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The Landmark, November 1915
«mars a) VOL.XLIL ° —— CRUSHED .enerMr:T.‘A:Corbin of Winston-'Salem Killed When His Car Turned Over-—-Fatal Accident on the Post Road Near States- villex Mr T A Corbin of Winston-Salemwasinstantlykilledabout9:30 o'clock Friday morning when his automobileranoffan”embankment on the North Carolina Post Road,about seven miles ‘ 1 4 UNDER THE CAR.|HIS ARM CRUSHED BY CAR|WHY THE BOND SALE IS H.C.Nix,Knocked Down By aRailwayCar,Loses An Arm. Mr.H.C.Nix,a young man knowntohisfriendsas“Bob”Nix,was knocked down by a train on the lo-eal railway yards Saturday morn-ing about 11 o'clock,and his leftarmwassobadlycrushedbyawheel of the train that it had to be ampu-tated just below the shoulder.HewasalsobruisedatanumberofoutfromStatesville.The machine|places on hig head and body,but ened eae a8 bended a inioee were not serious.bout ten :snd i Fe ‘he .aceident occurred aboutCorbina%his face in the yards west of the Meeting water.r.J.KR.nM ”eke crossing.Young Nix and two com-man who was riding with Mr.Corbin,/panions.Messrs.Elree Webster andwasalsocaughtbeneaththemachine,|,W.Hollar,who had been at theESesereaeiceecerefetaoe¢)¢ur.©Or-lalong the space tween the mainbinlosingcontrolofhismachinejust;ailway line and thé siding on the after rounding a curve a short dis-'north.The local shifting “engine was tance from the embankment and pushing a number of box cars alongbranch.Bere _|the main line in the same direction.ime a —Nat!tobecce tite ngiee of prother train prevented.A.C 1Ovy ,ix an his companions hear-Datrt She Max tees buping.tela (thy Recor gt id eet aesés§be ’-\they approache ehind them,an:bi i gre Etateryel mare oe ee duet bates |the en car reached him“?8 br vr tha ix ste ‘over close to the track.Pe Ree come.over.to Statesville in,The earnar of the car struck him onwesleytoreachherebefore“TDigahafh natral hewoeereTorenoud:,Rovere se?|ont his hands to catch himself andheleftWinston-Salem Friday’morn-ithe left hand went on the inside of ing about 7:30 o’clock in his Reo tour-:the track,resulting in the wheels ofingcar,a by young’Mr:‘the front truck of the car passing Simpson,who ha ae giog cht oe it.Nix quickly rolled himselffor_company pie eae ong away from in ce and his twowounee:-companions~di ft htobacco.Knowing that his brother in!peen aaacek aatil diy saw —oe Statesville would probably leave fo>the ground.A number of persons,Winston-Salem on the 10:35 train.if including some of the trainmen,wit- 25 street NTFF|A DAY OF SUPERIOR COURT. Bidders For Alexander.RoadiePutTooMany.Strings 0 Bids, _It was announced in the Taylors- ville correspondence,in the last issu2ofTheLandmark,that the AlexanderroadbondshadbeensoldtoSpitzer& Co.,for par and accrued interest.Thestatementwastrue‘when made,but the trade failed.‘The representative of Spitzer &Co,made it a part of his contract that themoneyforthebondsshouldbeleftiff a Wilmington bank,to be drawn outasneeded,the bank to pay Alexander county a minimum of 2 per cent onbalances.While this is not a compli-ance with the statute,which providesthatthemoneyforthebondsshail be turned over to the county treasur- er,the commissioners decided to wave this point. The statute under which the Alex- ander road bonds were voted also pro-vides that the bonds shall run:35 and40years.Thé representative of thebondbuyers,when he got to the point of submitting his bill in writing,putinthisprovision:“Bunds to mature inannualinstallmentsasourattorneys may approve.”Of course the com:missioners refused to agree to’this, and the trade was off.The impression has gone out that several favorable bids for the Alex-ander road bonds.have been.turneddown--without.good reason,and it hasbeenintimatedthatsomefolkswhodidnotwantthebondsissuedwere preventing their sale.The Landmarkisadvisedthatwhileseveralbidders have offered par and accrued interest for the bonds,they have always.in- New Attorney Takes Oath— Cases on Motion Docket— Changed Sentences in State w Cases, Judge Lane opened Iredell Supe: rior Court Friday and heard cases on the motion docket that day,court ad- journing for the term Friday after- noon. At the opening of the court FridayMr,Dorman Thompson presented the licensé granted Jo.Y.Caldwell,son of Mr.L.C.Caldwell,to practice law, and at the request of the court theoathwas.administered to Mr.Cald-well by Mr.Thompson. Cases were disposed of as follows: Krank Long vs.C.L.Mayhew;set- tled out of court.Derendant to pay plaintiff $17.50 and all costs exceptthewitnessfeesoftheplaintiffand the sheriff’s fees for summoning vlaintiff’s witnesses.The defendantisalsotoletplaintiffhaveone-third of the wheat straw and the plaintiff agrees not to bring any other actionagainstMayhewforfailuretobeal- lowed to’work crop on Mayhew’s land during 1915,or for any.other cause now existing,and agrees to vacate Mavhew’s house on or before January 1,1916,defendant not to sue plain- tiff for house rent or for any:other cause now existing.. Krider Stock Co.vs.Geo.W.Ab- sher,Vernicé”Absher and~J.-A:Ab- sher;judgment by default ‘for tbe plaintiff for $678.41,-with”interest from October 18,1915,until paid. M.A.Feimster vs.R.L.Wasson et al.;settled out of court and non- STATESVILLE,N.O.,TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 2,1915. Sudden Summons—’Squire In- gram Dead-——-A Young Man a Victim ‘of Tuberculosis—Oth- er Deaths. iMr.J.Sidney Fry,one of the best known citizens.of the community, died Sunday afternoon about dark at the home of his son,Mr.E.A.Fry, three miles west ‘of town.Death camerathersuddenly.’Mr.Fry.started out for a walk,but after going a shortdistancecomplainedofbeingtiredandreturnedtothehouse.He sat.down on a bed to rest and before it was re-alized that he was ill he suddenly ex-pired.He had been in failing health a long time but was not considered inadangerouscondition,and his deathwasashocktohisfamily. Mr.Fry was born and reared on.a farm in Shiloh township,near the Ca- tawba river,and was 71 years old.He located in Statesville about 40 years ago and lived.here until several months ago,when his health failedandhemoved,to the country with his son.Ever since he located in States- ville Mr:Fry had operated a shoe re- pair shop and for some years.his son,Mr.E.A.Fry,had been associated with him in business,the shop beingoperatedunderthe-name of the Elec- tric Shoe Shop.Mr.Fry was an.ex-cellent citizen,a good ard true man,and had many warm.friends. Mr,-Fry_married_Miss Susan Deitz of this county,who,with the one son, Mr.E.A.Fry,survives him.Surviv- ing also:are three brothers and one sister,namely:Messrs.S.G.and T.E.Fry of Statesville,N..E.Fry of DEATH OF MR.J.S.FRY. ,grat)Eero rN 4 i 4/NO 28. 1 eee ae 2 canes _BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, ?srr BOR—Box supper at Olin church Sat-urday night.‘‘eb—{fhe public school at Cool Springopenedyesterday.=—Called.meeting of Merchants’As-sociation tomorrow night.,—The Civie League,tea room will :be open Friday afternoon at 3 4atthestoreoftheSherrill-White ShoeCo.The public invited.(. —The county.commissioners andthecountyboardofeducationhelutheir:regular monthly meetings yes-terday.-Only.routine business wastransacted.‘Re —An automobile line,operated byMr.L.M.-Furches of Moc le,Wil:,begin a schedule between StatesvilleandWinston-Salem,via Mocksville,next Monday,8th.:b—License has’been ienned for the -fea marriage of Mr.B.L,Miss Rebecca Baker,Mr,pard and Miss Effie Les |Luther Ernest Lytle andRitchie.,eae i —The boarding pupils at the col-lege were given’an automobile rideFridayafternoon.They.visited Ba-rium and Troutman,stoppin ye.former place to inspect the ‘Gephane’Home. —Mr.W.D.Carlton of Atlanta is ©here on account:of the illness’of©hisfather,Capt.P,C.Carlton;who suf-fone &slight i of ‘paralysis aewdaysago.Capt.’Carlton’s condi-‘tion is apparently improved:©- —Mr.J.W.Allison of StatesvillespentSundayinConcordashisun-cle,Mr.J.R.WallaceofMecklenbur Catawba county,and Mrs.R.M.In-county,Wi i Sapttal the gram of Taylorsville.nty,who is ill in a Hospital ther‘Mr.W:condition©‘wascorporatedsomeprovisioninto‘th suit allowed,plaintiff to pay cost.jhe did not arrive here before that nessed the accident.A crowd gath ©-bid that could not be accepted.One|_Philip Boyd Publishing Co.vs.Z.V.“time.Mr.Corbin expected to cover ered quickly and the injured man was allace’s the 51 miles between Winston-Salem placed in an automobile and rushed and Statesville before 10 o’clock and to the Sanatorium.Although his armwasofnecessitymakingprettyg001)was so badly crushed that it barelyspeed.‘held together,and was bleedi ro-Rounding a curve near the home of «a bidder offered par for,the bonds ‘on|Turlington,A.W.Colson,A.W.Gud-condition that he be employed.to;ger,T.P.Miller and J.G.Benson;supervise the road work,with a liberal|compromised by the plaintiffs paying allowance for expense and help and|$200 and costs of the action.This 10 per cent additional on the expendi-'releases the bondsmen of J.W.Brown Mr.C.W.Leckie,just before a fill ap- proaching a branch is reached,Mr. Corbin evidently lost control.of his machine.Judging from the tracks of the car he made the curve in safety, but when he turned back toward the inside of the road he ran too clo to the bank.The machine was thesteeredbacktotheothersideofthe road and ran close to the edge of the embankment,and the next turn threw it back to the other side of the road and over the embankment.The.front wheel struck the top of the concre*e culvert and the car turned a somer- sault and landed bottom-side up acrass the branch ten feet below,catching’ both occupants.beneath it.Mr.Corbin was pinned face down- ward in the branch,his head almost being covered by water,while Mr. Simpson landed in the wet sand a foot or two from the water and was hel) fast.Mr.Simpson seys that as soo as he recovered from the shock he observed that Mr.Corbin was _per- fectly still.He called to him but re- ceived no reply.As quickly as possi- ble Mr.Simpson dug the sand from around his own body and managed to crawl from beneath the machine.He attempted to lift the car sufficiently to pull Mr.Corbin out,but found his strength unequal to the task.Climb- ing up the bank he ran back along the road toward the home of Mr.Leckie. calling for help...Mr.Leckie and.a colored farm hand heard his calls and ran to his assistance.'Mrs.C.S.Tom- lin and Miss Charley Tomlin,out rid- ing in their touring car,with their servant,George Tomlin,at the wheel, also arrived on the scene about the same time and the four men present urned the car over and took .Mr. rbin’s body from the branch.Life was extinct.a uot : »Just about ‘the time Mr.Corbin’s ‘body was taken from beneath the car Dr.Harding of Yadkin county,who was motoring toward Statesville,ar- rived at the scene of the tragedy and jmmediately examined the body.He found no spark of life and was of the opinion that death had been instan- taneous.Mr.Simpson was also exam- ined and found to be only -slightly bruised.After ascertaining that he éould be of no further service Dr. Harding hurried on to Statesville and reported,the accident to Sheriff Dea- ton.The sheriff and other officers, accompanied by Undertaker Nichol- gon,went to the scene immediately and took charge of the body.After hearing the statements of Mr.Simp- gon ‘and.those first at the scene after the accident,it was decided that no ‘itiquest.or official investigation of the diccident.was necessary.Mr.Simp- fusely,Nix never lost his nerve anditalkedfreelytothose.about him: Mr.Nix,who is about 23 years old,is a son of Mrs.Nix,who livesonSeventhstreet.He had _beenjworkinginLenoirandwasathome on a wWsit..se |acestAcewriteestiesonnecisestciiiedn{MR.SILER AT RACE STREET.|nnnniaot.\CLUB_MEETING TONIGHT.Tomorrow Night—Revivals in the Churches—Church News. A meeting which had been in prog-ress at Front:Street Baptist church for “ome days closed Friday nightwith\baptismal service.The ordi- nance baptism was administeredtotencandidatesfor¢hurch member-ship.Pastor C.8.Cashwell was as-sisted in the meeting by Rev.J.D.Moose of Maiden. ~A-good congregation attended”thespecialserviceconductedatNewHope !Baptist church Sunday afternoon.bymembersoftheBaracaSundayschool‘and missionary:team of the First Bap- |tst church.Mr.P.P.Purnell spoke on organized class work,Mr.R._T. jWeatherman’s subject was “Christiar.‘Statesmanship,”Mr.D.F.Mayberry spoke on “Christian Stewardship”and J.Paul Leonard discussed ‘Missions in the Sunday School.”:Rev.W.F.Hollingsworth,who preached at Front Street Presbyte- rian church Sunday morning and at |Barium Sunday afternoon,filled thepulpit‘at the -First Presbyterian ‘church Sunday evening.Mr.Hol- ‘lingsworth was formerly pastor atMorgantonandwaslaterforsomeyearsinchargeofthePresbyterian High School -at Glade Valley,Alle- ghany county.A meeting which had been in prog- ress at Western Avenue church fortwo’weeks:closed Sunday.night.Themeetingwaslargelyatténdedand much interest was manifested.There were about 50 additions to the church during the.two weeks,Rev.J.W.Watts,who assisted Pastor Church in the meeting,returned yesterday to his home in Taylorsville. Rev.Frank Siler,missionary secre-tary of the Western North Carolina Conference,will preach at Race Street Methodist church tomorrow evening at 7.30.:Rev.C.M.White,whe had been at home for Sunday,returned yesterday afternoon to Newton,where he is con- ducting a meeting for Rev.W.Ff. Gréen.‘ —The district meetingof the Ma- sons will be held with the local lodge Friday evening. 4 fill made it hard to understarfywhy,;Mr.Corbin should lose control of:the son ‘stated’that he did not think Mr.machine and not be able to get over Corbin was driving over 15 miles an the fill and culvert safely,and it was hour and he was surprised when he suggested that he might have suffered experienced the sudden zigzag mo-an attack of heart trouble,apoplexy tion of the car.He said that when he'or something of the kind.One or saw an accident was inevitable he at-|more doctors who examined the body tempted to jump from the car,but it were also of the opinion that thera went over the embankment ,befgre he might have been a sudden attack of could get out and the next instant hejillness.Mr.Corbin’s hat blew off. found hiniself pinned-beneath it.just after-he-rounded-the-curve and Mr.Corbin’s.body was brought to the most:logical solution is that he Statesville and prepared for shipmen-.|reached for his hat and ‘lost control of and in the meantime his home peopl.his steering wheel.Be this as’it may,were notified of the accident,It.was the injuries received were sufficient tolearned_that his brother,Mr.G.C.!cause instant death regardless 6f any ture.Another party would take the bonds at par if allowed to name the engineer to bejemployed in the roadwork—and so on-and so ops-Of course allthe bids with stringslikethathadtobeturneddown.There was nothing else to do. What Was Discussed at Friday Night’s Meeting and the Rea-son For Tonight’s Meeting. In response tothe call for*a.meet- ing of the Commercial club of the membership assembled at theclubhouse.President Ausley presid- ed.He and’members of the govern- ing board explained the status of the club and a general discussion follow-ed.The facts,briefly stated,arethese:When the location of the club was changed from down town to Wal-nut street,the large majority of themembershipwhichfavoredthechange thought the new location was better suited for club purposes.Subsequenteventsseemtoshéwthatthiswasanerror.The membership of the clubhasdwindleduntilithaspractically ceased to ‘be.self-sustaining.The ex- cuse.most of the retiring members give is that the location of the club is inconvenient and others have as- signed the-same réason for refusing to aheconcensus of opinion was that it is necessary to move back to adowntownlocatigntosavetheclub,but there is a question whether the present club house is not rented for atermofthreeyearsandthattheclubislegally,or morally bound to Mr.D. J.Craig,the ownerof.the property, for that’time.were opposed to,doing anything thatsavoredofviolatingacontract,but they were faced with the fact that ap- parently something must be done to save the club.‘ On motion it was decided to take avoteonthequestionwhetheritwas considered best,for the club’s welfare,to change the location:The decision that it was necessary for the club to move was practically .unanimous,but whether it will move,and where,wasleftforfinaldecisionuntilitisseen if the matter of rent can.be adjustedsatisfactorilywithMr.Craig.A com- mittee composed of President Aus- ley,Messrs.L.B.,Bristol,F.B.Bunch and R.R.Clark was Appointed to confer with Mr.Craig and report to a meeting of the club to be heldthiseveningat8o’clock..It is urged that as many members as possible at- tend the meeting this evening,as themattertobeconsideredisimportant. Revenue Collections Last Month. During October Collector Watts ofthisdistrictcollectedinternalrev-enue taxes amounting to $986,053.63, as follows:\ Liquor License 25.00OleomargarineLicense.8.50hisisadecreasefromlastmonthof$49,409.55 and an=increase over ee Cc Corbin,“had left Statesville on aaa cane .There were slight wounds ‘on 10:35 train..He was reached by wire the férehead and elsewhere on the’ at Barber Junction.and came back to body and one or mote of:the doctors Statesville by automobile.‘An auto-think there was a depression in the mobile hearse came to Statesville hase of the skull,and thought it pos-| October of last year of $387,650.16,or643-4 per_cent.” Licensed Local Preacher.«The licensing board.of the Metho- Fridevening,a representative heme day The club members; Tobacco (all forms).....$962,912.43, Income Taxes......De acces 18,696.52' Emergency (war)Taxes..9,329.26FinesandPenalties......45.09 Narcotic Taxes .....6....36.23 but does not release Brown from.any liability..Statesville Loan and Trust Co.vsi' U.-C.Harwell;judgment for plaintift for $221.83,with interest at 6 per cent from October 1st,1918,until paid,to- gether with the costs.~Stanley E.Conger vs.Mizie L.Con- ger;non-suit at request of the plain- tiff,who is taxed with the cost. D..B.Krider and others vs.Krider Stock Co.;receivers of Krider Stock Co.ordered to sell all claims,accounts jnany.after.advertising sale for 20 Ww.L..Gamble and others vs.States- ville Furniture Co.;plaintiffs took non-suit and paid cose..W.C.Johnston,Geo.Goodman andothersvs.Eagle Clothing Company;judgment for Woodward and TiermanPrintingCo.against Eagle Clothing Company for $40.Conner Lee Setzer by his guardian, W.L.Sherrill,,vs.Orion Setzer, Blanche Setzer and Ottie Setzer.Dew- ey L.Raymer appointed guardian adlitemfor“Orion,Blanche and Ottie Setzer,who are under age.to repre- sent them in this action.The action was compromised,the Setzers to re- tain ownership of the land described in the complaint and to pay ConnerLeeSetzer$600.‘W:H.and B.M.Morrow and oth- rs vs.F.J.Axley and others;report f commissioner to sell land continued til next term.Mrs.Ada L.Clarke vs.T.M.Clarke;plaintiff to recover $500 and interest rom May 12,1912,until paid,and\the costs of the action,this judgment to be a lien on the undivided interest of the defendant in certain lands men- tioned in the complaint.The _plain-tiff is also to recover of C,H.Brown, ‘executor of the will of Harriet Clarke, \the sum of $500 and interest thereonfromMay12,1915,-and the cost:of the action,this judgment to be dis- Icharged:upon the payment to theIplaintiff:of whatever sum of money Brown,executor,shall be due the de-fendant under the will of Harriet ark.Mrs,M.A.White vs.John White; ‘plaintiff allowed to amend complaint. Changes in sentences in State casesweremadeasfollows: |Wes.Shelton,who had been ‘sen- tenced to the roads for 60 days for jearrying concealed ‘weapons,was:al- lowed to go on the payment of a fine of $20 and cost.| | { | The:fine placed oa Tom Compton for manufacturing brandy was reduc- ed from $50 to $25.aT.A.Redman.charged with—re- ‘tailing and manufacturing liquor,was ‘allowed to pay costs,prayer for judg- ment being continued to next term. Redman gave bond in the sum of $100. Road sentence of 20 days for Nor- 'man Cayprill and Harvey Lee Hous- ton,for gambling,was changed to fine of $5 each.The case of Arthur,Roberts,the ilkes man who was arrested some days ago for_retailing,did not come ‘up as expected.Roberts is under{bond to appear at next term. Death of a Worthy ‘Colored «Man, Chas.Alexander,one of the best known and most prosperous coloredcitizensofthecounty,died Friday athis‘home in Cool,Spring township,‘aged about 67 years.Being ambitious from Winston-Salem Friday night af-‘sible that the neck was:broken.Mr.distChurch for Statesville District,in’and industrious,and.possessing unu- ter Mr.Corbin’s remains,t er-in-law of the deceased came with fleshy,making exterior examination in Statesville Saturday,licensed Mr. the hearse.and accompanied the body difficult and there was no occasion for!A,P.Brantley of Mt.Ulla as a localtoWinston-Salem.“Mr,'G.C,Corbin internal examination.-...°.|Methodist preacher.’Mr.BreandMr.Simpson left for Winston-Sa-|Mr,Corbin was 55 years old and who is | Jem by train Priday night.had for some years been &résident of A large number of people visited Winston-Salem,whee he.:was well the scene of the accident n automo-‘known tobacco’‘enl A dod. piles and there’was much speculation at one time a rep’ Coll aged in teaching at/Mt.Uille rThefee A broth-Corbin.was a large man and rather special session at Broad Street church ‘sual business ability for one of his race,Alexander had accumulated‘considerable wealth and owned and A Brantley,'operated a farm of over 400 acres.inisterial student at Trinity He was a good farmer and had goodbusinessdgment.He had.manyboardiscom-friends of both races.Surviving ar>ler L.T.Man.Prof.D.Matt.idren,his wife and a large family of:chil- on the cause of the tragedy."The American’Tobaced ©:‘Rev.Z.BE.Before the war Alexander was a fact that there was 0 to 75 yatds:ofSurviving arehis wif r.W.H,-slave of Mrs.J,H.McElwee of States- Sgtraight road from ‘the ‘curve “to the ters,”re i ,’ville,Be ! yy @ ‘and judgments of the defendant com-| During the civil war Mr.Fry gave) his services to the Confederate army. He ‘was.injured in battle,one of hisfingersbeingshotoff.;The funeral was held yesterday af.-ternoon at St,John’s Lutheran church,of which the deceased was a consist-ent member,Rev.W.A.Lutz conduct- ing the service.Interment w.s in Oak- wood cemetery. Mr.James A.Ingram died Thurs- day evening at 7.30 o’clock at hishomeinShilohtownship,a short dis- tance from.Eufola.While he had been in failing health.a long time,his condition did not become criticaluntiltwodaysbeforehisdeath,HewasinStatesvilleabouttendays ago.The funeral service was con-jducted at.the residence Friday noonibyRev.G,H.Church of Statesville‘and the,burial was at New Bethany church.*"|Mr.Ingram.was a native of thesectioninwhichhediedandwas76{years old.For many years he wasamagistrateand.was generallyknownas’Squire Jim Ingram.Sur-viving him are five,children, viz.:Mrs.A Howard of Elmwood, \Messrs.Lennie Ingram of City Point, Va.,Rockwell Ingram of East Mon-bo,and Miss Lola Bell Ingram andMr.Odell Ingram at,home. Mr.John W.Cook died Friday nightatthehomeofhisfather,Mr.E.T.'Cook,on Armfield street,death re-‘sulting from tuberculosis.The funeralandburialtookplaceSunday,Rev.Geo:H..Church conducting the ser-vice.Mr.Cook contracted tuberculosi.while engaged in railway constructionworkinMarylandand.was for somemonthsinaBaltimorehospital.HejcamehomelastFebruaryandhadjbeenindeclininghealthsince.He :was 33 years old and is survived bythiswife,parents and a number oftrothersandsisters. Lestér~Lee,the 18-months-old child of Mr.and Mrs.John M.Hedrick,died Sunday night at the home of his pa-rents on Seventh street..The remains were taken’to Bethany ‘church forburialyesterdayafternoon. Reception at the College.” The recital and reception given at Statesville college last night by thestudentsandfacultytothepeopleofStatesville.was largely attended and was a very delightful scoial .event. The guests gathered in Shearer Music;Hall,where a pleasing masical pro- gramme was rendered by Misses Ruth Foard,Aileen Terry,”Mary Spratt, Mary Holding,Ruth Harris,Me'ssa Warlick,Florence:Armfield,Letitia Wiseman,Mary Maxwell,MargarctBrawleyandLindaHartness.Theentireaudiencewasthenusheredinto the parlors in the main building,where the reception was held.Teereceivinglinewascomposedofthe faculty,headed by President and MrsJ.M.Moore.A number of the ladies of the town assisted in entertaining.Refreshments were served in the di:- ing room by young ladies of the col- lege.Mrs.M.R.Adams and Mrs.& B.Watts poured coffee.The parlorsanddiningroomwere.attractively decorated,red-and green being the color scheme in the dining room. Wedding in December.. _Mx.Tumulty,private secretary tu the President,yesterday issuéd the following:‘ “In -order to quiet speculationPresidentWilsonandMrs,NormanGaltauthorizetheannouncementthattheirmarriagewilltakeplacenearthecloseofDecember.»Their plansareforaverysimpleceremonyandwhichwillbequietlyperformed,atMrs.Galt’s home,No invitations wi'lbeissuedanditisexpectedthattheonlyguests’will be mombers of thetwofamilies.” J.F,Bowles.‘Collector Watts has’returned’a visit,to Raleigih,.‘ Mrs.D.F.Gayof Worcester,Mass.,is here on @visit to her sister,Mr.;. from much improved when Mf.Allison JeConcordSundayevening,~_—A bicycle which was stolen fronMr.Frank Proffit nearly a aiewaslocatedbyofficersSwasfoundbyaboy,at a point.onWesternrailroadashortdistancewestoftown,after it had been strip-ped of its tires and brakes._A>mule and wagon ‘which wasrecentlyseizedinYadkin.county:byDeputyCollectorAlexander:becausethewagoncontainedblliquor,was sold at auction,for th =}ment,in Statesville Saturday.ie.-len Mills was the purchaser at $60...~—The Henkel’-Craig Live ‘StockCo.has bought two tracts of landin —Cool Spring to iMr.J.C.Henk unday.,Ye Bee i Live Stock Co,has sold thiandlots:on Mulberry street to M:Henley.Pood Selects ;:__-Dr,and Mrs.F,A.Carpenterandchild,:who have been occupying.Sloan house on Davie avenue,areweekmovingintorooms.|* penter’s in ary,adjoinincesoverthePolkGray|pany’s store,‘They T takemealsatahotel,=—The ‘big pipe organlege,which was to eta,nstall- er lot,han been Gelayel ana.thearganhasnotyetarrived,This4 a3willofcoursedelaythemusicalevscheduledforthemiddleof.thismonth.Definite announcement of the date will be made later...” * Com- for the col- —The.meeting of.the stockholders.of the Statesville Cotton.Mill,eeSaturdaytopassonaabuildan-addition to the mill,did nottakeaction.for lack of aquorum.Nodatewassetforanothermeeting,The annual meeting will be hled twomonthshence‘and.it is supposed that~further action will betaken until:en,";s8 —Mr.W.D.Surratt,who ‘has con-ducted the Statesville Inn for thepastsevenmonths,has leased:the Ho-tel Stanly at:Norwood.He toochargethereyesterday.Mr.Surrattwillcontinue,however,to direct af-fairs at the Inn and will be assisted —by his son,Mr.Wade Supratt,in’themanagementofthetwohostelries.Mrs.Surratt and,Miss Zella SurrattwillrestdeatNorwood.|:,—-The Statesville high school foot-ball team defeated the high:school -team of.Salisbury in a gameon théStatesvillegroundsSaturdabe noon by a score of 76 to 0.)!bury boys are said to of een -tirely too tender”for Statesville,local team made ‘12 touch-downe‘afourgoals.The playing ofOvercash‘and Grierof State:Snider of Salisbury,was, Coming to Statesville,’ ee aed Pe .children ‘0:ma,Va.,renee:to arrive in Statesville todaytheirhomehere.Mrs.Franzellia ‘4sister“of Mrs.J.H.FesperStatesville.Mrs.FBranzéll’s |)died at,Selma about ait trieand_his remains were ©,Having decided to ke.her permanent homeshe HasbodyofMr.Franzell’exhumed.will bring it with her.for,intementinOadcemetery.Mr.Fr,zell,who was ubout.87 years old,a native of Germany,|Se Officers Daughters of Confedéer-|acy.Bae("At their 1 .noon the Dat a &Adams.{aienkinsfratieres‘Leinster second’viceJ.G.Invin third.viee } B,Fy.asMrs.1,0.Giron Pieonephe Mtueter-of onilarene: i 1 r ‘~©:November 2,191 E BIG PART OF SERBIA. e Invaders Not So Slow— ‘News of the War Zone—Hes- perian Probably Destroyed’By. Torpedo—British Seize Amer- ean Ship..' A large sectidn of Serbia is now inelseneitheinvaders,-“The “Aus: trians have penetrated Serbian terri-tory on the Bosnian frontier and an *Austrian column has advanced sovth‘ward from Valjeve to Razana,while German ‘forces;moving from.the Happenings Here and‘ThtheState. morning,: Mr.W.J.Bryan will speak in Char-lotte ori the 15th,under the ausnicesofthecharitydepartmentofthePres.byterian hospital.)1.‘ The history:of Rowan county, written..and’published -by the “lateRev.Dr.:Jethro Rumple many.yearsjago,an interesting and valuable book,is being republished.a The,Roanoke -Chowan Times says a cotton ginner of that seetion (Rich THE CHURCH'S Fi What Presbyterians GaveTheir.Orphanage and State had contributed the past’ $193,626 to the five objects for eral Assembly,of the amount went’to foreijsions. asked for, onwhichcontributionswereaskedbythe‘Gen:Fifty-nine”per:eent;mis-The sum was about’$1,000lessthantheGeneralAssemblyhadbutas$50,000 of >theamountwasgiven’by one ‘individual Neattohtoeeahe hana Want weagt 3 This,exectitioncallstheshamefal murder of «Mrs.Surratt under sentence of a militarycourtat’Washington,D.C,,in the‘summerofmen,who knowcase,now admit that there was notsufficient.evidence to have eorivictedMrs.Surfatt of complicityin the as-gassination of President’Lincoln,andfierdeathisaneverlastingdisgracetothe-United .States government.Her son,John H.Surratt,was alsoaccusedofcomplicityinthat.assas-sination,but he escaped from _this country,and,after wandering in manycountries,was finally detected andarrestedthenextyearwhileserving ‘of Miss ‘Cavell rech. ‘The Surratt Execution,—|:me eee.umes,|gp pchathan Rec SpE Otherae‘wo -dtetinot|ChurchCauses.0earthquakeshocksearly»Priday At the,session of thePresbyterian Synod in Gastonia the report of the committee on systematic benefigence showed’that the Presbyterians of the ~All fair-minded |~nything about —this} at wy ee ier}hi * lg oe 4¢iyhy -er /"saldoneof the hoIsy *,ndThe|.the ersof thenel ese site by the chirthes re“las abess =of oe rare ae at1;f fan 4:|Rome,He was brought to Washing-me repute,Of the.Sennen esree |ton,and,after a trial before a civileo4teassa:‘tribunal,was acquitted,just as’his}-“advance has not been so islow 48)Paul Smithwick,engineer’of a log-|stitution,a eee spiesnf ot |mother twould:have heen if she couldi;.a ;tly nave .might be inferred from recent re-|ging train,fell beneath the wheels of]‘torium recen a lave had a fair:trial;Sart,:‘the locomotive while trying to board ee let i ed ie pet>”Yn southern Serbia,the strong lit and was fatally injured.He:diedj)at the cost of $11,500.e farmfortressofPierot,east of Nish,and/an hour later.‘[showed aus oFaor er ect eyhe Bulger van Sul fathe!enh Ae De ener Se eee ee We pect tes last wer sae tototheBulgarians.Still further sout’s|<1eq the Wayne Hardwood Company |‘bear :i re reported to hav>+ninries (20,104.90;building and equipment f I Se ret Vous at a cost of 25,0 (tO Oe Oe caacity ot the fund,$4,726.68;bequests,$2,025.22.in.three divorce cases.:The first di- men.tana pane was non-suited by.Judge The ape in ae home ofLa Vales Sates in ~weeiermansare’.als«!:7 :ment of $25,000 among churches {for\he secured absolute separation fror saatien Pe Se rerata in ise c =oe “Guis:in SUPPort of orphanage during the eeannie coer On _sent day iatSerbianmunitionsstrong.|,19 front o acre ing year.;‘this verdict was rendered he re-court-post De oer te the Austrian|Asheville Friday ‘Lillie Belle Tolley.|“he total membership of the charch-jed and re-married Fannie Cates.La-‘t the height south-|S-year-old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.|..constituting the Synod is 58,188.ter he secured another divorce from at oftapawe ‘only a short dis-|W.D.Tolley,was struck by an‘au-phere are 253 ministers and ~506|Fannie Cates,making it twice thattancefromKraguyevatz,is in Ger-|tomobile driven and —by _Mrs:|churches.The past year ‘there were|he married and divorced the same wo-man hands.Thomas E.Teasley,an inatebtty jover 5,000 additions to the churehes'man.He is now.suing Dorcia Cates,‘©‘The French.and Germans:in.theaatied.Tite.Tickle ae MPemsteyman iand the Sunday neon SnboHiaen wat bis thing legal,but really seeond wife,|..i a i pi)nome tr ¥If 3 j contributions absolute divorce.Artois,and Champagne repens ofthe 0 sppear in yollon tout Oat,Tug cometustionslassYou fr sh ,;idé i ecesses at different!The Southern railway has re-estab-|home missions.$87,638;to education):Poel telenctt ile admits‘a defeat.|lished,through freight service be-and ministerial relief $62,471;©to! The Germans in Champagneattacked |tween Winston-Salem and Charlotte.|sclools and colleges $27,000;to cate"+ over a five-mile front,but with the|For some months the freight train/of orphans $31,000;to miscellaneous|‘exception of reaching the summit/c!|running between...Statesville _and|penevolence $26,000,and $209,762 to*’“Tahure hill,were repulsed with heavy |Charlotte handled all the freight be 'incidentals.’Josses,according to Paris.,'jtween Charlotte and Mooresville,but)A resolution was adopted accepting |’The Germans,on their part,an-|the work became too heavy for one otter made by the Mountain Retrofit“mounce the capture of a French posi-/train.;_.|Association of a free site at Montreat)and lack of ambition.. tion extending over 1,200 yards in|TT,Eugene Cannon of Ayden,Pitt onwhich i build a bee woe mee |‘For all such children we say.with—wArtois,but admit that north of Le county,whose:automobile.was found|bers of.t ‘Synod fee ia thes!unmiistakable_earnestness:‘They need~~Mesnil,"in’Champagne,“a”projecting }hanging“half:on and half off |Trent lodging and—where-they could_gather}scott's-Emuision,and teed it new.Ittrenchseetionwaslosttooverwhelm-river bridge at New ‘Berne early Mon-for rest and recuperation during’the|possesses in concentrated form the veryingnumbets.day morning of last week,and whojsummer months.The task of erect-|food elementsto enrich their blood.ItOntheRussianfronttheGermars|was thought to have been murdered,|ing a suitable building on this site was!changes weakness to strength;it makes :d northeast,have entered|Square,Northampton,county)tried $~Saabs These places lie from 35 to pack 1,800 pounds oflint ina bale ,°to 45 miles south of the Save river,of cotton and the press busted. “indicating that the Austro-German|At Williamston,“Martin county,A Quick Eye—“|S A Sure Hand 4 .This marl&man has pyt his eye,«€@ iFnerves2ndmuselesonthe“‘hair trie .,ger’by tuckinga tasty,mild chew of |PICNIC ‘TWIST into his cheek, bie Mic TwisCHEWINGTOBACCO You,too,get away from black,rank tobacco and.sticl to PICNICTWIST.It is a soft,long-lasting, Sosy Without gay como-bkack. You can get PICNIC LVAIS Pinerizizcalfrog!SpiMerving Crum of 31 twists or single twists,5c.The PICNIC TWAST drum hasprovedconvenicztjasitpreservescarefullyPICNICSWISSquality,LppiiteMyst Cates’Matrimony and Divorce Record. W.L.Cates,a resident of Durham,te the distinction of being plaintit ever receive the proper balance ot foodtosufficientlynourishbothbodyandbrainduringthegrowingperiodwhen|nature’s demands are greater than inmaturelife.This is shown in so-many,pale-faces,lean bodies,frequent colds,'' 2 / —ministry..of _Premier_Viviani,which:Bank Directors _..who_lost their lives,sums -have driven back the Russians from|turned up in.Norfolk.It was stated|put_in the hands of a committee.Plakanen,on the Missa river souil|of Riga,while farther south in the| ‘region of Czartorysk additional posi-|tions have been taken from the Rus-}sians by General ‘forces.Along the Stripa riverGaliciatheRussiansareonthe of-!my von.Linsingens’: fore Col..W.S.Pearson,referee that Cannon was drinking and thisexplainsawholelot. t the first meeting of the credit- ors of the Brookford Cotton Mills, bankrupts,at Hickory,Thursday,be-in |“The next meeting of the Synod wiil‘be held in Salisbury.: }}}Crossin:g ‘the track of ‘the Seaboard |them sturdy and strong,Noalcohol,Scott &Downe,Bloomfield,N.J.@| railway at Henderson,Almer’Path-|‘Farmers’Bank .given for seizure.: Panctos jbankrupicy,H.J.Holbrook,secreta-sa i ane :.Ty and treasurer of.the corporation,FE a net mts SUERTE orgs appointed sole trustee..Minori- ee ol 155 lives,following Z epi ity stockholders filed exception to the lision with another British war vese|qncunenent D.f SeCo.to pe“sel off the Gallipolic peninsula,during |~™garhiee .JthenightofOctober28.;Mt.Airy News:Old man 0. .The Dutch steamer HanfSorn from Haynes went a-fishing and greatly toNewYorkandthesteamerHocking|his surprise and disgust a muskrat from New York for Norfolk,were bit his hook and hung himself so se-‘brought into port at Halifax Sunda:;|curely that there was-nothing to do ‘by prize crews from a British warship.but drag the gentleman out on the\The Hocking was formerly the Dutch bank and kill him with a club.Mr. ‘steamer Gronland,but was recently|Haynes says that in all the hechangedtoAmericanregistryandwasthathehas’fished that was the first-flying.thé’American flag when ovei-|time he ever knew a muskrat to bite hauled by the warship.No reason/4 fish hook. A coalition cabinet has been form--/\IS AFTER THE BANKERSedinFrancetotaketheplaceofthe}a :Violate_the_Law.resigned.Aristide Briand is the pre-|‘and Their Oaths in Chargingmierandministerofforeignaffairsir:|Ex ive Int tthenewministry,the formation of xcessive interest.‘which resulted from popular senti-|Washington Dispatch. years | am,60-years old,was struck by aj} train and instantly.killed.chants &THE CHARM--OF MOTHERHOOD ‘Enhanced By Perfect Physi-bes cal Health. The experienceof Motherhoodisa try-ing one to most women and’marks dis-||tinetly ian epoch in their lives.Not one ||woman in a hundred is preparedor un-||derstands how to properly care for her-|;Self.Of course nearly every woman|nowadays has medical treatment atsuch ee eens pssgeht)the farmers of the county to have |trial of strength,and when jt is over2 orm show,and let each other know, Corn Showto Be Held by Farmers of Iredell eet 1915 pe port is a conceded fact that Iredell ‘county.has a “Bumper”corn crop, '|her system has receivedashock from as well as the public,what they are County at This Bank |’: Saturday,Nov.27th,3 _attack upon the .(Sf left to their fate in Seat iana. .North Carolina | ment that party division should give ‘way to united action in support of the government at this time. A memorandum from the Germangovernment‘explaining’the unsuc-cessful attempt of “submarine totorpedothé»Cunard Liner Ordunahasbeenmadepublicin’Washington. It reveals that as early as July 9,last,more than a month before.theArabic,Germancommandershadinstructionsnotto sink ‘large passenger steamers”“without warning.The document alsoedhtainsthestatementthatthesamesubmarinethatattacked.‘the OrdunahaltedtheAmericanbarkNormandie ‘and though finding her carrying con: “traband,allowed her to proceed un- molested because there was no guar-_antee that the crew would rescued ..King George of °England-was!‘thrown from his horse and severely! Lruised Thursday while inspeeting| troops at the British front in France.| “The horse was .excited by the'cheers |of the troops,reared and fell,and!‘the king had to be hauled away in a|~motor car.{ Carnegie Hero Awards, . Sixty acts of heroism “were recbg-|nized by the Carnegie Hers Fund!Commission in the awards that were)announced at the fall meeting of.the‘commission at Pittsburg,Pa.In eight cases silver medals were|awarded;4nd in 52 cases,bronze!medals.Nine of the heroes lost their|lives,and to the dependents of six of|these,pensions aggregating $2,500.a:jyear were granted;to the dependents | Comptroller of the Currency Wil- oe has sent a circular letter to all national banks:calling attention to the oath which each director signs -when he assumes office,not to permit th: bank to violate the national bank act. and pointing out particularly..thatpartoftheact:which provides that a national bank may rece:ve interes: on its loans “at the rate allowed by the laws of the State,territory ordistrictwherethebankislocatedandnomore,” “This office,”says the letter,-‘“re- grets to report that ‘the:sworn state-ment of condition of a great many national banks show that section 5197 United States revised statutes against usury has been grossly violated by these banks,'- “You are respectfully advised.and admonished that this provision of thenationalbankactshouldbefaithfully observed by all national banks,ther:officers and directors,in accordance with the solemn oaths taken by.diree-tors. “You are requested to read this letter at the next meeting of your board of directors,and.to have it ‘in-scribed upon the minutes,and to send a copy of this letter to every member of your board who may not be pres-, ent at such meeting,with the requestthathepromptlyacknowledgeitsre:ceipt to you. “Within 30 days after:your next board meeting,and not later than De- cember.20,1915,you are requested ts send to this office letters from all members of your board who may nov have been present at the meeting ai‘of one of ‘these and of three others |which this letter is read,,acknowledg.-their 1 totaling|$2,165,to ‘bé.applied;subject to the!direction of.the commission,‘Tious ways,were granted.In addi-|tion to these money grants,in six!cases sums aggregating $11,000 were!appropriated for educational purpos8,payments to be made as needed‘aud approved;and in 40 cases awardsmgegregating$28,500 were made to be|<applied toward the purchase_of homes:and to other worthy purposes,.Many of the beneficiaries were|from the South but none from! Preparedness Not a Partisan;Question. “United States Senator Boise Pen-rose of Pennsylvania,Republican,inianaddressattheunveilingofamon-|ument in Philadelphia to the memory|George McK.Poinsett,one.of the |sailors killed in action at Vera Cruz_|in the spring of 1914,declared himselfinfavorofnational.preparedness andsaidthereshouldbea.dreadnought'for-every State in the!Union.Tho!question of national preparedness is@non-partisan one and ought to ap-1 to all patriotic Americans,hepea said.oO Cores O14 Sores,‘Other:Remedies Won't Coreacdtases,no matter of how long standing,by the wonderful,old reliabié Dr/An le Healing Oil,It relieves jin it,bad, ing the receipt-by each absent direc- tor of a copy thereof,together wititinva-ja certified extract from your minutes,showing that this letter has been read to your board and giving the names of directors present at the meetingatwhichitisread.”* Behold This Dreamer! Newton Enterprise.os Some.time since Contractor MackTravis,while planing a splintery pieceofplank,jammed his hand over theendoftheplaneandstucksplinters He pulled out such a bigoneatthetimethatwhenhetooktheinjuredmembertoadoctor,hesaidhebelievedhehadremovedallthewood.But the hand didn’t getwell..Last Friday night he dreamedtherewas'more wood in the woundandSaturdaynight;he dreamed hewent(Dr.Campbell,who pulledoutsomesplinters,Sunday,there-fore,he went to the doctor,who didgetoutapieceofwood,told him topoulticeitthat.night and come back. ‘es long and of|size,from between ‘the knuckles of thehand.Mr.Travis thinks now it willgetwell.: Piles Cured in 6 to 14 DaysYoutdruggistwillrefundmo AZOOINTMENTfailstocufeanyBane’of tonics was removed ne‘Healsatthe sanietime,26c,bc,$1.00,Blind,Bleedingor Protruding Piles in 6 tol4 days,The first application gives Kase andRest,‘oerf ‘Tuesday a splinter nearly three inch.|™ |which it is hard to recover.Followingrightuponthiscomesthenervousstrain of caring for the child,and a distinctchangeinthemotherresults. ahappy and healthy mother of children,and indeed child-birth under the rightconditionsneedbenohazardtohealthorbeauty.The unexplainable thing isthat,withallthe evidence of shatterednervesandbrokenhealthresultingfrom an unprepared condition,and with am-ple time in which to prepare,womehwillpersistingoingblindlytothetrial. Every woman at this time should relyuponLydiaE.Pinkham’s.VegetableCompound,a most valuabletonic andinvigorator‘of the female organism,' In many:honiesoncechildlessthere:“are now children be-causé of the factthatLydiaE.Pink-ham’s VegetableCompoundmakes women normal, ‘healthy and strong.++ If you want special advice write toLydiaE.Pinkham Medicine Co.(confl-dential)Lynn,Mass.Your letter willbeopened,read and answered by awomanandheldinstrictconfidence. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound - FOR SALE: New and second hand boiler-roomsupplies C.H.TURNER.. Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No,7, DEITZ &PATTERSON Practical Blacksmiths and HorseShoers.Rubber Tiring and HotTire’Shrinking.General Repair-ine,Painting,ete.Shop rear of .K,Morrison Grocery&ProduceCo.Oct 19—8t. DR.B.C.TALLEY, VETERINARIAN. Headquarters Statesville Drug Co.|Office Phone «-, Thereis nothing more charmingthan deing in this line. ‘as’we do,we have decided:to invite ithe farmers of the county to have this exhibit at our bank,. In addition to arranging all the inecessary tables,ete.,for the exhibit 3 we wish to offer the following prizes: First prize ... Second prize Third prize Fourth prize these prizes are not large,it will be There Will Be No faty Fee, brin:vem will be placed on his corn. The judges will.be the vember 27th,1915. success. Merchants &Farmers’BANK_-__of Statesville. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALB. U,the terms of the will of Mrs,Har-riet k,deceased,the undersigned executoroffersatprivatesaleavaluabletract’oflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawbaty,N.C.,,containi 151 acres more orlessandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.The tract contains 60 acres of original forestand40,acres of river.bottom lands.The estatealgooffersahouseandlotijTroutmanandanislandof10acresin’the Catawba river,.For terms apply toC.H.BROWN,Executor,R._B.McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N,Joly 18,1915.C. .Residence ’Phéne’307 Black. FRESH MEATS! All kindsof fresh meats delivered Be aesEitan anywhere in town.Will also buyhiceporkhogs.“ur HUNTER F.MOORE.”Oct.22)-At."Phone 445. * Horse’Shoeing _MPOTO jand we believe it would be beneficial| seen that every farmer who exhibits! ‘twill get something. All you will have to do will:be to|¥# select.ten ears of yourebest:corn,and|#it to the,bank on or’about No-|#r-20th,your name will be reg-|# istered,and your exhibit:numbered.5Afteralltheexhibitsarein,and the|#judging has been done the corn will)#be displayed and the name of exhibitor |} following|#well known gentlemen:F.T.Meach-|¥#am,E.S.Millsaps and G..E.Dull./#Prizes will be awarded Sautrday,No-3 We trust our farmer friends —-will/§co-operate with us in this new ven-|#%ture,.and lets make this show a grand|# ‘Troutman &Suther. 5 believing this |.g (#All others a ‘six.months subscrip-f tion to the Progréssive Farmer.While|'% Announcement of the Mer-: Statesville Ice &Fuel Company, By buying poor coal,Buy the best.coal from our yards and you’ll soon learn that it will go twice as far and give more heat. Every ounce contains.the maximum heat producing quality. on}Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite. ——’'PHONE 205 ..QUALITY COAL DEALERS. peseesseses:bS2SIIsIssssrssssses sees sereoee EPSTIITIITSssssess esses TTT ees By.F.B.BUNCH,Cashier.| SO O EE C EE C ee e SSISTESTTTITTIS STITT ttsbls Bas ca Hyacinths,| . White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue. Paper White Narcisstis.—- MAMMOTH BULBS.are Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. be Unhealthy For You: And costing good money to fill yourself with medicine,withoutfirstknowingwhat’s the matter with you,‘You wouldn’t try to hit a mark without first getting your -eye onthetarget,and when you’re ailing,why waste your ammunition“byshootinginto'the air,8d to speak,‘:You might shoot 299 remedies into yourself at random and miss ,every clip because you didn’t have youreye.on the target.There’s a remedy for every trouble,but trouble in every remedyifitdoesn’t fit the case.AND—when you take a remedy you'dbetterknowit’s FOR what you're taking it for.FIRST—see .the,doctor;let him:locate the ailment,then we'llgiveyouexactlytherightmedicine,in just right condition—theveryBESTtobehad.You'll have a guarantee of 100 per cent.results without indulging.in expensive experiments trying to find what fits your case, 4 Thomanenthis.own doctor:is liableto have dead one fora xpatient,aie Ke ARV EA W289OMEIN.AND LETS.MAKE YOU:WELLI.>.»_THE POLK GRAY DRUG.CO.,Onthe§ars eats dt ? eae eae aera 5 ge #~BY SMOTHERING Bot Husband,With,Aidof Cardi," recta *apie N,C-—es,Helen Dalton,of |aySakMedicinestchedme up for awhilethenwould{worse agai,Final-,my husband he wanted me totdui,the wcman’s tonic,so hetmeabottleandusingit.t more good thanall the medi- ft have induced many of my friends toCardui,and they all ony they havenbenefitedbyitsuse.There neverbeen,and never will be,a medicine cn ng.weak I believe it iswomanlytrou- @ver 50 years,Cardui has been re-woman's sufferings and buildingwomenuptohealthandstrength. with Cardui.medicine for all “”t youare 4‘woman,giveitafairtrial.t surely help you,asit has aion5etabottleofCarduifo-day, Write to:Chattanooga Medicine Co.Ladies’Tenn,,for Speciaturcaveond6Dopt.,4 book,“‘bzbiveermteaern dig 2B SkE—— The New Line of Copy- righted Books sl a R.P.ALLISON'S __.Book.STORE. : B RAIN.YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN TILE on; hand. Common Bricks, delivery. Statesville Facericks,always ready for Brick Co. |W.R.-Dav |with but THE LANDMARK-(TUESDAY,=.-November 2,1913 >LOCAL SCHEDULE. 4 Arrival and Ds Traine of States Dp.No.i,md,due 10.05 -~Train No.21 west-Baund,due 3:25 p,m.Fae fly 86,"weat-bound,due 10:26 p.m.Train No.86,.due 10.36 a.m. Trai we ie d,a caerain»12%ind,due 6:6 .\eTrainNo.’}due 10.60 .in be }- Train No.16 ar.”9.60,°10.85 &m.|Train No.24ar.Bt é6--B.14~psim: Train No.28 ar.10100,deaves,10:40 a m,Train No,15 ar.6;27:05 p.m.Nos.28 and 24.an Sanday. Alleged.Y d-—Indict- sVille James Hackett.‘alias;James Wells, alias “Brooklyn Slim,7 alias John F. Donoghue,the alleged yeggman ar-rested by Postoffice Inspector SmitaandConstableGarrisoninCharlottea week ago,was held for trial under $10,000 bond and is«in Charlotte jail.At the recent*téfm of the FederalcourtinStatesvillethegrand.juryreturnedindictments‘against “Brook- Iyn Slim”and.other alleged yeggmen charged with operating in this State,and-the,mgn under arrest in Char-Jotte will be tried on that indictment. —Remember.that Friday is ArborDay.in North Garolina.Plant treesandshrubs...(47| PARKER,N..C.,MANGETSQUICK RELIEF,enport Better “After FirstDoseofRemedy.:. W.R.Davenport of Parker,N.C., long suffered froma peculiar malady of the stomach.He sought treatmentlittlerelief.At times.it seemed that he would have to give up hope.He took Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy and found immediate benefit.He wrote: “For years:I have suffered from adiseasewhichpuzzled,doctors.Theyternieditcatarrhofthestomach,-say- ing the-only hope would be-a change of climate,and that in all probability 1 would never get well.Then I heardofyourremedy...One hottie.gave meinstantrelief.“It made me reel likeanewman.Your:full.-.course treatments has about cured me.Sev- a eral of my friends have also been cured,”; Mayr’s Wonderful ‘Remedy gives permanent results for stomach,liverand.intestinal ailments.Eat as much and whatever you like.No more dis- tress.after eating,pressure of gas inthestomachandaroundtheheart.Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee—if not satisfactory money will -be returned.. MILLER &BROWN . Have reopened their market9 Front street and will handle au. kinds of fresh meats<Hope:all old customers will remember us.-—’PHONE 497.-— ing, “Everything to Build With.” FULL STOCK.-LOWEST PRICESShingles;Doors,Windows,Ceiling, ‘Flooring,Siding;Boxing,Mould- Next Planters’ C.WATKINS ‘for s,Lime,Cement,etc.,Wh.Statesville. "For Sale by-—~:M"ler-McLainSupplyCo, FOR FINE CLEANING ,SloanPressing Club. AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— pe Butter Wrappers! s 2 We have the very best BradyPrinting Co. ¥xsParchment.Butter Paper, and can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let us»:have_.your order for any. qhantity you want.See us.*Prices reasonable.- Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ’phone calls left Geo.M.Foard’s residence.t Dr.Long’s Sanatorium or_ Clean Milk! ‘ife<you want clean milk order from THE PAINE VIEW.DAI- RY—the dairy with .the Dacro System. —’PHONE 347 BLACK.— ‘es Weatherboarding,Boxing and Casing made of kiln-dried Long-Leaf Pine—the best ‘Pine there is, Doors,Windows,Blinds;Lime, Laths and Cement;Door and Win- dow Frames in stock sizes,ready-made.Odd sizes made on a day’s notice.. 'C.WATKINS,N.Cénter St. ie Fi inletreneal Letnany ‘EXTRA NICE of CHEAPEST FLOORING,CEILING,| PERTINENTLY |PERSONAL. Mention of Folks Who Comeand A Go.: Mrs.Mary.McLelland and Miss Ne- va McLelland have been in CharlottesinceFridayvisitingat’the home of Dr.T.EF.MeLelland.:Mrs.Ora Mitchell is speweekinCharlottewithher sMrs.J.A.Caldwell.’ a ir. visiting Mrs.V.E.Lackey at her home on Elm street.-iMissesBerthaAbernathyandAdaWestonoftheSouth’River churchcommunity,left.Saturday for Meck-lenburg county,where they will teachtheGileadschool,six miles|fromHuntersville.Mrs.E.L.Flenting and MigsesFrancesFleming.@arrie Mae Watts,Mary and Iris McDougald and Mary Neil Conner were Statesville visitors jto Charlotte Saturday.TSMissEmmaMcIntosh,who’,visited‘her sister,Mrs..C.R.Sloan *etyrned‘to.Washington Saturday.She waslaccompaniedbyhernephew,Mr.EarlHedrickofNashville,Tenn.,,who hadbeenvisitinginStatesville.eyMr.T.G.Watts of Concord town- ship spent from Saturday to:yester,+day with his sister,Mrs.E.A.Os- borne,at Huntersville.Mr.and Mrs.Geo.Baker of Brook-lyn,.Nv,Y.,have been in StatesvilleforseveraldaysastheguestsofMr. and Mrs.Fenton Horton.They are en route home from Arkansas,gsMr.and Mrs.Fred Slane and.littieson,Fred,Jr.,went to Asheville Sat- urday afternoon.After spending Sunday there Mrs.Slane and son wentontoJellico,Tenn.,to visit.Mrs. Slane’s sister,Mrs.T.B.Walker.Mr.Slane returned home from Asheville.Mr.and Mrs.Walter Turner,and baby of Morganton are.spending.a jpartly or wholly maintain themselves Mrs.J.P.Cathey of Salisbury ‘is|' ARE WORKING THEIR WAY. Students in A,and M:and StateUniversity.The Extension Farm News says“58 per cent.of the students in theAgriculturalandMethanicalCollege in college through their own efforts.Three hundred and four of the stu-|-dents are taking the agriculturalcourses,showing the saerifices whichtheyoungmenoftheStatearenow making that they may be better far-mers.This number does not includethosemembersoftheagriculturalélubsiand,the agricultural agents who spend a while each summer _atthecollegeforthepurposeoftakingtheshort.course.The college hasnowbeguntoco-operate with theStateNorma]School that the farm women may have a greater opportu-nity of learning better systems of home economics.”;The University News Letter.says200studentsattheUniversityareworkingtopaytheirway.throughoeinstitution,and this is how they do it:::“They serve as waiters and dish-washers in Swain Hall,40 of.them. They work gardens,cut grass,pile wood,milk cows,build fires,and look = SS eee |For Sale atPark Place Gree First size,imported,named,Dutch bulbs for housepurposes::\Von Sion Narcissus,double nose,monster dize. Hyacinths,Poet's Narcissus,Tulips,Crocus. A few pots of Chrysanthemums blooming.Ruse Plants,the Standard Cochet family,together with othernew varieties,' Potted plants and HOME GROWN Cut Flowers such asCARNATIONS—-CHRYSANTHEMUMS,"PHO. after the churches in the village.They clerk in the stores andthe post- office.They collect bills,set type intheprinteryandmailouttheUni-versity News Letter.They are half- time stenographers and typewriters. They report for newspapers.Theyrunboarding.houses.barber shopslandpressingclubs.They:solicit laun- dering and sell or act:as agents forpennants,athletic goods,shoes,cloth- ing,phonographs and records,They are keen .to turn an honest penny ai any kind of odd jobs.” cd days with home people in Statés- ville.Mr.and:Mrs.T.L.Green of LenoizhavebeenguestsofMr.and Mrs.J: L.Sherrill since :Saturday.Messrs.J.C.Steele and J.C.Tur ner and Miss Mary Turner have:re- turned from Greensboro,where visited Rev.and Mrs.J.Clyde Turner. The trip was made in Mr..Steele's touring car.:.Mr,Neal Moore of Cleveland spentSundayherewithfriends.Mr.E.G.Gaither has returned from a short visit in Virginia.At Or-ange,Va.,Thursday he attended the burial of Mrs.Elizabeth C.Boswell, mother of Mrs.W.C.Gaither of Har- risonburg,Va. {kin spent Sunday in Statesville with Mrs.McNeer’s brother-in-law and sis-ter,Mr.and Mrs.S.B.Miller.They were accompanied to Statesville from Elkin by Mrs.McNeer’s brother,Mr. |W.G.,Fields of Los Angeles,Cal., who.had been called home by the re- cent death of his father,.Mr.W. C Fields,of Mouth-of-Whlson,Va.Mr. Fields ‘will spend awhile in Statesville with his sister,Mrs.Miller.Dr.Charles Anderson went to Spen- cer yesterday to attend a confere itist Association./ ‘Mr.R.O.Self left yesterday.after-noon forAsheville,where he wal!spend a week. Mrs.W.L.:Pope and:little daugh- ter,Virginia,went to Marion yester- day afternoon to spend about ten dayS with Mrs..Pope’s sisters,MesdamesW.C.Gray and W.F.McPeters. Handicraft For Mountain Folks It is announced at the headquar- ters of ‘the Southern Industrial Edu- cational Association in .WashingtonthatMissMaryH.:Large of Chicagohasbeenengagedasafieldteacher and worker and assigned to instruct mountain handicraft workers in the region about Tryon,Polk county. It is stated that in the three years of its existence the association hasputinthehandsofthosemountain workers more than ¥4,000—proceeds of the sale of articles made by them.The articles include old-time lin- sey-woolsey,dimity table covers,fringed bedspreads with knotted or tufted designs,towels,coverlets with patterns known by.names_brought from England:and Scotland by the first.settlers:in the mountains,splint « EATING APPLES AT | and willow baskets,cotton rag rugsoftheold“hit-or-miss”design,fans of turkey,peacock,gujnea and duckfeathers,ete.At“present,-it is stat- ed,these articles are disposed of di- rect at the mountain industries house at Tryon,the money realized being paid to the producers of the.articles. ——Phey~-Perished-in a-Panic. M.P.Alexander &Bro. PHONE 241. The 20 children who lost their lives ||Thursday by the burning of a build-ing occupied by a Catholic school at Peabody,Mass.,ranged in age from7to17years.The 600 children had just.entered their classrooms.when the fire was discovered,and although FERTILIZER. Need not cost 'as much as.:you miay ‘(have heard it’would.See.me forGOOD.AMMONIATED”WHEATFERTILIZERatamuchlowerpricethanyouwould think.Bone Meal in any quanti-ty for vegetables and flow-ers.T.N.BROWN. "First-Class Home-grown —includ-ing all varieties of-fruits,grapes (JamesandScuppernong),.ev-ergreens and shrub- ‘DR.C..L.CBU |Office sea:Polk Gray Drug Co. ‘SE. Veterinarian. bery and extra nicerases,7 “For information,call. \e &Co.| ia majority.were guided to safety by\the.teachers,,panic ,seized a largeinumberastheynearedthefrontdoor jand.in their rush to escape they lostitheir.footing and their bodies block-led the exit..One of the teachers wasburned,but not:fatally.The fire started in the basement and its exact origin is unknown. |Considering Church Union.A step toward the union of theNorthernandSouthernjurisdictionsofthePresbyterian,Church was tak-en Thursday at a joimt session of thecomitycommitteesoftheGeneralAs- semblies of both branches,at Pitts-burg,Pa,No conclusion was reached‘but.sub-committees were appointedtoconsiderandprepareopinionsuf-+on various matters,especially that ofcomity.These will be submitted atsonimeetinginAtlanta,December |DRAFNESS CANNOT.Bi CUREDbylocalapplications,as they can-fot reach the)diseased portion of the.There ia.only one way to curethatisbyconstitutional is caused by anditionofthemuoousliningBhtachianTube.When °thisubefainflamedyouhavearumblingsound,Or imperfect hearing,and whenaisonicelyclowed,Dentnedes ia the re-unless nflam canitatePatyan4mation rial Condition,hearing will be de-royed forever;nine ron isabyCatarrh,ed.conélt ot the mus et |Reuidence"Phone 108 Green: giant ——.— Mok wd =Pula,O..Toledo,©; ition; |Mr.and Mrs.E.F.McNeer of/El-| “*phis. of pastors of the South Yadkin:Bap- ‘\for immediate is tube rostored to.| pattfickidhothingition: Will Investigate Booth’s Death. = cultureorbedding.:nen 4 OUR REPAIR SHOP IS COMPLETE {If your car is not working as it should bring it to us andcorrectthetrouble.é bring you back at reasonable rates,; 4 Special facilities for washing and storing cars.{Complete line of accessories on hand at ali times.STATESVILLE MOTOR “QUALITY FIRST.” 'Acting ‘on instructions’received from Washington,special agents of|* ithe Department of Justice at Mem- phis,Tgnn.,have begun an investiga- ‘former revenue agent.Booth died at ‘jllness.on-.a—train--while-—-returninfromFortSmith,Ark.,where he wa:a government witness in the trial ofitheallegedmembers.of a “moonshine conspiracy.”The cause of his death was given as ptomaine poisoning.Ac-cording to.Hubert Fisher,United\States district attorney,no evidénceithatdeathwasnot.due to natural ‘causes has been obtained. The government is said to have ev-idence -that.Booth feared he would ‘be killed as a result of his confession in the moonshine conspiracy cases,.injwhichhealsowasinvolvedandawait- ling trial.He.is said to have made.2 request for a body guard,but no.onewaswithhimwhenhereachedMem Demand For Steel Products |Can’t Be Supplied. Washington Dispatch:a So great has been the general re- vival in the iron and steel trade of the United States.it is said by au- thorities,..that.with virtually ,every blast furnace and.steel.mill in the country working night and day to ¢apacity..the demand for iron,steel and steel products cannot.be satisfied and it is almost impossible to buy. delivery,pig.iron,iserap or ingots in sizable quantities at any industrial plant in the country...“The revival began about the firstofguly,has been coming on rapidly. ‘with a deluge of orders since the’mid- ‘dle of August,and may not yet havereacheditshighmark.Within these hree months the price of pig iron. tong regarded as the barometer —of ‘trade,has increase approximately85.per cent.and that of steel and teel products—except steelwhasgoneupabout15percent.” oe TRESLOTTERTTTD F<"Didn’t Fly to Hatteras. An the last issue of The.Léfidmarkit..was announced that Beryl H.Ken- rick,an aviator,had planned a flight from ‘Albany.N.Y.,to Cape Hatter- as,on the North Carolina coast.Hetriedtomaketheflightbutfailed.He started.from.Albany.at 8.30Thursdaymorningina‘hydro-aero-plane,lost his way in'a dense fog af- ter passing Séaside Park,,N.J.,andwhenovertakenbydarknesswasob-liged to land in ‘“Assowoman —bay, near Ocean City,Md.The:trip toHatteraswasabandoned. ~—-BIG_CIRCUS_COMING.— Carl Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows Are ;to-Appear Here Soon. Peanuts and pink lemonade—willsoonberipeandtheodorofsawdust tanbark will permeate the:air.The Carl Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus,gay-est,grandest,gladdest galaxy in all the.wide world,is coming to States- ivi le,.Tuesday,November 9,for two ‘performances.This year the bigishow—in reality there are two showswillcomeaboardthreespecial jtrains,the longest.ever used to trans iport,a circus aggregation.The country for miles around is all aglow-with-the noisy—circus-bills of| purple and g@ld,and the downtown| |billboards are the mecca unon which ithousands of eyes feast their gaze: Father Time is always on the job; scenes come and go,but somehow or other the circus is just the circus, and its popularity never wanes.The \joys.and memories of circus day keep ‘a steady hold upon the heart-strings of the American people.) »All through the long months.of win-ter:agents of the Carl.Hagenbeck- Wallace circus have been scouring the continents of the earth securing nov- elties and features.The performance this year will be entirely new.Morethan400acrobats,eeenast,riders,contortionists and athletes,togetherwithfiftyclowns,composa the citcuslend.In,addition the big show is aug-\mented with Carl Hagenberk’s trainedjwildanimalexhibition.,Hutidreds ‘of|wild animals,lions,leopards,:tigers.pumas,jaguars,elephants,seals,|monkeys;etc.,will constitute that de-| rtment,:;tend‘Performances will be given at 2 and 8-p.m.Doors to the zoological para-ee ee be opened an hour earlier.Athree-mile-long street parade.will tion and will:pass rails—|} ASK US into the death of Knox Booth.|ga Memphis after being seized with|ge Room.Air-tight Wood Heaters for the Bedroom.Ideal Barler Oil Heat-. ers for the Bathroom.Our Stock ‘of these Goods is full and complete and if not already supplied_it willbeto_ before the grass grows again you will need these Winter Comforts,- .5 3 - ‘e thes 6._.Yours Truly,© st ns we will | *§We have placed a car in livery service and cantake you there and PHONE 140 | Ideal.Fire Grates for ‘the Sitting x your advantage to see our Stock,for _ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware O i ours ye TALLEYFindOut::R ~The Statesville Flour Mills ‘Co.never uses an Off-grade -of wheat—a good reason.© why«the flour milled by,it gives such general satisfac--| tion.Others know this.Why |” not try it and find out for © yourself, EERIESETA Statesville Flour Mills Company.|: continuous comfort,~ The body is built of steel with the usualuselessframeworkentirelyeliminated.A light car with all the advantage thatlightnessaddstothepowerfulmotor—butastout,staunch,strong car and a steadyoneaswell,,ee _Statesville Motor C qetae,s SQUALITY FIRST.” *a ASK US.>'PHO show grounds at 10 .o’¢lock| the ~principal:downtown 4 WOES ee RMT LABS a es ore MERU OUD 7 MOTOR CARS! A car capable of carrying five people in ae a ve a, mo, oon citizens of re Cost’of”ie ng “Fixed:By 'A a4 i f peor os Bipot yy i eur ee PRE NIE enes ~Re ree ee NN ge r aay ly to the Commereial eltib,|The,or-ot Lewis oe aHo Store of |R ha gee ge em i re ganization has done much for States-|In a Supreme Courtdecision Judge f ‘is amse'-Bowles-Mor I ison Comp n ‘|ville—much more than thetown reat-|Allen found that $69.30 had been al-if |”Quality.4 ay ey {AG CTS oes Ime a Stizes,It will be a backWhtd’step,«lowed R advertising a commas sion ‘fintentsil “A Storeof 1Wot,Service, 7 .bad advertisement,to allow.the orgun-file Me latinou the olin 4oo ization to die;and if this was per-|Thé Code provides that commission th 00 |mitted,it.would.soon be realized the:Sales shall be advertisedonceaweek 5°another organization is necessary.Itav re ee eee alors takes time and money:and work to xet/law,but this law is usually unobsgrv-these organizations under way and asjed.It arbitrarily fixes an allowance ‘(‘wy j ‘:rs he te ‘‘f iM cepiheanieti 4 a ¥;aii °rile -°1|With Now Complete Stocksin All Lines J bady #7 a 4 i a :¢Fe anh i]:Sey te tacion ane ape uae)This Store Offers You the Best:Se-- OT WELL FOUNDED.|a business proposition it is;better to eyepoe 3sale,Feld.|i ee ee Be TE ae Hae lA we Gg!Bioe e romes Lrre etleee Lection For Fall and Winter”have Bae trom tha ger ee re The Monroe papers’boast that,there Oar tenses He at whethertheDa a :-ection i For a an.intere ‘cently,bot so far they seem to fur-|:,not 9 single citizen in Union county rae Pere pair coueh to wi :Af 'ae :yon ‘no basis for even a comfortabl¢|j,i).and that whenthe criminal court the cost in such cases,to prevent oHMostoftherumorshavebecofthatcountymetrecentlythe:grani cessive charges,but it is .absurd.” _of peace proposals Germany may 8U!-'i1+y had no bysiness and the court ad-expect a newspaper to take a legal i the |eee ;Id asieawebeabdnifoteteetSoeaeabcantaseeeoteideathatGermanyhaswonthewal.)t,try,‘Pine record for a county of|the same space.No self-tespectiiyandthisofcourseprecludestheirac-/33 999 population.Perhaps some of/newspaper handles business that way. ceptance..While Germany has suv-|4.citizens of Union ought to be jn!Usually they charge the rates for the :1 ET eb .legal advertising that they charge ‘in- prised the world by the manner i)jai),but if so they have eseaped and dividuals and .most case ‘it is al- which she has wittistood the allies *the county and itssgitizenship is to pe/lowed,Lawyers fear,it is said,that many points and defeated them **|congratulated on a record of which|this Supreme Court decisionwill’pre-others,the allies are by.no mean*)toy are justly proud.vent publicity,It will with many ready ‘to concede defeat.In fact the eeenee mere newspapers.There 2 fog pe :toll belief still prevails that they will STATE NEWS eg,olla cali ous en *aoring tually wi ive in the Bat.OF ee te eee oe }eventuully win.The drive in the Gat!(Chichi Lie cea a verierepete they should refuse’the0.‘arm|busi oaknearElkintoE.E,Harrip for $10,-USCS 1 Fans and domestic troubles in En\- 000.The farm consists of 120 acres)When the news reached .Raleig' Every department is showing the Tiewest things—and with dependable quality and moderate prices your shopping is assured satisfaction.«;ca; f ‘,Out-of-town customers can avail themselves of our quickservicemailorderdepartment. ‘“‘Munsing Wear,”the UnderwearWomenPraiseEverywhere.|; Those who wear these garments know their exceptional wear,quality and comfort.We suggest.those who have never.worn them to investigate our large showing. Women’s Union Suits’in Cotton,$1.50to $2.- 50.All wool,$3.00,all sizes and outsizes. Children’s and Misses’sizes,2 to 10 years,at:. 50e.‘ .Men’s Undergarments inWoolandCotton,_ Men will do well to investigate our complete stocks.Closéd Crotch Union Suits in Cotton,$1.00 to $2.00,in Silk and Wool,$3.00. Spring Needle Union Suits;,exceptional, An Unequaled Selection of _.Sport Coats. .Showing the newest fashions;all the want, land make ‘the situation precarious ed fabrics in Checks,Plaids,Stripes and for the allies;but unless all sides are|and is just outside the corporate lim-|that the A,and M.Collegé-foothall;}.'plain colors.Priced,$5,$6.50;$7.50,$8.50, willing to quit and call it a draw,jits of Elkin.°ayn team had defeated the Naval Academy|$10. _which is not apparent,there is no im-|Congressman “Stedman announces|team at Annapolis,the A.and M.stu- mediate prospect of peace in sight,that he.will recommend:.A.Wayland|dents started out to celebrate.Their 47 |Cooke,’a lawyer,for.postmaster at hubbub frightened a horse which ran for the reagon that up to now neithe|¢oonsboro when the term of the pres-|through the crowd of students,knock-side has succeeded in entirely crus?-/ent postmaster expires in January,|¢4 Several of them down and inflict- ing the other.Moreover,all the en-/'‘The American Agricultural Chem-ed painful bruises. tente allies,‘including Japan,hav«|ical Company has bought 50 acres o/|(j}gR “GASCARETS”FOR LIVER*“nob ¥o conclude a seperate land at ,Greenshoro.to build’a big wi Ra BOWELS WHEN CON-;iz }.distributing depot.and,will later add ~-Beage;thab-they will act together),manufacture of its prodyuct—fer-odbc‘when’peace terms are proposed,and|tijizer,The company,which has nee mere : there are so many parties to the bar-|headquarters in New.York,is one of hityard a ee a aa gain’that.it will be difficult to satis-the big ‘fertilizer concerns of the;(olds.,ee .fy all on ‘peace terms.countyy:9 aefyallon‘peace terms The North Carolina.Equal ‘Suffrage Get a 10-cent box. New Fall Waists. In a profusion of styles and effects;all are exceptional values.At $1 we are showing two dainty models developed in Cord Striped Voile. Crepe de Chine Waists;colors White,Pink, Flesh,Black and Plaids,at $2.50 and.$3.Lace -Waists,Lace and Chiffon andGeorgetteCrepeWaistsarepriced$3.50 and $4,te a "hie,Landmark stated in its last is-Association,which held its’~annual meeting in Asheville last.week,elect-siie that"so far as it had seen at tha!/eq Mrs,Chas.E.Platt of Ashevilletime,the Charlotte Observer and The/president,Mrs.T.W..Lingle of Da-Landmark were the dnly papers that|vidson vice president,: had called.attention to the Surratt Taylor of Morganton recording Mrs.Susansec-retary.The next «meeting :will becase—a shameful record that Amer'-|held in Greensboro. cans should remember while condemn- ‘Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse your Liver,Stomach and Bowels,-ant- ing.You men and women who have’headache,coated tongue,a bad cold, are ‘bilious,nervous,upset,bothered with a sick,gassy,disordered stom-ach,or have backache and feel all” orn out.Are you keeping your bow- you will surely feel great by morn-. Three New Styles From theShoeDepartment.ra A black patent Vamp Cloth:Top Shoe with low military heel and-White Laces,medium round toe,at $3.50. A bronze Kid High Top Boot,High Louis elastic and close-fitting,priced at:.$1 to,$3. Cotton Undershirts ........50c.and $1.00.; Woolen Undershirts $1.50 and $2.00, Cotton Drawers 50c.and $1.00.° Wool Drawers $1.50 and $2.00... Boys’Ribbed Union Suits....50c.. Fiber Silk Hose for Men.at 25c. A Hose having a ‘Silk appearance,with the wearing qualities .ofLisle. Men’s Extra Quality Percale DressShirts50c.,Attached Cuffs. Stripes in colors and Black,an exceptional |Shirt for the money,that would cost more elsewhere. “Royzl Society’”’for YourChristmasEmbroidery. This is the “Royal Society”Store and many ladies are taking advantage of an early se- lection for their Christmas Embroidery. wi;.3 |.In Salisbury Thursday night Flos-jels clean with Cascarets—or merelyingtheGermansforexecutingMiss|sie Rose,colored,found her husband /|forcing a passageway every few days-Gavell.Since then a number of ’pa-|visiting Lula Ellis,of color.Flossie|with salts,cathartic pills or castor pers.have come to hand with refer-pointed a 38-caliber Pistol at-her hus-|oil?Wilkie tn the Sucrate bean’Wha Chat band.He is dead and she is in jail.| Cascarets immediately cleanse andames8°|The woman,who bears.a good char-!regulate the stomach,remove.thehamRecord,whose editor knows more jacter,avers that she did:not knowjsour,undigested and fermenting foodhistorythananyeditorinthe:State,|the weapon was loaded and\that she|and foul gases;take the excess bilreferstothe2xecutionofMrs.Sur-|°Mly meant to frighten her husband.|/from the liver and carry off the.con- ratt as a “shameful murder,”and the|,The residence of Dr.E.E.Ran-|stipated waste matter and poisonGromisbfFridsadolph,a member of the faculty of|from the bowels.oe eyREMRADOTS8ofFridaygoesintepion.Collége,was burned at the col-|Remember,a Cascaret tonight wiltthe'history of the case and brings out |lege Friday with its contents,inclad-straighten you out by morning,A> *facts that seem/to warrant the Ke:wean eonce to on furnishings.oro gia or ene druggist P head‘ain ealline ¢:‘.|the library and scientific material ealthy bowel action;a.clear“hesincaingtheneeatonshameparaanyrahereatchgragesformonthsDoeeeSi:QO.Randolph.Members.of the fam-|forget.the children.ord,Americans who wish to criticise jjly were il when the ast ore Germany can only say that while we discovered. have been guilty of similar “barbar-|The Kinston News chronicles the . ity'we would not repeat the offence in|/amentable pe that we :gai g El.tt ::,-more,a we own farmer and va!-this enlightened age,and that Ger-/uable citizen.of Lenoir county,wasmanyisinexcusableforretainingth>drowned in a mudhole in:the road ir.__.Practices of the Dark Ages._{that county recently.He was an ep:|Seeeeemeeeennmmeee ileptic,was-seized with an attack and”The Landmark)suggested recently fell from his;buggy into a puddle of that''the Federal Reserve Board and Weer being drowned before help Comptroller Williams:were evidentiy came.Bad roads responsible. trying to break up the practice of no-Hesperian Probably Destroyed tidnalbanks charging excessive inter-|By Torpedo.. ff rates.oeLandmark today is Secretary Lansing announces thatasummaryofacircularissuedbythe/the Navy Department has indicatedcomptrollertonationalbanks,in|that the fragment of the.engine of which,he télls them there must be a nal ee abay aoe liner Roean,off the Irish coast,was a parrrrholhteTUFtpt,i a geeablawpronksimenthaspersistentlydeniedthatthe}|Fjcharginginterestinexcessofthele-Hesperian.was torpedoed,In _the gal rates authorized by the States,|°Pinion of United States naval ex- ‘and,that all bank.direetors-take an ee the fragment could Bot have;;i een a part of a marine mine.oath to observe the law.It is news to|.While the report of the navy.board‘the ‘general public taat the Federa:|will be forwarded to the Berlin foreign law:makes this.requirement.°Bank Ne i he matter ral niger itaaai‘_{will not be accompani y any.rep-aircesere —it,of course,for they |resentations on the part of the United_-ftook’an*oath to observe it;and in|States.‘A'link is missing in the chain»Many cases “bank directors,men of|of evidence upon which the Washing-“high repute,have.violated’the law|t0 government could found a state-and their oath.That is a state «ment that it was convinced that:a tor-Z cee Be ones ,pedo sent the ship to the bottom._affairs thateis not to be lightly ¢con-|-'The fragment was turned...over to -sidered,~~"*;Ambassador Page bythe’British ad- :LTR miralty with-the statement that it wasThenewspapetsatShelby—the Stur|found on the Hesperian’s deck after‘end the Highlander—have not been the explosion and during her fruitless ‘on.the best’of terms.“Recently the erugele -Seat eae ey‘Highlander gwas placed in the hands|however,accompanied the bit of met.gD ers was placed in the hand+/however,accompanied thebit of met-‘of a receiver.and announved that here jal and until that gap is filled,it ‘is-after it Would be Republican in poli-probable that no representations will ee .::...be made to Germany,which has,con-;fics instead of independent.The Siar |sistently maintained that the steamer+Made some remarks to which the|was not torpedoed by a German sub+Highlander replied rather vigorously.|marine. An‘the last’issue ofthe Star’Editor Tig.Lee ‘Weathers devotes a page of his rh ae pomelph es sages2voresieeonaairedhisownsignature,to Edi-lissued by the Treasury DepartmentstorDePriestoftheHighlander,icjof persons who have failed to repayWhichthelatterisshowninarather|Mmoney advanced them by the UnitedMnfavorablelight.DePriest announces:|States government when they werethathi\:.{Stranded in Europe at’the~outbreakthathisanswerisawarrantforEdi-|o¢the war.The amoynts'due aggre- Heel,very .chic,priced,$5.00 Black Kid Front Seam Gypsy Boot.eid cave Heel.Very stylish;priced,$4.50. Let Us Fit the Children in Red Riding Hood Foot Form Shoes.They assure’natural foot growth with comfort. Shown in all Leathers for Infants,Children and ‘Misses.. Plaid Taffeta Silks Are ‘Wanted Now .We are showing a wide selection in all the =new wanted effects;36-in¢éhes—wide,_priced Shingles!Shingles!.4}.$1,$1.25 and $1.50. Pine,Cedar,Cypress and ‘Tin,{|Ridge Roll,ready-painted ‘Valley’iaeceeret mares,one horse,two colts, Tin and Nails.Twelve grades of Rwo*mules’and eight head:fatsattle,J.= Shingles at $2 per 1,000 and up;,||“HOLLAND,R-7.ee C.WATKINS,|CORN.SILKS—Will pay five cents per pound Next_McElwee’s..Planters’.Wh.——‘for corn silks.Save silks andning to us, erery et.29-—2t.Lith For the last several weeks the rate of increase has been.constantly enlarging and more peo-. ple are reaping the benefit of the many good’values offered here.My cash plan will saveyoumoneywithoutsacrificingthequalityofmerchandise. 175 Pounds Kinganand Morris Hams Friday and Staturday20 1-2c.Ib. CANNED GOODS.No.2 Libby’s errity vb large.val 7 cent can,toLibby’s Green _Asparagus:MISCELLANEOUS. Tips,25c;can,for 23c.1 L.&P..Warchester Sauce,: Libby’s “White ‘Asparagus 30c.bottle,..:3 O16. Tips,30c.can,for 27.|McIlhenny’s Tabasco Sauce, Libby’s Lunch Tongue,25c.50c.bottle,. 2 Manchester.'bottle,:pie bhsig ycegeee- 15c..can-|Pepper Sauce,10e.,bottle,..Oil,:Red Heart Salmon..(Flats),PDurkee’s Salad Dressing,30c.15c.can,ee lle.|.bottle,25cHerronPinkSalmon(Flats),Durkee’s Salad Dressing,10c°«10c.can,phicere eee «+08¢,bottle,09; Full Pink Salmon,15c.can,12c.|tecker’s - Libby’s.Red Salmon,25c.,22c.10c.package.a ¢8 COFFEE THAT IS GOOD COF-|Italian Peas,30c.can...2. 27cxFEEATATTRACTIVE’PRICES |Atmore’s Mince Meat,10¢c.;Extra fine Mocah and Java Cof-|_package.: “fee,a 40c.grade for rv..34c.|Kippered Herring,.... 1bc.can..aac cans’ fled Coffee,20¢. can,.:Norwegian Sardines in Olive Fa y Mn ? Se n e r MM E ? GP E C NE Y NTE ME I N VS T T ET E NO Y ? UI T NT T E Y EI T ER E ? NE Y NE T O NC I NO T E ? PT E NO L D Z Wi t ? Ni e NM A O Y NR E NI N E SE NE I PE E UO T E ET OE EN A A 4 (THE GREATEST HEATER AND.FUEL SAVER ON THEBiMARKET..THE MONITOR RADIATOR is built upon wholly orig-ed inal lines,and in its operating methods differs from all other baseRyburnTheconstructionissuchastoforcethehottestpartofthe4heatelementsdirectlytothefrontofthestove,where the radiated=|heat may be distributed more..generously and more directly than © ei from any otber place.:.See us for pricés on the size required for your home. “Yor Weathers for criminal libel and gate several hundred:thousand dol-:Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company.suit for $25,000 damages.Jol Pn ars ao ranging||PHONE’400 Hes rom$1 ‘to .In many ‘cases thelié ‘aan atic ey rey :eeeTheStoreThatAlwaysWelcomes You. B Coffee,t Crisco (shortening),.. Prratiiy a odd Haver”&California Evaporated.Peac'“ 80¢.Coffee,for 26c.09.Thi: No.1 Blended.Coffee,25c.seces 120.Ibu10c.dozen,; value,' The Robert Bunch’Cash Grocery, “The House of Better Values.”sige "Phone No.229... oe ss i ‘o o ER S B Arbor Day means preparation ‘for |overnment has been unable to locate the future.The trees we plant now|te individuals at the addresses given. tPS RE R U N St r a ? ET NT E LE N Z NE L NE Y EM R E EL S T ? ET E NE E S NE E EE pa i t h e n e Ss er i TAMALHNCMUNNEC ELEC NEL ELIZNUR NSLP NLPNMI NUDP NEDO NTE Ne NTE NESE NTE NUDE NUNC NOL Mv NAIC NUE VTEC NOTENOU NRE ELC NOuaeee Jeweler. SERENE.aCLEANTHATWATCHORCLOCK Don’t weaf'them out before you have it done.‘First class work all the time,and you can getyourworkwhenyouwantit.CO.4 ap wooowaRD _ "B0c.-40c,eeeeeememoweenene ie le l el el el el Sl el e le le el e el k el e el el e cl e al s le Cede bee e ee ee Oe wee eee wens Peseo H.S COR LRSM:pitegss =,The collection of the money will be comer :;eo ag oD inthe years t*|enforced if those pho owe canbe made :Goo yD ‘TIME!c me.es e tees many\of us to pay.%::peeae 0 ene SOLA -é 4 1 ‘\th on Is 0 HN CRCECECRCEORCECECE ORS CECRCRCRCACRCECRCRCACH #;} Pass By res rate,Sugar’Wy other.)ee oor Garba:Riekaiier $6106)E fk IN :The clocks in the homemustbe right or the housekeeper caa’tbe exe0eesog.Next Fri.|}icob Hines $73.60,Sam Hawking|#ween |\pected to plan and:have meals on time.Then there is.no economy ittyrborDayfortheState.Plant |$16.80,Patrick -Hoaston’$42.50,alll O tm |O ®wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can t\depend on.“No, trees and shrubs.The ‘Iredell publi:of Wilmington;Julius ~Alexander,|3°.ee oc tase :Wise yom want $00 Fe foBet oe fo gael lygel BOB‘schools are not in session,but when Cantiatets ee Herceay abo By —:med HENRY while he is devoting his cnet time to repairing watches andf‘-oldsboro,;Richard:©1a ;ea.a :they ee a day should be set aside Raleigh,$40;James‘Shas;Plymouth.2 Let our expert Shoe Repairer do your work.clocks smi fitting spectssier 80.sys on_for impréving the schéol grounds-—|gg.50,“LE.Men’s Half Soles,sewed.-.$0.75 and $1.00 R.F.HENRY,=>sowing grass and planting trees and Se %Men’If So :eee eee Stee (—_Cae Villa’s Strong Talk.-en’s Half Soles,nailed.../.0......;60c. ‘'ene Advancing with troops ‘to attack the HF Woman's Half Soles,sewed.PN th ee GN 65 and 75c,fe A Statesville lady,who is better |Carranza forces at Agua Prieta,on Woman *Half Soles,nailed...50e.‘authority than the Greensboro New;.|the American border,Gen.Villa:said Special prices on Children’s Work.:advises The Landmark that Indi‘n,tent the Uiter aie =he nage att cing RUBBER HEELS: Summer comeg in November,when the|told that Gen.Carranza wae uuenes OF.DOMIVAD A 5 sits segs |maple leaves arered.~<to.move troopsthrough Amerioah ter-Other Heels.Dae teie=:pesos ritory,Villa was furious,That was Give us a‘trial!_The Wisconsin sterilization ,law|the treatment he got,he declared,forbeputintoeffectthismonth,|protecting Americans in his territory.24operations on patients~in the}Hereafter he said he didi’t care what|4iAhesaefeeblemindedat|happened to’Améficang in his territo-|%:Sa ut fy rie j ry.‘i .:CROROA i CHa Jeweler.. 4 Silk Poplin’Dresses$495.0 $7.50. -‘(A FEATURE AT} ‘a |Johnston-Belk Co’.s‘This Week Will Be a Collection >|of Wonderful New Coat Suits, el Priced $7.50 to $25.00. Numbers of pretty models to select from.:::Suits offineallwoolPoplins,fine men’s wear Serge,Gaberdine-and Whipcord in the rich auturnn sh of Navy,Brown,Green and Black.Nearly all of them haveatouchoffurandarecutintheneweststylestosuitsmall,medium and large figures.The materi-I als are all wool,the linings are the best yarn dyedguaranteedSatin.Priced $12.50 and $15. Separate Coats,all sizes,from $2.95,to $15. Sport Coats,new lot just received,special $4.95. >A full lineof Separate Skirts,Waists and Kimonos§.to-select from, :re Shoes,Shoes. <P ntiwWootserge DressS|8950$555. 4 “r ne BeyPTELANDMARK ‘UBLISHED TUEBBDAY AND ¥,eeeee,¥FICE:120 WEST BROAD ‘TELEPHONE NO.14.f TUESDAY,--November2,1915 THE HALLOWE'EN PARTIES. ——?The Ghosts Walked —Socla)Events—Marriages: The Entre Nous club.met Friday}afternoon.with Miss Mary C.Scott,her ‘home on Mulberry street.Coiesoftheprogrammeofmeetinfortheclubyearweredistribute:and the course of study in Ameniasliteraturewastakenup.Mrs.G.|French gave an account of the lifeofBenjamin’Franklin.and a.read:ing from one of Franklin’s works was given by Mrs;F.F.Steele.A paperonJonathanEdwards.and his works was read by Mrs.R:-°S.McEl ,Following the programme a_salcoursewasservedbythehostess.~The Thursday Afternoon club met|last week with Mrs.L.Ash.Woman’s|work inAhe world was discussed,|Mrs.Chas.A.Turner read a papeg)compiled by.Mrs.Ash from Dr.Dor'mand’s article on.“Does WomaqEgualManInBrainPower?”Mrs: ‘Orin Turner read a paper on Dr.Ans ta Howard Shaw.Cream,cake and mints were served,‘‘ At «Farmington,avie .county!Thursday,Mrs,T.H.'Nicholson gaveadiceheartpartyinhonorofherguest,Mrs.Geo.B..Nicholson,ofStatesville.The hostess,the.honorguestandMrs.T.H.Redman com’posed the receiving line.“Our Navy”was \the subject dis-cussed by the Elericemoh ladies at their meeting held with Mrs.J.L, Cowan Friday afternoon.The pro-eramme was in charge of Mrs.J.F.}Kirk,2nd she was assisted by Mrs.|Clarence Steele and Mrs.J.C.Fowler:| The bi post line of Shoes:in the city and at pricesthatwillmakeitinteresting.Come and see us be-fore making your purchases. “The Store That Sells For Less. ———ONE OF ——iTWELVESTORES.TWELVE STORES. [NEW MARBLE YARD! We have opened a yard at 118 east Broad Street,Statesville Marble ~~and Granite Co’.s old stand,where we are prepared to do ali kinds ‘,of Marble aad Granite work at lowest possible prices.For first-class work and material see us before placing your orders..W.F.REECE &COMPANY. THE HOME OF COOPER'S KENOSHA | :Klosed-Kroteh Union Suits Your ‘first’suit will give you real solid comfort, such as no other Under- wear can. _$1,$1,50 and$2 a Suit. ‘Try a Suit of Kenosha-Jf Klosed-Krotch Union Un- derwear and get next to: ’comfort. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. ’Phone No.83. l CIGARS! YOU HAVE,TRIED THE OTHERS Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar §’Thea So .(WP HALL’s DRUG STORE,ray PHONE 20."Prescriptionists. NOTICE OF SALE OF LUMBER. North Carolina,IredellCounty,Whereas,J.P.Sprinkle’is indebted to.G1:06 -has been ‘made for ninety days in the pay the highest bidder for eash,.on ;{fake jour Fruit Cake WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER’17th,1915," 4.and we have the fruit: hy on the Turnersburg road,the following describedpersonalproperty,te-wit:sy “|guest of Miss NOW TRY THE BEST.: | cies ee ae tes :nt |4 meh LS Blackwelder in the svnf*of’$781.70 for ‘la:y }bor ‘performed in sawing lumber,and default ment of same,the undersigned will.sell,to at 12 o'clock,m.,at Mrs..Mamie Nooe’s:farm «.|wooden spoon. LAt-the conclusion of the programme|ltwo caurses of refreshments were| ‘served,|The children_of the Junior Mission-| lary society of Broad Street Methodist |‘church were entertained at a Hallow:|Yen party.Friday evening by i leader,Miss Love Walker,at the home iof Mr..and Mrs.J.B.Foster,corner||Mulberry and Walnut streets.Be-| ‘eause of its “spooky”appearance the| ‘party «vas held in the attic of thehouse.Jack-o-lanterns and”witches| helped to make the place more|“spooky”and the children had a gay |time “bobbing”for apples,”’ete!‘Sandwiches,candy,cake,etc.,wer? served.3MissesMamieMcElweeandMar-| garet Turner entertained their classes|of the First Presbyterian Sunday) school at‘a Hallowe’en party Friday!evening at the home of Miss Turner)on Davie avenue.Between 30 and 49) children were present and theré \wamuchoarryale.Some of—thtguestsweremasked.Various games) and contests appropriate to the oc-casion furnished amusement.Apples,| chestnuts,ice cream cones,etc.,were)served.‘|Members of the Merry Makers’:clu$| und other guests were’entertained“wtla_course dinner.Saturday.evening“hy_Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Braw- ley,at their home on Davie avenue.The house was beautified for the oc, casion with chrysanthemums and Ha!-‘owe’en decorations,the-color-scheme in the dining roombeingyellow.Whitejandpinkweeoeprevailingcolorsin ithe parlor.‘The guests were Misses ‘Hassie Miller,Bertha Cocper,RtthGill,and Elizabeth Nattress,Messr3i E.B.McCormick and Neely KincailofStatesville,and Messrs.Witt,Per- ry,Edgerton and Meek,students ot |Davidson College. Members:of the Phi Mu ‘Society of Statesville College weg\guests at a Hallowe’en party giveh‘Saturday evening by ‘Misses Mildred: ‘Smith and Cordelia Watts,at the lat:|.'ter’s home on Race street.All the ‘guests were masked and disguised as ighosts.-A tall white figure standing lin the yard silently pointed the way to ithe front door,where two other spec: ters received the guests,and a ‘fourth ghost pointed to the witch’sbowerinthe.rear hall,where punch |was served by a witch,who also re= vealed the fortunes of the guests,‘From the witch’s:nook all passed to ithe dining room,where each was re* |quested to draw with her*left hand a ‘representation of an arch backed cat. ‘Miss Marguerite Talbot,who is ichards,was.successs;'ful in this contest and was ‘award ithe prize,a box of correspondencecards.Immediately after the game 'the entire party.unmasked,and as al’iwere cleverly disguised this created ‘much merriment.The ghosts,who yassisted the hostess.in receiving, eer Sarah Smith and Allie Ramsey, and’Rosamond Clark represented the |witch,Toasting marshmallows,bob- jbing for'apples,grabbing for dough- nuts and apples on a string,telling{ghost stories and the playing various jgames furnished amusement until alatehour.A number of solos by Miss Richards and several readings by Miss Reid also added much to the pleasure,of the guests.Toward thecloseoftheevening.refreshments ofcream,cake and salted peanuts wereserved.wo Black and gold,the colors.\of the Society,were carried.out in the dec- orations,which were suggestive of .|Hpllowe’en, -\lighted the ‘hall and porch and_silhoucttes-of witches and-black catsdecoratedthewindows-and doors;while smaller figures of cats and batswithoutspread.wings were.usedintheparloranddiningroom.The-witch’s nook,dimly lighted.by jack.‘lanterns and sareoundad by.tall corn;stalks,was,especially weird:.Thewitch's caldroironpot,suspended from three sticks, from which punch was served with a The favors of the ee 3Raisins,Meld turnhes Soe einai the possession of*Currants,he eee tak Mose ‘On lands leased 4 .e rom ‘S.ooe,:Citron,—:;G.L.BLACKWELDER.‘Shelled Nuts DE,Maskeern,Ay Sahih BS';oR,‘ )“Spices,é‘..Crystatized Cherries,.,|}Seeing is Believing ! \‘Mince Meat.i Others say my:prigesgare cheap-|Giveusyour orders.—')|Sim.ure Nitin tati,foe me Conik il see,for youn(‘i i your-=Eagle &Milholland.self,jAll I ask is that you buy a ‘|where you can buy cheapest. \FOR RENT—Seven-foom onse.on -endd |»WATEING;ntetNR VEN,Ni Cs “guests were:tiny hand-painted figuresofblackcatsandwitcheswithpump- kins,with a clever fortune written on the back.' e marriage of Miss Mae Murdockand’Lieut.H.G.Maul,which took place “in ~Washington about three --Chamberlain’s Tablets.+“This dp ‘g medicine intended seabectalfy for \[y atregty!Weshe,ELIASON.Oct;& ‘Cottage...-Pe ALLISON, 6!_venienees.MRS.D.A.MIL.pistes Llahis Bn |one block from og college. #/)FOR:RENTS-Beyen-room:honte -Racé--street,'|it is.meeting with much success and rapidlyModernconfafectistite?Be.Ochs 29:eterparlaeo *iseveral years was enga 4ishe has a promising future. |poser whose interpretations were poet- t# Literary}e the|. Pumpkin.jack.o'lanterns). m was represented by an}; months ago,is announced.Miss Mur-, {stomach trdubles,biliousness ‘and ‘tonstipation. dock’is the worthy and aceomplish-|ed daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W..A.Murdock of Oak Forest community.She’{8 a professional nurse and “for in nuys-ing in Washington and.New Yorkcity.She kept her marriage secretfora‘time to surprise her home folks.Lieut.Maul is a surgeon and he and)Mrs.Maul have located at Denver,Col.-The many friends of the bride in her home/community wish for themabrightandhappyuture./Miss Lera Belle Reid and Mr.JohnWilsonWallaceweremarriedThurs-day afternoon at 5 o’clock at thehomeofthebride’s father,Mr.Q.A. Reid,in Cool Spring township.ev.J.H.Pressly of Statesville perform-ed the ceremony.Mr.Wallace is astepsonofMrLHWhiteofthevi-cinity of Statesville A goes A Great Musical Fvent. Reported for ‘The Landmark,” The concert given at the OperaHouseSaturdayeveningby’Miss Jo- sephine Gilmer,American prima don-na soprano,and Signor Umberto Sor-rentino,celebrated Italian tenor,was the,rarest musical treat ever present-ed to a Statesville audience,a a Miss Gilmer is endowed with a*e tiful lyric soprano voice that she uses with style,feeling and expression.Her diction is good,phrasing excellent, and she is as thoroughly at home in the dramatic arias of Tosca,Faust and Aida as in her artistic interpreta-|, tions of the modern English and American composers.Her stage pres- ence is charming and graceful and those who heard Miss Gilmer believe Signor Umberto Sorrentino num- bers admirers in all the large cities of |, this country and Europe.He possess- es a voice of ‘remarkable richness, smoothness and beauty of quality and expression.’His rendition of “La Mia Bandiera”(My Flag)was sung)| with a spontaniety of delivery and unusual vigor,characteristic of the patriot whose country is at war.The audience Was very responsive to this song and “O Sole Mio.”Miss Gilmer’s duets with Signor Sorrentino showed both voices to excellent advantage.; Mr.Frank Braun,the piano soloist and accompanist,is an artist and com- ic and technique excellent. Notice of New Advertisements. J.L.Sloan’s Davie avenue home for rent.: Myrth Arey wants position as chauffeur or automobile machinist. Captain Bob of the National Gud / Capital $100, 7 HE thousands who live in the shadow of Vesuviusareconstantlyindanger, Yet the town new homes are!peing built. *Provision Is Security There you will find peoplelivingintotalindifferenceto . the dangers that lurk near,‘ ,while others are always pre-+pared to seek safety and shel-ter at the first warning.“ Danger besets men and women atstep.A turn of the minute temaybringhardships—busi-3,’osition,wealth and even life *ye gone. peepee |emselves against danger {-y working with definite putpose,steadfast saving [and provision are-the ones to have the shelter in time eve!raness,may be of need. Save Now When.# the Time Is Ripe | Ours 's the bink 'you should associ-ate with.You are assnred safety andincome.Start an account here, THE inst er rospers and & Those who have. STATESMILLEN.C.000.4%Pi Donsmie)Loree et eposits oe at the Creseent tomorrow.Other good things during the week. Wonderful new coat suits.—Johns- tton-Belk Co. A.Wi Martin,foremost stove ex- pert,will demonstrate Favorite base burners and combination coal and gas ranges at the store of the Williams Furniture House Thursday ‘and Fri- day. The best selections for fall and winter.—-Ramsey -Bowles -Morri- son Co.: Anew marble yard.—W.F.Reece &Co:; *Boys’corn club show to be held No- vember 27.—iredell Hardware Co. -_New Monitor radiator base.burner. 4Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.e gine English costume velvets.—|, Mills &‘Poston.+Union suits.—Sherrill-White Shoe|_ Co:.we -..C.Watkins for everything to build with. ‘Gottage close in for rent.—Mrs.N. ReTunstall. ‘Will sell lumber at auction Novem- ber 17.—G.L.Blackwelder. “<Detectives have been making active earch for one R.H.Miller,who pass- many bogus checks:in Asheville Some months ago,and have discovered qller under arrest in Charlotte for icking pockets.nevciaieomatincadamenisencannsiee How to Prevert Croup. It may be a surprise to you to learn that in many cases croup can be prevented.Mrs. H.M.Johns,Elida,Ohio,relates her expe- rience as follows:“My little boy is subject o croup.During the past winter I kept a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the hauee,,and when he began having that croupy ‘cough I would.give him one or,two“désesof Stand it would break the attack.I like it better for children than any other |eough Wiedicine because’children take’it willingly,|. a it is safe and reliable.’Obtainable ev- erywhere.. MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market. The following prices were paid yesterday roduce on the local market. fo’ What the Ford car will do is.amply’proved by its daily use in the hands of ~more than 900,000"owners.”oetounderstandthateveknowshisearlikeabook—he runsandcaresforithimself.’Built of THE UNIVERSAL.CAR ; + “So simple jFordowner' “it thebestmaterials,powerful and efficient,it saves money in operation and main- tenance—and comes at a very low price.|Runabout $390;Touring Car $440,f.o. b.,Detroit.On sale.at Corolina Motor ;'Co.,Statesville,Newton,Mooresville. Spring Chickens,12c.per Ib. ‘HH ters,5c.per Ib. gs,28c per-dozen.utter,16c.per Ib.Beeswax,25c.per lb.Green Hides,12c.per Ib. Hams,22c.per lb. “Sides,13c.per Ib.Shoulders,18c.per Ib.Red “Honey,10c.per Ib.Sourwood:Honey Comb, Grain, The following prices were paid yesterday oy grain onthe local market: ‘Wheat,$1.25 per bushel.f ‘Corn,(new),0 to 60c.per bushel. Oats,55c.per’bushel. ‘18e.per Ib. q Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday| 11.75 per pound was paid.for best| grade cotton.:; Seed cotton,5c.| Cotton:seed,45c.per bushel. WANTED—Fosition as chauffeur or experienced automobile machinist. Good refegences furnished.MYRTH AREY,Statesville.Nov,2.1t* FOR RENT—Nine-room house with all modern conveniences—my.homealmereavenue.J.L.SLOAN. ~Nov.2. *~ FOR RENT.—Cottage close in.Water and sewerage.Cheap to good tenant.MRS.N...R.TUNSTALL.Nov.2. WANTED—Position as bookkeeper,assistant bookkeeper or time-keeper.Address Box 80,Harmony,R-2.Oct.26-—31"2... OLD NEWSPAPERS —All you want at10¢:a hundred.Worth this to start firesAlsogoodtopytundercarpets‘andwith.Come to THE LAND-(paper the walls,ARK for.them, FOR RENT—EFight-room two-story house,608.West Front,street.L.)K.OVER-CASH.Aug.20, FOR SALE—Toulouse Geese..Biltmore.strain.|eW.B.MeLELLAND,Stony,Point,R-2.#Phone Clio,:~Oct.20. s,10c.per Ib.~’ |Sloan FOR SALE—Chrysanthemums.White,yellow,| bo haetl ait}fava and poymlarity:scObtal es Gysnantiae ©t Clothing Gom _Fashion Attorneys... est prices.Remember our Still Going Free! tage of our free bureau of.| information regarding our- Suitings,|Overcoatings,Pew oy etc. come atonce.Our stock — is complete withthe new:“ est and nobbiest creations — in Men’s wear at the low. Satisfaction -or money refunded. i motto: Spink!CoMRS.Se PAUL)LEONA BDI:steerer tneBeeeeeeeeeeeet-+ARLE THE HOME TOW Have you?If not _.plans;for the ale “UESDAY.-»°November 2,1916hEaad THE MOONLIGHT SCHOOLS, One Will Be Taught at Moores- ville—Mr.Love to Speak—So- cial Items. Correspondence of “The Landmark, ville,Nov.1.—In response ‘o ky ticles ion from’Mrs.Geo,C.Good- man,‘a member of the “Committee of One Hundred”appointed by the Fed- eration of Woman’s Cluvs fo assist mn the campaign against illiteracy 1 North Carolina,a large number of those interested’and willing to assist in the work met with Mrs.Goodmat. at her home,Friday arena for se of discussing and devising Seer ie Moonlight Schools in this district.Before going into the work the guests were invited into thc dining room,where refreshments,con- sisting of tea,sandwiches and cake, were served bv Mesdames Mort.Mz: Knight and Harry P.Deaton.‘The meeting was then called to order anJdjown sentiments,either for or against the letter by the State Superintena- -ent of Public Instruction.relative t»favor it those of us who might oppose Moonlight Schools was read.and dis-jit would be willing for the majority to atireless jrule,cusseil.Miss Julia Stirewalt, worker for the,upbuilding of the vom- munity;reported that she had can- yassed:several homes,and bad fond a month of November and the work is expected to be well under way by the latter part of next week..When’the call for volunteer teachers was mada -every one present expressed a willing: “nss to help in any way possible,and a sufficient teaching force is assured for as,many schools as:may be need- edi).acted Services were -begun in the thside:Baptist church Satur- day évening.The pastor,Rev.A.W. Wilcox,will be assisted by Rev.W.W. Rimmer of Maiden.;: Rey,Sidney Love,whol is lecturing in the interést of the Carolina Prison ers’Aid Society,will celiver an ad- eres at the First Baptist church Wed-nesdéy night,November 3d,at 7:30 o’elock:~-The*public-is-cordially-invit-ed ‘to be present.Miss Evelyn’Worsham of Albemarte spent,the veek-end here with friends. Miss Carey..Troutman of Davenport College spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.B.A. Troutman.Miss Mary Stuart Alex-ander of Charlotte rat Sunday with Miss:Margaret Rankin.‘ite a number of ladies met ‘wiMissClara:Mills Friday afternoon forthepurposeoforganizinganAuction club."Three tables were prepared fortheguests.A salad course was serv- ed.Mrs.J.H.Rankin was ‘electedpresidentoftheclub,which will meet every two weeks.The next meeting will be held with Mrs).J.L,;Donald. Mrs.Roy Troutman entertained the Maidsand Matrons club at her.homeonNorthMainStreet:Saturday af ternoon.Misses Nora and Susie Tom- linsgn-gave an enjoyavle Hallowe’en party at their home on Moore avenuc. on:ay eyening.Games suitable tpthe occasion were,played,afteryeh:refreshments were.served by;ee hosts.”The younger set weredelightfullyentertainedataHallow-coy arty by.Miss Ruth’Lentz on Fri- '..»-Taylorsville Personals. Correspondence ,of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Noy.'1.—Miss JennieSadler’of GreensWoro is a.guest atthehomeof‘her uncle,Rev.©R.Hunt):Mr.J.,O.Crdss,'who ‘has beenote3thehomeofhis,brother,_.My.Bugene Cross,left’yesterday fo:his home in Richmond...Mr,‘and .Mrs.W.My Wilson,who.werd guestw ofMr,Wilson’s ‘brother-in-law and sis-ter,Dr.and Mrs.A.M.Edwards,re-turned:Saturday:to their home at:Su-gar Hill.Misses Lelia and LucileStevenson,who spent a few days herewithrelatives,returned to their homeatLoraySaturday.Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Deal,Mrs.S.T.Crow§Son and littleson,William Deal Crowson,and:Mr.H.-T.Kelly spent Thursday in Moores-ville,making the trip in Mr.Deal’sautomobile.Mrs.G.G.White and lit.tle son,William Robinette White,ofStatesville,are visiting Mrs.White’:mother,Mrs.L.D.Robinette.Mrs. .J.W.Somers and children of Stony*Point spent the week-end with Mrs.Somers’mother,Mrsv.Sara Feimstcr: .Sale of Race Horse—New Trot- tN i ting Record. Ballot,a:noted race horse,sold for $15,600 ati‘a’’sale of thoroughbred stock at Lexington,Kv.:a few days ago.It is said the horse had wonmorethan,.$150,000 for his late own:er;and from that viewpoint he wasworththeprice. “At Springfield,0.,Nelly the Grea‘, aytwo-year-old .trotting fil!y,.made anewworld’s record for a half mile track by stepping a mile in 2:15 38-4,the previous record was 2:'6 1-2, LRT. *The Merchants’Association of Hicl- ory “won “prize of $15 offered bytheStateAssociationforthelargestmembershipgainthepastyear.TneHickoryassociation“increased frora -Chasy M.sWatters,for two yearschiefofpoliceofRaleigh,died Sur. a ens illness..He was tohaveretired’from office yesterday andhissuccessorhadbeenselected. 5%pene onernemmenennimenneennenmenmeel Whenever You Need a General Tonic3Take”Grove’s ‘The Old Standard Grové’s TastelessTonicisequallyyaluableasaTonicbecauseitcontainsthewellknowntonicpropertiesofQUININEandIRON,.Itactson the Liver,DriveseteigEnrichestheBloodandds.up the Whole System.50 cents. .|Geo.Batés was stabbed to death inAshevilleSundaymorningandhisfather,Andrew Bates,and Jolin Kil lian are under arrest,charged withresponsibilityforhisdeath. 'At Annapolis,Md.,Saturday,thefootballteamfromtheNorthCarclina,A.and M.College defeated theNavalAcademyteambyascoreof44to12 Invigorating tothe Paleand Sickly -:.Mhe OldStandard general gthening tonig,<QWovies TASTEDEss etal TONIC arfees ontMalaria,enrichesthe blood,builds upthe system,«A true Tonic.For.abaliékodchbaren.G00, K|LET.THE .WOMEN ‘|\dridges but would rather’have.their E.|always appeal to a man,and they ad- DECID. Would Have Them Say.Whether,“hey Want the’Ballots,Troutman’sWorse,: Correspondence of The LanStatesville,R-8,Oct.30.—Mrs.J.M.|;Ostwalt and)»daughter,Pearl,left relatives in Spartanburg,S.C.The ‘condition of Mrs. continues to grow worse.There is the frailty of the human life.There majority ‘hasn’t created either a feel- country women,We would ask though, as a special privilege,before this fran- chise has been granted by the State,that we women be allowed ‘to vote our |woman suffrage,and if the ‘majority We believe it is,through their deference and respect for our sex that some of the best men of our country of a contentment in the home,or will sta- tistics not show a tendency to create a clashing of opinions and discord, and the lack of harmony in the home‘Tife?We admit some women’s intel- lect and judgment igs superior to some men,but this is an exception,instead of a rule.Women are already beeom-ing recognized as a power for good through their achievements in.civic work.community betterment etc.Butthisdoesn’t seem to satisfy.them.Wo- men could not revolutionize the worldeveniftheyweregiventheballot.All true men are possessed of &spirit of gallantry.to protect and.defend the weaker.sex,and when women—have announced themselves as their equals (if not their superiors)and.march forth to:fight-the political battles,-will it not change this feeling:of tender-ness to one of contempt?.We lost ourfootingasman’s equal in the_firsttransgressionandthefiatwentforththatasa.punishment man ‘should as: sume the sterner duties of life.We must do penance for our part in the downfall through our.submission to man’s authority.'as “helpers at home” like the “Paradise lost”as it is in°ourpowertodo.Thé,most ideal mar-riages and homes is..where.the man.is the “ruler of‘his own household,”not ‘as a tyrant but in that tender,master- ful way that all true women.admire and enjoy...” The writer hasn’t any.desire .toforcetheseideasofwoman.suffrage on the publie or.convert others to our way of.thinking,but this is merely offeredas a ‘suggestion—that .more study should be given to an’import- ant matter of this kind.It isn’t ont of woman’s sphere to keep informed on these national,problems,Wives who complain they haven’t “any time for reading will find that:much.of their work is.self-imposed~and thattheyareneglectingwhatisreallya,duty to.themselves and’their family.The majority.of:men don’t want theirwives.to.become mere’household companionship —intellectually.The“clinging.vine”type of woman doesn’t mire a,certain individuality of her own,wh ; Charging a conspiracy te commit afelony.in the “wet”and “dry”election.at Sullivan,Ind.,last May,thirty merincludinghighofficials:»of..brewingcompaniesandajusticeofthepeace,were indicted by the Sullivan county grand jury last week...i The ‘Arizona labor law,which.plac- ed certain restrictions :on the employ- tutional by the United States Supreme Court.‘ Mooresville,Rhodhiss. Levering Manufacturing dle works at Wilmington were burned Hickory, covered by-insurance.* GLOSSY ‘HAIR,FREE FRDANDRUFF! Save Your Hair!Double ‘Its BeautyinaFewMoments—Try This! If you care for heavy hair, iness and is.fluffy and lustrous,|'Danderine.:|“Just one application «doubles ‘beauty of your hair,besides it imme-} jdiately dissolves every particle{dandruff;you.cannot...have _nice,heavy,healthy hair if you have dan-idruff.This-destrictive \seurf ‘the hair of its lustre,its strength and\its very life,“and ‘if not:overcome it |\produces “a feverishness and:itching|of.the ‘scalp;the hair roots<famish,ilooseh and:die;then the hair falls|‘out-fast.|.If your hair has been neglected and| scraggy or -too|%lis thin,faded,‘dry, joily,get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl-jton’s Danderine at any drug store or |#di-|#jrected and ten minutes after you will|}say this was the best investment you jtoilet counter;apply a little as jever made,|We sincerely believe,regardless of leverything else advertised,,that \you desire soft,lustrous, jine.If eventually—why:not now? | J.B.WATKINS.Henderson. W.C.WATKINS,Roxboro,C.WATKINS,Statesville,C.WATKINS,Statesville.i}Buy in quantitiés and.run ONE lar ae big as anybody's,© Condition Grows|~ Thursday for a few weeks’:visit with|| ‘Elizabeth|ETroutman,who has been suffering fo;many months with an internal cancer,| much.in nature now that tepresent|' are few of us but what can feel.the)!§blight of disease,for in the words of};2Isaiah,“We all do fade as a leaf.”;|\BeThedefeatofwomansuffragein|;2 New Jersey by such an overwhelming}| ing of alarm or exultation among we]. favor this equal suffrage,but the main|"2 large’number who expressed ‘a desire |point to be considered is would woman to attend the school.It was then de.|suffrage promote the welfare cided to conduct the school during:the |State ‘and:nation,and happiness and and in making the home life as:nearly| 9!Nov.cTRedroleDna, 2 oyunel, qh. Jay |Captain Bob of the National Guard UNITED STATES’TROOPS IN ACTION —"2.0004 H iminent People Ap-|: E pearing in this Superh’ Feature Are: Gen,»Leonard Wood: |U.S.gArmy;Gen.AL, |Mills,Chief of the Di... |vision of Military Af.” fairs,U.S.Army;Sec-: ‘retary of War,‘Lindley M.Garrison;Secretary of Navy,Josephus Dan- =iels. Governor’Locke Craigof.North..Carolina,whoGov-ernor—in_this—-splendid.-plays part of the plot production.[__Childre FEATURINGRobt,RReynolds and Miss Eloise Doughty 7 -*Thrilling, is hair g Pine 9 Stirring, Patriotic! United States Regulars.| inaction!Camp life of @. the National Guard.A strong love story,mF Stupendous in concep- |tion,Gigantic in produc- +T tion. Pe The Famous.night ride.‘: ‘of the Governor’s Horse @ Guard.n 10c--ADMISSION.Adults 15c ~REMEMBER—Today we start the ‘‘Diamond From the Sky,”the great MysfeaturingLOTTIE;PICKFORD,the sister of the famous MARY PICKF ORD.oo Pefirstchapterfor.the offer of $10,000.00 for ai idea.We will show in connection with TheDiamondFromtheSkyathreereelImpPictureFeaturingKINGBAGGOT.On Thurs-day we show the second Broadway Feature—‘“THE SCANDAL,”.a play that everyman,woman and.child should see. Masterpieces—“JULIUS CAESAR.”This great and has the same Cast as “SPARTACUS.”This picture over 7,000 people take part in it.ae ment:,of aliens,is declared unconsti-| District meeting of Pythians ir|Hickory on the 18th.The district| comprizes ‘the lodges of Statesvilie, Lenoir anc| Co,’s han-'|) Sunday morning.Loss about $25,000,|) iGIRLS!.HAVE.WAVY,THICK,|.OM BoysCornt oaTubShow The Iredell Hardware Company Will be headquarters for the display of corn_by the Corn(which is to be held in\/271th.Boys,select your corn according to lub Boys of Iredell county, Statesville November the rules of the corn club work and instruc-tions given out by your county Demonstra-tor and have it in’their store by the 23d.~~They also offer the following prizes: »First Prize—One Hand Saw,Pride of Iredell,-Second Prize—One Block Plane‘Third Prize—One German Town Hainmer,Fourth Prize—QOne Praning Shear Besides.these four grand prizes they willgivetothe10whoreceivehonorable.men--uontion a 2-foot Stanley rule.—st Come to town,boys,on this big day and beposeoftheIredellHardwareCo.a d with the Movie tovearrangeyouintheafternoon... They;entertain o thas }# glistens with beauty and.is radiant!§ with life;has an incomparable soft-|}try |} the '# of| robs|# if |#U beautiful|# hair and lots of it—-no dandruff—no/#itching scalp and..no more falling hair |#‘~you_must use,Knowlton’s Dander-'# Building Materials Cheap Because 1 priced’Lamber Yards,Your.dole | WATKINS,’Phone.43. “The Mar a | k es }of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS,TEXACO CYLINDER OILS,TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Halfbarrels and Cases, tyne }'Cotton.Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners ofMathineryofanykind}if you buy your.oil in full packa your orders, ‘We are in a position t ges,see’us.,before you’place ty demonstrate QUAL-ITY,and can make delivered prices that will interest States you, ville € (Wholesale iL Company.Distributors.) \B On Friday we show another of the famous KLEINE. picture was made by the same Company was made in Rome,Italy,and bye ARsBAPOLB.vA LS Ri _TROGEST:CIRCUS TN THE.WORLD.Statesville Tuesday,OfNovember_2%! Holiday eventof a lifetime!.Admission and grand stand operachairs on sale circus.day at the Statesville Drug Co.at same prices as charged on the show grounds..* ECK-WALLACE Ay LY of 1001 Wonders (..FULING .§ARENAS!ice Triumphs roaches beyond the seasJfNOTHINGELSELIKEITIN-ALL EARTH'S HistonY!Capital Invested,$3,000,000! ‘Moro acts,morefoattires,more thrills than you ever saw be- fore;Sings,2 stages,great morlat“enclocuré;quarter-mile 1 hippedromotrack and stoet girded arena’fitted with CARLHAGENBECK’S performing Hons,feo;jumas,panthers, Polar bears royc!Bongal Tigors and beasts. 100 ACTS,FEATURES and SENSATIONS-100%.3:RAILROAD TRAINS 3 22 TENTS 22,60 RIDERS—The Greatestin the World 60400PERFORMERS4008BANDS8;60 Aerialists,the 6 Flying Wards60CLOWNS,the World’s Funny Men.50...AeROBATS >”4 -7 -fin ¥;r so3hp eK mm HIGHEST CLASS CIRCUS IN THE WORLD!&A GLITTERING,BEWILD-|DOORS TO CARL HAGENBECK’SERING,.STREET PAGEANT,|,Z00,OPEN AT 1.AND7 P.M.THREE MILES IN LENGTH,|.PERFORMANCES BEGIN AT 2REPRESENTINGANEXPEN-|AND 8 P.M.ONE 800 TICKETDITUREOF$1,000,000AT 10 |ADMITS.TO EVERYTHING,.O'CLOCK;A.M.CIRCUS DAY,|CHILDREN,rans penePINDER:19 Voss,ho, aceninik olde ot peoarrebacalh tut GEE oe aor Sonne Seynear oe ge eh ‘Farmers’Favorite Drill! (NONE BETTER,) Seed Oats,Clovers,GrassScods,Veich, Rape;ete.‘Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. .FERTILIZERS,.[==J.E.SLOOP:= THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,November 2,1915 ‘Items of Interestrest About Various Matters. J,P.Morgan,the financial”mag ‘nate,underwent an operation for ap-pendicitis Friday at his home at GlenCove,L.I.{ John W.Stewart,former United)States Senator from Vermont and for-mer Governor of that State.died Fri-day.at Middlebury,Vt.He was 90 \years old. A monument is to be erected to Pe- ter Vallone,who lost his life after res-lcuing six gitls during a fire at thefactoryoftheUnionPaperBoxCom- pany at.Pittsburg,Pa.a few dare + |Twin’girls,aged two years,lhoy nine years old,children of Mnerandand #9; IN Slate necting?Tin Roofing? Tin or Sheet Metal Work of any Kind?LET US KNOW. “ARE You INTERESTED?” ees Shing Stor Liked?—_Palen IREDELL TEN WORKS. Bell Phone 98.Independent "Phone 197. ;Tiller of Pigeon’s creek,near destroyed by fire.’ It is said that lerstwhlie of North Carolina,now in\the.Federal prison at.Leavenworth,\Kan.,for defrauding the government, lwill spend his spare time studyingNaw.Wants to find out how.they ;got him,probably. Thirteen of the 17 guards at Laurel, ~New Lite of 1915PATTERNRUGS! Variegated Mottle Rugs. Persian Silk Rugs. ee Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors. Call and see our line of Brussel Rags— $18.00 to $38.50. We have in stock a few specially large 12x15 Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes.. =|Reformatory,a State institution of, Virginia,went on Strike because’of; jreguiations t governing boardforbiddingthenitosmokeatanytimeortochewtobaccointhepresenceof the boy prisoners. The Democratic mational commit-itee will meet in Washington Decem-|ber 7 to select the,time and place for ‘the meeting.of the next Democratic inational’convention;and the Repub-‘ican national committee will meet in |Washington for a similar purpose De- jcember 14,Mrs.-Mary.Pamies_of_San_Francis- co,who confessed to the police tha®‘on October”18>she had killed MichaelWeinstein,a crippled peddler,with an axe and~then chopped his.body into pieces,was exonerated by a cor-oner’s jury,which held the killingjustifiableonthegroundthatMrs. Pamies was defending herself. !‘The United States bonded ware- house at Locust Point,Md.,was burn- ed Thursday night.Records were destroyed and the property loss is es- timated at $300,000 to $500,000.Fire-} men.kept the flames from grain ele-| vators.200 feet away,which contain- ed 2,000,000 bushels of grain. supposed to electric wires. Unanimous authorization for 9 tition to Congress to submit THE\NEWS or STONY POINT. FROM OVER THE COUNTRY.) lyacated by Mr.Steele. ublic.oP Ahout 40 of the jolly young people 0 Mate-ter of Mr.B.F.Hines,last Friday wan,W.Va.,were cremated when a night at an old-fashioned Hallowe’enistableirewhichtheywereplayingwasparty. John L. Casper,ithem into the parlor.assembled they were conducted into]” hwierd wilderness whose only pee wl Fire} have originated from) PE crs at funerals. the |.y thus spent:could serve a’better Change of Location—Southern Railway’s _Dirt-—Hallowe’en Party.} Correspondence of The Landmark. ,Stony Point,Nov.’1-—Mr.N.F. Stecle has moved into his new resi-dence and we learn that Mr.HarrisonCrouchofStatesvilleexpects,at an early date,to move into the residence Miss Lillian Ellis of Statesvill:sited Miss Willie Hines Jast week. rs. her sister,Mrs.J.W.Sims.-: The Southern Railway Co.is doinga.dirty piece of business in Stony Point.Anyway they are moving out the dirt between the two tracks by thedepotsoastorenderitasunsightlyandinconvenientaspossibleforthe f Steny Point were entertained at 'the home of Miss Nellie Hines,daugh- The guests were met at the by.silent ghosts,who conductedWhenallhadoor an adjoining room,which looked likelights were hobgoblins grinning from the scorners*Jn the dim light one could itch hovels,which the guests were invited to enter to have their Hortunes told and shake hands with their future husbands or wives.Blow- ng out candles,dipping finger into bowls of ink and clear water,and bob- hing for apples were other means of fun,and cold chills were thrown over the guests by.the silent movements oftheghostsandwitches.When the muests had become tired of fortune telling they were invited to sit in a circle on the leaf covered floor, to be served,and all ‘the lights were turned low and ghost stories told.Re- freshments were apples,candy,peu- nuts and cakes.Afterwards games were played and the guests,all declaring thev._had had a good time,departed in time to get to sleep before hobgoblins and pitches began to dance about their €aS Memorial For Mr:Hood. It is pronosed to erect a Young Woman’s Christian Association build- ting in Greensboro as a memorial toIR.C.Hood,a prominent _business itnan of that city who was.killed re- jcently while hunting.Four men have loffered to give $11.000 and a sufficientjsumwillprobablyberaised. During his lifetime Mr.Hood had expressed disapproval of the custom of spending so much money forNlow- He thought the mon- Black of Charlotte is visiting |: Statesville Housefurnishing Co. States a national prohibition amend:|yyy pose and asked that-no money be ment was voted by the Presbyterian!.pnent for flowers when he died.His in Baltimore.Petitions also were ap jcident grew the idea of a memorial ofSynodofBaltimore,in annual session|wish was respected and out of the in) ship-of moving picture films and a nrohibition.against.the 3821 ‘ing liquors to Africa. Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital Stock Paid in <$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Your Baxking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. :Four per cent.paidon time and Savings R Deposits remaining on deposit.tie F -months or longer.; OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,”-~~President.KE,MORRISON,~-Vice President.D.M.AUSLEY,-Cashier. @.EF.HUGHEY,=AssistantCashier. B German papers are demanding thé}, H recall of Brand Whitlock,American}. 8 minister to Belgium,on the ground B that he made false reports in the Ca- 3 yell case.The German government. =however.has made no demand and is H not likely to make any.Mr.Whit- lock,while minister to Belgium,is lo- 3 cated in that part of Belgium controlb| B od hy Germany and Germany could, H ‘expel him. 'In the war zone the execution of jsary court for some irffraction of mil- 3 itary law is very common,as it is in} #|all wars,but.it had attracted little at- H tention until the case of Miss Caveli; Ricame to light.A late.report says 3 nine persons convicted by German | B military court of espionage in Hiwere executed Friday and ten others B including three women,were sen- $itenced to penal servitude. |A monument marking the original} igraves of Daniel Boone and his wife, H Rebecca Boone.was dedicated at) B |Marthasville,Mo.,Friday.Ceremo-| H inies were under the auspices of the B |Daughters of the American Revolu| 3 ition.The monument is.a huge gran-| Blite boulder from the Ozark moun-| Hitain.The bodies of the.pioneer and’ Hihis wife were removed.to Frankfort: #\Ky.,in 1845.but it was deemed fit- Siting to mark the original graves #iBoone selected the sites for his :|grave. A Unused."Railroad:Ticket Turns :Up After.Many Years.:”7 4;The following is from the Pittsburg 3'(Pa)Post ‘of recent:date: “A Baltimore &Ohio ticket put-| To the Mirwats of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT.COMPANY be ‘to anaounce that they have completed arrangements with “THJOMEINSURANCECO.of New York.”’forinsuring your growingbyHatofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against GemrectionIStormatthefollowingverylowprice:TOBACCO CROP.:Wage$7.50 periacre $100 per acre valuation at~.1%per acre valuation at 5.874 per acre60peracrevaluationat3.75 per acre«+.25 per acre valuation at 1.874 per acreCOTTON,CORN AND.SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre35peracrevaluation1,40 per acre es 30 per acre valuation -1.20,per acre;25 per acre valuation \l.¢peracre ~7 20 per.acre valuation.a15peracreeieation606ertreacre 10 per acre valuatio 40per acreDWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year-at 30c,,3 years at 60c.,5 years at900.This.latter insurance covers also against lossorwindinadditiontohail,MEMBER—‘“'We insure anything.insurable,”J.F.CARLTON,ee "PHONE 54.STATES damageoccasioned chased in 1893 and which has had an; adventurous career,turned up a few! idays ago in the Baltimore ticket office.\It was unused and the holder wanted|ito know_if it was still good and if he)‘could have it redeemed...The head of the.department took “the ticket and.promised to consult with the passen-| ger—traffic_manager_immediately.As the road has been through a receiver-ship since it issued the ticket,this hasraisedthepointastowhetherornot it is still -liable.This.ticket was bought iin January,1893,by J.H.Mor-| rigon of Statesville,N.C.,in Wash-'ington.For some reason he did not go to New York at the time intended, nor did he ever make the trip.Instead, cisco and went to the Pacific coast, et.While in San) ame intimate with, gotten in hisFranciscohe gether.In his intimacy,by somemeansunknowntoMr.Morrison,the|ticket-got into the possession ofBasil |Owens.Owens later enlisted in thearmyandwassenttothePhilippines, thereof t:id fever,and hisentherfoundticketinhiseffects.Mr,Morslave,iwitold proved asking for a Federal censor-| exportation!DOESBBAC KACHE WORRY.YOU? ifrom the United States of intoxicat= isersons condemned to death by mili-| Belgium he soon after had a call to San Fran-| with the Baltimore &Qhio tickot for-| two brothers,Basil and Alan Owens,|and for a time the three roomed to-| cee the ticket with him.He died} service in honor of him. j Some Statesville People Have Learn-|'ed How to Get Relief. How many people suffer from an fc back? Tow few know the cause? If it hurts to stoop or lift— If you suffer sudden;darting inains—If you are weak,Jame and tired. Suspect ‘your kidneys. Watch for nature’s signal. iThe first sign may be headache or }i lizziness, Sganty,painful, Urination,Nervousness,or a constant,dead- tired feeling. Avert the serious kidney diseases, |Treat the weakened kidneys with|Doan’s Kidney Pills,A'remedy especially for sick kid- |neys.‘Endorsed in Statesville by your |friends and neighbors..Mrs.C.O.Kennerly,348 Western Ave,Statesville,says:“My back “|caused me misery.After taking a |few doses of Doan’s Kidney Pills 1 |‘was relieved.I consider them a finekidneymedicineanddon’t hesitate & ‘recommend them.” Price 50c.at all dealers.Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that |Mrs.Kennerly had.Foster}Milburn 'Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. when It’s. Flowers! ¢ Think of Van Lindley Company..We have one of the largest Greenhouse plants in the South.: or too frequent } Orders small or large |receive prompt atten- tion.Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed."| |:4 Flowers That Please. People sLoan&Saviin C GC The Perfection Completes Your ‘Shaving Outfit OUCHa match—the Perfection glows in response.In five min- utes the bathroom ‘is as warm as toast. Why endure cold,damp andchilly ‘weather when this inexpensive little portable fireplace is always ready to make ,.things cozy and warm in bedroom,bathroom—all over the house.3 The Perfectionis clean,convenient,eas- ily carried wherever you want it.Ten hours of comfort from:a gallon of oil. Itis smokeless and odorless.Costs noth- ing when not in use but is always ready to make your house the home of cheer. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond ~ White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves,Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE - Washington,D.C.Charlotte,N.C,Norfolk,Va.“§Cheam W.Va.Richmond,Va.Charleston 8,C. Look for the Triangle , Trademark. Sold in many, styles and sizes" at all hardware and general stores,and wherever you see the Perfec- tion Cozy Cat Poster.\ WORTH KNOWING! Suppose that you are insuredin the United Life and Accident In-.surance Company of New Hampshire for $5,000 underthe Company'spantsIndemnityPlan,what does your Policy guarantee to do? :ANSWER: FIRST,it guarantees thatin case of death from an ‘cause, the face at the policy,will be paid.:’#5000,SECOND,thatin case of death from any accident,$10,000,ordoublethefaceofthepolicy,will be paid.THIRD,thatin case of death from certain specified accidents,$15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will be paid.Bat thisis not all.In case‘of total disability as a result_of acci-dentalinjury,youwill receive an indemnity of $50 PERWEE :Caninsurance do more?And.why should-any man be.‘Satiwithapulicythatwoulddoless?’-The cost is low:iERNESTG.GAITHER,S224;er PHONE 237 .OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. 60 Tornsdoce: Devastate 10 000 Homes in Eight States Such istherecord ofoneday’S hundredyears the Hartfort damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company P You don’t know when the.has met every honest claim. tornado may strike your property,but you doknow-the “Old Hartford”protects —all loss.For over a proces Buy a Hartford ornadoPolicy today.Itis | the nearest thing to comfort When a Tornade strikes., SycceaGonH.BR orPion yh ;oH Famous FavoritfeudAeteat,tee reCombinationCoalan strate the 1 me eS toreCySEORO|,November4th and 5th. 4 as RangesIn Our St4 44Thursday andFrida If your experience with 2-Fuel Rangeshasbeenunsatisfactory,don’t fail to hearMr.Martin.He will tell you about theBeautiful2-Fuel Favorite Ranges.|IF YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH 2-FUEL RANGES HAS BEENUNSATISFACTORY,DON’T FAIL TO,HEAR MR,MARTIN.HE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT THE FAVORITE 2-FUELRANGES.’ They are the latest development in the field,of eombination coal andgasranges.They dre very compact and conyenient.Before bulidingthem,the makers of Favorites studied the construction of every type ofrangeofthiskindonthemarket—-most of which do not operate satisfac-torily.As a result of more than a year of this study and hard work,we }.are now able to offer the most satisfactory,economical and convenient two-fuel gas range on the market today. These Favorite Ranges burn gas or coal. inthe kitchen than your present cooking stove.: «In winter time you need a coal fire that cooks,bakes,broils,roasts,heats all the water you can use,warms two or three rooms of the housewithonefire—one expense,‘at ‘ ,..The two-fuel Favorite Range effects this economy for you during thecolddays.Gas is the summer fuel.It is quick and convenient.You canget‘heat instantly when yoy want it,and can shut it off ina moment whenthrough. ?it re Now is the time to buy a Favorite BaseBurner.The sooner you do so,the}sooner your coal bills will shrink. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FAVORITE BASE BURNER—THE SOONER YOU DO SO THE SOONER YOUR COAL BILLS WILL SHRINK. You can have every room in your home warm and comfortable dayandnightthiswinter—and’with:-less expense than you paid for heatingTh:one or two rooms—if you buy a Favorite Base Burner.ey occupy no more space The Favorite is the only base burner that pours heat.into the house “from every square inch of its surface.Every nook and corner——upstairs and down—may be luxuriously and evenly warmed with a Favorite. You cannot afford to buy a stove without investigating the Favorite. Db o Come and see us now;-and-we-will-show you why the Favorite BaseThisFavoriteRangecom- bines the most.convenient, satisfactory and economicai way of using both coal and ‘gas.<A complete coal,range and gas range are embodied in it—both complete,and both with ample capacity to satisfy the most exacting family requirements, Burner will throw out more heat and consume about -half-as-much-fuel as other makes. \ _More'HeattLessCost — Don’t Forget the Date. |The Time—Thursday and Friday,November 4th and 5th. “ar THE PLAC >>"_THE WILLIAMS FURNITURE HOUSE,..4 3g |,Statesville’Favorite Store.A | «TRE |A BUNCH OF RETAILERS. Three Charged With Dispensing PSOTIU TELANDMARK| TUESDAY,--November 2,1915 Colored Boy Fatally Burned. “The:six-year-old son of RobertReeves,colored,©was fataliyburnedabout7:30 o’clock SaturdayMorningatthehomeof.his parentsHeartheStatesvilleFurnitureCom-Ppany’s plant No.2.‘The boy had justBottenoutofbedandwasstandingafront.of an open fireplace when hisghtshirteaughtfireandhewasmostinstantlyenvelopedinflames.lis mother,:who was in an adjoiningroom,rushed to the rescue and man.aged to ‘put out:the fire.’The boy wasbadlyburnedoverthegreaterportionofhis.body and the side of his face.He suffered intensely until death ov.curred early Sunday morning.Themother’s.hands were severely burnedinfightingtheflames. Seeond Crop Roasting Ears.. ‘Mr.J,R.Abernathy of Oak For.|Hestreports“surecrroastingcars.He planted anearlyvariétyofcorninthespringandas800nassomeofitmaturedheantedstheseedforasecondcrop.st Sanday he had his first roast- enough”second ents ——————+Near Wilson Saturday W.H.Ham over and caught him underneath.British casualties from-tHe begin-ning of the war to October.9 were493,294,*jWhilepreachingatGlenAlpine lastweekRev.J.R,Williams,pastor oftheBaptistchurchat‘Morganton,wasstricken.in the pulpit and was seri-ously ill for a time.iAmonumentinmemoryofGermanandFrenchsoldierswhofellinbattlewasrecentlyunveiledatSt.Quentir,France,in the presence of the Kais.er,the French municipal authoritiesandthecommandingofficersoftheSecond,German army,‘The .monw.-ment ‘was built after a design madabytheKaiser,Property in the heart of the busi-ness section of Asheville,valued at ler,Jacob F.Weaver and the heirs offenryGudger,as theresult.of a ver-dict.of a jury in Buncombe SuperiozCourt._.The suit.was against Robt,P.Johnston and others,who are now inpossessionoftheproperty.The tasewillbeappealed, Recently Acenith Cox,an old lady was killed when an automobile turned}the Ardent Brought to Judgment—Other Court Cases. Clarence Carlton,Eugene Stoekton,and Dock Bailey,negroes believed byofficerstobe“moss-back”retailers,|were arrested Saturday and “placedunderbondfortheirappearanceatSuperiorCourt.All three were givenhearingsbeforeMayorCaldwellSat-urday afternoon.Stockton’s bond wasfixedat$300,Bailey’s at $400 and|Carlton's at.$300.Stockton gavebond |and was released,while the other tw>'went to jail,Three gallons of “booze;was found in Stockton’s barn by theofficed;Three hundred empty beerbottles,a five gallon liquor keg andadozenquartbottleswerefoundabout.the house and barn.Carlton had-threa:quarts on hand,and the ‘empty jugsathishomenumbered26,Ther offi-$100,000,is awarded to LulaR.-Mil--cers--believethatthe‘three negroes |have been retailing on a large scaleforsometime,but they were unableuptoSaturdaytogetgoodcases they were able to-round up the trio in one day,one of the policemen remark-ed that “the Lord was with us andwehadgoodluck.”| RO T T O R D OU R O Tr ss Fine $1.50 Quality For $1.00 Per Yard Costume English We have put On Sale a Limited Quantity of Fine 22 inch ENGLISH GOSTUME VELVETS. They come in Brown and Gray Stripes,also mottled designs at$1.00 per yard.Velvets are extremely good at this time andyoushouldactquicklyonthispropositionifyouwantahandsomeVelvetDressatabargain.___Yours truly, —— ee ekeraranenre |==MILLS &POSTON.against them,—Asked “how-—come’*-: TISAISS(FSASala nt NIMOYNECMLN NPI?NEARNERCNCTE?VER MEIN NCIS?CTEETNIES LTTE MMR We MC ENCATTN A TAT Velvets | ears from the corn planted from!of Randol ithisyear’s seed.This may be dome!able wateTicawithmanyquick-growth vegetables,|but Mr.Abernathy says he has _ney-er “known corn to be {“and left con-~~Jim Lee.colored,was fined $25:andsiderablewealthforheirstofightcostsinthemayor’s court Saturdayabout.“Money was hidden’about:hee for being drunk and ‘disorderly.;premises and recently .$6,000 in cash -Lon Riddle;white,was arraigned ingrownfromseedwasdugoutoftheground.The coun-Justice Lazenby’s.court:Saturday af: TYPEWRITERS!ev.oiew netics ee res pleposes.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES._Come to us~—of-the-same-season.—-, Horses For European War.Five:sptb ial-trains bearing horses ty commissionershave ordered the|hioney listed for five years back fortaxesandhaveaddedapenaltyof25vercent,:i ternoon charged with a.simple-assault— on Miss Bessie Bost.The case wasdismissedaftera.brief investigation,The trouble grew out of:Miss Bost at« with your Typewriter troubles, -..Statesville Printing Co, apes See ee eee pean iene ho qibieta ithe oe totsign govern-!\Jack ‘Hubhes:80 youks old,membe>\tempting.to\interfere."with)Riddle ueTANOS at a Bargain +ments in.the mar kets of Kansas,pass-'of a prominent family of Washington when he accompanied her sister home])‘usu “:ed through ©Statesville Sunday en|Parish,La.,was taken from the coun from church.©|4ret+o Newport News,Va.The to-/ty jail at Columbus,Miss,,early Sun-|tal number of cars in the five trains |day morning,by a party of maskedwas130,and counting 30 horses to the men,and hanged te a troe a short dis-car,which is the average number usu-|tance outside the city limits.Hughes--@lly placed in a car,there were 3,900}was under arrest for {ho murder ofofthem.The horseswere purehased!a young man named Holloway.ItforserviceintheEuropeanwar.|Was charged ‘that he shot Holloway ii:bucdéaes.Gli Bideecs.ithe back-without Provocation,There are many people who have a dis.ee a Be !fomA te se monnclt afver miele,It_is-due TO Drive Out Matariareadwestionasiremedi.by taking}wae “of Chamberiain’s "Tablets after oe leat h And Baild Up The Systemra.Henry Padzhan,Victor,.N,¥;,writes:|,2€e the Old Standard GROVE'S“For ‘some time I was xroubled with head.|TASTELESS chill TONIC.You knowacheanddistressinmystomachaftereating,print you ate taking;-as the formula ispisowithconstipation.About.six months }pri‘ago 1 lesan taking’Chitmberinin'’s Tablets thence ON every label,showing it is *time.” lated the action of my bowels and uinine and Iron in ‘a tasteless form,|Taaagate“wie-eNe “Guin ie he Quinine=drives -out Malaria;the Obtainable everywhere,Iron builds up the system,50 centa Arbor Day atTroutman HighSchool.3 Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutman,Nov.‘1,—Arbor Day wiil}be observed at the Troutman HighSchoolnextFridayafternoonbythe I have ‘four repossessed pianos to sellatbalancedueonthemasfollows: One sold at $250,price now $175L~One sold at.$300,price now $200.~One sold at $325,price now $225Onesoldat$350,price now $250, All are standard pianos in good ¢on-tchool and members of the Troutmantdition and the buyer.gets the benefitBettermentSociety,©Exercises at3:15...Friends of the school cordiallyinvited,; The Quinine That Doss Mot Affect The HeadBecauséofitstonicandlaxativeeffect,TYE BROMO QUININE,{s better than ondin y of what was paid on them before theylwererepossessed,:J.,8.LEONARD,Statesville,N.C. ‘FOR RENT—One year or lease five years,30.barvel roller,mill.-One French bury cornomiil;also one duplex feed mill,Waterpower,matedin wood.rain:0rrailroad."ome and.see “RC,CURRENT,W,erin P COLLEGE JEWELRY! Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc.,with the seal of Statesville College on,‘Makea nice piece of Jewelry for formerstudentsaswellasthosenowattending,We ‘have this line now in.ane teres write or‘eodleat,' a R,H.RICKERT.&SON, Eo VOL.XLII. a .STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 5,1915. |_NOB. ELECTIONS ON TUESDAY: Bad Day For ConstitutionalAmendments(—Democrats Lose Massachusetts,Gain Governor in Maryland. In the elections Tuesday woman suffrage amendments to.State con- stitutions in New York,Massachu- setts and Pennsylvania were defeat-ed by an overwhelming vote.The ma- jority against suffrage in *ew York‘State was 175,000 or more,in Penn- sylvania 50,000,in.Massachusetts 132.000.iNewYork.also voted down a newStateconstitutionsubmittedbyaconstitutionalconventionofwhichElihuRootwas.chairman;and in Ohio a prohibition amendment to the constitution was defeated by 30,000to40,000 \/Governors were elected in fourStates—-Massachusetts,Maryland, Mississippi and Kentucky.In Massa-chusetts Walsh,Democrat,who was a candidate for a third term,wasde- feated by McCall,Republican,by about 6,600 plurality.In --Maryland Harrington.Democrat,who will suc- ceed Goldsborough,Republican,-war elected by a plurality of 3,000 to 5,- 000,In Kentucky Stanly,Democrat, was elected Governor by about 7,- 000.In Mississippi a Democrat was:ia In six States Legislatures in whole or “in”part~-were-eleczed—and-it~does not appear that the political complex- ion of any Legislature was.changed. Three have Democratic nein and three Republican, HENRY HILL BABLY HURT. Young Statesville Man Serious- ly Injured When Auto Turned Over. Messrs.Wade Surratt and Henry Hill,two young men of Statesville, were en route home from Charlotte yesterday afternoon when their’ma- chine turned over about seven miles out from Charlotte and-young Hil! was seriously if not fatally injured. Surratt escaped injury. The ¢ar was rounding a curve,at rapid speed,when it struck a de- pression and turried over.Surratt was caught under the car and escap- “ed infjury.Hill was thrown some dis- t&vice and suffered internal injuries. He was taken to the Preshyterian hospital in Charlotte and underwent an operation last night.This morn- ing at 6:45 he was resting very well but the outcome is in some doubt. Young Hill is a son of Prof.J.H. Hill of Statesville,His brother,Dr. W.J.Hill,went to Charlotte last night to be with him. War News Summary. There has been hard fighting in the my Serbian,Russian and Austro-Italian theaters and at least one attack of note in the Champagne region ofFrance.In Serbia the Austrians and Germans continue to progress every- where but the Bulgarians have had to give way at one point before su-perior forces.The Russians on the Eastern front are attacking-at various points and successfully counter-attacking at oth- ers._Berlin admits.that between theSwentonandIlsenLakes,in theDvinskregion,Field»Marshal von 'Hindenburg’s forces had to.withdrawandthattheRussiansoccupiedtwo villages,taking numerous prisoners ‘‘and several machine guns. “In the region of Massiges,Gham- -~,pagne,the Germans penetrated some “tadvanced French trenches in an at- tack preceded by a heavy bombard- ment.Paris says,however,thatelsewheretheGermans.were_repulsed with material losses-Artillery and mining operations have been engaged in on other points of the Western front.It is denied that Germany is dis- posed to prepare the way for peace negotiations. Millions to Rid’City of Rats.— ~More’than $4,500,000 lias been ex- ~gesead in the last year in an effort tomakeNew‘Orleans ratproof and pre- vent the reappearance of bubonicPlague,according to an announcement |¢; made by Dr.R.H.Creel,of the United States)Public Health |Service,in charge of the work.A total of 74,526 buildings has beenmaderatproof,about 7,000 not con-sidered worth repairing by ‘the owners have.been demolished,and work is progressing on 39,301 others.Approx-imately 37,000 buildings still are to be made,ratproof.‘Citizens’of New Orleans have ex- pended approximately $3,861,000 on their property;\while the Feder al,State and city —governments havespentmoréthan$600,000 in the cam- paign. —At the home:of Mr.T.S.Wil:liamson,in Davidson township,Wed- nesday,his daughter,Miss Connie,andMr.Joseph Gillespie wae of Meck«lenburg were married,J,Jones officiating.Mr.on Mrs.Gam-ble have gone to the San Franciscoexpositiononabridaltrip,says:theMesresvilleEnterprise.: endeereintneniattngetnsatesbeaten Ten rsons perished Tuesday,whenaaHonoriewreckedinCoos:Bay, aii raone ‘i hyn a were:burned:to:deatherentent >. W,|Hunt,and the interment: ROAD ‘BONDS.SOLD AGAIN, Alexander Commissioners and Bond Buyers Make Another Detail—Death of a Child— Taylorsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Nov.4.—At the regu- lar meeting of the board of county commissioners Monday the sale of the $150,000 good roads bonds to SidneySpitzer&Co.,Toledo.0.,was closed and the following is the contract en- tered into: “To the Board of County Commis- sioners:for the county of Alexander:For the issue of $150,000 of good roads bonds by the county of Alexan- der,delivered to us in Toledo,0.,bear- ing date of Nov.1;1915,in denomina- tions of $1,000 each,bearing interest at 5 per ‘cent,payable semi-annually on the first days of November andMayofeachandeveryyearhereafter; —~both,principle and interest.pavable at the Importers &Traders’Nationa! Bank of New York city,said bonds maturing in serial installments as fol- lows:$107000 on the Ist day of Nov., +1920;$15,000 on the Ist day ofNov., 1925:$15,000 on the 1st day of Nov., 1930;$25,000.on the 1st day of Nov., 1935;$25,000 on the Ist day of Nov.,$40,000on the-1st-dayof_Nov., 119405 1945;$20,000.on the Ist day of Nov., 1950,._For the aforesaid issue we will pay you the sum of $150,000 and ac- crued interest up to the date of thedeliveryofthesaidbondstousat Toledo,O.,and in addition we—will furnish free of charge the lithograph- ed bond forms with coupons attached and delivered to you at Taylorsville, ready for execution:and we will cause. the legality of the issue of said bonds to be investigatédd by some reliable bond attorney at our expense.Up on their approval we will pay the aforesaid consideration for the saidbonds.It is a part of this proposi- tion to purchase said bonds that the proceeds of said bonds shall remaia on deposit in the American National Bank of Wilmington,N.C.,to pay to vou in certificates of denosit bearing 2 per cent interest payable as follows: $5.000 cash on delivery of bonds,$10,- 000 three months thereafter,$10,000 four months thereafter,$10,000 five months thereafter.$10,000 six months thereafter,$10,000 7 months there-after,$10,000 8 months thereaf- ter;$10,000 9 months thereafter.$10,-000 10 months thereafter;$10,000 11monthsthereafter,$5,000 12 monthsthereafter,$5,000 13 months thereaf-ter,$5,000 14 months thereafter.$5,-000°15 months thereafter,$5,000 16monthsthereafter.$10,000 17 monthsthereafter,$10,000 18 months there-after and $10.000 19 months thereaf-ter:that the American,ational Bank of Wilmington,N:C.,i8 to give to theboardofAopirnlaaienneaofAlexandergountyabondinthesumof$300,000 guaranteeing the payment of the cer-is to be-Burketificateaforesaid.which bonapprovedbyAttorneysJ. and W.D.Turner, *“You,the board of county commis- sioners,are to furnish us,prior to thedeliveryofsaidbonds,with a full cer- tified copy of the act under which thebondswereissued,the récordsubmit- ting the bond issue to.the people of Alexander,the record of the board of commissioners relative to the issueofsaidbond®and such other-records as may be hereafter made,relative to the issuing of said bonds,and such other records as the attorneys who may investigate the legality of bonds may require,The Americah.NationaiBankagreesonitsparttofurnishtothecommissioners,‘1 such bank astheymaydesignate,the payments as aforesaid as they may mature,with- out exchange or other cost to said commissioners.We further agree to deposit herewith ouv certified checksinthesumof$3.000 as an evidenceof|t good faith.which is to be forfeited by_us should we fail to comply with our part of this contract,and to be returned to us in the event our at- torneys decline to approve the legali- ty of the bonds._The foregoing prop-osition is based upon ‘the legality oftheissuingofthesaidbondsandthe right to levy the tax under the act upon which it is issued,.as providedtherein,and thatthe térms_of this. gale _be in accordance with the provis- ions of the said act.We further agree to make vayments of bonds either incashorNewYorkexchange.free,ofcost‘of exchange tor #¥e.delivery of e monev-to you:at Taylorsville,oratheWilmingtonbankaforesaid,as you mav direct,to be optional with us to pay New York exchange.or money. Sidney Spitzer &Co.,*by John J. George.agent American.NationalBankofWilmington;by,.C.M.Berhen, cashier.“The above proposition is this davacceptedbyorderof:the board:ofcountycommissioners.of Alexandercounty,upon the terms and conditionsthereinnamed.-J.1’.Hedrick,chair-man;W.A.Barnett,clerk,”Little Robert Lee.‘only sons ofMr.and Mrs.J.R.Viekets,died Sun- ter an illness of two weeks’duration,The funeral was condticted at theMethodistchurchMondayagghet at 8 o’clock by the pastor,in ‘thetowncemetery.Deceased —Was 20 months old.nite »Miss Florence.Haferhas returned igounCharlotte,wheré she spent oatimestudying|millinery.Mr.Mys,Hal B,Cooper ani “son)al.B.Cooper,Jr.,ama,who bhe wuasts,att Trade,.Which‘is Set Out inj‘ day afternoon at their home here af-|, |WANT MR,KIRK RETURNED. Broad Street Church Conference—Mr.Siler’s Visit—Chureh News. Broad Street Methodist.churchheld-its fourth’quarterly.conference Wednesdaynight,following the pi er.meeting service..Presiding EiderMannpresided.The present boardofstewardswasre-elected.Mr.Jas.F.Anderson was also re-elected.su- perintendent of the Sunday.school,Mr..B.F.Russell assistant superin-||tendent,Mr.Frank.Neill president oftheEpworthLeagueandProf.’Matt.Thompson.district steward, Resolutions.regretting that the timelimitwillremovePresidingElderMannfromthisdistrictafterthé next Conference,an®asking for thereturnofRev.J.F.Kirk as pastor ofBroad“Street church,were adopted. Although the last General Confer- ence denied the ladies legal.right tovoteon¢hurch maiters,Mr.Mann overruled the Conference and per- mitted ladies present to vote on the resolutions and other matters.ar Broad Street conference.”Rev.Frank Siler of |nsboro,missionary secretary of the “Western North Carolina Conference,spent Wednesday and Wednesday night inStatesvillewiththeRaceStreet of the congregation was made Wed-nesday attagpeon in the interest ofConferenceWitectionsandMr.SilerpreachedatthechurchWednesdaynight.At a conference following thepreachingservicearrangementswere made for the continuance of the can- vass through the Sunday school and the layman’s missionary committee.Mr.Siler left yesterday for his home in.Greensboro, A special missionary service will be.|conducted at the First Baptist churchSundayeveningattheregularpreach- ing sérvice hour by the Baraca.class of the church.Talks will be made by Messrs,P.P.Purnell,D.F.Mayberry,and J.Paul Leonard,members of the Baraca missionary team,and,therewillbespecialmusicbytheBaraca quartette and the choir.The public is invited. Services at Trinity Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Preaching service.at Perth church, Sunday at 11 o’clock by Rev.J.B. Pearson.of Newell. For the Night ScheSchools in Iredell —Teachers’«Meeting,School Census,Etc. November 29th has been set as the date for the opening of the rural“Moonlight Schools”for adult illiter- ates in Iredell county.November 15thhavingbeenfixedasthedateforthe opening of ‘the rural schools,this will give the teachers two weeks to arranye for the night schools.Practically‘every teacher in the county has offered to teach in the night schools and it isthepurposetoestablishanightschool in.every district where the attendancewilljustifyit.The night Schools will be operated through the month of De- cember,which is to be “Moonlight School month”.in Iredell.The Iredell County Teachers’Asso- cnt will meet:in Statesville Satur- day,the,13th,at which time arrange- ments for theinight schools will be completed.Every teacher in the coun- iy is required to attend this meeting for the purpose of getting all neces- ‘sary instructions,blanks,etc.,for the ‘schools,Copies of the teachers’man- ual which is being puolished by Supt. Gray and his assistant,Miss Henkel, will be'distributed ‘at this meeting.The school:census of the county isnowbeingtakenbythetownshipat-tendance officers.‘The census should have’been completed last.month and the reports were due to have been intheofficeofthecountysuperintendent by November 1st,but a number of thecensustakershavenotyetfinished their work.They were notified thisweekthat.the reports must be turnedin.by.Monday.If properly taken thecensuswillshowthenumber.of chil-dren of school age in each district,thenumbercomingunderthecompulsoryattendanceact,the number of personsunable-to-read anid write,etc, Daughters of America. A council of the Daughters ofAmerica;an auxiliary to the JuniorOrder,-was-organized at-Oak Forest Monday night with a good member- ship:—Officers for the council wercelectedasfollows:C.B.Webb.junior past councilor,Mrs.J.A.Gunn asso- ciate junior past councilor,Miss Dai- sy Jennings.councilor,Miss Mamic Crouch.associate councilor,Mrs.J. W.Webb.vice councilor,Rev..J.F. Kirk associate.vice Oner MissPearlWebbconductor,Mis.”O.Deal warden,Mr.Arch.Crouch re- cording .secretary,Mr.Wade Bellcorresponding:secretary,Mr.J.W.Webb.treasurer,Mr.BE.L..Cloer_in-side sentinel,Mr.Fred.Swisher out- side sentinel. ,License has been issued for themarriageoemaeMinnieBenfieldancMr.Julius:Haakdh lish.in the high school at Wilson,whovisited.hersmother,Mrs.Julia Goop-;i Mak una We oer ever ;rs.W.ea rs.and little.son,and Missa:one sp :nedday in the Catawba coun-@ trip in Mr:Deal’sngothersattendingthiswéekaréMessrs.Arthur.tee a Rayayieague,‘Mrs,.JcandMissEspyLittle. pew aoe = DP.|Ping. «{have objected to the present location DECEMBER IS THE MONTH}should:help the club—whichis the or- J.inquiry. her aunt,}: A MEMBERSHIPCAMPAIGN. Commercial ClubWill Change Quarters Later and in Mean.,time Will Put on Membership Campaign. The Commercialagiub will probably move to downtown quarters’early next summer,if not-before.Mean- time a special effort will be made to get an.inerease in membership and revive interest in the elub. These are the results of the meet-ing at the club house Tuesday eve- Mr.David J,Craig,owner ofthepropertynowoccupiedbythe élub,agrees to terminate the-lease by the first of July next,if the club de- sires;on the other hand,if Mr-Craig desires possession of the property be- fore that time,the club is to vacate on.short notice.Members of the clubhaving,préviously expressed the opin-ion that it was best.for the club to have a downtown location.Messrs.J. G.Shelton,€.M.Steele..L.B.Bris- tol,D.M-Ausley and J.B.Cooper were’appointed a committee.to lookforanewquartersandreporttotheelub. After this matter had been satis- factorily adjusted,plans for reviving interést in the club,were discussed.It was agreed that,to insure the perma- nency of the club for a period and prevent the necessity of frequent re- organizations to retain interest—a trouble that affects all similar organ- izations everywhere-—-that class A members,who pay $1.50 a month dues, should sign up for a period of three years,and nearly all the members present vledged themselves to.this course.It was also agreed that class B members,who pay $1 a month and eschew the social.privileges of the club,should be asked to sign up for at least a year.or longer if they will. Then on motion of Mr.D.J.Craig it was decided .to divide the entire club membership into _two committees. these committees to canvass for newmembers,the committee getting the most members to be entertained at a hanquet at the expense of the losers- This will promote rivalry and put all the members on their Metal to get in all the new members possible. It is now as good as settled that the club will move downtown.Those who have no excuse_on that score:and allinterestedinStatesvilleand.Iredell ganized effort of Statesville to pro- mote the welfare of -the-community and the county. THREE SUFFERED INJURY: Toe Cut Off By Train—Factory Workers Hurt. Theophilus Frost,d young negro who came to Statesville from Mocks- ville recently,suffered the loss of a big toe Wednesday noon.Frost.had. secured a position at the Statesville Furniture Company’s plant No..1 and was due to report for duty at 1 o’clock Wednesday.He started for the fac- tory and on reaching the railway sta- tion found his way blocked by a freight train.The train was not ir motion and Frost decided to cross'be-|; tween the cars.Just as he placed his foot on the “bumpers”between the cars thé train started to “back up” and his toes were caught in the coup- ling.Mr.J.G.Shelton,who was standing near the track waiting.onthetraintomoveoff,ran to the ne- gro’s assistance and pulled him from between the,cars and.probably saved him from falling beneath the wheels. Railway Surgeon Anderson’was calledlandfoundthenegro’s big toe so badly injured.that it had to he amputated.At the Statesville -Lumber~Com- pany’s plant Tuesday afternoon the arm of Will Alexander,a negro boy employed at the plant,was caught bythecogsofamachineandbadlyIac- erated.Five gashes about three incheslong’were inflicted but_the-bone_wasnotinjured.The boy left a trail of blood all the way from the lamber Slant to the office of Dr..L.-O.Gibson, who dressed the injury. While at work at the:Slane glass factory Wednesday Mr.Clint Eastep Iropped:a heavy piece of glass on hisfoot,inflicting a-very painful,.wound. An artery was severed atid the victim lost a econsiderable—amount—of_blood before the wound could be dressed. Booklets Bring «Inquiries—The Club’s Work. Secretary Gilbert of the Commer-cial club has @ letter from a company: in Indiana,big importers and breed- ers of Jersey cattle,asking about trices of land,ete.in this part of North Carolina.The people writethattheysawtheStatesvillebook-lets,which induced them to make the They are considering mov- ing their business and may come tothissectioniftheyfindconditionsfa- vorable.Mr.Gilbert is also advised that Mr.0.R.-Brown,who some time ago de- cided to establish a vulcanizing plantinStatesville,has shipped his.ma- chinery from Norton,Va.As has been previously mentioned,Mr.Brown will-occupy the brick building onMeetingstreet,in rear:of the Wil-liams Furniture House.What is the Commercial club do-ing?What good is it?The aboveare:two.of many instances.Simplybecausenewpeopleand-new busi- hess are not coming to town.by trainloaddoesnotmeanthattheclubisjdleorthatitisnotworthwhile:Itis.advertising Statesville’and'Ire-dell county.The work is alreadybearingfruit.and the results will bemoremanifestinthecoming’years. «The Wallace-agenbeck.circus C., Feeciehil TO RELEASE HIM, Mr.Matthews May Not Come toMooresville-—Night Schools in Session—News of Mooresville. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Nov.4 —-The Moon- light Schools have opened and from all indications there will be a large attendance.In one of the schools ten have enrolled—and in another there is an enrollment of about 60. Still another school will open beforetheendoftheweek,The teachers are very much encouraged over the prospects,‘and ‘it is,felt that great good will be accomplished.The teach-ers enlisted at present are Mrs.MortMcKnight.Mrs.C.F:Melchor.Mrs.C.P.MeNeely.and Mr.C,C.Ward, Others have volunteered to work ifneeded. The fourth quarterly conference oftheMethodistChurch.was held last Monday evening by Presiding Elder L.T.Mann of Statesville.The spir-itual and financial condition of —the church at the close of,the.year was found to be very good indeed.Ow- ing to the.time limit set by the Con- ference,this will be the last quarterly conference conducted by Mr.Mann,who has.faithfully served for the vast four years.The good wishes of the:church at this place go with him to his new field of labor.Mr.MannpreachedforthecongregationonSunday_night. Dr.G.C.Cress attended the funer- al of his grandmother,Mrs.Eva’ Anne Cress,held at Bethel Lutheran church,Rowan:county,‘Monday.Mrs. Cress was 89 years of age and leaves a large number of children and grand-| children. Catherine;the 9-year-old daughterofMr.and Mrs.W..L.Kistler,who live near town,died of scarlet.fever Tuesday afternoon.Interment wasmade.in the city.cemetery. Among.the most enjoyable of thesocialeventsoftheweekwerethere- ceptions at the home of Mrs.A.E.Bell on Broad street Tuesday morn- ing and afternoon.The younger mar-ried ladies were invited to the morn-ing:reception,and the older.ones to the afternoon reception.A delightful salad course with.accessories.was served.Those assisting in the morn-ing were Mesdames,J.H.Rankin andJakeHastings;in the .afternoon, Mesdames.E,H.Miller,W.D.Gil-more,C,EB.Hawthorne,and.S.Fron-tis.There were about 70 guests...Miss Merle:Shoaf et en-tertained.the-Maidsand Matrons club.at her home.on Center avenue Wed-nesday afternoon. with Mrs.H.P.Deaton at her home on Kastern Heights pert Friday .af- oe,Rev.W.E,Furr of Charlottehereonavisittohisparents,Mr.andMrs.Furr.Mr.Oswald Tillett is athomefromStokesSanatorium,Salis- bury,where.he has been for severaldayswithabrokenshoulder.MissMaryTownsendofBennettsville,S.is a guest of Mrs.W.S,Flowers.The graded school tax ‘collector,Rev.J.W.Jones,announces that.a)2 per cent discount will be allowed ontaxesuntil,November 15th.Mr.JonesisattheFarmersand.Merchants’Bank and no doubt many of the tax-payers will take advantage of the dis- count.‘A telegram from Mr.T.'N.Hall,who is.attending.the‘Appalachian Synod at Bristol,Tenn.,to Mr,George C.Goodman,chairman of the pulpit committee of the First Presbyterian church here,states that the Abingdon Presbytery,by a vote of 17 to 14,re- fused to dissolve pastoral relations between Rev.’Carl S.Matthews andthechurchofwhichheispastoratPulaski,Va.Several weeks ago the First Presbyterian church here ex-tended a call to Mr.Matthews,who ac-cepted..The church at Pulaski,how-| ever,refused to concur and began atoncestrenuousefforts.to retain’Mr,Matthews.”The churen heré-was-rep- resented by a committee consisting of,Mr.T.N.Hall,Rev.T.W.Lingle and Rev.C.M:Richards.Itis a source of keen disappointment.that..Mr.Mat-thews has.been retained by Presby- tery. Decided in Favor of the Sheriff. Judge Lane has decided that.SheriffDeatonisentitledtothecommissionsonthe1914taxes,which has-been amatterofdispute,and the case goestotheSupremeCourtforfinaldeter- mination,The case was argued before Judge Lane in Concord Tuesday evening,Mr. L.C.Caldwell,county attorney,ap- pearing for the.county and Messrs. Dorman Thompson and R. B.Laughlin:for Sheriff Deaton..Thesheriff’s attorneys argued that thecommissionsonthe1914taxeswere a part of the perquisites of the térmofofficewhichendedonthefirstMon-day in December,1914,when the sher-iff was placed on a salary;that hadSheriffDeatonretiredfrom’office atthattimehe.would have retained the1914taxbooks,collected the taxesand.received the commissions,whilehissuccessorwouldhavereceivedthesalary;and that the fact that thesheriffwashisownsuccessorinofficedidnotchangethestatus.This viewJudgeLanesustained.The oppositionviewisthatthe.law provides,and.its enactment was intended to.provide,|,that the salar id the sheriff on and) after ‘the firs’1914,should take the place of all‘feesandperquisites,Whatever. Troutman,was in Statesvilledayen,route to her’home.at ae will be the event of next Tuesday, is ia towny weeny Sat The Idle Comments club:-will-meet|- iis|™' Me-|Mr. Mrs,Walter Alley,who had beenvisiting’Mr.and Mrs,A.S.Alley.at ge R.M Hackett of Wilkesboro BRIEF TEMS:LOCAL NEWS. (sere ee —Box supper at:Clarkschoolhouse hip, tomorrow night,6th,forSt.John’s Methodist~chutche:Pobileinvitedtoattendandtake‘boxes:, —A tenant house on the farm ofD.D,Redman,New.Hope was destroyed by)fire a few:No insurance.me—The Enterprise says Mri’Biereeesisisin‘a hos- pital in sbury an expectedtoundergoanoperationforsppendis tomorrow. —The district Masoniemeetingdaywillbeopenedinthelocalroomat11:30a.m..on 3 thisternoonandevening?This orethegrandlecturerofthe”R.C.Dunn,will speak.