zone near Kormin and Putilowka, are claimed by Berlir.The British have attained a greatsuccessagainsttheTurksinMesopo- tamia,where the Otroman forces are said tobe in full retreat toward Bag- dad,Their losses are described »asverysevere. An Athens dispatch to a ParisnewspapersaysBulgariahascon~ cluded an agreement with the Teuton- ie allies and will enter the war Octo- ber 15,Berlin reports that a large number of Bulgarian troops have left the German capital for thei A German newspaper is au ir ,homes. uthority ‘for the report that British and French troops for service in Serbia have landed at“Port Kathrin,near Saloni-a rumor that 200,000 Austro -German troops have begun advance on the northeast ki,Greece;“while there is Serbian frontier. nee The French war office.announces that the French troops yesterday cap- tured an important defensive work of the Germans south of Ripont.London says the great struggle on the western «front has*tesélyed itself clearly into “nar wattle for T,ms,in Pas de Calais, :ning!miles no Heast of Arras.The iocaptire iof ‘this town,with radiating 1 wallways,would bring into the fare- retakingprsund‘the posssibility of ’Bille.? WEST INDIA STORM. Severe Storm on Coast Heavy.Rains in Interior. NewOrleans and the Mississippi Gulf coast are being swept by a tron- ical hurricane that demoralized com- munication and led to fears of heavy loss of life and prgperty.The Mis- sissippi river levees below New Or- washed away,and at least two lives lost in that section,according to last infor- leans broke,houses .were mation Wednesday. The business district and of Biloxi, Miss.,was under six feet of water and train service abandoned because of washouts throughout a large sec-tion about Bay St.Louis. Last.reports coming from .New Orleans Wednesday before all means of.communication.were lost said the city was in darkness because of ‘theWindhadfloodingofelectricplants. driven the water train above the sea all, in Lake Ponchar- and Miine- burg and other New Orleans suburbs along the lake were’partially under water.The advices said automobiles were bringing in the inhabitants ofthatsection,and that no loss of life had béen reported. aed A dispatch yesterday from Mobile, Ala.,says all communication witht New Orleans by rail,wire or wireless is cut off,but reports from tuat.vi- cinity indieated thet the sterm had passed snd:the water was receding. A report from Frenier,La,,tells of the drown- The loss of lifeis unknown. ing of about 25 persons jury of many others. and the in- The weather bureau yesterday szid >the Whst Indian ‘hurricane was cen-tered over the interior of Mississippi but it had greatly diminished in force. “THe storm,however,is not spent as it mainvains considerable intensity and} is causing’general rains throughout! the:South Atlantic and States and Tennessee,” seast Gulf Killed By Fall From Wagon. Mooresville Enterprise.§ Dick Graham,aged’79 years,came} eet THE MULE.AND|HORSE KICK And Each ‘Seriously Injure aeeAccidents_the HR tt aean’lace,the 6 1-2-year-of Mr.Monroe Wallace ofKnob,.Wilkes county,waskickedb‘amule,in Statesville Wednesdayatternoon,sustaining a se-rious’depressed fracture of the skullontherightfrontalregion.The mulestrucktheboyabovetherighteye and the fracture Wasimore than’anh Poor’s inch long a nee than,a half inchwide.Mr,Wallace’‘and his-little son hadcomefrom,theif,home in WilkescountytoStatesvilleinaWagon,The team was at or near the,Farmers’Union warehouse,in Bloomfield,and the boy was sitting in the wagon, between 2 and 3 o’clock in the af- ternoon.when the:mule kicked him,His father had left the wagon andnoonesawtheincidentjustWaenrtehappened,‘but the attention of .by- standers was attracted immediatelyafterward...The little fellow was sit-ting in the wagon with his head.on the provision box,when found.Dr.FE,M.Yount answered the call «for physicians and the boy was taken to the Sanatorium for treatment.His recovery is expected, Crawford.‘Koon,the 11-year-oldsonofMr.J.W.Koon:of the:Har- mony community,was brought to the Sanatorium Wednesday evening by Dr.W.&.:Nicholson,suffering from fa serious Bary inflicted bya horse’s kick..The ‘boy was struck over the left eye:and the outer part of the or- hit fractured.The sight of the eye may he damaged, Young Koon rode an old.familyhorséto,the postoffice at Harmony Wednesday afternoon.The.animal was old and:gentle,one of the kind not believed capable of hurting any-hody,When he went to hitch ©or unhitch the horse’it got loose and when he tried to ‘catch it the beast turned its heels and kicked him with the result stated. Struck By.a Train But Not Hurt. About 10 o’clock yesterday it was reported that a man had been run over and killed by a train on the lo- cal yards,and there was a fu)!turn- out of all-in and afound the depot to see the corpse.A man was struck by the engine of a freight train but was not hurt.=‘B.W,Martin is the young man and heis said to be a member of the government force fixing the value ofrailroadpropertythroughthissec- tion.He is suppo to have been drinking and wag strolling along theyardjusteastofthe-station.:Afreighttrainwasbackingastalongthetrackanditisreported:that!Mar>tin ‘undertook to catch the engine.He was struck.across the;back andknockeddown.At first it was.thought that he was seriously injured or killed,but he was soon on his feet and going about. It was learned that he had a tick- et.to Charlotte and some of the rail-road folks put him on the Charlotte train.“In about five minutes No,11 eame into the station and Martin came out of the Charlotte train andgotaboardNo.11...When this metNo.36,2 short distance west of:thestationMartinwastakenfromNo.,i1by.two friends and brought.back tothestationandwas:put on the fight train again,and it is pryeomiag he went on to Charlotte. Baby Carriage Burned.: “What if the baby had been:itt 4!”This was the natural.exclamation ofPolicemanand’Mrs.J.C.Wasson, when they discovered Tuesday after- noon that their baby carriage was in fiames..Mrs.Wasson had placed her five-months-old baby ‘in its carriageandrolledit‘into the kitchen whileshe“finished her work there after din- ner.Completing ‘her kitchen duties, she lifted the baby from the carriageandtopkittothesittingroom,where she expected to spend the afternoon. Presently,Mr.Wasson detected the odor of burning cloth and began an in- vestigation.After:examining the ex-terior of the house he entered thehousefromtherearanduponopeningthekitchendoor.found the baby car- riage enveloped in flames.Mr.Was- son quickly rolled the.carriage out the hack door and the fire was,quenched with the yard hose,»'The metal por- tions of the carriage were about ail that was left.;Mrs..Wasson had left the carriage within a few feet of the kitchen stove and it is supposed that a spark from the stove set fire to it. Change iin’Marble and.Granite Business, The business of the StatesvilleMarbié‘and Granite Co.,operated,forsomeyearsoneastBroadstreet.byMr.Zeb.Deaton’of Mooresville,+is being moved to’Mooresville..*Messrs.W.I,Reece,J.A.Conner and A.P,Barron will at once estab-lish-a similar business at the samestand.e business will be conduct-ed:under the name “f »B.Reece & cy to a trngie end Tuesday afternoon,|20. while in ine of:duty on the farm of Mr.R.8.Templeton, northeast th of -Mooresville, Templeton and several ree miles Graham had gone to the bottoms with Mr. negro meén,all of whom were engaged in hauling in the;hay.The old derkey was.ontopof.a big load snd becoming’un-balanced »was precipitated| fet to aren the School 0istrictI Disturbance. Sonte days agoan election was held.in District No.,2,the Barkley .school,and the special’tax of 10 cents'on thepropertyand30centsonthe-poll was Voted off.Bighteen voters were reg-istered and “three voted for the tax and 18 against it.The.location of the school house.inthisdistrictwaschangedandtheeléc-ground,His,neck was nee the}tion and result.was’jn the nature ofpeaewarteofthe:change, ‘STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,OCTOBER 1,1915.f-—— THREE JUGS ‘OF |WATER. Clarence Carlton,Colored,Paid Good Money For ‘Three’“oni_of Water in An Old Suit Clarence Carlton,colored,eeeatoundthedepot,has never been abletoadjusthimselftothenewogderofthingsthat:permits a fellow to Rave shipped ‘to him just one quart at’a time.He has been mski »best of circumstances,but made“up 'hismindiftheopportunityshould’ever ¢ome he would lay him in.a supplythatwouldlastforatime.The op;portunity canie Sunday and Clarence took advantage of it, .Train No.22,eastbound,is due here at 1.15 p.m.A fewminutes be-fore this hour Sunday a white man ¢p- proached.Clarence at the depot and ex-‘plained to him that in the suitease he earried was three gallons of fine corr liquor...He had been to north Tredel!to secur®it for a friend,who wouldinonNo.22..The white man did- n’t know what he would do,if >thefrienddid’not come on No,22,fox bewouldn't have any use forthe liquorhimselfanditwouldbeaburdenonhishands(Clarence’s eyes’began .toenlargeandhecouldseehisopportuni- ty,and he could hardly restrain him- self from anticipating and answeringthewhiteman’s question).But.thewhitemancontinuedbisstery.He told Clarence he would swing ortp the suit case and liquor until he could see if the fellow was on.No.22,If |he were not on there then for Clarened to have what he was out in money+-$12.- 0-—-ready and teke the package offhis! hands.No.22 ~xolled into the yard and; Clarence colildn’t see anything’for}looking go herd.He was wishing thefriendwouldnotbethere.’Sure enough,the white man rushed out and réported his friend had failed.him.| Clarence shoved the $12 in the sStran-| ger’s hands and took over the suit! ease.The stranger was lcaving on No.22 as Clarence was making his |*‘way back to his post of duty.He wasboundtoattendtoalittleworkbe-| fore he went into the suit case but he!, got.to it as soon as possible.|When he raised the lid there—sat} thrée ‘nice’white jugs ard they.werc! heavy‘and properly.marked “corn liq-;\¢uor.”“Clarence took out one and shook| it to see the bead,but it didn’t bead.Clarénee tasted it and found it about the bést all-round jug of water he had! ever seen.Clarence turned .white and he was heard to say:“Oh,myGawd!dis ain’t liquor an’my money gone!” Clarence’s experience wes soon ‘known around the station and he has been a little shy since.When ttewritertriedtointerviewhimhede-clined tobe interviewed.He was as-sured that most of the facts were known. “Den youse’ll have ter use ’em fer I got rothin’to say,”Clarence replied.Clarnce waited a few days and then took the suit case and its contents out and mutilated them.He has also found out sirice what he didn’t know Sunday—the same feliow was around the night hetets trying to land suck-ers.‘K. | DistrictMeeting ofMasons.The meeting of the Masons—An- district.will be held in Statesville No- vember5 and Mr.W.I.Gilbert,D.D- G.M:(whatever that may mean),hasalreadypreparedaprogrammefor the meeting. “At 11:30 on ‘the 5th-—the same bhe- ing Friday—the meeting will be ‘call- ed to order in the local lodge room by Mr.Gilbert’and opened with pray-cr by Rev.Dr.Chas.Anderson,the chaplain.”Address of welcome by Rev.Dr.Chas,E.Raynal and response by Dr.Ed.S.King of Stony Point lodge,after which ‘the first degree will be conferred by.Mooresville lodge,,In the aftslioon the second’degree will he conferred by Campbell lodye.The “Needs of Our Orphans’Home.” wills be;presented by RR.L.Brown, superintendent;“Why I Should Take ihe ChapterDegrees”will be discuss-ed by ‘Rey.J.Fy Kirk,and’“Our Ma- sonic and Eastern Star Home”by J.J.Phoenix...Reports of lodges and short talks. At the evening.session the third degree wlil be conferred by Wilson lodge.Address.by Mr.R.C.Dunn.grand orator.Subject,“Masonry Is’ ‘A collection will be taken for theOrphehs’Home, Mr.Long’ss Art Work Exhibited in Charlotte. Mr.Me.Rs Long went to CharloticWednesday’to exhibit specimens «fhisartworkattheCarnegieLibrary there last night.):The:Observer of yesterday said: “The coming of Mr:Long was at the instance.of-the art-department of theWoman's ‘clib,which “has seized thisopportunityforawakeningandculti- vating.a genuine interest in art.Thceventthiseveningwillbethefirs|of the kind the eity has had,and it is expected that worth-while re- sults’will flow from it. ‘Since his return a few years agofrom‘his studies “abroad Mr.Longhasbeenaddressingwnimselfwit! fidelity,erithusiasm ayd industry topaintingofvariouskinds.»Some ofhismostnoteworthy:achievementshavebeenintherealmofportraiture, although he has found time to prozianumberofpicturesofdifferenisubject,character and treatment.Afew.representative specimens form the.subject-matter of.'tonight’s ex "hibition.pet |tenia: cient,Free and Accepted—of the 29th}, ene Soca eer Ne ce a nme WORK OF VISITING NURSE. Rendering Fine’ Service—Civic League Votes to Continue the Work, At the meeting of the Civic League,held Twesday afternoon at the Commercial cluy,Mrs:Vera B. Jones,the visiting nurse,made .thefollowingreportforthemonthehd- ine September -25:Total number of visits 15%—181 to white and 21 to colored.Ninetv-eight of these wére nursing Visits:Thirty- one white and nine colored mothers were instructed.Four white childrenwerereferredtophysiciansandthe nurse attended four operations,Oneinjurywasdressedanumberoftimes during the month. About the first of July the Bloom- field Manufacturing Company grant- ed the Civie League free use of a cottage and in this every Thursdayifternoon,beginning at 3 o’clock,isheldwhatiscalledtheMothers’club. The mothers meet there for their mu- tual benefit and for instruetion from Mrs.Jones.»‘They take their children that cannot be left at home and they spend the timein play and.listening to special programmes of story tell- ing and join in games.During .the month Mrs.Jones attended four ofthesemeetings’and.reported a good, attendanee from children, The questiom of con<tnuing thenursecame.up and it was unanimous- ly decided to undertake the’securing of suppert to continue the work. The Governor’s recommendationsforfirepreventionwasreadtothe club by Mrs.B.F.Long. - Pupils at New School Building. Supt.Thompson’has experienced some difficulty in relieving the conges-tion in the lower grades in the old graded school.by transferring pupils to the new school,where four grades jhave been established.The territory jfrom which pupils are required to at-tend the new school now embraces all of the first and ‘second wards,except children living south of the railfoad, and the fourth ward up to Oak street.ithe territory having been extended from time to time since:the opening jof school.Volunteers from ;a@ny:part (of town are now being:called:for and ouite a number of ¢hildren frem the |third ward;who have agreed to at-‘tend the new school,are:being ,trans-but notwithstanding there is still a larger number of pupils in thelowergradesattheoldschool, Miss Jessie.Massey is teacher of the first grade at the new school.Miss Annie Terry is teacher of A second grade,Miss Margaret Willis teacher of B second,and Miss Alice Harris, third.“Miss Massey is principal of the school.The total enrollment of,the white schools is now about 830.about 170 of which are at the new school. News of the Churches. Rev.J.O.Mann,who was expected to come to Statesville on a visit ad fill temporarily.the pulpits of:Front Street and Barium churches,did not eome and The Landmark learns that the report that he was to come was anerror. Owing to the absence of the rec- tor,there wills be no services at Trin-ity Episcopal church Sunday. A revival begins Sunday at FifthStreetMethodist’Episcopal church.Rev.Y.D.Poole of Kannapolis —will assist in the revival, A called meeting of Concord Pres-bytery was held at Davidson College yesterday,the special object of the meeting being to receive under its care candidates for the ministry. Among those received were.James Foster fromthe Davidson College church and Reid Poole ayn Moores- ville.. Protracted meeting will begin at the Baptist church at Harmony next Sunday.Rev.Mr.Frye of Mocks- ville and Rev.Mr.Binkley of:Holly Springs will assist the pastor,Rev. Mr.Brown. Communion—services at.Concord church,Loray,Sunday:Preparatory services begin today. Revenue Collections For Sep- tember, During September,Ccllector Watts of the fifth district collected $1,035,- 463.23 internal revenue taxes,as fol- lows: Tobacco .......hile sabea'as $1,022,556.80 ')Emergency (war)taxes .11,257.94 Income’taxes .........1,248,74 Fines and’penalties.....246.74 Liquor license .........»89.60 Narcotic license .......63.41 This is the greatest amount ever collected:in one month in this district, being $120,998.08 more than for the previous month,and an increase over September last year of $413,- 775.29,or 66 2-8 per cent. Football Game Tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon at’3:30 o’clock at the ball park a game of footballwillbeplayedbetweenthe.HighSchoolofDavidsonandtheStates- vile High School.This will be thefirst’game in the State High School contest. Statesville’s line-up will be Mitch- ell,center;Guy,left guard;Cun- ningham)right guarg;Deitz,“left tackle;Bowles,right!tackle;Bris-tol,quarter back;Grier,full back; Overcash,left half baek;Chipley, right half back;Gill,Nicholson,Wiggs and Roland ends. Delegates from 28°chapters attend-ed the State Congress of the D.A.R, in Waynesville,Raleigh was select.ed as the next place of meeting, : NEWS IITEMS OF INTEREST, HappeningsHere :and There in the Country. Five negroes were electrocuted attheStatepenitentiaryinColumbia,8. C.,Wednesday,within an hour and 10 minutes.All were convicted of mur- der.Several thousand garment workers are on strike inghireao.The:labor}t leaders say the strikers number 26,- 000...The employing:tailors say.the number is 2,000. A mass meeting has been called to assemble in Columbia,S.C.,tonight to consider the recall of Mayor Grif-fith.Sensational stories concerningthemayorareincirculation. A Philadelphia and Reading passen- ger train ran into two gangs of work- men in a tunnel near Phoenixville, Pa.,with the result that six werekilledoutrightandeightothersweresoseriouslyinjuredthatthreediedin a hospital,As a result of taking“nerve tonic distributed by a demonstrator,in a de- partment store in Philadelphia,two persons were sent to a hospital cvitic- ally ill and 25 others were madeaue- riously sick.Bichloride of mercury is believed to have been given acci-dently in place of the medicine. ‘For the first time.in history Chi- nese shipbuilders are competitors of the European shipyards.A’steamshipcompanyofDrammen,Norway,has ordered three steamers in China to be delivered in 1916.and 1917.The placing of this order in China is duetotheunusualpressureonthehome yards, Long distance wireless telephone communication was accomplished for the first time Wednesday when ex-periments extending over severalmonthsculminated’in’successful transmission of the human voice by radio from the great naval plant at]; Arlington,Va.,across the continent to the station at Mare Island,Cal.,2,500 miles away.Directors of the Rock Island rail- road system under the regime:ofDanielG.Reid and William H.Moore,have been made defendants in a resti-tution suit for $7,500,000 brought:inNewYorkbyJacobM.:Dickinson,re-ceiver for the Chicago,:Rock ‘IslandandPacificRailroad:Company,‘theeperatingcompanyoftheRockIsland combination. A dispatch from London says there have been so many cases of zealous recruiting sergeants inducing Ameri-can men of the crews of cattle boatsandothercrafttojointheBritisher-my that Robert P.Skinner,theAmericanconsulgeneral,has effected arrangements with the board of trade by which such men who repentoftheirenlistmentshallbepromptly|i released. The granite shaft which,has been erected at the graves of the late Con- gressman Walter Preston BrownlowofTennesseeandhiswifeattheNa- tional Soldiers’Home,Johnson City, Tenn,,will be unvei'ed Sunday:Brown-low was the author of the bill that re-sulted in the erection of Johnson City home for.veterans,and in recognitionofhisservicesthebodies.of himeelfandMrs.Brownlow were buried on the reservation.The mounmént’waserectedbyBrownlow’s son-in-law and others,pas A Deserted Corpse. Wadesboro Ansonian.| R.J.Beverly,a prominent coloredcitizenofthecounty,had a ratheruncannyexperienceafewevenings ago while passing a cemetery for:col- ored people in Gulledge township.Hesawanobjectneartheroadandnot knowingwhat it could be so near thegravesat.that time of night,he pro- ceeded to investigate.He found the]: body of a colored’man in a coffinnearwhereitwastobeburied.Itseemsthatacoloredmanhaddied in that particular community that dayoftyphoidfeverandoneoftheneigh- bors carried.the body to the grave, where it was buried next day.Noonewantedtostaywiththebodyor keep it in their homes,so it was left at the cemetery. .Wade Ate Post.A quiet’home wedditi¢took “placeattheresidenceofMrs.J,E.MeCan- less,at Dunn’s Mountain,Tuesday night,whe her daughter,Miss E. Beatrice,beezme the bride of Mr.Wide Otis Deitz,the ceremony being performed:by Rev.Dr.J.-H.Randle, pastor of the Methodist ¢hurch atGraniteQuarry.Onlya few friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony.Mr.Mr.and Mrs.Deitz left Wednesday night for Houston,Texas,where the groom has a position in one’of that city’s leading drug.stores and wheretheywillmaketheirfuturehome.(Mr,Deitz is a son of Mr.‘and Mrs.M.J.Deitz of Statesville.) HandIt to Iredell. Durham Herald._; The,county that has not made a kick against the incressed assessment by the corporation commission should stand up and reccive due credit, Otto.Hovker,an escaped convict, who shot and ‘killed Harry Minto,|anwardenoftheOregonpenitentiary,and fatally wounded J.J.Benson,¢ity marshal of Jefferson,Ore.,died fromwoundsreceivedinarevolverbattle with a posse.© The contract for the new FederalbuildinginCharlottehasbeenlettoJohn’G.Unkefer &Co.,of Ohio,Thecontractpriceis$192,692.:The build- ing,is to be completed in 20 months, npergehiermersenrsnenerentspncceteoias een BRIEF ITEMSLOCAL NEWA —Mrs.P.B,Key,who was critical ly ill,has.improv : The ladies of'Street ‘Moth-odist church will oitheir annual a zaar December 9t —The Ramsey-Bowtie ¢MorCo.sold thé studentsof Due% Female College,Dus ‘es :their college uniforms...: Mrs.R.W.Orr andMr.eKDullwillmaketalksatthepicnicat Vance »school house,’zhitownship,tomorrow afternoon.’ —THe United Dayghters~ot”aConfederacywill’meet.Monday:after- noon at 4 o’clock with,Mrs.-zMontgomery..Important meet -~Charlotte Observer:Mis:garet Overcash of Statesviunderwentanoperationatthe P¥esbyterianHospitalMonday,is gettin along nicely. —In returning from WinstonlemSundayafternoon,Mr.WKnoxofStatesvillekept’an”of all the automobiles’he metcounted70:between Winston ~ and Statesville.# —Fire of unknown |origin4:30 o'clock Wednesday morning \slight damage at the home of E.Clapp,on:west Broad street.small hole was burned in the flothesecondstory..The firemenspondedandputthefireont.— --Mr,G.E.Bolinger aorchardonaplacehenah Statesville and just nowbentandbrokenunderthethegreatcropoffine©5loadedpeartreesmakeanai picture. —The Statesville ‘Basketball AAssociationisgettingin.shape for thewinter.The season will becpenedThanksgiving.The vacant’north of the opera house will be yeinshapeandusedfor‘an open air court,,; —Special attention will be siven many places to the “Fire Prevention Day”‘October.and a special effort is beinginstruct.school children in.fire.vention.The matter is most 4antanddeserves‘all thethatcanbe.given it!< —A deed has:ben,recanitransferring’the’an eration named beingdollars’worth ofrevenge stamtobeplavedonthedonde}was.recorded.Pee pert grader for Tred ;put on the market,as ae fer gested,A petitionGregoryhasbeon signed by ofbuyersandginners.© —-For the benefit-of thosecan’t understand how one’s arm canbetornhalfoffandngbonesbroken,as was stated in.the last issue of.Veracious Chronicle of Human&:it.is explained that it :arm,that was tornhalf affof.The’otype is great,but sometimes it imonesaysomethingelse. Stewart Cowles,16-year-oldsoneeH.H,veniene i d.attack-of acute appendic’édnesdayafternoon‘and Weewas taken toSanatoriumabout6o’clock,woperationwas.performed-‘Mrs,J.E.McLaughlin underwent.aperation at the SanatoriumConditionofbothpatientsisaging. “While cotton has:been 412-cents on most of the local mathepastfewdays,and in somstancesmorethan12,the } Very little cotton has been’o sale here.The farmers who havecot- ton ready for market are in ho tet,In Charlotte yesterday theprice,drop ped from 12:.to 11 3-4. —Despite the inclemency ‘of theweather,a fair audience hlectureofRev.Alberto Clot First Presbyterian churchdaynight.His subject was t denses,Their History andandwasillustrated.e lectagoodandenjoyedbythosewhopresent.A collection was takenthebenefitoftheWaldenses.— —Attorney L.R.Pierceis ¢ering locatingin Indiana,He expectstoleaveabout.the 22d of O .iAnderson,Ind.,.t6 visit hisJ.S.Pierce,and if heditionsfavorable,he.willthere.Mr.J,8.Pierce,Tredelt man,has for some’yonthepoliceforceofisnowinchargeofther pas Q..AL ;:of tre Statesville Merchants’A:tion,who has been making afightfor‘a rural credity notified by Mr.T,B.*MartdDurham,president of theStatechants’eneSesociationsthrroneState,endorsing rural eredits measure.—Markham has’Pie senmitten:ta | Shelton of t authority in the premises, A WashinAmericansailila nue veblownrnsCapeOrloff,in the.Whiteatotalloss.‘The ¢es Lone) Value of Land in the State ae {000.000 ie.now owned,by.the Onn:|Given theCensus Taker,Com-},Sader our Di een ele Galen an Assoelationin cities—“NOPTHAT WAY.|pared with Tox Values,[{Nt'ting isnearly impossible.tol theannual reportBhe sean ‘The Landmark is much in sympathy!When the census was.taken Inlopernte :Fe eae 789bull ingswith th ir Ti “eriticisms of the regulation’)april,1910,the 268,000 farmers in damwctely ‘Bad —bad it|braries and equiprasn ‘Poa,Career eee f lations :‘‘Nee wei “the will of local tax officers}expenses of the work in>the United ||‘or rather,the lack of regu 8!North Carolina,owners ‘and tenants,|"°."oe.Le aLDesitandpunisheshonesttaxpayers.Any|States totaled last year $13,000,000, ‘which permit the insurance compa-|were asked,What is the local market system of government is,'|in foreign lands there was an expen-|{P- nies to work their sweet.will in North |value of the farm youace openae Vorly tempts human nature,said|diture of $483100,> Carolina.Every time an attempt ‘jg |The sum ofthese rep in.each Famenid Burke.‘The sooner ih There was a gain of 40,000 men Bere in the Legislature to.bring |Cpamty,19:the,congas,ae oatant]PAR of the State come to thts toys enratied in Bible classes,the t Te,to taw,the report,in:sent out lang--which te tied sem Mania ofteam,|cnrone oUF Presant SAY RYRSEE §Fa ae eee ae0.t8,employ:I that they will leave the State if un-|parison with the tax value of land—|”!tices Among the Farmers,|ment was found for,58,257,.In physi-|| :‘erions are imposed and this|the amount.at which tHe Jand is as-|Injustices “Amdnt iv eeetates |cal training 447,000 were enrolled.yee.reetrsetons *\sessed for taxation—-in an.interest-|The farmers of ‘the United State bluff,with the other means used,iS/i,6 article on tax studies in a recemtjare probably returning for +MOTHER!YOURCHILDYOURCHILD =H effective,Thé insurance people nat-lissud of the University.News Letter.|a larger,‘proportion of their’:-4 0;FEVERISH, “wrally snicker—if their ‘feeling of|On an average,the ‘News Letter|ties than any other class of le.._1S CROSS,tISH, oohead for us'does not create too finds,the tax value of land in North]Also,as a rule,they are paying taxes FROM CONSTIPATION! gpontempt for hey think |C2?olina in’1910 was 89 per cent,of|on smaller valuations.But.when an List esgmigient i Be Macau ae much disgust—whenever they thins |the census value;and the census valr of farm’land in one county bears |j¢Tongue is Coated,Breath,Bad, of the easy markr ‘we are in North jue,it should be remembered,is every,|a)burden of State taxes 14 times St h Sour,Clean : rolina._|where lower,as a rule,thanthe reali heavier than an acre bears in anoth-|)omac 1 eee ae this js preliminary to saying /9r sale-value-of the lend;Many Jand-|er county;it,istimefor the farmers |~and Bowels.Spee ae ee ee The Landmark feels.that (Owners replying to the question »of|toES busy.“live ‘California Syrup of Figs ji that while The Lan i the census taker as to the value of|As it is now,the greatest inequal-|"Give “Galifornia Syrup of Figs” way about it and is on record ashav-|their land,suspected that the ques-|ities do not lie between corporation|1+once—a teaspoonful today:often ie ing expressed that opinion often,it|tion might have something to do with|and country property,|nor,|bet Ros vés 9 sick ohitd.tamanaw:}een Ei ay,ee apron thize with those papers |tax valuation and of course placed a|town lots and farmland;‘but among|’”j¢your little one is out-of-sorts,|}.BAAN AMOR TE ER M 2 | can't we +at the |!oW.value on the.land;while the av-|tho.farmers:in the assessment...of half-sick,isn't resting,eating and act-|}:,Na OPEL TN ae 4 ' who seem disposed to sneer erage man will naturally—replying|farm lands within county lines,amd);naturally —look.Mother!see if|t uated ude Oe erts to educate our people in the tg 4 query as to,the value of land|among the counties’of the State.—oe von 1k eaten Thls tw wire wlanil aR ee: matter of fire prevention,simply be-|when he does not think @ sale is in|The .grossest injustices in taxation i i i ‘{its little stomach,liver and bow-|{1 Ai tae i Se .YS!Fite yaa S . ¢ause we are gouged by the insur-|prospect—give the minimum value.|the farmers in North Carolina suffer oe "doeeea with waste.When!&’;THAT You WICL a SUIT:i 4 {This explanation is to show that the|are the injustices they inflict upon)""".ye ae > companies...While they don't}"value by no means:represents |themselves among-themselves,|SF08S»bree a Th i “AND:,T to do so,these papers leave)the real value on an average.Hist of the Contin!Ae ne eter oe iil OF CL 2 O SCHOOL. mpression that’to have many|During the recent Summer Schooi|‘phe Shmaplarinag!af consua inetiaee A THOM peeing et *s te iaa i ;s am 6°oe ee Be .7 i 5 the only way we have to get jat the University,says ‘the News-Let-!in land values with the tax book in-Soran afFigs”and in:a few hours all T .Tone C aa 9 GOOD Par with the insurance ,companies,|‘€?,Mr.W.R.Tingle of “Pamlico|crease,as made hereinafter,is based|jhe constipated poison,undigested |)i W CE {-WILL ™Oo :«of county,(1)made a study of ten-vear |ihe 1900 and 1910 census \reports :bil tly moves out of |#€GIVE @ KNIFE WITH EACH BOY’S Hey do not harbor such ideas 01);eases in census and in tax.values|ind the’reports,of the,State agen es ,sAshend spine.Baa!TO }ME NOW.) se,but “their criticism of the of farm lands in the State,(2)rank-/|7'4x Commission—1904 to 1914,Coun-qu 'ee ey fod :::gut :have a well,playful child again,be hans et efforts at fire prevention is misdirect-|ed the counties:according to census|ties in this ‘séction of the State rank you .:|p sa , Bh The Tapdmark doem't think too!Menensesotte egaa increases oeeen th J entlotterscanzest cuss ater vine 1 SLOAN Clothing Company.| ay aia j ri .¥.8 i i BF vac ‘ai 'é .|killin =uch.can be done.on that line.BY)stax v:alues ag’shown in the reports cane a ead ee or ee it never fails to bar ny the little gcd s —x the greater proportion of our/of the State Tax Commission,1904|crease only 85 per cerit.;in Cleveland liver and bowels and sweeten©the |===So °aaa aia Se es Boag crea :heydearly love its pleas-|sessstzaslscesst:a azTsTESSEIES TSBsTesey e due to criminal negligence:|and 1914,it is 174 per centf to 88;Catawba,stomachand t aoenS,:seetees Tra ‘the man who wantonly and wil-In the State-at-largethe census val-|172 ato:"Stanly,171 to 100;Union,ant taste.Full directions for babies,|}(:;9°%Ec °e :i :ne of farm,land increased $201,000,-|155 to 90;Davi 148 to 116:Ire.|Children of all ages and for grown-ups)§a aes | fully permits conditions to exist that 000 between.1900 and 1910,On the|den,1 en a yth,ma Ast 1b:printed on each bottle.Hi Ua :€in ]S invite a conflagration isa criminal if|t.*books.the value of farm land in-Buncoitihe;184 to 78;Rutherford,|’Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.|#al 7 :e {+Rowan;-124--+0--73;-Durham,113 _to tle of “California Syrup of Figs;"\%&=Oo mr ree or ae -fire results .through his negli-|creased $64,298,602 during this pe-|126 to 68;Mecklenburg,126.to 70;Ask your druggist for a 50-cent’bot-|§ 34 j whit less a{Piods Se a TT oe eee eae =6 : nat ae ae at the jJaw|,Zhat is to say.while the tax value/go;Henderson,111 to -85;Alexan-then*see ‘that it is made by the “Cal-|§ aaa Ce Me 7 ‘pbaldy of farm land in the Bel was increas-|der,109 to 72;Lincoln,108 to 51;|ifornia Fig Syrup Comp2ny. loes not make him one $ing 54 per.cent.,the,census value in-|Yadkin,106 to 69;Davie,106.to.65;®: ‘The ‘Landmark not only favors.®|creased 142 per cent.,or nearly three anew.105 to 88;iieghent,102 to Suitable for any one to receive. i f education in|times as rapidly,Meanwhile the tax|54;Randolph,94 51;Ashe,93 t THE BEST CO AL ;:;. :eve ot Bm oerevention--for'it value of town lots increased 188 per 51.oe %me .‘!:Suitable for everybody to give. e matter 0 cent.;and public service corporation Seen § ,jis only through line upon line and|nroperties,bank and.building and x D It“is time you are ordering your “precept upon precept that our care-|toan =stock increased in value—on our Forty Four Dead as Result of fuel for winter.The best.coal for**:;°:f e Jess and criminal habits of permitting |tax books 278 per cent...«Z Gasoline Explosion.[|general use is our celebrated rs J Uu St in---New Selections. ...fire risks will be changed—but it fa-Jax Values Lag Behind in 84 Counties;‘A:spark from a workman’s ham-‘.,ek:;ml : comet.+»vivid The ten-year increases in the cen-|mer ignited a tank car of gasoline af,Genuine Jelico i j -~yors such laws,and their rigid en-|...Vo1ue of country real estate range}Atdmore,Okla.,Monday,and from Powhatan Blue Gem forcement,as will severely punish |trom a decrease of 8 per cent.in|the ruins of two city blocks,razed by :.It will make you feel good to see them. those who by sheer negligence endan-|Dare to an inerease of 882 per cent.|the resulting explosion and the fires),PennsylvaniaAnthracite ::; ;;ighbors’|in Pamlico.Between 1903 and ,1913,,which,followed,44 dead bedies were 2 ie ;:‘y me wer gre and.thal,nelehher the increases dn tax value range from |taken,..The property ‘les is estimated Run of Mine Steam,Coal.;ig We ake P roud to show them. pet 1 ¥%es -gay Pee COE 5/29.cceht.in’Graham:.i at,a,half,million.;y f ‘aahTTTledtLidwineshisprovertyAahinHerneteAperhtmv:“caused by the||We also handle Oak abd:Pine de® ‘burned,no matter how well he is}Pamlico heads the list with a cen-|flaming)liquid which was thrown for Wood,and do all kindsof Bayley Neted-by-insurance-and no matter |sus increase of 383.ner cent.....The in-|blocks when the car,which contained||Moving household goods a special- i 1 Ve ‘ Statesville Dr T yrenee:tatéesville Drug Comp’y, hot he fegh:toward the insurance/¢rease in the-tax values of.farm land }250 barrels of gasoline,exploded,were 2ty.!i .pigs as oe he «‘TL ver cent.°+iE :nists.gobkefk°¥Swat the latter on.every in the county was “71,ner cent:‘Dare|gotten under control after two hours’;H olland Bros.1 .Quality Prescriptionists i ,i ffered:a d f.rant.i mid 4 :Ccsahion,dh ey to:put’sotne Vack-\consus talesoflveland;bat be-iment,It Depot Phone No.THE REXALL STORE ,c mi)7.‘ hone in.our legislators so they can|tween 1903 and 1913 assessment val-|Not a building on Main street es-|]Residence ’Phone No.310Black. he dealt.with,But also continue to|%¢s increased 62 per cent.eaped damage,either.as a.result .of|wee anita aati :¢In 84 counties census values out-/|the force of the explosion or of|the|xpearmmacncacacacececeeCOCOOHO valineinsistuponthestri¢test observance stripped tak values.In 19 ¢nties Aone taltnoiee “All Cad buildings,Ol of fire:prevention regulations.~rears reeeeee —double oF |business houses and residences with-ogg ,‘adodia TIRER more;in 12 it was treble or moré:/in 12 Dlocks..of the business district,‘Oi.” a THE Bets *§LIBERTY.Jin Pamlico it was.more.than five|hear evidence of the explosion and ae uy iF Mr’!Alfred’B.Williams,an editor|times the tax increase.|ne:\practically,every window in the city of note in the South,has retired from |About Equal in Some,Cases,Ahead|was shattered by its force. the-editorship of the Roanoke (Va.)in Others.Two,workmen were busy repairing aN ;Tn 10 counties*the.increase in taxithe tank,Suddenly one of them/%Q ;ty.;5 Times by reason of a distinct differ-|vaines of farm land kept pace fairly |struck it with a Tera “Al “apart ‘TheFlour of uali °F} ence.of opinion between himself and|well with census increases.These ten|from the blow ignited.fumes escaping “The th in teaSiunsTheMarkofQuality. Le couteslars of the company that (counties ere Yencey,Guilford.Hay-|throngh a email leak.‘There was 3|@ Do Votes te tale a4 ae. owns the Times,as to the policy of wood,Wilkes,Montgomery,Macon,terrific explosion.followed“by many!%thecelebrated wheat grown in that paper.This reminds-The Land-es ee Clay.|smaller ones...'The .workmen...were|#the Shenandoah-Valley of-Vir-4 :TREX ACO.ENG INE OF}a, “i us increase was i Be .‘. mark that,when the late Jos,PliND'her cont and the tax.book blown to pieces.The shock shattered |%ginia,IT,HAS NO EQUAL. ‘ine ‘*.:aS er VW rw oc Caldwell was editor of,this paper,|crease 114;in Haywood it was 115 aed creer ce tag ace eas &Makes better bread and more 9)T EXACO CYI AINDE R OILS, then a weekly,he was more than|t?106;in Wilkes,96 to 88;in Ca-|o¢other buildings quickly took fire|Of it to the pound than other a ag +wwHwH ENC barrus 88 to 78.from the flying liquid.‘The fldmes|§flour.It is economy ‘to buy #|/8 TEXAC O G REASES.onee urged to go to some town and)“7,10 ‘cotinties the ten i i ’(igs Mee ares :sa s Peeaie i i‘edit a daily paper,the citizens gen-|creases in tax values of farm land Sie Oe he ue Tita 3 DAN VAULEY:Tae ae‘erously,as,they thought,agreeing to|were Some than ie crane ee freight cars in the Santa Fe railroad!¥st organize a stock company and put.up |&-ese counties _were Onslows|vards were destroyed.os fae Car 7 C Boshamer 4BAis> " In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases. .Burke,ia,C i«the moneyto run the paper.All of bye Ota:Eoeeekan?Chero which offers he declined and ‘on one|McDowell and Dare.In Burke the|President Welcomes Grand Ar~#Local Representative;3/2 .gecasion he said to the writer that eens [pane wae only 92 reeM ‘:my Veterans.y §*Phone 125Black.Itaw.£18 e Wa.i it.ity|while the tax ‘increase’was 99,oy Neti eo i it ae ie S<n ee cae are ra ‘Rodlinehata it wax we ‘to 80;tn Mew >Veterans of the Civil War,in Wash-) Fee ice tery dello oh eee eee ee ee eee eebe lapnaric semen :::: ;mers eee ae Equalizing Taxes.Oe rt ree tere .ee eee ees “wed $5 worth of stock would feel|wherever the old eneral property formally weleemed,to the capital |Ct ow!Tgg]!Listen!|||.We are in aposition to demonstrate QUAL-- ‘vat liberty to tell him how to run the jtax system is in vogue;there i ot Rabsaareat might Dy”Fresic 1h:°°ene garry ae s 7 paper—and he,never did didicolte.in beinwing Ghfore:alee en Peres oe ita cece ne eee ITY,and‘can make delivered prices that willspaper—and he never did.:iffievity in bringing all forms of|/a¢o were fought.that the greatest in+|}'WEbuy in car Jot 'F Re s } “©The editor who is worth while can-|taxable wealth upon the tax.book in|ctrumentality for ‘the uplift of man-|f)"TAY Sy CU aay BS .-interest you.“not submit to be hampered by folks |PToPer amounts and at anything like |kind the world has ever seen might WE sell-in any quantity.:oe - iheir real values.Visible properties ;‘;WE sell the celebrated Gold 3 f‘who know nothing ‘of ~newspaper-like land and bnildt ff.Sjnot be impaired.:1 Flo Tae fe hye SR °°makings to oder words,Wan editor (toy Kt amtgouangs orf Prob-|"The President spoke amid seonttl|we sai Swesteedtortiones |Statesville Oil Company. $8'to be of real service he must be un-|erties like stocks.bonds,notes,mort-|convention hall.Gol.David Js Palm-|{<.<and Mules.Se ig i le Distrib “hampered.If he has no conviction ‘and ee ee a well-nigh|er,commander-in-chief of —the-G;-Ax|#WE se!l-Sweet-Daisy Féed for j a ¥(Wholesale istr utors.) “opinions of his own and is willing to|;,ae amater Q ifficult,that,|R.;introduced him amid thunderous Cows..ie Phone 61:Office:Robbins Ro awrite wh /Prosperous.States of the |¢heering and.informed him that the|}WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and ={/#Re ei cy gate is asked to write,ae oe Fast.land alone bears|veterans stood solidly behind the ad-|}:+.°Cotton Seed Products,insane eee eeéwouldsuitthefolkswhowantthe|from three“fourths to nine-tenths of|mini ay ce ne’si .:=;FF pinee deh hie wage,Bek th ee Phx ‘snilen task bacdar,ne-tenths of |ministration’s conduct of the.present-|¥)).WE SELL FOR LESS.;..,|day foreign problems and that their WE pay CASH for cour «hearts they could have no respect for In North Carolina the equalization pay.aunty:a3 LiZatn ld support him in any steps |f'.Corn and Oats ee Ceti re *«e Boa :;of taxes myst begin”amone individ-“pines mance ¢ni ?7aneittkethatandoneofthat|faxpayee wily apelin ten:RtAR as teaenty nef xWE-aeuver im the iy armers Favorite vr-~kind would be worth little to any pa-agit it’is :se of ‘conscience |terrupted by applause as he spoke ‘to IREDELL FEED Cco.,}F .;per or ‘¢ommunity.on the part of pronerty owners,;ili :,aoe Prss :along with courage and capability on the veterans,their families.and Cc.D.MOORE,,Prop.f Disregarding the proverb which |the part of tax assessors and list-Ake wateen Pi sae pobhieie ’PhoneNo.88.114 E.BroadSt.;:(NONE BETTER.) enjoins us to speak no ill of the dead;|'*kers:ey growing out of it,but devoted his {=======remem :*|The next problem -concerna 1:;sent tha Tat .ee the Greensboro News,remarking on P equal-|address to the mission of ‘the United a :Zs i RESH SHIPMENT ||]|.__Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, *,Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of *“Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil _in full packages,see us before you place Swain, ~your orders. ,ization among townships within coun-rethtwinofheNewHerneories"Rg rt ls out ae ame hak”F :ee s e New Berne Sun,says|duty of the countv commissioners.:e coe Sei :: “there were years together wiles the|And finally.the problem con-ee TCC ae ae a eas Rape,ere.Grain,Hay and Fee ai A“ thi ‘::ee ET elt aes worehavebeenvotedtheoneriestdailypa-Oe recs toe otc:Curious Mineral Found in North %Melrose Flour :y te oN ve <h,fa ORS eae ve \aworthlessassuchapapercouldbe.”|.Jf.the wicked flourish like a green|Perhaps the most curious.mineraljf _’FERTILIZERS. can punish them only by Javing still CAtew Berne ‘Journal ‘wold “prabably cerns equalization among counties aiigcmnc en toe 2d eh an in en 5Good Goods ‘at FAIR PRICES.si tax problems,this is the busi f ;i esper'in North Carolina,and as nearly |the State Tax Gietiiiietion.eh Carolina, io «|bay.tree‘in the first two stages of as-'VI :age He ni slo ernh hit ied ee ees sessment,increases ‘in the feat yan dimen ene —*9 qteah Pork and Sautege.i ——et ete tatesovechinitsneaoebutiycomlyiogHeohooherieUnitedprdea——;=there were ‘years,as the News says,|heavier burdens upon the righteous:|on’evs ®Dugeun o oe 1 VE :4 o :oewhentheJournalwasaboutason-|9nd their burdens are heavy,enough ataconite ar ee Wonca M.P.Alexander &Bro.cc es {4 ve ae »:ee “ery.as it could -well be made;and ay Seenanh,silicate “found.only.in Virgini:id Se ;‘ The Landmark had often wondered Raising and Lowering Assessments.|Noyth Caroling,the reddisb-beawsl ate a) we .DETTE TERRE SEE ELTETTT ’anybody’would want to'print A recent census bureau bulletin*re-|and brownish-black crystals.oceur-|"-0 oe oo ee eri IP 73 Paredes -:a ' “‘paperitike "that.There are n few |POTts that real property and improve.|ring in well defined single and dow-|VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE.}}:>*ARE YOU INTERESTED?”| rca e.*ments thereon »in |North ina |bl a i st rh ec sis :pe uns ‘ -weekly newspapers in the State now orth «Carolina (bie,Cente:SHEE.>cueae Omnia inder the terms of the.will of Mrs,Har-IN SlateRoofing?Tin Roofing?4 ee —— 2“i ;were listed for taxation at 60 cents|cial demand for the crosses>“1.U;;oe are very neatly in the Journal’s|on the dollar of their true-value in|rios,which are worn as watch once Tah Somat Suseneed,tid naceraes Core cata ey Galvanize ingle Roofing?Roof Painteur |‘class of ‘other-days,but only a few.|!912.On.this basis.17 counties in|or on chains in the mannerof a locket or els om ee Corkins:tieorth tata ea ™\Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?.|4 The ‘newspapers have improved the census year needed to have their|or lavaliere—a.demand.perhaps sued TG;rockalaing ABl asian puree’OF =‘Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?)LET US KNOW. “much “in real estate assessments lowerd to|stimulated by the quaint legend |less and known as the Alexander Clark pines,1g ‘Sila ‘Kas gael ameek eeee enn.decade,‘\somthing like a 60 per cent.level;which is told of thle origin;mt —an ped treo tings ooDuets si IREDELL I IN WORKS.: ;idson Sotione lise the 1 a while 81 counties needed to have/fairies living in the caves of thelalso offers a house and lot in Troutman and pao eRE aa”e :;y :ee tit re e largest |their real:agsessments.raised in or-|mountains,on hearing the sad tid-|an island of 10 acres in the Catawba river,98.j ‘Independent ’Phone 197; si oe 53-4 53-—and the /der to put them upon’a just footing |ings of the death of Christ,fasti ioe beta apely.fo,“-.= r 1538—is the largest lof taxation for State support,"Lad.theme.erounee Ad:miemnmten-af Lt dechamiehttes Atta 2 SomanSh. fo e | a OH,PFULLS ‘£O«K--LOWEST PRICES ¥ ft,Val—"l suffered tor family medi-sf ee fa has tyate “fegute | ese od digestlog,f=ane"indigestion,colic,wind,nausea;ddache,sick stomacch,and similarooo¢It has —mconstantuse for more:bo -|moretionpeople.4HSiand dsaraPaceonly25¢.rome amo Maiden ‘&Hayes’Gin AT HOUSTONVILLE Will be in operation this season‘and will pay Stetesville prices for‘seed coftonatall times,Sept.21-4t. DR.B..C,TALLEY, :TERINARIAN,« Head rlers StatesvilleDiugCo,|oeice ’Phone 80 idence ee307 Black. T Scoa lal and Supplies Everything in thisline,and Schoo!Books exchanged.Noschool-books charged. _’Store-closes at 8 p.m.R:P.ALLISON. RUBBER ‘TIRE! Season is here.We use best rub-~~made—Firestone and Kelly— et save you money.Tires Id.Quick servie eT to serve,aTROUTMAN&SUTHER. C..WATKINS for ““Byerything ‘to Build With.” es,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,wtingasiding,Boxing,‘Mould- 3;Lime,Cement,‘ete,aiters’Wh..Statesville. | Sold exclusively by—Mler-McLain Supply Co. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING ~+>’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. Butter Wrappers! We.have the very best : ’‘Parchment.Butter Paper,- and can print your name and brand on same.Let ushaveyourorderforanyquantityyouwant.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co. CoiteL.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ’phone.calls leftaeDr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo,M.Foard’s residence,-a DRC,i.CRUSE Veterinarian, Office Teal Polk GrayDrug1 Co, Office Phone..109.Residence "Phone 198 Green,' joer’wi ack hegtacs,abd eee Peat |than the cost ‘of production.‘ ina ot Stotee- BW es a aed m.10,06 a.m.$:25-p,m,10:25°p.m.10.36 a.m. 1.16 p.m.6:45 py.mm.050 p mmRSVILLB, :an’leaves 10.86 «mm.Train a 9.2,aren 9:20 p.m. Train ce,m.Nos.’a H ah of cheap,for- #ion the American mar-Boaion of the’Europeaniyli.officials believe thediiccomplishedwithouta tariff The B will be taken up by sesretaat edfield and members oftheFTradeCommission©iniheir“annualjteport-,which will beent‘to,Congvess at the opening ofthenext”ste While ‘the exact recomMendati ;Mvill not be decided until confé rences are held |withPresidént“Wilson,it is known ‘that the subject’has already received de-tailed study by administration’of-ficials: There ‘is believed to be serious danger that afterthe war Europeanconcerns’will.attempt to recover lost ground ‘bv.flooding the United Stateswithgoodstobesoldatlessthan.the cost of prodiiction. Foreign goods,‘it is pointed out. cannot be shipped to the United States unless the.invoices are signed by Américan consular officers abroad. An effortis to be made to find a waytopreventtheSigningofinvoicesincaseswhereithasbeenestablishedthatthefoodsaretobe“dumped”ontheAmerican‘market at.prices less eather forecast,forthe week be- nning lastWedntsday:, “South Atlantic and East Gulf States:Rains and high winds are probable in the East Gulf States and lecal rains in the South Atlantic States the first half of the week.The latter half will be faix-and cooler.” Cent Forecast For'the Week. WwW: The dates of the State Sunday school convention,to’be held in Salis- bury,have been clianged from Octo- ber 12,13 .qnd 14 to Novimber 2,3 and 4, SALE OF FARM. By virtue of a decree of the Supcrior Court of Iredell.county in the special proceeding en-, titled E.P.Bradley and others,heirsat-law}ot?John 1.Bradley,1 will on MONDAY,OCTOBER 138,1915, 1 f ‘lat 1 o’elock -p.m,.,at thé court hous¢sdqor i n}Statesville,sell at public eee or isforiiefarminStatesvilletowns!ote ae,me Dlgee of piety f:in ey,tor cin-tinthe 84 1-2 “acres.-16 hwill be’offeral ‘for sale,in two tracts,containing 30 agreg and541-2 aerts:This farm faces ‘on two sandclayroads—the Wilkesboro and Chipley!Fordroads.It fs within a half mile of the Feim-ater Graded Sthool.’Red.‘soil,sonore ex+posure,,well watered,,fine.zprin. whole farm Te within two‘miles of the fublic square of Statesville,vTerms—-One-third cash.en confirmation’:ofsale,one-third in twelve months,:‘third in18months,with interest on red)pay~fments after January &19 ig ii“Title good,-,For further =formation wriorBeeme.|Se BR ARMBBEED,¥ Comijissionens - 5 sptember tr,pe 2t. fe. DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN.TILE on hand. Common.-Bricks,fateBricks,always reatly fordelivery. Statesville pe &, A Guarantee he That:Guarantees! Lam authorized to refund the pur- chase price of any of Dr.Hess andClark’s’:remedies for stock andpoultrythatfailtogiveyousatis- faction.You don’t have to swear at 25c.per swear that you used it according todirectionseither.You get the goods.and use it and if not satisfied come back and get yourmoneyfromme.’That’s the guar-antee that is worth something toYou! A large lot justin.Stock Food,Poultry Tonic,Louse Killer andGdlCure.Also,Dipand Disinfec-fant.The best kiiown remedy for exterminating mites,liceand otherverminaboutyour.pouitry house.‘One gallon costs a dollar.Makes 70 to 100 gallons solution for gen- eral soa anddisinfecting pur-.poses.Hyg haven’t done.sothislineofremediesandwateresults,You can’t lose. T.N.BROWN,No.109BroadSt.,Statesville,C. Shingles For Sale! Carload ‘of good No.»2 Shingles.‘at $2.75©_per thousand at_myshop.>+ C.H.TURNER,Near eeeIredell’PhoneNo.iyo nm |distribution “of:the:_Wagons. ‘President Wilson w his egal home’at Princeton,N.'4.,Tuesday to |vote.in the Democratic:primaries, ofMrs.Henry Cabot:aahSenator‘Lodge of Magsac diedsuddenlyMondaynightathimeatNahant,Mass,She was ears old. Bench warrants were issued in Chi-cago Tuesday for the arrest of eight men named in Federal in ts asbeingresponsibleforiheeapsizingof the excursion steamer inChicagoriver. Benjamin Stickney Cob oe Wash-ington,assistant ‘of /Com-;.|Mmeree and,Labor ynder’/Président‘Taft,was crushed to death idayin ‘bile:8,ass.a collision between tw artinithevicinityofIpswich, Assistant od OF Aiaeinridgeyesterday the|President at the dedica arer a ed at Manassas,Va.,in ¢moration'of Blue and Gray rev there July}|21,1911,60 years after thefirst bat-|tle of Manassas.He Lee aU et iainothet.ll t away their’o TheChunhierofDeputiesito|recommend that the pay of the sol-|diers be increased m 1 ‘cent to 4centsaday.The therease,however,|means a total.increased enditure of about $25,000,000.a year.One British warship was surik and|two others damaged in the attackbyaBritishsquadrononGé!bat-| teries along the Belgian coast,espe-|cially in Zeebrugge,Sm | with the launching of the allied newoffensivemovementonland,According to the German official:statementSeptember26. Dennis Kelly,a capitalist of Colum- bus,Ohio,and his business associatcs convicted last June of ‘defrauding the|government of more than $1,000,000 |in.revenue tax on artificial colored| oleomargarine,have been.sentenced| to serve two years cach in the,peni-; tentiary at Moundsville,W.Va.,and fined $1,000 each, Werner Horn,the German army re- servist who tried to blow up:the in-ternational bridge between CanadaandtheUnitedStatesatVanceboro.Me.,last February,has filed an-appeal |from the decision of the Federat:court | in denying his release on a writ of ha-|beas corpus.The apyeal will be:heard| ‘in Boston next Wednesday,—, The remains of 14 unide!vic-tims who lost:their lives2 n theUnitedStatessubmarinePlshnpsterionasankattheentranceto‘Hono-lulu‘harbor some months ago,wercburiedTuesday,with full malit:ary4honors,-in.Arlington cemetery,Wash-| of -|ington.There were 21 men aboard the submarine,Four bodies wetefiedandburiedelsewhere.; Dr.Constantin T..Dumba,Austrian |4mbassador to the United.Sta been formally recalled by.his!gpvern- ae and the State Department is ar-ing with the British and French| assies for his safe co T ibediiae sailing from New|‘tober5.Dumba’s recall,as | Hdenti-) ’has The government has askedSt.John Gaffney;Aniéricangeneral‘at Munich,Germany,'to ‘re-sign his post because of partisan ‘ut-teranceson the European war.Thecogenalisunderstoodtohave ents reflecting on:the t's,poliey in the Europeanwasoncebeforethe‘subjectdnt:cakes over expressions con- cerning the war,and as a conspquence Ars ieansterred.sa one post to an- Mr.Edison Thinks the‘Horse iis :Going. Orange,N.J.,Dispatch. Thomas A.Edison laughed,athisplanthere;.as he surveyed anoth-will.only be used as ornaments.Theircommercialvaluewillbenothing.’Thomas A.Edison laughed ‘athisplanthere,as he surveyed.anoth- er of his acco stigtmente storagebatteryfordeliverywagons.Beforehalfahundred’experts he explained the ‘mechanism.’They stood awe-stricken asthe light horseless deliv-ery wagon rolled around the yard. Mr.Edison has redched an.agrce-ment with a vehicle company for the Beforeenteringupontheagreementhestip- ulated that the yen must,be heldatsuchaprice:©place they:within easy reac rer.tradesman,who could os supplant his horse andwagonwithanexpensive,automobiledelivery‘Wagon. Mhe famous’laboratory buildingwithinthewallsofWhichMr.Edisonhas‘perfected:the hundreds ofinven-tions which Have revolutionized ‘theprogress:of:the world,is undergoing its first change since it was erceted in 1887.Men’were put to work,today tearing out the wooden window sillsand’substantituting them with fire- proof windows,“We have to keep uptimes,”=Edison said. AP endix Full of Shot. liam Butler,62 years old,ofhisicothe;O.,had’a shot pouch for with the a}“hospital ‘Bb shots’“weichingmore:than:two’ouncts:were a ridefromhisappendix,The arsenal in his digestive’tiractwasdiscoveredbyaccidentdurinsthecourseofaminoroperation.The ap- |pendix’was almost.five inéhes longer.than normal ‘arid was almost,filledwithshot.All were’badly battered.Butler,who had never been shot,ac-counts for the lead through’his fond- ness for game.Inthe course df seveeralyearshethinkshoswaljewedtheshotwithhismeals:~Ho novdt poleed/from appendicitis,' csaetaiaiemesmnenaramabdedinddeiai Recommends Chamberlain's Congh eo “Last,winter 3ised xa.bottle of Chanrber-lain.alee ,fo®a@ bad bronchial‘taeite hencfletal effect immedi= had:finished.the bottle tT.never ‘thre’of recommendingffaeito=ee,re tei Wile Bright,ayne,ta leenrhaNaaae iby the Great Reynard.outside” show -tents of the Sparks World Fa-|%mous Shows,which are billed to ex-|§ an appendix;~“When operated=on |at]. WeShou RenTheMoonlight ‘Schools "ForAdult,Mliteracy. Conpadusgenal of The Landmark.- Chapel Hill,Sept.28 —“With the exception ofMexico,North e lina hag the larg-est per cen native-born whiteilliteratesin‘eo United States.”ThiswasthedeclarationmadebyW.C. Crosby,secretary of the committee onCommunityService,in an address atChapelHillon“Moonlight Schools in North Carolina.”~“We boast:of our good qualities,inNorthCarolinabutconcealourfaults,”continued Mr.Crosby.“We|hide our illiteracy as a horse traderdoesanoldsore.The tendency now is to uncover the sore and heal itwiththesalveofmoonlightschools.'In order to further the campaign ‘against illiteracy,the month of No-vember will be set wher’and will beobservedthroughoutNorth.Carolina jas.“Moonlight cont Month.”Ajnightsohbetwillbeorgatizedandiconductedthreenightsaweekforatleast’t ig one month’in every school\district in the.State where such ‘il-iliterates are to be found.‘The dayschoolteacherswill,in most cases,teach in these night schools,Five‘thousand teachers have “already yol-unteered for the work.The Siate |Department of Education.will place lin the hands of ‘each ¢f these:teach-iers a -little bulletin outlining théworktobedone.The school will hold 12 night sessions during.that.month. Twelve lessons in reading,writingandarithmetic‘will be given.The reading book will not be a primer such as the children use,but some- |thing which contains simple sentences and yet which concerns the move-ment of people with whom those at- itending the schools age acquainted, ogetherwithinspiretheircounty pride and awaken them to continued effort.We.wanttogettheoldpeopleinterestedinthis|}work and,get them out to these schools.It is a fact little known.that one-seventh of the voting population of North Carolina cannot read or sign their names.This means that’one-‘seventh of our homes are devoid.ofbooksorpapers.This means that many homes are without the Bible, and eternity is approaching rapidly. The ‘responsibility.rests on us,Let jus try to clear the stain from.ovr State.Let us hope that when the census of 1920 is taken there will not jbe a single adult.illiteratein-North Carolina,” a‘Final Agreement Fora Half Million Loan. The agreement’between the An- |glo-French financial commission and |the American bankers with whom they 'have been conferring over the propos- ed credit loaf to Great Britain and |France,has oe the’formation lof a definite plan,’‘if*is officially an-' [Routes for the’‘gts Belinant ofa $500,000,000 Toan issue'on five-year, li{| | t t -lfive per ‘cent joint,British:and French bonds,payable jointly 4nd:severally’ by the two nations upén which'the -|big loan will be a first lien. The bonds will be issued to the '\public at 98,thus yielding,approxi- mately 5 1-2 per cent to the investor. and to the nation-wide syndicate of bankers which’will subscribe to the loan,at 96,Formation of the syndi- cate has“been left to J.P.”Morgan &Go.and “a large’grou -of Ameri- can bankers and francial houses.”The bonds will bé’issued ‘mn’denomi- ers*thereto may pay for them by in- stallment. At maturity the bonds’will be re- payable in cash or convertible into 1 1-2 per cent joint Anglo-French bonds redeemable from 10 to 20 years therafter by the -two.-governments jointly and severally.Russia will not participate in the loan. Confederate Veterans to Meet in Raleigh. Lieut.Gen.J.$8.Carr has issued the following order: “A meeting of the duly accredited i the North Carolina Division of the United Confederate Veterans is here- by called to be held in the’Hall,of the House of:Representatives at:Raleigh of holding the annual election of com- the four brigades,and for the trans- action of such other business as may then be determined on.“According to the constitution of the.United’Confederate Veterans, only those delegates will be allowed a vote or voice in’.this meeting who represent camps that are reported by Adjutant-General Mickle as having paid their dues.It is hoped that there will be a’full attendance.” LTOL ALTE,TTIITIT ITST TTTDEFYINGDEATH. What is probably the most perilous, hazardous and sensational perform- ance ever conceived is called “Death Ride,” the the hibit here October 9th. great that it is necessarily given as Gréat.Reynard,the;f‘Last.Word.in Human Hazard,”|% curely atop of a unicycle,The haz-j% ance that is requiredin order to suc-| performance. ance he would fall from the Jadder totheearthfarhelow. ublic are invited to witness it fred)st after.whe street neuer re Louisiana and New| such sentenges as would |. natoins as low as $100‘and subserib! delegates from ‘the camps composins|© at 8.o’clock p.m.on’Wednesday,the} 20th of October;1915,for the purpose|# mander of the division and of each of+- and is executed daily|“~~ The paraphernalia for this sensa-By tional act is so cumbersome and the!space required for its erection is 80|% a free.outside attraction,and.takes iplacejustafterthestreetparade.The| in‘what is billed asi¥ rides down a hundred foot ladder in-|%cline while blindfolded,mounted inse-|& ardougs part of this marvelous per-|4formanceliesinthefactthat.thel¥Great Reynard is blindfolded and can-|%not see to maintain.the perfect bal-'% cessfully accomplish,this’wonderful |8Shouldheintheleast|%lose his sense of direction or his bal-|3 This act is conceded to be the great-|fést.thriller ever presented and the 5 ; ™That is disrotahly aup pete me modernized,but not faddish 6xex- perimental;;a car thatis‘strongbut not too heavy or awkward;‘‘a‘car Rr ‘ iyiF thatis complete but not overdone at “‘unné essary cost.You wanta DODGFO-Let us demonstrate this thewwondercar.rcak 1 Fr wi /StatesvilleMotor Com’y “QUALITY FIRST,”> ‘Phone 140. Tare s we i The Hoosier Grain An especially strongdrill that will disstribute any kind grain,and will putin your fertilizer like you.vant.One of the redeeming features of this drillis that — not have to continually buy.repairs to ke it Up.” built for service.aa ot We havea low cash price onthis drill but if you not in position to pay cash we can make youliberal |te at a higher price, if 4a a velLazenby-Montgomery Hardware ony asia Flour of Uniform SENTeM sce oT Ne dita)thieb«6OnedistinctadvantagetheStator:Bloures:.Mills Co.hasin:the.manufacture:of flouris 'its ability to,make a,UNIE :-The mill that buys wheatin s UAE eR:-hasiB convert it into flour Hele gssas theReeBuyinginlargequantities,,.as thetatesvilleourMillsCo.does,it can use -wheat so as to produce the uniforms:grade eofflour.ity‘The housekeeper knows thegreatatageofbuyingaflourthat,is goin wperight.Let your next order beforPaoreeTrouble.Statesville Flour Mills teu iv MUG At oR ‘Helps Your Chance t , 4g Hundreds of thousands are being killed by the ‘eronuis a thousandsin this country are being ‘killed by unclean and milk You can’t stop what the war is doing but you can :chance of yourself and family to live if you will use milk~.PAINE VIEW ,DAIRY—delivered to.you in DACRO BC |covered with the DACRO CROWN.a {THE PAINE VIEWDAIRY is supplying the mille thatvis.1‘cial and aids health,,Why and how he ‘does it _bevexfromtimetotime,; {’Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairywiththe:cro system,when you want pure andolean milkfegpaenine us & home. cate it should last a life time. A Goop Piano provides|the:nieans fora real musical,edi cation at home.The majority of children today are musica To deprive them of a piano ig tofexclude the most ideal part.oftheit education.‘Whenwe say “GoodPiano,”we mean_‘Hardman,whichis not only good but me of a8 BEST.i Carlton A. Manufacturer’8,Agent,| re. 0 1ON PRICK:—‘eete 1.00 be Seen ee ee eeeeenenee eeseewnee® S weveesrevawesceeeees October 1,1915. E INEQUALITY EXISTS. information compiled from thersityNewsLetter,which The ark is printing today,present- -@ etudy of census values and tax 4 of.land in the State,is inter- as well ag valuable,This state- nt especially is worthy of careful S Massh Carolina the equalizationbemataarenwns4 /ee a eusmtion ‘of —-conscience yn.the oft property owners, along with courage and capability on the part of tax.assessors and list- The conscience-of the individual, while important,is not of most con- cern,for the individual does not value ‘his real estate for taxation.It is the fecal.assessor Who is important,and next the county commissioners.,As has been pointed out,the equalization iong counties is made by the State x Commission.If the State com- Mission finds that real-estate in the county as a whole is valued too low, he increase,is placed on the entire county.«In such case the individual through good fortune or influence has secured.a low assessment,.is brought up,but at the same time the individual’whose real .estate was_al- “feady assessed?as high as it.should be also.gets@ raise and he suffers accordingly.This can:qnly be reme- died in the townships and by the .coun- “ty and the fault is with the local au- thorities,not with the State commis- gion,The local authorities -can,if they’re amind,equalize:the assess- ‘ment as nearly as-it is possible for haman judgment to do that,if busi- ness men of clear judgment are plac- ed on the assessment board with the ‘clear understanding that the matter istong.of business and not guess work’or favoritism,and that the per -eentage of:value must be fixed and re-tairied for all alike,regardless of how] -Mmuch or how little real estate the par-| ty owns;that it is not only sheer fa- :voritism but-an unspeakable ‘injustice| to.e the percentage of value low- “@F.011}1,000 acres of land simply be- the owner is a large taxpayer, 150 to°100 acres of land of theValuébecausétheaggregateof y Ow er tax is small.The thing ‘must always stand out clear,if ~is to be’done,is that the t of tax the individual pays hastoidowithit.The assessment jin,thesame,proportion on equil)yalue,regardless of nden the system in vogue ‘too often proceed on the ‘that to him that hath shall be ‘and from him that hath not be t ‘RWay even that which a/The News'Letter study finds from census bulletin that.North Carolina estate wai listed at 60 cents on dollar in "1912,andthat on this basis the.ass@ssment in 17 countiesBhouldhavebeenreduced.to the 60 per cent,basis,while in 81 counties it #houldhave been raised to get it up )the 60 per cent ‘level:The State ax Commission has made the raise in.about 80 counties,in 19 no change was made and in one the assessment s reduced,» AS BROUGHTGOODCHEER. 'The rise in the’price of:cotton to the’12 cent:level came more quickly _than was anticipated,but so far cot- _tonis ‘not being)rushed om the mar- ~ket.This is fortunate,for a ‘rush would mean a fall in price.If the cotton is marketed gradually a furth- er advance in price is anticipated,But The:Landmark,be it remembered,is ‘not advising anybody to hold or sell. That is a matter/for-individual judg- “ment,The outlook now is that 15 cent cotton may not be far in the fu- 'tire,but unless one can afford to take chances,in any business,transaction, a Sale ata fair profit is a safe course, ‘The’rise in the price of cotton has created a different atmosphere.In- stead of gloom and hard times talk, as was the ease a year ago,there is -good cheer and optimism.The basic Feason for the rise is ‘of course thesmallcrop.The second reason—and)big reason it is—is the Federal Re- erve Banks—the new.fiscal system¢reated-by a Democratic administra-tion—which have made it possible forfarmerstoborrowmoney:with ware-housed cotton as collateral.They mayfinditnecessarytoborrow,but‘the fact that the way is open for themtodoboand‘to ‘hold their cotton,amounts to the same thing. ». ‘Another big building to be -erect-in Charlotte.”That is the gist of|uk announcement,Each day|ds mew,evidences.of.returningity.—Charlotte News. k ago. vest moon at all;that the, ten the tale of woe moon ig not due until about 022d,It is.the Observer's pritosaytheharvestmoon« that the harvest moonis ‘the- the autumnal equinox,and that the vest.moon@other statementstothe contrary”notwithstanding.§9)| The moon,as,everybody’Knows,does not rise at the same time every night-—‘on account of -her changing rd bitaf motion around the earth,”saysanauthority,“The minimum retar- dation,”says the same authority,“‘oc- curs when the moon is passing the first.point of Aries,or once in each lunar month,If the retardation is a minimum at the time of full,moon, there will be a strong moonlight al- most all night on several ‘successive nights;for,the retardation’’being small,the moon will rise each night at nearly the same time as she does on the night of full moon.‘This state is realized when the-sun is passing the first point of Libra,that is,at the autumnal equinox,and,as in northern latitudes this falls during the time of -harvest,the continuance of light after sunset is very useful to crops.Consequently this full moon conditions,but le8s marked,,obtain at the next full moon,Which,sinve it occurs during the hunting season, iscalled the hunter’s'moon.”: Another authority says:“And as for several evenings before and after continue to be nearly coincident with the horizon at the close of the day, it follows that,for several,successive days the Moon will rise not very far from the same hour.Though it is to observers on the Arctic Circle.that this phenomena is most strikingly ap- parent,it is more or Jess noticeable in all high latitudes,as in Great Britain,Norway,and to some degree in Canada.{t does not occur at all at the equator.” -And numerous other authorities to the .same -effect.The harvest moon for‘this season has passed.The Oc- tober moon the Observer is talking about ik the hunter’s moon.fe RELIGION’AND DEBT-PAYING. Dr.Johnson gives the preachers some wholesome advice about debt- paying.The ee fails to pay his debts is no worse morally than any layman who fajls to’pay, but ‘the preacher has a reputation to maintain and it is.important that the clergy should realize that they can’t dé’some things the faymen do and “get away with it.”e of us have any respect for preach@re who do not make an honest effort to meet their obligations promptly;and the churchofficers,Sunday school.superintend-| ents and others who are guilty of the same offence are in the same boat. deadbeat,preachers,deadbeat elders, deacons,stewards,‘wardens,Sunday school superintendents:and others whooccupy the chief seats in the synagogue and for a pretence make long prayers and thank God that they are not as other men,and ‘if they only “knew what ‘contempt most people have for their profes- sions when measured by their ‘prac- tices,we believe they would mend their ways.:3 : Some of these people are good friends and neighbors—very »good folks passing jnd repassing,aside from their,lack 6f common honesty. But nothing they can do will excuse that.The:religion that does not teach common honesty—and failure to pay debts is dishonest—isn’t worth a whoop,and,as Dr.Johnson says, it not only hurts the individual but it does ‘irreparable damage to the cause he professes,_L quesenonepnemnnnenibonnssntees The Greensboro,.News,which would throw a.damper on the enthu- siasm caused by the rise in the*price of cotton,remarks that “14-cent ¢ot- ton this year may mean 7-cent cotton: next year and financial ‘distress,”..17 high-priced cotton this year means a 16,000,000 to 17,000,000-bale crop next year,which is the usual course of events,then low-priced cottongnay be expected next year,It»has been demonstrated over and over that,a and a small crop a high price..Otherconditionscontributetosomedegree, but the size of the crop ‘is’the main thing.Why,in the faceof these un- ‘Let's all feel.good while we may. ‘{investigation,ete.,ete, Februgry if it,should be $0.disposed, but lest any of The penenag edersfall,into.error,it asserta here i,[ho moon occurring nearest the date of of full moon.of last week was the har- position inthe sky,caused by her or ye farmers when gathering’in.their|° Some of:us.have had ‘to deal with): big crop of cotton means a low priceduu controvérted facts,the crop.isn’t al- |ways held down.will always be some= thing of a mystery.But why |does the News want to dampen the pres- ent good cheer ‘with its’pessimisticoe_Woe|talk?It will be time endugh to wor-‘told the corporation commission |ry about the next crop a year hénce. inning jman escape,But one emanate from the’troub|Pe of »,with the purpose and >the0tinganalarmthatmay.tcases,That kind rt ha .)un ”i Submarinecommander.‘torpedoedtheArabicin’self -defense,he“thought”she intended tojramAbouthowmuchwouldsuchan excusebeworth‘in any court ‘of law?Wall Street Journal.ae heItwouldbeworthawholelotifonehadtherightSortof“a lawandjury.That very same excuse, which the Journal regards as frivol-ous,has.saved hundreds jof men in this country from punishment for,of- fences.varying from homicide to sim-ple assault.; NOW FOR GREAT | f { RITAIN, tion toBritish Bl Seizures,Oe He The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun -say$the reply oftheUnitedStatestoGreat.Britain’s.defense by Sir Edward Grey of-heroppression.of American commerce willbesentforwardirrespectiveofthesettlementofthedifferencesbetween aders and form for trans- probably will be cableditaryofStateLans- of the general subject.'Officials ‘ex- plain that it ‘was not berause there‘was a prospect|of early settlement with Germany that the note would be,sent soon.but ause the recent actsofGreat’Britain in the packers’caseshaveshownthat;temporizing on “individualcasesisfutile.The new note the equinox the moon’s.orbit will)wit!be a vigorous protest,with.cer-|States ments.that:the con-urse by Great,Brit-regarded in an un-‘he-main.-points of summed up as fol- tain Strong statinuanceofheraincouldonlyfriéndlylight. the note may lows:;1;The United States denies that theblockadeestablishedbyGreatBritainislegal,except-as to the ports in Ger- man.territory ich are covered bysufficientnavalforces.2.No blockade!exists or could existastoDutchand|Scandinavian ports,because the allegation of such a block-ade rests on the:order in cuoncil, whieh is itself the expression of atillegalact.|8.)Seizures and-detentions of neu- tral!vessels.bound to neutral ports,excant for brief visits and search,ehagh could:be exercised on the high seas,are indefensible as contrary tolawandtradition.z4,The endeavor of Great Britain,after seizure dnd detention,to placetheburdenofproofofinnocenceontheofficersofthedetainedvesselsiscontrarytointernationallaw.In thispartofthénotethisgovernmentde-nies;absolutely there is any parallelbetweentheactionoftheUnited Si government during the‘CivilWarandthe-action of Great Britainallcases.of seizure on suspicion.5.A‘reminder will be ‘giver’thatGreat’Britain has been advised fre-quently ‘since the first vessel was held up by a British cruiser that the UnitedStatesdemandsthatreasonably.suf-ficient.proof should be’adduced by thecapturing:vessels or that the neutral=should be immediately releas-ed.,:6.All cases of seizure and detentionareessentially.subject.to diplomatictreatment,and therefore Great:Brit-ain’s course’in denying diplomatic in-téervention to cases of seizure and de-tention,and making them solely sub-ject to local courts of justice,is es- sentially illegal..It is pointed outthattakingvesselsintoportonsus- picion is a practical ‘abrogation of the|rights of those vessels:to be visitedand:searched expanttipualy,and held only .on ‘the immediate”production of reasonable proof by the captor.7.’Great Britain’s ‘attention will becalledtothefact‘that she‘has only re-cently been put on hotice in the caveatoftheStateDepartmentinthepack-ers’case;that this government pro- poses to stand on international lawasunderstoodbyallothernationsesagainsttheorderincounciland.allotherorders.of emergency or expe-diency issued by Great Britain whichhaveoperatedagainsttherightsof: neutral commerce.8.Justification of retaliation is not accepted by this government.It ispointedoutthattheStateDepartmenthasmaintainedthepositionthatre- taliation is essentially wrong in fact and in principle.Great Britain is toldthatthisgovernmentviewswithin-, creasing displeasure and alarm.theresultsofhercourse,and tells herthatsheisexpectedtomakedefinite:promises of amendment.Otherwise,the note says,this government cannotfailtoregardacoutinuance.of the oppression of American commerce asanunfriendlyattitudeon‘the part oftheBritishgovernment. Miss Riley Gets AnotherSegcaTheSupreme Coutt has reversageBondandorderedanewtrialinthecaséof.Miss,Lou Rile * sence86 Riley,a ‘saleswoman’in the:depart-ment store of the defendant:inGreensboro,was arrested,chargedwiththeft.She was.tried and acquit<ted.She brought suit against.Stone Chatham county and she was award-ed $1,500..Judge Bond,who had re-fused a motion of non-suit at the be-ginning.of the trial,set the verdictasideandordereda.non-suit.ssectemeehensinenpeponiemmenteniintFreecitydelivery‘of mails is ef-fective in Reidsville today, Our Government to Give Atten- this government and Germany,The,ti ‘Hear-|thore rye.W:jay.H.Stone,Jr.of.Gieonsbote..Miss for damages,the case was tried in}: {hints of further investigation do not The dent:of prohibition,whtendeneRtethe 5shallbeorce:celaws,make.investigation.of its.viola-tions:and assist the legal authoritiesjinprosecutions,fe ete "i The purpose of this plantringabout“the enforcement osrohibitionlawintheVirginiacit-ies and “wet”counties where publicsentimentis‘not strong for the ation.of thé’saloon,Under such a e)ito i boli-|/5 plan,it is:eontended,the .authorities!|iwillnotdareto“wink”at violations,jof the law,as is.now.done in South-ern,cities where State-wide prohibi-tion prevails.The—and ~theState’s attorney,itis declared,wilknowthatbehindthemisanofficiawho!intends 'to,enforce the law at all ts.ee“rhe Virginia ‘General Assembly _|next.winter will be called upon.to -|pass laws for the enforcement .ofState-wide prohibition,The prohibi-xa will control .the.Legislature.‘hey favor drastic laws because they‘wish to'repudiate the many assertions hat “prohibition’does not prohibit.”“wet”forces favor similar legis-lation ‘because they want the Statetohaveagenuine.period of thirst,be- Hieving actual prohibition:will go aHongwaytowardmaking,many ‘Vir-ginians change their minds on the subject.ne’of the issues.in the prohibi-itien campaign in Virginia last yearwasthattheanti-liquor laws in Geor-gia and other Southern “dry”Stateswerenotenforced‘inthe big:cities. As.a result of these’charges.the pro- hibition forces.promised a drastic is ‘talled the’harvest moon.“Similar eral others bearing on different parts|enforcement of the law in county and city. Jolt For Resale Price Fixing. }lfhe Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakes Company of Battle Creek,Mich.,is permanently enjoined from fixing.the e priceon its-products by a’con- sent decree announced in’the ‘United District Court in Detroit,in the government’s anti-trust suit’against. the Kellogg concern.The decree takes effect after October 15,of:this year,and is considered highly import- ant because it.establishés a precedentagainstthefixingofresalepriceson food products,: _The government,brought ©suit against the Kellogg company.in De- ‘ember,1912,alleging the defendantshadnolegalauthoritytofixtheresal price of their property,or to sugges or warn jobbers that if they refused to'carry out the fixed price agreement they would be cut off from.further supply.aa mn The defendants.contended ‘they:were not violating the law’inasmuch asthe notice’to jobbers conterning’the re- sale price was printed’on’‘a carton: containing the.production,which:haiti| been patented with the:notice there-i on.The patent,they maintained, made it legal for them to handle their in’that way. ‘According to the: the company is not only permanently enjoined from fixing theresale:pricey but it must also refrain from using on cerning the fixed pricu..©arilott fomeaos reser gn By bic F Rev.J.F.England,.a‘minister:of} bertof the Western North Carolina Conference,died at his home at;Le- He retired from active service in 1906, ‘ its cartons or.boxes the:motice,icon- the Southern Methodist.Church,mem- noir Wednesday,in his -Tbth year. For Indigestion.a: ever take pepsin and preparations con- ssipeg pepsin or other digestive ferments for indigestion,asthe moré you take the more you will have to take.”What is needed is a tonic:like Chamberlain's T,that will ‘en- able the stomach to ‘pe its.functions naturally.Obtainable everywhere.4 "SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS: By virtue of a decree/of.Superior Court ‘6f.Iredell,county,renderedin the procecding Rh.B.McLaughlin,administrator of Ay-A,Bass:vs.C.S$.‘Bass and others,I will sell at public auction to the highest.bidders, at the court house door in Statesville,.N.C., on ‘jes MONDAY,OCTOBER 4th,1916, at,12 o'clock,’m.,the’following.lands in mibersburg township;towit:ae st;Beginning at.a white oak in the Haith- cox.Hine;thence west 158 poles to a dogwood, Cc.ringer’s corner;thence west 62 poles to stake,Barringer’s line;thence south 80 poles to ‘stake in C.Barringer'’s line;thence cast'220 poles to stake;thence north 80°poles to:beginning,‘containing 110 aeres more or less,.excepting 1 1-2 acres)conveyed to trus- tees Shiloh M.E.’church,South.i 2d.Beginning at white oak,Hoover's lines and corner of Lot No.3,it being Bass cor- ner;thence 8,88 1-2.degrees east 160 poles to stake,Lentz line;thence S.39 1-2 poles to stake,‘corner of Lot No.6;thence north 85-2 degrees west;118 poles to stake,8.Hoov- er’s corner;thence with his line north 45),degrees west to the beginning,containing 34 aeres more or less.j 8d.Beginning at black oak,near gtaveyard,Bass’corner,thence south 29:polés to stake,“a corner;thence south 88 1-2 degrees east 194’poles to pine,Lentz’s line;thencenorth29polestostake,Hoover's corner; thenee north 88 1-2 degrees west 194 poles tobegining,containing 36 acres,more or less.4th..Beginning at a hickory,’S$.°Hoover's«eokner in Bass ‘line;thence sough 45 saeNo. recs.ed ‘stake:the ortheast160polestostake;mee wort!a1;aed stake,corner lot No.2;>the north 88 12 degrees.west:194 poles to be-ah containing .34 acres more of.less. 5t Beginning at a stone in Hugh’Ply-ler’s Mitte’?thence east 130 poles.to stone; thenwestpoles south 86 1-2 poles to’stone;‘thence130.poles to:stone;thence north 33.1-2to..beginning,containing.87.1;2 acres,of lesa,4 jBeginningatastone,W.P..Morton'sthencewithhisandBass’line northeast20polestostone,J,C,Plyler’swith,Plyler's line north 87 de-“poles to stone in his line and.Plyler’s corner;thence with line be-4 J.“—Ww.a ee gigs poles1e;ce Wi D yler’s linedegrees ‘oorner; $y south»86.corner;thence with"W.P,Morton’s line north28«east 6 poles.to stump,Morton's ';.thence.with his line north ‘84 de-grees east,60 poles to beginning;containing 10 more or.less,\‘qthi Bounded on morth.by lands of Alex. Hoover and Raymer,on the east by lands ofGeo.McNeely,Eaq.,on‘west by landa of W. C.Perry and on the west by Greasy creek, containing10 acres re or less and.being:the landsconveyed by M.A.Christy to A.3.| o terms——One-third cash,one-third in sixand:one-third in ea mont ; decree,however, east 5 3-4 ‘poles to stone,his|- hs,naeoesB,MeLAUGHLIN,.«Sept,3,1916,Commisst CE PE N TE MO R E Ee a OR O Do you want better cooked food at less cost in a§more comfortable kitchen?Then buy an “IDEAL?”Fireless Cooker.The ‘IDEAL’is the only Cooker:made with the water seal top.It keeps all the heatinside,none ¢an escape.The ‘IDEAL’will Roast,Steam,Stew,Bake,and Boil,-at -The “IDEAL”is an Automatic Maid .that:never4wantsaday,off,never complatus,is never late,nev-§i er burns the food.Let us demonstrate this wonder-i ful food and labor saving device to you. :Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.§i =3;You.rere ‘Johnston-Belk Co’.s New Suits abine@)>iM i o ‘4 Special ThisWee rarrinit “lp acl"Bis tajlae a wilted: wh.A i Leyes *°®4we hoe gant xis sath Ya is 12.50 9.95 “$17.50 PoplinSuits,Special ' 15.00 Serges,Fur trimmed,Special -- 12.50 Mixtures and Blues,Special Big Line Sport Coats. NEW WAISTS. Elegant line to select from atattractive prices.) .The Store’That Sells For Less.‘PHONE 212. —TOBACCO FLUES! Fiues made up ready for delivery Phone or write us your or-’ ders.Shipment made same day order received.Extra joints,Ls and flat sheets for repairs,as a-STATESVILLE.T'N CO.,H.C,Mobler,Manager.114 East Broad Street.*PHONE 55. = From Now On Disc Plow!.| Newel Sanders’Engine:Disc Plow—all_sizes,Can be used with steam“and.oil power.ei SEE PAT LEINSTER .For Tractors and Plows.Sept.28—38t: I will be at my stables _the balance of the year —and want to see all J ~smy customers. Pinas elke BoFRED.H..CONGER.:.,Sept:28-20,oe STATESVILLE,’N.C.,.office of ollector ofInternalRevenue,September:20th,1915:The following ‘described property seized forviolationsoftheInternalRevenveLaw,’to--had.i ee igi:1945,o unknown,in. in.county,N.C.,onebarrel pearabout25gallons,one 1-horse.feaone!set single harness,one black horse mule,-about.nine years old;will be forfelted.to theUnitedStates,advert ten days for saleandsoldas‘prescribed,by Section.$460,R.3.,unless petons claiming said prbperty fileclaim‘and bond within thirty (90)iSeptember24th,1916.A.D .r A »x ALL,GRADES OF FLOORING,- Ceiling,boxing,casing,mouldingsand‘weather boarding in ©stock,and readyfor delivery.“You don'thavetowait'to get it the next time-you come to tédwn.It-is ready,foryounow,how,now.&j.“Everything to Build With,”(WATKINS,Statesville,N.6. i * Sept.24, ty andMr.Thompson|°mi ne —Other :oo to Be— and Other}! ne invitations i have %ateiwined:‘Mrs.David Franklin Jen-‘est your presence at theaeeceptionoftheirdaughter,"Bride,and Dr.Lauren Os-e’Gibson,on the evening ofThucwdsy,October 12th,1915;636i"rae street,Statesville,'N.Cu from 8:30 to 9:30.-“*Mafriage eoremony at 8 o'clock”) Mr}‘and Mrs."F.D.D.Rives and lit-‘tle daughter,Lois,and Miss "AnnieAdderholdtattendedthemarriageofMissMatt.Ransom Williams and Mr.M.B.Adderholdt,which took place.Wednesday evening at 8:30 at thehomeofthebride's parents,Mr,andMrs.F,M.Williams,in Newton.Thegroomis*a brother of Mrs.Rives and‘cousin of Miss Adderholdt.|He istateMr.J.H.Adderholdt aCa- ta county.Go he Mrav:D.Cochran w:went toBintere-ville Tuesdayto aftend the marriageofhis:nicee,‘Katie Neel Cochrau,to Mr;-Robert Davidson:Grier.of Coa-cord,Which took place that afternoon.The bride ic-a daughter of the lateRev.J),B:Cochran and a lady of edu-eation.and refinement,The past two years she taught in the Charlottesthools,Mr.Grier is 2 son of Rev.Dr.and Mrs.J.M.Grier of Corcord and&grandson of Mrs.R.Q Davidson ofthearene,of Statesville.He holds a=~ition has the Cannon Mills.at Miss:mati Mae IHoupe and Mr. H.B.Thompson were married yester- day morning at 9:30 o'clock,at the home of the bride’s mother,Mrs..M. R.Houpe,at the Gaither boarding _house,“corner Center and Front streets..The ceremony was perform-de by the bride’s pastor,Rev.J.F.Rirk,in the presence of the membersofthefamily.“While the event was suspected it was not generally knownthatitwastotake’place yesterdaythorning;and its consummation washgthe:nature of.a surprise.. TuesdayState,ta ne vill ieena sometimevisitingcounty.fairs.Mr.W.A.omas went to Mc-Dowell pouty Tu y.to look aftersomelumberinterests.\’‘Dr.B..M,Yount and Mr.HaroldYountofStatesvilleandMr,©.©.Munday of Taylorsville have.return-ed from a visit to the San Francis-co Exposition,’«°Mrs.man Ramsey and little danghitiess Helen Colt,are —visitingMrs.Ramsey’s mother,Mrs.R.0.Colt,in.Charlotte.Sheriff arid“Mrs.J.M.Deaton at-tended.the Wil spenty fair at Wilkesboro ‘this’Mrs.T.E oe.returned yester-day from te-her daugh-ter,Miss Charlye Frye,in Newton. Mrs.F:He Adden of Hickory isvisitingrelativeshere.Meenas T,K.Curlin,W.H.StoutandJ..F.Stout,who spent:some timeMisitinginWilkescounty.were herevesterdayreturningtotheirhonesat Athens,’Tex. Misses Reba Brawley,of Wasves-ville and Lucile Blackwell of Waynes- ville are guests of Miss Altie Cor- pening.Mr.and Mrs.-J;W.Marshall andMissMaryMarshallleftyesterday to visit felatives in western NorthCarolinaandGeorgia. Miss Frances’Willar?t Jenkins:whovisited.Mr..and Mrs.D.J.Williams, returned yesterday to her home in Gastonia.: Miss Neha has returned to Ramseur resume her teaching. Rev.and Mrs:E.P.Green and lit-tle son,Philip,of Charlotte,arrived Geo.Anderson;;From here they gotoAugusta,Ga.,which is to be their‘home.Their daughters,Misses Pat-tie and Nellie Green,‘left CharlotteyesterdayforAuguste. Servicesat the County Home—Making Molasses,* Correspondence of The Landmark. -County Home,Sept.30.—Therfe arenow,including convicts,38 inmates at the county home—eight women and seven men of the white race,the bal- ance colored. Rev.Mr.Barnes,pastor of the Sec- ond Presbyterian church of ‘Moores-ville,preached at the home Sunday afternoon at 3:30..There being no The parlor.was decorated withfernsandroses,the color scheme be-ing:green and pink.The bride woreabluecoatsuitwithaccessoriestomatch,.The couple left on No.11 for a ‘visit |Johnson City,Tenn., nd western North Carolina: =See they *-will continuiderftebride’s moth:ing ‘house.havrs.Thompson are.well and re The to a large circle} is,whose wish for them is/|eir married life may be as}1@.and happy as their wedding’‘gloomy.Mr.Thompson is!willy from Rowan.county,just)the line from Elmwoéd.He}ed_in Statesville for several!being a salesman at Mr.J.E. grain store: first of the Civic League chain| ni en by Mrs.R.Vu y afternoon at herNavieavenue.About 23)Sa ad and the contribu~}warp ntsdent amounted ‘to $3.-' ests played dominoes andiss’Estelle Carlton won the prize—ae aecbrctigred towel.Two coursesofrefreshmentswere.served,:Under the plan of the chain lunch-eons each hostess this week is to se-eure five hostesses for next week.AtMrs.Brawley’s party ten,of,the la- dies.decided to.join in giving one |Hig luncheon at the Commercial Club|rooms next.week,to which.about 200guestswillbeinvited.Each quest)who.attends any one of the:luncheonsisaskedtocontributetencents.ts.W.G.Lewis and Miss Mar-garet Brady,also two of this week’s hostesses,held their party yesterday-afterndon and Mrs.R.0.Deitz willentertainthis.afternoon.’ ‘Mrsi.W.W.Waltonand.‘Miss AnnieBelleWaltonentertainedatthreeta-bles.of.bridge-Wednesday?afternoon in-honor of Miss Mary Arrington ofGoldsboro.Miss Arrington won.highscore...A salad and ice course werestrved, Dr:‘and Mrs.J.F.Carlton enter-Wenthansthe Neighborhood Bridge clutésday@vening..A salad and meatcoursewere.seryed, aj lisbury.Post:Mr,and Mrs.J.p.!°° ee gave a most .delightfulweekhouse-party at their farm near:‘Statesville,in honor:of their at-tractive&est,Miss Marie Lawson of >Va.-The other mem-’ee af house party were:MissesIlaThompsonandBrentBlackmerandMessrs.Ernest Hardin,StahleLirinand.Robert.Nicholson,all ofthiscity... Clarksbury’s.Day —_frie -Meetings. Cobrespondence ‘of The Landmark. Hee ene Sept.29—The HarmonyoeSchoolisreceivingnewstudents ;ry week.We exténdouy sympathyto:Mr.Lankford,th ipal,.on ac-count ’of the sickness of his‘son’anddaugiiter. A series of.meetings will.“begin attheyeeaeareptistchurch-next Sun-y.r.Brown,the ‘pastor,wat be “assisted by “Rev:Mr.Fry of Mocksville ‘and:Rey.d,.N.Binkley ofthis‘vicinity.~~Mr.‘Grier:Waugh,who had beenvisiting’Mr.’Norris Hayes,returned to his home.in,Statesville Monday.Only oné-more week till campmeet-ing at Harthony,where young and old}. friends meet each other,Miss Grate’White of Hjarmony isvisiting’her home people néar.UnionGrove...Mise Clayce Hunter of Har- mony spent Jast Saturday and Sunday‘with Miss ee Stine. {gas mark, service at Barium.mast.of the Ba-rium folks came here,thére was a large congregation.Mr.Barnes is an excellent preacher and he preach- eda very fine sermon.I understandthatthereisaneffortbeingmadebythechurchatBariumtogét sincerely hope they€no re Walsh went to Texas.Mr.Matheson, one.of ‘the county commissioners, ibrought Mr.Barnes herein his car. Rev.Alvin Goodin,a Baptist.min- ister,will preach at the Home on the ‘fourth Sunday in October at 3 o’clock;and.Mr.Osborne Shaver wilt be here to sing,commeneing at’2 o’élock.I failed to mention at the proper placethatMr.Shaver was here last Sun- day and led the singing. ‘The order of the day all this week has been grinding cane in.a new,mil]boiling mojasses..Mr, attention..All the juice fromthe,millW@(strained twice before’it g ‘into the boiler and then the molasses is strained again before it goes into thebarrel. Notice of New ‘Advertincambets., Automobile:cover lost.“Return to 633 Race strect. Big lot fine pears.—iG.EB.Bollinger.Homemade molasses.—Eagle &Mil- holland. New meat Patterson. Prices quoted for comparison.—{Rob- ert Bunch Cash Grocery. C,Watkins for.everything to buildwith.. Moving pictures.——Ramsey-Bowles- Morrison Co. Build a-~better home.-MutualBuilding&Loan Association,Now réady for fall busiriess.—Mills&Poston.~~. Ready:for coal orders —Statesville Ice and Fuel Co. An —automatic Bunch Furniture Gb. James P.Langley, photographer.: /New.shipment coats,coat suits,etc.—J.M.McKee &Co. Specials this week.<tiohaston-Hen niarket.—Moriisot & maid.Crawford- Greensboro, Call on The Landmark for‘old news-papers. Bread and cakes tomorrow at ‘GasCompany’s.—Mrs:J.F.:Henninger. W.E.Senn is here tuning pianos.Flowers.—Mrs.Hunter’Moore.Good farm for rent—{W.Nj}White.‘Stick pin lost.Return to TheLandé Waaterman Jounin pen Tost.—W.M.Barringer. Big Scopseniaae Vine: Mr,'J.H.Doub of Tobaecoville tellstheWinston-Salem Sentinél of a mam-moth scuppernong vine growing on his place.,The vine covers more than aquarterofanacre,according -to state- ments of those who have,seen it,‘andthemainstemisaboutfoutteeninchesjin.diameter.Mr.-Doub states.that two years ago the vine produced more than fifty:bushels:of fruit,and.that last)year the ‘production Was about thesame?‘This year,ip spitesof the*dam-age done by the heavy.hail,storms thatvisitedthatsectionseveral-monthsago,forty or more bushels will’standtothecreditofthisoneyine.toe vine is about 38 years old,.| hotoere*James P.Langley, Greensboro,will be ext.weektogiveanexhibitionofhiswork,He}# will be at the jewelry store ofto Ms Statesvile ate asked’to’ ‘jing on the 24th.We haven’t uaejsoregularlyforthepasttwo here last night to visit Mr.and Mrs.| angoodladyRive{t their peewee re Mrs.R.Ls.McLean of Mooresville; rapher of| FarmWork,Canningy; Correspondence(of The Landmarkkp 9 yi) Ostwalt’Community,SepTheLadies’Betterment»he as protragted meetings have.been in‘progress *around us.Mrs.Eliza-beth Troutman,one of our oldestmembersandafaithfulone,too,hasbeensick.quite awhile,and wevisitherasoftenaswecan.It’s 80encouragingtohearconsolingwords;and strengthening to us all to see andknowwhatimplicitfaithshehas,inherafflictions.‘We miss her so;much|in our meetings,and we all,try to comfort and cheer her,yy Mr.J,M.Ostwalt’s.mill wheel is heard once again,since the dam isrebuilt:He has been sowing oats andcloverforsometime.The extreme-ly busy season is here again--rcotton-, vicking,pea-picking,hay-making,ete,Mr.Roscoe Sscuensh has thelargest,crop arou bes Ae—number-of our Ariends?-enioyedthecountysingingSaturdayand Rest Room was visited by many.Wecansay.that the people are learning) where it is,and appreciate it.though we do sometimes think thatmorehitchingplaceswouldgreatly add to our conveniences when in townBlackhawsandmuscadinesare plentiful;also a fair persimmon ¢rop; and these are appreciated now,@&other fruit is about done.Most of us’have plenty of beans yet,and.late crop of Irish potatoes just on.tomato club is about through canning and is marketing the rest of thew bean crop.Mrs.E.J.Troutman,who has canned almost equal to the club:is still canning beans..Mrs,Daniely‘Troytman has canned quite a number of tomatoes for herself and neighboussonhersmallhomecanner.-Miss Mary.Lee.Austin.willbe theteacheratOstwaltschoolhouse,|The many friends of Rev.J.W.Jones were sorry to learn that he was. not able to hold series of meetings at St.John’s Methodist’church,near East Monko. Mr.’Orren Setzer has punched ir & well for Mr.Raymer,near States- ville. Meeting“at”Harmony-—Other News.f “orrespondence of The Landmark, Harmony,R-1,Sept.28 ’ protracted meeting which had béen|. going on at Pleasant View closed last Saturday.night.Twochurch.Rev,J.L.Riddle of Advanceph, rs by Rey.Messrs..Rash and.Horn .of Sunday.was a red letter day fortheSundayschool.at Clarksbury-This was the third time the event was set and rained out or something Neraered to.call.it off,but Sunday}.ing’dawned bright and beautiful.Th exercises consisted of recita- tions,songs/and a talk by W.W,Hol-! lanThChJ. singing!was a;drawing card for,sbury::has.,fine .singing,with}., .‘Parksias leader and ye scribe: pregiding:at the organ.Last but.nat least was.the fine dinner spread hee the table which had heen prepar Fae|45; auander 'Eliot’s mother,Mrs.Bessie Eliot,also; joined —the|' did most of the preaching,assisted } Statesville and Pastor B.F.Rolling.|i. whiek all)enjoyed,very much,|, iderrescomypnin of The Landaa i Dunlap,Sept.27.—Mrs..E.B,AleomyofStatesvilleistheguestof i C.Dunlap.Mr.and Mrs.A.pe hk nes and children of Herndon.who ‘have’been visiting Mrs, Haynes’parents,Mr.and Mrs.W.L.Dunlap.are in Statesville:now with‘Mr Haynes’mother,Mrs.J.A.Haynes.Misses Ada and Josephine Burke and Belle Grav are visiting Mrs,T.©,Gray.Miss Lina Deel, has been visiting Miss Katie Gray,has returned’Home,Misses MargaretTornlin.,Margaret and Johnsie Deal spent the .week-end with Miss Julia Dunlap.,Mr.Francis McAuley is athomefromFortWorth,Texas,wherehehasbeen=located for severalyears., The picnic at ‘Bethany Saturday was velv successful.We were indeedgladto‘have with us as our speakers.Mesers.R.Hy.Rickert and.Dorman 'Thompson.,Glad to know they-—are ititerested in us enough to come out, ‘and speak to us.In the contest prizeswereawardedasfollows:The donkey ntest,first prize,a knife to MasterDanA.Houpe:second,to Miss Vi- ‘erma Houpe.Needle contest.a tooth-brush,Miss Julia Dunlap.Sack race,Master Thomas Gray—-a lunch.box.Three:-legged race,a box of candy.t#"Mr.Earl McAuley.Thanks toMr.Pullen,our pastor,for these prizes. Mrs.W.R.MecLelland spent —the week-end with friends.:Messrs.F. A.‘Dunlap.T.C.and Andrew.Gray are going to Salisbury ny to ‘take in the fair. ed:of ‘Murder. _d J.Mendenhall,a4 prominent or-‘ange grower and.mill owner,wasfoundguiltyatClearwater.Fia.,offirstdegree’murder ‘in...connection with the death ‘of Miss Susie Eliot,whose body was,found in the ruins of'Mendenhall’s burned automobile near(Clearwater July 2.The jury recom-smeonded mercy.Mendenhall also is indictment for’killing’.Miss pened dead in the burned car. »MARKET REPORTS. ;Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were.paid yesterdayfor‘produce ‘on the local market.Spring Chicken,12 1-2¢.per Ib.,,Roosters,5c.per Ib.Eggs,21ce.per dozen.Yutter,15e.per Ib.f iBeeswax,25c.‘per Ib. Green Hides,13¢.per Ib, ij “Hams,20¢.per lb. “Sides,14c.per Ib.‘Shoulders,l4e.per bl mRed Honey,10c.-per Ib.,,Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.per Ib. Grain, for,grain on the local.market;Teri at,$1.25 per bushel. *’Corn,(old),$1 per bushel. Corn,(new),70c.per bushels:}Vi Qats,50e.to 55e.per bushel,fof jthee 4StatesvilleCottonMarket.dion the local market yesterday 11 3-4,perFoundwaspaidforbest:@rade cotton. Seed cotton,4.50. Cotton seed,40e.-per bushel for ithe occasion.If the-cemmunity, dinner it was this time. Ig the afternoon the people were wea entertained by splendid singing) extellenit ‘recitations.{e Holiness meeting.at Sheffield |"_Sunday “tighter> eHarmony"High walked is hav-|prospeiGus:session.te&fourth quarterly:meeting for| Coal Spring ‘citeuit will be held at} Clarksbury the second Saturday and_ Sunday in October. The WayIt isinTexas.| Correspondence of The.Latidmark.| Blossom,Texas,Sept 27.—Lots| of chills,malaria and fever here.In| every family from one to two in bed.|We've had so much rain this year| crops are not very good in this part| of Texas,Corn is almost a complete,failure.‘Lots of feedstuff was plant-| ed and it is‘fine.Plenty of peanuts | and cane planted and the crop is very|good;and where the boll weevil has-| a’t destroyed the cotton it is pretty| good.There have been 155 bales sold here on this market this year so far and ‘the highest price “paid.was:12cents.“Fruit was:plentiful -here and’gardens fine.Most every one cafined’ fruit and vegetables ehough te dothemtill.fruit.comes in.:Hard’times,and war is about you canhear.Cattle and hogs‘are in goodzonditionandnearlyevéfyonewillhavetheirown.meat.to kill.Morcmolassesbeingmade©around —herethisyearthaneverbefore.It takes war and hard times to teach us a.lesson.MISS MA E.GANT. Personals. |Jorrespondence of The Landmark. Troutman,R-1,Sept,80,—Mr.and, 1 ing oo Miss Harlean McLean of Mazeppa and| part of the week with Mr.arid Mrs.|W.F.Moore in Newton: Westmorelandhas returned to herhomeinCorneliusthisweekaftervisitingrelativeshere, from.Concord,where she has spentthesummerwithherSister,Mrs.E. Denny.Miss Mamie Weetitioreland’left thisweekfortheJackson:training ‘school where’she has a position:aS matron,| “Vaporize”Croup - ‘Vapor treatments for’cold trotibled awbetterthaninternal.medicines,as the’va-pom esthe medication direct to theungsandair.passageswithout disturbingthestomach,When Vick's ““Vap.O.Rub’?Salve.ia ap.plied ioe”throat and chest,these.va-rates geare ever did excel.in preparing a good; |Statesville, Miss Lelia| ‘Miss Mattie |:Wagner is expected home this week| or Cold.Troubles i} NT OF OWNERSHIP,MANAGEMENT,ETC,e,jandrark,published semi-weekly at Editor—-R.R,Clark,Spatesiles)N.QeManagingEditor—R.R. Publisher—R.R.Clark:Statesville,Ms Sc,Owner-—R.R.Clark,Statesville!Ni!Known.bondholders,;mortzagees tnd:othersecurity,holders,bolting 1 per cent.or.zaoreftotalamountofbonds,mortgages or’oth-er securities :.R.Hoe &Co.,on press. Pp.A.BRYANT,Business Manager.2ith day of September,1915.“Oct.1,1915.Notary Public. J H.HOFFMANN,Notary ‘Public. PEARS—Big lot fine pears,50c.per bushel.G.E.BOLINGER,’Phone 295 Red, Oct..1—2t*. LOST!—Attomobile top cover. return to-633 Race street..“'' Finder please Oct.1—1t. OLD NEWSPAPERS —All10c.a hundred.Worth this to start fires with..Also good to put under carpets.and paper.the walls Come to THE LAND- MARK for them. |pact AND CAKES at the Gas Company'sMacetomorrow.MRS.J.F.HENNING- BR.§14 Oct.1,1915. We SENN.is,,hore.tuningpianos |and willah§Vad.out until “he has finish;all ‘therehére.S Oct."A,1948. PHONE Mrs.HUNTER MOORE,387,Green, for Dahlias and Chrysenthemums,, Oct:1—2t.y FOR”RENT —Good Paim,W.N.WHITE, Statesville,‘phone 295,Black.Oct.1--2tiw. LOST -+Stick pin,with Love “Knot andsmall;}diamond.Liberal reward for re- turn to THE LANDMARK.Oct.’1-—1t*. you want at LOST ~~Waterman No.14 Fountain Pen.Return to W.M.BARRINGER,or .THELANDMARK,Oct.1,1915. FORSALE—This week,cheap,Gasoline cookstove,with baker.STATESVILLE STEAM L AUNDRY,Sept.28-—2t* Miss Grace Johnson spent the latter"ost OR STOLEN—Lady’s double-case goldwatch.Reward.MRS.Sept.28-—2t.J.F..HEN LEY FOR:RENT—Bight-room508WestFront—street.CASH, two-storyL.K. Aug.20,° Doors,Windows,Blinds, Mantels,columns,newels,brack- ets,stair rail,locks,hinges, sheathing paper.Stock sizes of door and ‘window frames ready made—odd sizes made on a day’s notice.west prices.C.WAT-KINS,oneee>! NevwMeat Market rel B,Morrison and E.M,*Patterson have :opened a«-Mcat Market in oneof CB.»,Morrison’s new buildings,“on,South Center street,.near the’depot.ie aemeats of allkinds.@ wantto buy Pork.and-fatCattle.a3ONE.207 ——— Rickert.&Son and the ctoa cue this exhibition—advt,© elMorrison &Patterson.| Prominent Florida Man Convict-| @he following prices were paid art Clark,oe ts apaniness,Manager—P.'A.\Bryazit,-Sthtes>’ who!, Ma s CRE mere handful of intrepid men who___signedthe Declaration _[fOf‘Tndependence not only” gave to man a newer position in the’world,but increased his usefulness to his fellow}men and his country. Cs VV B B V U G V ;ee t XN YY CO N All advancement.is:meas.ured by the status.of theindividual,not only politi-cally and commercially,butsocially.j aS WS U S AA S AS S A MS XS Ard at is “his:duty to preparewhimeelfalongeveryusefullineso'as to renderthemaximumofservicetohimselfandhischildren,and through them serve,his community aud his country, How Well He Does This De-pends’Upon What He Saves. This bank is hero to serve the entire |community—the small depositor as SATIS,well as the be Tot us serve you. STATESVILLE N.C.co $100.000 AZ fd on Time DepoessU.S.DEPOSITORY __. ofoe fone auth ies ae ; — New Shi ment |« Coat Suits,Coats,Sweaters,Rain Coats,=|: We are well stockedin these lines now and eevantyoutonoticethenew‘fall baShades dnight..‘Blues,African Browns‘and’Catawba Sha OLE: SHIRT WAISTS.|ra Some’very special numbers ‘just received.Price By!$1.00,$1.48and$1.98.»ef si a SHOES.ieee eaie alg tet For:everybody.-The season is Yiow on to.‘prepare.‘for.carotectingyourfeet.’We want you to try our Jdion:fio’Brand Shoe for heavy school’and out dooriuise.:thas,inthe past.proven to,be the longest wearer’and'*ice‘thefeet.dry,Fine line of Dress Shoes for’iter,"woe‘men and children,_See us for:your shoe w;tits."nie re owJoM.McKee &clas Ws hb iel ss yeaT Re - ‘Don’t forget to call”Iredell Produce Co.wien}aewantsweetfeed,oats,hay,bran,'shipstuff,or any-|.thingin feed.We buy in car lots,make closeprices ;and deliver anywhere in town,«Have just received fine lot hams.~Calhus for one,| We want all the young chickens,eggs,.hens.androostersyoucanbringus..Will pay you’cash»andhetoppriceat,all times.Bring usyour next lot,®Truly,: —sases Blalalelalelelel ale alee lelaelelelele lel teteletelacaiein:COO ge Pai FFiga If the TANG of this fine,fallitiacbbhecd doesn’t put GINGER.into your"system—make you feel like hitching up to the hardest D tions and trotting off with them at a winning pace,there’‘3 "som;wrong.Hetter find out about it. Whatever it is,we have the BEST drugs Z sent you wii,we,tethemupRIGHT,AND—do it RIGHT NO Precision |Is Our First,Last and Middle NamePRECISIONPROMPTNESS| The Polk Gray amas |«“ON THE SQUARE.” OORTLNT OEaseantarts, ithall necessary ‘tool and Machinery to.Soae bean oteshipandwehaveworkmeninouremploycapableof.finemakecar..All work done.under the supervision of an ‘ex iechanicwhichinsuresthoroughwotkmateipandewtatedcepoeWehoesthatyonRive“a trial. SS ee as ss st eS , er Se e s .ab : s « Se SS SE OE a >“sinkin®™ _‘with the handlebars forward the speed is’ "Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. teresting programme at South River|House, .(Mas.W.“E.Bowles and.éhildren:of|House during’the’16"months of her .RL.Watts and Ww. ‘exanterfof Stony Point.visited Mrs,striking contribution was a cut-glass :a ae Sunday two sons of |police that he had ~down .tion:that was ever given a.glorious ~and-fratracideThe Borgias ‘(aéstablished “murder asa -trick ‘of ‘surpassing them,in serene “had let the German government know O}But_he never placed the on-sibyiy tér4whqfesale murder on Bin-colim™®bent Bho nor berated Mim:as ay«ontemptible hypocrite when ‘tist church of Statesville gave an in-! “Grose of Stohy Point is visiting at the|_President Wilson warmly thanked Springfield Republican.;°ee The current criticism’of the.Presi; dent of the United States that is nearest ta,ripe wisdom and absol “ff ly con g effect cnaen from two |?" ‘ccimifare and widely separated 1 ng | ng th n the one side is the @x-ard,»;perdiscussing a treme -pro-German press,with whose ey om the ane 0 Jaks vow.). shafts the country 16 familiar.The|hard >is’that s oi -Squent Milwaukee Free Press,controlled by |™ore oF @ p cher than ae Milwaukee German -Americans,de-any ,other,ere the nacesonia nounces the President's.entire course Most agesi do ey a e ‘ and threatens Mr.Wilson with polit-promptly,4 e rr eet ~ ical annihilation.‘But,more threats |#@*e hee nane oe a i &a ening:still,it says:“Unless the self y can makeia dollar count forics, sufficient provincial in the White/more than other'men’and the wonder House wakes up ong of these fine of the world is taksom.an tes doeito the realizdtion that he /mauage to;stay with ¢limitsofa ae Than a President of our An-|Meagre imcome and send their’.chil- glomaniaes,that he is in reality a dren:to school and promptly meet Presidept pf the American,people,he their obligations.However,here and will tive to discover a situation in|there,a preacher may be found who is this country that will-make-him ge cayelesstof his obligations at thegro+ in “American history.as the|cery store and who loses his credit arch-disruptionist of the noblest”na-among’the business men,‘Suth (a man might as well get.down and out,for he is utterly unable.to discharge the duties.of a pastor.It is often said by way of exeuse that the church- es aré slow in paying the pastor’s sal- ary,but this is only an excuse—it is not a reason,and is no justification whatever.Because .a chureh is un- just to its pastor furnishes no just reason in the world for the pastor to be unjust to his grocer or his,clothier, No preacher is obliged to stay with a Sate.who do not think enough of him.to:pay.his salary,But’this ex- cusé is not always true. We happen to know‘a few preach- ers¢—a very few we are glad ‘to say— whose salary is promptly paid but who rush heedlessly in debt and thus clip their wings and kill their.influ- ence;and one such -precaher harms not jenly himself and his:church,but brings veproach upon the ministry in general and gives the scorner the very weapons that he wants.The Writer was asked’by a lady,not a great while ago,to give’his’candid opinion of a reacher her church was considering. ‘Seeing that there was hesitation in the answer,she said,“I see that you do not think he is the man.There ‘is a reason;out With it,please.”She was told that the man she mentioned hod the reputation of not!paying his debts. She made:this astonishing answer with a look.of relief,“Ah,that’s.no- thing;we never,had a pastor that would pay his debts!”‘To this writer that was an amazing statement,for he never had.a.pastor who.was not scrupulously careful about his finan- cial obligations.-And we are .sure this lady exaggerated the:situation, but it shows how painfully common the ‘practice .of.carelessness about prompt payment of debts has become with a certain class of our pr@achers. Mai}.a-bright-man has found in’disfavor:and without a pla thigj reason,who,Shieh isanieeoneeApreacheindabroken-wing.Sod opportunity on the footstool of the universe.” Another’pro:+German ©publica- tion,which has ‘achieved ‘a peculiar notoriety,brings the.crime’of mur- der home to our administration.In a furious outburstin defense of ©Dr. Dumba,this religiously patriotic pub- lication informs its readers that)“the impropriety of Dr,Dumba was techs. nical merely...His real object was tq save his countrymen from.treason,prac- ticed murder as a fine art.We ‘havelegitimate industry.Not content with that no-j|ble athievement,our State,Depart- mént attempts to make fratricide compulsory.” Yet,these journals are easily out-dongs ‘How.interesting to .observethattheNewYorkTribunedoesthe malignitys’Of the Lusitania victimsitdeclares:; “Their deaths-are just as chargea-ble to the Wilson administration asthe?deaths .of those American boys who wore our uriform and ‘went’to Vera Cruz in obedience to.éxecutiveorder..The.Lusitania.victims:‘weresaerificedbecaus¢the’administrationhadsaidwhat*it did not ‘mean and that.it did not mean what it had “said.” Thus the sweet -tempered conclus-ion.is reached that*the President oftheUnitedStatesisafathomless hypocrite?:He’is also a murderer;ofcourse,the New York Tribune be- lieves t,for,it believes that the the Lusitania was murder. The New York paper is going some. Horace Greeley,who founded it,spent a good part of*the four years ofthecivilwar‘viciously.snapping at Abra-ham’Lineoln-and~-assailing him’*for alleged high crmes and »misdemean- Aaa ALN eA ARE RAEIALARA Classes and Societies of’States ville College Organized... The student body,classes,societies, ete,,of Statesville college were re- cently organized and the studagt body officers arg as follows?)»Bae |.‘Misses Ruth Cochran,pr@i MildredSmith,-vice presidengaretFleming,secretary;Bes son,treasurer....eu BETheofficersoftheseniorclassare:Misses Ruth Cochran,president;Ros-amond Clark,vice président;Margaret Fleming,secretary;.Cordelia Watts,treasurer.Thejunior class officers are:Misses Mary Cowles,president;Bessie Hudson,vice president;Mar- garet Deal,~seeretary and treasurer.In the sophomore class:MissesSparkeJohnson,‘president;Helen Bailey,vice president;Moore Orr, secretary and treasurer.In.the freshman’class:Misses Juliet _McCrorey,president;MarySpratt,vice president;Rosa Holding, secretary and treasurer.The literary societies orranized with the following officers:Phi Mu.So-ciety;.Miss,Helen Florence,presi-dent;Miss.Bessie Hudson,vice.pres-ident;Mr.William Moore,secretary;Miss Ruth.Harris,‘treasure:Phi 1 Kappa.Socicty:Misses Ruth Céehran,and weighs 45 lbs.It is equjpped|president;Margaret Fleming;vice @ “kick starter”and is con-|president;Rachel.MeLelland,secre- trolled in a novel way..By moving!tary;Moore-Orr,treasurer.;An athletic association has also increased,while by drawing them all|been organized)with the hope ofofthewaybacktheclutchisdisen-|arousing “an interest in out-door gaged,the engine throttled and’the jsports.It is purposed later to organ-brakes.applied.ize tennis clubs and basketbull teams. leat Or —|The officers of this,association are New:Sthool ‘House —Personal)Misses Margaret Fleming,president; Items.)Rosamond Clark,vice president;\Grace Cochran,seeretary and.tyeas- urer. brewing a massacre.But the pro-German press.and ‘the’.Tribune sort deserve jubilant congrat-|‘ ulations.‘They have met at Jast oncommonground!Joy to them!|; .City ry niat re Runabout for"Hi }TUse.‘What is.without doubt the most curious y m vehicle that hasinstordrive:yet its ap;nee.was recent-ly Mbbctesis in the business streets of Baltimore,and is described,withallustration,in the October Pop-ular Mechanics Magazine.it is a imi ptation of the motor-eycle not a great deal larger insizethanmanyofthemanuallypro-pelled conveyances driven on cityfatksbysmallboys.The device|is déstgned not as a plaything,but asak,ready means of transporta-tion.A compact2 1-2 horse powermotor,which drives the:machine at@Maximumspeedof25°miles an -hour,is mounted at one side of therearwheel.The fuel and.oil tanksareembodiedintheframeanditisstatedthatonegallonofgasolinewillcarrythecycleapproximately75miles.;To prevent mud and water:fromsplashing onto the_-rider,,thewheelsarenearlyincasedinspeciallyshapedmudguards.The machine is 4 ft.in length,18 in,high,9 in.wide, Bethany Township,Sept.30-—Mr.C.|—_—_—_—_—_—_——_———M.Summers has been given the con-Zachary Taylor’s Tableware Fortracttobuildtheschool,building for|the White HousethieHamptonandMooredistricts.It|:will be built near the residence of thc)Mrs.Walter R.Stauffer of NewlateJ..W.Houpe..The lumber is be-/Crieans,granddaughter of Presidentingsawednearbyandthehousewill/Zackaiv Taylor,called on Presidentbeetinashorttime.i Wilse aa tow devs ago to present a¢Baraca class of the First Bap-|cciluction of her digtiaguished grand-tusieware’to the White church last Sunday.The exercises|Presi iesidentTaylor’s lastsoeaebymembersofthe|child,‘Mrs;Betty.Bliss’Handed-rn ool,*-lwho,owing to the all.health of ‘her“Mrs,L.O.White snd children and|-nother,”was mistress of the White \fether’s Statesville-spent-Monday with Mrs.C.|fathers inistrati ie gé$y)ers administration,died a yearM.Summers.Messrs,Jno,R..Morri-|3r ‘wo ago at Winchester,Va.The etn thag|by an!unlooked-for resistance,ta anti- ,{tice to allow pay to these guides and possemen,no matter what ,the gut-|.; In '65 the army,view.before Presidentson,was 200,000 stronblueranksastheywere rdythefirstSouthern°korn cording to the best estimble,about 20,000 men,marched with the aid §canes,Others managebyleaninguponthearcomrades.Many thougpathofahalfacent buoyant ‘step to the aywarsongs,All along the lines’ojwereoccasionalscenes pf tre reunionoftheblueand@/@xray»which brought ‘cheers and abel»yells”from ©the.’crowd.}/Qe!Con-federate veteran,in uniform,joinedthelineofmarch2nd,ing..arms with a veteran ‘in blue,the two march-ed_off to an uproar-of*appwere‘many Confedersthecity:and everyw seen mingling with the arch there More~Bailiffs \and’Court ‘Criers.. The Department of Juptice:has giv-en notice that.the:duties heretofore performed by bailiffs and court.criers in this Federal ‘court ‘district,:willhereafter‘be perfor'med |by).deputy marshals andthe |stenographer ofJudgeBoyd:By abolishing these of-fices.the department will effect.9savingofatleast$2,000ja year.This new arrangement has been effected iin several districts.Shoulditbe,adoptedineachofthe84districts|of the Unit-ed States the estimated:saving,would be approximately /$150,00)a year,; The Federal court has}been notedforthenumberjof‘uselebs eniployes retained for the:sessions @f the court.Their elimination ‘is entirely.proper,but if Uncle Sam should #fo in for.the elimination of.unnecessary:employesinalldepartmentsofthe|povernment, a vast throng would be titrned.out,to earn their living in some‘ther way. AllAlike.|.ae ail They’re all very muchLtikein thematterofdrink.As a result of thewarFrancehastriedto,prohibit’thesaleofabsinthe,a faygfite)French drink,and this dispatch fiom Paris isareminderofconditions|in some’ofthedrought-stricken “regions in ‘this country:|4 TS ai“Abisinthe is dying ha!et.Artificial drinks resembling if'in eolor and flavor are.obtainable’in spite ofthevigilance‘of the authorities,and it is even asserted that stocks of,the real Deverage on hand at ‘ie.date,of prohibition,and paid for by the gov-pcre h nding their way to,the, consumer.Numerous new €rcocticnshave-also;eeen put on the market,to replace it;,,The,traffic is encouragad | No alcoholic Jegislation im Prrtiement.” Guides and Pessemen Must.De-‘liver the Goods. The internal revenue department,at,Washington has issued orders that in future,,there are to be no allowancesofpayforguidesaridpossemen:inmakingraidsonblockadestillsunlessthe;raid is,successful in the captureofthestill.or,blockaders.,Heretofore it has.been the prac- come of the raid was.It.is inferred that the government authorities feelthattheyhavebeenimposeduponby“guides”and those putting them- selves in the way of being impressedintoserviceaspossemen,through their taking the precaution to see to it that the blockaders and their stills were slipped-away.before they.reach- ed the place with thw officers. Morgan Returns theWill." J.P.Morgan of New York has-sentwithoutcosttoJusticeJamesKeith,president of the Virginia Court'of Ap-peals,to be disposed of by hini'ut Hisowndiscretion;the;will of Mrs!Mar-| tha Washington,taken from-the réc-otds of Fairfax Court House ,byaFederalsoldierduring,the’Civil.War,and bought ‘by the late Pierpont,Mor-gan for his library.ae Fairfax Harrison,president_of theSouthernrailway,was.the mediatorbetweenMr.Morgan.and.GovefnotStuartofVirginia,-and Justice K¢ith.Morgan had-refused‘repeated reauéststoreturnthe~will and suit “hat been brought for its recovery.It ig:saidthatthewill,by consent,will probablybeplacedinafireproofvaultdatMt.Vernon.i ‘ _Dr,Sampson. ‘This Afternoon &Tonight ‘mous rs :Queen Quality a ~Factory Making women’s shoes only, will be shown by us at thebese ~.|nealer Thisinteresting’picture will) show in detail’“how,tie £a-| mutvet?re 4 fle wo ShoeisMi eH #anade | te ond ced See how 5,000 people en- joy working when condi-| _itions are ideal.It’s ed-. ucational,interesting and | instructing. jOurNew:Fall Boots are a! Jasxj:y 3 crim ay SHOWS .25 YEARS -OF ata semaineWHRH)THE PUBLIC THE SHOW THA MEVER Bi ~A TREMEtat \‘a yeeeelaheesha QFECT SPECIMENS?OF THE Y EARTH'S MOST CURIOUS CREATURES roy-WNta Tame eledsoa A ae tae | i rs LT StS ot eed BBie eth)et)aoteCOUNTRIESCOMPETEINFEATSOfDARINGANDGRACE. MlAeaaa be 711°} BY.THIS MAMMOTH EXTERPRISEAaaneeeAelalgPCaeChe: MARE-AKD FEMALE RIDERS AERIAL ARTIST$;LEAPERS, TUMBLERS,GYMBNASTS ANDSEMSATIOHALDEATNHOERYINGFEATSCILLALeaCeod SEATS Tas LisGi THE LARGE i aael ae NoeON EARTH BUINCHES TALLEREL21one 5 WEIGHING Ev To oP} Lf O72-2] i A POSITIVE FEATURE j AT EACH EXHIBITION oT TENTS THAT ANE :POSITIVELY:.<j WATERPROOF UBT T YT CR ae AND FEMALE PERFORMERS aia Care Chris)AE SMT MCTTRAINEDELEPHANTS.MONSTER Sy ps aes;ne |MAN-KILLING LIONSaleemetaeeeMCS AYNnL akBroan BTNG et Me Baa ee DAS eaentL ZAMD&O'CLOCK DOORS TO MEMALE ARIEraeTaa) ay bisa hy We WantAccounts. v i Do you realize that q busdred small accounts make a 3 #)@ bank stronger th@n.adézen large ones oveg Hf tljoy age “~gregate the same total of deposits?eng * That is why we are constantly seeking pew customers, We want as wide acircle of friends and customers as possible.:_*4%Of course,large accounts are welcome,tod)(tbr)it is ur,purpose to serve ALL people, 'But we want men and women of limited meanstoknow that this bank is willing to accept their deposits and give _them the adyantage of our advice and e facility of ‘the institution.§*"soe”at i If you are not a bank depositor at all come in and get ; acquaiited with us We will be glad to talk things over with you.ence Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, ‘The Bank For Your Savings.”’ i rea al SOND |See mefor anything in jewelry.My line is up-to-date ememmemen=FaroRRmewEFoFRIENDSHIP LINKS.— L have them in Sterling.Silver.Start a “Bracelet— only 25 cents to start.Your friends will do the rest. OH.B.WOODWARD -Jeweler..|‘| a see them-as well.as this picture. the Texas Seminary,Austin,Texas,who: Denver,Col.,August 11 on a trip and tramp through the ‘Estes mountain regions,has not been jheardfromsince.He has been given up,fordead.and search is being madefor his:body.{‘Dr.Sampson is known to {many.people in this section of,North /Cago-. lina,>|ta At High Point Glehn ‘Turner,|;vears old,who had been an der id,from childhood as a result of in ate:paralysis,was accidentally struck ontheheadbyatrapyeranddied son,W.E.Morrison,=bi Soreness,|raeally ageeed to make a gift of Tay-%C.Wosten at-|lor tableware and plate to the Exec-tended the fair at Wilkesboro,Mr,|utive .Mansion ‘be represent their|Walter Morrison and Miss Addie Al:|distinguished grandfather..The”most’ Todd Summers last weck.Miss Ethel decanter and a set of wine glasses. from his injuries,ee Miss Mery Cain,diupiiter o!ir.qC.T.Cain of Morgenton,an Fark: Mack,a baeeball player of |note;were married.Tuesday.night af thehomeoftrebrideinMormantC.C.Willis of Asheville,NKOs “home ‘of,her grandfather,Mr.F.F,|Mrs.Stauffer for the gif’..|td ts, Vet ds Sion:#3 York!Stolen $15,000 of}the funds of the Episcopal di eonaeteee:|Atlanta.Bishop Netaed,whoaadiyxiaheaesponandinstant-|employed Stowers as sceretary says |a .young:oy—13 years|he,¢an find but a small amount migs-;‘jing—less than $300,® Geo.GC.Stowers told the New Harris were strolling when the dead ny ee ¥jSaeaeESibigenak.?BiLeesaregh,*itabepe') ‘sbeast faulted a bond of $500 put up by Wil-lis.‘He got his man and sav 200outofhisimpendinglossof$500. Directing the work of removing a large brick pillar in West.Asheville,D,A.Lashley was caught when thepillarcollapsedandwasprobably,fa- tally ‘injured,;FA.tre fessional bondsman,spent,raesearchingforaman‘whoii e- Rev.Dr.Thornton R.Samp4on|at | Presbyterian Theolosioa!DON’t Fo get |S shing ‘Phcnes 84 and 137oeiNotLaereee £6 se /“Cossaid One week’s demonstra:tion,beginning Monday, ‘Ramsey-Bowles- here-and we want you to : COLLEGE JEWELRY! £2 % ~Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,ete., with the seal of Statesville”College on."Make a nice piece of Jewelry.for former gtudents-as.well as those now.attending. «.We have this line now in. i[Ri H.RICKERT &SON. Morison Company. ne SS :a a — Practice Economy This Year! ‘Feed Fdgar-Morgan Co’.s Mixed Feeds. i Not screenings or offal,or worthless,by-products,but,se- onto pee “(ld Beck Sweet Feed.© “Little Ned Sweet Feed. -Manna:Rice Chick Feed.;Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. lected feed scien-tifically blendedforresults,Made/obyahousewitht.*a reputation forintegrity,oN & ¢.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. mt ae 61Leb Be SakHasAEOR:Vg a i “7 re Phone 125 Black, oy h }}4athe4 bey Sse rampart snk tahge wt gn rt)A No at ATL (i AA cote ANY iA MOY Ad a an Of =Rg. ‘ Ee inter >ne av)re eeeee ’—MERCURY,ITSIC THE LANDM "ARK:es ‘ANDBOICKENS!GENTLY ae mt our LoeanSluggish or =‘Don'e'Losee ork!If‘Day owels Constipated Take ‘Dodson’s Liver ‘Tone.”’ ‘re bilious!Your liver’:is sonal mon eee guaranteo that h lea your slug-‘{You feel lagy,dizzy,and each tgfut or ae Oa nas. ‘all pocked out.Your head ix dull,ee at and tat roping fl :your topgue is coated;breath bad:/you sick. tomneh sour and bowels constipat-|Dodson’s Liver fone is roal liver oma don’t.take salivating calo-medicine,vYou'll know it next morn- mel.It makes you/sek.you may ing,because vou vil!wake uy ‘eel- a ‘day’‘3 work,ing ine,yourts will’be working, aD lomel is mercur r uicksilver|your headache and dizziness gone, yyaa ¢auses necros watt e bones.|your stomach Will’be sweet and your jomel'papas pt a4 bile iike|bowels regular.ju will feel like mite,breaking it are working;youll be cheerful;full of Pe ake and|vigor at ee ee.9 me an |Dodson’s*Liver’is entirely If you want.to enjoy the nicest,|vegetable,Seatore “harmless.and ia dantitet liver and bowel cleansing ;cannot saliva Give it ‘to yous “you ever experienced,just take al children.°lions of people are us- ing Dodsen’s Liver Tone instcad of dangerous calomel now..Yeur drug: wrist will tell you that the sale of cal- omel is almost stenned entirely here. fe nful of harmless Dodson’s Liver fom tonight.Your”druggist —or poet sells you a 50 cent bottle of n’s Liver Tone under my per .:™: BOSTONIANS, Famous Shoes forMen. _Amodel of the semi-flat all-! round type so much in vogue at present.Not stylish to an extreme,but of most distinc- tive appearance.Preeminent- ly a man’s shoe. $4.00,$4.50 and $5.00 Grades. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. ’Phone No.83. _[Commercial National Banke.§OF STATESVILLE,N.C.pe s o t e c e o o s o o c e s $100,000.0031,500.00||.Capital Stock Paid in ~{ Surplas and Profits ee s s e c s s e s s o o s o o o s e s e se ee e se e tt i Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited ‘and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Fourper cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits ‘remaining:on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS:— w.D.TURNER ==i>~«President, Ke MORRISON,---°-Vice President,D.M.AUSLEY,-Cashier; G.KE.HUGHEY,~Assistant Cashier. po t o t e s e c e s e s o s e s e o e s o o s o e s e s e c s ~Superior,Buck Eye,Empire ‘""The Three which hold the world’s record. :Oat Drills,Hattows,Disc Plows,Manure Spreaders,etc.Complete line. Iredell Hardware Company, “GOOD TIME! The tlocks in the home must be aeorthe housekeepercan’tbe ¢ex:pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no‘inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucan't depe ouwant todo isto et »our watch or clock:repaired:‘by IitiiYorheisdevotghientiretimetorepairingwateclocksandfittieyeglasses:BiaHinsneriewes “\had ‘been harboring Williams,and in 3 sponsibility for the killing of the’el-8 der Philips. Bion and told Wiggins that he had be- H |trayed him.so this part of the scheme3iwas.spoiled,. f j jail for safe-keeping,where Miller and Bilaw of Philips,He killed his moth-H jer-in-law.brother-in-law and sister-| S j|in-law all at one time,in their home |8 jin Graham county.His motive for thc; -|Asheville atesksofty WILLIAMS WAS T Graham County |"Murderen)Desperado Betrayed ByposedFriend—Admits ThatHeKilledThreeMémofaFamilyButDenies|the Fourth.ts pee The capture of Ed Wi ‘ outlaw chargedwith the mPhilipsfamilyin’Graham county,was such a tame affair—in view ofthefactthatitwasgenerallybe-lieved that Williams could not he tak-en alive—that the story behind it is of unusual interest.Williams is charged with killing the wife,son and daughter of Philip Philips,in Graham county last serine.A few weeks ago Foilipa.i shotfromambushandkilled.Ts also charged with this sarehewasinhidingHardyWiggins and Merritt Miller were arrested for com-plicity-in the murder of Philips.Theyweretriedattherecent.term of Gra-Nee county Superior Court,convict-and sentenced to die November “5.The strongest evidence against themenwasthe-dying declaration~ofPhilips.who said cither that Merritt and Wiggins shot him or that theywerepresentwhenhewasshot.Bill Wiggins,a ‘brother of ‘Hardy, the hope of saving his brother’s life he agreed to surrender Williamstotheofficers.The Asheville Citizen;from which these facts are obtained,| says for several weeks bbe ra been hiding in a little clearingin e|mountains about a mile from Bitt|Wiggins’home,near Robbinsville. Here he slept at nights on bags andwrappedin.a quilt,in’a hollow chest- nut tree.Wiggins had been giving him food and taking him tobacco un- til he got the outlaw to the pointwherehetrusted.Wiggins thoroughly.In order that the fugitive shouldmakestatementsinthehearingoftheofficersthatwopldclear)his|brother of being responsible for the death if the elder Philins,Saturday night,just after dark,Wiggins gatintothemountainstoWilliams’hid- ing place and persuaded him to g0 to his house to get supper.By an arranged scheme,Sheriff.Ammo:and Marshal Walters of Robbinsville, were in hiding on .the path Williams ;|would use in reaching the WigginsLinsme.When Wiggins had decoyed hisfriendwithinashortdistanceofhis home,he left.him ostensibly for ‘the Jages of 28 and 32 will be given an op-Al pertunity on November 1 to .demon- -oe —See Jobs For Young Doctors. .Uncle Sam is hunting fore.good,young doctors for the United States Public Health Service.»>-Young medical men between the strate their fitness for admission to the grade of assistant surgeon in tineUnitedStates’Publie Health Service,|}says @ statement issued by Surgeon General Rupert Blue. There are several vacancies in.thegovernment’s mobile sanitary corps.In order to/be recommended to the President for a commission,a physi-cal and professional examination mistfirstbepassed.As the tenure of of-fice is permanent and the PublicHealthofficersareliabletodutyinall parts of the world,they are requiredtocertifythattheybelievethemselvesfreefromanyailmentwhichwould|} disqualify them for service ih any| ‘climate,Boards will be convened inWashington,Boston,New York,Chi- cago,St.Louis,Louisville,New.Or- leans and San Francisco,but permis-sion to:take the examination must first be obtained.from the Surgeon General.Commissions will be issued as as-~|1sistantsurgeonand,after four years |} of service,the young officers are en- titled to éxamination for promotiontothegradeofpassedassistantsur-gceon,and after 12 years of service to another examination for promotion to the grade of surgeon.The annual salaries range from $2,000-to $4,000}; and “eommutation”(allowance for; NewLine of.PATTERN Persian Silk Rugs. 12x15 Rags. Variegated Mottle Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminster iin all,sizes, Angio Persian Bath Rugsin allcolts,S Call and see our line of Brussell.lug: $18.00 to $38.50. We havein stock a fewspeciallylarge a ma r ee er r r Statesville Housefurnishing:Co. ¢xpenses)ranges from "to $50 pet"ee month. |Iredell’s Progress Name. {Our Fatherless.Ones. Progress is being made in Iredell county day by day and now the fameofIredellhasgotabroadintheland for more reasons than one.It is be- gressive county.Iredell first came in- roads.Then came the county farm demonstrator,the visiting nurse and the county health work,and it has the reputation of being a law-abiding county.It has refused to teachers who use cigarettes.Consid- ering all of these forward steps it follows naturally that Iredell is spoken of in many quarters as a mod- el county. EAT BIG MEALS!NO SOUR,ACID STOMACH,INDIGESTION OR GAS! purpose of going ahead to the house and seeing if the coast was clear.Up- liams ;was,waiting,Wiggins info: him that somebody was at the moles |and they.had better sit.down and/|wait for him to go.Having reach the spot where Wiggins knew the o' took place.The _officers. could not hear,all of Williams’ swers to Wiggins’questions,In an- swer,to.Wiggins’question,.“How farwereyoufromoldman:Phil:wher you shot?”they heard ‘Williams.say, “About 50 yards.” When this point in the conversa- tion:peesches,Williams began toThetwo,officers jumpedafom“thet hiding ‘places,and or-im to throw up his hands,cov- ering him at the same time with their revolvers.He obeyed the order,butraisedhishandsveryslowly. Wiggins was also:placed under ar- rest,as it was a part of the plan tha! he.should be placed in a cell withWilliamsandtalkwithhimfurtherinanefforttogethisbrotherexon-erated and have Williams take the re- But Williams had caught Williams was taken —to.Asheville Wiggins,under death sentence,-.arc also confined.Williams is a son-in on his return to the place where al.| cers were in hiding,the’conversation |: however,| ott| \“Pape’s Diapiepsin”is Quickest, ing heralded the State over as a pro-|§ to the limelight because of her good)’ employ|4 the face of the policy,will be paid: But thisis not all. ERNESTG.GAITHER,PHONE 23. Suppose that you are insuredin the United Life and AcsuranceCompanyofNewHampshirefor$5,000 undercee i Triple Indemnity Plan,what does your Policy,cuarantee |{ _ANSWER:¥FIRST,it guarantees that in éase of death from.aby cause,$5,000, SECOND,thatin case of death:from ‘any’accident,$10,000,or:double the face of the policy,will ‘be paid.THIRD,thatin case of death from certain spétified accidents,$15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will beIncaseoftotaldisabilityaga result of acci+-‘dentalinjury,you will receive an indemnity:of $50 P#R WEEK.Can insurance do more?And why should any.man’with a pulicy that would do less?The costislow. ENGR.INSURANALSANbREALaeOFFICENO.1 paid. hn lini —Try It! Time it!Pape’s Diapépein will ,di- ‘west anything you eat and overcome|sour,gassy or out-of-order enerelywithinfiveminutes. If your meals don't™fit Lly.or what you eat lies like a lump| of lead in your stomach,or if you have heartburn,that is a Aigastion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty- cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, with acid, burn,fullness,or heavy feeling in the stomach.nausea,debilitating “head-} aches;dizziness-or intestinal priping:.| This will.all go,and, will ‘he no sour food left over in the| stomach to poison your breath with) nauseous.odors. Pape’s Dianepsin -is takes hold of your food"and digests.it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from |all stomach misery is waiting for at any drug store:These:large fifty-cent cases éontain enough “Pape’s Dispepsin”to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many you lextermination of the Philips family...it is thought,was because:he believed|they.were reporting him for blockad-| ing.The killing followed raid after |raid by the revenue officers on stills| which invariably ‘were.chopped to |pieces almost as fast as they couldbe| set up. In answer to a queitlon of a _re-porter of the Asheville Citizen,Wil- liams said,“I admit the first killing”—the slaying of the three members ofthePhilipsfamilyin.their home.He{denied that he made any statement to the effect that he had killed the elder Philips.He added that if anybodysaidhehad’made such a statement|they misunderstood him;that he was referring to the first killing.| _RRO EE RE EER Jute String Instead of Cotton. Jute instead of cotton twine will be| used by the Postoffice Department, during the year beginning November 1,for tying letters._The:contract:for| furnishing jute has been awarded the|Ludlow Manufacturing Association ofBoston,Mass.,at $0.099 a pound,| deemed to be "the lowest bid for fur- nishing.either jute ‘or cotton submit.|ted to the department.Cotton/is.be-,ing used this’yearat $0,.1328,| During.the year 22,500,000,.pounds|‘lof jute twine will be ysed ‘by the de-partment.Gotton now is being used.The jute contract amounts to ($247,- 000. Mes.Britt Dead, Mrs.Janie J.Britt,wife of Con-gressman Britt of the Asheville .dis-trict,died?’Monday not .her,.home::in an illness.of severalnsandcomplica: oy a na- months,It belongs in your.home. -Since Coming Here> So many have said “I wish youhadbeenherewhenI‘built.”Iwantyou:to'see my stock and get my prices.It costs you nothingtolook;end -all Task is that you buy where you can buy cheapest.C:WATKINS,N.Center®St. ,|When It’s Flowers! Think of Van Lindley Company.‘We have one of the’largest Greenhouse plants in the South,: Orders small or large receive prompt atten- tion.’Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed, | Flowers That Please. Surest Stomach Relief Known| ual sign of in- |no! belching of undigested food mixed! no stomach gas or heart-| besides,there | |To,the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT.CoM eeacertaincure} for out-of-order stomachs,because-it; ||r\ |i “ ‘PHONE 20. om Our Elegant Line S t ationer WILL PLEASE YOU. Tablets and Envelopes tomateh.':4 HALL’S ‘DRUG Peseta yy :: POS. sit ae ith omaha aya ( AAS sesfeOates aoebale Yee STTOREdfsain by windin addition to hail; *PHONE 54. to announce that they have completed arrangementsHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York,’’io nsuring your growing |crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destucton abyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO OROP,;~$100 per acre valuation at $7.50fa acre75peracrevaluationat¢5.874 per acre|50 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre—25 per acre valuation at 1.874 peracre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAINCROP.:‘Fe $40 per acre valuation $1.60per‘acre 35 per acre valuation “1.40 per acre. 30 per acre valuation ear a 1.20peracre25peracrevaluation.&s a 1.00 per acre«20 per acre valuation a 80 per acre’15 per acre valuation Awe pia oxsols10peracrevaluation—40per.acre ~DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.- $100 value for one year at we 3 years at 60c.,5 domme at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossor REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.’”a : J.F.CARLTON,manages STATESVILLE, lamage. Suchisthe recordsola 8 damage done by tornadoes. tornado may strike your property,but you do knowthe“Old Hartford”protects ee For overa eee N.Cc.) Youdon’t knowwhen the oh O,H.BROW L045.| THE SAME-LIN Curb SalSpiel.dred Years Ago. remarkecstylehastheyears. »game line o , the ‘same way,as his p the years agone.ich, ~that’théré probably isn’t newness as one thinks, We changed appreciably wi He uses very,muc E OF TALK.)5 esmen Have the Same‘They Had Three:Hun- nding up for aBro.Atkins of theistryingtoclaim.toodhoundsshowedficerstothebarnin which they found hat.the Gastonia {ul Bud Lippard,A few affidayits,please.| ing hote of the circus ads.,It 19 ee that the circus press agent's officially proclaimed the Greek of DekThemayor.of Winston-Salem has tober 1-9 as “Dress-Up Week,”whichthesameisinterpretedtomeanthat f talk,strung together im everybody who has the coin,or credit, redecessor IM /js expect Which is to remark)the week,so much ed to buy now togs during Burgla nucked the safe in thestoreofHYS,Huffines at.Gibsonville, A writer in the Philadelphia Eve-|Guiifoyd county,early Sunday morn-ning Ledger,as related by the Liter-'ing and extracted $556 in,¢ash. ary Digest,says the a stone Salesman is as 3 familiar,Here is a samp Ledger writer hears it: “Ladies and gentlemen—I am not; ‘flere tonight to sell you anything. am merely goin —g wonderful-rem grip,blood. eases,Thi all other remedies have failed. “T have a few sma : shall pass out to you tonight,a am not going to ask you $5,no nor $3,nor $2,no,nor:$1,nor even cents,nor 50 cents,But I tell you m going to do,ladies and,gen- yemahdigar Ae I am going to give |gressman Doughton has secured the} to you this wonderful little rethedy,to establishment o ‘each lady or gentleman in the audi-Tline”between tlemen.Listen: ence who passes me up the small sum of 25 cents—two bits—one quarter. tonight has this wonder-n sold for less than $5.”A g to introduce to youedy_for cold,coughs, od-disorders and nervous dis- g medicine has cured sick- ness of 45 years’standing,and when| hich IHLDeendI broke her arm. $4,os geeetrns,99|from which this information is ob- |was stopped but he proved to be thewrongman. begun the work of straightening its ‘roadbed and reducing the grades”on\its main line between Norlina,on the|Virginia line,and Hamlet.It is said‘the Seaboard--contemplates erecting,'repair shops at Hamlet. A week:ago a runaway horse threwiMrs.Isaac.Robérts’of Clarksville,Davie county,from the buggy.and Mrs.Roberts is an iold lady and the Mocksville Record, tained,says her conditjon is serious. |The Hickory Record hears that Con- f an automobile mail Lenoir Rock for the summer months;and itlissupposedthatthelinewillnotbe put in operation until next summer. Rev.R.L.Davis,State |{} Gastonia Gazette}, ‘the Catawha of’ i A totrtofthecurb-/stranger passing in an automobileneientasitIsleofthepres- ent day talk of that individual as the 4,.Seaboard Air Line railway has| and”Blowing! fence,while its superin-| im tho largest nut-bearing.and’non-nut-||hearing trees in.the t PoTho.largest nutebsvalleyoakontheranch|ver,San Benito county,CithefoothillsoftheSierra,N;mountains,This lordly tree meas-|ures 87 feet six inches in cireumfer-ence,Tt is near the city of Stocktorand.the natives,who declare that itproducesatonofacornseveryyea:e great pride in it,.2°?t is expected that the,“ of this tree will be at once and a.disappointment to” of the famous Hooker oal Chico,iCal.,named for the English botanist,|Sir Joseph Hooker,who,in 1872,de-|jEjclaredthat,so far as encyclopaediiknowledgewent,it.was thelar necessarydelayedin showin ‘We cordially inviteingsoftheseason. |=MIL *WithSplendidImprovements —Practcaly“Wehave built new.show windows,added more light,and an elevantRestRoomforLadiesonflooraboveMillineryDepartmentconveniences,In maki i LS&PO i hee a New Up-to-Date Store. nt,with all : these improvements we have been1NEWFALLGOODS,but we are now pre-ouparedtoserveSouhatter than ever before,and shopping in our storenowshouldbeapleasuretoourfriendsaswellasprofitabletothem,you to call and let us show you the new fall offer-Yours truly, ‘+ oy k $oak in the —world,--Several.—persons:sent in.photographs of the Hooker|‘oak,which,however,is only 21 feet Vii e\urey iva.See ncentonG none i iMUa/Neds WU?WRG MELD Nd 3 een we Sa feA eight inches in.circumferente,; al-though it rises to a height of 105 feet.iy|The largest tree in the’non-nut-" \beating class of hardwoods disclosedibythe.contest is a.sycamore ‘near!|Worthington,Ind.This tree is 150) feet high,after having had its height|jconsiderably reduced by lightning and|jwind.It has a spread of 100.feet and |jits trunk one foot above the ground| poses, Reunion at Stony Point.s_éast .braneh meas-|Stony Point Correspondence ‘Taylors-jures 27 feet eight inches around and|ville Scout.lits west branch 23 feet two inches,| L is 45 feet three.inches in cireumfer-|‘ ‘a t |Monday,September 27th,at theThisIndianatree“is the largest home of Mr.T.A:Bailey,,there’was all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Cometo usStatesvillePrintingCo.| TYPEWRITERS!Nev,2,Seba Tyrie,wld RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS andwithyourTypewritertroubles, Loar %|tendent.of the Anti-Saloon,League,|known.tree in all the eastern ¢otntry.a reunion.of.the Bailey family at!-..The writer ‘fine t the same sort ‘nuts out the word thar the’League It does not compare,of course,with|which were Mrs.W.8.Brown andle,with the’same line of talks |will make a campaign against Con-|some other big conifers,none of which |son ‘of Granite Quarry,Mrsv J.P.eee hundreds,pt years ae i gressmen Small and Pou,these gen-,were entered..in the contest for that Frekler of Salisbury,Mrs.Db.G.WiltoneofBenJonson's plays,ies uced |tlemen having voted in.Congress'\reason.Some of the giants of Cali-of Mt.Airy,Messrs.R.L.Bailey andintheYear1605,Volpone,disguisec against a prohibition amendment‘to |fornia measure more in diameter than 3.A.Bailey with their families,of-Soe tin an a Oe tee constitution.|the Hoosier sycamore in cireumfer-|siony Point,and Mr.Charlie King of|f{|At Hickory three young white men |&?°-:|Snow Creek.The report is that thereRes,nadValponn pcieeeiee the throng|The Worthington sycamore BTOWS|was ‘much good:cheer’and.plenty to|fpaid'a dollar to a colored citizen for|Sa sae attoatal:|ws |are :P ‘a pint of liquor and gota pint of soap-|0n the ric 1 alluvia oe ed wee |oat. ces aoe dothine to Suds and kerosene oil.They had the Tver,a stream which frequently. sell,little or riothing to sell.**!‘negro arrested but us he didn’t sell)°V¢Tflows its banks,depositing layers| protest,I and my six servants are not For To the neglected street man,Tarvia Streets must be grand.We some- times wonder if the City’s Scrapers, Picks and Shovels are rusting out in- stead of wearing out.We never see OO O O Oe ee 4}liquor he couldn’t be convicted of that\of Silt..This is belicved to be one2of| able to make of this precious liquor the priticipal factors which have con-| so fast as it is fetched away from my lodging by gentlemen of.your city.**O health,health!the blessingofthe-rich,the-riches-ef-the—poor!who can buy thee at.too dear a rate. since there is no enjoying the worldwithoutthee!Be not then so sparing of your purses,honorable gentlemen.as to abridge the natural course oflife.**Tis this rare extraction offence,and he was then prosecuted| for false pretence. Wednesday evening at 8 0’clock,at the home of the bride’s parents,Mr. and Mrs.F.M.Williams,in Newton, Miss Matt Ransom Williams becamethebrideofMr.Butler.Aderholdt. The couple left on the evening trainforMemphisandafterthe8thwillbeathomeatPortageville,Mo. J.C.Tebbetts and Wallace Agey, |}} tributed to the remarkable growth of |this tree.Like most large sycamores,|the Worthington tree is hollow at its} base,and recently was somewhat damaged by fire.Ge |The Geneti¢association received 287 | tree photographs in this constest,| which ‘started in October last year|and closed July 1 this year.These pic-| tures covered trees:in all sections of|Itis not my present ambition |; the country,from a 250-year-old Con-|to be recognized as the larg-i them in use on the MUCH NEEDED and MUCH NEGLECTED streets. Tobacco chewers better part with their quid before riding over some of them,for fear of—well,you picture CR O C S CR O R E CE O ee s the consequences.that hath only power to disperse all q malignant humors;a most sovereignandapprovedremedy;cramps,con- who were arrested in|Durham last {necticut elm,which is the pride of all|week under the “Blue Sky Law,”had althe countryside,to @ persimmen thee,est grocery in Statesville but is preliminary hearing at Burlington,|which rises to.a height of 130 feet|to be remembered asvulsions,paralysies.epilepsies,retiredAns:waived examination and gave bond|and has a base seven feet thick,es-|Oe aktaelatspesiocs’ba The HousefortrialinNovember.They repre-'tablishing:a new.record for its spe-|;66 melancholia.hypondriaca,being |3 kl sented the “Southern Orchard Com-j|cies.«The persimmon tree is near| 3?Better Values. and applied according to my)pany”and were selling stock in Geor-|Luxora,Ark. Below are a few prices quot-|8 ea rc ra "Twill cost you eight|gia orchards.The seeond largest nut-bearing tre el d f y mpari.;.::" :ve a oe ‘Statesville Ice &I uel Company. Zan Fritada,prithee|Bud Lippard,noted|disclosed by the contest is a chestnut| SUGAR...,wy Coal ‘‘ROUGH.RIDERS,” ng 2 verse extempore in honor:of |plockader,jthree miles from Crestmont,N.C.,| re 6 age.b.18 o7 ee «Build a Still Better One. ins Se jon the main range of the Big Smoky’“You all know.honorable gentle-jmaountains which divide North Caro-| Best Granulated Sugar.s Best Granulated Sugar,25- Last time we moved you out of a rented house andintoonewhichwehelpedyoutobuildatacostof |Oran!court at Newton Wednesday of selling |”S ce:er et ee liquor at Ball’s Creek eampmeeting,at jlina and Tennessee,This tree is 75 Ib.”Bugs FLOUR. $2,000.Since it is to be your home you regret thatyoudidn’t build alittle better one..That’s natural— Weare in position,however,to take your coal orders and deliver promptly,.if the streets are rough, OR E tae cee HBTS haw a:: i Virginia Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthrac —__—'PHONE 205-—— anaemia formerly 4 ite mg1butwhoprofessedconver-.;;sion,was convicted in the county :fsBe and $1.581 ¢ i :igious 1cet.high and has a circumference ofwetabedeprivedofiTocwhichplaceBudposedasareligious183featfourinches.::rivets ::exhorter..He was fined $50 and ap-|*ee the price,and lesspoled Frank Sigmon,a brother-in-|ee eer ae 4knowyoucannotSffer|j,qf Lippard,was the principal wit-|More Money Wanted to BuyI‘ou not as to the value of ness against,him an Landthing,Jor then I should dem At:Wahiut Cove V.W.Hamand|Washinetob Dispatchto Greens!ke A etcuvei.4 t Cs <W.|Washington Dispatch to GreensboroieaiSiworatthistime|Rescoe Larrimore,the former a bar-'News.., tg m:‘@ present of the small quan-|>et and the latter.a,telegrapher.|..'The.State of North Carolina doubt-tity my coffer contains,to the rich'in ey ad sunened on charges preferred |jags will be interested in the move-i %oe~and to the poor for God's <Phess er nett alleging theeir-|ment recently put on‘foot by the|Mopareh Flour;48 tb...%..2 4.5 ‘Wherefore now mark:.I asked |CUlation of slanderous.remarks}American Forestry Association to|Monarch Fiour,24 1bsixcrowns,and six crowns at |?8ainst Miss Carrie Carter,daughter |heve the Wecks law,providing for|Ever-ready Seif-Rising FlourpotestoeRequiredtoS1Ve|the purchase of timber Jands and wa-|.124.Mb,as Savarese$‘*each to explain to the Su-)ter sheds necessary for the protec-|Every Sack guaranteed!perior Court.vr jtion of navigable streams,re-enactéd |i HAMS AND BACON.alt :2 _The suit of J.D,Weaver of Aske-|at the next session of Congress,The lee al nn a‘nee it will cost you,or 600/ville vs.Wayne Hardwood Company|Weeks law,which was passed in 1911,|Country HamsSolowerprice—for by|of Goldsboro,started in Buncombe |provided for the expenditure of $2,-|Country BaconpesSamyfront.T will not bate}county court and moyed to Wake,was|000,000 a year in the acquisition of /Salt Bacon....,.......eee5Poi¢co ine mere wale fife go to trial in Raleigh this week,'timber lands,but this.law expired|Kingan’s Hams »......:.... 8a ¥8 you have paid me.You*shall not give me six crowns,.nor five,nor four,nor three,nor two,nor one;nor halfa ducat,no,nor a moccinigo.Sixpence 22¢e. 16c. 11 1-2¢. 20c. thing from amongst you to show Iamnotcontemnedbyyou.Therefore,now,toss your handkerchiefs cheer- fbut was continued.The plaintiff sued|this summer,and the Forestry Asso-for $20,000 for injuries sustained in}ciation now desires to have Congressfallingfrom.a platform at the plant|provide a permanent annual.appro- Kingan’s Breakfast.Bacon .. MISCELLANEOUS. oO to want the best home you canafford.We built youa$2,000 home in order to compare with the house you:pe prove app :re renti 53,OOFfully;and be advértised that the fir:ink the defendants at Goldsboro while|priation of $2,000,000 for.continuing|Best Head Rice,10c.valug..7 i-2¢.!were renting.Now,for a $3,000 house you would heroic spirit that deigns to grace mewithahandkerchief,I will give a lit- tle remembrance of something,be-side,shall please it better than if.I:hag,Peeented it with a double pisto-et. Three hundred "Years eo the flow of~danguage was about the same as now. CNTT:SC NESTS ENTE Charged ‘With Attempting to ‘Pass Bogus Check. The following appeared im the Balti-more Sun of Monday:ee “Accused of attempting to pass an|alleged bogus chetkon the New How-ard Hotel Company,Richard K.Gre-| gory,81 years old,of Statesville,N. C.,was committed for court by Jus- tice Sayler,'at the Western Police Sta- pelt att morning. trate indicated that Gregory had ten-| dered a $15 check in payment of his‘hotel bill of $10.50,and had asked The hotel manage-for.the change. ment notified detective headquartersandDetectivesHoganandJenkinsar-rested Gregory.” .No further information has been re- Gregory severalHewasinStatesvilleforatimethepastsummerbutit,is learn-| to Bal-| ceived about this matter. has.lived in Charlotte ~foryears. ed that he went from Charlotte-timore.a few weeks ago. RERe RE a ‘Americans Killed in Haiti. Conflicts between the natives American marines in Haiti,Figitien Monday, of one marine ten.More than ed.American marines wereinHaitisome a revolution among the natives. :‘the.Port aw’Prince,Haiti,was killed byHaitienoutlawswhilereturningto|the head of a party which re-“eovered the body of Private Matther tally ampat the A.Littak,who had been accider‘drowned ‘white swimming. i deeeeentemmieaieettineniambaanieee) »Miss Capnie ‘Lee Reynolds and MrJohnDobbins,both were married Wednesday evening aeofthebrideinthattown,| e@ testimony before the .magis-| and to go home or he would shoot.i,near Cape baby simply looked at,him andresultedinthedeath/made,good his threat,shooting theandthewounding.of child’s arm nearly off,50 natives were kill-|caped and there is naturally talk oflandedlynchingifheis:found.Whether hetimeagoonaccountof5 reant Edward C.Thompson offixthCompanyofMarinesat! of Yadkinville inspecting lumber.i Rev,E.L.Bain of Winston-Salem| was élected president of the Epworth|League Conference,recently in ses?!sion at Spencer,and the next meeting(will be “held in’Greensboro..The| ‘League decided to place a:brassplate | -Linseription in the-Epswerth League; |building at the Children’s Hiome,Win-||ston-Salem,showing taat the Leaguc|jerected the building. |An~~explosion of dynamite in St.|Peter’s Episcopal.churchyard,Wash-' j\ington (N.GC.)disclosed tools,in-| ,cluding.crowbars .and picks,at ,a: grave.It is believed dynamite was! jused by ghouls,who intended open-|‘ing the-grave in the hope of finding|ivaluables.The grave had been oceu-|‘peid by the body of a prominent wo-|‘man but the remains were removed| |to another cemetery years ago.|Little Mildred Sealy,a deaf mute,||was seriously hurt in Raleigh Tuesday||afternocn when she.was run over by}jan automobile ag she wes making|her way to a street car to hand a din-|jner pail to her father,a conductor on!ithe car.Foot and leg badly crushed|jand there may be internal injuries.||Ernest Horton,who was.driving thejear,is said to have made every pos-|sible.effort to avoid the accident. In Pitt county a few.days ago astrangenegrocarryingagun,came} /upon a.two-year-old’white child in the vicinity:of the child’s home,and jthe story goes that he told the baby Thehe @ negro ¢s- {is crazy or simply mean is not known,\Srererseseremmmnetnaesamen HOW'S THIS?{ We offer One WWulidred Dollars Re-ward for any cose of Catatrh thitt can-hot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure,F.J,CHENEY &CO,,Toledo,0.We,thé undersioned,have knownJ,Cheney for the.Jast 15 years,believe him perfectly hcnoralie In ailbusinesstransactionsandfinanclaliv|able to carry t any obligations.made|by his firm,Walding,Kinnan &Marvin,{[Wholesale Drugeists,Toledd,0.Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken.(nternal-ly,acting directly upon the blood.and1nucoussurfaeesofthesystem,Teatimet|Dials sent,free,rice,The.per boitle.ld by all Drugeiate,"'Take “all's Pamily hm ¥and |secured without punishing honest tax-{), isecured in this way,but,tax rates can «for eonstipetion, the work.i Under the Wecks law the govern- ment agents approved.269,883 acresofland-to be purchased in the State of North:Carolina,and.of this total:69,507 acres.were actually acquired at.a cost,of $583,546.Of the aredsacquired,practically 40,000-acrés are: located in.Maecon ¢ounty,18,710 acres | in’McDowell county,1,898 acres in Swain county,and 9,970 acres |in Yancey.county.If the Weeks law is re-enacted,it.is.anticipated.that further extensive purchases will be recommended in North Carolina. Pure Apple Cider Vinegar, 35c,value Wesson’s Cooking Oil, :walue Postum,25c.value ,:Large Jar.Beechnut Peanut © Butter »;Medium-—Jar-Beechtiut--Péa- mut Butter ..j........Medium Jar...Fort:Bedford Peanut Butter 9e. OLIVES,PICKLES AND CATSUP. Libby’s Queen Olives.25c.size for 23c. Libby’s Stuffed Olives .25c,size for 23¢. Libby’s Stuffed Olives.10c.size for 9c.Libby’s Queen Olives.10c.size for 9e. Libby’s Large JerssourmixPickles,2Libby’s Large JarssweetmixPickles,30c.siz¢for 25e.. Libby’s sour mix :Pickles 10c.size for 9e.Libby’s Sweet Midgets.10c.size for 9c. Libby’s Prepared Mus- tard 10c.size for 9c, 30c. _28¢, es *Raising Values and Lowering Taxes. University News Letter.It is possible_to raise tax values and to lower tax rates,dotibting Thomas-es to the contrary notwithstanding. Georgia did it last year under her new tax reform laws.Barring one year only,her State tax rate in 1914) was the lowest in 24 years.iBddy’sOhio’s tax values rose to six billion|two hundred million dollars in 1911 |pag under her new tax laws;and.her)State tax rate decreased 62 per dentormorethanthree-fifths,cLargertaxrevenuesaresadlyneed-ed in North Carolina,.They can bi Mustard dressing .......lic.size for 18e, y’s Mustard dressing Biurkees’:Salad : |dressing,30¢.size,....ae ee BOG. BREAKFAST FOODS. tream of Wheat @itoker Grits Feiss cvca ek 9e, 10c.size for 9c. payers,if only tax-dodgers can anbroughttobookineverytownship}ronaR Baty “and if unfaitness ean he,removed one Crisp ©s+seeseeen+2lossenedwithinandamong:the CqU eed4 ‘Whe.oliesoftheState.aot |Post an veh 5seid:»Pos STAGE a's bv ak aie ob ce ate aio Oy.Not only ean larger tax revenues be ‘Pull Rice Quaker ba Kelloge’s Corn Flakesbelessened..No honest taxpayer ha’|anything,to fear in proper tax re-forms..Se ;A low tax rate attracts investmentcapitalandprontbtes.industrial de-velopment,as Georgin-and Ohiovare discovering.a ~Robert BunchCash‘Grocery, /“The House of Better Values,” 514 South Center Street, s -’Phone No.229. LOST-—-One bay Pony and -one bayThorse.Liberal reward for return When Baby Has the Croup. When ®mother ‘is awakened from ‘sound| sleep to Gnd her child who has gone to,bed |'apparently In the ‘best of health strugglingforbreath,she is naturally slarmed.Yet ifakecankeepherpresenceofmindandgiveChamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten -min~utew until yomiting {6 produced,quick:reliefwillfollow,and the ¢hild will drop to sleertoawakenInthemorningos,well ax «ver,This vemedy haa been in use for many yearswithuniform“suceess.”Ob every bt "|sig of the last will and.testament of J.W. "|Vanstory,deceased,this is to notify:all per- 7 280. 