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The Landmark, March 1915
Soecree State Senate Votes:Down AllLegislation—House Passes'Bill to Make Divorce Easier— sors But Provision WentThrough—:Legislative Game:mary.. The Senate©Satardny,after con*siderable debate;voted down,29 to 8,bess substitute for the chjld labor bill, ¢only for peer and thenalbillwasthentabled.°°isintroduced:To provide for aopeciltaxlevyinRowan;to providethesitioofthebulletinoftheNorthrolinaExperiment:Station,Board of Health and the publicationsofNorthCarolinaDepartmentof Penilepassed.h'o inerdase the pay_of themembers.of the board vf edu-eation in Wilkes;to amend the law‘relative to therecorder’s court atMooresville.The House’amended ‘the.machinery actso as to allow two instead of oneassessorineachtownshipifcountyaedeemedtwonecessa- "By »vote of 44 to 43 the House;‘the divorce law,providingtaedivorceafterfiveyears’s¢para~tion,other causes named in the pres-ent law béing admitted.Bills introduced:To amend theTredellgamelaw(by Hall);to ap-¥point a finance committee—for ie county;to excuse citizens 40 yearsold:and upward from jury duty.—_,InSe House Thursday the commit-tee on banking reported:favorably.thebillto‘allow 8 per cent interest un-der written contracts to this effect.The joint committee on finance and on banking had on Tuesday afternoonvotedalmostunahimouslyforanun=:favorable report but the bill was.sub-sequently sent to the committee on.banking,with the result.stated.1A joint resolution was unanimouslypassedthatnobillsbeintroducedaf-. ter yesterday.Bills introduced:To amend theigivingcreditforconvictlabor Statesville Air Line;to com-bel éctric and gas.companies _toshowmeterreadings.eS took up the bill to an-we Yadkin township,Yad-county,to.Forsyth county.Thebaaevocatedatpainyet?by oe,resentatives Hanes.ickle,0Forsyth,—They insisted that .thistownship,bene atrongly Democratic,:‘vas discrimina against by theee‘Yadkin’Peon mong ag ghee authori-,ties on account of the politics of thetownshipir;\Répresentative Hanes saidthateverymanin.the township ex- er ‘four.were for the annexation toRepresentativeWilliamsoftestrenuouslyopposedthebillandinsistedthattotakethistown-“ghip from his county at this time"would seriously endanger the suc-cess of the road bonds the county isabouttoissue.It would take one-eleventh of the property values andgivethemtoForsyth,which he char-ree 4s a rich and powerful cotin-ty and his own as a poor,strugglingone.He insisted that the county au-ies-had never—mistreated theLittleYadkin‘people.Judge.Battlespokeagainstthebill,as did Repre-sentatives Bynum,Laughinghouse and.Grier.Mr,Bynum lauded the move-of Yadkin ‘to issue -$200.000bondsforroads,declaring that thisSpirit:called for his admiration.Not-withstanding the favorable commit-tee report,the ‘bill was defeated by alargemajority.”With the gnachinery act under ¢con-sideration,Representative Allen -pre-sented an amendment to section 14tofestorethe1913lawas.to countyandtownshipassessorsinsteadofthe1911clausethat-the finance commit-t@e had restored to the bill..Repre-sentatives Roberts and_Page advo-cated the Allen amendment,insistingthatthe1911methodhadproven unsatisfactory.Representative Pageopposedtheappointmentofthecoun-~ty assessors “in Rajeigh”and wantédthemnamedbythecountycommis-sioners,which would be the board of‘egtalization.Representative BentonjokeagainstthesectionandsaidJmanypeopleare.taking no ac-unt of the war and the big’cotton ‘crap,but are blaming the Democrat-©for the finaticial conditions.resentative.Doughton,chairmanofthefinance-committee and inlargeofthebill,defended the sec-as the joint committee had.re-j ited,it;He said he had expectedtomeoppositionfrommembersofthe .+House,but that he’had not expecteditionby.members of the financee\mittee,who had already had am-bagel to thrash the matterMe “further debate without final-action.~Bills ‘introduced in the Senate:Tocurtail|penditures for public print-ing,to allow married women to testi-ae menliet,husbands in cases of slan- er.“The State-wide fish «bill providingforafishcommissionandappropriat-ing eet for the operation of thenewhinery,fod passed aftermuchfseuiheler,Senator‘ThompsonofOnslowopposedthebill.on the‘gropyd that it makes fio.provision forthecollectionofoystertaxorforoys+pe commission,Aa pero ectine the fishnear.the coast,or for,th eclionofthesmallaitHewantroemeshHitheEasfAitorbe nere ™.i.€,ap-Cir he eohalaasou custrlymakethelay ieas sages “Ob jeetion to"Couitty “Aswes|” a (ters ew Pay onty halftarer MD CHILD LABOR BILL.(CLEVELAND BatBANK CLOSED.For ANOTHERBOND ISSUE. Institution Seems to Bein Bad]. Way.PK LSI “Phe ‘Bank of "Cleveland,at “Clee:land,’Rowan county,is in charge of State Bank Examiner Hubbard.Mr.Hubbard took possession of the bank Friday night on complaints frombankersthattheinstitutionwasnot being properly managed.It is also said there were complaints from thebank’s patrons.The bank was open for businessFridayandthegeneralpublicwas not advised of impending trouble un-til the bank examiner was found inchargeSaturday. Just what is the status of the bank nobody,knows exactly and probablywillnotknowuntilthereisathor-ough overhauling;but enough isknown,it if*said,to show that.the bank's business is in.very bad shape.The bank was —organized .séveralyearsagowithacapitalmf$%,000. The directors are J.A:Lyerly,"C.M.Brown,R.M.Rosebro and Chas. Fleming.J.T.Williamson,Jr.,is the cashier.The directors are —allresidentsofClevelandorvicinity: Soca ae Lexington.He was cashier of the Bank at-Taylorsville-when it “was first organized,going from there toCjevelandwhenthelatterbank—wasorganized:A couple of Statesville -lawyers board of directors and-Mr.Z..V.Long.for chentswho are patrons of thebank,While these.gentlemen —de-clined to talk.for publication as to the details of the info-mation gained,it is known that the bank js in a bad way and the wind-up may mean seri- ous loss‘for-somebody. Temporary.Change —Inquire Within.— The business and editorial office of The Landmark is beine~overhauled and remodeled,and while this.workisinprogressthedenizensofthatpart_of the establishment are seatter- ed.The editorial and news end.islocatedonthesecondfloérintheme-chanical department,and the businessmanagerwillhave.a desk with the Brady Printing Company.He willperrentedjustinside-the door,to thetandbutashortdistancefromnis former quarters... While this work is in progress pa-trons and friends are asked not to betimidaboutcomingin,even if theyfindnoonetogiveawelcomeatthedoor.The business desk will of iie- one will always be réady.to receivecallers-on the second-floor;Ifyoudon’t see the way to the second flooraskfor:it.Anquire within and.don’tleaveunt#l you get what you want— especially if the object of the visit istoleavemoneyoranewsitem.It.is hoped to have the work com-pleted in a couple of weeks or less time and visitors wiil then be wel-vomed-into more inviting quarters, J.W.Booker -of -Richmond ~has-heen.elected president of the Salis-bury Industrial club vice J..H.War- burton,resigned. as recommended by.the finance com-mittee.The Allen amendment was voted down,-50 to 69.An amendment to provide two assessors in each téwn- ship instead of one,was also voteddown,50 to 45.Both’the —Iredell members|voted for the county.asses-sor.‘Among the numerous bills introduc-ed,practically all local and private measures,was one to install an eleva- tor in the State House.~ A bill introduced.in the Senatewouldprevent“the_killing of turkey buzzards and\vultures.”+The Senate passed the bill to cur-tail expenditures in-public printing.It would cut out the unlimited amountofprintingallowed.the State Depart- ment.of Education,the State Experi-ment Station and the State Board ofHealthanditisestimatedwouldsave $8,000'\a year.Considering the revenue bill;Sena-tor MeMichael called up his amend-}ment to defer the fixing of the State tax rate until the reassessment.of,property is settled and limit increase’in revenues to six per cent over the past two years,the State Tax Com-mission to automatically fix the’taxrateasamathematicalreductionasbetweenthevalueofthepropertyas-sessed and the State tax to be rais-ed:Voted down,30 to 11. The Senate tabled.the’bill,whichhad’passed the House,to allow:freetransportationon:railroads to:minis- ters of the gospel.The vote was 26to18.It was pointed out thatminis- The Senate ‘committec-on-constitu-tiorial.amendments has piven ‘a fa-vorable report:to the:Fartners’:Uniondemandforlandsegregationby¢on-stitutional amendment,The act pro- vides voluntary settlements by a-ma- jority of the freeholders expressingtheirwillatthepolls..It aims at thecreationofall-white and alléblack communities and at the same timemakesefforttododgethe,pitfalls oftheconstitution.Judge J.8.Man-ning,former member of the SupremeCourtbench,appearéd -before |thecommittee,and as a.lawyer declaredhisbeliefintheconstitutionalityoftheact.Judge Manning,Dy.H.Q.Alexander,président of the State].Farmers’Union;Dr,Claretice »-PoettheS.H;Hobbs spoke‘for thé bill.If}¢¢Meastire passes both houses it willhauledtothe,pew STATESVIL ywork,and the bends are desired to -Williamson-was-originally-from about) pwere-in-Cleveland Saturday—Ar.R.|B;-McLaughlin as attorney for the cessity -be-vacant-at—times but ‘some | eben akey Poitiers tromNorth and BoulhCare” for.aaa, HEB SSR a ah a a ae So lets5 senernsns sasaie saete aMeasure That May Be ‘Too ~Baté For the”ature—Compromise Road Located. The county commissioners,in reg-ular monthly session yesterday,pass-ed a resolution’requesting theRepresentativesintheLegsilature to.9introduceandpass»bill authorizingthecountyboardtoissuebondstoan)amount not to exceed $100,000°te.se-cure funds to pay tne county’s pres-ent floating indebtedness and otherobligationsalreadyincurred.It isalgorequestedintheresolutionthatthecommissionersbegivenpowerto Jevy.a tax not exceeding ten cents onthe$100 and 30 cents on the poll tomeettheinterestandprincipalofthebonds,which shall be issued in such}denominations and for-suchperiod astheboardmaydecide.The bonds arey,to bear interest at a rate not exceed;ing 6 per cent.The eounty recentlyborrowed$50,000,to pay for road’ Hon. ‘gounty, ternoon,a The ago. ator’ i the shock. apparent, pay this ngte and pay ‘for road .andbridgeworkalreadycontractedfor,It.is very doubtful if the measurecanbe.gotten throygh the esisla-}ture at this late day,as.the HouselastweekpassedaresolutionthatnomorebillsbeintroducedafterSatur- day,Even if the measure was inRaleichtodayandcouldbeintroduc- ed.the three sepdrate readings re;quired _on three.separate days ineach |house-would-herdly_get-it-_through,— Government Eneineer Arbenz*ak day. County Engineer Roach,who were in- structed by the commissioners to in-vesticate.the two.proposed routes’oftheFederalpost-road which were un-|jglaturdercontroversyanddeterminewhichofthetworotites.was’cheapest.and most practicable,made their reporttotheboardyesterday...The engin-eers recommended a new route,whichiscalledthecompromiseroute,andthecommissionersadoptedthisroute.|.A spur road recommended by the-en-gineers was.also adopted by the board.The.compromise route recommend-ed by the engineers is a little shérterthaneitherofthetworonteswhich caused the controversy and it is esti- thated that‘it may be slichtly cheap-, er.It leaves the orivinal lower routeamilethisside’of the river,crosses|py,the river a mile ‘above the proposed crossing for the original lower_route iin: Land comes back into the original low-er survey a milé and three quartersbeyondtheriver:Only three miles;< of the original lower route,known astheRiverbillroute,is affected by thechange.«Thesengineers recommendedfurtherthat/ai spur road from thewewrouteofthepostroadbebuiltfromthe.point where.it crosses.the|. Dutchman creek to”Riverhilf—com- munity,to give an outlet from River-|hill to the post road or hichway- The:engineers have already.filedtheirrenort-with the-United States|Good Roads Office recommending the new route, Plans For New Graded School .Building. Mr.O..D..Wheeler:of Wheeler &Stern,architects of Charlotte,was in town Saturday in conference with theeradedschoolboardwithreferencetothenew.schoo}building.‘The plansureparedby.Wheeler &Stern wereaccented,by the board.The building,which will be,about 70x90,two stories,will contain about -9 class rooms.of-fices for texchers,ete;and will be modern in all ‘respects.The board is now ready to.receive-bidsfor-the-erection of the building.The grounds for the site,at the inter-section of Water street and Davieavenue,are being cleared and it is hoped to get the new building underwayintheearlyspring. The Legislature Yesterday. The State Senate Friday night de- bated the anti-liguor bill until’mid-night.without action.,Last nighttherewasa.similar performance and ily count SOUTH Mr.W. Saturday- He sailed Sao Palo; month at the, the latter const ‘and trir: terviewed inspechadt cured: Mr. Carter case.It is said the hearing will be pushed to a speedy conclusion. Complete .Blockade England’s _Answer. If the combined fiéets of Great Britain and France can prevent it,nocommoditiesofanyKindexceptthosehowontheseashenceforthuntiltheconclusionofthewarshallréachorleavetheshoresofGermany.This is England's.auswer to Ger-many’s submarine.blockade and it”istobeeffectiveforthwith. Blockader Killed. ica. forroods ’ olina ‘made a raid;Triday night,onanillicit.distillery six miles fromHamlet,on the State line.«They ar-résted one man,who was in chargeofthestill}and \were immediatelyfiredonbythreemen.The officersreturnedthefireandColon,Medntosh,one of the party,Was:nee.Theothersescaped. ‘MocksvilleRaearat:hate are quite|}a.number of cases of smallpox in Da-vie county at,this time..The diseaseismostly,among the white people,and| promiseunqualf juring his week. At the’dra Mr.Thomas.was'\merica by the Southern FurnitureManufacturers’Associationpurveseoflookingintothe furnituremarketsofthesduthern Trans-ContinentalthenjurneyedtoMendoza,Santiago, Valpariésa and Vena Delmar. the 17 different kinds of woodthemanufactureoffurniture was se- Mr W.OF.Olin township,has house ,in.Sharpesburg which he will open a general mercan-Lile businéss within a short time.Hewasin.Statesville yesterday buying @—A “horse owned by Mr.Ramsey,was disposed of by lot.last. LE,Ny .,TY ESDAY,MARCH 2,1915. SPE AKER WOOTEN iS DEAD. Bank Examiner in Charge and County Commissioners’Ask-For Succumbs toe‘Injuries Sustained LegislatureProvides For laiven:|in Automobile Wreck. Emmet R.Wooten of LenoirSpeakeroftheHouseofthe’General Assembly,died in Rex hos-||pital,Raleigh,at 8:45 Saturday.af-— victim of injdries sustained‘in.an automobile wreck.near Raleighut1o’clock on the morning of €|February 1G 4 particularsWeregivenin’The Landmark a weekAnothermemberoftheparty,William Aycock,was instantly kill-‘ed,the negro’chauffeur wasHurt,while the third passenger,Sen- Johnston of Duplin, practically without injury save for. of the accident infully escaped The wreck was caused bytaking’a curve at high speed and themachineturned Speaker’Wooten’s ¢ondition “wasverygravefrom.the?first,and while-his recovery-was hoped for it became over. Friday,—just-a week.aftertheaccident,that he could not:live.With the Speaker when he died*)were his wife and.two children,hismother,Mrs,J. only brother,Harry “Fhe remains were taken Saturdayeveningtothe,home of the dead manatKinston,accompanied by the fam- and friends, Young anda military-honorary guardofonesergeantandsix:Guardsmen.A large delegation of members ofperbranchesof‘the Assembly at-t ed the funeral at Kinston-on-Sun--i ooten,.and his ‘ooten. Adjutant General Mr.Wooten Was a native of Cravenyandwas86yearsold.He hadresentedLenoircountyintheLeg-| re for four terms and at the’op-,ehing of the present elected Speaker, session.was: AMERICAN TRIP. Mr.w.A.Thomas Returns Af- An Extended’Trip rhrough the Southern Coun- try —Looked After Business Conditions. A.Thomas has returned from South America,-where he spentaboutfourmonthsintheinterestof the Southern furniture trade. omas teached Key West,.Fla.,the20thoflastmonth,and on account of css went to Miami,Fla.,where he4sptvt.a week before coming on to hishome’here,arriving Mr. in seat t sent. for «the |South American trade for the South- ern manufacturers of this country. from New York the 20th of last September and made his first ston at Pernambuco. went to Rio de Janeiro. snent a month.chort.Visit to Santos.from whence he*went over the English From there he where heHethenmadea railroad.toandfromtheretoMonto- video-and Buenos Aires,spending -a} the latter place.Taking railroad:he Fromplacehewenttothewest traveled down the westcoast.to.Lima,Peru.On the.homewardhevisitedPanamatndCuba,The furniture dea‘ers and import-ers in all the places”named were ‘in- by:Mr.Ynomas and thefrrniturefactorieswere:visited and -A collection of samples of used in The trip was a very pleasant one Manning,Martin;H,P.Grier,Iredell;for Mr.Thomas and he believes it will.w,P,Stacy,ae Hanover:J.C.M.prove @ profitable one to the furni-|Vann,Union;R.ture manufacturers of this country.;Thomas savs he found some ofthemostbeautifulcountryandcitiesinthesworldandsemeofthemostadjournment:without a vote.A vote]5.4;ged.country as well.He hasisexpectedtoday.a souvenirs’from.many places’visited.A resolution.introdtived in.the Among these is a Vicuma rug.secur- House yesterday provides for the ex-|.4 from®an»Indian,a collection of vense of the hearing“inthe Abernethy-|panama-hats,etc.A pair of men’s hose Was bought at each town of im- nortean oe Julian 8.Carr,who desire $ee the different styles andmaterialiehoseusedinSouthAmen: ‘Hom,a “merchant oferectedastore township in his new'store.Mr.Hornwillalso.continue the operation of hispresent,sore in Olin. _/Mr-Hi A>Yount,who is a can-cMdate-forsmayor requests-Lhe-Landemark6say.that the reports in.cir-|culation hee he is promising or has s to his supporters are y false;that the reports are a for the purpose of in- ¢andidacy. DeWitt amount ofnecestotheabout$190 were sold,the price of thechancesjoainefrom30centsto$2. Mr.W.Bs Crowgon,who eafod $6 in,chances,won it.is said there aré about<20 or 25}A revival’meeting,-cori- cases in the Smith Grove and Red-|ducted a Floyd Fry of Mocks-land ‘section,ville,is?ogress at_the Baptist Abe Dalton,a dolored hackman,church at afanite.More than 60)was in the mayor's one Friday conversions ar'reported.charged with using loud es peer «The edtinty board of educationlanguageatthefeantion.-Hejiwas in monthly session yes-fined.$2.50 sehi Ticense_was|terday..|y_.routine business...was} have been hinted-at.as involved with too South: continent,'_any evidence as:to the truthorfal-- .throneh* WL RE INVESTIGATED.BRIEF ITEMS1S LOCAL 3NEWS. My...He ‘Froutman:is:“makingover”’this home 6n Parkstreet.TheSolicitorAbernethy—Grier of i ioneobene kbe enlarged teIredellonCommittee.Tanta fasbéenfesned Zor The Carter-Abernethy case is to be marriage of.Miss:Etta May Mullice investigated;and the investigation and Mr.James A.Grant and Miss will cover not only the contempt pro-Mary Jane Holland and Mr..Grady D.ceedings at New Berne but the.White.dargee of immorality made against,—At the reeent termof mouse Judge Carter:—county SuperiorCourt the case. tigation of Judge Carter and At a meeting of House judiciary George vs.Realty,:Loan and avan-:committee No.1,in Raleigh Friday ty Companywas ref to Hon,W..Turner of Sta e°evening,it was decided by unanimousvotetoreportfavorably‘resolutions|stn Ladies’Aid society.of theby.Representative Clark of Bladen,First Presbyterian church’will:meetprovidingforsuchaninvestigation.{this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock .with.The decision to recommend the Mrs,L.White.‘Importantbusinessinvestigation,says the Raleigh cor-to be transacted and all membersurg- respondent:of the Charlotte,Obser-|ed to be present.:i|Ver,came after ‘ahexecutive hearing)—Mrs:F.F.Wooten fell at:=of counsel for both —Solicitor Aber-|home iin Bethany township On anethyandJudgeCarter,and during|suffered a broken hip karewhichJudge’J.5.Manning made an ‘count of her age—72 years—her;impassioned speéch in which he de-!dition is naturally sérious,Tt is tear::manded on behalf,of Judge Carter!ed that she will never be able‘to walkthat‘the investigations be had.He!again.declared that these.insinuations and)—The Iredell.Alexander fedical : rumors,not backed by any.definite Society met at the court house westonforsubstantiatedstatements,had been|day..The session-was given Saree“Handed about to such an extent by ly to a discussion of the newdrugthoseresistingthejudgmentinthe)¥égulations,-ete..One new m eontempt proceedings that there!Dr.E.E.Little of Shiloh towns must,in fustice to Judge Carter and’was received into th Bs Ps. the-women:involved-in-rumors.be aj —=Myr.R.Ez:investigation.He demanded that thetiday fromBaltimore,whi Legislature make provision for a-prop-haan under trea Heertribunalto_bring from anywhere yecaining his.Seaeais ErintheStateanywitnessesorany€Vi-King.will remain in.Balt ore foridencetotestifytothefullestextentsometime.His:condition is very fa-‘of the knowledge to all these mat-/yorabie for an early recovery. ters.{-Judee Manning said Judge Carter wi contentwth the Ashevie oehadbuiltupforhimselfacharacter~4 taam at the.armory tonite:and reputation that could not be ie ‘Ststmciile Wen tehoskGla swept away by rumors maliciously naved the hich achent tai of Ashe i ¢ireulated.and that these matters had villéin Asheville Saturday night.Thegonetothatlencththatnothingbutfebuléwaea¥t for Asheville bythe.most complete investigation ‘and ii.Beave of.6 aycleay.and final vindication through oetheLegislatureorotherpowerofthe,—Considerable work has heen doneStatecouldsuffice.Furthermore.he’pf fae hate Sik the Mostevtie e ¢=eksvillédeclared.there are the women.who tod aad ae hie.ooneaten is completed some.desirable.suburban coepronertywillbemacesecessible.Con-*nection with the Mocksvi'le road is SORmadeattheLowrance’place. —The.South Seems.lodeentheJuniorOrderwillpresentandflawstothe.Duffie school| Judge Carter.They have reputationsand,honorable means of‘supvort of:inestimable value to them,that.de-mand.that these shall.be:vindicated for them.;Until this’hearing thene had tbrnoLaperforsavevaaetaSeSashapdtoe.a larch. part of representatives xe th and t ran,scho otMaret‘ter,and Chairman Dunning stated af P7th»Messrs.f Fe Webb,L. ter the committee meeting that,with Caldwell and J:‘E.1JudgeCarter’joining in the demand:hethe princival sthattherebeaninvéstieation,there school exercises.was nothing left for the.committee|—County Demonstration isbot’to report the resolutions favor-,Dull is eonducting pruning demably,-Seen aigr at various.Lette“The caiamitton has not received county:for the benefit:who.desire_instruction theorchards.»Persons -desiring toAemonstrationsontheir|farms.should communiéate with Mr.Dull.: _-fRev-Dr,J.R.Scroggs is il at —his homé in Shelby.~Some morthsaroDr.Scroggs’condition was criti-cal for a time but he recovered and.his friends in Iredell will recatat city of the ramors mentioned in theClarkresolutionsandhasmadenoattempttolookintothecasebevondthedeclarationin:the ‘Clark resolu._Hons and the resolitions from.the bar,associations and individvalscommendingJIvdeeCarter,and.thoseurgingthat.Solicitor Abernethy hadnotreceivedasquatedealinthe jearn that he is egain ill.contempt case.|Mr,Clarence Scroges.was‘catled trongWhentheHouseconvenedforthewinston-Salem to Shelby Friday enniehtsessionFridaynightRevresen-|recount of his father’s illness.tetive Allred of Johnstoncounty.for)—_n¢.mp -y.-“Cachwellhas re judiciary’committee No.1,sent for-$3wardthefavorahlerenortofthecom-eae ite ts whi he ol mittee on the Clark:resglution ‘calling book and stationery “business ;for the investication.The resolutions,41.y5th of this ont He ‘will also. original and ‘sunovlimental,were.put cnduct a.news:stent cand:picture-en immediate. nassave’end ¢.,business.Mr.CashwSneaker.Pro Tem.Rowie ennonnced eee months held a fosition as. his annointmerts of the committee of nlesman in Allison’s book store invéstiention:‘the tesolution being ite athe 2 ‘gone -—Mirsz~were in Statesville | amended to moka the membershivseveninsteadoffive,The*committeeisconstitutedasfollows:R.A.Doughton,Allechany,chair-:1 y (man:L.H.Allred,Johnston;A.R.\°whens Mr.Cole bas @ position,Me and Mrs,Cole were married in ia,zelhurst,Ga.,.the home of the bride,last Wednesday.Mrs.Cole wasMissGladvsNelson,3—Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Bristolwent itoTaylorsvilleyesterdaytopartici.pate in a big fox hunt which was to beehavetakenplacenearTayloraeilla+!last night;and a wolf chase which isscheduledfortoday.A big red foxwasturnedJoose.to furnish the sport-last night and a Montana wolf,se-cured from-the West,is to be liberated.for today’s chase.‘ —A gentleman who has been im-vressed with the faet that whenever —an election or a primary is held theresre.numerous young men “just Cee‘of age,”but that not all these are in¢evidence in the poll tax returns thifollow,suggests that a Hebemadeat.the municipal maries Saturday,for information \making the poll tax returns whichsoon-_be.dues Good idea... —The event,of this eveningireadingsloonates KRery’or”aanditorium,ratte the #Civic League,beginningMusi¢by the ladies of the McDo“Music club,Miss Noyes ofoftheNoyes,yg of bomwill,be presentand it,A oped-have hér rélate some ofrentes“in -France™at Suen BM ~€oleSaturdayén 8.Hutchison,Meck- lenburg.The committee will proceed:to maketheinvestigationafterthemanner!‘ofacourt,summoning and éxamining|witnesses.Then on the findings of|this commission will depend.furtheraction.If the charges against JudgeCarter’s moral character.are not sus-tained.there will be vindication,and:if sustained there will necessarilyfollowimpeachmentproceedings,which a committee:from the HousewouldprosecutebeforethebaroftheSenate.It is contended by some thattheremaybedegreesofreprimand to which the judge will be subjectediffoundtomerititastomisconductinthecontemvtcase.Of course anydegreeofguiltonthematterofthechargesagainst.his moral characterwouldbringthefullestconsequence.ofimpeachmentanddismissalfronthe judicial service,At the committee hearing counselforJudgeCarterwereManning&‘Richin—andPowPearsa and forSolicitor-Abernethy T:W.~Davis‘Rouse &Land,Paceraid Boushall and T.6.Wiooten.{ Deaths. Mrs.Tillie Mills.died «yesterday morning at 4 oclock at her home.inChambersburgtownship,.aged ~75years.She is survived by three.sons,one war.one daughtet,two sisters and a .Hy.Lester.has..compbrother.|Mrs.Mills was a good wo-lang or a two-story residenemanandwillbemissedintheconi--“he Méipp at the corner ofqnunity.”Interment at New.Salem ery andArmfield streets.Mit;church today at TM ‘o’cloek with fun-|ter paring plans for a buéralservicesbyRev-J.J.Edwards.tik ec.S.Tomlin -wilk‘Mrs,Fred Fry died Saturday morn-|Bim ak ie ‘place of theingatherhomeinHickory,aged 52.|burned some time ago.Mfusbandandnine’‘ehildren survive./is also at work on plans bis ‘Interment:Sunday at Friendship)the cement foundation on% Lutheran church,Alexander county.|ter-street into a bang ccninfantof.Mr,and Mrs.Grover!®.Bolinger.This isceetehatatthe.Nate ae some.years:ie:by, in Dighth street. NDMARK ,»+March 2,1916. WO ROBBERS. »Landmark has no disposition “with its good friend,-Col. ,about the rélative mer- :bank robbers—-those who from without and within.We beholden to the colonel for’kind- ference to this editor's opinionsfactthatweareoftendis- makes ‘no difference in this opinion of the colonel’s abil- or he always writes forcibly well,: as to the dissenting opinion, here are some cases—a few-—in hich robbers in both these ciasses rye our pity.They were not ally bad men but weal;and ‘yielded to temptation;which ger men could resist, wt these few excepted,we have more respect for the professional awho goes at it from the outside,than for the ‘thief within.The outside thief is.cold-blooded,but hé is not a “hypocrite.He is a robber—a bold, an,not a sneak.When caught “Ne usually gets what he deserves and lakes his medicine,There is no weeping over him;no attempts to 8 ve him from punisamént and Goy- to ‘he.inside-man-—is—often~a promj- lent citizen;a leader in the commu- nity,in society “and in the church, dwho by an apparently ‘correct life ains the confidence of his fellows. When he has won public confidence “is given a—place of-trust,he-re- that confidence by abusing it. ~Heis:without conscience and -with- “out scruple.__He-takes_the “savings f the widow and the orphan,whose trusted agent he is,as readily as the surplus of the wealthy,and dissi-| pates it in riotous’living.Then -“when the crash comes,the scoundrel ~fnvokes the record of his years of _eerrect living to save him from pun- “‘ishment—and it usually does that,al- “though it is a strange procers of reasoning,as ‘The Landmark sees.it. The man who:gains publie confidence| -and then violates that confidence knows.what he’is.doing.Once in awhile,as said at the outset,he is a weak man who yielded to tempta- Ption;but more than often jhe was a bad man all the while but a bad man who could keep his real self conceal- _ed and play the hypocrite ina wayye+*to deceive the very;elect—the very ’worst type of man.The yeggman} isn’t in his class;and as to mental suffering—jt isn’t*because he -has “wronged somebody *but because he is -caught and may suffer... “Moreover,the penalty should ¥he =made severe enough for the inside _robber to let him understand’that «it ‘means scmething.So many of these inside robbers get away,with it that /at encourages others to take chances _to run the risk™because the pun- _-ishment.is so light if they are »caught.4 Tf we’re to be robbed,colonel,we ~=prefer the -masked-villain who:sand- bags you —as disagreeqgle as:that may be—takes what you've got,and _goes his way.Better..is.he-than-bhe- -etnsiiiating scoundrel’who gains *your ‘confidence and-then takes ad- vantage of your confidence to do youdirt.: +Job was the Rockefeller of his +day,”observes the Rev.William Sun- day,who is‘exhorting the ungodly in Philadelphia.In the report Tae Land- mark read,Mr.Sunday didn’t explain his réasons for classing Rockefeller with the man in the land of Uz—the “gman that “was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and eschewed evil.”Mr.Rockefeller.may be up- -)right;he is not perfect of.course;no mortal is.But to be sure he is any- thing like Job it would be necessary .to put_him to the test.If he could "say,after all his property was swept yer:his sons and daughters carried ay into captivity,and,in addition .to Me suffering from indigestion he was af- Peructed with boils from the crown of ~his head to the soles of -his ‘feet—if ~he could Say after all chat,when the -wife of his bosom had advised,him to curse God and die,that the Lord gave and the Lord taketh away,blessed be ‘the name of’the Lord,then would =Deacon.dobn,be.in Johs.classie- |”Friendship. ‘with the request.9 are seldom asked to pardon| + ( {aT:iver vth fie enaanerge ter HOW:WE HAVE FRIBND! By Showing Ourselves Friendly How Public Service Corpors| —The Sinner’s Sermon on Written For The Landmark,. Text:Proverbs,Chapter 18. Verse 24:“A man that hath friends fnust show himself.friendly.” |The most miserable people in the world are not the penniless,but,rath; ter the friendless.So the “happiest: neople ‘in the world are not those who have the most money but rather i those who have the most friends. |Even if the rich man has friends he never knows when their friendship.is lwenuine.He is always.suspicious ithat-they love him merely for his lmoney.Not so with the poor man. ‘We can trust the sincerity of his friends.2 |Priendship.then is a more valua- We asset than wealth.It pays a lare- ‘ow dividend-vpon-the -canitatemmover than any species of investment that: ean be mentioned...The beauty.of it all is that the capital for this in- vastment.is so»easily obtained. The Sinner’s text tiis morning tolls how:If you would have friends, show.yourself friendly:That's all. The mah who is a good “mixer” has a wonderful advantage’in life; end to be a good mixer it:is only necessary that one should show him- self friendly with all around him. If the Sinner were asked to name the one who,in -his opinion:is the) most popular person in.Charlotte,he wonld have no difficulty in complyingHewouldnamea certain jady of ‘his nequaintance.She’ never gives parties.‘or receptions,but che is invited to them all from the -humblest to the swellest.“She:knows more people than any other person in city,She grasps.the needle-pricked hand of the seamstress with'the samecordialitywithwhichshegreetsmy lady of the diamond-sparkline fingers, She ‘shows herself friendly,and.) therefore,she has friends. Aftery-all.-being fetendly is merely heing-nolite,The Sinner regrets to say that it looks to him like polite- ness is fast becoming a lost art.In} the mad rush after money we forget) to he polite,A terrible’indietment-is- hroveht this morning against the) soune men and young women of the ave,While there are some notable exeehtions,yet,as a rule.they are sadlv lacking in manners.Rudeness.| indifference.lack of reverence and re- anect,are the prevailine -characteris- tiesof the youth of this day.-All the older.members.oy the.Sinner’s conerecation who agree.with him in| this statement,hold up your hands:| Inst as was expected,neatly every hand is un!” Whot apitv that the bie public ser- vice corporations onerate.so much on}the publie-be-damned principle.What| 4 pity they «do not realize that ehe-| mies are just as ‘surely liabilities of} 4 pecimiary nature as are the mort- gare bonds they owe,’. From a purely’‘monetary stand- naint,these public service corpora- tions oveht to aim to get rid of ene- mies.Tf they adont certain rules and: reenlations for the’purpose of saving} themselves money and-yéb.@fid-thatthoestresandrevulationg..-anger and irritate the publi¢.they ought to ‘aholich them.becouse thése rules and ~nenlations then become enemy man- afaetories,‘‘Toke as an example the recnlation af the railroads reqhirin®holders of milenae hooks to exchange the mile- ave for tickets.This reeulation has hoon a recular enemy.factory..The roilrond companies claim that.they save monev by.this requirement.| Crented:but these comnahies do not toke intonecount the vast sums_ofmonevtheylosethrouchtheenemies inat this reenlation makes for,them. Tho vnilroads never ston.it seems.to Fannsiden “how «many.thousands uson thoneandsof dollars:the verdicts of tha intices ara jriereased every vear. an necannt of the enemies that are moda throuch hostile and irritating onlea and reeulations.Tio Sinner heard the late Col. Wami'ten C.Jones cay that more thar 40 vears ago there was managrer-of 9 certein’railroad com- nany.with-headquarters:in.Charlotte. who treated the publie with such uni-form Jsndness:and consideration in| all deslings of the eémpany with the}nublic that it was well nigh imnossi- ble for a plaintiff:to get a verdict ofajuryagainst.this manager’s rail-road..He adopted the public-be-) nieased ‘policy.He showed himself} friendly and-made friends for his} company._If the Sinner were put into’the |ronfessional and made to tell what jhas been the greatest mistake in his|life.he would say ‘it was that he had nét been careful enough to avoid mak-ing enemies:This morning -he would‘leave this as a parting lesson,espe- |cially to the young:Oe |.A friend:is an asset;an enemy is a liability.Therefore,make’friends; |and remember |“A man that hath friends,must ‘show himself friendly.” CHARLES.W.TILLETT, Charlotte,Feb.27, |} Handsome Booklet, | || | ‘ations Manufacture Enemies) Nin lvenehed stich a.point that they —ar- -any-Buropeaninterference,-and-sec a general) Mexico or e P_There—Ex -PresidentDefinition”of the DoetrEx-President Taft,who in public’‘has.contribute Mr.Bryce’s Opinion of ArAsaNeutral.\* tinguished Englishman,says “in a London paper that both sides have blamed the American government and the government points to this as the best proof of.its impartiality,One Lnarty,-he-says,-movedby.the tragic): addresses recently cont peatmuchenlighteninginformationtgovernmental‘affairs,speaking’. fore the New Haven Economie elubatitsannualbanquetatNewHavenafewdaysago,discussed theMon: Discussing Anierica’s ©attitude inlh the war Viscount James Bryce,-dis-|# r ” ——Z-EVER ATTEMPTED Se roe,doctriney-and:his remarks fate df Belgium,censured the gov-( that subject ahanented a ae ae jer ment for having failed to.protest erally lavown,but which is of partic.“azeinst the violation of Belgium ter- uler intereat as pertains to Moyles:|"itory.and the flagrant breaches ‘of}. Mr,Taft’expressed his.belief.in|the rules of warfare prescribed by the wisdom of maintainingthe Mon-|The Hague Conyention.;))|» roe doctrine and pointed out.that ithe|“But,”says”the _viseount,it:is original declaration of the doctrine|“ieht that neither side of the case was prompted by England’s wish |should be put to the United:States, when Canning was foreien minister |‘he greatest of the neutral powers, The administration might conceiveforajointdeclaration’of such a pol-D /concelv ‘ey,and that there since have beer|‘bat many questions will arise in) frequert ~ineimintiony bye Engler)set ee Paige ects statesr that the not tc |will be involved and:y it.ene Wey .&abdees Ar lahat the authority with which the nited States can speak ‘would be weakened if at the outset its govern- ‘nent takes up a position adverse ‘to yne or the other party to the strug- ;“le,However high the motive,its “The Monroe docttine.”Mr.Taft |‘mvartiality would be questioned.” went on to soy.“is a:policy of the|Regarding questions of internation- ‘mited States and is not an.oblies |1 law and usage which.have arisen tion of international law binding:up|etween the United States and.bel- on any of the countries whose terri-|'izerents,Viscount Bryce says: tory and government it seeks to pro |©“Whena neutral is urged by its citi- tect..Nor indeed does it involve:ar|"ens to remonstrate with belligerents absolute obliration’on the part of)0 the exercise of any rights,the.bel- the United States to enforce it._If|‘igerents claim ié cannot,unless con; rests primarily.spon-the danger—te{inced-that-there iswno-substancein, the interest and safety of the Uniter|‘he erievafice,decline to”presentthe States.The extent-of_our-interven |85°of its subjects.wae tion to enforce the policy.isa mat |“If it is suggested,asI think it-has ter of our own*judgment,with-a no.|>een somewhere,that in the matter tee that it covers all America.It |f contraband and the right of search, therefore follows that the .Monror »owerful pecuniary interests.have doctrine,so far as it applies to “the |‘ried to influence the administration, so-called A.BC —governments of}‘hose who ‘have watched recent de-| South America,is now never likely |7elopments in America will agree that to be pressed,first because they have aothing isso unpopular there as what ‘gs called big—business ‘and.that any \dministration supposed to be yield- lng to its pressure would do so at itsSofarasIcanjudgethereis ation for any such notion.” “whether the other government?of Evrope have acquiesced in itornot.”the ex-President continued,‘it’is certain that none of them have in- sisted upon violating it. able to.protect themselves agains’ ond because they are so remote fror |2¢ril. ns that.a violation of the dottrin:|‘0 found with respect to them would ‘be littl |—=ore — harmful to.our-interests and safety.’|‘SYRUP OF FIGS”FOR . Mr.Taft said that the doctrinedoes *CONSTIPATED.CHILD! not contemplate any interference or |,a oneennimene frig Sune Ay the part of the United States with|Yelicious “Fruit Laxative”Can't} +he right of a European governmen‘|Harm Stomach,Liver and Bow-) to make war upon any Americar)¢ls.j government..or to pursue such cours’|Every mother realizes,after giv-| in Shp ees eof its .nations’|ne her children.“California Syrup| rivhts as would be‘proper under th:|f Figs,that this is their ideal lax-| roles of international law._In thi}tive,because they love its pleasant Ce Te eee aanBT ac id aeemek,fives and bow.see Ae ted.SW |ender little stomach,liver and Qow- required by the doctrine te object t:|15 without griping.: any warlike measures under #h*4 When cross,irritable,feverish or rules of lawful war which England’:{iweath is “bad,stomach sour,lwok at enemiés:mightmake*against aeer |he tongue,mother!If coated.give AD thot the Monroe doétrin¢|.teaspoonful of this*harmless “fruit wuld Ghnsistently require of us.’|contin?ated in a fey hodts all the =said,“would os ze pa —wher |‘oul,eae walt,eee bi incl 16 war is over,if Germany,were aut |undigested food passes out’of*the)5 :{ferritolyef Canada,fakeome Lowala,and you have8 wets Deronsrritor’13 a,yer eh hE gain.4 stem| her goveypnment and establish he:3.full of ‘cold,throat sore,has‘stom-| eeareacee einenetgone |SH eat .¥Pe a a olic—remember,a’!goods"inside |Rae;Rhode at Gr |vce sl leg Be he MORY #:&.OS8ESS'»Vanei teatmen ve Figs Fave ; dian soil temporaril¢threatened us ar |jon et nee keep|“Celi- 4 danterous way,we of course coul?}¢eta Fc NE oe z take such canal to secure ou"|er -yrop of OF ee Tra ey safety as national policy would di¢|"ick child tomorrow.“Ask “your'| tate;but_it would not be an enforce |tinecist for 1 S0-ecnt~battle of} ment of me Monroe doctrine,but of ‘California Syrup of Figs,”which | %The orean sotiddnd by Baek yas’directions for babe.children of| Yes es eee ss HW ages and.grown-ups~printed on| en So see by the re he bottle.-Beware of contiterfeits’ agabaet the United ‘States Mr."Tat gid Here,80 don't be £6 oled.Get the} characterized as “atterly unjust.pees,aeby Cee Pig and added:“Is it a reason for us te}———ae give up a doctrine that our motive’etre es in maintaining it have been miseonstruedbythepersonswhohave s¢much profited by our enforcing it?Socata”Seeds,Seeds! | 1 Mexico has not.been an aplication of1¢Monroe doctrine at all,Nothin:||in the Monroe ‘doctrine requires:usto.bring about peace in Mexico.Ifwedreforcedtpinterveneitwillbe ae Red Bliss Potatoes,Irish Cobbler, Onion Sets,Ferry’s Garden Seed, ¥lower Seed,Sweet Peas. ’*Phone us what you want, iEagle &Milholland. ST L ae 5 oo ~yeyTinRoofing Along with the dry summer — months come the fire risks. Why not use good gradeoftin roofing to overcome fire risksandmakepermanentroof. -StatesvilleTin Co., H.C.MOHLER,Manager.‘PHONE 55, Just puta fewdrops of Sloan’s on the painful spot and the paix stops.It is’really wonderfulhowquicklySloan’s acts.No. need to rub it in—Iaid onlightly -it penetrates to the bone and.brings relief at once.-Kills PS P S P S SS S SE E S SS E OT OO O O EO Oe ee e le t e e e t e t Ata Soda Fountain in Statesville! In fact very few cities in this coun- “try have taken this advance step in Sanitation.Within the next-week. ie “we willhave installeddtourFountain = Oe ava ,SANITARY SERVICE Each_,and every Drink,Cream or .Sundae served in individual Cups or Dishes.Once used thrown away. -Next-dtink-new cup.Send your — wite and children to the Fountain of Quality.Everything served the Sanitary way.::: AN ABSOLUTELY ? oS P e S e s e e s e s e s es s e r e se e r s THE REXALL STORE. ville Drug Comp’y, Quality Prescriptionists,pe e v e c o c c o r o s e s o s s se o s e es ee s e ce e e s et e ce e ee e et e r il i c s e s e e e s e e s States Vs seeeteeeeeeseeeeeeeeweneee: 73 i,sa] ri pe4 8 Featuae68 oeaf ee i a (3 2 8 Just Received a Car Load of Fencing. We can give you exactly what you want in the Fence Jine—Hog,Cattle,Poultry and.Game—Horse High, —--—-Bull Strong,Pig Tight,-—— WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS YOU CAN Pe} a fence quicker and easier.A rials and your fence will last longer,:| »need fewer repairs.We knowas well as you do that no further argument is necessary for good tools and good materials.The one question 1s whether we make good our-claims,—_----esaWEHAVETHERIGHTPRICE. “Tredell Hardware Co. BUILD & Add to this good mate.% look better and % PORCH =i3Cie We are how handling VOGUE Candy. “(it’s all the Zo) Customers who have tried VOGUE pronounce it-60c.quality, ‘We'sell itat 60c.(160z netin each box).* Just to let you know the HIGH quality you get at this LOWprice we are going to make a special introductory price.of 39.a pound for ONE day only..;i :: bruary 27th,is the day. MEGBLC ES SATURDAY,Fe Come early and be sure of a box. Jne Pound Rich Chocolates | Senator Cahoon,from way down in|The chamber of.commerce of)[=a 108 Pasquotank,“where the bullfrogs|Statesville is up to the minute.It! :jump from bank to hank,”hasoffer-|has just issued as handsome a book-|’ ed in the State Senate a bill to pro-let telling all about the growing little hibit the killing of “buzzards and|city as we have ever seen coming from|© yultures.””In former days these ny town./It is filled with all kinds|Jwere protected because it was|0f information that the prospective | a 2 :.~,home seeker might ‘want;it has ic.|thought they rendered a service in tyros of buildings ard people,sod is|ing the land of carcasses of dedd |altogether creditable and valuable, mals..But in these modern days|~; ey are regarded as distributors of |. se and filth.‘The proper method| |‘Adding Machine Paper 1 "We have two sizes, |“Sell.it:by the Roll>or Case. _»—Phone 200—— ‘Brady Printing Co. "PAE ETRE GETTER ES NTE TEI net NOTICE!rs 2_hasortaoeMee|7for draying,“all * NICE LOT OF NEW SPRING JEWELRY Pecans To the Housewife, Madam,if your husband is like most men |he .expecta yor to look after the health:of|yourself nnd.children.Coughs and colds are)|the most.common of the minor ailments .and|if disposingof the bodies of dead an- imals is to burn ‘them or bury them |are snost Healy to lead to serious diseases,|ae a ae it ae aan Fs an .ses.| and not leave them for the Viltures.!diphtheria cecum talee wea Whee |mar :| ‘eee perience tater jeold.If you.will in t:ee ‘a auire into th of}-'The Idaho Legislature ‘has ‘passed sshettaeeiie’the various remedies that are reeomm led“the I signed a bill for coughs and’colds,you vill find That | ture,sale and Jost in,Solid Gold:Lavalliers at $2.50 sounds mighty cheap tous.How does . it strike you?Come in and see them, R.H.RICKERT &SON,_...JEWELERS.-~- || Chamberlain's Cough Remedy stands i‘hi Ktheestimationofpeoplewhouseit,“7 te‘prompt and effectual,pleasant and safe totake,which are qualities .¢s ly to he de-ted when a medicine -{s ed for chil<dren,“For sale by.all re 4 a i Baty 0. sl ee:iES OF reatn.‘Min.28 Res:he Train No.24 ar,8.35,leaves 6.35 pp m. women ieerous.4 bin orto =ag ana ines yea.aaaie Fresh Vegetables!! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes. Miler-McainSapply Co. DIXON’S -dething for ‘Book JusteneforBookkeepers "Statesville Printing Co. a ie "PHONE cE FRAZIER BROS. ~-For-that leaky tin root and "guard against sleet and snow. Sreeaee RS sop to e 3 FFoR FINE 4 Sloan "_sAND-DYEING NE CLEANING —'PHONE 147— Pressing Club. Gagan eaBigIncreaseinFoodExports—| Ymade in the export of foodstuffs ’meree in a detailed statement.Food- weDMA inteh 2,1935,|Count se 10.86 gm|: n No,Se ar.Fan inen 6s40 a.mm, ar.»ives 6:45 p.operated‘No,16 m,Now,28 and 24arenot on ¥; ~Shortage of Cotton. ‘What.vast increases.have been i allthe European war began is dis-hosedby~-the-Department.of—-Conr" stuffs exports for the seven months endin with January totalled $%337,- 400,000,an ‘increase of.