* —Writing in the.Newton Ni the early ‘history of Newton,,“ME esM,Yoder,the Catawbahistorian,says.nae Dr.O.-Campbell and Dr.,Sharp,.from Statesville,were the’first doc- tors to locatein the town,es —Capt.P.C.Carlton,who suffered.a slight stroke of paralysis.recently;was removed this week from.ihomeon.Center:street to Billingsley:Hospital for treatment.These.4a ietlechangeinhis.condition.. —Mr.J,W.Webb,assaeciae Mri.W;F.Chenault ofCleveland,has ‘sold the Dr.Chenault farm.in ntytoMr.J.A,Davidson‘of.States ville...The--farm areandtheconsiderationwas: -~At the special neoitin ‘of the:Merchants’Association oe eenightthequestionofhavinga_lar Day”in Statesville was ae‘Tt was decided to defer theanceofthedaywestafter —A fing qouns,ecu collieownedby,Mr.D.over by Mr,P.bile,in front nt MirWednesday,and killed.up after being run over,wal!the store,toppled over ad died —George:Neely,a Shestermonthechaingang‘for teranawayyesterday.His term.have expired on the 29th.and hebeenmadeatrusty..The Sinow.campedontheJ;C.SplaceonthemucthsenterietownandispreparingtoTurnersburgroad. —Material is being placednewoverhead-bridge:over the itake thee pleashe city for a time ‘contended:for”bridges,but finally agreed.toheraven’company to rebuilt —Attorneys W.D.Turner.and De:man Thompson~went to:Yancey county,yesterday:to:’an injunction’matter batore:JHarding.Messrs.Turner and:Thomesonrepresent:the Sinclair .Luniber:Company,‘which:is:pring:enjoin ‘Geo.W:Chapman:of bfrom.cutting’some:timberin West-.dern North ‘Carolina:which is:——by the lumber company.’: aoa aare teas.:service and makingagi ‘ieee ment when they encourage easture.The Merchants andSe aeBankisarrangingforacornexhibitatthebank,Saturday,the 27th,antareofferingprizes;as”“explained:‘htheir‘ad.in this paper,’On the samedaytheexhibitoftheBoys’corn lub.will be shown atthestoreof the Tre-dell:Hardware Co.and this thelr adeoffersprizes,asset forth in theirinTheLandmark. —Mr.GC.R..McCauthen,dideptsheriffof.the Hest,Watson :Cata river,and Mr.man-ager of the commissary atthe’bos ig bef Warten:of—earing ‘oreShilohtownship poland:afternoon.Mr.McCauthen sent in his resignationas.deputy.sheriff.to eeen yesterday._ Case ‘AgainPostponed;i The case of J.A.ereceiverthePiedmontLumberColotte,-a ag Messrs,M. N.A.R..Gaither and Ww. county commissioners,scheduled for trial in Siat,Charlotte Wednesday,-ued until the 26th.”The’was on account of the’inaFeimstertoattendcourt,|in his barn recently andieandhassincebeenhishome.:.The case grew out:of the Solomon.ConstrucCharlotte,which’buil‘county.home,Thenyfurnishedthe §some,material:vencountyhome’pany havi ers which let.the contract for:Lae as eanfatos of the b Sats basket ‘palt! ‘onday,in Decémber,,scheduled shrines —— = }tyON VARIOUS TOPICS. A ‘Literatore in behalf of the ‘guber-“natorial candidates is cofhing along. An organization,in,Attorney Gener- _al Bickett’s home town/of Louisburg$s doiig good work for him.FriendsofLieut,Gov.Daughtridge have per-fi an organization at Rocky é nt and will begin to stir them-selves in behalf of the LieutenantGovernor.The candidates for Secre-tary of State are now active and othercandidateswillbesoon,With theprimariesandconventions’and the presidential,State and county elec-tions,politics will be conspicuous for‘the next 12months.i ,|‘ve got to hand it to the Dur-ie It’s common for sation (ieaan daily,Some are worth while,ham police. officers to go out and gather in ajothers useless, "will,have to setup an-independen* school,for the compulsory Jaw.willmakeattendanceinsomeschool’nec-eee for some of the ch n.Andwhetherthecountyauthoritieswillcontinuetheschoolforthefourchil-dren who:are under the.ban,is an-other question;but they must beprovidedfor.¢ The “Federation For National Um-ty”is the name.of an organizationthathasbeencharterediniNewYork. forth in the articles,~are to fosterAmericanism,unite men and organi-zations now working to spread an un-derstanding of American language.laws and institutions,bring aboutmutualunderstandingbetweenaliensandcitizensofthiscountryandfos- led States.,ter single-minded loyalty to the Unit- There are organizations without number ‘in this country an@ they in- The Landmark be- bunch’of negroes shooting craps andjlieves that the society mentioned ismakeagreatdisplayoflawenforce-ment,the while citizens of influence‘and standing and of some prominencemavbe.playing poker in'a_retreatwellknowntotheofficers.That sortofthingissocommonastoexcitedisgust,not to say contempt.Well,down at Durham the police made 1 midnight gambling raid and broughtinaquartetofbusinessandprofes-sional men caught in a poker game iaaretreatpreparedespeciallyforthehusiness—with three locked doors betweenthedenandthestreet.Glory tu.the Durham police!a i Months ago three parcel post sta-tions were established in the Stateandthetowns.so honored—Raleigh, Greensboro and Salisbury—felt theirimportanceaccordingly.ome timeagoorderswere\jesued to aholish thestatidng“at Raleigh and Salisbury.The usual protests—that the service not only worth while but is especiallyimportantjustnow.One of the many unsolved problems that has confront-ed this country for years is the mil-lions of aliens who come here solelytobettertheircondition.Thev knownothingofandcarenothingforourcountryoritsinstitutions.In facttoomanyofthemarea.standing menace to orderly society.Their loy- alty,if they have any,is to their na-tive land and they usually send or take what they make back to the old country.The European war has dis- closed another ‘class who do not ap- preciate citizenship..These are nat- uralized or native born citizens,manvofwhomareproperty-owners and in numerous ways identified with American institutions,But becausetheyortheirfathers,grandfathers orgreat-great ‘grandfathers.were na- tives of some country now at |war, they are more concerned about thatcountry’than about America.They The purposes of the society,as set Labor People Endorse Suffrage,| The State.Federationat Labor,insessioninRaleighthisk,selectedWilmingtonasthénextplaceofmeet-ing.,O.R.Jarrett was.elected presi-dent,W.S,Meadows erway)‘andtreasurerandGeo.T.Ni ood’Statsorganizer,It is stated that the or.santana has a membership of:30,- .+*we,+The biggest fight in’the m :was over endorsing woman suffraThemajorityreportoftheresolutionscommitteewasadverse,but del-egates endorsed suffrage by a”‘ty of one vote,Resolutions 0.rt:crease the.army.weredro buttherewasafavorablevoteforagreat-{iernavyandforallbattleshipstobe}.built in government shipyards.Otherresolutionsdeclaredforfree text-books for the -public schools;againsiallowinglaborunionorganizersframotherStatestocomeintothisStatetoorganizeorinanywayinterferewiihaffairsofthelaborunionsin,this State;.inviting the State Farmers’Union to send delegates to the nextannualfederationconventionandaf-|»filiate regularly with the federation,|™y bloodandcalling‘upon the next.Legislature to provide for the examination andlicensingofplumbers. In Wisconsin an employe of a lum- ber company contracted typhoid fe- |company and the court held that ty- ver from the drinking water and died,Suit was brought against the lumber phoid fever .contracted throughdrinkingwaterfurnishedbytheem:ployer and resulting in the death oftheemploye,is am accident and .with- in the meaning of the ‘workmen’scompensationactofthatState. EAT WITHOUT FEAR OF IN.|DIGESTION OR SOUR,©‘ACID STOMACH! instayy Relief!“Pape’s —Dia- head of Greensboro was formsentedtoSupremeVourt Tuesdayonbehalfofhis‘ssociates of .theGreensborobar,Judge Strudwick'mak-ing the presentation.Col.’Morehead,it is said,is one of “besohonoredwhileintheflesi. ~aoe The.“Big Five”brotherhood,rep-resenting employes of all railwaysenteringBoston,have decided to in-ugurate a coun -wide movemoraneight-hour’work day for allmenengagedinmovingtrains. the 22d and 238d,*VIRGINIA.FARMER ored To HealthByVinol- Atlee,Va.—I“was weak,run-down,no appetite,my blood was poor,Icouldnotsleepnightswaslos-ing flesh,but I am a farmerand had tcwork,Medicines had failed tosoe oauntilItookeeaetaking_otties my a 8 fine,[sleep we1saandTamwellagain.” .BORKEY. —ORLANDO Vinol,our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil is’gu:teed to over-come weak,run-down conditions,chroniccoughs,colds and bronchitis,»,*W.I.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C;Stop!Look!Listen! WE buy in car lots.naWEsellinanyquantity.“WE 'sell the celebrated GoldMedalFlour.:WEsell Sweet feed for HorsesandMules:WE sell Sweet Daisy Feed forCows,_WE sell Hay,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts. ‘A portrait of Col.“James T,More-|ly pre-|° The State Sunday School Conven-:tion will be in session in Salisbury on’ oY isThe Thinkers of the Country Are the ay .:Tobacco Chewer:s-~- suid one of the preatest Ciscoe thigCouMtLy,GVCE read.ge 4, Now for a Ten Strike! '*"The ball goes vrhiszin straight down the centreofthealley.Behind itiothe clear head and th‘steady nerve of a chewer of mild Dic Me Twise \CHEWING TOBACCO Slop chewing rant:,black tobaccowithits“'come-bac!-’’63 (he nesveg, ree ee renters mises.DUE The WE SELL FOR LESS.|__WE pay CASH for countryCornandOats. stations were —abolished:re pare n-America—be-|—pefpsin”-Ends—Your—Stomach_-Gréensboro station is,to go—all be-|cause our government does not,in :.gause these.stationspi not necessa-|their.opinion,give the same treat-TroubleFor wren. Stert chewing soft,rcllow,longlastingPICNICICT,ceerytothepublicservice.But what sort of officials are they of the Post-office Department?Considering busi-‘hess reasons in matters of this sort,when the parcel post stations at least paid government money as_rent to private individuals and may have fur-nished an extra job or so.What’shusinessgottodowithitwhengov- ernment money is to be paid out? * -.The prophets who foreeast winter‘weather usually predict a “hard win-ter.”Can you recall-a single predic:ion of a mild winter?They alwayssellofthethickcornhusks.the abun-dance of nuts and other things which they aver nature displays as a sure‘sign of snow and ice and blizzards.We are rejoiced,therefore,to findgneprophetwhohastakentheoth-|-ver view.Prof.Cook of Cabarrus,who still ad 3 to the moon signs:handsoutthispleasinginformationinthe last issue of The Uplift:“The persimmons ate scarce,the“georns are not bountiful,and the‘shuck on the corn is very light andthin—all_of.which indicates amoa-erate winter.This is another signthatkeepscompanywiththegreatinfluenceofthemoon.”’And Cook knows as much about itasanybody. s ad @ --Down at Durham the other daytheyhauleduponeLuciusBrowning,who,the newspapers:say.has been a sort of mogul among the.blind ti-gers,and gave him a year on theoads.Seven years ago he oneratedanear-beer saloon and when he wascalledtotawfordisposingofalco-“holic stimulants he was let off with ‘afine.That,the newspapers say.sim-*ply “renewed his license”for future operations.He bought two seven- passenger automobiles and employedhisbootleggersas.an octopus-whole-saler in the business—those are the events as charged by the police.HesoldliquortothestudentsofTrinity|College,directly or by his agents,and seems to have demoralized West-Durham.‘If the road sentence hadbeengiveninthefirstinstancealotofevilmighthavebeen=avoided.Anybody who knows anything knows,or,should know,for the facts areplain,that’the.individual.who isweddedtotheblind=tiger businesswill’yield only to stern treatment,‘ é _8 2 «_....Thev'vye heen hammering.Dr.John-.son of Charity and Children on ac-“egunt of his remarks about the Pres--ident’s engagement —to-thewidow—‘knocking him so hard that The Land.mark hesitates to sav 9 word excevtbywayofcomfort.But we find thedoctorsavingatthededication.ofthenewchaneloftheJacksonTrain-ing.School at-Concord—or at:least he‘is so reported by the Concord’Trib.-une—that “women are naturally no-better than men.”The Landmark ment to the country from which they or their forbears tame as it does tosomeothercountry.In brief,theyaresuchpartisansofanothercountrythatthevcan’t be fair to their homeland.They ‘call themselves German- Americans,French -Americans,Rus-sian -Americans or by some otherhyphenatedcognomen.They are in-‘dignant if told they are not goodAmericancitizens,but they are not.They may think they are patriots, which their fathers came and”theywouldmakethiscountrytaketheirview,regardless of consequences.iftheycould.It is well to remembertheoldhome-and to have a friendlyfeelingforit,but if one is a citizenofacountryoraplace,his home hasfirstclaimandheisnot.a loval cit-izen or a good citizen if ‘he is moreeoncernedahoutanotherplacethanhishome.One of the greatest men-aces in America today.as The Land-mark sees.it,is the attitude of manyoftheforeign.-born citizens or de- scendantsof the foreign -born.They are not most concerned abant Amer-iea~and its ‘institutions.-Their~con=cern is elsewhere.It is high -time,as President Wilson said.that thelinehedrawn.We are either lovalAmericansorwearenot.and thatfactcaneasilybedetermined. POGUEROE BENCEARS TR,A Re eoNEWSITEMSOFINTEREST. Sneeae aHappeningsHereandTherein,the Country. A fireman was.-killed‘arid-8,000 balesofcottonburnedoverordamagedinafireatAugusta,Ga..Wednesday.Loss estimated at a half million. Because the Spartanburg (S.C.)Journal by mistake referred to J.A. Foster as a negro.when he was a white man,Foster asked for $15,000balmforlaceratedfeelings.The ju-ry gave him nothing. Greenshoro News says ex-Gov.GlensofNorthCarolinais.criticised bymembersofthe.Democratic nationalcommittee.because he refused toleavethelectureplatform.for whichheispaid,and »make speeches for theDemocratsinMaryland..The shock of tragedies which thewarhasbroughtaboutinTurkeyhascausedthedeathsoffiveAmericanHmissionaries—in—the Turkish empiresinceMay,according to the annualreportof«the Rev.Dr James L.Barton of New York.foreign secre-tary to the board of commissionersofforeignmissions,: Elections are how in progress inChinatodeterminewhetherthatcoun-try shall remain-a republic (which itisinnameonly)or return to themonarchy,The latter proposition issaidtobealmostcertaintotriumph. bnt in reality they are thinking only|of the land of their birth or from| A Washington dispatch to the}. Wonder -what—upset..vour_stomach—which portion of the food did thedamage—do you?Well,don’t both- er.If your stomach is in a revolt; if sour,gassy and upset,and what you just ate has fermented intostubbornJumps;Head dizzy and aches;belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food;breathfoul,tongue coated—just take a lit-tle Pape’s Diapepsin and in five min-| utes you wonder what became of ‘the}indigestion and distress.Millions of men and women.today know that it is needless to have a bad stomach.A little Diapepsin occa- sionally keeps this delicate organ reg ulated and they cat their favoritefoodswithoutfear. If your.stomach doesn’t take careofyourlibcrallimitwithoutrehei- lion;if your food is a damage in- stead of a help,remember the quick- est,surest.most harmless relief is Pape’s Diapepsin,which costs -ontyfiftycentsforalargecaseatdragstores.TJt's t WE deliver-in-the.city.aIREDELLFEEDC@O.,C.D.MOORE,Prop.’PhoneNo.88.11°F.Broad St. chants &Farmers’Bank. Corn Show to Be Held by Farmers of Iredell County at This Bank gests food and ‘sets things straight. so gently and easily that it is realty|astonishing.Please,for your.sake,| don’t-go-on-and—on—with a—weak,dis-|county has--a-“Bumper”ordered stomach;it’s so unnecessary | SALE OF HOUSE AND a LOT.| It is a conceded fact that Iredell and we believe it would be beneficialtothefarmersofthecountytohave|% By virtte of the powers contained in |®corn show,and let gach other know,the last will and testament cf the late Capt.'as well as the public,what they aréfT,Al Pris,the undersigned will sell at pub-jie auction, MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915, «wf 12 o’eleck,m.,the following describedhouseandlotlyinginthewesternsuburb:of Statesville,towit:‘Beginningsat an iron stake,W.L.Smith'scorner,in,Pickens’line;thenee N.3.de-grees E,.7 poles to an fron stake in.Hdynes’2re;thence §.87 degrees E.with Haynes'sline18polestoan‘iron stake,Haynes’cor-ner in L.©Wagnet's line;thence S.3)-de-sices W.7 poles to a stone,corner of Churchlot;thenes N,87 degrees W,18 poles to the}, beeinning,containing.one acre,moxe or less.’Terms—One-third eash,one-third in.sixranthsandone-third in twelve manths. J.H.HOFFMANN,Admr,with the will annexed.R.B.MeLaughlin,Atty.Oct,8,1916.; COMMISSIONER’S SALE >OFLAND.a BY VIRTUE of a gecree of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,rendered in thespecialproceedingwhereinElectaF.Codp-er,administratrix of A.D.,Cooper,is plain-tiff,and J.C.Fowler and another defend-ants,the undersigned commissioner will ‘yellatpublicauction,to the highest bidder,at’the court house door in Statesville,N.C,,on :—.._MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8th,1915, at the hour of noon,the following describedrealestateinthecityofStateavillet.‘Theone-half undivided interest.of the A.D.Cooper estate,held in common with)Mrs.J.C..Fowler,in the following land,to-wit:Beginning at a stake,T.C.Anderson’scorner;thence N,66 degrees FE.225 feet toa12-foot alley;thence N.24 degrees W.246 feet to C,P.Moore's corner;thence 8.€6 degrees W.117 feet to C.P.Moore's cor-ner in A.C.Tomlin's line;thence 8.24°de-grees E,to Tomlin’s line;thence 66 de®grees W,108 feet to the Glover“line;therice24degreesE.212 feet to the beginning}éx- to the highest bidder,at.the,Going in this line.eccurthousedoorinStatesville,Ny -C.,ol ag we do,we have decided “to invite 5 ‘the farmers of the county to have this Pyexhibitat.our bank, In.addition to arranging’all the necessary tables,ete.,for the exhibitwewishtoofferthefollowingprizes:| First prize ... Second prize Third prize Fourth prize All others a six months subscrip-tion ‘to the Progressive Farmer.-Whiletheseprizesarenotlarge,it will bel® Bulbs, seen that every farmer who exhibits will get.something.-Tha Wi Be No Gtx ,|All you wilt have to do willbe to :select ten ears of your best corn,and 3bringittothebankonoraboutNo-ivember20th,your name will be reg-|#istered,and your exhibit.numbered,!#After all the exhibits are in,and the |#judging has been done ‘the corn will ibedisplayedandthenameofexhibitor:will be placed on his corn, The judges will be the following Fwellknowngentlemen:F..T,Meach-|# Se.twists and drums cf 21 twists,Le surestogetthegenuirs,: Announcement of theMer-5|Don’t Burn Saturday,Nov.27th,§ ryly ‘wonderful—it*di-}'»—<<1915ie. corn—crop;+4 So believing ‘this| biggettMyersTobacco Ce q t By buying poor coal.Buy the best coalfromouryardsandyou'll soon learn that itwillgotwiceasfarandgivemoreheat.Every ounce contains the maximum heatproducingquality. eo Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite. ——’'PHONE 205-——— UALITY Bulbs,Bulbs Hyacinths,| st i White Reman,Yellow,Pink and Blue.Gloeencn tor a,tie ONPE S001 Sa thar tia teen be Sontperaectoeewenrered”edt Soestarseace,8.Millsaps and G.E. Dall.|f Bea)og“frailties,lack of judgmentandpoise|China refused,‘These countries ask-|"Hirn 1c ig satsct to the sight.otvepier ath ibe eesandalltheshortcomingsand.down.|°@ the United States to join in the re-|dower of Mrs.Julia Cooper.Terms of sale :‘:‘4 4;_‘in.|One-thi h,hird i eee i lBBasesedieEREyaaorecnnSaidapyOSes_We tt aetamer,feds—for,like the Mere f a::B.Me:3 ‘co-operate with us in:this new ven-|%;Man,they have their full share of |The 3,000 machinists employed at}Oct.8,1915,Commissioner./{ure,and lets make this show 2 grand|#_evil—they are noturallv.better than|the plant of the General ,TS ane fs 3ElectricSS.men.Much of—probably most of——the'real evil among the iter s duc |Wentson tse for ah.eightSons WANTED!:|“Merchanrs :&Farmers’indirectly,to the men,|day October 4,when they were join« #be Paper White Narcissus.. tite GMAMMOTH BULBS. fg ~Naturally the sisters are better than|¢d by the 10,000 other employes’intheirbrothers.A real bad woman is|the plant,have voted to return toabouttheworstthingever.She sur-he on a 9 1-2 hour basis with 5 pergassesthebadmanatallpoints,But Cem.increase in pay.The workingtheyarefew.while bad men,mean time is to be made 50 hours a week'a‘alae,hypocritical:men,are vers,|Year hence with an additional 5 per-very numerous,|*“j;eent.increase\in pay.a ee &g Count.yon Bernstorff;.the GermanTheWak®county educational au-/ambassador,and Secretary of Statejitareupagainstadifficult|Lansing are now considering the set-Positi ywear or SO ago com-|tlement between the two countries onapintwaslethattherewasnegro{account of the sinking of the Lusi-lood in aWake county family who|tania.The plan of reaching an agree-‘passed for white and the patrons of|ment without the exchange of the for-_the school the children of this family {mal notes but by informal ‘conversa-'attended started-something.The case |tions worked so well jn the“handling“went into the courts and the accused |of the Arabic case that’it is now towon.the,decision,Tho courts heldi|be followed in endeavoring to solve|that the evidence offered did |not#the Lusitania problem.Tire Shrinking.General.Repair-_Show negro blood-—or at least did not)Brand Whitlock,American minister||ing,Painting,ete.Shop rear ofthowitwithintheprohibiteddegroe.|to Belgium,has cabled the State De.||Js K.Morrison Grocery&Produce.But that didn’t*satisfy the complain:|partment that he was preparing to re-/{Co:Oct 19—8t.eer ;,;the scho»opened this|turn to the United States for a vaca--FOR—oefallfepehildvenofthesuspecte!|tion on account of ill-health.Officials :ae Family howed up.Forty-seven chil-|had known:for some time that Mr.DR B C.TALLEY Shoeingey*°,yay.“lOeI )VETERINARIAN,©|...aca vere enrolledin the school.The |Whitlock’s health was not good andsecondSayoes11ap—instructed to thké a wheation neMay.!is option.It ig -deniedsthat his -re-Hei ers Statesville Drug Co,turn ‘at ‘this time lias anything to.do},we2dquartets Statesville ErewithGerman.criticism"of his,ads :Olfice ‘Phone 80ityinthecaseofMissCavell,Residence ’Phone 307 Black. SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brags 7ic.sad pend,Light Brass 5c.perpound. FOR SALE:| New and second handboiler-room_supplies __C.H.TURNER.Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7, ;Statesville Drug Comp’y,‘Quality Prescriptionists.of Statesville.PRIETO aesBy.F.B.BUNCH,Cashier.|=ws —:VALUABLELAND AT PRIVATE SALR.|||Practice Economy This Year!sagatare,tet ot,i Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds,leceased,the undersigned’executor, _Nottgereenings or offal,or offers ‘at private sale a vaiuable tract of \4-jend Sing .the Catawba river in Catawba. worthless.by-products,but.'se-lected feed scien- less and)known as the at canider "Chakplage.'end.kni e Alexander Clark pand40screeo€river bottom lancetThy sctsetalsooffers.a house and lot in Troutman and tifically blendedforresults.-Madeby4housewithateputationforintegrity. \ DEITZ &PATTERSONPracticalBlacksmithsandHorseShoers,Rubber Tiring and Hot Old Beck Sweet Feed. "Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed.Gem Scratch Feed. an island of 10 acres in the Oatawha river,For terms apply to “4 ©.H.BROWN,Executor,R.B.McLaughtin,Atty,-Troutman,‘N.©.July Way 1916.4 Saeed -!*#cannot tell you how Isuffered withgyhead,nd.Bhi nervousness and|womanly }elt sais 3a toldmy husband heldtotdomeasgod,and hehaheonfegiveitup,didnotnee me,.At last,my mother advisedine'toui,the woman’s tonic.4 thwasnousefor|was‘nearly deadthingseemedtodo.me any good.ook ‘eleven bottles,and now |am abledoBofmyworkandmyown “|think Cardui is the best1medietne intheworld.My.weigtit has increased,and |look the picture of health. .If you suffer from any ofthe ailmentsponegetabottleofCardui walteevelmya foeit has hSo Re aesomanyisofotherweakwomeniithepastet901vane Meall druggists. rary ‘BontPomanengs Medicine Go.,Ladie?eee Bcrasta be aceboenes Haas (o-—SEE—-— ‘The New Line of Copy- righted Books ——-AT—— omen,”1n plain wrapper. R-P.ALLISON'S Book STORE. ‘REela or eR ES DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch_DRAIN Te on eanenen saceneass Seon -train ‘No.‘1,Mawerenh,tees‘west-boun THE.LANDMARK} FRIDAY,«.November 5,1915. rags ate due 7.24 Train No,1,a,due 10.Train No,21 cores =aa 86,‘westrbou:Freie Ne,36,tect =10.35TrainNo,saab wound,due 1.16 iO,east-boun UsTrainNo.16,east-bound,due 10,60 Feahd ohdogsLORS' 16 ar,ee ae tire 10.85 a m. ms ay.81 14,leaves 8.14 p.m.Taylorsville. Fo s e e r e r SE E B E R S S Train No.‘Train No. Train No.or)ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m.Train No.15 ar.6:40,leaves 7:05 p.m.Nos.23 and 24 are not operated on Sunday. ‘Herman Ridder Dead. Herman Ridder,former treasurer of the Democratic national commit- tee and publisher of New York Staats Zeitung,died suddenly at his home ney trouble.He had been ill for ten months and critically ill a fortnight. Ridder was 65.years.old.He was born-in New York,of poor parents, and began.life as an errand boy.He attained prominence.in politics andasanewspaperpublisher.He had been president of the-American News-paper Publishers’Association and treasurer and director of the Associ-ated Press. WOMAN 8]YEARS OLD .Made Strong By Vinol Greenville,S;C.,—-‘‘I want others to know of the great benefit I have de- ‘rived from Vinol.1 am 81 ‘years old‘and Vinol has given me,strength,aBeatty|appetite and overcanie nervous- It is ‘the best tonic recon- structor ‘I ever used.’’~Mrs.M.A, Hutch ISON.Vinol is a delicious cod liver and i ut oil teed to overcome run down,we:devitalized conditions’and for.chronic coughs and colds. W..F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. aending?February Ist. in New York Monday of acute kid-| ela rere iw THE IREDELL GAME‘LAWS.| Federal Game Laws. Every year there are inquiries from hunters about the local game) laws.‘These.laws are.violatedsomeextentbecauselittleeffortmadetoenforcethem.The Lamarkgivesthefollowinganeforthebenefitofallintercsated:,In.Iredell connty partridgesbekilledfromDecember1st’to rosuaryIst.Unlawful te carry ont of|county,to trap or net.«ell or offer tosellorbarter.Individuals may SellLirdslawfullykilledbythemselves| on their own la but those who Wty| from such persons can’t sell.It will be notided that the partridg«shooting season in Iredell is reduced | from 90 to 60 days.Heretofore it has|continued”to.March 1st...Now)it is| reduced to December and Januaey,| | is|C Wild turkevs and doves mr”xdkilledfromNovember1st.to Mare)| Yet:and deer from,Cctober 186February.Ist.Persons killing deer!in Iredell will please report the ‘fact | to The Landmark. ender Federal law the killing ¢f migratory or insectivorous birds ‘isprohibitedatalltimes.These inglude|tobolinks,catbirds,chickadees,.eucl.-|oos,flickers,flycatchers,grosbeaks, humming birds,kinglets,martins,|meadow larks,night hawks or bull-bats,nuthatches,_orioles,—robins,shrikes,swallows,swifts,tanagers, titmice,thrush,vieros,warblers.waxwings,whippoorwills,woodpeck-ers and wrens,and all other perches|gbirdswhichfeedentirelyorchiefly on insects.Under Federal law also the follow- ing migratory game birds ean’t be killed until after September Ist,1918.Band-tailed pigeons;little browh, sandhill and whooping.cranes;swat,curlew and all shore birds except the| black-breasted and golden.plover.Wilson or.jacksnipe,wood cock arid | the greater and lesser yellowlegs.=|The Federal law also makes tlic, following pravision:Waterfowl may. be killed from’December 1st to Feb-| ruary Ist;woodcock from November| Ist to January Ist;.black-breasted |and golden plover,jacksnipe or Wij-| | FOR SERT Coren penee Traddstreet.W.A.ELIASO Oct.8. NOTIC E TO CREDITORS Having qualified as qxeeutor of the “will of |Lynwood Bost,deceased)mte of Iredell coun- ty,North Carolina,this is to notify all per- sons having claims-against,the estate of the|aaid deceased to present them to the under-signed on or befor€Octemer 16,1916,or thisnoticewillbepleadedinbaroftheirrecov- hand. Common Bricks,FaceBricks,always ready for delivery. Statesville Brick Co. MILLER &BROWN: Have reopened their market on Front-street_and‘:will handleail kinds of fresh meats.Hope alk old-customers will.remember us.——PHONE 497.—— C.WATKINS for “Rverything to Build With.” FULL STOCK--LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, Flooring,Siding,Boxing,Mould- ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc., Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. ater emeeernlr ath on aire ne ieee First-Class NURSERY STOCK!se t a e lthe said.deceased will yrease make prompt ‘settlement. H.4 ery.All persons indebted to the estate of| DEWEY L.RAYMER,Extr.of the will of Lynwood Bost.| Oct.15,1915.+ SALE OF LAND UNDER MORT-|G 7E, Nerth Carolina,Iredell County. UNDER and by virtue of the powers con-tained in a mortgage deed executed by R.A,Bass and wife,J.A.Bass,to J.H.West,='to seeure the indebtedness therein mention-ed,said mortgage deed ‘being recorded inook28,at page 575 of ‘the records of mort-deeds in the office of the Register offonds,of sligedtell county,N.C.,default hav-Tiling been made in the payments of the in-débtedness thereby secured,ed mortgagee will,on MONDAY,NOVEMBER 22,1915, ‘et-12—o'clock,-.M.,_sell_at._public auction__tothehighestbidder,at the Court House doorinStatesville,North Carolina,for eash,the following described lot or tract of lands,to- wit;Lot No.11 in Block No.14 of the States- ville ‘Development Company,as mapped and plotted on the map of the propery of the anid Statesville Development Company,which map is filed of record in the Register of Deeds’‘office of Iredell.county,in the State of North Carolina,in Book 15,page 441,the same being the identical property mentionedindeedfromJ.H.Hoffmann and wife to J. the undersign- West,dated October 22d,1902.uJ.H.WEST, ‘Aw ys.Mortgagee.Lewis &Lewis,Oct.22,1915. Home-grown—includ- ing all varieties offruits,grapes (JamesandScuppernong),ev-ergreens and s rub-bery -and extra,nice roses,: ~For information,call W.H.Crawford &Co. —’PHONE 916x._ ge |FOR FINE CLEANING. AND DYEING —PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. Clean Milk! If ‘you want clean milk order from THE PAINE.VIEW.DAI- RY—the dairy with the Dacro System. —'PHONE 347 BLACK.— “nen ii Ltflnigeria The Flour of“tiality.5 DAN VALLEY is milled fromthecelebratedwheatgrownin & the ShenandoahValley’of Vir- ginia,IT HAS NO EQUAL. Makes better bread and more of it to:the pound than other flour.It is economy.'to buy DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. Cary.C.Boshamer, Local Representative,’Phone 125 Black.It.aw. THE BEST COAL! ‘It ‘is:time you are ordering yourfuelforwinter.The best coal forgeneraluseisourcelebrated Genuine Jelico Powhatan Blue Gem Pennsylvania Anthracite Run of Mine Steam Coal. We also handle Oak and—PineWood;and do all.kinds:of hauling. Moving household goods a special- Depot ’Phone No.7Residence’PhoneNo.310 Black, ~owlegs from.September Ist to De- |wheat will be sown and the corn crop o lis $iday to attend the Teachers’Associa- 4}tion, $\forward to a successful school ycar $\for Alexander.: Sischools to begin today—November | ¥{—-but the larger number will i much farm work yet to do. }|Correspondence of The Landmark. Sivery busy sowing wheat and husking Holland Bros.| son snipe and greater and lesser ye'- cember 16th.It is well to remember that a viola ltion of the Federal law brings you | into the Federal courts,with a possi-ible fine of $100 and-90 days in jail. |In Irédell,as in most counties,it| lis unlawful to hunt on the lands of/another except by written permission| ‘of landowner.Verbal permission|“ |isn’t really legal.It simply means ithat the landowner won’t prosecute.| \If he changes his -mind,however,the| |hunter is safe only with a written, |permit.+In this county also pointer or set- iter dogs are not allowed to run at Narge unmuzzled from April Ist to! |September Ist,and the presence wot such unmuzzled dogs is prima ‘faetc| evidence of the guilt of owner or keener ‘Fine of not more ‘than $59 or 30 days in jail.This lawiis prob- ably a dead letter. Non-residents must pay the clerk of -the-court-$10—for_license_to hunt. in the county. Alexander Schools—Farm Work —Sick People. Correspondence of The Landmark. Tavlorsville,R-4,Nov.1 —The health of the community is good,ex- cept Mr.Wyatt Kerley and GrrandsmotherEcherd.Mr.Kerley has becn sick for quite awhile and is not im- proving.while Mrs.Echerd remains about the same.,The farmers have been real busy for the past week—sowing wheat and gathering corn.A large crop of good.Nearly all the teachers of Ellendal2 township.were at Taylorsville Satur- A large crowd present and much interest manifested.We look The county board of education and county.superintendent;wished the holdoveruntil:the’8th on account of “so Harmony News. Harmony,Nov.'3.—The farmers are corn...Opossum.hunting of the nights.The Harmony High School is doing: great work.‘The school has-two pigswhichthestudentsand_teachers bought.The pigs are being fed from the waste food on tne school gr ound and from the domestic science room. Near the close of the school these pigs (or hogs)are to be sold and the mon- ey will be used in’buying something useful for the school building.Mr.Chas.E.Baum,who underwent an operation at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium a few weeks ago,is able to take up his| work again. Gaither and Parks’store,which has been erectedin Harmony,is near com-pletion and is being filled with goods. is the sport eat Wirelessss telegraphy has “opened a polar sea route from central Russia to Great Britain,Wireless stations es- tablished by the Russian government in the arctic keep the vessels advised as to the channels freest from ice. Three trainmen were killed in a rear-end-collision of freight.trains on) the Chesapeake'and Qhio,railway at Keswich,Vd.,Tuesday night. DEAFNESS‘NESS CANNOT BI CURED 1 Coite L.Sherrill,M.D.," Will answer 'ohione calls leftatDr.Lony’s.Sanatorium or*.M.Foard’s residence. Butter Wrappers!| We have the very best! Siege oneal DR.©.L.CRUSE]‘a!Meterinarian.| |Office “pa:ae GrayDrugCo. er a l ia h ae Parehment Butter Paper, and can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let ushaveyour,order:for any neo you ea on us. -Residence *Phone 198 Green, 41090+ by local applications,as they can-not reach the diseased.Naebeg of the-There only tt,%to cureSeathieas.and that ¥cenatitational remedies,Deafness is ‘caused by aninflamedconditionofthemucousliningof.the Bustachian Tube,When thir:tube is in amed you have a rumblingsoundor“imperfect.hearing,and)when{It fs entirely closed,ness ia the re-|ault,and unless the Inflammation cannetakenoutandthistube‘restored te’its normal condition,hiatroyedforever;nine 8 out of tenurecausedby‘Catarrh,wh hi ts nothingbutan:inflamed condition of the mu-cous surfaces,W6 will give One ©fuldred Dollatefor.nny cease of Deafness (cansed PyDateforolroulars,Tree,4 Hing.will be de- paterrh)thatatcanna be cured by gold a ORN RY &“me Toledo,‘Mire Pati Pii The Local Regulations and the Mr.Roach Couldn't,Accept—To -to|monthly session.Monday,elected Mr. supervisor of roads at a$83.33 1-3 per month.ue:Murdockistofurnishhis’[Rnstnes J.B.Roach.who had been ge'yervisorlat’a salary of $150 per |month,was unable to.aecept becauselheisundercontracttocontinuehis |work in‘Yadkin|months Mr.Roach has been givinghalfhistimeto.the work of county|engineer for Tredell and half to Yad- the Yadkin work and:devote his en- ittre time to Iredell as supervisor,but ‘one of the county road forces. inlies for clerk's office,$5.45: \Gilbert.destroving..distillery. 1 this 12th day of October,A.D., 4 UPERVISOR. Borrow School Money—BillsPaid!By County, The -county’commissioners,in ’.L,Murdock of Mooresville county salary of own conveyance. lected for the ppsition of road su- county,For some |kin.It was his purpose to give up Yadkin refused to release him.Mr.Murdock was formerly foreman of The commissioners gave the county board of education permission to bor- ‘row money for school purposes from the general county fund until |the1915taxesarecollected.Claims against the county were or- dered paid as follows:||County Home—W.C.Perry.sala-| ry as.superintendent,$40;R.L.} Freeze,salary as farmer,$35;Lewis|Lucky and wife,servants,$20;Mills, &Poston $28.91.Lazenby-Montgom-| ery Hardware Co.$47.90,Smith &Brown $14.98,J.E.Sloop $18,Smith- ev &Fraley $20.10,G.M.Young $2.-| FO,Statesville Housefurnishine Co.|87.64.W.H.Dingler $6,W.F.Hall $3,Miller -MeLain Supply Co,$58.-}- 24,Statesville:Drug Co.$3.15.J.M. UGH!CALOMEL.MAKES YOU SICK! “?x CEEAN LIVER AND oe MY:.; Fast Once!Try ‘‘Dodson’s LiverConstipated,Headachy—Don’t hentia Day’s Ci etre iranianseater pete ay cenaLiven.up.your sluggish liver!Feel)my personal ‘money-back fine and cheerful pleasure;be vigorous and full of am- bition, ¢alomel because and you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mwhiehcausesnecrosis of the bones.Calomel clashes namite,breaking it up.That’s when!ach will be sweet and bo you feel that cramping. Listen to mejoythenicest,gentlest liver and bow-|cannot salivate.Give it to.your¢ el cleansing you just take a battle of Dota But take no nasty,dangerous |you sick, spoonful ‘Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight.druggist or dealer sells you a 50-cent|will tell you that the sale of calomel 1;make your work a|that each spoonful:?lsluggish liver better than a dose '‘nasty calomel and that wnwon't make Dodson’s’Liver Tone isseit veliver‘medicine.You'll know it:een,morngeebecauseyouvenwakei“bet! fine,your liverintosourbilelikedy-|headache and nace pdgewels.regu- nausea and/lar.|Dodson’s Liver Tone gotitelyIfyouwanttoen-|végetable,therefore hermiiea sit it makes you sick| ercury or quicksilver| EE awful experienced,|dren.Millions of people areofharmless;Dodson's Liver Tone instead ofYour|gerous calomel now.Your dcioue ever n’s seb Tone pager is almost stopped —man OUR ASK us %If yourvcaris a working as it should ting it 6us and?dee‘will correct the trouble.{We have placed a car in livery service and can.take youthereon bring‘you vack at reasonable rates.{Special facilities for washing and storing cars,{Complete line of accessories on hand at all times.STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., Se REPAIR SHOP.IS COMPLETE ~| “QUALITY FIRST.” PHONE 140. Ostwalt $2.93.Eagle &Milholland|$80.34,City Flour Milling Co.$17.60, all for supplies.Jail—o.L.Gilbert,jailer,$115.40; city Statesville Drug.o.,drugs,75 cents; Statesville Housefurnishing Co.,cot vad.$1.25,MisceHaneous--——H,-6.-Gook,-court+ $45:Miller -White! vaccine points,$30.68;Ob-|z‘house janitor, 'Co.,245-erver_Printing.House,record book for clerk’s office,$21;S.A.Foster. 6 meals for jurors,°$7.10;Iredell |Telephone Co..telenhones for court |house,ete.,$12.51;R.P.Allison.sup-States- ville Drug Go.drngs.,$4.85;city light department,lights for courthouse,,$21.34;Deputy Sheriff C.L.$20;Statesville Printing Co.,supplies for sheriff's.office,$16.20;Commissioner |R.C.Little,two and one-half days’ xtra time.$6.75.W.M.Wilson was ordered exempt- ed from poll tax. The Vance Clubs and Their): Meetings. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-4,Nov.1 —Friday| night the youngpeople of Vance met at the school house for the purpose of organizing a club for the boys and girls.The organization will be call ed “The Vance Progressive club”anil under this name will be several:small- er clubs,such as tomato,domestic science,debating clubs,etc.Muchenthusiasmisbeing—shown-in—this work.Friday night the boys:will Theet at Vance,at which time they hope to get their society.in order-— possibly the next week entertain the young ladies by inviting them to hear just what they really can do. Mrs.W.G.Carter delightfully en- tertained the V.E.C.girls Friday af- ternoon,October 29th,at her home east of town.Miss Bon Carter,pres- ident of the club,who is getting up some money for Mr.Dave Eller,who is in a very sad condition,has been working faithfully and now has over $12.This meeting was in the form of a social,no handwork being donce._ Just as we were thinking of.leaving, Mrs.Carter brought in’delicious _re- freshments,temptingly served,which were thoroughly enjoyed by the mem- bers and guests of the afternoon.ThawereMesdames_H.and M. C.Carter and Misses Mary Wood- ward.Mrs.B.Murdock and Miss Ma- rietta Murdock will entertain the club Thursday afternoon,November 4, “Chamberlain’s Tablets. This is 2 medicine intended especially for stomach troubles,biliousness and constipation. It is meeting with much-success and rapidlygaininginfavorandpopularity.Obtainable everywhere. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. North Carolina.Department ofState.To ‘all to whom these presents may ¢ome— 2 greeting:*Whereas,it appears to my satisfaction,bydulyauthenticated:record of the -proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by theunanimousconsentofallthestockholders, Stock Company,a corporation of —this State,whose principal office is situated‘No.619 Center street,in the city of States~-ville,county of Iredell,State of North:Caro- lina (David J.Craig being the agent there- in and in charge thereof,upon whom process may be served),‘*has complied with the re- quirements of Chapter 21,Revisal of 1905,en-titled “Corporations,”preliminary to the is-suing of ‘this Certificate of Dissolution: Now,therefore,I,J.Bryan.Grimes,Secre-tary of State of North Carolina,do herebysertifythatthe;sqid gorporation did,on the12thday.of October,1915,file in my office a{uly executed atid attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation,executedvyallthestockholdersthereof,which saideonsentandtherecordoftheproceedingsaforesaidarenowonfileinfmygaidofficeas provided by law.In testimony whereof,I have hereto set myhandandaffixedmyofficial’seal,at Raleigh, 1915.J.BRYAN.GRIMES,Secretary of State, This notice has reference to theHenkelLiveStockCo.,-an>old Cor= poration,and has nothing to do with the present company—The Henkel- Craig Live Stock Co.: MORTGAGE SALE .OF LAND. ‘By virtue of the power of sale contained inthemortgagedéedexeeutedbyChas.A.West~noreland.and wife,Bessie Westmoreland,toJohn1aDavis,and recorded in Book 38,page464;in the office of the Register of Deeds ofIredellcounty,and default having been madeimpaymentofsume,the uncersigned will of-fect for sale for.cash.to the lighest bidder,ot the court house door in Statesville, MONDAY,NOVEMBER 8,"1915,the...following tract of land described’as follows:Loented in’Barringer township,T¥édellGounty,known as,the Jessie Westthore~Innd land,Leing Litlie’s and.Louise's part lot,8 and 4 (Kor:full description see dlReginterofDeedsoffice.of —Iredell county,from ze Danae sad van Lire U.Davis,toersie"estmorelan:The,above,degori>it Tote contain 83 icedeacn ie . Oct.16,1915. TORN:HfOct,%1928,+uipans,I ‘aide Sahalapbeaahdiel eeea light department,lights.$6.78:|2 deposited in my office,that the Henkel Live| atl® your Ideal Fire Grates for the Sui Room.Air-tight Wood Heaters for the Bedroom,Ideal Barler Oil Heat-; ers for the Bathroom.Our Stock:of ~ these Gacdeiis full and complete and if not already before the grass grows pa youwill need these Winter Comforts. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. SaaS Ti oaa sh a it will bei:to advantagetO see our ptock,for 4 Yours Truly,as -AlWoo seh a$3.95 to $5.95. Thi and WhiBrown, to select Thebig thatwill of Wonderful New Coat eh: ‘Numbers of pretty models to select from.fine all wool Poplins,fine men’s wearSer a touch of fur and are cut.in the neweststylessuitsmall,medium and large.figures.The:materi-als are all wool,the linings are the best n,Gyed foguaranteedSatin.Priced $12.50 and $15.4 Separate Coats,all sizes,from $2.95 to $15, Sport Coa's,new lot just received,special $495. A full line of Separate Skirts,Waist and Kimonos fore making your purchases. The Store That Sells For.Less. TWELVE STORES. A PEA AT g Week will Be a-Callection’ Priced $7.50 to $25.00. Suits tJ,Gaberdine©ord In the rich autumn shades of Navy,@reenandBlack.Nearly all af |themhave § from. Shoes,Shoes._-| est line of Shoesin the tity and at.pricesmakeitinteresting..Come and see’us’be- Bove Pt 5 sae bee Recast PU ae *ny OF—a~TWELVE om THAT WATCH OR Don’.First ¢ Representing your workwlien you want-it. t wear them out before you 1 have itd , lass work all the time,and you can _—PAGE.FOUR Tae dene rsITEMSOFCURRENTNEWS. Happenings Here and There in.the State. ‘Secretary of the InteriorLane wilt:|address the North Carolina.Historica!Society’in Raleigh Monday.-silt ES At New Berne Wednesday ‘the 3-|year-old daughtey of B.’F.Hagoodwas:killed by a street car,9_..A company has.been organized aHighPointtooperatéandUevelbntheDeepRiyercoalmines.in’Lee andChathamcounties.©+OS Rao ye At Winston-Salem John Stewart,anegro,shot Ainanda Cathey,algo col-ored,and then shot himself dead.Thewomanisexpectedtodie.7 The Secretary of State’s.office re-vorts that so far 20,060 automobileshavebeenlicensedintheState,about4,000 more than last year. Gov.Craig has appointed C.B.FoyofNewBerneadirectorintheAtlan-tic and |North Carolina railroad tosucceedJohnSprague, _The boys’pig clubs for North Car.olina were put in operation Septem-ber 1,1914,and the first year shows.an enrolled membership of.750, Jos;H.Dickson,a prominent andwealthycitizenofCaldwellcounty,died Wednesday,aged 71...He wasstrickenwithapoplexyonMonday. sh ee =——we-+Wylie Brice Respited.: Gov,Craig has .respited WylieBrice,the Mecklenburg’ne:oesentenceofdeathfor‘criminally as-saulting a little white girl,Brice wastohavebeenexecuted,today and the‘respite is until/December 5.Brice,itwillberecalled,was brought to States-ville jail.after,the crime was commit-ted,to pyevent a possible chitand‘was later taken to Winston-Salem,Gov.Craig is said vo be in.a quan,dary about the Brice case,The dudesandsolicitorbothrccommend..com-mutation,The solicitor at first refus-. ed to send a bill-against Brice for thegapitaloffence,holding that the’evi-dence showed only an attempt to.¢om-mit the crime and not*theactual,gf-fence.But feeling was’so strong against the negro and local pressuresogreat,that the grand.jury was,re-} assembled after it was discharged and the bill for the:capital ,offence sentbeforeit.Brice was convicted and itissaidthelocalauthoritiesdependedontheGovernortodowhatthey-were!unable to do in the face of hostile’sen-timent—save the negro from death;But the same pressure is doubtless be+ing brought to bear on the Governoranditissaidthe-Chief Executive isnotdisposedtointerfereintheBricecasebecausehebelievesthenegroguiltyascharged,although ‘it is his.custom to heed the recommendation o: THE LANDM ARK CW a aC iA CAN PAC UAC AN EA IEA TUT INN OA A PA BORON AOMORITOMAATITNCTET i 0 }m ii ;“qquatpegichamed tuaee teeee a sessayeeryerereeaaneane 1,00 evereeseeeee a November 5,1915, TO R S OE At all times we have the style/hits.When ina hurry we canserve you quick.A big assortment of our best models on.hand,all sizes to show you.Matérials—Broadcloth,Poplins and Serges,linedwithpieceandyarndyedsilks..Trimming—Braids,Furs,Drop Ornaments &md Buttons.Skirts;some show kick pleats on sidewithbackyokesgathered.Others are plain.Don’t forget the newcoatswithChinChincollarstrimmedwithfurandbraid.Can bewornopenorclosed.Extra coat values’for the little tots,thegrownupgirls,the mas and the grandmas;-We want you to‘see and know we have thé Coats and Coat Suits that sell.Just buyandbesatisfied.Extra arrangements today,tomorrow and all FRIDAY, UNCLE SAM AS A COLLECTOR. A:few years ago there was a bad ‘debt ‘collecting agency in.Statesville that made some of the deadbeats squirm..Jf they didn’t pay up their names were published —on_bill. boards or in newspagers.»The dead- beats were greatly outraged,of course,and some few honest folks thought the method a little rough. All this’is preliminary to calling at- tention to the fact that Uncle Samhasestablishedabaddebtcollectin> agency.When Americans caught in the European war zone:more than a year ago called lustily to Uncle Sam for help,the-old fellow respond-ed promptly.He sent a ship loaded ee DE O R E EE UR EO E | PE R S O RU B O R O D UE Down9Town }t ___:But your Unele isn’t going to stand oe: {Corporation or a municipal,county, .hope for ‘next.year. with);gold and those who ~needed financial relief got it,on agreementthattheywouldrepaythemoney. Uncle;Sam has found,just as pri- ‘vate«individuals have faund,thai miany of the people whose distress he relieved have abused his confidence. They won't repay theloan he made when,they were in trouble.Some of them premeditated fraud,for they gave fictitious names and addresseswhen‘they got the loan. for that sortof treatment without-pro- test..He"is*publishing the names 0? those who have refused to-pay,after the‘manner,of the bad debt collecting agency in iStatesville;and moreover he is going:to enforce payment where the folks aré worth the money.And your Uncle is right. folks who;profess.Christianity havetioscrupleinrobbingapublicservice State or national government.But the fellow.who robs the government ora corporation is just as dishonest as the fellow who robs a private in- dividual;.and here’s hoping Unele Sam will get his money or put someof’em in jail. Talking at Cleveland,0.,the othe: day,Hon:William J.Bryan said:. “Sometimes my friends have ex-Reese their sympathy to me becausewhattheytermedtheunsuccess-fulness of my.political career.Why,they.shouldn’t do that.Since I'vebeen‘in.politics reforms have been ac-‘omplished without the loss of a:sin-We “life:thatwould have cost.thou-ands of lives in sacrifice 200 yearsago.;“#Pity me?Don’t do it.If I hadlived-two-centuries-ago and advocat- No one has.accomplishedanygreatreformwithoutbeingabus-éd-and ostracized at first..Rut when#man believes he is in the right hemustSpeakout.” Mr.,Bryan is certainly not an ob-ject:of pity.While unsuccessful as@presidentialcandidateheis-by far ‘the ‘most popular public speaker in Amierica;and while he can't be elect- ed.to office to put into effect the things he advocates,he has been in- fiuential ‘enough to secure’the adop- tion of many of them without making any.great,sacrifice of time or effort— for’he gets pay for most of the talk- ‘ing ‘he does,Fortunate Bryan!’An object of pity?’Rather an object ofen.Wi “The.Democrats,’controlling the national administration,nothing significant in Tuesday’s elections.The Republicans,out in the cold, profess to see in the result great As The Land-mark sees it,while there is nothing in the result to make the:Democrats particularly gloomy,there is certain- ly no encouragement for them.The Republicans,having little now,may find a crumb of comfort in the re- sult,but;there is nothing on whicaSelewasgreathopesforsuc-eesa‘hext year,The defeat of wu- faan suffrage was expected.but ul-timate victory for that proposition i:assured,The defeat of prohibitioninOhioshowsthatJ.Barleycorn hastillsometerritoryinwhichheissupreme,+ A seed and fertilizer dealer of“widest ticquaintance”has “put out_the word”that the farmersarereducingthesmallgrainacreagewithaviewtoplantingmorecottonnextyear,They'll pzant more cot-:Rt next year—you can-“depend on nce the acreage of food and feed-stuffs.* "The saje of the Alexander roabondsis;“off again and on again”so often ‘that it is hard to keep track. |The detailf of the last sale—or the one made Monday—are given in full im The Landmark today;.and here’: hoping it will stick this time,~ght ,ee,or Jusserand called ai St.Lotis,His body~was|}1ratoanaanat4been‘in; ~who is charged with retaining money}!!id ‘him:b lient,jor Hugh Matthews of the UnitedSeedinby&client,retuenee Brom States Marine corps on the grownd papers and gave $1,000 bond for his|f cruelty. A good many| ty,Wednesday morning.The-little: ed“what I do riow I would have been|#irl was en route to school,walking’dnged 3 but here’s hoping they'll not re-ly J,H,Johnson,from Cumberland| The railroads will give ‘a rate ofonefarefortheroundtriponaccount of the meeting of the State Farmers’ Union at Durham,November 16-17-18. W.H.Daniel,an Asheville lawyer i Welch,W.Va.,without requisition appearance to answer the charge. Dreaming that he was at the Du-Pont Powder warks at Hopewell,Va.,and that an explosion had.occurred, ond story window at the home of his the judge and solicitor, daughter of former Governor Carr,of North portant that the publie whould see that theygetChamberlain's Cough”Remedy and.notDr..0.C.Page’jumped through a sec-Ne substitutes sold for the sake of extra"|profit..-stood-thetest-and been.approved forbrotherin-Durham-and-was painfully-|than—forty-years:—-Obtainable-everywhere.. Mrs.Eleanor Carr Matthews}!Elias|Carolina,has obtainednSanFranciscoa-divorce from Mas Bewaré of Cheap-Substitutes. In these days of keen competition it is im- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hasmore hurt. Prof.John C.‘McNutt,who hasbeenheadofthedegartment.of.ani-mal husbandry of the A.&M.Col-lege for the past five years,has re-signed to accept the chair of,animaihusbandryatAmherstCollege,Mass- achusetts. The main building of the North Carolina Methodist Orphanage atRaleighwasslightly.damaged by fireWednesdaymorning.The flameswereextinguishedbeforefiremenar-rived and before damage of conse-quence resulted. The barn of Wayland Moore,in the edge of Pittsboro.was burned this week with nearly his entire crop ofcorn,forage,a bale of cotton,a quan- tity of wheat and potatoes and a pony and buggy.Corn shredder was atworkandfireprobablystartedfromaspark,’ That five officers ,who.escaved ontheyachtEclipsefroma.GermancruiserinternedatNorfolkareheld prisoners on one of.the Bermuda Is- lands,having been captured by a Brit-ish warship,is the report Mrs.Jas.G.Kenan brought to Wilmington herBbrmu.ae from a pleasure trip toa.See ee : Nellie Wyrick,11 years old,was killed by a Southern railway train near her home at Rudd,Guilford coun- on the track.As the train approach-|’ ed she attempted to climb the em-hankment to get out of the way,butfellbackandwasinstantlykilled. The residence of Edwin.Butner, near King,Stokes*county,was burn-ed Tuesday with itscontents.Mrs.Butner was a short distance from thehousewhenshesaw.the flames andshegottoitbarelyintimetosaveherbaby.Two men ‘ran into’the house to try to save some propertybutiattheinstanttheyenteredaload-ed gun discharged from heat andbothreceivedfleshwounds,which are},not serious.a In some of the towns the Hallowe’en celebrators were too noisy and roughandinsomeplacespropertywasdam- mentioned,with the 1916 Tax Books for thepurposeofcollectingTaxes,and pay your,Tax:Shiloh «towns! Concord,Scotts,Pp.m.Sharpesburg,R.J.Bryant’s Store,Tues.,Nov. New Hope,at Redman’s_Store, Union Grove,E.E.Robinson's Store,.Wed., Olin,Olin at Weisner &Reid's Store,Wed., Eagle Mills,C.:C.Tharpe’s Store,Thurs.,Nov. Turnersburg,at Harmony,Thurs.,.Nov.18, Bethany,at H.A. Cool Spring,at Oak Forest,Fri.,Nov. Coddle Creek,Mooresville,Sat.,Nov.20,9:00 Chambersburg,at Elmwood,Mon.,Nov.°22,] Barringer,at P.A.Shinn’s Store,Mon.,‘Nov. Davidson,at Dr.J.T.Moore's Store,'"Tued,'] Fallstown,at Troutman,Wed.Nov.24,9:00 .TAXES!. I will be at the following places,at the time _Please meet me .Brady's Cross Roads,Mon.,Nov.15,from 9:30.to 12:30 a.m,Mon,,Nov.15,1:00 to 4:00 16,9:00 to 12:30 a.m.Tues.,Nov. 16,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.> Nov.17,9:00 to 12:30 a.m, Noy.17,1:00 to 4:00 p..m. 18,9:00 to 12:00 a.m. 1:00 to 4:00 p.m,Tomlin’s Store,Fri.,Nov.19,9:00 to 12:00 a,m.19, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. 22,.1:00 to.4:00 p.m. Nov.23,9:00 to 12:00 a.m, $0 12:00 a.m.3.M.DEATON, Nov,5.Sheriff Iredell Co. “Olive Zest” Is something new.Makes delicious sand-wiches,only 20c.perbottle. We have Peanut But-ter in quart jars at 25c.per jar.i A tub of Fat Macker-el just arrived. —’Phone89._ x/ aged.In Asheville girls paraded in boys’clothes and bovs in female at- tire.As a result eight young womenwerehaledtothepolicecourtinAshe-}ville to answer for appearing on thestreetinmaleattire.They werepenitentandpromisednevertodoitagain,and they were allowed to gowithalecture. REDUCTION IN REAL ESTATE.~ 96 5-8 acres on Fourth creek,re- duced from $35 to $27.50 per acre.Twenty acres in Bloomfield,re-duced from $225 to $190 per acre.’W..L.SMITH,Statesville,N.C,,Nov.5—4t.-*-5 Eagle &—Milholland,| Suits Priced $10 to $45. Coats Priced $5 to $25. 50 Cents. : sizes. _sizes. ..Bungalow Aprons and Combing Jackets,Unusual Values, The Bungalow aprons are shown.in three ‘styles,developed in a special quality of Per- cale in Blue,Pink,Designs and Stripes,al! The Combing Jackets with scalloped edges in Blue,Pink Percale and Cretone,all Before ‘You Buy a Suit| or Coat Look at the | Inside as Well as. the Outside. HERE is so much wearing apparel sold on “looks”}-. filone,nowadays,that women who count the dollars they spend,look at the inside of a garment as well as the outside. They know by experience that permanent outward good looks’dépend upon the real inside quality of @ gar- ment.iss We want you to judge our suits both ways—for their outward style and ,;beauty,and inward’goodness. The outward beauty is not just a temporary polish— it’s a permanent beauty made*so by materials and tailor-ing of the highest quality.:asThegoodnessofourgarmentsismadeinto every line,every thread,every stitch.And this through and through goodness assures you long-time beauty oftheoutwardappearance.. «Our.suits not only look class and ele-*gance,.but their inside quality main- tains their stylish,shapely beauty. OSTRICH BOAS. ,The Ultra Fashionable Neckwear For Fall and Winter. Not only stylish are thear but exceptionally ; comfortable on these-chilly days and eve.: nings.Worn with either street or evening ? attire.Shown in all colors and novelty ef-. fects.Priced —‘t $1.00,$1.25,$2.50,$3.50,$4.00. ue ‘“‘American Boy’’and ‘‘Menz Ease”Shoes. To all who have been waiting to be fitted in these unusual quality shoes we wish to announce a new large shipment just in with’complete range of sizes. ‘“‘American Boy’’for Youths;|Sizes 10 to 13 1-2 at $2.50,and Sizes 1 to 6 at $3.00, With each pair of these shoes we will give free a box of “Menz Ease Pre- server”a leather softener and preservative made by the manufacture of“American Boy”and “Menz Ease”shoes. -RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON ‘COMPANY, _The Store that Pays Postage on Mail Orders. ‘“‘Menz Eaze”for Men;Sizes6to11at.$3.50 and-$4.00. Reports have been current thatwork‘was to be resumed’at’Baden,Stanly county,where large operations were in progress by the Southern Aluminum Company,controlled by aFrenchsyndicate,priot to the out-break of the European ‘war.TheSalisburyPosthearsthattheproper-ty has been transferred to the.Amer-ican Aluminum Company and that itisexpectedthatwork*will begin soon,but nothing is being done as 4 SO eee So eer ee LOWEST PRICES ON DOORS,” Window Blinds,ready -made DoorandWindowFrames—odd sizesmadeona_day’s notice;Laths,J .Lime,Cement,Mantels,Colummts: poses, Brackets;Newels,Stair Railing, Balusters;and a complete stock of all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber!:gt yet, Wine in 2 1-2 Gallon Lots Only. The State Supreme Court has de-cided that the general State prohibi-tion act,and not the special act ofanycounty,regulates the}sale ofwine;that in the enactment of theStateprohibitionlawthé’Legislatureevidentlyintendedthatall,acts uponthissubjectbebrought’into one har-monious body of.laws 80:that”theycouldbeenforcedtogetherandwith-out-conflict;and-in-the case of wines}:there should be no sales:by makers ofwinesinless‘quantities.two andone-half gallons:to an:-individual.,The ruling was in the case of State ‘county,in which the!detengant is un-‘der conviction and.sentence for sell-ing one er of wine to Charles Per-ry:His plea.was that he sold twogallonsandtheparties,of whom Per-7 was one,divided after purchase}that the Cumberland act inieffect.priortotheStateprohibitionactallowedfierrepealsalesandthatthisactwas Edward L,ident of the German-American PressAssociation,publishers of the St,Louis Times and the Westliche Post,committed suicide Monday at hishomejn.St; méelf,He hadifornearlytwoears,following ari it in.whi Hp t repealed by:the State prohibition.|4 Retorius,aged 49,"1 e C.WATKINS,N.Center St. ® Purity OURPRESCRIPTION PRECEPT: («peepeeenpenennreteperereel=RENT—Seven-room house Race street,one block from the college..Modern con- ;i .MRS.D.A.MILLER.Oct.29, et PrecisionPromptness: POLK GRAY DRUG CO. GOOD The clocksinthepectedtoplanand igs e.Then theré is no economy in.home must beright or ‘the housekeeper can’t be ex- oeke “ith a tch that you can’t depend on;No,:fo sto get your ‘wateh or.luck by BOB,timeto repairing.watches; “TYPEWRITERS! RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all:TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES,-with your Typewriter troubles. —Bipretrereteatemereerirene naan New,or Re-Built Typewriters sold.Have afew machines for Rental Pur- Come to usStatesvillePrintingCo.- aesce womenoo - THE HOMEOF COOPER'S KENOSHA | |Klosed-Krotch Union Suits | Your first suit will give ‘you real solid comfort;- such as/no other Undera wear can.oe $1,$1.50 and $22 Suit ae Try a Suit of Kenosha-'} Klosed-Krotch Union -Un-,,, ~ SHERRILL-WHIT ~“‘Phone teeWeAPCSRSresemde.tly pit Yo,83.0fyiMOMOVEne #, »1b Boxes,25c.value 20c.Sliced Bacon,40c.value 3c:Box.’ Workerswho,toil Hard for their money should do a lot .of thinking before turning loose of it and should remem- ber that it is just as important to know how to spend as'“it is to earn.By bringing the COST methods at thi. i store into light of consideration,one will readily appre- ciate the fact that by buying here they can save money without sacrificing the quality of merchandise. ia COFFEE.Tall cans:Red Salmon,25c, White Honge Coffee,1-lb;can,3c,|_“2t®22c.White House Coffee,3-Ib.can,98¢Flat.Gans Red Salmon,1l5c.‘Mocha and Java Coffee,40c,“|value,ke.value,84c.|Flat cans*Pink Salmon,10c.No.s Santos Coffee,30c.‘value,08¢.~value,6c.MISCELLANEOUS. No.1,Blinded Coffee,25e.Lae Extra fan¢y whole grain No,2,Blended Coffee,20c.Rice,10c.value,7 1-2¢, »Value,Be 6c |Pink Beans,7 1-2¢,7 Pickled Pigs “Feet,extra _PANNED GOODS,quality ard exceptionally.ae a saree 9e.can.good,5c.each,or,%for 25e. ue Ridge Corn,,UC.Can,;Svanc .-ach-Sweet Meadow Corn,10c.,8c.can.Fancy ee Sees 10c i Velvet Corn,15c.,1c.ean.|lif,vee er 15 1 :»[Stokley Bros.Peas,lbc.,12c.’can.|“U'Orma Frans,tac,val-12 fj Pocahontas Peas,20c.,17c.can.ue,4 all a C. KNo.2.1-2 can Libby’s As-Van Camp’s Pork andHragus,30c.,-28c.Beans,2Q¢.can,17c. eee wa Asparagus os Camp's Pork ©and ps,im 23c.eans,15¢.vatue,12¢.mabey’ute Asparagus Compan or Libby’s, ee Ef ps,30c.,27c,eans,9c.can. ‘Tall eans Pink Salmon,15c.Loose Saur Pickles,10¢,doz. *value,12¢c.|Crisco,4 24¢.can. The-Robert_Bunch Cash_Grocery,The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, “‘The House of Better Values.””’Phone No.229.* THE LANDMARK TUESDAY AND ,TELEPHONE NO.14 ‘eeFRIDAY,--November5,19°56. _IN THE SOCIAL REALM.| Marriages Yesterday —MissConnellyHonored—Beda Items.|;Miss Lina Ivey and Mr.Marshall Hillho Courtney were married yesterday at noon imLenoir,at the home of the oride’s.mother,Mr#,,WwW.P.Ivey.The bride is a daughter ‘of €late Dr.W.P.Ivey of Lenoir and a niece ofMrs.Geo,M,Foard of Statesville.')).) Miss Carrie.Templeton and Mr.J?BD.Hol-|‘and of Bethany township were married beaightat8o'clock at the nome of the bride’® nother,Mrs.Carrie Templeton,in southStatesville.The ceremony was performedRev.C.S.Cashwell.Today the eouple will matothehomeofthegroom's father,Mr.E, Holland,in Bethany township,where a rerseptionwillbegivenintheirhonor.Le The Neighborhood Bridge club was entertainsadatamaskedpartyTutsdayeveningbyMrs.&.N.Lawrence at her home on Bell street.|: iball. Notice of ‘New Advertisements.:ote Zest,”something hew.--Eagle &Mil- 1Olland,»? Reduction in real estate,L.Smith,Everything to build with.-c,Watkins,n he Hardman five-foot grand.--Carlton A.ndrews.iPreseriptionprecept.ivoik Gray Drug CoFreshoysteratodayandtomorrow.—TheRobertBunehGroderyCo,New serges and poplin.on McKee &Co.Coat suits.that sell—Mills Poston.New/Monitor radiator vase burner,--Craw-ford-Bunch’Furniture Co.In selecting a suit or coat.--Ramsey-Bowles- Morrison Cor PSvecialdemonstration and sale of Majestic ranges.—Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,Second-hand Ford car sale.M.Blount,Bartim.*Five-room cottage on Him street for rent,R.Hille , Hotel Iredell Barber siup under new man- agement,Furm’near Durham,-for’sale.—-Smithey & T'ratey;+Sheriff's appointments to collect taxes. Yarties having tools or machinery belonging to county are asked to bring it in.Reward for”return of eye-glasses to The Landmark..Girl wantedsto do office work.--Piedmont Red Cedar Chest Co.5 Bread’and cakes tomorrow,—--Mrs.J.F, Henninger.: Onjon sets and lettuce plants.)J.Kim- J. R.A.Cooper,assignee,will sell real estate Dea mber,6. A contest in which each guest d onidentityoftheothermaskedguestsfurnishedsonsJeamusement.After the guessingcontest.bridge’was played,Two courses“ofrefreshmentswereservedatthecloseofthe |game.‘The house was made very attractive"with Hallowe'en decorations.i Mrs.David J.Craig entertained —xuests Monday night at her home,Mulberry and Walnut streets,complimentarytoMissCelesteHenkel.Progressive hearts was played at nine tables.Mrs.H ©. Stecle won the ladies’prize and Mr.John B. Glover,Jr.,the gentlemen's prize.The guest of honor was also preseated with a prize. ie dinner Hallowe'en,at her home on west Front street,entertaining a pariy of fou m young people of Newton and Sim-esville.A’a the quests were Misses Ezielie Hinshaw,Eva Caldwell,Ruby Lancaster,Miss Gertrude Deal of Hickory;and»Messrs.John Caldwell and Louis Phillips of Newton,and Fred Lowrance of Catawba.na2e sixth birthday Wednesday by ibout.26 of her little friends at a party at the home of her parents,sir.and Mrs.B.e. Sronee;on-Mulberry street.Games.were play- ed and refreshments servec,D ing a very enfoyable one for the little hostess and her guests. EY BURR ae x ORRBORUROMNewMonitorRatialorBaseBurne 1,683SquareInches More RadiationThanAnyOther Base surner. The first heat is radiated from the FIVE FRONT FLUES,thence through three large flues a:bottom and back.:This is why-the MONITOR will profromtheleastfuel.Let us show you. |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. duce the most heat ee.PFIONE 400,aee=——The Store That Always Welcomes You. TATA ANT 17 H//tions as to the nature and work of “‘spooks,!’ M4}\icvans,St.Paul;Miss Mamie McLcod, B|etteville; j|PERTINENTLY |PERSONAL. }Mention of Folks Who Come and |'s visiting her sister,Mrs.Spell. Corr a of The Landmark. Godwin,Nov.1.—One_of the most enjoyable affairs ever given in Godwin was the 1. jowe’en party given Saturcay night by Mr.andMrs.C.W.Spell,at their beautiful new bung- alow on Fayetteville street,in honor of theGodwinfacultyandMissEloiseConnelly,who The recep- tion and dining rooms were beautifully dee- orated with autumn boughs.Pine,ceda»,.gumandgay-tinted dogwood bearing crimson ber-ries wreathed the tables and mantles withcandlesandshadedlights,giving a weird ef- fect to.the scene.Pumpkins.cut and lightedinghest-like fashion and “‘spooks"’were muchinevidence.; :play-Al\ing weird tunes in the bay window of the bn a |ve al | \E.Leonard.lM:"M.V,Dun lays beigs W|cM.V.avant,who spent a few days (ts Who have contracts fe upkeep of the ict home,left Wednesday forGreenville,s.C,roads)’Will bring them in abgnte.Also those Mrs.W.‘I.Nicholson and Miss Latona Tur-|jvho want ‘to contract for up-keep of roads will jj ner are visiting in Salisbury.:pee C:L..Murdock,county:superintendent.of Mrs.J.M.Carson went to Taylorsville Wed-|*y~at once.-N.B.MILLS, |nesday to spend a few days with her home 1co-|}Nov.§-~It._Chairman, |THE HARDMAN FIVE-FOOT GRAND ,Occupies no more space than an :Upright.r : Caruso says:‘‘Its tone is won- derful.”$650 Easy Terms if desired. HARDMAN,PECK Be :CO.-Fourlded 1842. -.CARLTON A.ANDREWS,Manufacturer’s Agent. rs al =\yesterday in Charlotte. nes Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,‘etc.,._ with:the seal of Statesville College on._Makea nice piece of Jewelry for formerstudentsaswellas’those now attending. ‘We have this'‘line now in. .H.RICKERT &SON. COLLEGE JEWELRY ! \* The guests were met by witches and ghosts|who conducted them in.A carefully th itjoutplanofentertainmentfollowed.Qués- witches and ghosts were to be answeréd.|“Bobbing”for apples and fortune-telling was enjoyed.The couples drew their fortunes written im verse’from a pot guarded by!ajwiteh.Punch and refreshments of coffee,sand-'wiches and little pumpkin custards were served.'Musie was furnished by the grafonola ling room.%@ne amusement*followed anot§erlquicklyuntilthehourtodeparthadunex-etedly arrived.The following out of town guests were pres- ent:Miss Eloise Connelly,Mrs.J.B.~Con- inelly,little Miss Willma Miller,Statesville ; ‘Miss Ella Manson,Kenibridge,Va.;Miss |Bliabeth Tayloe,Aulander;Miss Mamie Mc- [Keithern,Raeford;Mr,7 W.~P.~-Moore,,-Mor- iganton:Mr.J.B.Olive,Apex;Messrs Don- inie McDonald,‘Dink’.MeNeill,Misses Sailie land Marie McNeill,Wade;Miss Josephine for produce on the local market. ‘ H! 4 Green Hides, 2 S *Shoulders,18¢.per Ib. Miss Charlye Frye was hostess at a six-course |} f }Oats,55e.per bushel.ans «ela Little—Miss_Martha Sronce celebrated _her |’entertaining| the occasion “be=}~ - MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market. The following prices were paid yesterday Spring Chickens,12¢.’per !b.Hens,10e.per Ib. Roosters,Be.per Ib.Eves,23e.per dozen.Hutter,1fe,per:Ib,Beeswax,25¢.per Ib.« Hams,22¢.per Ib.Sides,13e.per Ib. Red,Honey,10e.per Ib.Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.per Ib. Grain, The following prices were paid yesterday cor grain on the.local market:Wheat,$1.25 per bushel.Corn,(new),60¢,per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market. pound was paid for best grade cotton. Seed cotton,5e.-Cotton seed,4be.per bushel. HAMILTON,HERMAN and DEITZ have Ho- tel Iredell Barber shop.Trial asked.Nov.5. LOST—Monday nightjin Statéville large gold rimmed eye glasses.Finder,will be liberally rewarded by leaving them withy The Land- mark,Nov.5: WANTED—Bright girl to do __office work. PIEDMONT RED CEDAR CHEST CO. Nov.5.. BREAL ANDCAKES—At Gas Company's to- morrow.MRS.J.F.HENNINGER.Nov._5. NOW is the time to plant onion sets for early spring erop.You can get them at D KIMBALL’S.Nov 5. FOR SALE—Second-hand Ford car..A.McM. BLOUNT,Barium Springs,N,C.2tltw*Nov.5- FOR RENT—Five-room cottaze cn Elm street. Modern conveniences.J.R. Nov.5—-2t. LL. HQTEL IREDELL Barber Shop under new mynagement.Satisfection gvararteed Call.| Nov.5..| 1 ¥OU “ean get lettuce plants at D.J.KIM-| 'BALL'S.Nov.6.| FOR RENT—Nine-roomhouse with with all modern conveniences—my home on Davie avenue.J.L.SLOAN. ||Nov.2.: roe RENT.—Cottage™close in:~~Water and}3 ‘sewerage.Cheap..to good tenant.MRS.| IN.R.TUNSTALL.Nov.2,| Fay- Miss Ava Parker,Dunn. Go. Miss Mamie McElwee’has been visiting,in”Charlotte since Tuesday. jresident of Statesville,wasivisittorelativesthisweek.Mr.and Mrs.S,A.Foster and Mr.J..P.|Patterson were among the Statesville people 4 (MARK for them, Mr.E.M.Brawley of Gagtonia,a former |, ere on a.brief| nd5. fbR RENT—Cottage close in.Lights‘sewerage.R.P.ALLISON. OLD NEWSPAPERS —All you want at 0c.a‘hundred.Worth this to start fires \iwith..Also good to put under carpets and)Pi paper the walls,Come to THE LAND-) a ict. two-story,house, Ll.K.OVER-*Aug.20. FOR RENT—Eight-room608WestFrontstreet.CASH. FOR SALE—Chrysanthemums.White,yellow, (who took in the Hickory fair this week.|Mrs.I.M,Jamison,who was a visitor in|Statesville,returned Wednesday to her home in |Mocksville.Mr.and Mrs.J.C.,Moore of Stony Po jspent several hours in Statesville Wednes inty pink,MRS.J.PAUL REONARD,‘phone tis 26 Green.Oct.=| is :7;NOTICE! All parties who have any.tools.and ‘ma-}. jen route to Hiekory to visit Mrs.Moore's {brother and sister-in-law,Mr.and:Mrs.Oscar jnery of any kind—shovels,picks,mattocks,heelers,drag pan,saempers and road ‘ma-the-that belong to nty (exeept par- KJ]|ple.:; hii.Mrs.Martha Brady of Morgantown,W.V2.,}/ 3i/and Mrs.Ben.Robertso-:of Greensboro are |guests of Mr,and Mrs.J.A.Brady.|Mrs..J..A,Seott and Miss Mary Scott spent |Mr,and Mrs.E.J.Troutman and child,Mr.land Mrs.W.D.Troutman and baby and Mr.|Herbert Litton passed through Statesville yes-,'terday en route from Troutman to Hickory to ‘take in the Hickory fair.i Mrs.J.A.Brown of Sharpesburg township{went to Catawba yesterday to visit her sister,|Mrs..H.L.Myers.j |Mr.David MeRorie,who has been with a fruit company in Washington,is at home on x|visit.(He will go from here to Albany,N.Y., ‘where he will have a position with a fruit com- |pany.A |Mr.Chas.A.Shook,.:;former resident of |Statesville who now’lives ‘in Robeson.county, l arrived.yesterday fora visit to his old home.| \Mr.J.BE.Fesperman left last night for 2) trip to Washington, Mrs.T.H.Owens of Clarksville,Va.,who | visited her brother,Dr.P,8.Easley,went to Davidson.Wednesday to visit relatives. ENORMOUS PAGEANT. Three-Mile Parade To*Be")Seeit’?With |CailHagenbeck-Wallace Circus. Every day when..the..members.of,,the .CarlHagenbeck-Wallace Circus finish breakfast’they begin active’preparations for the and wayering plumes tuke their places beforeglitteringparadechariots;the sound of musicisheardtrombandsperchedhazaydouslyhich: clowns,charioteers,jockeys,Roman’hippe-drome riders,camels from-—the—great desertwithnativeridersandponderouselephants,some bearing’a weight of feminine beauty inOrientalopen.make sppearance in \#pic:turesque,kaleldoacopic pageant .more thanthreemileglong.\\A man on-horseback ina deep voicé cries theoft-repeated “warning:,“Look out.for.youthorses;the.elephants are coming.”~“Behind him a bevy of pretty women buglers trum-pet their clarion-voiced instruments;and thenJeanned’Are,in polished armor with clank-ing eurtains of chain-mail.The flush of tanhastintedherearsandcheeks.She is a younswoman,adopted by a wealthy aunt in NewHaven,Conn.,who sent,her to Europe tokeepheyfromerteringdircuslife.Her sud-den return and.her romantic marriage with aclowncauseddailypapersalloverthecoun- try to devote considerable ‘space to the inci- mt,‘jThroughdensely.crowded.streets the paaeartmensuresitagaudypassage,The husky youtwhositshighupon.wagon representing theGermanempire,and he himself the Kaiser,|s in reality only a candy butcher.With hisroyalhelmetofshiningbrassandhispurple Pest ene eee ae Teenie ee cote nn he cee att ee SS Roe and gold jacket he impersonates the mightymanwhofulésoveragréatdomain:h ELL-BUCKETS,STOaveinstockWellBucketsmadeupinany sizebotSSAsizeorweightStowe R VE PIPE! .No bli lack iron dori ternoon his végal attire will give!way to 4 pe eat 28 ee aed yaar Ciao":ie;onade and peanuts.Oa ce an wagon’tter wagonHreiaid‘costly animals!nasa inWanorama,‘valllone mieindithalfahunboys,pla,-from schogl,lesaly, " fepitence,ns,pack houses,store house,blacksmith ‘segsion given January Ist,1916.ly,to SMITHEY.&FRALEY,Wilkesboro ;parade.| Well-fed hoses and ponies in shining harness| In the] filled with"aidbas‘to 8 ate FOR RENT,SALE OR EXCHANGE!| F Wesoffer farm known as the A.R.Ray place,AG miles east of Durham,of 200 acres for rent;1)acres in cultivation,good land,One goodthreetenant’nouses,two tobacco shop-trtd all out buildings.‘We would preferrenting.to a merchant as it is a good standforastore.We will rent it for one,three or On‘the local market yesterday Il 3-8e.per[™ Tle ixstNano /: HE life of the “Wizard of Orange”is one continuous story of striving,sacrifice and ac-complishment. Some men inherit fortunes; some accumulate riches quick- ly by lucky schemes,while others,as in Edison’s case,ad-’ vance through industry,sav- ing,push and enterprise which prepare them for opportuni- ties for wealth,pleasure and advancement. Prepare Yourself Fin- ancially.Save Now. Every dollar you waste is one little opportunity:lost forever. Save them,and_they-willfur-— nish the means fér broader education,personal advance- ment and business expansion. We offer you every'facility and a‘life long experience to aid ,,We you in successful banking.¢ a ahcpsiectsanegctens Berne! aSTATESVILLEN.C.ty ~Capital $100,000 _-4%aid on Time Deposits ® U.S.DEPOSITORY ‘‘sh beady Shoe Shop. Let-our expert Shoe Repairer do your work. Men’s Half Soles,sewed....Lpees eee ves 90.75 andMen’s Half Soles,nailed...0 .......60c..Woman's ‘Half Soles,sewed..........“65 and'75e.Woman’s Half Soles,nailed..........50c. Special prices on Children’s Work,a penta:RUBBER HEELS:cer ae Ot,Sullivan.ec Ns Cee Sa ta Pee 50c..Other Heels:.so cs cG0vin che anes becdecsa come)Meee -tive us a trial!S.,M TRIS lel ay CIGARS!— YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERSNOWTRYTHEBEST. -Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar HALL’S DRUG STORE,‘PHONE 20.Prescriptionists., five years to suit the renter;or will city property or merchandise or cash,Pos-If interested Dr Statesville,N.C Nov.5.—4t, Tole;LONG LEAP KItN DRIED & Flooring,Ceiling,Weatherboard-ne:Boxing,Casings and Mould-J) ngs stay where they are nailel,|! do not swell:or cup,and cost lessmoney.Come next to .McElwee'sPlanters’Warehouse to.see theLumberand’C.WATKINS. MORTGAGE SALE:« By virtue of the powers contained in almortgagedeedexecutedbyOvercashandwifetoR.A.Miller,and by him assign-|led for value to R.A,Cooper,the undersigned|‘vill sell at public auction :o the highest’bid-der,for cash,at the opurt house door in States-| ville,N.~C,,on 4 + MONDAY,DECEMBER.6th,1915,4 at 12-o0’clock,m.,the following real estatein | the city of:Statesville,tosvit:| First\lot.©Beginning\at the junction of ; Oak and Front:streets,’erence \with\Front Jatreet-S,68 degrees W.98 1-2 feet to stake, L.K.Overcash’s corner;thence with his line N.26 degrees W.183 feet to stake;thence N. 68 degr FE.108 1-2 feet to stake on Oak) street;thence with the street S,21 eres E,! 183 1-2 feet to the beginning,containing half dere more or less..at Second lot.Beginning at W.A.Overcash’s | corner on Oak street,thence with street N,22 degrees Wy 187 142 feet tu stake,Coopér's cor- ner;thence with Cooper's line’and ditch 8.70 degrees W:239 feet to stake in L,K.Over- dash’Tite}thenee &2@ degrees B.to a stake, H.RB,Overcash's corner}thence with.his and | ‘A,Qvereash’s line N..70-degrees B.208 in to fy beinning,and ine ina §na 3 i vision of the “I.M..Overcash slands,wedhem R.A.MILLER,.Mortgagee.R.A,COOPER,AG cLaughlin,Atty.«Assignee? Nov.‘Sth;"1915; ty ¥ NOTICE.TO.CREDITORS.a ::f ar ot thee "i sa alte Scanth.Fedniherebyanes. pid ReeBe f¢to.t 4 j RB.. }to all is by fo; Many have taken Woe ”%x: Suitings,oie Have.yout est and nobbiest creations in Men’s wearat the: est prices,Remember motto:Satisfaction “money refundeditGanaprenyy ye avane tage of our free bureau of information regarding-our | comeatonce.Our stock. is complete with the.new-’ ay THE WANDMARK |!CASE oF INSECT STING. FRIDAY,-r 5,191),|The State Board of Health Sug-DECIDED AGAINSTWOMEN,.gests Simple Remedy.\. _DECIDE AGAINST WOMEN,In Statesville a few days ago ‘abate—Farm:|boy/stung in the mouth by a yellow,fhe Sets a Ete jacket suffered m ch ‘pain and hadWork,C Oe aaa *|to be taken to a hospital for treat-pondence 0:actus ment.The danger of ingect,stingsTgina,we heavase Pedas a about passed for hie Season,butmers*is n ponvitag whinat and oats,A large crop State ‘Board“Ot Hee th should Ri pegisbeingsowed.Lots of cotton yet in|served for future reference:_the field to pick,There have beena)“The first impulse in the case of angoodmanycornhuskingsalready|insect sting is to strike the offending:aroutid aan the abe baba at insect nud in doing so in most ‘casesSomeathisneighborhoodorganizedaliterary|its sting,leaving thestingim "tesocietyandonaraeay”flesh.It is the irritating poison on|"Sela arethathey:had a2 a oc noc »and as|tte sting that hurts so “badly and|i alee? tee aevotars were men and the judges’thing on Oya th tees the.thing it|men,the decision was against the wo-|)of¢1the feet Use a knife paintmen.«or needle for this.purpose.ThenimChandlertookthecon-’;.tract Yorputtingin the bridge across nly anes bal cohen See natheMissaspneKinecdear.|®few drops of weak ammonia 01wcreek,and ait etal 4 me there |SPirits of camphor or-ordinary tinct-e have met wi othe sea it has|UC of iodine as quickly as possible,|for nearly three mo rg Rha raging,The poison from hornet.stings 1s |ue tar iebeen’very ee at _;Soluble in’alcohol and therefore if|UST about asBOteeRorsateobGhailyPoint|the ira ay gently bathed or washed i 7prehedabesermonatshady’"phen fue ratet chained soon as youmorningao'clock.|5;., He il ren there acne thefourth gently.mubbing ea.veh eo !get next and‘‘clock,-$.Shia ati *.“t °asWileonwilpreachhislastsermonatove"the sting helps the situation ou!ML try Prince:AlbertShadyGrovethesecond©Sun-|ver that the most important first’aid||tobacco "}day.bi —arene ye ae ae is to remove the offending sting and|iz :you icymesoaklandTsforfulltimeand{tt prevention is better than cure.”wise right up that ved ont one Th Nawab tke Rockefeller Gift toColleges.eZ it was m ad € een errr cae beck roar the of Jone Ta Rosketiierswath 1s for your taste!seminary and:preached Sunday after-|ic Ngan anneneate gifts total.‘And that’s:noi‘3 ing .000:to four colleges and pro-N :ie:‘J+Li,Tolbert,who has.been|vision of funds for a number of Ov..idle dream!ieconfinedtoherbedforsometime,is|¢l experiments in the field of educa-|.2a f abetteratthiswriting.Mr.Thos.Mor-|tion,.The gifts to colleges are:Carl- row’s#éhildren have had scarlet fever|ton College,Northfield,Mirn.,a Con-eeen we tote OP emapeoe Gente eee ‘Line up in the‘sow with‘other men;_red tin of P.A.that'll prove in jig timebartCollege,Geneva, ing at Vance school house Friday|Zhe tremendous ©increase in the Bert Eidson assistant secretary,.|and fetched $1,550..£e the national’joy whoke snost unahimously.The Vance Prog-The’“cook tént”-is one of the marvels of the ,tongues and can’t parch throats.And trail of a best bet.For you never will get ‘At this meeting some of the boys or-|the task.Finally the objections to the old verywhercintoppy red bags,Sc; Would like to join are invited.gregation,and later other shows followed in| ’ ¥.ive Club_-Inf.palian,$50,000;Lafayette College,a «then you'll sure’enough wake up to-that you never did-get such flavor-and-vance —_—De Br a a qr and’Eniamssse Cee eae _some ipipe and cigarette makin’s facts!fragrance,whether you hita jimmy pipeGuineaiisetackMich,Baptist,$25,000..mm °It’s this way:Costs youadime foratidy or roll up a delightful makin’s cigarette,saceeeancameatoiinacesanienvectantitaceramamtie eae ¢“ night,October 29,in the interest of |PTice of dyestuffs,due to the war,was ithecommunityclub,was purely a bus-|indicated When a keg of ‘methylone 7ainessone.Officers were elected ag|blue was offered at a-sale of lost &Oa :follows:“Mr.Wm.G.Carter presi-|PToperty by an English railway.The Pddent,Me Ws Stayley Mason vice pres-|e,weighing 150 pounds and worth ;1 |d A.club name.was also chosen.Sey-eae are8CIRCUSHOTELS.eral names were voted on but.the eigen -Puts th ..‘Pclincea’:‘e half-Nelson on all pipe and Right off the bat you'll get mighty happy ifVanceProgressiveclub,.a suggestion wner of Car int Cine Show First y ’cigarette orencian because it can’t bite you'll go to Prince Albert like you're on thessaivel@db'will be the head of vat mopern,shrews,It was the custom.formany F uu prove our say-so!P.is ma honest and true tobacco satisfaction till youShersmallerclubs:Tomato,club,|ployestothe Nocal“elty™hotels forthei fod |4 3petted procunkthatBoda ae get chummy with Prince Albest—the nationalgernandpigclubs,debating society The undertaking for providing the meals for i and the I Thispatented p ssis Joy et eri nized,themselves into a debating so-|method made the accomplishment necessary.)fim ©%hat when you hear some of that “‘as tidy rbd tins,10c;also in poundandgetyantclectedMr.Grier Sherrill |A,S4cry Mace te omen||BU.good as P.A.stuff!hall-phard Raiidora.chairman.Friday:night,5th,only |to meet the demands thrust upon ther.5 f Statesville,R-4,Nov.2.—The meet-:, ident,Mr.Frank Proffit secretary,Mr,|$59 before the war,was eagerly bid CE ALBERT of Mr,I.He Whiting,was voted ai-To Carry Commissa: i maetitg sane oe Cae bce it nt ha reputedsnotake ig controlled exclusively by us.Remember Sold Would liketo join are invited’[omlcte commnsery “eperment with tie ar]A R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.,Winston-Salem,N.C. i.The next meeting ofVance Progres-pursuit:Advance men now see that all needs ,ReaD ’a Fi a a re’five club will be Friday evening;12th,|of the comnmiseary department are:supplied,.aes 'Pender:eon SIS MAE I ATS POE PONE RD.AIIUEES4"olor i meat,ve;les and other requirements await 5 x ated oF 5 het s oz rca eae ei naamat8o'clock...Members ef the society the hands of a dozen chefs,There are two sep-will have a selected subject to discuss |arate and distinet culinaty de withforthepleasureofmembersaot=the Carl Hagenbeck-Wal:ace scien,which '——neeenimtereme ,!See ees |yD a BIGGEST CIRCUS IN THE WORLDeaticlubwouldliketoknowthrough[Performances at_2-and_8 p.m.Oné-is_oceu-7 Wee Si :nies ‘MOK ° aa “4 pied by the workingmen,whose stomachs areeLandmarkthenameofthetribe|not satisfied until the tents are raised and allofIndiansthatwassettledinCham-|the paraphernalia is on the tot.This is a wise iy dy f e ‘¢0 )4 jidea,which insures:prompt and hasty work.i ::‘;bersburg township._Tt has been said|"tr a nearby canvas are fed the executive 7 ,‘.at history gives ‘an’account of a fstar,performers,men,women and children ¢f Sage kh yer rg **the cireus.There are near tables,table cloths 9 be by the name of Catawba,for*:Swe and china dishes.‘There is a bill of.fare,anda)hich the Catawba river was named,one may find anything that {s supplied in the‘and that they were located in this atid|jini he best metropolitan’hotel.Sooo aeons tee Phe Iredell HardwareCompany||A]gyeamberfoknowpositivelyaboutambers-own,peculiar ee nner:‘=;burg township,if The Landmark or|,dmaanen,andshappier,heerlen Will be headquarters;for the display of corneerectatcaeeaetantaarethefabytheCornClubBoys’of Iredell county, |."PheFactsimtheCat fare thArs to We pated kwayonthe“Pips which is to be held in Statesville N ovembereFactsimtheCase.ing Squadron”at night that-breakfast may Zithe.Boys,select your.corn according toReferringtotheevidentattemptof|be served at 7 o'clock the following day in a is JRepublican.papers to make it appear|‘¥"probably «hundred,mifes away in an-the Yules of the corn club work and instruc-that President Wilson and his fiancee|the:Site:i _thoris given out byVomaente a.Demonstra- heir store by Holiday event of a lifetime!Admission an?grand stand opera chairs.onsalecircusdayattheStatesvilleDrugCo.at same pricesaschergedontheshowgrounds. ate at a “nigger house’ona recent|—-.zh wesmotortriptoVirginia,when they|f My Building Material Business _tor and have it.in 2 by the 234.fined at an inn Kept by colored people,It's,conducted.on a one-priced ba-They also offer the following prizes:the Wadesboro Ansonian says:Il sis.Your dollar is as big as any-ae ‘3 i ‘j 3 .“The evident purpose of the editor bod "3,Statesville’s best business FirstPri “On HandSaw Pride of Tredell‘was to prejudice white people of the|}me See my customers,It takes d One Bh pate ’South against the President by creat-the GOODS and PRIGE to.get ||}Seco nd frize-—(Qne lock Plane,3ine,the Zalse-impretsion thatthePres-i}business,I have a full stock at {{f Third Prize—One German Town Hammer,:ShenPpon-.te t Sea <5 ‘Ad 4a.eyitywithnegroesbydininginamxedpawiein“Everything to Fourth Prize—One Pruning Shear ie A Pe,icompanyofwhitesandblacks,instea nabaalar ‘1 ’3 :*...ti CARL@t'at an inn owned ‘and:pperfted by »Li ANG eee Besides these four ‘prand prizes they will f N nAgENGECH|geese proprietor,”The editor of the!”sai’OF VALUABLE:LANDS.*give to the 10 who,receive honorable men-ye‘Ansonian once stopped over at Har-tionti d 2-foot Stanl 1 is &per’s Ferry for a few,hours,‘while!py virtue of a deeres at the Bupértor Coury o on a 2-100 anley rule..eo YS YBeevinethisnetekGraeAoun|qrlided Bh Midd cughlin,Gdalattrcien at Come to town,boys,on this big day and be |wtvo ee ee mn,a C\A.J,Bass vs.C.8:Bass and others,I will uest f th I ed ]H d C Thfoundittobethemostimportantandselgatpublicauction.to the:highest biddoré,-est 0.e ir-t €aradware Uo,.eyswellesthotelinthetown,'a place |at the court house door in Statesville,N.C.,ave arranged with the Movie to entertainpa’ed ively’b bette *Bass.of ths.tearaling vate publte;"SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 27,1916.you in the afternoon,|’ ?t }ai;ita }at 12 o'clock,m.,the following lands in‘who are received in the office by white Chataberatnire tawcshin,tewitsemployes,and where no negroes are]”ist,Beginning at'a white oak in the Haith-——éntered as guests,”cox line;thence west 158 poles to a dogwood,|OOO ROR‘ntSerie CORE c.eee ere?agyert west.62 ee 3aaiea8‘to stake,Barringer’s line;thence sou 3ForOurFarmExtensionWork.poles to stake in C.Barringer’s line;thence|The national Department of.Agri-aan 220 poles to pane snes north 80 poles|§ ;0.Nning,con ning acres more or]#4culturehasmadethefollowingallot-lesa,excepting 1 1-2 ‘acres conveyed to trus-|}ment for farm extension work-in|tees Shiloh M.E.church,South.:North Cardlina:2d.Beginning at white oak,Hoover's line,|#0 2,15:istri and corner of Lot No,8,it being Bass cor-!%Site semunt $102;4,‘distributed ner;thence S,:88 1-2 dezrees east 160 poles!as follaws:“Administration,$3,200;|(iaye,Lente lines thence B99 1-8 poles to|wT M ee sa 89publications;“$2,795;county.agents,|stake,corner of Lot No,5;thenee-north 88}#he Q$98,309;home demonstration,$43,265;|1-2 degrees west,118cae e cake pee :arIx of uality.*t +i ers corner;thence w ine no:iSetaroa&Wate ten:ae wneng.detrees west to the'beginning,containing a|i $3,300;horticolture,$2,500;plant.dis-|“sa,Devinnice vt black,oak,neat graveyard,eases and‘insects,$400;agricultural|Bass’corner,thence south,29.poles to stake,engineering,$2,400;marketing,$3,-|Freeze's corner;thence south 88 1-2 degrees of 1001 WondersFILLING6ARENAS!© lis Triumphs reaches beyond the seasNOTHINGELSELIKEJTJNALLEARTH'S HISTORY?-Capital Invested,$3,000,000! Mioro acts,moro features,more thrills than you overt saw he~«for;3 ¢ings,'2stages,great!dorlalenciosures cunrter-rito|fippodrome track and steel girded arena’filled with CARL.i HAGENBECK’S performing Heng,feopards,pumas,pantiers, Polar bears coyal Bonga Tigsrs and untamable beasts, :100,ACTS,FEATURES aid SENSATIONS-100%3 RAILROAD TRAINS 3 22 TENTS 2260RIDERS—-Tho Greatestin the World €0 .TEXACO-ENGINE OILS, TEXACO CYL IN DER OILS,;400,PERFORMER 400 8 BANDS 8TEXACOGREASES._#BOY NON G0 CLOWNS,aWar's Funny Bn a6o0CarlHagenback’s biggest and moatrsC.In Barrels,[lalf Barrels and Cases,B ||iF MONT x Se e e r e s e c e c o e s e r e e g e pe s e s o s pB S e s s s s t e s e s t e e r e s e c e r o e s s east 194 poles to pine,Lentg’s line;thencemn"oo north 29°poles to stake,Hoover's corner;thence north 88 1-2 degrees weat 194 poles toTheFightinginMexico.beginniiia,soptaining.$5:pesos pore,or lest.The battle between the Villa and Beginning at ‘a hickory,8.Hoover's5cornerinBassline;thence south 45.deirecsCarranzaforcesatAguaPrieta,near|east 46 poles to white oak,corner Lot No.athe American border,was ‘not:decis-|4 and Kidson lot;thence south.88 1-2 -de-ave..The battle continued two days |#tees east 160 poles to stake;thence north*.31 poles to stake,corner lot No,2;thencewe.thes,Villa picked.up:and left.nsrth 's8 to dopease aeat 1d Gola ie ne,]it 1s love means is not known,ginning,containing 34 acres more or less,or ‘it does:not mean that he was de-;iBerinning at a Ptene in Hugh Ply-‘eated.F ;ler's line;thence east 130 poles to stone;Thousands of American tro srenoe south a6 12 poles to.stone:theneeAOPSON)west 130 poles to stone;thence north 33-1-2the-Amigrican’border had orders to|poles to beginning,containing97 1:2 acres,fire on any Mexicans who endangered|more or less.‘ives inAmerican territory by the fire|.Sth.Beginning at a stone,W.P.Morton's3corner;thenee with his and Bass’line northfromtheMexicanside.5 demrees east 20 poles to stone,J.C.Plyler's oe a Cotton Ginners,Lumber ‘Mills—owners ofMachineryofan;7 kind;if.you buy your oilinfullpackages,see us before you place :your orders, *Mees ;i i P Dy a pe SH 5 pr EY bo act 7%ie ueedcie Rade heen corner thence with Plylgr's line north 87 de ha are 7 a pare i cata ein |i ae he ie i nia sa .a |ees Wes!stone in,band |3 >.‘typhoon,‘which is increasing tn vio-ie jPisleds corner thence swith sine‘hs ae oe can make de ivere prices t.atwi H HIGHEST CLASS CIRCUS iNTHEWORLD!|a,anale,septbing the section to atone:thence with W.D."Flplor'line|ff watahd bi han ae tse $l MA GLITTERING,BEWILD--|-DOORS TO-CARL HAGENBECK’S |¥last month with the loss|corner:thence with W.P,Morton's Mons,his|‘s /ERING STREET PAGEANT,|Z00 OPEN AT 1 AND'7 P;M.°Fpr ves afid property dam-sane thant 6poles to.stump,Morton's|#Stat }THREE’MILES.IN LENGTH,PERFORMANCES BEGIN:AT 2 «‘at nearly$1,000,000,Yercen'tasty 60°bolts botlnning conta aR Bi A REPRESENTING AN EXPEN-|AND 8 P.M.ONE 600 TICKETDr.J.J.Kennedy,a physician of|10 seca more on jem.yen (i DITURE OF ADMITS TO EVERYTHING,Mill Crdek:wi as,waedévoyed*from |Terma—Ong-third cagh)din six [BE ee!\.ie ‘ieteavon(E_ERONC OL,ice:RobbinsRow,.AVM SSH GAM ORHUS Dav.pIpLORENyADED10 PS S a S e e SS SS e S ee e eee e ee e eR e ee e ee e ee e er e e ee ee ee s fe c e s oy ———eemerenenarennte ieviamanemnnenunetieenecinneaton -ae recent ene snr nner ouncanememasarnmacecne ::The Day’s Work For Orphans.|ai Bother ad by Coteirk ‘Bronchitis,_(THE LAND.NDMARK ~Don’t nse es day’.Geek oe .$200.00:00.00000000000 3 og ‘lorphans—to be contributed |‘at War ‘i -P !: eee }t NEWS Vani ABOUT ST;Thanksgiving to the’orphanage of ain ‘ef Le Ny,Asthma,Head or Chest Colds?*i ath pyour chalet Don’t waituntil De eve :po ; ”Accidents Crimes aand Other’In-of Thanksgiving and then’give what haled allnight long through the air pasay"|}cidents of Life in Neneh Caro:aver is econvenient—-or nothing.Fig;|as “Vap-O-R b”Treatment--Re,Kos Ithe lu oe the phlegny ure out the amount in advance anl| Try the ”pingtheye mem 6,and aid-lina.lav it.aside and make it large enough| é “|lievesbyInhalation and Absorp ing theOe me.drive out the invad-|On a Bunconihe county road a 7-|—in azcordance with the amount.yev Pain is a vieitor to eenshome.‘ond.usually it comes quite unexpectedly.But, you are prepared for every emergency.if you keep.a small bottle of Sloan’s ml, a|rs | tion,ning.EsNoStomachD:ing germe Passenger automobile went over #@)are spending for comforts and luxu-Tinimeat hawde dite th t ;;i “ints fr fs y.It isthe greatest)wi 1 addition,Vick's:is absorbed through |cliff and six of the passengers were)rics.If you make a sacrifice to give,my |j :} iB meth to,Sehr,ome sacle with she pores:eionngfete inflammation and |injured—not dangerously.all the better.On this subject’the|Jalil);pain Miles wens Seger: leeroe eer nD Salve,combines by @)a50eS sit,AtAtal rug ny Head-on collision of street cars in|University News Letter says:|Simply laid on the skin Menthol,Thymol,Euca-{7%my Sap ‘Raleigh resulted in the serious injury}Ovr savings account in the banks no rubbing required—-It drives aay iphetrand Pine Tar,so that when |af William Whitney,motorman,and|of the State is -$2.779,000 more this a the pain away instantly.It is appliedtothe heat of the body,these In-|Norman McDonald,street cay machin-|year than Jast.The erops we are|Jai really wonderful, ts are released in theform of vapors,list.‘tow harvesting are worth $76.000,000 x esesoothing,medicated .C,are in-thisTrade Congressman Kitchin,who is not in|more than the erons of six years ago. a d ifavor of an extra large outlay for|ur total wealth in North Carolina 9 ICES ieoeinorHas the army and navy,will confer with|‘ree years ago reached the srand to-oan S$ ‘a the President in Washington Monday,|{01 ‘of ne atly,two,hillion dollars.. pote =bY agreement,on the national de-|Svrely we ’tannot’remember_thesefenceplanofthe4cministration,things and reioice in them on Thanks Recent activities Aggainst blind.tigers)giving Day and forvet the 2.400 chil-| ™in Lexington resulted in the arraigay ‘ven in our 27 orphanages in North|ment of 17\persons.Sixteen of the 17 Carolina!The prayers that.reacn| were convicted and several were given ro orphan asylums is baskets au road sentences.All put one of those})*™vers will connt far more than (NONE BETTER.)appealed.the pravers of the uneo guid *that vanish into thin air on pgnkae vlog ?‘Senator and Mrs.Overman are naw D.—;located in Washington for the winter.Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass'Seeds,Vetch,So Bice Tota atone te een ae A Day of Prayer.Rape,ete,Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs.sisi fhe ese,Saas eee Tocern geeweteCaeGoodGoodsatFAIRPRICES.Oesland teethtn ok come Sino ae tetter tnhabalt ad shortly after midnight Tuesday ay the Armenians anit or race’ ‘Aww rn :7 “morning,a mile cast of Morganto vne are extreme snilerers pecause of .k K R i I LIZ ERS.when a broken rail spilled 14 cars ae ‘h Furosean war.The annour.cementcausedsevenothers|to leave the tragk.has been sent to.75,000 churches Nobody hurt.Passengers were trans-|‘hrovghout the United States. 7 ferred at the wreck until .“The ery from the Near East at wa =Ss J.E.SLOOP.=cleared.eck untdl the track as this moment,”.the announcement}:;BB , Shelby:Star:Twenty-eight name-|°;)°*“not only:reaches the ‘Bears >; ih et lakes of ‘Congressman EY.aeabh of humonitv.but profoundly stirs our METAL SHINGLES > 2 10 f oe “Pe EET [gathered in front of the court houses en of obligration and responsibil pever needTEpalrs,are lexpen~Saturday and posed for the photogra-ity.” New Line of 19 1 5 sivebeautiful andstormproot ¥¥2pher.Mr.Webb was in the midst off 411,CHILDREN LOVE “SYR- t !“We,donthave toworry the group.These 28 all live in Cleve- ‘about the rock” |VariegatedMottle Rugs, H to 18 years.AND BOWELS: At Canton,Haywood county,a lady :sorcerers a—Mrs.E..M.Gier—went inte a|Give It When Feverish,Cross, H store where Geo.Hampton.a clerk,i *4 was handling-a 22-caliber rifle.Beinz _Biligus,,For Bad Breath|o:ian innocent bystander she caught the Sour Stomach. ball in her chin and it passed-out.un-}Look at the tongue,Mother!Ir ff der her \jaw.°She was taken to anjroated.it is a sure sign -that your ‘l\Asheville hospital for treatment.little one’s stomach,liver and bowels j Newton News:In the County Courti need a gentle,thorough cleansing at Friday Van Huitt was found guilty}once. land ;and range in age from 18 months UP OF FIGS”FOR LIVER They:wont leak,burn.curl orrot likewoodshit @s,OFcracklikeslate.al P °silk R Hof abandonment of his wife and child.When a el cross,eens pale.|°For Sale by|He was d to deed to h doesn’t sleep,doesn’t eat or act nat-ersian SUK hugs.aTHe aresrapmuired to deedto his al orally,or iw feverish,atemach sia,LAZENBY-MONTGOMERY HARDWARE CO.,StatesvilleN.a lerty near Long Island,also pay her breath bad;has stomach-ache-sore 5 ———ee eet |$100 in cash,give her the household|throat,diarrhoea,full of cold,give:2 |New Serges andPopsi|furniture and pay all costs.teaspoonful of “California Syrup of |Mrs.Lydia VanWycke Hoke,widow Figs.”and in a few hours all the foul. For Coat Suits and Skirts—We have a 36-inch wide for 39 cents a yard.*“ta Ms |faf Gen.R.F.Heke;died at her:tetanus constipated waste,undigested _foo.|} er inch wide all wool 50 cents yard. Wiin Raleigh Tuesday after a long.ill-and sour bile gently moves out of its a Wool,Sponged and =75 cents yard.44-inch $1.00 - Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes. Anglo Persian Bath.Rugs in all colors. Call and see ourline of Brussell Rugs—518.00 to $38.50.: We have in steck-a-few:specially:large : eo Rugs. |Yittle bowels without griping,andMeevivad:Sitio:carenOona you have a well,playful child again.| H\and two brothers.-The latter are You.needn’t coax sick children.ti3iitudgeAugastus.Van Wycke and take this harmless “fruit laxative:”| }| they love its €elicious taste.and.it al\Judge Robert Van Wecke of New.wave:‘makes’themn-feel splendid | \York.Ask your druggist for a:50-cent|J.B.Frix,who formerly lived i ottle,of “California Sytup of Figs.”|i |Statesville,recently “began:litigati fi hil-}Hin the Féderal court with the Weave:erat eer uae ee |||Piano and Organ Co.The latter com-‘Plainly.-on the battle,Beware ‘of ||Pany filed a suit against Frix,each counterfeits sold here.To be sure | ,side-making-claims-of-money-due:The}cou get the genuine.ask to see .that|i}case was refcrred to Special Commis-j j¢.js made by “California Fig Syrup| H sioner Robeson in Charlotte,who finds Cémpany.”Refuse any other kind) that Frix is due the organ company with contempt.Statesville Housefurnishing Co.|'","4)he aens5tgsiteComersCon's NOTICE TO.CREDITORS! Commercial National Bank |:.i talent,in its suit against the Norfolk’j ING CLAIMS AGAINST PIEDMONT OF STATESVILLE,N.C. In’Biack,Navy,African Brown,Hunter’s Green and Gray.«445 / 'SWEATER COATS. For Boys and Girls.Price 50c,$1.00 to $1.50. Caps.and_Sacques.tomatch for the _babios,-75c,$1.00 to.$1.50 a set. NEW ARRIVALS IN COAT SUITS. Priced very special for $9.50,$12.50,$14.50 on.up to $24.50.We are very much encouragedwith our success in this line and by giv- ingthe newest models out at a close margin we anticipate a con- tinuous growth in this department. ELKIN BLANKETS IN ALL SIZES.y Ms Also Cotton Mixed ones for $1.00,$1.48 and $1.98 a pair.Full lines all overthe.house.Our prices will interest you.Very Truly,- :ibe determined by the commission.others vs.Piedmont Hardwood Company and J.M.McKee &Company, Grady Koontz,who has been in jai!&-Morrison.|ORDER—This cause coming on for further|————-—eonmeennmnenenemneereereraenemenataneseaneeseunnenneeeTty normanlinWinston-Salem for some time wn-|hearing.before -His Honor,-Harding,Judge, ider a warrant alleging.that he was}and being heard. 3 one of the participants in the robbery |it pte saneiden order Koa guiccee i H I ;i 4 }rties ~ ‘of we postoffice at Mocksville SOM?|ant,Piedmont Hardwood Company,shall pre-I K e3proneeenSeacobe:the bastile|sent and make proof of such claims to the m default of a $5.nd,on,accoun:receivers of the defendant company on or ' ‘of an.indictment for the Mocksville age Fae oy ea eth febevecs "Suppose that you are insuredin the United Life and Accident In- jrobbery,returned by the grand jury |<hall.give the creditors of the defendant com-surance Company of New Hampshire for $5,000underthe Company’s | jat the recent term.of the Federal |pany notice of this order by publication:for}Triple Indemnit Plan,what does your Polic arantee to do?~p y ’jcourt in Statesville.F jthtree weeks in The Landmark,a mewspaper |&Western railway et al.,is entitled HARDWOOD COMPANY. ito reparation with interest on account t an and each of en a take ate of spe be |:‘g ¥wings order 0:ie uperio:rt o ce |of an unreasonable rate for ‘tr ‘@NS-\'Dowelt county,made at the September term,3 norting glass tobacco jars fromPitts-|1913. 8 burg,.Pa.,territory to Winston-Salem.|North Carolina,McDowell County.H In the Superior Court,September term,1515.\'The exact amount of reparation will|oe Yee rclina.Bessemer Company and Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits ©-31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. dpsanenileitaccth atin [published at Siatgville,N.C.and in the |ANSWER:; Your Banking business solicited and Dr.Sampson’s Body Not Found.‘Marien,xa a ue ‘a ::¢ne iSST,ioe that _case of death from anycause,$5,000, 5 |is cause’is reserve or further orders.ace 0 2 ?%every accommodation extended to de-Iton terete mea Thanh)Vs SARIN SECOND,thatin case of deathSem any accident,$10,000,or tor:tent with dent bank-<whol This the 15th day of October,1915.double the face of the policy,will be paposiSconsistentWlprudenanofAustin,Texas,who W.K.M.GILKEY,ified id .thod H\strangely disappeared in the moun-)yi Sean THIRD,thatin case of death front retain specified accidents,. ing me Ss..:jtains of Estes Park,Col...two months|Receivers of Piedmont Hardwood Co.|g $15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will be paid.lago,have given up all hope of find-|(Address),Statesville,N.C.Butthis iis not all.In case of total disability as a result of acci-Four per cent.paid on time andSavings tina him alive =of recovering -his|Os 19,1915.—Stitw.ra injury,youwill meeeae ee.$50:PER err y until the heat of next summer's |an insurance do more why should any man sai:es ee on deposit three [nas fa)Seveaielted te or atl::with a pulicy that would do less?The cost is low.emonthsorlonger.as already fallen:inthe higher a Wh GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-|\titudes of that rough and remote rc-en ts ERNEST G.GAITHE »ALS AND NS TE.::|eons:Sometime ago a skeleton |.fe ,'OFFICE RS:Le hick i was theuert h PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.iq 3 Je i ght might be that|:,an :jof Dr.Sampson was found,but this)qi7Aid:|proved not to be the case.=W.D.TURNER,°=oe President,|A dispatch from Austin,”Texas.|rs! E.MORRISON go -_Vice Pp:resident,jane someeys ews information,|"I oa us ss i further says of Dr.Sampson,who was;|-D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.H#|well known to many North Carolina}i|people: “Dr.Sampson was one of the best 2 :known educators in Texas.He was}Think of Van Lindley no prominently identified with every pro: G.KE.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. gressive movement that had for its!Company.We have4°purpose the advancement of the!:r:To’the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:J Sis‘,ctizensnip.He founded tn]one of the largestarereseverdal: tyars ago,and he held the life chair,Greenhouse plants inTHESTATESVILLEREALTY&INVESTMENT.COMPANYbe to announce that they bave completed arrangements with ‘“THEHOME.INSURANCE.CO.of New-York,”forinsuring your growingSonoTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionbilStormatthefollowingverylowprice: of Church history in that ‘institution| at the time of his disappearance.He}the South.was a wide traveler and fond of ad-; venture.Only two years ago he miade,’a horseback:trip Dione from Chye-|Orders small or large a ie 60 Tornadoes TOBACCO CROP.;:enne,Wyo.,to Austin.It has been ‘sy-$100 per acre valuation at $7.50 per acre his custom for several years to spend|receive prompt atten-||Devastate 10,000.Homesin Eight States75peracrevaluationat‘_5.874 per acre \J\the summers in the mountains.of the tion.Shipping «facil 50 per acre valuation at 3.75 per acre on,ie,Vinetal,‘paviident af the :pping *tacii-~Such isthe recordofoneday’s hundredyearsthe Hartford 25 per acre valuation at 1.874 per acre Presbyterian Seminary:here,who has|}_ities unsurpas#d,damage done by tornadoes.Fire Insurance Company COTTON,CORN AND.SMALL GRAIN CROP.returned from a fruitless search for ;:.a a ae $40 per acre:valuation.$1.60 peracre —ffhis.old-time friend and associate,|Th You don’tknow when the has met every honest claim :35 per acreValuation 4 1.40 peracre wy that crerything eine has Flowers at Please.‘tornado may strike your promptly,Buy a Hartfordoneni0!r :14 ate Pe 3 ber pot bite nee y 100 pet sere Sampson.The government,through ae ‘ig Propsty,but:you doknow nce today. 20 per acre valuation ':80 per acre.|Secretary of -ture pea ieee ea =|}the “Old Hartford”protects 16 per acre valuation 60per acre "SS ARR ee :a all loss.For over a_10 per acrevaluati "40 peracre n DWELLINGS,.FURNITURE,BARNS.s ~$100 value for One year at 9$3 years at ore { latter insurance‘coversalsoagainst lossbywindinadditiontohail.«REMEMBE esieearsanyth ».$8.00SETOF—GRANITE ANDCOPPERWARE FREE With Every Majestic Range Sold, |GRANITE |ANDCOPPER.WARE ge Mane oo With Every Majestic Rahge Sold.- ONE WEEK.“November Sth to 15th ~ONLYEEeeae‘|:-CHILDREN’S —_____SOUVENIR DAY————— cA?smiSTORYBOOKSFREE“The Quillivers’Ride” beg By CLAUDE WETMOREA:CHARMING STORY for boys and girls ofadventuresoftheweeQUILLIVERSinBIGFOLKS"LAND-—a story that will hold ‘any child’s interest totheveryerid,and teach a lesson of life-long value.The first 100 boys and girls who present to THEMAJESTICRANGESALESMAN,at our store,be-eens and 5 p.mi,TUESDAY,written answers to.¢Tollowing questions,will receive this fascinat;ies ter fake,1S TascinatingaaSeeBee1—What range is yourPAR=); | ONE WEEKONLY SAVE $8.00 | AS a special inducement during our demonstra: tion week.only,with every MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same),we will give free,one handsome set of ware as illustrated here. Every piece of .this ware is the best of its kin+. Not a piece that is not needed in every kitchen.It cannot possibly be bought for Jess than $8.00.This ware is on exhibition at our store;DON’T FAIL TO SEE IT. Which Shall it Be? DO you intend to continue laboring,burning valuable fuel-and destroying -high-priced_food with that old worn-out cook stove?: You KNOW that old stove eats up a lot of fuct}each ‘year.\es You KNOW you have trouble in getting it to bake just right,infact,spoil a batch of bread every once in a while—you know it costs considerable for year: ly repairs. Stop’and think and figure.Wouldn’t it pay youtobuyagoodrange—a range with a reputation— THE GREAT MAJESTIC Malleable and CharcoalIronRANGE ;mother now using?2—Give names of anyone you_know-needing a newrange.38—The Majestic Range has many points of su-postaritye—which does your mother considerest? 4—What is your age?5—-When is your birthday? ~7 r *_7"$1.00 ARTICLE FREETheboyorgirlgivingtheneatestandbestanswertothethirdquestionmayselectany$1.00 articlefromourstockINADDITIONTOTHESOUVENIR.A PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY ©Don’t be discouraged if you are not one of the 10)to get the story book.You will receive a MAJESTIC ON-LEGS -‘IF-DESIRED sta PMAMAJESTIC-NEVER-BURN-COOKER:||JTEAMER-CULLENDER -AND-O@AINER:(iii tlHEAVY:STAMPED IRUN-MARBLEIZED:MI ‘aMETTLE:18 02:ALL-COPPER-TEAKETTLE:(i Pel140Z:ALUCOPPER:gee PeCOFFEE-POT:= HEAVY-MAGBLEIZEDPUDDING:PAN:L-LARGE-NEVER-BURN WIRED:ARIPPING-PAN:2-S ALL:NEVER-BURN-WIRED:DRIPPING ‘PANS:mca,2’SMALL-DRIP-PANS- In YOU make no mistake in buying the GREAT MAJESTIC—it’s the range with THE REPUTATION—.ask your neighbors.Then,too,it’s made just rightandoftherightkindofmaterial—MALLEABLEandCHARCOALIRON—riveted together practical-ly air tight—lined with pure asbestos—parts beingmalleablecan’t break—has a movable reservoir andanoventhatdoesn’t warp—that’s why the MAJES.-TIC uses so little fuel,bakes just right every day intheyear(browns bread just right all over withouttareliheats15gallonsofwaterwhilebreakfasiiscooking—properly handied lasts a lifetime,andcostspracticallynothingforrepairs. Don’t buy the range you expect to Jast a lifetime“ansight unseen;”you'll be sure to be disappointed.Come to our store during demonstration week,seetheGREAT‘MAJESTIC—have its many exclusivefeaturesexplained—find out why the MAJESTIC jis800percentstrongerthanotherrangeswheremostrangesareweakest. CAAAAATHEATTT _THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,-.»,November 5,1915. Two Business Changes. “Mr.S.B.Miller has sold his stockintheCarolinaMotorCompanytotheothermembersof.the company,essrs,H.H.Yount,Locke Mc-Knight and J.M.Deaton,and will_Tetire from the company.Mr.Millerwillprobablydevotemostof—his:a for the present to settling theestateofhistather-mn-law,the lateW..C.Fields of Mouth-of-Wilson,Va.,who had large business interests.“Messrs.P,EK.Herman,J.G.Ham-ilton and P.E.Deitz,the last;namedofHickory,have bought the’HotelTredellBarberShop,the deal for theshopnegotiatedbyMr,Jo.Taylorhavingfailedto’materialize.Mr.aylor will:continue ‘the operation oftheCommercial.Barber Shop as for-|}5merly.Messrs,Hamilton and.Her-Man,who were with the Coley shop,have assumed Management.of theTredell.shop,Mr.Deitz.willmove toStatesvillefromHickorylateraadbewiththem.Mr.M.W.Johnson,former owner and operator of.theIredell:shop,-and--Mr.Chas.Brown,whd was with the Iredell shop,arenowatthe:Coley shop. Ap OldColored Fiddler, :Baldy Gaither,a noted colored citi-zen of north Iredell,was in town thisweek,calling on his friends,BaldybroughthisfiddlewithhimandthisactmadehimdoublyweleometotheortIredellcolonyinStatesville,AsafiddlerBaldyrariksinthe‘St class.Wearing a high hat,in,ger and bearing a fine type ofhe;old-time colored man trained.inslavery,Baldy attracts attentionereverhegoesandhisnumerouswhitefriendsareasloyaltohima¥he is to them.The north Tredell maxwhohasknownBaldysinceheéanre-eo Ae not pipok a suggestionthereiganotherold-time fiddlerinhiscae_ AnteaeeidipCraees on the SheepsheadBay,N.Y.,race track Tuesday es-tablished a new American speed rec-or average of 105.39 miles anour,| a Eleven convicts Mississippi, been granted’fullBroweras mine the cause ofAtwelfthmembsquad” The February,the and beans, toms. promise of ceedings to serving suul',and one had crimes, of:Salisbury, jlilnibetielibadeaedineoecipecnenHowtéPreventCroup.B.Webb —ofItmaybeasurprisetoyoutolearnthatmanycaseseropcanbeprevented,Mrs,H..My Johns,Elida,Ohio,relates her éxpe-rence as follows:“My.litile boy is subjectteeta:During the past winter 1 kept 9bottleofCoughRemedyin.the+.i» ’Rousa.andwhen he»eough er coughedlelnebecausechildrentakeitwillingly,ft is safe and relinble.”Obtatnable ov. es Pontedesee ap 2 this high office. oy Mr,We laid)The$35,000, ibe CONVICTS TOOK ‘THE TEST| Eleven Convicts Won FreedomBySubmittingtoTestsAlleg-ed to Show Pellagra is Due toUnbalancedRation. Jackson,Miss.,Dispatch, Health service.au The cofivicts were toldleavetheprisonimmediate]v.but wéreurgedtoremaina:short time to.benursedbacktohealth.The submia-sion to the tests wag voluntary on the)pardons,but the authori-ties kept the tests secret,fearing thatrelativesmightinstitutelegalpro-1 prevent'them.|.Six of the “pellagra squad”werelife:sentences.foronealifesentencefor There weraesbyanumberofJuniorsbyeaeoftheevening was The corner‘stone ofthewomen’s chub of Raleigh hag been |building -is -to-cost about | at the Rankin,State prison farm,sevenofthemservinglifesentences,have pardons’by Gov,®reward for submitting]to tests by the United States Publiethoritiesto-deter-pellagra,er of the “pellagrawaspardonedafew’monthsagoaftera.physical breakdown._The pardons came aftersissippiStateBoardofHealth an-nounced that the tests on the ‘con-victs had demonstrated that pellagraproducedby’unbalanced ration,and that Dr.Josephconductedthetests,is convinced thatpellagracanbecuredbyproperfood,experiments were bégun the Mis- Goldberger.who last4twelveprisonersnotbeingallowedtoeatfoodscontainin,:fresh milk,fresh lean meat,eggs,peasTheJackoftheseelementsinthefoodofpoorpeopleisbelievedtocausepellagra..It is announeed that six of —theconvictshavepellagraiyaprohouneedformandthatothersshowsymp- they could mutder, criminal as- ten more yearg tosorveformanslaughter.The otherswereshortersentencesforlesser Seeman n In Honor of Mr.Webb.;A big rfily of the Juniorunderthe’auspices of Winona council‘was held in SalisburyTuesdayeveninginhonorofMreC,Statesville,councilor of the Jusiors,and the firstSouthernJiniortobe national honored with a building:for some young lady and Order, \do nothing but end the ‘horse’s sut- TyerN4% A NatyFa nae!A aesy ARE FREE and Your Friends andNeighbors. TURNERSBURG WEDDING. Miss Frazier and Mr.Gatton Good Wheat Crop Being Sown. Correspondence of The Landmark. Turnersburg,Noy.4 —Miss Le- lia Vrazier,daughter of Mrs.JamesFrazier,and Mr.Eddie.Gatton wereunitedinmarriageat4o’clock yes-terday evening at the home of “thelateJamesFrazier\They are bothofthisvicinity.Myr.Gatton isan¥omising ‘young man,stands highinthe°community end ‘has ‘manyfriendswhowishbothmuchhappi-ness.Miss Frazier is a very hand- stands »veryhigh“in the community.©EsquireNealBlackwelderofficiated.After theweddingtheydrovetohisbeautifulhome.where there was in waiting a atives from both sides were ‘présent,The writer wishes.Mr,and Mrs.Gat-ton a long and Happy:life and that toy may always abide with them intheirhometilldeathshallpartthem,_Corn husking is the order of the Yes,the’hovtheconsumer's squeal its last time, days are here and time is coming. After so much wet weather we arehavingacontinuedspellofdry.coolweather.The-farmersare-finishingtheir-wheat sowing.Theré.will he aylargeacreagesown.The writer hascleaned.something over 2,100 bushelsofwheatforseedpurposes.and.isstillcleaningsomeeveryday.Thisisaboutthenumber.of -bushels that{cleaned Jast fall for seed,At anaverageyieldoftenpushelsto.theacre;this will make 21,000 bushelsofwheatthatwillbeharvestedinthisneighborhoodnextyear.At $1perbushelthatwouldmen$21,000,Yes,Iredell county h&s some as goodfarmersasyoutanrun°down ‘in any.county in this State or out of ©theState,;Fite Allisong colored,had the mis-fortune a few days ago to lose:oneofhishorses;The animal was play-ing in the barn lot,went to make aturnand:broke-one of its limbs:Dr.Cooper Talley of Statesville was‘phoned and came to aid,but could fering by killing it, address-| and.the Bucket Cedar Shingles! You know the life of a water buck-.ot.This ig n dressed Cedar Shine |gle and “will outlast any Shingleonthemarket.°AlsoLong-Leat:Pine Shinples-at $2.1,000 and up.Painted VaTin,Ridge Rolt and Nails:_C.WATKINS,Statesville,Nee. hountiful,well-prepared supper.Rel-| day and you.can begin to hear a hog}: Oypress and’B: Don’t Overlook the Date.‘Thisisa Special Invitation to You ontgomery Hard XN PUZZLE CARD that will afford you many hours ofysAmusement.Be sure to have your answers ready to hand in atourstoreTUESDAYafternoon,between three andfive.They must beWRITTEN if you wish to receiveasouvenirorprize.,:’Allduring next weekaspecial dem-°onstrator direct from the MAJES-Special TIC FACTORY will be glad toshowyou“ALLABOUT RANGES”—show you why the MAJESTIC is the best rangeonearthatanyprice. COME,IF YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOTEDUCATIONliesinKNOWINGTHINGS—Knowwhytheovenofarangeisheated—KNOW howthewaterisheated—HOW the top is heated—WHYtheMAJESTICusessolittlefuel—KNOW how arangeismadeinsideandoutside:This educationmayserveyouinthefuture.DON’T OVERLOOKachancetoKNOWTHINGSshownbyone«whoknows.COME. ware Co. Donce BRoTHERS_MOTOR CAR willbe seld in this city by )fi H Ei ee e flower “storage section,in which was storéd f _ment temporarily more than 80 men. SM ,valued at- VOL.XLII. _|STATESVILLE,N.C,TUESDAY,NOVEMBER9,1916.NOB.a. THE BIG ERIRE.IN RALEIGH, News and Observer and UzzellPrintingCompanyDestroyed —Total:Loss About $400,000. About 6 o’clock Saturday morningfirewasdiscovered.on the secondfloorofthebigprintinghouseofFE.M.Uzzell &Co.,Raleigh.The en- tire buildigg was destroyed and theNewsandObserverbuildingadjoin-ing.Included in the fire also was theRaleighapartmenthouse,an annex of the Uzzell building.the Wake ShoeStore,the Crystal Theater,Baptist Book Store’and the J.~L..*O’Quinndepot,also ‘a second-story furniture of the.old Raleigh Hotel000.The total loss is r $400,000,partiallyrance, is-a Heavy loser in the the destruction of nearly 50,000 volrattxousand volumes re- estimated at ports,sevéral thousand volumes of miscellaneous Aaw and other publica- tidns,and alarge stock of white pa- per used in connection with the State printing by the Uzzell Company.Thelossiseasily$60,000 in actual value and the’insurance is $19,000. A part of the property burned in the Uzzell building is.all the colorplatesandformsforthe“North Car-olina Bird Book”that has been in pro- cess of preparation by Dr.Joseph Hyde Pratt,State Geologist,for sev- eral years:The forms were —about ready for press and the book wouldhavebeenissued.within the next few weeks.The 600 color plates aloné cost the State $2,500.These showed every variety of bird in North Caro- lina in its natural colors of plumage. It is doubtful if this publication ¢an be duplicated.This is the second time the.News and Observer has been burned out in a little over two years—the former fire occurring in April,1913.At that time a portion of the property was saved.This time it is a total loss,only the mailing lists and advertising rec- ords being saved.While assisting in the removal of books from the busi- ness office,W.H.Bagley,business manager of the paper,was caught in a door and painfully hurt.Four fire- men also stistained injuries.The News and Observer is appearing daily as usual,being issued in reduced form from the office of the Raleigh Times. The paper’s home will be rebuilt and refurnished as soon as possible. The origin of the fire has not been determined...A:little before it was‘discovered janitors had Jighted thegasunderthemetalpotsofthelino-type machines in the Uzzell building, in’preparation for the day’s work.When the fire was discovered the flames were coming through windows, on the second floor and it is supposed an explosion occurred.The Uzzell building was valued at $60,000.The Raleigh apartment house was owned by Howell Cobb,a well known hotel man,and his loss 1s estimated at $25,000.The burning 6T the Uzzell plant threw out of employ- Cotton Ginned to November 1. The fourth cotton ginning report of the seagon,issued yesterday,shows 7,304,871 bales of cotton,counting round as half bales,of the growth of 1915 has beenginned prior to Novem- ber 1.That compares with 9,826,912 bales,or 61.8)per cent of the entire crop ginned prior to November 1,last year,8,830,396 bales,or 63.2 per cent in 1913,and 8,869,299 bales,or 65.8 per cert in 1912.The average quan-] tity of cotton ginned prior to Novem- ber 1 in the past ten ‘years was 7,954,- 584 bales,or 62.0 per cent of the crop.In.North Carolina |408,056 bales were:ginned prior to November 1, compared with 427,949 last year and 384,260 in 1913. Second Largest Corn Crop. The nation’s corn crop this »yearwasthemost:valuable ever grown. Based on prices paid farmers Novem- ber Ist,it is worth nearly two billion ‘dollars—$1,913 025,000 in exact fig- ures.In size it is second only to the record crop of 1912.The production was 2,090,509,000 bushels,34,000,000 “less than the country’s previous big- gest corn crop. Kitchen Will Oppose. Representative Claude Kitchin,ma- jority leader of the House of Con- gress,told President Wilson yester-day,after a long conference at ‘the White House,that he could not sup- port the administration’s programme for national defense and that he would oppose it in a personal capacity only and not as majority leader. Control More Than Half Serbia. The fall of Nish has united the main Bulgarian forces and the Austro-Ger- man.armies-from_the-north._Hereto- fore théy have been in conjunction at ‘only one point.The Bulgarians and their allies now hold considerably,more than_half ofSerbia‘and command the Nish rail-way.Te AF _ Twelve Perish in a Fire. Twelve persons —.eight womenandfour,men—lost,their lives in afireinafactorybuildinginBrooklyn, N.Y.,.Saturday.‘afternoon.Forty-one. persons"were injured,some of them seriously.¥ Mr.and Mrs,J.B.Fraley and Mr.and Mrs.N.B.Smithey leave tomor- IS IN DYING 'CONDITION. Little Son of Mr.Barringer ofCatawbaAccidentallyShotBy His Brother. Harry Barringer,7-year-old son ofMr,and Mrs,H.F.Barringer,of Ca- tawba county,was accidentally shotandprobablyfatallywoundedSatur-day noon by his brother,Mr.HomerBarringer,about 23 years old.The tragic accident occurred near the Bar- ringer home,about a mile cast.ofNewton,while the two brothers nam-ed and another brother,Mr.Thomas Barringer,were hunting rabbits.Theladwassprinkledwithshotfromhis knees up.sustaining injuries which give him little or no chance of recov-ery. At,6 o'clock:this morning’the little boy“was very low.His death was ex- pected hourly and may have occurred when this is read. The three.brothers had entered a thicket along a branch,with Harry following close at the heels of:his brother .Homer,who had warned him not to get ahead.for fear that he might be shot.Presently a rabbit was jumped in the thicket and after following it with the sight of his gun for a short distance,.Homer Barrin- ger fired.Mr.Thomas Barringer al- so looked.in the direction of the rab-bit and threw his gun to his shoulderwithaviewtofiringatit.In doingso-he-caught sight of —his-younger brother in the thicket just as thé’lat- ter received the load of shot from the gun of Hamer.The lad had decided to leave his brother Homer and go to Thomas,and had gone into the thicket without.the knowledge of Homer.He was just bevond the rabbit and out of sight when Homer fired,The wounded boy was carried to his home by his brothers afd a physician was summoned from Newton.When the doctor found that he was .danger- ously injured he gave him temporary aid and then started him to States- ville by automobile for treatment at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium.He arrived at the Sanatorium about 3 o’clock Sat- urday afternoon,accompanied by his father and two other relatives.Exam- ination by the physicians and X-ray nictures-revealed that both eyes had been punctured by shot,a number of which eritered the brain,but the boy had not lost consciousness.There were also a number of shot in his scalp,ab- domen,arms and legs,One of the shot entering the abdomen penetrated the liver and rite eB reached his lungs. Stroutd-he~rr] one eye and esbalty both. The boy’s mother was prostratedwithgrief.Just as the automobile started for Statesville’she fell in afaintandthedoctorhadtoremain with her. NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. Front Street Church and Mr. Cashwell—Holiness §Confer-ence,.. Rev.J.L.Morgan will preach at St.Michael’s Sunday,14th,at 11 a. m.;at St.Paul’s at 3:30 p.m:and ac Amity at 7 p.m. Mr.T.L.Stikeleather,Mrs.Alon- zo,Heath and Miss Alma Hicks of Harmony left.yesterday for Troy, Montgomery county,to attend Apos- tolic Holiness conferer:cc. Rev.E,D.Brown of Loray left yesterday for Sevier,McDowell coun- ty.where he will conduct a meeting which will continue through next Sunday.Mr.Brown.preached atFrontStreetPresbyterianchureh Sunday evening. No prayermeeting service at BroadStreetMethodistchurchtomorrowevening. The cause of State missions was, presented at:the special service con- ducted at the First:Baptist church Sunday evening by members of the Baraca class.Mr..P.Purnell told of the beginning of the mission work by the Baptists,J.Paul Leonard dis- cussed the accomplishments of thework“and Mr.D.F.Mayberry’s sub-ject was “The’Task Before Us.”Mr.CG.E.Keiger,president of the Bara- ca-class.was in charge of the exer- cises.Special music for the evening was a solo by Miss Ruth Harris©of Statesville college aud selections bytheBaracaguartette,“The colored Western NorthCarolina odist Conference will meet in an- nitel session with the Center StreetMethodistchurchofStatesvilleto-orrow.~Front,Street Baptist church now} has a membership of 79.An effortis being made among the members to raise $100.immediately to apply on the church’s indebtedness,The employment of Rev.C.S.Cash- well._for every Sunday night in the month and two Sundays each montn at Front Street Baptist church;andatSouthRiverchurchtwoSundaysiin a month,‘is being .considered.—Mr.Cashwell is now preaching at FrontStreetthethirdSundayandthe.thirdandfourthSundaynights. To Enforce Speed Laws, Notice ‘was issued Friday by themayorthatonandaftertodaythespeedlawwillbe‘enforced:in.States-ville,On the idea.that itis betterlatethannotat.all,atid on the fur-ther idea that the:enforcement willbethoroughandcontinuous.ratherthanspasmodicandtemporary,theannouncementthatthelawistobe!enforced is to be commended..Automobile .people have been ac-customed’to”regulate “their own row for Wilmington,’via autemobile,where.Messrs.Fraleyand:Smithey goonbusiness.¥\ Mr.Luther Brown,who is in schoolatWestminster,‘Rutherford county,has been at boas on a Visit, speed’so.long,however,that the enforcementof.tho law.will be difficult;but.a.thorough;effort in that direc:tion should have the support of theoesOSItisaierofpene bdenly“became~~delirious, een MR.‘HILL'S8 CONDITION. Very’Precarious—Victim of Au-to Wreck Not Out of Danger. Mr.Henry Hill,who was seriously injured néar Charlotte Thursday af- ternoon when an automobile in whigh he was ridihg with Mr.Wade Surratt was wrecked,as stated in Friday’s Landmark,is still in a precariouscondition.He has shown some im- provement,however,andcomplicationsthereisaslight chanceforrecovery.The operation perform-ed several hours after the.accidentrevealedaveryseriousinternalin- jury.Prof.and Mrs.J.H.Hill have been at his bedside since Friday: Messrs.Surratt and Hill went to Charlotte Wednesday evening in Mr. Surratt’s touring car.Mr.says he desired to make the trip to attend to some business matters in Charlotte and he asked Mr.Hill to go: with him.Some repairs were madeontheautomobileThursdaymorningandtheyoungmenleftCharlotteforthehomewardtripabout2:30 in‘the afternoon,with the top of the ma- chine down.The accident occurred when’they reached the first erailwaycrossingabouteight‘miles out from Charlotte,Mr.Surratt says he was running probably 30°to miles an hour up to an instant heterothewreck.The road was good-“7%not remembering it well enoughtoknowjustwherethecrossingwashedidnotobservethesharpcurve.in time to slow down sufficiently to-roundit.The sun was shining on the wind-shield in such a manner that a broom- sedge field directly ahead of him ap- peared as the open road.‘When he observed the curve Mr. Surratt applied his brakes and at-tempted to stay in the road.The mo- mentum of the car was too great,how- ever,and when the front wheels were steered to an angle the car whirled entirely.over,landing,.on its wheels after turning the,somersault.|Mr.Surratt landed on his face with his head and body under the car..Hewasunhurtand.immediately crawled out.He saw Mr.Hill lying a short distance away among the.cushions, tools,etc.,which had been:dumped outofthe-car when it turned over.©Mr. Hill was asked if he was badly hurt and replied that he didn’t know,butexplainedthathehadaseverepainin his abdomen.The two young _men discussed for a minute or two.what they should do and then Mr.HillowherMr.Surratt realized:that he was se- riously hurt and started back along the road with a view to going to a farm house to ’phone fora physician, MASONS COME TO TOWN. Large Attendance at the District Meeting Friday. Every todge in the 29th Masonic dis-trict was represented at the district Masonie meeting held in Statesville Friday...The district is composed of Iredell and Alexander counties:and in addition to the representatives fromthelodgesofthesecountiestherewerevisitorsfromMecklenburg,Rowan,g}Davie,Davidson,Catawba,Wilkes and Caldwell counties,making the total attendance about 250.The meeting was heldin the local Masonic,quartersintheFirstNationalBankbuilding. At the opening session Friday morn- ing Mr.J.H.Hoffmann madea briefaddressofwelcometothevisitorson behalf of the Statesville lodge,to -|which there avere responses by Mr.W.Surratt)W ’.Holland,as.a member of the Olin lodge,and.Mr.A.M.Matheson of the Taylorsville lodge.Following the opening exercises the first degree:wasconferredbytheStatesvillelodge. In the afternoon the Troutman lodge conferred the second degree, Hon.R.N.Hackett of Wilkesboro spoke in the interest of the Oxford Orphanage,and there were reportsfromtheIddgesofthedistrict.The reports showed growth in membership |hroushout the district. The feature of the finalsession Fri- day evening was an,address on Ma- sonry by Grand ‘Orator R.C.Dunn of Enfield,Halifax county.Local Ma-sons’declare.address‘about.thebesttheyeverheard.Preceding theaddresstheWilsonlodgeofOlincon- ferred the third degree,and after the address the visitors were suhered into the banquet hall,where refreshments provided by the Statesville lodge were served.A collection for the Ox- ford orphanage taken during the eve- ning amounted to about $55.Theamountwillbeappropriatedtothe baby cettage of the orphanage. Mr.W.L.Gilbert,district deputy grandmaster,presided over the meet-ing. THE MONEY |MUST BE PAID. Alderman Talk Foreclosure Pro- ceedings—Water and Sewer Line—Station Poficeman. The board of aldermen is determin- ed to collect all taxes due the city. At,its meeting Friday night it was ordered that taxes for past years previously advertised and not paid -|by January 1st be collected by fore-closure suits in:the-courts.-v mand The matter of settling with ‘the ee for property used in straight- ing Water street from Center to Meeting streets was referred to Before he reached the house he met aa\the sstreet committee with power to man in an automobile and solicited his aid.The stranger took Mr.Surrattinthemachineandhurriedwithhim to the farm house,but when they ar-rived they found no one at home.They then raced’to another house and phoned to Charlotte for physicians. Returning to the scene of the acci-dent Mr.Surratt found that a num- ber of persons who were passing in automobiles had-stopped and were talking to Mr.Hill,who was again inhisrightmind,Within 30 minutestwophysiciansandarepresentative of a Charlotte garage arrived in au- tomobiles.‘Messrs.Hill and Surratt were immediately taken to the Pres-hyterian hospital in.Charlotte.Ex-amination of Mr.Surratt revealedthathehad.escaped injury but Mr.Hill was seriously hurt.It was evi-dent that he was suffering from inter- nal injuries and when he Jost.consci-ousness ‘a-few hours later it was real-ized that his condition was critical. The automobile was not badly damaged,considering that‘it turned entirely over.The windshield and steering wheel were crushed and the front axle was bent,It-was run intoCharlottebyitsownpowerandplacedinagarageforrepairs. Mr.Surratt remained in Charlotte with Mr.Hill ‘until Friday morning,when he returned home on the train. Wilkes Men Give Bond. Scholar Davis and James McCar-ter,white men of Wilkes county, against whom bills of indictment for]o manufacturing liquor were found by|o the grand jury of the recent SuperiorCourt,came to Statesville Saturday afternoon and gave bond for their ap-pearance at the next term of court,They are charged with being responsi- ble for a brandy distillery recently ‘destroyed by officers in New Hope township,near the Wilke’line.ThemenhadlearnedthatSheriffDeaton had capiases for them and they ar- ranged through friends to come toStatesvilleandgivebondwithoutbe-ing arrested.W.H.McCarter,abrotherofJames,gave bond for his appearance at court to answer for re-tailing.He admits his guilt.It is charged that McCarter has sold liquor in large quantities to persons who gotohishomeinautemobiles-and bug- gies by appointment. Mr.and Mrs.Shepherd Go to, \‘Texas: Mr,and Mrs.Foard Shepherd and}children of.Elmwood left SaturdayeveningforTexas,where they willmaketheirhome.They will first visitrelativesofMrs.’Shepherd in Beau-mont and.Shiro,Texas,and will thenlocateat.some point‘in the State.Mr.and.Mrs.Shepherd formerly lived inFort.Worth,Texas,coming to Elm-wood a few.years ago to make their,home with Mr.Shepherd’s father,thelateGeo.F.Shepherd.After theShepherdhome:was burned ‘severalmonthsagotheydecided*to return.toTexasratherthanrebuildthehouse ete ee aest their home at Elm- act.»Conerete sidewalk was orderedTaidonthewestsideofParkstreet, from Proad street to Davie avenue, as early as possible. The board agreed to furnish water for a new house which is being erect- ed by Mr.Sig.Wallace.on the -siteoftheoneburnedatthecornerof Euclid avenue and Stockton streets, provided Mr.Wallace will pay for the nipe line.The house is just outsidethe.corporate limits and.“outside” rates will’be charged for water.©Ai sewer line was ordered laid along the alley running from Elm to Salis- bury streets,near the Conger stable, provided:an easement for the line is secured without cost to the city.The present water line on Walnut street, from Race to Oak street,was order- ed replaced with a larger one. The question of an all-time police- man for the railway station and vi-cinity was discussed and the board agreed to place an officer at the sta- tion provided the railway company will pay half his salary. TheDeath Record. Mr.Cicero Cline,father of Mr.P.M.Cline and Mrs.W.A.Bollinger of the vicinity of Statesville,died FridayathishomeinNewton..The Cline and Bollinger families attended thefuneralandburial,which took place Saturday at St.Paul’sS graveyard,near Newton.Mr.Cline was 78 years ola and is survived by his wife and eight children.He was an esteemed citizenof,his.town and had an:honorable rec- jas a soldier of the Confederacy. During the past few years he had‘gathered much‘data on thé Cline fam-|™ ily which was ready for’publicationwhenhedied. An infant of Mr.and Mrs.Ross Thompson died Friday night at thehomeofitsparentsonSeventh street.and was buried Surtiday at St. Martin’s church.The body of Mrs.Mary F.Martin, wife of Mr.W.D.Martin of East Bend,Yadkin county,who died Satur- day in a sanatorium at Morganton, was brought to Statesville by train} aturday night and taken from here by private conveyance to Yadkin coun- ty,where the funeral and burial took place Sunday at Sandy Springs church- Mrs.Martin was 52 years old and ig survived.by her husband and a num-ber of children. Wort When Pony Ran Away. Gladys Holland,,the 5-year2old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Pete Hol- land,who live on the northern exten- sion of Mulberry street,was injured inarunaway Saturday Afternoon.An ugly gash was cut in her forehead above the left eye.The little girl was playing near her home with other chil- dren when a pony driven to a buggybyherbrother*ran away,and she wasknocked—dow and injered.Nootherdamagevesulted.The fittlegirlwascarriedbyher“moth- rer .to the Sanatorium,-where~thefwoundonherforeheadwasdressed,ree stitthes being necessary to GREAT BRITAIN WARNED. United States Cannot Submit to Curtailment of ‘Its Neutral Rights. The note of the United States to the British government,made public Sun- day.covers exhaustively British in- terference with American trade sincethebeginningoftheEuropeanwar and_declares.that the so-called block- ade instituted by the allies againstenemycountriesonMarch11,is “in- effective,illegal and indefensible,”No- tice is served that thexAmerican gov- ernment “cannot submit to the cur- tailment of its neutral rights,”and it cannot “with complacence suffer furth- er subordination of its rights and:in- terests.” Ambassador Page,to whom the note was sent by special messenger for delivery to the London foreign:office, was instructed by Secretary Lansing “to impress most earnestly”upon the British government that the United States “must insist the relations.be- tween it and His Majesty’s govern-ment be governed,not by a policy of expediency but by those establishedrulesofinternationalconducttowhichGreatBritaininthepasthasheldtheUnitedStatestoaccount when the latter nation was a bellig- erent engaged in a struggle for na-tional existence.” Declaring the United States “un-hesitatingly assumes”the task of championing the integrity of neutralrights,the note proclaims.that.the American government will devote its energies to the task,exercising al- ways an impartial attitude. The note,‘nearly 15,000 words in length,was made public by agree- ment between the State DepartmentandtheBritishforeignoffice.It car- ries with it a voluminous appendix. giving the text of American naval instructions issuedin 1862 and a sum- mary and table showing hundreds of vessels.detained by British authorities since the beginning of the presentwar, The body of the note is divided in- to 35 points,dealing with all phases of the contraband question,seizuresanddetentions,prior to,as well as after,the so-called blockade was in- stituted,and announces that a sepa- rate communication, dealing particulari¥’with the “pro-priety and right’of the British gov-ernment to include in their list ofcontrabandofwarcertainarticleswhichhavebeensoincluded.” }Arbor Day attheGraded School. Arbor Day was observed at the]bemaingtadedschoolFriday.with appropriate exercises by members of the faculty and children of the inter- mediate and primary departments.The exercises were held in the schoolauditoriumat10o’clock in the fore-noon and were attended by a goodlynumberofvisitors.Papers on sub- jects pertaining to Arbor Day were read by Misses Armfield,Terry,Wortham and Rutledge,‘teachers,and there wefte songs,_recitations,ete.,by children,under the direction of Misses Massey,McNairy andGrier.Mayor Caldwell made a talk on the observance of the day.He spoke of the work of re-setting.treesonthestreetsofStatesvillewherestreetimprovementhadnecessitatedthedestructionoftreesandmention-ed that his administration had been censured for cutting es.He be- lieves that after the new trees get astartthepeoplewillseethewisdomofcuttingtheoldones,most.of which were diseased.Some _things must go that better,ones may come, he said. Launch kétoplene From Moving Ship. The Navy Department announcesthatFridayanaeroplanewaslaunch-ed.,successfully from a device whichhasbeenundertestattheaeronauticstationonthearmoredcruiserNorthCarolina..This is the first time an aeroplane has been lIaunched from a ship:under way,says the statement,and represents the culmination of aseriesofexperimentsstartedin1912.The device or catapult first was tried out by Capt.W.I.Chambers ofthenavy,when he was in charge ofaviation.The original tests weremidedttheWashingtonNavyYard, whete two successful flights weremade.A riew and improved design then was made and a device construct- ed aiid shipped to the aeronautic sta- tion at Pensacola,Fla.,where it wasinstalledoha.coal barge and testedbeforebeinginstalledonthe;North Carolina,several successful flights being made. Mileage Book Matter in Highest Court. The quéstion of:whether a.rail-road has the right.to confiscate non- transferable mileage books wien pre-sented for the transportation of oth- érs than the.original purchaser,hasbeenpresentedtotheUgitedStatesSupremeCouryfordecision.TheSouthernRailwayCompanyisseek-ing to set aside a judgment.renderedagainstitintheSouthCarolinacourts|t for having declared forfeited’a mile-age marked “non-transferable,”bought by Samuel J...Campbell of Greensboro,N,C.,and.presented:byCampbelltoaconductor’for the trans-portation of Campbell’s wife. C.M.Sydes,who while.drunk rananautomobileintoabuggyandse-riously injured two negroes,one ofthempossiblypermanently,is undersentenceoffivemonthsontheroads. The completion of the~Asheville-Charlotte ewes was celebratedSaturdayatWallow,;Henderson} county. pal speaker, }i _jolose it,The skull was not injured.t Folks gta g rote 1 ill be sent soon |. Gov.cg was the Bringi-railroad. |BRIEF IITEMS LOLOCAL NEWS —A football le de ahighschoolteams.of 8 eavilleCharlotteis.scheduléd);,on the local grounds next. —License has been issued forthemarriageofMissFlorenceGarter:Mr.Floyd;P;Beaver,Mise Carrie.felTempletonand.Mr.John D..Holland. —Contractor T.-L.SteeleofState ville went to Barium:yesstarttheworkontheboiler eethesteamheatingplantforriumOrphans’Home. —The T.A.Price property in wortsarwasetatauctionyesteriaybyMr.offmann,admintrator,to +Isidore Wallace.for$235.es —The fire truck was called to ‘thehomeofMr.B.*J.Ross on.FrontstreeteatlySundayevening.A.lamphadexploded,but.the flames were ex-tinguished before the truck arrived. ~—-Mr.J.H.Morrison of Statesvillehasbought:from Mr.T..L.:Overeashatractoflandin.Cook town- Springshipcontaining45acres...Mr;Morri-©son expects to improve the property. -—Mr,John Simonton,a former’res-ident of Statesville who had for thepastyearorlongerlived:in'see,returned to Statesville a ‘3ago.His wife died in Tennessee,eetimeagoandhischildrenarestillS sthatState.;Profs,Hagenbeck-and-who:will occupy the center of “a :stage in Statesville today,early this morning.and were arrived ¢ ed at the station by the enthusisetswho.always see the circus in,Parade advertised for 10brett —The Landmark hears.thatat plansarebeingconsideredforanacleatBlackMountam,to fold 20,20,-000 ‘people,and a part oftohaveachoirof2,000 vee Thisisinconnectionwiththesummer‘religiousassembliesatBlackMountain —Mr.W..W.Foushee,a formerresteofStatesville-who has.recent-been located at Makers was inpenallast.wee _is..under-stood that Mr.Foushee (eereturningtoStatesvillein the’meeefuturewithaviewto.engagingin.thepiano.and organ business,bo eet —Messrs.W.D.Turner.andcanmanThompson,who appearedbeforeJudgeHarding|cet Burnsville | wee f ae temporary injane-issolution 0:01Homgrates.Geo,By against the.Sinclair.the injunction of z.Tamaber CoyberCo.against Chapeau was.made permanent, —Mrs.George Ww.Long—widow ‘of ayraham—who:on Richmond:for ‘aareed:in Dr.Long-of Ginahospitalatmentforrheumatism, ‘home with her.son-in-law,and.dauter,Mb ee take Adams, son,Mr.ge Long,eher..Mrs.Longis in c,caanllessotCCEi‘Sahaorrison,of.iloh Asenwiningprizespe:=Orin:Lastweek.at the Catawfair’in Hickory he won.first.ason Met ue ten ears of corn.aand.also won suntanearityepoultryline.he wonelandfirstpullet..onRhodeIslandReds,In all Mr,rison won about i bus —The ean it:telpaniesatThomlleEteHighPoint.are.‘now.the Postal Telegraph ad ToteCompany,oun whieh givespatronslongdistanceconnection,theTredellTelephone.Co.can getconnectionifalinecan.be.built:ee ee and.Salisbury ,.andit-is hoped t SETS Gere:soon be made to this:end....hi ‘Mr.Ritchie’s Car Taken. Mr.C.E.Ritehie’s Ford in the street in front of his homMeeting.street Sunday night andterdaymorningitcouldnotbefound.Mr.P.S.Pope,who.lives nexttoMr.Ritchie,heard some oneamachineandspeedofftoward therailroadabout5:30 yésterda:ing,and.it is supposed’that:thie:weewhen.Mr.Ritchie’s car was taken.Mr,Ritchie had removed the key from theelectricswitehofthecar,but ‘the per-son or persons who:took it:awaysimplytookoffthebrassplatefromaroundtheswitchandturned:it:with-out the key:aaa!The officers are making an:effortrecoverthecarandhavenotifiedofficersofothertownstobeonthelookoutforit.Itis a 1915 :the factory number.is 792087,tor number beincensenumber.of the.car i8thelicenseplatewas.not hung’te.ear,Mr,Ritchiehad under.back seat.”g maTheHomenumber,plate wasfromMr,J.Vaughan’s.cartimebetween:Saturday aberg car is missing.\He left it standing eon make it ‘moreidentifythestolen con eenumber“was i Mrs.8.S.Tay,8Stokes,Jr.peal ferhecn See, Rainesee “At PerrSthe.Petaling of anu man wereer a. The - a it ‘|ident of the AEN ERED BLE CLEARROP ET Cee.a af.ia oe *ems Orne es Ms ‘Resume of the Hollis-Bulkley Bill—All the Working Fea- ‘tures of the Act Presented. 2 s of the Hollis-Bulkley te bill,No.5542: ,tion 3 creates a Federal Farm ‘Loan Board;consisting of three mem- »bers,including the Secretary of the “Treasury and the Secretary’of Ag- ~riculture who,with a farm loan com- mission to ‘be appoiiited by thé Pres- nited States,shall con- rd.The said’commis- nd ac-*stitute the }+sioner shall act as chairman a {tive executive officer of ‘theiheboardwillhavefullcontrol oftheadministrationofthisact. -Section 4 provides for the forma-tion of ‘associations to he known as'National Farm Loan Association,for ©ed with -mortgage shall contain an agreement: ‘for the payment of interest and for carrying on the business of lending| on farm mortgage security under this act,which may be formed by any‘number of persons,not less in any -ease than five.A copy of the articles‘of association shall be forwarded tothefarmloancommissionerandif approved by him he may grant theirapplicationanddesignatethe‘county or contiguous counties as a farm loandistrictforsuchassociation_undertheprovisionsofthisact. Capital Stock.The capital stock of each National+Farm Loan Association shall be ‘not Jess than $10,000 and shall be divid-,ed ‘into shares of $25 each.Every -stockholder shall be entitled to one wote on each share of stock held by_him,provided that the “maximum x,of votes which:may be castaby@nestockholder.shall.be ten. 'The*direetors may permit individuals_.to subscribe for shares on a partial wayment or building and “loan plan, y making-a payment of 10 per cen- ‘tum of the face value of such shares, and entering into an agreement to ‘make further payments at stated pe- -®iods until such shares are fully paid .for.\ ..‘At least 50 per cent.of the capital ~stock of every farm loan association shall be:paid in cash before it shall-be authorizedto.begin business and the remainder,at the discretion of its“fncorporators,may be paid in first mortgages upon lands of the sub- seribers.At least 5 per cent.of the capital at the time of must be invested in United States“ponds..None but members shall be “permitted to borrow funds from an! No loan shall be made|“association. for more than twenty times the“amgunt of the stock held by the ap- “plicant.Every farm loan association shall provide for increase of its cap- ital stock from time to time for the purpose of acquiring additional caSh -funds or of providing for the issue /~of shares to borrowers and others in “accordance with the provisions of the ‘act. .,Officers and Directors.,ofiLoanAssociations. ~The ownership of five shares of .|stock,fully naid in,shall qualify for-directors,_The--board-.of.directors-elect or appoint the officers:Severe penalties are provided for embezzle- *ment or misapplication of funds.The“directors appoint two ‘members ~of“the official committee.and one to be ‘appointed by the Federal Land Bank“of the district.Powers of “oan Association. »-Po make‘foans of current funds se- ».ecured by’first mortgages on.farmlandssitnatedwithintheFarmLoandistrictoftheassociation;to “buy _from any’other Farm:Loan Associa- _tion endorsed first mortgages and toselltoother-associations its own en- dorsed mortgages;-to buy and sell-Farm Loan Bonds;to buy and sell +United States Bonds;to acquire asuitablehouseforthetransactionofits.own’busiijess;/to issue certifi-cates against current funds deposit-t,Hearing interest not ‘ex-_ceeding 4 ner cent.,such deposits to_be forwarded to the Land Bank ofthedistrict. Farm Restrictions.:No farm jloan association _shallmakeloanséxceptonthefollowingtermsandconditions:All loans:shall be sétured.by~first »mortgage on farm land within the*farmloan district in which the asso- _ciation shall be situated..Every suchie y the reduction of the amount of the ‘-loan so secured by annual or semi- --amnual amortization ‘payments.Ev-»ery such mortgage shall run for at~least five years and for a period not exceeding 25-years.Every mortgage~loan ‘shall provide for its extinguish- \ ment at the option of the borrower,*in whole or in part,at any interest«day -after five years from the date<:upon,which such loan was made,bythepaymentofeashorbytheten-der of farm loan bonds-at their facevalue,.-all unmatured coupons beingattachedthereto.The rate of jnter-,est for such loans shall not exceed‘the legal rate in the State whenissued.Loans may be made for the»following purposes only:|.To provide for the improvement of'farm.lands;to provide for the pur-ie of equipment and live stock“necessary for the proper and reagson-yable operation of the farm;to pro-4 for.the purchase of-a—-farm_¢home;to,liquidate —indebtedness of,the’owner of the land mortgaged fo: poone of the purposes above mention-no loan shall exceed 50 per cent:_2 of the value-of the land and 25 perYeent.of the value of the buildingsathereonandthe.actual earning pow-.@r of said land shall be a principal\factor in determining the value of‘the land;no such loan shall be mado“to any person who is not at the time,‘or shortly to become,a bona fide res-ident on the*farm mortgaged,primarilyengagedinthecultivationthere-of;no such loan shall exceed.$10,000toanyoneborrower,nor 20 per cent. of the capitaljand surplus of.the as-Bgelation.making the loan;‘each ap- Whenever You NoedaGeneral TonicTakeG ¢is equally valuable.ic:t it contains the‘propertiesofQUININEAtacta.on the Liver,Drives plicant Yor a loan ‘shall ‘atate under. board,(farm loan.bonds and “toy fix the rate ‘of interest thereon;‘te require re- ithe laws of any State with authority organization| ax r oath the objects to which the’pro-ceeds of the loan are to*be applied/Federal Land Bank Deposits.\The Federal Farm Loan ©Boardshallestablishandannouncedistri¢tswhichshallbethesameasthepres-ent Federal Reserve Banking dis-tricts;and the Federal Land Bank ofeachdistrictshallhaveitshomeof- fice in any city in such district.which may be designated:by the Federal Farm Loan Board.1PowersoftheFederalFarm.Loan,Board,ts bsToorganizeFedera?Land’BanksandFederalFarmBondBanks:to ré- charged by Farm Loan Associations; to grantor refuse’to said banks au- thority to,make.specific issue »of ports from end make examinations ofsaidbanksandfarmloanassocia- tions;to appraise farm lands throughthefarmloancommissioner.Admission.of State,Institutions. To associations organized _under to make loans upon lands conforma- bly to this act,the said board mayissueanorder.permitting Federal Land Banks operating.in such terri-itory to purchase first morteages,from any such association with ‘its en- endorsement and to use the same as collateral security when applying through the Federal Reserve Agent for authority to issue Farm Loan bonds;the Federal Farm Loan Board shall establish rules.and.regulations to which such associations,organized under State law,shall conform,so farasthesaidboardshalldeemneces,sary.Organization.of Federal Land Banks. The Farm Loan Commissioner shall select five Farm Loan Agsociations ofeachFederalLandBank«district to act by an officer thereof designated for the purpose by the board of di- rectors.who-shall—unite-to form—the Federal Land Bank of the district; the board of directors of every Fed- eral Land Rank shall consist of nine members.three of whom shall be ap-nointéd ‘by the Federal Farm Ioan Board and six of whom shall be chos- en as provided for the election of di- rectors of Farm Loan Associations; avery Farm Loan Association musi subseribe for not less than $1,000 of the capital stock.of the said Land Bank;‘each Farm Loan Association must.subscribe and pay for an amount of the capital stock of ‘said Land Bank,equal to at least ten per cent: ef its own canitalization. Capital of Federal Land Banks. It is provided that every Federal jLand Bank shall have,before begin- ;ning business.a subscribed capital of ‘not less than $500,006;at least 50.per ;eent,of the said capital shall be paid ‘ih cash when required by the Féder: lal nace Loan Board;the capital|stock shall be divided into shares of| ;$100 each and may be subscribed for| jand held by any individual, firm or} lcorporation,or by the governmentof |any State or of the United States;stockholders shall share in all divi- dend distributions without —prefer- ence:each Farm Loan Associationandthegovernmentof_the.United States shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock held by it at all elections -of directors and in’de- ciding sll questions at meetings’of shareholders,and no other sharehold- er shall be permitted to vote;if with- in 90 days after the openitig of said hooks any.part of.the minimum cap- Ttalizations shall.remain.unsubscrihed, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to subscribe.the un-subscribed balance of the $500,000 (such subscrintion to be subject to callin,whole or in part upon 30 days’,no- tice. Powers of Land Banks. To issue.subject to the._ap-proval of the:Federal Farm Loan Board,and to sell Farm Loan Bondsofthekindsauthorizédinthisact;to huy the same for its,own account and retuin the same at\maturity;toinvestsuchfundsasmaybeinits possession in the purchase of first mortgages on farm lands.situated within the Federal Land Bank ©dis-trict within which it is érganized,or for which it is acting,preference he- ing given to mortgages ‘taken by Farm..Loan Associations;to \receive by -assignment from Farm.Loan As- sociations and to deposit in trust withthe Federal Reserve Agent of its district.to be-held by him as spe- cial security for Farm Loan Bonds, first mortgages upon farm lands;to acquire and dispose of -a_suitable banking house for conducting its business,parcels of land:mortgagedtoitassecuritythroughFarmLoanAssociations;to deposit its securi- ties and current .funds:subject.tocheckwithanyFederal.Reserve Bank;to accept deposits’of securi- ties or of current funds from.Farm Loan Associations but to pay no in- terest on such deposits;to buy and sell United States Bonds.,Restrictions on Land Banks. .That no Federal Land Bank shallhavepowertoacceptdepositsofcur- rent funds except from its-own stock- holders or to transact any banking or other business not.expressly author- ized by the provisions of this act; to.purchase or accept.from.Farm Loan Associations first mortgagesunlessstichmortgageswere-cre- ated subject to all limitations impos- ed by this act;to issue or obligate itself for outstanding Farm Loan Bonds in excess of twenty times the amount of its capital and surplus,FederalFarm Bond Banks.|That associations to be known as Federal Farm Bond Banks for car- rying.on the business of lending on farm-mortgage security and issuing Farm Loan Bonds may be formed by any number of natural -persons,notlessthanfive:that the board of di-| rectors of each such associétion shall consist of nine members,three of whom shall be apointed hy the Feder- al Farm Loan Board,and six of whom| shall be chosen..as.provided for the}election of directors of “Farm Loan| Associations;.Pederal.Farm...Land: Batiks shall be —limitedto-a~single|State and shall Tetea teall of|the restrictions imposed on National!Farm-Loan assessments by this act “en ie Pui t'a Mot Ae Tr |se of ité totic and taxati ;|pera BROMO QUININE heberioecass oarshineanddoesnotcausenervousnessyAhead.Remember the fullthesignatureofi,W.GROVE. norand28%. Por a view and alter the rate of interest|F |purpose of collecting ‘Taxes.|:Please meet ime “oF borrowers from such banks shall not be required to become Taninsaidbanks;said banks ‘shall besubject’tq all the restrictions andconditions.imposed on Federal ndBanksbythisact;provided,howev-|,er.that the government of the Unit-ed States shall not be authorized prrequiredtopurchase‘or subseribe’foranyofthecapitalofanysuchbank;no said bank shall be authorized’to do business.until capital stock to theamountofatleast$250,000 has heensubscribedand-paid in cash;FarmLoanBondsissuedbysuchbanksshallbesoengraved.as to be readily distinguished in form and colér fromarmLoanBondsissnedunderthisactbyFederalLandBanks,;Applications for Farm’Loan Bonds,Federal:Land Banks shall make application to the Federal Farm Loan Board threugh the Federal Reserve Agent of the district for approval of such issue;such application shall he accompanied with:tender to theFederalReserveA@entoffirstmort.gages on farm lands ,as collateral security for the bonds in amount-not less.than the sum of the bonds.ap-vlied for;all of the Federal LandBanksshallbe*conjointly ‘liable for the whole amount of bonds.issued hy them and)for the interest thereon,invroportiontotheamount,of Farm} Loan Bonds each may have outstand- ing. Appraisal.The Farm Loan Commissioner shall appoint appraisers.one or more of whom shall at stated periods ‘vis- it-every Land Bank district and make a general report regarding the values of the lands in:each State;the com- missioner shall apply to every Pedér-al Land Bank a’schedule —stating maximum acre valuations for eachNationalFarmLoandistrictinvguch detail as he may deem necessary,and said schedule shall not be exceeded,in makine loans;said schedule shall be revised every five years. Series of Farm Loan Bonds.That’Farm Loan Bonds shall be is-|: sude in denominations of $100,$500and$1,000,:and shall run for specif- ied maximum.periods,with interest, coupons ‘attached. sued in series of $100,000,whose term shall he fixed for each bank by the Federal Farm Loan Board,and shall bear a rate of interest to be és- tablished by said board,not’to ex- eeed five per cent.per annum;the honds will be furnished by the:See- retary.of the Treasury,engraved in ihe best manner to guard against eounterfeits’and fraudulent ations,¢ Issue and Redemption of Farm Lean Bonds.\ Very complete provision is made in the act,governing the issue and redemption of Farm Loan Bonds and for the withdrawal and substitution of first mortgages as may ‘be(rtin- ning from time to time,to enable vorrowers to pay off or reduce their ioans,as provided in the act;whenev- cr anv Farm Loan Bonds or coupohs (Continued on third page.)«r«: HAVE YOU:BEEN SICK? payable annually) or semi -annually,and shall -bewis-| alter-| {i | {} }} The air-tight drums of eleven 5c TWISTS.’ should be in the home of every man who likes -&The Thinkers of the :Country Are theTobaccoChewers’’—. said one of the greatest’thinkers this country everproduced,|maaan 9Here’s Sense!S 7 Rc esFarmersjustusethesame good judgment in choosing / your tobacco that you do in raising and selling your_crops., Chev a mild tobacce.ve What’s the use of letting a strong,rank tobacco jangle your nerves?PICNIC TWIST tastes better and is milder—lots” milder. Youcan chew it all day without over-chewing. _The specially selected tobacco leaves that go tnto PICNIC TWIST are the finest,mellowest obtainable and of the best chewing kind, |CHEWING TOBACCO . good,mild chewing tobacco. 4 {ie Then -you:realize the utter weakness /' that robs ambition,destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. Torestorethat strength and staminathat |. is so essential,nothing has ever equaled || or contpared with Scott’s Emulsicen,be-|)cause ite strength-sustdining nourish- ment invigorates the blood to distributeenergythroughoutthebodywhileitstonic value sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural,permanent’way.If you are run down,tired,nervous,overworked or lack strength,get Scott's Emulsion to-day,It is free from alcohol,Scott &Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J.>- “Olive Zest” Is_something new.Makes delicious sand-wiches,only 20c.perbottle,\\ We have Peanut But-ter in quart jars at 25c.per jar. A tub of Fat Macker-el just arrived.—’Phone.89.—. Eagle & Milholland, TAXES!fies ffIwillbeatthefollowingplaces,at the time,mentioned,with the 1915 Tax Books for ‘the and pay your Tax; |Butter Wrappers! We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, and can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let us have your order for any quantity you want.See us,Prices reasonable. _Brady Printing Co. LS A DR.B.C.TALLEY, VETERINARIAN.. 'Headquarters Statesville Drug Co.|Office ’PhoneResidence’Phone 307 Black., ‘DEITZ &PATTERSON Practical:Blacksmiths and HorseShoers..Rubber Tiring and HotTireShrinking.General Repair- ing,Painting,etc.Shop rear ofaK.Morrison Grocery&Produce0.— Shiloh township,Brady's Cross Roads,ton.: Nov.15,from 9:30,to 12:30 a.m. Concord,Scotts,.Mon.,“Nov.15,1:00 to 4100P:,m. Sharpesburg,R.J.Bryant's Store,Tues.,Nov. 16,9:00 to 12:30 a.m.yNewHope,at Redman's Store,Tues.,Nov. 16,1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Union Grove,E.E.Robtnson’s Store,Wed,Nov,17,9:00 to 12:30 a,m.4Olin,Olin at Weisner &Reid's Store,Wed., Nov.17,1:00 to 4:00 p,m.Eagle Mills,C.©.Thaxpe’s Store,Thurs.,Noy.18;9:00.to 12:00 a.m,Turnersbtrg,‘at Harmony,Thurs,,Noy..18, 1:00 to 4:00 p.mBethany,at H.A.Tomlin’s Store,Fri,Nov.9,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.;©Cool Spring,at Oak Forest,Fri.,Nov.19,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.:;Coddle Cyeek,Mooresville,Sat.,Nov.20,9:00 to 4:00 p.m.Chambersburg,at Elmwood,Mon.,Nov.,¢,22, 9:00 to 12100 a.m,“Barringer,at P,A.Shinn’s Store,Mon.,Nov.22,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.Davidson,at Dr.Jy T.Moore's Store,Tues,,ow 28,9:00 to 12:00 a,m,rfisiown,at Troutman,Wed,Nov,24,9:00Oo12:00°a.m. J.M.DEATON,Sheriff Iredell Co, NOTICE OF SALE OF LUMBER, North Carolina,Iredell County.5Whereas,J.P.Sprinkle.is indebted to G,L..Blackwelder-in the sum’of $781.70 (for la-bor performé&in sawing lumber,and defaulthasbeenmadeforninetydaysinthepay-ment of same,the undersigned.will.sell_tothehighestbidderforh,on : WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 17th,1915, ™12°o'clock,‘m.,-at’Mrs.Mamie Nooe’s.farmontheTurnersburgroad,the following de-scribed.-personal property,to-wit:‘122,879 feet of pine:lumber.:Said lumber now being in the possession ofthesaidG.L.Blackwelder’on lands leasedfromMrs.Mamie Nooe.f y Nov.5, psign: WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —HeavyBrass 74c.|‘per pound,Light Brass5c.per ‘pound. New;and second hand boiler-room supplies.. Cc,H.TURNER.Iredell 'Phon¢No.74,Bell ‘No.7, aA Don't Burn up Your Money! By buying poor coal.Buy the.best,coal from our yards and you'll soon learn that it will go twice as far and give more heat. Every ounce eorele the maximum heat producing quality. stoke Blue Gem;Jellico,Penn.Anthracite. PHONE 205——— |Statesville Ice &Fuel Company,QUALITY COAL DEALERS. .-—_-§ Upder the terms:of the will of Mrs.Har-‘plot Clark,deceased,the undersigned executor‘offers.at private sale a valuable tract oflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawbacounty,N.C.,containing 151 acres more orlessxandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.¢tract contains 50 acres.of Srigital forestand4@acresofriverbottomlands,The estate,also offers a house and lot in Troutman andanislandof10acresintheCatawbariver.For terms apply to‘“Cc.H.BROWN,RB.McLaughlin,Atty.Trou!July 18.1915.‘>NOTICE TO CREDITORS.Having qualified ns executor*of the ‘will ofLynBost, Bx itman,N.C. <a, sons havingclaims’against the estdte of ‘theaniddeceasedtopresent.them ‘to:the under+ ,16,1916,cor thiwillbepleabarof.their yepisind‘to the estate ‘ofwill’wrease.make prompt ed -on oF (beforenotice .G@ L.BLACKWELDER.dD.F.hart Att'y.-%#t—1t,a,w.1015.%sik Be VALUABLE LAND AT’PRIVATE SALE.| ,.wate of Iredell.comwa-||ty,North Carolina,this it to notify all per-|, DEWEY L.RAYMiuvy-wood.Bost, & NEW MARBLE YARD! We have opened a yard at 118 east Broad Street,Statesville Marble and Granite Co’.s old stand,where we are prepared to do all kinds of Marble and Granite work at lowest possible prices.For first-class . work and material see us ‘before placing your orders.W.F.REECE &COMPANY. clocks and fitting facles and eye-glasse :GOOD TIME!The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeepér can't be ex-pected to plan and have meals on time.Then ‘there is no economy inwearingout'your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on,Nowhatyouwantto-doisto meee clock.repaired by BOHENRYwhileheigdevoting,his entire time to repairing watches:an8.i Alavi 6a, Le hyMy tor i :*SAVESDAUGHTER Alves of Wat vo Delt PrvatsDaughter'sUntimelyEnd i en ’Ready,Ky.wasnot able foaef,downin bed or threemenotspce,wai 4 cannot tell how ueremyhead,nd wihwr “a ou ‘aawomanlytroub 'Ourmany aes told my husband heme,and heitup.We Wiedanother doclor,a didnot help me,°‘ »my mother advisedoneihe’wocnany’'$Sonic,”Baeitwasnotaefeetwaenearly:Kheddnothingseemedtodoabe,any good.Buteas"al ay oe aad wowiwashing,ahi et irin!SakfthinkCart is tie best|medicine ff and tooklook the cnn ot nealhealih,”if suffer fromany ofthe ailmentspeculiarwomenpegAeaeyisitwill’hel ‘ou,for it hashelpeleyoufoni aomanyweakwomeninthepast50years, path ‘ aan i a Medicine Go.,Ladies?ee tay aNomen,”an plain wrapper. REDUCTION IN REAL ESTATE. 96 5-8.acres on Fourth creek,re- duced from $35 to $27.50 per acre. Twenty acres in Bloomfield,re- duced from $225 to $190 per acre.W.L.SMITH,Statesville,N.C. Nov,5-—4t. FOR RENT,SALE OR EXCHANGE! We offe?farm PE aw the A.Ro Ray“place,10 miles east of Durham,of 200 acres for rent;110 acres in cultivation,good land.One good residence,’‘three tefiant nouses,two tobsaeco barns,pack houses,store house,blacksmithshopandalloutbuildings.We would prefer|)renting to a merchant.as it is a goog standforastore.We will rent it for one,three orfiveyearstosuittherenter;or will exchange for city property or merchandise or cash.Pos- session given January ist,1916.If interestedapplytoSMITHEY&FRALEY,WilkesboroorStatesville,N.C.Nov.5,—4t. Scasicenpsenenpipenentialbmetnierairirsnsp nate ——THE—— Paine View Dairy Has just had its cows testedandtheywerefoundin good condition —another reason why the Dairy with the Dacro System should be patronized: —’PHONE 347 BLACK:— aan abetamaleshaineetlip oak THE FREIGHT ON 100 FEET Long Leaf Pine to Statesville is fless than the cost of hauling 100 feet by wagon from four miles out: of Statesville.Kiln-dried Long- fLeaf Pine Flooring,Ceiling, Weatherboarding,-Boxing and Casing are cheapest and_best. Full stock of all grades ready for delivery at all times.C.WATKINS,N.Center St. SACRETTC:BOR RA_—$EE—— The New Line of Copy- righted Books ois ts A Plaae RP.ALLISON'S © Book STORE. DRAIN YOUR FARM. ‘Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN TILE on hand. Common Bricks,FateBricks,always ready for.delivery.? Stateayills Brick Co. Cc.WATKINS for’.. “Everything to Build With.” FULL'S''O,K--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,Floorining,Lat!28,Lime,NextPlanters’ Cement,etc. Wis,Stasewville. FOR FINE CLEANING “=~SAND DYEING—'PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. Coite,L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer’’phone ‘calls left at Dr..Long’s Sanatorium‘orGeo.M.Foard’s residence.’ DR.Cc zr CRUSE. THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,October 9,1915.if u e E i t SE R S E S E S HE F : oS er y pr TL L FE R E V E R E . SE D O P EE E as a‘Train No,16 ar,leaves 1036 a m.Train No,24 ar.$:14,leaves 8.14 p.m,\Taylorsville.Train No,23 4ar.19:00,leaves 10:40 a m.Train No.15 at:oe leaves 7:05 p,m.Nos,23 and 24 ane not operated of Sunday. EXTRA BILLION DOLLARS. That is the ‘Cost of the National Defence Plan in Five Years- An outline of the army’s part in thé national defense programme to besubmittedtoCongressinDecemberbytheadministrationismadepublicbySecretaryGarrison,disclosing of- ficially for the first time details of the vlan to raise a great Continental orCitizenarmytosupplementtheregu- lar establishment.In brief,it is pro- posed to increase the regular army from 108,008 to 141,843 officers and men (changing the term of enlistmentfromfouryearswiththecolorsandthreeyearsoneyiovehtotwoyear's with the colors afd four years on fur- lough);to erganize a Federal citizen army of 400,000 (to be enlisted 133,-000 a year for three years);to strengthen the State militia by°in- creased appropriatio:-s and closer co- operation;and to spend $20,000,000 4-year for four years on.coast de- fenses and $26,000,000 a year for four years in the accumulation of reserve material for’use by a force of 500,000men, The -total cost of the army for five years,under the plan proposed,is $1,-/h 034,399,234.88.This.will be in addi-tion to the grand total of more than $1,000,000,000 .contemplated in the five-year naval programme adopted by Secretary of the Navy Danielsandalsoapprovedby:President Wil-son,Thus,more than ‘$2,000,000,000 will be called for by the national de- fense plans in the ‘next-five years. -If no new projects ‘were launched the army and Navy,as they stand to-! day,would céost “$1,000,000,000 for|maintenance during the next “five years.In a nutshell,the plans of the’! administration for national defense call for approximately an extra bil- lion dollars during that period. Possible Cure For Cancer. Announcement that he had discov- ered a treatment for cancer that has| proved successfyl in a number of cases was made by Dr.C.A.Pope of Louis-| ville,Ky.’at a meeting at Evansville,| Ind.,of the Ohio Valley Medical As- sociation. Dr.Pope states that “extracts from| the proteins of certain vegetables. hypodermically administered,”com- pose his cure,which is known as “au-tolysin.”Dri \Popé said ‘that,even so -|called “hopeless cases”had responded to treatment by his method.Before making any claim that he had discov ered an absolute cure the Louisville physician said he wished to continue his experiments for several month: in order to test the treatment thor-oughly.< The majority for Stanley,the Dem- ocratic ¢andidate for Governor of Ken- tucky,has dwindled to 671.- GIRLS!HAVE A MASSOFBEAUTIFULHAIR,SOFT,GLOSSY,WAVY. 25-Cent Bottle Destroys Dandruff andDoublesBeautyofYourHair. Within ten minutes after an appli- cation of Danderine you cannot finda single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch,but what will please you most will be after a few weeks’use,when you see new hair,fine and downy at first—yes— but really new hair—growing all overthescalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair.No difference how dull,faded,brittle.andscraggy,just moisten a ‘cloth withDanderineandcarefullydrawit through your hair,taking one smal! strand at a time.The effectis amaz- ing—your hair will be light,fluffy and| wavy,and have an appearance of abundance;an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug.store or toilet..counter,and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any— that it has been neglected or injured by careless “treatment—that’s alk— you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a littleDanderine. i}.Fence Down. ,Siding,Boxing,,Mould-}: };will take notice that a summons in.the above -|Speed-Law Up, With the announcement of.the Mayor that.Automobile speed laws will be enforced’from this date,THE CAROLINA MOTOR COM. PANY announces that the fencehasbeenremovedfrom+Broadstreetand’?Automtobilists may again run right into the Compa-ny’s.Garage for”Gasoline,Oil, Repairs,etc. .foundation ofa successful ‘|trouble. THE MATTER OF TEACHING Common;Sense ‘SuggestionsResthaEveryPageofeachervery"School Children. Correspondence of The Lan’ Jennings’,Nov.2.--Realiizing |the‘the futurehope and respo litythisnationrestsontherisinggeneration,and:that their success ‘train-ing.must come ‘from our homesoolsandchurches,|warttite sug-gest a few inane mainly:to hon-orable bodyof teachers who will havechargeof.our.public schools andstandattheirhelmofgovernmentandtraining.I realize that.government.is the|andoreofourteachersareWeakonthisonepointthananyother,teachers must first govern and afterthey.do this they can teach withoutIfyoucan’t govern theschoolturnthekeysovertocommit-|, tée and go home,for all will be bet-|,ter off.‘To govern successfully-pumustbekindbutfirm.Make. promises but seé that they are‘ateriedout,-to the letter.Make as fewrulesaspossibleand.carry them out.There comes a time once in a whilewhennothingwilltaketheplaceofagoodwhippingforadisobedientpupil.Don’t resort to this unless you ¢an’tavoidit.In this case give a good one if you lose your job.,The next thing after government isteaching.See that your school iscomfortablebefore.you try to teach. Look well to the ventilation of thehouseandalsotheconditionofthefire.Look after the health of every pupil as far as it is possible.Then after you have taught thoroughly ev-ery subject that the text books,rep-resent,step aside occasionally and teach ‘the boys and girlsquette.Give them a few lesséns|in|good,common sense manners,and if they happen to kriow them it won'thurtthem.Give short talks on tobac- co-chewing,snuff-dipping,cigarette- smoking,whiskey-drinking,and showthemtheuselessnessofit,the evil ef-fects they have on the system,-the filthiness and expense of the habitsandhow.much better off they ‘will beiftheywillleavethesehabitsalloff.The older people that have these hab-its can’t:well help it now,and neith- = NOTICE OF SERV Ion OF SUM-MONS BY PUBLICATION, Nosth Carolina,Iredell County.In the Superior Court,Januaty Term,1916.Jessie Reagan vs.Bratha Reagan.The defendant above.named,Bratha Reagan, entitled action was issued against the said de-penusny on the 6th day,of.November,1915,by J.Hartness,clerk of the Superior Court|4ofTredellcounty,State of No:Carolina,wherein the said plaintiff above flamed,Jes-sie Reagan,’sues for ‘divoree’absolute fromsaiddefendant,on the grounds’of fornicationandadulteryonthepart.of the.anid)defend-ant,‘and the said,defendant is required.to.ap--i pear and answer or demur,to.the complaint4attheJanuaryCourt,which will ‘be bell at.StState aatermof)Iredell Superior dell county,N.C:forethe first Monday of March,ingine ae 80th day of.Satidty,;timethe said»arn is .made aNee iras nt.will,be ‘Veterinarian. Office :ea:Polk Gray DrugCo,. pit)Office.Puone:100» Residence 'Phone\198 Green,* tate aoe of ra Isayya er can we.But not one of them willadviseyoutotakethemup.As the twig is bent the tree is inclined.We |ean’t remedy the old,but we.can ed-ucate the young to leave off these |habits and it is up,to the public {schools to start this ball rolling. ‘Again,when your school gets drow- |sy and tired of study,wake them up tad let ‘them stand on their feet and|| ising a song or take some musé¢ular lexercise.They will then go back to |studying with new life.If you have-in’t got some life in you,Mr.Teacher, }you need not expect much in your |school.|I verily believe that every teacher ought to be able to teach’the simple rudiments of music in his school and let the school be opened every day with a good song;and further,I be- lieve that the county.board of educa- you should work in co-operation withtheteacherandnotagainsthim.Theteachercannotdomuchforthechildunlesshehashelpfromthehome. ITEMS OF ALL SORTS. Charlie Seahorn,Jr.,17 years old, was killed in Concord Saturday night by.falling from a freight train. The temporary’receivership for the plant of the Shelby Highlander has been made permanent and the proper- ty is to be sold.The American Federation of LaborisinsessionatSanFrancisco.Del- egates in attendance are said to rep- resent 2,000,000 wage-earners.Hon:W.J.Bryan will make several addresses in the State in the next fewdays—at Chapel”Hill,Kinston and Greensboro,among other places.The barn of Arthur Severs at Beav- er Creek,Ashe county,was burned last week -with a lot of feedstuff,four mules and two horses.Loss about$4,000 and ‘fire ‘believed to be incen- diary. Nese the Mecklenburg and UnioncountylineSaturdayacarownedbyMr.John:Lee and drtven by his son; /Arthur,ran into Mr.Willis McManus, a farmer of that section,and so scri- ously injured him that his life was de spaired of,says the,Charlotte Obser+ver. Nine hundred Irishmen who intend4 ed to sail from Liverpool SaturdayforNewYorkwerepreventedbythe steamship company from taking pas- sage.The company declined to per-mit them to sail after there had beén several stormy encounters with street crowds,which took the view that ablb-'bodied men should not be permitted to evade:liability.to military service a this manner, TLLTCELLTE Eufola School,Debating Society and Stinday School.; Correspondence of \The Landmark. Eufola—Bethlehem Debating.So ciety is progressing nicely and tis hoped the penchant will lend a help- ing hand.Bethlehem school is scheduled to open Monday,15th.Our’teachers come to us highly recommended andwearelookingforwardtoa-siccess-ful year..Miss Carrie Ellestte,theprincipal,‘has -had the normal train-ing;Miss Rosa Guy,the intermediate teacher,is a graduate of Statesville‘college...The primary.teacher,MissCoraMillerofAlleghany,hashadyearsofexpeyience,and we seenoréasonwhyourschoolwillnottakethelead.a hope to run.our Sunday schoalthePresbyterianchurchonthroughanwintermonthsandearnestlyhopethatthosenearwilllendahelping.hand by chving us their presence.we es Sherrill has (returned|: rt will returftMissesIl.enter The| some eit-|. tion otght to require’some musical}- accomplishments of every teacher}Chairmg State Committee, that teaches in the county.f ag Toes hore To'the parent:I would say that Iredell at the University. vise,asi Ten ir,where she attend|ter,Miss Vary:|De |Gat on ‘returned, WHAT THE BILL PROVIDES ==or ‘interest payments on such.bonds of|be payable at the Federal Land Bankbywhichtheywereissued,in goldorlawfulmoney,and upon payment{shall be duly canceled by said Bank;¢|Payment may,however,be directedtobemadeatanyFederalReserveBank;amortization or other pay-ments on the principal of first mort-gages shall.constitute a.trust orsinkingfund,and shall be inyestedinFarmLoanBondsatnotmorethanpar;or to pay off such FarmLoanBondsasmaybecomedue,Fed- other’subscribers in purchasing thewholeorpartofanissueofFarmLoanBonds;specific provisions are madevoverningtherelationsbetween Farm Loan Associations and -Feder- al Land Banks,also governing thekeepingofaspecial‘reserve’fund against losses;a separate reservefundshallbeestablishedforeachStateagainstlosseswhichmay_oc-cur in that State;specific provisions are made governing the general re-serve fund and dividends of LandBanksand.of Loan Associations,alsofortakingcareofdefaultedloans. Exemption From Taxation and,In- vestment. That every Federal Land BankandeveryNationalFarmLoanAs- sociation,including the capital’stock and reserve or surplus therein,and the ineome derived therefrom,shallheexemptfromFederal.State and local taxation,except taxes on real es- tate held,purchased or taken by them under the provisions of the act; first mortgages executed .to Farm ‘oan Associations or Federal Land Banks under the net and eligible as deemed and -held to be.instrumental- ities of the government of the Unit- ed States,and as such they and the income derived therefrom shallexemptfromFederal,State and lo- cal taxation. Postal Savings. Section 9 of ‘the act of June 25th, 1910.entitled “An act to establish Postal:Savings.Devositories”is amended so as to authorize the trus- tees to invest.Postal Savings Depos- its in Farm Loan Bonds.at par or loss.direct from any Federal Land Bank authorized to issue the same. Examiners. Full provisions are made for the appointment of examiners to exam- ine the Farm Loan Associations.and Land Bmpr not less than once a vear;$50,000 is appropriated,or so much hereof’as may be necessary jte be Apended under the direction oftheFederalFarmLoanBoardforthe nurpose of carrving into effect the >rovisions of this act. The foregoing is a brief synopsis of the Hollis -Bulkley Rural Credits Bill.S.5542.and contains all of the working features of the act,leaving out a large volume of administrative detail highly necessary in the act, but not needed to convey a good gen- eralKnowrlee of the bill. .STEPHENSON, Correspondence of The Landmark. lawes of Iredell county,with States- ville as a nucleus,havea splendidrépresentationattheUniversityof North Carolina,whose registration mark now reaches 1125.The boys not onlv on the campus but through the medium of the Iredell County club. This club has its meetings fortnight- lv.Its president is H.G.Baity of Harmony.‘At the club meetings farm- ing,taxation and»modern municipal- their improvement and methods of do-ing so. Two of the boys from Iredell—C,FE. Ervin and A.L.Gaither—finish medi- cine this year.Fred H.Deaton was vresident of last year’s club.He is now an associate editor of the Yackety Yack,the University annual,and is chairman of the membership depart- ment of the Y.M.CG,A. The following boys are at Carolina from this county.Freshman class—-Foster.J.W.:sophomore fees Mor rison,W.F.;Parks.R.W.;Eagle,W. W.:Alexander.W.R.:Deaton,Frank; junior class—Kagk,D,B.;Baity,H. J.;senior class—Fred Deaton.~ A.L.Gaither‘and CG.E.Ervin are inhipaaandW.Hys Powell isin junior aw _The arbitrationGhileandtheUnited States,provid- ing for investigation by an interna-[tional commission of differences which cannot be settled through diplomacy, has been approved by the Chilean Congress. The constitutignality of the Webb-Kenyon act.removing the inter-State character and protection from liquor shipped into a State to be used inviolationoflawwasupheldbythe Kansas Supreme Court. CAROLINA PEOPLE TELLOFSTOMACHREMEDY. Sufferers Find Swift Relief by Use of Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers in the Southeastand,in fact,all over the country,have found ‘remarkable and_efficientresultsfromtheuseofMayr's Won-derful Remedy.Many have takenthis remedy ‘andtelltodayofthebenefitstheyreceiv-ed.Its effects come quickly—the firstdoseconvinces.Here is what oesCarolinafolkshavewritten:~~W.R.DAVENPORT,Parker,N.Cc.—“Por years I have suffered from adisease.which puzzled doctors.Iheardofyour,remedy and one bottlepavemerelief.Your full treatmentagaboutcuredme.”J.T.ERWIN,Winston-Salem,N.C.-T am satisfied through personalaeofthépowersofyourremedy.have saved my 3ayr’s Wonderful Reinedy~frivesrmanéntresultsforstomach,liverandintestinalailments.Bat as.muchahdwhateveryoulike.tress after eating,pressure ofthe.stomach and ardund.thebottle.of oe druggist now’‘it-on an ‘absolute guarantee are due under their terms,they shall} eral Land Banks,in the orfler of their} application,shall have preference over} PRESCRIPTION PRECEPT:- Purity Precking?: _Promptness ~OURREPAIR SHOP ISCOnPLETE q If your car is not working as it should bring it to us an we wilhcorrectthetrouble.{,We bare ear a car in livery service and can take you there andbackatreasonablerates. 4 Special ie ities for washing and storing cars..{Complete line of accessories on hand at all times.STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., “QUALITY FIRST.or ASK US “PHONE 140 | be|ae provisions of the}== seeurity for the}Be lissue of Farm Tan Bonds,shall be |= Ideal Fire Grates for the Sitting Room.Air-tight _Wood Heaters for the Bedroom.Ideal Barler Oil Heat-. ers for the Bathroom.Our Stock of these Goods is full and complete and if aot already supplied it will be to your advantage to see our Stock,for before the grass grows again you will need these Winter Comforts. Yours Truly,4¢P 1 Chapel Hill.—The towns.and vil-= =caaeienicaasiinion are closely associated with each other,|- ities are discussed with reference to|} “treaty between. AllWoolSerge Dresses olin DDresses $3.95 to $5.95.$4.95 to 5150. a:FEATURE AT. SilkPo This Week Will Bea Collection of Wonderful New Coat Suits, Priced $7.50 to $25.0 3 Numbers of pretty models to select from,Suits of,-fine all wool Poplins,fine men’s wear Se »GaberdineandWhipcordintherichautumnshesofNavy,Brown,Green and Black.Nearly all of.them_h eatouchoffurandarecutintheneweststylesto‘suit small,mediumand large figures.The materi-als are all wool,the linings are the best yarn,dyedguaranteedSatin,Priced $12.50 and $15. Separate Coats,all sizes,from $2.95 to $165. Sport Corts,new lot just received,special $4.95. A full line of Separate Skirts,Waists and Kimonostoselectfrom. Shoes,Shoes. The bigpgest i line of Shoesin the city and at prices.|that will make it interesting.Come and see US,be-"fore making your purchases. The Store ‘That Sells:For Less.——ONE OF=—TWELVE STORES.lt ae ST No mote dis-'pie in|! heart. t eee money,will be| i iaba——=ernie emeneansaieCLEANTHATWATCHOR CLOCK Don't wear them out before you haveit done.;First class work all the time,and you can get’ your work when you want it.AHB.WOOD AND.em be = "HE DEFENCE PLAN. “The President makes it clear that the administration programme to in- eréase the national defence is a mat- _ter of precaution;for self-defence;to “put us in condition to take care of _ourselves and’to compel respect for our rights,if necessary.In the mat- ter of cost,the amount of extra ex- _penditure contemplated within the next five years is a billion dollars. That doésn’t seem so bad.If the world could be brought to Mr.Bry- ee \ ©an’s views,if the nations would beat 'their swords into plowshares and their _spears into.pruning houxs and would “Jearn war no more,this extra expen- diture would*not be necessary;dndeed we could dispense with much orallithe cost of maintaining armies and na- vies.But at a time when it was be- lieved by many people that the world hid reached a point—in civilizatior and Christianity,and as a matter of business—where a war of consequence would be impossible,the world has ~~feen plunged into the greatest ‘of all wars.We think of vourse that whenthisis‘ended another like it will be im:sible—just as we thought this hinpebiblk.But so long as we have -ample evidence 'that human nature has a not changed,so long as-it-is a-condi- tion and not a theory that,confronts us,it:is just as well to be in reason: able shape for possible contengeéncies.-The’extremists who eay the Presi- dent’s plan doesn't go far enough andthe‘extremists.who tuink that noth- ing should be done,ate a stand-off, Between the two it is hoped that con- servatism and common sense will pre-vail.We should be in position to *‘command respect for our rights,not by a show of force but by the knowl- edge that we have the force as a last resort.But we should avoid en- eouraging the militarism in this coun- try that has been a burden and a curse.to’Europe in all the ages.| -For the second ‘time in a little more than two years,the Raleigh News and Observer hes’been’destroyed by fire. The people of the State generally,and newspaper men especially,sincerely sympa ize with that paper in its mis. fortunes.The paper will continue of course,and its home will be re-estal-lished,but it has’of course suffere.1 ~Josses:in files and records that.money-ean’t replace.The Lindmark also sympathizes sincerely with Mr.E.M. Uzzell,whose splendid printing plant, -the accumulation of years of toil,hay been’swept away.His case is the more (distressing beeause he has reached a point in life where,ordi- narity considered,his years of further \activity are few.This paper sincerely hopes that fortune may favor Mr. ~ Uszell'and the News and Observer ‘ and ‘that their losses may soon be re.pee .«Comes the word from Panama that :President Porras’is determined to ‘in- augurate an era of economy in gov- ernmental affairs.His first step in this.direction was the discharge of many employes in all the department- al offices ‘and a considerable reduction in the national police force.He has also recently reduced the salaries of all employes,including,himself,-of from 10°'to 15 per cent,If politicians in Panama are of the same’type as -politicians in this:part of the coun try—of which we make little doubt— President Porras’finish is in clear view..The idea of abolishing offices, turning out government officials and reducing salaries as a matter of econbmy!That would almost pro- dice“a revolution (political)in con- __Servative old North Carolina. Members of the Italian —cabinet quarreled the other day when one of them suggested that the war should -stop..They passed epithets and also some books,—one throwing a book ai another’s head.The Larimark +e- _gards it a hopeful sign that they are “eoncerned enough about peace to fight about.it.It-is evident.that some.of_them tré "becoming seriously concern: ed for the end of the war.Ioscenanetnaaatndamennmaneaaniedaaemanmaaanaial a “There is much talk in the Charlotte papers about the necessity of doing ~something to the curves in the Meck- lenburg roads to prevent automobile @ecidents.Possibly if the motorists would run at reasonable speed .the¢urves wouldn’t be dangerous.There is no good reason why public roadsoabeconstructedforspeedways. ht che of South Carolina THE NOTE TO GREAT BRITAIN. ‘The excusethat Great .Britain has offered for curtailing the rights of {neutral countries is expediency on7ac-count of the war.The American pro- test to the British government.in- sists that our relations with Great Britain must not be governed by a policy of expediency but by establish-ed rules (of ‘international conduct,towhithGreatBritainhas,heretofore held the United States to account.The note is clear and ‘logical,reflectsAmericansentimentandmakescleartheAmericanpurposs,’It is.general- ly commended.,The pro-German pa pers complain that it does not threat- en Great Britain,as was done ‘in the case of.Germany,as thereis no de. claration that further —violation of our -rights by .Great,Brit- ain would be considered an unfriendly act.If the German.sympathizers were not so intensely:partisan that they can see nothing but Gerniany, they would recall that the first Amer- ican note to Germany didn't contain a threat.It was not until extreme measures were considered necessarythat.a practical ultimatum went to Germany.Great Britain ‘will doubt: less receive similar notice if due sea- son if she persists in her present cause.|: {CaasnaetaeanatieiaenaemtnyWemeteenasettimaintttel Some time ago The Landmark queried.Prof.Godbey-of 'the Greens- boro News about “Senators and Con- gressmen.”The professor ignored the query;either because he ‘couldn’t an- swer or because he considered the matter too simple to discuss—doubt- less the latter.In any event we’re ealling the professor.again:for-infor- mation about “reckless”and “wreck- less.”It is noticed that many of the papers add the w to the word where we used to leave it off.Is that the modern spelling or because they:don’t know how to spell?Or is it because recklessness is so-oftenthe cause of the wreck that they are combining the words?. Mr.Bryan finds it necessary to dis sent from the President’s plan for the national defence.No one questions Mr.Bryan's sincerity;many are in agreement with his views.The dis- turbing:,element is whether the for- mer Secretary will keep up his dissent until it develops into an inter-party fight of such proportions that it may prove a disturbing element of conse- quence in the presidential election campaign of next year.‘aoeeeeneneenetaeannstenunumtesnremsaeyNEWSITEMSOFINTEREST: Happenings Here and There in the Country. _Near Svartanburg,S.C.,Thursday night,William Cooper,a farmer,was run over by a passing automobile and probably fatally injured.The driv- erof the car didn’t stop and his identi-ty.is unknown, At.least $500,000 has been expend- ed in carrying out alleged German plots in this country in an effort topreventwarmyersfrom.reaching the allies,according to a statement of officials investigating cases of this character. Discontinuance of many of the gov-ernment food stations:in Mexico City,restoration of transportation facili-ties and appreciation of the value of constitutional currency causing reduc- tion in the price of food,are reportscomingfromMexicoCity. Thomas A.Edison has been select-ed by Sweden as recipient,of-one ofthisyear’s Noble peace prizes,The dispatch from Copenhagen announcesthatEdisonwillreceiveoneofthe prizes,the other going to Nikola Tes-.la,the famous Italian inventor._ McKinley Roberts,an 18+year-oldnegro,is in Asheville jail answer. the charge of poisoning his father.The old man died so suddenly that: suspicion of foul play was aroused andabottleofinsectpowderwasfoundin:possession of the ‘son.| Stefansson,the Canadian:govern-ment’s Arctic explorer,believes that the newly discovered land inthe Beau-fort Sea,upon which.he has plantedtheUnionJackinthenameofthe Dominion,is very extensive and wiiladdmanythousandsof’square milestotheterritoryofCanada.- The Panama-Pacific .exposition.atSanFranciscoseemstobethe‘first cially.It is announced that the netprofitnowamountsto$1,410,873.Thetotalincomeoftheexpositionsince the opening to October 31,accordingtothereportofthecomptroller,was $6,048,129 and.the expense of oper- ating aggregates $4,637,256.. Viewed Drainage Work ‘in Ire- A dell.&oF ee Winston-Salem Journal),5th. A party of 15 Forsyth’county peo-ple_went to Iredell county yesterday,leaving about 8 o'clock in.the morn-ing,for the purpose of inspecting thedrainageworkthathasbeendoneandsomeof*the-work now in prog-ress in that progressive county.Themembersofthepartyreturnedtothecitylastnight,praising the drain-age work and’:highly enthusiasticoverhavingsimilar‘work done in this county.=”49ThegentlemenWereshown over theworkinIredellcountybyMr,L.O.White and Mr.Moore,and ‘they saw fine corn growing on lands that some exposition on record to succeed finan-| ITEMS OF CURRENT N Aappenings Here and Theré in the State. The Mecklenburg fair is in progtess in’Charlotte.‘The council of State has author?ized State Treasurer Lacy to borrow$375,000 to take up a loan of that amount.The new loan is secured ‘at%per cent.,while the former loanwas31-2.¢Near Wilmington two negroes tried to hold un H.M.Hodges,who was car-rying $350 to pay off a constructionforce,Mr,Hodges knocked one ofthemdownanddrewanunloadedgun,whereupon both fled.4 Dr.Charles E.Taylor,former.pres-ident of Wake Forest College,andprofessorofmoral:philosophy,died at his home at Wake Forest Friday,aged 74,He wasa ‘hative of,Virginiaandan-‘educator of note, In Laurinburg Hugh McLaurinwaschasingJohnFairley,trying tocuthimwithaknife,when Fairley stopped long enough to —pick gihrickandthrowitatMcLaurin,kill ing him.Both colored,: Gov.Graig has appointed Mr.R.T, Claywell of Morganton a member oftheStateboardofelectionstosucceed John B.*Underwood of Fayetteville,who resigned to become postmaster. Claywell was formerly a member of the board.:\3 Ex-Gov.Blease of South CarolinaspoketotheRedMen‘at High Point Saturday night and disappointed his,hearers,it is said,because he discugs-ed the principles of the order and’didnotengageincharacteristicharangue,as they expected,HE The North Carolina .State SchoofortheBlind.in Raleigh,celebrate its 70th anniversary Friday.Onlyoneperson—Mrs.Annie Perry—who had remembered the opening of school in April,1845,was present at the an-niversary celebration.; In Surry-county Superior Court a young negro who had .burned‘*'the home of ‘his.employer,Mr.Wash, Gentry,a farmer,and~later tried to: poison Mr.Gentry by sprinkling ar-)senic of lead on his food,confessed hoth crimes and was given 30 yearsintheStateprison.Be Ane tian of Newjon and the automobile of Earl Henkel of Hickory,driven by a colored,chauffer.collided Friday night on the road between Newton and Hickory.Bostian’s leg was brok- road recently one man was killed another severely injured.; Supt.Mann of the State prison says there is no rule prohibiting -pris- oners at the State Farm receiving and | ed Capt.Rheim.in charge of the Hal- ifax farm.to allow the Union county prisoner there to‘receive the Monrog Journal,to which he was a subserib- er,and which had been denied him.) Near Granite Falls,Caldwell coun- ty.Thursday,.Pink Kirby,armed] with a shot gun,-met his uncle,Robt, Kirby,and coolly..informed the latté® that.he was going to kill him..When Pink’s gun failed beria he used the weapon as a.club and severely beat his unele,.Pink was arrested -and releas- A Wake county.jury.decided that Love Brothers,negro druggists ~of Raleigh,were not compelled to pay a Cincinnati liquor house for $915 worth of booze,on the ground that the liquor dealers knew the:Raleigh druggists intended to dispose of the liquor.il- legally.The druggists got the liquor and sold it and they should’be made to pay for it. In,New Hanover county Superior; Court last week was heard the case of | Mrs.Sarah C.White vs.the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company and the Schloss,Bear &Davis.Co.,in-which the plaintiff sought to recover $50,000 for the death of her father,-who waskilledbyateamownedbythefirm, it being alleged that the team was frightened by a Coast Line engine. Case resulted in’mistrial. How to Prevent rth: It.may be @ surprise to you to learn thatinmanycases,croup can be prevented.Mrs. H.M,Johns,Elida,Ohio,relates her expe- tience as follows:“My little boy is subject to croup.During ‘the past winter IT kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house,and when he began having that croupy keough I would give him one or,two doses of i and it would break the attack.I like it better for children than any other cough meditine because children take it willingly, and it is safe and reliable.”Obtainable ev- erywhtre..MEN! On These Chilly Nights Dona “Comfy”WarmSuitofos Outing Pajamas. Made in three grades ofextraqualityouting. All sizes.es $1.00,$1.50,$2.00... 5 : ter Should You Prefer the * al. bbrought military A motorcycle ridden*by Robt.Bos*}; en.Ina similar collision on the same'lf newspapers,and that"he has instruct+/i ed on hond.Cause of the trouble not}, ae Nicely trimrhed ahd welli] made to fit with comfort. Night Shirt | (NONE BETTER.) Fire which originated in the boilerroom’of the Hickory ManufacturingCo.at Hickory;at 9\o’clock Saturdaynight,spread to the main building ofthefactoryandguttedthestructure,|’‘land then did much damage to the;:/ ialng ars ie on oe ie Finoloeo,} estima at approxima ,000,Se e ;; prota ee et a inmuranes.edOats,Clovers,Grass Seedas,Vetch, r.W.B.Menziesis ent of ‘the’"pais ;;GOR Rape,etc.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs, @ ny ‘agon.Works ‘and,i the Hutton &Burbonnais Manufac-!'Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. turing renee ee wane pare o er 3 separated only by the railroad,were,‘: saved.from destruction by favorable FERTILal ZAERS. winds and heroic work of the firemen’2 : and local SAT Onn.ee ——e ‘i caught several times but the damage oer \cata *||===J,E.SLOOPThe.plant’.burned _manufactured ({).i Ros Met:© mantels,doors and building material Ce sae noes and did quite an extensive business.)—=—— {t was established more than 20 years ago. Bud Lippard,charged with selling liquor ‘at Ball’s Creek campmeeting last.summer,was tried.in the county | court at Newton some time ago,was. convicted and appealed.™the Su-| perior Court last week the jury failed to agree as to Bud and a mistrial re- sulted. Heavy snows 5 recon nmreanrgancce tyne naan as at een as ae ea nen ot sa porns THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYtoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangementswith‘‘THOMEJNSURANCECO.of New.York,”’for insuring your growingcropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingveryIgwprice:| ““TOBACCO CROP:'$100 per acre valuation at.j 76 per acre valuation at Me60peractevaluationat4-3.76 per acre25peracrevaluationat'.1.874 per acre COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP. $40 per acre valuation $1.60 per acre».,35 per acre valuation 1,40 per acre ©30 ‘per acre valuation 1.20 per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 pér acre 20 per acre valuation .80 per acre15per.acre valuation -60 por acre 10 per-acre valuation/DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS. $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This .latter insurance covers also against loss or damage occasioned by wind jn addition to-hail.-bcigh REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable,”+_,J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.*STATESVILLE,N.C. in the Alps havenhsracbetween $7.50 per acre ‘Austrains and Italiahs practically to 6.874 per acre a standstill.The®soldiersin ‘that re- gion are suffering greatly from cold and snow. anaenimtiainantemetMahCuresOldSores,Otner Aemecies Won't Core The worst cases,no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful,old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil,It relieves Pair -nd Heals at the wie time.er,Me.$1.00, “SHOW TODAY Of building material of all ‘kinds.If you intend ©building stop by to see Bob Wasson,or C. Watkins.Either of «us will..beJ: glad to estimate what your house will cost ‘you,and show you “Ev-verything to Build With”cheaperthaneverofferedinStatesville.C.WATKINS,|Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh.|= 4 To the Farmers of Iredell ‘and Other Counties: 4 , 40 pef.acre .'#! TYPEWRITERS!New or Re-Built Typemritets sold,*Have afew machines for Rental Pur-° poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PaPERs and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us: with your Typewriter troubles. Statesville Printing Co... CO FA RAETKA AE EN|LaCoatSuits Thatag At all times we have the style hits.When in a hurry we can gerve “you quick.A big assortment of our best models on hand,all sizes to show you.Materials—Broadcloth,Poplins and Serges,lined with piece and yarn dyed silks.Trimming—Braids,Furs,Drop Ornaments and Buttons.Skirts,some show kick pleats on side with back yokes gathered.Others are plain.Don’t forget the new _coats with Chin Chin collars trimmed with fur and braid.Can be worn open or elosed.Extra coat values for the little tots,the grown up girls,the mas and the grandmas.We want you to _gee and know we have the Coats and Coat Suits that sell.Just buy and be satisfied.Extra arrangements today,tomorrow and all ‘next week to take care of you and your wants. N.Down 9.Town'.Mi , OO O MU O RO M O IE R RA C RR iv RO M E Atant (avi @\tvarn evn/ Styles That Appeal to Young Women. Moderate Prices That Appeal to Mothers ee _Misses Suits Are Priced $19 to $35.° Misses and young women who like snappy,attractive styles with life and “go”in them,should see our splendid showing. *Mothers who are not averse to saving money on clothes for their grown- up daughters will be anxious to sée them:: The young miss is just as anxious to have her apparel up-to-the-minute in style and quality as the older folks and in choosing our suits for misses we have taken exceptional care that our selections are in “tune”with what our young friends will want.To say you will be charmed with their exquisite beauty is mild indeed,“-gc a wes .*>oe fy a...‘f No need to tell you of the quality of tailoring or fabric,for the Ramsey-_ Bowles-Morrison standard is strictly evident in every garment. We invite the young women to see these suits,to judge their attractiveness and we invite the mothers to judge the exceptional values in quality— through and through.i ; “Pussy Willow”Taffeta Petticoats Made From Soft Charming ‘‘Pussy Willow”’Taffeta are Popular. _$2.50 and $4.00. Silk Petticoats are exceptionally popular this fall,»The short,full skirts de- mand the more tasty.undergarment and _you will delight.in this new.show- 75c.and $1.00.ing in which you can find your desired color and sizes;Novelty accordion or pleated in plain,changeable,andfloral designs,priced $2.50 and.$4.00.\ Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison A Store of i ;|Company.«Qualigy..°. hates President Wilson and because of that hatredhe wants to see the Democratic party defeated next ycat, -Blease makes the prediction that,Wil-gonwill be defeated ‘and a Repubii- 'ean Gongréss elected,and the wish isfathertothethought. of ee‘onderif Raleigh folks have dis- months ago.were.overflowing andwherecarpwouldbecaughtbythehundred..Instance after instancewasseenshowingthetremendousvalue-of-drainage in-making produc-tiye lands that are now going towastethroughinattention.—_—_—_—_—Chamberlain’s Tablets. This is»medicine intended especially forstomachtroubles,ilovances and constipation,Tt is mecting with much success and FYapidlypaniesinfavorandpopitlarity.Obtaingble We are showing twostylesfromaforemost maker in all sizes at ~ye - Ne sWith Cover You Flan Sightly, Sanitary, Clean. ?~~ PsiLightens/the labor of housework. :enema.PHONE 400,ameTheStoreThatAlwaysWelcomes You. Oa ee Try a pound of my 35c.‘Coffee for 26c.It is guaranteed to;Please. 7 .-"When I can truly say thatI have the best people in States- ?wille doing business with me,it must be a true demon-jstration that the quality of goods is right,the price,is|j right,the service is right,and that this is the right placeHetoThereisalwaysacordialwelcomeawaitingil,you here,and every effort will be put forth to serve and treat you'right. a '7CANNEDVEGETABLES.CANNED FISH AND MEATS, Blue Ridge Corn .....2.:....9¢.]Libby’s Extra fine Red .Sweet Meadow Corn ......:..8¢..Salmon .......-25e.size for 22c.Melvet oo.ise...yds.caghs.s18e.|Alaska Pink Salmon......Pocahontas Peas Es cae gma #BS ae ove «1.2.-15e:size for 12:{J Stokely Bros.Peas...........12c¢.Heron Pink Salmon 10¢.size for 8c.Libby’s Genui ;:Sais,Libby's G he gan Tipe .22¢.ibby’s Genuine Pork Sau,;oe Ree:>2»85e.size for 27c.Libby’s White Asparagus Tips.27c.|Libby's Sliced Beef 15c.size for 13¢.,No.3 Tomatoes ............9¢.Libby's Sliced Beef 10c.size for 9c.Wo.3 String Beans .........,11c.|Libby's Vienna’Sausage...No.3 Hominy ..8c.toeeeeeennit..lOe,size for 9c,Libby’s Potted Meats .....+..5e.No..3 Sour Kraut ........:..8¢. CANNED FRUITS. Libby’s Genuine ©DeviledHam,.....+++-15e.size for 13c. \Libby’s Rosedale PeachesDgeeeeewceecees200,Size for 22c, Norwegian Smoked Sardines .;9c.American Sardines -:.......4c.Vancamps Tuna Fish ’....Peeled Table Peaches....: teseeeeereceeeeldt.Size for 12¢.steteeevecees.15@,size for 18¢.|Vancamps Tuna Fish..;<..Pie Peaches ......10¢size for 9c.stepenccesneee 10C)sige for 9c,Libby’s Sliced Pine Apple'tctveesessss.200.sizefor 17c.ieee Fa idee 40.way .ibby’s or am ’sLibby's Grated Pine Apple iersizefor17c. Soups assorted ...2..:......7 9c. Baby Mary Cove Oysters ....8c. “The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery,‘*The House of Better Values.” _’Phone No.229. :eee $cook.Address Eile,care’The:Land-lV ENTED AT ONCE!—Sew.mill 69 cet,ooti.:ta¥‘|Plants for early cabbage.--D.J.Kimball.Sf loss fos gash.—J.W.:ALLISON,&_nee Reagan vs.Bratha Reagan,action for |ove es 44eeern,STUMP -BLASTING —Demonstration of]4 .lear’cows of the Paine View Dairy test stump -.blasting with dvaamite i.Harmg:8:ae >ife School..Wednesday afternoon,:::j |Pajamas and.night ‘shirts for men.—Ram-{DY Farm Li ties ets :é Oceupies no more space than an a |sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.een f Mgvember,10,Everybody invited.“JRE-ay,z pright,|.Speed law up and fence down.—Carolina]YREE BARDWAKE CO.ee ufi:5 Marek Co.ede }CAPABLE White,Woman wants place to cook.|*g Caruso sa s:“Its tone Is won-|Be to build writ.~C.Watkins.References,address EFFIE,,@hre .THE}\‘derfu ”Bela Morice Ge Pe’msey-!LANDMARK.-9-1.|A ne ba ton mo erchants and Farmers’Bank the bank |qHig 1g THE TIME of year tsbet Cabbage.,Ti |vr y je >”‘,a S6 a Cover your floors with linoleum.—Craw-Plante for early Cabbage,I fan furnish the “w e Easy Termsif desired. |HARDMAN,PECK &CO.—Founded 1842.CARLTON A.ANDREWS, ;iiitery to he cousin,Mrs.Hollingsworth of ae %>err r vTaet :lees‘OP SCRUBBING-‘ It is fit for any &room and fits the needs of every room.Designs and &effective.Big assortment to select from.§rd-Bunch Furniture Company. UTHE LANDMARK S|UBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. ERTINENTLY..PERSONAL. Mention of Folks Who Come and| Go,: Mrs...8 Grier of High Point is Usiting |jher pdtents,Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Ayers.{Mrs.D.A.Miller left friday for Haddon.| -October 9,1915.field,N.3,where she will spend the winter|&*swith her sister,Mrs.F,L.Fithian.She was | Meeting XXth Century Club. he ~=©Morning tiles.Mrs.J.M.CunninghampieatonetableandMrs.A.Ll. wer at the other.,) Winston-Salem,spent {Perfenkel,at their home on east,|atret. rae Munzer and -Julia German.‘ Th Civic BM}the lales of the League are eneourag 1G.Les were in eharge of the /room Friday. }open thi room regulatly every Friday and onjanyothedaythatitsservicesaredesired.forjelubmeétingsorentertainments.t }a &|Mrs.RB,McLaughlin gave a bridge partyatberbme,corner West End avenue andMulberrytreet,Friday evening,complimen- trusta,Gawho is visiting her sister,Mrs.: three F.Steele.‘The game.was played atMsElvyMcElweewonthe highseoreprize,g bunch of ehrysanthemums,andMr.A.P.Seele won the gentleman's _prise,a deck of cits.The guest of honor also re-ceived a bch of chrysanthemums.Twocoursesofeshmentswereserved. About 60 gipsts enjoyed an autumn partygivenbyMrs.D,Sf Thomas Thursday aftersnoonatherbeeonWaterstreet.The au-tumn idea wastatried out in detail.Coléredautumnleavesand ehtysanthemuris wereusedingreatjofusionasdecorationsand “provrezsive autwin leaves’was played.Oneachgametablewereahalfdozenautumn‘eaves and in the \ame each guest guessed thenamesofthetréq@fromwhichtheleavesweretaken.The e excited much intsrest, Hand-painted aututm leave score cards were used,”No prizes Wee awerded,~~The party was givy in honor of Mrs.J.M.Moore and Misses Alpatrick and Fewell ofthecollegefaculty."The guests were met atthedoorbyMrs.R.M&Gray and werewabereedtothereceivinglingbyMrs.T.Foy iteInthereceivinglinetwiththehostess.andguestsofhonorwasLeSueur.of Nash-ville,Tenn.,who is visting her sister,MK?Charles Anderson,Mrs,\Ross McElwee con-duct)the guests to thepunch bowl,where\Mrs.RK.V.Brawley and\Mrs.R.“E.Clapp\presided,and Mrs.Jas.Ma.Connelly ushered[to the game rooms,whereMrs W.H.McEl+'wee reeeived.Refreshments were.served~by|Misss Virginia Henkel,Martaret Sloan °and Katherine Brawley. Re:ed For The Landmirk.i oF members of the XXth\Century clubjandanumberofotherguestsWreentertained {by Mrs.D.M.Ausley Friday #ternoon,firstjatamotionpicturetheaterpart}and later at (Room"”of the Civie Leagie.Afty gatherinatthehomeofthehosiessthewestsweréitakento.the Crescent theater,there they|stw Shakespeare's “Julius Caesan”From)the theater they went to the tea roq at th|Sherrill-White Company's store,wigre th|elub™held its regular meeting and 4 dainty liuncheon was served.A|Mrs,L H.Whiting,the club president,who |presided,read a pleasing letter from th,Civ-jie club of Salisbury thanking the club for @métalcutoftheSalisburycommunityhyild<|tig for its historical museum.Each of ith30ladiespresentatthemeetingwasreqedtoplantvinesandshrubsoratree,promise of which,free of charge,was obtalyedfromthemayor.Thus Statesville’s fiarbordaywasremeved.The presidegaveanappreciationonbehalfoftheclub i: |Moonlight School leaflets were distributed HAVE AN AUTUMN PARTY. tocla)Events of the Week)": p Bridge club met ‘PridayaewithMrs.L,Ash at her home onWinutstreet.”The game was playedAt ee oho :Henkel,wno is a student at)f°!Bthe|ter.Mrs.Summers. |weq-end with her parenw,Mr,and Mrs.L.e BroadShehadasherguestsduringheryisitjathmeMissBaker,the voice teacher at Sa-Aj temiend the following named fellowsstudents!Mises Sarah Lilly Dockery,Sophie ‘Hollister, League tea.room conducted onthebteonyoftheSherrill-White Shoe Com-vany’istore Friday,was,weil patronized and jdamest.N.Lawrence,M.R.Adams and W, {It will\e open again next Friday with anoth-} ;er ecapiiittee in charge.It is the purpose to ja luncheon given in the “DollyiMadison Tea : pot .?ymemoryoftheirlatememper,Mrs.J.SVeetarrh)thet cannot be ured by Hall's|Leonard,who was .progressive,loyal and tarrh Cure.Send for circulars,free.tebaritable,and.a—most _exceilent_mother.F,.J..CHENEY.&CO..Toledo.O aecompanied by her niece,Migs Naomi Fith-|hian,who spent the summer in the South.' Miss.Mary Yount,who visited her sister,|L.P.Henkel,returned Friday to her!Newton.Heed jMrs.L,©.Caldwell spent Saturday in |firccnsboro,She wae joined at High Point by|her sister,Miss:Lois ‘Love,who gecompanied|her to Greensboro.}Capt.'T.M,C.’Davidson spent from Satur-|day to yesterday at Black Mountain withbisdaughter,Miss Azile Davidson.Mrs./)A,Gay of Harmony left SaturdayforAnderson,Ind,,for a visit to her daugh- Mr.and Mes,Jas.G.Gray and little daugh- ter,Miss Mary Lee,and Mrs.Z.V.Maxeheey|spent Saturday in Charlotte,IMissInaAndersonhasgonetoGastoniato teach, Mrs.W.BE.MeRorie and her sister,Miss!Hilda Fields,of Hickory,were guests at the!home of Mr.MeRorie’s purents,Mr.‘and Mrs.|J.S.MeRorie,Saturday and Sunday.|Mrs.8.H.Harris of Hillsboro,who hadbeenin.Nashvifle,spent Friday night and|Saturday morning in’Statesville,the guest of|Miss Bell Cochrane,leaving Saturday after-|noon for her home.:}J,8.Leonard and davghter,Miss Ja-/|nie Leonard,left Saturday evening for Salis-!bury.After brief visits to relatives in Salis-|bury and Lexington.they will go to Kinstontoependafew.weeks with Mr.and Mrs.|John B.Leonard.jMr,F.T,Walser spent Sunday in Lexing- ton KimballMrs.J,L.is home from South}Carolina,where she visited her daughter,Mrs.|-iC.©.Douglas,:{Mr.G,H.Shook of Robeson county,a!former resident of Eufola,is in Statesville to)spend a few days.,Mr.J.D.MeRorie,who spent a few days at home,left yesterday for Albany,N. Y.,where he will be district manager for aFloridafruitexchange. Miss “Addie Steele,who had been at herhomeatTurnersburgsinceSaturday,return-ed to Charlotte yesterday.Mrs.C.M.Dobbs of Portales,New Mexico,|arrived in Statesville last night fora visit |to ber sott-in-law and daughter,Mr.and|Mrs.Flake T,Burke;||Mrs.N.M.Salley has ‘returned from a}visit to her daughter,Mrs.Hickory. |Has Taken Over Whitney Plant.| '~A dispatch from Pittsburg,Pa.,con-|ifirms the report that the AluminumCompanyofAmericahastakenover the entire Frénch holdings in the hy-| dro-aluminim plant near Whitney,' Stanly county,which when completed ‘was originally to have cost $10,000,-| 000,Transfer of the property took: plage last week but no announcement | has been made regaraing the amount!involved.It is understood that the} uminum company will rush work on}e plant and some millions of dol-} Jars.will be expended.Construction | af the plant was begun by the foreign Mnterests early in 1914 but ceased on, the outbreak of the war.- F,H.Adden,fn! | DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED dy ‘local applications,as they can-| fnot reach the disehsed portion of theaar..There is only one way to cure,gAcafness,and that is by constitutional|remedies,Deafness is caused by an.flamed condition of the mucous lning |the Eustachian Tube.When this||tube inflamed you have a rumbling‘|soun@'or imperfect hearing,and when|it is,entirely closed,Deafness ia the re-sult,and unless the inflammation can‘taken out and this tube restored «tcitsnormalcondition,hearing will be de-troyed ‘forever;nine cases out of tenparecausedbyCatarrh,which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu-eeous surfaces.of"We will)give One Hundred Dollars old by Druggists,Tic.x Hall's hail Pills.for constipatian‘ *\MARKET REPORTS. |with.the.request that each person find one pu-|}pil at least.The study topies for the cl|year will be from the work of the Generati!|Federation of clubs.It was a pleasure to;jhave present Iredell’s nex assistant ©superin- SS oe ae s oe AO S BO ne et es te Es Re n e i a h e i d i e t h e n s t e e t i e to e : re e : - zy a % 5= #r : ‘TwinstNanionaLBANK. Capital$100.000 4%aid.on Time Deposits FyVERY man or § -»woman’s life - holds some examples for . good to others.The smallest act can influence §} a generation.|4)siia ‘a “Accomplishment is parcel of +B:}9}:: the will that action hangs ;&upon.”What you do depends j ESSuponwhatpreparationyou;,§}have made for your own future j, and the care you have taken #Bttohelpandinspirethose| about you—those you love.wv : Good health,apeaceful mind / and a happy home are untold ' ’riches in themselves,but make them secure for all time by saving for the future,ad, Saving gives material protection andpracticalinspirationtoyourselfandthoseaboutyou.»Let us explain all 4)the advaritages of opening an ac-y count-with us,:‘ STATESVILLE N.C. -||—Sherrill-White Shoe Co. jtendent of schools,Miss Celeste Henkel.Best|wishes were expressed for her work.The clublibraryextensionreport,showing the receiptjanddisbursementof‘books,was ‘read.|.Toasts were #'~n during the Inncheon asfollows:To the teachers «nd workers for the|Moonlight |Schools—‘‘May their success in-jcrease more and more,”by Mrs.R.A.Coop-er;to the Iredell Betterment Association—“May it continue to flourish like a fair blos-som in the land forever,”by Mrs.George B. Nicholson;to Mrs,Whiting,the club presi-dent,for her able work in co-operating withtheProgressive.club and the Vance schoolicommunitypatrons,by Mrs.F.T.Meacham: ito the memory of.Shakespeare—‘‘May.his joy. }writings have afforded humanity,”by Mrs,D'3.Thomas;to President Wilson and hisjfiancee—‘‘May they liveMong and be happy,” iby,Mrs.Whiting . }s|Notice of New Advertisements. Notice to non-residents.—J..A.Hartness,clerk.:*Demonstration of stump-blasting at Harmo-ny Farm Life School tomorrow.—TIredell Hard-ware Co. Capable white woman with reference wants |ford-Bunch Furniture Co.|Shoes to suit all.—S.,M.&H.Shoe Co.||People’s Loan and Savings Bank.Specia)values in men's and women's hose. t |The J,Reithoffer United Shows will be herefortendaysbeginningSaturday. |Mayer dry-sox shoes.—J.M.McKee &Co.Hams special for today and tomorrow.—The jin the world to come surpass the pleasure his }, “Certificates of deposit draw 4 per cent.at \Statesville Produce Market.The fulowing prices,were paid yesterday } {1| | for prodtre on the local market.\ S,M.&H.SHOE GO, The new Gypsy Boot—the low heel,cloth —top,patent vamp—Button and Lace. Gréver’s Soft Shoes for tender feet. School Shoes for Children.~A sg Le c e l a t e l a l e l e l u l e l e t s i a l e te Yours for the Price,b BO R O R t e t a t a n The One Price Cash Shoe Store.ae: Your Shoes repaired while you wait.— COO OEE Spring Chickens,12c.per Ib. Hens,10¢per Ib.Roosters,te.per Ib,Ezgs,24c.per dozen.stutter,15c.per Ib. Beeswax,25c,.per Ib.Green.Hides,We.per %.|oy) e 85 SG Shoulders;13e.per Ib.Red Honey,10c.per Ib.Sourwood Honey”Comb,18c.per Ib, Grain,The following prices were paid yesterday‘or,grain on the local market:Wheat,$1.25 per bushel.Corn,(new),60c.per bushel. Oats;65ce.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Marke!On the local market yesterday 11 1-4¢.perpoundwaspaidforbestgradecotton,|Seed cotton,4.75.|Cotton seed,45c.per busiel,| s f. MALLS DRUG STORE,|"PHONE 20. CIGARS!_ YOU/HAVE TRIED THE OTHERS: £NOW TRY THE BEST. Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar 4 i ——~—AT———ae Prescriptionists, plants.D.J.KIMBALL.Nov,%| FOR RENT—Seven-room hqttse Race street,|ore block from the coflege,Modern fnvehiences.MRS.D,A.MILLER.Oct.29.| FOR SALE—Second-hand Ford car..A.McM.BLOUNT,Barium Springs,N.C. Nov.5—-2titw* Many have taken adyan-— tage of our free bureau of Overcoatings,|- etc.Have you?If ‘not.a come atonce.Our stock| is complete with the new- Suitings, in Men’s wear at the lo est prices,Remember our motto:.‘tion: esti 1 d >|FOR RENT—Five-room cottage on Elm street,i .Robert Bunch Cash Grocery Co.vi nese Jo R.HILM.Manufacturer’sAgent.The Trail of the Lonesome Pine will be the}Modern convenie--attraction at the opera house Friday night.|f ~4 Tickets on sale at Statesville Drug Co.FOR.RENT-—Nine-room house.with’eabeeserseeesecsetetsesteseseseecesesasteessecewsesettesitesasieste cate i .¢tall modern ¢onveniences—my.home,t Minune|Meeting of the V.E.C.Club.|.8 ener evea iene SLOAN.*‘‘%|Correspondence of The Lanamark,i ©Nov.2./|oF.Statesville,R-4,Nov.5 ——Nine bers of eioee det*cf the V.EB,°€..met Thuraday afternoon with}FOR RENT.‘ottage close in,Water and!2 a Miss-Maryetta and.Mrs.B.Murdock,at}.‘sewerage,eap to good tenant.MRS,|2 Hj North View:Qn account of sickness of the{’WN,R.TUNSTALL,Nov,2.Ly president,Miss Bona Carter,the ting was}oo i eee |io 9 9 jcalled to order by Miss Rose Mills,vice pres)FOR RENT—Cottage close ins Lights andm*.%hi ident..“‘seweragt.R._P..ALLISON,—Oct.5:7onTheworkoftheafternoonconsistedmain-i |J {y ly ,of crochet and several business’subjectad OLD NEWSPAPERS —All you want atmyAwereconsidered.-Bater the suests were 10¢.“A hundred.Worth this to start fires|of Wi ft)by the hostess to a sunny spot in the yard,4 wit!Also.good to put under carpets and,4 e aSh evace pictures —_taken.aa inet bape the walls,Come to THE LAND.-!¥i;yard the guests.were taken into the dining lor them.‘:i7Hacinthsiroom.The table was beautifully decorated REF |‘A f J*9 %7 |With large yellow and white chrysanthemums FOR RENT-—-Vight-room two-story house,|i :.o~«:and a most delightful satad course was serv-‘608 West Front street.L.K.‘“OVER-if By ed.(CASH,yee Aug.20.\,a :"y aie a iw of the members bagi wipe ae :sidesm;°Af ane,the others were interested “in their fare/lhoR GALE—Chryaanthemums,White,yellow,i *¢:fy |Well “chat,a very popular tady,Mrs.Annie yi ;,iJ White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue.‘Whiting,who was a visitor of the cl male |the Grea «oe BT Om seeteat%a very pleasant talk on several busin b=|on ‘:1}|jects,,OR RENT—Severi-Rouse on Traddoere°°Mrs.N.A.Beaver of this vicinity fiskg’that y Street.W..A.ELIASON,Oct.8 |x Paper White Narcissus the club meet with her next Thursday afters{f20 nnoe,o noon at the usual hour—-2:30——but later)it was /#OR SALE—Two mares;one horse,two colts,|1 decided that the chth would not meét next ,to mules and eight head fat cattle.J.T.|¥y i Thursday on account’of other business,but|HOLLAND,R-7.Oct.29,|;MAMMOTH BULBS wold meet ‘Thursday -waeky lth The’mene |Cs *Ts and ose interested are especialy urped !e ::»[te be present and,if you'll extuse-the-ex-if “RVERYTHING 10-BUILD WITH,”i ,’pression,.‘get a hustle om.themselves’and|fi)-:i ®.9 :show folka that the V.E.©.girls can do Rough and Dressed Lumber;3 Vitie FU omp “Vy oe ae.*|Shingles,Doors,Windows;Laths,,;~i p "‘Lime,Ce ;Door Window|‘Quality:¥rddcriptionng.|}Ho Apparat fences ret a |4 a .wii iene ea ‘hil!TONLE drives ont|B Columns,Newels.i{Ss :‘alaria,enti ee ,builds upthe system,|:vret SSESSESTILERERELELESERELORITETIT ORE T TT Te rete ;+"A erie Tanto;,i (dulte,and children,600, Sloan Clothing Cor Kashion Attorneys, 3 = Ao te a >1 ee WATKANS,“Phong 43. ae oe IGRANITE AND}||COPPER WARE]—|FREE fs With EveryMajestic Range Sold.— ONE WEEKONLY i ONE.WEEKONLY SAVE $8.00 AS a special fcicirbionh during our dncnonelias tion week only,with every MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same),wewewill givefree,one}: handsome set of ware as illustrated here Every piece of this ware is the.best of its kint. Not a piece that is not needed in every kitchen,It cannot possibly be-bought for-less than $8.00,.This ware is on exhibition at our store.DON’T FAIL TO SEE IT. Which Shall it Be?, DO you intend .to continue laboring,burning “valuable fuel und destroying high-priced food”with fa e.that old worn-out cook stove?“ You,KNOW.that old:stove eats up a.Jot of fuel each”year. Yow KNOW you have troublein getting it to bake just right,in fact,spoil a batch of bread every once in a while—you know it costs considerable for.yéar-. ly repairs. Stop and think and figure.Wouldn’t it pay you ‘to buy.a good range—a range with a reputation— THE GREAT MAJESTIC Malleable and Caaxcon) Iron,RANGE “YOU make no mistakein buying the GREAT MA.JESTIC—it’s the range with THE REPUTATION— ask-your neighbors.Then,too,it’s made just right and of the right kind of material—MALLEABLEbandCHARCOALIRON—riveted together practical- ly air tight—lined with pure asbestos—parts being|ogmalleablecan’t break—has a movable reservoir and an over that doesn’t warp—that’s why the MAJES.- .TIC uses so little fuel,bakes just right every day intheyear(browns bread just right all over without turning),heats 15 gallons of water while breakfast is cooking—properly handled lasts a lifetime,and COFFEE POT: costs practically nothing for repairs. Don't buy the range you expéct to last a lifetime eosieht unseen;”.you’ll be sure to be disappointed. A eur store during.demonstration week,see EAT MAJESTIC—have ‘its’many exclusivefestaresexplained—find out why'the MAJESTIC is800percentstrongerthanotherB.ranges are weakest, ike STEAMER-CULLENDER-AND-DHEAVY:ZTANPED IRON:MARBKETTLE:13 0Z-ALL-COPPER-TEA:KETTLE:14.0Z-ALL:COPPER:- s at hee MAJESTIC-NEVER-BURN-COOWER:-|mnAINER:(|HAae HEAVY:MARRLEIZED-PUDDING-PAN.LLARGE-NEVER-BURNWIREO *ORIPPING:PAN:2°7 MALL NEVER-BURN-WIRED:DRIPPING -PANS-seen,2°MALLDRIP:PANS ppa CHILDREN’S SOUVENIR DAY 100 STORY BOOKS “BREE“The Quillivers’,Ride” By CLAUDE WETMORE: A CHARMING STORY for boys and girl aadventuresoftheweeQUILLIVERSin‘iG FOLKS:LAND-~a story that will hold any child’§interest totheveryend;and teach a lesson of life-}ng value, The first 100 boys and girls who preset to THEMAJESTICRANGE,SALESMAN,at oun store,be-tween 3 and 5 p,m.,TUESDAY,written nswers tothefollowingquestions,will,receive this ‘fisci story book’FREE, pre names of anyoneyou iiitow needirange,\ 38—The «Majestic Rehge-has:many.points)of su-:periariiys Nee does your mother c\nsider / rest7 4—What is your ag 5—When is your weteey 2 rn :%_$1.00 ARTICLE FREE The boyor girl giving the neatest and best answer to the third question may sélect any $1.00 arti¢lefromourstockINADDITIONTOTHESOUVEN\R.A PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY Don’t be discouraged if you are not one of the 18) to get the story book.You will receive a MAJESTIC PUZZLE CARD that will afford you’many hours ofamusement, Be sure to have your answers ready to hand inattourstoreTUESDAYafternoon,between three and*five.They must be WRITTEN if you wish toreceive ‘a souvenir or prize.‘ onstrator direct from the MAJES- rIC FACTORY will be glad.to —-show you why the MAJESTIC is the best range on earth at any price. CAIN-ALSO-BE-VIED:AP:ROAZTER- All during this week a specialAses- eSpecia show you “ALLABOUT RANGES” COME,IF YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOT EDUCATION lies in KNOWING THINGS—Know Lwhy the oven of,a range.is.hea KNOW ho ranges where most} the water is heated—-HOW ‘thetopis heattheMAJESTICusessolittlefuel—KNOW hhow range is made inside and outside,This ‘education may serve you in the future,DON’T.OVERLOOKachancetoKNOW:THINGS shown by one who -tknows..COME. October 9,1915. MATTERS ‘OF NEWS. ‘A probagal to close ‘thoving picture“heaters on Sunday was defeated by©decisive majority in.the municipal«election at Grand Junction,Col.‘A <Ghinaman convicted in New"York o opium smuggling and serving -@ term in the.Federal prison in At-*‘anta,died of starvation.He:refusedtoeat‘and’went nearly two monthswithoutfood.OW,P.Stimmel of Phoebus,Va.,has‘~<appealed to Federal officials to recov- .er $30,000.in.money and his note for$84,500 out of which he alleges he wasswindledin,Pees:Tl,on a fakeHorseracing‘scheme, ‘/"The monéy order department of the British postoffice has issued a circular‘advising the public that hereafter no individual or firm will be permitted_to send more than $500 weekly to any one person or firm in the United©States. --As a result of their “legal admis- sion”of the charge»of non-enforeement:of prohibition laws in_Memphis, made in the ouster suit against them, H.Crufap,R.A,Utley,vice id W.M.Stanton,_policeeSfaebeenoustedfrcmoffice.t is’learned that the Russian Gen-eral Grigorief,who was in commandofKovnofortress,has been courtmartialedandsentencedto15years’ ¢Amprisonment for surrendering thefortresstotheenemy,although hehad.supplies.of munitions and_pro-~visions sufficient to-last fora consider- able time.Approval,has been given by Presi-“dent Wilson-to-a movement startedin -Portland,Me.,for the inauguration of a system of aerial ¢oast:patrols.along ,,the coast line of the United States. The movement has been started by.private individuals,who propose to place their service at the Maisposal ofthe’Federal government in time “of war.Attired in blue trouser skirts -andmilitarycloaks,with scarlet sashes, _sweeping sombreros and high boots, 5,000 French women marched to the St.Lazare station in ‘Paris to show their readiness to take over militarydutiesintherearandthus’release additional m for the t®enches.The minister of war has not,yet decided 1n| what capacity to use.the amazon corps. Heware of.Cheap Substitutes.+In these days of keen,competition it tv im:portant that the public should,see that theypretBYh-Remedy and not #take 1 nr the pake of extra“+profit.”Chamberl@in’s Cough7Stood‘the test and been»than forty aes oe Remedyapproved‘for,moreeverywhere, *|The NEWS Accidents Crimes:and Other In-cidents of Life in North Caro-lina. Geo.Deverix,a Yegless man whowassellingpencilsintSalisbury,diedathislodgingPlacefroman_over-dose of paregoric. On his way home from Raleigh,where he had sold cattle,Louis Craw-ford washeld up in the vicinity of the city by two negroes .and robbed (of$68. Robert B.Hobsori,;a young man registering from Philadelphia,as found dead‘in bed'in an Poche hetelThursdaymorning, due to natural causes, A car load of horses belonging to the Hagenbeck-Wallace area to struck by a freight,train at HighPointFridaymorning.Two horses were killed and 16 injured. A Junior Order educational rally,in behalf of moonlight schools,drew a great crowd at Lexington Friday. Several.thousand children and,Junior)" Order members were in line,with the military and ‘fire|companies,bands|2andfloats. Invitations were,issued some days Miss Maude England of Lenoir,the marriage to take place in the Meth- odist church in Lenoir tomorrow,the10th.:;Miss England is a daughter ofRev.J,F.England,a Methodist min. ister, One’day last railway shifting erlgine struck an au-! tomobile at the Conover crossing®andkilledtwomen——Hulan «Bridges _of Cleveland county and J.W.Diggs ‘of Lumberton:suit for damageswascomprémisedbytheSouthern paying the families of the two men$4,500.each, C.CG,Covington,a merchant of Wil-mington,has brought suit for ‘libelagainstStateSenatorW.B.Cooperof‘that city.Covington and.Cooperarebothmembersoftheboard:of church,Wilmington,and Covington ton)had bunecoed Cooper out of $500 ‘a few years ago,: \To Drive Out Mataria“And Balld Up The hevtnis k[Take the Old Standard .GROVE’S|§TASTELESS chill TONIC.You know {Schat »you,are taking,as the formula is|5erylabel,showing it is |}|printed ¢,drives out malaria,the Tron, M ABOUT STATE.| §|behaviour. Death was|” ago for the marriage of DriJ.W.Pitts &of Catawba,formerly of Lenoir,and & mmer a Southern }% stewards of Grace Street Methodist 3 charges that Cooper told the pastor,|—7 |Rev.J.D.Bandy,that he (Coving-i8 tail Dap.the system.50 vr i is LeTrot in a’tastéless form, at Divorced From Katomobile, The Salisbury Pogt hears ‘that at Cabarrus court a citizen infected with |the speed mania and who made mat- ters worse by mixing liquor with his. gasoline,was divorced from the steering wheel by Judge Lane.It was said to be a’chronic case and that.the man was a menace on the highway. He was found guilty and it was a-part of the judgment of the court that he shall not drive a mozor-driven”ma- chine of any character,and in addi- tion he was required ‘to give bond to report to the court:and show good Name of the party is not given in-the report. Judge Lane was simply carrying out.the law;which prohibits persons under the influence of liquor operat:ing ‘motor cars;'but this seem’to’be one of the few cases in which that:sec- tion ofthe law has been enforced.Infactlittleofthelawisenforcedany- where,at any time, Piles Cured sn 6 to 14:Days: :Your ees will refund money.if rao |OINT NT fails to cure any case of..ItchiBlind,Bleedingor ProtrudingPiles in 6to 14¢The wrens gives Base and Rest i An epiderhie of scarlet fever at Ma- ridén has made it necessary to close the schools for two weeks. 10 CENT “CASCARETS”Si BEST LAXATIVE FOR -7 LIVER AND BOWELS. Don't Stay Cohstipated,Headathy,Bilious,With Breath Bad or Stomach Sour. ach or bowels;how much your.head aches,how miserable and uncomforta- ble you are from a-cold,constipation, bowels—you always get relief withCascarets.” Don’t let your’stomach,liver-and bowels make you miserable.Take Cas- carets tonight;put an end to the head- ache,biliousness,dizziness,nervous- ness,sick,sour,gassy stomach,-bad cold,offensive.breath and all otherdistress;cleanse.your insidq organsofallthebile,gases and constipatedmatterwhichisproducingthemisery.A 10-cent box means health,happi-| |ness and a clear head for months.All |druggists sell Casearets.Don’t forget’ m the children—their:little insides.need, 2 gentle sicane yey won: State Supt.Joyner |was|=— the speaker of the day,iT veceeneeiaee ‘SPECIAL VALUES wnt Tae Men’sand Women’S Hose! SSE ‘One lot Men’s B0e, One-lot Men’s be. be Sikes, an Lisles, One lot Men's 2e.‘White Sole, 39¢.pair. 19¢.pair. 2lc.pair. One lot Women’8 alte, One lotWomen’8 ae THESE SPBOpAL Dy oa Yor qRhpne <0swe bees ikwid preemie One lot Women’s §0c.0'Tan Silks, One lot Women’s dbo,*Tan Lisles,17.pair. White Silks,27c.pair. 39¢.pair. Black Lisles,19c.pair. PRICES ARE CASH. SHERRILL WHITE SHOE wt No odds how bad.your liver,stom-|’ ‘indigestion,biliousness and sluggish} Safety first!Avoid the fire risk by§using this fireproof,stormproof,and_durable roofing. Last as long as the building :and never need repairs.|ma An MONTGOMERY:HARDWARE(6,panne Me C. — Boys CornClubShow The Iredell Hardware Company Will be headquarters for the display of corn by the Corn Stub Boys of Iredell county,whichis to be heldin Statesville November 27th.Boys,select your corn according’totherulesofthecornclubworkandinstruc-tions given out by your county Demonstya- tor and have it in their store by the 23d. They also offer the following prizes: First Prize—One Hand Saw,Pride of Iredell, _Second Prize—One Block Plane, Third Prize—One German Town Hammer, Fourth Prize—One Pruning Shear . Besides these four grand prizes they willgivetothe10whoreceivehonorablemen-tiontion a 2-fpot Stanley rule. Comé to town,boys,on this big day and befareoftheIredellHardwareCo.TheyavearrangedwiththeMovietoentertainyouintheedge. i Tyee aeeeeFy wae IT is WORTH WHILE £0.‘STUDY:| ROM.NOT PH UO.3 VET:ALI VS svireste bisaitti pelt h ec RsERdraconapwrteedh 4 scatman Those of Middle Age Especially. When -you have found no remedy for the horrors thatoppressyouduringchangeoflife,when through the long -hours of the day it seems as though your back would break,when your head aches constantly,you are nervous,de-pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains,don’t forget that Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoundisthesafestandsurestremedy,and has carried hundreds.of women safely through this critical period. w Read what these three women say: a From Mrs.Hornung,Buffalo,N.Y. Berraro,N.¥i—“1 am writing to let you know how much yourmedicinehagdoneforme.I failed terribly durmg the last winterandmeeandeveryonerémarkedaboutmyappearance.I suf-fered from a female.trouble and always had pains in my back,noappetiteandattimeswasveryweak.3 “J was visiting at a friend’s house one day and she thought I needed‘Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.°I took it and have gained*eightponnds)have a good appetite and am feeling better every day.Eve y is asking me what [am doing and I recommend Lydia KE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,You may publish this letter if youwishandIhopeotherswhohavethesamecomplaintwillseeitand*get health from your medicine as I did-”—Mrs.A.Honrnune,91StantonSt.Buffalo,N.Y.; :Made Me Well and Strong.Macenox,N.Y.—“1 was all run down and very thin in flesh,ner-+e vous,no appetite,could not sleep and was weak,and felt,badly allfthetime.‘The doctors said I had poor blood and what I had wasturning:to water.I took different medicines which did not help mebutLydiaE.Pinkhapi’s Vegetable Compound made ine we andstrong,and I ami recommending it to my friends.”—Mrs.Frep;Cuace,Ri-No.-2,Macedon,-N-Y.ie ae neice Life.re The Change of |BEUATILLE,Mv.—*By the use of Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable j Compound.I have successfully-passed.through a most trying time, the nge of Life.I suffered with a weakness,and had to stay inbedthreedaysatatime.Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound restored me topertet health,and Iam ee it for the benefit ofotherwomenwhosufferasIdid.”—Mrs.W.5.Duvaxt,Route No.1,Beltsville,Md.- For 30 years Lydia E.Pinkham’s VegctabloCempobasbeenthestandardremedyforfe-.male ills.No one sick with woman’s ailmentsdoesjusticetoherselfifshedocsnottrythisfa-mous medicine made from roots and herbs,ithassomanysufferingwomentohealth. ee Write to LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINECO. (CONFIDENTIAL)LYNN,MASS.,for advice. -Your letter will be ned,read and answered‘by a woman and held in st{‘ct confidence. i}: ‘|| New Line‘of 1915 ~Variegated Mottle Rugs. Persian Silk Rugs. ‘ Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes. Anglo Persian BathRugs in all colors. Call and see our line of Brussell Rugs— :$18.00 to $38.50.: We have in stocka few specially large12x15Rugs. Statesville Housefurnishing Co. eremaiemeennanntmee TUESDAY,- -=October 9,1D15.ceed President Discusses Defence'Pro- gramme in New York-—Mr. Bryan Dissents,©*% President Wlison opened the admin-istration campaign fer its né I de-fense programme in a comprehensiveandcarefullypreparedaddressdeliy-lered in New York city Thursda poeat.the Manhattan club banquet...Hedeclaredsolemnlythat|the UhitedStateshadnoaggressivepurposes,but must be prepared to defend itself |in order to assume “full liberty and|g2lf-development.”Significantly,hesaidthat“with ourselves in this gre|matter we associate all'the peoples o‘our own hemisphere,”adding that “we| wish not only for the United Statesoutforthemthefullestfreedomofin- dependent growth of action,”FasThePresidentwasreceived withenthusiasticapplauseasheentered the banauet hall and during his ad-lress..The hall was decorated withAmericanflagsandfilledeventothe THE NATIONAL DEFENCE.jf"(efense.’ |—leads h TH Kil A NDMARK |*like shilaetias”tat express them-||Selves.with equal clearness.“The,President says that we shouldheprepared.‘not.for aggression—butThatistherroundup-on which-all preparation for war is made.“What natio:has ever pre-pared for war on the theory that it vras preparing for aggression?It isonlyfairtoassumethattheEuro- pean rilers who are involved in theryesentwarthoughtthattheyweree*ntributing toward the/maintenance of peace when they were makingelaborateprevarationsfor.defense,It is a false philasophy,and being false.*t inevitably leads into difficulties.The spirit that makes the individualearryaWevolver—and whoever car- ries,a réyolver except for defense? i not only to use it on slight provoeation but to use lan-)gunve which provokes trouble.‘Speaksofulyhutcarryabigstick’is one of the delusive maxims employed by those who put their faith in foree, There are two answers to it—first. ‘he man who speaks softly has notthedispositionto.carry a elub and if a man with a soft voice is persuadedtocarryaelubhisyoi¢e changes soonashebeginstorelyunontheclub. eee (crease in PATTERN RUGS!) “If there is any truth in our re- livion..a nation must.win respect as gan individual does,not:by_carryinglarms,but by an upright,honorable ourse that invites confidence and valleries with Democrats,‘When the President arose to speak every one applauded until he was forced To sig- nal for quiet.\8“Within a year,”said the Presi-|'’ndent,“we have witnessed what we)‘sures .good will,This nation has did not think possible—a great Eu-|+:‘\its position in the world without ropean conflict involving many of the|"@sorting to the habit of toting a pis-ereatest nations of the world.The!‘ol or carrying a club.Why reverseinfluencesofthegreatwar.are ev-|°vr policv at this time?”erywhere in the air..All Europe is| in battle. out with asteud and imperious voice| in a titantie struggle of government und from one end of our own dear)“*;;country to the other men are asking)‘"©gent by ee conte ae2.Was v iSoneanotherwhatourownforeeNewYorkNavyYard.From his desk how far we are prepared to maintain.;ourselves aaaheet pe interference?”the Navv Department the Secretary with our national action or.develop-|‘2!<cd to the commandant of the Newant5“York yard by way.of the big govern- The President called upon “men 0}nent radio towers at Arlington and ae a report on,repairs to the { Secretary of the Navy Daniels Fri- day transmitted the first naval order, lall shades of political opinion”to ral-|\~iy to the support of the defense pro-Dreadnangty New York.Navy offi-gramme.~He-said-it-represented “the;2'4!8 Sav the achievement brings clos- hes ssi inion |;:r reeeeeeeetpening|Navy may-sit at his desk in Washing- |that “if men differ with me.in this)°”"and talk to the fleet commanders‘all over the world.|vital matter,I shall ask them .to!|make it clear how far cid in what)Why Avisons Law.Fafled The Arizona anti-alien labor law, |way they are interested in making,ithe permanent interests of the coun-| itry safe against disturbances.”frecently declared unconstitutional by}|There is no need for the “country |the United States Supreme Court,re-} ‘to feel panic-stricken,the President!quired employers.of -more than five} |teclared;because it stands in friénd-|persons to employ aot less than 80; lly relations with the world.He spoke)ner cent.qualified electors or citizens. of the United States as “a nation too!A test ease went to the Supreme Court |oig and generous to be exacting,but and the court held that the consti- {yet courageous enough to defend jts'tutional rights.of an alien,as guar-‘ights-and the liberties of its people )anteed by the 14th amendment to the[ener assailed or involved.”—~..‘constitution,were violated by the law.Outlining the defense prograi i sess neaeaatanenatanmcinemaaanie {the has ygor said it included an ine)”."The Hendersonville Democrat says thejtrainingwithin the next three?years |county,.operated from the top of the of 460,000 citizen soldiers to’be’rais-;temple of justice,dealing out boozejedinannyalforcesof133,000 «4 by:means of a rope;W the strengthening of the Nati :#Guard.He laid particular empha-'-isis on the need of ample equipmeni | |The President @eclared that the a ;navy already is a “very great and ef-iificient force”but that in order to Hi bring it to a point of “extraordinary i force and efficiency”a definite policy #'must be adopted and hastened,and‘an adequate supply of men andequipmentprovided.;In addition to speaking on na- jtional defense,the President attack-.who love other countriesHfbetterthanAmerica”and men whe! That Conclusion. It is not the telling of a single case Yn Statesville,but a number’of citi-| zens testify.Endorsement by people | you know bears the stamp of.truth. The ‘following is one “of the public statements made in this locality about | stir up religious and sectarian an-|Doan’s Kidney Pills: Hitagonism.He declared that such;jy 7 Fry,foreman in furniture’meén should be “called to a _reckon-Ee :eeHling.”|shop,220 E.Bell St.,Statesville,says: Contending that the preparation|jwas for defense only the Presidentsaid:“We have it in mindto be prepared,#i but not for war,but only for defense; “I had lumbago and often such sharp pains caught me across the small of my back when I stooped,that I could straighten.Seeing Doan’s Force everywhere speaks|'Talking By Wireless Telephone.| It}. er the day when a Sécretary—of-the;— standing army,the}a blind tiger at Brevard,Transylvania |’ IT MUST BE TRUE.| Statesville Readers Must Come to and with the thought.constantly in #jour minds that the principles we hold #\most dear can be achieved by the slow #processes of history only "In the kind- ly and wholesome atmosphere of peace,and not by the use »of hostile Hi force.The mission of America in the #|world is essentially a mission of peace wiand good will among men.She has Hi become the home and asylum of men#\of:all ‘creeds and races.~Within herWihospitableborderstheyhavefoun!H\homes and congenial associations an] iifreedom and a wide and cordial wel- rereeesrrCommercialNational OF STATESVILLE,N.©. “Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits =-31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System.| Your Banking business solicited’and “every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods,:= Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits rempining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,-==-..President,fF K.,.MORRISON,-- -Vice President, fF ~D,M.AUSLEY,--.Cashier.@,&,HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. the bone and sinew and»|America itself.America has _been %imade up out of the nations of the come,and they have become part of spirit of hardly Kidney Pills highly recommended.I got a supply from the Statesville Drug Co.and began taking them.I was soon relieved.When I notice that my kid=cv<are not acting just right, I take a few doses of -Doan’s Kidney -PiMs and they put me in good shape.” Price 50c.at all dealers,Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the.same that Mr.Fry had.Foster-Milburn Co. 8 |world.3;“But we feel justified in preparing iourselves to vindicate our right to in- #idependent and unmolested action by %imaking the force that is in us ready:for assertion.”| B |.Mr.Bryan Dissents. H Former Secretary of State Bryan 7 |has.come.out against *President—Wil-H |}son’s national defense plan in a for-$imal statement in which he takesHiissuewiththePresident’s views asHiexpressedbeforetheManhattanBiclubinNew.York.“A departure 8 ifrom our traditions;a reversal.of our#|national policy,a menace to our peaceHiandsafetyand_a_challeng¢to theHispiritofChristianitywhichteaches|}&H |us to influence others by example rath-|| When It’sFlowers! Think of Van Lindley Company.We have H \er than by exciting fear,”is Mr.Bry-|};ane view of the national’defense|f’OM of the delH|plans.ATP Sis.Biphat'e aekeaaient,which:peit-Greenhouse plants in, Hlerates views he has previously ex-the South. Ri pressed on the subject of prepared=|Hiness for war,was regarded astheopeningguninthefightwhichad-4 {ministration Waders expect in Con-#|gress against adoption of the plan.He B |said in part: H|“I have read the President’s speech||-Biat New York with sorrow and_con-Ricern,He is doing what he:believes#\to be his duty and so long as a manB|follows his conscience,and judgment,B|we cannot criticise his motives,butHiwemaybecompelledtddissentfromHhisconclusions.I feel it my duty to|dissent,and,as he has given hisH|views with clearness and emphasisH|thosé who differ from him are under Orders small or large .receive prompt atten- tion.Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed. Flowers That Please. WELL BUCKETS,STOVE PIPE! «4.We havein stock Well Buckets madeup in.amy.size.No black iron~|used about bucket.Any size or weight Stove Pipe made to order,Ata full line‘ih stock.; °—: EL &ATESVILLE TIN CO.,H.C:Mohler,Manager.-"PHONES.114 Bast BroadStreet, Tah SF ba y ne ¥ =oon wae ——|Van Lindley Co,There “até many jpeople ‘who have a dis-tress in the «stomach after :meals,[tis duetoindigestionandeasilyiedbytakingoneofbetlain'’s er meals.Mrs,Henry Padghan,Vietor,N.Y.,writes:For some time Iwas,vtoubled:with head-ache and distress in.my stomach’after eating,also,with .conatipation,A 4 b tagoTbegan’taking’Chigaver FabloteThey GREENSBORO,B.6. |Polk Gray Drug Co,, ‘®Tablets,ian lated the action of my bowels and,an her anndoyancea ceased||> a seni 29 8 2 S 9 2S S O S S 9 S 9 S S PS P S OP P I S S P S O S FO S OS S EPE S O OS S Oe ee ee e l e s i b e e b e e b e e e e b i e s e e e e e s Lecal Agents,We ayia WARM BATHROOM:} HY bathe in discomfort atid | run the risk of catching cold — whena PERFECTION SMOKELESS _ OIL HEATER in five minutes ‘time will make the bathroom warm as toast? Py.; ms | Take it wherever it is needed—,”Me touch a match—and its genial ~ warmth soon changes chills to || comfort.It helps you dress,ithelps you work,it makes food taste better, Convenient,clean,no smoke orsmell.| Ten hours of solid comfort on a gallon of kerosene. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil © Stoves,Lamps and heaters. STANDARD OIL GOMPANY. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlotte,N.C.Charleston,W.Va.,Charleston,8.C, Washington,D.C.&Norfolk,Va.Richmond,Va. Look for the Triangle Trade-| mark, In many styles and sizes at all hard ware-and general stores. wn bhighestauard—PanamerPacificExposition :-xi—~.posTinieCAManeha)ee S F ‘WORTH KNOWING Suppose that you are insured in the United Life and AccidentsuranceCompanyofNewHampshirefor$5,000underthe Company’:Triple Indemnity Plan,what does your Policy guarantee to do?> ae ANSWER: FIRST,it guarantees that in case of doath from any cause,$5thefaceofthepolicy,will be paid. SECOND,that in case of death from any accident,$10,000,double the face of the policy,will be paid.|ope THIRD,that in case of death from certain specified accid$15,000,or three times the face of the policy,will be paid.But this is not all.In case of total disability as a result ofdentalinjury,you will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK.Can insurance do more?And why should any-man_be with a pulicy that would do less?~Thecost is low.eeERNESTG.GAITHER,eN®S4,wuALSAND.REALPHONE23.OFFICE NO.1,S COOOL “The Mark of Quality.” ‘TEXACO ENGINE OILS,-TEXACO CYLINDER OILS,TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases, Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil in full packages,see us before you place. your orders,ye ;: We are in a position to demonstrate QUAL- ITY,and can make delivered prices that willinterestyou,.ae4 (Wholesale Distributo’*Phone 61,©‘Office;A J terararerase ee s c e s e s e r o c e s e s e e e e e e PE. e Dramatized from John Fox,Jr’.s,Novel of the Same Name WithMISSmILYoCONNORASJUN DIRECTION OF THE WILL E.‘CULHANE AMUSEMENT COMPA PRICES—25c.,50c.and $1.00.Reserved Seats on sale at Statesville Drug Co. ee er eee The2 |Rel afer lie S Here For Ten Dave Beginning Saturday,1 3th $20,000.Men -Go-Round from cane Island. Ferris Wheel and Famous Tri ars. Enjoyment for Young and Old. EVERYBODY INVITED. EVERYBODY COME. Watch for Searchlight.Everything Illuminated. .Vacant Lot Next to People’s Loan and Savings Bank. po n e pu b e n i m i l u i n e Me a t as t h e ) Sh e s ic i n g Aa gt , we r iP i dh s ed ok wm ga he h e do : Mérct atte ‘and Farmers’Bank, OfStatesville, “The Bank for Your Savings.” OFFICERS: wie Ds STIMPSON a President. -.G.S."FOMLIN -Vice President. 'F.B.BUNCH -=Cashier. J.A.KNOX Asst.Cashier: DIRE CTORS: C.S,‘Tomiliti,L.K.Lazenby,.L.Stevenson,E.G.Gaither,J.R.Hill,E.B.Watts, timpson, age,—Knox, Certificates of Deposit Issued-by this bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent per an- num,Savings Deposits 4:per cent, credits quarterly.," ‘Checking Accounts Seithes tice or ‘small cordially invited. We want your business. People’s Loan and Savings Bank. tt OFFICERS: GEO.H.BROWN ‘‘0.L,TURNER SePresident, Cashier. ,|tor,Rev.J:W. 4\brother-in-law and sister.ayty §|Cemptroller .of the Hi more resourees than ever before,’ .ae LANDMARK ,TUESDAY,---October 9,1915.\CLOSINGIN ON SERBIA. Advance of Teutonic Allies Con- tinues—War Zone News. The Teutonic.allies have madeifurtheradvancesin.Serbia.:Paris-re-‘ports that French troops have repuls- ed Bulgarian attacks and Montenegrin}reports record the repulse of the Teu-tonic invaders at one point.with heavy losses.The latter report is denied. In the fightingin France,in the re- gion.of the Somme and Oise rivers, the French have captured GermanpostsnearAndrechyandrepulsed German attacks near -Beuvraignes.There have been engageménts —inChampagne,in the Argonne’ fores: and in the Vosges, Petrograd claims a successful tack by the Russians and the.forcingoftheGermanstoevacuateOlai.southwest of Riga;the occupation of a German position in the cemeterynearLaourontheleftbankofthe: Dvina and the capture of German sec- ond ‘line trenches on Lake Sv Berlin,admitting the —occupation“ofthesetrenches,says the Russians later, were expelled from them. M.Zaimis,prime.minister “ofGreece,resigned last week and a new cabinet has been formed with Skouloudis_as.primeminister and-mi ister of foreign affairs,in which the members of the Zaimis ministry retain portfolios,except M.Zaimis. Official announcement by the Brit- ish war office of the sinking of the British transport Ramazan by a hos-tile submarine in the Aégean,sea inthelatterpartofSeptember,previ- ously reported.shows that more than 800 men were lost when the transport went down.The German government emphatic- ally denies the report that it has ask- ed the recall of Brand Whitlock, American minister to Belgium.“The German government,”it is officially stated.“has had:no reason to ask for the withdrawal of Mr.Whitlock,since his personality and his personal ac- tivity have never caused dissatisfac- tion.”Earl Ritchener.the British minis- ter of:war,visited Paris and will visit other.points ‘in the war zone to lookoverthéground.AIT:Death of Mrs.Teague—Mr.J.D.Dorsett IN—Taylorsville News. Reported for The Landmark,{ Taylorsville,Nov,8—Mrs.Bettic Teague,widow of the late Henry Teague,died of tuberculosis Fridayafternoonat2o’clock,at her home inEllendaletownship.Déceased was87yearsand9months‘old and is sur- vived:by two sons—Messrs.“John Teague of Rhodhiss .and Osmondleague..The funeral and,burial ser-vices were held at Macedonia Baptist ‘church Sunday afternoon by the pas-Watts. Rev.Mr.Fry of Mocksville,will as- F sist the pastor,Rev.J.W..Watts,in‘Bila protracted meeting at-‘Macedonia| 3 this’week.Messrs:Hugh‘Wilson Lindsay anidHiredWilson,students at Horner Mil- itary School,3 week-end with their parents,Mr.and ‘#|Mrs.H.D./Lindsay,of this place,and B/Mr.and Mrs.W.R.Wilson,near Tay-B |lorsville:3 few days in Statesville with her broth- Zier,Mr.B.Cloer.#Deal and daughter,Mrs.#son,and her little son,William Deal!#Crowson,motored to Spencer Sunday, Charlotte,spent the Miss Mabel Cloer spent a Mr.‘and Mrs.W.D. S.T.Crow: where they were guests of ae Deal’sand Mrs.James D.Dorsett.°Dorsett;who has,been.ill for some time, Big.Increase in Bank Resdurces |}Al records:in the History oftionalbankingsystemweresma xCurrency Skelton Williams announces,in,3 |call of September 2:when the 7,613 n tional banks’reported $424.000,00 The comptroller interpreted this un-iN pretedented showing of géneral ‘pros:H|perity as indicating the expansion of }/business which has taken place in thé United States since the inauguration$4\of the Federal reserve system jusb-one: |year ago.rennet Eikin Shoes and Elkin.biankatg+gg 2 the body warm and feet dry.— .McKee &Coad. «Nour children needour.“Red Goose’. =|School shoes—J.M.McKee &Co~- t.|Survived by his father and mother, in:of Cornelius and Mrs.J.B.Martin of-|Sherman, at Interment was made :in MKee &Co,—ad SUMMONS .WAS.SUDDEN, Passing of Mr.Howard of ters of Confederacy—Personal and.Social Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Nov.8.—Mr.F.L. Howard,aged 49,a prominent.citizen of this place,died early Friday morn- ing at the home of his aged parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Howard,on.Cen- ter avenue.Although Mr.Howard had been indisposed for some days, his death was altogether unexpected, He rose early Friday morning,dress- ed,sand had started into his.mother's ;room,when he fell.death followingahoreyafter.Mr.Howard was born and reared near Denver,Lincoln coun- ty,and for the PES ven years had made his home in Shenville.‘He is Mr.and Mrs.J.A.Howard;threebrothers,H.N.Howard of this place, W.A.Howard of Statesvlile and 0.D,Howard of Denver,and five sisters, Misses Jennie,Lena and Ada Howard of Mboresville,Mrs,S.D.Thompson Texas.Funeral _serviceswereconductedattheMethodisichurch,of which Mr.Howard was a consistent member,Saturday morning ft 10:30 by the pastor,Rev.C.S. the city cemetery. At a recent meeting of the Battle of Bentonville chapter,U.D.C.,thefollowingofficersfortheensuingyear president,Mrs.H.P.Deaton vice were elected:Miss Julia Stirewalt,president,‘Miss Kate Templeton re- cording ory apd Mrs.W.M.Norman corresponding.secretary,Miss Flossie Johnston treasurer,Miss Hattie Wil- liams registrar,Mrs.W.L.Matheson historian. Mrs.Cora Lowe entertained a num- ber of friends Friday evening in hon- or of Misses.Christine Rutledge,Mary McNairy,Mary Wortham and Laura Hastings of Statesville,and again on Saturday afternoon Mrs.C.F.Mel- chor entertained from 8 until 5 in hon- or of these visitors.Misses Rutledge and'MecNairy were guests of Mrs. Lowe and Misses Wortham and Hast-ings guests of Mrs.Melchor. Mrs.C.P.McNecly.was hostess.to a large number .of friends Thursdaymorningandafternoon.Mrs.M.R.Shoaf,who has lived in Moorésville for the past four years, has:purchased the New Commercial hotel at Shelby and will leave the 20th}:to take charge.{Miss Myrtle Graham,who is teach- jing in Mecklenburg county,spent the week end with her parents,Mr.andiMrs.B.D.Graham.Messrs.GC.R.;Johnston,J.M.Kennett,and E.E.|Edminston,have returned from a trip to Greensville,S,C..where they at- tended the textile exhibit.«Mr.C.G.Freeze,a knight of the grip,spent Mr.W.D.Pharr of Charlotte is avisitorhere.Eugene Hawthorne,astudentat-Mt.Pleasant,is here on a visit-to his parents,Mr.and-Mrs.C.E.Hawthor ne. “The Trail of~The.‘Lonesome Pine.”” “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine,”which comes’to the Statesville OperaHouseFriday,Nov.12,for ‘one night only,is the story of big humans,big hearts and big purposes.Beyond all the futile spirit of feudalism,there istheblueintheskies,canopying thelonely,rugged trees;the sweet spiritprofJune,and the iron willed master-fol Judd.The Will FE.Culhane Amuse-Mament Co.have given a most elaborate ;production to Eugene Walter's dra-matization of John Fox,Jr's,widelyrreadbook,and those who love Junein|the romance will -be-more than charm-ed with Miss EFily O’Connor’s Aclight-|amemmsmsengeeme ine.who has already become enshrinedintheheartsofamillionbooklovers. A ‘cold:wave is coming—we havethatheavyGuderwogrJ.'M.Me- \Our “Dry Sox”’Shoes Ree]p feet dry.Try.them.J.M.McKee &Co.naiah Shaved Cedar Shingles. As smooth as-a water bhandmadeofthesameCada.igrades.Pine and Cypress.Shingles,in Shirigles with thelatest pat-ented loc S$,80 madé that painters'walking:on ve pesannot flattenelocks,oof with shingle$1 30 He's a Ingles at c.WATKINS,Statesville,N C _Mooresville—Officers _Daugh-|— Dooce BrotHers MOTOR CAR When you ride in it you will realize that it has all the respon- siveness,comfort and power you want in a cat:. It gets.away instantaneously and skims the road silently and smoothly without motor vibra- tion or sidesway at high speed.' The motor seemsalways to have more and still more power when occasion requires. There.is no choking at low speed in high gear,and thereis an un- usual freedom from gear shifting At full speed there is scarcely a tremor of the motor. ‘The motor-is 30-35 “horsepower The price of the Touring Car or Roadster,complete,is $785 (f.o.b.Detroit), Statesville Motor Company. “tinal the week end here with his family.}} Mayer Dry Sox Shoes ALESee YOU ~IN RAIN SNOW: AND2esTar-hovent leside ndianaayfetes Sakd Oah TannedOutSole nod awit feather wel!xacps eens J.M.McKee SLUSH. PROTECT «x Company.| ful presentation:of.theymountain hero-|’: COLLEGE TEWERY || Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat:Pins, with the seal of Statesville College on. Make a nice piece of Jewelry for former students as well as those now ee We have this line now in, ete,, RH.'RICKERT &SON.| nlnvitone “E yg =. he ‘es VOL.XU. ___fiveto30 cars of freight go out daily. cede en Seaterse nade nce marcee ete mn tareernererrares eee iy Snag TR rTWASFOUNDDEAD IN BED. Son.of Rev.and Mrs.S.W.Had- don of Statesville—Will BeBuriedHere—Other Deaths. Mrs.8,W.Haddon received a tel- egram Wednesday notifying her that her son,Mr.A.M.Haddon of Cor- }ae = IS A FINE SHOWING FOR US. Statesville Freight BusinessShowsBusinessofTowninHealthyCondition. The freight depot of a town is con- sidered a pretty good barometer of«the business of the town,the amount of freight handled showing whetherthebusinessofthetownisinagood,|"¢lia,Ga.,had been found dead.No healthy condition or inactive,This|Particulats'were —given.Rev. being true,Statesville is in fine con-|Mr.Haddon,who was attending dition.A report issued by the South- ern.Railway,Company showing ‘the standing of the stations of its system on freight handled during the months of July and August of this year,gives Statesville 31st place in the amount of freight shipped and 22d in the amount received,la other words, there were only 30 stations on theSouthern’s entire system which col- lécted more for outgoing freight andonly21whichreceivedmoreon-in- coming freight than did the States- ville station during the months of July and August.The amount of thefreightreceiptsindollarsandcentsishotmadepublic,the railway’offi- cials refusing its agents permission to give out such information.e Statesville station did about the largest freight business —last month in the history ofthe station, and thegprospects for a big business this month are very good.Twenty- the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod at Due West,8.C.,was notified there of his son’s death.Mr.HaddonleftDueWestforCorneliaWednesdayafternoonandMrs.““daddon left Statesville Wednesday evening.TheremainswerebroughttoStatesville for interment,arriving last night. They were met at station by mem- bers of the Masonic fraternity,who will have eharge of the funeral. The deceased,who was a young man, had for some years held a position in a bank at Cornelia.He married in Georgia a few years ago and his wife survives.A press dispatch from Cornelia says Mr.Haddon was found dead in his bed- room Wednesday.“Friends indicated their belief.that he had shot himself, but assigned no motive for such an act. T.H.Little,president of the bank, stated that an investigation showed that there was no connection between Haddon’s death and the—institution’sbusinessacai.”Cae W.A.Moose,Jr.,the three-months- old child of Mr.and Mrs.W.A, Moose,died late Wednesday night atthehomeofhisparentson_the Boulevard,‘after an illness of three weeks.The burial will take place atBethlehemchurchtoday. Miss Mollie S.Jones.died Tuesday at her home in the vicinity of Mocks- ville,aged about 84.The interment was at Joppa graveyard Wednesday. Miss Jones was a sister of the late Mrs.:M.M.Speck of Statesville and an aunt of Mrs..J.A.Brady.Miss Margaret Brady and*Rev.Harper Brady attended the funeral. Floyd,the 6-year-old son of Mr.and Mrs.S.F.Cook 6f Hiddenite,died Tuesday at the home of his grandfa- ther,‘Mr.Fielding Lackey,near ‘Hid- denite,death resulting from menin-gitis.The funeral service and burial}:tdok place Wednesday at Sulphur Springs church,Mr.and Mrs.H.C.Cook,grandparents of the child,andotherStatesvillerelativesattendedthefuneral.cf oe eee A.M.E.ZION CONFERENCE. Colored Methodists in Session in Statesville. About 150 preachers and a thirdthatnumberoflaydelegates“are at- tending the 25th annual session of theWesternNorthCarolinaA.M.E.Zi- on Conference,which convéned at theCenterStreetcolored|Methodist church Wednesday.Bishop -George Wi.Clinton of Charlotte is presiding. Rev.Hi T.Medford of Charlotte is secretary and Rev.A.H.Hatwood of Salisbury is assistant secretary.The opening sermon was preached by Rev. NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. Associate Reformed Synod— Religious Items. Broad<Street Methodist Sundayschoolhasdecidedonthedateforits Christmas entertainment and the na-ture of it.The exercises will be heldontheeveningofDecember23dand will include a cantata entitled “Around the World With Santa Claus.”The “giving Christmas”idea will be car- ried out,:Rev.J.H.Pressly and Elder J.S. Alexander of the First Associate Re-formed church,and Rev.S.W.Had-don of Pressly Memorial church left Tuesday evening for Due West to at- tend the Associate Reformed Presby- terian Synod,which convened in an- >nnal session Wednesday.For many years it ‘has been the custom of theSynodtomeetatDueWestevery tenth year on*necount of its education-al institutions being located there. The Baraca missionary workers’ team of the First Baptist Sunday school.will.be with the Cool Spring Baptists Sunday~afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.“While the multitude waited for the circus parade,Tuesday,Rev.Geo.H.Church preached to the crowd in front of the court house.Rev.J.F.Kirk will preach Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock at Snow Creex church.The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will.be administered at Fifth Creek Presbyterian church Sunday at 11 a. m.Preparatory services tomorrow at 3 p.m,and 7 p.m. Boy Died From Gunshot Wound. Little Harry Barringer,the lad who was accidentally shot and fatal- ly goungee Re brother,in the vi-lp,A.McCorkle of “Winston -Salemcinityoftheirhomenearewton]oa 5 s*2lastSaturday,as told ‘in Tuesday's ep was followed by communion serv Landmark,died Tuesday morningabout9o'clock at the Sanatorium,where he had been under treatment since a few hours after the shoot- ing.It had been realized from the «outset that recovery was impossibie -and death was expected at any time for some hours before the end came. The boy’s father,Mr.H.F.Bar-ringer,and three of his brothers,in- eluding Mr.Homer.Barringer,who fired the fatal shot,were with him when he died.The remains were tak- en to.Newton Tuesday.afternoon,The boy was seven years old and a member of a family of 13 children.His parents and 11 brothers and sis-ters survive him.tha Meeting Commercial Club Mon-day Night. The meeting of the members of the Commercial club,called for Tuesday night for the purpose of.organizing for the membership campaign,decid- ed on,at last week’s meeting of the¢lub,was postponed until next Mon-day night,As previously stated,the club membership has been’divided in- to two companies or committees,each of which will contest in the cam- paign for new members.At Monday night’s’meeting it is hoped that the committees-may be organized —and immediately begin their canvass for new members.The plan is to countthenumberofapplicationsDecember 15th,and-the committee securing the largest number of applications for membership,-based-on a monetary val- ue,will be tendered a banquet at the expense of the members of the los- ing committee.i " Mr.Henry Hill Improving. The condition of Mr.Henry.Hill,who is in a Charlotte hospital under-going treatment for a serious injuryreceivedinanautomobile.’accident,continues to show some improvementandthereisnowwellgroundedhopefor‘his recovery.’Thathe “has ‘sur-vivedthe.shock of the injury andaoperatiow“is considered remarkable,Prof.and Mrs.J.H,Hill,who spentseveraldaysathisbedside,have re-turned +home.reach aeResiunctatelebinias ion Heriry C.Ruppert,late’a citizen ofRichmond;Va.;shot and killed his.Wife ina hotel.in New York yester-day and then committed suicide.©~ ~Fire at Trenton,N.J.,’yesterdaysoosoneoftheropeshopsoftheJohnKE, e. At Wednesday evening’s session of the Conference words of welcome to the colored visitors were spoken byMaydrCaldwellonbehalfofthecity and by Rev.J.F.Kirk on’behalf ofthewhiteministers..Dr.Thos.E.An-derson also made a brief talk.“Theaddressofwelcomeinbehalfofthelo-cal colored Methodists was made by Maude Patterson,2 colored woman of unusual intelligence,who read the ad- dress in an admirabie manner.The evenir~devotional exercises were con- ducted by Dr.E.A.Clement,editor of the Star of Zion,the official paper oftheConference.John C,Dancey of ashineton,church extefision secreta- ry,and a negro of some note,also spoke.; The general Conference business was taken up yesterday.The Confer-ence will be in session until Monday. A special programme is to.be render- ed tonight in eclebration of its 25th anniversary.The public is invited to attend. Robbery Unrebuked. Progressive Farmer.- Our people profess a religion that calls not merely for justice but even mercy toward the poor,and yet we permit conditions that rob all the pov- erty-Stricken by ‘flagrant and callous oppression.‘We profess a political creed of free- dom and equality,*and yet we permit conditions which constitute a shame- less denial of all the high principles we professe-The usury practiced un-rebuked from one end of the South to the other today is in opén war with all the justice and oe the Chris- \tian Church was chargedbyits Found: ¢y to proclaim and compel,and in open War with all the fraternal idealism which the founders of this.natjon left as:guide and chart for our political leaders.: Ancona Was Warned.- Survivors of the Ancona—a report of the sinking of the vessel appears on second page—state that the -vessel was warned bythe submarines beforebeingtorpedoed;that.a:short timewasallowedto,remove passengers, and that the loss of life—which isabout150—was.the result of panic. Two hundred and twenty-seven pewsonswerekilledin'Cook county (Chi-cago)by automobiles’from”Decem=ber 1,1914,to November 1,this year, THE MT,MITCHELL Is Owned By Mitchell Heirs—Judge Long Drew tite Deed. Asheville Citizen,10th,In view of the fact that Mrs,Alicé T.Connally contends that she owns ment,to pe naPEAK five acres at the top of Mt.Mi including the grave of Dr. a search instituted by Judge ter of Dr.Mitchell, ter’s ~heirs-at-law. ter the finding of the deed, to acquire title in order to prthetopofMt.Mitchell,including thegraveandmonumentofDr.Mitchell, the importance of “finding the record of the deed,the original having been lost.by Dr.:Mitchell’s family, thardly be overestimated. after an arduous search was due to the fact that Judge Long remembered.having been employed in 1888 by Mrs.E.N.Grant,president of the States- ville Female Collegé,to prepareadeedforthetopofMt.Mitchell,in- cluding her father’s grave,and he did prepare this deed for ture.Another thing ‘that impressed ituponhis.mind was that he drew the deed for the land in questionouthavingit.surveyed,AsGrantmerelywished‘to acquir it would not be necessary to the hard trip up the mountain. it was for Miss Mitchell.Mrs. died in January 5,1883:—The mark.) rolled in thewhichisbeing taught.by Rev. Lutz and Mr.C.M.Adams aStatesvilleCottonMillschoolOfthis years old,the oldest being 49. about half of the pupils could er read nor write,while the the first class can now write names and do fairly good copy and are able to spell about.20 ter’s store by.Mrs.T.E.An dicapped..recently —by meetings in the churches,but hoped that the attendance wi crease again,now that the meetings have closed.The school was a week or longer. at this school has been only 20,it having been found difficult to get ‘the people of the vicinity to real- ize.the value of attending it. ter three lessons. son is teaching.the regular cation and Mr,Tharpe is teac'class of young men arithmeticing,bookkeeping,businesspondence,etc.The schools are .open persons eligible are cordiallytoattend. With Explosives. Mr.C.E.Sloan of the IredellwareCo.,Mr.J.D.Goldsmith ducted a demonstration.in School of the community,in.additionstudents_of the Hermony.About 40.stumps:were ‘blown were blown out for fruit trees,Itionsastothewisdandsafe explosives were given, His,winnin:tawba fairsweekattheCharlotte.hesixstalksprolific corn,best 12 ears white corn, land is,Single Comb Rhi Tsl at.the Wilkes a * 1 Roebling Company,causing@lossestimatedat$1,000,000, ak ‘ecronnne:ot of,:according ‘to figures compiled in the}'The Mitchell;and is said to be endeavor-ing to sell this tract to the State ofNorthCarolinafor$19,000,the find-ing of a deed yesterday in the officeoftheregisterofdeeds,as a result of! Long,which conveys the top of the peak,i the graye and monu-argaret E.Mitchell,daugh-is highlyportant.The new deed vests the ti to %he land in Dr.Mitchell’s daugh-Immediately af- Long telegraphed Gov.Craig of the discovery of the long lost instrument, which conveys title to a square lot ‘at the top of the mountain.|,As there is likely to be consider-able controversy,as to the ownershipofthelandattheneakofthemoun-tain,which the State has taken steps to a small area around her father’s grave,Judge Long informed her that the expense of having surveyors make (If Judge Long drew the deed men- tioned in 1888,as the Citizen’has it, THE TWONIGHT SCHOOLS. Good Work Being Done and the *““People Are Interested.~~ A total of 34 pupils have been en-“Moonlight School” number 24 are above the school_opened about*a month ago were very little advanced.Those in in common use,while those who werenottotallyilliteratehavemadegood progress.They have reached ion in arithmetic.The Bloomfield school,_being taught on the second floor of,Sum- and Mr,Jas.E.Tharpe,has been han- protracted Wednesday night for the first time inThe.enrollment ages of those enrolled range from 15to35.Two.of the.pupils,both wo-men,had never heen to school could neither read nor write, both learned to write their names af-Some of the oth-ers had attended school.Mrs.Ander- outlined by the State Board of Edu- Monday,Wednesday and Friday nights. Stump-Blowing ‘and Subsoiling Actna Explosives Co.,and Mr.‘Dull,county demonstration’agent,con- blowing and sub-soiling with explos- ives,at the Harmony Farm LifeWednesday.‘The demonstra-tion was attended by 40 to 50 farmers lot:of land was sub-soiled:and-holes use of the Won Prizes at Charlotte Fair. Mr,.B,A.Morrison of Shiloh town-ship;Iredell,,is taking prizes at everyfairatwhichhemakesanexhibit. ve been mentioned.ThisMecklenburgfair.in‘on first:prize for bestfirstprizefirstpri STATESVILLE,N.C.,FR 4iv tchell, B.F. im- Jud eserve can that signa- with- Mrs.e title go to GrantLand- W..A. t the house. 16 When neith- others their work, words divis- derson is in-iti .open about The and but course hing a »writ- corres- All invited Hbrd- of the G..E. stump- to the school. out,a nstruc- nd Ca- * $]S DAY,NOVEMBER death. Wright was not hit. council ~composed hope that Yians are Germans. ‘uns. continuing their rection. ‘The it,is rinés in sulted in the underwater boats. Anconasteamers Moorina, a.A foreign:office.“report from :W.Germon;a that the Zcalandia sel, \ DEATH RESULT OF FRIGHT.METHODIST CONFERENCE.|BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, Horse Frightened By Circus ar Animals—Another Horse Fa- tally Injured By Falling Treei|: A pretty black horse belonging to the Statesville Grocery Co.Lharness,Tuesday morning,death re-sulting from a ruptured blood vesselcausedbyfrightandexertion. horse was attached to a wagon whichwasbeingloadedatthedepotwhen the circus elephants and other ani-mals were brought to the water hy-drant near the station for water.The horse was frightened so badly that itcameneargettingawayfromthe driver,but was held at the platform until the wagon was loaded.In leav-ing the depot the horse had to pass near the wild animals and it was againfrightened..As it was driven downCenterstréetitshowedsignsofill-ness and by the time Bell street,was reached it was unable to go further. An effort was made to get a veteri-narian,but before one could be secur-ed the horse died.A ruptured blood vessel was assigned as the cause of died in The A horse belonging to Mr.P.8S.Hen- derson of New Hope township,which had been injured badly Monday by atreefallingonit,was killed Wednes- day to end its suffering..Mr.-Hender-son and Mr.R..G.Wright brought a(load of apples,to Statesville several That the record was finally found|@4ys ago,each of them furnishing ahorsefortheteam,They were ped- dling their fruit in the Bloomfield sec-tion and stopped:the wagon street near where.a colored‘man,Wal-' lace Lawrence,was uprootin When the wagon stopped’ cuit work and bought some apples. Mr.Wright,who was in the wagon, had just picked up the lines to.drive on when he noticed that’the around which Lawrence had been dig- ging,was falling.He made an effort to pull the horses out of the.way,but was not quick enough and the tree fell on them,knocking both down.Mr. in the a tree. wrence tree, Mr.Henderson’s horse caught the weight of the tree, a large limb striking it acrossback,and when a veterinarian wassummoneditwasfoundthattheani- mal had sustained a serious internal injury.The horse was treated until Wednesday,when it was decided to kill it-Aind end its suffering..The oth- er horse was not seriously hurt.The wagon was slightly damaged. TO FORM A WAR COUNCIL, Britain Suggests New Method For Managing the War—Lit- tle Change in Serbia—Subma- the rines Again Active./ The British prime minister has an- nounced in the House of Commons the probable formation of a common war of.British and The situation in Serbia as it has been for days past—the Austro-Hungarians and’Germans aremarchsouthward while the Bulgarians are movirig into the little kingdom in a westerly di- Down in the south it is re-ported that the”French have.recap- tured Veles,on the railway southeastofUskup,while over on the Monte-negrin front the men of King Nicholas apparently are putting up a hard fight to hold the Austrians back. Germans in the.Champagne rerion of France penetrated at one point the French trenches but, cording to Paris,were dislodged fromtheminacounter-attack,duels’have been the rule on the sec- tors in France and Belgium and ?al- so on the Austro-Italian front. While there have been no fresh po-litical.developments:in.the Baikans which would tend to show that either Greece or Rovmania has.decided.to recede from its position of neutrality, announced that Great Britain, France and Russia have loaned the Greek government $8,000,000. The activities of hostiletheMediterranean has,re- Italian, French warships beginning a -strong campaign to capture or destroy theInadditiontothe and France,BritishCalifornianClanMacAlister.have been sunk and the British transport Mercian shelled with a loss of 23°men killed,wounded and 80 missing.The Mer- cian ‘sueceedéd in reaching port. Must Explain the Search. .Great Britain:was formally asked Wednesday,by the United States,for information.coticerning .the search of the American ship Zealandia inthe Mexican:port of Progreso,by eens arty from a British cruiser. mbassador Page was instructed to French ministers,which will control and direct the joint military and na- val operations of these two countries. Mr.Asquith further expressed the Russia and Italy would join in this arrangement. While Austro-Germans and Bulga- still pressing.onwardSerbia,the Russians in the district ofRigahavewonpositionsagainsttheFarthersouth,in the re- gion of Czartorysk,the Russians have captured the village of Budki and theforcestothesouthandnorth,mak-ing prisoners of 50.officers and over 2,000 men.half of them Germans.Inadditiontheyseizedabout20machine in is the same ac- Artillery subma- British and the and make the inquiry through the London American.ConsultProgreso,statedforcibly @hed last week by met froma sh cruiser now lying outside the}. or,presumably waiting was 50 recent to seize ‘a 12,1915.. Meets’at Reidsville Next Wed- nesday—Some Facts About the Conference. i The Methodist pastors have aboutfinishedtheirworkforthe©Confer- ence year,in preparation for the meeting of the Western North Caro- lina Conference,which will assemble at Reidsville next Wednesday. ¢This Conference is the largest intheconnectionexcepttwoand_its membership includes 100,000 Metho- dists.Last year there was raised intheConferencemorethanahalfmil- lion dollars—$584,652.The Confer-ence owns property ©(ehurches,par-sonages and schools)valued.at $6,-185,892.Each individual Methodist may be said to own $61.85 worth of church property.; The Church paid last year its 245 ministers in salaries $216,176—the average being $882.‘Ten years ago 211 ministers received $127,330,an average of-$608.The average increaseintenyearsis45percent.Pastors and presiding elders receiving as sal-aries $1,500 or more,have grown fromeightin1904to31in1914.Only two charges—-West Market,Greensboro,and Central,Asheville—paid their preachers then as much as $2,000,and no districts paid that much.Nowtherearefivedistrictsandeight charges that equal or surpass thatfigure.‘Four of the latter—West Market (Greensboro),Centenary(Winston),Central (Asheville)and Trinity (Charlotte),paying $2,500 andTryonstreet(Charlotte),$3,000.At the bottom of the column,how- ever,there are eight preachers,who received tess than $400 each,last year. The property holdings during the decade have advanced .160 per cent—from $2,385,892 to $6,185,892.Percapitagivinghasgonefrom$4.15 to $5.85.North Wilkesboro stands easilyatthehead.Each of the 240 follow- ers of Wesley there,under the lead of Rev.Parker Holmes,gave an average of $40.80 to all purposes.West End ¢Winston-Salem)stands next with anaverageof$25.50.In contrast withthese,the members of three charges—Ararat.Mars Hill and Glenville—fellbelow$1 per capita for all purposes.Last year the largest total was raised by Centenary (Winston-Salem)—$21,- 647.West Market (Greensboro)and —The public sehools of theopennext.Monday.at ta —The Daughters of the RevolutionwillmeetwithMrs.W,F.Hall Mon-.day afternoon at 3:30.Ht Ae wey —Mr.J.W.‘Auten has been ap-pointed deputy sheriff of dle CreektownshiptosucceedMr,C.L.Mur-dock,resigned.Br eer —Genuine Indian summer and thefinestautumnweatherinalongtime. The farmers,however,aré inningtocallforrain.It is too dry to plowandthedustisaburden.~~ —-“The Trail of the Lonesome Pine”at the opera house thiserent.1playwaspresentedbytheWill©E.Culhane Company at thfield a fedaysagoandtheHeraldofthattown says it is a good play.; The enforcement of the speedlaws,effective Tuesday,seems so far|to have brought fair results,Therhasbeenanoticeablediminutionofspeed,in some cases at least,noarrestshavebeenmade, —The fair at Charlotte this week isdrawingheavilyonStatesvilleandIredell.Automobile parties’from allsectionsofthecountyattendedthefairWednesdayandyesterday,andotherlocalpeoplemadethetripby train."we —The Iredell County Teachers’As-sociation will meet at Statesville lege tannery Te fe rae.tr ryareexpectedtoresent.—I :quest of the tendhera the CivicLeaguewillservehotpunchesatthe: college at 1 o’clock:oe —The Landmark is asked tothattheannouncementthatPlaceGreenhousewould«be -opénTuesday,16th,from 9a,m.to 5 p.m.,is an error.ere will be no formalopeningthatdaybutfriendsandin-~terested persons are invited to’call at _ any time.e oe —The Landniark is authorized to.announce that an excursion tré iberunfromCharlottetoAsheville,via Statesville,next©Tuesday,16th,.those ‘who eacounty meeting in Asheville.<1ducedrates.Schedule of train notgiven.eee ae—The Landmark is indebted to Mr.Burley C.Reavis for an invitation to T Street (Charlotte t fy %:SiSTBES sO TE,tel ar a ae a and referendum should be |ARE SLOW ON MONUMENTS.endum should be .gegen Reavis is one of h cer f affirmative,..he Breakers frfe ftatesville’s basket ball seasonopenstonightwithagate,in the :ee Have Good Intentions But Don’tCarryThemOut. Charity and Children. A monument does not appeal to thepublic.We have a number of monu-ments of service here at the orpban-age,but they were erected by:individ-uals.The movement for a monumenttosogreatamanasJohn.H.Millswoulddragthroughwearyyears,ifitcouldbeindeedsecuredatall.AlltheStatelovedandhonoredthelife}and work of Charles B.Aycock,butthemovementfortheerectionofa suitable monument to his memory tobeplacedinthe-capitol square at Ral-eigh,if it is making any progress at all,is distressingly slow.‘The late J.P;Caldwell unfettered the press ofaideOeand.set it se a the bondage of party tyranny,but anefforttoerectamonumenttohis|lotte ape cutee le high — memory was‘an inglorious failure.In-teams,in Statesville “tomorro dividuals,organizations,|e pb been called off.But at the. for appendicitis.attack.He is reportedalong‘quitewell Leone eee : —The football game between Char-— build:monuments but not/the public|and place a from Lin at large.It is no reflection on the lege will play Statesville.Cl life and character of the man in whose on ‘the ‘grdund honor the monument is proposed—it|Taylor,the|of the S ‘is simply the way we have of doing a college fp Boot things.We do not feel the pressing),—Folks who live and do businesson necessity for a shaft,or even a build-|west Broad street,and those who had ing to perpetuate the name and fame gathered at convenient points on of a great or a good man,and having|street ‘Tuesday to see the circus pa- the best intentions in the matter we}rade,were not at all pleasedwhen the postpone giving to it because we feel|cireus cut out this route,the — that there’is no:hurry;and putting a|line for parades;and they thought thing off until tomorrow often means|was a bum parade sure.Any pa- putting it off Fon If :ri a rade that skips weet Broad is bum.; could be sprung immediately after the)oe death of some beloved leader,under};j re Seen Coe ee the warm’and generous impulse of ciation,advises:The Landmark that loving sorrow,funds might be gather-Col.Dell M.Potter P ent of the ed for a monutnent,but each day’s ‘Association ts on eae en Woe ek delay cools the public ardor,and con-Diego to Washington :with “natio geals the genial currents of the soul.engineer,magazine writer and 5 A campaign of begging through years They will pass through i Oe of waiting may at last gather a small]iin via-the State Central Highway sum,but the effort discredits and|,i4 Statesville.ae —Gasoline about an.dutotnobile ‘inspoilsthemerit-of the movement.: ;truction By:Kan-|Mr.R.Hi Troutman’s garage,on ‘Mul- Death ant Pontrectiqn:Ay berry street,caught fire about 31sasCyclone.o'clock yesterday and for a few min-A tornado swept over parts of Kan-jutes threatened’serious daniage.Pri-sas,Nebraska and-South Dakota,|vate fire’extinguishers wer os play and the flames wereextingla :ed before the fire department arriWednesdaynight,wrecking manybuildings.and killing a number of per- Mr.“Troutman was slightly ‘burnedwhilefightingthefire, refused to team,is a college player. sons.Estimates of the dead ran as high as 50 or.60.Great Bend,Kan.,reported the worst.damage in early dispatches,12persons.being killed and over 100 in-jured in that city.The property lossat,Great Betid is estimated at a halfmilliondollars.Several thousand sheep were killed,the animals beinghurledintothéairasthetornadoStruckthem,‘Among the towns in which buildingswerereporteddestroyedwereClafin,Kan.,Hoisitigton,Kan.,Larned,Kan.,and Hartford,8.D- eean Mr.Mack Patterson,who lives «afewmiles‘west of town,brought anaction.in oe Lazenby's court Wed-nesday askifig that My.Claude Wes-ton,of the same community,be placed ‘under a peace*bond.The court heardjlargely attended,the attethe.com;t but refused to requirelafternoon being estimated:a bond of Weston.The two men have}5,i but no serious * The Circus Tuesday.Tuesday was the ‘first real “CircusDay”Statesville has had in.quite 2season.The Carl-H alacecircusprovedtobeandthecrowdhereforinkeeping.with eircus-daythepast.There noe matsidertheHapenbeck-"Wallacationequaltoifnot’betteringlingBros.or Barnum &and all will agree that itsperformanceswerewellup,Its menagerie is lat ilaylock,who waa hy;days,returned yesterday}faynesville, daughter,Ruth,of iis,sare.vi Y¢€o re,Wisitin LED TO LING. “Unwritten Law May Also Appear in Marion Homicide. At the cotton mill of the Clinchfield ufacturing Co.,in Marion,at 8 i John T. Marsh shot-and_killed J.R.Ray. arsh admitted the killing,-surren: Wered and is in jail. To a newspaper correspondent Marsh stated that up to last August the lived at Paint Rock,‘where he was ‘postmaster,merchant»and railway ‘agent.The trouble between Ray and “himself began,he said,on the 13th “day of August,1910,when he attempt-| “ed to kill Ray for the alleged “drug- ‘ping”of his (Marsh’s)wife.but that che let the matter drop’on his wife's “account.Ray enlisted in the army at that time'and stayed away™three) ‘years,When he returned,in 1913, “Marsh said,“he continued to dog my footsteps.”Marsh moved from Paint) Rock to Marion last August and went ~*o work for the Clinchfield Comnany. Last week Ray came.to the:mill and | “ton the day of the killing went to) work as an employe of the mill.Ray, Marsh said,whistled at him through | “the window.and otherwise tantalized him;that they met on the stairs and that .Ray had a_picker rod in’his ‘hand and drew it on him.When he 5 fe sani HE OURS * shane hireadSi oi ela Leper:TREE ,‘OFCURRENT NEWS.8 Here and ‘There ineres.theMiata!._Wiliam 'H.Edminston,a:farmerlivingnearHickory.62 years old,felldeadSaturdaywhileatworkinthe field,ft oe aeE.M,.Uzzell;whose printing estab-lishment—in Raleigh was burned:lastSaturdaymorning,is arranging to re- build.and.to organize a company torestorethebusiness,pO ee T.E.-heRoy,who was recently in the Gaston county court for practic-ing medicine withqut’licensé,is un-der $200 bond to~answer-~for a similaroffence.in Catawba ‘county. The Journal says two travelingmen,one pro-German,one pro-Eng-lish;got “het up”in a war discussionatMonroe,a few days ago,and “fout.”“Nobody hurt and’nobody killed.” Thursday,18th,at the home of Mr,and Mrs.William Nash Everett in Maxton,their daughter.Lena Payne, jand Mr,Isaac Spencer London,editor of the Siler City Grit,will be married. The Concord chapter of the Daugh- ters.of the American Revolution plantoerectafountaininthecourthouse yard in‘memory of the Cabarrus Black Boys,for whom the chapter is named. The delegates to the meeting of the State Farmers’Union ‘at Durhamnextweekwilldinewiththestydents of the University,Thursday,18th,by special invitation of President Gra- “raised the rod Marsh says he fired on j ham. ’thim with his 88 Colt’s.'..Marsh went at'once ‘the superintendent of thethispistolonthedesk.told h “had done and asked that the sheriff -be notified.The sheriff found Marsh -“at home,where he had gone to change ‘his clothes.: Marsh is a cripple—having a de- »formed right hand.He has a wife and “six children.Ray had been married ~,and divorced.:eeea aRhetna Minister Murdered on Highway. <!.Rev.George:Sweatt;pastor of the “‘Weslevan Methodist church,situated several miles east of Hamlet,was shot “and instantly killed about 7 o'clock “Monday night while on his way from Hamlet to his home.The murder oc- -eurred just outside the limits of Ham- let. Congressman.Britt,Republican,of to the office of|the Asheville district,announces thatmilllaid| a he he favors the increase of/the nation-al defence and it is supposed that he will support ‘the administration pro- gramme. Mrs.J.C.Bagwell of Ashevilld dis-covered a negro under the.bed in her home.When he advanced on_her Mrs.Bagwell broke’a broom handle over his head and then séreamed:The negro fled,g The government has awarded the contract for the construction of:the Federal building at Wilkesboro —to Engineering and Constru¢ction Com- pany of Bainbridge,Ga.,whose bid was $52,600.‘ North Wilkesboro Hustler:.Peaches on the trees #athered.last Saturday,the 6th,were shown at.this office bv Mr.Wm.Shepherd.The fine "fall A dispatch to the Charlotte Obser- ver says.a Mr.Batchelor and a negro driver were in.a wagon just ahead o “the wagon driven by the minister.A ‘the point where the murder ~¢ommitted they were stopped by “mhan.but.as the night was dark they could not recognize him.After the ‘exchange of a few words they nass- -ed on and in a few seconds heard two f |+|Was {near 20 years.a tract of 2.911 acres a}of land,which includes Pilot Moun- weather has continued the October peach season into November. As a result of litigation extending tain,‘in Surry county,was sold this week,by commissioners,to Winston- Salem business men for $26,500. Four versons convicted in the Ashe- pistol shots.They immediately ran Ville police court of profanity—three shack to investigate and found Mr. “{Sweatt’s body.on the ground.his «horse having ran at the firing of the Shots.E¥amination disclosed that he “had been shot twice—once through-.theh nd once inthe side. he deceased had been active in “the “suppression.of crime ‘in_the ‘neighborhood in which he lived,.which was near the State line,andthisisthoughttobethemotiveforhismurder.:=4 South American Trade Growing. Success of the campaignto secureSodtheUnitedStatesthetradeinaethAmericaisindicatedbyforeign *-eommerce figures for September,madepublicby.the bureau of foreign anddomestic«commerce.In both.imports and exports the-Wnited States has about doubled its “business with South Ameriean coun-‘tries during the past vear.ImportsinSeptemberwere$30,052,765 com-.“pared with $15,858,234 for Septem-“ber,1914.Exports amounted to $16,-/938,717 against $8,288,881 for the _,8ame:month a year ago:|...The statement also ~sho’provement in trade-with Mexico.Ex- ports to Mexico showed an increase ofabout$1,000,000 in.September'overthesamemonthlastyear,and im- -ports an increase of nearly $3,000,-000.::American export trade with almosttheentireworldhasgrown,only in *Burope and Japan showing a slight‘decrease.Continued increase in the‘shinments to the ‘allied countries isindicated.—_- Coronation Japanese Emperor. .The coronation of the emperor ofJapan—Yoshihito—at Kioto,was aneventoftheweek.The coronation was attended by all the ambassadors ‘and ministers from other countries‘and in commemoration of the event‘the emperor bestowed decorations on all the foreign representatives except ‘the American and Swiss representa- ‘tives;who are prevented by the laws of their countries from accepting suchdecorations.In view of this fact the “y}-emperor presented to Mrs.“Guthrie, “wife of the American minister,a gold- en.lacquer.The United States cruis- er Saratoga,flagship of the Asiatic“fleet,was:sent to Kobe,Japan,inhonor.-of the coronation.Gifts fortheemyerorweresentingreatnum-bers byictowned heads of Europe andothers.President Wilson wired con- -gratulations,according to custom. _..Boys Made a Pea Thresher. *Morroe Journal. _*..Henry and Levy Medlin,sons_of_-Mr.J.D.Medlin,are boys worth“while.ey have madé a pea-thresh-_er with their own hands and one that -wworks.With it they can,and’are now, threshing as much as 125 bushels of;per day.\They made it all ‘them-*gelves,and bought only a little gaso-line engine to run it.The engine and‘thresher are mounted on two -scant-lings on a one-horse wagon and asgoonastheydriveuptoaplaceand,hitch ‘the ‘horse they are ready to be-gin work,Catawba Man Victim of a Rab-|l bit Hunt. 4 RL.‘Hamilton of Belmont,Gas-ton county,was accidentally shot and|Killed Saturday,in the vicinity.of:“Belmont,byhis son,John.The two!‘were hunting rabbits and when a rab.t -.jumped -the son,wheelinReus“ashot,pulled the trigger te‘soon ‘and ‘load tookfather’s side;idiling him instantly,+Hamilton was a Catawba countymanandhisremainswereburiedatinthat.county,Sun- effect in his| | hows im-| of them women--were released from fines on condition that they would at- tend the.Chapman-Alexander revival in progressin the mountain city. At a corn shucking on the farm of Bud Popé,in the Catfish section of Catawba county.Saturday~night,there’was an..afftayin’which ColonHedrickrécéiveda’bad gash’on thearm.Russell Bolick is charged with the cutting. -It_is alleged that.William Sales,ofthe.Fairyiew section of .Runcomhe county,was.rather free in his talicaboutayoungwoman‘of the neigh-borhood.As a result he is under $500 bond to appear in court and an-swer a charge of slander, The roof of the round house of theAtlanticCoastlineatWilmingtonfell in,injuring a negro fireman seriously and slightly injuring two others.Rightengineswereinthehousebutwerenotbadlydamaged.The loss will probably amount to $30,000. F.L.°Plaisance,known to manypeopleasamovingpictarephotog-rapher,died in Charlotte.this week.He’was:staff:artist for the New York World and other papers.He was. a native of Canada’and his remains were taken there for burial. E.D.Blackburn,suing:D.E.Ab- ernethy for $2.000 alleged damages as a result of knife.wounds sustain- ed bv Blackburn in a fight with Ab- ernethy in Catawba countya year ago,was awarded ‘$50 by a Catawba county jury.The fight was the re- sult of politics. At Davidson Tuesday night some one entered the home of Mr.Milas Poole and attempted to:assault Mrs. Poole,her husband being away.Inthestrugglebeforeherassailantfled, his necktie wag torn off.This clue ledtothearrestofCharlie’Byers.colored, and he was sent to jail in Charlotte. Near Fayetteville Sunday morning Octavius “mith,a negro,killed his ters as a result:of a quarrel which grew out of ‘the’division of 500 pounds of cotton which the members of the family had picked the day before.One daughter’s injuries may be fatal. Smith escaped. Catfish section of Catawba county, snapped both the bones of his leg just above the ankle Sunday afternoon at Lookout dam,when he jumped ftomhisbuggytobettercontrolhismule, which had been frightened.by an au- tomobile.The bones protruded and made a frightful injury. State Superintendent Joyner an-nounces that the North Carolina So- ciety Sons of the American Revolu-tion will award-agold medat for thebest_essay on William Bryan of Cra- ven county,who was brigadier gener-al of the Revolutio:War.Thecontestantsaretobé“public schoolandcollegestudents,only the onebestessaywrittenby‘students of asingleschoolor‘college to be enter-ed for the contest. Treat Children’s :Colds Externally Don’t dose delicate little stomachs withharmfulinternalmedicines.Vicks “VapeO-Rub”Salve;applied externally,relievesbyinhalationasavaporandbyabsorptionthronghtheskin.Vick’s can be usedfreelywithperfeetsafetyontheyoungestmemberofthefamily,250,50c,or $1.00,THE GENUINE HAS THIS TRADE MARKVAPORUB” * eras os ivy tae iemadilabene edpoy medal ies ON wife and badly cut his three daugh-|° Bud Pope,a farmer living in the} feereabieas en wo i3ALNONOTe FTN Dy, mere auga ty AY shimcnn ggt a el ied haeaireh EERE Ment yeti Mato Repeats PoepadsBO, Cathay ITALIAN LINER WA Was Torpedoed By Submarine—;American Lives:Lost,’— ‘A dispatch from Rome via,Paris, under date of the 9th,reports the sinking of the Italian liner Ancona,by ‘a submarine flying the’Austrian col- ors.She carried 422 passengers and 60 in the crew.Two ‘Hundred “and seventy survivors,some.of the wounded,were landed at Bizetgi |.* ro several months.before.Italy’sentranceinthewar,the Ancona was|engaged in carrying home ‘Italian:re-servists from this contry and sup-plies for the Italian ,government.!On_one of her trips from.New.York|to Naples,late in August last year,| ish at Gibraltar and 24 Germagys and| Late last summer the Ancona_left |New York for Italy with 75,000 Boek")els of wheat,2,000 tons of hay and 200;horses for the Italian government.| On the:same voyage she carried 800)Italians in the steerage,who went|pack because it was said at the time| they could not get work on the New;York ‘subway.The vessel left New,York on her last’trip October 17.“ A later report says the Ancona was|torpedoed Tuesday in the Mediterran-|ean and that it is feared 27 Americans| lost their lives.They are among the|missing.Of passengers and créw) numbering close ‘to 600,370 survivors.only are accounted for.According | to'advices from Thomas Nelson Page,|the American ambassador at.Rome,six of the victims were residents’of New York. ceived from Tunis,where many of|the rescued were landed,it would,appear that the Ancona attempted to}escape and was overhauled.She was| then shelled and the charge is also!made that-the life-bouvs were shelled.| Many of the survivors were brought|to port in a wounded condition,| rYieldstoDeliciousVinol Shreveport,La.—‘‘T had a bad stom-ach trouble for years and became soweakIcouldhardlywalkordoanywork,My appetite was r,my foodwouldnotdigest,I bloated and was veryweakandnervous.I tried many reme-;dies without help.I saw Vinol adver-tised and tried it,and now my stomachtroubleiscompletelycuredandIamwell.2?—-E;L.MARSHALL.:Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the’tired,over-taxed and weakened nervesofthestomachandcreatestrength. W.F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C, VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. 1 Under the terms of the will of Mrs..Har- riet Clark,deceased,the un lersigned executoroffersatprivatesale»a valuable,tract ofjandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawba, county,N.C.,containing 151.acres morelessandknown_as-the-Alexander Clarke placethetractcontains50acresoforiginalforest also offers a house and lot iy Troutman andanislandof10acresintheCatawbariver..For terms apply to C.H.BROWN,Executor,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N.C.July WW.1915.TAXES! T will be at the following places,at the timementioned,with the 1915 Tax .Books for thepurposeofcollectingTaxes.and pay your Tax: Shiloh township,Brady's.Cress Roads,Mon.,Noy.15,frora 9:30 to 12:30 2,m,Concord,Scotts,Mon.,Nov.15,1:00 to 4:00). p.mm, Sharpesburg,R.J.Bryant’s Store,Tues.,Nov. 16,9:00 to 12:80 a.m.sfNewHope,at Redman'’s Store,Tues.,Nov. 16,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.Union Grove,*E.E.Robinson's Store,Wed., Nov.17,9:00 to 12:30 a.m.Olin,Olin at Weisner &Reid’s Store,Wed., ‘Nov.17,1:00 to:4:00 p,m,Eagle Mills,C.C.Tharpe’s Store,Thurs.,Nov. “18,9260 to 12:00 a.m.Turnersburg,a Harmony,Thurs.,Nov.18,1:60 to 4:00 p.m.:|Bethany,at-H.A.Tomlin’s Store,Fri.,Nov. 19,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.Cool Spring,at,Oak Forest,Fri.,Nov.19, 1:00 to £:00 p..m.3CoddleCreek,Mooresville,Sat.,Nov.'20,'9:00 to 4:00 p.m.KougMon,,Nov..22,Chambersburg,at Elmwood, Barringer,at P.A.Shinn’s Store,Mon.,-Nov. the Ancona was stopped by the Brit-|. one Austrian were taken off the ship.|: From reports of the disaster re-|° ~BADSTOMACH TROUBLE Picase mect me TyaennaeaeiRare\%a gee The Thinkers of theCountryAretheTobaccoChewers”— *said one of the greatest thinkersthiscountryeverproduced. ie& om “¢@ pac. TheMan As Keen As | isnot the one who chews strong,black tobacco. $ When you want a> workman who can “cut :““®to~the line”,look for a cieginnis of PICNIC keeps them so.The “keeping them so”is where strong TWIST as ge work.hen the whistle blows it of any of the taste An expect your tobacco to| PICNIC TWIST chéwer.The mildly stimulating effect of mild PICNIC TWIST makes eye andnerve alert and tobaccos “fall down”. “Chew the long-lastinghose,you'll feel all right. And PICNIC TWIST’S mildness does not rob have.Every soft,mellow TWIST of PICNIC is.chuck full of “good tobacco-ness”. ‘ CHEWING TOBACCO| Chew a 5c TWIST and you will want one of those eleven TWIST air-tight drums that keep each ‘TWIS1'fresh until used. and‘40 acres_otriver-bottom-lands.-The estate+—-+~ BY WM U i ik \ ,‘SS :|: ch bit 7 i : hy,ay aaeet om wePO T D »We have the very best Parchment Butter Paper, and can print your nameandbrandonsame.Let.ushave.your order for anyquantityyouwant.See us. -Prices reasonable.Brady Printing Co.§ 0270;7 2 t Burn up Your Money! By buying poor coal.Buy the best coal from our yards and you'll soon learn that it will go twice as far and give more heat. ‘Every ounce contains the maximum heat 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. 22,1:00 to 4:00.p.m. _producing quality. Davidson,at Dr.J.T.Moore’s Store,;Tues., Nov.23,9:00 to 12:00 a,m. Falistown,at Troutman,Wed.Nov.24,9:00 to 12:00 a,m,aJ.M.DEATON,Nov.Sheriff Iredell Go. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county,rendered in the proceeding 5. |ts DR.B.C.TALLEY, VETERINARIAN, Headquarters Statesville Drug Co,-Office ’Phone “80 ]Residence ’Phone 307 Black. entitled R.B,McLaughlin,administratof ‘of A.J.Bass vs.C.S.Bass and others,Is.willsellatpublicauctiontothehighest,bidders,at the court house door in Statesville,N.C., SATURDAY,NOVEMBER’27,1915.)« at 12 o'clock,m.,the following lands),inChambersburgtownship,towit:eelst.Beginning at a white oak in the Haith-cox line;thence west.158 poles to a dogwood,C.Barringer’s corner;thence west 62 poles DEITZ&PATTERSON Practical Blacksmiths and HorseShoers.Rubber Tiring and HotTireShrinking.General Repair-ing,Painting,etc.Shop rear ofJ.K.Morrison Grocery&Produce|iy Oct 19—8t. to stake,Barringer’s line;thence south 80 poles to stake in C.Barringer’s line;thenceeast220polestostake;thence north 80 polestobeginning,containing 110 acres more or less,excepting 1 1-2 acres conveyed to trus-tees Shiloh M.E.church,South,é2d.Beginning at white oak,Hoover's line,and corner of Lot No.8,it being Bass cor-ner;thence S.88 1-2 degrees east 160 polestostake;Lentz line;thence 8.39 1-2.poles to;stake,corner of Lot No,5;thence north 881-2 degrees west,118 poles to stake,S.Hoov-er’s corner;thence with his line north 45degreeswesttothebeginning,containing 34acresmore6rless.:3d.Beginning at black oak,near graveyard, Bass’corner,thence south 29 poles to stake,Freeze’s_dorner;thence south 88 1-2'degreeseast194polestopine,Lentz’s Tine;thencenorth29polestostake,Hoover’s corner;thence north 88 1-2 degrecs west 194 poles tobeginning,containing 35 acres more or less.4th.Beginning at a hickory,S,Hoover'scornerinBassline;thence south 45 degreeseast46polestowhiteoak,corner Lot.No.4 and Eidson lot;thence south 88 1-2 de-grees east.160 poles to stake;thence north31polestostake,corner lot No.2;thencenorth881-2 degrees west 194 poles to be-ginnk taining 34 acres more or less,Sth.Beginning at a stone in Hugh Ply- ler’s line;thence east 180 poles to stone;thence south “$6 1-2 poles to stone;‘thencewest130polestostone;thence north 33 1-2 poles to beginning;containing 87 1-2 acres,more or less.6th.Beginning at a stone,W.P.Morton'scorner;thence with his and Bass’line north5degrees‘east 20;poles to stone,J.C.Plyler'scorner;theneé with Plyler's tine north 87 de- grees west 60 pdles to stoné in his line andW.Di Plyler’s corner;thenee with:line he.tween J,C,and W.Dine.south 35.polestostone;thence with W.D.Plyler’s linesouth86degreeseast5.3-4 poles to stone,hiséorner;thence,with W,P.Morton'sline north28degreesenst6poto‘stimp,Morton'scorer;thenée with his line.‘north 84 de.irrees east,60 poles to beginning,containing10.acres more or less,;ee ms oerdintwelvemonths,|m .R..BB.MeLAUGHLIN, } in.sixTeandone-th S Bagle & Milholland. “WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per“pound._FOR SALE: New and second hand boiler-roomsupplies.C,H.TURNER.|Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. “Olive Zest” “Is:something new.”Makes delicious sand-,wiches,only 20c.perbottle._ We have Peanut But-ter in quart jars at 25c.~per jar.Cea _A tub of Fat Macker-~el just arrived.~~ —’Phone 89,—. Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite. ———’PHONE 16 Statesville -Ice &Fuel Company, “=,+QUALITY:COAL DEALERS. eons x ’We'have openeda yard at 118 east Broad Street,Statesville MarbleandGraniteCo’.s old stand,whera we are prepared to do all kinds of Marble and Granite work at lowest possible prices,_For first-class work and material see us before placing your orders.. 'W.F.REECE &COMPANY nt a )|GOOD.TIM Bt 2 4 The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t be ex-eae {o planand have meals sx tins.~Then there te op economy in|wearing aut your pocket with a watch that you'can’t depend on.|* |what you wantto do el 9 watch.“or clock.repaired:by.“BO!; Hi}HENRY¥-while-he-is-entiretime to repairing watches and §«~ i clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses. nae Ni, [ELKIN ||SHOES! & aa ered ee et ek ea Er rn eee a oe, Pewee by ae a o Z i. ng 2 Cold Weather is Coming!A'Line of Ready-to-Wears,~|Are You Ready?We are Showing the BiggestDry#Goods,Notions,Shoes and Clothing -READY-TO-WEAR DEPART | ERFLOWING WITH BARGAINS. Coat Suits up-to-date in Style,Workman--.....shipand_material—Brown,-Green,J Copen,Gray and Black.Price $7:50,$9.95, $12.50,$15.00,up to $25.00./ Y DRESSES Silk Crepe DeChine,Silk’and Wool combi- nation and All Wool Serges.Price $4.95, $5.95,$6.50,$7.50,$9.95,$12.50,$15.00. Gingham and Percale House Dresses,size 36 to 46,98c. Kimonos,Crepe,Flanelette and Silk,price 98c.to $3.95. Bath Robes for Ladies,Misses and Children, price 98c.to $1.95. Children’s Wash Dresses,a full line to select from,25c.to $1.48. SPORT COATS. The largest line in-the city to select from. nesday’s Express 25 more.Prices $2.98 to($15.00.If it is Sport Coats you want we have them.LONG.COATS. Both Black and Fancy,$2.98 to $48.00. “.MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING.All.Wool Blue Serge’$7.50,°:Brown’'s and .Grays in the latest models for $9.95.The Suits come in Stouts and Slims. _BOYS’CLOTHING. 300 Boys’Black Serge Suits,Norfolk,$1.98. prices from 98c,to $12.50. MENT OV-- Navy, Saturday's Express brought--us100,-Wed-_}- We can save Site.i Men’s and boys’Underwear.Boys’good Union Suits 25c.Boys’heavy Union Suits 48c,25c.Boys’Shirts and Drawers 19c. Men's 50c.heavy fleece-lined Shirts:and Drawers 37 1-2c.Men's 50c.Ribbed Shirts and Drawers 37 |-2c.see SHOES,SHOES,SHOES! We have the largest stock we have ever shown.$3.00 Black heavy Shoe,our spe- you money on boys’School __We Have Ever Shown in Statesville. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR.8 Gordon Silk Hose 48 and 98c.“Gordon Silk |» Hose 35c.,3 pairs for $1.00.Gordon Round Ticket 23c.Ladies’,Misses’and Children’sEconomy”Hose,Black,Tan and White, 15c.,2 pairs 25c.,‘MEN’S AND BOYS’OVERCOATS. $10.00 Overcoats $7.95.$12.50 Overcoats $9.95.Boys’Overcoats $1.48 to $6.75. Big line of rain coats from $1.98 to $12.50. MEN’S HATS AND CAPS. All new shapes in Hats,98c.to $3.50. ‘Towels and Sheets at Special Prices. _BLANKETS. Are you ready for Jack Frost?Full Size All Wool California and Elkin Blankets,$3.98 and $4.75.Wool Nap Blankets,$1.48,$1.- 68,$1.98,$2.48.. GREAT VALUES IN SILK,WOOL AND “SILK AND WOOL DRESS GOODS. es cial.$1.98.Elkin home-made Shoes for men $2.69.Women’s $2.15.Boys’$2.15. Also line youth’s and children’s in tough hide $1.75 and $1.98.. DRY GOODS. 5c.counter is filled with good things:- 7.1-2 cent Outing ...........0......5e. 7 1-2c.Light Outing ...............ac; 36 inch Bleaching ...-..............5e. 36 inchUnbleached Domestic —>TIT Towling’20 ee es 5c. Oil Prints .....BE aoe eo we wots ale 5c. 10¢.Chambray .5-.......-.0..-6 1-2c. 10c Outing ..2....0-..-..--006-6 1-2c. 10c.Cheviott 25 .........-0005-6 1-2c 15c.Striped Ratine .............-.6 I-2c 10c.Ginghams (shortlengths).....6 1-2c _FURS,FURS,FURS,FURS! We are showing some beautiful things in this }ine.New Neck Pieces,new Melon $2.00 Crepe Meteor,all shades,$1.75;$1.50. Charmeuse,$1.25;.$1.50 Crepe DeChine, $1.39:$1.25 Crepe DeChine,98c.;50c. Crepe DeChine,39c.;$1.25 Silk Poplin, 98c.:75c.Silk Poplin,48c.;$1.25 Black Silk Taffeta,98c.;$1.25 Navy Silk Taffeta 98c. All $1.00 Messalines 89c. ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS.‘i 36 inch French and Storm Serges,48c.;36 inch Shepherd Checks,48c.;36 inch Mix- ..»Big line of Browns and Mixtures of all kinds,Shape Muffs.Don’t fore purchasing.° fail to see this line be- tures,48c.;42 inch Gaberdine &Poplin 89c.36 inch Poplin,79c.. THESNew Cotton Dress Fabrics of a!l kinds:Gingham,Percale,Chambray,TORE THAT SELLS IT FOR LESS. "PHONE 212. ‘ 48 inch Serges,98c.;46,inch Serges,75c.;vasa |/ Suitings,Fairy Cloth,Flannelette and many other bargains will :ONE OF 12 ES.|} Pete PUNISHMENT (THE LANDMARKpNestcetereeaeeeeTasen110)acres in cultivation,rood im One‘youd ae FRIDAY,©~"-November “12,1915, residence,three tenant novuses,two tobacco barns,pack houses,store house,blacksmith "People Movin:ae Protractedshopandallout’buildings.“We would fer Mes.(happell we ‘ears’oop 1S ‘aouee ©a marchant,as &-&goodyore Of of Fiy Y Meéting. ‘or a re.ew rent it for one,three or iceisk er..=five years to suit the renter;or will exchange Standing RelievedbyCardui.Correspondence of The Landmark. for city property or merchandise or cash.Pos-9 -Harmony,R-2,Nov.9,—Fine session:given January Ist,1916..If interested |-apply to SMITHEY &FRALEY,WilkesboroorStatesville,N,C.Nov.5.—~4t:Mt.Airy,N.C.—Mrs.Sarah M.ChaZaon,sare:ee,meywithwomanles,astomachtroubles,and aay unishmentbahthananyonecouldtell. led most every kind of medicin*none did meany gocd,*e read one day about Carduf,thman’s tonic,and I decided totry it Ihadnottakenbutaboutsixbottlesuntiliwasalmostcured.ood than all the other’medicinesI hadied,put together.: +—THE——Paine View Dairy Has just.had itscowstested - and ‘they:-were found in good condition —another reason why the Dairy with¢the Dacro System shoul cattriee ta ais me why I;.id so well,and I told them aboubepatronized.Cardui.Several are now taking it.””: ,Do you,lady reader,suffer from any“Of the ailments due to womanly trouble,=oe eT imeiee:Ness,at ever!ifeeling?,ae JIfso,let us urge you to giye Cardui atrial.Wefeel configentit in help you,as it has a million other women iniepasthalfcentury. Begin faking Cardui to-day.‘won't regret it..All druggists. Barisory Baok,Combancoge,ean.foe.SpecterStartins!oases NdBricks,always ready for” delivery,as :. ce e e ;oy onona E REEReStatesvilleBrick°C.eee ie ‘=|8 The New Line of Copy- —’PHONE 347 BLACK.— (Snouen DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN TILE 0 hand. Common Brieks,Face You It did me-more]. weather,but the farmers are com-plaining of the ground being so hardthattheycan’t finish the fall workuntilthereareafewshowers.Cotton is being:rapidly picked,-as the weather has been fine to work in the field.Ourpeoplehaveanimmensecropofmo- lasses cane this fall and an unusually large crop of small grain has been sow?t.Farmers who have put some of their tobacco on the market,came home with a long face.“T have a cold”is a common ex- pression now.Mrs.Victoria Holcomb is very.low live.Messrs.John W.Crater,Amos and Walter Templeton and families havemovedtoWinston-Salem to live.A’number of our people attended the show at Statesville today,all re- porting ‘a good show.Mr.E.E Grant.will leave FridayforCabarruscounty,where he willteachthiswinter.Mr.James Sharpe will teach at River Hill.Rev.Mr.Williams filled his regular appointment at Union Grove last Sun- day.-There will bea singing at Union Grove next Sunday at 2 p.m. Rich in Automobiles. University News Letter.“There were 16,410 automobiles inNorthCarolina,as shown by the fig-ures of,the Secretary of.State, theyear ending with last June;oronefor.every 28 dwellings in the State. at this writing and not expected to| for}~ ~T FOR FINE CLEANING f C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” FULLSYTOcCK--LOWEST PRICES Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,: Flooring,Siding,Boxing,;Mould- ing,Laths,Lime,Cement,etc.,Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. roan righted Books ae A R.P.ALLISON'S-Book STORE. ‘aRENED Our mills and factories.in 1909 used 378,556 horsepower for produc- tive purposes.Our automobiles lastyearusedardund410,000 horsepower, mainly but not entirely for recrea- tive purposes.iain Be af In:1914 we had nearly $9,000,000investedinautomobiles;and only $9,078,000 invested “in public school property.re .AND DYEING ——'PHONE 147—Sloan Pressing Club.. | Goite L;Sherrill,M.D., -Will answer ’phone calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium or Not counting chauffeur galariés and garage rents,our anfiual bill for the upkeép of motor cars was $3,726,-000;while the money we paid ourpubli¢school teachers and ~superin- tendents*was only $3,428,000.‘It costs more to‘run our automobiles than itdoestorunourschoole.What we spent for automobile tires alone was $1,575,000.What weinvestedinschoolbuildingsandsup- plies last year was only $1,412,000.As a matter of fact we are notquitesopooraswefeelin'North Car-olina in assessment years. Speed Law Up, :With:the announcement of theMayorthatAutomobilé’speed laws will be enforced’‘fromthis daTHECAROLINAMOTOR..COM-PANY announces that.the,fencehasbeenremovedfromBroadstreetand-Automobilists mayagain:run right into;the;Compa- Geo.M.Foard’s residence.ny’s Garage for Gagoline,|Oil,cerns ae :Repairs,ete.How to Prevent Croup. cgayestaba ls cael itrNA It may he a-surprise to you to learn)thatRCT,OR Si .ann a aay =eat br be eave Mes. ¥t "4 +aed L .5 onns,da,iO,relates er exper D e °e U ¢REDUCTION IN REALESTATE.rience aa follows:“My little boy fs subject Veterinarian.96 Oa Mores,Foor creakyre-botte of chambers eena ean :j “duced from to $27.60 per acre,F house,and when.he:began havingthat eroupy:|Office zea:Polk Gray Drug Co.Sata ei ia”congh I would.give ‘bi two dosesiaey.Drug Hh Twenty neseit eee ce Hithand iewould Meektheatte"1"ike ieLY_Offiee ‘Phone 109,if duced from $225 to $190 TOs P better’for.children .than,any|other.coukh i ORealdence’Phone 198 Green,{ip Ws,trSMITE.Beaten Ne eet sategp Tells Obtainableev:AURIt Boy Boye)Si a st i718]aldeenanadiianda LkOoer A en “errwhere,me ea irom ar é yak ol 4 Sey rey OS RRR ROe GATE Bet aan) |cbrnitodlith:<b>abst -STATE NEWS Burke county commissioners have ployment of a farm demonstrator. Asheville -voters have authorized the issue of $200,000 of bonds for school amount for a high school building. north Alexander county canned over 6,000 cans.of blackberries,beans, peaches and tomatoes.the past’season. News and Observer building and plant,burned last Saturday “morning, $44,000. cost $80,000 to replace it. purposes—$150,000 of the|z The Scout says Mr.H.S.Deal of The total insurance on the Raleign|3 I was|3Itisestimatedthatitwill}== ———s Se made an appropriation for the em-|Z= The Newton Enterprise says that =among the civil cases at the recent|B= term of Catawba Superior Court was|~~that of J.D.Beck vs.R.A:Bass and‘2 |Henkel-Craig Live Stock -Co.,for damages for the death of a mule.The = plaintiff was awarded $100. ‘Brown of Mecklenburg county,sen-tenced to 18 months for simple as- /Ssault, pardon is recommended by the judge, jury,county officers,and prosecuting The Governor has pardoned,Cary He had never been imprisoned|Z but was out on bond,pending appeal.|z He had paid the prosecutrix $300 and|2 |“The property of the Hope Mills}= |Manufacturing Company,‘of feur mills and 1,500 acres of land at Hope Mills,Cumberland,county,was isold at public auction Wednesday,go-)3lingtoA.M.McCarthy of.Philadel-\phia,who bid $75,000.Mr.McCarthy}: was the only bidder and is’said to}{represent the bondholders. WILL SUPPLY THE TEST Tuberculin Free to Physicians|® i itis pleted whereby the State Sanatoriuni,|=~ For Diagnostic Test. Bulletin State Board of Health. Arrangements have just been com- |Sanatorium,N.C.,will be able to fur- Phish,free of charge;to any physician in the State,a sufficient.amount of \tuberculin for the Van Pirquet diag- (nostic test for tuberculosis,The tu- berculin will be kert in capillarytubes,each tube.to hold enough for ‘one test,and will be sent by mail,one or more at a time,to any physician in the State who will report to the Sanatorium,within a week,the results} of the test.Complete directions for. making the test will be sent with each tube.This test for the presence ‘of tuberculosis is also called the skin test and is dohe ‘much like vaccina- tion for smallpox,except it causes no sore-on the arm.} To stipply the physicians of the State:with this tuberculin,free-of all eost,is another effort on the part of the State Sanatorium to help physi- cians at this particular and import- ant point—to male early diagnosis of tuberculosis.The people themselves, however,are the real beneficiaries,¢s- pecially,those suffcring from the dis- ense and those directly exposed.to, such.sufferers. “We have ‘just received from:bank- Fupt stock all kinds Men’s and:Boys’: *Glothing and Men’s Overcoats.to close: out at half price,ahd we advise you to today.SMITHEY &FRA réat Bargain Givets.—ad, $:)wate consisting|2 a [fake advantage of this rare oppor Mea | e —preereerers s Ideal Fire Grates for the Sitting Room.Air-tight Wood Heaters for the Bedroom.Ideal Barler -Oil Heat- ers for the ‘Bathroom.Our Stock’of these.Goods is full and complete and if not already supplied it will be to your advantage to see our Stock,for before the grass grows again you will need these Winter Comforts. ~Yours Truly, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:| THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY.beg id to announce that they have completed arrangements with THe HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York,”’forinsuring your growincropsofTobacco,Corn,Cotton and smalleee against destruction -ce MC ee .