13¢. 5e.size for 22¢:4 take out 80 shares and pay us $7.50 a week for 333weeks._Even then it would'not be costing you asmuchaswhenyouwerepaying$5 a week rent,Let’ssee.You had to move into the rented house and youhadtomoveout..Threemoves of furniture is.equiv-“alent to a fife they say.So,you’ve damaged yourfurnituretwo-thirds..What was the work you did:for improving’the other fellow’s property worth?Then white you were occupying the other fellow’s prop-erty you were losing what yours would have increas-ed in value during the 233 weexs.All this would beworthmorethan#2.50 a week,the difference _be--tween a.$2,000 and a $3,000 house built by our plan.More about the home in our next.; Ninth:Series Opens Saturday,October 2d.Mutual Building and Loan Association, a ‘.SHENGLES:! No,1 long leaf heart—the —bestpine.Dismal swamp 4x20 dress-ed cedar shingles.Good,sound cy-press shingles.Tin shingles with thé latest patent lock—almost im- possible to.leak.Ready-painted valley.tin,ridge roll and nails.C,WATKINS,next to McElwee’sPlanters’Warehouse.——_----- “TODAY” ;Abarrel of Miss Hicks’new home-made MO-LASSES. Fresh lot of ‘DavisSpringsGrahamFlourandnewCornMeal. | 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having qualified as”executor and execu-} wons having claims jaghingst said estate to present to the undersigned on’or before September 17,1916.Alb.persons indebted ig said’cstate will please make immediate yinent,;hea gen Zeb,NM.“Lone.Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having’qualified as.administrator of the estate of James,H.Crosby;deceased,I here- by notify all persons having elaims against Raid estate to present same to me on or he-,fore the 10th day of Septembey,1916,.Thoseindebtedtotheestatearerequestedtoset- tle:,¢‘JOHN H.CROSBY, Admr.,Franklin,N,C. R.Bo MeLaughlin,Atty. ’Phone us your orders, FOR,SALE—Elegantly finished new five-roomcottagewithbestofelectriclightand,wa-ter fixtures...Large lot,niee location.Pricenndtermstight,B.G.GAITHER,States- -ville,NLC.ae Sept.mete FOR RENT—Seven-room ‘house Race afreet,one bloek from ‘the eolleie.Modern’con-'veniences,MSR.D.Av MILLER,* VANSTORY,Executor.S..VANSTORY,Executrix. Sept.17,1915. where.ye he hia Seamar Li ah SYWB Bg poeaee to J.B.FOSTER,&Oct,1.|’ Sept...10,1916,.;‘s:Bept.’24—at, £3 VOL.XLIL Ne0.20,y oe liicieatecteyun BULGARIA:MUST DECIDE, .Russia Issues Ultimatum-—Sum-ee mary of War Zone News, The crisig’in)theeoelee situation=has beet _Feached,says the —=Pre of the‘ia’s a te a ultimatum—to’ is notified that it must ak off relations with theoweyandAus- oi‘th.resence of Ger-man’and.Au officers in Bulgaria,.the’conce:‘of troops on thebian iste to Bulgaria ron the“acceptance:of su pport Bulgaria from be allies,ledve no doubt as to object of Bulgaria’s military-marations,and declares that,Russia e-cannot sanction by the presef .%ericein that-tountry of her minister,|¢“preparations for ‘fratricidal ‘aggres-sion againgta Slav and,allied people.”While the Bulgrian premier is re-ported in a semi-official statement as saying that Bulgaria is’not threaten-ing afly of her neighbors and still};hopes for a pacific settlement ‘whichbytakeherinterestsintoaecount,”thens dispatch reports that the te ruple Entente Powers have with- “drawn their profferedconcessions.of .Macedonian tetritory to Bulgaria andthatanAnglo-French expedition is about to be landed at Saloniki with,the approvalof Greece.On ‘the western front from theNorthSeatotheVosgesmountains, re Have been artillery bombard- ments,infantry attacks,fighting by means,of .bombs and grenades and aerial raids by both sides.Theonly¢laims of a capture of territory ismadebyParis,which asserts that:in‘Artois the French have taken a Ger- man blockheuse and entrenchments. Berlin a¢knowledges the,loss of a few yards of trenches to thé French near Neuville,but declares that a British attack north of Los was repulsed“with heavy casualties and that —the.French offensiyes east of Souchez and“in Champagne were beaten.back. Allied:aeroplanes have bombardedtheeerailroadbridgeand‘mili-tary buildings at Luxemburg.BerlinasaystheFrenchdirtgibleaesip“Al oe "gace”“was.forced ‘td make a-landing‘Hear Retyel and that.its»crew wascapturedbytheGermans.~~{Along the’eastern front the Ger-mans and Austrians still cldim that-they are making rogress afainst theRussiansbutnogreatengagementsuepaccurred,anywhere in this re- ibe ava {zerland has ordered the©as- ote ing of several squadrons of cay-Which.will.be stationed alongie,German.frontier.‘Greece has entered the war en thésideoftheententepowers. SHORT COTTON.CROP. Government Estimate Less Than Eleven.Million.Bales—The Amount oo A‘heavy decline“in tie condition -of the growing cotton crop almost double the average decline of the last .ten years,during September,has decreas- ed the production prospects forecast |earlier in the season by:almost a mil- lion bales..The Department of Agri- culture yesterday estimatéd the crop ’ at.10,950,000 .equivalent 500 pound}bales,which wrong be ae crop:since 1909. Cotton declined i.4 point ‘from Au- gust.25 to September 25 and the esti- smallest; mated ¢ondition or thé latter.date is|.60.8 percont.‘The conditionin North Carolina.is’reported’at 70 per cent against 79 last year and the estimated eld per acre is 248 pounds against240.last year and a 10--year average of rhe report of the census puta yes-|2terdayannouncedthat2,900,007 balestha of cotton,counting round as hatt|Be bales,of the growth of 1915 had beenginnedpriort--September 25..Thiscomparedwith3,393,752.bales!21.8 per cent of the entire crop,givned *prior.to September 25 last year,8,- 246,655 bales,or 23.2 per cent-in 1912, and 3,007,271:bales,or 22.8 per.cent in1911. In North Garolins.82,918 bales had been yviyned on the date named,com- pared“with 84,517 last year. Unloaded (7?)Pistol Put ‘Ball in Thigh. Ellis Edwards,a staid and elderlycoloredmanwholiveson.the Taylors-'-ville-road,between —Bloomfield and the State Farm,attempted ‘to.clean}:an ufloaded (?).,pistol Saturday.The surgtons at the Sanatorium ‘extractedtheballfrom\his,"thigh and Edwards hwillbeoffdutytemporarily...‘The victim explained that the pistol had’been.lying about the house un-uséd for a long time and he decidedthathewouldputitin_cendition forservice,(He was so confident that theweaponwasunloadedthat.it was onlybychancethatthemuzaléwas’not pointed.toward his head instead of histhighwhenthisexplosionoccurred, Wreck NearMarion, Near Marion yesterday afternoon a shifting’engine ran into a dever car anda serious:ce |ited.ae oe “newsfrom the} ja’a ‘been issued:The latter]. _}es to Mr."Stanley and the same will be CHANGE AT BILLINGSLEY. Mrs.Lazenby Surrenders Hospi-tal”and Miss Johnson Takes Charge—Dr.Miller Relieved“of Paving Assessment—Loaf-|~ers About College to Be‘Pros: Aldermanic Proceedings; The board of aldermen dealt’with various matters at its regular wignth- ly meéting Friday night.The mayorandallmembersoftheboardwerepresent,and although quite'a number of items of business were disposed ofthe.session was not as prolonged arusual,Mrs.WL J.Lazenby having —sur- rendered her lease of Billing’sley hos- ital,the institution was orderedleasedtoMissLoreneJohnsonofDa-i.Miss Johnson,who is.a pro-sional nurse,has been nursing ir thalocal hospitals for some time:TheLandmerkis:informed that the changewill‘probably not take place before thefirstoftheyear.The question of a sewer line from Elm street to Salisbury street,in’the vicinity of the Conger stable,was re.ferre®to.the water and sewer’com. mittee with power to act. Dr.Grier Miller was relieved from the payment of assessments for th«didewalk and paving abutting the 20- foot alley between the First Nationa: Bank building and the building ogcu.pied by Eagle &Milholland,.becausethealleyisusedexclusivelybythe public and must of necessity be kept open.; An ordinance was passed ordering concrete sidewalk on the east’side of Meeting street from Court street tc Front street. The question of repealing the meat dealers’license tax was discussed,but the board decided to leave the tax ar it now is.As a concession,however dealers will be allowed to pay the tay in quarterly |installments. The board is determined to stop the trespassing and.loafing of boys about the college property at night.The po- licemen are instructed to arrest all persons found secreted on the college property or property adjacegt.there- to and take them before the mayor or charges of disorderly conduct.AndMayorCaldwellsays-woe dnto suck persons coming into my.court!”Members of the board expressedtheirbeliefthat..the’so-called ciderwhichisbeingsoldabouttownisin- toxicating and the question of pass- ing an ordinance against its sale watdiscussed.The board declined to.putalitenseonthesaleofthecider,oF to restrict or prohibit its sale.fo thepresent,but it was decided that |ircasesofpersonswho’are atrested,forbeingdrunk,and who.testify thai they are “drunk on cider,”that they he required to give the name of the person who sold.them the cider,anc such person will be indicted. Promoters of basket ball asked the aldermen for some favors about lights for the games this season and the fa- vors:were granted, WANTS WIDOW WITH LAND. Gaston Countyty“Widow”Man on the Lookout. If there.are among The Landmark’s readers widows of the age of 25 tc 40,who own land and want a goo¢c ‘man to.help them,:they may.or maynot,be interested in what follows. Mn By E.Studley of Statesville harreceivedaletter:datediat Dallas,Gas: tor county,which in form and man- ner is as follows,name omitted: “Dear Sir:I write you to do me 2 favor if:you cansI want the name anc address of some good widow,age.2F to 40;that-has land of her own,tha! needs a good man to help her..Ir! your round about you may know some ore.If vou do let me hear from you _‘I will write her a few lines and how I would suit.T-am’a widowebeenforfouryears.Would like Po:pt set in with some good woman that needs a ¢odd man.You know we have lots:‘of good women who have land and a home ‘but no man,I am no fake.I am all O.K, “Let me hear from you soon.” If widows there be.amohg TheLandmark’s readers,who have land and a home but no man,who would care ‘to consider the Gaston county “widow”man,they cat send address- forwarded. .The Landmark is giving this freeadvertisementtohelpaworthy cause,The Gaston county “widownofake.He says so himself, Baby Show Friday Afternoon;: A baby show,under the atispices oftheladiesofRaceStreetMethodistchyrch,will ‘be given at the court ouse Friday.afternoon at 8.o’clock.The best.developed gitl baby will get a fold necklace,chain and locket, and the best developed boy baby,agoldring;fold pins for the prettiestgirlbabyand-comb-and brush for thehandsomestboybaby.Pictures of theprize-winngrs will be ‘pubfished Enthepapers.The age limit ‘for the babies to be exhibited is 2 1-2yearsanditishopedtohavealargenumberenterthecontest.~ sion—the grown-ups 10 centscesunder125cents. ecuted —bib icious Cider -“1 Wagner,'a splendid young\me §f Ny rseries of moonlight lectures, g.aboutsouthofhisplsplace, ‘was a steward of ‘.writer =The babies will be entered free.|.Spectators will be charged an:pari I na} MR.COLLINS’=sone ea Dropped Dead atat Br Troutman to,,0 _Prevention Day and’ 2 Moonlight:School._ orcatateied “of ‘The Landmark Troutman;Oct.4.—Mr,Ba yace,preached his first 8aafternoonatthe ™adishurch.It is presumed that*he i his fall join the Methodist Conference.Fora long time he ovominent in’Church’work aoftenexhortedin*prayermeetin“In compliance with the mag ion of the Governor,Friday of thweekwillbeobservedinthesel 5e cleared away and tie aver ;*scape’investigated.Afire dralt ‘willheinstitutedand’.every reasonable vrecaution taken to prevent:lobe:oftifeandpropertyby’fire.ATheninNovember’there willbe a any of us who didn’t have vortunity to learncertain little There are some men and some we ‘(and they are among the ee : “ommunity)who cannotyriteaswellastheyshould,aeandthemtheseIessonsareintende r,staff of teachers are to help,ss theoreachersaretohelpandof"he bright girls and*bpys as 1sary.The Progressive Farmer’‘ishes the fae simile of a letter’ten,by a young man of 22 of 28 af-er‘faving «attended«the-moonlightschoolthnights,This"is to be'a3tate-widg mevement and willnatefrom.the illiterate list thiafgoodmenandwomen.Mrs.Laura Brown Winecoffof Con-ord Kas returné®to Troutman “and-e-opened her millinery department.Mrs...Winétoff was reared neatnlacébatqmoved.with her father to Soncord a number of years ago.Shetearnedthemillinerybusinessunder1highlygegetaneredbyewasaresherehy..t rm take charge ©this:branch.Little:Charles,the ‘two-year-old ‘sonofMr.¥.A.Troutman,had a severeandpainful‘gash cnt in his foreheadyesterdayby’being struck by’a well-windlas.”)Dr,Talley’dressed thesthild’stéad andhe is doing nicely.-Mr.J.Sid Waugh has moved to’ineiweofthe’James’Ser:and Mrs.D L.Love of SyarewheeaeatinMrs.Loye’s manyfriends.’Mr.Elmore Holtshouser and ‘amilyofWinstor are here for a fewWw.stay.fuss hedhih ea,ord..has just r ere of theoldetHea‘thie tho ig of Mr.SarnestH.ee hake mnt young-four miles‘Mr,Gollins aroseinhis‘sual health andwhile catinghisbreakfastfelloverandscarcelybreathedthereafter.He was agedtabout.30 years.and is survived by awifé:and’three children.Mr.Collinswasonéofthestrongest,healthiestmeninthe:neighborhood and his deathwasafearfulshocktoeverybody.He ‘was.a oprdésperous man and.had bycareful.‘management and industry ac-sumulated a good deal of property.He in Rocky Mountchurch’and’tomorrow his body will be‘aid ‘away-in the cemetery there,with funeral services by Rev.J.J.Eades.The deceased was the son of Mr.P.H. Collins:}(TheLandmark Jearns that Mr.Col-tins was at church Sunday,‘cheerful and jovial,apparently in the.best of health.’His friends say that.so far,ag they know.he was neversick a day ih,his life.)Pt gees Building ‘andLoan Stockholders Meet.The fourth ‘aemeaal visietirie of thestockholdersof:the:Mutual-Building&Loan Association was held in theofficeoftheassociationFridaynight.The report of the seéretary.andtreagurershowedthatthetotalas-sets of the association at the closeof’business September 30th totaled$70,557.69,a gain.of about’$16,000overtheyearprevious.»A totalof 2,-134 shares’are in forte..The usual! audit’of the company’s books by anauditing.company.has not been com-pleted,but it is expected to:be with- in a few days.The stockholders re-elécted direc-tors a8 follows:C.M,Steele,J.Montgomery,Dorman Thompson,W.A.Evans,.B,A.Cowan,J.M.Deaton. me L.Raymer,D.M.Ausley and W.Webb.The directors re-elected Ne:Steele president;Mr.Raymervicepresident,Mr.Webb ‘secretar)and treasurer and Mr.‘Thompson at- torney. ”is|Land Sales Yesterday.| The A.J.Bass lands in’Chambers- burg.townships.were 6fféréd for saleatpublicauctionyesterdaybyMr.R.B,°McLaughlin,commissioner.Thefirsttract.df 110 aéres ‘was,bid off by Mr..J.L.Davis at)$13 an acre,aid Mr,ade Wallace was the highest bidder for.the other tracts,as follows:Second tract,34 acres,at $10 an acre;third tract,85 acres,at $11.an)acre;fourth tract,34,-dcres$10,50 ‘an acre}fifth tract,47 1-22 acres,$20.50 an acre;sixth tract,tenacres,20.-an_acre.”The sale standsopen20'days for’indreased’bids andatecommissioner.feels certain th:it {3 hae bid will,be increased. an acreae2worebyMr. hope .to,pare a large atte e oe ih y)fast. u\the yards. _|mother left it. T.| in the regular have to change cars. ing meal, while she sat in the Western train,which senger on the former mother finished:her started back through of humanity was course pecenet but was tole not-learned. Mooresville’ :Church,News. sions.Rev.Geo.E. the meeting. forceful preacher. the afternoon. of Statesville, night, church. day extended a Sunday a week agoheardMr. ed the call. pany Meet. Insurance Company gain over last year. past year and has The Allan Turner Télephone Company settled, to settle the case: “le MOTHER.LOst 1 THE BABY. ‘|/Mother inDiner VWent,Toward Charlotte—Baby Headed For Asheville. A motherand“herfour or‘}mMonths-old baby,traveling from some point north of Salisbury to Biltmore,became separated*in Salisbury Friday®imornnig when the Pullmans for West- ern train No.11 were detached from the train from the north.fore the train from the north reach- “ied Salisbury the baby went to sleep *jand the mother leftit lying on a seatPullman“jwhich she was traveling,while shewenttothediningcartogetbreak-i The mother had of course beenweitoldthatthe-Pullman would be trans-ferred to'the Western train for.Ashe- ville and she and her baby would not realize,however,that.the dining carremainedattached.to the same trainandwentontowardAtlanta.When the’train reached’Salisburythe’mother had not;finished breakfastandshecontinuedtoenjoyhermorn- feeling that.all was’wellwiththebabybecauseshedidn’t have “change cars”on her journey:But which contained the baby was detach- ‘ed from the train and.shifted to.the Presently theijtrainpulledoutforAsheville and theothertrainleftforCharlotteandoth- er points south,with the baby‘a pas- a passenger on the latter. turn’to the baby she was naturallyhorrifiedtofindthatthecoachwhich} contained that precious little bundle not there. anxiety and discomfiture was “how come.”Anyway when the train reached Concord a message was sent to StatesvillePullmanconductoronthe Westerntraintotakegoodcareof‘the,baby,ard that its father:would take ‘it:fromthetrainatBiltmore., was to follow by another ‘trainWhenNo.44 arrived‘in:“StatesvillethebabywasstillsleepingwhereitsAnumberof:othermothers-with babies.were passengersinthesame.car and they expressed‘|theiwillingness to care for it until-itfeacheditsfatherat:Biltmore.'.The name of the parents.of.the ald were Calls ' A very sucées8ful meeting atUnionGrovechurch’in Unionshipclosed’last week.The meeting rresulted in a general revival of re-ligion and quite a number of profes- minister from the vicinity of Lexing- ton,and Rev.R.E.Stubbins,a’young minister from High Point,conducted Though 76;years.old, Mr.Hunt is still very active and a Mr.J.S.Morgan,a lumbia,S.C.,will preach at St.Mich-ael’s,Troutman,next Sunday at 11o'clock and at Amity at 3 o'clock . Rev.W.B.Lindsay,pastor of,theFirst.Associate Reformed Presbyte- rian church’of Charlotte,will conductservicestobeheldattheFirstchurch]: beginning? preparatory to the.fall com:munion service next:Sunday..-Rev.¥,D,,Poole of’Kannapolis.ar-rivedin Statesville yesterday to“assist Pastor C.M.White in a protracted meeting at.Fifth Street Methodist The congregation of the First.Pres-byterian church’of Mooresville Sun-call to.Rev,Mr.Matthews of Pulaski,Va.,to becomepastorofthatchurch.Messrs.C.Goodman and Z.V.Turlington sperit Matthews preach. made the visit as a pulpit committee of the congregation and recommend- Supervisors of Insurance Com- The annual meeting of the super- visors of the Iredell and Alexander branch of the Farmers’ lina was held at.the court house Sat-urday.,The reports of the secretary ard treasurer showed that the branch? now.has 1,432:members with $1,352,- 569 insurance in force,a.considerableThelocalbranch} paid’$2,860.36 in fire losses during the peer of $1,080'unpaid.A’levy of 30-<ents on the.$100 of insurance wasmade.to’‘meet the deficit. Stevenson’was ré-dlected president,oftheTredell-Alexander branch and Mr,W.R:Sloan secretary and treasurer. Turner Case Settled. city of Statesville and Mr.Turner:secured &ver- dict in Iredell Superior Court for $4,-875 for damages sustained by,com-ing in ‘contact with a live wire.while*work on a pole used jointly by the and the telephone company.Theaehdantsgavenoticeofanappeal‘lat the time,but later it was decided in Pullman five- Just be- coach,in She didnot diner the car was waiting onWestern and the mo!When thebreakfastand the train to re? Heroflittlewhen.she telling the »Phe _taother Tans! Grove town- Hunt,an aged student of Co- orrow' Geo. in’Pulaski and They Mutual!Fire of North Caro- losses to,the Mr.J.1, case against thethe.Iredellhasbeen.finally|" Each’of the de-nts paid’half of the amount of; funeral,Deceased was about 55 years |j#having been found that board could Jreensboro.Record. taxation —in-user As long-as-reales- HE STOLE FIVE.WATCHES.BRIEF Teemp ys eq —4Cotton reachedchedthe 12.cent markinStatesvilleyesterday.: —/Messrs.<Lege |oo M.Patterson have :q RefishbusinessinvoneofMx;Morrison'sstoreroomsonsouthCanter,RON:Yneartherailwaystation.: —Mrs.M.EB.Cornelis bas porchas.ed the Dr.Biggs Ltn ce mos Young Manin Trouble on Ac- count of:Tinie—Court Cases. Frank Myers,colored,was before’themayor Saturday to answer for-anassaultwithrocksonMr.Clyde Gaither.The trouble occurred atthedepotFridaynight.Myers,who was apparently drinking,threw tworocksat’Gaither.The latter wasstruckbutonlyslightlyhurt.Myers gave $50 bond for his appearance at Superior Court to answer a»charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Quince Mayberty,a'young whitemanabout.20 years.old,was commit- ted to jail Saturday by Justice Lazen- by in default of $100 bond,to await’ punishment at’the hands of SuperiorCourtforthetheftoffivewatcheswhichheadmittedtakingfromMr,J. 8,Wood's place of business .on Cen-ter street.Two of the watches weretakenaboutthreeweeksago,onewastakenlastThursdaynightandtwoFridaynight.Mayberry would.in visit the placé on the pretext of ex-ee‘mining a bicyéle which he said ‘he register in the Democratic primawasgoingtobuy‘and when Mr.|—A break.in pavgeenin tiene Wood’s attention was“diverted he]the pipe line passes eewouldreach‘over to the watch case}ville Air Linerailtdad bedin Niandmakeagrab.Ne first two eoeeereae:waswatchesweremissed’Mr,Wood"sus-|5:morning:and:aviwater.waspectedMayberry,but he’was unable Sic off:the line until:about 1vy to catch him in the act until Friday}in the afternoon,A.new.section anight.Four watches were recov 3 pipe:had to be putin,;Charlie James,colored,was taxed ; $3.10 in the mayor’s court yesterday bata eon county and ; for striking his wife.the foes i the ~ik San Oe; Messrs.C.H,Turner and B.A,courts\ywill asked:to’ will have a hearing in the mayor's the salary allowed under’ang law.The case will be argued’at’ ‘Mr.R.V.Null died Friday evening |} neral service and’burial took place Dey atts,Mito).Hs of the Methodist Church and his’pas- Cowan engaged in a minor affray at Whether the icif iw’entittad to: court oneday this week,— next term of court.coe fk: at 7 o’clock at his home in Shiloh moved to”Statesville om:North — Saturday afternoon at Sharon Luther-Center street.Mr.Mi tor,Rev.C.L.McCain,conducted the the home of Mri.L.T.Mano 1 day evening from 8 to’1b o’eloek,There ‘will be.a mysical programmeandrefreshmentswillheserved. os for next yeat’s coun ;Messrs.L,N.Brown of Trowtnahand W.Hi"Morrow,a latter:depu that they cco to be the rdilway station yesterday.They 101 tax cointhizeloniin Two Deaths.—Mr.and Mrs.W.H,. township afteralong illness.The fu-oe pee bee an church.Mr.Null was a member old and is survived by his wife,whowasMidsRhyne,a daughter of Mr.|;reece ante aeaughter,Mrs.t,James,who liv-|meeti fueraedwithherfather..Mr.Null was well aoa or faknownasacarpenter,having -devoted|'This is open:to:; much of “his time’to building opera-R.Camp oPze titions.-markets,orMr.Sam.Henry,who was.a native of:Iredell;died.Sunday at his home in Salisbury and will be buried in Con-|};cord today..Mr..Henry was probably about,60years old and is survived byafamily.He was/related to the Hen-|,rys of Statesville and was a brother-ee of Mr.R.S:’Poston of States- ville. Charges Against School Com-mitteeman Dismissed. Little business of importance wastransactedby'the county board of ed-ucation at its regular monthly meet-ing yesterday.Charges which.hadbeenagpysaemnes=i P, Lazenby,4 member of the committeeof,Harmony:High School,were’dis-eling of Mr.-B,M.Stephenson’ missed and:Mr.Lazenby was contin-|ing,on Center street,is nearuedascommittceman.The board rate|tion and the change is a “/ at the Harniony school:dormitory:wasincreasedfrom$7.50 per month to $9, say.they “had ’embeat”minutes before the close9}when Davidson went ahead. _The new front inetatled . pleted it will have’beén improved in appearance,The not.be furnished at $7.50 without loss. Some Pay Too Much—Others[tesTooLittle.j Asheville last week to take’as operator for the WesternTelegraphCompany.©5 : -=4Mr.James Paxton;who held a:sition’with the Iredell’Telany,left’yesterday for.s,where he’will make:oo Ma his.brother-in-law:atidRev.and Mrs.W.M.Wals cently moved there:from.Mr.Paxton’s mother,Mrs,A.S..Sone ginia,will join her son‘andsdainSherman’within a short’ieee : Mr.and Mrs.John M:Shalittleson,Frank,whoHave beingatRear:ven for’Z ave returned totheirhomeatidare vecuinewelcome‘from.their friendaughters,Misses Sarah’ai ‘Sharpe,,returned,to Stamonthsagoandwere,gueats0:tives until the opening of Bs ji Female College,ae oy ente school; ‘Tt is the man with a great shiesofpropertywho.keeps the present’ri-idiculous method of.assessment for tate is valued at any part of:its real worth the owher wants it valued at,so long will the burden of paying gov-‘ernmental expenses remain unequal-ly apportioned.It is’unequally ar-yanged.The poor man,knows’thisbutheviewschangewithsuspicion. ‘We bélieve we éan assert without“fear of successful.contradiction”that the average owner of:on¢small home has to pay an unjust sum to the budget.of general expense. Cigaretté Smokers, Charity and Children, ‘The cigarette-smoking school'teach- er ought to quit smoking or teaching,one of the two,Ifa teacher may smoke cigarettes why not the preach- ‘ex?And what self-respecting .con-gregation would tolerate ‘for a mo-ment a pastor blowing cigarettesmokethroughhisnose?' Rev.R.4,Gay,Who for the®pasttwoyearshasbeenpastorofthe’FirstBaptistchurchatWashington,N.C.,has accepted:the position of field sec-retary of the North Carolina Anti-‘Satoon League ahd’will enter upon},the’duties of this officeOctober 15. |Mm Laura}Stewart,who "recently |moved:to Winstoti<Salem from Pilot’Mountain,was stfuck by an automo-bilein frort of her home Sunday-after-noon and died yesterday as a result oftheinjuries, «License has ,béen issued for themarriageofMr,John J.Saunders and|yayMissStellaHeath,Mr.Henry D.Bass}.and,Miss MayLee Massey.=, —Mr..Ry V.Suniner is nursing a the.broken arm.He attempted to crankanautomobileforafriendandwas.“kicked”by the:machine.:, Mr,AL Leazar of,Mooresville ‘haspurchasedtheLexinDaildinginLetington _tmot Aignemai for $35, |SELECTION OF SEED CORN. Importance of Good Seed and How Selection May Be Made. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark, According to a:recent estimate of the Federal Peper of Agrieul- ture the corn crop of “North Carolina “Where by ‘at?«|for 1915 will,be 59,600,000 bushels. :maxtrgraes,Moet,’90.Peet #>This is 2,000,000 bushels more than we —look up the paper vow,and early ‘Lraised last year and 12,000,000 more that article carefully.The Repnbli*/than the crop of 1909,which.matks can quotes extracts from the pro-|quite a step towards independence, German press,which charge the Pres-yet when we learn that our State re- jdent with about everything bad be-quires 72,000,000 bushels annually,we cause,the pro-German pressprofess-find ourselves in need of importing es to believe,the President is hostile 12,000,000 from other States. At the present it may not seem so to Germany.On the other hand the difficult to make up this deficiency,but New:York Tribune,partisan Republi- can,agsails the President in the hope ‘with the increase of fi and city population-in-the-corn -growing-States of making political capital,and charg- es in effect that he is guilty of the equaltotheir densityin the EasternStates,and with the natural decrease in vials owing.to see of sores of murder of the Lusitania victims be-the land,the.price of corn will keep cause he didn’t let Germany know that he meant what he said. {hese are the two extremes—one climbing higher year by year,To overcome this need something ‘mustbedoneinthelocalitywherethenedd side denouncing the President for hos- }:tility to Germany,the other denounc- ing him for being too friendly to Ger- eetenereamerar eres is < POLITICIANS MISSED - Direful Predictions About Cot- ton Have Failed. Manufacturers’Record. A year ago a few politi¢ian:oO can always be counted upon todo the wrong thing were filling.the earth,ment .of Insurance with their predictions of hi bankruptey for the South unless. United States government’/spen t somewhere from $250,000,000 to 000,000 in buying up cotton and gtor- ing,it.According to their cea less g.dawn “THE EXTREMES. you didn’t read the editorial the Springfield Republican in the issue of The Landmark-—headed be tested’thstartedinBuncombe SuthencethroughtheS'the State to the Un 1 'StatespeerA I ‘ting,fall atmosphere doesn’t 1s t GINGER inmaraemetraeggesH«tions.aw winn "“wrong,fetterfind Out about it.ae vp cere aisles ne Ala-|B Whatever itis,wehave the &i /‘va 5 :BESTdrugsto put you RIGHT;we |for A them up RIGHT,AND~do it RIG 0 pu you QHT;wo fix Brea,cotton)Ws Ee ae i Sate Dogar baie cod eee :|to the lower regions ‘of Phe Booth,‘Phe agents are out :|:):::1s OurFirst,Last a Wi;:ie : r poe oetheymadethefarmersoftth,each and their trial in Buncombe Polk Gray.Drug Comps company . The agents were selling $600. ests in the Southern(pany,this purcha fn the value of their.cotton.-.+e =; Despite these direful,predictions’of Com- the men whose publicly-e od rviewsarealwayssocertaintobe/an acre of a.‘ore!i é wrong that the safest gambleans developed within the next year.The would be to bet on the opposite sid@tcompany has never appliedfor-licensé of whatever they proclaim, ¢otton|in this State.to sell its stock apd now |. kept.on advancing.Possibly it may.be|is to undertake to nullify the “Blueln:_ that the natural gas which they emit-/Sky”law,according to the.declaration!° ted helped to inflate it and cause the/of.the parties at this time.-Similar)> rise."laws are operating in three other). Notwithstanding the dismal Yail¥|States..hues ure of all their predictions last fall, and events always prove their pre- dictions to be as light as ©“theyair- togive titlaristo be toa considerable extent,lose’al th comes up this week:$e inter-2 ca '° exists..At least three ways of meet- ing this problem present themselves—an increase in acreage,better meth- ods of farming and the selection and‘planting.of better seed.It is of,the “‘even give a Democratic Congressma Dene ie "many.It is this sort of thing the President of the United States has biti to endure;and the fact that he is notpleasing the extremists on either side should tend to confirm the faith of the conservative masses of the -eountry in his wisdom and justice in :}dealing with the important and per- 2 plexing .questions arising from the ¢i ‘European war.A TT ; “Phe Union Republican would not, ‘eredit for having made a hay crop sufficient to feed~200 head of cattle .‘through the winter.It says Dough- tonpin hired the hands and Certainly.Where isbossedthejob.a who could havetheman.living mowed -and stacked,single-handed and alone,a crop of hay like that? ‘Maybe the Union Repypblican would also expect Doughton to get up be- fore sunrise i winter morning and feed it to the cattle —Charlotte Observer.We don’t know whether Mr.Dough- ton now gets up before day and feeds cattle,but he has done that as well as drove the cattle to market,and mowed hay,too;and didn’t undertake to demagogue about it either.If Mr. Doughton now hires the _hands and posses the job he is able to do that be- ¢ause he formerly did the work him- _self;and it takes a man of capacity to 47.+. I hire hands and boss a job.By no means can just anybody do that. ‘The Landmark is printing today the proclamation of Gov.:Craig nam- ‘ing’Saturday,9th,as Fire Prevention (pein ether matterconcerning fire prévention.It is a pleasure tonotethattheschoolatTroutman.will “observe fire prevention day and it is ho that all other schools will do tare If ‘the children are educat- ed as to the importance of fire pre- vention,and the fact that the great “majority of fires are due.to.careless- ness and can be prevented bya little thought and care,there will be fewer ~~accidental fires—most of which.are a i & imyoe more properly.chargeable to criminal negligence than accident.‘Supt.Joy- ner is urging school,superintendents and teachers to instruct.the children in this matter,and it is to be hoped that the grown-ups,wlio are more im- mediately concerned,will also take notice,gather information and put it to practical use. Ool..Fairbrother.is,Able to sit up,praisebe,after lying sbed for’30-dayé while hip ruptured lung healed,, and he hopes to get out.soon.In the course of some philosophical ‘reflec- tions in the last issue of Everything, the colonel remarks: To getknocked down once inawhileandhavealungor,two squeezed.drydoesn’t do a fellow harm.It does him good,It removes a whole lot of con- ceit and makes room for a little spir- itual speculation that must bear fruit —it gets one to thinking along somerightlinestoooftentoolongneglect- ed.We hope to:be out “among ’em” by the middle of October. The Durham Herald resignedly re- marks that “those counties that have been supporting the State govern- ment can keep on doing it if theyhayeto.”An argument that carries its own conviction.—Charlotte Obser-yer. It might also be said that some of the counties that have made the claim that they support the State govern- ment ‘have not been paying as much in proportion to what they have—the >correct basis of comparison—as someothercounties—even some that have *been designated as paupers. 5 |ceememementeinmnemmmemnemeienmnemmean One could:give Mr,J.P,Morgan .“more Credit for returning the Martha Washington will—stolen goods—if he had returned it before.suit was brought—before he was forced,so to speak. Office ofCounty Treasurer to‘Lowest Bidder. -~The last "Legislature abolished the office of treasurer of Burke county and the only provision made was forthecommissionerstostcure,if they’could,some bank or trust company to act as financial agent inthe perform- ‘ance of duties of the treasurer,with- out pay.This oe oe be done.Aisaconsequence,under,the provisions ofnee,ds for the joffice ‘were re-ved by the board of county com- i t.their.October meeting0desiretoactastreas-jowest responsible bid- latter that I wish to speak.at®pres- more simple matter than is generallysupposed.One does:not need to be anexperttobeabletobetterthequality could soon become one himself by a little painstaking «study.Learn the use of all the partsof the ear and stalk,then ask eachif?they fulfillthosenses:and select ?those —which most nearly accomplish this end,Just such’study.as this enabled ‘Willard Zeller of lowa to produce the World’s Champion bushel ‘of “forn;.at San Francisco,from the two ears that won thirteenth place at the Omaha.Corn Show four years ago.~ The ear is our;main objective so we ‘will first see what is a good ear. This we all say is-the one that gives the most food.As cvery house,ani- mal or plant must have a frame be- fore it is at-all noticeable,so with the ear—it must have a.cob on which the grains may grow.The larger this is the more corn it may nold,but if the xtreme is reached it may prove no more than a stick of wood in an un- favorableseaton and=no corn be.se- cured.worth mentioning.For these reasons a medium-sized cob of regu- lar,slivhtly-tapering form is prefer- able.To this should he attached from 14 to 18 rows,very straight and regular,of deep «wedge-shaped grains, The .regular wedge-shape to.thé grains permits them to fit.closely together,leaving very little’unoccu-pied space within.the circumference of the ear.Deep kernels ang indicat- ed by deep dents.in their’exposedsurfaces.Straight regular rows are found on ears /that ure nearly cylin:drical.Well-filled ‘butts and.tips in- evease the ner centage of shelled’corn. Flinty grains are shallow and hard to masticate.“The stalks.being the support oftheear,should be large,flattifh andhavebroadleavesbutnotbeofex- cessive height.Ears should be chos-en from the hest.stalks—tHose |thatwillproducethemost:grain.$omevreferthosehaving.several ears butherethesamedifficultyisfatedasin the selection of the ear with the large cob—little or no grain may be pro- duced in unfavorable’seasons.Two éars.are more certain and easier to husk,although they may not produce as much grain‘on real favorable sea- sons.‘These should not be too highonthestalk—about 2 1-2 to threefeetbgingpreferable,Corn,especiallyifforseed,should not be topped,astheyieldandvitalityareboth.sure,to be lowered fo some extents (This par-agraph applies to field’selection while the preceeding one applies to that se-lected from the pile and the field se-lected too,just before-planting time.) well cured andampnessand’insect pests,,Enough‘shonld:shave.*been ‘selected in.the falltopermit*a:careful-re-selection before’mlanting |time?comes.in the spring.This work may be quickly and profit+ably done by.the.boys with a little in-struction from the parent,agricul-tural teacher or,with the aid of a gov-etrment bulletin.. Saturday,October 9th,has beenchosenasaspecial:dav for the se- lection of seed corn by Fatm Demon-stration workers ‘and this day has the endorsement .of State and county of-' ficials and others of prominence,Let farmers do their duty,and”aid in growing within the State all the corn ‘needed and keep at home the money usually sent across its borders.G.E.DULL,County Agent. Confederate Woman’s Home Opened at Fayetteville. The North Carolina Home for Wid- ows of Confederate Veterans wasopenedatFayettevillelastweekwithMrs.G.B.Sessoms of Fayetteville asmatronandwith36ladiesinattend- ance as aceepted charges for’the in- stitution,which has*s capacity.of 65.Many.of the rooms of the homehavealreadybeen...furnished bychaptersoftheDaughtersof_theConfederacyandotherswillbefur-nished:very-soon.The three chap- ters of the Confederacy in Winston- Salem have joined ‘urnishnig thelargestroom:in ‘building .androomshavebeenfurnishedbythe chapters of Louisburg,|Fayetteville, Wilmington,Rocky Mount,High Point and Charlotte and also by Gen.J.8.Carr and Mrs.Thrash of Tar-boro.Col.J.A.Bryan,chairman fortheboardofdirectors,has farnishedtheofficeoftheinstitution,;The equipment for the infirmary has ‘beenprovidedbyMissJohnsonofAber- mn ' deen. Acorns and Persimmons ShortinChatham,©4. Chatham Record, It is a noticeable fact acorn crop in this seetion.is a total on-our people can be ©drinking locust beer,whichyetoeprohibitedbythe 1 7 tTheselectionof seed corn is a much and yield ‘of his corn and if he did he After selection the corn’shouldshestoredaway.from ”that”the failure.So is the!persimmon ‘Crop.There are plenty 6f locusts and latermakingand)8.not jest bubble that ever found ‘lodg- ment in an empty head,”the same men during the summer and early fall have been making eaually dire- ful predictions about the bankruptwhichwouldfacetheSouth.this fall unless the United States government’ compelled Great Britain to lessen,its blockadé of Germany’s:ports,~In-deed,one of these predictors.of direevents.wanted our battleships to “heloadedwithcottonandsenttoGer-many,or was it that he wanted’our battleships to”accompany every)cot-ton cargo that was headed for Ger-:|many?Then no English ship would! dare molest our cotton!Then.noEnglishmanwoulddareattempt.akeepourcottonfrom.Germany andtheneutralportsthroughwhichGers many has steadily bought cotton!)‘-What a vision of poverty and bank-ruptey affrighted these politiciané South!But,like their predictions:oflastfall;none of them have come true. lowest depths of perdition,as”they proclaimed,cotton has been steadil going up.;io Ask Germany to|Help the ‘Arme: nians., Washington Dispatch,The State Department.has placed an informal request before Count von Bernstorff,the German ambassador;! asking,that .he use.his influence withthe.German.government to.interfereinbehalf,of the.Armenians in Turkey.The request;was made.some time agoand.as..yet has not..beendirectly pan-swered..bythe.ambassador,except‘with the text of a-German’congular|dispatch which,stated that conditions’ among the Armenians had.been .exag! gerated.:#1 Officials here.stated’that no formatrepresentationsonthesubjecthad been,directed to,the,Berlin foreign of-' ‘fice and that no.such steps were now: contemplated,hy the,government. State.Department adyices..have shown,that.while so,far there hasbeen:no violation of American rights, which would make a basis for formal protest,evidence from unoffici.I sources indicates that American lives and,property have been threatened. Ambassador Morgenthau,at Constan- tinople sent a telegram to the Ameri- can Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions urging that contribu- tion toward the fund for Armenian relief work be increased. phone,a The Landmark has.mentioned the first successful:trial of wireless tele- phone communication,last week,from, the Arlington nayal station,‘near Washingtow,*to Mare Island,Cal.,The following’tells of further successful experiments;s+..ag “Wireless telephone communication from.the ‘Atlantic seaboard to Hawaii, a distance of 4,600 miles,is now an accomplished fact.‘Exceeditig even in:success ‘the transmission of human voice from Arlington to Mare Island,California,a distance of 2,500 miles,it-was stated.that subsequent, and made*them seek to frighten the]| Instead of going down to the} ,pound.brought me ont all ight.’’—Miss Success \of the Wireless Tele*| one communication |}© the|||" IN-STERLING -.Do—Tella How SheFoundRelief.— Sterling,Conn.—I am“a girl of 22‘years and I used to faint away every 7 :month and.was verymnweak,”EF was also |botheréd a lot with "it has made me feellikeaewgirland!i now relievedofallthesetrouhlegs~f hope all younggirlswillgetrelief-as Ihave.I neverfeltbetterinmylife.”’—Mrs.JoHNTETREAULT,Box 116,Sterling,Conn. Massena,N,Y.—‘‘I havetaken Ly- dia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable CompoundandIhighlyrecommendit,If anyonewantstowritetoméIwillgladlytellheraboutmycase,I Was certainly inabadconditionasmybloodwasallturn-ing to water...Thad pimples on,my faceandabadcolor,,and for five yearsI hadbeentroubledwith,suppression,;,.The .doctors called_it-‘Anemia,andtion,’and said I was-all run:Lydia E.Pinkham’s,Vegetable Com- LAVIsA MyreEs,Box:74,:Massena,N.Y~ -down ‘setisations;faintingspellsorindigestion,shoulditiinediatelyseekrestorationtdhealthby’taktiig Ly-4a,B,PinkHam’s Vegetable 'Ootnpound. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator ‘of the estate of Daniel ‘Lynch,colored,i this is to notify all persons having-‘claims against said estate to present them:to’theundersigned,on of before:September’10,1916,or this notice will:be plead in bar.oftheirrecovery.All persons indebted ‘to saidestatewillplease—“Bettlement. Administrator.Sept.7,19%6., boy Zeb.V.Long,Att'y. New Meat Market 1\:GB.Morrison and E.M.Patterson .have ores|=Morrison'snewbatlainge;=}=on South Center street,{>neartheGepot.”es~.Fresh meats of all kinds./Wewantto buy Pork and | fat Cattle.*PHONE 227 Arlington and the naval radio sta> tion at'Pearl harbor,Hawaii...The distance over which this ©wireless communication was held is..greater than the distance from New York to London,Paris,Berlin orRome,.The experiments had resulted”in success=|7 ful telephone communication between ; Morrison &_Patterson.. a Disc Plow! voice had to travel over the whole o: the United States,a distance of 2,- more simple wireless conditions which exist over large bodi +For: the purpose of this test,it was stated 500 miles,before it encountered the/}i ll;Newel Sanders’Engine”Dise Plow—all sizes. _Can-be used with steamandoilpower.° that the receiving was dorie,on small wireless:antennae erected by.engin? eers’of the telephone company by permission of the naval’authorities in the Pearl harbor station.”a eee eaERATE LATTES OT, When They--Get-‘ed,” Henderson Gold Leaf,Be nea does not believe in “scaring men into the Kingdom of God,or ‘forcing.re ligion.into” methods,”er do we,but the Montgomerian!will “have to admit that a great many people never ap? pear to have any religion exceptdur- ing or right after a big storm,an Hin:g « ‘To be healthy at seventy prepare at.forty,issaad aden.because in.the:strength of middle life wetoo often forget’that neglected colds;or careless treat.. “The Troy:Montgomerian says it}}- man by high-pressure;Melrose Flour || earthquake ‘dr a great revival meet-|) ‘OLDERBUTSTRONGER SEE PAT LEINSTER’ For Tractors and Plows.+Sept,28--3t. ~~LNES ACIRL| Who Suffered As Many Girls |" d Exhaus-down,but|§ oungGirl,Hebd ‘ills Advice.|B “Girls who are troubled with painfulor |—— irregular periods,backaelie,‘headache,}£ (0.,.Statesville,N.C.TT For Sala ly)»LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE SSS Sr pe ate Suitable for any one to receive. Suitable for everybody to give. heat Just in---New.Selections.’| 'It will make you feel good to see them. We are proud to show them,pe c e r e v e s o s e s e s s fe e s se e e e e ee re i t ei Statesville Drug Comp’y;| Quality Prescriptionists.wei s:THE REXALL STORE.¢| “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS, "TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES.°- -In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases,. Te e e s e s r e g e s e s e e e e e s e s po s e e c v e c s s e s e s ce s s e s ee e et s y BY -Cotton Ginners,”Lumber:Mills—owners offaMachinery-ofanykind;ifyoutayyour oil. infull’packages,see us before you place ‘your ordersie i 8 Foe ‘We are inaposition to.demonstrate QUAL- ITY,and can make delivered pricesthat:will interest you:a oe |Statesville‘Oil Company. _(Wholesale Distributors.) .’Phone 61.©Office:Ro ” Farmers’Favorite Drill! (NONE BETTER.) :i ei .FRESH SHIPMENT ;——=0F-sea ees i Fresh Pork and Sausage. M.P.Alexander &Bro. ‘PHONE 241. VALUABLELANDATPRIVATESALE.ii :—+inder the termgpof the will of Mrs.Har- nae ,the undersigned executor ment of slight aches and aunderminestreandbring weakness for later ycars, r when olderTobebloodpure.str .Mebsoes‘of Gcott’s Hmulsion whichjaa ama torn ad on ‘the Catawba river in:@atawbaJ.G,.containing 151 ‘acres more or‘as the Alexander Clatk place,60 Acres of ori f)known offers ab,Dra sale a Valuable tract of ;wee m9 Seed Oats,Clovers,GrassSeeds,Vetch,— |.Rape,ete...Grain,Hay.and Feed Stuffs. ‘Good Goods at:FAIR PRICES,° FERTILIZERS.°SLOOP.=={} =J.E. ema——___——“ARE YOU INTERESTED?” Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?Be a het eg GalvanizedShingle Roofing?Roof Painteur IN:6 Box or Refrigerator Lined?__.i :%Tin or’Sheet Metal ork of any Kind?‘LET US KNOW, ‘a EM IREDELL’TIN WORKS.| })Bel Phone98.aoe et Toes it ¥ I Ht wasp uaelr :pen toeee a\ie wi e Saray oSesbaueaTER «2 ie arm Dn re *went Dauightr’s Untimely End. ‘pence "Ready,Ky.1 was|eS segahraBratcher,r_Was down in bed for threels pice, Seagnot tell you how 1 suffered withi:aoe and with,nervousness pe Be ni ie or wth?husbandhecouldnotdomeWve"eda otter dodhe7“er*Ralit up.wae tlast,rite ivi cat ikeCardui,the woman's ne.$thfo,tieor1wasnearlydeadandtodoméanygood.ButItookelevenbottles,and now I am abletodoallofmyworkandmy‘own‘washing,° A think Cardyj is the bestmadiciog inworld...My.weight hasi )andllook the picture of health. Ou suffer from any of the ailmentsgetabottleofCardui it will help OU,for it has helt asthousands‘of oth wcmany,er weak womeninthepast50years.Atall druggists, Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Go.,LadiesvisoryDept.,Ghattanooga,Tenn,for ppecialtionsonYourcaseand64-paye book,“HomesorWomen"inplain wrapper.AG.126 ‘DRAIN YOUR FARM: }6-inch DRAIN TILE on hand.Ri ‘ Comrhon Bricks,Face-Bricks,always ready for delivery. Statesville Brick Co. Schoo!Books and Supplies Everything in this jine,and School Books exchanged.No schoolbooksarged, at he pantorecloses at8 p.m. R.P.ALLISON. ‘Moy quantity4-inch.and |fte nafe PARK ER,XN. ‘'RO.Train No!24 a m.ea tin ig cea aboa ingTrainNo.21 west-hound,due 8:25 p,m,No.85,”due 10:25 p.m.in.No,;gnst-hound,due 10.36 a,m.Train No.22,east-bound,due oie Dm.Train bos eest-hoyund,due 6:45 p,m.Train No,Spend.due 10,60 p.mateedRSVILLE. Train No.16 ar.ose"vier 10.35 se,m.Train fo,24.are 9.20,.leaves 9,20 »m.Hrom Taylorsville.Train’Wo.28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 &0,Train No.i ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.m.Nos,28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. of \hinks Heney Ford Reduced Cot- ton Acreage. Talking .about the price of cotton,|* the size of the crop and the reduced acreage this year,,a Statesville man insists that,Henry Ford is responsi- ble’for the reducéd acreage and,small crop.He contends.that .so many farmers were busy with Ford ma- chines,some of “-them even selling mulés to buy them,that they didn’t |have time to plant and ’tend a larger|crop;and if the.price of Ford m=z- lchines continues.downward and.the jcost of gasoline doesn’t go too high;next.year’s.eotton crop,the States- ville man awers,will be smaller stil./You got to hand it #0 Henty Ford,hegays,for the reducad ‘cotton acreage Une year and the eunmuer high ice,*As a te hae cout cotton °crop “always a!it apt sienry deservessaetéhim:iff he hasbeen.sn hers in holding down-the. colton screage.th net aS GETS:‘QUICK RELIEF. ws oe After First W.R..Davenport Dose ofOW.R.Davenport;af Parker,Ni C., long suffered from a peculiar malady of the stomach.He sought treatment with but ‘little relief.At times it seemed that he would have to give up hope.Ht took Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy and found immediate benefit.He wrote:“Por years I have’suffered from a j disease which puzzled doctors.They |termed it catarrh of the stomach,say- jing the only hope would,be a change of climate,and that’in all probability I would never get well.Thtn I heard ,¥‘+4 *UBBER TIRE! Season is here.."We use best riib-ber made—Firestone atid Kellyandwillsaveyoumoney.Tires=‘bot or cold.Quick service.sMoursrs tu serve,TROUTMAN &SUTHER. ing to Build With.” FULLSTOLK--LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould- ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.,Next Planters’Wh._Stateaville. DIFFERENT pom REST. /—Sold exclus ively by—— K ‘ler-McLain Supply Co. tt and whatever you like.No more dis- Aress after eating,pressure of gas inthestomachandaroundtheheart. and try it on an absolute guarantee|! me titted B--£Bradley and ot!af John P.Bradley,I willMONDAY,OCTOBER”at 1 o'clock p.m.,at the court‘house door inStatesville,el at public auction for division bereor-lane 4 191 se taining 84 1-2 acres. 54 1-2 acres. roads,ster Graded School. |posure,well watered,fine 5Thewholefarmlieswithin/t public square of Statesy.id. Red soil,pene: sale,one-thir13months, ments after January 1,1916,Tithe good,For further information Cieorseeme.J.B.ARMFIELD, September 17,.1916.2t.a.w. Commissioner. Get ‘one bottle of your druggist now —if not pute.money.will be/# i ne, Pas¥irttie of a theresofof ti Nichi GutofIpedellcountyinthespecidiyproceediigvh+ the farm in Statesville,township known.asthehomeplaceofJohnP.Bradley,Sr.,con-It will be offered for sale in two tracts,containing 30 acres andThisfarmfacesontwosandclayroads--the Wilkeshoro and Chipley Ford|It is within a half mite of the Feim-southern ex- wo miles of the Terms---One-third cast on confirmation ofintwelvemonths,one-third in “With interest on deferred (pars DR..B.'C..TALLEY,‘)WEMERINARIAN, Headquarter Statesville.eDrag Co.: *“Office Phone.-Residence moe.$07Black. A Taraniee :That Guarantees! ‘DOORS,WINDOWS,LATHS,LIME, weath-; casings,mantels Cement,ceiling,flooring, erboarding,mouldings, boxing,columns,|andcheaperthananybody. Iam authorized to refund the pur-‘chase price of any of Dr.Hess and | Clark's remedies for stock and peuiky that fail to give you satis-ction.You don’t have to swear at‘25c.per swear.that.you used it accoiding todirections either'You C.‘WATKINS,N,Center St. get the goods and use it and if notsatisfiedcomeébackandgetyour Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, rint your nameonsame,Letusanda fod ranfaveyour order for any.aves you want.Seeus...Prices reasonable,\©} Brady Printing”Co. money from me,_That’s the guar-antee thatis worth something toYOU!—A large lot justin.Stock Food, Poultry Tonic,Louse Killer and -Gall Cure.Also Dipand Disinfec-4 tant...The best known remedy for’|exterminating mites,lice and other vermin about your poultry house.One gallon costs a dollar,-Makes70tori100gallonssolitionforgen-aeBpSpreng and disinfecting pur-ou haven’t done so trthislineofremediesandaresults...You cati’t lose. T.N.BROWN,‘No.109 Broad St.,Statesville N c. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer '‘phone’calls’leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium or_Geo.M.Foard’s residence.© ipsalighssnivtaetlyantll pedis 4}R.Bs MecLaughiin’s farm nea ytory and a ‘beautiful deep” erof g Bi Shinglesa 5Byoa‘ousand af ‘Iment of dyestuffs:of His Address toi th |‘Webdsn's8ClubandHisPictures. Charlotte Observer,Ist.ark In the assembly room of the ‘public library the Woman's club of Charlotte observed last night as “Fine Arts| Evening”with a perf nce that! was worthy of its ambitious designa-| tion.Aside from the fal element, the observance was dual itsBypresentationsoflivingPprepresentingcharacters,in:”,ing’s poems,aml by readinthem,the/club foreshadowed ter of its literary stucomingyear.In’intcoaneini .M R.Long of Statesville,|ising young artist,and,allo ,audi- ence an opportunity.to:and to inspect typical paintin e clubgavehappyexpressiontoanefherof its impulses toward the enéourage;ment of factors making for fenuine|J culture.And it may as weil said here that Mr.Long s¢or?d caqualifiedsuccess.both personaly,and artistically.*.*At the |idlabien of this ,|pto- gramme Mrs.Gordon M.Finger,ident of the Woman's.club,briefly...She.expressed.the of the club at the largeaandreferredtotheresumption of its various activities.She then introduc-ed Mr.MacKendre Robbins Long of Statesville,as a promising .artist,and a neighbor.She found special pleasure in presenting him becausehismother,Mrs.B.F.Long,is Afor-mer State-chairman of the art depart-pec of the North Carolina Federa- tion of Wormen’s:clubs.»Then Mr.Long came forward and spoke for 10 or 15 minutes in an en- gaging fashion that held:the fifiterestofhis.audience unwavering mbey | had | were expecting an artist;tnotanticipatedthathewould?Balso | a virile and.polished spea this| he proved to be..This vaunl n jis!*an unusual combination..Lo usherit-|ed intellect and force of che he adds the fervor of a deep and intense passion.for art. has the -eourage and-the earne: of his enthusiasm.He saw int i i night’s gathering an opportunity:to say a word that might bear fralt intheadvancementofartinNorthCar- olina and.the South,and he said it— sdid.it spiritedly,said it in’“word whose earnestness flamed «in®-@very syllable.He proved himself thé own-er of a formidable vocabulary!and|, frequently jhis utterances took epi- gramatic form.gy? *2 of your remed One pottle gavé me Mr.base pictures,numbering aveead relief.He made me reetilike}slightly more than a dozen,weré'then a new man.”Your full coursé,“ot Views ‘ang received only the’mos treatments has about ‘cured me.:Sev-,;frvorablé®comment.|‘The most gtrik-2 eral of my friends have also been)nF putts3°58 ‘the ®‘portrait of*his cured.”:ath ‘ali ue Rp a re eae -Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives Long,ch’4s"superbly he ‘|permanent résults for stomach,‘liver subjects?Ad Patied.Includinga grey- and-intestinal ailmedts.-Bat-as much|ite?Thd¥seabed by a _windowysga7-|ing!out mito green-clad trees.@bride,a pensive maiden,a -colorfulywood-} land ‘scene,negro:tynes,a»girl)of| toes 10*years with her doll in her |n,.of advanéed years with}ihe nite:‘heard:another maneturned.ca hal Tyunique ‘costume and, pats ee hese oface isi 2;striking character Se ‘SALE OFIFARM.sty?anda}portrait,*,of the artist_by chimpeltis;he fl tints’in the{MFEA;ANS most,,,fife-like and 1siete|is of a.eeder,4)fas NorthCarolina Tall Poplar,, The Landmark printed in its last issue an article on big trees,it beingthereportoftheprizeofferedbythe American Gentic Association for the largest nut-bearing and non-nut-hear- ing trees in the.country,It was stat- ed that the second largest nut-bearing tree reported was a chestnut three miles from Cresmont,N.C.—Hay-wood gounty—which is 75 feet highandhas.a ‘circumference of 33,feet four ineAnother report of the association’sawardsaysthetallest.tree.found was also in North Carolina——a yellow.pop- lar 198 feethigh.with a circumference of 34:feet six’inches.e location of this poplar is notmentioned.'Therenortfurthersays:—*~"A sassafras,was Yoind”:at ‘Torsham,Pa.,15 feet 10 inches m°cir-cumference at 4 feet from the grpunMassachusettsdevelopedawhitebirchthegirthofwhich*was 12 feet2inches.Louisiana produced”2 pe- ean with a circumference .of 1,feet§inches,and a catalpawas found inAvkatisas‘that measured:16 fect ‘ih circumference.”ay The Landmark a few years |agomadereportofthe,oak 7 on Mr. St:ites ville.The largest of these trees meas-ured 30 fect in circumference.and the spread from tip to tip was 106 fect inonedirection.and 108 in another,These oak trees on.Mr.McLaughlin'sfarm,while not so large as some ré: ported,cannot_be surpassed in sym; metry. ETTSARHAASs Liquid--Used For Fannin May Be a Good Dye... Morganton Messenger...; That which promises to be a val-uable ‘new ‘dyestuff-has-been..discoy;ered right here in..Morganton,_1!1s: the.liquer.used.in.tanning leather.The sample uséd inthe “exper apehadfilleditsmissionintanninglkath-er,after which itis ‘wasted.Mr.:J.E. > ||Erwin secured a jug of this licuid at the Burke’tannery and sent it off to betested.The result was mogt satisfac- veolor ofkhakiwassecured,This coloy hasbeentestedandstandshothwaterandIllight.’This ‘particular:color |of,dye-stuff has in the,past been securedfromGermany,but the war situation has caused’a cessation of the ship-that country.f the liquor used in ther will be prose- mean’that a!valua- be: Vine experimentingof * is awakened from sound indahi entla who hes gone to bed rin the best oe strogelins min@and sive: ly every ten min-ead.quik:reliefishosleenytaeve.| jer than ever before,according to an’) Gazette, un-|4 sjunable to findge i least 15 per cent. the ington,develd“twhich nearly 5,000 old’séldférs:and ‘q.{and brother of S.J.~Nichol ber-clect of Congress from the Spar-(a Jnrined.©Yet if ‘ FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. YItemsofInterebt“About Variousa The inclusion of the Missouri,Kan-sas and Texas railroad,which recent- ly went into a receivership,makes themileageofrailwaysintheUnited|Statesin the hands of receivers great- article published in the Railway Age The Rev.Dr.John Wesley Hil}known as a lecturer on politics arid"peace,has been named ag a defendant fn a’suit for $10,000,for alleged|breach of promise of marriage.The_\suit is brought by Lucile Covington of New York,also a leeturer upon econ- omi¢s and other topics. Prof.Luther 0.Emerson,composer. of church music and writer of hymns,|died a few days ago at his home at}|Hyde Park,Boston,at the age of 95 years.Professor Emerson,who was) born in Parsonville,-Maine,had pub- ished 72 ‘collections of church music,most.of whieh 3 his own composi- tions,a Convicted of unmercifully whipping his adopted son,Porter Orndorff,with|2|a strap,at the end of»which was a!large:buekle,:after the lath had been ‘in pasture,Reilly | of Gore,Freder-|sentenced to one| boron the State high-| Orndorff,aickcounty,V, year at hardways.iItisstated'that ‘the invitation of! Gov.Richard I.Manning of South| Carolina to the Governors,of South to meet in Charleston at the | time of the seventh annual corven-; tion of the Southern Commercial Con-| gress to organize the House ef Sotith-'‘ern Governors has been accepted;by | the Executives of 14 Statés.o *./ Reports of five of the largést banks carrying the pay-rolls of big:corpor- ;anions in the Pittsburg,Pa.,.district how that the Getober pay will”ap- proximate $32,000,000,exceeding that or,/of any.monthly for several years by at The largest pre- ding pay-roll month of recent years $8 1 was October,1911,when the aggre- gate for the same banks was.$26,000,- 900, A verdict in favor of I.F.Wolpe,a liquor dealer,was returned at Phoenix,Arizona,in the $25,000:libel uit brought against him by G.F. Rhinehart,a prohibition leader.Rhine-nart had chargé of the prohibition campaign last year in Arizona.Wolpe was alleged to have said Rhinehart had served a term in-an fowa peniten- tiary for a’statutory offense.Rhine-liart denied the charge and sued) Wolpei-:fhicidy ; Dismissal ‘of Six ‘midshipiien,”sus-4 pension of four’others“for’one’yearwithout‘pay “dh thé’returhing to the next lowest ¢hass of’15 otKers,is ah- nouriced bY Secretary Daniéls as the result of the veéent!Hazihg investiza- |tion at the Naval Academy:The navy |court had recommended the dismissal of ‘nifie:~Arthur’E.Craig,'a:son:of Gov.Craig,is one of the 15 setback a year in class work. What had been aes asa brief reception‘at the Whit vith’the Grand”‘Army’of thenualreunionih‘Wash.tito’Wish daring affiliated Republic, their wives shook hands with Presi-dent Wilson.For two hours they filed through the historic East Room bf the White House,each receiving a mile and a handclasp from the Pres- ident. Bids for building 16 submarines au- thorized by the last Congress.have‘been submitted to the.Navy :Depart- ment and it was found that the Un- jon Iron Works,San Francisco,and theFlectric,Torpedo Boat Company, Quincey,Mass.,submitted the lowest offers for the Pacific coasts respectively. , The San.Fran- $510,000 each.Massachusetts ‘com- 600 each. William-.Montague,Nicholls,ond ‘licutenant in the.British.Artillery;:son of Judge and. soc 4,mem- tanburg district,was killed on’the -battle_front:in France ten days ago. ed States navy.and*located at Spar-tanburg to practice law.When the joined the English army. ER ER CCTT Be Put on Probation. Allen,who—thanks to a merciful ju- ry—jis serving 4 term of 35 years in the.State prison at Richmond,Va., for his part in the murder of the judge and court officers at Hillsville, Va.,has professed religion and join- éd the Church.The Lord is always feady and willing to forgwe.Thoughyoursinsbeasscarlettheymay,be made as white as wool;and ‘The Landjiark devoutly hopes ‘that Sidna has all understanding. blockader,professed conversion and now they have convicted him of sell- ing liquor while posing as an exhort» er at Ball’s Creek campmeeting.It come again be reeesived on probation,©under ject to being made to show his,faithbyhisworks.If he is genuinely verted he will admit the punis fer his professed conversion as argu- ment for a pardon in a few years. Chronic Conntipation, wo years aChamberlath’s®“rablets,had been sufferingforxometihneWithstormachwrhabeonic“vematipation.| \oatiout: Hotise,‘Thurs-|:day,for’members iePotinteaona| and Atlantic}: cisco concern bid for five or more at| pany bid for eight or more at eer H Nicholls had resigned from the Unit-} wat broke out he went abroad and Professing Conversion—Should |: ‘The papers are telling,it that Sidna | on Sidna.Sometimes bad men pro- fess,conversion for a reason.Bud|% Lippard_of Catawba county,noted| may have been only’a temporary slip| with Bud and here’s hoping he will /& But as to Sida’Allen—he should a ‘Watch care,”so to speak,and if he 5 ‘has the.root ‘of the matter he won't ob-|8 con-| ment|9 he is reveiving-is just and will not off s when IT bogan using|8 sty aa My ation ore ae Q ;se ere,oft “ta hr ye sesfor.ao vate bsg Tour,oF bottles:ofte i ae Very much more remarkable onethiewemightsayaboutthe«an @>remarkable things people continue say“about it everywhere.Those whoshavehadyearsofexperiencedriving.fisearsareitsmost-enthusiastic owners..."They admire its beauty.They dwell wp-,....on its comfort.,They know'the valuenaetheunitpowerplant,‘the full floating rearaxle,the self lubricating vanadium steel—springs,the Timken bearings toner Ask for a demonstration. The price of the Touring Car or Roadster comi-pleteis $785 (F.0.B.Detzoit). 'Statesville:Motor Com’yo | .“QUALITY FIRST.”MS ia‘PHONE 140,. *hy ?yyy? ASK US. the!| ie grain,,and will put in,your fertilizer like you.eu it. One of the redeeming.features of this drill i’that ‘not have to continually,buy repairs to keep lf,UD-onus built for service. not in position.to _pay.cash we can make y ata neeprice,:3 do fel ap bas piae We have a low cash price gn this drill but ifyouoramel Ly Bankai 9 in har "of Uniform @ aea at aie nt ee am _One distinct advantage theStatesville2 Pet “a.Mills Co.hasin the manufacture of flouris ~its ability to make.a UNIFORM grade,—The mill,that buys wheatin small quantities _has to conv hs it into flour regardless.of the | rade.BuyMmg in large quantities,as the .tatesville Flour Mills Co..does,it can use-wheat so as to produce the uniform.‘erade.of flour,eeeThehousekeeperknowsthegreat:advan:;tage of buying a flour thatis going to be all.-Bagh Let your.next order be ‘or PalaceorSave,(Trou le,;-Statesul ¢Flo and’that peace which 'passeth|& 1 Hundreds of thouiahale are being killed by the Europea war : thousandsin this country are being killed by unclean and. milk You can’t stop what the war is doing but you can help:the chance of yourself and family to live if you will use.milk:fromPAINEVIEWDAIRY—delivered to you in DACROy BOTTLES, covered with the DACRO CROWN. {THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY is supcialandaidshealth.Why and how from time to time. {"Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the juin with therosystem,whan you want pure and clekh milk eikeeted atome! Dplying thethe milk that ‘W'behell:e does it will,be pe But it is just as well to keep an eye| ae Goop Pla hoeais the keystoneto family.life,A old and youngit is an unfailingNanipr of Sine ,and harmony.:ar _,A GOOD Pianoisa life-long companion,Rieioderta careit should last'a life time.*- A GOOD Pianoprovidesithe’nieans for a real mute cation at home,The majority of children today are .To deprive them of'apiano i:eres the it d oftheir education.When w “ood Piano,Mardinan,which is yi only sod but one of the’ October 6,1915. THE WAR LOAN. ‘Senator Stone of Misseuri,chair- rann of the foreign affairs cv:smibtee of the Senate,advances the most prac- tichl reason “yet offered in opposition to the loan now being made by citi- zens of this country to.the govern- ments of England and France,Sen- ator Stone opposes the loan,he says, because the moral effect»will:be to make the holders of .the securities partisans of .the borrowers;and it will do just that. Viewed from the ordinary stand- point,the loan is a simple business proposition.The borrowing.govern- ments are buying great quantities of supplies in this ‘country —‘not only guns and ammunition but food and clothing.‘They are borrowing the money from us to pay for the things they buy from us and the money they borrow will be spent here.That isa matter in which not only munition manufacturers’but farmers and the country generally ‘have an interest. -We want to sell the stuff and get pay _for it and for ‘that the arrangement, *is being made., The government,be it remembered, has no connection.with this loan,It is simply a matter of investment by banks and private.individuals,who are invegting ‘their money not as a matter of sympathy but as a matter of business—for what they hope to make out of it.If the government, however,had,wanted to prevent the loan it could probably,have done”so .by expressing disapproval. ~The fact‘that.‘a sonof the Govern- or of North’‘Carolina and a son of a rearr admiral of the navy were among ndets atthe Naval Academy who punished 3Tor hazing is ample ey- e that the-authorities.are admin- on .fezulations impartially. a Fpl ed.that the Govern- ir adh Wall ‘part in the hazing, rily 3 enceofwhich he was ihave’been'.excused ‘and hiels ‘would’naturally thee Governor's son ‘aif could properly do.80. ‘did not shows notlationsareenfore- ion but that all con- yrd-hazing—even re- _to encourage it, es nee’.of |young Gtaig’s offence-are to be punished. .The hazing barbarity is so deep-root- ed that’‘orily the most stringent reg- ulations,rigidly’enforced,will -exter- minate the outrageous practice;and the action ‘of:the naval authorities in this case deserves,the highest com- mendation. cee a Sareea‘It seemsto be a job to separate.of ficers from|fees even “After salaries are provided.’The Legislature pass* ed an act for Pitt county,authoriz- ing the eras ts pay.the sglicitor ing crim i ‘solicitor:for a work eke and all the costs heretofore collected by the solicitor were to be paid to the coun- ty.The solicitof contends:that the $600 is only for.the costs for which the:county would be liable,,and that in addition to the $600 heis entitled to any fees which;the defendants them- selves may pay in,It‘would seem that $600 would be liberal pay for.a solic- itor’s work in one county,but this solicitor—C,L,Abernethy—is con- tending for part of ine fees in addi- tion and the Supreme Court:has the case. =pane ‘Clerk.“Maxwell of the State Tax Commission says the average increase’in the tax assessment of real .estate__this year is’about'10 per cent.and the*total increase is less than in any four year period for 16 years,the increasethisyearbeingabouthalfthatin9911,If this 4s correct,and Mr,Max- ‘well ‘is supposed to know what he is talking about,one.wonders why all‘the noise thade recently aboutincreas-‘ed.assessments,It is true that:somecounties‘have increased much morethan’40°per cent.—this amount,atid ‘nore in some cases,being addédto:the ‘increase made by:the local as-seasors in many counties.But if af- ter all the increase the average ©ig only 10 per cent,for the State and half that of four years ago,the cry of alarm ay s to have been unnec- Dik -essary. ‘he Marace Joorval craves of The Landmark a few words on the sub- counties,-Bids.awee. 128.Forsyth county aie’x oeratWinston-Salem this’ow ae Contracts have beenlet,fora0¢|additional cotton mill*} K ee ir CURRENT NEw la penings HereHere and.the State. State Feir in Ral da) |A8- Manufacturing Core ge ee a for an additiatAlbemarle;y Oe bie City,Chama?county,|small sons of S.J.Smith *jwith”a-shot gun,The gun :the hands of the 6-year-old whenwas,‘discharged and the’tere is Bruce Pearson is in the hospital atWilkesboroina.serious.condition ‘andClarenceDavisis‘in jail,not:being al- lowed ‘to“give bail.he two had afightduringthefairatNorthWilkes- boro,last week.: .The Southern Express Company as paid to State Treasurer Lacy $10,000in‘settlement of back taxes.claimedbytheState.The State claimed$22,000 and the settlement was for $10,000 by compromise. Miss June Dellinger of Wewtie and Mr.John Kistler of Whitehall,IIL,were married in Asheville last week and went from there to the groom’shomeinIllinois.Mr.Kistler is a Ca- tawba man but has been living in TI-linois for more than 40 years. Ralph Brown,charged with -com-plicity in the murder of Dave WiisonatForestCity,Rutherford.county,afewweeks.ago,was arrested «at Hick-ory.last week,Brown denies pnypert i in the killing andsays that Ben Hens- ley,who is yet atlarge,fited the fatal shots. The Boone Democtat |tells of a cit-izen of Avery county making’a tripthroughthemountaincountieslook- ing for Tiger lily bulbs.He had ship-ped 50,000 of these bulbs to Northernfloriststhisseasonandhisshipmentsalso‘included evergreens and other mountain plants.| The Newton Enterprise says theGastoncounty.bloodhounds —trailedBudLippardtoahoglotandBudwas found in a nearby barn.The hog lotqueeredthehounds:but The Land- mark is giving them credit for what they did,with.apologies.to the .Gas- tonia Gazette. The Seagraves Ford Transportation Company of Yadkinville has*been -in- corporated with capital $5,000 author-ized and $1,000 subscribed by W.B.and H.B.Seagraves and J.C.Wal-lace,for..automobile.passengex....and} freight transportation ,business be-}tween Medkinville oe i ManetonsSalem,Sa Mrs,“Marr,wits “of lev;oT.Marr,pastor ~of:Trinitychurch,“Charlotte,died at 2 o'clock Saturday.morning after)a brief ill-)ness.of heart disease.Husband andtwochildrensurvive.Mrs.Marr wasanativeofTransylvania’county -and: for interment.For entering a tent used’as a resi-dente by the family of A.L.Warren,in West Asheville,Clyde Ward plead guilty of burglary in the second de-gree,in Buncombe:Superior’.Court,and received a sentence of 25 years inj State «prison.Warren shot ‘at:themidnightintruderandWardcaughtthebulletinhiship. The Supreme Court:has vetaaed a rehearing in the Davidson countybond,case,in which the «validity of $300,of road improvement bonds, ture without a vote of the people,wasattacked,The Supreme Court at lasttermhagdeclaredthebondsvalid.Pe-tition was filed for a rehearing. The proposed five days’encampmentof.-the North.Carolina Naval “Re- serves at Camp Glenn,MoreheadCity,beginnifig October 11,has been’proved:i Mhipaadoart of the NavyDaniels.s encampment takes theplaceof&cruise that had been sched- Ws tm Charles issioners of Piitiactinthece ary hak he “{for Pitt county providing’that the elepinty commissioners be empoweredqito:cause the treasurer of the’coulofPitt’to pay the solicitor $600,in}1 ethodist 2 her remains were taken to Brevard issued under act of the last Legisla~||F uled toibe.taken on.boatd the Elfri-||2 Salaryand ‘Ree.Case in the Su- ;preme Court,| An interesting case.involving:sal-aries and fees was.argued in the Su-reme Court last week.It comes from‘itt county and ae,Soninersene isiebernethy,solicitortsialinti,and:theofthefifthj it.General Assembly passed a jaw inty monthly installments,“in ©lieu!offeesthen.provided.by law,which.solicitor would receive from time tq time on account of convictions secuy.ed in criminal cases.The commissian,,ers contend that all fees the solicitorshouldreceivefromallsourcesarebepaidintothetreasuryofPittaethatthesolicitoristoreceivenocomr.penpanice!for the prosecution of erim-1 cases in Pitt county except a &al-ary of $600 per gnnum.:The solicitor,on the other hant,contends that tactmeans.that he is to re¢eive thysumof$600 annually for the county'spartandinadditionsuchfeesasthedefendantsthemselves.pay into thecriminalSuperiof“Court:in.case conviction.-of Benator roeThestatemHardingandRepresentatives’J.J.Laughinghouse:.¢nd .J..C.Galloway,who represen thescounty in the,Legislature when the bill was enacted,into law,declare that they under,stood,When the bill was enacted,that4/\it would include all the fees of every kind that the solicitor was to receive in his official capacity.Judge Bondin:the lower court held for the solicit: or and the-county appealed. Tredell Wins,- Hickory Record. Although the corporationcogil sion has not handed down an.orderregardingthedivisionof.taxes be-tween Catawba and Iredell countiesinthedamcase,it is understoodthatIredellwillbeawardedthepow-er house and Catawba the ‘greater portion of the dam.This arrange-ment will not suit Catawba countyonebit,it is said,and if the commis:sion rules in favor of Iredell the lo- cal authorities will take an appeal. To Drive |OutMalariaAndBuildUp The SystemTaketheOldStandardGROVE’S:TASTELESS chill TONIC.You know what you are taking,as the formulaisrintedioneverylabel,showing it is ine ‘and Iron in a tasteless form,¢@ ‘Quinine drives out!midlaria,the eases TI Only '10 Per Cent, The State Tax Commission hascompleteditsworkofequalization and the average increase of tax as< sessment for the State will be about .per t.,according to the esti<thate of “Clerk to the Commission Ay J,Maxwell.Ms “Those who.have been’seeking or:who may seek’to find capital,political.or otherwise,in the nature of thewerinththisyéarwillfinafictlere-:n the actual figures,ithe total in-crease being less than for any:four’fvear,period in the last 16 years and|just abouf-half as large as the in-' crease of 1911.”In all the counties involved in pro-,tests against inereases,the commis-}sion.has stood firm.«In;very:few.have reductions b made,and, thig only upon the best of.evidence.that injustice might ‘be done by.the, prat assessment,lowing the:qutbreak of oroteste ay cropped up on the circular is- ‘of.Mecklenburg county,and.which:tégether with independent’hearingstookafulldayofthecommission’s:time,the commission-has not been:jpzessed lately so far asthis phase of}‘the iwork is concerned.The rock up-on which Mecklenburg county dashed’inam effort to’secure a’reduction’has) proved a warning to other counties with no better.claims. AOD ACE LL NTE The Earth Did Quake. Earthquake—shocks were felt.Sat-urday night in Utah,Nevada,Cali- fornia,Oregon and Idaho.+;So violent were the tremors in Ne- /|vada that railroad water tanks.along the Houthern Pacific were thrown “|down.At Baker,Ore.,and at Sacramento, and Fresno,Cal.,buildings swayedandresidentsrushedintothestreets.The disturbances reached as far north as Victoria,B.C.In San Franciscotheshockswerebarelyperceptible. The,Quinine That Does Not Affect The HeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA-VE BROMO QUININE isbetter than ordinaryOninineanddoesnotcausenervousnessnorritiginginhead.mememes the full name andkforthesignatureofKH.W.GROVE.2*7- STATESVILLE IS THE BEST TOWN in-North Carolina.If you want the best and cheapest home inStatesvillebuy“Everything toBuildWith”from C.Watkins. Long-leaf,kiln -dried pine is the.*best and:cheapest. net? ne ‘builds ‘up‘the oe 50 cents ©)WATKINS;*Phone,43. OU Princess |Go-Carts. PRICE $7.50 fe GS Mood ratityeol ni Hevesi ra rei 1 ;Bearing Axles. *. ea Ae PSp e i r Sita r Wk ee r St e Se r ? tn d We i s e Si a k c Ni e e e Ni t e c eS every day. 8Jniversity,he:gift!)‘of’Y ‘of Baltimore,will e catbleial and it is said’it wll be one of the best athletic fields| in the.country.Stadium is a Greekmeasureoflengthand.originally was600Greekfeet.It means an athleticfieldflankedbyterracedelevationsaf-fording.tiers of seats for spectators;or an enclosure for athletic games. Mr.G,A,Grimsley,resident of theJeffersonStandard-Life’InsuranceCompanyofGreensboro,‘was electedpresidentoftheAmericanLifeCon-vention,in,session at Delmonte,Cal.,last week.Thisis the largest organi- zation of life insurance companies in the world,composed of 97 life insur- ance companies having over $2,000,000oflifeinsuranceinforceandover$250,000,000 assets, *Policeman Emery of Old Fort,whoshotandkilled’Clyde Terrell lastMarch,was conyicted of second de- gree murder in.McDowell SuperiorCourt.The shooting occurred at Old to arrest Terrell,The officer claimedthatTerrellplacedhis:hand on his hip pocket,but:it was contended thatthepolicemanhadpreviouslysearch-ed ‘Terrell and knew.Hist he had no weapons on his person.. Convicted of driving 6 death two horses belonging to the Reid LiveryCompanyinCharlotte,Jim MorrisandJess.Bynum,yo'ng white menof‘that city,were fined $100 each,W.M.Alexander,one of;the party,for-feited a bond of $100.The defend- ants gave notice of appeal.A ‘fine isnot.sufficient punishment for thebrutewhodrives)a horse to death.Six months onthe ‘roads ‘would betterfitthecase, J.M,Jowers,an engineer on a lum- ber company’s log ittain on.aleadingfromMt.Olive,Wayne coun-ty,into Duplin’county,was run overandkilledby‘his {engine Friday. Jowers left ‘Supt,|‘on the“@ngine,in}i started back to coup Fort when the policeman attempted |# Two cars of his train broke aon and: =comfortabletn:very RO M plated mudnigke)—pusher,« PRICE Ne MO M OO M IO DICUNCMLE AEC Don’t think that pict,because the waathes }is cool that baby doesnt need an outing _.The Lloyds.Prindéas :Go-Carts with ‘an.Auto front_and.a:large“top:will..keep :“cold:‘weather. “Made with roller’bearing axles.‘Nickelardsoverthewheels.Janae Air Se a d le e Ma l a d NE SE Z NE E A b hal 7.50, Crawford:Bunch Furniture a The Store Thatsh Welcomes You. ‘avertay CMY SUCMEICNLT} We have tried to show’yo proposition it iseee to.to occupy rented.propephaseofthequestionantance, eeas astrictly.sistas m-your own home than“Let’s take’up another.‘onethatisof equal-impor-The rented house.is#place to'stay and houseyoureffects.__It-does not fulfill the idea of home thatisintended.Youdo not think of it as home at allndbecauseyoudonot.think2todithe finest ‘and noballowiniewithinyoutimentitisgiventohumantohave.- of itas:such you are. est sen-',The strongestcharacterisdevelopedinthehomethatisareal _home.characteris the same care of property,to.them as grown-tps|hahaa People of charactér live in rented houses butestdeveloped|ae itself.The feeling that,vsrallycauseyoutotakecareofiyouwilldevelopaninterestinevelfyouhavechildrentorear in the home;Taxe the,hit willnat-roperty andhingaboutit,yu Wi to themaieththatwillbeofhelp,|ch interestinarentedhome.and will reg temeh it toothers.More about the homé intowl ext, “Average Tierenss ie Assessment |"| Raleigh News and Observer,“> wed,by Chairman Morris:MeDonald:|# noe »‘Sallebyiba ¢JOHN ©.‘FISHER= he Musical Comedy Hi ‘ebsriosoriesacicnicicasciciccannap onescureiorcnstmoienceteenoite [ % —With Marguerite DeVon Original.Fisher.Company | WORLD'S BEST.DANCING CHORUS. “AND - oA Brilliant Ensemble, PRICES JF50,$1.00. EATS Ww.ReeDNESDA & |‘| ®water Sh “9 haniahes i 8:00 4)AE es 4,o'clock in MasonicAllmem-bore requestedto.be present andvisiting’brethren cordially invit-pa,Regulrr meeting. ae ‘WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS. Club Meetings,C!Chain Lunch- ~“eons,Ete. The Entre Nous ab!‘was enter-tdined Friday afternoon by Miss Al-tie Corpening at her home on Walnutstreet.The only outsiders present|were Miss Corpening’s guests—Miss-|eqot Brentey of Mooresville.and Black-,well of Waynesville,-and Misses;Margaret and Louise Butler of St.|Francesville,La.,who areMrs.G.E.French.Mrs,R.O.Deitz’s “link”in the Civ- ie,League “chain”of social events| 8 2 the nature of a sewing party| el Friday afterngon at.her home on;liy_satreet.‘About 20 guests were| present and Pe contributions to the League totaled'$2.30.In a _buttonholecontestcotiduetedduringtheaf-|s ternoon Mrs:Maggie Alexander wonthe.prize,a bouquet of dahlias.Acoursewasserved.$ The guests.at Miss Margaret Bra- dy’s party:Thursday afternoon num-bered an even’dozen,and each hav-|ing brought “the!requested dime”the|League fund was swelled by $1.20.)Miss Brady’s guests also sewed..The| refreshments consisted of sandwiches,! chocolate and candy.A dozen and a half ladiesattended|the function given by Mrs.W.G.Lew-| ahd this “link”was worth $2 to the;treasury.‘The guests found much en-|tertainment in a contest in which |their.names were.used.-Mrs.J.L.|Cully won.the prize,an embroidered |handkerchief.-Mrs.‘Lewis served} ickepsagndwiches,hot rolls and eot-| The ladies who are to give the |nohéon at the Commercialubroomsareréquestedtomeetat club Wednesday afternoon at 4) OW.R.MeLelland,”andmeeSereererascheealrendy~gonego-to.Charlotte today’to -at-State meeting of the United’hters of the Confederacy as re; ives.from the Statesvil--Quite.a number of other.lo-, fe expect to make auto-sto Charlotte during:the/j ind sessions of special ect ug of the Eclectic i this season was heldi.BR B,McLaughlin.Wednes-|y.The club will make Pan-Ameri-:ca its principal etudy this year,Two interesting papers were read at Wed- riesday’s::meeting.-Mrs.Dorman|s;Thompson read a paper on the com-parative study of the geography ofa,and South America and Mrs.¥case gave the general history ¥Sp h America.Mrs.Oscar MannofViMrs:Z.V.Long and Miss|Janie Ciel!were special guests of| the club.Members of the Vance Embroideryclubandotherswillgivea“pie sup- per:and contest”at the Vance school| anteSunday school. -Notice of.New:“Advertisements. ora pigs:for +R,AL.med oer willNowetincorporatedcompaniesr1.“two acre farm:in’Olin town-i ‘or’jpalAdaress ‘AaB.Box: i Bractically néw Royal typewriter for:salée._Irédell Hardware Co‘Six-room cottage for rent.—Mrs.W. “For.sale or rent,seven-room.dwell-ing.—B.F..Long. souame close in for rent.—R.P. Berkshire boar at a bargain—Har- ry Gregory.Bulbs.—Park Place Greenhouse.ie to build with-—C.Wat-ng.e Red’Rose ‘at the opera houseSaturdaynight.°An outing for baby.orawford- Bunch FuFurniture €o.\Dodwiethon’thesp beie—Mutual Building &4° ‘Gossard cordet demonstration all.WeranaraHowes:“Morrison rho aa motor.car.—States- ‘<4 Rese “After SixDaya.* 'Nine mine workers entombed in theRosterCreektunnel‘at Coaldale,Pa.,Monday ‘of last week,were taken out|? alive Sunday afternoon.They -werefoundon’top ‘of a chute into whichtheyhadcrawledtoescapeaflood:ofthat’had broken from an aban-_.doned working and caused‘more than80feet‘of eet roofto fall,shut-means of escape.|‘ |IVNOSumtd "x .Mention.of FolksWWho Come and land Mrs. {William J.orrow evening for the benefit of/,.4 4.H.Father,cashier,were in- ;Go Miss Gilbert Muse of High Point,|who yisited jher aurt,Mrs,©.E.Keiger,has!gore to easternCarolina=|to.visit.“Miss Azile Datidson,who Visitedherparents,Capt.and Mrs.T.M.. Davidson,at their home near peahasreturnedtoBlackMountain.Miss Rose Stevensohyof Loray wasinStatesville.Kridayon her.way:toCharlotte,wherg she has entered thePresbytevianHospital,16 take a course in nursing.Mrs...T,-Foy White.and,three chil-dren spent from Friday to yesterdayinHickorywithMrs.F.H.Adden,+Miss Mildred Stallings of Durham,who:had been in Hi kory,arrived inStatesvilleFridayspendafewdayswith,Miss Annie Adderholdt.Misses Claudia Cashwell and ClaraEatonhavegonetoGastoniatotakeuptheirdutiesas.teachers in -the graded school.wees J.M.Carson went to Taylors-ville Friday to visit her home people,Mrs.R.H.Richey of Statesville is visiting in Florence,8.C.,her former home, ‘Mr.Abernathy,who visited home Aid in*the Oak Forest com- munity,left Sunday night for Cantey, 8:C.,where he is engaged in.the ‘Jumber business.Mr.William Cowles of Wilkesborovisiting|spent a few days here last week on}télephone communication:‘and account.of the \illness of his brother, Stewart’Cowles,.\who underwent an|operAtion at tle Sanatorium. J.houser of Mocks- |ville visiting rs.M.L..Lawson ‘at her home a few miles southwest of |Statesville. De.-and Mrs.Reid-Patterson spent] Sunday in*Statesville with Dr.Pat-|?terson’s mother,Mrs,P.R.Patterson, returning yesterday to their home inCharlottebyautomobile. Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Colvert and,Va-by and Mr.Jas.L.Beallimotored to} Statesville from Linwood Sunday in Mr.Beall’s car and spent the after-|inoon with Mr.Colvert’s parents,Mr. and Mrs.J.E.Colvert:Mr.and Mrs ,H.L.Lipe and Mr.DeVail.of ‘Karinapolis spent} Sunday in Statesville. Miss Lucy Foster left last weekfor|is Thursday evening for the League |Jacksonvilfe,Fla..to iat the win-/open. ter with Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Somers. Mrs.B.L.Sronce and little daugh-!} ter,Martha,are eee Mrs.Sfonce’ssister,Mrs.L.H:Wall,in Lenoir.Messrs.Irvin.Steele and HenryNicholsonspentSaturdayand:Sunday at home,returning yestqeaay,t¢toTrinity’College at Durham : iCrowell.a Davidson .College aywas.their guest..while they.-were at i home. Mrs.C.V.Henkel went to Asheville yesterday to spend a week with friends.Mrs;P.A.Poston,who recently moved to fatgoat from.Winston-Salem ‘and with her parents,Mer.eywee +E.Turner,went toCharlotie.yest:orday to visit her sister, Mrs.Gordon Finger,and attend the State meeting ofthe Daughters of theConféderacy.>Mr.W.A,Sample ‘has,returnedfrom”Philadelphia,where he was :un- der treatment in a hospitak,} Mr.A.J.Brooks retumed SundaynightfromWashingtonCity,wherehe-spent ten days.with home‘folks.Mr.John Spauch and”ily and Mr.Henry.Jenkins composéda ‘an auto- mobile party from Winston-SalemwhichvisitedStatesvilleSunday.Mr. pyenn is a well.known ‘wagon.man-cturer.Mr.Jenkins lived:in States- !ville many years ago.PikeMrs.Gray of..Marionvisitingherhomepeoplehere Hank Officials Indicted For Per- jury. Charles '‘C.Glover,president of the ‘Riggs National Bank in ‘Washington;Flather,vice -president, is dicted Friday for ‘fierjury in connec-tion .with‘the¥ge recent suit ‘against eachof the bank:officials who stare charged with perjury.in making};an affidavit which set forth that:the -haat never had engaged in stockmarkettransactionsandhad.no trans- actions with Lewis Johnson.&Com- pany,a defunct firm of local stockbrokers.Aktorneys for SecretaryMcAdoo.and.Comptroller Williamscontendedatthetrialofthebank’ssuitthatthebooksofLewisJohnson &Company showed many transactionsinthenamesof‘the bank officials named.The indictments are’a gequel to the suit of the bank which alleged thatSecretaryMcAdooandComptrollerWilliams,because of personal ani-mus.toward’some of the bank’s offi-cers,had conspired to injure the insti-tution by withdrawing public depos- its,making extraordinary©‘demandsforspecial.reports and:finally:by im-| posing a fine of $5,000 unos -the bank\for failure to make a certain report} called for by the Comptroller.. Res?rictionsin Florida,‘Down in’Florida they>stillssett itoverthecounter,but the dayhas pass-ed when the patron can ‘put his foot:on the rail,lay down a dime and toss.off the cohtents of a smallglass.A‘Nawis now effective which forbids the.drinking.of intoxicants on 7 é ‘prem- ises where sold.Under its Provisionsliquormaybeboughtin“contatiers’6f not less than half a ah and‘sa-loons must.remain close from 6,p.m,until 7 a.m,‘The coustittitionalitybetested’principally,utentionthatrimisa temp’jionflowswhe ‘aes }‘rescué was accomplished200mine.workers ‘and “cocjalshadmisc|for Bix.oe-diseoN conditions “x UNaLaaa at- of the lawwillescon- ‘produstions ofsuch magnitude that it| A MEETING ATAT Snel. |Surgical Operations —North Iredell’s Telephones.© |Correspondence of The ‘Landmark. *)Jennings,Oct.4.—The protracted|~-—-imeeting is going on at.Winthrop thislweek.Thisis one ghar where everyyoneseemstofeelfreetotake,a’pee\Pride and fashion doesn’t‘lcome in:between these people anjtheirworship,as 1.fear peon dn Iso many places.Dr.Royal of Elkin and ‘Dr.Somers had an appointment wi 3Jennings’store Saturday,wh eyperformedabout‘seven operations.different people,removing ‘ertonsilsandadnoids.Dr.:always on the job when an ‘one Lyhisterritoryneedsattention.’The’Bumble-bee baseball’team, mS evening and played Jennings. Jennings.be North Iredell has a telephone sys-'tem that we would commend to Almost every family has a tele: and can talk anywhere in the nei borhood.It’s‘a system so’good thatvit any store or to any doctor in | neighborhood;and so cheap ‘that theentirecosttoeachoneneednot‘exceed$15.All-it takes to install ah|a system is for a dozen people tim:a;community to decide that they- they want their line ,to |run,l¢hen order their ‘phones and »||build their lines and install-‘phones.themselves,|usually ||we one end of the line go to the font‘doctor and the other to a store.4tines are built the same waynectwitheachotherbyabell’ie some one operates free ofcharge."é | 'iv}y }| |Panama CanalBlocked For a 1)Month.—|!y The War Department announces at! Washington that there -is little pros- |pect of re-opening the Panama canal | before November 1.Since the chan;}inel was blocked by a slide from the:. least bank north of Gold HillSeem'ber 20,the movemént has ,contin |steadily,itthe waterway while thedredgés work- ed away-in a vain effort.to.keepsi pouring earth and rock ii ‘ Hundreds of vaintiswill be held.up by the closing of the canal for 40 days Li interruption of traffic through ©the| isthmus since it was opened in Au-| gust,1914. War Department.offigials said,they' could..give..no.definite assurance that,HfthecanalcouldbeopenedNovember The present-slide began..when the, ter a slide whichblocked it for a week. Revolt in gozue was laid in Charlotte Sunday| GIRLS!GIRLS! or |Hair Stops rhe tr fluffy,‘abundant and appears as soft,| milustrous and —beautif:tiful girl’s |ers is |¢leanse.” icloth with a carefully draw it through your hair,; taking one small:strand at a time. from below Olin,came up SaturdayEiahis will cleanse the hair of dust,| fhe \dirt and excessive oil and in just.algameresultedin6to27infavoroffewmomentsyouhavedoubledthe-j beauty of your hair. er |once,Danderine dissolves ‘every par-| sections that probably do not haye4t.!jticle of dandruff;cleanses,purifies |"iand invigorates the.sealp,.forever Rte T:took many years ‘of |¢(Stopping itching’and «falling hair.aw strife before the fam- enables anyone to stand in his home’jgandtalktoanyofhisneighbors,to)j1)actually see:new hair—fine and|downy at first—yes—but really new! jhair growing all over the sealp. you care for pretty,soft hair andlotsofit,surely get a 25-cent Bottle‘of Knowlton’s Danderine fromaehdriwistortoiletcounter,and just“They:tt it. j |Oats,50c.per bushel. lor more,causing the first very serious|ror ele Ta ee car 5 esate STATESVILLEN.C.° otton seed;40¢.per bushel,a 0.000.”4%Paid on TimeDor ffORPHANAGE,Barium Sorina oe U.s.DEPOSITORY epost x ic Semen te Seen a ee IYS::AND GIRLS wanted at:Bradford{ &Knitting Milk 1.)Itewascexplained,:however,that,PASEPURNER5 WANTED Adanate,Cael anee i basing an estimate upon the manner O28 in “which °t ‘ag moving and|WANTED SpA aa W te ig=s market price Spat 0}enyeamg!gee Putte fer bi ge ia epos:eve at @ your saestan.teie .er month’.rve to clear ¢|ie"cube os A bi-}ptdeyes Baveage TH on efchannel,pi e Hern "a canal had been open:just 10 days af-|—-~— ©adjoining Bupeptic Whe corner-stone of a Jewish danas , with appropriate ceremonies.Rey, Dr.A.H.MerfieldofColumbia,S.C.,was the principal speaker.€| TRY IT!STOP,DANDRUEF AND BEAUTIFY |YOUR HAIR! Out and Gets’ong and Beauti-| }: wavy,+ Thick,Wavy,ful Your hair becomes light, as a young’!a “Danderine _hair:Just try this—moisten a; little Danderine and | after SSS eR oboe Besides beautifying the hair at ‘But what will please you most will) after a few weeks’use when you ous old Bell pealed outitsmessageofpoliticalliberty and marked the establishment of a new nation—of newer purposes and conceptions. Yet man’s struggle for.free- dom from thechrottlebolts of waste,ignorance,indolence:4 and decay.is.as keen asever,| i}fd any|.+: MARR Saaroliaawhl,oe a4 ‘Itaeman’s own battle.”Wis-|| The followbar write were po yesterday %dom,”selfimn rovement and).,for produce on the local market.Spring Chicken,12c.per Ib. Roosters,Be.per Ib.*.2le.per dozen.Sutter,15¢.per Ib. ,economy,are,his best aids, Economy Is Saving Beeswax.26¢.per 1b:vay Ra Su ’The ‘than whg .begins to applynoeeeper.Ib.‘i ,that one principle in his life isBides,lhe.per’Ie striking the first blow to breakShoulders,14e.per.\bdl the fetters which are holding him Red Honey,10c.per Ib,Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.per Ib. ‘Grain,The following prices were paid yesterday back from the enjoyment of all that his libertyentitles him to. We are always ready:to offer the co- ~~grain on the local market:operation to make your savingsWheat,$1.25 perbushel._safe andprofitable.Corn,(old),$1 per bushel.Corn,(new),70¢.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. Paid while yous hearsWork |—and .pays,well,Waite obi fiahyne.any tt Jet.5-2 er ae CREAMERY co.“Cegemiory N.sett ~~Oct,5. i in Olin townshig, FOR ‘SALE—S2-ncre {prings property,Ad-»dress A.B.Box 343,Nee.Statesvill,e{2 Oct.5—2t*>A “Private reports Island of News At patetheentireislandhas|rebellion since June ‘and-fhat all tea plantations have been destroyed;| more than 2,000 persons having beehshotduringtherioting. i Overseas a state of: clare.Thetomorethan 10,000,000 marks ($2,-| 500,000.Sixty.persons were shot there and 1,800 arrests.were made.“The monsoon was the ©worst the:island had--experienced in 100--yearsandsuperstitiousMohammedansre- garded its severity as a,punishment| by Allah.A comet also has beenseen. “The English press,”says the news disturbances had:a Rnusial ienif- cance.’‘#see Sige against:Seer ‘att een epee Comptrouler..“Carregey 3 ne Lewis Jones of an Craven “arr lias :-county,”attempted ‘to obo shot Four ‘indic ts were,returncd|24%from an automobile:and was.‘fa;tally wounded,“He lived byt.a short-time.| “THE RED ROSE.”That “The Rose,”best known of the Statesville-Opera House-.is the ost:|important of the-week's theati cht| ley. “The Red Rose”is.the peidietion | masterpiece of John C.Fisher,whose| amazing genius in this direction ére-|ated”“Florodora.”*Int ‘fact,“Floré:\dora”often is called the musical com-¢edy sister of “The ‘Red:Rose”.becausethepattern.of the last-named piece ‘contains many.of the ‘elements that;won “Florodora’s”success.“The Red|Rose”is pretentious musical comedyiofthetypecallingformorethan‘alseoreofmusicalnumbers,fully .as| imany dancing novelties and dazzling stage pictures,the whole“radiatine' chorus youth,beauty and.charm in¢phegreatnumbersMr.Fisher always has. considered so essential to:success.Manager Barkley states 4 only by giving an unusually heavy|guarantee,a:policy hethisyear’in an efforStatesvillesomeofthe really great | road shows.These large organiza-|tions,because of financial hazards:in-volvedsin one-night engagements,litn-| to,the great Cities.Manageris80confidentofthiscity’s discrimi-| nating judgment,however,:'he igsrerige tet to shows of this class.ie Red od is oa ‘of:the fow| as been impracticable to send’out|plicate companies,“This in itselfisteignand‘worth|“ee Yee British & i effect that },‘OR RENT—Six-Sreond cottage the bee bought on Building and Loan plan,or)rent- At Colombo the struggle was ter-terific,street fighting taking place and;Doitaide city limits.shops being ransacked,the reports de-* damage ‘done amounted |‘FOR RENT—Cottage close in. agency,“has been informed that the |WANTED—~An experienced monument.man’ the very few great musical produc-(FOR RRENT —Good Farm.tions en tour this’season,is one of,Statesville,‘phone 295,Black.Oct.1—2tiw.prospective attractions at,the |p,RENT—Eight-room esWest anouncements made by Manager Bark-FOR e (}*Where Show Will Be Saturday ;fe be told by my flyers.The big | that.he |MONDAY)NOVEMBER 1,1915,at 12 o'clock, was able’to secure this attractionrica is trying out |‘shares in to bring:sto|tion 80 shaves’in’Post it their,bookings almost exclusively|‘Barkley |state of James H.Crosby,deceased,I believes|fore tha 10th day of September,1916.‘Thheistakinglittleriskingivingextra|indebted to the estate are rochested to pute(" i \aie Seopa this Phe{eS ‘i ten ‘OR'SALE—Pragtically new Roya!typewriter,PREDELLEHARDW.E |Co.ft STE Bu FT heahoo,All modern fonveeniences,MRS.W. Wis.Oct.5—I1t. R “BALE OR RENT—A new seven-roomCanbe ling,north Mulberry street. ‘ed,2s0 as to have poultry,or truck,gr hor) or cattle farm,or all—as it is twenty feet Apply to B.F,LONG.Oct.5—4t. Lights otApyerage.R.P.ALLISON.Oct. rs SALE—Five-year-old Registered Berk-shire Boar.Bargain.HARRY GREGORY. ~*Phone 266 Black.‘“Oct.6. |FOR SALE—Buibs—Paper ‘and ‘Yellow”‘White Narcissus,freesias and Roman ‘hya-eifths.Also ferns and smilax.Geraniums‘fdr winter blooms.Rose plants and blooms,also!»chrysanthemuins.PARK “PLACEGREENHOUSE.‘Phone 285.Black, ECKLEN-.Box 82,i Sept:Beats chtawy;|: ‘to’represent Us in this section.sBURG.MARBLE.&GRANITE:C'Dharietter NieQe mrs een "NEWSPAPERS.—:All you.went atTeahundred.Worth this to ‘start’fires(with.“Also good to put under carpets andpaperthewalls.Come to THE LAND:MARK for them.3 PHONE Mrs."HUNTER MOORE,837 Green,ge Dahlias and Chrysanthemums, ett 1—2t. W.N.WHITE, BOBTRORCRIETETALEO CBRE REE|Ready For Coal1 Orders! To the neglected street man,:Tarvia mn Streets must be grand.We somé-" times wonder if the City’sScrapers,ws Picks and Shovels are rusting out in- stead of wearing out.We never see” theni in use onthe MUCHNEEDEDandMUCHNEGLECTEDstreets,: two-stery house,lL,K.oa Aug. RENT—Seven-room .house_Race seablockfromthecollege.Modern con-veniences.MSR.D.A.MILLER.Sept.24-—4t, ‘Front street. phant bearing the sign,“Every- geto Build With,”.told you the last timewhere to get big bargains ‘3 Cc.WATKINS,Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh. SHARES OF STOUK ATAUCTION. oeeens administrator of the eats éf Cooper,deceased will sell at publicathighestbidders,for cash,‘at theN.C.,on auetion ah‘court —houde hier in Statesville, the following shares of stock in incorpor- 36 eee ts Statesville Cotton Mills,2 their quidbeforeriding over some tatesvilld ‘Buffalo Shoals Bridgs \”thein;for fear of—well,youu picture the consequences. \Co.,4 share\Srathouen Poultry Asaocia-ater cer Co. oR.COOPER,|Re B,MbEquehtin,‘biter ‘“KaminutratonOct,6,1916. NOTICE-TO CREDITORS,° ‘Having qualified as administrator ys thehere-‘by notify all persons having claims against anid estate to present same to me on or he- Sapa le “ROA, We:are in position,however,tor. take ‘your coal ordetsand delivée. promptly,if the streets are Tough. Viirginia ‘Blue Gem,Jel,Penn,An }ue JOHN H.nie aeAdmr.,Franklin,N.GORB.MeLaughlin,Atty,‘Sept,10,1915, on TO CREDITORS. ied as executor and exeen,tiaee and testament of J.W. St H BC R C B C A C E C E C E S E ES O S RO R AC R E S EE Ce s | tlpide eshas THELANDMARE : |STUESDAY,--October 6,1915.)~Fles Brltain Crushed Undersea| 4bhine‘Campaign? .Great & put into tive operation means of combating...the submarine which,ac- ¢ording t0"dfficial reports to the Unit- +ed States government,already have -yesulted in a loss estimated at be-J tween 50 and 70 German submarines. The report declares that the British ‘admiralty confidently believes it has crushed the German undersea’cam- af aign.GeNew methods of offense and.de- fense that may:revolutionize:naval warfare have been adopted,and high British naval officers are of the opin- jon that unless the effectiveness of the submarine is*increased,it »will '‘cease to be a menace to commerce and battle fleetss British censorship has prevented:the disclosure of detailseoneerningthedevelopments.“Within the last three weeks,however,confi- dential reports to various government departments from representatives in European capitals of neutral as wellasbelligerentcountrieshavecon-firmed the British admiralty’s.view. that an effective means of dealing ‘‘ewith the submarine has been found, pe These reports:are being closely‘gerutinized on account of the bearing 4 they.may have upon the naval policy"<6f the United States.They reaffirm*.afficers:of the navy in.their eonvic- ‘tion that the dreadnought still is the in has.discovered and: ,yon:PY EXECUTIVR DEPARTMENT:"STATE (OF NORPH CAROLINA .Wh mis"ane ‘amended the insurance laws of North:Carolina,and‘other things,enacted:pet iin ‘/f 'It shall Wethe duty of the Insurance Commissions? and Superintendent of Public Instruction.toprovide.sat+as far as practicable for the teaching of ‘Fire Pres *)) %vention’in the colleges‘and schools of the State,ald’ if the way be open,to arrange for a text-book adapted ;,.°.to such use,Also by adding to said section as section “!four thousand.seven hundred.and twenty-one (b)the |.‘following:“The ninth day of October of each and ,. every year shall be set aside and designated as Firg;)) Prevention Day,and the Governor shall issue a proclat niation urging the people to a proper 6bservanee of the said day,and the Insurance Commissioner shall |: bring the day and its observance to the attention of the’|officials of the municipalities of the State,and especially to the-firemen,and,where possible,arrange”’ suitable programs to be followed in its observance.’eae ply’of nineteen hundred and fifteen! |1 ng ‘ 4‘ Now,Therefore,I,LOCKE CRAIG,Governor of North’ Carolina,in accordance with this statute,do issue this may | PROCLAMATION,and f do set aside and designate dt ofhalhiaWiEevtWyoeNk |,Ave the Tobacco Ch tBs the Cc said one of the greatest thistkers this country ever produced, Hg Will It Be Ball or Strike? HALL he slam it between short stop and center field,or tryforthefence?Here’s need for"?true eye;quick judg-ment,with every muscle And nerve at attention |*« ")vahainstaysin naval’warfare,and’tend4todissipatetheprofoundimpression,3 dfuated'by.eispeétacular and for aylong®time apparently unsuppressed*operations of the German boatsriaroundtheBritish,Isles,- .Prayer Tastond of Doctors—in-*,dicted For Manslaughter. sv Saturday,the 9th,day of October,1915,as ',FirePrevention Day ty OR € x ‘‘6 -I x ,and do urge i the people to.a proper observance of this’dayinobediencetothelawofNorthCarolina.I urge the publi¢ “schools of ‘the State and the municipal officers thereof togive proper and formal recdgnition'of the day and its meaning,and >-‘hte ye {:ACrackfHe's keyed u »to just the right pitch by a mildly stimulating chew of the?Anidhs’x SOT rlatly te +f Yo William Marion Embler.‘and wife,*.Charles Plemmons and Lewis Ram-)gon,the last a negro,have been in?*,,dicted ‘by the Buncombe county grand*jury for manslaughter.It is charged»that through their refusal to allow“bite to attend 10-year-old Ezra*Embler they were responsible for the-:child’s death following a long siege of typhoid fever.Allegations made by officers are to the effect that they»depended .on,prayer to cire the child‘,and kept physicians from the boy's!.bedsidé.Their prayers were continu-=ous cai and night;but ‘the little for-the appearance of the four defendants at the next term of;‘i “were named in theof$500 and the three white de-lants fyrpished .bail,.while.thegro.tial,He voteend thmployan‘attorney,stating.that ‘he depengon-prayer’to «swhitepeople,however,employed1TtportededthatnursewhoWastoAttendthechildbythecounty"@was unable to perform ‘her work ‘and3ectTierpatientbyreasonoftheidand‘boisterous|gz of thesmbersofthe‘sect and,finally she‘driven from the house when shenandedthattheprayersbeless and Lumber Company a tract of landdying,on,Wilson’s creek and .John’sAvivo:Clavel iat heeynecontainingabout36,-é to ‘save.him.e request thecitizens generally to give special attention on thatdaytotheconditionoftheirpremises,to the end that the.waste oe toss of property and life by fire may be reduced in this tate.;ern rie fe ae The loss by fire amownts approximately to three million dollars:a year in North Carolina,A large'per cent of this loss is unnecessary and can be prevented.Human life,too,ineedlesslysacrifieed.—,Send 'We'should rémedy the conditions that entail this enormous’expense and loss suffered,not only by those whose propertyandlivesaredestroyed,but by all citizens in the high rates of insurance ‘caused by unnecessary fires.The prevention of the needless destruction,ofthe fruits‘of our labor and of -humanlifeisadutydictatedbyegonomyandhumanity. ay PLT egies?Te i at our’@ity of!Raleigh,this the sixteeth day of September,in the year ofgeorLordonethousandninehundredandye©fifteen,and in the one hundredth and forti. 4. 4 wv+¢r¥iunt eo. »“éth year of our American Independence.sak <oy 'e*ie os4p;,G t of i ANB |wea ito Privegte Secretary.‘ Ui HBEW one sidoieo”Governor.«¢ tat Fe bi} {.oF mcley <\]CHEWING TOBACCO ® “When he’s back on the bench,he i .»won't feel the “let down”that comes.of: fi iehewing strong,*black tobacco.Thed’$(hp complete tobacco satisfaction in long-last-; ing PICNIC—the TWIST of perfect chewing leaves of a richly mellow tasted. » i Look for it in 5¢twists or in.the drum Woof 11 twists.pj id i %‘3 ae Ge 2% Be sure itis the original PICNIC TWIST drum, ASHES ARE DANGEROUS. Only Safe Way to Handle Ashes Is to ‘ae ‘eee 5 iTEACHTHECIiILDREN. By Teaching Children ‘ire Prevention »Mr.John McLean,a native of Ire-: Place Them in a Métal Recepta-’) cle and Cover,ey RE Ashes have as many lives as,theproverbialcat.When they are.taken out of the stove they may look as ‘if there was no fire in them,but ‘all ‘it takes to fan them into life and makethemadangerous‘and living thing is:airw ith sufficient velocity and that J8 |iyjvania county.nyusuallyonhandtodothejob,.‘There |:ee LDisjuatonesafewaytotakecareof|Charlio.and Wiley Trantham,triedashes,and that is to\put them into,a|in Haywood county Superior Court fortightmetalreceptacle,and whenit isthe murder of Jessie Plemmons,were ‘Long Stride Can Be !Made in Few 'Years to Prevent f ‘ire Waste.By teaching the children,some ofwhomwillinafew}jears administer the laws,a long strfide toward firepreventionwillbetak«:n,and the child- ren while being taug{ht,will interest parents,who will,ses never before, recognize the importi)nce ‘of the ques- tion,and,rather thar{plead ignoranceon.such an importa'fit and self-inter-esting ‘subject;'willfiend their aid in ties,the tri-acre te average price paid be- 3 aeaa oeZ fhucleus of#a-nation,‘orest Wn as the_,Boone National Forest,-eventu-&ally will extend from the’Yadkin di-_vide to the North Forkof the Cataw-~ba on the east side of the Bigs Ridge,“extending down:to the lower,foothills,It is the purpose of the governmenttobuyanyforestlandswithinthisboundary,if the owners care to sell4andsatisf;termscan be ‘agreé dell,of the Mooresville vicinity,died |§ a few days ago at Hunter,La..He's is survived by three brothers and three sisters—Mr.J.C.McLean,Mrs. 8.’B.Harris and Mrs.F.R.Sharpe of |Mooresville;Mrs.Sarah Butler of |® Rewan county.and Messrs.Harvey ‘and Wilson McLean of Rosman,Tran-|§ Why We Want Small _Accounts. ite hemi His Do you realize that a hundred small accounts make a bank stronger than a dozen large ones even if,they ag- gregate the same total of deposits? hat i w customers%,Upon..For thepresent,“at pur Mr.E.MuBruner,the local repre-»,Sentative.ofthe forest ‘service,has‘the oversight of three survey cvews~~\who are now -engagéd-in the survey ofieaeneese“anizing a.fire pa-.©trol sys or ‘the preventi*control of forest ares.“oa 95 Tablet Unveiled at Manassas.A bronze tablet commemoratingthepeacejubileeatManassas,Va.,July 21,1911,was unveiled at Manas.sas Thursday in the-presence of sav-eral thousand people.President Wilson was.representedbyAssistantSecretaryof|WarBreckinridgeandGov,Stndrt_of Vir-Binia by Judge J.B.'T.Thornton._>COWEdmund Berkeley,a Confeder-ate veteran-94 years old,delivered theinvocation.Thirteen girls,each car-rying the flag of the State she repre-aed.eae ae States of theeracyand48‘othe -ed nae revfaited States,aeerewcremanyUsxtionsoldieramongthe(Civil War veterars phe.ent at.the unveiling,‘After the cere.monies ©they.visited the:battleficldsPonythey“ought more tran 50barsago. t é neREERTNNEEEANMNRReRNERNeNENNR‘Educational Institutions.GettingUnderWay.~Warolina Watchman. .What are our educational institu:tions prephring to do this fall Well‘accordingto.the newspaper head.ines,here ‘4s a glimpse:“BaptistElevenShapingUpforSeason’sFirstGame”,A.'&M—'Much Pleas.ed with’Football Squad”,FromLineandBack-»Chapel Hilk--“‘Both ts Look Good;”and>field Pros-“Wake F and A.&M.will theet|‘on Gridiron,?Books—oh,well;of|of what use are books to boys whoarebeingtrainedto.play? “|edi and‘dglay:9:wh ,|remark’wy,ordi,|count”Ae tine’Ne the pr proper!:reed |(and it~can}becation)ithe interest thustthrough:eduincreasé,anda,varit army,figlitingagainstfirewaste,twill soon bring Tesults.Fire preventi {on means the say-ing of life and pror)srty,anf it shouldappealtoeveryofie,else somethingislacking.What Jie it?—Safety Bn-gineering,'-.-és éCHILD-‘BURNED. The following »is a sad statementnafromastptepaperafewdays “After 24 hou fp of Intense sufferingfrom:severe bu ins,:Theodore Roose-velt West,the 3 ‘year-old son ofdiedatthehorjeofhisparents.Thechildwasleftithehousealonewithtwootherchil(.tven’while’the motherwentouttolooWk’after her cow.‘The child\ce gaght fire from an openfireplace.Aj fy x ‘iwhich kerosenehad:been kept‘,waa:found:near.theoaoeottheotherchildrensaysxarethiifPaseoetmeoflinto The trouble;is that eases such asthisaretoofnequent,How long willNorthCarolin@parentsstandforit? RESPO #[SIBILITY FOR4FIRES. One of th #7 heaviest known verdictsfornegligecewasawandedtotheGlobeMalliableTronandSteelCom-pany and ftwénty-one fire insurancecompaniesagainsttheNewYorkCen-tral Railr jad Cempany for $51,608,48.nar dam:jges were awarded becausehecrew‘of a freight train refused tobreakca.pg in a train and Allow firecompanijstocrosstherailroadinresponse4tgafitealarm.It wag dlaim-|apparently «proved,that thefuneatytieroadontpany)ty ons.This waga endt-only on Ae. 8 the fuwecambriaor‘tinge ee i cee o ptchey {criminal indifference,henck should be. their against buildings,and fences in’‘the! back yards and alleys,and there;has been thousands ‘of dollars worth of}: valuable.property.destroyed by ithig+careless practice.id DESTRUCTIVE AND GEROUS.DAN- Rats and mice are not only destruct:ive agents to property ,but'are dan-gerous carriers of disease.THE timé’has now arrived when the exterimina-tion of this menace to the health, of all communities shouldreceivg en- ergetic action and drastic treatment.The.extermination of these vetmin,should be a part of all movements to- wards removing damgers tolife andq,| securing conditions of .greater pater ty.Gk ‘¥, LAWS NEEDED. ;.., >habit ;4}.or The people must he made to know’ that our annual fire.waste is as great’&menace as war,famihe,or flood)’ Fire waste emanates largely Tow 47 prevented through laws which wouldgodirecttotheveryrootoftheevil, gnd.,hold the party,on whose prem- ises fire originates criminally liable. When-this is done-our’fire waste and 75 per cent.* CLEAN UP.*\ —j Rubbish heaps ‘are firé breeders. Fires start in them and are fed by ‘them,A clean city will have few fires.Atties and cellars should be képt them’up|. ify Don’t Stay .H Sie the constipated waste matter and pois-i ‘stomach sweet,liver and bowels rég- sacrifice of human life:will be reduced eadachy,Constipated, Sick,With Breath Bad and Stom- ach Sour.ee Get a 10-cent box now. taste.and foul upset,bothered ath,or have a bad cold. ‘Are you keeping your bowels clean with:Cascarets,or merely forcing a passageway every.few days.with salts,cathartic pillsor caster—oil 2- Gascarets.work while you.sleep, gases;take the excess bile from thejiverandcarryoutofthesystemail on in the bowels.,JA.Gascaret.tonight will straightenvowout:by morning—a 10-cent :box’ from any drug store will keep Roe filar,.and head clear ‘for months.Don’t forget the children,They love‘Cascarets because.they taste good—' never gripe or sicken.“TODAY” You men and women who can’t get feeling right —who have headache,|& coated tongue,badbreath,dizziness,can’t sleep,are bil- fous,nervous and 4 with a sick,gassy,disordered.stom-| eleanse the stomach,remove the sour,|M°*+ undigested,fermenting food and foul ust _Of courge,lar our purpose tu serve ALL people.. Bat we,want men and woien of limited means to know that this Gank is willing to accept their deposits and give them the advantage of our advice and every facility of the institution.i ate If you‘are nota bank depositorat all come in and get acquainted with us.Wewillbe glad to talk things over with you.? s and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville,Ae oe Merchant “The Bank For Your Savings.” 1 PR UHMN IT Wy FRIENDSHIP LINKS.- .[have them in Sterling Silver.Start a-Braeelet—’nly 25 cents to start.Your friends will do the rest,See me for anything ir jewelry.My line is up-to-date |H.B.WOODWARD:——_—_Jeweler. iherePee AWarrel of Miss Hieks? new home-made MO-LASSES. Fresh lot of DavisSpringsGrahamFlourandnewCornMeal, nl free trom eombustib tions,ashogsaheala Wieaod beeen 7 .carelad ion fences (or, (Haste 3 aad but because “*Phone.usyo &: 4 ur orders,| o.4 COLLEGE JEWELRY! Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,ete.,‘with the seal of Statesville College on, “Make a nice piece of Jewelry for former_students as well.as those now attending:“We havethis line now in,ait bi ,=~TOBACOO TLUESI=— es madeup ready for delivery ‘Phone’ér write us your or-dare shim made sameday order received,Extra joints,Lsandflatsb ISTATALLE:T 1N CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager.;114 East BroadStreet.: Se 80. = :A model of’the semi-flat all- round type so much in,.vogue ae at present,Not stylish to an ie extreme,but of most‘distinc- =tive appearance.Preeminent- ~~ly a man’s shoe..~~,$4.00,$4.50 and $5.00 Grades, St)SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. Phone No.83. oe “HE LANDMARK TUESDAY,October 5,1915. ‘THE STORM OF LASTWEEK. Vhicles from a-cigar.factory.threat- Many Lives Lostostin NewOrleans and.Louisiana —Property Damage Runs Into Million Reports from seattered sections of the storm-swept area in Couisiana and along ‘the Mississippi Gulf coast| place the number of known dead at202and.probable dead at 800.Thepropertydamagewillruninto.mil-| lions,The known dead in Loulstans in-|iicluded:New Orleans and *en'24,Rigolets 21,Lake Catherine 22,near Frenier ‘25.Bight drowned sinking packet Hazel,near GranIsle,At other points in Louisiana 58 lives.were reported lost.storm was at its.werst inNewOrleansWednesday. Scareelyalargeplate-zlass window remained intact in the downtown section andmany.stocks of goods were damaged |'by wind and rain.Signs,telegraph,telephone.electric light poles,wiresanddebrisfromdamaredbuildings littered streets and hundreds of strac- tures were unroofed or demolished in 'various parts of the city.In the telephone company building 15 per-} sons.mostly girls,were injured when all the windows in the east front on the floor where they were working¢rashed in. The maximum velocity of the windwasreportedbytheWeatherBureauasbetween120and130milesanhour.For.more than seven hours the hur-ri¢ane swept over the city at a rateof’more than 60 miles an hour..Po-lice and fire departinents were;keptbusyresponding.to cails for pela, anee and investigating reports collapsed —buildings.Two dete young women were removed by theerinautomobilesandpolicéye- ened with destruction just before|nightfall. Numerous school houses and!churches were,destroyed or badly damaged by the wind.Approximate-ly 8,000 telephones’were “rende useless and trolley service was pended.On the -river front many -€ithe walls of the structures.Numerous| Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in -.$100,000.00 - Surplus and Profits -31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. ia Your Ban king business solicited and every gevomumodation\extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank-ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits.remaining on deposit three months or longer. “OF FICERS:Weng #:W.D.TURNER,-—-#6 ff,MORRISON,-_---PD,M.AUSLEY,=-a.EK.HUGHKY, President,Vice President. ‘Cashier,zySeeiniaet Caster. joo Buck Eye,Empire! »-The Three which hold the world’8 ‘record. Oat Drills,Harrows,Disc.Plows,ANTS .Spreaders,etc.Complete line. Iredell Hardware Company. GOOD TIME! The clocks ftthe6bore must berh ht or the cuss eave ‘t bédtoplanand-have mealson time.jie Docent =wearing out your aotwith a watch that you can’t dereoawant.toGotna ccen nbl or elockNRYwhileheisdtimetoaandfittingspeetafaciesandand }a small vessels were swamped and the ‘municipal warehouses in many in; jstances stripped:of the corrugated | ‘iron sheathing,which was bolted©tethesteelfr:work and formed passehgers on the San Antonio ex-| press of the Southern Pacific rail-|toad spent Wednesday night on trailrferry,which grounded in.theggriver’twg ;.miles above| tugs Stood by allii;was said themine.danger-thefimpossibleforthe| 4 ed “ag!tides ©‘Gitigans “gompelled touse“wagons’‘and.pats:in order toHiteach’offiees and:aness houses in the inundated séction,some.of the Hider water, H tropical hurricane demolished nearby :houses and the flood waters rose six ily clad and suffering from hunger and @ them off,, 92 feet.send- “wall and Ineburg. ile,Ala.eseaped the$3;fall force’ie on hurricane;a furious‘|southeastgale swept the city and ad-Hi jacent territory’practically.all Wed-:teats PPra iningwa Velocity ofrleallythe‘en- ;siront ai was flood-Neepeoaally high streets benig two to three “feet un- The reseue of 2Q persons maroonedinarailroadrepaircaratRigolets, 'La.,all of Wednesday.night while the inches above the level of the car floor, was described by W.-E.Gossett,one of the marooned:party. Thirty-six men refugees,only part-| exposure,were brought to Mobile,Ala,,Friday from Empire,La.They jtold a story of the heroism of an 18-1 year-old boy,Amadee Favr,who,theyrt 8 ideclared,saved 105 persons from the} :flood at Doulluta in the vicinity|}jot Empthe: - Bessllaate.— On the request of PresidentWilson | Gov.Spry of Utah has granted «re-|prieve until October 16 to Joseph Hill-| strom,sentenced to be shot at °Salt| |Lake City,Utah,for murder.‘Shoot-| ing is the legal’method of execution|in Utah.;In his answer to the President’smessageGov.Spry says the reprieve| is granted only because thedentrequestedit,and he insists that; ‘|the Swedish.minister goto Utah and| make personal investigations before| October 16,as the Swedish vice con-sul has gone thoroughly.into the c:Se| and advises that he can find no reaonwhytheboardofpardonsehoutd| change its decision.Hillstrom is a Swede and his coun- trymen have.been active in his behalf.The Governor received letters threat-ening his lifeif the execution took place. Bold Robbery inin’‘Goa Dhy. A.desperate attempt to steal jew- elry valued at.$13,000 from a.show window at one of the busiest cornersintheshoppingdistrict-of _Philadel- ‘|phia was made Friday by two armed|men in full view of hundreds of pcr-| with a padded hammer,they seized| two trays of jewels and dade a dash)to.escape,firing their.et as a warning to pursuers. Women*shoppers©,hbo panic:stricken.and several co the bl oft :in the bloc in pines as large,while in many cases| dj there creases in these from the Kingdom, the.British ambassador's report a reference at the State Department ated here by reports of increases inBritish.trade with northern: pein countries since the war,began, suggests also that st a cerning Great gBritain’s policy have cited by Great Britain to prove her contentions: ton from the United Kingdom to Nor- way, Netherlands during the months January to May,1916, with amounted to 503.995.centals of 100 pounds.to the four countries mentioned dur- ine this period in 1915 as:much as} tentals or six times the increase watt Diexportofcottonfrom‘the United? 'Kinedom, {Kingdom are taken from.the official hg|A STATESVILLE MAN'S EXPE- tTatumber Presi-|ff sons,-After smashing the window| GREAT BRITAIN.DENJES. meteeWotCripplingOur Trade For Her Own Benefit. Great Britain’s anewer to reports widely cireulated in this country that| she has been interferring with legiti- mate trade of the United States.with |} neutral Evropean nations for the} benefit of her own exporters is given|f in a note handed to,Ambassador Page|¥ at London by Sir Edward Grey,for- feign minister.Data and figures are.quoted at J length to prove that where British exports and re-exports have increas-sled the growth of similar trade fromtheUnitedStates.has been many have been vast ©increases’.of American exports compared with de-United| The note,which is in response 9 Oo o the unfavorable impression cre- Euro- statements con- een inspired Ky German agents.Fol- owing is one\of several.comparisons cot- nr “The inereased re-export of Variegated Mottle Rugs. Persian SilkRugs.~ Call tiesee ourline ofBrussel$18.00 to $38.50. We have in stock a fewspecially lan |Ddxt Rugs. me g Sweden.Denmark,and.the of as-compared in 191 4,the same period The United States exported 2.353.638 centals.as compared with 204,177 centals:during January ,to May,1914,an increase of 3,149,461. the “The above figures.for the United evstoms returns;those for the Dni- ted States have been carefully~“comet viled by the war trade department from the manifests of those vessels|§ which actually arrived with cargo from the United States in Scandina- vian and Dutch ports during the five months,-February to June,1915,ascomparedwithfive-twelfths of the total:recorded exports from the Uni- ted States to those countries in the year ended June 30,.1914.” RIENCE. Results Tell the Tale. Can you.doubt;the evidence -of this |}, Statesville citizen? You can ‘verify ‘Statesville ledarties ment.' Read_this: H.-S.Stroud,229 Boulevard—St., Statesville,says:“I was in pretty bad shape with kidney did bladdertrouble.I.could hardly get around from the awful misery~in “my ‘back. My back was so weak and stiff that I couldn’t straighten after stooping. Le me Mornings I couldn’t getout of bed.My). kidneys were sluggish and the kid- ney secretions scanty and unnatural. I:never.experienced such misery.in my life as when the kidney secre-| ‘tions ‘were passing.Doctors didn’t seem able to help me and I kept get- ting worse.I was advised to try Doan’s Kidney Pills and I did.After TY had taken one box,I was*perma- nently cured of kidney trouble.” Price .50c,at-all Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get |Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr.Stroud had.Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,Ne Y. dealers, Props., [SRNLES CHEAPEST PORN:eI “‘Warehause.“Twelv z cedar,cypress and tin.4x24 +dressed-cedar-shingles for barns.at $2.50:per 1,000.vee tin,ridge roll and nails. When It’s Flowers! Think of Van Lindley Company.We have one of the largest Greenhouse plants in the South. Orders small or largereceivepromptatten- tion.Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed.} i i"Flowers That Please. :‘Suppiae that yyhmare insuréd in thesuranceCompanyofNewHampshirefTripleIndemnity,Plan,ia:does yourPolicy cane to ANSWFIRST;it.guarantees that iin case of Seat from gay:the face of the policy,will be paid,—:«SECOND,that in case of death from any accident,;double the face of thepolicy,will be paid.<?from certain ‘specifi’ M5,000,°or three times the face of the pokey,will be paid.In ‘case;of total iteoyreceiveanindemiwhysho"ir i NERAL INSuS“AND NovAM ‘THIRD,that in case of di But'thisis not all.“dental injury,you ‘willCaninsurancedomore?”Ani with apolicy that woulddo’sare: PHONE,2. "cawee$10°060,:7 aseuiareresultof aee Our Elegant Line. ee OA,16 ames ay <==OF Stationer: WILL.PLEASE YOU.Soe Tablets and Envelopes to match, nyneemaya “HALLS.DRUG ‘STORE:‘PHONE 20. Sgen ae To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Prescriptionistssi to announce.thaHOMEINSU $100 per acré'valuation at75per.acre valuation at‘60 per acre ation at%,25 per acrévaluation at 4 By peracre i90peracrevaluation15petacre’valuation ©.“40 per acrevaluation’ by windin addition to hail, *PHONE 54, “COTTON,‘CORN AND SMALL re CROP.|; ;-40°pDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.| $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years:at900.-latter insurance covers also against loss or REMEMBER—‘'We insure anything insiirable.”” J.F.CARLTON,Manages THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT etyeyhave:completed arrangements withCO.of New York,”’forsnsRiNe ON, ori Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and smallilStormatthefollowingverylowprice:TOBACCO CROP!”a grain Aa $7.50 uySneteMS3.75 per acre1.874peracre amage ogcasio ne ae STATESVILLE, Such isttietedond seteday 8 damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know when the tornado may strike your ,but you'do knowthe“Old Hartford”protects |TOESDAY; Ray es Se ~Dr.Sampson’s Skeleton Found? fivetin‘seAie »Sampson,'D.D.,;: ©Presbyterian theological seminary at ThorntonWisappearanceofRev. yee in theprofessor ‘Austin,Tex.and at one time Synodi- a evangelist of the.Presbyterian mission board in this State,and.the fear of friends that he had lost his Aife in Estes Park,Colorado.Dr. Sampson disappeared early in Sep- ~tember,going on a fishing and tramp: ing trip.He was last seen’near Ester Park and the following day,there was a terrific electrical storm,Tt was feared that he met death either by .lightning or in falling*from a preci-' pice.Search has.been made for him and the following.is contained in a dispatch from Denver,Col.to”the ‘New York Sun,under date of the 2d: “A skcleton supposed to be.that of the Rev.Thornton R.Sampson,D.D., .of Austin,Tex.,who disappeared a month age in Estes Park,was found »yesterday on the.eastern border of Routt county by Jim Norval,a Steam- boat Springs stockman,while round- ing up cattle.: “The discovery was made 60 miles SampsonistromthepointwhereDr. a ‘Meas last seen alive.The reduction of oy body to the skeleton condition is supposed to be’the result of wild ani- >mal attacks.”i Dr.Sampson was a native of Vir- ginia'and was for years a missionary ‘in Turkey and.Greece.He was knownto'a number of Statesville,people,.His»..sister,Mrs.Dupuy,lives in-Balisbury. Danger ofRupture With Germa- ny Has ‘Not-Passed.©Germany has failed to satisfy.the. -requestsink of the peers States that the “of theArabic with a loss,of ‘American lives will be disavowed andNability:for the act assumed by,theImperialgovernment.This “becameknownafter,a conference Sunday »*night .bétween President Wilson ‘and Medal For ,Secretary Lansing,at which the |at->ter submitted a note given him Satur-day in New York by Count von Bern-storff,the German ambassador.“No announcement was made aftertheWhiteHouseconfererite.Secre-tary Lansing declined to say what thenextstepwouldbe,”but it was learned»dater the German ambassador.woutdbeaskedtocometoWashingtonsoon}to receive the view which the Ammeri-can government takes of the last Ger-man_note.Count.von Bernstorff.is,fully ‘authorized by his goveriment toelSaniimietinenegotiations.Mile‘the situation has improved.tothyigxtentthtthereisnodanger eitla}igns,;ais the note affords an op-(ty)ae aE :stated reliably that final refusa’Ger ny.to,meet the American Aton the Arabic case might put,the threatened rupturegrelations. ed Liquor in Coffins, “Tenn.,’Dispatch,2d. ition was created here todayitof‘T.C.Betterton,gen-%,secrétary and treasur-mnessee Coffin and Casket‘pany,andPolice CommissionerHCwae¢eharging him ‘with vi- ;ing penal code of the United, States in his capacity as head of thecoffincompanybyshippingwhiskeycustomers.all over this territorySaeetincasketssentoutfromhisfactory...Thetechnical charge is vio-lation of section 240 ofthe.penal code,“which Provides that “all packages for‘Shipment shall be properly labeled,4 showing contents..Warrants were al-_80 served:on T.L.Mylas,superintend-._ent,and:Frank T.Fox,packer of thefactory.The investigation of thesechargeswasmadebyaspécialagent of the Department of Justice of theUnitedStates.“It seems that the Ten--nessee Coffin and Casket Company ‘is«charged with making a customof en-closing bottles of whiskey in casketsShippedtocustomers aye ae“Von Papen Will Also Go. -Capt.Franz von Papen,military at:tache of the German embassy,wliowasinvolvedwithDr,Constantin‘Dumba,the former Austrian ambas- sador to the United States,in the at-‘tempt to cause labor walkouts inAmericanmunitionfactoriesandwho referred to the American people as“idiotic Yankees,”will have to leavetheUnitedStates,2 Whether the departure of the at-tache will result from a demand~bythisgovernmentforhisrecallorvol- untary action by Germany.in.with- drawing him,is not yet known. ..Gapt.von Papen is now supposed tobeinMexico,to which country he isalsoassignedasmilitaryattache.HeleftWashingtonaboutthetimeofthepublicationoftheDumbacorrespond-entice.It is not known whether he willremainin.Mexico or réturn to Germasny,but,according to high administra-a tion officials,his career as an atacheinthiscountrywillsoonend. Champion Grower. Raleigh Dispatch to Greensbéro News. Gov.Craig will receive from’thePresidentoftheSanFranciscoexposi+ Corn ven to Charlie Parker of Woodlandorthamipton,county,for being theShempion.yan grower in the State,oung Parker raised 195.9 bushelsofcormto.an acre,making “NorthCarolina,rank seventh among theStatescompetingforthehonor.SouthCarolina*rariked first and the firsthoriorswereawardedtoZachariahJ.|:How's+offer.OneDrakeofBittsville,Drake.raised‘onan acre of ground. Ortober |B,1915,|Happenings Here dnd ‘There in} “The Landmark has mentioned theline on the 2d at 20.cents a pound iaté break in diplomatic i4 “lan alleged:arswhich«insurance companies are said throughout this [dd (to how the alleged combination is to! on this week a bronze medal to bewater when’No.36 passéd.A mail| nf the Country, Sea Island.cotton sold at,Valdosta,| the highest price in four years.”» '(President W*lson’s foreign policy|—was indorsed in a resolution adoptedattheconventionoftheFarmers’Ne-tional Congress,mecting!at Omalia,Neb,i 4 : ‘5.J.Mendenhall,convicted of:the|Wy water,#la.,was sentenced to life im-Lprisonment.Mendenhalliis also underindictment-for the murder of Miss El-reliott’s’mother,eae ade RS |. The Italian ‘ministry of marine has,i ee issued an official statement announc-xing:that 474 men and .women |lost :BastheirlivesonthebattleshipBenedettoBrin,“which was destroyed by an ‘ex-plosion:‘ip the harbor of Brindisi. The.gapanese government has ‘aplan:to subsidizea dyestuff and chem-ical industry in order to make Japan independent of Germany,and:this’will|be used'as an argement for a subsidy|for.similar’indpstries in.this country.| The Souther district efficiency con-|Marguerite De Vonand the Student's Glide Chorus in John C,Fisher’s Globe Theatre,N y°h eucrite Psfusteal Gapaily Success,Phe Req Rose,Statenvle Brady OsunventionofthePresbyterianChurch}(Northern),+at —Springs,| Ark.,endorsed the proposed organic|‘i ‘4 Me eid | union of the Northern and Southern |"S.Mann Candidate ForState, branches of the Presbyterian Ohurch.|Treasurer. The Farmers’National Congress,at|J.8.Mann,superintendent of —the| Omaha,Neb.,adopted resolutions fa-|State’s Prison,has announced his cap-| voring:woman suffrage and.indorsing |didacy for State Treasurer “against the ‘Kéating bill,already introduced|Treasurer B.R.Lacy.Mr.Mann is-| ia the national Congress,providing/sued no,formal announcement,”but: far the establishment of a farm wo-Says he regards the job as a desira-Saints «bureau.in.the Department of ble promotion from the appointive of- Agriculture:i,%|fice he now,holds.ot ee | NEV sien es «|Mr.Mann said he wants it ‘wnder-| See reeee cP eg att iptood that he will not make any fight ar oe.TE eons ioe the administration of Treasurer, rian before she -sankeieff..the .Irishsoast,September;ate.lally con-vincéed ‘that the!'vessel “was wrecked.by amine.Their findings will be sub-' mitted to Secretary Daniels, .; ‘The Treasury’s income for Se =ber was just a little more:than 390)-900,000 and.$10,000,000 less than “theordinarydisbursements‘of the month.For the three months ‘of the current fiscal year-just ended the receipts havebeenabout$88,758,000 below the dis-bursements.The deficit.for the similarperiodJastyearwasabout$23,000,000. E.M.Zell;.aged 50,and four school childrén,8°to 13 years old;were killed Friday “when their ‘automobile.was struck’by a Pennsylvania raliroad ex- press train at a grade crossing nearLeola,Ra:‘Two other children weresobadlyinjuredthattheymaydie. Ininistration as above criticism,He, proposes«a friendly,contest on the principle that this office should™:notbetoolongmonopolizedby”one!person.—~| »Mann is from Hyde county and is! ent of the State prison.°| ee IMoreThan a Billion For Mis- -sions, Receipts of the American Board of for the year ending August 31 last;were $1,101,565.47,the largest in its! 101,202.99,according to financial statement issued in Boston) by Frank H.Wiggin,treasurer of) the board.The debt of $8,767.70 was, reduced during the year to $8,405.22. Zell had picked ‘the youngsters up-af-|.The year’s expenditures provided, ter.school and was taking them.for,a/for,the support of ;.658 missionaries| ide,|EPG Galt es keep’of me pg shone Roy M.B.Tidd,mayor of Webster|including”sthoots,~colleges,hospitals,| dieves,ee aanasby Julius R,|industrial”plants~and~orphanages... ‘Bersch of St.Louis and seven’other “TT ee men have been indicted on charges ofarson.»The indictments-are the result of the grand jy’investigation of nm conspiracy—through ‘Suara &iThe’Presbyterian Synod willmeet|in Gastonia’October 26.3 For Indigestion. Never take—pepsins_and_preparations con-}taining pepsin or other digestive ferments for |indigestion,as.'the more you take the more}‘ou will have to~take.What..is-needed is atohavelosthundredsofthousandsof dollars..Pet or tte aeTheimmense,value of‘gold ‘flowingintotheUnitedStatesinreturnfor|——————= war orders is'shown ina Federal-Re-|~~es mamasserveBoardannouncementthatfromaehaatengnaeiiidlJanuary1toSeptember17the,»im-|}|.PHONES. 84 and 137.. ablé}the}.stomach,to ‘perform.-its..function: naturally..Obtainable every where.i ports amounted to $252,895,000,while {gold wea ‘in.the same period was;only.$11,077,000,(In.the amount _re-ceived was $154,899,000 in Americangoldcoin:wet 5AtHillsboro,Texas,Friday Dr.A.C.Saylers was.shot to death by a wo-man who gave the name of “Mrs,Joseph Kirkpatrick,”The woman emp-tied seven shots from an automaticpistolintothedoctor's’.The doc-tor is alleged to have killed the wo-man’s husband several years ago.Thekillingtook’place at the county fair,in the presence of a great crowd.W.J.Bryan,whotwas present to speak at the fair,saw the killing.ieThe'world’s:.series.of baseballgames;between Philadelphia and Bos- ‘ton,will begin<inPhiladglyhia Fri.y.“"The'seebnd game will be played|} f¢.6t the9thuand:J inds-and. ‘the “fifth ivePh the 13thandthe’sixth ‘in:Boston on the 14th.|fPho:seventh—if a seyenth game_is |} Hecessary-—wall dé played on the 15th,the:place to.be chosen.by the toss of #Colm:»3—_—_—_—_——_——Government Gets MoVie Trust. The United States government won a sweeping victory in one of its im- portant anti-trust cases when JudgeOliverB.Dickinson,’in the United States District-CGourt-in Philadelphia,handed down an opinion.dissolvingtheallegedMoving-Piecture Trust on the ground that it was violating the Sherman law.regulating->inter-State| and foreign commerce. The decision was rendered ‘against the Motion Picture Patents Company,tlic General Film:Company and manyotherconcernsandindividudlsmanu- facturing motion-picture films and ac- éessories or.controlling the rights of their manufacture,Many millions of|dollars are involved..in,the business.|The court made -no suggestions as) be dissolved,but requested that a/plan be submitted for approval...It is;probable the c&se will he taken to:the! Supreme Court, Tinch Thomas,a colored ‘preacher,|sat on the station steps at Bridge-| fpouch thrown from:the.train struck |the preachér and broke his leg.Sue)the company.’|)aurora tetTheBoone’Democrat sys a killing! frost in Watauga onthe night of Sep-)tember 22d did considérable damage,| deliver when ready. jespecially’tothe fodder. THIS?|,We _Mundred,Dollars Re-lame for ase ons ‘i OAT tae can-e cur y Hall's Catar Jure.tee SS ERNEY 6 Con Toleds 0: |murder of Miss Susie iliott,at’Clear-a ae Laey and in fact,regards the Lacy’= serving his third term as superintend-!| Commissioners for Foreign Missions!|E history,while expenditures were $1,-|=the annual \jF BOER ow Re TESS TESTE ERETENTEASTEai: Sewer ns With Splendid Improvements—~>Ptictically aNew Up-to-Date Store, We have built new show windows,aided more light,and an elegantRestRoomforLadiesonfloorabove,Millinery Deariment:with allInmaking:these improvements we have beendelayedinshowingourNEWFALLGOODS,but we are now pre-necessary conveniences, pared to serve you better than evernow'should be a pleasure to our friends as well as profitable to them.We cordially invite you to call and let us show you the new fall offer-ings of the season, P71 SaOr Opera House,Saturday,October 9th. or Fal Productionofthe ODE K pr Business erectareminsestrnncsirednicsMoneesinenee before,and shopping in our store Yours truly, Stare ———— I Iwere Varna’ (Wat susea LLS &POSTON CTRi ane ee enear arena Meme ein ——_——4 Ce ee cee a eaee ae TYPEWRITERS!poses.RipBonsy CARBON’PAPwithyoutTypewritertroubles i lee. ERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to ug New or Re-Built Typewriters sold.by Have a few machines for ‘Rental Pur-i ee see as oo tonie like’CHamberlain’s ‘Tablets that will ai ‘ FOR FINE:CLEANINGsenimcs AND DYEINGPHONEaISloanPressingClyb.,: TRGET 7SRSA Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. _The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Today and All This WeekWe're Demonstrating Gossard FrontLaced Corsets |Come and talk with MISS KING and be fitted ‘Witha new Fall Model.Should you not need a garment today you may ‘be fitted and we will make a'record of your size and style and .Yours for Better Corset Service, a *PHONES©84 and 137 Johnston-Belk Co's NewSuits! Statesville Printing €o; * The St *ary Baers eee %“OUR ake car. fo Special This Week: -$17.50 Poplin Suits,Special “Big Line Sport Coats “Elegant line to select from atattractive prices. ie RPMS COMPLETE] With all necessary tools and Machinery to do the best:of worlman-ship and we have workmen in our employ capable of repairing,anyAll:work done under the supervision of an expert .me- ‘chanie which insures thorough workmanshipand catisfied customers, We ask that'you give us a trial.gas StatesvilleMotor Co.a a |$12.50 ,Fur trimmed 12.50 ,Special ore That Sells For Less.‘PHONE 242. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.a ag ie THE STORE THAT PAYSTHE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS,a ,,Wheneverr You NeedaGeneral Tonic 5,“Cienty fe the,inc is ean Biaie»Take Grove's :|belleve hii perfectly hinorabje dn 11,_The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless |businesscarryoutany obligations.nage bigchill1coalsweassnlhisfirm,Waldlng,Kinnan &Marvin,PHCCtas.becausé it-con fl ne ate io,On”1 kno 3ic propertiesof QUININE|Hall's Catarrh wire ie tiken |tarnale PHONES f a,:of QU ily,acting directly upon the blodd andi i iad i4ItactsontheLiana@IRON.)Livér;:Drives |mucous ‘surface ¥uf ab amet"Enric i 4;a ayetom,Testimo:|t *8%,daria,Enriches the Blood and \pials sont,frog .Be,per‘Pott j ee Rees tan whee Cyne 50 cen Nene nthe We:toe ead dd:Nee ~PON aanoe Seo aoe ea ‘es Ree rae te,me S Sta ar =+Te poet a 4a Es bide |Stan"PHONES : “QUALITY FIRST.” :mci pennants tee teersecnnnbremnniniieaaa*.cdah Pe os atatileita 4 wor 3te VOL.XLUL. NOW GREECE IS DIVIDED. For and AgainstWWar—-BulgariaSeemstoBe*in H—Develop-ment in:Balkans Absorbs In- terest. The Grock crisis and ia:severanceofdiplPPtmigertsrelationsbetweenRus- sia an rare the absorbing features:-Pa the war,says the Asso- ciated §summary,The Russian,French,British andi.Italian ministers at Sofia;soon after the présentation ‘of Bulgaria’s replytotheRussianultimatum,.poowsaiedtheirpassportsfromtheBulgariangovernmentonthegroundthatthereplywasunsatisfactory.BulgariahasdeclinedtoaccedetoRussia’s ul-timatufm that she ‘havedone ‘with theTeutoniepowersandthebreakingoffofdiplomaticrelationsbetweenthe two ‘countries and,probably with ali|’the Entente powers arid Serbia has ré-sulted.The Bulgarian government isreportelto-have sent an ultimatum to ce in demanding Serbia’s acquies-cence Bulgaria’s demand for the cession ef Macedonia,French troopswillcontinuetolandinGreeceand proc through that country to the aid of Serbia,and,if need be,againstBulgariaandtheTeutonicallies,re-vardlesh of the Greek crisis.Divided by the avowed determina~ tion of ‘the King of Greece not to as- sent te the ultimate policy of”Pre- mier Venizelos-and a majority of theParliamentthatGreeceshouldcome to the aid:of Serbia,her treaty ally,the pomulace of the Hellenic kingdomhastakensidesforandagainstthe war,King Constantine and his follow-ers,for thé moment at least,being in ithe ‘ascendancy.’The Greek cabinethas‘resigned.Whether King Con-stantineeal he able to keep his coun- try out:of war against the wishes ofthefollowersofVenizelos:is still to he answered.Behind Constantine issaidtobetheGréekgeneralstaffand the court party.Rumania’s nolicy has not yet been announced.’Her troops continue.mo- bitizing along the Bulgarian boun- cary,however.and a ‘fact:that may not be entirely outside her ultimate‘plans is found in a new Russian at-tack against ‘the Austrians ‘inBuekowina,near the northern —Ru-manian frontier,where hostilities hadbeeninabeyanceforalongLime.On the western front the FrenchinChampagrieagaih-haye made ‘prog- ress against the Germans,capturing the village of.Tahure and’Tahurehill,the latter a point of ‘support intheGermansecondlineofdefense, ahd have also gained ground near’.the Navarin faim.Along the re- mainder:of the line beth in France,in Belgium artillery engagements @have heen fought.Ty,the Russian Phoatad Petrograd:a “sta the Russian troops in theiyregion.pf:Dvinsk have met.with suc--es5,in,driving,the Gerfhans from e.trenches and capturing sevcrai‘villages further south. Large forces of Germans and Aus- trians have invaded Serbia. Agents to Prosecute Violations Vital Statistics Law. Bulletin State Board”of Health.The Bureau of Vital Statistics oftheStateBoardofHealthhasclos-ed a contract with Mr,’J.A.McIn- tyre,of Mount Olive,wherein the Jat-}, ter becomes prosecuting agent for the Vital Statistics Bureau in North Car-olina.“Mr.McIntyre is ex-deputy sheriff of Wayne county,a former lo- cal registrar,and a young man ful- ly equipped for this particular work. He starts on his first trip Monday,“October4,to.gis gr Siatisties in Lecce with )those”Counties ‘reporting low death~rates,that is:to say,tho8e .counties that rest:under’suspicion of incom-|.plete registration:Mr.‘McIntyre will travel by motorcycle,”which ‘will en-able him not only‘to hold down travel-]ing.expenses,but to reach the remote districts of the State.“The State Board of Health is de-termined to enforce the State regis-_tration law,”declares’the “secretaryofthehoard.Mr.McIntyre’s con- tinuance’in office.will be based ‘on:his ability to find infringements oi this law and to secure’convictions..In ad- dition to knowing where people pare dying and the relative importance ofthevariouscausesof‘their deaths,the board proposes »to-secure goodstandingwiththeUnitedStatesbu- reau of the census and to be admitted as a registration State.To this end the bureau will employ county anddistrict.agents in addition to the State agent,to find and.prosecute vio-lators of theVital Statistics Law. He’saStatesville Man. Raleigh News.and,Observer. The selection of Mr.Bugene E Cul-breth as the treasurer of the Raleigh chamber of commerce is ‘a matter which.-will be recéived with approvalthroughoutthis¢ity.’Mr,Culbreth is a young min who has won the esteemofthepeopleofRaleighbythezeal,earnestness and,ability which he ex- hibits in:his business career,and bytheunfailingocurtesywhichmarkshis actiofis, (Mr:Culbreth,isa native’ofStates- ville,the son of Mr.and Mrs.B,W.|8 Culbteth.)-San aanThePostsaysA pair of-camels and a baby camel left’in Salishury—thewinterquartersofSparks’.show—-when the ne went it those _counties|;ahi a ‘the roada thin ::Tinting abande 4 “esyi earimeeeaeet FORWAR PREPARATION. The Question Now Acute—HowFarShouldWeGoand°theDanger. Gevbeipaadicns of The Landmark. Washington,Qet.6*—."What con-cern’does the average North Caro-linian,dwelling in peace far’:fromscenesoftensepoliticalandmar-tial activity;have’about the nationaldefense?” The answer might be made face-tiously.“Attack him ahd see,”or. it might be made categorically,thatheispatrioticinessence.He loves liberty passionately.He loves ''therightofnelf-government.He loves to think that he may develop accord- ing to ‘his*bent—although there maybesoméin’the State,as everywhereelse,who may stand in the way oftheirownprogress. But the question of national de-fense is*before —us in-an-alteredsense.It'f an issue of the hour thatwill,without doubt,hold a first placebefore‘the next Congress.‘The fire of the big guns scorched us recent- ly.Time and again asa nation wehaveStoodattheedgeofthewhirl-pool arm!looked with awe and repul- sion’into the vortex.If we had slip-ped,or should ever slip,upon:what would we depend for safety?Thedetlarationhascomethatwéarenot 8 tly prepared:and<the questionhas’erystalized in “What amount of preparedness shall we make against unserupulous warriors?”. Every one is familiar with the.pos- sibilities that have been raised—de- sires for expansion ‘by peoples in crowded lands,desires for prosperouscircumstancessuchas’attend UncleSam,prejudices’‘against Americansuccessintradingand©diplomacy, and.feelings of envy for a nation whose life moves in its giant body as never before.“Most of.the people are agreed there must be some vrepared- ness,as lone as neonle in other landshavenoNiaidealsthantheyseem to possess ere is a general feel-|¥' ing that our ideals not only are a priceless’heritage but a trust to besafeguardédfor.future generations.To what extent should we prepare? Do the’people know to what.extent prenaredness has been suggested?The present week is one of the most actively occupied by the aues- tion since .the recent crv for national defense was raised,-President Wil- son,Secretary’Daniels and “other|©?’ members of the cabinet,and legisla-alg representatives,ate Hiscussing thedaily’sessions to consider it.Not only] are ways and means for increased:ar- mament under consideration |but wavs and means of increased efficien-ey by the male citizenship,,.Fifteen millions for a swift battle cruiser,tobethenext“largest”afloat,are:spok-. en ofin some quarters with less carethansomeofuswouldtalkabout.15, cents.Submarines.aircraft,etc.,all are under consideration.:Practically all.people who are interested in the issue are agreed that armed prepara- tion should be sufficient with which to protect the coasts and commerce. If this were all we might say there is.not so much for the average citizen to be concerned with.But theré is more.A feature has been suggested that strikes close to the Average man. In a congress that is in session ‘here to discuss defense the training of the young is up for strong consideration. Military.,discipline and.preparation of the youth throughout the nation, after.a plan calling for community organization,is talked of with-fer-yor.+ From,one influential source a week om r ject tethe powouldbereceived iiyouthshouldbe;mate moré respectfal, of seasoned opinion and more cléanly. ut therd:is bigs immediate danger. That.is:the danger of the spirit of militarism,or love of power.being injected into national life.That’is fwhere the average North Carolinian is-concerned.The prospect of the country .will be to secure what has been said well regarding Germany—to secure what.we prepare for.That_is the ultimate danger,for with ©this spirit our people would not be as carc- ful to weigh the circumstances as they have been in.the past, Vital Statistics For the Quarter. During the quarter which |closed with September 61.births and.44 deaths were recorded by .Miss Annie Marvin,vital statistician for States- ville township.Forty-seven of thebirthsand81ofthedeathsoceurred within the corporate limits of States-ville,Of the total number of births ten were colored,against 51 whites,and 13:of the deaths were ©coloredpeople...It is known thatnot.all the-births were reported and Miss Marvinthreatenstofurnish,the officers:withthenamesof:some-of those who have failed to report,By>-months,the births and deaths}Aoccurredas.follows:July,18 birthsand20deaths;August,17 births and %deaths;September,26 births and 15deaths, Jeter Jainer,the negro who waschargedwiththemurderofMary].South;an old woindn whose body was foundin ah ‘outhouse atSparta on Au-!ust)21,Was sentenced to 20 yearsintheStateprisonattherecenttermofAlleghanycourt,The verdict,was a compromise ‘one,ie *evidenceagainst.the negro was circumstantial. Fol Democrat,of New Ham7ayhhadforaiva ‘subject.Leagues“ate holding, »by.discipline,the|s The wife of United States Senator ae ;ar —————|THE PRESIDENTDENT.‘MARRY | Mrs,Galt,aWashington Widow,to”Become‘Mistress of"theWhiteHouse. Woodrow Wilson,the |Pthe’United States,aannow date of theywedding has not't €ed,but it probably will take plaenerat’the home of’th alee ieThebriefannouncement:-White Holise made by Seere'multy came asa ‘surprise Se dateWashington,but to a riumber’eectmate-friends it has:long si ed.From this circle comes”of friendship.whose eulmin:viewed as a happy turn inandlonelylifeofthe‘na’“thief executive,CrainItwasMissMargaretWilson andhercousin,Miss«Helen’>Wo /Bones,who ‘drew Mrs.Galt”White House’‘circle.'Thev:1firstintheearlyabtumnofandwere’so much.at ;that they.sought.hermoréfrequentlyandthetweenthem.rapidly ‘riveaffectionateintimacy.Meeamonththissummerat the house guest of the Pr. ‘st daughter.It was’thiintimacyofhisdaughterthatthePresidenthad.an’ofnitytomeéetandknowher.\the most interesting factsshake theengagement,indeed.as told byfrieis.that the President’s’davchoseMrs.Galt for*their gunnaiafriendshipbeforetheir© Mrs.Galt’is the widen otis-Pavel!known business.ae of aan:who’died’eight ‘years.ago.ajewelryfusions’ththat’still Phisname.She has tived-in nsincehermarriagein1896,°She is about.28 years’ald:and’WauborkaieGEigehedlis2bornin Paes L washled Bpent|! 7 aS is Bowling,was a prominent::‘In a ee lesa n rs t for many|fun bees regarded’as“an?tbeauty...She isnot,quite ast dirk eat “ie omentalstrikiimilartothose~peasemt,withwith a Te resiin‘tieS DomesticTrouble suitto ChainGang,,. Monrséree Byersa:Mooresville negro,has landed’On ‘the chain gang as theresult’6f domestic:troubles.TuesdayMonrée'‘and ‘his’wife some troubleattheirhorein‘‘Modrésville and thewifetéok’refuge ‘inthe home of Hen-ry:‘Byers,‘anothér hegro.Tuesday)night ‘Monroé'rebated’that his wifecoméandcooksupper,and when sherefusedheproceededtobombardthehomeofHenrywithrocks.One oftherockswentthroughawindowand struck Henry’s wife,whereupon Hen+ry started from the house to makeanattackonMonroe>-\As Henry ve “she al as “and be ait- stepped from the door he was met by}pe a brick from thehand of Monroe,which struck him in the mouth.Of-ficers were notified of the troubléandMonroewasarrested.He was given a hearing before Recordilt Starr Wednesday and convicted "an assault with deadly weapons.Therecordersentencedhim‘to.six months on the roads and Policeman Brownbroughthim.to Statesville yesterday to begin his term. feast People irine1 New.Orleans alee“Statesville has iter.ster,Mr.and Mrs.'M.Aiken ofNewOrleans,La.,‘ilies of-the dev-astation wrought by ©the ‘hurricane and’floods in Louisiana and other Southern:States last week.The dam-age in New Orleans was very greatandthere’was.much personal injuryandlossoflife.’Mr.ahd Mrs.Aiken sat on their front steps all of onenight,clad in rain coats and preparedtoleaveonamoment’s notice if thesituationbecame‘more dangerous intheirdistrict.“Water was runningthreefeetdeepinthestreetanida foot deep in their yard,While theysatontheirporchtheysawroofstite. ed from houses just’across the stre:t.The wind subsided and the watersrecededwithoutdoingseriousdam-age to their home. Big Increase in Cotton Exports. Enormous increases in the cottonexpo:t “trade during “August areshow:in’the monthly statement offoodst1fs,‘cotton and oils “expor*:made®public by the bureau of for- eign ang.domestic «commerce,.Cot-ton expurts for the month were 102,-059 bités,valued at $7,625,631,ascomparedwithexpoof21,210LaeSeuigusd:at $1,306,117 in.August, Aventite cin tenths ended with nguiie pments “were 6,099,420balesasacne3,734,444 in the sameperigg;,last’year. New Buildings and Improve- oe ‘ Lumber >is beir placed for 4ynstekwhichis'to be erect-db Rh.Sloan on-the vacan*LEO rty on Front street adjoiningwhe‘residence which he now “oecupics.Mr,Sloan eee sold hy presentLesider$n'Ramsey.Thedot nr which he ‘will,build “hia,ib home’wa:purchased.from Mr. am is adding a eR potsBret aie son.Water earSa bo aa 5 eeie. .|for Statesville’and the surrounding .|Statesville wollege, :Seater eee and the county.Those who njand she will .add much interest to the le,{together this:November music fete 4local streams to the high water marks, _{ported.__Fourth.creek _Prehearing in the woman notary case, A GREAT‘MUSICAL EVENT. Installationofthe Pipe Organ afthe College to Be Celebrat- A great musical event is promised 9.|COUR about the:middle of Novem- er.The bisdwasts hag mentioned the vift of a handsome pipe’organ toTheworkofin-‘talling the organ in Shearer.MusicHallisexpectedtoninabouta-|week and ‘the.argan’will probably bereadyforservNovember1st.For the purpose:of at thisvaluable‘addition to the musie depart-ment:of the college and ‘the musica}cireles of the town.88 of States-vile’s best musicians are preparing to vender some of the most inspiringensemblemusi¢that has ever been written.In-additionto~the splendid home talent,tae managers’of this concertiaveengaredaspecialsoprano-solo-"|ist——Miga Elizabeth ‘Davis of Balti-more—who.is said’to be.one of themostattractivesingersoftheday. Miss Davis”coming.will be of special‘areres;!hecause she is 2 granddaugh-ter of Statesville,sv to speak,:Sheisa-daughter’of Mr.John A:\DavisofBaltimore,who is a ,native of:Statesviile,.as the older residents willremember,‘and..a-granddaughter|,‘|the late Jacob A,Davis,long adentofthe‘town.Miss Davis has a number of relatives now ‘living in have heard her.sing were delighted event. Prof.:J..H.Craighill of Lynchburg, Va.,will Le the organist for the oc-casion.-Piof.Graighill:possesses anexceptionallyfinetechniqueand4s one of the South’s'most delightful. performers,'Other out-of-town mu- sicians,whose names will be announc- ed later,will also take part,and _al- _|promises to be one that will be mem- l orable aiid will attract wide interest. Mr.Brady to Be Installed—Church News.ibaa Communionservices will:beheld atCliochurchSunday.Preparatory ser- ‘vices S Ren iat a.by,the pastor,Hye 1)...»Communion,service tShaven.Luth-ezan church Hunger,at 1.@ m.Pre-paratoty Services RR ORE afternoonat:3--o'elock.“The installationof Rev.’J .~H BradyaspastoroftheFifthCreek,ElmwoodandBethesdaPresbyterian.churches will take place on Sunday,October10th.‘The installation,serviee:will beheldatFifthCreek,at,41\a..m,Dr,C.A.Muntoe will preach the sermonandsethecharge.to,the pastor. Mr.H,Rickert ,will deliver the pharge to ‘the congregation.Similar seg at Elmwood at 8 p,m.,with]°Dr.E.Raynal preaching the ser- mon ad delivering the charge to the pastor.At 8 p.m.the order of ser-vices at Bethesda will be the sgme as at Fifth Creek.The congregation of All Saints’ Episcopal church,Concord,of which v.C.G.Prosperi of*Statesville ‘isrector,is arranging to build a rec- tory and the Concord Tribune say:Mr,Prosper!aay move to.Concordwhentherectoryiscompleted:Def- inite plans have not been made’tothatendasyetandMr.Prosperi has no announcement'to make, TheFlood Damage.; The heavy rains this week swelled but.very little:damage has’been’re-id_to have rt ps weds YT. ee ener de:and John:‘Morrison:lost:ie 50.eetMr hoivofcornwhichhadbeenpulledand left lying inthe creek bottom nearhishomefourmilesnorthoftown.The corn was pulled from the stalk and],thrown in piles,it being the purpose to use the stalks for silage.The:floodcamebeforethecornwashauledfrom the bottoms and hence:the loss;Somestandingcornwasdamagedin.caseswherefloatinglogsordebrisknocked it down.and some rough feed,was lost or damaged.’ Hurt By .a Fall From a Bicycle. “Master Clayton Sharpe,‘Jr,’“agedeightornine“y¢ars,’who “makes:*his hone ‘with his prandfather,Mr/A.C,Sharpe,”near Loray;'fell froma hicy-cle!Monday évining and ‘had a ‘closecallto‘death.His’head ‘struck’thegroundwithsuch’force that concus-sion of the brain resulted and he was unconscious’for sevéral hours,It“was ‘feared for a time that:his*skulifad‘been fractured,but examination‘by a physician failed to reveal anyfracture.«Although the boy”had a very hard fall,no bones |whateverwere.broken.He was “coasting”down a hill when the accident:o¢ccur-ved.On account of the nature of hisinjuryhehasnorecollection-of theeensandthesubsequentexcite-men Roy’s Fingers Crushed.; ‘Master William McLelland,nine-year-old son of Mr.and Mts.C.A, MeLelland of Loray,was painfully in-jured yesterday afternoon about 38 o'clock.“The ‘boy,went ‘with his fa-ther to Mr.J;W:Shell’s corn milland.while investigating the mill machin-ery he placed his hand.against a rap-diy -revolving fan:‘Instantly ©his t fingers were badly .lacerated:’andbroken.He was brought to theSanatoriumandtwofingersonhis right hand—the small finger and the one _adjoining—were amputated.° \the Supretie Court has refused a \"“duecked”and shot out.of the back, -\the ‘negro-told:the .officer that he“4 bought:the whip for ten cents, STATESVILLE,NG,ER IDAY,OCTOBER 8,1915. reece THE BARE FRET,TOO FLEET) Shoeless NegroroThief Too SwiftForOfficers—In Trouble Over a Buggy,Whip—Court Cases. Butler,Gore,‘a fleet-footed negro charged.with larcény,led the local officers on an‘interesting chase Tues- day afternoon,and finally made:hisescape.The officers received a mes-sage fiom the Hardaway camp ontheCatawbariverstatingthatGorehadstolenmonéyfromtwootherne-g'oes and departed,an!would prob-|:ably come to Statesville.The ne- pre was described as being barefoot-e?and clad in a fancy.blue wool shirt and blue overalls:His weight was given at 160 pounds-and a tell-talesearonhischeekwouldmakeiden- tification easy.About noon Deputy Sheriff Gilbert learned that a negro answering Gore’sdescriptionhadbeenseenin~townandwasinthemarketforapair.of}Co, shoes.The officer began “nosing}around”and located .the negro in theAversstoreonCenterstreet..Whentheofficerenteredthestorethe’negro was trying én‘pair of shoes.Mr.Gilbert stood”about‘the ‘store for afewminutes,debratine in his mindwhethertoletthé’negro buy the,shoes before’maki the arrest.He:finally decided’that shoes’shotild notf}b<purchased‘with “stolen money.Theegrohadnotsuspettedthat’Mr.Gil-Lert was an officer.but when the lat-ter stepped up behind him and reach-ed ever to search.his pockets he real-ixed that he was about to be “nab- bed.”Quick as lightning the negro door.Mr..Gilbert.followed and in an effort to frighten the negro into stopping fired his pistol a time ortwo..The shots simply ‘made the black bare feet move more rapidly and the officer was soon out-distanc- ed.‘Gore disappeared in “the negro see rn on south Tradd street.rrying to the court hovse M?.Gilbertnt found Sheriff Deaton,Police-|M-man.Fulp and Deputy Sheriff H.L.Gilbert and the four immediatelymannedMr.Gilbert’s automobile and sped away out the Salisbury road toheadoffGore.'t was learned fromanegrowomanthatabsrefootedne-gio dressed in blue had heen.<eenrupningacrossMr,Hugh Cowles’field.The officers took upthe trailandproceededon.toward Belmont,thenegrosettlementtwomileseastoftown..Further traces of the fugitivewerefoundintheVicinityofBelmoniave,the officers left the machine andsenarated{i order that raore.terri-tory could be cove:ed.PresentlySheriffDeatonspiedGoreashewascrossingafield:The negro was 300to.409 yards away.and the.sheriffendeavoredtogetinaheadofaimwith:.vt attracting his attention.Bui*he ‘n¢gro.'‘knew that he was,being“unted and when he caught sight.ofthewhitemathemadeadashforthewocdsatid.was soon out of sight.tinder the tover of the woods hequicklymadehimself“lost game’and the gave up the cOn:their return to town they notifiedofficersofotheriownsandvillagesaloutihefegreandbeisexpected ww be.arres'Gore is charged with relieving John Bughes and Tas Broadus of about$21.The three negroes slept togeth-er at the Hardaway’‘camp Monday}’]‘night.and Hughes and Broadus claim|that Gore robbed their pockets duringthenight,‘Gore is said to be fromJonesville,5. JWill Follette,a,young white man.isunderbondforhisiappearanceatSu-perior Courtpe Caesar Wall,a negro :court:pyouth,-jis-in-jailesendeNowe Stock.Companysmits“that he took thewhiteman-is:charged-with:‘ing atan msaecéssorybefore:the’fact;The.case has features that arebothvnusualandinteresting.The negroclaimsthathestolethewhipforFol-lette under threat of personal injury.Follette is a Mooresville horse traderandWall.was employed by him’as adriver.They had been to Wilkesboro on a.“swapping”expsdition and were returning to Mooresville ‘when theystoppedinStatesville.Follette camp-ed in the lot of the Henkel-Craig ‘Live Stock Company and soon after he left for Mooresville Tuesday after- noon a bugey whip was missed from a surrey in-the Henkel-Craig stables. Wall had been seén.in the vicinity of the surrey and he was.suspected of having taken the whip.Chief Kerrwascalledandputonthetrailofthe negro,’When Mr.Kerr overtook FolletteandWallatapointontheCharlotte road,a.couple of miles south of town,he ‘observed that Follette had thestolenwhip‘in his ,hand,..'As the offi-cer approached Follette.threw _the}whip.to.thé side of the road.Whentheofficer:placed;Wall under grrestFolletteremarkedthathehadtoldthenegro"he would get in trouble for“stealing that.whip.”At that time but later he admitted to the officer that he’had stolen’the whip and declared’ bd Jn Biting =ost % ~oe|BRIEF ITEMSLOCAL NEWS —The baby showae anti court.houssivthefeatureforthis.afternoon. . -—Twelve and a qifarter cents :wins paid for cotton in Statesville eres i day.3 te —The HotelIredell 1 r is |ing equipped with fhcapes.’Mr.E.L.Ballard has awithW.F.Reece &Co.e:‘pe cutter,‘—License has hed Sediebintie'sthemarriage‘of ‘Miss Maggie .and Mr.Elijah Harri ilkesboro -at:‘the “hedsidé obrother,Mr.Arthur ory who:riecriticallyill. —The EpworthStreetMethodist.ch dinner tomorrow.inroomnexttothe —Deitz &Patra artheir‘blacksmith.and :the building on Meeting stre tween Court and G merly’used for a and recently as a—The meeting’‘of |oat countymers’Union tomorrow andesthemass.meeting en ;ato'clock to pass on.vmatercuringacottonforthe:ty,is of unusualinterestsa i tance.°Sgn —The committee oftheChautauqua‘and also of;:ler extension ©course’are’asked aemeet’at the.Masonic,lodge —‘afternoon at 3 o'clock.’impertantcmatterstolocalcommitteewillconsidered,”Ris —Mr.C.A.Habener.a tadentofStatesville’and welfheréas.a travelingdecidedtomake’his headquarStatesvillewithhisdan;Walker.Mr.Ham ativinginAshevilléforseveral ginned in tedell p‘25th,compared witsameolylastee cit.are on sale atYtheCo,—Taking note.of the.candidatesregisterofdeedssoeoein.r{isueof The Landmark,thehase.|5ays°Mr.Howard:Mooresville‘is»beating’::thewithaneye’on this:office and:C.L,Murdock:6f Mooresvilledidatefortreasure Essence:of"c“Can t BeSacrificedtetocFromanAddress ?Foteaty president Wake Forest,College,--4‘Culture would:comeinvolvedthecoehgeeants oForwhatisdemocracythe-rule.of Fraternity ‘and justice:deceived by disguises’of pi tradition,of circumstance”andmony.‘It counts thefue tatarvidual4 Spirit so precious ani 1regal "Pe of birth andnsignificant.It bornmodernworldithenimaninthe‘teaching Ofdevelopmentthrougcenturiesistheir’s against’depotism,in ‘allbeenuniversalandsessing,as’De ‘Tocthe’characteristics‘Next after religion,itpossession.Wé cannot ‘.rifice it on the.altar’of ‘Ser Mote than 9,000 ‘unioncomprising«aboutmiteemployesof‘the Gener:pany,are on strik x Piaining thon‘a 4Follette«Eehehe 5astick.He saidterhehad:beentonitythe’:hptom Moor he would tell the whole truth ‘about it]told -himatthehearing.On the.witness stand the negrotestifiedthatwhenheandFollettewerearrangingtostartto‘Moores-ville with theiraMremarked ey would never beabletogetthehorsestoMooresvillewithoutaeswhip,and told him’to get one,nmhehadnomoney to get a whip.withthenegrosaidFollettetoldhingetonegested: lug”horses Follette}to’ bond.fibothetoldFollettewantsh he had to steal it,and:at Wis eet one ott:‘of sie te rey in the stable.The negro ‘says he eres at first.oe to steal’the on ex-. a ed but Officer Thomas’ serious. : ¥HAS YIELDED. Sinking Arabic and Pay Indemnity —Way For Settlement of Other ex yhas completely acceded! to American demands for séttle-| Tment-of the Arabic case.The impe- rial government,in a letter presented | Wednesday by its ambassador,Count von Bernstorff,to Secretary Lansing, "disavows the sinking of the vessel, ‘ounces that it has.so notified the commander who made the attack,expresses regret for the loss American lives and agrees to pay indemnity to their families. Official Washington was both grat- jiied and relieved by the diplornatic »victory..The communication,deliv- ered by the ambassador pursuant to general instructions from his gov- ernment,spread absolute confidence that there would be no more subma-| rine controversies between the Unit- ‘ed States and Germany,for the doc- «ument reveals that stringent orders have been given to submarine com- manders to prevent a recurrence of guch ‘incidents as the Arabic.: s Since this case embraces the prin- ciples for.which President Wilson con- tended ‘in his notes following the. 'torpedoing”of the Lusitania .and Falaba,conceSpions made by Germa- y to the American viewpoint are generally regarded as paving the way ‘for amicable settlement of all the) ‘eases which have threatened sever-| ‘ance of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Mr.Latta ‘Had Changed His 5 oe Minds 2)20°" iMr.E.°D.Latta is’a wealthy cit- izen of Charlotte and has handsome residence property._in Dilworth—a' handsome home in the middle of a block.According to the Charlotte -Observer.Mr.Latta appeared.before the board of assessors to oppose an increased valuation on the property. Mr.A.M.McDonald is chairman of the county board of assessors and looked after the town and county’s| interests:‘Before it was over Mr. Latta got hot abgut it and gave to dporationCommission...*.| Anent the action of thecorporation: commission:in the matter of assess: ment for taxation,Gov,Craig has {s-), sued the following statement;~«|» The Corporation Commission °has)’ made an earnest and courageous ef-ne fort to equalize appraisements in, North Carolina,and the commission). has.acted after thorough inve Meh bes rote my bb tion.and careful’consideration,Ihave)-PE ake aints ie ‘wets rank strenuously pressed.It has been shown on the hearing of these,com- plaints,to the satisfaction _every| one who has.given them impartial)” consideration,that the complaints):' should not Have been,made and that)« the petition for lowering thé assess- ment should not have been granted. In jsome instances the people.who came before the commission have Bae. frankly,admitted that their conten-a.a Ls tions could not be sustained.It .has|‘ been apparent from the hearings that have been held that the commis- sion was right,that the raise,in the assessment was demanded by equity and justice...*No ManShould Shirk. “The principal contention has been ‘that the commission should not have raised-appraisements at this time on account of the depressed business con- ditions..This contention cannot be maintained,This is the year desig- nated for the quadrennial assessment of real,property:If times be hard, if the burden of taxati be heavy,.no man and no county Should desire toshirk.If we stagger under the load, overs anh tote his part..,The |! people of North’Carolina love justice. They have an @arhestdesire.to do right,and.when they consider .this subject in its~t#ue aspect.they will |.not say ‘that this raise in the ap- praisement was made at an:inoppor- tune time.If inequity,exists,every man desires the correction as soon as possible.““Tt has been said that the people of the State are everlastingly opposed to the payment of taxes.1.do not be- lieve this.They are everlastingly op- posed to the payment of unjust taxes. “”gmoke-appetit oe mY 4 ed bag,© ‘canForyou 7} b h a,way as the other!‘‘ the members of the board of assess-| ors privilege to sell the property for'| |000,‘A few days later.Mr..McDonald! went to Mr.Latta for the deed to the _*property.having found a:purchaser|for it,Mr.Latta refused to sell and) claimed he made the proposition in| heat®of debate and not to be.acted! upon seriously.There was no way to;“make.him ‘sell,and Mr,McDonald had;Tetit,go.When you hear folks vitheir prowerty is assessed at full ue,won't bring what it is assess- sd:for,or thev will sell for the as- Aeocepseer don’t take the remarks at alue.* Shooting Affray in Stokes. eputy.Sheriff Thomas of Stokes ui is in a hospital at Winston- Witha pistol ball wound in hisyjFrankBrownhasabulletigArmandoneinhis.thigh, :‘a horse’belonging to Gaston Al- “Jen of King is dead as a result of free “»pistol use by:Sidney Love in Stokes county Suhday,says the Journal. Tt’appears that Love and Brown, two young men,were in love with the: same girl,who lives in the Vade Me- cum section of Stokes,and Brown ap- peared to be getting the best,of the affair.Love armed himself with a 1,went on horseback to where ie girl lived,called Brown.out and fired two shots into.him. When officers went after Love he fired on them,shooting Thomas and “killing one of the horses.The fire wasreturned and Love was wounded. He escaped at the time but was ar- 4:rested later and is in jail.Neither Love nor Brown was ‘seriously wound- wounds are The Loan Oversubscribed. ount.of F000 bseriwrshotnot /r -Yerms of dollars and cents.3 -.Phere-se to be good grounds for the repott that the over-subscription would be between $5,000,000 and $30,000,000.In this connection it ‘was iearned that,six largest applica- tions alone took.care of $100,000,000 .of the issue.The largest subscrip- tion was for $35,000,000;the next was for $20,000,000;the third for $15,000,000,and the next three for $10,000,000 each.The identity of these subscribers was not revealed,« In a statement issued J.P.Mor- gan &Co.made,clear the fact that none of the bonds had been offered 12 the general public.and that none wotld be offered below 98.At the sume time,virtually any investor whoca*ei to do so has been able to se- cure the bonds. Seaboard Withdraws Suit and >the counties.The Seaboard,it o> minjurity of counties. Will Pay.*‘heintemetrTheSeaboardAirLinerailroad haswithdrawnitssuittorestraintheStateauthoritiesfromthecollectionofits1915taxesonthebasisofthe $20,150,000taxvaluation instead oftheformer$15,000,000 and will paythefull’amount on the assessment.t is believed that the failure of thesuitisattributabletotheadherenceofthecommissiontoitspolicyofequalizingtaxassessmentsbetweenissaid,had in its possession much datashowingtheinequalitiesoftaxval- ues,insisting that privately owned realty was assessed as low as 30 per ‘cent,.and would have used this dataeffectivelyhadthecommissionnot“held out for:the increased per cent-of tax valuations in the great ‘Baby the Croup!” When «mother is ‘awakened from sound sleep to find her child<who has xpnie to bed apparently in the best of health xtruggling .for breath,she is naturally alarmed:.Yet if ;cankeep «her presence of mind and ‘give lain’s Cough Remedy.every ten min- suntil vomiting js:cod,quick.relief will follow and the child will drop to ‘sleep to awaken’in the morning as well as ever.bas been in use for many years access,Obtainable —every- |University, over-subseription10sgneh cu an money: Each man is everlastinely opposed topayingmorethanhisjustpronortion of the taxes.And he ought to be.If our taxes could be equitably adiusted and each citizen could be made tc realize that he paid his part.and no more than his part toward the expen- ditnres for public purnoses,he.avould ‘gladly make his contribution.'*'i Purpose of Taxes. “Ror what purpose is the tax money expended?No thoughtful and ipatri- otic man would impair the efficiency of our State government by a’refusaltodohispart.Would we deny to any aspiring young man Admission to thewhosehallsarenow crowded with ‘the hone.and futureglory.of the State?Would any.one stand up and say that he would take % ’,Ns \,.flavor,and aroma, -ene iF oo .aeTy5aaAnBrAISSSeeLV t ty vay (83 hSeoat{1915by R.J,Reynolds oe es,;rag Hie e ‘|ve? Yes,sir,P.Ayputs .gette tobacco canbe like OR a i a puty i‘)‘by,absolutely,tho.best bet—the Best smokeR.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY,‘Winston-Salem,N.C.° TobaccoGa, to be photographed! “No other pipe and ciga- Prince Albert,because © no other tobacco canbemadelikePrinceAlbert.The patentedprocessfixesthat—-and«removes the tongue-bite‘andthroat parch!Let ©that digest!*| ~And that line of conver-sationis 24 kt,whether vyou_play P.A.in your old jimmy pipe or roll it“into a makin’s cigarette, our little old blue-pencil QO.K.right here«that Prince Albert is a * gegular double-header for a single admission. —as joy'us to your tongue and taste one Will the “rollers”kindly step forward for a spell and get some of this listen into their systems?Because Prince Albert.certain and sure jams more joy into a makin’s .than ever before was figured up ontwohands! In the plain language of the hills,you can’t any more resist Such makin’s tobacco than a bullfrog‘can'pass.up @ piece of red flannel! BecauseP.A.handsto you everythingany | cigarette roller ever paper andmildniess,”and body; y eR ik ot just eat the a razor edge on your you or any other man ever did that’s nobby enough .the fire to!Men,we tell you to wise up. P.A,is crimpcut and stays put—whichmeansrollingP.A.is as easy asfallingoffa.Jog.’And it’s good to remember P.A.is put. up in the toppyred bag.especially for you acco you.smoke!o $hi roll ‘ahd ‘put’"«A ij1|“rollers.’’Sells for the price of a jitney ride,5c,’ Now,will the “pipers”kindly open both ears? Here’s tobacco that has made it possible ‘for‘three men to smoke | smoked before! _Any wayyou hook it up,Prince Albert pipes where one. is’+ tobacco insurance!Yes,sir,it guarantees|your future as well as your presentsmok- ings !~And just makes your tongue so jimmy..pipe joy’us'that your smoke appetite growswhoppingbig..You men who “dassn’t,”wesayyougotoP.A.,natural-like!Because there isn't a bite ina .-barrel.of this national .- »joy smoke. Unlimber your old jim-my pipe!Dig it out of the dark corner,jam itbrimfulofP.A.And make fire with a match!Me-o-my! acquainted with Princebag;5c;oFYougetAlbertinthetoonyrdtidyredtin,10c,but for the double~crystal--Bach-ac!tion:you dreamed-out—rare * to show any substantial inequity.« “There::isinda:power but the cor-' porationjeommission to equalize as- sessments/in the,State.,.Two years ago an.amendment,to.the constitution was proposed,providing,.that ach county should,have entire control of its as-| seasment and collection.of taxes,and’ providing other means.to meet the xpenses of the State government: The people voted downthis’amend+ rome and thereby endorsed the sys- under which we are now living: he corporation commission has equal ized appraisements by raising the value of the property of railroads and corporations,of farmers and business’ men.The commission’has’considered” with favoritism no class and no ‘sec- tion.They have attempted to admin- a penny from the meagre pensions ofConfederatesoldiers?Would any onedeclare‘that too much tax mowey iscollectedtoeducate*the children’ofNorthCarolina?Could it be said thattheCollegeofAgricultureandMe:chanic Arts for the education of thefarmersand’engineers,is an ektrav-! agance:or that.the Normal School atGreensborofor‘the education ofwomenshouldbecurtailedinitsuse-fulness?Would any one’who is comnlainingofincreasedtaxes,return tthejailsoftheStatetheunfortunateinmatesofasylums:or lessen in)any way the advance which the’State is now making in all departments of hu-man endeavor for the encouragementofallraces,and all sections? Have Cheapest Government. “Tf there had been any.dishonesty:or extravagance in the State govern-ment.the situation would be different.We have the cheapest.government,the simplest.and we.pay less taxes than any other progressive civilizedneople‘onthe earth—in the UnitediJf.we.maintain to all and special privileges to none,Believe People All Endorse. “The most popular governmentis'itt the end the best government—the just government—and when the people of North Carolina come to consider care-, fully.this tax proposition,- eriaimeete alike way to vet,themoudyasianThemoney‘of the peovle of this State does not’g¢6 in any extrava-gant way towards the payment of her officials.but this money goes to herinstitutionsandtothosedepartments of the povernment that are working for the improvement of the:peonle inagricultureandallbranchesofindus-try.North Carolina for the last decade has been the most.progressiveStateintheUnion.She must con- tinue foremost in this.procession oftheStates.Her demands are increas- ing with her progress,Opportunities and responsibilties go together. No Extravagant Values. “The real value of her property has increased immensely more than hasthetaxvalue.When the census.istaken,the people themselves value their property as acturatelv as they ean,and certainly do not place upon it extravagant values.In the county |". of Pamlico the census value of ‘vrop- erty in ten years*increased.383 per eent;‘the tax value increased “71 per cent;in.the county of Buncombe ‘the census value increased 134 per cent;the ‘tax’value 73 ‘per cent;-in the county.of Mecklenburg the census value increased 126 per cent;the tax value 70 ner cent;in the county of Forsyth the census value increased 142 per cent;the tax value 115 per|¢ cent.In-the county of Rutherford)? the census value increased 126 per}3% The Flour of Quality.& cent;the tax value 68 per cent;and|% 80 on.In ten counties the tax value}®DAN VALLEY is milled from , increased,by a larger per cent.than!the celebrated wheat grown in § did the census value.In ten cotinties|#the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-:&the increase of these values was about|%: {the.comporatiog:owillnot.kick against justice and right,'t-know-=-that:there are those who:Il attempt to cultivate and to en- courage discontent,but there are few of these.The.great.masses of.the,people will see the justice of this ac-tion and will endorse it.”ie When Croup Comes |Treat Externally stomachs with nauseous:drugs is wrongandharmful,‘Try the external treatment:—Vick'’s **Vap-O-Rub”Salve.dust rub alittleoverthethroatandchest.The va-pors,released by the body heat,loosen theoephlegm’and ease-the.difficultbreathing.A bedtime application insuréssoundsleep.25c,60c,or$1.00, (SHE GENUINE a *y oo ister the law by.granting equal rights, I bélieve .yo 4 :a jtabout.nite -yedrs old}will be forfeited to:the -Tho old method of dosing delicate little.|}.|_ 1 a mtVL Meir SIM.P. it is time you are ofdering your fuel for winter.»Thebest coal forgeneraluseisourcelebrated ‘Genuine Jelico Powhatan Blue GemPennsylvaniaAnthracite Run of Mine Steam Coal.. We also handle Oak and Pine Wood,and do all kinds of hauling. previo household goods a special- Holland Bros. C Depot ’Phone No.7. Residence’PhoneNo. $10 Black. STATESVILLE,N.C€.,office of Collector ofInternal“Revenue,September |20th,+1915:The following described property.seized.forternal. ‘a na ji‘about 26 gallons,one®l-horse covered wagon;‘of one-set single barnes,one black.horse mule,’ United States,advertiséd tenandsoldasprescribedbySection 3460,R S.,oe persons’elaiming ‘saidclaimandbondwithinthirty (30)days fromSeptember24th,1915.A.Di WATTS,«Sept.24.: New Meat Market C.B.Morrison and E.M.Patterson have opened a Meat Market in one of C.B.*Morrison’s new,buildings,on South Center street,“near the depot.4Freshtheatsofallkinds.We want to buy Pork anfatCattle.:*PHONE 227 Revenue.Law,tor. days fot sale |} property.‘file |3 _.Collector,| “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS, TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES.. In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases. Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil in.full packages,see us before you place,. OR OK A RTTa -TPNsandiean make delivered prices that will “interest,youx:.|!a ;Er fil a.;* 5 i day?i ss)Coe iw hiv ¥# i StatesvilleOil Company.| H -.(Wholesale Distributors.)oe ’Phone 61."__,Office:Robbins Row. Favorite:Drill!Farmers’ Morrison &Patterson. aentaeameelT _(NONE BETTER.) Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,etc.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. >FloseF Fresh Pork and ‘Saisage. Alexander &Bro. PHONE 241. equal.In the other cighty counties)%ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL.|the increase in the census -value was|Makes better bread and more away ahead of the’increase in the|8 ofitto the pound than other ee @ flour,It is economy to buy “%Some Injustices Unavoidable. “T know that some injustices -are|i DAN VALLEY,j FRY IT, junavoidable,’These appraisementscannotbeadjustedwithmathematical precision,but’the corporation ¢com-jmission has done /its best,and ‘nocountyhasafighttocomplain’tinless it can show that some inequity hasbeendone,»No county has.shown it, ‘Cary C.Boshamer,3LocalRepresentativé,§ :YAMTAOLELANDATPRVATERA 31"Under the terms B oftere %liand ‘ying on the Catawba ‘river in Catawba (Fi county, hand.40 acres of river bottom lands, 8)also offers of the.will of Mrs.’Har- ffet Clark,decensed,the undersigned:executor at private s@l¢9 yaluablb tract.of N.G,,containing:161 none more orlarkplace.‘orest he estate a house and‘lot ip Troutman and an island of 10 ~~in the Catawba’river. For terms apply # M -,H.BROWN,Executor,| Troutman,N. less’ind known.as the Alexander The tract contains 60.acres of ‘origi and I do not believe that.it is possible fe ’*Phone 125 Black.It.aw.a;mB McLaughlin,Atty,’ July 18,1015, {-“ARE YOU INTEREST Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. _FERTILIZERS. oe ED?| a aeNCUAOES ©Slate'Roofihg?Tin Roofing? IN +CurvanizedShingle Reofing?Root Painteur_~' hi “Ti efrigerator Line jieitaiSkeKind?“LET US KNOW.‘Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any LETEDELLTINWORKS. “Belk’Phone 98,_«Independeng 'Phone 197.~ ¢|“READ WHAT STATESVILLEBUSINESS MEN OFFER. ay<5 Wéarein-&fosition to-demonstrate QUAL...i at a ke eed N.C—Mrs.Helen ofthis/on cyLonewedatsPainsinsidanaepiontwinetues14 seinepatched u for awhilebithenIwouldsmeyorFinal+igly,esajusband he wanted me totdui,the weman’s tonic,a.ott atone fa "ihe ltneeerieand they ytBatheyoar here ifs use,nevereer?pt ae will be,a medicinetocomwithCardui,1 believe it is‘ee ine for all womanlytrou- For over50 years,Cardui has been re~lieving woman’s sulorines and buildingweakwomenuptoandstrength. If you area momen,give itafair trial.It should surely help you,asit has amillionothers. Get a bottle of Cardui to-day, Wi %6'Ghittanooga Medicine Co.,Ladies’Tenn.,for Specialeettoron.orWome 64-page book,*in plainwraoper.WN,C,194 DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6inch ‘DRAIN TILE on hard?’ Common Bricks,fadsBricks,always ready fordelivery. Statesville Schoo!Books and Supplies Everything in thisline,and School Booksexchanged.No schoolbookscharged. Store closes at 8 p.m. .R,P.ALLISON. Beason iis og We useShad rebermade—Firestone and Kelly—-and will save you ‘money.Tiressethotorcold.poh service,Yours tuTROUTMAN&&SUTHER. il ‘Cc.WATKINS forveryéhingtoBuildWith.” FUL OvVK--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, Floorjag,Siding,Boxing,Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.,Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST.| Foi Sele by—Mi ‘er-McLain Supply Co.a -=+r is FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— SloanPressing Club. Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, ‘*and can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let ushaveyourorderforany quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing .Co.,; Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer’phone calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo:M.Foard’s residence. DRC.L.GRUSSE Veterinarian,3 Office 72a)Polk Graysib Co. Office’Phone 109.Residence Phone .198 Green, Brick Co./ }ior see me. He ----OfficePhone-——--1cutieeI S gerbe SP E E F E E S .Brom Char! Train No,16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.86 «,m.Train No,24 ar.9.20,leaves 9.20 p,m.Krom Taylorsville.Train:No.23.ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m.Train "No,16.ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 .p,,|m.Nos.23 and24are not operatedonSunday. Russian Joan of Arc. «|Petrograd,Russia,Dispatch, A Russian Sister of Charity,Mira TIvanovna,was on the field of ‘battle during a severe engagement on Sep- tember 22.Heedless of the entreat-|ies of the officers near her,including her brother,whois a regimental sur- geon,that she leave the field,she continued to care for the woundedamidahailofrifleandmachine-gun fire,<*The commander and all the other officers of the Tenth company of her regiment were killed in the action. Realizing that the position was @ critical one,she rallied the survivors’ of the company and with them,charg- ed the German line,drove it back and captured a German trench:At the -jmoment of victory she fell,mortally wounded. DON’T SCOLD,MOTHER!THE CROSS CHILD IS BILIOUS, -FEVERISH!— Look at..Tongue!If Coated, Clean Little Stomach, Bowels.° Don’t scold your fretful, peevish child.Bee if tongue is coated;this is a sure sign,its,little stomach,liv- er and Howels’are clogged with sour |waste. When listless,pale,feverish,full of cold,breath bad,throat sore,doesn’t eat,sleep or act-naturally,has stom- ach-ache,indigestion,diarrhoea,give a teaspoonful of “California Syrup.of Figs,”and in a few hours all the foul food passes out of the bowels and} you have a well and playful child| again.Children love this harmless‘fruit laxative,”and mothers can rest| easy after giving it,because it never fails to make their litgle ‘insides” clean and sweet.Keep it’‘handy,Mother!A little viven today saves a sick child tomor- row,but get the genuine...Ask your draggist for a 50-cent bottle of “Cal. ifornia Syrup of Figs,”which has dj- rections.for ages and ,for grown- the bottle.Remembert terfeits sold here,so stirely “look arid} see that yours is made by the “Cali-fornia Fig Syrup Company.”“Hand back with eontempt.any other fig | $°‘plainly on) SALEOF,FARM. Ry.virtue of a decree of the Superior Céurt Utléd E.P.Bradley and others,heits-at-law7AedpbnP.Bradley,1 .wilkgonMONDAY,OCTOBER,18,1916,2xt1o'clock Pp.m..:at the =IS |tdaor inStatesville,sell at public auétien,for‘division the farm in Statesville township kfhown as the home place of John P.Bradley,Sr.4 con- tainne 84 1-2.acres.sale in two tracts,containing 30 acres and541-2 acres.This farm faces on two.sand; clay roads--the Wilkesboro and-Chipley Ford roads.It is within a half mile of the Feim-ter Graded School.Red soil,southern ex-posure,well watered,fine spring.The whole farm lies within two miles.of thepublicsquareofStatesville,Terms-—One-thirt cash on confirmation.ofsue,one-third in twelve months,one-third in 18..months,with interest on deferred pay-ments after January 1,1916, Title good.For further information.writeJ.B.ARMFIELD,September 17,1915.2t.a.w.Commissioner. DR.B.C.TALLEY, :VETERINARIAN, Headquarters StatesvilleeDive Co. clIS NOT A NEW.DISCOVERY.)- Cloth Was ‘Dyed in’Tanner’nsPe -meet vail Vats Generations Ago and the Color Was a Peng)mn:any ‘Fast.Pes” In.the last issie an rhe mark, the story was told of e'discovery,at the big tafinery #»Mor- ganton,that,the liquid used for tan- ning leather would dye eloth;and it) made with the liquid in that|it would prove a good e forsomeoftheGermanwe‘can't get.“There is nothing unler thesun,”Mr.T.J.Allis of Statesville,who learned the tannef’s trade in his| youth and conducted,until he was)elected sheriff of the county in 1884, the same tannery that hatcn op! erated by his fathera rand-| father,tells The Lan at’in}the old days it was acee customtodyeclothinthebeyvatsatthe|tannery,In the day *glavery,|isays Mr,Allison,when most of the,cloth was made at home on the hand-| looms,the cloth.for the:clothes of | the negroes on the Allison place was | alwavs dved in the tan vats:They,would ‘stick the cloth down in the 'cor-ner of the vats,so that:it didn’t in- terfere with the regular operation of| the tannery,and leave it until it w as}thoroughly dyed.Then it was taken!out and dipped in the lime vat to|“set"»the dye.This process didn't)damage the texture of the cloth and)the color was a handsome “fast”tan! —about like the tan stockings youseenow.So long was this a custom’!at the Allison tannery:that the ne- sroes on the place were -always apposed |thorizing the chairman of the board\to borrow a sum of money,not to ex- was said experiments,were being) $10,000 —.New Road — Claims Paid.— The county commissioners,in seslonMonday,passed a resolution au- ceed $10,000,to be used in meeting! county expenses until the .taxes for | the current year are collected.The commissioners’ordered that-:a,survey be made for a ‘road leaving)the North Carolina Post:-Road at Alpointjust:beyond the river bridge|‘|and:running via Mt.Bethel church) and the farms of Oscar Stimpson and ||B.A.Baggerly,thence alone the!ridge to the road just west of WilliamGaither’s in Turnersburg township.| Claims against the county were or-|dgfed paid as follows:County Home—W.©,Perry,aniseas’superintendent,$40;R.L.Freeze,| ‘salary as farm manager,$35;Lewis/Lucky and wife,servants,$20;Statés-|ville Drug €o.,drugs,$3.05;Tredell| |Hafdware Co:’$9.08,Home "Electric|Co.work,50 cents;Sherrill &Reece| $16.28,Statesville.Housefurnishing|Co.$12.10,Sloan Clothing Co.$38.55,D.J.Kimball $2.45.Lazenby-Mont-|‘gomery Hardware Co.$15.34;W.B.) |Parks $7.51;¥.8:Waugh &Co..89.26,|City Flour‘Milling Co.$17.10.Farm,| ers’Union Warehouse Co,$29.37,| for supplies. Jail—c.L,Gilbert,jailer,$111.35;| Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.,Bienk| ets,$33;City Water Department,wa-| iter,$14.32;Home Electrie Co,95cents.Fred B,Phifer 50 cents,States- ville Drug Co,50 cents,for supplies;| R..Fudy.cord of wood,$2.50,| Miscellaneous—-H.-.C.Cook,salary, Very mueh more remarkable thanthingwemightsayaboutthecar;aré theremarkablethingspeoplecontinuetosay.about it everywhere.Those who -have.-had years of experience driving Motor.cars are its most enthusiastic owners;©They admire its beauty.‘dwell up-.on its comfort.|They es,é value’of”the unit power plant,the full once.axle,the self lubricating vanadiumsteel..nssprings,the Timken bearings throvgbors,Ask or a demonstration.ree ; The price of the Touring Car orRoadster ‘com:a:pleteis $785 (F.0.B.Detroit).et A iesStatesvilleMotorCoom’y :’“QUALITY FIRST."@ 27: PHONE 140 ASK US.. ‘Liver, waste,the sour bile and fermenting)scorcts of this sort of chemistry arc babies,children’of alll, farmers who want to use al iPrecasetopetoungetor tay af Iredell county in the Spéeeisl proceeding en-1% It will be offered.for| known by their tan-colored clothes,as court house janitor.$49:Statesville as they constantly wore,that color.Drug Co.drues,$19.85:Dr.Ross Mc- Mr.Allison doesn’t recallthat cloth Elwee,tvphoid)campaign expenses,was dyed in the tan wats for the $18.54;A.G,Gordon Co..vecord forlelothesofwhitefolksandthinksregister’s’office,$19.72;Iredell Tele- nhone Co...telephone service,$7,538:Deputy Sheriff Clark,fee and.ex- nenses of conveying prisoner from Salisbury ‘to Statesville,$4.75;City Light Department.lights for Gourt house and jail,$27.78;J.R.Alexan- ;der &Sons.ato.service for Chair- man Mills.$8.50;Eagle &Mitholland supplies.$3.55;Recorder’s Court of Mooresville,costs in cases of prison- this.was heeause the custom‘of dvc- ing clothes for the negroes was be- gun first and white folks didn’t want the same color of goodstas’Was’so common with the colored peonle. Anyway the liquid that tans”Teather makes a good,fast dye and a ver inretty color.This fact “was est:abe lished long hefore folks in the rural) districts had any exnerience with dyvés imported from Germa The crs sent to the chain wang,$18.91; old weavers also used sumac.Painut (Brady Printjng Co.supplies,$45;Robt hulls and bark of various kinds for'Il’.Canter,removing debris ©from dyes.The old people whe knew the around bridge.80 cents;R.P.Allison $4.60,Statesville Printing Co.$5,590. for supvlies;City Water Denartment., ‘water for court howtse,$19,385;J.B. Waugh &Co.,coffin and robe for nau-ner,$5;Deputy Sheriff C.L.Gilbert, folks should have been making all destroying distillery,$20;County As- |these years instead of oo on.sessor M,A\Feimster,extra services, Germany.$7 [er for extra services as follows:N,FOR SMALL[ALL GRAIN. Lewis,four days,$12;W.-L..Fertilizer Formula That’‘Wil Sian one-day,$4.45:R.CG.Little, ,Help the:Farmers.>,‘two and ayhaltdays,$6.155 Chairman | nce ofThe Landmark,»ae $15, inearly all gone,but those left could, |doubtless rive the chemists:some juseful ‘and practical ‘informetianaboutmaterialsfordyeswhichoi | | Commissioners received compensa- ithis fall.and oo mixtures contain- igh in price,mav!He‘HiePith acre mi)with| very satisfactory results,especially| lin the piedmont and mountain sec-| ied placed on the pauper jist. oeee ermSotae mm MR.GRIER ISRIS REFEREE. Statesville”ManHeHears Big Suit grain,and will putin your fertilizer like you wanOneoftheredeemingfeaturesofthisdrillisthat:younothavetocontinuallybuyveetokeepit’up.“It built for service;a” *Gi.Washingtan{and P.W.Bett!jnotinposition to pay cash we can make you dibe Ata higher price,°°.‘,: |Latenby-Montgomery Hardware Com saison HOCHWehavealowcashpriceonthisdrilkbutaftyourtermi cal Fane mila ; era "Otol bo thantees> tthesd ‘tions “of the State,where -the--geils| a a ee per centage of 5sine | task : FNS.of,gand limestobe,“or poy 6 ‘per ‘cent.acidmintsaoeand.100 Ibs.of.cotton seed, Heesnel fish SCRAP):or 60 lbs.of dried ){This mixture ‘will contain Frokny 480to540Ibs.of lime,or calcium «ar-jhonate.about 50 Ibs.of available ville,says a dispatch to the Charlotte nhosphate,and about 7 Ibs.of .avail-/Observer,The big suit grows out of ble nitroeen,with a small amotnt of|difference in cstimate of stock onpotashifthe“cotton seed’meal is}hand when Mr.Cramer sold his Thom- used.For best@results.this ‘entire |asville furniture factory to Mr.T.J. amount should go on an acre.4¥;Finch of Thomasville.The stock of In,addition;to:supplving an essen-/chairs,in good condition,is estimated. at Lexington,’ A difference of about:$60,000 is in-.volved’in.“a*‘spatial\°proceeding,brought ‘by Stuart °'W)"'Oramer,.of |} Charlotté”against’the:Phothasville were begin ‘Lexinitton MondaysbeforeRefereeH:P .Grier'of States: tial plant food in itself.the lime:will|by the Thomasville Chair Company atjreact“with the insoluble’potash.|about $2,700,while Mr.Cramer’as- |phosphate “and ‘nitrogen of thé soil)sesses their value at $39,000;Thereandrenderaportionofthese ele- ments available for the .crowing crop.Indeed,lime is now looked ap-on asa real fertilizer for all crops,and ‘especially those of the leeume family,such as the clovers,alfalfa, veas,beans,vetches and so on.--The Commissioner of Agriculture is also a variance in estimates in oth- er property of the concern of $23,000.) The Thomasville corporation is coun- tering this big suit by another ‘suit claiming $20,000-damage by reason of the failure of Mr.Cramer to turn over the property in question to them; “The big question ‘at issue is-a tech- Flow of Uniform |Chair Company,upon:whith héarings|ss will furnish the farmers of the ae A ferrantar That ‘Grantees!| I ich authorized to réfund the pur-chase price of ary of Dr.Hess andClark’s remedies for stock andpoultrythatfailtogiveyou’satis-faction.You don’t have to swearat25c.per’swear thet you used it accoiding todirectionseither Yougetthegoodsand.use it and if notsatisfiedcomebackandgetyourmoneyfromme._That’s the guar- antee thatis worth something toYOU!A large lot justin.Stock Food,Poultry ‘Tonic,Louse Killer:andGallCure..Also Dipand Disinfec-tant.The best known remedy forexterminatingmites,liceand othervermin‘about your poultry house.One gallon costs.a dollar...Makes70to100gallonssolutionforgen-eral spraying ‘and disinfecting pur-poses.‘If you haven’t done so trythislineofremediesandwatchresults,You can’t lose, T.N.BROWN,No,109BroadSt.,Statesville,N.C. Shin les For Sale! aesCarloadofgood No.2 Shingles at $2.75per:thousand,at:myae “GC,u TURNER, se —_—bout ay. an filled..on time. {several hours, Sune seeeseone era.Wa = Fee IDgettheirordersinearly¢tobet ars Feondition, JAS.beState eeeonomisk Details of ,the.Wreck Near Ma- The Landmark meritionéd —briefly in its last issue thata wreck had oc- eurred near Marion;Monday after- noon,a shifting engine colliding withthelevercarofasectionforce.and that several persons were injured.|It is learned that.the injured were W. A.Dysart of Hickory.”conductor; John Bishop of Asheville,engineer; Robert Hunter,trainman,and James Mason,section hand. wegood..condition,The purchaser holds that the great majority of the chairs in the warehouse at Thomasville ‘are |‘ riot of the first water,as is -also claimed about other property bargain— ed inthe big déal. It will take several days and prob- ably weeks to finish the taking of tes- timony.-Probably never in the history of Lexington has there been such an imposing array of lawyers ‘pitted against each other and.the stakes played for so high. Chas..C.McDonald of Raleigh a Suicide. _One distinct Advantivsthe Statesvi le Ploy-Mills Co.hasin the manufacture.of flouritsabilitytomakea.UNIFORM gradThemillthatbuyswheatinsmallculeshastoRanaitintoflourregardlessofthe~grade,°pane in large quantities,as the Statesville Flour Mills Co:does,it can usewheatsoastoproducetheuniform:gradeofflour.:_The hougekéeper knows the great advan-_tage of buyinga flour thatis going to.I_right,Let your next order be for Palace -:or Save Trouble.‘Statesville |Flour Mills Company Sr)spas t q Hundreds of thousands aarebeth killed by the Buronege arthousandsinthiscountryarébeingkilled’by unclean .and. milk chance of yourself and family to live if youwill usePAINEVIEWDAIRY—delivered to you in DAGROBOTTLES,covered with the DACRO:.CROWN.eg4.THE PAINE VIEWDAIRY is supplying the milk‘.cial and aids health,;Why and how ee fea it Yow expvatefromtimetotime, fnpas:“an_help the. :from the You can’t stop what the war is doing but you’ de.set does it will by &hiewie 1 to one side,an automatic pistol andginewhenit.overturned but :freed aoe anhimselfandhéand-the others injur- ed,except Mason,walked to |Nebo,over a mile.Mason was unable towalkand;had to be carried.[Dysart nooilfwassenttoahospitalinHickory,|? the three others to a Morganton hos-|bipital.None of the injuited thought to be dangerously hurt.‘The wreck blocked.the traek for an open knife on the _evi- dent ‘case of suicide,McDonald ‘had been in ill health-for‘weeks,Late Tuesday after-is-wife founda note left:at the ee saying he was ©going:away. He fs 59 years old and at one timewasamemberoftheRaleighboard cf aldermen. ‘Always Even Tempered. Greensboro News.If ‘wo didn’t know the StatesvilleLandmarkwell,we would say .thatwheneverThe.Landmark is gruccheyitwhirlsinand’prints.a screed in|} Can Use MotorcyclesWith Side.Bodies, -Under an order issued by the Post-Fond wales bey me by yg cant riers of motoroycles having side bos /benair of hell,or hanging,or-both,ime is st guy 24 a his amends the Aaa tontter af fact,The Landmark order of |Nas in|never has a proces «pepsin‘andsais Adie ton-or ‘other,aoe ferments for i ner Iredell ‘Phono NNo.re Bah j llsre ae Ciieien eee ae me ue Chas.C.M@Ponald of Raleigh,|@ 1 ’Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the Da-Bishop and Hunter were scalded on|Widely known as a dealer in stocks|@™cro system,when you want pure and clean milk delivered’at yourthearms,lower limbs,face and|and_bonds,was found dead Tuesday home.Raa) shoulders.while Mason,who was rid-|niht in the summer house of|the eteingonthelever’cat;had two ribs|Raleigh Country club,two miles from Sescgeee 'broken -and.was.otherwise bruised.|Releigh.a pistol wound through his cooa =)Dysart.was caught.beneath the eh heart,his coat neatly folded,.lying|S3essssssesessgez: Hardman a ta EE A O a aemanwi When w Ce O sit at will enel®ts funetionia |. THE "coop Piano forms the keystone.to family life.Tooldandyoungitisanunfailingcenterof,enjoyment,melody.and harmony.t A GOOD Pianois a life-longcompanion,With Ioderto :care it should lastalife time.‘sraeie A GOOD Piano providés|the’means ae real nal eescationathome,The majority of children today Aremusical,To deprive them of a piano #one the most idealy“Good Piano,””we meaichisnotonlygoodsioneofthepips A (THE PROPERTY President’Will Vote!For WomaneesgapeteacaelapheSeeSookDituyWhaaxEeeapera~As to Rights of Married Whe!amendment i hess Jersey,his home’men.HoT 1Btate,in.the special election Oetoberi#]pe ae -In the case of Butler vs.Butler,dex!19.‘Kxplaining his position on this i ice,a regular cided by the State Supreme Court!abvestion,the Presdent said:0c.value for & last week,a married woman éxecuted|»“I!intend.to vote for’woman.suf-}7 1.26.po Biren thet 8Nea feeethAh AORN MARBLEA et whole grain Held. a Le erecta the State,| beryl pe a ;Realy county vouth,is under arrest for,ing ahorse.©.3 eeeFireintheOberlinsuburb.ofRal-eigh Monday:did $4,000 damage \to a6°!store house and some residences. ee -—span poche co x motlee,beri ai 3alem,today—the occasion bei examination taken and t!Phasondd |Porsyth Sounty fair—and wilealso coatieh,The wife died andtalstha:women of +e ee Dk Lane as speak ‘at Greensboro tonight.’'Nhasband,who,by his will,devised-the|Rt28 He Tae eo oy oxveatelie’ In Lenoir county Thos.Lane was|property to the defendant.“The plain-|..,Ctetion ska 'a--citizen of ‘New Jer-|f. shot by Pete Davis,colored,Lane|tiff sued for the land,claiming 4 FO illed upon:by.the Legislatareal. died three days later.Davis,who|the deed was invalid because the fus-|15%t ear his conviction at the polls:/f}, confessed the snooting,is in jail,tice of the peace had not,certified that Pie New Jersey would be great- n “While passing between trains at theGHthedeedtothehusbandwasfo “henefited by the change.. t he was in favor of having the|/New Berne,James Bright,a young wife’s benefit,‘The court affirmedthe manne esifiok as to the way this mited States adequately prepared for }man of Pamlico county,was‘sought u iret question should be handled is defense so as “to command the respect|vetween cars ‘and crushed to ight of the plaintiff to recover, “i at Cato.‘*Chief Justice Clark dissented from ‘jwell knowin,tinier i eee !5 :|It is announced,officiallyit is said,settled by,the State and not by of other 9 aha for our rights.”So that workiwill eommence this month ; bay we all.:: this decision on the ground that the ational,government,and that under in construction of the.Atlantic “&é “Phe great question for debate will statute did not require such certificate as to conveyances but only as to con-ino circumstances should it be made Western railroad from Benson to Lil- be,“What constitutes adequate.pre-lington.©Piven a ‘paration?”On the one hand will be tracts,and that if it had applied to,a,party question;and my view has Bishop Waterhouse,who Was.aS- the aggressive militarists—the folks conveyances it would have been un-!erown stronger at every period of signed to preside at the next session who think we're obliged to become in- constitutional because the constitu-|the agitation.” tion guarantees to wives the right to|-a i ;Q i ;How's THis? of the North Carolina Conference,is|C°?Vey their property “with the writ-).we offen One,Hundred Re- ill and Bishop’Lambuth may preside in ten assent of the husband.”In his case of Catarch that can- volved in waf because a great part)his stead.opinion he says:The stetus of the in-by Hall's Catarth Cure of the balanc¢of the world is now in-|Ed.Pearsall,about 30 years’old, volved;and the folks who have an axe living near Kenansville,Duplin coun- -to grind in the shape of miaterials to sell,What they.mean by military mi ;CO..Toledo,0.feriority of women was not created}we,ihe undersigned.have known ¥ by statute but by judicial décision of ty,shot and.killed himself Saturday morning.His mind had been unbal- preparation.is:the expenditure of bil- ns an “tax the resources of the J.Cheney tor the last 15 ae ane ancient judges in England,who were Believe,him eden Mie Hnatttally thoroughly steeped in that belief and age bo carne,ert any oblications |tas e i I :m,‘ naeed for some.years.especially of the incompetence and by Viclesale.Drumaiate,io,0. .:incapacity for control of property by|Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- After eating a _heartv-breakfast|those women who were so ill-advised Sunday morning,J.-S.ae of Pe se Kury went in to take\a-hath and\was prentcy tor agen will be those found unconscious awhile later.He sincreasing our effi- ind that it is un- #i that there will be less ly,acting girectty.upon the bees aoe as to marry,whom indeed they deem-|tales«sartacet:66 enti a ed to be the chattels of their.hus- wesponded to medical treatment and is better._ “ufure,than in,the past, for the gre’mations of the world will nials sent free.Price.Te.per t bands.This has long ago been cor- Marshal Milliken of Greensboro was’ exhaustedwhen the present war rey,«—«sé uid’:Bags for VA '‘3 wes _q i |$1.58.r By getting the very best groceries,at these _reduced prices you are getting ‘real bargainsand,making an actual.saving in money.Ifyouarenotalreadyacustomerofthisstoreitwould-be well worth while for you,to.try’mcashsystemforamonthandseeforyourselfthatthisstorereallyis‘“The House of Better ©:Values.”Below are a few prices quoted for..|your comparison:SO CE RR NMR ate DROAD STRERT. ON PRICE: a deed to her husband,which was du,fixein New Jersey because.oc}ly acknowledged before a justice,her|leve the time has come to,extend privilege and-.responsibility to ae WHAT Is PREPAREDNESS? “At the first\gathering of the naval S gavisory board,of which Thos.A.Edi- ‘gonis president,in.Washington Wed- nesday,President .Wilson announced CANNED FRUITS Liipy’s Rosedale Peaches.2b6c.size for 22¢, SOAPS:..AND WASHING POW--DERS..; Octagon SoapExportSoap ..Peeled Table Peaches .....:~ i Grandma Washing Powder .oe 15c.size for 12c.Ung Sleenets .de.acesTER eeeI:uu leanser ,.110c.size for 9c.Lump Starch per Ib...Libbys Sliced Pine hone aCelluloid.Starch 20c.size for 17c¢,CANNED MILK.Libby «Grated Pine Apple .Eagle Milk ‘20c.size for 17c. Libby's Condeniped COFFEE 3 |Libby's Evaporated ;+|White House Coffee,3.Ib,can-Libby’s Evaporated ..........4c.|Whit:House Coffee,1 Ib.—‘abe.CANNED VEGETABLES.:Gold “ibbon Coffee;1 lb.can..24¢. Blue Ridge.Corn Dandy Cup Coffee,1 Ib.pkg.»18e.Nacse:Meadow Cork”Ten Pcnny Coffee,1-2 Ib.cans.-9c:Velvet :“|Bulk Coffee No.1,25c,value..18¢c. Pocanontas Peas :MISCELLANEOUS. Stokely,Bros.Peas .,<4+)4+.Inntart Postum ©.)!"50c°¢ait:480. the inortgage deed exceuted by Chas.A.:West-moreland and wife,Bessie Westmoreland,toJohnL.Davis,cud recorded in Book 38,pame464,in the office of the Registe®of Deeds ofTiedellcounty,and default having been madeinpaymentofsame,the wregraigned will of-’‘fee for sale for cash to the highest-biddet,pt the court house door in.Statesville, JMONDAY;NOVEMBER 8,1915, following -tract of.land deseribedLocatedinBarringertownship, % tS Sold by all Ornugrists.Take Hall's Family Pils far,eh atipatian rected by statute in England,which MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. recouniaae the os right.of ii ona x 5 AK!7 whether married or single,to the ab-"»By virtue of the power of sale contained in ih Washinetén this week and predict-|.oiute control of their own property. ad that North Carolina “will he For 40 years there h..s been no:privy Republican Governor nextetimeff the).amination required of a married woman in England and in very few of our'sister States do they retain therequirementofourconstitutionthatthehusbandshallgive‘his writtenassenttohiswife’s conveyance.Withthissinglerestrictionourconstitutionof1868recognizedthefullproperty rights of married women and weshouldaccepttheviewoftheirrights) and capacity now so plainly recogniz~; ed and written in our constitution and’ laws,If to the sole constitutional require- ment of the writter assent-of the hus-|band there can be added the further |requirement that a justice of ~theeacemustapprovetheactionofthe J) Kite,as to this class of deeds,this.)could be required as to every deed by her.If the approval of a justice of the peace (or other restriction)can be imposed as to deeds by married wo-“ men it can be required as to wills Stop!Look!Listen?them,thus destroying entirely, ‘WE buy it ‘car ois."; need for it'in.fu's nstart Postum ..../30¢i°tan 27e.ibby »Lunch Tongue’‘2be'size'22e.Libby’s Pork Sausage 5c cati27¢. Libby's Green Asparagus Tip "D6."Lint:y’s White Reena Tipe ote:.54 OC.No.3 Tomatoes,.....Sohne Libby's Pure Applé ‘Jelly we.No.6 String Beans ;aa.Re 3 Bonny Lae onn Wesson Cooking Qil 30c’can 23¢.o.8 Sour Kraut ...4 Cream.Cheese ......-+4.5-:+.28k.“The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, “‘The House of Better Values.” 514 South Center Street. *Phone No.229. right.man ‘is pub,out‘by the Republi- cans.ray at i gi ‘ The.Gastonia,Gazette's special Gas- ton county fair,edition of 24:pages was a handsome paper...’The mechan- ical work’was well done and the paper was filled with interesting and valua- ble matter.; Policeman Cooper of Wilson,who arrested a drunken man and pummel- ed him on the head,was indicted for using excessive force and convicted. Judge Rountree sent himto’the roads for three months. William Garrett,aged 70 years, committed suicide at his home’at Cherokee,Swain .county,Sunday.No cause,assigned far deed...He was a member of a prominent family and a successful.lumberman. ‘Jones A.Williams,millionaire cot- ton broker and mill man of Bamberg, S.'C.,arrested in Asheville on an in- sanity warrant taken out.by his wife; was adjudged sane after a hearin before the clerk ,of the court:a Dr.William Walker,convicted of bigamy in Richmond county Superior Court,is in the State prison for threé -Between ‘the.wo.extremes is the happy mediy ‘S Réasonable prepara- tion and méy'so as to “com- ‘mand the respect of other nations for our rights.”“Lets hope that a fair definition of reasonable preparedness can be agreed on.> thenas’follows:Tredell county,known as the Jessie Westmore-] land land,being Lillie’s and Louise's ‘part lot@,and 4 (Por full,description see record in wistey of Deeds office of Iredell county,rom J.L.Davis ‘and wife,Lure C.Davis,tedersieC.Westmoreland).The above deserib- sst,lots contain 33 acres eren.JOPN L.DAVIS,'Mortgagee. "Oct,8 1916. LONG LEA?KILN DRIED FLOORING ‘Ceiling.siding,boxing and cas- ings are best.No cracks in ‘your floors and walls!They stay where they are nailed.My prices are cheaper than an inferibr pine wood. C.WATKINS,*Phone 43. “Whe annouticement that the Presi- dent is to be married is a great sur- ‘prise.There is no lawful reason,so .far as The Landmark knows,why Mr. ~Wilson shouldn’t get married,and many reasons why he should,but there had been no ‘suggestion that he was beginning to take notice.and the car ihad not thought of him in ibn’avith =mattimony.Here's i esident’s marriage will the happiness he richly de- |SecureLoved Ones Against | Rainy Day! a ctively,and,Altogether,the freed- om of the disposition of their proper-} iy;real and personal,as fully as if unmarried,which was,solemnly guar- ! i has honestly and conscien- y.@f1e4 to do his duty through a very tryingperiod,and at the time -when he most needed the comfort and support a good wife can give,this was President Wilson has been ‘of the United States in the i,Arabic,the settlement of the differences withthatcountryon:ac- count of’the German submarine policy ‘seems fully assured.The German government disavows the action of the submarine commander who attacked the Arabic,expresses regret,promises that it shall not occur again and agrees to pay indemnity for loss of life.'That’s all we asked._ The cause of woman suffrage will @#e greatly strengthened by the an- nouncement that President Wilson will vote for the suffrage amendment to the constitution-of New Jersey.The hoe :e Presidentis:simpl! ing ‘his.individual sentiments.as a! ~citizen’in expregsing himself for the| New Jersey @ ent.-2 The anno!ncement that Presiden Wilson would vote for-woman suffrage -in New Jersey and the announcement »that he isengar ed tobe married were -made public onthe same day;which may or may-not be significant. Président,has the“correct.view.when|4 ———— The postmaster at Middlesex,Nash county,who is charged with stealing $1,100 in cash from a bank,was pay- ing the alleged stolen money for an automobile when he was arrested. TER ROTA TOOT ITT TBD, “he Treasury Department,through the Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue,is inviting tobacco growers and manufacturers to send representa- tives to Washington to go over,the situation with government experts, .with a view to formulating a ‘plan by-which information that will help alltobaccopeoplecanbegatheredand sent out.It is the.purpose of the-Washington authorities to help tobac- -.@o.men,as.well as cotton people. Sergeant W.B.Cady,sergeant in-structor for infantry of the North Car- olina National Guard for the past three years,is ordered to report to his home station with the Third Regiment,Unit-ed States army,New York.He will he succeeded by Sergeant Holman,anativeofNorthCarolina,and a grad- ‘wate from the government training school at Fort Leavenworth. In Haywood county Superior Court years:Walker was prominent in hig profession in Savannah.,He had a wife and child in Florida’and-married a young woman in Rockingham. ‘Under instructions of Judge Fer- guson,the grand ‘jury of Haywood county Superior Court indicted the sounty commissioners ‘for.failure to install a heating plant in the court house and to attend to other matter called to their ‘attention by former grand juries.3 The sheriff of Wayne county has resigned because the commissioners refused to pay the premitim on_his): bond.The commissioners promised to pay the premium,says the sheriff, but while they paid the premiums on the bonds of other county officers they have refused to pay his. One Medlin was convicted in a magistrate’s court for selling cigarsanddrinksinthetownofZebulon, in violation of a town _ordinance. Case fvas appealed and Judge Pee- Mes,in the Superior Court,held the ordinance invalid on the ground thatitwasdiscriminatory.The case is now befcre the Supreme Court. In the Federal court in Charlotte victed of the violation of the Mann anteed te all*married women by the .WE sell in any uantity, :Recommends Chamberlain's,Cough Remedy.|{°i hlain’s Cough Remedy for a bad bronchial| Wednesday Walter Savage was con-| constitution,with ‘the’sole exception that aso their,conveyances —there)| should be the written assent of the husband. eta,8)aate mle tdSi CARR Attn The postoffice at Courtney,Yadkin county,will,be..disgontinued on the1th.The office was discontinuedsomeyearsago.and’was tecently re- established. WE sell the,celebratedMedalFlour,sic SEHRSWEsellSweetFeedforHorses’ao...and Mules»WE sell Sweet Daisy Feed for Cows.C Oa a IN,ats,And,ae “ “WE sell Hay,Cotton,SeedProdu‘WE SELL FOR LESS,©...WE pay CAS8 \for,..country.,. ,.Corn ond Gatet ‘ow:WE deliver in the citys.) TREDELL “FEED GO.,;“C,D.MOORE.Prop.”Phone No.88.114 E.Broad St. \Last winter T:used,a bottle of Chamber-wr cough.I felt its beneficial effect immedi-ately and before I had finishell’the bottle Iwascured.I never tire of recommending this remedy to my friends,”writes Mrs.Wil-liam Bright,Ft.Wayne,Ind.Obtainableeverywhere.! — ertcement erate ee wer te errnear Smithey &Fraley, The Great Bargain Givers. Paola |If you haven’t a family now you may havesomeansandhowareyougoingtoleaye’''’'' them?hile you arefoung and vigorousareyougoingtoprovideahomeforthem“where they will at least’:have somewhere tostay?Or will you leave them in a rentedhousetoheshiftedfrompillartopostbyunsympatheticlandlords?’They will missyournotbeingthereto.provide for themenoughwithouthavingtohustleforshelter.|.This institution offers you the opportunity’to provide for that.proverbial ‘“‘rainy day :while you can.What is your duty?We have one more say anthroughforthepresent. Ninth Series Opened Saturday,October 24. |Mutual Building and Loan Association, we are act,the alleged of being that heooKI1.0:nville, hai ee marrielivesat:Kannapoli f €tried in Salisbury last spring and Ju e.case wasthe :GEO LirbiislaowaaRRRA Be ais a10,000.damage suit against theSeaboardAirLinesbroughtbyGeorge’£,Honneycutt,former=employe,wasorderednon-suited by Judge Peebles in Wake Superior Vourt.The plain-tiff was operating a turn fable in theSeaboardyardandattempted‘to re-pee gasoline engine when he wasurt.Judge Peebles said the plain-tiff assumed the risk.es -Convicted of keeping whiskey onhandforsaleinconnectionwiththe seigure of a car load of whiskey,wineandbeerathisplacenearSkyland py sheriff’s officers and city detectives| some time ago,George Cathey wassentencedto16monthsontheroads, by Judge Long,in Buncombe SuperiorCourt.Cathey appealed and gavebond‘in the sum of $1,500. Catawba county commissioners,at their October meeting,adopted a strong resolution in opposition to theincreaseintaxassessmentmadein Gatawba by the corporation commis-sicn,.and expressed sympathy for the burdened taxpayer,but declined ‘tc.reduce the .county.tax levy,AstheCatawbaboard’is Republicanpoliticswasnot.lost sight of in the resolution,:: H.‘L.Grant,aged 53,formerly amemberofthechoirinAllSoulschurchatBiltmore,and for years anemployeoftheBiltmoreestateinthe Yandseape department,has been sen-tenced to serve one year in the Stateprisononchargesofembezzling$300 from the Pepsi-Cola Company,wherehewasa‘bookkeeper.e@ was (a) man of education and culture butlackedmoralstamina. WILL HAVE TO.ARRIVE TODAY: One big lot Children’s Coats $2 to $10.-- One big lot Ladies’Coat Suits $10to $25.One big lot Ladies’Sweaters ranging in price from$1.00 to $4.75.2 : We are going to sell all of these goods at and below:half-price.Li All Men’s Clothing at half pricé and less. $1.00 Men’s Shirts,only 50 cents. 50 cent Men’s Shirts,only.30 cents. $7.00 Men’s Raincoats,only $3.50, All Men’s and Ladies Hats at half price. One big lot Rugs at half price. Nutwood Sheeting 3 1-2 cents per yard. In our Grocery Department we.offer these very low prices:.: 25 pound bag Granulated Sugar for only $1.45. 2 pounds good roasted Coffee’for only 25 cents.5 pounds good keg:Soda for only:10 cents. Good Heavy Meat,per pound only il cents. Good Lard per pound 10:cents.*California Peaches per poutid#6j cents. Good Patent Flour,per bag 75-qaents.; 6 10-cent plugs Tobaced for only}26 cents.2 bales Snuff for onty'5 cents.5 >25 cents worth of cigars for only 10 cents. 5 boxes Cigarettes for only 19 cents. Other goods just as cheap.2)Come in and let us show.you-our wonderful bargains.“SMITHEY &|FRALEY.. Te Sass hie Ms! ‘Lester Brow;John .Magaha andManarieBrown,were tried for thekillingofMerritt,Hicks,A verdict|of second-degree murder was return-ot Lester Brown and the oth-ed“ereabout 20 years of30yearsinthe ite prison, ie,Hertford county,Isaac!The datesandkilled.Claxton April “24,= acquitted.Lester Brown, ,Was sentenced colored.They quarrel- An important event of the State |.meeting of the Daughters of the Con-federacy in Charlotte this:week wastheunveilingofabronzetableton|+the building where the last meeting of the Confederate cabinet was held.Thebuildingisnowand.has been for years+the home of the Chatlotte Observer,of the cabinet meeting was itaed tik verrontie Wh Gan aesurrenderofGen.Jos.KE.ohnaton,a open eee he omFERer.Bh ac ae ie s ti e po e Women’s New Outergarments:Shown In our Ready-to-Wear department.Tail-ored and Denim Tailored Suits,SilkSkirts,Dresses,Afternoon and EveningGowns.._New Dresses of Serge and com-bined Silk and Serge.Your own com- parison and consideration will conclu- sively prove that superior quality mer-" chandise,selling at our moderate prices, isthe wisest type of economy.Don’t fail to visit this department before mak- ing your fall purchases.fExceptionalvaluesandstyles in our TRIMMEDMI:LINERY.SHIRT WAISTS. Anelegant jline to ‘select from.Goodvaluesat98c.,$1.98,$2.48.$2.98,$3.48, FOR SATURDAY .. Our Five Gent Counter will be loaded __with BARGAINS.Le Johnston-Belk:Company, ‘The Store That Sells For Less.|Pgs PONE:BL?yo eg 7 Ay, re kins.; oo}— Personal Mention of People and(‘Their Movements, Mr.RF.Henry of Statesville at-gee the funeral of his.cousin,Mr..iHenry of Salisbury,which tookplace’in Concord Tuesday/afternoon..Mrs.John Sharpe,a niece of Mr.Hen-try,also attended tie’funeral.' Mrs.W.J.Fraley of Salisbury is>wisiting her parents,Mr.and Mrs.Geo.M.Foard.ge fMessrs,H.H.and Indo TomlinsonhavereturnedfromatriptoFlorida,“Mra.Rebekah Sternberger of Wil-mington is’visiting her sister,Mrs.Sig Wallace.~‘Mrs.H.O.Steele and children.RosaandJ.C.,Jr,returned Tuesday eve-vine from a visit to Mrs.Steele'smotherat;Birmingham,Aja.:Mra.Earl Moser.who has heenvisitinginCharlottesinceWedues-day.will return.home today.|Mrs.B.B.Webh attended themeetingoftheDaughtersoftheCon-federacy inzCharlotte this week..Mrs.S.M.Clarke of Lenoir andMissEleanorClarke’of Old Fort,mother and.daughter of Mr:W..D. Clarke,are visiting Mr.ond.“rs.Clarke at their home on Tradd street.Miss’Annie Moose,M.L.Moose,is in Baltimore taking taining in_nursing: Miss Janie’Caldwell,who —spenttwoweeks.at,her home in Statesville,returned,yesterday to Salisbury.Migs Mary Arrington,who was amuest.at.the home of Mr.and Mrs,W.W.Walton,returned this week to Baltimore:where she is making herhome.She was accompanied home by Miss Anne ‘Bell Walton,who will be her guest for a week or longer.Mrs.Bruce McNeely,and baby,Bruce,Jr.,whovisited’Mrs.McNeely’s father,Mr.N.W.Johnson,re-turned yesterday to their home in Mooresvi'le.‘Mrs.E.R.Rankin and”little son,Master Edgar,‘are here from Ashe- ville to visit Mrs.Rankin’s homepeople..Mr.Rankin will join them ina few days, Natice of New Advertisements. W.EF.Senn will be back in States-ville text week.Folding bill-book lost.Return to Statetvitle Drug Co.Year -old Berkshire bour for sale. —Hatyy Gregory. Au@mobile chain lost.Return Statagr"le Motor Cy.: to H nth and narcissus bulbs,—W.Mp Barringer.Johb L..Davis.mortgagee,will sei)land.Hovember 8..ee J...Hoffmayn,adminiatrator,willselliseand.lot November 8. R.McLaughli:.commissioner, will sell land November 8.'J.W.Allison wants good second-Land Wagon.°ad ; Shetiand ponies for sale—J.W.Kan.Se@:,room house for-rent.—-W.-A. Elias@.Reetoidfallcoat.suits.—J..M.McKee&Ex@:rtional valnex in trinmed mil-linetg--Johnsten+Belk Co.Mier &Brown have reopenedmark€..eiMeg's new fall swcaters.—Sherrill-White ‘shoe Co.Tim:to buy heaters.—Crawford-Buneh jurniture Cov. Sevure loved ones against rainyday:—Nutual,Building &Loan Asso- ciation.}Are veu thinking of entering suit?—Sloan Clothing Co.Latiice’ready-to-wears.—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison:Co.?Tne ‘est groceries.—Robert Bunch Cash ‘Jro¢ery Co..—tForl,the universal car-—CarolinaMatinCos:A sxouder.—Mills &Toston.Everything to:build with.—C.Wat- a Miss Kay Goldman,Baltimore, nding this irs.P.DD.At-.D.C.Thompson*retiirned home Saturday from northTredeli,,where they had been visitingrelativesandfriends.Misses Hesterand.Nora’Mayhew.of Mayhew,‘haveenteredschoolatConcord.| Mr.Charlie Mayhew and familywillthovetoMooresvillethisweek.to spénd®:the winter.;‘Miss Cora Turbyfill “has gone toHuntersvilletobein.school.:Mr:Gaither.Hobbs is sick with ty-phoid’fever.Miss.Annie Thompsonissufferingfromanattackofappen-dicitis.Mr.T.-P.Thompson is on thesicklistthisweek.-'‘‘Mr.Fulton Fisher is having a nice residénce built:on:his farm near May-hew.)t pe Meetings on Troutman Circuit. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. “Troutman Circuit.—Preaching at.Vandérburg Sunday morning.At thisservicethedoorsoftheChurchwill againibe opened.A geries of meetings will begin:.at Wesléy’s chapel on the same morn-ing.SThe sacrament of ‘thé Lord’s Supper will be administered at the nigh service,\\>>Wy ;Altend Sthese services.J,J.EADS, Mr.Weatherman Goes to Atian- -ta—Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Jeiyving’s,R-2,Oct.6 —Mr.Chas.Weathei man will leave on the 7th forAtlaits,where he goes to enter theSouthernMadical_Celleze.feearéhavingplentyofrain and wheat ijand.”Cotton is beginning toonenealesmitchpickedyet.“Mr,Glen Madison has been.rightsickforthepasttendaystheria,but is bétter.news ' Bu 6 daughter of Mr.| ‘|WERE MARRIED"AT ELKIN.|RECORD OF THE WEATHER, \Y./Miss Armfield of Statesville and Mr.Montgomery’s Record ForSixMonths,=During the’‘severe weather lastwinterMr.BR.A.Montgomery ofStatesvillebecameinterestedin’t) “Mr..Chatham—Reception atz.Commercial Club Tonight—.SocialEyents. .Miss.Mary Eccles Armfield of ;‘Statesvilleai:.R.M.Chatham of pun of rainy days and the varis-%e .:*‘tion:in temperature.He decided ~ oe nies isin on pga abt oe a private record of the weather a quiet affair.took place at 8:30 o'clock ‘and beginning with February he has at home of -re eean wld-lbety utaratnn’ae?yea alsoter-in-law,Mayor anc rs.Chas./G.!:“eoNi v7 eeWLActh“wchine:Mttes:Arexfield ‘kad took.note of the “falling weather. been visiting about two weeks.,oa bri oan pe rig dhe aaagntesofMr.and Mrs.,KE.Armfield of pmonth ranged frpm 22 to 62 degrees)Statesville and is a veryattractive)the avwiee holag ahout 80.Daringyounglady.A few of her friends March snow fell on three days,snow’knew that she was to wed,but the'and rain one day,rain and sleet’oneventwas.a surprise,generally day.The temperature in the ’earlyspeaking.Mr.Chatham is 4 prom-|/morning was about the-same 4#ininentand)wealthy:citizen.of Elkin|February,except.there was not quiteandisknowntosuiteanumberofsomuch.variation.April fuStatesvillepeople.The couple have'two days of thunder showers:and’one’the hearty good wishes of numerous;snow.The month,began with’’a 7friends.—AP o’clock temperature of 30 degreesThebride’s parents and her uncle|snd@ ended with 60 at the same:timeandaunt,Mr.and Mrs.John Hy Gray,lof day.‘The average for the month attended the marriage.:|wen avore an Gegress,ane as ‘Fie _.,jmuch rain duri ay,r_The Civic League reception which showing thatfe Suimad:11 oe of the’is to take the place of a number of 31 days of that month.and June beatthe“chain luncheons”will be given ,,2 . at the Commercial Club this evening,|wa eee td ial cn beginning at 8 o’clock.The reception|:; lruary there were five rainy days and dy |The record shows that during Feb-|*~ ithe temperature at 7 a.m.during the)»"' catenin i " Union©Has Kpoug Corn and’:May.|Monroe Enquirer.>>Not a pound of hay nor a bushel ofcornwillhavetobeshippedjintoUm-!on county for the next 12 months.|The hay crop and the corn crop are)pufficient to feed every horse,cow .©and hog in the county and leave:a) Elenty of corn for corn bread for all;he folks who like that good bread—| and then there will be a plenty left to feed the dogs.:yrRitesMARKETREPORTS.— ,Statesville Produce Market.‘The following prices were paid yesterday for produce on the local:market.}4 Spring!Chieken,vn per Ib.} f Roosters,(be,perEggs.22¢.per dozen.‘utter,1546 tb.{ +Réeeswax,'26e.per Ib.‘|Green Hidés,1Se.,per Tb. ams,20e per Tb.«Sides Itc,per Ib.:Shoulders,Ie.per .bl *(Red Honey,..10¢c.per Ib..Sourwood Honey:Comb,18e,per lb. Grain,|The,following prices were paid yesterday|‘or grain on the local market:i Wheat,$1.25 per bushel.«Corn,(old),$1.per.bushel.i Corn,(new),T0e.per bushel.|Oats,S0e.to:65e.per bushel.| Statesville Cottom Market.JOnthelocalmarket.yesterday 12c. ;2 ;|were thunder showers each day.The:will be given by eleven ladies.whode-|temperature ranged from 54 to 70; icided that one big event would better during May,’the average being about | jserve the purpose of arousing inter-|55 ond June’s averas-c temperature! lest in the League than eleven small|wa,-.jones under the plan of the “chain.”|y;ained on an even dozen days durin Between 300 and 400 guests have been |july and thetacperetate an as.highinvited,The reception will be infor-\i3 74 degrees at 7 o'clock inmal,especially in the matter of dress,i morning,Rain is recorded on 13jandguestsareexpectedtocontribute|days during August'and ten during||-from a dime up—to the League’s/Scptember,The temperature ranged|work.ey |from 62 to 74 during August and|‘The members:of.the Elcricemoh |from 50 to 70 during September.Thelelitbiheldtheirfirst-metting with Mrs.|Yargest variation.in the early imorn-id,1;Sloan last Friday!’The club will)/tne ‘temperature during the.entirejmakeastudyofmoderntopicsthis‘time the record has been kept ogeur-jyear,‘ahd the —first’.number,“The!red dast-month.On the morning:of;PanzAmerican Exposition,”'was’in)the 2ist the temperature was 70 de-tcharge of Mre.J.C..Fowler.’A de-'grees and the following morning«itifi¢htful “ice ‘course was»served :|Misses Louise and Margaret‘daughters!of the hostess.||rc|.Mrs.J.Henry Hall entertained at |Protest Against the Armenian, la neighborhood sewing party Tues-|Massacre iday afternoon for the benefit of the ,i , Civic League.About a dozen guests!Ambassador’Morgenthau at Gon-iwere present.Ice créam,cake and stantinople has been instructed by caz, ‘candy were served,;ble to inform the Turkish minister oft‘foreign affairs that public sentiment, ‘in the United States was so stirred by the reports of the Armenian atroc-ities that unless the massacres ceas- ed friendly relations between the{American people and the people ofiTurkeywouldbethreatened..and | Sloan,}prees. /THE TURNERSBURG NEWS. Baptist Association—Change in *—Salesmen-—Farm Work. |Correspondence of The Landmark. Turnersbure.Oct.7 —Mr. Mrs.J.E.Hendren lfrom the Brier Creek Association,| !which was held with Lewis church at|threaten a break in diplomatic’rela-Spurgeuns And they report the foilow-|).7 :RP. ie:Preadiie officers.8.1L.Goforth |Ons.Tittes alseady eA j:let.it.e imoderator,and J,E.Hendren cler!.|nowy that she will not.permit inter- ‘and trevsurer.All the ch irches ex.|ference by any foreign power |with ‘cept one represented either by person |her{s9-called “Axmenjan policy.”|AS or letter. jwith Grassy(Thursday before by,no means minimized,did “not nited States.govern-ubmittihgKnobchurch,bevinsing|2ffeeted,|the ithe:first’Sunday in ment,!without n_officialof” 'was”about ten degrees higher.It)" by wasfonly 50,a ‘difference of 20.dé-|: /PASERURNER WANTED—Address Coal,care’ Officials made it clear that this vor SALE—52-acre farm in Olin tawnabigsthavereturned|message,though its importance.was} Next session’will be held Amsriean life of By)rty has not been}, pound was paid for best grade cotton. Seed cotton,4.75.Cotton seed,40¢.per bushel, FOR REN*—Seven-room house on street.W.A,ELIASON.Oct. W.E.SENN,PIANO TUNER,will returntoStatesvillenextweektocontinuehiswork::¥Oct.8.| {LosT—Volding bill-book:containing sum of| money.Return to STATESVILLE DRUG CO..nd reeeive reward.-Oct.& '|FOR SALE—Fine on--gear-old _registered |Rerksbire boar,Bargain.HARRY |GRESORY."Phone 266 Black.Oct:8.' LOST—Axtomobile.mud chain.ReturntheSTATESVILLEMOTORCO. Oct.8.eect Fine line just in.See them before you! buy.W.M.BARRINGER.Oct.8: WANTED—Good second-hand wagon.J.W.“ALLISON.Seb Oct.8 |{|aeFORSALE—Two nice Shetland ponies,to-| {}**pether o>separately.Also pony buggy anharness.J.W.KANEER,Oct.8.) R SALE—Pigs.BARIUM SPRINGS |a RPHANAGE,Barium Springs,N.C.ty Oct.5—2t8 4:=EOYS AND.GIRLS wanted |at Bradford’ Knjtting..Mill.Paid while you learn.Work plensant and pays well.Write or ‘phone.|*Oct.5-—2t.' HYACINTHS AND NARCISSUS BULBS—|.. HE convere- :ing waters at Niag- ara furnish tremend- “ous power,So can youbyconcentratingyourownabilitiesononeobject gain personal affluence. Man must progress—or gobackward.As he progressessodoeshispowerforad- vancement increase. |,Lhe will to save leads to ae-cow .@umplation,of wealth only ilnothronugh persistent effort. )One ‘cent put away today and‘doubled evély day:thereafter for 63 days will mean the inconceiv’|= ‘able ‘sum of '$184,467,440,738,7 “Moneyispower.Saving buildsit.Deposit yourfunds here,andencouragesystematicaccumula-9 °=tion,= STATESVILLEIN C oe eaeCapital$100,000 _4%faid on Time Deposits U.S.DEPOSITORY The Landmerk,Oct.5-2,| adjoining Eupeptic Springs property.Ad-{dress B,Box 343,Statesville N.C.}by,Oct.5—2t*{ a ootRnSALE—Practically new Royal typewriter:| TREDELL HARDWARE Co.Det;5-21. nnrt re eneee ere iFQRSALEORRENT—A new sevengroom..dwelling,north’'Mulberry.street:‘Can’!be bought on Building,and Loan planj‘or rent) ed,so aa to have ,poultry,or ;truck,oeror,cattle farm,or all—as it is twenty fectoutsidecitylimits!Apply to 'B!'P,BONG.Qet.5—4t.¢my ood October,1916.|protest,me {iforms Turkey |Mr,J.F.MeHareue,whe has been |the effect continued Armenian atroc.for,RENT—Cottage close in.Lights and isalésman at the Adams ‘stere at Hid-|ities would’have upon.the’American”.eteraze.R.P.ALLISON,Oct.5. ‘denite,is now employed ere at |people.' Stimpson &Steele’s store.e wel-|Secretary ‘Lansing ‘said that no rep- leome Mr.MeHargue.Mr..°C.VV./reséntationiit "oe mad¢‘to Germa-| Campbel”has zone horae to take,up|ny.regarding the Lestat of the)lother werk.He held Mr.MeHargue’s|Armehians'’by ‘the’?Turks.It was| |position here for sume six years as/learned,however,that)Aimbassador| clerk anc cotton weigher for Stimp-|Moteenthau had’¥eportéd that.theson&Steele.We regret very much German,embassy{at (Constantinople!je lose him,:\had¥filed a protest,en thie subject|‘The way:it has.rained here:fo-with the Turkish foreign’éffice.An}\the past few days has been some-announcement some time ago stated\thing to talk about.Water sand that the State Department had asked;lave been verv high and some lan Count von:Bernsteril,he “German beg bean Ar auton tt igh |ambassador in Washington,to bring’ jend stil climbing.The tines are not ifo pinching,after all,as some though ‘they were.Just climb on is the thing ito do,ond my advice is to pick hard|‘end.sell quick.|aur.sweet Steele-and.wife.of Ste- ‘ny Point visited home pe:ple here ast S:nbath evening.j ‘This is a busy time among the hustling farmers,as they are gath- lering con,picking cotton,saving.the ‘ast ~¢their.pea hay.and.preparing iland for wheat.“Some wil!sow a | eign office. Hurt By a Fall—Rains Retard Farm Work. Correspondence of The Landmark.Houstonville,Oct.6 —The farm-,ers are haying a vacation on account of the rainy weather,which they arenotenjoyingverymuch.|There is aconsiderableamountoffeedoutin the field,such as‘pea hay,ton fodder,|meadow hay.ctc.Some tobacco inthghillneedingtobandti ae havg 2 portable”y aTneyhaveaportahleengineand smokshouse y.¢Tn : ais mols place to.place End make cia ‘peocasding wherein ‘Eleaf.‘Coop ip HEERS.|Mr..C.C.Tharpe is tryinga smallsir,‘meee pew:cand.spurte Aveeede gee 2 oe 9 ~—Inlat of alfalfa.It is looking fine ants,the umlersigned commissioner will sell Wet Weather Damages Feed—A land is »good stand.A at Beare faceesSe the iahabs ike,ata Mrs.S.B.Hicks fell off the mow-ing machine while it was*in onera-tion aud sustained a right bad cut,on a lower.limb.Bho NeMissCecilPariswillteach the! Holly Srring school.this season.Miss| Trixy Critz will teach at.Houston- ville.Miss Critz taught at Houston-. ville iast season.; ‘Marriage—A Faithful Pastor.| Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-3,Oct.6.—“A_mer- ry heart doeth good like a medicine,” and the rise in the price of cotton is bringing good cheer to many a down- hearted farmer,in spite of the weath- ‘ey conditions of the past few days. An enormous amount of feedstuff has}cana nt been saved already,ve if,the rain Brookford Cotton Mill in Hands spoilé the harvesting of more. Mr:Tom Eller of,Shiloh township ,ofReceiver.é and Miss Bertha Sherrill will be mar-|The Brookford Cotton’“Mill,near, vied this evening at 7 o’clock at the|Hickory,has been placed in the hands| home of the bride at East Monbo.De-|of a receiver by voluntary avolica- spite the old adage,“Blessed \the tion of the company to the United| bride the sun shines on,”here's hop-|States District Court.Judge Boyd the matter to the attention of his for-::¢ |246 feet to C.P,Moore's corner;thence S. ;zrecs.E.to Tomlin’s line;thence S.66 de- are most cordially/invited:to at-: the fa‘nmer is very busy preparing th diph-vi dk ing that today’s gloom 1s not prophetic of the future.and for them may life contain more sunshine ‘than shadow. Rev.J.L.Morgan will preach atSt.Michael’s,at Troutman,next:Sun- day at 11 a.m.He OT ae i The communion servicé at St.Mar-{tints last:Sunday was largely attend-edfand the pastor,Rev.W.D.Halti-wanger,preached one of the most in-spiring sermons that is ever delivered‘rom a pulpit.Mr.Haltiwanger be-gan his pastorateof this chureh a fewyearsagoandalthoughayoungmanin.his’profession,he has endearedhimselftohispeople‘by the faithfulperformanceofhisduties.There issomethingofthespiritofourPilgrimfathersin.the intense devotion andloyaltyofthemembers‘of St.’Mar-tin’s to their church and in the quietseclusionofthislittlecountrychurch. “About ‘two years agop when 1beganInin’s ‘Tablets,I had -been they meet twice a monthto worship,fon in the “faith of our fathers,liv-|),bypsetlh eeChronicConstipation. ‘has.appointed H.J.Holbrook.former:secretary and treasurer of the com- pany,voluntary receiver.:Proceedings of a like nature were)instituted in.the.State court time ago by J.A.Martin and Wadc.H.Shuford of Hickory:Accountants|had.been at work onthe books.unde)!erder.of Referee W.D.Turner of|Statesville.anda hearing was set,for) at)’Hickory...Th i f 1ersoOSoe:Sees |}161 Linden A've,,Baltimore Md.Oct 8~4t, October 12°before the refcree court stops all procéedings:‘in’theStatecourts.; Hubert N.Knight,postmaster atMiddlesex,Nash county,was arrest-ed at Wilson this week’charged withithetheftof$1,100 from a’Middlesexbank.:~Thepoli¢e said $800 was fourttnespersonwhenhewasar- Tryllof Ha |Oct,?8,1615. some| you!want’at1ahundred....,Wortit:this tor btart,fires wi Also good to put under ets andpaperthewalls.Come tS THe LAND-MARK for them,seis FOR}RENT—Eight-room:©two-story 'K. eds handed —All 508 West:Front’street.L.OVER- CASH.ee ies el Atg.'20,Yigg OF HOUSE AND LOT. y |virtwe of the powers contained in the it will and testament of the late Capt,TY.Ab Prices,the undersigned will sell at pub-TSiuetion,to the highest bidder,at ‘tha! court hou.e door in Statesville,N.C.,.on2NDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915,| (3 o'eleck,m.,the following describedhouse™and lot lying in tne western ‘suburbs of tesville,towit: i@zinning at an iron stake,W.L.Smith'sinPickens’line;thence N.3 de- ;7 poles to an iron:stake in-Haynes’.rez thence 8,87 Wegrees E.with Haynes's hn¢_18 poles to an iron stake,Haynes’cor-!},.ner,in.lL.©Wagner's line;thence S.3 de-|...gut aw.7 poles to a stone,corner of Church‘ol;thenes N,87 degrees W.18 poles to thg~vinning,containing one acre,more or less.Terms—One-third cash,one-third in.‘sixmnthsandone-third in twelve months.|.‘eS J,H.HOFFMANN, co g s Admr.«with the will ‘annexed. R.*B.McLaughlin,Atty.AOct,8,\1915, .-BY VIRTUE of a decree of thé Superior on MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915,4 at the hour of noon,the following described|real estate in the city of Statesville:The!one-half undivided’interest of the A,D.Cooper estate,held in common”with Mrs.J.C.Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:Beginning at a.stake,T.Anderson'scorner;thence N;66 degrees E.225 feet to212-foot alley;thence N.24 degrees W. 66 degrees W,117 feet to C.Pi Moore's cor-ner in’A.C.Tomlin’s line;thence S.24 de- crees W,108 feet to the Glover line;,thence24degreesE.212 feet to the beginning,ex-cepting a lot of 100 feet front and 212 feet|deep conveyed to A,Ls.Cooper from”thewestern:end of said:lot. This’lot is sold’subject to the right of|slower of Mrs.Julia Cooper.Terms of sale—| One-third cash,one-third in three months andond-third in.six months, i R.B,MCLAUGHLIN, Commissioner. MISS RAY GOLDMAN fractical.Expert Sbopper.~ urchasing agent of personalapparel,as well as household atticlesOf every description, References exchanged. PE S T O ET 9 SL T Le eb o o k s bi e ti e t i h i o k i g h i o n s MILLER &BROWN Have reopened their market onFrontstreet.and..will handle all kinds.of fresh meats.Hope alloldcustomersleius, »owners surely makes it the ‘UniversalvnCar’—the car you want, THE UNIVERSAL CAR % Prices lowered again,but the sameFordcar.The record.of satisfactoryperformanceformorethan900,000: It meets the **‘demands of professional and:businessmenandbringspleasureto‘the wholefamily,Simple,strong,reliable—eco-‘,nomical in operation and thaintenance.:Runabout $390;Touring Car$440,f.0..:b.,Detroit.On sale at Carolina Motor‘Company,Statesville,Mooresville and,Newton.a 4 ‘Virginia Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite, Goal "ROUGH RIDERS, To the neglected street man,Tarvia’*” Streets must be grand.We some-—,,,. times wonder if the City’s Scrapers,~ Picks and Shovels are rusting out in- stead of wearing out.We never see them in use on the MUCH NEEDED.. and MUCH NEGLECTED ‘streets. Tobacco chewers better part with their quid before riding oversome of them,for fear of—well,you picture |5 a the consequences,Li ebay f \\ai Weare in position,however,to take your coal orders and deliver = promptly,if the streetsaterough,= a "PHONE 205——— + ’ REPUBLICANS W tebt-The Strength of President. H.E.C.Bryant in Raleigh News and Observer.:Wats Republican.politicians are worried over the popularity of President Wil- son;they fear the breaking down ‘ofpartylinesinthe1916election.There, is real hope of tearing from the Re- publican ranks men who never flick- ered before;Democratic leaders are) very much pleased with the situation as it now stands.eae ; The President isisticking to his task—serving the people of the United States as no other man has done in ears. e Hundreds of ‘Union’veterans,who were here to attend the meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic,told President Wilson.as.they passed through the White House to speak to him that they were going to break a life-time record and vote for him— a Democrat—for the presidency.One old New Englander said:“Ihave never'voted for a Democrat for Presi- dent since the war,but I am for you, and if I die before I vote next year I will ask my sons and grandsons to support you.You are making us a great President,and have won for us bloodless battles.”It is that sort of talk that makes the Republicans sick.The effort tobeatupan.issue.has failed;the Presi-dent-is more powerful,more popular and courageous than ever be-fore.His policies are working out.+“The,Republicans cannot agree uponamanto"pit against President Wilson.They are floundering.around betweenWilliamHowardTaft,the idol of the-standputters of the North,East and“West,‘and Theodore Roosevelt,the entire ‘Bull “Moose party.One day it’is:ex-Senatoy Root,whois more,than three-seore and ten;the next John W.Weeks,&high tariff advocate of theNewEnglandtypeofRepublican,andoccasionallythecold,clever CharlesEB.Hughes;Associate Justice of theSupremeCourt.. Jameg R.‘Mann,minority leader oftheHojise,seeing the handwritingupon,the wall,ducked.He was in the,race at the beginning.but is ‘out of itnow.|Mt,Mann.cantell:the tempera-ture of water:when other experts fail, Nayy Wants Battle Cruisers,-Super-battle cruisers,bigger,fast- er andmore heavily armed than anywarcraftafloatorbuilding,’andwhichwillcost’$18,000,000 each,willbe’recémimended to Congress as ‘a part of the navy building programme;for next,year,Decision on this.step was reach at a conference betweenPresidentWilsonandSecretaryDan-iels and*=Representative Padgett,chairman of the House’naval affairscommittee.‘a Se ow many of the new typeshwillbeaskedforthiswinter has not been determined,SecretaryDanielssaid,after the conference.Jost of construction of:navy ‘crafthasrisensince.the outbreak of the European war,with the consequentehormousdemanduponAmericanre- sources,Some recent steel contractsforvyshowinganincreaseof‘percent.Dreddnoughts:whichsb’Will be recommended for.con- struction this winter will cost $18,000,-000 each,it is estimated,as against$15,000,000.for ships’now ”building. Part of this increase,however,is due to new .hull construction to provide greater protection against torpedo at-:oe The number of ships of each class to be urged probably:will be agreed upon within a few days,The esti- mates,by law,must be in the handsoftheSecretaryoftheTreasurybyOctober15, QueryFor the Next High Schoolyo.Debate, Correspondence of The Landmark.' Chapel,Hil],N.©.Oct.5—Thquerywhichwillbediscussedthisyearbytheschoolshaving’member-ship in “‘the High School”Debating: the Ne!:tontaining outlines and argu-rie Wen ties of this query andferevelak:to sources.from_—whichfurthermaterialcanbesecured,willhe’sent free of charge to all schools which:are members of the Union.This bulletin will reach the schoolsnotlaterthanNovember’15th.Every s¢condary and high schoolinthe<State is invited to become a member é6f the Union and participate in the-contest of 1916.Every schoolthat@fitétswill,as in the past,begrouped‘with two others for a tri- angular debate,each school putting out two teams,one on the affirmative and the other on the negative.»The“gehools winning both debates will be entitled to send their teams to theUniversitytocompetefortheStatechampionshipandtheAyéockMemo-rial Cup.The triangular debates willbeheldthroughouttheStatethelat:ter part of March and the final ‘con-test at the University early in April.The exact dates.for these contestswillbe’decided upon Aater. *Close Canal to November 1st.Lieut.Col,Harding,engineer inchargeof—the Panama ir hassentamessagetotheSeerétary©ofWaratWashingtonrecommendingthatPresidentWilsonissueinexecu.tive order closing the canal until No-vember 1,Colonel Harding explains that itwill-be inipossible to clear the channelbeforethatdateandperhapsnotthen,Hé favors refunding the tollstothoseshipswhichhavepaidthemandareawaitingpassage,and alsothat’arrangements be made to trans-ship the cargoes of the vessels and forward them to their destinations,. The conditions caused by the newslidearetheworstinthehistoryofthecanal,a¢cording to Colonel Hard-ing.|More than 1,000,000 cubic yardsofearthmustheremovedbeforethechannel:is again deep enough to per-mit the passage of ships.ey dy sh Sie besLd adopt, the- RIED.|. See No Hope in Next Year'som Ungineering of|the coe anes Department ae a eulture,for the period from Ju ’1913,to Decomibar “e tot is CertedinadepartmentalbulletinNo.284.Under the ‘authority provided intheagriculturalact“for investiga-tions of the best methods of road.pane ain best kindS’of road-makingmaterials,and for furnishing expertadviceonroadbuildingandmainte-nance,”the Federal highway |engin-eers,upon application fromlo¢al roadauthorities,have supervised the ‘con-struction of short stretches of variouskindsofroads,as,object lessons,andforthepurposeofdemonstratingmethodsofconstructionadaptedto the respective communities,The coun- ties,save in the case of special postroads,defray the entire cost of mate- rials and construction and the depart- ment supplies the expert.supervision.Forty of these object-lesson roads have been built during the 18 months covered by the report,The following were built in North Carolina:‘ Randolph county —«A gravel road, 2,400 feet long,leading from Ashe-boro north toward Randleman..was completed December 19;1913,. Northampton county—jWork on 2,-500 feet of sand-clay section on theChurchStreetExtensionRoadfrom 1 pleted November 3,1913, Burke gounty—Work on 5,700 feet of sand-clay road leading from :Mor- ganton to Lenoir was completed onJuly26,1913.,hh Hdpecombe county—Work on?13;-200 féet-of sand-clay road extendingfromTarborosouthwardtowardConé- toe was completed December 20;1913.Jones county--Work was begun on Main street ‘extending west from Trenton on September.’6,1913,and operations continued to October 3,1913."The improvement.consisted—ingradingandshapingtheexistingroad and surfacing it with a sand-clay mix-ture.The road was entirely graded to a length of 3,600 feet.A portion of the road was partly graded for’7,200 feet Fah ‘Duplin county—The section of sand- elay road,measuring 2,000,feet,from Wallace toward Chinquapin,was com- pleted on September 12,1918,The second secton,3,100-feet,from Island Creek Bridge toward Chinquapin,was completed October 4,1913; Gates county—The section of ob- ject-lesson topsoil road from Sunbury toward Suffolk,2,300.feet,was com:pleted December 2,1913.Werk on‘a Section:extending from Sunbyry to-ward a tan 7 Sones f a uary 14,»Ww i;a‘een graded.~?ay ald;Davidson ‘county—Work.on 3 top-soil road.from Thomasville towardRandolphcountywascompleted.on September 20,1913.Three thousandfivehundred.féet were graded and 1,- 200°surfaced. WAS THE WORD RELIGIOUS. On Which eae enMr.Carnegie’Disagr Greenshoro News.ue Announemeent that the “NationalTrainingSchooi,colored,’open inDurham,and that of Dr.James F. Shepherd,president of the institu-tion,that’the wérd “Religious”will he dropped from the name,althoughthetheologicaldepartmentwil!be maintained,remind us of a story.Judge J.C.Pritchard,as chairman of the board of trustees,organizingthisinstitutionforthehighereduca-tion of negroes,once upon a_timevisitedAndrewCarnegie,thinking that perhaps the canny Scot,in hiscommendableanxietytoavoid.the disgrace of dying rich,might deem the new school worthy of an en en-dowment of a million dollars or so. 2) hand cordially «nd said words to thiseffect:“Why call it a schoo!for ‘ligious’training?‘I foe:¢ Judge Pritchard said that thé ligious”training.of negro youanessentialoftheschemeasderstoodjit,as chairman of the boardhehad’no authority to*engage for any such change,he thought the would not be entertained;and.person- ally,much as a million dollars.was,he would have to oppose it, vou.If there was'a man like you at ey was going.If you'll take the presi- deney,T’ll give a million anyway.” tion he could explain to Mr.Carne- gie the exact nature of the difficulties suggested in United States circuit judge in North Carolina re-signing to become the president of a terminated.The alteration of —the Name was at one time worth a million dollars to this school;whether it has now been eally worth.anything in a financial Way,we ate not advised. Henry Martin,anegro who.for 56 years rine janitor‘at the Univer-sity of Virginia at’Charlottesville, died there Wednesday,aged 89.He was a giant in statue and was notedforhisremarkablememory.He wasretiredonapensionsevenyearsago. He was four times ‘married and thefatherof24children.He was born at Monticello,it is said,the day Thos. Jefferson died.: “DRAGTHE ROADS, Wh th il f i .CienaWhenthesummertimeDragthereads;When the corn is in ‘the ear,»In the winter,cold and drear, Every season of the year,Drag the roads. is here, When you've nothing else to do,Drag the roads; If but ‘for an Hour or two,,Drag the roads; Tt will keep them good as new;With a purpose firm ond true—Fall_in Une;ite wp oe yo “ -1 John-Barrett;:vie Jackson toward’Seaboard .was com-}- oe hes ful{Mong by the''storm of last week,° Uncle Andy held Jadze Pritchard’s|f wasiftun- idea| “Well,”said Mr.Carnegie.“I know|f the head of it I’d know how'the mon-| Judge Pritchard said he had no no- vegro college;and so the interview|i My, Now Larger.’ALCLEnglandorGermany,> in’NorthAm@rican Re: Ww.;Pe“Whe combinedarea-of Pan’America,exclusive of Canada,is 12,004squaremiles,of'which the,’mile lich the,Latiri-American countries occupy ‘oxi-mately °9,000,000 and thé’,UnitedStates3,000,000,|This’phy,x-tent of the Pan-America ‘is etterrealizedwhenitiscomparedthatae of,Europe.which has 8,7Baa Mh aremiles;with Africa,which has. 000,000,opel iyRememberingthatcommerce ts of-ten,described.as the lifenblood ,of na-tions,the Fann Amant tainly can be cant aR usty,and)full-blooded,for in the last,normalyearheforethewar--19 -Pan- America’s foreign trade,it Tuding both imports and exports,was })Valuedat$7,000,000.000.of which fe ahaofthe.United States was.jabopt <1 200,000,000 and of the LatinzAmerican countries $2,800,000,000,ing ogInthisconnectionthereshoyld beemphasizedstronglyafactnot.en- erally appreciated,and not.in,har-mony with the’snap judgment andcommentofmanysuperficialstudentsofPan-American trade.or of,.those who are deluded by the impression that only during the last year have American business men awakened to the °Pan-American opportunity; namely,that in the actual exchangeofproductsbetweenforeigncountries and Latin-America the:United States leads all other countries,”including Great Britain and Germany.In other words,the actual value of the exports and imports which the United.States exchanged with the 20 Latin-Ameri- can countries in 1913 exceeded $800,-000,000.The total from Great:Britainwas$640,000,000,and for Germany, $410,000,000.13 -These figures covering both exports and ijynports—for that is the only true way to measure foreign ¢ommerce— should effectively destroy the bopy'sofrequentlystalkingaboutthattheUnitedStates-is far behind the!Eur'o-péan countries in its ‘trade with Latin- America.While it-is true that’Great Britain and Germany did ‘lead the United States.in the value of products exchanged with somé of the countriesofSouth,America proper,théy*werefarbehindtheUnitedStates‘in’theircommercéwithallLatin-America, which includes’all countries’fromMexicoandCubasouthtothé’StraitsofMagellan, Pan-America’s real greatness,sig-nificance and power in world:relation-ship are also.emphasized by ‘appretia-tion of its present.population and the future possibilities for a vast,increase.Its 21 nations can now boast:of ‘abovblation“of 186,000,000,"Jof which160,008,000;ate)!diving in United States territory.and 80,000,000 ‘in DatiprAmerjepes,j:i esapa“OH!Adiont*”off the slides ‘in |thePanama¢anal-Gen:Geo,W:Goethalshaswithdrawnhis,resignation’‘as Governor of the Panama.canal,zaneandwillremaininPanamaindefipiite- Me.u Ga ,ii_The,city,of,New,Orleans will 'bor-be a,half”taatao dollars |ag “an.¢y,fund to repair ‘damage ae ne French government has se 1 |cligek of $200.to.Panama canal],suffer.ers -ins ’s ryew.Orleans,|. “Everytning to Build With”cheap-er than ever offered here.'All T ask is that you buy where youcanbuyitcheapest.‘': C.WATKINS;«:\.., lyr nmerat ier 000,and with Asia,which has 17,-| nily.,cer-|. C.WATKINS FOR °.}} negro frommet ible ore nized a State centralcom!thea add clactat!all white com-mitteemen.The names of two widely.known negro lawyers,both formerlymembersofthecentralcommittee,were placed in:nomination,~A sub-committee of the Republican’!|State-committee was in session inGreensborothisweekanddecidedtocalla’meeting of the full committeeforNovember8.opener éy’s for only 8c.a pounds for,15c,—ad. “SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS.| By \arine ‘of a ducvaa.ch the Superior Courtrenderedintheproceeding,cLaughlin,‘administrator of pound or two of,Iredell county,entitled R.B. J.Bass vs,;f ; om iab!public suction.to the highest bidders, at the court/house door in Statesyille,N,C., °P MONDAY)OCTOBER 4th,1915,at 12 o'clock,'m.)the following ‘lands in Chambersburg township,towitsist.Beginning at a white oak in the Haith- cox line;thenee west 158 poles\to a dogwood, €.Barringer’s corner;thence west 62 poles to stake,Barringer's ling;thence south 80 poles ‘to stake in’©.Barringer’s line;thence east 220 poles to stake;thence north 80 poles to beginning,containing 110 acres more or less,excepting 1 1-2 acres conveyed to trus- tees Shiloh M.E.church,South.2d.Beginning at white oak,Hoover's line,and corner of Lot No.8,it «being Bass cor-ner;thence 8,88 1-2 degrees east 160 polestostake,Lentz line;thence S.39 1-2 poles tostake,corner of Lot No.6;thence north 881-2 degrees west,118 poles to stake,S.Hoov-er's corner;thence with his fine north 46degreeswesttothebeginning,containing 34acresraoreorless,ze8d.Beginning at black oak,near graveyard,Bass’corner,thence south 29 poles to stake,Freeze’s.corner;thence south 88,1-2 degreeseast194‘poles to pine,Lentz’s line;thence north 29 poles to stake,Hoover's corner;thence north 88 1-2 degrees west 194 poles tobeginning,containing 35 acres mote or leap.4th.Beginning at a.hickory,8,Hoover'scornerinBassline;thenee south 45 degreeseast46polestowhiteoak,corner Lot No,4 and Eidson lot;thence south $8 1-2 Ade:grees east:160 poles to stake;thence north31polestostake,¢orner lot No.2;cenorth88142degreeswest194polestobe-|2ginning,containing:$4 ‘déres’more:or lesse+#3BeginningatastoneinHughPly-|@polestostone;)3thence}$4Quality Wedding Gifts5th,ler's line;thence east 130theneesouth361-2 poles to stone;west 180°poles to stone;thenee north 33 1-2polesto.beginning,containing 37 1-2 acres,more or less.re °6th.Beginning at’a stone,W. eh e Hon »Pitteen-cent candy at Smithey &|1k rlifpo0.* C.3.-Basa_and others,1 will) ATR E E Cotton Scrub Mops40Cents.: P.Morton's;# corner;thenge with his and Bass’line north)%5 degrees east 20 poles to stone,J.C.Plyler's| We have a nice line of Heaters and Cook -$toves to show you.We install them free.anNr Ur ore That Always WelcBe8rsne,ereak BA N IO OD O T ON T Be OT R O BO Crawford-Burich Furniture Company. corner;thence with Plyler’s:line north &7 de-|@greeswest60polestostoneinhislineand!#W..D,Plyler’s corner;thence with line be-!and W.D.Plyler south 36 poles!$Plyler’s line|#south 86 degrees east &3-4 poles to stone,his!#corner;thence with W.P.Morton's line north|# tween J.C,to“stone;thence with W.D. 28 degrees east 6 poles to stump,Morton'scorner;thence “with his line north:-84—de-grees east,50 poles to beginning,containing|§ 10 acres more’or less,;ith,Bounded on north by lands of Alex. Hoover and Raymer,on the east by lands ofGeo.McNeely,Esq.,on.west by lands of W. Cc.Perry and on the west by Greasy creek, containing 10 aeres more or less and.beingthelan: Bass.|4,7Térms'—Onélthird cash)>\6ne-thirdandone-third?in)twelve nmenths.:t horse yo TR.B.MeLAUGHLEN,Sept,,9,°4916,.mmissioner, in’six “TODAY” A barrel of Miss Hicks’néw.Home-madeMO-' LASSES.:LP qous al i Fresh;lot.of.Davis’Springs Graham Flour ‘:and new Corn Meal.’ *Phone us your orders. Next McElwee’s Planters’‘wh. Eagle & Milholand. =$10>Phi ‘regular $22.50 Suits are the best yet:andsee.these values and compare.. at §~THE SHOE To wear and to Goose line, For Men and Boys! price.; “$12:50-Hine;“Anot914.50 Suit,which usually sells for $16 to $18;our $18,$19.50 and I Coat Suits "‘Coat 8Another:great vahie cost you less,‘We want you to TO BUY!: satisfy.For heavy school wear,try our Red They have been tried.and have knocks,and give the satisfaction desired.LION BRAND We have plenty of customers.to whom we can refer you that buy this Shoe and wear it twelve months.We want,you to try them!.Our Shoe Department is full and com- prises all grades,fine and medium,and you will find us right inWesellclose.anditry to sell more,E:DRESS GOODS For Fall wear—a full showing ‘in all ‘the new shades.-P.S..-Another shipment of Rain Coats expected today. proven’to stand -hard J.M.McKee &Company. r ds conveyed by M.A,Christy to A,J.7%>'§ne J Suitable for any one to receive. Suitable for everybody to give. Just in---New Selections. °-€ Y, 4 It will make you feel good to seé them We are proud to show them... State ago sville Drug Comp’ .Quality Prescriptionists:.- 3~s ; >.*We Want Smal __Accounts.~j# Do you realize that a hundred small accounts make a bank stronger than a dozen Jarge ones even if they ag- gregate the same total of deposits?é That is why we are constantly seeking new customers. We want as wide acircle of friends and customers as possible.Sao Of course,large accounts are weleome,too,for it is our purpose tu serve ALL people. ~But.we want men and women of limited means to know If you are not a bank depos or at all come ‘in and get acquainted with us.We will be glad to ialk things over with you. Merchants and Farmers’Bank, |Of Statesville,= ‘The Bank For Your Savings.””~ Sihlietihpb Se ‘Thave them in Sterling ‘Silyer.Start a ‘Bracelet—‘only 25.cents to start.Your friends will-do the rest.See mefor anything in jewelry.My lineis up-to-date H.B.WOODWARD J eweler, COLLEGE JEWELRY! Make a nice bicep students as well Rings,Bragelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,ete.,with the seal of Statesville College on. g'those now attending. We have this line;now in, Jewelry for former R.H.RICKERT &SON. ta FRateteteraet —a ——=:>TOBALC( ‘Flues made up ready fo del‘ders.Shipment @ saandflatshe Drag,the roads. a =the Highways. wtp ty TE for ok : ) ivery "Phone or write us your or-.day order received.Extra joints,Ls} FLUES!I==— LECCE EOCECE ECEAre You Fit? If the TANG of this fine,fall atmosphere doesn’t put GINGER into your system—make you feel like hitching up to the hardest proposi-tions and trotting off with them at a winning pace,there's somethingwrong.etter find out about it.';x Whatever it is,we have the BEST drugs to put.‘ou RIGHT;we fix‘them up RIGHT,AND~do it RIGHT NOW.)GBT:w Is Our First,Last andMiddle Name k Gray Drug Com;“ON THE SQUARE.” SOO oA BO R O EC O EO E CE O PURITYPRECISIONPROMPTNESS The Pol any, ‘_knocked out,”if your liver.is.torpid|/ HtGALOMEL IS HORRIBLEMVOSHOCKSYOURLIVER If BILIOUS ©Galomel Sickens!Don't Lose a Day’s Work!Clean;coe Liver and Bowels With ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.’’ ‘RNR CRNAAT NOD“ight Calomel makes you rick’!t’sapepenntst and if it doesn’t stranrhten|*1 Take a dose of thé dan-/you right up and make you feel fine pi pon land i,ea IT want you to go backdrugtonightandtomorrow|1)ek mere Aad “ec your mondy. may lose a day’s’work,|Dodson's Liver’Tone is destroying mg lh is mercury or quicksilver|the sale of)Calomel because it is real},,,Which ‘tauses necrosis ofthe Lones.iver medicine;entirely vegetable,Geiger,when it comes/intd coatact|therefore it canes sulivate or makewithsourbile,crashes into it,|you sick.©breaking it up.This is when you|1 guarantee hat one spoonfulTeelthatawfulnauseaandcramp-|Dodson’s Liver Tone willing.If you are sluggish and “ali|sluggish liver to work and cleanyourbowelsofthatsourbileandandbowelsconstipatedoryouhave|constipated waste which is clogging|. headache,dizziness,costed tongue,|your system and mekirg you feelifbreathig.:bad or stomach sour,|inisevable,J guarantec that a bot- just.try a spoonful of harmless Dod-|tlo of Dodson’:Liver‘Tone wit!keepson's Liver tonight,your entire farni’y feelirg fine for Here’s my guarantee —Go to any I taonths.Give it to your children.li drug store.and get a S0-cent :ottle|is harmless;doesn’t wipe ard vey oe.-Dodaanty,Sayer Tone,Take al like its pleasant,taste. "SHERRILE-WHITESHOE CO.| Men’s New Fall Sweaters! Complete line now ready for your inspection--$1.00,$1.50,$2.00,$3.09 and $3.50.In Brown,Maroon,Na- mee Oxford and Garnet. Ren Fall Neckwear---25.and 50 Cents All the newest shapes,in neat and _,desirable patterns. ‘of put your An exceptional- ly good line to select from. SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. ’Phone No.83. |Commercial National Bank OF BT ATERYHist,Nn.0; ‘t€apital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 | Surplus and Profits .31,900.00- Members of Federal Reserve System. {Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank: ing methods, Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit’three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,-BeE.MORRISON,-D.M.AUSLEY,@.EK.HUGHEY, H State cach year for food for man and 3° President, Vice President, Cashier."AssistantCashier. Superior,Buck Eye,Empire The Three which hold the world’s record. Oat Drills,Harrows, Spreaders,etc. Disc Plows,Manure Complete line. Iredell Hardware Company. "GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be right or the nee can’t be ex-pected:to plan and have meals on.Hosa:Then there is no econo:‘wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.»whet os ‘want tofo is toget our watch or clock repaired by.|HENRYani heis devotinghis entire time to:repairing waffclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses.fB.F,HENRY eat ta, Small Farmersbs fas ‘38 to 408 Cent.-How the Rural Credits Bill Would Help.* To the Kltor of The Landmark:— Credit based on coramereial1istodaycostingthefarmer.in Carolina about 40 per cent.Renorts of bankers in 19,epuntiesinNorthCarolinawhereis|tgrown,show that the farmers payabout20percent.more for ieshoughtoncreditthanforcagh,‘andhattheaccountsrimana six months.Hence the small farmersofeasternNorthCarolinaare:payinginaverageof33to40,per cent,perannummorefortheirsupplias;,onereditthatyonacashbasis.’©In 1913 the bankers from eastern '|\North Carolina .estimated that.thecreditsupplyforthioclassof‘farm: ors in avr State to raise cotton,wasabout$29,000,000,henee the total* cost of credit for these’farmers “toproducetheircotton,over and above the cost.of producing cottom on <aeashbasis,is over $5,500,000,and this bi |farmer. \the only one’based.on substantial Eu- ‘Hand seeritwy under the Federal Of|the 'to provide long-term eredit for the} The.Hollis-Bulkley bill is ropcan experience and authority andhasreceivedthefayorablereportoftheonb-committee of the Senate andtheHouseandplanstheéntirefinan- “ial machinery for working out:theSfurnishingofmoneytefarmersSr Pn serve.Board,and divides the whole country.into Land Bank.Districts.‘ibout the same as.the Federal Re-serve Districts.and each district is to have a great land mortgage bank. very much after the manner of the present Regional Banks.All of thhondsto’be sold to the investorsmoneycentersare\issued by these eroat Land Banks under the author- ‘ty ond supervision of the UnitedSirtesgavernment,and are suaran-) tecd by the endorsement of all of the loeal associations.In order to guar- antee the sale of these-bonds to the ‘investing’public.the Treasurer.oftheUnitedStatesisauthorizedto invest,an amount.not to exceed $50,- 00.000.per year.jn these land bands. |Ry this ‘means.the market for Land tuoiion in the price of.them. biitrodiaced te Congress which propose Bank honds will be at all times enar-))anteed and there will be no wild flue-|} ‘ithe small farmer to be comvelled to “nay such an exorbitant fF or branches of husiness are advanc-,‘ing in :j great industry of agriculture is fall-| .ing behind. *jot which only 8500000 acres have| mere?900,000of our ‘nohe offCendioysspf:o H choice in the selection of his crops Hof Agriculture tq waste time talking to him about diversification of crops.\menrtbarn,fullness,nausea,bad taste)- H isvstem of North Carolina,which is »,[ley bill,and upon which land bonds, yin li is believed hy advocates of this neasure that these bonds.’bearinesomesoutoffarmersleastabléto stand such a.drain. Farmers,merchants,people.‘ofNorthCarolina,are you:willing forse!)«t par.Followiy oe resnlt.therefore, “charge for|the far wilt he able to receive his credit when the merchant or man- ufacturer in the neighboring town is!paying.8 per cent.per annum?Whee jo shall it be?Is it right for the farm:|vate enterprise is encouraged by or,who in the light of all the restafl she.iD‘iN but under its nrevisions the the world has the very best security)fa:‘mors are not compelled to look for im the world,to pay at the rate of 38)rei'ef a the capitalists and money ner cent.,while the other business |len.’.bent on taking large profits man is paying 8 ner cent.?Tt is no!out of them, wonder that while the census renert|The MacRae hill.oassed in the last thows that the farnrr of North Gar-|ses.ion of the North Carolina Legig- slina produces in value of:products |inture.makes ample provision for onan averaee moro per acre than al-|short term loans.but without the their mor a on land seevritv-at 5 1-2 ver cent.ow theenvering,long periods. lmost any other.farmer in the United|onactmert of the.Hollis-RBulkley bill}theheenabletodiscern,None authorized by States,vet.todav.his.per eanitalcan uring no relief,as far as |wealth is only $322,while that of the,writer has |Western farmer is.about.$3,000 per!of the Credit Mnions ‘oapita.Jt is no wonder that all oth,|the MacRae bill have as yet heehormed.Thev will be ineomplete the|without the Hollis-Bulkley bill. The great opportunity for making |arriculture»prosperous in North,€ar- It is not wonderfal that North Caroline is now present.wilt vou im- ‘olina ranks first in the United States!nrove it and make in the manufactwre of tobacco,secon?)ithe State to také lead under the ban- !to-Massachusetts in:the’amount gf {ner -of organizel self help—éo-opera- cotton manufactured,second to eo 1—os democratic manhood and an_in value of furniture mannfac-|prosperity ated and vet we have 22,500,000)Q.A.STEPHENSON. larres of land classified as farm lands.)SS Snow -fell in Minnesota and South sheen improved,Js it —anv wonder;Dakota Menday..Deadwood,S.°D..that the farm land in North Caroli |rey srted a fall of three to six inches. ae while about the most productive|- North~Carolina.-while i'n value of products per acre in the |ACIDS IN-STOMACH _BouR i'inited States,is worth from $10 to!1$50 ner acre,while the land in the |jmiddie West.less productive than) (ours.is worth from $150 to $300 per| “feris-no-wonderthat over 1,- ple,experience| om ownership.;Beund 4 as-we are to 38 per! icent.credit ‘forthe small farmer,|North Carolina,he has,but ‘tittle THE FOOD AND,C See INDIGESTION’. “Pape’s Diapepsin”Fixes’Sour, Gassy,Upset Stomaghs'“i Five Minutes.,65 con't yout ‘stomach or lies like a lump.of lead,refusing to digest,or you-beleh It is of nb’use for the Department Re and eructate sour,undigested‘ood,or have a feeling of dizziness, The crop that the’smalt.farmer ‘iis go-fin,mouth and:stomach ‘he,ache,youingto:produce is settled in March/|can surely get relief in five,mifutes. when he goes to the supply merchant!”Ask your pharmacist to stiow ‘youhumwives‘his crop lien)/He is com-ithe formula;‘plainly printed’ogi these inelled to plant:one of the two princi-|fifty-cent cases of Pape’s Diapepsin, 8 1-2 40.4 1-2 per eent.interest,land valsted Mottle Rugs. Persian Silk Rugs.| Emperor—Smith’sAxminster in allsizes, Angio Persian Bath Rugsin all‘colors. Call.and see our line of Brussell Rgs—| $18.00 to $38.50.3 We havein stock a few specially largeIext5Rugs.ee “amortization —plan}+ North”Carolina; WORTH KNOWING!! Suppose that you are insuredia the United Life andl Aceldent Ir ‘ surance ©ompany of New Hanipshire for $5,000 underthe Company’Ss Triple Indgernne Plan,‘what does your Policy guarantee arene es ANSWER: FIRST,it cuarantees ‘thatin case of d2ath from anycause,the face of the policy,will be paid.WD SECOND,thatin case of death from oe accident,$10,double the face of the policy,will be paid.- ‘THIRD,that in case of death ‘from certain “specifi ed”accidents,$15,000,or threetimes the face of the policy,will be paid.‘ But this is not all.Tn case ye disability.as a result:of -acci--dentalinjury,you will receive-an indemnity of $50 PKR»WEEK, Caninsurance do more?’And why should any man be Satisfied “with a pulicy baat would do less?‘The cost is low. ERNEST G &AITHER,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS aN REAL ESTATESPHONE-OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING, If what you just ate is souring on|. fpal crops.cotton or tobacco,and as ithen you will understand why dyspep- jsoon as his.cotton or tohacco can be|tic troubles of all kinds must go,and) ‘housed.it must be hurried to the mar-|Why it relieves sour,out-of-order | |ket at the dersand of the merchant in|stomachs or indigestion in five min-| jorder to satisfy the lien given for sup-|ytes,‘Pape’s.Diapepsin”—is hat:| jnlies under the sway of the crov lien jess;tastes like candy,though each| ||dose will digest and prepare for.|as-| ie disgrace to our people,We ore!cimilation into the blood all the foodisendingabout$121,000,000 out of the you cat;besides,it makes you go to ‘thetable with a healthy appetite;butwhatwillpleaseyoumost,is that youwillfeelthatyourstomachandintes- ines are clean and fresh,and youillnotneedtoresorttolaxativesor ‘iver pills for biliousness or constipa- tion.. ibeast ‘over and above the supply ‘of | ~and feed produced by our peor} The fundamental purpose of a sys tem of rural credits for North Cayo- hina in :particular and jhe ©whoieSouthinmeneralistoconnect.the 3farmers,Jaree and small,with th:This ‘eity will have many “Pape’s millions of investment money whiich Diapepsin”cranks,as some_peoplewillcallthem,but you willbe enthu-|aren g ur aa i 7 :indigestion,gases,|heartburn,|:restates.that ha‘had the privilege to misery. personally examine the banks in.Get some now,this minute,and rid many countries’in Earope and found yourself of stomach misery:and.indi- ;the merchants and manufacturers gestion in five minutes.: |Deaving at the rate of 6 per cent.to 8 “ [per cant,,while the money of the de- vositors:in.savings banks and bene- Our Elegant Line.-| eed a hak faatiey be RTA|Stationery Pak teMhaccly. .WILL PLEASE YOU.a Tablets and Envelopés to mateh, “HALL’S DRUG arone"PHONE 20,»Prescriptionists.0... 'sourriess;dyspepsia,of any’stomach fF THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY.§to announce that they have completed arrangements with ‘TEHOMEINSURANCECO,of New York,”areeet GeetcropsofToba¢co,Cern,Cotton aad small grain eluai d by Hail Storm at the following very low price:~a TOBACCO OROP.,$100 per acre valuation at 75 per acre valuation at 50 per acre valuation at 3:75 per acre ©25 per acre valuation at 1.874 per’i COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP... $1)per acre valuation $1.60 per aSCE _$7.50 per acre —6.bed peracre:. %per-acre’valuation a cracte10peracrevaluationracreDWELLINGS,diphereves:BARNS,™ey $100 value for one year at 30c.,,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90a... latter-insurance covers also against:lossor damage occasionbywindinadditiontohail.BOWREMEMBER—“‘Weinsure anything insurable.’|J.F.CARLTON,Manager*PHONE 54,STATESVILLE ficiaries of trust funds,always _re- mains about 4 per cent. The great purpose of a system of| rural credits on long terms is to en- jable the farmers in.need of moneyifordevelovingtheir.land,building ||homes and barns and purchasing m2- chinery and live stock to ‘obtain this money for long periods of time,pay- able on the amortization plan at low rates of interest.Its great aim is to place the security of the farmer be-fore‘the‘investing public on a fair basis..Now let us change the present sys-tem and give the farmer a.living.chance.The «farmer's security,when mob- ilized as proposed by the Hollis-Bulk- intr cent.for their money,while the nearby farmer was securing moriey a‘ 4 1-2 per cent.for the purpose of carrying on his farming operations. Think of Van Lindley “Company.We have one of the _largest Commercial money brings what itisworthandfluctuatesfrom3to120, -Greenhouse plants in ‘the South. Ordérs small or large receive prompt atten- tion.Shipping facil- _ities unsurpassed. are to be issued which will sell read-ily to the savings ‘banks and the:in-vesting public of,the large cities ona31-2 to 4 per cent.basis,will bring|to:the farmer millions of dollars nowpiledupinthemoneycenters,;|The railroads and ‘the great’cap-|tains of industry have for years been:,|\drawingén these great mines of|].i~stored-up wealth.They understand)bi diflerence between commer-||. Flowers That Please,» Yan.Lindley (0. _GREENSBORO,H.0, Suchis the record ciesday’s damage done by tornadoes. You don’t know when the tornado may strike your property,but you do know: the “Old Hartford”protects against all loss.For overa — Fire Insurance pe has met:every ime This wonderful picture,wl TUNE’S DAUGHTER”and is made on the li man who.made the song famous.“The Photoplay is destined to live as long; LVER THRE, which is be gshown.in all ke lenis gitie Hhesameelaborateandmagnificentplan,» A he's ery ‘HE GOLD”--Six Parts,reaking crowds,was made by the same ‘company that produced “NEP- “This picture features America’s sweetest singer and sterling actor,Richard J.Jose,the ong.”~: The Charlotte Observer has this to say of it:“Since the BROADWAY turned away hundredsofpeople from its)doors:at the presentation of ‘SILVER THRE ADS AMONG THE GOLD’last ‘Tuesday because it was filled to capaci shown in Charlotte.Every one who saw the play has “been lavish showit a second time for one day only.Those agement in securing.it again.” This:remarkable pieture isto'see it as it will be impossible for us to get a return date on it.ite On Friday,October 15th,we will present the famous GEORGE KLEINE MASTERPIECE,“SPARTICUS,OR THE REVOLT OF THE GLADIATORS.”‘This famous picture’was produced by the PASQUALI Company at Rome andTurin,It#ly,and ' to capacity business at from 25 cents to $1 admission.We ar it-for‘oneday-only}Friday,October 15th,at 10'and 15 cents, $t IE BALANCE OF THE WEEK:|months in Chicago Tuesday—“The Substitute Widow.” ty,there has’ é4RG Se -OUR PROGRAMME FOR Wednesday-—“The Gopher.”a a A splendid two reel IMP picture and two good Asthrilling two reel BISON play./De:Ma- somedies. THE LANDMARK PMIDAY,-~_.October 8,1915. 'NEWS OF TAYLORSVILLE, The Singing Contest—Two For .the State Hospital—Rural Car- rier Resigns. Correspondence of The Landmark.' Tavlorsyille,,Qct.7,—The Alexan- der County Singing Association had @' contest singing at the court house Saturday.Lawyer A.Ce Payne,presi dent.of the association,presided.The following classes entered the contest; Little River class,lead by Mr.Thomas Webster;Ellendale class.lead by.Mr. Peter Johnson;Three Forks class, lead by Mr,Milton Chapman;a class from the Taylorsville cotton mil!vil- J;ward:the setting sun,they say—and| son’s Temptation”and ‘A Seashore Romeo.” CHILDREN IN NEW SCHOOL,|WHERE WOMAN IS STRONG.’ Many Are Nearer Old School She Doesn’t Flaunt Her Wicked.|Than New—The Trouble.|"ness.to Humiliate Innocent| The work of supplying the aba People.school building with pupils has prov-/Everything.;ed a -difficult task —a difficul.|4 woman is always stronger than|ty not expected “probably by!man.Ai young man goes away from those not.familiar with the town’s |home,and no matter much what he| center of population.which is the d0es-—gets drunk,fights,goes to po-third:ward,,in.which the old school lice court and prison—so.long as he|suilding is ,Jocated,The ‘town ‘has is not guilty of some terrible crinte,|grewn.west-—towns,usually’grow to-|he clings to his real name and the pa-}rents ‘andthe kith and kin are made, the:third.ward has as much,or more;to suffer.*°But when a woman enters,nopulation.than,‘all the -rest “of the,upon her life of sin,upon her life oftown:combined.|.,|degiadation,she always has enough!For'yeurs there had been a‘‘strong.respect for her people—for herself,if, entimenc:in:Statesville for a second,wewill admit it—to :put her ‘other}school building,in another part of }life far away from her.She’changes,town—this sentiment bein especial-her name and becomes Flossie or Liz-ae a rom ty and naturally stronz among resi-|gie or Ma Maud a ill:“Tage,lead by Mr--Hamby:-e-elass-from,dents of Ue eaue Oni;who-were-farth-lacceteet.aD A fab no gee yi 4 ‘the Alspaugh cotton mill community,| Yead by Mr.John Warren,and a class, -from’Beckham school house,lead byl Mr.Jefferson McLain. Each class sang six songs and a large audience’was present to hear and enjoy the music..The judges were Rev.R.E.Hunt and Messrs.W. F.Patterson,Munroe Isenhour,Staf-ford and.W..V.Bebber..The_firstprize,a $5 gold coin,was won by Mr. Jefferson McLain’s class,and LawyerJ:H,Burke made «the.presentationspeech..The second prize,$2.50,was-owon by Mr.Milton Chapman’s classwaspresentedbyRev.RE.Hunt.ird Lore silver cup,was pre-“Mr.Thomas Webster's classF.Sharpe.*Davis and family,:who mmer on’their mountainittleRivertownship,leftlayfortheirwinterhomeinBartow,Fla..Miss Eva Rogers ac-companied.them’and:will’spend the:meetsiersorids with her brother, riftR.A.Adams and Mr.W.Vv. ounty commissioner,accom- erome R,Teague of EllendaleerWoodward,of the Dayisaommunity,to the Stafe Hos-al,Morganton,Tuesday.Sheriffxdmnie.pe “Wednesday in Charlotte.’',Misses Mary Rowland of Central,S.C.and Ruth Chatham of Green-ville,S.C.,who were guests of theiruncle,Capt,W.T,Rowland,left Wed-nesday morning for their respectivechomes.Mr.John Dobson,who visitedhis’sister,Mrs.H.D.Lindsay,has-Yeturned to his home in Rockford.‘Mr.and Mrs.C..*P,McNeely .ofooresville,who were guests:at the ‘some of Mrs.McNeely’s brother,Dr.Asa Thurston,returned home Monday morning by automobile.They wereaccompaniedbyMesdames,C.r‘Viele and L.L.Moore:Mrs.MoorewastheguestofMrs.N.G.MooreinMooresville.She returned home over 7,500 people took part in its production. est frond the school building.Some! ‘ears ago an effort to build a secondschoolbuilding.in east Statesville,was defeated through an.attempt to! locate the building on .the:extreme eastern beundary,,which would haveLeeninconvenientforapartofthe children of the first ward.:Last vear,when it was found that,more school room was necessary,the; propositi 1 for a.building separate,from the main building was readily;assented teand the location,at,theintersectionof,Davie avenue andWaterstreets,was generally regard-éd:as id¢al—as suitable for thé:first as ‘well,It is a good location so:far cerned but not as.to population,assubsequentevents.have shown:'!’Theschoolwasstarted.with four ¢fades:All the children,of the first ‘wafd eligible to these grades were sent to the new school and such residents ofthesecondandfourth.wards as wereconvenient.When,this -was tried’itwesfondthattheclassreomsinthesew.building were not iy _and.the pressure on similar cla:s ¥doms'in the old building was:still ‘td6 ‘great.fGraduallytheterritory was extended as Qak_street,who,were eligible:to the grades in the new building;“were sent there.Still there were not enough in the’new building and too many in ward and other sections of thd town)wh as the division.of the territory is tony}, until all of the childrenin the second’ffs, ward and all in the fourthas far wést)q.p,| the old,and volunteers from the third}, And so she ‘sins and suffers and dies!unknown-and herein the woman part of human nature is stranger and;strongér than the man part of human| nature.‘Of course we have the’exceptions}now and then so far as the man is con-|cerned—but ‘generally speaking’the man is a weakling and just when he}should ndt turn up heis,writing home | for money or disclosing his namé orwhereaboutsinsomewayor’other:But the woman who knows:that she hag soiled her soul;who knows’thatshe~has sunk-deeper than:.the brute,realizes that her touch would beaminationandhertongue’s ‘pur-st}word 4 aerain the shadowsidesbehindanassumedname.mnor,to,her—if it be due her kind—forthe courageshe displays,even tn: toi.déath;ine protecting the fair nameofamothenandfatherwhoareingo-cent of her crime.~*i dei Sevenedollar,raincoats «at.Smithey&fyalay’s )tovclose out.at $3.50.—ad. SS }j}' Siegeres pee Keer ory n 2 general demand for the returti of the greatest heart interest play that has éver been -h in itspraiseand.hunwhohavescenthepictureean-readily understand that it is difficult to book it at aland will appreeiate the efforts of the man-ds have expressed a desire to see it-again.The BROADWAY has arranged to being shown inthe larger cities at 25 and 50 cont,We will show it for one day only at 10 and’15 cents..Remember the date and arrange shihtegy!1 It hada record breaking run of»four Thursday-——“Mystery of the Tapestry Room.”Saturday-—“A Tale of Twenty Stories.”A fine tworeel prize story featuring that mas-ie oe yterof.realism,Murdock MacQuarrie,A big !W0 reel “L-KO”comedy that is an agglom-threereel story told in a big way.Also avery Craton of riotous comedy stunts.“The funny Powerscomedy.2 t Chimney 8 Secret”and the Animated Weekly wy,ends,|JEN TER.OER LOR TEC ae E R : ‘;2¢ Everybody tells us our new store front is a wonder.We.know for a fact it’sagreathelpinshowingyouourimmensestocxofMillinery,Coats“and CoatSuits,Shirt Waists,Underwear,Sweaters,Dress Goods,Notions,Shoes,Hats,Caps and Umbrellas._This weekis show week:for everybody and we are feat-uring some wonderful values in Ready-to*WearGarments.Big stock of HouseFurnishingstoshowyou—Down ‘Quilts,Etkin Blankets,Mohawk and UtieaSheetsandPillowCases.Table Damask with Napkins to match.Towelswithwashclothstomatch—for your guest room.©Everything in keepi ithetimesandyourpocketbook.Give us a look—-it’sfred.-bing:wales Yours truly, SER ONO YAS Jaa LO L SL I LO D O LO V E LL U E L O LOL D E OT E { EE E See eee ees = TYPEWRITERS!five atewmachinesforRental Pur poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and.all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us with your Typewriter troubles..Statesville Printing Go... eee Fre eevit cited $7 ane tae.—=et -ere —Doors,Blinds,Windows,Mouldings Mantéls?cotumms;-newels,..stair |)rails,lime,laths-and-cement..Doox.and window frames ready -made—odd sizes made on a day’s notice, C.WATKINS,Statesville;'N.CG: |ee _Are You Thinking. ny OF ee Se RIP og OP WAG Reesp oe el ward were called for,-At last account ten-children from.the third ward; were “gale almost from the shadow of the ole building to the new,and guill there were 25 to.40 per cent morc children:in some.of the lower grades. in the,old building than in the new. ward and.in two-thirds of the fourth are nearer the old building than the new,but their walking the sreatct distance is made.necessary.for ‘the vexsons stated..Of course this is no Moose,mail carrier’on rur-0,4,has resigned and the‘carrier,Mr.-Carl Watts,is]Ay at sppolntment-is-neade.|¥he nish the.‘Large Number’ofTubercularVictims. Bulletin.State-Board of -Health., Of 162 patients treated for tuber-culosis at the State Sanatorium lastyear,it is noticeable that 31.werehousewivesand23werefarmers. The next highest ‘numbers,classed according to their occupations,were 14 students,10 cotton mill operators,8 merchants and 7:store clerks.The, number of males was 105 and females 57.Married 82,single 69 and wid-owed 11.-“Phe B1°housewives were 58 percent.of the number of female.pa-tients at the Sanatorium.Overwork might.be assigned as:the ‘chief cause.of.their presence thefe,Overwork that brings 6n worry,indigestion,ner- now .fa©hand ie greater uardship on these‘than it.was on,those i ve,to,walk ‘longer distaeastend,children didn’t haveto,walk:away.from one school’houseto-fo-a-much greater distance to an-, other.ah),:%yThisisn’t written to stir up any-‘hing,besvuse it isa condition,notatheory,that confronts.The new building has been erected and it is ble,even with the inconveniences men-tioned.Bul it shows that we cftenaskforthinsrs—without having ll thefacts—whicn we think will fix matters just right,when actual experiencedemonsiratesthattherealworkings -Laborer Worthy of His Hire. Correspondence of The Landmark. If Statesville is really ‘The Best Town in North Carolina,”‘and Iredell county one of the most progressive vousness,sleeplessness,and finally a general breakdown,is.probably the greatest factor predisposing tubercu-losis,and housewives:.seem.to falleasyvictimstothediseasethrough’ this channel.The same ¢atse,with :‘Tack of fresh air and proper.exer- *eise,might also account for the large number ofstudents,‘operators,mer-chants and clerks who were also pa-tients. ©But the large number of farmers is somewhat;puzzling.Farm.life is usu-pily regarded a8 a fresh:air life,eyen-tempered,and altogether health-ful.Theoretically it is,but as it is by most people it is not. in the State,should not the commit-jteemen of every rural school and thepatronsorschooltrusteds,endeavor to reward the teachers for the volun-.tairy work they have agreed to engagejinforone.month teach moonlight schools this fall?|-"While the lessons’are to be abso-lutely free to all.who’will-co-operate land attend and help 64 this good work,yet these teachers are\much taxed in strength,mentally and physically,after their ordinary ‘daily work,andtheirpursesmust.be greatly deplet- ed,after attendance upon their sum- mer schools.Cannot Statesville:andIredellcounty.set the example and “Children inva part of the second: children } he east end,\ necessary to fill it,as nearly as possi-, are different from what ‘was,expected. styles day to HOSE,GLOVES and. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. Ladies’Ready-to-Wears. SUITS,DRESSES,COATS,~,SKIRTS AND WAISTS. The biggest and best assortment yet “shown.All the new fabrics end scores of from which to select.‘ madeon the smart.liees that are.>|our smaller germents and will fit without |-alot of alterations ordinarily needed:intheusuallargesuits.Specially attractivearethefurandbraidtrimmedboxcoatsuits,and they are moderately priced.Come and visit this dcpartment andseethenewnumbersastheycomeinfrom ‘you can’t come justwriteusyourwants:and:we'll send yougarmentsforyourinspection. -Shoes and Accessories ;di LCs es. to matth the Suits are shownin abundance, :ae ave a x y SILKS,SHOES,BAGS,\@ELTS,WAISTS. $eBIGLOTFEATHERBOAS.in:all the popular f ~Entering a Suit!| | | 4 eH If so consult us--we- )are fashion*attor-— neys.Our stock of information is re- plete with the new- est and nobbiest in- formation concern- ing -Suitings and Overcoatings at the e aeationzearies +7 srour te48.~po UITS”for women |) &are ; aréseen in.Oa on B citedFREE. Sloan Clothing Company, Fashion Attorneys. =-s eereteee day.»Orif —-SS ea Practice Economy This Year! |-Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds. 'Not screenings or offal,or worthless by-products,but.se- lected feed scien-tifically blendedforresults,Madebyahousewitkareputationfor‘integrity. CW.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative 3 Phone 125 Black. Old Beck Sweet Feed. »Little Ned Sweet Feed.i yo Manna-Rice Chick Feed. re 1]Gem Scratch Feed.~~— Gem Sweet Dairy Feed.- es a Se ce e : x oa t h te c t Pa m e e n e n s e o> +e :Ritting and sleeping in a closed,ill-|those in authority do what they canwentilatedréomfrom6iptheeve-|{o pay the taliorer for his hite—for ning to 6 in the morning,half of the |the great possible benofit to our coun-Nag a the i pit +a fresh ty and its ¢itizens?-A PATRON,most,is not.altogether .ideal ille,°$from a.health ©standpoint.ucteat|Senten ela my Fesanitationideaspertainingtofarm|Ben »Hensley,wanted in ‘Rather-|life have not as yet been widely ac-|ford county on the charge of murder,|cepted and the importance of disease his victim being Dave Williams,was _prevention is just beginning.to be [arrested in Danville,Va.,a few.days*.tds evidently..of |the utmost,/*°and was returned to Rutherford‘the prea eh mie Knowledge of [county for.tIBlede i ios ::spr wnd-Prevention of tuber-|No prices -asJow-as Smithey &,ne 'Bote.losis ‘be ‘speedily carried to the |Fraley's,They ate the.val hare ——_—-—ere ——fountry districts,2 piversmad,einen ee =hoy OUR REPAIR SHOP IS COMPLETE | With all necessary tools and Machinery to do the best of workman--ship and we have workmen in our dmploy capable of repairing any. make var,All work‘done under the supervision of:an expert me-.chanie which insures thorough workmanshipand satisfied customers.We ask that you give us a tria}._Beg?‘Statesville Motor Co.| colors,ranging from $1.00 to $4.00.is :Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.—THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL,ORDERS. z f _‘PHONESoyna84and137 eon suk af ATY.FIRST.” VOL.XLII. ee HAVE:INVADED SERBIA. The Teutonic Forces in Posses- sion.of Belgrade—Reports From the War Zone—GreeceStillinDoubt. The report from the war zone sayshardfightingcontinuesontheFrench,Russian,Serbian and Austro-Italianfronts.Last week Austro-Germanforcesinvaded.Serbia.They tookpossessionofBelgrade,the old capi-tal of Serbia,and their forces arepressingforvagainstSerbsboth in the east and West,in an endeayortomovesouthwardandgaincontrolofthemainrailwayline.The Aus-tro-Hungarians on the west have ad-vanced to the m of Obrenovac, while on the east the Serbs have:been. dislodged from several positions ~on the southern bank of the Danube.by strong German farces. Béth Berlin and Paris claim gains in the vicinity of Tahure in the Cham-pagne region of France.The FrenchassertthattothesoutheastofthetowntheycapturedaGermantrench, while Berlin says the Germans regain~ ed a strip of territory over a front of two and one-half miles and,in addi- tion,took several trenches to the eastofSouchez.:On the remainder of the front from Belgium to the Vosges mountainstherehasbeenseriousfightingwithheavy.guns,bombs and grenades. Russian positions along a front of ‘nearly.five miles north of the railroadrunningwestfromDvinskhavebeen taken by Field Marshall von Hinden- burg’s men,according to Berlin,and. a fierce Russian counter-attack has heen.repulsed.here also has ‘been hard.fighting to southeast and across the border in Galicia,in which both Berlin and Vienna declare’their forces’have made progress. Along the Isonzo front the Italians have repulsed with heavy losses Aus- trian attacks on numerous sectors. ‘clude an embargo on arms against Deeaptieh Ste eee an SATCARRANZARECOGNIZED.- The Constitutionalist Chief Now.the.Main Guy in Mexico—Vil-la Will:Fight On. _,Recognition of the Carranza gov-ernment as the defacto government of Mexico was unanimously decided up-,on by the Pan-American conferenceinWashingtonSaturday.SecretaryLansingissuedthisstatement: “The conference,after careful con- sideration of the facts,has found thattheCarranzapartyistheonlypartyinMexicowhichpossessestheessen-tials for recognition as.the defacto government...and they have so re- ported to their respective govern- ments,”ay ;:Secretary’Lansing,on behalf of theUnitedStates,expressed the-intentiontorecognizeGeneralCarranzaandtheambassadors:of Brazil,Chile.Ar- gentina and the ministers of.Bolivia, Uruguay and Guatemala,transmitted the decision of this government as well as their own opinions in agreement with it.Mr.Lansing has obtained the approval of President Wilson to the plan and before the conference began ali the other ministers in the Latin- American corps also had givén their adherence to it.~\ This action .was’regarded gen- erally as the most’important diple-matie step in the Mexican situation since the United States decided .to withhold recognition from’the Huerta government,more than two years ago. It.means that the Carranza govern- ment will receive the.moral ‘support of the United States,which will.in- opposing factions ag soon as recor- nition ise actually:-extended,.which probably will be within a fortnight. The fact that:the.United States already has decided to recognize the Carranza government,it is thought, will have an important moral effect in Mexico.Officials believe many ele- The situation in Greece is unchang- ed.The new Greek cabinet has gone exhaustively into the situation in dis-|will adopt a liberal attitude toward cussions held in Athens,but has not pis opponents.permitting of ‘a _recon- yet made known what its policy will!ciliation of the various branches of| be.Athens dispatches make reference {he original ‘eonstitutionalist party of to a secret treaty between Bulgaria!which he was one of the founders. and Germany,signed last July,the text of which,it is reported,has been placed in the hands of the Greek pre- mier by the Entente powers and will be the subject of “grave debate”on! the opening;of the GreekParliament. ARREST TWO STRANGERS. R.R.Hughes and M.G.Asheley '“Arrested on Suspicion. Two men who arrived in Statesville Sunday,one of -whom:registered“at the Inn‘as C:M.Vance,Bristol,Tenn., the other at the New York hotel as J.M.Osborne,Cranberry,N.C.,were arrested last night by Sheriff Deaton as suspicious characters.Two revolv- ers were found in a gripin.their pos- sion and they were held on a conceal- ed weapon charge. Postoffice Inspector Webb and Dep- uty Marshal Milholland assisted thesheriffinlookingintothecase,After the men were arrested the,man whoregisteredasC.M.Vance.said hisnamewasR.R.Hughes and the oth-er said his name was M,G.Ashley, and papers in their possession boreout’this statement.Hughes told theofficershehadservedatermihFed-eral prison in Atlanta,from whichhe.was released last June,for postallawviolations.-He was placed injail.Ashley,who said he.had been operating a garage at:Asheville,was building Saturday afternoon his scaf- allowed to put up his machine as se* 0 ar wawouldbecaught. a game in the sale of the machine at a local garage.Asheville officers have been asked to look into the case andStole the Judge’s Hat. other’developments‘are expected, Where She Was'in School 75 Years Ago.> Mrs.E.B.Allison of Statesville,whois in her 93d year,was a pupil atSalemAcademy75yearsago.Today she will go to Winston-Salem to visit thermometer”was moving rapidly her alma mater for the first time in ‘many years-—the second visit she has made.there since.she was a schoolgirl. The trip will be made by automobile and’Mrs.Allison will be accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law,Mr. and Mrs.T,J.Ailison,and her grand- daughter,Mrs:P:A.Bryant.: While she is so near the century mark and ‘is not strong physically, Mrs.Allison is intellectually.vigorous. She reads;without glasses,books and papers of today and discusses current évents with fauch interest.She has kept alive her interest’in.the.school there todaywill be,an event for her ‘and for the school,: Will Open Job OfficeinBoone, Mr:T.B:Moore,who has been with ocrat sa sof him: has so.efficiently withoutapeer inthe § ‘printer, wi ~letter...from.....Hughes.to.ee oo expres “they Jumped:ard=te-the :nentsTheytriedtowork|was not hurt..The totalcost of | andled'the.jme-chanical part.of the.Democrat formorethansevenmonths,left last Fri-|en’Bailey,Melissa Warlick;local ed-day fora few days’visit to his old|itors,Juliet.McCrarey,| home,-and®will,on hisreturn,openness;exchange editor,Ruth Cochran; an up-to-now job printing department|art editor,Elizabeth Brawley;mu-).in..Boone..He is ve re ‘almost!sic editor,Elizabeth Sherrill;athlet. State,”|»jie editor,Letitia,W n;business Mr.Moore’s hand was alzo..in -ov-|manager,Mary.Loretz Cowles;as- idence on the local work.on the Dém:*off ;-oérat,.He's a writer as well as a ments will now align themselves with Carranza and thatthe latter himself Secretary Lansing made it clear that while the United States could not condition recognition upon the giving of:amnesty or the settlement of other questions of a strictly internal nature. satisfactory assurances on these and other subjects have been received from the Carranza government. <Gen.Carranza was naturally very ene sneeet vite“t site uhaffairs and talks hoperu “yltimate peace. Gen.Villa,however,|that he will continue to fight Carranza and a stable government in Mexico is probably some:distance in,the future. Returning to Remodeled Quar- ters.’ Messrs.Sherrill &.Reete,who have occupied temporary quarters in the Summers building since August.ist, are now moving their stock of gro- ceries back to their former stand, which:was “made over”during the time it was vacaht.‘The store room is now.one of.the most modern and attractive in town,the floor having been’lowered,a new front put in and the interior re-atfanged and refinish- ed.The building is.the property of Mr.B.M.Stephenson,who had it improved for Sherrill:&Reece.It was one ‘of the most out-of-date buildings jn the business district and now it is one of the most up-to-date While ‘a painter was putting the finishing touches.on the front of the fold gave way and strutk the cor- damage will be about $40 While.Judge Long was holdidngcourtin‘Asheville Friday some’son ofBelial,without the fear,of the law oroftheLordbeforehiseyes,went intothejudge’s private room at the courthouseandstolehishonor’s chapeau.‘Judge ‘Long’missed his headpiece in the evening.At that time the down toward the freezing point,thejudge’s hotel was some distance fromthecoutthouse,and as’the protectionwhichhaturehadplacetlontopofhis ‘crown is noted chiefly for its absence, a road worker for 4 decade or-so. to Philadelphia toEd.Carlton,and.friends of .Shakespeare Harris:of Concord, was his companion on the trip,Capt.Carlton says he and Col.Har-of their lives inWashingtonwiththeYankee who were at one time their enemie“We fell in with the Massachu-setts bunch first thing,”said ~ Carlton.“and they They.took us.in just Biwereoneofthem.There were mrttsmentherethan from,tate.Never saw-the likeofthem,Col.Harris told them that he thought we had killed athemduringthe’60s and he:! understand how so many were iButtheyareafinebunch.1leftthemCol.Harris told.them theyflidn’t ‘tote fair’because they wouldn’tletuspayforasinglethingwhilewewerewiththem-in WashiCapt.Carlton and Co}.Harristwoofthe.few Southern veterans whothegrandparade’of.theNorthernveterans.Tar HeeveteransworetheirConfederateuni-forms.mixing the gray of the SouthwiththeblueoftheNorth.They alsowentwiththeUnionveteranstovitheWhiteHouseandwerein:the rég- ular line of veterans whith \ hands with the President.- around”the White House were ous to see if the President Confederate soldiers any special tention when he shook their hands when Capt.Carlton*and Gol, came from the receiving.room:were approached by a newspaper” porter who wanted to know what the President said to them.But the Pr ident had said nothing out of the or- dinary,making no distinction between wearers of the blue and The day following the generalceptionthetwoTar.Heel-veterans4 ‘an audience of a few minutes:¥ President Wilson.e Harris was a schoolmate of the Pr ident at Davidson College.and most of the conversation was.about thé school days at Davidson.The Presi- dent recalled Student Harris immedi-} ately when his,name was mentioned, Capt.Carlton and Col.Harris were both very much “taken” A brother of by local.people. ner_ofone of ee hae 2 glas ow ae Whusie art onthe Same: ning Rey.C,BE.Raynal will speak on “The Charm of Culture.”: Church News.>> when.court.adjourned about 8 o'clock his honor didn’t contemplate his losswith‘a feeling of resignation.If the fellow wha stolé his hat’Had appearedbeforehimjustthenBuncombecountywould.probably.havé been insured of The solicitor,a kindly man who hasflowinglocks,loaned the judge hisbatandthesituationWagsolvedtem- where she was educated’and her visit pene ae Tong.is.stilt College Publication to Be Issued. The Kalmia’is the hame of a pub-lication.to be issued:by the students of Statesville Female College.The the Democrat at Boone,came,home/first niimber is expected to appear ona visit a few days ago,The Dem-|about-November Istiand there will be says.of h a «|four«issués during the school year. ‘Mr,T.:B:Mooreef Statesville,who!Following4s the editorial staff: 'Editor-in-chief,Rosamond Clark; literary.editors,Margaret Deal,Hel- ffray a ended Linda’Hart-iy Mr,‘Tur- .business fanager,Mary ke € stan | eets aes weesYANKEESOLDIBRS. Capt,Carlton.and.Col.Hi iHadaGreatTime.withmerEnemiheGrandArmyParadeinCon-“federate Uniform...=... Capt.PC.Carlton is at.home af-ter a stay of two or three seen tandPhiladelphia.InWashington,he attended the»annualmeetingoftheGrandArmyRepublic—the veterans of,the:Union.‘ington:he.wentisit,his son,Mr. ‘of the os in|round from their three-inch rifles, ievewsav oeWhen‘we visit at-$. the gray un- a. h the Winter Chautauqua Extension. Plans for the ‘winter extension Chautauqua course were completed at the meeting of the Chautauqua guar- antors,held in the Masonic hall Fri- day afternoon.°The course will con- sist of nine numbers,the first of which will be a concert by the Metropolitan Grand Quartette on the evening of November 24th.Shearer Music Hall of Statesville college has been select- ed as the place.for the Chautauqua events.Season tickets willgo on sale Friday at $2 each,:Four of the nine nuwinterChautauquacourse are to be Mr.J.B,Armfield will deliver a lecture on “The Charm of Literature,”Mr.R.B.McLaugh- lin will lecture on “The Car'm of Na-}. t Mr,Dorman:Thompson'sPhe--Chi i mbers of the at -EpiscopalchurchSundaymorningat11o'clock. The formal installaHarperBradyofStatesville as pas-tor of Elmwood,Fifth,CreekBethesdaPresbyterian‘church place Sunday.'The inétallation serv-ices were held in ‘acprogramme.published in.Friday's Landmark,Good congregations were present ‘at each of the’three:churches. Rev.John “A,Smith of Statesville,Presbyterian evangelist forCarolina;,has conducted a series of meetings during the past ~weekChalmersMemorialAssociateformed’Presbyterian church,Char-lotte,and the meetinthroughthisweek.‘No services at St.Martin’s churchnext.Sunday.-The»pastor,Rev.W.)). Haltiwanger,will be at New Brook- lyn,S.C.attending.a meeting oftheTennesseeSynod,~~— Courtitems,=> Jim:Fisher,colored,was brovhttoStatesvilleFridayfromtheHird- away camp on the .Catawbaand:placed in jail to await tril’in Su-perior Court for carrying a concesled weapon.The camp offictol'or Fisher’s person.Méssrs.B.A,Cowan and C. Turner,who engagedthedepotseveraldaysago,were viv- en a hearing before the mayor !'ri- day.“Judgment,was ‘sument:of the costs. n of Rev.J. and took. lance with the South @s'-will continue river r found b pis- gs of Morganton,ho attended the:ing,ofDaughtersof.the ».Confede¢last week,arrived in States-‘evening andis the guest ofEKiga ARMED.FLEET INTHE.AIR. a number of,planes.stretching 130 hook!wings throwing three-inch steel pro-Some a ek g Pp -iwere.then brought out and put ‘rifles continued as the cruisers circled \far above.Mallard.was the most.dar- jme,while plunging from side to side:and leruisers are now.ready,Several of them:recently carried out a ‘night line.During the Champagne engage- twho-have just.returned.tell us that at Re- I. on the’ racy.in Franee’s Aerial Army Now Test- ing Out:: An aerial army is no longer a dreamofromance,says a dispatch Yrom Paris.Sueh an army,formed in di- ily and carrying three-Inch cannon and rapid-fire guns,is a reality.It hasbeenmadepossiblethroughthere-markable development of militaryaviationin,France.The Frénch government.has per-mitted the.first inspection of its new fleet of aeroplanes.Opportunity wasgiven,to inspect:the large and smalltypesofthenewbattleplanes,and watch them as they were maneuvering high in’the air,firing round after while they soared,looped and darted about.‘The:aviation.field is’a vast inclos-ure.Entering the field,a monster bat- tle plane loomed up 30 feet high,with fect across.Farther back was ranged the fleet of battle cruisers and scoutplanes.They:were formed like a bat- talion,20 planes in a row across front and 10:deep.Their huge wingsmade’a front half.a mile:wide.The battle plane and.all the cruiserswereheavilyarmed.Each carried boththethree-inch cannon and the rapid- fire guns ~ee The huge battle plane was the chiefcentreofattention.The engineer who constructed it explained the details.The officers said this was the first ac-tual realization of the battle plane, other aerial dreadnaughts _having proved tobe,impractical.This mon- ster actually flies,carrying a crew of 12 men,with two cannon on the jectiles.‘Three trial flights have been made,demonstrating that it has the steadiness of an ordinary biplane.The huge craft is now ready,for the bat- tle line.The regular crew for fight- ing wil consist of four men and an officer’...The armored cruiser aeroplanes through tests high in the air.They are small biplanes of high power. Each:is armed with a cannon and is from the ground at a speed of 96 miles an hour.sett The steady roar of the three-inch =»He fired the big.gun dropping rapidly,imitating the .ma- neuvers carried out while engaging an enemy.:A large.number of.these battle bombardment far back of the German ment these cruisers hit a German bal- loon,which exploded in a mass offlames.This,however,was only the initial trial. Alexander Baptist Association— Other News. Correspondence of The.Landmark.Taylorsville,R-4,Oct.11.—Those the Alexander County Baptist’-Asso- ciation closed its twenty-ninth annualsessionyesterday.Was held with Mt.Olive -church.-Officers:Moderator, Rev.J.Walter Watts;clerk,Robt.L.Downs.Next’session will be heldwithPilgrimchurch,beginning onThursdaybeforesecond:Sunday in:October,1916.Miss Mazie Montgomery ©of.thisto‘teach a vicinity has .contracted “mh visited All Healing Springs during the past.season will be’glad to note so faithfully and patiently,has taken a position in a dry goods store atCliffside,Rutherford ‘county.Mr,Luther.Sipe returned a.few the far West and British Columbia, ‘He has been gone four years.In‘honor of.his return the family had areunionlastFriday.The most noted thing in regard to this reunion is thattwas:an unbroken family—father, mother,six boys and five.girls,The parents are 65 and 64 years old,theyoungestchild21.All the childrenaremarriedexceptthethreeyoung- est. The Theory as to the Camels. Three.camels arrived in StatesvilleFriday.from Salisbury and were add- ed.to Sparks’circus.here.Saturday. People did.not understand it until it d side-show attraction of the circus,exhibiting in Asheville,was pulled andthecrowdfined$490...The:Asheville Statesville to take their places, Rey.Byron.Holly,rector.of St. was a burglar. day ‘with considerable ceremony, ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS.| county resulted in a.defeat.for.the}, visions and.squadrons,with battle 500 aeroplanes,cruiser aeroplanes,scouts and torpedo ‘planes,all armored heav-which he claims will save the farmerabout.50 per cent.of ‘the.sub-soiling cost.4 (om ithe maximum.price this year.beingaboutdoubletheminimum.price:last the}into his face while he was soldering ston-Salem awaiting.a hearing on.the capable of rising almost vertically| -yentsShe: that:'Thomas Watts,who:.served.them) days ago from an:extended trip.to, was read,in the Asheville:papers.that authorities claimed that the,side-showwasimmoral.It is now-believed thatAsheville’authorities “‘strained atgnats,and swallowed.Sparks’,.camels”atid he had to have some,sent to Gedrge Episcopal church,one.of thet'most:fashionable churches in.NewOrleans,’early yesterday.shot7 andkilledayoungman-in his home,.Theministerthoughttheyoungfellow ‘Wake county’s new’court house,ecently completed at.a cost of:$236,- 000,was formally,dedicated.yester- b\fim’Poe Allen,a well.known Happenings Here and There in,the State. A.stock law.election in.Duplin stock law by.a majority.of.300 to Mr,J.S,Coons of,Alexander coupe ty has invented a sub-soil attachment When the price of cotton reached 121-2 cents.at Duke,Harnett county,last week,a farmer who had 206.bales of last.year’s crop turned:it loose— year, (Mr.J.D.Hamlin died Friday athishomeatRockford,Surry countyaged70.Mr.Hamlin was for yearsaprominentcitizen.of Yadkin county and.was once sheriff,of that county,the.only Democrat.to hold the officesincethecivilwars: John Rose,an employe of the Mt,Airy Furniture:Company at Mt.Ai-ry,may lose:the sight ofboth eyesastheresultofmoltenlead.flying a pipe at the factory.»He suffered severe burns about the.face and up- per portion of his body.* Herbert:McClammy,.a_well knownWilmingtonlawyer,has entered the race for the Demoeratic _congression-al nomination in the sixth district, against Congressman.Godwin,andhaschallengedopponentstoajoint¢anvass.Othérs are mentioned as candidates or probable candidates. Dr.W.A.Berry and his sons,W.F.and A.H.Berry,have sold theirfineYadkinriverfarmto,W.E.Col-vard of Wilkesboro.Doctor Berry.andsonswillmaketheirhomeinNor-folk,Va.The farm.is.located,aboutfivemileseast;of Wilkesboro and isone_of_the most.valuable in the coun- ty.;4 A.man.known to the officers as Graley,alias Brown,is in jail at Win- charge of being implicated in severaloftherobberiesthathaverecently.oc-eurred’in this State and Virginia.Heissupposedtobe:one of the three men three.months ago. Gov.Craig has commuted the deathsentenceofJohnScales,an 18-year- tence of «The prosecutrix was a negro womanof.bad character,The commuto.life.imprisonment.was recom-mended by.Judge Cline,whotried the}-case,.and 6!ee cee death for.criminal —asaylt. cute]last:summer for killing a whitemar.in Durham,had an insurance pol-icy.on “his life for $174.As the ne-gro met death:at:the.hands.of,thelaw.the.insurance company refused}:to pay,Bell’s\mother brought.suitand:Judge Allen held that the insur;ance .compatiy.should pay. At Marshall,Madison.county,Sat-urday,a herd of cattle,frightened bytheapproachofatrain,.stampededthroughthestreet,ran over and Mrs.Jack:Rice was seriously hurt;Mr.Rice es-caped injury,The cattle ran into theriverandthreeoftheherdweredrowned.~os ; John Prevette,about 80 years old,was shot to death in his home nearFairmount,Robeson.*-county.It is‘said that-a domestic _-row.was inprogresswhenPrevettereceived'theycontentsof&shot.gun in his breast.His wife ¢ldims he shot:hims Cet e's ey nd.-he-i were seated...Mrs.}. of:“dope”.taken as substitutes |for whiskey while on a spree,Ernest Hill,a,harness-maker of.Raleigh,_ran‘amuck in that.town.He used.a knife}: seriously on.Fred..Miller,and:MackKinan.and.made a:desperate attackonJohn,W.Mangum.He also chased. others and terrified people generally,but was finally subdued... Moore—was arrested in Robeson coun-ty just as he was entering his ento,begin service,charged with thetheftofanautomatic:pistol:He’atfirst.denied but later admitted the theft and produced the weapon.Whenthecourt.assigned...him.to fourmonths’road duty he protested thatconsidering,he.was.a.preacher.heshouldbedischargedonpayment:ofthecost,but the court relented not. In Pender.county .Superior Court last.week..a jury.awarded,W,Hervant A farmer,$5,000..damages.against the Atlantic Coast Line rail- road;for false.arrest.The suit,wasfor$20,000,In January,1912,Bor- Wilmington ‘when he was taken ~in:charge.-by:the conductor.at.RockyPointandplacedinthebaggagecar on the chatge that,he,was drunk and disorderly;boro and there tried before the may- or and acquitted. Deputy,Sheriff.Huff of Cravencountyboardeda..Norfolk Southern railway train witha negro.prisonerandwas¢t iptelted to,ride in,the’ne-gro.coach,with:his ‘prisoner.There-upon,Huff sued the.company-for hu-miliation.and ‘mortification,in.being:compelledtoride in the.car with ne-‘groes.dt Bond:-threw «the casoutofcotpeer they—or:some.of ‘them}s young negro farmer of.Cool Spring township,died Sunday:afterrioon,paceo ld have.sued the,company.on:unt of mortification,ete,a mereLY —Mr.Ce He Ray,a travelingitorfortheStateTax:,Commusig:here,auditing.the Ivedell tax,be--Cotton.wag 121-2 on,the:ville market yesterday and ¢took a big,jum —Sparks’showexhibitedin States-ville:Saturday.The attendance wasnotlarge,The performance.wag about as usual,:ee —Mr,W.:Cx Waeoten0tewnshipexpectsto,be a ¢ for county treasurer.in.the Decraticprimaries.nextsummer, Statesville High School "team.aCharlotteHighSchoolteam,in Chat-lotte Saturday,resulted’in}a tie—6.to. —License has.been.issued:for:themarriage:of Miss Nellie;Alice}and .Mr,.Dallas..D..Coyington,,Lola Bell,Stewart and.Mr Mules passedBastSt.Louls:to.St distance:ts Louis:to Spencer;.a distof800.miles,in 28 hours, |.