$188.000,000overthesamemonthofthelastfis- cal.year.One hundred million.bushels morewheatwéreexportedthanlastyear; 28,000.000 bushels more oats;10,- 000,000 bushels more_corn;40,000,- 006 pounds more fresh beef;©34.-500.000 pounds more canned beef; 1,500,000 barrels more flour;1,000;-|000.pounds more pickled beef;.22,-1000,000 gallons.more gasoline,’nap- -tha,—ete.,and 111,000,000 gallons pmore residum,fuel oil,etc.,were }sent abroad.At the same-time there was a great.decrease ‘in the export of cot-| ‘ton,because of the war,the total for| ‘the seven months being 4,105,525 | i bales,or 2,500,000 bales less.-than.; j last.year. “OLDILDAND NEW WAY — ‘The Hyomei Wemeay.for Catarrh,’‘~Colds and Croup a Most Valuable _Discovery., |“The:‘discovery of Hyomei has made|} ‘a wonderful change in the treatment|ef catarrh,head colds,and.similar |ailments—you simply breathe all lmedicated air using a small inhaler ithat comes with every complete eut- |fit,i:(Byoniei is a combination of ants‘septic oils that.mixes with the air igo.that its health-giving medication | must go directly to the sore,raw,in-| |flamed lining of the nose,throat andj |bronchial tubes.lately.stops the disagreeable nasal |discharge,quickly relieves that chok-'ed-up.feeling,heals and strengthens ‘the delicate tissues.The strongest evidence ofHyomei’s -eurative value for catarrh,,)head|'eolds,asthma,etc.,is that your well-| iknown druggist,the Statesville Drug|Corfipany,sell it under a ee ito return your money if-you are not‘satisfied:Do-not:delay .treatment||for Hyomei is not oily harmless but| i pleasant to usée,and nothing to.paypifnotcured. { a:eee i ! j NOTICE. |NORTH.CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to;ithe E.L.Hart Co.by M.H.Jordan on the, )18th day of September,1909,to secure “'RCLIPSE "ENGINES AND JHRESHERS... I will have so neof our.en you are in town and see,and let’s talk it over. style machinestime.ere.in a shor!|‘Come over the first time|then| C.H.TURNER, -Iredell Phone No.74,Bell No,7‘Near theDepot. MP.‘Alexander&Bro. ——FOR--——_ Nice Fresh Meats +. Raney Groceries ‘ _and shies Cleaned‘as not chalked but cleaned, ’Phone GILLESPIE,350.|| white as snow-—3 What “You _years its age. your What isthe Cost ofWarae Bnet es =oCaromanacfor191~You will also find moreinterestingdataaboutyour.-Own Stat.been‘published before.inonesin s been an,auth iseeinan,authority,its Send 10 ‘cents,coin on™seunpe »andye will mailacopytoincaseyou.cannot pu _Sellear. fi the”answer itt"fo e than’has ever le book.For 77Parner’s oem oe ess Piaroneinge with ‘inigyistOFOok ~\eorner;thénce north 3 degrees west 133 “poles| :_|Shoemaker's line; 83 —_—ee ee eee ae “ei en the|payment of three hundred and fifty dollars |$1$300)-and the snid -Mi -Hy Jordan having | fAiled to.comply with,the stipulations set.out| ‘in said ‘mortgage the undersigned will,offer for sale at the court house door «'Statesville,N.C.between the hours of 10+o'cloek x.m.and 2 o'clock p.m,onFRIDAY,MARCH 5,1946, the follawing described real estate to satisfysaiddebt,interest and ¢ost,.lying and ‘being‘in Iredell county,State of North Carolina,and bounded as follows,to-wit:Beginning at a_stone,Frankling Mason's for cre ue asate I¢--almost.immedi-| in|(¢)Best:loaf cake. |(d)Best layer cake. coe eeicanat ' meant of be adieschoolcommenceBelowisa/abute oh Apel%Wecourt,hie pe ie,for CarolinaThe.cata 2for hsalge hg grade ex-ion isedatefor ‘the preliminary con-.test to be held in each paisa isApril2d.On this date *you..mayteachuntilnoon.In the ecunecntake.your...two._representativestosomecentralschoc},to be a”touncedlater,where it will be decided who isterepresentyourtownshipatthecountycommencement.|This’is,hodthecontestinrecitation’andmation.oo pupils in theay eaegradeandlowergradesmay’enterthiscontest.Recitation Contest;For oepenneChairman,Statesville,N Open,to girly of seventh grade anbélow.Edch s¢hool to’send one ei to township:preliminary.contest.Thewinnertocompeteforprizeinevilleon“commencement day.Time ofrecitationlimitedtofivemimutes,|Declamation Con For©Boys.(Terms same as_for Recitation Contest.)|High School Recitation Contest:Eachschoolcarryingasmuchasonegradeofhighschoolworkis.en-titled to enter one girl to competeforprizeat.Statesville,Betaraey |March 13th..Contest to be held atthecourt‘house during ‘the after-noon session of the Teachers’As-sociation.Time of recitation lim-ited to eight minutes.High School 'Declamation Contest:(Terms same as for High School ,Recitation Contest.)~The successful candidates in the}above high school contests will:be ex-pected to recite or declaim on theeveningofthedebatingcontestatcommencement.Exhibits—Miss Jessie White,Chair- “man,‘Harmony,N.C.4a)Best.general:collection by anyschool.This to include plain sew-ing,button holes,.darning and)_patching,drawn work,crocheting,*embroidery;tatting,dressed dane stencil.work,picture frames,bas- kets,doll furniture,maps,draw-ings,copy books,‘paper folding,|‘busy work or anythingin the lineofmanualwork. (b)Neatest.patching,..darning,button holes,b by any girl below}the eighth gradeFirstandsecondprizes offered for! (a)and_(b.)(c)Best>middy blouse by any girl, age considered.Prize. (d)Best hand-made garment.Prize.(e)Best ...machine-made garment. Prize.(#)Best piece of embréidexy.Prize. (g)Best crocheting.Prize. a! || | 5 ! Cooking.{a)Best:biscuit.Any girl,beloweighthgrade.Prize.(b)Best yeast bread,rolls or loaf.‘Any girl above the fifth grade. Prize.Any girl '“above fifth grade.Prize.Any girl.Prize. (e)Best.candy.Any girl.Prize.(f)Corn muffins.Any girl.Prize.(gz)Best cookies.Any ‘girl.Prize.¢h)School lunch,packed.Prize.(i)Best collection of jelly,canned ‘to a-pile of rocks,in.Williams’line:-thenee|124 poles to a chestnut oak;thence north 24|degrees east 353 poles to ahickory;‘thence‘south 49 degrees west 90 poles to @ chestnut,thence south 61 degrees[West 138 poles to a black oak,J.W.Williams” éorner;thence.south:22.degrees,east 48 polestoapoplarnearthespring;thence sonth 40ldegreeswest15poles.to a black gum;thenee|south 87,degrees east 176 poles to the’begin-ning,containing 250 acres more or _less:ing.to”Woody"&ins--the-Jands—of. iP.G.Williams,eeD.“Williame et al.M.|B.Jordan conveys’a one-half interest in the/above described land.THE FE.L.HART,GO.,By-Ey L.-Hart,President,Mortgaree.f L.R.PIERCE,Feb.3,1915. } | i{'1i Assignee. | mm)ot }al “Will please thosewhodemandtheverybest.Itis anextraordinaryflour. Your Grocer nows., e.Cary C.Boshamer,&Local Representative,§5 ‘Fhane 125 Bak It.aw.: x)| fy |d | i | +ACooking.Recipes. —--Get-a neat ittle-eard--index-~-=;‘outfit for them.Only 90¢, See Printing Co.* SALE OF MILL,gh By virtue of a deerce of the ‘Sosaiien Courtinthespecinl,proceeding entitled D.FP,Ma:berry va:J.D.Williams and others,we’‘will ‘FRIDAY,“MARCH 12).1915,4% at 1 o’dloek p.m.on the premises;nell at pubsliecduction.the.property snownh—ag.=tee Lea laims mill,containing 22.acres,in Newere ond,Bale township,‘on the WilkesboroOn.the.promises isa’burh.;Mill,store rouse and outbuildings,im find water power,and the title is,take place on the premises,Ine-thi:cash fjredceah +|Baseball Game. .jing’further-.will be done until after tomatoes,canned fruit,preserves,|spickles,or anything in this -line.Any girl,First and second ‘prizes.Athletices—T.H.Stafford,Chairman, Harmony,N.C,can aS Boys 13 years of age or ay‘10-yard dash.ae and paanndprizes.‘@)Rune broad:jump.First and | 7 Second:“prizes:(3)Running high jump.First and second prizes.(4)Sack’race.-(Fifty yards).Prize.dernsi eS ere twelve years.old or (2)60-ya0d dash,First _and second| 41 (2)Running:rout “jump.”First and Z.)secondp:(3)Danek"high jump.Fist and second prizes.t(4)Potato.‘race.-Prize:{Teams to be an- nounced later.)“Rules—I.Any regularly enrolled pupil of any school in the county may ,jenter.any contest,unless barred by'age limit;Tf.No school will be al-,y |lowed more than two representativesinanyevent;UL”The same pupil |‘may:compete in.all events in his class|‘ifs he wishes.’Scoring—A first.place in“any eventcounts5points;a second placein anyeventcounts3points;a,third place|3 /in any event counts 1 point;the school‘making the greatest number of points|“will be awarded.a.prize.’+R.M.GRAY,County Superintendent.|e Trial of “Bleetion Corruption: Pleas of not Fie to indictments|charging conspiracy to corrupt the|election of eee 3,1914,were en-|tered in Féderal.court,at Indianapo-,lis,Ind.,by five.Republican leaders’of |nefift)fe fana congressional dis-| eir cases were ‘not set forSatanditisunderstoodthatnoth- disposal is’made of the cases of thebhBninanEoeresivelead- ers.‘erre:aute,Ind.,whowere in-dicted December last’on similarHighty-seven of the 116/of guilty...Trial ofbeginatIndianap- plans|ing is an extraet from.his.letter inif riit seems lof the condition of our congregations, bas.|2"going to the woods for safety.| peoing on,as if an attackted,abd for the past two days many i. (eg _Iredell-people have organized and will)‘build &neighborhood "phone line||which will give this section phone § connection with a dector,‘or possibly /'E |two,@S We are expecting anew.doc-! 'cotton and.must have it why not buy |fall-ign’t it;much better to buy some\that isalready ginned and baled rath- |18inthatcountry,of anarchy.Follow-|# the AssociateReformed Presbyterian:| “Conditions that envelop —us ane!sae athto depreas and tend to meancholy..1 neverwas in prison,but /§thi the Depmoresecludedthah we are in this port.We receive no letters,no pa-hers,haveno informatioon of the dingsoftheoutside.wens not evewhatishappening‘in of a ‘siege,There are no trains York never bring any mail“There is seargity of food.Corn ist#selling at about six pesos (dollars)|‘flour at 30 pesos a sack,/§rice at 50 cents a pound,beans at the :a_bushel;- same price,eggs at 20.cents a piece,|;milk at 50 cents .a quart,and other ithings at ¢orresponding prices.Lyx-'§juries can be had,but at fabulous| Just think of butter at $8 aand”breakfast strip at $3 aprices, |pound, }pound. Spend me a.T call gratitude chickens.Two dollars and a half.and $3 for a chicken isfoohighapriceforthepreacher's ish. “Of Europe’s disastrous war we know.nothing,but’the suffering, though calamitous,is -nét worse than the grievous necessity,the fear of bandits_.and-robbers,that are experienced by thousands in Mexico.“Tl have not heard from Rio Verde,Cardenas,Ciudad del Maiz,.VallesandTancanhuitz,since about the first qofNovember.There.has been fight-ing at some places in the State ofSanLuisPotosi,but we know nothing if any,and the preachers.Over inTantimathetroops.of Villa are inpossessionofthetown,and two weeksagotheCarrancistasdemandedthesurrenderoftheplace.It was refus-||ed and the Carrancista troops repliedthattheywouldtakethetown.burn|¢‘it;and neither man,woman nor childwould.be spared.* jsion carrying what little.they could;| **The little Indian town..of 2,- 500 inhabitants was depopulated ins fone night,and may be in as’at) this writing.It horrifies one to:hear}the barbarous and.brutal-acts of-ban-:sj dit and soldiers of both factions.e“Here in Tampico the.city is being|}fortified.For weeks this has.been}was expect- wounded are being brought —from}’some point -between °here and Mon-; terey.” }f<t1“In the New Hope Country.. 'Correspondence -of The Landmark.‘+3 Feb,25 —The|weather has been spring-like andthe /&:farmers are beginning to prepare for =Most|‘wheat and fall sown oats are:very New Hoppe,.B-7, another crop and sow oats. poor;don’t think there will be much cotton planted in this part this year.The 6-year-old-son of Mr.and.Mrs.Thomas Redman,who got a grain of :corn in his windpipe four or’fiveweeksago,.died Saturday.He ‘appar- “was getting on very well,ex-|)the would take hard cous,It is “supposed that.the:was dislodged in the last.spell and |=choked him.The funeral and “burialwereatTaylorSpringsSunday.The |™parents.have our s¥mpathy in their).. sore trouble. il »from Pabsaico,Rev.Dr.|f|Neill E.Pressly,missionary of the|#48|Associate Reformed Presbyterian|§ Church in Mexigo,tells of conditions el.'# soner isnot atly!; e coyntry|around us,There is a kind of ennui!that is seen ‘in the face of every..one|§and felt by all.For more than (aigmonthwehave“undergone the |: utmilitarytrains,and’the few steamers|BethatcomefromGulfportsandNew/# Some of ‘the poor sick aeoccasionally,which | and,anarchy,| *Hundreds|2 of pedestrians ad the roads ot 5 trails,old and young,a-sad proces-| ' fer =icae wns omvce onan Grain of Corn Fatal to Child—,: You’ve had ‘hard lines r pinched—haven’t you?You were der and didn’t see just how you’d make: rent came due mighty often and it an outrageous amount of ‘that were ee nace a 80 mouch— who"was not so hard up aphadn’tgiven you an exactly ‘squa:Yes,you were in-just an @ fat fix andthought,‘‘really,what’s the ,use?”ee a Yes,we know just how you felt and whatwaswrongwithyouandiet's talkit ¢The Landmark.“We.will have our Tae say.in ‘Friday’S paper. Mutual Building andLon P,5.We ingsell :~$100 at ake Remove That Pain WITH ONE OF OUR» HALL’S DRUG STORE,PHONE 20,.Lone ~SHERRILI-WHITE SHOE CO. Men’Senpringekweat |] i We have justreceived a very complete and ~by attractive line of Neckwear.This assort- ment of Neckwear includes ‘all the new shapes,iin all the cgdasen new asec |25c.,50c.and $1 Grade: We have just what you.have.henlooking forin the Neckwear line..Callin and ‘Bee our very attractive assortment. Many are sick with colds andgrippe §;and theré is one case of pnéumonia—|Mr.Jarvis Lunsford being the |vie-) tim.-A-eompany.composed.of Wilkes.‘and tor to locate nearer this,spring,iItseemstomeapityandashame|that Iredell-still has to be dogged:On}|and yet no protection from the worth-|less dogs.More rain and the’ground is sash!‘wet.Considerable hail fell with main‘yesterday. Bug oe RatherThan Fertil- izer to Make It.' J.Z Greene in Marshville Home. We can’t afford to buy high-priced '@'commercial fertilizers to ‘make cot-ton at eight cents...The ungold.cot-|ton now on hand cost more than eightcents°a@ pound.If we are hungry.for it.It’s a speculative proposition any-ways If-we really believe the price ofcottonWillbeaboveeightcentsnext .go through with the unneces- sary d work of producing anothercropThisthatwehave‘on-hand-noWsaige just:-as-good_as.new.<totton|will be and will keep indefinitely un-der shelter.,If we have faith in cot-ton why not buy cotton instead of.planting*cotton?When we.go.totownfor’a load of commercial fer- tilizers to ‘be used in planting cot-) ton wouldn’t it be better to.buy and carry.k a load of cotton insteadofa‘load of fertilizers?It is sim- ply a’business proposition and.it’s important,too.If we really ~havefaithin,‘the fyture price of cotton thisisthe%.Sensible and practical 1 the faith that’s in,us. r than ghe raderoar nome giveItisaTastelessSyruydoessot.Aisturb therp.pleae“oQu Yd |‘The Sto Now ready for business:°in their new quarters—542 and 544 South Cen- ter aceon New Goods ArrivingDai Our.piste |is now in.theEasternmarketsii sending us the newest and mostup-to-date merchandise. re That Sells For "PHONE 212. Saye. TAX ASSESSMENTS:—s |:|WHY.NO “SHARP STICK."“mbare ‘was mich ‘contention in’the}-c.te Newsand‘Observer’dag Walter,Clark House of the Assembly over.the ma-|Prised that an argument eC)and Observer..ne GESDAY DAY.|chinery uct.In 1911 the machinery for the 8 per cent.interest |State vs.Lipkin is an indictm =act provided for a county assessor.the fact that some banks,DYASME |for operatinga.lotteryinwiolation of | =xsxa=So far as could be observed,speakjng ing the borrower to keep @ M0!Revisal 3726.The schemein this in- $2.00|generally,thé county assessor sys~|Per cent.of the loan on deposit *stance,according to the evidence,was |: 11.00.tem increased the cost of assesSment|UP the interest to 7 and’8 per that the defaricinnt ‘sold’tickets;on “This,”says the Raleigh paper,“is|which the purchaser ‘paid 25 cents+60,:iaan|th:ore.Hence)§ foe oer ene a condition which should not be al-|each week.If the purchaser _con- boards was based on the Demo-|erty in their township;.of party policy long in force fand|gence enough to fix a fair taxable the label on your |there was much opposition to the :,?hi :h i in ieounty.assessor this year.lowed to continue,if it does exist,Mae tT 50,Wade tocirnep R oan pe Tho idea is’a very good”one,if}There should -be a sharp/stick used)ticle of furniturewhichheselected.| -}earrted--out—in—-good-—faith.This if iteis found that there is any one)However,it was also provided that}:— year.it is provided that there shall practicing ysury upon the people.””oe TOU ee ti Sapwag be but one assessor in each town-ae ee sia sesh 0 ie ct cont ies areriny a. e rockedings in|ship;the county assessor shall visit)™e?AQOR AE RUNOE,COME |of furniture chosen before they.had’ issue een candwiask er Gacahip Yast with ‘the local|of the largest.cities of the State—finished the payments.‘One woman Part Set ;one with many bahks—about all of|paid in $3.75 in installments and re- the discussion of the décis-|assessor and fix the valué on the ;:veived a wardrobe which was worth the Democratic caucus"not to real estate;the county commission-the banks charge 8 per cent,direct-$98.Others,encouraged’by’her| county school boards to be/ers remain a county board of equali-ly and indirectly.Some of them!success;bought tickets and thade sev- bythe Saicle Tiseassstive [aatine c :don’t bother about the indirect_meth-eral payments but not)securing any was reportedassaying that/~It the “township”assessors ”Were |Ot-ofdeposit.”They bolily-and-gpen~|prine,«topped.their.payments an 8 to the bills to elect)men who knew the value of the prop-ly call for the 8 per cent.and get it guilty.j 4 untae ie intelli-|from thefellow who has to.have the|~Justice Walker states:“It is well money,The influence of the exam-|settled that laws and regulations ae: ‘abandoned.”This was some-/value on all alike’and of courage ple of the banks of that city has health,08 ee alee Cas ren strange,seeing that Iredell and enough to stand by it and if county|#P¥ead,too,Bankersin other towne,/are strictly within the legitimate,ex-|-HHI eS: five other counties in the State|assessors were’men of like qualifica-and individuais,en ‘ercise of the police power.*»hie car'tat gh ,i rca ,in years agone,secured the priv-|tions they could,with their knowl-|*S°andapparent ‘safety with whieh |'The word ‘lottery’fs not 9 term of the Mave ete ine ee racer:rin nc teensve f electing the voards by the|edge of values obtained by visiting’the law is “violated and the resultant era akare,for all practica)’pur-becomes an-open Runabout of unusual smartness and ‘In another report of the pro-|the whole county,at least fix a fair-profit,are ae eee te poses,may be defined as any scheme;style.A pa ae which The Landmark hag|er valuation than has been the cus-|!made,they say,“Why,all banks/¢5.the distribution of prizes,by lot The change from closed to open car can be made in a geen,Mr.Grier was reported-as|tom,But The Laridmark expects no|in,C.charge 8 per cent.‘Yes,sit;)or chance,by which one paying mon-minute or two,sothat the Coupelet is quickly adaptable “that h ed.the caucus,|such results.Things will rock along|¥°U ‘can’t get-loans for less.”ey or giving any other thing of value td all conditions of weatherand driving.The Ford Cou- POREROS :-BB hae 4 “ atiok 2?:-|to another,obtains a token,which en-1 :, inasmuch as the ‘caucus hadjabout as usual.,Inasmuch as it is As for sc mare bg who "ditlea hins tacrecoren&lnkaer we aneail:;a a ny oe ave pee ae in theata Soy e ‘gourse ‘of action hej proposed,in putting on a county as-|89s to apply it?e News and)...value or nothing,as some formula y roads,without personal discomfort,° te ee ..Observer should know that under the}of chance may determine.This defi-oe matter what the weather.Its distinctive style and attractiveness give it an exclusive appeerance not found in any ravabout,:jodbyit.That is probably what/sessor,to cut out one assessor in ;of r : did say,although his attitude in|each township,the county assessor Present law usury of the kind ee So eee been approved ‘eaucus is not defined.ldoes not ‘increase the cost and the|toned is not a misdemeanor,The)?.:on "The Landmark has no special con-|change ean do no harm,even if it}only way to get at violators of the,Put Allon the Same Basis. ‘cern as to how these boards shall be does no particular good.The objec-|!aw is for the borrowerto sue for the Raleigh News and ‘Observer .It is referring to this mat-|tion raised by legislators that:they)penalty...How many borrowers et re Hiab single lads before! mow simply to keep the record|didn’t want the assessor for their |2fford to do that?None, airang V ja ata af Noh.Caxolina sa thel straight as to Mr.Grier —without|counties “famed in Raleigh”was Most of them feel that,having.Seth.Be LW naakols Sade aaa aaa | being asked to make a correction—'talk.In the first place,if the as-|Sented to the transaction,it is hard-;iia Vane remark that the Raleigh cav-|sessment of:property is ever even !Y the thing to turn round and invoke senses of the cou : s should have followed the plan of proportionately equalized under the ney law;and then they may waut 10 \'an Lhe aietlty of y Detnocratic “congressional cau-|present system,it must.be done by)2'TOW a&aln.4K WIth WIREH ED.MURSY.HERS:Sek Sy eised ,those.members als ceretnts.Home folks will always.Ifa “sharp stick”is to be used,i STsPes pevic ant sexsi ‘would be embarrassed by its action,hold down the assessment.In __the Violation of the usury law should be)0"j y wale alty. That is to say,the members whose second place,the assessor wor's be | gounties now elect these county;“nimed in Raleigh.”His name will |offence: meet is that the really valuable realty| \ boards were certainly embarrassedhe sent there by the folks who run|—Many.people.think ‘that whenthe!paying taxes in the same ratio as the § :i ‘ee t ;:he $ we been required to so vote unless|system is the custom of discriminat-|¢,om the lands entirely.The govern-|sheen the-counties peer bere 4 68 i. ~Ford Coupelet $750;Ford Touring Car $190;Ford Run-*about $440,All fully equipped f.0.b’Detroit. On dispiay.and cale at : Carolina Motor Co’s. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail300,€CO new Ford cars between”August,-1914,° aud Augusf,1916,; question, g-talking “abo: made a misdemeanor—an indittablei,the State is not paying as much s tax in proportion as the cheaper prop-|SECC Ca TO OEIC)— by voting to deny.others’the privi-|things back home.government’acquires lands for a for-.property of thé man who ‘has his lit-§ Tege they enjoy;and they should nét!~The worst evil,by far,in the tax ¢.¢reserve the public is excluded tle home and:nothing besides,thé &=ssce.:|Mr.Business Man! Yi A Ti.3theyarepreparedtosaythattheingagainst cheaper property ‘and}ment of course controls the property j man iy p rivi leges their counties now have |small taxpayers by.fixing a higher to preserve it,and exercises the right)“I would not advocate at this time @ should be taken away;and if they value in-proportion to its worth than}+5 say what shall and what shall not|the assessing of all property at its are prepared to say,that they should /is fixed on more valuable —property.i}e done.One purpose for which th ¢{ull value,but theres surely press-& put their views into action and.have|Everybody who knows ring need that the tax-burden be made .anything!jong is used,however,is for pasture ito bear more equally than it does.If 2 the.lew changed,so as to:make the about tax assessments realizes the’¢o.jive stock.For a reasonable sum/valuable property is to be assessed acne In what shape are your affairs?-.You have a family?You are earning annually $900-and meet all your obligations? Very good.As long as you are able to keep that up you will make ends meet and take care of those dependent upon system uniform.|outrageous injustice of the system, i but it is continued without,.excuse,the land is rented for grazing pur- poses,In the West this is done quite }for taxation at a fourth ora)third of o sits value,.then.the $1,000:or.,$2,000 vhouse and lot or farm ought.to be. ‘-you,but what about when gou are gone?)Whoor what will... continue tu earn the necessary $900 a year for your family?).2: ‘The State Senate “Saturday killed}simply because it is a custom.”A ‘::‘fags -7 |extensively.The article by Mr.Geo.|assessed for taxation at only .a.thind ¢ioe =bs the child labor bill,voting downthe|citizen quoted by the Raleigh ‘News|y,macnine!ik Widhington 0dsock ler oeikils oe tha valun Pp ve 5 ‘Nine hundred dollarsa year represents6 per Cent interest!°°"§ “substitute which provided only for!and Observer makes the same state-|jondent.ehiws from the report of )75 or 90 or even,as sometimes hap-|#net on $15,000a year.Take out with us nowa life policy “inspection to secure the enforcement!ment about this matter that The ,ty ypens,at-100 per cent of its.value.But 4 for $15,000,payable to your wife or ‘family.at your death.© ‘of the law.“Th in the Se the forest service,that the lands ®¢-better than either of these |alterna-|She can investthe $15,090 safely an‘it will earn her $900 es ol hegcglomeenNt ait corgane aes other newspapers|quired in our,mountains for the Ap-‘tives would be to assess,both classes %ove ey Bee Ga ate is oe to be —nae people have so often stressed;|alachinn forest reserve may be used |of property i say a Bi tg 60 "per,2 aed -dictationion oO!e contention.by |and he offers a remedy that has been fox Grazia This will no doubt in cent basis.is would yield a arger 5 °°r a manufacturers of the State.that they|often suggested and that could _be!iad ae ae quite an industry and —.,ae ee ot heae wouter 3 -The Michigan Matual Life linsurance Dre: :-not violating the child labor}easily applied,and that is:Wirst find),ee at ‘janet $30 viet i Lee NT of Detroit,Michigan,|=nledoug la and are ready to cooperate in}th yu the h 1 f may BNE considerable impetus.to the!do and those in*humble”circum-bd 7 ‘6 laws e value,the cash value,of every...;::Vabhiiees1?eta ate :pec y ine $9 every way possible with the proper-piece of réal estate and then agree egy industry in our mountain secs )Stin a _.oe ee ei forfeitable rays pave et GOR ly-constituted’authorities,”says a|on a basis ‘of assessment —25.per)?”ene Report Scores the Railroad.“as el Me mere iS ais a OT ‘ts aH i a dispatch’from Raleigh.Rather,it|cent.50 per cent.or whatever may|To keep history straight,The Land-|The Inter-State Commerce Com.fect cicvidlies Felairak Te ak Rateiechick . means t the manufacturers were|be considered necessary.But first mark’s attention,is called to the fact!mission’s report on its investigation da provisions require :y tw in the State in whic it op- abl ha Seas :hat Ox:th ah ‘value,“th eth z 20 of the finances,rates and practices of erates.Cash values,loan values,paid-up insurance and. ble to have their way with the fix fhe cash value,then apply |that it was in 1895—2 years aZ0—}+).Louisville and Nashville and al-\days of grace in payment of.premiums are all guaranteed Senate.The law hgs veen Violated|same per centage of assessment to/that the 6 per cent interest law waS tied railroads,sent to the United 4 and indorsed upon every policy. iS.R.BROWN,— ey Statesville,N. Pag in.some instances.If the ‘nanufac-all and all will be treated alike.That|passed,and not in 1897,as this paper|States Senate last week,charges the turers want it observed—as they|can be done and it is the only just|has stated;and it is proper.to state Louisville and Nashyille with acquir- ‘should—there was no call fer the|way.But it is too much to expect.jalso that the bill was ppssed by the ing competing lines and with carrying eee erg Pe Ges sshseiiaiatennminniinemtinhinaniia *;.y ~ton for years,at a cost of millions of|9 strenuous objectionto inspection.If The Durhain Herald observes that “fusion Legislature”—the Legislature|ao}tars,elaborate political and—pub-|4 one’s conscience is clear he has no h Re 4 dav duitest controlled by Populjsts and Republi-|licity campaigns to eliminate com-|%, ¢ion to examination.Senator :a ae cs rhSie hake a cans—and John E.Fowler of Samp-eee and MaUnORe ee pen aaa ¢;:_jence in Mexico but if so it has exis #.rther inquiry,an possible:in- %at Leedell sonet the 186 ed all along.~In this cogmection,it son"county,.ex-Populist member o -spection,of the railroad’s correspond- of.many people when he said he would ba af Intecent to “Shoes who ‘Congress,was the ‘author.That was ence,the report says is necessary. led to vote against the bill but}sy ij d inte 1°|one piece of legislation by the fusion-|The,report was written before the) attitude of the manufacturers }¢™"™***is our duty to intervene in|3+.which has met popular approval,.United States Supreme Court handed TT ee ‘caused him to change his mind.The Weiay cee oka holga and The Landmark believes it would A ee eae aoc Tuesday.AO i gad te Friday.ees mill-men have-in_ob-political:é i 4 j ti :gg “gat |eaee Bil-men have mades mistake in-ob-/+iw onroe doctrine;which will be|°**political aswellasaneconomic!force-the-company-to-submit its cor-|ff George RandolphChester’sfamous |-2 -MillionDottar Mystery No. jecting to this mild-measure.Some-;*mistake to change the law.respondence as well as its records and lay,‘‘RunawayJune,’’a serial Rat’.es Miike Wo which they will have Cause found in The Landmark today.There _———eceeaeanantaaninammenemtan hooks to ‘acratiny.P Y,a a y ,»|Shep’s Race With Death f Be ay chee vipon thei later is nothing in the Monroe doctrine,|~Senator Gilliam,who was opposing|=—————————_Mattes ta 1 etdohow Thanhouser Film sable:Wi a force that will be |"Mr,Taft,that requires us to keep |the anti-liquor shipment.bill,remark-Colds Reliev ed re :Keystune Film|Mutual Girl/No.48—Reliance Film ~Saturday.-%i :f the peace in Mexico or to intervene|ed with hasis that there weretoresist..Objeceron to “reason-BG)wh eae e , Without Dosing ,verse:The Old Maid (two reels)able child labor regulation ili make|there.That is a matter of policy.If;men in t chamber ‘who would deny es s .a Will me es think hi ‘*a :;‘“.a friends we think humanity requires that we him the right to order #bottle.of Cecil Spooner in Nell of the Circus "*Majestic Fil Tf yon have tried “Internal”medicines oe (four reels)Fatty’s Magic Pants —of meni —tation.)should end a state of anarchy in a|booze for:personal ‘use,but if he had| ee ee ee gee bisMeaies ce bay end to Cllmged senig.Thal Chores tine =bsi |Keystone Film Monday. Three Extra Good Reels. ocal Agent,: a Thursday.’ Fortune m Pants—Royal Film Sidney’s Finish -Thanhouser Film The Better Way —Majestic Film # a ‘t Station and the State)We should consider well,before .we!to being personal,but novoddy chals!ees ~ene Oe panes ‘Board of Health,estimated to»save undertake the step,the enormous cost lénged his statement.‘Some of the}flannel cloth,The body warmth releases ‘$8,000 annually,finds favor in the in blood and treasure such a course!Senators for the bill would doubtless|healing vapors that are inhaled with each Legislature.Unlimited privileges are Will entail;and whether such a sacri-|agree that while they were willing to.eoach the pee one ‘toe,oreL a “often abused and it is possible that “ice is demanded of us.AE AO ROS some of the printing done for ‘these' departments might.well go undone;|¢, and yet the bulletins issued by all of ‘them are valuable and are a material 5 .of Education,the State be necessary to do,some.time.But Senator was getting dangerously"neat |Rub”Salve.Apply hot wet ‘towels over Solid Wood Transfer Sections: Full Letter Size.Price$2.00 per section. Statesville Printing Co, ——————_ .Soe os oo >> ey .:WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCES+-A few nice cut out the privilege of ordering the’LS a nd paticts {le,wiaes ¥ tp Oa a a ae name i if it wi ing around handy it.;FOF Jo PAGL DEON AIM: The Landmark is beginning today Sum .2 es Phen!is oo ts.wagte | e publication of some reminiscén-|°any Oe er aes &a WANTED—To Storhge ee a 5 eyk >Of:bhamainy fldies ces of New Institute,the famous ‘The committee on Agriculture.of.CHS sroup sndSALVE ‘BI 3 Gk,North ‘Meeting street: factor in educating the people ,on a mi os Dee oF the United States Senate last week|== many subjects.The health bitotins |.a =ater SAREE Wes,Pri:{struck out the $235,000 appropriation| ebpecially contain much useful.and eines by:-Capt.Ay Chambers of for the free distribution of sects;but: practical information for the ‘preven-cornregis ao fe ne of Ire-|the Senate refused to sustain the ac-* of disease;the experiment sta-Cart Ch;ers eta school.tion of ‘the committee and put the n bulletins contain ‘useful infor-"\¢—a ors.writes Interestingly.|jtom.-back 4n.the.bill,,..And..sothis.,., Yorfarmers and gardners and.aece nce ays_in..Iredell,a8.our hoary.old.fake.-will continue.at‘educational bulletins are of ser-school,which His story of the Olin cost of nearly a quarter million dol- Beh ths teaches and ‘the wéheols.|.oa,which will run through,some jars,which is practically all wasted. di ’half dozen issues of The’Landmark,|a a .a mcrpsion.should be used will be interesting to many of The,The State Senate did the’proper |@ expenditure,‘The Landmark Landmark’s readers who have’some ‘thing in killing the preacher freeapesthecurtailmenrwillnotTesult|personal knowledge of the school,|Pass bill,which had passed the)eutting off useful information of ang to many of their:descendants,|House.The opposition was so over-| ee ca 1 ,-"\whelming that no record vote was|’ taken.Senator Thompson of Ire- dell was one of the Senators who ee ee Me ee a We call your attention to a special value in Navy and Belgian Blue. These Suits are made ofall Wool Manish Serge,sponged and shrunk,” and will give excellent wear.The Coat has youthfu becoming lines and is the new hip length ‘that is so much wanted now..h notched collar,long lappels and fastened with sclf-covered buttons.The Skirt has the new yoke and is made ‘flaring at the bottom with self-covered buttons on the overlapped side pleat,he te This Suit is yours for a few days at ~$10.00 :“*-Fit guaranteed or money back, ;who have heard of it. iy eA AER .4 armrest rte.yoga Wooten is}Charges having been broaght ay was a young|against Judge Carter’s character he|yj om of promise ‘and those who knew)could do nothing less than demand Vigoroutly oye es i ‘ spoke well of him.But a few an investigation;and he has a right|,,The safe in the postoffice at Mt. ago he Wiad been made presid-|to demand that the investigation be Holly was smashed early Saturday|officer of the House of the As-/prompt.Delay should not be coun-|300 irstemsand.$62 enand’had made a popular tenanced;for,ag he sa:ork 0}i ys,his useful-|dently the work of professionals,*;.The suddennessofhis tdk-|ness in his official:position “is im--:fia tragic.May Godbegood|paired while the ‘charges are pend-|{Ht Olt.Sere,Gther Remedios.Wos't SS MT L.- near 1 him who|ing and his resignation would be : o trued as ret}-under.fire. Dbras -~Yours truly, —————ctVERYLow.MADE THEIR.OWN ROA m at Stony Point—School—izens-—Two Marriages. and Other |“orrespondence of The Landmark. tony.Point,oe 2M,yW,-FP.mon.mae and famil from Char-’ginning to-do sense farm.work,afterMenin.Point,about|being tied up all winter,és vie are all glad to.The sonof Mr.and Mrs,’‘Millard’I Among us.Templeton,who had the misfortuneto‘)2 arid Mrs.G,W.get his leg broke’at the Statesville Shape”spent several days at Moores-|Air Line railroad construction Ome, ‘their father,Mr.N,I.Deal,'|Mrs,T.J,Hunter has been very ill ter of Mr.and ‘Mrs.T.C.Olmetead.for some days.,Most of her children’was married yesterday morning:atarewithheratthiswriting.Among!7:30 to Mr,Lewis Franklin Sink of! of Charlotte,Mrs.Summers of Olin,{position of foreman of P,H.Ha’|Mr,James~Hunter of Salisbury,Mr./knitting mill at Winston-Salem.Rev. ‘Ralph Hunter of Wilmington;and her J.M:ey performed the cere-‘granddaughter,Misg Rachel Vleming’mony.“Mr.and Mrs,Sink left:im- lof Charlotte.Last Friday night Stony Point hi¢h'home in Winston-Salem.-and school gave’an entértaininent for the ’~MixeEtta"Mullis,daughter ofI.G.thenefit of the school.A very nice,Mullis,and Mr.Arthur Grant were 4.}eompany came out and were very |joined in wedlock last ney at the lie Ivey ip [Le-pleasantly aerettelnes ‘for the eve-'home of LG.Reed,J. homeof:ae oe *T want to say that oe European north Gen- a visit at|/canon have purchased the ‘stock of |everybody yet. coeek at Monbo before |8goods belonging)to Mr.Floyd Lip-: to.'pard and have increased their stock leading from Sharpe Brothers’store, Rie Shulenberger of Landis,27d are now up_in business.towards the Yadkin county line.that: cotnty,passed ,through:Bloomfield basketball team came to!could not as yet be improved by.le Friday en route to Trout-|Stony Point Saturday afternoon to!county authorities.The good citizenswheresheisvisitingrelatives.}olay a game with our boys.‘Mr.and Mrs.G,M.Webb and!the game was over the score was 15)road surveyor in locating ‘the road!' ;who have been living at Dia-to 22 in favor of Stony)‘Poift. Snot Hill,the manufacturing sub-Miss Willie Hines of 4irb on the east,expect to leave to-college came home Fridhy.afternoon|road a distance of two miles or more.| for Malcom,Iowa,where they to spend Sunday wit“Wall locate Mr.and Mrs,B.\F,Hi:Mrs.tie Caldwéll°went.to tend the entertainment.;|Misses Car--M xi Gaturiay to spend sev-|Tie Rickert and Ethel \rose of Snow!spect of every citizen of Iredell coun-|;eeteee with Misses Nona ana Creek took in the ente thinment and Jett Brawley::spent Saturday in town.)Mr.F.M.|ty,compared to the water ditch the, Mrs.P.A.Poston,whe visited her|Poole,who is teacher jin |Wittenburg,public 4 ;‘parents,|Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Turner,spent the week-end at noite with his! retarned Saturday to her home in|varents,Mr.and Mrs,D.W.Poole.Winston-Salem.Miss Janette Tur-He was accompanied by i .Hartsell|ner;who was also here on a visit to Bowman and his sister,i Miss Novel-. her parents,left Saturday for Wash-!@ Bowman.; ington City,where she will take a Yanee Embroidery "Club:Im: jurse in nursing.,O Mee G.A.Critcher went to Rock Provements at Vance.School. Correspondence of The Landmark.Fae Oa Te ie Ne etatsarille,Ee 4,Feb Bigaiphal a th Seat er neey ee -“daughter-in-law,Mrs.Grover C.nyt po Criteher who is.ill.'Vance Embroidery cluh met with Miss.jpoine,and:the opinion that he hadbeen Mrs.H,L.Meacham:and little'Edna Nantz.Thursday,afternoon,The M ator”WENTOUAAL eeoeigihet4,ie ys! ughter,Mary,of Raleigh,are visit-'75th.“A delighttul meeting was .en-he Morganton Ne : fee Mia.’Meare joved.There were efght.old members|‘hat Amos Smith,a son-in-law ofingMrs.Meacham's mother,Mrs.W.|B.Wood.‘and three new ones,namely.Misses Rowers,went to the Miss Calla Meacham of Raleigh is Eva Mason,Rosanna Mills and Lot-: f prove t wae made. Old man Probably Murdered— Burke,Case Mysterious, The Landmark mentioned briefly dead body of Geo.W.Bowers,an old | _.Harmony,Feb.26...-The health.of , ‘the community is ag good as eoitt-|at his home in Syracuse,N.Y. The farmers are at lastbe-; ris-metting-along nicely.Miss Ida Bobbitt‘Olmstead,augh-,° those from other places ere Mrs,Hart Winston-Salem.Mr.Sink holds the)¢....ccsman Gudgerynes ‘mediately:after the ceremony.for their There is a eertair”intportant poad|this When |secured.the services of the county’ /and went ahead at their own expense,Statesville|cleared right of way and graded the)"' her parents,;We feel that the public-spirited citi-,theandto-at-|zens who aided in locating and build-|} ing this piece of road deserve the re-|posteal authorities show that since the! |ty,as the roadis a credit to the coun-|news d to traved before the im-| ,purpose to print aproximately $500,-|. to| in ‘its.last issue the finding of the u:nder latter’s home)'nin Thursday morning and found Bowers’!°*'' body lying face downward in thefire| ||FROM OVER THE COUNTRY. ooresville—Ad-Good Work ofNorth’treet cn-Items ofInterest.About Various, Matters._- William’Hi Baker,cocoa and choc-olate ayy hase died last week The New York Supreme Court has again deniéd a new trial in the caseptformerPolicemanBecker,under sentence of death for murder.~Right’of the.smost importantthroughpassengertrainsofSouth-©’ern railway have recently been equip-. ped with all-steel,electtic lighted cars’ ‘of-the-most modern design,57 cars’just received from the builders having ,becn placed in service Paymaster Emmet ©,Gudger of the United States Navy,a son.of of the tenthNorthCarolina:district,and ©Miss. Genevieve Walsh,a daughter of Sen-ator Whlsh of Montana,are to.be maryted,One man was killed and five others’ ‘injured,one fatally,when an automo ||bile in whieh they were-riding’crash-"jed into’a-street car at Montgomery,|’la,All but one were connected with)° I the Barkoot Carnival Company,exe’i hibitineMessrs.G.P.Moose and R,L.Fin-,war has not claimed the attention of iDiting,Se seconey:No action will.be recommendedto! Congress by the House’sub-com- mittee hearing charges against Fed-. ere al jia.Chairman.MeGillicuddy is pre-tpering a report;which--may—serve as pe basis of any action the Sixty-!/ urth Congress may decide to take.) vine war has seriously affected the|county of Yadkin‘spapers,along’with other indus-|found a wide-awake man to repre-in this country as well as in}sent her in the|tries, war zone,A dispatch from Am-' sterdam says figures compiled by the! beginning of the war ‘864.Germanpapers.have suspended publica-| tio i Seoxptany MeAdoo~announces his; 090,000 of Federal reserve notes,be sent to Federal Reserve Banksiwhendemanded,through the proper| |channels.They will take the place.: »a large degree,of the notes issuedtheAldrich-VreelandwhicchexpiresJune30. dral at Rheims.Casts have beenjeathe ,We are.a.NATIONAL,BANK Member.fee peur Se n a af x re “The National Currency ienene NeCarolina. The MAXIMUM OFSECURITY."baviconsistentaccommodationextendedeurPair. Nae States’Depository. i Judge Dayton of West Virgin-Yadkin’s Raprubatative |in the Wintour Satem~Journal: In Spite of its politics,the good:in our:trial this.year.making’iio mean record’in Raleigh,|°°Rt®:Wihether he originally intendeddoitorwhetherhisassociation with |tory enema(SO many geod Democrats has him into the light-we do not know,but we do know that he seems to be!on Fridays and Saturdays.standing through.a bill.providing for a bond|election for $200,000 forhiscountyandthen~suppleniented| that with another bill to allow.thecounty.commissioners to issue bonds,act,|whether they are voted or not.-.»has made the dog tax law apply to!‘Guillaume Tronchet,chief architect “Yadkin and last,but not least,|of the French government,.declares|"ined up on the right side when the |.{that it will be-possible to restore the!time came to vote on the anti--jag ill.That he has won an influential'lon ago taken of nearly all the de-!olace in the House is shown byisofornamentationthatwerede-;fact that hé though a Republican,ved,he says,and mathematically!was able.to defeat the bill to annex}rec e documents exist’from which’Little”Yadkin township to “CARD oF,THANKS, We wish to.thank our’friends dad nelgke.bors for their crave and ess in.ours_lvecent beFeavement,heartfelt apnredie Legislature. atol thelr”‘codsideration | ee AND BrorHeRs or '.x KENseemstohave| NpRLY. FOR SALE--Pilet Generators,res and:ag weneral Assembly|"stoves “used for cooking dh .Mr.varter,W.country residences and other es iheillianisis|If_interested.write,‘phone or call.at.Westmoreland an Mareh 2,3 andto|4th.Phone 108.i.SIMMERMAR,Pae- ar:2. led|Xtter this week the Maiden Ginning Co.will not be open for business You”ginning exceptMarch.2. put FOR SALE—Fine horse,seven years old,gooddriverandwillworkanywhere;weight 1,-.in||250.Apply to The Landmark.Mar.214" How about that Saxon you are going to buy ©this spring?See R.A.COOPER.Mar.2—1t_ Hei J.A.Worthy,—Falls,Ga:communi...cate with J,Edwards &Sons,attorneysatlaw,Chivkeoie Ga,Ga.at once.Import:F :March 2-—3t*he |pant. FOR SALE—At a bargain,8-year-old dark bayhorséwell-broken to buggy.Also nice new.bogey.J.L.CHAMBERLAIN,"Phone 298Blue,Maxeh 2—8t. The United ‘Daughters|of the.Confederacy.meet this afternoon at $:30 o'clock withForsyth,Mrs.D,-F:Jenkins.Members’who owe back for.progress.He roads the| |to assure them of oury a guest at the home of her brother,tie Shnford.There were two visitors, Supt.F.T.Meacham,at the Iredell Mrs.M.C.Carter'and Beulah Sharpe. Test Farm.Fruit,was served Nex.members are} Miss Lucy’Rice has been visiting‘being added to the club at each meet-) friends in Charlotte since Friday.‘ing and there is quite a band al- “Mr.Z.-¥V.Long,went to Raleigh ready.; last night on a_business trip.’He will;Vance school _is progressing nicely. rn tomorrow.The grounds have recently been im- the jewel of architecture may,be re-}notwithstanding the fight.put up in|dues are expected to pay at this meeting.‘ructed_in every detail.favor of annexation —hy Forsyth’s |RTSenatorNewlandshasintroducedin|two Democratic Representatives.;FOUND—Bag of shelled corn.Owner car,-jury rendered a verdict to’the effect |th United States Senate a bill to (Mr.Williams is an _redell man},have same by’describing property and.be that Bowerscame.to his death fromjempower the Inter-State Commerce:ee MH BE.Webb,RF. unknown causes.Some*suspicious Commission to examine all papers.of }dell,ware he was born ty,rear-|ee evidence was found—a yous wt a1 common carrier,{neiMaings corte medline “Coes ee a few |NoTICE—Cottages for tent cheapba 7 6 ;vo 6c)head,blood on the floor,|blood:ai cence.vould amen @ taw yee ——The:1 e war w MEE i oePatterson eee repel e eiir ontthe vin AAAS eset Pow.|some of the hair of the‘deceased tsmeet.the.Supremes Courts decision Th “Merch B FOR RENT—Seven-roeom Rouse on,"haathisquoter,Mrs.Sace:hg he teacher:“vonioal Brie the,fire’shovel.Except for his coat)tt the commission did not,have;oe Farmersand erchants’Bank street,nearBaptist church.Wii A.dBBIAYS>returning to Charlotte yesterday.is nt eee eX,gave a if vpies ;‘awd shoesthe dead man!awas dressed|power to inspect the eor respoititenct |of Newton sent a package of checks,son ina Pebs 26 ra.Tlyde Moose of Salisbury ‘ties £eT soceh areata i Renin hiswerking clothes.1of the’Louisville &~SNashville!Raile!pageregating $10,000,to-the Wachovia |Be gare onyge sooner vr ved Statesville yesterday for he childern,Hod aniahied a ae Bovtets,.\"snys the .News-Heralds wy:‘T”-vlywtartety|Bank of Winston-Salem and the pack-j ¢..Orpingtons,*jefly-ens a visit to relatives.Ue £P “lived alone ‘ind was¢@ quiet,peace-The French minister at 1 Mexico.page disappeared between the postog-'Grocery Co.or Express office.D.H.eed,$t-for 6,delivered at=Statesville Miss Elinor Clarke,who has been gramme Mrs.Whiting,a member of loving citizen of Glen.Alpine,highly iy’has been advised officially that)fice in Winston-Salem and the bank,|Charles,N,C. place,an ugly wound on his head and;‘blood on the floor.The coroner was!°°”i notified and after investigation the| PERRY, “home for a’few.days,-will go.to;the Civic.League and Betterment.So-Fob,26S. Fort today.to visit her sister.