*‘by Hail Storm at the following very low p TOBACCO CROP.!TirUPda,* + .$100 per acre valuation at uN $7.50 per acre75peracrevaluationat5.87%per acre60peracrevaluationat“3.76 per acre ~25 per’acre valuation at |1.87%peracreCOTTON,CORN ‘AND SMALL GRAIN CROP.\$40 per acre valuation,_.\$1,60 per acre35peracrevaluation=~)"140 per acre30peracrevaluation1.20 per'acre ,23 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation\*80 per acre15peracrevaluatién.60 peratte10péracrevaluation40peracre.DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS.ee$100 value for one year at 30c,,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thislatterinsurancecaversalsoagainstlossordamageoccasioned ©oe in addition,to,hail,>)».eae ae ae EMEMBER—‘'We insure anything insurable;’’J.F.CARLTON,Manager,i PHONE 64.Ss.STATESVILLE,N.C.” eh 4 are Tae Sat % » =|has designated Carrie Mcdaughter.of J.Frank Wilkes. a ing.of .the torpedo des A pawn shop sale,advertised in the Asheville:papers,quoted revolvers at 95e.The price placed the weapons within.easy reach of the class who fave no business with thei.and who are likely to misuse them.A cheap) revolver ardga pint of corn liquor’is a combination that produces homi- .Seeing that syecsal effort 1s. made to keep the latter out of the hands ofthe public,would it not be a good idea to place some restrictions around the sale of weapons? A minister of the gospel was as- sassinated in the vicinity of Hamlet a few days ago and it is intimated that he was murdered because of hi: fight for law and order in his com- munity.A few years ago a minister was murdered in Surry county by the lawless element who resented his in- *terference.,We've made much prog: ress in North Carolina in many diree- tions,but crime is more than keep- In the multiplicity of societies ieganiand in the State,it might he well to organ- ize-one to aid in law enforcement and to encourage respect for the law. LACT -More county fairs have beenheld iin North.Carolina this year than éver [yews ITEMS OFINTEREST. Happenings Here and "There in the Country.|" Miss Jane Wilkes of.WashinetonTverWmeehechristen-ver ‘named.Admiral|Charles lotte,to be sponsor at,| after her father, 5.|Wilkes,© The ‘German government,in)a,nétetotheState”Denerweniy,4denies flat-ly,the testimony alleged*to have beengivenintheBritishcourtsthatGer-man officers “prepared false Ameri-can passports and’handed them toagents,” President Wilson will ents worknextweekonhismessagetoCongressHehascalledacabinetmeetingforjtoday,at which outlines of the workofthegovernmentdepartmentsand the estimates for the.coming —yearwillbediscussed, ‘Nek York cavitalists will erect a ioe plant at Kingsport,Tenn.Con- struction will kegin as.soon as ma-terial can be assernbled.“Two hun- dred acres of land have,been pur-chased for the site and it is snid 2,-000 men will be ‘employed. It is reported in Washington that Gen.Kitchener’s ultimate missior. curing his.mysterious Absence fren the British War Office,is‘in In tin. where British rule is confrented with a more serious state of unrest tha. haS generally been known outside of British official zircles. It was recently announced that theFederalTradeCommissionwould investigate alleged combinations tocontrolthepriceo%cotton .in ‘North and South Carolina and Georgia.It is now announced that operations.on;the New Orleans Cotton Exchange will also be igvestigated. Approval.of the.conference ofAmericaneewhichresultedinrecognitionofadefactogovernment a before,and in some cases there have been township fairs.The Wadesboro Ansonian hears there is not enough amusement at the fairs.Formerly "most of the attractions were amuse- ment—of o kind.There was an ag- gregation of cheap.shows,a few pumpkins,a bull,and they called it a fair.Formerly the ‘State fair took the lead in exploiting the fake anu immoral shows.Latterly it was claimed there was much improvement. Bat from remarks made.about the recent State fair The Landmark in- fers that there is still much space ‘Jeft for improvement.If the agricul- tural and industrial features of.the fairs are now surpassing the amuse- ment side,as the Ansonian’s remarks seem to-indicate,that means that the fairsare making progress on the right line.Healthful amusement is:alt right,but the kind of amusement so often exploited-at the.fairs is not ,>,healthy. the correspondent _writing from Jennings made some common’sense »Suggestions to school teachers that * -schools. should be»-read and pondered and adopted ‘by “every teacher in Iredell Some of the teachers al- ready practice the ideas he advances, but many of them do not.In con- néction with the admonitions to teach- oe suggestion to parents to co- te with the teachers should pen- @trate the mind of every parent who sends children to school.As few pa- rents govern children at home,the ‘Ratural dispositionis to\resent the at- tempts of the teacher to govern,to *side with the child against the teach- er and make the latter’s efforts to do good work futile.The parents who do this are not merely handicapping the teacher in his work—they are do- ing a much greater injury to the child.‘They encourage the child to Believe that he is to have his own way in life and they are helping him to destruction.After ‘:while,whenhegetsintrouble,humiliates his go- rents and destroys ‘heir peace of snind,they wil!seek svmpathy and _Meserve little;they will be reaping vhat they have sown and their pun. ishment will be deserved.rnsheSatirdayEveningPost of No-vember'6,on its front-cover page,ex-ains why Judge,Clark is so violent-y opposed to the children bringingthéir.books’home from school.—Charity and Children.-Yes,a good friend wrote The Land- mark from Raleigh to make a study of _—-that picture'on the Post’s front page. Tt showed a strong man,bearing the marks of toil,who had laid aside his newspaper and was puzzling his brain over an arithmetic,while a grin- ning boy looked over his shoulder— ‘Btinning because it was dad and not himself who had to sweat over exam-|e¢ ples that maybe the teachers couldn’ work.Th2 only thing wrong with the picture was it showed a slate on which to “do the sums.”Slates are un- known in the modern schools. A’i Yessons must be laborioySly writte-. out on tah!The oldman;who-is sweating fcr the money to pay,the tuition or-the taxes,which is all the game,must take the hours allotted to him fora little rest to do the work of the teachers.The Landmark wonders why they spend so much money for School buildings ‘now.If the teachers @re simply to assign lessons for the ehildren to study at home,with the parents_as the real teachers,it would \\ -6st less to buy automobiles and send “the:teachers from house to house to ‘assign lessons,-and.let the children :nad at home all the time. =eh eeaerycencneeee ee )learn that Congress-was recently des-to improve,‘:. in México was voted Unanimously in Washington Wednesday by:the gov-erning board of the ©Pan-American Union,with all the members of theLatin-American diplomatic ©cropspresent.A committee of the Federal Trade Commission,which is investigating prices of gasoline and _kerosene throughout the country,is in Atlan-ta to make an examination there.The investigation is to discover,if.possi- ble,why these articles are sold at higher prices!at some.points thanatothérs. Spartanburg,S.C.,faces a recallelection,the necessary number of qual- ified:voters having signed a ‘petitionforarecallfiledwithGov.Manning.The:petition asks for the ‘recall ofMayorJohnF.Floyd and Commis-sioners Waller and Fielder.The Gov- ernor has 30 days in which to act upon the petition. The approximate daily cost of the war to Great Britain,between Sep-tember 12 and November,as givenbyMr.Asquith,the premier,is $21,-750,000.It rose to this figure from$13,400,000 in the earlier part of thefinancialyegrAsaresulttheBrit-ish Parliament is asked to authorizeanotherloanoftwobillion. A temporary injunction.restrainingtheUnitedShoeMachineryCompany from enforcing seven clauses in itscontractswithshoemanufacturershasbeenissuedbytheFederalDis-trict Court at St.Louis on petition oftheFederalgovernment,which has an anti-trust suit pending against the company under the Clayton law. M.Deleval,a Belgian employed bytheUnitedStatesascounselortothelegationatBrussels,has left BelgiumandwillnotreturntohispostbecauseGermany.has given notice that he is persona non ‘grata,-The State Deé-partment will not admit that Delevaihasbeenremoved:but.announced thathehadleftBelgiumandwillnotre- turn,Ex-President Taft advocates prep-aration for the national defence buthedoesn’t seem to think much of Sec- retary of the Navy Daniels’board of inventors.He says they are as im-practical as a board of opera singers; that a board ofnaval experts is need-ed.Mrs Taft would-increase the navybutwouldn’t make it as’large as England’s, The progress of the dredging op-erations in the new channel of the Panama canal at Gailliard Cut has been so satisfactory that it is now virtually assured that there will be deep through the slide area by the| middle of December.The canal willnotbeinconditionforuse,.howev- er,before the first of the year. Fire at South Bethlehem,Pa.,Wed- nesday virtually destroyed the.No,4machirfeshopoftheBethlehemSteel Company,with an.estimated loss of from $1,000,000 to $4,000,000,Thebuildingdestroyedwas-recently_re-! constructed @nd.equipped with ma- chinery at a cost of about $3,000,000.| Eight hundred guns among other war, material ‘were in process of manufac-| ture in the shop. The Judson cotton mill ville,S.C., down as the result of a'strike of op-eratives,will resume next’.Monday,400 of the 700 strikers having decid- ey want to go to work.The 300otheroperativesaresaidto’be deter- mined to continue on strike becausethemillmanagement.refuses to rein-state 27 families_of-workmen. Lieutenant Robert Fay,lake.of theGermanarmy,and the four men whomtheUnitedStatesgovernmenthasgroupedwithhim-as\defendants to a charge of trying to blow up muni- tions ships,pleaded not guilty to theindictmentsfoundagainstthembytheFederalcourtinNewYork.Bail was fixed at $25,000 each.Fay and two o s failed to give bond.Two gave bond and were released. Returns from the election in China show that the proposition to substi-tute the monarchy for the alleged re- public now existing in’China,metwithoverwhelmingfavor,accordingtodispatches’from Pekin;but withthis-report comes the statement thatthegovernmenthasdecidednochangewillbemadethisyear,The decisiontodeferthechangewasdoubtlessduetopressurebrought‘by GreatBritain,Japan;Russia and France,who feared the possible~effect of achangeof’government in China atthistime,i at.Green-- a channel 100 feet wide by 30 feet| which recently closed: Congressman Claude Kitchin for dis- agreement with the President’s de- fence programme,seem to forget that n|Leader Underwood,the most success: ful Democratic leader in Congress in a generation,on more than one oc- casion disagreed with administration measiires in the last Congress,Whe: he ‘cquld not agree with the President Mr!Underwood quietly stepped aside, 30.far as leadership was concerged. He didn’t use his power as.leader ‘to fight administration measures,but«he reserved the right,as an “individual member of Congress,to vote hig indi- vidual.convictions.That is exactly that Mr.Kitchin and the President are not in agreement,it does not think fora moment that Mr,Kitchin’s:posi- tion as leader’of the House requires him to set vside his own convictions.| President Wilson has appointedformerPresident.William i.TaftchairmanofthecentralcommitteeoftheAmericanRedCrossto‘suc-ceed Major Geo.W.Davis,resigned. HARD CHRONIC COUGH Made Well by DeliciousVinol j Crestline,Ohio.—‘*acontractedhard,chronic cough,and was -w'nervous and run down,“I have a smal oy of saree,and it was hard for mework.-took different medi- oe atFo P tacett Finally I heard about Vinol,pe it has restored me.tohealthandstrength,py oe is all goneandIfeelfine.’’—Mrs.H.H.CARLISLE.We guarantee Vinol,our delicious ¢od liver and iron tonic without oil,forchroniccoughsandcolds,and forallweak,nervous,run-down conditions.W.F.-Hall;Druggist;StatesvillefIN.C. SALE OF pe RnPen MORT- North Carolina,.Iredell County.iUNDERandbyvirtueofthepowersfentainedinamorandeedexecutedby,A.Bass-and wife,Bass,to J.H.Went:to:secure the atadawe therein -mention-ed,said mortgage deed being recorded inBook28,at page 576 of the records of mort-gage deeds in the office of the Register ofDeedsofIredellcounty,N.C.,default -hav-ing been made in the payments of the in-debtedness thereby secured,the undersign+ ed mortgagee will,on MONDAY,NOVEMBER 22,1915,at 12 o'clock,M.,sell at public auction tothehighestbidder,at the Court House doorinStatesville,North Carolina,for cash,_following described lot or tract of lands,to- wit:Lot No.11 in Block No.14 of the States-ville Development Company,as mapped andplottedonthemapoftheproperyofthesaidStatesvilleDevelopmentCompany,whichmapisfiledofrecordintheRegisterofDeeds’.office of Iredell vounty,in the State in:deed from J.H.Hoffmann and ‘wife to J. H.West,dated October 22d,1902. J.H.WEST,Lewis &Lewis,Att'ys.Mortgagee,Oct,22,1915, MORTGAGE SALE- By virtue of the powers contained in amortgagedeedexecutedbyW.A.OvercashandwifetoR.A.Miller,and by him assign-éd for value to R.A.Cooper,the undersignedwillsellatpublicsuctiontothehighestbid- ville,N.C.MONDAY.DECEMBER 6th,1915,at 12 o'clock,m.,the following real estate in the city of Statesville,towit:First lot,Oak and Front streets,«tience with FrontstreetS.68 degrees W.93 1-2 feet to stake,L.K.Overcash’s corner;thence with his lineN.26,degrees W.183 feet to stake;thence N.68 defyees E..103 1-2 feet to stake on Oakstreet;khence with the street S..21 degrees E.183 1-2 feet to the beginning,containing a halfacremoreorless.Second jot,Beginning at W.A.Overcash’scorneronOakstreet,thence with street N.22degreesW.187 1-2 feet tu stake,Cooper's cor-ner;thence with Cooper’s line and “8.70degreesW.239 feet to stake in L.K.Over-cash’s line;thence 8,26 degrees E.‘o astake,H,R.Overcash’s corner;thence with his andW.A.Overcagh’s line N.70 degrees B.208feettothebeginning,and being lots 2 and 3inthedivisionoftheI.M.Overcash lands.R.A.MILLER,Mortgagee: R.A.COOPER,| R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.“Assignee. i Newspapers that are.‘criticising || what Mr.Claude Kitchin proposes to|’do..While The Landmark regtets| of North Carolina,in Book 15,page 441,the |‘same being the identical property mentioned} der,for cash,a the courthouse door in States-|{k Beginning at the junction of||B ‘The Georgia State Senatey bvoteerehasoye billprohibitingliquoradvertisements.inanyformin.G measure.makes.sich adv ments a misde- meanor. ZMen’8 Sewed Soles. Other"W ork in |Proportion, Will have expert Shoemaker in a few days to maké NEW SHOES:Call andsee uson’ Kast Broad Street. J.“S§.FRY AND SON. Chamberlain'sThisigamatininselk ve veal forstomachtroub!pow biliousness arid constipation.It is meeting With much.eee -_repaygaininginfavorandPopeeverywhere, THE MOUNTAINEER TO!D Polk.Miller he couldn’t cover’hishousewhenitrained,and it didn'tneedaroofwhenthesunshone.C.‘WATKINS for any kind of roofing.|)you need..N,Center St.,’States-|) ville,N.C. See gr my AMERICAN FIBRE FURNITUREis hand imade by skilledlabor and all materialsysed areofItisclean,sanitary,comfortable and attractive Iiis light and easy to handle,but strong and dura le.Itis not affected by heat or cold or moisture.It is easily kept clean witha damp cloth.It will har-monize with any other furnishingsin the home.American Fibre Furniture is far superior to the ordi-nary reed or rattan or willow furniture,It will not break or split.It has a lasting finish.It is prac-tically indestructible and with ordinary care will wear indefinitely.FINIISHED BROWN OR GREEN,OR’OLD IVORY—syft,"beautiful shades that are pleasing totheeyeandharmonizewithanycolorschemeinthehome. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, The Store Thzt Always Welcomes You. New or Re-Built Typewriters sold.TYPEWRITERS!Have afew machines for Rental Pur-poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to uswithyourTypewritertroubles.Statesville Ee Ung Go, At all times we have the style hits.When in a hurry we can serve_ you quick.:A big-assortment.of our best models on hand,all sizes to show you.Materials—Broadcloth,Poplins and Serges,lined . with piece and yarn dyed silks.Trimming—Braids,Furs,Drop Ornaments and Buttons.:Skirts,some show kick pleats on side with back yokes gathered.Others are plain.Don’t forget the new coats with Chin Chin collars trimmed with fur and braid.Can be worn open or closed.Extra coat values for the little tots,the grown up girls,the mas and the grandmas.We want you to ‘see and know we have the Coats and Coat Suits that sell’.Just buy and be satisfied.Extra arrangements today,tomorrow and all next week totake care of you and your wants. MILLS &POSTO! ONANTON OR ANTONTONaX Down 9 Town Tet aNnext Nov.5th,1915. Teackieve Attendin ‘ -Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company, The Store That Pays Postage on Mail Orders. g County Meeting Are Invited 10 Make Ths Store Their Headquarters. ZL kinds.: widths...’Novelty Trimming-and La Exquisite New Trim- mings For Suit,Dress os or Gown. Ribbons are extensively used this fall with silks of all Qur showing consists of all.the new shades,sta-ples,stripes,checks and floral designs. Prices RangeFrom Ic.to 65c.the Yard. Fur trimming hasoutdone itself this season, dress or gown without a touch of fur is lacking indeed. We have all the wanted kinds and all wanted shades,andPrices,35¢:to $3, you will find our showing well.in advance of the season: The Season’s Wanted Style;the Box Coat Suit Here at $12.50 to $35. We have anticipated the popularity of this pretty style and asa result our showingis now overflowing with doz- ens of nifty new box coat styles in all fabrics,colors and for all sizes. A suit,=beni “ e ihcBollingGreen |The new fashion shade named in honor of the maidennameofPresidentWilson’s:fiance. 00 the yard, ces are prominent as well and \As usual this store shows this new green first,arid we find\it popular indeed.Let us show you this new shade front bands. sizes, “Monmouth” Work Shirts For Men Who Want Looks as ‘Well as Tough Wear. An 84:square itcais Shirt with re-enforcedshoulder andThebestshirtwehaveeverseen;in all at the dress goods section, ae? New Arrivals of -“Mar Hof”Middies Dresses. We announce a new shipment of’these popular dresses for school or street wear:All sizes)onesAshen Black TF ‘be and Navy.igh on pleated skirts eeeie $5 oh Bat |We Want Everybody to Visit Our Store On 2 _Saturday,November 13, See PEANUT BUTTER made’and get a free sample.!pat We want the ladies especially to come.This is someth “new for Statesville—a machine to make Peanut Butter right at home.One small jar of Peanut Butter is equal to twelve eggs in food value,so we welcome one and all to~. come to our store and get a free sandwich.Someth that makes flesh grow on the bones andgrey hair turnblackandmakesoldfolksyoungagain.Yours Sincerely,SHERRILL &REECE. a resseeeeeerssressseteserisse:PPSTSTTTTITISTTSeseesseerits ing ing Pessssscesesssssetescssesecssacsessesd va,is visiting in Statesvsile.‘ pees |Mrs,W.P.Kelly and-baby,Howard,who to week. PERTINENTLY PERSONINAL,|mittee for the first afternoon.Mrs.| H|Mention of Folks WhoCome and cious’hostess in her own home,and |visit to friends.and relatives-in-Charlotte and|Lawrence was ably assisted by Mrs.| Hi Steel Creek,Mecklenburg county.At the lal-)wW.G,is,‘for | Slicer place she will be with her sister,Mra.¥-i.Lewis..whose reputation fox 1.Millwee.Mrs.spent Wednesday me Soariees with es zi iis’son,Mr.Guay wis,who is a stu lente hHitheHornerBehoal:"|salad,cheese and asparagus sand H |visiting his daughter,Mra.J.A.Caldwell,and It willbe much the same this after- i lettending the Mecklenburg county a |noon,Mrs.Orr is.chairman,with |Mills and Mra.J.L.Cowan,has retur |Mr.-F.ue went te Coasts 2 H fo Sig pag fate:a ey elinetries tomer.[iN its store,free of charge,and ladies Birow.Mr,John Morrison of Shiloh township |cspecially will find this a restful place | — Se t AM A eS he vi e t Ae c e a d 8. i > et . . & LISTEN!WAIT FOR For the Demonstration of the South Bend Malleable GE! -1 _Handsome Set of Aluminum Ware FREE! © ‘Tredell Hardware Com’y. i yéet ahd Miss.Latona Turner returned W.-|3 o’cloek.- 4-ing—in—Charlotte._ Ji\in Statesville with her brother,Mr.A.8.r | ingan and Mor- ris Hams,special for Tuesday and | my 35e. for 26c. please. Try a pound of guaranteed to Coffee It.is treat you right. . When I can truly say that I have the best people in States- ville doing business with me,it must be a true demon- stration that the quality of goods is right,the price is right,the service is right,and that this is the right place to trade.There is always a cordial welcome awaiting you here,and every effort will be put forth to serve and t _CANNED VEGETABLES.CANNED FISH AND MEATS. Blue Ridge Corn ...........9c.Libby’s Extra,fine Red aeSweetMeadowCorn.........8c.Salmon ........25e,size for 22c. Velvet:Sc ssviensteecpeveesys ..18c,|Alaska Pink Salmon,..... Pocahontas Peas .......Site's 17c.B vase on i 4 .nae size 7"os eron Pink Salmon 10c.size for 8c.roe Bros.Peas .......ves -12e.Libby’s Genuine Pork Sau: bby’s Green Asparagus Tips.22c.SALO oevecw see's 35c.size for 27c. Libby’s White Asparagus Tips.27c.|Libby’s Sliced Beef 15c.size for 13¢..No.3 Tomatoes .....sesasee 9.|Libby’s Sliced Beef 10c.size for 9¢. No.8 String Beans ..........11c.Libby’s Vienna Sausage..No.$Hominy ..;"Be A rede oleNe 10c.size for 9c.RGR De eee e se +]Libby’s Potted Meats ........5e.No.3 Sour Kraut ......wees Bey Libby.Genuine Deviled _y PIT BI iidoieee 15c.size for 13c.et CANNED FRUITS.Norwegian Smoked Sardines ..9c.Libby’s Rosedale Peaches American’Sardines ..,......4c.veo Gere DaevinPalle 25c.size for 22c.|“Vancamps Tuna Fish .’...Peeled Table Peaches....©=ff .....HE alae 15c.size for 13c.ceteees «ste+e-15e.size for 12c.|Vancamps Tuna‘Fish’... PiePeaches -....10c size for 9c.oo gel bee ON me ws 10c.size for 9c.Libby’s Sliced Fine Atple ite |Kingans Potted Meat .../....4c.cone dda veceeees_-20c.size for 17c.|Libby’s ~or Campbell’s Libby’s Grated Pine Apple ‘Soups assorted ..Seeger ee,BGsenteeedereete-20c.size for 17c.|Baby Mary Cove Oysters ....8c. “The House of Better Values.” ’Phone No.229. |The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, TH E ¥.AN DM ARK:Civic League Tea foo Open Today.:¥.mAaLiSaEDSUReDAYANDFRIDAY.ovieadalind:vc IFFICE?,120 BROAD eT.)‘Last Friday was the operiing dayforthe“Civic League Tea Room”andwasquiteasuccessfulone.The pres- FRIDAY,--Novem 12,1916.(ident of the organization was very|ber 35)fortunate in the selection of her come | TELEPHONE NO.140° :FE.N.Lawrence,chairman,is a gra- Go eee proved hreself no less so to those who Mie.RF.Henry left Wednesdayfor a|Patronized this new enterprise:Mrs. :eee making all things edible deliciously W.G.Lewis and Mra,R.E.palatable,is well established.Last Friday the menu-was chicken Mr.J.W.Sherrill is in Charlotte this week|wiches.pickles.celery,tea and coffee. “ Tate,who visited Mrs.ne Pink:Tete,|Wao ve ‘Mrs.R.L.Poston assistant. |The Sherrill-White Shoe Co.hasjher.heme at Bridgewater.||kindly offered the use “of a cozy room jalso visited the Charlotte fair Wednesday.Mr.and Mra.7.T.Meacham and lguest,’Miss Sadie Burgin of Old Fort,leame to Statesville Tuesday,went to|ite Wednesday to take in the Meeklen!air..t"'Mr,Emmet N.Morrison of Charleston,4 ‘for a refreshing cup of tea and a chat||with a friend while down town shop- -,ping. *|This is a mere ventureon the part) _|of this worthy organization and if it, succeeds will be continued from week| r oan ,ve |‘[ripesitesensae sees A.Ruest who:fond the.‘Tey Reems |home in Montgomery,W.Va.*jan inviting and interesting vlace last Miss Janice Stephenson went to Re.|Friday afterrioon.advises all friends, amen,Votoaadar Weve,Mer brother,Mr)who wish to see it succeed to give it |Svesdames W.Tf.Nicholson and A.A.G@-%trial this afternoon any time after|. easier ee PR st -trlende Oe Sabyes P|palncipltietne tiermalnaranarsorete rs.J,FE.Alexander o!isbury.arrived|;$itahitsilte:Wedeesion afternaoe Gx Gold ‘|Entertained —Statesville High about a week with her sfster-in-law,Mra.R-|9 School 7 'Reported For The Landmark.10,Deitz.a i |“Mr.R.H.Hartman of north Iredell rH lyesterday for Garrett Park,Md.to spend the|*Last Friday night Miss Blanche |winter.i Le i iterary8.Efird of Winston,-Salgm |Laugenour |delightfully entertained jspent yesterday here with her pafents,;the graduating class of the Statesville and Mrs.W.A.Lutz.“’\high’school,of which she is a mem-|_Mrs Jas.E.Tharve spent.yesterday in Go-er,When all the guests had arrived |Mrs.A.W.Bradley and Mrs.C.E.Keiger they were invited into the .dining |wire visitors to Caartotte yertecten =*|\yoom.which was.artistically decorat- rs,B.Murdock and Miss Marietta Mur-'oq with the class ¢olors,black and|rd i a.t ‘ j dock of the vicinity of Statesville are v it i gold,yellow chrysanthemums being f :i commercial activity./:s wf 4 wit“Chere is that muketh himselfjrich,,get hath wathing;there is ghat him~ =self poor,yet hath great riches.” ‘HERE is a stronger bond of love and friend-;ship today than ever in _the world’s history.) It is evidenced in many ways— a better standard of home:life; bigger and better purposes in the ,,individual,and a higher plane of * In success and growth confidence iscesential..Confidence comes from no-|Wg:ASbilityofserviceandhonestyofpurpose.»|B ;4.4 QeR bank has grown for the reason that we have } made our interests the interestsofourcommunity—its business,})f its homes,its people. ws rf — EC A The confidence we have enjoyed §: > ‘za,WF.Munday left yesterdayforCa’:used in profusion.A five-course din= itenia to visit her daughter,Mrs.George A-/ner was served by Misses Virginia Jenkins,¢a ::.>7 Dr.Jas.K.Hall of Riehmond,Va.,passed Steele,Louise Sloan,Juliet Bristol through Statesville yesterday en route to Mar-and Gussie Laugenour,in which the |zanton,He will visit his father,,Dr.E.§-!color scheme was carried out in every jiaiL.-tn Bethany township,before returmi@k jotail.After the dinner the guests to Riehmon¢oe eae =¢ ‘Miss Alice LeSueur,who spent a f ‘yetired to the parlors,where~music We will have to arrive |whe:e i d int with the}: [whens “Seee eae oe i Ne |penuine Jackson Square Coffee;and} Mrs,F.J.Axley and Mrs.C.C.Axley’and!just think,the price will be only half j \baby son,Porter,went to Murphy’yesterday the regular price—12 1-2 cents per| ‘to.visit the home people =the Messrs.Amey.Sound.Now is your time:to lay ie .os hee * weeks with her sister,Mrs.Charles Anderson,and dancing were enjoyed until a late jleft yesterday for her home n Nashville,_Tenp.‘hour j iy ":¢ |Mre.W.H.Adderholdt and Miss Annie Ad-,:Jie:|!. iderholdt left.yesterday for Dundee,Miss.,|a big lot } cr a AL Y |in return has_ |credit and has:given us greater incentive for greater service. This bank is worthy of your fullest con-{Shfidence,Make it your bank,‘. PA N Y a “STATESVILLE N.C,Capital $100,000_4%Paid onTime’Deposits ‘sin,who is cashier in the revenue collector's Hens,10¢.per Ib. ‘office.Mr.Spaugh is a member of the daw . \firm of Foltz and Spaugh at Winston-Salem,Eggs,24e.per dozen.bee ay \where the couple will make their home.°3,|“utter,1be.per Ib."4 Beeswax,25c.per Ib. |.Miss Mattie May Daniels and Mr.Giles ‘Mite-|Green Hides,12c.per tb. |Lelland were married Tuesday aftern jat.Hams,22c.per Ib. (the home of the officiating minister,-A.Sides,13c.per Ib.. H.Goodin,in Blodmfield..Both parties’>|,Shoulders,13¢.per 383 4 Red Honey,10c.per Ib. ‘f Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.per Ib. ‘from north Iredell.i dai SondoatinSOCIAL.6..cc ection L.1...abe |Mrs.A.L.Mills entertained the G.G.(G.‘Grain, felub yesterday afternoon complimentary *\to The following prices were paid yesterday Misses Mary Sanford and Mary Meroney™of}’or grain on the Jocal market: ‘Mocksville.Miss Sanford is a guest of Mrs.Wheat,$1.25 to $1.30 per bushel. |A.L.Mills ahd Miss Meroney is a guest,of Corn,(new),50 to 60c.per bushel, |eotetneens een ‘}pound was paid for best grade ‘cotton.||Notice of New Advertisements.}Seed cotton,4.85." | | Roosters,5c.per Ib.|ej | ||| |Mrs.Ross Mijls.ii “Oats,55c.per bushel. The Chautauqua Study club met Wednesday.Statesville Cotton Market. jafternoon with Mrs.J.D.Ramsey.On the local market yesterday lle.per) Social Items.‘your supply of coffee cheap.U.S.DEPOSITORY Mr..and Mrs.Alexander S,Carson Rees &FRALEY,the Great |SS saa aaa aT ee |Statesville have issued eards for the marriage!Bargain ivers.—ad.;a}r PERE RCAC RODEO ROE lof their sister,Miss Emma Jean Carson,and,|SOCECEECECR TIT SIS AIS!i ASS 'Mr.Henry Wesley Spaugn,the.ceremony to!a >oe ‘take place in Broad nb Mayet went MARKET REPORTS. Wednesday noon,November 24th.iss |-ee a,:i son,who is a daughter vr the late Mr.and!Statesville Produce Market.tn e f a oer.“Aadsew J.Carson of Spasta,Albehaby|,The following prices.were paid yesterday |V e ‘county,has recently.been making her ie for,produce on the local market. Spring Chickens,12¢.per Ib.corre The new-Gypsy Boot—the low heel,cloth oo: top;patent vamp—Button and Lace,©”i Grover’s Soft Shoes for tender feet.volgsty School Shoes for Children.fo: Yours for the Price,; Ss.M.&H.SHOE CO., ‘The One Price Cash Shoe Store. Your Shoes repaired while you wait.— PRORCROE OCR RCE OO EE Le eR thet Sle alelelatalalaerelalalelale lelatesmlalnial38.88.Oe T * |Mrs.Henninger will have bread and cakes Coiton sced,45c.per bushel. heart eens }--.Good horse and bu for sale.—C.L.Me-Cain._morrow.MRS.J.F.HENNINGER.é |Cottage on Davie avenve for sale or rent. —T..J.Conger,White Wyandottes.—J.22.wood.The greatest programme of pictyres ever {FOR SALE—Good horse,eight ee 4 ae ¢y,Elm:|weight 1,000.Sound and gentle.ckney Abernethy,Elny top buggy,rubber tire,first class dition. Low price for cash.C.L.MeCAIN,States- shown in any theater at the Crescent next ville,N.C.Nov.J2—It*. week,- Finest bead lettuce.-M.P.Alexander &|FOR SALE OR RENT—Cottage on Davie av- y ’enue.Large garden,barn and city water. e Watkins for everything to build with.. ait for the demonstration of the South|7eo sorneet_Iodonsetifesiirsteivett ‘Bend Malleable range.—Iredell Hardware Co.CHICKENS!—Lot pure -bredwent ciee ‘Big reduction in price of shoe repairing.—dottes for sale.J.R.ABERNETHY,Re iJ.S.Fry &Son.wood,N.C.Nov.12—I1t*, lesomerrow peanut butter day with Sherrill FOR.RENT—Seven-room house Race cinests |i -int _ates _|.one block “from the college.odern con- eee eee aoe -Crawford one conics,MRS.D.A.MILLER.Oct.29. |Elkin.sh d,Elki id="Johnaton--a\geikin,shoes and Elkin blankets.Johnston.FOR RENT—Nine-room house with I"THOS.J..CONGER...Nov.11—3t. |Morrison Co.’s store headquarters.on Davie avenue.J.L.SLOAN, |Items From North Iredell.Nov.2. |Correspondence of The Lanamark.FOR RENT.—Cottage close in.Water and i ‘“th Mgpewerage.Cheap to good tenant.i |Jennings,Nov.10.—Mr.Augustus *'N.R.TUNSTALL,_Now 2. Sprinkle is going to sell out and 20)FoR RENT—Cottage close in.Lights and \to Winston.;Mr.Harvey Jurney has sewerage.R.P.ALLISON,Oct.5. {gone to Salisbury to work for ani= ‘electric plant,Mr.Walter Grant is OLD NEWSPAPERS eae ayn at *Winston to find work n 10c.a hundred.Worth this to start fires ,going to }.with..Also good t)put under carpets and |”“Miss Fanny Rash left last weck for|japer the walls.Come to THE LAND-$|Misenheimer,where she will enter|MARK for them. i school.:Le peice{ete .2ENT—Eight-:.|Mr,,Earl Grant is going to teach in ar Wat Front atrest,1 e OVER: OR eer cree this.winter.kin CASH.Aug.20. Mr.Thomas Burgess of Elkin is {visiting relatives’near Zion chureh-”Coe ee ee mLAnOIe + Mrs.H.C.Salmas of:Elkin is visiting hi k e J meeting,we are informed. ‘Teachers invited to make Ramsey -Bowies-|*Sall modern conveniences—my home|’ BREAD AND CAKES—At Gas Company’s to-R ‘'"“Ffaving qualified as executor of the last The people of this section have been tice is hereby given to all parties holding arr tae erence rere See er =Sasa TT P r Oceupies no more space than an_Upright.Caruso says:‘‘Its tone:is won-.os derful.” 4;$650 Easy Terms if desired.— CARLTON A.ANDREWS,'Manufacturer’s Agent. HARDMAN,PECK &CO.—Founded 1842. “THE HARDMAN FIVE-FOOT GRAND \ the busiest for the last month I havejclaims against said estate,to present-the ever scen them.They have been |same to.the undersigned on or before’the drilling wheat,at night and plowing |ye"yiead in bar of their recovery. before day.They have shucked near- LeROY C,STEELE,Extr., ly all the corn at night.Oct.15,1916.Turnersburg,N.C. This has been the prettiest spell of i weather for the time of year the writer.has ever seen.’‘Head Lettuce !| Don’t youtell it,but there’s going We'll break the news later.:} Grinning opossums,ripe,pérsim~|}): mons,yellow:pumpkins,fat hogs and The Finest Head - see turnips are on the way and com-|||~ ing fast,So forget your troubles.and Lettuce you evér look ahead.: DEAFNESS CANNOT BRIGURED ©|}|| by local applications,as aier can-saw at not yhag oer:Laetitia]ee deatne;me ae is by constitutionalisainadondtice’st ha"acenunin|MP,Alexander&Bro: en thir = > :used.about bucket.Any size or weightSt|Also Ii line-in sibel i pe Se Pye ie uate - (4 Ei |WELL BUCKETS,STOVE PIPE!|i _We havein stock Well Buckets made up in any ‘size..Noblack iron ch:Enpertect etre,and whet|——* 1 ;ie)Sts taba meatered to ||Car No.1 Heart Pine Shingles :;Tust unloaded,As pretty as I ever.saw.The dressed bucket Cedar 4x20shinglecan’t be beat.Cypress order, Sontianie shingles and the best:Tit Shinglesnade,Ridge Roll,ready-paintedTinand.nails.”inter 0 MeBlwee’s Planters" t pany SOMADOTAR PMN TAT will and testament of Joseph L,Padgett,no-} 15th day of October,1916,or this noticewill | to be a wedding up.the -branch-soon,=ih at her father’s,Mr.-J.R.Huie.FOR SALBanks mares,ane berve,two gates The protracted meeting begins at two mules and eight head fat cattle.J.%.\5 |Prospect chureb ‘Sunday.Rev.Mr,|HOLLAND.’Qe ee Fry of Salisbury will assist in the,NOTICE TO CREDITORS. SSill Going Free! |Sloan Clothing Comp CIGARS! -YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERS — NOW TRY THE BEST.a Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar ——_AT——: HALL’S DRUG STORE, ‘PHONE 20.Prescriptionists. o. bp Many have|taken”adyan-a ’tage of our free bureau of ‘information regarding our. Suitings,Overcoatings,etc.Have you?“If not come at once.Our ‘stock — is complete with the new: est and tiobbiest creations in Men’s wear at the low- est prices,‘Remember our motto:,Satisfaction or money refunded,» ¥+e ‘ _‘Fashion ‘Attorney: Sold. i With Every Majestic Range amen Pepe ONE WEEKONLY “hs ‘Pty ayfet =$8.005ET OF With Every Majestic Range Sold:| ‘ # ~ONE WEEKONLY SAVE $8.00 AS a special inducement during our demonstra: tion week only,with every ~MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same),we will_give free,oné} handsome set of ware as illustrated—here,--; iy “Every piece of this ware is the bestof its kin®, “Not a piece that fs mot needed’in ‘every kitchen...It cannot possibly be bought for less than $8.00,This ‘ware is on exhibition:at our store.DON’T FAIL TO SEE IT,Which Shall it Be? DO you intend to continue laboring,burningvaluablefuelunddestroyinghigh-pricedfood’with ,that old worn-out cook stove? You"KNOW that old stove eats up a lot of fuel each year. You KNOW you have trouble in getting it to bake just right,in fact,spoil a batch of bread every once in a while—you know it costs considerable for year: ly repairs.:‘ «Stop and think and figure.Wouldn’t it pay you to buy a ‘good range—a range with a reputation— THE GREAT.MAJESTIC Malleable and CharcoalNeat8Tron’RANGE YOU make no mistake in buying the GREAT MA-:—it’s the range with THE REPUTATION—ask your neighbors.‘Then,too;it’s made just rightandoftherightkindofmateria}—MALLEABLEandCHARCOALIRON—riveted together -practical-ly ie nd with pure asbestos—parts being ||!malleable can’t break—has a movable reservoir andanoventhat,doesn’t warp—that’s why the MAJES.TIC uses so little fuel,bakes just right every day intheyearapresbreadjustrightalloverwithoutturning),1}eats 15 gallons of water while breakfasiiscooking—properly handled lasts a lifetime,andcosts‘practicaliy nothing for repairs. Duy the range you expect to last a lifetime COFFEE-POT-'\ ny9 +a gsdC§ "MAJE5TIC-RANGES ARE-MADEIN-ALL ey ee _ON-LEGS:IF:‘DESIRED—s MAJESTIC-NEVER-BURN-COOVER-STEAMER:CULLENDER-AND-DRAINER:HEAVY:STAMPED-IRUN-MARBLEIZED-UETTLE:(8 OZ:ALL:COPPER:TEA-KETT!140Z-ALL-COPPER-A =) emiY ii RS>a Il2iihl ee \ sSIZES-anpSTYLES raNi f Vion DyTHISSETOFWARE FREE HEAVY-MARGLEIZED-PUDOING-PAN-LARGE NEVER-BURN WIRED:*DRIPPING-PAN:2-9 ALL NEVER-BURIN-WIRED-DRIPPING -PANS-\oceen,2 PMALL-DRIP-PANS: a7, CHILDREN’S :SOUVENIR DAY—————’100 STORY Books.FREEn“The Quillivers’Ride” :By CLAUDE WETMOREACHARMINGSTORYforboysand girls of theadventuresoftheweeQUILLIVERSinBIGFOLKS’LAND—a story that will hold any child’s interest»totheveryend,and teach a lesson of life-long.value.The first 100 boys and girls who present to THEMAJESTICRANGESALESMAN,at our store,bée-tween 3 and 5 p.m.,TUESDAY,written answers tothefollowingquestions,will receive ‘this fascinatingstorybookFREE,1—What range is your mothtr now using?-4—-Give names of anyoneyou know needing’a newrange.}3—The Majestic Range has many points of su-periority—which does your mother considerbest?)—. 4—What is your age?5—-When is your birthday?>ITT LY Wpww,$1.00 ARTICLE FREE The boy'or girl giving the neatest and best answertothethirdquestionmayselectany$1.00 articlefromour’stock IN ADDITION TO THE SOUVENIR,A_PRIZE FOR EVERYBODYDon’t be discouraged if you are not one of thé 100togetthestorybook.“You will receive a MAJESTIC CAN:ALSO-BE-»VSED-AD- ROAZTER:i Doysonaibe unseen”you'll be sure to be disappointed.‘Come to our store during demonstration week,ses}™the GREAT MAJESTIC—have its many.exclusivefeaturesexplained—find out why the MAJESTIC is800percentstrongerthanotherrangeswheremostrangesareweakest.‘; ~~Don’t Overlook the Date.This is'a Special Invitation to You~and Your Friends and Neighbors. PUZZLE CARD that will afford you many hours ofamusement.~~Becgnre to-haveyour answers ready-to-hand in atourstoreTUESDAY.afternoon,between three andfive.They must be WRITTEN if you wish to receiveasouvenirorprize..moe AH dovite this —a eel se®onstrator direct from the JES-Special TIC FACTORY will be glad to show you “ALLABOUT RANGES” show you why the MAJESTIC is the best rangeonearthat‘any price. COME,IF YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOT EDUCATION lies in KNOWING THINGS—Know why the oven:6f a’range is heatea—-KNOW how:}the water is héated—-HOW the top is heated—WHY,&the MAJESTIC uses go little fuel—KNOW how a~™3 range is made inside and outside.This educationmayserveyouinthefuture.DON’T OVERLOOKachancetoKNOWTHINGSshownbyonewhoknows.COME. azenby- GREENSBORO MERCHANTS‘|Heard Mr.Stephenson of States-ville on Rural Credits.At Greensboro Tuesday evenin Mr.Q.A.Stephenson of Statesville din,cussed “Rural Credits”at the quar-terly banquet of the Greensboro Mer-‘chants’Association.Mr.Stephenson THE LANDMARK JS'POOR IN TAX WEALTH. Facts Found in An -Average>)North Carolina County. Dhiversity News Letter.'How poor we really are appearsfroma.study of the 1915 tax list ‘in@n.ayerage North Carolina countyThatisabletoown103automobiles,ie only one to every 32 families.“Farm land in this.particular coun-ty is worth $7.22 an acre—on the taxhooks.The farms are being operated’with implements and tools worth 52@ents‘an acre.They are equipped withworkanimals,meat and milk animalsworth$277 per farm;or barely thericeofonegood,mule,2 The wealth in dogs is encouraging,‘However.There are 1474,They out-umber the sheep more than two toe, y The real estate and personal prop-2,of the four banks amounts to5,822: &Whe culture of the county is repre-ented by libraries,scientific instru-Ments and.the like worth 79 cents peritant. was accompanied to Greensboro byMr.A,W.Bunch,president.of thoStatesvilleMerchants’Association.The Greensboro News Says of -Mr.Stephenson’s address::“Some very interesting facts werecalledtotheattentionoftheorganiz-ation by Mr.Stephenson on the bigquestionofruralcredits.The speak-er declared that the farmers of NorthCarolinaarenotasprosperous.nowastheywere20yearsago;that thereare60,000 in the State who-are soldoutannuallybecausetheyareunabletomeettheirobligations;that .106,-000 in'the State are tenants,not own-ing.a foot of land;and that only 20percentofallthe:farmers of theStatehaveabankcredit.He alsocalledattentionto.the fact:that thepercapitawealthofNorth’Carolinafarmers"is only $322,while that ofthe“Western ‘farmer is about $3,000, '*The ability of the people to getowntoavcashbasisintheirbusiness»ests upon“money in hand amounting_to $1.85 per person.éayietoneinautomobiles,mo-Aorcytles,bicycles,pleasure’boats,Sailing craft;fishing tackles,inets,‘geins and the like is’$3.70 per.inhabi-dant, +The homes ofthe county_are equip-with household and kitchen fur-Bares worth «upon an average only|$49.41 each._4 The 1967 farms,ihe 178 stores,andBhe13domesticcorporationshadonMandlastMayagriculturalproducts,foods,wares and ~merchandise‘@mounting to Snly $15 per inhabitant;and this sum includes office €quip-ahents and furnitures and the watches,jewelry and all other personal proper-|ty of the $244 homes of tae county.Itisasmallbasisuponwhichtolive‘and to do business.*©.The 1915 tax digest reduces wealthtoiitslowest’terms.in this:county,and*but for the brave exhibit in dors and@utomobilesthepeoplemightwellbei.despair about their woridly goods.And yetithis is on average North/rolina county.It ranks 49th in4#gal taxable wealth.‘ We have just received a big lot regwlar15¢.Ib,¢aridies and our price isIbs,for 15¢.One lot Armour’s.5c.oht deap ges for be,yhite 4%ee crowdedbargainsandyoushouldvisitjtSMITHEY&FRALEY.—ad, t 1g-;ag? Ato ihdiges Against.this fact,there is the further,one that more diversified crops can beproducedinthisStatethaninthe|West,yet lands here sell at’a muchlowerratethanintheWest.|*“There must be something radical.|ily wrong,declared .Mr.Stephenson,{and this thing he declared to be the|fact that there is no adequate credit|System for the farmer,He advocated;the Hollis-Bulkley.bill,which isto be|presented to the next Congress,as theremedyfortheseills,and then ex-|plained’to the assemblage the pro-|visions.of the bill,It has incorpor-ated into it,he stated,all the best‘provisions of such laws as they exist,in the countries of Europe,which were}investigated a few years ago by a|Special commission from this coun=|}:itry.|.“Mr,Stephenson also stated that theNorth’Carolina Merchants’Associa~tion has assumed leadérship,on behalfofthefarmers.of the State,.to wagea4campaignintheinterestofthemeasure,and immediately followin‘his address.the local organizationWentonrecordasunanimously-in-dorsing:it.” Distress in the Stomach,are many people who haven dissthestomachaftermeals,It ig dueiwestionandeasilyremediedbytakingoneofChamberlain'sMrs.Henry Padgehan,Victor,N,Y.,writes;“Oresome time |was.yroubled with head.nene and distress in my stomach after edting,‘Also.with @ nstipation. Aboub™aly monthsHeo1bering’taktgie Cranbertain’s ~Tablota,|They rewulated the’nction of my’bowels andfei There trees in Tablets after meals. headache and other annoyunees ceased|!&short’thma’t Obtainable everywhere, ie aba eco sicveraimmieilstasen Ray eres aol Montgomery This Sounds Better. Charity and Children:pre FJudgeClarktakesexceptiontoa remark made at Concord recently by this scribe,that “women are by naturenobetterthanmen.”If the sentencehadbeenfinishedwebeiievethejudgewouldsubscribetoit.The savinclausewas-that while by nature wa-men are no better than men,by gracetheyareagreatdea]better.Naturtally,we are all alike born in sin andconceivedininiquity,but women beingmoregratefulandquickertoperceiveand:appreciate goodness,love theLordmorethantheirbrothers.andhencethepreponderanceofwomenattheprayer.meeting,in the Sundayschodl.in all:the church work,and jieveryhelpfulservicefortheupliftofmankind.Jesus Christ did ©morefor.women than for men because therewasmoreforhimtodo..He emancit-pated her from slavery,and she hasinalltheagesnotforgottenhergreatbenefactor.' &|with destroyers,submarines and aux- 4 ler addresses. ton.; The second and third ©divisions of }? gia,New Jersey anu Rhode Island, iliaries,will be ordered to Charleston,|% S..C.,during the convention of the December 13 to 17. »Features of the meeting will ‘be aeclebrationofthefiftiethanniversaryoftheconclusionoftheCivilWarand a discussion of:the nitional defense problem.‘Secretary Daniels and Sec-retary Garrison are-expected to-deliv- Now that the Alexander road bonds have been sold,the,Scout hears’theopponents.of the bonds will engage legality. Three persons were killed and anyotherwasprobablyfatallyinjured |when an automobile in.which they |were riding was struck at a railroaycrossinginSouthDenver,Col. The 1916 edition of Quips anCranks,the Davidson College publitai|tion,will be dedicated ‘to PresidentWilson,by permission of the Presi,|dent.i aq good--section,but—because aacTheNorthWilkesboroRoad_ Furnishes me more customers than ,any ‘other road,leading to.States-‘yille—-not only because it leads to a nm , the Atlantic fleet;including the bet-1%tleships South Carolina,Utah,.Mich-|%igan,Kansas,Florida,Virginia,Geor-|% Southern Commercial Congress there |% counsel.and bring suit to test their et ware C Hyacinths, White-Roman,Yellow,Pink-and.Blue. Paper White Narcissus. cs MAMMOTH BULBS. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. thepeopjehavestoppedby-to see my.goods and know they are best andpriceslowest..Everythnig to buildwith,*C.WATKINS,N.Center St.|! A,Go to Texas via Cotton Belt §Memphisthrough Arkansas. h.Two trains daily with chair cats.and ’Mexico, a Mako a trip to Texas now!© bn 4 tie Route —direct line from eloctrié Jighted.sleepers..Dinjngcar'service;‘Trains from the South-east connect at Memphis with these Cotton Belt throughtrainsto Texas. Winter Touritt Fares daily to manyplictsin‘Texas,Louisiana and)NewStopoyers.Long return limitofMay31,1916.. All Ycar Tourist Fares daily to certainpointsinTexas.90 daylimit.Stopovers. Low.Fares:with Jiberal)stopovers.andlongreturnlimitsshouldinduceyouto Seo whatfinefarm opportunitiesTexasoffers,Send today for free ifiustrated book about‘Lexda,and get fall information about lowfaresfrowyouttowntoTexasviaMemphisandtheCotton,BeltRoute,:. Wie West wie ‘SHERRI enget Agent,109W.9th $t.,Chatanooga,Tenn,||fPovesirogee Mi‘SPECIAL.VALUES In 4 Men’s and One lot:Men’s 50c.-TanSilks,-89e.pair, One lot Men’s 25c,Tan Lisles,—_19c.pair. One lot Men’s 25c.White Sole,2c,pair, becwalick One lot Women’s 50c.White Silks,27c,pair, -One lot Women’s 50c.Tan Silks,89¢,pair. One lot.Women’s 25c.Tan Lisles,17,pair.One lot Women’s 25c,Black Lisles,19¢,pair.THESE SPECIAL PRICES ARE CASH. LL:WHITESHOECO. -}:Phone No.83,-uewiederatt CELA YE ometa omen’s Hose!} * “eramping. & PATTERN RUGS! slug ot ce sour--and bowels ¢onstipat ed,“mel. ‘Jose a day’s work, “which Causes necrosis of the bones. 1 Old Beck Sweet Feed.worthless'by-products,but’se- Little Ned Sweet Feed.lected feed scien- 'oe aang tifically blended Manna-Rice Chick Feed.forresults.Made Gem Scratch Feed.by a house with en a reputation for Gem Sweet Dairy Feed.integrity.. Bowels Constipated Take ‘‘Dodson’s Liver:Tone.”. sonal money -back guarantee thateachspoonfulwill’cleay your slug:wish livery better-than-a dose of nas-ty calomel and that it won't make you.sick.:Dodson’s Liver Tone is real livermedicine.:You'll know it next-morn-ing,-because you will woke up 7eel- ing fine,your diver will be working.your headache and dizziness gone’your stomach will be-sweet-and-yourbowelsregujar.You “will feel.likeLworking;.you'll be cheerful;full of‘yigor and ambition. ‘Dodson’s ‘Liver Tone vegetable,therefore —harmiess,—ané cannot salivate.Give it to yowchildren.Millions’of people are us-ing Dodson’s Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now.Yeur dfug- gist will tell you that the sale of cal- omel is almost stopped entirely here ranma ta You're“bilious!”“Your liver is. ht Youfeel-lazy,dizzy ‘und nocked out,Your head is dull, your.tongue is coated;breath bad; But don’t take salivating ‘calo-It makes you sick,-you--may Calomel -is -mereury_or.quicksilver €alomel crashes into sour bile’iikedynamite,breaking it~up.‘That'swhenyoufeelthatawfulnauseaand“is entirely If you want to enjoy the nicest,gentlest liver and bowel cleansingyoueverexperienced,just-take .a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight.Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone under my per- Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co's Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,or C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative.—’Phone 125Black.| |OUR REPAIR SHOP IS COMPLETE {If your car is not working as it should bring it to us and we will correct the trouble. {We have placeda ear in livery service and can take you there and ; bring you back at reasonable rates ‘{Special facilities for washing and storing cars. {Complete line of accessories on hand at ali times. STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., “QUALITY FIRST.”PHONE 140 ASK US ‘New Line of 1915 Variegated Mottle Rugs. Persian Silk Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes. Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors. Call and see our line of.Brussel Rugs— $18.00 to $38.50. We have in stock a fewspecially large 12x15 Rugs. wy ‘ Statesville Housefurnishing Co. CALOMELIS MERCURY,IT SICKENS!||THE.LANDMARK|S«ripture For Defence Pian,ek ete wea it ca=GLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS GENTLY |FaipaynovemberTar10|,tet,Wilton fide unport in,J) _Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!If Your Liveris Sluggish or —tional defence—-Ezekiel 33:2-3-4-5-6: “gFIVEANDAHALFBILLION|(|Son of man ‘speak to the chil-Value of This Year’s Crop the dren ee hy poons and gay unto*Ry ithem,when ring the sword upon| ei Greatest Eyer.;1 land,if the people.of the land take}Washington.Dispatch.>\aman of their coasts and set him for The nation’s principal fa ‘¢rops their watchman: this year are worth about $5,500,000,“3.If when he seeth the sword 000;exceeding by more than $500,-|come upon the land he ‘blow the 00,000 their value in 1914,the pre-|trumpet,and warn the people: vions banner value year in the counm-|‘4.Then whosoever heareth the}. try’s crop history.There has been sound of the-trumpet and taketh not an unprecedented harvest,many of |warning,if the sword come,and take “he crops exceeding their best t ree-)hi WE otds,and high prices due to thein-|his own ‘head. fluenge of the European war have “5,He heard the sound of the ontributed_to-swell the total valle.|trumpet,-and took not warning,his Statistics announced by the natien-blood shall be upon him;but he that November crop report base values.on soul.i »revailing November prices.Corn.|“6;But if the watchman seeth ‘vith a production of 8,090,509.000the sword come and”blow:not the ‘ushels —34,000,000.bushels below |trumpet,and the people be not the record crop —is worth $1,918.-|warhed;if the sword come,and take 925,071,the most valuable corn erop 2ny person from ‘among them,he is ‘ver grown.It exceeds the former taken away in his iniquity;but his ‘iggest value crop,that of 1914,by blood with I require’at the watchman’s $190,000,000.te hands.”y Wheat,with the largest production Te ee TT ‘aver known in any ‘country,1,002,-The Solicitor Lost. a euahels about oné-fourth Trying a boy at Yancey county a Te List pth.OO eS court for breaking into a store,Solicit- more than the record,made in 4914.°"Michael Sehenck was relying on The oats crop also was a record ‘he fact that when arrested the bov ome both in point of production,and/had in his possession a bex of snuff value.The harvest was 1.617:478000 °f the brand missed from the store, sushels—almost 100,000.000 bushels |The solicitor was so positive that men ‘etter than the record of 1912—-gnd folks didn’t ordinarily tote snuff that ‘ts value,$532,599,822,is $33,000,009 he offered to accept a verdict of not gviltv against the boy,if a single him~away,his~blood shall be upon ay it Department of Agricuttare in “its taketir “warning”“shalt~~deliver~~his7”x‘ ¥4 tA War upon he i? Pain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unexpectedly.But you are prepared for every emergency it you keep a small bottle of Sloan's ~ Liniment handy.It is the’greatest pain killer ever discovered,< Simply laid on the skin— no rubbing required—It drives ~ the pain away.instantly.,Tt is really wonderful.5 ; -Sloan’s_| -Liniment (25)— LL ee oe ;| SPRAIN :_SoREMUSGIRJa) 5 eee r |7 te Th Pa x nore than the record values of.the h singh 1914 crop.=member of the jury had snuff in his Barley,rye,sweet potatoes,hay pocket.:ind rice were record crops in point;Up rose a lanky.juror and took aboxofsnufffromhispocket.Thefproductionandtobaccoalmost|<Al equalled its best production.‘laugh was on the solicitor ‘and the boy nt free.}The rye | and hay’crops ‘were records in point)We of-value.} :The apnnroximate value of the bar-|Conditions in “Mexico are improv- cients etignnaiianritit +h.that—give DODGE BROTHERS ‘ev crop is $118,577-682,the rye eron ing and there-are~signs 27 961.408.buckwheat $12,854,750,|hope for a gradual return to order Irish potatoes $218,425,824.sweet po-2nd prosperity there,according to a tatoes $42.456.050.hay $877,054.890,semmarv of advices from various give MOTOR CARS. Have many features that are unusual 'in cars of so moderate a atton $809,000.000.tohacco $105,-Parts.of the republic,made public by 192.00,flaxseed $30.050,534,rice $22,-|the State Department..|213.35.anples $164,380.480,neachcs-See ne emer |*00-613.136 and pears $9.275684,STOMACH ACTS FINE!NO}INDIGESTION,GAS,IInthisyear’s harvest the corn cronrassed’the 3,090.000,000 bushel mark HEARTBURN,ACIDITY!| sin”Fixes Sick,|‘or the second time and the wheat rop crossed the.1.000,000,000 bushel “Pape’s Dianep: _Sour,Upset Stomachs in Five’ Minutes. mark for the first time. You don’t want .a_slow remedy| Potato prospects declined 9,000,000 } oushels during October.the crop now eing placed at 359,253,000 bushels.,That is 46,000,000 less t¥an last vear’s when your stomach is bad—oran un=) ‘rop and the prospective moderate certain one—or a harmful one—your| ‘upply+for winter use is reflected :in stomach is too valuable;you mustn’t| he sharp advance in farm price from injure it with drastic drugs.| 18.7 cents a bushel on October 1st|Pape’s Dianepsin is noted for its} 9 608 cents on November 1.The!speed in giving relief;its harmless-| November 1 prices is 8 cents higher ness:its certain,unfailing action in} ‘han a year ago.The crop is shortest tegulating sick,sour,gassy stomachs.| ‘n the Northern States,which grew(Its millions of cures in he surplus of the late crop...The dyspepsia.gastritis and other stom-| wality,too,is below averare.‘ach trouble has made it famous the} In.a statement the board of!erop world over.| astimates.said:Keen this’perfect stomach doctor in| ton-growing States.These 11 States |store and then if any one should eat ‘nereased their production 35 per |something which doesn’t agree with sent over the amount they raised last |them,if what they eat lays like lead,| lyear and 37-per cent over the average|ferments and sours and forms gas; ivearly production in the preceding causes headache,dizziness and nau-| \five years.‘They produced about 27/S8¢a;eructations of acid and undi-}; mer cent of this year’s crop;usually‘they vroduce about 22 per centft the|crop.””+ Pape’s Diapepsin comes in.contact) ‘with the stomach all such distress | vanishes.Its promptness,certainty | and case in’overcoming.the worst} stomach disorders is a revelation to) those who try it. \Dr.Poteat Gets Cun—Literary |«and Historical Society. he At the meeting of the North Caro- lina Literary and Historical Associa- indigestion,}4 |“The increase in ¢d¥h productionis your home—keep,it handy—get a! nost marked in the Southern of cot-|large fifty-cent dase from any drug, gested food-——remember-as—soon_asj} price,and represent a combination of refinement,efficiency andequipmentthatisofmorethan‘ordinary interest to the intend-ing purchaser. There has been no effort to produce <.car that would sell at a low price,but there has been a genuine interest in building a car in which the material,the design and the manufacturing practice would represent the highest quality at a moderate cost to the purchaser.;a |~~Price Touring Car or Roadster$785 f.0.b.,Detrait,Mich.—~~} Statesville Motor Com’y |“QUALITY FIRST.” COLLEGE J EWELRY ! Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., with the seal of Statesville College on. Make a nice piece of Jewelry for former students as well as those now attending. We have this line now in. R.H,RICKERT &SON.|| \ jon in Raleigh Monday.the Secre-tary of the Interior,Franklin K.Lane.delivered the principal address,his| subject being:“Tradizfons.” The award of the Patterson cun for!ithe best literary production of the tast year was to Dr.W.L.Poteat, nresident of:Wake Forest College,ferhisbook,“The.New Peace.”The pré- sentation on behalf of the Society was by Secretary of the Navy Daniels.At Tuesday’s meeting of the So- ciety President Rondthaler of SalemCollegewaselectedpresident.The secretary-treasurer is R.“D.W.Con-|'ner of Raleigh.At this mecting Dr. TRE BEST COAL! It is time you are ordering yourfuelforwinter.The best coal forgeneraluseisourcelebrated- Genuine Jelico Powhatan Blue Gem Pennsylvania Anthracite Run of Mine Steam Coal. Wood,and do all kinds o ‘ommercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N..C. Capital Stock Paid in -—$100,000.00 _Surplas and Profits 31,500.00 Members of FederalReserve System. Your Banking business solicited and” every accommodation extended,to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods.; Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,-==PreEK.MORRISON,-.-«-Vice President. D.M.AUSLEY,--.-_..Cashier,.@ EB,HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier._ ELELELELERLLELLILLLLTLE LITTELIILTELLLLTITILTAALLLALTTTITILALHLLTTITALIA TEESesas. Don’t wear them out before you hav Firstclass.work all the.tim: $48 State University,now of the U niver- Sisity of Virginia,discussed the ques- President. 3 oe We raise,moreover,a greater Aland poultry products,potatoes,oats 7 send.bash Movizg household goodga special: ”Holland Bros. Depot ’Phone No.7. Residence ’Phone No,310Black. Edwin A.Alderman,formerly of the 8 jtion.“Can Democracy Be Permarent-B ily Organived 1 ore subject of the address of the ring:President,Dr.8 |Clarence Poe,was “The Need for Vis-3 ion in the Development of.North Car-Hlolina of Tomorrow and the DynamicBlandPracticalvalueofanIdealon 3 'Commonwealth Building.”s#|The North Carolina ~Fotk -Lore|Society,meeting in connection withHitheLiteraryandHistoricalSociety, Blelected Dr.D.H.Hili,Raleigh,,pres- Slident:Edwin Greenlaw,Chapel Hill,Band Mrs._J._C.Campbell,Asheville, Hivice presidents;F.C,Browne,Dur- H jham,secretary-treasurer. When It’s Flowers! ‘Think of Van Lindley: Company.We have H|Increase in State’s Crop Values. #|“Crop values.in.North CarolinaHihave’increased $151,000,000 \n theH\ijast 15 years.The increase in cropBlvaluesfrom1900'to 1910 was $75,000,-3/000,and the increase from 1910 ‘to #11915 was $76,000,000—one _million one ’of ©the largest B|more in the last five years than in the : Hiprevious ten.”Such was the state-y Greenhouse plants in Himent of R.BE.Price of Rutherford : H county,in a statement read before the the South, H|North Carolina club at the University,Hihis subject being “Diversity of Prod-H |ucts in North Carolina.”In the courseBlofhistalkMr.:Price compared North4Carolina’with the great agricultural B|State of the middle West,Wisconsin. Bl “We find,”he said,“that NorthH|Carolina raises everything.that Wis-Biconsin raises,except flax-seed .and Orders small or large ‘receive prompt atten- «tion.Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed, Hlabundance of everything except hay Hiand forage,animal prdoucts,dairy Flowers ThatPlease. a“fen ey.Wisconsin cannot grow cotton,and peanuts at all;whereas=-Ithey are two of our most important crops.North Carolina.grows more eon abelmillionone-in.vegetables,and WORTH KNOWING! Suppose that you are insured in the United Life and Accident In-surance Company of New Hampshire for$5,000undérthe Company’s.Triple Indemnity Plan,what does your Policy guarantee to do? ANSWER:.—adFIRST,it guarantees that in case of death from any cause,$5,000,the face of the policy,will be paid.4 Te ae 3SECOND,thatin case of death from any accident,$10,000,oroublethefacthe-policy,.will be paj :;aeHIRD,that in case of~death from/certain specified accidents,—$15,000;-or three times the facéo licy,willbe paid,=But this is not all.-In case of total disability as a result of.acci-dental injury,you will receive an indemnity of $50 PER WEEK. Can insurance do more?And wy should:any man bewith:a pulicy that would do less?The cost is low.Sa GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ERNEST G.GAITHER,SS Ano REAG ESTATE. PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING, RS ATLLRSTEXACO! “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS,__TEXACO CYLINDER OILS,TEXACO GREASES.© In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases.- C '+.:rf: pe v o e v o e s o v e s s o s e s se r e SS S SE S SS T SS e S SS e S ee r ee it s e . Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil in full packages,see us before you place your orders.‘4 gL a4 ‘We are in a position to demonstrate QUA .ITY,and can make delivered prices that willinterestyou.pdt a ala S se s t e e e s e e s e o s e n se e oe e e e e s any |Statesville Oil C , Ferris Wheel and Famous Trip-to Enjoyment for Young and Old. Vacant Lot Next to People’s Loan and ,Savings Bank. |HereFor Ten Days, |Beginning Saturday,13th :$20,non Mariette Rouad from Coney Tsland.::3 EVERYBODY INVITED.——— EVERYBODY COME. Watch for Searchlight.Everything Illuminated. fused-into-us-atittte of that sagé and ‘OUR”| PRESCRIPTION PRECEPT: Purity Precision Promptness ee ae ‘enlightens the young and freshens Burn. POLK GRAY DRUG co] (NONE BETTER.)~ Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Veteh, Rape,etc.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. _FERTILIZERS. Farmers’Favorite Drill! To the Editor of The Landmark: Many of us who have’passed thecrestofthehillareconstrainedtothankoldFatherTime.foy the many: pleasant hours he has given us,and against our.personal.comfort,inJanchingtheruddytintsofyouta. in:-redueing the~elasticity”of ©sten..And although he has caused us~to taste,occasionally,the bitterness.ofsorrow,yet he has mingleds:manyaweetsinthechaliceoflife,and_in-| cheerful.philosophy which looks on the brighter side of things.ae Maas-Briefly-as f-can,let me.discuss.theseasons——the brilliant,evanescentflories.of joyous,jubilant Spring;,the spangled sunsets of sultry Sum-mer:the rich aga of fruit-bearing Autumn,and frigid winter, with its long nights and short days; A hoy being asked,as to the why of expands,cold contracts,~ While it is common knowledge.‘it the memory of the older folks to re-fer to the names.of the days as wellasthoseofthemonths.The Romansnamedtheirdaysforsomeoftheir deities:or the heavenly bodies,=Sun-day—Dies -Solis—the Dav of the Sun;Monday-——Dies Lunar—Day ‘of the Moon:Tuesday-—Dies °Martis—DayofMars;Wednesday —Dies Merecu-rii—Day of ‘Mercury;Thursdavy-—-Dies Tovis —Day of Jupiter;Friday — Dies Veneris—Day of Venus;Satur-day —Dies Saturn,the Day of,Sat- The earliest.expedient for reckon- ing time was the sun-dial.This is mentioned.in ‘Jsa...38:8.On an old to:“I.count only the hours that areserene.”.Some wit remarked of.a watch that “it was the image of mod- esty,for it held its hands over its face,\and however good its works, was ever running itself down.”Rom-ulus divided the vear into ten months.beginning with March.It consisted of 304 days.Numa added two months -—January to the beginning and Feb- ruary to the end of the year.In 452 —Before Christ—the Decemvirs placed February after January. January was so called from Jan- vg—an aneient Kine of ‘Italv.The ==J.E.SLOOP.== Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, :“The Bank for Your Savings.” OFFICERS: L.T.STIMPSON._-_President.’ C.S.TOMLIN -Vice President.f.B.BUNCH —§-Cashier. J.A.KNOX Asst.Cashier. -DIRECTORS: C.8.Tomlin,L.K.Lazenby,J.L.Stevenson,E.G.Gaither,J.R.Hill,-kK.B.Watts, .Stimpson,W.S.Page;J.A.Knox, Issued by this bank bear interest frdm date at the rate of 4 per_cent—per—an- num.Savings Deposits 4 per cent, credited quarterly,=,— Checking Accounts either large or small cordially invited. We want your business, OFFICERS:GEO,H.BROWN _-0.L.TURNER ,President,Cashier, 9 Certificates ofa Bity,as the earth then begins to he #i counted for. #ion it and the Pilerim Fathers landed a|fabled daughter of Atlas. most.instructive religious,as well asfestival| =jeause they then began to milk their Hiname from Julius and was so ealled 3iin honor of Julius Caesar.This,month B introduces the “Dog Days.”Tom Hood Biputs it thus:; Alhirthday of freedom in these United R ithe procession. People’s Loan and Savings Bank;§ H lin the-Roman.calender,but the Sen-|| Hlate changed its name to August in Bihonor of Augustus.1Bleditthebarnmonty.: B\seven;indidating its!order in the Saxons calted it wolf month because of the wolves that invaded their vil- Inges,Despite its icy breath andfrigidaspect,Winter is prophetic of a new existence,a sort of a halting place in our:journey.from which we nersnade ourselves that the future.issildedwiththeIrishopesofhappi-ness. February derives its name =fromFebrus—to purify.This was the Ro- man season of exnpiatorv sacrifices. The Saxons called it Sab-month,«or poneake month.Thev offered the cakes to the sun for his increasing vower.In the middle of this)monthis’the festival of St..Valentine.In it, too.Cunvid plavs a prominent part. March is called from Mars.the re- nnted father of Romulus,and pod of War.The ‘Saxons called it length month,as’the length ofthe days be- #an to exceed that of the nights.With all of its bluster and .rudeness. March gives us the first taste ofSpring.In it St.Patrick’s Day glows and shines. April is derived from Operio—to open.The first of April was conse-erated to Venus.the goddess of Beau- erowned with beautiful flowers.It:isthemonthofsmilesandtears,The April-fool idea cany hardly “be ae-An old writer says itwasborrowedfromtheFrench,who called their Avril fish—‘“silly macker-el’—which allow themselves to ibe eaught in that month...“But,”he eon- tinues.“as April is not the season’of that:fish.we hear substituted t word,fool.”Good Friday is one othesacredoftheAprildays.ThoughFridaywasill-omened,its reputa- tion is redeemed by the facts thatColumbusdiscoveredAmericanon that.day.Geo:Washineton was born on:Plymouth Rock on Friday.«May gets its name from Maia—the brightest.of ‘the Pleiades,and is theMayisthe the most delightful of all times.Of it some old poet wrote “Rods ore filling.leaves aré swelling—Flowers in.field and bloom on tree;O’er the earth and air and oceanNattreholdsher»jubilee.” -The Saxons called it Tumelki —be- kine:three times ‘a day.What sweetmemoriesclineabouttheMayQueen and the May Pole.June was so called in honor of Ju rius—a Roman youth,who served Regulus in war.or more probablyfromJune—goddess of heaven,This is the season of fragrant flowers. “Many a-hidden-brook,-in the leafy month of|June jTo.the sleeving woods,all night,singeth a!gniet tune.”: This midsummer month _stire¢eststhemeridian,of life—when we shouldtakearetrospectiyeaswellag.a)prospective view,.The sultry month of July gets.its “Most dogvedly.1 do maintain,And hold the dogma true—That fourslegged dogs,although we see,We've.some that walk on two." The glorious Fourth is the National States.4Nextthegolden August.files ‘intoItis:ever rife withdeliciousfruits,golden crops.of cornandgarneredgrain—that fustie jubi-lee of rural life.Harvest.Home be- first called Sextelis,or sixth month, The Saxons call- ;September is derived from Septem to forgive all the inflictions.visited| the long summer days and the short}:=|winter ones.promptly replied,“Heat ‘though able to go about on crutches longs to this glorious month.It-was || tab fo from Octo ight tatrinelonaBaintedaysarethoseofSt.8 rep @BNVelietwomileswithbiabeatjnhis}wa womiles withhishead jn his,Jhands,after it ‘had:been ¢Jot St.Crispin,the patron of the shoe-'| ir |makers.‘}i } ‘eut off;and: November.'is derived from Novemnine,An ald comic almanac has. ber:;“Chilblaing gore’on all your toes,Ieicley hung from.your nose,Rheuimatis in all your limbaAndnoddlefullofachesand whims." At gnee we t of Christmas—itshollyandmistletoe,its glad gather-in dimming the lutre of the eye,atl!ites ard aefalelnga:°T'a term Chriete mas comes from the Latin ©Church mass of Christ. will stay my pengil.I have tried toeompletethecircuit.of the seasons,and nothing remains but to wind upanewtheClockofTime.C,F.McKESSON,Morganton,N.C. Grandmothers Echerd’Dead—Taylorsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Echerd died Tuesday evening at o'clock at her home in Ellendale town- shiv,near All Healing Springs.She suffered’a stroke of paralysis last Mayandhasbeeninahelplessconditionsincethen.Deceased ,-was 88 yearsofagethe14thoflastApril..Mrs. Echerd.‘was born ane reared.in -the community where she died,She is ters,about 50 grandchildren and more than 40,great-great grandchildren,The funéral took place at Three Forks Baptist church today at (11 o'clock, conducted by Rev.J..W.Watts.(Mrs.Echerd was the grandmother of City Letter Carrier Chas.Echerd of States ville and Mr/Echerd attended the fun- eral.—The Landmark.) .Miss Polly Matheson went to Char- lotte Wednesday morning to visit hersun-dial-noar-Venice-is_this_fine-mote hitece--Mrs;-Chas:H--Caldwell.-in-theSugarCreekcommunity,Mecklenburg,Mr.and Mrs.J.R.Carson and family motored to Charlotte Tuesday to at- tend the fair.i -A-number.of our people went ‘to Statesville Tuesday to-attend the cir- cus and several went to Hickory Wed- nésday to attend the circus there. Sundav School Reorganized— Hurt By a Runaway. ‘Correspondence of The Lahdmark. Turnersburg,Nov.11,—Sunday} school at Turnetsburg was re-organiz-| ed on Sunday afternoon at 2:30,with}Mr.W.F.Link superintendent.Mr.| Link has charge of the Sunday school|at Olin in the morning,comes to Tur-|nersburg in the afternoon and then! back to Olin for -prayermeeting at? night.Who can beat that for Sab-}bath work?}Lee Fox of Olin,R-1,met with misfortune a few Sundays:ago while| returning home from Sunday school} at Hebron church.The mule that he was driving became seared at some- thing and ran.Mr.Fox attempted|to:jump from the buggy and sprained | his ankle,from which he has been eénfined to his room for a season, now.; Mr.A.F.Harris and family spent Sunday with Mr.Harris’parents,Mr. and Mrs>J.W-.Harris,who live atEphesus,near Mocksville. -Relief Funds All Spent. Contributions ‘to the Benevolent andReliefAssociationfromMarchtoNo- vember 1st:Clothing and shoes-—-Mr.and Mrs. RL.Poston,Mrs.Sol.Simon,MissBessieSimon,Mrs.W.M.Barringer,|}Miss Massey,Mrs.Sig Wallace,Miss |} Altie Corpening,ladies of the Episco- pal church,Mrs.William Wallace,Mrs.R.V.Brawley,Mrs.R.B.Me-laughlin,Mrs.BE.G.Gilmer,Mrs.L..}. B Bristol,Mrs.J.B.Terry,Mrs.C.G.Prosperi.Mrs.Clarence Stimpson. Flour and groceries—$7 worth—Broad Street Methodist church.FCash—-Misses Ross and Leah Ste-} phany,$5;Broad Street Methodist church,$11.71;Junior Order of Me-chanics,Lodge No.47,$7. The small amounts of funds turnedin‘have ‘been spent,the treasury is} now empty,and the association ishelpless.MRS.A.L.COBLE,:President. It this to say of the charms of Novem-/|) December comes from Decem—ten.|} and is properly Christi Massa -—the It would take*too much of’your|@ —._——-- Ispace-togofartherinto detail,so I} Taylorsville,Nov,11.—-Mrs.Annie} survived by.four sons and two daugh-|) _._ALL OF NEXT WEEK,The Greatest programme of Pictures ever shown in anyTheater.“The Grescent”is showing the best picturesIeversaw”has been the universal comment for some time.“We thought so too and thought we had aboutreached‘the limit.But we find we hadn't, bigger ‘treat in store for-you than’yoti had ever dreamed red Save this list,you will regret itif you miss any ofem.apes ' ~~~*“THE TENOR”_ ~_In three acts. Tn which HOBART HENLEY and CARMEN PHILLIPSplaytheleadingparts.Part of the second act of CAR- MEN is used in this picture and Miss Phillips plays the’ part of Carmen.The Moving Picture Weekly has thisto'say in regard to this picture.A bevy of pretty girls, winners*in popularity contests in 21 Theaters in North Carolina,participate in this production and’the picture promises to be personally interesting to:many of the »“Non-profesh.”This is one of the pictures in which Miss Martha Simons and Miss Alexander of Statesville appear-ed,oe“THE HOME COMING”~~~A Splendid Imp drama.TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 16.=.“THE DIAMOND FROM THE SKY. You aré cheating yourself if you are not seeing dainty little LOTTIE PICKFORD in this truly wonderful picture play.Every chapter gives a complete synopsis of the pro-ceeding chapters so you have no trouble in keeping the connection,In addition to this great picture every Tues- day we show our complete regular programme,making a great programme of six fascinating films.,“WHEN THE CALL CAME” ING’S famous story,“The Song of Songs.” “EVERY MAN’S MONEY” A Powerful Powers drama. “WHEN LIZZIE WENT TO SEA” A funny Nestor Comedy. WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 17.“A MESSAGE FOR HELP” A splendid **101 BISON”two reel drama.“HE COULDN’T SUPPORT HIS WIFE” «A Joker comedy “AVENGED BY A FISH” A laughable L-KO Comedy. “THE CASTLE DANCES” Featuring Mr.and Mrs.VERNON CASTLE in all of the modern dances.They introduce all of their dances in such a manner that anyone can easily catch the steps. The sub-titles announce each dance.One of the striking features of this picture is the elaborate gowns worn by Mrs.Castle.She makés several changes and the gowns are designs of LUCILE (Lady Duff Gordon).This feature alone will be very interesting to the ladies.The“closing of the picture shows a “Close Up”view-of Mr.and Mrs.Castle.The Photography is sharp and clear and the picture is well made. heater a Just read ,/over the following list and-you will see that we.have a THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 18. The fourth of the Great Broadway Features. “THE SCARLET SIN.” The magnetic Dramatic Star of the Films inafivereeldramaticmasterpiece.“‘One of the greatest features |have ever made,’’says the great Bosworth.“One of the most grip-ping,yet one of the most charming produc- tions ever conceived,”says one of New York's leading picture critics.If we had the space we could fill this page and several oth- ers with similar expréssions on “The ScarletSin”from hardened critics.You are miss- ing a great treat if you are missing these Great Broadway.Features.If you haven't seen any of them,ask some one who has. A CHILD.HATES GIL,CALO-|‘MEL,PILLS FOR LIVERANDBOWELS! Give “California Svrup of Figs” if Cross,Sick,Feverish,Con- ‘stipated. Look’back at your’childhood:days.Remember the “dose”mother insist-edon-—castor oil,calomel,cathartics,| Hoagainst taking them.With our children it’s different.Mothers.who cling to the old form of physic sintply don’t realize what theydo.~The children’s’revolt is well-founded,Their tender little “insides” are injured by them. If your child’s stomach,liver and howels need cleansing,give only de- licious “California Syrup of Figs.” lions of mothers keep this harmless“fruit.laxative’handy;they know children love to.take it;that it nev- and.sweeten the stomach,and that ateaspoonfulgiventodaysavesasickchildtomorrow. bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,”which has full directions.for babies,children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each vottle.Beware ofcounterfeitssoldhere.See that it ismadeby“California Tig Syrup Com-pany.””: contempt. -Long Leaf Kiln Dried Pine is the very best that can begotten...Flooring,Ceiling,Weath-erboarding,Boxing and ~~Casing,:Doors,Windows,Frames and‘Mouldings;antels,..Columns,Newels and Stair Rail,“Everything. lendar_prior to the.Julian |) |So »err you hated them,how you fought| Its action is positive,but.gentle.Mil-|} er fails to elean the liver and bowels |! Ask your..druggist for a 50-cent|! Refuse any other kind:with |! to Build With.”C.‘WATKINS,Statesville,N.C.oe ibs iss. FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 19. GEO.KLEDIE PRESENTS THE MASTER OF MASTERPIECES,QUO VADIS,”IN EIGHT MAGNIFICENT PARTS. With the exception of the “Birth of a Nation,”which is being showninallofthelargecitiesatfrom50c.to $2,this is the most stupend- ous and spectacular picture ever produced.It was made at a cost of over $250,000.and over 10,000 people took part inf it.“MOTO- GRAPHY,”the leading Motidn Picture Magazine,has this to say of it:“Quo Vadis?”is the first of the great film Masterpieces and unquestionably the best known picture in the annals of the busi ness.”It depicts the complete story from the return of the vic-torious Vinitius to the only commendable act Nero ever did,the ending of his villainous career by suicide.It shows the .destruc- defender of Lygia,the burning of Rome by Nero and his dastard- ly attempt to palliate the people:by accusing the Christians and arranging a.series of entertainments,the chief feature of whichwasthedestructionoftheChristiansbylions. The different exhibitions will begin at about 2,4,6 and 8 o'clock P, M.Admission:Children 10 cents,Adults 20 cents. tion of the mighty Gladiator Croton.by Ursus,the giant.slave and } ms A4 \ MONDAY,NOVEMBER15.:| |__A two realIMPpictureadapted from BRUNO LESS. SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 20. “THE SHERIFF OF RED ROCK GULCH” A remarkable “BIG U”.drama featuring that splendid actor MURDOCK MACQUARRIE.2 _“JT ALMOST HAPPENED.” f »»Nestor Comedy...‘ “MARRIAGE ON CREDIT” A acreamingly funny “L-KO”comedy.—-TODAY__FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 12 The Great Geo.Kleine comedy.“STOP THIEF.” The funniest story in Films. It’s a chuckle and a roar from start.to finish.It’s a story of two self confessed Kleptomaniacs,two real ‘crooks andadoublewedding.A narrative of infinite fun that has 'proven itself one of the greatest laugh producing prop- erties of the stage.a _In addition to the abgve great comedy we will show asereaminglyfunnyL-KO comedy in two reels,“A Scandal in the Family,”:Today will certainly be laughing day at the Crescent,don't miss it.ee eee PCEStoday—10 ‘and=156."State a VOL.XLII. 'tinues in be « i THE ANCONA NOT WARNED. “Says Italy—Was Warned,Says Austria—News of War Zone —Submarine Activity in Medi- terranean.° The Italian government has dis-patched a note to neutral governmentsdenyingthattheAncona,sunk by ahostilesubmarine,carried arms‘orcontraband,or had on board any per-son in the military servicé of the bel- ligerent countries‘or that there wereanycircumstancesjustifyingtheat- tack as a necessity of war.The note‘further declares.that the Ancona was not warned,but was fired upon by thesubmarineandthatboatsinwhich the ,passengers were attempting to escape also were fired on,many per-sons being killed or wounded.).° The Austro-Hungarian admiralty has issued a ‘statement announcingthattheAnconahadbeenwarnedbyone‘shot across her bows.but.that she,fled at full speed.When .shefinallystopped,which was “only afterbeinghitseveraltimes,”the admiral- ty says,“the submarine allowed 45 minutes for the crew and passengers to escape.”Denial is made that the submarine shelled the Ancona’s life- boats,such reports being character-ized as “mendacious inventions.” Austrian aeroplanes have.againdroppedbombs.on.Verona,—Italy. Thirty persons were killed and 46 in- jured. Inthe only fighting reported fromnorthwesternRussia,in the regionofRiga.the Germans were repulsedbytheRussianartilleryfire.Farther south Berlin reports for-the Germans another advance through the Russian lines_near_Czartortysk and the _re- pulge of Russian attacks north of the Koyen-Sarny line by the Austro-Hun- garians. Serbian forces continue to retreat-in North Serbia.Berlin declares that the Serbians have been thrown back along the whole front and that the Germans and Bulgarians are ad- vancing from the southern Morava.Teutonic submarine activity con- the Mediterranean.An- nouncements from London of the loss of merchant vessels seldom reveal where the sinking took place,but several steamers reported as having gone down apparently met their fateinMediterraneanwaters.‘Of théSe the British steamer Den of Crowm- bie,of approximately 5,000 tons,was the largest.There was loss of life apparently when the Italian steamerFirenzewassunkofftheEgyptian coast,six passengers and 15 of thecrewbeingreportedmissing.a Winston Spencer Churchill]has giv- en up his portfolio of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Brit- ish cabinet and will join his regiment at the front.In his resignation he ex- pressed the belief that time would vin-dicate his administration_of the ad-| miralty and assign him his share in the responsibilities of pteparations “which secured us command,of the s.””\v ‘Sir Edward Grey,British foreign secretary,announced in Parliament, in answer to questions,that Great Britain’s position in the war is fixed by her alliances with Japan,France and Russia,and reaffirms the condi- tions laid down by Prime Minister As-quith a year ago,when Mr.Asquithsaid:“We shall not sheathe the sword which we have not lightly drawn until Belgium has recovered more than she has sacrificed;until France is ade- guately secured against menace;un-til the rights of the smaller.nationali- ties have been placed upon an unas- -sailable foundation,and until the mil- itary domination of Prussia is finally destroyed.” Mr.Deaton Secretary and Treas- urer. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Carolina Motor Company.lastnightMr.Fred Hyams Deaton was elected secretary and treasurer of the company to succeed Mr.S.B.Miller, who recently sold his stock and retir- ed from the company.Mr.Deaton ex- pects to complete his course at theUniversitybythefirstoftheyear,when he’will become actively con- nected with the company.He man- aged the Newton branch of the com-pany last summer. Postponed. At the meeting of Commercial clubmembersheldattheclubhouselast night for the purpose of organizing the committees and inaugurating the membership campaign,it was decided that inasmuch as the holiday season is close at hand eo the-merchants " and business men gdnerally are very busy,it would be best to postpone the campaign until about the first of theyear.journed without organizing for-~thecampaign,_The attendance was not large... Orders Burkitt Restored. President ~Wilson.yesterday.in=structed Postmastér’General BurlesontoreinstateGeorgeBurkitt,removed as assistant postmaster at Winnetka,Ill,because he criticised the President for his engagement to be married.The President qualified his instruc-tions by telling the Postmaster Gen-eral Burkitt should be restored to his ‘position if there.were no _otherchargesagainsthim.P hades aus 5 \Judge Long has set aside the ver-dict of a’jury in Buncombe.courtawardingpropertyin‘the heart ofAsheville,valued at about $100,000,/to Lula R.Miller and others.Onejurorhadtalkédaboutthecaseand another juror was,akin to some of the:9ae inteeeenara :of Cleveland county,his hand torn —The condition of.Capt.P,-,C.joff while workinCarltoncontinuesvery*grave,- |belongs to her heirs—the next of kin Accordingly the meeting ad- \A oo { GO TO MITCHELL HEIRS. Site of Dr.Mitchell’s Grave— The Controversy About the Land. The discovery,through the efforts of Judge Long,of a record showing that.the late:Miss Margaret MitclHell of Statesville had years before herdeathpurchasedthesiteoccupiedby her father’s grave on Mt.Mitchell,as reported in ‘the last issue of The Landmark,is of great importance.The will of Miss Mitchell,STAs by Mr.R.B.McLaughlin of Statesville, made’no mention of this property, and it is supposed that Miss Mitchell regarded it asa cemetery site.How-ever that may be,the site on Mt.Mitchell's peak was hers and it rfow —who can make such disposition of it as they choose.The State is try-ing to buy the Jand,including the top of Mt.Mitchell.to preserve:it asapark,and it would be the handsomethingfortheMitchellheirstogive this property to the State on condi-tion that the State preserve the grave of Dr.Mitchell. It was stated in the report of JudgeLong’s discovery of the deed to MissMitchellthatMrs.Alice T.ConnallyofAshevilleclaimedtheownershipoffiveacresofland,including the top of Mt.Mitchell and the Mitcheli grave,and had been trying'to sell ittotheStatefor$10,000.In a card in ithe-Asheville Citizen Hon.RichmondPearson,brother-in-law of Mrs.Con- nally has never claimed title to thelandonwhichtheMitchellgraveis located;that the deed from V.S. Lusk for 40x40 feet,which includes the site of the grave,has been of plain record,properly indexed,in the office of the register of deeds of Bun- combe county;that Mrs.Connally knew of its existence;and that she ‘has not asked the sum of $10,000 for the land which she does own on thesiteofMt.Mitchell. Gov.Craig,however,says that Mrs. Connally claims five acres’on Mt. Mitchell;that while she has never of, fered to sell to the State nor fixedaprice,her attorney,J.W.Pless,hadtalkedtotheGovernorseveraltimes about disposing of the property to the State and that he placed a very high value on the land—“too high in my opinion,”says the Governor,“to be considered.” Will Condemn Connally Land. The Asheville Citizen says that atameetingofMitchell’s Peak Park commission,held at Burnsville a fewdaysago,a deal was.closed for 508 ‘acres of land on Mt.Mitchell at $5per.acre.This includes all the land desired:by the State except the five acres owned by Mrs.Connally,and the price named for this by Mrs.Connal-ly’s attorney was considered so highthatthecommissionrefusedtoac- cept it.Condemnation proceedings will be brought to ‘acquire the five acres.Two commissioners have al- ready been named and they will naine a third.The 508 acres bought are owned by four.different interests or individuals.:John O’Donnell,of.Ashe-ville,who owned 100 acres,offered to give his land to the State if the oth- ers would do likewise,but the others didn’t see it that way. TOLD A HARD LUCK STORY. Young Men Arrested For Hobo- ing Allowed to Go—Court Itenis..°°uP , A couple of young white men— Chas.Shepherd and Jake Parham— were arrested at the depot late’Friday afternoon by Special Policeman Geo. Ayers,for beating a ride on a train,they having come into town on a west-bound freight.Later in the eve- ing they were taken before 'Mayor Caldwell,who,after hearing —their “hard luck”story,released them.The young men claimed they were trying to get to their homes in Canton,Hay- wood county,and being without mon- ey to pay railroad fare they had de- cided to try to “beat it”home.Having heard of the great demand for laborandthehighpricespaidatthebig powder plant at City Point,Va.,the boys left their homes.at Canton,they said,and went to City Point:They found hundreds of men standing about the gates of the’powder company’s plant waiting for jobs.After spend- ing ten days at City Point the young men said they were still without jobs and to make matters worse they were about out of money.It was not until then,they declared,that they decidedtotrytobeattheirwaybackhome. The young fellows did not have the appearance of professional hobos and their story was accepted. Marshall A.Poole was fined $7.50 and costs in the mayor’s court Satur- day afternoon for-a simple assault_on Mr.W.EF.Morrison.The trouble oc- curred in ‘a back lot earlier in theafternoon.:“Luther Cloaninger,a former resi-dent:of Iredell,was arrested at.Gib- son,Rockingham,county,Friday,onacapiassentfromthiscounty,Sun-day a.Gibson officer.took the prison- er to Charlotte,where he was met byDeputy.Sheriff Gilbert,who’broughthimontoStatesvilleandplacedhiminjail.Cloaninger is charged with false pretense.Up to yesterday he had not been able.to give bond,sista Staaemanalamcee cases ; Col.W.J.Bryan,who has filled sev- eral dates in North Carolina -withinthepast.week,talked to a GreensboroaudienceSundaynightabouttheFirstCommandment.Last night he spokeinCharlotte.7 Will Gold,son of Mrs.Maggie Go! th a corn shred-ders uaa nally.sdenies’this:He says”Mrs."Conz|” Seietedtee Ce TTTHERITCHIECARFOUND. Discovered in Salisbury and C.H.Staley,Who Was in ChargeofIt,Arrested. Mr.GC.E.~Ritchie’s automobile,which wasstolen~more than a weekago,was recovered\by Salisbury *offi-cer#Saturday afternoon,and.@,.H.Staley,who was.driving the tar,was arrested and held to answer foritstheft:Staley ‘was brought...to Statesville Sunday,night by.Police-men Kerr and Fulv,who went afterhim,and is in jail pending a hear-ing.The automobile is’being heldbythe,Salisbury officers for the re-ward of $100 offered by Mr.Ritchie for its recovery.4Therecoveryofthecarand the arrest of Staley.was made b ChiefofPoliceMillerandOfficerHagtson of Salisbury:The officers \were rid-ing in an automobile when they no-ticed that the Ford touring car aheadof-them had no license number dis- nlayed and was minus a rear lamp.This made it fit the description of the car stolen from Statesville,for which the Salisbury.officers were onthelookout.The officers overtook the’car and placed Staley,who wasdrivingit,under arrest.Staley im-mediately admitted that he knewthecarwasstolengoods.and.saidthathehadintendedbringingit—toStatesvilleMondayandclaimingtherewardforit.He denied that he had stolen the car himself,but refused to tell how it came into his posses- LOM gcereass sStaleystated to fin officer ‘yesterdayafternoonthathecouldprovethathe was not in.Statesville Sunday.night;that he did not see the automobileuntilabout8o’clock Monday morning,but'he knew it was a stolen ear from the outset.-Staley,who is only about22yearsold:-is very guarded sin hisstatements.He has not told-where his home is.;Mr.Ritchie will probably go toSalisburytodaytoclaimhisear. There is no question about its identity. SCHOOL TEACHERS MEET. Officers Elected and Other Mat- ters Before Association,— Iredell county’s rural school teach- ers were in Statesville about 100 strong Saturday for the first meetingoftheIredellTeachers’Associationforthisschoolyear..The meetingwasheldatStatesvilleCollegeandProf.J.M.Moore,president of .thecollege,conducted the devotional ex-ercises which marked the ‘opening.of the session at 11 0’clock.Officers for the year were elected as follows: Principal B.Lunsford of Cool Spring High school,president;Principal V.V. Adderholdt of Troutman High School, vice president;Miss Celeste Henkel, assistant county superintendent,sec- retary and _treasurer.__The _newly.elected officers assumed office immedi- ately. Supt.Gray gave the teachers infor-mation about the public school re-auirements and directed thém as to the use of the teachers’manual re-cently published for their benefit,the various records,to be kept,reports to be made,etc.,during the school term.Instructions about the “MoonlightSchools,”which are to begin on the29th,were also given..:Reports from some of the schools regarding the work of the local bet-terment associations revealed that some of thé associations are quite ac-tive and are doing much for them- selves,their.children and their com-munity by improving ‘their schools.Principal Lankford reported that theHarmonyassociationhadconceivedanewmethodofraisingfundsforits work.A pig has been purchased andplacedattheschoolandisbeingfedonthescrapsfromthelunchesofthevupilsoftheschool,°After the pigbecomesahogitwillbefattenedand sold and the proceeds will go into thebetterment:association ‘treasury.At the close of.the meeting theCivicLeagueserveddinnerinthecol- lege dining room for the convenienceoftheteachers,making a charge.of25centseach.ite a number”of the teachers dined with’the League.Later in the afternoon they visited theofficeofthesuperintendentofschools registers,report blanks,etc. Iredell Colony,in Indiana. Mesdames John Stone and Roy‘Nicholson of Anderson,Ind.,are’atthebedsideoftheirfather,Mr.W.H.H.Summers,who is ill at his home a few miles north of town.Mesdames Stone and Nicnolson ar-rived‘in Statesville’:Friday night,accompanied by Messrs.J.R.Hart ness and J.R.Stone of Anderson, Mr.Hartness is visiting in his oldhomecommunityinSharpesburgtown- ship—andMr..Stone-is—visiting rela- tives in Concord township.There is’a.little’colony of Iredell people in Anderson,all of whom live Residing in the “Tar Heel neighbor- hood”of the Iridiana town are Mr. and Mrs,John ae,Mr.and Mrs, Roy Nicholson,Messrs.J.R.Stone and J.R.Hartness,Mr.and Mrs. (Sherrill:Sharpe;-Mr.and Mrs.Jas, Summers and Mr.James Pierce,all from:this county. Mr.Gillies Here.Rev,Roderick M.Gillies of Chieng Mai,Siam,who with his wife (neeMissAllie-McGilvary),will be remem- bered as having spent the winter here several years ago,was some time ago ordered to the United States,and has been in Baltimore ‘for,treatment.He is,now perating with relatives in Statesville “until -he-is’permitted _b:his physicians to return to his wor yeandhisfamilyinSiam, at the court house and received their} within a stone’sthrow of each other.| STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 16,1915. ANDREW ALLISON DEAD. Result of Injuries Received in a Runaway—Mr.Haddon’s Fu- neral—Other Deaths. A telegram announcing the death of Mr.Andrew J.Allison,who was so seriously injured in a runaway a month ago,was received here Sunday afternoon.He died Saturday eveningat7:10 o’clock,at his home in Ida, La.He was 60 years old and leaves a family of five children.His wife died Jast May.Mr.Allison was the elder brother of Mrs.D.F.Stevenson of Atlanta,Ga.,and Messrs.W.H.andR.P.Allison and Mrs.J.B.Gill o Statesville.’ Mrs.Gill,who had been with him since the accident,arrived home Sun- day night,having left him.Wednes- day morning,seemingly in an im- proved condition.. The funeral of Mr.A.M.Haddon ofCornelia,Ga..was held at.the First Associate.Reformed Presbyterian church Saturday morning at 11 o’clockandtheintermentwasinOakwood cemetery.The funeral service wasconductedbyRev.J.H.Pressly,as- sisted by Rev.C..E.Raynal.Rev.Charles Anderson and Rev.J.E.Ellis, the last named being an_intimatefriendofthedecasedfrothCornelia. The local Masons had charge of thefuneralandburial,the deceased hav- ing been a member of the Masonic lodge.The floral tributes which cov- ered the grave were numerous and beautiful...©ghee fe TE Mr.Haddon was 80 years old and was a native of Virginia.Surviving besides his wife and parents are two brothers,Messrs.F.G.—Haddon of Kalamazoo,Mich.,and W.E.Haddon of Panther,W.Va.The latter was here for the funeral. Mr.Haddon’s body was accompanied to Statesville by his wife and -her mother,Mrs.Reid,Rev.Mr.Ellis and Mr.Welsh of Cornelia,and his pa- rents,Rev.and Mrs.S.W.Haddon of Statesville,who.went to Cornelia im- mediatelv after being notified of his death.Funeral services were held at Cornelia Thursday before the party left.for Statesville. Mrs.John Holcomb died Thursday morning at 10 o’clock at her home in Union Grove township.Funeral Fri- day mornirig at 11 o’clock,service conducted by Rev.J..M.Binkley,and interment at Winthrop church.Mrs, Holcomb was 70 years old and is survived by.her husband and onedaughter.Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Coley and chil-dren.went to Concord Saturday morning to attend the funeral of thebabysonofMr,.Coley’s brother,Mr.J.A.Coley:The child died Friday after a protracted ilfness,aged about 19 months.Mr.and Mrs.J.R.Eddinger of Chambersburg township returned yes-terday afternoon from Thomasville, where they attended the funeral of Mr.Eddinger’s aunt,Mrs.Isabella Sullivan,who died ‘Saturday and was buried Sunday:Mrs.Sullivan was the widow of the late J.J.Sullivan,wholivedinStatesvilleandvicinity.for many years.She was the step-moth-er of Mr.J.C.Sullivan of Winston- Salem. HORSE RAN ON THE PORCH, Was Frantic When It Ran Away —Probably Had a Fit. While Mr.and Mrs.H.O.AbsherandlittlesonofWilkesboroweredrivinginto.Statesville along northCenterstreetSaturday,’afternoon about 6 o’clock,their horse,withoutanyapparentcause,suddenly begankickingandrunning.’'A front wheelofthebuggycaughtonatelephonevoleinfrontoftheresidenceofMr. L.C.Lewis and the occupants werethrownout.Mrs.Absher’s back wasseverelywrenched,but:Mr.Absher and son escaped injury..Mrs.AbsherwastakenintothehomeofMr.Lew-is,where she remained:until she re-covered from the shock sufficiently toberemovedtothehomeofMr.Ab- sher’s brother.Mr.8.E.Absher,onOakstreet,which was their destina-tion.Her injury.is not considered serious.j :When the buggy was ‘caught.bythetelephonepolethehorse,a pow-erful animal,broke the shafts andcontinuedtorun..Leaving CenterstreetheranupKellystreetashortdistanceandthenbrokedowna fence around the back yard of Mr. L.B.Brandon’s residence ‘and ranontoMr.Brandon’s back porch.Fall- ing’on the porch the horse continuedtopawandkickuntilseveralpieces of weatherboarding were splintered.Getting on his feet again he pranc-ed about;the back yard like a wildanimaluntilhewasfinallycaughtbyMr.Brandon and-others and-plac—ed in a stable,where he soon becameauiet.He was lathered with perspi-ration asa result of.the experience.While he lay on the poreh and pawed and kicked.the horse “alsogroanedloudlyandthenoiséofhishoofsonthefloor,accompanied bythegroans,.alarmed--the ...neighbor-hood...Veterinarian W.M.Nicholson,who lives in the neighborhood,’was o arrival made an examination.He de-cided that the horse had had a ‘fit.Mr.Absher was driving the horse abotit town -yesterday’and:he seem- ed as gentle as ever.The horse doesnotbelongtoMr.Absher,he.hav-ing secuted ft to make the trip toStatesville.He had néver known:ofitshavingafitbefore. Mr.B,’F.Dockery,tes 78,son of the late Gen.Alfred:kery,diedroe,night at his home at Rock- attracted by the noise and upon his} DEATH OF ‘A NOTED NEGRO. Booker Washington Dies Sud- denly at Tuskegee. Tuskegee,Ala.,Dispatch,14th. Booker T,Washington,the noted negro educator and founder of Tuske- gee Institute,died at,his home here early today four hours after his ar- rival from New York.Death was due to hardening of the arteries,following a nervous breakdown,_The negro leader had been in fail-ing health for several.months,but his.condition,became serious only last week while he was in the East. He realized the end wasnear,but was determined to make.the long tripSouthtobearouthisoft-expressed statement that he had.been “born in the South,have lived all my life intheSouthandexpectto”die and beburiedin-the South.”Washington is survived by hig wife,three children and.four grand-chil-dren.His brother,John H.Washing- ton,is superintendent of industries atTuskegeeInstitute.The funeral will be held at Tuskegee Institute Wed-nesday morning at 10 o’clock. “Washington was born in slaverynearHale’s Ford,Va.,.in.1857 ..or1858.After the emancipation of.his.race,he moved with his family toWestVirginia.He was an ambitiousboyandsavedhismoneyforanedu- cation. together sufficient funds to pay hisstagecoachfaretoHampton,Va.che} entered General Armstrong’s SchoolforNegroesthereandworkedhisway,through an academic course,graduat-ing in 1875.Later he became a teach-er in-the Hampton Institute,whereheremaineduntil1881,when he or-ganized an industrial school for ne- groes at Tuskegee.He remained principal of this school up to the timeofhisdeath.The institute started in a rented shanty church and today it owns 3,500 acres of land in Alabama and has nearly 100 buildings valued at $500,000. Washington won the sympathy andsupportofleadingSoutherners:by aspeechinbehalfofhis-race at theCottonStatesExpositioninAtlantain1895.Of:undoubted ability andbreadthofvision,his sane leadership enabled -him to accomplish more forandamongthenegroesoftheUnited States than any negro of his time.In addition to his prominence as aneducator,Washington gained consid-erable fame as an author.He receiv-ed an honorary degree of Master ofArtsfromHarvardUniversityin1896, and was given an honorary degree:ofdoctoroflawsbyDartmouthCollegein1901.An incident of Washington’s careermadehimafigure.of national promi-nence’during the administrationofPresidentRoosevelt.He satdowntolunchwiththePresidentattheWhiteHouse,either by formalorinformalinvitation.There was a storm of protest particularly#from the South,but in spite of the resultinghostilityshowntowardhimbymanywhitepersons,Washington continuedtoexertawidespreadjnfluencetowardthebettermentof‘his people. HAVE CLEAN WATER SHED. Statesville’s Water Supply Now in Good Shape,Says Mr.Hol- comb, City Plumber Zeb Holcomb is of the opinion that Statesville’s water sup- ply is now protected by one of the cleanest water sheds to be found any-'where,and he thinks.that the peoplelivingwithintheboundsofthesharetobecommendedforthemannerin-which they have co-operated withthecityinmakingitso.The watershedincludesaboutfoursquaremilesabovethecreekandbranchesfromwhichthecitywaterissecuredtherearequiteanumberoffamilieslivingwithinitsbounds.These haveallinstalledsanitaryprivies,built un-der the direction of Mr.Holcomb inaccordancewithspecificationsfurnish-ed by the State Board of Health,andthehealthlawsandregulations,rela-tive to the disposition of dead ani-mals,fowls,etc.,are being strictlyobserved.The territory embraced bythewatershedisinspectedregularlybyMr.Holcomb and he'says that itis_kept_entirely free from filth.e new dam being erected atthe-water station will—increase_thestoragecapacityofthereservoir.tothreeorfourtimesits:present capaci-ty,thereby giving the water time tosettlebeforeitpassesthroughthefil-ters.The filters have recently been renovated,and with the improved con- dition of the water shed and the im-proved facilities for handling the wa-ter Statesville should now have wa-ter that is absolutely pure. Church News. The Western North Carolina An-nual Conference of the Methodist|Ghurch—meets—at—Reidsville—tomor-row.Local Methodists who.will at-tend are Presiding Elder-L.T.Mann;Rev.J:F.Kirk,Rev.A.P.Ratledge, ner,Prof.D.Matt Thompson and Thompson.‘The laymen named willattendagdelegatesandmembersof boards. of the special service held in CoolSpririgaeSchoolbuildihgSundayafternoonintheinterestofmissions.Talks were thade by Mr.Privette anMessrs.R.T.Weatherman,D.-Mayberry and J,Paul.Leonard,thelastthreenamedbeingmembers‘oftheBaraca,missionary workers’teamofthe.First:Baptist Sunday school ofStatesville._Considering the weatter, . —$—$—$_$$$ When he was able to scrape}: of}to:town:and confined in jail p Rtev.G.Li McCain,Hon.W.D.Tur-Be Messrs.J.F.Anderson and Donman beg Mr.Walter.Privette waa in charge’ NO 82. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS, E ee 4 Be say i ‘Mr.Chas.©.Bollinger,sonof Mr.G.E..Bolli of Statesville;hasenteredthefarmlifeschoolatStar-.town,Catawba county.:4 —The condition of Mr.Henry H.Hill,who was seriously :anautomobile’wreck near rlotte onthe4th,continues te improve.f 7 Lica rc been.:i t 1e {marriage of Miss Sadie Mr,Jas.Lee Poston,Miss ie E.Red-man and Mr.Douglas.C.Dowell. Ten days ago Mr.J.B,Armfield,commissioner,sold 30 acres.of'eBradleyplace,north of tewn,to Mr.J.H.West for $2,050:.‘Thesale was confirmed yesterday.Rack rar —Mrs.Walter Stevenson fellherhomeonnorthCentereedayanddislocatedanankle.hasincebeenconfinedtoherbed.Theinjuryisverypainful.ee —Messrs.W.B.Gibson and I.Paine,vresident and.secretary,spectively,of the Iredell County Far-age Upton ete Yoeereey rnoon‘or Durham.to atten meetitheStateUnion,m,f ohne xP—Cotton ginned in Iredell to No-vember Ist,3,158 bales;on the samedatelastyear,4,115 bales.Prior tNovemberIst331baleswereginned éinAlexandercounty;on.the..same’ date last year,489 bales.were ginng—When the Hagenbeck-WallaceshowwasatHickorylastwéektherewereseveralreportsoflossesbypick-pockets,The pickpockets either’didno_business_whentheshow was-inStatesvilleorthefolkswho$u didn’t.tell.it.‘a ae—Mrs.J.M.Burrows,whohas beerillforsomedays,was taken toeeeeerer-in-law,Dr.JandDr.Sumner of Rock,Tah oeafteriesbyarteeyBur-rows will spen ‘inter in RockHillwith’Dr.and Mrs.Lyle,—The Trail of the Lonesome Pine”—atthe operahouse Friday evening waatriflelonesome.The.att nebondlightaangwasSomeoftheplay:‘fair work—the fellow whotae |the ear tTolliverbeingthe.f theyMost nahadreadthe E Es ural—but folks who had \were disappointed in the play. -+-Mr,J.J;Rhyne,anaged of Olin.township,has been 1unbalancedforsometime..¥he becametroublesomy and hisfaand:the neighbors |considered’dangerous.Yesterdayhewas.bro applieation for his admissién te:State Hospital at Morganton.| +. Statesville about 10.30 o’clockas seeondNo.14.Theround trip faifrom:Statesville ‘will be ésetswillbegoodforthe return.on any train up to : ~_—-Meégsrs.R.A.Cooper R.”McLaughlin were ‘in Ashe eiweekto.make the transfernessbuildingonPackSquare,ville,which’Mr.Coope:caesVv,or s ae *e-inve asville thewillre-invest in StateyreceivedforhisAsheville’ Mr.J.L,Martelle,‘whoonemonthsievesan.anddecoratorforthe.Ramsey:Morrison Company,left.Saturday evening.-witho:tice to.his:employers.| ed|Martelle hought tickets a .ton and left on the 6:50evening.It is.understood that‘York:wag their destination...~ éad-on’Auto Collision. ‘The Hickory Recordsaysthatanautomobil eeMr,Roy.Herman,and bearinga ty of Hickory people en routStatesvilleFriday.afternoontendthebasketball.game,with another machine drivenC.M.Bost of.Newton,.occurred near!Conover cars vet _mee ite escaped injury.The Hicame.on toStatesvilleby train.esHermaraety#het way ery business here,.but.ha ‘been located at Hickory.= Sheep For Iredell |Twenty head of sheep,which are.be kept at theIredell ,Fan expérimental ..purposes,Statesville Friday and vthefarmFriday.afternoondecidedsometimeago*ceofsheepattheIredellfarm’anethattimepreparations-had.beerfortheircare.A’strictly.“pasture and.correwhentheyar uFshipnédftomtheRalstationoftheState- D3 de alPt nday.Afternoon,stall howsd dn the west._Street.oceupted by L Brown wo Tagesy aandthefi‘were notbynerteretepteGonsen”hee saot aid’quiek inguis'}minutes after reaching’t W.T.Ferguson,68 yearFridayathishomenéar: wood=county;asthe:sustained a week m,Richmond county,theattendance was:very good,ace [barn was.burned, satisfy the News? wand their origin. !called,Mud Cut,on t 2 ie Western North Car- ’railroad&ssing the Blue Ridge;has been re-named Coleman.‘SomeagotheGreensboroNewsvigor-“protested:Mud Cut,claiming:name‘was not in-harmony ‘the beauty andennai of =oo:.The Landmark athat:the eenblaint was well foundedbutpointedout.that Mud Cut was his-toris,Wherefore Coleman?Does thatTheLandmarkcan’t see that the situation is improv- es ¢# There was printed in the Charlotte Observer a few days ago quite a long list of names of towns in the State The origin of the names,says the Observer writer,was“traced by the United States Geologi- cal Survey,with the assistance of his- tory students within the State.”TheLandmarklookedeagerlyforthenameofStatesvilleinthelist—but it ‘wasn’t there.Why the name of this -town no man knoweth.Una-_vailing attempts have been made tosolvetheprobleminyearsagone.There is suggestion and speculation— nothing more.It is rather a mystery, too,that there has not come down from somebody or somewhere a record, ~some sort of reason for the naming of _gver —_found, the town—what suggested it.There Was a reason,of course,but nobodyhasbeenabletolocateittothisroodday.It is a good nariie:We wouldn’t change it if we could—and so far as“The Landmark knows no citizen of this good town has lost any sleep wor- rying because the origin of the name is unknown.But come to think of it, it is rather mysterious that no satis- factory reason—-or at Yeast none that we could be sure was correct—was__Two suggestionshavebeenmade,either of which may be correct,but there_is no proof that oiteer =them is,OneFuggestionisthatthenamewas-onaccountoftheoldStateRoad—a note ed highway—that ran through this western country;the other was thatwhenStatesvillewasfoundedthiswasaboutthecenteroftheState—hence,Statesville,the ville of the State,sotospeak.i The Baptist State Convention is tobeentertainedinCharlotteonthe “Harvard plan.”We don’t know howtheplangotitsname,but it_seems_to de a fine’solution of an embarrassing problem.Thé problem of domestichelphasmadethefreeentertainment of large assemblies in-our towns andcitiesaseriousmatter.It is so se- rious that some of.the larger relig- ious assemblies have few invitations for their annual gatherings.TheBaptistConvention,which embracestheState,is the largest of these bodies.For some years Editor Archi-. bald Johnson of Charity and Children,and other Baptists,realizing the sit- uation,have been urging’that dele- gates-the Convention should pay their own way and not strain the hos-pitality of the place in which the meetings were held.Finally the“Harvard plan”was suggested and it*is to be tried out in Charlotte whentheConventionmeetsmonth. ~Lord’s tended for the large:cities. there next Under the “Harvard plan”delegates entertained in the homes ofizensaregivenlodgingandbreak-st.For the other two meals theymstlookont.for themselves or gowithout.That relieves the hostess ofthestrainofpreparingthreemealsalforahousefullofdelegates. in plenty can he found for del-ites to lodge and there are folks inityectlywill:ag to victual theantsforthreemealsadaygofarasfurnishing‘the victuals is concerned.But the problem of pre- aring and serving the food,without Micient help or no help:at all,in nany cases puts a burden on the wo- of the house that gives pause to grace of hospitality;and no manwhohasanyconsiderationfeelscom-fortable in a home as a guest whereheknowsheisimposingheavybur-dens on the ladies of the house.The “Harvard plan,”however,isn:;If -sev-eral hundred men and women are to id two meals a day at public eating -Houses,a good many of these places ‘would be necessary to accommodatethemwithinalimitedtime.OnlyplaceslikeCharlotte,,Asheville,Greensboro,Wilmington:or Raleigh,probably,could furnish the necessaryaccommodations.Towns like States- ville,Hickory,Concord,ete.,would have to ‘provide additional eatinghouses:towork.the plan. :* It is seldom that.the Daily NewsMissesanythingat.all that The Land- mark has to say:but the citation as ‘to “Senators and Congressmen”gotbyus.We should call it a sloppyexpression,but not meaningless.Itisacombinationwewouldnot,expecttoseeinTheLandmark;and ‘if we should see it in the Daily News we'dwonderhowonearthweeyercame to put it there.i~“Reck”is a primitive word,mean- ing “to care for;”therefore by con- struction and derivation’“reckless”‘means“‘without-care.”“Wreck”isalsoaprimitiveword,the nounmeaning“that which is left of any-thing ruined.”The verb means “toorseriouslydamage;”hence“wreckless”would mean “without a.wreck,”or “without seriously dam-|seing.”All of which the esteemedarkof‘course quite well knows,its purpose merely to call attentiontotheeerspellingofsomeofourcontemporaries,in whose handstheorthographyisbynomeans‘wreckless..-Greensboro “News,The dmark is beholden to theNewsfortS:enlightening remarks on“reckless”and “wreckless.”The useofthelatterwordfortheformerwasbecoming80°common with some ofhatmanypeo-|.1 (WO accept it as cor-Tect,whereas ifs:ning is the op-josite of that ‘in di,e-Newswon't see “Senators and Congress-men”in the:columns of The [and-iG the writer is on deck,butexpressionhadbecomesocom.that most ple accepted it asandseeingitinthe.News— L 1 grous.that it hesitates to call attentiontothefaults’of others.But know-ing and,admiring the accuracy ofProf.Godkey ‘of the News in thesematters,it desired to “work him®inthelead,”as the late Sheriff WattsofIredellusedtosay,in making ‘cor-rections which would be more effec-tive in coming from an authority, PRISON IS LIKE A HOTEL. Good Food,Music at Meals andLittleWork—Casper’s De-scription of Leavenworth Pris- on,$ ’The Landmark doesn’t want to.start folks trying to break into the Rederal prison at Leavenworth,Kan.,but the following description of the place, written by John L.Casper toa “friend in Winston-Salem,and published -in the Winston-Salem papers,shows that the modern prison is quite a comfort- able place.Says~Casper:?“I don’t see anything wrong withtheLeavenworthprisonexceptbeinglockedinacellfrom6:30 to 7 a.m: This i8 a city within itself.By that,it is meant that the prisoners make practically everything that they use. “This is a clean place and just as up-to-date as some of the hotels.The dining-room is superb,and music is dispensed by large United States band during meal hours.The rations are first-class,and-cause a man to put onweight.I think regulations in —the way of sleeping and eating will make me feel younger at.the expiration ofmytime.*“We have a half holiday each Sun- day,and motion pictures half a day during each week.We have a large library.Dental and medical services as well as spectacles ,are-free here. There are’no striped clothes.The or- dinary laborers wear blue o¥eralls.I am a clerk in the clothing store and am classed as an office man.All office mén wear blue pin-striped jackets, and have all privileges accorded a first-class prisoner.There are 12 men in our department,all nice fel- lows.;; “We only work about half the time except during a rush,when a lot of prisoners come in and are to be fitted out.We get baths and shaves whenneeded.I expect to do faithful work so that in the course of 30 days I cangetoutofacellandhaveabedin one of the dormitories,where I will have a dozen fellows as company.S.L.Williams is my cell-mate,and he has a clerical job in the record clerk’s office.It is a good place. “Tara only allowed to write every 15.days,and receive visits “from rel- atives and friends every 14 days.But pression are so numerous and g any time.-No papers or magazines will be delivered at all unless sent -bythepublishersthemselves.I am al- lowed to purchase here any kind of to- bacco but ‘none can be sent.by’mail.All letters are delivered’after ‘being read and resealed by the mail clerk on duty in the prison postoffice.Postal cards to reach me must be addressed in care of postoffice box No.7,Leav-enworthy Kan.” Now -isn’t that a fine retreat?Everything ‘furnished frée.~Goodmeals,music while you eat-and littleworktodo.Casper tried hard to keep out of that prison..He.wroteCol.Fairbrother that.he didn’t want to go to the penitentiary.at his “time of life,”which the colonel said might mean that he wouldn’t worry if.he was a younger man.Judging by the tone of Casper’s letter one wouldthink-he now sees.that.he wouid have missed something good’if he had:eseaped the Federal prison.And why not?That prison,as described by Casper,would be a fine rest re-treat.for a broken down man.The only objection he has to the place is that he is locked in a cell-at night,and even that requirement disappears af-ter 30 days if the prisoner.is of goodbehaviour.But for the stain on one’scharacter—to have it said to his de- scendants of unborn generations that he had done time-in the penitentiary— there are a good many.folks -who would welcome a sojourn in a retreat, like that Casper:describes ‘at Leaven- worth—and would be in no hurry to get out. One hears much about prison re- form in these days;and.God knows the average county.jail,county con-vict camps and State prisons,in theSouthespeciallyandinothersectionsofthecountryaswell,are:much inneedofreform.Many of them areplacesoftorture.But’the .trou-ble-with the reformers is that theygototheotherextreme—they wouldmakeaprisonanidealplaceofex-istence.The Leavenworth prison isdoubtlessone-of that type.Except—one’s mevensenta are restricted,it 18 no.punishment to stay.in a pllikethat,ee Qne Day's Earnings For theOrphans. Whereas,our kind Father above hasblesseduswithpeaceandplenty,andinrecognitionofthisthePresidentoftheUnitedStatesandtheGovernor.of North Carolina have set apartThursday,November 25th,1915,as aNationalThanksgivingDay;I,ZadokParis,president of the North GarolinaOrphans’Association,.do ‘respectfuilaskeverycitizenofNorthCarolina,irrespective of color,;polities or relig-ion,to set anart one day’s earnings tbesentonThanksgivingDay,to thorphanageofhischoice,or someneedyorphaninhiscommunity, Z.PARIS,Lineolnton,N,C,President. How to Prevent Croup. It may be a Surprise to you to learn thatBmanycasescroupeanbeprevented,Mrs."M.,Johns,Elida,Ohio,relates her expe: rence as fdllows:“My little boy is subject7CRUD.During the past winter I ok a|Pyttle of Chimberlain's Cough “Remedy in théjnouse,and when he began having that croupy,jcough I would give him one or two doses of.{|t and it.would break.the attiek,1 like itleant]for children than any other coughjmedcinebecause‘ehildren <talko it willingly,dit is safe and.yoliable.”Obtainable ov.“ry where,Lae ‘improvements at its plants in Indiana,’|Pennsylvania’and.Ohio.involving an never on Sunday.“Can see lawyers} NEWS.ITEMS OF.INT) Happenings Here and There ee the.Co Eee ;éased requirements|of its business,“the:United.States|Steel corporation announces : & outlay.approximating $10,000,000, John Taylor,a negro,charged:withhavingfiredat.a deputy sheriff whilethelatterwas’attempting’to arrestanother.negro who had taken ref-‘uge ‘on iTaylor’s.farm,was taken from jail at Aberdeen,Miss.,and lynched,i hea, Major General Leonard Wood an-nounces that a military camp of in- struction for civilians will be ¢stab-lished in North Carolina early nextvear,The camp will be similar totheoneoperatedatPlattsburg,N.Y.,last summer,:‘‘ T.C.Betterton,oe commissionerofChattanoogh,Tehnhy and ‘generalmanageroftheTennesseeCoffin& factory,have been indicted by.theFederalgrandjuryatChattanooga for shipping whiskey in coffins.; Frederick Palmer.who éarly in the ‘war was designated as the accredited and other ‘American press assotia-tions with the British armies.has re~ turned to New York.It is his beliefthattheWarwilllastatleastthrough’ the winter.: With 2.000 delerates and members representing 88 States present,theNationalGrange.Patrons of Husban-:| dry,;is in—annual-session-at-Oakland, Cal.Oliver Wilson of Peoria.MNl..na- tional master of.the urged the farmers.in his’opening ad-dress,to oppose the national pre-paredness movement.ais At the recent election in Ohio State-.wide prohibition was defeated by 55,- 412.Before the Morally Stunted take,hope from these figures they-should remember that just a vear ago pr@-hibition was.defeated in the Le State by 84.152.With a nroportion;, ate ratio of gain. will pass from Ohio in a few years.,, Warren M.Peabody.21 years old,, who had recently come into possessionof$2,000.000,inherited from his fath-; er,committed suicide in Chicago lastweekbytakingpoison.The —boy’smothertestifiedthat.since boyhood, the idea of suicide had seemed attrac- tive to the young man.,He was de- apondent on account ‘of his health. Refusal to indorse President Wil-: son’s proposal for a continental army of 490,000 men marked the closing session of the annual convention ‘of the National Guard Association of the’ United States at San Francisco.Ashe- ville,N.C..was selected as the meet- ing place for 1916,the date to be de- cided later by the executive commit- tee. The lower House of the’Georgia Legislature.by 142 to 22,has passed a bill which already had passed the Senate,to prohibit the manufacture or sale of liquor in Georgia.The only? ehange the.House made was that’the measure,should become__effec-tive May 1,1916,instead of Jan-uary 1.next.It defines “liquor”as any drink containing morethan.one-half of one ver cent of alcohol. The old Philadelphia Liberty Bell, which has .been an exhibition at the San-Franeiseo-exposition for—séveral months,started home Thursday on asvecialtrain.The return trip will:be via San Diego,Arizona,New Mexico: Texas.Louisiana.Mississippi,Tennes- see,Kentucky,Missouri,Iinois,.In- diana,Ohio,Pennsylvania,New Jer- sev,.Wew York and back to Philadel-; phia.About 75 stops will be made, Radium .at $36,000a gram instead of $120,000 a gram has been possiblebythetechnicalresearchworkoftheUnitedStatesBureauofMinesdur- ing the last year,according to Van H. Manning,director of the bureau.My.Manning says the procedure by which the price of radium has been cut willbepublishedwithinafew.weeks and will mean thousands of dollars savedinalllinesinwhichradiumisutilizet:MRS.MABENWASMADEWELL By Lydia E.Pinkham’s Veg- table Compound and WantsOtherSufferingWomen To Know It. Murfreesboro,Tenn.—‘I havewantedtowriteto.you for a long time to tell you what yourwonderfulremedieshavedoneformé?‘twasasuffererfromfemaleweaknessanddisplacementandIwould‘have, such tired,worn out,E>feelings,sick head-fe]aches and dizzyJf\spells.Doctors didLthfmenogoodsoItried: :ei "the Lydia E.Pink-ham Remedies —Vegetable:CompoundandSanativeWash...I am now well andstrongandcandoallmyownwork.IoweitalltoLydiaE..Pinkham’s Vege-table Compound and want other suffer-ing women to:know about it.’’—Mrs.H.E.Masen,211 8.Spring,St;,Mur-freesboro,Tenn.x This famous remedy,the medicinalingredientsofwhicharederivedfrom ble tonicand invigorator of the femaleorganism.Women everywhere |bearwillingtestimonytothewonderful‘vir-tue of Lydia KE,Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.fWhyLoseHope.‘No woman suffering from any formoffemaletroublesshouldlosehopeun-,til she has given Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetableCompoundafairfrial. If,you want ‘special advice write toLydiaBE.Pinkham Medicine Co,(eonfl-dential)Lynn,Mass.Yourletter wil be dpened,.re}and answered | Casket Co.,and two employes of ‘his!- organization,i John Barleycorn], nativeroots and herbs,has-for nearly:|'forty years proved to be a most Valua-|| WashingtonDispateh.er ihe Jongth oftime last-year was made war munitions, chemicals,copper,cotton,iron,steeland‘zine ex:reacJeledtotalsaridmademore than one-third of the total of the country’s ex-port increase.All these articles areusedinthe:manufacture of munitions. Exports of horses,leather géods,au- which are really war orders,make uptheremainderoftheincreasedbusi- countries in September,1914,totaled$700,000,and jumped to $18,000,000 inSeptember,1915.The total shipment:}for the last*nine months was $84,000,- 000,against:$4,900,000 for the |lastnineomonthsoflastyear.: Another Effort For Peace. David Starr Jordan,president’of Leland Stanford University,Califor- nia,and head of the InternationalPeaceCongressrecentlyheld.in SanrepresentativeoftheAssociatedPress?Francisco,told President Wilson Fri-day that a quasi-official meeting ofneutralionsprobablywillbeheld ‘some tire before Christmas either at The Hague,Berne or Copenhagen to attempt to bring about peace in Eu-rope.Dr.Jordan conveyed to the President a resolution from the peaceeohgressurginghimte-co-operate‘with other neutrals in calling such aconference. '‘The nervous system is the alarm systemofthehumanbod we have a network of nerves,but whenhealthisebbing,when strength is declin-‘ing,the same nervous system gives thealarminheadaches,tiredness,dreamful|sleep,irritability and unless corrected,Jeads straight to a breakdown.‘o correct nervousness,Scott’s Hmul- sion is exactly what you should take;its‘rich nutriment gets into the blood andrichbloodfeedsthetinynerve-cells while\the whole system responds to its refresh-ing'tonic force..It is free from alcohol.;Scott &Bowne,Bloomfield,N.J. tand lying on the Catawba river in Catawba also offers a house and lot in Troutman and For terms apply toaCc.H.BROWN,Executor,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Troutman,N.C.July 13,‘1986.TAXES! I will be at the following places,at the timementioned,with the 1915 Tax Books for theousnoseofcollectingTaxes.Please meet.meandpayyourTax:Sharpanbary,R.J.Bryant's Store,Tues.,Nov. 16,9:00 12:30 a.m, New.Hope,at Redman’s Store,Tues.,Nov.16,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.c=‘Union Grove,E.E.Robinson's Store,Wed., Nov.17;9:00 to 12:30 a.m.Olin,Olin at Weisner &Reid's Store,Wed., Nov.17,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.Eagle Mills,C.C.Tharpe’s Store,Thurs.,Nov. 18,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.‘Turnersburg,.at Harmony,Thurs.,Nov.18, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m,Bethany,at H.A.Tomlin’s Store,Fri.,Nov.49,9:00 ‘to 12:00 a.m.; Cool Spring,at Oak.Forest,Fri,Nov.19,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.Coddle Creek,Mooresville,Sat.,Nov.20,9:00to4:00 p,m.Chambersburg,at Elmwood,Mon.,Nov.22,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.—Barringer,at P.A.Shinn’s Store,Mon.,Nov. 22,1:00 to 4:00 p.m.Davidson,at Dr.J.T.Moore’s Store,Tues.,Noy.23,9:00 to 12:00 a,m, Fallstown,.at Troutman,Wed,Nov.24,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.%J.M.DEATON,Sheriff.Iredell Co. Nov.5. NOTICE.OF SERVICE OF SUM- North Carolina,Iredell County. In the Superior Court,January’Term,1916.Jessie Reagan vs.Bratha Reagan.The defendant above i,Bratha Rwilltakenoticethatasummonsinthe above fendant.on the 6th day of.November,.1916,by J.A.Hartncess,clerk of the Superior Court of,Iredell.county,State “of North Carolina,wherein the said plaintiff above named,Jes-sie Reagan,sues for divorces absolute fromsaiddefendant,on the grounds of fornicationandadulteryonthepartofthesaiddefend-ant,and the said defendant is’required to ap-pear and answer or demur to the complaint at the January term ‘of Iredell Superior Court,which will be hela at Statesville,Ire- dell county,N.C.,on the fifth Monday be-fore ‘the first Monday of March,the same be-ing the 80th day of January,1916,at whichtimethesaidsummonsismadereturnable;or judgment will be given against.said de- said.term of court.J,A.HARTNESS,5 Clerk Superior Court Iredell Co.Zeb,V.Long,Att’y.for Plaintiff.Nov.9,1916.|ee Batter Wrappers! ol We have the very best iParchmentButterPaper, and can print your nameandbrandonsame,Let ushaveyourorderforany,quantity you want.See us,ces reasonable.“ _Brady Printing Co. DR.B.CG.TALLEY, *VETERINARIAN. 'Headquarters Statesville Drug Co.Office ’Phone 80 °Residence ’Phone307 Black. A gainof more that $325,000,000 in}}foreign sales in the first nine monthslof1915oversales-for-the correspond-|. “The amount of -brass,explosives,! tomobiles,foodstuffs and other things}- ness.5 ‘“Explosives shipped to European WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS | fu perfect health@e hardly realize that| “the American manufacturers of|produced, unparal-|"~ng CHEWING TOBACCO *pives you what you've been looking \for—a long-lasting,mellow-mild,soft ‘chew.PICNIC TWIST fasies betterthanstrong,rank tobacco,without hav-ing its ‘‘after-effects’?on the nerves. PICNIC TWIST is clean,and is keptthatwaybydust-proof drums of 11TWISTS.Be sure it is the genuinePICNICTWISTdrum.Sold also 5cthetwist.absence aeraSygateMyersTibecestena VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE.|B Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-0rletClark,deceased,the undersigned executor|§offers at private sale a valuable tract of|% county,N.C.,containing 151 acres more or}%leas and known as the Alexander Clark place.|4fhe.tract contains 60 acres of original forest}?‘and 40 acres of river bottom lands.The estate|% ap isiand of 10 acres in the Catawba river.|% psesecsoes:rf perore sesecoseeesceresesssiiiscesieeereereessere reer ececeseecressosessosevesevesess Don’tBurn up Your Money! By buying:poor coal.Buy the best coal from our yards and you'll soon learn that it will go twice as far and give more heat. Every ounce contains the maximum heat producing quality.3 Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite. ——’PHONE 205-—— Statesville Ice &Fuel Company, QUALITY COAL DEALERS. j entitled action was issued ageinst the said de-}. NEW MARBLE YARD! We have opened a yard at 118 eastBroad Street,Statesville Marble and Granite Co’.s old stand,where we are prepared to do all kinds of Marble and Granite work at lowest possible prices.For first-class work and material see us before placing your orders. W.F.REECE &COMPANY. féndant’in favor of the safd plaintiff at the|— em. The new Gypsy Boot—the low heel,clothtop,patent vamp—Button and Lace. Grover’s Soft Shoes for tender feet. School Shoes for Children,__;‘Yours for the Price, S., M.&H.SHOE CO,, The One Price Cash Shoe Store. WANTED! SCRAP BRASS~—Heavy Brass 74c,per pound,Light Brass 5c.perrpound,#.—y ; FOR SALE: New and second hand boiler.roomsupplies,—ft a *_-C.H."TURNER.| lbyawomanandheldinstrict Li :ad Iredell "PhoneNo.74,Bell Nov 7.la ,ee a —_———— COLLEGE JEWELRY! -Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., with the seal of Statesville College on.“Make a nice piece of Jewelry for formerstudentsaswellasthosenowattending. We have this line now in.ae R.H.RICKERT &SON. eesti i TUESDAY,--November 16,1915. neces ccrwe Traln ‘NoThedford’sBlack-Draught. ee%ty MeDudt,are“nt Pet?$a Be teins this ‘place,»De ith dick headache,andPl wich ity;ae =found ietote vee young and th L keepBlack Dra on hand all thetimehenmychildrenfeelaporetheaskmiefor'a dose,arid ifmmoregoodthananymedicineaoeevertried. We never fave a long spell of sick-ness.in our family,since we commencusingBlack-Draught.””. Thedford’s toe ht purelyvegetable,and en Peefateweakearetdigestion,e-reelieveindigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,and similassymptoms. It has been inchested use for more due 1,1due6:55 p.due 10,50qYLORSVILLE. Train No.16 ar.9.60,leaves 10.35 o.im.Train.No.24 are 8:4,leaves 8.14 p.m’ Train No,28,ar,10700,leaves 10:40 &m.Train No.16 oe sears 4 oe Dp.mM,Nos.28:and 2a are at mpd on "er |irtiday:Celebration—Death of a Child. Corresnondenee of The Landmark. Hiddenite,R-1.Nov.12.—~A largenumberofrelativesandfriendsofMr.Newton Smith gathered at hised|home Tuesday,9th,and celebrated his0thbirthdaybygivingabigdinnerinhishonor.»Mr.Smith’s folks had killed a fatted calf and a large porkerfortheevent,and added to that were ten nice,fat "possums and many fine cakes,pies and other things that go to make up an extra tempting table. Mr,Smith is stout and hearty and all than 70 pare,and has benefited more hone to spend many more birthdays than a million people.with him.Your sells and secommends|Thursday.11th,the friends and rel- Black-Price only 25c.Geta/*tives of Mrs,Jane Smith surprised package Es NG.424 [her by-appearing.with baskets filled eee cael rerio \with something and by 12 to 1 o’clock, i when a seo any had paheres sn iepread a table and put.thereon a feast t___.TRY fit for a queen.Mrs.Smith is 69 :“Marshmallow +.Creme.” 1 A delicous fillmg for your Thanksgiving Cakes.‘A fresh shipment arrived to- day:: —’Phone 89.—Eagle &—Milholland. USER The New Line’of,Copy- righted Books Sein A as R.P.ALLISON'S Book STORE. CS =REDUCTION IN REAL ESTATE. 96 5-8 acres on Fourth creek,re-' duced from $35 to $27.50 per acre. Twenty acres in Bloomfield,re- duced from $225 to $190 per acre. W.L.SMITH,Statesville,N.€. Nov.—_5—4t. ___TH E——| Paine View Dairy Has just had its cows tested and they were found in good condition —another reason why the Dairy with the Dacro System should be patronized. —’PHONE 347 BLACK.— Fenn DRAIN YOUR "FARM, Any quantity 4-ineh and » 6-inch DRAIN TILE on hand. Common Bricks,FaceBricks,always ready fordelivery. Statesyille Brick Go C.WATKINS for “Everythinng to Build With.” FULLSTOVK--LOWEST PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, -Floorin 5 Sie,Boxing,:Mould-ding,Lat!ns,Lime,Cement,etc.,‘Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. FOR FINE CLEANING ‘years old and in good health.All theretreported-a pleasant time and—went away hoping to spend many more such events with her. Wednesday morning,10th,the.in- fant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Lester|Query.died suddenly and was buriedjet.Pilgrim church Thursday,11th. The young parents have the sympathy of the community. School at Fairview will begin Mon- day,15th;with Mr.“Bub”Bogle of Hiddenite as principal and Mr.Leslie Campbell assistant. Boys’and Girls’Club Work. University News Letter., For the year ending with last June, 151,000 bovs and girls in 83.States wére enrolled in the .various clubs working under the direction of theState.Agricultural colleges ‘and theFederalDepartmentofAgriculture— an increase of nearly 50 per cent over the year before,This club work is wonderfully stim- ulating.It means a direct,practical study of farm and home management problems.crop cultures,crop:rota- tions,soil building;along with farm arithmetic,attentive,thoughtful read- ing of letters,circulars and bulletins, |business correspondence,every-dayparishformsinclubreports,and theike And it wakes up the home folk atthesametime.The canning club girlsoftheUnitedStatesheld938public demonstrations last year,attended by 118,000 people—parents most largely. aN ANCaRBN i NL «Mr.Stanley,the Democratic candi-date.for Governor of Kentucky,won:by abotit 300 votes.The Republicansconcedehiselection,which makes it safe. WILLISTON,-N.€.,MAN RESTOR-ED'TO HEALTH. Mr.Wade Thankful He Read AboutWonderfulRemedy.- E.T.Wade of Williston,N.C.,was the victim of ‘stomach disorders.He tried many remedies and took a great deal of medicine and treatments.Re- lief seemed a long time coming.“Then he found Mayr’s WonderfulRemedy,took adose—and found relief at once.He told his opinion of theremedyinaletterinwhichhesaid: “Your medicine has .worked won- ders.I feel so much better.I amthankfultoyou,indeed,for advertis- ing your wonderful remedy in the pa- pers,as otherwise I might never have known of it.”Mayr’s.Wonderful _Remedy_gives permanent results for stomach,liver and intestinal ailments.Eat as much,{and whatever you like.No miore dis- tress after eating,preséure of gas inthestomachand:around’the heart.Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee—if ‘not aptistactony money will be returned, Oysters, Celery, Lettuce. ——FRESH—— Every Tuesday and Friday. Miller-McLain Supply Co. Sn ereOeeeeitiLANDMARK :Correspondence of The Landmark. THE GRADING OF COTTON. Gitiners Will Take Samples ForOfficialGradersis As.stated some time ago,an effortwasbeingmadetosecuretheoffgradingofthecottongrownin>county:by having samples taken.bytheginnersofsuchbalesastheerswishedgrated,and sendingtoCharlottewheretheofficial.plo nlislocated.With the assistanceof Mr.I.N.Paine,secretary of the IredellCountyFarmers’Union,all the gin-ners in the south part of the countyandnearlyallothershavebeengiv-en the opportunity to take part in thiseatforwardmovement.Their re-sponse has generally been prompt,al-hough a few of them were “doubting a eae on onlis \PER ACRE PRODUCTION. Is Good;But PerCapita Produc. tion tind Wealth Retéhtion ‘is Poor. “The Productive Power of Agricul-|,ture in North Carolina”.was the sub-ject of a paper read-by Fred H.Dea- ton of Iredell county at the régular=|meeting of the Ni Marolina club attheStateUniversityljastweek.Heshowedthatthevaluthe“cropyield-in-the United tes.iny 1914averaged$16.34,whereas the averageinNorth-Carolina for the samie yearwas$2018 per acre,or-$3.84-morethantheaverageforthecountryatlarge.In substance his paper was a3 follows:”North Carolina outranks-every oneoftherichMiddleWestern—prairie Thomases”and held off to see if thevlanwouldwork,’or for .“personal| reasons.”*Some are anxious to aid the farmer| a fair grading as is shown by the lowing bit of testimony france jof the most enterprising ginncrs.“Iknowbypastexperiencethatanof-ficial grader is greatly needed.Thebuyerisaninterestedpartyandmghtnotgradefairly.By all meanshaveanofficialpublicgrader,’Notonefarmerinonehundredeaneverlearngrading”Others knowing theirownlack-of proficiency desire officialgradingtoenablethemtogetfullvalueforwhattheyhavebought.Still others say that some.farmers,not knowing the difference in grades, become dissatisfied and think the buy-er unfair if he offers more for oneman’s cotton than foy that of another,Below is a list of those who to take thé samples where the ownerssodesire...While it is not as completeasonemightwishothersmay.have their names added to it at any timetheydesiretotakeunthework.;Statesville—J..B.Bristol,Im il otton OilCo..Maiden Gin Co., Wise,,,S.G.Caudill;Eufola—M.FrNash,E.F.Stewart&Bro.,B.M,Wil-helm,Jo.Sherrill;Mooresville—J:Ww.Wilhelm,Mooresville Oil Milly Troot-man—Brown Bros.,Ghas.R.Goodman,O.OQ.Harwell:Stonv Point—-W. MeLeland,—J._M.—_Miller,—Watts _-& Steele;Loray—Loray Gin and Fertil-|izer Co.:Ostwalt—F.K.Ostwalt;|Ulla—M.A.Christy;Elmwood—J.L.Abernathy;Olin—J.T.Jennings. The above list.of ginners is given that those having cotton to sell.may know who are ready to co-operate! with them in securing uniform grad- ing.They are supplied with.the franked containers,so they are at expense to do you this favor.It is, simply up to you,Mr.Producer,af your cotton is not properly graded.I will take but a short time to sécure the official grade,and anyway it tsual-|ly does not pay to sell a product’asauickasitcanbegottentomarket.With the present decline in price and the increased tendency to hold the! cotton,it:is hoped many will take advantage of this opportunity.Why may we not sneak of a farming com-munity asa live progressive one aswellasof‘a town being such?G.E.DULL, County Agent. Proposed Tabernacle at Bui Mountain and Its Purpose. Recently The Landmark mentionsthereportthatasteeltabernacletoseat20,000 neople was under consid- eration for Black Mountain. On this line the story comes from Black Mountain that Col.G.W.Hin-shaw of.Winston-Salem and Mr.R.Q. Alexander of Charlotte and Black Mountain “have been working on the matter of interesting the American Choral Society,of:which the noted leader,Damyrosch,is president.to lo- cate at Black Mountain for the pur- vose of rehearsing tor ten days dur-ing the month:of August.Colonel Hinshaw has a corps‘of men working on plans and J,Respass has completed a draft of the auditorium which,if built,‘will seat from 1,200-to 1,500 peo- ple.*R.O;Alexander has given the American Choral Society six or sev- en acres of land.near the Methodist Colony company property,and it isunderstoodthatthistabernaclewill be erected before next summer.“Colonel Hinshaw says that if:this project succeeds it will bring the fa-mous orchestra leader,Mr.Damrosch, \together with more’than 100 ‘othermusicalleaders,who will come ta Black ‘Mountain and rehearse and give concerts*for ten days during the month of August.” Eight Dead From Kansas Cys clone.. The number of ‘dead in the wind-storm which swept over central Kan-sas last Wednesday night,wrecking hundreds of’homes in its coursethroughseveraltowns,is finally re-ported at .eight.Many persons atfirstbelieveddead,were later foundburiedinthe’ruins of,their homes, and rescued alive.ang the damage was greatest,reat Bend,where a path threeiwide”was ‘cut’by a tornado,reports show that Zyba,Kan.,wathemostthoroughlywreckedtownithestorm’s course.Every building said to have suffered.Three person—killed there and several injur- ed. Seized_in Yadkin. AND DYEING_..—"PHONE M47—_- SloanPressing Club. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. yn ceased,vate of Iredell coun-ty,North Carolina,this is to notify all per-sons.having claims against:the estate of thesaiddtopresentthemtotheunder- Coite L.Sherrifl,M.D., Will answer ’phone calls left 'at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.M.Foard's residence. DR.C.L.CRUSE Veterinarian. Office sear Polk Gray Drug ee signed on or before Octover 16,1916,or thisnotice‘will be pleaded in bar of their recov-ery.All persons indebted to the estate of DEWEY L.RAYMER,Extr,of the will of Lynwood Bost,Oct..15,1915. FOR RENT,SALE OR EXCHANGE! We offer farm awh ‘an’as the A.R.Ray plate,10 miles east of Durham,of 200 acres for rent;110,heres in cultivation,good land,One good two,three tbare;pack house,blacksmithWewouldprefer)stan houses,shep and all out buildin1éntingtoamerchantas ‘it isafor’a store.We willrent {tfor one,thew tt|’five years to-suit,the aeor —_ "Phone 198 rwen, Office Phone Residence’ Having ual edas executor of the will of the said deceased will prease make promptfsettlement. In -thene excha:get.‘E|for city rty or merchandise aaah Powo4iSmaarebeaee *The Yadkinville:Ripple says Dcp- uty Collector Martin and a posse cap-tured a still,an automobile,a manand—&—-quantity--of-whiskey in Yad-kin county.Saturday night,6th.Theyfirstcapturedthéstillandthenwatchedtheautomobile.When theysawboozebeingloadedinthemachinetheymadeadashforit,but every-body got away aie one man,whosaidthatheankWaltersofannapolisandthatheoperatedthemachineforhire,Walters and themaehinegretstakentoYadkinville,ters was put in jail,but he}:was later released.on $300 bond.Hismachinewasbeingheldat:last ac- count,} cee Babstitutes. )see that they {every Southern State except Ken- by helping him to learn the vale,of jin the per acre yield of crop values:+-fol-Jn 1909 we ranked higher than 29 D.|The in Zyba,a town of 200 population,ist ccmeninaiahinisinibeciaetinsesmceanan 4 Mrs,Jane Phillips of Caldwell county Kannapolis Man and Machine} tition it is im-J.. States in the average value of —theperacrecropyiélds;and—outranks tucky.All-told-we outrank 28 States States in the total crop values,.In1915ourtotalcropwealthis$218- 000,000-—~an increase of $151,000,000 since 1900,or an average increase of $10,000,000 a year for.the last 15 years. thatit pays to save Coupons and>from Liggett &Myers CigarettesTobaccos..Ladies specially invited. Statesville Drug Co. But in the per capita production |of crop values there is another story |, to be told.Per capita production ofcropvaluesmeans.the average grossreturnofwealthtothefarmerfor the year’s expenditure of ‘time,labor and capital.In the census year the ber capita.production of crop wealthintheUnitedStatesrangedfrom $135 in’New Mexico to $1,378 inNorthDakota..In North.Carolinaourpercapitaproductionwasonly}. $236.In this parti¢ular—43 StatesmakeabettershowingandonlyfourStatesapoorershowingthanthisState.For instance,the per acre crop producing power of North Car-|: olina in 1914 was $20.18;of Iowa $17.92.On the other hang;>our per “nita production of crop wealth was $236;in Iowa -it was.$884.Now look ‘at the per capita country wealth jof }North Carolina.In 1910 it was jonlv $322;in Iowa it was $3,386. total «production of farm ;vealth—-is-important;--per——acre-“pro~} |duction is more important;.per capi- ta production is still more ‘important; -thut ver capita wealth retention‘is the "|most imvortant of all,Favored by|good soils’and —unexcelled seasons, {North Carolina has wonderful powers lof farm wealth production,but seems |to have feeble powers of farm wealth retention.If we would only adovt.asystembywhichwecouldretaina |fair proportion of the farm wealth sine vroduce each ..year,the.farm t|wealth of our State would be increas- jod amazingly. While North Carolina has.greater |per acre productive power than the |more progressive States of the Middle |West,it is comparatively a poor State. 'If she is to take her place among |these progressive States she must in- |crease her per capita productive |newer and practice greater thrift. She must raise her own food andfeedsuppliesinsofaras.this.is rea-sonably possible.Then,and not’un- til then,will:she take her place ‘among the most progressive farm|States. Brushing Up For Congteee Washington Dispatch. Local firemen have begun the an- nual task of giving the capitol a bath, A fire engine was taken to the capi- tol grounds and all.day played a stream of water against the marble and sand stone walls to remove the dust of summer.Sparrow .nests by the score were knocked out of the cor- nice by the force of the water. Three hundred thousand dollars have been spent.on.the capitol and.theHouseandSenateofficebuildingsin order to have everything’spick and span for Congress when it convenesinDecember.New.carpets’andrugs|’have been purchased,the exterior and painted,new street paving and newsidewalkshavebeen‘laid and granite steps have replaced the old brown- stone steps of the east front of the};capitol. Washington Dispatch News and Observer. The President does not sympathize with any movement to ‘oust Repre-|;sentative Claude Kitchin ftom.the}leadership of the House.The NewsandObservercorrespondent‘was toldon‘good authority today that)Presi- to Raleigh| tI in providing ways and’means to car- ry out the national defense measures passed by Congress.The bitter attacks by newspafers|: on Mr.Kitchin are-generally de- plored and condemned by friends of the administration. Died in Richmond—Relative in ‘i =~Tredell: Wilkesboro Patriot. Mr.W.R.Parsons died Sunday, 7th,in Richmond,Va.His age was 64 years and he leaves a wife and one daughter,Miss Gertrude “Parsons, There are two surviving sisters— and Mrs.Bettie Holdsclaw .of Alex-ander county.Mr.D.L..McLaughlin, ty about 40 years age. 23-Cents-a-Day-For--Meals,—. University News Letter. During the spring térm of 1915,attheAppalachain-Sates School in Boone,Miss 8.Elizabeth Bridge and11girlspreparedatidservedmealsforthemselvesthrodPoneweekforsieesoefor60perpene:daily per person was vir- ‘tually 28 cents:a layer whose work is:Ledger says he handles 40,000 bricksadaywith-coi te “ease ahi skill,aets Chamberlain's Tablets. A.medicine.Fico les,bil it :a ch aunie joan ss and Sedat much nuccess ,gaining,in favor and peseverywhere,© hts OEE AP interior of the capitol buildings.re-|4 No Sympatiry ‘With a “Fight on |}Kitch dent Wilson thinks .tnat Mr.Kitchinwillbeallrightandthathewillbeof |)mrgreatserviceto’the ‘administration|)—— who-_livesnearMooresville,is a half \% brother.The deceased left this coun-|¥ a] “Gaffney,8:C.;has a‘colored Wilcke f omenal,The}: i Ttet , Donse BRoTHERS — -MOTOR CAR Besides those qualities which ; evidence the fine engineering skill employed in manufacturing and Ce assembling the entire power plant, -there are other qualities thaten-able you to realize to the fullthe .—& delights of motoring.eae The one-man top:with its Jiffy ~ curtains,for example,assures you instant protection against in- -clement weather.& The car’s unusual roominess,the depth and softness of the real \.«:leather upholstery with its filling... of natural curled hair,the design of the seats,and the buoyaney «©ie and sensitiveness of the self-lu- <%4,°¥ .brieating springs,make’you un-~ay, mindful of distance.Se IGea ww ors =ig The motor is 80-36 horsepower .ae PAA The price’of the Touring Car or Roudster,complete,pt ae waeia$785 (f.0.b,Detroit).ehh Bee epee Statesville:Motor Company.oe Frere Tal FOR"SALE!idBi road,Three fine springs. ERNEST G.GAITHER,GENERAL isuran “PHONE 2%«+“OFFIC ‘NOLL MILLS 80 river for 8-4 of mile;Seventy-five acres in cultivation,40 is fine river bottom:land.Two dwellings and one ;in exceptionally:fine signal forest—Pine,Oak,Poplar,HickandDogwood.timber,‘ cated,rent well. church,with four-room dwelling andsmall bar, 200-acre farm 13 miles from Statesville,iorlacheon Cataw!ni barn.|sn"‘acres in half mile ofrailroad.siding. Two four-room cottages on south“Center street,‘centrally. Four-acres on the Turnersburg road,half mile fromBethany.n.: 15-acres one-half,mile from Bethany church on TumersborePricesandtermsright.3 4 For further information call on or write, BO R O S C R O R O R C R O RG E C EC R C R U E C H O C E C E C E EC E OR C C EG R OO O ? $4 é S“btey .hiifiis Hyacinths, White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue, Paper White Narcissus."~ MAMMOTH BULBS.a tatesville Drug Compys +Site,bhicormstscanse.ve PA kh eae pet aif ‘H4y from a costly article doin to pect ahs things whoseécostisatrifle.We'dre lad to have you cume*in mer for the pleasure of inspietion.. RR.FE.HENRY, ee ee ee me T 7 -ote ;”-faa gst me ‘a rae vr Si an MERIT ’SeereK|04D-SUBJECT.BYTEVE yi spt ar era THE JVOESOFSERBIA:;(|sume ——e==|Diseussingasubjectthat isbld but|tor’can usually discern the signs«‘Latest in the Si 200"-|California and Elkin”sad Mase inst over ho buying at hotne—the Con-|the times,remarks:bi ae a ne arene wor O tenbe an -€ti cae All Wo and ie peeSPAYANDFRIDAY.|cord Tribune makes some.\marks |.Regardless ‘of besa we bélieve|Tors A me ee nm a ar,x +:,pas al Vool Blan kets,‘WEST BROADSTREET.|that apply to Statesville’as Well as/)Wom pag ot sate if shore,shall Raises eat con aoc "1 $3.98 to'$4.98,ON ete.Te RayRE Ae hte on woman suffrage and any consid-i Monat hs fnIONPiNocitizenhastherighttofeelthat|crable bunch of.them come found’ad ciel sheeof Belgium,it .it is all right for him’t6-send his|voting place drumming for._votes,Folle wei ad cay =ae im.rabesnerd money away.from (Male |Comuaanlty they will get ours.sea iePoland,on nage|Pie Aca ,eT ~1915.use “he is only one person and)And that’s one reason why woman)massacres:and now Serbia surpass-AY,November 16,1919+!nig money willnot be missed.”It is luffrage is marching on.Many men|es them all in its story of unspeaka-(f THE,LANDMARKDID SAY.|ihoprot couses ot population”by (ate for it because,realizing that the|ble suffering and desolation.Through¢1)this ul drama of anguish the|# .ede as 5 Movil :Sr aa:‘5 strangling the rural business:inter-jmen have not made a conspicuous suc-Rah 4 ,°°i eTheWilkesboroPatriotsaysItWas)ts all over this country.They are|cess in governmental affairs,they are ee Careers eat ;an giving TableLinen. Sse ppelietot 4 sareeekthe in een rece vee oa willing to give the women a chance.|We bound up Belgium’s wounds and|@-eer)aba:GRR AS CIES ot BN ye oemi in Cyukewenane made by {of every State,because they are mil-ee eure te ee eemane (ea tributed liberal oi aesryon *septa ge selbef aesi Sst chall Linen‘«lions in number,'. |matters ‘worse an ey may Ke eas or amask with Na match.oeiwasfor|10"PUMOC Seas :_|victims of war in Poland.While we ANADKINS ma .48,1thecorporationcommissionLetusbringitrighthometoyou:/them better.And there are’‘others Mei still ministering to them,an even.CreamDamas special $1.00,Mercerized.Damask :the purpose ‘of equalizing values,Suppose every person in’this town,who,like Editor Wiliams,are op 08+}more-dreadful spectacle of misery.is Den and Abe apking Be.to3398 doaak tion:of raising more taxes did not|should buy all their.goods from busi-i :Set me , .rs ®purely and solely,and that the ques-/and the farming section around here ed'to woman suffrage but will not.re-premeetes eh ere —.pnseind one P :”;“|ness “honses located in other sections|sist the importunities of the sisters,/ere?from :on ‘®:a eeenterIntothematt.ic ake tig|of the country or State.How long/All of which means that whenever the|War,began,Serbia has seemed/f ‘Adding to.OQur-Ready-to-Wear Department eea |i vy {to be the ioeeeae,ee we our stores keep their doors sisters .get real active for what they)forturte during’the last twelve months.Every Day. TheFa casa did say and drew on soe if arersbody kent oe sending want they are going to get it.iebieeer ae ee nereset ane Ps here ee * PRY :;ion,|©ut of the an eaenlerennmenierunngiesememmetznomnies ee,n *h she repelled ;.2 its imagination for the interpretation,Spenuntey,how oud would it‘be be-|The”death of Booker.Washington,persis wate eee byaie New Coat myTheLandmarkdidnot,of courses }fore wehad no money to send,andj the negro educator,is a great’loss|Horrible visitationof inf epulatien New Long Coats,make the statement accredited to it}when we found the community pau-to his race.He ‘promoted industrial by the thousands and.which taxed ive New hort C oats,by the Patriot.The increased asséss-|perized where would’we turn for re-)1 tion among the negroes’and eq:|best medical ¢kill from this and oth-New Dresses,:=|lief?:‘;ies to eradicate.'ment.will produce more revenue—-The profits of -local industries —|couraged them to .become efficient.in -eure D 22y a --Aus-,:New Kimonos,and revenue badly needed .by the/yoth farm and town—represent .the|the industrial world,where their ser-|..ive be hie inet:i ‘on r reprees ,tt it almost ‘Rtate.for legitinete purposes.hone”aga a pase see vices are rieeded.He gave them sate ea where ‘es dene :‘New Bath Robes..ne ee ae oon eae ament{we cannot expect long to Have any |and sane advice as to their conduct.|fiercer fighting in’all Europe than|§Cold Weather Underwear for Ladies,Misses and:nop heute,8 ieee tenseofthet homes’ne Aceif Children..Abig line to select from and at attract- rine discussing the increase in agsessment|8.in circulation,for other people|There seemed to be nothing of race!!,qade in 80 counties by the corpora-a ther places will e it.antagonism in his make-up;and while ea fttrocemn oe ive prices,_tion ‘commission;and the inference—|No man liveth unto himself.We|he was much petted and feted by peo-|calculating patriotism.Left alone ;:fasTheLandmarkinterpretedit—|hear much of co-operation and ¢0-/pie of the North,he was,seemingly 'by her slow-moving allies,she faced.Don’t fail to see our line of Coat Suits at $9.95,from the Times-Leader’s remarks was|operation,if it means anything,means|unspoiled by the attention he received,|Without Ainching sa ie 2 tate -$12.50 and $15.“All wool garments,up-to-date in _-that assessments were raised arbitrar-|ihat we should help each other in a|which was the greatest tribute to his acpi ‘cack Wetign aad Phe style,fit and finish.;ily to gét more money to meet the ex-|business way as-much as possible.breadth and_worth.—~~—""Tmade them purchase at immense One lot A:ron Checks_travagance:of ‘the State administra:/We must be big-enovghandbroad;enemas "|price every foot of ground they have .vhec 5c,~—-tiorir~‘TherLandmark satd the ChaFEélenough to realize that we are not in-|The New York Herald is greatly|pained.It is a good thing for theif One lot 10c.saan (short lengths)6hc.af Satrevagence,could be successfully |dependent;‘that the\:quccems of,the|disturbed shout Congresaman.Claude}Teutons thatRarbis.ee One lot 36 inch Outing (short lengths)64c.met and asked’the Times-Leader,if|whole community means our individ-Kitchin’s attitude toward the nation.Sanelesin genni nemalak dn thas.AOL Onelot27 inch Cheviott short lengthsy :6he. it’believed what it seemed to charge,|ual success and that the individual/#!defence programme.That paper/Couid they have met the invaders One lot Oil Prints (short engths)Be.’_whyit'was the corporation commis-|can onlyprosperasthe community |5@s—wired people in Mr.Kitchin’s|with equal force of men common valor|f§ole aig 5 .3 sion did hot increase assessments in prospers;and one of the most import-district and.sent a special represen-ne Petirns i eiyk pe eeae +verything-in-the-Shoe line.——;~the Republican county of Surry and/ant ways to help the community to tative there to stir up opposition to But now they Gre practically in The Store that Sells for Less.Why?We Buy<in 18 other counties in.which no|prow and prosper is to spend in the|the Congressman,The New York}their last ditch.Serbia is in ruins.for Cash and Sell for Cashchangewasmade;and the fact was community the money.you make in|Paper hasn’t sense enough to know Many of her ‘towns and villages are i ei :Le\emphasized that if assessments had|iz,that a New York meddler is calculat-|said to have been given to fire and PHONE 212.‘is :y Pitas é pas d,th nds of her women andbeenasfair’in the 80 counties a3]Much has been said about the mail|%d to help the Congressman.But.one eenditas Ana cla Sat kate fled PR~they were in Surry and in the other/order houses and of the apparently need not take theHerald too serious~.titute into Greece,and thousands re- counties in which no change was made,increasing disposition of rural dwell-ly.Not long ago it was crying for main at home who are ready to per-7 there would’have beenno.necessity|ers,through the convenient _parcel |#et aoe Mr.Wil-|ish.spicespetiinieiecnemmisieicis ::fieforactionbythecorporationcom-|yogt and mail order catalogue,to|90M didn’t go to war with Germany.Miss Ivey Ijames of Mocksville and B R we ti P Sh R eo mission,The Times-Leader did not|spend much”money in Chicago and ‘The Wecka dectalists takee utes Mr.Frank Miller of Salisbury were ig educ onin TICE oe epalring charge that assessments were too|New York or elsewhere that’should anusual’position on’the.liquor ques-Woodteat‘sunay te ae auenastdi =high in Surry,where some fi not alljpe spent and could be spent to better }i:5),Whey favor tanking the ish.Serecieranebiemmnniiises:: assessors were Republicans.If the|advantage in the home town.Much facture and sale of liquor in Texas a rere received eee ene and Men's Sewed Soles 50c.Surry assessments were fair,whutican be said.of the importance,the a sbsery :ehildren’s coats.sizes and colors.|{ers :Was the objection to the corporation|necessity,of the county town to the at sty dee hae Pit J.M.McKEE &CO.—ad._.Other Work in Proportion.commissionbringing up eee counties rural community,and‘there being approbation.But the Texas Social:Buildi H >‘Il .‘on an-equality with Surry?That was interdependence there should be ¢0-|i¢5 aian't aco thie:Whey wend uuding a House:Will have expert Shoemaker in a few days{the point on which The Landmark was|operation for the mutual upbuilding have ‘the Federal goveriment tarde Weuits:see Bob Wasson or ee to make NEW SHOES.Call and see us onSe;Either of us willseekinglight;and up to this hour the|of each.facture liquor and sell it at ‘cost.||glad to estimate your needs,and¥i}->East Broad Street. a ee Times-Leader has made no reply.’But ‘it’s the town folks that should Fo ey a ;:.That’s where the prohibitionists part||quote you on “Everything_to Soy 2 *»As property increases in value 1t|practice what they preach and reform :Pe |Build With”at figures lower than !:should of course pay more taxes;and themselves before they.attempt to re-company with the Texas Socialists.»ever offered here.Ask others J s S.IR:\AND SON. SSRNslammedPERSORESra:ne ¥:5 oe Re ene about us.Next McElwee’s Plant-‘as the Staite;and most of the counties form others.The Landmark ventures|nismissed..For Talking About |[ers’Warehouse.ly‘‘and towns as well,are growing and|the assertion that much more money.|‘:‘“heed ‘more revenue for various pur-/in proportion to population,is sent 7 Freaident's Marriage.: Poses,it is necessary as well as prop-|out of North Carolina towns to cities Haven Bawtey ciehe a ng ane are€r to collect more taxes on the in-|to buy goods that could be bought al|tion of Postmaster A,M.Klopfer atcreasedvalues.It would be absurd/home,than is sent from the rural dis-|Winnetka,Ill,in temoving his as-to say that tax-assessment should con-|t¢ricts;and the amazing part of it is|Sistant from *office because he criti-tinue the same,regardless of increase|that wives and daughters,of business Gan e sec wa neue eeeinpropertyvalues;and it’would be|und professional men,and others,who authority or knowledge of the Pres- igbaurdto say that Wilkes and Iredell,|are dependent on the community in|ident.”:or any other progressive county,or|which they/live for a liying,take mon:|_Published reports brought the ‘in-the State,could continue business on ey the men folks earn st home and cident to the attention of White House Y ;”:officials,and at the same time it wa:me same amount of money indefinite-|spend it elsewhere—“for the big of|learned’that the dismissed eanistantdy._|the thing,”pure and simple.We know|postmaster,George Burkitt,had|f :oe |:O Fi Thi h ‘eafeReereeethatistrueofStatesvilletosomeex-|Vainly appealed to the Posfoffice De-ua ity--ur Ir st oug G5.The Charlotte Observer is also of tent—to much too great an extent—|0artment to overrule his superior.-*‘the opinion that the sale of pistols|ang we know Statesville is not dif-|eomaster pled,cslied ae Yo L;t ¥R.x :2 is correspondence,©called.upon 3.Might beseairieeewith good results,|¢.ont in this respect from.other|Burkitt to explain a remark credited ur as oe ou e-Bhd remarks:“Yet the.man who gets towns,Ax the Ttibune says,if every-|to him that the President “shouldtangledupwiththeflaskisrock-piled,body did as these out-of-town buy-|Wait,at least a year before remarry-while the man who does murder with ¥.jing.”Burkitt admitted making ‘the mem er t.‘he pistol i 1 itted ers do,sooh there would be no busi-|statement in the course of a genéral WennaSenenee°”ness at home for any of us.If every {conversation in the nostoffice.but de-»‘theplea of self-defense.”True.The patronized the cities,the hus-|‘ed being guilty of any disrespect,a ‘,.%U Mantoigt tid :body patroni the.cities,.5 :mar:occasion to say recent.bands and fathers of some of the Then the postmaster,charging him:it’‘Soy :with disloyalty and calling attention|}::°-‘‘Ay that ibiip often remarked that it is/isAieg who delight to order goods,or|ith,disloyalty.plased'apeinst:Welt=>This store has maintained throughout its existence“more dangerous to sell a pint of liquor a ”:”».|@0.elsewhere to “shop,”would soon|record for “unsatisfactory.service,:°:3:ihNeve Cabition chan to stay one's have no business and m0 money.to asked for his resignation,|a standard of quality of its own—a quality so;"5 e@ 8 eo Sy ¢n appealing ie 0}ice +.>,£rent,but it illustrates gal (ees,fBive the women folks to,send off.It],Inappealing.t seetaabet thee,te strongly maintained that it has become a first--fact—that the anti-whiskey_]rsh mg Mca oe i ei removal had been irregular;that no ae th h i h Il (f ]h ‘a t hDMeldiy’enforced 2 ic a to those who have a mania for buy formal charges had been filed against |{ought with all care ul shoppers and has been thePprett;’‘i that ad i :.