—-Mr.W.Durand..Davis,Mr.and Mrs.J.M,Dayis,whheenattheStateSanatoriumtreatmentformorethanatreturnedhome.proved very much.. ~-Some:of ‘the “old-timers”are ar-—ranging to have a “general,singing” at the.First:Baptisnight.Everybodytend,especiallysingorhear,whatEaster.anthems.” —{Mr.‘J.H.-Howell.of n who..underwent.an 1pendicitisat,.the ..weeks’ago,left yesforhishome.He was.y Mrs.Howell and’here with him.—:—Mr.H:P.Grier,who sat-as r is.invited to awishisknown-as “old .:ete Swen who..robbed the.Mocksville postoffice|Thursda: old Caswell county negro under sen-|bought .f: Will Bell,a negro,who was.electro-|Was smashed a ppsey.in which Mr.and|toda edy given at the operaday:night,pleased <a."Theshow:played at. sufficient to accommodateoftheleadingcharacters - elf:and|wood:Sa ‘Miss Josephine Gilmer,prima:donna soprano,will Carolinian,daughter of fitorneyGeneral-R-D.Gilmer A‘colored.preacher—Rev.J...L.i of Waynesville:anita pies Concord.The recital,will.be.opera house.ae —Mr,F.M>Jordan,deputyancecommissioner,arrived in States- ville:ee afternoon.;to; on,1 making1gationofthe,origin,of;os destroyed about .20,000ber,twoor three miles noaboutamonthago.Thettheproperty’of Mr,C..8, Bs)was’insureds!)4)Py deaux.was.teturning home from};' |Re We:He was carried to Golds B.S. dome action:toy t ‘ ip we ERSONAL PROPERTY,TOO. The city council of Wilmington is taking note of the fact that much personal.property in Wilmington ‘and New Hanover county is not re- _eorded on.the-tax books.The total :et credits listed aggregate 000,money on hand $182,000.of money on hand returned for.tax- ation,it is said,one corporation and ‘two or three individuals returt over $100,000.It is further pointed out that the amount listed is at variance “with the reports of the banks,which “showed $10,000,000 on deposit when j.the returns were made.“The city ‘council has asked for a joint,meeting ‘with the county commissioners to sée if ways and means can’t be devis- ed ‘to reach the tax-dodgers. Along with the difficulty of equal- izing the value of real estate.and securing a proper basis of taxation, is the equally important problem,of getting personal property on the tax Looks.-If all the sclvent credits and all the money on hand,liable ‘for taxation at the time of tax-listiny tast spring,had been placed on the tax books,the amount would aston ish the natives..In other ©words, if we knew how much of this sort of property escapes taxation,*we would be amazed.For instance,at tax listing in 1914 the total amount.of money on hand returned for taxation in the town of Statesville was about $3,800,and nearly all this was re- turned by.two men,one of these be- ing aman ofvery modest means.At the ‘Same.time the reports of the _Statesville banks showed several hun- dred thousand dollars on deposit. Leaving out all deposits subject to “heck,which may have been offset by “’mdebtedness—although it is not at all ‘probable that the whole amount was so covered—and making liberal allowance for deposits of non-resi- vderits,there was still in the banks a pyery ‘large sum!made up of time cer- “tificates of deposit,drawing 4 per cent.interest,which was not return- ed for taxation.+>»‘The same conditions exint general- ly.«It is true that the man’:with /money or solvent credits has good .ground for objecting to paying tax on Z “thisproperty dollar for dollar,as he |e has to if he returns it,while the real‘. estate owner ‘Pays on anywherefront 40‘to 75 per cent.of the value of his tig |property.But the law requires that ir 4 er b ‘money on hand and solvent,credits“ghall’be listed and one who fails to“gmake:due return:of.all hadesfor taxation commits perjury. “The man or men who can secure a reform of the tax system in this State will take high rank as states- men who did something worth while for their day and generation.But it’s a job that few people want to “tackle.The disposition is to leave it undisturbed while the inequalities _and injustice grow worse yearly._————mmememmemamemeee “NOT A CASE FOR ORITICISM. The Charlotte Observer finds in The Landmark:the “nearest approach to -¢riticism”of the announcement of the|sr 'President’s engagement it has seen. Which is evidence of the difference in wie The Landmark had no aes it thinks“its remarks should jhave made clear—of criticising the President.What it did say was »that the announcement.was a sur- prise,and that statement will hardly _be yestioned, When marital ties are:névered by | _death,how long the survivor shall wait,out_of respect.to the deceased, before marrying again,is a matter of taste and individual opinion and there can be no hard and fast rule.Usual- ly it is considered proper,in this part of the country,to allow at least a “year to elapse,“for the looks of ithe thing,”but we have known men to marry within three months who prob- .ably had a good reason,from the common ‘sense,practical standpoint— “they needed a housekeeper.Mrs,Wil-! ’son has been dead 14 months and there can be no disrespect.to her memory,no violation of the canons of good taste,in the President marry- ing again.There will be criticism of course by folks who think Mr.Wilson should have waited a year longer for appearance sake,‘and.these will.con- tend that the private citizen,who is ;~often criticised for-—re-entering the?matrimonial state a year after thedeath’of his wife,may dé*things the‘President can’t do.But that,as saidattheoutset,is a matter of individual taste and opinion.The -President hasViolatednoestablishedcanonsofgoodtaste‘in“such matters,so far as The“Landmark can see;andthereis,there- fore,no real ground forcriticism. TTTNT Miss Bessie Smedes,daughter of|Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Erwin of Dur-=,and Mr.Hamilton C.Jones'Charlotte will be married inonthe’evening of the 23d at \the old nobility,the Sei, of|ispe Episcopal’church,Durham,| 9} PER CENTAGETO LARCE! :The Comptrollerllerof the Curren-eIcyThusCharacterizes— :atomat Rates —WhatFederalReserveBoard }Bas Done, Speaking ‘before.a conten’of | John Skelton Williams,comptroller of the currency,said that 1,203 national banks in,the United States charge 12 per cent interest on loans.Three of these banks are in North.CarolinaMr,Williams wssailed such institu-tions ag violating>the.trust ©giventhembythegovernmeéent.Continuing on this line Mr,Wil-liams quoted from the reporteof anationalbarksomé‘inStances “of”in-ierest Charges.One was a ‘loan of$109 to a woman for 30 days for $10intere:t,120 per.cent,aco was$380 for 90 days for $80 interest,34 per cent,Others wére $133 for days for$10 interest,75 per:cent; $145 fox 80 days for $20 interest,70 per cent;$30 for one month for an interest ‘of 860 per cent.Antoher|’national bank went the limit ‘when it reported a loan of $3,50 to a woman for six days for $1,which figurés out about 2,400 per cent per annum.“Assomebodysaidofdruggists’profits onwderedchalk,”the comptroller de- ared,“it gets out of the range of r ‘contage|into agrceny.from the person.”‘He said the Federal Reserve sys-tem had helped much to minimizesuchevilsandthatthegreaternum-ber of banks conduct’their business on a high and honorable plane,He decla-ec that the government is not antagonistic to them,but is only try- ing to correct evils.Mr.Williams said:“In,connectionwithinterestrates,I could astonish you gentlemen by recital .of .sometransactionsthathavecometomyknowledge..A few days’ago I had aletteronmydeskfromthepresidentofanationalbankinoneofour neighboring States,in which he com-plainei that.the Federal’Reserve sys-tem threatened to ‘undermine,’‘as he expressed it,the high interest rates which sis bank had been enjoying,butwhichheomittedtoadd,his custom- ers had not enjoyed as much as he had.4 am sorry to say that I couldgiveyouthe:names of .some banks, nationa!banks—not ‘pawn-brokers orrecognizedmoneysharks—-which have admitted making loans to.custémers at 10 per ‘cent—not 10 per cent perannumbut10percent‘per month—120 per cent per annum;and somebankshaveownéduptoratesmuchhigherstill.These banks know andyou.and I know that such rates aredisrepsvable,and ‘without’.excuse, whatever the security.for loans may “The*bank that lends at such ratesisdestroying-its*conStituency and jsatthesametimecommittingslowbutSuresuicide,”said Mr:Williams.“Theproperfunction.and the .course ofsafetyforthebankisto.be a con- structive.force.in its community,.tobuildupandeeveeraseBe into commerce,,dev ealth anvie,wather than Fauck ite life blood. The ett-rt of the present system is toencouragethatpurposeandpolicy. “It 18 the cause of some regret butnosurprise~that Senator Wecks, whose activities were’largely concen-trated in a Wall Street brokerage house \:efore he emerged to teach us wisdom and to save the’republic,doesnot,23 I understand him,share in oracceptthesetheories.“This Senator says that the comp-troller of the currency sent a telegramlastyearaskingbankerswhythey were charging on certain collateral loans more than 6 per cent interest,and orvceeds to.criticize that tele-am. “The Senator told his hearers,‘whilehewisspeakingoftheregulationof interest charges,‘The banker himselfisthemantodeterminethat.’Hewould:throw off the bridle and leave each’bank free to ‘charge what itcouldget.Such a policy would be bad anc.dangerous,even at the busi-hess centers,where,.borrowers aremen.$f experience and skilledin busi-ness,where competition is.gvailable,where the active:dealer,in securities errorofitbdevelip iin the ao remote districts,in small communities of ag-ricultural districts,having but onebank,or in which two or three banks combine to maintain rates_on_money.| Some teports from the:South andaWest,the Northwest and the South-west,especially in the wheat and cot-ton section of the Southwest,are blood-eurdling.They are like thestories-from darkest Russia,of the op-pressions inflicted on the peasantry; like the ghastly:historyof the wrongs done the French country people byeurs,The small farmer or plariter frequently isignorantandpoor.’He=has not the money to employ lawyers or the in-Struction to understand his ownrights.” President Approves _McAdoo’s Suggestions. President Wilson approves the de-cision of Secretary McAdoo to.rec-cmmend that Congress “retain the} present duty on sugar until normal‘conditions are restored and that thewartaxmeasure,whichexpires au-tomatically:December::$1,°be -extend-ed until the end of the European war. Endorsement by President Wilsonoftheproposaltoestablishjoint agencies of the Federal Reserve Banks in:the principal South andCentralAmericanrepublicshasbeentransmittedtotheFederalReserve Board.by Secretary McAdoo.’Thisplanwassuggestedby“Mr.McAdoo in-his recent report.to the President jon the best ways in which to con-‘tinue the work of the Pan-American\financial conference of last May.‘The Reserve Board referred to “acialcommitteealetterfromthe Secretary transmitting one.from.thePresident.So far .the board has jnot been disposed to hurry consider- lution of the proposal and the Fed- Kentucky bankers at Frankfort,Mr.|1, 40'posing éstablishm ‘die. art‘ateeec=;mn Thursday n @othrhiswife”mre sistersbrother, Manitoba,charged:with conspiracytheerectionofenbuildings,and were -held trial in bonds of$50,000 each,\ Organization of the new civilian.advisory board of the navy,with Thos,A,Edison as.chairman,:!inWashingtonlastweek,was followedbytheadoptionofaresolutionproxtofagreatre-search and experimental.laboratorytocostabout$5,000,000. The acceptance by American,bahk-ers of the $500,000,000 Anglo-Frenchfive-year 5 per cent.loan was-a strict-ly neutral business transaction “de-signed to promote’the commercialprosperityoftheUnitedStates,isthepositiontakenbyJ.P.Morgan of“banking house of J.P.Morgan&0. The Panama canal will »remaincloseduntilalldangerof—sertousslidesin,the Gaillard,cut is ‘paiMaj.Gen.Goethals,governor of’Canal Zone,has issued orders to thedredgingengineerstoblast\awaythetopsofthehillsinorderto-into the channe!all loose dirt~ thus.permanently remove the sourceoftheslides, In the vicinity of Peru,gust Bion shot andkilled BeandwoundedMrs,Sears and oethreechlidrenbecause-the children were gathering apples on a farmSearshadrentedfromBion,’Mrs. Sears and two of the children may Bion’s body was found a.few hours after the shooting in a field«a short’distance fromthe seene of ithecrime.‘He had shot himself throughtheheartwitharevolver. Theodor Peltzer,wealthy real es- tate broker of Kansas City,Mo.,whowaskilledinafallfromthefifthsto- ry window of his offices September 30,had forged deeds of trust,notesandotherpaperstotheamount‘ofprobably$400,000,according to the testimony of John M.Cleary,attor-|tneyforPeltzer,-at’the corencr’s:ty quest.The attorney expressed~ opinion that the assets of he pareercampanyweresufficient.to pay: claims. The German consulate at New. leans has been instructed by the man ambassador at Washington,i forward to him affidavits signed.by.2 foreman and four muleteers,who arrivedin New Orleans receatly from Liverpool ahoarl the British steamy at »* os ‘ship--Nicosian,in which they charg- ed that “marines from the British ipatrolboat’:Baralong’killed:the’captain’and 10 of the crew of a German:marine after the ‘undersea boat 1beensunk.|utes DANGER IN THE _ASIATIES: Mr.Mann Thinks’the Conflict|Will Be Martial or Comms cial.hoes. Chicago Dispatch.4 “Start preparations at once forawarwiththeracesofAsia,”was the warning sounded by Congressman James R.Mann,the Republican con- gressional leader,in Chicago on:hisreturnfromatourofHawaii.“@on-flict.between the United States andthoseracesisinevitable.” ,Representative Mann:took the Ha-waiian trip for the purpose of in-forming himself on the political and economic conditions prevailing in the insular possessions of the UnitedStates,with a view to future legis- ation.He declared:what he sawandheard:convinced him of the ab- solute necessity.of strong defensesagainst,foreign '‘aggression in the Pa- seni eld cific..Once taken,the United Statesitself’would.be critically endangered. But,strongly fortified,no Orientalpowercouldinvadethemainland.__“Conflict betweenour civilizationandthatoftheracesofAsiaisin-evitable.It may come _generationshence,or it might come soon.Wecannotavertit,because’daily our civilization encroaches more andmoreonthatoftheFarEast,Anddailytheconflictbecomes’more andmore—imminent..What.form thestrifemaytake.I cannot predict.It’ may be.martial,or it may be .com- mercial.In any event,we should:bepreparedfor,the worst.“To protect our position still morestronzlyinthePacific,the Philip-pine Islands should be kept.The na- tives should be made our friends;they should be given civil rights com- mensurate with their economical and we made.our friends,so.that they wouldhelp:protect our race and Westerncivilizationfromthealiensandback-|ward civilizationof the East.”=~ ares tose Cuansigh cali tok‘ficers have been arrested at W: vated mental.development;they should.be}; ithe represen’‘terhments.White Housefanextrasaree : Tinarein tale te "|was aie to h were neeee the Galt toge’’«Count von Bernstorif,poy ae ‘tgend congratulations and there.fol-"lowed messages from other membersof.the diplomatic:‘crops ©conveyingthegoodwishesoftheirgovernments.Definite arrangements for the’wed- ding will not be ,madé:i igtely,}but it was disclosed that:the ErealedentandMrs.Galt have agreed-shall not take place in’the,oileslouse,because of the formality whichwouldbenecesarythere.The cere-mony will be solemnized within.thenexttwomonths,before the conven- ing of Congress in December,eitherinMrs.Galt’s home or in one of theWashingtonchurches.An extended honeymoon..will beimpossiblebecauseoftheimperativedemandsofofficial«duty upon the President,but his-friends are urging&\him to accept an invitation to attendthe’San Francisco and San Diego ex-positions just after his marriage.Ashortseatripmay.|presidential yacht Mayflower. aad Carson,who killed HiramstinBuncombecounty,was con-ete of manslaughter arid sentencedtofouryearsintheStateprison,On the trial Carson plead self-defence andthe’unwritten.law. 25 CENTS DESTROYS YOURDANDRUFFANDSTOPSFALLINGHAIR! ms Save Your Hair! Thick,Wavy andBeautlfal--Try This! hair is mute evidence of a néglectedscalp;of dandruff—that awful s¢urf. the hair as dandruff,.It robs which,if not remedied,causes en the hair falls out fast. aa surely save your hair, ‘beautiful.°fluffy and have®the appearance of abundanée,an incomparable glossandsoftness;but what will please RAO all over the scalp. ‘MISS RAY GOLDMAN |_.Practical,Expegt Shopper.Purchasing agent of personal.parel,as well as householdarticles‘of every description.4iH?’References exchanged. he Linden Ave,.Baltimore Md. “TODAY” /tarrel of Miss Hicks’ _new.home-made MO- LASSES. Fresh lot of DaviaSpringsGrahamFlouranesnewCornMeal. Oct 8—4t. Pc Siatitasicasirnca:LEER AROEee New Meat Market, in such onthe a ambassador,was ané of the first to}, be taken on the}* Make It}: Thin,brittle,colorless and scraggy| There is.nothing so destructive to|#the}#hair ofsits lustre,its strength and| its very life;eventually producing a}%feyerishness and itching of the scalp|%the!#¥r roots to shkink,loosen and die—|#A little/# Dandeyine tonight—now—any time—|# Get a'25-cent bottle of.Knowlton’s|§;|andes ine from any drug store ortoilet‘counter,and after the first ap-‘elieation your.hair will take on that}#fife,lustre and luxuriance whichis so}%It will-become wavy and!%# you most -witl be after just a few)#jweek’s ase,‘when you,will actually|§ seo '&Idt of fine,downy hair—new]| gop pp Eagle &aa Is one oktthe.biggest factorsin modern's retbare.And tobaccois a powerful aid to endurance— not strong,rank tobacco,but PICNIC TWIST, the mild,long-acting chew,without black —~o'ejerk onthe nerves, Dee |ic Twise’CHEWING TOBACCO Youtva-t a clean tobacco that you can chew all.day?»That means you want_PICNIC TWIST,the mellow,soft chew. Try it once,ard bid good-bye to, black tobacco.Buy it by the twist or!the air-excluding drum of 11 twists. $ ‘The Mark of Quality.” TEXXACO ENGIN E.OILS, TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Half Barrels aad Cases. Cotton Ginners,Lumber ‘Mills-~-owners of ‘Machinery of any kind;.if you buy your oil in full packages,see us before.you place your orders, We areina position to demonstrate QUAL- ITY,and can make delivered prices that will interest you. Statesville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.) ’Phone 61.Office:Robbin ap Farmers F slorite Drill ! ore BETTER,) ward Se ens$3Seeds,'VVetch, ft ete,Gente ‘Hay and Feed Stuffs. GoodGoods at FAIR PRICES. _.>BERTILIZERS. C:B.Morrison and E.M.Peieeoe have opened:aMeatMarketinoneofC.B,‘Morrison’s new buildings,on South Center street,near the depot.Fresh meats of all kinds.We want to buy Pork’and fat Cattle.*PHONE 227Morrison&.Patteraan pee rere ensnesenmncnet esSateeaeeFRESHSHIPMENT ‘net OE Walter.Savage,“who:was convictedintheFederalcourtinCharlotte.ofviolatingtheMannwhite‘slave Httakingayoung,woman from iStatetoDanville,Va.,for imm,ral |purposes —was sentenced to |aieoeintheFederalprisoninAanta, WHAT CATARRH IS. person has eatarrh in some form, Scierice has shown that nasal catarrh of the body;and local treatments,the form of snuffs and vaporsdo:if any good, It has-been said’that every third| often indicates a general in ==J.E.SLOOP.== METALSHINGLESmyeoe |“The fourdesignsof Cortright’Metal Shinglesas shown above are-|f|Tetmeee following oe .aa| -Melrose Flour ‘Fresh.Pork and‘Sausage. 1M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE 241, abt ayVALUABLELANDATPRIVATESALE, the..terms -‘of.the will of Mrs.:Har-“deceased,the uniersigned executor“private sale a valuable tract ofng:on:oi ee a,in Catawbaacresmoreor Alexander Clark place.of ‘original forest |. kiToe from Tin-plate eratoreei Red. ‘2,'Stamped from Tin-plate an Green,Af I 53.Stamped fan Tt ndCaled y=hain process |4,Stamped from special tight-coated Galvanized | |Each andevery genuirie Cortright Metal noriseeswith this | }Trade-mark,“Cortright Reg.U.S.Pat.Off e | For Sale byLarenMONTGOMERY.HARDWARE CO.Statesville,W,bs GOOD:TIME} «The cor in kyhome must beright ot the housekeeper can’t be =“pectedto'planand have meals on t ag Then there is no econwearing:out’your pocket with awees that you can’t dependon.A“what you t to do.is tofe he eve or cluck,repaired byHENRYwiadtittiesheisdeyaisentiretimetorepairingLeth ye |clocks and cles and eye-glasses,R F.HENRY, ‘Sra ey ee OFFER,— To correct catarrh you should treat wocausebyenrichingaobloodwiththe’oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a."medicinal food and a building-tonic,freefromalcoholoranyharmfuldrugs)Tryit.: ‘Boot &pews,Bloomfield,N.J, daa ‘eral advisory council has‘taken thejattitudethatitwouldbe~better for|the board to get the machinery of do-foes business in the best order.be-fore undertaking PY ia abroad, Neetu today Rev.Dr.Chapman,who conducted an evangelisticahert|me in Charlotte last winter,will con-a threé-day evangelistic cam-Painat Davidson College. iar and lot fn Troufof1‘alv in the:Catawba.river.apply’tof.2.heeesman N.C, -:7 Jeweler. he rhe Picni¢and.Mrs,Orr's.TalkId-|—Meeting neof "Embroidery |Chub,eu ae,|Correnpiudence of The.“Landmark.'Statesville,Ray “Get.9 —The}Dats picnic was all that one couldthe!ish for,The weather was ideal,a4.ie you |large crowd and #good programme‘of the of songs,piano selections and recita-\f.oftions by.the children:Then,next was St.|the geod »dinner.The long table,it,with its snow white linen and.deliciousory,eatables,was an appetizing picture.ated|Instead of the usual return of thanksroma}ew-|by one person,thanks-were given.by|the Sunday,school singing the -doxol- aere.5 thi,Meaenmiil‘Po the Baitor of i andn-Newton,Oct,10 —Knoiniterestoourieeeperecordsofthepast,Imightliketoknowsomeoldestchurchinthewe eritheState,orsupposedly:|Paul’s*+-so calledto distingfromtheother.St.Paul's din’m.|the one in question being.ae one and a half milesPay i uae se e s aSe in“itissgh ot dark—depends.on how “well itis cleaned beforeit is milled.:THE STATESVILLE FLOURmee CO;has a:most elaborate:‘process of“ cleaning wheat and the apnearnersof ~==a fess 35 =a ee=.EEgaNos::Train Nov16-ar.6:20, we to It.was,erected between 1765 mand |ogy. \andaesearsot pan —Bae os hoshinaar 1759,tha former edifice being @f.log.'In the.afternoon Mrs.R.W.Orr's its flouris bound.to be good.tyteornytCoBase$600 «Year|wane mare anager ak sl ns as pe:pute ere aate 'A dispatch from Seaford,Del.,.|tall,has never been,pain i agate wag ets helealst a Give it a trialand you willbe a 4 Ailtle bad,’theyask me says a Guernsey cow in the Delaware we lack from the ‘veathe ins.‘was “Obedience,.Truthfulness and |si ot 4 does themmoregood iklyanymedicineeedinine|College Fatty,herd has earned $665 Y ag two stories—the of,one|Purity.”The house was.filled with|;a evertried.’in one year.After deducting $143 aving.three doors,one at *@;end,|women and children and every one;tesvi e our lls ompaie if for feed and $43,for labor.she shows|the other two on the sides.The!present enjoyed Mrs.Orr's talk.We)a nlaces for men and women “te se “We never have a Jong ‘spell:otsick a net profit of!$880 for the year.‘hope the good seed she has sown in \sing our family,since a COR This cow “prod uced in 866 cones:lagoiide where thers ates “sit this community hes fallen ‘into har-|{== Taser’:Black-Draght i.purely ae aire a pees Ds aod dien te be cared far Pulpit romed sepat “on =e wT late eakpei cl gel digestion,re-|fct that.the average cow of Dela-|Still remains,but has béew remodel-ory .we talk -Veee PROR OY i lieeve indigestion,olcolie wind ne wore produces only 3,000 pounds of|¢d,being now very high ascended by ©°y PAtsey ‘of th k- we headache,sick "slomacch,and gimilas|"ilk a ,abgut.130 pounds of|steps.and showing nothingof the ‘!the absence of our:other speak-> |”symptoms.eo NRA aster,Aeike the.eeoi of this preacher lataay eer unless he a ween 7lore cotrtaine!the iat ;2 suite.ta n the place where t ’: silt Bae been in constant usefor more |COW copia papcaddte.old one stood originally there hangs ‘and boysin the school house yard with "y ce k i h eas oot Pe ee A Catawba Hay-Maker from the ceiling a chandelier-shaped|his “humor and:fun.”The men and ery muc more remar able t an,am pon ion people.its ‘a,sounding board,white =painted,in Boys were,not invited to hear Mrs.thing we might say about thecar,are |7 Newton Enterpfise.dOntrast.with th y d|Orr’s.talk,so they were doubly disap-if coud want te:Ae hele contrast.with the dark walls,andj Orr's.y were y disap-| having ornamental spikes,turned up-‘pointed by the absence of Mr.Dull;?remarkable things peoplecontinue to.say.etn. ‘i fdlfa,of wi ire lias five acres and|Ascending the steps at the side of meetin voy;|gs with Miss Marietta ©Mur-|hey admire its beauty.They dwell up-. e \oot syelled:‘A 1-2 tons to ee ore the melodeon'-(and they are.steep)dock,at her home,Northview,Tucs-on iY comfort.They “kn “,lt wf ae ae as and other forage crops make up|onough to show.their age)yeu enter|day afternoon,October 5th.Roll call OW.AORN ue of Be :t sells and recommendsiplac:Draught Price aly 250."'GetaPackageto- \‘6inch DRAIN,TILE on t what the 'e°'was answered with current events |hand.oe tee oui im MA aides of ‘the,buildingeeaie.in (204 tha usual,handwork eas .axle,the self lubricating vanadium steel,.. }“cal they hadn’t much.idea of.Papanet ea |cture ee ek eon -springs,the Timken bearings er Bri k EF CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL floors,but they fixed.it all right,(|UTCOe ns awery.won k aCommonricks,F for npr STOMACH REMEDY,|ooroe eee ee the floor rise ‘Be:Prize,a handmade handkerchief.As or a.demonstration.a .BYICKS,always rea oF Sufferers ‘ind Swift.Relief by Use 'triv.Ten members were present,including uae h delivery.y ¥of Remarkable Treatment.oa Foss ag bia pare Wetec:Miss Ellen Nantz,a new ©member.The price.of the Toning Ea or ‘Roadster,om, 5 Stomach sufferers in;the Southeast|to them would only be easy for ner-Mrs.Jo.Webb was a pleasant ‘guest.-plete i18.$785 F roit).mee 6 y 7 ;bs ck &.and,in fact,all’over the country,|sons about the height of Caw’n Tom:Doticious sandwiches and lemonade Statesvt e ric have found remarkable and efficient|Davidson ar H.P.Grier,,This ral-were served by the hostess.Statesville Mc t r Cc. results from:the,use of Mayr’s Won-|lery was.generally used for the chil-|Notwithstanding.the inclement oO oO om’'¥ :i BoM Scho tals a Si -Everything in this ‘line,and School Bogks.exchanged.Nose plbookscharged. Store closes at 8 p.m. Sout R.P.ALLISON., antennae ss MILLER &BROWN Have ‘reopened their market:on‘Front street and will handle all kinds of fresh meats.Hope all old customers will remember us.——’PHONE 497.—— CG.WATKINS for’ ~lwould beéorn “|derful Remedy: like T.Ravatds,the Western balesfave'in Catawba coun- ty.’He sayed 60.tons of hay _thisseason,over 20 tons of which is al. the remainder,none.of which.is Many have takenithis “remedy:and tell today of the benefits they receiv-ed,Its effects come quickly—the firstdose.convinées.Here ‘is’what twocornfolkshave’‘written:.R,DAVENPORT,Parker,N.C. Ment years-T have-suffered from a disease which.puzzled,doctors.1 heard of your remedy and one bottlegavemeréliefyveeutreataeat a Sr ew‘cur’T.y Winglon--Salem,N. ona aOE elad through personal use of the powers of your remedy. You have saved:my life.” Mayr’s Wanderful Remedy gives permanent results for,stomach,liver and intestinal ailments.Eat as.much and.whatever you,like.No more dis- tress after’eating;pressure of gas in the stomach.and.around.the heart. Get one bottle:of:your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee—if not satisfactory money will.be returned. ‘SALE OrFARM. By virtue “of adecreereaof the,Superior Court of Aredell county in the oe proceeding en- EP!Bradity)dnd thers,heirs-at-law ward.«It is certainlyrious“contrivance”theeverseen,The melodneartheonlywallwithout/a door. +Stands| the gallery,running,.ar dren in attendance at the school and for the slaves. In the “God’s Acre”lie the ances- tors of many of our Catawha zronle.Here lie Peter Wilfone and Hann»h.his wife.also John Wilfong ‘and /Su- sannah.his wife,Wpon the tomb of the latter.is the following quaint ep-| itaph:. “Although her sorrows grew pare. Her strength denarted not;Her treasure was.h--Saviour's,grace,He renemaintained her lot. Her gnetle mind,her placid eyesHer‘countenance subdued,|Declared.that it was nothine here |Her ‘ardent mind pursued”(°~ Peter Wilfone.like Andrew’Car-son.buried at Old Fort Young,desir-|od to commemorate his.struggle,for| liberty of Racerninett in civigcand re- ligious affairs.and:his tomb Zearrjes the words,“He was a soldiet “of the! Some of the tombs were built sol Nong ago (for all of these:older 6ncs' are small brick |structures}"rooféd over with:marble slabs),.that:thevhaveturnedsodarkitiswell-nietimpossibletodecinher.the words.One.thing should especiallusbe attaadastoSt.*Paul’s church:Freiethe the it cu-'We hope to-have him.soon to speakwilterhas|about the possibilities of a corn club. Revolutionary War.”oe Members of Vance.Embroidery club jheld one .of their most.delightful! weather last.Wednesday night,.thepiesupperandcontestsgiven:‘by theladiesoftheEmbroiderycluband about it everywhere.Those who have ....:had years of experience’driving motor:«.cars are its most enthusiastic Oe airs ..the unit power plant,the fullfloating rear. “QUALITY FIRST." others was quite a sug¢eess.About 25:or 30 people were.present.The i contests given.afforded a good deal of |—————__-Twelve pies were used, Net-re-.,fun. |ceipts were.$16.85. |BIRTHDAY —CELEBRATION. Me.F.F.Wooten Remembered By His.Children,Friends and Neighbors—Proper Remem- brance of a GoodMan, To the “wattor of The V.andmark: Last Friday,the 8th,quite a num-|") j ber of —relatives,neighbors and| friends met at the hame of Mr.F.F. |Wooten,in Bethany township,to cele-|’brate with him his birthday.To him it was a genuine surprise, as one after another continued to drop in and find him attending to his. usual duties...were present ‘and a long table on the lawn.was:loaded with good things,to which ample justice was done by ap- petites.keenly whetted in the crisp autumnal.air.%tit! +‘?>.Bradley;1.wil on }it.ha:“bee ed.alter-Th hild all .“Everything toBuild With.”F Jone ONDAY,OCTOBER 18,1915)-beginning i sd i.BCry w-}.The children were a present,VizZny lock t-th rt house’door ih “ately by ministers of the:Lutheran}Mr.W.C.Wooten,Mesdames S.Grose,|.FULLSTOCK--LOWEST PRICES atorciek Pi ny otblic auction for division|7nd.Reformed.(German)churches.@d.Massey and Thos.Watts,all of Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., Next Planters’Wh.Statesville.54 1-2 nae Tvitkeah poe oe pte mae hare Eripaie:of the rene car vine:fB,/ate remarks,dwelling upon the hoary See ee PASOLETTANNEPARE!ANETTA NIE|clay roads—the ilkesboro am ipley Fo C2 controversies with each db f tromde,Iei within a half mi‘eo me what time the oman Cathoi K et ead.eine crown,oatbey pee An eqpbeinty sone rillthatcs‘dutribute a ome (well 1 fi and.venerals.gave.them a moment’s E.D.B f L Is “DPE FROM THE REST."The whole fare lies gichin Coorsmiles of the |breathing-space from|their murder-Pent with his,‘cheery ‘mile,Withal grain,and wil Put My YOUP fertilizer.like yo the farm in Statesville township’known asthehomeplaceof.John P.Bradley,Sr.,con-taining 84 1-2 acres,It will be offered forsaleintwotracts,containing 30 aeres and public square of Statesville.Terms—One-third .cash on.confirmation ofsale,one-third in twelve months,one-third in18°months,we ines on deferred pay-ments after Jahuary 1,7916.Title good.For further information ‘writeorseeme.J.B.ARMFIELD,September 17,1915.2t.a.w,Pisbe ,Commissioner. _DR.B.©:TALLEY,_ SidWyfilerMainSuppo, ATA Guarantee... ————— That Guarantes!| lamauthorized to refund thepur- FOR FINE:CLEANING chase price of any of Dr.Hess andClark’s remedies,for stock and And ‘this began at a time wheh ’the)roping between the.two denoming:|tidvyis was so bitter that its astors ous acivities.“The dangers borpex.thesicknesses.cared for.the freetai:oftheColonies,made the New WorldianlaceforkinderthoughtsandtendermemoriesofthePalatinatd,-ithebeautifulRhinecountry.they jloved, though from.it they had been dtivenoutasharriedfugitives.Since the davs of Pastor Arndtmanygoodand.faithful men have served the church,among them one Ye_The changes in some of the old German names is shown.on the tombs as successive generations have |been ‘ii“contreast |0church,ACTOSS :;ie road eet“white-painted chorthouse, pill ilated,¢heerfy,its.white curtains,nay,‘theFarmWomen’s Union “hope soon tohavemoderndesks‘to replace the old, this -county;.and Mrs.Lewis Moore of,Asheville.Rev.Mr.Cashwell made,appropri- it:was an oceasion much enjoyed.byallandbroughtcheertotheheartof a most worthy and respected citizen, who only a few months Since:sustain-ed his greatest.loss.It-was characteristic.of.the Wootensisterstoplansuchaneventsimilartootherevents.in,which MotherWootenwaswonttotakedelight.In-deed the mantel of the mother seemstohavefallenunonthedauehters,|VETERINARIAN,with a long term of servic bein,4,e &1 tindianSavileDrugCo.|art Ha,wh bar te Srhe he zenyHongamery ardvareOffice,sh}cemetery and whose sons live near ness of the father whose:presence lin-eae att Reside ‘Phone 307Black.gers like.a benediction among thém.s ; The grandchildren,_too—a_goodlynumber—emulate .the virtues of theirparentsaandareindeed.and in truth Bete ‘£00,ASAPHE many years 9 pillar-in South Riverchurch,a thrifty,.citizen and aoeChristiangentleman,whose ex: By noon about fifty|. ASK US..PHONE 140;ue One.of.th.redeeming features of this drillis tha not have to continually buy.lsto.keep,‘it.Up. built for service. We have a low cashpres on this drillbat i (eile aia g bythousandsinthiscountryarebeingkilledby unc milk ©You can’t.stop what the war is doing but you .chance of yourself and family to live if you will use milk .||back-breaking!seats.There are :ley|“and DYEING 11 |Foe atae at [eee lie as nest beeen rues PAINE,VIEW AIRE 708 DA ‘—’PHONE 147—at 25c.per swear that you ba it ee Jonly,etd to.have heir aan pe eens:M Such a,life is not lived |g.Overes Situ the DACRO wore sae :‘yen according todirectionseither You in vain.May his last years be his}4 THE PAINE VIEWDAIRY i:1 h ile that is .benefi- SloanPressing Chib 2 et the ds and use it and if not be ready todare and ‘endure all their|best years and may there be ‘many|a Supply ine Bas . ~;satisfies come back and get your ON RMea ta rane eb chee ie more oggasions to brighten the life of |B’fer timete —oy ee ew Oe 4 tessabe explained Ls a antée thatis w6rth ‘something to }/to see,the school go o:d anderWrae!You!uo Sik veal:ward,ee Wee A FRIEND.|§cro ayitert,whon you want pure and:clean milk detieeee a yourButtmemeSeraeaee.pp rs:peat ie ie Killer A Marriage at East ‘Monbo.Pinaaia Canal May Be Closed . Gall Gure..Also:Dipand Disinfec-}}Reported For The Landmark.Until January 1st.eeeWe.have the very.Ee , “Parchment Butter Pa ba an a name 1 Onegallon costsa.‘c ollar.Makes }}Thomas I.Eller and ~Miss Bertha |000 cubic yards of earth must be Loe ea Fe ‘have our order tor >on 20 to 100‘gallons:ion for gen-Sherrill were..married,Rev.Mr.Con-|dredged out before a permanent chan-|%‘ ¥a a seat:See eral sp yingandd infecting pur-nell:officiating,and-Mr.Rome Litten|nel through the cut is possible.This|%~2Pri ity yo bl poses ou havén’t doneso tr and.Miss ;Sadie1Spent acting .as}is the,conclusion reached by the canal}hiew ices reasonable,smchaw ol}thisliné ty remedies and waich best man‘and dof.honor.The enginéers,who concede there is now|@ ifBradytingCo:;""tasalia.|You odti’t loee hag _“ret fretted in ae ie me oF openly ee watoreay i zPrinrlssianebride’s maid in ;pink,|much before thefirst of the year.The ft]both carrying bouquets,The color|present rate of excavation ‘et 000,000 A GOOD FiPiano forma the keystoneto taylife,79,a ,Coite L.Sherrill,M-Ds “Will answer:*phone calls:lett-at Dr.Long's.Sanatorium or'Geo.M.Foard’s residence. |Shingles ForFor Sale! money from me...That’s the guar- tant:The best known remedy forexterminatingmites,lice and otherueaboutyour:poultry’house. T.N.BROWN,No,100 Broad ,}lle,NC. 4 “Carload of good No. DR.C.L.CRUSE. Be.Veterinarian. bine -2 Shingles at $2.75:per thousandat myshop. last.Wednesday ‘evening...when.Mr, -lpuests at the wedding were:Messrs. ‘|win Troutman and Oscar Litten,Miss- or’things.In past days there been fine teachers here,and we hope The little village of East Monbo wasthesceneof‘a pretty home wedding scheme of white and pink was ¢ar-tied outin the decorations and*in|ithe réfreshments that were served.|The young couple were the rec ipipntsof,many nice and useful presents andHboththe,groom and.bride’are pape*Har’with.all their associates.|Among the,-out-of-Bast,Monbo Carl Ostwalt,.Cullen Clodfelter,Bd-' es Katie and Jettie Ostwalt.MaryAllison;Lilian Haitheox and Dessie Troutman. the ki parent,true patriot,brave soldier and,useful:citizen. A dispatch from .Pahama survey of the slide area in the Gail- lard:Cut shows that probably 10,000,- yards a month and at this ratewould:require’10°months to removethemassslidingintothecanal. “The area of motion is roughly cal- 175 acres,which constitute the great- It extends 2,600 feet along both banks,with probably an average of 1.500,feetbackofthe-center.liné of:the canalprism. ~ChronicConstipation,— “About twa years ago,when D gan using Chambe;lain’s Tablets, Qbtainable everywhere,i SAVS 2)dogs tit culated to be in the neighborhood of |% €st slide area in the canal’s|history.| Thad)been,sufferings| {.Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dy with the peererrerseserssccrosoceseessl esteets t) THE old and young it is an unfailing center of enjoyment,melody and harmony;° --A GOOD Pianois a life-long companion.With mod care it should last a life time.ao A.GOOD Piano provides|the'meansfor a read mus cation at home,The majority of children today areTodeprivethemofapianoistofexcludethemost’idealoftheireducation.When.wesay ‘Good Piano,’we meatterinnswhichisnotonlygoodbutoneimothe~—y ae rereemer tc repireeatFOIEenetC0:ty H.TURNER,Plies Cured'in 6 to14 Days *.|rtrosic constipation,'My-condition.improv |B +Office:Phan i 109.‘the D t ‘Four 4semanint iit refund money ff PAZ i.raphy iene ae’OF oe ene ? \Sn Rar synty *:po in ee tn ve es P uadenke Prong 198 Green.tredeil”PhoneNo 4 Delress 4 *ping eiagar teatyy tent cto day ony has meen oe writes Mra.John New.0 , ee ,+app ion gives Base a est,‘OS,ton,Irving,Ny ¥, ROAD SCRIPTION PRICE:-ea mong 0S SS Lee naenp cope taneenans iP TURSDAY,'--October 12,1915, -/CHECKING GREED...° (One of the many good things in connection with the establishment of the regional reserve banks,is the manifest disposition to stop national banks charging excessive rates:of in- terest.Following the lead of ‘Mr. Harding.of the Federal Reserve*Board,who in a recent speech in Ral- igh exposed the outrageous practices of some banks in the matter of inter- ing.tedthat”he/T¢the Press of North Carolina;|played pokerat a hotel butwould nat|,,,"elving on the cea aepermitcrapgamesinthenegrodis-lthe undersigned ere emboldened,ae ts ‘“¢|ask of our newspapers such yyor:"8 and telling help as they are able.to,"ie give.us in impressing ’upon everyily,men.woman and child in the Stated, {and fire by Lloyd’s’of London,:PA bite Rae ls be cat”Gua alleMe at Sipe hresPareetTateethintreearioestramlff>bee?We've changedyour name?Had to...;2 areat ‘Value ofitrorate 18”You started ‘to saving when you enrolledlast,‘year.aan P00 beer :ge usSaturday and you are not a.spend-Mat Vv r Lek +a)t nt '4 ».My pene tbe lmmartanem Otleach it elty ptadeted ChtOn Caen.Oe Nes tae:be ihe bar eke , /Keep up all cult to show that itvigal1gentlemen.For:y-|contributingone,day’s income:to the of bud wood,making a total produc-.vou ;orphanage work of .the State i 2tion,for the year of $3,000,ee ‘Lay hase who help ‘themselves,-the shares.you've started or ‘go back and’go backwards:and ‘re-. P ”Pinay be.a \figen:He,”but it would’probably 1 ie ing:poker isa violation:f the law sgiving offering.mi ' Boosts Artificial Limb In+lar‘dustry,add more,‘but never cout.When:the - and a gentleman can't!violate ‘the avail f the State aaclawand-then claim immunity on the babetecuee adcsiy to :Sore War e ducethenumberor ¢‘op out,the_next series is opened we believe that if you”are true blue you will start new shares and .) y ,‘ae jment of the life of North,¢;Hing,ue Y r Vou :: ground,that he is a gentleman.The st Louis di tel ys.160°ti- { ficial legs a week are being manu-anyifactured for the British and FrenchgovernmentsbyanAmerican:.firm:has factories in St:Louis,Wash-gton;Philadelphia,Pittsburg,Bal- Maz).;o »[terial and transforming it into valua.a gentleman is justi¢e and fairness-—|bje citizenship,They,catatha eaethatjusticeandfairnesswhiehdoes|other institutions of whatever inotclaimforhimselfprivilegesheisarebeginningatthebeginningof first and most important’requisite of They are gathering up.the waste ma rthines,They are molding indigent€st charges,Comptroller of the Cur-rency ‘Williams made a similar exhib- it before a meeting of Kentucky bank- _ers a few days ago.While Mr.Hard- ing said the figures he gave were from the sworn reports of banks sent to thecomptroller of the currency,they. were so high in.some instances that) some people were disposed to cast doubt on~their correctness.How could a bank charge 320 per cent in- terest?some asked,Mr.Williams not only shows how it is done,but he shows that even higher’rates have been charged-—rates that,as°the comptroller wel)says,have left the »matter of per centage and ‘become ©plain larceny.|i The fact that the Federal Reserve-system .is checking the high interest‘charges.is shown by the exposures ‘made by.the officers.of the ‘govern-thent.That the banks’which have vio- lated the law and robbed their cus- tomers .are feeling:the effect of theoperationof‘the ‘reserve system.isshownbythe'.letter of the banker who complained that the system wasunderminingthehighinterestratesenjoyedbythe’banks;and by thefurtherfactthatSenatorWeeksof‘Massachusetts,candidate for the Re-Publican:presidential nomination,agentlemanmore’concerned about-the bankers and brokers than.about-the plajaseitizen who has to borrow,as complained of the government's'efforts inthis direction and contend-ed that the interest charge is a mat~_ter for the banker himself to regulate‘whichis to’say,that it should beleftopen’for every greedy and un--strupulous man in the banking busi-:ness’to gouge the public at:will):ThatisMr,Weeks’interest in the masses.“Mr.Williams ‘does well to charac-terize as “hrutality-and horror”those'high’interest chargos’as applied toignoranceandpoverty.Very oftenMenwhoposeasleadingcitizensandtopists,who'occupy the fronttatsinthechurches,profess muchpietyandapparentlyoutwardlyleadexemplary.lives,exact usury from ig-Rorance and poverty-—take advantageofthose‘who are helpless—after a‘Monner that should make the’devilashamed.The (Private individual’whodoes‘this ig bad.enough—inexcussblehutthe?benker ‘who does :it’isworse.‘The proper function and theongofsafetyforabank,Mr.'Williams truly says,“is to be'a con- Btructive force in its community,tobuildup“and establish,to infuse lifeitocommerce,develop health andvigor,rather than-suck its life blood.” N¥ISN’T PLEASED. le probably realized thatwhen‘the German government ‘was ap-‘parently halting and ‘evading anentthesubmarinecontroversy,that how- o avoidconflict:with the :Unit-States,that public sentiment inGermany‘must be considered.JusthowstrongthatsentimentisisshownbyextractsfromGermanpapers.TheewYorkEveningPost-says the gen.|.’eral expression.“isone of incredulityandconsternation.”Certain words inAmbassador*Bernstorff’s letter of dis-~avowal are considered:by the VorTirpitzpartyaslittlebetterthananinsulttoGermannavalofficers,CountReventlowisnaturallyburstingwithrage.He protests that the govern-ment has.consented.to an act which“publicly brands the report and oathoftheGermancommanderandcrew/Wascurate.”-Se-ersul newspapers_Fefuse to believe the humiliating dis-patches,and call upon the authoritiesatBerlintoissueadenial,or at least@reasonableexplanation.“A]I this,”Rays:the Post,“was to Have beer ex:pected:It shows,whatwas all along,ident,that-a very.strong feeling ex-sted in Germany against making anyfoncessiontotheUnitedStatesonthe(gubmarine’issue’That.the Kaiserlydecidedtodefythispifblicsen-timent,and to come to terms _withPresidentWilsoh,even if he-had toathisownwordsintheProcess,isplainproofofhisanxietyto.avoid arupturewithus.’Incisentally,these>angry outeries by the German pressservetoheightenthe’American tri-. Will ‘Woods,a Raleigh linotype op-‘a ‘ound unconscious in a park,week,died later in a ‘hospital.‘A spree and empty Jaudanumyerefoundinhispockets,No King is fullyr unwilling to grant others,Rather hewill-grant to others,especially thoseweakerandoflowerstation,what,hewouldnotclaimforhimself.-There-fore the man whoplays poker or daesotherthingsinviolationofthelawandclaimsimmunityon‘the groundthat‘he is ‘a’“gentleman”—save ©themark!—has not the first.conception ofthemeaningoftheword,If he had;instead of claiming that it is all righttooverlookthegentlemen.who playpoker'while at the same time it isallright.to prosecute negroes.for play-ing craps,he would promptlyadmitthathe,being a gentleman and_byedueationand’environmefit:knowingthewrongofviolatingthelaw,Should have set a better example;and that if leniency is.to be shownanybodyitshould.be *shown thogewholacktheopportunitieshe’‘had;and who because of their ignoranceandtheirenvironment:lack.that con-ceptiofi of,the duties ofthe citizen agentlemanshouldhave,~fee “But a public official;,sworn’to ‘tip-hold the law—as was this’Mayor BellofIndianapolis—wha.winks at.viola-tions of the law among gentlemen (7) and is a party to the violation,but enforces the law on those in,lower station,who are less guilty morally. if not legally—well,it is not surpris- ing that he began to excuse himself by talking about gentlemen—savethe mark some more,For you've noticed of course that the fellow who has the least conception of what a gentleman is,and probably:little claim to the ti- tle,talks loudest about being a “gen-| tleman,”especially when he is found) engagedin gentleman -wouldbe ashamdd. When .the cashier is:found locked in the vault,is bound”or wounded, and the bank’s cash js missing,it isthesafecourseto.have the cashier's for the robber.J.T.Adams,-cash- ier of the State bank at Keller,Tex: as,who was found loeked in thé vault and told a story of being attacked by two robbers,who ‘carried off _$8,342, has confessed that he is the rotber who appropriated the missing cash, About!half the stolen money was re- covered.So many d>faulters Laveadopted.this method.of covering up their sins that a fiduciary agent who was.really robbed would.be.under susvicion,<:j pleasure to have Editor King back on the Durham Herald,after a protract-ed illness,and the failure to mentionearlierhisreturntodutywasanoversight.Editor King’s’column of worthwhile..Here's,honing:Ka eh Mr.Taft’s Hope For Permanent ace,i The utter state:of exh@ustion of both the victor and the ‘vanquishedatthecloseofthepresent‘war ‘in Europe,former President William H. Taft said,in an addressiti ‘New Yorkunday,will result,in.the .people.ofthewarringnationsbeinginapo-sition to demand of.their rulers thatSomemeansbetakentomakethere-currence improbable.He.declaredthat.it was none too’early:to beginadiscussion.of the proposals whichhehoped...this :nation -will .offer,through its representatives,at theconferenceofnations-that is certaintofollow.the war.:;In his address Mr..Taft:outlinedtheproposalsoftheLeaguetoEn-force Peace,of whichhe.is president,and expressed the hope:‘that theUnitedStateswouldtaketheleadatthecloseofthewarintheéstah-lishment of the league as a worldpowerfortheenforcement:of peace. York and Philadelphia. President.Wilson and.his fiancee, adelphia Friday and Saturday.-InNew:York they ‘were the guests ofthePresident’s closest personal friend,Col.E.M.House,and Mrs.House.Whenever they appeared in publicgreatcrowdsgatheredandapplauded.When they went to a theater in NewYorkFridayeveningtheaudiencestoodandapplaudeduntiltheywereseated,‘4SaturdaythePrésidentand Mrs.Galt were conspicious at the world se-ries ball ‘eyeeg in Philadelphia.Sun-day they dined with the family of thePresident’s,brother,Jos,Wilson,in .|uncared-for~|themselves in a world of “temptation. ees ich nompething ,of whic ¥Carolina pastor will freely and glad- books examinedwhilesearch is made,jo¢ “To The Landmark it “isa genuine| paragraphs is always ‘read’with in-|eileterestinthisoffice.The paragraphs aarenotpert,meaningless or nonsen-|°Y¥ Mrs,Galt,visited New York and Phil-|/ childhood into ‘useful manhood andwomanhoodexactlyatthepointwheretheprocessoftraining.is vital;and}they are doing this work for the the State.The movement to secure a contri.bution of one day’s fabor from everycitizenwasbegunlastspring.Ath:meeting held in Raleigh.Septem28,the executive committee met and.formally launched the campaign.TheeditorsofNorthCarolinawere“thémentowardwhomthemembers©ofthecommitteefirstturnedthei?eyes,Weare counting on these men who,more than:any others,shape and con-trol dur public sentiment,to standbyusinthismovementandmakethenextksgiving..notable in theannalsof‘the State’s history.We are often called on to do hon-or to the dead and this is a sentimentthatiscreditableandworthy,but inthismovementwearecalledupontoperform:a:service for the living at atimeandplacewherethatservicewilltellmostmightilyoncomingages.Thousands of,children are,safe-ly sheltered in our orphan homés,but four times as many are as yetandleftto~shift:for and,peril without a father’s counseloramother’s care—without a home,‘a nenny,or a friend!_NyIt-is primarily in ‘behalf of thesehomelessonesthatthismovementlaunched.We must enlarge our or-,phanages and admit more of the lit-tle ones on the outside,who are clam-oring to come in.Each institution in:the State is crowded to its utmost Canbacitv,with a stream of childrenstandingatthegatescryingfor“4:mission.If a tithe'of the citizens oNorthCarolinawillgivethepriceof,one day’s labor to..the orphanageworkitwil]mean the salvation of athousandNorthCatolinachildrennowontheirwaytothedogsandthedev-il..Is this:work not worthy of thebesteffortofevery®good citizen?It.is our’hope that every North ly:give his ‘best efforts to the ad,Vancement of this movement.Wehopeandbelievethatthey.will urgethoseoftheir’congregations whohaveanincometosacredlysetapartoneday’s work to this great cause:and send it forward to the orphanagé’of his.choice.on.or.near Thanksgiv-ing Day.;: play.It is a.man’s impre ‘and.Atlanta.enty:legs a week are shipped:from the St.a zouis factory,most})-nart without the cost of a copper to lage British |ives paying $85 for ar‘the French governinent >Ne Aonicable ing pepsitr or otherndigestion,as the moreyouwillhavetotake.De alikeChamberlain's ‘Tablets ‘that’will ens |!functionsnaturally.bisecta government For Indigestion.«|wer take pepsin. What is the stomach ‘to perform its Obtainable everywhere. zandpreparations.con-|digestive fermactaforShemmore bu bu likthey can bu ilders not only say they are'y them. ewise. cx - Lumber~yard,next to.McElwee’s‘Planters’Warehouse,because thet!butThe.wise buy whereycheapest.’You:do -FOR——— Horse Shoeing go to : Troutman &Suther. contract is worth #1 for’an artificial leg nd| that:you‘can.add still more.©Yes~~that ae wwill fall into the saving.we hohabitand..pursueitas eagerly and enthusiastically as:RI you waite inpar witige‘Wt Up and gome ¢dd Neen anoyou:‘and happy an awa thank iNiuthSeriesOpenedSaturday,October 2d. money..KeepbeindependeutYourstruly,tn wi ae J —— Fellow -citizens,this is no child’sif, job.Thepenniesofthechildrenarenottobe:despi object:to which:it is given,and helps |the giver more;but we-are’not an.Pealing especially to children in this’thevement.but to men and womén!who are,busy in the world’s ‘work, of our North Carolina people;we donotbelievethatwewillappealin’vain.M.L,SHIPMAN.HEIGHT C.MOORE,C,B.McNAIRY Every gift,however little,hela the; And knowing.the spirit and temper. as First-Class —NURSERY STOCK! “atl _ergreens and -‘bery.and extra“roses, a “For information,call *]}W.H.Crawford &Co. ay 7 Ane Home-grown—includ-ing all varieties offruits,grapes (JamesandScuppernong),ev-shrub-nice ',-~’PHONE 916x,— I i i etn‘HomePortraiture | =er a irae ici it me) ip eee|iyyhe vty ARCHIBALD JOHNSON,eGaue o.Committee. <>HOW'S THIs?We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-ward for any case of Catarrh that can-not be cured 8 ayn Cure.!aro We,the undersigned,ha«Cheney for nial gent free.oidby all Ornge:Ritah sand NecaTakeallsFaeit,Bitte foreonatipation,. We havea light especially {prepared for home.por- fraiture and can ‘come to your Homes and make fine PHOTOGRAPHS in yourownparlors..Those wish- ing that class of work will‘find it to their interest to'*phone Stimson’s Studio, Work finished in Sepier,~Platinum,Collodio Carbon,or any of the best styles ofinishing.-TERMS REASONABLE, Baltimore,‘and attended church there. ¥ MMI NEL ETE WYSE9eeAe Best equippedCotton Ginnery inthecounty.Work ‘guaranteed. Bring us your cotton,sell us yourseedandbehappy.‘Highest mar- ket prices paid for’seed cotton, cotton seed and lint cotton,| 1 Yours to please, on Oil Co. COMICIEECHC MUNUN NYE NRE SLEATTICS HT We l s WE I N SL Y SE T OO ie a ai e e ve e ON T O TA N T O TO ON A OO aN 8 i CottonSeed 50c.Bushel.F} |Cotton 12 1-2c.Pound.§} |Meal and Hulls for Exchange or Cash |PresidentandMrs.Gait in New!(fl CI C S Se n t e r Ne e WC ir a St a y WE T S ek Ae Eagle H Stokely Bros.Peas H No.3 String Mutual Buildingand Loan Association.| SUP ~See-Batra Fey Rice,a regular 10c.value.for reduced prices you areandmakinganactual: cash system for a month thatValues.”Belowyourcomparison:. is store really is ‘“The House o Best Granulated|| Sugar 16 pounds|}for $1.00 or 25-|} pound Bags far$1.58. _By getting the verybest,groceries -at-thesegettingrealbargainsnd}“saving in money;Ifyouarenotalreadyacustomerofthisstoreitwouldbewellworthwhileforyoutotryoureett 8Better.‘and see for are a few-prices quoted for’ SOAPS ‘AND WASHING Pow-._ DERS. Octagon Soap :.......Nae a aissb 4c. Export Soap ....4:,de.Grandma;Washing Powder ....Jappo:Cleanser .............,Old Dutch Cleanser,,.........;Lump Starch:per Ib.Celluloid Starch ....Fs : “CANNED MILK,—Maal 25 :Libby’?Condensed .::Libby's “Evaporated”!Libby’s Evaporated .20...220. CANNED VEGETABLES, Biue Ridge Corn “seSweetMeadowCorn..,’.elvet?-46,4,Pocanontas’P 12¢.Libby’s Green Asparagus’Tips,22c.Lin’y's White Asparagus Tips.27c.No.3 Tomatoes 9e. No..3,Hominy,iNo.3,Sour Kraut 8e.Pee eer anere Instant PostumInstant.Postum ..Libby's Lunch Tongue 25¢size 22c.Libby's Pork Sausage 35c.can 2%c.Libby's.WessonCream,Cheese ......., «°°CANNED FRUITSLasLily's Rosedale Peaches. ;25c.size for22e,Peeled Table Peachesfereauurinrcalbe.size for 12c.ie wWeaches 10c.size for 9¢.Libby s Sliced Pine Apple . Libby 20c,size for 17c.+Grated Pine Apple .20¢.size for 17c. COFFEEWhiteHouseCoffee,3 Ib;can 98cWhit}House Coffee,Gold Yibbon Coffee,1 lb.can .24c.Dandy Cup Coffee,1 Ib.pkg..18c.Be.Ten P:nny Coffee,1-2 Ib,cans .“Pp Bulk Cotfee No..d,:.25¢value.,dke. 1 Ib.ean /33e. 9c. MISCELLANEOUS. +++.5Oe.can 48. -»80c.van 27e. re Apple Jelly 9c. Goking Oil 30c can 23%.238e, The sidea bi Robert Bunch Cash Grocery,,‘The House of Better Values.”‘.,@..$14 South Center Street.Su ie "Phone No,229. Gingham and:PercaleHouse'Drésses 98c.%“New Fall Skirts‘$1.98 to $9.50. ae‘Women’s New Outergarments ‘Shown In our Ready-to-Wear ored and Denim TSkirts,Dresses,Afterne_Gowns.New D:etbinedSilkandSerge.° department.Tail-ored Suits,SilkonandEveningDresses'of Serge and com-‘Your.own com-parison and ‘consideration will conclu-sively prove that suchandise,selling atisthe‘wisest type of’ TRIMMED MILLINE petior quality mer-our.moderate prices,‘economy.Don’tap!fail to visit this department before mak-ingyour fall purchases,’;Exceptional values ..ahd styles in our .RY :‘SHIRT WAISTS.— Anelegant [line to select‘values at 98c.,$1.98,$2.48.from.Good$2.98,$3.48...FOR SATURDAY Our Five Cent CounterwithBARGAINS,will be loadedJohnston-Belk Company, “ |The Store That Sells For Less.“PHONE (212. - Tasa)a meeting of.school superintendents, ~&Fuel Co.» NTLY PERSONALiofFolksWhoComeand. Z.V.Long and twochildrenyforVirginiatovisitrel-a few weeks...)?Summers went to Cin-eaeBwhileaway. wt Bedford,,who spentmeherewith”ey aeghter,Mr.and’Mrs.°BL‘Thurman,on account of Mrs.Thur- ; *#man’s illness,left lastweek for“om in Dallas,Texag.She was ac- “companied home by Mrs.‘Thurman, ie spend several weeks in Dal-a ’While recu ting.met D.Meek,Thames attended of western North Carolina towns. held'tn Hickory ‘Saturday:The school men met for an exchange of views pe to discuss matters pertaining to Mee A.L.Hubbard of Fayettevill arrived in.Statesville Saturday after-igess the ceremony,but a large num-|“Don’t Cry Li ipls‘ceremony,DUP2 |-y Little Girl,Don’t Cry.”Sage i @-vinit to.her,niece,a By r iate.invited Jo;the wedding *re-|These concluding the programme,Mrs,8.McElwee.Mike “aud daa poh,deption “which f ‘the *¢eremony.|Morrison,assisted:by her daughter,Mrs.J...C.Shoal a Out-of-town people already .here|Miss Corrinne,served delicio re.Mastér Frank;:terssl Mr.F108 who will arrive this morning for!freshments consisting of 5 Relatoesopangyyer,nehig marriage,»7 *anes course,-sandwiches,hot coffee,.nuts we eat gig deals wanes tw theee eT ine and Mra Wl ec willes ssh eo A we wt, Mis Myrtle |Sum whe hee tie Walker and Miss Fllie Garrison heen;visiting home.people at .$ton Pojn:nt Saturday in Statesvill enI ‘to Asheville,where she is | ne in a sanitarium, éssrs;Albert Cooper and J. Moroney left Sunday night for ton to attend the world series h gamgs between Boston and Philadel-hia“Col.and Mrs.D.'L.Love,who.vis+ ited ;Mrs.yetugned yesterday to their home a Sylvia.-Bt wen »Miss Bride Alexander,who is — {t at the.State Normal in Grethsboro,came home Saturday af- térnoon to»spend a few days and at-, tendithe Jenkins-Gibson es Mis.8;,L,Cushing of Tryon is vis- iting her parents,Mr.and Mrs.F.A. Shertill.©Miks Eleanor Clarke went to Char- lotte’yesterd:Miss Stelld Smith:has returned from Salisbury,where she spent two weeks with Mrs.John Miller. Myr.A.B:Fleming of Wellington, Kans.,is a guest at the home of his sister,Mrs.W.E.Webb: Mis.J.H.Cornell and little sons, who were visiting Mrs,Cornell’s pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.J.F.Anderson,} have:returned to their home at Roan- oke,:Va.i Mts.Wm.C.Miller and baby of Fisherville,Va.,are guests at Mr.T. D.Miller’s.+ _Mr.G..W.Kemp,.wha had been on a var to;his old home community in New Hope section of north Ire- dell,:was,in town yesterday returning to ‘home*at:Cornelius...2020 | Mp.Marshall Fowler.who has been at home for a couple of days,expects to return to Raleigh today. Mrs.Jas.W.Wilson went to Mor- ganton yesterday afternoon to spend a few days. Notice of New Advertisements. Go to Troutman &Suther .for horse-shoeing.;First-class ‘nursery stock—Wi H. Crawford &Co. ‘Home portraiture.—Stimson’s Stu- dio.Everything to build with.—C.Wat- ki a > MS»,*;*:f ‘ Today,cotton seed 50c.a bushel and cottoh 121-2.a pound.—_Imperialrynry approached Co Oil Co.whymers’.Bank. )prevention._—B.L.Sronce. en Franklin heaters.—Crawford- Bunch,Furniture ‘Co. 4 -thatwatch or clock.—H. guardsmen.—Statesville I Nine-roomfonrent.—Jno.B.Reece. Two or:sale..{W C.Wooten. ROR he t : -Mahey.lost.at Henkel stable.Re ‘ turnto The,Landmark or the Honkeb; stable...|j > Fantily Reunion at Mooresville. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.‘ Mooresville.Oct.9.—At_the,hom of Mr:and Mrs.|S.S.,Denny,..9 Mooresville,Saturday,2d,-a dinne wag given in.honor of Mrs.E.M.Den members of the family of Mr. Mrs.Denny were present. Trou family of:Davidson,Messrs.5andRoyDennyandfamilies;'Mr,EdPerry,and family of Mooresville.Ojestswere.Rev.and.Mrs.C.trick ‘and,family,Mrs.J.nson,Mrs.R.VM:A.Perry,‘the party numbe-26.in al oa t\Dinner \was.served:inroom irkpatrickevery,one was given the privilege’oeatingin‘the old time’way.©,Mrs.M,Cink , nny,who hasis,and ‘relatives.Mooresville,has gone,to heasWrstSalemhy brothersWinston-Salem’by.Her .law,Mr,8.S,Denny,and ersedthefairinWinston-Salem,— visitin: whomt'you love to_ing point withiiieynormous,—EY.The Great Bargain’Giveraad, ; R./El ter Frank.her|Virginia Ramsey will be’flower bear- gton Citv,Mr.and Mrs.C.A.), Mek “Mrs,G.E.Markland,Mr.) ri Love’s home.people wee ajfriends throughout the State was the | not save ?—Merchanits &Fars eee “Attached to A flour |of :good appearance.—|yehich it came was & .Statesville Flour Mills. 4 "Phe Civie celdtrect’Friday night was house on ‘Harrill street|and announced or three fresh milk -cows fof’ Milk cow for sale-—T,M.C.David- ny of Yadkin county,who has been names. their}guest for some time.All the’terdrdedandlamiounted to $27.50. namely: Mr,Frank Deamon and family of an,Mr.and Mrs.Collier Osta walt.tof.Ostwalt,Mr.Jess Smith angHarvey S.|eritertainment was joke telling,each “W.Connelly -and :the.dining|:Bos a.which was tastefully’tee ated)Mrs.C.D,Conner’s with ‘dlematis and:pink roses,After |was celebrated yesterday with a din- had returned thanksaimer at her home on.‘west.Front in|Amos Patterson—all were present ex-|in|cept;Mrs:Munday.Thebe ‘with,the You owe it to yourself and those alee or,Tenth.Mich.,a cous-the bride and the groom. Miss Beulah J will be her sis-ter’s maid of honor and.MesdamesJas.M.Ramsey’and’W.W.Hanks,also sisters of:bride,©.will:bedamesofhonor.Master James Ram-sey,Jr.,:will be page,’little’»Miss leanor Moore:will.bering bearer,F a and little Miss lar meeting of this club was heldwithMrs.William Morrison7th,and this being the.birthday)ofJames.Whitcomb Riley,.a delightful“Riley”programme was carried out,A-+most.pleasant feature of the eve-ning was a letter Mrs.Bowleshadre-cored pow ys Diey,in response té -she ha tten him,as %ers,and Misses’Bride Alexander and|something for this especial aeMaryGibsonribbonbearers,;Dr.R.|The letter was gracious pat gy E R.Garvey of ‘Richmond,‘Va.,’will be|shewing the areol simplicity the comune sabes Sn ie 2 sth)te Neate ae'%Ba ¢*ion:set ,Mill be rendered By Mrs:30 F.Carl lbp tera quotation’from ,vocalist.Miss Marea’Jordan,pi-anjst,apd,¢,Alligon.-yiolin- ist.The bride and groom ‘will’leave on the 10.50 train for)‘‘trip to points =o yond o reey ineereneay :this life an rs.Bristol a.poem-+~ “Our Hired.Girl.”ielightofthis,programme was ‘two:ballads orth.Bete of Riley’s sung by Mrs.CarltoOnlyafewintimate.friehds..and|companied by Pasay Chasing3 Taner}“Seed cbtton,Be. élatives have been to wit-|These were—“Oh,Heart of Mine”and| e of Lexington,Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Hanks and son.Frank,Miss Bet-/PRIZE WINNING BABIES. Fifty Nine Were on Exhibition—WTheAwards.Rd “Did you go'to the baby show?"= ‘of Charlotte.Mr.F..Ls Jenkins of 0.F..Hege and Mr,.and °B:W.Holton of —Winston-Sa-|<“No.”a wai:Sand Mr.Maek.Gibson;from.Da-||“Oh!You ought to have gone.There nm College.\;were the most,pretty babies there.”:|“Yes,and I understand there wasdaa.Paki isort of bid kn:\some bawling and confusion up there.” entioned in the last issue of The |e Ne ar ae indges vandmatk,was sent cut from Elkin:|4),Gotes thatthe oeookingtired (“Of unusual interest toa host of|and gried i little.”ables got GP e \(:oe ifty-nine babies.aJl under threeerieoePhiypiroeeneoe,Years old,were exhibited at the show,:i Wachicaday ate >at g|Which was held at the court house loots at the home of .the ride’s |EF pred Ae ae ba aw ke.F of the ladies o e Street Me istbrother,Mr.C,G .Armfield.onChurch |ohurch,Naturally the mothers “floss-isteet.Only a few near relatives and {og up”their entries “best they S|placing the:rosettes,ete.,and the ba- astor of the Methodist church.{pj eee re :Pp men tide “wae Poemaingly attited hies looked their best,making a fine +“toon in a handsome suit of hrown and car-display.There were ney:NER? “é sey”ones in long dresses who could ried an arm bouquet of bride's roses.7 i Immediately after the ceremony the |S nothing but coo and cry,and ol°;‘Ae!ones with their cute little short frocks:pgp mae ‘to the palatial!45 were regular “chatter bonbes?in Rast Elkin,hi : where an informal-reception was ineld.|\COUrse cack ee +teks ene _them whe bride is the bemotiful end AGel et;snec Parcseee.ond ainet oF diedhgairaeagrtNnalerybepel2gttagsSetedald:of Stxtarsilie aids ERG cron ony tn oe Ghee oe ae very popular there as well ‘as.at this couldn't award all of them prizes ant vents.©»i ( “The marriage of Miss McBride Peg nd.Dr.L,r Gibson °will|the e place’this:eveningat 8 o'clock ¢Seep ree:ye “De Fe nkins.corner i :‘Chater’and Water atrocta.“The cere-|treviouy macting Mix LB’BetstelmonywillbermedByRev.Dr.J.)was elected vice president,Mrs.J.PLMM.Carlton secretary and Mrs..W.)MirBarringertreasurer.The first regu’ A delightful part}: ‘{PARTY—Who found $5 and $1 bill at HEN- tntlensts Srlends.veit rasimores.|COdfaking special pains with curl-/. lay for a visit to friendsrtyjvely spoken by Rev..J-.B...-Hipp ee ee eee nt they’just “kinder guessed”on the best}: ites deat ninth Asta ber whan dai och nks be ah 0S a "’The,’Seaboard shiftingenigite otthe‘railroad Se atfas f locked ,:maned the engine.am Df that itouldjotmakeitsrun..The negrofiremanonthepaséengertraines-caped death by jumping through thebwindow.: We have just received a big lot of gat Men’s and Boys’Clothing from bank-upt stocks and the bargains are bet-.y than ever.Visit the store now.-—|MITHEY &FRALEY.—ad. MARKET REPORTS. Statesville ProducereMarket.’|kOWhe following prices were paid yesterday for produce on the local mar i _fPoring Chicken,We.per tb.yt oogters,Be,per ib,ae ieEges,22¢,per dozen,%utter,15¢.per Ib.5 ees Béeawax,26¢.per'MGreen Hides,18e. jpHams,20¢,per tb.by)Sitles,de.per Ib.hsShoulders,Ide.per .bl vii™Red’‘Honey,10¢,per Tb.‘gifoutwood Honey Cond,18¢,per Ib. mi ‘fe Pe'The’following,prices were paid yesterday| ‘grain on market: heat,$1.26 per bushel.j-by each member of the club,Mra,BAM Moan at waar henaieol Corn,(new),7c.per bushel. *Oats,55e.per bushel, Statesville Cotten’Market. On the local market yesterday 12 1-2¢,per pound was paid for best ‘grade cotton. Cotton seed,50c.per bushel. ‘BULBS—Fine lot Hyatinth ‘and Narcissus Bulbs.See them before you buy.W.M. BARRINGER.Oct,12. FOR RENT—Nine-room iouse on Harrill street.Modern conveniences.JNO. «+REECE.Oct.Se realm geeee FOR SALE—Two or three fresh Milch Cows. Also nice Heifers.Write or ‘phone W.©.“(WOOTEN,1L1.Oct,12-2. SON,Statesville R-3.Oct.121k". KEL STABLES,please return to the sta-bles and reeeive reward,Oct.12-—1t*. FOR REN)—Seven-room housestreet.W.A,ELIASON, For SALE—Two nice.Shetland ‘ponies,to-yéther'+*separately.Also pony buggy and harness.J.W.KANEER,Oct.8. FOR SALE OR RENT—A-new seven-roomdwelling,north Mulberry.street.Can be ed,so as to have poultry,or truck,or hogogcattlefarm,or all—as it is twenty feetoutsidecitylimits.Apply to B.F,LONG. evn Det.GAC j ’FOR RENT—Cottage close in.Lights andsewerage...R.P.ALLISON.Cet.b.; OLD NEWSPAPERS —All you want at#idc,a hundred.Worth this to start fires“with.Also good to put under carpets andCometoTHELAND! paper the walls. MARK.for them, FOR RENT—Kight-room508WestFront.street.L.K.OVER- CpSH.Aug.20. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of theestateofJamesH.Crosby,deceased,I here- by notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to mé on or be-fore,the 10th day of September,1916.Those indebted to the estate are requested to set-tle.5 JOHN H.CROSBY, Admr.,Franklin,N,C. R)B..McLaughlin,«Atty. place,where she ‘has visited.frequent~ty and by her,winsome manner of the lot,knowing,that some of thehasmothershadwontheadmirationofalargecircle|mps cone we oe tea rs mad. of Aecuaintances:groom _is onc! of Elkin’s most prominent and sue.|bers and the judges,Messrs.M..A.iFeimster,N.D.Tomlin and R.F, lcessful business men and ‘ig well!yy,,‘ throughout ©this ‘and Henry,were supposed not to know } Sept.10,1915. t |NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ui Having.qualified”as executor and execu-trix jof.the last will and testament of J,W.Vanétory,deceased,this is to notify all.per-Bon ving claims against said estate toMiresenttotheundersignedonor—before known other;oe yee?ory ere amadie 4 molten teee ‘friends,to whom the news of this |:, marriage comes as a complete sur-/to.of Mr.-and Mrs. the happiriess of the bride and groom.” igses Nell Armfield and:Mareajondbest developed baby,child of Mr- jcehae cetertatned at a miscellaneous 2nd Mrs.Ross Lazenby;prettiest girl shower for Miss McBride Jenkins.pred daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Jesse i §fte St panera::ee OP, png eg aed rgrmeast|No record was made of the names Broad strect.The guests!were fivat|and ages of the,babies,hence The invited to engage ‘ik al vanes et Landmark is.unable to give ‘names. Mbrides,”in which Mrs,A.J.Salley|The paper was also promised‘photo- won the prize,a bottle of toilet wa-graphs of the prize-winners for pub- ter.A ‘salad coursé was then serv-lication,but no photographs .were ed and it appeared as though noth-mone fee.this feature,also,has to ine out of the ordinary was going to omitted.pues d-|_The door receipts amounted to $20.take place when Bae aedconte The ladies desire to thank the public her for its patronage and they ‘are es- y hoon “were pecially grateful to Messrs.R._F. articles mak-|Henry,H.B.Woodward,Mills &Pos- *.Miss Jenkins {ton and the Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison re;was going Co.,and others who furnished prizes it the way in for the winners. distinct surprise.|yrs...wW.J.Patterson is visitin e rooms used for the party Were!;,Mooresville.. nackages containin peomet i chore ‘ had suspected thattobea“shower,” Best developed baby.girl,daugh-10.Maid’i¢state will please make immediate ae eons |;oishan.foe!0.L,Woodsiied)>" prise,will unite in good wis of Loray;best developed baby boy! son of Mr.and Mrs.Jas.Rayle;sec- [September 17,1916,All persons indebted ent."CHAS.VANSTORY,Executor.-,MRS.C.8S.VANSTORY,Executrix.BeboV.Lone.Att'y.Sept.17,1915. ||NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ving qualified as administrator of the of.Daniel Lynch,colored,deceased, eB!this-tis .to notify all persons having claims|nwafpat”daid estate to present them to thelundersigned:on or before September 10,/1914)'ofthis notice will,be plead in bar of }thei |Recovery.All yiersons indebted to said|estate will please make prompt settlement.|j J.P..SUMTER,|n Administrator.Zeb,V.Long,Att'y.Sept.-7,1915. ‘2 If “HE FREIGHT ON 100 FEET if Of flooring from the long-leaf pine'}forests to Statesville is 22 1-2c. ||and.it costs 25c.to get 100 feet of ‘|lumber hauled on wagons toStatesville‘from four miles.out,isn’t there sufficient reason for my prices being lowest?‘Center St. |__¢.WATKINS,N, i atractively decorated with ferns and ;geen ei amnat al clu se)on Wi enjoyed ‘by a large-number-of guests.Planned as an informal.affair, all conventionalities were -dispensed ‘with and the guests mingled just:as Se pleased.The hostesses of “the oceasion were Mesdames D.8S.Thomas, C.Fowler,E.M.Sentman,J.Fy EE a many beautiful flowers being | used.On‘a table surrounded’by pink toses was a basket in o-.which ‘the ontributions.to the,ue were Ryapped anda Yegister in‘which the ghests were asked to register their About a hundred names werethe‘total’receiptsIcecreamand cake were served by a company of# ris.Five.Geo.H.Méyers and!Mrs.J.L.Gully’gave a party Thursday after-noon *the home of the former ononeSharpestreet;for the benefit.of hd League. and The principal source of, ruest being.to tell a joke.)Sandwiches |apd coffee were,served..‘Mrs.C.L.Poston entértained for|the,League.Tuesday afternoon. 'B8d_birthday OR O MO M UE BU E N OT E ) ‘amount of fuel;|third less fuel f living—street.Of the four cine: Messrs,John A.and C.W.ConnerMesdamesW.EK.Munday ,and CN TE EO ND randchildren and:grearenandMrs.Conner’s 8 |The Richmond Open Franklin is@yougeteeyribe erase in Ree i7prevents:the heat from passing 1e flue.rapidly,§1 and gives out an abundance’Of A a grate an ‘oninto.passepger’sent t ; | ||Tb.3 if i pert ©ya p I| FOR SALE—Mileh Cow.T.M.C.DAVID-|. bought on Building and Loan plan,or rent}. two-story louse,|” OCS Zr reedheate »"\ Ps "FEW dollars saved” regularly from his mea-} ger wages as an oper- ater —constant mental de-* velopment —a loan which earnestness,courage and con-._"Gdence in his own ability se- enred for him— Sg a ‘These were all the capital which enabled Carnegie to grasptheopportunitywhichintime © 'made him.the Steel Master. Ee po h ee e “The man who cannot and does notsavemoney,’saps.Carnegle,”'cannotoewiltnotdoanpthingelseworth-‘phile.f SA N A N Saving develops every successbuildingtraitandkeepsyoutunédup—fit for the chances you make for yourself,or which _Progress is opening for you. Wie -have rendered valuable hy ,aad efficient service to many de AN positors and clicats who have -{i -found safety and satisfaction ipHytrunnactingtheirbusinesswiththis ‘yf -Mmstinution.We cxn help you,too.Te iastN>STATESVILLE N.C. G3Se U.S.DEPOSITORY. yy é ‘THE UNIVERSAL CAR s :Pe The same strong,serviceable Ford car.-nbut at a lower price.The Ford car,which is giving satisfaction’to morethan900,000 owners,has a record forutilityandeconomythatis,worthy ofyourattention.Two and two makefour—there wouldn’t be so many Fordcarsiftheydidn’t give such splendidservice.Prices lower than ever.Runabout $390;Touring Car $440,f.o.b.,Detroit.On sale at Carolina MotorCompany,Statesville,Mooresville,and Newton., in is Constructed so that | will consume one-produce more heat.&eeortment of heaters, “heat from a small 4 The Church guards our Spiritual welfare,STATESVILLE ICE our refrigerator supplies and Flue Gem, Jellico and Anthracite Coals our — armth.oe AN ogee ©e Weigh in the balance,and ;if found | wanting in thelatter two guardsmen callus.ieee MRO i “PHONE 205 J)Statesile Jee &Fuel CompanTheGeneraloftheTwoGuatdsm eceseesees:+ Capital $100,000 (|42 Maid on Time Deposits’3 WE HANDLE TWO OF THEM, Q4e Hor,Wy T }f 8“Winston-Salem Friday.ay :the;fac laxPereRelayDankSesOnes.|aN ee pas’ROE Yet!western railwayTheytellitthatMr.Frank Finch,|i :';i ‘&000 for service in’50 years old,who lives at.Bailey,‘In otherwords,that-ne most perfect of thekindty,is the father of 24 ehtl.Partment (feels that theirs is-yetal phe train,\carrinwan’See ee at dt ee ehca :of which they have only begun.look ‘along 800 feehavefoundthatignoranceandsu-stem’heated and:Praha Pa a neta ley we ir ing higthat:healtheducation in:North:Cay (vided with ‘eleetric venti mp ans.|early $11,000,000,000,Russia,by thelinawillhaveaTongwaytogo'even |Ciuinments aroseomcchcal lend ofthis,year,Wil have doubled her}wae,illiteracy is eee ore Rh ve They will supply the saree ae AS one ree a weane f;ou may ei a vt °/fast as they are.brought 6 ‘hoard }over —$8,000,000,000.penny aseditoroftheHealth’Bulletin,”“but|with hot drinks and soup,‘to be 'fol-|spent “nearly §4,000,000,000.on thewehavenotafewintelligentpeoplelowedlaterwith’delicious’stews ‘and|war,and owed before some $1,200,-|.%to ask us if it really is true niore‘substantial fare,The trédtment3rokdPyh:inany"yet 000,000,in addition to her variousquitoscarrymalaria,and many.yet're et s,alonecontendthatnightsiranddampness|"has medical stores,a long’table OF '«$1,260,00intteabout7,000,0lingg,total ‘natignal .:|311,080,000,000,And.”oswill}{keep right on mounting up to the}-‘extent of at least’$17,500,000"a day,|’month after month,indefinitely,‘France,,after her next,loan,will : -The Gazette News says N,W.FainofAshevilleholdstherecordforcon-tinuous service as a postal employe inNorthCarolina.He has been city car- rier for 25 years.fire! Wilkesboro Patriot:Mr.J.."W.Barnett,who has been living in Ire-dell and Alexander counties for sev- eral months,has returned ‘to Brushy ‘Mountain tewnship to live,_ ,.Wy,B.Ellington,a guest,was kill-ed and two firemen were injured in a re oman inthis couhtry who citeStatedebts..Austria~Hlungaty hasand’all requisites for operations,borrowed nearly $2,000,000,000 alreadyfirewhichdestroyedtheLagrandeho- tel at Waycross,Ga.,early Sunday morning.The property ‘loss is esti- mated at $150,000, Irvin Pope,an Alabama negro six times sentenced to death and eachtimesavedfromthegallowsbytheSupremeCourtor'by executive clem-ency,has escaped from the State ‘prison,where he was a dife-termer. More than 17,000 members of.the ‘Holy.Name Societies.of Baltimore, Washington,and nearby Maryland and Virginia points,marched in Wash- ington Saturday in annual demonstra- tion against blasphemy and profanity.:A;warehouse at Goodwater,Ala., was burned Saturday with 1,000 bales ‘of cotton valued at about $70,000,‘with cotton seed and machinery worth $25,000.Four railroad cars were al-so burned.The origin of the /blazeisunknown:ba Saloons,hotel and restaurant.bars Were closed in Chicago Sunday for the wrst Sunday in 44 years,as a result of“Mayor Thompson’s order for the po-lice to enforce a State law which hadbéenignoredso.long as almost,tohavebeenforgotten. Max Palenske,former assistant¢ashier.of .Drovers’NationalBankofChicago,has pleaded guiltyofmisapplying$83,000 of the bank’sfunds.He was sentenced to serve‘five years in the Federal penitentiaryatLeavenworth,Kan. “Speaker Champ Clark and his’sonWereinapossethat‘dispersed.a mobof20men:which attempted to lynch,rrison Rose,a negro charged withmurderingafarmeratBowlingGreen,“Mo.The mol attacked the jail,broke will certainly produce malarial _fe-ver,While we are.making ‘someheadwayagainsttyphoidfever,”hecontinued,“we have not by anymeanseliminatedit.‘The tyehoidflystillhashisfriendsand©strongsupportersbecausehedidn’t kil!al!the grandmothvrs ‘years,ago,becauseheletfolksliveas.healthy lives thenasyouandIarelivingtoday.“Not more than 10 per.cent,of thepeopleinNorthCarolina.yet knowthattuberculosisiscurable,whichmegns.that before tuberculosis.caneverbestampedoutthepeoplemustnotonlyknowthatitiscurable,butknowthatitmustberecognizedinitsbeginningand—given’‘specifictreatment.Why,we haven’t yet got-ten away from the poifit where peo-ple still buy medicine for:tuberculo-sis.4 a“But*we aré not discouraged.We've got people to talking healthandthat’s a good sign.We believethere’s strong public sentiment grow:ing all over the State for betterhealthandbetterlivingconditions,.and it is this that encourages us andkeepsussteadilyatit.And then,too,the press of the State has cham-pioned the cause|of health.It isthegreatestfactorthe\educationalworkoftheboard«has and we valueit-as such,’‘; Hubert N.'Knight,postmaster atMiddlesex,Rack etn who wasvrrested’in Wilson last Tuesdaychargedwiththetheftof$1,100 fromthevaultoftheMiddlesex’BankingCompany,had a ‘ereliminary hearing There are linen rooms,a’pharmacyandakitroomfortheofficeh:whohaveavery‘comfortable megs Yoom,matched by a Second mess.forthefourarmynursesassithédtoeachtrain.Thestaff consists of 42,including the cooks--who have theirownguarters—-and the orderlies,wholodgefourinacompartmentandhavealong,cheerful dining cay.Tanks!in the roof supply the wards and,kitchen with hundreds of gallons:of water, The specia)feature of these trains is Italy’s contribution is to be,.so far. keeps constantly growing. all.tax-ridden, This ‘vast sum,too, the separate ward for infectious casesfittedtothebrakevan.The arrange-ment of the berths in ‘the wards setasideforlying-down casesis also new.|The berths,which can be.raised likethoseinan‘ordinary sleeping ear,irearrangedintiersofthree,with theadvantage‘that 36 men can,be,com-fortably settled in each ward,As inall.the specially built ‘trains,,thesetarsareloadedthroughdoorsatthesideinsteadofthroughtheopenwin-dows,which was the old style,Thetwotrainsjustfinishedarepartofafieet.of 24 which carry British.wound-ed from the front to the base hospi-.tals and the ports in Franeadx);; imranchatReeNNLemROLsea for the future. than $40,000,000,000, be dodged. And what has.eeene meeenepetelpenntens $40,000,000,000.expenditure?It.is announced that under:the willofMrs.John D.Rockefeller there hasbeen:paid:$100,000 to the Woman'sAmericanBaptistHomebepen§o-ciety.and $300,000 to the,Woman'sAmericanBaptistForeignMissionSo-;ciety.It is understood the money istobeusedforbuildingsand..perma-hent material equipment.he Germany’s:decision to let States met yesterday forterm,the disposition of the court. meeeARNhecein, eR.ay Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. “Last winter I used a.bottle of :Chamber-lain’s Cough Remedy for a bad’bronchial eea -runninguptoward$1,000,000,.The cost of the war inall the bel-lierént countries together is estimated about $18,000,000,000.'It may bedouble or triple that by thetimethewarends,for the daily cost And be.fore the war began the nations.were representsonlythe‘operating expenses of the:war,leeving out of account the bil- lions lost’in productive energy,in the destruction.of life and property,’theliabilitiesforpensions,ete.,piled .up If we include suchitems,the total can hardly be less It is worth while to.take a little in-ventory like’this ‘occasionally,and seepreciselywhatwarmeansaspartofanation’s business.The more anybodypondersonthesefigures,the less bel- licose he is likely to:beconte.Even if humanitarian consideration are waiv-ed,.these are hard*facts that can not Europe got for its Well,nothing very definite yet.That sumseemstorepresentthepricepaidforAustria’s determination to punish Ser-bia for something or other,and for Austriahaveherway,about it.Serbia,by theway,hasn’t yet got her punishment.* Rr Aa init Samanta A The Supreme:Court of the Unitedthe.fallTheréare662casesawaiting aes it po here hthestosufferwithoutgivingLydiaE.Pinkhon's Vegerforhershareofthewar.expenses,tablesCompound a trial after all the eviderine that isconttinuallybeing:published,which Proves ‘beyond ‘contradi¢-tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more sufferingamongwomenthanany.other onemedicine in theworld?»We'have publishedin the newspapers of the United StatesFeegenuinetestimoniallettersthanhaveeverbeen:pub‘lished/in the:interest of any.other medicine for women=and every year we publish’‘many new testimonials,all gen-uine and true.Here are three never before published:.‘;FebeniNirs,S.'T.Richmond;Providence,R;I.ovipencr,R.T.—*For the benefit of women whosufferas ThdoneIwishtostatewhatLydiaEK.Pinkham's VegetableConipound 'has done for me,I did some heavy lifting and.the doctor sacausedadisplacement,T have always been weak and I overworaftermybabyWasbornandinflammationset,in,then néryonsiabion,from which I did not recover until I had/taken Lydia E.Pink.ham’s Vegetable Compound.‘The Seipound 4s my best friend andeemoatOewarenwithpepeikemineTtrytosickProvidence,RI Lee ee :amFromMrs.Maria Irwin,Peru,N.Y.©Perv,N.Y Before I tookLydia E,Pinkham’sVegpound.was veryirregular and had much pene IT feriee eochildren,and felt worn out all the time.This splendid medicinehelpedmeas-nothing else had done,and I am thankful every daythatItookit.”—Mrs,Maria Inwin,K.ED.1,Peru,N.Y:esFromMrs,Jane D,Duncan,W.Quincy,Mass.;Soutu Quiney,Mass.—*The doctor said that I had organic tronble-and ie doctored me for along time and I did.not get sag oresawLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetatle Compound ad-SavertisedandItrieditand.found relief before I hadfinishedthefirstbottle.I continued taking it allthroughmiddlelifeandamnowastrong,healthywomanandearnmyownliving.”—Mrs.Jane D.Forest Avenue,West nincy,Mass,at Middlesex and:admitted on the;h,I felt:its beneficial ‘effect:immedi-stand that he «vas.guilty.oftaking ately r d finished -t ogatelyandbefore’I had finished the bottle Iwascured,I never tire of i Invigoratingto the Pale and Sickly rite to LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO.The Old Standard general Strengthening tonic 5)Khe outer doors and were poundingithasledgehammerontheinnerborwhenthesheriffappeared‘withhisposse. Death in Taylorsville—Protract- =ed Meeting. Correspondence of The Landmark. _Taylorsville;Oct.11.—Little MissieBowers,thé ~seven-year-olddaughterofMr.and Mrs.A.J.Bow-ers,died Wednesday night ‘about 9“o'clock at their home in the cotton}viallge,after:an illness of twoBs:of pneumonia.Surviving areherparents,a brother and three sis-_ters...The funeral and biutial servicesWereconductedatLibretyMethodistoepchFridaymorningat11o’élock:4 A .Elbert Payne.os___A protractedmeeting beganat theBaptistchurehhereSundaynight.Rev.J.M.Payne of Boone is.expect-edto arrive or tomorrow to as-‘sist the pastor,.L.P.Gwaltney,Sian tla otneyofcounty‘occup’pulpitSundaynight.*Miss Macpeaite Burke has return-ed from a.’ville with her sister,Miss Sara Burke.Lay A,See spent Thursdayin..*Mr.HL .D.Lindsay-Spent Saturday in Kernersville. Earned Money to Go to College._?Mrs.Jane McKimmon,head of the-Canning Division of the State De-rtment of *Aigriculture,is proud ofthe-achievements:of “a number “ofNorthCarolinagirlswhoduringtheSummer.earned ¢hough money topaytheirwayincollegeforthepres-ent school year.These include MissJessieMaskeatMeredithCollege;Miss Leah Kendall,Littleton College;Misses Ruth and Virginia Jones andel.Smith,Albemarle Industrial: ‘akecounty has Miss Esther Shel-{--dum and*“Migs.Rennie Caudle.atPeaceInstitute,-and Miss May Sher-on and Miss Grace Betts at the StateNormalCollege,/Greensboro:.Franklin county has Misses Min-mie and Mary Stallings at LittletonCollege.Miss Annie Garris ofNorthamptoncoyntyhasearnedhertuitionatMurfreesboro.;SemenSuccéssfulLadyFarmer. Sanford Express, Mrs.W,R.Graig has the distinctionofbeingtheonlyfarmerinLeecountywhosavedlastyearenoughcrimsoncloverandvetchseedforherownuse,Not only is this true,but Mrs.Craigissellingvetchseed..She is sowing:her own cowpeas and will have fornextseason’s.use field-selected corn,¢rimson clover,vetch and several’Varieties of cowpeas.Let more of themendoaswellwiththeirfarmsasrs.Craig is doing with hers, e Satanic een pee ee ayWhenBabyHastheCroup,When «+mother-is.awakened.from soundAleeptofind“her child who has gone to bedApparentlyinthebestofhealthstrugglingfor’breath,she is naturally alarmed.Yet ifshecankeepherpresence.of.mind.and giveChamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten min-utes until vomiting is produced,quick reliefwillfollowandthechildwilldroptosleepto,awaken in the morning as well as ever,This remedy has been in use for many yearswithuniformsuccess,Obtainable —every-where. A call has been issued by the of-fieers of the North Carolina StatePublicityBureauforthefirstannualmeeting,which is to be held in theRaleighchamberofcommerceoffices,Og¢tober 20.» The ‘Quinine That Does Not Affect The HeadBecanseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAKA.TIVE BROMO BERRINEin better than ordinary‘ine and mot Cause nervousness norinhead,Remember the full name andthesignature7W.GROVE,25>, $800.He was bound to:the Noveni-ber term’of Nash Superior Court inabondof$1,000.«<iWhenarrestedKnighthad dn hisnerson$845.Just-before his ar-rest he had negotiated for the’pur-chase of an automobile froma salescompanyin.Wilson:and gavé a de-posit check for.$50'as a guarantee ofgoodfaith—the car to his liking notbeingkeptinstock.::The SSuarin we ee mek,bans =end to Postmaster Knight,allowed him to‘kéep stamps and mon-ey of the postoffice in the vault ofthebank,believing him to,be anhonestman,amount stolen;was days’stay in States-|Che made.good by the young man’s fath-er,who ees Ue sntleman, this remedy to my friends,”writes rs.Wil-GROVE’S TASTELESS c hill TONIC drives ow our letter will be(CONFIDENTIAL)LYNN,MASS,foradvice,read and answered nigh enough to secure the “anpairt-mont aspostmasterabout a year ago. Twoin Jail.. more than 50 sai Pany’s pier at Newpo:and before thedisturbancetwo of.the men al were severely infully.but not:seriouslywerearrestedarid of-mutiny,expected to be preferred later.’:* jailed:on“charges of which were load cargoes. found handy.men under arrestwillbetaken’back.to England for Woman’s Christian’Temperance Un-ion in Raleigh last week,Inhis ad- Gov.Craig spoke of ‘woman suffrageandexpressedoppositiontoit,president of the corivention,Mrs.Goodno,in her annual address,arguedforsuffrage,and Chief Justice Clark;who spoke before the convention,alsocontendedforwomansuffrage.*The:convention,however,was di+vided.on ‘the suffrage proposition andnoactionwastaken.| All Valises and Handbags_halfprice.All Men’s:Hats ‘half price,SMITHEY &FRALEY,The PeopleYouWanttoSee.—nad,°—j It,if said tha .of 1,100 Canadianswhoenlistedwiththe’British army afewmonthsago,only’3b are left. _Extra.special @ lot Ladies’Rib-bed Union,Suits,°$ttvalue,for 65c.One ‘lot Men’s Ribbed Undershirts,sizes 38.only,special price 38c.OnelotAll’Wool Blankets,only $3 pair,Cotton Blankets only 69c.SpecialbargainsiwLadies’,Men’s and Chil-dren’s Coats.In fact the bargainswereneverbetterthan,now.‘Get thehabitoftradingwithus.-SMITH.EY.&FRALEY.—ad.;: SHINGLES $1.30 PER SQUARE UP! DRESSED cedar shingles,§You bucket—the samb cédar!requires’tho introduction;and asforalong-leaf heart pine,thereisn’t a better shingle for the mon-ey.Ready painted valley tin,ridge roll and nails, it is said;and young’Knight stool!# Sailors Riot—Two:Dead and i For four hours Saturday.afternoon|#tan riot at the!#sapeake and Ohio Railway Com-|#Q rt News,Va.,|$ police could quell the 3 rushed overboard and drowned,sever-|njured,othérs pain-|§‘hurt and four|% with charges:of murder : men were»from the BritishsteamersBerwindaleandTerek,and|#the Norwegian steamer Maricopa,all|#at Newport News to!§Crazed.with drink,the|#men fought furiously.with their bare :fisté and anything else that:could bel# The womansuffrage question bob:|®bed up in the State convention of.the|. dress of welcometo the convention,|. The| know the life:of «a cedar.water|} Cypress #} liam.Bright,Malaria,entichesthe blood,buileverywhere.Ft.Wayne,Ind.-Obtainable e SestileAbahgags pap ene a“CLEAN THAT:WATCH OR CLOCK Don’t wear them dnt before you haveit done.Firstclass work.albthe'time,and you can get. conn an }your work when you ‘want it: up the system,Atrue Tonic,;For adults and’children...50c. H.B,WOODWARDaaa .Jeweler. sazs22re83 esaeesesseseesercccer:SExEET is3:seesetesseseesssrsresrrs:wake wa usr;x or}2 ’a j Aye ye ve »; *e In .ToT Ae ‘t.Be kt wee Ci eeotie Feld5iwhoadl Suitable foxdny one to receive. Suitable for/everybodyto give.© Quality It will:make you feel good to see them. |We are proud to show them. |Statesvill Me Ebay ae? srerees ‘PYry Just in-—-New Selections.; || ee ee s SS o 5 ce s t e t e s s c c o n c o e s o e c c s opened,bya woman andheldiin strict contidence, | a ee ee Reece NewLine of 1915 |TR DDN :vyPATTERNRUGS! sa Variegated Mottle Rugs...: _.Persian Silk Rugs.,: _,Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes,| ,Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors.° .Calland seo our line of Brussell Rugs—"$18.00 to $38.50. -Wethave in'stoek'a few specially largeD215Rugs. coobionyets t { Statesville Housefurnishing Co. Our Elegant Line oe as aion a AKStationery:WILL PLEASE YOU.— Tablets andEnvelopes to mateh, HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE:20,©a be “Prescriptionists. com ee ee a peerage creme Se rere eenoe vateale t e |COLLEGE JEWELRY egRings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc.,with the seal of|Statesville College on.Make a nice /piecd \of Jewelry for formerstudentsaswellasthosenowattending.We have this line howin.ae »THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY.beg-to announce that they have conipleted arrangements with “THEHOMEINSURANCECO.of NewYork,’’forinsuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice:JaeyTOBACCOGROP.!$100 per acre.valuation at ;75 per acre valuation at50peracrevaluationat. at $7.50 per acre5.874 per acreonat.,,,.3.75 per acre ..”25 per acte valuation at-.-1.874 per acreCOTTON,CORN.AND SMALL GRAIN CROP.$40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre35peracrevaluation1.40 per acre30peracrevaluation1,20 per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre.:20 per.acre valuation »80 per acre15peracrevaluation-60 per acre |AQ per acre valuation...-40 per acreeeeDWELLINGS,F SoakBARNS,-)$100 valuefor one year at 30¢,,3 years at.60¢.,5 years at 900,.This“8 latter ‘aidan covers |Fagainst loss:or.ge.occasioned‘windin addition t RosEMMEERM.Anything insurable."*CARLTON,M ff‘ARE YOU INTERESTED?FAT Slate Roofing?Tin.geting?Se ted fe eeal’:Galvanized Shingle Rooting?‘Roof:PainteuribIceBoxorRefrigeratorLined?ne Tin orSheet MetalWorkof any Kind?LET US''TREDELL TIN WORKS. -Independent’Phone 197.Bell Phone 98." -~ KNOW. C.WATKINS,’Phone 43. R.H.RIGKERT &SON. ay Se ete eateres_THE ADVERTISER ASKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS._ 4 seepeeeaes * x ‘RCT ECE Peas$eee!Bin y Bete gd }* i ¢ee aah ayt“a it +Ceninaaeendn PyROk Obes Pent ene erentam met a me - TUESDAY,October 12,1915)scorer siajuaen-wy thole and,seca to do|theRapa on ectedveworkmeninour¢mploy capableof repairing anyf,ee ecar.All work done under the supervision of an expért me-ehavic which insures thorough workmaoshipand satisfied customers.p We ask thatyou give usa trial, _Statesville Motor Co. ee PARY FIRST.Agi BANDITS HOLD UP.TRAIN And Rob the Postal Car ofReg:istered Mail.-,- Two miles west of Central,W.Va.early Friday morning,masked bneldupandrobbedaBaltimore & Ohio express ae en route from Hew:York to St.LoEngineer,ae Helms:of Parkers.burg,who was at the throttle when the hold-up occurred,said he be- argerecrater a —_ eer onsale veetacemecnsnansadena se COUCRCRCE eee BEELER BIC AOG EOI Are You Fit? ftthe TANG of this fine,fall atmospheredoeantt at GINGER intoyoursyreaoufeellikehitchinguptothehardestproposi- ons and trotting off-with them ata winning pace,there’s gomethicgwrong.etter find out about it, Whatever it is,we have the BESTdrugs toput vou RIGHT;we fixthemupRIGHT,AND~—do it RIGHT NCa c e o c a c e a s e t e pe c a c e e c e PORT i :-Pansio Is OurFirst,Last and Middle Name The Polk Gray Drug Company,“ON THE SQUARE.” POPC ROROF ORCL ECE Or) Men’s New Fall Sweaters ! Complete line now ready for your inspection--$1.00,$1.50,$2.00,$3.00 and $3.50.In Brown,Maroon,Na- vy,Oxford and Garnet. New Fall Neckwear---25 and 50 Cents AJl the newest shapes,in-neat and desirable patterns.An exceptional- ly good line to sélect from. ‘SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO, ’Phone No.83. CECLC CHOCO CB SORCRERCS HOST RHATS TOF RIOTS “SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO.| lieved the robbers boarded the train|' hetween the engine and the mail otatCentralwhen.the train stoppedto take on,water.Shortly after thetrainstartedtwomenclimbedover the tender and down into the cab,cov- ering the engineer and,ordered_that thé train be stopped.The command was not obeyed un- til after Engineer Helms struck atoneofthemen,thinking for the mo- ment it was sonfebody trying to play a joke on him,However,on seeingthatthebanditsmeantbusiness,he stopped the train.One of the men then ordered the fireman off the en-gine.The two bandits command Helms to run his engine a short dis-|'tance ahead.At the.points of theirrevolvers,Helms was then orderedtoleavethecab,Three mail clerks were in the car when the bandits en-vered and the clerks thought they,|were some of the trainmen.At the point of revolvers the robbers de- manded the registered mail,of which there were about 90 packages on ‘thebench.Two of the clerks were or- dered to leave the car and the trainwasthenrunashortdistanceseeHainesHuff,clerk in charge of’the car,being retained in order to point sut where other registered mail was kept.He was then ordered to leave the car also and the engine and’mailcarweretakenontoTollgatebythe handits.At Tollgate the two «men abandoned the engine and car and got into an automobile.The amount of money secured has net been made public.4 |What the’“Governor Told the 'Women About the Ballot. Extending ‘welcome to the thirty-|third annual convention of the North ‘Carolina Woman’s Christian Temper-ance Union,in Raleigh Friday night,: \Gov.Craig told the women that he!,; ‘has never been strong on woman suf- \frage,and believes women have ac- |complished wonderful things withoutitheballetthroughtheexerciseofthe higher and nobler place and power jthan the ballot that is the case.He’‘declared that woman has ever beenlshereserveforcethathassaved.the |State and the nation in numbers crises,and all without the ballot.“But \if you want the ballot and insist up- /on it,”said the Governor,“why,have t;but bear in mind that the greater influence of no man or woman is in the!* ballot,but in the life and personal in-{~j fluence of the individual.” The Governor traced through the} \influence.of woman the spread of theitemperancecause,fro the incorpor- Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal.Reserve System. Vouk Barking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent,;with prudent bank- ing methods, Four per cent.paidon time.andsSavings c S.8 ‘ by wi Ae remaining,or longer..4~ OFFICERS: President,i W.D.TURNER,.==--;K,MORRISON,See -Vice President.4 D.M.AUSLEY,-%-*Cashier. @.B.HUGHEY,~’Assistant Cashier.: |THELANDNLARK ;The MostValuable Ever Grown. andits momenat's October erop report,issued ed|244,000,considerably more than _ev- ae ands for three-eights of one -per cent.commission on disbursements land provide bond,The office,the oon greta pe rIs A RECORD CROP. American harvests this year wil!ke the most valuable ever produced.With the wheat crop exceeding a bil-lion bushels,the largest ever produe-ed in one season by any:nation,“eoacorncropwhichalsomayprovetobe.the largest ever grown,the gov- ursday,announced preliminary ¢s-te-record harvests e,sweet potatoes, timates/which tohofoats,barley,r sien,tobaeco andCornstillisking of crops with in- dications of.3,026,159,000'bushels,‘While that is 98,000,000 helow therecordof1912,the final productionMaymorethanmakeup*he difer- ence.The higher prices this year as- sure the most valuable corn crop ev-er grown.At prices to farmers pre- vailing Octeber 1 the crop is worth$2.133,000,000.+‘ Wheat prospects increased as the growing season progressed and th? government's early.season forecast*moved up month by month,so tliat the preliminary estimate of produc-tion is placed at 1,002,029,000 bush- els.At prices prevailing October 1 the farm value of.the crop is $910,- . er was paid.for a wheat crop before. September weather was particular- ly destructive to potatoes,causing a reduction of 37,758.000 bushels,or 10 per cent.,in the forecast of pro- duction.Tobacco also suffered from unfavorable conditions,which caused a decrease of 21,345,000 pounds in the production forecast.Tobacco, ord crop of 1909 by 48,000,000.pounds. Oats will exceed therecord crop of 1912 hy almost 100,000,000 bushels. Barley will exceed its record by 13,- 000,060 bushels;sweet potatoes by 5,000,000 bushels,rice “by (500,000 bushels and hay by 8,000,000 tons. ce eacDAMa Burke’s Funds Handled =By Lowest Responsible Bidder, It.was mentioned in a recent issue of The Landmark that a law nassei by the last:Legislature abolished the office of treasurer for Burke coun- ty.The county commissioners were authorized to arrange with a bank or trust company to handle the count; furds,and in the event a satisfacto- ry arrangement could ‘not.be,made with such institution they were au- thorized to let the contract for \handling the zounty’s funds:to the lowest responsible bidder. The.Morganton banks didn’t seem to want the business and the com- missioners asked for bids,under the jsecond provision of the law.More{than 20 bids were put in and that ofW.B.Berry was accepted.Mr.Ber- ry,says the News-Herald,agrees tobecomeresponsibleforthecounty News-Herald says,will pay $175 to $200 per annum, IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW, What 2 Heap of Happiness it Would Bring to Statesville Homes. and 50 years ago to the final achieve- ment of State-wide prohibition,which} ae predicted will speedily develop into!H nation-wide prohibition,so that the’ H whole liquor traffic will be wiped out; and declared that the very best “pre- 3 paredness”which any nation can- jnoast is that of its young men and 3!young women in ways of soberness,i industry and uprightness.The effort lof the W.C.T.U.in this direction H |was extolled.Theirs,‘he said,*has ibeen a wonderful work in driving in-H temperance to the point thatin all theBStateintoxicantscannotbesoldwith- Bout branding the seller as a criminal. H "The Daughters ‘Elect Officers— H |Will Erect Memorial Bridge. The State meeting of the Daugh- ers of the Confederacy in CharlotteHlastweekclosedwiththere-election $of Mrs.Eugene ‘Little.of Wadesborojpresident.Other officers named,isorae of them re-elected,were as|follows:Mrs.Chas,E.Platt of Char- \lotte first vice president,Mrs.Thos. Lee Craig of Gastonia second —viceoreaidentsMrs,J.O.Gilkey.moe Mi: tary,Mrs,La de.Inp 5 BS |boro corresponding secretary, Margaret Etheridge of Selma.treas- urer,Mrs.B.L.Tyree of:Durham re- Sicorder of crosses,Mrs.Harveyerer- historian,Mrs.B.H.Griffincof Golds- boro chaplain,Mrs.Tempie White- Mrs.Risden T.H \children’s chapter.electecH|Bennett of Wadesboro was %ihonorary president. er of the president,Mrs.Little. The Threewhichhold the world 's sai: Oat Drills,Harrows,Disc Plows,Manure Spreaders,etc.Complete line.ee :Iredell Hardware Compa . -Superior,BuckEye,Empire! The convention decided to undertakethetaskoferectingamemoria bridge near the Stonewall -Jackso Training School and:it is to be =< memorial not only to General Jack- son but to Mrs.Jackson also. bridge will be on the National high- and will have an arch of 40 feet. The next meeting,will be held ir Gastonia. \ Alfred .Dreyfus,..hero of the noto rious spy trials that split France—in to bitter factions a number of.years BRO,has re-entered the army surrounding Paris. tillery when.he was convicted pre bi to Germany plans fornewFrenchgun,was the rank of commandant (major)\af ter his retrial and acquittal,{holds the same rank now. outbreak of th war bechuse he was eager to rehabilitate himself in.th:| minds of any doubters.-He was ‘a once placed in command of (a Faris fort,but has had no chance tosincetheParis| itter’of 3 jation of-churches and.schoolhouses,40, istrar,Miss Georgia Hicks of Faison head Holt of Rocky Mount leader of She is the moth- The way,will be 15 feet above ground Dreyfus"Nowin French Army. and is now commanding one of the forts Dreyfus,who was a captain ofar oO promoted to He Though he is 64 years old,Drey- fus volunteered his services at the, dis-| tinguish himself,+ Riri ag not been ne ata bone co men wi ow him bes ere es auietly aand has vot *GREENSSORO,‘'B.G, 8,Other Bomodioe Won't Cero Polk Gray Drug Co., ,iataoeDetoesgu,. r'"fard to do housework with an ach- iffg@e ack. tings your hours of miseryat Jei- ,Sufet or at work- Hf women only knew the cause— that Backache pains often comé from (*ppale kidneys, *TWwould save much needless woe. «.Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys., Read what a ,SaYS Statesville citizen ’Mrs.Eugene Fesperman,3828 W. Bell St.,Statesville,says: sharp pains across my kidneys and. rheumatic twinges in my limbs and! shoulders.One of the family advised me to try Doan’s Kidney Pills and I hi a supply from the -Statesville Drug Co.After taking a few doses, I was relieved of the pain in my back]! and the rheumatic twinges disappear- ed.Whenever I have any sign of eee pore however,promises to exceed the rec-| For Chilly:N ights and Frosty Mornings” SMOKELESS,odorless | PERFECTIONOIL HEATER‘is just what you need.In_ the morning it warms up the bed- room and bathroomin five minutes. In the evening it lets you read ane smokein comfort—and saves start- ing a costly coal fire or furnace. The Perfection burns 10 hours onagallonofkerosene. Clean—quick—convenient. Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold in many styles and. sizes at hardware;general.ianddepartmentstorés¢ everywhere.Aa g ae. Use Aladdin Security Oil or’ White Oil to obtain best results inStoves,Lamps and Heatersx;.€aah STANDARD OIL COMPANY te (New Jersey) £ °e BALTIMORE Dale ot ; Washington,D,eA Charlotte,erNorfolk,Va,°>actagaain,onWeVe «7 ae OPhate eae hi) a)s ey naan WHO SMOKEL ia Leb vee “T had|xm kidney trouble now,ney.Pills and.they do me good.” aRbiGR Mas Abn Al,Le EE, Doan’s Kidney Pillsthe ‘same that Mrs.Fesperman had.Foster-Milburn Co.Props.,Buffalo,N.Y- When It’s‘Flowers! 1 a Think of Van Lindley Company.We have “one of the largest ‘|Greenhouse plants in -|the South. rt Orders small or large 'receive prompt atten- Shipping facil- -|}ities unsurpassed. a!tion. Flowers That Please. Van Lindley Co,, sf t| § e J use Dpan’s Kid-| OES idney PereayD s .Macal Agents. WORTH KNOWIN' Suppose that you are insuredin the United Life and Accident InsuranceCompanyofNewHampshirefor$5,000 under the ny’Ss” Triple Indemnity Plan,what does your Policy guarantee to do? ANSWER: "FIRST,it guarantees thatin case of aoath from an cause,®000,_the fave of the policy,will-beGord ‘:a " eeeesetaeTHIRD,thatin-case:of death:from.certain=fied $15,000,or three times the face of the policy,willbe paid..But this'is not all.In case of total disability a8 a result 0dentalinjury,you.will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK.Can insurance do more?Andvi ‘should any man be gatisfiwithapulicythatwoulddoless?e cost is low.*ERNEST G.GAITHER,°ANests NeuRAN PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDIN era Such isthe recordofoneday’s hundred years the Hartfortidamagedonebytornadoes.Fire Insurance’Company You don’t know when the has met —honest claimtornadomaystrikeyour. property,but you do know‘the “Old Hartford”’protects against alll loss,For over a: ‘when a Tornado $ People’sLoan&Savings Ee N.Ae WingsGEO..H“BROWN,President ~~ormore than $8 per acre. % “Asheville Taking note of a complaint that, the’long-accented remedy:for snake hite is a trifle “sa’ce,”Mr J.WwW Holtzclaw of Mortimer,Caldwell ‘county.writes the Charlotte Obsery- er as.follows:;} “In the interest of humanity, want to say that I have a remedy that will cure any case’of snake hite in a.shorter time than any.other ‘mown remedy and is much cheaper than any other remedy.I live in a rattlesnake and copperhead range’and Phave cured and directed the’cure of quite a number of.snake-bitten dogs during the summers of 1914 and 1915, -The\cure for a dog.requires,from 86 to 60 minutes,At the_expiration of this time the dog,is ready for a rab- bit:hunt or a snake hunt,either. The remedy is an herb,that grows up in the mountains and probably in the lowlandé also.I could send any one samples of the herb any time from early spring till late fall,and full/instructions as to how to use it. It penetrates the whole system in ‘two minutes.If any of your many readers are interésted in,the above statement I would answer any ques- ‘tion:they may wish to ask concerning this most potent of all remedies for poisonous bites.I)believe.it,wouldspeedilyctirearabiddogbiteandit is perfectly harmless,as I have had dogs who were not:bitten by snakes to eat what was‘left from curing one which wasgbit n,ewithout any sign of discomfort,+Wes, “Persons ;wishing....to..correspond with me wil.incldse postage for an- swer.”.a Rs Governnient Land Parchases in ‘.Our State., Washington Dispatch to!Greensboro % ews.| >The Federal ‘government purchased 30,982.07 acres of ‘land in North Car- .oling during the fiscal year ending ;June 80,1915,at.a cost of $252,302.78, This land ‘was purchased.under the Weeks law for the protection of water sheds,and li¢giat the head of streams that flow both into the Mississippi and the At-‘lantic ocean,streams which are of ut- most value to thousands of farmers in the States of.North and South Car- a,Georgia and Tennessee. “This makes a total’of 69,507.98 aetég Purchased in North Carolina since 1911,for which the government has,paid $583,546.27,or an average of $8.39 per acre.There still re- sins to be purchased of lands rec- nmended in the State by the com- mission a total of 204,375.02 acres, “which it is estimated will cost $1,- 114,346.13.: ‘The land ‘already purchased lies ,mainly in four counties—McDowell,~Macon,Swain and Yancey.The oth- er lands:contemplated lie in.the coun- ties of Avery,Buncombe,Burke, Caldwell;Cherokee,Clay,Graham: Haywood,Henderson,Jackson,Madi- gon,Mitchell,‘Transylvania,Watau--ga and Wilkes,° AttachesofSparks’Show Fined .For,Immoral Dances. Fines.and ee ting $490andaggreratingwereimposedataspecialsessionofpolicecourtlastnightupon.six de-fendants connected with the.SparksBrothers’cireus on charges of tak-ing part in’an.immoral ‘performance,at which Oriental dances.of an im-..proper nature were given by two.wo-menin.a side show of the circus.‘Sparks,one of.the.man-agers of the circus,was.fined $100onthecharge.of.permitting an.im-moral.performance in’.a tent ownedand.controlled by him:a.fine of $100 was imposedon C.Towers,chargedwithexhibitingindecentpictures;_while:A.’Cooper and Roy Dick wereeach,fined $75 on stmilar charges.Milly Dancy and Fay Ryan.the two women,who are alleged to have giv-en the Oriental dances,were ©fined$100 and $75,respectively.In addi->i to the fines the costs were tax-up ‘against the defendants.-The arrést of the defendants was :bers of-the plain. (Nothingwas.said about this sshowwhenthecircus.was in States-ville Saturday.’Poskibly,it was.toneddown.or the police didn’t get on.—TheLandmark.); Riley’s Birthday. Thursday,7th,was the anniversa-ty of the birth of James WhitcombRiley,the noted Indiana poet.It wasal‘Holiday.in Indiana.by procla-;tion.of the Governor.The..poetreceived’honors from his ‘ownspeo-ple in Indianapolis and congratulato- ‘hy omessages and kindly remem--branges from,friends and.admirersthroughouttheStateani-nation.There:were cheery messages fromoetshighinarraycircles.andrrmirersin.the humbler walksofHite.!Altogether it was a great day.for_Mr.Riley but he didn’t tell the publicthenumberofthebirtiday.that wascelebrated.He doesn’t want his_friends to knowhis age,he says. Visitors Ascend Monument, The memoriol shaft to Georre-.Washington in Potomac.Park-is —themostpopularhavenoftouriststothe '8 capital,according to the an- Al report of.Col.W.W.Hart,offi-cer in charge of the District of Co- lumbia»parks.Duving the year\anaverageof500personsdailyascend-oe rr for a bird’s-eye view ofthe/nafional capital,or a total for the:t of 182,008.Of these 156,640 as-conded in the elevator and 25,368 “tip the 1,000 steps:Since theeewasopencdin18884,277,-"have ascended the monument. To Drive -oAndBuild Up The System¢the Old Standard GROVR’SLBSSchillTONIC,You know_arétaking,as the formula is1label,showing it isatastelessform,eand Iron in Lape deed, Potent Remedy For Snake Bite, p,Zoten bere out.malaria,theIronetree50.centa Capt.R.M.Gaffney;an agprominentcitizen‘Gaffney,and grandson of the fotinder of that: a few days ago, At.Winsted,_Conn.,;Mrs.Bishop,37 years old:and married 20,years.has given birth to her seven-)teenth child,Sixteen of the children,11 girls and five hoys,are living andoodisonesetoftwinsinthefam- uy.(‘eaAlbertoGarciaGranados,ministeroftheinteriorintheHuertacabinet,in Mexico,was executed Saturday inMexicoCityby.order ‘of the Carran-za government.He was charged withcomplicityinthekillingofPresidentMadero.‘:;“Miss Margaret Wilson,daughterofPresidentWilson,”who will sing inconcertsthismonthatBuffalo,N.Y. Erie,Pa.,Cleveland,.,states thatthemoneyreceivedfromthese ap-pearances will go to.the:movement topromotetheusaofpublicschoolsas community centers.;\ Fire in Richmond Saturday nightdestroyed.Crenshaw’s'tobacco.ware-house and several other buildings,thetotalJossbeingestimatedat,$500,000. Sunday morning .while firemen wereatworkamongtheruinsabrickwalltoppled.and crushed three to death,Two others were probably fatally in-jured.;: The.Colorado’Supreme Court hasadmittedJohnR.Lawson to bail inthesumof$35,000.,.Lawson was con- victed of -first degree murder in con-nection with,strike-disorders in Colo-rado and.sentenced.to.life.imprison-ment.The Supreme.Court recently granted a writ of error. Dr.E.A.Sturge’of San FranciscohaspresentedtotheEmperorofJa-pan,on behalf of Japanese ChristiansinAmeri¢a,a Bible in which are in-scribed expressions’of |Japanese-American friendship.‘The Bible wasgiveninconnectionwiththeforth- coming coronation ‘of the Emperor.| A_new “anti-treating”regulation,designed to curtail the consumption of alcoholic liquors,is now effective inLondon.Under a penalty of $500 fineorsixmonthsinprison,each drinker must.order his own booze and pay forit.The only exception is that drinksorderedwithafull-meal may be paidforbythehost.; A straw showing that times are be- coming normal in the cotton millingindustryisthefactthat.one New Bed-ford mill distributed dividends for thefirst.time to its holders of common3tockandtwoFallRivermills.whichhadomitteddividends:during the pastquarter.paid dividends to all theirstockholdersforthelastquarter. Edward -F,Chandler,inventor of asystemofharbordefensenowbeing tested by the United.States navy,andfatherof.the electric torpedo-steeringvyroscopé.announces that he has per-fected a plan for airship.detection at long range by means of microphones. ey,‘C., town,died suddenly"at his:home,there. William.) and bowels regular for months. “you do atithepri Your Barn, :Write fora ention Day ”is past,You haer©nai but-in spiteof it the wall,turn it,upside downurcommand-—throwing it with force 4(: |to 40 gallons of waterfor fighting firey You may never need it,but if |iwillneeditbad,It may never be worthva centto you orjit may save you 1 ‘and warehouse,because th ire Extinguisher should _efficient. further particulars. bein eve ‘abe ed valuablewillcomemewhere.you least!home.You have but to take it-it automatically places a stream of chorce40to°b0 feet. formation lookexpectit,| em-|]ne gallon of these chem:|) of your house and furniture.You will find themin most every factory,mill |}mvinee t.Put one -in Your Home.The price of the Keystone is $16.The price of the Paragon is $13,Put one in ' of baseball games,between the Phil- adelphia and Boston teams,were play-| éd in.Philadelphia Friday and Sat- urday.Philadelphia,won the first,3 to 1,.and Boston the second,2 to’1. A big feature of Saturday’s game was the presence of President Wilson The third game was in Boston yes-'terday and was a.victory for Boston—|2tol.i TAKE “CASCARETS”HEADACHY,BILIOUS |AND CONSTIPATED,| Best.For Liver and Bowels,Bad Breath,Bad Colds,Sour; Stomach.\| Get a 10-cent.box.; Sick headache,biliousness,coated tongue,.head.and nose clogged up! with a cold—always trace this to tor-' pid liver;delayed,fermenting ’food| in the bowels or sour,gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in- testines,’instead of being cast.out othesystem,is re-abgorbed into.the blood.When:this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con- gestion and that,dull,throbbing, sickening headache.; Cascarets.immediately cleanse the stomach,remove the sour,undigested food and foul gases,take the excessbilefromtheliverandcarryoutall the.constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels.A “Cascaret tonight will ‘surely straighten ‘you out by morning.They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear,stomach:sweet.and.your liver i takmes C.WATKINS . Brought Statesville low prices on i flooring,cciling,.siding,weather-|| boarding,boxing,casing,shingles, which he believes would rid London oftheterroroftheZep.”f | The Southern railway’s northbound|New York -New.Orleans limited wasinahead-on.collision with a south-bound local passenger train.near Ar-rington.Va.,early.Friday morning, P.O.Hughes of Lynchburg,Va.,bag-gage master on the limited,was kill- ed,a negro hobo was seriously injur- ed and other persons.slightly injured. J.T.Pace,of Tryon,N,'C.,owner of a garage and public service car atthatplace,and Richard Bomar,a ne-gro,were.killed and ‘James Outlaw, another negro,was.seriously injured,when a train struck the car in whichtheywereriding,at a railroad cross- ing near Landrum,§.'C,The two,negroes were caught’on the engine does,windows,lime,laths and ce}.4 and he is still sellingcheape,est.Cee and his fiancee,Mrs.Galt.|e Ai Co, }. [Faas B.L.SRONCE,--- “World Series Ball Games,|[; The first.two of the world.series'[f EE N VE E R TE N Everybody tells us our new store front is a wonder.We know fora fact it’sagreathelpinshowingyouourimmensestocxofMillinery,Coats and CoatSuits,Shirt Waists,Underwear,Sweaters,Dress Goods,Notions,Shoes,Hats,Caps and Umbrellas,This week is show week for everybody and we are feat-uring some wonderful values in Ready-to-Wear Garments. Furnishings to show you--Down Quilts,Elkin "Blankets,Mohawk.and UticaSheetsandPillowCases.Table Damask with’Napkins to match.Towelswithwashclothstomatch—for your guest room.Everything in keeping withthetimesandyourpocketbook.Give us a look—it’s five,:ce Big stock of House Yours truly, GR E E OS.£.ON. poses. 4 New or Re-Built Typewriters sold.Have afew machines for Rental Pur-,RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES,with your Typewriter troubles.Come to us Statesville Printing Co. SHARES OF STOUK AT AUCTION. The undersigned administrator of the estate of W.W.Cooper,deceased will sell at public auction to the highest bidders,for cash,at thecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C,onMONDAY,NOVEMBER 1,1915,at 12 o'clock,m.,the following shares of stock in incorpor- ated companies,towit:35,shares in Statesville Cotton Mills, shares in Statesville Buffalo Shoals Bridge1shareSoutheastern.Poultry Associa-60:shares in Post Dater Stamp Co.R.A.COOPER,Administrator, tion. KR.B.MeLanghlin,Atty. Oct.5,1915. WANTED—An experienced “monument man to represent us in this section.MECKLEN- BURG MARBEE &GRANITE GO.,Box 32, "PHONES.84and 137 and carried some distance.~ The German ministry has announc- ed that,owing to a scarcity of coneper,all chandeliers and lighting ap-| paratus,as well as works of art,such} as statues,will be taken over.by the|government,says an.Amsterdam dis-| patch.Lighting’appliances.not in; daily use will be taken first,but it is,stated that the government soon will)have to seize all the copper in -Ger-' AaORS‘eae“James-ition;‘org d “during.the +t8wn.Exposition,in 1907,that.three-fourths of ‘the $10,000 |vahontas,the Indian.Princess, completed and the monument will be|erected on Jamestown Island,Va.,as|soon as the balance of the money israised,: Lieut.Frank M,.Harris of the bat-| tleship Delaware,whose:home is in| & P,P.Powell and Henry Parsons,of} fatally,injured.when an automobile}in which they’were riding Sunday|turned over near Richmond,Va.Dr.;Leslie’B.Wiggs .of Richmond,a/|member.of the.party,was slightly.|hurt :4 ‘In the State of New York one per-|son in 44 owns an automobile,.accord-|ing to the report)of the.Secretary of;State,The June census:enumera:|tion shows.the:State’s population to!be approximately.9,700,000,and.222,-)! improvement. ed.by Postmaster General -Burleson.Paraguay now.is the,only,country.ofSouthor,Central America with whichsuchatreaty.has not been ‘concluded.The.announcement.said the PostofficeDepartmentnowwould’push vigor-ously its plans for extending,moneyorder.exchanges .between,.the coun-tries of ‘the Wi Mee 1¢1‘estern Hemisphere. ‘Whenever You Noed a General Tonic’oh Take Grove’s :The Old Standard Grove’s TastelesschillTonicisequally,valuable as aGeneral.Tonic it contains thewellknowntonipropertiessofQUININEandIRON.It actson iver,Drivesout.Malaria;Entiches the Blood andBuildsuptheWholeSystem.4 cents, ER a ag + 4 aie hai Sarai 4 reports |} wanted to erect a monument to Po-|) ase”been subscribed.The statue has been |{* Memphis,Tenn,wag.killed,and Lieut.|§: the Delaware,were seriously,but not)f) 025.owners .of autos had.registered|cars to October 1.The receipts from|automobile license were $1,824,313,all|of,which wag to be spent in highway| Signing of a parcel post convention|between the United States and Argen-|tina,effective October.15,is annoiine-| SUIT. shown, in sizes erodeour lot of are the see the day to }} SILKS,SHOES,BAGS, *PHONES - Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company.: The Store With the Onick Parcel Post Service.|Ladies’Ready-to-Wears. SKIRTS AND WAISTS. The biggest and best assortment yet styles from which to:select. “STYLISH STOUT SUITS”for women-who want to be well dressed are here now the usual large suits.Specially attractive suits,and they.are moderately priced.Come and visit’this department and you can’t come just write us your,wants~and we'll’send you garments.for your inspection. Shoes and Accessories to mat¢h the Suits are shown in abundance. HOSE,GLOVES and WAISTS. BIG.LOT,FEATAER BOAS in all the popul ar'|colors,ranging from $1.00 to $4.00. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison ‘Company.THE’STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL’ORDERS. Charlotte,N.C.Sept.28--8t.ltaw, *"PHONES84and137 S,DRESSES,COATS, All the new fabrics znd scores of up to 48 1-2.Thase Suits are smaller germents and will fit without alterations ordinarily.needed in fur and braid.trimmed box coat new numbers as they come.in from day.Or if BELTS, ‘PHONES ~$4 and 137 84 and 137 ‘|ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT i QUESTIONS CONFRONTING US IS HOW TO DEVELOP THIS »GREAT SOUTHLAND. We are sure you will agree with us thatthereistoomuchwaste. Why NotSave? One of the best ways to SAVE is to open a a>Savings Account.< You are always welcome at our bank re-gardless of how small your account may be. ‘Merchants and Farmers’Ban neg Of Statesville, k, ‘“The Bank For Your Savings.’’- NTT “Fiues_made up ready for del eae .meatc.op Sanat : STATESVILLE.*PRIONE 55. 4+ co ae ¢BA as a m,"y SatsbiteSi day,orderreceived.kat TIN GO TOBACCO FLUES i ivery _’Phone or write us.your or- ,H,CoMohler,Manager. 114 East BroadStreet.* 7 “Are You T hinking iMO Entering a Sut! If so consult us--we are.fashion attor- neys.Our stock of information is\re- plete with the new- est and nobbiest in-° formation concern- ing.Suitings and Overcoatings at the lowest prices.Con- sultations earnestlysolicitedFREE. StoanC lothing Compan Fashion Attorneys.Ys S fee 4 F ge .t"hie towers ;“¥.Se te ea Oe gL na_mae i ’er VOL.XUL STATESVILLE,N.C,FRIDAY,OCTOBER 15,1915, y cnet raat me THE ADVANCE RETARDED. "Serbia Resists AtAustro-German Progress—Fighting in the War Zone—Another Zeppelin Raid in London, With the Germans and Austrians pressing through Serbia the ‘world awaits’expectantly the rete battlethat.must come.when TeutonsandtheirBulgarianoethegethecombinedforcesof(the Serbs,theBritishandtheFrench,savs the As- sociated Press summary of the war] news,.The!Germans and Austrians areencounteringstubbornresistancefrom‘Serbian forees left behind...to checkthemandBertinadmitsthatthisre; sistance has a the’TeutonicforwardmovemeThecavtureofSerbianpositions-south of Belgrade and .at other points is reported byBerlin,but Nish declares the Teutonsarepayingaheavytoll,especially be- fore Lipa,where “the battlefield iscoveredwithbodies.”jfarasisknowntheRussian army,which the French premier an-nounced ‘was to fight shoulder toshoulderinthe.Balkans with the French and British,has not yet en- tered the arena,nor isi its point of‘attack indicated. The situation in both Greece and Rumania remains unchanged,both these countries remaining.neutral.Greece has notified ‘Serbia that she is nnable to come to her aid.The.Russians have gained anothervictoryalongtheStrinariver,onthesouthernEastGaliciafront. They have pierced.the last ‘line of}the Austrian defenses ‘and have stormed one of the strongest pointsontheAustro-German right flank. Although this fighting.is not farfromthenorthernRumanianfron-tier,and indicates that the Russians have brought up strong forces.theteisnothingtoshowthatitisinany way connected withthe struggle intheBalkans:On the ‘Western line the GermansinArtoishavemadeviolentattacks against allied positions,preceding them with terrific bombardments.At!one point they.penetrated trencheswhichhadbeenshatteredbyshells, -but everywhere else-were repulsed with heavy losses,according to Paris.Elsewhere along the,French and Bel- gian fronts artillery duels have.pre-dominated.seu sceyInRussiathehardestfighting}- —to-be in the Dvinsk region,where Berlin:says.the -Russian.at~}thetackagainsttheGermanlinewhich is endeavoring to capture the.citybrokedownunderartilleryfire. .*EKight persons arc known to havebeen.killed and 34 injured in a new raid ‘over’London by Zeppelins.No great material damage was done by the airships,according to the Britishhomeoffice.The Germans and Austrians con- tinue to report steady progress on Serbian territory although admitting their headway is being impeded.Since,the fall of Belgrade no encounter of}great strategic importance has occur-| red in this’new war theater.Serbia is making a desperate attempt.to stem the tide. To Test Title to Rock Spring Campground. There.has been some controversy,as The Landmark’s readers will re- “member,about Rock Spring camp- ground.An attempt was made to _Stop the holding of campmeetings there,which failed.Suit has beenfiledinLincolncountySuperiorCourt to determine “the eee of |the ae cuit are the Daas thor the truateesofthécampgrounddeféndants.Hon.W.D.Turner and Mr.Dorman Thompson of Statesville are attor-neys for the plaintiffs and Mr.W.C. Feimster of Newton,and others,rep- resent the defendants. Austria Calls For Metal. ‘The Austrian government has.is+sued.an appeal to.the public to take all gold and silver jewelry,plate andj: other articles made of these metals ‘tothemintsforconversationintocoinsor.bars.’The ‘necessity of|strength-oe Onin the ‘pold reserve and’meeting payments abfoad for gods for mili-tary purposes is given.as:the reason for the appeal. Persons who surrender gold or.sil-ver ‘will receive full payment in bank notes and certificates of honor fortheirpatrioticacts. a “Commissioner.of Internal RevenueOsbornestatesthat500internalrev- enue;agents,inspectors and deputycollectorappointedundertheincome tax:law,have been conveyed to civilservicebyorderoftheCivilService Commission and in’the future will -be subject tocivii service rules. Chas.Carpenter,empitoyed in.theyardsoftheSouthern,.\railway inAsheville,was caught under an engineonwhichhewas‘at work and so badlyconethathediedafewhoursla-er: More than%,one milion -poundsstetling($5,000,000)weekly is beingpaidby.the British government :to}.the wives and children of soldiers ‘servingin.the,British army, Cotton seed.forthe first time inAlabama's ‘history sold mo atMoritgomeryfor$50 a ton. "Rev.Dr,J.M.:Barkley,ie cametoStatesville”‘a week ago to offiateatthemarriageofMissJenkinsand jTuesday evening in the eee chim,oa ee th Bn re MISS ‘HENKEL ASSISTANT. Will HelpSupt.GraGray and Super- vise Home Demonstration Work, Tredeli county now has a lady as-sistant superintendent of schools and supervisor of home demonstra-tion work,in the person of Miss Ce-leste Henkel.°"The.county board.ofeducationseveralmonthsavovoteditsapprovalofthis.new office and agreedtoappropriate$500 annually for theakgupon‘which condition thetate‘and:national’governments.ap-propriate a similar amount,thus pro-}viding a salary of $1,000.RecentlyMissHenkel‘was selected {for the position and a few days ago she as- sumed the duties thereof.The assistant superintendent andsupervisorofhome-demonstrationworkissupposedtogivehalfhertimetoassistingthesuperintendentinlookingaftertheregularschoolwork of county and half to “girls’classesinhomemaking”—the girls’tomato clubs,betterment associations,,ete.,the latter work being under the direc-tiot of Mrs.Jane McKimmon,headoftheCanningDivisionoftheState Department,of Agriculture..MissHenkelwillthereforehaveheroffice with Supt.Gray at the court houseand.as soon as the rural schools open she will take up her work with theschoolgirls.Classes im “home mak-ing”will be organized‘and taught by her dnd development in the tomatoclubworkandthebettermentassocia+tions will be undertaken.© Monday,November 15th,has beennamedasthedatefortheopeningofthe:rural schools,the four-monthscompulsoryperiodtobegintwoweeks thereafter,and Miss Henkel and Mr. Gray are now preparing a pamphlet of instructions for the teachers,which will give them ‘much valuable infor- mation as to their duties,school re- quirements,ete. Miss Henkel is well equipped for the work she will do.She is a grad- nate of “Davenport and Salem col-leges and took special courses jn thome economics at the University of Virginia and Columbia University,inNewYork.She is a daughter of Mr.and Mrs.L.P.Henkel,who moved to Statesville from Lenoir some months ago.I SCaseofAshleyandHughes. R.R.Hughes and M.G.Ashley: noeeh the two strangers who were arrestedhereMondaynightassuspiciouscharacters,as told in Tuesday’sLandmark,..were released from cus- tody Tuesday afternoon.It was sus- pected that the two.men were fugi- tives from justi¢e,and the fact that they registered at local hotels underassumednames,coupled with other circumstances,bear this out,in the opinion of the officers,but the inves- tigation of the officers failed to de-velop any incriminating evidence against them.Two pistols were found in the possession of Hughes when hewasarrested,He was given a pre- liminary hearing before Justice La-zenby Tuesday afternoon on a charge of carrying concealed weapons.He gave $50.cash bond for his appear- ance at Superior Court next week artd was released..No charge against Ashley coyld be sustained and_he was accordingly released.The twomen,are supposed to have left town automobile: in which they came to Statesville.Information from Asheville is that M.G.Ashley is manager of the De-troit Motor Company of that city and the officers ‘there know -tiothing ‘ville. Rev.J.W.Jones,who recentlymovedfromMooresvilletoStates- ville to take charge of the pastorateofRaceStreetchurch,has returned to Mooresville.to live.Mr.Jones’health has not been good and he re-cently underwent a slight operation for_a cancerous growth on his nose.He came to Statesville to fill the Race Street pastorate until the meet- ing of Conference next month,and notwithstanding his change of resi- dence he will continue as pastof until Conference and.will have the assist- ance of Rev.A.P.Ratledge,a youngministerofDaviecounty.Mr.Rat- ledge will locate in Statesville until Conference and will room at the RaceStreetparsonage. Two Courts Next Week. Two courts will be ‘in session inStatesvillenext.week—the UnitedStatesDistrictCourtandIredellSu- perior Court;The erminal docket of Superior Court ‘will be unusuallylight.Up to yesterday only 60 oddcaseswereonthedocket..The mostseriousoftheseisthatofJohnMooreandGeorgeMunday,the young whitemenwhomaybeheldresponsibleforthedeathofyoungJamesHarbin,who!died yesterday from the effects of apistolshotwoundInsiieted months ago. Goes,to Randolph-Macon. ‘Mr.Kent Johnson -deft yesterdayaftetnoonfot.Richmond,Va.,to enterRandolph-Macon College.Mt.’John-son,who is a member ‘of the IredellBlues,was tried by court martial amonthagofordisobedienceoforders, and under the court:martial regula:tions he was not allowed to leaveStatesvillefor80days.The Govern-or’s verdict:in his case has not yetbeenrendered,but he*was given per-mission:this week to leave for college! several _|Death.resulted from Bright’s diapmndzdniirmities®: ‘ling the lifetime.of his brother.‘lewasanativeofLouisianaanda surgeon in the Confederate army.m:had lived in Baltinfore sincé the »but frequently traveled abroad.th por derngivener seen MR.ARTHUR ‘RAMSEY DEAD) Died in NorththWilkeshoro “a Buried in Statesville—Brave Confederate|EcDeathofMr.Padgett in Ire-|dell,Mr.Reavis in Minoisand ‘ Dr.Key in Baltimore.le Mr.James Arthur Ramsey,whose; critical illness was mentionéd in The |: Landmark last week,.died Tuesday night about 10 o’clock at North|Wilkesboro,where he had made his|home the past five years.He had been ill for a month or longer,omferingfromacomplication.of deases.Funeral services were.old \Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock atl; the home of Mr.E.G.Reeee,with!whom Mr.Ramsey and his son,||John Ramsey,boarded,conductedb Rev.Mr.of North Wilkesboro.The body ar-rived in Statesville yesterday morn-ing and was taken to.the home ofMr.M.E.Ramsey on Davie avenue. A second funeral seryice was heldyesterdayafternoonattheFirst.As-sociate Reformed Presbyterian occonductedbythepastor,Rev.J.H Pressly,and the interment was in Oakwood cemetery.Mr.Ramsey was born and rared insouthIredell:and was 74 years old.He married Mrs.A.A.Davidson and his’early married life was:spent Oh-afarminDavidsontownship.|LaterhewasforatimeinchargeoftheDavidson’place,-three.miles south of town,and from thére he moved toEastfield,Mecklenburg county,‘where he was in business for someyearswithMr.J.R.Wallace.Later helivedforatimeinWinston-Salem,butforthepastfiveyearshehadmadehishomeatNorthWilkesboro,werhisson,Mr.John Ramsey,makeshheadquarters.Mr.Ramsey's—ite]‘died many years ago.Surviving ‘arefourchildren,viz:Mrs.G.F.‘Steele| of Huntersville,Mr.John Ra of North Wilkesboro and Mr.Chas.| sey and Mrs.Luther H.Taylor."of Alathe,Kans.Surviving also are twobrothersandonesister,Messrs.W.M.and M.E.Ramsey-and Mrs.C,L.Pos-|,ton of Statesville:Mr.M.E.Ram-1sey,Mr.John Ramsey and Mrs.SteelcwerewithMr.Ramsey when he eoahdaccompaniedtheremaatyStatesville:Mr.Ramsey won distinction asoldieroftheConfederacy...H a member ‘of Company.B,Seco NorthCarclina cavalry,andwas color-|: bearer for théregiment.He was con-sidered one of the bravest and mostdaringsoldiersinthearmy.Manytimeshewasinverydangerousplaces,and although often the principal tar- get of the enemy,he always escaped yar:On occasions when the lines of battle were within a_short distanceofeachotherMr.Ramsey:would ride close to the ranks’of the enemy andwavetheregimentalflag,above his head,thus stimulating the courage of hig fellow soldiers and tantalizingtheenemy.Mr.W.M.Nicholson ofStatesville,who was in the same com-pany with Mr.Ramsey,says that ononeoccasionduringafierceencoun-ter the Yankees called to Mr.Ram-sey to surrender the flag.In response the daring color-bearer rode close tiptotheline’of the Yankees and told: them to capturé the flag if they could—that there would be no surrender. Mr.Joseph L.C.Padgett,an agedcitizenofHarmony,died Sunday af- ternoon about 6 o'clock,othis home. had lived in north Iredell’all his-life,being:a*native of .the Williamsburg,community.He gave fourservicetotheConfederatearmy and was twice wounded in battle.Sur-viving are four sons,four daughtersandalargenumberofgrandchildrenandgreatgrandchildren.One broth-er,Mr.Frank Padgett of north Ire-dell,also survives.The funeral serv- ice ‘and burial took place at the Har-}mony Methodist church Monday af-ternoon,Rev.J.G.Weatherman con- ducting the service.Mr.R.DeWitte Reavis of EagleMillstewnship,received a telegram Tuesday announcing the death of hisson,Mr.Ernest Reavis,of Strawn, Ii.,which:occurred Tuesday morn- ing.The message stated that thefuneralandintermentwould,tukeplaceatStrawnyesterday.Furtherparticularswerenotgiven.Deceas- ed was about 28 years old and hadlivedinIllinoisforseveral—yeirs, He married in Illinois and his wifesurviveshim. Dr.Henry J.Key,a brother ofthelatePhilipBartonKeyof:Statesville,| died Sunday at his homein Baltimore. Dr.Key was 80 years ola and unmar- ried."He visited in Statesville dur? its notice of his death the Sun says: “In his time Dr.Key was one of the mostpopular of clubmen,noted for ¢x<cellent taste in dress and his courte manners,which are associated in rhe public mind with the days of the oldSouth,His favor was sought in thesocialactivitiesofBaltimoreandhewasa‘leader in the cotillons that help-ed make this city famons.e The:two-year-old-old child of My.andMrs,John Heath died Wednesday af-ternoon at 5 ‘o’clock ‘at the home ofitsparentsin“Cool Spring township. Dr,Gibson,Jeft Tuesday evening’forguhhisbomeat,Betray:Mich,Jat’the endof the80-day period, Long,‘a Baptist Gaaister ' epee Ser eee $Now ROADAD SUPERVISOR. Mr,Reach to BeBeResponsible For Road Upkeep. At a special meeting of the county commissioners yesterday County En-gineer J.B.Roach was elected countysupervisorofroadsatasalaryof|$150 a month,The office of county en-cineer is automatically abolished.ForometimeMr.Roach has been givinghalfhistimetoworkin.Yadkin coun-iy.Under the new arrangement hewillgivehisentiretimetoIredell,de-ivoting his attention to the upkeep oftheroads.All the mules which havebeenusedinroadconstructionworkand:most of the road machinery will be sold,and Mr.Roach will.let eon- tracts for the upkeep of the roads tojindividuals.All the work will be un- der his supervision and he will be re-sponsible for road upkeepin the coun- y.The action of the commissionersyesterdayissubjecttoratification,at the regular monthly meeting of theboardthefirstMondayinNovem- ber. Little Cotton Being Sold. Twelve-and-a-half-cent cotton hasnotfloodedthelocalmarket.with the staple,The buyers say that little cot-ton is being placed*on the market.Uptoyesterdayabout125baleshad.beenginnedbytheStatesvilleginsandmostofthiswas’sold-from--the-gin:Some old.cotton which was held.forhigherpricesisbeing“turned Igdse,”but.there.is_no-great.amount 0 this. The unusually “wet fall”has delayed cotton picking to a considerable ‘ex-tent and this probably accounts for the shortage,though there are’somewhowillholdtheircropforahigher price than 12 1-2 cents. After Tax Dodgers.; Mr.C.H.Ray,traveling auditor of the State Tax Commission,who spentseveraldays‘im this county,left yes- terday for Mecklenburg county.Mr. Ray’s business is to see that all firms,corporations and individuals subjecttospecialStatelicénsetaxesareonthetaxbooks.He found few license“dodgers”in this county.The names of several cigarette dealers and a few other persons liable to license taxeswereaddedtothesheriff’s.list as the°|result of his~visit.-Mr:-Ray~makes out the special license tax book for each county he yisits, ndi No’Clue in»Lumber Fire. Deputy Insurance Commissioner develop any evidence leading to the origin of ‘the fire which destroyedMr.C.S.Holland’s lumber.They are convinced that the fire was of incen- diary origin,but no clue to the guilty party has been found.The lumber was stacked on the Fort Dobbs prop- erty,two miles north of town,andwasburnedonthenightofSeptem- bet 2d,during a ‘rainy season.Per-sons who saw the.fire state that it appeared to have started about,thecenterofthestack. terday afternoon at.Mt.Bethel church,The baby of Mr.and’Mrs,“Tip”Wilson of Cool Spring township,agedaboutfivemonths,died early yester-day morning and was:buried *yester-day afternoon at New Hope church. ‘Rev.J.L.Teague conducted the fun- éral service. Mrs.Wilson live in the same neigh- borhood. Young Jamesnes Harbin Dead. the home of his father on Alexander street,death resulting from the ef-fécts of a pistol shot.wound inflicted nearly five months ago.His spinal cord was severed by the bullet and ithadbeenrealizedeversincethe,dis-tressing occurrence that he could not recover.He was rendered helpless from his waist down,’and.he had been gradually wasting away eversincehe’was hurt.For some days near.The.funeral will.aake place from the residence at 10 o’clock his morn- ing and the interment will be in Oak- wood cemetery.It will be recalled that young Har- bin received his death wound while riding in a buggy in the “vicinity of Harmony ‘on the hight of Saturday, May 22d.In the buggy with him were three other young men,ClydeHeath,George MundayMoore.Munday and Moore are both charged with having had pistols at the time and there was some.shoot-ing from-the buggy—during the mid- night ride.Presently a pistol wasfiredandHarbinexclaimedthathe was shot.He was taken by his com-panions..to he Statesville Air Line‘railway camp,where he.had.been T{working with his father,who is su- pervisor of the road,and when it was found that he was seriously in-jured he was brought to the Sanato- rium at Statesville,where.it.was8{discovered.that his spinal cord had been severed.The ball was removedandhewasundértreatmentatthe Sanatorium for a month before beingremovedtothehomeofhisfatheronAlexanderstreet; ,Miss Stewart Dead. o'clock this morning.She:had beén The funeral and burial oneplace yes-griticaly ill for two days, Jordan and.Sheriff Deaton failed togee® Mr.and Mrs.Heath and Mr.and}; -|the.Lord’ it had been:realized that:the end was]- ‘and.John{_ ‘Miks Bernice Stewart,step-daugh-| iter of Mr.G.T.Gaines,died about 6 THE ‘WINTERRCHAUTAUQUA Plans For'théWinter Chautau- qua Coursé—How Tickets Are Statesville is to have winter Chau- tauqua.This was finally decided at a meeting of theguarantors last Fri-day,and plans were wrought out,forafullwintercourse,Some of the tal-ent is bought and the contract guar-anteed by a local committee made upofthirtymembers,.These are.madefinanciallyresponsibleforthecostofthecourse.If.loss occurs,these aretofootthebill.Four of the nine numbers on the programme are.sup-plied by home talent.The committeetakesasgreatprideinpresentingthesefourtotheStatesvillepublic tract numbers,It really means.more.These four.lecturers and the concertbytheMcDowellclubaregivenbypublic-spirited citizens,who are thusmakingavaluablecontributiontoStatesvillecommunityspirit.None ofthese are paid a penny,but spon-taneously give their time to thiswork.As to quality,these four num-bers will compare favorably with theothernumbersandallarehigh‘class.Some months ago,the matter of a winter course was pretty generallydiscussed.While.the community,is a.unit in -recognizing the value’ofsummer.fhautauqua.it was felt that}one.week each year is not enough—itis“too long between.drinks.”‘So thiswintercoursewasplannedtogive the same character of instruction,inspitation and amusement for thewintermonthsasthatgivenatthesummerChautauqua.The plan is of,course different.These numbers will be given at in-tervals of an average of two weeks,or generally,two numbers each monthfromthelatterpartofNovembertethemonthofMarch.They will begiven.in the college auditorium,andPresidentMooreassuresthepublicthatthehallwillbecomfortablyheat-ed.Season tickets covering the en-tire course’of nine numbers will besoldat$2:These carry reservedseatprivileges.Each ticket is a te-served seat ticket.A folder containing the full pro-gramme has been issued by the com-ais and may be had on —tion-at--The ‘Landmarkpeng“and Farmers’‘Bank or theStatesvilleDrugCompany.The committee,will conduct a ‘can-vass for the sale of season bicketsforoneweek,beginning today..ts will.be assigned until next reeday,October 22d,at 2 o’clock.Allholders.of tickets will meet at theheaetgiereeCompanyat_thathour.and gelet the.seat desired fortheseason,is plan is adopted thatallmayhaveanopportunityinse-lecting ‘seats,|The:selection of setemustbemadeinperson,by somoneauthorizedtoactfortheholdex|seofticket.No one is to be allowedtotelephoneinstructionsfordesig-nations of ‘seats in advance,and “requests and instructions “made iiadvancewillnotberecognizedbythecommittee,even if.made by guar-antors themselves.The committeeplansforeachticketholdertohavethesamechancein’‘selecting seatsasanother.No favoritism is to beshowntoanyone.The committee ex- time the week isB UP.J.F.KIRK,a Chm’n Com. Church News. The sacrament:Supp wei of baptism andjidminister: We “BEEVICE day”--m.All —are requested.to_“btingtheirBiblesorTestamentstoeachservice.Sunday school,at 10 a.m. Sunday.Services at.Trinity Episcopal church Sunday.Rev.J.8,Connell will fill his reg-Glar appointment at Bethel Baptist)church,East Monbo,Sunday at 11o'clock and tomorrow.afternoon at9:30.o’clock:Communion servicespeasymorning.Rev.W:A.Lutz,Mr:Mi F. P. Troutman and Mesdames E..A.FryandW.H.cae left.yesterday forNewBrooklyn,8.Ci,to attend themeetingof.the Tennessee ynod oftheLutheranChurch.A proeeany meeting.will begin atTaborchurchSundaymorningTheFirst:Presbytery of the Asso-cite Reformed Presbyterian churchwillmeetatCoddleCreeknextTues- day.Ee eee President\t Wilson has approved Sec-retary Garrison’s plan for increasingthearmy.It calls for an ‘annual ex-penditure of $184,000,000,an increaseofapproximately$75,000,000. Anton chile ran into a delivery’wag- on in.Raleigh,killed horse andsmashedwagon.Nobody hurt.Steer-ing.gear failed to work. science”places the age of the Mam-moth Cave of Kentucky at,a million years.’ Marion is,to issue bonds to pavethestreetsinthebusinesssection. State Fair begins in Raleigh Mon- day.. The.EnterpriseMrs,Brevard Cul Mooresville fromprobably.make their South,tisiecanalatlaaenk éLi’M.Poteet was taxed $8.60,id the mayor’s court Wednesday,for anassaultonHenryBennett,colThe.trouble pan re Saturday night. says Mr.and ew York and willhome.in = »to Be Sold and Seats Reserved |* as it does in presenting the five con-|: Dr.Anders pects everyticket to be taken by the|Aho One of the latest.“fairy.tales of|' BRIEF ITEMS:iS LOCALNEWNl --The D.oa yMrsaR,’ses ili vith bought property ‘in Lexmake’his home in that; ~The Statesville .ball team is ochedilod tobortomorrowfora gt residence on Davie avWhen.the workis arenaswillhavethe“bung: —The young dau;iFinleyofNorthahbroughttotheSa for an operation for a —{While roller.skatin ment sidewalk,.y:ay.Blanche,11-year-old daugandMrs.M.broke her right.aa —Miss Beulah Arey of.Iredell,has charge of the home economics.partment of the Durham,:School,will supervisestrationworkfor —Mr.Lewis Postonofwhois.in schoolat.Wayrteredalotofpictureshemeamaaenyrpatevillelast e fair at.ae ;was awardedfirst.prize, —The pupils of thementofStatesvillearecitalinthecolle qmorrowafternoon,at 4:30Thosewhowill,playtheirfriends’to be present... —Dr.Fred)Aa s here frBuffalo,N."playedBeason,as a member.ee teaminthe Federal’L *probable that Knights ‘whe ca ’surance policies in the order -willialltheyhavepaidin.~ —Hon..W.D.Tiory*Tuesday to cleofeng‘with the. mace inteetionintheState.courts, hirty-four baggy::—82 forrascertificateand twoStateHighSchoolentiatieedinethe.ne Gray at the courtHouse today. operation.her,Mr.and Mrs.of Mrs.Ross Mills.Austin.underwentanMN!appendicitis.at theterday.: —Mr.John M.Sharpewhorecently.ceuiened 1from‘ord,ViSeoccupythecotta;cottage onceeadjoiningteins.Sharpe aeknown ashigeaedtybogsis”ing repairs.Mr.Sharpe ¢ebuildingahomeinthe:—Mrs.E..B.Allison,Salem .College at.Tuesday,where she wasenjoyedthetripvery. the college.Mrs.AHachdatheoldest,the college and wasuy,the student body.layed the return homeo'clock Tuesday night,but. lison:stood the trip well.4 THIS BOY IS A.TR Traded Show“Picket®For tam Master William Gobiea ‘little:of Mr,and Mrs.Fred:Hyevidentlyinheritedfromandgrandfathersomeof thet #ing instincts.”.Anyway,he+rather have a bantam rooster’see Sparks’.cireus..we thewasheretheotherdaytentontheoldshow¢the railroad,which is+the Conger home. unloading the cars and pu'tent,William wentdown:tocouldn’t work his wa:esHewasgivena was completedhe w:et to the‘ime W : eatxhes denly ‘hesessionof him:and"show ticket ©nme “somon”was.who hae 6‘wasbadabana fueet.Williamwas “up»bay.doesn’t naea,and have arrived in|™ ee acireus1born” icoe:fers thatMastthat‘he can --‘ry ae f ..>Soren ey em eae ee 5 yen mean rn epipone orANToeeetotporanaly,eranheplas to[Monnet Schoo!nad theeliminate-=October 15,1935,|State it.Joyner Outlines’the |him,and arrange for him abies y\of illiteracy in every school district,|———ans For the Abolition of|>y weeks,with the date of the publi-las the ~wae escent aeNOWANOBJECTOR.Adult:Milteracy—-Newspapers|iihot ce.gecthe lessons tobe Bibs]ty service.10 oe oars “ReeWhilehelaysickandfeltkindly}toBe ‘Made aMaterial ‘actor.|7.Thecounty superintendent ant}/day be observed.in each county ‘on theowardallmankind,Col.Fairbrother|,State Superintendent Joyner has|teachers,in:co-operation with the)Friday before the ors of oeTheLandmarkthroughSentthefollowingsuggestionsto/school committee,the various com.Moonlight Schools,an aK ne ratthatthorizedto|School superintendents,and teachers munity organizations and others in-at each schoo}house all the de-wn ar 3on.all suattirs (eae the Moonlight School’worik,|terested,are urged to,arrange i o s for ppanne aveba caepeadsdownopinionsoiW.is ‘soon to,begin:/‘.\social entertainments in connection!ducting i indthingscomingonforahearing.1,Get from the census the names|with the Moonlight Schools,partic,|11.Because of thelr ee du-Having the colonel’s consent The /and addresses of all illiterates in thejipated ‘in by the pupils and by other}ties in the day “Aap an oi rEerkproceededaccordingly.|school’district.With the ‘aid of the |citizens,to add to the interest and!adequate salaries,1 did not,feel that‘r Pro ,school committee,and others well happiness of the pupils,and to afford!I ought to ask or that the community |.ee that he _getting strong ane,acquainted ‘with the residents of the/an opportunity for all to on togeth.gaeht to expert of AER UA SenOM,for whi we give simeere district,verify and if necessary cor-jer and for an expression of interest}teac ers more than on -thanks,the colonel is disposed to ob-)rect and complete this list,and encouragement from outsiders,'tra service at night without compen-Ject to some of them same judgments.|2:See to it that every one of them|The pupils.of these schools should|sation.It is hoped and expected,e things “eceives @ Sympathetic,tactful and|be made to feel’at home from the!however,that before the close of the|When he was so low that the MPSS earnest personal invitation to attend.|first,and also to feel that they are a/month sufficient interest will’beofthisworldinterestedhimlittle,Select the right person to give this|part of the community in whom the!aroused andba gy shaved aacolonelwaswillingtotrustThepersonalinvitationtoeach—some|other part of the community are)ed in many of the Moonlig chodlswangNowatkeisableto|"eighbor,some’friend,some fellow-|deeply interested.to warrant extending the term,anddtaktice,he wants to ember of church or fraternal order,|8,“November has been designated |that citizens and interested organiza-sit up an e notice,|some one that has the confidence and |as Moonlight School month in North/tions and orders in the communitydissent.He admits that he should:friendship of the person invited and|Carolina because that seemed to be)wil]arrange for such extension andholdhispeaceasheagreed,but he knows how to approach him,the most convenient month for ,the/for payment of the teacher or somecan’t forbear protesting against the,3.Many illiterates are naturally|majority of the counties of the State.jother person to continue the _School,abolition of the noble bloodhound,S¢@sitive over their inability to read|If,however,some other month is|and also to provide,where feasible,in-oe +i 1,«,8nd write.Respect their ;feelings./more convenient for your county,and!struction for other adults,besides il-Of course,”says ‘the colonel,“aiLet the invitations be,extended and|the roads grein good condition,se-|literates,desiring additional instruc-bloodhound never tracked a criminal.jall the other work of the schools for|lect that month.Be sure,however,|tion.Very truly yours,It never caught one.There is no|them be conducted in a spirit of sym-|to select a month when the weather is vd,¥.JOYNER,such animal in fact,but there is tra-|Pathetie brotherhood,good fellow-/|likely to be pleasant and the roads in State Supt.Public Instruction...eae :h d “Unel ship and democratic equality.-In!good condition.During November,|}Raleigh,N.C.,October,1914,dition.”The folks who rea ne’e|word and act avoid evérything thatjor such other month as may be se-pari ar eeTom’s Cabin,”says thecolonel,.saw Judge Clark Wants New Capitol.may smack of condescension,pity,|lected,concentrate public interest ’ bloodhounds trail anc capture negroes Speaking at the dedication of thesmugsuperiority.These are ‘our|and effort upon ‘this one work ~of!and since then the bloodhound,the|brothers and fellow-eitizens—in the|teaching the adults of your county to Wake county court house Monday, eslonel avers,has heen a sort of Chief Justice Walter Clark advocat- eyes of ey and the nite $8 eee asjread and write.aay to the workf:we are—suffering under the handicap|your newspapers,all organizations :eehouseholdidolandheobjectstoThe‘of ifliteracy,for which most of them |ihat have pledged their aid and alijed a new State capitol building»to~Landmark demolishing the household are not responsible,because in.child-se penrine.that an be ouherst eost at least $5,000,000.He said theidols.Hear him:hood they had no opportunity to go|for service.ave the papers full of)acont capitol building is antiquatedgonGositappearthatthereare|t0 School or had nobody in authority |it every week.See that they are fur Bnd the hes in and public s nei -ofnoresultsineneoftheselong-earned |OVer them sufficiently appreciative |nished with the facts and ‘the news!she State should be manifes in anse-called bloodhounds that would de-of its importanee to make them use|about the schools,Publish before the |improved and more adequate building.sert a trail to follow a nigger across the opportunity to go to school.It is |Schools open the number,but not the!Phis is thd only State in the Union,lots if the nigger looked like he had|0Ur duty and’our privilege to help/names,of adult illiterates by schoolhe said,whose ¢apitol has not @ sin-ie k of a bread in his cabin?|them help themselves to remove ithis/districts.Publish each week ithe}ple committee room,nor.any _provis~_,&Run i e FORE that ¢jhandicap,for their own sake and for/number,but not the names,of those!ion whatever for preservation of=oi ene}eierncdl ahd esud a ithe State’s sake,before it is forever enrolled in each school.As soon as|records of the different -committees,dogs whieh elim —an lis too late.In thisspirit should©this|Possible,for the encouragement ofjand no elevator service..He appealed‘Wer-and-which-go-throug stonewalls york-for-them-and-with them-he done,|others,publish from week to week the/for a capitol .“befitting the _Breat,|end ovér mountains and never lose 9 4.By resolution adopted ‘nani nu:¥,and;by-their-permission,the State with its splendid record in the te ~Are the Tobacco paid one ofthepreatestthinkersthiscountry.ever produced,, oe he Net gs:mY ;4 ae 60 Mile An Hour Thought! ‘It’s mild,long lasting PICNICTWISTthatkeepsthisenginecr’snervesuptothesixty-mile limit—no rank,black,nerve-deaden-| ing tobacco for him, CHEWING TOBACCO Absiays.:fresh;clean”23!!nscitow. Drums of 11 twists.‘Single twists Se.Le sure to get genyine PICNICTWIST. nto Life By Oor Teeth!| The better the teeth,the longer we hang on. Good teeth necessitate clean teeth. We have the “makings’”’—the finest Tooth Br est Tooth Pastes,the finest Mouth Washes. Just to show you what we have,we’ll oeGIVEYOUATUBEOFTOOTHPASTE FREE With each purchase of any of our 25:.Tooth Brushes. Come early and avoid the risk of being too late,as the sup-ply.is limited. The Polk Gray Drug Company\."ON THE SQUARE.” eos waite coe eee ree mously by the North Carolina Press|namés of those that have learned to 2 and magnificent prospects ne theaethebloodhoundisajoke.But|Association at its recent meeting,the |read and write and cipher.Mogt of |fu ure.‘:the excitement is on,it adds|mewspapers of the State pledged this news can be —supplied weekly |fe gzoey of nations an the re|thomslvn to rin,»wenn ad!thvoogh he neve ter from ‘each,BED TAX GOLLEGTOR:p ;}vancé,the lessons,in reading©and/school,and should als reported to!:,Brn RETARD Gnd S2PTOR|cichuatio fox ama webke ANG.06 pond the.SOUNER superintendent by the}—Restored To Health By Vinolcompan:’ifree to each pupil of a Moonlight|teacher.‘The superintendent and the |:pie se leo tax col:graphing at once for bloodhounds.|;f h alteachers should kk in close touch’.Corinth,Miss.—‘‘I amacity co‘And when the bloodhound,hungry ;5¢hool in the county ‘for a month aj teachers shou eep se -tou ‘fector and:seventy-four.yearsof age.|9sasfinallygetsupwithCOPYofthecountypapercontaining;with the papers and see that the |}was in a weak,run-down condition.|&the ue ae z shes ark A han q|these lessons.They also agreed ,to weekly material is promptly supplied.|My druggist told me about Vinol.11%and lied ve;.hig feet Sa %.athet |print weekly a brief news letter from!9.Superintendents are urged to)4104 it and in a week noticed consider-}%a fue id 3 an ech a ¢each neighborhood in which a Moon-jcall a joint meeting gf.the ~County|able improvement;|continued its use|ushes,the fin-ie—why shou ucge ark,©‘light School is taught,containing in-/Teachers’Association:and the county|and now I have gained twenty pounds in |¢nee.Statesville,become an iconoclast and |teresting items about the school and/committee on ©community servite.|weight,and féel much stronger.J con-|&wipe away forever all these beautiful |other news of the neighborhood,ex-|consisting of the county superintend-|siderVinol afine tonictocreate strength |§uetures which we all’have:loved?|pressed in words and sentences com-/cnt,the county farm demonstration {for old people.”’-—J.A.PRICE,ifereafterwearenotgoingtoget|prehensible to adult beginners injagent,the home’demonstration).WeguaranteeVinol,ourdelicious cod |sick and turn the job over to the yeading.agents,..the president or secretary of}liver and irontonic,ice Acai 5}The county superintendent and the!the County Farmers’Union,editors weak and debilitateachersofeachschoolshouldfurnish|of the cocnty rewspapers,the mzeyor ;|i the-editor.of-the:county paper the of the county seat,one representa |’=|‘names and addresses of all pupils en-~|tive each of the Junior Order and of Sto ‘t Look!L st {i|rolled,and should make arrangements!the Women’s clubs of the edunty,twa!A D.°]en e||;with some.reliable person ne gece lating cdi i et of Moon-,\)>.};a Be iiasg in.|district to send this letter to the pa-/light.School month in the county,to!