|ciety,made an interesting talk to the “Mins Clarke has recently been locat-'pupils and parents wht wore present ed in Crarlotis.-in behalf of the school.Her talk was --mede expecially intercsting by .om-paring our advantages with thedis-> |advantages of ‘other States,helor.Belles _met.with.Misses ~-Miss-Powell-has-the children inter=» They bave pe,|his way to work -testified that th:and Evelyn Shepherd Friday(ested in gardens. ternoon at their home on Davie av-|ape ones pontoon eer Abe bu ae. efiue.The time was devoted to sew-/*?*Y Have owers «and vegetables ing and talking.A salad course was planted which will soon be looking, served.fine if the weather stays pretty. ‘Mrs.J..H.Hoffmann entertained at| a masked fancy dress party Saturday) -evening:at her home on West End’avenue in honor of Miss Kaufmanof | *epee the guest of Miss Amelia| ffmann.The guests attended in’ ;‘relays,the first company,from,8 to 9:30,being friends.of the hos-tess who do not dance,-while-the-tast company,from 9:30.td 12,were young a ple,There wasdancing during ‘the ier part of the ee All ‘the! ‘were .masked ani ere were:a.tnique and original costumes.||Road Bond Election—Bridge _some of which were very handsome.|Built. _..‘The guests_experienced_considerable.correspondence—of The—Landmark. fun ‘inaS he to isenty cach other.Stony Point,R-3, deweakweek with Mrs.L.-Bristol.hand and everybody seems to be’in- rea events eon trom The Laand terested |in it,one way or the other.|ions weregiven from e La for band aPeeteMinstrel”by Sie Walter never have good roads."So whyne Scott.Mrs.L.White read a paper’start now and get the good of it? ‘on “The i #of the Last Minstrel,”"Mitler’s township expects but a’ ae by Mrs.D.A.Miller;Mrs.ifsoeurth of the voters to be in favor of ’Mewes 5 Peeringte Save:A history of bonds,Sharpe’s township and Gwalt- the school house and e¢rounds and making the school a place of beauty| cation.We are looking forward to; ve time when Vance will rank with|the most up-to-date school’. We hope that a Sunday school .will! beorganized therein the near future,| las it is such a convenient place.Let | ion this subject.ental Abbey-and Mrs.0.L.Turner|ney’s-are-expecting a large majority: read aselection from “The Lay of the’gor bonds;and it is hoped that other Last Minstrel.”Two courses of re-|townships are largely in favor of: freshments were served by the hos-ponds. ee The Third cxgek steel bridge on.the road from south of Stony Point to the Yotice of New ‘Advertisements.-mountain road;-which was bought by~After this week Maiden Ginning the county some time ago,was built Frida and last week. untae eee a7."|Miss Minnie Foy of Stony Point “.Fine horse’for sale,Apply ‘to The was taken.to Dr,Long’s SanatoriumLandmark.ast ee evening for operation ‘of appendicitis, akilat generators,Cll ee hone The boys of“Stony |Point and States- Several houses and lots and a farm:ie ee eryaero a ofasketballSaturdayevening—i-_ia:about Bhat:Haken sets 18 in favor of Stony Point. oaOA.Worthy is asked to communi-oracatewithJ.C.Edwards &.Sons,Death of Old Marine Officer—Clarkesville:Ga.|.Was in Merrimack Fight. tea‘and buggy for sale—J.L.“Major General Charles Heywood,|Chamberlain.[ae the United States Marine Corps,hters of the Confederacy with}retired,died in’Washington Friday.Mg B,Ayctankine.this aftermon ‘vans,mor Taree,wi sell|iie the navy.He received,when alandApril5.aR ajor of marines,honorable “mention-Webb has found bag shelled |ie the thariks of the.Navy namie |n |ment for hig services in’commandin“Buntary service,—Statesville Druga battalion of marines which e 0.~The Lyric programme for the week.and August,1877 |.Remove that pain.—Hall’s Drug Entering the Marine Corpsstore.me second lieutenant,from New York,in|A aoa Spendthrift,—Mu-|April,1858,he commanded the’aftertualBuilding&Loan Association.gun deck divigion:on board the steam§.R.Brown,local agent,has a!frigate Cumberland when.—that .ves-word for br business.man,sel went down before thé deadly fireChanceoflifetimeforHoosier|-of the Confederate ironclad Merrimac.Kitchen’cabinet.—ici eatag hae He fired the last gun discharged onFurnitaréCo.the vessel and saved himself by jump-:Basketballtonight.ing overboard as the ship sank.He>toe thaSelick Liver,|Wa Tetined Jn 1098. N,Stuart,West or ;rs Recoinmenda "Chamberlain's “Couwh Remédy.tthe LL fake.pleasuxe inrecommending:Cham oc lg —spataated,i itt find,that‘athem’to}they are pleased with it and call for it. We are’contemplating fencing in| as well as a place for gaining an édu-| lus hear from others,who live near March t—The|be ‘roadelection-of this-county-is-near-at to! Heshad.had..a..fine‘record:fonservice: (relatives near Bluefield,W.Va. 'down labor riots in Baltimore in July | “|Ret revinnes by?all who-knew “him.He: wes in his 60th year and a prosper-ous farmer.He.had been apparentiy in the best oP’health,working ever:day“on hid Pakm.He was.last seen‘alive’Wednesday about noon by someofhiswéighbors...A negro who pass- ed the home Thursday mornins e !doors were open.Gowers had no! been robbed.The circumstances arc |very mysterious,but current opin-ion is that the.old man was murder ed;the best evidences of which wer<the hair andblood.on the shoyel.”Bowers is survived by-séveral chil- dren.‘FSA Members of Congress to Be Giv- en a Trip té Hawaii. _‘The ~Territorial “Legislature of Hawaii has ittvited about 75 Senatoi:and Represe tatives in Congress t:visit.Hawaii in April,as,guests of|the Territoryof Hawaii,As many of the party 2spracticable.will,assembl<:in Chicago April 15 for.the start: _,_sther-mempbers-will join the:party en:or go to'San Francisco directtentativeplan.is.to-me.Hon-.,}olula about April 21.About three weeks are to beSipent|in,Hawaii,visiting the different is!-ands-and giving the party every op-portunity to study at first.hand theconditionsintheterritory.It is ex-pected San Francisco will be reachedonthereturntripaboutMay25. The Territoryis understood to haveralvedafundof$20,000 to defray the axpenses of the junket,which has forLitspurposethebetteracquaintingof Congress with conditions in the is!-ands.‘Owing partly to the generalignorance’regarding Hawaii it hasbeen.found almost impossible to _se- cure any kind of appropriation by Congress for the island.Among the North Carolinians in-vited to join the party are SenatorsOverman.ahd Simmons©and ©their|wives and Representatives Kitchin and-Pou, He .Was Forced to Marry: Charging that “he was.forced to wed a pretty West Virginia girlthroughfearofviolence,GC.W.Wan- /namaker,a civil and mining engineer of Atlanta,has filed suit for divorceinthatcity. Mrs.Wannamaker.was formerly.Miss Cyltie Maxie,and is living with Ac- cording to Wannamaker,he separated |‘from the girl immediately after.the/ceremony|and fled..Wannamaker is a native of Vir-\ginia,.He was engaged in engineer-as a.ing wotk near Bluefield'‘when he met.|Miss Maxie,and he alleges that-she| became infatuated with him and pro-'posed.He*said he protested that he|didn’t want to marry and had ho idea|of marrying her.Wannamaker’s nextsurprisecamewhenan’officer appear-’ed and arrested ‘him,taken to Tazewell,were threats ‘of| violence were made,after which the)-marriage.took.place,>.WannamakerJsayshe-would have been shot if.hehadnotmarrjedthegirl.’ Piles Cured in 6 tc 14 Days stwill refund money if PAZO’“fails.to.cure atty case ofItching,|ding or Proteuding ted eensoplicationgives:Base and’Re te oe! He said he wae )00,000 /pesos,levied by General’Ob.»vegon,which applies to ‘foreichvis)| will be:revoked.enerakoObnazion's: leeree stated this nioney was,if tel ed for the.relicf of the poor.A yner- "jeans in Mexico -City contribdted “a! -onsidernble-amountof-—money-*-for he assistance,of the poor, It is announced from Wilmington. Del,that Gen.T.Coleman Dupont president of the Dupont Powder cont pany,has sold his holdings.in the| “ompany to a syndicate headed by-Pierre-S.Dupont,acting president of|he eoneern for se veral years.‘The, oriee paid is’Said to have been about| “70,000.000,General Dupont.retires| ‘rom:the company because of ilf;health,” Willisn®Bazzell.of Pensacola,Fla..| n assistant engineer on the Ameri.| ‘an steamer Carib,was killed wher| he ship was sunk by a mine in the North sea February 22.‘an eonsul,general at ‘Rotterdam re.rorted Bazzell’s death,with'that.of| ‘wo Spaniards,members-the crew?™y added that the survivors taken.to Bremerhaven on a Germar.ratrol boat.and will be sent hameon |strict confidence..A woman can freely talk of herprivate illness to a woman; News comes.front Richmond.that;thus has been established a confidential23years.old,from,correspondencewhichhasextendedoverWashingtoncounty,N.C.,who'is at |many years and whieh has never been‘ending a |wsiness school-in Rich,broken,:Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter withoutthe|written consentof the writer,and never , ‘has the-Company-allowed-these ‘confi=|dential letters to get out of their pos- :session,as the hundreds of thousands hyofthemintheirfileswillattest. Out of the vast volume of expetiénceWwW.p.Which they have to draw from,itis moreof.Tern.than possible thatthey possess the very.knowledge neededin your case.Noth-ing is askedin return except your good will,and their advice has helped thou- sands.Surely any woman,rich or poor, |should be glad to take advantage of this i@ first ship. Hsarry B.Belanga,2 imond,has been advised that he icieixtoainestateofanuncleinFrance and thet his share is about_$2,000,-$90.)Belanga’s parents came ‘from| Sranee and live in Washington coun ty.Considering the state of war ir | “ranee,the claim to the estate may! oy May not bé good. The appointment of Hale--and--D.B.-Barns 1essee,and Joseph Hyde Pratt.of;Chapel Hill,N.C.,as commissioners!‘o mark permanently the boundary; ‘ine between North Carolina and Ten:}ness@@.in accordance with.the Su-|preme Court decree of November 9 |generous offer of assistance.will be announced by*the United}Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,(con-men ||fidential)Lynn,Mass.~ 'Every woman ought to havediaE.Pinkham’s.80-page‘Text Book. |eneral distribution,as it is too expensive.It is free and onlyobtainable=mail,Write fortoday,ee LEE’HEADACHE States Supreme Court.Thenameédhavebeenagreeduponby the|Attorney Generals of the two States Statue to Florence Nightingale. London Dispatch.A statue of Florence Nightingale| was-unyeiled in London last week,Itisthefirst.instance in which a statue. of a Woman,aside from royalty,hasbeen,erected publicly in.London, On.account of the war there were’ no ‘ceremonies in connection with the\unvefling;of the meinorial of the fa- mous War nurse.The figure bears ai lamp in the right.hand.It forms a)yart of the Crimean memorial grown |’in Waterloo Palace,the cost of which..was provided for by small subscrip-’ tions,largely from nurses,soldiers|ond sailors. | CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF >} Every bit of dandruff disappears’ ‘after one or two applications of Dan-|iderine rubbed well into the scalp with| ithe finge®tips.Get a 25-cent bottle.rof Danderine at any drug store andsave'your hair,After a few applicas|tions you an’tfind a particle of dand-|non on wae febing hast and the epi et the“Newton News says. have been secured for the checks and there nt be no loss tothe bank. he portion of the special.tax of 200,-;{Duplicates WANTED—Automobiles”and Motoreyéles: overhaul and repair.BLAND @AgAGE,,Bike Meeting street.bab.Bi‘otk Women suffering from any form of 119.Black,female ills are invited to communicate The Ameri..; i Ly WANTED—Stationery and Gasoline‘to sepain BLAND,GARAGE,AA ing street. WANTED AT ONCE—White|ae Tei 40_yoarsof.aze to dogeneral house wor! -Mount,N.G, EGGS FOR SETTING—Dut Orpingtons.roy fertile,at $1 for 15,8S.Bo.By Common Sense caer 5 Bob,seo8h | SPRAYING—Suggestions,.I will operate J.Paul Leon-erd’s sprayiag outfit.this,season,usual”.Let me book your frnig trees and shrubbery—‘today.HORACH =STIk LEATHEM "phone|Feb,o LIE DAVIDSON,Statesville,N.R3.~Bebs./23-8t*>:a EGGS—Barred Plymouth seks81 to.$3 fordiaE.Pinkham Med-a See eeree 403 Bim,; icine Co.,Lyn,HAVE 3YOuR_BLINDS fanMass.°°Your letter Pai repaired ~sand on“will be opened,read . and answered by a ;-for~small family,Must have good pla:;:ences._Good salary and.nome for right per.ty,Address’MRS.or*b.M.JONES,Rocky.Feb.26—2t* |ThousandsHaveBeen Helped -“BACK TO THE FARM'—Rose Comb‘promptly with the Island’Reds.Write for maven:gt.woman’s private correspondence de- partment of the Ly- One t-room hones electric:sie tadwaster,two blocks:from postofiiee,One &-rooihouse,electric lights and water,three blocksompostoffice,One @-room house,electriclightsandwater,four blocks from postoOne52-acre farm 2 1-2 miles from StatesFourslotsinBloomfield.~R.-Ay een March 2—1t, “MORTGAGE DEED.aves By.virtue of the powers contained inmortgagedeedexecutedtotheundersign.Mayhew,I will sell at)public ‘awtion,to the highest bidder,for cash,at thecourthousedoorinStatesville,NeC..ono 40MONDAY,APRIL 5th,1915,5at12,o0'¢loek.M.,the following described realestateto-wit: Bounded on the north by thedands of Mts.Ellen Lippard,on the east by the lands of Mrs.Ejlen Lippard,on the south by the lands of ”the Missed Lyons and 6n the west by (Coe lands:of Mrs.Ellen Lippard,and being the.identical lands conveyed to the said’8 Py©Mayhew by Mrs.Ellen hora end lying,insouthernsuburbsofStatesville. Atty. Address R,R.McLaughlin,March 2,’1916, Itis not a book for lieves Headache and Neu- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG A coat now aiid then of DOLD“COLONY|’WAGON Pipreservesyourwagonsand”‘implements and makes,them like new,_FOR SALB BYTazenby-Montgomery Hardw: a Neuralgia Remedy ‘Safely and Quickly :-Re- ralgia and nervous Head- ache.Also tor.headache caused by colds andgrippe. 10¢.,25c.and 50¢. At fountains Tho.undersigned will sell aauctionfor,cash at the artdoorinStatesville,N.'OSATURDAY,MARGH20,19at12o'clock m.,five sharintheStatesvilleCotton‘longing.-to.theestate of:deceased._Best FP, Se, 1! DIEALERS,5 tr sre in 1853-58 WritesamousSchoolandIts,Rev.Baxter Clegg. ia a ‘g of a recent historicalinnorthernIredell;thinking of theteachersandknewtherein 1853,whenInstitute;”‘and later in‘the name ummer (July)of 1853 my“guardian,the late Maj.y.B.Chambers,took me totitateandputmeinschoolfTeverknewjustwhyhethere“f do not-now remem-*It had been:established by tronizedby them,At that time Ma- je va rs was not a member of :Church,but both his people and 2tc Scotch-Irish,trained yn-old blue:stocking Presbyte-icy,and had all of the theningprejudicesoftheold-fashion-ed:Presbyterians against Methodists. The school was new and cheap,and ;probable that my kind relative ht my little pittance of money go farther towards my educa- tion there than in any other place to Which he.could send me.It is proba- ®,too,that another,and possibly }main reason,was the reputation Rev.Baxter Clegg,the then.prin- l of th school.which was hardly id to that of the Elder Bingham thé management,training-and ed- veation of boys.My impression is ‘that Mr.Clegg was then about 50 of age,in health and.in 8 very prime of life.He was rath- under the average height,whatbecalleda“heavy-set”man. wh not too fleshy.He was.well ‘ortioned,with broad shoulders, and muscular,quick and-aetiye, Aner the)0 had been chahg-| and was mailty“pa- aos classes-in-the north..room-.of....the north ‘school hbuse,which room,was also used as a chapel and church,Mr, Kinyourn,who:taught.the.higher classes,used the south room of thenorthschoolhouse,Major Postell;<#soldier of the Mexican.war and na-tive of South Carolina,I think,taughthisclasses:in the south room of theseuthschoolbuilding.Mr.Jones,inwhoseroomtheothersmallboysandmyselfhadourdesks,taught ‘hisclassesinthenorthroomofthesouthschoolhouse,Miss Welborn,who,Ithink,taught the primary classes,was from Wilkes county and taughtherclassesinanyoftheroomswhennotinusebytheotherteachers.Iremembershetaught-sotne of herclassesandattimeshadcontroloftheroominwhichmy,desk was lo-cated.My recollection is she after-wards married a:Mr.carpenter and building contractor whowasinbusinessatNewInstitutein 1863.It is now over 60 years since 1firstwenttoNewInstituteim1853,and 56 years ‘since I last left therein1858.These’many.intervening years have ‘been active years forme,|passed in many different places andunderdifferentassociationsand:cir- cumstances,far away from Olin andvicinityand,for the most part,with- out keeping in personal touch with the people I had known at New In-stitute and Olin.In 1859 IT was,senttoTaylorsville,N.C.,t8 the schoolthereconducted,by Prof.HenryTheodoreBurke,in the academy thenknownastheUnited‘Baptist Institute,though ‘the school was not.then un-der the control of any religious _de-nomination.—.My_present impression is that my relative and guardian was‘influenced to send-me~to-TaylorsvillebytheRev.John Davies ‘Wilson,theyoungministerthenpastoror’stated supply of the Presbyterian churchesatTaylorsvilleandWilkesboro,andhisfather,Rev.Samuel B.O.Wilson,then the beloved pastor of ThirdCreekchurchinthewesternpartof Rowan county,near ‘the Iredell.line. rh dignified in’his movements though a scholarly man and good) her,was also physically able to! e with and control obstinate and Jlious boys.My recollection is hat when he took part in the games “with the students,as he sometimes |to keep in touch with them in ~~as‘well as mental,re- “Jations,he could knock balls further -and ron faster and jump further than yy.of the boys.While he was stern and rigid in his,school discip- line,he was always approachable. y and‘had the respect andsnerally_also the affectionofhispu-|‘Pils.In short,he was a splendid man, and I haveno doubt that his other “gurviving.purils,like myself,revere ghemory.He was a Methodist reac but owing to some throat é he did not take regular min- rial work.He'dévoted himself tohing,preaching only now andtheninsomeemergency,and he al- ways preached well.About the’be- z of the Confederate war heLouisianaandwaspresidentMethodistfemale:collegediedinthatStatesomeafis,In 1885 1 met his ‘and his youngest son,John: one of the State iudges of4ana,on Walden’s Ridge nearChattanooga,Tenn.,where they then, and for several years afterwards, spenttheir's rs.Both have been dead.some years,but the widow of ‘Judge John Clegg.a charming .and lovable woman.yisited her friends op-"‘Walden’s Ridge and in Chattanoogainthesummerof1914._Jn the summer of 1853 the school was new and the Village both small ‘and new.:The only street of the pro- posed village ranporth and south,Itshecnclearedoutthroughtherandthestumpsofthetrees.’though ‘trimmed’down close tq the_-ground,were still much th evidence in~the street...The school was conducted “two small one-story frame houses_.9f two rooms.each,.placed-end_to-|“wards end.and about 100 feet apartthemiddleofthestreet,near its|ithern end.A little hotel andboardinghousekept,I .think,by a|Hy The senior Wilson lived in Iredell county at the old Haynes place,onthewesternsideof‘the “Georgia”road,a short distance south of whereitcrossedFourthcreek,.about ‘sixmileseastofStatesville.He andhisfamily,including;“his-son,whowasoftenathome,were frequent andwelcomevisitors—at—‘‘Farmville,”theoldChambersplace,the then homeofP.B.Chambers,near the present yillage of Elmwood.The two preach-ers,father and son,thus came to; know.about:me,and.probably with the design.of training me up for the)Presbyterian ministry,influenced mycousintqthinkthataboyfrom.aPresbyterianfamilyoughtnottobekepttoolongataMethodistschool.I do not know that Prof.Burke at Tay- lorsville was then a member,of any‘Church,but his widowed sister,Mrs.Knox,was a prominent meimber,oftheoldThirdCreek‘Presbyteriancongregation;his school was not sec-’tarian .and was patronized by boys. from families of various denomina-;tions,including my neighbor _andschoolmate,John G.Knox;Andrew A.Hill,a cousin,and Junius L.Hill andMelmothW.Hill,brothers of Prof.J.)enry Hill of Statesville,and the Summers,a} |Praisefor the ‘simple, a mi Holman,stood’on the westernsideofthestreet,about 150 feetnorthwestofthenorthschoolhouse.Opposite this hotel and on the eastern Mcintosh and Matheson boys of Tay-lorsville and vicinity,‘belonging toPresbyterianfamilies.Moreover,theopastern|voung Mr.Wilson spent some time ‘insideoftheStreptwasthe.-principal|Taylorsville whenever he came there willpwe store and postoffice.So far!to preach aid would thus.have.‘some agi]now i member there were no!sort of supervision and influence overathe»buildines_on—the eastern—side+me-=wpe of the «treet noyth,of this store.On|Another reason for the chanre maythewestern’side of the street and/have heen that about that time or-north of the little hotel were one or}soon thereafter Mr..Clegg left Olin two frame residences.At the north!and went;to Louisiana,where he was end of the street,across it and fac-/president of a large Methodist female wie south into that end of thestreet,|cailere and where he remained until war (he larec,white frame house of)hig death.Tt may.be that.my.covain Mr.James,used bs him as a “hotel knew of this proposed change and ants Hoa tdineg _the residence that 1 would not have:the"henefit’ofofMr.Clegz,the principal,was on|Mr.Gleeg’s further training.,He the eastern-side of the street and|I:new about Prof.Burke and proba-alout 100 feet southeast of the south |bly knew nothing about Mr.Clege’s school house.Opposite this residenge}successor.At any rate:1 was sént to and on the western side of the street}Taylorsville in 1859 ‘and in Septem-was the residence of the Rev.Brantly|ber,1860,was sent to Davidson Col-York,a blind Methodist *minister,|lege,where I joined the freshman‘author of some school books and class,and after the call.of Mr.Lin-founder of York Collegiate Institute|coin for troops to suppress the seces-in Alexander county.|sion movement,which call revolution- The foregoing,as 1 now remember,;ized the position:of Union men of were the only houses then in thevil-|North Carolina,E left Davidson Col- lage.At any rate,the students could]lege the first of May,1861,and vol-not all get board and lodging in the|unteered at Statesville in the com-village-but-had-to-resort-to-the homes}eany°then being raised by-Prof.JohnAp,the neirhborhood.My cousin ob-|B.Andrews,which.company,compos- ined board for me with J.Lawson)ed almost entirely.of schoolboys andesbitt,who lived about a half mile|young men,afterwards became Com-’feat of the school houses.Mr.Nes-|pany “CO”of the.famous Fourth N we at that time,a zealous mem-|Carolina Regiment.!In |December,0 Staracmanat Church and an/|.1862,1 was transferred to -and be-aren r atten te farmer andjcame captain of Company “C”6f{thecconaeantomyself,Geo.|Forty-ninth North Carolina’Regi-2 McConaugheyand.fis_younger|ment,in-whieh.position -L--served forakthaeeede5;ae county;|the remainder.of the war,After theiseohnea!rus coun-|surrender in’1865 and throughout,ooTags oe oe wih te chon 1866,I taught school and read law atOOGicunneiMAYittle|Morganton in Burke county,N.C.InfCateAbiy,boar at Mr.|January,1867,1 came to Tennesseeisbitt’s.Burgess,son of Mr.Nes-|married,located and have been a cit.t,WasFog i.‘student at the-school.|izen of that State ever since.A few+dont v9 te ts of the|of my Olin-acquaintanees and one orquosiceWere|two of my Taylorsville acquaintancesMtfandegtr.Bowles,Mr.|joined Capt.Andrews’company;andcy(other \in the Forty-ninth regiment and in‘As.above statedbed,was|Ransom’s brigade,to which it belong-‘principal of the as-|ed ioe.eee JN.Ki ,were some of my Davidson Collegentsed>N:Kinyourn,Maj.E.|acquaintances,But.with’these ‘exe Jones.ee Elvi-|ceptions,every one of the above’men-ht,his!tioned changes’threw me into a sepa- ] pouse. } rate set.of acquaintances...This.not strange,therefore,that now.after more than half a century,I canhot re- ¢all with clearness the appearance and names,especially the given names,of my New Institute and Olin:acquaint- ances of 1963 and 1858.I knéw with certainty some who were at New Tn- stitute in 1853’were not at Olin in 1858,and some who were at Olin in1858andnotatNewInstitutein1853. Others I know were there at one time or the other,but I-cannot-now say) with certainty ‘which.One or two, like myself,may have been there both years.And then with the various changes above mentioned and:with the atquaintances formed with many other young men indifferent ‘locali- ties and in different situations,I am exactly when I knew them.. (To be continued.) PRAISE MOUNTAIN FOLKS. President’Wilson _Admireg_theSterlingQualitiesoftheHigh-landers.fortes straight- forward”people of the Southern)mountains,and criticism of the!“airs that high society gives itself,”|Were voiced by Président Wilson at.a meeting in Washington last week|in the interest of Berea College,Ky.,|founded to educate mountaineers,The President declared the college,“was going straight to the heart of! éne of the most:interesting -prob-; lems of American.life,”and added; that “the only thing that is worth’ while in human “intercourse is to) wake somebody up.” “Speaking of the college,the Pres-jdent declared that its object’was“to do what America “was in- tended to do,to give to people whohad.not had it an opportunity andtogiveittothemon.‘absolutely equal .terms,.on a.basis not of birthbutofmerit;’ ‘What ‘America -has—vindicatedaboveallthingselse,”said the Pres- ident,“is that native ability has no-thing to do with social origin.It is amusing.sometimes:,to see the airsthat‘high’sdtiety gives itself.Theworldcould.dispense ‘with high so- ciety and never miss it.High socie-ty is for those “who have -stopped working ‘and-no longer have .any- thing important-to-do.“Those who can open up the greatoriginsofpoweratethosewhofeedfhenation;and when one thinks’ofthatoldstockin-storage there in the mountains for more than a hundréd years,until tapped,some of the original stuff of the nation,waiting to be used,one ought to bid.God- speed to these men who are,going there and using this old capital that has not even been put out at interest,that has been,as it were,kept.in a chimney-pieceuntilweshal!gotoitanduseitandfindthattheusu-ry from it was that same usury offreedomandofpowerandofcapaci-ty which hasbeen so.characteristicofAmericafromthefirst,” ..Charming Presentation. State Journal.”~~~a somewhat confused as to where and! acwncromrmcae a Senate. government loans propriation “bill in its ‘hurried pas-sage through “the United.States Sen- vision ‘vas incorporated without a Senators were in the chamber. create a bureau of farm credits in national banks on.farm ‘mortgagenotes...These loans would-run:for 10 less than $300 or more than $10,000 to individuals. would be authorized. ally in conference’between the house President,; City.Election Ttch. Everything. The ‘city electionoutallovertheState. itch is breaking good‘erm aver and let it go at that,a case of where the best are like the worst or the worst are like the best.Always disappointed and always will French Remedy for 7 Stomach Troubles The leading doctors of France have for years used a prescription of -veg-étable oils for chronic stomach trou- Severe cases of years’standing are often greatly benefited ‘within 24 hours. persons suffering from’constipation, lower bowel,liver and stomach ‘trou-bles should:try--Mayr’s WenderfulRemedy.It is sold by leading-drug- wists everywhere with the. understanding that your money.will be refunded.without.question or you absolute satisfaction. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified.as the administrator withthewillannexedofR.N.W.Hart,I herebynotifyallpersonshaving-claims.xgainst saideatatetopresentthemtomeonorbeforethe19thday:of Febryary,1916,or this noticewillbepleadinbaroftherrtecovery. HV.’FURCHES,J.B.Armfield,Atty.Adm:Feb 19,1916.;Dae COURT. North ©Carolina;“Iredell -Gounry,ne:In Superior Court,Before the Clork,“J.L..Shepherd,Mrs.Mary.8.Chenault va.W.'W.Shepherd,“Geo.S>-Shepherd,GF.Shepherd,J.W.Cline,Emma L.Cline,Mary3See: We are indebted to Mr.W.L.Gil bert,secretary and treasurer of the|Commercial club of Statesville,for a| the defendants above named will take noticethatanactionentitledasabovehasbeencommencedintheSuperiorCourtofIredellcouritytopartitionallofthelandsheldin|$33 A ‘farm erédits bill,providing for |}: to,farm owners;|ff | was ‘attached to the agricultural ap-|f.; ate Thursday.Presented by Senator|f McCumber as:an amendment,the:pro-|f record vote,at a tinie when but few)f. The McCumber amendment would|| the Treasury Department,to make|{ loans of government funds through): years at 5-per cent and would be not} Issue of United States|4 20-year 4 1-2 per cent bonds to es~|{ tablish a permanent fund of,$10,000,- 000 appropriated to cover such a loan,|} The measure will be perfected fin-ly and the Senate.Then an‘effort will}| ibe made to shape a rural credits,plan]§<a lacceptable to the house and to the!1 4 Better save the energy ta build something.Select}|men,have but one ticket,put)4It.is}/ FarmCredits.Bill Through.the j= 5 ge Se 4%Floor Coverings Here isa floorcoyering,dointy in dedlgn‘and coloring,thar costs Tess than printed” Mnoleum.:It is easily laid,requires no fastening,and is very durable.4 Congoleumis splendid for kitehen floors. Repeuted washing cannot injure it Tiley sat ed)tal and conventional designs;suitable Tortramamwon...* Congoleum Rum Bordera ic remarkable imita->)° tlops-of polishel oak.Come ig and see this new “dauitary fer coverfag, ble and constipation that acts like ‘a)%charm.Otte dose will convince you.| So many people are getting|} surprising results that’:we feel:ail]; positive |% quibble if ONE bottle fails to give): OUR OPPO 7 To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No 1-345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences.”Strong land,.40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barn and out houses.3 .No.2—77 acres 3}miles east of city.-This propertylies on the sand-clay highway now being constructed by the government.Is ideal for Dairy-and Truck farming..No.3-40 acres 1 1-4 miles from public square..Splendidly adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock and Poultry. No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’—$15 down,>=>balance in monthly payments of $5.;ee 10 lots in.Bloomfield.‘Terms easy.Six lots-in south Statesville.a ;ie section fast developing.Several nice houses and lots to.sell. Cajl_on me’and learn what I have.eg 547 Center Street. &‘PHONE 54.boy CRASH ES NOTICE OF ACTION IN SUPERIOR |€ WwW.Ww.Shepherd and ‘Geo.3.Shepherd of| entitled “Attractive!ants,lying mainly in Chambersburg town- fa.;ship,Tredell county,and being the identical It is a charming a ‘Yands descended to the said parties from their tic’.brochureStatesville.” vantages It..ig.at the.gee i the clerk of the5:Court of Ir county,North Gatolina,ataplacewherebusinessandpleasure‘the court house in ‘Statesville,on the 27thmeéetandmakefriends.With its eul-day of March,1915,and answer or demur toturedandcontented.population,its!the complaint in said action,or the plaintiffs large commercial and manufacturing Wil spply Ae Seemeee 10 Ee:SEinterests,its good churches and_5A.HARTNESS,C!8.C.schools,its pure water and excellent)R.B.McLaughlin,Attorney.sanitation,the place richly merits all.Vebruary 23,195.ngthatissaidandpicturedaboutit.“SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROP- The recent strike at the mines of,apt,olorado Fuel and-Iron company cost!Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court the company ‘approximately $1,250,=of —county,rendered in the special :(i |proceeding wherein Electa’F.Cooper,0,Serica,Jesse F,Welborn esti-|iinistrator of A.D;Cooper,deceased,is i plaintiff,and J.©.Fowler and another are FIVE-MINUTE CURE?.IF STOMACH IS BAD. defendants,the undersigner commissioner “Wied ood,‘Pape’s Diapepsin”is Quickest,‘Surest Indigestion Cure Known.“*Firat:The house and lof in’the city of»ao don’t want a slow remedy|grateaville,being the home of the Jate A.D.when your stomach is bad—or an uns Gooper,‘described as follows:Beginning at «certain ‘one—or a harmful one—yvout')stake,me Cc.PaertOns corher orei444%street;thenee with said street south 66 ae~ poe.a8 top elusniss you:must ©pees east 100 feutto mw stake,the Captaininjureywithrasticdrugs,A.Cooper home lot,corner;thence withepesDiapepsinisnotedfor spee «ise Aitsanid line:north 20 1-2 degrees west 212°feet in giving relief;its’harmless.|”.*%stake,Mrs.’A,€.Totnlin'’s corner:thence its cettain,unfailing action in bidder,at the court house door in Statesville, N.sC.,onSATURDAY,MARCH 13,1915, at 12.0'cloek m.,the following deseribed real |estate,to-wit ¢¢ Ness;to@ “stake,Gloyer's line;thence south .24 ach,Its millions of cures in indiges-|lot.is sold subject to the dower of Mrs.Tlecta tion,dyspepsia,’gastritis and other |ca which covers the echtire property. stomarh trouble has made’it famous the late A.D.Cooper held in commdn with e-world over...Bivc.y oy hia)eister,Mrs,(J;C."Fowler,in)the home ee ey peer to’hd eae |te citat Son aeeepthisstomachdoctor8!"Pantani ";z }Rett sevibed a»follows,to-wit:Beginning at ain’your home—keep.it handy—cet a’stake,‘T/C,Andetzon’s corner}shank northlargefifty-cent case from any drug’,66 deurces’cast 225.feet toa)12-foot ‘alley_by.store and then if any one .should;Mi,A.Key's:thenve north 24°denrce®~|went 247 feet to ©,P.Moore's corner’;theneeeatsomethingwhichdoesn’t ‘agree gouth 86 dextees west 117 feet to C.P.Moore's lead,ferments and sours and forms!24 degrees,east to Tomlin’s line;thenee south *Sia’(66 deprees ‘weet 108 feet to the Glover's line; gas;epuses headache,diaziness and thence south 24 dewroes east 212 feet to the oii h sao 9Mag and undi-inning ;sseuting ae the abos boun- ‘estes if ho’rt rat kot above described,Bane Coraeee maberak S000 |ne ann “i eat oft ot thi fotand conveyed 0 4 se ;ra a eat Ae eant A.D.s on tewith.the stomach ‘all such distress jg sold.subject to the tahtof ddwor of irs,vanishes.Its promptness,contain alia,Cooper a and ease in gvereoming the “worst sat copy of a most interesting and artis-}common between the plaintiffs and *defend-|¥3 sentation of the attractions and ad-)mother;and the said defendants will further |e of one of-the very best take notice that they are required to appear|% ‘towns:-in--the~‘whole country.Superior|% will sell,at pnblie auction to the highest!% Sharpe|#: with her line south 66 degrees.west 10D feet): regulating sick,sour,gassy stom-derrees east.213 feeb to the beginning....This = ‘The one-half undivided interest of |, Cooper,’de) with them,if what they eat lays like corner in Mre.A,C.Tomlin‘slines:thenee S..|| rms of sile--One-third cash,one-third tn| peseseeeeyooo (Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.©.; CAPITAL PAID IN $100,000.00SURPLUS~:31,000.00 2 Banking is a-necersary institution in the develop-3 #2 ment and welfare of nations.It is likewiseaneces. 3 sary institution in the development aud progress of. any city;town or community.0% ‘A bank’s usefulness to a:community depends upon - its ability and willingness to rerve the legitimate business requirements for loan add diseount accom- modation and to provide a safe depository for com- mercial and savings deposits,~~t The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a local institution,with largecapitaland surplus,furnishes — good seenrity to depositors aud with resources of “over $600,000 has the willingness to serve this com- munity-in every branch of legitimate banking.Be- lieving in this community,our policy is,and has al- ways been,progressive and constructive,assisting in every legitimate way in the advancement of the agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel- opment of Statesville and Iredéll county.Our de-,” posits are local'and dur loans are likewise local and. made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local enterprises,;estat To our cnstomers we furnish check books free. render'stateiaents or balance pass books at the en of each-month,make loans gnd discount paper upon security satisfactory to /our board and in:such ~ amounts as business requirements and responsibility— warrant,We pay interest at the rate of4 per cent per annum on time and savings deposits remaining: three months or longer.ae ,Upon these bases we solicit-your busmess.-~ iw.D,TURNER,|K,MORRISON,|=D.M,AUSLEY,=@.B,HUGHEY, ny Pr —e i it Vice President,“Cashier.~Assistant Cashier.. w GOOD. The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper can’t be’ontime..Then there is no economy:a watch awa you can’t dépena on.I what you want to do ts to get ag watch or cluck)repaired.‘by. HENRY ‘while he is devotinghis entire time to repairing watches. élocks and fitting spectacles and_eye-glasses..ee pected 4o plan and have mealswearingoutyourpocketwith @ ‘i thon Hd one-thirdstomach\ers ig’a revelation tO)time,ie ; ‘those who acs gis ' in.twebyd,months’ B.Mel AVGHTLAN,Eh R.F.HENRY, “NEWS FROM ABCABOUT:7 STATE, ¢Accidents.Crimes a and Other Ine! :A Western eraacoliak Who is 2 } #Mountains. ,Migs Fannie |Metrlaes ot Cation%City,Col,who never forgets The%\Landmark when she runs “Across4!something of/interest to its.aclers;sends the paper a copy of theCanonCityDailyRatond.:Me whichmuchisprintedaboutDr.Bulgin, ((dn evangelist who is nolding a meet-xine in,Canon Qity.The followingHiextractsarefromastoryabout‘theeydusterwhichthe.Colorado paper") “Dr,Bulgin.was ‘ieee and raisedon4farminthemountainsofNorth.Carolina.He grew up as thousands. The S.,M.&H,Shoe Co. The Oneance eet pnoe Stas |ForSale!| of 8i-acre ‘era 1}miles from SencadHigh Sool ea public road._Fifty acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,mostly in pasture. -Newfive-roomcottage,large barn and ali out-*Palldings;all in good -gondition. §280-acrefarm 2 miles from Harmony on public road.One hun- dred acres in cultivation (30 acres of whichis in fine meadow),bal-+_ance in timber.Six-roomdwelling,large stock barn and'out ouildings} 4 Both of the above farms.are well located aud productive.:sell for part cash and balance on easy terms. ERNEST (i;GAITHER,‘GENERAL INSURANCE,RENTALSAND.REAL ESTATE.PHONE 23.(OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. lof adversity,and,by a strong men- b American ezenship.In his young- iey days he félt the pinch of extreme /poverty,but,like Abraliam Lineoln,mB uverchme tremendous obstacles of &environment by his unusual qualitiesof‘niind and by a determination wor- thy of sil emulation.© fy, tase Ds,Whittier,for whom:the town .‘in-order that he might earn enoughCanimoncytosuysaltincuringbacon itier,who.was an Englishman and ayaillionnire, zecuntry by tie London tcfr.Bulgin the -salt-he-required andbereturnedtohisheme.Before leaving Dr.op the toy’s shoulder and said to pile.‘Gct an education,my Jad.” ater he presented Dro Bulgin with. ce desire within him* the sori : estrangement “yew up betwesen Dr.Bulgin and Dr. Whittier oe RE Mpa AANA other,Years liteting.a religious revival in Start An Account!|: :his.sermon to Dr.Whittier “and at=the close of the service his widow -.If you failed to make a resolution on Jan-.LosuaryIsttosavemoney:this year—then why not do so’now.We will be glad to have you start an account in OurSavingsDepartment. if with only $1.00.::If you will do this, _and add to it regularly from time to time it-will make you independent. :i rresented.him with apainting“of the pointes of Swit- =zerland,where Mr. bi?._aymber of years before.The paint- *,which is.valued at a thousand irs,now hangs on thewaltsofr,Bulgin’s home in Portland,_Ore- "aWhen 17 years ‘of age Dr.Bulgin eft the narental roof in North Car- olina and walked to Joplin;Missouri.for the purpose of.studying law‘and -envarihng.ini.a professional practice, 2 When he:was 21°years of age he=went to Kansas City to hear-Pwicht¢L..Moody,who was then in the.zensBithofhisfeme.as.an ceva 2.preach.5.pti bine The effect.of the se sctihinm to ‘thinkite about | =soul's;salvation and sdon after | a return!toodeplin he was marvelov:!: —onverted;although for a -nimiber of hinge ; We Pay 4 Per Cent Compound Interest on Savings. ‘Merchants and Farmers’Bank,lly.Of Statesville,Hoag!ek“=<Phe Bank For Your Savings.”‘E ing;~criticat -“unbeliever, >practiced Jaw for four years and ha’! fine prosnects for advancement i jhis chosen profession..—His.part: m at that time is now established i»i San Francisco and his practice i worth $35,000 a,year. “Almost immediately after his cor version .Dr.Bulgin beeame associat ad with Moody in his institute .work in.Chicago and vicinity.” Park Am AlwaysShort of My Standard,” “That's what I am,’’my friend’said.“Well,what are going to do about it?” “Ch![don’t know what to do unless I keep on strugplingandpaddling~~“Wouldn’t youlike 1me to tell:you what not todo?”‘Indeed I would.”’“Well.sir,don’t lower your high standard Perhaps ifyouPealesreto.raise itan inch or two higher,you might rise toreffort.’’—John Wanamaker. The Standard of the Statesville Realty &Investment Ce,for Square Deaileg,prompt and efficient SERVICE in all itsyearsofisbusiness,remains,as it has for thepast nineeaofitscareer,a monument to its present successfulusiness. “We lasure Anything Insurable.” Call on us for service..’Phone us if more convenient. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. .F,CARLTON,Manager,‘Phone ‘54,Statesville,N.C. Copper “Mines inAshe County to BeRe-opened.— A corps of engineers and minin« experts are how at Ore Knob, Ashe county,according to a ipatch.from Laurel Springs—in theWinston-Salem.Journal,to |com- mence work in these“once famou: copper mines,‘Last July,negotia- -@-tions—were-in- _property was to be sold to the Southern:branch of the Guggenheim Cop- per Company,but the sudden out-break of the European war so chilledbusinessthatthematterwasdrop ped for the time being,but late lease of one year was secured,v the privilege of buying if the prop- erty proved desirable.Work vill -eommence at-once to _-develop-—themines. These mines have not been worked for near 30 years.An immense cav- ern under ‘ground is filled with w: ter,rock and other debris which will ‘take months t6 elean out,and the tunnels and shafts which leadthisgreat’space from which roc! and ore have been taken have al! fallen in and it will be hard.and ex- tra hazardous:to rebuild them.Some of these shafts are 500 feet in depth Millions of tons of a poor grade of“ore that was mined years ago still remain on the grounag and this willbeworkedifitisfoundprofitableiodoso,The opening of>this property will mean much to the entire countyandifworkedextensivelywillmean the building of a branch Jine of rail-‘road from some,.peint on the=Virgin-ia-Carolina to Ore.Knob. into _Peal s Loan &Savings Bank, apie $50,000.00 Is now located in its New Building on Center Street ;and.ready for um.~business,‘Crime toThreaten President or .«Senators, ey Al provision making it .a crime\\punishable by not:more.thin three ‘years’imprisonment to mail a letter|,or other missive threatening the|President or any official entitled tosuceeedtothepresidency,was in-\corporated into thépostoffice appro-_ee :eat ar bytheSent,‘5’i e legislation was drafted by At-|fel wera hao that of your ilen will be ch ange Ceakeal Gbepery "and.was _appreciate urteous employes will show you _|presented.by Chairman .Bankhead,|over the building,and give prompt attention to all ‘of the ‘committee,Senator Penrose_»business that may be Satrusted to us.obtained permission to change the‘amendment to include Senators. |GH,H BROWN-L“TURNER:- vy Stockholders,custonters,business men,farmers, :and the public are invited to come in and ‘see our _’handsome new quarters,where weare prepared to _. :_fransact a banking business inallofitsdepartments. '‘Whenever You Need aGeneralTonle| he Fake Grove's:,Old Standard Grove’s teless|“|ehill ‘Tonie is equallyMyalaabie as a)General Tonic punkit contains tlie! President.cami. Native of.theNorth Carolina °, ne of other men have done,in thé schoo!’: tality,.s&-\bition’andforce.ofcharac.|ber,tsoes to the forefront of"© ‘When a lad of 16.years of age ¢Luigin drove ati ox team ftom fo m his home in Macon evunty to Whit-|!::|tier,N.C.,a distance of 60 miles,to * vas nained,to get a job hauling apes “for the uxe of the family.Dr,Whit-of ( had “been sent to’-—thie- a_city-building synditate «| establish a colony,wave < Whittier laid his harids |. some baoks-to read,which kindled a’|to be somebody in... subsequently ||.|: ond they Jost track of each)|. afterwards,while con-1] Bulgin ‘referred in. me.forward to speak to him and | magnificent oi! Whittier had died *ite sel years previously he-had been-a carr:| He ke —-whereby—aed of QUININE |].bade,rier “ ‘cidents ofLife it North Caro- lina. Rey.Frank W.Stanton,pestor! of the First Methodist Eniscopalhurch{Noythern)of;Asheville.will i trate his sermons with a sterop- on outhits ,;1 Dy,John Tull,druggist,died last! week at his home.in Waynesville..He was a native of New Berne and for5ov80yearsconductedadrugstore)in Morganton.Wife and.five chil- dren survive,\At Maxton W.'W.Smith,a sapssheriffshotandkilledJesseSmaftof|color,because the latter was so smart!©resisted the offiger and made mo-| tions ag if to draw a gun,~The officer,go.ahead in the shooting.| News:The Alamance,|Orange Railway and |mlington 2am and iture fora.charter to onerate | trie line from a point near ov!n Ossipee and Altamahaw’to! Durham,.byway of BuPlington,Gra-|hem,Swepsonville,Saxapahaw and!hayel HAM,a distance of 49.miles.| I Landmark has mentioned the) ‘ning of the barn and granaryof)= .C.Fields-of .Allechany county,| wing the loss of much erain-and: istuff,two ‘horses and a third!:burned.The Svarta Star says! fire was started by a small boy king a eigarette of leaves,which |attomneee to smoke. .John Van Landingham,foryyearsprominentbusinessmanCharlotte,long engaged in the cot- ‘on trade,died gt his home in thatcityFridaynight,-dged-67.-He.serv. thvough the-Confederate war in ai uth Carolina regiment and had liv- ed ins c¢harlotte for 46 years,THe is ed by his wife—a sister of ‘the!+ Mrs.J.P,Caldwell of Statesville three children. ikesboro®Patriot:.An itinerant: ine.schoolmaster;ae ith a‘pro-) et evangelical tirnof mind,wasa.hearing’Sunday.evening! ruary 21st),before Justice »of e J.J.Héndéen,in Breshy; nisin township,on a charge,of vuilt preferred..by....Mrs,Martha! dren-of that Toeality,e@ wan- ng minstrel,who says his name BE.A.‘Richards.was taxed with ‘ost and dismissed. he postoMfice at Matthews,Mexsles. re county,was broken into ear- rsday morning but the.robbersredonlyalittlemoney~left-in ‘ash drawer..They »were at- it to blow.open the safe,but mature—explosion—caused them! part and stand not.on the or-. of—_thei_poine,—The explosion sed the neighborhood and the —three—were fired on.There m oney in the safe io the atnount S100, it ¢Company has applied to the}; er FEELS GooD ‘AROUND ‘THE ‘NECK AND ON. .THE CHEST *You heatialin on and’rub it in’ ;Coble’s Croup =Pneumonia.Remedy’ Ii the New LIQUID External Kamity for all, Cold Troubles ;AtisLiquid :easily wiped:tatDeenot. stain thealothing “You'll never know how good itis until you try it.” |asuadseserasteceseeten eeretayssdences ‘Pitisburg“Perfect”Fence.