$a on *“ele Wei aay Ysn obAlt nog Yall-in |'E,SOPOR 409:thet the-mastter of)Mme and ‘hes hehad been given net’~.|Main stepping stone to the success of this alert es-elf -preservation,even if they had?!;oR.very lax.The enforcement of.the|~:.,|third assistant Postmaster General,is ;.;‘aniti-liquor laws should not be aad.BY SRC ANE CANE:FOF re unity|said to have replied that the civil wer-|f~:tablishment.;Their enforcement is in response to a Goods.would suiggert.®"different yigg Jaws ‘had been fully complitdeea:‘ourse.But thoroughly infected .th ‘Healthy public sentiment.‘What is eee cic’ota ae ‘tis intimated on the one hand:thabneededisastrongerpublicsentiment|pe Hie Gy Hie.Hes”of Barkitt’s remark about the President The Suits you buy here now—next season and;sending .away all the money.“sli ob the sole reason £6 !:.°°sonyalleeseeggdindtg ae Sha dad”can give them to spend,that|hsi discharge;on the other hand that thereafter have that “maintained”quality that has‘“Slayin i ike-}it text t t rid of hith'and ;°<./®that exists against the whiskey traf-|\4 e cde fiers0GeUke:aye the job-tathepostmiaster's With established our apparel department first in the-s FarceceWold reeult 10 the great bargaisa obtained.and by|"T <aemmenioememmemne’—5p minds of all discriminating shoppers.:gal sewa’'th one ck It is soliciting orders for the out-of-town |Probable Mail Route FromWin-feeeisosieuaOokUPON|houses.ston-Salem to Statesville.|::-:;weer Mince This buying-away-from-‘iome.busi-|Winston-Salem Journal,14th.With a selection of over 300 Fall and Winter Suits this.,The University News Letter is two |"@85 is sapping the business ‘of many}Postmaster R.8.Galloway stated store bids stron for your satis action.‘years old and hasa circulation of t of ‘our towns.Let’s begin ‘the ‘re-|yesterday that he expects the Post-.&y A faction000.It is sent free to all who ask for form at home.|Letthe men have theoffice Department to take action ear-‘ee :~-Atin_sofar-asthefundforits_publi-|"e've to be bossin their’own homes)ly in the year toward establishing Each express bringing new goods assures you of the new-cation will permit.This little sheet—|*out this One matteratTeast ‘and|an automobile mail delivery —route|{——~~~T est fancies of creative dame fashion.oa page of five columns —con.|Tefuse to put.up the.money.for it.fon the post road between this city aces .SEMVE CAS.Soe On:tains _fnore--valuable—information—in|/*’S @ matter of self-preservation.[and Statesville.sal Mesos oa :nel ALS,backs ‘nla pat Mr.P.H.Hanes,chairman of.the 2s Apa Cale tn ahavon af thicdiesimank:allie ba kcinAageteomaainasAivshaoaThedischargeof’Assistant Post-en poe secured the ee Mrs,Guy,in charge of this department,will be glad toaystomasterBurkitt,at Winnetka,Ill.,of the road withgovernmentaid an i iwi i iayna?lpbortunities,possibilities,realleduis neehaurince —seat under government’supervision,made show you at any time and show you without obligation onandachievementsoftheState—to the the Beales Ge ee eeeS"ta_request some time ago of Senators your part::;problems,promises and puzzles,edu-\.,...Pants spencer matrimonial|Simmons and Overman ‘and the Con-‘Acational,economic and social.Mem~ea rae inetGisinna:fake oowith Wea tinartene thetoon es Mere :y PsbersofthefacultyoftheUniversity,ter is guilty of nothing more than the|‘°"of extending this service from ‘Come tomorrow—In the morning early.and under their direction the students,|rem 2 that the President’whouldha:Statesville and Mocksville to his city,‘::’ MAYafalissof vital foncern to the!ground was Actual anitit aphasis "Mr.Ga loway has received a num-people of North Carolina —and takhew tht the President Waa:ak ber of ommunications from the de-through the News Letter are giving|conis tof it,,Tha ‘while basin nartmeéntfordata on the route,and|4”the public the benefit of information vias chest :7 ere és eek *Proughe feet action will be tak-})‘Bea I aera beay-ot tne poutmiaator'to patriaof Barkin)The etennion oFthe eerie ::aMyonthecolumnsoftheNewsLetter.;cer ass i thig|b@ to the interest:of the f ‘‘ceBeGidethgesprictisalandusefulandgivehisjobtoanother—in.this Arete,y ;along the route.who wish to market}4 ican te Boel_Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. 7H formation’not to be found elsswhere,fase the postmaster’s brother.,|their products by ‘using the parcelsanditfeelsthatitisdoingitsread.|.Seven moonlight schools are being bot ta ena deteed to,some.on-ers a service ingiving themthe bene:conducted within four-milés ofChap-this Peme and,if inaugurated wil 5 The.Store That Pays the Postage on Parcels P‘ost,¥éa|py abel ves,“i i im-y Re PLE Hh ands bi Aion yi erp ‘in,t el Hill,theseat.of.the Uniyersity;by he of t.agai ;A eau deMahiiessikira6)fe PENNY Ra oy 5 canerh glen MAtae oe -,Hh Vita reg‘/_s ;—en s TUBBDAY,«=November 16,1915. ‘PERTINENTLY.PERSONAL( ‘Mention of FolksWho Come and.Ped,tn x Go,"+Miss Cabrio’Mae Watts went a hielia “Wills Winston-Salem.Friday to spendfewerernMiss.Mr,and Mrs.C..Watkins return-eine.froma few days’v.is eensboro,Raleigh and Hendegon.“At the latter place:they centsguestsaMr,Watkins’home people,.Mr.N.B.Loc ,who enlocatedinBSineteeSolem.spent awdaysherewithhisbrother,Mr.+i Lockwood;“leaving ~-yester:‘or Greensboro;where he has secur- “apoeandMrs,E.B.Quinn return-asedyenterda y from a visit to relativesherfordton,their former home.a.Quinn and children had been in_Rutherfordton for severalweeks.MrQuinnjoinedthemFriday.Miss Hattie Taylor of Charlenton,8.©;,is the guest of Mrs.A.P.Steele.Mrs,J.-H.Hollingsworth,whohersister,Mra,F.F.Steele,t,Saturday evening for her home in i Ga.She was accompaniedhersister,Miss Ethel Boozer.Mies McGhee of Buncombe countyasintownSaturdayenroutetopers.|where she will teach.i Mrs?J.W.Crymes of Williamston, .C.,and a £;C.Horton of-Abbe- ville.S.C.,are guests of Mr.and Mrs. H.C.Wilson.Mrs.Crymes and Mrs. Horton are mother and sister,respec-fit of Mrs.Wilson. eee Miss Delia Lazenby went to Salis-ry Saturday to spend a few days with her brothers,Messrs.A.R.andH.L.‘Lazenby.Misses Ida Vid Vela Teague of pon are guests:of Miss Stel- Mr.Fred Deaton,whois,astudent t the State University at Chapel Hill, fis been at home for a iow days.He was accompanied home by his room- ae Mr.Harry Miller —of Stony Statesville—Social Items. The EntreNous dub Was entertain- ed Friday afternoon by Mrs,F.F. Steele at her home on West End the’afternoon consisted of a sketchofthélifeandmarsofWashingtonirving;by:Mrs.By B.Webb.a read’ing from:Rip ‘Van Winkle by Mrs. aren A.Bryant,and a paper onoeyYARKeerHistorians,”by Mrs.ng.Following the pre- Ora a salad course was _served.Qut-of-town-guests of the club wereMrs.J.H.Hollingsworth of Augusta.who -was the guest of thehostess,andMissHattieTaylorofCharleston,whoistheguestof.Mré.A.P.Steele.’Mrs.Orin L.Turner ‘and Mrs.W:N.Smithson will be at home this af-day{ternoon from —-8.30--to---6,30,—-ParkPlace,in honor of their sister,Mrs.M..M.Davis of Johnston City,Tenn.The Thursday Afternoon Book clubmetwithMrs.W.M.Barringer lastweek.Mrs.Chas.-A,Turner,the pres-ident.‘presided.The meeting was un- usually interesting to the ladies,as *Music and Women Musicians”was the study topic for the afternoon.Mrs.L.B.Bristol read an article on “Wo-men Composers of Today,”special mention being made of American wo- —as composers.A pleasing musi- eal programme on.the Victrola follow- ed,Mrs.Barringer was assisted by her daughter,Miss Ada Bell,in serv- ing a’salad course. Reported for The Landmark.; Thursday,November 11th,at 4o’clock,little’Miss Thelma Harbin en- tertained quite a number of friends at a birthday party at the home of her parents,Mr.and Mrs.R.O.Harbin, on.Alexander:street.After a few piano selections games were’played, Then the little ones were ushered in- to the dining room,where they were served ice cream.cakes.and:candies,and then Master Jo.Moroney and Lit- tle Miss Myroba Harbin very grace-‘tulty presented each~guest—with—a boudoir pin,carrying.with it the little hostess’birthday card,held together with ribbon.>a The following is “from Columbia »Ora ‘Clem Dowd is spending the! week in Charlotte.: Mrs.J.P.Hughey and son,Alfred, who ‘had been visiting friends in| Statesville,returned last week to) “their home in North Wilkesboro. Misses Lillian Julian,Ethel Gra- ham and Carrie Shoemaker of Salis- bury were Sunday visitors at theomeofMr.and Mrs.Clayton Trout-'an,on the Boulevard. s “Mr.W.D.Canter of the Oak For- est.community left yesterday for Lancaster,Pa,,where -he will study the jewelry business and take a) gourse fn engraving.a Mr._R.°L.Steele of Rowan county was in Statesville yesterday on his way to Scott’s to enter Scott’s High Bw .T.,Nicholson:and Miss} Maude Wicholan “were in Charlotte’ yesterday.Drwd..K.Hall.of Richmond.spentFridaywithhisfather,Dr.E. Hall,in Bethany township,and Fri- A.their respective homes. State of Sunday: “Misses Letty Barnhardt of States- |ville,}N.C.,and Miss Margarette Keith of Charleston.two graduates of the jspring class at the Columbia hospital‘(raining school for»ye iareee.,went Fri- day to Augusta,where.this morning they are to have a double wedding at the home af Miss.Barnhardt’s broth- er-in-law pos.sister,the Rev.andMrs.P.J.Bouie.Miss Baynhardt will become the bride of J.W.Cottingham of Clio and Miss Keith will marry S.H.Wood 9f Danville,Va.The offi- ciating ministers will be Rev.Mr. *Bouie and Rey.Trapier Prentiss,acousinofMissKeith,Both brides will wear brown suits of chiffon broadcloth,with hats,shoes and ‘gloves of bronze brown.,“The two couples will leave shortly after the ceremony for Jatksonvillé,expecting to visit several popularFloridaresortsbeforesSparating..for}or.and Mrs. Cottingham will live in Toccoa,Ga.,|. dav ‘nieht’:and Saturday morning with Statesville friends. .Dr.F.B.Watkins,first assistant | physician of the State Hospital at| Morganton,spent a few hours in) Statesville Semeey: Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Hyams are now with Mrs.Clark,on Front street. Notice of New Advertisements. Quality first thought.—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co. Monitor radiator.base |burner.— Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Thanksgiving table linen.—John- ston-Belk Co. Headquarters for building mate | rials.—Lazenby-Montgomery Co. Attraction‘all this week for young and old.—Reithoffer. «Prices for your convenience.— Robert’Bunch(Cash Grocery Co. Don't wait ‘until you are down.— Polk Gray Drug:Co.For everything to build with—C. ‘Watkins.Fresh oysters,celerv _and_lettuce every.‘Tuesday and Friday.—Miller- McLain Supply Co. -\Try marshmallow creme.Eagle &Milholland. and Mr.and Mrs.Wood in Danville. ‘The latter couple will,however,stop lover in Richmond for a few days with friends and at Witt,Va.,for a visit ito Mr.Wood's parents en route toDanville.”;t Miss Barnhardt,the daughter of Mr.D.R.Barnhardt,lived in States- ville and vicinity for years and is well remembered here.She is a sister of -|Mr.Triplett Barnhardt,who lives near town, Betterment Aasbctatite Organ- ized at Harmony.' Correspondence of The Lanamark. Warmony,Nov.15.—Friday after- noon,12th,the Harmony High School invited the mothers and friends to visit the school for the purpdse_of’organiz- ing a mothers’club or betterment as- sociation.The guests were received at the front door by the society marshals, Misses Ruth’Grose and Deetle Rollins, who gave them a warm welcome.At the middle door they were received by Misses Katherine Rollins and.Esther Myers.At the door of the Domestic Science room,they.were greeted by Miss Stacy Hayes,and the faculty of Pound cakes and fruit ‘cakes.—D.J. Kimball.The Statesville’Motor Co.employs only:experts.me and city property for sale. —E.Gaither.*:‘Sterling silver,etc.—R.F,Henry. Mills &Poston,the linen store of Statesville. °\Weser Player piano at:a:bargain. J.Paul Leona ‘»Cabbage aaite._—Foy Rufty, Hid- denite."Girls wanted.—Piedmont Red Ge- -dar-Chest Co.—--Roomers and boarders “Mrs.R.M.Mills.. Butter-kist popcorn at J.F.,Hen- -ninger’s. "Phone 311 green for Thanksgiving "and Christmas cakes. ’A limited quantity of sweet milk. «519:Tradd street. Money wanted’on first mortgage on farm land.Address M.,care:The __Landmark. Twenty-five dollars—lost:_—Reward for return to The Landmark. Mr.W..C.Bi editor of _the eatin Ansonian,superintendent of schools.of An- gon county.to.succeed Paul J.Kiker, Awhose resignation |is effective Janu- gry Ist. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED local applications,as they can-reach the diseasedThereisonlyone way to cureeatness,and that is by constitutionalmedies,Deafness is caused by anconditionofthemucousliningstachianTu“When.thieedyouhavearumblinghand.when wanted.— m out and this tube restoredio4normalcondition,hearing will bede.hroped forever;nine casesout ofrecausedbyCatarrh,which #noth!amed fon of the muineaeWecaeweeeeapamie datarrh)Set cia begtbe reda 20...Toledo, “hhas been elect-|~ portion ot the’ ai Behesand dl the school,where punch was servediby.Misses Lois and Fern Tharpe.The 'Domestic Science room was beautiful- ly decorated with pink,white and yel- cw chrysanthemums,roses and scar- let sage.The domestic-and agricul- tural hand work was on exhibit. After all had viewed everything. they were directed into the society hallbythe:marshals,where a short pro- gramme was rendered by the societies. The programme consisted of music by a band which has been organized in the school;‘recitations,pantomine and roping of the-—Harmony newspaper, eteAfter this the school marched to their rooms while the teachers remain- ed with the visitors to organize an association of 22 members.Mrs.R.F. Gaither was elected president,Mrs.G. W,Baity vice president,Mrs.T.H. Stafford secretary,Mrs.C.N,Hayestreasurer.: The teachers of Hagle Mills and Tur-nersburg townships will:have a meet-ing at.HarmonyWednesday,17th. Where NoioRain Has Fallen For -.«-Six-Menths.’— Monroe iheauibes, There is a strip of Gouhity in lowerUnionandin‘upper Anson counties onwhichtherehas.been no soaking rain creekis,in the dryterritory and thereisnowatet'in that good-sized:streamandtherearegreatcracksinthebot-tom of the creek,Crops are’conserablycutoffbythelongcontinueddrought,springs and wells are dryandwaterisbeinaconsiderable distance, Distress in the Stomach.There are many people who ry a dis-tress in the stomach after mea It is duetoindigestionandeasilyremedbytakingaofChamberlain's TabletsMra.Henry facet Victor,N.(For some timeI;was _vroublistress*in my stomach.About .in oor with constipation,"|toer rwtlated thee“ihe | q HER LOVER?WAS:VAC MYTH. =|Miss©‘Bardhardi,Formetly of avenue.The literary programme -for| -+eust-and_died-in-a few-hours-after-she since the 7th day of last.May.Brown| wthe Strange Delusion of An‘Atlarita Young Woman—Took Strang- er’s Dead Body to Cary Out «xy the Deception.- ‘Chicago Dispatch,12th,to New ‘YorkTimes:How a girl,well:known.in ‘the-80-ciety of Atlanta,Ga.,came_togo,identified the body of a-man.Jkill- ed on the Illinois Central:se “a8thatofa“sweetheart”ionlyinherownimaginati780 \as to carry out a deceit she Had prac-ticed on hér family,”becanie knowntonight...The case.di es one». the most astonishing psychopa' incidents in the memory of:€officials.The ‘girl concocted“a taleofmectingaDr.Alleyne Hensley,of‘his persistent wooing,of his.gifts offlowersandcandy,his fervent.letters,proposal,acceptance and then _this NEEDN'T ‘CLOSE SCHOOL.| Contagious Diseases-Can +-Be School Going.Bulletin’Stai&Board of Health, The plan of closing school.in case disease is the old and ineffective way | of dealing with such a situation,andwasadoptedfer-the “reason therewasapparentlynothing’else to do,But,according to a bulletin recentlyissuedbytheStateBoardof‘Health,there.is another way —a scientificandanefficientmeans—of dealingwithanepidémicinschool.This waydoesnotclosetheschoolatallbutusestheschoolasamost.valuable aid.in keeping the children under.ob- servation,that early cases may be de-tected ‘and removed before they be- come a source of infection to the oth-er-children.“In case a school has no tragic;death."iy eae DeeHereisthestory-as told in®oe |to Dr.Bates.Block,an alienist of ‘A’lanta,whose sharp questioning|brought out the truth from the girl,|who is Miss Julia Cheate-Crumley,|.daughter of the Rev.and Mrs:Hows ard Lee Crumley,The idea was conceived ,while ‘thegirlwasapatientin-Johns Hopkins Hospital,Baltimore,after being”erated upon for a minor disorder, her return to Atlanta the youngwa:man told friends that she was in.lovewiththesurgeonwhohadsavedher life.She ‘gave his name as °Dr. |Hensley and said he wds @&widowerwithonechild,a son.He lived,shesaid.in Quebec,Canada.There came to her letters in Quebee which contained fervent mes-sages of love.Flowers and candyweredeliveredtoherbyshopkeevers on telegraphic instructions fromQuebecsignedbyDr.Hensley,antimoneywasforwardedbytelegraph in each instance to pay for them.’ Finally she told her closest friends that the surgeon had.nroposed she had accepted him...The marriage was to take place Wednesday.Novem- her 17.She went to New York tovurchasehertrousseau,meet the fu- ture bridegroom,and bring him backtoAtlantatomeether‘parents and’ friends.i On Saturday.she telegraphed:fronrNewYorkthatherfiancehadbeen killed in a train accident near Ch zago and she was on her way to.this’ city to recover his body and bring * to Atlanta. She arrived.here on Monday morn- ing and went to the undertaking és-tablishment of the Western Casket!Company,where was the body’of’a} man killed several days before on the} Nlinois Central tracks:The girl iden-| tified the body as/that of her =dear! “brother,”Dr.Hensley.She was| avercome with grief and arranged to’ have the body shipped to Atlanta.|Miss Crumley paid the bill and potvarted,with her dead,over the IlliyoisCentralrailroad.She said there would be no suit against the railroad. company,asserting that no moneta+~y recomnense could be made:for th loss of,her “brother.” She arrived in Atlanta on Wednes day erieCrumleyand several’of her_friendstiewed.the body. tions were asked.The hands.of the‘aad man were calloused and rouchj not those of a surgeon.Finally the! Rey;Mr.Crumley asked Dr.Bates, Block,an alienist,to visit his daugh-! ter and talk to her.The doctor firstsviewedthebody,then told Missy ,Orumley that she had deceived n ane by her duplicitv.Miss Crumley5urstintotearsand...confessed the entire story.She had concoctéd the storv of they supposed woer and fiance.The let-j“ers she received she had written her-' telf,sent to a woman whose name: she read in’a Canadian newspaper,‘o whom she naid to remail the miss-’ ive to her.The candy and the flow- rs had.come from the same source.Her plans for a big church wed- ling.bridesmaids.‘flower girls and} ‘rousseau were the product of herlisorderedmind.The date of the wedding was drawing near and she had to have some means of meeting the situation.She went to New York}and watched Western newspapers.She readin the Chicago Herald of;sn unidentified man killed on the Il- ‘inois Central tracks,came to Chica-4 zo,learned that the body still was un-,“dentified.obtained it as her own and went on home. {The body of -the unknown man. was sent back to Chicago for burial.Miss Crumley.who is a music teach- ‘Yr,28 years old,is said to be of more “han ordinary intelléctualitv.She has‘ince stated that she realized that“Dr.Hensley”lived only in her mind ind that’she had worked incessantly to drive,the hallucination away.) Death of Mr..Frazier—Taylor Ss] ville News. ‘arvespondenee ~of The Landmark. -Taylorsville;—Nov.—16.—Mr:——JohnFrazierdiedThursdayeveningat7:45 o'clock at his home on the,BrushyMountains,near the Alexander and Wilkes.county line,’death resultine from tuberculosis.Deceased was 73° vears of age and is survived by twodaughters—Miss Minnie.Frazier oiStatesvilleandMrs,Albert Kelly of Chuckey,Tenn.;two sons living in Tdaho:and two sons:living with their’father;and two -brothers,Messrs.Cy(G.Frazier”of Taylorsvitle and Mr=: James Frazier of Winston.His"wife was bitten by a rattlesnake last Au- was bitten.The funeral and burial services were conducted by Rev.Ern- est Bumgarnerx at’Walnut GroveBaptistchurch,Wilkescounty,Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mr.John Ingram of Burlington is visiting his father,Mr.W.A.Ingram.Miss Elva Kelly of Salisbury was aonatthehomeofherbrother,Mr.T.Kelly,from’Wednesday nightwallSaturdayeveningTheTaylorsvilleCottonMill,beganoperationtodayafterbeingclosedaweekwhileanewenginewasbeing|installed.ToDelveQutMalaria TONIC,You know Then some ques-/ 4 WANTED—To borrow $1,000 secured by.first Build Up The System|’gece the:oa Standard.GROVE'STASTELESSchill nurse.or school physician,”says the bulletin,”a physician’s services can be secured for the daily examinations while the epidemic lasts and both parents and the health officer,or quar- antine officer,can -be notified and the epidemic ‘soon brought under control.’ Qn the other hand,if the schoolsareclosedwhenanoutbreakoccurs,|’ the children are turned loose from supervision;they mingle freely with},one another in the streets.and.ineachother’s homes;they are unwilling to admit they feel ill for the reason it will’be the end of their good time and consequently when one does “come down”with the disease,usually it wasnot,detected until he had infected his |. brothers and sisters and perhaps his playmates.Oftentimes,in such cases, the parents call the physician too-late. Aceording to the bulletin,no school should close on account of contagiousdiseases.If the teacher is alert and the health officer on the job,an epi-demic can be avoided or so controlled that’there will be no loss of time on the part of the school as a whole.Not for four years has a school of New York.city closed on account of an epi- demic of a,contagious disease. Turnersburg Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. ,Turnersburg,Nov.15.—We are hav- ing damp and.very cool weather at this Writing._We were beginning to need a ood shower of rain,as the earth was getting very thirsty. Mr.Bob Hartman left last week on anextendedtrip to Washington,to visit| relatives.Mr.and Mrs.A.F.Harris |Better Regulated with the oak of an epidemic.of..some-contagious| sage >ESTERDAY service ® was servility—today it "¥is nobility.Man’s ad-vancement is progress for the individual,and hisbettermentmeasuresthedevelopmentofothers. To Serve.Well Is ToServeUnselfishly The degree of service you givetoyourhome,your eiaktn.and your community devolves—your purposes and your fidelity to your trusts. in every field of individual or com-mercial endeavor,service is a basic necessity.Success is dependentuponit,Economy and wisdomin financial affairsis one phase of ser-vice to your interests,andin nobusinessisservicemoreessential thanin banking. We realize the importance of goodservicetothosewhomweserve,fofthepartitplays we are consci in our owe SUCCESS. We prosper beuguse we serve well, The FirstSTATESVILLE N.C.Capital $100.000 4%Raid on Time Deposits and family,accompanied by Mr.and U.S.DEPOSITORY *:;Mrs.Dan Feimster and Mr.W.M.}‘-————iegrebnerearereereeeitareat|Boggs,attended the Charlotte fair last peaeaTTINweek.”They reported a nice time. Mr.J..C.Holmes has purchased a {new automobile. The publie school at:Hebron will be- gin today with Mr.Johnson as prin- cipal and Miss Laura Ann Stack as- sistant teacher. Rev.J.G:'Weatherman filled his, regular appointment at Hebron church Sunday.fg ot————-—_——e Onelot men’s $3.50 dress shoes,$2.98- Special.J.M.McKEE &CO.—ad. MARKET.REPORTS. Statesville»Produce Market.. The following prices were paid yesterday‘for produce on the local market.. Spring Chickens,10c.per Ib.Hens,10c.per Ib.,Roosters,Ge.per Ib.Eggs,24c.per doven.‘utter,15e.per Ib.Beeswax,25c.per Ib._Green Hides,12c.per Ib.Hams,22c.per Ib.Sides,13c.per Ib.« ;»Shoulders,13c.per oeRedHoney,10¢.perSourwoodHoneyemp “18e.per Ib. Grain, yy,grain on.the local market:‘Wheat,$1.25 per bushel.i@ern,(new),55 to 60c.per bushel.Oats,.55¢e.per bushel. Statesville Cotton Market, The following prices were paid yesterday : Gardner’s Famous Old-F ashioned- Pound Cakes§‘Fruit Cakes. rps oe 3 iv You needn’t bother:your mind a minute,” about your Thanksgiving or Christmas Cakes.See me and I'll sell them to you for.» less than the material will cost.You save ’«§ the trouble and risk of baking.ise Thisis the old-fashioned Pound Cakeaid Fruit Cake.Nothing like it has ever been - offered to the trade’here.Come in or *phone me and.I’ll'send you a sample. D.J.KIMB.ALL. ao On the local marketpoundwaspaidforbest grade cotton.,Bee cotton,4.80.{Cotton seed,45c.per bushel. CAKES—Phone 311 green for Thanksgiving‘and Christmas cakes.-Nov.16, WANTED—Roomers and Boarders.MRS.R.M?MILLS,just.across from postoffice. GIRLS WANTED to work on typewriter.PIEDMONT RED CEDAR CHEST CO. FOR SALE—Cabbage Plants. Early Jersey Wakefield 20c.per 100;200 85e.,500 T5c.,maoe rer.RUFTY,Hiddenite,N.C, ov.16~- FOR SALE—Weser Player Piano.A bargain for .quick purchaser.May be seen at myresidence,509 Davie Avenue.J.PAUL yesterday 11 1-8c.per|== CAREFUL “DRIVING | Saves Repairing,but should your car need repairs don’t forget we oe oy -only experts. ‘STATESVI LLE MOTOR:CO., ,“QUALITY EAEASKUS PHONE 140 | “LEONA RD.Nov,16—2t. THE.ONLY PLACE you can get a ores: ‘ling-give-me-another-bag popcorn is at J.‘HENNINGER’S at the Gas office.Nov.16. MILK—A limited quantity of sweet milk forsale.No.519 Tradd street,Statesville,.-N.C, BUTTER-KIST POPCORN better than candy‘for;the kiddigs,and’just right.for theiceones.‘ou can find it at the GasOfficeNov.16. age on 100 acres.improved farm land,mai éAddress M.,care The Landmark.Nov.16, LOST—$25,$10 and three $5 bills in foldingsbillbook.$5 reward for return to.The‘Landmark.Nov,16-—1t* NEARLY cverybody cats Butter-Kist Popcorn.If you ee t just try ‘a bag.‘J.F.HEN-| )NINGE ew 16, FOR,RENT—Seven-room house Race atreet,one block from the pe Meadern con-“veniences.MRS.D.A.MILLER.Oct.29, FOR aioN -room house with all modern conveniences’—my home Many have taken adyan- tage of our free byreau of : information regardifg our ~on Davie avenue,J.Le SHORE: Nov.2. FOR RENT—Cottage close in,Li htssewerage,“R.P.ALLISON.oe att. OLD NEWSPAPERS —Ali you want at10c,a hundred,Worth this to start fireswith,Also good put\under carpets andperithewalls.me \to THE LAND.RK.for them, FOR RENT--Eight-room508-.W street,CASH. two-story —house,lL,K.OVER.Aug.20. TraddOct,8. ‘Yesterday{I Returned From a few days’trip to theLong-Leaf Pine Forests,andhaveseveralcarsofFlooring,Geiling,Weatherboarding,Box-ing and:Casing following awe ‘est Front 'FOR RENT—Seven-room|housestreet,W.A.ELIASON. hatyou are ery Jabele ehotheformula is nd Yehaeonsinedrivespayaatarls,the be here in a few agoodswillpleaseyou.ey neghtcheapandwillbesold aEWATKINS,Statesville,N.C, hie Sa ses f CWBLE THR HOMETOWN Suitings,|Overcoatings, etc.Have you?Hf “not ; come at once.Our ‘stock. is complete with thenew-| est and nobbiest creations inMen’S wear‘atthe low est slices.Remember our : 'motto:Satisfaction ‘or. oreo money refunded, i er, Ebi om Sloan Clothing ‘Compa eahton ‘Atorsoys be OM O Itemsof i Matters. 800n. trust suit of the State of with the forfeiture of their charters, was to begin yesterday at Austin, ‘exas.r-Frank J.Cannon,formerly United States Senator from Utah,suffered an attack of heart disease and collapsed while delivering an address on Mor-monism in a church in New York Sunday night.Physicians said he would recover.:‘ Socialists.of Texas,in session at Fort Worth,adopted a platform ree- ommending that the manufacture or sale of liquor in Texas be made a fel- ony.The Federal government was urged to manufacture liquor to be soldtotheconsumeratcost.The raising of $50,000,000 annually to support 25,000 missionaries wasad- vocated by J,Campbell White,presi- dent of the University of Wooster.’inan‘address at the opening of the Bos- ton Laymen Convention,representingmanyProtestantdenominations,_At Anniston,Ala.,Sunday.MissEffieFincher,17 years old,while atSundayschoolheardthatMrs.M.Bagon had been talking about her.Thegirlgot2pistolandwentafter.Mrs,Eagon,The latter is-not expected toliveand.Miss Fincher is in jail.Increases in freight and _passen- ger rates have been granted the rail-roads of Missouri by the State Pub-lic’Service Commission.The new'schedules,effective January 1,givethe:roads practically,an average in- crease of five per cent.on freight.—An--order jssued—by—the —Postoffice Department directs postmasters here- ,after to refuse to accept parcel ‘post patkages for Germany,Austria and Hungary.The order.was necessitated by ‘the réfusal of the steamship com-pany whichihas been carrying’this mafl to accépt it in future. The cashier of the Merchants andFarmers’Bank at Cisco.Texas,hasdisappearedandthebankhascloseditsdoors.The bank had a canital of$50,000 and deposits of $90,000 |atthelastexamination.Failure duetomismanagement‘of officers,the comptroller of the currency 'says. A proposal to charter American- owned ships,manned by Americanflag,to bring out of Rotterdam mil-lions of.dollars worth of goods detain-edithers on account of the British or- dér-in-council,has been submitted tosihdicnteDepartmentbyaNewYork8 dicate headed by,Jules E.Bernard. -»Two practitioners of ChristianScience,Elizabeth Ahens ‘and Eliza-(beth Huesgen,have been convictedof:criminal carelessness in Berlin,i "/strips to six’im is’.imprisonment.ey.werecoewith’causing the death offusthaButzeandAlicevonArnauld.Pod popufar actresses of the Royal 1 ee:aeaeSwthretfidred thousand shares ofstock,or thereabouts,in the CambriaSteelCompanywereboughtinNewYorkafewdaysagoforapproximate-ly’$15,000,000 by Leonard Replogle ofPittsburg,who started his business ca:reer when 11 ‘years old as a waterhoyatlessthan$b a week in theCambriaMillsatJohnstown,Pa.He «38 now 38’years old.' The body of Father Benoit F.Fa-vard,the priest who mysteriously dis-appeared from St.Joseph’s coloredCatholicschool‘in Norfolk,Va.,onlemorningofNoversber5,was foundatingintheriveratNorfolkSun-day morning.As/there were no marks.of Violence on the body it is supposedtobeacaseofsuicide.The priest wasnativeofFranceandhadbroodedmuchovertheruincausedbythe.War, ‘Pernicious Activity of ForeignzAgents.Dr.Joseph Goricar,former Aus-trian consul,made public last weeksomestartlingehargesconcerningtheactivitiesofagentsofAustriaandGermanyinthiscountry—in the pro-motion of strikes in munition:plants,the destruction of munition plants,Munition ships,ete.Baron Erich Zwiedinek,charge oftheAustro-Hungarian embassy,calledattheStateDepartmentanddeniedforhisgovernment.the publishedchargesofDr,Goricar,that AustrianconsulatesintheUnitedStateswere“hotbeds of propaganda”for foment-ing strikes in munitions plants.HesubmitteddataregardingtherecordofDr.Goricar and later the embassy(Rave out a statement declaring thatDr.Goricar had offered to discontinuehisutterancesagainstAustria-Hun-gary,should he be allowed a monthlyéurmnofmoney.°The ‘administration is deeply.con-cerned by the frequency of fires re-cently ‘in manufacturing plants andonsteamships,the efforts to cause la-bor troubles in munitions plants and‘Dr.Goricar’s warning that the United___States_will’soon beface“a “grave situation”’The De-‘partment of Justice now has 250 fieldagentsengagedininvestigatingthe~~salleged-activities of foreign “agents in‘this country.Of this number 150 for‘some time have been devoting all theirtimetothework.The remainder,en-‘gaged in routine:work,have put jinGeeoftheirtimeintheinvestiga-‘tion,RPSenetence eneeeeathahieenate“Gores Old Sores,Othor Remedies Won't CareTheworstcases;no matter of ‘how long standinarecuredby‘the Wonderful,old reliable DePorter's Antiseptic Mealing Oil,Ye relievesPair-o4 Meals at the came ese uta & Railways throughout Mexico willpassfrommilitarytocivilcontrolDe-cember 6,under a decree of Gen.Car-ranza,head of the de facto govern-ment,i «Piles Cured in 6 to.14 Days¥roggiat will refcurrenfallstooaaa chytense tates,|)Bleeding or Protruding Piles in Gto M dafirstapplicationgivesHaseaudRéét,be! le RY.| Interest AboutVarioys Glowing reports continue to comefromMexicoofbetterconditionsandhopeisheldoutthat,notwithstand-ing Villa’s opposition,Gen.Carranzawillsoonpacifythecountry.‘That's encouraging,but better not shout too The postponed:hearing of the anti-(Texas against seven breweries,in which a fine of $21,749.700 is sought,together _be called upon to} ground that a sewer emptying into acreekdamagedhis.land,was awarded$500 after the jury had wrestled overthematter.31 hours:Town appealed.Ten similar suits are pending.— J.Elwood Cox of High Point waswoeennof,ba Papcntive com- mittee 0 e National séetionoftheAmericanBanhalerRavosthtlcrwhichmetinNewYork/a few (daysagotocompleteOrganization’andmapoutplanforfuturework. AS a,memorial to their-daughter,who died 14 years ago,Mr.and Mrs.James Sprunt’of Wilmington have de- cided to erect’an annex to:the JamesWalker‘Memorial “Hospital for thetreatmentofmothersandsickchil-dren,the cost to be about $30,000. Dr.B.E.Reeves publishes a cardinthelast.issue of the Jefferson Re- eorder to say’~that CongressmanDoughtonwasnotillofanunknown and obscure malady,as reported,but that the trouble was plain typhoid fe-ver and that Mr.Doughton is now chtheroadtorecovery. Miss.Carolyn Miller and Mr.PriceSherrill‘were married at the home ofthebride’s mother,Mrs.William Mil-ler,in Mocksville Wednesday after-noon,Rev.E.P.Bradley officiating.Mr;and Mrsv:.Sherrill are now on aNortherntrip.They will Tive at Mt.Ulla when.they return,— Arthur Barrett,a young white man, was arrested —in-Salisburya._fewmonthsagoasahoboand.it developedafterhisarrestthathewas;wantedforpostofficerobberyinNewHanovercounty.In the Federal court at.Wil-mington last week he plead guilty and‘was sentenced to Atlanta Federal pris-on for a year and a day:». In Shelby last Wednesday eveningIsabelSmith’cut the throat.of herhusband,John Smith,with'a razor andJohn.died in a short time.Both colored, The Smiths had frequent domestic ar- guments}due to free use of booze,it isalleged.and according to the testi-mony John had caressed Isabel with aehair.just before ‘she embracéd:himwiththe‘razor. Revorts received by Revenue Arent W.H.Chapman,says the GreensboroNews.disclose the seizure and de-struction of but 69 illicit distilleries in the Greensboro division during Oc-tober.Of the total.35 of these weretakenin.the fifth North Carolina dis-trict,22 in the fourth North CarolinadistrictandtwointhedistrictofSouthCarolina. At the home of the bride in Con- cord Friday evening,Miss HelenArchey,daughter of Mrs.L,'<Archey.and Dr.J;W.Wallace were married,Both have relatives in Ire- dell.,The bride is related to the Cres- wells of south Iredell and Dr.Wal- lace,who is a son of Mr.Bob Wai- lace ‘of Mecklenburg,is related totheNeillsandothersinIredell. Eighty-four rural school childrenWwill’attend the sessions of the Teach-ers’Assembly in -Raleigh;.-Thanks-giving week.They will be used in demonstration schools to»illustratemethodsofteachingtothemembers of the assembly by the experts incharge.These children will come fromMcDowell,Johnston,Northampton, Alamance,Orange and Granville coun-ties.+ _James Sprunt and W.H.Sprunt,of Alex Sprunt .&Son,large cotton ex- porters of Wilmington,‘will give tothePrésbyterians.of Wilmington ahandsome-church in the easterh vartofthecity,as a memorial to ‘theirvarents.The edifice will be either of brick or stone and_will cost manythousandsofdollars..The church is A a hew congregation,to be organ- The home,granary and outbuildingsofJ.Pink Lackey,a Cleveland coun- ty farmer,were burned a few daysago.Fire originated in dwelling,prob-ably from a defective fiue,and.only a part of the furniture was —saved.About 250 bushels of corn,75 bushelsofwheat,100 bushels of oats,and two The $1,100 insvrance does not covertheloss. C,B.Penny,general manager oftheElkinand-Alleghany railroad,of-fered Alleghany farmers prizes for the biggest crop of potatoes.The Sparta Star says Mr.Coy McCann of‘Laurel Branch won first prize.Hisyield‘was 304 bushels on’an acre and the entire expense was $34.50.J.C.Ayers of Cherry Lane got a prize forthebesthalf‘’acre yvield—119 3-4|bushels,and Mr.Wm.Richardson of!Sparta reported 102 bushels from a!quarter acre,— Governor’s'Thanksgiving Proc- lamation. That this State is “buoyant —-with| hope and looking forward with en- nobling faith to greater achievement,| is the declaration of Gov.Craig in | his.Thanksgiving proclamation,_js-| sued Saturday.Calling on the peo-| ple to fittingly observe the day for | our many.blessings,the Governor} says:||_“According to our means we must |provide for the fatherless children|and widows and all who are desolate}and oppressed,for if ‘we do not we!pi unworthy—of—our—own--good-for-|une,| “Let us on this day dedicate oursselveswithrenewedenergytothe}work laid off for ‘each of us,and call’)ourselvés to the realization of ourobligations‘hs neighbors and citizens;that we may Strive with ‘faith anearnestness‘for the high social]order,whose law fs perfect justice,Let us |in humility and gratitude remember| OM T a OE 1.09,|that we have been spared while theworldisconsumedbywar.We should!pray to the lands how stricken by!desolation and death,the beneficence}of peace may be restored,and —the)nower of righteousness exalted in all!the earth.”r | Invigorating to the Pale and SicklyTheOldStandardgeneralstrengthening4onic.GROVE'S TASTELESS chill Tc INICdrives outMalatia,enriches the blood,builds up the syétem,}A true Tonic,For adults and children.6c, of.t e 1 an °s :_|which occurred &week ag H.W.Miller,who brought ©suit:against the town of Concord on the ie committeegh;tomiorn anti-ted:i en |shell us,gaining rapidly, bales of seed cotton went up.in flames.|= fi “The! ft the @ passenger;reece teWeleftNapleswithafaitlwienumberof.passengers,intending ‘sail direct to New -York,but soon ae sina for more passengers and cargo. nd ‘Italians with large families’ontheirwaytotheUnitedStatesto¢et-tle there,The majority,therefore,were women and children,>|(“We left Messina at 6 p.mi”The presence of enemy submarines;‘tookallpossibleprecautions,At exactly1o’clock Monday afternoonwesightedanenemysubmarineata|tance.She came to the s ing as she did so a shot which wentwideacrossourbow.‘We took thistobeawarningtohalt. pani¢aboard,not only:among the wo- men and children but among the menaswell,Women screamed and children}/clung desperately to their mothers.Meanwhile the submarine continued:toThe.fifth’shot carried away the chart house,«| the Ancona came.slowly to a stand-still. now see plain!alongside.e heard the commandertalkingtoourcaptain.In a somewhat.curt manner,we were told the:Aus-trian had given us a few minutes:ta.abandon the ship.Meanwhile the sub.marine withdrew a little distance:-|“We turned to the boats,which be- ter leaving port:received a wireless|.message directingus to stop at Mes-|| The people aboard were mostly Greeks |» captain having been ‘warned’of!the :: it dis-}ace"and};made full speed in our direction;fir-}: “Immediately there wasthe wildest “The engines then were stopped and}. The submarine,which we eould}.was an Austrian,camie |: gan to be lowered without loss of time;|: but the passengers were in a pandes}.+ monium—men,women and children The submarine,presumably to,accel-erate our departure,continued ‘to firéaroundthevessel.There.was a rushforthefirstboatsloweredandin:theconfusionthesewereoverturnedbe-fore they_were free from the daivits,the occupants falling -into the water. Many were drowned before our eyes“The shrieks of women,children-andStrugglingmenrenttheairbitit:seemed no help could be given:Every+one was trying to act for himself, The heart-rending screams were pune:tuated with shot after shot deliveredalmostmechanicallyfromdeckofthesubmarine.adding to panie@board,.Had it not been for.theseShotsitmighthavebeenpossibleto restore a semblance ‘of order.The¢onduct of the submarine was incom-prehensible.Not one shot:was direct- ed at the ship but they were fired allaroundthevésselasiftocreateas much terror as possible. “About eight boats got’away clear, some with a fair complement aboard;others half empty.All drifted ‘from each other.”;‘ Roosevelt Opposes Wilson Pro- gramme. seemed to lose their heads completely,),), prominent citizen of Tarborolastweek,He -was ;Legislat that.biherlot the father of Dr.Asheville, The ing at bedtime for the’allthe house.Givesglow-~-.PERFECTION HEATER had made the room nice ing warmthin five minutes_—ten hours comfort ona_7»gallonof kerosene.’Smoke-Perfection keeps:less,odorless,safe. Fa Look for the ‘Triangle Trademark,Sold at all hardware and general stores,andwhereveryouseethePerfectionCozyCatPoster.: Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond te Oil to obtain best fegults in Oil Stoves,Lamps Heaters. \\STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey:BALTIMOR ine aBakaly,(ote ie BertinWilliamS.Battle,aged about 93,a died&member of thereseveraltermsand’was in¥Y when North Carolina castwiththeConfederacy.He was lt Corsicana,Texas,Miss Alma}a‘Morgan, Allen who had brought suit against for the trial to begin. New York Times. The “preparedness programme an-nounced by President Wilson.‘at ‘the’Manhattan club dinner is assailed byColoneloréRoosevelt’as a policyofadroitdelayandmake-believe ac- tion put forward for political —pur- poses.“A shadow jprogramme”’isoneofthetermsthecolonelused, Asserting that the proposed plan isentirelyinadequate,Colonel Roosevelt ¢alls-upon the “ordinary.citizens”towaketo them,He advocates.a regular armyof250,000,with enough officers to command an army of 1,500,000 if a ¢risis should arise,and immediate ‘ac-tion to make our navy the second in the world.He also pleads for perma- nent munition plants west of the Al-leghenies,,The question of expense is secon-/dary,the colonel asserted,as “five years hence it may be altogether too late to spend any money.” Guhhine ThatDoes Not Atfect The Head of its tonic and laxative effect,LAXA- BROMO QUININE is betterthanordinaryandnotcausenervousnessnorinhead.Remember the full name andthesignatureofFB.W.GROVE,?*-.| night and feel fine.to liven:your liver and cléan the how-their needs and “lead the|el8*and stop headaches,a bad ‘cold,|#should-be leaders”who have:fajledj-biliousness,offensive breath,coated|#tongue,sallowness,sour stomach andgases!’Tonight take Cascarets andenjoythenicest,gentlest]liver “andbowelcleansingyoueverexperienc-|ped.Wake up feeling grand—Every:body’s doing it.Cascarets best lax-|=ative for ‘children also. [¥feel that I have as good as sold KEEP LIVER ACTIVE ANDI¢‘BOWELS CLEAN WITH“CASCARETS,” Best When Bilious,Sick,Head-|tachy,Constipated,or For BadBreathorSourStomach. Be cheerful!Clean up inside to- When a Man Comes To my Lumber Yard’and says‘T want Building Materials,”©{#! them to him.My business is strictly one priced;and your dollar will go as far as anybody’s.‘-C,WATKINS,N.Center St. iT ) ETT IROT RIOT ZEIT BTIOTRD ¥ GD bs iCr o cD oe —— cm o n —coay Ef RO R U M U M a O E ma on y CO R O N OR R O R I U ’ BU R U R U S U E O E a TE T O E ra i x 2®S USE LESS FUEL,HAVE MORE HEAT.HOLDS FIRE 72 HOURS.HAS FIVE FRONT,FLUES.——SEE THEM AT+—— ee EEOCrawford-Banch Fur ue aeat.PF ONE 400ThatAlways NR Y a X h AV va X av n ve y NL C TeEe Es t 7OG —— p e WA M nt h fr Va r y RA E ta n rniture Company. S.Westray Battle of /f :odley for seduction,shot and|&killed Godley in the court room,while|&waiting Take Cascarets|£ SPECIAL VALUES OLR |<Scere 6 ¢ Men's and One lot Men’s 50c.Tan Silks, One lot Men’s 25c.Tan Lisles, One lot Men’s 25¢.White Sole, 39¢.pair. 19¢.pairs 21c.pair. One lot Women’s 50e.White Silks,27c.pair. One lot Women’s 50e.Tan Silks,—39.pair. One lot Women’s 25e.Tan Lisles,17c,pair. One lot Women’s 25c.Black Lisles,19¢.pair. “THESE SPECIAL PRICES ARE CASH. ’Phone No.83. i SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. Women’s Hose!} at e To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Coun CIGARS!© YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERS | NOW TRY THE BEST.ae Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar antA lan DRUG.STORE,Prescriptionists. HALL’SPHONE 20. THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY il Storm at the following very low price:‘TOBACCO CROP.!$100 per acre valuation at.“$7.50 per acre75peracrevaluationat5.874 per acre50peracrevaluationat3.75 per acre '26 per acrevaluation at".-4,87+per acreCOTTON,CORN AND’SMALL GRAIN CROP.$40 per acre valuation +per acre35peracrevaluation1.40 per acre30:per acre valuation 1.20 per acre25peracrevaluation1.00 per acre20perderevaluation.80 per acre 15 per acre valuation .60 per acre .40 per acre10peracrevaluation’--|...DWELLINGS,FURNITURE.BARNS,$100 value for one year at 30¢.,3 years at'60c.,&yearslatterinsurancecoversalsoagainstlossorbywirtlinadditiontohait.=.:REMEMBER—"“We insure anything insurable,”’J.F.CARLTON,Manager,"PHONE 64,-a :STATESVILLE,Ni,C, rir PittyelcomesYou, ieate 6 Hh Da s a e ea e en e NE N ? aa Nt 37 Ane Be to announce that they bave completed arrangements with “Tne i«HOME INSURANCE CO.of New York.”’for insuring your growingSeaTobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destruction y }at 90c.This ©lage occasioned | ~~HEADVERTISRE ASKSFOR YOUR BUSINESS. —. iyfi tt4 iy ives thetisfaction” orkHamilton,Can, When YouFeel YourselfGoing Down | ~~.[DON'T WAIT :bee “TILE ,YOU HIT STHE ko BOTTOM. Tp STEP €aljlon us at once,and we'll he!p you to regain your balance.Our ‘drugs are 100 per cent pure 2nd effective and will soon restore your bodily vigor.PRESCRIPTION WORK is our specialty. of > w toAvoid the.the Disease—Un- wholesome’Air Greatest Dan-ISALL A MATTER OFDI jer, ‘ati"E etin 'Pellagra Caused By One.Side “#1 am an old man and much afraidDiet—Can Be Cured By a of pneumonia,How can I avoid theancedRation.Msease this winter?” Vaasusly ort }Reply:Pneamonia is a germ dis- ‘ase and is usually brought on by thepellagraisannouncedbytheUnitedy+‘States Public’Health:Service.‘The odzment of the pneumococcus germs State Board of Health. Cause and cure:of w TO AVOID:DDPNEUMONIA r 1)| which has x ihy Surgeon Goldberger:and assistant|Surgeon G.A,Wheeler at*the farm The Polk Gray Drug Company. Farmers’Favorite Drill! (NONE BETTER.) __Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,ete.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. Good Goods at FAIR PRICES: FERTILIZERS.| =J.-E.SLOOP. jn the membranous tissues of —thejannouncementfollowstherecentpub:ication of a report by Surgeon:Jo-) \seph Goldberger on a year of exper- ‘iments ‘in co-oneration with South»erh State health officials demonstrat- ing the correctness of the theory thai a one-sided diet lacking,in proteidewouldcausethedisease’and that a|well-balaneed diet would cure it..“The spread of this dread malady.been increasing ‘in’theUnitedStatesataterrificratedur- ing the past few years,may now besheckedandeventuallyeradicated,”t+says the service statement.“It is es- timated that 75,000 cases of:the dis- aase will have oceurred in the Unit- ed States in 1915,and of this num-her ‘at least 7,500 will have died be~ fore.the end of the vear.In many sections only tuberculosis and pneu-moria exceed it as a cause of death,” The final dietary tests were mad¢ of the Mississippi penitentiary,where half a dozen convicts were given pel, lagra by feeding them for five monthsomealsconsistingchieflyofce- reals and sweets and lackingin meats milk,eggs.beans and peas.The vie: tims recently were pardoned by th ;Governor and-ara.now being restorec] ito health through a corrected diet,|“Although the occurrence of néry jous svmptoms and gastro -intesti> ‘nal.disturbances was noted early,” |says the service statement,“it was }20t until September 12.or about five months after the beginning of thejrestricteddiet,that the skin svmp-j jfoms.80 characteristic of pellagre began to develon.The convicts upon whom the experiment was made were|Tats under continuous medical sur- veillance..No cases of pellagra de |veloped in ¢amp excepting amongthosemenwhowereontherestriete¢ '4iet.The experiments have there-|fore drawn the conclusion that pella: vpn has-been:caused-in-at least-six of 11 volunteers as a result of the one{sided diet on which they suabsisted.”{ In earlier experiments about 20¢ \nellagra patients had been cured by ‘balanced rations and at the end of the vear there had been a slight recur. New Line of 1915ATTERNRUGS! Variegated Mottlé Rugs. Persian Silk Rugs. Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in all sizes. Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors. Call and see our Jine of Brussell Rugs—$18.00 to $38.50. We havein stock a few specially large 12x15-Rugs, SS Housefurnishing Co. 4B search of t|rence of the disease in only one in- j stance. ||Explains Search of Zealandia. An explanation of the _recent {the American steamshir a Zealandia by British sailors off Projvreso,Mexico.was made at the State Department by Charge Barclay,of the British embassv,who said the i vessel was on the high seas at the i time and not in Mexican territoria! i waters.as had been alleged. 4 The Zealandia,Mr.Barclay said iwas anchored about three -quartersHiofamileoutsidetheMexicanthree- i nile limit and was boarded by a par- ity from a British cruiser and search- #ed for contraband,an admitted right H of a belligerent.#As the ship was flying the Ameri- H.can flag,Mr.Barclay said,she_was j/not molested.although no document|was found.aboard to show her na- Hitionality or registrv.These factsi|were reported to the British admiralty ‘and.submitted to this government H |for any action itmight desire to take|The Zealandia carries a cargo of [rosin,which is used in the manufac- Hiture of explosives,and is said to beaniachiefly.by»;'Germans.There ;were renorts that she flew the Ger-f man:flag during the voyage from1Pensacola.Fla..to Progreso. ETS |For the Merchant Marine. Assertions that in the event of fu- fiture foreign wars exportation fromWitheUnitedStateswouldvirtually Hicease.and that only the sunerior British and French navies enable.ex- Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.©. Capital Stock Paid-in -$100,000.0031,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System, Surplus and Profits Your Baxking business solicited and every accommodation extended to de- positors consistent with prudent bank- ing methods. Four per cent.paid on time ahd 5 avings —Deposits—remaining on—depositthree —— months or longer. OFFICERS: #W.D.TURNER,~#=E,MORRISON,-D.M.AUSLEY,'@.BE.HUGHEY,- arelltent. Cashier, Assistant Cashier, --Viop portation to continue in spite of .the present European conflict,were madeiatthemeetingoftheacademyon $i nolitical srience in New York as ar- “iments.for the upholding of the {American merchant marine.H|United States Senators.jFletcherH\of Florida,Weeks of Massachusetts Biand Owen of Oklahoma.’were the8ilspeakers.Senator Weeks pointed out Hithat this country now vays to for- Hiecien ship owners $300,000,000 annu- Rially to transport American products abroad.The creation of a merchant Himarine by subsidies,he asserted. would increase industry in this coun- Bitry and give employment to probably 500,000 workmen.§A merchant .marine we must have #4 iif not without subsidies then by/|Hisubsidies;and the strongest argu- Hi ment-for-a-greater navy is-in-behalf Hof a merchant marine.NNR The Cloud’s Silver Lining. 3\txtract From Secretary Lane’s Ad-dress Before State Literary and Historical Society. “One-half of the world is:at war Hlinhumanity and say to ourselvesHthisallthatChristianityhasbrought? despair.not failed us.We must look |back. Hithat will be again. 3imay be blasted by bankruptcy,\herHinationallinesmaybemadetofollow8inewchannels,her industries mayburied.But these,all these,destroy the passionate purpose ‘of her| |people to own themselves,¥ithemselves and decide for.themselveswhat.chains they will bear and whatsacrificestheywillmake.For pains CLEAN THAT WATCH OR CLOCK! Don’t wearthem out before you have it done,First class work all the time,and .you can eryourworkwhenyouwantit,|LB.WOODWARD | -*mabRa and sacrifices must be;these meansociallifeandonlythe.anarchistdreamsofalifewithoutrestraints.” ATTN ‘Whenever Noed a GeneralTonic ea a ThecllToule te eaualyGrove's ‘Tasteless P a 6 a ;Co3asa/Geeta Kine:because it contains ne olk ray a ”wellknown “Tent gnthe Liver,Drives se ii +o hurt may he the result. has a weak constitution,his chances *nable exposure and at the same time te e for pneumonia. tive drinkers show a much higher death be ever close the windows of their sleep- 3 itoday.We look with horror,on the‘is But-these-are_words-of-an-unthinking.Surely our memories have look through this blinding storm of|fire and see the Europe that was,and “Europe may burn up,her pecple| be gannot | to find, *hroat or lungs.‘If a person is wellndstrong’these germs are not likelv him seriously.A slight cold But if he is run Jown,-dissipated,or if he in any way ye not so slight.: It is’not.,.difficult to.guard against “neumonia.if one will avoid unreas- ‘will practice the rules of personal hy- iene or right living, Working too hard or excessive ex- cise with extreme exposure is a‘common factor in preparing the way Overeating,particu- larly if there is an excess of,meat in he diet,is another thing which oftennjuresthebodyandlowersitsvitalresistancetodisease.Aleohol,inwhiskey,patent medicine or otherwise. 7 one of the most powerful allies of@pneumoniagermandevenmoder- tate from this disease than abstain- rs do. Rut bad air is,of all bad influences, For ihe Demonstration of the ~South Bend MalleableRANGE! Handsome Set of Aluminum Ware FREE!a. Tredell Hardware Come) serhaps the most important in its ef- fect on colds and pneumonia.People who live much in the open air,who tng rooms in winter,and who bathe Ao not.run into pRPMOnte. ‘Minneapolis,Minn.,Dispatch. The world’s ‘championship for.the *“roduction of butter fat by a single *ss Skylark Ormsby,a Holstein-Fries- -an._according to__anannouncement.made here.The cow produced a total of 1,205.091 pounds of butter fat; year;-gnve°$58.1 pounds of milk and 34.36 pounds of butter in seven days: wWaintained an average butter record of 4.32 per cent; mounds of grain,a day; avery dairyman,and remained in per- riod. The tests ,were made on a farm John D.Rockefeller paid the ex- yerses of 25,000 children to the flow- yw show at Cleveland,O.It is esti- mated that the tickets cost John D. 35,000. ALL WRONG ville Citizens. |Lb0k for the cause of backache. To be cured you must.know the cause. If it’s weak kidneys you must set the kidneys’working right. A Statesville resident tells you how, Mrs.D.D.Littlejohn,146 E>Sharp St Statesville,says:“Five years ago,I was nearly down with kidney trouble.My back ‘pained me so se- sed:in the morning..At night my back felt as though it was broken. Sharp twinges darted through my away.My kidneys didn’t act as they should-and the kidney secretions were scanty and unnatural.I was nervous Doan’s Kidney Pills and they-reliev- ed the misery in my hack and made my kidneys regular in action.Six like a different person.” Price:50c.,at all -deaters. simply ‘ask for a kidney remedy-—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Co., “When It’s Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. "Think of Van Lindley ‘Company.We have one of the largest “Greenhouse plants in ‘aily,almost never catch colds,or if : 4 ‘hey do,the colds are light ones and World’s Champion Butter Cow.|f sow in a year has been won hy Duch-|& vave 27,161.7 pounds of milk in the|# ate less than 20/8 consumed|8mlygrainswithinpracticalreachof|& "ect health throughout ‘the test pe-/g near this city under the supervision|# af fourteen experts from the Wiscon-|§ 3in and Minnesota experimental sta-|§ tions.ik Phe Mistake Is.Mace by Many States-|E verely that I could hardly get out of; kidneys and nearly took my breath|# and run down..Isfinally.began taking)§ boxes of the medicine made me feel|} Don't Littlejohn had,Foster-Milburn Flowers!|f- Deposit YourFunds WITH fharama en ira vnartaneR ECRYR: Merchants and Farmers’‘Bank, Of Statesville,os “The Bank for Your Savings.” OFFICERS: L.T.STIMPSON -__President. Cc.S.TOMLIN Vice President. F.B.BUNCH’-Cashier. ._J.A.KNOX Asst.Cashier. DIRECTORS: L.T.Stimpson,C.S.Tomlin,L.K.Lazenby,W.S.Page,J.L.Stevenson,E.G.Gaither,J.A.Knox,J.R.Hill,E.B.Watts. Certificatesof Deposit | Issued by this bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent per an- num.Savings .Deposits 4 per cent,: credited quarterly. Checking Accounts either large or small cordially invited.’ We want your business. People’s Loan and Savings Bank, OFFICERS: GEO.H.BROWN0.L.TURNER President.o Cashier." ca m i. “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS,TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, _the South. Orders small or large 98 2P O P S O S DS S S CO D O S O P I O S S PS P C TO O T ee ee s t et e TEXACO.GREASES. receive prompt atten- tion,Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed. Flowers That Please. Van Lindley Co., sr “a ~InBarrels,Half Barrelsand Cases, Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any-kind;ifyou buy your,oil =~ in full packages,see us before you Place » your orders. We are in a position to demonstrate QUAL. ITY,and can make delivered Pricesthatwill interest you. Stafesville Oil eu (Wholesale Distributors_Ene a.unicesaie PP SS S S F 2 29 9 9 9 9 9 0 8 9 9 2O S 9IS O ST SS O P SO TO T eS H.DM ESDAY,-- “Another Game Friday night, Statesville defated Hickory in the hasketball game Friday night,there-" “winning the.first game for.this season,‘The Hickory team explained at the:outset that it was not in trim for the game and the result was’not a surprise.‘The-scorewas 47 to 14 .in Statesville’s favor.The Statesville team did some good playing and the crowd;which was very good,consid- ering the counter attractions of the evening,appeared very enthusiastic over the sport, During ths first half of the game *he home team played in regular _or- der as follows:Captain Godfrey Kim- hall left forward,J.U.Newman right .forward,Mitchell Orr left guard,J. Harper Brady right guard,John Guy. Jr.,center.Statesville had a good Yead on Hickory at the end of the first, half and in order to give more of his men practice Coach D.M,Etheridge made some changes in his line-up dur- ing the second half,using’Earl Moser, Will Brady,Ralph Gill and John Troutman as substitutes, Mr.L.J.Freel,former coach of the local team,and Mr.Coble of Hickory, were referees.No record of the line- up of the Hickory team was kept. Manager A.J.Salley of the States- ville team is naturally gratified with the result of the first game,but he says ‘he:realizes that Statesville wili be “up against it”next Friday night, when they will contest with the Da- vidson College team on the home floor.‘i ‘ Statesville Wins Football Game. The Statesville high school~foot- ball.team shut out the Linwood Col- lege team in the game on the local grounds Saturday afternoon,the score being 40 to 0 in Statesville’s favor.As the score indicates,the local team did work.The visitors were larger men,their average weight being prob- ably 15 pounds each above the weight of the Statesville boys.Statesville a |“November 16,1916,| -THE BASKETBALL GAMES.| |.Statesville Won From Hickory—|Perha “session in theSypsthegreatesthistoryoftheSatCar-olina ~Conferente of A.M.ELZionChurch,‘took,-place here inStatesville,beginning Wednesday oflastweek,10th,and winding up Mon-day night,the 15th.This is the lead-|ing Conference of this great’negroChureh,which has nearly 50 ‘AnnualConferences,somé_.3,009 ministers and nearly ,300,000 communicants,Within the bounds of this Conferencetherearetwoveryimportantinstitu-tions,One is at Charlotte in the na-ture of the publishing house,worthabout$50,000,and from which.the Star.of Zion,the leading connectional.organ,and the different kinds of Sun-day school literature,are issued to South America and to Africa..The other is Livingstone College at Salis- bury,the leading educational institu-tion of the whole connection.It drawsstudentsfrom26States,from Canada,from Central and South America and from West Africa.The college is al- ready worth $200.000 but the connec-tion is now building a $50,000 girls’ dormitory on the campus with dormi-tory capacity for about 300 girls. most highly educated members of the negro’race belong to this Conference some worth nearly a quarter of a million dollars.College presidents and erudite professors of the race be-long to this Conference. This the twenty-fifth anniversary.of century ago was divided right hereinStatesvilleand.on the same spot—a frame church then-—but now ahandsome..and a .more commodious brick structure..The |ConferencethereforecelebratedthisoccasionFri-day night.with very appropriate ex- ercises,The presiding bishop is theRt.Rev.Geo.Wylie Clinton,who livesinCharlotte,For 11 ‘yéars he hasmostremarkablyledtheConferencefromsuccessontosuccess.BishopClintonisnotonlyamagnificentman the 80 or 40 States,to Central and], Some among.the wealthiest and}; this-Conferéence,which a quarter.of_a|.i'read,Some were appointed and some} made 14 points in the first quarter,six|jn physique but also one of the very in the second,14 in the third and six)ahlest scholars and religious leaders inthe fourth.;of the race to which he belongs in this »Following was the line-up of the|country.He-is an incessant worker, Statesville team:A.Guy left end,|,writer of pamphlets and.valuable Grier left tackle,Brady left guard,books.His counsel is sought for far Mitchell center,McLaughlin right/and wide..Since he took the district guard,Bowles right tackle,F.Guy|it has increased with leaps and bounds. right ‘end,Bristol quarterback,Sher-|from a property.valuation of about rill left:halfback,Chipley right half-|¢200,000 it is now nearly valued at aback,Overcash fullback.*|full:million.From three presiding .a elders’districts it has today five an Mileage Book Man Won.it is now already too large and plans -+A non:transferable railroad mileage |are on foot for another division.Near- book,’sold’under conditions that it|/ly 10,000 converts have been register- would be forfeited if presented by any|ed during this term.In fact the other than the original purchaser,may|Western North Carolina Conference is not be forfeited if presented by the|now the feeder of all the other Con- nenpeet himself for transportation |ferences of the connection. Tin er person.The United States}A unanimous memorial and strong Supreme Court so held yesterday in appeal has been voted on to petition the case of Samuel J.Campbell,who|the forthcoming General Conference, resented to a Southern railway con-|to sit next May in Louisville,Ky.,to Saar two non-transferable mileage|have this most excellent bishop re- books for transportation of himself|turned to this district.In all this is ‘and ‘wife from Greenville,S.C.,to|the most intelligent Conference,and G N.©.The conductor de-clared the book presented for ‘the wife’s transportation forfeited.Camp-bell’:recovered judgment of $387ittherailroadfortheconduc--tor’s action.: Another Move For the Cade. Shelby Special to Charlotte News. The Cade Manufacturing Company, at a recent meeting,decided to in-crease the capital stock from.$50,000begintheandatanearly.date tu chi n the construction of a new:ma-e to incorporate a number of ma-|terial improvements,devised by theinventor,Rev.Baylus Cade.The pres-ent model works satisfactorily,but;like all new machines,is subject toimprovement.Numerous experts haveexamineditandpredictabright.fu-.ture for it.6 ;,°Messrs.J.Fowler and R.V. Brawley of Statesville,directors inthecompany,are now engaged in thesale.of stock. College Girl Under Guard. _Newton News. The register of deeds Saturday eve-ning sold license to Mr.Blair Hall- man to marry.Miss Jennie,Troutman,a student at Davenport College.Rev.C.M.Campbell;treasurer of the col- lege,was here yesterday,and vigor- ously protested as the girl is under18,according to his school records.The girl is under guard at the school and the parents have been notified.So it seems the young man may have trouble to get the girl.Mr.Hall- ~~and another young man with himbothmade~affidavit that she was 18lastDecember.:,: NENT ESTE TT NEN, Sterilizing Feeble-Minded. Sterilization operations,the first under the new Wisconsin law,-wereperformedattheStateHomeforFee-ble Minded,at Chippewa Falls,Minn.,on 10 male inmates whose ages range from 15 to 30 years. Dr.P.Hy Lindley,représenting theStateboard,of control,was presentwhentheoperationswereperformed.Twenty-four sterilizations had beenplanned,but no more operations will be performed until the results of thefirst10caseshavebeendetermined. NX D,L.Brown,a restaurant man ofSalisbury,who brought an auto load_of liquor into Salisbury Saturday__\night and_ran his.machine ahead indefianceofanofficerwhohungontherunningboard,was sentenced to nine‘Months on the chain gang,in Rowancounty‘court yestefday,and given anapiionalsixmonthsforresistingan-Appeal in both cases, Reggie Ray,a Yancey county offi-ger who shot and killed John LedfordlastsummerwhenLedfordtriedto¢s-cape after being arrested for burg-wry,was acquitted of a charge of _degree murder at the recent! r shaloeSieongwillclosewithoutfail.De-hurry if you're go- ;of Yancey court.;//Panama exposition at Sees ‘ew coat suits,broad ‘eloth andviscolors,ata great Wargain..At-Lby Fe |Styles,serge and li7Pte te power of the Holy Ghost.The bishop yet Bishop Clinton,ruling with fair- ness pes dignity.never using a gavel,has always had harmony and concord and has wrought,remarkable progressandsuccess.-He is a leader of men— Bishop Clinton is.A fTherearenowover100ministersintheConference.One of the most not-ed things of the Conference was the Episcopal address.It was compre- hensive in its scope,encouraged fran-gibility and.pointed to signs of pros-perity and better things in.the na- tion’s economic and religious life.He paid a fine tribute to all the presidingeldersandpastorswhomadethisre- markable progress possible.He touch- ed on proposed new legislation at thecomingGeneralConference,which im-pressed him upon minds of all who heard him as a seer,a constructivegeniusandadeepreligious.Churchprelate.The laymen and laywomenoftheChurchareshowingverylaud- able interest in all matters ecclesias-tical and this fact did not escape theargus-eyed bishop:In fact such wastheaddressthattodojusticetoitsmanyeloquentandilluminatingsec-tions one would have to read it in its entirety. Among the general officers whovisitedthe-Gonference are Dr,John C. Dancy,for several years the recorderofdeedsoftheDistrict.of Columbia,and now the secretary of the connec-tion’s Church Extension Department; Dr.W.H.Goler.president of Living-stone College,.Salisbury;Dr.S.G. connection and principal of the Slater now Bishop G,W.Clinton)and secre-tary of*the Protective Brotherhood As- the Star of Zion and manager of.the Publishing.House of Charlotte;Dr.J. Dr.W.O.Carrington,dean of Hood Theological Seminary of Livingstone College.:Mr.R.O.Alexander, man full of spiritual power and lover of the negro and one of the many who want_to_see him dowell-and_progress, made a trip to the Conference Fridayandtalkedforabout50minutestoaverylargéandintensely.appreciativeaudiencethatmorning.His talk,full forgotten.He evidenced the power of the great Billy Sunday and had thewholeaudience.in tears,en and|women\cried like..children,.It--was jteally a season of spiritual refreshingfromthé,presence of the risen Lord. Mr.Alexander had stopped speaking, jleft to catch the Charlotte train,that happily touched,could call for.the |The sermons preached,lectures de-\livered,the addresses of.his honor,ie;mayor,and his associates,and’thedifferenttalksgivenhavemadeStates-|Ville,et a good,still better,\day wa8’a Li day and the sermonsthegeneratofficerswerefull.‘of and a territorial judge,marshal,sur- Atkins.Educatioal Secretary of the|i State Normal School at Winston-Sa-|==lem;Dr.L.W.Kyles,editor of the |ZQuarterlyReview(founded by Rev.| socaition of the connection;Dr.R.B,|eBruce,editor of the Sunday-School Lit-|22 erature;Dr,Geo.C..Clement,editor of |Z W.Wood,editor of vhe Missionary |= Seer and Secretary of Missions,and |Z i prominent|B= business man of Charlotte,a white]z of wholesome adyice,will not soon be! It was fully 15 to%0 minutes after| rested some five or ten minutes and| jthe bishop himself,deeply and most]; reading of the previous day’s minutes,|ae Sun-|8 x Om = SS SS ee ay per dozen, variety of designs QC NO L O UO ) OO O Ta e , G7SUE NUNCNHC NOTE NU NELECWUTCNUE NOUN NYUNOI NSE ELC1 191 Art Linierio,Seay fs,Towels,Towel Sets,Toweling and Handketchief,Linens ina great One of our Satin Damask with per cent less than today's market value.he56to72inchallLinenDamask@50c.,75c.,$1.00,56 to 64 inch Cotton and Mercerized Damask @ 25c. Napkinsin,matched designs@ 75c.,$1.00,$1.50,$2.00,$2.25,$2.50,$3.00 and $3.50 and prices.| pearance of that Thanksgiving Dinner,and now is the time to get a bargain. Yours Very Truly,| owe 3 Prices For 1915 Se ae eee Having made unusual purchasesof all grades and kinds of Linens more than one yearago,we are preparedto offer the entire line on the basis of 1913 prices,which is 2 Napkins to match will add greatly to the flavor and ap- eae ete ae od 1915 Selling } Se r . j a > > Ye . ee So . wk ee ‘ % be < he ss e sn o t wo k ip = 4 i ‘ z . 5 to 30 $1.25 and $1.50 per yard.e vou ,35c.,40c,and 50c.per yard.© I a (y a in e ie r St e Si e ie e e , Wi s St e St e s St NE E ee , De k te e Landmark and later of the CharlotteObserver,and Editor Caldwell madeitapointalwaystoputhim:beforethepublic.in:his editorial utterances s a leader worthy of being follow- Monday night appointments:were were disappointed.The presidingeldersareRevs.H.Blake ‘ot B.Bennett,Dr.H.L.Simmons.of /thisdistrictandDr.8.D.Watkins of theCharlottedistrict,and Dr.M.Ve Mar-able of this city.-COM. BATTLE WITH A SQUATTER. Streeter of Chicago After an exchange of 50 ‘shots theChicagopoliceSundaycapturedCapt. George Wellington -Streeter’s “dis-trict of Lake “Michigan,”a plot.offilled-in land on the Lake Michigan gain inWiththeeneee| TYPEWRITERS!New or Re-Built Typewriters sold.e Have afew machines for Rental Pur-poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.‘Come to us |with your Typewriter troubles. Suicide on His‘Bridal Tour.| A dispatch from Lexington to the Gharlotte Observer says news reached there Sunday that Wade Holman! Gooch,wealthy capitalist of Clarks- ville,Va.,had shot himself while on a train,near Weimar,Texas,early Statesville Printing Co. ee ae eeeeee MarshmallowCream,a deli-cious preparationforiciagandfill- ing Cakes,9c.| New Pack Mack- erel 7c.euch:or : 3 for 20c._ Sunday—morning:According to—the? report received at Lexington,the act! was committed'in the presence of hiswife,a bride’of less than six weeks,!who before her marriage was Miss’Margaret.Radcliffe of Lexington.Mr.and Mrs.Gooch were on their shore,where Streeter had succeéss-fully defied officers who soughtarresthimonacharge.of violating the Sunday closing order.’Mrs:John Holst,wife of one of Streeter’s ten-|ants,was slightly wounded.Streeter,his wife and 15 others were arrested,and 192 cases of beer,six rifles,fourrevolvers’and a quantity of ammu- nition were ¢onfiscated.|:The land claimed by Streeter,by squatter’s right,adjoins the fashion-able Lake Shore residence districtandwasformedPysandfillinginbe- tween the wreck of a sailing vonwhichhecametoChicagoand thebeach.Streeter refused to recognize any authority other than that of theUnitedStates.::A number of years ago,whileStreeterandseveralofthe.men in his employ were defending the Street-er home against the police in a simi-lar attack,a police official was ‘shotand‘killed.Streeter and an employe served a term in the penitentiary forthatshooting.October’12.Mrs Streeter shot and wounded -a_police-man who had arrested her husband on a charge of selling beer without!a license.Streeter.is_estimated _tohavesecuredasmuchas..$100,000,from the sale of lots in the district,In the:late nineties Streeter decid-ed to organize the district as a new territory of the United States and to!secede not only from the city of Chi-|cago but from the State of Iinois., An election was held by those livingonthetract,one of the shacks wasdenominatedtheterritorialcapital veyor and other officials elected:Streeter modestly chose the office ofterritorialclerk.All.were sworn inbeforeaclerkoftheFederalcourt.Streeter went to Washington and ap-plied for admission to Congress asthefirstdelegatefromthenew.ter- ritory.: The women of Raleigh are agitat- ing for the privilege of -admittingwomentotheclassesoftheA.anM.College.:: Lot $1.25 and $1.50 corsets,small bridal tour and were returningto Lex-to eae aT:ington after a visit to the.exposition at San Francisco.No reason assign- ed for the deed.Gooch,who was re- puted to be a millionaire,was about50yearsold. CLEANSES YOUR ~-HAIR,MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL.THICK;GLOSSY,WAVY! pears and Hair Stops Com- ing Out!‘ Surely try a “Danderine HairCleanse”if you wish to immediateldoublethebeautyofyourhair.JustmoistenaclothwithDanderineanddrawitcarefullythroughyourhair,! taking one small strand at a time;’this will cleanse the hair of dust,dirt or any excessive oil—in a few min-| utes you will be:amazed.Your hair will be wavy,fluffy and abundant andpossessanincomparablesoftness,lus-.tre and luxuriance.‘| Besides beautifying the hair,one,application of Danderine dissolves ev-|jery:particleof dandruff;invigoratesthescalp,stopping itching and fall-ing.hair. —anderine is to the hair what freshshowersofrainandsunshineareto,vegetation.It goes right to the roots,|invigorates and strengthens them.:Its exhilerating,stimulating and_life-| producing properties cause the hairtogrowlong,strong and beautiful.| You can surely have pretty,soft, lustrous hair,and lots of it,if you’will just get,a 25-cent bottle of. Knowlton’s Danderine from any drugstoreortoiletcounterandtryitas directed. Cedar Bucket Shingles! That are dressed and as smooth as flooring and are full 1-2x4x20.You know the life of a Cedar Bucket.Also Pie,Cypress and Tin Shingles.Twelve grades at $2.per and up:Painted Valley Tin,Ridge Roll and Nails.:C.WATKINS, sizes,‘choice 39c,J.M.McKEER & CO.—ad.‘ae aZSeeeecerengeeecarimeecamraotereetteesetor Buildin Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh. HEADQUARTERS ae Peer een,;Material! material.We carry from one to two car| shingles,galvanized chant if not assured buy from us. was a personal friend ofHBTGaldwethtttethe che 4 onte the editor of Theamented | es f Lazenby Montgomery Hardware Co.| Our store is headquarters for building in stock constantly, oads of standard size doors and windows,metal and wood V Crimped and Per-fection Lock Roofing. We pay,the cold eash for our goods.-Cash buyers are what the_manufacturersaré‘looking for,This puts us on thegroundfloorforprices.‘The trading pub- lic will seldom buy anything from a mer- the article in ques- tionis A-l.We belong to the:George Washington Class,and truthfully ‘you al-- ways get dependable goods when you For your convenience I am quoting the following prices: . COFFEE, White House Coffee,3 lb can.98c, White House Coffee,1 lb.can 33c. No.1 Burton Santos coffee, a 85c.grade for No.1 Blended Coffee,25c. value No.2 Blended Coffee,‘20c. ~value MISCELLANEOUS.Best Wholb Grain Head Rice 7 1-2c. California Evaporated Peaches15c.value 10c.California valueLoosesour Pickles ....Cream Cheese Pickled Pigs feet,7 for Brazil NutsMixedNuts 18.Ib.Hecker’s Buckwheat flour 10c.pkg. Pocahontas Peas :Stokely Bros.Peas 12¢, Libby's Green Asparagus Tips.22c. Libby’s White Asparagus Tips.27ec. No.3 Tomatoes 9e. eelle,No.3.String Beans . No...8c,No.3 Sour Kraut .........v.Be, CANNED FRUITS. Libby’s Rosedale Peaches 25c.size for 22c.Peeled.Table .Peaches.... :15c.size for 12c,Pie Peaches 10c size for 9c. Libby’s Sliced Pine Apple20c.size for 17¢. Libby’s Grated Pine Apple20c.size for 17c. CANNED FISH AND MEATS. Libby’s Extra fine RedPinkBeans71-2e.Ib.Mixed Beans Wesson’s Cooking Oil 30c. 27.can for 7 ‘Pure Apple Cider Vinegar;‘28c.gal. SOAPS AND WASHING POWDERS. Octagon Soap Export Soap Grandma Washing Powder .. Jappo CleanserOldDutchCleanser ..sLumpStarchperlb.........-Se.Celluloid Starch 4c.CANNED MILK. Eagle MilkLibby’s Condensed Libby’s Evaporated ......aveLibby’s Evaporated CANNED VEGETABLES. Blue Ridge Corn ...........9e.Sweet Meadow Corn é Salmon .....1--25e.size for 22e.Alaska Pink Salmon 15c.size for 12c.Heron Pink Salmon 10c.size for 8c.Libby’s Genuine Pork Sau-sage 35c.size for 27c.Libby’s Sliced Beef 15c.size for 13c. Libby’s Sliced Beef 10c.size for 9c. Libby’s Vienna Sausage..;10¢c.size for 9c.Libby’s Potted Meats ......»»5e.Libby’s Genuine Deviled 15¢c.size for 18c. Norwegian Smoked Sardines ..9c. American Sardines ........Vancamps Tuna Fish ....15c.size for 18c.Vancamps Tuna Fish ....10c.size for 9c.Kingans Potted Meat dc.Libby’s ©or Campbell’s Soups assorted ........PrersBabyMaryCoveOysters....8c. The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, **The House of Better Values.” ’Phone No.229. «4c. Reithoffer is playing with His $20,000 Mer- ry-Go-Round,Ferris‘Wheel and Trip to Mars,on vacant lot next to court house. Everything brilliantly illuminated with Elec- tric Light.Watch forthe Macs strange light.:as ATTRACTIONS FOR YOUNG AND OLD _ LOT COMFORTABLY COVERED WITHSAWDUST.i Soe acinar cone ag age Reena eee oa ate arena ap name teeenlnanea ome WELL BUCKETS,STOVE PIPE!We havein stock Well Buckets made up in any size.No black ironusedaboutbucket..Any size or weight Stove Pipe made.to.order.Also full line in stock. STATESVILLE T!N CO.,H.C.Mohler,Manager.’PHONE 55.‘114 East Broad Street. a —4 J 1g WORTH WHILE KE 'f0 STUDY THE.ADs, s ns aredisqu VOL.XLIL STATESVILLE,N.C,,FRIDAY,NOV ENCOMPASS sea.~In the south the Serbian position isalmostasbad.The success of the Bul-#arians’flanking attack on BabunassandtheiradvancefromVeles hhave prevented the ©tion of the Serbian-French.forces.This leaves the Serbianslines.of retreat,where they the Anglia,an covered. Carnegie.Pensions. Pensions amounting ‘to .$674,000 were distributed to 445 professors or widows of.professors by the Carnegie Foundation in the past year,according to a report made at the tenth annual meeting of the trustees. endowment now was reportéd tobe $14,382,000 and the income for the year $712,000.Twenty-eight .allow- ances were terminated by death and 43 Were added to the list. The Foundation in 10.years made allowances at a total cost of $4,225,000 to 505 professors and,134 widows,representing 157 institutions. Farmers’Union Opposes Defe Programme. Resolutions protesting against the ‘proposed national defense programme and urging the passage of a Federal warehouse law-were-endorsed_at_yes-! terday’s session of the North Carolina State Farmers Union at Durham.An- other resolution favoring placing more ———farmers in-the-North-Carolina—Legis- lature was passed;the repeal of the cropélien law ‘was urged,and a State warehouse system,was endorsed. tentA Mrs.Julia Myers;22yyears old,wifeofJ.K.Myers,died Tuesday morningatherhomeinWinstonremainsweretaken‘toinsouthIredell,for.interment Wed-negday. Rev.J.F.Kirk of Statesville is oneoftheassistant.secretariesMethodist.Conference,‘ndw.in session at Reidsville)Lexington,will invitetheConferenceto‘meet’‘there next“year.:‘ Vice ‘President Thomas’R..Mar-ft to Mis.Normanilson’s fiancee,is:agorgeousNavajoIndianchief's blankcup.ty madeat,the’reservatio_pastérn Arizona,” * shall’s’wedditig.“Galt,President. ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS Oe and There ffort is being’made«to.an endowment of $100,000.forCollege,Hickory.: The North Carolina Conference,oftheMethodistProtestantCh session at Greensboro. Revs Dr,R.Cy?Holland;foitoroftheLutheranchurchlotte,died in Columbia.8. week,aged 75.y Dr.H.G..Heiligdownthestepsof his office; a dislocation of the hierwisepainfullyinjur é Rev.J.M.Ashby,a MethodististerofMt.Airy,died this*weektheresultofastrokeof paralysisustainedafewdaysago. in .the Ashby Grocery. pany building at Mt.Airy damap stock and building.$3,500.to:$4)Loss partly covered by insurance, -Mr..Fletcher-A.Smith,a promisebusinessmanandcitizenofSali died Monday ni NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings Here and There intheCountry.~Hon Julius Caesar Burrows,formerUnitedStatesSenatorfromMichigan,.Tuesday night at “Kalamazoo, )ALL ABOUT.Serbian ArmyCut Of—Balkannieting__Aus-neona.~ Both the mili and diplomaticsituation:of:the allies;inting,if ‘not critical.main Serbian army;-operatingin thenorth,is encompassed on every sidé_but_one,and being cut off from the‘south by the Bulgarian advance be-yond Tetovo,.must depend upon theroughroadsthroughMontenegroandAlbania.for any ‘supplies from the ircuit Court’at ChicagoJudge--Windes.refused to enjoin theWoodmenoftheWorldtromiiicreas-] ing the assessmentrates of the order. Because of the apparent failure -ofprivatebiddersto:keep their propos-als within the $7.800,000 limit of costsetbyCongressforthehullsandma- chinery of two new battleships,au- thorized by the last Congress, struction of both vessels may be un- dertaken in government navy yards. Abolition‘of the office of Comptrol- ler of the Currency,which has direct supervision:over the operation of all national banks,has been proposed to the Federal Reserve Board by the ad- visory council,created by the FederalReserveacttoadvisetheboardon matters of importance to-the reserve banking system.: The.International Congress to study fundamental bases for peace,which was expected to open at BerneDecember14,has been postponed un-til after the new year. given for the postponement are.that circumstances are not yet favorable and that preparations for holding thecongresshavebeendelayed. A decree of -divorce-on-grounds~-ofcrueltyhasbeengrantedbythedis-trict court of Washington,D.C.,toLucyWilsonfromHuntington|Wil- Wilson was assistant Secreta- ry of State under Philander.C..Knox, during the Taft administration.Mrs.Wilson was allowed to resume hermaidenname—Lucy.Wartham James. Prof.A.G.Webster of Clark Uni- versity,Worcester,Mass.,has.inform~ed the National Academy of n of an instrument he.has for finding the direction of a fog sig- nal and which,he expects,will rob] sea travel of one of its greatest ter- For years Prof.Webster hasexperimented -.|missed her coat Monday night.The and s.-lookout for it.Wednesday afternoon hoped-for,junc-S|colored woman and Officers Kerr andFulphurriedtothestationandmade one {nto ‘Albania,jtaken-to the home of Mrs.Jones,whe tay be harassed by gn- friendly tribes,and the other acrosstheGreekborder;where they are in‘danger of being disarmed and intern-ed.The entent allies are endeavor- ing to compel Greece to say-that their troops will not be interned.'Ambassador Penfield at Vienna has been instructed by cable to ask the Austro-Hungarian foreign office for astatementindetailofthecircum- stance of the torpedoing of the Italian liner Ancona in thelastweekwithaloss of several Amer- ican_lives.This action was taken-up- on the presentation ‘by the Austrian embassy in Washington to Secretary Lansing of a communication from the Vienna admiralty stating that Austrian submarine sank the Ancona, and asserting that ample time for the passengers and crew to escape was *afforded.Until responsibility for theactionofthesubmarine,which,it had been reported,was of German na- tionaljty,was thus officially ,-assum- ed,the American government with- held formal inquiry at Vienna. ‘Ambassador Penfield has cabled the State Department the official state- merit,which is virtually identical that given out in Vienna by the A trian admiralty.It says that the An- cona fled at full speed when a warn- ing shot was.fired across her bow and it denies the allegations’of the Italian government that the steamerwasshelledaftershehadcometoa standstill and that other shots were fired at lifeboats and at persons swimming in the sea.An affidavit.by Dr.Cecil L.Greil of _New-York,the only native,American|survivor of the Italian liner Ancona,directly contradicts.the *Austro-Hun- garian government'sofficial statement that the ship was not shelled by theattackingsubmarineaftershestop- ped.The State Departmenthas,beennotifiedoftheexistenceoftheaffi- davit by consular dispatches. Aged King Peter of Serbia is fight-‘§ng in the trenches in the uniform of a private.He seeks death,it is said, and has told his people,“when I am killed,you can flee or surrender.”TheconditionofSerbiais-dreadful.Besetbyhostilearmies,famine and misery prevail throughout the land.’ A dispatch from Dover.says the hospital ship Anglia,with about 300:wounded men aboard,in ad-dition to the crew,nurses and attend- ants,bound from France tostruckamineinmid-channel Wednes-day arid sank ina very .short time.Nearly 100 men,most of them serious-ly wounded and thereforecots,lost their lives.The collier Lusitania,which was nearby at.the time of the accident,im-mediately went to the assistancedherboatshad just been lowered wiftn she‘also struck a mine:and foundered.All-her.-crew were saved.Apatrol vessel succeed- ed in resctiing 800 of the Anglia’s pas- sengers ar crew,nurses.A number of bodies were re- -|girl then admitted her guilt.She had t.from the effectsastrokeofparalysis).He was #nati of’Rowan and 56:years old. Arthur:T.Abernethy,who has* a writer for‘the Yellow Jac ‘ Mediterranean Carolina Conference at.Reidsvi Fire that originatedCarltonhotel—-at—Warsaw,Dilp i nday mornin stroyed the hotel,a residence a er buildings,causing a Joss of ‘about$10,000,with $3,000.insurance: Cases,against Mayor Moore councilmen,oneand.superintendent of streets of Wil-mington,charged with violations ofelectionlaws,have been continued un- til the January term‘ Fifteen white convicts,serving sén- tences of from four months to,“fouryears,sawed their way through the\steel.bars of the convict cage at the Sandy Mush camp in Buncombe coun-;t ty and escaped.Three were recaptur-,with every kind of|ed, Capt.Thos..H.Haughton,74 years old,:a prominent.citizen of Charlotte,died Tuesday in Baltimore,where hewasundertreatmentin’a hospital.He was a soldier of the Confederacy,a native’of Chatham county.but hadlivedinPittsboromanyyears. Col.John Temple Graves,Georgiaoraterandnewspaper More than 3,000 anthracite mineworkersemployedbythe Coal and Navigation Company. the Panther Creek Valley,Pa,.now on strike.all the eléétricians of: the company.having left their workbecauseseveraloftheirnumberhad suspended..About:200 unimachinists1triachoealsoon‘strike he 26th“be- half of a greater navy.He.is e¢an- vassing’under the auspices of the gue,organized to work up sentiment for a stronger navy. Gov.Craig has offered a reward of A «sas$100 for the unknown murderers farm life department,and visiting the Rev.Floyd Sweatt,the minister.wholreceived instructions about —theirwas.assassinated on the highway near}schoolwork from Supt..Gray,and Hamlet on the 8th,Jt is alleged that]Jans for the school years’work were result Of}discussed.At the noon hour the en- Making an address in a church.inNewYorkSundaymorning,Gifford],Pinchot asserted that Germans killed priests and ‘1uns in Belgium,when'a man arose in the auditoriumandshouted.“You lie!” rupter then ‘Started tochureh,but as he neared the door hestoppedandagainassertedthatMr. chot was a liar, ver 3,000,000 persons in Belgium and northern France,mostly women and young chidlren,must be:clothed and shod by Christmas. ments and shoes for these destitute people are not forthcoming at once, their sufferings during the winter will. become desperate.Such is the note of an urgent appeal issued topleoftheUnitedStatesbythe Com-|P mission for Relief in Belgium, The 12 Federal,reserve banks earn- ed $221,954 during the month of Oc-tober,while the expenses were $134,- 017,according to a statement by theFederalReserveBoard.The earnings were about $2,000 greater than anyOnlyone bank—- Louis—failed _to.earncnoughtopayexpenses;and the bank at Philadelphia had a net surplus of of the assassination was theMr.Sweatt’s war on the whiskey traf-c..It is said that a Davidson county farmer recently ordered a set of din-ing chairs from a Chicago mail or- der house and when they arrived hetheyweremadeThomasvillefactory,in his home coun-ty,and were wrapped in local news- by a ,000 is the amount of the appropriation made by 45 counties.of the State to.Home.DemonstrationWork.And Mrs.Jane McKimmon,in chargé of the work,expects to haveshortly50percentofthecountiesoftheStateundersupervisionforthe Bravious month.Mrs.Annie R.Collins,aged 74,wid-ow of the late;Maj.George P.Collins, died Monday at her home in Hillsbore}jng and evening.Dr.Raynal will be from a stroke’of apoplexy.Two sons|absent Sunday.He.will,preach.at and five daughters survive.Mrs.Col-|the State University,Chapel Hill, lins was a daughter of the late PaulC.Cameron and a sister of Col,Bene-han Cameron... Rev.C,H.Artis,a negro preacher{and at Bethany in the afternoon,Spe- ofSalisbury,died=suddenly Sunday]cial collection for the Barium orphan- while ‘atténding a funeral ;:eg : one of the teachers of Livingston Gol-|.Services at Trinity Episcopal church was|Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.held’in the-college chapel and just.as|Rev.W.A.Lutz,Mrs.W.A. the corpse was brought in Artis top-|Sloan,Mr.M.F.P.Troutman andbut|Dr C.L.Cruse went to Hickory yes- were from banks in the South. The Supreme’Court of the UnitedStateshasdecidedthattheindividual who ships unlabeled fiquor from oneStatetpanother,in violation of lawmay:be prosecuted in either State. reversed the judgment of the KansasFederal:Court,which quashed:an_§in- dictment against Joseph Freeman, and remanded the case for prosecution. Freeman was charged with shipping trunks full of liquor,unlabeled,fromJoplin,Mo.,to Cherokee,Kan. Smiplicity .marked the funeral Booker,Washington,the negro edu-eator,who was buried at Tuskegee, Ala.,Wednesday.Fully 8,000 people were present,many prominent white men. simple Episcopal burial:service wasmanyold’plantation which.Washington loved so well weresung,and the reading of a few.ofthethousandsof*telegrams of con- dolence from all parts of the country,constituted the service.: A movement has developedthefriendsofAssociateJustice—do-|sép R,Lamar 6f the United States Supremé Court.bench,to ask Congress for special legislation which will per-‘mit his retirement on full pay.Jus-tice Lamar has heen feeble forlongtimeandrécentlysuffered stroke of paralysis.Supreme Court can retire on full payattheageof70if-they have served ten years,but there is no provision for retirement on account,of impair- service of jage. lege,in that city.’The funeral He was carried -outwas,dead.in a few’moments. *Unable to secure the conviction of bine nee ie recorder’s cout=‘ayetteville,Solicitor Breece 0 2 ‘..sburt:declined.to.further prosecubte team of the First:Baptist church:will He said it was evident that Fayette-ville wanted “bind tigers”and as far as he was concerned itthem.even if to the extent that whis-key flowed in the streets knee deep.” Fire Tuesday night completely de-tally Burned.; stroyed the Norfolk Southern railroad ‘shops dt:Beer Bakiie;Mrs.Clément,wife of Mr.John H. placed at $200,000.The fire at ome :time threatened the ‘entire northern gs ee neeey ee be pelLend_ofthe:city and.the union station. and freight warehouses.covered almost a city block and with it two locomotives andalso-were-burned.—--— Three white men,John Miller,Wil-not until Mrs,Clement had been ge-A iJ.A.Wilson,|yerely:burned about.the body.Shewhohadattained:distinction in their)giffgred intensely until the end cameprofessionofpickingpockets,receiv-|'Tyesday morning.“Deceased was 65edsentencesof,six months each ‘ontheroads,”in have loss (48 The plant several cars liam.Monaghan and J.Members of the ’ecklenburg Superior|several children.The funeral and in- Court this week.They were arrest-|terment took place-at-Mocksville Wed-fe a ors some weeks ago.The nesday.: ad in their possession several hun-spellIa etait,undus-|}Traveling-Man Died on Train. Salem and her enter church, former assistant city treasurer of Nashville,Tenn.|testify- ing at the ouster proceedings againstsuspendédmayorof,Nashville,‘and.Robert “Elliott,«sus-pended commissioner,declaredduringhis-term of office he diverted between $30,000:and $40,000 of theHe.said he.divided theCommissioner dred ‘dollars extracted from pecting vietims,, Gov.Graig is preparing an appeal|man of Washington,died suddenly in to the people of the State for funds epliohery Wednesday morning —justtoerectonMt.Mitchell a monument |after to’Dr.Elisha Mitchell,who lost his|ticket ‘for Statesville.He fell over the mountain and H.-E...Howe, life in “explorinwhoseremains :It will be recalled that ajtreasurer of a tinplate jobbing’com-Mitchell’s|pany for which he traveled...To anrave,erected by his daughters,was|acquaintance he had*stated before6ago-—|boarding the train that it was ‘hiseitherbytheelementsorbyvandals,!67th birthday and he’wag feeling.fine, money with former ument®:markitig Dr.City.Auditor Murray.,.,.The prictice was stopped,destroyed more ‘than a year he said,‘because Murray objected,« EMBER 19,1915... TWO SENT TO THE BASTILE. Filling Up the Jail For Next «Court—Staley’s Case. Bertha Simonton,a young negro wo-wan who says her home is in Salis-bury,was committed to a Wednesdayafternoonby’Mayor Caldwell to.awaitpunishmentatthehandsofSuperior Court for stealing a lady’s coat fromtheresidenceofMr.and Mrs.C,J.Jones,on Davie avenue.Mrs.Jones matter was reported to the police and the officers in turn asked a number ofreliablecoloredwomentobe’on the the Simonton girl appeared at the rail,way station with the coat.The policedepartment‘was notified by »another the arrest.The girl and the coat were immediately identified her coat.The taken it from the hall of the Jones home Monday evening.\Another thief caught by the policeWednesdayafternoon.was JuleMack,a negre-man-who claims Win- ston-Salem as his home.While inMr.J.S.Wood’s pawn shop the negroslippedapistolintohispocket.AfterMacklefthis’place Mr.Wood missed the pistol,followed the negro and recovered the weapon from him. Chief Kerr was thennotified and soon before’Mayor Caldwell;who commit- ted him to jail in default of bond. C.H.Staley,the young man who ischargedwiththetheftofMr.C.E. Ritchie’s automobile,is still in jail pending developments.He still main- tains that he did not take the carfromMr.°Ritchie’s home,but knew all along that.it was a stolen car.Hestated'to Jailer Gilbert yesterday that he was notif.any hurry for a prelimi- nary hearing.Mr.Ritchie went to Salisbury after his car Tuesday,bringing it home Tuesday afternoon,He found that the machine had.beenabusedandwasdamagedtotheex- tent of about $25.The $100 reward offered by Mr.Ritchie for the recov-ery of the car was paid to the Salis- bury police,who found it in the pos-session of Staley.; Township Teachers’Meetings. The township public school teachers’ meetings are under way in Tredell. The meeting for Turnersburg and Eagle Mills townships was held attheHarmony.High.School Wednesday|with 16 of the teachers of the two townships in-attendance..During theforenoontheteachersobservedtheworkofthehighschool,going over the entire.school plant,including’the school rooms.In the afternoon they tire party of teachers was entertain- ed at dinner -by the faculty of the Harmony school.The dinner,which was an excellent one,was preparedbythedomesticscienceclassofthe school and was served in six courses, Supt.Gray and his assistant,Miss Celeste Henkel,went to Scott’s High school yesterday to conduct the town- ship meeting for Concord and Shilohtownships.The.Barringer-FallstownmeetingwillbeheldattheTroutman High School today.‘ Church News. Rev.Dr.R.C.Reed of Columbia (S.C).Theological Seminary,and associate editor of the PresbyterianStandard,will)preach at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morn- that day.;Thanksgiving «services at TaborchurchSundaymorningat-11 o’clock terday to attend a distrit meetingoftheLutherLeague.Thé meeting will continue through today.-The Baraca.missionary ~workers’ conduct a special service in the inter=est of missions at.Bethel Baptistchurch.Fallstown_township,..Sundayafternoonat:2.80.o’clock.: Mrs.‘ClementofMocksville Fa- Glement .of Mocksville,was burned morning.Mrs.Clement was--in--thehousealone.when her clothing.caughtfire.She ran out into the yard andaservantwhowasatworkintheyardmanagedtoéxtinguishtheflames,but years old and leaves a husband.and M.°C.Mitchell,a traveling sales- e had:boarded a train with a before reaching a seat in the car.-~Mr.Mitchell was.president and DEATHS IN ALEXANDER. Seriously Ill—Taylors- 2 eeeMSLOCALNEWS, day evening fo:credits:before the —Mr.©.E.Dull,tor for the ¢ounty,1inthecourthouse...the.rs having granted him wall on thi SteencywillmeiswithMrs.Sig?Wallaée.All dren are urged to bring , —Miss Mattie Haden of.Salighi is a new stenographer in the office : Mr.G.E.French...Miss’-Haden° merly *had a stenographie ‘position in Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Nov.18 —Dr.by 0.Gibson of Statesville was called.to see Mr.R,L:Hinés Wednesday after-Y Mr.Hines’has been seriouslyil_for some time,His brother,.Mr.Killian’Hines of Statesville,accom- panied Dr.Gibson.of Concord visited his brother Mr.J.S.Bradshaw,a Cotifederateveteran,died at the county home|4Hewas.72 vears of age.at Hopewell,in p.~ Mr.Chas.Hines Gwaltney towns’Margaret Miller,wife.of Mr. Henry Miller,died of tuberculosisMondayattheirhomeinLittleRivertownship.Surviving her are her hus- band and two sons. —The teachers of musi¢ansionatStatesvillecolwyrecitalatthecollegeMoat8:15.An informalfollowtherecital,a—Messrs.R.T.-WeathJno.M.Sharpeof Statesyedthemeetingofthe —State committee and confeRaleighWednesday.-— —-Miss.Bride‘|community,.who’ha ‘Deceased wasearsold,The.remainsatMacedonia*BaptistchurchTuesdayafternoon.Mr.C.C.Munday,:S.T.Crowson,.Messrs. Dr.and Mrs.cy P.tathe:A.C.Payne went_to.Char-lotte Tuesday afternoon,to see “TheBirthofaNation,”returning .Wed-made the trip in nesday.The Munday’s awPayneanddaughter,little Miss Ma-ry Ayers Payne,left Wednesdaymorning!for Greensboro to visit Mrs.Payne’s brother,Mr.J.A.Matheson.esdames O.F..Pool and 1Wattshave_returned_from_a_visit_to}Mrs.Watts’daughter,Mrs.Everhardt,in Newton.1d Mr,R.-L.Snoware,attend-ing the’Western North Carolina Con- ference at Reidsville.ie" Moore spent Tuesday and WednesdayinMooresvilleatthehomeofhissis- ter-in-law,Mrs.N.G.Moore. To the Friends of the Father- Tenn.,came home a few ¢fering from an attackisandwasoperated apprehended Mack..He was taken|M boro,will have a uet Teachers’Acsenably.A 1eachérs’Assembly..L,}et will be $1 and reserbemadeatonceby.amount to Miss LauraNormalCollege,.G ‘|—While assistingarailwaycaratAdv 2ty,Tuesday afternoon,17-year-old son of Mr.Giles.of Advance,fell a distance oforeightfeetandwas.veinjured.©His facestimberandhisnoseanuglygash.was cut TheNorth Carolina Orphans’As-sociation urges upon every man,wo-man>and child in the State of North,Carolina the importance of contribut-ing one day’s income to the orphan-age work of the State.as a Thank road this morning,’”*’Thousands of children are+safely!who came to town Tuesday sheltered in our Orphan Homes,but}, four times as many are as yet un-cared for and left to shift for them-selves in a world of temptation and|.peril without a father’s coumothet’s oe oe >Omak penny,ora friend!It y. this movement is launched.We must]: er cool enough to butcher side,who are clamoring to come in.Each_institution,crowdtd to its utmost capacity,withastreamofchildrenstandingatthe gates and crying for admission.a tithe of the citizens of North Caro-|lina will give the price of one day’slabortotheorphanagewark,it willmean.the salvation of a thousandNorth:Carolina chileren-now of theirwaytothedogsandthedevil. this work not worthy of theeffortoféverygoodcitizen? ed,Mrs.Canup Probably Fatally Injured.- afternoon an automo-Miss Sallie Canup andMrs.W.Henry Canup were riding,was struck by a Southern passengertrain,at a crossing three miles southMissCanupwas _—The Southern Powewhosebigdamat.thedevelopment’is nclosedasectionofterdaymorning.As a Miss Canup Island Cotton Milla Monbo and East Mot botoceaseoperations: of Salisbury.stantly killed and Mrs.Canup —sus-|Rajtainedafractureoftheskullandoth-|¢er injuries.She is»probably fatally ‘ The two ladies,riding in a new car GEO.BALRTURY:eethatMissCanuphad days ago,had justthreemilessouthof.Salisbury andwerecrossing,or about to cross theSouthernrailway.tracks when the carwasstruckby.the train.Miss Canupabout32yearsold,was'a_schoteacher’and a substitute letter car-rier at the Salisbury postoffice. Canup,.who was drivingadbeenmarriedjusttwoweeks.She was Miss Maggie Julian. Postoffice Carriers .and ClerksGoonStrike. Twenty-five clerks and carriersthe‘postoffice at Fairmont,W.actically the entire force,struckednesdaymorningasa was said;against the discharge..ofBrand,assistant postmaster,and three other employes.ter Charles H.Manley found on hisdeska.large piece of cardboard onwhichwaswritten:“Your clerks andcarriershavequit. urchased a fewefttheirhome finance comme,attended the—Mr.H.P.Grier returnednesdayeveningfro‘reen’G.,where he.was «of.his brother,who had suffered an. early recovery..;inent.South Carolina.athewenttothehosp:tion he:received a te ningthathehadbeen.eli Va;,|Carolina railway,for eco oe Supe 'urdock,who isletting contractstheupkeepoftheimprovedre trouble in contrathe:central and sthe,county,but:he depeopleofnorthEred Here’are your ho was connected withthepostofficefor17years,wascentlydismissedonthécharge thatadgivenassistanceto’applicantsincivil‘service examinations,OtherchargesagainstPerryBurton,GeorgeCochran:andJames--Hall_resulted in|condithedismissalafewdayslater.Post-msater ‘Manley is a Democrat and themajorityofstrikingclerksandcar-riers are Republicans. Famous Buffalo Killed. ’Black Diamond,an aged buffalo,whose likeness is prinTreasurynotes,and is stamped on the pieces,was)put todeathzinNewYorkbecauseofold’age.ks more’than 20 years old andthe:largest bison in captivity.had been an inmate of the Central |hurgpark:corral.-for many yeays-’‘Black }haDiamond's hide,which measured13by18feet,will be made.into.an quto-.The bison we550poundsfromwhich750Meatwagobtained.fwhich-wilh be ‘mounted,solconsiderable“amount “of money, now-in the care.0:signed contracts to mile per year ¥ > latest.five..cent ,e Doubting Thomases heretofore-ex-{ti “Sut they were not properly certified _.didn’t have to work half the time and;j ‘of ze-Chtesville;Landmark will please:see “this fact-is’duly spread on the tutes and a certified copy Sent to “Pressing themselves onrything.|’: __Its-all right to-put it on the min- fates for information,but that's as far asThe Landmark will go.We've heard nomerous stories of dogs doing just| what Trixie is alleged to have done,| the subject— -—no affidavits from reputable cifizens ompanied them;ard when thé facts ere sifted out the story wouldn’t hold water.Gilt-edged proof must ac- company the bloodhound stories, * It has been our intention to go to ‘Arizona for the winter,but since read-|ing the letter written by John L.Cas- per,to the Winston Jyurnal;we have a half mind to’go to Leavenworth. John certainly paints that prison in al-luring colors.—Everything.* Same here,colonel.df this editor) didn’t have’a reputation to maintain for the sake of his family,he wouldbe:sorely..tempted to pass up—this newspaper job and seek ways andmeans:to break into that Levenworth prison.Think of.a place where you were well provided for;music”with your meals,plenty of good literature ‘slowly it.is soaking in that the prep- conduct almost.any other-sort.ness.One of the curses-oftheSouthwas,the t of busi-slavery in the-at cook ae anegro’s job and that rittle‘hhow ledgeorskillwasrequired-to—prepare:~ameéal;that a woman whodidn’t knowenough.to do-any other sortof:workcouldcook...The idea chat cooking ‘isamenialserviceandajob‘only formenialsisstilltooprevalent,but aration of food,the proportion“of the various kinds of.foods’t6*insure health and strength’—‘the’balancedration,”as the stockmei “would callit—is a mtter for the:highest,intel- ligence;and that intelligence,should at least direct the work.~The domes- tic science schools—zglory be!——are training future housekeepersfor thismost’important task and because.of more intelligence in the kitchen thenextgenerationofmenand|womenshouldbebetterfed.arid;nourished and as a consequence healthier and happier,f ; APPORTIONED AMONG KIN, School Teacher Jobs Treated as Family Perquisites in SomeCounties,ie ee To the Editor of ‘The Landmark; and plenty of time to read and think:and rest.steady‘on the job ever since he can rec- ollect,and from 12 to 15 and 18 hoursaday,too—well,that Leavenworth| prison as Caspty,pictures it is a most ee 8invitingplace, The Landmark noted recently the To a fellow who has been | I\ ~~yentle passage-at-arms between the] two Shelby papers,the Star and the Highlander;Editor Withers’pagewrite-up of DePriest,the Highland- ~erseditor,and the latter’s assertionthathisanswerwasawarrantfdr eriminal libel and a suit for $25,000 “not landed in _thisSincethe Highlander.hasoffice.Careful search of the Star disclosed no fur-ther reference to the.incident and.the conclusion was that Editor With-ers had at least escaped jail,ThentheGreensboroNewsreportedthat damages. .the Highlander man wads _praying athisenemiesthroughhispaper,and «calling the Lord to witness.the goodrecordof‘his career;and now EditorWithersadvisestheNewsthat.no suit for libel has been filed;a threat was the extent of the suit up to date.Possibly the’)praying method,wassubstitutedforthedamage;suit. As The‘fidndmark sees it,the Su-|“preme Court decision on the mileage| book case’went off on a technicality.The railtoads sell mileage books -un- der a provision that if the book is pre- -sented for.transportation ..by other ;in the name of the lady for than the party in whose name it isds-sued,it is forfeited.In other words,~the mileage book is non-transferable. In the case which went.to the highest court,Samuel J.Campbell had pur-.chased two'mileage books,each in hisownname.They were presented fortransportationfor..Campbell and_his wife,from'Greenville,S.C.,to Greens-boro,N.C...Because neither book was whom |transportation was desired,the rail- “ye “the. te mileage book pay road people declared them forfeited under the provisions under which they were sold.Campbell went to law and the Gas@ reached-the highest court. The coi nt held in Campbell’s favor on é ound that whilo the railroad con- tract ‘as to sale provided the mileagebookwastobeforfeited.if.presentedbyanotherthanthepersoninwhose “name it was issued,.there was noth- *Ging in the contract to prevent the own-er of the book presenting it for the}transportation of another,.That is to| 2 say,the owner of a non-transferable| not pass it over to *another for use,but he can take with him as many people as he wants to -~“earry on that mileage,and ‘the rail- road people must accept it for trans- ‘vortation for whomsoever’offered so jong as the mileage is presented by the real owner.The railroads will of*course amend their contract so as to “cover the ldophole and will provide'-~,that the mileage can be accepted for.transportation only for the person in|whose name it is issued.And this} -leaves undecided the question ,that the traveling public would be interest- ed in having settled—-whethertherail- roads:have the right to place this re- striction on mileage;whether the pur- chaser,having paid is good money for that book,has not the legal and —the moral right to use it for transpor-r ~#ment.to\Dr.Mitchell tation of family or friends as well asforhimself.Somebody who is fond of. litigation should carry a case up and.get it decided on its merits. °-° Before they start another monu-The Landmarkwillmakeonemoreefforttogetthenewspaperstostatethefactscorrect-»-sly about the last monument.Last win-=ter when it was ‘ethe University alumni. ss Mitchell’s :daughters —.Mrs, r reported that theMitchellmonumentwasdestroyed,somebody said it had been erected byThatstate-ent wasn’t true and was corrected,buttheygoonsayingit.In a recent is-sue of the Asheville’Citizenit“wasstatedthatMr.N.Buckner,secretaryoftheAsheville‘board of trade,had‘ewritten a sketch of Dr.Mitchell\‘American Forestry,and!a quotation|‘from the sketch makes the assertion|“that the monument.was erected by“the alumni of the State University.”Mr.Buckner ought to know history be-fore he tries to write it,but he wasprobably‘misled by the news writersontheAshevilleCitizen,who ~havemadethisstatementagainandagain.It's not.a life and death matter,butthetruthshouldbetold.The Univer-sity alumni had nothing to do .withtheMitchellmonument.The fundsforitserectionwereprovidedbyDr. i Grant and MiStatesville,.*ee ** t isasad reflection on human in-Hi a luminous example of 83 Margaret Mitchell -of ence and force of tradition.that the prepar-of food,regulation of quantity, ‘most worse than none at all,it were in\ B....N.| Having seen and rejoiced over theahnouncementinTheLandmarkof the change from.district to central committees on school affairs,and hailed with something approachingahallelujahthegloriousnewsthat hereafter no teacher related to.anycommitteemancouldbe-appointed to a‘district where that,committeemanheld_office,I write untoyour paper.ever the first to ¢ry out against -en- trenched wrong,to plead that youstrivewiththebestpeopleoftheir counties,to put them on the honora-ble list of those having such laws,An object lesson is ever the best way sto prove a contention,so I give two in- stances,occurring in my county,un- der my immediate .observation,with-in six months.$ In the first instance;a cefttain fam-ily claimed much “infloonce”in a cer: tain committee.One woman of the family stood an examination and’ac-tually reached the heights of a third grade certificate,so she was given’the primary work of the school.A teach- er,holding not merely a first grade county certificate,but a State grade also,was elected principal.The peo- ple pronounced her the best teacher they had ever.had,because their chil- dren learned more under her than at any other time in the history of the community —a pretty good test,one would think.But,though the “influ-ential”family..boarded:her and »re-ceived her besteSamnesbye see well asthepayoftheprimaryteacher,they werestillnotsatisfied.Oneof ‘them,of course,was onthe:committees andanindividualwhowasiarbrotherof his and brother-in-law of another com- mitteeman,got tired of working onthefarmandthoughthe’d like.to teach.(And,for.such ag.he,verily, teaching isa cinch.)«Therefore,the principal was ‘edged “out,this person took her place and things went mer- rily—for everybody except the —tax- payers and their children.The worst of it is that this man was given a chance to stand an,examination and have his old certificate confirmed,and, on merely-a partial examination,made a dead failure;yet he is to teach school again.And.these facts are well known,yet there seems no redress.In the other case,a woman.teacher, with,excellent certificates,expected, up fo almost the last day before the schools opened,to teach a certain school.When finding,to her complete surprise,that there were some troub- les arising,she at once resigned,fac- ing months of unemployment,only tofindthatthesolereasonoftrouble was that one of the committeemen had a.son-in-law.who could get.no work, who had neither taught school for ten years,attended any institute nor stoodanyexamination,who had ‘yet beenchosenbythecommitteetoteachtheir school,rs ieItwouldappear,certainly,thatthesetwocases,occurring..within sixmonths,in one county,need no com-ment.It should be stated that.thecountysuperintendentprotestedinbothcases,.and_gave the parties—-theschoollawsgoverningsuchlackofcertificates,but the reply virtually ap-pears ‘to have been,“The school law beSinncecceinienen, It is of no use for conscientious and o|will be held in the Community ougleAbela th ing-and-the first’meeting willvlace-pnday re aesfo neeparade.°e|.‘par,will :pordicted by Balink ry and’Rowancountypeopleandisexpected*to hethe-hest-ever-conducted:in connection:with &@ Sunday school convention,—will take place at 2.45Monday after:noon.cote eeAllState,county’“andSunday-}school officers are’expe and two or more delegates from :school,according to the size of the.school,Organized classes may’send,delegates and individuals may vohun-, teer.‘"eeeyFree.entertainment will be»pro- vided by the Salisbury people,includ-: ing lodging,breakfast and’suppér,At noon the delegates will Jurich!at their own expense.Ladies >repre- senting the associated charities -will serve dinner on Tuesday’and Wed nesday at moderate.cost.Each:del-sgate will pay a fee of $1,whieh will entitle him.to a badge,a convention vrogramme,entertainment and:\all the privileges of an accredited dele-vate.Reduced ‘rates on all railroads.Those who expect to attend shoulsendnamesinadvancetoMr.A.Jy, Smoot,lisbury.‘On We ned@ay evening for the elos- ing session’a pageant will be given. which will demonstrate in a most*in- teresting and entertaining manner the history,development:and.+prog- ress of religious education from ‘thedavs‘of ‘the patriarchs down’to:the modern Sunday school organization. This is*a reproduction’of the pageant eiven at.Chicago during the Interna- tional Sunday.School Convention of1914.“Nothing of its kind>has ever.heen staged for a State convention‘arthig Rtatho edWilliamA.Brown of Chicago.«thefieldsecretaryoftheInternatidnal Sunday School Association,Miss Minnie E.Kennedy.general secretas rv of the City Sunday School Asséci- ation of Birmingham,.Ala.,atid a large number of State Xpeakers.will insure a great inspirational and.éd-, ucational programme;and musie¢ ‘vill be a feature of the gathering. “The Landmark is,asked to call atétentiontdthefactthatStatesville and Tredell people can leave States- vile on the 2fternoon of Monday at 1.18,reach Salisbury in time fer the narade and thé-afternoon exhibit:and segsions and return.the same .“eve- ning.ees REL WORE NER ER The fourteenth neutrality procla- mation issued by the United States since the beginning of the European war,was.promulgated Monday.Itoversthehostilitiesbetween-Great| Britain,France,Serbia ang Italy on| one side and Bulgaria on the other.| -_ees.page:com ee)aon tee Meeee A CHILD.GETS.CROSS,SICK AND}FEVERISH Seen CONSTI:P Look,Mother!‘If,Tongue is.Coated|Clean Little Liver and .Bowels, If your little one’s tongue is coat- ed,it is a sure sign the stomach,liv- er and bowels need a gentle,thorough Scommercé,and.the law against enlist- petite ithe highest bidder,at the Court Housé door will be as rtaksession.sbessentsofthelastmonths-have convinced,officials trality,statutes,for many ~allegedcrimeshavegoneunpunishedafterin-vestigation.because government law-vere felt)that \convictions could not ow in the criminal that havebeeninvokedsuccessfullyarethoseimedatthetransportationofex-plosives unmarked,in inter-State ment in the United States for foreign service,;. (Decided to Let the Baby Die. Chicago Dispatch.‘ A ballot to ‘determine whether ‘to at-tempt to save the life of a defgrmed sub-normal infant or whether by iner-tia to let the child die,resulted in adeath:.sentence for the little ene.\\'Thesinfant’s mother,told that an op-evation,might save the‘child’s life,al-though no known Luman’intelligence could promise any mental developmentforthebabe,wept and agreed to abide the judgment of the physicians.Of ascoreofhospitalnursesconsulted,onealone.voted for the.life of the child.Dr:H.J.Haisélden took the responsi-bility,and did not perform the oper- tiony °; 4 “‘Wards off Nervous Break Down lburtis,Pa.—‘‘I ama teacher in the publi schools and I got into a very ner- vous run-down condition.I could not sleép and had no appetite.1 was tired all the time.Mysister asked me to try Vino.I did so,and within a week my ap- night and nowI feel well and strong.”— Rosa M.KELuER,Alburtis,Pa. We guarantee Vinol,our delicious coal liver and iron tonic,for all weakened run-down conditions..and_for chronic coughs,colds ‘and bronchitis. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. will and testament of Joseph L.Padgett,no-tice is hereby given to all.parties .holdin:claims against said estate to present thsame.to the:undersigned on or before the16thdayofOctober,1916,or this notice will be plead in bar of their.recovery.LeROY C..STEELE,Extr’,Oct.16,1916.Turnersburg,‘N,C. SALE OF LANDbsG UNDER MORT- 4 North Carolina,Iredell County.UNDER and by virtue of the powers con-tnined in a gmnortgege deed executed “by R.A.Bass and wife,J.At Bass,to J.H.West,te secure the’indebtedness therein mention.xd,said mortgage deed being recorded in took 28,at page 575 of the records of mort-faze deeds jn the office of the Register ofDeedsofFredellcounty,N.C.,default hav-ing been made in the payments of the in-biebtedness thereby secured,the ‘undersign-#l mortgagee will,on |+.~>e MONDAY,NOVEMBER:-22,--1915,--~at 12 o'clock,M.,sell at public auction to in Statesville,North ~Garolina,for cash,thefanqwisudescribedlotortractoflands,Ato-wit:Lot No.11 in Block No.14 of the States-Ville Development Company,as.mapped andfiléttedon:the map of ‘the ropery of the cleansing at once.When your child is cross,peevish,listless,pale,doesn’t} sleep,eat or act naturally;if breath| is bad.stomach,sour,system full of| cold,throat sore,or if feverish,give|a teaspoonful of “California Syrup of Figs,”-and in a few hours all theclogged-up,constipated waste,,sour bile and.undigested food will gently move out of the bowels,and you have a well,playful child again. Sick children needn’t be coaxed totakethis‘harmless “fruit.laxative.” Millions of mothers keep it,handy.be- cause they know-its action on .the stomach,liver and bowels is promptandsure.They also.know a_Tittlegiventodaysavesasickchildtomor- row.ifAskyourdruggistfora 50-cent bot tle of “California:Syrup of —Figs,”: which.contains directions.for babies, children ofall ages and for,grown-}- ups plainly on the bottle.Beware of counterfeits sold here.. vine made by “California Fig Syrup Company.”: SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. *By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court ‘of Iredell county,rendered in the proceeding entitled R.B.MeLaughlin,administrator of .J.Bass vs.C.8.Bass and others,1 witl sell at \public.auction*to the highest bidders;| at the court house door in Statesville,NL Oy eit? SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 27,1915, at 12.o'clock,m.,the following lands in Chambersburg township,towit:‘i ist,Beginning at a white oak in the’Waith- cox line;thence west 158 poles to a able teachers to spend years of hardworkintraining,to attend State and|county summer schools,to stand State |examinations,when these things can}be.For such trained «and capableteacherstostatve,whiie these un-couth:and ignorant men and women|rob the county,the peopie,and,worstofall,the helpless children intrustedtotheircharge,is an outrage callingforquickanddecidedrelief.Thesechildren*have a poor chance of an ed-ucation,as it is,with such short termsand_frequent-absences-onall-sorts—of pretexts and none at all;and when,in addition,they have instruction al- better for them that they lived in acountrywhose_institutions’were notquiteso“free,”if such résults followthe“freedom.”A TRAINED TEACHER.| The safe in the.office.of the Stand-ard Oil Company,in Asheville;wasblownopenSundaynightandrobbedof$127.27 in cash,\ “‘Vaporize’’CroorColdTroubles Vapor treatments for cold troubles arebetterthaninternalmodicines,as the va-|rs carry the medication direct to the |ungs and air passages without disturbing ||the stomach,.4|.When Viek’s Vap-O-Rub”.Salvo is ap.|plied over the throat and chest,these ya-pon,released by thé heatof the body,arenhaledwitheachbreath,—Qe,to $1.00,VICKS ‘WowsSALVE C.Barringer’s corner;thence west 62 poles, to stake,Barringer’s line;,thence south 80 poles.to stake_in_C.Barringer’s line;thence east 220 poles to stake;thence north 80 poles to beginning,containing 110 acres”more orless,excepting 1 1-2 acres conveyed to trus- tees Shiloh M..E.church,South.%42d.Beginning at white oak,Hoover's ling, and corner of Lot No.8,it being Bas ‘cor- ner;thence S.88 1-2 degrees east 160)poles to stake,Lentz line;thence 8.39-1-2 péles to.stake,corner of Lot No.6;thence north 881-2 degrees west,118 poles to stake,S.Hoot+ er’s corner;thenee with his line’north 464)degrees west to’the beginning,containing 34acresmoreorless.tad.Beginning at black oak,near gtaveyard,Bass’corner,thence south 29-poles”to stake,Freeze's corner?thence south 88 1-2 degreeseast194polestopine,Lentz’s line;thence),Hoover's corner;|,north 29 poles to stake,;thence_north 88 1-2 degrees west 194’poles to|beginning,containing 36 acres more or leds,’4th,Beginning at a hickory,S.Hoover's|zcornerinBassline}thence south 45.degreescast46polestowhiteoak,corner t No.4,and Eidson lot;thence south 88 1-2 de-grees.east 160.poles to.stake;thence norti31:poles ‘to stake,corner lot No.-24 thencenorth881-2 degrees west 194 poles to be-ginning,containing 34 acres more or less.Bt Beginning at a stone in Hugh’Ply-ler’s ‘line;thence east 130 poles‘to stone;thence south 86 1-2 poles to stone;thencewest130polestostone;thence north 33 1-2polestowbeginning,containing “87 1-2 acres,more or less.::6th.Beginning at a stone,\W.PB.Morton'scorner;thence with his and Bass’line north5degreeseast20polestostone,C.Plyler'scorner;*thenee with Plyler’s line north 87 de-grees west 60 poles to stone in his line atidW.D.Plyler’s corrier;thence with line,be-tween J.C.and W.D,Plyler south 35 polestostone;thence with W.D..Plyler’s linesouth86degreeseast68-4 poles to stone,hiscorner;thence with W.P.Morton's line north}28 degrees east 6 poles to stump,Mérton’scorner;thence with his live north’84 >de-grees east,50 poles to10acresmore’or ‘Tess, Terms—One-third cash,one-third th sixandone-third in twelve months,‘ beginning,‘containing Get.the gen-; ‘{mentioned,with the-1915 Tax Books‘for the *|Pavidson,at Dr.J.T.Moore’s map isifil vot.recoyd in the Register ©ofDeeds’Sffice ‘of Tredell eounty,in the StateafNorthCarolina,in.Book 16,page 441,thesamebeingtheidenticalpropertymentionedindeedfrom-J.’H.Hoffmann and wife to J.H.West,dated October 22d,.1902.;:J.H.WEST,Lewis &Lewis,Att’ys.Mortgagee” Oct.22,1915,VALWABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Under the terms of the will of Mrs.Har- offers at private sale a valuable tract oflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawba the tract contains 60 acres of original forest also ‘offers a house and lot in Troutman andanislandof10itcresin‘the Catawba river.(Por terms wry,%.nkoet‘.A N,Executor,‘R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.”=N.July 1.1915, six}.that;|there is a woeful lack of specific:neu-|~ e secured.About’the only statutes |.sode ~SCHOOL TEACHER =|| ved andI could sleep sll) thinkers+e¥or pre LAS f gr —_1 this countyy é AStraight ShotHist-20 eye and steady hand arenot.the result of over-stimulating, strong,rant tobacco,but of mildo 1c LWiIst 5 : CHEWING TOBACCO PICNIC TVIST:is so soft and mild-yeu cancchew if cildays witha is ‘histinve end saore cnjcyublera tobacco, [efit tits,Cer theLeggattMyersTeteOa W.F.Hali,Druggist,Statesville,N.C.!’ riet Clark,deceased,‘the undersigned executor| county,.-N.'C.,containing 151 acres more or alessandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.|3 ahd 40 acres of river bottom lands.The éstate| F Troutman,N.C6.R Having qualified as executor of the Jast|2 By buying poor coal.Buy the best coal from our yards and you'll soon learn that it will go-twice as far and give more heat. Every ounce contains the maximum,heat producing quality. jaid Statesville Development Company,whieh|% Blue Gem,Jellico,Penn.Anthracite.: ——'PHONE,205-——®i States ESOS SOSETFEUSSE OOO SE TES EES OSESOOEDEOETOSSSESTESESOTESEOFESOEDEFOTES® . ville Ice &Fuel Company, QUALITY COAL DEALERS,©. SPPSIISSOTSTSOSSI TSS 199000009222: “TAXES! “I will be at the following places,at the time ny af!collecting Taxes.Please meet.meanyyourTax: Cook Spring,at Oak,Forest,Fri,Nov.1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Coddle”Cyeek,'Mooresville,Sat.,Nov.20,9:00to4:00.p.m.:Chambersburg,Mon.,Nov.22,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.Barringer,at P.A.Shinn’s Store,Mon.,Nov.22,.1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Elmwood, *Store,Tues., Nov.23,9:00 to 12:00 a.m.*Falistown,at Troutman,Wed.Nov.24,9:00to.12:00 a,m,.ns J.M.DEATON,ONO.6. ‘Butter Wrappers! »We have the very bestParchmentButterPaper,. and can:print your nameandbrandonsame.Let ushave‘your order for’any quantity you want.See us.~“Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co. DR.B.C.TALLEY, :VETERINARIAN.: .Beane Statesville Drug Co.«..Office’Phone -«80Residence’Phone 307 Black. 19,| Sheriff Iredell Go.|J Seckccamepen reer eae teen — CLEAN THAT WATCH OR CLOCK! Don’t wear them out before you have it done.First class work all the time,and you can getyourworkwhenyouwantit. -H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler. va? We HaveThem The new Gypsy Boot—the low heel,clothtop,patent vamp—Button and Lace. Grover’s Soft Shoes for tender feet. ‘Schoo}Shoes for Children. 3 ‘Yours for the Price, iS.M.&'H.SHOE CO.,,~TheOne Price Cash Shoe Store. Your Shoes repaired while youwait. DE C R C E C R C R C E R E C R S a S E C E e c S s a s as a As a e s S a a et e pOROR enoadRACETEE = “WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—Heavy Brass 7ic.per pound,Light Brass 5c.perpound,.|“FOR SALE: NeW and second hand boiler-toomsupplies...time goals het C,H.TURNER.° fe ;R,B.MeLAUGHLIN,Oct.36,1915.Commisai Iredell’Phone No.is Bell No,7% COLLEGE JEWELRY ! .Rings,Bracelets;Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., with the seal of Statesville-.College on.Make a nice piece of Jewelry for former students aswell as those now attending.-We have this line now in. 2 R.H-RIGKERT &SON.| = \beer rth ia :‘5 aa ee ‘teliand serines alt carn oped NTI rabtoce eeneetnne ~TiN ARK PERTINENTLY_PERSONAL. .«November 19,1915.MentionofbadolksWho Came and ee ee ET Capac Mi ¥d 1"of villeAsrivalandDepartureofTrainsofStates|of in Breve Nattof fe “ag Mrs:FE.Fy Nesbit,on Race’ a ieee pnp ee onan ma oem weet-bound,due 7.24 «m.|_Mrs.W..P.Howard of Me,westhoind,o 1008 *es Ae Nae :in eaten Pad Mee -x ay fora t to her dau;bs 8.Tertane ee eae SEU bewice Ramsey.eastbound,due 1.15 p.m,|Collector A.D.watts and Deputyidue6:66.p.:m.|Collector M.P,Alexander returnedbound,due 10,50 p ww Wednesday from a trip to Virginia.lot Mr.J,R.Poston is at home from16ar.9.50,leaves 10.35 a a|Louigyille,ito spend several weeks.Messrs.J.R.Woodsides and B.S ville.;;Sherrill oe ‘Concord ‘town ie W.Tra’~10:00,0:"Our alydockdoctor fold ay Evstend Veet:Meo ae ant 4:0.unten toe ip m.|Vickery of Bethany to and W.’e Nos,28 and 24 arenot operated on Sunday.|M.Cornelius of Chambersburie town-ve coe anotherdoctor,|“i me,+ieren*Atlast,niy was no.usefor|wasnearlyingseemedtodo lui,the woman's tonic,mike ee ing. ship attended the annual meeting of||.School Open-|the State Farmers’Union in Durham | this week’as representatives of’the Tredell Union.“orrespondenes of The Landmark.7 .Mr,R.M.Turbvville of Charlotteaed&“Troutman,Rl,Nov.17 —MissespoeecableFannieNeiJl:and Nannie Dee Smith|¥45 in Statesville Wednesday en ‘ynute spent the k-end with M d Mrs.;home from Eagle M‘is t~ship, Oy one -H.White,a Statesville.Miss where he spent several dayswitth rela- proeoceenspre-eesrunetouunasacedscare caserafuemPOLICEMAN'S KINDNESS. Mr.‘Ayers’Courtesy to ViastersinStatesvilleMadeaSplendidImpression. To the Editor of The Lanémark:About midnight on November 6,two body of their dead mother,landed inStatesville.They were formerly:resi-dents of Yadkin county,but they knewbutlittleofStatesville..1t was neces-sary for them to secure an undertak-er,hearse,and.an automobile,as,wellastofindahotelandattendtoanum-ber of other duties.‘They were ex-hausted in spirit ¢body —for 48noustheyhadnothadaminute’ssleeInthisconditionthetwoyoungmen{stood considering what to do next.Just \then a young officer,Mr.G.A.Ayers,secing that aid was needed,offered hisservices,which were gladly accepted.He not only gave the strangers ail theinformationtheyneeded,but he put himself to great inconvenience in or- |der to accommodate them.He did as Brevard Neill-is visiting her sister,|tives.|:ip,isk Coe ty weight anemediciaste Mrs.E.F.Nesbit,inStatesville.Mas’Mrs.MaryMoore Davis,who visit-mock a these two men,whom he will I'look the picture ot health:”ter Otho Smith:spent Saturday and|ed her sisters,Mesdames W.N,Smiith-|P™0?@ yi ae hen rsseni as rot re suffer from.any of the Sabbath with ‘his cousin,.Master|S00 and O.'L.Turner,returned,yes.|re But thatis notall.The nextayweceuaalatabealeaig(Fred.Smith,in Coddle Creek,Mr,|terday to Abingdon.Va.,where sheis|"Tene..“i PEL OH:ANG Aue, ,y isdangerous.‘Were and Mrs.W.A.Hinshaw and family|Principal of the Stonewall Feakson |ir Ayres hunted Cheyer agra a nmeIp:you,‘for.dt has helped so |of Yadkinville are expected next College.lers a )Sided thaet Vv us acaimythousandsofotherweakwomen|week to visit Mr.anc Mrs.F,K.Ost-|,Mrs.W.F.Bailey and little grand-ny ,bh avery eS thepast50 years.walt.Mrs.T,H.Winecoff is visiting|daughter,Margaret Harper,went toreHis me na.tbey inant ie then.|Atall jher daughter,Mrs.Dewlist,in Kan-|Winston-Salem Tuesday to Filth wala.|ville.His'aid wax bevelvanle to.Ain5druggists.|napolis.,,tives.Sf upon their denature they eared Write te:Medicine Go,Ladies’|School began Monday morni Mrs.J.F.Kirk isvisiting.relatives |m to accepta few dollars as a remu-rf,BaskorananoogsTenn.fer Surat |cose!,veman Monday,morning alin Albemarie while Mr.Kitk is at-/"eration for iis services.But he forWomens”sa plain wranper,4.6.19 \|Lillian Bagwell of Loray is princi-|tending Conference at Reidsville.cna ee secant Sat oe:citiere=———|pal and Miss Wynona Smith of Cod-|,Miss Bessie Daniel.who had been at aie at he hid oli y done Bu 47”Ti dle Creek assistant.her home near Roxboro for several a hee ecmnad.fa beers we <ot _.TRY2 weeks,returned to Statesville Wednes-|,.,policemen.recognize their.duty. Creme.” day. —’Phone 89,— “Marshmallow. A delicousfilling for your Thanksgiving Cakes.— fresh shipment arrivedto- Eagle &-Milholland, OHIO WOMAN'S.WISH For Tired,Weak,Nervous Women Bellefontaine,Ohio.—‘‘1.wish sustytired,weak,nervous woman could 8Vinol,forI never spent any mon Hs Miss Annie Marvin has reta my life that did me.so much good a8 |from a visit to the home ofher.cous-that I spent for Vinol..I was’weak,|:ee Gas acid taoveida bud Viol ine,Franklin Whiner,in Bennetts- Company,where she was formerlyregularlyemployedasstenographer through the winter. We guarantee Vinol,ourdelic codliverandiron’tonic,foralall wéak,run-down,nervous,debilitated conditions. W._F.Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C Georgia. J.B.WATKINS,Henderson.W.C.WATKINS,Roxboro, J.B.WATKINS,JR.,Reidsville, tle Pace,who is seriously ill. C.WATKINS,Statesville,nesday evening,accompanied by Mrs Oysters, Celery, Miller-McLainSupplyCo. e379 Hoffmann and Miss Amelia |Hoff-; }mann,who had spent some weeks in |Richmond. Building material Dealers, Buy “Everything to Build With” in quantities for cssh and_sell cheapest.‘C.WATKINS,next to }}McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse.|daughter,Mrs.J.A.C.Wadsworth.|jin Charlotte this week. Mr and’Mrs.David J.Craig:anc } jLettuce.I is time youare ordéring your Free Se gat moe asd The Landmark has mentioned the uel for winter.e best coal for {Hayes,went to Charlotte yertenpayransixgeneraluseisourcelebratedtospendaieSartaefGi- ecciniemins sancoenasilgiiners a ts le ’:;son’s sisters ames |Genuine Jelico Pe and J:ee : steee rs..*orner..an children.‘ewhatan Blue Gem —|who visited Mr.and Mrs.C.LEveryTuesdaynhFridayPennsylvaniaAnthracite|ter at Long Island.Catawba county. wereRunofMineSteamCoal. We also handle Oak and Pine Wood,and do all kinds of haulin: Moving household goods a epecial: Tenn.Mr.W. of Memphis.Tenn.,who had varents,_Mr.and Mrs.C.H.Lester, in Catawba county,came reason why the;Dairy ‘be patronized. and they were found in | good condition—another the Dacro System should —'PHONE 847 BLACK.— Holland Bros. _en o r ie e t a t e o n e r i n l i p i e r c a t i n p m e n e i n Ga r t e r > —THE——Depot ’Phone No.7.re3 ea oe Mr. i ;ester formerly liv:ereP°Vi D °F Residence ’Phone No.310Black.Mr.and Mrs.W.¥.Norman and aine lew airy children .of Jacksonville.Fla..are guests of Mr..and Mrs.J.M.Suther. Has just had its cows tested visit relatives.‘Dr:Harry.Harrison of Norfolk.Va.with WE buy in car lots.WE sell in any,quantity. WE sell the celebrated Gold}people in Statesville. |’.Medal Flour. "WE sell Sweet Daisy Feed for ||Birth of a Nation.” Cows.jWEsellHay,Corn,Oats and DRAIN YOUR FARM.Julia Sherrill..Cotton Seed Products.“Mr.CE.Keiger.WE SELL FOR LESS. hand. Common Bricks, delivery. Statesville Any quantity 4-inch and’ 6-inch DRAIN TILE on Bricks,always ready for Bek O, WE pay CASH for courtry Corn and Oats, WE deliver in the city. IREDELL FEED CoO.,C.D.MOORE,Prop. ’PhoneNo.88.‘114 E.Broad St. Manufacturing Co.,will’go to Tobac and Mrs.J.W.Keiger. Animal and Bird Life Speci ‘mens For Museum. Face jas the head of an expedition to gatheforthe.museum a collection of an——SEE—— gan Elieares ladinaoeys hialpmetiybenten sitter The New Line of Copy- FULLSTOVK--LOWEST Floorin Next Planters’Wh. C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.” Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling,,Siding,.Boxing,‘Mould- ing,La AB,Lime,Cement,etc., righted Books as well as over 6,000 specimens.0 - tiny deer,male, FOR FINE CLEANING voung.Of his,total collection about AND DYEING—'PHONE 147— :Stoan PressingClub. He also said he had secured a com ;;Mi ¥ D an Valley slelephants,three giraffes and a com 7 Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., |and 800 snakes ‘of about 50 species.4|Despite the dangers of the jungle f a 3|plete—-buffalo—family,_Other—portion: #The Flour of Quality.Siof the collection include smaller ani oF A \DAN VALLEY:is milled from Will answer ’phone calls leftatDr.:Long’s Sanatorium or,Geo.My Foard!s:residence, 8 the celebrated wheat grown in “|enjoyed excellent jealth all the time. '%the Shenandoah Valley of \Vir- 8 ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL. 3 Makes better bread and more ¢ relays,were employed.” Veterinarian.. OfficePhone DR.C.I.CRUSE. Office:seai Polk Gray Drug Co; Residence "Phone 198 Green, 5 DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. bitten,3 Cary C.Boshamer,58LocalRepresentative, 109," and:/20;cents,—advt,. ‘FOR RENT—Seven-room Re al aea Periiaesptoeanenmniep hob :APhane 125 Black,It.aw.& day..a 20;oe | Se adeat gion Siedsae day afternoon to assist for'a few:days Whin_the office of the Statesville Lumber en apoliceman puts himself to in- and bookkeeper.She expects to returntoherhomewithinaweektoremain cane eens ,well andvigorous after Miss’Elvy McElwee feft Wednes-A aa png see aes hose wi da afternoon for Goldsboro to,visit pleasvre.”’—Mre.-J;-¥,-Lago!}re:Clyde Gray Drug Co.is visiting friends in Mr.J.H.Hoffmann,who went to Richmond last week,returned Wed- *|Whether he is Mrs.-t.P.Henkel is visiting her jtme when itis sobadly needed and 1)lasset to any city. :|little daughter.Frances,have return-|THE BEST COAL!!led from a visit to Mr.Craig’s sister.+Mrs.E.W.Mellon,in Charlotte. Plas.of this week refers’to Mrs,Sullivan in Statesville yesterday en route to their home in Chattanooga, C.Lester and two a4 conducted the Thomasville Hotel for ville yesterday to spend a day or two !e Mrs.Norman is a sister of Mrs.Suth-Stop Look!Listen!er..Mr.ang Mrs.*Norman will go :°®|ifrom Statesville to Winston-Salem to is spending a few days with his home Mr,and Mrs.W.A,Colvert,‘Mrs.B, F.Russell and Mr.J.G.Colvert were we sell Awere Food for Horees in Charlotte Wednesday to see “The Miss Leslie James is expected here today to spend the week-end with Miss, secretary and EeeeetreasureroftheImperialFurniture|Increase in Railroad Mail Pay. coville,Stokes county,tomorrow.tospend’Sundav with his parents,Mr. —~__,|'°°Belgian Congo in 1909 I |the oe E American Museum of Natural History|der the adjustment of 1907. imal and bird life in Africa,has re-|partment for convenience, turned to New York.Mr.Lang said|braces Ohio,Indiana,Tllinois, that the expedition had gathered more|gan,Minnesota,Wisconsin and Mis- than 100,000 specimens of animal life: securing excellent specimens of the|'to establish the average dail female and their |-carried. 2000 specimens were large animals. plete family group of the famed whiterhinocerosaswellasninelions,four|Wednesday Judge Mimals.specimens of their habitations 3!Ton't fail to see Qno Vadis?in ieight parts at the Crescent today.lo See Quo Vadis?’at the “Cresent r gaining in favor and popularity, young doctors having in charge the}. “Full dalue ‘gives forOoe ons ar an ren Big stock of their p -miums on hand.Come and see Special welcome to ladies. Statesville Drug Co,© aeeee convenience in order to accommodate a stranger;when he hunts them up on Sunday morning and helps them as long as they are in his town,he does more than jis the duty of.an officer and ¥ned shows thathe iig more than a mere of-ficer of the law.’When he spurns mon- ey for doing more thzn his duty,he shows himself a man whom his town should be proud of. This is the story of Mr.Ayres as these-twe—young-men-told-the—writer.Walker of the Polk |2"4 the other members of their fami-ly.—So-Statesville“is“held*in-kind -re=membrance by a who.e family,scat- Mr.and Mrs.J,¥;Greiwtod left |tered in different parts of the State, "|Wednesday for’Elwood,Ind..-to visit Mr.Greenwood’s daughter,’Mrs.Myr- because of the kindness of one of Statesville’s officers and citizens,and what we are wondering is:Is Mr. Ayres a fair.representative of States- ville’s officers?Is he fair representa- tive .of Statesville’s citizenship? or not,Statesville{should be proud.of is xean who will {give such kind aid to a stranger at.a then refuse to accept money for his |services.Such a man or officer is an Abba oe «Cs Tribute to Mrs.Sullivan. |death of.Mrs.Isabella Sullivan,widow} jof the late J.J.Sullivan,and a former "jresident of Statesville,which occurred | a few days ago at her home in David-| |gon county.The Lexington Dispatch} as “one of.Davidson county’s most re- markable and well known women,” and says: Mrs.Sullivan was the widow of “Unele Jack”Sullivan,who years ago a long time.She was born November |vistsing at the home of Mr.Lester's 22,1829,and lacked only nine days oftoStates.|being 86 years old.After the deathofherhusband.Mrs.Sullivan and her widowed sister,Mrs.Mary Lines,who is over a year older and still active, made their home near Rich Fork church.Here these two aged pioneers did their own work,living quietly in their beautiful little cottage by the side of the road.Thousands of peo- vle have been made happier by a sight of their beautiful rose garden, one of the prettiest in this section. "|Both had a great fondness for flowers and from early spring until long af- ter frost their yard and rose garden were aburst with beauty,.so that every traveler that way could not help but admire.These two sisters are a splendid type of the great pioneer foundation for greatness. |Washington Dispatch. Railroads in the “third contract section”will derive $20,073,484,36 a year for carrying mails during thefouryeat’s beginning July 1,last,un-der adjustments announced by thePostofficeDepartment.This is an Herbert Lang,an explorer sent to|increase of more than $4,300,000 over the annual compensation allowed un- Sectionr|three is the largest fi the four con- -|tract divisions.established by the de-and em- Michi- souri.Mail in the section is carried f|over 67,375 miles of track by 151 dif-ferent.railroads,a daily average of&:The expedition into the Congo.’ac-|5,724,348 pounds.being hauled by The adjustment,madein one section Okapi,first reported as being in the|}each year,is.a ‘tremendous task,in- volving the employment of hundredsofweighers,verifiers and\tabulatorsweightThejobjustfinishedcost bird life. PRICES ——-AT n cording to Mr.Lang,was primarily to /‘about 4,000 trains. reg 4 ‘gécure a representative group of the R.P.ALLISON S Congo by.Sir Harry Johnson in 1903. Statesville.Book STORE.—In this he was entirely successful, t |$881,948.RAETTTEC,“|Bank:Porter is Not a Clerk. In the Federal court at RichmondWhddill.handed-!down a long-considered dedision de- 4 claring—that_a bank.porter.is not_a -|bank’s clerk or agent and’cannot bein- dicted as such for stealing money from the bank. +)James Bradshaw,a.negro porter,%|Mr.Lang said that he and his party{is charged with having stolen $6,000 from the teller’s exge of the Mer- %/\'To transnort the specimens from the!chants’National Bank of Richmond. slinterior to the coast,a distance of |The case was said to be in the nature Himiodre than 300 miles,the services ofjof a test of the statute,at the sug- 3;more than 2,000 porters,working in|pestion of the United States Attorney During the General. 3 afitto the pound than other #jsix years that the party was gone Judge Waddill sustained it e He. *flour.It is’economy to bu only one fatal accident occurred,|murrer interposed by counsel for the coe ,Y 8 ithat being when one of his native|/defendant and dismissed the indict- S!hunters mistook a wounded lion for’ament,but the negro was at once re- fi dead one and was fatally:clawed and|arrésted under.a.warrant issued by the State courts. Chamberali's Tablets, ‘this is a medicine intended especially for stomach troubles,biliousness and conatipation,It ta meeting with much.suceess and rapidlyObtainable ~DODGE BROMOTORCARS: The enthusiasm among owners’is not occasienal”but genet car is giving uniformly excellent.results in every city,town,village and hamlet inwhichit.is being sold._The gasoline,consumption. is unusually low.The tire expense.isreasonable,because the size of the tiresis right for theweight.of the car,‘The motoris 30-35 Horse power.om The price of the car completeis $785f.0.bey:Detroit. Statesville Motor coat::QUALITY:FIRST.”ASK.Us. ‘Misses’low heel Patent Leather:Lace Shoes, 7 ee sie | Misses’low heel Gun Metal;Cloth Top,Lace Shoes,$3.00 the pair.Misses’low heel Gun Metal,Cloth Top,Button Shoes,po ~pair. a‘pair. Misses’low heel Patent Leather Button Shoes,$3.00 the pair. FOR ANYTHING IN SHOES *PHONE 83.©* race that gave to North Carolina its :Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co i TOR USE LESS FUEL,HAVE MORE HEAT. -HOLDS.FIRE--72 HOURS... HAS FIVE FRONT FLUES.'.ys——SEE THEMAT—— i neauaeee oa tlie PLONE400,stencen. The Gtor That year Welgomes:You. everywhere. We havetn atdckWell Buckets sich up inany size.No dbusedaboutbucket...Any size or weight StovePibe ma ; Also full-line in stock.STATESVILLE.TIN CPB)"PHONE 55. a PRION Tit *aaRahsSotaE: * -..the doctors,but The Landmark ON PRICE:Si asebponaienneealiney .FRIDAY, -/-..November 19,193%. NOT FINAL. The Monroe Journal takes.issue with the statement of the Public‘Health Service,that it has discover- ed both the cause and cure of pellagra. The statement is.based on the experi- “ments of Dr-Goldberger of the Pub- lic Health Service,with convicts in “the Mississippi State prison.The _..wonviets were given a one-sided dict, ~-improperly--nourished,—and—they -de- Vy veloped pellagra,"so said,Then they _were given beans and milk and fresh meats and a properly balanced ration «of nourishing food,and they wil!get well,says’Dr.Goldberger.The Jour- nal says Dr..W.°B.Houston of Mon- made some years ago the discov- ek hi the Public Health Service now“heralds,and that the facts were published in the Journal in January, 918.If this discovery is the real 4hing,the Journal is to be commend- ed for standing by (its townsman. _-North Carolina should have the cred- it.Far be it from us to dispute with 418 blow to accept the statement that dack of proper diet alone is the cause ©.of pellagra or that nourishing food alone.will cure,The one may be one cause or a contributing cause,but it is ‘not the sole cause;for not all pel- _.lagra victims have lacked _proper one GOVEFEd. nourishing food;nor have all dieted ussuggestedbyDr.Goldberger re- In_other words,Dr,Gold- berger’s experiments,first discover- ed by Dr.Houston,may be-helpful; but The Landmark will have to -be shown that.the final cause and cure of this dreadful disease have been dis-> covered, Lt RCNAA AE 'President Wilson’s reinstatement of the discharged assistant postmas- ter-at Winnetka,Ill,was the sensi-ble thing to do,and the President being a «sensible man,his action is not surpriaing.The published re- ports’clearly showed that the post- master it Winnetka-wanted to get “rid of his assistant,who is a Repub-3 *Tican,and that ‘he used a harmless re- - mark about’the President's betroth-@las an excuse.Assistant Postmas-‘ter..General:Roper was apparentlyanxioustoaidtheMlinois:postmas-ter,so fe conityacd the latter’s ac-tion.But when ine word got to thePresidentpromptactionwastaken.The first report said the Presidentorderedthe—assistgnt -restored-iftherewerenoothef‘charges againsthim.But it developed that the order was peremptory—the restoration wasodered.regardless and the assistant is back on his job.~ The Republicans who assembled inRaleighthisweekseemedenthusiasticand‘hppefal.of doing something inNorthCarolinanextyear. ‘pose:is to attack tho State administra- tion,charge extravagance,high taxes,increased assessments,ete.phe Dem-berats have nothing to Pun away from_,in State matters,or in national either,but they-must realize now that therei% nite +possible, will be a hard campaign in North Car-_olina ‘next ‘year and that the Republi-_Cans will make a gesperate attempttocartytheState.“While Republi-fan success in North Carolina is im.probable,Democrats must not deludethemselveswiththeideathatitisimé —_—————ee.We are glad to note that Dr.Alex-ander,president of the State Farm-ers’:Union,criticised:the frequent‘changes of school books,in his ad-dréss at the State meeting of theWnionatDurham.The cost:of school“books,and especially the frequent«changes,‘impose an unreasonable‘burden on parents;and to make the,,burden “worse is the suspicion thatthefrequentchangesareunnecessa-Ty;so far as the benefit to the chil-dren are concerned.‘That whatever:>-of-benefit there is goes-in profits -to » publishers and to salesmen who getcommissions.- ne They're.still.after Congressman“a Claude Kitchin because he opposes thee“administration plans for national de-fence.Mr.Kitchin has expressed theopinionthatfour-fifths ofthe Demo-*erats oppose the measure at heart.butAhattheywillflingawaytheircon,vicjions to please the President,This_-yhas “riled”some of the brethren,Itwasanunwiseremarkfromthepolicystandpoint.and may be too extreme,but it is a fact that legislators do not..always.stand ‘on conviction. ee And so the postoffice clerks andcarriersareusingthestrikeasa»-Weapon"to dictate the management of‘the offices.In the Fairmont,W.Va,*‘case it is:said the majority of thestrikerswereRepublicansanddoubt.less.the Democratic postmaster wasladuit, he Landmark ig-making.its man-“te the’Greensbore ‘News, would.stand by Mr.Wilson,SenatorSimmons’record at that time did not|oy chime.with the views.of Mr,Wilson,but the President has hadno stronger |Mittees,ready craticaucusmeetsDecember4,two daysbeforetheopeningofCongress,:vesentative Kitchin ofhasalreadychosenby chairman of mittee, Their pur-| =|meht against Senator Simmons in|,.{1912was that NorthCarolina.shouldsendaSenatorto,Washington who supporter during -his administration ‘than Senator Simmons.-They're also reminding Secretary Daniels that “he said in his report a year ago that ournavy.ship for ship and man for man,wasas Strong as any navy except thatofGreatBritain.The idea®was thenthatby:yearly’additions to.the navywewouldbeamplystrongtotakecareofallcomers.--Why the:change andthealarm?-ask the opponents*of pre-paredness.All of which goes to that the-ways of the politicianarenotalways:ways of pleasantness.He isembarrassedwhenever.he Inakes 4 change,for the record is alWays there to confront him.— Dr.Beasley of the Monroe Journa} is convinced ‘that eating too much is one of the great evils of the time. “Luxury and ease,rich food,and éven the over-eating of plain foods,take the enetgy and vitality out of men before their prime and send them to gaping graves before their time,”says the doctor.The Landmark is inclined to hold with Dr.Beasley.But while disclaiming any intention.to be per- sonal,it would like to know -whether he made the discovery by:observation or experience.The reason for the in- quiry is that The Landmark has had the impression that no.North Carolina editor was likely to die of over-eating that is,if he had to get the “vit- tles”through his regular business. amc aca i tact ai a—Next_Thursday_is Thanksgiving day’s income for the orphans.Ifyou haven’t already laid aside the amountbesuretodosobeforenextThurs- day. STATE FARMERS”UNION. Important Topics Discussed at| .Durham Meeting—Old Offi- cers Re-elected.: The State Farmers’Union in ses-sion at Durham this week,was at-tended by about 200 delegates from 75counties.Others:attending made atotalofabout400.:“Qn his annual-address-Dr.Alexan-der,president of the State Union.ad- vocated a number of changes for thebettermentofthefarmers.and the.State.Among:other things Dr.Alex-ander criticised ‘the practice of theever-ending change in school .books.‘The heavy;tax levied on the’peopleby‘the quadrennial change of.schoolbookscannolonger-be berne’,withequanimity,”he said.The address of:Ex-Senator John L.McLaurin.State.warehouse commis-sioner of South Carolina,advocated a system of cotton warehouses through-out the South.and the establishmentofaninter-State board of control.Thepowersofthisboardwouldenableit to establish a minimum price for cot- ton “and never again..would the Southsell.cotton below the cost of produc-tion.”f ‘John Sprunt Hill;member of theAmericancommissiononrurakcred-its,in‘his,address before the Union,charged that Secretary of AgricultureHouston’and_Congressmen —Lever,Moss;Glass.Hayes and Phelan weretheobstructioniststhatdefeatedtheruralcreditsbill.“All of them areflyinginthefaceofall.the experience of other nations in regard to landmortgagebusinessandindirectop-Position to the interests of NorthCarolina,and against the ‘expressed wishes of the organized farmers of this country,”declared Mr.Hill. At Wednesday’s session Judge Man-ning discussed segregation,EditorBeasleyofthe-Monroe Journal dis-cussed taxation and there was dis-cussion and organization to promotethemoonlightschoolsandtowipeoutilliteracyintheState..All the old officers were re-elected.Dr.Alexander was re-elected presi-dent for the ninth time,Dr.J,M. Templeton of Wake,is vice president,Mr.J,Z.Greene of Union...county State organizer and lecturer.Mr,W.B.Gibson of Statesville is a memberoftheexecutivecommittee. Republican‘State Convention in March..: ~The meeting of the RepublicanStatecommitteeandRepublicancon- ©Demoeratic members of the \waysandmeanscommittee|willWashingtononthe29thtotheorganizationofthenew House’of.Representatives,The commi the chairmanships of ent of the Scarritt Bible and.‘School at Kansas City,Mo,tes.that the endowment funds of @-in-stitution have been lost.Said to have beenmisappropriated ‘by%pees OO On company,s-estimated-at~between $100,000$150,000.The institution was Teedin’1892.onthanSearrittof Kansas City,under the ae of soen F board of;missions of-the Methodist Epi¢Church,South,;Helaepel portant that thewetChamberlain's’Coughtakesubstitutessoldfor {profit,stood the test.and be:7 ,than forty years.Dalnaie eee eare Day.Remember the appeal for one|f- ,&Ws wg{Wloody'Hopewell. 1én were shot to death andseveralotherswoundedin.fights.in.and.‘near ll,Va.,Monday. Will Meet'th OrgansPrepce)}Five men* ieee ec Siege saphena eenSyNSktMeteeWetaabeNEAaNtas ety OrenHepwe by abe omen sda a CAREFULtakein|arly in theday Catt A.Pike,of iGreensboro,N.C.,killed “his room-igmate,Thomas...Paschal,and a Pegce SAVESofficershot-a negto highwayman whoresisted:arrest,.Three negroes werekilledinanargumentovera“crap”‘ame on a train nearing the tity.}ere were several other pistol andknife.battles...i ae &the caucus for!Quo Vadis?‘The Greatest Pictureandmeanscom-om the Birth of a Nation,ever_jmader ‘At the Crescent today.10 and williincedingrinecom-:when the Dende ave recommendations, North Carolina, ASK US —_> the ways : aaa~ wt “ ‘get we employ Renata t should your car 41aaHeedvepairs‘Gon.t,Borg iployeSonlyexperts,©ae eee|STATESVILLE.MOTOR CO.,.:ee eee “PHONE 140" __Endowment Lost.>_;20_cents-~advt,Miss Mabel K.Howell,superintend:Training Re °“ye -ye :mnFlooring,Ceiling,Siding,Boxing, Casing and Mouldings,kiln-driedandsowellmatchedthatamereboycanworkthem,Lime,LathsandCement;Mantels,Columns and Stair Rail;Doors,Windows and(Blinds;Door and Window Framesready-made in stock size,Odd sizes made on a day’s notice.C.WATKINS,N.Center St. -They are The logs a gift by Rev,Dr.Ne-and‘was R:F.HE Soe ee you cume in merely |Sterling Silver -and Diamonds Gold Jewelry,Clocks,Watches,Umbrellas.Everything"from a costly article down to little everyday things whosecostisatrifleWearegladtohave for the pleasureof insp2¢tion. NRY,-°Jeweler. Beware of Cheap Substitutes.In these days of keen competition it ig iniepublicwhouldseethattheyRemedyandnothesakeofextrashRemedy“has ~TYPEWRITERS! with your Typewriter troubles.Chamberlain's Cou New or Re-BuiltHaveafewmachinesposes.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us pewriters sold.or Rental Pur-° Obtainable.everywhere:Statesville PrintingCo. AOinnivaniaicarsiinieinia an re mayne onorenanCRO -November_eisieneRanse- All-ways Preferable You and Are invited to see this remarka-.ble Range bake biscuits quickerthanagasrange. ‘Your Friends The Tremendous Popularity of This Modern Range With its Patented Alluminum-Fused Copper Bearing Flues is the result ofm°Merit and Value.It represents the greatest advancement in Range construc-tion and the greatest value ever offeredto this community.THE OPPORTUNITY IS YO URS-DON’T MISS IT!An expert will exibit the many LABoR-SAVING,TIME-SAVING and MONEY-SAVING features thatarebuiltintotheevery-day service it renders toTHOUSANDSOFENTHUSIASTICUsErs.Find the Mis-spelled Word in This AdCutitout,bring it to our:store and get a souvenir PRIZE.SOLD!SOLD!SOLED!country.One price to all—based on VALUE and SERVICE. FREE!WHILE THEY LAST,FREE! Through our special arrangement with the Range Co.we give each purchaser of this Range xbeautifulsetofguaranteedpureallaminumwareworthTWELVEDOLLARSFREE!during the dem-onstration days.They are having an enormous sale on this deservedly popular range.We jumpedatthechancetogivethisconmunitythebenefitofthisgreatbargain.HERE IT IS;THE WARE IS YOURS FREE. +e.eee One six and one-half Yes—that’s the way they are going all over the |; ri a SS a. a. a —‘ Yn y s One two-quart AluminumDoubleRiceBoiler_, quart No.$Aluminum &tWo-quartAtuminumLippedSaucePan Tea Kettle One,eight-quartAluminumPreserving One four-quart AluminumreservingKettle Onefour-pintAluminumPercolator :Remember the Dat ---November 24th to 30th Inclusive, Pe One.,one-pintAluminum eae -Iredell Hardware Company. DS EXPECTED24thto30th,__/Towitness the splendid Baking and Perfect Operation of ‘ largely attended,was harmonious and enthusiastic.Raleigh was selected astheplaceandthesecondWednesday in March as the date’for the meeting of the Republican”State convention. There were invitations for!the con- vention from Raleigh,Greensboro and Salisbury.‘About $500 was subscribed-to pub-lish a new Republican handbook.Oneman--C,J.Harris of’Dillsboro—gave$300 of this amount.A thousand dol- accountant to-audit-the books_in,-State offices and the State institu- tions._The Republicans hope in this\way to secure campaign material \tochargeextravaganceonthepartoftheDemocraticadministration, TTLDEAPNESSCANNOTBE CUREDlocalapplications,as -ro reach the diseased portion of the;ear,Ther®is only one way to cure|deafness,and that.is by constitutional|femedies.,Deafness is caused by aninflamedcondition.of the mucous Dinebe..Wh ino ing |;of.the ustachian Tu entube{is inflamed you have a rumblsoundorimperfecthearing,and whenisentirelyclosed,Deafness is the re-sult,and unless the inflammation.can|#@ taken out and this tube restored to‘ts normal condition,hearing will be de-stroyed forever;nine cases out of .tencausedbyCatarrh,which is nothing\an inflamed condition of the mu-|cous surfaces, 1 are |but ‘ton 2,Wil sive One Hundrea Dottara|(ke|for any case of Deafness (cau|Catarrh)thet ca:a|Catarrh Cure.”SeniF-7.CHIN}*Bold by:Drn‘Take Hal b;tbe cured by Hansforclfoniars,free,CO.,‘Toledo,0 * ference in’Raleigh Wednesday was}—— fars was pledged to.employ an ane is 2.A Ma Pamiily Pills tor const ttm,a LLS ANMI \\ :“THE LINEN STORE OF STATESVILLE.” _1913 Prices For 1915 Selling. Having made uhusual purchases of all grades and kinds of Linens more than one yearago,we are prepared to offer the entire line on the basis of |913 prices,which is 25 to 30percentlessthantoday’s market value.—,56 to 72 inch all Linen Damask (@ 50c.,75c.,$1.00,56 to 64 inch Cotton and Mercerized Damask @ 25c.Napkins in matched designs @ 75c.,$1.00,$1.50,$per dozen. Art Linens,Scarfs,Towels,variety of designs and prices.~ieOneofourSatinDamaskwithNapkinstomatch addwilt ;Yours Very Truly, \ivay es Sonatas ReRBGTowelSets,Toweling and Handkerchief greatly to the $1.25 and $1.50 per yard. ,35e¢.,40c.and 50c.per yard.2.00,$2.25,$2.50,$3.00 and $3.50 ..Linens in a great inn,TOMA Asan flavor and ap- ae pearanceof that Thanksgiving Dinner,and now is the timé to get a bargain. S& ~~ Orangeand’ Grape Fruit. Our people are faottitig wiser.Hard times has its benefits to /give in the:form of valuable lessons in economy and judgment.It is gratifying ‘to note that people are learning the ways,first of demanding full value for their money.and seeond-they are slowly, a)but surely,adopting the “pay as you go plan.” Mocah and Java Coffee 40c. SS VOIUGSelena habe tr ceagascns CANNED FISH AND MEATS. Libby’s Extra’fine Red GRYSTALIZED AND DRIEDFRUITS,ETC. Crystalized Cherries ....48c per,Ib. Crystalized Pine Apple 38c.per lb. Shelled Walnuts 4de,per lb.Salmon ..,.....25e.size for 22¢.Seeded Raisins,16 0z..’.18c.pkg-|Alaska Pink Salmon Royal Dates ....5.65.05 9c.pkg.ees an Muccvears l5c.size for 12c. MISCELLANEOUS.Heron Pink Salmon 10c..size for 8c. 2vemier Plum Pudding ready says Genuine P yh 7 for 2c»Prepared,medium 8170 oe,|Libby's Sliced Beef 15e;size for 13¢.Dry ~S sacl gina Rie Libby’s Sliced Beef 10c.size for 9c.Weim.»392,{Libby's Vienna Sausage.D046 “hese neee+e++--10e,size for 9c. Libby’s Potted Meats ........5e, Libby’s Genuine DeviledHam15@-.size for 13¢, Norwegian Smoked Sardines ..9e. American Sardines Vancamps Tuna Fish .... Pa PECTS Hats 15¢e.size forge.© Marischeno cherries 25c.size ..Photo Salmon 1-2 size flatcan20c,value .....4....+..Libby’s sweet mixed pickles,©none finer packed,......28¢.qt.Libby’s sour pickles 10¢.doz. »COFFEE. No.1 Bourbon Santo coffee see en ee ene a r= A ho e g e a t h t Ht Vancamps Tuna Fish ....TCR OVRET ERY Ce a 10c.size for 9¢.~ Kingans Potted Meat .......Libby’s or Campbell’s Soups assorted ............ Baby Mary ‘Cove Oysters .... 5c.value for .......Pai eeNo.1 Blended Coffee,25¢. peeereeae er eweeeeenee ‘value eee ee ee ~The Robert Bunch Cash Grocery, ‘The Housé of Better Values.” we a ihe ODEN4materiaooRana:“Nov.Sth,1918,ec teye "Phone No.229, The Winter Chautauqua The first number on the programme— The Metropolitan.Grand Quartette--- Will be next WEDNESDAY at Shearer Hall.Tickets on sale at Statesville Drug Co...Buy your Season Ticket now. Still Going Free! #y Many have taken adyan- ‘tage of our free bureau of information regarding our Suitings,|Overcoatings,° etc.Have you?If not come atonce.Our stock , is complete with the new- est and nobbiest creations in Men’s wear at the low- ~est prices.Remember our motto:Satisfaction money refunded.. or cana tee Sloan Clothing Company, Fashion Attorneys. MORTGAGE SALE: By virtue of the ‘powers contained in a,;,Mortgage deed executed by W.A.Overcash and-wife-to R.A.Miller,and by him assign-ed for value :to R,A.Cooper,the undersigned in November.D.J.KIMBALL. M.MILLS,just across from postoffice. Set out your cabbage plants,peas and onions I can furnish you with them.Nov.19. WANTED—Roomera and Boarders.MRS._R. will sell at public auction to the highest bid-»¢der,for cash,at the court house door in Statess,ville,\N.G.,on)aN ~a MONDAY,DECEMBER 6th,1915, +,at 12.o'clock,m.,-the following‘real estate in FOR SALE—Weser Player Piano.for quick purchaser,residence,509 ‘Davie Avenue.LEONARD.J.Nov. A bargainMay,be seen at my PAUL 16—-2t. th city of Statesvill —towit:First lot.Beginning at the junction of‘Oak and Front streets,«ence with Frontstreet8.68 degrees W.93 1-2 fect to stake,|Address M.,care.The Landmark. WANTED—To borrow $1,000 ‘secured by.firstmortgageon100acresimprovedfarmoargNov.16. L.K,Overtash’s ‘corner;thence with his lineN.26 degrees W,188 feet to stake;thence N._68 degrees E.103 1-2 feet to stake on Oak‘,street;thence with the street S,21 degrees EB.188 1-2 feet to the beginnifig,containing a halfacremoreorless,if on Davie avenue.J,L.Nov.2 FOR RENT—Nine-room house.withallmodernconveniences—my|honic SLOAN.