«o WE buy in <;The protest on eros’of the ais per each week.The pupils.should be |ascertain the facts about the.adult |‘WE any insoysoe a :.crease of real estate’assessment by jinstructed to bring the paper with (illiteracy of.the county.by districts,|WE sell the celebrated Goldthecorporationcommission,was them to school each night,that it may)as reported by superintendents and |Medal Flour.Flargelyduetolackofknowledge.be used for reading the ‘lessons andteachers,and to complete the organi-|WE sell Sweet Feed for Horses and MulesWEsellSweet Daisy Feed forCows.: ;;ithe news letters,and for.,geheral sup-|zation and plans for pushing the cam-|Protesting delegations who went to):.:'paign and the work for its elimina- WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts. Raleigh received light;they were PA ecto pina lessons’tion.; "WE SELL FOR LESS. :|Bulletins containing _the :fronted with facts they could not an-|have been printed and furnished the}10.The programme for Communi-_:ty Service Day and North Carolina| “WE pay CASH for countryCorn‘and Oats. -S8wer.Mecklenburg’s case has been|county superintendent for free distri-tulad ind now women ‘Citawin:An|butions through the teachers,upon,Carefully Treat Children’s Colds WE déliver in the city.. Spniocmiuiae |IREDELL FEED CO., “~sympathize with the eqjonel, “but the decree has ~been entered andhepromisednottofileapplication for a rehearing. * 5 O a oy ey % iy o ‘ 9 ;2 application,to each pupil of a Moon-!increase of 15 per cent in that county jlight School;but these cannot takecausedthecommissionerstopassaitheplaceofthecountypaper.It.isresolution,evidently for political pur-{important that the county paper “The Mark of Quality.” i ins {should be placed in their.hands fromposes,sympathizing with the people|®BY ae y}*‘on account of the unjust burden Hisense first,to interest them,ta stimu ied.onthem by the corporation com-jthey may read their*home paper like_mission.Now comes the Newton En-|other folks'and keep up with what is@terpriseandshowsthattheaverage(Sing on in their ¢ounty and in the! ‘late their desire to learn to read,that}.Neglect of children’s colds often lays the |foundation of serious lung trouble.On | the other hand,it is harmful to continu:| ally dose delicate little stomachs with in-|ternal medicines ‘or to keep the clriidren’; C.D.MOORE,-Prop.’PhoneNo.88.114 E.Broad St. TEXACO ENGINE OILS,al TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases. MISS RAY GOLDMAN .Practical,Expert _Sbopper. Purchasing agent of personalapparel,as well as household .articles of every description,./References exchanged.-. -_,1601 Linden Ave,,Baltimore Md.Oct 8=4t. always indoors,;7 Plenty of fresh air in the bedroom and a |good application of Vick’s “Vap-0-Rab”Salve over the throat and chest at the first |sign of trouble,will keep the little cha ‘free from colds without injuring their di-|gestions.5c,50c,or $1.00,|qHEGENUINE HAS THIS eae { ‘:pied world;to eultivate from the first thepjBerAcre’value of Catawba land as useful habit of reading their homefixedbythelocalassessorsthisyearpaper;to furnish,as they begin toycwas51centsundertheassessmentoflearntoread,an abundant supply_>four years ago.It will hardly.he each week of the best and most inter-i eontended that in Catawba,with all esting material.for supplementary | _its progress and fine farming,land-is Sey thik or Ot Lae 8.Boer et.dee 3 also.read,-withread.each-w “by thé ‘commission,tax.Hach hight.extracts from the.papervalueinCatawba’ié lower thas tk ad should be read aloud to the pupils bytg,,s t “!the teacher,and as soon as possible,Joining counties.Isn’t that a jolt?jby the pupils themselves,Most of|———_—_—_—————the pupils learning to read will be-|Some official figures about railway come permanent subscribers to *the!taxes,operating expenses and earn-|county paper and keep up their prac-|ings,which The Landmark is publish-|tice in reading._So far as I know,|ing today,are worthy of note.It which Carolina is the only State in|::which this co-operative plan with the||general use is our celebratedwillbenoticedthattheamountoftax-county newspapers in teaching illit-|*.e paid by the railways of the countiy |erates to read has been suggested or|Genuine Jelicoasbeengreatlyincreasedinthepastinwhichthisgenerousofferhasbeen!Powhatan Blue Gem;ten years.It may be that the rajl-/made by the papers.I am eee Ponussieariie iia“;jingly anxious that it shall have aroadsarepayingnomoretaxesthan\fair trial,because I am confident that}Run of Mine Steam Coal _We also handle Oak and Pine they ought to pay—probably theyare |it will contribute greatly to the suc-not—but the increase within the oan and to the permanency of thiscadeshows.that they are not being|Work.W.j ;|eee 3 ood,and do all kinds of hauling.’*)neglected by the tax gatherer,Nel sttitentnt water wean al Moving household goods a special-<operating expenses,including -the a j |)ty.:Holland Bros. Depot ’Phone No,7. Residence 'Phone No.310 Black. Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil |in full packages,see us before you place ‘ees NODE ONGET OE ae pea We are in a position to demonstrate QUAL--" ITY,and can make deliveredpricesthat will interest you.a WKSSSeSANE |“TOD AY” THE BEST COAL! It is time you are ordering yourfuelforwinter.The best coal for _Akarrel of Miss Hicks’new home-made MO--LASSES.a _Fresh lot of DavisSpringsGrahamFlourandnewCornMeal. Statesville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.)’Phone 61:Office:Robbi ‘Farmers’Favorite (NONE BETTER.) ’Phone us your orders. fagle &.Milholland.:jlessons—three a week for four weeks|Wages paid employes,also show a|—in reading,in arithmetic,and in}_Warked increase,while the increase|Writing,prepared especially’by the}in net revenue is least of all.‘The|State Department of Public Instruc-|Pailroads by ho means take the mon./0%with the aid and criticism of |j "\some of the most ‘experienced and!ey they are generally credited with|successful primary teachers of the|xp Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,ete.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. FERTILIZERS.*:e ea ae ee . ==J.E.SLOOP.== |New Meat Market __C.B.Morrison and E.M.'Patterson have opened a;,.Meat Market in one of C.B.Morrison’s new buildings,on South Center street,near the depot.-Fresh meats of all kinds,‘We want to buy Pork and.fat Cattle,i."PHONE 227 Morrison &Patterson, Soman. GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be Hah or the housekeeper can’t be ex-'f-pected to'plan and have meals on time,Then there is no economy inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucan’t depend.on,hywhatyouwanttodoistogetyourwatchorclockrepairedby,BO:HENRY while he is devoting his entire time'to repairing watches andclocksandfittingspectaclesandeye-glasses,; ;R.RF,HENRY,‘ ~READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESSMENOFFER, hy 3 -Jeweler, “Making;and while they are seemingly |State,some of whom had had expe-.9 :C “3_80 unjust at times that we almost get are in teaching adults,willbe fur-!ay ‘}the point of Big scialg nished..county.superintendents in suf-|9 d iPiipesanotcaringiftheyare|Fcient number to supply.each pupil!%riatedunjustly,as they often are,enrolled with one copy,Superintend-|%—-:=still it will help us to a better under-|ents:are urged to order at once the}iStandingtoacquaintourselveswithnumberneeded,but not to order more|%-e“their condition and to reflect on what |*an peor Poem of the same bul |TheFlour of Quality.8theyare_up against.:int cvesitenc|t (a——$____.to teachersTor teaching the fests DAN.VALLEYismilled tromThatChinamanwhotoldthePeace!will be furnished through.the county |8 the celebrated wheat grown in“Congress at San-Francisco that China |Superintendent to each teacher of ai%the Shenandoah Valley of.Vir-fs being forced to become amilitary Moonlight School.The county super-|gina,IT HAS NO EQUALFtio‘by the “siggreasions :of oth vintendent is urged to order at once |§M i.be bread d a!ree sail thd Suds bane,Sot 11 4 »nee from the ‘State superintendent’s of-|%rit “si a oth es VALUABLELAND AT PRIVATE SALE.hations,nperied to im-|fice the number of teachers’bulleting|&Of it to the poun an other.Ne et -a Prince of Peace oe id yr gronty,a o send at $flour,It is economy to buy #%eet "ark decenaed,the nersigned exeetar:f onceto theteac i ':5 j le a.valuableeeOestianlandstoteachheathen|ance to t copy ofthe teachers’Mei DAN VALLEY.TRY IT.A iitea Jying onths Catalin viver sa’Gocause{na how to turn plowshares into|”4 y eer}Hex,«~Bleounty,N.©.,containing 151 acres.more.orsswordsandpruninghooksinto17.224 4 sufficient number of the pu-/—°;Jess and known ‘us,.the Alexander Clark place.:©\pils’:bulletins to supply each pupil|Car C Bosha rhe tract contains 50 acres of original forestspears,in self.defence—that,Celestial|with a copy,os I °mer,Bs see aoe ines xed ber -ona ndhimselfofwhatthelate.6.Copies:of the ‘bulletin contain-/%LocalRepresentative,yiwh'island of 10 acres in the Catawba river,Major Jack Hatt of Rowan’county ea aan will also be8.hon Black:liawan)77 ".seown,&ie »_\eent to.the rof each county news-|% *4 re ae sughii y:‘:‘would have called a “surbinder.___paper,but the county superintendent|cagagee ‘0 “my eenaan See aoepea:WE aS alloy :disses he a \Ave itit oe - vaisfor”a ixnt leearly§incaoeofthisPsedd oeey=wasdown inbe: at anno tellyou owat suffered wi‘eee h mervousness andwie|Ourfan so husband ‘could not do rite ann he hiiESascinesdoctor, Atlest,m her’advisedCardui,age ‘spies "eignitwas’no usefor was nearlyoeee eaven$,anioallotofmywork nad:Sn vi int Cardui is.the best medicine intheworld.My weight ‘has incrandIlookthepictureofhealth,#¢°.> If you suffer from apy of the ailmentspeelartaocean‘ee taaeinehrof caraloday.Delay is da ‘We/knowitwillhelpyou,forkit hahas helped:somanythousandsofotherwealwomeninthepast50years. At all druggists. Write to:Chatearcors,Medicine Ladies?Advisory ‘a,Tenn.,tot ‘SpecialSresinountfor¥solrgage oo 64-pageboo‘restment for Women,”un plainwrapper.tie.1298 The New:Line of Co righted Books ltd:AA ote slik R.P.ALLISON'S Book STORE. PAFSORAAAAI.AGT: DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 64inch DRAIN TILE on hand. Common Bricks,Face:Bricks,always ready for ‘delivery. Statesville Brick Co. MILLER &BROWN Have reopened their market onFrontstreetandwillhandleallkindsoffreshmeats,Hope all old customers will remember us. ——'PHONE 497,.4 |MOTH ;ae tle,; Train No,Xb.west-bound,,due 7.24 a.m.Train Not 1 RanPay due 10.056 a m,pee ee mika nado|teats Nos tbound,due 10.86 sm:Trae Note,een te iu Dm Trails nd,|$»No.’16;east-bound,fue 10.50 e oe No,16°wr.9.50,leaves 10.85No,24°ar,9.20,i i 9.20 p.Taylors10200,leven 10:40 a. *6:20,:tehves 6:45,p. “Army Aviat Goes to Death. ‘Lieut,Walter °Dy Taliaferro,sta-and|oned at the “United States Army Jand,.Binet 000 feet intoDieroayandwas,pu.Taliaferro.wasPtettatet one of best aviators in »the service:Hefei the army duration contést at ben +e EF Diego,Sept ¥7,last,with a recyVendofnine’Hours ‘atid 48 minutes in the air.The lieutenant ‘had risen from theranksandwas35yearsold.He wasmarriedJast’April. Associate Justice Lamar of theUnitedStatesSupreme*Court,‘who has been ill for some time,was notableto4itwiththecourtattheopen- ing of the fall term’,Monday. ‘GIVE,CHILD “SY UP OF FIGS”IFTONGUEISCOATED! If Cross,Feverith,Sick,Bilious,_Clean Little Liver’and Bow- els.AR Children love this Sebuit laxative,” and nothing else.cléatises.the tenderstomach,liver’and bowelsso’nicely. A child.simply -will not’stop.play- ing to empty the,bowels,and the re-isult is,they become tightly clogged |with wast",liver gets sluggish,stomach sours,then-yout little one becomes cross,“half-sick,feverish,doesn’t eat,sleep’or {act naturally, breath is,bad,system full of cold, has sore throat,stomach-ache or diarrhoea.Listen,Mother!See if tongue is coated,then give a_tea- spoonful ,of “California Syrup of Figs,”and in a few hours all the con- stipated waste,sour bile andbis,ea ed food passes outof the stem,find you have a well,.playful childgain.Millions of.mothers give “Califor-nia Syrup of Figs”because it is.per- fectly harmless;children love it,and it never fails to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a 50-centibottleof“California Syrup of Figs,” which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle.Be- ware of counterfeits sold here.Get the genuine,made by “California.Fig Syrup Company.”Refuse,any other kind with contempt.fe é C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.”FULLSTOCK--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.,Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST.| =pe)‘Sale aa Me lela SupplyCo. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING—’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. een ‘scat A Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, and can print your name and brand on same.Let/ushaveyourorderforahy quantity you want:See us.Prices reasonable, Brady Printing Co. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D:, Will answerphone ‘calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium oreaM.Foard’s residence. pad ph LRleat calilbaiestecibe DR.C.L.GRUSE. Veterinarian.. Office :eai Polk Gray DrugCo, Office Phone 109.Residence ’Phone 198 Green, *ithe home place of John P. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale contained in ithe mortgage deed executed by Chas.A.West-li voreland and wife,Bossie Westmoreland,to John L.Davis,aud recorded in Book 38,page54,in the office of the Register of Deeds ofIredellcounty,and default having been made in payment of same,the eneersigned will of-(cr for aale for cash to the highest bidder,ot the court house door in Statesville,MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8,1915, the following tract of land described as follows:Located in Barringer township,Iredell county,known as the Jessie Westmore- iznd Jand,being Lillie’s and Louise's part lot3and(For full description see record inRegisterofDeedsofficeofIredellfromJ.L.Davis and wife,Wire C.Davis,teJessieC.Westmoreland),The above describ-lots contain 38 acres eacn.JOEN L..DAVIS,Mortgasree. y Oct.8,1915. SALE OF “HOUSE ANDLOT. By virtse of.the powers contained in lthe last will and testament of the late Capt.{PAL Prices,the undersigned will sell at pub-tie auction,to the highest bidder,at the court -hou.e door in Statesville,N.C.,on MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8&th,1915, 12.oleleck,m.,the following described Souse and lot lying inthe western suburbsofStatesville;towitBexinningat‘an iron’stake,W.L.Smith'scornehinPickens’liné;thence N.3 de- rrees E..7 poles to an iron stake in Haynes’ Lrep thence 8,87.degrees E.with Haynes's tine 18 poles to an.iron stake,Haynes’cor- nér-in L-©Wagner's,line}thenee S.3 de- s W.7 poles to a stone,corner of Church¢thenes Ni g7 degrees.Wy.18-poles.tothefainibe,containing vite,were,“more “or”Tess Terms---One-third cash,one-third in hxvantandone-third in twelve months.’J:H,HOFFMANN,Admr.with the will annexed.R.B.McLaughlin,Atty. Oct.8,1915. SALE OF FARM. By virtue of ‘a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county in the special proceeding en-titled E.P.Bradley and others,heirs-at-law of John PF.Bradley,I will on z MONDAY,OCTOBER 18,1915, at 1 o'clock p.m.,at the court house door inStatesville,sell at public auction for division the farm in Statesville.township “knowh ‘as Bradley,Sr.,con-It will be offered forsaleintwotracts,containing 30 acres and541-2 acres,This farm faces on two sand clay roads-—the ,Wilkesborowand Chipley Pordroads.It is within a half.mile of the Feim- ster Graded School.Red ‘soil,southern ex- posure,well watered,fine spring.The whole farm lies within two miles of the public square of Statesville. "Terms--One-third cash’on confirmation ofsale,one-third in twelve months,one-third in18months,with interest on deferred pay-ments after January 1,,1916. Title good.For further information writeorseeme,J.B.ARMFIELD,September 17,1915.2t.a,w. Commissioner. DR.B.C.TALLEY,VETERINARIAN. ‘Headquarters Statesville Drug Co.Office ’Phone 80Residence’Phone 307 Black, Shingles For Sale! Carloadof ¢good No,2 Shingle at $2.75perthousandat.myoe Cc.H.“TURNER,Near.the Depot. taining 84..1-2 acres. OPER Ge sae fOtN ee trediell'Phone No.74,Bell No,&: aoidiladepiaienehaes nec ei I',at North Is-|lessons about their profession from al-San|most every available souree.Trey are county,| 'State and to take up the praactive a} Independent.atat Home ;dM:ing Home Brighter and Better.Kid. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark, Jennings,Oct.13,—Sweet Potatoeshome-matle molasses,persimmons anc good old hog and hominy=we've gottheseupthiswaythistime’Thefarmerhasmadegoodthis’‘HehasmadeplentyofSrorpihinkitdeatandanabundanceoffeedforhic stock.He can be independent andhappyathomethisyear,regardless ofmoneypanicsandhard times—be- cause he has a living at home.Wé afgladtosaythatthefarmersarecom. ing right to the front with theif work They are reading theitandbulletins,attending the farmers’institutes .and exchanging idéas withone-»another,and Tearhiiae valuable building pretty homes and Mutting ©nice furniture in theta,Tuey fre put-ting fine steel ranges in the kitchensandorgansintheirparlors.,They arebuyingwashingmachines,patent ehurns,telephones and’various otherconveniencesforthehometo,makeitbrighter,happier,and a better placetostay.And it is right that they farm’paper:|! RURALDAIRY.“SCHOOLS.- seni WillBe HiHeld in Iredell Where InterestGah bare.16courageCornClubBoys.to Finish Won Jorrespondence of The Yatdmar 'The Office of Dairy Field Work chesnadsuchsuccessinconductingeneindtwo-day Rural Dairy Schools thevasttwowintersthattheynowcomeforthwiththeannouncementthat|‘hey will again hold thesewhereenoughinterestisshown toyuaranteetheirusefulness. schools.take signify their desire for such.Beingintendedforthefarmerandhisfam-ily would also indi¢ate that theyshouldbeheldintheruralschoolhouseswheretheymayhebestat-|%tended by this class.of people. As the programme begins promptly & at ‘10.o’clock this will necessarilysupplantthepublicschool.for the time but we feel this is not asking| too much,for each session is made in- teresting and instructive to the boys and girls as well.as to their parents. The forenoon session lasts from 10 should.Why shouldn’t home,theplacewheremanaimstospendfhere-|mainder of his days,be beautiful,|bright,happy and cheerful,with love and kindness reigning there ah,My heart has often been made lighterwhen,at the close of a hi day'swork,after the sun has hid its facebehindthewesternhorizondndtheshadeofnight/begins to appear;andIstarthomeward,and hark!across the valley and over the hills comes the sweet tones of music,pealing out from,that home in sweet melody, me hame.The farmer is not onl taking an interest in his home,but is buying improved,labor-saving machinery, getting improved stock,improving hislandsothat,he can make more to the acre,building good roads,setting outorchardsand,last but not least,,he i: taking a pride in having 4com- fortable.school houses ‘and.pretty church buildings.God bless him!He’s the backbone of the nation.*May.he ever go forward and onward 0 suc- cess as he deserves t6,~~"It is learned today that Miss Addie| been operated on for appéndicitis at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium andis ‘getting along all right.Mr.Arley Hbpler’s baby hits beenrightsickwithscarletfever,byt isimproving.=Fane) WORLD PEACE IS ee AM) Japanese and.Chinese »View— The Latter’s Biting Sarcasm. Count Okuma,Japanese premier, and Dr.Ng Poon Chew,a Chinése ed- itor of San Francisco,told *détepates to the National Peace Con ss in San Francisco that world le was yet a fantasy and will be’)Y the militaristic order of things in-ehang-| ed.Count Okuma said there was no.hope for peace “as long as there exist na- tions or individuals who believe or. exalt themselves as absolutely supe-— periority do not hesitate to appeal to material forces.”On behalf of the congress Dry N Poon Chew added to Count Oicumma’s statement:5 “There will be wars and more Wars just so long as there are two codesoflawsandtwo:standards of morali- ty,one governing nations,the other individuals.”. War,the doctor said,was going to keep right on in oneplace or another.'Even China was preparing.He blam- ied Wstern militarism,which,he said,| ind_-hedestroyed—herideals-of-peace:thecalledJapanthedisturber peace of the Orient“Tf the United States were as un- prepared as China it would fre ‘nobetterthanChinaatthehandsoftheworldpowers,”he said.“Chinahaglearnedherbitterlessonandnow is proceeding to abandon its ‘concept,that justice is the foundation of»the of brute-force.i.“Japan is the aipwes ber of “thepeaceintheOrient.She is essential-ly-a military nation and she has in herself the perfect compilation of the militarism of Germany and the navy- ism of England.‘Her en is boundless.-..“With such neighbors wh:al,mist China do but.prepare for dele Before the European war broke outweimportedalargenumberofmen,the followers of the Prince of l'eave from Europe,the seat of Ch istén-Yom,over to ‘Heathen China,’if,you are pleased to call us so,to in éractustoturn)our ploughshares ‘intoswordsandourpruninghooksinto spears,”‘ Mr.Henkel’s Visits to Tennessee +‘Mentioning a,recent visit of Mr.°L. P.Henkel of Statesville to Shell;ville, % Tenn.,the Gazette of that town says: “Mr.Henkel-is,president,of |the Henkel-Craig .Live...Stock.Co.ofStatesville.He makes frequent visitstothiscountyandalwaysgocs«waywithagoodlynumberof’mulcs ‘andhorses.'-He pays good.prices .for these animals and our farmers always know that they will get the very best prices to be had when Mr.Henkeluis on the ground.He has.bought over beckoning me onward,and ~weloming| Reid,daughter of Mr.I.G.Reid,has| In’a message“to~the congress | rior to others and to assert tha€su-| a 1 but had|had not only parceled China bi Litige offered for best:in f quirin bat little initiative. o'clock to-12,and the afternoon ses- sion from 1:30 to 4 ‘o'clock.©Night sessions are held in-connection where ‘requested.Each talk is made {as iclear and interesting»as possible bylillustrationwiththecreamseparator, Babcock tester or stereopticon.The patrons are invited to bring samples of whole milk,skim-milk—or cream| to be tested and to ask such ques- tions as they wish about the work. Any sehools held in this county|will be between November 15th and|December 15th,so it will be well to; act soon if your community wants) jone,As the rush of farm work will ve over before that time,why not plan to have something for entertain- ment and instruction when you are ‘free to think and plan for improve- ‘mentinthecoming year’s work?Every farmer and his.wife needs’a little ‘mental drill during the long winter evenings to make life brighter and to ease the days of toil.It is not so much the amount of work we do that |wears us out but the slow,continue ue grind that gives no‘time for re- jeuperation..A change of occupation even for a short time adds life to the task,lightens the burden and makes work a pleasure. Boys’Corn Club, Doubtless the members of the Corn \Club are getting anxious.to.know how much their corn:will yield and now that the season for the corn harvest is here it will be well to 'make ready for saving it before a long lrainy spell mey begin.Thelisgenerallygoodandwitha little |thought and rapid work it may all be jsaved in good condition. The rules for the measurement of |this corn’require that it be gathered jin fair weather,after the field has ‘been carefully measured to get:the‘exact acre...The corn may then be Vhusked direct from the field or pulled and hauled to the barn to husk.‘The imeasuring of the grain may be done as.a whole load or by counting the number of barrels,then getting the ‘average weight per barrel (1 in 3) by which the number of barrels ‘should be:multiplied.The percent- jage of shelled corn is found by shell- ling out an average barrel.of ears andldividingtheweightofshelledcorn iby the weight before it was shelled.|Where it,is not possible for the coun- ‘ty agent to assist in measuring the plot and yield,two disinterested par- ties may be secured to witness this, It is hoped that every boy will earefully gather and measure his corn, then complete all records.and make his final report.New,clean «blanks will be sent him that these may be in good condition to compete for the report.Don’t let anything hinder your muk- ing your finalreport.’Failure to dogomaysoweakenyourcharacterthatyouwillalwaysbea’“quitter.” Finishing a task gives you strength to -undertake ‘another.—Unfinished tasks weaken,your “backbone”so you yourself:to.undertake.even those@ ste- A-parent-can.,do--their child. greater injury.¢an to their completion of the work in any- thing.but the most fair and accurate manner,.A small act or word on the parent’s part may dishearten the boyorgirlsotheywillnolongertakean interest in the things of the old farm| home.On the other hand,a little en- couragement.may lead them out totheir‘own education which fits them for the best positions obtainable.—-G:E.DULL, County Agent. Official Visit to Harmony School—Appendicitis Victim. Correspondence of The Landmary. Harmony,Oct.18.—The Harmony Hill campmeeting was attended by a large crowd last Sunday..Many old friends greeted each other as they did in years passed by.¢ Thé county board of education visit-ed-Harmony High School Monday and took ‘dinner in the domestie science room,which was prepared by our teacher,Miss McCanless,and the.stu-|| dents. ht.Charles E.Baum,who has a position at.the railroad camp near Harmony,was taken:ill last Saturday and,was carried to Dr.Long’s Sani-toritim Sunday morning for .an.oper- 200 horsés and mules herein the lastthreeweeksforwhichhepaid+ome-|thing over $25,000.Outside of hctrig |"#first-class stock man Mr.Henkel:is | a genial gentleman and our people |are always glad to meet ‘him in a 60-|cial way as well as to sell him their|horses nee mules.” “Ghronte.Constipation. “About two years ago,when I began wiChitmberlain’s)Tablets,I had been sulcringforsometimewithstomachtroubleand ehronle constipation,My condition improy- ed rapidly through the use ofthese tabléts,since taking four or five ‘bottles of them myhealth~fine,"writes Mrs,John Now.ton,Irv)N.Y.valine everywhere, ation for apendicitis.The report is that heis doing nicely.We hope him speedy recovery.Mr.Frank Barnard and Mr.‘’Jim Cranfield)of Indiana ‘are visiting friends and relatives near.Harmony, Miss Mona Gaither of Lenoir Collegespent’from Saturday.till Tuesday at)pone with Mr.and Mrs,R.I’.Gaither, For Indigestion. Never take.pepsin.and preparations con- taining pepsin or other digestive ferments for.indigestion,as the more you take the moreyouwillhavetotake.What is needed is a,tonie like Chamberlain’s Tablets that will en schools |f As these |§the time of at least |} yield | may not have confidence enough in.)_: dtecourige fd able»the stomach to perform its funetionsnaturally,‘Qbtainable everywhere, re; A Sold for cash or on time. ~The:SEXesa na man playerpianfoundinnoanaesoe:;the market thatsells forlegs ‘han $1,000,The Motoris thelifeot the .}player'piano If ur Motorisimperfect—will oot ran”ij smoothly,your vil player”’ your enjd yeni ofinstrumen:ly surebuyingaHarda: Liberal allowance for old pianos. de? Carlton A.Andrews,. Maguapgrurer’s AOR QF at G00 POINT.‘MOTOR, action ix worthléss,”-seaeee eran by. e5 }re The appearance of any flour--whether it is white or dark—depends on:how.ae well it is-cleaned before it is milled. THE CO.has a most elaborate process of cleaning wheat and_the appearance of its flouris bound to be good.| Give it a trial and you will be pleased. * Statesville Flour Mills Company.’ STATESVILLE FLOUR MILLS,¥ ASK US. thing we might say about the car,‘areitheremarkablethingspeoplecontinueto:say.about it everywhere.Those who have”had.years of experience driving motor xecarsareitsmostenthusiasticowners,”They admire its beauty,They dwell up-on its comfort.They know ‘the value of:the unit power plant,‘thefull floating rear ©axle,the self lubricating vanadium steel..springs,the Timken bearings throughout.Ask for a demonstration.“ The price.of the Touring CarorRoadster jorpleteis$785 (¥.0,B.Detroit). ‘Statesville MotorCom’y“QUALITY FIRST.” Very much more remarkable than,any-en age :ee : vba: ‘PHONE 0 3 , zike< “i grain,aod will put in your fertilizer like.you “wan the redeeming features of this drill —}One of built for service, We have a low cash price_on this drill but if o notin position to pay cash we can make you thew teatahigherprice. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware( |Helps Your Chanee to ;home. 1 Hundreds of thousands are being killedby the wien.war:ae ic thousandsin this country are being killed by unclean and impure © milk,_You can’t’stop what the war is doing but you can,help the chance of yourself and family to live if you will use milk from.th PAINE.VIEW DAIRY—delivered to ror in RONG er 'covered with the DACRO CROWN,- |THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY ig supplying the milkhk benefi-cial and aids health.Why and how mp ieee it will.be‘Spasfromtimetotime.: -{Phone 347 Black,PAINE.VIEW ‘DAIRY,the dairy with thecrosystem,when you want pure and clean milk delee aay (i es x (FOR THE ORPHANS. ==|'‘The call to the citizens ofthe State tito give one day's work—or the in- iN — Kv EDIT UESDAY AND FRIDAY.come from one day’s work-+to the or-| phanage work of the State,is,one that =should be heeded.If you‘didn’t pead ‘...82,00 the stirring call of the comimittee in 1.00/The Landmark of Tuesday,get the eo ——|paperand find it.on page four..The ae October 15,1915.)request is a modest.one,.All of us SETUNITY FOR SERVICE.(%%1 we will,give one day to this ¢,Bid :f jeause;and if all,to whom ‘this call State Superintendent Joyner has}ames,through the \sewspapers or _[PROM OVER THE COUNTRY, saued,and The Landmark is print-| ing today;the plans for the Moon-| ht School work,which is expected begin throughout the State next) onth.These Moonlight Schools, is.has been explained,are night schools,established by voluntary.ef- fort in the different counties ‘and communities,to teach grown people who cannot read and.write thése use- ful and necessary acquirements.It has been demonstrated that grown people,even when advanced in years, Jearn readily,and thats with a few simple lessons they can be taught to The importance of this work and the,nevessity of enlisting those who can help in any way,it is hardly necessary to stress,‘To help those :who have been deprived of the pleas- ure of reading to acquire that knowl- edge is comparable only to giving sight to the blind.‘Those of us who: haven’t the.capacity to teach can help in other ways.An important part is to persuade these.unfortunates to take advantage of the opportunity of- fered and to encourage them._Illit- erate adults’are naturally sensitive and it will require tact in some cases to get them to the schools.Their misfortune in many cases is not their| faulé and if they are dealt with sym- pathetically they can be reached.The -Landmark trusts that a special sym- pathetic and tactful effort will be made in every neighborhood in Iredell where these illiterates are found,to get them to go to these schools,and otherwise,will lay aside °What they earn for one day,whether the amount be great or small,and send it to the orphanage of their choice at Thanks- giving,there wilt be such a Thanks- giving offering for the orphans:as the State has-never known.The contri- butions will help the present orphan- ages to increase their capacity and take in the thousands of children who should be cared for in orphan homes but for whom there is-no room how for lack of means. If the making of such a contribu- tion means a_sacrifice,as it will in some cases,we shourd-make it the! more readily.The gift is the more acceptable to the good God when we give of our poverty rather than of our abundance.None of.)us know when those for whom we are now able to care may be dependent.Our hearts should not only be moved with pity for the helpless children left uncared for and untrained,‘but from the selfish standpoint we should con- stder the economic advantage of hay- ing these children trained into good and useful citizenship rather than leave them to go,to the bad—as many of them must if left uncared for—-and thus become a menace.as| well as expense to the public..Better to help”support orphanages than county homes,reformatories,insane asylums and prisons. Furthermore,while we always a abundant cause for thankfulness,we haye especial cause this year.Our cd Matters.©eyi};-,Mayor Bell of Indianapolis,—whiwasindictedwithTomTaggert,porocraticnationalcommitteeman,afrete.cnares of veneerraud_in elections,was acquitted af-ter a trial lasting five weeks.ia).Charlotte Cushman,once America’sforemost.tragedienne,has ‘been ad-|mitted to New York University’s HallofFame.She is the first member.ofthetheatricalprofessiontobethushonored.:Rte ty Closing of saloons in Chicago on‘Sunday for the first time in'44.yearsresultedintheday‘passing with:thelowestcrimerecordinthehistory‘ofthepolicedepartment,Chief of Po-lice Healey stated.._ The International Peace Congressat,San Francisco adopted a resolu- tion directing David Starr Jordan,resident of the Congress,to go toWashingtonandurgePresidentWil-son to call a conference of neutral na+tions to bring about peace.PresidWilson's.policy,which hgs kept the country out of war,was approved bytheCongress. Items of Interest About Various fer r ‘Armenian massacres in Asiatic war as Turkey’s 4tionreached.the State,Department ahd|from Ambassador Morgenthau,who stated that the majority of the Arr ee in Asiatic,Turkey had been Although .our government.some time ago warried Turkey that further atrocities would alienate the sympathies of the American people,no answer has.been received. With the promise thet,those Arme- nians who \wished to leave the coun, try would be permitted’to:do so un- harmed and t Protestant Armen-ians would be spared,“Inforniation recently.reaching this country,how: ever,indicates that “these conditions have not beer strictly adhered?to From one quarter it was assertedthat! they were “rescinded the next day.”, »Although $100,000 from private subscription has been placed at Am-bassador Morgenthau’s disposal’for distribution among the Armenian ref~ Fifty tons of coal tar dyestuffs ofGermanmanufacturearrivedinNew York Wednesday,consigned to the ugees,no arrangements have been made for bringing Armenians to this country 4s was originally planned, Those Armenians who were spared are he Armolin Massacrés.| Turkey have been renewed with.vig-|| -Jor.since Bulgaria’s entrance into the|.ally.:,This informa- inst the /°Armenians |/ Earlier representations were met M a ee ie a NM R IL L Ma _.Enlarged 20% |Sizes 30x32 and 30x3 Goodyear tires won top place kicked but without avail.People abletoownforeignbuilt.cars and i them abroad for repairs,are able to Secretary of Commerce.The —ship-;ment is for the account of Wm.Actor and iyicmoees pene :a Mitchell of Lowell,Mass..represent-|stories of the barbarities in connec-ing the National.Association of Cot-'tion with the massacres are horribletonManufacturers,This cargo was/|Apparently it is the purpose of the British government, |people.The only excuse they give is Miss Ardella Riley of Durham,N.|the fear that the Armenians ‘may at- C.,died in Danville.Va.,Monday as tack them while they are at war with the result of taking bichloride of mer-jother powers.:cury tablets.It is alleged that just ne ences prior to her death she told the at-Holy Land a Training Camp.| -The Turks have transformed thetendingphysicianthatshehadtakenthedeadlydrugwith‘the intention of Holy,Land into a huge military train-ending her life.but gave no.reason!therefor.She had beeri in Danvillebutashorttime.~ B.N.Duke of ‘North Carolina and New York,owned a motor car built in England.When the car was in need have arrived at Alexandria,Egypt. ~All the convents:in Jerusalem are ee eens ae ane -re- BE ‘ily a noftepaireixwasshivpedtoEneland.|P"Olives ond Samaria Plain by Ger the repairs made and the car shipped;man officers.Immense.targets have home.The customs authorities taxed heen placed on Mount Golgotha,the it with duty same as a new car.Duke!spot where the crucifixion took place, toserve in artillery practice to testship'the effect of high explosives. help support the government.Tce Ge GAA Gea Te te teem Ee GaileEL Galant te,besbed.Union Suits,$1 value,for 65¢. shipped.by arrangement with the|Tyyks to exterminate the Armenian ing camp,according to refugees who by giving more than others. that reason alone these tires foryearshaveoutsoldanyrival. This year we are giving to users of small tires thrée more costly extras.Now Goodyear tires in these sizes,more than ever before,excel any like-size tire 3 More Extras We have added 20 per.cent to the a'r capacity,us you know,adds mileage. We have added 30 per cent more rubber to the side walls— to the part above the rim.That'swhereconstantbendingbreaks a thin-walled tire. Wo have made new molds of anew.design which adds endur- ance,we havefound.© 4,e .Lower Prices These new extras alone,on this year soutput,will costus $317,000. They will save our users tentimes that,perhaps, Yet this year we made another big price reduction.-It was our third.in two years,totaling 45 per ‘cent.That's one result’of mammoth output—a value ‘no one else can give. .Even-in size 30x3,in ‘Good- years,you get a’four-ply tire.In our All-Weather tread,you get a double-ihick anti-skid..Now * you get this extra size and éxtra strength.More than ever you owe yourself the use of Goodyear For Added size, average cost per mile.A half-mil- lion users have proved that.« tires.No otherGoonivanmakecompares TIRES © with them in low $317,000 in Extras country is at peace and we are pros- perous.|The harvests have been We have been blessed of court officials,a foreign jurist Wed- nesday had the honor of sitting with the.Supreme Coyrt of the:United One lot Men’s Ribbed |Undershirts, sizes 38 only,special price 33¢e.One lot.All Wool Blankets,only $3 ‘pair. that in every way possible the work will be encouraged. inee The Record was glad to know that the President and Mrs.Galt “seemed very happy,”but we will be.very hap- pier when that wedding of theirs is ‘over with:—Hickory Record.“The Landmark had it in mind to express the hope that the wedding would take place’soon.We don’t hold the President and Mrs.-Galt responsi- ble for the publicity that is ‘given their ;--word and act...That is fault of the newspaper writers whoare ‘earning their bread.But nevertheless,everything in connection with the President and Mrs.Galt is yed up in ‘a way calculated to makeus all sick if it’is to,continue verylong..The billing and cooing of people in love soon palls on,the pub- Ne;no matter,if the principals are conspicuous because of their station; and very often elderly people mak- ing a second venture in matrimony do more foolish:things than the giddy _young folks.The President is a sensi- _ble man and we have no idea the pub- licity in connection with his engage- nient is to his liking.He can’t stop the newspapers.frommagnifying the attention hé shows’his ,prospective Bride,but/he can help matters by “naming an early date for the wed- -ding.;; -iA strange case comes to light through the Monroe Journal...Ai con- “fail into_the hands.of was sent to the.State “prison farin,--Hé!asked-that the Jour- -nal be forwardedito him and this was done,but the paper was returned with the information that prisoners are not, ‘allowed to receive newspapers:This _isan astonishing statement.It is _supposed the prison authorities have a reason for depriving convicts of literature,but it would.be interest- jing to know ‘what it is.It does seem vant unreasonable hardship to deprive a prisoner.of the privilege of reading a newspaper and The Landmark hopes hat there is some mistake about it. Tf there is not a new ruling should ‘be:made speedily. >TT TT TTT TIT ” Asheville took a week instead of “day to consider fire prevention.Ex- ‘perts employed by the city made a house-to-house inspection,examined bountiful. basket and store.Giving does impoverish,‘neither:does withholding| thy hand enrich thee.Give as Lord has prospered you,whether week’s work.;} Catawba is Mecklenburged—_ Caught Trying to Dodge..- -An analysis.of the real estate tax| valuation in Catawba.where ~there was-considerable complaint of the in- crease of 15 per cent made by ‘the State Tax’Commission,shows that the not |Statjing, be the proceeds of a day’s work OF 24204 in 1883,and Lord es.The visitor was Baron Read-BI:ly 69c.Lord Chief Justice of England.est Catton NT iibeer and.Chil-Special America as chairman of the Anglo-!dren’s Coats.“In fact the bargains| the French Financial Commission.Other were never better than now. it foreigners accorded this honor were, Lord Chief Justice Coleridge of Eng~Herschel}, British Lord High Chancellor,in 1899.SRSTaE Recommends Chamberlain’s.Cough Remedy. ,“Last winter I-used.a bottle of Chamber- Jain’s Cough Remedy for a bad bronchial coush.I felt ‘its beneficial effect immedi- ately and before I had finished the bottle Iwas“cured.I~never tire of recommending this remedy to my friends,”writes Mra.Wil- liam Bright,Ft.Wayne,Ind.Obtainable everywhere.Soy Get the it of trading with us,—SMITH-EY &FRALEY.—ad. ~ SHINGLES CHEAPEST BECAUSE— .B.Watkins,Henderson,N.C.,/B.Watkins,Jr.,Reidsville,N. “4.,W.C.Watkins,Roxboro,N.C.,C..Watkins,Statesville,N.G.,buy 4}B- in quantities.“Everything to Build With. Se :Goodyear Service StationsTiresinStockSTATESVILLEMOTORCOMPANY, Statesville,N.C. hey &Fraley s valuation,made by local 2 $av- eraged 51 cents per acre less «than that of 1911—local assessors having increased values 18 per cent that year. Comparisons of tax values in border Catawba townships show that with the 15 per cent added in Catawba county,the average value of land in border townships as+compared with; the average value in adjoining coun-| ties is still 84 cents the acre less than) in surrounding counties.“Before the inerease in Catawba .or these other counties;the average value of Cataw- ba lands was $8.74,against $9.95.Af-|| ter the increase of 15 per cent.in Ca- tawba,five per cent in Burke.20 in Caldwell,10 in Iredell and 10 in Lin- eéln the Catawba average is $10.05 against $10:89 in the townships bor- dering Catawba in the counties nam- ed.|The average in Catawba in 1911 was $9,07 an -acre.The assessors this year cut the average to $8.56. With the 15 per cent increase by the State Tax Commission,the average be- comes.$9.84,for.the whole county. The 1910 census report showed.that the percentage of:assessed.value to actual value was only 31.67 per cent,hough ‘the -average-in the “State.atlarge:was 52°per ‘cent.From 1900to_1910 the census shows an increaseinthevalueefCatawbalandsof172 per cent,while the increase in tax value from 1904 to 1914 was only 73 Pye cent.ee No Agencies in South America. -The Federal Reserve ‘Board an-nounces that for the present it wouldnotfavor<establishment of .joint agencies of Federal Reserve Banks inSouthandCentralAmericancountrieswiththepossibilitythatreservebankmoneywouldbelockedupin:Jong time Joans,subject to the wide fluctuations of foreign exchange.Pioneer work in Latin-American countries,the boarddecided,should.be done -by memberbanksoftheFederalreservesystem.and with this énd in view it promised to support an amendment which would enable the members to c6-op- erate in owning and operating for- eign banks.Secretary McAdoo recently suggest- ‘fides and ‘chimneys,took note of the disposition of waste,etc.That was gomething worth while.Monthly or “quarterly ‘inspections.should.be made »Yegularly in at least the business dis- fict of every ‘town.The inspectors fiould not only inspect but «they “ghould see to it:that the regulations ‘are observed.The sooner.the public gets to understand the fact that nine- tenths of the fires are the result of cotton,cotton waste and cotton yarn _negligence”and that he who knowing- y and wilfully permits conditions that ‘cause fires ‘is a criminal,the better many. “for everybody. ‘All of youwho wantto join Chief watice Clark in his proposition for alother cotton products new State capitol building,to ‘cost |;holdup:your hands. nion National1 ank of Char d $50,Wr the Anglo ed establishment of joint agencies jand ‘the proposal was approved byLExeatace’Wilson.t 'To Make .Cotton Piece ‘Goods | Contraband,' Replying to a question in the Brit-ish’House of Commons as to whether the government was allowing cottontogointoGerma:~~under certain cireumstances,Sir Edward Grey,Sec-iretary.for Foreign Affairs,said raw have been déclared contraband,and jthat every possible step has been itaken’to prevent them reaching Ger- |It was intended,the foreign secre-itary added,forthwith to declare ar jcontraband cotton piece goods and and.prohibit the export.to™neutral countries con- |tiguous to Germany and Austria of \such goods,capable of being used injthemanufactureofexplosives,me COLLEGE JEWELRY ! ‘Make a nice piece of Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., with the seal of Statesville College on, students as well as those,now attending. We have this line now in.° R.H.RICKERT &SON. Jewelry for former.: — e Extra.Fancy wholegrain Head Rice,a regular'10c.value for “77g |7 1-2¢.pound. reduced prices you are ‘and making an -actual that this store really isValues.”Below are a,your comparison: Soy By getting the very best “groceries at these you are not already a customer of this store it would be well worth while,for you to try m ‘eash system for a month’and see for yourself Best Granulated Sugar 16 pounds ~~.for $1.00 or 25- $1.58. getting real bargains saving in money.If “The House of Betterfew,prices quoted for SOAPS AND WASHING POW- DERS. Octagon.Soap Export SoapGrandmaWashing Powder .... Jappo Cleanser .....ites Ws ECAR Old Dutch Cleanser ........+.8e. Lump Starch per Ib. Celluloid Starch ......-.e.++85 GANNED MILK. Bagle-Milk —..seca sere eee dBc. Libby’s Condensed Libby's:Evaporated ...,.++..8c. Libby’s.Evaporated CANNED VEGETABLES. Blue Ridge Corn ........+-+e OC? Sweet Meadow Corn ....8e, Velvet ‘Pocahontas Peas .i Stoxely Bros,Peas ,12¢. Libby’s Green Asparagus Tips.22c. Lint'y’s White Asparagus Tips.27c. No.3 Tomatoes 9e.; No.6 String Beans ..No,3 Hominy ...:.No,8 Sour Kraut oon “The House of -|Belsure and read the idSmithey&F advertisement i Sees i Aes The Robert Bunch _§14South Cent~-.}Phone No.229. Tr CANNED FRUITS Litey’s eames bap 04 FFoeAVbsdvbCc.8 or 22c.Pebied Table Peaches ....1.0°seas erase snes -15c.size for 12c.‘Pie!Peaches “10¢.size for 9c. Libby'¢Sliced Pine:Apple ..20c.size for.17c. e Apple .Oc.size for 17¢. 0 j Rigi White House:Coffee,3 Ib.can 98¢/Whitt House’Coffee,1 Ib.’¢an...33c. Gold Hibbon Coffee,1 1b.'can .24c,Pandy p Coffee,1 lb.pkg.-18c. en Penny Coffee,1-2 Ib.cans .9c. Bulk Coffee:No,1,25¢value’.18c.|...MISCELLANEOUS. hfistant.Postum ....50c.can 48c.' Instart Postum ....80c.cah 27c. Libby.s Lunch Tongue.25c size 22c. *hibby’s Pork Sausage 35¢can 27c.Libby's ‘Pure Apple Jelly .....9c. ‘Messon Cooking Oil 30c can 28¢. Cream Cheese .....ssee0eess200, Cash Grocery, Better Values.”pe Street. It is the great concessions and sacrifices thatwe’ve forced by the hammer of the highdollarthatenablesusooffertoaknowingandappreciativepublicsomuchfortheirmoney.The bargains offered by us areunmatchableandthemerchandiseiswellmade,seasonable and dependable,and thericeonmanarticlesisevenlessthanhalf.his can readily be accounted for,Our sci-entific methods of buying,coupled with con-stant effort,has done the work and done itwell,and we advise the thrifty buyers to an-ticipate their wants and yisit the store to-day—it pays.;-|SMITHEY &FRALEY, The Underselling th Store. Oey News,| 5 pond Bags fori]i Our Ladies’ComfortRockers are made of Oak or | “Mahogany,upholstered ‘with leather or tapestry,§ over twelve élastic springs. The Oak Rockers are finished Early-English,Fum-:§ ed or Golden Oak.| .,PRICE eden st SOOO CR C EA a EN O EE |The Store That Always W: (C E B U CWCMec HRN NTE MO NCWIT NUCOMEOOMUMAot cy Pa r en e aa a cn e t ST en e TR E Y ee e ee e ) PS R er a y Se e et e et e ne y al e e SO E Se x rawford-Bunch Furniture Company.§ $i Pre& ¥¥ oy j . <A ADHERE NSDDINGE [as readoe nda Mamney RmPORTE.-|Nuptials of Miss Jenkins and possesses unusual business ability:|'1,,suimeine“Writen wore ‘pelt’yeaterday||Dr.Gibson —TheKeremony Shehas been assistant cashier of the,for produge onthe local market,|-and Reception—Social ‘Events|sinceits establishment’nearly two}"r'eyy.Sever tb |aris ss |,"was amid beoutifal surroundings|years ago.Dr.Gibson,who.is “a Fue:"kg caret++October 16,1915.{that Miss Mary M¢Bride Jenkins and/80n of Mr.W,B,Gibson of States|Becwax,26.ver Ib.——Dr.Lauren Osborme Gibson plighted|ville,is a young physician of fine}{j'%"Hide,16 per Ih.GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.|their troth,Tuesday evening at 8|character and has been quite suceess=0\'siu.,ae:per,ibePieso’cloek,at the home of the bride’s pa-|ful in the practice of his profession.)!Shoulders,Ide.per bl |Red Honey,10¢,per Ib.|Numerous fri isumerousfriends.wish the couple’Sourwood Honey Comb,18e.per Ibcontinuedhappiness. Oy cranes,rastad GitMarriageatStonyPoint. rents,Mr,and Mrs.D.F.Jenkins,corner Center and Water streets.he house was most attractively ,de¢-orated and brilliantly Jighted through- Personalmal Mention of People and.*.“Their Movements. _Miss ‘Marie Smith is’visiting her i /Grain,»/The following prices were paid yesterday| pisters,Mesdames ‘W.F.MePeters|out,and the couple stood before a}.Miss Maggie MeHargue of.pes yy)rin OB,the local market: ‘‘.s ;leat,$1.26 <mn -Ceae in wee Bell beautiful green anjl white gltar while|burg township,this county,anc Mr,Bel:corn,‘old),#1 or sacl ’Garrison wentpe yas i s Cc the words whieh:united.their.desti-|H-.Crouch of Statesville were married’er (new),0c.per bushel. Tuesday to visit Mee H.B Powell,“”|nies,were spoken,Suspended from |!ast Saturday,the 9th,at Stony Point)OSs.per bushel,f°Miss Mona Gaither,who’spent 'ajthe arch of .the.-altar,which Rev.T.E.Wageofficiating:The bride}*:—_gtageaville Cotton Market.”°|dad days,with her oe Maonia iat had.a,back °¢d.’.of ferns,|i8 @ daughter of the late William Me-in the,lopab,maarhet yesterday 12 1-2¢.per| |rmony;returned.Tuesday after-|W°T?two large white letters|Hargue and lived with her smother,"2",ere oe —XnoontoDavenportCollegeatLenoir.(studded with tiny electric lightg—the Rear Pisgah,in Sharpesburde’Mr.)cotton seed,0c,per bivshel.fMrs.8,8.Bost of Durham is here |!etters being“J”aii "\G"-—and as Miss /Crouch has lived.in Statesville:may FoR eNg wi Harrill|LY ESTERDAY ionavisittohermother,Mrs.Ws pH,|Jenkins ‘became rs.’Gibson the)Years and is.well known asvancime}’yc .c:Metre eutidenen.ate BI é eae ee C RERViEeoelightsofthe“J”.faded away.|dustrious and upright man.The mew-}ReExce.e Oct,12—2t.*|was servility-—today it ony the wed-|!y-married pair have the besb.wishesPreceding.the.cer 1 :hinted with a/Qf their friends.About the first ofCoditswicate FOR SALE—Two or three fresh Milch Cows.Also nice Heifers,Write ot "phone W.C..Mrs,R.L.Poston returned Tues-is nobility.Man’s ad-;din,7 .oor fom oa,ee ——mudicel programme.”“Because God/|next monththey will locate on.a farm},WooTEN,111.Oct.12—2t,vancement is progress for ing of Daughters of the Confederacy:Made You Mine”and “I Love You mary ng ho ohea about a mile’pon auQacseventeom house on Tradd the individual,and his *iss.Elizabeth Lazenby and her |{fly”were sung by Mrs.J.I.Carl.trom Stony folpt.gree’.Wi Be,RAAROME fet,&betterment measures the little sister,Lois,.who visited rela-ton:Miss Marea Jordan,the pianist |Marriage at Lookout Shoals.:FOR SALE—Two nice Shetland panlen.i ta: development of others.. leah 4 ill oe ‘aA of the evening,and Lessessne Allison,|.vether uo:separately,Also b d °rte itsa eee wore &violinist,rendered»“Somewhere a}eum Nie rae Neve ae harness.JcW.KANEER Oct.8.P|T, 4 ‘.a”“|..So ero seorcentrivconetait coli elves seibaaaslahaitaeslutmmrieienbere i +3Mrs.J.E.Ingram and baby left|Volee is Calling”and "A Perfect terday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the FOR SALE OR RENT—A new seven-room|i)0 Serva Well le ToWednesdayforavisittoMrs.In-|8Y:grin’s ing march!home of the bride at the Lookeut),@%!%north “Mulberry street Can be Serve Unselfishly am's grandmother at Madison.|¥#*Played as the’bridal party entered|gogig development on the Catawba]ed.so as teh Itry,or “truck,orb ::ey will also visit in Reidsville and|the parlor,and soft.stzpins x Bary ‘river:‘The ceremony was performed|cates igreoF all-in te-te,twenty foak i The degree of service gonets en Va.,before returning |lin dering os oneaiod Ree ate ‘by Rev.J.F.Kirk.After a trip to Apptaide fy,lanl Apply to B.F.LONG.:toPiha home,your business 4 ’jo **bd *Fi z *Mrs.L.White.and Miss Naomi |sohn’s march was played at its close.|frre Johnson willbe at hone awh=FFORRENT—Cottage close in.Lights and)<a roe ene oeThebridalpartycamefromthe|>"”xewevage.R.P.ALLISON.Oct.5.fell YOUE Purposes anc:yourFithion,the latter of New Jorsey,are etary and passed through the hay |BEY:mere Mr.Johnson is local rail-|, First an aisle was|WAY agent. elity to your trusts.spending a few days at Davidson.The bride is originally/OLD NewSPAPERS —AN you want at ’ Mrs.P.S.Easley and children re-{to the parlor.‘from Alabama,but for the past few}0c.a hundred.Worth this to start fires,tn every field of ‘adivicual or com: turried yesterday from Davidson,|£°"med by the..ribbon-bearers,Misses |years she has been with her father,|pat,{i%0 Sood toput Soden,obrhete.ane mercial endeavor,service isa basic.!Mary Gibson and Bride Alexander.where they spent two days with rel-The ofebtitinak mlrleter..Ravi /De:2.atives.;;: Miss Sallie Ellis,of the vicinity of rant dite vad thle bed deck Gait the Hardaway company.Mr.John- ee tak tak Fe ta |position at the altar.He was fol-|a son of Mr.J.W.Johnson of She -was accompanied home by Miss |lowed by the dames of honor,Mrs.|co .Rosa Bost of Kannapolis,who,is her |J25-M.Ramsey and Mrs.W.W.}Social Items.Rateguest.’Hanks,sisters of the bride,and next)‘~The Entre Nous club will meet with Mrs.J.H.Shaw,who.was here for |eame the maid of honor,Miss Beulah,iss Elvy McElwee this :afternoon the Jenkins-Gibson marriage,return-|Jenkins,also a sister of.the bride.jat 4 o'clock.3 necessity.Success is dependentuponit.Economy and wisdom infinancialaffairsisonephaseofser- vice to your interests,and in no business is service more essential than in banking. MARK for them. ‘dR RENT—Kight-room508WestFrontstreet.L. AASH, |Mr.Green,at Whitney and Lookout oals,Mr.Green being an employe.toate eee K..OVER-Aug.20, NOTICE:TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as executor of the will ofLynwoodBost,deceased,aie of Iredell coun-ty,North Carolina,this is to notify all per- gons,having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the under- print rerevinprhesitee-pnireters We realize the importance of good service to those whom we serve,an’ we are conscious of the part it plays in our own success..e ed yesterday to her home in High |Following were the flower-bearers,lit-|.David J.Craig attended at GaS-"signed on or before Octcver 16,1916,or this ;,:,: Point.tle.Miss Virginia Ramsey and Frank |tonia Menday a luncheon given in hon?oe we pect rg Dystay ag he we Prospér bevaase ue serve »\°F ny.voli ,ersons nde!ic esta’0 .Miss’Margaret Overcash,who re-|Hanks,who bore baskets of flowers;or of the 73d birthday of his mother}!the’sili cently underwent an operation in aj|Master James Ramsey,the page,bear-/Mrs,J.H.Craig,at the home of his:seitlenica:. Charlotte hospital,came home _last|ing the marriage license,and little|brother,Mr.Thos.L.Craig.get.16 night.Her father,Mr.L.K.Over-+|Miss Eleanor Moore,the ring-bearer,|Mrs.W.F.Hall entertained the se-sieQet,16, deceased “will yrease make promptDEWEYL.RAYMER, Extr.of the.wiil of ‘Lynwood Bost. 1916. ire Finst NATIONAL ; cash;went to Charlotte yesterday|who carried the ring:in.a.large nior class and the boarding pupils of!"NoTICE TO morning and accompanied her home.'chryscnthemum.The groom and his the college at her home on Race;Having ee nncieee a oS last |<STAT ESVILLE N C ;;:Misses areere and Lawes But-|best man,Dr.R.R.Garvey of Rich-;street yesterday afternoon.i yi end testament of Joseph L.Padgett,no-¢i $100 000 AL Tri d ott be ae an wine vis their sister,Mrs.(:|mond,Va.,approached the altar from)The trustees of the:Carnegie libra-~glaims against Mata:cetate oo oeine’te :ap Na ‘.e raid ont time Dep osilsE.-French,left yesterday forer theira side door and awaited the arrivalhomeinLouisiana.of the bride,who céntered’with her |tie U.S.DEPOSITORYgametotheundersignedonorbeforethe;{in Charlotte have decided to open §th day of October,1916,or this notice willlibraryfrom2to6Sunday.after-\) dou thotert God Francia,of ‘the Mi |father Ae Tae vaste tee d aisle.‘noons.The Hiveaxy bas not hereto-ree “nae LenOY C,STEELE,Extr.,cinity.of Statesville,returned:Wedel Soadine scene’was igdeed beautifal:|e om S0m On BuRenre.ae asckainatabar Pian nesday afternoon from a visit to rel-!6 ceremony which made the twain’The daily arrival of new and sea-|sie aativesinSalisbury.jone was eloquently spoken by Dr,{accable prods and a the extremes ,| |rt r i 3i it low prices that we se em,make 5 |Notice of New Advertisements.eae he Aeratorah Sia "|poth interesting and profitable,to e|t FLOWERS ! Pure sourwood honey and Graham ‘The bride was becomingly gowned |people that really want to save m@n~}-;leflouratM.P.Alexander &Bro.’s.and today the bargains are bigger.‘in white duchess satin,with real lace CY Flowers.—W.M.Barringer.i i ;i and better than ever.Center your?|}'“| New line copyrighted Hooks —R.Pete ae wit ings,ame Pe veil wes |A ne point with us.SMITHEY &/}/Heer Allison,;.ithe-valley,Her only ornament was 'FRALEY,the Great Bargain Givers.Bulbs TULIPS gg Pertilizer.—T.N.Brown.ia diamond lavallier,the gift of.the|4 IRIS.?oe THE UNIVERSAL CAR ._E i ild with,-—C.Wat-:-,mverything to build,with—C.Wat-|om,and she eatried:.¢shower!anrEpcte berrew 4000,First mortanms,Rie ;|rane i r"Exchange rate of meal and -huljs|bouquet of bride’s roses and lilies-of j__on veal estate.G,tare The Landmark. for SS eral Cotton Oil Co. the-valley.,Mrs.Ratmseyys ‘dress was)Oct.16-2 ‘ Tickets on sale for the winter /0f pink charmeuse with a lace over-'foR RENT—Desirable room in private family|Begonias,Geraniums,Smilax.Chautauqua.Nine attractions for $2.,dress,Mrs.Hanks wore green taffeta!near boarding houses,Phone *ae prrice l Sweet Pea Seed." Coats,dresses and waists—Ram-|With a tulle over-dress and Miss Jen-|Box 128,Statesville,“N.C.et AG 1t |iat Flowers and Designs.‘Or- sev-Bowles-Morrison Co.|kins,the maid of honor,~~pink |MULES!—The county's Mules are for selc||.gers taken for Roses for later(re i i i if ace.|i exhibition in esville}ph *.«Footh paste free——Polk Gray Drag rene o chine teinimed wi ay i laces)Selle ar +i gil be,looked|M elivery. ?.oth dames and rune |over.Will be sold singly,in pairs,or as}W.BARRINGER Hardman Autotone.—Carlton A.carried huge bouqyets of pink roses.)desired.N.B.MILLS,Chairman County|e .l : Andrews.The -ribbon-bearers were dressed in|Commissioners.Oet.15.ae _FLORIST,. Bulbs,—Statesville Drug Co.\pink and the page,the flower-bearers fom SALE—Nice rubber tire top buggy.At |'y4 !356 ‘West End Avenue. _,Ferns of Many Kinds.” Palms,Dracaessas and Pines...| _More extensive service for Ford ownersisassuredbytheadditionofnew/oranches and more agents.Over 900,-000 Fords now in daily use—7,000 Ford «.agents to give service—should be evi-|.dence enough to ary prospective buyer Low comfort rockers.—Crawford-'and the -ring-bearer wore white.a bargain.See J.M.,SUTIUR,Come and see us in our new 4 +35 at “Bunch Furniture Co,|“The wedding reception which fol-|Oct 15—1t*“al Greenhouse.y of {the sta ility.»qua ity and general zn.{ez a sists chye Section eoneelabnsisonniigptias sachin i yj * .Binithey &Fraley’s store news.|‘lowed the ceremony was a brilliant por RENT—Thirty-five acres nice productive —popularity of this universal car,and the Shoes that don’t hurt.—Mills -&affair and was largely attended.The|land near Harmony.E.G.GAITHEK.rices lower than ever,Runabout.$890°«1: Pogton.\guests were met at the door by Mrs.|_}"PRE ANT REPAIRS HER HOME ‘:40.t eed “Gy care’The Landmark,wants to|Ww.Holton of Winston-Salem and|waNTED—200,000 feet four-quarter dry oak.‘OME :Touring car $440,f.o.b.,Detroit.Why «© bo -3600.Miss Nell Armfield.Mr.W.W.Hanks|DIAMOND FURNITURE CO.,Statesville.|For the winter before laying in ;Carolina Motor «=pay more?On sale.at _“sCompany,Statesville,Mooresville and.”~ é Newton.wt Ke etey z :4 : stores.If your housé needs floor- ing,ceiling,weatherboarding,box- ing,covering,mouldings,_lime, laths and cement,you can’t buy them:cheaper than-from————-> C.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. rable room for i 23%or write Box 128.‘ “Pewey L.Raymer has qualified as executor of the will of Lynwood Bost. -Robber.tire buggy at a bargain325M.-Suther. Y +——$rent,"Phone!¢¢Charlotte looked after the coats)__Oct 16—* and hats of the gentlemen and Miss HELP WANTED—Reliable “white woman to :*é a ‘ake care of elderly lacy.Good home,light Mabel Poston directed the ladies to duties and pleasant surroundings.AddressithecloakaMrs.RL.Foran B,care ‘The.Landmark.et.15.) lintroduced to the receiving line,wnic Nice productive land for rent»—E.|was composed of “Mr.and Mrs,D.Fea BAL ee G..Gaither.\Jenkins,Dr.and Mrs.Gibson,Mr.sredtateteinte .‘Four-quarter dry oak lumber want-|and Mrs.W.B.Gibson,Dr.J.M. ed*by Diamond Furniture Co.‘Barkley,Mrs,C.L.’McCrary of Lex- ‘Reliable white:woman wanted tojington,Mr.and Mrs.C.A.Jenkins have care:of elderly lady.Address |of Winston-Salem,Dr.R.R.Garvey, B.;.care The Landmark...-\Miss Beulah Jenkins,Mr.Frank,L, Fresh,things at D..J.Kimball’s.|Jenkins of Washington City and Rev.nosis MeRoy C."Steelehasqualified as ex-and Mrs.John.F..,Kirk.Ushering|\Bi“<eeutor of the will of Joseph‘.Pad-‘from the parlor to “the dining room |i ao via eee -°*lwas Mrs.Jas.’M.Ramsey-and rertificateofdissolutionof.the |ceiving.in the dining room ‘was Mrs. Henkel Live Stock Co.lw.W.Hanks.Ice cream,cake and‘County mules for sale.—iN.B.Mills.)mints .were served by.Misses.Bride |Aillexander,Rosamond Clark and pesosseczesveseceseyi t‘Cotton Seed 50c.Bushel.. I don’t think there has been very muchwheat:sowed yet but farmers are busy Lucy Davidson and Laura Hastings. After.partaking of the delicious bev- erage,the guests~were conducted by Mrs.W.P.Moore to the register,In which Miss Mary McLain.invited them to record their,names.From the’register they passed on to the wih Sotho tigi yen Marriage—Mr.Wagg at Pisgah,Gibson,Mra.RuCorrespondenceofTheLandmark.‘jure ushered from the din-:Btony Point,R-2,October.13.—Cot-ing room to the rear hall, ton nicking,pea picking,oat andjgheére punch was served from an_at-wes wheat sowing is the order of the day.jtpactive:booth in charge of Misses @ExchangeRate: 2,000 Ibs,Cotton Seed Meal for 2,000 Ibs.Seed preparing to sow.iItwillsoonbecortihuskings.and cotton|pickings.: >‘Last}Saturday Mr.Harrison Crouchof,Statesville drove by after one .of (uardsmen Da our yoting ladies,Miss Maggie Me=Hargue,and drove to Stony Point,where they were happily united ingmarriagebythebride’s:pastor,ReveT..E.Wagg.Joy and good wishes.%The pastor,Rev.T.E.Wage,re- quests every member of Mt.Pisgahchurch.to be present there Saturday;’ }at 11 a.m,,as he has a mes¢ sage for them.Also Sunday at 11communionservices.Everybody in-vited. Improvements at_All HealingSpringsHotel.. Wessta,0.F.Poole of Taylorsville,E.L.Shuford of Hickory and Wm,A.Bristol “of Statesville,the principalstockhgldersintheAllHealingSpringshotelpropertyatAlkalithia, Alexander county,met,here Tuesdayandcompletedarrangemetits,for ex- tensive:improvements which.‘will bemadeonthehotelbefore,next .um-mer.‘An addition to ‘the building is to be erected,the interior is to be re-finished and refurnished and the ‘ex-terior will be repainted..The ‘watersystemistobeimprovedand12ofthe20;rooms to.be provided in the‘mew annex will’be equipped with pri-vate bath.>re eee Cakes and,Bread.at the Gas Com-_pany’s office every. land.Miss Ellie Garrison of Charlotte feceived..Many handsome gifts were ‘on display,iThedecorationswhich beautified the genkins ‘home for .the marriage ent were elaboratd and artistically arranged,The-patlor,reception’hallindgiftroomwere’in green and white,many beautiful white chrys- anthemums and other cut flowers,ivy, smilax,trailing cedar and ferns be- ing used.The altar consisted’of a’ large bank of ferns before which was arranged a large white arch.On eachside.of the altar was a large candel- abrum.Pink and white was the color scheme in the dining room,“wherepinkrosesandcarnationswerethe principal flowers.The dining tablecenter-piece.was'a_large ‘vase ofpinkrosessetonalarge,reflector, which was surrounded by ‘‘lilies-of- the-valley and smilax.The,punchbowlwasdecoratedwithpinkigrapes.Dr.and Mrs.Gibson left on the 10:-60 train for a visit to n’niimber ofNortherncities.Shortly after.theirreturntoStatesville.they’#ill.sbegin housekeeping in what is kitow the |Patterson cottage on.Molen ntlbetweenBroadstreetandWestinavenue,which is to be their future() NIN E eo:e :eaten tae h The brideisone ofStates- now Q gift room,’where Mrs.J.F..Carlton|| the county. seed and be happy. * cotton seed and lint 6,000 Ibs:Bull Hulls for'2,000 tbs.Seed. WeeBestequipped Cotton Ginnery in Work guaranteed. ‘}Bring-us your cotton,sell us your an Yours to please,. Highest mar- dotton, O. ict ‘Imperial Cotton Oil C tH YOU R Box tor LhiedOrSheet INTERESTED?”“INT Slate @'Tin Roofing?;J Gea ingle tet 3sont Ppintens Pn oe ot MetalWork of apf{Kind?LET US KNOW. re hone.197,-. Andépendent 'P Pentectonttobcantseaeetee’ The Church guards our Spiritual welfare,STATESVILLE ICE our refrigerator supplies and Blue Gem,— “Jellico and warmth, Weigh in the balance,and if found wanting in the latter two guardsmen call us. ———'PHONE 205——— WE HANDLE TWO.OF THEM.:: Statesville.Ice |The General of rey& -Agthracite Coals our x ~ a i &Fuel Co of the Two Guardsmen, ITEMS OF CURREN’ ,Here andHappeningstheState,’ The annual convention of the Equal Suffrage League of North Carolina will be held in Asheville October 28-, 29-30,Hck 93 ca The two-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.G.P.Apple of Guilford county fell in the fire and was so badly burn- ed that he died two days later. At Fayetteville a negro mail car- rier,who transports mail from the pailroad station to the postoffice,was assaulted and left unconscious and his mail bags cut open.What was taken could not be determined. Suit brought on a liquor account) was thrown out of Stanly county) court by.Judge Carter,It was held that as whiskey can’t be legally sold in this State a liquor account is not collectable by law. The railroad’companies are paying their State taxes,which amount to about $300,000,Of this the Southern pays $186,903,the Coast Line $95,- $52,Seaboard $65,679,and the Nor- folk Southern $24,087. Conover,Catawba county,has vot- eda’Special school tax of 80 cents; and Maiden,in the same county,has voted a bond issue of $3,500 to install lights,the current to be secured from the Southern Power Company. A news:dispatch from Elkin says S.0.Reece and M.A.Castevens ofYadkincounty,recently shipped a carloadofpeatstoLawnHill,la.‘The car contained 650 bushels.and -the shippers expected to receive $800 for it.Charley Parker of Woodland,Northampton county,has been award-ed a bronze medal by the San Francis- co exposition for being the hest cornraiserinNorth.Carolina.Young Parker was seventh in the list with a total of 195.9 bushels to:the acre. Dr.R.M.Johnson of Scotland Neck,a leading citizen and philanthropist,died suddenly Wednesday at Roberson-ville,Martin county,of acute’indiges- tion.Dr.Johnson was presiding as moderator of the Roanoke Baptist As-‘sociation when he suffered the attackfromwhichhediedintenminutes. Ht is-said’that McGlammy and Lit- tle,two congressional aspirants in thesixthdistrict,may,engage in a joint canvass--that ‘is,they:will go.over-the district,each trying to show the people how unfit the other is to go¢o.Congress.That sort of campaignshouldconvincethepeoplethatboth ’are,unfit.r:T.W.Trogden,a graduate of the textile department of the A.and M.,College,Raleigh,has been located at:Charlotte,by the United’States De-partment of Agriculture,as.official.eotton grader for Mecklenburg coun-'ty H.W..Bullard of the division ofmarketsattheStateExperimentStation,is his assistant.‘In Wake county about a year ago*Wm.Barnett plowed up an”oniontehwhichhismotherwarnedhim_not te touch.Then the old lady went*after her son with an axe,the story'goes;and his sister,Chaney,stuck a_pistol in his face.-William.used ashotgunonChaneyandshedied.This_week William was ‘indicted for murderinWakeSuperiorCourt. “Willie Buckner,17 years old,sonof.a Franklin county farmer,shotandkilledhisbrother,ie Buckner,.14 years old,by blowing his head off _with a shot gun;and then using his toe to pull the trigger’committedsuicide;by shooting himself in the-head.Aj negro,who was the onlywitness,said the shooting was theresultofaquarrel.‘ ‘Two white convicts on the Cleve- land county chain.gang—one MoorewithseveralaliasesandClaudessaultedaguardandescap-ed.Under pretense of having a splin-“tery sho¥eF handle,Haynes approach- RK ee -ed for a knife and struck Poston over the head'iwith the shovel,inflicting a-serious:wound.The ¢onvicts fied,leaving the guard unconscious. ca First,Lastand All-thesy“Time.Bee Saat pee A demand upon all Americans,on pain of.ostracism,to be more than neutral in revard to.the European -war,to take their stand for America first,Jast,and all the time,was voicedbyPresidentWilsonina_speech inWashingtonMonday,at the celebra- [Charlotte ‘Observer.ih eas jof.suffocation and tuberculosis, ,Somebody ‘stole J B.F.Long’shat,-Asheville News ‘Item.As the thief,bigrisale left townandmadeforhis‘home in the Bun-be mountains,he-felt strange sen-sations coming over him,His gaitbecamesloweranddignifiedandheassumedabenevolently‘superior lookthatgazedattheworldabouthimwiththeeyesofaphilosopher.iArrivingathomewhere.he hadlivedfor40yearsinalogcabinwithholesandcracksbetweenthelogsbigenoughtothrow.a dog’through,he consterned the wife,and childrenbydeclaringtheplace-filled ‘withdrafts.;He sat down and before hewouldopenhis.parcels brought fromthecity,he demanded that one ofthewoodenshutterswhich‘served in lieu of window frame and glasses,be closed.that another be opened,wider,that the door be just so:and that the fire be punched up.“The ventilation in ‘this house,”he informed his as- tounded family.“is jus’nacherly hell. The air is foul and if you open the windows to vurify it,you catch cold; and,if.you close up the place !you aw ry Sheriff,I won’t start this court going till you got this atmosphere proper.” “Pop’s clean daft,”whispered the oldest girl,as she spat a mouthfulofsnuff.at the jamb. “I fine you $40 for spitting on the floor,”declared the man with the hat,sternly.“Mister Clerk,enter a fine of $40 and see that it is paid!”, The family was horrified into the silence of the tomb,A moment later one.of the boys walked in,unaware of the marvelous situation obtaining. He wore a hat whose crown was oven and his bristly hair stuck out. “Remove your hat.sir!”demanded the father;“and Mister Clerk.fine him $40 for contempt of court.”__ “G-a-w-d!”breathed ‘the boy,his eyes popping.“Pap’s drunk ergin.” Seated on the heavy,home-made chair,the lord of the mansion “pro-ceeded to read the family a lecture on the’courts;how they should be re- spected and obeyed and the sanctityofthebenchpreserved,He further- more discussed the evils:of spitting in public buildings and lectured oneandall.on the virtue of cleanlinessanddecency.:“Another of ‘the family came_in.“What excuse have'you for not being here*on time?”demanded the appar-entlv ebewitched.head,of the house. “Why,er—ah—,”began the child “Mister Clerk,enter a fine of $46againstthisjurorfor©tardiness.” And there followed another lecture on the necessity and importance of all parties being present when the Statecalleduponthemfordutyinthe eourts—duty which,every’good citizen owes the State and society. The family -was dumb with frightand.wonderment..: “Mister Sheriff,there must be bet- ter order in this court room,”said the man.“Lower that window over there;raise this one;see that there in the house,and I will ranged the court room for the’pro-cedure..of.justices Mister Solicitor, have your docket ready for being At this point the man’arose and started to walk.sedately and with dignity from the room,when his hatwasknockedoffbythelowdoorway atid instantly he appeared a differentman.‘“What t’ell air -you-all standin’ aroun’hyah lookin’like thet fur?” ily recognized the tone of his voice and knew that he hag-again becomehimself,and there followed many and sundry questions and answers.~“Thet hat.shore did’make me feelquare,”confessed the’mountaineer. “Hyah,son;lemme have,“hit,”and '|Congress. is moreienore oe until you have ar-| taken up immediately after dinner.”- he demanded,and instantly the fam-; .,Whe,unveilingofthe moJohnTyler,be ki resiceeeeachmond,CSURY).0occasiononwhichthe.!ment has recognizedin this:man-who left the Union inappropriationforthemonimadebyCongressin1910,dentTylerservedinbothbranches’of Con- gress,was Governor of ae’at the time of ‘his death in 1862 ‘was;a.member-elect of the Confedérate ‘Senator Overman delivered,the,ad-dress at the opening of the :Caldwel!county fair Wednesday.|... CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. North’Caroling,—i sie|Department of State,»' To all to whom these presents,may.com greeting:.Whereas,it appears to my satisfaction,by duly authenticated record of the’provdédinasforthevoluntarydissolutionthereofbytheunanimousconsentofallthestockholders,deposited in.my office,that the Hen el LiveSteckCompany,a.corporation °off|thisState,whose ©principal office is ‘situated atNo.619 Center stveet.in the city ‘of States-ville,county of Tredell,State of North Caro- lina.(David J.Craig.being the agent there-|in and ‘in charge thereof,upon:whom:process|may be served),has complied with the re-.auirements of Chapter 21,Révisal of 1906,en-|titled***Corporations,”".preliminary tothe is-suing of this Certificate of Dissolution:Now,therefore,I,J.Bryan Grimes,Secre-tary of State of North Carolina,’do herebycertifythatthesaidcorporationdid,on the12thdayofOctober,1915,file in my joffice adulyexecutedandattestedconsentinWritingtothedissolutionofsaidcorperation,executedbyallthestockholdersthereof,which’saidconsent,and the,record of the proceedinysaforesaidarenow_on filesin my said office asprovidedbylaw.‘,In.testimony whereof,I have heréto get myhandandaffixedmyofficialseal,at Raleigh,this 12th day Gf October,A.D.,10%8.;J.BRYAN GRIMES, Oct..15,(1915,Becretary of State. || This notice has reference ‘to the Henkel Live Stock Co.,an old Cor-|poration,and has nothing té do with| the present company—The —Henkel- Craig Live Stock Co.eee COMMISSIONER’S SALE —OF |LAN meA BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior|Court of Iredell county,rendered in the}special proceeding wherein Electa F.Coop-|er,administratrix of A.D.Cooper,is ‘plain-|tiff,and J.C,Fowler and another defend-' ants,the undersigned commissioner will sell|at public auction,to the highest,bidder,at|the court house door’in Statesville,.Ni ConSeeee*MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915, at the hour of noon,the following deseribed|real estate in the city of Statesvillée:!'The|one-half undivided interest of the oA.D.'Cooper estate,held in common.with,Mrs.|J.©.Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:|Beginning .at a stake,T.C.Andérson’s | corner;thence N..66 degrees E.225 feet.to|a 12-foot alley;thence N.24 degrees.W.|246.feet to C.P.Moore's corner;‘thence s.|66 degrees W.117 feet to C.P.Moore's ‘tor-|ner in A.C.Tomilin’s line ;-thence::S.24 de-,|grees E.to Tomlin’s line;thence.&66 de-|grees W.108 feet to the Glover line;thenée|<=| | | } 24 degrees E.212 feet to the beginning, cepting a lot of 0 feet front and 2f2 feetdeepconveyedtoA.VD.Cooper.from dhe |western end of said lot.ges |This lot is sold subject to the “right of|dower of Mrs.Julia Cooper.Terms of sale—One-third cash,one-third in three monthg dnd.one-third in six months.jR.B.McLAUGHLIN:Commigsioner.| Doors,Windows,Blinds,Mouldings Ready-made-doorframes;columns,newels,—stair! railing,balusters,locks,-bolts, mee roll and ready-painted.valley ©.WATKINS,*Phone'43...Next.McElwee’s Planters’,Wh,+, r ail =FERTILIZER: -Need not costasmuch as.|you may have heard it —|would,See me for GOOD |AMMONIATED:WHEAT.FERTILIZER °at.a much t Och 8 1615.{ and window, be Boxall Fat aad Braid Ceamaaed,just the newest things in Misses’wear,We have} them in Browns,Blues, Greens and Blacks.Priced reasonably,tailored beau- S CONFR fe IMPORTANT -fESTIONSCONFRONTINGUS””HOW TO DEVELOP THI | Ss|)"."GREAT SOUTHLAND,= _|NVe are suréyou will agree with.us thaten__.there is too much waste.‘WhyNotSave? One of the best ways to SAVE is to open aMiiVe,:>Savings Account.€ nts You are always)welcome at our bank re-.gardless of how small your account may be. vs “ ; a os Merchants and Farmers’Bank,~ Of Statesville, ‘The Bank For Your Savings.’’ tifully and going like hot cakes.Come,look them over, Coats,Dresses, Waists | ;SeyGalore—more styles than we've ever shown at one.'J.M.McKee &Company. -.eens ~,.=—Se dn.order,to introduce our new line of Ladies’Ready-toWears we are going to make our prices advertise the goods.Notice forSPECIALPRICES.A good all-wool Serge cloth Coat Suit for$10.This is.the regular $12.50 line.Another great value is our*$14.50.Suit,which usually sells for $16 to $18;our $18,$19.50 and$22.50 Suits are the best yet and cost.you less.We want you toseethesevaluesandcompare. THE SHOE TO BUY!. _To wear and to satisfy..For heavy school wear,try our.Red Goose line.They have been tried and have proven to stand hard knocks,and give the satisfaction desired,* LION BRAND For Men and Boys!We-have plenty of customers to whom we can refer you that.buy this Shoe and wear it twelve months. We want you to try them!Our Shoe Department is full and com- prises all grades,fine and medium,and you will find us right in price.We sell close and try to sell more. DRESS GOODS For Fall wear—a full showing in all the new shades, P,S.Another shipment of Rain Coats expected today. time before.=e “ae =| FRONTLACEDGossard{ian Corsets To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY be to announce that they bave completed arrangements with ‘‘TH HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing. crops of Tobacco,Cern,Cotton and small grain against destruction,by.Hail Storm at the following very low price:a gQePerereyer TRH eer t TOBACCO ‘CROP.!*tlLect$100 per acre valuation at $7.50 peracre %75 per acre valuation at 5.873 per acre | 60 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre ;25 per acre valuation at 1.87)per acre. COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre 35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre 30 per acre valuation 1,20 per acre 25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre 20 per acre valuation .80 per acre 15 per acre valuation .60 per acre 10.per acre vaiuation -40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS, $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This latter insurance covers also against loss or damage:occasioned:by wind in addition to hail.|; .ed the guard—iMcBryde Poston—ask-|: <>been unraveled’and the het ‘returned zingerly fingering it,he hung it high|on the:pegs where his rifle rested.|“Hit’s hanted,I vum!”he’said,and! “I'll keep hit to play a joke on the}boys when they comes around agin.”| Judge Long Has the Hat. Asheville Citizen,14th. lowér price than you wouldthink.neBoneMealinanyquanti- ty for vegetables and.flow-ers. T.N.BROWN. The mystery surrounding the dis- appearanceof Judge B.F.Long’s hat from the’judge’s room in the countycourthouselast_Friday_afternoon has to the judge at hjs home'in States-ville.”; Mitehell that he thought that Adolph Walker,a farmer ‘of Black Mountain,had worn the hat off through mistake.Sheriff Mitchell wrote Mr,Walker a tion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Daughters.oftheAmericanRevolution.”mtTheUnitedStates,the President said,was not merely trying to keep out of trouble,but was trying topreseryethefoundations,upon whichpeacecouldberebuilt. “Peace can be rebuilt,”he added, “only upon the ancient and accepted principles of international law;onlyuponthosethingswhichremindna- tions of their duties to eacheother,and, deeper than that,of their duties to mankind and humanity,Aimerica has a great cause which is not confinedtotheAmericancontinent.It is the cause of humanity itself.” Declaring his faith in the loyalty of the great body of raturalized citizensofforeignbirth,the President said he believed the impression was too gen- ~eral that a very large number of these citizens were without a sufficient af-fection.for the American ideal.“But Iam in a hurry to have alineup,”he explained,“and \let the men .who are thinking first of other countries stand one side and those whoareforAmericafirst,last’and all thetimeontheotherside.” object to challenge ‘Americanism. ‘raley’s store. . LaresAtrees ‘Every political action and every so- cial action in America at this time,said Mr.Wilson,should have for its the spirit -of The economy shopper will find the iden harvest ripe at Smithey & he saving on your daily supplies will easily amount to 25 to 40 per cent and in many in- stances:more,and we see_no reason,you should not make this storeora,We know.it pays,—ad. letter and told him to forward the hat\here if he had it.Mr.Walker sentjthebatinyesterdaymorningby |special messenger to the sheriff’s of>|jfice.Sheriff Mitchell promptly for- ay it to Judge:Long at States-ville.: |Army and Navy Increase May}|Be $140,000,000. Four.hundred.million dollars for| national defense—an increase of ap-| proximately $140,000,000 over last} Some one informed Sheriff EM.-— a..First-Class Home-grown—includ-ing all varieties offruits,grapes (James -andScupperIng),ev-ergreens and shrub-|bery and extra nice |roses,*m,3 For information,calf . W.H.Crawford &Co,/—’PHONE 916x.—|'Safi |NURSERY:STOCK!| year—is the amount President Wilson|and his advisers at present estimate|should be appropriated by “the next! Congress for the army and navy.|While the details:have not been! revealed,a substantial increase in the ||! regular army,probably from 87,000\}to at least 120,000 men,and the crea-|tion of a reserve of perhaps 400,000 |}! through short-term’enlistment ser-7 vice,are said to be parts of the army, plan.As yet the exact appropriation|to be recommended for the army andj} navy respectively has not been fixed,! Indications are that the army’s bud-)get of $110,000,000 last year willbei increased by at least $60,000,000,whil Secretary Daniels’is figuring on ob-:taining a $100,000,000 increase.‘over| the navy appropriation of $148,000,-900 last year. LL TT TT.{ When Baby Has the Croup, When a mother is awakened from soundsleeptofindherchildwhohasgonetohed apparently in.the best of health struggling|for breath,she is naturally alarmed.Yet if she .can keep her presence of mind and giveChamberlain’s Cotgh Remedy every ten min+ utes ‘until vomiting is produced,quick’relief will follow and the child will drop to sleeptoawakeninthemorningaswellnaever,|This remedy has been in une for many youre:with wniform anecess;Obtainable every. AM Pell ‘ywhere,,7 } |__traitureand—can—come—to— Home Portra We havealight especially prepared for home por- your homes and make fine PHOTOGRAPHS in.your own parlors.Those wish- ing that class of work will find it to their interest to’phorie Stimson's Studis, Work finished inSepler, Platinum,Collodio Carbon,or any of the best stylesof! finishing.TERMS REASONABLE.| ~~.PHONE 414-2Stimson’s Studio,, ee Stocked ready for your inspection.A FrontLace Corset for every figure. $2,$2.50,$3.50,$9,$6.50.| |ORSETSS|LheyLace In Front’ Send us your mail orders. ‘we receive them and your purchases will be deliver- ed to your door prepaid. RAMSEY -BOWLES-~MORRISON CO. REMEMBER—“We insure anything insurable.’’ J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ’PHONE 54._STATESVILLE,N.C. Goistid They'll be.filled the day’ :Are You Thinking |~Entering a Suit!| Overcoatings at the If so consult us--we- are fashion attor- neys.Our stock of information is re- plete with the new- est and nobbiest in- formation concern- ing Suitings©and lowest prices.-Con- sultations earnestly solicited FREE.|~ Sloan Clothing Company, Fashion Attorneys.' ‘ Flues made up ready for dders:Shipment made same and flat sheets for repairs.STATESVILLE ‘Phones 84 and [37 *PHONE 55.- vv,i LeU iG) "<——e TOBACCO._FLUES |= éliverydayorder received.Extra joints,Ls TIN GO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager. ’Phone or write us.your or- 114 East BroadStreet, See linctiisPA’TERN RUG Variegated Mottle Rugs. ~Persian Silk Rugs. -Emperor—Smith’s Axminster-in all sizes, Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all‘colors. Call and see our line of Brussell Rugs—$18.00 to $38.50.| We havein stock a few specially large12x15Rugs. i |tinuin :SHERRILL-WIITH SHOE Co. Men’s New Fall Sweaters! Complete line now ready for your inspection—$1.00,$1.50,$2.00,$3.00 and $3.50.In Brown,Maroon,Na- vy,Oxford and Garnet. New Fall Neckwear---25 and 50 Cents be Aji the newest shapes,in neat and desirable patterns.An exceptional- ly good line to select from. - oo~ SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE co. Phone No.83. See anEeLeR ARIE EE)THE LANDMARK|S FRIDAY, October 15,1916. THE SENTIMENT GROWING. -~*- 1 Fx-Senator McLaurin’s Argt- ment for Rural Credits. ‘Writing to a’constituent,ex-Sena-itor John L.McLaurin of South Caro- H\lina expresses the opinion that the sentiment developing for rural O-Op- erative credits will sweep out o gress the members who oppose.it,Con- ,the ex-Senator says:* [* “Ww en great corporations desire toiimakeimprovements,they sell bondsuponthephysicalvalue.of their property and its future earning ca~- pacity.Thé proceeds of the sale H\of the bonds are used in developing iithe earning power of the plant.The honds.are retired through a sinking4|fund,which after payment of interest A lis made up from the increas divi- dends.When a railroad puts in @ |double track and buys rolling stock, it is by a sale of bonds—improve- ments could be made in no other way.“lYand is the basis of all wealth, and yet if the owner of land wants to borrow money he can only get it on short time at a high rate of inter- est.It.is the same if he desires to purchase land.No people |can begreatwhoarenothomeowners.* “TI make the assertion that,under a proper system of rural credits,the State of South Carolinas withnoexpensetoherself..can do for land loans just what has been done ~\for cotton,to-wit,establish its.value as a collateral and enable the own- er to borrow,morey at not over13percent,with the financial con-idition as at present.Germany and iFrance have,through their system of leo-operative credits,been furnishing|money at this rate for many years ito their producers,Of all the.na- |tions in this great war,these two are laccomplishing most,because the peo- ple have governments worth fighting for.The poor man in England has-no jchance and.in Russia he is no bet- iter than a dog.About 100 years ago ,Germany and France,with a worn-out soil,were confronted with an enor- mous and constantly increasing pop- julation.They met the situation,not with barbarous lien laws and land imortgage plan,but with a system of co-operative eredits..Under tite Ger- man Landschaftan ¢or the Credit Fon- cicr of France,such a thing as per-| \sonal mortgages are unknown.It is ja land credit,based upon a debenture! a)bond and amortization through isinking fund.Ail of the big corpora- tions in the United States owe their ‘tremendous power and wealth to the} ‘application of this principle. **“Amortization sounds big,but \it is merely a method of paving off a’ loan,by returning a little of the cap- ital each year.These payments are icalled annuities and are eagerly \30ught for investment by trust.es- i tates,ete.It is composed of the in- |terest,the contribution to the sink, ¢o-dperative association.The period beeeeos Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 ~31,500.00- Members:of Federal.Reserve System. Your Banking’business solicited and every accommodation-extended to de- positors consistent.with.vee bank- ing methods. Four per cent,paid on time and SSavings . Deposits remaining .on deposit a “monthsor longer,ee ate OFFICERS:EG W.D.TURN ER,-=--President,E..MORRISON,---Vice President,D.M.AUSLEY,=--Cashier.G.EF,HUGHEY,~Assistant Cashier. H which is a c H |taxes. Higets it straight at 8 per cent, Hiend of :20 years he would have paid#+$16;000--and:would owe ‘the-«original- $1$10,000,making $26,000 as against ‘the#1$15,000 the German farmer has paid.3'|No ‘wonder the Germans fight for such #ia government as that. .|for which loans run are from 20 to 7 4 iyears.Of course the longer the perio:#the smaller the yearly cost,just as! H long term government or.corporate H bonds sell better than H The calculation is made so that at the H end of .the loan period the sinking, Hifund extinguishes the debt and there 7 is no principal to pay.Ttis sounds| i like a miracle to a South Carolina :land owner,but.it is done every day| Hin Europe.’H|“The rate of Hand France.is H tener 3 per.cent. H crete illustration: short term, interest in Germany never over 4 and of- Let me give a con- |“A German farmer borrows .$10.- i000,He pays an.annuity of $750, on the Jand like»This is for!20 years. iThe $750-covers 4 ner cent interestHandthechargetothesinkingfund. 'How does:he stand-when-the-20 year iperiod is out?He has paid out,in- jterest,sinking fund and operating ex- B penses,$15,000.The debt is cancelled. :|He does not owe one cent of the-$10,- i 1000. |“How vould it be with a.South!H Carolina farmer? ’“He.borrows $10.000..Siippose he At the No.wonder German commerce and.industrial de- 3 |velopment threaten the supremacy of#{nations who forget the only creators Hof real wealth.* “When our people ‘abiteleaied these H matters they will get statesmen whoHiwilldeviseasystem, esees |same fluidity to Jand and.the prod- giving ‘the ucts of labor as is attached to bonds The.Three iithold the world’8 record, Superior,Buck,Eye,Empire! aS and stocks,which,after all,areworth:nothing.without land and pro-ducts,the basis of it all.” Trying to “Injunct”the Anglo- French Loan. Alleging that the Mutual Life In- surance Company of New York con- -!templates investing $10,000,000 of its trust funds in the Anglo-French loan of $500,000,000,Mrs,Olga H.S.Walsh of Chicago,holder of a $2,000 insur- ance policy in the Mutual;has filedsuitforan.injunction in the Federal court in New York.The insurance company,Charles A.Peabody,its president,thedirectors,members’ofthe Anglo-French’Credit Loan Commission,J.P.Morgan in-dividually and°J.P.Morgan &Co.,were named as defendants.The com-plaint sets forth that‘among thethousandsof?policyholders in the MutualLifeInsurance..Gompany'!are many persons of various nationalities|and that the inyestment of the trustfunds:of these.policyholders in the»{Anglo-French*loan would tend —toproduce’antapolicyholderswhichmight lead to dis-rupting the ste aand thereby de-preciate.the.of.her.interest in the oer ve i says the ‘company has ||a cent in the loan but.is,ting $2,000,000.to AP jing fund,and the cost of running “ae nisms’.ationg the fp) SERIOUS FOR THE ALLIES. stra’Germanman Tnvas on of Serbia Worries the Quadruple Entente, Berbia is being attacked from thenorthandtheeast.The.Austro-Ger- mans,after their capture of Belgrade and Semendria,are advancing south-ward,while the Bulgarians haye sent forces to endeavor ‘to interrupt com-munications north and south of Nish,the war time capital of Serbia,and attack the Serbs on the flank if theyaredrivenbackbyGermanFieldMar- Shal von Mackensen.The situation is admitted to be a very serious one,not only for Serbia, but for the allied cause.It is’as- serted that the Serbians are inflictingveryheavylosses.both on the Austro- Germans and.Bulgarians but withtheirarmyofaboutaquarterofamillionmentheyarebelievedtohave little chance of making:zny prolonged resistance against three or four hun;dred thousand Austro-Germans andprobably200,000 Bulgarians.are arranging for the transfer of the southwestern corner of the kingdom.Greece apparently has decided to supposed to’go to the assistance ofherSerbianallyincaseofanattack, ficially notified of thé Bulgarian at- tack that Greece “remains in a posi- tion of armed neutrality.” The followers of the Entente,however, prime minister,in the Chamber of Britain and Russia had decided to jake joint action.An Anglo-French force is known to be landing in Salon- iki,hut,there is considerable specu-, lation as to where Russia will enteritheBalkanconflict. It is cided not to co-operate with the al- lies ernment being of the opinion paign than that -Tricst.- Now that Austria and Germany ihave entered on their Balkan enter- iprice,whieh is interpreted as the i first ‘step toward an endeavor to se- eure a German empire in the near east,there can be no drawing back, but the allies hope that with a vigorous offensive both on the east} tand.the west they will be able to at| Jeast prevent the sending of any large} teinforcements to Field Marshal von Mackensen, UGH!ACID STOMACH,| SOURNESS,HEARTBURN, GAS,OR INDIGESTION! The Moment “Pape’s Diapepsin” Reaches the Stomach All Dis-| "tressGoes. ‘Do some foods you eat hit back—} taste good,but work badly;ferment | into stubborn lumps and cause a sick,pox sour,gassy”stomach?Mrs.Dyspeptic,jot this down:Pape’s|(> Diapepsin digests everything,leav- ing.nothing to sour and upset you. There.never.was anything so safel quigk,so certainly effective.No dif- feieate how badly your stomach is disordered,you will get.happy relief! in Trentino and in five minutes,but what pleases you ||| most is that it strengthens and regu-} lates your stomach,so you can eat | your favorite foods without fear. Most’remedies .give you sometimes—they ©are.slow,but not) sure.“Pape’s Diapepsin”is quick. positive,and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won’t come back.ae you feel different,as soon.as ‘Pape’s Diapepsin’”comes in contactaethe.stomach—distress.just van-! ishes—your stomach gets sweet,no gases,no belching,no.eructations.of undigested food,your head clears.pnd you feel fine. Go now,make the best:investment-you-ever.mage,by:gettinga large)@.fifty-cent:case of»Pape’s Diapepsin from anydrug store.You realize —in five minutes:how needless it is to suf- fer.fromindigestion,dyspepsia orany‘stomach disorder.‘‘ ‘When It’s I lowers! Think of Van Lindley Company.We have “one of.the ‘largest Greenhouse plants in ~the South. |CALOMEL -SICKENS!IT’S’nOMeeEE I Guarantee ‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone”Will GiveYou a day’s work,ver ane it salivates;calomel injures}that it will clean your sluggishliver your liver. TheY|serceegecersrerves:: ‘capital to Monastir,in the extreme]} ignore the treaty under which she is|# Premicr Zaims having said wheu of-|# Quadruple}3havedecidedto}% take energetic action.As soon as the news of the Bulgarian attack on/# Serbia was reeéegycd in London the Bulgarian minister was handed his|# passports and M.Viviani,the French}# Deputies declared that France,Great!%# understood that.Italy hes de-|# in*%the Balkans,the Italian gov-|%that|# troops cannot be spared for any cam-|¥ Now,Mr.or)* relief |+- Sonn neenenee edenamn egetae DON’STAY BILIOUS,ACONSTIPA: the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You EverHad. Calomel makes you sick;you lose;a bOcentbottle of todas orc;Calomel is quicksil-|Tone under my personal guarantee 'better than nasty calomel;it won't’If/you are biliovs;feel lazy,slug-|make you sick and you can eat any-~/gish and wl knocked /out,if,your,thing you want without "pelngy “sailbowels/are constipated and your i vated.Your druggist guarantees fheadachesorstomachissour,just|ihat each spoonful.willstart yourtakeaspoonfulofharmlessDod-!liver,clean your bowels and son’s Liver Tone instead of using|straighten you up by morning or you’sickeningt,salivating calomel.Dod-|get your money back.Children glad-.son's Liver Tone is real liver medi-|ly take Dodson’s Liver Tone because cine.You'll know it next morning:|it is pleasant tasting and doesn’t because you:will wake up feeling|gripe or cramp or make them -sick-fine,your liver will be working,your}I am selling.millions of?les of headache and dizziness gone,your!Dod:son’s Liver Tone’to le who stomach.will be sweet and bowels)have found that this pleasant,vege-regular.You will ‘feel like work.|table,liver gmedicine takes the place ing.You'll be cheerful;full of vig-|cf dangerous calomel.Buy one -bat- or and ambition.tle on my sound,reliable guarantee. Your druggist or dealer sells you Aak your drag about me. Bulbs,Bulbs,“Bulbs | Hyacinths, cscesreeanagrnegeappeeTooE White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue.- Paper White Narcissus. MAMMOTH BULBS. Statesville Dis Comp”y, Quality Prescriptionists. Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds, Not screenings or offal,orOldBeckSweetFeed.worthless by-produ ets,b ase-‘ Little Ned Sweet Feed.one ere scien-—,Manna-Rice Chick Feed.fy eevltg Mega by a;house with}a reputation for We"beintegrity,eer S ¢.¥.BOSHAMER;-Local Representative.© ’Phone 125 Black. Gem Scratch Feed.” Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. + SI L |CLEAN THATWATCHORCLOCK! I.Don’t wear them out before you have it done,First class work all the time,and a can get~your work when you want it. H.B.WOODWARD ~ Jewéler,| WORTH KNOWING! Suppose that you are insuredin the United Life and Accident.In-- -surance Company of New Hampshire for $5,000 underthecompe :_Triple Indemnity Pian,what does your Policy guarantee to do?:. ANSWER:"yt ~FIRST,it guarantees thatin case of doath from an cause,“the face of the policy,will be paid.By:to,SECOND,thatiin:case of death:i.any:~accident;~$10,000,cs*double the face of the policy,will be paidTHIRD,thatin case of death frorit certain specifiedaccidents,$15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will be paid. But this iis not all.In case of total disability as a vesult of’‘acci-dentalinjury,you will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK: Caninsurance do more?And why should any man be satisfiedwithapulicy.that would do less?The cost is low. RENT-;ERNEST G.GAIT GENERAL INSURAN4ALSANDREALESTATE.PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. “Orderssmall or large ‘receive prompt atten- ‘tion.’Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed. Flowers That Picasa. 60gems Pe | Devastate 10,000 Homesin Fight States | Suchisthe recordofoneday’s hundred years theHartford |damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance ‘Company_You don’tknow when the -has met every honest claimtornadomay.strike your property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”protects against all loss.~For over a promptly.Buy a Hartford|Tornado Policy today.Itis thenearest thing to.comfort when a Tornado strikes.» People’s Loan&Savings Sp a t De Stateyvile,N.Gis ‘Resident A"GEO,H.BROWN,President, nn FACTS ABOUT RATLROADS.!© FRIDAY,-+October’15,i915.wate.re ie aad peeeee|pt,2 nses Greate an’&Job For Forest Rangers.Increase in Earnings—Wages 5 ee ee ee eenee ene rere —A.ciyil service examination will be}OffieialA pniled by the Bu-.ft be ;ord se ee |Seypspcouice taser eheld Th Aabeville October 25,for the eau of Railway ee rua ek ;:ino ot ;on _sty be site pie panned alae information look selection of cligibles for the position |/°0"8 "8's We ake net ing 1 r conditions but in spite of it all fire will come where you least ex;okt of ee ae make thateca ia the rathtoads in the United States s A Chemic Vire iextinguisher’should be in every homie.You have but to takeit :rg Nnvitedtoenly-a IAs to |inercased 136.9 per gent.’The vail down from the wail,turn it upside down and it automatically places a stream of chem.|the Civil Service Commission,at FOWdH Paid in”1905 SORATBT9 in pea icals at your command —throwing it with force.40 to 50 feet,One'gallon of these cheFeetihthetoate(100,a increase of $46,806,421.Since.||Ari icals 1s equal to 40 gallons of water for fighting fire.You may:never need if,but.if f.»with »test,"”PRA De ‘ot ‘:-“,ears ses Swhuleae that forest rang-ans cares ei inesnaned almost (1%oe you do you will need it bad.It may never be worth a cent to you or it may save youerabeselectedfromthe:States Ii re eeeyee00k Seed act |the price of your house and furniture,You will find them in most every factory,millies»forests are located.umless |”re ’rn ee ee tees A vi P ;to ’i ’yeMetteititeanefoundintheseStates,taxes were slightly lower than in Ti —edie aa a A eee:Put one in Your Home.Put one in HiRangersareappointedonlyfrom)"at ial operating expenses of all.[|Ae Writefor farthontpantlanlan nt is $16.The price of the Paragon is $13,Sethi on aine :atitive|“-eligibles obtained through competi the reads in 1905 were 6 A069,183,|g : bodied and in good physical condition |8Pd in 1914 Sie total:DperAMng Ot _.,ahd ho'one may expect to pasa the ox-|DARSCK were $2,200,313,159,or an in-JPR SRON E bauats ;,jcrease of 58,2 per cent,The net op-{..&Po La ‘i (i ‘y -~ot gen ‘A PAGE GR examinatio\s.They must be able- amination whe is not able to take care|Sea ee eee ne He of himself and his horse‘in regions re-br te .pv lag =ee rae a jeceacen ceerenice She rm: mote from settlements and supplies./777?W8s $65 1,880,254,and in LOL ele,t W Y the Champi eT The government has acquired large Det operating revenue was $846,706,-ston Won the C amponship. areas of forest lands in this State and |749,.an increase over 1905 of 22.4 per|’‘The fourth and fifth games of theq‘om |Cents {A ;it is desired to secure persons from |°°M!::ofatt}World baseball series,between Ros-:this State to look after these Lande Tae ae tee all’ton and “Philadelphia teams,playedTheserviceisattractiveandthePaY>1905 was 1,382,196,In 19141,695,483 |Tuesday and Wednesday at Rdstonitissaid,is very good.iwere employed,The compensation and Paapie eRe ere result-:en foi ae in Of all employes of all railroads in 1995 ed ‘in’a victory fer Boston.Tues-Miss Minnie Jamison Now was $839,944,680,and the compensa-'day’s game was a victory for Boston—Home Demonstration Work.ijn of all roads having annual oper-2 to.J*-and Wednesday's 6 to 4 forMissMinnieL.Jamison,who was|ating revenues exceeding $100,000 in Bony This ‘gave Boston _four:,eA ¢oe 879 490 ATE »average Straight games:and the world’s cham-'..reared in Prospect neighborhood,near |1914 was $1,873,422,472,The avérage SWaigh ,Bm ;Mooresville,pe ey years Head of daily ¢eompensation of all employes bionship.BaiStie sae ati wor the first ’|the department of home economics atin 1905 was $2.07,and in 1914 $2.53,Same of the series,ime ,-of i \'ty f » the State Normal and Industrial Col-|The average daily compensation 0 eee ae cate ,?lege,Greensboro,has ‘accepted the engine men in 1905 was $4.12 and in WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN |position of assistant in Home Demon-|1914 $5.24,sarstrationWorktoMrs.Jane S.Mc-/{he average daily compensation of|Made StrongandWell By VinolKimmon.Miss Jamison is to assist)fremen in 1905'was $2.38 and in 1914 eta ainspreadingthegospelofhome-keep-}¢999,The average daily compensa-|Waynesboro,Pa,—¥I wasali run down ‘o i d home-making in.the rural j;.*ok Apa cd 5 was $3.50,afterahardspellof bronchitissoitwas xdistyictsoftheState.Her wide ac-poy apaseae hoe a hard formeto keep about.I had pains,:‘5quaintancewiththegirlsofNorth|Page ge wee COlY'in my chest and took cold easily.A :«,/compensation of other trainmen in;friend aakedme totry Vinol.Idid and y 9 9.,Val elidherpracticalknowledgeaEaeataroShaennldashouldmakeher|/905 was $2.31,and in 1914 $3.09,||it built me up so I am strongand well services very valuable to the organiz-|Machinists in 1905 received $2.65 2!andIamableto do my housework whichpart.day and in 1914 they received $3.27.|I had not done for thrée months beforej}s become a part.‘;;¥:-pe ehane bes work in North |Carpenters received $2.26 in 1905 and]taking Vinol.’’—Mrs.Y.R.Hor-Carolina has grown very rapidly in $2.66 in 1914,-Other shopmen re-BopaNe ee Oe adel:To be given in SHEARER HALL ae four years in which it has been ‘ceived $1.92 in 1905 and $2.36 in 1914.:i acres Twenty counties are em-|Telegraph operators and dispatchers!tion,makes:pure blood:and creates*;ingen worl d $2.19 day in 1905,and $2.-|8tength.Your money back if itfails.4 :ee ore supervisors—wo-averaged $2.19a day in 5,anc the COLLEGE.Nine numbers On.thedevote12monthsoftheyear/56 a day in 1914,|coc eRSCYWeeeneteworkamongstthecounty’s rural)Some idea of the development of|WHEN j CAME TO STATESVILLE :‘women and =.rae iene ke ie Andannounced that I would ‘open |My Programme,and you are admitted to allCottenFutaresActDeclaredUn-fact that in 1905 the total number of|f #‘tmber yard here and sell:long.|!N :Wwflee|,A if leaf pine,many.people doubt ‘m mconstitutional.meee was 48,357,and in sy my being able to better prices.If|,ine for the S.all su of T O.DOL-The cotton futures act of August 9 |f You are interested th “Everything .18,1914,Known as the Lever law,has|yt falls’out that one other Precis!to Build With,”I would .gladly LAR S,:::beendeclared unconstitutional by Fed-dent—John Tyler—lost his wife and |give you the names .of many.of |).a ;eral District Judge Hough of New married another during his presiden-|Statesville’s best.business ’men ‘York,because,"as a revenue measure,tia]term.The first Mrs.Tyler died |WhO are my_customers:now.be-}%¢originated in the Senate instead of about 18 months after her husband |C#US¢my pr ices are lowest,'he House of Representatives,.as the became President.The President C.WATKINS,N.Center’St.Icsumstitetionrequires.The decision married again in less htan two years,-nn a pores 9wesrenderedinatestcasebrought)before his term expired.ty Samuel T.Hubbard of the cotton|————_FOR ——— Soret ersenrseeesimennnrseerernesterica =e eee ;4 i *teekerage firm of Hubbard Brothers,'Cotton planters in Alabama,Missis-;:Qamdothers,to recover $1,000 paid un-sippi,Georgia,:Tennessee,Oklaho-i]S Sh i ;':Nn S ru C 10n :>4derprotesttoJohnZ.Lowe,Jr.,col-|ma and Texas are warned by the na-orse oe ng -}lector of internal revenue,under the ‘tional Department of Agriculture of |go to ;iprovisionsofthelaw.Judgment was'a wide-spread movement of the boil\ yendered in favor of the plaintiffs.{weevil-and-advised-to take immediate.ce e 4.|,:‘The suit alleged the act was uncon-|steps to kill off the pest this win-|Troutman &Suther.:|#aos oe an Nn e r aln Mm ent stitutional,first because it originated |ter, in the Senate and,second,because the|—-——-a =a ee etOe nett Bouts ‘és Ri xactionitself.Judge Hough sustained|:ee ate -e y -5 :ae .:’pa rst contention,but eave nofn Our Elegant Line _|The names of some of the greatest menifrobablyappealthecase.mnied ;:K ;ye :Nac a ut ke!ee ee in America appear on the programme.And Bes,-t t ~~£yen ;p ;fibegdoe,syst hing Bg Morir S atl oner y ||.Ask some memberof the committee tonsoo_.+»show you a copy of the Programme. Every Ticket a Reserved Seat Ticket. L a iy ee to boththeflatsalaryof$600 for prosecuting ; State cases in Pitt county and to the ff WILL PLEASE YOU.oat.ae ghpaid e vese Tablets aE ‘i h :fendants,the.effect being e Oh Ge eos n n *h,‘solicitor must be content with the $600 aMels:a 3 VONOpes mate :i i«provided by special act of.the last;H-Legistature.in lieu of all-fees that ’a ;yo :|woul diarygo tote olin HALL S DRUG _STORE,:,!i the case below Sen-‘anit tess i a (:ator “Harting aiid Representatives ars P ONE 20,Prescriptionists,ae a f i oe ae ;Laughinghouse.and (Galloway of *'a 1s -“Pitt certified that the purpose of the act,through agreement with Solici-|>ea :Reo abs Ser dance.oe TEtoons Theetic As AES oe es aitoraimed,after the act was passed,|Gingham and Percale |New Fall Skirts {|=sae en aa =bi vas.S Bi aS aa Saad :e LEO REAN PE TETTEE TE TSI TOC IOG TIS MATRON TO PINT:7ouldbepaidbythecountyandthat|House Dresses 98c..=$198.:10:99.50,HM peewee Vi a ceGo he.was.entitled,:in -addition to the|ff£000,ta all.foee-pald..in.hy:defend.i...=ants,serene an — aMeeting of Vocal Teachers.*a:ae a foi at |.He iCorrespondenceofTheLandmark.|’ie ::crema‘At the ‘request of several vocal|p Pason S 'ORS (}e 5 4 ; teachers,I have called a meeting of all|F eee :.the vocal teachers and their classes in|‘Have your feet fitted withreachof‘Statesville,for Saturday,|Krippendor{-Dittmann’s Flexi-.October 30th,at 10:30 o’clogk,for the|We ?;eas =i te oe 5 lee :purpone of eectine an orancaton|Women’s New Outergarments Shown tis \.te.ble Shoes.-They never hurtwhichwehopewillbethemeansof|g Pg 4 Ag .‘the feet,Made in all the pop-creating a greater interest in the|:esstudyofvocalmusic.The forenoon In our Ready-to-Wear department.Tail-ular leathers—Button and Lace—all sizes,all widths.Ries iadcacticns:han her ti ored and Denim Tailored Suits,Silksuchmusicastheteachersmays¢-|Skirts,Dresses,Afternoon and Evéning i ’Price $3.00,$3.50 and $4.00,Have them fitted by Mills & nggton down tewn. lect.Immediately after the noon in-|Gowns,New Dresses of Serge and com: ite Yours truly, in Charleston,8,C.,Tuesday,was so;heated that troops were kept ready by fail to visit this department before mak-J L L S &Pp O Ss Tr OorderoftheGovernor,on the request |ing your fall purchases.of j t ean iMicwerere mannepScatbrsaciedaceHirevelExceptionalvaluesandstylesinour|‘{/)————-paar oo :Oxeee.ac —contest was |%TRIMMED MI.LINERY,;fo ee TY ;N R Built it =oe ,Hetween Mayor John P..Grace and}1a iad LyCRENe aga ore ge f Pint a ‘7 a taf a ee A -€a ew or.2-H ei (Pewriters.si J %Tentan Tigi the tomteannt Ww TYPEWRITERS!|old |for ‘mayor.Hydehadapierenin aa |SHIRT AISTS._“poses,RIBBONS RY PAPERS St Hameo cierrives weer on :BN ;PERS and a :8.Ss Majority over Grace,1———_—7.Anelegant (line to select from.Good .By} withyour Typewriter troubles.Statesville Printing Co,” OU R O NO R U R O N O E ~termission a talk’will be given on *:.*voice culture and a lesson™~given int!‘bined Silk and Serge.Your own com-the Jubilate and Carolina Harmony |Parison and consideration will conclu-‘or so be other|;‘‘;exercises,JS.LEONARD.|sively prove that superior quality erntiitetriingionddotiaeschandise,selling at our moderate prices,A Democratic municipa)primary |is the Wisest type of economy.Don't 'Ce a aaa ——=og Harper Lovette,an employe of the values at 98c.,$1.98,$2.48.$2.98,$3.48.Smoot tannery at North Wilkesboro, children.Our Five Cent Counter will be loaded ’mn |Pare Sourwood Honey Hee OUR REPAIR SHOP IS COMPLETE 3HOW'S THIso |with BARGAINS,We offer One Hund-ed Dotiara Re-|}ngbabgsBape8anycaseofCatarrhthatcan-| not be cured by Haiti's Catarrh Cure ——AND ne as ‘With all necesaary tools and Machinery to do the best of workman-mies!Johnston-Belk Company._|]algae ire ornme acu anny cee oi‘7,,f0r the last 16 years,and :8:ALY.#4 7 make car,All work done underthe supervision of «an expert mo:Dusiness “traneastions og ye in tl Aa we Y,Hy Good Graham Flour.‘||]chanic which insures thoro h workmanshipand gntlafied customors.Fry,ont any obligations.made |a Lin eee Mees es ie a "-Ti Weask that you give usatrial,neeatenweit1TheStoreThatSellsForLess.a |eeeReeiiieraa|~~PHONE24g,>4M,P.Alexander &Bro.||Statesville& ’Ront tree,Price,—ibe..per hottie,|wid by all Drugeisin,yPets“AEall's.vashie Pilla for constipation,| ‘PHONE 241. State and Mr.W. ‘grand jury. cheat_and defraud. male;Alfred Salmons,trespass.Continied under bond:Will Davis,|Pendergrass and Carl Epley of M carrying goncealed weapon;J.L.|Dowell,county,distilling,etc.Cloaninger,false “pretence;Milton Willard guilty;others not guilty. liquor. fined $5 and cost. tailing and manufacturing liquor andjudgmentwassuspendedonpayment yeats and show good behaviour.Frank Lineburger plead guilty of|Pearson,Messrs..C carrying concealed weapon and judg- ment was suspended on payment of cost, 4 good behaviour. manufacturing brandy;plead guilty; fined $50 each and half costs each. fray;plead guilty;fined $5 each andhalfcosts.Boone Turner,false pretense;con-|perior Court. Milas Weaver and Frank Mize,young negroes,were before Justice'the service,assisted by Rev.Dr.C.Lazenby yesterday to answer for a/—.Raynal.Dr.McConnell said he tinued. M.W.Jones,56 years old,was run over by a runaway team-and his_right brought to the Sanatorium in Statés-ville Friday evening and is now under »treatment there. to Catawba on business and while theredecidedhewouldvisithis‘sister at Sherrill’s Ford,having an opportunity to ride to the latter-place |with Mr. Moss,a teamster who hauls goods be- tween Catawba and Sherrill’s Ford.Be- fore they got out of town they saw an automobile coming.Knowing the team was afraid of automobiles,the chaufferjof liquor in King’s stére.was signalldd to stop but the machine was from Shelby and that they did all “from sciatica in his left hip...He went _.to Hot Springs,Ark.,for treatment,<=gnd-about ‘two ‘years ‘ago’secured re- ‘has been,in good health, -eatrying out the law passed,by thelastGeneralAssemblyinregardto‘grtificially bleached flour and askingapermanentinjunetionagainstitsen- of the country."Ais:d_‘The complaint alleges that the firms|Asheville,will join him,here that.are parties to the suit do a largebusinessinthisStateandthattheenforcementof.the law would work agreatinjurytothem.They also con- Recognizing Carranza Govern- form in.which their governments Carrariza,+; matic.representatives in Mexico will),eared recognition by formal she Orphans.Home’iriet in.te VOLshit | STATESVILLE,N.0,TUESDAY,OCTOBER 19,1915. fa a ere NpINTHESUPERIOR COURT,|IN THE FE Cases HeardJudgeLaneandSolicitorClementatWorkontheStateDocket.|, Superior Court began business yes-terday with Judge Lane ontheibench, Bethany township foreman of the Work on the State docket yesterdayproducedthefollowingresults:Nol.pros.with leave was entered distilling;John Henry Patterson,toomuchliquoronhand;Bennett Benfield,retailing;R.B.Gant,conspiring to Called and failed:John Hyams,re-tailing;‘Will Grider,assault on fe- Rash and Isaac Rash,manufacturing Will Smith,affray;plead guilty and Son Day,a small,boy,)plead guilty :indgment was continued.*:“ $100 to appear at each term for two May term of court,1916,and show Tom Compton and Howard Gant, -Will Hpoper and John Chambers,af- Hip and Arm Broken—Team DERAL COURT.'DR.GEO.W.LONG IS DEA Boyd Yes-'A Prominent Physician and“A Good Man—Death of Mr.W. The United States District court isda;sitting,Judge Boyd on the bench.Yes-Solicitor ‘Clement Hy ech the|terday cases were disposed of as fol- Pink Mitchell arid Jake Burke county;distilling,dered a verdiet of not liams;mistrial as toPya.aTat +Avery ¢ounty,charg-n the following cases:T.E,man,|ed with fraudulent.use of the mails,’failed to answer and an instanter ca-Oskwood cagepiaswas.issued, Clarence Hoyle,Burke county,distil- ling,ete.;not guilty.Marshall MullofBurke,distilling,etc.,called and faied. .D..H.and Ben Willard, Summers of |!‘at the Sanatorium Saturday eveni ete.Court'or-| uilty as to Wil- ,;ham he was or the Superior Courts are:Burke of Tfylorsvill McKesson,J. torney in the Federal court. |istrates Send Up Cases—Re-Magistra Send Up IN.H.Clendenin of «Graham,tailing and Affray. Henry Hoke,colored,.was given ahearingbeforeJusticeLazenbyyes-and the floral tributes:were unusuallyterdaymorningonachargeofretail-/numerous and beautiful.Dr.Longing.His ease was promoted to Su- a ead D. C.Feilds—Other Deaths. Dr.Geo,W.Long of Graham died at 6.30.The remains were taken. noon at 4.30,The.interment.was in tery.ae after long —suffering.“He had|Death came as a relief toDr,Longnot -béen strong in recent years but wasengagedinthepracticeofhispro-fession until the 3d of last eg 4lwhenheenteredahospitalinjis- ,bury for treatment.After seven-weeks there he went to Baltimore for ‘an operation.He returned to’his %4 home in Graham last Au itMr.J.E.Abee of Hickory is tore.(hom then’boise:that.bt omman.of the:grand jury. District Attorney Hammer and As-sistant District Attorney Hoey are tid I representing the government.»of forcible trespass and prayer for|shal Webb and Chief Deputy John y.! hopeless.After a short stay in Gra- A sad feature of Dr.Leng’s >lastillnesswasthathiswife,who has5QAmongthe.out-of-town attorneys heen an invalid for a long time,wasofcost.To give bond in the sum ofjhere for the sessions of the Federal taken to a hospital.in Richmond soon jafter her husband was brought to|Statesville,where she is yet undert.Long is survivedM,Mull and R.L.Hafimag,Morgan:'teematesineEe By ton;ee D.E.Hudgins.eer:.Mr.Van Buren Jurney of States-of ham.Th his.voNormanCayprill,Jim Watts and|ville was yesterday sworn in as an at-fo "Tole hr tateHarveyLeeHouston,gambling;fined :i f $5 each and costs equally divided.. Ed.Hegler,larceny;to appear at GRIST FOR HIGHER COURT.{Chavel Hill,Rev.Dr.De Burlington and Mr.Jacob A.Long of Statesville and Mr.Geo.W.Long,dr., t ville,were with him.©ee -9 rbrothers—Rev.Dr.W,Jong ‘of A,Long of Graham—and the only:sister,Mrs:J. here for the funeral.:The funeral was largely attended was an elder inthe Presbyteria Church and his pastor,Rev.Dr.T.M:McConnell of Graham,conducted Frightened By Motor Car.fight which-occurred Sunday after-;hardly knew whether to offer condo- At Catawba:Friday afternoon Mr.I. Mr.Jones lives in the vicinity ofMaiden,Catawba county.He had gone from the wagon..His foot caught in Mr.Jones says the automobile party they could for him after he was hurt.He did not remember their names.Mr.Jones has-a right to think thatthefatespursuehiminthematter.of affliction.He formerly suffered much lief from this trouble,since whijch he Flour Mill Men Bring ‘Suit. knife and he:was accordingly of-assault_wi was fined $2 assault. men,were arres Warren of Shiloh township,who com-mitted them to jail in default of bond,grave, appearance at Superior Court.Deputy.Sheriffs H,L.Gil- for their by Brock and ‘another man. of the same lot. Employ .Expert Advertising Realizing the value of advertising in all its forms,especially the proper Graham,He was ‘distinguished in preparation of copy.for newspaper his.profession—had béen «presidentdisplayofoftheStateMedicalSociety,a mem-goods,the Ramsey-Buwles-Morrison ber of the State Board’of Examiners. Company has employed an expert in'and superintendent of health.for Ala- this line of work.:Martelle of Burlington,“Iowa. ' advertisements and the He is Mr;J.1.'mance county.He was also frequent-Mr.‘lv honored by his ¢hurch in beingMartellewilldevotehistimetothe‘elected a representativeto the higher Longwas:a ombst} is.already noticeable. noon.It was in evidence that Weav-lence or congratulation;that «in all er had cut Mize on the arm with a his experience as a minister he had :held never known a more,earnest,unsel-arm and hip broken,Mr.Jones was|for Superior Court to answer a charge fish,submissive.Christian —one ofadeadlyweapon.Mize whom he.cold.say with full confi-vand costs for simple dence that he had entered into thei.,.,.|heavenly home,Dr.Raynal also paidR.L.King.and J,J,Brock,white tribute to the deceased and read &Hardaway brief sketch of his life..Dr.camp on the Catawba’river Saturday;was a member of the Pythian:and]evening,chatged with retailing.They,members of the loca!lodge attended:were given a hearing before Justice the funeral in a body and renderedithePythian_burial service at “the George Washington Long,son of the late Jacob and Jane Stuart Long,bert and C.R.McCauthan,who made!was born in Alamance county July, the arrests,found about five gallons 1848,and was in his 68th year at the} admit that the liquor had eeCe oe Neee ee are Ottiiecats nce—kept on.Seeing that a runaway was|brought to the camp.from Georgia ‘and “otan ht B bereimminentMr.Jones attempted to jump of Pennsylvania.Nearly the wholeofhiscareerasaphysicianwasspent in his home community,where he wasmuchbeloved.About 16 years ago)he_located in Statesyille,.but afterafewmonthsherehefeturnedto company’s advertising,‘the decoration 'church ‘courts..of windows;display of pdods,eter-Het -twentondytylastweekandimprove~;lovable-man.~1mentintheappearanceofthestorewaysagreeablemannérattracted pco-|ple to him and cemented friendships:A Mr.Martelle has made.a special,wide circle of friends and admirers “PersonallyDre Long Wiispleasant’and al. To restrain Major W.A.‘Graham,|study,of advertising and display mourn his passing. mmissioner of.-Agriculture,from|work.He received his practical frain-1 ing with.Marshall Field &Company for the funeral,in addition to thoseinChicago.The Marshall Field store,mentioned.were Messrs.J.H.andisrecognizedasthelargestandbestW.E.White.Mr.J.L.Scott,Jr.,Mr.arranged store in the world.Recent-and Mrs.H..W.Scott,Mrs.L.L.Ker-ly Mr.Martelle has been located ‘in'nodle,.Mr.Chas.A.Scott,Mr.andAfgheville,from whence he came to Statesville: forcement,complaint is filed in WakeSuperiorCourtbythebigflourmills tend.that it is unconstitutional as farasinter-State trade is concerned. not an inspection fee and is unneces- sary and that the process is not harm-fal to health as a food.'The law requires that cach brandofflour..be registered and‘it requiresthateachpackageofflourshallbebrandedartificiallybleached.It also imposes a tax of $25 annually. ment. matic representatives of .Brazil,Chile.Argentina,Bolivia,UruguayandGuatemalametat-the State De- partment yesterday to decide on the would extend reéognition.to General The countries which have.diplo- diplomatic.relations _there.eUnitedStatesand.several of the oth- Arredondo,‘authorized wore ntativeof:General Carranza in ¥aibingtonThe‘communicatfon-will be addressed,to General Carranz ficial stitute the acto week. Church News. Rev.J.H..Pressly and Elder T. D.Miller of the’First Associate Re- Paar formed church,and Rey.8.W.Had Fhe claim,is made that the tax is don of Pressly Memorial church,wilgotoCoddleCree:the meeting of the First Presbytery at Mouth-of-Wilson,Va.=He haoftheAssociateReformedPresbyte-;been in bad health a‘long timeideathwasnotunexpected,Mr.andMrs.Miller left Statesville FridaymorningforVirginia.The funeralandburialtookplaceSundayatOak rian;Church.Rev.J.L.Teague of ‘Stony PointwillpreachatShady‘Grove Baptist church Sunday,31st,at 11 o’clock.)The meeting.at Tabor “will contin-|Hill,Va.ue-all_this_week,Servitor.Old folks’singing at the church ‘,.«Jon the fifth SundaySecretaryLansing\and the diplo-|Bring your dinner ‘and spend 2 the Home Se‘nly routine4 bes will presen ;usiness was ‘tran érs will present idéntts notes,16,Eligeo ments,for the heating plant for the‘Home have been completed.All the]yyinmaterialispurchi‘al:that re plant b phrie tign Pighingp te:ks ti x,who is recovering.from.an!granted leave of on v pt,W.T.I Among the.out-of-town people here ‘Mrs.J,K.Mebane,Mrs.J.W.Meni-|His wife,who is nw in|fee,Messrs.R..-L.Holmes and A.this:D.Tate,Dr.W.S.Long,Jr.,and Mrs.Fannie Foust,all of Graham;Dr.J.Ernest Stokes and Mrs.F.L.Robbins of Salisbury:Dr.J.W.Pace,iMr.and Mrs.B.Williamson and Mr.F,)L.Williamson of Burlington. Mr.W.GC.Fields,father of Mrs.S. 1B.Miller of Statesville,died:Friday today to attend morning at 9:30 o'clock at his nee is being cared.for by her mistress. pas-|__Mr.Fields was a nativeof Alle-|ghany county and was about 68yearsold,He was.a lawyer,was fortheday.many years one of the most promi- .{nent citizens of Alleghany and had. Rev.J.W.Watte .of Taylorsville represented his county in both branch- came to Statesville yesterday.after-!es of,thenoontoassistRev,George H.Church farming aninaprotractedmeeting.at WesternAivenueBaptistchurch, Barium Regents in Session.~ The boardof regents of the Barium Fyth an.excellent citizen. Mr. oke Fields,algo survive,—” a ng WilliUuNamMs,the home of his son-in-law,Mr.B.H.Adams,on Race street,and the fu-neral service was held at the FirstPresbyterianchurchSunday‘after- ise Was brought to StatesvillejandenteredtheSanatoriumheretwomonthsago—to await the end.His Jordan,Clerk Millikan and the usual may wes cancer of the 9 : inston Rupard plead guilty of re-|retinue of clerks and deputies attendthe‘court. .Adams of were Long Deputy ;Se ar tee titi chat;ir:/He was ‘educa’at the high schooSheriffC.L,Gilbert visited the camp jn his home town,at Hillsboro milie the lines and when he fell he was|Sunday and found another gallon out tary ‘academy and at the University thrown so that the loaded wagon ranoverhim,with,the result stated.Mr. Moss,the teamster,was also hurt but the extent of his injuries was “notTearned. manufactired::Thee.officers..they learned the identity of the oper- and Legislature,He had largedbusinessinterestsinthevicinityofSpartaandatMouth-of-ilson and.although he had lived atelatterplacethepastfewyears,u jhe still retained his residence at Spar-lta atid considered that place his home.,Mr...Fields was a.prominent church-man,being a member.of the Baptistenomination,and was in all respects Fields was twice married;Sur-are four childrén by the first|marriage—Mr.William.Fields,wholivesintheWest;Mr,Paul Fields ofSparta,Mrs,BE.F.-MeNeer of ElkinandMrs.:Miller of.Statesville.His cond wife and two sons,Cam.ong by Rev.C,E.Raynal and Rey,C.8, FACTS ABOUT TAXABLES. Real and Personal Property in Statesville. *According to the abstract of.orig-inal returns made by township|list- takers and assessors,the total taxa- ble value of real and personal prop- erty in the city of Statesville is $2,- 352,079.This does not include bank stock,public service and domestic cor- porations,building and loan’associa-tions,ete.,and is minus the ten per cent inerease made by the State Tax Commission.yMr.John Watts is at work on thetaxbooks,figuring up the totals inallthetownshipsandaddingthetenpercentincreaseordered,and within a few weeks the revised abstract of tax-ables for.the entire county,includingcorporations,ete.,will be available.The total value of real estate within the corporate limits of Statesville,ac- cording to the original returns,is $1)+693,175,and the.value of—personal prope-ty is $658,904,making the totalof$2,352,079.The returns show 254 horses valued at $21,880,35 mules val-ued at $3,235,231 head of cattle valued at $5,456,58 hogs valued at $295,eight goats valued at $20,three dogs valued at $15.‘The 10 per cent added.to realestatebytheStateTaxComniission amounts to $169,318,making the total real estate value $1,862,493.The valuation placed on other per- sonal property is as follows:Farm utensils,$484;:carriage,harness,bugies,wagons and other véhicles $11,- 195;office furniture and warehouse fix- tures $5,625;tools of mechanics $3,- 446;household and kitchen furniture, musical instruments,provisions,fire- arms,ete.,$137,835;libraries and scientific instruments.$3,510;money. on hand $4,136;solvent credits $245,- 233;automobile,motorcycles,bicycles, etc.,$41,421,jewelry,goods,wares, merchandise,cotton and all other prop- erty not otherwise enumerated,$175,- 118. Compared with last year’s returns, the figures for this year show an in- crease of $320,187 in real and person- al property.The increase in real es- tate is $108,075 on the original re-turns and with the 10 per cent added by the State Tax Commission the to-tal increase is $272,393.The _per- sonal.property gain is $47,744.Therewasbutlittlemoremdneyonhand*attaxlitimethisyear,the figures for last year being’$3,867,and ‘sol-‘vents credits show an increase of only $2.832.The gain in live stock was ‘only $492,but automobiles,motorcy- cles,etc.,show an increase of $11,027. Brandy Still Out of Commission. A party of officers composed of Sheriff Deaton,Deputy Sheriff Gil- bert,Policeman Fulp and Mr..Clar- ence Patterson captured a brandy dis- tillery in New Hope township Friday. The plant was in operation and two men were on the premises when two of the raiders camie in sight,but there twas “nothing doing”when it came to catching the blockaders.They snatch-ed up a three gallon jug of their prod-uct and sped like deer into the woods.Reaching an ox cart a short distance from the still they jumped into this and made the ox:move at a good clip,}but this mode of travel was not rapid énough and,was soon abandoned.In the excitement the jug of brandy wasdroppedandcrushed.;:With the exception of the still prop-} er,the distillery plant was destroyedbytheofficers.It was complete in every particular:and judging’fromthe‘amount of,pomace found nearbymanygallonsofbrandy.had been ators and their arrest:is expected. ‘Old Colored Woman Stricken. “Aunt”Phyllis Trexler,an aged and respected colored woman,whohasbeenaservantinthe’home ofMrs.J.C.Irvin for many years,suf- fered a stroke of.paralysis Saturdaynightandhassincebeeninacriticalcondition.“Aunt”Phyllis has liv- ing quarters in the home of Mrs.Ir-vin on Davie avenue.She had.notleftthekitchenwhenMrs/Irvin re- tired Saturday night.Sunday .morn- ing Mrs.Irvin found her 6n the kitch- en floor in.an unconsciots conditionand<it is assumed that she had been there all night.After being ,attend- ed by a physician she was removedtothehomeofJimJohnson,colored, where she is under treatment.She Will Probably Build Addition to Cotton Mill. At a.meeting held Saturday the di-rectors of the Statesville Cotton MillunaniniouslydecidedonaplantébuildanadditiontotheStatesvilleCotton|Mill,the addition to contain “3,000 spindles,The final determination, however,is aubigt to:the approval ofthestockholders‘for an issue of :pre-ferred stock and a meeting of stock-holders ‘will be held on the,30th forthatpurpose.It is believed that the stockholderswillapprovethepropositionandof- fers of subscription for the preferred stock are already ‘being made. Mrs.J.S.Morrow of Shiloh township died.Friday”morning,death resultingfiémdiphtheria,Interment was atShilohchurchSaturdayafternogn. The funeral of Miss Bernice Stéw-art,Who died Friday morning,was held Saturday morning at the resi- dence of her stepfather,Mr.G.)T,Gaines,6n Walnut,street.Rev.J.Fy‘Kirk ‘condteted thé service,assisted al {Cashwell,The burial was in Oakwoodsix-year-old son Of Mr.and wihcometery. DEATH OF.4 YOUNG MAN,|BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL mere Os tres weMr.R:F,Rives:is thelatest eandi-~ date for county treasurer. Mr.Ly Al Ervin moving into their new —Tomato club:girls wilf gisupperatMidwayschool’urday night,23d —Circuses'are plentifulTheWallace-Hagenback visit Statesville November 9th...) —The Children of will meet this after:with Mrs.Sigs Wallace.)*,a —The Datghtérs of the AmericiitRevolutionwillholdabazaaranderattractionsthefirstweek —License has been issmarriageofMissMar'and Mr,Ed..Welborn,and Mr.Harle Harkey.,© —Five cars of a frei train:derailed near Old ientpeaeeandwestbound:passenger.trainwasdelayedaboutthreehours);+: electrical machinery’in the’baseme of the Mills building,beviesthr Sloan Clothin at Taylorsville—*Other News.: Correspondence of +The’Landmark. Taylorsville,Oct.19:—Mr.Campbell;son ‘of Mr.and Mrs,JuliusD.Campbell of this place,died’Friday afternoon at 2 o’cloek,of a complica-tion’of diseases,at the home of his grandparents,Mr.and Campbell,where-he was carried he was taken ill three weeks ago; eased would have been 19 years’old next January.Surviving are’his pa-rents,four brothers and three sisters:The funeral was Held at the residence’Saturday aftetnoon at 1:30 o'clock and the interment was cemetery.Rev.L.P.Gwaltney,pastor of the Baptist church,conducted the Mrs.Grover WilliamsCharlotte,and Mr.and Mrs.John Car- son of Statesville—Mrs,Williams and Mrs.Carson aunts of the deceased——were here to.attend the funeral.Rev.Mr.Kidd of Stony Poirit-as-sisted the pastor,Rev.S.W.:Haddon,in the services Friday and Saturday preparatory to communionSundayattheA..R,P.church.Miss Eliza Gaston Moore left Fri- day morning for Washington City tospendthewinteratthehome.of heruncleandaunt,Mr,and Mrs.HowardA.Banks,and attend school.father,Rev,L.L.Moore,accompanied returning Friday night.Mr.John W.Moore went toCharlotteFridaymorningtospendawhileatthehomeofhisson-in-law;Mr.T.J.Smith.teacher of the sixth grade at Win- ston-Salem,-spent Sunday .here withr.and Mrs.W.D.Deal.Echerd.of SspentSundayhere’with his the home of Mrs.Echerd’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Gwaltney.Mr.N.P.Alexander of Statesville spent Sun-day here with friends.Misses LottieandSueKerleyspent:Saturday and Sunday in Blowing,Rock,’ Two Blown to Pieces By Dyna- mite.. ny:da:Bae Mrs,H,F. g company;for # Mr.P.A:Stough of’Corsecretaryandtreasureiofthe|Sancta neatieumSi‘and undanoperationyesterdayFayabi —The price of cotton remainstswhichisaqunthe’-‘tations,and within the past few .jumped.from:50-to 60 cen’s —In what the Gsport,writer calls “an excitingameoffootball)”in Greenslayafternoon,GreensboroschoolteamdefeatedStaschoo}.team—6 to 0,x her to Salisbury, e Davie cweregiven\awhenthe shertaxforselling 22-balilywerenotawarethatcartridges.:;. W.L.Kivitt,49,.a farmer,and his son,Burns Kivitt,10 years old,were|tax on such literally blown to pieces’by a dyna~-mite explosion near High Point Sat-|4 :Pd redley‘of Statesville,eonsol’*Mr,Kivitt and his.son’ahd a negro|y,pfarmhandwenttoafieldto ‘went into the woods’short,distance |piqs.‘some sticks to make-holes|the dynamite}thile he was in}the woods he heard the e ad |when he returned Mr.Kivitt and the}*After a search|’of the boy were found,|the father’s body were}POR Strscatteredaboutthefieldforsomedis-|Miss Mariaddie‘ville is principal laway to-get: Bits of flesh were found}among the limbs and on trunks oftrees,Kivitt’s head was blown fromhisbodyandthefacesofbothvictinis ond recognition:ments of flesh and clothing were found |on trées and ground for over 75 feet Mr.Kivitt is survived by his wife}and eight children. Mr.Fincher Building Chiirch has this about} Thomas of South "mver,and.|the: Mr.A.W.Stevetownship:has broughaclusterofapplesthat is.The apples—the Yates».vnotlarge,about.the-size of*but seven grew in the:cluster,on. Sslike abunch ‘ The Monrde JournalRev.B.F.Fincher,who some years}, ‘ago lived at Stony Point an Rev.B.F.Fincher,who has just}built a large church house at ‘Thrift,in Mecklenburg county,was if Mon-.“T am 59 years old,” said he,“and still walking to.my ap--pointments...If I ever geti rich Itainlywillbuyanautobeenwilkingnow.and ‘building houses}ever since I went:into the ministry.}Looks like when the Conference needsahousebuiltthebishopsendsmetodoit.Yiou see,I used to be a building}contractor,and I just fire loose andgotoworkwithmyownhands.havehiredcheap.labor,saperintended it,and’put.up a house at Thrift whichacontractorwouldnot.build for lesshanthreethousanddollars;andwillallbepaidforbythe.time:Con-ference meets.”.Mr.Fincher belongstotheoldschoolMethodistpreachersneversawanyth end of a small twig, §hat,itaig‘Live Stock.Co,: this:fact,several.careless readers]it .to be the present com This statement -was.the>1sultofamisunderstanding.|MF,igett fought on the Union war of the sixties and was‘pensioner at the time of his —Mr,W.P.Millsaps.:ofburg.township,who is«intheYadkincounty:bridge forceisbuildingbridgeszroad.being bui will be about:80miles in JenMr.Millsaps.expects ‘to.betheconstructionorfive-months... —A meeting of.‘the.metheCommercialclub:will ‘betheClubHouseaweekfromnight,-the 29th,to’consider: the club ‘to’new:quarters:.Pheentweyers-desirable inrespects:but:the location:iatQuarters!onthe seednd: the Morrison building,corner and Meeting str wndér ing too -big to When to Prune Roses.of bridges:for Nothing in flower land:surpassesthebeautyoftheperfectrose,SomeofTheLandmark’s readers interest- ed in.rose cultivation may find.thisfromW.F.Massey,in the Progress- ive Farmer,of value::“When:is ‘the best time ‘toWoulditinjurethem in Oc- “The only’time to prune the tea orroses—is—in-the—early-+ spring.Thef they can be cut down tlosely,for they’make theirOwthofthe season,they grow off the The,hardy deciduousRemontant‘véses:ate shortened:back about one-third in spring.should be pruned in the fall.”;d It is antiouhded in Washington thattheState’Department does.not con-template any action on the affidavitfiledbytheGermanyembassycharg-ing that sailors on the British patrollongkilledthecortimanderandtenmenofa‘German submarine.It’s not’ou affair,.tenetsevedbythe’death ofaKAfacelifépenniless and Monroe Enquirer,‘Here\and there ubk-and the strong’oneasy,or at least prmoreflowers, engulf anybody.is true,but.we better times «and not be::Dives did not.goto hell.he:was:prosperous.|:‘TheWoultthellhad’he been as and in:all probabilityhave:gone to heaven heBecause tich as Dives.ty to eat,good comforts of lifeimakehimmean3makes&man good| oar Hat come ren were’*when found, |CHARLESTON ROW. One Killed and Several Wounded Resultof a Contest For Mayor. A.pistol battle in which one.man was killed and four others shot,broke | a meeting of the Democratic city ~‘ive pomapaittes in Charleston ‘Friday,in which the votes at last Tuesday’s primary were to be can- vassed.A eompany of militia with fixed bayonets helped the police re- store order,{ The man killed was Sidney.J.Co- hen,a tevorter for the Charleston Evening Post.He was.shot through the lung.’ agent,and W,E.Wingate,'superin- tendent of the city chain,gang,were seriously wounded.H.L.Wilensky, a city meter inspector,and Jeremiah O’Brien,inspector.of weights and measures and a member of the exec- utive committee,received minor bul- let wounds.Six arrests were made. The.trouble was the culmination of a bitter political campaign,which ended last Tuesday in a primary held while several companies of national guard were kept in readiness to.sup-| press possible disorders.T.T.Hyde, who opposed Grace,present incum- bent,for mayor had an apparent ma- jority of 19 votes.More than 100 votes were contested by the Grace ad- herents ‘and the tity executive com- _mittee met Friday to canvass the re-“turns.Just .as the meeting was tobecalledtoorder,a fight started in ahallwayadjoiningthecommittee room.-During the scuffling,shouting‘and jamming in the hallway some oneinthecommitteeroomfiredashot|and the real fight was on.Several} pistols were brought into play and!as’the firing continued amid ©the, scramble to escape,yelling and cries)of the wounded,someone -threw;three ballot boxes out of the window.|Cohen was shot as he was making for a window to escape,when a pis-|tol for:which two men were fighting, was discharged.Democratic committee met)Saturday and completed the count.,Jeclaring Hyde the nominee by 128 Secretary McAdoo Warns Ne- *groes.i_Former slaves in fhe South and.'their descendants have been.warned) by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo}not “to throw their money away”by contributing to a fund being coflect-ed in the Southern States for prose- cuting a claim against the Federaleeidaeeeaewi alleged,ue the negroes:forproducing‘and’picking cotton,during the reconstruction period. The statement says that informa-!tion has reached the Treasury.De-/partment that certain parties are en-}_deavoring to collect money from per-|sons who labored as slaves in the cot-ton fields of the South and aided.intheproductionofcottonduring:theyears1859to1868.or the period1862to1868,and from heirs of such persons,for the alleged purpose of a claim for over $68,000,-000:collected during said period as)Movements an ‘internal revenue ;on raw cot- W.A.Turner,insurance} if BO ace q ¥Happenings Here and There:the Country, Al.Jennings,reformed banditerstwhilecandidateforGovernor |Oklahoma}has become an “evangeli8t”and is conducting a revival in Brook-lyn,N.Y.Peat darnPresident“Wilson has decided to,abandon his summer residence.at.Cor-‘nish,N.H.,and expects to spend nextsummerontheNew.Jersey:coast.—at Elberon,near Long Branch,,...*Ex-President Taft,in an®‘address‘last Tuesday night heforethe officersandstudents:ofColumbia,(itty sity,argued for a single term for the Pres-ident of the United States and g Fed-eral budget system,Mr,Taft,got hissingle..term all right’:7 o.° A plea for a navy wi ‘wouldmaketheUnitedStatesabletofacelanyotherworldpower,and a $40,000,-000 merchant marine to be used as anaval.auxiliary in ¢ase of war,wasmadebyWilliam“G.McAdoo,.Secre-‘tary of the Treasury,in an address‘before the commercial club of Kan- sas City,Mo.; Negotiations with Germany lookingtosettlementofthecasesoftheLusi-tania,Cushing,Gulflight and Nebras-‘kan will be resumed -this...week bySecretaryLansingandCountvonBernstorff,the German ambassador.The agreement in the Arabic case isexpectedtomeanpromptsettlement‘in the cases named.save |Major J.C.Hemphill is tobe mian-laging editor of a new paper to be es-‘tablished at Charlottesville,Va.Ma-ijor Hemphill was for years edtior ofitheCharlestonNewsand‘Courier,ithen editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch,then the Charlotte Observer and later of the editorial staff of the‘New York Times and adelphia Ledger.:adeThemoving-picture show and sev-eral_other modern methods of attract-ing congregations haye received theformalapprovaloftheNewYorkCon-ference of the Methodist Church.TheConferenceendorsedmoving-pictureperformancesinchurchesorchurchbuildings,brass |or orchestrastoattractthepublic,and gymnasiumsinconnectionwiththechurches, Orville Wright has sold his entire interest in the Wright Aeroplane Com-pany at.Dayton,Ohio,to a syndicate.Mr.Wrigh retains stock in ,thesyndicateandwillbetheconsultingengineer.The Wright company,which ‘controls all of the patents onaeroplanes:secured by Orville Wright and his brother,“the «late .WilburWright,was tapitalized at $1,000,000.In an addréss at New York at thelayingofthekeelofthenew$15,000,-000.-dreadnaught California —thefirstbattleshiptobedrivenbyelec-tric propulsion —Secretary -Daniels prophesied that the “installation ‘ofelectricitytpontheCaliforniaushers in a newepoch in navigation,just asfar-reaching and.important.as that_in which steam Succeeded sail power-” Resolutions calling on the United of |States government to use its:influ- ence to stop atrocities against Arme- nians in Turkey were adopted at the opening of the Laymen’s Missionary campaign in Chicago |Thursday.Rev.Ernest ©.Partridge, ton,under laws enac by.the Coni-;who has just returned from Sivas, gress of the United States.|Turkey,declared that more than 800,- Suit has been brought in the Su-|000 Armenians had been massacredalanCourtoftheDistrictofCo-a bia in thenamesofH.N.John-)son of.Louisiana,R.Bowers of Tex-as,C.B.Williams of Mississippi andMamieThompsonofTennessee, iby Turks. The old frigate Franklin,flagshipofAdmiralFarragutonhis-trip to ‘Europe at the close of the civil war, ijhas been placed out of,commission athavethesumof$68,000,000 prorated the Norfolk Navy Yard,preparatory~and paid to claimants and all ©X-'to being sold for.junk.The Franklinandpi;slaves who helped to produce thecot-14.been a receiving ship at the Nor-ton,or to their heirs.Secretary Mc- Adoo states that in the view of the)Treasury Department there is -no:*.*legal or just basis for thesuit.— ec cea trem rn nerLossesinDardanelles—Suggest-ed Withdrawal.: ifolk yard for many years.She is one ‘of the last of the old wooden war ves- isels of the navy and was built at Kit- itery,Maine,in 1855-65.at |Charging that as a result-of aispiracybetweenDudleyFieldMalone, leollector of the.port..at New York,The total of British casualties at/and Capt.U.T.Turner,master oftheDardanelles.up .to October,9,ee Lusitania,there as a la'-cording to official figures given,96,899,The number killed was 18,-\the vessel,Mrs. :947,of whom:-1,185-were =Casualties of «the~-tingentswere 29,491 ‘Announcement of the great losses t h }large cargo(of exploswes illegally in ‘the hold ofSarahLundofChi-e <officers.‘cago,whose husband and father wereAustralasiancon-|drowned ‘by’the sinking pf the Lusi- of the British forces at the Darda-|000 damages. nelles followsintheHouseof Lords of Lord Milner,he sensational speech;The State Department announcés|i|that sufficient licorice root to supplywhoissaidtohave.characterized the|tobacco manufacturers with tempor-ceenue as hopeless.He suggested ‘ary relief will be brought to the Unit.thdrawal of the troops from Gal-|¢d States as soon as.a vessel is ob-lipoli peninsula and their transfer_to some other front.Lord‘downe responded for the undertaking that the troops would ‘tained.Of 10,000 tons in Asia MinorLans-|for shipment to American manufac-|govern-|Geent.that.i was lenpomsibis for ono s 3,000 may be secured for thefirstshipment,as soon as a vessel istnemberofthegovernmenttogiveansecured.A guarantee is required that nothing will be shipped exceptcontinuein‘the ‘Dardanelles opera-'|icorice root,tions or would be withdrawn.The figures donot tel]the full sto :of ‘what it has cost ie allies 6 at,|Public road runs along the dent of a}long walks.‘Ineverfail to praise Lydia |’tempt to force he Dardanelles,In ‘In Chesterfield county,’$8.€.,a mill pond.Four men in an autamo-addition to the British casualties are Pile passed along that road.The waythelossesofthe-French,concerning|V8 rough ‘and the machine turnedwhichnoreliableinformationisavail-;0ver-into the pond with its occupants,bale.The British total,however,One jumped into the water and thebearsoutdispatchesfromcorrespond-|others were pinned under the machineentsonthisfront,who have describ-ed the loss of life as frightful.Insomeinstances,according to these ad-companions but one of them was near Virtue tohelp these women it will help ‘in about five feet of water.The man|who was free managed to save his vices,trenches and sulleys have been|drowned when he got out.choked with the dead.Turkish losses |also have beenheavy.described as JudgeLindsey Ejected From the “12 '¢give their lives to ameliorate Court Room, Judge Ben B.Lindsey of the\Ju-Venile Court of Denver,Col.,who isJn|ejectedfromthedistrictcourtroomatDen-ver:Thursday by order of Judge W. frequently in trouble,Was Eng 6 made{peal to patriotic women of Great Brit- the condition of maimed heroes of the Broken Heroes.”..Women care of them are asked to volunteer, D.:Wright;“The court’s action was |ments for thé marriage are consum-'taken when Lindsey ,Sullivan. Sullivan was presenting argumentsforthedefenseinthecaseofPrankL.Rose,on trial charged with eon-spiracy to ruin Lindsey.He declaredLindseyhadtouredthecountryde-»livering lectures in which he malign- I LindseycalledSullivanaliarandgraspedhim er.At this point by.the-coat;-dudge Lindsey,it -will be remem-hered,lectured.at the StatesvilleChutauquaa,year ago last summer, epidemic of diphtheria in Scot-|Scott's te strengthenin,e’closing of all |mothers—andwillhelp glu omeFosecausedttwoweeks contradictedstatementsmadebyAttorneyJ.J. mated. {family from home,8 con- (Cunard Steamship Company for $40,- Rev,Ernest Houghton,a clergyman|like manner?very of Bristol,England,ha an ap-|{an operationis war by marrying them.He has launech-|ed a “League for the Marrying of|re:who will)marry the crippled soldiers to take| namés to be kept secret until arrange-|and held in strict con Armed ‘with a.repeating Wrifle,John Lanier,who.livesrsBlisseastofHickory.on the Li ton road,says the Hickory terrorized his community .FhtandearlySaturday,drove.tood off Chief. Police Lentz of nny and.thr ened violence to others’before he home and subdued.~Lanier |became _violently when his wife and ‘children perceivsthisconditiontheyfledforsafety,Tto12menwerenecessarytohaithemaniacavhenhewastaken;inhand.He was lodged in jail‘at New-ton until arrangements can.be metosendhimtoMorganton. Arrangements For Feeding gians. ,The chief of the German army s'in the east and west Flanders zoneoperationsannouncesthatanarrament‘fpr the provisioning of ab two million.Belgian civilians in.thadistrietshasbeenconcludedwitht}American’gelief commission.The ‘German authorities havesitionedatfixedpricesthecerealrootcropsoverastatedallowforthefamily:and animals of ea grower.The whole of these:croexceptoatsandrye,will be handedovertothe,commission for distribum tion.“In the place of oats and rye theGermans_will furnish the commissignwithwheat.‘h aMillionaireRyanTaxDodger. R..H,Drummond.examiner:of erds for Virginia,has filed a rewiththeAuditorofVirginiasho ing that since 1904,up to and incl ing 1914,Thomas Fortune Ryan,multi’-millionaire of Nelson coun Virginia,and New York,has om{ bonds,money and shares of stock 9 the value of $45,825 and’income’\tey taling $8,550,000 from taxation. equi: 525 and'on’omitted income.$85.wpile the amount due Nelson cot is’placed at $389,375. bOR: an to disgorge..et i me a na + Fifty -Five Killed in La London Zeppelin Raid.« Fifty-five persons were killed’114 injured in the Zeppelin raidLondon.last Wednesday night.Foteenofthe55personskilledand!3ofthe114woundedweremilitary casualties,according to an announce- men made later by the official press bureau.a Some houses were damaged and rious damage was caused to militarymaterial.:: Big Money Spent on Ball Games. The total.attendance at the five ball games of the world’s series,be- tween Boston arid Philadelphia teams, was 143,351,the total receipts $320,- 961.50.The receipts were divided.ias follows:National commission,$32,- finally enticed to’the barn near his} insiabout11o'clock Friday might "tn \» . oitr,tobacco for a ¢man with the cam You couldn't give him a plug of strong,black a oa “HORSE SENSE” FS therea trace of 4 fore leo ?, The whole thing’s up to the buyer—the‘ta~eye and the razor-keen mind! stiffness in that right .He believes in State tax due on intangiblesis $i al Suit will"be brought to compel Jy several fires were started but no se-|- :Nic ‘the mild twist of perfect,mellow chewingleavesthatcloudneitherbrajn-nor.eye,butkeepthembright.a You,too,want.a chew that’s all satisfactionand0come-back on the nerves? ‘You'll find just that jn esct+Se TWIST,tho softest and Jcngers 1 inade clean and kept so by iho air-exchuding ‘CHEWING TOBACCO © drum..There are 11 twistsin it. .°Try a PICNIC.TWIST:and:you won't 036.15;players’share,$144,899.65; each club’s share,$71,712.90.a2] A Sanford man,says the Express,| killed 25 English sparrows at one}shot..Must have had a gun that scat-|teredWOMAN REFUSES OPERATION Tells How She Was SavedbyTakingLydiaE.Pink-| -ham’s Vegetable Louisville,Ky.—‘Ithink if moremuf-fering women would take Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegeta- }i i |and couldhardly left side,try Lydia E.Pinkham’s VegetableCompound,andIamso thankfulIdid,.|for 1 am now a well woman.I sleep |better,do all my atin:stan the pain in my E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for’ my good health.’”’—Mrs:J.M.Rescu,West Broadway,Louisville,Ky.: |Sinee we guarantee that al!testimo-|nials which we publish are genuine,is it|pot fair to suppose that if Lydia BE.’|Pinkharm'’s Vegetable Compound has the | |any other woman who is suffering ina If you are ill do not drag along until_necessary,but at once.take Lydia E.Pinkham’s VegetableCompound,oe E.PinkhamMedicineCo,,(eonfdential)Lynn,Mass,Your ke wilbeopened,read and answered by a womanfidence,|pee sephesibersteonesiinntapettla inne einem semsaa nance,MISS RAY_GOLDMAN A WORD FOR MOTHERS Itisa grave mistake for mothers t.|lect tele aches and pains dod ouer tosilence—this only leads to.chronic tick.“—and often shortens life,.your work is tiring;if yourexcitable;if you feel aneuia wherviedepressed,you should know Reont’sHimuleionovercomesjustsuchAitions,It possesses in concentrated:form the:very elements to invigorate the Wood,strengthen the tiandbaiteength,menaSe nates Beott&Bowne, AS: P Expert.Shopper.Purchasing agent of personal‘|apparel,as well as housebold1articlesofeverydescription.||]_References excharnged,=|}11 Linden Ave,aitimore Md.Oct 6~4t,}snr i' $ My husband insisted that 1-/{f housework and take' want any more sfreng tobacco.Ay any :; When you bu¥a drum be sure it is the gentinc PICNIC TWIST CERCART.| Have your feet fitted with -Krippendorf-Dittmann’s Flexi- ble Shoes...They never hurt the feet.Made irrall the pop-..ular leathers--Button-and Lace.all sizes,all widths. Price.$3.00,$8.50 and $4.00.- Have them fitted.by Mills&Poston down town. Yours truly,|MILLS & New or Re-Built Typewriters sold. TYP EWRITERS!Have a few machines for Rental Pur- poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us: with your Typewriter troubles.aks Statesville Printing Co. WANTED—200,090 feet four-quarter dry onk. DIAMOND FURNITURE CO,,Stat ;1)Qet.16-—-2t.,atesville, VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. “Upder the terms of the will of Mrs.-Sedaeeated te tietericeen eee offers_-at—_privatesale—a—valuable—tract--oflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawba county,N.-C.,‘containing 151 -acres more orlessandknownasthéAlexanderClarkplace.‘The tract contains 50 acres of original forestand40acresofriverbottomlands,\The esta also offers &house-and lot ip Troutman ananf#land.of 10 acres in \the Catawba river.For terms apply to ,Cc.H.BROWN,Exeéutor,,Re eran AME 8 Setanta O We have this line now in. New Meat Market ||||R:H.RICKERT &SON. C.B.Morrison and E,M.See ae ——~ COLLEGE JEWELRY! Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc.,. with:the seal of Statesville College on. ‘Make a-nice\piece of Jewelry for former students as well as those now attending. Patterson have opened a |e GOOD T LM Et |Horse Shoeing,. aL ZOO 6 ie -Meat Market in one of.C,B. CE bani coe The clocksinthie h tbe right of Hho houselieeperon1enterstreet,ec n.the home.mus or c can’t be 6x- :pected orekand have meals on ara,Then’the i 0economywearingoutyourpocketwithawatchtatyoucailependon,No,what youwant to dois to get peor watch or cluck repaired by BO 8 en 44h i 'oe ont ||Morcison’&Patter: Fresh meats of all kinds.‘We want to buy Pork and #clocks and.pectaclesand eye-gla eyfatCattle. 5254 near the depot: :iad bedi told sae HENRY whilehe is devoti to.re iaPHONE297angtiretimeto.repairing —and x.f ’ 4 Pe Beene enactedamet ere bBotHasband,With Aid of Cardi, |EffectsHerDeliverance.’ !ee \b 'f Draper,N.C.-Mrs.Helen Dalton,ofieGyeeantCodottenalntostsmother.todeath.|Med tched.for awhilbuttherPwouldwareRegain.Finale WEAR DEATH =| "BY SMOTHERING be Neier omen yc ROAD.Msg if ens Ppa 124 1 HNo,°weet-bou ue 10,06‘Bo,21 bound,due 3:25ound,due 10:26 y Am 6:45¥10.50 a i Fe P a r r er SH E E R E E E . 9,50,leaves 10.38.a,my,y »leaves 9.20'pm.m, 145 p. snot on Sunday. ly,my ‘husband(ed he wantedmeto|-try Cardui,.the weman’s tonic,so heboughtmeabottleandusingit.{tdid me mae good thanall the medi-i en,it I have induced many of my friendstryCasandtheytu8a!”they havebeenbyitsuse.There neverhasandneverwillbe,a.mtowithCardui.1 believe it is.a goog medicine for all womanly tro For over50years,Carduihasbeenre-lieving’woman’s sufferinweakwomenupto If you are a woman,giveita fair trial.{t stiogld surely help you,asit has amillionothers,;i |Geta bottle of Cardui to-day. Writ tp:Chattanooga,Medicine Co.Ladieymtnjinrcaveant04pagebook,“HorseforWomen,"in bainwrapper.D.C.136 —_—SEE—— The New Line of:Copy- righted Books atlBaeRP.ALLISON'SBookSTORE. and strength. DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN’TILE.on hand. Common,Brieks,FaceBricks,always ready fordelivery. Statesville Brick (Co. |MILLER.&BROWN... Haveteeopenei!their imarkef-on‘Front street and.will handle ‘all-kinds:of.fresh meats.“Hope alloldcustomerswillrememberus.>’ ~‘——&*PHONE.497. ‘C.WATKINS for “fiverything to Build With.”st FULL STOCK.-LOWEST,PRICES Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould- Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. ‘DIFFERENT FROM THE REST.| Reporter is a mighty live paper and it says theinereasedsize“ig wade necessary bythelargeamountofadvertisingbeinghandled.” began a meeting’\in Aghéville Sunday,| and building |‘,Wade Thankful He Read About Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.,: eea ‘Last week's issue of the Danbury as 20 es.The Reporter hae Dr.Chapman,the’noted evangelist; WILLISTON,WN G4MAN RESTOR:ED'TO HEALTH, Wonderful Remedy.. E.T.Wade of Williston,N.C.,wasthevictimofstomachdisorders.Hetriedmanyremediesandtookagreatdealofmedicineandtreatments.Re- lief seemed a long time coming. Then he found Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy,took adose—-and found.reliefat-once?He told his opinion of theremedyin:a Jetter in.which he said: “Your médicine has worked won- ders.I feel so much bétter.I am thankful to you,indeed,for advertis- ing your wonderful remedy,in,the pa-pers,as otherwise I might never have known of it.”babes 4Mayr’s-Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach,liverandintestinalailments..Kat.as muchandwhateveryoulike.“No more dis- tress after eating,pressure‘ef gas inthestomachand.aroviid—the—heart.Get one hottle of:your druggist now "|Moves Correspondence of The Landmiark,an | ‘ihess.conditions being betters ‘turingfulltime’and many of them, ae ————in to Hickory—Mr.Clark and the Farin. '>}Tig Troutman.Oct.19.—Mr.J.B. pard,one of the best citizens of A place,mmeyed his family to Hickorylastweek,where they will svend thewinterandalongertime.His otsons,Messrs.Leopold and Clyde,‘remain’‘here,to’operate the farMr,John.Little of Hickor y here last week. than ever before in.thegh te'town,Every little,manutag:|g.é¢oncern in the,city:is Po p Little,run day and night..The elieexportsare‘taters,;cream and)maltel.shelves.but besides these4 theymakeandshipoutabout.99 other articles.That’s where shed Shiites.A-riety and diversification «wi dency on the part of \€ ‘orya he .cifige! to hang together,has made “of Mum old Hickory one of the ‘sizzlingwires:of:the Piedmont belt..)0 =Mrs.’S.J.Cain,‘whe ¥ snending some.time here with herMr.H.E:Cain,leaves’today fort F ida where she will,spend the‘Mr.Jo,Clark,who has been’ing his’winters in Florida for sew oy! years,is to ‘temain on,his.fa 8, farm this winter.He is preparing put an-oil'tractor in those big fields ¢ his father’s next spring and to fas behind it the modern plows,harro and seeders.There are on the farm some fields of 50 acres clear [of stumps and runners.This will be an ideal place to try out.the propositi and young Clark is the propér bre to make the try out,. Mr.Paul and Miss Lois White,whi are in school at Linwood,are here f‘a visit home,ie Back From Florida—Stony PolitNews.se Correspondence.of.The Landmarké| Stony Point,Oct.19.