| | All “PisburePerfect”Fences have stay wir :one as intermediate line ‘wires..A‘fence Is only as strong as its lightest.wire.No.wire projections.to injure stock or‘pall wool from sheep.Possesses -the.strSarae fenes.fy et in the.world—That Held."Where the wires are:wekded tog:byelectricity,the fence is twice as strongas the wire”t itself.Guaranteed that the wire.is.nob injured at thejoints.Guaranteed that the stays cannot be #\slipped or separated from strands.Guaranteed ad-—justable to uneven.ground.Guaranteed stronger,and:moré durable than any other.Every rod-guaranteed-perfect.when buying fence,If you weigh it in the roll,re-.member that “Pittsburg Perfect”iis all fence—noan:tiquated wrappned or tied joints,no useless er nO « ug¢les s weight.’ ra p e s ev e w i e v e s : MI s : ot e eT . ve e eb e e r r e y , THORGUGH WORK: Freedom From Kidney ‘Troubles,* How.a Statesville Citizen Found | If you suffer “from backache int From urinary disorder Any.curable disease ofthekidneys, Useia tested kidney remedy. Kidney Pills have been test- ed by thousands. Statesville people testify. Can you.ask more roof of merit? Mrs?M.L.Moore,Meeting street, Statesville,N.C.,says:“I.suffered! intensely from weak kidneys for sev-| eral years.I-had soreness.across’ ny leins and dizzy headaches. not Sleep well and the~ ‘rom my kidneys were unnatural.| Noun’s Kidney Pills, Hall's Drug.Sto-e,did mea word: of good. eys and relieved the dams aches.I nope that my statement will induce paper.kiduey.sufferzss to try thi¢remedy Price 50c.at Tk an’s all dealers.Don’t|| _|simply ask for a kidney remedy—get| Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that ’ Mrs.Moore —had. COv,Props.,_B‘uffalo,N. Foster-Milburn| Ye ER E D se a a e s c a t i eb a t i e a r e s e convincing I did ¥ secretions | proctired at ff thoy suengthened my kid-)¥ and!§ i : |Lazenby-|Hardware.|t.ns : see RRA CoE eee CR |sit a “Pha Boabiais.Pen that isidaienlecio'ntricks toit.Fills and elvany allthe same way.Solid Gold Points From $ up to $7.00.What point do you like,fine or medium?H.B.WOODWARD,“Jeweler. meant j Pa5 {-y i No,but we have something better oe for you if you have cotton seed or — need to buy FEED. ey . We are giving a liberal exchange of |The Handsomest The Designs -Qbtainable today in a.South are pre- FLORISTS 10 THE SOUTH, _GREENSHOZO,N.©. Van Lindley Co,| meal and hulls for seed.Our prop-_ osition will double the value of “your seed if you take advantage of it.Bring in your seed early,as we expect to close down mill for : the seasom <ry much earlier this season than usual..Yours truly, IMPERIAL {COTTON ."PHO? 7D RENE Vw Beemerome Lam operating ona cashbasis now.“Cash|for.everything>I sell—gasoline,°oils,greases,Ree tires,ete.—and for allrepairwork,My patrons.will benefit be Cthechangeinlowerprices,. 19¢,aGASOLINE"OIL,eos _Everything else,Anelagingrepate work,accordingly.ears &i dis ’a atFrankCarteroftheag PeAdiod out pt tie.Canae:,ou >Ca.aicnity at New.Berne,Se ay wee ent:norable House,Commitedpursuant:to the.Clark3.to the House of Repre«ives itself;andto thepeople of arolina:‘SCA Get hined.by the ofa speedy.dtive baer ves oka So ress @nd/Lawyer R,B,Burke and Mrs.Burke, th phone message from the hospital Fri- tions.But’in face of the nowdisclosedpurposeofmy.ene-9 employ dilatory _tactics tontthesefrombeingttothejudgmentofthepres-se of Representatives andleavefortwoyears.underdoflegislativeinvestigationcharacter,I can hold my ce nger.© 'The methods employed by the pfo-rs.ofthis attack to compelmetomdaninvestigationareillustrat-the charge of gross immoralitywomenatPanaceaSprings,yst other places.As a matterfactIwasneveratornearPana-|ee rings but one time,when T!;there from Warrenton court inywithHon,Jobn H.Kerr, r.of thatdistrict,who was con-|with me during the two or days of my stay there.The[of the other charges will uponimationbefoundalmostequallyereButtheconsciousnessoffalsitywasnotenough;oncetherecordcouldonlybeclearestigation.;;ap s now that my accusers,i of co-operating with the com-mittee and with me to put their damn-fg accusations to the test of proof,ite:playing for time—apparentlyrthyinformationcomesto‘my attorneys that it has beenilyremarked;‘now-that Car-on the griddle,the fire must‘glow.’at os is ern by odntlyappearsfromMr.mathy ‘Séclared porticse to have allmeenpenneinthecourtDienesubpoenaedas\law allows only twoto.one fagt and the‘that:out of themouths ofthetruthshallbees-Mr,Abernethy,in-ngfour 2 in pose upontheexpenseofbringingthethrongthatcrowdedthe.court+,What.possible explanation is‘for such a course except a de-ite t to .overwhelm thenitteewithsuchamassofevi-that in the crowded last weeklegislativesessionitwil!be im-them to complete the in-5 in other words,‘to burnWw,wouldseem that all needful evi-@ hearing upon Mr.Abernethy’sint_couldbepresented in lessoneday’s tiie;and it is incon-le that any evidence relied up-“support Mr.Clark’s charges ofralityisnotreadyforpromptmtation,Surely Mr.Clark wouldérgessoruinoustothe of self-supporting womenriorgoodrepute,to say nothing}characterof a judge,upon gos-‘@nd street rumor,which he woyldthecommitteetotake.time anddown.If he made such chargesouthavinginhandevidencerea-bly:caluculated to sustain them8doneanutterlyindefensibleIfhehas.such evidence,whyitback?To sum up the’argu-If he has the evidence,heldproduceitforthwith;if he hastheevidence,the making of the is @ monstrous wrong Whichcommitteeshouldhastentoright,ras such a wrong can be right- “What,upon the other.hand,wouldbetheeffectofholdingthesemattersfor,another Legislature?Thinkitwould-mean to the adminis-tration of justice to have the presid-ing judge always-an object of curiosi- the bystanders as a man under 8 of gross immorality with va-women.It would not avail himthroughoutamoreorlesscon-sareer,up to the moment ofngtheill‘will of powerful crim-terests,his worst enemy hadintimatedasuspicionthathiswasotherthancleanandconti- * ‘The fact overshadowing all his |bie service and all his honorablewouldbethat,in'a resolution fa- Wy acted upon by the House ofntatives,he was held up as aexampleof:public’dewdnessthechargeswerdpendingforBaction.That thought wouldhis“every attempt to call the er conceptions of duty,ions to the wayward,hisymnationofguilt."7 :obvious-considerations would gent tome the crite!alternative.of¢the administration of justiceshdumyperson,or of re-from*office in.the face of8,which,however pure and self‘ing motive of such action,|beconstruedby every unfriend-spicious:m as a confes-it—of my own guilt anditofwomenwhohavenever .The naked |kno’ et."Taylorsville,March 1.—Mr.Craw- n-éd to-improve'after the crisis’passed Sunday with his parents,Mr.and/Mrs-"|R.M.Ingram.4CharlottespentSundayherewith his |” Savage who flays |cous+his-enemy aoa esethlebe ne “and their palli‘Be:ie Sno limit of falsehood‘or 9and‘yet not one of them deytIhaveservedtheStatewithandgeal,It has been,and isestambition,to serve’ac-my ce 4be‘|enedighgl —be trage and wrong ave already8,1 protest the.delay that blic.t without ‘d to thepulpeeeeen0 DEATHOFYOUNG BURKE; A’Vietim.of Pneumonia—Tay **>..Jorsville News. Corresponddnce of The Landmark. ford Porter Burke;son-of--thelate ‘passed away at the Presbyterian hos- illness ofvat2:30 o'clock,after anweekswithpneumonia.He seem- butcomplications set in and a tele- day night said that he could not live.Hig mother had been with him sincesoonafterhewastakehsickandhissister,Miss Sara Burke,had beenwithhimabout.two weeks.His un- ‘tor,Rev.L.L.Moore,went/to Char-lotte Saturday morning and were withhim-when the end came.The .re-mains was brought to his home hereSaturdaynightandthefuneral.wasconductédfromthePresbyterian¢hurch Sunday~afternoon bythetor,Rev.L.L.Moore,assisted by Rev.d.A.White,in the presence of..alargecongregation.The pallbearers‘were officers in the Jr.0.U.A.M.,ofwhichdeceasedwasamember,andtheorderhadcharge-of ,the burialserviceatthétowncemetery.Mr.Burke’s age-was.22 years,10 monthsand15days,He was a student atDavidsonCollegefortwoterms,en-tering college with the intention,of.becoming a minister,but was forcedbycircumstancestogiveuphiscol-lege course and had been 4 travelingsalesmansincethen,winning manyhonorswiththetypewritercompanyherepresented.For some time hisheadquartershad.been.at GreensboroandWinston-Salem,but he had beengivenalargerterritorywithhead-quarters at Columbia,S.C.,and wasonhiswayfromavisitheretohismothertothisnewfieldwhenhewastakensiek..;Mrs,T.F.Stevenson and.sonlittledaughter,Mr.C.L.StevensonandMaryEsther,of Hickory,spenttheweek-end at the home of ''Mrs./Stevenson’s father;Mr.A.H,Mathe-son. C.,spent Friday with Mrs.Ry)P.Matheson,Dr.Carr,a representativefromDuplincountyintheLegisla- of his father-in-law,Mr.@ W.Pat- terson.Mr.M.,R.Ingram,principalofthehighschoolatCleveland,spent’ Mr.B.D.Holick of family,at the home of Mrs.Hulick’sfather,Mr.J,M.Matheson. ¢ér,five sisters and one brother.Out-of-town péople here for the futieralwereMrs..Ada Cooper of Mooresvillé,Miss Pink Houston of Charlotte,Messrs,H.and F..T-Burke and L..C.Caldwell of Statesville.Rev.W,B.Lindsay,pastor of theFirstAssociateReformedPresbyte-rian church of Charlotte,and Mr,Smith of Mooresville,two.of a com- mittee of three appointed by the Syn-‘0d to look-after-location of industrialschool,were here Friday looking over;the site Taylorsvillehas’offered fortheschool. enn yete i New Method to Reduce Mortal- ity Fron Tetanus, New York Dispatch.j ‘Announcement is made on bé-.half.of the Rockefeller Institute oftheinventionofanapparatusandthediscoveryofanewmethodoftreat-tment,‘both designed’to.reduce the mortality from tetanus among sol- diers wounded on ‘European battle- fields.Twenty-five apparatuses,it issaid,had already been sent to Eu- rope by the institute for use on thebattlefieldandpatents.to the inven-tion have been thrown open so that:whoever ‘Wished ‘might manufactureandusetheapparatus.©The institute’s investigators have found,it was said,that.most of thedeathsamongwoundedmenareduetotetanusandthatthepresentmeth- ably in this chosen field.With a) would destroy my usefulness ,as a}. pital,Charlotte,Saturday afternoon| tle,LawyerJ.H.Burke,and his pas-|’ pas-|_ h and.: Miss Latimer of Greenville,S.|| ture,spent Sunday here at_the home} ‘Surviving Mr.Burke are.his moth-|. ferremereereneareererant ee meee [Se Begi~The Hoosier Manufitosellthe‘WHI §Company.Regular mw Th not delighted with it.-price less.$2.50. finger’s ends,You-canlyallyourwork.You more leisure. canends.- *The-cabinet includes themadethatshakesflour dinner?’ uminum. bring you the Hoosier. back to the regular price. ss nning Saturday, |rH BEAUTY |the low cash priceaetna the Hoosier _;ar Hoosier prices areremarkably”ed towns,“Thisis truly theisreduetionmeansanunheard-of bar-afew women only.Ourallot Delivered ‘for $1.00. Then $1 week!goon,pays the balance.Your money back if you'reoextrafees.No interest.Just the cash rough ity,due to improved arrangem rae f,forone weekonly,ing Company permits usAUTY”at $2.50 less than Saves Miles of Steps For Your Tired Feet. You now must carry things from your.cupboard andpantry to yourtableandbackagain:at-every meal The Hoosier saves all these because it combines everything at yourgedowninfrontoftheHoosieranddonear-Save energy by saving’steps.”You have Has 40 Labor-Saving Features—17 New. This ‘WHITE BEAUTY”gives youa real scientific kitchen.Youput400articlesinthisnéwHoosier,every one at your fingers instead of grinding it. Come in tomorrow early—examine these*new Hoosiers care-fully~then decide whether you want to buy now while you cansave$2.50,or later when you cannot buy below the’regular setprices;decide whether you can afford to waste the ener,|now spend in walking in your kitchen,when.a single ddltee youwill ~Remember that after this sale the.“‘WHITE!BEAUTY”’goes This means miles of steps. in.—800, ‘WHITETodouble Hoosier Com 000 ] tented shaker?flour ey sifter t also.has a complete accounting system;a cook-book holder that keeps your book always open in front of your eye;Mrs.Christine.Freder--ick’s Food.Guide that answers fhe question,‘“‘What shall I.have.for The new all-metal bread and cake box has.double capac- ent,and the work table is of pure “Whii Rs e Beauty” tived in leading magosinas Take FiveMinutes to.Decide Now. ment is strictly limited Hoosier Cabinets.have bee KeBEAUTY”isthe finest Hoosice monethesaléofthisonecabinetquickly,thepanyauthorizesthissalein1,000 pick.# est Hoosier made.~ chanceof a lifetime fo ate Remember—that the'iew Hoosier Club may be entirely filledthefirstorseconddayofthissale.your name.Come at once and enroll Try-the Hoosier in your kitchen.Then,if you will part with it,we will gladly refund your dollar,Come early.Other wom- eri too are making up their minds now. Crawford-Bunch:Furniture Company. x aly TO THE PUBLIC:We-au thorize this sale,limitedto"White Beauty”Hoosier cabinets,at $2.50 lessthanthefixedcashpriceofthesecabinets,this week only..THE HOOSIER MFG.COo.,New Castle,Ind. STATE NEWS. Capt,J,F.Freeland,chief of policeofDurhamandformermayor.of ‘the town,died last week,aged 75. .Arthur Lopp,a young negro of Lex~/ington,attempted to board ‘a freight. train at Lexington Saturday morning{to beat a ride;lost his hold,fell un~ der the car and both legs were cut‘off.He:was taken to Salisbury for)treatment.esha ad : While Mr.Calloway Wainseott wasenfoutefromNorthWilkesboroto his:home near Moravian Falls,last Tuesday,says the Hustler;he wastobbed.of $28 by a negro,’How therobberywasaccomplishedtheHust«Ter does not state,but it is:supposedtohavebeenahold-up.A young ne-gro who is suspected later bought a ticket at North Wilkesboro for Win=ston-Salem.: Goods have been gtolen.from freight trains at Fayetteville and vi-cinity for some time.Some weeksagodetectivesonanAtlanticCoastLinefreighttrainsawgoodsthrown od of treatment has certain draw-backs.;jAninjectionofasofution.contain-| ing epsof salts into the membranes of |the spinal cord is a part of the meth- od of treatment,it is-announced,ToDr.F.J.Meltzer of the institute has from the cars bya trainman.Investi-gation disclosed some of the goodsin»the possession of John Smith,awell-to-do”farmer of Cumberlandcounty.Smith and a -negro,Alex,Williams,were placed-under bond toanswercharges.’F been credited the new method.-Semen Would Help Drink It. ‘Extract From Senate Debate on Lig-|uor Bill.; “There.are “men in’this’Sette.” declared Senator Gilliam,‘who will) deny me the right of ordering a bot-| tle of whiskey,but 1 know this,and |nobody will deny..it,that if I do hap- |pen to:order.it theywill help me to idrink it.”: } ‘||At North Wilkesboro last week,|says the Hustler,Claude Carlton wasarraignedbeforeJusticeofthePeace“Arthur Spainhour—-the nature.of hisencenotbeingstated—and it isalleged.thathe tried to_,bribe ’the|justice by offering him ‘money..'FortheallegedattemptedbriberyCarl-ton was due to answer béfore JusticeJ.W.Dula next day,but at the hoar|; of trial he failed to wEpeer and bond‘of $100 was declared orfeited.Deputy Marshal J.L.Mitholland of |cneemeemnanermnsnaeeett |Statesvi le and Officer J.H.Matthews|DEAFNESS CANNOT BR CURED|by.loca)applications,ae )they.can- net sweb ee ea eae *ere is on on:curehdeainens.andaftiat ts‘by,cotitutionalinflamedcondnnparedby~ ;this|Of the CM lave a rumbling>and wheneainthere-mation canrestored out at tonofwhichtshothingitionofthemu- jit is entirely closteatandunless he.ni}|pe taken out and thttenormalcondition,pbttoyea fofever;ninefarecausedbyCatecre,'an inflamedsurfaces,ba®Will give Send for cirowlars,walk J.CHENKY &Co.,Totedor "erbjDruggists,760.Take Hall's Family ris for constipation, portionof..the, Bed iHairyf \last.week lodged in Burke county jailJoshMulland,his sons,Edward and ‘Marshall.The elder Mullis charged|with ilicit distilling,The boys arechargedwithburningthebarnofJo,‘Carswell,six miles from Morganton,jIn addition to feed and”grain,t\cows.were burned with the barn.he|officers located an ilieit distillery buttoWhiletheyweretakingtheirprisoti- ers ‘to Movgantén the plant,exceptjthefermentets,was carried a'Harlen Stamey was arrested in -‘nection Avith the removal of the plantoeeaieenpeanpnpennneneiesHeatTreatidentPorConstipation,\°|."My danghteer used Chaniberlain’s ‘Taliléts|for constipation with Hedulta,and.I erinrites.Paul iThe “Crank”Fifty Years Chatham Record. Tha|his |Peco mie:them v,(Babin,Béeowhly,La,Por saleteMme a Ahead of His Time. Men who invent.wonderful things aré so far ahead of their ‘time that they are called cranks and their in- ventions:are denounced as humbugs. We are reminded of this fact by an}incident that occurred during theWarBetweentheStates:For weekstheWitistonSentinelhasbeenpub-lishing extracts from “The Diary of aConfederateSoldier,”written by Mr.J.A.Linebach of Salem.In a recentissueoftheSentinelwysthefollow-ing:- “There was a crank,of a than,Davis by name,in’camp makingspeechesaboutaninventionhehadmadewhichhecalled‘Rara Avis,”abirdthatwas‘to ascend and makeobservationsofthe-enemy’s move- ments,drop bombs into their campandallsortsofthings.”—We well remember hearing this“so-called”~crank,while ;in winter quarters near Petersburg in Janu-ary,1865.He came to our camp andmadeaspeechexplaininghisinven- tion.and trying to.get up money’toperfect.it.He was very enthusias-tic and hopeful,and with his inven-tion.perfected he confidently expect- ed to fly over’the Yankee camps.anddrepbombsonthem.He expectedtodo@xactlythat:which the Britishand.German aitships-are-now doing.but of cours¢.none of his hearers hadanyconfidenceinhisinvention.Hewas50yearsaheadofhistime. Result of a Little Game in “Ashe. Near Grayson postoffice.Ashe coun- ty,Sunday morning of:last.week,says the Jefferson Recorder,Dr.JakeHopkins,and William.Brooks wereplayingeards,Brooks became angrychantsomethingthat.occurred.andshotDr,Hopkins in the hands and ‘inthe’breast just above the heart.Dr.Hopi waaropk eridusly injured andBrookadinejaily .At Townsville,Vancecounty,last‘week,Henry Cooper,colored,stabbedbrothet,Brodie Cooper,killingthelatter.Henry is in jail and’claimsgelf-defence,The Henderson GoldLeafunderstandsthatfiquorplayedapart.in the:fratricide.Congressman Webb has ©récom-mended Samuel Turner for postmps- it ule and Sickly out |of.Cascaretsto‘bowels and.y The Military Out For a Day. Capt:West-moreland and about 50 of his’menmarcheddewnto.the Kestler -bridge.two miles:south of town,about 10o’clock int the forenoon and spent:the remainder of the-day in that vicin-ity.’The soldiers drfiled ih close.andextendedorder,went.through thetent-bitching.“practices in accord-ance with the army regulations “and practiced target shooting with 22-ealiber target Trifles and the regular army rifles., battle which was fought in the.af-teynoon,The battle continued ahout 30 minutes and was enjoyed by a large company of people who gath- ered to witness the event.bout 2,- 000 cartridges were fired during theday.The Blues enjoyed the outing jand at the same time received some|good ‘instruction’and.practical.field:experience.tele necmimpeni neste tetaped ii Dr.Geo.W.Long Seriously Tl. Mrs.B.¥.Long spent yesterday afternoon in.Salisbury with Dr.Geo. Long of Graham,who is under treat-ment in-a hospital there.Judge B.F.Long and Mrs.Barnett H,Adams visited Dr:Long last week..Dr.Long is a’brother of Judge Long and fatherofMrs.Adams:His condition is se-tidus..Whenever he is able to standthetriphewillbetaken:to BaltimoreorNewYorkforanoperation, New:Bertié Journal calls a-“palatial”home in’the vicinity of New Berne; where he tetently:bought property, money in making the s tractive,«%Se RAVE: wAg a result of a fight on the schoolground‘at Granite.Falls by,twoschoolboys,Earl.Whisnant,age 11, tabbed with a pockétknife by urroundings at- }|;was § |etrated ndar the lung and made a badwound,but the“boy is recovering. Mr.and Mrs.Fred Anderson leave today for Maxton,where they willspendafewmonths. pete= “0 STOP HEADACHE Headache usually’comes from.4 Rluggish liver and bowels.If you feel stomach sour,just get a:10-cent,box.start,your sliver andeadacheswillénd |The Iredell Blués had.a:good day,in the field Friday. The feature of the day was a sham}. Dr.BarlS,Sloan,the Sloan.Lini-| ment many -has--completed..what the} and has moved in,He will spend much4 Alvin poke.caged 10:The knife.pen-|g bilious,digzy or Lorigie is coated and), —A hall game at Scott’sFriday be- tween the Morrison schoo!team No.1 and the Midway school team resultedinavictoryfortheMorrisonschoolbyascoreof15to3:Claude H.Wes-ton did the pitching for _Morriscn’sandHomerBass.was cateher. CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC MUNIC-ae iPAL PRIMARY. ®t Ata meeting-of--+the—Democraticexecutivecommitteefor-the’city.of|Statesville,held on February °20th,the following call was issued::Primaries are called ‘for Saturday, March 6th,to nominate.candidatesformayorandtwomembersofthegradedschoolboard.for the city:atlarge;and two candidates for’alder-man and one member of the executivecommitteefromeachward...Polls to remain-onen at the regular pollingprecintsfrom2p.m.to 8 p,m.‘Thefollowingjudgeswerenamedfortheprimaries..enWard1—D.F.Jenkins and James Gray;y 5 +s —Ward 2--W.lL.Gilbert and.Ross Mills.3 Ward 8—J.W.Ward and J.W. Allison.*=H.Hall and W.M,J,H.HOFEMANN,Ward4—J, Barringer.aad,Chm’'n.City.Dem,Ex.Com. You insure your hguse against fire.-Why.not insure it against decay with::eeManea See eee ee »Basketball:Tonight! Asheville Y.M.C.A. .v8.itStatesville, ‘Garis called 8.20, -youxu. 4 ioeesen eaeSTATESVILLE,N.©./FRIDAY,MARCH 5,1915. ii "” a!NO 64. Sr neecoe aWOULDREFER TO PEOPLE Senate Passed Anti-Liquor ,Law With That Amendment andHouseRefusedtoConcur—Insurance Bill Defeated—Legislative Susone ot ae nr™The House and Senate conference committees agreed on a substitute for the liquor shipment bill,which will allow one quart of spirituous liquors and five gallons of malt to an indi- vidual each 15 days..: The House Wednesday received the anti-liquor bill and refused to concur in the Senate amendment sub- mitted the measure to a vote of the people...Representatives “Doughton, Eure,-Page,Thomas and Whitford were appointed a conference commit- _tee.”Senators’Nash,Gilliam and White are the.committee on the part of the Senate. a ‘Dhefish bill,which smells at every session,was finally disposed of after much talk“and no little feeling.The Senateconcurred.in amendments and the bill is now law.Bhar Among the bills introduced”was one to require the burial of the bodies -of dead animals...Among .tme_bills passed was the,measure by Senator __Thompsonto prevent giving liquor to “minors.ae : The Senate tabled the insurance agents commission bill,which had passed the House.The measure was designed to curtail the activities of irresponsible agents,who sell insur- ance risks regardless. The repeal of the crop lien law, which had passed second reading,was ~passed overuntil today.The bill to protect the State fromthe foot and mouth cattle disease was passed.It authorizes the Gayernor gnd Commis- sioner of Agriculture to regulate the importation of feedstuff and cattle in their discretion, _Bills introduced:To prohibit derog- atory.statements as to banks;to es-1 tablish@ public road in Job's Cabinpegabewng-tanmahips Wilkes county...Bills pass- :“"ed:To “author bridges in Iredelltoamendthecharter..of:;.to.provide for’a specialtaxinRowancounty.The *eénference report on the rev-eune:bilk-was:adopted...Pheehild labor bill having been killed;Senator Gardner of Clevelandhas:introduced a bill strengtheningthepresentchildlaborlaw,providing_that the hours of labor shall not ex-ceed 60 a week ‘and that parents or_)_-guardians shall certify to the ages ofchildrensoemployedinordertopre- vent violation of the compulsory at-tendance school law.The Senate passed-the Gilliam bill,submitting to the people at the rextgeneral¢lection four of the amend-“merits to the constitution proposed by—+the ast General-Assembly,all of"which failed at the election:To re-strict local and private legislation,toelectemergencyjudges,to preventSpecial.charters to towns,cities and incorporated villages.If the Housepassesthemeasurestheywillbesub--mitted at the election next year. After much argument the SenateTuesdaynight.voted,36 to 6,toeliminate11sectionsoftheHousebillregulatingfireinsurancerates.Thebillaspassedcarriedaspecialamend-ment providing for match regulation—safety’and semi-safety matcnes only to be sold.The bill goes.to theHouseforconcurrence.SenatorThompsonofIredellwas.one of thesixwhovotedfortherate-makingfeaturesofwhichthebillisshorn.The .Senate Tuesday afternoontheHousebillprohibitingiquorshipments,with an amendmentprovidingthatbefore.it becomes.op-erative it must be ratified at the polls‘by the people of the State at.a specialelectiontobeheldonthesecond:Tues-day in August.The reference feature wus adopted:by a vote of 26 to 22.Senator Thompson of Iredell votedagainstreference.Another amendment adopted pro- vides that if thebill.is not ratified at the polls then certain specified coun-ties,$2 in all,shall have the act ap-plicable to them anyway,provided the people of the county vote in favor oftheratification.These counties areUnion,Cleveland,McDowell,Polk,Gaston,Henderson,Rowan,Hertford,ore Guvrituck,.Camden,..‘Transylvania,=Dergon,“Pasquotank,--Gates,aneGranville,Catawba,Ashe,Alleghany,,Watauga,Columbus,Franklin,Hali-fax,Chowan,Haywood,Swain,Jack-son,Cherokee,Mecklenburg,Cabar-tus,Chatham and Perquimans.-An arnendment providing,that ifthe,bill)failed,of ratification in anycountyitshallnotapplytothatcoun-ty,was defeated,17 to 24.As amend-ed the bill finally went through,45-to6—thefive negative votes being Gil-Ham,Nash,Polk,Stubbs and Wash- ington.‘The Senate passed a resolutionlookingtotheaccentance.of the.co-operation terms of.the Federal gov-nment in the farm:demonstrationPorkundertheSmith-Lever bill,forwhichtheSenatepassedthebillap-ropria'$11,000 to be expended’fie au ite in this work,5aenatepaidtributetopeakerWooten.bills passed.by.ont idlieve citizens ”wy \\ the late the STATESVILLE ‘WON GAME,| Defeated “Asheville Team atBasketballTuesdayEvening. .Phe Statesville basketball team was victorious in the game with the Ashe- _tyille Y,M.-C.A.team atthe armory: Tuesday night,the final result being 31 to 29 in favor of Statesville.The playing of both teams was very good and the game is declared to have beenthefinestcontesteverwitnessedhere.At'the close of ‘the regular gameperiodthescorestood29to29,.In accordance with the basketball rules the’game was continued to.play offthetie.Asheville made ‘two foulsa—one personal and one technical—giv- ing Statesville two chances at the basket,and Statesville scored both times,bringing her score up to 31.Only five minutes was consumed in playing off the.tie.The lineup of the teams was as fol-lows:Stateaville—McDufiie -rightforward,Kimball left:forward;Guy center,Morrison right.guard,Orr left guard;Asheville-——Lee right forward, ter,Meares right guard,’Young leftguard.Coach Freel of the States-ville team refereed.— The local basketball enthusiasts are naturally elated over the success oftheStatesvilleboys.“Asheville gave Statesville a good walloping-when tnelocalteamplayedthereand—theStatesvilleboysweredeterminedto “get it back”on Asheville Tuesday night.They‘were—in—fine—trim and“played to a-finish.”iA preliminary game was played by the “Blue:Midgets”and the Feimster school.team.The Midgets won by a score of 18 to 2. Work on Development at.Look- ‘out. Mr.W.S.Lee.of Charlotte,vice president of the Southern Power Com- pany,spent several hours at the scene of the power company’s operations on the Catawba river Tuesday..Mr,D. M.Ausley of Statesville accompanied Mr.Lee to the river and spent a short time there.: The work of constructing the bigconeretedamacross.the river,whichisbeingdonebytheHardawayCon-tracting Co.,is progressing nicely.‘The portion of the dam from the Ire-dell bank to the island in the’middleoftheriveriscompletedtoaheightof45feetandtheworkofputtinginthebigwaterwheels,which will be on the Iredell side,is in progress.When the Iredell end of the dam-iseompletedthewaterwillbeturnedthroughthegatesofthatportionofthedamwhiletheotheréndisbeing built.The dam will be nearly 100 Feet high.es.ee Miss Maude Patterson spent yester- day_in_Statesville “with —hier—sister,Mrs.Lula Rogers..She was return- ing home from New York. the age of 70 and over of jury duty. The House reconsidered the Bynum divorce law,allowing five years’sep-aration to -constitute cause for di-yoree,and killed-it.The measure had. previously passed by one vote.The Thomas act giving magistratesuniformjurisdictionintheStateandproviding‘that.both torts and.¢on-tracts may be tried by the justices upto$200,passed by the necessaty three-fifths majority and will be submit-ted-as a constitutional amendmentifitgetsthrough:both houses.|"Phe House passed the bill;67 to 32, appropriating $20,000 for the purchase‘of Mt.Mitchell.There was a stren-uous fight against the appropriation. ‘The House devotetl the night session to the State-wide fish commission bill, passing it on final reading--62 to 46. The debate among the eastern mem- bers,where:fish regulation is.al- ways a live issue,was strenuous,The House Monday unanimouslyelectedMr.T.©.Bowie Speaker to fill out.the unexpired term of SpeakerWooten.Mr.‘Bowie had served as Speuker pro tem from’the time ofMr.Wooten’s.disability and the_lat- ter’s death made the office vacant. Resolutions were adopted in honor ofthelateSpeaker.The machinery bill —passed final reading after amending sections 13,giving 5 per cent additional to theStateTaxCommissionfoscollectionofoverdueandunpaidinheritancetaxes,ahd providing that section 103 be amended so as not.to apply toBuncombecountyrelativetothecol-lection of taxes.This county has a local law covering the collection of taxes.Section 103 provides thatsheriffsmustsettle—.on’-the secondMondayinJanuary,but they-are giv-én an extension of 60 days and if theyfailtosettleinthattimethesheriffsaresubjecttoafineof$1,000 and anadditionalpenaltyof10percent.In the Senate a bill of Setiator Mec-Michael of Rockingham,to make itnamisdemeanortochargeagreater rate of interest than 6 per cent,wasvoteddown—only four votes being east for-it;—The-bill_to-establish_ayeformatoryforwomenpdssedthe Senate unanimously.i ; Thompson of Iredel)introduced abill“to authorize the commissionersofIredélltoissuebondstofunditsindebtedness.”:Bills passed:|»To ‘authorize thecommissionersofWilkesto’levy aspecialtaxfortheconstructionofaéountyjail;to provide full compensa-tion for solicitors when.defendants Stokely teft-forward,-Chamberscen-|- Alexander Will Vote Next Tuesday —.Business.Change—Recruit For Iredell Roads-—~Miss Campbell Finds’a Sorrespondence of The Landmark,Taylorsville,March 4,.-—The election for the $150,000 bond issue for good roads.will be held in this county Tues-day,the 9th,There will bethree is- sues of the Mountain Scout this week instead of the regular weekly issue,to give the advocates and opponents of the bonds an opportunity to gettheirviewsbeforepublic.There has been no publie speaking in thiseampaignbutithasbeencarriedon by letters in the Scout.ayJ.J.Hubbard &Son have sold theistockofmerchandise:to Mr.YM Watts of Watauga county.They havebeguntaking‘inventory and Mr.Watts will continue.the business.inthebuildingtheynowoccupy——theThurstonbuildingonMainstreet.—Mr.C.C.Rogers,an employe of the Bell Telephone Co.,moved hisfamilyfromStatesvillehereWed-nesday.They are oceupying the house-of Mr,J.—D._Little-—in_the ‘western part of town./; John--Grier,eelored,who was ‘con-vieted of forcible.trespass.at—Febru-ary court and sentenced to six months in.jail,the county commissioners giv-en the privilege of hiring him to an-other county to work on the ~chainfang.was hired by Iredell county andSheriffAdamstookhimtoStatesville Wednesday morning.coLawyerJ.H.Burke spent.Wednes- day in Charlotte.Mr.J.Robert Car-son went to Charlotte this ‘week andpurchaseda1915modelfive-passen-ger Ford automobile.& It will be of interest to the manyfriendsofMissSueCampbell'to knowthatshehaswondistinction:in hercourseinEnglishbaliadsunderProf. E.L,Starr at Salem Academy,Win-ston-Salem._Mr.Starr,who is inter-ested in the work of collecting balladsfortheNorthCarolinaFolkLoreSo- ciety,appealed to his class.to assist him and while Miss Campbell wasspendingtheChristmasholidayshere with hér parents,Mr..and Mrs.$d,C.Campbell}‘she went to visit hergrandmother,Mrs..R.E.Barnes,who r lorsville;and amonir Mrs.Bu wai’pa-vers Miss Campbell found ‘a ballad,‘Jimmy and Naney,”transcribed byMrs.Barneés'‘in 1853,The followingiscopiedfrom’‘2 Winston paper:‘itisthe-‘keecond ballad to be found inAmerica’the existence of which washithertounknown.The Folk Lore So-ei¢ty_of North Carolinaismaking awideappealtoarouseInterestincol-leeting all kinds ,of native folk lore. Within a few months a volume wi!! appear containing much new and un-suspected material.Of sbecial valueare18variants-of English and Scot-tish traditional ballads,one of which,discovered im the State just beforeChristmas,has never:before beenfound‘in |America..A .considerablenumberoftheairstotheEnglishandScottish.ballads will also appear inthisvolume.Prof.Starrmade an ap-veal to his English students,comingfromvarious.quarters of the State.‘for »their assistance in.collectingNorthCarolinaballads,~The work of‘Miss Sue Campbell is most noteworthy in this connection.,Among others which she unearthed in the vicinityofTaylorsvilleistherareandinter-esting ballad.“Jimmy and Nancy.’Prof.Brown,secretary of the-NorthCarolinaFolk.Lore.Society,in writ-ing to Prof.Starr hails this as one oftherarestballadfindsyet.unearthedinAmerica.In thefirst Piace it nasneverbeforebeenfoundinAmerica;in the second place it has never beenfoundinEnglandinjustthisform,for the version harks,back to the talesandversions,on.the continent—ver-sions in other languages than Eng-lish;“in the third place,the story ispeesbigtheoldestinballadryandaygobackeventothelegendsofGreece.This makes the second:bal-lad that has never before been knowntoexistinAmericaand.both:havebeenfoundinNorthCarolina.‘Jim- my and Nancy’is number 272 in Dr.Childs’authorative collection of Eng- lish ballads.”Snchlpetiecgrenfaeeniinaldatetnn Bankruptcy.Cases. Papers in bankruptcy proceedings against J.Fy Norris and Bert Mar-low,doing a mercantile:business atHickoryunderthefirmnameofNor-ris &Marlow,and Edwin M.Hukel, Jr.,at.Lenoir,an.accountant,havebeenfiledintheofficeoftheUnitedStatesIMstrictCoustchere,:The as-sets ,of Norris and*®Marlow are 32:671.98 ‘and the liabilities.$1,776.83.Hiukel’s assets are placed at $172.27and‘his.liabilities at $4,275.81.Judge Boyd has:declared all three ofthepartiesnamedbankruptsandhasreferredthecasestoMr,Stahle LinnofSalisbury.~~oaeeaial New Lumber Company to Be -Organized. ‘A.new lumber,company,to beknownas’the Success Lumber,Com-pany;is being organized in States-ville.The new company will take overthemachineryofthePhoenixLum-ber Co.and will move-the’plant to abuildingtobeerectedbyMr.J.A. Davidson,on the Taylorsville railroadjnsouthwestStatesville.The com-pony will be-ineorporated with a cap- ‘ital o verre are assigned to the roads)f $10,000...Messrs,J.L.Sloan, No new counties at this session.The}J.A.Hartness,J.E.Tharpe,W.R. bill,to establish Jarvis county was Sloan,J.0.Gaither,James Holmesandotherwillbetheineorporators. +>Mes,Chipley;-~wite of “Mr.S$.D, lives-about four-miles-north of-Tay-; Laeage a reergp neo een Stricken With Paralysis Yester- day and Died Last Night— Death of Mrs,Hubbard and ‘Others, Chipley,suffered a stroke of paralysis about 12 o’elock yesterday,at her home on east Broad street,and died consciousness.She was 54 years of ‘age and is survived by her husband’and four children.Funeral arrange- ments are deferred pending news from her son,Mr.Roy Chipley,who is in Chicago, Mrs.Emaline D.Morrison,widow of Milton G.Morrison,died Tuesdaymorningabout4o’clock at her homeinBethany:township,after a long ill-ness.The funeral and burial tookplaceWednesdaynoonat~Bethany]church,Rev.Ovid Pullen conducting|the service, t the late Wegley Nicholson of this|eounty and was 83 years old,Sur-,Vivine are a brother and sister,Mr.) W,M.Nicholson and.Miss Nancy!Nicholson of Statesville,amd the fol-| lowing named childven:.Mys._H.S_/Smith and Mr.8.Reece Morrison of Hickory,_Mr,Geo.Wi.Morrison_ofBethanytownshipand-Misses EffieandFlorenceMorrison,who lived withtheirmother.~~ Mrs.Elizabeth Joplin Hubbard,whohadbeenina-serious-condition a long time,died Wednesday afternoon about 5:30 o’clock at Her home ‘on Tradd|street.The remains were taken .to Peachland,Anson county.yesterday, for burial beside the grave of her hus-band,Mr.Jas.T.Hubbard,who ig several years ago.The burial was aPeachlandonaccountofrelativesliv-ing there.”:.Mrs.Hubbard was born and rear- ed at Chesterfield,S.C.,and was in the 70th year of her age.She had liv- cd in Statesville about 30 years.Sur- viving are the following*named_ehil- dren:Mrs.R.W.Soldsby of Augus- ta,Ga,Mrs.Van B.Weir of Gastonia, ‘irs.Joplin Johnson of Columbia,S.C.;Mrs.Ly J.,King of Mooresville,Miss Bettie Hubbard and Messrs.James,Thomas.and Prince Hubbardof‘Statesville.: -a5 Edward HenryMourer of Mt.'¥dicd Tuesday in Cincinnati,Ohio, aged 65 years.Only two relatives sur-ve—two daughters—Misses IrmaandLouiseMourer—both ...of .whom have been making their home «in formerly lived at--Memphis,.Tenn. News-of the Churches. A meeting of the executive commit- tee of Concord Presbyterial was heldatthehomeofMrs.R.W.Orr yes- terday.Members of the committee in attendance ‘were Mrs.J.H.Reid ofDavidson.Mrs.E.D.Brown of Loray, Mrs.D.R.Faggart.of Spencer,’Mrs.E..B.Watts,Mrs.C.E.Raynal,MissMamieMcElweeandMrs,Orr ofStatesville.The committee discussed plans.for the next meeting of the Presbyterial,which will be held inMooresville-early—in-April.——wthSundayafternoonat3o’clock at theFirstPresbyterianchurchtherewillbeameetingofallthémenofthechurchandcongregation,to ‘considertheworkofthechurch.Preaching at Bethesda Sunday at11o’clock.Rev.C.M.Campbell,the pastor,isconductingameetingatRaceStreet are being held each afternoon at 3,o’clock and at 7:30 m the evening,Services ©at Trinity —EpiscopalchurchSunday.The Woman’s Home and ForeignMissionarySociety.of ‘St.John’s E. L.ehurch will close the week of pray- er Services with a public meeting Sun- day evening.at 7:30 o’clock.The pro- gramme,entitled “Receiving and Ren-dering,”will be presented by the la-dies.The public is ‘cordially invited. Dr.Chas.Anderson’of StatesvillewillpreachattheMethodistchurchatTroutmanSundayafternoonat3 o'clock.” Revenue Collections Large. Although February is the shortestmonthintheyear,the revenue col- lections through Collector Watts’of- fice the past month were the largestinthehistoryofthe_office,CashierCarson’s records shéw collections dur- ing.February as follows:Lists $5,-966.54,special tax $942.36,tobacco, cigarettes,cigars and snuff $679,072.-45,opium tax $92.48,opium order blanks $142.90,documentary .and proprietary stamps stamps $64.22—a grand total of $695,- 173.40,Boa ;The’largest amount collected in a single month up to.last month was$692,000 collected last June.While the: documentary and proprietary stampsandtheopiumtaxareresponsiblefor some of the.increase,the opium tax having become effective March st, the inérease is due principally to.the increased:sales of tobacco.stamps. Disagréement About a Bridge Sn,at Island Ford. Newton Enterprise. It 48 possible that litigation.mayarisebetweenthe~Southern PowerCompanyandCatawbacountyovertheannuliment,of the ford across theCatawbariveratIslandFordby‘the.power company’s dam.No steps.haveheentaken,‘but there are rumors thatthereinaybe#disagreementas toi last night at 12:45 without regaining|’ TBURyne ee Statesville for some time.Mr.Mourer}: Methodist church this week.Services} $8,892:46,-.wine} |tel building,is being remodeled. ROAD BOND *ELECTION.|MRS.§.D.CHIPLEY DEAD.NEWS ITEMS OF {NTEREST.|BRIEF ITEMS Happenings Here and There in the State, The Enterprise says there are sev- eral cases of smallpox in Mooresville...ActhurLopp,_the.negto--who—lostbethlegs.while.trying to ride afreighttrainatLexington,died in Salisbury,where he was “taken for treatment. The Durham bar will banquet ex-President Taft at Durham on the oc, casion of Mr,Taft’s visit to ChapelHill,where he lectures on the 17th,18th and 19th.— Thad.R.Manning,former editorandowneroftheHenderson‘GoldLeaf,died,yesterday at his ‘home at|Henderson,aged 58.He had been an! invalid for several years. An individual who gives the name of Adam’B.Cookman was arrested at Lowell,Gaston county,.this week, by Postoffice Inspector Hodgin,TorjtherobberyoftheMt.Holly post- Mrs.Morrison was a daughter of |office.Cookman is in jail in Charlotte.| Yadkin county road bond election will be held on the 26th...A.meeting:at Yadkinville "Monday was address- ed by ex-District Attorney Holton and H.B.Varn@ in behalf of the bond is- The dwelling,barn and other build- ings of A.B.Hudson,a Pitt county- farmer,were burned this week,caus-ing a _loss_of $8,000.No insurance.The fire originated from a chimney in the house.i Sandy Shoaf,a_citizen.ofcolor,-is in.jail at Winston-Salem,“charged with choking his wife to death,Nat-urally he claims self-defence.He‘says he had to choke her to get hertoreleaseherholdonhim.: Mr.McD.Watkins,a prominent cit-izen of Charlotte.died Wednesday ofpneumoniaafterashortillness.Hewas68yearsold,a native of Vir-ginia and served in the Confederate army:as a youth.He had lived inCharlottesince1881. Vance Ransom Price of Forest CityandMissWillieEltzabethHoyleof Lincoliton,who is 16 years of ageandwasuntilSaturdayastudentatBoilingSpringsAcademy,near Shel-by,were married in Spartanburg,8.C.Monday.by Judge J.J.Burnett... Gov.Craig has nardoned JanieNoellofRowancounty,convicted in abduction of young.girls and sen-tenced to five years in State prison.The woman’s husbandis:serving atermof15‘yeats for the same of- fence.. Rockingham Post:A large pile ofcottonseedwhichcanghtfire‘whenMr...W\-Diges*gin was_burned._thelatterpartofDecember-is _still burning.Through all the continuous, and heavy rains of the past two months’the pile of seed—gave—-out smoke and glow and Monday wasstillburning.The gin was burned onthe28rdofDecember. Reading and Music. The readings by Miss KatherineWickKellyandthemusicalnumbersbymembersoftheMcDowellMusic Tuesday evening,under the auspicesoftheCivicLeague,were a real treat.The entertainment deserved a largeraudience,but those so fortunate as to be present were appreciative.—Miss Kelly gave four recitations,all of.them excellent,the monologueandthe“Bixby,Inheritance”probablythebest.She is a fine interpreter andher-work-was-very good-indeed_Interspersed with the readings werepiano.solos by Mrs.DeWitt RamseyandMrs.R.B.MeLaughlin and a vo-cal solo by Mrs..Costin Wood,Mrs. McLaughlin accompanist,all good andallofwhichaddedmuchtotheeve-ning’s enjoyment,Miss Kelly and Miss.Noyes of Bos-ton,who are touring the South.weretheguestsofMrs,Culley while inStatesville.They went from ‘States- ville to-Columbia,’S.C. Attorneys in Referee Case. Attorneys ©.W.Tillett of Char- lotte,Haywood «Parker ‘of Asheville, J.C.L,Byrd of Marion and Judge T. A.Jones of Asheville were in States- ville Tuesday in’conference with Hon. W.D.Turner,’who is referee in thecaseoftheUnitedStatesvs.S.Mont- gomery Smith and others,condemna- tion proceedings involving about 10,-000 acres of land in Yancey county,which the government is securing fortheAppalachianForestReserveatacostofmore‘than $100,000,The gov- ernment has already agreed to takethetand;but there:is some «disputeaboutthetitlesofsomeofitandthematterofdeterminingwhoshallre-eeive the money from the governmentwasreferredtoMr.Turner.The at-torneys here this week represent per-sons who have claims -agaifist theproperty,etc.Mr.Turner will go to branch of the case. Timbers From An Old Building, The room oécupied by Harbin’smeat.market;in the St.Charles:ho- .The St.Charles is one of the land: to vhich ought to build a’bridgeserethepurpowe-of the ford...“ jon just asthe tree was cut, |residence on north Centerstreet”‘for-~ | -in-the} ‘club,in the graded:school:auditorium| a ee oN Burmeville March 16th to hear another|..~/ruesday members of the marks of the town’and ‘its interiorandtheexteriortosomeextent-—hasbeenchangedmanytimes‘since itwasbuilt..In the work tiow/in prog- LOCAL .NEWS. |Mr,Carl Rogers and family mov-ed this week from Statesville to Tay-|lorsville.my --Mr,Jas.E,Tharpe has purchased‘from Mr.R,M.Knox of Hickory the |merly occupied by Mr.Knox,|All Confederate veterans.wid-ows:and first descendants of Confed- lerate veterans whe wish crosses ofhonorshouldapplytoMrs."D.8. /Thomas.me Pane : —The Y.W.A.of the First Baptist.church will give a silver tea at thehomeofMr.J.EB.Heinzerling to-night for the benefit ef Statesville’s needy sick. .f Mr.and Mrs,J,Hugh Bryant,|who had been living at the Gaither|boarding -house,began housekeepingithis.week in Mr.-E.Ay Fry’s houseonWaterstreet.RMON rete —About half enough for the phon-oeraph for the county home has beensubseribedandotherswillingto.sub-iseribe are reminded to communicateiwithMr.W.L,Gilbert. —Sheriff Deaton | } has sold a lotonnorthCenterstreettoMr.FrankBrvantandhasboughtfouracresofland—adjoinine his farm,~oftown,.from Mr,B..H.Crouch, —Nelse McLelland,ten or twelveyears-old,son Mr.“Duck”McLel-land of Sharpesburg township,suf--fered a broken arm Wednesday atSuanveideschool,where he was a pu-pil,Ee Ee ed =Miss ula NetBaker and Mr.~ Thos.R.Robertson,.a Mooresvillecouple,were married in the commis-'-sioners’room at the court house yes-*terday afternoon,~Justice “W.Moore officiating.; —Henry Hoke,colored,an.esca convict.from the Iredell chain.gang,was,arrested in Winston-Salem a“few days avo and was brought toStatesvilleWednesdaynightbySher-iff ‘Deaton,who went after hi_iJohn Harris,alias Grier)a neero» se ‘ who was sentenced-inperiorCourttoserve six monththeIredellchaingangforlarwasbrought‘to StatesvillebySheriffAdamsofAlexginhisterm.Conte —IThe burning out of a chimney atthehomeofJohnRobertson.¢eotored,|Lon ury street,about 6:40:day afternoon,caused the fitobecalledout.The scare.wasbeforethetruckreachedthescene,damage resulted.wi Wa S Mrs.J.L.Sloan has beenMr.-Sloan at Black“Mountain:«Tuesday:She-is-expected:tohome_thisevening.There lechangeinMr.Sloan’s atlastaccount,He is suffering princi-pally from nervousness,es —~Mr.-W.T.Nicholson of States~ville attended a meeting of the execu-tive committee of the North CarolinaFuneralDirectors’Associationin Ren.derson this week,The committeearrangementsfortheannual meetiioftheassociationto‘be’heldGreensborothe4thofMay. —Mrs.Mollie Turner,‘who makesherhomewithherson-in-law,Mr.8.Page,in Cool Spring}}fered a stroke of.paraieats Friday anhassincebeeninaseriouscondition.Her son,Dr.J.P.TurnerofGreens-horo,spent the first of the weeks -bet returning to,Greensboro Wednes-avg , —A company of eopper-colored in-dividuals,whose straight black hair Land re —eppes NCe-MaIC 3theydescendedfromtheoriginalhabitantsofthiscountry,»near Statesville Wednesday niyesterdayanoldwoman,a gir!:‘of the,business boy made a canvass ©section of ‘the town.| visit to her parentA.Sherrill.“Mrs.Cushin;terday at Black Mountainbrother,Dr.E.A.