| Second jot.Beginning at ‘W.A.Overcash’s corher on Oak street,thence with street,.Nj.22seston1871-2 feet to stake,Cooper's’¢ar-ner;thence with Cooper's line and ditch fi 70degreesW.289 feet to stake in I.K,Over--oash’s line;thence 8.26 degtees ©,to a stake,HR.Overcash’s corner;thence with hig and:_<W.A.Overcash’s line N.70 degrees E.208feettothebeginning,and being lots 2 and 3vdnthedivision.of the T,M.Overeash:lands?:bea R.A,MILLER,7 Mortiragee. BUILDING?| ys dee anlage Well,of course,you wnnt to get outascheapaspossible.To do so youwill.buy where you can buy Build-ing Material cheapest.I carry afullstoelof“Everything:to BuildWieheandonlysksthataebuy where you can buy cheapest,»‘“GEWATKINS,8 Faville,.NeCo’ ile,Mrs.Poston had a number of in- |vited guests. |ville. \interests,being one of the best inform- I.Campbell were married Wednesday |.COFFEY,Statesvilie,N.C.Re Fe Dt favening at the home of Rev.George Nov.19-—-2t* 'H.Church,who officiated.“1 0R SALE—Five-room house .four..blocks New Hope Country “Charlotte.Nov.19-—3t* |Sorrespondence of The Lanamark.‘SRUND-—Kets One:Destibe aa0 PN,charges: New Hope,Nov.14 —The te “Nov.19.‘‘ ers have been making good use of the|mr rr ¢:LOST—Gold watch with tnitials F,W.W. fine weather,SOWING:small,grain,but |on back,Reward for return to The Land- are not all done,’though a lot Has}.mark.Nov.19. THE LANDMARK TEACHERS AT HARMONY. |GeLisweD TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.Teachers.of Two TéwnshipsVisit! -JFVICE:120 WEST BROAD.mt Harmony High School ae |“orvespondence of The Landmark,| licens MO ene ae ee ee The teachers| -ee a 401.°f Hage Mills and Turnersburg town:| WEDDII ie IN re LOTTE.|ednesday,th.early all’the),DDINGS IN CHAR P|tenchars en nee pewrekip were :\present..In the forenoon the teach-|Of Interest inStatesvilje—Soeial visited the different rooms of, Affairs.|school...When the noon hour was) Park Place -wag~the social -Meeca |snnowneed “tthe principal.of the! can dy “afternoon,the oc PE be-|school piecing et luncheon warying.the-reception given by Mesdames (achers of the Harmony school,as-|.L.Turner and W.N.Smithson,at |sisted”bx,the domestic science girls,|the home of Mrs.Turner,complimen-|cave a most delightful luncheon—a| ary,to pele ie tg Mary ere |heen fit acai queen—consisting |avis ‘oO ingdon,Va.e Sof five ‘courses.soup course was! were met at the door by Mrs.L.B.<orved first:then a meat course con-| Bristol and their cards were.taken by sisting of fresh sssinane ated pressed| little Misses Kathleen dnd:Eleahor chicken,‘decorated with green pars-! Moore.Mesdames 8.L,Parks and lev:next was a salad course served| L.Ash ushered tothe receiving pt 7 {with lettuce.The dessert was delic-| ty,whee was comers of ry Mes.ious and as ares said,Ray seed tesses,the guest of honor a s-'wine”was served last —hot coffee) it Ww.ir oe and.ce *et fe with whipped cream.ONE who Punch was served inthe,hall by Mes-dined were:Messrs,James Sharpe.) lames W.M.Barringer and %-A.'M.Wooten,Edgar Downum,R.F., Turner.Mrs.J.Henry Hall ushered|Gaither..T.H,Stafford,Prof.Lank-| vo the dining room,where Mrs.L.'ford and Sunt.Ri_M.Grav.dies were Misses Claudia Tharpe.Re-| Misses Phoebe Wakefield,.Mary Nannie Powell,Celéste Henkel and Thomas,Cornelia Smithson,Hope Mrs.Iankford.The visiting teach-| Clark,Mary Walker -and Gertrude crs wish to thank the Harmony teach-| ers for their warm reception. A.string band*has been regentlyjorganizedintheschool.In the af-| ternoon they gave us quite a number, where yellow.chrysanthemums ‘were of pieces of choice and popular selec-| ysed.__A_large vase:of the pretty tions.You would flowers occupied the center of the din-the music they made for us. ing table.The Chautauqua Study club’met with Miss Leah Stephany Tuesday af- ternoon.Mrs.T.M.Crowell was hostess to the Elcricemoh club.Wednesday.af- ternoon at her home on West ay- Ives.The entire house was decorated with autumn leaves,chrysanthemums and ferns,the decorations being:es- pecially attractive in the dining room, ecotten that it was a.business meet-| ‘ing.but soon.they were all back ©to} their school rooms and the meeting| nroved to be quite a beneficial one. \Many schodl problems were discuss- ed.especially the moonlight schools.| mue.The study topic for the Ufter-After the meeting adjourned the Do-| aoon was “The Peace’Movement”and mestic Science room was visited and) Mrs.E.B.Watts was in chargé of the garments the different.’classes; ‘he programme.Interesting papers have made~were—on exhibition and! were read by Mrs.R:A.Cooper and this attracted special attention. Mrs.J.L.Cowan.A salad «course A.GUEST.|| and mints were served.Notice of New Advertisements.| 1Mr;and.Mrasgt-_1.ceo <a Bargain in store fixtures wanted.— tained a.number of young people ©ec-“Av C.Crouch,“Oak Forest.”~~fnesdayeveningattheirhomeonMu!-;| henry ident:*omplimentary to Miss _Cabbage plants,peas and onions.—| Lillian Menefee.Game playing was'D.4.Kimball.:fr the principal source of entertainment _,Five-room house for sale-—T.T. vrovided for the evening.A salad Caldwell. The Round Dozen Embroidery met with Mrs:R.L..Poston Wedfies-| iay afternoon.The ladies devoted:the | time to making Christmas presents.|{n addition to the members of the cir- _'The Landmark. Reward for female setter.—W.H.| Coffey.i No cakes on sale’tomorrow but will | fil,orders for Thanksgiving and: The hostess served a Christmas.—Mrs.J.F.Henninger.| ‘alad course and other refreshments.,_Prices tomorrow that will make the | The Macdowell club will-meet this %00ds go.—Johnston-BelkCo.al afternoon ‘at 4 o’clock with Mrs.Wm.)Watkins’for:everything -to-build. Walleee:tain The first number.of thé Winter| *Miss Helen Buck,¢aughter of Mr.Chautauqua at the’college next Wed-'4 aid Mrs.Wilbur Buck,and Mr.nesday night.me “harles Allison Torrence,both#iof|Complete stock of shees.—Sherrill-| Sharlotte,were married in St.Mar-,White Shoe Co. tin’s Episcopal church,Chavlotte.Fresh ovsters,celery,etc.—Robert | Wednesday morning .at 10.30.Mr. Torrence,who is an ‘engineer in the employ-ef the Southern Power Com-! ony,is the son of Mrs.Maggie Alli-| yon Torrence and a grandson of the iate Dr.John A.Allison of States- New shipment coat suits,—J.’M.| McKee &Co.*‘| Don’t.forget the corn show.—Mer- chants &Farmers’Bank.. Ramsey-BowlesiMorrison ,Co;,the shop where style and service count. Big range demonstration Novem- ber 24-30th.Iredell Hardware Co.{ New line pattern rugs.—Statesville Housefurnishing Co. Thanksgiving special—Star Milling The.Charlotte News of Tuesday, evening says:“A marriage’of interest to many)friends occurred yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock when Mrs.Lula Squires Clegg became the bride of Mr.W.L.|C Nicholson,the event taking place at the home of the bride on Elizabeth Heights.Rev..Dr.J.C.Rowe,presid- ing elder of the Charlotte district,per- formed the ceremony,which was wit- nessed by a few'friends and near rel-tives.Immediately’a‘ter the ceremo-ny,Mr.and Mrs.Nicholson left for a trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition| at San Francisco,and for a tour of the West.On their return to CharlotteaferDecember15theywillbeathome at 2018 East Seventh street.”; The bride is the sister of Mr.Nioh- aison’s first wife and for some years she has been teaching in the Charlotte schools.Mr.Nicholson is an Iredell: man,a brother of Mr.W.’T.Nichol~ son of Statesville.~he News says of him:a : “Mr,Nicholson isone of the city’s suecessful business¢men and a public- spirited citizen.He is secretary- treasurer and manger of the People’s ‘Loan &Realty Company,the Motor, Sales Company and has other business OvAuto chain lost.Reward.—Smithey &Fraley. MARKET REPORTS. Statesville Produce Market. The following prices were paid yesterdayforproduceonthelocalmarket.Spring Chickens,10c.per Ib. Hens,10c.per Ib Roosters,5¢.per Ib. Eggs,24c.per deven. “utter,15¢.per Ib.\ Beeswax,25c.per Ib.Green Hides,12c.‘per Th, Hams,.22c.per tb.Sides,i3c.per lb.;Shoulders,13c.per_Ib.*Red Honey,10c.per Ib. Sourwood Honey Comb,18¢.per Ib, -Grains“The following prices were paid yesterday‘y grain on the local market: Wheat,$1.25 per bushel.Corn,(new),60¢,per biishel. Oats,55c.per bushel, Statesville Cotton Market. On the local market yesterday 11c.per‘pound was paid for best grade cotton.Seed cotton,4.85.Cotton seed,52 1-2c.per bushel. ad men of the city on matters pertain-|VQ”Cages on sale Saturday,but will fill ing to real estate.He was formerly @|orders.”“Also Thanksgiving enkes and fruit valued member of the ctty board of|cakes for Christmas.MRS,HENNINGER. school commissioners and is active in Nov.19,oy LOST,STRAYED OR STOLEN—White andblacksetterfemale,answers to the nameof“Queen,”disappeared from my homeThursdaynightofthe11th,Informationleadingtorecoverywillberewarded,WADE matters perteining to the city’s wel- fare.” Miss Sallie Mesimore and Mr.John Bargain to quick buyer,|'T.from Square.1200 South Tryon street,Mr.Williams Very Ill—News of ig Catpwen, been sown. The protracted meeting is going on at Prospect.this week.At the close, of the meeting recently held at Tay- lor Springs 14 -were—baptized.Then the pastor resigned.‘ Rev.and Mrs.Dexter Thompson of south Iredell are in this part now. LOST—Chain for Ford automobile,betweenWilkesboroand_Statesville.Return to}SMITHEY &FRALEY and get reward. Nov,19. WANTED—Any ole having bargain tr:storefixtuvesseeme.A,C.CROUCH,Oak For-est,N.C.:Nov,19. FOR RENT—Seven-room house on Tradd Mr.Harrison Williams is seriously}2-7 colaciade teeOLD.NEWSPAPERS.—All you want atill.His recovery is hardly expected, ;;‘|10e.a hundred,Worth this to start fires A 2-year-old‘child of Mr.and Mrs:with.Also good to put under carpets andMarsh.Barker:died Sunday of menin- gitis.and was buried at Taylor Springs yesterday.i Mr.Lee Rash is at the Sanatorium in Statesville,having undergone an operation for appendicitis,Glad to paper the walls.Come to THE LAND- MARK for,them, FOR RENT—Light-room508WestFrontstreet. CASH,4 two-story house,L.K.OVER-Aug.20. The la-| , White and Miss Mary Turner received. Sheese wafers,cake,hot chocolate,hecca Rollins,Jettie White.Trixie)», nints and salted nuts were served ‘by Critz.Mae Swicegood,Cecil Paris.| be surprisedto hear!—} The teachers by this time had for-| zourse,salted nuts,mints and coffee,Auto tire found.—C.L.Freeman,| were served.|armony.| Circle Reward for return of gold watch to — Bunch Cash Grocery.ts > emmeneny ge “So They are having a house built on their)”strees.WwW.A.ELIASON.Oct.8. place and we hope they will decide to eee ee , a te canes,K FOR RENT—Cottage close in.izhts an locate in this section.sewerage.R.P.ALLISON.Oct.5.| rey© ee ae:Tel aeae.‘i ;.‘:ee wv ekJRASOUS Mi n i c i c a i e s eo rae T took many years of strife before the fam- ous old Bell pealed out its message of political libertyandmarkedtheestablishment. of a new nation—of newerpurposesandconceptions. Yet man’s strugele for free- i dom from the throttle-holdsi«of waste,ignorance,indolenceanddecayisaskeenasever. It’s man’s own battle.Wis- dom,self-improvement and ~economy are his best aids, Economy Is Saving The man’who begins to apply that one principle in his life is striking the first blow to break the fetters which are holding hin back from the enjoyment of all 1.that his liberty entitles him to. y We are always ready to offer the co-operation to make your savings VYsafeandprofitable,tH ‘Te First Nariona BANK. STATESVILLE N.C.Capital $I00.000 AZPai 1?Usnepoateey me Panaes You will have one more cheerful pleasure.‘to add to your Thanksgiving Feast if you,will heed our advice and bake:your own.bread.with our,flour—Morrison’s Highwe AGradeandPresto,Its use adds pleasure-to baking as the results are always mostgratifying.- Aluminum ware free.—|Yd =pi eee ”STAR MILSTATESVILLE,N.C 4 =stonesmlpreT a New Shipment Coat Suits! ~Why we sell out of these popular Suits soquickly istheyaretheverylateststylesandaresoldat.pricesthatappealtothepurchaser.a eee |Four Suits to close out at one-third off—all to beihadoftheselots.oe A lot of Special Priced Coats received this week inLadies’and.Children’s,from $1.98 up—every one abargain.i 4 *EVERYBODY‘says our Red Goose School Shoes are ff the best.Ask those who have tried them.‘gtaLYONBRANDforMenandBoys.One pair wears.you 12 months and with proper treatmentis.a dry shoe.\2 \Nase one better than these for out-door wear. A good Sweater for 50c.See us for Good Goods at.close prices..Very truly,.aos J.M.McKee &Company. RNRa he Lvs Ss |FOR SALE![a[~ad ee 4, 200-acte farm 18 miles from Statesville,beeon ‘Catawba—river for 3-4 of mile,’Seventy-five acres in cultivation,40 of ‘which ~is fine river bottom land..Two dwellings and one barn.75 acresmiexceptionallyfineoriginalforest—Pine,Oak,Poplar,HickoryandDogwoodtimber,within half mile of railroad-siding. Two four-room cottages on south:Center street,centrally lo- cated,rent.well.rimeeomtaraFour-acres on the Turnerst urg road,half mile from Bethan, church,with four-roobm “dwelling:and small barn.b ‘ 1b-acres one-half mile from.Bethany church on Turnersburg road.Three fine springs.Prices and terms right.i oe hear that he is gétting on all right.ie On SHINGLES,SHINGLES Pine,Cedar,Cypress and:Tin.Twelve grades $2 per 1,000 andup.Ready -Painted Valley Tin,Ridge Roll and Nails. '25e.bottle Compound Cathartic Pills for only 5c.at SMITHEY.&FRALBY’S.-ad.:‘ Be'suve and see SMITHEY &FRA-|| ATKINS,Statesville.,lwee’s..Planters’..Whi em For further information call on or write,ERNEST G.GAITHER,eX8xt,SuePHONE23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS B |i {meet{ aN erat aon —HELP THR HOM TOWN BYTRA DING WITH FRIDAY »+>November19,1915.|! >Forest Fires.in the State,:The h Carolina Geological and eed,kEconomShburveyhascompiledare-Correspondence of ‘The;Landmark,©||.page onforest fires in the State during Preparations are being made as1914,which shows $600,000 damage completely and rapidly as possible ;for’such fires;compared with eon for the corn shows to be held Novem-:}average damages for the past six|),..7m at the Merchants and Rarm-| .|I}}225¢‘i ;ny oe @ report shows that $15,000)15)Rake and the’Iredell Hardware eS d ;: years,The re ’ '.,: "was spent during 1914 in fighting fires|(>5.store “Mr.B h has invited th 1 > meen $18,600 average —ex-iene the county wo akan:dis- byletting some PirtoceAlbert joy “ke my oeyoursystemviaajimmypipeormakin’sciga- d for the past six’years.in Play of their best corn at the bankdamagebyforestfiresin|),has arranged a good list af pre-tain counties in 1914 was i 218,000 aver- yon $98,000 compared with $170,000 ita six years and in the coast- miums besides.The Iredell ‘peoplearesponsorsforthe’Boys’Corn’clubexhibitandoffer14premiums,con-)sisting of useful’articles commonlyfoundinahardwarestock.They al-So plan to entertain the boys “for a | rette,for you neverinallyourlife,.got suchfunoutof tobacco» Get that P,A.flavor?GetthatP.A.aroma?aj regien'§29%,000 damage compared Go to it mighty cheerful,because P.A.can'tbite!Puff away like you hit perpetual motioninthefirstround!And keep fired-uptill.thecowscomehome,For it’ssurefactsPrinceAlbert tha’$263,000 average for the past /nart of the afternoon at the moving |six years.jpicture show.A premium of $1 is |‘The areas burned over were 17,000 joffered for the best stalk of copn and|acres in the mountain region compar-}¢i for the best 10 ears by Mr,..J.M..ed-with 141,000 average for six’years;Lippard,these exhibits to be “of thepiedmont:region,60,000 acres 1914|variety originated by Mr.Lippard,|compared with pe eee fan |Three yearly snbaceenone on the | a ears and coastal.region,159,(.|Progressive Farmer are offer 'y its! nevergtouch ea 1914 compared with an average of |nublishers-—-one to thé “boy coming| any ote 155,000 for os pant ee qaate:-ee with fia expatsarn ~B 3 ara mans tongue and won t The vilue of standing timber >exhibit from the lowest yi provid-oC oe :~ stroyed in 1914 was $29,000 in the |edit shows care in sel en spies grouch yours!‘ sini aac eka eee Es et jon),andone |stern,$17,000 inthe piedmont and|ig the oungest .exhibitor..—-{ ried ; $83,000 in the coastal region,giving y Get P.A;jimm is and cigarettemakin’shappy, }These exhibits \are to’be made as|awtotal valuation of $129,000 standing|equeational as’possible and it is hoped |titiber burned in 1914,compared with that every farmer within reach of||Statesville will attend ‘and:bring”the | No ‘lives were lost in salting the191tTheaverage.loss of livesHietwoeachyearforthepast SiX years.:moeThe greatest number of the 1914fireswerecaused.by sparks from loco- *motives,there being 28 from thisJcause.Next in line are 14 creditedto*carelessness,11 to hunters,’8 to malice*and*incendiaries,4 to smokers and’7tofarthersburningbrushandwaste. a stitial§Forest.Wealth of the State. {University News Letter.3«At the North Carolina Club session“Mr.J.H.Lassiter of Northamptoncounty—briefly-_detailedthe —forest"wealth of the.State as follows: vs Nearly twenty million —acres of #woodland,containing 4380 billion boardfeetofstandingtimber,in which @ ticular North Carolina ~ranksamongthefirstfourStatesoftheUnion.a*.An annual timber cut of 4 billion|board feet.Lumber and timber:prod-‘ucts worth $34,000,000 a year,-rank-Ing next to cotton and tobaceo man-ufacture as a source of annual wealth.**Our farm+wood-lot products,mainlyfirewood,were,,worth $11,000,000 in the census year;in’which particular. North Carolina outranked every otherStateintheUnion. ..The annual firewood cut is some 5,-720,000.cords per year,equal to three billion board feet of lumber;which easily accounts for the fact that no-*bedy was ever known to freeze to“death in’North Carolina.~|We have 33,000 saw mills,117 fur-\niture and mefrigerator factories,138“carriage and wagon works,12 car and-general construction ‘shops.Tf we}-count the lumber and timber indus-gtries,they employed 44,000 people andStumtedneutproductsworth.$50,000,-000 in’the census’year.Our “own:wood-working establish-‘Ments consume nearly a third of our-lumber id timber ‘products,oraround$11,000,000 worth of:them an-nually.RS < ITEMS OF ALL SORTS. Robt.Wharton;a citizen of Guil-ford county,received injuries in arunawayMondayfromwhichhediedTuesday.‘In Pitt county Saturday night Wil-liam Langley shot and killed AaronCox.Both colored.Langley is in jailandhisstoryisself-defence,oe.{|W.Ny Royall has resigned as man- _SgPlodding along in the 2 ager of the Atlantic.Coast Line Rail-;-way Company and P.R:Albright,as-,sistant general “manager,has beenpromotedtotheplace. i The compress of ther Inter-StateCompressGuarpunyoatAltus,Okla.,*and approximately 8,000 bales of cot-ton stored in the building,were de-.¢Stroyed by fire Tuesday.The loss was:estimated at $500,000.«The ministerial association of‘Huhtington,W.Va.,ha¥pledged _it-self not to officiate at the marriage.of divorced jpersons unless it can beshownthatthePersonsdivorcedareinnbcentpartiesandthatthedecreeWasgrantedonScripturalgrounds. Death of Mrs.Bussell.Correspondence of The Landmark.New Hope,R-1,"Nov.16 —Mrs.|Jane Bussell of New Hope township,_died night before last and is to be'buried’at Pilgrim church today.She-#was about 79 years old,She has eightlivingchildren.Her husband diedInTennesseesometimeago.She hadcbeenveryfeebleforsometime,Sheaoilyingonthefloornearthebefia,never spoke after she wasEtoundt4c ONLY A DAD,;HnOnlyadadwithatired faceCominghome—from the daily race,“Bringing little of gold or Yame"To show how well he has played.the game;«But lad in his heart that his own rejoicee¥To see him come and to hear his voice,Hor a dad of a bréod of four,Onc of ten million men or more,d deny strtfe,iG Bearing the whips:and scorns of life,~With never 4 whimper of pain or hate,ts For the sake of those who at home await. Only a dad,nei +¥—vieh—nor—proud,oMerely one of t surging crowd,Toiling,striving from day to day,Facing Whatever may come his way:¢Sitent whenever the harsh eondemn+And bearing it all for the:love of them,Bony w dad,but he wives his atyTosmooththeWayforhischildren’small,Deing with courage,stern and grim,°The deeds that his father.did for him,“This is thé line that for him I pen—Only «dad,but the best of mep,Author “Unknown. How to Prevent Croup,It may beta surprise ‘to |you to learn that [family aloiig.The boys takea great|\deal of interest in things that“are bet-ter than the ordinary and while theyareyoung)is the time to give themthe‘opportunity to récetve se "emipres-|lab of better things that will re-| a little study and care the corn crop |of Iredell county could be increased|10:per cent.in two years ‘on-its pres:|ent acreage by:seed‘selection alone.|Is that not worth the time and effort |it would require?Some farmers arealreadyraisingconsiderably_morethan10percent.above their nei¢h-bors’yield when only marketable |corn is considered.Sortie.|Besides:the exhibits there will be a!short programme at the-court house,|beginning at 11 o’clock.Mr.T.E.|rown,agent in charge Boys’club|work,will address the audience andawardtheprizestothebaysenrolled|in the corn club work the past season.|It is hoped ‘every member will be|present’to hear Mr.Brown,as_he is!an interesting talker and wants tomeettheboys.‘Parents will do welltoencouragetheir’boys’by attending |the programme with them..Mr.E.A.Morrison,who is actively |engaged in gorn breeding and hasalso |made a.suctess in showing at the|fairs,wil)tell how he has been able |to do this.There are no secrets ‘in|this business that cannot be learned |ef any one.Come and hear them ex-|Plained,then do your best toward|putting them into’practice.| Buying Seed.aWednesdayastrangerclaiming‘to!represent #\seed”house in Georgia|came with’+number of cotton plants|very heavily laden with well-opened {bolls and -proceeded to take orders |for seed at a very high price.These|well-filled plants,reinforced by éx-| oral guarantees,induced many a|farmer to part with dollars that”thehomemerchantorseedsmancouldnotenticeoutofthefarmers’pocket un-der any circumstances.Now,while I do not know the relia-bility.of ‘the.party,let_me warn youagainstbuyingofstrangersundersuchcirtumstances.You have paidoutyourmoneyandnavenothingbutareceipt,and what is worse,may re-ceive the »seed only ww.find out afteritistoolatethatyouwerethemeansofbringing‘into the county the cot-ton boll weevil or pink boll anthrac-nose.The weevil will get here soon express..It is not far off in that di-rection,‘so a little caution is advisable,Another point or two.’That cottonhasashorterlintthan‘our honie-grown and according to the judgmentofoneofourlocalbayersisworthal- ing’acclimatized,it cannot be expect-jed to do as well here as in its native{nome,So may not -bring you thosesamewell-filled stalks.It is ‘seldom|advisable to import seed.Usually thebest.way is to select your own seed'on your own farm or to buy from a|close neighbor ‘that takes:this care,|By field selection.corn may be bred!|to a high standard ix tour years’time|jand the same should be true for cottonjJustalittlethoughtfulattentionis |jall that is required to attain these re-|sults,G.E,DULL,|County Agent.| |MATTERS OF NEws. Commigsioners of Surry |county |j have decifled on the erection’of a new}jcourt.house and jail,to cost about||$60,000.},Thirty-four men were imprisoned||Lvesday in a coal mine at Ravensdal mainwith them.all their’lives.With}3 pipers Glub.”*is John O'Reilly, of East Provicd »RR.1,who hasjestpassedthecontarymark.)Mr.O'Reilly is one of those grand old men who has come to this Tipe age 3 with the joys of his’friendly Jimmy pihe fresh in his mind each morning, He bas always been a liberal amoker, Here is another|st-clected membe: ofthe Prince old-timejimmy- Prince Albert ie sold here becausethedemandforitisuniversal,Sowhereveryouhaprentorunshor?just di in thehandiestshopthatsellstobaccoabuythetoppyredbagforajitneypiece,Sc;tidyred travagant photographs’and similar|}j enough without you shipping it up by|z most 2 cefits less per pound:Not be-|3 tin,10c;handsomefend and half-poandtiahumidors:and that clateycrystal-glassthumidorwith‘top. TERSaFORBuildingMaterial!| Our store is headquarters for building material.We carry in stock constantly,from one to two car loads of standard sizedoorsandwindows,metal and woodshingles,galvanized V Crimped and Per-.fection Lock Roofingy:4 We pay the cold cash for our goods,Cash buyers are whatithe manufacturersarelookingfor..This puts us on thegroundfloorforprices.The eriiding pub-lic will seldom buy’anything froma mer-chant if not assured.the article in ques-tionis A-1.We belong to the GeorgeWashingtonClass,‘and truthfully you al-ways get dependable goods when youbuyfromus. Lazenby-Monttomety Hardware Co,igs miles southeast of Seattle,Wash..|FTSRR Hiyanexplosionofcoaldust,At last!‘account a dozen had been recovered,|jall dead except 5.,One of the surprises‘of the war in||Europe is the “surface”prosperity |ithe masses of Great Britain are éx.-||Periencing.It is said that wages are ||higher than ever before and money is|{being spent lavishly.The Judson cotton mill at Green:|jville,S.C.,closed for three weeks on},2ccount of a strike,opened its doors||Monday and the mill management||Claims that three-fourths of the 700 ||operatives returned to work,The!|formation of a textile union was the||basis of the strike,|.Capt.J.R,Bryan of Chatlottes<'ville,Va.,was probably the first war/|®eronaut,itis claimed,While.a Con|federate soldier he went up in a bal.|Hoon and reconnoitered over the Fed:|‘eral lines in one of the early battles of |the CivilWaramidst a hail of shell and! R.J.REYNOLDS Prince Albe then you'll personally un-»derstandthat no otherpipeandcigarettetobaccoeverwasorever.can be likert..The patentedfixesthat—and cuts out the bite and the ~parch.That's why pipe peaceful andcigarettepeaceful tonal joy smoke men call ” ‘You be a sport and fake achanceonthisSay-so,because you've no idea of the bullygoodness,of the joy’us satisfaction,of theContentmentancrestfulnessandthatsortofthing,that hits everyman whogetschummywithP.A, Hammer this home for what ails yoursmokeappetite,because you've no time to lose getting introduced tothisrealandtrueman-tobacco that’s ace-high and ayardwidenomatterhowpipeormakin’s cigarette! TOBACCO Co.,Winston-Salem,N.C, you swing on it,jimmy + Practice Economy This Year!|Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds Not.screenings or offal,orworthlessby-products,but’se-lected feed scitificallyblendedforresults,Madebyahousewithareputationforintegrity. C.W.BOSHAMER,-Local’Phone 125 Black. Old Beck Sweet Feed. Little Ned Sweet Feed. Manna-Rice Chick Feed, Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed. scien- Representative. Bulbs,Bulbs,Bulbs ij TT * Hyacinths, \‘.\y 3 ,,;‘White Roman,Yellow,Pink and Blue, Paper White Narcissus. 7 =«CIGARS! YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERSNOWTRYTHEBEST,~ Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigar HALL’S DRUG.STORE,‘PHONE 20.Prescriptionists, To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties:|THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANY betoannouncethattheybavecompletedarrangementswith“THEHOMEINSURANCECO..of New York,”for insuring your growing °Cc of obacto,Corn,Cotton and small grain ,against destructionbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.:$100per dere valuation at-@5 per-acre valuation at50peracrevaluationat25peracrevaluationat $7.50 per acre5.874 per acre3.75 per acre1.874 per acre‘COTTON,CORN AND.SMALL URAIN CROP,$40 per acre valuation35-per acre valuation30peracrevaluation23peracrevaluation20per.acre valuation15peracreyaluation10peracrevatuation $1.60.per acre1.40 per acre 1.20 per acre1.00 per acre+80 per acre60peracre .40 per acre \bullets from thé enemy.| j DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS,$100 value for one year at 30c.,3 yearsat 60c.,5 years at 90c.Thislatter’insurance covers also against loss or damage “occasioned °by wind in addition to hail.‘”‘REMEMBER—"'We insuiJ..F.CARLTPHONE64,_ee nh many cased croup can be Prevented,Mrs,H.M.Johns,Elida,Ohio,relates her oevienceus’follows:“My little boy ts snbjocttocroup.During the past winter I kept ajone of Chamber]»of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.in ue Pad Whol have a dis.meals.It is duedeasilyremediedbytakingains-Tablets after meals. MAMMOTH BULBS, Mrs.Henry Padghan,Victor,N.Y¥.,writes:|& house,and when he beran having that croups |ni Statesville DrugGomp y;‘ hI f for some time 1 was vroubled ith hed -'f xy sinea ;4 anything insurable,yf ~ we and iyopld break the tach”=a and distress in my stomach after eating,i 4 QualityPrescriptionists: f , '¢ “- Iso With constipati i ‘ : :4 Stipation.About six ontha| , eactician a tcl take Gaaneete "They ‘jet 1 eeine Chamberlain's rn ESE eastern state teT ;; tA i < beca 2 hy *ater i res F TOD : ind it is safe wid ‘féliable,Obtainable evefine headaché and one atnoraels “tadiad ir"TIS Wort B20 ST Yo! ):—-) where, ®short time,”Obtalnable everywheres :sh Li io S333ITII200%Tablets, S8,Abs,Oa eas ME Orie Hiv Koo Lo nih)2.GIA fyeay iiates "and bowels constipated or you have “T >Capital Stock Paid in -$100,000.00 M4 tee UGH!CALOMELI$HORRIBLE!IT | vo le SHOORKS YOUR LIVER IF BILIOUS Calomel Sickens!Don’t Lose a Day’s Work!CleanYourLiverandBowelsWith‘‘Dodson’s Liver Tone.’*Ugh!Calomel-makes yousick,It's|spoonful and.if-it,doesn’t straivhten| horrible!Take a dose of the dan-|¥ou tight ®up and }aake you fecl fine sale?land vigorous,I want you to go back| gorous.drug Fonte and qporraw to the store and ges your money.|you may lose a day’s work,”’_|Dodson’s.Liver Tone is destrpying Calomel is mercury or quicksilver1 the sale of Calomel because it is realwhichcausesnecrosisoftheLonds:|liver medigine;entirely vegetable, alomel,when it comes into ¢oatact|therefore it canrot salivate or moke ith sour bile,crashes into it,Y you sick,breaking it up.This is when you}I guarantee that one spoonful |offeelthatawfulnauseaand¢:amp-|Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your ing.'If you are sluggish and “aliare sluggish liver to work and cleanknockedout,”if your liver is torpid}your bowels of that cour bile and headache,dizziness,coated tongue,|your system and makirg yoy fee if.breath is bad or stomach scur,!iaiserable. just try a spoonful of harmless Dod-|tlo.of Dodson’s Liver Tone wii!keep, son’s Liver Tone tonight.your entire family feelirg fine for Here's my guarantee —Ge‘to any|months!Give.it to your children.Ii drug store and get a 50-cent 1 ottle|is harmless;doesn’t gripe ard vhey of .Dedson’s Liver.Tone.Take ajlike its pleasant taste. ——~|DON’T WAIT Pac eI,| YOU HIT |FRE ‘BOTTOM Toc,|STEP Call on us at once,and we'll help you to regain your balance.Our drugs are 100 per cent pure and effective and will soon restore your bodily vigor.PRESCRIPTION WORK is our specialty. \THE LANDMARK constipated ‘waste which is clogging)imple methods and got such mat? I guarantee,that a bot-|.q when a lion roared against A.ifudgment he wrought,when he preact ee ;on oa glo stand why we have,done so little with ‘ntoay ge hae no”leas agi the splendid start they willed us in 0 |Heaps vpon:heaps! D |reet-methods of Samson.._I_maintal ;They were heroes, S \Shanged.so I have to add sch oh ion panels i tc bots“al ‘Wa +it ;s .-,;% —---7 .be eyeer forever,How ean the work be done?Aboutthesamewaythefathersdidit.Theyallgottogetherandthewallwasbuilt.These were prolific old fellowsandthousandsoftheirdescendants| are scattered round about.What afewdidahundredyearsago,this multitude can do now.Only thistimeithadbetterbewroughtbypull-|ing purse strings,for the tender de-scendants would hardly be equal to|shifting these stones by hand.If the’Daughters of Some Revolution would|take it up it would not be "hard to|get thisiwork well done.If they don’t want to do it,I have anotherlittle.plan.: FRIDAY,-- Nevember 19,101". ee. TALKING ABOUT THE TOWN An Old Rock Wall and What It Represents. Correspondence of The Landmark.. Work.from the rock,the measureGod's riddle-canon serd, This is my dubious logogriph “onheavtyandstrength.leeWhenSamson’judged Terael God'swillwaswrought‘upon the Philis-itines sometimes in a song,sometimesbyariddle,and sometimes with the inwhone ofan a8.g ||.Thereas something more,however,A that needs.to be said about the’spir-The wonder is that he used such it of theleld wall.It is of the same ;;serv:granite “that our Scotch-Irish areHisbarehandshim,|0uilt of.It is the spirit’of a glorious"|Strength,But wide spaces lie be- tween rock-walled conviction and‘mere stubbornness.The fathers were |.valiant for truth,but they were alsoe)vioneers.They,were not afraid to dobigthings,or make new.paths for their feet.They got up a revolutionardmadeaNewNationonGod'searth,They were futurists to what some of their children have become, and they would find it hard to under- '+elous results. and:honey found.in the sun-driedcass,when he passed that way agiwasturnedinto--a riddle to dumfoundhisenemies.You rementwhathedidto.the foxes when!turned them loose in the i “orn.and the reception he:gavePhilistineswhen’they came to.him about it..That was a ‘mi ad in Lehi with a bone for a text,and: ~.|this -world.‘_And see what happens to a,pioneer jin our days!His visions of What Heve I smitten a thousand,”Might Be fo up against a hundred Now.the modern’parson,would|years of What Has Always Been and vladly nse the same artless means if)fall back.crumpled beyond~all recog- he could.._Instead of long sermonsit|nition.But this is not the spirit of “With the jawbone of:an ass, With the jawhone of an ass” rere Wir ANS oho ei See cone$100000000000000000020000000000000000 |Whythose Pains ?Here is a teatimonia]uneolicinel, /eek“Tf Thad my will it would _:be advertised on every street oo/corner.The man of wonien onsthathasrheumatismandfailsCalltokeepanduseSloan’s Lini-meat is like a drowning mawrefusingarope."’—A.J.Van Dyke,Laké-wood,N.J.Sloan’s- Liniment[3ae. a DJ J =! Se t would be simpler to employ the:+i our first fathers in this wilderness.They would.that even the Philistines would.rath-|¢runt-us a fine contempt for the or have it so.But the times have!hackwardness of these small plans.a sermon}But the sturdiness of conviction to my riddle.2 ee |grown selfish and hardened into the And here followeth the sermon/stubbornness of old won't,brings that I made ont of an old rock walljabout the strange evolution of a pi- Long ago.when the pioneers|‘}oneer into a mule.5 Syst.into this wilderness.thev.I This’is my sermon and it applies .church’wherein to worshin G atto many other things,but we began| The Polk Gray D Company Farmers’Favorite Drill! (NONE BETTER.) Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,ete.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. 9FERTILIZERS. S=5 J.E.SLOOP.== . : oy r¢ *r3 ““The Mark of Quality.” “TEXACO ENGENE OILS, :TEXACO CY LINDER OILS, _TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,HalfBarrels and Cases. 4. Pyr>. tf Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil in full packages,see us’before you place your orders. We arein a position‘to demonstrate QUAL- ITY,and can make delivered prices that will interest you. i Statesville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.) ~*Phone 61.Office:Robbins Row. PEO EOS ke 3 CommercialN be y OF STATESVILLE,N.C. 31,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. J Your:Banking:business.solicited and every accommodation extended to de-positors consistent with prudent.bank- ing methods.‘| _Four per cent,-paidon time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three _months or longer.‘ |OFFICERS: we TURNER,+-Sahn ca .President,t MOHTIRON,-«= ~'/ViceFes ident. j ,:ie AA oY Oe ial ier,7 ee HUGHEY,~‘Assistant Cashier. 1949000-000000000000000000'Tee Hee PEF eee ee PEED T ERED HOOT ST FSFE D Se FEdeHeseaeeeapeneereereesoeereesetesestes Surplus and Profits =- school wherein to train the young fr 2nd a rock walled place of peace’an ——|uietness wherein to lav their deat |when he said,“Out of —the--strong Good Goods at FAIR PRICES.ef! HW thipg about the fathers, HB.sorind,brave.strong. 4 |oneers. with a riddle about beauty and strength.Samson made one like it ‘As time went on the wilderness gave|-ame forth sweetness.”I leave my l-waybefore them and the town rey jriddle with you and if you will de- ‘rom simpler to larger things.Theif clare it unto mé I will give you.not! \4rst homes were replaced_.by grand-jthirty linen garments and thirty| jor ones and their churches rrew as changers of raiment,but the wonder| ‘heir tribes inereased.All things of the«seamless robe and the broider=-} bchanged except this ancicnt’wall—-|ed glory of life,But for failure 1} ‘vhis wall that is the:one work left|still reserve the right of a lastresort | of our pioneers.to my jawbone.:| And it stretches there in the sun |a aera } ‘oday as the trhe monument of the Seaboard and Short Lines Con- ‘solidate.gen that built it..Not in the frail aarble that marks their graves—my '-:anh ne articles_of agreement for the brought oe Bor Oe carrot on merger and consolidation of the Sea- iome Set |‘B th -ed ‘strength of Doard Air Line Railroad Company and| ‘acts ee ntte’Besalders that gilard:numbers of short lines.including the | Laot the dusk ot’the mast alones 10 Carolina,Atlantic “&Western,have, jo ante Spirit.of the men that:lie been filed with the Seerctary of State! rete i teove ,we ‘in Raleieh for record.This is the mer-| |zuried there.4 4.ger that has been in process of ac-| ee Pa a a ee -omplishment for several months and| ree ge ie think of*thene‘with idds about 600 miles of railroad line} le a Rt ce Buneactk gpd 1th +>the Seaboard system,and gives the! ane per a ‘Ret Seabos ‘.nabs *=ah,|‘Old Honest.Standfast.Great Steart,a card .connection with parsonat| The capital stock of the consolidat-|cand Valiant -for -Tee,‘Tene ae stones are like their life-like deeds.|rote |s ‘|?-4d corporation is $100,000,000,and! They “say tin one |greatPrarie che articles of agreement provitle for| cy Fe.the issuance of $300.000,060 bonds in} ‘addition to the $125,000,000 bonds| Homer,called npon to sine theo eee | ‘tory of our heroic age,would non-pw outstanding.ter for a time in that bare field|Pappg DIAPEPSIN FOR INDI- where Fort Dobbs styod?in the Indian Wars.and then come back and sit ah4 our old rock wall to get the text for the spirit of:his:song.For this is!tq the town’s one sacred relic of the ni- Their hands touched these |stones.their brawn lifted them into ‘place.their spirit is built into their. |united strength. |And what monument could we ‘build to remember them bv that would be comparable to what they un- ieonsciously built themselves?Amid loll the fearful memorials scattered ‘through the land that sin no less GESTION OR SOUR,ACIDSTOMACH!a |Five Minutes!No -Dyspepsia,| Heartburn or Any Stomach Mis-|ery.| Sour,gassy,upset stomach,indi-| gestion,heartburn,dyspepsia;when; ihe food you eat ferments into gases| and stubborn lumps;youw head aches|and you feel sick and_miserable,}) that’s when you realize the magic in! Pape’s Diapepsin.It makes all stom- ach misery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous} |LISTEN!WAIT ~ H against our heroes than they dese- H crate the name of art,-we have here Hin’line of epic truth about the past H ithat the greatest sculptor would de- H storms.it Knows all our history.And H now the Philistines Want to tear it 3 down. Hity,I call upon the Lord. 3 iber me,I pray thee.and Hime,I pray thee,only this onc that} Hil may.be avenged of -the Philis-! #itines.” H |Philistines go uv against that wall. 8 |however. H ito be turned off into West End ave- 3 |nue. Hiin its young strength from Davie. Blonly to fall back,broken.and ‘bewil- H idered,until it catches sight of Presbyterian church and: 5 eats Bank Boo F|OW ers !: #led-into Cowles Bicourtly old gentleman that loved chil- #idren so much.:The only thing that Hiever did get by that ancient wall was Hi Dick Harbin,the.nighghe saw old Bi Captain Stalwart’s gho H for road work,The spirit of theirHifathersrolledintomacadam!And.in3ithesacrednameofProgress,Hihave planned to put a dapner littleHlironfenceintheirplace. Hia moment of how these gaunt old H pH ge would look through ‘the shame- u HiShades of their grandmothers in @ i slit skirt! H\kut rebuild it instead and under 4 #|master.workman,that.it may stand Hisome other several hundred B|Properly reset in masonry and with Hi hammered iron gates,it would be the Himost distinctive and beautiful thing 4 iin town,B\these words for,our rule:“Let there H ibe a broad foundation,let the parts 3 ibe well bound together,let the joints B ihe carefully broken,,and,above Hilet its:height not be too great for its 4 |width.”4 iweakness and respects only good ma- 3 \terial aBi)At an ;#|show.you,how beautiful it ‘would bes} -$|Rhododendron,lilacs;#iboxwoods-hardy plants massed andHlingroupsaccording.to good landscapeHBipractice—will convert this old:grave- \sire only ‘to restore.It has seen all ‘our -wars,it has weathered all our! Like Samson in his extremi-|“Remem-!strengthen} T have seen many.things ‘besides Consider.how _bravely Meeting street dashes against it.only See how Water street starts the so limps round thé corner,a sad denial of the perseverance of the saints.Remem- that lies imprisoned there.behind th graveyard it ificloses,with no hope at all unless it be rescued and turn- Parkin honor of the But they want to use those stones they Think but ul,flaring cheapness of a grillwork. Remove not:that ancient,landmark, years, John Burroughs gives us all, Time searches out its every d good workmanship. her time Iam going to barberry and yard into.a thing of beauty and a joy —— _ aR revolt —if you can't get it regulat- ed,please,for your sake,try -Pape’sDiapepsin.._It's so.needless to haveabadstomach—make your next,meal a favorite food meal,then take a lit- tle Diapepsin.There will not be any distress—eat without fear.It’s be-cause Pape’s Diapepsin “really does” regulate weak,out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales an- nually.; Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin.from any drug store.Itisthequickest;surest stomach relief and cure known.magic—it is a scientific,“~harmless and.pleasant,stomach preparatign which truly.belongs in every home. It acts almost like} Dn Fg AttCom Stow Saturday,November 27. ’Quite a number of farmers have already brought in their — exhibits.We want as many as will to enter this contest. All_you have to-do is to select ten ears of your best corn, and bring it to the bank,and give us your name and ad- dress.pe :feo ey eo Ene et The prizes will be as follows: Piret:Prige 0.ee 35 ee ee «$2.50 a:M@cond Prize i.co as eee pacesd 2.00 Thitd:Prize oo.cecevekekeeOeeeate 1.50 fe Oth PHHZE |ae eas eye ered 1.00 All others a six-months subscription to the Progressive . Farmer.‘While the prizes are not large it will be seen. that every farmer who exhibits will get something.Please bring or send im your exhibits at your earliest conven- ience.: We invite all the farmers of the county to come in to s the display.We will be disappointed if you don’t come. Merchants and Farmers’Bank, 4 Of Statesville,. “The Bank For Your Savings.” es as FOR : For the Demonstration of the |South Bend Malleable — RANGE!| \ Handsome Set of Alaminum Ware : FREE! ~When It’s Think of Van Lindley “Company.We-have one of the largest Greenhouse plants in : the South. Orders small or large eT Iredell Hardware Com’y. CRO SOR Certificates of Deposi : Issued by this bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent per an-- num.Savings Deposits 4 per cent,~~ credited quarterly. receive prompt atten- tion.Shipping facil- ities unsurpassed,~ Flowets That Please.: Van Lindley |Co., Polk Gray Drug Co., i Checking Accounts. . either large or small cordially invited, We want your business. People’s Loan and Savings Bank OFFICERS: GEO.H.BROWN -0.L,TURNER -—= 4 ‘f 1 Agents,a iniiiataeieaelae nc tg BETS ARTES hipEverythingisonaboom—th ie ree ctubusinessmenaresteppingbrisklywiths:even the weather has 4 ‘Merchant,Banker and allesontheirfaces.The country is ona boom—___.past month.If any one doubts let him'step intosbeenboomingfor)|nd be convinced.the store that sells for less some Saturday ,er ee here until'after their prother’s death. Let everybody come next Saturday—we \We Have the Goods and-at |Pric 4S% ate going to make it a record breaker. That Will Make Them Move. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTRMENT. In this department we are showing some peaches in CoatNewandup-to-date in style,*material,fit and$9.95,$12.50,$15.00,$18.50,$22.50 Suits. finish.Prices,$4.75, -and $25.00.” Ohe lot all wool SergeSilkandSergecombination Dresses $4.95 to Dresses,$4.95,worth $7.50.$8.50.Silk and Silk Poplin Dresses $4.95 to $15.00. HOUSE DRESSES. Percale and Gingham 48c.and 98c.Kimmonos and Bath Robes for lad98c,$1.48,$1.95 up to $3.95,Ladies and Misses Outing Gowns 75c.and 98c,SPORT COATS.A big line to select fro $9.95. Long Coats,Black andMisses’and Children’s Coats,$1.48,$1.98,$2.48,$2.98 upto$5.00, m—$2.98,$3.98,$4.95,$6.50 up to Fancy,$3.98 to $15,00. SILK AND WOOLEN DRESS GOODS. very attractive prices. Sheets and Pillow.Case A beautiful line of seasonable fa 120 White Counterpanes,worth $1.25,our BLANKETS. 1.48,$1.98,$2.48."California All Wool $3.98 Wool.Nap blankets $ Elkfh All Wool $3.98. s at very low pfices,©(__ price 986 and $4.75. ies,misses and children: brics to select from at | 6c.Prints Bee ae 10c.Percales,short leng 6c.Outing,short lengths10¢.Linene,short lengths$6 inch Quilt Lining...Apron Checks,......,. 10c;36 inch Outing-?4.,..10c.Gingham,short length10c.Chambray,.fulh.pieces,10 and 12c.Storm and FiOnelotCribBlanketsourprice48c,‘i price 98¢,This is a prices interesting.“Men’s Good Sweaters «..50c.Blue Work Shirt,only sell for less. hs,10e.Cannon cloth,short lengths, ‘1-2¢.COUNTE aed R. Fancy Outing85x50inches,Pink,Blue and White,200 Gray Cot Blankets,full size,39c. __KID GLOVES. Just received a new tot in Black,Tan,Gray and White,ourBargainworthinvestigating.See our line of Thanksgiving Linens,We will make the be.COUNTER OVERFLOWING WITH BARGAINS. Just received big shipment Trunks and Suit Cases.We SHOES,SHOES! |Medal,Drews,Lady Bess,for Ladies.*{Try a pair of our Lady Begs,our Special,Black Cloth Top Lace Shoes Gray Cloth Top Lace ..... Ladies’Tan Button Shoes Old.Ladies’ComfortsOldLadies’Fleece Lined Shoes CHILDREN’S SHOES. i,---MEN’S SHOES.Elkin Home Made Shoes for Less.Men’s Dress Shoes—Ralston Shoes,Styles,$5.00 value $4.00.Selwyn,Tan and Black,all styles,Special,ask for it.Work Shoes for Men,Women and Children.MEN’S AND BOYS’CLOTHING.‘We are selling more Clothing than ever before.bought-yours from us?Men’s and Boys’Pants,all styles and sizes.Boys’Pants,sizes from 3 to 20. Men’s Pants from 29 to 54..$1.00 Overalls,Belk’s BestMen’s and Boys’underwear for less.Boys’Union Suits 9 1-2c. ve pee, oP eee meer wenn ee Wel have a full line of all kinds:Dorothy Dodd,Gold ++.$1.68 Famous Godman Shoes for school.Try a pair.They:wear, in all.leathers and $2.98.This is our Have you Everybodyis invited to come and make headquarters at the Store That Sells for Less.We Buy For Cash and Sell For Cash.That’s Why. ’Phone I Mit WAVE EE LANDMARK -BRIDAY,November 19,1915. DEER KILLED IN IREDELL. One Wandered Into Mt..MourneSectionandMetItsDeath— Death’of Mr.Cowan—SchoolOpening. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mt.Mourne,Nov.17 —Mr.JimmyCowanofMt.Mourne,who had gonethrough‘such a long stress of sick-ness,died Monday morning about 7o'élock and was buried at CenterchurchTuesday~morning.FuneralservicewasconductedbyRev.W.E,Wést.’The deceased was 49 years,11monthsand’21 days old.~He is sur-vived by three sisters and twobrothers—Mrs.D.N.AlexanderandMrs.W.H,¥Newton,who livenéarMt.Mourne;Mrs.J.W.NeelyofFlorence,S.C.;Mr.J,M.Cowan‘Mt.Mourne and Mr.Ernest CowanofGreensboro,’They were all pres-ent at the funeral.Mr.Ernest Cow-an and Mrs.J.W.Neely did not get ed Mr.Cowan was *a good man'—aChristianand:will be missed,The Mt,Mourne school began Mon-day.Mr,George Houk of Corneliusistheprincipalteacher.Miss’Carrie“Thompson,who’lives near Mt.Mourne,is assistant teacher.A large number of our people at-tended the fair in Chariotte last week,‘The:people of this community are.very busy gathering crops and finish-ing sowing small grain.Corn shuck-ings have,begun and maybe:we will.all’pick up flesh.~There was ‘a deer chase around andnearMt.Mourne last Monday.Adeerwasseenjust’a short,distanceeastofMt.Mourne Monday morning;a crowd of men and boys beganchasingit,Mr.H.B.Dishman shotitinthehindlegwhileitwasinMr.B.S.Templeton’s pasture.The deerthenwentneartheFlatRockspringanddownthehollowandwasshot.attwicenearMr.D.N,‘Alexander’s,butnotyetkilled.It went on.down tothecreekandMr.Jim Ewer shot itonceanditfellbutgorupandstart-ed’again.He shot it again and it fellta,its knees but got up and.startedagain.Then he shot it in ‘the headane.it fell over dead.There was only |me dog running it—Ir.Wins.Gudg-|~~er's faithful old “Drum.After they|killed it they skinned it and divided |it up among those in the chase.{A!geer Was seen in Cabarrus county |last week and doubtless.this wasthe!fame one,—The Landmark.)©Mr.Will Pope is visiting his sister,|(Mrs.ord Duckworth,near_Mourne.Miss Bell Sumpter is visit.ing her sister.Mrs.J,and other relatives near Mt,Mourne.-“How are you going -toThanksgivingDay?Are you willingdo8willthat.day and let HimveHismarsThatisadaytogivethanks‘to od.Are you going tospenditthatway?.There:will beservicesheld.at Center _churchThanksgivingmorning: Suits and:Long Coats at,SMITHEY3TRALEYSforHalfprice.—ad. hdl wep oe .se ‘Po »fet Pitasfats os Lor Ae IYO ack.4 + ;a Gay the.repliés indicate t Mt.|!Call and see our line.of$18.00 to $38.50. stock a few specially large | M.Templeton,| spend | |-Another big lot ready-to-wear Coat:[Statesville,Housefurnishing.,Co. Johnst Estimated Strength of Defence|Programme.The New York World has been mak-ing a canvass of congressional senti-|ment with regard to President Wil-;son’s preparedness ©programme and1attheadminis-tration’s plans will receive the suportof84percent.of the Democratic|Senators and 75.per cent of the Re-publican Senators,or:29 more than amajority.The replies from membersoftheHouseofRepresentativesin-dicate that the defenge measures willreceive76percentofthevotesoftheDemocratsand85.1-2 per cent of thevotes“of the Fepanicans.or 341 ottofatotalmembershipof.435.TheNewYorkTimesinareviewofSouthernpressutterancesfindssimi-:lar encouragement for the friends ofself-defense,The Democrats have a plurality.of34intheHouseandamajorityof25overall.;: Damages For Slipping on Ice.The State Supreme Court this weekaffirmedthe-verdict ‘df $8,500 in.thecaseofRennvs.Seaboard Air Line.The plaintiff,employed by the com-pany,slipped on the ice at a.watertankandwashurt.Justices Brown ‘and Walker dis-sented on the ground that no.cause ofactionwasestablishedinhe:oxialad)complaint and that the injury was aaccident,the unexpected result of aknowncauseforwhichtherailroadcompanywasinnosenseresponsible. All Winter Undérwear for ladiesand“men for 75c.suit.at SMITHEY rat "i Big Grain Movement. Philadelphia -Dispatch.{ What is probably.the greatestmovementofgraintheworldhasev-er withessed:is now in.progress,Seize;ing the opportunity presented by thewarinEdrope,American and Cana,dian farmers have raised unprece—dented crops,which are being rushedtotheAtlanticseaboardinallhastebecauseoftheimpendingcloseofnavigationontheGreatLakes.In Philadelphia:not only are all:the clevators filled to their utmostcapacity,but more than 1,000 éargofgrain¥on the railroad tracks awaittheirturntodischargeas’soon as:the fleet of steamers arriving in bal-last from Europe relieve the eleva-tors of the 3,000,000 ‘hushels nowstoredinthem.eeBreederofPercheron HorsesDead. George W.Crawford,dealer in im-ported draft horses and known all Oveerthecountryas‘a.breeder of Perch-erons,died this week at his countryplacenearNewark,0.5.Crawford.annually imported hun- gium,to which country he made manyvisits,He was once received at.thecourtofKingLeopoldofBelgiumandwasdecoratedbytheKing. SRERTI RRTo RTTIBesureandseeSMITHEY &FRA-|LEY when ‘in need of anything inGroceries,Clothing,Shoes,or anyethingcarried:in a first-class “store. —ad. 60c.worth:Jackson Square Coffee &FRALEY’S.—ad, Sacer[New Lineof lie at SMITHEY &FRALEY’S for only_126e.—ad. PATTERN RUGS!) Variegated Mottle Rags, Persian Silk Rog.Emperor—Smith’s Axminster in al}sizes. Anglo Persian Bath Rugs in all colors, |We have in|[2x15 Rags. { j Brussell Rugs— SP RS op hn RNMRAPHR LATS TH on-Belk c seve ci erant Bi Stores. One.of 12 t dreds of fine draft horses from Rel-! They can and.will save you money. oN Com ‘Blake and fortables Pictorial | Patterns. Come Shop Wher Style and Service Count And Where You Get a Full Dollar’s WorthForaDollar. $18.50 This week in our SUIT SECTION we have more than a hundred Suits—some plain tail- ored,some Fur Trimmed,some Braided, some Blouses,some Box effects—a wonder- ful lot to select from.The values are un- usual—worth,some of them,up to $25.00, some just good values regularly,but allWORTHTHEPRICE.You'll do well,if looking for suits,to see them now.‘The price is EIGHTEEN FIFTY. 1s ts:yr $ -Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co, ‘The Store “With the Quick Parcel'Post Service.:2 ow Postage Paid onMailOrders, $18.50 50 tS ESVILLE.BUSINESSMEN OFFER, a ——etnSubseriboforTHELANDMARK mame cant, a \ % VOL.XLIL oieSTATESVILLE DISTRICT. W.R.Ware the New’Presiding Elder —.Other Appointments By Methodist Conference andSameFactsAbouttheCon- ference.=——; The Western North Carolina Con- ‘ference,‘which closed:its session at -Reidsville yesterday,made _the fol- lowing appointments for Statesville district:..Presiding Elder—W.R.Ware.Alexander Circuit—C.P.Goode.Catawha Circuit—-A.G.Loftin.Cool Spring Circuit—E.K.Creel.Davidson—Ira Erwin.Granite Falls and Hudson —W.V.Honeycutt.:Hickory,First Church —A.L.Stanford.Hickory Circuit—T.J.Folger.Iredell.Circuit—J..C.Mock...Lenoir—Station—D.M.-Litaker.Lenoir Circuit—J.C.Postelle.Maiden-—J.A.Peeler.Mooresville Station—C.S.Kirk-patrick.f Mt.Zion—J.H .Weat.Newton Station—E.M.Hoyle.North Lenoir Circuit —W.W.Hoyle.saisRhodhiss—G.W.Fink.Statesville,Broad Street —.J.F.Kirk.Race Street—J.W.Williams.Statesville Circuit—-D.H.Rhine-hardt.Stony Point Circuit—W.T.Al- bright.Troutman Cireuit—J.C.Keever. West Hickory—D.F.Carver.President Davenport Col'ege —JB.Craven;bursar,C.M.Campbell;professor Davenport.College,E.J. Harbison;superannvated,B.A-York.Charlotte district—L.T.Mann, presiding elder;Cooleemee, C,: McCain;Robbinsville,J.J.Eads; West Asheville,W.M.Biles;Spring Garden,Greensboro,Z.E.Barnhardt; Trinity,Charlotte,J.W.Moore;Tif- on Street,E.L.Bain. Salisbury district—J.C.Rowe,pre- siding elder;Salisbury,T.F.Marr.The Conference will meet in Gas- tonia next year.“The credentials of Rev.Wilbur)LeGette of Taylorsyille were surren-dered to the Conference,which means that Mr.LeGette ceases to be aMethodistminister.He has not beeninactiveserviceforsomeyears?C.H.Neal,W.L.Nieholson,J.B.Carpenter,J.P.Lanning,A.H.Whis-ner,L.E.Stacy.H.G.Stamey,C.M.Gentry were all located—that is to say,they.donot take work.It wasrtedtotheConferencethatJ.W.Clegg had left the MethodistministryandunitedwiththePresby- terians.His name was stricken from the roll.M.O.Osborne,J.W.Bennett,J.W.Combs,T..V.Crouse,R.‘L.For- bis,A.T.Abernethy,C.A.Johnson and D.V.Howell were received into the Conference on trial.Rev.J.W. Hunter was received from the Free Will Baptist Church as a local elder. .Rev.Frank Siler was__re-elected missionary secretary and Rev.W.L. +Dawson and Rev.R.M.Taylor were elected Conference evangelists. The report of the board of missions showed that 7,781 have been added to the Church on profession of faith this year.No year in the history of the Conference has shown such large gains.A wave of revivalism has swept the entire field.The Confer- ence has raised $50,000 for missions this year. Statistics for the year are:Local preachers,200;members,106,503,an “increase of 6,071 over last year.There fi,we Teh %‘came to Iredell to visi were.7,793 -additions on professions of faith,4,844:of these coming from the Sunday schools and 5,276 by cer- tificate.In baptisms there were 4,- 057 adults and 1,851 infants. Statistical reports show 890 churches,valued at.$2,573,505;199 parsonages,valued at $494,665;other property at a value of $143,337. There are eleven districts,with ©ten parsonages worth $50,500.The church carries an insurance of $804,563, The Sunday school department shows 834 schools,6,380 officers andteachers,an increase of 6,156.over last year.There are 22 training classes and 260 Bible classes;4,844 pupils joined the Church. In the financial statistics,the pas- tors were paid $190,635;the presid- ing elders,$21,156;the bishops,$2,- 848;the superannuated _preachers, $10,292,a total of $224.951.Foreign missions received $27,079;home and Conferencé missions,$25,670;Church extension,$9,171,00;.education,$12,- 692.00;expended for improvements and upkeep,$143,389.00,with manyminorintereststhatwillrunthe great total to,over $565,000, The mission assessments for 1916 are:.Foreign,$21.350.00;home and Conference,$27,300.00..The joint _board.of finance reports $12,021.00securedforConference¢laimants and lays an assessment of $16,000.00 fortheensuingyear....:Sunday afternoon memorial servi-ces were held for the ministers |whohaddiedduringtheyear—J.F.Eng- land,W.:G.Mallonee,S.S.GasqueandA,E.Wiley,who were clericalmembersoftheConference,and ‘S.W.Brown;local preacher.Others:re-membered in’the service Were J.Martin Shelby,layman,’and.thefollowing\wives.of preachers:Mrs,Mary T.Hudson,widow of the lateDr.Hilary T.Hudson;Mrs.T.F.Marr of.Charlotte;.Mrs,H:T.‘Hooy-er and Mrs,G.H,Christenberry. 4 ete teInConcordSunday afternoon MissSallig:May *McLelland,daughter ofMr.John McLelland,because.thebride:of My:D.P.Grant,Rev.M,Grier officiating.‘Immedterthe:ceremony Mr.andMrelati -|that a solution of Dn J s STATESVILLE,N.C,,TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 23,1915. ~AIRE RASSAE RierenornareaeTHEATTITUDEOFGREECE The Prominent Feature in theWarNews—Items From War} Zone,- The.King of Greece,whose wife is a sister of the Emperor of Germany, continues his efforts to hold his coun- try in the neutral column,but the Entente allies are pressing him hard. They:have not only taken the libertyoftransportingtroopsthrough Greece~but they demand a_promisethattheir’troops shall not be intern- ed if they take refuge in Greece toescapetheGermans.While the pol- icy of Greece is still undefined dis-patches from the Greek capital quote the government organ,Embros,as affirming that Lord Kitchener receiv- ed formal assurance from King Con-stantine.and his ministers —thatGreeceinnocasewouldtakesteps hostileto-the-—Entente powers:-and the differences would be found.‘ A commercial!blockade of Greece has been declared by the Entente powers,according to a news agencydispatchwhichquotesanoteissued by the British legation in Athens saying that the step:was taken be-cause of the attitude of the Hellenic government “in regard to certain questions touching closely the ‘securi-ty and liberty of action to which the allied troops have the right under theconditionsoftheirdisembarkmenton Greek territory.”It is added that while it is not the intention of the allied powers to con-strain Greece to .abandon her _neu- trality,the allied governments “havebeensomewhatdisturbedbycertain allusions to eventual ‘measures,which if taken by the Hellenic government would appear to them to be contra- dictory to assurances they have _re- ceived.”When doubts on the sub-ject are dispelled,the note says,the allied powers will vemove:the ob- stacles.“ Whatever may be the intentions of the Greek government,there seem- ingly has been no abatement in thefeelingofformerPremierVenizelos and his followers that the’duty ofGreecelieswiththeSerbs’and the Entente allies.At a meeting in Athens they decided to urge non-par- ticipation by their party in the com- ing general election on the ground that in the event of another victory at the polls they would not be able to put the policy of Venizelos into effect.Meanwhile the Teutonic allies con- tinue their absorption of Serbian ter- ritory.The only deviation from the ‘customary daily report of Austro-German and Bulgarian successes iscontainedinareportissuedbythe Serbian legation at..Rome,which an- nounces an important Serbian victo- ry at Leskovats in the Nish district,after a battle lasting several days. According to the legation the Bulga- rian losses were enormous.Bu- charest dispatch is authority,for thestatementthatthefirstcontingentof German troops'has arrived at Con;stantinople.éGorizia,the key to Triest,is stil] under heavy bombardment by.the Italian guns and Rome claims fur- ther successes there and also on the Carso plateau and in the Zagora sec- tor.Vienna admits that at Oslavia the Italians succeeded in penetrating the]: Austrian-lines,but declares.that.most of the position was recaptured and that extremely violent attacks againstPodgoraalsowererepulsed.Along the western front in France and Belgium and on the eastern line in Russia there have been mining andaftilleryoperations:which have re- sulted in no important changes ofpositions..The sinking of the NorwegiansteamerUlrikeninthe‘North Sea early last week,with a cargo of 3,- 000 tons of wheat from Americans for’the Belgian Relief Fund,is be- ing investigated by the Americanconsulate»in London.The facts as-certained,it is reported from London,are that the’Ulriken,while boundfromNewYorkforRotterdam,wastorpedoedwithoutwarningofftheeastcoastofEngland.Four of the crew were lost,but it is not known whether any of them were Americans.A Turkish transport struck a mineintheseaofMarmoraandsankwith the loss of nearly all the 500 troopsonboard,according to news agency advices received in London.Two Brit- ish steamers,the ‘Hallamshire and Mergenser,are.reported sunk. Money Due For Service Long Rendered. ’The Newton papers last week car-ried an item to the effect that theclerkofthecourtofCatawbacounty had received inquiry from.Washing-ton asking for the address of W..P. Bollinger or-his heirs,saying that Mr.Bollinger carried the mail at the timethecivilwarbrokeout.in 1861,and that the government owed him $110.-66,and it could be collected.Soon after the item was read in TheLandmarkofficeMr.-G.E.BollingerofStatesville,a Catawba maf,calledattheofficeon‘business and the mat-ter was mentioned to him.Mr.Bol-linger answered ‘that W.-P.Bollinger S.|/was his father and that he remember-ed his carrying the mail prior to the}!Bollinger will makecivilwar.rclaimforthe‘money dtie his father,W.P.Bollinger entered the Con-|andfederatearmy,was killed in Maryland|haLeereeaiiketal,Aaemkree tehgunandwas.ed there...* ,«SheriffWashi ” aaa ITEMS OF CURRENT NEWS. Happenings Here and There in the State.Rowan Superior Court is in session.Three murder cases on ‘the docket.Mr.Henry Holman died FridaynightathishomeatMocksville,aged Five of the 15 conviets who recent- ly escaped from the Buncombe coun-ty chain gang have either been cap-tured or have returned to the job vol- untarily.1S ;It was reported last,week that Mr. A.H.Eller of Winston -Salém wouldbeacandidatefortheDemocraticnominationforAttorney!.General,butMr.Eller denies it. At a restaurant,in East.Spencer,at 1 o’clock Sunday.morning,WillMills,a young negro,was shot andinstantlykilled.by.Ira—Clark,col-ored.-Clark is in jail. Catawba ©correspondence ©NewtonEnterprise:Bryan Qvereash,fromnearStatesville,has arrived here tospendthewinterwithhisaunt,Mrs.C.H.Drum,and attend the graded school.: William Dudley Hicks,who ischargedwithhavingawifeatChar-lotte and a wife and child at.Greens- boro,was arrested at G ,Ga,last week and brought to Charlotteto_answer..a-charge of bigamy. Governor and Mrs,Craig will leave Raleigh tomorrow.evening forWashingtonand.will go from there to New York for the army and navy football game,to be played Satur- day.Their son is a-member of the navy ‘team.: At a dinner to be given in Char- lotte this evening Mr.Paul WarburgoftheFederalReserveBoardwill.be the chief speaker.A nu r ofguestsfromoutsideofCharlottehave been invited,Mayor Caldwell ofStatesvillebeingonthelist.’ The Newton News says there are six express offices ir Catawba county and that.some of the thirsty who arenotcontentwithtwoquartsamonth patronize more than one office.Two Guarts a month at each office wouldmeantwelvequarts4month. Charlie Byers,-a-young negro.who was charged with entering the home of Mr.Milas Poole,at Davidson,wastriedforburglaryin.MecklenburgSuperior:Court.last week and:a mis- trial resulted.The jury stood sixforconvictionandsixforacquittal. Annotincement:is made’of-the en- gagement of Miss Mattie Ham.:andStateSenatorJohnA.McRae,botnofCharlotte.Miss Ham was for- merly stenographer in the law officeofStewart&McRae.She studied law and:was licensed to practice lastspring.’ An automobile caught fire in thevicinityofMonroeafewdays..ago and was destroyed.The car:was running at the rate of 20 miles anhourwhenthedriverdiscovered:thatitwasnear-enveloped in flames,andhejumped.out without waiting to stop the car. ‘The Roanoke -Chowan Times.ofRichSquare,Northampton county,reports that.S.J.Cherry,engineer on a log train,saw wild turkeys by the roadside as his train ran along,and having a gun in his cab he open- ed fire and killed two fine young gob- blers without stopping his train.* In New Hanover Superior CourtWilliam”Merrick,an aged negro, begged Judge Daniels to let him paythedeathpenalty.for his son,Thom- as Merrick,18 years old,who was convicted ‘of first-degree murder.for the slaying of T,B.Hudson,a pop- ular young white man.February 10 was named as the date of the exe- cution.% Carl Pike,a young man of Greens- boro,‘who shot and killed a fellow townsman at.Hopewell,Va.,a week ago,was declared insane.He wasreturnedtoGreensboroandwasSat- urday taken to the State Hospital at Morganton,but was refused admis- sion,as persons charged with crime are not legally admissible at Mor- ganton,. Mr.Cicero Cline,who died at his home at Newton.‘recently,left anestatevaluedat$8,000,All the prop-erty is left to the widow for life and then will be divided among the chil-dren.Mr.P.M.Cline of the vicinity of Statesville,a-son of the deceased, is one of the-executors of the will.Mr. W.A.Bollinger of the vicinity.ofStatesvilleisason-in-law. Kitten Rescued Froma Car of Tce. A.few days ago the Statesville Ice&Fuel Co.had occasion to order acaroficefromSalisbury.When thetararrivedatthecompany’s plant atBloomfieldFridayManagerP.P.Pur-nell and others.were attracted by thepiteouscriesofakitten,from within.the car.The little animal’s cries..ofpain‘arid pleas for help were so dis-tressing that the sympathy of the men about the plant was aroused and_itwasdecidedtoimmediatelyopen.thecarand,rescue,it.The kitten wihalffrozen,so to speak,when takenfromthecar,but after:being placednéarthestovein\the office for a fewareas,jt “warmed up”to its TeRyeuersandpurreditsappreciation,Prestntly ‘Master’Thomas,Purnell¢into’the office,spied the pretty,itteh,fondled it a few minutes: us a poor lit.‘animalwl ‘ternoon. a8 per cent in 1912,The average quan- ¢ ‘announced his urpose «to}his own.Thus a poor lit ‘amid the huge|S MR.C.K:McNEELY DEAD. Prominent Citizen of _Moores- ville Passes—Other .Deaths. Mr.C.K.McNeely died Friday af- ternoon-.at-—5—o’clock-at--his-home in Mooresville,in his 80th year.Fu-neral and interment at MooresvilleSaturdayafternoon..Mr.McNeely had been in feeble health for a long time and recently his condition hadbeensocriticalthathisdeathwasex- pected. C.K.McNeely,better known tohisfriendsas“Cam”McNeely,was.a native of Rowan county.He served in the Confederate army and com-manded a company from his county. rin the 70s,when the town of Moores- ville was young,Mr.McNeely and his brother,the late B.W.McNeely, located at Mooresville and establish- ed a livery stable.They were thepioneersinthatbusinessinMoores-ville.For a long time they operatedablacksmith‘shop in connection with the business.They employed a smith,but as they.were workingmen”aswellasbusinessmen,they helped in the shop if occasion demanded and for a long time did most of the work about their stables as well.They were good horsemen and kept good horses.They did a good business and thefirmofB.W.and C.K,McNeely con-tinued until the death of B.W.Mc-Neely.Mr.C.K.McNeely continu- ed in the business for some time af- ter his brother’s death,retiring sev- eral years ago. Mr.McNeely was twice married. His wife and seven children survive. They are Messrs.D:-K.McNeely (of the first marriage),S.S.and P.B, McNeely of Mooresville.J.E.Me- Neely of Atlanta,Mrs.D.E.Turner and Misses Mary and Belle McNeely lof Mooresville. Mr.McNeely was a member of the Presbyterian,Church.He was a good man ard a good citizen—-a kindneighborandaloyalfriend.The ed-|.itor of this paper,who first knew him in early bovhood,has _always treasured the recollection of his kind-ness and friendship to the boy;and in all the passing years he has known that in Mr.McNeely he had a stead-fast.and loyal.friend.Peace to his ashes.May he rest well. Mr.John L.Hellard,a former resi- dent of Statesville,died Saturday in Columbia,S.C..death resulting from apoplexy.The rémains arrived in Statesville Sunday afternoon andweretakento-the home of Mr.Ben Freeze,on Fifth street.Funeral ser- vices were conducted at the residencevesterdaymorningbyRev. White,and the remains were taken to Bethany graveyard for interment. Mr.Hellard was 55 years old and issurvivedbyhiswife.He had been dividing his time between Statesville and Columbia for several years andaboutsixmonthsagoMrs.HellardjoinedhiminColumbiaandtheyhad since made their home there.Mr.Wash.Millsaps died Sunday af- ternoon at his home in New Hopetownship.death resulting from pneu- monia.Interment will be today atDamascuschurch,Sharpesburg town-ship.Deceased was about 60 yearsoldaridissurvivedbyfoursonsand two daughters. ‘Basketball Games.The Statesville basket,ball team won the gamewith,Davidson Col- lege Friday night,but it was.a “close shave,”the score being 26-to 25. The visitors had the local team whip- ped up to a few minutes before thegameclosed,when Statesville ran ahead.As indicated by the score,the teams were well matched and the playing was spirited and interesting. The Statesville boys found the col-lege students good,clean players. The game was-enjoyed by a good crowd.‘ Following was the line-up of theteams:Davidson —*Hengerveldt cen+ ter,Childs.and Wood forwards,Car-son and Reese“'guards;Statesville— Brady center,Kimball.and Newman forwards,Guy and Gill guards,Orr substitute.Mr.L.J.Freel was.referee andMr.Walter Culbreth time-keeper. The Statesville high school footballteamwentdowntoSalisburySatur- day and defeated the high school teamofthat.town in a.game Saturday af-e score was Statesville 6,Salisbury 0.-Qaite-a number of Statesville peo-ple expect to go to Charlotte Thurs-day for the annual Thanksgiving Dav football game between Davidson and Wake Forest colleges. Cotton Ginned to November 14. The fifth cotton ginning report of the season,issued yesterday by the census bureau,announced that 8,777,-794 bales of cotton,counting round ashalfbales,of the growth of 1915 hasbeen.ginned.prior to November .14.|That compares with 11,668,240:hales,or 73.4 per cent of the entire érop,ginned prior to November 14th,lastyear,10,444,529 bales,or 74.7 per centin1918.and 10,299,645 bales,or 76.4 tity of cotton’ginned prior to Novem-ber 14 in the last ten years’was 9,-257,817 bales or 78.0 per cent of the Top.:«In North Carolina the amount gin-li]ned was 523,851 bales,compared with656,175 last.year. The L M.|town =e iw _wi THE TEACHER MEETINGS. Township Teacher Meetings at Scott’s and Troutman. The township.teachers’meetings held at the Seott’s and Troutman high schools “Thursday and Friday, respectively,were well attended.About 30,teachers of Concerd and Shiloh townships were present at themeetinghéldatScott’s and the teach- ers and committeemen of Fallstown and.Barringer township present at the Troutman meeting numbered about 40.During the forenoon atScott’s Miss ,Celeste Henkel,the county’s assistant superintendent and supervisor of home demonstration work,gave a special cooking lesson and demonstration for the benefit of the domestic science class and others. At the noon hour the ladies of theScott’s Betterment Association _en-tertained the teachers at dinner.The coffee and chocolate was made and served by the girls of the domesticscienceclass.In the afternoon’theregularbusinessmeetingoftheteach- ers .was held,during which Supt. Gray gave:them:instructions abouttheirwork,distributed literature,ete. At Troutman the usual township meeting programme was carried outbyMr.Gray and Miss Henkel,—in- structions being given the teachers and plans for the school work dis- cussed.Mr.Gray and Miss~Henkelwereverymuchpleasedtofindthat the.Troutman Betterment Associa- tion has been doing some real better-ment work recently.A domesticscienceroomhasbeenfittedupin the school:by the association,treeshavebeenplantedintheschoolyardandahedgeisnowbeingsetforthe purpose of beautifying the grounds. The next township meeting will be held at Olin Tuesday,30th,for theteachersofOlinandUnionGrove townships. Training Camp —Gen.Wood Needs Enlightenment. Gen.Leonard Wood of the United States army,recently announced that a military training camp for civilians, similar to the one at Plattsburg,N.Y.,last summer,would be established inthe:South next summer.At once North Carolina folks figured that North Carolina was the proper placeforthecamp,which it is of course;and up at Asheville they fipractically,settled that iwouldgetthep.Other points,however,got beidy,Hickory is push- ing its claims and Secretary GilbertoftheStatesvilleCommercialclubpromptlylaidtheclaimsofthisgoodbeforeGen.Wood.If 3WoodselectstherightspotStates-ville will win —bound to.But hemaybeconfused-by conflictingclaimsandselectsomelessdesirablelocation—possibly not in.North Car- olina at all,which would be littleshortofacalamity.Gen.WoodwritesthesecretaryoftheHickorychamberofcommercethatwhile“nodefiniteplanshavebeenadoptedweshallprobablygosomewhatfarther itlle south than North Carolina on ac-count of the weather.”“On account of the weather!”That,remark betrays the fact thatGen.Wood’s ignorance of NorthCarolinaclimateisfearfullydense.He must be shown that in this StateandinthisStatealonetheonlyidealclimateexists. News of the Churches—Thanks- giving Services. A good congregation attended thespecialserviceconductedatBethelBaptistchurchSundayafternoonbythemissionaryworkers’team of theFirstBaptistchurchofStatesvillein the interest of missions and Sunday school:work.The programme includ-ed talks by Messrs.P.P.Purnell,D.F.Mayberry and J.Paul Leonard,and vocal numbers by the Baraca quartette of the First Baptist church,composed of Messrs.C.E.Echerd,B.Reese,C.E.Sloan and H.B.Wood-ward.At the close of the serviceRev.J.S:Connell,the pastor of Beth-el and Olivet churches,asked the team to widen the bounds of its op-erations,cross the Catawba river and fill an appointment at Olivet church.This will be done later.Rev.C.S.Cashwell,who was present at the meeting,made a brief statement in the interest of his work at Bloom-field.-Services at Trinity church Thanks- giving Day at 10.30.Thanksgiving services at St.John’sLutheranchurchThursdayat11 o’elock.waRev,Dr.R.C.Reed of Columbia,S.C.,who filled the pulpit at the First Presbyterian church Sundaymorningandevening,was heard withmuchinterestbylargecongregations. Thanksgiving”service at the.FirstPresbyterianchurchThursdayat»11o'clock. Supt.R.M.Gray left yesterday af- ternoon for Raleigh to attend the erits:of schools and the State Teach-ers’Assembly.Quite -a-number —oflocalteachersdreexpectedtoattendtheAssembly.Mr.T.H.Stafford,teacher’of agriculture in the Harmo-ny Farm Life School,will take.anumberofhisstudentstoRaleighduring“the:week to ak te inexere!at the A.&M.College in.with the Assembly meet-1d.Miss eee en her of J-las The Will ‘AttendTeachers’Assembly| BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEV —Meeting of the CivicTuesdayinsteadoftoda: —The drug storeobserveS ~The nostoffice will 8hoursThanksgivingand.« shops will close at noon,—Mr.W.H.Hunter.of’tewnship treasurer ries, —Mrs. an operatiSanatorium Saturday. is favorabl Mr.John W. who is a hi will be hereday,December 10th. ~The Dr,R.A.Bass ropertyFourthdag.wae set anderageatthecourthouseyesterday.Mr W.A.Brsitol.for $537.; —The graded school will st two days for 2dayand,suspend on ‘Thxnkesiving Day —The district meetinforthisdistrict,willbeheloryDecember2d.district ‘are Statesville,‘MooiRhoghiss,—aThe big pipeorgan for the eclegehasarrivedandisbeinginstalled.The date for the Maceat Begivenatthecollegewillbeedsoon. —Thetette,theChautauqua,at Shearertomorrowevening.“Within:theLaw”at the Opera House:Thursda!evening.,ps —Thanksgiving will be observed in |Statesville by a general suspension.business,with services at the chtes.The Landmark office willbe ope as_usual.A’newspaper,of perpetual motion,can’t stop. —The storms in other pacountryFridayhadthhereinstrongwinds,dark,thingclouds,a dash of hail andrain.Toflurriesof ‘snow. * 455, eeant s of thundayhours,1) will be aintheDemocratic’ ‘ aoe G.Lackey’undeionforappe Pruitt of’BaltitioighisinthefF,0.€the local lodge’wi Friday.The a at ellodgesin i The Lenoir and Hickory. Rehearsals are being held,Metropolitan Grandfirst.number.of ‘of th alithewestof .-License has been issued ant M o's.Ludwick,Missanre,’Stikeleather and Mr.A.C.Miss Follette is a daughter of ~Will Follette .of Mooresville.—Ludwick lives in Salisbury; —Mrs.who:spent some timehavejoinedMr.La.Mr. township,isiana ani :Gill ,Mr.T.P.Gillespie of Coot Miss Frances Hattie Morewz and.in this. Geo..Lee accompanied themidhassecuredworkt—Mr.and Mrs,Thos,F.Murdoel of Hiddenite celebrated their rOIG wedding yesterday with a heri _grein eet ceeypeoplehavemanyfriends amoiareulate,them on their ge fgether.ce +s—Mr.D.with an attack of acutewhileintheOddFellows’lodlastnight time.cured andtohimheHeisresting well this —Mrs.B.P.Young leftforavisittorelativesin SandDavidsoncounty.‘She willndeaey,and wi make 0therewithrelatives.She has rentherhome Physicians were hy d J.Williams was str and was unconscious after they had miniwasabletohetakenak spe on Kelly street to Mr:Mrs.Louis Love,who will occupy ~-The ©that Mr.Mr.G.EB. school at charge ofschool, marriageSaturday,riage of not.exactly “entered”thefa “Register Boyd had «“ran a colored co issued,viz:Harvey LeeFlorenceDean,William M.# Newton -EnChas.O.BolBollingerof*stds Startown,Catawba«Landmark’reported,helping to run the school.Hethefarmwork ! for license for:couppaperslegalizing‘the xfour’colored couples and Emma Morrison,; Espy--SnieDavidson. —Mr.R.A.Blaylock,resident of Statesville,whoemployed ness.atmonths,spent Frvilleenrouteto Ihewillopenan‘undlishment,dren, Mr. Vvings - wh ispeeneeree:—=oe horn.H,Blaylock for a ©before going on ta Mockavtlie.—The merry-zo-round,Fert“Tripto Mars,”ete.operation for alotadjoiningtheStatemeetingofcountysuperintend-|¢_Bank,f ? in the le i.tind :Waynesville for“!night in Mrs.Blaylock,sndo: People’ than expenses andSaturda: to thin Got tes form of entertaitealsto trouble,© -a8 rion yesterday totheca evidencenent.nounity"the com asleid,but it is more p that ¢unfavorable weather was the of the Ut noe4fe *“Towns like Statesville, =e 8 be:S ps ¥.Vy akin *<a4heenoecrmDalaimyneAkayeR i as a ins em November 23,1915. Wpecent issue of The “Landmark out buying at home,the Hickory directed.attention to it and 'gaid:“Personally,we would feel like ?+g criminal if we sent our good moneyimailorderhousesforanythingtwecouldbuyhere.Everybodyidwanttohelphishomecity.”Landmark is dependent on thepiinessmenofStatesville.But forebusinessitgetsfromthemitieIdnotexist.In other words,the wsapper is dependent on the pros- ty of the communityin which itished..The great majority ofessinanycommunityisin-ferdependent in the same way.LikewtheRecord,.The Landmark would fee)mn a.criminal if it sent out of the‘community the money it makes in.itforthingsitcouldbuyathome... Hickory,Concord,etc.”would have to employpeaiencepaseshousesaworkie“Harvii plan,”according-to .theStatesville.Landmark.Our friendhasnotbeentoHickory.lately,wetakeit.—Hickory Record. If your town has~enough.hotels, eafes,restaurants.and ‘boardinghousestofeed400to500peopleat one time,within an hour,say,then we'll take you off the list.Under the“Harvard plan”delegates to the as-semblages so entertained must getdinnerandsupper(luncheon and dinner,if you want to put on style)where they can.The assemblage ad- -journs an hour ‘for the delegates to! feed and get back to business,“Can your public places accommodate that +many within the time named?No estimates and guesswork,but down to brass tacks and figure how manyyoucanfeedatonetime,States-ville has three hotels,cafes;restaur- ants.and a number of boardinghouses—probably is as well equipped in this manner as Hickory—but TheLandmarkdoesn’t believe we couldhandlethejobsatisfactorily.with present facilities.ee **&* Trust the blind ‘tigers to find theloophole.In the effort to hamper John Barleycorn,the last Legislature pro-vided that a vehicle used for thetransportation.of an illegal amount ofspiritscouldbeseizedbyStateofficers.confiscated and sold.’On account ofthespeed,which is desirable in such cases,automobiles are the favoritevehiclesusedforsuchpurposes,and the confiscation of an automobile-Means..a serious loss...Few have been confiscated because the courts have usually listened to the plea,when aseizurewasmade,that the’auto be-longed to an innocent party who didn’tknowitwas.to be used for an illegal purpose.The courts may have nolegalrighttoallowsuchapleatopre- vail,but it is not unusual for weakvesselssetuptoadministerthelawtofailtoadministeritineitherletter|P8Sor spirit.But all this ‘is by the way»and preliminary to reciting the better way the blind tigers have found.InGuilfordcountyrecentlyahorseand'buggy were seized by the sheriff,thesamehavingbeenusedintransport-ing an illegal amount of liquor.Then another party laid claim to the outfit ‘under a mdttpage and denied the right ‘of the State to confiscate mortgaged was Sourid.He said theBe.Judge Justice held that theBsBE ue Any ,well as much approbation.It ':.*and the public—to-die in tii fective—an imbecile. mortage «must be satisfied beforetheStatecouldconfiscateandselltheproperty.The Guilford case mayhavebeenagenuineone,but it will beseenthatitopensthewayforfraud.If you want to transport more liquorthanthelawallows,first mortgage your vehicle to a friend,Pe oe In Chicago a few days ago a de-..fective ‘baby was born.Medical men..decided that it could:not live unless ¢--an operation’was performed;andthatwhileanoperationmightsave itsdife the baby would grow up a de-The.medicalmenandnearlyallthenurseseoftheopinionthatitwouldbebes*to let the baby die.It was up to‘n>the mother and she left it to the judg- ‘ment of the head physician —Dr.Haiselden—who took the responsibil-_.,ity and decided not to operate.The“oo baby!died.But when the news got abroad opinion was not all one way.There was a storm ‘of criticism asisaquestionthatcannotbesettledsat- isfactorily.From almost:-everystandpointexceptsentiment,it.willbeadmittedthatitwouldbebetter for defective children —the seriously defective who would grow up to alifeofmentaldarknessandmisery,aserious burden to their families better for the afflicted ones,forAtheirfamilies:and for the public.But*“"who is to decide these matters?Whoistobethecourtoflastresort,»<€lothed with authority to say who '.,the child to live means only misery| ~*should die and who.should live?Ah, there’s the trouble.If the physicianinchargeisawise.and humane man,one thoroughly to be trusted,and he_-is thoroughly satisfied that to allow for it and for others,hemight -be-.‘ymade the judge.:But not all.physi- infancy;| Col.Kerriguepeste:other engineers:on alMajorJamesW.Wilson of:Morgan-ton,Col,W.A.Eliason of Statesville,and others.But the News ‘objectedtoMudCutbecausethenamewassooutofharmony.with the.land-seape.The cut was a mud git andwasatonetimesomethingofapub-lie issue under that name.The name,therefore,was approptiate so far asthecutwas.concerned,“It was wellnamed.Granted that to Col,Colemanisduethechiefhonorforovercom-ing the obstacles there,it is very ap-propriate to give his name totheplace.But.does Coleman harmonizewiththescenerybetterthanMudCut?That’s where The LandmarkfailstogettheNews..We thoughtthatpaperwasseekinganamethat. would attune with the magnificent grandeur of the surroundings.Cole-.man is a good and honorable name, borne by.good people,’but’there's nothing poetic about it,It might sug-‘gest a coal mine but it does not sug-gest the wild beauty that belongs to the place long known as Mud Cut.Wherefore The Landmark still fails tosee'the advantage of the change.The new name honors a good and worthyman.The old name desexibed the cut accuratély and vas historic. Joseph Hillstrom was Shot to death at Salt Lake City,Utah,early Fri- day morning.Shooting is the legalmethodofinflictingthedeathpenaltyinUtah'and Hillstrom was executed after due conviction of the murder of J:.G.Morrison and Morrison’s:son, in Morrison’s store in Salt Lake City in January,1914.The evidence was that two masked men.entered.the store and opened fire on Morrison,who was killed.The latter’s two sons were present and one of these fired on the visitors-and was.in turn..killed.Themenescaped,dne being wounded.Hill- strom called on a doctor-to dress a wound,saying he had-received it in-a ftght.and wanted nothing said about it.When the doctor heard of.the kill- ing of the Morrisons he told.about Hillstrom,who was arrested.The evidence accumulated ‘against him was pretty conelusive and he was con- victed.While he denied his guilt to the last he refused to offer any ex-planation of how —he received hiswound.Hillstrom was a Swede and a member of the L.W.W.—the latter an organization of labor agitators ~whose only apparent mission is to stir up trouble.The labor organizations and some of Hillstrom’s countrymen be- gan an agitation to save him from the death penalty.At the request of the Swedish minister at Washington Pres- ident Wilson asked Gov.Spry.of Utah to reprieve Hillstrom,and the request Was granted.But the Governor and State pardon board said no evidence was presented that.warranted.inter- ference with the sentence of the courts. The case attracted nation-wide atten- tion,and as is usuallv the case.under these conditions,both appeals and threats were made in behalf of Hill- strom.The Governor’s life was threatened.On account of numerous requests made td him,President.Wil- son asked the Utah Governor,the day before the execution,to reconsider. The Governor declined.The only ex- case offered in behalf of Hillstrom was that he did not have a fair trial,but so far as The Landmark knows no_evidence was_offered to ‘sustain this charge.As this paper sces it.the Governor of Utah and the people on the ground were the best judges of the situation;and if they believed the man was fuilty and deserved death,as they evidently did,they.are to he commended for refusing to yield to public clamor.; PONYPe ETSFEREITLT Would Bring China Into the Combination. Efforts are being made by GreatBritain,France and Russia to include China in the membership of the en- tente now aligned against the Ger- manic powers.Disclosure of —thisfacthasdirectedtheattentionofof-ficial Washington to.a complicated situation in the Far East,the se-riousness of which had not hithertobeenrealized. Tt has become known_that in order to insure friendly relations between Japan and China conversations and exchanges;had been proceeding in Peking and the European capitals ooking to the formal entrance.of China on an equal footing with Ja- pan into the allianée ‘that now in-cludes Great Britain,France,Russia, Italy,Japan and Serbia.Military participation by China in the warwouldnotbe‘expected.but:the:politi- cal necessity of adding China to the allies is looked upon by:them-as of vast importance, conversations have been conducted at Peking,and it is not clear how fartheproposalhasbeen’discussed ‘witdttheJapanese_government_at__Tokio.. The belief is general,however,thatGreatBritain,on account of the ob- ligations of her.alliance:with Japan, probably has consulted the Tokio gov-ernment freely. China’s aftitude-hassiot yet devel-oped,but in some quarters the viewisheldthatthePekinggovernmentisfavorably‘inclined to the ententeproposal,since the move would guar-|antee-the integrity of--China—during.jthe present disturbed conditions —of|world politics and safeguard her in-terests at the peace conference; TLTOE TT, _.sians could be trusted to decide theseaSoflifeanddeath;and it is“obvious that the practice would openanavenueforcrimewithoutend.Ba-»bies could be slaughtered withont let‘\..or hindrance if physicians could be ,>.fective,: :Col,John Phieet Kerr,who reform:| found to say they were mentally de- -** ed and quit the newspaper businessyearsagoandnowcoolshisheelsinatheGovernor’s office in Raleigh)writes“the Greensboro News that Mud Gut,,on the Western North Carolina rail-|“detested English,as’statroad,was changed:to Coleman in|German.sources,” ||The British government 'makesformalan&emphatic denial of Ger-man press statements circulated in|foreign countries regarding disorjdersinIndia.These xeports are ab-solutely unfounded,sa¥s Great Brit-;ain,Specifie denial is made of thejreportthatarevolthasbrokenoutjanywheréinIndia,or that Brahmins,|Buddhists.and.Mohammedans|united to make.difficulties:for the from“There 8 not jahonorofCol,Thad Coleman,“believed |word of truth in’these statements~~by many to have been the master mind |{rom beginning to end,”the’Secre.that worked out the many difficult en:|tary of State for India announces, TELL NT TTTeTgproblems,that confronted|‘the men who built this be morethe “reniarkable|of road,and I think nothing |,,Th"e ure many ‘people who have aappropriatethan:the oe in the stomach after meals, chief ae after the |one ~Chassbeslala'siiOvercame|(its.Henry Padghan,Victor,-N.-Y.,writes; ews 8 delighted with the athe some time in my stom:=ftBnameandwondersthat‘The jalso with constipation,“About six”sontBe)not perceive the appro-|2e0 1 began taking Chamberlain's Distress in the Stomach, dis.|in th It ijtoindigestionand:easily remedied hy suingTabletsaftermeals. e:"tine LO WAR.ROUIed with head. monthsTablets,tless They regulated i action of my bowels and ay annoyances @.short time”.Owes La So far as known here most of they No Trouble inIndia. have]. Stood By Physician Who. Chicago Dispatch. when an operation might have saved. defective,was morally and ethicallyjustifiedinrefusingtoperform:theoperationwhichhisconsciencedidnotsanction,An ‘replied ‘disappeoe:al of a course wherein a physicianmightdetermineifitwasorwasnotdesirableforapatienttolive:wascontainedinthéconcludingparagraphoftheverdict:3“We believe that the physician’shighestdutyis’to relieve.sufferingand-save 6r.prolong life.”%Dr.Haiselden testified he did notreachhisdecisionnottooperateun- sicians,14 of whom approved hiscourse.The mother of the child,wife of a workman and the mother of three other children,all physically and mentally normal;also agreed thatthebabywouldbebetteroffdead,he declared. of the deformity of the child,andsecond,because of the seriousness %®fthecase,”he said.“TI did not urge the parents to follow my advice,J simply gave my opinion as a consult- ing surgeon,I was morally certain:the child would be a defective,” Dr.John Dill obertson,—city:health commissioner,who testified that there was no evidence that the child would have been mentally .de- fective,issued a statement in part as follows: “A question of tremendous import- ance is at once raised as to whether the right of any child to,live should rest wholly on the -judgment of any physician.I do not want to be under- stood as questioning the right of any physician to act as his conscience or judgment in any.particular case would dictate,'and to onerate or nat operate in accordance therewith,butatthesametimethelifeofevery child should be so safeguarded by the community that it would not have to depend upon the judgment of any .one or two physicians.+ “If we are going to depart fromtherecognizeddutyofthephysician.‘to save life regardless of what that life shall be afterward,then theStatemustprovidesometribunal similar to that of ancient Sparta, which questioned the right of every’ child to live until it had been passed upon by’this-tribunal.”ied Death Rode in Fast Running Auto,ra Mr.David Lentz,a farmer living near Salisbury,was fatally -injured Saturday,two miles from Salisbury,when his automobile ran into a ditch.Mr.Lentz and bjs son,Bernard,and another young man were going home, Bernard driving and the elder Lentz osecupying the ‘rear seat.»The ma- chine was going at a rapid rate.saitohavebeen.about 30 miles’an hour,when the driver lost control of ‘it and the rear wheels got into the ditch. The young men escaped injury.Mr.Lehtz fell clear of the machine.but received fatal injuries.As soon as another machine could be secured hewashurriedback‘to Salisbury:for treatment but he died ~soon:after reaching the hospital. Mr.Lentz was about 40 years old and is survived by a widow and one son.He was prominent in his com- munity as a farmer and Church worker,}FTG EY RTeee RSERET CAT] The Matter of Dyes. Important increases,in the produc- tion.of coal tar dyes.in the UnitedStatessincethebeginningoftheEu-ropean’war are reported in an offi- cial statement by the’bureau of for- eign and domestic commerce.Near- ly all the American coke ovens now are equipped to produce the coal tar bases from which dyes are .manufac- tured.Meanwhile,the dem&nd for the same bases for the manufacture of explosives has kept prices so high that the dyestuff industry has been hampered." HAVE YOU~<A CHILD? Many women long for children,but because ofsomecurablephysicalderangementaredeprivedofthisgreatestofallhappiness. to rinal healt ber LaeliaEPiacian's VecoormalheaydiaE,am’s Vegeta-le Compound..Write and ask them about it...; sar “I took your Com- #/pound and havea fine, strongbaby.’*—Mrs;Sa JOHN MITCHELL,Mas- “i senha,N.Y.! Noell.|«Lydia E.Pinkham’s tt Vegetable Compound isa#4 wonderful medicine’for uulexpectant mothers,’?— i au Mrs.A.M.MYERS,Gor-. uty donville,Mo. }**T highly recommend sil Lydia E,Pinkham’s Veg-Fil etable Compound:before much for me.’’~Mrs,B. 8 shohocken,Pa. “*T took lydia EB.Pink- ham’s Vegetable Com- pound to build up my :system and have the he dearest baby girl in the’ah world,”—Mrs,Mosk’ i “I praise the Com- i }pound whenever I haveachance,It did somuch a for me before my littleSNgirlwasborn.”’—Mrs,E,W.SANDERs,Rowles- }burg,W..Va. "JT took your Com-pound before baby.was born and feel I owe mylifetoit,’’-—-Mrs,WINNIEa t ed Child to Die—One Dissent.|~~ 7 physicians.composing a.coro-|n :*s jury held that Dr.H.J.Raisel-|den,who permitted an infant to die him to a life of unhappiness as a f tit he had consulted 15 practicing phy-[. “J did not operate,first,because |’ P the blood;the glycerine in it soothes and ild-birth,ithasdone s0'| M.Doerr,R.R.1,Con:| ‘BLAKELEY,Coalport,Pa" New'and'sécond hand boiler-room Tr.11s,Winter Hayen, ae¥Sia AL Ee .Fe eR ELmideuke:Ms i ab a hia sens nace f eigen fore ifhckenene bm “Ap edepes tenety dimen ns remppm gin,; EACH NO:YONI:Pate sy Cte bs f eriinitac ox aDiesenbefh)sei thie Pag thy abe a sera OE AAA aye of és her recs =-“—a ea 7 a - J Pr.STMTTIWITTRTS «(STMIVIWTRTERTS)«(SMT FT WITT eTS?eT Vets)yi ai4;sieltPyelsyilayata*4/8j)el7}e)siio 6 fo;jizjisisis 818)7]eleliolnWialiaiialt{18 in 1116/17/18 {18420)2)ta ea}441818)iT|tal18118/20)@t)22/29!24 28/23)24/26/20)27/20,19/20)@t |22)23/24a6au0/27 28 20/3 (St 29/80)Sa te ov (28)8728/20/30)wie”olla laclagie be Feats MATT Spl agaLal «2 4 be Ne ‘;ug .hy eae ,Make toe sbiperonn Thaichagtxg sbag'lo..ihe;aco A eNO oft Wee Col.Hilary A..Herbert,,Confeder- ate veterah and Secretary of the Na- vy during the administration of Pres- ident Cleveland,has organizedmovementforajointreunion‘of thesurvivingveteransoftheUnionandConfederatearmies,to be held inWashingtonin1917. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? -Do colds settle on your chest orin your‘bronchial tubes?Do coughs hang on,oraréyousubjecttothroattroubles?Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott’s Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott’s Emulsion contains purecod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res-piratory tract and improves the quality of se heals the'tender membranes of the throat. » Scott’s is prescribed by the best special-ists.You can get it at any drug store, Scott &Bowne.Bloomfield,N.J. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS. By virtue of a decree’of the Superior Court‘of Iredell]county,rendered in the proceedingentitledR.B,McLaughlin,administrator ofA,J.Bass vs.C.8S.Bass and others,I will‘kell at public auction to the highest bidders,at the court house door in Statesville,N,C.,ni SATURDAY,NOVEMBER 27,1915. at 12 o'clock,m.,the following lands inChambersburgtownship,towit:Ist.Beginning’at a white oak in the Haith-cox line;thence west 158 poles to a dogwood,Co -Barringer’s corner;thence west 62 polestostake,Barringer’s line;poles to stake in C.Barringer’s line;thenceeast220polestostake;thence north 80 poles ito beginning,containing 110 acres more orJess,excepting 1 1-2 acres conveyed to trus-tecs Shiloh M.E.church,South.:2a.Beginning at’white oak,Hoover's line,and corner of Lot No.3,it being Ss cor-fier;thence S.,88 1-2 degrees east 160 polestikesLentzline;thence S.'39 1-2 poles to stake,corner of Lot No.§;thence north 881-2 G@ékrees ‘West,118 poles to stake,8.Hoov-er’s,corner;thence with his line north 45degreeswesttothebeginning,containing 34acresmoreorless.z8d,Beginning at black oak.near graveyard, Bass’corner,thence south 29 poles to stake,Freeze’s corner;thence south 88 1-2 degreeseast194polestopine,Lenta’s line;thencenorth29“poles to stake,—-Hoover’s corner;thence north 88 1-2 degrees west 194 potes tobeginning,containing 35 acres more or less.4th.Beginning at a hickory,S.Hoover'scornerinBassline;thence south 45 degreeseast-46-poles-to--white oak,corner Lot’No.4 ‘and Eidson’lot;thenee south 88 1-2 de-grees east 160 poles to stake;thence north81.poles to stake,corner lot No.2;thence |north 88 1-2.degrees west 194 poles to | ginning,containing 34 acres more or less.Sth..Beginning at a stone in Hugh Ply-ler’s line;thence east 130 poles to stone;thence south 36 1-2 poles to stone;thencewest130polestostone;thence north 33 1-2;poles.to beginning,containing 37 1-2 acres,more or less.‘6th.Beginning at a stone,W.P.«Morton’scorner;thence with his and Bass’line north°rees east 20 poles to stone,J.C.Plyler’scorner;thence with Plyler's line north 87 de- grees west 60 poles to stone in his line andW.D.Plyler’s corner;thenge with line be-tween J.C.and W.D.Plyler south 36 polestostone;thence with W.D.Plyler’s:linesouth86degreescast53-4 poles to stone,hiscorner;thence with W.P.Morton's line north28degreeseast6polestostump,Morton’scorner;thence with his line north 84 de- grees east,60 poles’to beginning,containing10acresmoreorless. Terms—One-third cash,—one-thirdandone-third in twelve months. R.B.McLAUGHLIN,Oct.26,1915.Commissioner. VALUABLE LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Upder the terms of the will of Mrs.Har-riet Clark,deceased,the undersigned executoroffersatprivategaleavaluabletractoflandlyingontheCatawbariverinCatawbaequnty,N.C.,containing 161 acres more’or fess and known as the Alexander Clark place,|The-traet contains.50 acres of original forestand40acresofriverbottomlands,The estate in six thence south.80 A ‘ |We Extend OF IREDELI.COUNTY A.-cordial invitation to attend the CORN SHOW to beheldatthisBank.Saturda A large number of exhibits have already been entered.Those who have not yet entered may do so today (Tues- y,November 27th. day),Wednesday or Friday., (Bank will be-closed Thursday,the 25th, «(Thanksgiving Day). If you want to see what Iredell County is doing in thewayofraisinggoodCorn—then take a day off andCOME.TO THE CORN:SHOW SATURDAY,NOVEM-‘BER 27th. We are going to keep open house all day,and will be dis-appointed if you don’t come, Farmers Merchants and Farmers’Bank, Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.” To the Farmers-of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYtoannouncethattheyhavecompletedarrangementswithHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York.”crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton a ad smallbyHailStormatthefollowingverylowprice: TOBACCO CROP.!$100 per acre valuation at75peracrevaluationat 50 per acre valuation at 25 per acre valuation at COTTON,CORN AND .$40 per acre valuation 35 per acre valuation30_per acre valuation25peracreyaluation 20 per acre valuation15per.acre valuation -10 per acre valuation SDWELLINGS,FU $100 value for one year at 30c.,3 years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.This $7.50 per acre5.87)per acre © 3.75 per acre 1.872 per acre SMALL GRAIN CROP. $1.60 per acre 1.40 per acre-1.20 per acre 1.00 per acre .80 per acre:*.60 per acre .40 per acreRNITURE,BARNS. bey“THE‘ar insuring your growing rain against destruction latter insurance covers also against loss or damage occasionedbywindinadditiontohail. REMEMBER—‘‘We insure anything insurable.”J.F.CARLTON,Manager, *PHONE 54.‘STATESVILLE,N.C, CLAN THAT WATOH OF CLOCK Don't wear them out First class work all the also offers a house and lot in ‘Troutman and before you have it done.time,and you can get“your work.when you want it. H.B.WOODWARD Jeweler, ! an island of 10 acres in the Catawba river,“For terms apply to : Cc.H.BROWN,Executor,R..B.McLaughlin,Atty.1_July 18,1915.i |Butter Wrappers! We have the “very”best .Parchment Buttér Paper, and can print your name,,.and brand on same’Let ushave°your order ‘for any‘quantity you want.See us,Prices reasonable. Brady Printing Co.— ‘DR.B.C.TALLEY, Troutman,N.©.se The new Gypsy Boottop,patent vamp—Button and Lace. Grover’s Soft Shoes for tender feet. School Shoes for Children.Yours for the Price, _The One Price Cash Shoe Store.Your Shoes repaired.while you Wait. —the low heel,cloth «>.VETERINARIAN,| ‘Headquarters Statesville Drug Co.Ae Office’Phone 80Residence’Phone 307 Black, >)WANTED! SCRAP BRASS—HeavyBrass7ic.per pothd,Light Brass 5c,per Hs FOR.SALE: supplies,C.H.TURNER.’Iredell "Phone No.%Hal No.7 Make a nice COLLEGE JEWELRY! Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc.,with the-seal of Statesville College on,piece of Jewelry for former |students as well as those now attending,We have this line now in,ies we : R.H.RICKERT &SON,||_ IE LEa OR RE Une:tanorema tne Teh nt ee ee e ea n § i mR att eee ie Ky.—Iics east 'was down inbedhedtes!is place, cannot tell you how I eel cillgy’head,er 'ho nervousness and \One teh doctor told my husbandcouldnotdomeGany00d,andasdhetoAxeitup.did not help me. Atlast,m:ymother advised me to takeCardui,the.«woman’s tonic,|thouitwas"nousefor |was nearly dead annothingseemedtodomeanygood.1 took eleven bottles,and now |amableoeallofmyworkandmyownashing. "1 think Cardutisthe bestmedicine intheworld,M t has increased,’and Ilook the p set health * If you suffer from any ofthe ailpeculiarbeings"get'a bottle ofCardigehelp7,is dage rous.We knowforithashelmanythousandsofieanotherweakwomeninthepast50reat.: At all druggists. Write to;Medici:AdvisoryDex.jourcate an Tenn,ei Seat vesimaent for ¥inpiain wrapper,BHG.188 Fen TRY oe “Marshmallow Creme.” A delicous filling for your Thanksgiving Cakes.A fresh shipment:arrived to- day. —’Phone 89.— Eagle & Milholland. Oysters, Celery, Lettuce. ——FRESH—— Every Tuesday.and Friday Miller-McLain Supply Co. _}|Sloan PressingClub._ ——_THE—— Paine View Dairy Has just bad its cows tested and they were found in good condition —another azeason why the}Dairyiwith the Dacro System should be patronized. —’PHONE 347 BLACK.om DRAIN YOUR FARM, Any quantity,4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN TILE on hand. Common Bricks,FaceBricks,always ready Adelivery. Statesville Brick Co. aeee et AN THE LAN DMARK TURSOAX,i N wer-ber 23,1915. Ne.No,+Susbhaaed,Train No.1a or aTrainNo.SE E R R E E S Trate No.16 ar,9.60,"jeaves 10.98 e ‘Train No.24 ar.8:14,fleaves 6.14 p.From TayTrainNo.23 ar.10:700,leaves 10:40 aTrainNo.16 ar.6:40,leaves 7:06 p,Nos.23 and 24 are not operatedon a 8 Confederate Woman’s Home.’ The Confederate Women’s Home,erected through the efforts of the But|Daughters of the Confederacy,aid- ed by the State of North’Carolina, which was recently completed.at Wayetteville,was formally opened Thursday evening and turned over totheState.The presentation on be-half of the board of directors wastg/by-Mr.Jas.A.Bryan of New Berne,chairman of the board of directors, and the acceptance on behalf of the State was by.Lieut.Gov.Daught-ridge.’The formal opening ceremo- nies were followed by a reception. |The Home is a handsome and com- taseg |fortable building,well furnished andwith.pleasant surroundings.It con- tains 36 rooms,one wing being in- complete,and about 30 inmates canbeaccommodated. ‘Special Prohibition Acts.for Georgia.E Three prohibition bills passed at the special session of the Georgia Legislature have been signed by Gov. Harris.“One of the bills prohibitsthemanufactureorsaleofany.bev- ‘erage containing more than one-half jof one per cent.of alcohol.Another forbids the advertisement.of intoxi- cating liquors in newspapers,period-icals,on bill boards or by any othermeans.The third provides -that ship- ments of liquor into the State forpersonaluseshallbelimitedtotwo quarts of whiskey.48 pints of beer and one gallon of wine to any one person within any 30-day period. ‘clea eiiscaseacndalnipiaeatnaniitinteiingesusicinniactasisihensnammnntaicaealuised GIRLS!_FY YOUR HAIR AND STOPDANDRUFF! Try This!Your Hair Get8 Wavy, |Glossy and Abundant at Once! |To be-possessed of a head of heavy, |beautiful hair;soft,lustrous,fluffy, wavy and free from ‘dandruff is mere- jly a matter of using a little Dander-|ine. |It is easy and inexpensive to have inice,soft!hair and lots of it.Just jzet a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s ‘Danderine now—all drug.stores rec- ommend it—apply a little as directedandwithin“ten minutes there will beanappearanceofabundance,fresh- ness,fluffiness»and an incomparable gloss and lustre,and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair;but your real sur-prise will be after about two weeks’ use,when you will see new .hair—fine-and downy ‘at first—yes—but| {over your scalp—Danderineis,we be- lieve,the only sure hair grower,de- stroyer of dandruff and cure for itchyscalpanditneverfailstostopfall- ing hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty 'and soft your hair really is,moisten a cloth with.a little Danderine and carefully draw:it through your hair —taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft,glossy and beautiful in just a few momernts—a delightful surprise awaits every one who tries this. ——SEE—— The New Line of Copy- righted Books nn AT R.P.ALLISON'S— Book STORE. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM-MONS BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina,Iredell ‘County. In the Superior Court,January Term,1916.Jessie Reagan vs.Bratha Reagan.+...The defendant above named,Bratha Refirat,will take notice that a summons in the aboveentitledactionwasisstedagainstthesaidde- fendant onthe 6th-day of November,1915, by J.A.Hartness,clerk of the Superior CourtofTredellcounty,State of North Cardlina,wherein the said plaintiff above named,Jes-sie’R sues for divorce absolute from C.WATKINS for “Everything to Build With.”- FULL a TOCK-LOW ‘PRICESShingles,Doors,Windows,Ceiling, Flooring,Siding,Boxing,{Mould- ing,Lat!18,Lime,Cement,etc.,. Next Planters’Wh.Statesville. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING —’PHONE 147— ‘Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ’phone calls left at Dr.Long’s Sanatorium orGeo.M.Foard’s residence. eetneesesmnigahaensnatadeeiahglacedee Semen DR.C.L.CRU SE j Veterinarian, Office :ga1 PolkGray Drug Co Office Phone 109,‘Residence Phone wos.Green. said defendant,onthe grounds of fornicationandadulteryonthepartofthesaiddefend-ant,and the said defendant is required to ap- pear and:answer or demur to the complaint|at the January term of Iredell Superior Court,which will be held at Statesville,Ire-dell county,N.C.,on the fifth Monday be- fore the first Monday of March,the same be-ing the 80th day of January,1916,at -whichtimethesaidsummonsismade’returnable;or judgment will be given against said de-fendant in favor of the,safd plaintiff at thesaidtermofcourt,J.A.HARTNESS,Clerk Superior Court Iredell Co.Zeb.V.Long,Att'y.for Plaintiff. Nov.9,1916. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers contained in ‘amortgagedeedexecutedbyW.A.OvercashandwifetoR.A.Miller,and by him assign-ed for value to R.A,Cocpeér,the undersignedhest-bid-}-will_sell_at-publie_auctionto the—higEiforoanotatthecourthousedoorin’States-ville,N.MONDAY.DECEMBER 6th,1915,nt 12 o'clock,m.,the)paovin®real estate,inthcityofStatesvill|towitFirst.lot...Beginning at “the junction.ofOakandFrontstreets,enence with Frontstreet.S.68 degrees W.93 1-2 feet to stake,L.K.Overeash’s corner;thence with his lineN.26 degrees W.183 feet to stake;thence N.68 degrees E.103 1-2.feet to.stake on Oakstreet;thence with the street 8.21 degrees BE.188 1-2 feet.to the beginning,containing a halfacremoreorless.°°Second sot,Beginning at W,A.Overeash's:}?corner on Oak street,thence with street Nig22degreesW.187 1-2 feet to stake,per's cor.ner;thence with Cooper's line and ditch S.70hoaagW.239 feet to stake in L.K,Over-line;thence S,26 degrees B.to a stake,x Overeash’s corner;thence with.hisLA,Overeash’s line “N,70:rees_E.he ning:ibe aloe oun 2.nifeettotmao FOR eashotise Race atreet,loc coteee agonefNeniences.ae popesaiecytoe division aeFecescg:MOLLER, ut?COOPER, R.B.Metaughiin,8 THICKEN AND BEAUTI-|¢, ‘NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings HereHere and There in the Couiitry.. ~-Geo.Wy Perkins,:the.nationalchairman_of the Progressive (Roose-velt'-Bull Moose)party,says thepartywillhaveanationalticketinthefieldnextyear.‘section of UnionThe.railroadSprings,Ala.,was sweby a fireearlySaturdaymornin,causingdamageinexcessof$1 000.Twodepotswereburned,a ‘warehouse andiebalesof¢otton and other build-ngs, Mrs.Bessie Brown,wife of a drug- gist of Charlottesville,Va.,and Bos- ton Herndon,proprietor of a factoryatBarboursville,Va.,were instantlykilledFridaynightwhenanautomo-bile in which ‘they were?riding was struck by a Southern passenger train near Barboursville,Va. Myron T.Herrick,former Govern- or of Ohio and former ambassador oftheUnitedStatesto.France,was one of the principal craters ©tur- day at the laying of.the corncz stoneoftheMcKinleyBirthplaceMemo-rial at Miles,O..the ir inbace of thelatePresidentMcKinley. On the ground.that the question of national defence is not a partisan orpartyquestion,President Wilson has asked .Senator Gallinger and Representative Mann,RepublicanleadersoftheSenateandHousere-spectively,to confer with.him on leg- islation for national defense. The funeral of Jos.Hillstrom,ex-ecuted at Salt Lake City.Utah,for murder,held in Salt Lake Sunday,was made the occasion for denuncia-tion-of_law_and_order_by-the lawless element.One speaker declared theauthoritiesoftheState“would soon have cause to remember the day theytookHillstromoutand.shot ‘him.” Porter Charlton,the Ameri¢an who recently was tried at Como,Italy,on who wag found guilty and sentenced| to six years and eight months’:m-vrisonment,was released’Sunday. to the sentence was ‘counted as part| of his term and he served but a few); weeks after his conviction, Careful review of the private bidsforthehullsandmachineryofthetwonewsuper-dreadnoughts author-by the last Congress has shown finally that none comes within the limit set by Congress.Secretary Dan-iels is*undecided whether new bidswillbeaskedorwhetherthegovern- ment’will ‘make arrangemerts tobuildtheships,in its own.yards. Vincent Moreci,aged B0,'promi- nent in Italian affairs in New Orleansformanyyearsandheadofnumer- was assassinated early Friday nearhishomeintheItalianquarterof that city..The police are working on the theory that the killing was the result of a Black Hand plot,the Black Hand being.an organization ofItaliansforthepurposeof’murder. The New York courts have decided that mercantile agencies —Dunn.and Bradstreet —are responsible for im- proper ratings.In the case at issue a business house obtained credit on rating given by mercantile agencies. The bill was not paid and“Tf wasireallynewhair—sprouting ‘out “all’)found that the rating was excess- ive..On the ground that the rating|, misléd the seller the courts held that the mercantile agencies responsible for the bill. The.80.clerks and carriers who threw up jobs at the Fairmont,W. Va.,postoffice because the assistant postmaster was dismissed were in- formed by Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral Roper -that their resignations would not be aécepted,and that they were charged with conspiracy._It is understood dismissals will follow. been forced to go back to work to help out the new men put on. Secretary of Agriculture Houston the officials named as defendants in 1 suit for $100,000 filed by Grate G. Durand and Scott S.Durand,whose|> herd of valuable Guernseys were kill- ed November 9.The cattle were sus- pected of having mouth and foot dis- ease.The cattle were shot bv State officials in spite of a civil action.en-joining them from killing the herd, which Mrs.Durand asserted were |free from disease. Interest in Rural Credits. Washington Dispatch to New YorkTimes.President Wilson hasinformed Ben- ator Fletcher of Florida,chairman of the committee on rural credits,of hiscontinuedinterestintheenactmentof rural credits legislation.Mr.Fletcherasked.the President particularly tomentionruralcreditsinhisaddresstoCongress,but on that point the Pres-ident made no definite reply.Many Congressmen doubt that discussion of the preparedness.plan,means of rais- ing revenue,and the ship purchase bill will leave time for a discussionofruralcredits.”A:sub-committee of thé joint com- mittee on rural credits is having fre- ouent méetings now in an effort to laybeforeCongressadefiniterecommen- dation by Jan.1.But it is knownthattherearewidediffercncesof opinion as to the Federal and State aspects of the.general proposals. ssn Yeggman Confessed to Save Girl, To:shield his sweetheart from 9 charge of having burglars’tools in her possession,Lee es26)years old,of Parkersburg,W ve.aefadeaconfessiontothe“UnitedStatesDistrict.attorney at Colum- bus.O.,in which he admitted cbmplic- ity in nine”postoffice robberiés in Ohio and West Virginia.When Lester and William Robifi«son “were captured by Columbus ;po-lice and railroad and_postoffice.,m- spectors,a search of the apar mentsofMissEdnaHindershotdisclosedaoykitofburglartools,a auantity troglvcerin,fuses ‘and other “ex~-the ves.Lester then stated sft the girl was innocent and confessed ‘his pos'andie to“sy in cash and $360 in eur- Ol “general strengthening tonic,SPander es oo ICdrives outrin,enriches ida up the mene Rash’s News. Jorrespondence”of The casei: Jennings,Nov.22 —The most“de-lightful autumn that we all enjoyedso-much.is receding behind the eve-ning hills,and the cold blasts of win-ter are sweeping down from themountainsandwhistlingaroundthecorners,making us dvaw our chairsupcloseraroundthehearthstone. We should all lay in a good supplyofdrywood,prepare good shelter forallstock:and tools,to protect themfrom-the cold winter rains;and then.for the delight and entertuinment ofhefamily,we should arrange for a variety of good books and papers onwhichtofeastourmindsduringthelongwinternights.It is by reading. thinking and meditating on what we read,and exchanging ideas with oncanother,that we become more intelli- vent and enlightened.»Let’s not dolikethesluggardbear—eat all we cz hold and go to sleep and_sleeallwinter.But let us emerge’out into the spring,brighter,stronger, more intelligent,so that we:will be better_prenaréd to fight the battlesoflifeastheycome.* Mr.Harrison Pendergrass to Statesville Saturday,wherewillrkthiswinter. Rev’J.W.Rash of Statesville did some very able preaching at Union church,north of here.last week.We have been informed by several per- sons,capable of knowing.that he is becoming one of the leading preach- ers of our day.They sav that he is the finest reasoner at all.We are vlad to hear,and say this~for—Bro, Rash.as he is one of us.while he-is living to enjoy it.If we can.lighten any,one’s burdens,or brighten their vaths,bv some act of kindness or moved ne a charge of murdering his wife anc| The time he had been in prison prior | ous organizations of his countrymen,ica were; Meantime some of the strikers have! word of love or cheer.let’s do it while they are here to enjoy it..and notwaittillthevareinthesilenttomb,18 we so often do.\ They closed a very_interestingmeetingatProspectSundaywitha |baptizing.There was a large numberofconvertsandsomesplendidpreach- ine during the meeting. The annual protracted meeting will begin at Mt.Vernon church.next Sunday.which will about close out the revival meetings for’this year. World Supreme Court. The first formal steps in a.cam-vaign for the creation of a world su-vreme court for the judicial settle- ment*of all international disputes were taken in New York Friday.A hoard of directors was elected for the World’s Court League of Amer- Dr.John Wesley Hill,who vresid- ed,exulained that it was not the ob- in bringing about peace in the pres- ent war or to interfere in any wav with armament plans in the United States.The League proposed to or- ~anize a court consisting of represen- tatives from each country in ‘the world,which will prevent any future outbreak such as the present war. Tohn Hays Hammond,Oscar Strauss, Alton B.Parker,John Wannamaker, ex-Vice President Fairbanks,Sena- tor Sherman of Illinois and Gov.-elect Stanley of Kentucky are on the Soard of directors. |Killing Birds Costs Billions. 1 Destruction of birds.according to Col.G.O.Shields,president of the League of American Sportsmen.costs the United States.a billion dollars a vear.Col.Shields made the asser- tion in an address "hefore the Chica- vo chapter of the Daughters of the American’Revolution. “Cotton growers,”he said,lose %100.000,000 a year by the boll weev- ‘il.Why?Because the quails,the vrairie chickens,the meadow larks and other birds which were formerly and Gov.‘Dunne of Illinois are among|jthere in millions have been swept jiaway by thoughtless men and boys.”Col.Shields added that potato growers,pay $17,000,000 a year for spraying poispns and remarked thataquailslaininPennsylvaniahad127notatobugsinitscrop.He said that Mrs.Margaret M.Nice,of the facul- ty of the Massachusetts State Uni-versity,after long study.’estimated that a quail destroys 75,000 bugs and §,000,000 weed seeds annually. TS Storm Damage on the Coast. Storms last Thursday night.and Friday did’some damage ‘along thesoutherncoasts—especially along the Georgia,South Carolina and Florida’coasts. At Newport News and _elsewhere along the Virginia codst there was much damage to shipping,the loss being heavy. In New York the storin was most severe and there was much.property damage.Two men were killed and scores injured,some fatally,whileshippingwasdemoralized. William J.Albertson,a farmerliv- ing at Trinity,Randolph county,wasfatallyinjuredbyhisteamrunningaway.He died Thursday,ten:daysaftertheaccident. iect of the League to take -any hand/{ GET READY FOR WINTER.| Include a Reading Course—Mr.|- Preaching —~Church} eeniums includesdo-cles for men,women ainandseethem.heat Statesville Drug Co. The 30-35 horse power.motoris .. cast en bloc withremovable head.. which allows the valves andpis-” tons to be easily cleaned. The rear ‘axleis of the full oad ing type with Timken bearings: throughout.Imported Swiss* bearings are used in the clutch =.» and transmission.eta The electricalequipment includes eeawaterproofKisemannmagneto—«© for ignitionand a 12-volt.North- east motor’generator for thestartingandlightingsystem. These features are evidences of quality,but no list of specifica- tins can tell you the story of the car as completely or as convinc- ingly as the car itself.- The motor is 30-35 horsenowerThepriceoftheTouringCarorRoadster,complete,;is $785 (f.6.by Detroit), Its:a Dr a=)ge 3ofeaseandcom‘Realized—_inline of MATTRESS Ghe ?st old prices. save>you from $1 00 to aetteable: $4.50 on each Mattr } bought.»Call “quick and save money. ots ig Statesville cee WINSTON-SALEM.MAN*SAVED FROM DEATH.Spat J.E.Erwin Says Wonderful RemedyBroughtHimAstonishing.poke J.E.Erwin of Winston-Salem,NC.,was for a long time the victim ofseriousdisordersofthestomach.He many.doctors. One day he took a dose of Mayr’sWonderfulRemedyand-was astonishedattheresults.The help he soughthadcome.He wrote: use of the life-saving’powers of your my life. remedy.friend sufferers who.ought:to havesomeofyourremedy.”Mayr’s Wonderful Remédy _givesaesThetotallostfrom"thepermanent results for stomach,liver |?ce robberies,he said,amotint-Tand intestinal ‘ailments.Eat as much|bfandwhateveryoulike.No more dis-tress after eating,pressure of ‘gas in|the stomach and,around the heart:Get:one:bottle of your druggist nowandtry.it on an ‘absolute guarantee|if not satisfactory Yhonay will bereturned,«! tried all kinds of treatment and had |$ “Tam satisfied-through }personal|} Wonderful Remedy.You have:saved |}I could have lived but ‘a few|weeks more had it not been for your |?I am sinclosing a list of|f 3 So o o SR D S CE D CE C E D E C E L CE S PSIVesesesi eves f ountain oft TRY A HOT DRINK: CLAM BOUILLION,| ¢TOMATO BOUILLION, Oe CHICKEN BOULLION. Hot Coffee;Hot Chocolate,Topped.With Whhipped Cream.©- |Statesville Drug Comp’ Quality:eee oe m Agk,RDITOR AND OWNER figsbay AND FRIDAY,Se 0 /the city schools,or most of them, =the children do 75 to 90 per cent,of..|their studying at home and 10 to 26+November 28," LAWYERS AND "LEGISLATORS. he:Fa fers’Union wants ‘more .farmris ‘sent to the Legislature,The Observer is with it there.And it warld metch each farmer with a »Yusiness man.At the same time,it >.must be remembered that the Legis--Jature cannot get along withont theInver.The erncriences of the Pop-plistic..Asscmily in whose member- ghin there was neithera lawyer nor a mon who knew anything about law, sonat ohat,be jovcrlocked.—Charlotte Observer.of 1895“Whe:tusion Legislatures ene 3897,containsd some..lawyers— among the number men who,while _not “so,eminent.in.their’profession,jaimed some local -distinctioninthe profession.‘The sevai ratures made i.those .Legisiatures were largely due to.greed and the haste to over- \tore everyihing and the further factNhatthelaymen,thought they could ‘@raw théir own bills and ignored the“lawyer “/members,It is fair also toaethatthe“Legislatures-mention- ad while their faults Were many,are not the only Legislatures that have fade mistakes from the legal stand- feint!"Some crrors crop out in al- most.every Legislature,even where there is ‘a-Preporiderance of lawyers, Tne Observer is right in saying there should be a mixture of the pro- --—-fessions inthe Legislature.It would be"unwise to clect all farmers,ah ‘widnufacturers or all of°any other lags .or profession to the Legisla- tute.sLawyers are needed and it is fitting and.proper that the legal pro- febsion should be represénted.What ‘¢he Farmers’Union folks had’ir mind,probably,was the custom,all too prevalent.of cleeting young law: yers to the Legislature regardless of their fitness.-This-type—often seek the place simply for tae “prominence -it will give them—the help it will be to them in their profession.It wil! Lak advantare.they think,person: vlly’nnd professionally,to have been a’rember of the Legislature,’The pute -acrvices the gool of the State and what service may Eo rendered theif home countics is’often givenlitle,thought!if ny thought at all- andthe public scrvice often sufferstHrdughthistype,who are actuated hy selfish motives,and who.because of thelr persistenes oro-all too nu- Merous in the Legisietur:.More far- nierg"aro needed ind fower lawyers of the type mentioned.The lawyer of standing.,wno has’some thought for the public scrvicc and some re-gard for his/duties 24 a public serv- eht,,honors his posple by accepting service in the Lezislature,for he esually ‘does so at a sacrifice,But the fledglings who seck the honor 'for the prominence it gives them—the State will be better served with fewer of that number. te few ‘@ays azo it/ws stated in dispatches.fvom Paris that the order —of aGerman citizen of New York for gowns!for Mrs.Galt,the Presi- Hetit’s Canece,lad been’turned dowr: bythe Paris dress-makers.The Pa- Fisian deaicts,it was further an- fiouneed,would be delighted to’fill orders for.Mrs.Galt direetly,but ‘they wovld,not fill orders for a Ger- mean.This did not enlist The Land- mark’s interest or sympathy,as it thought Mrs.Galt’should buy-‘her fowns at home.And now comes of-ficiabidenia)of the stcry that Mrs. Galt.has ordered gowns from Paris. Shevis buying her dresses in the United States,it is said.Good for ‘Mrs.Galt.Sho sets a worthy ex- ample to the highbrows who ~buyfromabroad“fer the Lig of thefhing”—on exactly the same princi-ple‘that other folks send away forthingstheycouldgetathome.Theythinki}looks large,i ‘Pe I»And 80 Col.Roosevelt had saletiedtheofficersofthearmyhewaspre-Haring to raise to go to war with -—Germany,and he-can’t_get—over thedisappointment.It does seem thatafthecolonelwasreally’as anxious‘to fight the Germans as he pro-fesses‘to be,he could get to thefront.“It is stated ~that men in |That's the «best remedy for evils ofchargeoftheformationofanAmer-|dean Legion in Canada,for service’“pnEurope,have asked:Col.>Roose-welt to Speak at.a meeting under its]:auspices,December 11,at Toronto,Canida,Maybe the Legion ean in-duee the colonel to go along —ascommander.- cat etaheneedeeeateeedee **Col.AL Pairbrother lott Saturday*for Phoenix,Arizona,to spend —thewinter.Here’s'hoping the colonelwiltcomebacktousinthespring“fully restorsil‘to »health.MeantimeEverythingwill-appeat as usual un-der the management of Mrs.Fair-_ttother,.who has fully demonstratedher-eapacityto make a paper as goodBRthebest,and the coichal will besontaibutingeditor.: Peat.:Senetwfall_in,the mountains _|children will do their ‘studying at lbetter progress than they can possi- ‘part of the South.that the well beine ‘AZOBlind,Bleeding or Prot hing,}ine first application given eeena eect age. HATJSCONTENDED FOR.~The Charlotte Observer says “The Landmark and others are advocatin a reform in school “methods sa that: school and rione at home,”Not.exp. actly..Under present eonditions,in per cent.in school..Thé Landmarkwouldreversethesituation.It would have 75 to 90 per cént.of the stud- ies in.the school room,where the teacher could supervise and ‘help,and 10 to 25 per cent.at home,The.Ob- server says if children did all their studying in the school room it would “require*22 years to graduate from high school instead of 11,and the average youth would be ready to en- ter college at the age of 28 ard grad- uate at 36.”-Some teacher trying to dodge work of course gave Col,Har- ris that information,More studies in the schoolroom would of course mean longer hours there,which would affect nobody -but-the teacher.Instead Of sending the children’home to study in the afternoons the teach- er could stay with them in the school room for a part of the aftcr- noon at least and help them to make bly.make at-home alone, the help parents can give. The Landmark has no desire to prolong the time of thé childrenin school,With the multiplicity of studies and the multiplicity of grades in the modern graded school it takes even an apt pupil from infancy to practically edly manhood or woman- hood to get through now,What the children need is more help.from the teachers and fewer studies.; or.with The orphans —remember the or- Phans at Thanksgiving..Surely_it ‘will be no unreasonable hardship:to give them the earnings.of one day out of the whole.365.Send the con- tribution to the orphanage of your choice.f They Are Fellow Business Men. Progressive Farmer. Just why there should be any hurt- ful antagonisms between farmers andthebusinessmenof.our towns =acitiesishardtosee.The truth isthattheaveragefarmer,or any group of farmers,is just about’asoodamanandasdesirablecitizen, little better,little worse,than the av-erage business man or group of busi-ness men. Equallv true:is it,if nearly every of a community,its rise to prosperi- ty or its:fall to backwardness and dry rot,is or should be the concernoffarmerandtownmanalike.Back-wardness in methods,low yields and|ignorance on the farm make the/|town and the man who lives in the} town poorer:ignorance of moddern business methods,greed and lack of civic pride in the town correspond- inglv have their demoralizing effectonthefarmerandthefarm.Isn’t it time we were seeing a lit- tle more light “just here?’Isn’t ittimethatwesawthatthefarmerisorshouldbejustasmuchabusinessmanaghewhositsinanoffice?Isn’t it time that we saw that no com-munity can ever be what it should beuntilwe~get farmers, bankers,lawyers,doctors,preachers and teachers all imbued with thecommunity:spirit,pulling togetherforprogressanddevelopment?Thehestbusinessmenshouldjoininthefighttoputextortioners,loan sharks.Darasites,etc.,out of business,andthebestfarmersshouldostracisetheirunworthy.fellow who tries todeceiveintradeorrefusestopayhisjustdebts.Away with the idea that the townmanandthecountrymanhaveagrievanceagainsteachother!Away with it,and let’s get together ‘asfellowbusinessmenand.as_fellowcommunitybuilders!' Bankers Complain. The exeetitive committee of thenationalbanksectionoftheAmeri-can Bankers’Association has adopt-ed a resolution protesting againstthecircularissuedby.ComptrollerWilliams,of the Treasury Depart- ment.charging national banks withexactingusuriousratesof'interest. The resolution asserted that the prac- tices ¢omplained of by the comptrol-ler are confined to certain.sections ofthecountrvandthatbythepublic- ity_giventhemattera great injustice has been done to the majority ofbankersthroughoutthenation.~If Mr.Williams’circular made itappearthatthemajorityofbankers are guilty-jof—exacting—usury,whentheyarenot,then it is unfair to theinnocentparties.But the practiceissocommonthatitneededatten-tion hadly-and Mr Williams was ex-actly nicht in that character. for Railroads. being a peril and a corruptive forceinpolities,have now become.thehelpless.subjects of governmentcommissions‘and too often their vic-\tims.”declared United States Sena-tor Henry Cabot Lodge,in an addressinBoston.—-.,eae |“Government.control has>workedtwoways,”said Senator’Lodge.“Theunfortunate.stockholders have suf.fered under this system as they slidbefore.Many evils have been cured,many Wrongs _redressed and muchgoodhasbeenaccomplished,‘whileseriousharmhas.also been done bythecrudeandviolentmethodspur-sued in certain.instances,”; Piles Cured in 6 to 14 DaysYourdru,OINTMENT failsto Careaay otiad nd|Dividends unpaid merchants,|. giving it’publicity.|72' From One Extremetothe Other| “The railroads:of the country,from |: mington,one:ieablestease’tixradanstan hotatn»Rise efectiveJanuaryist.He will% hak ate :Judge Rountree has served twoanda,half years as--judge,having:been ‘appointed by Governor =paid 1,-1913..Last fall he was elect-|ed fov eight years.Ex-Senator Mars- “as probable suctessorsto Juntree.The district is composedofNewHanover,Brunswick,Colum-bus and Pender, Beware of Cheap Subatit)tn these da:portant that the public whould see that theygetChamberlain's Cough Remedy and nottakeslbétitutessoldforthesakeof‘extraprofit.Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ~hasstoodthetestand.been approved ‘for morethanfortyyears,Obtainable everywhere. REPORT OF THE CONDITION ;of the :,First National Bank,at Statesville,in the State of North Carolina,attheCloseofBusinessNoy.10,1915RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts (except thoseshownont Overdrafts secured $4,301.52;unse- ured $609.12 6 eek ciseeeeseaee U,S.Bonds deposited-iosecurecirculation(par =value)$100,000.0 U.S.Bonds pledgéd to secure U,8,deposits, (par.value)Subscription to stock ofFederalReservebank 7,600.00Lessamountunpaid....3,750.00ValueofBankingHouse(if un- encumberédy %%*Furniture and.FixturesNetamountduefrom Federa)Re-—serve-Bank +ersNetamountapprovedreserveagentsinNewYork,Chicago 5,000.64 ,80,006.00 190,090.00 3,760,00 82;000-0043,406.09. T5834,24 and St.Louis 811.66Netamountdue 2pproved reserve agentsinotherreservecities. 8/667,17 Net amount due from banks.andbankers(other than included in10°-or 11)ah : Other-checks-on“banks-in-the-samecityortownasreportingbank-. Outside checks and oth-cash items Fractionalnickelsand cents .... 9,478.88 9,665.43 4,783.08 3,110.00 69,05 3,170.06 Notes of other National Banks ....,2,Fedéral Reserve Notes Y den Bellamy and others are mentién-} utes.*of Keen competition it is.im- Dy apenceeeyGets}$530,306,11 | i eecagtie TPresiden“Wilson Anttiretimethisweekto’third annvial messageFehichheplanstoreadf./a joint meeting of Senatennt sume the practiceof law at Wilm g-| December 7,ee The bodiesof 81 victims of the mineexplosion,in the -viciyity of Seattle,‘Wash.,a week ago,have_all.been re-\Govered,ie é ey‘to stop the itching and begin healingwiththefirst-application or return yourmoney.There are lots of skin reme-|dies but Séxois theonly one they guar-:antee like this."t you it?W.F.HALL,DRUGGIST,”!s esville,et Stat FOR RENT—Nine-room house with all modern’conveniences—my homeonDavieavenue.J.L.SLOAN.Nov.2.e :i “DANGER” {GROUP and PNEUMONIA f Come like a thicf in the night and seigeupentheinfantchild.Be prepared to save tle of OR |Croup andPneumonia, Price 25¢.,50c.and $1.00.For sale by ell dealers or sent.post-paid|on receipt of price.‘BRAMEMEDICINE.CO.,{N.Wilkesboro,N.C.} Park Place Greenhouse ,Has Plowers for Thanksgiving. Chrysanthemums in abundance, Total coin and certificates Redemption fund with U.S.Treas-urer {not more than 5 per centoncirculation)and due from U.8.Treasurer LIABILITIES.ie Capital stock paid-in’$100,000.00Surplusfund Undivided profits :Less current expensés,interest and tixes paid 9,835.10 Cireulating notes cutstanding ....12,643,52100,000.094 700,60Individualdepositssubjecttocheck163,982.82 Certificates of deposit due in less’than 30 days Cashiers’checks outstanding .....,. United States deposits Total “demand ~deposits;~ Items 32,933,34,85, 36.37,88 and 389...,Certificates of deposit Tota)of time depositsTrems40.41 ‘and 42...Rediscourits with FederalbankBillspayablé,including obligationsrepresentingmoneyborrowed....50,000.00 16,939.224,612.6530,000.00 215,475.69 131,692.50 131,592.50Reserve 120,362.01 *,$765.678.72eountyofIredell].as:I,Rit A:Cooper,president of the abovenamedbank,“do solemnly swear that theabovestatementistruetothebestof‘my knowledge end belief.R.A.COOPER, .President.Subscribed and sworn to before me this19thdayofNov,1915.J.H.HOFFMANN,;Notary ,Public. A.T.BARRON,ISIDORE WALLACE,‘t.D.MILLER,Directors, REPORT OF PRE CONDITION of theCommercialNational Bank at States-ville,in the State of North Caro-lina,at the Close of Business,Nov.10,1915.® RESOURCES, Loans and discounts (except thoseshownonb)$353,625.68Overdrafts,unsecured 937.81U.8.bonds ‘deposited to secure cir-culation (par value)....,...100,000.00SecuritiesotherthanU.8S.bonds{not including stocks)owned un-pledgedSubscription to stock ofFederalReserveBank:%,500.00Lessamountunpaid....8,760.00Valueofbankinghouse(if unen-cumbered).Furniture and fixtures Net amount due from Federal Re-serve BankNetamount dueapprovedreserve agentsinNewYork,Chicago,“and St.LouisNetamountdue approved reserve agentsinotherreservecities 2,629.27 5,468.77Net--amount due.from banks andbankers(other than included in10or11) Other checks on banksin.the samecity.or town as reporting bank’..Outside checks and other cash items 1,912.76Fractionalcurrency,nick-teels,and cents 112,80Notesofothernationalbanks...,Federal Reserve notesLawfulmoneyreserve in —barik ea ct~Total coin and certificates-.-Legal-tender notesRedemptionfundwith U.S.Treas-urer (not more.than5per cent oncirculation)and due from U.8.Treasurer .......’ Correct--Attest : Nov.23,1915. 10,000.00 8,760.60 28,600.006,000.00 3,705.98 2,839.50 12,512.94 8,395.98 %025.561,260.00750.00 40,925.001,200.00 $547,097.62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid inSurplusfundf;Undivided |profits 8 current expenses,interest, paid 5,719.61Circulatingnotes.outstandingDuetobanksandbankers(othersthanincludedin-28 or 29)Tadtviduat Cashier's cheeks outstandingTotaldemanddeposits,.Items 32,83,84,36,36,37,38 and 39Certificatesofdeposit ,Other time its.Total of time deposits,Items 40,.41 and 42...Rediscounts with,FederalReserveBankNotesand—bills counted elsewhere thanatFederal :jan :81,409.10 202,394.65Billspayable,including obligations ’representing money horrowed..22,000.60 Totals.iy acca ie (6 cHi os he $547,087.62 $100,000.0025,000.0010,830.28 / 4,610.77100,000.00 8,162.21 6.38 57,498.56 77,868.47 ' 70,985.50 | 1,D..M.Ausley,Cashter of the abo:named ‘bank,do.solemnly.swear that ¢)above statement is true to the beat’of my.knowledge and belief.D.M.AUSLEY; CashSubscribedandsworntobeforeme,ac17thdayofNov.,i9i6.J.HL HOFFMAN,Correct--Attest N ¥ Nov,“34,1918. Mmations.Cyclamen,Primré®es,Ge- {4 xaniums—Bowls of -Yellow ‘ying.Fern Dish Ferns. ecttocheck;112,005,197 State of North Carolina,County of Iredell,aa ++" ‘A few handsome Roses and‘Car- and‘Paper White Narcissus,all bloom-Send -orbringyourdishestobefilled.Rose plants in quite a variety.Plant now for “summer blooms.;Phone 285 Black.f ~Dressed Bucket Cedar Shingles. Fhll’4x20.You know the ‘lifeawaterbucket.It is the same Cedar.Also 4x24-cull-Cedars for barns at $2.75 per 1,000.About500coverasquare.AH gradesine,Cypress and Tin at the veryowestprices. C.WATKINS,Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh, { Pictorial Patterns Centimeri Gloves } cotton. [Cadet and _|Onyx Hosiery. Mar Hof , |.Middy Suits and Caps. SPECIAL FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK | ‘the life of yourvlittle one by having a bot-|ff ramne's Vano -Mentha Salve'y j Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co, The Store With the Quick Parcel Cold Enough For real warm winter Underwear.We have the correct garments for men,women and children—priced modestly—in wool and “Munsing-Wear”. And you'll be shown the best that’s made in Children’s ‘and Women’s undergarments. Ladies’Union Suits—several weights—some with low neck and no sleeves,some with high neck and long sleeves—all sizes.$1,00, »$1.50,$2.00,$2.50 and $3.00.Children’sUn-—~ ion Suits,all sizes,50c.:.‘fe MAIL ORDERS have right of way at our store.Everything shipped day received and ent prepaid. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.. An Extra Good Programme Every Day:| >‘TUESDAY °/“The Diamond From the Sky.” This wonderful “LOTTIE PICKFORD SERIAL”ting better with.every episode-—DON’T MISS IT!We will also show with this a splendid four-reel IMPpicture,“THE WOLF OF DEBT”with William GarwoodandVioletMesereau.A picture that every man,womanandchildshouldsee. WEDNESDAY“The Ghost Wagon.” A remarkable “101”Bison picture in three reels.ThispictureisfilledwithsomeofthemostbeautifulsceneryoftheWestandthewildestandmostrecklessridingeverseen.i “AN INNOCENT VILLAIN.” “JOKER COMEDY.” THURSDAYLookWhatWeHaveForThanksgiving Day.That saucy Broadway Comedienne,MARIE CAHILL,inthescreamingBROADWAYFARCECOMEDY..SUC-CESS—"JUDY FORGOT.”A five-act filmed riot of up-roarious laughter..Better’than.{IEF.”A wisemanonce'said,“I am persuaded that every time 2 mansmiles,but much more so when he laughs,it adds some-thing to the fragment of life.”If this is true,and ‘webelieveitis,this picture should add ten years to the lifeofeveryonewhoseesit.It is one solid laugh,one‘hourandahalflong.If you think you can stand it,.come and is.get- A very funny grow-young-again,—_It_is_filledwith that.kindofclean,9purehumorthatwillcuretheblues,and let in the sunshine. -FRIDAY Geo.Kleine Presents Mrs.Leslie GarterIn‘DU BARRY”in Six Acts. It is entirely unnecessary to say anything of this won-derful woman or this wonderful play:Every one knowsoforhasseenMrs.Carter and knows that she made herreputationinthisremarkableplay.The costumes andcourtscenesinthisplayaremagnificent,it is impossibietodescribethem,you will miss a treat if you fail to seethem.Prices 10c.and 15c,~ SATURDAY“The Woman Who Lied.”i A four -reel VICTOR MASTER PICTURE featuringthatsplendidactress,MARY FULLER.This is a playthatwilldelightallwhoeareforagoodplotandstrongemotionalacting.: drive away the fog =F Queen Quality and Walkover Shoes. Post Service. * SAY —Warner and Redfern: Corsets. « ioCtir Gossard. Corsets,.They Lace in Front. :some a nner‘ELP THK HOME TOWN BY TRA .DING WITH HOME MERCHANTS,Subscribe.for THELANDMARK, "PUEBDAY,-:“November 28,191!. Recital at.College.Last Night.tert Bunch Cash Grocery Co. _Meution of Folks Who Come and ‘of Greensboro spent fora’visit to her sister- *sale’at his farm —SnowflakesFlightof-Ages———___________Bevin|Co,___eae .\Miss FewellWherdIgnoranceBlas Mr.Fox at Home $ss ite Caprice Espagnol Moszkowski|Correspondence of The Landmark. set es -rn ""SAME IET INT TeeMABRIAGE.SH MYENING: Miss’Brandon amd Mr.Milhol-/lar cial Events. Miss Leona Brandon.and Mr:JohnL,Milholland ‘will be married this af-ternoon at 6 o’clock at the residenceofthebride’s preterniacian and si;ter,Mr.and Mrs.W.R.Holland,or‘Bost street...The ceremony.will nerformed by Rev.J.&.Kirk and the Kbridal couple will Jeave on ‘the 6.50 train for a trip North.©Only -mem-bers of the families of the bride andgroomavebeeninvited/to the mar- .W.8.Harwell left Saturday|riage.Sree fie “ chmond,;Va.,to:join Mr.Har+-.Mr.arid Mrs.Wm,A.Sample and child visited Mr,Sample’s home peo-ple at Huntersville last week,-and ate tended the marriage of Mr.Sample’s brother.Mr.Coy Sample,and Miss Emma Smith,which took place at the home of,the bride in ~HuntersvilleFridayevening. RTINENTLY PERSONAL. Mrs.Henry.F.Long spent Friday:in lotte. forwell,who resumed his former posi-,tion there a few weeks ago...~,:a L.-Ash wero ee turday.to spend a few,‘mgt J.P.Patterson "and (Mies Mar-gwaret.Patterson left Sunday for avisittotheirbrother;Mr.Ernest Pat-terson,at Saluda.»They will also visit relatives in Asheville before re-N turning home.:_fa number,of outside guests were en- «Judge and Mrs.Shaw and little son|tertained ‘Friday afternoon by Mrs. di Wm.Wallace and Miss Elise WallaceSundayanV Sunday night in Statesville,Jeaving|at their home on Walnut street.Only )‘a portion of the regular programmeontheearlytrainyesterdaymorningf for a western county,where -Judge/for the afternoon was.carried out. Shaw will hold court this week.Miss Wallace sang and Mesdames R. “Mr:and Mra.David J.Craig left|B:McLaughlin and J.D.Ramsey Saturday night for Philadelphia.|played a piano duet as substitute Mi s they will spend about a week.”numbers.The hostesses served light if B.H.Adams spent yesterday /refreshments.-. in’Charlotte.Miss Lucile Kimball ‘entertained a Mr.C.F.Fortner,a member of the|few friends last Wednesday evening Southern railway’s local office force,|at a chafing dish party,in honor of} spent Sunday with his home people at |her guest and cousin,Miss Margaret| Marshall.Mrs.J..M.Sharpe left yesterdayin-law,Mrs, The Macdowell Music club and quite Thursday. ‘Mrs.A.L. L,-H.:White,in Wins yak etna ae moeaay eee Te eet ee Defeated in Tennessee, Cee. the ‘Democratic senatormary.in\Tennessee Saturday iuDp.)tative of the tent the voting in the orde ToDrive Outpouiatle Up TheSieleu “'Bourwood Honey Comb,18.per Ib.| Take the Old Standard GROVE’S|Grain,TASTELESS chill TONIC,what you are taking,asrintedonevery Iron ‘Ge 1 naarke:R.-Lee.was detente’eaudetsMeKellar,ponerpestonsal Represen-.Tennessee district,|’and.Malcolm R,Patterson,(formerGovernor,both of Memphis,tied innamedbutneither,got a majority.They will runt.ina second primary December 15,” ou knowtheforniula’ie’label,showing‘it isuininéandIroninatastelessform,‘he inine drives out’malaria,theildsupthesystem,50 cents es Setineater yet Ot a toe mes BnnaMAREEEe. +45 ,\0 Statesville Produce‘wadrket.The ‘following ptices were paid yesterday’{r_,produce on the local market,:Sbring Chickens lle.per Jb.Hens,,10e.‘per Ib, Roosters,Se.per Ib.Eges,2he per:dozen,Hutter,U5e,per Ib,ol>Beeswax,2be.yer Ib.Green,Hides,12¢.per.Th.Hams,22¢.-per th. Sides,13c.per ib.Shoulders,18¢.-per Ib:Red Honey,10c.per Ib. Grain,The following prices -were paid yesterdayforgrainonlocal‘market: Wheat,$1.25.per bushel,Corn,(new),60¢.per bushel. Oats,55c,per /Statesville Cotton Market.On the jocal market yesterday Ile.per FOR SALE—Barred Rock Cockerels,Thomp-write for prices.son's “‘Ringlet’strain;HARRY SHERRILL,Statesville,R-2. Nov. 28-—1t*. FOR SALE—Mare and Colt,BeeffreshMilehCow.A.LEACH, “5.enero merenediaeinp moment NELL,'phone 205, neeeeeandStNov,234--18*. WANTED —GoodMilch Cow.,.P.P.PUR-Nov.238--1t®. pound was-paid for,best grade cotton.} "Seed cottap,4,80.|Cotton.seed,65 1-2e.per bushel. FOR RENTSeven-room housestreet.~WrevA.“ELIASON, OLD NEWSPAPERS -—All you want at)10c.a hundred,Worth_this_to start fires|with.Also good to put under carpets and|yaper’the walls,Come to.THE LAND-) on Tradd~Oct.8. SWEET PEAS,’Carnations and ‘Chrysanthe {MARK for them, mums for Thanksgiving.W..M.BARRING-|FOR RENT—Eight-room two-storyER.‘Phone 57.Nov,28)}.608 West Front street.2%.OVER-|we were “on ‘ASH.260.4FOUND<>Pocketbook with small emesat atti”At? money.W.L.GILBERT.Nov.23. FOR SALE —One Horse,two Mules and FARM FOR SALE!¢.|Farm Implements.W.F.BEAM,Trout-‘wa!man R-l.‘Phone 1363.Nov.23—1t.On .Post road,10.miles from }} ~Statesville;242 acres,$17 per }!FO.ALE —Hi +e ish?4 eae pp ped |ORSALE —Pork Hogs..Con farniey aW.\Pacre,with sawable tmiber except-|) FORD.'Phore 916-R.Nov,°23-~It.ed.Will sell.timber.if.desired. Soe eter wip.A.YOUNT &CO.,Claremont,})Click of Elkin,who returned home on}pRIMROSES in bloom,fine Plant...W. ’.-BARRINGER.‘Phone 57.North Carolina.:Nov.28—2t*.| aa at cik :Coble entertained quite Priston”PARK is closed.The public wi I}. TAPS = i house,|., an inspiration to all ‘J eat caoh 2 DEVOTION QQ \Setd. mankind,McKinley’sA’ devotion.to liis ‘invalid wife will live for ages. we o, You men and women of family think of those you love.You desire to have them enjoy only the best you.can give them,Are you,going about it the right way? -Will their future be one of peace po e x ar AT E S o5 yestanays é Me Net |phany wag ae Vinh eco prize.a 1;H.G,»Hallyburton.went to/guest towel.inch and a Salishury yesterday to attend the an-!course were served.The hostess was nual meeting of the North Carolina )assisted in serving by Mrs.M.R.Ad-| Sunday School Association.lams and Miss Rebekah Miller.The) abeand uae tt F.Peers |Senciatren which’beautified _the} and,y,Frances ernathy, spent’a week with Mrs.McPeters’|tumn leaves and vesterday ‘to their home in Marion.|C.,who is visiting Mrs.A.P.Steele,| They were accompanied by Miss Etta’was an out-of-town guest, Smith.._|.Mrs.Coble gave a second party | Mrs.J.E.Deitz went to Granite Friday afternoon,when she entertain-| Quarry yesterday for a brief visit to'ed at six tables of domino.In he | Mrs.<C.J.McCanless.‘game Mrs.Fred.E.Bradley won the) ,‘prize,a fancy center piece.As they| .Teachers’Meeting at Troutman arrived the guests.were’served with| punch by Mrs.D.M.Furches and af- iter the game the hostess morge reteed| );é +|Misses Maude Nicholson and bertha peneie Ker,Xe Tas The teacher’|Coaper.served a salad course,.ctc.| Polen a 4 Ba i townships!,The Story Tellexs’League met Fri-| Pee Kes F Saw te ll-d.oa,(day afternoon with Miss Margaret| pip ag ae ih ee trainee:(Turnerat her home-on-Davie avenue.| ships atinaded—and besides “these |Interesting Thanksgiving _stories| .iwere told by Misges Mary McKinney | thang:ween sive eee oe land Laura Hastings.Refreshments) i he Thanksgiving sea- by Miss Henkel,conducted the exer-|&PPropriate tot Mia : eee At these teachers’meetings son were served by Miss Turner, they do and say many things.which!;is =| ver not done x previous meetings.|Notice of New Acvertisements There’s no sameness about *and Mr.|ent hay Rock -cockerels.—>Harry| Gray just keeps the bunch guessing|Sherrill..| =‘where he'll drop next.By at-,First call for taxes.—W.L.Neely.| tending the meetings regularly,the Cattle and stock —for sale,—A.! teachers absorb much that is new Leach.a and useful in their or =ee cane milch cow wanted.—_P.F.| Already the results of these litve Purnell.,{ institutes are apparent a theteach)oc,_and pepe a | er body of the tounty.ey-are -+for-Thanksgiving:—We-M-4 ter Se sopee for thé work and are er...| getting in position to give ce Pocketbook ea Te Gilbert service.and:earn more money.'Stock and farm there is any one factor which is sale—W.F.Beam.* arousing more enthusiasm it is the)Pork hogs.—W.B.Crawford. advent of the lady assistant,who is;Sale of personal property of A.J. putting.within.reach of every girl ir Bass December 4.—R.B.McLaugh-, the county opportunities and advan-lin.-—2 tages never before enjoyed.She is!Take notice’that Bristol’s park is, organizing classes of veritable home-|closed.: makers_and in five years’time the |Report of results will loom up in gigantic pro-/|10,1915,of I Ky portions.These classes may never Commercial Nagional Bank,People’s! do the hesitation nor the highland |J.oan and Savings Bank and Mer-| fling but they may be able to take ajchonts and Farmers’Bank. noor man’s salary and work it into a}Farm for sale.—L.A.Yount &Co.| living with 10:per ent surplus.ty Bverything to build’with.—C.wats Mr.Loche Lippard,who had charge kins.oy eet of the school te Belleville,resigned;Thanksgiving flowers.—Van Lind-| to accept service elsewhere.He was Icy.} succeeded by Mr.E.Grose of Harmo-|as Eines ;Greenhouse —flowers, ny.‘‘for Thanksgiving. "iy.J.J.Eades is attending Con-;The Imperial Cotton ference.at Reidsville.Mr.H.M.jcotton.seed.= Winecoff goes to Concord teday for a)>A cordial invitation to week’s visit.' Mr D.L.Wagner held an auction ers’Bank.. last Saturday and|Special at the Crescent this week.| sold off his farming implements and|Millinery and_ladies’suit depart- stock.He will discontinue .farming ment.—Mills &Poston. for See ee err specie ft Thanksgiving.—John- “My;W.-F.Beam,another farmer !ston-Belk Co.: who lives on the Perry place,is also;You'll be truly thankful.—States- to hold an auction sale ‘of his farm |ville Ice and Fuel Co. machinery and stock.He will move)Sale of aluminum ware.—Lazenby- with his..family to Kannapolis.'Montgomery Hardware Co. Groceries for Thanksgiving.—Rob-, —Other News.Correspondence of The Landmark. \the condition,November’ the First National Bank,| j Oil Co.wants | farmers.of| Following’s thé programme x3f;,Over million turks killed,—Polk ~the ‘recital given by the teachers of Gray Drug Co. music and expression at the college}Cold weather wears.—Ramsey- last’evening:=:|Bowles-Morrison Co.|: Etude.Op.26,No.1 Chopin}Mattresses at old prices.—States- Valeik Malan Hticieotcick ~—Mokreis |ville Housefurnfshing Co.:7 vy Mas CRITE AE ES |Stop at the fountain of.quality.Mozart i ‘4 Dee A bop eine Blume Chadigick |—Siatesville Drug Co.= Within the Law,at the opera houseissFewellee| A Few Bars in the Key of G2:Miss:Reid Miss Kirkpacrick |Statesville,R-4,Nov.22.—Mr. After the recital an in‘ormal r2-|Harry Proffitt of Charlotte is —vis- ception was held.iting his sister,Mrs.Wm.G.Carter. D.A.R.Bazaar.Mr.J.Ed.Fox,who has been run- ning a tent show through Tennessee ‘Phe Fort Dobbs chapter;Daugh-|nd Georgia,has closed for the win- ters of the American Revolution,will j¢er and is at home.Mr.Fox,who hold their Christmas-bazaar.inthe was wounded-in the side-and-arm in court house Thursday,December 2d.|,shooting affray under his tent_while They will have for sale quantities playing the town of Isabella,Tenn., of dainty hand-work—the work of Iredell county—Merchants &Farm-!° Thursday night just after basket ball.|z Stickles|Tickets on sale at Stutesville—Drug : .ston-Salem.__|a number of guests at a bridge party|“please take notice,L.B.BRISTOL.ee reenter ie | Migses Winnie Rowland and Peari|Thursday ‘afternoon at her home on}Nov.23.:: is op—of—Charlette—were guests of-Wainut street:‘The fame was pley \FOR RENT—Cott 1 i Lick a ——LONG-LEAR-AHIEN-DRIED t Miss*Lois Axley from Saturday tojed at six tables and Miss Rose Ste-|"‘yoverage.B ottage close in.Lights .an ays a ttiss),Lois Axley y jed a |sewerage.R.'P.ALLISON.Oct.5.Flooring,Ceiling,Weather Address M.,care The Landmark, |nssalad|WANTED—To borrow $1,000 secured by lirst mortgage on 100 acres improved farm land.Nov.16. boarding,Boxing and Casing stay where they are nailed.If you donotwantcracksinyourhouse,it }} Taxes---F irst Call |i -aewho|house for the party consisted of au-|The 1915 Tax Books for the City are nq;(chrysanthemums.|,wy hands and taxpayers are asked to.ca omerpeople-in—Stutes-ille,returned|Miss-HattieTaylor_of Charleston,S..: is as important that the matched lumber*be kiln-dried as it is‘that your food be,cooked.Long Leaf Pine is cheapest.: Tie First NATIONALBANK. Capital $100,000 AZ Paid on Time Deposits.» and comfort?Will‘your children be equipped to make a mark in life and so realize that which has been your dearest wish? wt Save,regrets and remorse by act: ing now.A few ‘dollars in the oe ra bank today forms the nucleus of 'ects ——~an—independent future and-pro-sore os AREAL vides your children with the ia- centive for,advancement.eauh vatfanvayweedFeS STATESVILLE N.C.rs U.S.DEPOSITORY this season.It will surely be so,for our coal goes farther and gives more heat .serv- ice than the ordinary ‘fuel.Try it._.It can- not cost you more any way..We claim it»«# costs you less, Megee ee WoL NEELY:_.C,WATKINS,N.Center St.|! BM ee eee Se ee BS |{Ri FRESH OYSTERS Thanksgiving:|TURKEYS .|]45 pents Quart.|bents Q 16c.and 16 1-2c.|], 23 Cents Pint.Per Pound._f! Buy your groceries fot that.ThanksgivingDinnerhereandsave-Money.| A Few Suggestions.Libby's Green Asparagus Sea aaeat!i ;IN .Tips,25¢c.can for 22e.ITEMS FOR THANKSGIV ING,js MeVapotated Peaches,10e.Ib.Extra fancy Celery,10¢.“P-Mixed Nuts,_18¢._Ib.‘For theand12c.bunch.moe Aas 5a 18¢,1b.: :_,‘Shelled Englis alnuts,48c,Ib.Fancy Cranberries to ar Chevtatized Pineapple,|38c.Ib.rive today.‘Cry talized Ch *3Thefinesthome-grown Maricchini Paercits on tt Ib. Lettuce ever placed on op nee ee nerries,aotheStatesvillemarket,Shite Ch or 3 aSe,bottle.15e head,2 for ase?Pv nite Cherries,No.2 1-2 Ib.What:‘about’~that Thanks--cans,<Oc.value,28e.can. giving Mince Mcat Pie?ai.... I have the Mince Meat :f 'PICKLES!in bulk at 18¢.Ib.Libby’s Sour Pickles,10c.doz.A’Plum Pudding is very.ap-Libby’s Sweet Mixed Pick- _propriate for -‘Thanks-les,28c.quart (bulk.) giving.You can get ne -"them here at 22c.can.Pumpkins,10c and 15¢cach. Fancy Grape Fruits,10¢.and 12c.f«..,COFFEE. Florida Oranges,°33c.doz.|or,that Thanksgiving Din- Bananas,18¢.doz.\ner you will want some Malaga Grapes 20c.|b.real good Coffee and Royal Dates,9c.package.T recommend that.you— Seeded Raisins,18¢e.pkg.buy a pound ‘Of my 35c. Libby’s)White Asparagus Bourbon Santos Cof-Tips,30c.can for.o7zZic.fee for 26c. The Robert Bunch:Cash Grocery, “The House of Better Values.” ’Phone No,229. in offer. =is improving nicely. the...Daughters.Other attractions oe for;béth young and old will be men-|Whenever You Need a General Tonic tioned later.°“ON ta _Take Grove’s IDEAPNESS CANNOT BE CURED |The Old Standard Grove’s TastelesschillTonicisequally’valuable as a ‘Nocal Hicatio:as._th ean-3 patreach,the “Alseasea portionvot fs General Tonic because it contains thete°‘SSlbsase Gad’iss uty.Sebalbandaat |Wea pacws tole prope ieeeCaNfemedies,Deafness is caused by an|20d IRON,Itactson the Liver,Drives intiemet.gonaitionnof the out eee Enriches the pilose andSieeeees,crt oat eee cera eeacieait{@ entirely closed,Deafn &tal unis Hatarnation”Sh SALE OFPERSONAL PROPERTY. ts re condition,ine reAns “The padecslohea administrator of the estatestrayedf‘orever;nine cases outbyCatarrh.which 1s ino ,Will,onten|.SATURDAY,DECEMBER 4TH,1915, A med condition of the.mu-‘sell at apie,waetiee fo ba ig nenfewillgiveOneHundreaDollarw|ta sald estate,consist Bre’stocks,erope,:Of Deafness (by liehiclen!farming:imploreaf Rees: isedcannotbe_=oa by Hall's quantity of corn inthe ear:SMSeniforlara,free,The sale:will be at,the home placein.Cham- xe=: for any caseGaterrhthat CO.;Toledo,°bersburg township and at.10, ly Pills for--conatization.|Nov.23d,1015.AdminjstratorofA.J.AOLARGHDOANYone bei BOL aOR ry. z ae pee ete r ; See Our Window Display of Aluminum Ware. Saturday,November 27, _This sale will begin and.continue TEN —DAYS.—Not in the history of aluminum goods have the ladies of Statesville and surrounding country hdd,an ‘oppértunity to buy aluminum cooking utensils (the joy of every household)at the price we Any piece in our window goes during this sale for $1.00.~" ge Opportunity kneeks at!everybody’s door and this is yours.\‘supply yourself.with a handsome ‘alumi- num cooking outfit.Yours very truly, ae is=Lazenby-Montgomety.Hardware Co. PIPE!‘Wehavein stock Well Buckets mid up|needfree tea!Any size orweigh Stove Pipe made to order. E TIN CO.,HC.Mohler,Manager. qT |Statesville Ice &Fue Company,|: Coal for small-coal bill if you.use’our coal:>:A So you run no fisk.at-all., ——'PHONE 205 Base Burners,Furnaces and Grates. bestesess Come to this sale and Saat in any size.No black iron oe 114 East Broad Street. Sloan—*)Fashion Attorneys.” sive_Many have taken™ tage of our free ‘bureau of © information regarding our Overcoatings,| etc.Have you?If not come atonee.Our stock _,est and nobbiest.creations ° in Men’swearat the lo Suitings, est prices,Remember our motto:..:Satisfaction _ money'refunded, Clothing Gom A Sine ¥hiss ¥ »JUNIOR aaamare G.: -Proglamation Issued By the’,State Councilor of the JuniorOrder. Constant thanksgiving and “grati-| .tude are dae from the Junior Order of United American,Mechanics to Al- ‘mighty God for His’goodness and mercy,which have followed them since the organization of-this:order,With loving kindness.He has led us in thewayofprosperityandgreatness,He*—has-vouchsafed to-us-a great privilege} and a great part in the marvelous progress in the cause of public educa-*tion and civic uplift,Favorably.situated-in-a-goodly State,located between the extremes of heat and cold,far.removed from tornadoes,floods,pestilence and drought,our“people have enjoyed in peace and 4;comfort the blessings of an All-WiseProvidence.Storms have,not invaded us-nor have we been overrun or dis- turbed by incoming hordes of foreign ,immigrants.Through all the years:the 'poisterous Hatteras and the wings ofsandoutfromourshores\have pro- tectedus fromthe landing on our shores of the great hordes of undesir- ables from other countries,compelling *them to land in distant cities,veryfewofwhomhaveenteredourgates, keeping the people of our State a pureAmericancitizenship,standing by the ‘traditions of a God-fearing and a Bi- ble-loving ancestry,preserving us for a special purpose..May we seek to ‘know and to do His will concerningussae ;"of allthatGodhasdoneforusasanOrder |theandasapeopleand:to the.end that we may with one accord testify our gratitude for all these blessings,I. Wm.,A.,Cooper,State Councilor oftheJuniorOrderUnitedAmericanMechanicsof.North Carolina,by vir- tue of ‘authority vested in me,desig- nate Thursday,November 25,1915,«+(or,if more convenient,Sunday,No-“~<wember 28,1915),a,special dav forThanksgiving,urging all Councils to“properly observe one of these daysnamedbyattendingDivineworshipabody,to hold Thanksgiving Ser-Xe ‘ese and in this way publicly ac- i dmowledge our gratitude for His man-‘}4fold blessings;for countless benefits_+which have showered upon us during***£hé past 12 months which call for our \ “>fervent gratitude,and make it fittingthat:we should rejoice with thanks- giving that the Lord has signally fa- vored our Order and our people;forpeaceandprosperity;for abundantprivilegeoffreedomleftusbvourfathersintheirwisdomandstillourinereasingheritage;for wise and gen-eroug "provision to effect the intellec- tual and moral education of our youth; for the influence upon the conscience ‘of a restraining and transforming re- ligion,and‘for the joys of home;forthegrowthoffratertialfeeling,‘the spread of intelligence and learning, continued enjoyment of civil and re-ligious liberty;for His watchful prov-'idence over our Order that it has been strengthened and the membershin solargelyincreased;that the principals of the Order are being better under- »stood:by the people and,are taking greater hold on.the minds and heartsofthepeople;that our members are80Aétiveinevervworkofupliftnev-er Jacking in civic virtue;for harmo-ny.in dur Order throughout the State~+,Let us pray earnestly that all may.