—Rev,mi Gwaltney has been at Taylorsville’ at the.Baptist church there.4/4) Although Florida,is a very good place for people to go,old North Gar- olina is a:very good place..for_thet to return to.Mr.T.L.Watt,who re- antly went to Florida,has.already re- turned and now has a position with Messrs.J.M.Miller and:Watts.The also came along with Mr.Watt Mr. N.T.Summers,who has been in Flor- ida for some years.Whether he h experienced enough of Florida,or ex pects to return,we cannot.say,b anyhow.he found this a very go place to eome back to,nis and try it-on an absélute gnarantee —if not satisfactory money will be HYACINTHS, Bulbs TULIPS,IRIS..:>+ Palms,Dracaessas”and Pines. Begonias,Geraniums,Smilax.~ Cut,Flowers and Designs.Or-ders taken for Roses for later returned. NARCISSI, Ferns of Many Kinds. Sweet Pea Seed. delivery. FLORIST,«3;|356'West End Avenue.**‘ Come and see us in our newSe e ||erected. W.M.BARRINGER,|! ibeen with the army for some years. lnow at home visiting his parents, and Mrs.G.B.Halyburton. Mr.and.Mrs.N.F..Steele spe |Sunday at Turnersburg,visiting iSteele’s mother.In a very short ti |they expect to:occupy the new resi jdence which Mr.Steele.is havin This,when completed, iprobably be the most ideal home |Stony Point.It.is of brick vene lwill,be equipped with water and ihave ‘all’otHer “modern .convenienc \that.can“be supplied in a small pla Mr.and Mrs,T,,A.Summers Mr.Marsh Halyburton,who 4 Greenhouse. Sharpesburg spent Sunday in town,visiting Mrs.Summers’father,Mr.T. Pure Sourwood Honey ANDsaat"| Good,Graham,Flour. M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE O41. -jeight children—one son.and J.Hunter. Death of Mrs.Sloan and Mr. Dotiglass in Alexander. Correspondence of ‘The:Landmark.. Stony:Point;Oct.19.—Mrey'AmandaC.Sloan,widow of E.A:Sloan,diedatherhomeontheCheathamfordroad,about.three:miles©from —this place.in Alexander county,Saturday|morning at 3.o’clock,aged 79 years and seven.months)Funeral services/ were conducted at -the Methodist church here yesterday at 3 p.m.bythepastor,Rev.T..E.Wagg,and theintermentwasinStonyPoint.grave-|yard.Deceased was the mother of! seven past week-holding a révival meetimp |, the Mr. the theywh daughters—and is survived...by.six ‘Need not cost as ‘much’a: _you’may.have heard.jt would.fee me.for GO i A Kae : ——For Sale by—Vg Ter-McLain Supply Co. AND DYEING | '—'PHONE 147— ,Sloan Pressing Club. ' we Butter Wrappers! ,We have the very best«Parchment Butter Paper, >~and canprint your nameandbrandonsame._Let-us have your order for anyquantityyouwant.See.us.; ‘Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co. nr tf Coite L.Sherrill,M.D.,. a FOR-FINE CLEANING} ‘AMMONIATED WHEAT ©_FERTILIZER.aia muchlower"price than you would™*~think.:: Bone Meal in any quanti- ty for vegetables and ‘flow- eo NS FERTILIZER |daughters,a brother,Mr.J.W.Tem-| ‘pleton,and a.sister,.Mrs.Moore.)‘Mrs.Sloan.had.been very —deli-|eate for»several years —a vic-! itim of ‘rheumatism,Several day: ago she was taken suddenly was a well known and highly respcct=!ed lady and lived a Christian life,hav-|‘ing been a deniber-ofthe, jfuneral ‘and the floral tributes wer Mrs.Sloan was an aunt of Mr.W.) Statesville and an aunt by marriage: to the Sloan,boys in Statesville. ‘.N.BROWN. First-Class NURSERY STOCK! Home-grown—includ-ing all ‘varieties of fruits,grapes (Jamesandpeaeev-ergreens and shrub-bery and extra hiceroses.e| For information,-call ' < i Mrs.Cain Douglas,aged.some years,Was buried Saturday at Con-| cord Baptist church, county.Mr.T.°D.Elliott, with fever,is improving. Correspondence of The Landmark.: _Statesville,R-4,Oct.16 —Mr Geo.W.Fox was hostess to the.“V. BE.C.”girls Thursday~afternoon. Quite a pleasant afternoon was.spen!Tiin the usual way of fancy work and °commonplace chat..We were delight-ed to have as our guest’Mrs.B.Mur dock of Beckley,West Virginia,who is.the guest of Miss,Marietta Mur-dock.Mrs.W.W.Carter and’Mrs.Henry Johnston were ,also pleasan'guests of the afternoon.Appetizin:: refreshments were served by the 'W.H Crawford:&CoPHONE916X.— hostess;—assisted—by—her-—littte——son.Rail...Next.meeting.to be held.with Mrs.R.A.Lowery,on the 21st. “DR.B.C.TALLEY,-'VETERINARIAN,©Headquarters Statesville Drug Co. Friday evening,15th.Games.andotheramusementswereenjoyedawhile,‘then Mrs.B.Murdock ren-dered some beautiful piario selections,which were thoroughly.enjoyed.The reception hall.and.parlor.were beau-‘\tifully decorated.Miss : Will answer ’phone calls left“at Dr,Long’s Sanatorium or | eae phe 80;-“Residence “Phone 307 Black. ,Geo.M,Foard’s residence. DR.C.1..CRUSE |ys Veterinarian, ee sé |ety Ottice rear PolkGray Drug Co. r.Sale! Neu eda very charming hostess.Red 4 Tataceithton nttaaliplednaediabpcit 1°‘anotherountyafew|e accidental.ib ties | ill,and /§:fog ‘as 7a...|Some,-nights ago .acrewworsetilldeathclaimed‘her.She |founda snake on.the *siMatalin ront—of—the-Federal:-building, terday.morning there was:a dead |. nake onthe’street near the “People’s (=GO years.A large crowd attended the apa ahd Savini’Bakie Perish Stream. Sixteen are believed to have(Geis Heee when.ja Bassenger car of Jnion -Pacific Motor train plung-ed through a bridge inte a swollen in Alexander creek near Randolph,Kans., \day:Ten bodies were recovered Sat- who has been ill .urday night..was:raised the front.onfl dropped out, reying into the stream those bod- iés which the rescuers were unable to vPach the night before.ie find the bodies failed. ber is not known,but officials believe there were four the total deaths 15 to 17. son&were injured,some seriously. The wreck was Washing out of the abutment cf the bridge across the creek. of heavy rains the stream was run- ning bank full. not,give way but when the heaty car struck,the embankment it sunk,end down,into nine.feet of water andtwoorthreeofmud.There were two cars to the train,but broke:;;lobse and--remained’ “Church for swes C.Moore and Mr.C.B.Morrison of 60 (the abundant,;wx hedySixteen Miss Bona Carter delightfully en-trAcKerdepootertainedalargeniimberofher'*“Two Trouble-Makers.:friends at her home,Diamond Hill.Greenville Reflector.ere 'If there is anything that can cause for more trouble and mental anguish thanalinotype,,we should liketobeintroducedtoit. ald would introduce to the Reflec- tor the Cox-Duplex printing pregs.—ss.Carter prov-The Landmark.) |Cores Old’Sores,Other Remedies Won't Care The worst cases,no matter of how long standing,;‘the wonderful,old.reliable Dr.|Potter’s Antiseptic Hehling OilSs.|Pair sae Meals at the come time “At Glen Alpine Sunday afternoon .Largen,‘colored,jumped from a in,was caught under the wheels and}ith feet-were cut off.; yigorating to the Pale and SicklyiOld§' |aré cared b: Jo earner ere ee eae Nt mt PR-PUR-PERPERFECTION PER SMOKE L CAUGHT POSSUM IN TO Harold Yount Got Out of Auto to Make Chase. Motoring along Meeting street,be- tween Walnut and night about 9 o’clock, Yount,of the Carolina Motor Compa- ny,spied a nice fat.’posSum crossing street.Being “pot hunter”Mr: to bagging a.’posSum,even if it was on a city street and on .a..Sundaynight,so he immediately.stopped ‘his machine,leaped out and made a dive for the game.a good chase,running along Meeting to Broad street. pavement of Broad.street made a bee line for the public square, but.Mr.Yount caught him before he j had gone a half block.Picking the,possum up by his tail,|Mr...Yount carried it to his machine and dropped it into the tool box.Atthegarageyesterdayhegotseveral ‘ood laughs by sending members of he farage.force to the tool box of fepactin afterwhich‘he wanted repaired.But the discovery of the ’possum’in.the tool box resulted in the “inner.tube”maining there.Mr.Yount is fearful of.being “took | up in the church”as a result of the eapture of the ’possum,Just as he won out in the chase Sunday _night the parson passed along and threat- nned to have him expelled from:the ehureh for “hunting on Sunday.”There seems.to be something veryinttractiveaboutStatesvillé’s business|, istriet:for wild varmints.recently. setaeatpettNeti o--ovg-rwaehonts semegemeecteinei eerie ere eer ATouch of a Match Br Touch’a match.In five min-utes the Perfection SmokelessOilHeaterisspreadingcomfort and warmth. The Perfection keeps any room SeeyPe ee a, ings a Touchof 5p chill-free and cosy.Pick it up— and take it wherever you want extra’heat.Light carried.Smokeless and odorless. Ten hours glowing a gallon of kerosene Sold in many stylesand sizes at all hardware and general stores. Highest Award at Panama-Pacific Exposition. Look for the Triangle Trademark.¢ Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to secure best results in Oil Stoves,Lanips and Heaters, STANDARD OIL:CO.BALTIMORE Washingtoa,D.C,Norfolk,Va. 2 i iwN.| Sunday Harold Broad, Mr. somewhat of a ‘count didn’t object Br’er ’Possum put up When he_reachedhe an “inner tube” Charlotte,N.C, ;Charleston,W.Va.Va,Charleston,8.C. The.appearance of any flour—-whether:a a it is white or dark—depends..on hows;a4 “wellit i8 cleaned ‘before it is milled.sme ferSHESTATESVILLEFLOURMILLS.:*—§ -CO.has a mostelaborate’process of».©J ,cleaning wheat and the appearance Of to 'dts flour is bound to be good.Fronahiee Give it a trial and you will bepleased»J of Spring reone vot bade 8 hoeandedsily warmth onOil,"Ae 7 Soe OIEPeVpone ESS Re ote pe eratAthi ao a 5 wal 4 ey RS 4 1a Statesville Flour Mills Company. re- Hunch of.boys and - in Swollen Jost Satur- Sunday’when the car All.efforts The num- and probably °six, Forty per- caused by .the As a result The bridge itself did the The An éspecially strong drill that will distribute any kind ofgrain,and'will put in your fertilizer like you:wantit. One of the redeeming features of this drill is that you do ~not have to continually buy repairs to keep it up.It ig built for service.5,ee es We have a low cash price on'this drill butifyou are pay cash we can make you ber Foner :ardware Cont : not in position toatahigherprice.~t/Lazenby-Montgomery 4 Hoosie r Grain ¥ very much>Helps YourTinchy aoe idee pete Chance eres TiN Res:Rha bs te en oe aiid de It relieves“He.he,$1.00, teneral strengtheningScFONTCdeicu te a poemdaptsy’ Sa *1 Hundreds'of thousands are being killed by the Epropean war andthousandsintthiscountryarebeingskilledbyuncleanandinpurémilk,You'can’t stop what the war isdoing but you can help tials’ °|chance of yourself and family to live if you will use milk.fromPAINEVIEWDAIRY—delivered to youcoveredwiththeDACROCROWN. {.THE PAINE VIEW DAIRY is supcialandaidshealth.Why and howfromtimeto.time.iis1"Phone $47 Black,PAINE: pipebsftY,ct lying the milk that ig benexplaihe view DAIRY,the dairy:wipureandclon.initk delivered in DACRO BOTTLES, a eae* does it will be e ¢ Me a ccnnrmomncimorsamaniateanslne esrDMARK “@DITOR AND OWNER. RICE,FIXING FIXED, ,attempt to fix prices and pre- e-tutting,which is a form of thnet iin restraint of trade,is:more éommon than is generally supposed. A yecent instance ‘in-Charlotte:A locadgarage had been buying gasoline from.Yhe’Gulf!Refining.Company at 45.1-2 cents wholesale.The prevail- ing retail price was 17 1-2 cents.This particular.garage cut the retail price te 161-2 cents,.Other garages com- plainéd ard’the intimation was that they would cease to buy gasoline from the Gulf company unless the price- eutter.was‘disciplined..The Gulf people notified the offending ‘garage that ‘unless it put the retail price back to 17 1-2 they would charge it that figure for gasoline wholesale,thus ‘forcing it to sell at 17 1-2 without ‘profit.The garage folks got a with lawyers and notified the Gulf cbmpany to go ahead.The Gulf folks haw something coming and’got off their high horse.The garage was)no- tified that it could get all the gasoline wanted ‘at the old price and could sell it,at its.own,price.Nat hibit-ptice-fixing by manufacturers ~and-Wwholesale concerns but theF at law also.Only a few days ago Federal court’permanently enjoined he Kellogg company of Battle Creek, ich.,’from fixing the price of its products:4 +_#fhe®county commissioners have 'ddnexwell ‘to,adopta definite plan for road upkeep in Iredell.That is the most important problem in the county soto so takeicare of our roads that we will continue to get,through the years,the full benefit of the half.mil- inp.dollars xpended in building them. ,to have a defi- "plan for this important work in- stead ofdepending on.haphazard meth- -ods,but it is necessary to have one man‘in charge of the work who wilt ;bé.responsible for it—see that it is erly‘done and that-the county re- ives full!value for.every,dollar ex- jesided.“It may be said that a higher- Pricedman than is necessaryhas ‘been smployed_as supervisor;but if En- rineer Roach shows results—if he keeps the toad’.in good repair at reas- onable cost,‘as his experience and ca- matity warrants+there will be no rea- son’to compiain of his salary.One who knows how can save much in hay- ihgwork dorie.He doesn’t have toade:ei SS)|eTT.,: ¢‘The’ignorant are always game for those,who haye.no scruples about tak- iie-advaritage of.ignorance.That proposed’suit,to’collect $68,000,000 the United States Treasury for cotton produced by slaved during the warjof.the 60s {#evidently a scheme of somebody to collect a lot of money _outypf the ignorant colored people by ding ‘themtobelieve that alot of, ey:is comingto them.‘The sameameisoftehworkedonwhitepeo- only does the State law pro-|~ af nearer~:iee ¥tFROM.OVER THE.COUNTRY. Items of Interest About VariousSes)Matters, "|:An 8-months-old Holstein“calf sold t Gortland,N.Y.,for $10,800. ‘North.Texas and South /Oklahoma\bave suffered great loss.from floSaturday.night and’Sunday. Lynn Matthews,chief ef police ofGalesburg,Ill.,.was ‘shot and killedndaynightwhile’leading a raid onanegro.gambling;house.:: Seven days after her.mysterious disappearance from Norfolk,‘with sixGerman-officers from the internedcruiseaboard,the fate of the missingyachtEclipseisamystery. Provisions of the cotton:futuresact,held unconstitutional by UnitedStatesJudgeHoughinNew.York,will be enforced;pending’the’:finaldécisionoftheSupremeCourtofthe United States.ms More than 2,500 delegates,repre-senting 47railroads and 150 other in-dustries,are expected to’attend thesessionoftheNationalSafetyCoun-cil,which will begin in.Philadelphiatodayandcontinuethreedays.,Sir Lionel Carden,British ministertoMexicofrom1913until:August,1914,when he was forced’to leaveMexicoCity.by General Carranza af-ter the overthrow of President Huer- ta,died in Lendon Saturday. Five persons were burned to deathandthreeinjuredinafirein,a five-story tenement house in New”YorkcitySunday.The injured and remain-ing members of -eight families -were rescued by police and firemen. President Wilson has appointed William Holt Gale,of.Virginia,con- sul general at Munich,Germany,insucgessiontoT.St.John.Gaffney, whose resignation was brought about by-his strong pro-German utterances. Four.men ‘were:killed and four hurt in an explosion in the new by-product plant of the Tennessee Coal,Tron‘and~Railroad“Company-field,Ala.,Friday night.The ex- plosion was in a gas.main leadingintothebenzolplant. Preparations are under way in Ger- many for an aggressive trade’cam-ipaign in South America after the war,accordingto a rt of the AmericanAssociationofmetce-and TradeinBerlin.Better wait till they see“where they’re at after the war.” The Attorney General of-TennesseehasbroughtsuitatMemphis,.underthe.provision of the ouster:law,tooustfromofficethesheriffofShelby county,the mayor,vice mayor,fire and police commissioner,city judgeandinspector-of police of Memphis i failure to enforce the prohibition BWe ek : In a.pubdlic address in England.Gen.Swayne,director of rectuiting,saidGreatBritain.would need 3,000,000menbynext--spring.-Gen.~Swayneestimatedthat-Germany still has be-tween.9,000,000 and .10,000,000 ‘men’from the ages of 18 to 45:and that:itis:useless to talk-about wearisg:Ger- many out. Gov.Stuart of Virginia*has order- ed that the will of,Martha Washing-ton.recently returned to Virginia byJ.Pierpont Morgan,be given into thecustodyofFairfaxcounty,Va.,fromwhich’it.was stolen during the CivilWar.Morgan asked that it be placedatMt.Vernon and offered to build avaultforitspreservation.' Resolutions protesting against themassacresbythe-Turks of the Armen-ian inhabitants of Turkey,were.pass-ed at a mass-meeting in’New.YorkSundayundertheauspicesofthe American.Committee on ArmenianAtrocities..Prominent .representa- tives of Catholic,Protestant and Jew-ish organizations were present.; It is announced that.the Italian gov-ernment has arranged’to place an is-sue of $25,000,000 one-year notes intheUnitedStates.This will be thefirstdirectloannegotiatedherebyItalysince.the war began and it willbeusedinpaymentoftheheavypur- chases of ‘war and general suppliesthatgovernmentismakinginthis country.;oe .-John._L,.Casper,N.C. | alleged head of the‘|so-ealled “moonshine”whiskey con- RATERER TATETI ELIT - \The appointment of a lady as as- (sistant superintendent of schools and Supervisor of home demonstration workin the county is another forward ‘stepin Irédell’s progress.Miss Hen-kel will render valuable assistance to Supt.Gray in the school work,but es- pecially important will be her duties. with the tomato clubs,the betterment associations and home economics gen- erally.Thete is'a great field for this class of work and The Landmark ex- ts to'se@ good results from it inIredell,oon enermemmenneert.The Winter Chautauqua Course de- serves well of Statesville people and those who are lending their efforts to ~give the home “folks high-class sand uplifting |entertainment should have their hands upheld a ‘most dapger when the row is on. ‘The,newspaper’man killed in the rleston*shooting had no “part:in disturbance ‘and was trying to getf.the way when he met death.tHD rver may,if it will look,see ’s moon in all-its glory this. spiracy,and ‘a dozen or more distil-lers and former government employes,charged with having defrauded thegovernmentoutofmanythousanddol-lars of:internal revenue,were.expect-ed to go on trial at Fort Smith,Ark., yesterday.. After shooting at his ‘son-in-law,who attempted to interfere,Louis F.Wade shot-and killed his wife atQceanSprings,Miss.;and then com-mitted suicide.He was on a businessvisittohisformerhome’in.MichiganwhenhelearnedthatMrs.Wade hadfiled.suit for divorce.The latter an-ticipated trouble and had asked po-lice protection when her husband re-turned home,:iY as Secretary of the Navy Daniels hasorderedthetrialbycourtmartialofRearAdmiralWilliamN.Little,re- tired,on “charges ‘involving neglectandcareless.methods in the conductofhisdutieswhileinspectorofma-chinery at the Fore River Shipbuild-| ing Company,Quincey,Mass.,in.con-|nection with the constraction of the|submarine U.8.K-2.”The court will ods|+—-are deflaring war ‘0 ~at-Fair-| formerly.of.Win-| GOING AFTER BU4 n England gave notice France Saturday.‘Bulgaria said she hadi*no quarrel with England but that country will not have it sa.> .The summary of th war zone says thousands,of Anelo- French troops,who landed at , iki.are en route to form a j with the Serbians or take ut strateg- ic‘positions against the Bulgarian advance.,\d a A late dispatch from Malta,~the British naval station in the Mediter, ranean,nredicts that the Entente al- lies in the next few days will send strong new forces to Saloniki for op- erations against the Teutons and’Bul- varians.’Hard vressed onthe Qave- Danube front by Austro -Germantroopsestimatedat280,000 men. fighting at various points to ¢heck the Bulgarians,the Serhians are anx- iously awaiting Anglo-French assist- ance,jTheBritish,French and Serbia:have *joined forces and are attacking the Bulgarian town we 'by wav ofingfromSalonikiTheoperations.arenatchesAthens, add that the fall of-Strumitsa is im- minent.,Anglo -Frenchforces,justaboutthetimeoftheoutbreak,ofhostilitiesbetweenSerbiaandBul- garia.were hurried northward from Saloniki to Gievgeli.which is direct- lv south of Strumitsa.Apparently they are carrying out the previous reported plan of invading Bulgaria, in addition to ©assisting.Serbia holding back the Bulgarians. Italian participation in the Ba campaign apparently is no n : than at the beginning of hostilities, -put-the-Italians-on-the.Austrian fron- tier have displayed renewed.activand,”according’to the -Italian officicommunication,“by abold and -avell conducted:operation,took.by storm the strong position of Pregasina,’ This is an imnortant.strategic’pol near Lake Garda and its captuwaseffectedonlyaftertheheavie: fighting.The operation.permit the Italians to take up strong posi+ tions on the surrounding heights.| In the western theater important operations have been in progress in Lorraine and the Vosges mountains; and it is probable also that the alliedwarshipshave’been bombarding the Belgian coast.BecIntheeasttheGerman,offensive operations are being confined chieflytotheRigaandDvinskdistricts.Ber- lin reports some advances.On.theremainderofthe.Russian front theoffensiveapparently.is “in the handsoftheRussiancommanders.The Ger-mans everywhere ae showing signsofpreparationsfor.the winter cam ‘paign.in.that a at Bie _At.Wilmington the parents of InaLynch,a pretty 17-year-old _girl,wanted her to marry J.T.Millikan,a cripple,50.years old.The’license was procured and a minister,summon- éd,notwithstanding the girl’s ,pro- test.The minister refused to perform the ceremony:and later a magistrate was called,the girl’s father insisting on the marriage.By this time,the, neighbors had learned of.the situa- tion and they went to the girl’s res- cue and stopped proceedings. LANCERLAERATNSROLEITTIT:RT 5fMe;iaggre J.R.*Tingen,an aged citizen ofPersoncounty,committed suicidefewdaysagobyshootinghimseHadbeenmentallyunbalanced?fo some time and had —previously @ tempted suicide. HOW'S.THIS?osWeofferOneHundred”Dollars he:Bat be cated ber tile Cararth Cure:iv 8 oeicEY&CO,.Toledo:*Q;*F.J.CHENEWstheundetsigned,hive known _¥.J.eney for the last 15 ears,andbelievehiperfectlyhonorableinailusinesstransactionsandfinanciallyabletocarryhasanyobligationsmade’by his firm,Walding,Kinnan &Marvin,~.Wholegale Druggists,Toledo,’O.’”*Catarrh C mucous surfacesnialssentfree.of the system.Testimo"Toe.per bottle.by_all:Dru .Says“Mall's Family Pite for e-nstipatt Entente Powers After That)Assurance of Correct Styl Country—War Zone News,|.i Ae eee we ! Bulgaria having ‘declared war on Serbia,the Entente powers —Eng:|i land,Russia,France and the others Friday.and e@ news of the|i Balgn- in the Balkans} of Strumitsa,according to latest dis-| conducted vigorously and the adv cen .tand bowelsRiviowamiserable moment.Don’t for- me[need ‘Hall's.Cure {s:.taken-=ely,acting directly‘tipon.thé ‘blood “and:’ aaerrsat ast yrneepvor / New —Suit Arrivals-Daily Keep Our Stock 4 Complete.he + You will always find ‘our Y showing |complefe.,All ||the wanted fabrics in.all I.the wanted colors and ‘sizes.All the novelty’ef- "fects that ean’t help pleas- _ing you. Suits.Priced From $12.50 to $45.00. i ( PARCEL PAID A Finish Makes This Store First With the Discriminating Shopper. With the now complete stocks for,fall ‘and winter awaitingyourinspectioninalldepartmentsyselectionmadeeasy. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company, e,Highiést Quality and |ou will find yo tte ur every Bike eae” }NewPrettyVelvetCoatsfortheLittleTots$3.50 to 197.50.;‘hoa |We have made exceptionaleffortthisseasontohavethisline‘most eomprehen- sive,shown in plain andPnoveltyeffectsbeautifully}trimmed and finished,sizes2to6years. “Mar Har” Middie :Dresses.. The most popular dress forschool:wear,Colors Navy and Black,sizes 10 to 20, $7.50,$10.00,$16.50, $20.00. T Fall Silks ,Here.. |In every wanted shade andcolor,and most complete-mid-season showing.. Crepe de Chine,all colors,-40 inches wide,$1.00 and$1.50 yard. Crepe Meteor,Black,Pink,a Blue,White,40incheswide,#2.00.yard. Georgette Crepe,all colors, 40 inches wide,$1,50 yard, Pussy Willow Taffeta,allwantedcolors,40 inches,$1.25 yard.< Are” *t Store of Quality and Service. -<About 50 cases of ptomaine:poison-ing of Oxford and Granville county people occurred last week as a result of spoiled food sold at the booths of the Granville county fair.No fatali-ties.}‘Benjamin Millikan,father of J.M.Millikan,clerk of the United StatescourtatGreensboroaudformerUnit-ed States marshal,is déad at his homejnRandolphcounty,aged.84. R.W.Haywood,managing ‘editoroftheRaleighNewsandObserver,was knocked down by an automobilein.Raleigh Saturday afternoon and painfully hurt.. “CASCARETS”FORA COLD,BAD BREATH OR SICKHEADACHE! Best For Liver and Bowels,For Biliousness,Sour Stomach and Constipation! Get a 10-cent box now. Furred.Tongue,Bad Colds,Indiges- tion,~Sallow-Skin ard ©Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver. dhd clogged _bowels,J your.stomach to become filled with} undigested food,which sours and.fer- ments like garbage in a swill barrel. That’s the first step to untold misery —zindigestion,foul gases,bad breath, yellow skin,mental fears,everything { ight ‘will give your con-els a thorough cleansingCagedrettonstipatedbow ‘They work while you sleep—a 10-cent ox from your druggist will keep you ing good for months.Millions of pn and women take a Cascaret nowind’then to keep their stomach,liver regulated,‘and never the children—their little insides a good,gentle cleansing,too.' [DEITZ &PATTERSON |Praétical Blacksmiths and Horse|Shoers.-Rubber Tiring and Hot pre rT which ‘causé} that is horrible and nauseating.A}! and straightenyou out by morning.|! [A HONEY BEE | Makes20,000 ‘trips,’‘averaging half mile ~ each,to co!lect cne pound of honey.* A pound of honey represents travel of 10,000 miles.The honey produced in this country feprese::ts travel of twotrillion miles by the little bees—or a million round trips to the moon. The honey crop annually is worth twenty million dollars, Don’t ibe discouraged ‘by the seertiig smallness of your >Savings Account. The bees earn the twenty millions merely bykeepingatit.Don’t forget that we pay 4 per cent in- ‘terest.on Savings Accounts. wt beat Merchants and Farmers’Bank, _Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.”’ =ceeee “OUR REPAIR SHOP IS COMPLETE {If your-car is not working as it should bring it to us and we will ‘correct the troublé.— -J We have’placed a car in livery service and can take you there and :|Special facilities for washing and:storing cars.-bring you back at reasonable rates,© '*-§.Complete line of.accessories on hand at ali times: ey Tire.Shrinking.General,Repa'it Painting,vote.hop rear of EES AETE meenaslh Donse ni Ort.* _lightness adds to t_a stout,staun assemble at Boston. Three women lost their livés andoneotherwagseriouslyburnedSatur-day in a fire which swept the offices of the Mutual Film Corporation on thesecondfloorofan:office building in Atlanta.Explosion of an electric fuse in a room where picture filnis werebeingpreparedforshipmentis—be- lieved to have started the blaze,Oth- from the fire and by jumping.ee‘This Law Not Necessary Here. ig8e6 wagoners,whose nambs »are alleged to haveLeeAllen,a farmer across the Georgia line, were,at last account,inEeuitofthemenchargedwiththe Mz rebville,Unionwrsdaynight.|cough,he about atelynd Friday| Monroe Enquirer. A new law just passed in Englandprohibitstreatingtointoxicatingdrinks.In North Carolina where two|quarts every 30 days is the allowance,|they do not give it away to anyalarm.|ing extent. || Recommends Chamberlain's Cough“Last winter 1:used a bottle of Camellain's Cough Remedy for a<bad bronchae“s ”a effect im‘ore fini jcured.»I nev ine at ecantateineeH. ai layne,Ind, = one as well. ‘Statesville “S -MOTOR CAR Mu:;A car capable of ;ng five people in, caNainous comfre Cee : The body is builtof steel ‘with the usual useless framework entirely eliminated. +A light carwith,all.the,advantage.that ch,stro BROTHERS |} owerful motor—butg'caY anda ‘steady. otor Com’y.WFIRST..8(PHONE 140,.Me TK.Morrison Grocery&Produce}Co.“Oct 19—8t. > _STATESVILLE.MOTOR.-GO;;--|— ASK US >:“QUALITY FIRST."-.PHONE seed: eb itt BARR ESOT OBR ROP ERE TEEN TEX TE EN EE aE Ee on a) “Ideal”FirelessCookstovesa * O 2 SU R O UR O L EO RU E OR E ) PE C wa t e r St e e ri t e Sr e e ai e Ws On e We i r Se t e We e SE E — RO R a en o FACTS WORTHY O SIDE The “IDEAL.”is the only Fireless Cooker made with er,employes sustained ‘minor injuries|—— used aboutAlsofullline In stock. STATESVILLE T IN _Evolution17HCENTURYcHicKER 8TH CENTURY‘A9THOGE We havein stock Well Buckets made ubucket.-Any size or weight’ STOVE PIPE!in any size;No’black fronStovePipemadetoorder. .,H.C.Mohler,Manager.114 East BroadStreet.: > co OO O the waterseal-top.~This feature is protected by U.BS.patent.~The “Ideal”will Roast,Steam,’Stew,&Bake and Boil perfectly,bécause no heat can escape '®from the water seal-top,.aEachcompartmentislinedwithpureseamless.@aluminum.It is easy to clean,and easy to keep‘clean,The ‘‘Ideal”will save 80 per cent of your |fuel.If you would know more about’the ‘merits ofthe“Ideal”write,’phoné or call on Crawford-Bunch Furniture.Company. ii ¥ rte ee "420 WEST BROAD STREET. TELEPHONE NO.14. TUESDAY,October 19,1916. 4,GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG.|: .Personal Meation¢of People and{:Their Movements. Mrs.T.D,’Webb returned Frida*from Philadelphia,where she spent.three weeks with her ‘sister-in-law,rs.SN,Tes.Mrs.W.A.Colvert of East MonboandMissLauraTurnerandMr.E.G.Gaither visited the McDowell dounty.fair at Marion last week,Mr.J..L.Reid of Cool Spring town-ship left Statesville Friday afternoonfor‘Norwood,to spend a few days on.business.:Mrs.J.Y.Foard and little son,Mas-j ter Carson,returned ny,ae‘oard’+a three days’visit to Mrs.home people at Cleveland.Mrs,H.Tomlin:and little son,W.HyJr,who spent two weeks withrelativesinConcordwhileMr.Tom- Phin uae pwn -abusiness trip,have irs,T.C.Biyebe and little daugh-vie J of Pottsville,Ark.,are.here7ona&visit to Mrs.Bryson’s parents,| ‘ \4 Mr.Mrs.C,L.Poston.ioe “and Mrs.B.R.Hix and littledaugh';Julia Neil,who.visited Mr.ix’s mother,Mrs.J.A.Hix,at Tur-gin ,have returned to their home “in High Point.“Miss Winona Leonard of CatawbalisheretospendseveralweekswithMrs.H.L.Troutman,on Park street. u Mrs.R.W.Orr and daughter,MissElizabeth,are spending a.week with‘Mrs.C.M.Richards at Davidson. ‘Miss Virginia Carter,a student of Statesville Female College,who re- cently’underwent an operation for ‘appendicitis,left Saturday for her‘home at Happy Valley,Caldwell coun-ty,where she.will spend a few weeks|vwhile recuperating.She was accom-pasgh -mother,who had been}.re withMrs.T.re“Moose and baby,Sarah pLouise,arrived in Satesville Saturday ~GRIMIISED PiPRESIDENT. |Belectic Book Club Ladies Con- -demn Mr.Wilson’s Early Sec-|Shearer-ond Marriage-—Chuib Msehigeni and Receptions ; The Weceeee club met Friday af-ifo lowing programme was ren léredt | avente Stimpson,|Piano DuetternoanwithMrs.’ ‘Recital at the College.’ The recital given»by’ieepilg ‘of themusicdeentofthecollege,in|all Saturday afternoon,was|njoyed by the audience,and theyoung|adies taking part in the recital,pantie themselves admirably.e | x Beeswax, 4 | MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterday|for produce on the local Spring Chieken,lle.per Ib.Roosters,be.per Ib.Kegs,22e,per dozen. “utter,16e per Ib.~ 26e,Green Hides,13.1-2e.per Ib.Hams,20c,per tb, market, per Ib. er home on Walnut street.“Man/Aileen Terry,Ruth Foard.Sides,14e.per Ib,pe Machines”ui the subject |"Solo a ip 7flat.Shoulders,»14e¢,per ,blarySprars,Red Hf 10e,Ib. ee ‘the afternoon aad Mrs...C..M.|Piane Solo--On,the Lake.‘>fork |Sourinpads tetany Coca,18¢,per Ib.Steele was programme leader.Recent| inventions were discussed ‘hySteeleandothers,after which the |hostess served a salad course,grapes)and iced drinks.The reception given by Mrs.W.F.|Hall Thursday.evening at her home on Race street,complimentary to thefacultvandstudent‘body of States-ville Female College,was.a socialeventofunusualinterest.The guests were limited to the.members of the faculty,the boarding students andallmembersoftheseniorclass,in-| cludigg local seniors.The guests weremetattherbyMrs.M:R,Adams,who ‘directed.them to the.receiving line in the parlor,which was com-nosed of the hostess.Mrs.J.M.Moore,|’Mrs.J.L.Cully and Mrs.J.A.Scott. Serving punch in the rear hall wereMrs.J.Henry Hall and Mrs.W.M. Barringer and receiving in.the dining room.were Mrs.E.°B.Watts.Mrs.J. A.Brady and.Mrs.&H.Hill.Block ‘eream,nabiscoes,maccaroons and mints were served by Misses Ada Beil Barringer,Louise Brady,Lily Helper and Agnes Moore.Mrs.R.E.Clapp was in charge of a register in whichtheguestsregisteredtheir‘ames.‘The house was made very attractive by many cut flowers:in-the decora- tions.The hall and parlor were in white and pink,.white chrysanthe-| mums.and white and pink dahlias car- rving out the color scheme.Nastur-tiums was the leadtag fléwer in the dining room.Japanese mats were used on the dining table and in the center was a large.basket of nas-} turtiums with a large bow of maline! to’match.The members of the Eclectic Book. club and a few other guests were en- ‘tertained Wednesday afternoon by Miss| Loula Campbell at her home on Race|street.The club.prpgramme was.-a| discussion of current’events,led by; ‘from Salish for a visit to.home They will-go from here to; -charge of a store.*.Miss Hattie Sloan spent from Sat- ““urday to yesterday at Huntersville. Miss Elinor Reid of the college fac-| salty spent Sunday at her home in|‘Gastonia..Mr,J.L.Shepherd visited his son,|sMr.Fred.Shepherd,in Concord,Sat-| wurday and Sunday.| Miss Eulalia McLelland of Loray'jeft Saturday for Old Fort to begin)ther work as teacher in the graded|‘s¢chool there..--.*Mr.J.L,Sloan is at home from,Battle Creek,Mich. PB Miss Mary Crater,who is seachtui|Huntersville,was at home Sun-| ie Steele went tbCharlotte| ™ esterday to spend two weeks with!~he C.Lowe. *‘H..A.Padgett spent Sunday}sh his unele,Mr.A.W.Padgett,at|Old Fort,returning yesterday.*Mr W.C.Hicks and family of At-Yanta.Ga.,are visiting at the home of ‘Mr.Hicks’brother,Mr.C.T.Hicks,son east Broad street,Mrs.E,M.Brandon and little son, E.M.,Jr.,of Asheville,and Mrs»A.M.Coxe of Charlotte are visiting |;Mrs.J.D..Cox and aa Mrs.Ha-gins,on Bost stree‘Mr.R.Hy.Richey left last.,night~for core S.C...to join Mrs.Rich-|sey,who has-been visiting homepeople |'there for two or three weeks.i (Miss Anne .Bell:Walton returnedtyesterdayfromavisittoheraunt.Mrs.T.E.Bond,in Baltimore,and her.friend,ie Izzard,in Richmond.‘Mrs.C.°B.Webb is-visiting herdaughter,Mes.L.¢.Ashergft,in Ral- eigh.: Notice of NewAdvertisements. Ex rienced bookkeeper wants po-th Address Box:371,baat next week.-:-Tenant wanted for farm,—E..D. "Brady.The.DavisMillswill pay $1.35,for wheat in the ‘rough.Furnished cottage or rooms want-Address |X R,.care The’Land- Y dopottanity to buy house— Isidore Wallace.»Six-room house:for less than cost.oman Campbell,Monticello,Fla.E:Senn will be back this week.yt‘L.Martelle wants room for lighthousekeeping.:Notice to ‘creditors of:Piedmont|Biardwood ©gest erpath yet in coat suits.ajebheton-Belk CCo.ideal te cookSROvOr_—Craw- ‘fo d-Bunch Furniture Co x honey bee.—Merchants &Farm- ers’‘Bank.i Repair shop complete.—Statesville ed Co.e’Bros.Motor cars,7 States- anes otor Go.‘Well buckets'and’stove pipe._ ‘Statesville Tin Co.Evolution of a name.—C.Watkins:|i Fire with the discriminating1r.—-Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.You can cut coal expensé.—States-“ple Ice &Fuel Co.+Deitz &Patterson have moved.Fresh stock arriving—Eagle Milholiand.You can save seeMr.Farmer. mperial Cotton Oil Co»At the Crescent this Week.4 The Robert Rabe Cash Grocery.Gompany.Traction éigine wanted.—Carr.W. Shook,Elmwood. ;‘When ama Has the Croup.{when a mother.is awakened from bound‘sleep to find her child who hasgone to bedparentlyin-the best of health struggling‘breath,she is naturally alarmed.Yet ifkeepher.presence of mind and giveamberlain’s’Cough Remedy every ten min+until vomiting is produced,quick relief‘Wail follow and the child will drop to sleep|!bh awaken in the morning ‘na.well as .ever. ae & : shop:path:he:home’ lis the trouble?” Mrs.,C.V.Henkel,and papers on Pan-| |American subjects by Mrs.R.B.Mc-} ‘One of the current events discussed| iby the ladies was the announcement of ithe engagement of.President Wilson | and Mrs.Galt,and it is understood; that some of them were rather strong} in their criticism of the President.It; is all right for him to marry a second} time,it was argued,but he should’ |have waited a little longer out of re-; of his first wife.|| It was also.the opinion of some of the! ladies that it might be seen later|ithat it was not .“the...President’sidaughters”mateh.”| A discussion of:the’club’s winter| programme occupied the time of the, Entre Nous ladies‘at their meeting!held_with!Miss:Elyy pie Friday,afternoon.‘The club make} a study of American literature. jhostess served a salad course.|Mrs,F.A.Carpenter gave a Civic | League party Thursday ‘afternoon at) her home on Davie avenue,as_her’“Jink in the chain.”After a season) of sewing the guests enjoyed refresh-| ments consisting of:frujt salad,cof-|fee and mints.The contributions to;the ‘League amounted to an even del- lar,| A Marriage. Mr.Martin Lewis Love-sof the’Statesville Gas Light &Fitel’Compa-| iny,and Miss Flossie Sherrill,daugh-|ter off Mr.A.A.Sherrill,;*were mar-|ried Saturday afternoon “at the home| of Mr.and Mrs.John Sharpe on west, Front street.The eee was per-|formed by Rev.J.F.It was; the purpose of the wean "people to: keep their marriage.secret until the! latter part of this week,when they. -{will go on,theit wedding trip.. Married in.High Point. Correspondence of ‘The Landivark.ar aca A wedding of much,interest was | si turday:afternoon-in:High,+Point when Miss Sarah E.Hill;daugh-!ter of Mr:-and Mrs.E.C..Hill;became} of Mr.and Mrs.M.S.-Hedrick of the |vicinity of Statesville._Miss Hill is;a most charming young lady and has the |best wishes of her.many friends.Mr.|Hedrick is.a young:mpart-of sterlingqualitiesandhasmadé*many friendsinHighPointwho’wish them happi- ness and much success...The will make their home m High Point.-- Turnersburg News. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Turnersburg,Oct.19 —After aspell‘of.verv cool weather and sev- eral good killing frosts,we are again having a warm sfell of.weather and good deal of rain.Rev.Ovid Pullin has ddhamanced a series of meetings at.Tabor church.beginning last Sabbath morning andwillcontinuethroughthisweek. I have been informed that Mr.Wal- ter Privett ‘will ‘open up a Sabbath school at.Hebron.church.Mr.‘Priv- ett.will have.ere of this school.as uperintende’.Mr.J ot.MMecHargte spent last Sab- eople.—Next Sabbath is .the regular a- pointment at Turnersburg ~church: The pastor,Rev.P..H.Brittain,will t preach,There is an epidemic of.sore mouths vrevailing throughout.this-‘section, in,a very bad stage.‘Why so many have sore lips and ‘what caused it we a vf :ie°Yro hear.it said,“In ‘Tnooehtthey dtntenvillo’‘Air Line rail- road was going’te prepare and lay track)as,far as they had gone.What‘neys ee living in ho of seeing this work complet- ed.oat for one think that it would be a business move if this road wat equipped ready for rolling stock.It Mrs;Piano The|=e the bride of Mr.J.Cady Hiedrick.son } Virginia Steele.|Fise ‘er.| ), Solo--Wayside Rosebud.Mildred Wallace,|Piano Solo---Minuet.Mozart-Schul odfsr Pi low Deneeof AeBl He"iano.o--Danee of the Elves,Taps.CoeMary‘Thome.||Cora (ee:Vocal Solo-—Stars Brightly Shining.Bi |.Ruth.Harris.Piano Selo—Valse Gracteuse.~Yr'*>Dann Fe.Margaret Bra nad 7 |Piano Solo-—March of the Mary HolSolo—-Fair Ellen.amd:Pahoa.|Piano Grain, The following prices were paid deatendiay'|grain on the local market:Wheat,$1.25 per bushel. $1 per bushel.0c.per bushel,Oats,55¢.per bushel. Statesville Cctian Market.‘On ‘the local market yesterday 12 1-2¢,per |ir }pound was paid for best,grade cotton.Segd cotton,6.10,‘otton seed,60c.per bushel,¥| Linda Barings;»W.E.SENN will be Back this week to finish |Piano Solo—Butterfly,|Mer |. i LetitiaWiseman..*[fis;work,ee ee 9 WePianoSolo-oo 5 Bone.sak Ji)Merkel.[POR RENT—Seven-room house on Tradd|1 ar.a at,Piano Solo—Polonaise.Chopin.A meen MG!Bea A Oe,GEDusDuct:Florence Armfield.FOR “RENT—Cottage close in.Lights andseMarySpratt,May Maxwell.reer R. P,ALLISON.Oct..5 ;bes To Drive Out Malaria ;|with. TASTELESS chill TONIC.You |OLD NEWSPAPERS —All 10c.a hundred._Worth this to start firesAlsogoodtoputundercarpetsand duper the walls...Come to -THE.-LAND-|-MARK for them.: you want at And Build Up The SysTaketheOldStandardGROVE’S | what you are taking;as the Soom?printed on every label,showingitDuinineandIronina_tasteless fc Iron builds up the system. 4 | ||CASH. co hcida Oct..16— WANTED—Two or three gnodern 9 |ye pver.desired. (FOR RENT-—Eight-room 508 West Front “2t. two-story house, street.L.K.OVER-Aug,20. Quinine drives out malegts the |WANTED—To ‘berrew™“$600.First mortgage on real estate.G,care The Landmark, co =|Mw LES!—The ‘county's Mules are for sale.They.will be on.exhibition’in'StatesvilleithenextfirstMondayandcanbelookedWillbesoldsingly, N.B.MILLS,Chairman CountyCommissioners. in pairs,or as Oct.15. pergide | Bsmi dars, SHINGLES CHEAP!COTTON UP! Pine,Cedar, Shingles at $2 per 1,000 and up,Heart Pines and 4x20 shaved Ce-. Ridge Roll, Tin ‘and Nails. Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh. Cypress’and Tin Painted Valley C.WATKINS, pletely.furnished for light hougek furnish stock and tools.E.D.BRAD §bushel for good wheat in theror to ee THE DAVIS ys Green Hides,Chix,Eggs and’all salaBle and all kinds of feed at the very ‘ourete | “children..J.L.MARTELLE,care RamsBowles-Morrison Co.Oct.19-1) WANTED—Tenant for two-horse farm, Statesville,R-6,Oct,:»19a ‘ THE DAVIS MILLS will pay you aeughJyouAOpoundsflourperbushel.It cy: ite, 'PHE IREDELL PRODUCE compat i!pay you highest market price in cash for | produce.Oct.19-—2t.f THE’IREDELL ‘PRODUCE COMPANY arilsellyouSweetFeed,Cotton Seed Mea price.Oct.Jet | WANTED—Furnished cottage or rooms pal.|able for light housekeeping.—XR,| Care THE LANDMARK.Oct.19. atively new ‘even-room residence.ARRIVING fHasirablylo¢ated within two:blocks of*\pmb-|ic square,‘en easy terms.Apply-to tiDOREWALLACE.Oct.wae Currants, |FOR SALE—On'north Center street,six-|Citron,igroomhouse,elegantly finished inside,lights 2 aek «and een:Lot ee large barn,‘with|Raisins,eewater;other outbuildings.Thi por is:a.Aare cree ~less than cont Prunes,|ticulars write YTH CARER L..ticelio,Fla.i "eee |Mince Meat, |WANTED—Experienced vbogkheoner "wants |Buckwheat Flour,.“position.M.'C.F.,Box 371,Raleigh,|N.|:ee Geiss.|.Maple Syrup. MISS JOSEPHINE GILMER,gifted:Ameri-can prima.donna ‘soprano,will.be at.@iesoaenhousehereSaturdaynight,Potpber WANTED—A 13-horse i Peerless*trac-'en CARR,.W.SHOOK,Elmwocd, -RESH ople. Hanoi,where Mr.Moose has taken Taughlin and Mrs.William Wallace.|A RARE OPPORTUNITY to buy a compar ’ ‘Phone us your orders, eae &_-Milholland.’ STOCK” ae 19--2t?. ~TCAN OFFER YOU bined with convenience andservice. here. Supreme Hams21c.,SupremeBreakfastBacon 25e.‘This ‘isstrictlyfirstclass. goods and isguaranteed. Best Granulated Sugar,2Towle’s Log Cabin SyrupNo.3 Vancamps.Pork an pigsvWond ch Swiss Cheese,9c.can; Full Gream.Cheese .22c. lideamnan: oreS$water ground\ weet Potatoes iy | IrishPotatoesteas BA oere. Cabbage 2c.Ib.; B.and M.FishFlakes 99e.can. Champion Flour;24 lbs.838c. The attractive advantage of price ‘and quality ém- ery item good,oy price’pnt,ste time you buy b ib,Bag $1.55; Te:can for 39e.Beans,20¢size for:17e. 3 Libby’s or Campbell's Pork and Beans 9c.can.—_Vancamp’s Spheghetti,with’Tomato Sauce and Imported You will find ev- Swift’s Genuine Pork,Sausage inlinks,12 to the1-pound Box, 25c.value for20c. ekeSoa ChampionFlour,48 lbs.er ’*Phone ‘NO.229. jit The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, “The House of ‘Better Values.” 514 South Center Street. 4 to announce that theyBOeeSURANC ae of New York,’’sfo s of Tobacco,Corn,C tton and sma1Stormatthefollowngverylow’p‘TOBACCOLCROP;:,$100 per acre yaluation at76peracreValuationat50peracrevaluationat-25 per acre valuation at $40 per acre valuation35peracrevaluation ;‘30 per.acre valuation ,29 per acre valtation..20 per acrevalnation-on ér acre valuation would mean money to.the §railroadawouldbe4,blessing to We sie |@ throug!h this section.ore Nc ar irmdfrein acre vaDW.WELLINGS,FuRNPoRE:BARNS.O° 1 at 90c.,3 ears.at60c.,5 ears at 900.‘Thisiaiso.digainst Joes we To the Rathan:of Tell and OtherCounties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT ‘COMPANY be have completed arrangements with “T: insuring your growing.against destruction $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre375peracre 1.87}per acre \ COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $1.60 per acre1,40 -per acre:- 1:20 per acre °K 00 per acre‘per acreper.acre mage:occasioned i { | thi oieLo ‘Test »“What a man wills.He can.” So runs the old Germanproverbthatisasappli-cable today as in the past. [!finds expres: sion in the sound,’ progressive develop-ment,training and unity of purpose which add stability with strength totheGermanpeeple Permanent ‘growthof a iialiesnotonlyinprovisionand preparedness,but in the proper training of the youngergeneration.% Men.and women of thefuturearemoldedbytheex: amples,inspirations and im-pulses they.receive today.Nogreatercharacteristiccauber’igiventoyouththansaving.It }ore foresight and encouragesthepreparation,provision,econ-omy and system which lead togreateradvancement. Weare alwaysreadytoaccommo-(X————____date men and women and chi)-,WHI}dren who are blessed with a char-ieeeforsaving. STATESVILLE N.C.Oe $100,000 4%fad on Time Depdsits;US.DEPOSITORY iit THE UNIVERSAL.CARa / "08,213 Fordcars were sold last year!\ “The Universal Car.”Your neTheyserveeverybody,please everybod‘save money for everybody by reliableservice,economical operation and main-tenance,Why experiment?Watch theFordsgoby!Talk with the owners of»Ford cars.Investigate for yourself."Prices lower than ever.Runabout $390;Touring car $440,f.0.b.,Detroit.Why-pay more?On sale at Carolina MotorawaleStatesville,Mooresville andNewton.oe Me a t im e e e at k : We Hang:Onto life By OurTeeth! .Just to show you what we have,we’ll |The PolkGrayDrug Gommpany, AND The better the teeth,‘the longer we hang on. Good teeth necessitate clean teeth. We have the ‘‘makings”—the finest Tooth Brushes,thefin-\est Tooth Pastes,Dotnet Mouth Washes. With eaik watcha of any of our 25c.Tooth Brushes... Come early’and avoid the risk of being too late,as the applyislimited. aTHE,SUS Cecutaalate? Farmers F avorite|,_ i) “(NONE BETTER.)io os ‘SeedOats,Clovete:Grassdeci.Veteli fy (Rape,ete.Grain,Hay andFeed:“Sf wit iN P {rte ewer pidi six An TUESDAY“Dry-delill and Mr.Hyde.” Afte®Robert:Louis Stevenson’sinovel,featuring’King BaggotasDr.Jekyll.Be sure and:seeBaggotinthiswonderfulpart.~° “She Loved Them Both”—Powers,“Bobby Bumps’Adventare.” “Box of Bandits”—Nestor Comedy.A funny Joker Comedy.Joker Comedy; ON’FRIDAY,OCT.22,GEORGE KLEIN®will présent the magnificent Photo Drama»—ANTONYand CLEOPATRA”—The World OldtheboundariesofEuropeandalteredtheHistoryofChristendom.i are “8 ,te iA$300,000.00.production with 7,500 “peoplein the cast.A mighty story,richih yomance and adventure with all the lavish wealth of costume and ensemble charac-teristic of the period.The CINES CO.havé fa hfully reproduced Plutarch’s description of the arrival.of Cleopatra at Torsus and her first meeting with Antony:“She wassailingtranguillyalongtheCydnusonabarkwithagoldenstern,with sails of purple and oars of silver,and dip of the oars was rhymed to the sound of flutes,blending withmusicoflyres..She herself,the Queen,was lying under an awning gold embroidered..Boys dressed as eupids stood at her side,gently waving fans to refresh her.”The luxurious,languorous note of the Orient and its splendors is realized all through the photo-drama,It is this feature that takes ib different from anything thathasprecededitandgivesitthestampofinspiringgrandeur.Prices for this attraction‘only 10 and 15¢,Rest of the week 5 and 10c. Unusually Fine Programme—You will Regretit if YouMiss Any.of ft:,WEDNESDAY |)THURSDAY [|PRIDAY-.|SATURDAYSocialLion”===-—S———=Ss “*The Valleyof Regeneration.”|(!o 3"ilidnadiad ka o-reel fon Comedy A arn two:ree!Bison picture “Both Sides efter 8 6 xeGerwines|aaytama td aleoutstortillasHaeOnlyChild?” *An Imp Comeiy with King BaggotagDennyeM “The Bravest of the Brave.” GEORGE KLEINE presents the CINES Photo-drama,‘“‘AN- TONY and CLEOPATRA,”in' seven parts. A three ree!Laemmile Feature withthatsplendidlittleactress,Ella Hall,directed by Robert Leonard,|:ig :“AnimatedWeekly.” Ever New Tragedy that changed ee eni an invert teomneetenreseenceeste eteITHELANDMARK] "Biggest Bargains Yet in Coat Suits and Sport Coats—Don’t Fail to See Them. :$9.95 512.50 15.00. 22.50 25.00 $12.50 All Wool Suits 15.00 All Wool Suits 16.50 and $18 All Wool Suits 25.00 All Wool Suits30.00 and $35 All Wool SuitsS~ISPORT COATS A splendid line to select from—up-to-dateinstyle,material and finish.Prices $4.95upto$9.95,! House,Street and Evening Dresses from98c.to $15. Dorothy Dodd Shoes forLadies, Jacl!and Jill Shoes for Children.. When you buya pair you get your money’sworth.eu |The Store That Sells For Less. "PHONE 212. TERACO ENGINE 0)TEXACO CYLINDER TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Half Barrels andCases. Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners ofMachineryofanykind;if you buy your.oilin.full packages,see us before you place-your orders.;se |We are in a position to demonstrate QUAL-©ITY,and can make delivered prices that willinterestyou. (Wholesale Distributors.)‘Phone 61,Office:Robbins Row. visaeMite y ——hi yAOVERWOODSHINGLES |Bk NA ert i hee fot MREPHOOYined ofhaeSih)Pete yi ttt oe aeHOMERY.HARDWARE CO.,Statesville iILL E BUSINESS MEN OFFER, #jtural reports estimate the total valie Biof North Carolina crops‘this year at’HH $218,320,000. #1000 bales,is estimated to be worthB|$39,022,500-—a little more than’:thé: A hig BR |520,000:Hivalue,$13,182,390;rye,432,000.bush- 3 els;value $404,720;potatoes,3,026,- B 000;value.$1.906,380;sweet potatoes,3 18,290,000 bushels:B huckwheat.205,000;.value,$159,900:B iay.473,000 tons;value,$7.509,90!3 japbles..1,837,000 barrels;value,.Beads841,270.:$8 Hiand do not include strawberries and3\other small fruits,lettuce and othér 8)garden truck,watermelons,or’can-B\taloupes and scores of less important#ifarm products.f|produces great quantities of eggs,bu iter and other by-produtts of the far |Proper.fHiincludelivestock—horses,mules,cat- tle,hogs,sheep,ete, Bt s s t s e c e s e o e s y ey ea TUESDAY;o DEPENDS ON EMPLOYERS, October’19,1915. Plan to Raise a Citizen Army of].800,000 Men in Six Years.|., Employers throughout the United States—corporations,manufacturers; professional.men,tradesmen”and business men of ail classes—will “heaskedtocontribute,as their share in the:national defense,permission for their employes to engage without.‘se-rious financial loss in’two ‘months’ military training during each of} three years.-This is an essential part of the ad- ministration’s*plan for raising~a cif’ jzen army.of *800,000 men:‘in’“six years which,with a regular army’of140,000 men and 300,000 reserves}would give a trained force,exclusive of State militia,of about 1,200,000 ih the event of war.tendThesuccessoftheplan,official’ admit,depends not on the appropri?’ ations of Congress,for its cast will be comparatively small,but on thepatrioticresponseofemployers,—towhomanappealwillbemadetofur-gW as many:men each year,at dif- f t seasons,as they can spareand.who wish to join the proposedinentalarmy.‘Administration officials are confi- dent that even though it is proposed to enlist only 138,000 men a‘year intheContinentals,or a total of nearly800,000.in.the first six-year period, more than that number would ‘be~at- itdry camp if they could be:assured, tions would not be lost or their earn- ings seriously decreased.The pro- posed enlistment requires twomonths’service for each of threeyears,and liability for service dur- ing the remaining three years only in-event of war. The army plans for more than.1,- 000,000 trained’men in six years ahdthenavy’s programme of ten dread-noughts and six battle cruisers with- in five years will be presented toCongresswiththeendorsementofPresidentWilson. Farm Products of the State andTheirValue. Figures compiled fromthe agricul: The cotton crop,estimated at 685... Hifamilies who leftStatesvilleOilCompany. crop of,931,000 bales brought lasttre ,e =2 ’P 1e $3;wheat.11;267,000 bushe value,$6,065,600;| fith he above are staple money crops’ tracted by the outdoor life of a mil-top boots. by their employers:;that’their,posi-)i It Makes One Do Silly Things|#and the Older the Man the!$*Warse the Effect—-Case.of the |#President.’p Col.Fairbrother has ruled—and{#®The Landmark has concurred in ‘the|%opinion —‘that’if President Wilson |#\wants to get married that is his busi-]}® mess individually and personally and|3thepublichasnorightto’criticise. Supplementary.to this opinion the]#colonél delivers somé remarks on the|#effects of the love germ which are|&true to life.He says:«+oaWeallknowthatofallthegerms|%in al]the world the leve germ is the/®most wonderful.It will vause -the|¥Brimmest ‘stoic to lose his head;it|will make a laughing philosopher outoftheweepingone,and a man,love-|%sthuck,will open his purse and doStuntsthatevenagallonofcornlik-(%ker would fail in doing.Old ‘ManTightWadbecomesthegodofplenty |#if he falls in love~and,why wouldtheycallit“falling in love”if a man eSdjdn’t take a tumble?It is like fall-ing down an-Alpine mountain or~into|#a well or into the sewer—you just|§ the descent you become scandalous. worse the germ hits him because hehasn't resisting power.Here is our 4President,59 years old,just about /%60,and he finds himself head over!heels in love,So full of it that he|wears a Quaker Oats Smile-and acts +Slikeaboywithhisfirstpairofred/# Do'you blame him?No!{%is,enjoying it.Ten years and heailinasthesayinggoes—andife“feels that in those ten years he/®can!extract a little enjoyment,a little #happiness;why not let him take the'#widow,fondle her,love her,marry herandbehappy? He 18; ‘PFECT OF LOVE GERM.| }Witha little judgment.You know in.yourownbusinessthatbuyingthebestis.getting the cheapest.Same way with COAL,The best goes farthest and lasts longest, besides giving more heat.‘That’s the kindofcoalwesellandyououghttouse. tumble and keep on tumbling,and in}§™ ““And the ‘older a man gets the|# .JUST’PHONE,WRITE OR TELL |Statesville Ice &Fuel Company.i. ———’PHONE 205 Of course,the average American citizen feels that he has adivinerighttocriticisethePresidentButonlyhisofficialacts.-If a Pres-idént’wants:to get married,‘should be exclusively.his but it doesn’t seem to be. GIRLS!DRAW A MOIST/®“CLOTH THROUGH HAIR,|#'DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY! Try This!Hair Gets Thick,““Glossy,Wavy and Beautiful -1'at Once! ‘immediate?—Yes!Certain that’s'the joy of it.Your hair be-cqmes ‘light,wavy,-fluffy,abundant oung _girl’s Dahderine-yand.-earefull rathroughyourhair,taking onstipndatatime.-This-will cleansethhairofdust,dirt or extessive oil,|8an@injustafew.moments you have!8‘dogbled the beauty of your hair.Aseghtfulsurprise.awaits those %se hair has been neglected or is|®aggy,faded,dry,brittle,or thin.Besides beautifying the hair,Dande- and appears as soft,lustrous ‘and 3Hheautifulae North}seesee, “The SIX POINT MOTORatidAUTOMATIC:TRACK-ER BAR,used in the Hard-man player pianos,can befoundinnootherpianoon..‘the market that sells for lessmaethan$1,000.@ The Motor is thelife of theplayerpiano.If your Motoris-imperféct —will ‘not.ransmoothly,your whule playertactionisworthless.Make- SO alahcdeichanal3ene d for cash or on time.“Liberal aljowance for old pianos. Carlton A.Andrews,Manufacturer’s A rT issolves every particle of dan-argff;cleanses,purifies and invigor-ats the scalp,forever stopping itch-ing and falling hair,but what will In addition the § Neither does this.estimate Become Congregationalists, For several weeks a.-number of Faith Reformedchurchin’Salisbury.whenthe pastor, Rev.W.B.Duttera;“resigned,-hav ity Building and studying the literh-ture of the Congregational Church, one_of these churches —in-Salisbury:Final action has been taken and thechurchorganized.The name chosenwas-the First Coneremstions),garchofSalisbury.Officers ‘were électedandRev.W.B.Duttera and Mrs.Dut-tera were chosen to take charge of the work. The St.John ‘Hotel ‘at Henderson- ville,a 120-room,}bble-dash struc-ture,owned by R..D.'Waring;was‘Iburned Sunday morhing between 2 and 4 o’clock....There was $25,000 insur-ance,Mr,Waring states,and he at-tributes the fire to defective wiring. ARSTLETOOEThePetersburg,Va.,men who land- to withoffwith finesleased.%f and the“auto was #é-EG ‘as .:»Wiiat.is reeled initkeChiaseriys,ill en 2 been holding services at the Commun-|T with a view of:possibly establishing ed in Raleigh in a’seven-passenger au-)’gallonsof liquor,were let) hae take pepsin:and ‘preparationsfeuaeslical pldase.you most will be after a fewk’s use,when you see new hair—'and downy at first—yes—butTSeallynewhairgrowingalloverthecalp.If you care for pretty,soft ajr,and lits of it,surely get a 25-cept bottle of Knowlton’s Danderinefrgm'any drug store or toilet counteranitjusttryit. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! ALL with AND PARTIES HOLD-ING-CLAIMS AGAINST PIEDMONT|,HARDWOOD COMPANY.ui und'éach of you will take notice of thefollowingorderoftheSuperiarCourtofMes|Dofell’county,made at the September term,Hote Ne ee North Carolina,McDowell County.Inthe Superior Court,September term,1915.|North Carolina Bessemer ,Company andothers..vs..Piedmont Hardwood Company and|”.Morrison,{ ORDER--This cause coming on for furtherhearingbeforeHisHonor,Harding,Judge,and being heard.It is considered,ordered and.adjudged thatall’parties holding claims against the defend-ant,Piedmont Hardwood Company,shall pre-sent and make proof of such claims to thereceiversofthedefendantcompanyonorbe-fore the first day of January,1916,It is ordered farther that said receiversshallsivethecreditorsofthedefendantcom-pany notice of this order by publication forthreeweeksinTheLandmark,a newspaperpublishedatStatesville,N.~C,,and in’theMarionipnayay4‘newspaper published’atMarion,N.C,4Thigcauseisreserved,for further orders.:Ww.F.BARDING,:'udve Presiding.t Phils the 16th day of October,1915,7oeeeW..K.M.GILKEY,:;W.E.W!*Receivers of Piedmont(Adtdreiaaty,Stele tlie N.C,.Hardwood Co, wet,19,J titw.: :Are You Thinking e ®Kntering a Suit! If So _ccnsult us--we —-are fashion attor-?m -neys.Our stock of-Information is re-|@,Plete with the new:° --est and nobbiest In}‘-formiatien concern-|}Ing Sultings and |-OVercoatings at the -lowest prices.Con-|sultationsearnestly solicitedFREE.| g Company,LOO eNO Ld.he BelAs§ New Line of 1915PATTERNRUGS! Variegated Mottle Rugs Persian Silk Rugs. i $18.00 to $38.50. 12x15 Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes, Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors.| Call and see our line of Brussell Rugs— We havein stock a few specially large Statesville Housefurnishing Co. TALKING ABOUT THETO The Winter Chautanqua Exten- .Sion Course. To the Editor of The Landmark:The greatest thing in the world is a great man--or woman.Emerson teaches that all our greateat institu-| tions are but the shadows of greatmen,Plutarch thought their lives and words the onl history worthrecording.And Carlyle is very boldandsays,‘For as I take it,UniversalHistory,the history of what man has accomplished in the world,is at bot-tom the history ,of the Great Menwhohaveworkedhere.”J And back of all the Chautauquamovementisthereverencefor:men and ideas that have glorified hu- man life.It is true that,in order togetourgenerationtolistentoElijahorSaintPaul,we havé to wedge them it between a.brass band and aymovingpictureshow,but after all it is the great man and_his message that Chautauqua really tries to pre-sent.And it is beautiful to see how by guile,they find themselves listen- ing to the great.man.They sudden:ly find him more’interesting tCharleyChaplin’s legs—more «vividthanaRussianballet.+Now I have come to.disapprove of SHE RRILIF WHITE SHOE CO.Men’s New Fall Sweaters ! & ‘and $3.50. vy,Oxford and Garnet, desirable patterns.. ly good line to select from. a x Complete line now ready for your a inspection—$1.00,$1.50,$2.00,$3.00 In Brown,Maroon,Na- New Fall Neckwear-—25 and 50.Cents AJl the newest shapes,in neat and An exceptional- aS "Phone No.-83. See RE sree Net SHOE co. grape juice since 1 see where it seems} to lead ‘and Ihold no brief for a sea- man’s bill that was framed by,a landlubber so confirmed,:but,after all,it was good to hear friend Bry- an’s plea and LaFollette’s demand for good citizenship.Dixon preach- ed a fine gospel to our little .town,and Cadmon and Conway were splen- did.In our first steps toward the truly great we haye not done so bad, It is a great quest and we ‘have a long way yet*to go,but we have set ‘lour faces in the right direction.It imay be,by the grace of-God,we will ‘find our hero yet—and know -him|when we find him.This winter Chautauqua course is another effort in the right direction.Claxton will talk on..Peace—and faith we need te hear him!Hugh Black ‘will give a Scottsman’s view of this ;America of ours and we will proba- bly catch a glimpse or two of what ‘an American ought to be.“One com- |“are profitable company.We cannot |look,however imperfectly,upoh a \great man without gaining something iby him.” But it may be that he will not leome as a talking genius but as a fid-idler or something like that.The truthlofthebusinessisthatifStatesville‘has to produce her Own genius here.at ‘home he will probably be a-certain young artist that the world is begin=|,‘ning to teach us to value.”Anain our. ‘|Happenings Hereand There in f )Then the judge can’t be’surprised, lescaped through a.‘window,taking the people respond when,once caughtjperation on’the ground that ivEMs OF ‘CURRENT NEWS. the State. Ex-Judee T.A.‘MeNeill of Lum-fbertontellsthe-Robesonian that 35- jeent cotton wouldn't surprise him. At Marion last week‘a switch en-gine’ran into two’passenger cars,in- juring several ‘members of a ¢arni-+val company.One®young ‘womanwasprobablyseriouslyinjured—.Mrs.H.T.Porter.of Salisburywokeupinthenightandsawa’burg-lar going through her husband's cloth-es.Mrs,:Porter ealled to him and he rwith him a watch and chain,a pock-etknife,a pair of shoes and a penny incash. In Raleigh Friday night the policeeapturedSteveDavisandRaymondJonesofPetersburg,Va.,anda seven-passenger automobile laden with whiskey—35 gallons put up in pint bottles.This enterprise was doubt-less intended to allay.the thirst ofStatelairvisitorsthisweek. Stockholders of the Highlander Pub- lishing Company,publishers of The ‘High:inder,a weekly paper at Shelby,thave asked for a reeeiver for.the cor- the com- pany is insolvent,J.H.Quinn of Shelby was appointed temporary re- ceiver.°B.H.«DePriest is editor of The Highlander.»sRev.A.L,Crouse,a Lutheran min- ister well known in Catawba county. ‘formerly a member of the faculty of Lenoir College,Hickory,died a few days ago in Charlottesville.Va. where he held a pastorate.His re- mains were brought to’Catawba coun-ty for burial.and ‘interred .at St. Stephen’s church.Winston-Salem will cut out baseball for «a season.‘The Journal says the local association owes ‘the banks $10.- 500 and its assets consist of the ball park and fixtures,which cost lessthan$10,000.The park is to be sold to pay the debts but the:nroceeds of pthe :sale won’t pay out.sometimes an expensive lu stitution being launched -by Rev;Geo. H. marle.-school, The school will will.open_.tomorrow. ing which was begur.for a>military HEED THE WARNING. give unmistakable warnings ncys/upon the first sign of disorder, nzany days of suffering maybe saved, Weak kidneys usually expel a dark, ‘Winter Coursé it may happen that Commercial National Bank OF STATESVI LLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits months or longer. oar OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,> $100,000.0031,500.00, Members of Federal Reserve System, Your.Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- -=,-President.K.MORRISON,----Vice President,D.M.AUSLEY,---Cashier.@.K.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier, ‘the big message will come from a mu-/sician. st |The Metropolitan Grand Quartet | Hand the Riheldaffer --Skibinsky-Com- pany certainly offer the chance for %some inspiring.suggestions.TheDunnawayCompanyissaidtobe %the best of its kind,so,taken all B round,the Statesville Chautauqua H Company is doing its best to bring :|great things to our people.We have i |tried faithfully to secure only the Hihighest quality both in musicians‘ang speakers. 1 ne of the highest authorities in #the United States has Said that the H reason so many theaters have closed Hj in New)York and all over the countryRiisbecausetheChautauquacompa- :nies are giving the people what the Hi pcople really want.The New York|producers have underestimated the jintelligence of the American public.|,In addition to the five expensiveinumbersmentionedaboveweareof- \fering four,free evenings.~This is ‘an entirely “original ‘plan,for we are lyour own comparisons and draw yourHownconclusions.Statesville has sev- eral men and‘a musical club that can:|take their places in any course of.this #ikind.The one single weak number in i the whole programme is the talk on :\the “Charm of Culture,”but that lit- itle talk will be brief and ig.merely de- signed to explain what the rest of the H course ¥,for.|The Winter Extension Gourse is.a H community ‘service movement:of the i|highest type.’Everybody works to-gether for the good of everybody and beat ky weMKT -TheThreewhich hold the srorld's-recdhd: “Oat Drills,Harrows,Disc Plows,Manure enders,etci Se Ms ag ‘$4 fov, toward -the great goals of a greater city and a better citizenship! All for two dollars! Proposed Increase in Army and Navy. The administration programme for mended to the forthcoming session ofCongress,proposing a total expendi-ture on the army and navy next year of about $400,000,000,is practically completed. gd_by the President,calls for an_in-‘lerease of:$75,000,000 in the War De- partment’s annyal appropriation,to be used for augmenting the regu-lar army .to 140,000 men and thecreationofanewcontinentalarmyof400,000.men,which -together with ed militia of 125,000 would give the in time:of need of 685,000.Approval also isgiven the proposalofSecretaryDanielsandthe.generalboardofthe,navy for a five-year’na-val Wooten on pro me to cost$500,giving the nav¥10 néwdreadnoughtsandsixbattle.cruisersaswellasmorethan70submarines, 3 putting.several.of.aur.own.local.eU-2 the national defense,to be recom-{* Secretary Garrison’s plan,approv- United States a military force’ 50 destroyers,10.scout cruisers and a host of guxiliary ships.= an [s ment.and painful in passage. Slaggish kidneys often cause a dull)% Pain in the small of the back,head-|¥ aches,dizzy spells,tired,languid feel-|§ ings and frequent rheumatic twinges. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only:There is no better rec- ,ommended remedy. Statesville people endorse Doan’s Kidney Pills. Mrs.C.A.Kyles,210 Bell St., Statesville,“says:“About two years ago,my back was very lame and sore. I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills and a few doses made my back strongasever.I haven’t had any trouble since,” Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s.Kidney.Pills—the same that Mrs.:Kyles had.Foster-Milburn.Co., Exppes Buffalo,N.Y. 7 i ag gLeaf Pine.Flooring,Cei Siding,Mouldings,Boxing i Casings;Lime,-Laths and Ce- ment;and dy-made Doors andWindowFraries,at lowestprices.Cc,WATsing.N .Center St. - .WhenIt’s Flowers! Think of Van Lindley . Company.We have one of the largest Greenhouse plants in the South. Orders small or large »receive prompt atten- tion,Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed. Flowers That Please. Baseball is} The Salisbury.:Normal and “"Indus-H trial Institute,a new educational in-; Atkinson.formerly of thée’Albe-|# occupy |temporary |#quarters in Salisbury.until.the:build-3 school,which is to be the permanent :home of the new school,is complet-|§ \fort is,that great men,taken up in ed ‘any way”’—and in all their degrees—|-——— Many Statesville People Have Done|} ‘So.‘ When the kidneys are weak they|} that |# should ‘not be ignored.By examin-|# ing the urine and treating the kid-| elling urine,full of “brickdust”: Se eR ge esen nap retstenrane enero pene BLACK. TAN Bons——ee Our Blegant Line | Stationer y WILL PLEASE YOU. Tablets and Envelopes.to vrais +a “ae ey foHALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20.Erescriptioniste,, IN Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing? Tin or Sheet Metal.Work of any.Kind? Galvanized Shingle Roofing?’Roof Painteur IREDELL.TIN WORKS. “ARE YOU INTERESTED?” Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?'LET US KNOW. Be]i ’Phone 98.Independent ’Phone 197. -Hyacinths, White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue. Paper White Narcissus.—§ :MAMMOTH BULBS. Statesville Drug Comp’Ys Quality.Prescriptionists. “CLEAN THATWATCH OR CLOCK! i Don’t wear them outbefore you have it done.First class work all the time,and you can getLyourworkwhenyouwantit.H.B.WOODWARD _ |Jeweler. =aaa Snes |WORTH KNOWING! Suppose that you are sieinthe Taltea ife andAccident Tn-suirance C rot New Hamp =RIRST,TE iat Fthefaceofthepolicy,will -paid.es~SECOND;thatin case-of death from any accidenty”10 000,‘or adoublethefaceofthepolicy,wit be paid.iTHIRD,that‘in case of death from certain sp ;$15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will:But this is not all.‘In case of total disabilify.as a} dental injury,you will receive an indemnity of $50 P%Caninsurance do more?And why should any man be satisfiedwithapultcythatwoulddoless?The costis low.ERNEST 6 GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-é ALS AND REAL ESTATE.|PHONE 23.OFFICE NOI1,MILLS BUILDING. Devadiate 10 000 Homesi ina Suchis the record ofoneday’s damage done by tornadoes,. You.don’t know when thetornadomaystrikeyour © property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”protectsagainstallloss.:Forover a get ore Re Oe :rR ; hitter mes sionne eins‘eaSeeee“ta tina Tengah eee hpsimiernniadinn notes.mapa ona v . Ties Free,or will“Gin bi ‘40th,heecing 2andTiesFree,if.you will sell tis your seed out of the bale ginned. ae ; ork G uaranteed. lighest Market Price for your iat and Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed. ne VOL.XLII, ree ACOURTQUITWwWEDNESDAY. Superior CourtRecessed Until Next,.Week—Monday GotMinimumSentenceforMan- slaughter—Other (Cases onStateDocket—Grand Jury’s,Report. «Having about.finished the State.docket and Judge Lane being unwell, Iredell:Superior ‘Court adjourned for the week about 1.o’clock Wednesday.The court will resume its sittingygforthetrialofcivilcases.In the case of John Moore,chargedwithmanslaughterforthekillingofJamesL.Harbin,the jury announcedWednesdaymorningthatitcouldnotagree“and 2 mistrial was ordered.By agreement Moore pleafl guilty and re-ceived the minimurh sentence of four months.At last term Jon Moore and Geo. Mutiday were found guilty of assaultthadeadly.weapon,this -offence ‘having been committed on the night young Harbin was fatally shot.They were each sentenced to 18 months on the roads for this offence and Moore’s sentence for manslaughter will begin at the expiration of this sentence.Mr.Boone Turner asks The Land- mark to say that the case against him in court is for trespass,not false pretence;as appeared:in the last is- sue of this paper.The records of thecourt,from which The Landmark}; copied,,have it false pretence,but Mr.Turner’s statement.is given in contradiction. Jim Fisher confessed to,carryingconcealedweaponandpaidafineof $5 and cost:W.G.Barkley,charged with assault with a deadly weapon,plead guilty ‘ofsimpleassaultandpaid$5 and cost. Jim Smith*and Less Munday, charged with assault with deadly weapon,admitted simple assault and paid $5 each and cost. J.J.Brock:admitted he was guilty of retailing.Judgment wes suspended on payment of cost.If found in the State within 24 hours he is to go totheroadsforsixmonths.» Demp Brown,assault;jury failed to agree and mistrial-ordered. Charlie Moyers assault on-femzle; piead guilty and fined $10 and cost. Frank Myers,charged with assault with deadly weapon,was acquitted._Nol.pros.with leave was.enteredtincase-of Craig Shuford,-charged “with cern=C.$:Holland,Pronecu-, tor,to pegconeQuinceayberry,“charged with lar- ceny,plead guilty of forcible tres-pass.Sent to jail for four months, with leave to commissioners to h‘re out.R.R.Hughes,charged with carry- ing concealed weapon,failed to an- swer.Same as to.Will Follett,charg- ed with larceny.Case against Jo.Moore and Ben. Little,charged with larceny,was con- tinued as to Meore and capias to is- sue for Little, Nol’pros with leave was entered in a retailing case against-Jo,Little.R.L.King plead guilty to havingliquorinhispossessionforsale.Sen- tenced to the roads for six months. Capias not to issue if costs are paid and King is not found in the State within three days,Edward Sprinkle was convicted of disposing of mortgaged property andprayerforjudgmentwascontinued. Henry Hoke was sent to the roads for six months for retailing.Andrew Gregory got off with a suspended judgment,on’payment of costs,in'a il rr days Tor larceny:A continuance was te in the case of Milas Weaver,charged withassaultwithdeadly:weapon. Fine of Clyde Little,for retailing, ‘was reduced from $50 to $35. Motion to quash indictment in case of.Cal.Ramsey,for removing crop, was allowed and State appealed.The jurisdiction of the recorder’s court inMooresvilleisinvolvedinthis‘case. Gordon Goforth was sent to theroadsforeightmonthsforlarcetiy. Jake Helpler,for’manufacturing liquor,was allowed to give $200 bond to appear at each term for two years and show.good behaviour. Prayer for judgment was continued as to Caesar Wall,larceny,and he was released on his own recognizance. .John Whitlow admitted he had re- éeived more than one quart of liquorin15daysandjudgmentwassus- pended on payment ‘of cost.To ap- pear at next term and show good he- haviour. The Grand Jury. The grand jury finished its work and adjourned Wednesday.The jail was found ih good condition,as far as the __jurorg_could'see.Floor _in_toilet_zoom| THEFEDERAL COURT OUT: Geasion Ended Yesterday—Light.Punishment For De-fendants. The United States District Court ad-journed y.day morning for theterm...The following cases were dis-posed of a last report: C.C.Tatum of Avery connty,fraud-|;ulent use of mails;case transferredtoAshevillefortrial.Vestal Lindsay of Burke,convicted at last term of distilling;prayer for judgment continued.Josh Mull of Burke,distilling;twomonthsinjail.John ey of Burke plead guilty of distilling;judgment suspended on account of defendant's physical disa- bility.Emmline Smyre,colored,of Cataw- ha,having cocaine in her possession. Dismissed. Case against Dolph.Lewis of Ire- dell,for distilling,continued.Harrison Rector of Burke was con- victed of shooting at an officer.Ashehadbeeninjailthreemonthseee.trial judgment was we Will Murphy of Burke adinitted’he was guilty of distilling,ete.Had been in jail two months znd.judgment was ‘suspended.C.A.Cook of:Burke was acquitted of a charge of distilling. Prayer for judgment was continued in ease of A.Bowlin of Burke,con- victed of distilling,ete.D.H.Wiliard of McDowell,|con- victed of.distilling,etc.,was fined$100.|Nol.-pros.wes \galered ir case of: Tom Compton and Howard Gant of Iredell,for distilling,etc.,they hav-ing been punished:in the State court. ‘Case against T.A.Redman,A.M. Mayberry and T.J.Smith of Iredell was dismissed beefiuse they are un- der indictment in State court,Gordon Austin of Alexander coun- ty admitted he was guilty of distilling, etc.,and was fined $50.1.M.Kiser i Burke,eonvicted of distilling,etc,fniled to answer when calied but it will be all right if he pays$100 within 30 days. Prayer for Pent wes contin- cLeanuedforHub of Alexandercounty,who admitted he was guiltyofdistilling,etc.Jarvis Lunsiord of Iredell admittedhepeguilt;%of distilling.and got.off with suspended judgment. iPecle and Norman-€allicutt of Mc-Dowell were ‘acquitted ofa.chatge of distilling.Leander Williams and.Matthew ’:;Honeycutt of Stanly county plead; guilty of distilling and paid $100 each.Gene Patterson Was convicted of; distilling,etc.,and prayer for judg-, ment was continued.Same entry as! to A.L.Kistler,convicted,of distill- ing,ete. Gran Burnett,of Caldwell was ac-quitted of a charge of.distilling,etc.;!-and Waits Moses of Burke was also acquitted of a similar ‘charge. C:'C.Mitchell of Burke,convicted of distilling.Prayer for judgment continued. John Hennessee of Biivke;who met a similar fate on ‘a similar charge, will go free if he pays $100 in 30 days.Jake Hepler’of -Iredell.had beenconvicted:and punished in the Statecourtandwasallowedtogo. Two civil cases passed as follows; ‘Evelyn Wall vs.Davenport College was continued.Wade H.Shuford ys,A.D.Juliard &Co,;order .by:consent grantingdecir60.days to file.complaint:as'and..dlefenda’ \Dr.-R.A.Eeenrtidlt xvaturned “Wed- nieadass from Washington,D.C.,where, Monday he attended the dedication ofthenew’House of the Temple of the, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.The dedication was by the officers of the Supreme Coun- cil.One of the most impressive features of the ‘dedication,Dr.oop an ex-plains,was the action of«a do flew over the great ¢rowd seated onthestepsofthestatelyHouseofthe‘Temple,hovered for a few seconds;over the chair.of the Sovereign GrandCommanderand‘then ‘flew through the great doors of the temple,circled. about the rotunda,féund its way out| and flew off.The entire gathering, about 5,000,stood up and cheered. The oil,the corn’andthe wine with’. which the steps.had been sprinkled|! were brought from Jefttigalem and when the services were éver “women ran to the.steps and dipped their hand- kerchiefsin te oil and wine and there was a scramble for the grains of corn which had beéh uséd, of court house basement in bad shape] and a new one is recommended.Coun-*‘ty home:in good condition—both build-ings and grounds._Nineteen white and 11 colored inmatés and séven.pris- oners,two of the latter |being “white boys.Chain garg camp in good con-dition.Two white and sixteen colored prisoners.‘Addition For Statesville Furni- >ture Co. The Statesville Furniture Company is arranging to immediately build an addition to its plant No.1—jthe orig- inal plant néar the-railway ‘station. The addition will be 60x75 feet andthreestérieshigh,costing about $2,-500.”The increased business of the cand.storage.room an thes )finis ing.new:addition will be,used“ag,A: company has created a need of more), The ‘temple .cost'about $2,000,000.Soslincgaaadiieigatom Kicked By Rip Saw. Mr:Max Ball,who operates a rip saw:at the Imperial urniture.Com- pany’s plant,.is convinced.that there are more things thah)mules ‘and ‘au- tomobiles that kick.“Mr.Ball was ‘Kicked”‘by his rips saw .the other day and as a result is ‘wearing ban- dages.across his face,“The piece of timber used by.the saw in the “kick- ing”,struck Mr.Ball if the neighbor- hood of the nose; New Orleans ‘bankers announcethatasaresult,of the recognition oftheCarranzagovernmenttheyclos- ed contracts to lend $10,000,000 ingoldtotheMexicanadministration. At the:miveting of the State Anti-Saloon League in Raleigh this weeketrnseenwas:re-elect+ saints ing goRR tment,and for Mtoeaee:purs}ed:| n ee Rev.vereDavis was} ;dren. jor:notas ,fowner shows| Rev.J.M,Payne 0of While Conducting MeetiTaylorsville—Death of fJenkins—Taylorsville _News. Correspondence of The dmarke;,44 Taylorsville,Oct.1—The townwasgreatlyshockedTuesdalMorn- ing when it became khowh-Rev.J.Milton Payne of Boone,who:hadbeenassistingthepastor,Rev..L.P|Gwaltney,in a successful;oe meeting at the Baptist chu week,had died suddenly at thebreakfasttableattheresidengeofDr.and Mrs.A.M.Edwards,“about &o'clock.Mr,Payne complained of noi feeling well’Monday but preach ecstrongsermonsatthemorningandeveningservice!Just beforeigane in- to the dining room Tuesday morning he told Dr.Edwards he di ‘not sleep well and’felt ‘like he was ‘going tohaveasévereattackofition.Nothing more was said about his ¢on- dition,and when breakfast :was an-nounced they went into the dining- room.After grace was id they were talking an!laughing while break- fast was being served,until suddenly Mr.Payne’s head dropped forward|and he expired before Dr.Edwards could do ‘anything for him.Deceased »was a son of GolemanPayneofthiscounty,who died in the war of the 60s,and he was:reared in this county,having moved from this to Watauga county about *36°yearsago.Surviving him are his wife,whoisadaughterofthe.late:WilliamDownsofthiscounty,and ‘ten®¢hil- He was a cousin of our towns-men,Lawyer A.C.Payne and Mr.i,C.Payne.Deceased was 5T.age and had been in the-Taindstryabout30years.The remains,om-panied by Messrs.H.C.Pate L. Watts and J.P.Echerd,were.startedbyprivateconveyancetoBooneTues- day afternoon,There were 15 conversions at ‘this meeting and large congregations at- tended each service. Mrs.William Jenkins died of inter- nal hemorrhage Wednesday morningabout7:30 o’elock at her home atLiledoun..She was only sick twelve hours.Deceased was a ter ofMr.Samuel Austin of Liledoun and is suryived by her father,husband and two small children.She was 26 ‘years old.The funeral and burial scr- vices will be held today at the Lauth- eran church near Liledoun.a‘Lawyer A.C.Payne spentMonday and Tuesday in Charlotte on:business. Mrs.Sarah Feimster will return to-day fram a visit to her sister,Mrs. |Jane Vickery,in Statesville and her |daughter,Mrs.I.W.Somers,at Stony Point. St | Supreme Court Upsets Drainage}. Act. -In the case of Lang vs.Develop- ‘ment Co.,from Pitt county,the Sa- preme Court has overturned the -aet of 1915 Legislature as to swamp and lowland drainage projects,chap-ter'141,entitled “An Act to Encour- age the Reclamation and Improve-/ ment of Swamp and Lowlands.” Judge Hoke,writing the opinion of the court,recites the fact that the jact in question.provides,among oth- er things,that if amajority of three- fifths of the:land-owners in a given area of swamp or lowlands so agree, they may contract for a canal to be dug for drainage purposes’and the ‘contractor can cut through any landsdesignated,whether the owners agreeandtaxsuchobjectingland- sihecanbetaxednotexceeding’the ben- efit it.reeeived in covering cost of the drainage.scheme,which is unconstitu- tional,says’the court.Realizing the necessity for drain- ‘ing lowlands,the court expresses thehopethatanactmaybepassedwith adequate safeguards for minority land-owners. Church News. Preaching and preparatory scrvi-jces in.St.John’s Lutheran church this levening at 7:30.Sunday schol,Sun-lday 9:45 a.m.Preaching,followed|with the administration:of the Lord’s ‘Supper at 11, :30 p.m.|Rev.William H.Hardin will preach and hold communion services at Trin=| a Episcopal church Sunday morn- |. {"Proschttiy at county home Sunday‘afternoon at 2 o’clock and singingr at 3.|Special services for children at Ta- \bor tomorrow ‘night.Communion ser- vices Sunday morning.Preaching at New Stirling Sundayat-11 o’clockby Rev.G.E.Kidd.——The First Presbytery of the Asso-ciate Reformed Presbyterian Church, which was in session at Coddle Cr chureh this week,decided:to hold its next meéeting at Glover,SS.C.Rev.G,L.Kerr was elected moderator for the next meeting.Rev.J.Harper Brady will preach atFrontStreetPresbyterianc¢urchSundayeveningat7:30 o’elock. \Would Be Sure of the $4. Greensboro News. yet Cater Fort “Smith, {the Tennessee revenue division of the government.service. Luther League at 6:-Ss. ‘eek ‘EL.London,Pittsboro; | history of .North Carolina’s part.in .,STOLE FROM A BLIND MAN. And Gordon Goforth Will Do Road Work For Eight Months. “He’s mean enough to steal.from}. a blind man.”-You’ve heard that ex-pression.Well,it.may be.justly ap-plied-to Gordon.Goforth,a young ne- gro.Goforth would probably objectto.the word steal,because it was something of a forced swap with theblindmanthathepulledoff,but the ‘court said it was stealing and Go- forth.is now doing eight months ontheroadsforlarceny,which is a more refined name *for stealing.It.came about this way:GoforthwenttothehomeofClemGarner,a blind negro.Garner had a pair oftanshoeshewantedtosellandheaskedGoforthtomakeabidonthem. But Goforth didn’t want the shoes.Oh,no,not ata price.PresentlyGarnerlefttheroomtogetsomewa-ter,and in his absence Goforth slip-ped off his old black shoes and putonthetanonesGarnerhadbeentry- ing to sell him.Being a.blind man, Garner did not discover the exchange, and Goforth went *his way in peace. Later,however,the blind manlearnedthathehad:been the victimofafraudandtheofficerswerenoti-fied..When Goforth was arrestedTuesday.evening he had on_blackshoes,but the color of the shoes.did- n’t exeuse his presence’in Jus- tice Lazenby’s.court.Wednesday.When f‘cused”in court of having:stol- en the blind man’s shoes he was.ofcourse“not.guilty.”He wouldn’tthinkofdoingsuchameanthing’as steal from a blind man.“But where did you get those shoes?”guestion- ed an officer.“I’s been havin’dese shoes a long time,I has,”was theFeply.Then,too,the defendant couldn’t understand why he was be- ing accused of having the blind man’s shoes,anyway.Garner had said his shoes were tan,while the shoes worn by the defendant .were black.Butthispointwassettledwhenanoffi- {cer pulled up the defendant’s pant legtoapointabovetheshoetop.The ne- gro had,failed to black the shoes all the way to the top and there was the tell-tale tan border around the top.It was “all up”with Goforth.His case--was*immediately advanced to the.Superior Court,which was sitting in -the “upper room.”Judge Lane wasn’t in any too good humor when he heard it,and not liking the idea, through:the period which really ne- cessiates shoe wearing.The county will furnish him with shoes while he ‘builds roads and when.he gains his liberty néxt June it will be warm enough to go barefooted. pasper and Six OthersPlead Guilty. Seven mén on trial charged with conspiracy to defraud the ©govern- ment in the manufacture of whiskey pleaded guilty in the United States District Court.at Fort Smith,Ark., Wednesday.The case against Fred. Bowles of Fort:Smith,the eighth defendant,was dismissed. Those.who pleaded guilty were:John.L.Casper,Kansas.City,former- ly of Winston-Salem,N.G.,alleged head of the conspiracy;George Hart- Brown,Harrison,Ark..formerly .a government gaugers:.John Farrabeef The rémainder of the 20.or more defendants alleged to have been in- yolved in the conspiracy.through ‘which the government is said to have lost.thousands of dollars in revenue will be placed on trial in January.They include Knox Booth of Nash- ville,Tenn.,former superintendent of Casper was sentenced to nine years,in prison and.fined,$30,000.The six others who admitted guilt ‘ived sentences varying from six cojailtotwoyearsinthepenitentia: L..Williams of Winston-Salem, former government agent,was sen- tenced to a year in the penitentiary. Confederate Veterans Want.a History. The.North Carolina Association United Confederate Veterans,in Ral- eith Wednesday night,elected Capt. J.1.Metts of Wilmington as major’ general commanding to succeed Gen, J.-S.Carr of Durham,resigned on account of having been elected to.the Yecommand—of—a—division.__Other- cers elected were:District comman-ders-—-P.C.Carlton,Statesville;W.R.H...Ricks, A.London, Rocky Mount;Maj.H Pittsboro,secretary.: A.resolution was .adopted to ap- point a special committee to raise by private _subscription $25,000 “to meet the expense of preparing a true the.Civil War.Messrs.Metts,J...S. Carr,R.-H...Hicks,A.H.Boyden ‘andW.L.London were appointed. Col.J.Bryan Grimes:made.a stir- ‘We have no:particular ohjecti ontolettingtheUnited-States'havewhichweunderstandwillbeour part,for protective preparedness,providedtheprotectionis!guaranteed.We'd’hate to part-from our $4 and then haveeithertofightsomerude,ruthless na-tion or else beat it into the fastneofSwaincountyandhideintherocks. i Mri Cihome’Al , ks my th,week. 4,|ring speech in advocacy of the reso- shes eines the work, lution,.It is said.that subscriptions and it is believed the money will¢BopriyPie.raised.It is-also suggested that.D.H.Hill may be ihduced to un- Through °Gen. man advance 'in.the north and te)the tier. been captured,but,from all reports, of Commons his reasons for resign-ing from the cabinet,Sir Edward Car-son declared that.he held views with the East strongly at variance withothermembersofthathefelthispresenceinthecab- inet would be of no further service.He declared he had acted in the best interést of his country..The contin- ued illness of Mr.Asquith,the Brit- ish premier,has relieved for the mo-ment the tension in England caiused |7,bythe threatened cabinet crisis and|? temporarily quieted the controversy}: which had arisen over the ministry, zones the war drags on.the Germans have been bombarding heavily the district to the east ofwhiletheFrench_batteries}! have exploded.munitions depots intheGermanlinesontheAisne.Ex-}! cept in northwest Russia the Russiansarevigorouslyontheoffensive‘and{h are taking towns_and .positions from ;the Austrians and..Germans.and in-flicting heavy casualties,Petrograd Rheims, either,of anybody stealing from a|reports.,Gen,von Linsingen’s armyblindman,he gave Goforth a term)jalong Styr river is on the defen-on the roads which will put him |Sive:the Russians. An imperial manifesto issued at.Pe- trograd announces.that.Russia draws theswordneienther. beén a oat of.the.command .of.the called home to make a report to thewarofficeontheGallipoli,campaign.He is to be.succeeded by Maj.Gen.Charles Carmichael Monro,--who has. ful_as the British,war office and peo-ple would wish,and of late there hasbeenmuchcriticismbecauseoffailureofthelandandseaforces,to.|.progress that seemed material|riedtotheUltimateaimoftheexpedi-tion,which was to reach Corstaritino- make p ;alar:but the fire was two far advan as:large as $5,000 have been pledged|of Metts the -associa}{tion .was invited to hold_its hext mn-)site.Amithvof Charlotte visit-|nual encampment at Wilsington andLeinvitationwasaccepted‘ THE WAR NEWS SUMMARY.|E MeagerReports ofof Conditions intheWarZone. The Serbians continue their.stub-born resistance to the .Austro-Ger- Bulgarians along the eastern.fron-Their’lines have been broken atplacesandsomeoftheirtownshave the progress of the invaders has notbeengreat,says the Associated Presssummaryofthe,war news._French,and British forces are be;ing landed in large numbers at Sa- lonika.Some of these have been ‘en- gaged with the Bulgarians,but |the greatest effort of France ard Eng- land apparently is to concentrate suf-ficient troops at strategic points and along the line of .defense to make their services count. The British government,according to the London Daily Telegraph,has proffered to Greece the Island of Cy-prus,if Greece will enter the war with the allies.Greece may be giv-en the alternative of plainly defining}—Mr.Chas.D.Moore,wherattitudeintheworldconflict.confined ‘at home.with .illrDiplomacyhasbeenat.work at|several days,went to .Bucharest and a Roumanian commis- sion is reported to be on its way..to Paris.first having made a brief visittoOdessa,In explaining in the British House respect to the military situation in andthecabinet In the Eastern and Western warIntheWest Italy has "jeclared war on Bulgaria.| characterizes .Bulgaria as“the betrayer of the Slav cause”and Maj..sir Tan Hamilton'has| British forces.in the Dardanelles and seen wide service.‘The Dardanelles operations have not.been as success-| the Stockton street and Euclid avenue,known as the Swann place and.ownedSig.W:‘bu ed to save the building: ‘Al fire alarm was tutned in ftom the Statesville Furniture.Company’splantNo,’1,last evening about 7o'clock,-but the flames were extin-guished before the fire truck reached from.Mr.L.B.5 anes ae been elected principal.of. eleSides.ofmhallof Statensotherteachersinhe1willopenNovember_15 ee ville graded,schoo! ries,but,sometimesficers.did ride -in.front. Up.re} begun.regtlar practice andpectingtodobieplaying:son. Mr.J.F.Patton,:underwent an for.dicitis at the Sanatorium,is:be “on foot”again,ee eral days in Statesy.material for.a jobhewillestablishat peal left Tues~&day for Boone.'; -——Mr.J.M.Mitchell.isathis-home ‘north.of.town.been confined to his.bedfor-two months and_hiscondition no improvement, Masonic District I their lodge roomeveryevening:next .week "neeandThursdayevenings. Springs this week to.:for the benefit.of,his”ae —Mr,.Jas.ie Tharpe,has. 4;sideration was $4,100,|—Mr..M,.S.Hédrick of Grove eewest of. who ae‘aught —Miss Robena aes Hall,drugeiet forliableFireside.Compa within a few'days:andhomeinHickory;inde morning.pasedville’suet 36 en route le.ton‘and r cities..Mr,man,Kansas Gity,employe of Cas-P pith doplenit by sete and other per;Charles Brewbaker,|Kansas|'T'wo Fires LastNight.ene a nore telegraph City,employe of(.Casper;J.Henry!The residence ‘at the corner.of|co past fom,sare been ——sai at Drexel, geration in ‘the old’picts The moderntakenawaymuch0glitterof.the eirentnow.battles are direc’A wspeen a the scene.Little or no damage,was Paris padone...The alarm was due to the ex-‘ioe éralplosionofthenightwatchman’s lan-}chief,of.the sof.tern and the watchman’s hands wereslightlyburned.in fighting.the flames, Thanksgiving Proclamation: President Wilson,yesterday.in a 8/1 proclamation designating Thursday,November,25,as,Thanksgiving.Day,called.attention to the fact that the.United States has been at peace whilemostofEuropehasbeenatwar.“We have:been,able to agsert our rights and the rights of.menkind with-out.breach of.friendship.with the]tilgreatnationswithwhomwehavehadtodeal,”said thePresident. Big Majority.“Against Woman Suffrage.. momen wae de-,feated by more than 50,000 votes._ In Winstén-Salem yesterday a ie-gro who gnve his.name ‘as,Robt.Blanks was committed to jail,——ed with ‘threatening Mrs.AlManionwith..’pistol.»cand nixdmptingtocriminallyassaulther. Mexiogi bandits. States troops (ong near MisTexas,yesterday.morning,and kill thi oldiMovie&ctsb newounded six,ive hile ao fen from there toise |w__Jersey}2Wednesday,the sonstltukienal..afamend-,ment to enfranchise wi ttacked ‘United L the operat s.during ©the ne menpastsionhytheBsa ikeeper’s :had ..been pra efbendingover:a irda weeenedtoofficersat.the intervals giving‘his ortsolutelycalmvoice,the.news ey r_accoun Joffre ,remai——from.9 ‘o’cloc in the:+oreloeke the :paler eating drithewholetime. period,afteronthe,map,he ceand,said:“Tt is over.. ¥Eliquorsh i! ae Wada A teX.adie Vb. Oe aan ‘Accidents Crimes and Other In-~ddents of Life in North Caro- ‘tna. Congressman Doughton is ill at his home at Laurel.Springs,Alleghany ‘county,but his condition is much im- proved. K Walter McKinney,a young man from Mitchell county,was.killed in a mine at Elkhorn,Va.,a few days ago.A large rock fell on him, >{When his 12-days-old baby criedF.M.Watts of Lumberton went to thebed‘occupied by his wife and the infantandfoundthemothercoldindeath. Mr.J.B.Nicholsbdn,..a prominentcitizenofHuntersvilleandaConfed-erate veteran,died at*his home in}that town early Tuesday morning. During September 137 illicit.distil. leries were captured by officers in theGreensborodivisionoftheinternalrevenuedepartment.This breaks allrecords.. Lawrence.and ank Carmichael, brothers and merchahts of Hasty,Scotland county,quarreled and fought 'Saturday night and Lawrence got theendofhisnosecutoff. A’gold’Masonic ring,inset withdiamonds,which was lost in Atlantic City 16 years ago by a man fromthisState,was found on the beach“there ‘week before last. There is a rumor that T.ColemanDupont,millionaire powder manufac-turer of Delaware,may take overtheplantoftheFrenchsyndicateat‘Badin and Whitney,Stanly county. ‘»A new directory of Charlotte esti-mates the population at 50,240.Theywereclaimingabout50,000 when the census enumerators cameenein1910andshoweditwasonly000. One Carter,a sort of promoter,whorecentlydepartedtheHendersoncoun-2 jail between suns,wired apologies totheauthoritiesforhishastyandun- ceremonious departure,after he had made a safe get-away.Evidently a-“gentleman”who is mindful!of the.roprieties. f At a hotel in New Berne Tuesday $morning,Miss Dolly Price of Cravencounty,described as an attractiveyoungwoman,shot herself with sui- cidal intent,the ball going ‘clearthroughherbody,just above the-‘In‘love with one man andabouttomarryanother,the storyruns.The portrait of Hon.Geo.Davis ofWilmington,member of the Confeder-ate cabinet and distinguished lawyer,was presented to the Supreme Court y evening.The formal presen-tation of behalf of the Davis family:was made by Capt.S.A.Ashe.of Ral--eigh and.the acceptance was by.ChiefJusticeClark. The State Fair opened in RaleighTuesdaywithgoodattendanceand“a fine speech from Gov.Craig:TheGovernortalkedoftheState’s agri-cultural and industrial strides and em-phasized his opposition to heavy ar-|mament/and militarism.His remarks--on the la’were liberally applauded.«Secretary of the Navy Daniels spokeWednesday. Wave Allison and Vella Parker of if:Transylvania couaty were acquitted ofthechargeofthemurderofJimW.Clayton,of the same county,in Hen-derson county Superior Court.MorethanayearagoClayton’s dead bodywasfoundinFrenchBroadriver.Al-lison and Parker were twice tried in Transylvania county,a mistrial result-ing both times..: Important Discovery as to Pot-;:‘ Production for the first time in theUnitedStatesofcommercialmineralpotash,for which in the past Ameri-eans have spent millions of dollars abroad annually,is announced.byBerretary.Lane of the Interior De- fen i a f $ ‘Simple :ad heducedfromalunitefound-inveininPiutecounty,Utah.As alun-ite is known to exist in large quan-Aities in Utah,Célorado,Nevada,Cal-ifornia and Arizona,Mr.Lane be-lieves that:the discovery assures the country of an adequate supply of potash for agricultural purposes and for use in the manufacture of explos-ives.Statistics show that imports ofpotassiumsaltsfrom=Germany amounted to $15,000,000 in 1913,thelastyearforwhichfiguresareavail-|- able.5 é'The Utah alunite experimented with is in a vein 10 feet wide,whichhasbeentracedforabout3,500 feet. Its depth has not been ascertained. Reports show that.more than 200tonsofthemineralhavebeenmilled, producing two tons of 99 per cent. pure potash.At the present time there are 100,000 gallons of.alunite containing large amounts of potashsaltsinthecourseof,evaporation. TET, Mrs.Orr’s Cooking Class. Sara Scroggs of Statesville writes“as follows in last week’s issue of the“ive-Farmer::“I am going to tell you about ourcookingclass.Mrs.R.W.Ort isourteacher,Every Thursday at10_o’elock we go up to her house andsheteachesusfortwohours,Wehavelearnedtomake‘good bread,_Toasts,cakes,puddings,muffins,can-+,dies and so on.Last year I belong-'\ed to the tomato club,and I got twoprizes—a handbag for second highestyieldiadictionaryforsecondbestcomm.I.:am in the_sixthandam12:years:old.” .Mexicans Wreck Train. ear Brownsville,Texas,Monda~“might M bandits ‘wrecked ;train and then fired into it and rob- gers.Corporal Mce-bed the passenBee-of the United States army,a! INEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST.ORGANIZE NEGRO Happenings Here and There in the Country.. The President went to Princeton,N.J.,Wednesday and cast his vote forthewomansuffrageamendiienttotheNewJerseyconstitution.A schooner from Vancouver,B.C.,was wrecked on the,rocks 12 milesfromPointArena,Cal.,and eight ofthetenpersonsaboardweredrowned, Seven persons were killed,‘two fa- tally injured and about eight othersbadlyhurt.as the result of a head-on collision Tuesday between trains nearChickasha,Okla.;Citizens of Wytheville,*Va.,thechildhoodhomeofMrs.Norman Galt,President.Wilson’s fiancee,are’pre-paring to present to the couple ontheirmarriageasuitableweddingpresent,which will be in the nature of a municipal gift.November 4 President Wilson’willspeakbeforetheManhattanclubofewYorkonnationaldefenceandthe reasons ‘which have impelled him toapproveplanstoaboutdoublethena-vy and quadruple the trained fightingforcesashorewithinafew‘years. \Anent the slides in the Panama ca-nal some one with a memory recalls that a French engineet predicted, when the French were trying to-build the canal,that the slides at Panamawouldbecontinuousandthataca-nal could neyer be maintained there.Disquieting.:The jury in the Federal court in Indianapolis having acquitted May- or Bell of conspiracy to commit:elec- tion frauds,a similar case.againstTomTaggart,Democratic national committeeman,was dismissed.Simi- lar cases against about 1,200 otherpersonswerecontinued. Frank Elbert Compton,Chicago publisher,is engaged to marry Miss Margaret:Wilson,the -President’s eldest and only unmarried daughter.The wedding is scheduled to -takeplaceonthesamedaythatMrs.Nor-mah Bolling Galt becomes the brideofPresidentWilson.So reported. At Purvis,Miss.,Tuesday W.A.Blackburn,editor of the Star of thatplace,was shot and killed by Sam.E.Reece,editor of the rival paper, the Booster.The,editors quarreled over the,county printing and thesteotingtookplaceinthecourtaeReecesurrenderedandisinjail...;,At Butte,Mont.,Tuesday a wagon load of dynamité to be used for blast- ing exploded as if was being hauled from the yard of the Granite Moun-| tain mine of the North Butte Compa- ny and at least 14 men were killedandeightseriouslyinjured,one of whom will die.Four of the men were blown to atoms.: Official estimates of the navy’s part in the administration’s _billion- dollar national defense programme have been made public by SecretaryDaniels.”They show that within fiyeyearsitisproposedtospend$502,-| 482,214:on construction of new ships, development of aircraft,and creationofahugereserveofammunitionandguns, The first important government suit under the Clayton anti-trust act was begun in the Federal District Court inSt.Louis this-week against the United Shoe Machinery Company.The peti- tion charges'the company with unlaw- competition and tend to monopoly andasksthattemporaryandpermanent injunctions be granted to put an end to such practices.A temporary injunc-tion was granted and the hearing setforthe27th. Crops,Sick Folks,Singings. (Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-5,Oct.18 —Owing tosomuchrainthefarmersaregettingbadlybehindwiththeirfallwork.A fair crop of wheat will be sown in this community.A large acreage of oats is being planted.Corn is a fair cropandalargeracreagethancommon. The:acreage planted in cotton aroundhereisnotmorethanhalftheaver- age crop and is light and late.Larger:{ereps.of.tebaceo-th n be ttie order of the night.Mo lasses making is about over and morethanusual.has been made to take theplaceofhigh-priced sugar.Mr,R.J.Sloan'\has been right sickforsometime.His condition is crit-ical from.a nervous breakdown..The condition of Mrs.Kiate Riddle,who un- derwent an operation some fotr months ago at the Sanatorium forrheumatism,is bad.Since the opera-tion she has lost the use of her foot.An all-day Christian Harmony sing-ing yesterday,the 17th,at Centercharch,Alexander county.There will be an all-day singing at’Linney’s Grove Baptist church fourth Sundayinnextmonth.Mr.Brown of Mora-vian ew oe ‘D.Goodin and oth-ers wi eaders.,Singing in - time books.:Sites ” TTTTTTTT TTT TT Episcopal Assembly Grounds. The Episcopalians of the Southern States are to develop near Black Mountain assembly grounds’for theirChurchsimilartothoseofthePres-byterians,Baptists and other denomi-.nations in the vicinity.The land wasdonatedbyMrs.Mary Weatherly ofBirmingham,Ala.,and hotels;summer|cottages,golf links,lakes and-audito-riums are to be constructed on a tractoflandashortdistancefrom,Ashe-ville,on the banks of the Swannanoariver.Bishop Horner of Asheville isattheheadofthenewtnovement. How to Treat .”eh Croup Externally Rub Vick’s ‘Vap-O-Rub”Salve.welloverthethroatandchestforafewmin-utes—then cover with a warm flannel cloth,Leave the covering loose around the neck |80 that the soothing medicated va arise|ing may loosen the choking ph andeasethedifficultbreatiiing.Des applica. “passenger,was.killed by.a shot.The)gttack,BeeGe cane gtbhinst &night:aot |attack.::250,60c,or.@1.00,°Atthetrainand:a citi f|$1.0 druggista,“wereaso kite ,Pout MARK, ,“wo »,either he-Pirate,oh?™{iE ful practices that substantially lessen| +19 and 4 (Kor:fall descriptionseerecordin i Register of Deeds “office of»Inedell yorente. ARMERSFocalOrganizationFormedin .Turnersburg Township.5 To theEditorof!TheLandmark:=| '»Please allow us space in thecolumnsofyourpapertostatethaton,Satur-day,October 16th,the colored patrons township,met at their school houseandwereorganizedintoaLocalNe-gro Farmers’Conference.BeinJ.E.Harris,secretary Colored Far-mers’County Conference,was peekandspokeon“Some Essentials |Good Farming.”He emph theimportanceofdeep,preparatory plow-ing,the proper selection of good seed,frequent shallow cultivation of thegrowingplants,green manuring by vines,soy beans,vetches and ornclover;the free,judicious useof theproperkindofcommercialfertilizeron land abundantly supplied with vegeta- ble matter}the proper rotation of farm crops;the raising of home sup- plies;the diversification of ,farm crops;-a progressive community spirit and an active co-operation of the farmers,both:when buying supplies and when selling farm products.:Touching local school needs,théCountyConferencesecretaryrecom- mended the following:A school housewatercoolerand100squarefeet.of ad-ditional blackboarding for the.school; individual drinking cups for the school children;a school farm of four acres to be planted in cotton next year forthebenefitof‘the school;corn and-cot-ton clubs for the boys and tomatoclubsforthegirls;a Home Improve- ment League for the young people;a Sunday evening Bible Reading club forthepupilsandanightschoolforthe grown people.All of these recommen- dations were approved by the patronsandwillbeputintoeffect.: Our teacher aims to remain in the community next year and operate,a small farm,so as to be in close touch|with the school farm,the various clubs|of the school children and the Loca)| Negro Farmers’Conference,It is ouraimtodevelopourlocalschoolintoa strong,model,rural grammar ‘schoo!with industrial adjuncts.sai The following named were electedasofficersofourLocalFarmers’Con-ference:: Rev:J.F.Turner,president;J.A.Gaither,vice president;D.C.Turner, treasurer;C.S.Campbell,secrétary; Wiley Stimpson,W.M.Campbell and Bynum Patterson,committee on ‘edu- cation;C.C..Nichols,Frank Johnson and John Stimpson,committee on lard and farm affairs;Vernie Johnson,Co- ra Foote and Barbara Turner,‘com- mittee on home improvement.,The speaker dwelt at length on the value of the county school rural super-visor for the development of the home and urged all present to co-operate with our supervisor when she assumes her official duties.We advise those farmers wishing to organize local-farm-unions to write to County Secretary Negro Farmers’ Conference,Box 58,Statesville,N.C. brains out at Altapass,Mitchell coun-ty.No cause.assigned. Yields To Delicious Vinol Philadelphia,Pa.—‘‘Last Fail I wastroubledwithaveryseverebronchialcold,headaches,backache,and sick tomystomach.I was so bad.I becamealarmedandtriedseveral‘medicines,also a doctor,but did not get any relief.A.friend asked me to try Vinol and itbroughtthereliefwhichIcraved,sonowIamenjoyingperfecthealth.”—Jack C.SINGLETON.We guarantee Vinol,our delicious codliverandirontonicwithout:oil,forchroniccoughs,colds and bronchitis. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. COMMISBIONERS SALE OF BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior.Court.of Iredell county,rendered in thespecialproceedingwhereinElectaF.Coop-er,administratrix of A.oeCooper,oremlef at the hour ‘of noon;the following described|real estate in the city of Statesville:Theone-half undivided interest of the A.D. Cooper estate,held in common with Mrs.J..C.Fowler,in the following land,’to-wit:.Beginning at a stake,T.C.Anderson'scorner;thence N.66 degrees E.225 feet toa12-foot alley;thence ‘N.24 degrees W.246 feet to C.P.Moore's corner;thence 8.66 degrees W.117 feet to C,P.Moore's corenerinA.C.Tomlin’s line;‘thence 8.24 de-grees E.to Tomlin’s line;thence 8.66 dé-)grees W.108 feet to the Glover!line;thence24degreesE.212 feet to the beginning,ex-cepting a lot of 100 feet front and 212 feetdeep‘conveyed to A.W.Cooper from the western end of said lot.This lot is sold subject to the right ofdowerofMrs.Julia Cooper.Terms of sale—One-third cash,one-third in three months andone-third in six months.“:R.B.McLAUGHLIN,Oct.8,1615,Comm ioner, SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. By virtie of the powers contained inthelastwillandfestamentofthelateCapt.T.A.Pries,the undersigned will sell at pub-lie auction,to the highest bidder,at iecourthousedoorinStatesville,N.C., MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1916,8 at 12 o’rleek,m.,the following ‘describedhouseandlotlyinginthewestern‘suburbs of Statesville,towit:Beginning at an iron stake,W.L.Smith'scorner,in Pickens’line;thence.—N._3)@e-|grees.KE.7 poles to an iton stake in Haynes’“res-thence 8.-87 degrees E.with Haynes'sline18poles:to an iron stake,Haynes’cor-ner in L.©Wagner's line;thence 8.3 de-grees W.7 poles to a stone,corner of Churclttut;thenes N.87 degrees W.18 poles to thgbeginning,containing one acre,more or less,Terms-—One-third cash,one-third»in six’mnths and one-third in_twelve months,J.H.HOFFMANN,Admr.with the will d. R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty,Oct.8,1916. MORTGAGE SALE .OF.CAND: By virtue of the power ofee contained inthemortgagedeedexecutedChas.A.West-moreland and wife,Bessie Westmoreland,‘toJghnL.Davis,and reeorded in Book 38,page454;-hr-the office of the Register of Deeds ofliédellcounty,and default having been madeinpaymentofsame,the wnaersigned will of- ae of school district No.2,Turnersburg'|| plowing under cowpea stubble-aha! 4 weet oad *f ie i e aaSTiThinkersefteCountry é High Speed Nerve 'demand a mild but satisfying chew.— »/The man who chews rank,black tobacco is likely to find the “come back”coming at just the wrong moment. ‘ q /A sVvV..CHEWING TOBACCO ;| \PICNIC TWIST is the mildest of tobacco with the good qualities of a strong chew.Its gently stimulating effect lasts as long as its satisfying taste and there areno after effects. Try it out yourself,eee sie Take several chews of "this soft,cleanly © made selected tobacco.“You'll have no more /’ use for black tobacco.° Yok for the name PICNIC TWIST—in5ctwistsorinthedrumof11twists. ,»said one of the greatest thinkers_.this country ever produced.| i $3 Sea)3 sg yon _his nervesPe |Have your feet fitted with -Krippendorf-Dittmann’s Flexi- ble Shoes.°They never.hurt .the feet,..Made-in all the pop- Peo e $3.00,$8.50 and $4.00. Have them fitted by Millsx& Poston down town.* MILLS&Yours truly, IMC ET POSTON.= TYPEWRITERS! with your Typewriter troubles. New or Re-Built..Typewriters sold. Have afew machines for Rental Pur- poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us - Statesville Printing Co.. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATESALE. Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-riet Clark,deceased,the undersigned’executoroffersatprivatesaleavaluable/tract ‘oflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawba‘county,N.C.,containing 151 acres_/more or COLLEGE JEWELRY ! less‘and known as the Alexander Clark place.The tract.contains.50 acres of.original forestand40acresofriverbottomlands,The estatealso_offers.a house and lot in Troutman andan{sland of 10 acres in the’Catawba river,For terms apply to ‘C.H.BROWN,Exécutor,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N.C,duly 18,1916,f MISS RAY GOLDMAN Practical,,Expert-..Shopper.Purchasing agent of personalapparel,as well as householdarticlesofeverydescription.:References exchanged.4 1601 Linden Ave.,Baltimore Md.Oct 8~4t, {cy for sale for eash to the highest bidder,et the court .door in Statesville,MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8,1915, the following tract of —land described‘ne follows:Loeated in “Barringer township,Iredell county,known as the Jessie ‘Westmore- nnd land,teing Liflie’s and Louise's part tot from 3,1,Davie and wife,Tame C.Davin,to ———FoR—— Horse Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,-etc., with the seal of Statesville College on. Make a nice piece of Jewelry for former students as well as those now attending. We have this liné now in... R,H.-RICKERT’&SON. “—" lene deve R,F.HEN “GOOD TIME! l The clocks in the home mustbe right or the ‘housekeeper caa’t be ex:pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no economy in.wearing out.-your pocket with a watch that you can’t.depezonwatch,or cluck repaired by BOB!‘is entire timeto,repairing watches andndveye-giasses,<1) —, 4 FAMILY AVOWDS. + seAaeR SERIOUS SICKNESS i waerain ed my?last—the.relghth—meeting,jp,left last night for Wash-Train No,15,eeeqc 96 a.m.|two of which I haye not reported,the |tae eek they Pi te Joveae te b BeingConstantly Suppliedve an ae ”heads i at ir Aah ml apg Wesley’s chapel;the other fore the Department of Justice to ver;a west-bea a on ie »mlat Vanderburg.While We had cra-|quest the appointment,of a endeas!»Thedford’sBlack-Dranght,No.#6,eastbound,due 10.36 a.wi./cious results at Wesley’s chapel in the prosecutor for the western _North|}‘Train 22,east-bound,due a8 p.m.|winter,there were no professions of |harotina district.to investigate |theTrain12,east-bouna,due 6:45 Dm ifaith to be.tabula’only such}werent ‘Train No.16,leabetete due’10.50.p.‘m oy He a ie this veagi recent election frauds in this county,| McDuff,Vat suffered for.several HOTTet cite.There ware.five,ps,with four|tyre Peeaimed Getniaie,ction}ates)s Mrs.‘eee O{|Train No.16 9.60,leaved 10.36 &.m./more applications for ibership.f the evidence produced in the re-1eweC5.‘and Train No,a4 see)eae 9,20,%™.|The greatest victory «“was noted at Rat contest trial in thiis county and | ’Train Nob 23 ar.10,00"lenges 10:40 a m.|Vanderburg.Here yweke 60 profes:the statement frmo Mr.Coltrane that| Tenenyear a atriend toldmeme ie Train No.ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p..m.|sions of faith with 49 aecessions.The!he was blocked in an effort to present|$Biack-Dbeine best amily Nos,28and 24.Ate not operated om Sunday.|greatest victory of allgf my minis-his matter before the Federal grand|td found tf bewee et ined Y Weather For th i try occurred here.Itwason Sunday !yury at the June term of Unitedcineforyoungand.eather For the Week:night.afterhaving A results dur-/States court in Greensboro.I keep Bla all-the|The weather foreeast for the week|ing the past week.’_tremendous|”Tt will be remembered that br.ime now,an them more-good than“they ever tried.®oyaneverhaveafong‘neh of sick-ourfamily,oe we commencedusingBlack-Thedford’s5 Black-Draught is purelyvegetable,and ound to regu-late vane stomachs,aid digestion,‘re-lieve i iy colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similas symptoms, It has been in senans tise for morethan70>ai ‘mp has benefited morethanamillionpeople. our st sells and secommends-Draught..Price only 25c.Geta Rackage °NAG,a The New Line of Copy- righted Books oeAP ica eee R.P.ALLISON'S Book STORE. DRAIN YOUR FARM.| Any quantity 4-inch and 7 §-inch DRAIN TILE on hand.— Common Bricks,Face:Bricks,always ready fordelivery. Stafesrile Brick fe MILLER &BROWN Have reopened their market onFrontstreét’and -will-handle allkinds:of fresh ‘meats.Hope all old clistomers will remember us.——’PHONE 497,——. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” FULLSSOCK--LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., (3ead whenboars aie feel alebad,theyaskmefora y.andif)‘tmhedicine Seererewrea So RT TT{HELANDMARK beginning last:Wednesday was as fol~ lows fo&this section of the country: Rain Wednesday,@ sctant There,| day,along the Sot Atlantic coast Otherwige generally’fair during’the| week emperatures moderate, ee DON’T TAKE) oan CES IF CHILD’S‘ONGUE:Is COATED, If rene,Reeth,Sick,Bilious,_Clean ‘Little Liver and Bowels. Alaxative’today sayes a sick childtomorrow,..-Children ‘simply will nottakethetimefromplaytoemptytheirbowels,Which Become clogged up with waste,liver gets’sluggish,stomachsour. Look at the tongue,Mother!If coat- ed,or your child is listless,cross,fe- verish,breath bad,restless,doesn’t eat heartily,full of cold.or has sore throat or any other children’s ailment, give a teaspoonful of “California Syr- up of Figs,”then.don’t worry,be- cause it is perfectly harmless,and in a few hours all this constipation pois- on,sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels,andyouhaveawell,playful child again. A thorough “inside cleansing”is oft-times all thatvig:mecessary.It should be the first teeeanant given in any sickness.Beware of Dunterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot-tle of “California Syrup of-Figs,” which has fulledirections for babies,ichildrén of all)ages and for grown-ups plaifily printed on the bottle.Lookcarefullyand’see that it is made by the “California Fig Syrup pomenty— FLOWERS!| ON’ .|Bro,Eads Makesakes Report AROUTMAN.CHRCUIT, Work.©. Correspondence of The 4 Troutman circuit.—T have just clos- throng’was preset y faith wasneverbeforeequal%a /Bunday crowd ‘in a protracted meetin expect little and getpressedwith:the situation.” out the difficulty to.my ,peopl:ellingithemthatGodwasgreaterthanall‘that.I rallied them as%best I could.We took.hold:of the matter with faith in God and pu of Heart, and with the best work we could do, iand..the result was 28 professions offaithatGod’s-altar.If,am in the ministry 23 years more,I cannot ex- pect a greater victory..There were 25 persgnal workers.us and again, God has set his seal on Vanderburg.For this year I record 291 ‘profes-sions of faith—nine in:the homes—with 159 accessions,with others tocomein,and 544 wee‘J have admin- istered the Sacrament regularly,plac-ed in the churches the ¢ommiittees in-dicated by the discipline;and withalithasbeenthebestyearofmymin- istry.With.prayer.and purpose of heart I hope:to have a good financialreport.JOSEPH J.EADS, _u ually |proper blanks ysS IM-i ments.and it is alleged was ordered|rintéd|from the office by Mr.Hammer and THE VRE “AFTER HAMMER.| of His |Special Prosecutor Wanted in|]This District. Asheboro Dispatch,19th,to Greens-boro News.A.B.Coltrane and Attorney Chas, Coltrane went before ‘District Attor-) ney W.C,Hammer and requested theformakingpresent-| his subsequent attempts were block-,ed.Seeing his efforts were futile and, desiring what he termed a fair hear- ing in the matter,Mr,Coltrane ap-.pealed to Judge Boyd .in open court and the district attorney told the court that Mr.Coltrane was trying to, indict his enemies. Following the election trials in this county,in which the Republicans were awarded two contested offices,much evidence incriminating election offi-| cers was produced and the stenog- raphers’notes.are a part of the pe-'! tition.carried,to:Washington by Messrs.Coltrane and Redding.A} case of conspiracy and ,several al-| leged violations of the Federal stat-| lutes are cited in the petition asking’ for special prosecution. “Chronic Constipation. “About two years ago,when I began using| October,21,,1915.Pastor. ec New Building —Sunday ‘School| at Shiloh. Correspondence of The Landmark. Btatesville,R-1,Oct.20 —“Cotton | picking is in progress.but ¢otton isslowaboutopening.‘The farmers are busy getting their farm work done. I don’t remember ef..their ever being|so busy.A lot of new.buildings are beingerected,.such as corn ‘¢ribs,smqkehousesandbarns.Mr,Will.Perry isbuildinga,nice dwelling house.Mr.Perry is a prosperous and hard-work-ing man.He works late and,,carly. No doubt it would ‘be a good:rule for us all to adopt.jLittleFrank,son of:Mr.and Mrs.B.C.Howard,has beéh ill fdr sometimewitherysipelas.|/Maste#Gra- ham,son of Mr.and Mrs.A.G.Mills, was very ill with diphtheria some days ago oe is better at this writing.Mr.W Dearman:has been re-elected Souday school superintendent HYACINTHS,Bulb NARCISSI,S 4}Tues,IRIS. Ferns of Many Kinds.|| Palms,Dracaessas and Pines.|||Begonias;Geraniums,Smilax..||) Sweet:Pea Seed.Cut Flowers and Designs.Or-ij)ders taken for Roses for later|delivery..‘W.M.BARRINGER, FLORIST,i!356 West End Avenue.\|Come’and see us in our newGreenhouse. Pare Sourwood Honey Next baat Wh.Statesville. DIFFERENT FROM THEREST.7 —AND ——a Good Graham Flour. 'M.P.Alexander &Bro. *PHONE 241. ||ford.Plyler:wasatShilohM.E.church*and Mr.Cran- -electéed.-secretary. be elected at theWearehavingaTheteacherswill \first of the year. good Sunday school,for t care attend as well as thegichil Allparentsshouldgo,and take there chil-dren,for this is largely what it takes to make a good school.Mr.Cranford Plyler will ‘conduct prayermeeting at Shiloh the first Sunday.night in November.Prayer- imeeting at the’Arthurs school house every second and fourth Sunday night.:: What has become of the Trotitman R-2 correspondent?IT wish to.com-pliment ‘the Jennitf@s corr espondent.¥ou should write longer letters “and more often,for we all enjoy reading them. Off to School—-FarmWork. Correspondence of The Landmark. -Hamptonville,R-2,Oct.18 —The people of this section are very “busy gathering in their crops and ©sowingwheat,oats and rye for another crop, but owing to so much rainy weather work ‘is not progressing so well assome‘désiMisses ries Myers and Sadie ,All-red left Saturday for Mise nheirmer, where they will enter school.Misses Emma Mvers and Mary Fer Sale by-——i ‘ler-McLain Supply Co Need not cost as much:asyoumaywaveheard,itwould.See me for GOODAMMONIATEDWHEAT.FERTILIZER at.a muchlowerpricetnanyouwould .Bone Meal in any quanti- [ror FINE CLEANING AND DYEING -—’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. ty for vegetables and flow-ers.T.N..BROWN. || | |-think.|| First-Class : Butter Wrappers! We have the very :best F -Parchment Butter Paper, -and can print your name—and-brand-on-same.—Let-us_—have your order for anyquantityyou-want.See us.Prices reasonable, “Brady Printing Co. NURSERY STOCK! Home-growni—includ-|ing;all.varieties offrutts,grapes (JamesandScuppernong),evev- ergreens_and rub- €xX 5terCorbett,cos ted hi father,Mr.R.HY‘Cook,Saturday and Sunday. The school at Shiloh opens“tdday. Mr.Cicero Henderson and Miss:Ber- tha Crater are the teachers.Wy From Loray Community, Correspondence of The Landmark.°/))' Karns,Oct.20 —Master Willian McLelland,who had two fingers tak- en off as the result~of having hishandmashedinthefansof@¢ornmill;is able to be out again.~~4)Master Clayton Sharpe,Jr.,who (;had a.serious accident while ridinghisbicycle,is.improving.|Ilis*little sister,Nella,is on the siek ligt:this week,Mrs.Martha Combs,ai tmder- went a serious operation about ‘three weeks ago,“is expected home this week.Mrs.Lizzie Otton and children,who spent the past:summer in their,moun-tain ‘home,are the gtests of Mrs.Ot- ton’s brothers,Messrs..O.|.and T.W.Woodside.They.are on their way to.-Charlotte..Miss_Jettie W.oodside bery and’extra niceroses. For information,call W.H.Crawford &Co. Goite L.Sherrill,M.D.,~'PHONE 916x.= Wil enaaren ibaa,call Ff Shingles Feor Sale!Geo.M.Foard’s residence.. sea Carload of god No... DR.G L.GR USE. Veterinarian.”’ ee rear Polk Gray,Drag’‘Co. 2 Shingles at $2.75_per thousand at my.By a ole a Office:Phone reat ~/hae10Dy fe_Residence 'Phone 198oi is spending the.week:with fr iends:intheOstwaltcommunity. .Pig’s Tail Caused Row.; This from a.Newton correspondent of the daily papers:“A neighborhood row,sai!to have a pig’s tail by one girl to anotherin’the Witherspoon school communi- ty,has been:aired in the county.court thresh out the affair and in so doingbrokeuptheschoolfortheday.Two men and two women were trxed ‘sumsrangingfrom$4.76 to $11.50.” “RorIndigestion.canis take pepaittand preparations gon-eaeorothor:tive’ferments’for asthe more lyou take UeGBaveto,take,What ig nee ke ariain'e re | ar ee T holeigen had its beginning in ‘the mailing of}, here,because in'the progress of thetrouble,.interested ‘parties all gath-|%*iered at.the Witherspoonschool to more|¥is alythatpollenvyionalB Chamberlain's Tablets,I had been.suffering|ice some time with "stomach trouble and | hronic constipation.My condition improv-|ed rapidly through®*the use of these tablets.| |Since taking four or five bottles of them my |health has been fine,”writes Mrs.John New-| ton,Irving.N.¥.Obtainable everywhere. if YOU WANT THE BEST HOUSE At the lowest possible cost.Long, Leaf Pine is the best and costs less.than any other Pine.It stays later in your Floors,Ceiling,Cas-. ings,Boxings and Mouldings. C,WATKINS,’Phone 43. “FRESH =STOCK” ——ARRIVING — Currants,Citron,Raisins,Prunes,:Mince ‘Meat,.Buckwheat Flour,Maple Syrup. *Phone us your orders.Eagle & Milholland. where nailed.No cracks will comes f With the height of qualine es the Pp moderate thereis advantageinba showing for you.iircaOuse 4 Sweater Coatsin all sizes and wanted’colors and ef-fects.Priced from $1.50 toBIO auth: Children’s Sweatersin wool or_cotton,‘all ‘colorsandsizes.Priced from 50c.to $2.50,© Infants’Sacquesin all wool only,in white’and.ccombi-nation colors,50c.and $1.00,ie Infant’Booteesin all wool only,white,pink’and blue :Priced 10c.to 50c.4 Hla Teddy Bear Sets—Caps,Sweaters and Le;Ths,colors |red and white.Priced $1,00.and$5.00.Hockey Caps in all colors and combinations vin all y e sizes,25c.and 50c. Jap.Work Baskets,Japanese Trays, 50c.to $4.00.—$1.50 to’$4.00. Allshapes and sizes;verypopularnow. MEN Your Fall and Winter wants are here with a greater selection and thebestin quality._ New Bath Robes with Slippers to Match. Just the thing for the eve- The.imported.uctallshapesandsn Kndwn is.the:Me The Best Known. Itis needless for.8tomarkabout.their.qua Our chown com1p di at home lounieing -Unusual Values,pai ey mornings;all ‘A handed atulhe or i .—one of the best assoiPriced$5 and$6.mentswe have ever knoHouseCoats.ae omnes Sometimes called smpkin Visit our._Sentionection — jackets.Trimmed wicordedbraidswithfrog |We want aa ones,fastenings;all wanted col-|are doingour best toorsandsizes.your wants as.youPriced$5.them served est.7Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison CG ....,&StoreofReems heat ve 7 Lyon Brand Stop!Look!Listen! WEbuy in car lots.“WE sellin any quantity.WE sell the ‘celebrated Gold :Medal Flour.WE sell Sweet Feed for HorsesandMulesWEsellSweetDaisyFeedforCows.WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats.and:Cotton Seed,Products,-WE SELL FOR LESS.WE_pay CASH for country ..“Corn and Oats. WE deliverin hy oy: To insure you service and dry feet,try this Shoe...) RED GOOSE SCHOOL SHOES -Ap fd Sh -Stand the Boy,Girl or Woman for outdoor wearAeY Not’clums:nor hard.‘A neat,well-fitting Shoe.‘We sell”All ae‘Shoes,“which have proven to do what we claim for them,baw - EVERY WEEK art Brings new additions to our Coat Suit and Coat,fing:which is a _new feature to our business,and in order to get it introd eed the trade we are offering some unusually low pricés.You d want to miss seeing us for a Coat Suit or Coat, Rain Coats ‘and Sweaters for Ladies,Girls ‘aaa Boys. ELKIN BLANKETS : From:$3.50 to $6.00 per ‘pair.Big line of colored Blankets ion98c.to $1.75 a pair. ;ay us for your fall bill, You will find our wood ati pie It is time you are ordering yourfuelforwinter.general use is our celebrated Genuine Jelico Powhatan Blue Gem Pennsylvania Anthracite Run of Mine Steam Coal. We also handle Oak and PineWood,and do all kinds of hauling.Moving household goods a special-. Holland Bros. Depot ’Phone No.7. Residence ’Phone No.310 Bleck.|| The Flour of Quality.: DAN VALLEY is milled from$the celebrated wheat grown in ‘f$the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-§ %ginia..IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bréad and more % of itto the pound than other %flour.It is-economy to buy §DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary C.Boshamer, ‘Local Representative,' lTHE BEST COAL!, The best coal for}| Dan Valley} phe 125eRe Itaw.& HE UNIVERSAL.CAR A Ford on the road for every car of © another make.’More than 900,000 nowinuse—everywhere.This -could not.,be if the Ford car had not,and was notprovingitssuperiorityeveryday,ji =s/f the world.The sturdy,1fei,Sconomical &Ford a ieful toyerybody,saving money for evfratapricewithinreachof,exeryboiy./Runabout $390;Touring Car $444‘b.,Detroit.Onsale at linaeisCo.,Peateweits,Mooresville,mene 89|terices in’an urticle in theMtiAiry Times-Leader,a Republican paper,ec is often overlooked in excess of |~>=,October 22,1915, P'STAND CRITICISM, BO Peurnal’s story.that a county,man doing time at.the rfi Was not allowed to of the Journal,to which ¥e was a subscriber,has attracted et-ention.‘The Journal asked the man inoftheStateprisonfarmif tonvicts were not allowed to.read pers,.:The official didn't reply <the letter but the Journal's sub-hak.»geriber:wrote.that the:letter was re- sived jut theybicaeee let him have-Yhe.paper. ’The ‘State»see sesbikaceaseid -weems to entertain some.curious ideas.;Some years ago one Will Har- Fis,@ negro desperado who terroriz- ed‘a large section:of country,was finally ‘arrested,convicted and sen- »tenced to the State prison from Metk- "lenburg:In‘a short time he escaped blecentae Saar 80 counties in.aState’ _TRYING TO D have property values tnNorthcoratheneemastipiney In order to raise more tax Theabove are the opening°ye and the(porport of the’article is an attempt to make it appear ‘that the! State Tax Commission ‘has’prbitra-| rily incréaséd ‘assessments simply”to raisé more ‘revenue to meét the’ex- travagance’of the.State governmeiit, Without attempting to’answer now the charge of extravagance,which canbe ‘combatted,.it.would be of .interest if the “Timés-Leader would.tell its Surry readers why—it|" assessments have :been arbitrarily ply to get more money to squander— the Republican county of Surry ‘és- caped along ‘with 18 other ‘counties, Surry’s assessment,made by local au- thorities,the State Tax commission found.proper..The commission’also found that about 80 other counties in the State had not assessed as fairly in proportion to value as Surry:‘and property in these counties.was in- Mie who Saemetae Peat are likely,to get into trouble,’ ed in that way,who might escape‘if and it is always well to remember.that) Officers are bound to respect—mno “mat-, ter how strong the suspicion that hey ib a law ‘violator.a templates an addition to its plantand]| Dem .|heleetbeeeeeonanaieisforced to build an addition to ac- commodate increased business. Which is evidence that the,talk 6f better business isn’t imagination. Sunday law of Zebulon;Wake county,which prohibits sales of soft drinks, cigars,etc.,on Sunday. a mothersleeptofindherchild who has gone to ‘dolls Diesen of san or Courthaspagsedoutthewordthatthebag. {gage and persons of individualscan't|or~!be searched for contraband liquor,or 4 anything for.that.matter,with- zealous offi- sort of t a warrant,and t/isn’t new.doctrinebut it is law, 1.Real criminals are often detect- e was taken to get a warrant,but ocent people may be humiliated;thoseWarmunitions from this President.Wilson issued simultan? OF eously Wednesday a proclamation esetablishinganembargo:on’-the ship-ments of arms and ammunition toexicoandanorderexceptingfrom:ithe prohibition the recognotChief?Executive.he:proclamation makes it clear: ed to thenyttan-Mexico,”’‘of General Villa, no fo énforcing the embargo,theeindividual‘has some rights which}will have the co-operation ofie Dev Ps a—tnanaelennncconanamcsimaaacieaniet:The Statesville Cotton*Mill con- Statesville Furfiture Qompaiy| Allof The Supreme.‘Court sustains the a ats scaieitas tetethadaint nants Nn When Baby Has the Croup.we When is awakened from sound eens ¢of ae War “and:Jus’ dp A¢*You.WantShingles “That won't split or’Leaf..Pine Shingles.The 4x20 shaved Gator’Shinglecan’t:be beat..paein at lowest prices,C.WATKINS,N,Center St. “DR.B.C.TALLEY,.VETERINARIAN, Headquarters Statesville Drug Co,Office Phone 80+Residence ’Phone 307 Black: de fack |’‘overnment of which Gen.Carran- that the vanes States’intends:that |’ ey te fae HH Twelve grades offf} To Small:Tire Users : ‘..Sizes 30x34 and30x3 | Extra Size »This year we are building our small-size tires larger thananyrival...We have:added also combats such break These new extras alone will:this year cost.us $317,000;*;Yet Goodyear prices were TP C ee al a e LY = se we e aRO C er ge m e o 4. SE [DEITZ&PATTERSON mice!ee and ane oers.U1)r Tiring andhrinking.General Repair-igre Painting “ote,ShoShop rearof apparently in the,best of health verthoaittie |for breath,she is naturally alarmed..Yet ifshecankeepherpresenceofmindandgiveChamberlain’a Cough Remedy every ten min-utes until vomiting is produced,quick retiefwillfollowandthechildwilldroptosleeptoawakeninthemorningaswellasever.This remedy has been in use for many years and the fitst knowledge the Mecklen-|03.64 to put them on an equality vurg authorities had of his escape he}.i+,Surry.The Times-Leader knows: was;bakin that county shooting at inise are facts—has the proof in itshisenemies,The Charlotte Observer,|county.It is trying to’deceivethenedited’by Mr,J.P.Caldwell,crit-|;readers for partisan purposes. this year enormouslymeee Added to This. These new extras are astothetireswhichholdtopplace... 20%to the'air capacity.And thatis what carries the load, ’Large,stites as you knowlastlongerthansmalltires,ieised the State prison management for not otifying Mecklenburg officials of the:o's escape.Soon afterward something ‘of interest dceurred atthe State.prison:and when the Observer's Raleigh:correspondent asked the in- stitution ‘for news he was turned down fi with the gtatement that the paper he represented could ‘get no information there;it had criticised the prison of- ficjals. <The Journalwill ‘take notice that if it talks too loud it may getin trouble, The State prison officials take no back gah, Mr.Wilson and Mr. agreed that in the-event of war this country’s reliance must be ona cit- a soldiery.‘Mr:Wilson,however, emphasis.on the poneeaits.forviiminartraining.Mr.Bryan ispraashaving,saidsaid.that.1,000,000tizens‘would .spring ‘to.armsteenfunraeandsunset.This,wemerelyas-.a fig-epecah the ere ae otwie of peck practical.compendi- a on‘the aa of mobilization.‘the question has been asked,i ‘would these a be -worth,rr mustered in the course of a;‘a year?—Charlotte Observer.‘epurse.it is much better to have Soldiery.But when}— called’to arms -would be..useless ‘the -woldiers of ‘the Con- 1.there is any truth“in hi fy.the 60s was some warand the ee army made |in the military "hate aout previous train-|Vanstory, noted.that the “executive board’of |* Charlotte—one of the nuiherous gov- erning boards of that city—had or-dered ‘a reduction in Bell telephone rates in’Charlotte,Whereupon this executive board and ‘the Closes the incident as follows:| In deference to a protest from theSouthernBellunaeehoneCompany,Soy‘executive boa:‘dament “with isons ju ent wiGocentrapening.a decrease insomeofthetelephoneratesrecom-mended by City Electrician R.P;Con-nelly and approved by the board onber15.‘For the present thelerratesareinvogue. TN, e women are knocking the Pres- ident.because ‘he is going to take a setorid Wife—and so soon after the Geatidhot the first.’Generally speak- ang—-there are exceptions of course :\‘ladies don’t take kindly to.sec- nid Marriages<for the man.It is asright if the woman wants to mar- {8°second time,but:to the average vita the;thought of another womanfakingherplaceinthehomeisany-but:pleasant.And so the la~fambast Mr.Wilson.But weowifanyladycriticof-thePresident‘eligible to matrimonyould”hilive ‘declined an offer to be-come -mistress of the White \House.|stockAllwhowould’have refused Wood-_row Wilson‘out of respect to his for-i tantswife's ee Please hold up}in |genséotnderi criticisedthe Pres-|s“ident »ee ining a Cathplic as his|'and.these criticsalintima"that Mr,Wilson was|aberaergtotheCatholics.At least one ‘seen objected to,the of Carranza in Mexico onosgroundthathewastoomuch ‘and now a Catholic paper in tee violently assailed Catholic;: Bryan are!stopped—which isn’t true in the great |§ be-|Christian Aidvocate’s constituent adds:|§ ctaainecbealiiniciedeneininiemmaniamel Mentioning letters received’from with uniform success,Obtainable every*.KyMorrison‘GrogaryE ProdProduceOct19—8t, subscribers the Raleigh Christian ‘Aa-|& vocate quotes fromsome that arepleas-: ant and from one that ik not.In the|$ he had ‘notified the editor:to stop his j paper.when the subscription expired,|# and as the paper was not stopped ‘the|f subscriber denied responsibility for|# the debt.Ail newspapers’who trust 5 to the good faith’of.subscribers are|# familiar ‘with the type who claim,af-|f ter they get in debt,that they/# asked:for the paper.to belf majority of cases—and notwithstand-: ing they continued to receive the ‘pa-: per they refuse to pay.Not ‘content|§ with refusing to pay for the paper,the|# “It (the Advocate)was sold to me for} a christian paper and when I read it|# I found nothing but colages and ad-|f vertise.there‘was;not any ~chris-/# tian readingin it.”That ought to give|¥ Editor Massey pause,; Do you need cee We:‘have|#them.—J.M.McKee &She latter case the writer claimed.that|B First Class Baggingand Ties Free to Everybody. Meal kichanedfor.deed,pound.for pound. Top of the market paidfor Seed,Seed Cot- ton or Lint.No strings to my I do this whether you'séll your roposition. to me or to the other fellow.No one can pay more than I can for an} two wagons at a time. ing.Can handle No waiting at BRISTOL'S GIN.Come to see me. =1.B.BRISTOL. FRESH MEATS! All kirds of fresh meats deliveredanywhereintown.Will also buy nice pork hogs:~~“ .JHUNTER F.MOORE.Oct,22—4t,"Phone 445, _NOTICE TO CREDITORS. aintFraley The Underselling Store. mee Les BARGAINS. Th order to move the goods-quickly we"offer these extraordinary|Bargains while they last: H mileage for '.hany tires,’ Having qualified as~*éxecutor’and execu-trix.of the last will and testament of J.W.thia is to notify ‘all ‘per-1 lot $5 value Elkin Wool Blankets,only1lot$1.25 value Cotton Blankets,only Observer Co sona having claims against said estate to payme!CHAS,VANSTORY,Executor.MRS.C.4wet ae Executrix,Zeb.V..Lone.Att'y.Sept.27,1916, ‘SHARESOFSTOCK AT AUCTION. ae undersigned edminiatrator of the estateeedecensedwiltseltatpublic “Statesville,Buftala.Shoals’“Bridge1shareSoutheasternPoultryAssocia-60 shares in Post —ae Co.';GOOPER,“Adabnateator. tion, R B.ee netsOct,5, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having.qualified as.exeeutor..of the.will ofLynwoodBost.wate of Iredell coun-ty,North Carolina,’this ig to notify all per-sons having claims against the estate of theidtopresentthemtotheunder-signed on or before Octoner 16,1916,or thisnoticewillbepleadedinbaroftheirrecov-ery.All persons indebted to the estate ofthesaiddeceasedwillprteasemakepromptsettlement.DEWEY L.RAYMER,Extr.of the will of Lynwood Bost. Oct.15,1916, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Having.qualified as executor of the lastwillandtestament.of Joseph L.‘Padgett,no-tice is hereby given to all parties holdingclaimsagainstsaidestatetopresentthegametotheundersignedonorbeforethe15thdayofOctober,1916,or this notice.willbepleadinbaroftheirrecovery. ae 1 lot 75¢.value Blue and Black Serge,Nedused to-1 lot 50c.value Danish Poplin,half wool,reduced to.1 lot 30c.Plaids,reduced to1lotyard-wide Nainsook,reduced:i.‘ £1 lot 44-inch FrenchBatiste,‘reduced,to1lotTableLinen,reduced to1lot7c.value All WoolPants Cloth,only“1 lot,Unbleached Sheeting,onlyAllHeavyStormClothsatFlanoala,only$4.00 Rugs reduced to only$2.00 Ru ipo “AM Ladies’Coat SuitsAteChildren’s re ‘half price;*1 lot $1.00 Ladies’Fine Ribbed1lotMen’s Ribbed and Fleeced1lotMen’s Ribbed and Fleeced Drawers to:Match, inion on only .indershirts,38c.All Men’s,Boys’and Children’s.Suits half-price—buy your cloth-ing now. “4 lot $15.00 value Men’sOvercoats,only:1.lot $10.00 value Men’s Overcoats only1lot$5.00:value Boys’Extra Fine’)All Ladies’,Men’s,Boys andGirls’before you buy. $7.505.002.50.din ’eats only See themSweatershalfprice, A clean sweep of all Ladies’Winter Hats1lot$1.00 and.$1.50 Children’s;Shoes,size 6 to 11,on)All Feathers and Hat Trimmings1lot$1.50.Umbrellas and Parasols,only1lot25c.Men’s Cravats,2 for...This is only afew of the manySMITHEY'™ Tbe. 60¢.25e. “ati Te own price. “'&FRALEY,The Real Bargain Givers.. LeROY C.STEELE,Extr,,Oct...15,1916,Turnersburg,N.C. CERTIFICATE OF-DISSOLUTION. ‘North Carolina.”Department of State.To all to whom these sete may come—Wherens:it tisfactioreas,appenrs to ‘my Bai nm,bydulyauthenticatedrecordof:the:itiesforthevoluntarydiasolution‘thereof by theunanimous>consent .'of iva as ‘stockholders,deposited in my rca tthe!eee LiveCompany,a itionFeaiatisDiineipalof‘is sibs ;lo.r street,it’the ci tates.ville,county of Iredell,State 0of ahlinaparRidCaeaeteainreet)may be served),ny athe via iaeection did,’tof..October,1916,file in a reitadadsiaceatofareasutionoftion,by all the stockholders.Ahereot,wichtenceandtheanofthe ingaafo:are no’ingrid -oo on file in my wall heeoffice as nm testimony whereof,1 have hereto fet mhad“and affixed :este 12th day of Octobera a4.BRYAN.Gniites, jiu notide, ity -of State. 1 Live’eh tones Oe.15,1915, ae te fo)the '{poration,andbas nothin ith A i present ;com pany—Th A carereof eaying.five people incontinuouscomfort, The body is built ofsteel with the usualuselessframeworkentirelyeliminated. A fy car with alllightnessaddstotheastout,staunch,strongcar ahd a meee.one as well. Statesville Me Henkel-|}-j =gl the advantage thatpowerfulmotor—but used under like conditions.So this extra size means extramr,you. Extra‘a Strengti> We have added 30%to therubberinthesidewallsjustabovetherim.That's whereconstantflexingbreaksso For years,on sheer merit,Good-year tires have outsold any other,“.These small-size tires of Good--year make are always four-plytires.Their‘anti-skid’tread-— the Goodyear’All-Weather—is always double-thick. Now we:add three more ex-tras,to give you still more mile-age,less upkeep and less trouble, The test tire SEAR |esiswl Goon,now |in these for the small-size Goodyear tires. tires,adopting |:|TIRES | |Goodyear.Service Stations "Tires iin Stock© STATESVILLE MOTOR COMPANY,Statesville,N.Me. WeShave|madenew molds to yourselfnotgetthem. Ideal .Fire Grates for the Sitting Room.Air-tight .Wood Heaters.for the Bedroom.Ideal Barler Oil Heat- ers for the Bathroom.Our Stock of. these Goode iis full and compiete and if not already supplied it will be to need theseWinter’Comforts. ya...YoursiTruly,wi: NIH You can’t be fair —‘and —a Ht Has Been Said “Business.Goes | Where it Is Invited.and.‘Stays Where it Is:Well Treated.” |WeBel eveThis 3is True, ae m ee ies f People of:,all.classes have been,\invited 6 do,business with this»Bank,and wé think’the way.this institution has grown,is.nba eviderice’thdt the people who:have accepted our:invitation havebeen-well-treated :;eated,¢ Beat 2,'700 people :are nowdoing business with us,and if you arenotoneofthisnumber,we’would like to’have’you;begin’at:onceif.with’only.a smajl,amount.|-.,j 4 |-Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware.Co. i a yi i | wy; }> af VY This Bank hasalways made tt a rule to look after the small de-positors as well’asthe large ones.i Comein to see us any time,‘'ay a t%uwa.SP ro ;Merchants andFarmers Bank, Se a t ER E ME S ~ ES aH ek BO A Sh my ee ee er e The eects ‘Flour ae st Co,never usés an off-grade 57)of,wheat—a good |reason,ae Os why,the flour,mi He a »tion,OtOthers leniow’this.Why.% asus tint thit and find out le“ a aga ea "TELEPHONENO.14, [A.F.&A.M. Drugs Increase in Price. The difficulty in’getting shipments| from abroad,as a result of.the war,| has sent many articles in the drug |‘jtrade upward on the pri¢e scale.That|everything in the averagedrug store| cent.to 10,000 per cent.since the war‘|started,with ,the exception of sulphur'|and salsoda,8 the opinion of a Char-| lotte druggist. HOw’s THI8? Mention of FolksWho Come and’ :.A-model:for.all- ‘round’all -time.ear.The kind of Shoe that “re-peats.”’Servicea-ble,“comfortable“and ‘high.class. Never out of place. $4.00,$4.50,$5.00. ‘SHERRILL-WHIT E SHOE CO. -*Phone No.83. eee| Go.' of Cristobal,Panama,are here to spend about ten days withMr.and Mrs.Dewey L.Raymer at their home three ‘miles west’of town. Cooper of Statesville and is a cousinofMr,Raymer.He has for severalyearsmadehishomeatCriswhereheisassistantpostmaster,..Mrs.G.W.Fowler of South River,P|Rowan county,is visiting her sister,’Mrs.J.C.Irvin,at her home on Da-vie avenue,8.sa Mr.Wm.:C.Ramsey.of.hicago isspendingafewdaysin.Statesvillewithhismother,Mrs.J.S,n .Nash:Miss Alice Henri LeSuer of wvitleville,Tenn.,will arrive in Statesville,this evening to visit her.brother-i law-and sister,Mr.and”Mrs.Chas:Anderson,|Mrs,J.C.Summers of the Snow|’}Creek community left Tuesday*for‘Chattanooga,Tenn.,where she”willmakeherhomewithher.son,*.Dr. King Summers. ity of Statesville has been in Raleigh ‘since Tuesday attending the Statefair.She expected.to return hon this afternoon-—-Mr.and Mrs.L.C.Troutman end: {little daughter,Helen,who visited atithehomeoftheirfather,Mr.W.L. |Troutman,on the Boulevard,returri[ed Tuesday to their home in Ashe-|, vil le.|Rev.M.L.Kesler of ThomasvillelarrivedinStatesvilleWednesday|morning and went out to:Cool Spring > we the Date of the Big ‘Corn Show. fWatch This Spacé.For :ito ltownship.Wednesday afternoon Red ivisit at his old home.|Rev.W.T.Walker and little daugh,ter of Barium Springs went to Lynth- burg,Va.,yesterday.to spend a fewlweeks.Dr.M.R.Adams accompanied ithem and will return home in a few |days. “Mrs.Young Alexander swent _to ey yesterday to visit.5‘ Mrs.D.A.Miller has return'from.Black Mountain,where’she spen |the ‘sutamer,. jon a visjt for a few days,‘will return | Virginia today.\-Mr..and Mrs.John L.Davis and!‘baby,of Wilkes county,!are visiting|\Mr.Davis’_krendmgeee Mrs.Sue | |Mrs,’E.G.ray ry will go to Char-|llotte today to a.show Lge adnad‘spend |the weliedd with ber|daughter,Miss Arleene Gilmer;wfisamemberofthefacultyof‘the}‘Southern Industrial Institute near \Charlotte.|.‘Mr.and Mrs,S.B.Miller vetartea||Tuesday from Mouth-of-‘Wilson,Va.,|where they were called by the illness!,and death of Mrs.Miller’s father,Mr.W.C.Fields.|Miss Carolyn Miller of MocksvillelandMr.Price Sherrill of Mt.Ulla |will:be married in November.Mr,J.R.Price of Albemarle and|Mr.C.W.Tillett of Charlotte were in||Statesville this week on businesswith |ithe Coe court. FACTS WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION: @swaker seal-top..patent,The ‘‘Ideal”will Roast,Steam;Stew,ake and Boil perfectly,because no‘heat can escape‘om the water seal-top. wuminum.It is easy to clean,and.easy to keepglean,The “‘Ideal”will save 80 per cent,of yourfuel.If you would know more about the.merits oee“Ideal”.write,mineoneal on.pa e:“IDEAL”is the only Fireless Cooker made,with :This feature is protected.by..U.— 'Each oe is lined with pure seamless.as ankWebster,who were here,night for:New York.©...Mr.i and Mrs.Frank’P.Lewis of Tac last Wwleft |Brooklyn,N.Y.,.who had been visit-Hing Mr.and Mrs.H.A.|Millis-in High; Point,came to Statesville poecweyafternoontovisitDr.and Mrs,W.J..9GlHt.and other reletives.‘Capt.P.C.Carlton has beenin Ral-eigh this week attending the StateFairandtheConfederateveterans’ meeting.Mrs.Augusta Horton of McArthur,Ohio,arrived in Statesville Wednes-day ‘night.for a visit to her sons,:|Messrs.A.F.and Fred Horton. |Social Items. Nine members of the local bar ad!Attorney:J..H..Burke .of -Taylorsvill were ‘entertained at:--supper.Wednes-: det.evening by «Mayor.Caldwell,at,his ‘home on Center.street,JudgeLaneandSolicitoraAweretohavebeenthehonorif casion,but on aye eth of ‘the judge ld thnoontrain.The su etei whe tl boun-tiful one and.was very much enjoyed.The McDowell Music club will meet |i?this afternoon at 4 o’clotk Miss 1MaryScottandMrs.W,Hy‘Lomlin,at the home ofMiss §Scott.’‘\ Reported For TheLandmark, The Daughters.of the,AmericanRevolutionweredelightfullyenter:tained,Monday.afternoon,by Mrs,J. eae Mamie McElwee.ve.a -port of the:StateSree Shaiaceractae S|Mr.and Mrs.H.B.Cooper and somMasterHal, Mr.Cooper is a son of the late E,A,, |cot cotton, Rev.Legh Scott,who lias been hefe'y Blue.:Oct.22-1 POR SALE<Two Mules for cash:oF rete: |Waener..j [ene iddet at the United States Post Office, ess ito ad@eribed lot or tract “of:landa,to- HY ay at her.home,on west Front |i DistrictLectar?We offer One:Hundred Dollars Re |- orW.W Hol-pot b foriy eaeHall'sGeter CareSes,tie undoralzned.halve Known | “every lieve.i fvertectly.bi rable hn ail “wen oooh ES eth ES ate ae‘Thursday nights.“All,wie j Hall'sGatarrh ta thken internalbensurgedtoattend7MakiSthMndlee'yy Beep te Ratan =———Pea oe le ern (PERTINENTLY PERSONAAL ae ee or constipation. MARKET REPORTS. |)"Statesville Produce Market.,The ‘following prices were paid yesterdayfortoduceonthelocalmarket.~Spring ‘Chicken,“te.per.tb. ~.Roosters,6e.per Ib. Sine’22¢.peroaKutter,1b.Bech wax,tepar Tb.Gretn Hides,18 1-2¢.per lb. Hams,20c.per Ib. Sides,14e.per Ib.Shdulders,14¢per..blRedHoney,16¢,.per.Ib.-Sourwood Honey Comb,18,per Ib. ‘Grain,Thé following prices were paid yesterday for.grain.on the local mar!Wheat;$1.25 per bushel, sk Corn,(old),$1 per bushel.Corn,(new),70c.per ‘bushel.F ent.55c.:per bushel. .ih Statesville Cotton Market.Sp jth loeal market yesterday 12 1-2c,perreswaspaidforbestgradecotton. 6.25,i Cotton seed,’60c.per bushel. ANEED—Tenant for.two-horse farm,to sh stock.and tools.E.D.BRADY,sa esville,R-6...Oct..19-—-2t. THE’DAVIS MILLS will pay you $1.35 perbute!for good.wheat in the rough or giveyou4)pounds.flour per bushel,It paysTHEDAVISMILLS,Hidden-|*:Miss Sallie Davidson of the vietteT yt Oe eS ee THE IREDELL PRODUCE COMPANY will may.you highest market price in cash for reen Hides,Chix,besa and all salable uce,:2 Oct.192th. THE IREDELL.PRODUCE COMPANY will sell you Sweet Feed,Cotton Seed Meal and all kinds of feed at the very lowestbrief’Oct.19-—2t. WANTED—Furnished cottage or rooms suit-able for light housekeeping.Address XR,'y Say THE LANDMARK.Oct.19. ely new seven-room ,residence.Mostdes}ably located within two blocks of pub-|%lie eaare,?on easy terms.Apply.to ISI-/& DORE WALLACE.Oct.19+—2t.a6 aes heFOR’SALE—On north Center street, and water. ,,Water;other outbuildings.now offered for less than cost.For nar-/| Fla.¢Oct.ticello, CARR ¥:SHOOK,Elmwood, Oct.19—2t*. "Phone wees: TED ——.Small-Iece Box. J..W.THOMPSON,Loray,N.C Oct.22—2t*, *MONDAY,-NOVEMBER.22,1916,*Oet;122,1916. |W.ED—Real estate’to:sell at auctionFarms,city or suburban proverty, 93,Greensboro,N.C.*° Oct.22-—3t*. ‘1 Gog:Bos ban,REALTY &AUCTION FOR SALE—Gentle family horse,surrey andharness,in geod one R.kL.POSTON: Oct.22. ,PLENTY of pies fresh fish just seek ‘RO.HARB i Oct.22. \FOR RENT—Seven-room |om.Traddstreet.,W.A.ELIASO.Oct.8, FOR RENT—Cottage close in.Lights andsewerage.R.P.ALLISON,Oct.5. OLD es —AllJ0e.&hundred.Worth this to start.fires‘with ‘Also’good to put under cafpets andpaper..the -walls.Come to,THE LAND- MARK.for them.‘ you want at red.ae MILLS,ChairmanCountyCotnilisionersOct. STAPBSVILLE,N.©,OFFICE OF COL-CTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE,Octo-ia 20,1915.—-The following described prop-erty,se for violations.of the internalvenuelaw,to-wit:September 17th,1916,unknown,in Yadkin county,N,C.,con-dating!of'one barrél containing about 25 gal-|%ene of:pear brandy,one 1-horse coveredwagon>1)set single harness;1 black horsemule,forfeited to the United States underSectign'3460,R.S.,will be sold:to the high- tatesyille,s N.C.,at»1 o'clock,’October ageik,{Spirits will.be bid in by U.S.Governthént tax thereon}.A.D.WATTS,Collector.”Oct.22.pmOF LAND UNDER MORT-GAGE.—: he Carolina,Iredell County,DER and by yirtue+of the powers con-@ mortgage.deed executed.by R._Bass andwife,J.A.Bass,to J.H.West,to wecure the indebtedness therein eemortgage‘deed being recorded-Book 28,at page 675 of the records of mererage©in the office of the Register.of|De f"Iredell county,N.C.,default hav-ing *made in the payments of the in-ess:thereby secured,the undersign-fteagzee will,on és ONDAY,NOVEMBER 92,1915, at 12 o'clock,M,,#ell at public auction tothehighestbidder,at the Court House door North Carolina,for cash,'‘the wi Hi in Block No.14.of,the States-Ville Development Company,as mapped andplottedonthemapoftheproperyof‘thesaldceteeCompany,which .|has increased in price from 10 per’ A RE OPPORTUNITY to buy a compar-|~~ EG ug wix-|room’house,elegantly finished inside,lights|%Lot 177x416,large barn,with|¥ This place is |$5 ticulars write SMYTH CAMPBELL,Mon-|%19-—-2t*.,| YANTED—A 13-horse”power Peerless trac-|f3 * 109|t 1% li is pte $100. And costing:good first knowing what’ You wouldn’t try to hit:a markthetarget,and whe ‘shooting into the air,“Yom very BEST‘You'll have‘a guarantee of 100 per cent.results witho x;in.expensive experiments trying to find what fits re indulgingThemanwhoishis patient.COME IN AND LET’S.MAKE YOU WELL!|“THE POLK T [clerk who through his{ dence and service,won the respect of everybody,eventhecrown,and built up throughhissonsthegreatbankinghouse’of Rothschild.° business and your community,onewillreboundinpotteradvance-Satmentforyoursel Unhealthy For You.a ight ‘shoot 299:remedies:into’yourself at -ra aa_every ‘clip:beeause you didn’t have o ce ai eeeThere’s-W remedy-for every trouble,but tro ib]iifitdoesn’t fit the~case."Tues a eebaribetter‘know’it’s FOR what you're:“9FIRST—see the doctor;let him locate the ailment,then welllgiveyou.exactly the right miedicine,in jus ieoSabakjustrightcondition--the. oa aysesBRSRAY was the poor Hanover | wisdom,honesty,confi Power,Wealth,Com-fort and Happiness e in the word service.Unself-h service to your home,your Our intimate relationship:with thebestinterestsofthiscommunityeaditspeoplehasstrengthenedourse-=| sources,character and confidence and enables us to serveall intelli-gently and efficiently, An account here will:enable* you to give the maximum of service to yourself,your home and your community.’ conic tinf wig : TATESVILLE N.Cu 4000=4%Raid onU.ne. CEPOSTTORS. Ngo Time!it Depositsa ay money to fill yourself with medicine,-ilo.s the matter with you.without first getting your ys onnyou're ailing,why waste your ammunition,bySotospeak. your eye on’thetarget. AND— when you take a remedy‘taking ‘it.for,ae a your:case.own doctor is liable to have a dead one fora 1 tltm ta ads ot iy _ GRAY DRUG co.On the -HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20. Are “YOU HAVE TRIED.THE.OTHERS.NOW TRY THE BEST. You Thinking —a OF Prescriptionists. ave per cent. per ton less). You.oticed That Imperial Cotton Oil Co’.s Gin isdoingbusiness,and,doing it right?| Toll at 33 1-3,or ‘A0th provided you sellusyourseedoutofthebaleginned._FREE BOOGIE and TIES4in both cases. emember, EXCHANGE—Pound:for Pound on icinan’MEAL, as t teed. (Be sure you see that mealis Standard 7 1-2Feedmealisworthabout$4.00 to $5.00 anyeTY OFF aaeeten aa ty i 4 Hundredsof uisaendsare baie killed by the European war and ndsin this country-are being killed by unclean and impure + You can”t stop:what the war is doing but you can help the ua “inne of yourself and family to live if you will use milk from the‘VIEW DAIRY—delivered to you in DAGRO BOTTLES,covetedwith the DACRO CROWN. A THE PAINE VIEW.DAIRY is supplying the milk that is benefi-and _-_tfromtinetMe“Why and-how he does.it will be explained oneDsysaes“home.; >PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairywith the Da-©ényou ae!pure and cleanmilk delivered at your . The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS, TEXACO CYLINDER,OILS, TEXACO GREASES.. InBarrels,Half Barrels and Cases, Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of me hinery of any kind;if you.buy your oil ll packages,see us before you place Sparkie.ors, We are in a position to’deryinstrate QUAL- -ITY,and can makedelivered.prices ah will ‘interest you. Statesville Oil Company, (Wholesale Distributors.).tyne 61,ee situsRome tt your car fsee Working as it shouldbring it Ye i"ind we willxsOG!correctthe trouble.‘4.We have placed a car in livery service and can take you there andyoupackatreasonablerates.©-1 Special ities for washing and storing cars.1 oe of accesoclon on hand at ali times.| Se e ee se e e e t ee s de t ee e OS eC E S S E P E S S O R S S O S OD I OS EP IE L O S E O D ;popular woung woman. THE LANDMARK) PRIDAY,--October 22,1915. ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There “intheState.a The President has appointed J.B.Underwood.postmaster’at ’Fayette- ville e stictéed L.B.Hale,deceased. i dy is sanitary inspector inwinkhie-Salem .and done ©such od work ithe:office that HighPant.has’followed the example’ofthein.City.and appointed a ‘sani-tary inspector’in that town.Tip forothertowns.’ Hiddenite correspondence-»Taylors-Mee Scout;Miss Grace Connolly andLesterSmithweremarriedlastWeidag:Mrs.Smith is ja’flaughterofthelateJohnConnollyahd‘is aTheitfriends|; 5 es much happiness. .Dr.Robert L.‘Patterson ;‘dhii,\akeu ill oe pneumonialagt Satur: 3/Concord.Th ithe North C B|King’s Daughters and it wil 3 icated next Thursday ee the 3 the dedicatory exercises ofZielatStonewall3iTrainingPhdShave!was Schoot'at “iter of Charlotte, Greensboro,Glarence Poe of Raleigh B day and died Tuesday. Invitations ‘have beeen igsbied for e ehap-Jackson |Manual pel .was the gift of ‘Of =the be ded- folina branc 28th.Taylorsville Scout:Mr.{LewisBowmandiedathishome,nfar.Deal- ville,Wednesday evenin,last week,aged’90 years.Mi.