‘Sherrill,‘wlundertreatmentthere..His.friewillbepleasedtoknowthat Dr,Sherrill continues to improve... —The wife of Henry Jolinson,-well known colored citizen,droppeddeadyesterdayafternoonatherhomeneartheNorthStateVeneer’Copany’s plant.She was about 60yoldandhadbeensubject:to attackheartfailureforsome}eewas.Seated on the back porch |home when the ‘sudden summons —The bill to allow the Iredell:missioners to issue $100,000:o£:to take care of ‘outstanding indnessandcompletetheroadagreeduponbythecomm‘Monday and outtined‘in theofTheLandmark.was prtoRaleigh.’Whether there istogetthemeasurethroughthislaturebeforeadjournment”ful,but it is thought itthrough, Ladies’Aid Society took so:cies to inmates of the county.‘fag is their custom about once'aandthoseofthemwhohadhonte.in or ages jheentheresincethenewbtconstructed,were delighted .)they saw—e modérn and” and t uilding ; be—a al what,it ought totheagedandinfirm,eee ee ue tet oe icksiineadcnelbe Mea the building that had been‘put in,just]«Congressman Doughton ‘has:as they were cut oe the forest,mended “R.M.Miller }probably tight near.the!|~round,i ‘uthewn timbers,some with the bark]rural oe ‘of Cleveland on the issue. [WILL BEGIN ON MARCH 22. Investigation of Carter-Aber- THE RIGHT IDEA, 2 Landmark sees it,State ©.Max Gardner of Cleve-! v nty has the right idea of the;he eoimittee appointed to investi- of a representative.Senator pate the Carter-Abernethy trouble had passed for his county an)made the following report.to thehingtheofficeofcounty’House of the Legislature Tuesday .After the act was passed ment which vi are e anet‘ndicati _|“The special legislative investigat- wes:made,the indleaHign he ing committee appointed by virtue ofthatthemoversintheprotestHousebill1155andHousebill1442,‘the county tréasurer and his}has unanimously agreed that the.mat-A:petition.was circulated ters inyolved in the resolutions afore-Signed asking the Senator to have said cannot be impartially antl thor- :‘oughly investigated during the re-‘act repealed and restore the office,maining days of thé present,session Senator Gardner refused to rescizid.|of the Legislature.; .said he hadcarefully studied the|“Being fully cognizant of the grav- 'Counsel For Carter Demand Specifications as to the Wo- men Involved, —Nnethy Case Opens on the 22d!tain ested,to the State and to ourselves as erators,including ‘the end that such action ‘hy toJustice and to right may apy(“Manning &Kitchin,P.M,Pe Adams,J.F.Spainhour,of counselforJudgeCarter,”: orado Militia.:: forado militia for its treatment ofistrikingminersandtheirfamiliesismadebytheminingsub-conmitteeoftheHouseofCongresswhichJnvesti-gated conditions in the Colorado coal|fields,in.a report.made public Tugs- |day.While scoring conditions Ren-, J.E.Swain,A.Holt Johnson,J,G.| COLORADO MINE AFFAIR, Congressi onal Committee Criti-! cises Rockefeller and the Col,” |.A scathing arraignment of the Gol- ken:there at the present session He, Being fi lerally in the coal fields and cfiticis-|_ ation and he believed it was-best|ity of our duty to the parties inter-/ine many-of the-ucts of the-mine-7%alleged violattor:| he public interest to abolish the)1 embers of the House,it has been!of State laws,the committee reports | 3 that it was unnecessary and!determined that,it would not be.fair,|that no evidence was found of a con-}. public business could .be.more|judicious or proper to undertake to)spiracy in restraint of trade to limit ff giently conducted without it; this idea so prevails that the treasur-|account,haviig dus remand.46 othe The strike was:settled longceed P's office has,been abolished in 40 to!functions of the committee,we ave|the.committee eompleted its report, F860 ‘counties of ‘the State during the|fixed March 22,1915,at 10.o'clock a. Ss :ae .;m.,in the hall of the House of Rep-!} ‘Present or va ~eeioiatures |resentatives as the time and place to|and Senator Gardner says he is per-begin the investigation of matters:em-| ectly willing to go before the people!braced in-said resolution.| (“Matters of satiate Beeeens an)~ae !iep.|duct will first be investigated and;peas re et ae cer matters relating to this phase of the| resentat ?investigation,‘therefore,’in ~posses-|iple;,but at the same time he should sion of the committee will be furnish- Study public questions and do what-|ed the interested parties on or before} and any other sufficient! so no specific recommendations are| made.The committee appeals,how-/ever,for arbitration in such situa-! tions.It declares these disturbances |are nation-wide in their importance; that the Federal government is the| only power competent to deal with them,and,after referring to the.tes- timony of John D..Rockefeller,Jr., who disclaimed responsibility for Colorado-eenditions,adds:Td 1“Owners or directors,by their ab-}‘ever he is-cotivinced is for the public|March 12, »good.He should not be moved sim- ply because some large and influential lement-asks that something be done -or not.done;and when convinced of ae the righteousness of his cause he matters ‘touching the same subject |sence from the scene of speh disturb- tion of the commitiee-will,in-a-rea-|sponswbility “for conditions in and|gonable time,be furnished thé inter-|about properties in which they are m-|ested parties.cee ;terested.”fe 4'“Upon conclusion of this aspect of|The committee criticised the State| lthe matters under investigation,the|authorities for not preventing the | ithat thereafter’comes to the atten-|ances,cannot escape their moral re. that|discharge our duty in the premises by|the output of the mines nor’conelus-| |piecemeal or superficially,and on ‘that/ive proof of the existence of peonage.| ~The Thinkersof theCountryArethe Tobacco Chewers”— said one of the greatest thinkers:_this country ever produced?) :|:Says the Judge:: y+“My ‘brain grasps the points of acasemoreeasilywhenI’m chewingPICNICTWIST.I suppose it’s be-“Cause “ofthé ventle”stimulation that °°PICNIC TWIST gives without theaftereffectsof“strong’’tobacco. “Have you.évet noticed how3manygreatjuristschew?.Well,there’snothingbettertooilthewheelsofjusticethanPICNICTWIST,” __Have you ever wished for a tobacco that you could seep on chew-ing without feeling that you were aver-chewing? _.Foralohg time you've really been looking for PICNIC TWIST,:‘with its lasting sweet taste,and true tobacco satisfaction with no“come-back.””_ Compare PICNIC FWIST in taste,looks,convenience or an)other way,with any dark“heavy”tobacco.‘Then you'll know the advantage-of chewing the light,mild,mellow ES of the leaf,the only kind that goes into PICNI ould use his own judgment and go’othen matters comprised in the reso-| ahead.Many representatives,who lutions aforesaid willbe immediately ||that certain things should—be}investigated.”er done,went-move uniess ihe.people Counsel Ask For Specifications.| ask them to or get behind them:a Judge Carter's”counsel:filed with|uch-force that they feel safe.Re-\the committee of investigation thecentlyTheLandmarkhearda.legisla-|fqllowing::: tor say that a certain law ought by’‘Judge .Carter stands accused,| all means to be passed for his county,2™onest other things,of grossly im-|;:r ;7 moral conduct with women at.Ral-!but he complained that he couldn’t get eigh,Clihton,:Wilmington and .Lil.the people interested.to ask for it.lington,while holding court in those;It didn’t seem to occur to himthat,Places.qe heng informed as te viet I ;A courts’the charges relate,although} >heSd went to the Legislature to do he has had perhaps 30 weeks of courts| ‘what he believed was for the best in-in the four places named;neither is) terest of his ‘people;that they elected |he informed as to the names ,of the}him for that purpose and expected women charged (except bythe ru-| oe ):-mors~--which —constantly edd new} oe ibang inthe:absence’of names),although he was necessarily|instructions.associated with several at each place.|This does not mean that a legis-|He asserts that his associations were,paposl go ahead in all cases.xe-¢xclusively with women of i char-| ‘hae acter and of unexceptionable:repute.|iedléss of the wishes,of his people.‘c'We respectfully submit that it is,They have a right to be heard;and “not.consonant with the most elemen-| irs :e honestly and ‘conscientiously be-|mittee,upon such general allegations,| ee best,‘regardless :dd oanied the incidents of Judge Carter's‘elamor.Publie clamor isn’t always|»ssociations with any or all of these! cvs Bites to Germany.ter hearing them he should do what;tary principles of justicé for thecom=|—The Redaral : it proceed:to”hear evidence!dealing |customs law in connection with the sale of firearms to the contending}parties.“The mine owners -shippec|machine guns from West Virginia for} use-during the strike,”it adds,“and! the evidence conclusively.shows:the} miners bought arms and ammunition TWIST. There are few better preservatives of the teeththanPICNICTWIST.— in quantities.wfCriticismisdirectedalso:at condi-|tions in incorporated towns ‘where| “the companies are permitted to put) up a sign,‘private property,’and ex-|clude all except those whom ‘they/see fit to enter,all the officials .of| the city,the mayor and_the|school; board,being officials of the mining | companies.”'| The committee declares that John| D.Rockefeller,Jr.,did nothing to im-|prove the conditions of the employes|of the company in which he is stock=; ‘holder and director,though he has | ‘done a great:deal for the uplift ‘of | people ir other,parts of the country| and'in foreign lands.”| Indicted For Furnishing Sup-| it grand jury in New York,investigating violations,.of the furnishing of supplies to:Germapcrujgers,inpthe Atlantic,has returned@voice)of the people. eatenetmete GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT. good women,to allow the name of};;;P,,esa two,1a nts against the HamburgianygoodwomantobedraggedimandSenamenallegedtohave CHEWING TOBACCO “The Thinkers ofthe Country Are the Tobacco Chewers” It comes,also,i economical,freshness-preservingdrumsof11twistsfor50c..abo oril 3 :iter.Apart from the question’ofusetheyhavenot,read the act OF)Judge Carter’s rights,ought not thewishtoprejudicetheuninformedwomantobeputuponnoticeandhave against it—we prefer to—believe thea reasonable-opportunity to~protectrmer—try to make it appear,or her name and fame.The meanest east te the i :the t,Harlot would have that right*in court, eee 108Ne ie SOD eRe Len,4°)ought the committee.to deny.it to wo-rural segregation measure,pro-|men of repute?: posed by the Farmers’Union,would!.“If Judge Carter must follow.this prevent a farmer renting Jand to ne-|Committee on a roving commission groes.It does nothing of the aort.|°°run down rumor end,‘gopsip,as.ttesreBertleadtoonewoman’s door or an-Any farmer,or any other citizen,|other,he has a burden that was nevercanemploynegroesorrentlandtobeforelaiduponanaccusedpublicof-as he doe::j.|ficial or the most degraded criminal. Dy.“to ee hte That is.his burden,if the.committeePerecenegroesSuyNS)declines his demand for a reasonable|land in white communitiesif a ma-specification of.the charges againstjorityofthewhiteland-ownersobject.him.5 ey bat is fair and just.No white man|a anyth Fane whe bars rtennhrownwithJudgeCarterofficiallyor;went te ae land to NEBTOCS|socially is liable suddenly to find hersettleamongwhitepeople,where |name and conduct under discussion in egro-is-objectionable,for évery-|the open hearings prescribed for thislyknowsthatinsuchcasestheycommnitiee,nance prior la a ee BS se ‘implication,then ‘it must be said thatmeofproperty‘is depreciated and |iietice and the ‘basic instincts ofmesthewhitelandholdersare|North Carolina manhood have parted yun out;and if a white man has no/company.\The normal conscience ana‘more ‘consideration for his own race |the-c@institution of our State are at)‘ n to do that,a ‘way should be/one in condemning general warrantsfoundtostophim.Existing condi-|veer fa san devout te tne tions are not disturbed;and in com-|“We ask no special consideration Tunities where negroes own the ma-for Judge Carter because the peoplejorityofthelandnomoreistobe|have one a to we high:::|office;we ask no special consideration es veorle if th NERO |Foy any of the women who may beGholders:object.‘involved in this investigation becauseTheopponentsofruralsegregation|of their prior good repute;for him mostly large landholders who have 27d them we ask only the considera- no consideration for small landhold-|Hon Si ee be’de- ers,orpeople in towns who would!“To Judge Carter and to those whoraisetheroofifanegroboughtprop-|believe him to be an honorable manerty.by them—should be fair in their |and ee judge,it has seemed a‘ition d ee |great hardship not to say an injus-oppo :oe not Ree eee that such legislative use shouldthroughhignoranceorotherwise,i be nen of utterly irresponsible ru-napa ASUSaaeioaeee ;|mor and gossip as to compel.him to‘TheMonroe Journal man,who asks}demand an investigation for the vin-embarrassing questions sometimes,|dication of himself and innocent thirdwantstoknow,if Col.Roosevelt |Persons;but that oh been done,andWd--raise i ithis_committee is,the quasi judicial.Bsr =regunent-of cavalry tbody.duly..constafuted to .make..suchforwarpurposes,as he is threaten-|investigation.Rumor has sufficed toing:to do,what in blazes Col.Roose-|send large issues of official and pri-Velt’s cavalry would do ‘on the sea,|vate Sei this tribunal,ere the fighting,if any,would be?|Ve Tespectfully ~inquire whetheraecd*|Judge Carter .and several unnamedShucks,man,don’t you know that|women areto be:deemed indicated.byregimentofcavalrycommanded|rumor—whether you propose to sobyCol.Roosevelt wouldn't stop for conduct your procéedings that atSueh-ponds of water as the Attantic,(ytY stage of the investigation JudgeSeMarieweanyother?that’thes varter and any good woman with e :+ODB ey;whom he may have associated,eitherwouldbeeqitallyathomeonseaor)officially or privately,are liable to beJandandwouldfighttheenemyun-|®™bushed by such surprise attatks asthewaterfrozeandthenfight’em|malice may falsely devise?ianzy;“On behalf of Judge Carter anontheice?No,sif;you couldn’t stop’those third persons who as yet stan Col,Roosevelt once he got a-goin’.|defenceless in’the ‘background,’weTheAtlanticwouldbenomoreto|2W rae this ae manner theth,request which.we have unsuccessfullyPcie,Goose creek,in pee county |urged at every prior stage of theseeeenoesthiscommitteere-_.Seeememeeeneme uire that.some person come fAshevilleafewdaysagoHazel|forthwithwith“definite,chohben‘whichpameas14yearsold,was,shot by |are reasonably specific.as to -time,ill Johnson,16 -years old,nd.died |place and person,.and unless suchqpothcolored,Johnson is in|charges are made within a reasonableimstheshooting.was ac-|limit;of time,to be specified,that theate.default be reported tothe House to ‘her conduct.investigated withontiprior heart hastad with.the shipments.jome of thenewspapers,eithér be-/Potice either to her or to Judge Car-tad“The indictments—charge-conspiracy! to defraud the government through the filing at the custom house of false records,false clearance of vessels and false manifests eargo. The conspiracy,it is charged in the indictments,was formed on Avgust 1,Jast,and includes the defendants named.and other persons unknown tethegrandjury.‘The-indictments charge that the conspiracy,continueduntilFebruary25last,was formed bythedefendantswithothersto“unlaw-fully,corruptly,wilfully and.feloni- lously_defraud_the-United-States”by}chartering steamships falsely clearedfromportsintheUnitedStateswith the intent of having the vessels by direction.of .supercargoes placed on them,proceed to various places other than those.mentioned in clearance pa- pers and there meet and deliver toshipsbelongingtoorunderthecon- trol_and-direction-of—aforeign-coun-;Relieves by inhalation and Absorption.try the supplies.falsely described.inthemanifestsrecordedatthecustom house. Suit Against:Morgan For Wash- ot ington Will. Attorney Gerieral Pollard of Vir-ginia has asked the Supreme Court oftheUnitedStatesforleavetofileasuitinbehalfoftheStateagainstJ.P.Morgan to recover Martha Wash-ington’s will. The will,it is allegéd,was taken from the Fairfax county,Virginia, court house during the civil war and eventually found its way to the late},J..Pierpont Morgan’s collection ofhistorical-documents.The State otVirginiacontendsthatJ.P.Morganinheritedthewillfromhisfatherbuthehasnotitletoitandhehasre-fused to return it. THICK,GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls!Try it!Your Hair Gets Soft,Fluffy and Luxuriant at Once. If you care for heavy hair,that-glistens with beauty and is radiantwith.life;-an_incomparable-soft= ness and is fluffy and lustrous,tryDanderine,Just one application doubles thebeautyofyourhair,besides it imme-diately dissolves’every particle of dandruff;you cannot have nice,heavy,healthy hair if you.have dandruff.This destructive seurf robs the hairofitslustre,its strength and its verylife,and if not overcome it producesafeverishnessanditchingofthescalp;the hair roots famish,loosenanddie;then the hair falls out fast._If your hair has been neglected andisthin,faded;dry,scraggy or toooily,get_a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine at,any drug store ortoiletcounter;apply @ little as direct-ed and ten minutes after you will -saythiswasthebestinvestmentyouever é sincerely eve,regardless ofeverythingelseadvertised,that if.a dsire soft,lustrous,aulifulhair-and lotsofit—mo dandruf j.itehing scalp’and no morehair—jyou mustuse Knowlton’s,dering,If tually—why not} r dh —_ “The bilFto divide South ‘Carolina into two Federal court districts,which |} will mean the appointment of anoth- er judge,has passed Cong he The bill also requires the President tomakepublicthenamesof“cponfors for_anyapplicant for appointment asjudge. New Treatment forCroupandColds | No Stomach Dosing.’; Plenty éf fresh air in the bedroom andagoodapplicationofVick’s ‘*Vap-O-Rub™ Salve over the throat and chest is the bestdefenseagainstallcoldtroubles,« The medicated vapors,released by thebodyheat,loosen the phlegm,clear the i airpassages and soothe the inflamed mem.|brarie.addition,Vick’s is absorbedthroughtheskin,25c,50c,or $1.00. THE.GENUINE HAS THIS TRADE MARK“VAPCRUB’ VICK’S $22,222 SALVE | Solid Wood Transfer Sections. Full Letter Size.Price$2.00 per section. Statesville Printing Co. TinRoofing Along-with the dry.”summer “months come ‘the fire risks. Why not use good gradeof tin roofing to overcome fire risks _-and make-permanent roof,— -Statesville Tin Co., H.C.MOHLER,Manager.."9 "PHONE 68., Adding Machine Paper ~We have two sizes,-Sell it by the Roll. é ,dust Received a Car Load of Fencing. e can give you exactly what you want in the Fenceline~-Hog,Cattle,Poultry,and Game—Horse High,—-—Bull Strong,Pig Tight——- \WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS YOU CAN BUILD a fence quicker and easier. need fewer repairs. good materials.The one question is whether wemakegoodourclaims.WE HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE..Eaecag myskipactincoh nineoch wicca cap lececmntclac _Iredeil Hardware Co. PPSPPSESISET Sorosseooseoes Tosseso sessTFseseTTT FSFTeeeeT eeeeteeeeeee eeeeeTothhoottell eee eee secon. Just in.Solid Gold Lavalliers at $2.50 ©© ‘sounds mighty cheap to us.How does it sttike you?Come in and see them, Add to this good mate-§rials and your fence will last longer,look better and %é We know as well as you do that.&rther argument is necessary for good tools and { NICE LOTOF NEW SPRING JEWELRY| R.H.RICKERT &SON,| ee e er s At : Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes. ee .m5am.vat pm910:26 Dp.m.10.36 a m.115 p.m.ties0)pea.m.,‘AND TAYLORSVILA®’ Hi tyain No.16 ar.9.50,leaves|10.85 a,m.Nd.Train No.24 ar,(8.85,leaveq 8.85 p,m. -lqrain No.23°mr.10:00,leave)10:40 a.m.Vrain No.16 ar.6:20,leaves |6 z pe‘Nos.28 and 24 are notoperated on p, Miller-McLain Supply Co. ~DIXON'S ELDORADO PENCILS reesofhardness.‘JustthethingforBookkeepers Statesville Printing-Co, _FRAZIER BROS. that leaky tin roof and. Mi against sleet and snow."PHONE ~~--63 con eater laitshahtree tearmte FINE CLEANING AND.DYEING—'PHONE 147— :Sloan Pressing Club.© ECLIPSE ENGINESAND.THRESHERS. I will,have some of our lateststylemachineshereiConteover-the-are in town and see ther |’s talk it over. Near the Depot.Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7.. EXAMINATION OF |PUPILS. Explanation of Seventh Grade ™|Correspondence of The Landmark. For fear that:some of the teachers do not fully understand the the examination to be given to the!; Friday,|damages on account of new road,$35; Fresh Vegetables! |Since the examinatio )weeks prior to the county commence- iment,it is absolutely necessary that ‘the papers be forwarded promptly so|ter’s office $1,supplies for clerk’s of- |Grove school|is+with—Messrs..S.-J.Knox and Sam .and for the benefit of the schoo!ing.f ‘a contest for the “Pretties ~Examination For Comencement. ty Com- m.|Wagener $5.50,G.Sunday.|bacle &Milholland $49.26, NTY.. y Com-|I Sti. In Pegulat monthly session Monday,the county commilbaionare Oraured the!payment of the following claims |against the county:©gah cssCountyHome—W.@.Perry,salaryas‘superintendent,jbewle,Luci: Fite and wife,work,$20}Ri La e,|salary as farm coe $35;Hay-:wood Turner,farm han $12.80;PolkGrayDrugCo.,ee:CityFlour‘Milling Co.$8180,W..¥.Hall$5.85,Iredell Farmers’)Union Ware-house $16.43,J.Bi.Sloop $3.60,C.M.‘M.ate Parks $6.95,.State Drug Co.$7.- 90,Sloan Clothin »$20.40,Smith&Brown $2.05,Mills &Poston $4.58,Waugh &Barringer $11,all for sup-plies;W.H..Crawford &Co,nursery- men,trees,$39.32.Pept : Jail—c.L,Gilbert,jailer,#112.90; seventh grade,pupils onMarch26,this further explanation ismade::The teachers of seventh grade sub-jects will conduct this examinationintheirrespectiveschools.The ques- tions will be furnished to the teachers nation are as follows: ‘Arithmetic,“geography, nature-of|ville Drug Co.,26 cents. thouse,:50-cents; English,|x .Nn | civil govern-|$6.40,for conveying prisoners to jail: Fred B.Phifer,svnplics.*7°9;city of Statesville,lights;"83.23;States- 'Miscellaneous—A,°C.Harrelson, Fred B.Phifer,supplies«for court|Lazenby-Montgom-ery Hardware Co.,supplies,$19.84;Falconer Company,jes for rez-'ister’s office,$25;C.C..burialexpensesofSarahA.York,widow of;Hin-due-time.The-subjects ‘for exami-|Confederate veteran,$20;MooresvilleEnterprise,publishing tax notices,$5.-. 25;M.D;Tilley:$4.50,W:-A.Brown| mert.-The_teachers-are to grade all)The Landmark,publishing:court.cal- |papers carefally and send them in at,endar. Loncé’to the examination epee |who will review the papers|a ize the grades as nearly as possible.is only _two the committee may complete the work jgnd make necessary arraignments for certificates,etc. The examination and certification out the county is a matter of consid- ‘erable importance and the teachersarerequestedtoaidineverypossible‘way.All pupils who are prepared to leave the seventh grade work and do|successful high school work should be 'enéouraged to take the examination: those who’are not .prepared'should not be so advised,In no case should ‘any announcement of results be made until final announcement is made by. the’committee.The teachers are further:requested to ascertain the number of pupils in their respective schools,who will take the examination and report at the next meeting of the Teachers’As- sociation,March 13...COMMITTEE. “amine ie ianlciabs tani EatasataalePR A Chestnut Grove School—Pretty Girl and Ugly Boy.- Correspondence,of The Landmark.Cool Spring,March 2.—Chestnut progressing nicely Reid,teachers.These competent teachers had a box stpper last Friday| /night,26th,which Was a great suc-cess’and:was enjoyed by all who~at- ‘tended.Proceeds,amounting to $20,wil]-be used for purchasing a libraryuild- YES ere wasGirl”‘and ula Eidson r of votes After the boxes were sold the “Ugliest Boy.”Miss forthe best-looking girj/and the boy ‘who received the most #otes was Mr. } in a short:first time | } ee Nice Fresh Meats Fancy Groceries WP Alexander&Br.| WHITE KID GLOVES *Cleaned’as white as esnotchalkedbutcleaned. ’Phone GILLESPIE,350. Seeds,Seeds! Red Bliss Potatoes,Irish Cobbler,Onion Sets,4 Ferry’s Gar|Flower Seed,Sweet Peas. Phone uswhat you . NOTICE!~HOLLAND BROS.have changedtheir‘phone humber from177to7.©|Call No,7 for drayiaeeee og grades jf/ |4 +—well,the write?expects if hewantstoliveanddofvellhehad.bet-ter not say any mofe.oe USE “tiZ”FOR RE,TIREP,ACHING FEET DP,Burning,Sweaty,No More Puffed-_Calloused Feet or Corns, “°TIZ?makes Good-bye ‘sore feet,burning feet, swollen feet,smelling feet,tired fett. Good-bye corns,|callouses,bunionsandraw.spots.Na more shoe tight-ness,no more limping with pain orgrewiteupyour:fave in agony.“TIZ” is‘maoutall|the poisonous exudations whichpuffupthefeet-—the only remedythatdoes.Use “TIZ”and wear smal-ler shoes.|Ah!how comfortable yourfeetwillfeel.“TIZ”.is.a -delight.“TIZ”is harmless.‘Get 2-25 cent box of “TIZ”now at any druggist or department —store. Don’t’‘suffer.Have’good feet,-gladfeet,feet that never swéll;never hurt, never get tired.A year’s foot com- fort guaranteed or money refunded. Cooking:Recipes.~ -Geta neatlittle card indexoutfitforthem.Only 90c, Statesville Printing.Co. SALE OF MILL. By virtue of a décrcee of the Superior Court in the special proceeding entitted D,F.May-berry vs...dé—D,..Williams.and.others,-we.willon;FRIDAY,MARCH 12,1915,at 1 o'elock p,m.on the premises,sell at pub-lic duction the property xnown as the Wil- laims mill,containing 22 acres,in New Hopetownship,.on the |Wilkesboro sand-clay road, On the premises jis a burh flour mill.cornmill,,store:rouse |and outbuildings,©This is a fine water power,and the title is good,Salewilltakeplaceonthepremises,meTerms—One-third cash on confirmation ofaale,one-third.jin.six months,balance intwelvemonths.Bidding begins at $1,850.00.Six pet eent interest on deferred igen ‘(CARTERWILLIAMS,--Yadkinville,--commissidners,B.Armfield,|Atty,+iRebAeAPMKarine ot dD.F,iM Yad Statesvttle,8, {if j nd equal-;Telephone ~ ical,acts-right off.“TIZ”draws} $10.50;city of Statesville. ilights fof court house,$40.74;IredellCo.,telephone—service, |$8.73;Dr.R.S,MeElwee,county|physician,$83.60;Edwards &Brough-|ton;‘record for register’s office,$19.- 150;R.P,Allison,supplies for regis- |fice $1.75;Statesville Drug Co.,-sup- |plies.$14.05;Statesville Printing ©o.,|supplies-for-treasurer’s and ‘sheriff's|offices,$14.30;Dr.A.Campbell,bal- L of the seventh #rade pupils through-|ance due on salary.as county physi-$16.40;Sherrill,&Reece,sup-|cian,;plies,$2.50;H.C.Cook,courthouse | ‘Janitor,$45;L.CG.Caldwell,county at- torney,$25. ‘pensation for the past quarter as fol- ilows:N.B.Mills $10,%|$13.50.W.C.Johnston $18,W.L.|Matheson $18,N.A.bewis $15.|‘The sum of $5 was ordered appro- pridted to the Civicmonthtoaidinthesupport of the|hadies’Rest Room. |were ordered:receiv:home;John sHutchins was givén'$10fortemporaryrelief;Eli and Shaver was exempted from poll-tax. }_eae aN ECONLE RELAOA‘WOLF HUNT IN OKLAHOMA. And the Dogs Were Tax Paid—is Letter Front”Former Iredell, >-7 +|“PWriting to ascoas.Mr.R.AL|Montgomery of Statesville,Mr.|.C.||HoupeofR.F.D:1,Reed,Oklahoma,;mentionsa wolf hunt,a three-dayhevent,in which he recently partici-pated «Mr:Houpe’says he still has ‘aprettygoodpackofwolfhoundsbut-the-game-is-searce;ashe has-caucht;jabout all the wolves in that section|of country.He tried to get a pie‘ture of his,pack of hounds,‘he says,to send to The Landmark,as he want-ped the editor of this.paper “to sce a|Sure enough pack of valuable dogs on|which the tax is paid?:|\-The Landmark is sorry-it didn’t get |the picture;it might-have veen used ‘as an object:lesson in the dog tax‘campaign;but Mr.Houpe says his |dogs -wouldn’t stand -together longenough“to get agood picture.(Mr.Houpe “mentions incidentally|that he ‘isn't reading The Landmark ‘now.“His eyes are bad:and as hecouldn’t:refrain from reading the pa- perso Jong as it was in-the -house.hestopped“it.“What Mr.Houpe-needs is a pair of glasses and he should tosenotimeinconsultinganoculist.HeLadmits—the-need—but-—says—he—is—too, young to wear glasses.Age hasnothingtodowithit.The time to put.on glasses is when you need 'em};and if The Landmark could fit Mr. Houpe at ‘adistancé it would forward‘him the glasses by first mail. Incidentally also,Mr.Houpe men- tions that they made a good crop ofcottoninOklahoma‘and got little for it;and that there is much cotton vet in the fields;which same is about thesituationinhisold’home State—North.Carolina. TLLATELENETTY Birthday Celebration. Correspondence of The bandmiark: +Stony Point,R-3,March 2.—Satur-iday,.February 27,there assembled at|Mr.Wilson Stewart’s a company of/near 100.people from different partsoftheStateforthepurposeofceie- ‘brating Mrs,Stewart’s 66th birthday. |Near:12°o’elock.\they all”assembledjaroundthetabilelto”partake of thesumptuousdinnerthathadbeen+spread on the table ‘by the ladies. /Thanks were given by Rev.O.H.Stacey of Gastonia,Arong the good‘things on the table were 23 cakes.The day was.pleasantly spent and{all enjoyed it to the erentest.extent.We hope*Aunt Vance will live to seejmanysuchbirthdaysas-this one,but 'we know she cannot remain with us‘always:She has had much.sorrow\in ‘the past...She is a wife of a Con-|federate soldier and all.wives who|lived through that.war know the sor-|row of-it.Besides,she has 4 dear boy|in thé asylum and he’s been there foreightortenyears:We can imaginehowshehasprayedforherboytimeandagain.We hope he will be re~stored to health before his mother’sdeath’We hope Aunt Vance’s lifewillbehappierinthefutureyearsthaninthepast;and when this.lifeisendedinthisworldwe:hope to meetaroundthe’great White Throne inHeavenwherewewillneverbesepa-rated and where pain and sorrow areunknown,fp : Best (Treatment For ConstiAP¢‘onstipation.“My daughter used Chamberlain's Tablets scmfera for -conatipation with good.results and .1-ean |» SRNTRT eT pte anaes eee eeeMR,WHITE'S ACTIVE WoRKPreachingandTeaching—Vis-itors and ‘Birthday ©Party— Young _AfflictedBut’Not Discouraged—-TalkofFurnitureFaetoryat Troutman,” Correspondence of The Landmark. Troutma March 3 —.StudentsPaul8.White and Miss Lois White!of Linwood College came home Fri-|day afternoon,bringing with them|one of their teachers,Miss Ruth}Todd,and one of their college friends,Miss Alma Pressly,and arelative,Mr.Mott Crawford.TheycamethroughthecountryinMr.Crawford’s ¢ar.Monday night PaulS.White gave a birthday party athishome.About a dozen friends be-sides the Linwood:friends were pres-ent.The,Linwood party:returnedTuesday.The Rev.and Mrs.J,Meek White are very much:pleasedwiththescholasticmarksoftheirchildrenat‘Linwood.:‘Recently Messrs:-Chaska~Molts-}-—aehouserandHermanBrownofLin-wood College spent a week-end here with their parents and friends, Rev,J.Meek White preached at Back Creek church,Mecklenburgcounty,Sabbath at 11 a.m.,-and «atProsperity‘church,east of Huhters-! That night J.Mills That was ville,in ‘the afternoon.he preached for the .Rev. Bigham in.Huntersville. just_a_little-of the stringent life and}serviee he is rendering the Master}! he camet;and humanity.Monday — home in time to do a full day’s work in his school,where he is very much CALOMEL.IS_MERCURY,1OMOMCUEANLIVER.Don’t Losea Day’s Work!Ii“Bowels Constipated Take | You're ©bilious! |sluggish! all knocked out: your tongue is coated;breath bad: stomach sour and bowels constipat But don’t take salivating:¢alo-It makes you sick,,you may}iloseaday’s work.jingCalomelismercuryorquicksilver!yourwhichcausesnecrosisofthebones.)your stomachCalomel:crashes into sour bile ike! dynamite,breaking itwhenyoufeelthatawful nausea and cramping.ai If you want to enjoy the ‘nicest, gentlest liver and bowel.cleansingyoueverexperienced,just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s’Liver Liver T:Tone tonizht:dan s calom sells you Eye Doctor,examines e ;fits specks so oeatH:B.Woodward's law tcanaffordanyday.time.-Get-yourself one. appreciated:by the patrdéns and pu-pils,_.-+++ie { Our people smypathize very much } with-Mr.-and Mrs.A.S.Alley in the) departure of their little girl,who died in...Mooresville.on ©Monday night.The little one was sick only afewdays.Funeral and burial at St.Martin’s Tuesday afternoon.Rural Carrier Kyles has a very sick ehild just now,and Mr.G.M. Young and his little son,George,arebothsick.Mr.James Scroggs,one of our|mirer and elose reader of The Land+mark,has been quite unwell be-on the upgrade again. noon for appendicitis. back in school.This was his balance ‘of his days. spiration to many a sluggish,boy orgirlinschool.work.He--,deserveswellof,his friends and the public.Last Sabbath while the pastor of|£New Perth was away,there being no preaching that day,.the E.M.C.committee held a meeting at Mr.C.)%examined closely the |, out thé work.;H.Brown's,church roll and mapped ‘outThiscanvasswillbemate early next week (D.V.)practically what this means and allsubscriptionswillbevoluntaryandfor-two-purposes—current*—expensesandbenevolences.__It-is likely.the!duplex envelopes will be used in thecongregation.It is earnestly hopedthattheE.M.C.in New:Perth will be a great success..,Farmers are beginning ‘to pulltheline”and “cut the soil’for the}next crop.We shall watch with a) sowed in Barringer during.Februa-ry.If.it does well then there aremorethan“seven wonders.” ee See wToNih ‘oe aesYour.li is|8¢ You feel lazy,dizzy and Your head is dull,’ wels Tegular,likeworking;you'll be cheerful;full -;nod Say n’s Liver Tone is entirelyvegetable,‘ore harmless,andcannot:salivate:Give it to yochildren.Millions of people are %e instead of up.That’s Your druggist ora50centbottleoffoneundermy:‘per- a -Yourdrugthesaleof see—March 8to 13°ae \ek Store.I ¢rom $1-upto—well ti That is eeeeeetoaen Spring Sh |{ oldestcitizens_and-a-great-ad-} for |= |The commissioners -received com-more than a week,but he ears to '|&ere| “C.Little seems ‘to be an unusually large num-|- ber of sick peoplé in the community.|#Student Charles Douglass;of Rev.'@J.Meek White’s school,was taken to/s League each’Long’s'Sanatorium on Tuesday of |&last week and operated on that:after-|= ;Sabbath he/é |‘fuek Morgan and Roxie McLelland|was brought home and is improving |@ ed at the county nicely.-It is hoped he ‘will soon be =third|& Léssie trip to the Sanatorium:About three|E |Kilpatrick,Dennis Moore,Mrs:Wes-years ago his right lower limb was, fey Henderson,Clarenee Bailey ‘were amputated just below the hip;conse-| |placed om the pauper list and Sherrill quently he will go-on-crutches the|5 {He.is.active|and full of life and should be an in-|s SHERRILL.WHITE SHOECO. The budget’system is!’ (Mr.and Mrs.Harry Cain spent)’ When you’re ready for yours,Sir,we'rereadytoserveyou.Just take a peep ‘intoourwindowsanydaynowandseethehand-some Spring Styles.oeThere’s nothi ‘missing that’s worthy of aplaceinthisHomeofGoodShoes. It’s true we sell Men’s Shoes at a small © profit,but we sell lots of them,At your serviee,Sir,any day. WITH ONE OF OUR ——2¢.AT the week-end in Charlotte:with rela- tives’and friends.Mr.Cain is a excellent Southern pitt for his wife.He is:the popular.and efficient as-sistant to our railway station agent,Mr:W.D.Troutman,who ‘is widelyknown.:'|We-‘notice_some_improvements in!our sidewalks and the town now has a central telephone office,which is a boosters are working for a furniture|factory here arid we sincerely hopetheywillgetit., Iateenteaeeeananeeaenitaiialaiaaeidshtanietaababcaailitel The President Draws the Line »on Sonie Party Managers.| Congressman Fitzgerald of NewYork,regarded as the Tammany HallspokesmanintheHouseiofCongréss, has:issued.a ‘statement ©protesting against President Wilson's nominationofMelvilleJ.France as United States Lattorney,and .James M,Power asUnitedStatesmarshal,-in the southerndistrictofNewYork.Fitzgerald con+tends that these men are not insympathyorinharmonywiththema-jority of the.Democrats in King’s county,N.Y.;and says the Presidenttoldhimhewould:not appoint any oneinsympathywiththepresentman+ agement of the party.»*For that statement some folks wit:applaud the President.' Democrats Would Limit Debate: ‘Porty-two Seriate Democrats have eaucus to appoint a committee to work on‘a rule to limit’debate,to be tak-en up as the first business in the newJONs._.'The Democrats count onthe‘Progressive Republicans for sup- port.GaNSenatorKeinappointedSenators Qwen,Martin,Stone and Walsh toactwithhim-as-members -of such aomrmittee.All the Democrats ex- ‘gept éleven sixned the petition,Sena-tor-Overman being one of the eleven. FrereOTPTHonorRollofFifth Creekcto!School.Ried Cortespondence of The Landmark.‘i Those on the honor roll for thethirdmonthatFifthCreek’school vinia..Murdock,Bessie and.Nellieteeland,Young.and White.Davia, HALL’S DRUG. ‘Northern.man by birth and has ‘anj3 great convenience to our people.Our| Johnston -Belk ( New Goods Arriving De petitioned ~Chairman -Kern of their) {|2,000 yards 36in.Sealstand Don "PHONE 20." Now ready for businessintheirnewquarters—542 and 544 South Cen-terStreet. Our buyer is now in theEasternmarketssending —us the newest and most.up-to-date merchandise 5 Cents fal,kale’dio,toon tueelf “Che Store That: recommend .them highly,”writes’Paul’B,Babin,Brushlyy La.Pov sale b byall.dealers,Lon 6 and Marvin Shoemaker,Larry_Jay Dayvault. Aired REC RMERCA IO Ai Faue 2 Mes ey ks DEATHA POLITICAL ISSUE.{FROM OVER THE COUNTR Dr,Rankin,of the State Board of}.|»Aperinnnme NES AE Health,is of the opinion that .the Itemts of Interest About Various ci ane death rate in the State and in coun-|~Matters.Rei BROAD STREET,|ties will be made,a political issue,3gonnal anions was biewin : “on eRe ;_)at Vera.Cruz a few days ago an ON PRICE:aay --peye we neta Si,‘ne lives lost.The gunboat wag about all VessecreeeepesR00 |IDB!rged with responsibility ©!the navy the Mexicans had.The ex- making and enforcing laws for the!plosion was supposed to be accidental, io i ™ ble for the sanitary,laws and regu-|tion with the rioting December 20-at lations designed to check preventable |Fair ry.jan p Rehm ice ae diseasé.Hence a high death rate in|white men of prominent families are _March 5,1915.|the State or in any ‘county meang!on trial at Walhalla,S.C. TAL C ASES.that proper provision is not made as |“The act of Congress prohibiting all Be y -|to health laws or their.enforcement;|persons from selling or.giving are ie of the Legislature did)ty.preventable diseases are not be-|habit-forming digswithout 4ban ee the divorce bill.Every ing prevented as they could be and ert gs ee atnad,went ine fends £0 Joowen the mar-|jnould be;and hence the party in|effect throughout the country March Be;t makes separation power must take the responsibility Ist.’:;: whally —aes 7 for the death rate—for not taking the|Congress,which _hon almost :.;An }eontinuous session for nearly a year, family and strikes at the very Bret ies _eee lives |passed out yesterday at ©noon,theFateviiaton."|"aya Sony Notndodd ak ©palit Se nce whwun feature of these divorce].seks ip purchase bill,whic bs ects igsue,and for a time it may not make|cause of a determined filibuster,died pt,every.session Of|-.uch impression,But when one ¢on-|i”conference.: is.that they are siders that the real issue is saving The Senate bill to make railroads ted by an effort to relieve some ane “land other common carriers liable.for a by human life that is needlessly sacri-|.tual loss,damage or injury caused :peg a -abe arpay tS ficed,its importance dwarfs all other/to property they carry,regardless of sted in a chient—a wo Bey questions;and while as a political is-|limitation of liability or.amount:of a brute for a husband.The)...the prevention of prevenatable|Tecovery in any receipt,lading bill or @wants a divorce and may be)ji.cases may not become popular in wo filed,was passed by both houses ve it,but can’t obtain it un-|.;j -:of Congress.a r a day,‘once it gets a hold;once the)4,the}d tc th ‘law.Therecpon ner attorney.1 nthe full ek will In the last days of Congress tneaieataeeeeetnefattempore,wih Senate.ent ony.80 SPRrops ee ctl ie pe be a live question—as it should be—bill $500,000 for experimental road “to fit the case.He gets him-|.ouse it is more important to the building in the various States;whieh elec to the Legislature,possi-:|means there will be no Federal road “one "|people than all other issues combined.funds to chase after,for a season at f for that purpose.Cases are On)Foy instance,when there are epi-|least—and possibly it’s just as well. where at perony?have sought demics of.malaria,typhoid fever,|‘Rev.Whiter Holcomb,evangelist, red their election to the Leg-smallpox,or other Yesser diseases}who is a North Carolinian,from Sur- ‘solely to secure the passage)nich might be prevented by proper |TY county,and well known in States- law in which they had a per-;ae _iville,recently conducted meetings in} fexecution of the health laws,and the)Spartanburg,S.C.,coveringa period | Re eamrerent,put a aeeehaey |People have come to realize that it!of six weeks,and as #token oF ap- is n't get in the Legislature IM-\is not a dispensation of Providence.!preciation he received a check for “pulls all the strings on those),.jney h lly believed,‘but |$889.41. .ee ec pert levers OU"|"Speaker <Anderson,of the Tennes- are there.Good people whoj,oi;neers :}SUN :pi Ee \negligence—criminal negligence—on'-.."Legislature,died Tuesday night!olina‘is reduced and per contra,to it:= 28 psa oppose Bad chante|the part of somebody whose business|of uraemic poison,We ‘a nncitanes should go the chief discredit if dur-)we neBUY.SH the divorce laws are moved to help |it was to see to it that health regula-|that the Speakers of both the North)“"&its administration the death rate INES. |is not reduced.In counties,where the,WE HAVE TRE KIND YOU WILL “TAKE A SHINE” ;oF to acquiesce,ndecause their)):5,5 were observed that would have|Carolina and Tennessee Legislatures public welfare,will:be held responsi-|Charged with murder in connec.) Dr.Rankin Says the Death Rate]Will-Be a Political Issue Be-| |Before theIssue|“Stroit” cause the Party in Power Will|B.'Ane £2 in 1 S Be Responsible .For Health|ER Eo BR Gives the |~Conditions.NOR con 0 am moe =—fest shine | Billetin ‘State Board of Health.©jul pee Ma sarscyen “The time has come,declared Dr.|.Meteo «W.S.Rankin ‘before the appropria-| tion committee of the Legislature,|2 rf “hy “when the death rate is going to share}.la 5 i with the tax rate in political ‘signifi-|Hie Yo 1 Me.rs b ea cance.”In behalf of the $10,000 ask-6)2 ed for the furtherance of the work oftheStateBoardofHealth,which in-crease was made necessary by the:ex-|.siration of the Rockefeller Sanitary‘ommission .appropriation,Dr.Ran-kin:gives a low death rate in NorthCarolinaastherealobject.of the'State’s health work.A death rate isthenumberofdeathsperthousand;of the population’a year.Through’sanitary science.and .our recent,knowledge.of preventive medicine,|the death rate of the United States” has been reduced so that the rate of; decrease as applied to the ~present population means 550,000 -deaths less, each year than ‘we would have if thedeathrateof1890stillprevailed.Inotherwords,it is conclusive proofthatadeathrate‘is a reduceable fac-tor and that a low death rate is pos- sible,<“Who is responsible for the condi- tion of the death rate in North Caro-lina?”asks Doctor Rankin.“The peo- ple who-control-the boardof—health;; the people who have the:right to dis-‘band the board tomorrow and to re-} oranize it or to do as they please with!jt and all that it has—the DemocraticartyofNorth.Caroiina is ultimate-;y responsible for the State’s death) rate.The Democratic party has the) power to influence the death rate in}; this State,and in the last analysis it! is responsible for the condition of the death rate in North Carolina.To the Democratic party should go the chiefcreditifthedeathrateinNorthCar-| fjrsOe Le ee wife Lj ty bs il LK KE 4 ae RA owsRAINTDAY el,aneINCOAT.YOU CAN ALSO WEAR mipathy has been aroused by the}:.ihave died while the Legislatures were nM ,on prevented the disease;when the voter |in session and within a few.days of| ful,tear—compelling story of she |can say to the politician,you and!ogch other. ing of some poor woman (an lyour party,by negligence,caused the!Miss Sarah Knox Wood,daughter) “all the women for whom these’osth of my wife,or my child,my|of Robert S Wood,surgeon genera down after a reasonable time,and if;WHEN Y 1 they should reduce the death rate BACK AGAIN FOR LIFE. enerve the sympathy they receive.)|and mine much suffering and loss in eee eee Seo ar Associate Justice|.i-kness:'through your failure to exe- of the North Carolina Supreme Court |eute the health laws—well,something Bee barded members of the Legisla-|will happen.And that’s not a fanci- ur y with letters asking for an amend-|54)or impracticable idea of Dr.Ran- eo a eThat |Ait’either.It’s a political issue is bad enough for a retained attor-vote will “ney.It-was inexcusable inone of,the high licial officers inthe State—to In.the War Zone. Recently the Germans inflicted quite it riot to be moved to change,the the Russians are advancing slowly )general law to suit special cases.It glongthe whole northern line.They cosh a {he nation ot oer eel , ro iminating from the legislativeand|Rosary Hi } executive bill the appropriation for Hil]Home,Hawthorne,N.Ymy“wrong,and the precedent is ex-|have reinforced their armies at eve ngerous,no matter how —e ne and are conics ee a REL i to be in as good a position as the Ger- ee ee es ane,we have left their railways ET ate :hind them.eases;it is impossible to pre-|With the allied fleet again bom- t.But it requires no argu-|barding the Dardanelles and the Rus- show that letting down:the pee seas their ofengive in.the et :‘Caucasus,the near east again is com- for ameritorious case also -ing into the limelight.The Russians down for many unworthy cases;|have scored a distinct success by the divorce’encourages divorce un-j capture of the Turkish port of Khopa, ‘most frivolous excuses will be on ie Tse sea,ties vehos,prea ‘urkish army in the Caucasus drewforseparation;and marriage ‘part.of its supplies,‘ ed adultery with a train of!the ships which are bombarding’the vils to follow.interior Dardanelles forts,‘some of eee CAE the fleet are throwing shells overland ‘who unburdens himself ne gulf.of en .that i ‘Turkish garrisons will.subjecte re and stead aren tint |fire from two sides.The Turks the Legis avure 1s regulating|sre concentrating forces for the de- general it pass a law re-|fense.of Constantinople,and the Bal- every individual who would kan ee watching eee Sees ;tions with intense interest.The suc- an:automobile to first pass an)oo.or failure of.the allies’attempt r his competencytohandle the)the Balkan nations,= ie.What is needed is not more oneeeters Be a but an aroused public conscience|Claim Bill Passes-—Money For will secure the enforcement of Our Folks.: yhat we have.There is on the statute a ,Tunning of motor cars and those) dese §are made are good women or|brother or»my sister.or.caused me} _|cathedral while several hundred wor- 1become in many cases but a form)Unofficial reports say that besides tion and securea license at-|to open the straits means much to; ‘After being defeated every year for|known to many of thePresbyterians ‘an elaborate statute governing|®quarter of a century the war claims|in North Carolina.He visited States- ;:bill passed both houses of Congress|ville some years ago.He was born :|Wednesday and was signed by the|at Chapel Hill and was the son of operate them.In rare instances |President.The bill carries the claims|Rev.Dr.Charles Phillips,long a mem- is it enforced.For instance,un-|of 82 North Carolina people and in-|ber of the faculties of Davidson Col-| lof the United States army during, Lincoln’s”administration,and -niece} lef President Zachary Taylor,died at her home.in.Winchester,.Va;,~Mon- day._She-was a sister of Baroness von Grabow of Prussia. A New York grand jury has found indictments against Frank Abarno and Charles Carbone,the anarchists accused of having plotted to explode two dynamite bombs in St.Patrick’s shipers were at mass.The two men trip to the Panama canal in July,be- the celebration of the formal opening of the.canal.He still is undecided about the trip to.San Francisco.this month. quit work Monday at Batre,Vt.,pend- ing.the -accéptance:of a new wage and working agreement offered by the manufacturers.Two factions.of the Granite Workers’:Union fought ballot box to be used in taking a vote on the.question of.accepting the new agreement.Several were injured.