‘ork vigorously for the accomplishi-.»)ment of.the objects of .our Order, hs by ng that our principles will makeforthepeace;prosperity and’thehaypinessofallourpeonle,and letusb¥no means forget while we givethanksandenjoy.|the:comforts -wWhichhave:crowned our lives,that trulygratefulheartsareinclinedtodeeds of charity “and -that a kind and“tho ‘ul remembrance’of the sick,.thewidow,the orphan:and the needy,will double the pleasures of our con- dition;and make'our praise andthanksgivingmoreacceptableinthesightoftheLord,In witness whereof,I have set.myharidandcausedxnesealoftheState“Council.Junior “Order United Amer-ican Mechanics to be affixed,this the12thdayofNovember,1915. W.A.COOPER.SAM,F.VANCE,.State Councilor.Secretary. Speaker Clark Favors Reasona-ble Preparedness.: .Champ Clar Speaker of theHouse,told P,ent Wilson Fridaythathefavo&national defense4.Programme within reasonable:limits. ead fyv4 He said he had not,committed him-self to the details of the administra-tion’s proposed army and navy in-creases:because he had not thorough-~ly considered them,but that he be-lieved Congress would work out sat-isfactory legislation, The thirty -eighth session of theBlue‘Ridge -Atlantic Conference ‘oftheMethodistEpiscopalChurchwill“3 Bola =aewton tomorrow and ¢on-nue through next Monday.BishoTheodore.8.Henderson will preside. THANKSGIVING.:eeLetuibethankful—not only bechuseSincelastouruniversalthankswere toldWehavegrowngreaterintheworld’s applause,And syria newer smiles surpass theold— But thankful-for all things that come as almsFromouttheopenhandofProvidence;The winter clouds and storms the summercalms-—The sleepless dread—the drowse of indol-ence, Let us be thankful—thankfulWhoregraciousanswersdelayed, That they might fall upon ps unawares,vAnd bless us,asin greater need,we prayed.Let us be thankfal for the loyal hand‘That love held out’in Welcome to our own,|‘When tove and only love could understand |The negd of touches we had never known,Let ub be thankful for the longing eyesThatgavetheirsecrettousastheywept,Yet in return found,with a 4weet surprise,Love's.touch Upon their lids,and,smiling,slept.” And let us,‘too,be thankful that the tears‘Of ‘sorrow have not «il been drainedaway,7Thatthroughthemstill,for all the comingyears,We may look on the dead face of Today.eh ~~James Whitcomb Riley. :Chamberlain's Tablets, This is «medicine intended espectilly forstomachtroubles,biliousness Mhd constipation,It is meeting with much.success.and rapidlygaininginfavorandpopularity.Obtainableeverywhere,: _for the prayers.were Tong,long /Overdrafts,seeured and unsecured. INow Have,Commendation of th New York World. Science,inthe process.of correcting its mistakes of the past,has now atlastdonejusticetothe.corset,andthefactisworthyofremark,For gen-erations,even for centuries,this arti-cle of feminine wear has been undertheban‘of masculine disapproval.De-rided,condemned as unhygienic andharmful,ro word of censure was tooharshforit,Yet now it receives aFederal-certificate of;utility “andhealthfulnessatShahandsoftheUnit-ed States Healthy Service.And so far‘from*being injurious "and deforming,the corset is officially endorsed asspeciallybeneficialtoworkingwo-men in “preventing bad postures”ardcounteractingtheeffectsofstooping:This,of course,ig merely the rever-Sal of another -man-made—judgment,and will be‘accepted as su y theothersex,which has been aware allalongofthecorset’s ,advantages.Thanks to their ‘corsets,’wornen arewellshieldedfromthefebrileanddys-enteric troubles that arise from sud-den changes of ‘temperature;andwhilemenhavemarveledthatwomencouldgo“so'lightly.lad,”in fact theyaremoreadequatelyclothed:than menas,respects the protection of the kid-neys,and the abdomék.Perhaps,in-deed,masculine opinion will.becomesoenlightenedastoseeintheirex-posed throats a better guarantee ofhealththanintheold-time ‘muffiers.But as regards corsets,it appearstobeprettywellestablishedthatin-stead of injuring “the female form di-vine,”they really improve it,andinsteadofcongestingandtorturing}t 3,theysafeguard-them-;That is only what every woman knows,but it is something to have feminineinstinctinthemattersolemnlyap-proved bya masculine medical board. ni Her clothing taking fire from anopenfire-place before which she wasstanding,while alone in her home,Mrs.Mary Chatin of Rocky Mountsufferedburnsthatcausedherdeatheighthourslater, Fire practically destroyed a busi-ness.building tin Wilson Thursday,the second story of which was occu-pied by the Wilson military compa-ny.Loss estimated at $10,000,with$4,000 insurance. Eugene V.Debbs,who was the.Socialist candidate for President in1900,1904,1908 and 1912,refuses tomake.another race. Bob.Elliott,a young white manwhoformerlylivedinthiscouhity,was arrested in Statesville Friday onawarrantfromSalisburycharginghimwithskippingaboardbill.ASalisburyofficercameafterhimFri-day night. LNTThe.Quinine -That Does.Not Affect.The Head}Because of-its tonic-and laxative effect,LAXA-!TIVE BROMO QUININE isbetter thanordinaryuinineand‘does not cause nervousness norringinginhead.Remember the full name andlookforthesignatureofFE.W.GROVE,?*-. REPORT OF CONDITION The Merchants and Farmers’Bank,at Statesville,in the State of NorthCarolina,at the Close of Business,November 10th,1915,-RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $234,538.63666.10 GOOD WORD FOR CORSETS.|= 2 oventben aki 300. To witness the splendid Baking and Perfect Operation ofoesouneapYouand Your FriendsMUUGOIOAAREE¢peur:&-this remarkli5=4 e Range bake biscuits quiAll-ways Preferable ble Range bake biscuits quicker The Tremendous PopularityofThis Modern RangeWithitsPatentedAlluminum-Fused Copper Bearing Flues is the result of_Merit-and Value.tion and the greatest value ever offered to this community. THE OPPORT UNI TY IS YOURS—DON *T MISS TT!An expert will exibit the many LABOR-SAVING,&TIME-SAVING and MONEY:SAVING features thatarebuiltintotheevery-day service it renders to |_THOUSANDS OF ENTHUSIASTIC UsERs.Find the Mis-spelled Word in This Ad.Cut it out,bring it to our-store and get a souvenir PRIZE.SOLD!SOLD!SOLD!_Yes—that’s the wacountry.One pricé to all—based on VALUE and.they are goingall over the. FREE!WHILE THEY LAST,FREE! Through our special arrangement with-the.Range Co.set of guaranteedonstrationdays, -beautiful we give each purchaser of this Range a_pure alluminum ware worth TWELVE DOLLARS FREE!during the dem-They.are having an enormous sale on this deservedly popular range,We jumpedatthechancetogivethiscommunitythebenefitofthisgreatbargain.HERE IT IS;THE Oneeight-quartAluminumPreservingKettle WARE IS-YOURS FREE. Y \a7 -One two-quart Aluminum:pean One six and one-half Double Kice Roiler afquartNo.8 AluminumTeaKettle One four-quart AluminumPreservingKettle Onefour-pint4Aluminum.Percolator :Remember the Dat -~November 24th to 30th meme_Iredell Hardware Company, allan, TBP sove-vint’ne-pin'ea AlumioumMeasuringCup =or 2> It Secnene the greatest advancement in Range constrid-— AIL other Stocks,Bonds and Mort-.-gagesFurnitureand FixturesDemandloans....Due from National‘Banks 200.003,067.797,700.00 ;Banks and Bankers..Cash -ItemsGoldCoin Silver coin,includingallminorcoincur-feney 4,721.77 FULL Doors, Railing;Lime, ATEN NEYSTOCK Windows Door and,Window Frames ready- made;Columns,Mantels and Stair vaths and.Cement;and all kinds of rough and dressedLumberatlowestprices.aC.WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. VI RITERS'!New or Re-Built-Typewriters sold.TYPEW ~e Have afew machines for Rental Pur-poses.RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.,Come to uswithyourTypewritertroubles. and Blinds; al Statesville Printing Co. +—-aiaLOST,STRAYED OR STOLEN—White and!OE ETE ESO IE TES and other U.S,N |lotes 5,728,00 30,044.28 Total wdegin'e {rbd Boies iA vie sb piew eso 276,216.80Capitalstock,paid in $25,000.00Surplusfund'...:..6,000.00Undivided’profits,less currentexpensesandtaxes’paid:.4,644.48Dividendsunpaid16.00Notes-.and -bills--rediscounted 14,300.00Billspayable26,600.00DepositssubjecttoJIMOBashee$106,085.02TimeCertificatesofDeposit‘49,683.53SavingsDeposits33,442.80Dueto'Banks andBankers 8,393.72 standing 1,102.09ChristmasSavingsClub,.9,100.16 202,756.32 C49 46 0 V's»0c EH PAA oe v oobce ooh $276,216.80NorthCarolina,County of Iredell,ss:Bunch,cashier of the above-namedBank,do solemnly swear that the above state-ment is true-to-the best-of my—knowledgé andbelief,B.BUNCH,Cashier,Subscribed_and sworn to before me,this19thdayofNovember,1915.R.C.BUNCH,Notary Public, J,A.KNOX,E.B.WATTS,L.K. TotalStateofIF Correct—-Attest; LAZENBY,Directors, REPORT OF THE CONDITION.of thePeople’s Loan_and-Savings Bank,atStatesville,inthe State of NorthCarolina,at the Close of Buginess |Noy.10,1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discountsOverdrafts,“unsecuredBankingHouses,$12,429.65:ture and fixtures,$4,034.95 —.Demand LoansDuefromNational Banks :Due f State banks and bankersCashItkmsGoldcoiSilverco} ‘curren Nov.23,1915. 22,247.97 |8,737.36 »including all notes 4,462.00 |craters Seater emerTotal24.$152,034.88 LIABILITIES Capital stock \paid in Ufo eves Habis $50,000.60Undividedprofits,Jess orrent ex-penaes and taxes paidNotesandbillsrediscountedDepositssubjectto“¢heckTimecertificatesofdepositSavingsdeposits 4,827.96 |1,358.6348,225.9433,103.46 $153,034.88"Iredell,sa:|»O.Le Turner,Cashier of the above-named}(bank,do solem#ly swear that thé above state-jment is true to the best of my knowledgejanidbelief,O.L.TURNER, Cashier.||Subscritied and sworn to before me,this)|22d day of November,1915.|J.FO CARLTON,|Notary Public,| }Correct Attest:j %Notary Public,|\A.1,COBLB;-};D.F.JENKINS,|.ZEB.V.LONG,’Nov,28,1915.Directors, —— FORSechielofrom Square.LIABILITIES.tT.Charlotte, SALE—Five-room houseBargaintoquick buyer, CALDWELL,21200°South Tryon ‘street, Ifitis The Latest You WillFinditatTheStoreThatSellsForLess. blocksa,four Thursday night of the Ith.Informationleading-to recovery will be rewarded.WADEH.COFFEY,Statesvilie,N.©.Ro.oF -DNoy.19-.-2t*: Sport Coats .$2.98. Nov.19--3t® black setter female,answers to the name — M |)R of “Queen,”disappeared from my home c ~¢ Something new for our Ready-to-Wear Department §Wey tay a TsNEWLONGBLACK:COATS.NEW SPORT COATS. Store closedall day Thursday for Thanksgiving. The Store That Sells For Less and For Cash. daye518eed Johnston-Belk Co. Specials for Thanksgiving One lot of New Coat Suits just re- ceived.“Good values for $15.00. et VE R O Oa SO U S UU OR O OUR PRICE |QO:9 5 ‘USE LESS FUEL,HAVE MORE HERAT.?.?HOLDS FIRE 72 HOURS.ae .HAS FIVE FRONT FLUES.'SRE THEM AT-—— Crawford-Bunch Furniture Compan The Store ThatAlways Welcomes You.; HMIONCNONNERC HILLNUT SUTIC MHINY MMII MOLEC MELT AULAZ MTLNC VHCTRC NUNC ART MEIN NTI NEW SUITS.NEW DRESSES.;NEW WAISTS. Mf EO W A YE E Se t e NE S NE E ? XI E WE R E NO T E NE E S d NEW MIDDIES.eeNEWMARBLEYARD! We have opened a yard at 118 east Broad Street,Statesville MarbleandGraniteCo’.s old stand,where wo are prepared to do all kinds work and material see us before placing your orders.219. 4 of Marble and Granite work at lowest possible prices..For first-class PHONE W.F.REECE &COMPANY,- ened,tats ene aK? ‘Seven Repairing,but.Eh ‘your car. need repairs don’t,TORRE we.employ onlyexperts.|STATESVILLE.MOTOR CO., “QUALITY FIRST.‘on ASK US PHONE 149 nn Ye reentereRee ee2nranmaan8anotntes Sterling Silver :and Diamonds! o i ¥Ph \\ipimei:Core Cn RA ons Nes ryehe’tiadda AV IRIOR os se paapamotetnmermenteimamate ented y ‘#Raa,3 ,\a ty.SF gi es wY *y a?’i aFeeae.‘wy i i ekNy ig +3 or ae q y t i—ee fe a os ia |] ] ey | CSCI 9] EE E al l IZ IQ ) {|#ROM OVER THE COUNTRY., items ‘of Interest About Various Matters. TUESDAY,Nevembez 23,1 ie THE UNIONIN RESOLUTIONS.‘iotbi Malan Muea als todets -9 TY,(as “To ivanwo (dent of the Jewish Theological Semi-~Hesemes Union Orgone Increase ad of “America and widely knownn_Army and.Navy—Meas-}45 a traveler and author.died Friday‘ures.Favored and Oppesed.—tin New York.He was born in Fok-The following —resolutions were shan,Rumania,in 1847 and came to adopted at the State meeting of the oe United ae t 1902.: rT ter,veteran vel-Farmers’Union titre‘Durham last ae te week;— low fever.fighter of the UnitedStatesPublicHealth-Service,has '“Whereas,it now:appears that a ;measure will be put on foot at our been stricken in’Porto Rico -with ‘national Congress at its next session denguc,the malignant tropical fever arainst which he recently inaugurat-asking for-an enormous ‘increase in appropriations for the increase in the ed»campaign on the island. number of battleships built and also, Gold Jewelry,C.ocks,Watches,Umbrellas,Everything from a costly artic'e down to little everyday things’whose cost isa trifle Weare ylad fo have you come in merely for the pleasure of insp:ctiou. #-KR.F.HENRY, Jeweler. CIGARS! YOU HAVE TRIED THE’OTHERS |=NOW -TRY-THE-BEST.—_—_— Hail’s Special 5-Cent Civar a ———AT-——A ~HALL’S§DRUG STORE,‘PHONE.20.Prescriptionists. Farmers’Favorite Drill! (NONE BETTER.) Seed Oats,Clovers;Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,etc.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. Good Goods at FAIR PRICES. FERTILIZERS. =J.E.SLOOP. & z Sa r e e a i Se s ~for public office,They wantatt-attor=;were—ser 4 so that the The Federal Trade .xCommission in increasing the enrollment in our will hear representatives of the As- \standing army,under the pleaof be- sociated Advertising Clubs of theWorld,on the subject of dishonest ‘ing prepared to protect our\agajnst the invasion of any ont advertising.The commission .will neck to determine whether it has ju-| ibelligerent countries to make»“wars ¢Wiction to investigate dishonest ad-|jagainst our country,therefore be it¢|%értising practices as a form of un- |“Resolved,That we,the Farmers’|fai¥competition under the trade com- {Union of North Carolina,being @{mission act.}ineaceably inclined people,hereby en-|The four railroad brotherhoods,in-| »ter our protest against any end alljcluding more than 850.000 engineers.| =|material ipcrease |in appropriation\for this purpose.2 firemen.conductors and |brakemen’on | a railroads in the United States,are| That the farmers will pay more at-|preparing to make formal -demand, tention to the selection of the can-hout March 1,for an 8-honr-day didates for the next Legislature was|with 10 hours’pay.Action will beindicatedinthefinalsectionsofthe!takcn at a meeting of the executive general resolutions,which were de- voted to public affairs.The farmers committee of the Brotherhoods —in Chicago December 15.when ballots were urged to scrutinize closely the records and the policies as well as for a referendum will be prepared. At Liverpool,England,12 Ameri- beliefs and opinions’of any and all candidates -who ——offer themselves- cans.members of.the crew of the American Hine steamer—New York.}— 14 days’imprison- ment at ata labor for leaving vesse]when:they were unprovided with passports Sad after permission to land had been/refused them.An- other American who had previously been before the court for violation of the alien regulations-was sentenc-ado 28 days’imprisonment at hard neys connected with corporations tosevertheirconnectionswith’these corporations before they take a seat in the next~Gencral Assembly.They favor.sending more farmers to the }General Assembly.The —resolutionfurthérexpressesthewishthatthe desires of the farmers shall be placed hefore the platform committees of |labor. the parties.The following legisla-|-Some of the Republicans are very ition is asked for:=~——Tenxious to have”Associate “Justice;— First.Repeal ef the “ferchants’Hushes of the United States Su-|. lerop lien law.sj}preme Court become a candidate for |Second.Provision for race segrer the‘eation of land ownership.jtice Hughes has persistently refused Third.Reform of taxation system )}to give the idea countenance.In Ne- thes will be.more equita-|braska they have a nresidential pref-bly distributed along the lines sug=srence primary and Hughes admirers gested in the last amendments to thejin that State put his name on the bal-| constitution or some other methods.lot to be voted in,the primary.Jus:| Fourth.Incorporate rural commu-jtice Hughes has wr itten to Nebraska|nities.ordering his name off the ballot.|Fifth.Initiative tnd referendum,}Fedcral Judge Hough of .New)York holds that:the government has| B®-richt to make temporary—use of | any device on which it has granted a}patent,and that the patantece cannot)secure an injunction.:The decision| Sixth.An anti-usury law regulat- “ne banks -and_publie-serviee ‘CORRES lations.Seventh.Give some official in North Carolina the right to regulate the in |surance rates promulgated in the}was given in a suit of the Marconi | |State:Wireless Telegravh “Company _of | America for on injunction against} |Fighth.An adequate rural credits{bill be passed hy the national ~ igress at its forthcoming session.' Among the other things called for ‘hendadvocatedinspecialresolutions!he was constructing radio apparatus ‘were:Provision for the State to fur-ifcoy the United States government nish the .school books .in public!unicr a contract .with the Navy De-| mil J.Simon of New York.Simon| “ed that whatever infringeencnys | ad committed had occurred while schools at publishers’prices;regu-|pe.‘tment.| “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS, TEXACO CYL INDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases. Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners.of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your‘vi in full packages,see us before you pla your orders.' We arein a position to demonstrate QUAL- ee ITY,and can make deliveredprices that will 5 interest you. ‘Statesville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.) $\to cotton tare that will be just both 5 |\to the spinners and the producers of :H cotton;approve the work of the to-says eet | iS bacco farmers in co--operative storing *|H of their.products and’in the manu-!will prove that the following state-| H 29;declare that a paper which ad-? i medicines)is not.entitled to the con- Hand urge that its organization be be-' i itrol ofthis school shall be vested in al #State Superintendent of Publicistruction,the presdient of the-A.andj late express and freight rates on;= truck and fruit;indorse the action of:FACTS AND FICTION. the national .convention.in asking *that some sétflément be arrived“at as Experiences of Statesville Citizens Are Easily Proven to be Facts. The most superficial investigation| f -facture of plug and smoking tobac sident of Statesville | (patent,is true.Read it and compare‘evidence | from Statesville people with testi-| mony of strangers living so far away|. ment from a re vertises “medical frauds” |fidence or ‘Union; support of the Farmers indorse the boy road patrol ‘gun in the counties of the Siate;op-|you cannot investigave the facts of) posed &a Legislature interfering the®case.Many more extzens of) with the rights of the judiciary;in-,:‘ea op Ania es te air‘dorse the Progressive Farmer as the Statesville,endorse posta Kidney | official organ of the Farmers’Union |Pills.alofNorthCarolina. The executive pomanittee of the|State Union was authorized to lease‘tor the use of an industrial school,de-|(signed to fit farmers’sons for college,|with an idea of keeping them on the)\farm,the property belonging to the |North Carolina Farmers’Alliance,|o-' icated near Hillsboro,on such terms as \they amy approve,provided the Le g-jislature at_its next session will make i sufficient appropriations to place the:‘school on a firm basis.That the con- Mrs.D.C.Cooper,396 Tradd St.,| Statesville,says:“l had rheumatic pains.in my limbs and was often so|& bad with my back that when I got down,I couldn’t straighten up..1)§ eovld hardly turn in bed,my back! bothered me so.°Afver taking Doan %|* |Kidney Pills for awhile,my back was |“ |strengthened and my kicneys.didn’t}Z cause me any trouble,”i Price 50c.,at all dealers.Don’t sim-|, ply ask for a kidney remedy —get |8 Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that| Cooper had.Foster-Milburn|;\three to come from the Farmers’Un-c rtd :y3ion-and three from the Farmers’Al-Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. jliance,these six directors to serve for :5 ithree years each.‘ {board of directors composed of the In- \M.College,the Commissioner of Ag-,riculture,and six other»directors,Mis, ij ——Use_Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond _ presidential nomination.but Jus-|/ Sy ee “INCE we gotaPERFEC- TION HEATER,Grand-_ mother keeps cozy all day_ long. In five minutes the Darien: tion makes chilly rooms’ comfortable.Itis light and. easy to carry around.When the furnace breaks down .and during cold snaps,it is the most useful thing in thé house. The Perfection gives you ten hours — of comfort on a gallon of kerosene— the most inexpensive form-of heat. ye White Oil to obtain best results in,Oil Stoves,Lamps and Heaters, STANDARD OIL COMPANY|BALTIMORE Washington,D.C,|Charlotte,N.G,Norfotk,Va.Charleston,W.Vaw_Richmond,Va.Charleston,5.C, Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold in many styles and sizes at all hardware and general stores. Highest award Panama-Pacific Exposition ar ,aoe eR CHS EI)q! dealin oman nee vs >GATRI eet|s|FOR SALE!|| 200-acre farm 18 miles fromStatesville,bordering ‘on Catawba river for 8-4 of mile.Seventy-five acres in cultivation,40 of which is fine river bottom land.Two.dwellings ‘and one barn.75 acresinexceptionallyfineoriginalforest—Pine,Oak,Poplar,Hickory |.and Dogwood timber,within half mile of railroad.siding.‘ Two four-room ‘cottages on south Center street,:centrally lo.cated,rent well.~ Four-acres'on the Turnerst urg road,half mile from’Bethany’ church,with four-room dwelling:and small barn, 15-acres one-half mile’from Bethany church on ToeThreefinesprings.Pri‘ices.and terms right. For further information call on orwrite, ;ERNEST G.GAITHER,GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS AND REAL ESTATE,PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING,« _road. aeeee \8;‘Phone 6él.Office:Robbins Row.'H |Col Roosevelt Ready to Go to |Thanksgiving 4 is ‘|War and Was Disgusted.i" ,|London Dispatch to New York EI Wyeeowers|.H|Sidney Brooks,‘in a eable to the isfeCe|IN:1]|B k #Daily Mail from Pecan als of \ wi cal Bian interview wit eodore O0Se=|| ia ot mimercia a loha all Hi velt.whom he says he has_never)Make the home -cheerful |. $iknown to be so vehement on any sub-at Thanksgivin time.|} =-OF STATESVILLE,N.C.H ject as he is on the United States’s||Place a basket of flowers }) H inaction in the present war,qe ere i |H|“As a matter of fact,”he says,|in the living room;adorn |)e H Bali wlreecient pel so acutely re]the table with flowers and} :°.®®:4 figure his country has cut»in the,5 Capital Stock Paid nm -$100,000.00 Hiwar that he doubts whether he covld)Pmale your ThanksgivingjH[over again -eners a viatt Berens dinner a big success and a4entheusitania.was sunk an ;Surplus and Profits =31,500.00 5 |American intervention,seemed inevit-happy occasion.;:Hlable,it is a fairly open secret that)Table Baskets $1 to $10.::the:$FMp adaate pe setant pren ‘Ch ganthemumsin variedHarationsforraisinga‘force of abou r i Members ofFederal Reserve System.3 |12,000 men on lines of his old Rough!and-ei .es ‘4 \Rider regiment.The generals,col-|weg 5hif;onels,majors ot some o ie ent original and artistic.Os- “Your Banking~business solicited and,Ha adiotant covecal,Colencl {Roose.||CSWtolets,Orchids,Lilies 7 every accommodation:extended to de-j i velt pickeda man‘longknown to me eiihe Valley,Sera:Hias one 0 e ablest officers in the|}auties an arnations.with rudent.-bank-United States cavalry,¥ov positors consistent P H|“Every detail hed ree covered and If you have a friend or‘ing methods,’is Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit.three months or longer. OFFICERS:- W.D.TURNER,‘-—E,MORRISON,=D,M.AUSLEY,B.HUGHE H ithe ex-President calculated that with-in three months after the declarationHfofwarheandhismenwouldbeinH|Flanders.To forego.that°dream hasHofbeaedisappoint relative in far away placewe'll wire our floristin the‘eity you:wish |flowers de-|livered,thus insuringpromptness 2 SS P SP S S SS S SS OS S PS S S T TO P O S SP O T S SS I E S LS OO O O Tn ee ee e ee e ee r iis i i s s i e c a s a e c a t c e s s e l Issued by this bank bear "interest.from “date at the rate of4 per cent per an-_ num.Savings Deposits 4 per cént, credited quarterly. Checking Accounts. either large or small cordially invited, ..We want your business,— People’s Lean and Savings Bank, OF FICE Rs:GEO.H.BROWNOL,re.Q POA ee ax th ‘t RAR (site MH OHE We oY :din the ae Qinstse ¢.Absa S '\ ae ‘ae wiresni :.ei lu Bae ead te “oenes?pee we a .’ =ONE NIGHT ONLY.BAYARD VEILLER’S GREAT PLAY,..} ae }The Most Vivid Melo-Drama Ever Written.‘ q F _.With Henrietta Valli as Mary Turner.| .:Superb Cast.Special Scenery.—ie ‘ ;A Play that will keep you on the edge of your seat for four acts.Sara aa tr -3 Berg as WLPRICES:General Admission 25¢.and 35¢.ine 3 ,es :4 Nee Tala ;|=Reserved Seats 50c.and $1.00..Ih easter _|__seats oN SALE-AT STATESVILLE DRUG STORE.sR aN al :SHOW BEGINS AT 8:45—JUST AFTER THE BASKET BALL:GAME.alike tA Ge . F THE LANDM KinI GEES coop IN THE wan SEO ES IBO AA g a a ~=‘—-eo Ong ee AK eR ee — :TUBSDAY,——_November23,101c,|ChangesBelo Wrowent By the Milli oS |d |dj ey S it 1)!Sper eis Mullinery and Ladies sutt Department! reelected Mr.A.W.Burich™pyresi- ‘dent of the association and Mr,Q.A. Ee ‘Stephenson secretary.Mr.W.H.Mor- 2 rison was elected vice president andMr..W.E.Munday treasurer.Theannualreportshowedafinegrowthinmembershipduringthepastyear. Automobile Afire. When Mr.John M.Sharpe started 9 the engine of his touring car,at theeSharpehomeonCenterstreetlateeeFridayafternoon,with a view to tak-ing a trip in the the engine 4 “back fired”and set fire to the gas-Re oline and oil which had accumulatedEe:on it.Mr Sharpe used a_privatefireextinguisher,--but-this--failed-toy»gheck the flames and the fire depart-Fe"ment was called.The firemen expe- car, M g rienced little trouble in putting outathefirewithchemicals.Both the ma-ee chine and the shed in which it waseSstandingweredamaged,but not se- He riously.The loss is covered by in-surance.; ‘Barn and Mules Burned. Mr.|Ab.W.Johnson’s barn,at hishome-in Shiloh township,was burned:about 5 o'clock Friday morning,en-ae tailing a loss of about $1,000,with eee no insurance.Practically all the con-Meee poe =the barn were burned with it,in two mules,a threshing ma-e “Fan so eed,etc..The origin of theaahasnotbeenascertained.So far;as’known no one had been about.thevibarnsincetheeveningbefore.Thefirehadgainedsuchheadwaybeforebeingdiscoveredthatitwasimpossi-ble to.rescue the mules.Mr.John-made a circuit around the burn-pbuilding in search of fresh tracksleadingtoorfromitandfoundnone. Death of Mr.Adams —Taylors- ville News. Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.4 Taylorsville,Nov.22 —Mr.Chris-topher Adams died of paralysis atKishomenearTaylorsvilleThursday morning at 8 o’clock,Surviving himarehiswife,three sons,two daugh-ters,an aged mother,Mrs.Jane Ad-4 ams of Gwaltney’s .township;twoFh;sisters and two brothers.Deceased son.ing ..‘was 67 years of age..The burial wasieat!Three Forks Baptist church Fri-fs day morning.*Thanksgiving services at the.Pres-byterian ‘church Thursday morningat,10o'clock,conducted by the pas- tor,Rev.L.L.Moore.‘Miss Sara Burke,who has been inStatesvilleforsomeweekswithMrs. ee Sims,returned home Saturday night. ee Mrs.L.Ash of ‘Statesville arrived:Saturday to spend a few days at thehomeofMrs.E.L.Hedrick.Mrs. Philip Hanes of Mocksville is visit- ing her daughter,Mrs.J.Frank Clem- ent.PotolelBige Br “Prize For Best Paper By School|a Children.° .Prof.M.C.S.Noble of the Univer- sity faculty has notified Supt.Gray of the offer of a cash prize forthe best paper on the geographical,his- .:torical,industrial or other interestingPefeaturesofIredellcounty,by anysepupilofthepublicschoolsoftheeecounty.The offer is as follows:Be “A cash prize of $1 will be paid fori.t the best paper submitted by theAyschoolchildrenofyourcounty. “1.This contest is open to all ele- --...-mentary public-school children,--—‘“2.The paper must be descriptive in the writer’s own language of thegeographical,historical,industrial or:“as other.interesting features of theBecounty.a “3..The teachers of the severalErschoolsarepermittedtoassistchepipilsintheweatheringandsclectionofmaterialbutthechildren’mustwritethecompositionintheirown1e,” :Oe ahdinark hopes a large num-ber of the Irédell school children wili|-compete for the prize.Only one canabuttheinformationgatheredandtheexperieficeinwritingwillbeworthmuchmorethantheprize..LedeiAgiesnhmatnesacinr Salisbury-was-in Mr.Bryan’s itin-Be erary:He spoke thore Thursday‘Be night.i aia _RAT DME \Reres,Other Remedies Won't CoreiYes,nOmatter of Wow long standing,a -wWondetful,off reliable Dr,:Healing 011, it same lime, i alt relievesZo,We,$1.00, NOSE tet”ETNiBe ae) ystomach;remove the sour,ferment-|#4 Methodist Conference at last week.He is thus reported: “New ideals of justice and of hu-man_rights have been learned in the |=red school house of war..The weak-|B est nation and the weakest man have ig a fresh claim upon the loyalty and siohary motive has moved into the|| chancellories and the legislative hallsoftheearth.*“Since this war first drove its hot generation,.transfiguring changeshavebeen.effected.‘Russia has been emancipated from.alcohol’s sion.Fran¢e is free from the curse |of absinthe.EvenBritainhaveabated their drinking |/Btofliquor.Old aristocracies and mon-|§archial systems also seem destined to go into the melting pot.Every- jthing must stand.before the bar ofKingDemos.Democracy is coming into her’own,bringing new and highresponsibilitiestoAmerica.Ours.it is.to perform the supreme -missiona-ry service of teaching the world thatbeforetherecanbeasuccessfulde-mocracy.there must be a Theocracy. The rule of God alone makes possi- tae ® service of all mankind.The old mis-!|§ plowshare into the soul-soil of our,oy : oppres-||/Fq Germany and.4 $10.00,$12.50 and $15.00. other notedand$7.50. Aina tt i. Yours Very Truly, ble the rule of brotherhood. “The presént upheaval has prepar- ed the hearts of humanity for relig-ion.A new spirituality pervades men’s thinking.Even in.the trench- es they are singing hymns instead of ‘Tipperary.’France has found hersoul.Germany and Britain and Russia are discovering anew the re-alities of spirituality, “The present Armenian.martyr- dom.the greatest in «ll the history of Christianity,is calling the Church back to fundamental loyalty andbrotherhood.It may be that in anundreamed-of.sense ‘the blood of themartyrsistheseedoftheChurch. For’only a new rediscoverv and re-surgence of the power of Christ can meet the needs of the new world itwhichthesoldierscomeback.”'\, Prohibit Pistols,Too. Winston Republican.We prohibit liquor from beingmadeandsoldinthisStatebecause some people drank to excess and much crime was attributed to strong driik..Yet we allow pistols to besoldindiscriminately,then wonderwhysomanymurdersarecommittedinwhichthepistol-takes a prominent part.There is no reason in such apolicy.Every pistol should be.leg- islated out of existence.The.trusty old shotgun will prove of —sufficientprotection. TRY “CASCARETS”FOR LIVER Wanted COTTON SEED! Will pay 55 1-2c,a bushel,or will give even exchange of meal for seed. i We are still ginning for the 40th and bagging and ties free. Imperial Cotton Oil Co. AND BOWELS IF SICK OR Tonight!Clean Your Bowels and|} Stor:Hemtarnti ‘Colds,Sour Stom-|%ach!i Get a 10-cent box now.|;Turn the rascals out—the ~head-|§ache,biliousness,indigestion,thel#sick,sour—stomach and—bad coldj—=|8uurnthemout.tonight and keep themoutwithCascarets; Millions of men and women take al ®Cascaret now and then and never|¥4knowthemisery.caused by a lazy liv-|%nhs clogged bowels,or an.upset stom-|fach,;Don’t put in another day.of dis|tress.Let Cascarets cleanse your|# ing food;take the excess bile from|#your liver and carry:out all the eon-|%stipated waste matter and poison in|®the bowels.»Then you will feel great,|%A Casearet tonight straightens ou |.out by morning.They work while|®you sleep.A 10-cent box from anydrugstoremeansaclearhead,sweetstomachandclean,healthy liver andbowel,action for months,ChildrenloveCascaretshecausethey—nevergripeorsicken,, 34 Years Cash Buying °By J,B,Watkins at Hendersonifhasplacedhimandhig.three’sons4whodealin.building materials a'}Henderson,.Reidsville,Roxboro\f and Statesville,in touch with alk|a big wiki.yr rote how andomywherevo“bity,and cheapest,c ARR abs aoOcELWEER’S LAN :|WAREHOUSE,. . AG BILIOUS!pr: EEEOneMillionTurks Killed!| After the Thanksgiving Turkey comes the ice.cream, and RACY’S comes before’all others—makes Thanks- xis ng what it ought to be."'y ‘ Qn account of ‘its:purity °and deliciousness of flavor iti'-kes the /idea}dessert,res W-deliver it it’any quantity packed in-ice.—Your’phone—#}— over will be delivered at any.particular time you specify. The Polk Gray Drug Company.~“ON THE SQUARE.”ny PAS OADAn enSanne re CACRORCACRCACES ORCI RORCRCCCE ORO ORCC Fp SALISBURY,N.C. 1 ©not settle your 1916 reading until you get this ‘paper coming to you.Its Twice-a-Week,full to1overflowingwithnews,State and general—A North ;Carolina paper thatought to:bein North Carolina homes.iAct now:Cut thisout andmall with 50c.MakeupaClub,Send *re a we +i Sah.3 Ad hl ay Vs de oli OY dittoLeRMpssieliaeiNetiabla,ek A Maal cuth these Sample Copies. it fitWeatAiatwos Splendid Values For This Week’s Selling. LADIES’FAILORED SUITS in Black,Navy. A few Sample-Garments included in this offering,worth up to $20.00. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMTNT is in splendid shape for Novemberselling.Amongstylesweofferabeautifulrangeof“FISK’’Tailored Hats,at $3.50,$5.00“‘ACATO”styles at $2.00,$2.50 and $3,00. ~- Better values cannot be obtained from any source than we are now offering. Green and ‘Copen.Specially priced at ILLS &POSTON.| Par wiiicSd Eee aed?ENE?Wud Whe WEY WENA WE,Wc BT YI VeHaveThem Stock Misses’low heel Gun Metal,(loth Top,Lace Shoes,$3.00 the pair. Misses’low:heel Gun Metal,Cloth Top,Button Shoes,$3.00 the pair. Misses’low heel Patent Leather Lace Shoes,_$3.00.the pair.Misses’low heel Patent Leather Button Shoes, °$3.00 the pair. FOR ANYTHING IN SHOES PHONE 83. You will have one more cheerful pleasure to add to your Thanksgiving Feast if you will heed our advice and bake your’ownbreadwithourflour—Morrison’s HighGradeandPresto.-Its use adds pleasure-_to baking as the results are always most gratifying. Rp ate‘ Our Mill Will For Be Closed ‘STAR MILLING CO]=STATESVILLE,NC atTHWHILE£0 STUDY THE ADS, eenain ao Ble ;ye eee se n SP I << ea s e s Boe VOL.XLII. —-# “chal.Chaharlotte ~wound:--D;He sachin et STATESVILLE,N,C,,FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 26,1915. See am:KILLED ININ A WRECK, No.38 CollidedWWith FootballSpecialatSalisbury—Two ‘Killed and Many Injured. Salisbury Special,24th,to CharlotteGpeerrertrikingthe‘year’sleener of ‘theRichmankboedfootballspecial,which ‘had just.on the Salis-bury yards tonight at 9:40 o’clock.Southern passenger train No,38plowedone-third ‘the.way throughthewooden’Pullfian,‘killing “HenryC.Severs and Charles Edwin Hall ofCharlotte.Twenty-two were injured,those more usly hurt.being.pas-sengers on 8 but.several of,No.38’s travelers were badly.shak-en.up by the force of the collision.Theinjured are:J.M.Smith,Charlotte,slightly.hurt;O.MaxGardner,Shelby,broken ankle,bruis-ed:about the face,back badly wrench-ed;Forest -Estridge.Shelby,ribscen;S.B..McCall.Mrs.B,Smith,G.H.Holton,Mrs,F,T.Purse,W.BR.Howell,C.8.Stone,Harry Tally—all passengers of the special—are hurt,Mr.Tally probably the most seriously.He has an ear cutoff.and other slight injuries.On No.38 the injured are:Mrs..H.D.Noble,Bridgeport,Conn..neckstrained;Mrs.P,J.Nevins,West Or- N.J.,neck sprained;B.S.Pas-,neck sprained;A,—L. Popley,Baltimore,elbow cut;J.A.Brasman.Baltimore,right arm lac-erated;C.E.Lacy,Charlotte,righthandcut;H.N.Furnold,Pensacola, Fla.,fractured arm;N,G.Tatum, New York,dining car’waiter,scalp te lotte.baggagemaster,leg sprained;L.H.Lewis.New Jersev,.scalowound;Mrs.R.P.Ireland,Cleveland,©.,shoulder sprained;Jesse Arnold, negro,scalp wound.Those_iniured__on_the__special areallintheWhitehead-Stokes Sana-torium.None of the passengers 4No.38 was seriously hurt. No.38 was running slowly,other, wise there must have been manymorefatalities.-The special had just stopped and its flagman had not gpt back more than a lap.it is said.OneofthetranimenofNo.38 says that,there was no light on the rear end of the special.but a passenger of thelattersaystherewas.Anyway,ifburning,a light could not have beenseenanyFveahdistance,as the spe-cial was standing on a curve and thefasttrainwasonitalmostassoonasitsengineercouldhaveseentheobstacle.Mr:Hall was killed instantly andhisbodywasbadlymangled.Mr.Severs could not have lived long;a leg was broken and his body was crushed. Mr.HC.Severs,a Confederateveteranandoneofthebestknowncitizens.of Charlotte,was 74 years old and is-survived by his wife andfivechildren.Charles Edwin Hall wasabrotherofWarrenVinesHallofCharlotteandlivedwithhismotherin «that city.According to an official staterientissuedbytheSouthern,the wreck was due to No.88 passing the block sig-nal and running “too close”to thespecialtrainstandinguttheSalisbury station.°_NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Wm.H.Pearson,a native of Mor- ganton,for 15 years in business in New York,died this.week and his re- mains were brought to Morganton for burial.The financial:exhibit of the Bap-tist State Convention,which meetsinCharlottesoon,shows\that theBaptistsoftheStatehaveraisedfor all convention purposes this year $55,-mi opewhieh’is a‘gain-of $5,000;over lastyVirtually ‘cut off from the border,his forces ©scattered over a wi_gtretch--of-country,General.Villa cons}?tinues to defy the Carranza forces un-der General Obregon to wrest from“him the last vestige of powerin north-tern Mexico.Senator Sheppard,of Texas,an-nounces that “he will introduce a oe for;natior.wide prohibition the y Congress opens.It is understoodbefaSimilarbill:will be introducedintheHousebyRepresentativeWebtofNorthCarolina. E.|previous on train No.16. ATTEMPTED TtTO ROB ‘STORE Two White Boys irin Jail —Ne- gro’s Uely ‘Conduct -—Court Cases. Robert.Janie and Claude |Krider,a eouple of white boys who claimHickoryastheirhome,were arrest-ed by Special Policeman GeorgeAversWednesday‘night,chargedwithanattempttorobthestoreoftheSanitaryGroceryCompany,neartheStatesvilleCottonMill,Tuesdaynight.“Theywere given a hearingvesterdaybeforeJusticeW:C,Moore and admitted their ~guilt,whereupon they were’remanded tojailindefaultofbondfortheirap- nearance at Superior Court.The Kri-der boy is only 13 or:14 vears.old and Jonés is a few:years older.The attempt to rob the store wasmadeabout:11.30 o'clock Tuesday.night,the would-be.robbers.havingarrivedinStatesvilleashorttime theycrushedtheglassofawindowofthestore“the noise was heard by Mr.Frank «tman,the nightman af!the i¢power sub-station near-hy,r.Troutman called to the rob-bers.whereupon they ©fled without wetting any booty.Officers were no- tified immediately,but no trace couldbefoundTuesdaynight.Wednesday evening,however,Mr.Ayers secur- ed evidence leading.to their_identity. and their arrest followed.The boyshadengagedroomsattheAnte-Bel-tum Hotel.The police received a telegram from: Hickory officers yesterday afternocn stating that _gones and Krider arebwanted-there “robb ae Turner Johnson,:a‘local negro,is in jail awaiting a hearing today on se-rious charges preferred by Mr.T.D. Shuford.Yesterday.morning Mr. Shiford observed Johnson huntingon-his farm,a portion of the old Da-place,two miles out the Turners-prurg road.‘Mr.Shuford ordered the negro off his place,whereupon the latter hecame enraged and threaten- ed to shoot Mr.Shuford.It is charg- ed that the negro went so far as to put his gun to his shoulder and cock it,Mr.Shuford naturally backed away and hurried into town for offi- cers.When Johnson was ested a short timé later ‘by the sheriff and other officers he had dispésed of hisgunandchangedhisclothinginanattempttodisguisehimself.He willbegivenahearingtoday.Jim Talford,colored.was broughttoStatesvillefromCharlottethisweekandplacedinjailto.Lawn trialonachargeoflarceny.He is alleg-ed to have stolen some elothing andotherarticlesfromthehomeofMr.Thos.Lippard,near Barium,about ayearago.been serving a term on the Mecklen-burg chain gang and when hefinishedinMecklenburgafewdaysagohewasheldfortheIredellofficers. Statesville Men Charged With Assault in Hickory. A-news story sent out from Hick- ory Tuesday stated that Messrs.Al-bert and Julius Abernethy of —that town,en route from Newton to Hick- ory Monday night by automobile.passed another car on the road;thatnresentlythey:noticed the car wasfollowing‘them and when they arriv- ed in Hickory and were putting their automobilein a garage,the other ma- chine arrived and the occupants ofthesamechargedtheMessrs.Aber- nethy with -having bumped their car in passing,for-which.no apology wasmade.The Abernethys,accordingtothestory.sav the car had struck a wagon.But the strangers .werenotappeasedby‘the explanation.They fell+on.the :Abernethys and be-labored them full sore.The reportsaysthatAlbertAbernethywasse- verely cut in the neck,,back and leftde|eide.and Julius Abernethy had “his nose.broken by being struck acrossithefacewithastick.Several stiteh-|jeswererequiredtoclose:thegash in-Albett’s neck,+By some means .not disclosed theAbernethysdecidedtheir_assailantswerefrom'Statesville'and the report says “warrants were’issted for’twomennamedAlexanderandPhiferofStatesville.”Up to yesterday the Statesville po-lice had received no warrants. velby:“Highlander newspaper,“recently placed in the hands of a re-ceiver,was sold Wednesday .and‘bought by Messrs.H.H.Lackey,G. W.DePriest and seven others,hold-}.- ing‘a deed of trust on the plant-for$2,000.B.-H.:DePriest,former edit-‘or of the Highlander,will publish the -Aurora-Highlander, Supt.Walker at Home. Our Fatherless Ones, Rev.W.T.Walker surprised all .Barium by his unexpected returnlast|p turdayevening,Heis looking well, “and:seems ne to enter upon.his\duties,From now on friends.of the .Home may communicate with him di- rect about matters pertaining:to.the an’s..Home,onMr.Walker visited his brother at‘Lynchburg,Va.,while convalescingfromhislongsiegeoftyphoidfever—The Lartdmark.) Basketball and:Football Statesville was viet sin thetwobasketballgameswithRutherfordCollegeon“the local floor yesterdayafternoonandevening.In‘the,after-noon gamethé ‘score was48 to 12 inStatesville’s favor and the Bightgamewaswonbyascoreof62‘the annual,,football games yes]te et Virginia shut,out’arolpie’‘atichmondbySeneraekeanditwohoverWakeForestat Transcontinental—Party—PassedThrough. The.Southern National Highway transcontinental party,which _leftSanDiego,Cal.,Noventber 2d,andwaspassingthroughPeeceofNorth.Carolina .over CentralHighway,passed through Statesvilleyesterdaymorning.The party wasinchargeofDr.Willian B.Gross ofSanDiego.He;was accompanied byMr.een acia ao writer,and Mr.Burrél .government engin-aceell M.Potter,who start-ed with the party,was called off the trip when Tennessee was reached.Col.Benehan Cameron-\of “Durhamcounty,vice president ‘of ‘the South-ern National Hahn met the par- ty at the Tennessee line and accom-panied it through North Carolina.The tourists spent the,night atHickory.Two.¢ats of Statesvillepeople,in charge of Messrs.C.M.Steele and W;E.Webb,composed ‘ofMr.W.Li.‘Gilbert,secretary of theCommercial.club,Mr.N.Mills,chairman of the board ‘ofpeony)Aldermanton;Messrs.J.-H.Hoffmann,R.A.White and J,"Henry Hall,met thetoutistsatthefiverad‘escortedthemto.Statesvilie.e VisitorspayhesitatedinStatesville.It wasi:iene to.make..Greensboroirslisbury)for dinner yesterday ‘countyG..Shel- ‘BR score of 21 to 7, me fe ‘cai Wie, Since that time he has|° |secure lists” Se $$ CORN SHOWS TOMORROW. At Merchants &F;&Farmers’‘Bank and “Iredell HardwareTomatoClubProducts,‘Too. Tomorrow is .corn.show day inStatesville.The Merchants and Farm-ers’.Bank will conduct a show whithisopentoallcorngrowersof©thecounty,and the Iredell’HardwareCompanvwillhaveashow‘for theTredellBoys’Corn’Club members.There is already on exhibit at thebankafinelotofcornwhich:is at-tractively displayed.and theoftheclubboyswillbeba the hardware storev4 airwayiy ae alrea ooforthebanks 100 or more,the dub boys aré ex- pected to make a large number ‘of entries at their show.The judging of the corn will begin today and the prizes will be a edtomorrow.The public is invited to visit the bank and the hardware store tomorrow and ‘see the displays —“ofcornandtheprizewinningentries. Farmers are urged to be in town in THE ‘PREACHERS MOVING. Changes’on Statesville.Circuit and Race Street—Mr.Kirk. Rev.C.M.White;pastor of Fifth Street Methodist chureh.Rev.M.M.Matheson of Eupeptie Springs,pas-tor of Zion circuit,Mr.S.A.Pad- gett of Olin township and Mr.Geo.Sloan of Sharpesburg township.areattendingtheBlue+Ridge -Atlantic Methodist *Conference in session atNewton‘this week.Preaching at.Chapel Hill at 11o’clock Sunday morning and at Con- ¢nelly’s chapel at 3 in the afternoon by Bhhe former pastor,Rev.C,L.‘MeCain. Rev.C.:E.Norman will preach at St.Michael’s Sunday at 11 a.m.,atAmityat3:30 p.m.,and at St.Paul's at 7:15.p.m.Rev.Dr.C.E.Raynal will preach aspecialsermontothemembersoftheJuniorOrderattheachPresbyterian church Sunday evenin: Rev,S.W.-Haddon evil fill hig.pul-pit-at-Pressly -Memorial-church Sun-day—at.11 a.m.and 7 p.m. A LADY BURNED TO DEATH Tragic Death of Mrs. at Mooresville.—Mrs:Kerr Dead —Marriage —Close Call For Little T.-D.Miller— Mooresville News. Correspondence .of The Lanamark. Mooresville.Nov.25.—Mrs.Mary BE. Wright was burned ‘to death here onTuesdayafternoonjabout4o'clock.Mrs.Wright made her home with.herdaughterandsén+in-law,Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Poston.Mrs.Poston was at thehomeofaneighborandhermotherwastheonlypersoninthehouseatthetimeofthefataloccurrence.Just how Mrs.Wright’s clothing caughtfireisunknown,but itis supposed that it caught from an open grate.Alsneighbor,Mrs,W.H.'Thompson,..no-ticed an unusual amount of smokefromthePostonhomeandrushed. the house to find Mrs.Wright ‘lyjdeadonthebackporch,near the well.Mrs.Wright.was horribly burned andallofherclothingwasburned.Fun-|S timefor_the—meetine—tethecourthouseat11o’clock in theinterestofcorngrowing,seed selec-tion.ete.Talks will be made by Mr. T.E.Brown,who is in charge ofthecornclubworkinthisState,and Mr.FE.A.Morrison,an Iredell farm- er who has been very successful ingrowing_corn.In addition to the prizes already of- fered in the bank show;Mr.E.A Morrison offers one bushel of ©seedcorntothe.first prize winner and a‘half bushel to the second prize win-ner.All other exhibitors.will be giv-‘en a 10 per cent.discount on seed corn bought from.him.The products of _the.tomato ‘club girls of the county will also be onevhibitiontomorrow—at the store ofSherrill&Reece—and the public is, asked to look them over. Preacher Put Off the Train. Rev.Dr.Melton Clark,pastor.of the First Presbyterian church of Greens-boro,was put off the train at James- town,Guilford county,Wednesday af-ternoon when he refused to pay fare from Jamestown to Greensboro,Dr.Clark was going from SalisburytoGreensboro.He says that at Salis- bury he asked for a ticket to Greens- bero and paid the fare.and he sup ed he had a ticket to Greensboro until,the:conductor told’him:his ticket readJamestown.The conductor toldpreatherhewouldhavetopay farefromJamestowntoGreensboroore off.The Greensboro News says D Clark started to pay and then asked: “Suppose this should happen to apoorwomanwithchildreninsteadoftome:what would you:do in that ase?”“I'd put them off,”said’the condue. tor.“Then‘you'll have to put.me off,too,”said the preacher,although his line of reasoningis nét clear.Greens- horo friends sent an automobile toJamestownforDr.Clark. S.-B.Marsh a Suicide. S.B.Marsh,agent of the Southern Express Company at Thomasville,was found unconscious in his room at 11o’clock ‘Wednesday,in a dying,con- dition...An empty carbolic acid bot-tle was lying near,indicating that he had swallowed’the contents.A phys-ician was called but Marsh died at 2 o'clock.Ill healthis the only reason assign-ed,Intimate friends knew that Marsh’s condition at times .was quite serious.Auditor York of the ExpressCompanyarrivedin‘Thomasville ear- ly Wednesday morning on his regularitineraryofauditingthebooksofhisroute,When he went to work Marshtoldhimthathethoughttherewasashortageof$50 or $60.in the accountsoftheoffice.After the work of audit-ing had progressed for awhile Marshlefttheofficeandafter.an absence ofaféew-hours-he-was-found in his room in the condition.stated.Marsh went to Thomasville fromCharlotteandhiswife‘and--childrenlivedatthelatterplace. Wilkes Citizens Moving forGoodRoads. At.a good roads meeting held inthecourt.house in Wilkesboro Tues- day a kt aeMeaet tates to i voters in|Brushy.Mountain,-Lovelace,MoravianFalls,Somers and Wilkesboro town-ships.‘These lists areto be used as aworkingbasistoget-acsufficient peti-}.tion from each of,these:townships tosecureanorderfromthecountycom-missioners for an lection to votebonds,the proceeds of which are to beusedtobuildand‘maintain a systemofroodroadsinthesetownships.Good roads through these townshipswillgiveanoutlettothe-good roadsofIredellandother.adjoining counties.By building a 15-mile link of goodroadfromWilkesborototheIredellcounty,line,North Wilkesboro andWilkesborowouldhaveadirectcon-nection over.good roads to Statesville,Charlotte.Winston-Salem and othercitiesin’the State. Good Yields in Coddle Creek. Mooresville Enterprise. Erwin Alexander,the young son of Z.Alexander,who.lives severalmileseastoftown,planted one’acreincornunderthedirectionofthegov-ernment and reaped “therefrom.&!bushels,This cost,including labor,grain,fertilizer;interest on land,etc..27.59 cents per busher.-Luther Bradford,..another:youn)?farmer of the same vicinity,raisedonlessthananacreof|155.bush-els of Irish potatoes,’which,«havekeen.gath -and housed for the|'to Rev.C.L.McCain,pastor of States-ville circuit,who was assigned to Cooleemee station.by the recent Con- ference,expects to’move to Cooleemeenext’Tuesday.Mr.McCain had been on Statcoville circuit but a year.He is a fine man and a good preacher andhasmademanyfriendsonhischarge who regret his going away.“Mr:Mc-Cain had asked for station work forA.private reasons, Mr.McCain’s successor is Rev.D.H. Rhinehart of Bryson City..Mr.Rhine- hart is expected in Statesville about the middle of next.week.He will oc- “cupy:the circuit parsonage on theWilkesbororoad,in north Statesville. Rev,J.W.Williams,the new pastor of Race Street church,comes to States- ville from Marchville,Union county.Hr is expected here about the middlejofnextweek.Rev.A.P.Ratledge,who was temporarily at Race Street, goes to Belmont,Gaston county. Rev,W.R.Ware,the new presid- ing elder of this district,was on Salisbury district last yéar,Rev.L. T..Mann,who had served four yearsonthisdistrict,goes to the:eee lotte district.The change.will.be made in a week or so.Mr.Mann and his family will carry with them to their new home the best wishes cf many Statesville friends.While no change was expected atBroadStreetchureh,1c fs a matter of gratification—not only to his chargebuttothewholecommu:ity—that’Rev,Jo¥,Kirkis returned for another year,Itis ‘a matter for regret that this will be Mr.Kirk’s last year on this wor!: the time limit for its pestors,as thig will be his fourth year.But that need mot be considered now.Mr.Kirk is not only a good preacher 2nd a goodPastor,but he is a leader and a helperinthecivicworkofthecommunity‘and he has done fine work in States- ville aside from his pastoral work. Heirs Will Make Claim. The item in the last issue of The Landmark stating that Sheriff Deaton hada letter from a Washington attor- ney making inquiry for Adsa (orAbsa)Sherrill or his heirs,and saying that at least $126.87 was due Mr.Sher- ril by the government for carryingmailbeforethewar,broveht results, Mr.Sherrill died’years ago but there are a number of heirs'in the county. Mr.Clarence Cornelius of Troutmanis a grandson,his mother being a daugh- ter of Mr.Sherrill,/and it is under- stood that there are other grandchil- dren.Mr.Sherrill,who lived in.the vicinity of Troutman,carried the mailfromStatesvilleto.charlotte before the war.Thisis the second notice of the kind to come fror Washington to Iredell‘people within a week—the other,being the Bollinger case,mentioned’in the last issue of The Landmark,There has been some suggestion that interest, might becollected on these old.claims, but The Landmark is of the opinion that:that hope is vain.Uncle Samdoesn’t pay interest oz claims of thetchatacter.The Washington attorneys who Took up these claims expect to get a big percentoftheamount:for collecting them.If the claimants would make out their papers and send them to thé member of Congress from the district,or to‘one of the:Senators,they couldwet the money without cost.. Thanksgiving in Statesville. ‘‘Thanksgiving Day passed withotietibcialincidentint.tatesville,Busi-ness generally was susp2nded and thetown’had!more or less of a Sunday av- pearance,‘especially in the forenoon,when services were heldin:most of thechurches.The weather was ideal foroutdoorrecreationandmanytheriwerewhowentafieldinsearchofgameand’fresh -air,some of:the ties in—order—that-they might huntquailwithoutviolatingthelaw.Oth- ers who are usually “shut in or tieddown”on week days,took ihe occasiontoloafaboutthestreetsandrailwaystation,and few there were who “wentoff”for the day.Automobiles anidtrottinghorses’’passed.frequently,Some of the men who are too.busyotherdaysrolledtheirbabiesabout for a change.Turkey dinners satis-fled.the appetites -atthe-roon hour: In the afternoon the picture shows ancbasketballgameclaimedtheirshareofthepopulation.So far as known ee was no “thanksgiving tragedy”the eommunity—something to bo thankful for. Messrs.‘L,'C:Caldwell and Dorman’et were in ‘Raleigh this weekatguecasesbeforetheSuprenteparr@Deatontax‘cominissich, winter,nis is considered quite?anenormousyield,"‘STARSORAS,_wasA argued Tuesday, unless the Methodist Church extends]G ft tM which drains the valley. \which they will strike has not been sportsmen going to ‘adjoiaing eo n-} eral services weré held at Shady GroveBaptistchurchWednesday.Mrs,J.Frank Kerr died at her homeinnorthMooresvilleMondaynightof tuberculosis,after a lingering illness.Funeral services were conducted attheMethodistchurchTuesdaymiorn-ing by Rev.C.S.Kirkpatrick.Inter- ment was at Doolig.Deceasedis sur-vived by her husband andone son.—Wednesday night at the home of the bride’s parents.Mr.and Mrs.J;C.Follette,Miss Frances Eula Fol-lette and Mr.C.S.Ludwick of Salis- bury were united in marriage.After a delightful reception.the happyyoung,couple left for Avera d wheretheywillmaketheirhome.Quite a number of football en- thusiasts went to Charlotte today towitnesstheDavidson-Wake Forest contest, Mr.and Mrs.Brevard Culp,who have been spendnig several weekshetewithrelatives,left this week for Florida,where.they will spendsometime. Little T.D.,ue attractive son ofMr.and Mrs.QO.Miller,had anarrowescaneeedeathTuesday morning.’The little fellow slipped} out of the yard and was wanderinguptherailroadtrack,meeting an ap- proaching train.Mr.R.G.Shockellshavingobservedtheehildonthetrackinfront.of the moving train,reached him just in time to save him from being run over.Miss Myrtle Graham,who is teachsingnearCharlotte,arrived Wednes-day evening:to spend Thanksgivinwithherparents,Mr.and Mrs,B.B.D. raham.‘_The schools closed Wednesday’\af-ternoon on account of SoenkselvengDutieswillberesumedMondaymorn-ing,29th.Mr.C.C.Johnston.of StatesvillecamedownWednesdaytospendThanksgivingwithhisparents,Mr;and Mrs.W.C.Johnston,Mr.T.L.Cashwell,who has conducted a bookstorehereforthepasteightmoriths,has returned to Statesville,where hewillbeassociatedwithMr.R.P.Al-ison. GREECE SEEMS TO YIELD. But the Balkan Situation is YetUnconifortableFortheAllies. There has been a distinct improve-ment in the diplomatic relations be-tween Greece and the Enténte powers,following the presentation of a collec- tive note by the representatives of the Allies.The Greek premier is teport-ed to have ‘stated that while Greeceputforwardtheoreticalobjections:toAlliedtroopsenteringGreeceterri- tory and using it:as a victualing base, them.All that the Allies are nowwaitingforisaguaranteethatGreecewillcarryoutthisassurance.On the military side inthe Balkans,on the other hand.especially:so far ‘as the Sérbian northern armyis¢on-|cerned,the situation kus grgraver..Austro-German®+1-garian troops,operating ‘in’threeseparatecolumns,have entered Kos-sovo Plain,where the Serbians wereexpectedtomaketheirlaststand,and have occupied Mitrovitza,thelatestSerbiancapital,as well as Pris-tina,and at one point at least havedriventheSerbiansacrosstheSitnica “Serbians on the téhanikFont.and also in the southwest.cor- ner of their country continue to holdbacktheinvaders,as do the -Anglo-French forces in the southeast.‘The‘Russians are reported--to‘have---pre-pared an army of 350,000 for opera- tions in the Balkans,but the point at indicated.While ‘the.Allies are showing |re-newed activity in Gallipoli;ihe,most important engagements are takingplaceontheAustro-Italian front.There have been no ‘importantéventsoncitherthe‘Weatertt:or:East- ern front. First Winter Chautauqua Num.ber.ee .A)good audience heard the Metro- politan Grand Quartette,the opening’ tension course,at Shearer Music HallWednesdayevening,and the coricert giving somethinit the taste of everybody.e singershavegoodvoices,which are well feminine:member.of the party,was. very good.‘ len ‘of Mt.Airy,left in .the house} Wright|. she would not raise:a finger against}© number of the Winter Chautauqua ex-|imlI|dressed Mr. was thoroughly enjoyed.8.pro-gramme was diversified,‘ineluding |b classics,coon ‘songs and “the go-be-tweens,”to suit trained.The'work of the pianist,the|- Twe-yaarsis ChildofCharles Al]Wi —The tomato clubcountywill‘have.an e it.‘of their|products at Sherrill,&‘Reece's ‘store oc B.J.Willia has been.+—Mr iHiams,who.‘ill for several sare oe =morning.Capt. P.C."carton’coneditionremainstors ~—-Mooresville EntS.Starrett has mov "where she will ‘live wih:and :house for her son,Mr. "—Miss Vida Odessa HvcountyandMr,Herbert’L.Concord were married 1eveningbyRev.J.F.KirkStreet’Methodist parsona“Rev.J,J.Rhyne of.Olin:p,-who had been‘confined:in’r several days on acéount.ofaeconstreee."Wel ospital at.Morgan ednes-@|day by Jailer Gilbert.$—Dairy schools will beheledellnextmonth|as follows: Trinity achoal houseDecember 1,bert school -house DeesRidgeschoolhouseDecember.9. —Mrs.J.LL.sof °Sharpe street,will move to RalafewweekstojoinMr..r :Mr.Goddman :has been:oyed:in.Raleigh-for some time and‘his family-"}Mill__move-there-as-a matter of '¢on--venience.iFppeensel&sshteatiie willville ©atMonday.Mr.B:ge :he Richmond Wednesday:evuygoodsfortnew.This makes three stores forthis:—one each at ‘Witkesboro,Stat and Elkin.—Mr.J.H.Hoffmann issubscriptionsforthe.Masonicageat‘Oxford and personswishtocontributetothis:ocanhand.theirMr.Hoffmann is au’‘Masonic lodge to cucncontifortheOxfordinstitution. —Rev.E.-D.iae at. vhoned’The LandmarkMe.Bede'spartsboeaps Nadalbadsaciak.Brown'sliberalsupply of foodood forthe :family and feed’for histhepastorandhis’edsckent iedthepoundinggoes’without:sa —Mr.-and Mrs.W.W.Pie ag this week moved:to Stat romFWilk W,B.and dau ;children,”are with musical .eathecollege,which will.dedicate,or.L.|trodtice,the big.pipe organ now.beininstalled:there.Thefollowing .hoyowillerchorus?|,ranos—rman.Mrs.H.O.Steele,Mrs.Witlace,Mrs.J,F.Carlton,Mre,RyTroutman,Mrs,Jas.E.Tharpe,Annie Belle Walton,Et ;Marion Yount,HeClapp,ites 3.Salley,pp,Mrs..Duke,Steele.Mrs.J dhe Foie:tne esteenors-—Messrs,\;_ome C.EE.Echerd,R.Ri Gray,R..Clapp. Bessoo Mette a 2A.z.Salley,J.-rs 7 len:Stimso oe aeley,D meyer.Ee‘8:B.Miller,C.Sian ;;‘Accompanists —Miss KatherineKisksaehekMrs.FE.B.Davis..: Street ‘Paving About: street wion tarvia,)BieprogressforsomeSe4In:rout the.‘rry street is aireedyendian,es:ly two blocks of this street“havingbeehpaved—from West End’to Walnut street.Broad-ocompletedandopenfordomiMeetingstreet.to Mulbetry «street,Matbarey:to the allegeaoaulberrytotheco the circle around ithe’¢to befinished..The:completiwillrequire@nlyafewweeks,taeon|account of a shortage:oftarthe 4 ~has been suspended for two weeks,Mr.C.C.CarsonofMarioesuperintendingthe:pathecity,will go to his hortomorrowtownDregenecessaryto-arives.Mr.L.M eepérintendent,left winoonforhishomein’ A ‘pony driven byCrouchran’away.reevening,turnedti threw.Mr, dazed him’for:Yount came almediately ‘ turning the “bbrokelooseand ny.Point,but aleesdecidedtoréturntothenight, to}Than with other children,was,burneddeath,Colored,.anes letives: 8 ¥*se },M.Wellman:ohesMaestrohG,Bethel,x &Thi rar ‘Sti Z.Paris.|Lincoln Oireni oN.oN.Me iModlin Gaines e fact that we"we import70,000,000 se enavitinesth:As Bos Holderby.*Ae Paati.ie 2.a ‘meat into North Carolina|p,ainy Sat Holly.J,Houek,ey Goto/Tespuevis-Cotton Bele ee eras thn sagt Anson agby,|[Polkville—J.Py Davis.Ho of |Route =direct line from. aa atauge—W;M,:eee ring—James reen.pe BN 1% the mieat supply:|The ceBr aR idDu |Wake 8.’Cherry ,Bretby Cem W.E.Abernethy.oe Memphisthrough Arkansas, "it will be noticed,is largely|2F4Memoriat,re a North Wilkesb ro“Gireuit es-Ta"t Shelby Cireuit—A./J.Barnes.‘wey is Two trainéda chai ‘id ‘western,art of the State,Ire-can-Memorial,RS 4 ‘ot gapped A (Pel South’Fork—J,H.Robertson.€1 figh ir cars a h is 46th on the list with a}TY A:R arrats supp NG Wile {fae hak a ¢lecttic lighted”sleepers.|Dining ,whic B ldwin;Dilworth aw.Professor principal and|in'fStanley =Tron Station ..3 Pca ita production of 91 pounds,is}°*i ©hon i ii ,car service.‘Trains fromthe South- P ¢ita neighbors Sherrill;Hav!orn cae Ee.Appalachian TrainingSc *|.liams.ae ¥Petite cauras ch deeoticnatoke: on ek Sherrill,WwW.-L:avn aol M,Downum,",|General Evangelist —D.H.Comann;:ea a ct at Memphis withthese . ,our per capita‘should be Reread ville,WF.wilicets speek le Missionary to Japan -—-We A.wt 2 atodent inin Candler School of The og «Cotton Beltthroughtrainsto‘Texas, Vagrants ne tte this city by|™orial and Derita,W est;Salisbury,Distriet.i ‘ology,Dy We Brown.e oo ide -Wihter Tourist Fares daily to.many ‘the Papowands every winter seeking Trinity,J.W.MROrSS TryonStreet,Presiding Elder—J..C,Ries.Slsg Winston District.Gye eS ed =~placesin “‘fexas,‘Louisiana and New ‘and shelter,says a New York E.L.Bain.Albegiact®——Central,Ry 81{Presiding Elder—H:;K;Boyer.A ;po,eee exico,Stopavers.Long return limit i tch,will have to earn their liv-Hickory Grove—M.T.,Steele.C..M.Gentry,su erary;|Advance—E.Myers.Re af .~-Of May -31y 89160" ‘The héads of city departments Lilesville—B.’M.Jackson,First Street.W.8.Hales;Albe-|Cooleemee—C:L.McCain.D3.Xs Ail Yeas Toustst Paras dally 0 cockain tne arranged to put the vagrants to Mare roe o phate ear ii y Starr,supply.+epee Si 4S éie Haones :points in'Texas.90daylimit.Stopovers. i haven’t H,adin-—-10 avie='oOble.s a ‘ Stuguratee that lan ine ago.The|Monroe—Central,|J.E.Abernethy;Bethel and Love's Chapel PtWy3 Farmigton-—De-G;-Ballerd..._|NR ee Lot Fareo.ih,Jiberal aparets and’ ands out of work in the cities,|..North Monroe,*.R.H,Bepeten Hughes.\Forsyth—J.W.Vestal.j te or ge 7 AON tere imits should.in ucé youth. pée the winter,is d|Morven—F.L.Townpisoagn ‘China Grove and Landis —-P.BE.)Jackson Hill—J.a0,Holloway.iY’ £Makeotrip to Texas now!" =We hear it when labor in.the Pineville—B.FP.Bereots mai Parker.iKernersville—J.°M.Price.wey See what finefarm opportanhtiog Nexenoftcrs, rurab districts is often ata premium.|2 olkton—W.B.é Concord —-Central,M.oO «Moores:Lewisville—J,E.McSwain.a é fend toduy tor tree Hlustratedbook about The"great majority of the thousands Rocky River—J.C.Williams,supply.Epworth and Centre,A,S.Raper;(Lexington—W.H.Willis.»wD ¢Eig heySe Suetic Woon ~are bums and loafers—fellows who ee eons it per Cc,noe ee Wears aK es :Ries.weep and the Cotton DeltHowe ny "ho go to the)sorte i :.‘orbis;West Concor ocksville—oyle...eu or eine ae the ee line to |Unionville—J.T.Stover.2 Brady;Concord Circuit,P.L.\Tex.|Thomasville Station W.‘0.Goode:,"ed HH.SUTTON,Dist.Reegeeee heon.t Mh 8 ,Chattepooge,Tene. be housed and fed.The only way to Wadesboro—A.W."Ply a rell,137)Phomasville Circuit—J.B.Tabor.cheeses pie ta ees ele cesses etiiaeens ‘preak“them of the loafing habit is to Waxhaw—W._F.”San Cottonvillé—Z.V.Johnson.’©.ic)Walkertown—-R.EB.Hunt.- make them work,Weddington—N.R.Richardson.Gold Hill—J.W.Strider,"‘West Davie—To be ‘supplied.one x “pa , eee Missionaries to”Japan—S,A.Stew-|Kannapolis Station—P.W.Tuekér.|Winston -Burkhead —-G.C.Brink-|-If}t is-‘TherLa t You Will S oOrt Co ats ‘The Landmark has mentioned that art,N.S.Ogburn.ee Circuit—S.L.Owen,SUpr)man;Centenary,E.K.McLarty;Findit at The toreThat’ ¢ue’blind tigers who operate on|Dean eee of Taeology:in Atlante “tt Grace -Liberty,J.8S.Hiatt;Sa-|§.$2 98. ®wheels always have a mortgaged ma-—P.T.Durham.‘sins Pleasant—G.Ay Stamper,|Jem.W.M.Smith;Southside, C.at oTFor Less.°* chine when they fall into the hands|‘iota District.ss |New London-—E.J.Poe C,Williams,supply;West .End,\. of the law—the mortgage arrange-/|Presiding Elder—C.A.Wood.Norwood—-R.M.Taylor,J.D.Rank:R.M.Courtney. ment being to preventthe confiscation|Asheville—Bethel.J.C.Harmion;|in,juniorpeer:“i>\'Pransferred—-To ‘os Angeles Con- ‘and sale of the machine.The “other|Central,J.H.La hantt >Chestnut |Osakboro’Circu'@ supplied.ference,C.A.Hyatt;Av b.Mar=] day Sheriff Krider of Rowan-offered pirett,D.Atkins;:gla Street,|Salem—A.L.Cobden,supply:«shall;to Texas Conference,L.PF,‘OR was | for sale ae automobile which he had T.Cordell:West Asheville.W.|Salisbury—First-Church.T.Bi Marr;!Brothers;to West Texas,Excell saat :BS:a ; seized as an illegal transporter.of i Biles;Asheville circuit,J.W.Park Avenue,G.W.Vick:South:Rozzell;to North Carolina,J.Aig-:we ian booze.An attorney for another par-|Carver,supply.—Main Street,J.H.Brendall;"AY H J.Farrington;to:Mississippi,J.Hi..ol -.ty appeared and displayed a mortgage|Biltmore and Mt.Pleasant—D.R.|Whisner,supernumerary;he““Satis-Holder.* -<.on the machine for $425,It developed|Proffitt.bury Circuit,R.C.Kirk.a ee “m :Li that the mortgage was registered just|Black Mountain--R.L.Ferguson.Spencer—C.M.Pickens:East ome Rev.William enkins,an elder os.Meechke **.five hours after the machine was|Brevard Station—W.E..Poovey,cer and North Main Street,” .Seized.This was a very susnicious|Brevard Circuit—C.A.Johnson,Richardson.Church,was received after assuming circumstance,but fear~oflegal-com-|Fairview—W._A.-Thomas,_supply.——Wooileaf—J.W.Kennedy. +from the New York Congregational mr ‘, inisterial_vows._C,.(’.Pf plications frightened prospective bid-|Flat Rock and Fletcher—R.Burgess.Conference evangelist,South a and re L.Marshall’from Los Ange-SG ecials for This Week Es ge and the attorney with:the mort-|Hendersonville—W..F,Womble.Street Quarterly Conference —R.Nes,J.H.Holder from Mississippi,G.‘: was the highest bidder at less |Hendersonville Circuit —John H,|»A.Taylor.H.Crowell from Little Rock,J.R.: lan $100,‘It is a settled fact aot Green./Statesville District.i Walker from Upper South Carolina |‘¢; thee only mortgaged vehicles,horse|Hot Springs and Marshall —W.L.Presiding Bider-—W.R.Ware,jand O.L.Simpson from Holston Con-| or hopseless,are used to transport Rexford.Alexander Circuit—-C.P.Goode.|ference,were announced as transfers :i i 2 : booze Leicester--L.P,Bo gle.wha Cireuit—A.G.Loftin.,to this Conference.i :ig RS arr Mars Hill—J.L.Smith,supply.Cont eee.K.Creel.;|.The committee appointed last year One lot of NewCoat Suits just re te ‘i Probably ‘little-thought is given|Mills River—R,F.Honeycutt.Davidson—Ira.Erwin.}to consider the establishing of a Con-e . erecery,he,seaberrennment (St artes Cavey ge Warren,spely |aranita Kalls-HudenW-V,Hon-)serene!SpaPieet Seeer Vat ae ceived.Ciood values for $15.00. ‘ouse functions cau s—T.A.Grose.,uitable site had ye en secur I;4 “war in Europe.At all White House |Swannanoa—J."F.Starnes.Hehe First Church.A.L.,Stan-;bat recommended that further effort Social functions the representatives of |Tryon and Helndgee Marvin Auld,sup-|.ford;Hickory Circuit.T.J.Folger.[be made and if .a good’location and|OUR PRICE arn aad thscust toe ante.wea0.Ranier “suppl tredell Py ireuit—I.*ye K Tey boymt eat pe oe me sate neteesheeecusto)is ty St —4 er.e undertaken. tic dinners,at which these foreign |Weaverville Station—F.W.Nis ypc See C.Postelle.Mr.F..8.Blair of the Friends representatives were.the guests.But eG Cireuit—T.J.Huggins,|Maiden—J.A.Peeler.Church presented a petition asking rece oe ee ~oe ee rete Drastic¥Weaver Collerbicc:W.A.Maorenyilla Station—C.S.Kirkpat-va oerie anociat cemnmlt y —ee to inves e r of cap-Bee come ton iaeset ae ttl crn|Meet Grout 3:7 Rall)aon conan sem fe;ollege,xence and then if conditions seem fa-: give two diplomatic ‘dinners at.the|W.R.Shelton;missionary to.Ko-ee nee:M.Hoyle.iY 4 vorable.to ask the Legislature to ‘> White House this winter.At one of|rea,M.B.Stokes;missionary to|Newton Station—J.H.West’\y../gbolish it.“The bishop appointed the Something new for our Ready-to-Wear Department —.re oe aclrepeal yg ec Cuba,Rea is Nort heneit Cireuite Ww.Hoyle following comin see ‘BT the every day.' —F ;strict...Rhodhiss—7 ,\question:yler,vey Russia.etc.,ete——will gather:at _the|Prosidi Nder'—.tesville —Broad Street,J:F,\and H.H.-Jordan. ee msrepresentatives,of ae Hen ok ee Thabo oe aRace Street,J:"a Hh NEW LONG BLACK COATS. ic allies—Germany, Austria-Hun-|Coleridee-—R.L.3 tesville Circuit,D bine.‘gary,Turkey,teil be the main|Denton’.Mk.Varnen.supply.Saran Cree “c|When Croup Comes |}NEW SPORT COATS.EpReact uy Thal we at Poets Treg term NEW SUITS.oaMot;met 4 ply.Trowmenek ._Keever.iiss reat:ally ~NEW DRESSES. will be distribu etween the two'Greensboro —Centenary,J.H.Ben-|West Hickéry—D.F.Carver.: Rethorines,the —of er ae nett;J.P.Lanning,‘supernumera-President Davenport Colleges,‘3 itheola we of di tnelittle NEW WAISTS. ution e agreed upon.We take i :bi cM ‘ampbe machswith nauseous : that the representatives of the bel-ry Spring Gardens tse’ae loo ".Harbison.me and hermful.-thecttemnel alae ;NEW MIDDIES. ligerent countries in Washington are Walnut :-Waynesville District.4 —Vick’s ‘‘Vap-O-Rub”Salve.Just ruba ~~gufficiently well-bred and good-man-er;Walnut Street and Carraway wh little over the throat and chest.The va- -nered not to fall to fighting even if rai yr i xWe Be'G West eee eee "pore,released by the body heat,loosen thed;Greens-ws—'hudtheyshouldbethrowntogetherata|oro Circuit,J.E.Woosley;West te choking phlegm and ease the difficult social gathering.But under the cir-|Greenshoro.8:'T.Barber.Bene Viiitiend.ane eeueay ah ae Abeatineapplication insures The Store That Sell For Less and For Cash VIVICKS VosSALVE5‘Virowus SALVE*}:cumstances the topics of conversation|Gihsonville—A.C.Gibbs.Canton Station—Parker Holmes. "PHONE 212. ‘would be so restricted that a gather-|tioh Point—Main Street,H.H.Rob-|Canton Cireuit—W.G.Warren...|ing of that sort would be a frost,and|bins;Weslev Memorial,G.T.Rowe;Clyd e—P.H.Brittain. to avoid embarrassment the arrange-|Bast and West,W.A.Barber,”sup-Pa Station +R.H.Darigher-|rr ateaeaaementsuggestedisdoubtlessbest.ply. 'Pleasant Garden—C.F.Sherrill.Fredklin ’Cireuit —F.M.Pressly,pomeous .— Segregation may bs all right,but|Ramseur and Franklinville H.C.1 :™ we feat that few farmers in this State|gy;yams supply.fs NS,$s yrum.Fries Creck—E,M.Avett.:reghtheoeveehavepenRandlemanandNaomi—A.R.Bell.|Glenville—T.L.Nozle,supply.4 To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: Selig without Banho's ain Durhensiment es Crowder:Feversta Hee “oKe TATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYHeral.out Sambo’s help.—-Durham |Rejdsyille—W..A.Lambeth.Hayesville—C.M.Carpenter.-ate THE STA at thay’b lated 1 ‘s with “'T :It is surprising in view of all that ufin—J.J.Edwards.Highland—E.B.Bell,supply...:to announce that aone,oni .bate !ements if Shas haba taid about cebeawation,’tint Twharrie—C.E.Steadman,Judson—J.D..Pyatt,supply.HOME INSURAN of New Yor ‘or insuring your growing tine to refer to|wcnworth—T.C.Jordan.Jonathan—L.H,Griffith.;crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against destruction 80 ert papers con cer a 7"er t0|President Greensboro College for|Macon—D.L..Richardson.;by Hail Storm at the following very low price:\ it as if it were an attempt to deprive;Women.S.B.Turrentine;treasur-|Murphy,Station—T.J.Ogburn.i TOBACCO CROP.' white farmers of negro“help.or to;or,W.M.Curtis;Conference mis-|Murr,,W.M.8;i s-|Murphy Cireuit-D,Howell,:‘ drive the negroes out of the country.)sionary secretary,Frank Siler;ed-|Ranger—Gay Bryant,supply.*$100 per acre valuation at $7.50 per acre It is neither.Segregation does not!jioy Christian Ad et.ane ao ve :15 acré valuation at’.’ie 5.874 per acre prevent or restrict the employment of Blair:State Santer.Siar Selec:ee EE Ltaees Me :,50 pef acre valuation at«2 :3.75 per acre negroes as tenants or laborers.It 3 Fae)2 4 95 per acre valuation at .1,873per acre “would prevent negroes buying land in tary,J.W.Long;missionary to|Webster—J.L.Teague,L..B.Aber pe pe! a community where the majority.of Korea,J..R..Moose;-Conference|_nethy.:.ees ewes :‘COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN.CROP. evangelist,W.lL.Dawson;student Waynesville—O.Pp.Ader.;the land-owners were whites,except}in Emory and Henry College,3.E.“Shelby District.:$40 per acre’valuation ~$1.60per acre by consent of the whites;it would |:35 per-acre Valuation =.1.40 per acre prevent wiites buying land in a com-ee anton Distrieioe Presiding Elder—J.R.Scroggs.MAGAZINE 30 per acre valuation Cee 1.20per acre munity Where the majority of the a 8 bpd Belmont—A,P.Ratledge.:!LLUSTRAT 23 per acre valuation YS asney 1.00 per acre ers were negroes,except by Presiding Elder—J.E.Gay.Belyodd-F.Moser,L.E.Stacey{!300ARTICLES -3001 oe I 20 per acre valuation ’.80 per|acre ‘the consent of the negroes.That is|Bald Creek —J.A.Pry dH.G.Stamey.supernumerary.|p so noe fpchanic and tnvertion.FerFor 15 per acre valuation ©.“*<6)pes acre not only-fair but right,We.have se-Broad Riger—C.C _Tutierow,supply.|Begsemer City—W.B.Shinn.‘atherandSonand\Allthe Family,it appeals 10peracre valuation —*0 per acre regation in the downs,Some cities Burnsville—M..T.‘Smathers.°Cherryville —-_O.C.Fortenberry;ds toallcciti akonta Hasna iu Shospande omen.j pe:DWELLINGS,.FURNITURE;B ARNE ee laws to prevent negroes acquir-|Cliffside—H.L,,Powell..-’‘Harrelson,junior preacher.;Chrokghouttheworld,Our “tng.pr ithi in |Connelly,Sprinas and Rutherford Cols Crouse—F.W.‘Cook.Gorteeponndents Bro-eonstantlyonthewat “$100 value for one yearat30c;,3 years at 60c.,5 yearsat90c._This Peebrine’.Woundartes.wiWhere.there lege-—-B.Wilson,«Gastonia —Main Street,H.H..Jor-riatae Ye Gan al a =Masten:insurarioe covers alo bscad loss or damag©coragioned are no laws it is regulated by public |Ferest City—J»A.Bowles.dan;Dallas -Ozark,W,A.Jenk-:Voce bows oo age)con *.by.wind in addition to hail. sentiment.Not one of the editors a are M.p erpets /eupply,ins;West End’-Franklin Bvender Bronk ce ceric,Bekwesetord MBER—‘'We insure anything insurable.”ae ‘who‘belittles segregation would want|¥enre aroléen—Clegg Shines ; a negro to coetes home next door |Marion Station—L.D,.Thompson.~MOTHER SUPERIOR’ondTerenga Fsfateal cemp 5:FE,"CARLTON,Manager, ©to him.He knows it would depreci-|Marion Circuit—Elmer Simpson.ages riaiabile Ses Gpotsion th she.;:? --ate -his_property_and_he-doesn’t-want |Marion Mills—J.M.Ridenhour,sup-|-pre “cgeniasee”sie Sore,~>‘PHONE ‘64,o>STATESVILLE,ee the negro as a neighbor.Then why L ~mage rrsng we :te esply.tome ns isn’t the same idea fatr as applied MeDowell—M.W.Mann.saryHill Home;Hawthorne NY:an iniemnehineeeenceereninieneenanees to the rural districts?Any one has|Micaville—E.B.McLane,supply._iva used Vinolform yirahette LAR mrouANISD,BASSE Te Zieh:te oppose sabteaation bat)Tee ONT)|pened Oneonta GamenMeeeBe Rede ?:CLEAN THAT WATCH OR ‘CLOCK!is just as easv to give the facts as}.800 enedit,One youn woman leet raat."|‘they are;and the man who opposes|Mor ganton:Circuit—A.C.Swafford.|and illishe‘coultd hardlyly cree McA “DANGER”ae segregation must be willing for the Rutherfordton—-A.Sherrill,J.B.Car-|for aid.Isu tania a ate CROUP d NEUMONIA“negro to ow!i "penter,superna:and in a month Ihardl fet,an P wr th m ¥ him.How all ns want shat?”|Old:Fort-=R,I,She was strong,her co!br;charming arid }1;Conie like a thieflin the night and seize Don t wear e out before y ouhaveit done * RNS Spruce Pine-Bakersvill —J.P,Mor-|her cheeks rounded out,””—MOmRER M..|_.aen.the infant child.Be prepared to save||).First class work.all the-time,and.FOU:can get ©Williamson Cases Continued.ris,EB.T.,.Kirk.-junior preacher.ALPHONSA LATHROP,0.8.D.,...Se ‘egies a of ~~atthe one by”having a bot-your.work.wh en yo U W.rant it. Table Roek—E.B.‘Troy.WeguaranteeVinoltosharpen the ;Rowan S C e he blond|gpBore Seer Ceeek thin Weak or aeW,‘Heckard,sup-|petite,ald digestion,enrich thebblood Grane Vann-Mentha san H.B.WOODWARD.“Jeweler.© of Lexington,former cashier of the Fea pecramer:|anecheett oer ‘45133 >‘oe :bankatCleveland;were con-DN Sees ee 18Hnee“di :ae ay cc anetteere ee — tinued on account of the illness.of ‘Prefeaspe nae Rudkierford eeeT.Usrv;’student Boston Universi-ateesattorney,,Crow and Pneumonia, (illiam,on was eanhie?of thebank|eB Ly ee:THE BEST COAL!Ewhenitfailed.The directors brought|Ee See aneerict.“, Prtee 26c.,60¢,.and $1.00."‘ ‘against him under arrest and Presiding.Bilder.sae.ae qi 7 Wit eats:Bee dealers ar sent post-paid ‘n ipt of p:aipescaeeeriSeraohdineonsondernpourSGNsoncinecon answer this charge.In ad-|2 ;ee .Wilkesboro,N.C.here ms number ae ate.|Bevan oT.aN rite.general useis our celebrated Re 4 0,=:si Boot—-th fa h 1,a th ,charging embezzlement,mis-|#)kin-—J.P,Hipps.>;Mo i e new G sy Boot—the low heel,cloiTioffunds,ete.|Fonesvib tO.Deslby,“aupply.Genuine Jelico ge Th yp y en i $0 atent vamp—Button andLace.Bs igcits Pavidaon County Creamery has |Madison-Stoneville—~pea Howie.Powhatan Blue Gem me ‘Buutter Wrappers!‘:s PrP DP ‘ usiness at Lexington.|Mount “Airy Station—G.D.Herman,|Pennsylvania Anthracite Grover’s Soft Shoes for tender feet. lov Vans Cree Mount).Airy,Circui Ww.B tt.F ‘ tt may ing ie -on .learn hat |lot Mountain—E,‘Smit deal.Run’ofMine Steam Coal."We ‘have rthe:ey,best f se ;ee Shoes for ChildrenButterPaper,fi/}hues—ida ae oe pein,Jen.|Pica Cireuit —T.H.timpson,We also handleOak and’Pine .ee t ‘your eee,;a ‘ours for thePrice, eathowet My hile oy Me subject |Rural Hall—Q.-Ry Allison.Wood;antdp all kinds oftating:ie.on same.Let us <I d <Soe |ee ee |S,M.&H.SHOE co, er Cerca en werent Rammer me _.quantity you want.See us,.9/5 pas ::Se sites 1 ice ‘t|Walnut Cave mBFE |‘Holland Bros:HE.‘Prices reasonable.Gos “The One Price Cash'Shoe Store. sented chlidcen take tte Yadkinyille—W..M,Boring:Bel.oe hs er “4 Se ae ,.i i able,”Obtaina ee _Residence Phone No,Tint RD } #4 i that ee an wee ‘any one bout Itried ‘most’every kind OF letui,Minios sa atte dayabout Cardul,ub the xwo-ees Seats‘andec cesies bad not ake but “it did me ntradthanalltheYothermedicines»put together.i 4} looked.s0-well,and-1 tol Qf Mes.Chapel,of iveYur?” eerste Vat oe!PRs eon: SE E E R E E SY P e r e P r SE E S E R B E E Se : > SE R EF Methodist Protestant :ence.ignments, the Method} ence,which ¢losed ‘its ers:Mocksville,.‘T..A.Williams;Ashe-boro,C,L.Whitaker;Cleveland,W.C.Lassiter?Concord,W.R.Lowder-ay Da .Powell. Confer- i Protestant Confer- session at|Greensboro Monday night,made the} |following:‘appointments among “the fs a J.WwW.Hulin;eeH.Gannon;a D.M,Loy; Yadkin College,H eek wre aes Meetings.. Correspondence of The Landmark.© Statesville,Route ‘4;Nov,22—Mrs.N.A.Beayer was hostess{fegirlsofV.E.C.«lastternoon.Eight members:ewe |visitors enjoyed Mrs.eee ‘hos.|pitality.ae an hour or 80 of so-|#nnounced that President HE ‘TWO VANCE |CUDRS.1 IN WILD IREDELL COUNTY.| “|And What TheyDid at’Their|Alleged Cherokee Indian,Ap- |pointed to West Point By.the ,President,Who Says His Fam- |.jily Live on the Kit Carson Es- tate in Iredell., |Now York World. A Washington dispatch recently Wilsoncialconversationandhandiwork,the|had appointed Sylvester Chahuskahostessinvitedthegueststo:oman indieing‘room,which was dar!the yellow shaded light cast a mel-low.glow.over the room,making in-jdeedaprettyscene.The decorationswereabowlofyellowautumnleaves and evergreens placed on a re- flector inthe center of the.Avarietyof«delicious refreshments,| consisting of punch,sandwiches,pop-corn and sweéts,were served by Mrs.A.J,Beaver,assisted by Mise Mar-tha”Finn Carter,who.was.visitinghersisters.Mesdames N,A.BeaverandJ.R.Fox.Mrs.A.J.Beaver will Oak.”next week on Thursday oiter-noon.Vance Progressive a is progress.ing nicely,just as it hopes:to’keepdoing.Last Friday night's meeting drew a crowd of 40 to 50’perso’ from the surrounding community.The president called the house to or-der at 8 Some good—resolutions were passed,Ist.That no smoking will be done in the schoolschoolhouse will be put in order be- fore leaving.The floor was then given to.the chairman of the debating society.Subject for —discussion,“Resolved, house;2d.(that the |he Long-Lance,a full blooded Cherokeeboy,to West Point,and thathewillenternextMarch.Long-Lance is not an ordinary res-ervation Indian..He was born inNorthCarolina,amid primitive sur-roundings.At the age of 13 he lefthome-with a party of Cherokees totrave]with a Wild West show.He|did trick riding and-was’surprising-\lv daring,his tender age considered.The life appeared to agree with him. for at 15 he was unusually large andstrongforhisyears,He then deter-mined to leave the Wild West show and become a professional boxer,as|he had.more than once demonstrated that he was mighty handy with his \fists and could put it all over the Wild|West roustabouts.Under the management of Jimmie who had won some reputatiboxer,The bo|Da,Fia.,and Long-Lance won. at it. intelligence and was toe ambitious WE buy in car lots.WE sell in any quantity.WE sell the celebrated vata Medal Flour.'WE sell Sweet Feed for Horses |r and Mulesay~-WE.poll:Sweet Daisy Feed for WE aray,Corn,Oats andCottonSeedProducts.WE SELL FOR LESS. WE pay CASH for courtryCornandOats.WE deliver in the city. .C.D.MOORE,Prop. §*PhoneNo.88. penetrating"GOWAN MEDICAL CO. Concord,N.C, REPORT OF THE:CONDITION ‘|TREDELL FEED CO., 114 E.Broad St. “Oysters,~ Celery, Lettuce. "__FRESH Every Tuesdaynid Friday Mille MeLain Slo, > |—THE-— _Has just bad its cowstested andea were.found in ndition —another po hy the Dairy,with the Dacro System{!should be patronized. Paine ViewDairy —'PHONE 347 BLACK.~~ FR E I gt i * hand. 'delivery.PA S a |StatesvilleBrick Co. DRAIN YOUR FARM, Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN TILE,on ‘Common Bricks,_Face.Bricks,always ready ere of the|First National Bank,.at Statesville,in the State of North Carolina,at the Close of Business Nov.10,1915 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts (except those BROWER OD BPise ss da dine opeseeess $530,306,11 Overdrafts secured $4,301.62;unse-Muted.SCR IS on ciscdbinscresece U.S.Bonds‘deposited tosecurecireulation.(parSOI)sooo ciscaceekivn $100,000.00 pledged to fecure U.8S,deposita, (par value): Subscription to stock ofFederal_Reserve —bank —7,500.00 Less amount unpaid ....3,760.00ValueofBankingHouse(if un- CRMC)os oi ib nde Sigs oa ekeFurnitureandPixtures..........Net amount due from Federal Re-Meryem bi dy hie's cg te we se cawNetamountdue’:from approved reserve agents in New York,ChicagoandSt.Louis Net amount due from approved reserve agentsinotherreservecities.8,667.17 Net amount due from banks andbankers(other than inciuded in 10 or 11) Other checks on banks in the same city or town as reporting bank..;Outside checks and oth- 5,000.64 30,000,60 130,000.00 811.66 ‘cash items ............3,110.00 *|Fractional currency, nickels and cents ....60.05 3,170.05NotesofotherNationalBanks.... Less ©current expenses, interest and taxes paid 9,835.10 12,543.62Circlating,notes outstanding.....100,000.00Dividendsunpaid.2,............4.700.00Individualdeposits.subject to check 163,932.82Certificatesofdepositduein.lessthan80days.5.20 Se Cashiers’cheeks outstanding ... United States deposits ............ Total demand =deposits,. Items 32,83,.34,'35,86,37,38 and 39....215,475.69Certificatesof.deposit .......3....131,592.50Totaloftimedeposits: Ttems 46,41 and.42...191.692.50RediscountswithFederalReservehank*BOE CR baie SER:PL ae 80'S 130,362.01 representing money urn 50,000.00 RataTa os PG,Dees«$765,673.72StateofNorthCarolina,county of Tredell,ss:A.Cooper,,président of the abovedsbank,do solemily swear that the above statement is true to the best of myknowledgeandbelief.R.A.COOPER,President.Subseribed and sworn ta before me this19thdayofNov.,1915.J.H.HOFFMANN,_|"Notary Publie, ‘A,T.BARRON,ISIDORE WALLACE,T..D.MILLER, 16,930.224,612.6530,000.00 Correct Attest: Nov.23,1916, [oP WATKINS for Shingles,Doors,Windows,Ceilin4Floori,Siding,Boxing,:Mo' ing,Lat 38,Lime,Cement,etc., ”“Byerything to Build With.” FULL Poueaow EST Oulin Next Planters’Wh, Statésville.1)% ia FOR FINE.CLEANING AND DYEING -—’PHONE147— Sloan1 Pressing Club. xR can L.Sa,M.mE ik: Will answer ’phone ‘alls leftaoeBagsSanatoriumorM.Foard’s residence. ‘Veterinari Office rea Polk Gray.Drug Co. DR.CLC USE. 4%DAN VALLEY is milled from $$$the celebrated wheat grown in ®the Shenandoah Valley of Vir-. 3 ginia.IT HAS NO EQUAL.3% %Makes better bread and more % s of itto the pound than other %flour.It is:economy to buy 3 DAN VALLEY.TRY IT. ‘The New Line of ConycSrighted,Birds 3,750.00 32,000.003,406.09 That country life‘is more pleasurethancitylife.”The speaker on both sides made good talks,but the nega-| a may on by.a few points. and for the societv has notiamdecidedonbuttheofficershaveheenelectedasfollows:Mr.Grier H.Sherrill president.Mr.Jno.»Nantzvicepresident,Mr. secretary.Question for debate for next-Fri- day night will be.Resolved,That iron is more’useful to ‘man than wood,”The Progressive also give a short programme. Not Agreedon theLusitania Conferences between ‘Sécretarv|Lansing and Count von Bernstorf?.|the German ambassador.have failed | thus far to bring the United StatesandGermanynearanearlysettle-| ment of the issue growing out of the sinking of the.Lusitania.with a lossof-more than-100-American lives.It}was said by persons in a position toknowthatthepointsofviewofthe 7,634.24| 9,478.83 4,733.08 2,620.00FederalReserveNotes............1,750.00Totalcoinandcertifieates.........17,259.26RedemptionfundwithU.S.Treas-urer (not more than 5 per centoncirculation)and due from U.S.THORMMEO oan.sss chin edera se vce 5,000.00 1:attiokes $765,673.72 E LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .............2 $100,000.00| Rwyplvs:fuad oe 26,000.00Undividedprofits....,.22,878.62 Biturning home today.4 (trip in’Mr. |The Flour of Quality.¢ 4;State Sunday School %|Salisbury this week..Officers were %\elected as follows:Gilbert,Stephen- \son,Winston,president; 4%\Atkinson,Salisbury,first vice.prési-;dent;Joseph Where ave many people who have dia.trens, Se Henry +Pom ge Vietor,.N. two governments still were widely'different.In German circles the be- i\lief was expressed that a satisfac;..tory agreement could not be reach- jed without.arbitration. ithe State Department were more op- Officials of timistic,however;the ovinion’seem-ing to prevail that ultimately 'Ger-many would come into the Ameri- :ican wav of viewing the situation.9,665.43|The TWnited States point of view is that the German government must disavow the sinking-of the Lusitania and indemnify ‘families of Americancitizenslostinthedisaster.TheUnitedStatesisaversetotaking‘the question to The Hague. The German government is said totakethenositionthattoagreetopayanindemnitywouldbeanadmis- sion of wrong-doing,and that while in a humanitarian sense it deeply re-erets the loss of American lives,the Lusitania was torpedoed in reprisal for the establishment of the‘Britishhlockade.order.which the UnitedStetesitselfholdstobeillemal..-1Germany,however,is willing and anxious to take the whole matter ofindemnitytoTheHagueforarbitra-tion.even though it is known thathighGermanofficialsbelievetheawardwouldbeinfavorof.theUnitedStates, Wedding Party From Concord. Cneveanondenice of ‘The Landmark. Harmony,R-2,Nov .22:—Mr.and Mrs.D.P.Grant,who were married vesterday at 1 p.m.at the home of Mre.Grant’s parents.Mr.‘and Mrs,J.H.MeClelland,in Concord.are at:homeof the groom’s’father,Mr.J.E.Grant.in Union Grove town-ship.for a short waeMr.Grant is a ‘promising young man.*He has made his home in Ca-barrus county.for.the past.two vears, where he hes been teaching.He’is now with the Parks-Belk CompanyofConcord.Mrs.Grant:was Miss Sallie MaeMcClellandofConcordandoneof'|Cabarrus’most charming young la- ‘Misa Geneva.McClelland,sister of]3|Mrs,Grant,and Messrs.A.F.and 8, Lefler came up with them.Tte- They made theLefler’s touring JohnHenry.Mr._and_Mrs,-Grant awill-make-their yi home in ‘Concord.They.have a hostloffriendsinIredell‘who wish theyyalongandhappylife, 3 State Sunday School Conveon. tion. There was a good attendance at the Convention 1% ‘George E. ‘Brown,Raleigh,80.3iond vice president;J.R.Vasre,Luberton,third vice,‘president;W.iCombs,Greensboro,treasurer;J.Wal,|ter Long,Greensboro,general segre-miteneral Secretary Long’in his re-port showed statistics as follaws:'|Bight thousand;five Hundred,andthirty-five Sunday schoolsin the Statewith67,892 officers and teachers andatotalenrollment.of 645,503 includ-‘ling ‘cradle rolls and home dgrpre-dments. oie wees fy“Dintress in:the Stomach.|i mise stomach after meals,It™s duemnand.casily remedied by taking‘Chamberlain's Y.,sprites:r waa:vroubled with:head38inmy.pase after eating, ti M Shuonverlattrs esiienses:bow.ind Noah Starrette |t club»,will) after eek y contact withthe white man — awakened a desire for education,So}# returned|ihe gave up boxing and |home.but not.to remain.for longaAn 1909 he persuaded his parents to al-low him to enter the Carlisle ‘IndianSchool. |made the track and cross-country teams and the foothall squad.It was three_suecessive-oceasions he defeat- ol the great Indian athlete,Jim Thorpe,in the three-mile run.Thorpe has never forgotten those defeats and has remarked that the strenuous “work-outs”Long-Lance gave .himJeterminedhissuccessatthelast |Olvmpic Games. While taking great interest in ath- \letics at Carlisle.young Long-Lance |lid not neglect his studies,standing \high in his classes at all times ‘andwinningmorethanoneprize,among them the second prize in 1911 for the National Tuberculosis Essay.The next year he was sent as a delegate \to the First National American In- dian Congress at Columbus,0.His summers while he was at Car- lisle were spent as a clerk in a rail- |road.office at Tyrone,Pa.,thereby |earning the money to enable him.to remain at school and,continue hisstudies. He received a certificate of grad- uation as “job compositor”and “job bressman”from the vrinting depart- ment at Carlisle.and for a time he had charge of the printing office oftheschool,getting out the ‘weekly paper and-monthly magazine.‘ When he was graduated from theIndianSchoolhewasfirstlieuten- ant in the cadet corps,president oftheliterarysociety,member of thedebatingteam,vice president of the school government,president of the Y.M.C.A.,treasurer of the senior class,valedictorian and honor grad- uate.Incidentally,he was solo clar- prominent member of the track team and a few other things. On leaving Carlisle he entered Conway Hall,Dickinson College Pre- varatory,where he at .once became of the debating team.One year, however.in a civilian institution wasenoughforhim,as his thoughts had already begun to’turn toward a mil- itary career.He decided to enter West Point,if he could get an.ap-pointment._In the fall of 1913 he en- tered St.John’s Military Academy. from which he was graduated”two years.later.ate at St.John’s he made the high-est yearly mark .in the senior class studies. ty spelling trophy,a silver. ball team,track and ‘te developed ‘student in the school.At St.John’s “his summers were spent,as they were at Carlisle,in earning his living and enough money besides to pay his schooling the fol- lowing winter.,One season he posed for 2 moving picture company in‘Wild West plays;last vear he prof- ited’by the musical training he had gained at Carlisle by becoming the F.flat clarinetist in a militarv bandthattouredtheChautauquacircuit, +>-Long-Lance—is now—taking—a—post=/ graduate course at St.John’s and waiting for the time to come for.him fully ‘prepared. {edn this remarkable Indian lad,who by:pluck and.persistence secured anedveationand,entirely:by his.own unaided efforts.worked his way?up,and when the President learned thathewas.anxious to go to West Pointhenamedhimasoneofthesixpres- idential appointees. Long-Lance’s family belongs to Doa teend your (haus&Myere rette cad Tebacto>Coupati and WV SE S PP O et e ee 3 -same day.Call and see them. “swelcome to ladies,- away.Or big stock of their prmakesi!casy to eclect present an ‘Statesville.Drug Co.| itheLeLeTh eee OCHRE EEEECECEOY Barry,John L.Sullivan's old spar+|%ring partner,a fight was arranged |?for the/Indian uae with Ed.Nolan,|§ as al®Well Give You a bout came off.at Tam-|? Then |} ame a “meeter of all comers,’|#lead rae quite able to,held"iits,Gorn i Instead of selling you a razor and giving you the sha soap,we'll sell you a 25c.stick of shaving soap on IV you the razor,ABSOLUTELY FREER.Ha} It's-a-eomplete—razor-in-fine-seven times a week ae ingorder, No strings whatever to this offer.Don’t deny the beris limited. But the boy had too much natural|% tg.be satisfied with such’alife.His |} In his second year there he|% in the spring of that year that on/} You aretastes to turn your attention to your. and call to see if [have them.Whatever you findless._If you don’t know what you want a look at what Iihegestsomethingtoyou. Make a memoranda of things you know.you ae sey pee RY,- inet player in the school ‘band,a/% yrominent.in athletics and a member|4 While an under-gradu-Ff and won a medal for efficieri¢y in his |%He also captured the facul-|§ loving|ann,int the school spelling bee."Be-1%sides,he’was ‘a member ,of the foot-|& cross-country ‘atermsandstillholdstheschoolhalf-| mile record.His fellow students also|® voted him ‘the best all-round physical-|¥ Did xe u ever look up the word aaTION”in thedictionary?It’s a lesson ‘intheEnglishlanguage.Every s on yeenisshort,insatelant,weal!iy me When_youbu our COAL yoyougget ption-in-fuel.ere i8 no ter,for thesareasonthatnobettercanbebought.Full proof of what our COAL will meee.toyouin'saving and satisfaction will be sentyouonreuest,\It’s a ie eneto know..Phone ay. to;enter West Point,for-which he is| President Wilson became _interest-| iwhatare—_known.—-as-_the-—-Eastern ny erokees,and they live.today onfold‘estate of .“Kit Carson,‘in3e‘wild.isolated country,oi TredellSdaat?,N..C.He‘inheritedhis,won-flerful physical dev ent,All-hisancestorswereofthefighest.physi-cal type and.very,-lived stock.His father,mother and three of his mreat-uncle lived to.the age.of 142andanotherto113,‘y It.will.be news ‘to Tredell daoplethatIndiansliveiithiscounty,or have lived here for generations—-so! shown.ee eeewrong with the story.—The Landmark.) ee aeonan iS ware of Cheap Substitutes.tn eae days of keen competition it ts im-portant that the public whould’see that theyieeeChamberlain's Cough Remedy ‘and not¢substitutes sold for the sake of ,extra profit. grandparents are still’living and one, much news.that they will haye to be} a Ze ry ‘h tl haspneateeeCoug'reg el i 4 cae ey,tet rfee-ws is complete with,he 6new 4 seperneendeyeeBasOe FRIDAY,~:~November 26,191.nn“THE AGITATION,<- was to have been expected,there uch agitation of the question of stional defente and.ithe extremists ‘on’both sides are clamorous.,Some of «the .defence propagandists.seem tc little short of traitors to the country; wp-soine of the opposition charge “Gn effect,that all who favor enlarging ihe army.or the navy are in league withthe |interests who will profit by the purchase of matdfial or are de- edived by.them.Mr.Bryan is touring the country speaking.in.opposition, -while Mr,John ‘Pemple Graves,who sneaks)in Charlotte tomorrow night, "4s talking for the.other side.In our oem State Hon.Claude Kitchin ‘has buen vigorously/assailed and has an- swered in kind. -Those who will profit by the defence 1.00/Shi Kai,who isnot wil DEneutrality:and sacrifice German. ‘consider opponents,of the proposition|, Their 3informalitentepowers.that,Chi thussolidifying he nibeenwell-receiv: will,>Abe a My ““Gov.Ferguson of Texas and Gen,Venustiano Carranza,head of the defacto.government of Mexico,—have:pledged the co-operation of .theirforcesinmaintaining.order along the 'exas-Mexican border and,.evolvedvianstoridthelowerRioGrandeVal-ley,of outlaw bands.é Prospects of settling out of couriallthecasesofAmericanmeatpack-ays,involving cargoes yalued atfrom $15,000,000 to $20,000,000,pending be- fore British prize courts,was discuss-ed in Washington this week,It ispossibletheBritishgovernmentmay look with favor on a private.and di- rect disposition of the cases.’” A man fiving his name as G,L. Henderson of ‘Asheville,,N.°C,was fatally wounded afd his companion, Phillips;less seriously ‘hurt during a pistol.battle with detectives at Bir- mingham,Ala.,early Monday,when. according to the ‘police,the two men were surprised while attempting to rob a ‘safe in a grocery store,~ Judge Wilson at-Spartanburg held the South Carolina gallon-a-month ‘programineare of course eagerfor it,}law unconstitutional in its avplication butthat of itself does not prove that it is wrong.There are patriots,hon- _est,sincere men,who.do not believe we reed ‘a larger.army or navy;and thereare patriots,just as sincere,wac believe we do.The Landmark,which probably kmows as much about it:as some of tho#e ‘who are talking loud, -eonfesseg that it is not absolutely sure what is best;but with the lights before it,this paper stands for a larg- ’er navy.Just*how large is a question, but we would.make it large enong’: to takeicaré 6f our interests.We need ’and ‘should have’a merchant marine. If we are jo do anything of conse- quence in foreign trade,which we must do if we are to prosper,a mec- chant maritie is absolutely necessary and we sHould have the navy to back ‘it,We don’t need a navy as large ‘as Great Britain’s,but™a reasonable ‘addition to what-we have.As to any “great incréase in the army,we ms! -be’shown that that is necessary.We ‘Gon't see it now, f PRO VES THE CASE. ©The,attention of Col.Britton of the Raleigh News and Observer,Col.Har- visof the Charlotte Observer,and all others to whom these presents may come,is directed to the article of Mr. ‘Chas.-M.Staley,who shows that the Hickory schools,after a trial of sev- eral ‘years,have made far better.prog- réss under.the.study-in-school plan than the study-at-lome plan.It does seem to’The Landmark that the plan which came in with the city graded sehools—of sending children to school to recite and have:lessons assigned while practically all the studying is dotie.at home—is not to be compared ‘with study in school under the super- “vision and direction of the teacher.’ Mr.Staley points out what,is obvious —that if patents give the childrenhelp at all they generally give them too thuch and the child comes to rely on ;help;if the parents can’t help ehild blunders along without the dance it,should ‘have..Dhe home sphere is not conducive to study ¢children study or not as they ‘Under the dirdction and eye }the teacher,in the school room,the child receives—if.the teacher “knows —his.-business—the “proper “amount of help and no more,Initia- tive and self-reliance are encouraged and the work.is more thorough. fr.Staley proves The Landmark’s On his showing,based on ac- The trouble is in the title of.the act, one that legislative amendment will sure readily.The law provides that individuals may ‘not receive more than a gallon of liquor a month. Neutrality in the European _con- flict as.practiced by the United States was approved by the American Feder- ation of Labor Convention’in its ses- sion at San Francisco.The shipment of war munitions to belligerents ‘was anproved and the efforts of sympa- thizers of belligerents in this coun- the belligerents was condemned,| There has been some agitation for a change of location of some of ‘the Federal Reserve Banks and the prob- able reduction of’the number.‘The Attorney General of the United States was asked for advice and it’is his opinion that the..Federal Reserve Board has-no authority to reduce the numberof reserve districts or to change the location of resérve banks. Rear Admiral William N.Little, United Sates Navy;retired,has been acquitted by the court martial fore which he wastried at the Bos- ton Navy Yard on charges of neg- lect of duty in connection with his inspection of submarine K-2,but the} findings of the court have been dis- approved by Secretary Daniels. new trial will not be ordered,howev- er.: A table knife which Mrs.Elizabeth Hochaberger of>Chicago persuaded surgeons she had swallowed while in a delirium due to illness;eight months ago,was taken from her stomach bv an overation at a Chicago hospital. The knife wase corroded and saw- édged.from the-action of stomach acids,and physiciahs said that nature had made heroi¢efforts to digest the implement.)gi -The membershig,of the Methodist Churchin the North:now numbers 4,083,123,according.to:official statis- tics.The net ‘incgease in.member- ship last.year was 164.000.The re- nort shows that Methodism is losing| membership slowly in New England, holding its own in the New York dis- trict,and growing most rapidly in Philadelphia,Chicago,Omaha ahd Minneapolis. Contracts .involving the expendit- ure of a half million dollars in the Yosemite National Park for new ho- tels,transportation .facilities and camp sites have been signed by Sec- retary Lane of the Interior Depart- “ment.The concessions are granted to private concerns,but will be op- erated upon completion next summeréunder:strict.government.supervision. The American Federation of ‘Labor. after a.contest.waged.on the floor.of the convention’for four hours,refusedbyaclosevotetoindorseStateand Federal’legislation providing for an 8-hour day.President Samuel Gomp- ers ended the debate in an impassionedspeechinwhichhe‘declared the Social- Chas.Vite’Chi Fo “intrasstate shipments of;liquor.+- according to,the court’s ruling.and is |+ try to:use workingmen in behalf of|nome too many parents do the study~ be-|prevent yupils do their studying at school has Alheen tried,there is a strong sentimen ‘nits favor on the part.of parents, limited supvlies,gave a surpriseto eustomed to utilize the houses of Far:Wament as a club.: In the matter ofchildren studying M.Staley of Hickory,writingharlotteObserver,presents~following facts in favor of Themark's contentions:aie.“Por the last three or four yoars,the punils in the schools of Hickoryhavedonetheir,studying ‘atunderthedirect’suvervisionof.thteachers.The result is,that’wthismethodthe»pupils are doingmore.and better work than unthe.other method.A mugh largepercentage,of the pupils are pattheend,of the year’than when the“hildren’prepared their lessons at,home,or when pa did the work,4“The school day is no longer in.:the4schoolsofHickorythaninthe-schoolswhereonlyrecitationworkisdone-—jess than four hours,of actual schoolorkintheprimarygrades,and tess‘han.five hours in the more’advanced)wrades.In none of the grades do thenupilshaveinanyonedaymorethan ie tion before ‘hand.’In the ‘graeradesonehourisgiventoenssentialsubiect:80°minutes for:r:vantionand.80 minutes for.studying thelesson’for the next day.In_theseradesthedailyschedulecallsfora’Teeson in arithmetic.a lesson in lan-ouare,#lesson in history,geography,|or physiology,two lessons in spelling;Ane oral and one written,and a lesson n writing or drawing.4“This_method has greatly increasedthe‘efficiency ‘of the work done in theschools:This -conclusion is reachedpenaconsiderationoftheamount and thoroughness of the workandthedevelopmentofindependent study,self-reliance.and initiative on’ the nart of the nupils themselves:_ “@When the “studying is done at school;the teacher can give the pupil inst the amount of help necessary. When the preparation is made at ‘ne while the children stand by and snjioy the fun.Every one will admit that pupils should be trained to habits of perseverance, self-relian and *nitiative. Actual experience has shown that supils will study their lessons to bet- ter advantage at school than’they will at home.The reason for this is easily secn,..Not.all parents are familiar with the principles of pedagogy and the best methods of teaching how to study.The many distractions at home their minds on their lessons. home atmoanhere is very.different *rom that of the school room.sia “Wherever the method of having }°The Supreme Court at home and reciting in school,-Mr.for y paneles that,would constitute charges:The’commissiow|~ five recitations that require prepare)jally direct. fe a ‘decline to allow the payment of Lérnment.— doiie.| theld,in a case before him at Spartan- ds.a grand medicine an children from concentratingy?patural strength and energy. 1W.Fr Hall,Druggist,Statesville,N.C. oe has 3 =% he case of Wilson and Pullen ve,Hold-ng,Wake county,in which a man-ams was soughtby the county com- to countersign a warrant |accountants who’audite Ane books of the auditor in search”diserep- iy the auditor.a emploved expert accountants.toaudittheWakecountybooksand:is+‘an order for their pay.The coun-ties verior Court.refused to issue a man-Aamiis to compel the auditor to sign ‘he warrant.; ~“Associate Judge~“Watker-wrote:theopinionfortheSupremeCourtorder-ine an alternative mandamus and di-viding the costs in the case.The net}‘Yesult is that Auditor Holding can.make an investigation into the claim.ainst the county and he can submitdingstothecountyboard.Thentheboardis'to again wass on the ac- sourtersign whatever warrant for.payItotheauditorsthecommissionersfin- ’The court holds that ’the countymmissionersaretherepresenta-es of the people and that to allow“auditor to hold up:permanently warrants they approve would be sub-Versive of-the system of eounty gov- »While Mr.SolomonFullbright,wholivesnearHenry,Catawba county,was attending a funeral a thief enter-éd.his home;broke open.a trunk:andrrandcarriedawayabout:$30 incash. Judge.Wilson of South Carolina burg,that playing golf on Sunday:wasnotaviolationoftheSouthCarolinaSundaylaw.ee d AFTERGRIPPE “Mrs Findley Made Strong By Vinol .Severy,Kans.—*‘The Grippe left me in a weak,nerv run-down condition. T was too weak todo my housework and eould not sleep.After ng different eeheath eieacarpand appetite.Violmyhealth,ni a).Vino f en every.weak, nervous,run-ddwn woman should take it.”’—Mrs,GEO.FINDLEY.- “Ninol,our delicious cod liver and iro’ tonic,s'ns the appetite,aidsdiges-tion,enriches the blood,and builds up Cheapest Flooring, ‘teachers and pupils themselves.”———— ECONOMY IN ENGLAND.|,and ‘delivered to Statesville ready- eiling,Weatherboarding,Boxing, asing and Mouldings are Long- af,kiln-dried Pine.’The are Gheapest because they are bought manufactured cheaper than theughLumbercanbeboughtlo- the Luxuriés../ London Dispatch. Wooden’spills in the place ofmatch:|ag.penny wooden pen-holders instead| of the quills so dear to British Britishers Trving to Cut Out}| t=! sheets ‘of note paper.instead of..un; members of Pavliamen’who re ac. In reply to angry protests the at- tendants explained vuis was the first step in the direction of national eton- anéeches in the House of:Commons. This campaign for economy in livin, as a@ vital necessity for financing the war,which is costing.Great’Britain nearly $25,000,000 a day.is inereas- ing.Imports are exceeding exports by.nearly $5,000,000°a day,and con- sequently depreciating t reign ex- “hange.so,that’England lly pays about 5 per cent.more than the nomi- nal prices for commodities bought in America.Restriction of imports is urged as one of the most obviously vractical methods of economy. Lord Davenport,who has had long experience as a successful business man,told the House of Lords!recently. that the import of non-essential things through the _port|London alone) reached $124,000,a year.He.pro tig)demonstration,The Landmark is ‘to.go to the jury. act from’the address of jul M.‘Warburg in Charlotte iday evening,printed in The Tain today,gives’a clear con- ception of the functions and advan- ‘tages of:the Federal Reserve Banks. “What these Federal Reserve Banks <Rave done—or rather,what their es-;_tablishment has accomplished —har _Rot "been fully appreciated by.the masses generally.This is due to Agel of:information.“Whatever elsemaybesaidoftheWilsonadminis. tration,its financial policy has saved.thé country from panic and financiai distress,and the value of these re ye batiks to the country will b« ite ;appreciated when the country becomes ‘better acquainted witn thei: ist party was behind the movement toforcetheFederationtoindorsethe proposed:legislation.“__._—: Execution at Beirut of’11 members of «an Egyptian secret society,whichitisclaimedhadforitsobjectthedismemberment:ef Turkey and thecreationofanindependentArabianStateunder.|protectorate of °Great Britain,is announced in ‘WashingtonbytheTurkish.embassy. bers of the society,the embassy al- ficials and manypeople.The conviction of Hans ‘Schmidt,former New “York ‘Romish priest,charged with murdering Anna>Au-muller,was upheld by the Court ofAppealsofNewYork.Schmidt was other prominent t arrested September 15,°1913..and con-| fessed to the police that he had killed| Miss Aumuller,whose.distmembered body*had been found in.the roriver.After two trials he was:con-victed;,He then’repudiated his con- fession and.the case was appealed. |would_beimoracticable,as many of ie mem-|~ lepes,planned to assassinate-high-of-i posed total prohibition of the import of luxuries.Remon ye Lord Crewe replied that such a step the commodities eame from allied na- tions,already suffering commercial depression,while increases of ‘the goods taxed by tariff.would involve an addition to the customs establish- ment more exvensive than the.value of the taxes collected.a an aahsaniieimmmadenlStee $e—y uarding Railroad Tunnel at, tid t “Wa shin gton.Meeette cantina eich i Washington Dispatch to New York’! Times.ee] For the last 24 hours an unceasing watch.hasbeen kept._railway: | ‘ialdom and a few envelopes and odd-}~ omy demanded so urgently in recent fo lly,and manufactured—and willeylonger.‘C,WATKINS,Next b¢ount,the auditor being required to |, treasurer for compensation to expert |’ ty auditor refusedto countersign the|)‘warrant.Judge Peebles in the’Su-|. “WEWISH;TO THANK ALL OF -OUR MANY:CUSTOMERS WHO ©|}HAVE PATRONIZED US AND °\HOPE:TO ADD MANY:THOUS--ANDS USERS OF OUR FLOUR TO. -THE LISTINTHE NEXT YEAR,Ny.: _USE.HOME FLOUR MADE.4 ai:-BYHOME PEOPLE.ee { aeo -POT IETy eadRLYaeaan G7aePeaate “STAR MILLINGCCSTATESVILLE,N.C COATSANDCOATSUITS! TO BE SOLD AT UNDER VALUE PRICES. We have a shipment of coat suits,made up in the newest models,to be sold or returned within 10 days. Rather than return any of these suits we are going to sell the $18.50 grade for the special price of $15.00;and «the $1000 to-$12.50 former price,for $8.50,Splendid op- portunity to get a good suit at a great saving in price. NEW SHIRT WAISTS. In plain Silks,and Poplins.Weare offering somespecialpricesinthisline.Sizes up to 44—Priced 49c.up to $2.48.;:DON’T FORGET to let us show you anything wantedinthelineofshoes.:Our.Red Goose School Shoe for*Wo-men and Children are the kind that wear all winter and give the satisfaction expected...-___-‘THE LYON BRAND.= :For men and Boys—ask any one whvu ever wore\a pair of these about them. Yours to sell you good honest.goods at close prices. |J.M.McKee &Company. ,f9 McElwee’s Planters’Warehouse. WELL BUCKETS,STOVE PIPE! We havein stock Well Buckets made up i ize.N i used about bucket:Any size or welahtStovePipe ide ‘eo fer. oe wamemarcnin a -Also full line in stock.‘ STATESVILLE TIN GO*PHONE 55.-.H.C.Mohler,Manager.114 Enst Broad Street.4 Suits and . Coats fe ~Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co., The Store With the Quick Parcel - e Are Thank For your liberal Thanksgiving pur- chases and you'll be thankful,too, Ee ~for the beantifalSuits.yesterday’s express brought.us when you see .what wonderful values they are. Blues,-Browns and Greens. ete ete Gloves -and ‘Post Service.Sweaters |ASRERED %* ‘ fi Sotunnelunder-Capitol ‘Hill leading to:Washington’s eighteen-million-dollar iexing.and leaving’the national cap- ital;and the waten is to be maintain- ed for an indefinite period.Special guards are refusing to’permit any person to enter the tunnel unless em-ployed by the Washington Terminal anetions.‘They do not ard cannot, ‘yurse take the place of riral eredits.There is yet need of an ad _e@liate system of rural credits and it ype next Congress will make ‘provision for this need.° Bo geepereneneengnsteenenannaineneneeeeeee“What has become of the old-fash-who used to insist uponueof“artic”overshoes?— 4The./weaters’of “arctic”overshoes we not disappeared from Iredzll.ie Landmark knows of a few men ie county who wear the “arctics” a.didn't have an oateiurliy tototheorphan: The Tennessee Coffin and CasketCompanyandFrankFox,its shippingclerk,were':found guilty in UnitedStatesCourtat.Chattanooga,Tenn,,of-shipping liquor .into-.adjoining States without pee branding thepackagesontheoutside.T.C.Bet-terton,manager of the coffin companyandpolicecommissioner,L.C,Mylius,‘superintendent,and A,G.Smith,gales- jman,were acquitted,Sentence willibepassedonthecompanyandFoxto-|morrow. Henry Ford,the automobile man,who is a zealous peace,advocate,an-nounces that he will take a peace ex- pedition .to Europe.to attempt:toiendthewar.Mr.Fordwill invite leadingAmericanpacificiststojoithe.ex-pedition,as ‘well as peace ‘advocates 8 yesterday |from other neutral countries..Nego-too’late.Send.a contribu-|tiations have been 0 ‘ith x oe ous use tuevhwillsendit.'from ed with theScandinavian-American Line to char-texaboat:forthe trip?Af*the ‘boatisobtainedtheexpeditionwill ME INOS i es sail| Companyortherailways,It 4s-vorted also.that railroad brireneNewsForkanWashineinggua:eeThe.tunnel is being guarded ‘asavrecaution“against bomb.“plotters.This much gvas.admitted,by the:ter-minal officials,A’.M.Keppel.géner-al superintendent of the TerminalCompany,which manages the stationfor,the roads‘owning and using itsfacilities,insistedwerenotsearching for bombs andhadnotbeenstationedinthetunnel nel was in danger,but out of “extraPeston80as“to be on the safe An unprecedented demand for coinwithwhichtomakeypthe“pay rollsofmunitionsplantsandotherindus-trial establis ts has kept the em- union station,used by railways”eh-i%:. heoN that the guards |i} on definite information that the.tun-{ |Corsets and — loyes of the adelphia ‘mint wiovertimeforthepast,six weekted“at 600;000 ‘output is estima +.There are Three Lots: Lot No. Lot No. And great are they.If you can't) get to town letus know your -size~ ‘and color and:we'll send them foryourinspection.fat Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison . The Store That Pays $12.50.“15.0018.50 1 2 8 tea Poncho,“onMall Orders.30 ae-Meation of Folks Whe Come and Ch i "Mrs.n’s sister,Missrill,are visiting their sister,Mrs.-B..Walker,at _Jellico,Tenn.Miss Grace Anderson,who is teach-‘ing at aeex:|and Miss Ina Anderson;whois teaching at Gastonia,areCaetheirThanksgiving’vacation~_at home.-Mrs.S.C.Walker and little grand-“gon,Master Wallace Brawley,went toClevelarid:Wednesday to spend thehankaiaesennnetwithMr.andMrs.A,M,Brawl orMr,ahd Mrs. 3 Lois — wh a ey have:been gu~e aa Ss.Bryant ings cdnewday ‘eveninge Ta*M.Furches::sind:-Miss*AltieCavan:went to RockinghamWednesdaytoanendafewdayswith|!their been Mr,A.G,Corpening.rs..E.M,Short is visiting rela?‘tives in»le.arate ores.‘and 4 or A.Spi-ieabes yy.coun were inStaisevitteednesdayenYcathome .|THE:"WEEK'S:» Mrs.Be.M.Garrison and baby and) @,|J.8.Foster,orMulberry street, will one Nnipht trom a in church and Miss “Brandon and‘and Mr.‘Mithol-):bt land,bag poe et bie=|Spaugh;Miss Fostera relIneecouples participated in the danciag,‘the dining room ofthe hotel ‘beinglysedasthedancehall: served,Mrs.C.B,Webb and:Mes from;4 to 8 o’clock and the public is _Lowrance,and Onhars—SpeialEvents. And the Thanksgiving season was ‘|tot without the usual “surprise mar-riage.”Miss Elizabeth Foster and Mr.A.L,Lowrance of Mooresville ‘were married Thanksgiving Eve”at Theceremonywasperformedat8o'clock,by.the bride’s pastor,Rev,Dr:CE.Raynal.of the First Presbyterian couple as a surprisefor their frrandaccordinglyonlyaveryfew 'gons.were given an opportunity towitnesstheceremony.Their numer-ous friends wish the bridal pair all happiness.e bride is a young wo- man who will prove &valuable assetanycommunityayhas:been)ac-ool,work.andonaccountofher.fineue Pianeaition and pleasing:manne?has made many:warmndsamongey meuge For séveralTs.she was er of the States-Nille!Cotton Mill school ard recentlyahasbeenteachingatDiamondHill.Mr.‘Lowrance,who i a son’of “Mr.WilsonAowrance“@f Mooresville,is a young .man_of,sterlmg,qualities.Un- til Regently he was a bookkeeper in theofficebftheStatesvilleGrocery‘Co. Mr.and Mrs.Lowrance went~‘toMooresville.yesterday..to...visit.Mr. Lowrance’s heme people...ey from Mofgariton;where they had ¢onefolace.a patient.in_the State Hos- .Lee Albeilmington,Del...is here towithhisfamilyuntilafter_Christ-NM -‘Miss C qrinne Morsiaon went to esis ton-Wednesday .after-oa to Spend Thanksgiving Day’ait friends:.at Salem College,whereheas‘was formerly a.student.s.John R,Neal and little’son,Master J.Neal.of Charlotte,:=visiting Mrs.:Neal's father,Mr.W.Johnson.Ni Margaret Stroud of Greens-boro is spending a few days with theissesBristol.J.E.Ingram.and littledaughter,Rose,returned:Wednesday|afternoon from an extended visit.to) friends and relatives in .Madison, Spencer and Danville,Va.-..Mrs.*Ville iis the guest of Mrs.Ralph Sloan. “Mr.Sol.Sternberger of Wiiming-ton.is the guest of Mr.and Mrs.Sig._Wallace.Mrs.C.H.Turner and Miss Jennie Morrison returned last evening fromavisittoMrs.Turner’s relatives—in|Newton,and Mrs.-Turner left last) night for Washington City to join Mr. Turner.who has been in the North on_business.Mr.and Mrs.F.A.Sherrill went to Mooresville:yesterday to attend afamilvreunionatthehomeofMr.and Mrs.J.E.Sherrill.Mr.and Mrs.E.S..Johnson -andchildrenwenttoMooresvilleyester-|day,to visiMr.W.« Surney of Los Angeles, Call,arrived in Statesville+Tuesday!evening and wént out to the Jenningscommunity‘to visit his father,Mr.J. E.-Jurney.Mr.and Mrs.Ww.J.Stimson and!son.Master Frank.went to Woodleaf| yesterday to spend a few days wiih} relatives. Notice ofNewAdvertisements.| Purse lost.Reward.Pianos for sale—Dr.J.A.Scott.‘Residence for sale —J.L.Goodman,|Raleigh,or J.A.White,Statesville.Three or:four unfurnished roomswanted—O.D.Phillips.'Oysters and celery—Eagle &Mil-|holland.Building material—C.Watkins.-White,pink and red roses —.Van}Lindley Go,and Polk Gray Drug Co.New suits by vesterday’s ‘express—Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.“Easy chair bargains —Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.Coats and coat suits—J.M.McKeeCo.Klosed Krotch union suits—Sher-rill-White Shoe Co...Home flour made by home people—Star Milling.Co.jBuicksix-cylinderStatesvilleMotorCo.Perfection in coal—Stateésville Iceand’Fuel Co.“In the matter of.Prudence—First__National Bank.The things you will,Want—R.°F.Henry,jeweler.Dae you-a ac pan Gray.Drug. motor cars— oe “Cakes and’bread.—Mrs.Henninger. +High Schodl Literary Society.” n ‘interesting meeting of the TarHeel.Literary Society of the States-’ville;High School was.held at theschoolWednesdayafternoon.An en- -tertaining programme —was__r: Semaine.of the society,the feat-ure}being a debate.The subject ofthe’debate was “Resolved,That the Time is Ripe for the:Disarmament ofNations.”The negative won,.mem-hersof the society acting as judges.Rachel Watts.Pauline Miller,Lewis.Poston and William Moore spoke for the affirmative and Gertrude Adams, Anhie King.Katie Millsaps and|°‘Raph Sherrill represented the nega-iveae members.of the Tar Heel sd-»are ‘showing considerable en-vise te fasm intheirmeetings-and_their.grammes are very creditable.Mibs mo Foard is greshient of the. % anes About the Training Camp, Hitkory.Record. The Record has received a letterfrémSenatorOvermansayingthatitwonldrequireabout2,000 acres of un-oceupied and far removed from dwell-ings to’accommodate the trainingcamp,and unless Catawba county can ,meet”much‘use going.anytakeitthatCamp.Gitta,near More-head City;isSa the pay available place,and_warthconsidering:|{ieaera Meana ren iat :We have oy eg a big tot‘of immediately |for :fetid if Niaeetaiees"aleho ie eo,ore you |i\Among ¢ mn.who is in PUsineR dap and Mr.John L.Milhollahd was L.Gwaltney of Tavlors-! ed.| ‘those conditions thete is notfurther,We The marriage of Misa “eons Bran-| solemnized Tuesday afternoon “-at~6a’cloek at the home.of the bride’s |K.Boyer ind son,MasterHugTO‘Winston-Salem, the-home of the bride’s mother,Mrs./De: church..The event was planned vientien per- dasha “A number of the iyoung About 42nnesday~night. Etheridge were the chaperones.Mrs.H.-G,“Maul,wife of LieuH,G.Maul;Medical Corps,SeStatesArmy;who spent.thefourmonthsathersummer:hinowinDowMaul!was:fonyer,Col,-isArizona.Mrs. and Mrs.W.A.Murdock,of©Spring township,this county. Hachmeister,.George Kotter, Hamburg-American Line,charged with conspiracy in having’di- 16 vessels to the ‘relief of thdozenormoreGermanwarships in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,in vio-lation of ‘the neutrality laws of the the Federal court in New York.Tpestey’'s nearing a witness tes~tified.that Capt.K.Boy-Ed,German’ the German embassy in Washington.rgonaily directed the expenditureof|"approximately $750,000.which,unso-licited,had been deposited to the wit+ness’credit in a New York bank in’Sentember.1914, legraphed.to the Nevada”NatioankatSanFrancisco;$213,000 was brother-in-law ahd sister,Mr.andMrs.,W.R,Holland.on Bost’street.|The marriage was planned as 2 sim-ple affair and its beauty.was in its) simplicity.The house was tastily| decorated with chrysanthemums,car-| nations and potied plants.At the ap- pointed time the bride and groom en- tered the parlor together and the im- pressive ceremony which made them husband and wife was performed -by Rev.John F.Kirk of Broad Street Methodist church.The bride was be- ©|cominglyattired ina brown coat suit, with accessories of corresponding col-or.Immediately following the cere- ‘mony the bridal party:drove to thejrailwaystationandMr.and Mrs.Mil- jholland left on No.12 for a Northern bridal trip—On their return they will board with Mr.:Milholland’s.brotherlandsister-in-law,Mr.and Mrs.Jas.L.Milholland,on Stockton street.; The bride is a daughter of Mrs.W.B.-Rrandon and is an excellent young iwoman,attractive in personality andjmannerandafavoritewith_herifriends..For several years,,she has‘been a stenographer in.the.office of the Piedmont Red Cedar Chest Co.,| where.her services were ,highly valued.Recently she and her moth-|er had made their.home with Mr,and; Mrs.Holland.Mr.‘Milholland,who is| a son of Mr.R.A.Milholland of |Bethany township,has livéd in States-;iville foryears and.is ene of the best} iknown young men e-town.For igeveral years he was.doundy clerk cofjcourtandforayear.or longer he has {Seen a deputy UnitedStates marshal. } Mr..and Mrs.“James Hamlin,who were.married in Reidsville a few days|ago,visited Mrs.Hamlin’s home peo-|ple in Statesville this week,leaving ilast night for a visit to.relatives in }Mooresville.Mrs.Hamlin was Miss Quize Allison.daughter of Mr.and|Mrs.J.W.Allison of Statesville.Re- cently she had been employed in the itetephone exchange at Reidsville. |Mr.Hamlin's home is in ..Reidsville jand the couple will live there. Miss.Fiva Dry ‘and Mr.Clarence |Hill were married Wednesday after- jnoon at the home of Rev.E.D.Brown at Loray,Rev.Mr.Brown officiating.’ |The bride is a daughter of Mr. 1A.Dry of Sharpeshyrg township.and the.groom is a soniof Mrs,Manley Hill of the Clio community. eMr.John Simonton,who-recently feturned”to Statesville from Tennes- see,and Mrs.Nellie Ann Daniels were married Monday night at the home of Rev.J.H.Pressly,who oticiatest, Reported For The Landmark. A pretty marriage was.solemnized in Broad St.Methodist church at ncon Wednesday when..Miss.Emma_Jean Carson of Statesville became the bride of Mr.Henry W.Spaugh of Winston- Salem,~A rare musical programmefwasTrepdered.with "Miss"Mary ‘Scott presiding at the organ.“At Dawning, by-Cadmen.and 0,Perfect Love.” were sweetly rendered by Miss Mary Gaither of Concord.To the ever im- pressive strains of Lohengrin’s Bridal chorus,the wedding party ‘énteréd the church,passing down the two center aisles.First the ushers;Mr.R.J. Bowen of Winston-Salem with Mr.Er- nest Gaither of Statesville,and Mr. W.O.Martin‘of Winston-Salem with ‘Mr.Herbert Morrison—of—Statesville.Miss Clyde Fields of Sparta,hand- somely gowned,was maid of honor. and;little Misses Dorothy Miller and ‘Jean Carson were the beautiful little flower girls._Little Virginia Miller.four years old,looked like alittle ‘airy as she moved gracefully down he aisle,bearing the ring in the heart a white rose.Next came_the bride. caring an exquisite tfaveling suit oF midnight blue and velvet,«with ac- fetssories to match.accompanied by her brother,Mr.A.S.Carson,who gave her:away.The groom witbestman,Mr.-Walter—P.Shore, of,Winston-Salem,joined them at é altar,“Here they.’weré met.byv.Hugh K.Boyer,presiding elderoftheWinstondistrictanduncleofthe“bride,who officiated,gssisted:byRey,J.f.Kirk,.pastor ‘of BroadStreetchurch,Miss Carson is the daughter of thelateAndrewJ.and Mrs.Emma C€ar-son of Sparta..She is a young lady.of attractive personality and pos-sessed of a rare combination of ‘ac-complishments,:which ‘render her al-ways a charming ascuahion to ev-ery circle she enters,La..successful .business, or ore hisee German Lloyd Steamship Lines in,New York,about $75,000 to the Ham-|burg-American Line and by eableéjmoneyorderinHamburgandsomeof ithe remainder was still on hand.Alt of these disbursements,this witnessasserted,were made by order of Cap-1oitainBoy-Ed. The witness who gave this’.testi-mony is Gustave B.Kulenkampff.a German importer and exporter with).”offices in New York. Threatened“Shortage |of Brooms Kansas City Star. The broom manufacturing try it American is facing a os! shut-down in four...to six monTheirwarehousesareempty,the}!manufacturers have only the :slender-|. est of stocks and for the second sug- cessive year the cropisalmost’a complete failure. where it was rained out.Corn’that: sold for $95 a ton last January quoted at $200 now.Stocks on hand and what little new} {erop is available will last the facto-jries not longer than May 1.From then until the 1916 crop is harvested = {the plants have no altertiative {to close their doors. Twenty -eight of but, the last week to decide what to do.They:compared notes all day and r.ahutonedecision:‘That is to sitheprice‘of brooms at once.The cheap brooms that have sold for 25c:will be advanced to 50c.and 60c.Good| ones:will retail for $1 or more. (The Landmark has no information as to this statement,but it might beagoodideaforhousekeepers‘?layinasupplyofbrooms.) Peace Telegrams By the Thou. sand. Telerrams began.pouring into the White House Wednesday,from all sec- tions of the country,urging PresidentWilsontoassistthemovementfora conference of neutrals to’attempt toendtheEuroveanwar.Mrs.Henry|Ford,wife of the Detroit.manufactur- er,‘recently gave $10,000 to the wo-; j|men’s peace party toward the.tele- graph campaign.The ‘messages.which were sug-gested by’Miss Jane Addams and other leading women peace advocates, were identical.ranies notified the White House theyhadthousandsofthe-messages andasked,that special arrangements |be made at the White House for receiv-ing them,The campaign yu be brought;to a climax today,when adelegationof«women peace advocates®will call.on.President.Wilson and askhimagaintointeresthimselfinhav-ing the proposed conference of neu- tral.nations ¢ ‘town care a dance at.the"Sater Punch was ki y)Miss Mae.Murdock,daughter of ,Mr.Cool%Wi 4 per gent. Alleged Gorenan _Comsplentane The trial of te oe Bada,Adolpke SandJosephPoppirghaus,all officials it thewho..are rected the loading and dispatching’‘ofhalf|: United States,is now in progress in} naval 'ache’with headquarters att- The witness testifiedthat$350,000 of thisagent paid,in several amounts,to’the North-]* induast 4 (broom corn os is, }broom manafacturers in the a met:in special session in Kansas City, ¢ad The telegraph com-| (Leaoom Will Serve Supper.. The business men’and others whowilldife'at the Civie League tea room in the Sherrill-White Shoe Company's store témorrow afternoon and evening are promised “a fine hot.supper,”Which will include oystérs and pump- in pie.”The.tea room will be open invited to call.during .these hours.Merchants _and-business men who doobwanttoleavetheirplacesofbusi-‘at [ness may send for thei supper,the ague being,prepared to handlé such’\orders.Christmas articles will be dis-Played at the tea-room and.sold bytheLeague.for’a commtianion of.ten bs Speciil—One De.Boys’“$7.00 Suits, with extra"pair Pants,only $4.00;Men’s $7.00:Rain Coats $3.50.Boys’ $4.00 Rain Coats for $2.25.All other goods very cheap.Visit the store now.It pays:SMITHEY &FRA-LEY,the People You Want to See.— ad. WILL HAVE Cakes and Bread on sale at theenofficeSaturday,2ith./Nov.26.ateaprncs seid ase shone FOR SALE—Pork Hogs.Can furnish anytimeafterDecemberIst.W.B.CRAWFORD, Phone 916-Ry:Nov.26--1t: st‘Purse‘containing.key,brass coin and95c.°°¥f found please keep the money and re-turnether to The Landmark office. «Nowe.26—1t. WANTED=>Three or four unfernished roomsfor)hoasekeeping.@,D..PHILLIPS,'Mer.Western,Union. FoR SALE—I have at the“Haines Upright Pianos.” college threeTheyareexcel- Nov.26--2t.|. lent iugtruments and are practically as good}/ PRUDENCE. “He doesn’t know the value of a dollar,”we hear it said of a certain type of man—the im-. prudent,wasteful’fellow who looks upon.a dollar as 100°cents —to spend.: Neither does the prudent man ,“know-the-value ofa dollar-bat--—[44heknows.it is:sométhing not to -be spent aimlessly.He has earn- ed the dollar and knows that itcanbemadeearnsomethingfor him.The amount it will earn. depends on how well it is.taken care of and developed. oe Whether.you are .to-be_class- PO P : a fa i r e Me t i e s en EE be eT ge s edsee-me-at-once,REV;A,SCOTT; N.Mulberry oSAH ey iN Cc. Nov.26— FOR SA My residence on west Sharpestrect,Write J.L,GOODMAN,Raleigh,orsecJAN!WHITE,Statesville.Nov.26--1t* EOR RENT—Séven-room house on sonpred,W..A.ELIASON.Oct. OLD "NEWSPAPERS -—~All you want atl%c,,a pbundred.Worth this to start fires with,Also good to put under carpets and paper,the walls.Come to THE LAND-MARK for them. FoR RENT—Eight-room TAT two-story house, 2 508 West Front street.“L.K.OVER- BfCASH.4 Aug.20. For SALE—Five.-room house .four .blocks from,Square.Bargain to quitk buyer.T.¥.CALDWELL,1200 South Tryon.street,Charlotte.Nov.19--3t* FOR ,.RENT—Cottage close in.Lights andsewerage.>RP.ALLISON,Oct.5, morigage,on 100 acres improved farm land.Address M., LOST,STRAYED ORblaek,Setter female, of ‘Queen,disappeared from my home‘Thufsday night of the 11th,Informationeadingtorecoverywillberewarded.WADEWY.GOFFEY,Statesville,N.C,RF.Dh 4 Nowe!19-—2t* care The Landmark.Nov.16, STOLEN—White andanswerstothename ‘oeae ={Building Material $Spel with 34 years’experience *df cash buying.Deors,Windows, linds;Dodr and Window Frames, eady-made;Lime,Laths,Ce- merit;Columns,Newels,StairRailing:Mantels “and all’grades@froughanddressedLumberonnd.,and ready for delivery at alltimes,and at lowest prices. C..WATKINS,Statesville,N.C. vii BLELAND AT PRIVATE SALE. Inder the terms of the,the will of Mrs.Har-rie }Clark,deceased,the undersigned executorat’private sale a valuable tract oflyingonthe.Catawba river in Catawba nty,.N.C.,containing 151 acres more orandknownastheAlexanderClarkplace.hd tract contains 50 acres of original forest‘and 40 acres of river,bottom lands.The estate‘als@ offers a house and lot in Troutman,and |:‘an.island of -10 acres in the Catawba river,For terms apply toCc.H.BROWN,Executor,i R Troutman,July McLaughlin,Atty.N.C.12.1995,j |>FARM FOR SALE! -On Post road,10.miles fromStatesville;242:acres,$17.peracre,with sawable tmiber except-éd.Will sell timber if desired.L.A.YOUNT &CO.,Claremont,NorthCarolina, “Nov,238-—2t*. se esq | =|Oysters and Celery! So Mr.KKitchin Has Found. Durham Herald. It.is still unpopular to have.opin-ions ‘in North Carolina if they.do nothappentoagreewiththemajority. You should center your.tradingpointwithus.The saving is morethanyouthink.Call next time andletus.show.you our wonderful bar- .We willhavefresh:Oysters _on Tuesday,and.Friday of eachweekandfreshCelery@ilthetime.See usforCocoanuts,Cran-;berries,Prunesor any-'‘thing soe at in our i as new,They were sold tom.ane are}-—fuurdsifecd by the be ViengCo.of New York.I will sell for $16each.,-Terms to-suit DUrSheney:If interest- WANTED—To borrow $1,000 secured by first - ed-among:the-prudent-or-impru-—— dent depends or what you dowiththedollaryouhaveearned ‘—-whether you spend it foolhar- dily or take care of it and de- velop it to its fullest possiblevalue. me When you have earned:a dol-lar deposit it with this bank, where it will be safely kept un- til yeu can use it to the best ad- ‘4 Vantage.: THE FIRST NATIONALBANK, Statesville,N.C. *Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Timo Deposits. U.S.Depository. <= ao t sh y Pe es Nn en t Se e ta ti e n SE E S Ss SE E ee t favs Dy, a4°ne eae FRESH OYSTERS 45 Cents Quart. 23 Cents Pint. :Buy Groceries Here andSave Money. A FEW SUGGESTIONS. Libby’s Green ‘Asparagus a Extra fancy Celery}‘10c,Tips,25c.can for 28e. and.12¢.bunch.°.Evaporated Peaches,10¢,Ib. Fancy Cranberries to ar-Mixed Nuts,18¢.Ib. rive today.‘Brazil:Nuts,.18¢.°Ib. The finest.homie =grown Shelled English’Walnuts,48c.Ib.| Lettuce.ever placed on Crystalized Pineapple,38¢,Ib.’the Statesville.market,Crystalized_Cherries,“Aden:Ib.|Marischini 2e.=:size for 23c.bottle.inWhiteCherries,‘No,2 1-25Ih}>© cans,80c,value,-Be."'eans: 1c head,2 for What ‘about that Mince Meat Pie?I have the i Mince Meat in:bulk at 18c.Ib. A Plum Pudding is very ap- 25e.Cherries, propriate for Thanks-PICKLES!4 J js*giving.‘You .can get Noe Tike Sour Pickles,104,doz.Jeethemhereat-22e.can.i ’s Sweet e aunrtah 4aFancyGrapeFruits,10c,and 12c.CAs 28e./quarttak)| es a ey Pumpkins,-10c’and 5c.| Malaga Grapes :20e.-Ib.COFFEE.*Royal Dates,9c.package.I recommend*that‘Seeded Raisins,18c.pkg.buy a pound of my iLibby’s White:Asparagus Bourbon —Santos Cof-Tips,30c..gan for)27c.fee for 26¢,"¥Nee oeay,a“The House of Better Values,”"Phone No.229._Se &.aR ak ie a te ee vate![ edline. gains.SMITHEY &FRALEY.—nai-See A CARD.ms foams U sug iPermitusthroughthemnsofTheLand-Phone ox aaraarktoexpregsourheartit.thanks to thepeopleofStatesville‘and vicinity for their ten-der words of sympathy snd déeds_of kindness gle land.;te.us eanee our “great trial of affliction.”.W.AND ANNIE G.HADDON. SEURERERER TESTELETT ITT T TT | 1s hee.Mrs,| Siig ‘TRY A HOT ae CLAM BOUILLION,,14 eck c dcolate,Topped—aWh re Cream,|; ‘ erty 3 Cs |my OMtetoats ee perertsant:hah%tomo ee This sale will begin and.continue TENDAYS.Notin the history of aluminum: goods havethe ladies of Statesville and Surrounding country had an opportunity ~-to-buy aluminum cooking utensils (the joy of every.household)at the price we =offer,Any piece in our window goes iduringthis'sale for $1,00...”e Opportunity knocks at everybody’8 aoaandthisisyours.Come to this sale andsupplyyourselfwithahandsome.alumi-num nkngoutfit.ava very.uly, / “\‘the President is FR ; 4 ‘Copperhead did Ri c Ta e we e s AG E R E S SS ,‘lance 4.. : f -pene oreo 1s A SERIOUS QUESTION. ee ‘ Citizens,Who Have Cancelled “American —Citizenship~’and “Give Allegiance to Foreign -©Power.my 5 /NewYork .World. ‘The Staats-Zeitung degeribes the man meeting at Cooper Union as the first step in a great campaign against the renomination of Presi- dent Wilson. ~All ‘the German-language newspa- .vers give great space to this meet- ing,in which John Brisben Walker was hysterically applauded when he}. President of the nited States asthe betrayer of the Ameri- can veople.All of them agree with the Staats-Zeitung in its dramatic as- >sertion that “the die is cast.”meaning that henceforth all the political pow- eR;that.the ‘German propaganda van exert a be swung against Presi- +Wilson.i aris organized.German hostility to often referred to asa denounced ‘the niece of exception this seems a very cheap and superfi- *gal view of a most.serious situation, which.transcends.the political for- tunes of any man,however eminent, gr however exalted in office. The’American people are’brought face te-fage with an issue unlike any- thing heretofore raised in the history -9f the republic.A certain element,of ne citizenship of the United.States has cancelled its allegiance “to”7 United States and assumed allegiance ton foreign power:The activities of this”element®would-in time of war *amount to,treason and would he :pun- .‘ishable by,death..time of peace these activities ar@mostly beyond the law,yet they menace the very life oft4és ‘ ni j‘No-other cuestion so important has cdnfronted the American:people:since ©slavery and,secession,were trampled *underfoot,The disloyalty of such ele- yaents as particivated.in the Cooper Tinion meeting is as flagrant as any *thing that was ever done by the Cop- perhéads of the Civil War.It has jess excuse,for the Copperhead could at least say that*in supporting the South he was.sympathizing with Americans.Fven the treason of the not extend to promot- ing the military mterests-ofa Euro- pean power against the United States. But under the mask provided by:hy- phenated citizens in this country,Ger- man agents.have freely conspired to jnvolve the United States in war with Mexico.They have conspired against American shivping,against American industry,against American finance. against the lives and property of ‘American citizens’and against.the American government itself,In every controversy.between the’United States and Germany this hyphenated 4 eitizenshin has arrayed itself on Ger- é many’s side.In its estimation the “Ajves'of Ameficans.in no matter what number,are without value or impor‘- ce in Comparison with the ultimate triumph of a German autocracy and its domination of Europe.In its es- timation the most sacred’rights of the United States‘are rubbish in compari- «son with Germany’s will to power.- This is a form of-disloyalty that .neither the President nor,‘Congress f “ 4. nor the courts can deal with.Only the loyal citizenship of the republic can deal with it.and if that citizen--ship is false to its own ideals the na-“4ion must.pay the penalty.No repub-lic.can survive excent as its founda- tion-stones are.Inid deep:in the hearts of its people.|: A DUTY IN GOD’S NAME. “Grusiide Against Usury and theBiblicalInjunction.+Progressive Farmer. ,We-'do,indeed “need "a crusade. if against usury in’the name of dem- “oeracy and equality because it is at &ag.they hurled Jehovah’s curse upon.them _of:Israel,proclaimed with,all war With both.It sets up privileged classes m the world of finance,giving the powerful fair rates it denies oth-ers.and imposing upon the aveak bur-dens that it does not attempt to sad-+dle on others.But:more than this,in this Chris-tian land,we need.to remember thatuponnopointdoesourBible,the wordofGod;ring out with greater clear-“ness than upon this one subject of4usury.Over and over again did the fearless prophets of old.cry out ,against this iniquity;over and over.ghin into the very teeth of the guilty. and their methods.The earliest et thesolemnsanctionsofSinai,declared: “And if thy.brother be waxen poor***then shalt thou relieve him: yea,though he be a stranger and a ojourner ***Take thou no.Usury. ***Thou shalt not give him thy Money upon usury,nor lend him thyvictualsforincrease.”‘And later on when some violated«}this law we read how the anger of Ne-%-hemiah flamed out against every man §who had exacted usury of those whohad“mortgaged lands,vineyards,and housés to buy corn”until the man of~God called an assembly of the people é )usury. and compelled reform and restitution. Again when the Psalmist came to de--seribe the man who shall abide inGod’s tabernacle,who shall dwell in tial,“He putteth not out his money to,”and the prophet Ezekiel pro- claimed that.only he who “hath taken«off his hand from the poor,that hath :andthe ‘merera not received usury or increase,”canbeacceptableinthesightofhisMak-er.Why is it that these solemn warn-ings and injunctions seem to haveheenforgotten,by a Christian State?Why_is it that ‘when the worship.ofGoldenCalfisproclaimedanew, -presence of wealth is. to dignify the means by which it was acquired,there is no Moses with anger waxeh hot to re- puke the .idolatry,no Nehemiah to ‘warn God’s priests of their solemn duty?jBevtce -"Chaniberiain’s Tablets.medicine intended especially foriand.constipation.4 ic and rapidlypopularity.eens ally _good political| fortune for Mr.Wilson.To the World| “His holy hill,he named as anessen-| Sta z ——*7 ok Some Further Remarks on.-the.a ca of Folks WhokOvertheWire.; Greensoro .News. ‘Are you the person who starts atelephoneconversationwith‘Who is that?”Are you?,If so,can it.be that you are”la~ boring under the impression that youhaveasufficientamountofcourtesy;good breeding,culture,forall occa-sions?:‘‘Well that is not the impression yougivetopeoplewith:whom you talkthroughthetelephone,They will.begenerallyfoundwillingtoadmitthe possibility,however,that you have never thought much about it.Suppose a stranger should come intoyouroffice,or your parlor,and de-‘mand of you insistently,“Who areyou?”without presenting his card,orfurnishinganyinformationabouthim-ed at all,what,would you think of And then there is that “hello”which appeared to.be so important a part oftelephoneconversationwhentelephoneconversation-was new-—why continuetowastetime/in:helloing—unless theinstrumentisbad,and the connectionandconversationare.intermittent?Why a “hello!”or similar informa-tionless exclamation when your owninstrumentrings?Isn't ft much moresensibletoanswersimplywith“1313”or whatever your,own mumber may be:or “This is 1313;John Smith?”When you have put in a call'and thepersonwithwhomyouwishtospeakadvisesthatheisreadyand_listen-es ‘ing.it seems the most direct method to begin:“Thisis.1313,John Smith:and company,Smith speaking.I would pike to:speak to Mr.William Jones ‘if I may.”All is clear;Wil-liams Jones’clerk,or William Jones, knows exactly what would be knownifyouhadenteredtheJonesplaceofbusinessand:-had presented yourbusinesscard.;On the.other hand ‘does it not roilyou,or give you the impression of in-solence or lack of manhers,to pick up your instrument,after ‘hearing thebell,and get an abrupt,staccato “Who.is that?”hurled full and fair right in- to the midst of your thoughts?(It does roil;and--you've noticed of course that he who peremptorily de-mands to know who you are,as if you were the caller,nearly always goes on with his talk.without telling who he is.By all codes of good manners.the caller should-introduce-hirmnself-andstatehisbusiness.-On the telephone it is the onposite.But what’s the use?The Landmark has frequentlysubmittedremarks.on this —subject,| similar to those of the News,and so far .as we can see the number of folkswhovell“Who's Zat?”—who consti-tute the great majorityof telephone talkers—has not decreased.)/™_RAMANAAGEREN‘STATENEWS| Mrs.M.G.Leach,72 years old,diedTuesdayatHickoryandherremainsweretakentoMocksvilleforburial. The dead body of Mrs.John Whit-field.of Martin county..was found inthewell.at_her home Monday morn-ing:Supposed:to bea case of suicide. yer who was.charged with embez- zling money collected for a client,was acquitted in a magistrate’s court.S.M.Pollard,who.killed the chiefof.police.of Farmville,Pitt county. two years ago,was acquitted in Pitt county Superior Court.It was thethird:trial.i “Neill Black,a young white man who killed a negro in Cumberland county,submitted to second degree murder,and got 15 years in the State prison,Miss laura McGill Cannon,daugh-ter of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Cannon ofConcord,and Mr,Chas.E.Iambethaf,Charlotte were married Wednes- day,evening at the,home of the brideinConeord.:Dr.Henry McKee Tucker.one of Raleirh’s most prominent physicians, died .Wednesday.following.an opera- tion for mastoiditis;He was 42 veers old and is.survived by his wifeand.three children, The Enterprise savs the office of tax collector and chief of police of Moores- ville have been combined and Fletchei R.Sharpe elected to the position.WA.“Brown.who has~been~chief:atMooresvillealong‘ime.retires. Jo:Breedlove,75 years old,was killed -hy-a-passenger-train-—on -phe Southern,near Julian,Guilford coun-tv,Wednesday afternoon.It is saidtheaged’man was walking Deside:thetrackwhenthetrainstruckhim. Mr.Marsden Bellamy of Wilming-ton,whose name has been,mentionedforthejudgeshin,made vacant by the resignation of Judge Rountree.says he is not a candidate and would not accept.A.G.Ricaud,W.P.Staceyandeothersarebeingpressed.)Robbers broke into the store of. Henry Buckner at Alexander,Bun- combe county,and got away with $600 worth of goods,so they.say; hut the amount seems rather large. Sent-for bloodhounds-of.course,.andthedogsfoundnothing,as usual.PORENERTENNEDRRARRNRERORTTIN Striking Clerks and Carriers Ar-rested.’ Twenty-two arrests were made| this week on charges growing out of the recent strike of clerks and car- rierg at the Fairmont.W.Va..pos’pete SP ree againstihedismalofW.H.Brand,assistant.pos master,All were charged with con- spiring to wilfully and knowingly ob-struct and retard the passage of mail. Will H.Daniel,the Asheville law-/' ae ee Baepee Ys ‘ TO “ty Wile bas Ce we |ceea RE YT-"“\To'witnessthe splendid Baking and Perfect Operation of | cP yey Pa Mall All- Bip ways Preferable You and Your Friends Are invited to see this remarka-.ble Range bake biscuits quickerthanagasrange. The Tremendous Popularity of ThisModernRange With its Patented Alluminum-Fused Copper Beariig Flues ia the result ‘of Merit and Value.It retionandthegreatestva Fiuu esents.the greatest advancement.in Range .construc-\,e ever offered to this community,. s THE OPPORTUNITY IS YOURS-DON’T MISS IT!| An expert will exibit the many LABOR-SAVING,TIME-SAVING and MONEY-SAVING features that w are built into the every-day service it renders toTHOUSANDSOFENTHUSIASTICUSERS,a Find the Mis-spelled ‘Word in This Ad. _Cut it out,bring it:to our store and geta souvenir PRIZE.—|ia ——_--$O9LD!SOLD!SOLD!—Yes—that’s_the-way-they-are going all over-the-@ country.One price to all—based on VALUE and SERVICE.~ve FREE!’WHILE THEY LAST,FREE! ’Through our special arrangenient with the Range Co.we give each‘purchaser.of this Range a > beautiful set of guaranteed onstration days.They are at the chance to give this community the benefit of this great bargain.HERE IT Is;THE Onetwo-quartAluminum Oneolght-auartAluminumPreservine—} WARE IS YOURS FREE. One six and one-halfquartNo,8Kettle.Tea »One four-quart Aluminum.}4PreservingKettle One )Aluminum.Percolator |Remember the Demonstration Continues Through Next Tue-fredell Hardware Company. iy pure alluminum ware worth TWELVE DOLLARS FREE!during the dem- aving an enormous sale on‘this deservedly popular range.We jumped One two-quart AluminumDoubleRiceBoiler Aluminum Geos ntti sday. -ITEMS OF ALL SORTS.-. ‘Brand.Whitlock,American -minis, ter to Belgium,accompanied by)Mrs. Whitlock,is at home ona visit.:Otto D.Cates of Durham was‘ac- cidentally shot by John Duncan while the two were hunting and died 24 poses. “TYPEWRITERS! Y RIBBONS,CARBON PAPERS and all TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES.Come to us with your Typewriter troubles. Hav New or Re-Built Typewriters sold. e afew machines for ‘Rental Pur-. Statesville Printing Co. hours later. 1Sere . WANTED! SCRAP BRASS —HeavyBrass 7c. per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound.. FOR SALE: New and'second hand boiler-roomsupplies,at Cc.H.TURNER. Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No.7.- Judge Lane,who was holding Row-an Superior Court,was called to Reidsville on account of the illness of his child,and court adjourned,from Tuesday morning until this morning. Mrs..Marshall,wife of Vice Pres-ident Marshall,is in a-hospital in In-|}dianapolis,where she recently under- went an operation.; The incorporation of the Americar International Corporation,with a cap- ital of $50,000,000,is announced in New.York.The new corporation plans to develop American trade.in Europe and South America,Anoth- er feature of the business -will be the} furthering of foreign loans and in- vestment enterprises. Shingles $2 Per 1,000 and Up. The 4x20 Water Bucket Dressed. Sedar Shingle can’t be beat;All grades of Pine,Cedar,Cypress and Tin.Ridge Roll,Ready-Paint- ed Valley Tint and Nails.MgteC.WATKINS,Next McElwee’s Planters’Wh. The undersigned administrator of the estate of A.J.Bass,deceased,:will;on 3 SATURDAY,DECEMBER 4TH,1915, sell at public auction,for cash,all the re- mainder ‘of.the personal property belonging to said estate,consisting of live stock,crops, vehicles,farming implements,,ete.,and #large quantity of corn in the ear.The sale will be at the home place in Cham- |pershurg township..and commence at 10.30o'clock,a.m.R.B.McLAUGHLIN, “Noy.23d,1916.Administrator of A.J.Bass. LSHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. SSE COOPER'S a Kenosha KlosedKrotch Union Suits! .Get Next to Comfort. |SAR OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.[ff "BIG ADVANCE ON COTTON FELT! Its.a Dream ong ofease and comfort ‘Realized-~Ghe BERNSTEINceeBED We are selling our lineof MATTRESSES at old prices.’,Will j:oa you from $1.00 to $4.50 on each Mattress bought.Call qnick +and save money. pry pi a One smooth,single thick- “ness of cloth through the Two -waived-preliminary hearing and’ allowed.their cases to go lefore the) next Federal grand jury.~The others will have a preliminary hearing. LTTTTSTETTS Corpse Came to Life. In Concord a few days ago Harriet; |Crocker,a colored woman,fell in a |fit’and apparently ceased to exist.The||coroner was summoned and with himicameadoctor,who began an exami-‘nation.preparatory to making an)jautonsy,says the Tribune,But he}had.hardly started the _examination when the ‘supposed corpse exclaimed:| |*White folks whar is I,and what is! you doing ‘to me?’?The post mortem’ was promptly suspended. ,9HE LA D i éwa.year,1 for #SE a Gite tor anesmonths.4 +3 fceetet ™seat,and crotch.Solid \,comfort in every suit— i):...$1.00,$1.50 and $2.00 the wh suit.Try a suit and get :iL.next to solid comfort. Euvpes.'PHONE No.88-—Se teen AEE|SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO. i. Old Beck Sweet Feed. -Little Ned Sweet Feed. Mannma-Rice Chick Feed. Gem Scratch Feed. Gem Sweet Dairy Feed‘(.W.BOSHAMER,-Local Representative. Practice Economy This Year! Feed Edgar-Morgan Co’s Mixed Feeds. Not screenings or offal,or worthless by-products,but gse-lected feed scien-'a .,tifieally blendedforresults.Made‘hy a house with\.a reputation forintegrity. ‘Pome 125 Black,\ GALOMEL §SIGKENS!IT’S HORRIBLE!_DON'T STAY aur CONSTIPATED. os will Give You;TtLiverandBowel¢Cleansing ¥You Ever Hadi makes you sick;you lose;a_.a day’s work.”Calomel is quicksil- é ve maeie salivates;calomel injures yourIt oe are biliovs;feel jasy,and wll kraeacd out,t your‘are’constipated and your~head aches or stomach is sour,auttakeaspoonfulofharmlessDod-son’s Livcr Tone instead of usingSickening’,salivating calomel.Dod-son’s Liver Tone is real liver medi-.gine.You'll know it next morning-*because you will ‘wake up feeling “)fine,your liver will be working,yourheadacheanddizzinessgone,yourstomachwillbesweetand:bowelsfegular..You will feel like work.ing.You'll be cheerful;full of vig-or and ambition.Your druggist or _dealer sells youl shig. 50eentbottle’of!‘Dodson’s |‘LiverToneundermypersonal_guaranteethatitwillcleanyoursluggishliverbetterthannastycalomel;it won'tmakeyousickandyoueaneatany-"thing you went without being sali.|.vated,Your’druggist guaranteesthateachspoonful:will start yourliver;clean eu ‘bowels.andjwstraightenyou.4y morning or youfcyourmoneyback.Children ‘glad-take Dodson’s Liver Tone becauseitispleasanttastinganddoesn’tgripéorcrampor;make thom sick-I am selling millions of bottles ofDedson’s Liver Tone to people whehavefoundthatthispleasoatyvege-table,liver medicine takes the placeefdangerouscalomel.Buy one bit-tle on my sotind,reliable cuarantee.Ask your druggist about me. CIGARS! YOU HAVE TRIED THE OTHERS.’NOW TRY THE BEST. ‘Hall’s Special 5-Cent Cigarpeeh)ae ‘-HALL’S DRUG STORE,*"PHONE 20. 4 8 , Prescriptionists. :i Farmers’Favorite Drill!| (NONE BETTER.) Seed Oats,Clovers,Grass Seeds,Vetch, Rape,ete.Grain,Hay and Feed Stuffs. Good Goods at FAIR PRICES.— FE RTI LIZERS. —_1 EF SLOOP.== EXACO! “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS,4 TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,Half Barrels and Cases. Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil us before~you placeinfullpackages,see your orders. We areina pene Biannabate QUAL- ITY,and can make interest you. ‘Statesville Oil Company. elivered pricesthat will (Wholesale Distributors.) ’*Phone 61.-Office:Robbins Row. H ithe Federal réserve System by first,R the safety from acute,panics of theholdfamiliarkind.and H io uninterruptedly extend.legitimate Hs the Fall of 1914 bankers all over 3 jalmost $400,000,000 of emergency cur- Hed high and gold withdrawals{ 3 ened avbanking community which haci! #not yet boen welded together in ¢ Biarened and :nossed by any financial community, Banks lost their fright-and began to Siscarcity of money and H ijmention to ‘you that a-similar situa- Hiond the last statement of the threeHSouthernFederal -[Commercial National Bank_OF STATESVILLE,N.©. Capital Stock Paid in Surplus and Profits Members of Federal Reserve System, -—Your Banking titfnesa Solicited.andeveryaccommodationextendedtode. positorsconsistent,with prudent bank- ing methods. $100,000.0031,500.00. Four per cent,paid ontitné/and 8Savings Deposits remaining on ont three months or longer.. (OFFICERS: W.D.TURNER,*_KE,MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,aeHUGHLEY,- _President.Se:-View‘President,-Cashier 3 itelling vou what it has meant to the#1 South that,the Federal Reserve Banks 3 \stood ready to furnish at moderate:sirates many more millions of-dollars.|#iThe effective preparedness:of#I'ederal.Reserve Banks and the rates, iat whichthey—$iwere instrumental in bringing Siample and liberal credit facilities. St.Louis,addressing a suffrage meet+ -$ling in that city,Biwhen he said that in Denver,-$had been told,women sold their votesBifor$50 each and.that the votes of.%soe women ‘there could be bought |withi chee iiare the room women blocked his}at hima] November’ FEDERAL,RESERVE BANKS.|What ‘They:Aveand What They|» ;‘Accompiish.’ From +he Charlotte ‘Aditi ~PaulM,asof the Federal Reserve (DHETANDMARK® sonsall know that our,national,|State and savings banks report about|$18,500.000,000 of deposits stchthere>is.held in.vault about,{$1,000,000 in“actual cash.If.alliesdepositorsshouldatthesametime|seek to have their ‘deposits paid in)cash.their demands could not.be sat-|isfied and.whenever,theretofore,de-|vositors became thoroughly fright-|ened’panic ensued.with the historiés|of which you are fully farojliar,But banking system that did not pro-)vide for the eventuality of such runs|was criminally defective,and sq thesVederalReserveSystemwascreated,|which ig in substance 9 co-operative; Nanking’organization,The member|-hanks united in this»system have’ nooled a‘certain portion of their lognt’i reserves and placed them in charge‘of |the Pederal Reserve Banks.which’ar?| to he administered so that they will“e able to extend credit or furnish)errrency to memher banks needingas-|:sistance.Instead of depending upan|:the insufficient cash’supply kent in! their own vaults,the member banks| now rely upon the commanding |» strength of the ioint reservoir,the~ower of which bas been immeasuras |hly enhanced by the privilege accord-|ed to the Federal,Reserve Banks ofis-|‘suing Federal reserve notes seanet |the deposit of certain well defiined eee or barking paper.Federal Reserve Bank is the Siecle~cpression of the principle,‘In union |" there is strength.’This co-operative |"nrineivle has been carried into furth-| er effect,by linking together the 12;") Federal Reserve Banks strong organization.The link —con-|’ ~ecting these barks is.the Pederei|"Reserve Board,which has~theduty jand power to regulate and direct thet? eredit facilities to he extended —by‘one distriet to the other.||“But we should,however.be conts'|® |mitting a great mistake if we con-| t'sidered these emergency functions As | ithe only ones to be exercised by the| ‘Federal Reserve Banks.i creating jlocal markets for commetcial oaher|jand thereby making such commercial| j>aner an asset of greater liquidity,| lehe Fedoral Reserve Banks every) ilav_in_the vear rander_a—mostim-| |nortunt service.The Federal Re-| serve Banks,in effectine this ch: re destined to lesson the concentra- tion of reserve money unon the ee xchange of New York.hereto he great on-call loan market of enrninStates.The Tete teretheFeder»!Reserve Banks to jcommertial prper enables the me IIn ne ‘her banks ‘to invest more liberally WEAT BIG MEALS! ‘this paper and to consider it as their’ imain secondary reserve instead of heretofore kept with, eorresnondents in the icertral reserve cities. |“The member banks and the busi-!vess men of the:United States ‘thus ‘derive the greatest benefits from second.the ereater ability of the.member hanks commercial eredit fadilities at ‘sonable.and fairly stable rates |©J stitl-remember very vividlv that rea-] ithe country sent us messages of 2larm. ‘atating that’in spite of the issve of; vency.hanks were restricting credits and that maturing commercial paper lannlid not be renewed.Rates remain- fright-| effee- live rrotective,organizaticns. “Tho "Federal.reserve banks were the mere announcement of this fact brought about the most drastic change that.was ever wit- joan freely again:the public tookheartandwithinthemostsurprising- ly shart time conditions chanced andj}: credit was tarned into extreme abundance. “It is hardly necessary for.me to tion exists with respect to cotton, loans.All the Federal Reserve Banks together have put out onlv a little over.$3,000,000 in direct cotton loans Reservé Banks shows an aggregate of all loans madebythemofabout$19,000.000.But you,gentlemen,tnow without my the! offered +o—-do—businéss (run stnooth once more. into one|** pfaeavy locomotive and steel passenger reserve andil,,‘Pape’s Diapepsin”is.Ouickest, will | Kinase atid,ease in Colac,,deo—-Big Apple Crop. Wijtine a business letter to TheLandmark,‘Misa Fannie Morrison of Canon City,Col,one of The Land-ark’#most,loval friends.thus re-marka&on conditions in’Colorado:“We have had one of the finestfallswehavehadinvearg.It has becn fino for the fruit men.This has “Been one of the best apple crop veary ever in the Arkangas Valley. Nothing but bright sunshine to col- or up the apples..Saturday we hadoprfirstlittleflurryofsnow.But c apples are all gathered and cov- ereod,or if their houses,so they aresafe,bay sn’'t seem that any onewillbewitoutapplestoeatinCol-orada.‘ “Crops @B-every kind have beenithebestitrs.All over the State rood wheat,sugar beets and every-thine that is raised in the West.“Now we have peace over the!State,with:the poor!miners back at| work:and things are beginning to| I do hone!there will never he a call for’anoth-| er strike in this State.One who has| not been near a strike does not real- ize Wow much it means to everybody —-the suffering among the poor,thelossimeverybranchereeeeyuitseemstheycan’t nd to besorely.oppresséd and they call . strike;and they.never get what theystrikéfor.