[BoBowman ‘was about the oldest citizen in thecountyandwasoneoftheoldpion-eers who blazed the way intd Wittén- burg.He is survived by three sonsandtwodaughters. »Through Senator Hugh Chatham the Elkin and Alleghany railroad has! offered to return:to the State praen 90 of the 140.convicts used inconstructionofthatroad.Mr,"ote -ham says the road:can useythe ¢con-\victs and wants them,but the build-érs of.the line wanted other§)to’Have a share.That's generosity ape gen-|’ uine.mt, The promoters of the Noth idustry, in Raleigh ednesdaythe:‘pu-A.,.Page of Aberfleen*was of Greensboto secretary.C.0.Keus-R.C, jand others,are directors. |iA.Dyersburg,Tenn.,»Special says jthat when Peter Featherstone,’fire-man ata cotton oil plant at Finley, Tenn.,several miles from Dyersburg,went home at midnight he found hiswifedeadwithherheadseveredfromherbodyandtwolittlesickchildrba crying in bed,The condition of thehouse.showed «that the woman had was arrested on,susp)ion,| eee foreeate hors iti "Catholic Paper Violent. A dispatch from New Orleans says the Morning Star,“the official.C atho-|lic journal of the‘archdiocese.of.New. w|and regarded as thg mouthpiece of the Cathglic ¢lergy of the entire!South,“publishes this week an eieorial which reads in part as fol-ows: the cut-throat,the outlaw,the avow- ed persecutor of the Catholic Church,\the robber and despoiler ‘of her sanc- tuaries,schools,convents and hos- pitals,the murderer of priests,the leader of vandal hordes,whose.name- consecrated nuns and defenseless wo-men and children show the vicious darkness of his soul;Venustiano Car- ranza,“whose name must ever stand ;|% for all that is blackest and.vilest and most degrading in the pages of Mex- ican history,has been recognized by de the President of the United States uler es yaent Wilson ,and the latter ened with the loss of the Catholicvote.A number of the Catholics,a priest in Charlotte for one,have re- pudiated the Star’s utterance. Concord Tribune sizes up the situa- tion as follows: ed language of this article gives its own answer,and will fall harmless on the-President’s head.Articles breathing such an un-Christian spir- it and written with evident venom, whether appearing in the CatholicMorningStaror,the .Anti-Catholic Menace,can have little,effect except to disgust and repel.” RLEETNOT ETE TTTE TETTY A dispatch from Paris says”52.per-sohs are reported to have been kill- ed in an.explosion in a munitions fac- i hi”Caro-H|lina State Publicity Bureau pf Dével-yBlopmentofAgricultureand3insessionBsinight,decided to incorporat#\ireau.elected president and J.C.'Forester Hood’of1 been assaulted.Bob Davie,;a OR Lest dtory in the Fue de Tolbiac,,‘France, ,while 100 or more were injured. \Many of»the victims were women n |workers in the factory,which was ©'wrecked,as were buildings in the vi-; cinity. ~~WEAK,AILING CHILD MadeStrong By Delicious VinolLakeport,N.H.—‘‘Our littleig girl 8earsofagewasinadebilitated,run-down condition and had a stubborncoughsoshewas.weak and ailing allthetime.Nothing helped her untilwetriedVinol..Then her’appetite |increased and sheis strong and well,andIwishotherparentsofweak,policeschildren”would try Vinol.””_GEO.*OLLINS.This is’because Vinol contains thetissuebuilding,strengthening cod liver‘elements and the toniciron which a weakandrun-down system needs.~* W.I’.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. SHINGLES CHEAPEST!)$2 PER M! At rained-this week.Later snowand’sleet will come.If your-roofneedscoveting,do it now beforehe..sheathing rots..and_‘the eeil+ings arc rained..;Pine,Cedar,Cy~wpress und.Tin ‘Shingles,eyRidge‘Rotlsand8,8 v Orleans and the diocese of Savannah,”| less outrages and indignities to pure,| The| “The intemperate and ill-consider-oy os CR Y by “Venustiano Carranza,the bandit,|% CE O CR O OC R =Yt ‘Three.‘pounds of hulls for one of seed. stPricePaid for Seed,Lint,Seed Cotton Ry ,The SIX POINT MOTORandAUTOMATICTRACK-ER BAR,used in the Hard-man player pianos,can befoundinnootherpianoon the market that sells forlessthan$1,000,The Motor is thelife of theplayerpiano.If your Motorisimperfect—will.not runsmoothly,your-whule player action lis worthless.Makeyourenjoymentofsuchaninstrumentdoublysureby buying a Hardman. Sold for cash or on time.Liberal allowance for old pianos. PO O EE C E C E EE O C EE EE ee cb bi e be b e b i e s You Can Cut Coal Expense With alittle judgment.You know in your own business that buying the best is getting the’cheapest.Same way,with COAL. The best goes farthest and lasts.longest, besides giving more heat.That’s the kind of coal we sell and-you ought to use. JUST een:WRITE OR TELL cama Ice &Fuel pontaey ——’PHONE 205 ——————ae “PracticeBapnoans This Year! |Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds, eek OldBeckSweet Bead;Not '‘sereenings ‘or offal,or MARK(|Recognition ofCarranza. Tuesday.diplomatic”relations be-115.|tween the United States .and Mexicowereformallyrenewedafter‘a lapse wei r 22," CALDWELL FAIR UNIQUE.of two years and eight months,by the|formal recognition of Venustiano Car- Religious:Services Instead.Of |ranza as the Chief Executive of the de mes “Coun \facto government of Mexico. ae a leantFirst ty Secretary Lansing and the ambassa-‘|dors from Brazil,Chile and Argenti-Correspondence of The Ina,and the ministers from Bolivia, Lenoir,N,C.Oct.20 --Caldwell|Uruguay and Guatemala,constituting county,in her first county fair,held the ”Pan -American Conference/£ick|Mexican affairs,met Monday and de- 4 worthless by-products,but’se-~>|little Ned Sweet Feed.Peet eae ~|Mamna-RiceChickFeed.for results.Made - Gem Scratch Feed.bya house with i t ey a reputation forpe—Sweet Dairy Feed.integrity. »)C.W.‘BOSHAMER,-LocalRepresentative. ’Phone 125 Black. Lenoir last week,turnandturneditwell,inha ‘one of cided upon the form in which their re-the most unique fairs ever held in’spective-governments would present the State.It was new and novel in recognition.several particulars.‘Instead of loud)Each:government addressed ‘to Gen-shows,skin games and fake contriv-eral Carranza_a letter or note of rec ances,and betting’on horse racing,|ognition,which was delivered to Eli- Caldwell’s fair was a county fair pure seo Arredondo,personal representative and attractive,with religious ’gervi-|of C arranza,who left Washington this ces daily at the noon hour,and.the week to deliver the notes to Carranza.people were attentive and interested)European governments will be noti- in all these services—-something we fied.by .Seeretary Lansing of the never.saw “before at fairs.It e |Washington government’s action and SaeaaaEEERERRR —_toRook Tin Roofing?.Ne Roof Paipteur , Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW. T*ARE YOU INTERESTED?” ieSoeor Ref:Be ee ned? IREDELL TIN WORKS. Bell ’Phone 98.Independent ’Phone 197. the fair a moral uplift,an innovatior it is understood most-of them will fol- on fairs,and is recognition of-me |low the lead of the United States,AnSourceofallblessings.In this’Cald-|Amwellcountyblazesthewaytoaoinot been selected,but it is believed one line of thought and endeavor in €on-of the United .States’diplomatic rep- nection:with arricuitural and indus-resentatives’in one of the Latin-Amer- trial work.The beauty of it is,the ican countries probably will be chosen, people liked this seanny sae m=a : loud in their.praises of this fea =So t About the struc-of their first fair,which is a recor ar Stary cabuarines. maker,Charles H.Ault,vice president of nee Sxhiniey were coda |the Jaenecke Printing Ink Company New Pine of 1915,3PATTERNRUGS! Variegated Mottle Rugs. Persian Silk Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes. Anglo Persian Bath Rugsin all colors. Call and see our line of Brussell Rugs—$18.00 to $38.50. We have in stock a few specially large“12x15 Rugs. throughout and embraced agriculturle.of Newark,N.J.,who recently’came al products,good stock and eattle.home from a visit to Germany andmanufacturesandthehandiworkofRpgland,told the New:York Times the good women of the county along)2)thatGreat Britain had conquered thealllinesofart.and science.The’dis-|obmarine peril,and’this."e.,Meyjon§oo!a We ae ate story of how the conquering say it could.not:be excelled in any “aS done:fair of 10.or 20 years’standings.It The way in which the trawlersraedatstuntforCaldwellcoun-jcapture the submarines is’-rather ghastly,.but .very.efficient.They big a oo ybje PS\cruige about the infested area withslongsteelnetsbetweenthem;andtocomeuponagreaterscaleinfu-when they feel that a submarine hasture:”The first move in this fair’was been catightr:fast steam axcund:and a mecting called by Mr.G,N.Go-forth,the county demonstrator,the wind it up in the net.Then they first Monday in August,and—etthedeterminedmen,accomplished:, that time was wonderful.It aks lan epoch in the history of thishistor- ic old county thatis destined to woris| n* wait about five days and haul it to the surface.The crew can live only three days,and ‘after towing the U-}; boat to England,the crew are:buried |} and another submarine is ,added to]¥# wonders.In making J.H.Beall pres- ident they put the right man in trightplace.By his efforts and»those|of his associates;he has carried the, \fair through in fine shape.The attendance was remarkablejforafirstfair.Senator Lee S.Over-man was the principal’speaker,‘@hd'* the warmed the hearts of his hearers and set the fair going in happy man- The fair did not lack for dnier: ' le d.” Interesting,if pros But what isthesubmarine.doingwhile the trawl- ‘ers’fish for it with nets? IN-FIVE MINUTES!NO INDI-GESTION,GAS OR SOUR,ACID STOMACH: ' |iner, esting features—something doing¢ithetime.There were stock Ls,| tournaments,baseball,basket?1, \declamations,recitations by young |people,cakewalks;band concerts,Mc- gro.songs and melodies,and manyjotherthingsinwhichthepeopletook lively interest.The last night ‘reached a climax with a great dis- |play of beautiful fireworks,ang,a \balloon ascension.? |The Caldwell county-fair is now an The:Moment “Pape’s Diapepsin” Reaches the Stomach All Dis- tress Goes.' “Really does”put bad stomach in order—‘really does”overcome indiges- tion,dyspepsia,gas,heartburn’and sourness in five minutes—that—just that—makes Pape’s Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in|the world.If what you eat ferments‘into stubborn lufips,you belch’gas and eructate sour,undigested food and | } Commercial National Bank _OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Sarplas and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. ~OFFICERS: President.W.D.TURNER,7 -area = E.MORRISON,«+-Vice President.D.M.AUSLEY,--<=~Cashier.G.KE.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. eter? 335393 |Si :jsomething along new lines.Caldwell |established fact and will .her take its place in the fair world }H |wishes her neighboring counties ‘to ed with bile and iflrejoice with her in her new achieve-3 iment,and wants them to come and A see her at her next fair,which will be something worth coming miles toBsee.JAS.A.ROBINSON. pepsin”comes in stomach all such distress vanishes. velous,and the joy is its harmless-ness.A large fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin will give you a hundred dol- lars’worth of satisfaction or your B HighFinanciers ‘on.Trial For, B |..Criminal Acts. H |The alleged unlawful methods by H|iwhich the New York,New Haven andy #|Hartford Railroad Gompany is charg- Hied with having secured a monopolist 8 group on the transportation traffic ofANewEngland’were ‘set forth to theH|jury in the Federal court in New YorkbyRobertL.Batts,government coun- ’It’s worth its weight in gold to.men and women who can’t get their stom- achs regulated..It belongs in your home—should always be kept handy in case of a sick,sour,upset stomach dur- ing the day or night.It’s the quick- est,surest and most harmless stomachregulatorinthewor]d. lthe list-of those no longer to be fear-3 acid;head is dizzy and aches;breath} foul;tongue coated;your insides fill-|% indigestible waste,|# remember the moment “Pape’s Dia-|#contact with the 3 It’s truly astonishing—almost mar-|¢ druggist hands you your money back.||} FEEL BILIOUS?CALOMELSIG br ening,salivating calomel when bil- ious or conitipated. day’s work! which causes néerosis of the bones, Calomel; with sour bile,crashes into it,break- ing it--up. that awful nausea and erimping. you are sluggish andout,”if your liver is torpid and bow- els constipated,,or you have ache, take a spoonful’of son’s Liver Tone. drug store and get a 50-cent:bottle of Dodson’s CKENS!CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!If Constipatedeadachy,Takea Spoonful of ‘Dodson’:‘ spoonfulListento:me!take no more sick-gt and straightenyoufeelfineoa1viesing,I want you tostoreandget/yourreieisdestroyingeae,calomel becau ameeine;neatoi aaa oecannotsalivateormakeyou.peeypIguarantecthatone8 ieDodson’s Liver Tone usluggishlivertoworkyourbowelsofthatsour—constipated -waste er igyoursystemandmakin3 miserable.FE guarantee tha’tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone’your entire family feeling’months.Give it to your It is harmless;doesn’t gripe seatslikeitsppleataste, Don’t lose a Calomel is mercury or quicksilver when it comes into contact This*is when you feelIf “all knocked head- dizziness,coated tongue;ifeathisbad.or stomach sour,justharmless,Dod-es Here’s:my guarantee —Go to any Liver Tone. pice ambassador to Mexico has|—— Farmers’Favorite Drill! (NONE BETTER.) Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,etc.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs, Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. ‘FERTILIZERS.=n 1)i.mike BS EP S P SS S Te SS C P ST S TS S eCC S T e ee s se s ee e e e s e e e s e s e s e e s e s s e s e s e s e o s viet ; _ White Roman,Yellow,Pinkand Blue. Paper White Narcissus, MAMMOTH BELES. Statesville Drug Comp y, Quality.vcr | Don’t wear them out before you lave it.jaeFirst.class work all the time,and you can getyourworkwhenyouwantit. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. #sel,in opening the case-of_the govern- 3 |ment at the trial of William Rockefel- H ler,Lewis Cass Ledyard and Edward 3 |D.Robbins and eight others,past and 3 |presentdirectors of the road;for al-:\leged conspiracy to violate the Sher- 3 man law, Suits to force the foreclosure of \competing railroads,secret ac i New Meat Market C.B.Morrison and E.M.Patterson have opened a Meat Marketiin oneof C.B.buildings. pan tha detok: -Fresh meats of all kinds. -We want to buy Pork “aud:fat Cattle."PHONE 227-Morrison &Patterson. #|sales of securities in order to’dective |the Massachusetts.authorties as to their actual ownership,the use of mon- ey to obtain control.of a Boston news-4 |paper and to secure favorable legisla- tion,the sacrifice of millions of dollars #iof stockholders’money in acquiring competing properties,the burning of books and the transfer of records toCanada,beyond the jurisdiction of the%iFederal authorities—these were someoftheacts“alleged by the Federal!at-When It’s To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY be to announce that they have completed arrangements with “THHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York,”forinsuring your growing ere of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionilStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.; $100 per acre valuation at $7.50 peracre ton November 24,The case grows i ; aear oe ee on na ote out of the recent re-adjustment of the 3 one of the largest 25 per acre valuation at 1.873 per acre eee besa ee she Mneal Greenhouse.plants in: COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP,freight rate than it has ever enjoyed.the South. $40 per acre valuation Bl60per acre Virginia cities objected to these . 35-per acre valuation 1.40 per-acre rates but they disavow any desire to 30 per acre valuation 1.20 per acre take away the ‘reduction of thei!.Orders small or large 25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre through rate to North Carolina points z 20 per acre rutin .80 per acre a aan ey _feoeeet actions receive prompt atten- 15 per acre vali c per acre ©sae‘they rwhct tie r North.Carolina tion.Shipping facil-‘10 per acre valua 40per acre cities to enjoy the benefit,of “every :ppingDWELLINGS?FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3-years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossordamageoccasionednywind.in addition to hail.REMEMBER—''We insure anything insurable.’J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54,STATESVILLE,C.: a |WELL BUCKETS,“STOVE PIPE! black iron‘We havein:stock Well Buckets madeu—in.anypie,NousedAeaoiati.eh ane Or.we to:-order,me torney as having been committed bytheNewHavendirectors“with crim- inal intent and with full knowledge that they were unlawful.” To HearFreight!Rate Case Next Month. The Inter-State Commerce Cam- mission -has decided to hear the Vir- ginia cities case against the Chesa- peake and Ohio railway in Washing- Flowers! ¢ Think of Van Lindley Company.We have rate reduction that the North Caroli-ina cities..can,obtain,and desire theNorthCarolinacitiestoretainthebenefitofthe11-cent reduction vol- untarily put in by the carriers fromCincinnati,0.,and Louisville,Ky.,totheNorthCarolinapoints.”Whattheycontendfor,they say,is that“there should likewise be a reductionofthetransportationtaxfromtheVirginiapointstothesamepointsof destination.in North mein a ‘Remedy, at Chambgr:|} ities unsurpassed: Flowers That Please. Van Lindley C0, Serene 6 x 'damage done by tornadoes.- WORT H KNOWING! Suppose that you are insured in the United Life and Accident In-'surance Comieny ¢of New Hampshire for$5,000underthe Company’s.‘Triple-Indemnity Plan,what seve3your Policy guaranteeto dos: he face of the policy,will bepal :SECOND,that in case of death:from’any accident,$10,000,or”double the face of the policy,will be paid.oeTHIRD,thatincase of death from certain specifiedaccidents,$15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will be paid.But thisis not all.In case of total disability as a result of:acti-dentalinjury,you.will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK,‘Caninsurance do more?And why should any man besatisfiedwithapulicythatwould‘do less?The costis low.GENERAL eae “RENT-;ALS ANDOFFICENO.1,MILLS’BUILD 60 ‘Tornadoes _eae Devastate 10,000 Homes in Fight States Suchistherecordofoneday’s ‘You don’t know when the tornado may strike your’ property,but you do know the “Old Hartford”protects against all loss.For over a- The Best Time to Buy Your Fall Suit is‘Right Now. The stockis now complete andin many cases cannot be had later. Many customers Ww chasing,that we show th stores,i ho have visited our Suit nd Dress Department have claimed,while pur-e best selection for style they have seen in comparison with other $9.95 TO $30.00. In our department the new models are ex- ceedingly varied.All skirts are theright .length and of modified fullness.Coats may be of the sport persuasion—Short,Nobby, Pleated,Belted,with-fur trimmed collar or cuffs,or tailoredin lines to define the figure,. orponly come half fitting,in Redingote fash- SILK,CLOTH AND SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES. A demand for dresses of all sorts has caused a complete replenishment of these garments.~ ~~among.individual taxpayers Prices $3.98 to $15.00. WOMEN’S LONG KIMONOS. |In Japanese;Plisse or Serpentine Crepe. Pretty floral designs or plain colors for 98c., $1.48,$1.98.Jap Silk $3.98. BIG BARGAINS. In Silk,Silk and Wool and Wool Dress,Fab- rics,39c.to $1.98 the yard.$1.50 Crepe :_ADeChine $1.39.-$1.25 Crepe DeChine 98c. _We.oie pent all ree 48c. SHOES!SHOES!SHOES! Try our Lady Bess Shoes:This’brad}is our. own and we make it a specialty,$1.98. We carry a full line of Godman shoes for: children.For.school shoes we recommend these,75c.to $1.98. Dorothy Dodd Shoes inal the new ages. MEN’S SHOES. Ralston,Selwyn.and Charlotte for men. Work Shoes—we carry a full line. Elkin Shoes for Men and Women. shoes for $1.98,$2.48 up to $4.95. We buy our shoes from the biggest manufac- turers.By having 12 big stores it gives us a chance to buy for less and sell foriess. Big lot of odds and@*ends in Shoes,your’ choice 98c. Baby Shoes only 50c.Jack an jill Shoes | $1.25 to $2.50 for children. Claes’s Hose of all kinds. Heavy ‘ Heavy ‘Norfolk suits $1.48. |98c. »19¢,Boys’Union Sujts 230, |MEN'S AND BOYS’CLO’PHING, We,earry a big line of Boys’Clothes.Boys’ Boys Norfolk suitsBoys’Blue Serge suits $1.98.Boys’All Wool Serge suits $2.98.’| Boys’Browns and Grays,$3.98.Boys’ Browns and.Grays,$4.95.Men's $15.00 suits $12.50..Men’s $12.50 suits $9.95,| -OVERCOATS. Men's $10.00 Overcoats $7.95.Men's 12.50Pe$9.95.Men’s $15.00 SHEroare $12.50 Rain Coats—We carry,a full line froné $1.98. to $9.95. Thisis one of |2 big stores. ville‘pay us a visit. GENTS’FURNISHINGS. Lion Brand Shirts,and Lion Brand Collars. 50c.Underwear 37 |-2c.$1.00 Underwear Boys’Heavy Wheni in States- Union Suits 48c. RHE LANDMARK FRIDAY,;October 22,1915. Notice of New Advertisements. »Unusual showing of knit goods.— Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.Sale of ‘articles for violation of in-ternal revenue laws October 30th. The Greensboro Realty &AuctionCo,wants ;real estate to sell at ‘auc- tion‘Gentle,family horse,surrey andharnessforsale.—R.£.Poston. Plenty of nice fresh fish—R.O. ‘Harbin.J.H.West,mortgagee,will sell landNovember(22.Small ice box ‘wanten,,Phone 109 Blue.‘Two mules forLeni or note.—J.W.Thompson,Loray.‘RK.B.McLaughlin,commissioner,‘will sell land November 22.The house of correct apparel.—l erosJohnston-Belk C “town.nter 60 ;The Statesville Flour Mills Co.nev- er uses an off-grade of:flour.First-class bagging and ties free to_-everybody..—L.B.Bristol.4Hall’s special five-cent cigar. A tease fe for every trouble.—-Polk Gray DrugCo.Sensational bargains—Smithey & Fraley.The.Merchants &Farmers’Bank! invites business.’Watch for date of big corn show.Lyon brand shoes.—J.M.McKee & 0.Grates ‘and .heaters.—Lazenby- Montgomery Hardware Co. Bostonians.—‘Sherrill-White Co.+A-message to the cotton farmer.—Imperial Cotton OilCo. *Cents in One Township,$17.- 39 in Another. University News Letter. Editor Clark of ..the Statesville Landmark believes strongly that.the Shoe righteous equalizing of taxes niga:/—eeeaeactnpmeestetneatemnans eae the Gifence Theybeginathomeineverywithin township lines,and among townshipswithincountylines.‘In illustration of thi s necessity,we |present an item taken‘from the 1915 :York to tax.list of a county ‘in his neighbor-!‘atrocities,Rabbi Browne,.the Plans Made and Mail-AviatorsCouldBeUsedinCaseofWar. The work of planning and map- ping the first aeroplane mail.routes to be instituted by the United StatesPostofficeDepartmenthasbeencom- pleted,according to Albert’Bond Lam- bert,St.Louis aviator and balloon enthusiast,and ‘ranking captain of the United States Aviation .Corps,says a dispatch to the New YorkTimes.Two routes of 60 miles eachhavebeenplanned,one entirely —inMissouriandtheothertakingin parts of both Missouri and Illinois. The inter-State route “will start at Peruque,Mo.,cross the Mississippi river to Golden Eagle and Brussels, Ill.,detour westward to Beechville,on the Illinois shore,and.thence ‘hack to Peruque._The Missouri route will a count Hi bi Marron)AK ne a itecefforte The upon which to hang,aerial ‘prepared-ness.for war,It.is planned to place in the ‘government service between200and300aeroplanes.in a »short time after -the-aerial mail routes-are started.The aviators will be trained by the government;all will be listed in the Aviation Reserve Corps and must serve in case of war,“It is planned to establish acrial mail routes in the Middle West,theWest,and the East..A call to the colors would bring these men,train- ed to fly under all topographical and ‘tweather.conditions,into the service of the country.The mén are to be shifted from aerial route to aerial route in order to give them this ex-perience, Congress,acvording ‘to »Captain Lambert,will:be-asked_for-$5,‘000 ,000 for the’furtherance of these plans. The money is 'to”be used’in building up the aviation corps of the Nation- al Guard and extending nation?al ae- rial preparedness in general,The aviators will carry the.mails“in peace |’ and when not’éngaged in manueuvres. Mei to Condemn. ,\Charlotte Observer, At.a meeting of Armenians in Naw protest against Turkish only,hoods in one township 88,264 acres surviving pallbearer-at.the fiineral of~of land assessed for $49,445.This is General Grant, _to.say for an average of 56 cents an change in,the proff.‘gore.In,another township the aver-snstberate aioli ered.rgaolyti -age was-$17.89 an acre."The increase of 15 per cent.in ae)county,ordered by the State Commission,raised these averages to.“§4.cents'in one case and to $19.99°in ‘out of the building and pursued,him|the other,if the taxpayers in this county were tifultheirtaxlist.these ‘the Be ae osacquaintedwith:lities and injustices wouk'ddubtless bé adjusted!”Tt is A lot family ae -to speak,Publicity.)and wide-spread:competency of cit-|well grounded.'Thus.a_meetin.gvuesareaohformost.of our |protest..against violence becameialill Charlotte is the"Mra.ShermarAvenue, proposed a Xiplain,the crowd imegined:he \for several blocks.This is’a beau- does ‘not.trouble’-it-;self to think,but only feels and.actsinstantlyonitsfeelings, manifestation ‘of ‘it. Men’s and “LionBoys’. Co,—ad, i [eee better made.—J;M.McKee}* ere MAIL,ROUTES. slight |. ons to|sentiment expressed by||Bourke Cochran,one of the speakers,|Without giving thi a chance to.ex-| wasopposingtheresolutions,drove him the psychology of| withoutjpausingtofindoutwhethertheyare to a Brand”) Lay-to for a spell and swing on this: You'll start an old-pal-party via a pipe or, a makin’s cigarette quick as a flash,as soon as you realizeit’s a live bet to let your good ‘money rub jap against some Prince Albert’ tobacco.Why,it’s like beating back to the bushes for old-home week,P.A.’s sofiendly,| so chummy-like. You see,2 ENS ae neel ats you hearthe | pout the bite aetheht. "PRINGE ALBERT the national joy smoke just hands you home-made questions like.these:“Were you ever pipe-happy?.Did.you everhitabrandthatjust pushed pleasure againstyourpalate?The kindthatSortofteasedyour smokeappetite for some §more fire-up,then an-other—and so on,right|to thepillow-period! .Well,that’s P,A, no matter how you hook \it up—pipe or cigarette.Itjust-jams-joyinto | tee system!!’You nail that fact hot off the.at,because it’s case-cards information!And,handedout to youfor personaland immediate attentionas being about as real and true asyou've heard since Hector ‘was a pup! -..Py A.is sold in the toppyred bag for thepriceofajitneyride,5¢;tidy red tin,10c;pound and half- Here is Casimiro hes ‘Irado,104.wholivesinCal.He)\gnemo:calls the rsjsWetscrvte,remari yonclear];ir in va and1822,when he wae 4 jad of *12 summers,Irado raetee ee a smoker all hia life,an ad 4 ¥day he seeks no dearer,4truerfriend‘than his og CarJimmypipe.Trado haeju ‘been elected a me:ane NeyPrinceAlbertineJjimmy-pipere clu) pound tin humidors—and—the classy pound ¢ crystal-glass humidor with the sponge-moistener top that’s notonlyajoy’us thing to have at home and at the Office,but it keeps.P.A,in the highest state of perfection, R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO co.,Winston-Salem,N.C. _~ ee ee ee ee ee *973,62 in 1912. been ginned,compared With 301,108_on the same date last year. ©’Mr.Fields’Estate Divided _apart. "~"'V.Larkin shot and instantly “killed an entrance into the Larkin home. -of justifiable homicide. _but the homicidal mania was’in evi- yed in a pistol fightinie..ip..A-crowded. i Alleghan “was filed for probate with the clerk ‘for Virginia:a te VOL,XLII.STATESVILLE,N.G,TUESDAY,OCTOBER 26,1915.“ea co tM n 4COTTONBUYERS’COMBINED|MR,HARTNESS'CANDIDACY|LIQUOR CAUSED If AUL.|THE PRIZE WINNING BOYS.|AFTERMATH OF TWO FIRES|Federal Trade Commission.In-vestigating Complaints. Agents of the Federal Trade Com-mission,a body created by the °lastCongress,have begun an investiga-tion of charges that cotton buyers inNorthandSouthCarolinaandGeor-gia have combined to.keep .downprices.to producers..The complaintsallegedthatlargepurchasers:of cot-ton inthe States named have .com-bined to divide territory:in such.awayastoallowthempracticallytofixthepricetothegrower..Commis- sioner W.J.Harris,who received the complaints,recommended a.thoroughinvestigation,which was ordered bythecommission.:Members of the commission said that if the complaints were substan- tiated,the combination would consti-tute a restraint of trade,and the commission would be ‘authorized toproceedundertheanti-trust law.Thatwouldmean,institution of the firstsuitofthekindbroughtthroughthé.commission since its creation. Agents of both the economic and le-gal divisions of the commission willconducttheinvestigation. Complaints made to.the commis-sion cite the Well known fact that cot-ton varies in price.from a cent to a half cent a pound in markets 20 miles The difference in.price,it is alleged,is the result of the workings of a combination.Many ‘cities andtowns,it is alleged,have practicallyno@svemarket,due to the fact that divisions of territory for buying pur-poses are made,one territory belong- ing to one buyer,another territory toanother:*as Father-in-Law Killed Son-in-Law At.Carthage.Saturday night:James benomination, bia,ag werk iT ed by his son-in-law,Dr.Ik Fred.Watson, a dentist,.after the latter had forced The tragedy was the culmination of domestic trouble.Dr.Watson was a dangerous man when under the in- fluence of drink and his wife was afraid of him.It is said she had had several narrow escapes and he had more than once threatened to kill her. Saturday night Watson went homedrunkandhiswifefledtothehome of her father,Mr.Larkin.Watson fol- lowed her to the Larkin home and asked éntrance but was refused.byMr.Larkin,who told him to go backhome.This he.refused to do andforced.the door,open and was shot.byLarkinjustafterheenteredhis-home,the ball of the pistol taking effect.intherightbreast,severing an artery,from which he -bled to death in lessthanfiveminutes., A coroner’s jury returned.a verdict titude to my Watson was a native of Clinton andhisremainsweretakenthereforba- rial;He was said to be a splendidman.when sober,and a good citizen, ee whenever he was drinking.Hiswifeanda10*year-dld daughter.sur-vive,4 ‘ Iredell Man Reported:Shot. Mr.David Fox of Cool Spring town- ship has been advised that his son,whojoined:himself to one of the tent shows exhibiting tk Statesville last summer, was shot in the arm duringa difficultythatoccurredintheshowwhile:it wasexhibitinginaGeorgiatown:ThefollowingdispatchfromLavonia,Ga.,under date of the 23d,may be.an ac- count of the incident,‘although young Fox is’hot mentioned:aad “Thomas.and Cohen Davis.werekilledand’four were slightly wound-a “days azo.Ida, ped. owded..ci brothers for disturbance.cers were:wounded,Alfred Davis,a third brother,and Thomas Davis;hisson,were also injured.” Cotton Ginned to October.18. The third cotton ginning’report oftheseason,announced by the census bureau yesterday,shows.that $;713,-347 bales of cotton,counting ‘roundashalfbales,of ‘the growth gg 1915has‘been ginned prior to October 18, This compared with 7,619,747 bales,or 47.9 percent of the entire crop gin- ned prior to October 18 last year,6,- bales,or 49.9,per cent in°1913 and 6,874,206 bales,or 51.0°per cent ed last week mons hours. was Her In North Carolina 264,665 bales had. ern “road and -/*Among His Children, Star.:The.will of the late W.C.Fields 12 is now due at 6:55,ten s lotte at 7:05atthecourthouseonlastMonday,than18th,Mrs.Fields being the executrix'train from and Mrs.Sam Miller for North GCaro-f¢o>merly. For some months Mr.Hartness been traveling.about the State,look- ing over the field,and in Raleigh Sat- urday he gave’out the following an- nouncement: “Four years ago I was urged byDemocratsintheStatetobecomeacandidateforSecretary.of State,Inresponsetothoserequests,I statedthatIcouldnotoffermyselfforthispositionatthat,time,but that.if,af-ter four years,there should appéar asufficientdemandforachangtheDemocratic-voters shouldinclinedtoemeas:their candidate,|}would seriously consider offering forthe:nomination.=e “Accordingly,I have ndw for sometimebeen.tentatively canvassing to ascertain if my fellow Democrats de-sired a change in thie office,and at the same time as to whether I wouldhe:justified in offering myself.as the means of expressing this desire, “T have everywhere ‘found an~em- phati¢opinion:among~the rank ‘and file of our party,that it would —be wise for the party to make a change, and I am grateful to say that-I have received most encouraging. ances of support in the event of my and frobealy r. Miss Martha Simons ‘of Statesville was painfully-but not seriously.injur- |she is teaching. horseback riding and.thinking-thehorsewasrunning’away,she jumped,©The horse ran over her and its foot.©tore considerable fleshaboutthe—knee. stitches to sew the wound...Miss Si- for a few, Charlotte and>Taylorsville— came effective Sunday evening.No, formerly;No.24, fredell Court Clerk CandidateForSecretaryofState. For a year or more it has been un-derstood that Mr.J.clerk of Iredell Superior Court,wouldacandidate.for the A. DemocratiforSecretaryof A have,therefore,decided to an- nounce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Secretary of State,in the State-wide.primary,to be held according to’law as enact-the last General This primary.willbe the.first-direct State-wide primary for State’officers in the history of the State. go into the contest therein as a loyal Democrat and will in good faith ac- cept the judgment of the voters ex- pressed in the primary.For my own part,I am determined to do nothing calculated to be other than worthy of our party and helpful to.our State,as in the past I have given all of mybesteffortsfortheparty’s mainten-ance and the uplift of the State.“I invite my fellow Democrats investigate my record of party serv- ice and personal fitness for the office, with the view to determining their at-IT shall make a clean,straight-forward campaign,and will appreciate and be grateful for the support of Democrats:‘If the Democratie voters shall seefittonominateme,I will give the bestthat-is-in-me-to-justify candidaey. eir-choice.” PROBABLY FATALLY HURT. Mr.Andrew Allison,a Native of Statesville — Hurt in Missouri, MrsJ.-B.Gill left Sunday for Tex-arkana,Ark.,to sée her brother,Mr.Andrew Allison,who was seriouslyfatallyinjuredsomeAllison’s home is at La...Several ‘days ago he had taken.a load of lumber to town and had started home in an empty wagon,,been employed as colored supervisor|riding on the hounds.The mules be-jof schools for Iredell county on the,came frightened and ran.In-attempt-recommendation of the State Board of!ing to jump off Mr.Allison was en-|Education.She has had special train- tangled in-the.chains and-was drag-ing to equip her for such a position ged a considerable distance through and was for a time supervisor of thethetownbeforetheteamwasstop-|colored schools of Columbus county,Among the was one,to the spina produced a paralysis and his recovery!schools.will is doubtful...He was taken’to Texar-jscience and industrial training in thekanafortreatment.(Mr,“hi i Miss injuries received cord and this sis ‘also a brother ofBe-Pe-Allison. at.Fulton,Mo.,where Miss Simons ©was from her‘limbItrequired30 unconscious mother,Mrs. Locke Simons,is advised that.she is getting along‘all:right now:Miss Si- mons is teacher-of voite at the Synod- ical College at Fulton. Slight Changeof Schedule. Slight -changes in the schedules‘ passenger trains No.12 on-the-West-Nos.15 and 24'on the line be- to-arrive from AshevilleminutesTaterthanfor- merly,and/No.15 leaves for Char-p..m.,20 minutes.laterthe”nightarlotte,is now due inMrs.E.F.McNeer gtatesville at 8:14 instead of 9:20,as lina..Tlie estate was valued at about)The Pullman sleeping cars on the$80,000 and.was.equally divided Western road will now be handled byamongthewidowandsixchildren,the west-bound train No,15,which,arriveseein.Sparta going\to Mrs.Mc-in Statesville at 7:24,and eastboundeer‘arid Mrs.Miller,of:Elkin and train No.12.Statesville,respectively.lnection at parerenaticarenevain h h-traiGermanSuspectsArrested.re"ins No.12 will make con-alisbury with a new‘from the South to New.York.Trains Nos.11-and 16°will“Robert Fay,who.is said to be a handle Pullman :chair®cars,i but no.lieutenant in;the Germany army,and sleepers.‘his brother-in-law,Walter L.Scholz,arrested Sunday while testing ex-Postponement of ‘Court. plosiyes nesr Grantwood,N.J.,were]Iredell Superior Gourt.whieh was-arraigned yesterday before a justice expected to convene yesterday.for the posteSe of the peacé at Weehawken,N°J.,on|trial of caseschargesofconspiracyandheldwithoutpostponeduntilbailforexamination.4 aIt:is:reported that Fay confessed.in Statesville.The men,it is alleged,were planning perinee that:he was unable to came purchase.to destroy gmmunition plants in:this), countty,2 8:‘ on the civil docket,was tomorrow...JudgeLane,who was not well when he Was fair.Some of a Harthess, State.has é-andseem assur- Assembly. I shall to Simons <of {dition to the $150 paid bythe county, pee annum. |[dealer A’White Man and a Buneh ofNegroesinCourttoAnswer ’For Sale of Liquor. Arthur Roberts,a young white manfromWilkescounty.is under bond forihis\appearatice in Supvrior Court to-lmorrow,whén.he.is expetéd to pleadleuiltytoachargeofretailing;Jes: Tuck,Hub MeLelland and Jim Loney.colored,are under bond for their ap-pearance at next term -of SuperiorCourt,to answer charges ‘of retailiny,and Jim Turner and Buck Brown.al-80 eolovéd,are under ‘bond for theirappearanceinJusticeLazenby’s courttodaytoatiswerforanaffray,all asthe.result.of thé:investigationof theofficersintothecireumstances|ingup‘to a fight between E ses and|Brewn,which occurred,Friday nigh|in the negro ‘settlement an Mr.C.FE.) Daniels’place on the eastern edge o/| wn,Te The officers heard Saturday morningthatTurnerandBrownhadserappedthenightpreviousanditwassuspect-ed that.liguor had figured in the row.An investigation was.begun and by Saturday night all of the above nam-ed persons had been arrested andvlaced.under bonds by Justice Lazen-by to answer for the respective charges preferred against them,as named above.Accordingto evi- dence given by witnesses.at the pre-liminary hearings,the white’man,Roberts,has been coming:to States-ville every Friday’night for’some weeks ‘and supplying a number’of lo- cal colored customers with “mountain licker.”Under the arrangment it ap-nears that Jess Tuck and Hub Mc-Lelland were local repregentatives forRoberts,who would notify them whenhewascomingandtheyinturnwould get up the money to buy him out and arrange a meeting place out on theTurnersburgroad,or at the negro set-tlement in the woods-on Mr.Daniels’ place.Friday night.»ccording to thewitnesses,Roberts brought.five gal- Jons,for which he received ‘a total of $14.A half gallon,it appeared,wasgiventoTugkforhisservicesin “rounding up”the buvers.Whén theofficersmadetheirraidSaturdaythreequartsoftheliquorwasfoundinthepossessionofJimLongandthree quart bottles and a half gallon bottle! ibelonging to Hub McLelland*were \found under a corn snocx near his home on the Daniels place.Roberts had started back to Wilkes Saturday morning and had goneabout six miles out the Turnersburg ‘road when his buggy was overtaken by theautomobileinwhichtheoffiecrshadHe-at first denied aji- ¢ ;|given chase. and also denied his identity,but after finding he was “up against it,’””it is understood that he decided to plead guilty before Judge Lane this week and have his case disposed of immedi-ately. FOR THE NEGRO SCHOOLS. Supervise Negro Schools.1MaryChariton,a highly educated:colored woman ‘of*Pulaski;Va..has this State.Her principal dutics.as ‘county supervisor.of Iredell’s colored be to give domesti¢ schools and have general supervisionoftheirconduct.-Shlored--schao!5% 3 0 tie H me aithe.pupils,and-im some of ‘the schools l cooking and industrial.classes will be lorganized.The pupils of the classes|will be taught how to prepare.whole-“some,food ‘economically and will re-ceive ‘instruction ne making of huck mafs,:split b ,brooms.ete.\Monthly meetings oft:the coloredteachersof‘the cotinty will be held tolreceiveinstrityns,schoo!workfromthe-supervisor,°:|.The .coloredséh66l supervisor willcostthecounty‘only*$150 a year.andit.is‘believed that her value to theschools:will prove inestimable.In ad- the General Education’Board appro- priates $200 and the “Jean’s Fund”$150:a year,making the salary $500 Popular Auther a Visitor. “Mr.Waldron’Bailey,,author of“Heart df the Blue Ridge,”the popu-lar‘novel,,was a “Statesville visitorSaturday.Scenestin the “Heart of theBlueRidge”haye been pictured byoneof|the..leading motion ©picturecompaniesand:willcbe shown at one,of’the Statesville:theaters «withinshorttime.“The scene of the story isintheBlueRidge.mountains of NorthCarolina.and to wyakeetke sent.its pluyers to the Nérth Carolina, mountains.to make some of thescenes,ai. Sale of County Mules.|be »Chaigman:Mills:of/the county com-missioners Saturday sold’to a No:folk’ 'scondition,the scrubs of the.cou ty‘bunch-of mules.‘They were bougladealerwhobuys“plug”stock andthepricereceivedwasconsideredverythe.county’s mules.were prize for ting knowledge of the liquor transactions!Hutchinson, Y., members terprises. survive, Congressman Doughton’s_Iil- neumonia, 4.of the county’s mules for,ph“1$1,175.These 14 mules were in bad Wilkes Got a Bunch and Iredell Got One. The most ¢omplete and elaborateexhibiteverattemptedbythe First ond, Lewis;fourth, Richard ‘Ferguson;sixth, |Setzer;seventh, Will Lewis; Arthureighth,Dewey Goforth. In the Piedmont section James Linker of Mooresville won third prize. Other winners were Charlie James of Forsyth°county,fourth prize;Calvin Smith arid Tyre Schoolfield of Guil-ford,fifth and sixth;Bryce Vance of Huntersville,:Mecklenburg eighth... Cc.B.Williams,farm.exhibit division of the State fair, says the agricultural exhibits for this fair were 50 per cent.better,both in quantity and quality,than ever before,and that the judges had the greatestdifficultyindeterminingas‘between the merits of different exhibits...° Haywood county again won©first best agricultural The second prize was given to Guil- ford,the third to fourth to Beaufort. It was in making the award forbest_individual farm exhibit thatthe.most serious difficulty developed.This was in determining the relative mer-its of the exhibit.of D.R.Noland.Haywood county,and Mr.Sharpe of Guilford county.The decision was in|th favor of Mr.Sharpe,Mr.Noland get-second and Miss Williams ofCaldwellcountythirdprize. Edison Talks Across the Conti- director Rowan and the nent. Thursday.was “Edison Day”atthe Panama-Pacific Exposition Franciseo,where Mr.and Mrs:Thos. A.Edison are guests,and to celebrate it at Mr.Edison’s Orange,N.J.,.4 telephone.connection was made between Mr.Edison’s home and the exposition grounds. the inventor,aided by a special soundamplifier,listened in San:Francisco, a long message from Millersuperintendent.of the Edison works,was transmitted by Mr.Edison’s own phonograph. coxgratulated Mr. Edison on the thirty-sixth anniversary of his invention of the incandescent light,and told him that se¥eral hun- dred of his friends had gathered inhishometodohimhonor. son’s reply was The message Mr. od;int Co y sévera pr.of a hunting lodge,had:goneoutforanafternoon’s recreation,and,while the others of the*party werebusyaboutthelodge,Mr.Hood walk-ed in the woods a:few hundred yardsinquestofsquirrels.Later his deadbodywasfoundbyawirefenceand from the position.of his body it is sup- posed that he attempted to cross the fence and his.gun—-a double-barrel,hammerless shot gun—was.acciden-tally discharged,the entire load tak-ing effect in his-heart.The body wasfoundlying.beside the fence, the gun underneath.Death must.have been instantaneous: Mr.Hood was a native of Johnston county and ‘had lived in Greensboro about 15 years.and treasurer of the North Carolina Trust Company,a bank director and was interested in other Greensboro en- Wife and two daughters He was ')ness, The Landmark mentioned.'brieflylast‘week the serious illness of Con-a fressman:Doughton at his home atel.Springs,Alleghany county.ram all the information obtainable }hoto-play:if’seems aren Deckbtts has been+sible the.any Ul since Igst Friday ‘a week ago.One on.tal Pe Poe ged company report says the illness is due to stom- ach and heart trouble,another saysSurdayovlast.week Mr.oughton,was so ‘ill that his deathhas‘}since improved but he was,at lastaccount,a very sick man and ‘not con-sidered out of danger. ysicians have been with him,Dr.loseley of Greensboro being one.many friends inbythispartofhisdistrictearnestlyhopeforhisearlyrecovery. a8 expected, Mr.Doughton’s His condition JCargill Massenburg,a prominentadvisedClerk|recently.sold “at an advance on the|tobaeconist of Louisburg,droprice“and the remainder of dead Friday from heart trouble:o hold court..yesterday but that he the lot,which are:in ‘good condition,}Thoped to be here by tomorrow,_jwill-probably,bring first.cost or mores the American Tobacco.Company. Boys’Corn club workers was made at the State fair at Raleigh last week..Two hundred and five.entries were made,representing 60 counties of the State. Each entry consisted of a ten-ear ex- hibit,.accompanied.by with ears attached.Nineteen sampleswerereceivedfromtheMountainsec- tion,107 from.the Piedmont sectionand-79 from the Coastal plain section. Wilkes county took all the prizesfortheMountain‘section,as follows: rize,Haywood Brookshire;sec- ohn Brookshire;third,Charleyfifth, Lawrence Setzer; three stalks county, of the exhibit. in,San home at.West While Reese Edi-———received .at WestColoredWomanEmployedto,Orange by his latest invention,the Itelescribe,and later every one in the room received a cylinder on which the words of the inventor had been tran-scribed automatically:: Mr.Frank Lewis.of Brooklyn,N. who has been visiting relatives in Statesville,had an invitation to bepresentatWestOrangeforthispar-ticular event,but was unable to goonaccountofhisvisithere, Mr.Hood of Greensboro While Hunting. Mr.Robt.C.Hood,‘a leading’citi-zen and prominent business man ofGreensboro,was acci d Killed dentally ‘killed by ing a:few, with secretary A number of Other—Dan, at the Furniture Factory. sponsible for the five Thursday night destroyed Euclid avenue,by Mr.SigWhilaceandMr.Alex ownedoccupied by house aroused.While one from the house.’Neighbors other afticles in the saved., the house.The buildinstructure,but.Mr.Wall cover the loss.Mr.Bsurance.and his loss is.total. ocupy temporary quarters until ed colored men—Gus. stain with-a lantern. help McLelland responded and uponreachingthescenethrewtheburning says he was outside the buildinstartinghomewhenheheardSmi furniture company officials stain burn inside the buildinwaitonMcLellandtocomeanitoutinsteadofdoingithimself; would have spread from the bucketbeforeMcLellandcouldhavereached it,if he was outside the building.Therefore it is believed that the twonegroes:were “monkeying”with thestainwhentheyletsomeofitgetonthelanternandstartedthefire.Be all this as it may,McLellandwasseriouslyburnedastheresultofhisgraspingthebucketofpestaininhishandstothrowitfromthebuilding.After throwing thebucketoutheranouthimself,‘withhisclothingafire,Two.white men who were on the premises.ran to his-and tore his burning coat fromim.The night watchman managed toputoutthefire,which had started in- side the building,before any damage from the building made quite a blazeforafewminutes,but did no damuge. Residence Burned in Catawba. -Between 12 and 2 o'clock SundaymorningthehomeofMr.Walter tically all i :Mr.Sherrill’s family was awayandheandMr.John Bynum wereasleep.in the house,When..aroused gone to save much of the contents. The fire is supposed to have originat-: ed in the kitchen.Mr.Sherrill,wlfo is a’son-in-law of,Mr.Lester,had built a nice cottagesomeyearsago.It is understood that! there was some insurance on the house—¥$700 it is reported—but this ‘willnotcoverthelossonbuilding. Won Egg Prizes at State Fair. In Raleigh last week,in connectionwiththeStateFair,was held the firstStateAnnualEggShow.There were105entriesfromthedifferentcounties of the State_and from New.Jersey.Eggs from Iredell were entered byMrs.W.C,Wooten,Mrs.Whlker ' Reece and Jessie Sherrill.Of the premiums awarded Mrs.Wooten won first and Mrs.Bradley second on Single Comb’Rhode IslandReds;‘Mr,Harry Sherrill second on Barred Plymouth Rocks,and Mr.Reece first.on extra browns.Miss Elsie Brantley,Mooresville,won fifthpremiumonSingleCombRhodeIs-land Reds.oF Deaths,.3 Miss Hbrtense Hux went to Hidden-ite Friday to attend the funeral ofher:uncle,Mr.Nesbit Lackey of Hid-desiite,who died Thursday night.Mr,Lackey was about 65 years old audissurvivedbyonesonandonedaugh: Baity Lackey,both of Hiddenite.Hisdeathwasdue'to a heart trouble, some time, Chesterfield,8..C.,to visit her daugh- Miss Glara Dunn of Charlotte ts Defective Flue in One Case—"Probably Carelessness in the ous Situation A defective flue was probably re- which Jatethe‘ouseatthecornerofStocktonstreetand Beaver and family.The fire startedinthekitchenroofandhadspreadtotheroofofthemainportionofthe before the occupants werememberofthefamilyrantothehomeofaneighbortogivethealarmtheothersbusiedthemselveswithremovingfurniture arrivedpromptlyandwiththeiraidagood portion of the household furnishings were saved,The fire burned so,rap- idly,that the kitchen furniture and rear of)thehouse,including a lot of canned fruitandother.provisions,could not be Mr.Wallace had $400 insurance’on |‘ was an oldehadre-cently:spent:$100 repaiving and ‘im-proving:it and the insurance will not eaver had no in-He .willMr.Wallace can erect a new house forhim,which will be done immediately. ~The fire at the Statesville Furni- ture Company’s plant Thursday’eve-:ning was evidently due to a couple ofIMcLelland—and Jim Smith —“monkeying around” some highly combustible furnitureItwas-a thrill-ing experience for the negroes and aclosecallto2seriousfireforthefur-niture company..The negroes could not satisfactorily explain “how come” e fire.Smith,who is night watch- man at the plant,stated that he wassimplypassingbyabucketofthestainwhenitsuddenlytookfirefrom‘his lantern,and when he called for bucket from the building.McLelland,who is boiler fireraan at the-plant, call and ran to the rescue.But the right side of hisf::: can't |halfhis tongue.°He liad no knotquiteunderstandjustwhythenightneue.ie ohwatchmanwouldstandbyandletthethrow and,too,it w6uld seem’that the fire resulted.The burning stain thrown. by the fire the building was too far’ Bradley,Messrs.Harry Sherrill,J.B.jneed of a new church,or. ter,Mr.Newton Lackey:and.Miss}house with whith he had been afflicted for}, ter,Mrs...C.Douglass,who is very]*d“ite ill was 24 years old and was a buyer for —The Civie Lae eeeae Ks,ternoon at 4 o’cloc ‘cial club tooms.°*hE ss—Mrs.J.B.Reece underwentan op~eration at.the atorium.y'afternoon.Her condition was re aedfavorable,_oe UR ea ya—Miss Ruth Todd of;the Calogey:Bi faculty was called to Due West,S.Friday evening \by news of the illnessofhermother.oN Sacer ashureite —Mr.R.J..Bryant of 'S)township will be acounty__treasurer—in-the ee et we N of 1 :—Mr.B.H.Woode'Balsigh,grand secretary of the \Odd Fellows,addressed ‘the —lodge of Odd Fellowslast night.ae —License has beenissued.for theMr.Clyde GC.Heath Migs Tac,Ball,r.Clyde C.He:;iReidandMr.John ‘Wilson ‘Wallace.—A'number of lots in BloomfieldAbsher pie Aad to Mr.Geo.B.poh weresoldundermortgageatthecourthouseSaturdaytoMr.M.F,Nash for$1,073.50,:cee ake—Next Monday being November 13stmeansthatAllllowsevefallsonSundaythisyear,but thereis no lawtopreventthosewhowanttecele-brate substituting Saturday or Mon-day night,,‘ PH *—Mr.and Mrs,Eugene ortisonwerecalledtoCharlotteenerhewsofthecriticalilinessof: Morvison’s.ne Mr,rgWearn..Theysees Sutidiy:Young Wearn’s condition — 4 very.serious, Mrs.A:S,: who spent the summermerhomeinSparta,Allety,have.returned to!§Carson‘and family arethe‘residence on south }street,known 05 the Paxton,house.—IWhile operating a rip:saw.Statesville aka ‘one.anSaeee.qSee *toacciden'placed ‘his hand.the san ce thumb .open,vera.stitches;to close the wound,*—Mr.Geo.W...Setzer \foreman of a cotton mill,Was.efSanatoriumFridayto«tors about a suddenparalysisthathasaff when the stroke came. —Dr.and Mrs.L.0.|ed night from.|ern wedding tri a rents,be Dek.nstreets, ner Center and W:a will begin 2ttersoncottage_street,which is to be their—Mr.T.C.Gray ofship,who ws the|Spanish -potatoes,hasndmarkasampleof hisofthemareaboutandoneortwomeas:inches in girth in thevariety,however,it::potatoes but the smallerthat.are:|flavored,bas ahi—The proclamation of theornamingFriday,Novem!Arbor Day,was mentionLandmarkat.the time’ tion was issued,BixasFridayofnext)Arbor Day named byitiswellforcivicSchoolchersand’inctakenote:of the’day.and penalgg cost;It is found,however,‘eourt“record,whithlast.issue of The Landmark,ror.Mr.Smith was nement“in this case.He»witness.ln ve erates Church News.~‘Mr.©.C.Norman will preachSt.Paul’s church next Sunday at U1a.m.at Amity at 3.30 p.'m.,and atSt.Michael’s at 7 p.m.ae Ne‘Rev,W.D.Haltiwanger will preach peri,rector ofat.St.Martin’s Sunday.Rev.Clarence Pro 1,Trinity Episcopal’church of.|ville,‘will ‘attend ‘the Charlottevocationwhichwillbeheldin.St,3tin’s church,Charlotte,today,tomor-row and ee,en wre a :a at At:the First: Sunday morning Rev.8 to his ¢ packally the need of ace‘or the Sunday sehool.~Rev..Dr.C.E.Raynal;er Brady,Rey.Ovid’Pu!ieckert and °p)bly <.Ss me A g £ day.”Pastor Lit meeeay.Pastor Lutz’s su rReformation,oaTearsDoleOneand Will Bulla Mr.Fred,Slane,whoa few months ago pureKnpadt te’“ditt ore Ysfronting:on west Front,’ee aeaat Mrs:‘J.L.Kimball left yesterday for]Resid xvisitingrelativeshere:+ NEWS FROM ABOUT STATE. Accidents Crimes and Other In- —-_of Life in North Caro- 'Catawba fair at Hickory November3,4 and.|,: eee te g roe of ogee rs.T,C.Bishop o ie co atheheadsoffrhethenanddips.=Bas Millard Floyd of Henderson cotn-ty,about 80 years old,died suddenly of heart failure while hunting ’pos- su LANDMARK.metKingGeorge Appeals —More}«Men and Yet More...| King George of Great Britaih has issued an appéal to his’subjects for volunteers for thecarmy.The mes-|sage.of the King says:“At this grave moment in theatcugilebetweenmyonsandahighlyorganizedarmywhohastrans-|’sed--the —laws.—of-—nationsand}ere ordinance tnat binds civ.ili Europe together,I appeal’toyou,~~sored dar oeBOC.“rejoice in my empire’s -effort,and I feel pride in the voluntaryg re-sponse from my subjects all oyer theworldwhohavesacrificedhomeand Mfortuneandlifeitselfinorderthatanothermaynotinheritthefreeem-pire which their.ancestors and mine have built.I ask you to make goodthesesacrifices.:9“The end is not in sight.More men,and yet more,are wanted to keep myarmiesinthefieldandthroughthem |:to secure victory and an enduring peace.In ancient days the darkest October 26,1915. 1,PUNISHMENTAND Hi CRIME.¢. 4 will be noticed that Judge Lane, 1 the banishment plan in dis- @ of some State cases Jast week. men who were up for.‘violating ae ::i “The Thinkers of the Country Are4, the Tobacco Chewers”— —_' ~‘said one of the greatest thinkers 4 { this country ever produced.| -NERVE!_| f 'Awhirranda whiz!Then nothing between our bird-\; man and destruction except his nerve!”/lies ne ie a He takes no chances with stron _tobaéco."His choice is mild,mewiththelong-lasting taste, ie ,rank,nerve -breaeing telowPICNICTWIST,.{ and Philadelphia.Wingate last Sunday,and that Jim ‘At the fair in.Raleigh last week a Hudson donkeys to the depot after the sporty negro.offered an old colored|mail every day.” the liquor laws were given a.chance to leave the;State in lieu of a term on the chain gang.Sometimes it is ;:oe better for the community to be rid of .Largent,the,Burke.county ne- “undesirables,but if they deserve pun-Ri who got his feet.cut off when he ie rt h ity ts blessed 1"ped from a train at Glen Alpine,shment and thecommunity ested ed fom the effets ‘tH ine y r ,"“Ralph Brown and Ben Hehsley, other States can’t be defended,ees with killing Dave Wilson ui Wt is noticeable 2iso that there is a Rutherford county a few weels ago, cessation,in Iredell courts,of send-wee in Rutherford Supe- ing liquor law violaiors to the roads,{Tor Court.“ :i ed and bond required The Wilkesboro Patriot says the peer are,Tepoe Ce aie if i Shell Chair Co.of that town has sign- Aor good behaviour.Fire idea it|ed a contract to supply a New York works the reformztion and a plan concern with $125,000 worth of chairs,|moment has ever produced in men of “that is to be commended for first of-the delivery to begin December Ist/guy race the sternest resolve.I ask ti ::and continue through all of next year.ae Bs .eae fenders.But to the average violator Tk ct Mine Rives Walaa.‘of ou Bee of -nee we come Rue i i 8 BRE 0 iss Eva Fields.of|ward voluntarily and take your share _of the liquor laws a fine is .ont Charlotte,formerly of ethirhhen |e chase hatte y y a simply license to carry on the busi-|county,against Peter J.Tuttle:of|“In freely responding to my ap s ness.\Rockingham county,for $5,000 for|you will be giving your support te ou A Statesville aminister proclaimed:breach of promise of marriage,;was|brothers who for long months have from the pulpit a few weeks ago that decided in favor of the defendant,in|jnobly upheld Great Britain’s past tra- o i Mecklenburg Superior Court.ditions and the glory of ker arms!” he had seen more drunkenness in the glory e 8 5 ey it It is stated that the drainage act,——_—————— town recently than he had seen alto-|geciared unconstitutional by the Su-Not the Salary But the Man.« gether since he had lived here—which|preme Court last week,bo a special |Greensboro News.ie i 1 years.This town hag had a /jact applying to d¢ertain territory in|“,hee : “i ti i for enforcing a pro-jeastern Carolina,and that neither:the _Tredell county.commissioners have ne on Th -State drainage act nor local acts ‘in hired an overseer or supefintendeént of Fane meh .oe”this part of the State are affected.roads,with a view to their upkeep,at meee et i that the quantity’fy.Ney McNeely of Monroe has|a salary of $150 per month.“While of liquor shipped in for.the past Six heen appointed consul at Aden,which |we have no objections as to who lands}, ~~months has been matcrially reduced.jis a oe we .Pnaa peett,|the job,”says the rare cae i is more drunken-|tants on the Guilt o en,south of |prise,“yet it is reasonable to believe oe ak 3 oh x harges,it must )Arabia.The job pays $2,500 per year (that the county could secure a Wan ness,as the presenter charg jand expenses.The appointment was|for that particular job at $1,000 or mean that more of the home-made iwon through competitive examination.|$1,200 per year who would be®just as, “product is being sold in or near States-|Catawba county commissioners ‘will competent and attain just as good xe- ville than heretofore;‘and if blockad-|visit the Lincoln county home—a mod-(sults.And yet if a private corpora- ers are becoming bolder,the logical /¢rn structure—to look it over with)tion should employ a $1,000 mah,,or ..+s that their fear of the |the view of building a similar one in jeven,a $1,800 man,to keep up the.op- concusion 18 tha ©:‘Catawba.If the Catawba commis-|crative efficiency of a $400,000 plant; .law has been lessened.isiogers want to see a real modern|people would ‘expect that corporation.) .2 And in this connection it Avill be ob;county home they ought to come‘to |to fail ‘And without a miracle,it served that the blockaders got noth-}Iredell.}would.bide i t-term-of the Fed-|Ernest Shore...of Shore,Yadkin a oa a o.aoe them concern.|county,who has won fame as a Also Buggied-and Donkeyed. om ver 4 but baseball pitcher,returned to his home|Monroe Journal.‘ocd Maybe they got all they deserved,but |in Yadkin a few days ago.Mr.Shore}“while people are ‘motoring’here | if they want to repeat the offence |played with the Boston team and|and ‘motoring’there,”said Dr.Bart] they will not be deterred by what pitched the opening game for Boston’touston,“L wish that you would:p ne | they got.in the world’s series.between Boston!in the paper that Bob May buggied to That President Wilson had a per- fect right to motor 72 miles last Sat- urday,to eat dinner at an inn kept by “eolored”people,we do not deny,“Ev- erytody ‘to their notion,”as the old woman said when she kissed the cow. citizen a $100 bill for $50.The un- suspecting old man had.$50 in good money and he handed it over only to find,after the sharper had disappear- i T cNic Twist xMRS,THOMSON « biseball association will pay a divi-| dend to stockholders.Gastonia has|How She Was HelpedDaring ; been in but a’short time.“Wait awhile|Change of Life by Lydia E.| and you'll hear another story.£; John C.Souther,who killed his}Pinkham’s Vegetable wife in Rutherford county last sum-|—°Co mer,submitted to a verdict of sec-|mpound, ond degree murder and was given the| full limit of the law—30 years in the| State prison.The crime was brutal) and many there be who think South- er’s place was in the electric chair.Meas Mat,Ziglar,Jr.,of Winston-Salem, was killed Friday night while ‘possum hunting in the vicinity of that city. Ziglar,about 20 years old,was accom- panied:by two companions.A ’pos- sum was treed and the tree cut.When it fell it lodged.Ziglar walked under it and at that instant the tree fellandcrushedhimtodeath.“ Ed:Wheeler,25 years old;who struck a negro,63.years old,with a club,the negro dying from the effectsoftheblow,was acquitted in Frank- lin county Superior Court.They quar- reled about a mule.’The white man said the negro was approaching him with a knife and as there were no wit-nesses the jury accepted his story.: ed-citizen:.of Le. ed,that he had received in exchange $100 in Confederate meney. Taking note of the condition of the} Winston -Salem baseball fans,who| find themselves in the hole $10,000ox | more,the Gazette says the Gastonia|} —Wilkesboro Patriot.. The Associated Press report which told of.the trip of the President and his fiancee into Virginia said the inn at which they took dinner was kept by a cglored family.Of course this colored family keeps an eating hotse for white people.In some localities ‘Gt is not uncommon for negroes to maintain public eating places that ca- ter to the white trade.But ever since the statement appeared The Land- mark has looked for some Republican paper to comment on it,and the shape| jn which it appears in the Patriot. shows’that it.is in the vanes for a campaign issue.Before the next cam- paign is old Republican orators will be saying that Woodrow Wilson “eats with niggers.”‘They used to charge that Cleveland invited the negro Fred. Douglas and his white wife to his wed- ‘ing and that Mrs.Cleveland kissed Douglas’wife.The fact ‘that the statement’wasn’t true*made no dif- ference.They repeated it wherever they,thought it .would have weight with ignorance _and prejudice. CHEWING TOBACCO Let PICNIC TWIST be-Your choice, too.You will never want black tobaccoafter trying this soft,clean-made,convenient twist, made ofselected leaves of the mildest sort, "Fry a 5c twist,thenebuy a 11-twist drum. But ke sure it’s a PICNIC TWIST drum. \}¢|*||| Philadelphia,Pa.—‘‘I am just 52years |of age and during Change of Life I suf-|iat fered for six years |:j terribly.Itried sev-|~ 4]eral doctorsbutnone | seemed to give me | tgany relief,Every|4]monththe painswere | intensein both sides,. “and made me 80} weak that-I had to,go to bed.At last 51a friend recommen- ded.Lydia E.Pink-ham’s Vegetable Compound to me and I tried it at once and found much relief:After that Ihad_no pains at all and could do my housework and shopping the same as always.For years I have praised Lydia’E:-Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-pound.for what.it has done.for me, —nnn ‘New or .Re-Built TTYPEWRITERS!Have a few machines for Rental Pur-’ poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES...Come.to us. with your Typewriter troubles.~.Statesville Pr inting Co." pewriters sold.© |DEITZ&PATTERSON Practical Blacksmiths and Horse Shoers.Rubber Tiring and HotTireShrinking.General.Repair- ing,Painting,etc..Shop rear of J.K.Morrison Grocery&Rroduce|Co.Oct.19-—-Bt. In senvencing John L.Casper and Tet“DR.B.GC.TALLEY,|i '\VETERINARIAN,|i »Headquariers Statesville Drug-Co.--Office Phone’,80.~*Residence ’Phone 307 Black: “FRESH 2 STOCK” —-ARRIVING—+ 1 ‘abtoertysmyletterinany-way.’’—Mrs.THOMSON,649 W.Russell St.,Philadelphia,Pa. ‘Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman’s existence.Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy knowntori man.Dayis’counsel appealed and intheirexceptionsstatethatwhilethe case was on trial the jury,during an adjournment of court,went to a thea- ter and witnessed a-cheap-version of “St.Elmo,”in which there is a mur-der scene.The jury might-have been affected by the stage crime,the law-|carry women's0 successfully through|' yers stated,thistrying periodas LydiaE.Pinkham’s Talking to Paris By Wireless.piieones pet ae ce ahpteekeyouwantspeciaice|ee ae write to Lydia E.Pinkham Med-ords uttered in Arlington,Va,|icine Cox (confidential),1:4 have been heard in Paris,France,on}wag.cy,letter willati ynn, three different occasions within the i §au Shue opened, last ten days.The human voice was »and answered by a woman projected across the Atlantic for the and heldinstrict confidence, first time in history,and ‘‘Helios”and NOTICE TO }CREDITORS!“Goodbyes”said in Arlington wereheardandunderstoodintheFrench TO ALL CREDITORS AND PARTIES HOLD;ING CLAIMS AGAINST PIEDMONT 4capital;3,800 miles from the point of transmission.i 7OwingtothefactsthatFrance.is HARDWOOD COMPANY.:**You and each of you will take notice of the at war and that wireless.is playing a following order of the Superior’Court én Me- Dowell county,mad¢,at,the September term, ‘Youmans said: “J doubt if there ever has been a. more bold,defiant and open viola- ‘tion of the law than the one in which you were engaged.It has taken more money and men to bring this case to justice than has been required to pro-tect the Texas frontier.Nothing can be said in mitigation for you.”That was the way to talk it.The coves.moonshiner:in the mountain who makes a few gallons of liquor deserves the punishment he gets,for he knows he is defying the law.But the rural moonshiner.is an angel of light by contrast with fellows like Casper and the government officials and ex-government officials who put up that job at Fort Snith.Casper got a pretty severe jolt in the way of imprisonment,but the government of- ficials who were parties to the fraud got off light enough,especially as nothing could be said in mitigation. White Roman,Yellow,Pink andBlue. Paper White Narcissus. MAMMOTHBULBS. * |Statesville Drug Comp’y,F Quality Prescriptionists.ae seers 1996099699900002000000 00000 0003 2511555400550007 33s 3Wehigee:1Flow,.[|=: “BuckwheatMapleSyrup." "Phone ugyour orders. .Town”quotes some writer as saying that 2 man is worth ‘about $1.50 2 day from “his neck down.”—It all de- ‘pends on the man.The idea\is of course that a common laborer,.”who doesn’t use his brains but only “his physical strength,is worth $1.50 a “day.And_yet all of us who have em-! _©ployed that type know that some of .them would be dear at 50 cents a day. An official list of the men missing RHEUMATISM ARRESTED neere Sern tesen cruis-“ers interned at Norfoll,issued by the}©Man le suffer tie tortures of ‘Navy Department,shows that of a/|lame itaeiadani stiffened joints berhs +to 785 officers and men,one|of impurities in the blood,and tical aa commissioned officer,two doctors and |ceeding attack seems more acute until -gix warrant officers have broken pa-|rheumatism hasinvadedthewholesystem, role..a single common sailor vic-|To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im--Jated his promise.~onPn.ol pri nen:if a ~|to purify your ,and the cod liveroil-Raee ee een by the Eu-|jndeott'atimulsion is nature’reatblood’resulting im murder |maker,while ite’méditinal nourishment st.in,Denver,Col.,of |strengthens.the organs to expel thedy,an Austrian,on |impurities =W purld your feng:ig George Gray,an).‘Scott's ff nis helping thousands |mploy-|every day a could not find other relief, COLLEGE JEWELRY !}|- Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,.etc., with.the’seal of Statesville College on. :Makea nice piece of Jewelry for former: ‘students as well as those now.attending. We have this line now in. =|R.H.RICKERT seconds at a time,in periods far apart,were a'lowed the American.engineersduringwhichtheywerepermittedto listen for,the greeting from far away Arlington. most important part in the working out of the French military communi-|1915.:Hi aNorthCarolina,McDowell County. that officials were persuaded to per-|North Carolina,‘Begkmer Company ‘and mit the use of the Hiffel Tower sta-|others vs.Piedmont Hardwood Company and messages from Arlington.Only a few kone anes eile ee ee ee It is considered,ordered and adjudwdd,that all parties holding claims against the” cation system,it was with difficulty |j)ihe Superior Court,’September,term,055." tion in Paris for the receipt of .the |%,Morrison,"ge y Gee Ee RE NS a Cs oe ra me 4 7 and being heard.Benes Eagle &es ‘Milholland.Bhs saeRa as 3 salen FOSS Bs se m j ant,Picdmotit’Hatdwood Company,ahall pre -Manat ‘ent and:make ‘proof of such eluims tot)receivers of the defendant ¢company,on or dye VALUABLEiLAND /AT PRIV ATESALE. ‘ote the first:dey ee penta ai i TA |Pg Raeememete es ’ t is orde further that receivers ;;terms |- shall give the creditors of the deferdant!-com-Ane titced,the wwtacdlenedSesantervany,notice of this order by publica ae rs ale.a valuable tractthreeweeksin‘The,Landmark,a ne \oablished at Statesville,N.C.,and in theMarionProgress,‘a mewspaper ‘published,aly ;,Marion,N.0.ha ‘This cause is reserved oe aaa nar tas iiiGiiyyoffers a 1, y Judge:Pregiding,an faland of 10 acres in the Catawba This the 15th day of.October,1915,For terms apply to ‘wy K,wee KEY,F Feb C.BROWN,Ex Receivers of Piedmont Hardwood “Co,|ee Mae”ee Ee.»Ne O.~ase —(Address),Statesville, Oct.19,1916,—-Stitw, A general.revival of freight traf-fic,unequalled since 1907,is reported‘by almosteveryrailroad with termi-nals in’New York city. a. _&SON. a ‘4 ;eee te Soe ~nanieisaecamasicanain see —e (‘GOOD TIME:| i The clocks in the home must be'right or,the housekeeper can’t be.ex-. pected to plan and have méals on time.Then there is no econom in: wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend.on. tches co dwhetnttodoistogetyourwatch‘or clock ae by A wl se1sdevoting his entire time te repairing’ -.RORS HENRY,+. a = eeeindsofJ pooner illdag buy nice pork hogs.8 00 oi."UNTERF.MOORE.Oct.22-4t |"Phone x Seal oe [We ke Senet ly,-Ky.—*"1 wasaedlos’nearly six Hot abe ws was d own in bed for three months.|pureBraicher,of this AND TAYLORSVILLE.ly Clarlotte.;'{the one industrious and the other ide.my ‘headyand etSuffered with |Train No.18 ar.9.60,‘\aves 1088-8 m|The last two show.‘The ion °of:USHESS ANd |Train Ny,24 ar.Pitreyet90m.Tommy-Idle for crime the eleva:!::7,from ville.ion of the induit "Prentice.tof Lae Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison ‘Co,Label onierOuraydoctorodndhe“Beatin No.28 ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 «./m.|tion o e Industrious t ~of-th te =ne =>couldnot.do-me odand |Erain..Mo,15 ar.6:20,leaven 6146 the post of .Lord Mayor of London,J.your garment assures you 0 e-style-cortogiveitup.ater dete and-24-ere not operated on -indey-|{the pcos ‘in betweenteesthe des rectness,height of quality and finish.:scent of’the one throu ee anhedidnothelpme.This Ball Player Not a Cigarette sin to crime and piinkentad and the}At last,my mother advised me to take,thend ned.nothing seemed to do me any good.,||took eleven bottles,and now lam ble dui,ihe woman’s tonic.e Wasnousefor |wasnearly to do all of my work known and admired Wagner of the iseen.er wi ig..eid my who Pittsburg team.They ought to know}-In:thejatet place ”yoni pan is|boosting”for a reason.7 Ithink oun the iditiein (also this story lately told of him|#0ing to haveto.work mig ard to|f ;;the world,’weight‘hs eneee which shows Sbolethling of his moral |Keep®from working jn this-world.Of|Shop here first with a forethought of quality:and I look‘onpicture of fibre...agvertiving manager of a pparse se dong,as-t ve et : a Ifyou suffer froman me thes ailments |cigarettéfactory asked his permis-|<eeDs TEINS Fs ‘ungfowomesgetAbottleofCardulsiontousehispictureonacigarette|Zentleman can take things éasy.But At $15 and $17-50 you will find lay is.dangerous.We know'\card,offering to pay him'$1,000.for not many.incomes will the sons|‘il help you,for helped ‘so |the privilege.Wagner promptly.de-|“in the style they are used to”when unusual Suit values.y thousandsof other"ave women jclined,#4hing::“Lam not crazy for |the old man has to ley down his axe.|4mythoyears,any money hai means:encouraging|100 much elegant leisure jy a man’s : Atall deuggists,.jany boy to smoke cigarettes,If my|Youth usually means some very un-name and.picture on acard or box dignified scratch‘ng for a living later havacty Bows.one % Ladies?ees StectalBea SAVES DAUGHTit Advice of Mother ao Dockt Pre|see's CatntyHd Younger Generation t Worth-! lessness, Correspondence of The “It comes easy-—-e aet| Fala Nee iy wenthcunds op!shes Smal Old Hogarthahs”wegabe morcli‘wes '&m4 ogarth-—*‘Moraist |Tale %were dee iia BRS and:artist—has twelve piebures that|alaNo,36,oan die 10.86 a.m.|depict ear ane Idlonegs,They’! 0,”east-bic :1.15 py.’m.|trace the life story,of two young men.noe a 7 eee nee ise,6b »=|The first dtawing presents them as Man. Biblical Recorder. Multitudes of ball enthusiasts have ascent of the other through |&}or "| suceess and honor...The*pictures teach nivers!lesanathat‘are’very obvious,bat not ilways would haye that effect I wouldn’t signUP,no matter.how high you.go withyouroffer.’:‘ on. Old .Hogarthalso,where the fun really:lies. loafer thinks that the worker has 2 TALKING ABOUT THE TOWN And Certain Tendentiesiof the fellow apprentices at their looms—' Shs 4h:shrewdly .suggests, The A Store ofQuality..Ramsey-Bowles Morrison Co Correct Styles Assured All Who Shop in Our Ready-to-Wear Section. We price our garments moderately with afirstthoughtofhonestvalues. Price system,which is strictly maintained,is asurance of “right pricing”and not “price Our One -Silks,Wool Dress and Suitings For 3HomeDiseewere Crepe de Chine shows tinne40inches.wide,at,$1.00 and $1; Serge—~The season’s most wantedfabric inalldesiredcolors,shades,and,widths,ee50c.to $1.50 the yard.»Vilas, 3roadcloth—An expensive ahdwwhig ‘of high est qualityitin all wanted colors:and wiPriced..$1.00.to.$2.50 Fall and Winter Suitings—offéring you a‘borrectselectionofallthe;pe as well as nov-. elty—priced from ae te oe Cee ee eee eee me eeeewes Ladies’Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 5c. A The “Baby Doll”Dress. This dainty little dress you :awillfindembroideredinsev-agains :og eral designs on Batiste,all ‘ist hag ready to sew together.Priced |74*90-----++:’.-81x90 Li..2s Pe$1.50 and $2.00, DimityQuilts: New Embroidery Creation.Unusual values:purchjised rect at a saving.Two de¥ ie WINSTON-SALEM MAN dull time of it,but as a gatter of+‘SAVED FROM DEATH.fact the,Industrious ’Preafgte got all}ebevena the wes zest.of life.T y Tle|J.E.Erwin S Wonderful y |drank is pot of ale,sang naughtyF ::The N Ti fC Seughi:Him:Astonishing mae ¥|ballad to Moll Flanders,gambled on'|New arrivals—50 dozen _em- a e New Line 0 opy-J.E.Erwin of Winston-Salem,N.Ts tombetone on the cree pDmy,and| +righted @.,was for along-time the victim of |S!¢pt in a garrct with a prostitute.'|pyoidered two and three-col-&Books serious ‘disorders’of ‘the’stomiach.He esos aad an tite The piece us|;i Bi Fe.;———AT————ey af feebtment:Ang,had ’Prentice,on the ther id,came ors floral désigns and edging. One day he took a dose of Mayr’s “La positions of trust marie =”Wonderful Remedy.and was astonish-|#?F0@¢9"great missions,Jeo.nig .S R:P.ALLISON'S ed at the results.The help he sought meen pretty Snes 1 toasted |ES —?-_;had come.He wrote:with:the witty and powerful of 'io quis MEETINGS OF U.D.C.‘Book STORE.“I am satisfied through personal vatand ee y'em allt aatt =use of the life-saying powers of your|,°.°peeve Or,i Mh pcoulc Rae The Hostesses ForFor theMonthly = x BAREESERIES1 SRC Wonderful Remedy.You have saved tain.is never the i ine that |/SEesmylife.I could:have lived but a few tastes the rarest flavors pleasure.|Meetings.= D IN 0 weeks more had it not been for your |.Another of Hogarth’s Brel -de-|Following is a list of hostesses for]RA y UR FARM.remedy.I am inelosing a list of ome is found in the fi 4 at Pottthe U,D.C,meetings.for the year)ae,friend sufferers who ought to have|*poltote cPude ued cepuiive: bill{2esinning the first Monday in No-)asomeofydy.”lvember.The first named of each|]i ‘Any quantity d-inch and °Mayr’s’Wondertol Rémedy “gives|Shakespeare's porter,that Played atl ommittee is chairman,--The meet-|= hand. Common Bricks, delivery. Face‘Bricks,always ready for 6-inch “DRAIN TILE on ||keeping hell-gate on a_frosty night, spoke of “the primrose way,to the ev-| erlasting bonfire,”but Hogarth shows }that the road to hell is not a prim-|rose way.“Do not think that I mesn, ito snarl at pleasure like a stoic,or to} preach against it like a pargen;no, permanent results for stomach,liver jand intestinal ailments,Eat as much and whatever you like.No more dis-} tress after eating,pressure of gas in!|the stomach and around the heart.| |Get one bottle of your druggist now| ‘and try it on an.absolute guarantee! |—if not aprietagery:money will be; it to you,like an Epicurean.[1 wish! |returned.}jyou a great deal,and my,pnly view, Statesville brik,Co.i is to hinder you from ae it.”{|.Now there are few ex ences in Z mm |EXTRA NICE jlife that are equal to the thrill of cve-.||ation.If you want to see the hip" piest men in our town you:will haveMILLER&BROWN EATING APPLES ito go ‘to“the factories men are|Have reopened their market on a Pear <n ale ays areBs andtAvanks.where men are crating busi- p cee street and will handle all .:ness.Getting paid for work like,thatveecustophboacpW006.all od At lis only a’nataral consequenco—thePyeald'e =PHONE497.Fus.{ue jreal joy is in the success—the athicvc- =SOger j ‘|ment.=:i |.Some one has written 1 whole bool: :|}on what he poetically calls the “Mid-C.WATKINS f |M.P.Alexander &Bro.{dle Miles.”He means the days of or {|preparation—the years between youth“Everything to Build With.”|*PHONE 241.land success.These Middle Miles lead Next Planters’ FULL STOVLK--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould-ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., Wh.Statesville. |merciless]to‘one of two things—isuecess which means Icisure and,hap- ipiness,or failure,which can mean} DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. ——ForSale oeMi'ler-McLain Supply Co.|| --iwhat we have learned to do~well.C.B,Morrison and ESM.ff More than nat the irkoomengy o D,;work arises from not knowing héw toPattersonbaveoponed«ido it.‘The man that grows with his,{}Job and pours into his work his imagi- nation and interest,will always be indemand.On the other hand the loxfer finds that the world,the flesh and the,devilarisetomakethingshardforhim. Meat Marketin oneof C B.Morrison’s new_buildings, on South Center street,near the depot. -.‘Fresh meats of all kinds. +We want to.buy Pork and \fat Cattle.Hp goes.in bitterness of spirit all his-——’PHONE 227 days,doing odd jobs ‘for the Indys-|Morrison.&.Patterson.trious "Prentice.But whet has all this to do.wit!Statesville?Well,as one of Ibsen'scharactérsafond.of saying,“I willeynomoreSe ivewould.ee me for GOOD--AMMONIATED -WHEAT--—-,FERTILIZER at a‘much‘lower price tnan you wouldthink. |teaMtane Held:German Cotton:|American ae ~valucd at approx- jimately $50,00 ».econsiened *"*to Bone Meal in any quanti- FOR FINE CLEANING|| |Germany,is ins “possession of the iTtslian government,according to...d.|W.Batchelor of the ‘Liverpool Sal- ty for vegetables and flow-ers. —’PHONE 147— AND DYEING +: _Sloan Pressing Club. |vage Association.Captain Batchelorlsaidthathebutrecentlycame,from Italy,where he:was engaged in lo Kklingafterthiscotton.For several _T.N.BROWN. -|Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, and can print -your nameandbrandonsame.Let us _“have your order for anyquantityyouwant.See us.Prices reasonable. i.Brady,Printing Co. and Scuppernong),ev-ev-ergreens andberyandextra ae,roses. Por information,eall eo UsAt.the meeting 0 ther State Heners’Union,Durham,Nov.16-18,therewillbe,in peopiaps .the ust:feat-ures,addresses b Congressman,Ly¢-|.ver and State ehousesionerMeLaurinofSouth Carolina,on State Warehouse systems.Mr,JohnSpruntBilofDurhamwilldiscuss rural credits;Dr.G.M,.Cooper’will"eeArawford &Co. a Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will anawer ‘phone ‘calls left.ff at-Dr.Long’s Sanatorium’or:Geo.M.Foard’s ‘residence. talk about community.orga:iigationandcreameries,and Mr.R:F.Beasley,editor Monroe Journal,will discussabsenteelandlordismandtaxation Eee ‘PHONE 916x.— itigles ‘For Sale! hynHow's,THIS“We ‘offer One ianared °Doilar@ |Re-‘or any ae of Catarrh that can- forhotbewieby Hall's Catarrh Cure, cen ay CO.,Toledo,O. retain [DR.CG.L.CRUSE ‘Veterinarian,i ite “Office,7ean.Polk Gray Drug is ad we _ti shah198.ce Ki ~Carload of‘good No.ee Shingles at $2.75.per thousand at ae.Shop...a (Woe,ihe:tnee ened,have knowna,4.Cieney frhe)Hae 15 cars,andveealhingSatenlecnorablein“ail :ty ti transactions Kt a A ef0.Carry‘out any o ons leToteWialding,Kinnan:<Marvin,eae #8,Toledo,-O.Catarrh.Cure te taken infepnal+ecine direct!Ue.ime *vig ene ;aToesTer,Toute |re Bip for jmean to point it out and reeomme vid Mt wat be ;jonly misery and'hard later yeays of|New Meat Market |}aren:|‘We always take pleasure in doing! “\sitiging and the class is loyal to him i'wot.|months,he said,previous to ItalyFirstClass|joining the allies,Ml cotton consigny,)':‘ed to Germany through Italy was fle-/NURSERY STOCK!‘tained.One of the:last pretexts used | «|}was that there was a shortage of cars!ee fiand to overcome’this Germany sent} eS ito Italy a large consignment of roll-|Home-grown—includ-jing stock.Italy:isin.posse-djon ofingallWarietiesofbothcarsandcotton,ty fruits,grapes (James Addresses at State Farmers’ im," Conimis-|" ’\ings.are.held.on.the.first Monday.in jeachmonth:November —Mesdames R.B,Mc-!:;Laughlin,W..R.MeLelland,F.A |Carpenter,,.W.M.Barringer,Misses|Mamie and Olive ‘Gray. December —-Mesdames J.A.Copper, er,R.E.Nooe,J.L.Sloan,W. A.! Eliason,R.L.Poston,A.D,Cooper, +Miss Foote.|January —:Mesdames B.F.Long, iM.C.Wood,W:M.Robbins,D.A.' February —Mesdames J.H.8 iwee,J.C.Irvin,’D.S.Thomas,C.A "Tomlin,J.E..Heinzerling. |‘.March —Misses Lucy Davidson,{Nell Armficld,Betty Walker,“Mes-! {dames Chas.Gaither,W.H. April—Mesdames J.H.Hill,R.P. |Mitchell,L.Ashe,E,D.Brown,Belle’ Carlton.{|May-—Mesdames Sig.Wallace,C.’ iV.Henkel,J.Mc.Connelly,B.F..Rus-' sell,R.0.Leinster,L. Loula Campbell.June—Mesdames L.0..Gibson,.J.le,Carlton,A.J.Salley,Jas.Walker, |Misses Vance Brem,Mary Kennedy. September’—.Mesdames L..Har-rill,Carl Axley,C.H.Turner,J.ce Colvert,T.W.Summers,Miss F.| Harrill.October —Mesdames-J.E.Dei J.H.Wyckoff,J.T.Montgomery,H |P-Grier,J.B.Gill,Geo.B.Nicholson. Each Daughter is requested to pre-|serve this list for reference.: Store For Harmony. Correspondence of The Landmark. an abundance of rain,which is re-tarding farm work very.much.Wheatsowingis.practically just begun,though I hear of some early birds’ ing done.Cotton,1s opening § on accqunt.ofthesHeertHet .B Parks,our efficient supe nt;is--very much -interested-in-grood and ye scribe..In.the near..futuredoubtless.the public will hear.moreaboutthisexcellentclass.Every Sun- day school can have good singing by getting some good teacher to instruct |them/in the principles of music.This‘scribe hag.had a number of yearsofexperience,both in ‘téaching,and training classes,and I find the great- est drawhack too short a ‘term forsingingschools.They should be at least 20 days,and 40 would be better.Sickness has been laid upon three of the family of Mr.and Mrs.Stroud,who live on Mrs.M.E.Gaither’s farm. Mr-Stroud,one son and daughter,areconfinedtobed.We are glad they arcconvalescingatthiswriting.,Miss.Ella Belk of,Harmony .was cartied.to Long’s Sanatorium one day| this week,We learn she is getting very.well.J.B.Parks &Co.are building a large store house in Harmony,which,when completed,will be filled with the choicestmerchandise. Soopemmereeeeeenmeneenomenenesatennt Thinks Salary Too High. Mooresville Enterprise. .Iredeil county commissjorérs havehiredanoverscerorsuperintendentofroads,with a view to tlicir,upkeep, at a salary‘of $150 per month,Whilewehave-no objection as to wlio.landstiejob,yet it is reasonable to rsthatthecountycouldSecureeteforthatparticularjobHt$1,000 oe$1,200 per year who would be juct ascompetentandattainaust48Poodre- sults. To Drive Out MalariaadBuild Up ThepileTaketheotStandarded|TASTELESS ‘chill TONIC.°Yow know‘what you are taking,as the fortitla isbel,shoving.it is Brinn on evety*laandJtofiin’a tastele form. |Miller,C.C.Phillips,M.R.Adams.|= H.'2areaD.°F.Jenkins.‘| White,Miss. Room.Air-tight Wood.Heaters for * Ideal Fire Grates for the “Sitting & the Bedroom.Ideal Barler Oil Heat. ers for the-Bathroom.Our Stock”of mt these Goodsis full and if not already supplied compiete and it will -be to Lette bay eibesyouradvantagetoseeourStock,for before the grass grows again you will néed these Winter.Comforts,”™" Yours Truly, Rain RetardsFarmi Work—New Is .Harmony,Oct.20—W)are:having ; :why the flour railed by:‘it’. gives such general satisfac- tion.Others.know this.Why | not ‘try it and find out ‘for, "SG,ae :ay eke tie drives)out’malaria,themildsuptoibe ni se ME i}{ckbee 150°tentsome A car capable of carrying “Ae.continuous comfort.The body is built of steel’with the eluselessrameworkentirely,oo inated. A light car with all:the:.lightness adds to the powastout,staunch,‘strongoneaswell. October 26,1916. ~\{ft 18 NOT THE END. Some of the newspapers ‘who had mn -tender-footed in their~~“opposi- ae ‘tion to woman suffrage,have been em-|, ‘ened by the result in.New Jersey prophesy that the country will nev- er accept wombn suffrage.It'is a ‘matter of opinion,of course,but The Landmark sees nothing if the result in.New Jersey to discourage the ad- vocates of woman suffrage.In this paper’s opinion the sentiment for wo- *min suffrageis growing all the time. It is not going to sweep the country at once.It is a matter of education ‘and agitation and State by State it will be accepted,just as in the ense of prohibition.Ten years before North Carolina voted .overwhelmingly for “State-wide prohibition’few people in _the State expected any such sudden change inythe public attitude toward the liquor traffic.‘The granting of suffrage to wom must come by the votes of the men, andfor various reasons it is not to be expected that the’men will vote for stich @ radical change all at once. Putting women on an equality with anen in the'matter of suffrage is such an advanced step that,the very idea of the chiiige,repels because it is co radical;and it,is so:different®from what we have been accustomedto te- gard as woman’s proper place inghe world,that the conseryative hesitate and fear.the .possible”effect.Then, ‘too,the.politicians fear it,‘because they don’t know what it may mean ‘for them,and they genérally oppase it until the sentiment ggets -strong enough to convince them of its popu- ‘Considering all these things,it is rather surprising.that woman suf- frage has advanced ‘so rapidly;and its overwhelming defeat in New Jer-sey cannot,as The Landmark sees it, be construed as fatal to the _cause.States like New Jersey.and’New York-will be|the last to.vote for pro- hibition—if they ever vote for it— and yet there are folks in plenty who see+and «with good reagon—nationalprohibitionasaneventofthenearfu- “gure,through either national or Stateenactment...,..,immanent~MI8S CAVELL’S EXECUTION. ‘Whe.execution of Miss.Cavell,theurse,by the Germans in Bel- ium,has aroused’the indignation of the world,Miss Cavell helped British,Belgianand French soldierstoescape.‘Shemade no-denial of her guilt and under military law the death penalty was due...Shé met it heroically and with Christian fortitude.If the victim had been o man little wouldhave.been,Said,about*the’manner of.her.death. :Butbeing a woman and a nurse for sick’and wounded:soldiers naturally ~:enlisted much sympathy.‘The Ameri- can and Spanish ministers to Belgium ‘tnade strenuous but unavailing effortsto‘saye her life.ot tay :From the standpoint of‘policy.the ‘Germans appear to have made.a mis- takein the execution of Miss Cavell. ‘They.contend that,it was a military, necessity to fothers.They alsochargethatGermanwomenhavebeen SN “Zeppelins,.toeseapewith’six.monthsin‘prison.,While The Landmark of- :fers,sno.excuse for the ‘executionMissCavell,it would be well for merica to:remember the hangingof }Mrs.Surratt,‘for alleged’complicity_in the murder of Lincoln.‘There wasNessexcuse,probably,for Mrs.Sur- “-patt’s execution than for the executionotMigCavell?ese “It Was Woodrow’Wilson ‘who:saidthattherecall,like the shotgin behind| thedoor,is a.good thing to have handy for an’emergency.If.Mayor Floyd of Spartanburg,’S.C,,borrowed mon- ey.for the city ftorna bank in which “He is interested at4 1-2 pe¥’cent inter- “when'another bank offered to 'ma ce the loan at.3 3-4,as is alleged, ‘the itizens of Spartanburg are fortu- ‘mate in having the récall te reach him; n@ they will be untrue to the obliga- tions‘ofcitizenship if they do not oust zhi.‘The official who has no higher ‘tion of ‘his duties than to use \for personal and ‘private bene- As utterly tinworthy;but the num- ‘er of public officials who hold that viewis so large and grafting has be: h it no longer creates the surprisé or indtgnation 5 his’ ¢ome #0 common that “that should ‘be expected. kets not to gois‘common...Somet!4 is,80well ‘saderstood th proving its existence woulButthatitisthereisso e1itsexistence,is a matter of.ommion knowledge.zit IG : FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. ———e 9 x WotItemsofInterestAboutVariousMatters, The national meeting of the UnitedDaughtersoftheConfederacyhasclosedatSanFranciscoandthenext meeting will be held at Dallas,Texas: It is officially announced that thetotalnumberofBritishmerchant:ves-sels,exclusive of fishermen,sunk,bysubmarinestoOctober14was183. The number of fishing vessels sunk to that time was 175,porte, ‘Arthur T.Lyman,83 years old,one of the leading cotton manufacturers of the country,died at his home ‘at Wal- tham,Mass,,Sunday night.Mr.U man was connected with a number of big textile manufacturing ‘concerns. A report from Berlin says the food situation in Germany,based on.the nearly,complete 1915 crop ‘returns,shows the crop:to be more than largeenoughforcomingneeds.The pota-to crop,it is said,is,the largest inthehistoryofGermany, Burke McClure,a merchant of Lo-gan county,West Va.,who last weekshotandkilledhiswife,who had lefthim,and her cousin,’Mrs,’Gertrude sons,was shot to death bya possewhoattemptedtoarresthim. As a result of the lynching of ‘Leo.M.Frank,who was kidnapped from |.the State prison at Milledgeville,Ga., of the guards-and deputy .wardens:have been discharged and another has resigned.orders from the State Prison Commis- sion.5.Henry J,Brown and Edward R.Mc-Donald,charged by the police in ‘con-nection*with the ‘shooting up of theDemocraticexecutivecommitteemeet- ing in Charleston,S.C.,October -15, when Sidney J.Cohen was killed,havebeenheldfortrialwithoutbail.The coroner’s jury returned a non-commit-tal verdict but Brown and McDowell,are held on warrants charging assaultwithintenttokill. The St.Louis Hotel,or Hotel Roy-al,an old landmark in New.Orleans and one of the most.historical strucytures:in the country,has been demol- ished to make room for a modernbuilding.The hotel was’constructedin1840atacostof$600,000 and formanyyearswasoneofthemostwide-ly known hostelries in the United‘States.It served as the capitol ofLouisianafrom1874until1882... A committee’appointed by a mass meeting at Brownsville,Texas,willappealtoGov.Ferguson of Texas andMajorGeneralFrederickFunston,in command of the Southern departmentoftheUnitedStatesarmyatSanAntonio,Texas,to take such actionaswillputtoanendthebanditraidsalongtheTexas-Mexican border.Thedelegationalso’was authorized to go‘to shington if a personal appealto,President Wilson was found neces-.sary.ae a :4 k he Porto Rico is becoming so over- crowded that,considering both *thearea'and industrial development,*theislandvisthemostdenselypopulatedregioninthewholeworld,accordingto/Gov.Arthur Yager of.Porto Rico. He suggests transferring Porto Ri-cans to:some other’The popu- thetan,to ti od mar-lby'the British government. ‘|with the Spanish minister, Jo! :parent lack of good faith in failing to’ Johnson,.and wounded two ‘other per-|on® on’the night of August 16 last,five pr The changes were made on|les, hand corner of Lot No.“3,it being Bass cor- bg and Eidson lot:thence south 88 1-2 de- |more or less. ‘The fall.;of the cireumsSeeeaasienandeanithCavell,an English wom d of a training school© ‘for ‘helping ‘English,.French mans Executed _man Despite wl Re ta tl ihe warn minister,at.|Brusse ,to ndin |Walter pe Fs e,the American am;al zg mMLondon,has been issued w.the secretary.of the American Hegation,Hugh S.Gibson,sought the erman governor,von Derateatnight“before the execution the governor and’rmfficersfortheEnglishwoman’s,life,egrernicelly related.This documentwstotheGermanauthorities’ap~ eep their promises to inform the American ter fully of the ‘trial and sentence,-Ree Cabarrus Farmer a Suicide., .Dan Wi Garmond of No.10 town-ship,Cabarrus county,committed sui-cide Saturday morning by shootinghimself.“Eigen to his barn:to fi his stock and when he did not return +eeet members of his family made search and found him:dead with a pistol in}: his-hand,-Hle had covered himself with a laprobe to deaden the sound of} the weapon.Til health is assigned as the cause.Mr.Garmond was 46 years old and is-survived by a family. Chronic Constipation.& “About two years Chamberlain's Tabi for.some time with stomach —trouble chronic constipation.My .condition improv- 1 had been sufferingand fince taking four or five bottles of them my health has been fine,”writes:Mrs,John Newer, ton,Irving,N.Y¥. Obtainable everywherg.| “SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. By virtue of a deeree of the Superier,Court of Iredell county,rendered in,the proceeding entitled R,B..McLaughlin,’administrator of A.J.‘Bass vs.©,8.1 Bass and others,I will} Mell at public auction to the highest.bidders, t the court house door in Statesville,N.Gyr SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 27,1915.4 at.12°o'clock,m.,the following lands yin Ghambersburg township,towit; Ist.Beginning at a whiteoak in the Haith- gx line;thence west 158 poles)to a dogwood, €,Barringer’s corner;thence west 62 poli to stake,Barringer’s line;thenee south » les ‘to stake in ©.Barringer’s line;thence east 220 poles to stake;thence north 86 poles to beginning,containing 110 .acrés~more’oF) excepting 1 1-2 acres conveyed to trus-+ tees Shiloh;M.E.church,South.ti 0a.Beginning at white oak,Hoover's line, ner;thence S..88 1-2 degrees east 160 poles to stake,Lentz.line;thence S.89°1-2 poles to stake,corner of No.56;‘thence north,88 1-2 degrees west,118 poles to stake,S.Hoov- er’s’corner;thence with his line,north «46 degrees west to the beginning;containing 34, aeres;more or 1éss. 4.Beginning at black oak,near.graveyard, Bass’corner,thence south 29.poles to stake, Freezé’s corner;thence south 88 1-2 degrees east 194 poles to pine,Lentz’s,line;ce north 29.poles.to,stake,Hoover's rner$4 thence north 88 1-2 rees west 194 poles to beginning,containing 85 acres more or less. edit 46 poles to white oak,corner Lot No. grees east 160 poles to stake;thence north $1 poles to stake,corner lot.No,:2;thepee north 88 4-2 degrees west 194 poles to be- ginning,containing 34 acres more.or less. a when I began usin:| 3a:rapidly through the use of these tablets.) 4th.Beginning at a hickory,S.Hoover's |§ sorner in Bass line;thence south.45 degrees\) i. | for SEED TON.- b : MORTGAGE SALE “Sth.Beginning.at a stone in Hugh Ply-ler’s line;;thence east 130 poles to stone;,thence south 36 1-2 poles to stone;thencewest380°poles to stone;thence north 33 1-2olestobeginning,containing 37 1-2 acres, 6th.Beginning at a stone,W.P,Morton's!corner;thenee jh his and Bass’line north,5,degrees east 20 poles to stone,J.C.Plyler’seorner;thence with Plyler’s line north 87 de-arces ‘west 60 poles to stone in his line andW.D.Plyler’s corner;thence with ‘line be-jtweenJ.C.and W.D.Plyler south 36 polesto’,stone;thence with W.D.Plyler’s line|south 86 degrees east 6 3-4 poles to stone,hiscorner;thence with W.P.Morton's line ‘north)28 degrees east 6 poles to stump,Morton'scorner;thence ‘with his line north 84 de-grees east,60 poles to beginning,containing } 10’acres more or less.i 7.Terms—One-third cash,one-third “in six and one-third in twelve months,A -R,B,McLAUGHLIN,Oct.26,1916.43i Commisaioner. “THE BUILDERS SAY My prices are lowest.I-would notbelievethem.if they were not buy-‘ing building:materials from ‘me.It takes the ‘prices:to get the-business.If you want the goods By virtue of the powers contained in’a mortgage deed.executed by A.C.Johnson and wife,Edna Johnson,to John R.Myers,.to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, said mofttgage recorded in Book 40,~Rec- ords of Mortgages in Iredell county,default haying been made in the payment of the,in- debtedn thereby secured,the undersigned will sell at publie auction to the highest bidder f ,at the court house door in States- Ville,Iredell “county,North Carolina,at 12 o'clock M.on SATURDAY,NOVEMBER °27,1915... all the right,title and interest of the said A.C.Johnson and wife in and to the foilow- ing described real estate,situated.in the city: of:Statesville,North Carolina,and described and defined as follows,to-wit: Beginning at a stake,75 féet.from the junction of Bost and Stockton streets,an.the city of Sees on Bos:street,running 8. 44 degrees W.149 feet to a stake on the lines thence S..42 .dewregs E.76 fect to Brawley's corner;thence N.44 degrees E.160 feet to the beginning,containing one-fourth of an acre bsanh or vd =bgnl the propert, urchaged from Mrs.ma Johnsen.-:>=ee)SOKN Re MYERS, Hh 'R Weatherman,’Atty.Mortyagee.Oct.26,1916.ae MULES!—The county’s Mules are for sale. They’_Statesvitle region.lation is approximately 1,250,000 and, laboring people. &nena”Want to Know About Their .Claims.:; _European governments are inquir- ing of the United States what assur-ances the newly-recognized Mexicangovernmerithasgivenwithrespectto foreign claims.It is generally un- derstood that the European powersdwillfollowthelead.of the Americanrepublicsin’recognizing .Carranza,but before taking the step’they wanttoknowmorespecificallywhat_set-tlement is to be made of the hugeclaimsgrowingoutoftherevolution. General Carranza has decided to ap-point several mixed commissions.tobecomposedofrepresentatives.of the interested nations,in order that an equitable settlement may be reached.The question of claims is related \so closely to.the financial rehabilitationofMexicothatit-is unlikely that ‘theUnitedStatesgovernmentwill’pressitsclaimsuntilMexicancredithasbeen*firmly re-establishedand ar- rangements made for.payment ofthe sue republic’s national’.obliga-ions,ee Plans to Handle Export Trade. ‘Plans for handling the export tradeoftheUnitedStatesthrough#trustcompany,co-operating with the Fed- eral government,in order to avoid in« terference with cargoes,are announc-ed by Secretary Redfield of the *De- partment of Commerce.wagaee hyThe*company will’be called the The aoe he Bessie Smedes|American Overseas Trust.Company,Mr.H ‘eopal church,Durham, hain. 0 a,WilkesbBie The bride is!the oda oS Mr,and Mrs.‘W,7:|BaseaieeyRethele,sai that.while it“y i |would in:no sense be a government or=1a ee oe daughter|ganizatio:be official iiakehe\ga n nor beofficially recognized oro, Erwin amilton |i iItadievtChariotssascolomnpiiaedlandwillhandletheAmerican export), Saturda y évening in St.Phillip’s Epis-|tanta along the lines followed b:\the Netherlands Overseas Trust withimiportbusiness-of-°Holland, fiby the government,it would be rations .“intMr.Joseph Jason !close touch with various departments|\a‘married at\of the government,”whose agents}:ro}would see.that its o}:ereY‘impartial and neutral,”.<: now they are ready for you and will»be ga.exhibition in L 4 “UPHOLSTERED.” joo ¢ f $$$ OOK AISOKOOOOOUAA.|aanOOLAKANA\ah ee This beautiful.u sholgtered Rocker is.made. of Fibre,the best known material fora sub- ie stantial and artistic ¢ \§"This Rocker is-finished'in:.a beautiful nut 1.’brown,upholstered in high grade tapestry,- extremely attractive andvery comfortable. |PRICE.6.0066:eee 1 87,50 |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. eee.PH ONE 400.sett ®4s Fibre ChairsandRockers!f +‘The Store ThatAlways Welcomes You. i 3 aif.ys You ought to followthe leaders when it comes to saving you money. We are the cause of you getting FREE BAGGING AND TIES and. we are the ones who reduced gin-| ning to the 40th.The others may" fall in line,but just remember who started the ball to rolling,and give us a trial bale to gin.If you are not satisfied,tell us about it—if you are,come toseeusagain. :REMEMBER,highest prices:paid ;LINT AND SEED COT- pound for pound. |Imperial Cotton Oil Bout.street's thence.with Bost’street’95 feet to, a Exchange standard meal 25.New.Sport Coats :$495 to $9.50." An Elaborate Showing in Ready-to-Wear Garments >\ -Special Values in Coat Suits ; Full size of Wool Nap Blankets, $1.69 and $1.98,White and Gray.© Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Women, $3.75 to$4.50.woe“¥ ..Jack and Jill Shoesfor thelittle ones? |For Bargains and Good Merchandise- eiCALL AT————4 :The Store That Sells For Less. et "PHONE 212. HAND DIPPEDGALVANIZEDTINSHINGLES |As theGalvanizing is done afterthe shinglesare’ ly stamped to shape,—therearénoexposed» So ceded pene heavy coating “m: life-without attention.1 10,9 hot.2c.For Sale:by 4 we \ eh h Sp e ic e od ‘Helndwilitee:r ture in lodge,room anroi *ternoonbtthiework,CxcoptTuceday Bee Taylorsville}a ¢White from: inn “ana hildren,“titsPieMissJeanandE.B.,Jr,left Fri-ne for ‘Rutherfordton,where theywillspendaboutamonthwithrela-tives.Mr.Quinn accompanied themafar£8 Newton,returning the #arhe mt L,Ro Pierce left Friday after-poor for Avulernot Ind.,where he willutwith,his ‘broth- ages route cted ‘to stop foraeaeortwoinChicagoPBGuyhagreturnedfromaholsttoRaleighand Ee ee end,| =this week for Harnett county,where FORA DECEMBER WEDDING ine ‘and Other Social Events; The’following is from Sunday's Charlotte Observer: “At’a delighiful:Miss Jena RéeBlowin noon,.the ImMter:theber. party given isvesatherhomein Dalton Kennedy,thevGtateavitie,was announced,ing to take place in Decem- -epactous parlor was~beauti- rated in pretty cut flowerstumnleaves.The hostess andbride-elect,met the guests}:at the’door.After delicious refresh-shower wa served a miscellaneousWasgivenforthebride-electpaybeautgiftswerereceiv-aby:Weedon,..who is.widely~popular in.her,mountain home.” Mig’Weedon is a sister of ©Mrs. ‘Chas.G.Armfield of Elkin and a sis- ter of!Mr,Weedon,who married MissMargaretArmfieldofStatesville.Mr. mes Ke a a of Mr.and Mrs.P.ennedy 0:gle MillhaslivedinStatesvilletotsomeiniandisvoneoftheownersoftheNorthStateVeneerCompany. «|Miss Sarah Watts and Mr.Cla'King of Sharpesburg township willbemarriedthismorningat9o'clock| ““at=the home of the bride’s parents,«Mr.and-Mrs.R.L.Watts,in Bethanytownship. Statesville friends have been.notified of the marriage of Miss Helen Hug-|gins and Mr.Warren Sanders,whichtookplaceSaturdayatthehomeofthebtide’in Springfield,Mo..Miss Hug-| gins formerly lived here. Mrs,W.H}Tomlin and Miss Mary |Scott were hostesses to the McDowell|Music club,at the home of Miss Scott,|Fridayafternoon.In addition to the usual club programme:there was a|violin:duett,Salut D’Amour,opus No.! 12,,by.Miss ee Gill and Mr.)Lessessne Alliso:ests of the clubwereMrs.:Oscar Mann,‘Migs:ElvyElwee,Mrs:J.B,Gill’and”Miss©‘Char-"ley Tonite.ree — Notice of New ‘Advertisements. Correct styles aasured.—Ramscy-_Bowles-Morrison Co.R.B.McLaughlin,‘commissioner,will.sellvaluable lands November 27.“Underwood typewriter for sale.—|W.E.-Nattress. Pair jieavy .mule “colts.—{W.M,}ca aeree wanted.—;Diamond Fur*~nil Tg first Monday in:No=“Sein interest of good roads. Tex-reom house for rent.—Mrs.Des.‘Fresh ‘milk ents:D.Foard R-3,iraboe wanted.Address Box 30,»R-2.,The Standard Shoe Repairing Shop now open.~Six-room house for rent.Applyat|,.8.°We Stimson’s. Jdhn R-oo mortgagee,wa selllandNovember2scthesaterecarintCot- sleeping gowns.—Mills &Pia,Istered fibre chairs and rock-ers.—rawford-Bunch Furniture Co...Elaborate showing of ready-to-wearam.—Johnston-Belk Co. Prices for shoe repairs.—S.,M.&H.Shee Co.Joint recital at opera house Satur-day Cominunity Club atVance—Mr. »\Elller’s.Misfortune. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-4,Oct.23 —Last Thursday night ameeting was held at “Vance ,gchool house,in the interest ofacompnityclub,which was organ-ized and will be given..a name later.‘Mrs.A.ET Whiting was elected chair-man 6f the meeting and Mr.FrankProffittemporarysecretary.Threeofficialcommitteesandeightmember- ship.tommittees were rs Twen-ty-thtee members have already beenenrolted.Next meeting Friday eve-ining at 8 o'clock,All who are inter-ested are invited.A,club hquse is be-ing talked but the school house willbe“until further arrangement.Mr.Sam.Eller,Jr.,who fell fromabarnsomefewdaysagoandbrokehisleg,is Staying with his sister,Mrs.N.A.Holtshouser,and getting alongvery.‘nicely,’Mr.Eller is a victim ofasthmaandthemedicineforthisaloneis/$5 every 21 days.He is.de-pendent almost,entirely upon his ownlabor,which is cut off by this accident.The ladies,of Vance Embroidery ‘clubaremakingupaetcollectionforhim.Any amount iebarely ap-|ed to thepreciated;whitch can na Car-president,of theclub,Mine &much,he ‘repo ter,,6r°sent direct to Mr.Eller,~*ge “fell from the loft.Tile onoees Whenever You NeedaGéneril Tonle tie“Take Grove'sTheOd)Standard Grove’s ‘Tastelessiace|valuablpieiaetaSas ment:ofof Miss .Weedon ‘iting Mr.Sample’s home’people at *Mr.Kennedy—Marriage|-\ ne last Wednesday after-| gg of Miss Elise| Durham.Miss Carrieont ugald will leave ==‘|she will teach school. little son,Albert,who have been vis- Huntersville the past few days, prpecint home today,and Mrs..8,F.-Johnston,_who had been visiting relatives of >Mr.Johnston at Troutman,passed:through Statesville Saturday en routetoWhitney,where they will take 'their -home,Mrs.8.G.Wiseman and ‘grand-daughter,Miss Kathleen Crump,of Salisbury,arrived in Statesville Sat-urday for a visit;to Mr.and Mrs.E.L..Phifer.tMr.and Mrs.W.H.Horton ofNorthWilkesborowerein‘StatesvilleSaturday.They were en route toDealttravelingbyautomobile. :beeea Sternberger,wheviahedhersister,Mrs.Sig.Wallace,returned yesterday to her home’inee1.Simon and daughter,Miss Bessie Simon,leave today for Augus- ta,Ga.,where they will spend severalweekswithMrs..Simon's daughter,Mrs.Jake Schrameck.Mas.J.H.Hoffmann and Miss Ame-lia Hoffmann left Sunday for Rich-mond,Va.,to visit at the home of Mr. ‘Henry Clarke.Mrs.Hugh.Hnrrison Mills and lit- tle Hugh Hhrrison,Jr.,are guests ofMr.and Mrs,J.L.Cowan,They are en route to Superior,Wis.,to joinMr.Mills.Col.W.H.Chapman of Picskwaboro,revenue agent,was in Statesville‘Saturday’on business with Collector Watts.Mrs.Thos.J.Witherspoon of Char-lotte,who had been visiting in Hick; ory,came to Statesville yesterday | morning for a brief visit to Mrs.J.L. Sloan.Miss Mary Lawrence of Olin town- ship went to Mooresville yesterday to lvisit Miss Lorene McNeely.'|Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Rhyne left yes-iterday for Chase City,Va.,where theywillspendsometimesethei?’son.Mr.and Mrs.A.R.Sherman and |Miss Annie Somers of |Wilkesboro spent from Saturday to yesterdaywithMr.and Mrs.L.C.Lewis.}-Mrs:J.B.Connelly or daughter.|")or Godwin,umberland county,tovisit-Mrs,Con-nelly’s daughter,Mrs!C."W."Spell.[They will be absent two months:and Peat spend the winter...¢Mrs.A.L.Coble leaves today for_|Concord to attend a “necting of theexecutivecommittéeoftheboardofdirectorsoftheJacksonTraining|School. Mr.J.W.Ward,who spent a fewysathome,returned yesterday af- ernoon to Rowan county,‘where he ig‘puilding ‘a dredge boat on Grant ereek. ‘are ‘North Carolina and Community | Service Day. Progressive Farmer. -State Superintendent Joyner and the State Committee on Community Service have named Friday,October29,as “North Carolina Day and Com- g ires its observance in every publicoo]in North Carolina.The’subject this year is sehool and neighborhood improvement,and a.bulletin”just —is- 'sued by Supt:Joyner is packed from Start to finish with practical sugges- ghborhood.Remember,all the grown people ofyourdistrict,the parents and othercitizens,are askedto meet at yourschool’house Friday to consider all these questions and make plans for school and neighborhood progress. Then on Saturday,October,30,the people are asked to jointogether to do some actual physical work for im- provirig-and:beautifying school houses and =grounds,’church paliings and grounds,roads,parks.(As the public Stheoks in Iredelldonotopenuntil’November.15 theywillhavetoname‘another daly.—The Landmark.)é Changes of Location —Boy Hurt, Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,Oct.24.~—We.hope:that after So:much rainy,damp weather the farmer may yet have some pretty ‘weather to “do up”the fall work.There is going to be a lot of mov-ing in,this section among the rentersand_others...Messrs.John Crater andAmosTempletonarearranging‘to’move to Winston-Salem,where they Mr.Burlie Hendergon ‘will sell out andgotoMissouri.|Mr.,Walter Speaks|says that he is donewith “thege dig-gins”for a.while.’,=We are sorry that these,weonte arenotsatisfiedandwanttoseekabetterclime,but we hope that wherever they hap iness and much suc¢ess.’, fair,last.wee ts ies ——below and ‘rightre eelig'’threre,om“broken.He was carried toDr,Somers and had:hiswounds, Vicposod Pies Garain tot Days . 4 of Charlette! ~Mr.and Mrs.bg ct A.Sample and |’ ‘jor purse.”He is a natural humorist munity Service Day,”and the law re-|! tions,looking _not _only to moonlight will enter the .mercantile.-business.| go.they may find.contentment,“and| r.J.T.Jennings,attended:the ok } pondencetatesville,RsOct.eee]con-tinued wet ‘weather has.been a&Be-rious handicap to farm work omenthisfall.Farmers are unable toparehawane—ae this© eee aXe ate wheat sowing.Sorghum cane is one of the impor-!tant farm ‘products just’now onae-count of its food value for bothandstock.Several thousand gallonsofmolasseshavebeenmade‘in thisiinmediatevicinity,to say nothing =what*has been made inthe couMr.T.8,Loftin has taken the leadthemolassescropaswellas.otherthings,with a yield of 145°gallonsfromcanegrownonlessthan*acreofland.Mr.T.P,Loftin opened the.seasonafewnightsagowithacornshucking.“Corn shuckin's”and “‘posum.huntin’”afford about the only diver-sion in farm life just now.Boysworkhardalldayonthefarm,¢bi pe ed with the thought of “goin’"pohuntin’”that night. Ostwalt school house last Sundayternoon.Mr.White has the real msionary,spirit and has-been preach- ing at Ostwalt’s for several years,ap- parently with:little thought of“scrip and his sermons are a mingling of us|*~2morand.pathos,yet he always impresseshishearerswithhisearnest-ness and sincerity,and the peoplearoundOstwaltappreciate‘his ser-mone and regret his leaving for a new e-Rev.-and.Mrs..Wi L..Dart atid childrénofEdenburgh,Va.,visited Mr.Darr’s brother,Mr.A.L.Darr,and other friends in this vicinity a fewdaysago,while en route from South Carolina to their home in Virginia.Messrs:Fred.Lippard and Ralph Gil-bert-are at home from Lenoir Co!:ona few days’visit.Miss JeWoodsideshasreturnedtoherhomeatLorayafterspendingafewdayswithfriendsinthisvicinity.Mr.A.L.Darr has a novelty to hisneighborsinthegrowthofatomatovinewhichmeasures16feetandfiveinches;The yine grew’‘at the corner‘of the porch and is loaded with bothripeandgréen'tomatoes:It was cov-ee and protected from the.regent rost,@ ‘More Troops For Texas Border. Attorney General Gregory has —in-"|formed President Wilson that the ad- herents of Gen.Villa in WashingtonandNewYorkhaveobtainedfunds to finance another revolution in Mexi-|— co.The information was obtained byspecialagentsofthegovernmentwhohavewatched-every move made by therepresentativesofVilla.The result was an order sending the] Twenty-eighth Infantry to the border to aid in making effective the erabar- ‘tanafurally. I}for prodype on the local market. Rev,J:Meek White preached whatwasprobablyA§last“sermon atten) «Boother Dead.»; 'Kftox booth,f r internal aent for‘onmaanee fs enn Sunday.His death ted to an acu eart af- Mr.Booth collapse!)at a station late Saturday’night) "as about 14 Soars a Gabo for ashjille,Tenn,was en Tr ort Smith,Ark.,where he was oned to appear for trial in con~ n with ‘the so-called “Moor- ee eae ged.with nspiracyfthosechar:with»co! fraud the government.The case st him’was continued until Jay- > ad | Ala- "Fer Indigestion.f in and preparations cofi- S °other digestive ferments formore ver take” a}tai ing pepsitindxestion,,4@ thewillhave-to take.What is needed is a iit like Ghamberlain’s Tablets that will en- the stomach to perform its functions|. Obtainable everywhere.~: more you take the *MARKET REREPORTS. Statesville)Preduce Market.The following prices were paid yesterday Svxing:Chicken,I1¢,per Ib,Roosterd,Be.’per Ib.Fags,22e;per dozen.Rutter,16e.per Ib,Begswax.25.per Ib.ake ides,13 1-2c¢.pey Ib. Hams,20¢,perth.«ides,14e,per Th :oe l4e.per * R ‘oney,10¢.paces Honey a18e.per tb. Grain,|eig:prices were paid yesterday ain on the loeal market:WheE:$1.25 he bushel.©(old),$1.per bushel. orh,(new),70¢.per bushel.Oats,"se pet bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. was paid for best grade cotton. “ae cotton,5.29.Colin sted,62 4-2e.-per bushel. Excel-enn ener eee a oer PORTSAALLE—Underwood typewriter.lent condition.E.MATTRESS,722Midhrrystreet.Oct..26-~2t. FOR.SALE—Pair.nice heavy blocky six months-old mule colts.Cash or time.M..SMITH,Eufola,i es"26.+ MOND FURNITURE CO. FORE RENT—Ten-room house on Wainutstrect.Suitable for one or two families.Arp to MRS.D.M.FURCHES.Oct.26—-2t FOR?aoe 4g milk «cow.J.D,FOARD»| BY Oct.26-—1t WANTED—Pesition as bookkeeper,‘smtsiant bookkeeper or time-keeper.Address Box}.(Harmony,R-2.Oct.26--3t* oe S¥ANDARD SHOE REPAIRING SHOP, J,.M.Joyner proprietor,located under, FESclothing store,is ready for business.| FoR*RENT=Six-room house,Kelly street. room and electric lights will be supplied. Big,strden-Oct.26-—2t.| W.THOMPSON,22-—2t*.,Loray,N,C. ,Qets WAMTED—Wal estate to.sell at auction, city or suburban proverty. FE:¢HEENSBORO REALTY &AUCTION|¢.C.CQy Box 293,Greensboro,N pt.22—St. go against arms.This regiment will!» ston:an_army.of 19900 nen,...Twenty-third Infantry now at “Jack-sonville has been ordered to Galves-j'ton to take the place of the Twenty- eighth and_may also be called into ac-tive service, The Quining~That Dees Mot “Affect The HeadBecauseofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,LAXA-TIVE BROMO QUININEisbetterthan ordinary |Quinine and does not cause nervousness norringinginhead.Remember the full namesrsforthesignatnneofB,W.GROVE.7*~. Doors,Windows,Blinds,Shingles,| Composition Roofing,Laths,Lime,Cement,Mantels,Célumns,New- els,Stair Rail,Locks,ready-paint- ed Valley Tin,Ridge Roll and ready-made Door and Window Frames.°_G.ATHING.NSCenter St. place at.the disposal of,Major Generalintiie. MERONTe Heven-cnem houseW.A.ELIASON. RENT—Cottage arr a Lights )Wewerage.R.P.ALLIS Oct. IN THE INTEREST OF GOOD ROADS. ‘All who are hiterssted.in the up-keep of |¥g00d--roads—are—asked—to—meet—withme—the}Contracts will be ¢let.then for the up-keep and repair of roads.|1firstMondayinNovember. J.B.ROACH, i 26. Statesville Real Estate Dealer said “Watkins,.your prices on Shingles are 50c.to Tic.pheaperperthousandthanquotedfeelse- where”and he bought twenty-fivethousand.C.WATKINS,_his Shingles,and get the prices,Next to.McElwee’shouse. Planters’Ware- RF.a,from time to time: howie-s |elsiat caeate Live buf you can help @ chance of yourselfaitfamily to'live if-you will use milk from the PAINE VIEW DAIRY—@elivered-f6::you’in DACRO BOTTLES, covered with the DACRO GROWN.| {THE PAINE VIEW DAIRYis supplying the milk that.is ‘hehecialandaidshealth..Why and Bay f does it will be explained JAC?eX at {.’Phone 347 Black,PAINE VIEW DAIRY,the dairy with the.Da-cro system,when you want pure and _milk delivered at your -People of.alljclasses have beenBank,and we think the way thi been well treated. Qver 2,700 people are now Rihienotoneofthisnumber,we’woulif:‘with only »small amount, Contein to see us any time. invited to do |business with this is institution haw grown is good evidence that the people.who have accepted our.invitation have businées with us,and if you aredbdtohaveyoubeginatonce ~phi Bank.dea always made it a ult0oor after.the slaail de- positors.as ‘well as the large ones..; frauds;Booth being E gq lo¢al market yesterday 12 1-4e.per WANTED—s00 pounds of clean rigu DIA-}\. Oct.26-—-2€.|| suddenly 4%@eeiecvital in\35 coe take pre-'@ cautions’to.pro- “Teettheir national life.Gib- ralter\.is said to be always_ ready to”withstand a long = siege at any’time, Yetin his personal affairs manisoftenunpreparedforthesiegesthatareTiableto.besethimatanytime. Sickness,business reverses and lost positions make no declarationofwar.They come unexpectedly,The man whois prepared;who hasarrangedtoprotectimselfandhisfamilywillbeabletowithstandthesiegesofadversity.. Securitycomes through-system-~ atic saving in prosperity and through the arrangement of your business finances on a staple basis. Do your banking with us.We in- vite the fullest investigation as to our re =business methods aud facilities/and Oe Settles,to givetheco-operation youcdesire,4 STATESVILLE N.CY.Capital $100 000 4%aoeUs.ceca Pepe ats Apply ‘at S.W.Stimson's,732 Kelly.Bath|%&% re{SALE—Two”Mules for cash or nol . on Trudd|Oct.8.1% ~—in-expensive-experiments:-trying.to-find- County {Supervisor of Roads.|§ “Unhealthy For You And costing good money to fill yourself with medicine,withott,itfirstknowingwhat’s the matter with you. You wouldn’t try to hit a mark without first getting your eye on the target,and when you’re ailing,why waste your ammunition by shooting into the air,so to speak, You might shoot 299 remedies into yourself at random and miss every clip‘/because you didn’t have your eye on the target. There’s a remedy for every trouble,but trouble in every remedyif.it doesn’t.fit the.case.AND—when you,take a remedy 0.better know it’s FOR’what»you're taking it’for.©FIRST—see -cacti lst eal locate the ailment,then we'll give you exactly the right medicine,in just right conditio:—th very ‘BEST to be had.‘;.osYou'll have a guarantee of 100 pér cent.results without indulging ©what-fits-your-case-th The man ‘who is‘his own doctor is liable to have a degd one for a= patient. COME:IN.AND .LET’S MAKE YOU WELL!-9 He)tad itl THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO.,Onthe Square,: it uu Ais BN. YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERS | NOW TRY THE BEST. Hall's eeS-Cent Class Are You Tie C=OF arEnteringaSuit!| SIF so consult us-we- are fashion .attor- neys.Our stock Of \.information is re-_ plete with the new- est and nobbiest.in- formation concern- ing Suitings and Overcoatingsat’the lowest prices.Con- sultationsearne solicited BREE, eg i CHECKS.WERE NQet|Wagener : Charlotte Men Gave SERVE aig sty:Mth ys “Cattlein Alexander LN aay Va ,Ree one ,a y eaten In Fy :oeCounties.t o “9 »Death of the Man Who Estab-|8a ih NEN.Taylorsville Scout.; ‘>fished the First Free Public tan the first time since the,British ane day.las woah.tm -én selaim: Ha he State.were threatened »by the then}ing,to from otte,Ytame.in- RY at ton Sor from timemighiypower of Spain,the fateof the|to this section and bought wo fine ‘to time that one of the best public nation which hasdominatedthegreat-|Steers from Mr.Mose’Bares,and libraries in the State is located at er pa of the world,either by arms,|ene from Mr.‘Ben Harring¥on,for ‘Ledger,a rural community.in/Mitch:hey oe tremblesin the eorh WeekSN cena.ane ;me -2 ‘”le :,a 4 ‘ook l ‘ell county.The donor of the library,|the Bnglish soul penne ee ar with’them and had the others}butch- nxt,‘Charles Hallett Wing,died recently]strength,but'there:was no time dur-|ered and shipped.The check were |.|, and this fact has brought the matter |j ay long’tec han the oe presented at the bank and.proved no of his donation before the ©public in neemed 9 eeoony Me Sbdoes to.(good.Messrs.Moses Barnesh,en |",ee Ce jeg ea tas ORS eae “again,and these facts are,from an un-|day.Nature as well as "|Harrington,A.©.Payne an 1G.P.re ;i ;i “¢known writer;3 pi hel Sad to dourruy ‘the Sps Se Matheson left Monday ;for prlotte ;fk i om :-b !"Becoming interested.in the micajmada;had not the tempests and the on hunt of the gentlemen apd if San ;:a m -4ndustry,Mr,Wing went-to~Ledger inte’9 found,they.will probably_board @t our :cc)‘ a;furyof‘the seas rvened,.history +in 1885 and.lived there for oyer 20 mies possibly have been differently county hotel,ot a :al = “years.A native Bostonian,a gradu-in since,~But England ‘did not Later—The man who bows Mr.Re Nie ey ore a A ate of Harvard,and former professor |lose heart in that great erisisand her|Harrington §cow was found and\came ‘oe .‘t |of chemistry at ~Cornell University people-all stood together,Catholic and to time.The other gentléman has}0 29.‘}i. and the Massacnysetts Institute of Protestant,humble peasant and belted been apprehended and is now b ehind sit Mere leah ‘Be |Technology,he was well ‘equipped Jearl,against ‘Engla'id’s ‘enethy.And the bars.ey t fee ee minis saa |mentally for community leadership,|@.great queen inspired ‘the national|(This:game seems to have .been a :: _-'Mr.Wing's wealth made it possible soul with her own greatness:Napoleon worked to some extent.‘The Monroe :for him to express his altruistic spirit |taxed British powerand.resourceful-!y.enal of Tuesday containsia similar ‘;and broad sympathies in a very help-hee.the uttermost,but the ques-It:thet:©man.Sion Ohare ful way.His simple friendliness and tion in the struggle with him was not |STY.t'saya.that &man’om unaffected nature soon won for him 86 much whether Great len should |lotte;traveling in an automobile,went ~~7 ay he fai "\survive as whether.Napoleon should|into’Union county and botight |two i pedro ay sone erie ee er be subdued and humbled,4 d again|cattle from a caine elving ,shee , ;*PRealizing that freedom of mind and theFegiiah foundat their head states-|for $61;that the Char ne man Aeon ‘:i a tact with books,|™e2 Who cotild bajld up combinations the cattle butchered in,the neighbor il b 1 d i spirit meh ovine a cs bb 7 ‘against Napoleon 4s fast as his sword|hood and carried the,fresh nieat to ya wi e SO in’ Mr.aoe ui Ae eae re a an could undo them,and a great soldier Charlotte in’his auto.Wheri the:check at public li ety x ye bub vols who measured up to this secohd erisis.|came back the farmer who had sold|-Bir e ord ae dank shah prs Wintont vere there wold prob-tha centile wis patient foo eecrcade :this city by 4)BIY!-rie ave been no Waterloo;without|back a second time,the»:: .friends of Mr.Wing.On the second the ‘peraiiteht ‘and shrewd ‘undermin-|failure he sent,a ‘warrant,to.»Char-:‘ “floor is an assembly hall for civic|ing on thé part of British diplomacy,|lotte but it had not been seared wien % and poe gatherings o.ati ee Wallingbon's nae would have been.al-|the Journal pen eto a a “;‘ munity.Nearby 1s @ co most impossible.paper says the.tte,@ :'Vr RPE librarian,Now comes a third.crisis more for-known’but it did not give his:name.— "The library.is free to all the people |midable than either which has preced-The Landmark.)+13 of Mitchell county and.cases.of trav-|edit,and which is shaking the British TE | ~eling libraries are sent ant pert araeire fain canbee:4 cireumference.|.Capt.John D.Brown Dead.|*i -A there is a call dnd a need,No one|It is more ormidable not only be-|.Capt.D.Brown,a well known :pee 4 hain gah 39 so t Peon a oe ce einai the Jy tthe Hooks]snus heanomy wh confront [cian @Pronri ied Mtoe STATESVILLE MOTOR COMPANY...* ’of theGood-Wi ee library have|far more formidable,ause it it-|clock Sunday,following astroke’o ak carried to the isolated homes of the/Self has lacked so far the man or men Roatleny:.which occurred about 8 or 9 ; “<>people of Mitchell county.:see eoeeates and maaan o'clock Sunday morning.;cy s Bs Nk | The library is now the’property of |weakened:by dissensions,by indec’s-|Capt.Brown was about'75 years old.a :tot La the board of education of the county,|ion,by failure to meet science with Ha wae a native of Paya ie but Se by giftssof its founder,and it is/chnet and system with system.had lived in the Davidson séttion about administered according to the plans a aus Re iat eornive ta 50 years.Several children Survive.), i him.5 1 Rad 2 eee or le vetaher hobiptstion of suffering from want of great soldiers}gureg gid Sores,Other Remedies Won't Core the library,Mr.Wing erected a and great statesmen.It.andjnot the)ye worst cases,nomatter of how Johi’standing, 2e,;,Turk is the Sick Man of Europe today.cured by the wonderful,old.reliable Dr. school house.He elev ee pee The crisis.requires strength,and be-Porter's,Antiseptic Healing “Oil ©leg selere ans rapt onySetog Gontoatine:He hold TT,x calls a union aes Pain -n4 Meals atth oil 00, ”:pee ete is answered by division.Sir Edwa aaoeiemastolomenaies also furnishedallsengot suppliesfo |Garson,who is aupposed to be an ed.|/“EVERYTHING RO BUILD,WITH.”: is “a eS thc ay he.6 z vocate.of conscription,retires from Buy it where you can buy éheap-:= %*academic’studies,e.boys wWere|the cabinet,and John Redmond,the OLD NEWSPAPERS —All you want at eC by ADE i Ceiling,Weather- ~taught carpentry and the girls sew-|Trish Nationalist leader,declares oF ce ening.Cant,Would:oth Ain ood ee Setar daepespi \Not only did this’man maintain a aRe Uay the conntrh mae tice ee ne oe Shingles ade oeteek Pa MARK ot eae oe ere eee ‘keen interest in the educational wel-|posals which would rend the British ye ae ni,Bka Me pine.i Be rescence :4 oer ot his adopted home,but he found people into contending —factions.”||°(."WarTkINS,Statesville,N.C.[|59s,West Front street eK OVER:. ||.time to teach the people:many ee Therefore,they fall back on voluntary “.tin—~-c97"7**CASH, a if ras value to ‘everyday life,|enlistment;and trust to fortune to coranseaseesenessetasissssisaariestaaiTee Sleiosivabsacbeahsaucbecsusenahi »**she as a new method of salting pork.|bring them goo luck.In the mean-|¢een my SSSEESSEEES SESS SSON PSESEESETSESTTTH W h Th ®S F : t wi ‘He was_in constant.touch:with’his|time,they chahge commanders at the|4 |“4 atc 1S pace or *friends’in Ledger and took great Dardanelles and send a small force!#e :,, |.pleasure in.gathe:ing’a number of to\the Balkans,“while.the ‘German-|9 t 0a.é;xpense ©©them around his table.for dinner on Austrian legions press on toward Con-|% ..frequent occasions.“Owis Rest,”the |stantinople.@ : Bee ee By that he builtin Ledger,is a mod-France has been far more efficient in|?ae ee el-tf ‘rural beauty and comfort.He sore her part of the work,but there |p 4 * :a had all the conveniences there,anid a ae ns kd -pee ie be:5 ge Gi ecarpen mi neg inning to make itself “felt:Bs S seers eLamitts f eee c Secmein at vinctonelee country,and apprehension to tug at|#Withalittle judgment.You know in your &§oe foe a By Ap ss A “The j ti f 3 °+;‘ De ea aces Be tae TheppileDele “theminister of :own business that buying the best is getting egan »Mrs ve the'li-\¢vcien ‘affairs,cayhot be divestedof|st Te geet 2 ace b and the.school to the oy significance:His was the far-seeing|§the cheapest.Same way with,‘COAL. rities apd went tovlive at Brigh-\prain and the eimning hand which|i ans,where he died.The library|made possible the Triple Entente,and)The best,goes farthest and lasts longest, ;Pe ie,A nee ie Germany has cers neened and|%besid pats he That’ eerary,eM dreaded his “active and*aggressive|esides giving mor :. county libraryin the United |ponius.Difference of view with re-|#S8 g more heat at’s the kind \gard to the Balkan campaign is sup-|§of coal we sell and.you ought to use, E «the.Date.of the Big Be ie,Aesee ieeeee“Corn Show. _|posed to have'led to:his retirement.|% Ig.the British.empireto go -down,|ee mes and Germany té bestride a new mod-|%:‘Se TN :ce fhe ;fi. wi ee P * ee Rs fe +t ce *.jf enemangenpfone onn %5 Goldenis “in :.ern world like a’.military *colossus?|}i ’!4 :..7 ’ answer forthe murder of Riley|That may largely depend upon wheth-|4 ane u e Ss S ae er a great patriotic tyrant comes to|#a ;:.><>é [e l e l a : es el a l e l s el e la le l el e el e le l a le l a el el e Recorder says the bank at Jef-line front and meets Germany's pow- ,Ashe county,took in $78,000|,¢4)tyranny with a tyranny equally |p of eopamegrtsfe,one das.recently:BAYS!pawerful.'"Grunt,Britain:ia oes 01H ‘*:.\face with a supreme.crisis,Will she ’Miss Ruth Abernethy,daughter of|crserge triumphant from it as she did Mr.and Mrs.S.H..Abernethy.of |f-om the Spanish and Napoleonic men- Hickory,and Mr.Dan Chatham of ace,or is her star of empire estined ‘Winston-Salem,son of Mr.and Mrs.|4,fet?‘: Alex.Chatham of Elkin,were married en eed Saturday at the home of the bride in|~Woman Suffrage Parade. 4 Hick:S wa Haines *@ *é yan eA Tt pie ix $i ¢tt ."“ re TheHighlander of Shelby,which|For four hours Saturday Fifth ay-|J .XY}.ee ite & fas suffered financial reverses,‘an-|enue,New York city,was given over|,|et bese a ::i re B TO IANS :: ’5 7 Famous Shoes forMen.|J AEE ag :a that.Hr aeeee pap be a to the largest’woman’s aT pa-gia OR ee :i : _:dished "as.epublican paper.The |rade ever witnessed anywhere.It was|f puget ay eee ecaee atCey ““Highlander has been run as an inde-|the women’s appeal to~place New 4 JUST ’PHONE,WRITE OR TELL pendent.The editor charges his finan-}York at ‘the election on November 2)4seae6theDemocratictar-rosie eo iol al :given|=SS ae fig aoe Ti 4 ;A model for |all- Mr,John.Sprunt Hill of Durham!”Participated in b women from ey-|%St it ll I &F |(p 3 ve ee eer of i ate ery State in the Union trons motel ##a eSvI ic he ce re ue om an *¥round all -time air Association succe apt.’E.|than 20 foreign countries,by women);—,Ko ;2 i ‘ J.Parish of Durham,who declined re-|from every Ohase “of business,pro-|.—«'PHONE 205—.;wear.The kind of election.Mr.Hill,however,has de-|fessional,educational,artistic and of-cis :i clined the presidency and it is proba-ficial life,the parade extended 'from’reRENESEESESERESSITEESTS2I222 :psseetsts peassets =»Shoe that “re- ble that another choice will be made]Washington Square to Central Park,Sea :>=-=::-peats.”Servicea- in January.:and ‘although it pegan shortly after "Bids have been opened for the con-|§o'clock it was long after dark when o' ble,comfortable and _high class.“gtrut#ién of *the Federal building “atithe last marghers fad ‘finished. Never out of place. Wilkesboro.There were 12 bidders,|Suffrage leaders estimated that 30,- “The Mark of Quality.”f the highest bid being that of W:'J./000 women were in line.In.addition, Brant Construction Company of Nor-|there were .5,000:men representing, TEXACO ENGINE OILS,#§$4.00,$4.50,$5.00.TEXACO CYLINDER OILS,#f oe . folk,Va.,which was $64,993,and the |jeaders said,only about half of the lowest’being that of King Lumber|men who had signed pledges that they ¥eT oy ;1 AP 1 AahTEXACOGREASES. In Barrels,] 4 ore.of Charlottesville,Va.,$54,-|would participate. TOO.ck ya te {j - ed ‘v ryeea»"CAS S”BEST IF HEAD-Railroad to Be Extended in This|Acyy.BILIOUS,SICK,CON: *3 State.8 1 8 We a STIPATED! Anhouncement is made by the’East be Wa ‘Tennessee and Western North Caroli-|Best For ‘Liver.ane Bowels,Bad .na railroad,Johnson City,Tenn.,to Breath,Bad Colds,‘Sour Stom- ‘Montezuma,N.©,,of ‘the award of).&Dhwiaitee atts Y a contracts for “éxtehsion'of its litte |»|!P ‘a 10-cent box, from.the latterpol to Foscoe,Ni G.,|Sick ‘headache,‘bijiousness,coated “a distarice of 10 miles’‘through the |tongue,head and nose ‘clogged up picturesque Linville section of this with a cold—always trace this to State,past Grandfather Mountain.torpid..liver;delayed,fermenting Completion of the extension will”be|food in.the’bowels or sour,gassy _withigeight months.stomach.AT"Gahcainnicenalontammtenigy: }Poisonous matter clogged in the in- Officers Held Up By Blockaders.testines,instead of being cast out of “Al dtory comes from «Greensboro the,system,is re-absorbed into the that Deputy Collegtor C,F.Neeley |blcod.When this poison reaches the‘and J.H.Johnston of the internal rev-delicate braigm tissue it tauses.con-minignncy oe nto ero |OUR REPAIR SHOP 5 COMPLETE,bra your orders,bury ;4 Seedhuty :4 van Meek Ay enue service,and a deputy sheriff of /2¢stion ‘and teat dull,thxobbing,sick-afcoLe¥Br tar Pgat ee ee ee Forsyth county were held up in the |S headache.We arein a Yosiee to demonstrate QU AL-#{If your car is not working *it shouldbring ittous and we will’ \ SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. wana ‘Phone No,83.)lS;yey bbe ky ba 4 a Cotton Ginners,‘Lumber Mills—owners of : Machineryof any‘kind;.if you buy your oil S0 2 29 2 9S S S SS SS SO S S S C S S ST S SO O T ee oe ee s e s s c e s s s e s e b e e s e se s s o se e e e a e e e e t e e e e e e e e a | woods in Forsyth,a week ago,by|Cascarcts:immediately cleanse the|correct the trouble,’ blockaders and made to depart at the stomach,remove the sour,undigested|#j ;}We have placed trin live at ; bohit of a Winchester.The officershad |food and {oy gases,take the excess|§ITY;and.can make delivered Pee that will.ai t Srarehi tank st riases Aretha oe ity 2 found forty:gallons of whiskey,it eile from the liver and carry out all|é interest you.’‘Bll’1 Special facilities for washing and storing cars.: :‘the constipated waste matter and)<ic Seid,en Ey a wetrea.‘Theofficers Poisons in the bowels,|.§,Complete ling.of aceessprigg.gn handatall times;— wae ‘cette A ©igh i ly |#ee °H oY f aayritewahoraun”augersot'mate's |Statesville Oil Company.#|©TATESVILLE MOTOR CO., |wor!a 10-ce xi Peetu g en tee et on PE amie |1):Hii Go 'layi rating *me Rice,Hee ou gcrogent |ean veut oh WNhele aleOpin:Robbin.ences HL Ask Us QUATATY BROT ire EL il TON “oa F on PDS,BWE Gra:5.DRCBSN I R ‘one ge fice:ins’W...ae ,eseeceianrentena:CNGcprmesn et weer ade da Hive:Robbins Row.)fears farmers’>Favorite Drill} (NONE BETTER.)) Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,etc.Grain,Hay andFeed Stuffs.=». Good Goods at FAIR PRICES,: ‘FERTHLAZ ERS.| =I.E.SLOOP.== “ARE YOU — "IN Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing?Galvanized ShingleReofing?Roof PaintearIceBoxorRefrigeratorLined?Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW. IREDELL TIN WORKS. ‘Bell Phone 98,Independent ’Phone 197. ‘GUESSING AT PELLAGRA, ee Medical Experts Say the CauseoftheDiseaseisYetUndetet- mined,| If-reports given out by experts ofthePublicHoalthServicetheincreaseinpellagraintheSouthisattributedtoMigherlivingcostandlowwages, says a Washington dispateh.There-port gave results of studies made inMississippi,where the disease hasbeenincreasinginrecentyears.More fresh meat and leguminous)food are urged in one of these reports!by Dr.-Joseph Goldberger.He mademefollowingrecommendationsas~‘toie“An increase of fresh animal andleguminousfoods,pavticularly duringthelatewinterandinthe’spring;ownership of a cow in as many fam~- ilies as at all possible so as to insureaconsiderableconsumptionofmilkandmiikproductsinthehome;poul-try and.cggs production for home consumption;cultivation of divergifi-ed vegetables,including an adequatesupplyofpeas;reduction of a diet |of starehy foods.” Dr.Goldberger also urges the es-tablishment of’more butcher shops New Line of 1915 PATTERN RUGS! lanes Motile Rugs. —PersianSilk Rugs. -Emperor—Smith’8 “Axminster iin all sizes. Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors. Call and see our line of Brussell Rugs— ‘$18.00 to $38.50, We have in stock a few specially large 12x15 Rags. Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| *imarket plan in’order.to secure a va- i |ployment,nor to those who get low in mill towns and in country tradingplaces,wiih the development.of 2 riety of.foods.Diversification ofcropsispointedtoasnecessary,in or- der to‘make less onerous the econom- jie effect of the failure of a single crop.Before the disease can be'com- batted with best results,wages mustbe:increased and non-employment re- duced.|All of which ‘shows’that Dr.Gold-jberger,like the other doctors,is still |guesssing at pellagra._Lack of nutri- |tious and wholesome food and a more ivariéd diet may be and doubtless is a contributing cause,but pellagra is no respecter of persons.The disease isinot_confined to persons out of em- iwages and lack nutritious._food.\:That the cause of pellagra is yet | jundetermined”was the concensus of|opinion of the delegates to the third jtriennial conference of the National|Association for the Study of Pellagra,|which was concluded at Columbia,8.last week.Dr.C.H.Lavinder,United States Public Health Service, ithe retiring president of the associa- |NEWS ITEMS OFINTEREST.| ,1916.|Happenings HereHere and There intheCountry.” Judge Jamez Keith,president of theSupremeCourtofAppealsofVirgin-ia,announces that he will fetire fromthebenchattheendofhisterm—February J,1917.Seeing that JudgeKeithhasbeen“on the Supreme Courtbenchsince1870,it’s about time forhimtostepaside. The British beard of trade)has ar-ranged to make ‘final settlements forall:seized American cotton which’isnotcoveredbysalescontracts....Thepricetobepaidwillbe’the marketvalueattheportofshipmentonthe hdate of shipment and contracts of thesimedateswillbeusedasaguideinarrivingatthepricetobepaid. The felony indictment against.Col.John T.MeGraw,Democratic nation-al committeeman from West Virginia,and direetor of the Grafton bank re-cently closed,charging violation of the State banking laws,was dismiss-ed at Grafton,W.Va.Col.McGraw 000 more from the bank than the lim-it set by law to any one person, It falls out that Mrs.Norman Gait, who is to become Mrs.Woodrow Wil- son,has a fortune of about $250,000 and an annual income of about $20,- 000.The deceased Mr.Galt left hiswifeallhisproperty,unconditionally,when he died eight years ago. the men.who would sidestep a pretty widow with an income of $20,000 andnoencumbrances,can now criticise Mr.Wilson. More than a year agg a boy ap- parently about four years old,.wasfoundcryinginthestreetsofNew York.Taken in charge by the policehe.was sent to an asylum for found-lings.A few days ago-the boy was adopted by Mr.and Mrs.Finley J. Shepard,who have no children,.and takes their name as their son.Mrs.Shepard.was.Miss.Helen Gould, daughter of the late Jay.Gould,and her adoption of the boy makes him heir -to~millions.ieThegovernment—has filed ef Kansas City and John Coffey of sessed against the two men when they were sentenced in the United States District -Court .on charges.growingcutofthe“moonshine 'conspiracy.” Casper was fined $35,000 in addition to getting “a nine-year prison term, ition,said,however,that much prog- ithe time the association meets again | three years from now,the cause of*ithe disease probably will be under-/ stood.The spread of the disease is ala:jing and the per centage of deaths is jvery great.From 1907 to 1911 there |were 2,412 cases of pellagra reportedjinNorthCarolinaandofthisnumber, 1,067 died.Out of every 100 cases ‘per centage of deaths was 44°37,, :Deaths reported in Durham county ‘numbered 253,in Mecklenburg 156,in a i ee Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C.— tm Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every:accommodation extended to de- Positors consistent.withPenaenh:bank- ‘ing methods...‘ Four per cent.paid on ‘time and8Savings Deposits remaining on deposit.three- months or longer. =:OFRICERS: President.Cae W.D.TURNER,oe nee i KE.MORRISON,---Vice President,i.D.M.AUSLEY,-- -.Cashier.=@.E.HUGHEY,’-Assistant Cashier. A Charlotte Observer. #full of gratitude and joy for the bless- Rings that have been showered uponHithemandthattheir 4 jihis fall should be one of the richest,B ripest and ee imaginable,is theHlbeliefofDrBidentoftheState.Farmers’Union.5 |In the claboration of this expres- 3 sion of sentiment Dr.Alexander citedBY\the fact that cotton ig bringing 12 1-4Hand121-2 cents a vound and that thisHBpricehasbeen.available at the begin- H ining of the season,when the staple :|was just beginning to move;H cotton seed is bringing 60 cents’8bushel.and other products:likewise;B ithat wheat is commanding the bestH|prices ever and there,were more foodHcropsproducedthis.past summer thanHieverbefore. HH jeasy to get and all that a man need H have is a warehouse receipt in.order8itoborrow:whatever cash he desires at 3 isix per cent.interest.More meat hasHibeenproducedathomeandothersup-plies in proportion. sider “that farmers in certain sections ican hardly obtain barrels and recepta- #icles enough to take care of the sorg-B hum.they hive made,and of hog and #hominy there is to spare.loss to.comprehend what|f $imore could be desired,Siam.ata en 207,in Buncombe 173. R\THE THANKSGIVING DUE.{ 8 Dr. Alexander Finds It in the Condition of Farmers This ~¥ear. ‘That the farmers of North Caroli-;na should face this winter with hearts Thenksegiving Q.Alexander,presi- thata Money is plentiful and “E-am_told,”declared©“Dr,Alexan- Indeed,I particularly jres had been made in the study ofthe |°idisease and that he believed tnat by | TM ider ills;Doan’s Kidney Pills. while Coffey was assessed $1,000 andixmonths’jail sentefce. The administration has determined to press a shipping bill as 4 part of |the legislative programme of the coming session of.Congress.Addi- jtional vessels flying the American ‘flag,the administration holds,are urgently needed to carry American corameree and as naval auxiliaries. Whether the shipping bill will be the seme as that advocated by the admin- s istration during the last session but defeated,has not been disclosed. _NO DIFFERENCE. The Proof Is Here the Same As Ev- ‘erywhere. For those who seek relief ftom kidney backache,weak kidneys,blad- hope of relief and the proof is here in Statesville,the same as_every- where.Statesville people have used Doan’s and Statesville people recom- mend.Doan’s,~the used in America for fifty years.Why suffer?Why run the,risk of dan- ‘gerous kidney ills —fatal Bright’s disease?Here’s Statesville proof. Investigate it.“ Mrs,O.L.Leagan,215 Boulevard street,Statesville,says:“Four,years ago,I suffered a great deal.frompaifisacrossmybackandshoulders. I couldn’t do my house work and I My head ached and I had dizzy spells,when I ecouldn’t keep from.falling. Doan’s Kidney Pills were:recom- mended so highly that I began tak-ing them.The first box brought mereliefandthe,second did me a worldofgood.My back:got stronger and my kidneys normal.ere Price 50c.,at.all dealers.Don’t.sim- -ply_ask for a_kidney remedy —-get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the.same that +Mrs.Leagan had.Foster -Milburn Co.,Props.,Buffalo..N.Y. when one glances back at the picture| that confronted:us last fail at this To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY be to announce that they have completed arrangements with ‘‘THHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York.”forinsuring your growing %ea Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destruction by Hail Storm at the following very low price: TOBACCO CROP.:$100 per acre valuation at 76 per acre Valuation at’.po per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre25,per acre valuation at ‘1.873 per acre ‘COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre Bi n ph a $40per acre valuatioir $1.60 per acreA:35 per acre valuation 1.40 per acre f 30 per acre valuation 1.20 per acrei25peracrevaluation|1.00 per acre 20 per acre valuation -.80 per acre 15 per acre oe a per acre 10 per acre valuatio 40per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.~$100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years-at 90c..Thislatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossoreoccasionedbywindinadditionto,hail.qREMEMBER—“'We insure anything insurable.+hJ.F.CARLTON,Manager,-"PHONE 54.STATESVILLE, time.Then cotton was bringing 6 1-2 cents a pound,which was less than aie took to produceit,and food cropsjthatsomanyheltobuy,‘Were-so cx- pensive that it was a problem to know This was indeed the situation all last ant to ponder ovcr.“Now turn to the:other side of the|picture.Cotton is »bringing 12 1-4!and 12 1-2 centa;,seed 60 cents a bush-|el;food crops in abundance and.al-|most all raised at home}crops grownonaneconomical.basis;money plen- tiful,outlook bright,and evetybodyhappy.It is time for Thanksgiving in next month,but.every.day and ev-ery hour of the fall and winter.”But the farmers of North Carolinashouldnotsitdownandthinkthat)this is well enough,continued Dr.Alexander,He stated that this | should simply be used as a lesson:|“To practice economy,diversify | erops,raise more food crops and sup-|plies at home,improve all land by em-|ployingbetter farming methods,deepreseedselection,—rotation,pein i¢analyses of—etc.,and let the farmers of the Svipeandsob te become ar- where the money was coming from.|} winter and it wes anything butpleas-|s indeed,not only.on the last.Thursday | When It’s lowers! Think of,Van Lindley ‘Company.We have one of the largest ,Greenhouse plants in the South.J Orders small or large receive prompt atten-. tion.Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed. f_Flowers That Please. was accused of having borrowed $5,-| suit}.tagainst—bendsmen-_ofJohn—L._Casper |’ Fort Smith,Ark.,to satisfy fines as-|" offer| kidney remédy| Use Your Whole © House -this Winter, ON’T let cold weather’)? lock youupinoneroom.”me A Perfection SmokelessOil...= Heater will bring glowing _| warmth and cheer to every.. room of the house.With the_. Perfection Heater near,you~ can dressin comfort,clean in com-| fort,set the table in comfort,and live in comfort generally.oe p The Perfection gives 10 hours of - glowing warmth on one gallon of oil,Clean—quick—convenient. Use Aladdin Security Oil or.Diamond ‘White “Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves,Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE ay ‘Washington,D,C.Charlotte,N.c.Rea Ye Ceteeton BE Look for the Tri- angle Trademark. ‘In many styles and : “sizes at ~hardware-_and general stores everywhere. Highest .award Paname-Pacthe 7;j *a |7 ar 3 +PR-PUR-PER ih vy @ a oy felt tired and languid,all the--time.} |Lcapsrasoran For avers y WORTH KNOWING! »Suppose that you are insured in the United Life and Accident |In-,surance Company of New Hanipshirefor $5,000 undérthe cue a:“Triple Indemnity”Plan,what does your Policy guarantee’to do? ANSWER::FIRST,it guarantees thatincome of death from anycause,2,$5,000,the face of the policy,will be paid.-fi»SECOND,thatiin case of death from any accident,$10,000,or -sOTRIRDS aIh cnae at eatinnthe cartaia’apecified accidents,:at'in'case of death Wroni certainspecifi ic a_$15,000,or threetimes the face of the policy,will be paid.But'thisis not all,In case of total disability as a greet of acci-dentalinjury,you will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK,tCaninsurancedoamore?“And why should any man besatisfiedwithapulicythatwoulddoless?The cost is low.; ;RENT-:ERNEST G.GENERAL INSURAN PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. 2 Such is the record pesdamagedonebytornadoes.Fire Loses esYoudon'tknow when the has met every honest claimtornado.may strike your promptly.E property,but you do knowthe‘Old Hartford”protects =~Pedeaghatch Re ay ba*2 ‘ii -BY FARTHE BEST PRO “+sseEvery Day a Blue Ribbon :,Then Pees Cao a eal Friday.yy Mitedaye o: Lizzie e Beauty “Tam 0’Shanter.”’Jane Cowl in ne Ct ag an Contest.”~cl dle aaa :v4,|“Between the Savage and |“Vendetta in’a Hospital”Agreat three reel ‘‘Bi Pd ©i pets p a A two reel Nestor Bur-|U"feature after Burns’|)Afantn $Lee,the Tiger.”:* lesque on the Charlotte |immortal poem..Please |A ipping Dedinatie Nove}eg One-of-those two reer: bserver Beauty Contest.|don't miss this,Also a |elty,thefirst of the fa-|A George Kleine Jungle |screamingly funuy L-Ko |in which Miss Wooten of |funny Joker Comedy—|mous Broadway Features.tye aida of ne Davidsod took part.Two.|“When Hiram Went to |We will showoneofthese Masterpigee in six parts,|Comedies,Also two oth- _other good pictures.the City.”|on every Thursday,madein Thdia.er splendid pictures.” COMING-SAVE THIS AND REMEMBER THESE DATFS: Nov.2--“DIAMOND FROM THE SKY,”Regular;Nov.4—“SCANDAL,”Broadway;Nov.5—“JULIUS CARs SAR,”Kleine;Nov.11—“THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET,”Broadway;Nov.i2—“STOP THIBF,”Kleine;Nov,17 _-Mr.and Mrs:CASTLE IN THE CASTLE DANCES,”Regular;Nov,18—HOBART BOSWORTH IN THE Features”and.regular THE LANDMARK ——TUESDAY,-Oetober 26,1915. iS ABOUT THE SAME STORY Little New in the War Zone Re- 5 ports. A continuation of the progress .of the Teutons and Bulgarians against Serbia!fresh advances by the Ger- mans in northwest Russia ~“and-the sinkine-ef-2 German_armored cruiser a British submarine in the Baltic the outstanding features in world war,as reported in the lat- +eificial communications.-The Ger- making good progress in at considerable cost,the f Ae EE R E i f|heavy fighting is almost con-i along the Dvinsk front is at-x beth German and Russian communications.The Ger-we stormed and taken thei l e i Tijoukst.Austria and Italy are fighting with the utmost’determination along the jan -Italian frontier.The Ital- ianwar office reports that “a new and brilliant success”has marked the Ital- jan offensive in the Ledro valley.In the Carso district,the deadly effects of the Austrian artillery are admitted .by the italian official statement,which says notwithstanding this,the Italian try «advanced impetuously and captured:ground on the left wing east of Peteano,and in the center of the front.»; In the western zone,’the eighth attack by Germans in five days in the Givenchy wood,north of Arras,was Pera utBe acording to Paris,with hace ‘losses to the attacking forces. aca ore —little ent: ing except by the-artillery in the en- ‘tire tegion from the Belgian coast to _the yoages.For almost the first time since the great Austro-German offensive began »last May,Russian military officers now.describe the situation along the - qwhole 675-mile front as satisfactory. .They assert that the German drive a: the Baltie port of Riga has been halt- ed and that the Russians are gaining along the northern end of the line. _-‘The bombardment of ‘the Aegean seacoast of Bulgaria by an allied flect is said by the British admiralty to have done extensive damage to harborworksandshipping.The understand- ing is.that this bombardment is in con- nection with the allies’plan to make a landing at Porto Lagos to the westofDedeaghatch.”.iThe.allied fleet which hag.’been -blockading the Aegean ‘seacoast of Bulgaria has turned.its guns againstthecountrysidesndbombardeditfromDedeaghatchwestwardtoPortoLa-gos,a distance of 38 miles.Sofia as-serts that no damage has resulted in While the Teutonic allies and the‘Bulgarians are steadily gaining against the Serbians,every foot of ground is being bitterly contested. Nish reports say the invaders are los-jing heavily,their losses in,killed, ‘wounded and prisoners having feach- ed 60,000.\Greece has declined forthe presenttheallies’.offer to her at.Cyprus and other concessions,territorial.and financial,in return for her adherencetotheSerbo-Greek treaty of alliance,“which would mean her military aid to assist in meeting the Bulgarian ‘andienattacksagainst.Ser- ia.~“Phere is no inclination in London orinthecapitalsoftheotliérmembersoftheQuadrupleEntentePowerstominimizetheseriousnessofthesitu- ation of Serbia. Petitions For Recall. |Petitions are beingArizona.for the reeal and hasdisregarded the courts. “At Spartanburg,S,G.;petitions are ‘in circulation.asking the recall of,yes—jbut really ,new.hair—erowing Y ty of all over the scalp.% ‘the city.The petitions are the result!of a loan of $85,000.made the city.! ‘.\Mayor Floyd and two councilmen The money was borrowed from a lo-eal bank,with which the mayor is as-sociated at 4 1-2 per cent.Commis- sioner Hudson,who is in charge of finance,presented a bid on the.part of another local bank,offering thecitythemoneyat33-4,Mr.Hudsonclaimsthatthemayorignoredhimin the transaction and that a higherrateofinterestisbeingpaidthanis necessary. Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.“Last winter I used a bottle of Chamber-"4'*Coneh.Remedy for n bad bronchial1Dfeltitebenoficialeffectimmedi- band ‘before Thad finished:the bottle 1 eared.1 never ‘tire of “recommending As there seems to be some confusion as to our prices o eirculated in of Gov.Hunt,on the ground that he is incompetent programme is five and ten cents. Citizen’of Hiddenite—Taylors- ville News. Correspondence of!The Landmark.: Taylorsville,Oct.25.—Mr.Nesbit Lackey died Thursday ‘morning about 8 o’clock at his -home at Hiddenite. Death resulted from~heart “dropsy. Deceased was.62 years of age and is survived=by-a—daughtér,Miss.BeattieLackey,and a son,-Mr.Newton Lack-ey both -ofBiddenite.The...funeralandburialserviceswereconductedby the pastor,Rev.L,P.Gwaltney,atSulphurSpringsBaptistchurchFri-day afternoon at 2 o’glock.Mr.John/W,Moore and his grand- son,Master Wallace Moore,will leavetedayforCharlotte,where they willjoinMrs,A:M.Sample,and will ac- company her to her home in Fort Pierce,Fla.,to spend the winter.Mrs.| W.B.Matheson returned Thursday | from a visit té her sons,Mr..WL 1.| Matheson in Mooresville and Dr.J.P.|Matheson in Charlotte.Mr.Eugene!Cross has returned from a trip to,Lumberton and Gastonia, |Mrs.W.H.Tyler and little daugh= ter,Mary Tyler,of Burlington,join- ‘ed.Prof.Tyler here Friday and they have gone to housekeeping in Mr.E. CG.York’s cottage,near the Presbyte- jrian church.Mr.York has moved his family from this cottage to Mr.C.M.Moose’s residence.Messrs.R,L.Alspaugh and C.P,Matheson and’Mesdames U.UL. Al- spaugh and R.P.Matheson went toWinstonThursdaybyautomobile,allreturningSaturdayexceptMrs.Math- éson,who'went to Madison to visit MR.NESBIT LACKEY DEAD.| The ‘when we show one of the GEORGE KLEINE MASTERPIECKHS.|Those marked above ULAR”are 5c.and 10c.,and those marked “KLEINE”are 10c.and.15c..In regard to the KLEINE FEAT- URES,will say that we have had numerous requests to put on some of these pictures,and at.the priee they charge for them,it is impossible to show them for less than 10c.and 15c.,In all of the larger cities these feat- ures are shown at.from 25c.to 50c. DB U T I E R , ET S AS R S ST E EE S i O UE OE E UE VE T O E S a her-son,Dr.R--€.Mathesor._Miss-Sa-+- ra Burke,milliner of Statesville,spent Sunday with her mother,Mrs. R.B.Burke.Mr..H,P.Fe:mster re- turned Saturday.night from Wiiston- Salem,where he spent several weks.—eennanneeeninemnnmnnnent Rowan Farmer Killed By Fall Through Elevator. John A.Misenheimer,a farmer liv- ing three miles south of Salisbury, stepped into an eleyator shaft.in.theSalisburyHardwareandFurnitureCompany’s store,Saturday,fell head- long to the basement,a distance of about 10 feet,and was killed.Hisskullwasbroken.by the fall.A clerkhadopenedthedoortotheshaftand was awaiting the descent of the ele- vator when Mr.Misenheimer stepped into the shaft.;As he made the.step the clerk grasped at him and caught his coat,but could not hold him._ Mr.Misenheimer.was 56 years old and-leaves a widow and five children. Pa.,yesterday spread to a box fac- tory,where..sirls were employed.At them girls,had been recovered,Some were killed and a number injured By jumping from windows. In Mecklenburg eounty Sunday the 5-passenger touring car of Mr.W.J. Hyndman of Charlotte ‘turned over and caught its six o¢cupants under- neath.All were more or less seriously hurt.‘ The steamer Colorado,which sailed from Charleston Sunday night.with cotton,for New York,caught fire at sea,according.to:wireless ‘report,and was abandoned.|! YOU CAN’T.FIND ANY DAN- DRUFF,AND HAIR.STOPS COMING OUT!~~ Save Your Hair!Make It Thick, Wavy,Glossy and Beautiful at Once!Try ns you will,after an applica- tion of Danderine,you cannot find a single trace of|dandroff or falling} what will please you most,will be af- ter a few week’s use,when you see new hair,fine and downy at first—_ } A little Danderine.immediately doubles the beauty.of your hair.No! difference how dull,faded,brittle and! seraggy,just moisten a cloth with ‘Danderine and.carofully draw it through your hair,taking one small strand at a time.The effect is im- mediate'and amazing~your hair will’ be light,fluffy and wavy,and have an’! appearance of abundance;an imcor- parable lustre,softness and Juxuri-!ance,the beauty and shimmer of true aa health.©:} Geta 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any.drugtoiletcounter,and prove that .your}hair is,,as pretty and soft as any!that it has beeh neglected or injured! verites Mra.Wile DY careless treatment.A 25-cont:bot-! igor Washe,“tna Obtainabte thtgSithe:@ ie the .beauty of yourtenheof,¥ ihig Fire in a feed store at Pittsburg,|. last account 12 dead bodies,eleven ‘of|” hair and your sealp will not itch,but). store or |} OR O r “SCARLET SIN’”Broadway;Nov,49—-MRS.LESLIE CARTER IN “DU BARRY,”Kicine;Nav,25—MARIE CAHILL IN “JUDY FORGOT,”Broadway;Nov.26—“OFFICER 666,”Kicine;Dec.2—JOHN D,CARY ip “JUST JIM,”Broadway;“QUO VADIS,”Kleine.