- The House of Congress Wednesday night:passed a resolution putting it- self on record as opposed to any re- organization of the rural ‘mail service “that will render that service jess effective or will tend in any way to reduce the number of rural.mail routes.”The resolution was directed against a reorganization scheme”pro- posed by Postmaster General Burle- Rev.Dr.A,—L,Phillips,_superin- tendent of Sunday school.work of the Southern Presbyterian Church,died in Richmond Tuesday,following a sur- Four thousand—granite _workers, in’the’streets for possession of the chi 5 =<FIT YOU.TOSELL YOU ALL THE CLOTHES YOCor.THE GOOD re .EAL WITA US be 70 a aus Republican.party is in control and TO.WE C where-the death rate is high,the Re-}‘w publican party is ‘responsible if the uy county death rate is not brought! they have that as a piece of tangible |ists aiden’de cate”|Sloan Clothing Company. |ROSARY HILL HOME :a :Pie SEE oST ::tie er Veo aedee|NANICATY NNOVAtION: “use his pre tige and power for such)severe defeat on the Russians,but were arraigned and,held in 820,00)Tells How Vinol R ‘9313 Rie ;a pe 2 bail each.i BS :nf c ie.:the dispatches indicate that the lat-Presi wil h <actinatly ie Stre d Vit lit fhe i J m0 Mc:tld veks of the Legislature|ter are coming again.The dispatches)resident:Wilson hitpractica y 41 ngth an aut ta.;absic :report that the indications are that cided to abandon his contemplate:nes”in|#guint ae~Weak,Worn-Out !Her Charge.;3aEVERATTEMPTED aa>a—"—e ‘Ata Soda Fountain in Statesville 1] —‘*J have been at work among the sickandpoorfornearlyeighteenyears,'andwheneverIhaveecWinolfor!ransdown,weak or emaciatedpatients,!they |.i have been visibly benefited by it.Onepatient,a young woman,was so wealandillshecouldlycreeptomydoorfor“and was leaning on a friend’sarm.supplied Vinol to her liberally‘and in a month when she returned tothankcosInancy5belShe was strong,her.color ing hereeksroundedopt.These words areutteredfrommyheart,in order thatmoreBoonemayknowaboutVinol,asthereisnothingmakesmehappierintheworldthantorelievethesick.’’—Mother M.ALPHONSA LATHROP,O;S.D.,Hawthorne,N.Y.Such disinterested and reliable testi-mony should convince everyone of themeritsofVinol,our delicious cod liverandirontonictobuilduphealthandstrenforallweakenedandnervous,#ome ions,whether caused from over-|3wireySrchrontecoughsandcolds.If Vinol fails to benefit we return yourmoney."3 :7.FP.Hall,Druggist.Statesville,N.C.|} na 79ga aig!-In fact very few cities in this couni-o§ _try.have taken this advance step in “| Sanitation.Within the next week we will have installed at our Fountain AN ABSOLUTELY SANITARY SERVICE | Each and every Drink,Cream or Sundae served in individual Cups or Dishes.Once used thrown away.~~# Next drink new cup.Send your § gical operation.Dr.Phillips was well ‘der the present law a man underthe |stitutions,the amounts ranging from|lege’and the State University. of liquor is not allowed to}about $200 to $4,500.‘Nearly all the;©{he American steamer Dacia,for- ee |North Carolina claimants live in the|merly a Hamburg-American liner,al- @ car,and yet in most of the eastern section of the State.Those|jeged to have been passed to Ameri- ‘serious accidents.with automobiles,'in the western section are:E.M.oan ownership,which recently sailed wite and children to the Fountain of Quality.Everything served the Sanitary way.qe ||| | DAVIS’CARRIAGE PAINTS. are colors ground in tough,elastic THE REXALL STORE. stort i;‘ei r plays a big part.The statute Allison,administrator of Francis Al-|from Galveston,Texas,with a cargo’Coach Varnish ‘and one coat will niak books are filled with laws that are lison,Transylvania county,$550;J.)of cotton for Gérmany,after explicit your.faded automobile or gubrings! ‘not enforced.Instead of arousing a A;Reagan of Buncombe county,$240;|notice from the allies that the vessel|look like new.They are easy to ap-| :Chas.J.Allen’of Buncombe county,’would be seized to determine the gen-ply and dry with a strong,high gloss-| li Statesville Drug Comp’y,| Quality Prescriptionists, lic sentiment that will"senforce g9 383.94 3 2 onioie::7383.24.-luineness of the transfer,was seized clinching Enamel finish.Mad i :the idea is to pass another The claims are for property taken,Jast week by a Preach.eruiser and:wear and tear.aa rt which will not be enforced either.damaged or destroyed by Federal’taken to Brest,where the legality of FOR SALE BY ‘Saeeneneereeiepeeeeerereeenereneen troops.during the War Between the/the transfer will be threshed out be-|‘State Senate promptly killed a,States.Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.| |Impeachment proceedings against;a : i fore a French prize court. “to.make violation of the 6 f ui Ta oe Ne wat want interest oF Ene ©Pe Boy.Crushed to Death in Stalk)Alston.G.Dayton,Federal judge in gg 5,while apparently lacking the nerve|red!di sip wd sen fee |‘::inia,were dropped by,the judiciary ! make the rate 8 per cent straight,|,Net caei.am ae a girl Committeeof the House of Congress.- ough was driving 8°4 majority report drafted by,the sub-|i Benate is content to leave down)stalk -cutter,drawn b:;:i :’y two horses.|‘hf :!‘bars a little way.so.that those Her seven-year-old brother was fol-|Committeewhich eeeae nite to take chances on violating lowing behind watching it.Finally hisconduel 18 pore “Snstances had| |law may have opportunity to do,eect blade yee dak ok eo been Heaprehensiitey share ‘was a ;:Is "i iY tle possibility of maintaining them) |in the blades and as he yelled int,9 conclusion of guilt.”A minority, law a misdemeanor;and}Cutter.-ithe northern district of West Vir-): pa TY TRIO {ee |fright the horses began running.HeWhenthisiswrittenthereisno|was drawn into the cutter na etmationastowhattookplaceat}pletely erushed as the blades revolv- ,yesterday and last night,but)ed.Nearly -every bone in his bodyEC“having refused to somes Oe broken and when the horseseeBsiiktothedied:were.stopped the child.was dead. bs L ‘amen t LLPETT TELTTaeSNERN il be a compromise measure oronthisline,’7.eee |the May -Mott -Lewis 1F|aw enac-Robinson,a well-known ne-|at the last session of the Legislat |report recommending impeachment ‘was rejected.|. 1 local applications,as they can- (ore reach the jon of thegarThereJsonlyonewaytocure;‘deafness,and that 1s by constitutional |:Bill,the presumption is that Good to Preserve a Dead Man,{framed condition of the mucous lining | |The Supreme Court of Mississip-|?f,."%8 \Buatachian ee erate }pi has upheld the constitutionality‘a sound or imi oct hearing,‘ahd whetitiseritirelyclosed,Deafnessisth ~sult,and unless the inflammation cantuberestored } e|be outr,‘who lived alone.on.his)prohibiti ;toer,«ohibiting the keeping of intoxi-|tts normal «heart:four miles west of New-|cants in social neta wi its.decis.|etroved.forever:lon.Hearing will be de- (was found déad on the back porch ion.the court quoted the followin :|but“eabin Monday a in.It}“Whiskey is a good thing in tha |cons:oathoughthemighthavebeen|place.There is nothinglike it:for|We ‘will.giveforhismoney,as he was known|preserving a man when he is dead.alien that waxhabits,but it turn-|If you want to keep aman’dead put Catarrh Cure. eo ihetusie me him ‘in whiskey;if you want to caused b WhayoAtendich iswom Bhaah fate be ulaliveman.put whiskey in him,”i |ae ‘vases out of teing.of mu- Oné ‘Hundred Dollard,ior becuredbyHallsforfred For the early buyer we are showing a full line of E..C.Skuffers.. ‘»Well known Oxtord and play Shoes for Women and Children. Ladies’Tan Calf Oxfords,Rubber Soles and ‘Heels. _Ladies’White Canvas Oxfords,Rubber Soles and Heels. Men’s Keith &Pratt Oxfords,Black,Tan and Patent Colt.Goodstyles,all sizes,i Wes ae Krippendorf-Dittman Patent College Pumps.Let us show you,ie fff==MILLS &POSTON.a “Mise NannieMeEihaniey,who visit- ~Lad ee haspromised me the place of."chief ofpolice “of Statesvilleinthe) 8 -Johnson's father,Mr.Henry,John- Reward of lence te tonvietson's bicyele,R.B.i March $2 PPResn MEAT—Hest Dash,Grocery store, Club Méetings “Make Up the Five-Year-Old DaughterofMr,eer a ‘List..|and Mrs,Alley-—Miss Ost- pekeegan ohaieh Set Fridayab)walt Hurt —ginepeeweeternoonwithMrs,C.M.teele.Mrs.Away,Buggy Smashed.—“March 6,1916,,>©ore eeodow at Am |Young Men Going West.)© aSING THRONG.gene Morrison and E.B,Watts,Re-,Correspondence of The Landmark.ft etaENGBeheh.ntswateserve.peter itn R-3,an sae . ¢nol e Ne or ridge club and Matoka,the 5-year-o aughter of,ier a a aor and |few other,guests wére ehtartadeed!r,;and Mrs.-A.8S:Alley of ‘Trout ‘and Mrs,Jas.Johnson andvisitedatthehomeofMr. the pergon ow!McLAUGHLIN. on7.-fresh meats‘phone 86. eeFOR.HeCocn Cota,Bottling Co.MRS.D.R t mistake,Please return, Mareh *5~~2t. Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.E.N.\man,died at the home of Mrs.Jessie Lawrence at her home.on.Bell street.Reagan,in Mooresyille,night beforeIn°the game Mrs.Eugene Davis last after s few days’illness,.Themadehighestscore.A salad course,little girl was visiting her sister,Mra.Was served,Reagan.when she wag takén st - W,KANEER. v ind new rig.‘J, inrch-$2 ne A FOR 5\CE—Handsome yea D.LINDSAY,Taylorsyille, old.Sewad,gentle and a’in the Oak Forést community,N.¢ Mar.5 staanei AAS a it - ten dollars will be paid for eyvi-'“atole my. ‘gale at) 4 rial -or-*der solicited.HUNTER MOORE,Mar.5-26" gE Nf—Bullding formerly occupled byA.MIL- Ot. COAT TAKEN from restaurant Mareh 1 by8.A.FOSTER. FOR SALE—Good‘gentle Shetland pony,har- ‘ALB—Handsome Shetland statlion,6No.k.HL eaeant with other relatives in:the ¢oun-_.ty,have returned to their home in=—,oa Hast night. ~Mro-R.-oan.is in timore.in |.ae’6‘the interest of the Sloan Clothing Co.’ee ee ee:_»Mr.and Mrs,Jas.-L.Turner of!e Woman’s XXth Century club .Fast Monbo were in Statesville Wid-and a number of additional guests | -nesday en route to Hickory,where were delightfully entertained by Mrs. they’are’spending a few days with F.T:Meacham at her home at the "Mos.Turner's father;Mr.La.i,Shu-State Farm Wednesday afternoon, i:fond :,POT from ‘3 to 5..The president,Mrs>\-Rafus A>Cooper;presided’and”after}the réading of the minutes an un- usually interesting programme was‘gendered,The problem of “Farm andFactoryChildLabor,”was efficiently presented by Mrs.Whiting,in a mostinterestingaddress.,Mrs.Myers stat-''ed the advantages of the extemvoran- Harrison returned |°OUS rendering of club programme,ttopies.“How club women may aid our! |Rural Sehools”was well given hy Mrs.Frederick Conger and various members submitted suggestions. s Mrs,Rufus Cooper commended the“University Extension Work-and-gavevasynopsis.of Prof,McKee’s lecture‘on North Carolina humorists.Mrs: D.M.Ausley followed with a read-ing “from O'Henry’s most humorous story,“Handbook of Hymen,”andtoldoftheNorthCarolinaapplica- tion of Danish bse Schools for adults ,}and encouraged club efforts to estab- Pastor's et lish same.A “Mentor”outline fora Shakespearean review was submitted. Some new members were elected ‘and receipts for the first-shipment of‘Belgian relief supplies and the tobac- co for soldiers were présented and -@d her sister,Mrs.Lee Williams,re-turned Wednesday to her home inFortMill,S.C.i FOMissMaryCashwellspentWednes-~~Charlotte.:‘Mrs.Clem.Dowd is visiting inCharlotte.¢~Miss MarieTuesdaym a visit to New York.Mr.U..G.Harwell,who has beeniingalaundryplantinChicago,is at.home to spend:about a month.~~~Miss-Lucile-White—of Jefferson,C.,.is visiting at Prof.J.H.Hill's.Mrs.Sune Hill of Clio came -totown.Sunday to be with her sister,Mrs.Addie Stephenson,who ig ill. Mrs.B.A.Newland left yesterdayfora+visit to Mr.Newland’s,home,le in.Lenoir.f rs.T.N.Horner,who had beenvisitingatMr.C,L.Long Island,left yesterdayTroutdale,‘Tenn.satire‘Mr,A.B.Johnson returned yes-terday from New York,where hespenttwoweeksorlongerinthein--terest of the Johnson-Belk Co,-|Mrs.J.a Downum and little:grandson,G,Foard,Jr.,who-vis-|,ited Mr.and Mrs.Geo.M.Foard,re-turned yesterday to their home:inLenoir.Laeger : Missspending a week with relatives in ™ will follow. One member reported a cordial -re- ception when she addressed ‘the rural _schools urging improvements and at-Sallie Chunn of Salisbury Tepe.upon the coming commence-ent.Miss Frances Fleming favored the Mrs.8.L.Cushing of Tryon is club with musical programme of visiting her parents,Mr.and Mrs f.|McDowell and Nevin piano solos, A.Sherrill.io ’Lwhich she interpreted exquisitely.The Mrs.Nannie Fraley of Greensboro|Out of town eee welcomed were Miss spent Tuesday night.in Statesville Cala Meacham,Mrs.H.L.Meacham and went to HoustonvilleWednesday:$7"a few gentlemen,among them to visit her cousin,Mrs.Katie Be Mr.Boyce of New York,were es- Patterson,hie.«pecially invited to enjoy the musical creierenieneenenneet gg FG programme and the delicious collation -Tax Dodgers and Exposure..¢-served:by the two attractive -daugh- Monree Journal./ters of the hostess.; It ithat33-counties_in-the 43 ’.Sit them large and tith,-urniture Factory For —Trouts eon ‘Ghiany wealthy people,’man—Mr.Patterson’s ; madetho income tax return last year.’provements,| A mah earning $1,250 or more is re-°Correspondence of The Landmark. oer ea ae pa ace hen Troutman,March 4.—There is quite. the income tax-as lendyarated.the a gool deal of sickness ‘now.Mr.: local newspapers began publishing p’hasan i . the names of those who paid the tax.B.Bovinson ip sectoualy This had the effect of exposing the\j,.cn ill for some men who I i whofps a income in any com-|confined to her bed with a severe ca8¢munifg.is pretty well known.The’or grippe. very.t Legislature.passed a daw- forbiiing such publications.Since There are only just a few of the many. then returns of incomes for taxa-(yy =G.M.Young and littletionhavebeengettinglessandless, at least relatively.Publicity is theonecorrectiveforceinthiscountryand.tax dodgers,as well as others,’know that when they can shut offpublicitytheyaresafe.Not only ought.every income be published,but’ the value forbora tion swee no of.property ought also published,.f hi .that,ris uni Gach a tine as we shall erection of his summer home. to have-a sensible and just tax)ce 5 artisystem.Under the present jerdigh Sent sloping in all directions, ment the weak get the hatchet in theneckandthosewhoarebigenough:to dodgeare also big eriough to pass;_laws to prevent:being exposed. > rStatefimain home with severe cases of grippe. He has site is ideal and he will spare no time nor pains in making of it a “home ideal.”| jis now oe assured.Meher.| :tems VA.S,Alley,C,H.Brown and GC.L,| ~-Barium I Clark are the local promoters.They} Correspondence of The Landmark,—‘have interested some:outside capital,_____Barium,March 4.—-The chain gang and talent.“Twill not-beapretentious expects to move this week.For some/affair but just a sane little plant time they ‘have been in camp at the/which wiil make medium-priced stuff’ old county home.Fond give employment to,say 50,men, Little son of Mr..and-Mrs.Doke):Mr.J.A.Settlemyre is.remodeling | Hartsell is right sick with pneumonia.|his home here.When completed he. Mrs.T.F.Lippard has been sick but,will move his family back here from: ¥better now._their large farm:in Catawba county. “Mrs.M.E.Pope spent theweek-end *.Miss Rose’Waugh returned home, withher brother.Mr.W.B.Parks.|Wiednesday evening after «spending ‘Miss.Bride.Lippard,from Lenoir!several days with friends at Moores- College,is spending afew days at!ville.! her!-home this week.Mrs.J.E.)My.B.G.Allison will leave Monday Thomas from Cornelius is visiting.her|for Durham,where he will represent father,Mr.R.R.Leonard.i Troutman Camp No.596,W.0.W.,in Miss Esther Lowrance,from Cataw-'the State meeting which convenes ‘ba is.visiting friends here.there for three days., 'Mrs.A.R.Blackwelder from Con-;_.BOERSPENOeGEESE RL cord is expected this week.She is the Notice of New Advertisements. daughter of Mr.J.A.Lippard.Mins Ten dollars reward for evidence to Fairy Hamilton from Gastonia 18 oonvict person who stole bicycle—R.visiting at the Sreneteey She ex-/McLaughlin.: pects to go to riotte tomorrow.bata :Ty ied Mra RD,Mclaughlin spant!yyrene’.“2°OF Pereonal’property the week-end at their home at Mt."Fresh meats.—Hunter Moore.Ulla.:Storeroom for rent.—Mrs.D.A.|Miller.. Coat taken from Foster’s restaur-|Mr.Yount HasNot Promised Mr.West Anything.ant.» To the Editor of ‘The Landmark:I Wi H »has ‘Maxwell 4tehagbicarenortedbythefollvweDeWitt.Hoover has ‘Maxwell runa ‘out for sale.ers of Mr,L.'C.Caldwell that Mr,Shetland stallion for sale—H.D.Lindsey.aan ao;?étland pony,buzey and harness event he is elected mayor.This is-un-!fo;salen J.W S Eneer. true.“I have never asked any one for;six-year-old horse at,a bargain to. this position,and I wish to state et quick buyer.—W\B.Crowson. T do not want it and would not have!Spring shoes are ripe.—Sherrill-| \it.if it was offered me.Mr,Yount!white Shoe Co. .Has never even talked to me about ‘'Spring footwear.—Mills &Poston.| any job and I do not believe he has That robber.—IPolk Gray Drug Co.| promiséd anyone a job itv¥—S,Mo-&.Hl.“+PEARL 8.WEST.seme |oo “Bix for that "We wish:to thank our neighbors hd friends|Clothing Co.veryheartily,to their mahy kindnesses shown;Insurance talk-.toduringthesicknetsanddeathofourlittle|g.us,R.Brown.;daughter,which occurred while visiting her 4 word to the spendthrift.—MutualND’MRS.A.S.ALLEY AND FAM- Fy rainy day.==Sloan f business.man.— Building,&Loan Association,—,.Kodaks.—H.B.Woodward,Easter silks.—J,M.McKee &Co,. Recommends Chamberlain's Cough.Remedy,at itake pleasure in cncenmiesillin Cham-~ =|.n'a.Cough ;my euJen-wats I have confidence pe ae ‘that: i Following is a list of letters.Meulialag isthepostefficeataseat©.,for the ate Dianerd,xinneedofsu :,,Monteyal ; Miss Charlye Tomlin entertained ly ill with pneumonia and other com- the Davie Avenue Neighborhood club plicatians..The burial;conducted at St.Martin’s yesterdayafternoonbyRev.W.D.Hattiwitiger,’and the little form laid to rest in thecemeterythere.A number of Moores-ville people attended the burial,, itof the above death there have been nq.fatalitiesamong.so qtaany.cases.15 if not seriously,injured a few days ago by falling down a steep flight of steps andsuchforce that she has been unablecn; |Barker were driving on the East Mon-;bo road last Sunday afternoon when their horse became frightened at a passing automobile and ran against a telephone pole,throwing both occu-pants from the buggy,After run-|¢ning a little farther thé buggy struck a‘Mr.-Orren and Miss Barker.escaped Ww and excitement.‘ and Bloom Ostwalt will Jeave today foy Malcom,lowa.This part of lowa seems to be a mecca for ourboys,as this makes six>young men who have gone from this vicinity to Malcom within the last.two years. Death of Mrs.Johnson in Shi- filed;the:second shipment receipts}gorrespondence of ‘The ‘Landmark. A§FE liMeek.WhiteMissJohnson was more than 70 yearsiw of age and has been a member of arch 5, New Stirling church.since girlhood. 8 ‘there was service,.; Johnson;who is ‘older. ford county;was ifound dead ‘in the |bathroom of his home in Greensboro4 8;Wife andchild survive.___ larch G-—-2t*service was J.A.Worthy,‘Yallulah Falls,Ga,;commeni-’ weeare with Jo Gy Bdwards &Sons;-attorneys ft lov,Plapkesville,Ga,at once.Tmport-ant..March 2--3t* NOTIC E—Cattages for rent cheep until after N.PB.WATT.Feb.26.exoss ckoiicinacsesnulscierlanbieenlipsaalcieaeianenii NT—Seven-room house on Tradd cl,near Baptist’chureh.W.A,ELIA- “Feb.26. The siege of sickness in this vicin- y is abating and with the exception z now and beOVERCASH| Feb.23--4t. HAVE YOUR BLINDS repairedrend)Spring Painting. BRO MOR: Miss.Culah Ostwalt was painfully, forfor GAGE SALE OF PERSONALPROPERTY.} Carolinas-bredell’Ceunty.and by virtue of the power contain-chattel morigawe.executed by the Lumber Comipany,a corpoyation,toreigned,on the 16th day of October, secure the payment of $550.00 and thethereon,and the Samoset Lumber having.failed to pay said sum andondheavingfaiiecwcomplywithtipulations-eontained in mortgage,thered—eill_sell at’12 o'clock noon,on SATURDAY,MARCH 27,1915, the fol!paitiel y ,interest and cost:)One planer, Ome on r,one resew,all.American make,| and vols and accessories belonging there-to;\tlas.boiler and engine and all ac- Cee :also every other kind of machinery,Iredel]|beltine.«tc,belonging to and owned by the) +Samo Lumber.Company at its plant in the {city «tatesville,The sale under this mortgage is subject to a striking her head with sit up since. Mr.Carl Orren,and Miss Estelle!North Und ed inSamo:the1913, tree and was”almost demolished.+:“ ith little injury,except the shock Messrs.Grover Loftin,Carl Orren vi Mortrm. on the A bypany can moulder above described,soldaither.te.the Samoset Lumber.Com- »subject too mortgage executed Ioh.bena Houpe; euted by Tharpe ;dition ker (Mach and al Statesville,R-6,March 3.—MissnnJohnsondiedather‘home inhilohTuesdaymorningat6o'clock.uneral and interment at New.Stir-ng Wednesday morning.Rev.Jconductedtheservice. any to the American Woodworking Company on the resaw ahd planer cessories thereto. :J.1,SLOAN.;J,O.GAITHER,W.R.SLOAN,J.Ay HARTNESS, Bristol,Attorney Mortgagees. 1915. he-rarely failed to be present when La s A Burduca Liver Powder —FOR ALL — She leaves one sister,Miss Angeline John W.Cook,ex-sherif of Guil-: unday morning.—Heart.disease.|! beHEAL Kyles’baby has pneumoniae’Mr.Z.pen but is always a matter of care, ill at his’and proper nourishment of the hair ! i poreee has roots...No-matieg,if your hair is fa!l- :»ime.He is now 4 jng oui stritgyidifeless,and full ofdodging,for a man jittle better..Mrs.C.M.Wagner si dandrafill)Pawistan Sage,an_inexpen- ive tonie sdidjby Statesville “Drugs Mrs.J.M.Johnston and Co.is all)that Mrs,Flake Wagner are both sitk-pourishes the hair roots and «stime- ilates the growth of new hair. n son,dandruff is entirely removed with on: ,George,are both confined to their application,and itching i falling hair cease;your air will peMr.L..B.Patterson of Statesville’bright,vigorous,soft and “fluffy; is beginning some big improvements)Whether your hairis oily,dry oronhisfarmhere.He is having erect-brittle,Parisian Sage immediately re- ed a large and eommodious barn of moves the cause and by toning up the modern design and is laying off the scalp quickly restores the hair to itsgroundsinlandscapespreparatory.to.grj ‘chosen an eminence south:of town,'cessity and will not fail The'lasting benefit to your hair and scalp. ibagdr otiLiver. Beautiful hair does:not.just hap-) "Price 25 Cents. FOR SALE BY A~DRUG DEALERS.“" is ever.needed.It | Ail THE POPULARITY OF ‘s¢alp and Br o n t e ginal brilliancy and vigor.This delightful tonic is a real ne-4 : to givea ‘: increases all the time.More of:it us- FOR SALE—Maxwell Runabout.ed last year than.ever before.TryDeWITTDsityourself—you’ll,know why.:HOOVER..Mareh 5. A furniture factory for Troutman FOR SALE—Good six-year-old horse..Quick good .FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co...buyer gets,bargain,or will exchange forPcows:W.B CROWSON.~“Mar.5. in e s LINESS ARE SPREAD OUT TODAY. We have gathered and gathered,and.dayafterdaythefinestandmostbeautifulfash-ion Silks,Crepes and Taffetas,both in plainandfiguredforEastercostumes,have beencomingin.,Now the collection is remarkablycomplete.Plenty of the new Sand and Putty shades,exquisite variations of Blue,Graandotherwantetcolors,all of Sterling qual-ity and moderately priced.Yours fora share of your aptingDressGoods,Silks,Shoes and Milli —’PHONE 281. J.M.McKee &Company. No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drug Store and Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Store.ce business in nery, Sy sx al a c e xCe c e Sa t a y CR 3 oe 5 SORE OLX CRO NTE CE EI Robber!That WHEN you go after.the burglar in your home you want the gun that will GET him—not miss fire and let him GET you. __WHEN you go after.the robber-of your health,you want to GEThim or Y first shot,before He gets you To doit,you must aim high, get the BEST and plug the bull’s éye with the shot that tells every pull of the trigger.eyo ' WHEN you take drugs that are not up to the very highest standard you’re wasting your ammunition—shvoting in the air, WHEN you strike the trail that leads to top-notch purity and effi- :ciency in drugsitwill land you right *‘on the square.’’Open the door and step in..cme ‘The Polk Gray Drug Company. a 4 > OO i)elelmiaiwiey c from R.A,Gaither to J.E..Tharpe| also subject to a mortgage or cop-|ale contract executed by Samoset Lum-| Liver Troubles.| Cleans the system’|and makes a_healthy..,,;.n LAs »woligidelaby BR SILKS IN ALL ‘THEIR_LOVE-+=F 8 Se e r PP S s o s c e s o e c r c o s o c c o c c o r s s el s e co l e e e es o ol es t e T os e ee sf et se s Ca p s pa a Aa ya n e n a r a ne sa y $3 OO O O OO RO R Charles,N.C. Se Learn metas entre etn nner er peRSFirstNational SAFETY FIRST1,| We area NATIONAL BANK | -.Member of —— The Federal Reserve Bank of Ridbeend.. The National Carrency Association of North Carolina...ene The MAXIMUM OF SECURITY.Everycon-sistent accommodation extendedoftpatrons.. United States Depository.__ ae ge a Ts o CE C K K E E R E 7 er s BR K shy »wing described personal property,to,* by the Samoset Lumber Company to Mrs.Ro-| also subject to a mortgage exe-| Samoset Luraber Company to J.+E|{ } j |ane pas ~The Ford Coupelet is as distinstive a cat in its aclassasthoseother700,000 Ford cars in {daily use.The Coupelet notonly gives every service - of any enclosed two-passnger car,but along with this utility are the true Ford Features— Ford Vanadium Steel chassis,tested and proven __~the strongest in the world,simplicity of control, 4p.economy of operation and upkeep—less than2 ,i7 cents per mile,\ “Ford Coupelet $750;Ford Touring Car $190; Ford Runabout $440.All fully equipped f o.b Detroit.”ae On dispiay and sale at’ \ ‘4q “:Carolina Motor Co’s. f -.Buyers will share-in profits if we sell at retail300,000 new Ford cars between August,1914,“and August,1915. Commercial National Ban #)——s GAPITAL PAID IN _$190,000.00fSURPLUS~31,000,005 . ¥ any city,town or community.-as‘A bank’s usefulness to &-community depends upon. ita ability and willingness to serve the legitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscount,accom- “modation and to provide a safe depository for com-—mercial and savings deposits.ie eesTheCOMMERCIALNATIONALBANKisalocalinstitution.with large capital and surplus,furniehesgoodsecuritytodepositorsandwithresourcesof —.ovér $600,000 has the willingness to serve ‘this com-~~munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be-— lieving in this community,our policy is,‘andhas al-©ways been,progressive and constractive,assisting in every legitimate way in the advancement of the —agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel- opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our.de-posits are local and our loans are likewise local andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocalenterprises.To.our customers we furnish check books free,render statetaents or balance pass books at the endofeachmonth,make loans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactorytoour-board and in such amounts as business requirements and responsibilitywarrant,We pay interest at the rate of4 per cent)—per annum ov time and savings deposits remaining —.thred-monthd or longer ee aUponthesebaseswesolicityourbusiness,_W.D.TURNER,¥,MORRISON,D.Mn AUSLEY, @.EB.HUGHEY,- etessessessteeteresssess MG cenre PD SF eSSOSSSSES ESOT SEER ESE CESSES TESS{I pani :5 rene “BACK TO THEFARM’-Rose Comh Rhode|Island Reds.Write for mating lst.SAL- LIE DAVIDSON,Statesville,N.©.,R-8.{:Feb.23-—8t*}:penile ‘ ;|>The ‘undetsigned will sell at”‘jauetion for cash at the court hiidoorinStatesville,N.C.,on” 5 Sam tnneeniencoetnaan =SAPURDAY,MARCH 20,1915;|FOR SALE—~At a bargain,3-year-old dirk bay (at 12 o’clock m.,five shares of stockchoreeweblsbrokentobukuy.Also nite Rew ih the Statesville Cotton.Milli ;|;1 bowery de Ts ERLATN,*298 |;|Bina oe ee ee oie longingto the estate of A.'dPeaceMthlainWiecaliass|deceased.|feGs—Bet white Orpligtona by: |.breed;$1 for 15,delivered aGroceryCo.or Express office,D.By PERRY,” |EGGS—Rarred Plymouth Rocks $1 to §3.for16.Ko L.MILLER.‘Phone 461 Bluey|Reb,10-6,; ELECTA F.COO aD) Lo Re Bi MeLaughiin,AttysWeb,26,1915.; id OneZealous |ved to Be a Bad Citi- A years ago I had a correspond- the late Jolin A.Stikeleath- Olin,with a view to making a be correct list of the studentsrNewInstituteandOlinabovementioned,But he :that no catalogue of the school far theoe years cou:d be found and nor I felt able to make ammemory.So the mat-/ See 'Chlinbecs of.Chatta- tion,to go to his home or charge asher.J was delightedto see minister of the MethodistChureh,South,in Hast—Afterwards 1-watched with ithepaperscontainingproceedings of the Conferences as long as he lived, Among the ‘ost ‘prominent and promising converts of there ous re- vival heretofore mentioned,was Mas-sey,the student from Cleveland orGastoncounty.I was present and heard him makehis tonfession or pro- fession,whichever our |Methodist friends call it,in the experience meet-ing held at the close of the revival.Jrememberthatheshedtearsofre-pentance for his sins and joy for theforgivenesswhichheclaimedtohave Tennoatee. and ina year or (WO)pe ceived:for them,“and made strong:urse x cannot do anynheand¥could have!Wonder,however,how!Ithepeople we knew at Olin pf above mentioned are still living,and where and how? Nevertheless,even under the fore- circumstances it may.be ‘that incidents and the ‘people that I can even now recall for .the years 1853 and 1858 may possibly be of some interest to the few survivors and the relatives and friends of those who are dead,With this apology for “probable errors,I will give my best 'pecollections.:: For the foregoing reasons the lists ‘that are to follow are not claimed to be accurate.Some names,doubtless, appear in one list that ought to be in the other.Several.tike myself,ap- pear,in,both.In 1853 I used all my initials.but before 1858 had dropped “Dp.”Some"of the ane cau of men I met at Taylorsville,itso Col and in.the army, who were never at New Institute or Olin at all;but,nevertheless remain Gn my memory as schoolmates.It may ha that some survivors can correct .my errorsin thelistto.follow,and to or subtract therefrom.The *the teachers in 1853 havebéengiven.The following best list-of tue family names, so far as given names‘students at New eae L Ye mm 853—Anderson,Samuel L.(7);An- _drews,G.H.(7);Albea—(7);Bag-‘A.(2);Baker,—(7);Alexander H.;mbers,D. .Miss;Clegg,Ollie;Clezg,Will;Collins, :me,°A.(2);Cowan,Cowan,Isaac A.;Cowan,Na-s Crawford,J.R.(7);Curtisn.J.(2);Foard,Noah Partee; Beers James,John; z H.Harrison;Jones,pard,-——;Little,W.,John L.;MecCon- PB;Renney: ~Massey,——;Miller,aeeely,James W.;Nesbitt,Bur- é:»=~(2);Roby,W.N,; ‘ OUR,Leet ‘illiams,Granderson;Yarbrough,7);York,R.Watt.'be that no Anderson ought!may deAin-this list at_all..A student.bytlienameofSamuelL:Anderson was;Davidson College;and appears in ie CentennitalGollegein.1860-1861.“confused with New _Inktitute.Brown,the Cowans,Crawford,Lip- pad,Lyerly,the McConnaugheys, _atid,1 think,Neely,were from Row- “an county,though I have a sort of im- ression that Neely was from Davie. Andrews was from the eastern partAloftheStateorfromSouth.Carolina. Collins was from Warren county.Cur- ->tis and Waugh were from Wilkes gounty.Foard was from Cabarrus.Little and Shuford were from Cataw-a.Massey,of whom something willbesaidlater,was from*Cleveland or ~Gaston county.Miller,of whom with fassey something will be said later, I may ‘have we Hi the others,.as well as tho8e whosenamesIcannotrecallatall,werefrom.Iredell county.*Young Methodist Ministers. ‘improve their education. Ivey, Ohe or two others. ous tone to the student body. dents. to see what it was. boys,conductedpreachers.the prayers of the mourners by these sober Presbyterians, at might Itolookwith levity upon any se-by earnest may have‘sympathy with the mode time Mr,Waugh seemedaveryoldpersontobe,He was one of‘who always appear old -phous religious,proceediiPeees‘much r to me to.Mporn Bod 1. T lostwhat when ;;Shuford,A.H.;Smith,(2);Tomlin,Sharpe;Triplett, ‘L.;Turner ——;Turner,Miss ’Turner,Virgil;Waugh,Henry catalogue of that ‘Smith and,I think,Williams,were from South Carolina.Most,if ‘not Among the students in 1853 “were anumberofyoungMethodistpreachers,“who were taking advantage of this“néw and cheap Methodist.school to1AmongtHese,as 1 remember,were Andrews,if there was an Ivey,Reb A-\,“Smith,Triplett,Waugh,and possibly s f These young men “gave quite a good moral and religi- Theyhelpedtoconductthereligious’ser-Vices held’in the school’house andalsoattendedandhespedatthécampmeetingsinthecountryroundabout. During this session they got up quite a religious revival among the stu-IT remember one night at Mr.Nesbitt’s we heard quite a noise at theschoolhousesoveronthehill,and*several others,with myself,went over We found a reg-wilar old-fashioned Methodist.revivalinprogressamonganumberoftheyoung The noise we heard was andYoungpreachers,interspersed withtheexhortationsofthe-young-preach-ers and the singing of hymns.To me, at least,raised among)the staid andsober.Pres!eae a novelreligiousproceeding.|Doubtless my.demeanor,as I looked in through the“window,was not reverential:And tothisgoodday,more.than 61 years af--terwards,1.well remember the lec-and «solemn talk which Mr, ‘ve me,and eyer sincevenever-allowed ‘my- n young.Afterhtofhimanddidwhameofhimuntiligin1867or1868,at Mad-“1.accidentally met assertions of a determination to there~ after lead a pious and upright life.I remember,too,that.he obtained my |boyish admiration and warm regardasagoodyoung.man...He was wellproportionedandfairlygoodlooking.with a fine command of language andimpressivepresenceandmanner.Hisconversionattractedtheattentionand |good will of the religious people and |students.I certainly expected himitoentertheministryandjoinBro,Waugh and his band of young preach-ers.But he didn’t.Probably Capt. P.€.Carlton and other of the olderresidentsofStatesvilleandofOlin}.and vicinity may remember the Mas-sey atid Miller Criminal Affair,whichcreatedquiteaninterestandexcite-ment at New Institute and neighbor-hood and which,in a way,also reach-ed Statesville,the county seat.Dur-ing this fall session of 1853,both be-fore and after the revival,the stu-dents and other people of the villagefromtimetotimémissedbooks,slates,pencils,etc.,from their desks,and other portable articles from theirroomsandhouses;Articles of mer-ehandise’mysteriously ©disappearedfromthevillagestore.Of coursethesethingscausedmuchtalkandwonder.Finally some cirenmstancesamongthemthebuyingofalargeyewtrunkatthestore—turnedsus-picion towards Massey and his.room-mate Miller,who boarded at the homeofCalvinBowles,about a half milesouthofthevillage.One thing re- ealled another until the suspiciongrewstrongenoughtocausetheroom of Massey and Miller to be examined.and,sure enough,much to my sur- prise and mortification.many if notallthemissingarticleswerefound. especially such as could not be eatenorotherwiseusedup.Legal-proceed-ives were instituted and Massey and Miller were both bound over to ap- pear at the next Superior Court,sentto.Statesville and put in jail there. And thus my first hero worship andfaithinpoorhumannature,evenwhenveneeredwithreligiousprofes- sions were broken,and I was made tofeelthatthingswerenotalwayswhattheyseemed.+,‘Miller was said to have been of agoodfamilyinSouthCarolina,was a pleasant,genial young man and verypopularamongthepupilsofthe school.and his acquaintances amongthepeopleofthevillageandneigh- rhood.He ‘was,however,ofa somewhat pliable:fature and easily influenced by associates with strong-er wills.It was believed that he hadbeeninfluencedandledintowrongdoingwithoutappreciatingthewrong by Massey,who was of strong will, and had Miller completely under hiscontrol...My recollection is that Mil-ler’s family and friends from SouthCarolinacametohis-aid,established his previous good character and were permitted to take hin home.I don’tthinkhewasevertriedorpunishedforhispartinthetransaction.Just what was done with Massey Idon’t remember,but I know he wasblamedforthewholething.Hisfatherwasarougholdwagoner,~“TtrememberhewasatNewInstitutewith..his.‘wagon team when hissongotintotrouble.He was a roughtookingoldmanand,I -remember.wore.a flaming red flannel shirt andwentmostofthetimein.his shirt sleeves.I think he was not only awagoner.who hauled goods and movedpeoplefrom:time to time,but also,drove over the country as a sort of peddler;and it was thought by somethatheandhisson:had an\under-standing about the things that theyoungman:had stolen,and that whenasufficientamountwascollectedthe ‘old man was to come with his wagonand.team,load’the'things'up at nightandhaulthemawayfortradeinsomeotherpartofthecountry.And itmaybethathecameforthispurposeandhiscomingmayhavehurriedupthealreadysuspiciouspeopletotakelegalstepstoascertainwhetherhisgonwas.puilty and to prevent theoldmanfromgettinghimandthe goods away.While the friends of Miller came to his aid and were able, as I remember,to get him out of jailonbail,Massey’s father and his friends were not of sufficient mora) or financial:standing to help him inthesameway.Whether he was ever tried and convicted I do not now re. member.The records of the court at Statesville,if not destroyed,wouldshowhowthis~was,call that I ever‘heard any ‘more ofMasseyuntilIbecamecaptainof Company:“'C’\of the |Forty-NinthNorthCarolinaRegiment,in 1862.In that regiment were companies fromClevelandand’Gaston counties,andIthenheardthatattheoutbreakofthewarMasseywasinjailforsomeallegedcrime,and that he wes re-|leased on ebndition that he would vol-}unteer into.the Confederate service,but by the time 1 joined the regimentinDecember,1862,he was not in it— had.disappeared by desertion or in some.other -way..I don’t think hehadmadeagoodsoldier.here(To be.continued.) For the Stomach and Liver, hb N.Stuart,West Webstor,N.Y.,writes:T have,used Chaniberlain’s ‘Tablets for dis-orders of thd ‘stomach and liver off and.onforthepast~five years,and it affords nieleastiretoatatethatThavefoundthemtoyejustasrepresented;Fhey are mild in theiractionatidtheresultshaveheensatisfactory.T value them highly.”Por sale by.all dealers. him,|W scopal Tt don’t now -re=| though he had forgotten me,and in aj.Two disco sbert,conversation I learned that he|Portance to had for a long time been an.active: +high |explosives,for which on rear or the|world has depended ‘almost exclusives!ly on Germany.4 ean Doctor Rittman has applied for}patents on his processes,to prevent)the possibility of any monopoly in|their use,and will dedicate them totheAmericanpeople.wie “These processes,”said Secretary!Lane,“are fraught with the ‘utmost |importance.The.Standard Oil Com-|vany has had a big advantage over|independents in production of gaso-)line from petroleum that the _inde-|pendents now obtain.Now the Fed-!eral government,through the,etfarts|of Doctor Rittman,proposes to makefreefortheuseofallaprocesscon-|fidently expected to increase their)yields of gasoline fully 200 per cent!and perhaps more.Doctor Rittman! claims his process is safer,simpler|and more economical,| “With a steadily creasing de-)mand for gasoline for atitomobiles,|motorboats and éngines,this fortu-| nate discovery comes at the proper) time.It is but two years ago that)the automobile industry offere@ a} would cost less than gasoline.This}new process adds to the hope that)in spite_of the wonderful growth in,the use of gasoline there may.not be}any shortage in the future.When}itis realized the gasoline”industry’ each year yields $100,000,000 to)$150,000,000,the importance of this) discovery is seen.i“The second process.discovered by|Doctor Rittman may prove of much} suggests the establishment of an in-|dustry—and alse promises indirect-| ly a measure of national safety of|incalculable import.Amongthe nec-| essary ingredients of high explosives, toluol.and benzol are in therank.Heretofore these’~products| have been mainly obtained in Ger-!many and England from’coal tar. Explosives manufacturers have had) to denend largely on these sources.| The Federal government now pro-)poses.to obtain toluol and henzobyfromcrudepetroleum,These prod-|nets can be produced from virtually|any American petroleum.The sup-' ply.can be made.sufficient not only|for the entire American trade,but}also.for other purposes and at a! reasonable cost.|“The real comforting thing,how-; ever,is that in time of great nation-'al stress,if the nation ever is,called},on to defend itself we can manhufac-ture.the most efficient and most pow-erful’explosives known in warfare. Were it not:for this discovery it is-ossible that in such an emergency we might be compelled to rely ongreatly‘inferior explosives and this would spell national disaster.“Dr.Rittman concludes from hisexperimentsthatthisprocessbecomemoreeconomicalthanGer-}.man methods and it’may result ineventuallygivingtheUnitedStates a supremacy in the dyestuffs indus-try that has belonged to Germany.It ,would tend.to preventanceofthegreatindustries engaged)in the manufacture of silks,cottons and.woolens in such |extraordinarytimes’as we are now experiencing.” ssceeeeieenionimeetianseniaaeeetiaiateemmenimniaial -‘Start For Merchant Marine Baltimore Sun.:ete“There have been added-to American ping act of last with a gross tonnage of more than 468,000."Compared with England’sfiguresorGermany’s these present a trivial appearance,but compared withwhathasbeeninthiscountry,theylookverywell.Together with the tonnage in existence before the war they constitute a pretty fair start-inthedirectionofanAmericanmer-~ chant marine.-If the ship purchase bill is not pass-ed at the present-session of Congress, certainly some action should be taken looking to a thorough investigation of the merchant marine question,so that by the time the war ends,or atleastbeforeitseffectshavechanged materially the present shipping situ-ation,this country will have had’an opportunity to revise its navigation laws intelligently.We must not losewhatwehavegained,yet the univer-sal opinion seems ‘to be that we can-not hold this tonnage unless changes are made in our laws. Ex-President Taftwill deliver three ginning March 17. “CASCARETS”CLEANSE me LIVER AND BOWELS. No-More Headache,Bad-Colds,SourStomachandConstipation. Get a 10-cent box now.Are you _keeping your.liver,stomach’and bowels clean,pure andfreshwithCascarets—or merely fore- ing aspassageway every féw dayswithsalts,cathartic pills or castor oil?This is important.\Cascarets immediately cleanse thestomach,remove the sour,undigestedandfermentifigfoodandfoulfrases}take the excess bile from the liverandcarryout,of the system the ¢on-stipated waste matter and poison inthebowels. and constipated you feel,a Cascarettonightwillstraightenyououtbymorning.‘They work while you sleep.A 10-cent box from your diageis sweet and your liver and bowelsularformonths,Don’t forget\children—their little insides needgentlecleansing,to. 3 $100,000 prize for a substitute that) may |, disturb-|’ -__Have been proved best in thousandsof _tests and by their 1,750,000 users the world over. WHY DO 98 PER CENT OF_-world’s-ereameriesuse De Layal Sep- “-arators?.THE REASON IS PLAIN.AFTER EX-perimenting with various other ma-chines claimed to be as good as the-De Laval they ‘found that it was the .only cream separator that would skim> lean;and inasmuch as a very slight loss of .butterfat in a creameryskimmingthousandsofpounds’ofmilkadaymeansabiglossat.the end of the year,they could not afford to use any machine which would not _ skim as Closely .as the De Laval. NO FARMER CAN AFFORD TOwastehiscreamwithaninferiorsep- arator any more than ean any cream- ery.In the case of the farmer thetotallossissmaller,but as a matter of fact the difference between the cream recovered by a De Laval Cream Separator and any other*separator is usually sufficient to pay the wholeg cost,of a De Laval in from six months to a year. more valué than the first-in.that it/@ first |9 Before you buy any cream separator ask the De Layal agent.to letyou tryYoucantryanyothermachineoutaDeLaval. ming.efficiencyofthe Dearator,;the intending —purehaser °should take into §consideration thefact,that the De Laval’machine will,’last from two to five times longer _than any other cream separator;that.”°¥ it is easier to turn,-and-easier to-wash,» all of which are important considera-tions in the choice ofa cream.separae.. tor.a ' SIDE FROM THE GREATED AMIN.Ne THESE ARE NOT JUST MERE “PA- per”claims.We have proved these’claims in thousands’of the ‘severest — tests with “would-be”competing machines under all sorts of condi- tions,and we are willing to prove them again as often as may be nee¢- 'essary.e IF ANY ONE ‘TRIES TO SELL YOU f another make of cream separator claiming that it is just as good as theDeLaval,that it will give as good’ satisfaction as the De.Laval,and élaiming that because the price may be a little eheaper you will save mon- ey by ‘its purchase,the only thing to _ dois to make them try to prove their - claims. ANY DE LAVAL AGENT WILL BE trial and‘you can run it side bygladtoletyouhaveamaching on side . with any other cream’separator you ike,and be the judge yourself as-to which machine will be the best for you to buy. THERE IS.CERTAINLY NO ECONO- my in buying a poor separator. Economy is a very commendable hab- it but when it is carried tothe ex- treme of buying a cheap cream sepa-rator becauseit is represented to be“just as good as the De Laval,”it in- variably turns out.to be a very.ex- pensive experience in the end. THERE IS ONLY ONE ECONOMICAL’es = eream separator to buy and that is the De Laval.tt ou like alongside of it,and then judge for yourself which machine is the best for you to buy....Home Canner Manufacturing Co.,Hickoryy | 'L.M.ALLEN, The De Laval Separator Co, a SELLING AGENTS. Local Representative. 