“J hone things:are-running along fine in North Carolina,with fine crops and lots of sweet potatoes and opos- sums.for Thanksgiving —with allthegoodthingsthatgotomakelife |betterand happier. “Perishedin.Wreck— Bodies Burned. The number of deaths resulting from a head-on collision near Colum-.Ga,‘Monday,between a CentralofGeorgiapassengertrainanda ‘bocial train carrying the Con J. Kennedy Carnival Company,was 11.I the dead were connected with the carnival company.A Two other employes are said to be obably_fatally injured.Forty oth= ers are suffering from painful but not necessarily fatal injuries._No™\pas- sengers were seriously injured.The carnival train,composed of 28) ‘ears,Was proceeding from Atlanta| }to Phoenix City,Ala..when it col-| lided with a Central of Georgia pas- senger train head-on and on a straight track,It is said train orders were imisunderstood.Twelve of the 28 cars were sleepers on the rear of the train and the re-} mainder flat cars on which were load-fed the show.paraphernalia.The Eleven ears worked havoe.on the’show train. pyre,first nine flat cars were piled into“ithe‘Yength of two and the wreckage timmediately caught fire._Bodies of ee “Killedin the wreck were burned. NO :SOUR,ACID STOMACH,INDIGESTION OR GAS! iii Surest StomachRelief Known iy:‘It! “TET bad m will i soul sig,he advertised’on every street }corner.The manor womanthathasrheumatismandfailstokeepanduseSloan’s Lini- mentis like a drowning manrefusingarope,”*—-A,J,Van" Dyke,Lakewood,N.J. Sloan’s Wantedcortoso Will pay 55 1-2c,a bushel,or:will” give even exchange of meal forseed,345" We are still ginning for the 40th -| and bagging and ties free. Imperial Cotton Oil Co. Time it!Pape’s Dinpepsin will di-| Seat anything you eat and overcome| a2 sour,gassy or out-of-order stomach| surely within five minutes. If your meals don’t.fit Phiy«or what you eat lies like a lamp Sf lead in your stomach,or if you, have ‘heartburn,that is a sign of in-| digestion.\ Get from your pharmacist a fifty-| cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin and} take a dose just ds soon as you can.} There will be no.sour fisings,no;belching of undigested food mixed | with acid.burn,fullness or heavy fecling in the|- stomach,nausea,deb ilitating head-| eomforta-!7 This will ell go,and.besides, | nauseous odors. for out-of-order stomachs,because it; takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach Wasn't there.Relief in five minutes’from allstomachmiseryiswaitingfor at any drug store, to stomachenough“Pape’s Diapepsin” the entire family free from disorders and months.Jt belongs in your home, Magnificent eee nos (YE gates ‘White,Pink and Red _amy stemach to poison your bréath with|: you Fi Th4se large fifty-cent cases contain i keep it CAREF UL DRIVI NG Saves Repairing,but ahould your ¢ar_ need repairs.don’t forget --we employ only experts, STATESVILLE MOTOR CO., QUALITY.FIRST.eeASKUS|PHONE 140 no stomach gas or heart-|_ aches,dizziness or intestinal griping.|fthere! will be no sour food left over in the|ta Pape’s Diapepsin is a certain cure!§ indigestion for many)# ~[#|FORSALE![wl 260-acre'farm 13 miles from Statesville,bordering on,Catawba river for 3-4 of mile.Seventy-five acres in cultivation,40 of which.ae is fine river bottom land.Two dwellings and one barn. in exceptionally fine original forest—Pine,Oak,Poplar,Hickory and Dogwood timber,within half mile of railroadsiding. Two four-room cottages on south Center street,centrally lo-icated,rent well. Four-acres on the .Turnerst urg road,half mile from'‘Bethanychurch,with.four-room dwelling;and small barn.a 15-acres’one-half mile from.Bethany church on Turnersborg Three fine springs.Prices and terms right. For further information call on or-write, ERNEST G.GAITHER,_PHONE 23. road. artisGENERAL{NSURANCE,BENT.ALS AND REALESTATE."OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. you Thenthe RowStarted. Congressman Jacob FE,Meeker of created an uproar so he ar tickets. ROSES! :ROSES are always ad- Congressman ypathandhurled argumentsAMrs.Kate O’Hara said the womaHiwhosoldhervotefor$50 sold showe intelligence than the man who his vote for a glass of beery LT DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED jocal licatio!as they can- a “the Saemeea ee ea hareaytocu%vee“constitutional mga |“into ayhave a tumblingjearing,whenDeafnessatheree 1}.though just at this ;mired.They are the | all the FLOWERS,al- “anthemum is coming -in for avelgre:of Pop-, rs, SS P eT S Se e s ev e ee e ee e Te e ee e ee ee e re l e er e te er e s po r s r r r t r o s e e e s Issued by this bank bear interest from ~ date at the rate of 4 per cent per an-- num.Savings Deposits 4°per cent, credited quarterly, My Randi (Checking Accounts \ cither large or small cordially invited,%. Wewant your business.' 4 People s Loan and Savings: OFFICERS:ww = MARK November 26,1915. RK PRODUCTION. Otily 26 Counties Raise Enough ‘For Home Needs—Shortage About 70,000,000 Pounds. Mr.M.H.Randolph of the Mecklen- urg county club at the State Univer- sity has vrevared a table on pork pro- »guction in North Carolina based on 1910.census report,of swine sold and slaughtered in each county.As- suming every pig at 200 pounds. dressed weight,gave the total amount of pork reduced in each county.Di- viding the pounds ‘of pork produced by.the population of each county gave the per capita production.says the University News Letter,which ‘con- |tinues: The yearly ayerage of meat con- sumption in the United States:is 156 pounds per person.>The yearly aver- age consumption of pork in North plina.is’around 125 pounds _per person.’Only 26 counties in the State ced enough pork for home use in i@ census ‘year.. The production of pork ‘in North ’+Garolina in the census year averaged ‘98 pounds per person.which means ‘that 82 pounds of pork ‘was imported for every man.woman and child,On ¢his basis 70,000,000 pounds of pork were imported into North Carolina for’ »-gonsumption by 2,206,000 people.If He estimate the price of pork at 15 nts per pound,$10,000,000 of sents Wen ete nork:whie. {TEMS ‘OF CURRENT. ii oe gee 5.",Hy ‘‘Happenings Here and ‘There intheState, 'In ‘Charlotte one day last week aturkeygobblerflewthroughaplate¢lass low,’@ owner of the“bird”put up $40 to pay for the:smashed glass.‘mie Miss Florence Dobbins of YadKin-ville,daughter of County TreasurerandMrs.J.H,Dobbins,and Mr.Richard Eaton’of the vicinity ofYadkinville,were married Saturday. Champion Pine F skull was.fractured. en $10,000 for the erection of‘a build- ing at the Methodist orphanage atWinston-Salem.The building will beamemorialtoMrs.Gray. T.E..Leroy,who was recently,intheGastoncounty,courts for)practic-ing medicine without licenses\had ahearinginthecountycourtatNew-ton for the same offence.was found guilty and fined $100.He appealed. Aleging malicious prosecution, suit for the recovery of $20,000 has been instituted against S.Sternberg, in Buncombe Superior Court,by A,J.Huvard,The plaintiff was arrest-ed.charged with theft,and was ac- quitted. At Reidsville Tuesday night WillDavis,negro,fired’two shots at his — Splendid Values For This Week’s Chas.McAfee,an employe of:the iber Company.atCanton,Haywood ¢ounty,was fatallyinjuredin’an accident at Canton anddiedinanAshevillehospital.His Mr.James A.Gray and his fourchildren,of Winston-Salem,have giv- mn | LADIES’TA - LORED SUITS in Black,Navy,Green and Copen.$10.00,$12.50an $15.00.cee ee A few Sample Garments included in this offering,worth up to $20.00. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMTNT is in splendid shape for Novemberselling:Amongothernotedstylesweofferabeautifulrangeof“FISK”Tailored Hats,at $3.50,$5.00and$7.50.“ACATO"styles at $2.00,$2.50 and $3.00.aes Better values cannot be obtained from any source than we are now offering. YoursVery Truly; @ Selling.| ‘Specially priced at: af Samuel Gompers was re-electedtof.i ‘should have’been produced at home.‘Bvery one of the heavy pork pro- dhicing counties is in the eastern part ~of theState.ll_are east of the fall lind:except Chatham.The next im- portant pork producing counties west ofthe fall line are-Moore,Randolph, Davidson,Yadkin,and Alexander, th Alleghany.Ashe,Yancey,Madi- _s6n,Jackson,Macon and Clay in the“mountain region.None of these coun- es,however,produced pork enough‘for.home consumption except Chat- 2 olph,::...The majority of the counties pro- ‘ducing less than 60 pounds of pork per perron are in the piedmont regionSin,ai gereals afd)hay producing area,where one would naturally ex- Sy Bnd Glay,Alleghany,Yadkin,and te find pork produced in adequate The leading counties in pork pro- “_jneats. BT,Cabarrus stion are in.a section of the Statewherepveanutsandyamsareabund- ant.’.These crops,together with corn.nmnish an ideal combination feed,ande.cost.of production is thus reducedto.a minimum.‘What the eastern section of ourStateisdoingcaneasilybeaccom-plished in the center and west.While‘the soils and climate here are not sowellsuitedtothegrowingofyams--and peanuts,other crops which wouldServethepurposeequallywellcanbegrowninlavishabundance.This sec-tion is admirably suited for the,pro-.duction of pork,and it is amazing toaverylowproductioninthisarea.é only.this,but in this region theroductionofporkissteadilydecreas-ing.In 1914 we have in North Caro-lina 300,000 hogs more than in 1910,it we still have 358,000 fewer thanin1860.“And the decrease is mainlyinthemiddleandwesterncounties.The ‘cereal crops of this territory\ought to make it easy for the far-mers.to produce ham and ‘bacon’inabundance.es»Some of our more progressive far-mers are beginning to see the import-ance of home-raised pork and otherJustassoonasthewholeStaterealizesthatpigsandcattle on easily be a leading industry inorthGarolina,then will she leapearestablishpecta3 Progressive;enterprising,and wide-awake livestock State.©Onslow county heads the list with287.8 pounds ver capita.Other coun-ties:that:reach 200 pounds per capitamoreareGates,Duplin,Sampson,Tyrvel Pérquimans,Jones,Bruns-fick and Hertford.Some of the‘counties’i:this section of the Statesaeasfollows:Alleghany 138.9,adkin;'131,Randolph }126.Davidson118,Alexander 112,Ashe 100,Iredell‘(Abth on the list)91.4,Davie 89.3.ee iekeen:Stokes 84.1,Caldwell B3.8,;81.4,Catawba 80.8,Lin-‘coln.78.2,Wilkes 72.7,Cleveland 70,_Mitchell.67.8,Rowan 66.1,Stanly 63.1,McDowell 68,Rutherford 61.6.Burkea56,Surry 53.7,Forsyth60.9,Gnilford 46.3,Gaston.87,Bun-combe3b,‘Mecklenburg 32.SC AeFOR:\ASTHMA SUFFERERS.:BOM Me Ni senateNoTwoCasesAlike —Sugges- ‘tions For Victims.Bulletin State Board of Health.Asthma,like hay-fever,is more orless''a personal disease;that is notwo‘people have it alike.What helps one asthmatic is probably of no serv-‘ice to another.As a matter of fact,_asthma is no one diseasebutacom-|“bination of several.Therefore,asth-.Ma-has no one’treatment or cure.One man may find relief by havinghignosetreated;another may getwellbychangingtoadryclimate,-where his bronchitis dries-up;a third may.-be benefited by adopting a veg-etarian diet,avoiding meat,milk,‘eggs and those foods rich in acid.But the proper plan is to give carefultudytotheindividualcaseandthat,~too,before’the disease’has run too .‘he main symptom of asthma is aingformoreair—a yearning for wife as she entered the railway sta-tion waiting room,and killed her.InattemptingtoarrestDavisPolicemanSullivanshothimandthewoundis probably fatal.;a Mr.J..F.Miller has sold the Hick- ory Times-Mercury to John O.Berk- ley,a newspaper man of Waterloo,Ia. The Times-Mercury is:Republican in politics and it is announced that theneweditorwillcontinueitasaRe- publican paper. J.S.Mann,superintendent of theState“prison,says the contract ‘withtheAmericanAluminumCompanyforconvictlaborinthedevelopmentoftheplantatBadenhasbeenrenewed. The company proposes to take all theconvictstheStatecanfurnish. Mrs,G.E.Case of Spartanburg,S..C.,has been awarded $10,000 against.the Southern railway for thedeathofherhusband,who was killednearKing’s Mountain last year whenhisautomobilewasstruckbyatrain.Mrs.Case asked for $60,000, Roy Story,about 17 years old,waskilledSaturday,about four milesfromBlowing.Rock by a youthnamedHolder,about the same age. They were drinking and _handling fire arms.carelessly..The coroner’sjuryfoundtheshootingwasacci-dental.The engagement of Bishop Thom-as C.Darst of the East Carolina Dio- cese of the Protestant Episcopal Church,arid Miss Lauriston Hardin, daughter of Mr,and Mrs.J.H.Har-din of Wilmington,is announced,The marriage will take place in thespring. Julius Heller,a Jew and a mer- chant of Raleigh,was found dead.inbedMondaymorning.He was un-married and about 60 years old.Hadbeeninpoorhealthanddeathdue to natural causes:Forty years ago Heller camé to Raleigh a peddler.He left an estate valued at $50,000. Insurance losses.on the News andObserverfireinRaleighhavebeen adjusted.The News and ObserverComnanyisallowed$15,000 on thebuilding.which is valued at $20.000,and $44,000 on the equipment,whichwasvaluedat$85.000.This figuresanetlossof$46,000, J.M.Johnston .of Willard,Pendercounty,got his hand caught in a cot-ton gin and hand and arm 80 badlymangledthatthearmwasampututedjust’below the elbow.In the,days ofhand-fed cotton gins accidents of thischaracterwerenumerous.With the modern gth there isn’t so much dan-ger.Of the 47 applicants who took theexaminationbeforetheStateBoardofPharmacy,only 18 passed.Among those who passed’were Harry H:Allen of Shelby,Earl J:Caton of Charlotte,Robt.S.Daily of Reidsville.R.N.Mann of High Point and Harry L. Riddle of Morganton.The latter led his class. Mr.H.C.Martin of Lenoir,formereditoroftheLenoirNews.is endeav- oring to organize an expedition to dis- cover the source of the “mysterious light which has been mystifying cit- izens of Burke county for some years. Mr.Martin has called a meeting atLenoirfortomorrowafternoontoor- ganize the expedition. Gov.Craig declines to inthecaseofWylieBrice,the rfere in ecklen- die December 83 for criminally assault- ing the little daughter .of Dr.QueryofMeccoun tion was asked on the ground that the negro was guilty only of an attemptandwasnotguiltyofthecapitalfel-ony.* D.L..Brown,therant-keener,who.transported 65.gal-lons of liquor into Salisbury at one haul and tried to outrun ithe officers when they got after him,plead guiltyintheSuperiorCourttotheseveralchargesagainsthimandthe©sen- tences of 15 months on the roads andfines.:imposed by the county were affirmed. burg negro who is tinder sentence to!my ity.-Commuta-=+}; Salisbury restau-| court that.body at'San Francisco Saturday.| make the Federal reserve banks de-positaries and fiscal agents of thegovernment.The necessary ©orderswillbeeffectiveJanuary1.FisAThanksgivingappealtoAmeri-cans in the comfort.of plenty to re-new their efforts to alleviate sufferingthroughoutEurope’s vast war’area,by contributions to the Red Crogs,was issued Wednesday night by Pres-:ident Wilson.rEAdmiralWinslow,commanding the Pacific fleet,has been ordered from Se¢n Francisco to Topolobampo,Mex., with his flagship.’the cruiser San ditional marines ready to land to pro-tect Americans and other foreigners. The chauffeur ofSecretary of theTreasuryMcAdoo\was arrested forexceedingthe.speed limit on :Maryland highways and was ‘fined $25.Mrs.McAdoo,the daughter of President Wilson,,was in the car _—the excessive speeding occur-re i aeRepresentativeSamuelA.Wither- trict of Mississippi and a member oftheHousecommitteeonnavalaffairs, Miss.,aged 60 years. erspoon was stricken with acute in-digestion,which ‘affected his heart. MAMMA!DON’T YOU SEE YOURCHILDISSICK,CONSTIPAT- atte pit 4 Look at.Tongue!Move PoisonsfromLiverandBowelsatOnce. Mother!Your child isn’t natural-ly cross and peevish.See if tongueiscoated;this is a sure sign its Tittlestomach,liver and bowels need:a cleansing at once.When listless,pale,cold,breath -bad,throat sore,doesn’t eat,sleep or act naturally,has stom-ach-ache,diarrhoea,remember,a gen-tle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first.treatment given Nothing equals “California SyrupofFigs”for children’s ills;give a tea-spoonful,and’in a few hours all the foul waste,sour bile and fermentingfoodwhichiscloggedin’the bowels passes out of ‘the system,and you have a_well and playful child again. All-children love this harmless,delic-ious “fruit laxative,”and it “never fails to effect a good “inside”cleans-.ing.Directions for babies,children of all ages.and grown-ups are plainly on |, the bottle.a.Keep.it handy in your home..A lit- tle given today saves a sick child to- morrow,but get the genuine.Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle.of“California Syrup of Figs,”then JookandseethatitismadebytheCali-fornia *Fig Syrup Co.” Shingles!Shingles! Was.your home ‘thankful yester- day for a new hat?Was it thank- ful because you had repaired thebreaches?You have only a monthuntilChristmasinwhichtoattend to it.“Everything to Build” _MATTERS OF NEws.| -the-American—Federation4ofLaborattheconcludingsession:of Secretary.McAdoo has decided to F Diego,which will carry also 275:ad-{] spoon of the fifth congressional dis-|: died Wednesday night at Meridian,|.While deliver;|, ing an address iast.week Mr.’With-|~ feverish,fall -f}@y Bring This Coupon to Our Store Everyludy should at Icast see these chairs,Come in yourself.ex remarkable bargains as these just can’t s this coupon’andlowyou$1.06 disces.ot,making a total saving of.$8.00!So.be sure — —sry ? *No.2 Special Regular $32.75 Value Now $25.75. A big;handsome stylish,comfortableoverstuffedeasy.chair.EquippedwtihPushButtonandconcealedfootrest,Sold only in Mahogany finishwithGENUINESPANISHLEATH- }ER COVER.Brass feet,slidingshoes.$1 additional discount if you present our credit slip when you buy,mak- ing net cash price only $24.75. ‘STOP!LOOK!=ei agVe Lb epee'Basy Chair}SNC ee Saved'‘on either one of these two wonderful SPE- CIAL Royal Easy Chairs if .you clip out and ‘bring coupon from:this adver- tisement'when you come to our store.A surprisingofferwemakeforashort time:to farther itroduce Core?seon—-because last long.If you to bring it---and come tudey. \ cite cover only.Equipped with Push- No.1 Special Regular $23.75 Value Now $16.75 A low,deep,den chair —made in Fumed Oak with Spanish -Leather-J’ Button and Concealed Foot Rest— Sliding Shoes.i $1 additional discount if you present our credit slip when you buy,we ing net cash price only $15.75..\ Every housewife and busitess man needs one of these Easy Chairs. Tae complote rvlaxatiow,the physical and mental relief afforded by Reyvals simply mzkes these chairs priceless.other ensy chair Legin:t¢compare Fash the bicton--back vectines to tion for oceipant in atl pccitions.The only chairs with a pveh buttor!device that is dea,silent ia.operation,tiouble proof,reliable. peide in for years ord vesrs.And 0 ecide to buy we will al- Crawford-Bunch F urniture Co. The.Store Th:t Always Welcomes You. 3 In comfort,no with Royals. any angle,Complete relaxa- Every:part of body supported.perfected—hid- “Stylish and artistic.as well,as.comfortable—chairs you'll take“now we offer you your choice i two of the handsomest Royals we have ever seen and at an un- heard°of low price—a price thatmeansasavingtoyouof$8.00 if you bring this coupon. COUPON 4willbeacceptedatthestorenamed$1 In case of purchase this couponbelowasONEDOLLARDISCOUNTon No,‘1orNo.2 SPECIAL Royal Chair. Name of Purchaser This Space for Dealers OnlyThisistocortifythattheaboveparty purchas-ed one No.1 ()No.2'¢)/SPECIAL RoyalEasyChaironwhichweallowedadiscountof$1,00 as per this coupon,_Please credit our ac-count according to agreement. Dealer's Signature 'DR.B.C.TALLEY,VETERINARIAN.leadquarters Statesville Drug Co. |“Office ’Phone 90 24 Residence ’Phone 307 Black. “Taxes---First Gall| The 1915 Tax Books for the City.are now U.WATKINS,’Phone 43.in my hands and taxpayers are asked ‘to callandsctile:,W:b.NEELY,“Nov.(23.City ‘Tax ‘Collector. A cordial invitation to atte We ExtendtheFarmersOFIREDELL.COUNTY held at this Bank Saturday,November 27th. A large numberof exhibits have already”been entered, —ee ee See teeSereatetes |in the Valve-in- iid the CORN SHOW to be _We have justreceived a shipment and :~will be glad to demonstrate this car, “BUICK SIX-CYLINDERMOTORCARS i,pon ee the price’you pay,no-we here can you get greater value than So at ead Buick Sixes. Statesville Motor Com’y |_“QUALITY FIRST.'ASK.US.| 99ee‘PHONE 140,- ———Those-who-have-not-i -do_so_today_(Tues-—=+—Two-unknown-white—somehow-cannot be satis-Se ae eee Saieeea , fied.This,however,is just a symp-tom/and not a disease at all.Thetroublelies’sometimes with the kid-neys,;sometimes with the heart,some- ren chartered} an automobile at Kinston.and,with a negro:chauffeur,drove to Dover,Crav- en county.There in.open day and un+ masked,one of the men walked into day),Wednesday or,Friday. Tf;you want to see what Iredell County is doing in the : way ‘of raising good Corn-—then take a day off andoat,THE.CORN SHOW SATURDAY,NOVEM-BER 27th.. ‘times.with the nose,the tonsils,bron-{the bank and at the point of pistol1tubesornervoussystem—nany-|demanded the cash.The cashier wasthatpreventsafreeplayof|about to hand over when citizens ae.between the lungs and the!walked into thé bank and the high-god.‘This condition puts all,the|wayman fled to the auto,where his breathing centers on edge in order|partner had held a pistol at the’negro to)-out,,\chauffeur’s head to make him)move3Inthetreatmentofasthma,two)promptly.They got away and some.‘things are quite important.First,the|miles from Dover abandoned the:nia-‘should be put into the hands of ;chine and took to the woods,a ician early,when the pre-dis-|iremneteperecenoepinentmnensiontee causes can be remedied;and Don’t forget the Jackson .Squareallstore-bought and mail-or-|Coffee at 12 1-2c:1b.The Men’s Ribbed der medicines recommended to bene-\and Fleeced underwear at 3hc,.Thet.or cure asthma sufferers should Ladies’Hats at half price,The Ladies’avoided,|Long Coats and Sport Coats at half-_|price, COLLEGE JEWELRY !| Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., .with the seal of Statesyille College on. ake a nice.piece of Jewelry for former students as well as those now attending, -Wehave this line now in.‘ Aky We are going t6 keep open fiouse all day,and willbe’dis- appointed.if you don’t come, :iy)ee s Merchants and.Farmers’Bank,-Of Statesville,pacapieeneBank,PoryXour:Sayings.”;,» etR.H.RICKERT &SON.||— ‘ The men’s and boys’clothiharlotte,|at half price,It pays te thane witis,bank-|SMITHRY &FRALEY,the,.Great}(Bargain Givers,—ady"'aaHaye"os ate os lesan Sein : me ‘ TOWN BY TRADING WITH HOME MERCHANTS 2 ‘VOL.XIIL.vs STATESVILLE,N..C., 7 TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 380,1915. ~ ATTACKEDIN THEIR HOME odABegedBlockaders Fired on Mehathey Family in Wilkes,ate Whom They Charged WithWee:Reporting Their Stills.o A’serious shooting affray,growing out of a blockade distillery raid by Iredell officers,occurred at the home of Mr,W.M.Mehathey,just across the line in Wilkes county,Saturday ‘evening ibout dark,when the Mehath- ey family was attacked,it is alleged, by Lee Jarvis,Mont.Parks and Rush Nicholson,all white,who charged the Mehatheys with having reported the whereabouts of a distillery which was, destroyed in New Hope township Sat- urday.Shot guns were used in the’ battle and'it is estimated that a.score ‘or more.shots were fired.Mr.Elias MMehathey,the aged father of W.M. Meha -celved oad of shotim his chest,bit his heavy clothing pre-vented the shot from penetrating.his bedy to sufficient depth to cause-a_se- ri6us wound;Mrs,W.M.Mehathey was shot in the foot,Reuel Mehathey, young son of W:M.Mehathey,was ey Be -shet-in the thigh and hand.The faet that the shooting was at long range is p"latly all that prevented fatalities.‘According to the best information oviained by the officers,Jarvis ParksandNicholsonopenedfireonMrs. Elias Mehathey without warning when she went out’on the porch for somepurpose,The aged lady screamedthatshewasshotundherhusbandandsonhurriedlysecuredtheirguns and rushed to the porch.The attack- ing patty opened are on the Mehatheysandtheyreturnedthefire,the battlecontinuinguntilJarviswasshot.WhenJarvisreceivedwoundsinthe‘thighandhandhedroppedhisgun,whichwaspickeduplaterby.the Mehatheys:When the battle ended it was foundthatthreeof-the Mehatheys.had re-ceived slight wounds,.as mentionedabove.Rush Nicholson is said «tohavebeenshotinthearm,but this has not »een confirmed,as Nicholson,Jar-vis and ‘Parks.made their escape.Jar-vis.was taken to his home by hisfriendsandadoctordressedhisin-juries.He left home shortly after thedoctorfinishedwithhimandhassincebeeninhiding.Sheriff Deaton,Deputy-C.L,Gilbert and Policeman Fulp of puty Jones of,Sharpesburg spent Sunday afternoon“and night assisting the Wilkes officersinthesearchforJarvis,Nicholson andParks,all of whom live in the samenborhoodalongtheSalisburyandWilkesbororoad,which is the countylinebetweenIredelland‘Wilkes.The trouble had.its origin in the de- structionof a distillery in New Hopetownship,hear the Wilkes line,bySheriffDeatonandDeputiesGilbert and Jones Saturday.There was nooneatthestillwhentheofficersarriv-ed,but the fire was burning and it wasevidentthattheplacehadbeende- serted only a short time previods.Thefactthatthecapandwormofthe70- gallon sheet iron still had been remov-ed convinced the officers that the op-erators had been warned of their ap- proach,Investigaticn fater revealed:that a ’phone messsge went to thecommunitywhenthe’officers »leftStatesville. After destroying the still the officers began an investigation and securedeviden®e against.Jo.Nicholson,Syl-vester Souther and Les Jarvis.Sun-day morning Sheriff Deaton,his son,Frank Deaton,and Deputy Jones re-turned’to New Hope by automobile andarrestedNicholson,wh»was brought‘to Statesville and placed in jail.It‘was decided to return to New Hope tocontinuethesearchtorJarvis)andScuther,Sheriff Deaton and DeputyJoneswere‘joined by Deputy GilbertandPoliceman.Fulp on the second trip:_’En ‘route to New Hope.the ‘officers*:2reard that another stiil was in opera-tion not far from the point where the“one had been destroyed the day pre-vious:‘They found the distillery lateSundayafternoon.It,was in operation and three men were on the premises,but the blockaders were too fleet-foot-.ed for the officers and made their es-cape into the woods.The entite dis- tilling outfit,including a lot of beer, mash,etc.,was destroyed.._.__After putting the second still out of|commission the officers continued theirsearchforJarvisandSoutherandsuc-ceeded in arresting Souther.~aWhilesearchingforJarvistheof-ficers heard:of the shooting at theMehatheyhomeahdléarnedthattheWilkesofficerswerealso’searching forJarvisandhigtwo‘companions,who aided in the attack on the Mehatheys.The.scene of the shooting was visited‘and the officers of both counties made a systematic search Sunday night:for‘Jutvis,Rush Nicholson and Mont.Parks,but neither was arrested.The Iredell_officers:y l|ay_morn-| - 4 «ing,Fo.Nicholson and Sylvester Souther,who are in|jail here,Admit that they»and Jarvis were the operators of the:distillery which was destroyed Satur-‘i day.Rush Nicholson and Mont.Parks,vt who joined Jarvis in the attack on theMchatheysafterthedestructionoftheetyaresonandson-in-law,re-spectively,of Jo,Nicholson,|They.charged the Mehatheys with havingorrtedthedistilleryto.the Iredellofficers,thus bringing about its:de-struction,van shot in.the hand,and Lee Jarvis was]: > Miers RESULT OF NEGLIGENCE. Flagman,Engineer and Fireman Blamed:For Salisbury Wreck, Which Caused Two Deaths— The Injured Improving. Mr,O.Max Gardner of Shelby andMr,Harry Tally of Charlotte,who were the most seriously injured in the wreck at Salisbury last Wednes-dav evening,aré improving. Mr,Gardner was severely injuredinthehead.and there is a fracture of the left leg above the ankle,withapnarentlyasevereconcussionofthespine...His condition was critical forsomedaysafterthewreckbuthehas since improved and his recovery—isnow.expected.” One of Mr.Tally’s ears was cut practically off,he sustained a partial fracture of the lower iaw bone,com- pound fracture of the left ankle jointandconeussionofthespina!column. His face was badly cut by glass.Heisimproving.and his recovery is “ex- Investigation of the wreck,in which Henry €,Severs and C,E.Hall ofCharlottewerekilledandascoreormoreinjured;has been:made by ex- nerts of the Inter -State CommerceCommissionanditigexpectedthattheStatecorporationcommissionwill make a similar investigation. An!inovest was held Saturday-byCoronerSummerset:of Rowan coun-tv.under the direction of Solicitor Havden Clement.and the jury,after finding that Hall and Severs came to their death by ‘beine killed in the wreck,placed the blame as follows:“First,that.Clyde Wilson,a flag- man.was grossly negligent in failure to display the proper signals to.pro- tect.his train,No.32.against No.38. “Second,that “A.Tankersly.engin- eer on No.38.was ‘negligent in disre- warding signals at the block and notbringinghistrainundercontrol‘as per the rules of the company. ,’Third,that Arthur Kelly,a fire- pet was guilty of contributory neg-lice in failure to observe and no- tify the engineer of the displayed signal on rear of train No.32.” At the -investigation Engineer Tankersly told the coroner that.in “my judgment improper flagging caused the wreck.”He claimed that there wag nothing about the electricblocksignaltoindicateatrainahead and that the same signal would havebeen.showing had there been notrainahead.He said he never knewuntilthisaccident.that “this signalgavehimonlyqualifiedrightofway.” The finding of the jury probably means that the men charged with re-snonsibility for the wreck will be in-dicted.for criminal’negligence,inwhicheventtheywillprobablybetriedformanslaughter.The penalty for manslaughter is ‘imprisonmentfromfourmonthsto20years. Later—The grand jury of Rowan Superior Court yesterday returnedindictmentsagainsttheengineer,flag-man and fireman for manslaughter. The fireman is a negro.> THE DEATH.RECORD.| Those Who:Have Answered FinalSumatons. Mrs.Elizabeth B.Troutman,widow of Henry:Troutman,died FridaynightatherhomeinFallstowntown- ship,aged 57 years.Surviving ‘are three sons and one daughter,viz.: Messrs,Chas..Edgar and RoscoeTroutmanandMrs,Brown,all of Fallstown .township,..Mr.-RoscoeTroutmanmadehishomewithhis mother.“The funeral and burial took place Sunday at the Troutman grave-yeard,Rev,J.W.Jones conductingthe’service.:Mrs.J.V.Baker died Sunday in Asheville and her remains were takentoCharlotte,her former home,for in- terment.Mrs.Baker;who was Miss Corde Emma Barnes,was a native ofAlexandercountyandwas35yearsold.She was married in 1902 in Char-lotte.and had since.tesided in Hhve-lock,Neb.,and Florida.For the past two years she,had lived in Asheville. Husband and 38-year-old daughter, three brothers and _a sister,survive.Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Wilson and Mr. L;B..Bristol attended.the funeral ofMr:Wm.H.Pearson in Morganton Friday.Mr.Pearson was a cousinofMr.Wilson and a schoolmate.ot Mr.Bristol.~ Iarnah Kirkman,the .7-year-old daurhier of Mr.and.Mrs.T.J.H.Kirkman,died at midnight Sundaynightather—“home—in—Btoomfietd; deuth resulting from lockjaw.The fa- tal.disease developed from _a__sore.cavecd by running a rusty nail in her foct ten days ago.The funeral andburialwilltake:place today.Mr.Jas.E.Tharpe yesterday re- ceived a telegram announcing thedeath,the night before,of Mr.Frank Tharpe of Elkin.The funeral willbs.in Elkin.tomorrow.Nc.details of the death of |Mr. Tiarpe*are known here.He has property in Florida’and probably died there.He was anative of,Eagle LMii!s township,thitlelinElkinabout 50 years ago,be- ing cne of the oldest residents of that place.\He is survived.bya wife and one son.He was 67 years old.Mes.Lou Abernathy,wife of Mr. J.8.Abernathy,died Saturday nightather:home ‘at Oak ‘Forest,after alony:illness.A’stroke.of’paralysis,whi't she suffered Thursday,hasten-ed her death.The funeral and_bur-ial ‘tock place at Fifth Creek churchSindayafternoon,Rev.J.HarperBrady”conducting the funeral ‘serv-ice)Mrs.Abernathy was 69 years oldaadiesuryivedbyherhusbandand A..G,James of:Salisbury was kill-.ed‘by''a train Sunday ‘hight,‘in thevicinity’of Sumner Siding,©hcSalisbury,and’his’remainsalongthetrack.He had goneSalisburySundayafternoon:with ‘an’automobile party.;"iedared ts 63 ; 6 i ge scat OLVOF |he ,ed Gay's Chapel.Baptist church, _(Mbetter this morning, two.children,Mr.Jy L.Abernathy ofGuatSpringandts.T,R.Osborneoray.She was a=member of &-Mr.D.J.Williams is td;|did-not--materialize—FFfactthatthejudgingofthecornwas set=| SnEaEN SS THE CORN SHOW SATURDAY Fine Exhibits of Corn By the { Farmers and the Boys’CornClubs—Award of Prt es andtheTalksAboytCom-—Ex-_hibit of Tomato ‘Club Products The corn shows conducted in States-ville Saturday by the Merchants &Farmers’Bank and the ard-ware Co.,at their regpective places of business.were “a big s i8;”asuccessinthefactthatalargeamountofcornwasonexhibitionandagreatersuccessinthatitstimulat- ed interest in growing better varietiesofcornandtaughttheinexperiencedsomethingabouttheseleetion@fcornforexhibition.If the first show be-speaks anything for future shows—#nd certainly there should be others—Statesville and Iredell.should soonsainareputationforthebiggestand best corn shows in the State.Menwhoattendallsucheventsandthere.fore know what they are talkingabout,say that the show at the bankSaturdaywas’the:next largest.heldjintheState.the Asheville show,whichisanannualevent.being the largest.Prize-Winners..*|The show at the Merchants.&Far-mers’Bank was open -to’all corngrowersinthecountyand.there werentotalof98entriesoftenearseachforcompetition,and in.addition:.tothecompetitiveexhibits’a large amount was on display for advertis-ing and educational purposes.Messrs.J..M.Lippard and FE,A.Mortison, whoare’seed-corn growers and deal-ers,and who with the bank wand thehardwarecompanyhadoffered,prem-iums,did not enter their exhibits incompetition.The winners:in-the bankshowwereasfollows:First prize,Mr.W.P..Hager.of Elmwood,whose ex-hibit scored 98 1-2;second,Messrs.J. L.,C.E.and A.L.Sides of the Loraycommunity,score 93;third,Mr.W.A.Bollinger of the vicinity of Statesville.score 92;fourth,Mr.J.A.Alexander of Shiloh township,score 91 1-2. About 20 of the Iredell Boys’CornClubmembershadexhibitsinthefine display of corn at the Iredell -—Hard-ware Company’s store,and the follow- ing were the prize.winnenienalie stprize,Albert Clark.ofthe)Bufola community;second.Erwin :erofthevicinityof.Mooresville;third,Cullen Lentz of Fallstown -township:fourth,James Linker of the vicinity ofMooresville.Clyde Yates of .Cool Spring township.received a prize forthebestcornexhibitedonthestalk.:The Judging.©:The judging in both shows was donebyMessrs.E.8,Millsaps,G:E.‘Dall.|T:Ey Brown.E..A..Morrison,4MeachamandDr..C.L.Cruse.entries were made by number,the names of the.exhibitors being un-known to the judges,and the score card system was used.The items ap-pearing on the score cards and thenumberofpointspossibletobewonon{each were as follows:Uniformity of ‘exhibit 10 points,shape of earned points,length of ears 8,circumfer- ance of ear 5,color of kernels 5,color of cob.8,butts:of ears 5.tips of ears 5,shape of kernels 10,depth of.ker-nels 10,furrows,between rows of ker- nels 5,space between kernels at cob3.composition and feeding value 8.vitality 10,soundness 5.As indicated ‘ by the scores.of.the prize-win-ning “exhibits,“no ©exhibit wasperfect“in *every réspect.Itwouldbehardto‘find ten ears of cornon”any ordinary farm’which wouldscore100:points collectively.All the’leading‘varieties ofcorn were repre- sented:in’thé’shows,-the white pro-lifie ‘varieties being in the majority.-«>Exhibits Still Open.:Valuable ‘preminms -were awardedtotheprize-wimmers by ‘the bank,hardware company and others.In ad-dition ‘the bank distributed bulletinsomcoin-growing and gave away souvenirs,and.the:hardware people‘gave souvenirs and entertained’thecornclubboysatthepictureshow.AlargenumberofpersonsvisitedthebankandhardwarestoreSaturdaytoseetheexhibits,hut there are manyotherswhoshouldseethemandforthisreasonithas.been “decided toleavethemondisplayfortendays.The score card for.each exhibit has been placed on the exhibit and a studyofthecornahd-the score cards willproveeducational.ues si Talked About Corn. The otinig in.the interest of corngrowingwhichwasexpectedtobeheldatthecourthouseat11o'clock not completed until noon.To take the place of the court house meeting, however,a meeting was Held at noon in the room in the rear of the Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank,where avortionof«the corn was displayed,County Demonstration Agent Dull was in charge of.the meeting and heandMessrs.,T.E.Brown of RaleighandE.S.Millsaps of Statesville werethespeakers.,Mr.E.A.Morrison,who.was’asked to tell about his suc- cess in corn.growing,“begged off” |with.@ promise to writeanarticle!giving his experience and methods.Mr.Brown,who'‘has charge of the boys’club work in the State,spoke intheinterestofhiswork‘and urged ¢o-operation onthepart_of the parentsoftheclubmemberswiththelocalagentsinchurgeofthework.Here-after all reports from club memberswilt’pass through the hands of thecountydemonstration‘agents,who,with the ecinty superin‘endents ofschools,ate expected to promote —the}work’in their counties.“Mr.Browntalked“interestingly of ‘the ‘accom,Hplishments of .the corn ‘club boys,stating that they have shown tothetfatherswhatcanbedonewithNor’a 8 The idea that the clubsrilyforthepur ed prin :posoe n ing big yields per acre,i,cost,and that the:win-(Co ued on eighth’page.) by reason ofthe} ‘Becomes gomery,Ala. there for 15 yWinston-Salem. know him.feel choice of a pastor. reason. Spring.— Leicester to Ruffin Greensboro;F. Morven to Walnut Newton. church next .S and author.'Rev. y.ice in a bod Ridge -Atlantic fezture.Rev.C chureb has M.W.Castle Dr.W. RevZion. vide Cistrict. ases in Court. ted to Jotnson-Belk Co. res ford w * Hovse Hurt.: day night. stopped, L. REV..EGH R.SCOTT'S CALL Pastor of._Church in Alabama —Meth-otist Preachers Change—An-other Pastor For Race Street—Church News,et byRev.Legh R.Scott,son of Dr.andMrs.J.A.Scott of Statesville,whohasbeensupplyingaiPresbyteriay:church at Danville,Va.,<inee he lefttheSeminarymorethanayearago.has been called to the pastorate ofTrinityPresbyterianchurch,Mont-y Mr.Scott recently re-ceived two calls,the second from achurchinTenneéssee. Strong He has accept-ed the call to the church at Montgom-ery.The membership.of Mr.Scott'snewchargeis,400 and the congrega-tion is a strong one.derson of Winston-Salem was pastor rs before going to Dr,Neal R.An- is is quite a flat- churehwwill not'be disa goes Street, T.|West Asheville to Canton;The|West from Newton to.West Ashe- ville;Parker Holmes from Canton to tering call for so young a man as Mr.Scott and his Statesville friends are gratified to learn of the recognition accorded him.He is an exceptionallybrightyoungmanandthosewhosurethatTrinityppointedinits Numerous changes have been made in.the appointments of the ‘recentMethodistConferenceatReidsville. After appointments.are made at a Conference the bishop can,for reasons that seem to him _good, changes.Usually there are a few ofthese.on account of dissatisfaction of preacher or people,or for some ‘other This year the number seems to be much larger than usual.Follow-ing are some of the changes authoriz- ed by Bishop Lambuth:ee Rev.E.K.Creel,who was assigned to Cool Spring circuit.this has transferred to the North Carolina Conference,and Rev.J.W.Williams.who was assigned to Race Street church,,Statesville, Rev.J.-J.Edwards;former pastor of Cool Spring circuit,who wasassignedtoRuffin,on the Greensborodistrict,is given the Race Street charge..L.P.Bogle is changed from Other ate as follows:W.M.Robbins from Walnut Street,Greensboro,to West Townsend from authorize county, to Coal changes Greens- boro;S.T.Barber from West Greens- horo to Morven;W.H.Willis from Lexington to presiding elder Waynes- ville district;J.P.Rodgers from pre- siding elder Waynesville district toAndrews:W:L.Hutchins from An-‘drews to Lexington;W.M.Biles fromJ._H. Dr.A.T.Robertson of Louisville, Ky.,will preach at the First Baptistlaymorning.Dr.Robertson,who formerlyStatesville,is professor of New Testa-ment interpretation at the Southern Baptist ~Theological Louisville and is known _throughoutthereliziousworldasaGreekscholar Seminary lived in at C.E..Raynal preached astrenesermononAmerican_Chris- tian citizenship at the First Presby- terion church Sundav evening as special message to the Junior Order.tcut 25 Juniors attended the serv- ‘The annval session.of:‘the!BlueMethodist.Confer- Rev.W. ence keld at Newton closed late Sun- day.night,the reading of the Confer-euce appointments being the closing.M.White was re-appointed as pastor of Fifth Street of ‘Statesville. Plint.who has been at Harmony,goes to Mcrehead City and is succeeded atHa:-meny by Rev.G.W.Willaims.who’heen at Candler.AMathesonismovedfromZionchurch at Euneptie Springs to-Newton,and J. Rev.M.A is.appointed to Turner Johnson,thenedto,shootMr.T. hen the latter ordered his tand-Thanksgiving Day,was giv- én a preliminary hearing before a macistrate,who remanded him to junit default of bond.for ‘his —ap- pearance at Superior Court. Land Sales Yesterday. Vhe A.J.Bass land in Chambets- butg township “was resoldcourthouseSaturdaybyMr.R,B. in,|commissioner,,as First tract,40 acres,‘sidore ‘Wallace at $15.15 perLaere,second tract,34acres,3LonMillsat$17.65 veracré;thirdtract.8)acres,to Mr.Wallace at $14.-5v per acre:fourth tract,34 acres,to Mr.Millsat $17.75:fifth tract/47 1-2‘acres.known as the ‘home place,toMr.Will Bass at $25 an acre. \ Q.A.Graham was con-tinued’as superintendent ‘of States- ion and ruptured a blood vessel:herse lost a large.amount ef bloodbeforeaveterinarian.could —be’se-cured.An operation had to’be per-fermea before the flow of blood was negro Belir Young,colored,was commit--jail yesterday:afternoon byMayerCaldwellindefaultofbond f>°kis:appearance at Superior Court to al.swera cHarge of larceny.It was in evidence that Young hadsomeunderwearfromthestore of thestolen _who at the fol *sold to \ A horse driven to a wagon by thewifeofChas.Little,colored;and ahorsecriventoabuggybysomecol-ore?heys collided on.the Charlottereed:rear the Kestler bridge,Thurs-A shaft of the .buggystrickthehorseattached:to the wag-The TOUGHS AT THE A.AND M. Hazing ‘Still Common There-— »Some of Its Forms—A Burn- ing Question. To the Editor of The Landmark: Under the above.heading—“Hazing at the A,and M.College”—a-large book might be written.Contrary to the general impression given the pub- lic,the practicé of “hazing ‘is stil} common at this college,and the methods used are as diabolical as in vrevious years. A few things done by the hazers during the present term are:Water thrown on a Student,while in:bed; beds thoroughly wet before student vetires at night;tar put in bed,mak- ing it necessary,at least in ‘one case, to cut covering to get it off;students are made to bend over a chair and be strapped with a leather strap;a part of,the hair is cut from top of the head;making it-necessary for studenttohavetheheadclipped.In one case@-razor -was used and a part of headshaved.The razor in this particular case belonged to the student who washazedandwascarriedoffbythehaz<ers,presumably to shave some otherfreshman.;The above are some of the forms vriation of hard cash,paid jnto ourStateandnationaltreasuriesbyourtaxpayers.The‘student,hazed is no- tified to be very careful and say no-thing.to the authorities,and only one, so far as I know,has reported”anyon2.This freshman reported two.stu-dents,these two being all that,were recognized,as the hazers wear masks.Recent information,which is reliable,savs these two worthy.students,wheviedged.themselves last year.tozeth-er with the other students,to do nohazingthisyear,are still in:college._The above are facts easily verified,TU know they are not brieht picturestofathersandmotherswhosonsincollege,nor to our young men ofworth;but this conditiow will con-tinue to exist until the barbarous ele-ment in our own A.and M.College issenthome..The better class of students do not engage in this demoralizing.practice, and the better element of our youngmenwillnot.meekly submit to suckusage,;The burning question is:Shall wecontinuetoappropriatemoneyourpublicfundstoeducatethe. the bettertreatment these inferiors,sée fit to give them,or stay atand-help make the money to pay the college bills?.:Father and mother,is your son afreshmanAskhimBihehasbeenzed..N.PAINE.Statesville,Nov.29. Movies.‘ Mr.Myers,the aged and crippledJitizenwhocomestotowno¢casion-ally.was on the street late Saturday«ening anxiously inquiring how he-ould get to the county homé.His in-q'iries indicated that he wanted to go to tke county.home to stay and asympatheticbystandertoldhima t:ain would be going thatway in ashorttimeandthathecouldridetoBarium,which is near the home,for15cents...Mr.Myers was sure heeovldmakethetripforadime,butsaidhedidn’t:have the dime.Thesympatheticbystanderpassedover the dime,aneSndayafternoonMr:Myers.wassecnheadingouttheTaylorsvilleroadandkemet,face to face,thé gentle-man who had paid his transportationtothecountyhome,who thus greet- eds him:xs“Why,you didn’t go to the countyhone?” abashed,“ Traffic on the Western roblockedforseveralhoursFrifreightderailmentbetweenvilleandElmwood.Two ds wasbyatates-r the rails about noon,at a point four‘miles east of Statesville.|The trainstoppedpromptlyand&more seriouswreckwasavoided,To»clear thetrackoneofthecarswasrolledto one side—and-the—-replaontherailswithre-railers.The workrequiredseveralhours,however,andthetrackwasblockedfrom‘noon until4o’clock,.East -bound’passengertrainNo,22,which arrived in States-ville at 1,15,was held.until the trackwascleared,and.west-bound passen-ger train No.21,due at-8.25.0’clock,was:held-at Elmwood until No.22 passed.; Two Moonlight’Schools chide.an ‘ The “moonlight:school”conductedite—Gotton—Milt schoo Con- ney Monroe Adams,closed last week.As a result of the school 18 or 20adultswhowerealmosttotallyillit-erate ¢an now read and write,andotherswhohadsomeeducationreadvanced.Mrs,T.E.Anderson clos-éd her school at Sumter’s store lastfight..Last.night was the time fortheopeningoftheriralmoonlightschoolsin‘Iredell.Moan Dr.Brantley 'T.Newsom,a Rowan been appointed.to athesurgeongeneral oStatesarmy. “Miss @usan Woods’dt t ville,Va.the guest ofKimball.’"; of bezing for which we make appro-|ed Passed Up County Home For|‘t -!No,”-said Mr,Myers,entirely—un-I went to the pi¢ture show.” _-Exeight Cars ieralial a ,Two cars ofwest-bound freight.train No.65 left Pas the H house by Rev.W.A.Lutz and Attor- county man and a grandgon of the late|’‘Tobias Kestler of that county,hasposeundertheUnited LhepariecareA$8 Lucile NO BG. —Cotton,which ,|ioffinpriceforafew.going up.”j—The Iredell rsociationmeetsthisofficeoftheStatesville:|! —Dr.B:C.Talley,vegeon,has decided to nettsville,8,°C.,forhisprofessionandwillnettsvillethisweek... —Dro P.Py Cla:,i (Loonies loge *Ei tion,Wiiveraleeturerer.H ahtor.crrow evening as the ‘a.ber cf the winter:Chautauqua.~~.—*Untangling Tony,”a two acts,willbe given a idayright,December 4th.A:mission fee will be chargedceedsforthebenefitofthe —T:cense has beenmarrifi.0.s‘Triage o Yr.gas,Be OFMissNoliaSprinkle,Mr..0,beth Gat ton’erd MissErvest'W.Crawford ‘andAmelShell,Mr.SheMvis-Mamie McCrary.— Renewing his:subscriptionLandmark,Mir Tone BoGarrett,,Wyo.,who.is:niremarks:“I gtill read The and vote the DemoWhichmeansthatMr. departed from the way he was for ~-The open.seasonshootinginIredell be;and continues two months. ~-Mr.M.A,'Feimster,ecnfined at home for8injuriessustainedbya fall,to he out,his friends willbe pitoknow.va cotton,counting round bibales,of the 1915crop,com6.135 ‘the same date lastAlexandercountyforthe's676.bales were ginned in757in1914..a ——A landslide in the mterdayafternoon:blocked ttheSouthernrailtheannullmentof¢ae aesMahl ville a bury.:com:peny hoped to Reeedduringthenight... —Mr.L.C,Moore of.was in Statesville Saturdlatives,told:The ¢ * a some leraent of future ligeelementofourfu'¢.s‘elassmust:either take the’morally,home ton,theenc g 375aathenaaaa ‘ on trom the Lp Ba which are be on.ioebolidinewhichwiteeu:is in course of construction.janitesattheFine NoHone:building a ‘six-room the be.equipved with all modern: south Green ‘street, iences.Theroredfraternal oringahallon Chamb Frank.Belt,colored,material for a resbersstreet..e the faded.flowers.streywalksandthetrashpiledsouthernborderofthestillunsightly.Whynot haveeralclean-up at the eae Drovide receptacles for the —flowers that.must be takengraves? ‘comers -W.Jo aa een a e Sanatorjum,f 1undergoingtreatment.tori } ceived in.a.runawaytawbastation,was takennear’Maiden.Friday.Jones’.injuries.includeanda-broken arm.his advanced.age.it:weeks yet before he.jured members...Three Charged With Hi. Chief of Police’: today that .Edgar-Statesville,B.Ey 1villeand.David :Locklottehave,been arrested:and released under a:each for theirmorrowafternoon aswertothechargeMessrs.Albert:and*Jul Albert Wakefield of Besse’22 years old totally.bliMissRubyWalthatfron asked her to ab ke “hi :let through her bréast ahimself.He ‘is dead anihallisin@seriousconditiorRev.G.W.Callahany foberoftheWesternConference,M.°E.Chi well 0"in this cvemberatthehontein-law,Rey.J.A.B,Fry,atal."ee ‘ In Surry countytbothhan tn Obst horribly cor 'e other ho tvictimisinahospitalinMt.A ri i} *owe “ice man,converted-ir_a recentBeeesrcinasville,W.Von ha estoring to customers the eo Seounte OE areccharge running back Ms i hat well de-|for th senabo ten:years.We think we get a line cn rves to.d.Suffering i Bid Bison preached by:Ee er weakness this good ae eas There was almost a fight gciist.--Greenshoro News.weakness WoycoudCe oe i. /"larettes in the last moments of th ‘Wf that evaiigelist can guarantee r¢|i,)an effort fcr others.Mout an ata 1915.Conference.There,hp atone ; sults he will not }e lacking for es |p’Summoning her fast-failing been.a.one had not the commit-)|« _ga;ements at his own figures.strength she went out for a.day’s|'ee on’te 4 mipped it in ’= oe work and gave the proceeds—-50 cents me by ex oes ski)i tt.NONE EGET eT es ‘And so the North Carolina foot-|--to the orphans.When the woman hat TG nee ss nels ae or ae a i.as apne ie ball:team went up against Virginia |cast her two mites into the:treasucy port t mR us ie ee “tails.0 ot er:al ;a Payee *ir EC at Richmond Thursday and was de-|the Saviour said she gave more sae:a a um in Washi orough-g a -es F x er \ve 3 @)ce feated for the “steenth”time.If this {all the others,because she ga Tehat Fe eeetory a On;HK:USE:es it:(ee ane on x me ”i“st : ‘contest was for something worth of her abundance-she gave all “she Re.5.Ob aie "é TLRS ay DERG ee SOR aA Spiga bs serie The Landmark would be dis-|had.What a rebuke is this 19 those’gon jb eee Cornattas *nL ok ge Si :an *ron. turbed by the constant defeat of|abundantly able to give,but whose]:eenca my F cohool Bin weet er au tee North Carolina:at the hands of the|gifts to the ‘orphans last eee forkedstia fect.It is thy 3 a pon FS ee oa ;ts " Old Dominion;but under the circum|were small in comparison with what},i,whiskey Hail.Columbia.“i stances wus paper is entirely with-they ne a .be.Methodist eka ee i .set ‘Tern the doctor needs”hee ;everybody own ae y are to rise in his profession.That*8 .wis se canes Ot toa ratoneted ~who -per he believed.that t ‘, ait is said that it too iss Marys:aded themselves thes were unably gored,iment,’a a ne cf a.*' Owen Graham,the frst woman pres-/to give,To the AllSesingtyeima Coteenae Samay,that ee me is what you need to keep ahead, ident the Teachers sserablv,|half dollar,the git a :;kas .&A So ara ier that half an hour to deliver her waftering,te more than;all the gifts.whiney,vw oe ‘a“that aka t si :a whatever ales -ghtual address at the meeting pf the «>those who gave of:their abund-being done by.the cigarette.ee , _Aupemblyin.Baligaee ant eee |are denouncing whiskey ai ps,,Are you chewing strong,rank tobacco that some day,jf: “two ours on the same Job and ae PEACE ADVOCATES BUSY.|{2t'is passing atthe coffin tack.Ht not even now,may “get”your nerves?‘ «is»willingto be iss *—‘‘s ‘the ;;‘ andre nore good sense in that halt|President Urged to Take-Aetion Sonne ee an a ee hopr’s talk than the average man For.Conference.©|ition by a debate that threatened to)-Or have you,too,found out that mild PICNIC iyMis Grahant two hours.GIOY|ssaris to win’Preddient Wilson’s|consume too,many precious minutes,“TWIST can give youall the long-lasting satisfaction of! rity and Children,will please ac-support:for a conference of neutrals retired and brought in second Ed a strong chew,without taking toll from your nerves?-en ;haeCs @ ae ‘$3 :as follows:4 i cept this as additional evidence of to initiate peace proposals in Europe “Minesthe laws of Novth Carolina} the superiorityoftheladies.eee eeeelsVEagar ont prohibit,the sale of Slkaretie,207m You can have no idea of the sweet mellowness of' ane paren:cay tes sees om nagie snare iia Bie Of aay use.of cigarettes is declaredby’the the specially selected tobacco leaves that are twisted Lake City,-h,for,murder,We ‘:Sate!1 |medical experts to be injurious and)’;'1c C—unti u;.:inks ~{at the White House with “a .personal °‘into ever ICN Ic TWIs until you try one. He say viokeonae go Th nk*gi in|appeal and word that they had.def.|detrimental to the entire bumhig,piee at :7 ytery::elt :itual and“linite infromation that the majority ical,mental -and_spiritual, a ee i on eee getty 2 “lof the belligerent nations would not ee paces Ph sagittis rue |<ers;gathered for the funeral,The turn deat ears to sumasetions rom 2 ee angele #a Prenat a3 .|neutral gathering,e ladies ta’Es {See Qaoltoch ead Fae ae fae of anarchy was eee ceva:with the President for more than”an “Therefore,we a5 a Conference pur);5 . “Istrom’s associates:and sym y ourselves on record as,opposing.ab-(( .d went away much_pleased .fhizers,made every effort to pose hour anc :solutely,the sale and use of -cigam ;over their reception,though the -Pres-|5° Lhasaee®iAiiieomethaeterhaoad,0 ar,ADet cree the ineofthe Site he] songs ‘atthe oe eae meeting at a local théater,accom-|°rence to this saauncteol ae:aud a Ste rantne Mer yt ry ‘ho |,anied the President's’callers to the |hat we strongy urge DP P believe that crime should be uncheck-ple that they abstain from the use of“yt gh .White House.aplauding them as they |”. -:etn SueciRlynie le he entered and left the executive offices.|cigarettes.”‘SNES,NONTRAEEINES mt ‘”A i ,ae ahi ;5‘The President was urged to ini-aa ert Scot : :>Rillstrom funeral,that 4 no creed of tiate a peace conference.or at least Teachers Elect Officers —J.L.).y i found 1 t the servicnfondaeeeeayersandnu |t®,Siguify,that,he would aopoint a).Teague Honored...|,SZ Swi RY aes erally ae who vecet delegate from the United States if}he North Carolina Teachers’As ‘;ay : Y rerime do not believe in God another neutral nation called one.He|semmy,at Raleigh Friday evening.|-.You cannot believe what a soft,wholesome chew it n crime do not lieve in .was told.that women peace advocates clésted:R.H.Wright.president.sof}:Se until:you become’a “PICNICKER ay i Vea i who have visited evety belliverent and}i Hast North Carolina\,Teachers}“4 y ca . Senatot Simmons believes in |..ntral nation in,Europe believe from ane Seno eye Pree |arg =oc ay oar eee ts ae at st talks with officials abroad that prac-pis ag re T.‘Allen 6f,Salisburywas |<)y Ask your dentist if there is abetter natural preserya-°... ee ca ccmtt our rigttar Go gay we)Soke romuies wonld follow:3s alps jclorted ‘ice aresidedt,Kil BO eee eng of the teeth than a soft chewing tobacco.It won't ificulty is i },the spartment uea*|.cena Fe eee el that 1p.)Mes Claude)Datel’toanufarturer,.co-operating of Ee etaocretarye wimp:22 ie:place of proper care:of the teeth but it is a Bae arred é with the women;had.in his possession Lite rmmittee is comnosed of reat s O ;Senin Pe from We secerae 7 statements,some of them signed by ie Plannin’of "Chan:8 P ‘. Ew oe.one tadmony of uavel exe (es smome of the princiosl oom:Hiotte,Dr.W,H.Chase wf the Aemy)br:PICNIC TWiST comes also in freshness-preserv- ing to the testimony of na X-ltries on both sidés of the European’tyjversity and §.M.Brinson of Crav+]©1s;ee pre perts a year ago.The aeons -conflict.to the general effect that they Oe anuety BNO ae Les gt be ingair-tight drums of eleven 5c TWISTS. epunat The "Serate Nalcha the would interpose no objection to the)”The elections were on the recomis}:i Shane a il th na uke have tal.|Calling of a ‘conference of neutrals to|mondation of the nominating commit«;ER Lagat Moos pe a mite f ‘i ditions hens he says|™make peace pronosals.tee.When the report was adopted}::x laces the por “th ;ina “i t marine is|,,At che White Honse it was said that |p.Ranson of Southport offered a a, ae te tha:pare:vated that it)there would he no statement regard-|esolution vroposing that the execu-|* wall o.crenhc 4ail when the war |in#the call.Up to this time the pos-|tive committee be asked to eliminate? “ends."One f t 0 whi h it ded deem]ition of the President has been that he}fromthe constitution,the.provistéi|~ *that’h ald il hel eed is that |028.heard nothing from.Eurove|so.4 nominating committee for elec+t«! 4s the United ‘States ae te in position which leads him to believe that the tion of officers and let the nomination | “to get their share of the world’s busi-big is opportune for him to take any|o¢officers come direct from the floor}: ness when the war ends —and the AUER ee of the Assembly;pe that the —, ee eer mance Wal ee ees cor the Pre:viet aunt te abolished esa,fixed.pol- ould cae “tha benefits the opportu-paredness Programme.icy after this year.pe a ee nities will offer:our navy should|Washington Dispatch to.New ©York There was 3 livelyy discussion that be strong enough to command respett) Tiaes.was interrupted by,a motion,to table }==><= for our rights in all quarters of the ‘Be eenony in paGand)sipeney the easlutiogy Mr.mapasaeeeneen |,-Hans-/Schmidt,the.former Romis' lobe.Senator8 ons’proposition |tures,“except for carrying out elagainst any “gag rule :eer : e tax automobiles and gasoline will|vrogramme of military prevaredness,|resolution was finally tabled,49 to 22.priest.whose egnvactign for =ero not be popular with automobile own-|is to be the watchword of the admin.|~-Subsidiary divisions of the Assem-der.of a woman in New.York in 191 : ers,or those who have hope of.own-istration in the forthcoming session bly elected officers in separate ,Ses-|wasrecently sustained by the court of} ing a machine;but the great major-of Congress.The paring of estimates |sions the same day as follows:'City |jast resort,will be executed the week fty,who yet “donkey”and “buggy”of appropriations has deen completed|Superintendents.Jo,S.Wray of beginning January 10 rious there Te "or “wagon”or go afoot,will offer no|officially so a tg oe en ae Gencele Preprent,Pree ae i.pormeitation t.There is a strong suspicion,|preparation of the “Book o:sti-|ors,Mrs.J.A.Robinson of Darham.|—¢,“ty ree pet : that seems to have some foundation,|mates,”the bulky printed volume that president;High School Teachers and :a -i that gasoline dealers.in many.in-the Secretarv of the Treasury will lay Principals,J,L..Teague.of Stony !és stances gouge the consumer,If the before the House.of Representatives|Point,president;Grammar Grade,0.)*.ateSRN i 5 és price of gasoline can be maintained)on the opening day of the sessior.|A.Hamilton of Wilmington,presix ‘‘e on a fair basis a taxon that commod-|December 6.dent.nav or ‘ & ”ity will not bear so hard on what has|A tight rein is to be kept by the|Time and place..of next meeting of become almost a universal:necessity;|President and the other responsible |Assembly to be fixed.::j for aside from the automobiles gaso-|officers of the government +n any ten.eet :* line is a necessity industrially.deney of Congress to be unduly liberal|Rabid Man Escaped From Hos-|.ee ;,: s *®hin making allowances for cettain \pital Cees *.Di .e ;pine)ole ° The Monroe Enauirer:argues’that|projects.The ban on liberality applies aes .aa Oe,Will pay 55 1-2¢.a.bushel,or will under certain conditions most any of |2avticularly to appropriations for pub-John Bukowa,aged 27,while’suf-stop the itching andbegin,healing 3 e first application or return your us would take life and feel fully justi-|lic buildings and the improvement oi |fering ‘from rabies,.became violent ith ‘“ee ’ fied in doing so.Wherefore,then.asks|tivers and Harbors.and escaped from a hospital at Pitts-cy i nge : ies seiaseedsall this talk against eap-|It is'the understanding that the ad burg.Pa.,running through .a.crowd-mo bat oethe 5 oe tae give even excha ofmealforseed, ital.punishment.in North Carolina?ministration will oppose any omnibws|ed thoroughfare,scratching and hit-f antee'like this.Why di n't you eit?‘4 ct pps:|s i If the individual would take life un-vublic building measvre,an’there w:1|ing at people,until a patrol Wagon wap.HALL,DRUGGIST ry bs : fer certain conditions and feel fully)be opposition also to large allowances loaded with policemen gave chase yaks Statesviiies os :BES era nted in’doing so,‘what's:the for the maintenance of public.build-|After a battle with,Bukowa in whieh.Wi *till °aefi th A0th “abe,”demands Bro.~Asheraft;—‘“in/ings in os that produce little res.|six police officers and patrolmen were é are.SUL smning or e@ rane.our motths,rolling’our eyes henfr enor ome ane ene bitten or Dt yp me er 3 BLE en .4 : foward heaven and saving «that »ye|A general river and harbor bill!wiijed man was returned to a ospital,.4 |°rye Mwant the State so’all-fired much -bet-|not have the approval of the adminis-|where he attacked ‘the superintend-VALUAB LAND AT PRIVATE SAL¥.and bagging and ties free. wter than’we are?”.It’s another case|tration.While it will be nécessary to|ent,the physician in charge and ‘anj.Wpiler’the.terms of the wilk of Mrs,Har- ‘hs,ofr fellow,Bro.Ashcraft.If|make provision for the continuance of|orderly.-He died a few hours after-|ict Clark,deceased,the:undersigned executor 2 ence is against us,or those near|Work on ‘important projects,.the |ward.at.private:sale a valuable tract of::no ,|land yiamountsappropriatedwillbeheld|Bukowa was bitten by a dog about ae eee:Ss.eoiteingNUN.eares Seigeand‘dear tope we are either willing I :eo.‘is ; “Grortake the Jaw into our own hands|down to the lowest figure consister;|two months ago but no attention was |léss and known as:the:Alexander Clark place.Im erial otton Oil ;Co or will be very industrious in.setting |With efficiency,if the administratic:|paid to his injuries until he began tn|The tract contains 50:acres of original forest p :Ks MWe. -<the-machinery in motion to have ic|has its way.act strangely.His escape was made so ve.Re ei ie ae ona :2 te OF :1 -earried out;and if the law fails when aero arent reer mre hut wm short time after entering the os wend ot 40 neces Ja ther Gotawhe river sane -we-feel-aggrieved_we'll-“more _then|Mir.Williams Answers the Bank:|hospital.Fourteen “personsin all),Forterms apply to..:——- likely be found advocating mob law ers,,.were bitten by Bukowa and they will!’Cc.H.BROWN,E oBe +if,the.other fellow—oh!that’s be take the.Pasteur treatment.Ri B.McLaughlin,Atty.—Troutman,N.C,.=ee om ’In_reply to criticisms of the Ameri-July:12.1916.rlsiaiehaetSeaaaCLEANTHATWATCH OR CLOCKabouthumanityanddenytherightofCaneeetysueaceintionjnconfec:|GIRLS!GIRLS!AeRY..831 BTOP|2 “DANGER”’| "@he 'State'totakelife.We'llbefound|nati Se inter ‘:—ce ell be found|national banks charge usurious inter-|DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY ||ROUP and ‘:Weg Signing petitions for pardons andjest rates,John Skelton Williams,your Hair:||OR and PNEUMONIA Don’t wear them out before you have it done nas my fighter ents ene The truth,Comptroller of the Currency,answers ,»(Come like’s thief in the night and seize 4.. ‘ak dearly beloved,is that there is #|national banks obey the usury laws|Thick,Wa¥¥,Strong and Beaiti;}aiAoubt of sentimental hypocris a our.work when you‘want it. _as’I]as sentimental ieeinenet -of the:various States,but that the;ful.y y : s for the abolition of capital he aelgaoed int opeethes ea tay:Your hair,becomes light,wavy,fame:apo “Menta salve H.B.woOoD WARD that it is true that a majority of the Hair Stops Falling Out’and Gets]upon the infant child.Be prepared to save First class work all the time,and.you can get ®the tife of your little one by havirig a bot+-y tle of uP eet Be aciical eee Sat Pane statements,that this was|fluffy,aburidant and appears as soft, arses slave)their’Wax “they ar hort einguniversally true,lustrous and beautiful asa young .Ss States:wherethere were|aM fe ve-Croup-andPaenm ta 1°‘ould rake every prison as inviting;a)no national banks which admittedPek “Sul Gy ecmowtan,ofee ;Ona.+asper found the Leavy cleansé.”as”under dath.in.thei i ;r yy CC;lik i La:ir statements of|cloth with a little Danderi fis eo Pet 600:and $1.00,a "Beek ged che”os [ayant nal eng A heme at no ta et ol WY @ Lave L hemieahooppase“cavital punishment (crweine es high as 12 per cent.on taking one small strand at'a time.)-""SRAME MEDICINE Co,|B :oe and who,are much concerned atout leit loans “were Connecticut,This wilt cleanse.the hair)of —ddst,}*“+N.Wilkesboro,N.C.TRS wih ta ++FOR——— Del;‘a,’“Mississippi oe ,aye crsisonreform,but a good many of chess bigs re fg ay dirt and excessive oil-and in gust a would lose some of their zerl|Wi ”-a3 few moments you have doubled‘the };$~,;ee :Vieforthe‘eriainais ifthe,OTenee nt)Wisconsin.”Mir,Williams |added|peguty of your hatr b The hew Gypsy Boot—the low heel,cloth against ‘them personally.Sanete og ce the cls entee:|Besides beautifying the hair %av!ButterWra 1 ers!%_top,patent vamp—Button and Lace,.Mea tides swsasd ct a taay,.overt Panne the coitry were charg.|onee,Danderine dissolves every.Fei HIB Grover’s Soft Shoes for tender feetMeeeeeecitiornieSineatesmameIOS.land ovigeeas the woe Torre ee Be aac le Giese,..Williams sugges a Invigorat scalp,th i : ae part i Be.Mare Dasced,who did after national ban °Ge poauired Th stopping itching and falling hat,We have the very best ‘s School Shoes for Children. sgiving offer|print in their.published statements of},But what will please you most will Parchment Butter Paper,Yours for the Price,| Hs ee White .Plague ened bi,condition:the maximum rate of inter-|be after a few weeks’use when you|™,and can print your name.fe f ‘! her,and imperiously bidden oe ih est charge aac ee actually see new.-hair—fine and and brand-on same,.‘Let us.”i i ¥ zest.No more for her,for the time Beware of Cheap Substitutes,aciy a Seeailetetitke eect neve have’your order for any S M &is H 3 SHOE.O 2setataaeatvaneeranbagoingalratenaeCUGuangouantSeowESI")Ts Oo Bice CO,,| z ‘”8 +y pina ;’ K active life of the|vet Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and net ote of it,soleyge a Oheene bots Prices reasonable,|te The.O ne Price Cash Shoe Store.has been so long|tke substitutes sold for the sake of*extra!of Knowlton’s Dandetine from any:>Brady Printing Co.7’fa Your Shoes repaired while you wait,°a ;she:has been compelle!Haha tee anh Bak ieee eae i ithetextandbeenapprovedfordruggist-or toilet counter,and 3 ;p aside fromthe throng,to mavelthon sorty'Srqst"ONahaite eawhes tyke cae tea LEAL EIA ARIA BORAT Ri, ‘e e 6 Therete ack Draugh #faymedi- “Thier?Bac regs wee + MeDrdt,Var Oty pas for severaleaeaad‘OblTrainMeewithwithsickheadachea afriend told m and |foundittobé.theoeand maeaw,little bad,does nessin our family,sincewe commeusingBlack-Dravght.”'srot is tiedv»andstomachs,aid di Satie tere-lieve indigestion,colic,wind,;headache,sick “stomach,symptoms. ree Cin |OystersandCelery! eep BlackTeen 6“when it a,Capyaskmeforathem.nore goodthan antheyevertried.We never have a fong spell of sick- It has.been in constant use for more N.C.123 | We will have freshOystersonTuesdaandFridayof_eacweekandfreshCeleryallthetime..See usforCocoanuts,Cran-ies,Prunes or any-i you need in ourine, —’Phone 89.—. age &Milholland, Niller-MeLain Supply Co ‘Oysters, Celery, Lettuce. ——FRESH-— nN Every Tuesday andFriday THE —— Paine ViewDairy “Has just had its cows tested and they were found in good condition —another - reason why the Dairy with the Dacro|System should be patronized. —’PHONE 347 BLACK.— fyallthe enafeel al ¢ nced|!apsed and was dead in a minute. andhas benefited more. br ett and recommendsPriceonly25¢.Geta SU V E R P PE : Train No,2A aresre Train No.in700,Tare 10:40 « Trainst ue jeaves 7:05 p.not operatedon Sunday Diéd in Dental Chair, ‘Séated in.a dental chair in the of- fice of Dr.C.M.Beam of Charlotte, awaiting the extraction of a tooth, Mrs.Emma Dunker,wife of J.H.Dunker .of Charlotte, :5 Ls Teas SF 58 was the purpose of the dentist to ad-minister an anaesthetic,but that had not been done nor had any work on the teeth’been attempted when theladycollapsed,erpeshiy from heart failure.Mrs.Dunker was about 40+}vears old and is survived by her hus-band and three children. PARKER,N.MANaksQUICK RELIEF. Ww.R.Davenport ‘Better After First Dose of Remedy. W.f.Davenport vf Parker,N.C.,jong.suffered from a peculiar maladyofthestomach.He sought treatmentwith—but—little relief,_At_times_iterthathewouldhavetogiveup :“He ‘took Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy)and found immediate,benefit.He wrote: termed it catarrh of the stomach,say-|ing the only hope would be a changeofclimate.and that in.all probability{would never get ‘well,‘Then I heard instant relief,It madeg me reel likeanewman.our full course of! treatments has about cured me.Sev-'eral of my friends haye also been) eured.”Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives| permanent results for stomach,liver! and intestinal ailments.Eat as much! the stomach and around the_heart. |Get one bottle of your druggist now} jand try it on an‘absolute guarantee; ~—if ‘not satisfactory money will be} returned. SALEOF PERSONALPROPERTY. The undersigned eee of the estate; of A.J.Bass,deceased,will, SATURDAY,DECEMBER <TH,1915, mainder of the personal property belonging|to said estate,consisting of live stock,crops,vehicles,farming implements,ete.,and a large! quantity of corn in the ear.."The sale will be at the home place in Cham- bersburg sowraatap wi commence at 10.30o'clock,.a.MeLAUGHLIN,Nov.2,y946.ndipin ieretarof A.J..Bassi *MORTGAGE SALE-esas By virtue of the ppowers contained in amortmage“deed executed by W.A.OvereashandwifetoRo#A,“Miller,and.by him assign-el for value to'R.A.Cooper,thexundersignedwillsellati@auction.to the highest bid-ee nee te States-| Vilie, MONDAY,DECEMBER 6th,1915,at 12 o'clock,m.the following real estatethcityofStatesvilltowit:|First lot.Beginning at the junction of| Oak and Froft streets,snencé with FrontstreetS..63 degrees W.{.K.Overcash’s corner;thence with his lineN,25 degrees W.183 feet to stake;thenee N./68 degrees E.103 1-2 feet to stake on Oak}street;thence-with the street S.21 degrees E.183 1-2 feet to the beginning,containing a halfacremoreorless.Second sot.Beginning at W.Overcash’seorneronOak*street,thence vide:street N,22 degrees.W.187 1-2 feet to stake,Gospey a.cor-cer;thence with Cooper's Fine and ditch 8.70degreesW.289 feet to stake in L..K.Over-eash’s line;thence S.26 degrees E.to a stake,H.R.Overcash’s corner;thence with his andW.A.Overcash’s line N.70 degrees E.208 feet to the beginning,and being lots 2 and 3inthedivisionoftheI.M.Overcash lands.R.A.MILLER,‘tgagee.. a Statesville Brick Co. DRAIN YOUR FARM. Any quantity 4-inch and 6-inch DRAIN TILE on hand.:. Common Bricks,FaceBricks,always ready fordelivery. Mor'R.A.COOPER,R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.Assignee.Now.Sth,1915: NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM-MONS BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina,Iredell County.in the Superior Court,Janvary Term,1916.Jessie Reagan vs.Bratha Reagan.The defendant above named,Bratha Reagan,will take notice that %summons in the aboveentitlédactionwasissuedagainstthesaidde-fendant on the 6th day of November,1915, by J.A.Hartness,clerk of the Superior Court of ‘Iredell’county,State of North Carolina,wherein the said plaintiff above named,Jes-sie Reagan,sues for divorce absolute fromsaiddefendant,on the grounds of fornicationandadulteryonthepartofthesaiddefenc-ant,and the said defendant is required to ap-pear and answer or demur to the compinintattheJanuarytermof.Iredell |SuperiorCaurt,which will be held at Statesville,Irc-dell county,N,C.,-on the fifth Monday be- fore the first Monday of March,the same be- C.WATKINS for ing.the 80th day of January,1916,at whichtime‘the said summons is made_returnable; or judgment will be given against said de- FULLS1O UK--LOWEST PRICES.Shing les,Doors,Windows;Ceiling,ie ia Siding,Boxing,{Mould-ing,Laths;Lime,Cement,etc.,Next Planters’?Wh.Statesville. ousTouk to Build With.”said’termof ‘court.J.A,HARTNESS,Clerk Superior Court Iredell Co.Zeb.V.Long,Att'y.forPlaintiff. Nov.9,1916. WANTED! FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING - —’PHONE 147— Sloan PressingClub. |Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., SCRAP BRASS —Heavy Brass 74c.per pound,Light Brass 5c.per pound. FOR SALE New and secondhandbotler room suddenly col-| It) “For years I have suffered frém a}disease which puzzled doctors.They| of your remedy,One'nottle gave mé! and whatever you like.No more dis-| -|tress after eating,pressure of gas in} sell at public auction,for cash,all the re-| 93 1-2 feet to stake,} fendant in favor of the safd plaintiff at the} Correspondence of”eenay Y titute,"y +4 Eee s eser spent some days with her daughter,Mes.Lee.Me tpl »has sreturnedhome.Miss Mary 0 is at-tending school at berg it,camehomeforThanksgiMr.N.Y.Murdock and Mr,clk ‘Murdock,who visited at Mr.W.A.Sharpe's,have returned,to their home in Balis-bury..Miss Clara ‘Gile is visit-ing at Mr.E.L.Harri MessrsGroverandArp.Murdockbusinesstriptowinston“this,week. The protracted meeting at Sulphur Springs began ‘Sunday..FloydFryofMocksvilleis.de some finevreaching.Large er attend ev- ery.service.apieg'”‘Miss Mat Gwalty ad the mis-ifortine to fall la k snd break her hip.Little Mias ‘Bertha Motrisor at her;hand in.the cog’wheels of a wheatdrill.,She has a badly ‘mashed hand,Mr.and Mrs.T.Fi Murdock ofHiddenitecelebratedtheirgolden}’wedding November .22d.I think therewereonlythreé:other persons there who were present at the marriage 50vearsago-——Mrs.me key,=Mrs.Murdock’s sister,ens married to Mr,R.C.ves on at same time(Mr.Lackey’died three orffour yearsago):and Mrs.Mary and Mr.L.M.Davis.Thad aeare four orfiveothersliving,two of whom,MissMatGwaltneyandMr.Wm.Lackey.were’unable to attend.There were:present the two children of Mr.andMrs.Murdock,nine _grandchildrenandonegreatgrandchild.and a num: ber of other relatives and friends.Abountifuldinnerwasserved.Mr.andMrs.Murdock received some nice presents.Mr.Ellis ef ‘Statesville icame up and took some pi res. IGH. School g. |HARMONY AT RAI The tedell Farm LifMadeaFineShow Correspondence of The at Raleigh,Nov.25 —HarmonyFarmLifeSchoolmadeheeshow-ing at the State Teachers’Assem|bly this week.”In the demonstra:tion in cooking by Miss MeCanles’students,Misses Fern Tharp and EstherMyerswereamongthemost¢redita- ible in-the demonsttation work.In the stock judcing contest Mr|Stafford’s boys,William Dobson an¢|Wright Lankford,won second place|Dobson making the very highest score lof any of the boys—scoring 493 ou!lof a maximum possible of 500.Wright|Lankford,doubtless the youngest bo: ‘in the contest,made a fine second an?|failed to bring the averageé to first place by only a few points.The result of the stock judging con-test and cooking demonstration in r |State contest proves conclusively thehighcharacteroftheinstructiongiv:en in these departments’and _pute.|Harmony in the front ranks «of Farr Life Schools in.this State.|Princinal R.H.Lankford of th:;school.Prof.Stafford,director of th«agricultural department,Miss MeCanlas‘of the domestic science denartimentandMigsTharpeoftheliterarydepartmeitofthehighschoo’were in attendance at the assemblyProf.Aderholdt.of the Troutmar high schgol and Sunt..Gray are als« attending the meeting. LS p,|Farm Work and’Thankseiyhving ‘Some Leaving the Far ‘orrenpondence of The Landmark. Houstonville,Nov.26.——The Serejersareaboutdoneseeding-smal'jerain.About the asual amount.sownjItistakingagoodstartthisfin: weather.The cotton crop is abou’‘ont of the fields and most of it sold The price béing good they are not holding it.Corn shuckings are.the regula’ routine and of course that means pietobebutchered.No regular hogkillingforbacon.J.F,Brown butcheredapig10monthsoldthatweighec 292 pounds.Thanksgiving was a beautiful das|for’the people 4o visit and I think there were a great many rabbits kill ed,judging fom the report of gun: and dogsi**There are‘these old maiden ladie’| (sisters)made happy today.©Thrwomenoftheneighborhood|visiteéaandallcarriedthemsemethinstoeatorwear:*Sone of our young men have gontotowntothepublicworksaecountofthelowriteoftobacco,ani’ some of the older-men are selling ou’to leave.I think they “had bettesticktothefarmandtry.try againW.L.Brown.who has been living on the Dr.Angle farm,now manager by .C.E.Patterson,has moved bael to his farm in Union Grove township CarryingtheGood Roads Gos., pel to Wilkes. _Mr.Walter W.Holland of Olin,this county, is preaching the yood roadsgospelinWilkes.A correspondent of.the Wilkesboro Patriot,telling of. meeting in Wilkes,says::“Mr.W.W.Holtand was introdueed,and held the audience almost spell-bound,with arguments,so forcefu’ and so plain,that.the most skepticalcouldfindnofault;and it seémédthat.the crowd went away with bet- ter opinions and deeper.convictionsasto.the advantage and necessity ofputtingintoeffectthepronositionof making good roads.Mr.Holland|isnow...engaged “in making,several supplies” C,H.TURNER. ‘Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. will answer ’phone calls leftatDr.Long’s:Sanatorium’orGeo.M.Foard’sresidence. “CHRISTMAS TIME——ON———|) DR.C.L.CRUSE : ».+Metérinarian. Offics:eas Polk Cray Drug Co. “Phone -400,~Residence Phone 198 Green... Leather Goods,Ivory Sets,Stationery and soya ne son’ FOR Neat tees ine Taunt’os speeches in-sthetownship,trying tvshowthepeopleofEdwardsthat.in.asmuch as Iredell county ‘has profitedbyabondissueinmakinggoodroads,Edwards tawnship can do thesame.”It is said that the genuinely con:,verted Christianis always‘anxious forotherstosharetheehe€n,By the same token Mr.Hollaningagoodworkntryingtop "s\tiie prose.of Wilkessto sharebenefits,we have.laxpeeienced:‘good cateth Trede " he}Washington Dispatch. ‘|vortunity to investigate closely ir . ee “rade sets in,asit inevitably |*viday_night,.Anotherfatally wound- ai ;SENATOR:‘SIMMONS FOR:Ir. Is For Common SeSense Prepara-tion—Need of a MerchantMarineGreaterThanEver—-peels Tax,Autos and Gaso-ne. .Secretary McAdoo’s plan for rais- ing by internal taxes the additional revenue needed by the government tomeet,a deficit and cover the initialexpenseofarmyandnavyincreases.is endorsed by Senator Simmons ofNorthCarolina,chairman of thefinancecommittee.“Although I have not had an_op- details of the administration’sfenseprogramme,”said Mr.Simmons.“I approve the general idea which Iunderstandunderliesit.With refer-ence'to preparedness generally,1) think that the sentiment of the peo-|§ole of my,State would be against,what has been characterized as fren-|5:ried overwhelm-|ingly redness but, ig,pri ness that would enable us‘o on ourselves if attacked and‘o ur rights upon the highSseFiWellastheland.if ‘these rights are fuivaiied.I would have anavyadequatenotonlyfordefense, ‘ut adequate to assure our rights.“I think the reasons why the .gov-|@srnmentshouldprovideforamer-|§ chant marine are even greater todayhantheywerewhenthe.bill.which*ailed at.the last Gongress was intro-luced,and I believe that the reasons ‘vill be stronger when the war eloses han they have been during its con-|# ‘inuance.because when the ‘war clos- +s and the scramble for international | vosition will be a pitiahly helpless sne if we have to depend for the trans-|i rortation to accommodate our ive billion dollar international:almost wholly upon our competitors ‘n that trade.“I am not in-a position to express ‘ny definite views about .revenueieedsbecause¥have not conferredvithPresidentWilson,the SecretarytheTreasurvormembersofthe inance committee.»Assuming thathedeficitwillbenalargernextyear han this.it is evident that we will “ave to provide for raising a consid- srably larger sum of-money.“T assume that the present tax on ngar will be continued.I assymenatthepresentwartaxwill,in the nain,be continued with some possi- Je changes.I think that there will ¢some additional subjects of taxa-ion.I see the suggestion that gaso-ine and automobiles should be taxed.’believe that these two articles can vell afford to bear a share of the bur-‘en that has been imposed by war ~onditions, yearly | “1 incline also to think that the’in-/¥%‘ome tax exemntion is too high.It ‘as resulted in less than 500,000 peo-ie out of a total of 100,000,000 pay-|4 ng the entire tax derived from in-omes.‘e quite fair.” aad AN ok AMR Cn NigA Nah Mr.‘Graves ‘in Charlotte.‘ Declaring that “our navy is abso- ately unfit and our army.is absdlute-v.ridieulous,”Col.John »Temovle yraves,addressing an ‘audience:that ‘acked the:Academy of Music in ‘harlotte Saturday:night.made aleaforanationalawakeningand“a avy second to none.”There is ab-olutely.no:guarantee,said he,that his country will not become involved n war.and if that dav should ever ome “this would be the worst’pre-ared people that ever fought a for- ign foe,”The Observer says Col.‘Gravesameto.Charlotte at his own ex-ense as a representative of the Na- v League of America.He scored the volicy of .William Jennings (Bryan8“blind and fatuous _statesman-- hip.”His reference to Congressman ‘aude Kitchin,who,he said,is a per-onal friend,was entirely kindly.He egards him as “the worst mistakenyanofgreatcaliberthateverrep- asented a great constituency.”At the conclusion of ‘the address esolutions were adopted in favor of .greater navy.SSStatueofChrist Declined For San Francisco Park. ‘an Francisco ‘Dispatch. “Christianity emerging from’:Pa-‘anism,”“Rafaello.Romanelli’s.mar-. le figure of the Christ now in the‘arden of the Italian building at the ‘anama -Pacific exposition,was re-‘used by the park commissioners as .gift to the city of San Francisco, n the ground that the.subject,being.religious one,was.not acceptable ‘or display in a public park.Romanelli,.who owns the —statue. ffered it to the city providedthe costftransportationandmaterial—saidobeabout$4,000—was paid.*The‘mount was’‘promptly raised by a ommitteé of women and the sculp-‘or’s.offer submitted to the commis-|ion. North_Carolina_"Soldier _Killed.| ‘favor of what might be term-|:ad common «sense preparedness?that|& trade,|@ That does not seem:to me to % |paper coming to you.Its.Tp=overflowing with news,State aCarolinapaperthatoughttobeinN upaClub.-Send us names for Sampl : pseraser per —COOPER'S Kenosha Klosed Krotch Uni Get Next to One smooth,sing ness of,cloth - Try a ‘suitand get” suit: “next to solid ‘comfort. f you are ne to turn your eit to yourMakeamemorandaofthingsyouknowyouwill,and ¢all'to see if {have them.Whatever you find i wantless.ff yott don’t know what you waht.a ‘look atwhat I havegesteetoyou.eps JeweleriMF,HENRY, )oo fs peszeccses SSSSSSITSSIIIT sts) “There s Just One” Did you ever look up the word “PERFEC-TION”iin.the dictionary?It’s a —theEnglish language.Every synonym.aveenisshort,insufficient,weak!ae When you buy our COAL you get perfeceetion-in-fuel.ere ig no ities ee attto arooS reason that no better can beboFullproofofwhatourCOALwillmeatyouinsavingandsatisfactionwillLagtiyouonrequest.It’s asie thing to kn*Phone today. ri "PHONE 205—— Coal For Base Burners,Coal For Furnaces and Coal Fo Statesville Ice &Fuel Three United States soldiers were|vounded,two of them fatally,and +score ‘of Mexicans are reported to‘ave been killed,Friday,when Villa roopers evacuated Nogales,Sonora,ieross the border from Nogales,Ariz-ma,before the advance of Carranza roops under Gen,.Alvaro Obregon,ind exchanged shots.with United }tates troops across the international youndary line.One of the soldiers wounded 'was3tephenLittleofFairmont,N.C.He yas ‘shot through the head and died onae Oven information punts x1 was Herbert L.Cates of Swepson- yille,N.C.,shot through the eenen, DEAFNESS CANNOT BIO CURED -y local applications,asotregetthe’di ieeeetisof hornd ea.and teeenoe eotetltutionnseafintehyCausedbyannditionof.the mucous Nninga.98 jan Tu ‘When.thir «oe eae closed,ness tsrmypeeesthe’Inflammation }con”iti ia restored totanormalctcondition,hearhig wil be aeitroyedieninecasesoutoedbyCatarrh,which hothing»inflamed.naltionof the: they can-|| is complete with’of est and nobbiést.. est prices,Rem a motto:ae ae ‘about hazing many times.=i esseen They are to the effect that no“educa-|ter i oe ay |tionalyinstitution hagito endure the ie the Patera)oniirt ae Augusta,GFriday.‘Some/years ago Watson 43rioneeetsofthyvadg-See ishedin a Jeffersonian,aa periiti e & Jdencesenseonees BRO|COs issued m.certain referencesto}::"sie 235100)ment’in the ‘college can put out the |the Catholic Church which it is etl reel aa ne work ‘We want to thankxu foratus.01bscenethatmsignidughsiftheywill,Mb.1,N.Paine,finger ere weaver 708)Ht livatan trade er t Wit ade ckodiie, «|who is reciting some first hand facts i .)°prohibits sending obscenc rate ing to resist dutie regulations:“pled ‘i day,and eekabouthazingatthehe‘and ate ian pennyshe oe oeOy Mas tasy bauthe:hours &which sa-F could not tbe.ca us.Myate aapi the. ,Raleigh,d resent term,|&°f '-!Bh.aeeae cal ines _pe dusine Wee ‘question (EY asserted that it nly was.nec:|==ND.:exhibits will be’lefton display:for ten cksayv to prove that Watson was re-|~days,,andthey:“will still have an Opportu-ri county treasurer,—®lis,Shall we continue to appropriate |<pongible for mailing the matter ob-jan haz becn moved tO]money for the support of @ State|lected to,and that it was obscene,:10 TREAT Grain 4 :we of seeing some ofthe best ogc ever er ‘all the candidates,Or|school in’which the tough element’me eres a .betta oe rown In.ie peace} people‘generally,realize that the|are permitted to make life a ‘burden hsvene.vile”and otherwise improp-|Breathing a Germ-KJerm-KillingAir En-e€trust’e farmers:of:‘the cuinty, on of treasurer,if administered ax}+o others?oe that?he was glad it did not Gaeokek Pe dorsed By Actual Bedale..pelle our friends iin town,‘will cal a 'contem :him>to read #t to the jury.‘fo'The discovery of.Hyomei .has es law panies,“is”not en This form.of barbarity formerly i yVatdonawho |isa te,che hwrought a wonderful change in the see this dis lay,ay as wewant youto know‘about the most important office in the)found defenders.Since the killingof|j,¢his own dase.”treatment of catarrh._“what rede:risa is doing Sane.thisanty;but that if its duties are liv-/the student at the University,who tonbe he took,the view ies a eri a 1eekmedi-'#line :om ublishin es ordinarily emp oe cure fPetuptoftwill’take a good business was done.to death bys moby there;|DaneTh Pint comiiebatian e-|of this disease were drugs,sproye,Wf ‘Tt18 our iitentdin to make this an annual:man,one with experience in handling}ijt of tolerating mob law there,‘and clared his.purnoseyW:Hi fiatione,ete:‘Tn ponte,‘instances the affair,so we ti t all the farmers ‘of tha: books,to fill it,Unless the duties of),shooting at Wake Forest;nobody |sst,and that he was.if,88 We |benefited,but the improvement was |’rus the ‘office are ignored,the treasurer's has had the’nerve to come into the |ad been for he iA By not ‘dasting.‘:county will bearthis iinmind and do still’ office is’no longer.the easy job it was|onen to defend such outrages;|a4,Luther,John Knexy”and.others wie Arealsee ae the air better farming next.year,and let’s have >. under the old regime.The county/and let him who would excuse it even,|Church.”Watson.also indicated.thata ane air that goes into the min-@ .a show next fallthat will-be a‘eredit to salary law,effective a year 8°,/place himself or his boy in the place ‘he ‘intended’to try_to show that thejutest celle,and should effectually,~~any community, makes the county treasurer county|o¢those made to undergo indignities |"ailing of the alleged obscene arti+|Idl!all ane and microbes of ca- ;ch t done.by himself.but by|tarrh.urposé is.to:enter.the auditor,and the salary was made $1,-/and worse.the Jatersonian Publishing Company,|blood with the:oxygen,killing the Mer chants:and Farmers’s Bank, 500.because of the additional duties}‘The colleges,as Mr.Paine says,|4 corporation.:Kgerms in the blood,and restore health,f .‘Of States esetem le-system..Many aston-’‘supposed to,he imposed br the work!profess to have stopped hazing.They “s So the Wha :“The Bank For Your Savings.” cof an auditor.©‘Inthe salary law it|haven't—not all of them.They are Engineer and eer.Resporpon |ishing eehavecaress Helped led that the treasurer be|trying to keep it under cover,The «iy.Hyomei, f auditin:dma Columbus,Ga.,Dispatch.ae Ae poe biatil outfitis inexpensive and Rapes bow’:oeiioe!Paoeerk te |ONE Pee ns A_¢oinmission,composed'of two!iheludes an inhaler,dropper and suf, oe ‘come out in the open on this ‘ques-Columbus citizens and four officials|ficient Hyomei for ‘several weeks’ ofits received by.the|tion,This paper had too little sup-|of the Central of Georgia railroad.|treatment.; sheriff,elerk of the Superior Court!,o7¢when it proclaimed against the {investigating the recent collision “of}Perhaps the strongest ‘evidence that and ree!‘ster ,of deeds,and if shall be college lawlessness in the «past,If the.Central of ;foots nqenenger on na aete ann i ae is train and special carrying e m ie sville Drug m ve "hisduty.to examine all’books,papers |the farmers,who are large patrons of Kennedy Coriea Company,result-|so much faith in;Hyomei that theyofeverykindkeptb3|iy,A,and M.,will arouse them-|ing in the loss of probably eight lives,/sell every package under a positive and>to-see that all fee>;|wives as they should,this outrage inlaced the blame upon Engineer J.jguarantee to refund the money if it nd fits earned —by v L.Fickling and Conductor J,W.Rich-|does not relieve.Pre on rigtt and decency and justice at|ot of the passenger train.The coms crak arene any ot.Bad,officers are gel the A,and M.will stop.mission found Nhat thay,disdbeved or-ea TO:- |charged.cand collected by them an nectar ean ie ders to await the special at Muscogee”Mavihe ‘aun te ar gar nd of the es- "turned ‘overto the treasurer of said|\The Rev.Dr.Clark,of Greensboro,|Junction.piss steele Trecellcounty,NorthCareling,thisi to notify ae who allowed a conductor to put “him “Chamberlain’s Tablets.tials denmnsed to exhibit Pee ec tie anaes (Of .cwnse the treasurer:-auditor|off the trajn at Jamestown when his|‘ris is a medicine intended especially for signed ot J.M.Stroud’s,Statesville,N.C.,'4R-7,on or before the 201m day of November,eeu:i permitted,ignére the duties|tieket read to that point instead |of|fomschtroubles,billousnessand constipation)1915,or this notice will be plead in bar.of:inable tte very,as ;of aadith:.He coulu accept whatev-|Greensboro,because he had asked ening ra favcr and popularity.Obtainable ~chenee oti aire ponents ~Bre er.rejort the ‘county officers hand in|for ‘a ticket at Salisbury to Greens-ra -ment.J.J.GRIFFITH,;rt =“| W.A.Bristol.Atty.Administrator.to him and let it go at that.But that|boro,may or may not have intended Nov.$0,1915: i would Le iznoring the law and if the|to play the martyr role,but heis get-:FLOORING,“CEILING,SIDING,“S ELNOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM-:mm u OTL am is ignored in one instance it can ting little consolation.The ticket Boxing,Casing and Moulding kia MONS BY PUBLICATION, ‘be ignored in another.The law .re-|agent at Salisbury evidently.made a|{dried from Jong leaf pine.They North Carolina,Iredell Go’ quires ibe treasurer -auditor not mistake,for which’Dr.Clark was|]stay where they are nailed.No sin the Supentas Count:canuat Term,1915.BANG!BING!BANG!;;ing or cracking open.Long }]“Daisy Parks,plaintiff,vs.Espy Parks,de-only |‘.1eveive the reports of fee*|not responsible.But it is obvious loaf ta Taco fondant.;f ;:Wer;eed A gnized as the'best pine.4 munition?and €ymiss‘tns handed in by tie]that the conductor can’t accept.the|{Full stock of all grades ready for fliate’soticethatoneation apeith uamed,will 1 What's the usa of havinga gua and using poor ammup other oificers.but it requires him to}statement of passengers in such cases.delivery at ‘all times.‘Sifas heen commenced in the Superior Court of {If you do you can’t have much fun or luck or even satisfaction,:mn Hl Iredell North ina,a‘examine the books and records ani/Doubtless in this case Dr.(lark’s Ee Are ee >Wh UE Nbove nated ter diy culties ot caetiag and it takes all these to constitate good sport. gee Ghat,nt!the fees éatned have|word would have.been teadily accept:|ber eee ee .&Wivoree a mens et thoro,from said defend-{We are headquarters for guns,shells,orirkiges,powder,shot,wee izrt;and the said defendant will further take|> :been properly chargved and collected.ed,but when similar cases are liable me i ;notice that he.is required to appear at the ammunition supplies.t f the’Superior’Court of said tThat.is uy important duty which re-|to come up every day ‘the company’s —Gxt ws to keheld om the’th Monday beforethe.‘rat 1 If you want goodprizes and a goodtime —LISTEN: ~quires some expertknowledge,ae rules must be complied with,.The “>sah county in,Statesvile N.C and answer the importanceof choosing a man for|conductor“was obeying orders.To)7 *‘aemur to the complaint in said action,or ZSjtheplaintiff,wil!to the court for thSaigemaremeGaceweaeeCNNeat |Tredell Hardware ‘Com’yhe,who wil be fitted for the-worl.dangered his.job ‘or his Standing|sak bie!/viteaerion Ge a”£Clerk ‘Iredell Superior,Court.i “The Stutesville-man is.right ard with the company.Dr.Clark could!4 sot if —e v3 We :;aA.:Scott,Jr Attorney for Plaintift. this suggestions are good things’to/pave paid the fare under protest,took)7 i PE ‘;0 —_— keep:in mind in filling this office.The},receipt and taken.the case up with ;‘Landina:k has little Knowledge of th>Ge eoowdny:‘Than be would have business qvaiifications of the numer-got his money back.Instead he Sub-"pus candidates who have expressed a!.f /mo Se tek .cs ;jected the conductor to a disagreea es s uits eee teoramyern,OF,thls,ofice,le duty;and if the doctor expected ;ats i A t z e Gloves They may «ll be capable.But it is an.cutburst.of sympathy—which he Ramsey Bowles MorrTison Co., impotiant ioe She (voters to select c didn't.deserve—he has falied to get aes Oa tT and andwapableman-—and more especialiy |.'|Sweaters Se eeOe teen it so far as the newspapers are con-@iié Who has thezeal as well as the}.of -i 1 .The Store With site Quick Parcel ability ts }:¢rform the duties of the |"med.i Coatsoem_‘a a set ee Post Service.office ai?the law directs.Re Nearly all the speakers at the ses-ae :: iy ':sion of the twent:y-ninth annual meet- otk 30h a eee a ing of the Association of Colleges and the Femailed thatrs aaa ated Preparatory Schools in the Middle a ‘States and Maryland,held in Phila-Uh,i.a ‘::ca as Seen’a en vioe.delphia,criticised the proposition that ,f ee:wel x 4 ay ;§ They do not,of course,and Mr.Wil-Petes siden Meet bea atdigs Mo ite ;fee 8 ihe ii e [@ aJamsdidn’t so charge.But he shows schools.They contended that drilling)I ig the one universal Christ-that and military training’of students in|mas Gift that is always accept-. Dat cht ok tein of'208 oan public schools and colleges would be a We have the bestacsort- they:were charging 10 per cent.on|*"illogical,unwarranted,impractical ment we have ever ae ae cimad loind.Me:Williams suggeste |harmful instrusion upon a more|§have le el to kage FRE z . Ggests |.alted and more practical use and|.g Neat Christmas arethatthebanksberequiredtoshowpurpose,It is gratifying to see that ‘|OF COST.3 ‘2 Z i :;For your liberal Thanksgiving pur- fin their published statements of con-an d ;«|the educators haven’t lost their heads.F ll Li fF YOLLAND.Ha ,aie ee ~ee if aes eee aseae tratingelt a CARDS AGAIN.,see chases and youll he thankfal,too, Idiery,which.may be neces-ME ‘be tif esbanks?that are not guilty would stand an ee r selecti ;‘A ¥th ul terday’8 acquitted and ‘sah gaily would be Rory Sud proper,Shey should be.spe:‘Make your 10ns early -Fe for ,a ul S its y y‘ditions ate Me.Willinnin. duecrvix cially provided for that purpose.Mil- ‘tbe eu itary:training in pubtic sehools is not]:Statesville TW cs |express brought 0S when you BeeAnethanksofthecountryforhisesirable,-Printing”Ak,ha t.d ful val ;the are, Peeks os chaskears Gar the ang _.Compzny.ts Waat -Wondern®vatue onadGhaicshere!ee Citizen —_eerakes fl i B Browns.and Greenssdawallows—-who violate the.law--|the suggestion that ounds—real |p we ft ; are not afraid of the courts but they torreirl rio 20 a pike ues,:i)ai :'ate afraid of publicity.Like all law-|o¢good dogs would soon pay the cost ie :There are Three Lots:breakers they don’t want ‘the facts a eae investment.—Ashe-|,|‘ODAY |::known;and if they we elled |Ville zen,DeeOe Wek:LX.va oe ‘Bo ALylaw.to publish Tiers reais The Gitizen certainly has faith that of the maximum interest rate ch would remove ‘mountains.Ir full view||~*~IPs :oe as ; ed,the number a eerie seedte of All the Dicodhomng fakes end Fa)|Wen Lot No.1 ;“shatatially reduced.ures.staged in North Carolina for the}:{: P5225 7°|cmeniaiampeanetaiaaianamnamnanisins past quarter of a century,the Ashe-| Recently The Landmark suggested|Ville paper seems to-cherish the belie?if he |ot No.2 15.00 that towns’the size of ‘Statesville,that Asheyille ean obtain bloodhounds|mites) ya ary.and Concord probably didn't|that will trace and cateh criminals.|:y e )j L ,t N 3 18 5 0 fave enough eating places to enter-a Presents the World’s Fore-"O O..bi What has become,of the old Fished :rin .Ro ee a ioned North Carchinian .who used to|most Comedian,plan.pon Col.Sam Farabee|buy wholeblocksof town lots in or-!ofthéHitkory Record up and asked |der ‘to get’a-city gtatted on the map|aeeed Pe editor had been in Stare out West t=‘ideshicons Sam Ber nard,AL And great are they.If ‘youeseeaasee|eee Reva So eet let us kieotaenamethenum-community.Not so many of him as!:5 eae wa .be get,totown e us now your peop Ha a ger feed at the pub-formerly,probably,but in sufficient |te al oe :hei he ee es in Hickory —the ho-|numbers to make it worth while for “Poor Schmaltz.”3]...and color and we'll send-them forPePachovturats,oneing salman who knows susie a ee ee nO ROE AD ig Pate salesman®could:in al i ,Sedne es tes Gk [nk nd yrctnsers in Witmincon |A Paramount:Comedy |[4 nef1blHE!;could be fed at,each public place now x aaa locks +Sa ||enat will kee you laugh-af |existence,in an heur’s time,and if if the ‘Gerulana on trial in New!ing through ourreels.“ thecould feed 400 to 500 in an.hour|York city,charged with conspir:acy |“be ;3 Eatin Re Bor |Ml rrison ,.ne:Lan mark was willing to take|to defraud the United States by ob-if ~Paramount pitnies ate’Pee SE ia amsey Wes 0 m of the unpreparedlist.Since|taining false dlearance papers for,justas entertaining as alll Gage ee en ns he silence .on this subject up|ships,look like their pict be Headarw oeayhaySeandenna,Bar:r pictures |pu $2.show.See them at ie ‘The StoreThat Paysthe Portage lished in the papers,two or three of eS ee nMa ev.arabesiis stillFat the four oat be convicted on gen isyand SnTate i taiibiicuiitictdaad.,Te teed it ees“lie. ~+Noveraber =11s. H.Pressly.Mr.Sherrill.WilleMcCrearyoftheion... *‘The:dhiarelia ge of ‘Miss oe Alli-son,ghter of Mr,J.We Allison of [*Aaa ille,and Mr.James Hamlin ct}Blle,was mentioned briefly inlastissueofTheLandmark,The},Misseelowingaccount.of the marriage|from the last issue of the Reidsville |"Review,will be of interest to friends aM‘and relatives of the bridein Iredell:.'“A*quiet though beautiful weddini?that ¢omes asa surprise to the man;fri of the bride and Sponm,beremnizedMondayé22d.:80.o'clock,at'the home of My.andMrs.*G.8.Gaulden in GreensborswhenMiss,Quize Allison’was marrie/to Jomes Bemis,hoth.regidents€eh ceremony was per-‘by Hie ESA.Lambeth,pas-tor:o¥both “WA Eangroom.“It-was the wish of the *bride that:n in Greensborus)ts for the wedding 4 Aeeomnanied by“and relatives ithe i ath eae of Meck-wee county?‘the guest’of Mys, raret.Flanigan went.tairidaytospendafew’Misg Theresa Bristol:»J.B,Armfield —andvert”vere,on 2}‘and.Frances és Turner ofane+in_StatesvilleFridayforashoEtime.Mrs.Turnei,who was Miss Mattie Tucker.daugh-ter of the late T.S.bay of States-ville,A a greeted by friends here,My.and Mrs.Turner were‘traveling byautomobileandwereenroutetoMon- roe.They will return toStatesvillethiyweek.Mr.J.S.Leonard,who spent a fewweeksinKinstonwith.his son.Mr, John B,Leonard,returnéd to his homehere;Saturday and remained untilyesterday,when he went to Lexing- ton.Mr.Leonard and daughter,Miss!Janie Leonard,will divide their time between Statesville.Salisbury and Lexington during the winter,MissLeonard,who was with her father on ;Thaaksgiving "Guests —Social Events at ,te a cnetnnoodei of The Ladwart Troutman;R-1,Nov.28+Thanks‘giving was a verypretty day.most enjoyable one for the “yo peonle of our reyMr.and Mrs.A.M.Johnsonaareunion.Those present wereandMrs.N.W,.Johnson and MaatTreseoofStatesville,Mrs.J ener dy ‘son,ree Jr.,of i Mrs.tn Seles eaOph¢lia Gantt,Fucthca Lathan |MillsndRob.‘Johnston,and _little”figsMaryBelleMcLean-of Mooresyple.Mr.and.Mrs,W.:'T.Sherrill Suter-taired quite a number at a indinner.Those present were MR.Sherrill of ,Mississippi,atteSherrill,Mr.and Mrs.L.Piridisandlittledaughter,Sara Foiieaet,and.Miss Dora Henderson of “@har-lotte,Misses Emma Kennerlyz:‘and ‘Grace Johnson..YL,Misses Clara Beaver and Ampada cMiilsof|Statesville were guests.of}Miss Bertie Beaver.Thanks Mvs.Clyde Mayhew and.¢Vocresville snentThantaciving withMrs.Mayhew’s parents,Mr.and Mre.}-'F.K.Ostwalt..Mr.and Mrs,L.Hi:White and.Mr.and Mrs.John Wal}lace,from near Statesville,are —the’suests of Mr,and Mrs.P.T.Neill}.Mr.Carl Beaver of Mooresville spent’Tranksgiving with his parents.and Mrs.Beaver:Mrs.J.Neill daughter,Miss Brevard Neill,-arevisitingMr.Bob Wallace in’Mecks lenturg.Mr.M.L.Arthurs,who has been: confined to his room.for the .pastsummerandfall,is not as well as usu-al this week.osMissMattieWagoner arrangements were the visit at Kinston.is now with her _delig’entertained about sixty’of her friends!— {tien committed suicide. ildren of}. Wie tern Waion, me ETT eT ee oe Six:Found Dead in,One Honee ewBranswick,N..J.,Dispatch,27th, Six‘persons were’.found shot todeathmnfarmhouseonacountrya|road three''miles south of here to-rrr.‘Five had been murdered,[whilea sixth apparently had ¢om-fie.suicide after shooting the oth-rs Samuel Weitamann,his wife,and daughter,Mrs.David /Kigner,Mr.Kigner and two farm hands werekilled.The farm hands apparentlyerePolish.The police claim thatmoofthelatterdidthekillingandThekillingapparentlyoccurredTuesdaynight. aiT REPORTS. tesville ProducProduce Market.The tollawing prices were paid yesterdayforproduce‘oi the local market,Spring Chieketis lle,per Ib, if “Hens,10¢.per Ib.‘ ters,Be.per Ib,Exgs,,2be.per dozen.Hutter,15e.per Ib,Beeswax,25¢.per Ib.“treen Hides,12c.per Yb.Green Hams.15¢.pr Ib. Old £3 18 to 20¢,per Ib.Sides,Te.per Ib.’ShoulWers,13.per’tb.Red Honey,10c.per Ib. Sourweed Honey Comb,18c.per 1b. Grain,"The following prices were paid yesterdayfor’craim’on the local market:Wheat,$1.25 per bushel,br Corn,(new),60¢.per bushel.Oats,55¢.per bushel. sr Statesville Cotton Market.On the local,market’yesterday 11.75 per pound w paid for best grade cotton.Sced cotton,5.10.Cotton seed,55 1-2 per bushel. |WANTED—Three or cane ern aeforhoysekeeping.O..D, SAFETY. LOSTA-~P ocketbook eontalniiut sum -of Money.Return to Blank. An advertisement similar to the one above may be seen in a good percentage of all issues of local newspapers,or a news itemtotheeffectthatburglarshad entered Mr,Jones’home and re- lieved him of so many dollars in cash,or a home was burned and what money the owner had was burned with it. The insecure and unsafe habit of carrying money in the pocket or keeping:it around the house are the lessons to be learned from these experiences.. The Venetians knew this near- ly 750 vears ago and established 1“aEeg the Bank of Venice,the ’first public bank.There are those who i Mamie Hamlin,a sister|sister,Mrs.8.D.Swaim,in Lexing-|at a Soéiable Thanksgiving nightet’Pad FOr Saeed have at the college three a was nae honor,and ton."j Bentt Teieaaiee wee wedtuily weesasbestvs.“H..He Mills and baby,H.H.,|An Old Lady—School Openings:us now,‘They.were sold.to me -and are oda Med sad played ae we Bag ng ey ae me Jd.L,)torréspondence of The dmark,eu nrantond Me the farooas Wins Knalie Fieus ing’mat rom ‘bohengrin|Cowan,left Saturday for Bridgewa-|,Harmony,R-1,N Fe Pe OLE:5 OF!will sell.them for as the bridal party entered the parlor|ter.where they will spen Here have sic finished ip Bt wheat aod Bi wer toe oy onen SREY,2 A.scorn,147wherethevowsweréspoken.with Mrs.Mills’home;peopl¢,..Later|oats and these cold mornings remi Ny hulberry St.,Stateaville,N.C.:r.and Mrs.Hamlin left immedi-|thev-will join Mr.Mills.m Wisconsin.|us of hog killing time,to which every~|“2:26-2 ae,ately after the-cerembny for States-|Miss Elizabeth Nattress”Attended!body looks forward to as a feast,the FOR RENT—Seven-room house on Traddouswherethey.a Visit relatives fife snermpenking at Davidson.Col-|harvest time of year for the reward]_$*Street W.A.ELIASON.Oct.8. ..For é.time ore returning ilége Saturday.of our labors.meReidsville,where they’will make|‘Mrs,Wade Deitz of Granite Quarry|ithe see leading from Harmony to pan egerAraasAn,tae :their hones”iswisiting her sister-in-law,Mrs.J.E.|the Post Highwayis being sanded,w:'}):ih.Also good to.put under carpets and UNITED STATES»“My,:‘lin is employed’by the}Deitz.-}Rev.J.M.Heath and wife and‘Ipta}.'Perer the walls.Come to.THE LAND-|.MENT.Southern?’Belt Telephone Company at}-Miss Vera Millsans,who is a.stu-'tle granddaughter of Kannapolis visit-,wMARK for them.Reidsville.“Mrs.Hamlin recently dent at the State Normal.at Greens.|ed J.L.Heath’s ‘family.and his aged|ror rr‘tame’to this city-from Statesville an!boro,spent the Thanksgiving holidays|mother last Raterdny Ln Seen on ges WerFrout neeee heeeer en THE FIRST NATIOhas‘been-in-the employ of the:tele|at home.lhis way to Conference at.Newton.puCASH.Aug.20.Statesville N.C. ’,3plonecompanyclso.They bothhave |iss Rebecca Stimson,who spent!The mother is now turned into her ,LOscoresof.friends.who will wish for |afew days at home,returned Satur-|92d birthday.She has 389 grand-ieee neeSon.Meanie rd Capital $100,000.Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposit - U.S.Depository,ohthemahappyfuture,”|idav to Gastonia.\children and 60 great grandchildren,Mrs.Henry Bennett>of Marion/The publie’school at Gum Grove bei WANTED—To borrow $1,000 secured by first u ONE NIGHT “Quite a number of young.people an!tgs Eulalia McLeNand,who is|gan a week ago with E.W.Down gnortpage on 100 acres fmprpved ferme tend.|2: Thursd ay,Deciaaie ai. rarticipated in a dance which —was|toaching at Old Fort.wha were guestsas teacher.Mr.Sharp is teaching the |Addreay M..care The Landmark.-Nov.'1¢.given in the armory hall Friday night of Mrs.Henry Lewis.returnedSun.wag ee P achjng th THE FIFTH YEAR--of the-————- by toung men.of the town.jday afternoon to Marion and ~Romantic American Comedy Drama have not learned,-or.have *not practiced,that a bank is,prima- rily,an establishment for the deposit,custody and repayment on demand of money. Your money is-safest in a bank and this bank is safé UNDER ‘THE SUPERVISIOD ; ®Notice to Contractors. od proposals tor the eonstruction ofimprovementsintheDavidsdonCreek ce Distriet,Iredell county,N.C.,willcivedby’the board of drainage eom- Repertec For The Landmark.|For io MissBelle Feild,“who-Wawas at homey The Eclectic Book club and several!Mies Helen -Wilson of Sherrill’s for a few days,returned’to Charlotta, invited guests.were delightfully,en-|For,Catawba county,who spent a sesterday.iisstertainedWednesdayafternoon,No |(yy days in Statesville as the~cetoO ———_____Y Mivember24th,by Mrs.A.L.Coble.A/of Miss Edith McLaughlin,left yes-WANTED—Girls to work inoffice.PIEDMONT}eo Be ike”1eib at henilionet ae.pe ’RED CEDAR CHEST co.Nov,20:ecember,1915,at the office of Zeb.per on Lake Titicaca,its snow and ‘erday for Davidson.Sek vgten,.Esq.,.Mooresville,N.°C.‘Theitssderedislands,”was read by Mrs.|Mr.and Mrs.C..V.Henkel attended|FOR SALE—Berkshirepies.Can be regiaters and specifiestions are on file at the of-J.W.Wilson.Mrs.D,Matt Thomp-|the Cannon-Lambert marriage in|_¢.JOHN D.FOARD,Nov.30—2t8 py af sunty.The’nae aie ee eeANT,read a sketch of “Robinson Cru-|Cc-cord Wednesday evening.-FOR\SALE—Farm of 58 acres,near town.N.}Q4ired (o give a sufficient bond for the faithful|soe’s Home.”An apvropriate Span-|My and Mrs.John.O.Rose of|ATT.Nov,30,jP@iformance of the contract.The board re- ish Song,“In Old Madrid,”and “Lovely|;king’s Mountain arrived in States-LOST__A.oh .Lagrves the right to neloct a bids.| Jean,”dedicated to the hostess.were |.ic yesterday to Spend a week with)“QGt Automobile rear light.B.F.RUS-{)J.Rk)WITHERS,|charmingly,sung by Mrs,H.O.Stecle,|Rev.and Mrs,J.iF.,Kirks--Mr.Ross)—~—"__._.-+___:3.T.MOORE,|with Mrs.Wellace accompanying.iiq Mrs.Kirk’s brother.FOR,SALE—A few chaice Wsandoste cozker-;-Greek Commissioners.A:lively discussion’of Curren.|4)js5 Ellen Fuller,who.was at home|dist L.Ko LAZENB'Nov.30.|aNov.80,1915.gE ae ee iEventsprecededatwo-course Junch-|¢cy Thanksgiving,returned to Char-POUND—In the woods,eight miles from town,Qt osconservedbyMissCarterandthehos(1Utte yesterday.a bicycle.Owner can get it by describing |THE FREIGHT | On my kiln dried long’leaf:pine Ceiling,Flooring,Boxing and_ tess,who presented each guest with a=ye.and Mrs:P.W.Troutman and!property and paying cherges.”©.A.LIP Thanksgiving-souvenir card,while she little daughter,Martha Wilson,were!Aa er eerakeaad Bier.threadthefollowingoriginalversecarjnStatesvillevesterdayenrouteto/CABBAGE PLANTS,15c per 109.ORPHAN'S |ried out‘in the menu:their home at Hickory.They had at-|HOME,Barium,ag-:ov.30-2.|Ping from the long leaf pine.forests *“Thanksgiving turkey at the start,|teuded the funeral of:Mr,Troutman’s|oR SALEcFresh ihrecpearald Jamey cow.)tO,Statesville is less than it costs e F {Cranberries in between.tant.Mrs.”Blizabéth Troutman,in}Quality first:class.Good milker.J.F.|{eto,haul short leaf pine from a fewThen‘finish up with ssumpkin tarts.allstown township,Sunday.|BAGLE,R-1.Nov.30.|Rimiles out to Statesvillé.”Isn’t that Mixed Nuts 18¢.Ib S46|u a WwEnglishWalnuts Crab apple and w ipped cream.”|fa ‘ses Corinna and Ellen Finley!gor SALEOue.wasnud-Mand|‘Quick Meal|{.2 Teason.for “lowest prices? .ww...aes)North Wilkesboro °spent the <‘es onal 5 D Notice of New Advertisements.|:m ankseiving season with Mrs.Ww oil.heater |one.feather Sok penn “38 ibe.Weccaa Warskeane.to:Melwog's 22¢.Pound.-.,By D.M:Clarke.ue THE BEST PLAY OF ITSKINDEVERPRODUCED. Christmas time on pavers articles,/lL.H.Cowles.R.L..POSTON.Nov.30. PRICES 35c.,50c,and $1.00. —R.P.Allison.|Rev.and Mrs.J..P.Bain of Augus-|i —— Seats on sale at Statesville Drug Co. Full line Volland cards.—States-|ta,-Ga.and Mr.J/'B.Barnhardt of|svilePrintingCo.{Asheville are.visiting Mr.M.T.,ns :Everything to build with—C.Wat-|tarihardt at his home south of town.Swift's Genuine kins.Mrs.W.A.Templeton of Abbe-!At the Lyric today Sam Bernard|viffc.$.C.,who visited her daughter-}PorkSausage,12as“Poor Schmaltz.”in law.Mrs.-W.G.Templeton,left}{1 ,.: Ammunition.—Iredell Hardware Co:ty esterdayy for Lexington,Ky.,where|links in-a pound Trimmed and sorrnanied hats onl sho will visit her daughter.i fei 3 }sale tomorrow.—Mrs.J.-M.McKee.Misses Hallie Covington and Bes-|box,|25c.value, More new Siesta —Johnston-/sj>Bankhead of |Statesville:college,for 20c NUTS. *Brazil Nats 18¢.lb Belk Co.ami Miss Margaret Turner spent yes-Corn exhibit.open for_ten days.—|terday in Charlotte. Merchants &Farmers’Pank.|Messrs.Frank Deaton and Rosseeoeinholidaybox-|alexander,students at the State Uni- ee &Poston.veisity at Chapel Hill;Henry Nich- ppropriate articles for the sca-!o!son and Irvin Tomlin.students a‘! oebe“Robert Bunch ~Cash Grocery)y'rinity,College at’Durham,~andSe:arr and Eugene Morrison,‘studentsOPHoosiercabinetclubSaturday.|lat Elon College,were at.home for _«<Crawford-Bunch Furniture:Co.Tianksgiving. The White Squaw.at the “Oper |:on a,night,Griffith has qualified as ad-/ani rator of James C.Martin. Livery item!in this ad.is especially appropriate for this : season of Year.“Reading it over will give an added zest t«your lagging*appetite.This’store can assist you in making every meal attractivearid satisfying and the cost }rices named below.will show a’,Sgving,without sacrific-°|ing the qualit of merchandise.|Taylorsville Personals.e 2 -i'Seriuipbalities ‘aff the lantaamas <1 NUTS.FRUITS,ETC,”i,CANNED GOODS.:aunts ut Red Cedar Chest Co.eeKor.22oA recat California.Oranges,*38c.doz.ibby’s Green Aspara- shire ies for sale.—John D.|who were visiting Mrs.’Dorsett’s sis-California:Grape “Fruit,.10c.at gus Tips,25c.can for 28c. ne ter,Mrs.W.D.Deal.-will return|{|Malaga Grapes,20¢.lb.|Libby’s White Aspara- Tash of 68.acres for sale.—N.P.thome today.Mr.M.C.Campbell,a eee (eating),30¢.Py nee ent 30c.can for 27c. Watt student at the University,Chapel F poo 1sins,:wer i Bid ace oe 9¢.can. ‘Automobile’-light _lost.—B..F.'Hill.who spent-a week here with.his Layer Raisins,=c nbs ie :ge ‘orn,.can, R LI.;|mother,Mes.Sara Campbell,-has re-|ae sGee e Velvet oe ow Corn,a 2 ean. 1K,<oe Wyandotte cockerels.|turned to Chapel Hill.iron,e BD.orn,.can, CG.P.MeNeely and Miss May McLel-|Mr.and Mrs.’Grystalized Cherries,38c.Ib.Herd Peas,9c.“can. an roe —O.A.Lippard.lanc of Mooresville were guests!Crystalized Pineapple,44c.lb.Stokoe Bros.Peas,12e.can. col plat phans ‘Home,Thanksgiving Day at the home|of Evaporated Peaches,,-10c.1b.|Pogahontas Peas,17e.can. +Mrs,McNeely’s brother,Dr.Asa California Prunes,2 lb New*Packed Mackerel, ¥.,Thurston.Mrs.McNeely remained;Currants,pkg.‘to 6 02.size,5e.each.Mi Jersey cow for nale—-J.geese ae y COFFEE.OT BAgene BOWSEIL eh ge,stove,heater .and feather Mr.W.L.Matheson of |Moores-Queen's Brand Coffeei Deay Baking Powder,1 Ib can,18¢ bee ‘for sale—R?1,Poston.ville spent Thaake eis,ge here an grade ae yh vis’peaking:Powder, hi ther,Mrs athe-satisfy.the lover 0:4jontractstobeletfordrainagewithhismothergoodCoffee,1-Ib.can >+:aE e’Baking Poitier,09¢ c.value,1 88c. Instead of settee you a razor and giving you the shaving. soap,we'll sell you a 25c.stick of shaving soap and GIVE: you the.razor,ABSOLUTELY FREE. --It’s-a complete razor-in-fine seven:-times-a-week work. ing order.ia ; FO E IC E Eo OE ET E ry No strings whatever to thisoffer,Don’t aie theae ber is limited.1‘improvements in Davidson Creek)zon,who has been ill for a.week. hace District.—J.A.Black.J.R.|Miss Sue Kerley,teacher of the sec- rs and J.T.Mvore,commission- The D..A.R.Bazaar Thursday, Correspondence of The Landmark. Fancy articles tobe contributed tothe:.R.bazaat should be-sent toneé--of—Mys.—C,-V.—Henkelnot:Tater hast this afternoon.The pub-,__lie is:cordially,invited.to this bazaar,which is,to be.held Thursday),Decem-ber’2d,at the court house.Many beau- tiful articles for Christmas givingwillbeonsaleandagoodlunchiseeealleedesife.it.the children -come with theirnickelstoseewhattheoldgraygoosehias-for them.Don’t “Go tell AuntPatsytheoldgraygooseisdead.”No,never!She is right with us andhas:gift in,porolpense for everyniexel, geDrive orMalariaAndBuild Up The Syaten Take the ol,prea GROVE’S‘ELESSchill TONIC,You knowastheformulais |1,showing.it is‘form. ond and third grades of the Tavlors- ville high school.spent from.Thurs-day until Saturday night with her mother.Mrs,Kerley,near Char- lotte.Mrs.Lelia Bogleis visiting her brother;Mr.A.CG.McIntosh,in Chap-el Hill.Mr.and Mrs..M.J.Gwalt-Iney_wereguestsofMr.and Mrs.C. Bourbon Santos Coffee,in bulk,35c.value;for =,26c. No.1 Blended Coffee,woe ‘a0 er 4 c 18c. o.2 ende 0:i20c.value,pe,“4 16c. cee R.itdns anin Statesville Thanksgiving Day.Miss Pearl Davidson of -Wilkes- bore spent Thursday here with hercousins,the Misses Alten,and MissLunaAllenaccompanied’her hometospendafewdays.Mr,and Mrs.Gaston.Hehdren atid son,MasterJohn,of Samaracan,,are visiting rel-atives in the town and county, In Union county Thanksgiving Day,Ray Simms,13 years old,was killed by the accidenta discharge of agun. Distress in the Libby's Sour Picklés,106.Hoe.Libby’s Sweet Mixed Pick-)les,.28¢.quart (bulk.) b.can,Rymford Baking Pow- r,1 Ibs can,Rumford Baking Pow- der,..1-2 lb.can,Royal Baking Pow- ler,1 lb.can,' Royal :pane Pow-»1-23 "Snow King’wing Pow-. 9c.can.‘tae Saltine _Geack:17e,Ib. There are manytress:in the weeks afterto’indigestion and vy,remi iby ing Stomach.,people “who.ha:i auc Mrs.“henoy helebanhan,Victor,N.YupwritesiTinerT,.Ne isx“ime I e ae 78 h ’ “The Robert,Bunch,jCash em| “TheHouse ofBi Values.” l CIGARS! YOU HAVE TRIED THE org_NOW TRY THE BEST. “HALL’s DRUGoS ;.OME we‘NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. ’Happenings Here and There in the Country. Ellis Buckner,a negro,,charged with having attacked a young girl, was taken from the county jail at Henderson,Ky.;and hanged.= W.Atlee Burpee,head of the seed firm of W.Atlee Burpee &Co.,and a noted horticulturish,died at his country home near —Philadelphia a few days ago,aged 57 The main building and seed and ws meal houses of the Trio Cotton Oily ie hai at Eastman,Ga.burned Friday 4.with a loss estimated at $215,000.The ®**origin of the fire is unknown, A cyclone that passed over ©the country near Hot Springs,Ark.,on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day, resulted in the death of ten or more persons,the injury of 30 and:much »property loss. "Dr.-V.K.Wellington Koo,recently appointed Chinese minister to the United States;has arrived.He is un- der 80 years of age and was educat- yo ed in this country,graduating at Col- umbia University in 1909.‘ «:In the,football game between the *evarmy and navy teams—from West "S*Point and Annapolis—in New York *<Saturday—the army won,14 to.0. -President Wilson,Secretary Daniels and other notables witnessed the * ‘ame,are r T,St.John Gaffney,until recently -eonsul general for the United States ,-arrivedin New York Sun- OccupyOnly.a Fringe ofCountry—Fighting“where —CanadWheat. The Teutonic armies have driven’ almost all the Serbs into Montenegro) and northern,Albania,leaving |intheircontrolonlyaportion.of thesouthwestandsouthernsectionsoftheir,Kingdom,which,with.the aidoftheBritishandF4;holding against the Bulgarians,,“With the flight of the scanty re-mains of the Serbian army into theAlbania:mountains,”says the latest official,German communication,“ouroperationsagainstthisarmyarebroughttoaClose,our object of ef-fecting communications with BulgariaandtheTurkishempirehavingbeen accomplished.”Aside from.Serbia,the ‘Austro-{talian theater*is furnishing the most violent fighting of any of.‘the warzones,Here along the entire fronttheItalians»are .on the offensive against the Austrians, Artillery bombardments and sap- ping operations have prevailed every- where on the French line except near Berry-au-Bac,where a strong German reconnaissance was dispersed by theFrenchfire,and north of “the Laby- rinth,”where the Germans succeeded in occupying an excavation caused bytheexplosionofamine.French aero-planes‘have bombarded German air- eraft hangars at.Habsheim,east of Muelhausen,and French and German aviators have had thrilling.fights in which four German machines were Takes Over|. ench,they are|® ~-Harnet af ,blecandid :nomination.for) Via yW.D.Blustex'was caught in’thbeltingof,Ludwick’s cotton gin,inRowancounty,a few,days ago,andseverelyinjured.The outcome of hisinjuriesisuncertain,,.aeAtElizabethCitylanksgivingDay,Edward Connery;aged about 16,was accidentally shot by a companion,Bruee_Puckett.about the same age,and died of his injuries.~ -‘ Fire of unknown.origin ‘destroyedafewdaysago\the Methodist Protest-ant church at Denton,Da eyesty:Building recently completed at acostof$4,000.No insurance...-~A dispatch from Oak Ridge,VessaysthebodiesofMrs,Charles.Shan-non of Oak Ridge and:Missilda Ar;rington of Lynchburg,.Va.,.avere found Friday in an abandoned:mill nond on the ‘Oak Ridge.estate of Thomas Fortune Ryan, ed that the women,who were driving in a buggy on a road adjacent to the pond,met with an .accident.and drowned as the result of a runaway. D.M.Harshburger,‘bookkeeper for the Laurel River Logging Com-pany at.Runnion,near.*Marshall, Madison county,and ‘formerly:post-office—inspector—in Asheville dis- »siday.Gaffney was removed from of- *<-fiee under charges and he will go to Washington to take up the matter +.pwith the government. be Approximately 15,000 bales of cot-*®ton stored in the warehouse.of the *!)Pine Bluff Compress Company,at «o.iPine Bluff,Ark.were either de- (2 ‘stroyed or badly damaged by fire Sun- “day.The cotton,mostly of the long +s Staple variety,was valued at:$1,250,- TSA *900.i 4.Sixteen deaths have resulted from‘itfootball this season,according.to a-*Chicago statistician.Last year there {were 15.The same authurity adds i *,that most of the fatalities were among azhigh school and semi-professional2?#3?‘teams,where there was little or noMyNasystematictraining./* FW Victor Carlstrom,tHe Swedish avia-"4g,tor,completed Friday a flight of 6002miles,from Toronto,Canada,to New *<<York city,in six hours and 40 min-..utes.This means’that he flew 600 :c¢miles at the average rate of a mile ‘s fxs and a half a minute,which is one of ;v the fastest distance flights known. ;rf In rioting ‘which occurred at —the»1 Ss opening of the Judson cotton mill at ==».Greenville,S.C.Sautrday,David‘»Breeze,a striking operative,was probably fatally stabbed and two .”strikebreakers were severely cut.Themillhadbeenclosedonaccount.of vai the demands of operatives,who had(ji o*Ranized a union.— -...’‘Two persons are dead and four are'~)missing of the 88 known to have been©on board the steamer Tivoli,burned+*Friday night on Chesapeake bay,bs nent Mapatia,,.Ma.Mrs..Eva Bow--*den,a passenger who was ill,died on+>a raft shortly after leaving the steam-ere The y of a negro stewardesswastakenoutofthewater. Ts wang body ef John H.Willey,re-»2°Seently¥tried for the murder of his-sig Qrandmother,Mrs.Eva Kimble,was'44,foundthanging Sunday within a fewaitrewherethemurder.occurred._Willey'is believed to have been‘lynch-a YS fd le who-were:dissatis-oe fied’y the verdict in the case. iis Bhe dead hody of Mrs.Hugh Perry,wife ofa business man of Dallas,Texas,was found Thursday in a ra-vine..a short distance outside.of OakCliff,a suburb of Dallas.The throat bore evidence of strangling.Mrs.Perry had disappeared November 15,but apparently when her body wasfoundsehad.been dead but a short time.2 ::The ‘engineer and fireman of a Chi- cago,’Burlington and Quincy passen- ger ‘irain were drowned Saturdaynight’when the engine toppled into. the Mississippi river through an ‘opendrawbridgeatQuincy,Ti.The coaches stopped at the edge of the draw,En-gineer Cannon realized what had hap- pened in time to apply the air brakesandsavehistrain. ‘H.O,Ledgerwood.a prominent at torney,,and J.N.Whisenant of Da'- las,Texas,were both found dead:fol Jowing a shooting in Ledgerwood’s of-fice.at Fort Worth,Texas.Whise- nant,who is thought to have.killed the lawyer and then committed sui- cide,had--recently been indicted fo-«,fraudulent use of the mails in connec- 2 tion with a:bankruptcy case. “..Thirty.thousand persons of manyhationalitiesandcreedsjoinedinapublicThanksgivingserviceon’theAlamoplazainSanAntonio,Texas,i Thanksgiving Day,and participated..thanting.a musical prayer for.ive thousand school childrenandGerman’singing societies of SanAntonio-led in the singing of patri- otic songs:A message from Presi- dent Wilson wishing success to the peace service was read. 3 Agree to Tobacco Shipments. Great Britain has yielded to the American representations for removal of all restrictions on the shipment of tobacco to neutral consignees in neu- tral countries.The British embassyinWashingtonhasséntthefollowingtoSecretaryofStateLansing:“The foreign office informs me thattheBritishgovernmentagreesfor the present not to interfere with the cargoes of tobacco shipped to neutral consignees in néutral countries and states that in these circumstances to-bacco in all its forms destined for Hol- land will no longer be required to be consigned to the Netherland’s OversseasTrusts”-tyTheremovaloftish-restrie-tape,protested /againstNby_represen> tives of tobacko p ‘Ing States, relieves a situation Whicl\}csulted $ ir s we s t ho : st Su t the product and high freighnowconfront:tobacco shippers: ThatDoesNot Affect TheHeadsuseorktonicandlaxhtiveeffect,LAXA-IVE,AMINE is better then ordinaryininejoesnotcausenervouguessnor“Fook tor theSignatureofi,W,GHOVE.I> Sa y Se e ta s “a t e Wdispateh from ‘Gibonsburg,0.,|° brought down:On the Russian front,except for a small engagement in te Riga district,there has been no fighting,while ontheGallipoliPeninsulaonlyartillery actions and mining operations have heen in progress of late.Canada has commandeered all thebestgradesofwheatnowinstoreattheheadoftheLakesandeastward for the use of Great Sritain and her allies,The.step was taken to obviatethenecessityofgoing,into the open market and possibly tacing the pay- ment of high prices.It is announced that a fair price wili be paid for thewheatcommandeered...The Rumanian King,at the open-ing of Parliament at Bucharest,de- clared that the situation imposed up- on Rumania the duty of uniting theeffortsofthepeopleforthedefenseoftheircountryandexpressedthe conviction that the Parliament would continue to supply the needs of thearmy.Eighteen ships with a total.ton- nage of 112,082 Pave been sunk by sub-marines of the Central Powets in the Mediterranean Sea,according to an of- ficial statement issued at Berlin,deny- ing the report from Petrograd that the German cruiser Frauenlob has been sunk by an allied submarine. Walter C.Whiffen,head of the Pe- trograd bureau of the Associated Press,has been slightly wounded while at the Russian front.He was struck inthethighbyanexplosivebullet.Mr.Whiffen was in the-company of a Rus- sian general,who saw.that he had im-mediate medical attention. SOME RECENT.WEDDINGS. Thanksgiving Visitors —GoodPreachingandtheOld‘Songs —Price of Cotton.fous Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,Nov.29.>4The mostbeautiful“Thanksgiving Day passed)off very quietly out here.~*Prof,J.W..Vanhoy.of ConcordcaméoutandspentThanksgivingDaywithhishomefolks.Mr..Smith Camp-bell:and wife came out and spentThanksgivingwithhisfather,Mr.J.P.Campbell.Mr.‘Will Jurney.is in from Califoriia,visiting his parents.Several of the north Iredell young folks have married recently.Among them are:Mr.D,B.Grant and MissMcClellandof.Concord,Miss EllaRashandMr.Tom Hubbard of States- vilie,end Mr.Clint.Dowell and MissRedmond.May their paths through life be bright,beautiful and happy. Those who went to Mt,Vernon Sun-day—and a large crowd went—enjoy- ed sme deep,earnest,siricere and de- voted preaching ‘by Rev.D.W.Pool,the ‘pastor;and they had a feast inthosegoodoldsongsthathavebeenhandeddownfromthe’ages,and havebrightenedthewayofmanyawearypilgrimandsoothedtheachingheartofnumbersofmartyrs.©Those goodoldsongsthatarefullofthespirit,that have more feeling,more melodyandmorereligionintheminfivemin- utes than these new jigs and nowfashionableandstylisisongshaveinayear;Bro.E.0,Shaver led the sing- ing and he can sure wing.those old songs.‘The price of cottox ts again soar- ing high.Now,Mr.Farmer,if cotton is.15 cents at planting.time,don’t make a fool of yourself and plant thewholeworldincotton.By all means trict,committed suicide Friday.He put the”muzzle of a pistol,in his mouth and sent °a*ball through hishead.“Depressed,”is the reason as- signed.The dead man was.a‘!widow- er and left three young children. Arch Helms was acquitted in StanlycountySuperiorCourtlast‘week -ofachargeofassassinatinganeighbor,who.was shot from ambush,The evi-dence against Helms was cireumstan-tial,but ‘was considered strong.Helms |; is an alleged blockade and ‘after hisacquittalofthemurdercharge’he wasputunder$2,000 bond to answer a} charge of illicit distilling.The victimoftheassassination:was supposed,to be suspected of reporting.bloekaders. AI AT 1CuresOldSores,Other AemediesWon't Core The worst cases,no matter‘of how lotig standing,are:cured by the wonderful,old.reliuble..Dr,.It relievesrter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil,:Ia,Ble,$1.00.Po Pein ond Ueale at the sania time iin with theState Department} Tt is,believ-' a es ‘ ere is talk of a complaint aretraction and apology.Sibusiness’of the American governmenttoanologivefor.what a witness may say in court about a foreignofficial in|this country?Instead of talking about,retractions and apologies,Ed, Boy had better.get busy to show heisn’t.guilty as charged.i YOU'RE BILIOUS!LET “CASCA-RETS”LIVEN LIVER ANDa“BOWELS! Don’t.Stay Headachy,Constipated, ,,Sick,With Breath Bad and Stom-ach Sour:4 oe Getsa 10-cent box now.Yo pres eue moe who nae?getfeeling.‘—-who have headache,can Fe x ‘bad taste and foulbreaizziness,can’t sleep,are bil-ious,nervous and ~upset,botheredwithasiek,gassy,disordered stom:ach,or have a bad cold.©Are you keeping your bowels clean‘swith Casearets,or merely forcing a passageway every few days withsalts,cathartic pills or castor oil? Casecarets work while you sleep,cleanse the stomach,remove the-sour.undigested,fermenting food and foul on in the bowels.“A Cascaret never gripe or sicken, Mantels,Columns,'Newels,.StairRailing,Lime,Laths,Cement and “fverything to Build With”onhandandreadyfordeliveryatalltimesandatlowestpricesbecauseJ.B.Watkins and his three sons buy in quantities and sell cheapest.CG.WATKINS,N.Center St.,Phone 43.: TEST One Lot $1.25SHIRTWAISTS98CENTS:,, One Lot 75c.MIDDIES nce A did it come to be.the}3 gases;take the excess bile from the|-lliver and carryoutof the system all}seztheconstipatedwastematterandpois-|’ tonight will straighten!% you out by ‘morning-—a 10-cent.box|®from any.drug store will keep your)stomach sweet,liver and bowels_reg-|%ular...and head clear for months.|§Don’t.forget the children,They love|%Cascarets:because they taste good-—}% a,ceDOORS,WINDOWS,BLINDS,|& 48 CENTS. ‘Johnste Monday's Express 3 Brought More NewBargains. SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY.— NEW SUITS,NEW COATS,NEW-SKIRTS,.-NEW WAISTS. See our line of Coat SuitsCan’¢be duplicated in the at .$9.95,$12.50 and $15. city. SPORT COATS at $4.95—worth investigating if youareinterested.Shoes,Shoes! Something doing here all the time in our Shoe de- artment.-ept so busy. Prices must be right or we would not be Everything in Piece Goods and at very attractiveprices, Are you ready for ¢o and see us.-bio The Store ‘That ol ‘weather?We are.Come Sells For Less, Why?We Sell For Cash. ‘PHONE 212. plant-enough food-crops-for-your fam=}— ily and stock,and:then if you can raise some cotton or.tobacco,do so.Relax your muscles ‘occasionally and use pee bet your_brains,Your brains werenot.put in.your head»just)to fill a,vacancy like,but they | were put in there for you to use,and|© the more you use them the better they |will serve you. Fell toDeath With a Burglar. Locked in each other’s arms,‘the bodies of Robert Green,an elevator man and watchman,and a man be-|: lieved to be a burglar,were found atthebottomofanelevatorshaftina 10-story building in the shopping sec- tion of New York city. Green,a negro,had apparentlyfoundburglarsatworkonthetenth story of the building and while strug gling with one of the men both had fallen into the open elevator shaft.A pile of silks and other goods were intheelevator,evidently piled there by ge pacginte before they were discoy- SIRLTRLLLELLHon.Elihu Root of New York,fre-quently mentioned ‘in eonnection withthe‘Republican presideritial nomina-tio,has put out the word that Barkisiswilling, AeR OL I ER ARD Invigorating tothe Pale and Sickly | The Old Standatd general strengthening tonic,CROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC slesves out Majaria,esitichos the blood,builds up the system. A true Tonies “For adults and childred.Ge WE WISH ,TO’ hh tg VeUSEHOME. {ad ?HORam hss E..FLOUR MADE _BY HOME PEOPLE. MORRISONS ~~Md Rach.)ee 4 R A TSeCa THANK ALL OFOURMANY),CUSTOMERS WHOHAVEPATRONIZEDUSAND - HOPE TO ADD MANY THOUS-ANDS USERS.OF OURFLOURTO THE LISTIN|THENEXT YEAR.Vv A jN\SS ak i EEGE JEWELRY !|| ‘Rings,Bracelets,Bar Pins,Hat Pins,etc., with the seal of Statesville College on. Make a nice piece of Jewelry for formerstudentsaswellasthosenowattending.’ We have this line now in,R.H.RICKERT &SON. — peSesereTisetereicescrerrss ri a. SSTTISIILITIITs) STOP AT THE |Fountain ofQuality >TRY A HOT DRINK: CLAM BOUILLION, TOMATO BOUILLION, CHICKEN BOULLION. Hot Coffee,Hot Chocolate,Topped With Whipped Cream. Statesville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists. - :‘Its.a Dream of ease and comfort “We ate selling bs _.,Realized-Hasiot MATTRESSES©he BERNSTE wet BED at old prices.Will save you from $1.00 to $4.50 on each Mattress bought.Call quickHLHandsavemoney.my . AP eT To the Farmers of Iredell and Other Counties: THE STATESVILLE REALTY &INVESTMENT COMPANYto’announce that they bave completed arrangements with ‘‘THHOMEINSURANCECO.of New York,’’forinsuring your growing #crops of Tobacco,Corn,Cotton and small grain against.destruction |by Hail Storm at the following very low price::ee ,TOBACCO CROP.: $100 per acre valuation at : 75 per acre valuation at 60 per acre valuation at $7.50 per‘acre*6.874 peracre3.75 per acre «A OeBOLee COTTON,CORN AND SMALL GRAIN CROP.i $40 per acre valuation ;$1.60 per acre™ 35 per acre valuation 1,40 per acre30peracrevaluation1.20-per acre 25 per acre valuation 1.00 per acre20peracrevaluation.80 per acre 15 per acre valuation .60 per acre 10 per acre vatuation .40 per acre‘DWELLINGS,FURNITURE,BARNS..... $100 value for.one year at 30c.,;'3_years at 60c.,5 years at 90c.-Thislatter.insurance covers also against loss or damage occasioned by wind in addition to hail.sige oS R._.$f -anything insurable ” .I,F.CARLFON,Manager, "PHONE 54.STATESVILLE, ‘CAREFUL ‘D mee aes eter ee ee RTVING | Saves Repairing,but should your car sf need repairs don’t forget we employ ‘STATESVILLE MOTOR C ine ee Minea ts 0 ~NEW MARBLE YARD! ee "We have opened a yard at 118 east Broad Street,Statesville Marble “and Granite Co’.s old stand,where we are prepared to do ali kinds of Marble aad Granite work at lowestpossible prices.For first-cla:s work and material see us before placing your orders,;> W.F.REP CE &COMPANY. ie vin Disolagof ech Saturday,November 27, This sale will begin and continue TEN DAYS.Not in the history of aluminum goods have the ladies of Statesville and surrounding country had an opportunity to buy aluminum cooking utensils.(the joy of every household)at the price we offer.Any piece in our window goes during this sale for $1.00. Opportunity knocks at everybody’s door and this is yours.Come to this sale’and supply yourself with a handsome alumi- num cooking outfit.Yours very truly, Gaia meee ‘the place of those who Hadbeen there" eee ‘WMGRE ABOUTDUT PELLAGIEAY *Dr,Beasley ee Dr.Hous:|4 ton’s Discovery.|DR.RATTLE IN.in WAR ‘LONE,af | {Nort:‘arolina Man Visits the Monrog Journal.'wy The fact is that Dr.Aasdbas cov has iyont in’Belgium./.. Dr.S.Westrav Battle of Hehe. jHot divegvered anything at all.The ville,who ‘reeently went a yoad te belief that vellagra is a spegific dis- visit his daughter,the-wife of ar’ case,caused»by a certain diet,hasYongprevailed,and Dr.Goldberger} “nglish army officer,who is'a RedCrossnurseinBelgium.writes an 105 made no advance upon that idea.| “nieresting -secernt of his visit to @ ¢hassimply found -diet whicly he! says produced pellagra in certain)cases,and~he eee that he has! *riend ‘in Asheville.'Mentioning thatinot yet potten at the real thing!‘tue bad great difficulty in reaching |by the fact that he recommends as:Belgium on account of much relia dict that will not cause pellagra |_|tine,Dr.Battle savs he finally reach-jonc that will produce the basic trou-|sd Ws daughter—Mrs.Madelon Bate |}Ie s of whieh pellagra:is &symptom.|‘le Wancock-—who is at a place with-in other cases.It has long been held}2 three miles of the German trench- Of his experience there he!as a vonr man’s disease,and this)jidea still clings to Dr,Goldberger.and|it is that causes The Landmark| fall down. arites:“This place is directly on the veda this from Dixmude to ‘Ypres.where there je, ‘a fighting goire on with more”ort nsa anecite Last ni¢ht the”com-!Houston for many years.and by:no} mandant and L ihouch it was darkone else,that pellagra is hut_a symp-| and wet,walked as far’as Yser riv-pen of uric acid poisoning,Dis sbetes.| or.2 connle of miles away.to re)hardening ‘of the arteries,and kin-} ‘erve Belgian trenches and sritmeenes —*diseases,oy -called,—ara aaa most interesting sight e.ficht-iof ‘he same Ing.nm one patien EI |ace line i it 5 ee miles hy 2nd one diet uric acid poisoning will aearchlights,rockets and the flashes (Mrvifest itself as one thine and in %a oe ane this is only one 08 ppeotheinde ike aa ok:ee a hit of w is going on over§i muedh of the sroela.oe ‘“have of late only been giving new 3 “This afternoon the commandar |?!eneciie names to symptoms a and I,under the escort of a voung Bel .e same eld thing.The old cae gian officer,made.a very interesting oad ’BCREVYs:iy peer at ne _|visit by ‘motor to Reninghe,a wer pellazea ia #:‘cane Pe ee he sie ar atten mils Oe ae ache is a chemical laboratory end the lines.This‘place has heen daily sub-|*004 that is taken in goes throughEliectedtoshell-fire.the shells mener-chemical action and reaction..Unless allybeing of the six-inch size,many of the three-inch kind are used. ‘lybalaneed,urie acid and other toxicWe.found only four people in-the acids are produced,which go intovillage.three women.gne of |wh the blood and manifest themselvesteconductingtheonlybusiness’ei in the mucous membrane of variousinthétown.a tobacco shon in the fte2"s and .in different lozations.‘hev lodge wherever there is areareganalheavesdo=jewweakness or an obstruction.If they potae $k In a.Cur so that at Reti-are not manifested fatally in somerve.locality,in such symptoms as areinxhetheBelgianshellscamealmosteniiedpellagra,appendicitis,Brizht’s overhead io the German lines and/§di :2 isease,kidney disease,rheumatism,venerally.were -premptly .answered ,“ hy the other side,Thevillage itself jp.ny others,they may teke theormofwhatisknown-eq,hardeningwasshelledyesterdayandthis:tmorn-Be the arteries,which is only |theing,but while wewere there no oe thickening of the blood itself from anveresentintothevillageatall;overload of the acid and a conseauentthevisitwasamoststirring.one and inability to push through the circu-vill long be remembernd.Of course tajine system.Now.said Dr.Hous-‘ve were halted at various points on}...in a speech before the pellagra aur way to the firing line,but bein?|conference at Spartanburg two years»ronerly escorted.we had no trouble!..pe &y ‘n going as far as we chose:only we vee aan wore warned ta leave onr car near aMtde ht,if yon can.get.the acids and aid ‘church,which had heen jst de-!aikalies of the body,of the body se- alished.and to proceed on foot mdi sections,and of the blood.normally|exnose ourselves too much in the eq:quelizes you will have ail the sue. on,lest we attract attention andjecs;that you desire.” *T Nivcty ner cont.of thepatients| af this field hosnital at this writing some from.the fighting about Renin- she:and each day they are still being ‘onght in.generally during the eve- ing end in the night.As we were urning from Reninghe.we were ct by the relie?.detachment.going j‘n the tranches for the nicht.tekine: satisied that beyond a Declariiy that tho idea ofparedness”was ill-founded,since it was un-Scriptural throughout,©the Nerth Carolina.-Virginia Confer- ence of the Christian Church,in ses- ion at Durham,placed itself square- Jy of record against President -Wil- son's,defense programme. ne DIRE DISTRESS. “pre- Ei iirving thé day. TEXACO! “The Mark of Quality.” TEXACO ENGINE OILS,: TEXACO CYLINDER OILS, TEXACO GREASES. In Barrels,HalfBarrels and Cases. Cotton Ginners,Lumber Mills—owners of Machinery of any kind;if you buy your oil -in full packages,see us:‘before vou place your orders,_g We are in a position demonstrate QUAL- ITY,and can make delivered prices that will . interest you. ‘States ville Oil Company. (Wholesale Distributors.)"Phone 61.price:OeRow. |These soldiers Ao.not go -into the |revches until nieht falls.remaining lisBindercoverhardbvtilldarkness,ar .Near at Hand to Hundreds of H the smallest.collectionof moyifie.obs Statesville Readers, liaets would at ones atttact the atter Tjon’t neglect ‘an aching back. that pellavra asit was known.in Aaa ‘ The truth is;-a3-péinted eut-by-Dr-}—~ ihe acids and the alkaliesare proper-| nt A PIPE,a book anes handy lite.CaetlePerfectiontokeepthecold fe from creeping under the window—pet and up through the floor—there’rs A he comfort for you.wae It takes the PERFECTION SMOKE-LESS OIL HEATER just five minutes to make you cozy and.‘itwarm,It’s light and easy to carry —portable comfort.for bcs_bathroom and den.oe The Perfection is inexpensive,oa —a gallon of oil gives ten hours — comfort.Why ‘be chilly when || comfort is so cheap?" Use Aladdin Security Oil or DianeWhiteOiltoobtainbestresultsinOil Stoves,Lamps and Heaters,v STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) f BALTIMORE Washington,D.C,-“*Norfolk,Va.Richmond,Va, Charlotte,N.C,Charleston,W.Vac:Charleston,8.G. fon —ep nee asaacsSEL Sold in many styles and sizes at ¢all hardware,furniture,general and department stores.Look ;for the Perfection Cozy Cat ..: Poster. ”Highect eward Paname-Pecifc Exnesition Ap Ss :a oT PR-PUR-PER}|’hiPERFECTIONsranganrenten s.06Toot Ot 4 tion end fire of th»enemy.As long|Backache is often the Lidnoys’cry,Has I have heen connected with mili |go.help. tary serviee this is the first time I j¢1 h th H have ever heard.»shell_shrieking over |Neglect urrying to theimhead.a Belgian battery some two!aid. Hi-siles away sending their shells into!“Means that wrinary troublesH|the German lines ahout a mile he-|follow. 3H vond cur viewpoint.J Saw one eight-! may .Here’s Statesville testimony. Mrs.L.A.Lineberger,204 Bell St., |Statesville,says:“About six months ago,Iwas in misery from a dull ache i jor the store raom ef the tobaceo shan!,H menttiohed.This shell had failed to!”Bijoxnlode.and the Beleian officer r>- H worked ‘that is one of our own shell!‘which was taken from Antwerp and is B ithan likely it is ai fired by one ay my shoulder blades.H ionr own guns.’4 woman who bentthashonnotonlyshowednathechell.,at night and the hidney hut,exhibited the head which had fol.Were irregularjlen‘out when the missile landed witt-|health was all run-down. vy Reading so} out exploding.She world herc!|much about Doan’s Kidney Pills,I!§Tharre heen there to bave told the story -ital if beer atharwisé:|decided to try them and got a supply| “My visit here has been more in |from Stimson &Son’s Drug Store. H teresting than I can possibly descrite.'After-taking them a few days,my) and of the svlendid work donehy the.surgeons and sisters I can eae Hisneak too highly.Altogether. visit has heen a wonderful Saar-|Bienen and full of interest.1“But such a.wet country!Ard H iwhen off the read.it is well night im- *|medicine cured me.My kidneys 2vG| |been normal ever since.”” Price 50c,at all dealers,Don’t | |simply ask for a kidney remedy—get| nassible to move ahout.and howthos.|Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that ‘3 noor fellows stand it in the trenches |Mrs.Lineberger had.Foster-Milburn| passes ¢)understanding.”|Sits Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. National Bank of South Af - rica Opens Branchin New York | The increasing prominence’of the!MagnificentAssortment {Commercial National BankOFSTATESVILLE,N.©. $100,000.0031,500.00 Members of Federal Reserve System. Capital Stock Paid in - Surplus and Profits —- » spondents in all parts of the worlu:?The institition.is.a’consolidation of|ithe-National Bank of—-South -Africa— ment of a branchin this country wilt fgreatlyeerjpusinesseconnce:|}:: The Difference..-most "appreciated of Monroe Journal,all the FLOWERS,al- kidneys’| :ltnoh shell.which landed in the corn:or ‘Or danger of worse kidney trouble.| Hi mow beine used against us;and mor.|f2ross my kidneys and pain betyrecn| T couldn’t rest |GxeeRnaRaR secretions|@ in action.and myiJ ‘back felt easier.and one box cf the | | || | | j “Is FOR SALE el 200-aere farm 18 miles from Statesville,bordering on Catawba, river for 3-4 of mile.Seventy-five acres in cultivation,40 offwhich©is-fine river bottom land.Two dwellings and one barn,*%b acresinexceptionallyfineoriginalforest—Pine,Oak,’Poplar,’‘Hickory. and Dogwood timber,within half mile ofrailroad siding,+.e : Two four-room cottages $n south Center street,ceontiitly oecated,rent well,# Four-acres on the Turnersturg roddy half fail from Bethanychurch,with four-room dwelling;and,small barn, 1f-acres one-half mile from Bethany church on Turnersbure_ road.Three fine springs.Prices and terms right. For further information call on or write,ERNEST G.GAITHER, PHONE 23. if | GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT.°ALS AND REAL ESTATE.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.— Issued by this bank bear interest from date at the rate of 4 per cent per an- Savings Deposits 4 per cent, credited quarterly. num,— or Checking Accounts ———our Banking —business_solicited_and every accommodation extended:to \de-positors consistent with prudent.bank- ing methods.on Four per cent.paid on time and Savings Deposits remaining on deposit three months or longer. OFFICERS:7 _W.\D.TURNER,-+- -.President,KY MORRISON,oT 7 Vice President; D.M.AUSLEY,~“Cashier,@k,HUGHEY,+sini Cashier, The principle of representation 18 an elastic ‘thing ‘in some editorialminds.-.-The editors.who.are trying to prove-that the delegates td the|} Farmers’:Union who passed anti-militaryresolutionsdidnotrepresent’members at home,in the next brcath j.td.,the National Bank of the Orange|Free State,Ltd:.and the Natal Ban. ee just at this timethe great Chrys- Lid,.all of which have been absorbed | —anthemunt iis coming United States as a centre of.world!}©finance has caused the National Bank|: New York city.i ;‘White,Pink and Red “f : by the main bank:in the last five |vears.IfeTesources are giyen at $16,-| “in for a share of pop-demand that Mr.Wilson be allowed larittorepresentthe:whole country and ularity, 4 iof South Africa to open a branch in cat The:National Bank of Sovth Africalt R SE J @ 587,‘with deposits exceeding $100,"|f virtually assert that it is treason for < has nearly 300 branches in all parts 0°/f° 000.0 z anybewty to disagree with him. LT LT OE Africa,also a London office and corre | It is expected that the’establish-!‘ROSES are always ad- How to>Prevert Croup. It may be a surprise to you to leatn that!in,many cases croup can.be ‘prevented Mrs.H.M,Johns,Blidd,Ohio,relates.her’experienceagfollows:My.little boy m subjewt'to croup.During the past winter.Kent ath,bottleof Chamberlain's Cough Remedy inthouse,and’when he began having ‘that eroupy|cough Fo stuld’give him one.or two es offtanditwouldbreakthe-attack.I>like ft ra Gray.‘Drug.Co, \ either large or sinall cordially invited.> ~We want your business,: ‘ me,OFFICERS: -GEO.H.BROWN weOE,TURNER SI RCIORORCECRORCROROROACIY President, tepes rh cen <r St ee better for.children than any othet®coughmedicinebecause.children tale it sniosetys|»Maral Agents,a i tae.an reine,Satobe ee biases Losin {PAR ADVERTISER ASKS FOR ‘YOUR BU premTHECORNSHOWSATURDAY| ning of %prize is the “big thing”is a Be makin ane:The aim of the clubsworkis‘to demonstrate that.through intelligent methods in agriculture we ean grow 50 to 60.bushels of corr per acre eeonomically..Boys shoule “be encouraged to join thé clubs no! to win prizes,but to learn how —tc farm iftelligently and profitably.By joining ‘the clubs they get free of charge all the valuable informatior on corn.growing.rotation of crovs hog and poultry breeding,etc.,which :sheen obtained by the State an(Betideal departments of agriculture through -years of experimental.workkatthe'cost of millions of dollars.Mr ‘Brown congratulated the boys of Ire dell on their good exhibits and alsccongratulatedthemenontheirshowwhichhedeclaredamostereditabl:ene.Iredell should enroll 100 Royr in the corn clubs next year and thei)‘how next fall should be a record breaker.i Mr.Millsaps expressed great greti- fieation in the success ofthe first at.tempt.at a corn show in Iredell an¢deele red.it to be the largest he har‘ever attended.excepting the Asheville,show,He then went over theqiifferentitemsonthescorecardan:vointed out the good and bad point:ii,semploa of corn taken from exhibits:He urged a greater interest ir’Ai the work which is being donethrough,the boys and girls’clubs an/ the demonstration agents,particular]pg raising,-and offered to get hor ex-eee to Iredell and aarmersifmeetingsarearranged|M°-*Conning ClubGirls’Exhibit. “The corn growers and their exhibit’were not the “whole show”SaturdavTheMt.Mourne and Linwood girls’canning clubs came in‘‘for a share 0’Praise and glory through their attracedisplayofcannedgoodsin‘e.window of Sherrill &Reece’rstore.The exhibit,which includec ¢anned.vegetables and fruits,bottlecWine,acid,etc.,was under the super vision of Miss Cora Bell.of MtMourne.The fruit and vegetable: were in uniform metal and glass con- “tainers and were artistically display: ed,a number of potted ferns beinr’er as'a background.Mesdames J»Mooré and D.M.Auslev and MissLaura:Turner of the Iredell Better ment Association assisted Miss Bel’in arranging the exhibit. Marriage and Death —Tur-:“nersburg News. Correspondence of The Landmark. *Turnersburg,Nov.29.—Thanksgiv-ing day very quietly.Everyone‘who ‘took the day off seemed tchaveagoodtime,Some spent thedayor‘part of the day at churchwhileotherswenthunting.The hunt-ers reported a good time and.thatgamewasveryplentiful—at least thc‘yabbits and squirrels.Mr.:L.'C.Steele spent last week irRaleigh.Mr.Offie Hampton and Miss Liz-wie Gatton of this community wercunitedinmarriageSunday.Mr.Hamp-baa a of Turnersburg Rol- ss ;“Mrs.N.D.Tomlin and family ofStatesvillevisitedathomeofMrs|Tomlin’s mother,Mrs.M.K.Steelelast“week.returning home SundayMr.3;McHargue visited home peo-vle:Sunday and attended Vernon meet- Eciss Elvira Green of the Mt.Bethe!m ty,who had an attack of par-tt a week azo,passed awayThed beterv’at Mount Bethel today.The writer had a pig butchered <few days-ago that balanced the scale:at.430,It was about 11 months old.-Mrs.:Dodge Weatherman and chil.have been visiting Mrsfeatherman’s parents,Mr.and MrsJ,E;Hendren,returned to Statesvilleyesterday: ation For Visiting Vera B.Jones,Statesville’hurse,has been provided wittibuggytomakeherrs,“Mrs.Jones had been handinoeinherworkallalongbyno’ving some means of transporta-tion..Often she found it necessary trmonesideoftowntotheother 1 0 to answer urgent call;time ‘would bé consumerthatallthevisitsshedetomakeduringthedaycouldno‘’made;and the excessive walkinswas.telling on her physical conditiortosuchextent-that she was told by <physician that she was walking herelfto.death.,All this came to thearsoftheladieswhopromotedthe_Movement which gave the town a visitingnurse,one of its best assets,anctheladiesdecidedtoprovideMrsnéswithahorseandbuggy.Somcashwas,available and last week +Bie to eomposed of Mesdam A eld,“KR.V.BrawleyCharles‘Anderson made a solicitingtour-about--town-and-secured suffi-cient.additional funds to buy thehorse’and buggy desired..Mrs.Jone:bad aie Pee _=o cover muck re titory and make more visit?gach day, Fired at Burglar. ScAnvattemnt ‘to enter the home —of«Fred,Slane on west Front street was-made about 2 o'clock Saturday Morning.Mr.Slane was aroused bythenoiseofsomeonewalkingonthe~~porch roof-and workingatan up {4stairs.window.Securing his pisto)he.went to the porch and fired.in therectionofthewindow,wherewpon the intruder fled.The night police-meh ‘were called and found tracks intheyard.Painters who had been atworkonthehousetheday’previoushadJeftaladderintheyardandthis »,.Was used by the burglar in reachingtheporchroof.:i Deputy Marshal J.A.Galloway andDeputySheriffLutherOwen,who haddestroyedalargeblockadestillinthe:mountains of Jackson county,werefiredonfromambushby|unknown «Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days drug ys will refund money if PAZOpetipmerbrortudiagPucetetonipplicationgivesBaseandRest,Suc, +y i 3ateey +Trareylyania-county jail ov.27.==TheNeThesehoolsinthis ‘oray.is'teaching at the Rickert vy.Lawrence’at»Athens.;‘The school at Athens,with the as-sistance of several of the‘erved’Community Service Day Fri-lay by improving the ‘house |andyrounds.eThemoonlightschool at Athens.is‘o-hegin Monday night.It is hoped‘hat every adult who cannot,read andwritewillattend.There is no reason vhv the boys and girls of today,who ‘ow,can’t read and’write with ‘allheadvantagestheStateprovides.'t has realized that it’s not only itslutytoprovide‘schools for the boys vnd girls but to open the door of ‘mowledge and opportunity for the viult who had no chance to get an‘ducation in childhood. Tt is the privilege.also the duty,of every one to give their aid and co-yperation to this movement,whose access will.bring new courage to all,"f we wait for time alone to removeliteracy}from -our..State,many years may he required.Can’we -af- ‘ord to wait? yower .to eliminate adult illiteracy‘rom ‘the “Old North State,”Theteachers of Union Grove and Jin townships will meet at Olin No-ember—-for_a_teachers’meeting.|Thanksgiving passed.very quietly ‘n this community.Most of the menind.boys”spent the day hunting.Miss Anna ~King entertained aaumberofherfriendsThursdaynight vt a candy pulling,which .was enjoy- ‘d “by all present.Mr.W.W.«Holland is spending several davs in Wilkes county,in the ‘nterest of good roads.Mr.KE.E. Yarmon left last week for Atlanta,ja.;to take a dental course. WAS MR.DUKE’S STEPSON. Young Inman on the Job atae‘Lookout, ',PB.Duke,the head of the Southern Sewer.Company,last weelk visited‘he,Lookout development of the com- oar:v and tells this story of the visit: sweater and overalls,is .a well-put-upveungfellow,hardly more than 21 years of age,who is toilirig alongviththeotherhundredsofyoungfel-|}‘ows on the job.When the party ar- ‘rived at the’plant last week,thisyoungfellowwasonthelookout,same forward |Duke as “Daddy.”It was young Wal-ter Inman,Mr.Duke’s stepson..And ago young Inman.came of age andMr.Duke told him that the time hadsomeforhimtodecidewhathewasgo-‘ng to do with himself:He stated‘hat he had just ‘turned over to himiisfortune.aggregating more ‘than#860.000,which he had inherited from ais father,and’that yt was so invest-ad as to yield about $16,000 a year.This,Mr.Duke told him,“would beidequatefor’any needs but that.hestho:'d not sit down and waste him-self away in idleness,but on the oth-sx nand should get out and do some- ‘hire for himself and for his country.fc then told him that he could de- tide upon any industry and he wouldseetoitthathewasgiventhebestidventages,‘in banking,railroading,wan ifacturing and otherwise.This was in accord with:young Inman’s“Yeas,and he selected the electrical.»0ver industry as his chésen profes-<cn.Hence his journey down to“ookout Shoals,where he is learninghebusinessasanybodyelsewoulddo.Ye expressed himself as very muchleasedandsaidhewas.gettingilongfine.He received his first pay‘eck recently,which amounted towometbinglike$28.°°>: Revenue Officer and Possemante.Shot.i The Asheville Citizen says J.A.Jalloway,deputy ‘internal revenue‘oliector,was shot from ambush lateVhursdaynight,near Wolf Mountain}‘n the Canada distriet in the vicinityvfLakeToxaway,as was also histompanion,Luther’Owen,whom heiatdeputizedasapossemantoas-tist him in.raiding illicit stills.The revenue officer’was brought to\chevile Friday and is at the Bilt- nore hospital.Owen,it is reported,3 deing nicely at his home in thefo.away section.Galloway’s most se-‘ions injury is the loss of the sight of.one eye,©*~¥ederal officers at once went afterhe.men who.did the shooting and Dave Matthews and Hayes Mat- hev:s,father‘and son,and AdolphWost,all 6f ‘the Canada‘section of‘Teckson county,are confined in the_at_Brevard: vember 15th with a very ee enroll-|ment.Miss Jettie Woodsides.from| ichool;:Miss Emma Rickert at.Sun-|iaySide,:Misses-Lucy King and:Ma.|) patrons,ob-| vill be the men and women of tomor-|§ The answer is no,but) ‘at every one strive to do all in his} The Charltote Observer says that!) At Lookout Shoals working in old}f and addressed Mr./ "hen came the story.Sevéral months| 1.Am I doing justice to would save,or then decide whether'to buy ae You are cordially inyited to __Other women are turning their kitchensintoshopsnowandasinglelittledollarwilldoasmuch for you.Act Answer TheseTwo Questions: myself ‘and my family by wasting mystrength with miles of useless steps in my Kitehen—which a Hoosier 2.Shall I go on now and get all the details about the saving a Hoosier Cabinet will make me,weigh those against the low cost,and now or later? come in and mee oe 1,The low price fixed by vails absolutely. 2.Mvery Hoosier sale is Every day you.do without a paying for it with strength ‘afford to waste,.gaem Enroll yo Cabinet drm these cabinets without.obligation. -REMEMBER: * the factory pre- under direct su- pervision:of the Hoosier ‘Company. 8.Your money back’if You are not pleased. Hoosier,you are few women can »Join our¢Hoosier:Kitchen scientific work a ae \ This is “HOOSIER BEAUTY’TheNational Step Saver Cabinet Club SATURDAY, a DECEMBER 4th.Choose any Cabinet,pay a single dol- lar,thena dollar a week. © f name now;you are going to buy a Hoosier eday.BUY IT NOW. |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co.,| “The Store That Always Welcomes You.” 11:IS THE LIMIT. On and after this date—Nov.* 30—no CHANGE of ad.in The* Landniark ‘is GUARANTEED un-* less copy is in hand by noon * *WEDNESDAYS.and SATUR- *DAYS.The Landmark is.forced to adopt a RIGID rule because itisimpossibleforthispaper,oranyotherbusiness,to handle three days’business -in one day. -Changes coming in ‘after the.hour ‘named will be handled in theorderinwhichtheycomewhenpossible,but no.PROMISE is”made for changeafter.that.hour.No:advertising of any characterpromisedafter12°o’clock Mon-days and Paursdaye.ees * ee 2 HH FH SR DH Hn ge e e a ee 2 eR e AWe LPM EOP ONG NOOO OS OONOLs _GN HOLIDAY BOXES) White Pique White,Pink I now have at’my lumber _yard: shingles enough to cover a building, big enough to hold a convention zeveryman,woman and child inIredellcounty—and in case of rain’the neighboring counties’might’ crowd in..GC.McElwee’s Planters’Warehousé,, Pe Shingles!More Coming!; ATKINS,next to}. Present. MIOT T O OR R a aE OE Aa W e s co answer charges of illicit distillingindshootingatofficers. W.M.Wiley Dead. _William Murdock Wiley,son of the‘ate Sam H°Wiley of Salisbury,diedn’Baltimore Thursday and the body nterment.He had been in ill health‘or some time and recently had beennadtreatmentataBaltimorehos- vital,¥_Mr.Wiley.had traveled —exten+ tively and in recent years had con-tiderable mining interests in Mexico.’ vas brought to Salisbury Friday for |; =nonemarron agaerecermera “Sees oe We Have Just Received a Beautiful Line of Ladies’High aud Low Neck Combination Shirt Waists in WhitePique,Jap.and Crepe De Chene Silks: at $1.00.White and Black Jap Silk Waists at $1.00 and $2.00.Black and Navy Peacan Striped Silks at $2.00.and Flesh Color'Crepe De Chene at $2.00.White and Flesh Color Georgiaette Crepes at $3.00. These come one to the box and would make an_excellent ChristmasYourstruly.POSTCveL O Sec MMECANIC NEE ATIC NEI?EE METINTC LITLE Ea te and Untrimmed HatsDecemberist..§ ptiwidow and one son:survive. ton,Sam,is in the government dip- ‘omatic service,stationed in SouthAmerica.‘‘OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy,prepare atforty,is sound’advice,baraiiee tal thestrengthofmiddlelifewetooofteneee:awd cateless treat®ment of slig es an ns,simunderminestrengthandbringchronieweaknessforlateryearsa Tobe stronger when older,kee.blood pure and rich and ‘activewith thestrength-bitilding ‘atid blood-nourish:a rties Of Scott's Hmulsion whichisa‘ood,a tonic and amedicine to keep you:blood rich;alleviate rheumatism a: avoid sickness.“’No‘alcool in’Scott's, Thejf trimmed.Bk ors,98c,to $3.98. Children’s Hats,and 98c. day,Dec,.1,..Come ij '°Sigott G6 Bowae,BloomfieldsN,Tye p(ary CUDA ALLE SESE OO Va, 98¢.,$1.50,$1.98)#3.! Ja¥ge assortment,25c.,49c. Will put on'saleher entire stockof ‘Trimmed next Wednesday a.m., jet iy iackVélvetHats’98c.to $3.98. Tole Be haeeWest.modes,*‘close,nttin ! tonne Pokces:Hi peecirns and large Sail- Bag the‘Turbans,\Tri- Four special groups— 98, Colored and Black Untrimmed Hats greatly reduced.Don’t forget the date—-Wednes- arly,get first choice.M,McKee. ~MOTOR CARS Are furnished complete to the small- you buy or the prige you pay,no-where can you get greater value thanjintheValve-in-Head Buick Sixes. We have justreceived a shipment and,will be gladto demonstrate this car. hee Us READ WHAT STATESVILLE BUSINESS MEN“és ey ip ie AMM AEROTA SU ee se er uNaRUN k- now | -est detail,Regardless -of-the-ear———-— OFFER..i ‘ BUNK SUNDER] Statesville Motor Com’y || 7 “QUALITY.FIRST.”oe RY~PHONE 140,