\ae f admission,will say that the price for the “Broadway only day that we charge 10c.and -15c,i8 on Fridays “BROADWAY”and “REG.' * Jane Cowl -a drama,interesting and swift in its.action.Staged in the mest lav man-ner;beyond the average spoken-stageprodnetion.Ugusual even for a great.”film play.Brings you the biBroadwayplayand’the adireallaminthesettings.A gen charmoftreat Ladies,you*must seo Miss Cowl’s nasr- Velous Costumes, CL POMMILESTRCUa Strange and absorbingly) -gripping a fen for all lovers of the genuine drama.). “CALVERT”.MILES*Knit Under ‘Garments /are the highest standard of perfection.*Evéry garment must be as represented or your money ‘refunded.Ladiés’ Vests ‘and Pants,heavy weight,made of soft Peeler orEgyptianYarngat,.25c.,55c.,50¢.,75c.,$1,$1.50 each. Same as above in Bleached at 25c.,35¢.,50c.,75c.,$1 and$1.50.each.| LADIES’UNION SUITS,extra sizes in all grades,Bleach- ed and.Unbleached,®at....50c.,75e.,$1 and $1.50,each. CHILDREN’S VESTS AND PANTS)at...........:2he. INFANT’S WRAPPERS,at......./..25e.,50c.,and 75c. MISSES’AND CHILDREN’S UNION SUITS,in Bleach- ed;Natural‘and tarby,at.5 eeelsheee 50c. “HIGH ROCK”Shirts and Drawers for,Men and Boys, heavy weight,at..o.........25c.,30c.,45e.and 50e. “WRIGHT'S”fine 116,Needle-Ribbed Shirts and Draw- ers for Men,at...0.2...U49 eee LEN wv reebts yg Hee $1.00. MEN’S HEAVY-RIBBED UNION SUITS and Bine Plan- nel Top Shirts,at.o div...we bese cess +«$1.00 each. MEN’S AND BOYS’SWEATERS,at 50c.and $1,splendid values.LADIES’AND CHILDREN’S SWEATERS,at 50c.,$1, $2:and up._LADTES’-SILK-SWEATERS,with Searfs-and-Caps_to match ates iy.ee eaeealbs o's s $4,85 and $6 each,‘Now is the time to pick up GOOD VALUES. Will appear in joint recital with Miss Josephine gifted American Prima,Donna Soprano,in States- a :Ce Underwear,Hosiery,Gloves.and :—"aMILLsS &POSTON | The House-of Correct Underwear for Men;Women-and_Children.A Great-Line-_.,Merchandise Unexcelled“in-Value and Selections the Best: “RONSARD” French Lambskin,in Black,White and Tan, fully guaranteed,at. LADIES’AND .CHILDREN’S FABRIC GLOVES in Black,White,Navy,Brown and Red,at..25c¢.and 50e. |OUR “ROYAL”NIGHT GOWNS for Ladies,made of ex- tra quality Flannel Outing,in selid White and neat Ps a Blue Stripes;beautifully finished.*Sizes,14 Our Ladies’Suit and Millinery Departments are alive with new Models. LS SNOG/PEE MIE NALEALIN ORR RO Sleeping Gowns Linenwears,Phoenix and Arundel Hosiery. We keep our shelves well stocked with these popularbrandsbecausetheyaregiving:satisfaction and the pur-chaser asumes no risk in buying them.Our Linenwear Stockings for Ladies are high-spliced Linen Heel and Toe,Full-Fashioned Leg with Seamless Foot;made in Silk,Lisle and Cotton,at....25c¢.,35¢.,50¢!and $1.00 ARUNDEL HOSIERY for Men,Women and Children are made of select Yarns,and you can buy them at our store for We also have them in Wool and Wool Mixed,at 25e¢and 10¢.,15c.,25e.and 50c. 50¢.; “PHOENIX”is another fine quality of Ladies’Silk Hose, Bb gees ascid OG ale cals De peg lp a baskale 75e.and $1.00 KID AND FABRIC GLOVES,Ladies’ 2-button, sg ATR hike ES MOE OSS $1.25. wooo e....ie.Tie.and $1 each. of Dependable i anneOUwillneverforgetial heo¥ful te Menlnebaka gs ; SECS EOEO OSESEEOCBIOO SBI EA I ES | | SRI Shoe Shop. ‘Let our expert Shoe Repairer do your work. Men's Half Soles,sewed...iesyak’$0.75 and $1.00 Men’s Half Soles,nailed............60¢, Woiman’s Half Soles,sewed...........65 and 75e. Wontan’s Half Soles,nailed...cs..+.50¢.Speeial prices on Children’s Work. :RUBBER HEELS:waOlsSSisliiate33eeeeeeess “-5Oe.Other”Heels...oeoe SPL etigs tel eae ‘. 40e.Give us a trial !.iaH.SHOfotM.& THE UNIVERSAL CAR. Performance vs.Possibilities.Ford earsaregivingsatisfactoryservicetomorethan900,000 owners representing allclassesinbusinessandprofessionallife,on the farm and for pleasure it is ‘‘TheUniversalcar.”Sturdy and reliable,*easy to understand and drive,and‘economical to operate and maintain.Priecs lower than ever.Runabout $390;Touring Car $440,f.0,b.,Detroit, Gilmer, ville Opera House Saturday night,October 30th. “CLEAN THAT:WATCH OR CLOCK!| |||| First class work all the time,and.your work when you want,it. pitott e'tetas Don’t wear them out before you have it done,you can get ;Jeweler, *Why pay more?On sale at Carolina*Motor Co.,Statesville,Newton and_“Mooresville ' .B.WOODWARD, 4 ex)e.!5 qs ge B RO RS R C R C R C E C RC E EC E ) ‘ ———— VOL.XLIL. That the Chief Point of Interest —Summary of War Zone News. Serbia still is the chief point of in-terest in the world war.In the north- east the Austro -'Germans and Bul- stepbringstheTeutonicalliesa ally. from the Danube and Save and from the Drina on the Bosnian front,British troops from SalonikihavejoinedinthesouthFrenchforceswhohave‘defeated the BulgariansneartheGreek-Serb frontier,Thiswouldindicatethatthe13,000 Brit-!.ish troops landed in Greece are ors00nwillbeinaction. The French have destroyed la counter-attacks by the Germans,'M north of Ville-sur-Tourbe.In shal va _Eastern zone,Field Mar-'co Hindenburg has taken1 the.Russians in the Dvinsk-_regionaf-(se eounter-attacking vigorous! tain sectors. The Austrian and ©Italian ments are at variance with regard to the fighting on the sustro-Italian ‘front.Although the Italians had previously chronicled gains for their troops,Vienna says they lost heavily in their recent attacks on the Dob- erdo plateau .and Monte Sebatino. Three thousand dead left by the Ital-’ ians before their Doberdo position while at,Monte-Sabatino their losses’ were at(least 2,200,according to the’ Austrians) y on~cer-' the Congo Free State and German | East Africa have sufferedthehandsoftheBelgiant minister of the colonies. havemoreGermansteamers House of Lords,voiced the belief of f° the British government that the posi- the Austro-Germans and Bulgarians.!@7 Lord Lansdowne placed the num-,bu ber of the British soldiers landed at greater force is under orders.|AcThestatementalsywasmade the House of Lords—by Earl Curzon,/:another member.of the cabinet—that:™! Premier Asquith had under eration suggested appointment smaller executive bwar.jda Notwithstanding the overwhelming 2U forces attacking them at many points, the Serbians are displaying great gal-; lantry and against their desperate re- sistance both Austro-Germans and Bulgarians have found it difficult to advance.°At some points the Serbs. have assumed the offensive and havecapturedthetownofVeles~on theof Nish-Saloniki railway,a short dis-!P2@tancenorthwestofKrivolak,which'ch their French allies hold.‘|e of a ne Two transports have met disaster,the ‘Conference,which is to be held in near eastern waters—the British’attransportMarquetteandtheTurkishfourth year. Death cf Mr.Elliott .at StonytransportCarmen.‘The -Marquette! ~\was-torpedoed:in the Aegean Sea andi 99 of her crew are missing.The British submarine sank the Carmen, which was laden with munitions,in'day afternoon at 5 o'clock attheSeaofMarmora. Said to Be Hoarding Gold..The report is going the round inDavidsoncounty, dispatch,ie several farmers have} ho In iW secured 14 are hoarding it.The report has it that ‘one man went to a bank with $2,500’,member of the Associate Reformed df\the injury and its.location ,Presbyterian Church,was a Conféd-'Flanigan.will be,unable to use the from the chaininbillsandaskedthat:he be given ‘gold in exchange,his excuse being that|er:he wanted to purchase land and that! .mines German entrenchments south-*ed elerk and treasurer of the Abing-_-east-of Neuville St.Vaast and,enter-'don Presbytery and has taken a deep ‘:Ing the craters made by the mines,interest in the formation of the Ap-|daughter,Miss Emma Feimshaveheldthenewly-gained positions palachian Synod.The pulpit commit-|to Statesville by automobile.despite a violent bombardment:and tee of the church here,composed of=a@{ternoon to attend a reception given a call ter heavy fighting.The Russians are auditorium for the purpose mphasizingtheneedofathleticsincon-|Mrs.Ralph Sloan of Statesville,and nection with the highschool,So much'their nephew,Mr.Earl Hedrick ofstate-interest was manifested that an or-!Nashville,Tenn.,were guests at theganizationwaseffectedwithoutdelay.|home of their brother,Mr.James.8. The following officersCarmiJohnstonpresident,Tom Me-return home Knight vice president,Sam Stevenson secretary,,Louis 0D)3SamNeclwaselectedmanagerfortheter,little Miss Willie Robinette,Mrs. baseball team and Bruce Culp man-|May Moose,Mr.and Mrs,Carl Al- ager for the basketball team.Great spaugh,Mr.C.P.Matheson and Miss interest is:being manifested in A ppractices’which are going “on-every ‘lotte _in .automobiles Tuesday to.see afternoon and the managers are hop-\the circus. ‘ing to get games with various teamsGermantroopsontheboundaryoflateron. ;ies is critica!,|Secured a‘cottage onhesieeeeeestreetandwillcommencehousekeep-,Luther,president of the University of for any great length of time against ing at once.Mrs.Weston and baby)Wittenburg,Germany,was very much .;Re yma:|Rev.F.A.Barnes,Rev.C.B.West,\ti»Serbi i t and Mr.Z.V.Turlington attended;icate of the forgiveness of sins,byeeeolA=o thats,nek Synod in Gastonia this week.Mrs.Deb the Pope,té every one who paid a cer- in,Mrs.J.Hy-McLelland. The Maids and Matrons club met:rors,wrote 95 Theses for discussion,¢)blesthMissMargaretRankinMonday!and nailed them on the door of the tS:including many varieties of each,consid-,afternoon.-{church,This was the beginning of a.@nd.some of the specimens were very Mann of Statesville. and pfirpose of the various commit-jmorning and tees to raise all finances by that time and in addition to raise the remainder Sharpesburg.township,this says a Thomasville ters and a son—survive. i t / ATTENTION IS ON SERBIA.|MR.MATTHEWS WILL COME!A Presbyterians —School Boys Go in For,Athletics—Moores-ville New§. garians have formed a junction which |Correspondence of The Landmark. LEXANDER BONDS ‘SOLD. New Pastor For Mooresville|Road Bonds Sold For Par ‘and Two in OpeAecerued|Interest —Taylors- ville News.- Correspondence of The Landmark.Taylorsville,Oct.28 —.The board STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,OCTOBER 29,1915. (TEACHING NIGHT SCHOOL. Operation in Statesville —Contributions Needed For ’Incidentals. Mrs.B.F.Long,of the “CommitteeofOneHundred”appointed by theMooresville,Oét.28.—Rev.Carl $40!county commissioners met in ex-|Federation of Woman’s Clubs to as- acceptance Mat- ski,and under his leadership much He is Mr.Matthews is stat- essrs.Geo.C.Goodman,Z.V.Tur-| in themgregationhasnotconcurr hool was-recently held-in the.school of em- were chosen: Rogers treasurer.' the | Mr.and Mrs.John White have ar-defeat at rived from Laramie,Wyo.,afd willnéaccordingmaketheirhomehere. to advices received by the -Belgian a son of Mr.M.W.White and for sev-|sionary and Sunday school service att{leral years has lived in the West,where)New Hope Baptist church Sunies aItisofficiallyannouncedthatfour.he was employed as an engineér for ternoon at 2:30 o’clock.Messrs.R.T.been the Union Pacific railway. Mr.White is sunk in the Baltic by British subma-|Rey,Braxton Craig of .Monroerines,:preached for the congregation of the| Lord Lansdowne,ministerBritishcabinet,in a statement in the morning.Mr.Craig is thé field agent of selections.r the Judson Centennial Fund, Rev..L.U.Weston and family have| north Main, rived Thursday night from Dan-ry. ikins of Mount Mourne is visiting | Quite a large number of our citi-|oy to conduct the Zens had “business”in Charlotte Tues-|Bible and true worship again to the] y and,incidentally took in the Bar- m and Bailey circus.. The fourth quarterly conference of the Methodist Church will be held’on‘ans.xt Monday night by -Rev.L.T.|It is the desire the church debt.Rev.C.S.Kirk- trick,the pastor,has served the urch .faithfully for the past three ars:and it is sincerely hoped,that Reidsville,will.reutrn himfor’the Point—Other Deaths. Mr.Thomas D..Elliott died Monis me at Stony Point,aged 73 years. terment Tuesday at Pisgah church, county.ife and five children—four daugh- Mr.Elliott.was a native of Shilohyequantities.of gold and ‘township,this county,and wasreared |Tcached home. ate veteran and a good man. Mrs.Addison Richaréson,who diedifhepaidforitingoldhecouldgetyecentlyatherhomejust’across theitcheaper.Several of this -friends—applied at-the-same bank for an exchange but the banker had “caught on”and denied their request. The idea has gotten out among somefarmersthatthere'will be a big pre- mium on gold at the close of the Eu-ropean war. Travels of a Registered Letter. A registered letter mailed three ar Ri St J.A..Fitzsimmons to D.C.Kling, Ocotlan,Oaxaco,Mexico,has just beenreceivedinLongBeach,Cal.Twenty-three postmarks showed the trai time the letter was received in Mexi-|L co Postmaster’Gomez.directed it to;Los ‘Angeles.Finally it reached its,thdestinationatLongBeach.“\deThesenderhappenedfobein’LosinAngelesandwasnotifiedbyKlingtow from:Van 16,000.that the ee A ener established a home in Goldsboro for,to:organizeaged(and infirm Odd |Fellows,Rebekah Sisters and the orp;:Odd ‘Fellows.Hoéckaday,also~of color,was incar-pime three Odd.Fello one ‘sistet and 1 chitieh, three year;ived safely.~| -‘Tin Bridgers,colored,is in jail inRaleighforkillinghiswifeandone cerated as a pe to the killing.44Bridgerspleadsself-defence.Be ea pupils’of St.John’s Paro-at--chial:School at.Peabody,Mass.,losttheir,lives.in.a fire:that destroyedthachoolbuildingyesterday:mornin a3 Yo .*.man’s jine in.Davie county, Swann ‘and Mrs;Mary.A.Gaither of occurred the last of May and the sec-'caught the yellow jacket in hismouth.| years ago from Vancouver,B.C.,by Secretary Wood 1 of retary of the Grand Lodge of 0:=ver to Mex-Fellows,was tsistravels,om Vancouver toMex:Monuay.evening”and.calidon <'he|came for shandmark'Puesda bu tone ue,ie.the.necti lived to see eat-great grandchildren in her fam- large chardson was an aunt of Mrs.M.E.! atesville.— Woodall and-the Odd 4Fellows.Mr.B,H,Wdéltpll of Raleigh,see: with the local lodge Mr.Woodall had been secretary ofegrandlodgeofIndependentOr-|r of Odd Fellows for 32>years and|that.time,he has seen.the orderfhout1,000 members to!aThe order some TS:ago, thMt Re-Th There are now in ates are.estimatedtobe worth,‘east $150,000 and:axe:itThereie8Mah meet rite ‘baptismal |church Wed: ie that Mr.’ |Miss Henkel ferment:i ith 18 im nearer the attainment of their pur-!Matthews,pastor of the Presbyterian|t'a session Tuesday afternoon andpose-—to lend aid to their Turkish church at Pulaski,Va.,has notified 80ld the $150,000 bond issue for good:Mr.Geo..C.Goodman,chairman of the Toads to Sidney Spitzer &Co.,.Tole-Although the armies of ‘the Cen-,pulpit committee,of histralpowersand’Bulgaria are making of the eall which was recently exténd-progress at all points in the north ed by the congregation of the Firstrivers,'Presbyterian church of.Mooresville. For the past eight years Mr. thews has served the church at Pu- do,O.,for par and aecrued inteRev.FE.V.Bumgarner condue aserviceat.the ,Baptistnesdayeveningintheab-sence of the pastor,Rev.aSGwaltney.Sixteeti were baptized asaresultoftherecentrevival M.Payne,of Boone. Mrs,J.F.Jonas,who was a guest home at_Marion.Mrs.Sara Feimster and daughters,Mrs.Sara CampbellandMissGraceFeimster,and grand- honor of Dr.and Mrs,L,.O,Gib-whoselosses:are declared to have been lington,J.A.White,J.E.Sherrill and;s0n,at the home of Dr.Gibson’s fa-'tary contributionsheavy.The French:also have repuls-I.D.Harris.is to be congratulated in,ther and Mrs.|ed,near Rheims,a German attack un-‘making su¢h:an.excellent selection,|Mr.W,B.Gibson.der the cover of asphyxiating gases.'and it is earnestly hoped v fSeverefightingcontinuesfortrenchesMatthewsandhisexcellentfamilywillmorningforGastonia to attend the|be here at an early date.The,Pulaski Meeting of Presbyterian Synod.”Mrs Feimster’s brother, Rev.L.L.Moore left ‘Tuesday L.L.Moore was called to Charlotte|Tuesday morning by the illness 07 receite contributions_Mile_and_a quarter _of the front of),A meeting of the-boys-of.the high|her sister,Mrs.J.W.eeMissEmmaMcIntosh,a”nurse of Washington City and sister, McIntosh,Tuesday.Mrs.Sloan:will:today.,;Mr.J.D.Little,Mrs.E.A..Chap-man,Mrs.J.B.Robinette and daugh- Christine Alspaugh went to ir Reformation |Services—Church News. Members of the First Baptist’Ba-raca class will conduct a special mis Weathermian,.P.P.’Purnell,D.F. Mayberry and.J.Paul Leonard arescheduledtomaketalks,and the ‘Ba-in ‘the First..Baptist church last ‘Sunday;raca quartette will render a number |&™ Reformation services will be held at St.John’s Lutheran -church Sunday at 11 a.m._October 31,1577,Martin ked that.Tetzelah,agent of the n Catholic Church,had come ta own to sell indulgenees—i e,a certif- ain sum of money to him.Luther,in -sisted “Toesday. ja ‘sist in the campaign against illiteracy in North Carolina,reports two nightschoolsinoperation.The school in |west Statesville over Sumter’s storeisbeingtaught.by Mrs.T.E.Ander- son,assisted by hér daughter,MissjInaAnderson.At‘the same place Mr.‘James Tharpe conducts two nights in the week a school for young men,in;Which he teaches arithmetic,pen- 1 good has been accomplished and the|ing,conducted by the lamented Rev.’manship and business correspondence. church has made rapid growth. universally popular,not only among the members of this own congregation at the home of Dr.and _Mrs.A.|r{but among the members of the various!Edwards,‘left:this morning for bre school house is being wired for electricwithdenominations, The school at the Statesville Cotton Mill is taught by Rev.W.A.Lutz.as- by Mr.Monroe Adams.This lights,the connection being made with the office of the mills.Mr.T.D.Mil-jler has kindly offered to pay for thejlightsbuttheexpenseofwiringas) jwell as.other expenses of fuel.sta-jtionery and incidentals for both the;Schools,will have to be met by volun-from _interested‘citizens..Mr.Sumter,gives.the usejofthesthool_room over his storefreeofcharge.:Mrs.Long has collected ;sum to meet these,expenses buisstill.inadequate she will beof25¢.fromthosewhowishtoassistinthisgood workite which these teachers are giv- ing so unselfishly of their time and energy.Contributions may be left atTheLandmarkoffice.Z eh Investigation Without Results. Mr.-F,M.Jordan,deputy insurance commissioner,was in Statesville Wednesday en route from,Taylors- ville to his .home in Asheville.Mr. Jordan spent several days in the vi- cinity of Taylorsville investigating |fire.On the night of September: ‘13th the home of James Long,color- jed,was burned while Long was at the home of a sick neighbor.Long be- lieves the fire was of incendiary ori- gin and.suspects a couple of negroesjwhoare'brothers of a woman with;whom he had some trouble.The offi- {cers were asked to make an investi- |gation and.Sheriff Adams solicited jthe aid of Mr.Jordan.The two made |a thorough investigation this week jbut were unable to unearth any evi- iderice leading to the identity of the ilty parties.Mr.Jordan is of the opinion that the negroes had a get- together meeting afid “hushed up”the matter. Vegetable and Flower Exhibit. The children of the graded school had their annual exhibit of agricul- tural products.in the school audito- rium Wednesday.The exhibit was not quite so large this year by reason of the fact that the latter part of the summer was not so favorable for gar- t the desire to do good and expose er- hard and fierce struggle to restore the} epeople.Luther now has 75,000,000 followers in the world—that is,over | half the Protestant world are Luther- Rev.W.F.Hollingsworth —will preach at Front Street church Sunday at Barium in the after-noon./‘n narrinsleiompnvaiteniptanainsasinnnmmactaritantetaneds ~ Jumped -from Auto and Hurt. Knee.. Mr.Jas.P.Flanigan suffered a very| painful and:possibly serious injury;to his right knee Tuesday night.Icwasenroutehome:from Charlotte in}an automobile with Mr.Wm.Morrison|and Miss.Corrinne (Morrison,«when; something went wrong with thé lights of the maching..As the car was slow-ing down to stop Mr.Flanigan step-| ped from it before it came to.a stand-still and was thrown to the ground,with .considerablé forece..His right, knee caught the weight of the fall aniwasseverelybruised.The.‘party came on.to Statesville and Mr.Flani-|gan’s injury was dressed after he,The bone was not) jnear New Stirling church.He was broken,but.on account of the fature sick,M r| limb for some time. Three Victims of Tuberculosis ’in One Colored Family.-Cora Watts,‘colored,aged about 1°ily.,..She was 89 years old and is sur-'years,died Tuesday afternoon at the:Edmund Patterson,-vived by nine children and a number of grandchildren,great grand-'south of town,death resulting from éating an apple when a yellow jacketjchildren,and -Sreat-great grandchil-tuberculosis:dren,thé total number bein home of her father;George ©Watt: This is the third death BAe:Mrs.in the family from this dreaded dis-!conscious ofease.within.five months.The first, ond about two months ago.Watts is, disturbed.about,his remaining,fivechildren,who are probably already|infected,but evidently he has not tak-en the proper precaution‘in the past!with a\view to,preventing.th\spread,of the disease:ithe family.It is ath.authorities. ganizing Hom:-,Making Classes,<.Miss Celeste:Henkel,Tredell’s as-Sen Seer of schools andsupervisorofhomedemonstrationwork,went to sduth Iredell yesterday)Pe cat classes’in’the.Mt.”Mourne.schools,A See ee classeenOrginthe7chool has association ‘was organizedembers.The:ladies of the’ne ion ‘are.planningequipaveand. forcooking dem- jous experience. dening.Notwithstanding there was a fine display of vegetables and flow- The vegetables and flowers were grown by the children from seed distributed among them last spring.Some of the children of the interme-diate department have decided to'try winter gardening and will undertake to grow lettuce and other winter veg-etables.\Arbor Day will be observed in tifeStatesvilleschoolsnextFridaywith appropriate.exercises. Visiting Nurse’s Report.: At Tuesday’s meeting of the CivieLeagueMrs.Vera B.Jones,the visit- jing nurse,reported a total.of 124 vis- its’during the month *which closed with October 20th..Ninety-six of the visits-were “nursing;visits”—visits,during which Mrs:Jones rendered ae-/ tual service—six of these being to col- ored people.Twelve mothers were in-structed,two of whom were colored. Mrs.Jones ‘finds gratifying improve- ment along the linex of sanitation and cleanliness in many of the homes she visits.During the past month shehadmorecallsforloansoflinenthan usual.on account of illness in families not able to furnish proper linen for the The League realized $35 or more,luncheons held for its benefit.:\ Stung in the Mouth By a Yellow acket. a small;as it,d to| ‘Embarrassing Mixture of Mon- SCRAPS"AIRED IN.COURT. Some Cases Go to the Higher Court for Adjustment. Jo.Williams and Ruth,Armstrongwere.before Justice Lazenby Wed- nesday to answer.for.an affray.The woman had a slight wound on her forehead.which she said was inflict- ed by Williams with a bottle,and Williams told of a gash in.his:side,which he avowed Ruth made with a knife.The.two were accordingly re- quired to give’$25 bond each for their perior Court to answer charges ofassaultwitha°deadly weapon.»—Jim Turner and~Buck Brown,whose fight last Friday night prov-ed the undoing of a number of alleg-ed retailers,as.told in.Tuesday’sLandmark,plead guilty to sim#pte as-sault,in Justice Lazenby’s court,and were allowed to go on the paymentofthecosts.It was in evidence thatTurnerhadaguninhispocketatthetimeofthefight,though he did not use it,and he was requested to give bond for his appearance in the higher court to receive punishment’ for carrying a concealed weapon. Tom McLelland and Hub Bennett,both colored,were arraigned beforeJusticeLazenbyyesterdaycharged with hunting on the lands of anoth-er without permission.They admit- ted their guilt and promised not tooffendagain,whereupon judgmentthepaymientofthe D | elm was suspended.onCOstS=-$2:40 ach. MeyOrders.lo Monroe Journal. The partjes hereunto shall all be nameless,but the story is true.A certain Sunday school in ‘this county recently wished to send off ten dol- lars to purchase an order of song books.A certain individual wanted to send off a dollar to purchase a bot- tle of firewater.They both “orderedon”the same day and had the’sameruralcarriertoobtainmoneyorders for them.He got them at the post- office but the clerk accidently made out the ten order to the booze houseandtheonedollartotheSufdayschoolhouse..Of course the mistakewillberemedied. Mr.White Resigns—Mr.Kidd’sCall. At the recent meeting of the First Presbytery of the Associate Reform-.ed PresbyterianChurch,Rev.J.MeekWhite,resigned as pastor of NewPerthchurch,near Troutman.The NewPerthcongregationaskedtobegroup-ed with Pressly Memorial church,Statesville,andthe request_was—re- to in Shoal and Amity churches and a meet- ing of Presbytery will be held at New Stirling at some convenient season to ordain and install Mr.Kidd, Cheap Feed and Cotton SeedMeal. A farmer calls The Landmark’s at-tention to the fact that many farm-ers who think they are buying cot-ton seed méal may get a much cheap- er grade of feed.He says the mills are now putting up a cheap grade offeedthatis.about half as valuable as genuine cotton seed meal.The cheap grade is properly branded and the tag shows what it is,but often farm- ers in buyirfg from dealers pay no at-tention to the tag and get the cheap feed when they.think they are get- ting genuine ‘cotton seed meal.Iftheywilllookatthe’tag the misun-derstanding.may be:avoided. Change in Barber Shops. Mr.Jo.Taylor,.who.has for.someyearsoperated:the Commercial,Bat-ber Shop,in the Commercial Nation-al Bank building,has bought fromMr.M.W.Johnson the equipment andbusiness,of the Iredell Barber Shopinthe«Hotel,Iredell building.~Mr.Taylor will continue.the operation:of both shops.He will be in personalcharge@ftheIredellshopandMr,A. G.Blakely will manage the Commer- cial .shop.Mr.Johnson will shave apositionwithMtr.Taylor in the Com- mercial shop. Must Quit Selling Cider. All merchants and others in the county who are selling “flat-foot”andotherbrandsofciderhavebeenno- atul‘ SO to at “While at school Monday Master young son of Mr.‘and Mrs.L.B.Patterson,was! lighted on the apple.The boy,,un- the insect’s presence, took a bite from the apple’and He was stung on the tongue and thatnight:he suffered so much that-he wasf taken to the Sanatorium Tuesday morning,where he remained under treatment for 24 hours,the doctorslaboringtokeepdowntheswelling.It was a painful as well as a danger- For Basketball and Tennie Court. The depression on Water street,be-tween Center street and the *Presby-terian church,is being’filled in.by the city with a view to extending Water street from Center to Meeting ‘in adirectline.Dirt for,the fill is being || | “Linwood taken from the vacant lot just.below,lison,who is in a hospital at Texarka-Statesville theater...When the cityi‘outman High force has finished,the lot adjoining ceived in a runaway,is ,conh'82 members,and a bet-'the theater building will be ‘graded improved,aceordinitiajedlastnightfromietheStatesvilleAthleticAssocia-tion’and converted into a basketballgroundandtenniscourt. riven the.privilege of the groundsforafternoongames. tifietl_by--Sheriff-Deaton_that—the-sale of the beverage must cease after No-vember Ist...The officers have menwho.will swear that they have been“drunk on cider”and although it.isbelievedthatsomeoftheciderisnot intoxicating,the sheriff has decidedtostopthesale.of all brands.Some of those who.were selling it have voluntarily quit. th Court Today.\ Judge ‘Lane is expected in States- ville today to convene Iredell eeeriorCourt..to-hear ‘motions and:signjudgments.:Judge Lane is suffering from an at-tack of bronchitis.He was expectedto.open court Wednesday to begin thetrial‘of civil cases —court havingbeenpostponedfromMondayonac-count of,his iliness—but.was unableto.come,AA The condition of Mr.Andrew Al: ed is‘ofWw. ¥ na,Ark.,suffering from nies Te-detablytia’card.receiv- is at his bedside.The girls'|—Mr.‘and Mrs.J.T,Holland of him.room in high school basket ball team will be,;Cool Spring township are ‘maki inplanstomovetoStatesville.batontheNewYear, ¥ Viahin: BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, tractionMonday evening, Mrs.Harmon the cottage on eastBroadstreet.adjoining.the leofhisfather-in-law,Mr.W..F.ley:Mr.and Mrs.Taylor will occupy.the’cottage. polities. of Mr.JappearanceatthenexttermofSu-|court, cate to become Secretaryhasbeenselected. improving.He-suffered fromiaandwasveryillforIndicationsnowarethat.the road to recovery. should remember the m of moving’thfullattendance and free expressdesired. cotton were ginnéd ‘in Iparedwith2,642 on thelastyear.bales were pinned upto theonthesamedatelasthadbeenginned. of Oxford,her broth for an.operation.Summers,accompanied her. who.was conspicuous in’the:commun- ity many years ago,show dent of New Yorkbut -he hinfriendshere‘that he wassmiteVeoktotheoldtown,:in a yearspendthebalanceofhisdays. pany’s forces engaged in co line from Lookout Shoalsbury,has moved its camquartersfromapointaeastoftowntoapoint near.Betale Shoals.road,‘southwestown,;d ‘ oe circus was|t y making arrange :appearance of thatpeaangday,November 9; seale what other’circuses.small scale.It is famous foragerie.ferred to the committee on missions.|—The people of Statesville ‘gan MonkRev.G.E.Kidd reeeived a call to dially invited to a-receptionat Statea-the pastorate of New Stirling,ae ae college Monday evenitg,m=ber Ist.Abegiven‘in meet theirthe_new-building, datighter,Miss Annie AdpeettoleaveaboutthevemberforDundee,‘whereeedwill.spendthewinter with Mrs.A:derholdt’s sons,Messrs.Ri M.:W.W.Adderholdt.Miss Bell ‘Garri- saleslady at Allison’s book.store.| “—Capt.P.C.Carlton suffered’aslightstrokeofparalysis;TuesdaymérningathishomeonCenterstreHislowerlimbswereaffectedand|has since been confined to bed.—was not rendered unconscious.ahisspeechisnot.affected.is apparently recovering,his advanc-jed age makes hrious, ville,who has been with theern:and has’made a fine record,cently appointed district agent with headquarters inham,Ala..Mr.Jenkinstimehadheadquarters.in Washing. Southern.bie week.The price in:Statesville. dropped from 60 to.50 cents.-price on the Statesville market:-has |held-up well.While it has been bring-ing 12 to 12 1-2 here it under12inmanyofthemarkets.of ,theState.The fall in price is doubtlessjonlytemporary.= and Setretary PaineCounty’Farmers’Union are up the owners on ; grading proposition,which ‘is exedinanarticleby,Mr,Landmark.vand.Pvisited_the-Mooresville gins ysandwillgotoStonyPoint.today.” appeared in the:county.So’case ofscares darnhas’been diphtheria ‘havecounty. visiting relatives in rooklyn,N.Y.Mr,Lewissomeyearsbeenan rs.J.B.Gill,whobt i tatesv’ = essowl —The “Smart.Set”willbe the at:at the Opera House next “F ‘f;valet—Mr.Jo.Taylor.has.bought —There are always early.birds:Te Je anid thatthe eueoasso.A.Hartness,as ¢!:when Mr.Hartuess shall oe of State, +-The last news from Congressmanoughtonwas.that.his:condition..was toxem:several,days.he is on: —Members'of the Gommercial clabeeting|at theubroomstonightatveo'clock:Thepassontheadvisabiliteclub’s quarters and ;e expression i —Up to:the:18th.1,444 bales of- same:date eeting will In.Alexander :aa 264 bales —Mrs.J,N,Turner.ofthe.vicinity.»who was hereon avisittoer-in-law.and sister,Mr.andrs.C.H.Summers,wentto Char-tte Wednetday to enter a hHer.sister,Mrs, /year. —Peter Houston;a coloredcitizen up inwnthisweek.Peter.is now\a resi- or 80,to —One of the Southern Power Com- g steel towers for the —ny'spingheadfew:milesthe ‘ Carl’ here.yes- afor.ry x =Tues-: on’a” ido:on va ;y men: —Thepress agentof the This isrgercircusesanddoes. isical:programme..1theauditorium,beginning7:45.o’clock..After this:the fac-ty and students will be pleased tofannyintheparlorsof —Mrs..Fannie Adderholdtandx.10thof No- n will succeed Miss ‘Adderholdt as - While he is :condition .preca- —Mr.Frank L.Jenkins of States Railway’Coftnpany a has for some n and was a traveling agent for.th —Cotton has been off a 12 cents and:the price of seed has Z —County DemonstrationAg t e cotton gins of the county Messrs.bel - *~-Diphtheria ‘and scarlet. in Statesville—MasterBowlés,son of Mr.and Mrs...J.F.Bowles,A’probable case of dip i oe Ae,Culbreth,:ater.Gulbreth,on Kts,Mr.and irs.sllystruct.Cases.Hebeen:reportedin the nk pewib,‘whol,has” —Mr.Fra noir,will,leave. in the Brooklyn Naww,Mr.Frank -HilMrs.W.J.HilltoBrooklynand“an.elettrical ‘esiisilleawhileTo i “i ‘‘M17Ssae¢He ee nga erste wen och a hm enSFOHMRLKIAOOE©OEMBy a,Camas esc tie “*Jecripieinnes Sake nee he wat se a i ao +A te e :4 ah re a ,7 §;»’Bee eaed ‘bien ie <a ae ES eid eee es eg t?bi)ra 47 po EEE Soe <eT *stBhay 4oez +2 }; a Aabh DTN eM ri a Ft Pee ieete tities abelian a i Oks,Ba pe we Tattl a rs tat ;7 ‘Pay t rt ., ‘s CONFLICT OF IDEALS.|ELECTIONS NEXT WEEK,|‘LiningUp with the President.|CALOMEL,WHEN BILIOUS?NO!STOP!.© Re a Oete Bt a al TS Mobilization of the full strength off “-~.ACTS LIKE DYNAMITE ON LIVER Germany Modern in EverythingWillBe Held in Eight Statesand administration forces in support of 1 a :ta::“Dod ansLiterTone”er y.; a Except Humanity—Case of||What They Are For,——{in.national defense programme ap-uarantec son s er Tone”Will Give YouFROMABOUTSTATE.|Miss Cavell a Concrete Ilus-|jigight states—New York,Massa-|parcntly was assured when Represen-|the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had, ‘tion.tive Hay of Virginia,chairman of ;sa ‘. A ts Crimes and Other In-camer Suns *Peasetibic’Kanieky,‘One and Mix.the House militaryaffairs onmen|tate si ee eens ont coe 7 ie nea vigorous adic arte _cidents of Life in North Caro-Why is it that the execution of ‘sissippi—will hold elections gn Tues-after a conference -fee!lazy,sluggish,bilious or consti-|you to go back to the store and get lina.Edith Cavell has become an tnterna-|%y>November 2.Wilson,oe ee iy faven of pated,listen t>me!your money.Dodson’s Liver Tone is @::r :'nfour ‘of these States—Massachu-the gn Calomel .is mercury or quicksil-|destroying the sale.of calomel |be- *Jo.Grant,a Greene county farmer,|tional moral issue of extraordinary}setts,Maryland,Kentucky and Mis-Schator par regs chairman,oF yer which cases.necrosis /of)the|cause:it ‘i real liver medicine;en- had ‘saved $2,500 in gold and kept/importance?.An Englishwoman,un-|sissippi—jGovernors ave to be elected;|bhe Senate military.omm ld.bones..’Calomel,when it comes into|tirely vegetable,therefore itean not the money in a trunk at home.The known to the world two or three|i?,sx States—New York,Massachu-japproved the etianenh ee wee contact with sour bile crashes into it,|salivate or make you sick,‘ trunk is there but the money has weeks ago,suddenly stands out in,the|Sets Maryland,New Jersey,Ken-|regular anit on juny hg re For-|breaking it up.{This.is when you feel|I guarantee that one spoonful of gone-—Greene knows not where.t pate}t bject of’su-|tucky and Mississippi—the State Leg-|than 1,000,000 men nm y iil fol-|that awful nausea And cramping.If|Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your ~At a meeting of the trustees of aL IME tompelone lace ai islatures,in whole or in part,are to mal publi ee e atahra wantaos you are “all kaocked out,”if,your|sluggish liver to work and clean your ~~.ae zemining ee :beri other personages,dwarfing for the aap tne an pep ee a a Patines cork Wek,The tveris torpi an"bowle 7constipat-bowels of that,sour ileand consti- :eekit wa ;j i ‘k,|';;‘di éadache,dizziness,|pated was iC ‘another cottage for the school,to costpeer ig dhe bi cattery.ieee PacnnyWeriannd ON wea Be every hee cee coatel inionYs breathis ,ae %nystemn and making you‘feel misera- *$10,000.1 i ss i i |Stitutional issues are to be deck x _{stomach sour justtry a spoonful of |ble.uarantee that bottl .Dr.C.B.McNairy,superintendent a bagyiot Sere ee in Rus-|"“With a few local exceptions,in factyed’by both BN Sees a tanh havens Dodson’s Liver rons.*Dedeon'’s Liver Tone will keep re ‘of the Caswell Training School at Kin-|Why is this so?Because her exe|Heee coneuitutional:-qosesions,wii ius Cc eae Democratic House lead-|Here’s my gusrantde—Go to any entire family feeling fine for months.- ston,was attacked by a bull one day/cution brings:out with intense and the dominant issues on election day,|~*has announced his opposition to a}drug store and get a 50 cent.bottle of |Give it to your children..It is harm- this week,knocked aroun aod badly |startling vividness the vital ouestion,tata OF RY 8 ee big ae It is said the President Dodgoas Laven Toe Take »poh:less denen’,gripe and theylike ‘its bruised before help reac m..|the great principle,greater than any qepiis pose ji]soon hold a conference with Mr.|-ful tonight,an it doesn’t straight-|pleasan!e, arts :leaders ::+h it home rule,prohibition,State income}W!}800%nay ;nn oa ———<The ditt mostng of he Junie individualotalo,which a sa|free,referendum plans and some ley chin,he hope,winningBi|:dy .:ser reforms,i at BT ate ahh Fas ase '~FrcudeeCabsoruy Mellen,Row:|eetGarmenyhasagnis rind|rye wonnan aurnge question lis tomenhat ceet_n Bs WatissoiiifordecisioninNew.York,|>Ch eAnA APeTen oe 2 ! lotte November 8th and 9th.|What is soing on in Europe is not a come.Mp.50%‘Ork,’a Don tB n ul Your Mone inNese fae,5 North Caro.(strugele between nations,but an ir-Pennsylvania and Massachusetts,MRS..MELTON’S LETTER |g |' S /a oe * 2 5 :;revressible conflict between ideals.which States will furnish,in:poinh,of i Seteats eee mate ae eat bes By the ancient code of war this wo-ropulation,the greatest test the suf-To Tired Worn-out Mothers r J i |man’s Kfe might be regarded as legal-frage issue has ever had in the Unit-oe aid |3} York Nite ee oak near ty forfeited:She was not a spy,but|ed States.New Jersey,the first State Jackson,Miss.—‘*I shall feel repaid i*;‘lin the East to vote on equal suffrage,|for writing this letter if I can help any|%Ry |‘ Greaves,deceased.Beira ricfoe an aed a nn the proposition at a special’tired,worn-out mother or housekeeper |i,By buy Ing poor coal,Buy the best coal Miss Lida,RiversCaldwell,sdaueh-|2 tooth for a tooth,the German mil-|election given over exclusively’Vo tieto find health and strengraetwcook @ from ouy yards and you'll soon learn that it »ter v.Dr.and Mrs...John L.|;wit ‘f :i suffrage question on.October s y i *“a -*4 Caldwell,and Mr.Geo.E.Wilson,all are ane oe t Panes te While it has been held by some -polit-|and do my housework and I’bécame sont 5 will go twice as far and give more heat.::‘r -down in health.A friend |}ve . of Charlotte,were married in the hat kind in’th ‘ral ig.|i¢al observers that the result of the much run inol.Ididsoandnow |}Every ounce contains the maximum heat .First Presbyterian ‘chureh of Char-sf =Rt ane iLn seberel ee uae test in New Jersey would be reliably gakedme oe rene and my.old time|ery a | lotte Wednesday evening.:cited by the New York Times,which|indicative of what might be expect-|ory has beenrestored.Vinol has no o producing quality, Despondent over his ‘physical con-|reads::’ed in the three bigger neighboring Superiot as a tonic for worn-out,run-|= dition and continued poor health,Ed-|“The law of war,like the criminal|States,the suffrage leaders have not!Gown,tired mothers or housekeepers.””|5 aerae -the eects Ho-|law regarding other offenses,makes beet Slscournees by the big mane —Mrs.J.N.MELTON,Jackson,Miss.|} tel at Rocky:Mount,fired a bullet in|no distinction on account of the dif-|With Which the issue was ,i ille,N.C.18 ~ehis brain which caused thstant death:Aaa of sex concerning the spy,the|New Jersey,and look forward to the We:F estisiithinnd praiearilie,N.¢S *He was 27 vears old a a native of|war traitor,or the war rebel,”bigger.test with confidence, ‘South Carolina.This was the old military rule,but}The importance of this test is was ;! _Ben.Sparrow,a colored citizen of|the New York Sun points out that cated by the fact that,'N pon ‘THE ‘ Clinton,went home drunk and threat-|it,was not enforced:that a search of population,the naiat oot ed tn .i ened to kill his wife.The woman de-|the war'records at Washington brings|Pennsylvania and:“Massac“pe it It is time you are ordering your clined to submit quietly to being kill-|to light no case in which women were whieh will yote on suffrage Nevem~)fuel for winter.The best.coal for ed She-shot first-and Sparrow's re-|shot as spies during our Civil War.|ber 2,include over 20,000,000 people generaluse is our celebrated|S eavery is doubtful.His wife was re-|But if we admit that’Miss Cavelt,;—*-filth of the populationof theon-,Pes leased on bond,though not.a spy.had brought.her-|Ure United States—and ane HT Genuine Jelico C.0.Sprinkle of Yadkin county,|Self technically within the military 000 are practically dou Se ai whose lafid-sebout 1,000 acres—is put|7one.of death,why should we be so lation of the ee in ¥11 hice.Powhatan Blue Gem . down on the tax books at $20,200,has|horrified by the application of the rule suffrage has as yet been fully achiev~-P iania Anthracite asked the corporation commission for|of equal responsibility against which ed,s tn addition %ennsy vanl .; relief.The farm has vreviously been|We do not protest in criminal trials In New York State,in addition.to Run of Mine Steam Coal ’assessed at $15,800.The commission|in time of peace?the anffrage issue,iene seer i :iSconidering.For uke reaon that the great,ma-|of the election willbe the questioh 8f1]We aigy handle Oak and Pine:Vv the a‘_onthe waren,ee evi a ve re sa SS how eo revised by @ recent State-constitution-Wood,and do all kinds of ee make a try for the Democratic con-/2t4s.We have done brutal and bar-al convention,presided over by Elihu|{Moving household goodsaspecial:}! gressional nomination in the sixth dis-|barous,things ourselves in the past.Root.The new Coa nai ae ee ty..|ok|eos ie about.the fourth and Finland was herself once a land|request of the suffrage leaders,tas!)FToHand Bros,|——+!PHONE 205——— man to announce his purpose to try|in which butchery was no respecter not been made to include the su nélon :,.(° for Congressman Godwin’s job.lof sex or persons—-women have been|amendment,hence the.constitution Depot ’Phone No,7.4 Diskad Diniemin.a hay teavloy hanes ia,“the weed old ime’_Fe na anal vere Residence ’Phone No.310 Black.‘ =A 1 >|England for stealing a pocket hand-|Se¢para ,i .St t ll |&fF |( pwoli~sg —Tier aoe ;ew.kerchiet,and the Tower of Fengin is pure i ae directly with the fate’—a eSvi e ce ue ompany, *,ian eloquent monument to a former;©ye re ‘8 B i age \ ova aylego ries ee at held era of bloody cruelty,_Yet in spite of Le ;iy QUALITY COAL DEALERS. will be confined in the county refor-|tt?Strong temptation to revert to the}Geo.Hunt of Arizona,for whose 3 . matory until his case is heard ‘old ways.of dealing with enemies,in recall from office petitions are in cir-o sgraesesesesstsssssserseseseseteses seesesssesss ,‘snite of.national’stress and desnera-|culation,says the “big interests”,are uae a ? Mrs.Ella Slozn Caldwell,wife of ¢;,i i é ri his ac-Mr.John F.Caldwell,died at her Seine |oni sone has suffered the death |behind the.movement because his ac ‘+4 2 ..r Great Britain since-this tions in connection with the copper’=3 a.;q in Davidson Wednesday of blood pois-|war began.no death sentence has been miners’strike did not suit them,|\¢at Pr actice Economy ‘his Year ° _on,which resulted from a wound on pronounced even in cases in which of-|The Czar of Russia has issued a %we her foot.Mrs.Caldwell wos 57 years|fenses have been committed far more!yks i i ini ¥|enw 9 +dwas6:B to the Rus:foreign minister ¢a af ete bbpuso Lee dangerous,and -serious than that of to bore 5,500,000 rubles,which be-DAN VALLEY is milled from %Feed Edgar-Morgan Co a.)Mixed Fee S. oe iss Covell.ing interpreted 2,750,000,000.|:oe ‘i and three sons,|In the differences between the .Ger-Here's tha oppersontty a folks.who }of thecelebrated wheat grown in es Not sereenin or offal or While engaged-in-conversation with -man-viewpoint_and_practice,as_illus-|!want to invest.in Russian bonds,_|$#the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-&Old Beck Sweet Feed.gs ’ a friend,R.B.Rogers,52 yearsold,|trated in the record made in Belgium,7 3 ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL.%worthless by-products,but se- 2 @ carpenter of Asheville,fell into his in the deliberate destruction of the ata ..8 :ien-friend’s arms and was dead in a few Lusitania.and in the heartlessness of |Asthma-Catarrh Makes better bread and more Little Ned Sweet Feed.lected feed endedarene.Seees Laltny.”My.Rog[the Caen ce,ane batons teView 1 Broachitis 6a er aoe ET amma Rice Chick Reed fheiteMadirkonaactiallo}ro-0 :‘td ‘“FAR .building at the time of his death and :an roncn s %flour.It is economy,to buy |.-forresults.Made ‘gressive nations,we see the real dif-!os is : ‘was apparently in good health.iference between German ideas of civ-4 DAN VALLEY.TRY IT;'_Gem Scratch Feed.—by a house withfsareputationforTheDurhamSteelProductsCom-|ilizatian and the ideas of all other!Can Be Greatly Relieved by the New a“pany has been charteréd,with an au-|countries of light and leading.Great External tmen Sir Gen i *in i thorized capital of $125,000,by A.P.Britain and,France have long ago re-.Vapor‘Trea te ay Cary C.-Boshamer,%Gem Sweet DairyFeed integrity. Gilbert,E.’B.Lyon and others.The partes of pei on asd We bere ,Don’t take sternalmodiines or oe ®Local Representative i company is authorized tems.tae:Unt ates looks back |forming drugs for these troubles,Vick's 55 »#Loca i:foutdrs,eid machine Tie le with regret to the excesses of her Ciy-|‘‘Vap-O-Rub”Salve is applied externally}’Phone 125 Black.It.aw.¥C.W.BOSHAMER,=]Representative. but it is understood that it is special-|}!War period;even medieval Russia|8nd relieves by inhalation96avapor and|a ’Phone 125 Blacklyorganizedtomanufacturewarmu-|h@8 begun to be sha:ued into a dawn-A a heabnge ia yep et :;nitions.Z sm vanes of deceaey and penianity,eebaesHayFever tare Seer i*"Wadesboro Ansonian:;ut the significant and dreadful.thing mee VAPOR,See ae TT *Gaddy fell into the fire bet bg ie about.the German state ofmind and pemtelbat emery ee enn ca ~-DEITZ &PA ERSON-home in Gulledge township Saturday the German attitude is that it marks “aru ees Practical Blacksmiths and Horse.night and was dead when found by a reversion to the national view that ‘6 ‘Shoers.Rubber Tiring and Hot .members:of the family.It is suppos-|Prevailed two and three thousarid:Tire Shrinking.General Repair-ed that she suffered an attack of heart Years 289,.that_made man when ar-ing,Painting,etc.Shop rear offailureandthatshewas:dead when |12¥ed,against man more merciless :?J.K.Morrison Grocery&Produceshefell."Her face ‘and -body were than the tiger,when the word com-Co.Oct 19—8t.slightly burned.|:passion had not yet been’written into se ;as the lexicon of ions.:i [oan pase so dt a ane ae:In this State i hive a aac SHARES OF STOUK AT AUCTION.."--y ezzlement has been issued for |{hat is wi SOF ;ne Bere .Wit F"Dagi an Asevieirwer:QR lung RATHeLOFPSHE ay tried nmeof te atte|DR,B.C.TALLEY,Seeae fiat he Solio’$108 Lor tal or-Roman,the old.ravishers.of auction tothe hithest bern,for cash a the |f.VETERINARIAN.|Ce retained the money,Daii-lmanki the plea:7 Tenew {court door in Statesville,“Ne-C.,—on |.4 ae ;iel’s ffhancial affairs ave in a hed a ncriet ee ——ekaa MONDAY.NOVEMBER.1,1915,at 12 o’clock,|:Headquarters Statesville DrugWe:way,it appears,and he recently left Incting accordingtothe codeof thelr (tictcmancrtort eH CenteopeAsheville.When last:heard from he age.Civilization is a gradual Rewer:mn36 shares in Statesville Cotton’Mills.2 {Residence ’Phone 807 Black. was at Welch,W.Va.~-and it was too much to expect of them shares in Statesville Buffalo Shoals Bridge |,: :..4 .:“.:A ciJohnMiller,G.W.Wilson,alias G.\thé enlightenment which:has ‘come to ow:1 a ene Tale Sone Co...W.Haskill,and William Monaghan,|us only through slow centuties of edu-R.A.COOPER,”“"{9arrestedinCharlottethisweekcharg-|cation.But Germany presents this|®3.McLaughlin,Atty..Administrator:FRESH STO K Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite. eases So o SO 0O 4 3 Hyacinths, * White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue. Paper White Narcissus. MAMMOTH BULBS. :ee pene pea aly singular phenomenon::She @eads the Cok oe : b secreted abou eir clothes.|world in everything else,but in the NOTICE.TO CREDITORS.a :t :E.T.Honeycutt,a merchant of Stanly|matter’of war she has deliberately Having qualified as executor of the will of.——ARRIVING — county,was relieved of $500 in Char-|gorie backward to the spirit of 2,000|Lynwood Bost,deceased,wate of Iredell coun-lotte on circus day.The men arrested|vears ago.The most modern of na-|ty,North Carolina,this is to notify all per-Nv are held for a hearing.j ‘*sons having -claims against the estate pf the,‘,Siti John F &‘a in every ona respect,she is the said deceased to present them to the landers Currants,.ohn F.°Donoghue.alias James|Most ancient of nations in this.-On|signed on or before Octoner 16,1916,or this .Citron,Wells,alias,James Hackett,alias|the flag of her twentiéth century civ-|notice/will be pleaded in bar pf thelr recove |}isi ee AE St t ill D C y“Brooklyn Slim,”to say nothing of lization and in the name of Christian-|¢'-ae Lo tt man tke peonee ;Raisins,:re a esvl a e rug omp ’ other.“pen names”too numerous to/ity,she has inscribed the frightful|-cttiement.DEWEY L.RAYMER,-|{"Prunes,-Quality Prescriptionists ‘.e .. Co a s e se s e s e e s e s e e o e e e e s e s r e e e s e s e s e s e s e s mention,and a criminal record as|doctrine of a world that is dead and of Extr.of the will of Lynwood Bost.tonne long as ‘a-man’s arm,was arrested in|¢™pires that have perished from the|Oct.15,1916.MinceMeat,.Charlotte Wednesday,says the Ob-|¢arth.”“"While others have come to see »Buckwheat Flour,server.He is charged with breaking that civilization is 1a0re’than meat,;,into the North Charlotte postoffice.that humanity is more than raiment,St !Look!Li te !Fs Maple SjTup. :The suit brought by 40 odd flour fe inicten tk to sae east ee or Op.°1S Nn!:“;f *millsinandout ofthe §inst |.EA chpanie seaFe cahaethyetter pilTheStateDeptettoeaentandformis:more than the inner ie,[eee ee.She has built fect.:WE buy in-carlots...“aeeeLaeSpaeen~Ba en-|but-she cae oumliea:eat eine WE sell in any quantity..-i and texolating the sate of artificially (ring spirit of real progress.One WE sell the celebrated Gold Eagle &Milholland.bleached’flour in this State,which |*hing this wonderful German govern-Medal Flour.j s :ss ‘ OLLEGE JEWELRY! -Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., *with the seal of Statesville College on. jor Court.thi :*{sell all-that it possesses—the soul of and Mulés ,:as e 4Poned,SS Week»was “post-modern humanity.With that Ger-||WEsell SweetDaisy Feed for VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE./}}Make a nice piece of Jewelry for former was to have been heard in Wake Sy.{ment lacks:for which it might well WEsell Sweet Feed for Horses W.J.Prince of Indiana,a “nice ap-|many would be beyond comparison;Cows.pearing young man”who travels thelr :a is poom atl sooner.or]WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats and wan ie nsbh atspeaste ee '*students as well as those now attending, Southern States for a proprietary |itch ,0 ma ot er mnletey powers |Cotton Seed Products.offers at private sale @ valuable tract of -We have this line now in.medicine,was this week sentenced to lentiess rule of I tp.live‘by the re-\)’WE SELL FOR LESS.jise iping op the Catprie,river in Cotawbart}, e chain gang for 60 days f the|~.§.‘,4 0 Rodky Aiuakt secorder’s Ca ne ceniiimibiaspidteiehsiiapiitetnliits WE pay CASH for country:[}tess and known as the Alexander Clark place.|4 '4 icf many worthless checks given in pay-What Sheald.<secord THeni.|WE daleee inthetity.pr Be ee cieuebein:luton Tha date R,H.;R I C KE R.T i &S O N ‘! county,.,containing 151 acres more or ment of hotel bills is the trouble,|New Berne Sun,also offers a house and lot in Troutmam and Prince says his trouble is due to dissi.|Some folks are always yelling |IREDELL FEED CO.,Jin eene et ony to eaten ve!;"For terms apply_to pation and accepts his punishment as|about what someone s about them.|r i ‘Cc.iW,BROWN,Execut —wan rns a »justly due.=|A lot of aus Sniehe tecieet dower ee|’C.D.MOORE,Prop.if}.B,McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N.C.Mr.L.L.Smith,a prominent law-|theit knees,three times a day ~and|PhoneNo.88.‘114 Ei.BroadSt.“July 18.1916.eae ;G O O Dp TT I M E ! yer and citizen of Gates county,died|thank their lucky stars that —every-|‘-:aN es x.5 rer suddenly at his home in Gatesville|thing that eould be mentioned:about|oe ;HC gestsish(.)ER iaicenmian The clocks in the homemustbe right or the housekeepercaa’tbe ex-Saturday night.He was preparing to|them hasn’t even been hinted at.‘|FRESH ME ATS VT !pected {o plan and have meals on time:Then there is-no economy inretireandwhenhefellonhisknees|}K oe <ete h 4 wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend’of 0,.his wife thought he was kneeling in|yevér gyre pepsin eed ne narat *|]All kinds of fresh meats delivered Horse S oeing what you.wantto do is to get your watch or clock ‘repaired by BOB|prayer,as was his custom.He waw taining pepsin or olhet diventice tomeate ty||anywherein town.Will also buy’‘4 ti HENRY while he is devoting hts entire time to repairing watches and bad ik Len ements Mr Bre on asthe more you take the more){nice pork hogs...ane goto,,clocksand_fittingspectacles and eye-glasses.: ;e ae SVUDLY.Ii.Cite oie like Ghaiuberiain’s Tablétather ell nee ti HUNTER F.MO ",:;dens ia i ge Mera eeltrandwaeprominentinthlsasSamiraoils|ogt agate ‘Phone 4s,{|Troutman &Suther.Ji]RF HENRY,-Jeweler.sha Pa i"nean owl MEY,einai ‘—_——corse —:=-Ne :_a)—_e Ja tBa f Ne tteaernth pms ~SHESDAUGHTER “Adviceof Mother no Doubt Pre:|entsDanghte’s Untimely Ea, "— Ky.—*'I wag notable oseeornearlysixmonths,’’be|Laura Bratcher,of thisplace,©wasdown in bed-for three months,4 f cannot tellPo how I suffered withmyhead,and with nervousness andwomanly‘troubles.4 Our family doctor toldmy husband henotdomea,and he had|ied another doctor,| 4 ‘ ey PA it up.did not help me.At last,my mother advised meto ™wi,the woman’s tonic.1 thoughtitwasnouseforIwasnearlydead,and|nothing seemed to do me any But|»Ltook eleven bottles,and nowf am able|to do all of my work and my ownwashing. I think Cardui is thenet medicine in|the world,My’weight has increased,and I look thepichare of healih.’” If you suffer from any of the ailmentswomen,get a bottle ofDelayisdangerous.We knowcaeionithashelpedsosotherweakwomenitwillhelmanyinthepastAishdeca. Write to:Stlettencege Medicine Go.,Ladies’Advisory Dept,Chattanooga,Tenn.,for Specialpmoructionsonyourcaseand64-page book,'5138farWomen,”1p plain wrapper.B.C. The New Line of Copy- righted Books creme!Pewienie 3 R.P.ALLISON'S .Book STORE. DRAIN YOUR.FARM, Any quantity 4-inch and , 6-inch’DRAIN TILE.on hand. Common Bricks,Face Bricks,always ready fordelivery. Statesville Brick Co.| MILLER &BROWN Have reopened their market on Front street and will handle‘al kinds:of fresh meats.-Hope~alloldcustomerswillremember.us.¢Fy "PHONE 497./ >C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” FULL STOCK.-LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould- ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. Slaxative,” —jat public auction, Ootaber.29,1915. LOCALRAILROAD SCHEDULE, Asrival:and Departure ofof Trains of States. ‘were BAAD.15,botnd,due 7.24lo,11,west-bound,~10.08 21 west-bound,due 8:25TrainNo.weat-bound,Train 7 east-bound,due 10.36TrainNo,,east-bound,due 1.16TrainNo.12,east-bound;due .6:55PetiteaatseaeRSVILLE.Charlotte,Train No.16 a.9.60,leaves 10.35 »,|Train No.24 ar,8:14,leaves 8.14 p,lorsville.|‘rrain No.28 ||PRIDAY,os Train”TrainTrain Fe 3 Fr o Pr r e e r -B E S S R E E S From ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 @&;Train No.16°ar.6:40,leaves 7:05 p. Nos.23 and 24 @re not operated on Sunday.SE E EB [Dr.Hill toWritetheH‘History. Raleigh Dispatch toGreensboro)News. Dr.D.H.Hill,president of/the A. land M:College,will write the}history jof North Carolina during the years of|war between 1861 and 1865,gecording|;to.rumor which is as .«cependable ascategorical‘déclaration. For very good reasons little has!been said about it because,the workwouldrequiréaleaveofabsencefrom cessor temporarily would be neces-'! sary.Dr.Hill has not yet said any-. thing to justify the story but it is out!sand is being talked.Effort is being made.to raise a fund of $25,000 to!‘cover the expense of the work. A CHILD'S TONGUE<SHOWS ‘|IB LIVER OR BOWELSAREACTIVE! If Cross,Feverish;Sick,Bilious,| Give Fruit Laxative at Once, ry mother realizes,ofter giv-ing her children “California Syrup.o Figs,”that this is their ideal laxa- tive,because they love its pleasant’faste-and_it thoroughly —cleanses—the} tender little stomach,liver and bow-pls without griping. When cross,irritable:feverish.or breath is bad,stomach sour,look at} lthe tongue,Mother!If coated,give a teaspoonful of this harmless “fruit and-in-a-few-heurs-all-the!foul,constipated waste,sour bile and! undigested food passes out of the! bowels,and you have a well,playful;child‘again.When its little system is | full of cold,throat sore,has stomach-! ache,diarrhoea,indigestion,colic—¢ remember,a good “inside cléansing”ishould always be .the’first treatmént|given.|Millions of mothers keep “Califor-} jnia Syrup of Figs”handy;they Know! ja teaspoonful today saves a sick ¢hild| |tomorrow.Ask your druggist for a'|50-cent bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,”.which.has directions for :-ba-|jbies,children of,all.agés and -grown-,lups printed on the bottle,Beware of! jcounterfeits sold here,so don’t.be oe ‘fooled.Get the genuine,made by; “California Fig Syrup Company.” COMMISSIONER'S "SALE “OF;LAND. Court of Iredell county,rendered nethe special proceeding wherein Electa F.er,adrashiatratrix of A.Ulf,and J.Pojbler another’dehemeants,the oa ersigned commissioner will geiltothehighestbidder,at |jthe eourt house door in Statesville,N..C., on MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915, at the hour of noon,the following described|real estate in the city of §tatesville:‘Theone-half undivided interest of the A.D.Cooper estate,held in common with Mré.J.C.Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:Beginning at a stake,T.©.“Anderson'sicorner;thence N,66 degreces EB.225 feet toa12-foot alley;thence 24 :degrees W. DIFFERENT FROM THE REST.| ——For Sale by—w"lerMelarn ply Co, FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING -~’PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. we e ae Butter Wrappers!. We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper,i and can Ft your name °and brand on same.Let us*have your order for any quantity you want.See us.Prices reasonable. Brady Printing’Co. Coite L.Sherrill;M.D., Will answer.’phone calls left).at-Dr..Long’s.Sanatorium or*Geo.M.Foard’s residence, DR.C.1.CRUSE «Veterinarian. Olttice rear Polk Gray Drug Co.| Office Phone 109; Residence Phone 198 Green, 246 feet to Cy P.Moore's corner ;thence S.66 dexrees W.117 feet to C.P.Moore'scor-|—tner-in A.€.Tomlin’s tine;thence-8.24 de-xrees E.to Tomlin’s line;thence S.66 de-/grees W.108 feet to the Glover line;thence24degreesE.212 feet to”the beginning,ex-cepting a lot of 100 feet front and 212 feet!deep conveyed to A.DL.Cooper from.the}western end of said lot,This lot is sold subject to the right of) )dower of Mrs,Julia Cooper.Terms of sale— |One-third eash,one-third in three months ‘and|one-third ‘in six months.-R.B.McLAUGHLIN, ne EATING APPLES —-—AT— M.P.Alexander &Bro.| ’PHONE 241. FERTILIZER Need not cost as much as‘you.may Wave heard itwould.ee me for GOOD AMMONIATED ‘WHEAT FERTILIZER at a much lower price than-you would *think. Bone Mealin any quanti- ty for vegetables and flow- ers.T.N.BROWN: First-ClassNURSERYSTOCK! Home-grown—includ-ing all varieties of-fruits,grapes (JamesandSeuppernong),ev-ergreens and s rub: bery and extra.niceroses. -For information,call W.H.Crawford &Co, —’PHONE 916x.— Sat des aS ae *PEEP Be shel his duties at the college and;a suc:| BY VIRTUE of a “ddetee"of the Superior| Cooper,‘is main } -he was’drinking. A Marriage inin Bethany-—Popu-|lar Young People._ Reported for The Landmark.The marriage of.Miss Sarah WattsandMr,Clay King,which took placeatthehomeofthebride’s father,Mr.R.L.Watts,in Bethany township,| Tuesday,the.Afith,was witnessed by a large number 1 guests.‘The Wattshomehadbeullydecoratedfortheocgasiehe.prevailing colors-in-gz room were:th¢golden tints of autumn,while the’f pee in ‘soft-ened«tones’id green.Promptly ‘et:ryWasek,NG the striinsofMendelssohn's wedding march,iPlayed by Miss,Mabel Sides of'Lo-lray,the bridal pair entered the:par-‘lor and took:their place under a floralarch,from which was suspended theweddingbell,whereupon Rev..E.D.Brown,the groom’s pastor,advanced‘and performed the beautiful ar4 im- ipressive imarriage ceremony “which made them husband -~*wil»,after jwhich Mr,and Mrs.King)wore..the jrecipients of numerous congratula-tions.Very soon thereafter they.en-itered an automobile and were whirledawaytocatchthewestboundtrainforAshevilleandother.pointsin the‘mountains,where they will spend itheir honeymoon.The bride was becomingly attired in .a going-away suit .of dark ‘blue.and carried a shower “bouquet .ofapiechrysanthemums..Thete Was disvlayed quite a number of pretty lead useful presents. The bride is a young lady of per- ‘isonal charms,possessing social ‘quali-|ties and domestic virtues that’fit herjtobethecompanionandhelpmeetoftheverypromisingvoungfarmerlandworthyandgenial-heartéd younvimanofherchoice.Their many friends ioin in wishing for them many years ifreighted with much happiness.and ‘with manv of,the good things.oftlife.Upon their return there will.be.a ire-leeption in their honor at the bom @ of ithe groom’s father,Mr.C,ing.iwhere..for a time,they an ‘be “at ‘home.” (Geeintcbemmesmmnassiataninnnmnipatiiy |Yeggmen Worry Postal Folks. i Postoffice robberies.haye—heen..so{numerous of late that an order has iheen issned to all postmasters execpt‘of -the first class to keep on hand ajsmallernumberofstampsandother papers.of ‘commercial ‘value and.to° guard them more carefully. Reports.to the Postoffice Depart- ment.show that 1,400 claims,aggre- |gating a loss of $190,000,resulted \from robbery of postoffices last year.|They were received from nearly ev-' ery section of the country. |Inspectors were unable in ©-most cases to find any trace of the stdlen goods.Their’investigations.how- lever,have led department officials to believe that stamp.brokers in a°nnm- ber of the larger cities make it theirihusinesstodisposeofstolengaps. |The department is pursuing itsinves } _..|tigations along these lines and:algp is; endeavoring.to develop some ?m@ans| for identifying.stamps and other=pa-|i pers,x : be Episcopalians.Divide,on.Misgjon Conference. In New’York city Tuesday five.lmembers of the board of missiong of the Episcopal Church tendered their | lresignations when the quarterly meet-ling.of the board refused,by.vote ‘of verses a policy of the immigration.ser- 126 to 13.to regcind the resolution, "adopted last May .to participate —in ithe Panama interdenominational mis- 'sionary conference in February.4 |The Roman Catholic “Chureft. jthrough its missions,several months ‘ago declined the invitation to partici;{OF |pate_in the Panama _canference be-!jeause it believed the plans ofthe: ‘conference were hostile to the Roman 'Catholic Church. The controversy in.the board mpints jing was heated.The five who re- ‘signed are all preachers,three being|hishops—Bishop Weller of Wisconsiny |Bishop Williams.of Michigan |Bishop Harding of Washington. EERATNRTTOETESOP|~Shee|Auto Found But Man Missing” |—Mystery at New Berne. A dispatch frdm New Berne says, Ithat early Monday morning a 5-pas« isenger touring car:owned by T- ‘Cannon .of Ayden,Pitt county,was ‘found-hanging over one.jside of the ibridge of Trent river at’New Berne,|and in -the bottom of the car was a hat.which was later identified as.that!lof Mr.,Cannon,who is a prominent |‘citizen of Ayden.-.;>bater—in-the daya ‘party of men ‘from Ayden went to New Berne to aid jin the Search for the’missing man.They stated that he left there SundayinightenroutetoNew.Berne,with|more than $100 on his person,and that |The river was dragged and searchmadeinthevicinitybutnotraceof;Cannon’s body was found. beer cnreesenenrestr eee nencmned Witcheraft and Mohammedan-at Lake Como,Italy,was MondayieisminAfrica.sentenced to six years and eightItisprobablethatasmanypeople!months imprisonment.After he killedjarekilledinAfricaeveryyearasahiswife,who was also an American,‘result of witchcraft as were killed in ‘all the armies of Europe during the|when he was arrested resisted extra-first -vear of thé present war,”was dition. one of the statements made by Di Ji jof the Methodist Episcopal Church, ‘in an address at the National Lay- men’s Missionary Convention in De-troit.He also said the spread ofMohammedanismisrapidintheDark Continent and that eyery third per aminAfrica_is-a Mohammedan.' Sudden Death in Alexander. Ston ville Scout. morning about.8 o’clock..The dece ag-ed was the widow of Sharpe Sherriff, who died in the Civil war. and/The same dz was sent back to Italy after Ameri-|E.Crowther of.the board of missions|can alienists had deckaoad him sane.| eight injured by a fire in a 4-story building,the two upper floors of which were occupied by the Box Company,at Pittsburg,Pa.Of the:dead-all-were young women-em- ployed by the company except.one.Many:of the bodies were so badly burned as to make,identification dif-Point Correspondencepder.|+ficult. Union Paper Box Company and a rep-Mrs.Sarah Sherrill fell dead at hey resentative of thehomeinMiller’s township last Sunday building,have been arrested. She iis sur=abundant and never grows less.°In tems of InterestAboutVarious|[9 Matters.~, The Gazette De Frafice,a newspa-|per nearly 300 years old and the olj-/cst in:France,has suspended. By order of Mayor Mitchell of NewYorkthechorusgirlsnowclothetheir'|nether limbs in tights..The mayor}objected to the bare knee exhibition,| Irishmen are leaving the “quld eoun-|try”to avoid the expected’conscrip-|tion,for the Englisharmy.One ves-sel /arriving in New.York this week!brought 250 young.Irishmen,| The Judson cotton mill,at Green-ville,S.C.,will be closed November 5,| the result of the organization ‘of a)union among the employes,which ledtoaconflictwiththemanagnmantofthemill.! The American Bible Society of New|York has issued an appeal for special|contributions of at least $150,000.to!carry on its.work.‘The society has| found it:necessary to curtail expendi-|tures for lack of funds, It is reported that Gen.Carranza! will encourage the American,game) of baseball in Mexico as a substitute |for bull fights for the national sport.| If baseball-doesn’t give enough-ex-!cltannans the Greasers might add foot=| ba Shipping agents at Panama.an- nounce that their clients in the UnitedStatesarepreparingtomakeclaims for many thousands of dollars against the Panama canal for losses due to de- lays and other causes‘following therecent‘slides which blocked the canal. A national board to examine physi-| cians,replacing the present system of cxamination by State boards,was fa- vored by the Sixth Annual —Clinical Congress.of Surgeons of Moeth America at its opening.session inBoston.A resolution to this:effect was adopted, A coroner’s jury in New York failed to hold:anyone criminally responsi-«ble for the subway accident in which } cient persons Jost their lives .Septem-|: ber 22.The aedident regulted from a cave-in following.what the jury:held to be an excessive blast of explosive in an.exeavation. The.United States Supreme Court |: will be asked to pass on the constitu-tionality of Idaho’s.drastic prohibitionlaw,which makes possessiongof liquor 2 felony.on:second ¢onviction,Per mission to appeal has been granted Miss WATTS AND MR.KING FROM OVER THE COUNTRY,(am g TO WO R O M U R O M O D US O RO O M Fey PHONE 100.4. |Certainly any old stove will ASsome i what you aatis a1stovewhichwillproducealotofheatandconsumeaTheMonitorRadiatorwilldoit,turer or dealer make claims that he cannot prove,tell him to show:|you.If you are interestedina better heating system talk ‘thematteroverwithus.|Crawford-Bunch Furniturea a Store That Always:Welcomes You.se ‘amountDon’t let a.manufac-gf by the State Supreme court.which re-|3 cently upheld the law.~|= The United States government has been officially advised of the in- tention of China to send Dr.V.K. Welling Koo,a Columbia University graduate and Yuan Shi Kai,as minister to Wash-ington in the place or xai Fu Shah, who is being recalled. The Mallory line freighter Colorado, which caught fire Sunday night en route from Charleston to New York _with cotton.was towed to Charleston ,Tuesday.She is badly damaged,but it is believed much of the cargo can be salvaged.The cause of the blaze jhas not yet been determined.- A decision of the §Supreme Court of the United States has.shorn immigra- tion officials of the power of excluding aliens because in their opinion com- ‘mercial depression at the place of des- tination might cause the aliens to be- icome public charges.The decision re- vice, Two unmasked men entered the First Natiorial bank at Marblefalls,|2 as,shot and fatally wounded Rob- ért H.Heinetz,bookkeeper,forced Walter Page,.assistant rency said to total $10,000 Heinetz|: idied and the menmade good,their es-jcape. Seven members of one family were instantly killed and an_eighth.was fatally injured Sunday,when.a.pas- senger.train struck an automobile at Fraser,Mich.,16 miles from Detroit. y,near Wickford,R.I, three persons were killed and three seriously hurt when an Skidded at a railroad crossing and struck ,a tree: Railroads.at Pittsburg this weekangedtomovesome4,000 ItalianIMiervistsfrom-West “Virginia and‘jwestern Pennsylvania,who have beenordered.to join their régiments..Smail bodies of 100.‘or less have been.for- warded to New Yorx reguzarly re- cently,but the 4,000°wére.moved on jtour special:trains to New York toboardsteamersawaitingthem. Samuel Gompers,president of theAmericanFederationofLabor,talked with President Wilson Tuesday in ad- vocacy of legislation to be proposed in Congress next winter.by friends of the labor movement.Mr.Gom- pers urged the importance of indus- trial education,vocational training and general legislation for conserva- tion of human energy and life. Porter Charlton,the American cit- izen who in June,1910,killed his wife Charlton escaped to America and He lost-in the legal battle and Fourteen persons were killed and Union Paper Three of\the officials of ‘the owners of the suckersThecrop.of is always cashier,0}3 open the safe and escaped with cur-|z protege of President|@ Yours Truly,he 6 Ideal Fire Grates ‘for the.Sitting Room.Air-tight Wood Heaters for the Bedroom.Ideal Barler Oil Heat- ers for the Bathroom.Our Stock of these Goodsis full and compiete and: if notalready supplied it will be to your advantage to see our Stock,tape before the grass grows again you will “need these WinterComforts. -automobile|]-. TheStatesville Flour.Mills . Co.never uses an od iraden of wheat—a good.reason ° why the flour-milled“by:i gives such general satisfac-a tion.Others know this.Why not try it and find out for. yourself, Statesville fipor we Company ini peso New York Mrs.Zora Emma _Howe,vived.by.one:daughter,Mrs.G.D.a gray-haired,aristocratic-looking dares:Funeral eee were held at oman,told Frank Mahoney,a tele. ew Sterling chure onday.phone operator,Hip she was the={\widew of Henry M.Flagler and would When 1 ten,Hay Hina the Croup.sound S000 receive $15,000,000;that -if "Ma-sleep to find her child who has’gone to bed|honey would supply’her temporarilyeePeat,thee moterals ninapes Vr |W funds she would give him.$1,she can keep her presence of mind and give={090,000 meets ute i into her es-Chamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten ue tate an ake him her secretary atutesuntilvomitingisproduced,quick reli f $20,,0D0 a year.Mahoney “fell for it”? to awaken in the morning aa well ag dve :This ‘remedy has been in use for many ye:‘had “and all he could borrow—about will follow and the child “will drop to se gave the woman all the cash he ith uniform*~$800.Siew thee,—Maloney didn’t get his money back, LT Pe SRE |BAR ah i : SO Aa A ae nedsAoPPAM PERN me baccess.Obtainable } renin oD.! hg She is in jail for fraud but ASsK US.~ DODGE ‘BROTH = MOTOR CARS! “QUALITY FIRST.” A car ‘asthe of carrying five people incontinuouscomfort.'The body is built of steel with the usualuselessframeworkentirelyeliminated. A light car with all the.advantage.thatlightnessaddstothepowerfulmotor—butastout,staunch,sung:car and a steady”one as well, Statesville Motor Com’ wat a meno October 29,1915.) igeeaes:THE POINT AT ISSUE. Thomas Fortune Ryan of Virginia made his millions and didn’t forget his home place.He went back and build- ed a‘splendid estate ih the Old:Do- mihion—spread his money like leaves of the forest,and now the Virginia guthorities have found out that he ‘id enough taxes—and they oe i ee atte him.Too bad,isn’t it?Tot a man invest his millions try- ,to help build up;let him lavish his money and there is always some fellow with hardly a change of shirts te commence to talk about him}— Rverything.- «The only question to.be decided’in this case is whether Mr.Ryan has paid’the taxes on his property due the State of Virginia and ‘the county in which his holdings are located.The Virginia authorities find /that he has not and it is up to hrm to show that the authorities are wrong.The mon- ey-he has spent in Virginia has noth- ER.liotte Observer and The,Landmark =|in connection.with theexecution”of .Germans.Some of the New York "REMEMBER MRS.SURRATT.So far as we have seen,the Char- are the only papersthat have men- tioned the execution of Mrs.’Surratt, Gavel;the British nurse,by the newspapers-have pointed ‘out that while general orders issued by the government during the Civil War provided that there should be no con- sideration of sex in @yforcing the or- ders,it is Claimed that they were not executed and that no record can be found showing ‘that..a woman was shot for spying during the war of the 60s.Probably not,but Mrs.Sur- ratt was executed for alleged ecom- plicity in the murder of President. Lincoln..It was not charged that Mrs.Surratt actually participated in the murder and it was not shown be-yond a reasonable doubt that she had aided in:the conspiracy.which!result- ed in the murder.In fact the mili- tary gommission recommended that on account of her sex thé death sen- tence be commuted to life imprison- ment,which was not done.; As much as The Landmark®de- plores the execution of Miss Cavell it cannot,while remembering©‘the manasa See >,Carolina, Aviator to “Fly.Across -ee ..Seekin,Kendrick,the srpriaiien aviator ofAtlantic.City,-will attempta flight ‘from Albany,N.Y.,to Cape Hatteras,N.C.,a distance of approximately760miles,some time this week.~: Mr.Kendrick will use the 100:horsepower Curtiss flying boat withwhichhehasbeencarryingpassen-all summeér at Atlantic City.Thefight,which is the longest thus farundertakenintCurtissmarineflyingtrophy,will:bedowntheHudsonriverandalong‘thecoastsofNew.Jersey,Delaware,Maryland,Virginia’and.North Caro-lina:to Cape Hatteras.:It will be necessary to take on fuel“itwite during the trip,Mr.Kendricksays,first at Bay Head,N.J.,and.la-ter in the afternoon at Ocean City,Md.,and it is unders'that the dis-tarice will be.covered within10 hours, :nessa amnneeememmnerenommncmcmemnica sae]4 for any case of Catarrh that can-vhv Hall's,Catarrh Cure,.°.CHENBY &CO.,Toledo,Ced,have known’foebelieveperfectlyhcnorablein ailbusiness..transactions pag financially,able to carry out any obligations madebyhisfirm.Walding,Kinna Marvin,*..Wholesale Druggists,lado,O.:Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal-ly,acting directly upon the bayoa andmucougsur!a of the term,Testimanialssentfree.Price.Ge.per bottle:’Sqld by all Drngeista,Take “Yall’«Familv Pit«for e-~stination, ..Chene)im ;“|The Synod teriai the Curtiss prize,Beryl A.!ehurch of North,Carolina,which met ‘at Gastonia Tuesday,elected Rev.|: he competition.for the | =~‘eorporationstopoint to what they |repetitionof_the Surratt case ‘would ing to do with it.He should pay tax-jcase of Mrs.Surratt,work itself in- es onhis holdings there,just as the|to a frenzy against the Germans.We -¢ommon ‘citizen has tu pay taxes onlof the South’were not responsible of| *what he ayns.If he has not donelcourse for Mrs.Surratt’s.death,but that he is'a ‘tax-dodger and ought to/as American citizens today we»all ‘beashamed of himself.It is a favor-share alike in the responsibility,:The ite trick of,wealthy individuals andlonly excuse we can.offer “is ‘that a have dong,the money they have spent |he improbable now,and that Germa- -for development and the amount’of/ny-is still living in the dark ages so taxes they pay,as if that was an ex-|far as military.law.is concerned. cuse for evading taxes.The tax books“ofGuilford county will show—as Col. Fairbrother ¢an find by examining »therh—justas the books show in Ire- dell.and about every other county in the State;that the man of wealth does not pay as much tax in proportion to his.holdings as the ‘small property- owner..The public service corpora- eens The Greensboro News,which ‘has been very hostjle to the administra- tion’s foreign policy,‘seems to have come to the conclitsion that.Mr.Wil- son’s policy is in favor with the great majority of the people of this country and that it.and others who’oppose it viewpoint.of the News,unless there is are in a helpless minority.From the|Blanche Thompson with The Smart Set.at Opera House MondaytionsinthisStateasarulearetaxed up to the limit,but wealthy individ- 'uals and private corporations are’the .tax-dodgers as a rule.G This is not an attack on wealth.It isa simple demand that wealth should|. it has,|.. “Mrs.Belva Lockwood,who was a pay in proportion to what which it’does not do,as a rule,under present conditions.This case is dis- missed and the plaintiff,Fairbrother, /ig taxed with the costs. ~,Col.Fairbrother is still complain- ing about the decisions which The _Bandmark handed down by his con- sent.He is’dissatisfied because this paper would have Sidna Allen and Bud Lippard put on probation,or under__the “watch care”of the church when sé ~Yhey professed religion.The colonel would not question “the sincerity of ‘any man who has beena sinner,and a vile one,who.professes to have seen God.”He says he is always willing to trust his pocketbook with the fel- -Idgw who tries’to make good.The Landmark ‘believes in ‘extending tlie"helping hand to the fallen to the full: est extent,but at the same time it is not always willing to accept at face _4value_all_the.professions.made -until ithere is some evidence of their genu- ineness.;Not every fellow who cries Lord!Lord!is going to enter into the kingdom,and”if he is in earnest he will be willing to give proof of his “earnestness before -he demands full ‘Neredit for his professions.’ TOES T.)! _eaeanaaimaeaeateamaaaamanamneensteee ¥-'The Gr¢gensboro News,which claims‘to,be an authority on Indian Sum- mer,-announced in its issue of Mon- day::: *.We take’pleasure in announcing,la-«dies and:gentlemen;that:we have with-us today;Indian Summer.'The News,may be:right,but:the temperature this week has beenatri- fle too high to fit The Landmark's idea of Indian:Summer.When there is frost at night,the temperature low engqugh to make fires necessary:for »¢omfort™'in the evenings and early mornings,pleasant sunshine’during theday but the air bracing,enough “tang"in it to make one quicken his steps’and feel like indulging in a ‘walking match or running a“foot-race +that’s/The Landmark’s idea of In- dian Summer and that’s what we didn’t \have this week.It was hot enough in the sun at midday to make one think of a Palm Beach suit. LTTRCEER EO ATIRECT ;The yeggmen,the traveling gentry who go about the country and_rob ~postoffices in small towns,appear to be too ‘much for Uncle Sam.Within the past year these robbers got away‘with about $190,000 worth of stuff: according to the:Postoffice Depart- ment,and in but few cases were the postoiiice officials able to find a trace. Accordingly it is recommended that postmasters,except in the larger of- fices,keep smaller quantities ofstampsonhandandguardthemmore carefully.‘ The 18-monhths-old child of LeviCarlisleandwife,who livenear La-Grange,Lenoir county,Loa caught in us ropes of a swing and was strang-Jed to death.}~“Frank Rogers,a 17-year-old boy of Randleman,Randolph county,was run ns fell through the trap door at. Pas,Ya a at Danville;Va,,andMoStietike*aig |In Lenoir county Miss Ruth Has.a a change in conditions which will evening,November Ist. bring about a change in sentiment,|SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. the Republicans can have little hope)py virtse of the powers contained.in of defeating ‘Mr.Wilson’s re-election.|the last will and testament of the late Capt. Se ee tie auction,to the no ct ig theTTRSccurthousedoorinStatesville,°Cc.)on MA E OF NEWS.MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915,12.o’cleck,m.,the following deseribedhouseandlotlyinginthewesternsuburbs of Statesville,towit:-Beginning at an iron stake,W.L.Smith’scorner,in.Pickens’line;thence N.3 de grees E.7 poles to an iron stake in Haynes’ ‘re;thence S.87 degrees E.with Haynes’shne18polestoanironstake,Haynes’cor-ner in L.C’Wagner's line;thence S.3 de-gices W.7 poles to a stone,corner of Churchtut;thene,N.87 degrees W.18 poles to thebeginning,containing one acre,more or less) Terms—One-third)cash,one-third in»s8i¢mnths fand one-third in’twelve months.‘-J;H.HOFFMANN,Admr.withthe will annexed. R..B.McLaughlin,Atty. at candidate for the presidency in 1884,celebrated:her 85th:birthday at her home in’Washington a few days ago. She still manifests a lively interest inpublicaffairs. E.R.McDonald and R.J.Brown, charged with assault-and battery withintenttokillastheresultofashoot-ing affray in'a Democratic committee meeting in Charleston,have been re- leasea-on $1,200 bond each. }Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. ~~Presbyterian Synod.wo of the Presbyterian ‘Walter L.Lingle,D,D.,moderator: »At Wadsiesears session,other business memorials of di jministers were read,; negro preacher,RevsMilton.The Synod ptionsofmoret salary of a paket The foreign nl4,059.additions‘eign fields during is‘YO for each minister at home.The re- ‘eeipts for last year were $544,162,but as there is a deficit of over $60,000 for the past two years,$570,000 must.be \yaised this year.North Carolina’s the.past ear,which 0 has’been raised, ;:re “RVERYTHING TO BUILD Yura” it where you can buy it cheap- mY As a nee dealer in building ‘materials in Bh oe % I ask of you,Mr.Builder,,Oth-rey ee tows.ers say my prices ‘are Come to see for yourself,.© C.WATKINS,N.Center St. ‘PIANOS ata Baresi I have four repossessed pianos to’sellatbalancedueonthemas’follows: One.sold at'$250,price now $175 One sold at $800,price now:$200 One,sol p Ong.sold’at,$350,price now $250. All are $tandard pianos in good eon:dition and the buyer gets the benefit were repossessed, -WANTED! per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound.vet FOR SALE: New and second hand boiler-room suppliesC.H.TURNER. I...A.Pries,the undersigned will sellat pub-|{{ Clean Milk! If you want clean milk order from.THE PAINE VIEW DAI- RY—the dairy with the Dacro System. ) Oct.8,1915,A dispatch from Panama says yel- ow~fever apparently is epidemic in Buena Venture,Colombia,’according to reports reaching the canal zone.Itissaidthattherehavebeen’ninedeathstherewithinaweek. Maj.Abram D.Reynolds,a wealthyBristol(Tenn.)business man =and brother’of R.J.Reynolds of Wjnston,N.C.,made a proposition at the re-cent meeting’of the Holston (Tenn)Methodist Conference for the Churchtoissuebondstotakecareofitsfor- eign mission work. The United States Stéel Corpora-tion’s earnings for the quarter ending September 30 last,amounted to $38,- 710,644,an increase of ©$10,760,589 over the:preceding quarter.'It wasthemostfavorableexhibitsincethesecondquarterof1913,when earningsaggregated$41,219,813, Gov.Ferguson of Texas has:offeredarewardof$1,000 for the “arrest.anddetentionofAnicetoPizanoandLuisdeLaRosa‘or for their délivery,deadoralive,to-any’sheriff in the State ofTexas.”:..These men are reputed tobetheleadersofbandsofMexicanoutlawsoperating.in the lower Rio}.Grande valley.°.::"lee _Should Villa.‘troops..cross the bor-|§der and”attack“the Mexican ‘town ‘ofAguaPrietafromtheTexasside,as press reports from the scene have in- dicated they might..do,theywouldbetreatedasoutlaws,disarmedandintheevent.of resistance,shot down by United States troops.Wash- ington officials have made this clear. The uninhabited fastnesses of theKiamichihills,in thefar southeast-ern corner of Oklahoma,rendezvous of bandit gangs since frontier days, ate believed to be holding five of theeightmenohoearlyWednesdayheld up and robbed a passenger train ofthe’Missouri,Kansas.&Texas rail- road at Onapa,27 miles south ©of Holiday Pr ANE re”4 +a ; FILLING 6 “BIGGEST CIRCUS IN Statesville Tuesday,i November Sth. Tanne of 1001 Wonders lis Triumphs reaches beyond the seas’~'NOTHING ELSELIKE IT IN ALL EARTH’S HiSTORY?..Capital Invested,$3,000,000! —’PHONE 347 BLACK.—|'|| THE WORLD!|| Reh SOMERS event of a lifetime!Admission and grand stand opera chairs on| igale circus day at the Statesville Drug Co.at same prices as cherged on the show grounds, ARENAS! Muskogee,Okla.It is reported that the robbers got a big sum from theexpresscars. Protest at Last Sent to Great Britain. _America’s long-considered protest against ©British interference withcommerce‘between the United StatesandEurope-has been ©dispatchedLondonbyspecialmessengerandwill e@ presen by Ambassador \Page attheBritishforeign.office next week; The note;which is about 10,000 words long and covers exhaustively the argu-ment of the American government onallphasesofinterferencewithneu- tral trade,was approved:by the Presi-dent:last Saturday and started on.itswaytoLondonSunday.3Alexander’W.Kirk,third secretary,|,aMoftheAmericanembassyatBerlin; who had returned to Washington,carrying documents from Ambassador Gerard,was entrusted with the mis-sion on his return.journey to Berlin. “Moreacts,morefeatures,more ind steel 60 Aorialists,the Taylorsville Scout:We are pleased A GLITTERING,BEWILD-to note that both Mr.Barnes and Mr. Harrington succeeded in getting theirpayforbeefcattlesoldto-the twoCharlotteeharpergs.¢j 7 j Miss Bernice Wilson “of Mocksville).and -Mr,'Jamies McIver of Winston~Salem were married at the home of é THREE,MILES_REPRESENTINOF$1 IN LENGTH,AN EXPEN- slabs. fore;3 rings,‘enc!.)eseea elpadwenaein CARL i t \uMAs,Polar bears royal Bengal Tigersand TuntaimableSeats.‘ 100 ACTS,FEATURES and SENSATIONS-1003RAILROADTRAINS360RIDERS—The Greatest in the World 60 400 PERFORMERS .8 BANDS 8 50 CLOWNS,the World’s Funny Men.60TS60 HIGHEST CLASS CIRCUS ERING STREET PAGEANT,|.200 OPEN AT 1.AND7P.M. 000 AT 10 7,18'DA thrillsthan you ever sawbe-<‘PNy 22 TENTS 22 Flying Wards 7G;at IN THE WORLD!| DOORS TO:CARL HAGENBECK'S PERFORMANCES BEGIN AT 2TICKETING,Yoars,2 38 for each missionary as.against | art of this is $110,000,of which $28,- ner nepaircerratnsmetercenratterteree «1 at $325,price now,$225 |’ of what was paid on them before they J..S..LEONARD,Statesville,N.C.|} SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7c. .MadeBiggerPs |-Goodyears Enlarged 20 Per CentoiaenieNearlyhalfthecarsrunning)- use small-size tires—tsizes 30x34 and 30x3,So this year we are’ offering.some special extras tothemillionsmall-tire users. ‘Cost $317,000,P These three new extras on this: year's,small-tire output will costus$317,000...And this in the face of a big price reduction._ They are giving to Goodyearg a vastly greater capacity than any. other tires in these sizes. Remember *that *Goodyears have for years held top place in *Tiredom,By their supec-quality they have won niore users thananyothertirethat's built, We have added size,so the air capacity is increase per cent,That means much added mileage. _.We’have added 30 per cent totherubberinthe’side walls. That's where constant flexing breaks a thin-walled tire—just .above the bead.:\We have added endurance inanewly-found'way by changing the tire's design. vf Even the 30x3 size is a four-ply tire in Goodyears.Andour All-Weather tread on every size is made-double- thick. ’Now we add in this,big way to the capacity. And we combat the risk of side-wall breaks by 30 per cent more rubber. Don’t”take smaller. tires or lighter,or tires , with thinner treads. And don’t in any size accept a three-ply.tire. Until others give whatwegive,get the Good-—year tire. Goongf¥ear TIRESStillBetterThis Year .Gobtlyear)Service Stations Tires in Stock ;—«2.. STATESVILLE MOTOR COMPANY,:Statesville,N.C. |}-Libby’s -~-Red-.--Salmon,.25c., Pompeian Pure ~Olive Oi. $1.00 can 92c.: 50c.can 6c.| cans,an”extra fine Peach,12c. can 10c.Seok For the last several weeks the rate of incre asehasbeenconstantlyenlargingandmorepeo-ple‘are reaping the benefit of the many goodvaluesofferedhere.My cash plan will saveyoumoneywithoutsacrificingthequalityofmerchandise. 175 Pounds Kingan andMorris Hams Friday and Staturday 20 1-2c.lb. .CANNED GOODS. Libby’s.Asparagus,large 30- cent can,f 23c Libby’s Green Asparagus Tips,25c.can,for : Libby’s White ‘Asparagus Tips,$0c.~can,for......27 Libby’s Lunch Tongue,.25c. No.2 Blended Coffee, value, MISCELLANEOUS. L.&P.Warchester Sauce,30c.bottle, MclIlhenny’s 50c.bottle,{Manchester ° bottle;-Pepper Sauce,10c..bottle,.. Durkee’s Salad Dressing,30c.-bottle,.2Durkee’s ‘Salad Dressing,10c. bottle,Hecker’s 10¢;package.~Italian Peas,30c.can.,.. Atmore’s Mince -Meat, —package,——_______- _Kippered Herring,.....15c.can. Crisco (shortening),.. 24c.can..California Evaporated-Peach- MO a Bea cele eGR ES dias 09c.Ib. California Prunes,...,.. 12¢.Ib. Sour Pickles,........10c.dozen. Tabasco*.Sauce,i an,‘Norwegian Sardines in Olive ..; -Oil,15c.‘can.Red Heart '15c.can, Herron Pink Salmon:(Flats), «10c.can,cv :‘Full.Pink’Salmon,..L5e...can,sae COFFEE THAT IS GOOD COF-FEE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Extra_fine Mocah_and—Java—Cof-fee,.a 40c,grade for’..4..34c.Santos.Blend.Coffee,--extra quality and good fiavor,a 30c.Coffee,for No.1 Blended Coffee, 25c. value,© lle. se les10c. 26c., 18¢.° The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, ‘The House of Better Values.”ot’Phone No.229.:| ‘See Our New FallGoods! Coat suits for the Miss of 14 to the lady who wears a 44.All latest:—:colors—-Black,Blue in.all shades,African Brown,Green,ete.Price :.:- from $6,98 up,It will be worth your.while to see:them before you ‘'buy.Big\shipment Ladies’,and’Children’s Coats just received—all.:. sizes,colors and prices—from:$1)25 for the child up to a Ladies’}beautiful black plush worth $20.~:;epbaayt New lot Rain Coats,Black,Navy Blue and Tan,'from $1.25thebest.” Silks,“all colors.and kinds,from 8c.to $1.00 a yard.Auli to see | our Sweaters—fancy ones for baby,all shades for the ladies, to fice up|ee If it’s shoes you need here is the place to find them—Lion:BrandandRedGooseShoesforMenand’Boys,Elkin Brogans and ToughHide,.E.C.Scuffer and other reliable makes for children—from‘'50c.up—Ladies’Gun Metal,Vici and Patent Leather Cloth tops,Button or Lace,medium,low or high heel.This department holdsespecially.good values.; ‘Dress Goods,Outings,all kinds,and-many other artloleforwinter.Come’to see us,“.=a a yon Bee «LM&Company, ¢next Wednesday,November 8, :ST -October 29,1915, ep sata =sceniceaeatei nnn nnaPERTINENTLYPERSONAL. 4 'comerenreyenofFolksWho Come and;Go. Rev.E.D.Brown of Loray,Mr.W.C,Wooten of Bethany townsh¥andMyr:L.K.Overcash roe among those‘who.attended the.Presbyterian Synodintoniathisweek.rs.J.E.Deitz ae?a brief visittoAshevillethisweekMiss’Emma McIntosh of Washing- ton City,who visited her sister,Mrs.C.RB.Sloan,went to Taylorsville Tues-dpy.to visit relatives.She was ac-panied by Mrs,Sloan,who spentadayortwoifTaylorsville..aan ‘and Mrs.D,J.Kimball ‘spentposee,to ‘Yesterday with Mr.and aR 8.J.Kimball in Rock Hill, MissBessie Mann,who was at home|for @ few days,returned Tuesday af-'ternoon to Lenoir,where she is a stu-|dént at Davenport College.|:Mrs,Z.V.Long and baby have‘Te-|"turned from a visit torelatives in Vir-) Miss Cloyee Hunter of SigmonleftWednesdayforRicVa,where she will take a businesscourse.Mrs.,Wade Cavin and baby,Leon-ard,of the vicinity of Barium,pass-'ed through Statesville yesterday enwhertoAshford,McDowell county,' ere they will spend several ..days|Mrs.Cavin’s brother-in-law and,sister,oi and Mrs.J.E.Thomas.|Mrs.J.H.Wyckoff and her sister,|Mrs.:J.M.Brown of Hamlet,went toaeWednesday.to be with their aJaw,Mrs.John Woodward,|aMrs.€M.Hicks of Sharpesburgtownship.went’to Winston-Salem)aes to visit her daughter,Mrs:J.W:he fMesdamesK.‘Steele of Tors) nersburg.andMra.Jas.WillsonWinston-Salem visited’Mrs.Wj sonsdaughter,Miss Laura Will “at!Davenport College,Lenoir,Weines-|day and yesterday.Mesdames M,R.Adams and R.E.| Clapp attended the grand opera ial Charlotte Wednesday and yesterday,|returning home last night.= Mrs...W.G.Morrison of Wilkesboro!is visiting at the home of her pa-) rents,Mr.and Mrs,Jas.W.Ward,onBell.street.J.H.Hall went toCharlotte Wednesday.to spend a few days with; her brother and sister-in-law,Mr.and | ..Mrs,EB.O.Anderson.Mrs.Clarence Stimpson and biatly|| and Mrs..E.G.Gilmer will return to-| gay from a week's yisit to Mr.Gilmer, in Concord.|iss Margaret Click of Elkin is the!guest of Miss Lucile Kimball at her fiome’on Davie avenue.Mr.and Mrs,W.H.Pace and chil-}drén,who visited at the home .{Mes.Pace’s parents,My.and:Mrs. ho Henry,returned yesterday to their|M ome at Saluda.Miss Irene LeQueux,who°visited friends in town,has returned,to her ‘nome_in—Taylorsville_—Mr._W.S.Harwell left yesterday for Richmond,Va.,to resume his for-| mer position with a harness manufac-| ‘tory.Mrs.Harwell will join him! later.Miss Elsie Horn of Mocksville ar- riyed in Statesville yesterday for a yisit to her sister,Mrs.Ross Mills. Notice of New ‘Advertisements. Cakes and bread at the-Gas’Co. tomorrow.—Mrs.J.F.Henninger. Return bunch ‘of keys to The Land- ~mark.Seven-room house on Walnut street ‘for rent.—E.G.Gaither. Seven-room house on Race street for rent.—Mrs.D.A.Miller.” ;Stock and.cattle.—J.T.Helland. Corn silks wanted,by Wallace Bros. t Fresh cocoanuts,ete.—D.J.Kim- ball.Roller mill for rent or “lease.—R.Cc. ~Current,Woodleaf..—. Stray pig found.—Jno.Dd.Foard, .Statesville R-3.|“Free.bagging and ties.—Imperial est attention of his hearers}During | Cotton Oil Co,—Special.announcement.—Ramsey- ,Bowles-Morrison Co,“TheRobert Bunch Cash Giocer'y'i “will save you money. ...Monitor base burner.—Crawford- -Bunch.Furniture Co. _.Our new*fall goods.—J.M."McKee, &:Co.‘:The Smart Set will be at the opera house Monday night.Tickets on sale gt store of Statesville Drug Co. t Clean milk from the Paine View ‘Diy.Scrap brass wanted and boiler room “‘supplies for sale.—C.H.Turner. 'Corn showchants&Farmers’Bank. 5 Toate at a bargain.—J.S.“Leon- "se.Watkins for everything to build -jwith.‘tenon Still.going free—Sloan ClothingCo.Storm shoes.—Sherrill-White Sh :Co.The Standard.Shoe Repairing Shop. *Prices quoted.:.Bulbs,chrysarithemums and rese *plants.—Park Place Green House. Don’t burn up your money. SP O 4 statesville Ice &Fuel Co.zl Quick-Meal range for sale.—M.FP; Alexander.- aMeeting “at Bethlehem Next} 1 Wednesday. Correspondence of.The Landmark. The presiding elder and pastor of J Bethlehem church are very anxious to ’meet all the.members at the entsat .a.m.Hope all will take notice and bepresent;if possible,as business::of‘vast importance.is to be attended to,>GL,McCAIN,> gementy Fair Weather,'' The weather forecast for the weekhie‘ast Wednesday says “gen-aon tale,a,with seasonable A j y.|EclecticLadies ‘Not Serious ‘in November 27..—-Mér-: REMARKS ‘WERE:JOCULAR. Their Criticism of the Presi-dent —Marriage:Wednesday~—Social Events. Mr.and Mrs.W.B.‘Gibson enter-tained about 30 friends and relativesatsupperTuesdayévening,at,theirhomeonWestEndavenue,in honoroftheiraweyenhter-in-law,Dr.and Mrs.L.O.ibson,bride and groom.The saber Was an excellentoneandwasverymuchenjoyed,Thehousewasattractivelydecoratedwithfernsandcutflowers.Auieot toeguestspresentwereMr.and Mrs.EWyHoltonandMessrs.George andFrank,Holton’of Winston -Salem,Mrs.Sarah Feimster,Misses GraceandEmmaParteeFeimsterandMrs.Sarah Campbell of Taylorsville,Mr.and Mrs.G.M.Young of Troutman.Mrs.Frank Bryant entertainedabout20littlefolksyesterdayafter-noon at her home ‘on.west Front:street in celebration of ‘the thirdBias?of her little son,Frank Bry- arit. te G.T.©.’s met Monday after-|noon ‘with Miss Mary Loretz CowlesjatherhomeoneastFrontstreet.The young ladies devoted ‘the afternoon to} sewing.A salad course was served.The Elericemoh club will meet with\Mrs.J.L.Cowan ise afternoon at 8.30 o'clock.The members:of “the.{Seaifbar were‘entertained at a 7:30 o'clock dinner'yesterday evening by Mr..W.A.Bris- ‘tol at Dr.Laugenour’s,on west Frontstreet.. 7 wadeLorayItems. Correspond@fice of The Landmark,—. Loray,'Oct.26.—Miss Sara Alex-ander of Hunfersville,who spent theweek-end with Miss Lillian Bagwell,returned to Statesville Female Collegelastnight.‘Miss Marietta Mur-dock visited Miss Katherine Morrisonlastweek.Mrs.W.F.Sharpe ‘is visit- ing relatives im Alexander county,Mrs.Auten and little son,who spent Mrs.Margaret Woodside,who is sick,returnedto her home near Charlotte veoaayRev.E.,D.Brown leaves this morn- ing for Gastonia.to attend Syhod.Miss Mabel Sides is teaghing inSeott’s High School this year.Mr.L.C.Sides is erecting a hand-some new house here.Mrs.T.A.M.Stevenson and chil-/: dren are visiting Mrs...Stevenson'shomepeopleatMocksville. —A big turnip comes’to ‘The.SandmarkfromMrs.V.C.Ellis of Me ye ‘cinity of Statesville. ae -FOR SALE—One =second-hand.Quick-MealRange.See it at .LAZENBY-MONT-GOMERY HARDWARE CO.'S Store,M.P.ALEXANDER.Oct.9. |}FOR SALE~Toulouse Geese..Biltmore strain.W.B.McLELLAND,Stony Point,R-2. ’Phone Clio.Oct.29. FOR SALE—Second-hand fireléss cooker.Verylittleused.‘Phone 24 green Oct.29. a few days with Mrs.Auten’s mens Statesville Produce Market.The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelowalmarket. Spring Chicken,Me¢,per lb,Roosters,be,per Ib:Eggs,22¢.per dozen.utter,”16e.per Ib. Beeswax,25e.:per Ib. Green Hides,12¢per 1b,Hams,20¢.per Ib,?Sides,18e.per’Ib,Shoulders,18¢.per Jb,Red.Honey,We.per Ih.Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢..per tb. Grain,following prices were paid yesterday~grain on the local.market: Wheat,.$1.25 per bushel. The Corn,(old),$1 per bushel. Corn,(new),60¢.per bushel.Oats,’65e.per bushel. Statesville”Cotton Market.)On the Ioecal market yescerdgy 12c. ound was paid for best grade cotton.Seed eotton,5.10Cottonseed,60c,per bushel. FRESH,Cocoanuts,Raisins,Cranberries andallthingsinthatlineatD,J.KIMBALL’S. FOR.RENT—One year or leasefive years,30-barrel roller mill;One French burr cornmill;,also one duplex feed-mill.Water power:Located good grain section,threemiles.from “railroad.If interested write orcomeandseeR.C.CURRENT,Woodleaf, Owner may have sameD.FOARD,States-Oct.29. FOUND—Atrey pig.. by paying charges.JNO, ville,R-3. CAKES AND BREAD.at the Gas Co.office Seturday,/20th.MRS.HENNINGER. FOR SALE—Chrysanthemums.White,yellow,pink,MRS.J...PAUL LEONARRS‘phone226Green.29 LOST—Bunch wr keys Return.‘6 Thegetsmark,Oct.29. FOR RENT—Seven-room }Race stteet, Miss Allie Arthurs,daughter ofMr.Henry Arthurs of Statesville.|!ror and Mr.(Clarence Graham,son_ofMr.J.:R.Graham of Rowan :county,|were married at the home.of Rey.W.|ceA.Lutz on Mulberry street,Wed-} nesday:éeyerfing at 7.80,Mr.Lutz offi-| ciating.A’number of friends of the} ‘young people witnessed the ceremo- ny,Mr.and Mrs. leKtir home in Petersburg,ve | Reported for The Landmark.| “theEclectic club”wet-with”Mrs:C.) ¢|V.Henkel Tuesday afternoon.In the} jabsence of the vresident,Mrs.B.F.|Long,Mrs.M.R..Adams©presided.|‘Following the course of,study on| |South America,Mrs.James Wilson | read an instructive paper on “Ger-man-Contributions to the Develop-| ‘ment of Brazil,’and Mrs.Adams a) lpaper on the “Establishment of .the! Republic of Brazil.”Miss Loula} iCampbe}l was leader of “Current) ‘Events.Many_interesting topice | were mentioned and ‘discussed.Mrs.| Oscar.Steele further enlivened and | {charmed the club with two beautiful|vocal solos,“For You,”by Hawley,) and “An Open Secret”ofWoodman’s.’ In the report of “Current Events at a former meeting of the club,the| ladies regretted to see themselves placed on record as criticising the President,The report was not made’ by the regular club reporver and the ‘odias felt that undue “¢mphasis had been laid on their jocular remarks| bout the President's engagement.| } r.White’s Last Sermon—Per- sonal Items.| Correspondence of The Landmark.3 “Statesville,R-3,Oct.27.A musical was given at the home of Mr.“and? Mrs.\Aarge—erowd-—wasfromStatesville,Scott’s and Loray.| All report a nice time.,Mr.Troy Troutman and sister,Miss | Marv,visited relatives in.Wilkes coun-| ty the first of the week.Miss “Mae Waugh.who is clérking |for Mr.H.E.Hedrick at Loray.spent| from Saturday until Mondav with her! - parents,Mr.and -Mrs.A.Q.Waugh.| Rev.J,Meek White preached his|farewell sermon at the Leonard school| house Sunday afternoon:Mr.White| has been a faithful preacher for us| during the summer months.We re-| -gret very much to have him leave and| wish him much stccess whereverhe |may go. Presiding Elder Mann Thinks| -War Necessary. Newton Enterprise. Presiding Elder.L.T.:Mann preach-| eda ‘sermon Sunday night in theMethodistchurchthatheldtheclos-| the discourse he ‘took issue withBry-|an’s peace propaganda,pointing out|that war:is often necessary,that it| and that out of ‘war comes blessings for mankind. many| TOMORROW EVENING. House tomorrow evening by Miss Jos-||ephine Gilmer,soprano,and Mr.Um- berto:Sorrentino,tenor,assisted by Frank Braun,pianist.Tickets are on sale at Statesville Drug Co. ter of former Attorney-General andMrs.R.D.Gilmer,of this State.Miss Gilmer is one of the sweetest singersofthecountryandoccupiesahighplaceintheconcertworld..Her manyfriendsthroughouttheStatearede-lighted at.the wonderful success that she has attained.Mr.Sorrentino cores also with theyestrecommendationsfromthehigh-@t sources.He made his ‘debut in ‘Grand Opera as Edgard—in Lucia,in Florence,Italy.Bologna,Rome,Nice,Florence andMonteCarlo,then heand him in”alyricrepertoireofthefollowingop-eras:Rigoletto,Traviata,Bohem,Somnambula,‘Fedora,.Tosea,Faust, Mefestofele,etc..,..Next he was engaged as-leading tenor for a Grand Qpera tour in theWest‘Indies,Central:America ©andMexico—scoring @ magnificent suc-cess.At the close of this engage-‘ment:Sorrentino came to New Yorkwiththeintention-of returning —toEurope,Here he was.made a verytemptingoffertoremaininthiscoun-try,and was at once engaged for anextensiveconcerttourthroughtheUnited.States and Canada.-At theconclusionofthistourhewaschosentegingRudolphinspecia_preform-ances of Boheme,given in BostonandBrooklyn,N.¥;,.jn which rolehecreatedanimmensesensatlan,913 br 19 Graham-will make; |.By virtue of the power of sale containeWest-'*f Z.O.Rimmer Saturday night.| present-—some | is-“incident-to--life—that-life-is war;|~ |MISS GILMERATOPERRA HOUSE. Remember the concert at the Opera| Miss Gilmer -is the talented daugh-| FOR SALE—Two nmares,cne horse,“two colts,|two mules and eight head fat cattle.as T.! _HOLLAND,R-7.Oct.29. CORN SILKS—Will pay five conta per seforeornsilks,Save silks and bring “to us.|WALLACE BROS.Cc 0:Oct,ray Zt. St.ATESYILLE,C.,OFFICE OF COLs|'LECTOR OF iNTERNAL REVENUE,*October20,1915.--The following described prop |erty,seized for Violations of the interna! revenue law,to-wit:September 17th,1915,| of unknown,in Yadkin county,N.C.,eon-|isisting of ohe barrel containing about °25 gal-A Cpflonsofpear=‘t-horse“eovere’ 1 set single harness;1 black mene |imule,forfeited to the United States under’|Seetion 3460,.R..S.,will be sold to the ae.lest bidder at the United States Post'Statesville,N.C.,at 1 o'clock,October 20th,(1915.(Spirits will be bid in by U.&|Government tax thereon).A.WATTS,|Collector.Oct.22. “brandy;one wagon ; Four Cars of Shingles Expected this and next week. Doesn't that convince you the peo- ple think my prices lowest?Ridge Roll,ready-painted Valley .Tin, and Nails.4x20 dressed.CedarShinglescan’t be beat.C.WATKINS, Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh. MORTGAGE SALE ip) ihe mortgage deed executed by Chas.A. moreland and wife,.Besasie Westmoreland,te” John L.Davis,and recorded in Book 38,page454,in the office of the Register of Deeds ofhedellcounty,and default having been‘made jim payment of same,the uscersighéed will of-‘tcf for sale for eash to the highest.bidder,st the court house door in Statesville, MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8,1915,the following tract of land describ‘as follows:Located in Barringer township,Iredell county,known as the Jessie Westmorjiandland,being Lillie’s and Lowise’s part Idt'3 and.4 (For full description see record iitRegisterofDeedsofficeofIredellcounty;from J.-L.Davis and wite,Yarme cy Davis,Jesie C.Yestmoreland):The above de«d lots contain 83 acre?enen. JOEN L.DAVIS, Oct.fete 8.1915.Mortyagee. neeoneblockfromthecollege.Modern con-|-veniences.MRS.Dv,A.“MAL LER._»Oet,ee| =|with. i aceite Walnut GAITH- 29-—1t. Excel- 722 FOR RENT—Seven-room house onStreet,Modern conveniences,E.G, ER.Oct. FOR,SA LE—Underwood typewriter.lent condition.W.E.NATTRESS, Mulberry street.Oct.26—-2t. WANTED—500 ‘pounds ‘gt ean:rage.DIAMONDFURNITURECO.Oct.26—-2t. FOR RENT—Ten-room house on Walnuteetgreed|street.Suitable for one or two families. Apply to MRS.D.M.FURCHES,Oct.26—2t j WAX\TED—Position as -bookkeeper,assistant boo kkeeper or time-keepex._Address Box |39,Harmony,R-2.*Oct.26-——-3t* iw ANTED—Real estate,to scll at auction. ‘arms city.or suburban proverty. ite Get. SBORQ.REALTY &AUCTION293,Greensboro,N.C, tt. 29 FOR RENT—Seven-réom housestreet,W.A,ELIASON. |roRRENT—CotGgedoes ine Lights’and|sewerage.R,P.ALLISON.Oct.5. OLD NEWSPAPERS —All “yee want at!lic.a hundred,Worth this to start fires| Also good to put under carpets andpaperthewalls.Come to THE PANY MARK for them.Z on Oct. FOR RENT~—Eight-room|508 West Front street.CASH. two-story Aug.20. 'MULES!—The county’s Mules are for sale.|They will be om exhibition in Statesville!the next first “Monday and can be looked| over.~Will be sold singly,in pairs,desired.N.B.MILLS,Chairman CountyCommissioners.Oct.15. OF LAND.IN THEINTEREST OF Go0D ROADS.| 7 All who are interested in the up-keep ofoodroadsareaskedtomeetwithmethe|t Monday in November. t then.for the up-keep and ¥epair of roads.:J.B.ROACH,Oct.County Supervisor of Roads.| ..When Cotton Opens And you get-lots of monéy,don’t forget to look after the needs of the home.You don’t have to secitsdilapi®ated condition as much as your wife and daughters,“Ev- erything to Build With”at:low- est prices. Cz WATKINS,’Phone 43. ~) 26. 4 { | | | | | | j |. |}| Seats on sale Toda Salant Tutt Whitney and J.HomeenTutt with’Smart.SetCo.at Opera House;Monda:at Statesville:One side ofOpera ouse willEe reserved colored people. evening,November Ist.e-Drug Co.—50c.,75c.,$1. For Sale at Park ttn al PlaceGreenhouse: ‘First size,imported,named,Dutch purposes; _Hyacinths;,P Afew poisiof Chry eanth imsCoohetFamily,togetherwah ot eT ata Von Ble Narcissus,double nose,monster size. Tulips,C bulbs for house culture,ofbeing ts Narcissus, Rose se the Standard,i GROWEMt per or as | Contracts will be | | ane “iors,|L.K..OVER-| | | } ACH step in the ad- vance of the Path-: finders was born of Fohardship,privation and _sac-; rifice which only men of vi- sion,purpose and resource can appreciate. Pathways To Success The road to success may be L ,blazed by the courage to start, 4 the strength to endure,the will to continue in the face of obstacles,and the enterprise to advance.5 |°The man with the courage to begin saving and the persistence to keep at it,will accompiish,all he sets out to do. Save now;and deposit.where:se-.. carity and.stability,service and personal interest wiladdia system with a purpose that will mak your prog-ress easier,Put your fundsin our.keeping.i%% TRE inst NATIONALSTATESVILLE|N.C.Ca mnIO0.000 AY.Paaeeeseposttony Time.Deposits < “The ‘Standard”Shoe Repairing hop!| Is the name of the latest outfit installedinthecity.The plantis up to date inevery.respect and the lass-of work is REgoodascanbedone..The shop is cleanandladiesareespeciallyinvitedtocall.The prices are the’“standar ”of theworld,namely: shew Men’s Half Soles,Sewed,=Bes |Ladies’Half Soles,Sewed,60c.Children’s Half Soles,Sewed,25c.to 40c.’Men’s Half Soles,Nailed,60c.Ladies’Half Soles,Nailed.50c.Children’s Half Soles,Nailed, Men’s Whole Soles,Sewed, I will forfeit’my shop to any one whocanprovethatIamnot:-buying and using-the very best.sole “ee obtainable...Please try me.aLMLIOWNER,=Pra “On the Corner UnderSloan’pr ”& 20c.to 35c.$00 »Many have:taken wives tage of our free bureau of information regarding our Suitings,_Overcoatings} Have you?If not~ Our ‘stock|is complete with thenew-. est and nobbiest creations ;in Men’s wear at the low-‘ #\est prices,Remember our motto:Satisfaction : money refunded. etc. come at once. r aie Ni 4 ae i tag)Fas ng Presidential Campaign. Greensboro News:-—~ paign ma '.,going to ask the country to make achange.But the foreign policy of the administration is a paramount,inthesewartimes,if we are to assume that.there are any paramounts.It has the people of the United States are ‘Just about seven-tenths of.the ple must commend the foreign pol-y of the administration,from whichtheallieshavehadmuchtogainandnothingatalltolose.**°*Will the majority of the people,therefore,feel any more Anterest.in making changes ‘in the Washington govern-ment’than they have felt in the ques- tion of their abstract rights to.thfreedomoftheseas’?If Mr.Wilson is doing what they want.him to do,will in another man who might pursue a‘different course?"We get the jimpression.that up to‘this writing.in handling our foreign »policy,Mr.Wilson has consciously,or unconsciously,played some mighty ‘good domestic politics,Not only havethemajorityofthepeopleapproved of a foreign policy,under which thealliesare,receiving the moral and ma-terial «sypport of the United States, while ‘incurring none ‘of the risks ofjwar,but is there not a chance that.the Democrats will next year,for the firsttime,have the active support of Big Business?©Under our foreign poli- ey not only are the majority of the people doing well,not only is there @ measure of prosperity for all,buttheveryricharegettingricher.Even under his friend Roosevelt,Morgan~~yould not -make~more~millions;—-Stiil again,Big Business is certain to ap-prove-of Preparedness. ging from expressions of the press\those who believe this country,without respect to business,.ought)to‘be neutral by demanding all its rights from all the belligerents,are in a hopeless minority.In the big citiestheyhavejustabout:been outlawed,and their feeble voices have beensmotheredintheroar.of the steel fur-naces,Is it likely that these ‘peoplewillhave“any more ‘voice on elec-tion day?‘The Republicans will hard-ly find it possible to fry any fat next year out of the big ‘corporations;theRepublicanshavenothingthatthese7 Men want.Never has the tariff been‘so much a local issue..The big cor-‘porations will feel but a mild:interest-in_the doings of Congress.They (will only feel concerned in the effort‘(to keep Congress quiet,*.The effort of the Republicans will be‘to make the country believe that thei'war is the only thing that has saved;us from commercial:disaster.Timeswerehard,it will be pointed out.be-“fore the Wars started,and would havef¥rowi ‘Wwotse but for conditions that‘have created an abnormal demand for~what we havetosell..The question is,“will this argument appeal to the man‘who is engrossed in a business which ‘ds making him rich? *THEY INVITED DEATH. ;Xouthern Railway |President +Pleads For a Sentiment That\;Will Keep Trespassers Off|Railway Property. Washington—-Making fh plea.for“the conservation of human life,Presi-ent Fairfax Harrison of SouthernRailwayCompanystatesthatduring the fiscal,year,ended June 30,147“trespassers were killed on the tracks-of Southern railway.Mr;Harrisonurgesthedevelopmentofa:publiconethatwillputanendtotheMhazardouspracticeoftrespassingonrailwayproperty.*“We have:prepared a map showing_.the point at which each trespasser:Wwas ‘killed on the Southern railwayMuringthelastyearanditlookslike‘map of the monuments on the Chick-jamauga battlefield,”said Mr.Harri-Bon.ay one-third of those killedwereschoolboys,‘hopping’:trains,nda large percentage were valuable age-earners,walling on the trackseorfromtheir’work.Very fewameretrampsinthecommonlyaccept- :bag figures.refer solely to per-ons.walking on tracks,swinging ontrains:and:otherwise intruGing —on®ailway property where they have notightorbusinessanddonotincludersonsKjltedatcrossings.or thosehoforanyreasonhavearightorThe.Soavon ee property,si “The.Ahern Railway Company isdoiligPgitsPi20whevent™ac:cidents and injuries and is splendid co-operation fromployes,.butcno precaution on our partcansavethemanwhodeliberatelyputs:himself in-the way to be struckbya4‘train.’Cannot’a’public senti-ment bedeveloped which will discour-age thig.practice?.This is a work inwhichSchoolteachersandfactorysu-perintendents .especially,and all oth-erg with public influence,can renderarealservicetotheircommunitiesandtheir‘fellow.men.” Hyphehated Crowd to Fight Mr.gee Wilson. 'A convention described ag repre-Renting 46 organizations of German-Americans,with a,membership of 20,-000°in /Massachusetts,at.Worcester,oye)this eet a resolution“firmly:opposing”the re-election «of-PresidentWilsonThemeetingwas called by John Al-brecht Walz,professor of German lit- having State chairman of the German Na-4 1 Alliance.The purpose was saidtobelargelytoinduceAmericansof‘German deseent to take a more ac-‘tive interest in political affairs,andno-<permanent organization -was at-tempted,: The State Fair for the colored peéo-progress in Raleigh this week. ed the negroes,yes- Whol,PAE aDi“4 2%Oto yy mt) tober 29,1915. GULAR SITUATION. Views on the Approach: The approaching presidential”cam=| develop a somewhat sing?-ular gituatién.Republicans must.dis-‘approve of{Mr.Wilson,if they are ‘been estimated that seven-tenths of in pathy’with the allies.Assum-’ingtis to be true,we should say a majority of the voters wish to bring| New York Dispatch. like meaning of:the term:i its em-/ erature at Harvard University and be NaheaBa FRI 4 bom1uae THE ACT OF A STATESMAN. *gegen we ,a ¥Mr.Wilson’s Dealing With Mex-~‘eo and South America,Monroe Journal.=«5‘The breadth ‘of ‘wisdom.of ’Presi:dent Wilson has,not’)been morestrikingly,shown .anywhere than inhisdealingwith‘Mexico and SouthAmerica,That wisddfi.is fast he-coming-fenit bearing,If Mr.Wilsonservesanothertérnr-as..President thefriendly.relations)and‘the.gd0d-un-derstanding between ©the SouthAmericancountriesandtheUnited States will.have been’so cementedthatthereshould:never again be ound for:the idistrust and the dis-like of this county which has ex- 4 ory Ue. ~—seresepemrnacraeseanstusteneamrwnas Perce ae ete renter ret Will Not Be”Allowed to Land.-etiam _—:_So many adventurous young Amer-|f A Store OF.Daan Acad dietaa,ime Ma toreOF |scotthe AtlasoniehoaMGs]Quality.Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison-Company.serie."mule transports wi ie hs Ke sniloetietals aad y Wi ole ale ’ h eenlistingintheBritish,army that he aBritishembassyhasgivennoticethathereaftersuchpersonswillnotbeal- lowed to land on British soil.~Many of these Americans have beenunderageandinsomeinstancestheirparents.have secured their dischargefromtheBritisharmy/and r totheUnitedStates,through’represen-tations~by-the State Department,/In the fulitre any.tercere naa British ports as hosvers~will:retquiredtocontinueinthesatheser. vice or return home. if Special|lal 2M Suit,a Dress,a Coat .Announcement ! Mrs.’Montgomery |:At Just the Price You Want jto Pay is SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PIC-Here—and-With Greater Selection.aR i TORIAL REVIEW COMPANY OF—-NEW ;eeYORK»WILL BE AT OUR PATTERN DE-~-[~~~:;4PARTMENTr‘ 0 area renee clneimemeen isted in Gentral;and South American ‘countries since ‘the ,beginning.His}dealings ‘with,Mexi¢o furnished the)basis for this triumph of enlightened|statesmanship.;{ ,basis for Mr.Wilson’s policy,andineitherofthesewouldhavebeenun-|jderstood by.a°man.of small caliber.||One relates to Mexico and the other! |to South America.The first is that)‘no country can secure true peace and} jtranquility and a permanent basis for|justice,except by ts own.exertions.| |'While.the jingoes of.this.country| were clamoring for us to hurl an! army into Mexico and force the arbi-| trary peace which ~they \imagined| |eould be forced by an army.of in-}vasion,Mr.Wilson saw full”well} that there must be time for the peo-| ple of Mexico themselves to grapple |with their own problems and to}eventually establish the best govern-|ment that they were able to ,make.|In the face of the storm of.criticism of the professional jingoes and the||multitude of those who know noth- ing of what they were talking shout,|he persisted to the end,and by that persistence we shall have peace andfriendlyrelationsinMexico,mutual| sympathy and respect;and eventually| have a neighbor of great worth to us.| did was to recognize the fact that}the “South American™countries must} be invited to the counsels which es- sayed to determine the policy of thegreatSouthAmericancontinentifwe expected to secure their co-operation, trust,friendship,and cordial aid in, upholding the Monroe Doctrife.HesawthatthetimehadpassedwhentileUnitedStatescould,arbitrarily deal with the future of those great}and ‘growing #@ountries,He called|them into counsel on the Mexican.sit-uation,and by that one act did more to secure their,kindness;friendshipand‘confidence than all that had ever been done before. |Now the United States is ready to recognize the Carranza government as the legitimate one in Mexico andonewhichhasprovenitselfmost|worthy.But before the UnitedStatesgotreadytodothis,the repre-sentatives of the South American -na- tions were’called in council and all agreed with the United States that the time had come.for joint action, and it will.at once be taken. Mr..Wiilson’s action is what we callstatesmanship.., WOULDWRECKTHESHIPS. German Soldier.Who Came to Amercia (With Plans to De-stroy’Munition Ships. Details of a plot to hamper theshipment‘of munitions of war to thealliesbyplacingclock-work bombs on the rudders or propellers of ships,so timed that the ships would be disabledontheirwayacross.the Atlantic,weredisclosedMondayintheconfessionof plaint filed with a United States com- missioner,with conspiracy to violateaFederalstatute. Following upon ‘the confession of Robert Fay,a lieutenant of the 16th Saxony infantry,who ‘said he came to, Two underlying facts have been the® are euatenine -N ine,a cone make their own clothes would do wel)to $18 50 $20 96le1»a }ot ke peo.conditions,chronic coughs,colds and |“me av,»$25 bronchitis.::.tW.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C.|cm _—The next thing which Mr.Wilson|— 1 one of five men charged,in a com- This Time Snipes.WasHeld.Up. Eight revenue officers,three “Win-ston policemen and a.deputy sheriff went to the home of.Frank’Snipes,inedthecounty,Wednesday,surround-d Exquisite suits of ,poplin,broadcloth,serge,gaberdine,| Today and Tomorrow. French serge,men’s serge,storm serge,tweeds,mixtures THIS IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO,LEARN MORW A¥OUT,THESE MOST POPULAR PATTERNS. the house and,notwithstanding rs.Snipes’.positive assertions thatherhusbandwas:not at home,search- ed the house and found Snipeslocked in a wardrobe.Snipes is now/loeked|in jail in default of $1,000 bondItisallegedthatonMondayofdaistweekSnipesheldup:Deputy CoalléctorNeeleyandotherofficers,who:were searching for liquor about his »~prem- ises,and sent them away.at the pointofa.Winchester.j “ and novelties tfimmed and styled'as late fashion demands,: Suits are priced $10,$12.50,$15,$17.50,$18.50,$20, MRS,MONTGOMERY WILL BE PLEASED j$22.50,$25 and.up to $45."TO EXPLAIN WHY PICTORIAL REVIEW q . PATTERNS ARE MORE CHIC,MORE / GRACEFUL AND MORE ECONOMICAL THAN ANY OTHER PATTERNS. f MRS MONTGOMERY ALSO EXPLAINS HOW YOU CAN SAVE TIME,LABOR AND MA- TERIAL BY USING THE CUTTING AND CONSTRUCTION GUIDES FURNISHED WITH PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS AND WILL*BE ABLE TO GIVE SUGGES- TIONS OF EXTRAORDINARY.VALUE TO THE WOMAN WHO MAKES HER OWN CLOTHES,* Dainty dresses for all informal occasions with the newest :very+MOTHER TELLS HOW.VINOLMadeHerDelicateBoy§we New York City,—‘‘My little boy wasinaveryweak,delicate condition as aresultofgastritisandthemeaslesandthereseemednohopeofsaving:his life.The doctor prescribed cod liver oi)buthecouldnottakeit.I decided to wyVino!and with.splendid results,Itseemedtoagreewithhimsothatnowhe |is a strong healthy boy.’’--Mrs,THOMASFITZGERALD,1090 Park Ave.,N.Y.City,| styles.Combination frocks for Misses and small women: especially attractive.A complete range for all,priced:Li $7.50,.$10,$12.50,.$15,$18.50,beep thnks panceg %remanent s i a u We especially request all who can arrange to attend to take advantage of this opportunity. You Will find coats in/allwanted styles and matérials:priced from $5,$7.50,$8.50,$10,$12.50,$15,$17.60,: Women who never have tried and desire to SHERRILTAWHITE SHOE CO. Storm Shoes! Sturdy Storm Shoes for 4 s |;the man who is:out of THE UNIVERSAL.CAR ;doors.Ideal Shoes.for :FSportsmen,Linemen,the Plowman and_all.others who wish .to keep.their feet dry and comfortable: Our stock-of Storm Shoes: More than half the motor cars -you seeareFordcars.Count them.The factsareplainbecausetheFordcarhasarecordforefficientperformance.which1eneforitself.In city and country is very much complete and 4 through winter and summer—every-we are ready to give)You —aiWi 4 where it has fhrough service become the very best in this line vias j “the universal"ear.”Easy to drive andthatmoneycanpurchase:¢,care for,and economical in operation meeivee"laa ie 4 ‘and maintenanéé.~Runabout $390;jAsktoseeour18-inch Boot at $6.00 |Touring Car $440,-f.0.b.,Detroit.On iAsktoseeour.16-inch Boot at.5.00 as wile at Carolina Motor Co.,Statesville,_i SHERRILL-W HITE SHOEC O.ewton andMooresville, ’Phone,No.83.rats CLEAN THAT WATCH OR CLOCK! Don’t wear them out before you have it done.First class work all thé time,and you can get | this country last April through an|— your work when you want it.=H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler,||——————ee poaseesettpendeeier depose ssteraee ante —_7 telnet Soe —Aire .-Dn x service to blow up or delay steamers ingen with war supplies for theallies,iam J.Flynn,-chief of the secrétservice,filed before.United StatesCommissionerHoughtonacomplaint,in which not only Fay but four other?men are charged with promoting théjconspiracy.The hearing on the Fed- jeral charge was set for November.4:Fay confessed that while,on the bat-\tlefield he ‘talked with his superior of- \ficers about a device to blow up ships; jthat later his idea of eoming to Amer-ica and carrying his scheme throughwaswellreceivedbytheGermanse- agreement with the’German.secret|=2,000 yards 36 inch |25 New Sport Coats“DU REPAIR SHOP 1S COMPLETE cret service;that he came well enough — {If your ‘car is not workingas it should bring it to us and we will '¢orrect the trouble,:paysWehaveplacedacarinliveryserviceandcantakeyouthere andbringyoubackatreasonablerates...: {Special facilities for washing and storing cars..|Complete line of accessories on hand at ali times.-STATESVILLE MOTOR CO.,“QUALITY FIRST.”ASK US PHONE 140 Outing 6 1-2c. Johnston-Belk Co. $4.95 to $9.50.° supplied with money to act o jown responsibility and that he talked ;with Captain von jattache of the’German embassy,about; anything:to’do with it,2 had been decorated with the iron cross for fighting in France,covers his ar-rival in the United States on April 23last,his making of clock-work bombs since and his experimenting with ex- plosives ‘along the .Hudson_river. ‘Quantities of acid in the room occu-vied by Fay and Walter L.Scholz,inWeehawken,'N.'J.,and boxes contain-|ing chlorate of potash,jused in mak-|ing bombs,in .a boat’house on theHudson,-had':been found after the ar-| rest of these men Sunday.Scholz,a/brother-in-law of Faw,isa mechanic.Two other men arrested were:PaulDaeche,:Jersey City,N.J.,who saidhewas,a graduate of Cologne Uni-versity and tame to the United Statesin1912;Dr.Herbert Kienzle,28 years old,manager of a clock company, jaided in procuring explosive mate-iNals used by Fay.Max’Breitung,| jabout whose identity no detailg were|jdisclosed,also was named in,the!‘complaint as one of the ‘conspirators.|\It jwas stated that’Breitung had not}|been apprehended.| |.The German foreign office denies| jany knowledge of Fay.} |Chronie Constipation.rt } “About two years ago,when I began.usingChamberlain’s Tablets,I had been suffering|for some time with stomach trouble andchronicconstipation...My condition improv-ed rapidly throtgh the use of these tablets,Since..taking four..or fivg bottles af,Dicer my|henith fas beén grey wien g.J “New- Nee..everywhere... Papen,’military|¥ ‘attache,and Capt.K.Boy-Ed,naval H the plan but they had refused to have!# The confession of Fay,who said he |¥ charged.in the complaint’with having |# f } i “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS, TEXACO CYLINDER OI LS,TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,HalfBarrels and Cases. Cotton Ginners,Luthber Mills—owners ofMachineryofaaykind;if you buy your oil’in full packages,see ys before you placeyourorders.© We are in a position'to demonstrate QUAL-ITY,and can make delivered prices that will »Interest you. Statesville Oil Company. (Wholesal ‘Distributors.)61.jy Office;Robbins Row. hi eh 4 +x BK KEALTIS OS BOG An Elaborate Showing in a Ready-to-Wear Garments _, Special Values in Coat Suits $4.95 : to $25.00 ; A Great Sale of Wool Dress Good AandSuitings.~~- Full.size of Wool Nap Blankets,$1,69 and $1.98,White and Gray. Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Women, $3.75 to $4;50,‘\‘ Jack and Jill Shoes for the little ones. S For Bargains and Good Merchandise ——CALL AT———-in PHONE 212.sty TWELVE BIG STORES. ‘The Store That Sells For Less.“ ‘é &if t 4 Seed Oats,Clovats,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,ete.-Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs, Good Goods at FAIR P FERTILIZERS.- ==J.E.SLOOP. feoR ee RICES. SSeen I TARE YOUINTERESTED?” Slate Roofing?Tin Roofing? Ice Box or Refrigerator Lined?Galvanized Shingle Reofing?Roof Painteur Tin or Sheet Métal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW. IREDELL TIN WORKS. Bell "Phone 98.Independent ’Phone 197. saaaera ‘Farmers’F avorite Drill!! (NONE BETTER.) perder eran=THE LANDMARK) FRIDAY,October 29,1915, MUST KEEP THE PPROMISE. ‘Mr.StephensonSaSays the,Balfi-|. |more Platform Promised a|' sists That the Promise Be Re- deemed.‘ To the Editor of The Landmark: All 6£the leading nations of the world—ours excepted—give especial encouragement to agriculture.Oursis! the only country.in which the farmec|! is taxed to the limit and has’been leftoutof’consideration.by the law mdk-} ers.| In every European country the far-| mer has a system of Rural Creditscreatedbythegovernment,rendering|‘ him independent of the banker’and) =|the private usurer.inAccordingtothepresentConyptrol-ler of the United States Treasury,the! national banks have been chargigg| the farmers as high as 100 per cent. interest.Comptroller Williams says |' this is a shame but offers-no.remedy.|The real and only remedy for thisruinousinjusticetotheagricultural industry is a good system of Rural! pendent supply of money to the farm- er. a pe ee ~New Line of 1915PATTERNRUGS! Variegated Mottle Rugs, Persian Silk Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminsterin all sizes, Anglo Persian Bath Rugs inall colors. Call and see our line of Brussell Rogs—$18.00 to $38.50. We havein stock a fe12x15Rugs.Ww specially large Withe platform a H |jpendent supply of money for tW;mers.That promise must be lief should be looked for from them.|As long as the national banks enjoy| a monopoly of governmert loans)H\there can be no check to their greed.|#|The Democratic party,went into full’ control of eve ‘of the ar ernment on “éxpress'promiseitedattheBalti__de- aa |The leaders of the farmers ieat |Vise acceptance of anything else4|the deceptive plea that ‘half a loaf is’1 better than no.bread may.be honest,|#|but they are placing the.farmers inithehandsoftheirenemics—the loanH|sharksand-—bloodsuckers,.We hear_a\great dedl about plans being outlinedtoputbeforeConyressfor.a larger|if navy.The papers are full of state-| more convention to establish an 4}and mieans to meet the deficitin reve- #inue,but*not one word about Rural |Credits.}At the first session of the last Con- 4 gress it was carried over to the next f'and on to the third session.We were #promised each term that we would Higet a Rural Credits bili,put so far the Hi promises have beem like those usually| H |made to catch the farmers’vote. i |The platform of the Baltimore con-| #\vention promised an independent sup-Hiply of money for the farmers but the|Congress‘men who were elected with President Wilson broke the contract ‘with the people just as soon as they’ ;were securely in office. The next Congress will be pretty jevenly divided as to party strength. Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C.“ Capital Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits — Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Banking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with ing methods, Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OF F IC EK RS: W.D.TURNER,- «--President. E.MORRISON,---Vice President,D.M.AUS EY,-~Cashier,@.KE.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. To the Farmérs of Iredell $100,000.0031,500.00 prudent bank- and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYbeg, to announce that they have completed arrangements with ‘‘THE HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,”’forinsuring your growingfriatofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: “TOBACCO C$100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat 50 per acre valuation at25peracrevaluationat COTTON,CORN AND SMAI $40 per acre valuation 35 _per-acre-_valuation 30 per acre valuation25peracrevaluation 20 per acre valuation 15 per acre valuation 10 per acre valuation ROP.! $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre 3,75 per acre.1.874 per acre uL,GRAIN CROP.* $1.60 per acre 1.40 per acre1.20 per acre 1.00 per_acre .80 per acre .60 per acre 40 per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years latter ‘insurance covers also against loss or beern in addition to hail. MBER—‘‘Weinsure anything,insurable.” at 60c.,5 years at 90c,This” amage occasioned . a J.UE.‘CARLTON,Manager, ».PHONE 54,STATESVILLE,N C6, ition legislation on this line it cares to sup =port and push.Next’year is election,i year for members of the lower houseHandifanyreliancecanbeplacedow SE t e e e s e e s s e se s s Se s s a se s It s ee ee t aa ee s ‘The Democratic majority will be .s0 ismall that the North Carolina delega-will be able to accomplish any whatyone hears from the farmers H themselves,they are going to keep a 4 close watch on the present delegation and see what they do towards giving H them What the Baltimore convention {promised them three years ago.Mr. |Wilson,when a candidate,in one ofhiscampaign‘speeches,said to his au- idience:ses to catch flies.It means business.‘It means what it says.It is the ut- \teranee of earnest and honest men twho intend to do’business along those|jlines and who are not waiting to see|{whether they can catch votes with ithose promises before they determine iwhether they are going to act uponithemornot.”|Nevertheless the promise to furnish ‘“an_independent,supply of money for 'farmers”has been put off -arid now ajloanshark_system:of <Warehousins |products is proposed to take its plac Will the farmers submit to such ‘base betrayal?=, |It.was the,farmers’vote that|\changed the ‘political complexion ofithecountryatthelastnationalelec-jtion and it is likely that unless this \promise-is made good,.the farmers’{vote will ‘change the political com- plexion of the country again,at the ;next national election,— |From what the writer has heard ifrom the.farmers in the few counties jhe has visited,it seems that the pres- ;ent delegates in Congress will serve\their political interests best by mak- |Baltimore convention,by enacting the|Bollis-Bulkley Rural.Credits bill dur-ing the coming.session.-Q.A.STEPHENSON, Chairman State Committee. eewillAskMillionstoControl the |Mississippi River. Separation of the Mississippi riverfromthegeneralriversandharbors} ‘bil!and plans to make such a move-|Iment an administration measure at ‘the next session of Congress were de- ‘cided on at a-conference zn Washing-|ton this week of Senators and Repre- |sentatives in Congress from the Mis-! 'sissippi valley States and officials of |jlere boards in those States. To—perfect-tke plan the ~congres-sional delegations of the States inter- jested will meet in Washington No- \vember 29 to formulate a pill ap- |propriating funds to be specifically‘designated for expenditure in con- \trolling and improving theMississippi river and to inaugurate a campaign to enlist the aid of President Wilsonandleadersofthetwobranchesof| Congress. Senator Clarke of Arkansas,chair-!man if,the Senate committee of com-| propriation of at least $60,000,000) would be needed.The amount to be| 4 ——— WE LL BU CKETS, We havein stock Well Buckets made uusedaboutbucket.Any size or weigh“Also full line in stock, STOVE PIPE ie pe any.size,i black ironStovePipemadoto,order, -STATESVILLE TIN CO.;H.C.Mohler,Manager."PHONE 565,err East BroadStreet. jheld in Washington next month. TS TTT |Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough .Remedy. lain’s one os for.a bitd bronchia Tian Bright,Fe cree Ind. evnhy Rural Crédits Bill and He In-}* Credits which will furnish an inde-! The history of the workings of}"the national banks shows that no re-|Cloaninger with him here \right sinee. jments that the President:and Secreta- lry Garrison are agreed on plans for|}|increasing the army;also for ways, “Our platform is not molas-~{' a4 agreeable. ”ling good the express promise of the} merce,estimated that a Federal ap-| asked of Congress will be definitely) ==designated at the conference to be “Last winter I used a bottle of Chamber;|) cough.I felt ita beneficial effect imm:ately and before:Thad finished:theive was cured,I never tire of recommendingthisremedyto”-friends,”writes “Mra,Wil- Obtainahle ty MUCH CORN AND MOLASSES Good Crops on the County HomeFarm—Religious Services. ‘orrespondenee of The Landmark. County Home,Qet.26,-—The -Sing- “ig and preaching here on Suuiday| vening,as announced in Friday's| |andmari,broweht a large cong:eg \-tion,The few people in this county who don’t read The.Landmark [pre- sume are told when,there is an an- rouncement of that kind.This is why Werybody attends.Mr.Alvin Good- en preached a fine sermon.This-scribe, and I think all here,enjoyed it:verymuch.He is an old friend of mine.1} have heard him preach many times ix | the long ago. Mr,Osborne Shaver led the singing and otherwise assisted in the meet- ing.Mr.Gooden will preach here ‘gain on the second Sunday in Decem-ber at 3 p.m.Mr,Shaver.I suppose, will be with him to lead the singing, Couldn’t do well without him. Crops of all kinds at the counly jfarm are fine.The ‘corn crop is over ‘000 bushels,Mr.Perry has made 250 gallons of molasses,as fine as ever nade in this county,out of the cane p.My.Freeze is certainly a good mer.as well as a good worker.He aiming to sow about 40 acres in wheat this fall,on good and well pre- ‘pared land, Dr.Ross MeFlwee brought Dr.) oné day} last week and they performed an op-| cration on old Mrs,Wilkins,an inmate from Mooresville,removing a tumor that had given her much trouble,The |dector says she-is getting song ail In regard to the death of Mr.Jos. |L.Padgett of Harmony,mentioned inja_recent issue of The Landmark,I |wish to say that the cat statement— that he was a Confelerate soldier-— ‘is correct.He was’among the very first volunteers.But after serving |two or three years in the Confederate army he and three other men by the name of Harmon went over and join- ed the “Northern army.”Yes,he drew.a pension.' Rov.Mrs Chyle will preach here the” second Sunday in Movember at.8 ‘o'clock p.m. How $11 Paid $420. On October ist the Blalock-Allen| Hardware Company started a ten-} dollar bill,a five and a one,out their store to pay debts,says the} Vadesboro Ansonian.A paper wasattachedtoeachofthebills-and each} person who received them was ta! ass them on to some one he owed al jdebt.A dollar reward was offered for| the ten if returned by Saturday,Oc-| tober 9th,and paid on a debt duethe| ‘company.A reward of 50 cents was) offered for the $5 and 25 cents for the. $1.The ten came back,having paid| forty ten-dollar debts.The one came | in and reported that it had cancelled | 20 one-dollar accounts,but the five-| ‘spot is still busy. NO INDIGESTION,GAS,OR)STOMACH MISERY INFIVEMINUTES! ‘“Pape’s Diapepsin’”’ Acid Stomach, ,»;Time it!In five minutes all stom-| ach distress will go.No indigestion,| heartburn,sourness or belching of gas,acid,or eructations of undigest-|{ ed fcod,no dizziness,bloating, breath or headache.- Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for ‘world,and besides it is harmless. Millions of men and women now eattheirfavoritefoodsthey,know Pape’s Diapepsin will savethemfromanystomachmisery.\ Please,for your sake,get a large fifty-cent.case of Pape’s Diapepsin,from any drug store.and put your stomach right.Don’t ‘keep on’being yiserable—life is too.short—you are mot-here long,so .make -your-stay Eat what you like and di- gest it;enjoy it,without dread of re- |bellion in the stomach. |Pape’s-Diapepsin belongs in‘:yourhomeanyway.Should one of the fam- ily eat something which don’t agree with them,or in case of an attack of indigestion,dyspepsia,-gastritis or during the night,it is handy to give the quickest,surest relief known. When It’s , Flowers! Think of Van Lindley Company.We have one of the largest. ‘|Greenhouse plants in- the South. || |41 f Orders small or large receive prompt atten- tion.Shipping facil. ities unsurpassed,‘|~ad ‘|Flowers That Please. oi} Van Lindley (o.,| \.GREENSBORO,N.6.Polk Gray.Drug.Co, 1s Bo e Re e CE E S For Sour,!¥% Heartburn,|39){*Dyspepsia.iB foul|¥ its|8 |speed in regulating upset stomachs.It rtlisthesurest,quickest and most cer-/9 \tain indigestion remedy in the whole| without fear—!%? stomach derangement at daytime or} Go to Te xas via Cotton Belt -dirsck Nine from!Wren phi through Arkansas. Twotrains daily w ith chair cars ardelectriclightedslecpers:Dining carservice,‘Craing fromtheSouth- cast connect “¢Memohis vith thesesCottonBeltthroughwalnstoTexat. Wisater Vares daiky to.many“autjana and,NewLotgveturalimit : Topriat in ’Pexag Stopeyrer31,1916, to certainAllYearVouristFares.dapointsin'Tevac.90 dayinmayt.Stopevers.?'Lov:Fares with Hbezsl riapovera:andl jong retusa limits choukl indues you toaeMakeatriptoToxasnow! Heo what finefarmoppertur itiesPexasoffers.Send today for free hima sted book abows‘exas,and get iu information about lowfaresfromFOREtowntoVezaoviaMemphisandtheVottonbi61Route. Watch This Space For the Date of the Big Corn Show. Guess Who! 38 BLOOleOle le eeeeeleeeeeeeS Unhealthy For You And costing good money to~fill yourself with medicine,without # first knowing’what’s ‘the matter with you,z You wouldn’t try to hit a mark without firstA gesting your eye onthetarget,and when you're ailing,why waste your ammunition by shooting into the air,so-to speak,You might shoot 299 remedies into yourself at random and miss every clip because you didn’t have your eye on the target.There’s a remedy for every trouble,but trouble in every remedyifitdoesn’t fit the case.AND-—when you take a remedy you'd better know it’s FOR what you’re taking it for,FIRST—sde the doctor;let him locate the ailment,then we'll give you exactly the right medicine,in just right condition—the very BEST to be had..,You'll have a guarantee of.100 per cent.results without indulging in expensive experiments trying to find what fits your case,The man who is his own doctor is liable to have a dead one for a: patient.eeeaeCOMEINANDLET’S MAKE YOU WELL!THE ECLE GRAY DRUG co.,Oe the Square. WORTH KNOWING! -Suppose that you are insuredin the United Life and Accident.insuranceCompanyofNewHampshirefor$5,000under the Company'sTripleIndemnityPlan,what does yourPolicy guarantee to do?ae ,ANSWER:‘ FIRST,it guaranteésthat iin case ofdoath from any lee $5,000,the face of the policy,will be paid./SECOND,thatin case of death from any accident,$10,000,ordoublethefaceofthepolicy,will be paid.THIRD,thatin case of death fron certain en accidents, $15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will be paid But thisiis not all.In case of total disability as.a result of ‘acci-dentalinjury,you will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK.Can insurance do more?And why should any man be’satisfiedwithapulicythatwoulddoless?The cost is low. GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ERNEST G.GAITHER,Cf?2Nb eat estar: PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. ee2oso ry a n 7 tO Na e SK A i 60 Tornadoes Devastate 10,000 Homesin Eight States Suchis the record ofoneday’s ‘“hundred yearsthe Hartfort!damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance CompanyYoudon’tknow when the has met every honest claim tornado may strike your promptly.Buy aHartford.“i property,but you do know ‘Tornado Policy today.Itis |the “Old/Hartford ”protects the nearest thing to comfort | sane all loss,For overa when a ponaee>ae People’s Loan&Savingisi nS N.CG. GEO,H.BROWN,Prosi .from the Bible. ar PAGE mont 1oeTHELANDMARK FRIDAY,-~October 20,1915. CAN GET COTTON GRADED. Iredell Farmers Can Send Sam- ples to Mecklenburg Grader), —The “Ginners Co-operating, _Correspondence of The Landmark. While this county was too late in jjj taking action to secure a cotton,grad- er,arrangements have been made whereby our farmers may receive the benefit of this expert ‘service.Al- though Mecklenburg county beat us to this position,,cotton from Iredell county may,be officially graded by their grader!To secure this service the farmer has only to so state his desire and pay a nickel to the ginner, who will take a sample from the bale and place it with the nickel in a don- tainer furnished by the division of markets.This container bears |the government frank,which takes it to the cotton grader at Charlotte free of \ charge,thus putting the ginner to no expense whatever.A Upon .the determination |of the grade the owner’s name is recorded along with the number,weight ©and grade of the bale.A tag with similar markings is forwarded to the owner, who may present this to the buyer when he gets ready to dispose of the bale,and provided the cotton has been properly cared for,will receive an of- fer on it just the same as though hehadthebaleitselfthere.It is quite evident that there are several ad- vantages.in this:method over the old one,farmer knows what grade of cotton he has to self and by keep- ing posted through the paper should know just.what that bale is worth in his town,It gives confidence to,thebuyer,as he may know how it.willgradewhenhistimecomestosell,so there will be.no need or.opportunity to play safe by grading it a little too low.Thus he may buy on a narrower margin,giving the producer the -ad- vantage of this certainty.The grad- »ing being done by fewer men with _more.-expert.knowledge of the needsofthemarket,should be more nearly uniform. The work of signing up theginners is progressing rapidly.Every ginnerinStatesvilleandall‘others,so far, who have been asked to do so have signed up without question.‘Some expressed themselves in favor of the work even before it was known thatitcouldbesecured,Most ginners rec- ognize the educational value of the work to the farmers.The sampling of the cotton adds to the value of theservicewhichtheginnerrendersthe farmer in the ginning.The ginners are not slow to-see that this service will increase their patronage and willaddmorethanthe-value of their la-bor to the prosperity of their com-|. munity.G.E.DULL, County Agent. Meeting -V..E.C.Club—Person- als. Correspondence of The Landmark.: Statesmille,R-4,Oct.25.—Thursdayafternoon,October 21st,the V.E.C. Girls were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs.R,A.Lowery.The members present,numbering ten,an-~“swered~to their names”witha verse We were delightedtohavetwonewmembersaddedtoourclub,Mrs.B.Murdock and MissMaeLittle.& At.this meéting it wks decided tousethefundsintheteasuryforamanofthecommunitywhoisalmost ar invalid.We hope.in the near fu- ture,to be able to do quite a lot of work that may add to the uplift of our ‘club. After the business of the micting was finished Mrs.Lowery served de-.lightful_refreshments.Mrs.W.G.Carter will entertaintheclubThursdayafternoon,28th.Mrs.C.L.Murdock of Mooresville came up Saturday morning.She ex- pects to spend several weeks visitingfriendsandrelatives.Mr.MurdockaccompaniedMrs.Murdock,return-ing home this ‘morning. Marriage at Mayhew —Meet- ing at Brawley School House. Corresponilence of The Landmark. Mooresville,R-2,Oct.27.--The far- mers of this section are busy picking cotton and.sowing wheat,though some of them take time to give the} "possum a chagé at night...| Migs’Plennie Elliott of,Mayhew|iandMr.‘Floyd Byers of Eufola were|married October 47th,at the:home ofthebride’s.parents,Mr.and:Mrs.Wood Elliott. Mr.and Mrs.Carl Howard’s babyis-right-sick with diphtheria;and theyoungestchildofMr.Milas Clodfel-ter is sick, A meeting at the Brawley schoolhousewillbeginNovember7thand continue a week.Preaching only at night.This meeting will be conduct- ed .by the students of Davidson Col-|:lege.Mr.Jim H.Mavhew and family are going to Mooresville for the winter. Mrs.'T.P.Thompson of Brawleys iissufferingfromrheumatism. Horace Jones,a negro trusty on the ‘Wake county chain gang,is in jail to answer for burglarizing the home ofJudgeHoke.in Raleigh. .Miss Dottie.Price,the young Woman of New Berne who attempted suicide by“shooting herself ‘on the eve of her marriage,is recovering. {to spare are urged to share these with MAY OBSERVE:‘ARBOR DAY.lecheCivic-Léague ed.AboutPlantingTrees,Shrubs anlowersandMakingtheTownTidyand,Attractive. Reported For The Landmark.‘ The Civic League,at its meeting Tuesday,discussed’many matters which should be of interest to the pub-’ic, The president was instructed toappointacommitteetoseeifameet-ing might not be held for the observ- ance of Arbor Day,in response to theGovernor’s proclamation,As the town has had so many trees cut down,it needs,more than ever,to replace these with new plantings.But prop- erty-owners .are adyised to plant on their.own soil-—not on street.One fine tree has been known to increase the vroperty value of a lot by $500.You holders of lots in town or country,take this.suggestion to heart andplanttrees. All who have shrubs,vines or bulbs friends and neighbors. We might well emulate other towns whose citizens manifest civic pride and business acumen:by planting bor- ders and edges of vacant lots in’tall flowering plants,such as dahlias, Ee ER a OR E ED EE N hardy hydrangeas and the like. Town cleanliness,a subject of con-! tinued and vital interest,was dis-| cussed..T'o this end householdersare | urged to care for and sweep the side-| walks in front of their own lots;and all ‘are earnestly requested to abstain| from leaving hedge clippings,grass| and weedmowings on the edge of the|street.It would «be,comparatively |little trouble to take up this rubbish,| thus materially enhancing the attrac-| tiveness of our premises. Merchants,too,can do much for the tidiness of the business ‘section of our town by requiring those who clean thestores,not only to-sweep the pave- ments in front of the stores,as is done,but also to take up the litter and place it in the receptacles —provided for the purpose...The-custom prevails of leaving the sweepings in-the gut- ter,there so seriously.to detract from the tidiness’of -our-town:-EVery-busi- ness place should possess.a_broad- mouthed,adjustable dust pan,and thesweeperbe“required ‘to use it. High License For Blind Tigers. Durham Herald,4 Fining;blind tigers for a second of- fense is no more than high license and they have sense enough to regarditassuch. alts sina NN AORN i at NipacaN ceaasn CE T , TO O si t PO R E aa ‘LADIES’AND CHILDREN’S oves:and Sleeping.Gowns!HILLS & |The Hous of Correct Underwear for Men,Women and Children. POSTON 4 ~Merchandise Unexcelledin Value and Selections,the Best. “CALVERT”MILLS Knit Under Garments ate “the | highest standard of perfection,Every garment must be as Sa or your money refunded,Ladies’Vests and Pants;Neavy weight,made of soft Peeler or Egyptian Yara .25e.,35c.,50c.,75c.,$1,$1.50 each. Same as above in Bleached at 25c.,36e.,60c.,75e.,$1 and $1.50 each.. LADIES’UNION SUITS,‘extra sizes in all grades,Bleach:ed and Unbleached,at....50c.,75¢.,$1 and $1.50 each.CHILDREN’S VESTS AND PANTS,at. INFANT’S WRAPPERS,at..........25e.,50¢.,and 78. _MISSES’AND CHILDREN’S UNION SUITS,in Bleach- ed,Natural and Grey,“it “HIGH ROCK”Shirts.and Drawers for Men and Boys, heavy weight,at...25c.,30¢.,45c.and -50c. “WRIGHT'S”fine 116°Needle-R Be Shirts and Draw- ers for Men,atMEN’S HEAVY-RIBBED ‘UNION Suirsand Blue Flan- nel ‘Top Shirts,at,.........0.06%.$1.00 each. “MEN’S AND BOYS’SWEAT ERS,at values,sWHaTEkS at 50c.,$1, $2 and up. LADIES’SILK |SWEATERS,with Scarfs and Caps to$4,$5 and $6 each. Now is the Aime to piek we GOOD XOUVEE. fo land $1,splendid : Linenwears,Phoenix and Arundel Hosiery. We keep our shelves well stocked’with these popularbrandsbecausetheyaregivingsatisfactionandthepur-chaser asumes no risk in buying them..Our LinenwearStockingsforLadiesarehigh-spliced Linen’Heel andToe,Full-Fashioned Leg with Seamless Foot,made inSilk,Lisle and Cotton,at....25¢.,85¢.,50¢.and $1.00ARUNDELHOSIERYforMen,Women and Children aremadeofselectYarns,and you can buy them at ourstorefor10c.,15¢.,25¢.and 50e.We alao have them in Wool and Wool Mixed,at 25c and 5 ¢. “PHOENIX”is another fine quality of Ladies’Silk Hose,at -75¢e.and $1.00“RONSARD”KID.AND FABRIC GLOVES,Ladies’French Lambskin,in Black,White and ‘Tan,2-button,fully guaranteed,at $1.25,LADIES’AND CHILDREN’S’FABRIC G LOVES in‘Black,White,Navy,Brown and Red,at..25¢.-and 50e.OUR “ROYAL”NIGHT GOWNS for Ladies,made of ex-tra quality Flannel Outing,in solid.White and neatPinkandBlueStripes,beautifully finished.Sizes,14to19,at ;50c.,75e.and $1 each.Our Ladies’Suit and ‘Millinery Departments are alive‘with new Models. | ‘A Great ‘Line of Dependable Si e h uh eh , LE R UL LE EL LE , ee Or e . eC ® RN S YO Y E 0) 1 @\ 77 8 TO N ? Te c en en Ee Se ek , Tanai of the Meri chants &Farmers’Bank Corn Show to Be Held by‘Farmers of Iredell: Countyat This Bank Saturday,Nov.27th, oo el It is county cotton.a ‘conceded fact that Iredell has a “Bumper”corn crop, and we believe it would be beneficial' to the farmers of.the county to have a corn show,and let each other itows! as well as the public,what they are We have opened the “way to save you MONEY on GINNING your Now give us a trial. Wouldn’t’you drive a mile further to pick up a few dollars?“Sure |Deeds of Iredell county, “Salem Tutt”Whitney with SmartSetCo.at Opera House Monday evening November 1st. LONG TEAF KILN DRIED Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboard- ing,Casing and Boxing,Mould- ings,Mantels,Columns’and New- els;Doors,Blinds,Windows; Lime,Laths aiid Cement;ready- made Door.and Window,Frames. Full‘stock atall times and lowestprices.°C WATKINS,‘Statesville,N.C. SALE OF LAND UNDERGAGE. North Carolina,Iredell’County? UNDER tind by virtte of the powers~con-tained in a mortgagé deed executed by “R.4*A.Bass and wife,J,A,Bass,to J.H.West,to secure.the indebtedness _thercin.mention-ed,said mortgage deed being recorded —inBook28,at.page.576 of the records of mort-gage deeds in the office of the Register of N.C.,default hav- ing been made in the payments of the in- debtedness thereby secured,the undersign- ed mortgagee will,on 'MONDAY,NOVEMBER 22,1915, at 12 o'clock,M., the highest bidder,in Statesville,North Carolina,for ,cash,thefollowingdescribedlotortractoflands,to-wit:Lot No.11 in Block No.14 of the States-ville Development Company,as mapped and plotted on the’map of the propery of thesaidStatesville,Development ‘Company,which map is filed of record in the Register ofDeeds’office of Iredell ‘vounty,in the State|of North Carolina,in Book 15,page 441,thesame!being the identical property mentionedindeedfromJ.H..Hoffmann and wife.to J.H.West,dated October 22d,1902. J iAtt’ys.Mortgagce.|1915.:| CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. MORT- sell.at public auction toattheCourtHousedoor Lewis &«Lewis,Oct.22, North Carolina. Department of State, To all to whom these presents may come~greeting: |.Whereas,it appears to my satissfantion by ||duly authenticated recort of the proceedings|for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the|unanimous consent of all the stockholders,|deposited-in-my office,thit the Henkel’LiveStock.Company,a corporation of —thisState,whose principal ‘office is situated at “THE SMART.SET.”.. .That remarkable organizationcoloredsingers,dancers,comedians| and fun-makers,known as the)Smart.Set Company,will be the at- traction at the Opera *House nextMondaynight.The offering will beentitled,George Washiagton BullionAbroad,a new-three-act musical com-edy,with Salem Tutt Whitneyin theleadingyole.Mr.Whitney will be sup-by a company of 35 people,in-eluding J.Homer Tutt and Blanchempson,and Hattie Ackers and}rs.The production as usual willbeuniqueinthewayofsongsand| features,--besides the singingdanvingchorus;sure to mectimmediate‘approval anywhere.:baleony and gallery dur-is engagement will be reservedsateeranerawillgo.on of| No.619 Center street,in the city of States-ville,county of Iredell,State of North Caro-:lina (David J.Craig being the agent there-jin-and in-charge thereof,a|may bo served),has comp! |quirements of Chapter ¢ |titled “Corporations,”suing of this Certifiente-of Dissolution:Pow,therefore,:ee: tary of State of North’Carolina,do Herebycertifythat.the said corporation did,on the|}12th day of October,1915,fle in my office a.uly executed and attested cinsent in writingtothedissolutionof‘said corporation,executed|by all the stockholders.theereof,which snidjconsentandthereeordoftheprocecdingsaforesaidarenowonfileinadsaidofficeasprovidedbylaw. In_testimony whereof,I have hereto set myjiandandaffixedmy.official seal,at Raleigh,|.this 12th day of October,A.D,,T91B,+J.BRYAN GRIMES, Beeretary of State. ied with the re!21,Revisal of 1905,en |Oct.15,1915. This notice has reference to thejHenkelLiveStockCo.an old Cor-‘poration,and Has "hothing to do:withjthepresentcompany—The Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.|‘ ‘doing in this line. jas we do,we havedecided to invite; the farmers of the county to have this exhibit at our bank: we wish to offer the following prizes: H.WEST,|ute |Shoe nm whom process preliminary’to.the.is-|Q 3ryan Grimes,Seere-| So believing this In addition to:arranging all’the, necessary tables,etc.,for the exhibit | First prize... /Second prize Third prize Fourth prize wt vavedvi $2.50 All others a.six months subsctip- tion to the Progressive Farmer.While these prizes are not large,it will be seen that every farmer who exhibits will get something. There Will Be No Entry Fee, All you will have to do will be to select ten ears of your best corn,and bring it to the bank on or about No- vember 20th,your name will be reg- istered,and your exhibit numbered,| After all.the exhibits are in,and the } judging has been done:the corn.will; be displayed.and the name of exhibitor|will be placed on his corn,| | The judges will be the.following: well known gentlemen:Ff.T.Meach- am,KE.S.Millsaps and G.E.Yull. Prizes will be awarded’Sautrday,No-. vember:27th,1915. We trust our farmer friends ture,and lets make this show a grand, success. -Merchants &Farmers ! *BANK 4 | > of Statesville. |By.F.B.BUNCH,Cashier. NOTICE-TOCREDITORS.| Having qualified as executor of the last iwill and testament of Joseph L.Padgett,no- tic is hereby given to all parties holding slaims against said ¢state to present the‘same to the undersigned on or before the|15th day of October,1916,or this notice will, Oct.15,1916, SEOETECARD CROKOTCI COA AOLACRO ORTON Turnersburg,N.¢€ will > .jco-operate with us.'in this new ven-! Mike.”A dollar saved is a dollar made.LISTEN: Free Bagging and Ties. Toll at 331-3 or 40th If You Sell Us Your Seed. We now have the best ginner in Ire- dell county—Mr.W.A.Gabriel, who managed the biggest ginnery in the county for years.Come and see us do business.o- 7 ‘We guarantee our work and pay you the top of the market on SEED, LINT and SEED COTTON. Imperial Cotton Oil Company. " b TYPEWRITERS!¥ev,%,225 Typewmiies i poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES,_with your Typewriter troubles: Come to usStatesvilleFries.Co. Shop 2 K er CIGARS! Men’s Half Soles,sewed Men’s Half Soles,nailed.. Woman’s Half Soles,sewed... Woman’s Half Soles,nailed,is RUBBER QO!Sullivan Other Heels Give usa trial!Palka ‘“&:iH Let our expért Shoe Havelrer do your work, Special prices on Children’s Work. $0.75 and $1.00 YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERS60.BIB -*NOW TRY THE BEST, \.65 and 75e. ,Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar sciatica _HALL’S DRUG STORE,*PHONE 20,Preseriptioniste, R HEELS: SHOE CO.|