165 Broadway,New York, 29 E.Madison St.,Chicago. i Over 1,750,000 DeLavals in daily use.—50,000 branches and local agencies the world over. Seg arene W.C.Feimster threw up his job! registry since the passage of the ship-j - ugust 129 vessels,|»f {-A household remedy of the French| “peasantry,consisting of pure—vege-+table oil,and said to’possess wonder-|f lectures at the State University,be-| No odds how sick,headachy,bilious| will keep your head clear,stomach||Woodre| $50 a year and allowed $1 for -eachcage. ‘HOW -FRENCH -PEOPLE- ful merit in the treatment of stom- seen introduced “in thisGeorgeH.Mayr,who for svho himself Was cured.by its use.:So a single dose is usually enough to have tried it declare they never heard able results in soshort a time.It is‘known as Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy and can’now be had at all leading quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you absolute satisfaction. -Wood’s_. Seed Oats are all choice,recleaned‘stocks,much superior tooatsasordinarilysold. Oats areone of the crops that promise itable re-- turns.For best crop results, sow as early as practicable. ate fe “WOOD'S CROP;AL,’’.giving pricesadanecialinformation.a-:t the most profitable |ctops to plantatthis season-of the year.Mailed on re- T.W.WOOD &SONS, -SEEDSMEN,-Richmond,Va.- ‘ ‘Wood'sfor1915,tellifs e liver and intestinal.troubles,has| country by iftwenty|f years has been oe of the leading|}down town druggists of Chicago und }} "quick and effective is its action that |? bring pronounced relief in the most |} stubborn cases,and many people who |: of anything to produce such,remark-|} drug stores.It is sold with the posi-j]tive understanding that your money |};will be refunded without question or/f Ce e SO R E ‘as solicitor of Catawba county court ff‘because there was too much work for |}the pay.He was given a retainer of |} ‘CURE STOMACH TROUBLE.f | and coloring,that-costs-less than-plinoleum,—It is easily laid,requifastening,and-is-very-. Congoleum is splendid for kitchen floors.Repeated washing cannot injure it. Tile,matting,floral and conventionaldesigns,suitable for any room. Congoleum Rug Borders a:¢remarkable imita-tiomd of polished eak.“Cothe in and see whis we sanitary Boor coveriay. |Statesville Housefurnishing Co. SC R E ee Co k e s fe W.R rie ’SeeeginaksaSeesenerentohiredteers PERCTAIR ORCC ROCHEYOUROPPORTUNITY "fo Buy 4 Nice Fatm and Get Ready for Next Yeat’Hi Crop.No.1—345 acres in Elmwood.All school and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in :bottom,8-room house,large barn‘and outhouses.|SieNo.2—-77 acres 34 miles east of city...This propértylies on the sand-clay highway now being constructed by the government.IsidealforDairyand‘Truck farming.:nee No,3-40 acres 1 1-4 miles from seed square.Splendidly .adapted for Dairy purposen,Live Stock and P.?No.460 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a b:AO city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’’—$15 down,.*balance in monthly paymentsof%.010lotsinBloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in gouth Statesville,a~;~-=-geetion fast developing.Several nice housesand ‘lots to sellsCallonmeandlearnwhatIhave2.20 {North.Carolina ae 5 |600 on an Old Claim, /Washington Dispatch ‘to Gheanststs' be.Newa.;;} ,A positive effort vig now “being | ‘made in Congress to:place the State of North Carolina on a parity with} ithe.other States of the Union in the,‘matter of’the refundment to-herof|money and expenditures in the pay-.‘ment and equipment of the ate)+maglitia calléd into the-service of.the}|United States during the war of 1822|‘to 1815.A bill in the nature of@ an ‘lamendment to the feneral deficiency"bill,authorizing and ‘directing a re-adjustment and payment of theseclaims,was ‘introduced inthe House<lof Representatives by Representa- i tive Pajze. Overman are looking after the pase~ age in.the Senate.|The bill provides that the Secreta-ity of.the ‘Treasury’be authorized!and directed to zeopen,examine ‘andaudittheclaimoftheState_of North| iH en n a PT S S L M E T ER I E if Mi n t i y Rave Makes ReadingAPleasure “HE full mellow glow.of the Rayo Lamp rests “your eyes and makes reading a pleasure.‘The absence of glare and harshness will be a distinct relicf., to you.—It.,is,this quality that causes scientists to } “recommend the soft light of the oil lamp,The e LAMPis the highest point of per- fection in oil lamps. light always.xpenditures*made by the.State in the war of 1812-1815,with Great Britain,and ascertain and~deter-jmine,in.accordance with the role |fapplied in the settlement of the like ‘lelaim of the State-of Maryland un-| ider provisions of the act of Congress. approved March 3,1857,the amount.remaining—unpaid and due-to the) State of North Carolina,on account, ‘of ‘advances and expenditures and: appropriate whatever sum is fou -o be necessary for the payment of said claim. During the,war with Great Brit- No‘glare,no flicker,correct Rayo Lamps are easy to light and care for.Inex- pensive—yet the best light at any price. »Yourdealer will be glad to show you the Rayo. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Westieatsn,Dc.§=6—o (NEW JERSEY)Sorters,N.C.oe BALTIMORE eee Ye,hmond,Va,Charleston,S.C, ing the Union made certain advances|of money and expenditures in’the, q Payment and équisiaent of their ami-|paiitja—ealled into the service of the.:United States,A large’portion of the expenditures-so-—made—was_re-4. é funded to the States out of regular |appropr iations meade by Congress/,or the support of the army.FurtherGdnientswere-made-underan.act.. ‘ongress,approved March 3; 1817,directing the payment of “bal-'=ance due certain States.”Additional . =refundments were made under spé-, = If you failed to make a resolution on Jan- -uary Istto save money this yeaf—then why not do so now.We will be glad-to have you start an account in =ofiiciary.Sub sequeant,to these re- 2 fundments of the:principal “of the’ sums thus.expended by ‘the States:=Congress has from time to o!:made provision for the payment of:OurSavings Department [oar"zs ;-NS Dp _en __6 ythose States whichhed found:‘it! :;;:necessary to borrow money to Tieet=the original obligations.__if with only $1.00.If you will do this, .;,sand add to it regularly from time to time it will make you independent. =ognized the proper expenditure.by.,‘the State of Morth Carolina for the.navment an uipment’of militia)nd has refuted tothe State the “am.of $77,060.No settlement, ever,appears ever to have been mace with.the State for the.interest charges.which she incurred and paid an nioney Kettowed jin order to mee’ 3¢.expenses.The records of thStatechpw.thet North Carolina w:obliged to.resort to.loans in order t: The pybl: acts.of .the We Pay 4 Per CentCompound Interest onSavings: tnmensiomsomeeater Merchants and Parmery Bank,» Of Statésville, “The Bank For Your Savings.’’ a se_obligations. .by various ‘Legislature during the period fron 1812-16,was authorized to,andyd i borrow Jarge sums of .mohey ect the above-mentioned expend pigs ives,as.well as for the operating «:Tamu Wensés of the State government.The records of the Treasurer's office show thot the State was.borrowing -fre: the banks and paying interest on ar oroximately $100,000 during parisofthisperiod, It is contended that the State of North Carolina is.entitled to-a sct-tlement and refundment of the inter-est charges incurred by her on these loans and in accordance with fame.rules as have been applied“the settlement of like accountsotherStates.-: Upon the passage of this-bi Wo by Congress,the Treasury Depar tment _will,auditand adjust theaccount1 |accordance with |the directions -hon- tained therein and the amount found,to be due the State,teporter back‘to Congress -for specifie appropria- Ze“s s p re a mr s k a c r m m e ni g a iotmeeaanrenSh sale OAR % “That's what I am,”’Zoy friend said. “Well,what are going to do about it?”aat Idon’t know what to do unless I keep on eyuucliae ondWouldotRaelike me to tell ou what not to do?’’:“Indeed I would.,S“Weil,sir,don’t lower your high standard Perhaps if-.you were to raise it'an inch or two higher,you might risetogreatereffort.’’—John Wanamaker. The Standard of the Statesville Realty &Investment _Co,for Square Dealing,prompt and efficient SERVICEin all its_branches of business,remains,as it has for the past ninepaoiecareer,2 monument to its present successful in of |)PAS Senators Simmons and‘ Carolina on account of advances and |“ ain the several States then.compris pr; 3 of oneness 3,in which each va ar >was made the ben-!Fi time|. The VFederal government has tee-., howe hx -aE“quickly; the - p just a few~ eeee aeeae TT lwasild Permit Shipment of Beer in This Case. The United States Supreme Court |ihas decided that«thée Kansas StotePeourtsexceededtheirauthorityin!enjoining M..Kirmeyer from:ship-|,|ping keer from.Missouri’into’Kan-Justice MeReyonlds,detivering| the ecision,laid’down thess@ conclu- men8] Beer is a recognized article of; commerce.”The right.to send it from)one State to another and the act of doing so are inter-State commerce,|the ‘erulation whereof has been con-|| mit ted to Congress,and a State law} which denies such right or substan-| tially interferes,withor hampers the, su is in.conflict withthe constitu-|tion of the United States.| ‘ransportation is.not.complete; delivery to.the consignee or the; tion of reasonable ‘time there-fa:and prior:thereto the provisions| pot the_Wilson act-of 1890"have no ap- Piicat ion’* It was alleged that:after receivers heen appointed to oust.various! lesale liquor dealers.from bust-| :Leavenworth,Kans:,Kirmeéy-| ablished a.warehouse across! ver in:Missouri.and continued} -beer in:Kansas.The Kan-} ‘Nes orthe to a knowhowgood it isuntilyoufryit’i Coble’s CrouphsaeRiad Pneumonia Remedy 4é C is the new imate for Children CROUP AND ALL:COLD TROUBLES.“ofp RELIEVES INSTANTLY. Can be usedwi llsafety apd ein LIQUID fog,ae ee Easily ppl.YOU JUST RUB IT ON.Cie it.a sreme Court held that his re Preval was a “mere”cevice to evade the ;liquor.law and that.the} traue was not inter-State-commerce rod faith.”! I:is stated that this:decision has! no Learing on the Webb -Kenyon} law—and dogs,not mean that!may be shipped in inter-State: commerce ‘under any and all condi- tion Revenue Receipts Tncreased inFebruary.ar nteg? ry iGOODTIME! The clocksin the home must be right or the fieunelenapine caa’t be ex-pécted to plan and have meals on time.Then:there is noeconom inwearingoutyourpocketwithawatchthatyoucan’t dependon.*what you want todo is to get your watch or clock repaired =BOHENRY.while he is devoting his entire time to’repairing bs yal and clocks and fitting spectacles ee glasses. R:¥F.H ENI Jeweler. EB. ernm the first time since July gov- nt revenues for a month of the: t fiseal.year have beaten the! ace set during the fiscal year 1914-| PDuriee February the Treasury De-: {t received in revenue from all} $43,636,272;-compared-with: s in Webruary,1914,of $43,- 7,Ordinary expenditures,how-. amounted to $56,137,624,leaving leficit.for the ‘month of.about:500,000,."The exeess of ordinary, oorsement-fer-the-eight.menths-of. cal year which ended March 1, r receipts for thet.period amount-©$83,356,622. 0 ms receipts for t to $44,393,895 or about )less than tast February.In-ue teceipits-ran up to or ebout $2,300,000 more Wehrusry...Much of this in- as due to returns from’the y tax, €ourcees 17 TI S F r c v e s s e e e e e s ee s Te e 7 th ove February $3,- Te s II S I T S S I S T TT to $2 {1 Roosevelt'ssC avalry. Journ al.are relt bobbed up the other day sid that ke and all his sons were .ehd that in case of war hé ee i |ta yaise a cavalry regtment?The)scornful might ask what in thilfider:{bs Colonel would do with#a eavalry: the-sea,where the fighting would: out there were any,to say nothing! f the fact that they.heaye even ot using cavalry on land.“‘USE MLONA wileySTOMACHISUPSET. No matter how tong you have suf-. ‘ered from a miserable,upset stom- ch,indigestion or dyspepsia,Mi:-O7no4Bsimple,inexpensive prescrip- ion easily had at any drug ktoi e— safely —and—effectivel s,or it will not cost SI S T I S T E T I I T I 2 7 : M5: 1 La p t e e s e e e a p e s e p e e e p e s e s e e s + _cend the Batisyouapenny. OP I S ebpeeeicemenanenerepemmce tere reritoe Pita Perfect”Fence. All ‘‘PittsburgPerfect”Fences have stay wires asheavyasintermediatelinewires,A fence is only as strong as its lightest wire.No=wire projections:to injure stock or pull wool from‘+Possess pP e c o s s s r e c s s e s c o o o s s c s e e s e s s Se e s s oo o : +o 0s oe e o s Ls‘the strongest fence joint in.the world—the Weld |That Held.Where the wires are welded together §by electricity,the fenceis twice as strongas theitself;Guaranteed that the wire is not injured:the joints.Guaranteed that the stays cannot beslippedorseparatedfromstrands.Guaranteed ad-justable to uneven ground.Guaranteed strongeandmoredurablethananyother. Every rod guaranteed perfect.when buyingtence,If you weigh it in the roll,re-member that ‘Pittsburg Perfect”is all fence—noantiquatedwrappedortiedjoints,no useless wire,sauselessweight.G Gauge the wire. When your stomach is out of orF-! cer some foods taste good but workbadly,fermenting into a lump and surely causing sour or acid iste in’the mouth,severe pain in the:@ coated restless | pit of the stomach,gas, ‘ongue,offensive breath, ights and nervousness,“Tes needless for you.to suifer for) Mi-o-na «tablets <bring?! joyful”reitéf —they.do more for} these little “helps:to health?soothe * and strengthen the inflamed and) weakened-stoniach_walls-and-increase!-@ ’the flow of ‘the digestive juices so!that the stomach can care for the) food as nature intended.|No matter what ails your stomach, stubborn!@ “We InsureAnything Insarable.” Call on us for service.‘Phone us if more SonveniontStatesvilleRealty&Investment Co. J.F.CARLTON,Manager,"Phone 54,”Statesville,N.C, People’s Loan &Savings Bank,Capital -$50,000.00 Tsnow located iinits New Building _on Center street and ready for -busingss..TN \ \\ sa Stockholders,customers,business men,farmers, _and the public are invited to come in and see our »handsome new quarters,where we are prepared totransact-a banking businessinallof its departments.\ ~Your rice and that:of.te friends,will be ppreciated,.Courteous employes will show youoverthebuilding,and give prompt atteation to allGraeatesondhinaWee ~~‘Experiment Station in 3 put your faith in Mi-o-na.Get some!of these harmless but helpful tablets;§from the Statesville Drug Store to- day arid cat whatever your appetite!§ “raves,and never fear disiress.F tion.It is contended that an audit of the account on the same basis astointerestastheauditsoftheac- counts of other States have been made,will show that North Carolinaisclearlyentitledtosomternintrmore|than gets Srehpir rene inne pte i L.Promiseof ‘Less Cotton and More Meat. _Judging formthe unusually large number of inquiries received at theWestRal-eigh,says a Raleigh dispatch,it isverylikelythatthecottoncropin this State will be reduced this year by at least 50,000 acres.i The animal industry division is re-ceiving._many inquiries regarding an- jimal raising.The pig clubs,home- ‘made meat clubs,poultry clubs,and dairy ‘products elub are to be push- 'ed with unusual vigor.The home->‘made meat club is w new thing in|North Carolina.It is a.movement which is taking well,as from Janu-“ary Ito the present time 1,000 mem-‘bers have enrolled.One thousand‘also enrolled last year. The Handsomest loial Designs Obtainable today in the South are pre- ~No,but we-have something better for you if you have'cotton seed or need to buy FEED, We are giving a liberal exchange of meal and hulls for seéd.Our prop- osition will double the value of “your seed if you take advantage of it,Bringin your seed early,as we expect'to close down mill for the seasom ¢.ry much earlier this season than sual.Yourstruly, The improvement of land by live ‘stock and thereby making a two-fold\gain—the profit from the ‘meat and;then enrichment of the —land,,will ~talso be a much-stressed.feature.Soyheansforthewestandpeanutsfortheeastandafterwards’grazing ‘byhogsisthemethodthatwillbepush- pared by. J \*More home-made table,products,”‘ie the motto for the 1915.farm work. “Po the Housewife, adam,if ah husband (is:like .most menyouto‘look after the health of|;d children,Coughs and ¢olds.are|the most”common of the minor ailments and|:likely to lead to serious diseases.|4 Much more«fikel yeoritract | Lam operating on 2 cassh basis now.caeforeverythingIsell—gasoline,‘oils, greases,.batteries,tires,ete.—and forall.repair work,My patrons will benefitothenee)in lower Prices. GASOLINE -:OL investment,quotes James B,}as saying:are ““Whr times and-other,periods of}|synere!de}ion have never Depth i_)ed unfav:forthe tobacco indus-|jtry.In fact,at the time of theClevelanddgproseion,Leet was an ac-hoominthe eco industry in|country.:a‘Af this is true,and.certainly:Mr.)Sv!Duke.should ‘be.competent to speakby‘the card,it presents .@.curious Neaetis Guanot poet ob ahsmeGonetintimey*or“eye-witness”|solacethat man finds in tobaccoin :—t,in a’description,of the riods of trouble Re3 rAd j seeps);Pn :ne ',::' ttles southeast of Ypres and|P*rnct Mr.Duke is correct would)|Beginning Saturday,March6,for one week only.in:800,000.Hoosier Cabi havesand)”(Phat Mr.Du c i 4 ing ;’1 only,:Jabinets have been:sold.countryinwhich the armies are sceiy tobe borne outbySpe pheerve The Hoosier Mi nuf “9 Gey,a,permits us.“WHITE BEAUTY”isthe finest Hoosier made.|_ iin #sheltered spot”he continues,|Hient ne pAeser by the breadiine that][|t0.sell the |at $2.50 lessthan ‘To double the sale of this one cabinet quickly,th “there is a little graveyard geo strings out from the huge Ow!lunch §the low cash price established bythe Hoosier Hoosier Company authorizes this shisin3 000 pick.of our own ¢‘::ic °*.:;+Me "hsTheie,eeavés hava OHNO Cte Tee ant nn eee ee cient ag Regular Hoosier prices areremarkably ed towns.‘This is truly thechanceof.a lifetime for_§Company. 4 and a rough square of|fiavd,‘await the distribution of food.|™™low.This red n-means an unheard-of bar-afew women only.i i imibeenplacedaroundthem.|‘They are of old and young,middle-||duction -an -afew womenonly.Ourallotment is strictly limited Se eee ee nea ie _6 *bey?|._Nearly.all are for-4 ; point ofthe brick fields re-dgouré ‘They.are alike.in one re-|Be ;White Beauty 30 men tried to rush spect.They all.are smoking.’head was a young *cnoaeamniaicaseeneisre,Oe Sodveschad|<4 Comtery ot Trousers’|Bg Delivered for $1.00. wire and then fell dead,|Boston Globe..2 there yet,with his swo'One hundred years o-Napoleon Then $1 weekly soon ::,ae d ck :q ys the balance;Your money back if you're and-all-his 30 men about)returned from Elba,the battle of)Bi:not anions a it,Noextra fees.No interest.Just the cash wa g e s ie fi l e ) av e 23ge t ji ri s e ee FE e e S k e Efece Whterloo.was -fought—jand_trousers! is the same allslong the fo were introduced.inte polite octane :J : ghar banoah OR,sane Whee sind erGisteaad|\Saves Miles of Steps For Your Tired Feet. mes several rows together and some]save from the craniums of lawyers ;times singly or in twos or threes.|in court,and the wearing of high +You now must carry things fromyour cupboard and pantry to your "Gountry Swept As By Blast.|hats became general:(the historians table and back again at every meal This means miles of steps. “This description might serve with of fashion say),it.quickly became 'The Hoosier saves all these because it-combines everythingat-your oe !salting:aitarats ~for many of|Obvious that some —appropriate finger’s ends..You can sit down in front of the Hoosierand do near- the to oo ee one faut,Shines change must also be~made at the ly all your work.You save energy by saving steps:You have Be er ta centered exvund other,and of the mala.Agora:Kees]ay og mere:fe st ca i!*reec.and 81 8 ngs not *: teanebes It :eee an correspond with the stovepipes.So)Has 40 Labor-Saving Features—17 New. ‘swept by a withering blast before the oatmos aoe enaaiana to work:eo which i hi |to.devise nether garments congru-This “WHITE BEAUTY”gives youa real scientific kitchen.You every object,whether a abled |0s with the new headpieces.The re-canput 400 articles in this new Hoosier,every one at:your fingerssofnaorofman,has crumbled “into‘ne or become twisted and de-|Sut was pantaloons as we know ends. :=,|them.oar :ie formed,and even the very ground it-|~e-Duke of “Wellington had The cabinet includes the patented shaker’flour sifter—only_sifter Feet esPe RT RON et eaten:Wi aon the strange!made that shakes flour~through instead of grinding it.It also. a 7 es con h or the Yn en Y things in London before they were ff hasacomplete accounting system;a cook-book holder that_keeps re e sout 2 ine ic >he regarded there as strictly en‘regle.your book always open in front of your eye;Mrs.Christine Freder- ees ath ne haveare some in.|The centenary of trousers should be ick’s Food Guide that answers the question,“What shall 1 have for weet wn eee eid ee To commemorated by American men in dinner?”’.The new-all-metal bread and cake box has double capac-:es ate Careers eee,1915 with such ceremonious.observ-ity,due to improved arrangement,and the work table is of pure “White Beauty” ae tod LS ee tahoe ble ces as may be deemed most suita-uminum.Abvertisedin beading maggsinss 2.a tangle of fallen oe sarees LL :::ns ::: ‘with shell craters.To add to the/Mr.Rogers Appointed Director TT k F M D d Neosofmuchting.th ton of the Census.Jake Five Minutes to Decide Now: ~‘which the men sink up to their knees}The President Wednesday appoint-:::wae oS ee :ss mud.“7 oe ved Samuel L.Rogers of North Caro-sone in-tomorrow.early—examine these new Hoosiers—eare-Remember—that the new-Hoosier Club-may—b i i BS .Despite all these drawbacks,”con-!iing director of the census and the fully —then decide whether you want to buy now while you can __the first or second day of this sale.Come "at sous aa ie ‘inues the observer,“counter-attacks|ation was promptly confirmed.save $2.50,or later when you cannot buy below the regular set.your name.ey enro heen carried out with such reso-|$6,000 a prices;decide whether you can afford to waste the energy-you °F , t in nearly all cases the|The job pays $6,000 a year.9 now spend in walkinginyour kitchen,when a single.dollar will»ey the Hoosier i ;::: J line has been regained.On|”In 1898 Mr,Rogers,at the time bring you the Hoosier.©Fry the Hoosier in your kitchen.Then,if you will part with ™raeSaarienhd =anv nto clerk of the Superior Court ‘of Macon Rememberthat after.this”sale.the.“WHITE BEAUTY”goes it,we will gladly refund your dollar:Come early.Other wom- out.‘of one of theseSeno,county,was.appointed chief deputy “back to the regular;price.era en too are making up their minds now.aaa s guns suddenly opened ‘a tromend-|0%Collector Kope Elias,when the lat-gee ar menwere He9000 |oai reenae fortedate |Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company. s <5 ho r 4 ie ite and being thus taken at a Rogers remained in that.positign un-| der Collector Mel.Carter,who suc-binge,thls chance of suecees|Seeded ‘lias when the tutiorfaled E ao a gtion hinwaiter.the attacking line of confirmation.Mr.Carter diéd dur-Hi aetl ES mo ati double.ick and,pound-ing his term and Mr.Rogers.was ap-::5 tug through the mud,burst into the|Pointed collector and filled out the un-|Th fea ._0 THE PUBLIC:We authorize this sale,limited © ieman Goad on weer Caden chs:ont Poo a to "White Beauty"Hoosier cabinets,at $2.50 less -Out Of 40 Killedvd oe peo for 12 years.In thecampaign oe a sor cash price of these cabinets,this ,‘counter-attack on the a of 1912 he was manager for Senator :}i WECK 0eaewweatdashingpicesrworkSimwoe‘athe Senatorial campaign we |Ve HOOSIER MFG.CO.,New castle.Ind. a -by the enemy ha -is-a mana 8 appoin a ih Ss as | to such ‘a.heavy fire}ment will give general satisfaction|,i .Ps : i .|among those who.know him. ne Germ Burleson Pays the Money. ws trenchen and horrying e The Treasury Department has re- ge fl *ceived a check from Postmaster Gen-|rap BORCROCECRCECEOORCACE ;:“FOH SOOSCRCAOHCROSECE eeeiePatil whichpeers in the]cal Burleson for $8,500,000,repre-|§sie e fod 40 ?ghtingdotinuedto hold senting the surplusin the revenues of Jf °J ;°.BIS ‘ Aated tg eee oF the haat bee his department for the fiscal year|#%-‘nar |:}im anil every one of them had been which ended dune a0,1014.Fortec MANURE,AVAL,THe:SinesSs ? »were only three’left who were|“scal year of S040 kite posh also ltt (ct ae ats ® ble of firing,and these three con-re or $tee we sy ein i :a “‘ic,pc tah 1 a : ied to hold the enemy at bay.In Tee ree eee Peete ::*th ce 4 eet ;‘on‘meantime:word was brought to es Ue eteee Did you ever have thetoothache long in the Last time we advised you to leave your family a $15,000 life ine iy aihausted,and seven|Rayments were the first representing |__‘weehoursof thenight and vow that when.__#|§_policytoearn them $900 a year for their support after you~is nde li wes |sertinty aleWyte Powe Del the tomorrowcame you would haveit treat Gees Feo ary alee cee brine,wp 90.neh Mavenin ——?But when the tomorrow came the isi Suppo:iness bui at | :latti aes .18 :good business.Suppose you own a business building that ©#they could carry.|These latter |Statesville Men Would Do Busi-|§tooth was easy and you put it off and for-"nets you in rents $900ayear,is it cold-blooded to insure it * standingamid the bodies of thei ness'at Newton.aa):got it until those httle ‘‘divils”began to ~~.eH Se er ont cule We eaehee vos ane ran ead 2 comradesand still!N,hae 5 :te ::you fi $900.om 1 fing steadily.The support,slender ss garapagh oh ote a hewipacnce i arte in the tooth again?.You just knew rate according to earning power for protection ‘to yourbre ‘it was,came in the nick of time,oes Be.|or certain that you would have it attended ness buildiug than you do for protection to yourself and ‘at that moment the Germans And it will be an up-to-date one.|q _tothe next day!And so on,until you'd family.’If the building never burns you get nothing for sunched another ‘assault,which,like|Sheriff Deaton and Mr,Harold Yount |%ffered infinitel ith :what you’ve paid for protection.On the other hand:you ‘Previous ones,was beaten off and|of Statesville will establish a branch|§suffered infinitely more with toothache than are bound to die and your family gets the benefit of what | ion Was saved.ra of their business here and are nego-|¢0 .4 |F ’:: ur howitzers’did especially good tiating for a lot near the square on|®.Deed ey had y ou had the tooth Be |is you'ye paid and more ;\. ~Nepeaneeguts dh byl lei ;The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance CoéH|bs of Detroit,Michigan,.by at ne polit,Ob building.Te tak adiestall hoor andy Exactly!You are in hard lines todayburstinginthetrenchesand|,Four hundred North Carolina farm)§simply because you have resolved in hard g_Wnrling the defenders into the air.”|Doys have enrolled in the new organ’)§times that if times ¢i B|Issues non-participating,non-forfeitable policies,incontesti- Miva German Optimism Is G ization knownasthe Pig Clubs,which}#easy ame again you 4 bl aa tici d by the Com- ae péimism ts Gone.is being conducted by the animal hus-|#would get yourself in shape for hard times Be Bee anni we crataniced end contin ell G0 ©Quoting fromletters.which he says|bandry division of the North Carolina|§d wh i *S|missionerof Insurance of Michigan and contain all the stan- were found on the bodies of German|Experiment Station,J.D.McVean,|#and when easy times came you would pass Bh dard provisions required by law in the State in which it op- ‘in.support of his statement,|in’charge of the work,states that|up the opportunity.Let’s ©deeper -Bly erates,Cash values,loan’values,paid-up insurance and he “eye-witness”says:since J 1 2 ‘led.1 +ad ‘¢&ae 1 days oferace in payment of premiums are all guaranteed 2 “There is no doubt that the feeling "eaeeemeeeeeion oe into the matter in Tuesday's paper.H and indorsed upon everypoliey, Germany toward the war is chang-|About 182 miners were entombed|#Bate ce Lark neoeeaeee es |Mutual Building and Loan Association|)S.R.BROWN,_Local Agent, m and confidence ate|cahontas Consolidated Coal Company,|2 ine eo ec ee Oe neatHinton,W.Va.So far bit,few P.8.We will sell paid-up stock—worth i :sville,N.C.we ‘ing a eprescing ect,ate rn recovered.i bio 4 #100 at maturity—or $73.3 ROC BARCEL aocetaa (ECR =“Itisreported that even the Ersatz)CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC.MUNIC-|sxcs0 :ORT i Senn oa : _who are suffering from ail-hh Would render them unfit IPAL PRIMARY. ry service,are being called|-At a meeting of tt Demberattc . i hat the supply of sotind|executive committee for the city of \%AT:reservists has been exhausted!Statesville,held’on February 20th,ey :bme dist Some letters speak|the following call was isaued:cS :a}f the callingup of the untrained|Primaries are called for Saturday,|%oeieREETnent ; ts represents a latge|March 6th,to.nominate candidates|@ .;4 8l-acre farm 14 miles froin Harmony High School on public road. Mill available,to make the|for mayor and two members of the|{ir |:Fifty acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,mostly in pasture.| Bat lai erg oe eas ee ;a ace he er ¢We will have on next:MONDAY and TUESDAY,§|§New five-room cottage,large barn and-all-out-buildings;all-in-good ‘HE LEFT.man and one member of the executive)MAROH 8thand 9th,a great.showing of Woolens 3 condition.any re i ages --|¢ommittee from each ward.Polls to]2 4 egies j .‘|talent:‘Wolk;Har bli d hThe;;{i ee :for Spring Suitings.Ar sentative from the Ed-.#|M 1 280-acre farm2miles fromHarmony on public road.One hun |entsTiLasers onset et gem ey £8 wardB.Straws @Co,Wilbe in charge.A perfect |seme ection GD ce of woh is fs tot7ollowingjudgesWerenamedforthe|§.fit :bial ts ea HES gh sais 3)ance in timber,Six-roomdwelling,large stock barn andjout buildings}| f guaranteed.Prices range from $15 to 845.Let §%Both of the above farms are well located and productive.Can|»hands cafe .mechanics,primaries,Feat tan ela ;»Landn business Z rd 1~-D..F.Jenkins and ;g ie »that Bh,:e ark ‘bust pe ins,:a ene 4 us take your measure for tha{EASTER SUIT.—Bim sell for part cash and balance on easy terms,Printing!Av2"2—W:1.Gilbert and Ross |g ets ”Bs ;aes iik.just inside the|° 4 Mills;:3 a ,ipa eid asi ar.Boe ‘‘‘i |‘ba CW GENERAL sa URANG ‘iNT Ward 3—J.W.Ward and 3.wg ~i He Ss IVE.H Shoe Co ae T G.‘GAITHER,°LS AND.Re |TE.i:|Allison,at ROSA ::ihr eg4 WN NAM 9 8!‘er ae a aA a Mi afaityAanswaltefieeeHHNOMILESLING, ood.Chm’n City Dem,x,Com.wm i a5 ----—-—tederate pensioners of ~-all-—classes; >sD Wilkes to issue:bonds:for roads;"to i =..>:the members ‘can draw “pay,Forty- ¥ Re VOL.XLI. s ‘x ui s 5 4 ; a STATESVILLE,N.C,TUESDAY,MARCH 9,1915. NO 65. be ait Apounl SORAN: ’Law-Makers to Get Away From.Raleigh —Primary Law Among the Last—Other Leg-’{elation‘ofthe LastDays-”” 'The General Assembly will adjourntoday.8TheHouseSaturdaynight,’at -near midnight,passed the State’pri- mary law,after much discussion andmanyamendments.The oath of par- «ty affiliation on lenges was strick« en out of the billjand many addition:al counties are eliminated from its en in respect to the nomina-ion of members of the House andcountyofficers.The measuretheSenateand’was returnedtothatbodyforconcurrenceintheamendments..A bill.was passed providing for the appointment of a commission ‘to revise the system of court:proced- ‘wre of theState.‘The appointmentofthecommissionisinthehandsoftheGovernorandistobecomposedofoneSupremeCourtjustice,a—Judge_of|the Superior Court,two at-. _torneys and a layman.An -appro-.priation of $500 is carried in the bill.An increase of $4:is given to Con- which is expected 10°increase |pen-“sions of those of the first class to$76,second class to $64,third classto$52 and fourth class to $26.sAnotherbillprovidesthathereaf-ter applicants for law license will be examinedbyaboardof examin-ers appointed by the State Bar Asso-ciation,relieving the.Supreme Courofthis~work.- A’bill allowing ‘county commis- sioners to provide rules and regula- tions for building bridges,width of roads,width-of wagon tires and oth- er regulations ‘concerning bridges and roads,met with considerable op-“position,but was finally .passed ap- plying to about 35 counties.In the number.are Iredell (oh,wonderful to ell and Davidson. A joint session of the Senate and House elected trustees of the Uni- versity to fill vacancies.The usual graft measure,to give employes of Senate and-House-a bonus,was in- troduced.~‘Bills passed:To:authorize:Rowan to levy a special tax;to authorize a bond issue for Iredell;to authorize pore ae name of School For Feeble- to Caswell Training School. -The workmen’s compensation bill was killed,‘a at Saturday was the last day of the session of the Assembly for which one:Senators and 85 members pledg- ed themselves to stay on the job without pay until the work was fin- ished.:In the Senate Saturday Senator Thompson introduced a bill to pro- vide a legalized primary for Iredell. The bill passed promptly.: Bills passed:For the relief of A. T.Grant,clerk of the eourt of.Davie county;relative to drainage districts in Iredell;to establish community homes for the care of the poor in certain counties;to protect game in Iredell.;‘ The Senate Friday night defeated,by a vote of 17 to 15,the constitutional -gmendment:to —allow.a system:_.of —Se ny,heron tetaare prme r Bud.Lippard*.the Toils Again. citizens’of “reputation in Irede ty last week for alleged supposed to be whiskey.Upon inve tigation of the barrel,it is said, bucketbeen‘rel adjoining the bung hole. to:smell. him water. jail for failure to give $200 bon Lippard gave the bond,Found Dying on Street. dition. robbers was suspected,but later an automobile.. Investigation of the alleged man facture of dum-dum billets —in man embassy. Bud Lippard and Ira Norris,two Statesville having been the home ofLNottis;wzrevarrested tr Lincoln toui-" conectionwitha60-gallon barrel of what was developed that a 1.1-2 gallon ‘tinfilledwithcorn’whiskey had’laced on the instde of the bar-This prospective customers were allowedTheremainderofthebar- rel;it is alleged,contained only wa-tér and ‘when thie customer,moved by the odor,gave his order,they sold Just for that Norris was sent to B,N.Mann,a merchant of Durham,was found on the street in that city last.evening in.a dying condition con- t He expired in a few hours. His-head-was_gashed-and-assault-by was thought he had been.struck by the United States for-use vy the allies has been undertaken by the State De- partment as the result of the sub-mission of new evidence by the Ger- Mayor Caldwell Won Over Mr.H.A.Yount By 18:Votes-— |The Aldermen,Members oftheSchoolBoard,fom in In the Democratic municipal pri-mary Saturday Mayor L.C,Caldwellwasrenominatedforathirdterm,hismajorityoverMr.H,A.Yount beinghtRvotes.—: Aldermen.were nominated as fol- lows:#irst ward,T..N.McElweeandN.D.Tomlin;second,Dr.J.F.‘Carlton and W.J.Matheson;third,H,0.Steele and W.A.Evans;fourth,J.G,Shelton and DP.M Ausleys——-Messrs.F,A.Sherrill and J.H.Hill were renominated for members ofthegradedschoolboard,and mem-bers of the Democratic executive com- mittee were re-elected as follows: First ward,C.S.Tomlin;second,A.E.Welborne;third,W.A.Moose;fourth,J,W.Guy.Pee eeBothcandidatesformayorhaving been’active.since last fall,and both having a strong following,there wasmuchinterestintheprimaryanda. heavy vote was “polled:Mayor,Cald- well received a total of 484 votes and Mr.Yount a total of 416.Mr.Cald- i, S- it d. it U-177 in the second,221 in the third and61-in the fourth.Mr.Yount receiv- ed 63 in thefirst,38 in the second 244 in the third and 72 in the fourth. The only:aldermanic ‘contests,were in the first and second wards.<In‘the first ward Mr,McElwee received 106 this is absolutely untrue.1 intreduedthisresolution;it is my act and responsibility for it. torneys in the paper's,in which he r fers to those who —have these charges,is intended for me. it is untrue and that.I resent it. “In articles in the.pre attorneys attempt to put me Carter. the truth ought to be brought out this matter;and,as |understand, committee has been this purpose. House the investigating committees.I do not feel that I cousay.more with propriety.”The House killed .the bithe-homestead to authorize vict blind :tizers—and_blockaders. the conduct of Judge Carter and So- licitor Abernethy be investigated.The newspapers have carried a statement from Judge J,S.Manning referring to this resolution as having been’in- stigated and_revised by the attorneys |-of Mr,Abernethy.I want to say that aon) have assumed and do still assume full “Y am not sure that certain scathing language of one of Judge Carter's at- instigated it does refer to me,I want to say that Judge Carter and Judge .Carter’s the attitude of having made direct Loharires of iminorality*against Tudge I have done no such thing.I conceived that’conditions existedwhichoughttobeinvestigated;that appointed for “As to the delay,f-have —only to say that this resolution hasbeen be- fore judiciary committee No.1 and immediately upon its passage by thecommitteewasappointed,As to whether or not I have at any time delayed or soughttodelayactionin'this matter,I refer you to any member of either of these I}to abolishexemptionthroughconstitutionalamendment’and the billcountycommissioners‘to pay rewards for\evidence to con- Bills passed:To prevent,blindness votes,Mr.Tomlin 95 and Mr.James M.-Ramsey.82,giving Mr.Tomlin a majority of 13 over Mr,Ramsey.in the second ward Dr.Carlten received 95,Mr.Matheson 88 and Mr.C.E. Sloan 42,giving Mr.Matheson a ma- ity of 41.over Mr,Sloan.‘There was no opposition to Messrs.SteeleC= :tering votes for alderman were ast in the fourth.Messrs.J.F.Bowles, J.L;Sherrill and C.'E.Mills receiv- ed-ene—_vote-each.and.Messrs.J.__H. Hoffmann ang R.©.Deitz received two each,In the second.ward one vote each was cast for Messrs.A,E. Welborne and E.G.Gaither for al- dermen.; The new men to bé on the board of aldermen \are Messrs.Carlton,Steele and Evans;Messrs.Ausley and Shel- ton.have served for severaz ‘years, Mr,MeElwee has served two years Mr.Matheson was elected successor to Alderman A.D.Cooper,deceased, end Mr.Tomlin was named to fill out the unexpired term of Mr,R.V.Braw- ley when he was appointed postmas- ter.There was no opposition to.Messrs. Sherrill and Hill as*members of the school board. On account of the closeness of the vote’in the mayoralty contest and feeling engendered by the long and active campaign,there are charges on both sides and street talk of a contest. A.dozen or more fegroes voted in the primary,all of them for Cald- well,the Yount,people claim;and some of them claim that with the col- ored vote eliminated their candidate would have won.“Using negroes to beat white men,”is.phrase fre- guetta nest and it doesn’t help to allay the feeling. e- If Ss in in a Id and Ira Norris in|CLOSE VOTE FOR MAYOR. -well revived85 votes in the first ward: and-Evans_in the third.A few scat-|° _Serpe eran apeanne erecta err Marshall Tomlin Pass Quickly.Mr,B,P.Young Dies AfterLongMness—rineralorMrs* Chipley—Other Deaths.. Mrs,Elizabeth Page died yesterday morning at her home in Cool Springtownship,aged 75 years.She hadbeensick.for some time,She is sur-vived by one son,Mr.W.§.Page. Funeral and intermentat Fifth Creekchurchtoday. Mr.John Honeycutt dropped deadyesterdaymorningabout9o'clock at. his-yhome in Gool Spring township.Hewasatthewoodpilewhenthesudden summons came,He had been in fee- ble health a long tine.The funeral and burial will take place at New Salem church today at 2:o’clock;Mr. Honeycutt-was 64 years:old and issurvivedbyhiswife,four sisters.and three brothers.He was a good manandwasesteemedinhiscommunity, Mr.T.Marshall Tomlin ‘died Sun- day about noon at-his—-home-in-CoolSpringtownship,aged 68 years.Death due to heart disease and was very sudden.Ten minutes before he.died Mr.Yomlin was playing with the chil- caren,.Surviving are whis wife and fourchildren.Mrs.P.B.Summers and Mr. Humphrey Tomlin —are-brother.andsister.Funeral and interment wereatSuow-Creek yesterday..Mr.Tom-lin formerly lived in the Show Creek community,>‘ Mr,B.P.Young,whose critical ill- ness has been mentioned.in Thelandmarkfromtimetotime,died Sunday morning at 8:20 o’clock ‘atBillingsleyhospital.The funeral ser- vice was held yesterday afternoon at o'clock in the First Baptist church, of.which the deceased was a member,conducted ‘by the pastor,Rev.Dr. Charles Anderson,assisted by Rev.j,H.Pressly,and the burial wasinOakwoodcemetery:ee Burwell Pinkney Young was a:na- tive of Davidson county and was 46 years old.He had lived in Statesville about 30°years and for many years had,operated a blacksmith shop.He matried.Miss Simmerson of Davidson -ounty,who,with one son,Mr.Wil- ‘red Young,survives him,-SurvivingAlgo-erechix parents,Mr.and ).Mrer Burwell Young of Davidson county, and the following named:brothers and sisters:.Messrs.William Young of Rowan county,Mel.Young of Salis- bury,Hugh Young of Spencer,Edgar Young of Davidson county,’Robert Young of High Point and Mesdames Bd.Lanning of Spencer and Henry ‘Snyder of Davidson county.Mr.-Jo. Young of Lynchburg 1s a half broth- er.The father and mother-and a number of the ‘brothers and_sisters and other relatives were here for the funeral.| Mr.David M.Howard died Friday merning about 2 o’clock at his home three miles west of Statesville.He had been in feeble health for sever- al years and his condition was seri- ous for four or five months.Mr. Howard had for many years been a consistent member of the First Bap- tist church of.Statesville and his fun- eral,which was held at the residence Saturday:afternoon,was eonducted by TWO DIE VERY SUDDENLY., Mr.John -Honeycutt.and Mr.' THREE.PRISONERS ESCAPE. One Under Death Sentence—' Jail Delivery Early Friday)Morning.~~tredetr had another ja”“detivery® |Friday morning,’when three ‘negro prisoners made a,clean get-away.The ’ prisoners who escapec were Abe Alli-son,under sentence of death for burg-' lary,and Bouldin Young and George Patterson,awaiting trial in Superior. Court for assault with a deadly weap- on,aw |It is believed by Jailer Gilbert that’ the prisoners were liberated by -afriendorfriends,who worked their |way into the jail late Thursday night.|Mr.Gilbert says he placed all the,prisoners in the inner cells about 4)o’clock Thursday:afternoon and lock-'ed the cells.His first knowledge of) the delivery was received after.day- light Friday.‘morning,when Henry, Hoke,another prisoner,gave —the! alarm.Investigation revealed that a bar had been removed from an out-er window and the inner.cells’in lwhich the negroes were confined had’been unlocked.Hoke says that~he is;sure all the prisoners.were in their.cells when he went to sleep about 1!o'clock and that he knew nothing of |their escape until he woke about day-| break Friday morning.:‘The bar.which was removed from the outer window is the same.thatwastakenoutbytheprisonerswho escaped-from the jail some time ago. placing it after the other deliverywerefiled--off.«:The.inner—cells:-are!locked’by a lever and the lever hadbeentamperedwith.Mr..Gilbert says the last person he allowed tovisitanyoftheprisonerswho.escap- ed was the wife of Allison,who wasadmittedtothejailseveraldaysago.Allison was’convicted at the Octo-her term of court of having.entered the bedroom of Mrs,Roy Kennerly at her home near Mooresville and wassentencedtodiebyelectrocutionDe-cember-17th.._His case-was-aptotheSuvremeCourtandhisexecu=| tion was deferred pending the hearing of the case in the higher court. Bouldin Young is the negro who participated in the.“rough house”at the negro dance hall some nights ago and struck Fireman Walker a rock.icGeorgePatterson is charged withstrikingHissistetwithachair.at his home in the vicinity of Mt.Mourne. The three negroes are known to have gone down the Charlotte rail- road as far as:Mooresville Junction. The officers ate making diligent search for them.:fea eC ?IREDELL MAN GETS PLACE. Mr.P.8.Boyd of.Mooresville Director of A.and M.College —Directors of Other State In- stitutions....; The Senate Saturday confirmed Gov.Craig’s nominations of directors of ‘various State institutions to fill vacancies.Among those of.interest to’The..Landmark’s readers are the following:s ' J.T.Finley of Wilkes and Rev,M. t Kesler of Thomasville are among the directors of the State Schodl For the Blind.The latter was appointed to succeed»Archibald Johnson of a ler. »home with his The rivets which had been-used in re-|/ pealed;to the Sanatorium and. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. —On account of the disagreeable weather and the primary,election,no meeting of the board of aldermen was). held Friday night.oct Peekahi—Me.WW Fouslisey formerty of" Statesville and recently of,Florida, has taken charge of the Valley hotel at North Wilkesboro,says the Hust- who makes histher,Mr,C.D. Crouch,at Oak Forest,fell while play-ing at school sev days ago and Jay -Dayvault, ‘broke his arm.« The Landmark is informed thatitisthemachineryoftheSomersetLumberCo.,instead of the Phoenix Lumber Co.,which will be taken over py the new lumber company that is being organized.~-Mrs.B.Fe Long went to.Salis- bury yesterday.fora brief -visit.to her daughter,Mrs.E..M.Land ofGoldsboro,and her brother-in-law, Dr.Long of Graham,both of whom are under treatment in a Salisbury hospital.;; —Last week's Hickory”Democrat -~says “Mr.Arthur Cline of StatesvillewashereTuesdayonbusinesswiththeHome.Canner Manufacturing Co._He has accepted a position as sales-man withthe abovecompany,Iredellandseveraladjacentcounties--beinghisterritory.”-Sac ran —Judging from ‘the number ofber and: Gamb- ling on elections and ball games:apparently becoming more ;It is mental to the community aswellas:a-violation of law,and shouldbediscouraged.:ane=About a month ago Mr.and Mrs.E.J.Troutman,Statesville.R-8,thought their five-months-old daugh-ter had bronchitis.Sunday when Dr.Talley examined her he found a pro-trusion on her breast.She was b:a needle two.inches long wasremoved.The little girl is all right now.gi —The weather the past few daysshouldconvinceanydoubterthatwin:ter is yet with~us,and incide vindicates.the.are hog.Sleet andrain‘and ice Friday,rain and snow)Sunday.and cold:all the time—clear andvery cold yesterday.‘To the wes of us the sleet was heavier than in Statesville and wire service was outofcommissionforatime.ce —Mr.Chas:C.Dale,a native.Marion,a nephew of Mr.T.M..of the Brady Printing uae?aStatesvilleandsomeyearsagoanem=, ploye of this company,was ried.in Yorkville,§..C.,-on the 20th.of.February.His bride’was Miss Ma-:mie Bell Maxwell,formerly of Char- lotte.Mr.and Mrs.Dalewill live inRockHill,S.C.,where Mr.Dale is employed.‘Pee —Mr.A,W,Bunch of the Craw-eo Comet eee is an en-ergetic advertiser inthe newspapersandotherwise,dressed a chon:wie dow at his place as a typical old-timekitchentocontrast-with the kitchencabinetexhibitedinanotherwindow,while a special sale ofkitchen cabi- nets is on,With his newspaper.ad~ vertising and these adjuncts’he sold18cabinetsSaturday.; hy requiring attention to eyes of new-Meeting.of College Trustees. born babies:to.increasé.Salaries of}A meeting of the trustees of States- janitor and custodian of capitol build-|ville Female College,held at Davidson ;Friday,was attended by Rev.Messrs.ing;_provide,that the __bond-of theState--Treasurer—be_paid for by the C.EB.pare andW.M.Walsh and Mr.W.F.Hall of Stacvesviile,KevStateandthathebeauthorized-to re-uaL.L.Moore of Taylorsville,Mr.quire 2 per cent interest on deposits Caldwell of Cabarrus county,Rev.or daily balances.Bev In the House a hill authorizing the|Dr.JB.Shearer and Revs Dr.¢.M. Richards of Davidson.payment of $20 toward the funeral tas ¢A Li expenses of any Confederate veteran,|’The resignation of Dr.J.A.Scott no.matter what his cireumstances,|a8 president of the college was receiv- was defeated.The law now author-ed.and accepted.Action taken by the izes the payment of $20 for the burial board in accepting the resignation of of marriage license so as to show]of needy veterans.Dr.Scott,received too late for publi- whether either of the parties had|-The bill providing for a home for|cation 1n this issue of The Landark, been divorced;amend the lawas:to|fallen women,which Wad passed the|will appear in next issue.The mat- giving credit for convict labor on the Senate;and the bill to compensate}ter of the selection of a successor to Statesville Air Line road.families of convicts,failed.Yr.Scott was referred to the execu- The Senate passed without amend-|-The Senate passed a bill appropri-|tive committee of the board—Drs. ment.the liquor shipment:bill agreed ating $3,500 for the establishment of|Shearer and Richards of Davidson upon by the conference committee.|the Patriots’Memorial School,an en-and Messrs.Halt and J.-H.Hill of It is printed in full on another page terprise promoted by the National So-Statesville.‘ of The Landmark.The House:also ciety of the Daughters of the Amer-A.delegation from Statesville—Dr. sed the bill,which.is now law.jean Revolution,provided the school|M.R.Adams,Messrs.F.A.Sherrill, Other bills passed:To.increase|is established in North Carolina.Hali-|C.M.Stecle,W.E.Webb and R.R. salary of the adjutant genera from|iax is offering a site and endeavoring Clark—was at Davidson Friday in the $2,000 to $3,000;to encourage the a to.ee the perepol ¥:e nay interest of the college.\ sembling together of justices of the).e.Senate ridicule e dog tax {3 péacere consider the tiaties of their|bill passed by the House,some Sen-Gen.Carranza Warned. office.ators demagoging’about the poor}General Carranza has been in- toa ponents Py fo ed $a one es oa ae Sct formed.in a note.from:.the United ‘to a bill to allow $150 reward|dog tax bill was ta f sa a 5 3 to W,W.Smith,a Robeson county|time a bill increasing.the.ealary.of |>'@*e*casa:tome that oe , j deputy sheriff who had made an ar-|the Attorney Geheraz from $3,000 to}#5 an improvement in conditions wit J est for swhich he received a $150 re-$4,000,that official to give his whole|respect to foreigners:and their inter- ests in Mexican.territory under his ‘control,_such steps as may be neces- hig pastor,Rev.Dr.Charles.Ander- son,The burial was in.Oakwood cem- _Deceased was born and reared in Caswell county,and was 76 years old. We moved from Caswell to Iredell 45} vears ago and located on the farm where he-died.He was twice mar- ried and is survived by ‘his second wife.Surviving-also are-two children by the first -marriage,Mrs.Robt. Sherrill of Greensboro and Miss Liz- 7ié.Howard,and three children by the Jast marriage,Mrs.Dr.Lee of Mann- ing,8.C.,Mr.John Howard of States- ville and Miss Margaret Howard at home.;,Bens Thomasville,who _had_filled.out an|—While in Winston-Salem Satur, unexpired term.Mr.Johnson 18.ap-|day searching for the anaes who pointed a director of the School For|escaned from jail «-Friday morning, the Deaf at Morganton,to succeed J.)Sheriff Deaton arrested Jim Mack,& H.Mock,Mock havitig .succeeded|Statesville negro who has been want- Johnson on the boardsixyearsago-|ed forsometimetoanswer for an — Rev.J.O.Atkinson of Alamance]assault with a deadly weapon.Mack © county is also appointed a memberof was brought to Statesville by the this board.;_.|gheric and placed in jail to awaittrial Wm.Bledsoe of Ashe county is re-|Mack cut and seriously injured Cla appointed a member of the State/Gaither,colored,at a negro dance =of A .nn in about a year ago.eee age, Chas.P.Matheson of Taylorsville}3 : and Dr.L.N.Glenn of Gastonta suc-|¢,.,et aeae sot ceed themselves as members of the/y,.Leinster is a special ent board of directors of the State Hospi-|ine revenue service and hast alee. é es tal.at Morganton.Mr.Matheson had ing headquarters in Fayettevilllo treks” Mr.and Mrs,Mack Honeycutt of filled out the unexpired term of J.G.which point he led forays into the sur.: Oak ‘Forest.community were.called|Hnll,deceased,and Dr.Glenn the un-|"oinding country,harassing ang an to Durham Saturday by a message expired term of J.W.Noell,resigned.noying peaceable citizens who : advising them of the death of.their}Heriot Clarkson of Chartotte is @P-|making a little run to quenca thirst son,Mr.Arthur Honeycutt,which oc-|pointed to succeed Dr..J.B.8.David-|+59 drought-stricken land,and “bust curred at his home in Durham Sat-|son of Charlotte onsthe board.Dr.|in»yp”their property,all because urday orning.Mr.Honeyeutt had Davidson had filled out the unexpired they were procee ing contrary Py heen ill for some time.He leaves a|term of J.P.Caldwell,geceasec.—|e071 of the statute made and provid- wife and one child.Surviving also|'W.©.Newland,Caldwell county,1s}.4.:Fone are the following named brothers and reappointed a director of the Caswell)”: sisters:Mr.Ralph Hanegeste,hes windedd ee (Ong For Feeble-|Two Very Ill.<a ee Washington,Mrs.Tike an Yr.en|Minded)at.Kinston.‘1 Be a Yoneycutt of Greensboro,Miss a M.B.Stickley of Cabarrus and P.||ProsiCs on re eae Honeycutt and Mr.Elmer Honeycutt|§.Boyd of Iredell are appointed di-|re ee,days ago,is in a of the Oak Forest community.‘l rectors of the A.and M.College at nouditioie wand chorete abel her recovery.Her daughter,)es a ou 4 Raleigh.-Mr.nett succeeds D.A.€ .gix-weeks-old son:©ry.and}Tompkins,deceased.Mr Mrs,A.F.Wilson of Bloomfield died T.B.Bailey of Mocksville is re-C.Moore e Ae is at her Sunday and was buried yesterday at|appointed a director of the State side..Mr.avout 0 ra er Snow Creek church.Normal College at Greensboro,a po-turned to Asheville ye rday sition he has held for years. ural land.segregation between.the races,as endorsed by the State Far- mers’Union.Senator Nash of Orange declared his belief that the 1900 con- “=gtitutional amendment=was unconsti-| tutional and:asserted his conviction that continued makeshifts in the -treatment of the negro are discredit- able to the great white race.He thought’there had been enough such legislation.Senator Ward also op- posed the measure,while other Sen- ators spoke for it,; Bills passed:To amend the form ward from.the county,and the State}time to the duties of the office,went reward was refused because hewas|through.enti y _Such an officer:and under the statute offi- cers cannot recéive the State rewards. _‘The bill was urged by Senator Mc- \Leod and it.received a tie vote of 20 to 20 on second reading,‘Then there, was the amendment by Senator Muse to allow officers generally to receive State rewards,which defeated the bith Reese sae ite eae wear a "Senator Thompson introduced a,bill to amend the Iredell drainage district laws.i bei“The House ad or manufacture of malt such as liquors,was finally passed. cut.off the malt supply of,the whi key blockader. "Other bills.passed:: fraudulent advertising; The measure prohibiting the sale vsed in the manufacture of spirituous evoked a long .wrangle andIt.had previously ‘passed the House aid is ‘designed to To.preventtoauthorize sary will be taken:by.the American government to obtain the desired pro- tection,aceThenoteisthestrongest and most emphatic,document that has been sent by the Washington government to Mexico’sinée correspondence with Herta a year ago. is S- sheriffs and other officers to seize and sell vehicles used in conveying spirit- fous,vinous,and malt liqu to cre- cial Travelers Elect Of- nited Commercial Trav- |Commissioner, ‘ate the office of auditor f ‘county;to place e salar ‘alndhisassistahton a salary:of other Stakjrelati ne Rvinneles AEPydeelor,W.P ‘Phe local U r “elected:officers Saturday night as follows:C.D.Stevenson senior Anderson junior coun-ey: ,B.H.Adams‘Anderson sturgeonidtreasururer,C,H,Turner}2 ion members ofig.Wal- P,Moore conductor,John|ti Idee G.F.Graves.sentinel,Dr.| The funeral of Mrs.8.D.Chipley, whodied Friday morning,was held. at the residence on east Broad street Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.The sérviees were conducted by her.pastor, Rev.J.F.Kirk of Broad Street Meth- odist church,assisted by Rev.J.Hi. Pressly of the First.Associate Re- formed church.The interment was in Oakwood cemetery.+-; .Mrs,Chipley was a native of this county and was 54 years Old.’ was born Bailey and is survived by one fall brother,Mr.Thomas Bailey of Scott's,and ,a number of half brothers atid sisters.Mr.Roy Chip- sy,who had just returned to Chicago visit.t his’parents,was call hack home by the death ‘message, ng pS dl night.Her hus-and the other threé childten, R:F.Northey of Salisbury and idGeorge Chipley,‘were at ipley’s bedside when the ‘end She}open to everybody, Missionary Conference—Church News. Quite a number of delegates from the 40 churehes of the\association are expetted in Statesville tomorrow to attend the Missionary Conference for the South Yadkin Baptist.Association, which will be held in the.First Baptist church.‘While:the conference will beitisheldprimatily fot the pastors,Sunday school super- intendents and the executive laymen's missionary committees of the churches.Three sessions will be held during the day—morhing, and night—and the night session will be:made a.popular meeting to which the public is invited,Dr.C.4.Peay gon,field secretary of the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board and Rev.eg oie Johnson,secretary.0 the:State rdj will be the principal speakers. noon,|Mr:J.Wi Houpeof:Bethany,was at the point of death 3days,was reported by Mr.be.considerably improved.and his recovery is now ¢ WwW\Ne eeateclanmeitipminn neta aeeeainMissHarrisonandMr.to Be Married. Miss Marie Harrison and N ney J:Weilman-of Richmt be iarried this:aftérnoono'clocksat the home or trents,Mr;and Mrs.N.Walnut street.The cer ed by Rev.A.Gotte.‘The’bridal couple wag ae traineMrs.GC.Vi.Mrs,Celia ‘WellmanHessbergofRichmond and 1 Harrisonof Norfolk,Va, f}the marr ‘ \NDMARK |THE MAKING |ITS RL "9,191h|The Sinner Finds It a Necessity The War'Has Affected InRaperatTimes—Otherwise.Princi-/Conditions in EyeryNEWLIQUORLAW,»ple Would»Be Sacrificed)—The United States Vpdmarkisprinting,a6 @)‘Phe Courage of Conviction—|ering the Storm Better'information and for the)’Courageous Newspapers and Any and Unlimited:Possibi.of those interested,the full)Preachers—Tribute toa Great}ties Opening,A hae.colattioctad arene thin eourtrsthecompromisebilltoregu-| Rditor,}Washington Dispatch.ta tariff wall higher than all the pro-|or shipments,which has PASS-)Written For The Landmark.|.‘Representative Cordell Hul}.of tective tariffs combined could build,oth houses of the Legislature and!Text:Luke,CifApter 6.Tennessee,a member of the House| ways and means committee and Why,then,are we having the sovcall-|law,Finding it impossible to|Verse 22:“Blessed are ye when men ‘ed hard times in certain lines of trade|through a measure-that would)Shell hate you, ‘war i K ae coatsofthewaysandmeanscommittee's!Suna -“The war,”he added,“had struck a blew to the imports of‘this country and caused the condition‘of decreased customs receipts.”,The war,”he said in conélusion, th f the i t isi role the war has nothing:to do with our,i ‘s~jor of the income tax provisions of |business conditions?”’'bit all shipments of strong)Last Sunday the Sinner’s sexton’ss,mderwoodtariff.det,in 8 special:busin intended for use as a beverage,|785 on the advantage ‘of making;in ‘the House defending the adminis.|Delidetors restricted the amount|{tiends:this morning the ‘discourse is!tration,declared that the Eu Ii|war has created for American finance,|@ quart of spirits and five val |t2 he upon the sometimes necessity i 'Good|Mooresville Creamery’s »’'‘esta eelehy;jindustry and commerte the “most un-|Mooresville Enterprise.adofbeerforanyoneindividualaesPeatuitouslkesjimitedpossibilities.and opportintties |In order to give our readers some);tt Bs ris ::|@ period of 15 days,-Bet xmoe ewia ig Ce De ees any sountry,im at his-information concerning the Moores-eyeee-the.Jaywillbe violated imif sion.rificing any pginel-|Bvery nation in.the..world,-pointed"viteCo-operative Creamery,we ‘havepmeinstances,if the officers dotigi ia ts ;Semis phy ‘ahs a oie forOut M¥."Hhll,is suffering from a ter-secured a few points from the generalythenewregulationwillmaterial-|?‘f eis neue rif og |rifle business stagnation brought On)manager,Mr.Lloyd Combs.:Feduce the’whiskey shipments,|%#F ©Making an enemy,sacrific *|by ‘the war,The United States,he’Taking February,the“Bike erin ingiet thet ie ‘derate |Principle in order to make a friend,!added,while suffering keenly,is.rid-!ose W f le aS:og .|is a cowardor worse,'AME sysingispermissibledonotunder-|'*The Bible‘teas largely on the sub-/and greater courage than other coun-/a splendid business,The butter.fat |se to excuse drinking to excess;|ject of enemies,and there are orig.ites ann toes an Nea erro Pad aed ge ples tee1ias-i passages on this subject that are|\vorld’s business on a :|to 9,640-pounds,his -e }das the y ay ue ce [otic handle.”In fact,if it were/Yaried manufacturing ‘industries and)broyght 30 eents.per pound,while the!ble amount for moderate dri PER ct andaelbuh Ht!wcmtd ia downright|Unexcelled raw materials.greater portion of it brought only 29|ch they can manage to get alone|funny,the awful imprecations which;“The United States is the great}cents.You will see.the total paid in|very comfortably if they husband many of the Old Testament.worthies |storehouse from which the warring as!checks:to the patrons for this short)resources,there should be no/utiered against their enemies,‘They;Wwell-_as the ennai countries must)month at 29 cents amounted to $2,-it laint on that score,In ™ake you shiver.On the other hand,|aw an immense portion of manu-ete =a t the |When.Jesus Christ said,“Love your]factures,foodstuffs and raw seats)instead of complaining about the |enemies,’He was getting up ‘into|rials,”said Mr.Hull.‘To meetthesemounttheyshouldbethankfultheyheightsofholiness,which;in=all)unlimited requirements will ‘tax thereallowedtohaveanyatall.~frankness,this Sinner can never hope|ability,energy and Sniseprise of theWhileTheLandmarkwasnot?to attain unto.However,even.for|American people,and {_—~ut-a ,he |Poet sinful mortals like us,there is a)most faith that the great body of ourpetiallyconcernedaboutwhatt|hope that we'ean rid ourselves ofmal-|business men will throw off.anyAggislaturedidinthisdirection,itiiee and revence towards those who |lethargy they have acquired under the!glad that the law was not submit-/do not like ‘us.Even this depends |reign of special prvisee and do vetstothepeopleforratification.The Somewhat on make-up.Somepeople!part toward making this country the}oy ion |Sear to be-of-an-almost—irresistibly|centre of b“‘experse and agitation of a campaign ‘Revengeful nature.RU eocoe ee el pion AP dine captAndelectionTorthispurposewasune|You've perhaps heard the story of existing financial andary;and'finding that they|the old Scotch elder,who,being very|conditions,--business.—in-not-geta law to abolish all ill,was admonished by his minister-|ly every line is butter made during one month.was111,648 pounds andthe market has ‘been good for the output.i‘OLD AND NEW WAY — commercial|Discovery.apractical-|The discovery of Hyomei has made |either gradually|&wonderful change in the treatment::ba GaithauE the “alction.dec rthat-he should forgive a_eertain’oth-|or rapidly improving and developing.of catarrh,head colds;and.similar. simply breathe a i ‘VICK: shortest|#:iB:‘ing the’storm with a stronger heart Month in the year,the creamery dia, |676.60 and in addition the expenses,|#amounting to approximately $500,/#have been paid.The total amount of |# Ans -|The Hyome}Remedy —for-—Catarrh,|#ath.the ee Colds and Croup_a-Most Valuxble -# ture,those who favored such a meas- prewere wise in accepting what theymldget.2truthis,while North Garolina voted strong for prohibition,and webelievewouldhaveendorsedtheanti-Shipment bill,there are numerouspeoplewhovotedandshoutedforpro- hibition who:had ‘no idea of having supply entirely ect off,and who ®.Will not submit to that without a®Streceic.But in reducing it by de- grees,after awhile.with the rapid|Spread of prohibition in other States,the whole business will practically.disappear.That is a safe prediction_With the present trend of public sen- —_—_—_—_——ifany of our readers overlook the“Sermons by a Sinner”—the!SinneraforesaidbeingMr.C.W.Tillett of_Charlotte—which appear in this pa-per.every Tuesday,they miss some-'thing'worth while.The’sermon a_Weekago,on how tohave friends—by being friendly with others—was}timely;and no less timely is the dis--eyssion today of the subject of mak- ing:enemies.It’s mighty fine to befriendswitheverybody,but’when onehhastosacrificeprincipletoholdfrienshipheshouldyieldthefriend.A friend worth:havingWon't ask that.And the admonitions to Newspapers and preachers to have“the courage of their convictions,tothetruthandfearnot,should“gtressed.Mr--Tillett does well tothelamentedJ.P.Caldwell -ashighesttypeofthecourageousor,He called no man master:tookectionsfromnobodyastowhathewuldor.should not Say;and when.e felt moved to a course of actiontookit,regardless of the cost. The Landmark drops a tear on theew-made grave of ‘Thad R.Manning,yho passed away at his home at Hen-Merson last week.About four years‘ago he was forced by ill Health,doubt-Jess\the result of the stress and strainndworryofnewspaperwork,to laymhis‘work on the Henderson Goldeat,@ paper which he had ownedandeditedsinceitwasfounded.Sincehehaswaitedquietlyforthester’s call.Mr.Manning was notbrilliantwriternoragreat-editor,he did his work Zaithfully andell.He was an honest,conscientiousanangthoseofuswhoknewhimrowthatweshallseehisfacenoMoreintheflesh.He his passed in-)the presence of the Great Judge topswerforthethingshewroteand@thingshedidnotwrite.Weandbelievethattherecordwastrueandthatitiswellwith nose are interesting figures about‘grain yield in Iredell which Mr:“B..Eagle furnishes ‘The Landmark,¢attention of our farmer read-pecially the farm boys,is di-ed thereto.It will be noted thatletheperacreproductionofgrainMatérially-increased,which-is~a!sign of better farming,the totalionofcornandwheatinthemateriallydecreased)from1910;and that on the per cap-mption ‘basis tne county wasonbothcornandwheat—that |didn’t raise eonugh for hometion,a cohdition which should 4 League hea &growin f‘at least Hike‘in Salisby |Pablic Opinion;and it the newspa ler eldey with whom he had been at Soon this improvement will bé’com-|ailments—you i “eathteealyotisersbhadianttothe(plate,-and.permanent and_boundless!medicated air using a nmi inhaler:‘admonition of the man of God the)prosperity through this country will}that comes with every complete out |sick elder sent for his enemy and told;pa not conly the American people’Rt-thi wishex ergive him|but:the world,”wird yome E pe :ee eee hae Sk on the!Mr.Hull went into the business de-septic oils that mixes with _air|foresaid enemy was about to depart vastation which the European war has so that its health-giving medication|in neate from the,death chamber,the|wrought._.|must go directly _the a rae,aoldhattedflared‘up again and the dy-|“Little do many people,especial.Samed Tinie of .t .ae throat aingScotchmansaid:“Stop,be it un-/ly those in the peace countries,realize)bronchial tudes.it a oa immedi-derstood that this forgiveness is to be,that we are passing through the most)ately stops the .disagreeable nasal|binding if I die,but if I get well it)mémentous epoch in the history of discharge,quickly relieves that chok-|“must be between us just as it hes the human race,”he declared.“A ma-|ed-up feeling,heals and strengthensbeenbeforethis.”jority of the world’s population of 1,-/the delicate tissues.adTheLatinshadasaying—uoscitur 620,000,000 is already involved in a’The strongest evidence of Hyomei’s@sociis—-which,being interpreted.}war.'The wars of Alexander,Caesar,|curative value .for catarrh,“head‘means that a man is known by the!Hannibal and Napoleon were but tri--colds,cit pa Teer well-company he keens—by...his friends.vial engagements when comparedwith |known druggist,the Statesville Dr ueSolikewisemenaresometimes:known the mivhty European conflict.Today}Company,’sell it under a guarantee.by the enemies that they make.You huge,armies aggregating nearly 15,-.to return your moneyaf yew:are notwillrecallpeyhapsthatinthefamous000.000 men have been organized,|satisfied.a not er eeteulogyofGroverCleveland‘the ora-equipped and are in battle arrav.This’for Hyomei A.not only oe e838 shittor-said:“T love him for the enemies war has cost $8,400,000,000 during its!pleasant £6,use,and nothing to.payhehasmade.”~~|fitst six months,or:at the rate of$1 Zuiif not cured.But,look again at the text.1¢/000,000,000 a year._The human jm+/'iSuerwests that there are times when a agination cannot easily grasp the full’LER’S HEADACHE i mn A ND ——— man ought to make enemies and ‘not*meaning’and scope of the ‘conflichag :;aNeuralgia Remedy a pie otHyomeii8..a combination of -anti-/§ ‘Head Stopped Up“Try the Vick Bre riVep-ORs Tr .,Vaportreatmentsarebest for inflamma};n°;wydes init amet,Fie,copes saevo thecarry™m direc!10 in)‘asurfaceswithoutdisturbingthestomach,andsoreness,2e,500,torial medicines will do.A verycon.|..§:venient vapor treatment is a food applica.}tion of Vick's ‘*Vap.O.Rub”Salye over thathroatand~chest,“covere with a wa * bia peaeeE TERR Tite tetost eee 5Sieeh.20¢SALVE aT EST:Sanitarylnnovation | —EVER ATTEMPTED a : At a Soda Fountain in Statesville! “ HE GREAT In fact very few Cities in this coun- try have taken this advance step in/Sanitation.Within the next week__wewill have installed atour Fountain_AN ABSOLUTELY SANITARY SERVICE| ‘Each and every Drink,Cream or ~~ Sundae served in individual Cups or: Dishes.-Once usedthrown away. Next drink new cup.Send your wite and children to the Fountain of Quality.Everything served the Sanitary way.bs 5 THE REXALL 8S’‘ORE. Statesville Drug ComD’y,| aodQualityPrescriptionists, @rieve over it.These times comé in!much less its awful destructive eta:one’s life when he’acts on principle;fects.”é qwhendutymapsoutacertaincourse’Mr.Hull declared the disastrous ef.| Safely;and Quickly Re- lieves Headache and Nen- ralgia and nervous Head- that he must follow or else be called fects of the war are world-wide.,He!“yellew.”He stands by his “prinei-)said the world’s international trade,ples;he pursues the course mapped aggregates $40,060,000,000,whichhas!fout;he makes enemies..Then there!partially disappeared from the seas’ ache.Also tor headache caused by colds and grippe, (difference between the politician and’ping from $17,560,000 to:$6,000,000)10e ,25c.and 50e.the statesman.The statesman acts during the month of December.Ger-!:aiforthegoodofhiscountrywithout,many’s,Austria’s and Belginm’s for-/At fountains oe.|regard to the question as to whether eign/trade had heen wiped from the! ipapers afford the only tribunal before ‘brought on by the war.Her business!%{which questions of general interest!failures for the year 1914 were more(¢an be brought to trial at the Bar of|than double those of the preceding!i ‘year.Her exports decreased—-over}2 Your Grocer knows.jamong the dead,the minds-of all who,other nation in the world.This coun-/%-knew him will at once advert to the try has suffered less,which is partial-Cary ¢.BoshamerjlateJosephP.Caldwell.Doesn't it-ly due to the country’s new currency gS ig sd ade chde |jmake you smile to think of what)system,that has acted as a “shock Local Representative, ‘shonid be no regrets,‘at the rate of $3,000,009,000 a month. ‘his acts will be popular or not,sea,and of this trade,}FOR SALE BY ALL DRU Papers will not permit such discus-|$20,000,000 and her imports for the |would have happened if either a sub-|absorber,”’Phonie 12 poe ItaW.? Gs) Will please thosewhodemandtheyerybest.It is anextraordinaryflour. typical politician is the typical mana decrease of $355,000,000.The for-||of this class.He must straddle the|cign trade of France,he added,dur-!fence for Tear that if he gets down on‘ing the first four months of the war |\either side it will make enmies.of {has shown a loss almost as appalling,}|those'on the other side.Herein lies the |her trade with the United States drop-| }States.|that ;doesn’t allow its editorial de-!Take Canada,which is right at our |";‘nartinent to he muzzled and is una-|v¢ry door,”said Mr.Hull.“It af-|fraid either of the publie or of its fords.a typical illustrationof the bus-||own advertisers.You sée the news-/iness arid industrial “misfortunes!# the only means by which certain is-cities show a shrinkage of over $29,-Sues may he tried out is taken away.!900,000,|It would not do to make invidious!Mr.Hult then declared that the/#|distinctions -among the living,but United States is weathering the world|when we think.of courageous editors.industrial depression better than any God pity the’man who is always)Great Britain’s exports have shown aafraidofoffendingsémeone.The loss of $475,090,000,and her imports! he added,}TDi opeThemostvaluableassetinanycom-/$500,000,000.was with the United|DEALERS.munity is a courageous newspaper| sions in their columns because they)11 months show a loss.of $60,000,000.)%jare afraid of making enemies,tien The building permits for only four oe \® /seriber or an advertiser had attempt-|“Other nations have been strug-|%jed to muzzle him?You did not al-gling under this terrible war’s ef-BOACRCECETEACRICAAeataeR ats|Ways agree tie him.Oh,no;you of-|fects,”suid.Mr.Hull,“while the)=="—°jten.dissented most.vigorously from|soundness of business conditions in ‘abedviews;but ae a what!this country and co li of|—Solid Wood Transfer Sections.-|he wrote,because he had the courage liquidation through which it has pass-t,never backed ed’place the United States in the best’FSee xtiesforfearofpossibleattitudetoweathertheEu-):ei -‘ropean war.”}Mr,Hull entered into a defense of|. }of his eonvictions..Heidownfromaprinciple|making an enemy.|Another most valuable asset in a)commuhity is a Church-in which the)pulpit is not afraid of the pew.Some INDIGESTION ENDED,preachers are super-bold in denounc-!STOMACH FEELS FINE! Statesville Printing Co.; Tit’Roofing Along with the dry summer months come the fire:risks,” Why not use good grade oftin Selene “Sarena :|sabapedesnenstscassnsteettetecescses @ line—Hog,Cattle,Poultry a - _Just Received a Car Load of Fencing. We can give you exactly what you want in the Fencend’Game—Horse High,~--~-Bull Strong,Pig.Tight.——WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS YOU CAN BUILD a fencequicker.and easier...Add to this good mate-#rials and your fence will last longer,look better and #need fewer repairs.We know,as well as you do that #no further argument is necessary for good tools and #good materials,The one question is whether we 3makegoodour.claims.‘WE-HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE, ‘Trede +S roofing-to dv. ercome fire risksandmakepermanent.roof. t pying Pt a \.Statesville Tin Co., H,C;MOHLER,Manager.|JPHONE Deen a - Caran ~ as de-| jing a few silly «girls and boys.for,BECO :(dancing,and card-playing,,and the|“Pape’s Diapepsin”Fixes Sour,Gas-like;but are studiously and timidly,sy,Upset Stomachs in Five Min.careful not'to go after the sins found|utes,ofttimes in the amen corners—lying,|g rag:See ‘?|our,gassy,upset stomach,indi-debt-dodging,deception in business gestion,heartburn,dyspepsia;whendealings,graft and crooked commer~|the food you.eat ferments into gases’cial.transactions.These.preachers 8-1 end etubbort lumps;"Your headoFoiedosesofSibatatlthepokesandyou.foel sick and misergofglitteringgeneralitieswhenthey|’e A Webloidvientpugettopiasarbpainssolutions|1%that’s when:you oeog teksinthewayofafewsttongdiscussions|.i ,‘on an awakened business conscience.|Woeiose seer oneiiooer eebeipenchsSukeureper[con nun on anes SB,Be ;9J UMOUy eand-pue—jorraa ORUIOTSiedmen’and women Jn the communi |aco ins “sgeyoinb wat ”ar ‘Sioaitiesin,which we live;strivingalways!snip eis wtoa}netuctedlat i‘to make friends if we can do #0¢hon-|©iat 3k94 Li AL #96 d.jorablys but,if gees ne afraid to 2 se |i vie jo vig;make enemies if:duty calls us .into-::neejhostilityevenwiththosewhowouldivaaifSOAIS98DBYDULIIOYSiopz0|otherwise be our friends.FO-ANO IVA MUINAAX ,S90P Ava,CHARLES W.TILLETT,||Charlotte,March 6.{t |How To Give Quinine To.Children,|PRBRINING{6the trades thie wit|biattenee nine:1tisataatelens EasRae |Childrety take itandnever know yer ie 4Alsotallyadaptedto”wtakeondinaseuinine.orlploes aunnmcausenervonanessnorateania,pho Tryitthenexttingeyouneefe}Pose.Ask fori donnce ulna for any ,e FBR "OLN is blown in bottle,icause,| jrurin bag:uy usdoduiq sede,asieoaqTHOU{to—sHOAQHIP AntPOUL<usdedwig a7,wv‘[eout —pooy OHWOABT YB jwau 4xouanokoyeuir—tyomuoys peq¥oAnY OFSserpeou0884y tisdoeduycy Sadeg,Say.‘onugy—ano t0J¢‘osvoyd ‘Dey eE)DLA 4 408-4,089 NOK Jr—~j10A04 HNO“RUTVUOD UT By YORUIOWs NOL Fy” MStU@A Axostu YouriWeSoywur41"usdodery-p.o4uy tn SAToq40 TTAOxkYuony ney a dding Machine Paper a We hare two sizes, Sellit by the Roll|peraicint)oeCase i ne 7_Phone 200— |ForSale|] {81-acre farm 1}miles from Harmony High School on public einkFiftyapresincultivation,balance in woodland,mostly in pasture.New five-room cottage,large barn and all out-buildings;all in good —condition,©©ates mu tawiee1280-acre farm 2 miles from Harmony”on public road.One ‘hun--dred acres in cultivation (30 acres of which is in fine meadow),bal-ance in timber.Six:room dwelling,large stock barn and/out-buildings#Both of the above farms are well located and productive,Cansellforpart.cash and balance on Oasy Feri SE aeBRNEST6. ae ng “ae “ire ict nentwitpainsin’my left would Tela;te tat For over50years,Carduihas been re-sewing roma sitet and in 'te:Chattanooga MedicineCo.,Ladies’——_Rreaer osrenes an Sra ba,arsmeigongourcaseane¢-vagebook,(He ele todeath,me up- r will be,a medicineCot.1 believe it isallwomanlytrou-eran area woman,giveit afair trial.itshould Get abottle of Cardui fo-day. Write surely help you,asit has a’Pp? a * ‘S E B E R E E S No,24 ‘Train No,28 ar,10300,leaves 10:40 a.in No.15,ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.28 and24arenot operatedon Bunday. MATTERS OF NEWS. Nine physicians at Houston,Texas,were last:week convicted of using the ar, BE BE ene‘and in response to letters sent steréo~typed printed instructions regardlessoftheailment.+President Wilson.has appointedCongressmanJ.T.Johnson of Spar-tanburg,S.C.,Federal district judgeforthenewdistrictcreatedinSouthCarolina,and W..W..Labdkin_is ap- inted~to.an.additional Federal|judgeship created “in .Georgia.Alfred Hampton,youngest son ofGen.Wade Hampton of South Caro-lina,has*been’*appointed assistant commissioner “‘yeneral of “immigra- tien by Secretary of Labor WilsonandwillgoondutyatEllis.Island, Fresh Vegetables!! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes. Miller-McLain SupplyCo. DIXON'S ELDORADO PENCILS 14degreesofhardness.JustthethingforBookkeepersandArtists.Statesville Printing Co. SEE FRAZIER BROS. For that ‘leaky tin roof and guard against sleet and snow.; ‘PHONE-----+-63 N.Y.Hampton has been in.the gov- {ernment service since 1894 and was in ‘charge of the immigration service at|Galveston,Texas. |SEE IF THE CHILD'SPees:TONGUE IS COATED!Ay Uf Cross,Feverish,Constipated,Give “California Syrup of Figs,” mails to defraud.The government|rged they advertised.for patients’: 5|R Construction,Material,DrainageandSunshineMaketheR 'Greensboro News. ~From ‘a publishedletter,written byN.B.Mills of Statesville,to #eitizen of Alexander county—Little Alex,be- ing now in the throes of @ ‘oad bond election campaign—it is learned that Tredejl has an annual rodd imainten-| ance balance of more than $11,000. This is 2.75 per cent of the cost of the eounty’s roads,$400,000,This: should dispel any notion ¢t rent that| Iredell’s riew roads,constituting a magnificent system,are beingallowedto'go to ruin,‘This paper has insisted that the past winter must furnish the final test of the sand-clay road.It has been our opinion that the righc mixture,the right drainage and therightadmissionofsunlightcorstituteaconibinationthat,with roper care, will stand the rieors o”fh vist se-vere winter,and did in fact stand thispastwinter.An official,Mr:Spoon,| we:believe,has pointed out,as did theDailyNews,that this season.has fur-| nished the lessons in.sand-clay ‘¢on-|struction that must be studied..On this point Mr.Mills writes.3“If there is any doubt in the minds,of any of your people about our keep-ing our sand-clay roads in good shape,then I especially invite them down to make a trip’over the whole system. ly hard season on the roads,and it is true that some parts of our sand-clay isystem were in bad shape during the wherever this was the case it was due not to any defect in the sand-clay j Toad but always where the road was ,either improperly.—located.without proper sunshine,or where the founda- tion was rotten or where-we'could not obtain a good’surface soil,We be- ‘Look at the tongue,mother!If j¢oated,it is a sure sign that your little one’s.stomach,liyer and bow. i éls need a.gentle,thorough cleans- ing at-onee. |a lesson,for we knowwhat’is needed \to make the whole ©system our |roads as good-as roads ean be built. -and for that matter right now with +-"When peevieh,cross,listless;pale,;the little work we have donein round- ‘doesn't sleep,doesn’t eat _or-act-nat.ling up the roads with scraper,our’ army can fight better without.bulletsthaniteanwithoutbiscuits.After!% \all the inventions of death-dealing in- Of course,this has been an extreme., extreme bad “weather.However,. ‘jeve that this..winter has taught us'| jurally,or is feverish,stomach sour, ‘breath bad;“has stomach-ache,sore|throat,diarrhoea,full of ‘cold,give? 'a teaspoonful of “California Syrup roads are in as good shape if not-bet- ter than when they were built.” The sand-clay:road:is.very proba- bly still the thing,for North Carolina ‘saying,Help,my Lord, rural ways,if the conditions as tc materials,drainage,ete.,-can Demet. NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. The Prisoners’Aid Society,head- quarters in Raleigh,will distribute| Bibles to every county jail.in theState.PSN ie The 9-year-old son of PD.B.Pen- nington of Wayne county,was killed by another boy about the same age. Unloaded gun.~~a Ex-Gov.Glenn has pronounced for woman suffrage.He says he was vio- lently opposed ‘to it until “a recent visit to California,when he saw the great benefit equal suffrage had’beentothatState.é “Mr.atid)Mrs.A.W.<Clin€are! tof Figs,”and in a few hours all the ;foul,constipated waste,undigested ifood and sour bile gently rhoves out\of its little bowels without griping,| ;and you have a well,playful childiegein,4'You needn’t coax sick children totakethisharmless“fruit laxative;” ‘they love its delicious taste,~and itvalways-makes-them-fecl-splendid._-_|Ask your druggist for a 50-cent |bottle of"“California Syrup of i Figs,”which has directions for ba- |bies,children of all ages and for|grown-ups plainly on the bottle.Be-,ware of counterfeits sold here.To be sure you get the genuine,ask to isee that itis made-by “CaliforniaiFigSyrupCompany.”Refuse anyLotherkindwithcontempt. "MORTGAGE DEED.Mr.Cline,who was formerly with the| FOR FINE CLEANING Newton News and has been with the Asheboro Courier for some time,has leased the Davidsonian at.Thomas- By virtue of the powers contained in a|mortgage executed to the undersignedibyS.P.Mayhew,I will sell at public auc-ition,to the highest bidder,“for cash,at-the AND DYEING.‘court house door in Statesville,N.C.,on |ville‘and will take charge of that pa-February,+1915:: z -—’PHONE 147—ous thy aces af ent ee 1915,per ina few days.ar CGash=-Through Sheriff J.M.Dea- .bps tems es “roused in the early morning by|ton,proceeds —of the Old Fiddlers’ Sloan Pressing Club...|}Bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs.|flames destroying their house.Col.Convention,$43.90;First Presbyterian bis |them Ae 082 the estby.the landsofMrs-jand Mrs.P-G.yornel or lived in oo ear ae oon nese 2 y the Mi Lyd bd th +.by the|the suburbs of Asheville,to jump}church,.38;Baptist Pastor’s Aid| f LIPSE ENGINES lana of Mra.Ellen Lippard,and being the from a oe ot Mrs.Bowman’s oe sine,a Episcopal HRESHERS.lidentieal lands.conveyed to the said S.P.|Jeg was broken and Col,Bowman’s|chure ; eig grade at AND THRESHERS._|Mayhewby Mrs.Ellen Lippard,and Ivins if |knee was fractured.Fire loss about)Graded.School,$2.10;Col."A.D. 1 will have some of our lates!)R.Mctaughtin,Atty.short | time:Comeoverthefirsttime | you are in town and see ther | !style machines here in a $40,000,with little insurance. C.E Fesperman’s store in EastSpencer,which is quite a favoritewithrobbers,was robbed last week of $300 worth of merchandise.This store W.J.EVANS,Mortgagee. March 2,1915.; SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROP-ERT . and let’stalkitover._ate aR guperior Court |as peek robbed:at least half a dozen rsuen ©a decree of the uuperior un}+7 ; CGC.H.TURNER,_ot Bedell county,“rendered in Mine.special |Hmes in recent.years and there ‘a AR as ~*~?|proceeding wherein Electa F.Cooper,ad-men now on‘the county roads and at Nearthe Depot.mindatratar f a a Coopers deceased,is |State’s prison for this offense. ays z ¢intiff,J.Fi ae os{redell 'Phone No.74,Bell No.7.actandante;’.the udertenaa’Another are |George (Honey Boy)Evans.the minstrel,died in a hospital in Balti- 1M.P.Alexander &Bro. oR FOR ‘Nice Fresh Meats and ‘Fancy Groceries jwill -sell,at public auction.to.the highest|bidder,at the court house door in Statesville,ec more Friday,following an operation. Evans ‘had been suffering from stom- ach trouble for some time.Lately he had.been touring the South with hiscompany—and about-three-weeks ago: was compelled to leave it at Birming- ham,Ala. ,onSATURDAY,MARCH 13,1915, iat 12 o'clock m.,the following described real |eutnte,$o-Wite605ok enaascg Fig eeei--First:-—Thehouse-and-ot--in--the--city—ofStatesvillé,being the home of tle late A.D.|Cooper,described as follous:Beginning at « ‘stake,“T.C.Anderson’s corner on ~Sharpeletteet;thence.with said street south 66 de- lgrees cast 100 feet to w stake,the Captain'J,A.Cooper home lot corner;thenee withienidlinenorth201-2 degrees west 212 feet|to’u stake,Mrs.A.C.Tomlin’s corner;theneewithherlinesouth66degreeswest109.feettoastake,Glover's line;thenee south 24degreeseaxt213feettothebeginning.—ThislotixsoldsubjecttothedowerofMrs.ElectaF.‘Cooper;which covers.the entire property.Second:The one-half.undivided interest ofthelateA.BD.Cooper held in common withhissister,Mrs.J.©.Fowler,in the home had discriminated against certain Ap- palachian coal fields in the interest of a “eoal~t #were zéferred to the Inter-State Commerce Commission for investigation -by the Senate sub-com- mittee.that-investigated them.Thereportheldthatonlyaquestionof rates was.involved, place of the .late.Captain J.A.Cooper,de-Boy Killed. WHITE KID GLOVES Cleaned‘as.white as snow—not chalked but cleaned. *Phone GILLESPIE,350. seribed as follows,to-wit:Beginning atastake,T.C.Anderson’s ¢orner;thence north 66.dexrees east 225 feet to a 12-foot alley byMrs,A.°T.Key's;thence -north 24 degreeswest247feettoC.P.Moore's corner;thencesouth66degreeswest117feettoC.P.Moore'scornerinMrs.A.C.Tomlin’s litte;thence 8.24 degrees east to Tomlin’s line;thence south66dagrecswert108feettotheGlover's line;thence south 24 degrees east 212 feet to thebeginning;excpting from.the above boun- Sunday night the family of Mur- ray.Peeler,who live “near Rowan county,were en route to church when the horse took fright and two children on.the rear of the buggy were thrown off.One,a boy about daries,however,the first lot above described,|seven years old,fell on a rock,his NOTICE OF ACTION IN SUPERIOR COURT., North Carolina,Iredell Country, In Superior Court, Shepherd,Geo.58.Shepherd,C.WwW.WwW, Shepherd, *\the ‘deferic conmmented ©in theg8uperior Co:rh yot ~eounty“to.partition -all-of the lands— lands descenddd to the said:parties from thei mother;und the said defendants Will’further take ‘notice that they.are required to appear Superior. North Carolina,atehtheofficeoftheclerkoftheofIredell,county, the court house in Statesville,‘on the 27th ;of Mat ‘aa lin’the special proceeding entitled,D.FF.May-|4.°:1 ‘dey af Mara 0,and ower Sem d3|por’ar Dr Willams end her,we wi to usb,tajoinhiswife 7 the will apply.to the court for the relief des}OP ‘ants Ree ;~father,|Mr.hee manded ‘in ‘said complaint.’FRIDAY,MAROH 12,1915,"on i y.night and} <a A.HARTNESS,0,-8.0,©|at E-o’clock p.m.on the premises,sell at.:ly Sunday RR.”B..McLaughlin,Attorney.;‘lic.auction:the property,Known as.‘i ‘February 23,2916...:;laims.mill,containing.22 acres,in New Bs a Before the Clerk. J.L.Shepherd,Mrs.Mary S.Chenault ™ Shepherd,J.W,.Cline,Emma.Lb,Cline,Mary a and’Geo,8.Shepherd ofHove“hamed will take notice| =\that ‘an “action entitled as above has beenIredellheldin- common.between the plaintiffs and defend- ants,lying mainly in Chambersburg town~ ship,Wredell ‘county,and being the identical which was cut off of this lot and conveyed tothesaidA.D.Cooper.The one-half interest“lis sold subject to the right of dower of Mrs.Julia “Cooper:Terms of sale—One-third cash,one-third insixmonthsandone-third in twelve months’ time.R.B.MeLAUGHLIN,February 9th,1916. skull was’crushed and he died.er Murder in ‘Randolph. charged.with the murder of Frank Garner in Randolph county Sunday. Kime,jit is alleged;went to Garner’s home drunk,and ran the family out‘of the ‘house...When Garner;:brother Commissioner. Cooking Recipes. 2 Getaneat little,card index .“>=“ontfit for them.“Only:90c; Statesville Printing ve \\ARNG ae his homé,the latter:killed him. \®.H.Farris)city editor of the Highr SALE OF MILL.{ ‘By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court hing.at’.CG.He went J,Farris,died suddenly Sunday morn-Washington,N “water power,andwill.take place on the pHeOne-third . HAVE HELPED THE NEEDY. ‘Contributions For the Benev- visiting Mr.Cline’s relatives at Olin,|Correspondence of The Landmark, ‘Charges that the Southern railway)p Faith} Ernest Kimeis’in’jail at Asheboro, in-law of Kime,attempted to defend. Point Enterprise and.abrother of J. METHODS OF BEN-HADAD.| More Eflertive in War§Hunger.Than tig Guns and Submar-|§ines and the Nations of Eu-|§rope Have¥ed to Primi-|¥tive Methods.ee oie te Monroe Enquirer..t The’bomb-dropping air ship,the) submarine boat with its death dealing|% torpedoes,the mines with which thelg seas are strewn,the powerful Krupp|8guns,these all struck terror tothepeopleofwarringcountriesof |%Europe,but after all,the thing most |%to be dreaded is something that can|come to a wormin the dust as well as|>to a king on his throne—hunger. Cut.off.a-nation’sbréad and that)%nation will surrender quicker than ifrowerfulnaviesbombard:its forts.|The bullet kills the soldier;hunger|%kills all from the babe in the cradletothecommander-in-chief of the army,“thas beentruly,said.that an struments,they have\-taken up,the fare over in Europe—starving theenemy.’Germany,by .submarine andmine,ig trying to -prevent.any.shipfrommakingportinanycountry.at) war with her.England and the other |: nations at war with Germany are try- ing by powerful battleship and every ‘means known to naval warfare tokeepshipsfromtouchingatanyGer- |man port.-Yes,they have gone backtotheoldprimitivewayofconquer- ing.One Ben-hadad,king of Syria,triedthestarvationstuntontheJewsonceandhesucceeded.It got to be|hard times in Samaria after old Ben-| hadad_succeeded-in laying his-block-+ade.It is ‘written in Second Kings,which.-bears.the-story--ofthat-war: \“And there was a great famine in Samaria:and,behold,they besieged it,until an ase’s-head sold forfouriscorepiecesofsilver,and the fourth 'part of a cabof dove’s dung sold for s of silver.And as the kingwaspassingbyupon.the. O king.And he said,If the Lord do not help thee, whence.shall I help thee?out of the barn floor,or out of the wine press? And the king said unto her,What aileth thee?And she answered,This woman -said unto me,Give thy son, that we may.eat him today,and we will eat my son tomorrow.So weboiledmyson,and did.eat him;and)1 said unto her on the next day,Give! thy son:that we may eat him:and she, hath hid her son.”j And now’over in i five pie of Israe wall,-there Europe it is back _to-the-old-ways—-the-primitive way|of Ben-hadad,and the war lords, rather.than yield,would see the peo-| ple eating the filth of the barnyard/| and paying a high price for it,too.>|j} |\ olent ‘and Relief Association.| Contributions to the Benevolent and Relief Association for the month of December;1914;and January and Watts,$2;Mrs.Julius Wallace,Phil-adelphia $1;Mrs.George _Ander-sén.50 cents;Mr.*E..-G,Gaither,Christmas gifts in the formofcashtoanomberoffamilies.Wood—Mr.Z.V.Long,Col.A.D. Watts.: Shoes,Clothing and Bed Clothing— Miss Helen May Patterson,Miss Mol- lie.Sumpter,Miss Belle Gray,.Mrs. A.P.Murdock,Mrs.GC.G.Prosper,Mrs.Sig;-Whilace;Mrs.-J.-H..Hoff-mann.Mrs,William «Wallace,Mrs.Sol.Simon,.Misses.Carrie and Ame-lia Hoffmann,Mrs.J.A.Stikeleather, Olin;Mrs.R.L.Poston,Mrs.George ‘Anderson,Mrs.D.J/-Kimball,Mrs:George Foard,Mrs.Ll.Harrill,MissAltieCorpening,'Miss Delia Lazen-} y.:|<Dolls and Toys—Mrs.Sig.Wal-) lace: Clothing and shoes for children arealwaysneeded.The directors thank during the winter.MRS.A.L,COBLE,Pres.B.and R.Ass’n, Poured Oil on the Waters andReducedMalaria. ed on six and a half miles of streams near Roanoke Rapids,during the lastsummer,so reduced the malaria whichhadbeenprevalentthere.for yearsthatthemillownerswill.tepeat theprocessthissummerattheir.own ex-pense,according to a bulletin issued|by the United:States Public HealthService.The oiling cost $300 and themillownerswere.so mich pleasedwiththegeneralimprovementincon-ditions among their employes,.aftertheyhad.been cured of malaria,that‘they eagerly announced their inten-tion.of repeating the process.this iamer......;“Lock and too expensive..Therefore pools,onds and other |bodies of stagnant,water which were acting as mosquitobreeders,were’oiled..Thepoints.out that.kerosene,.or some @uito larvae,may be substituted fordrainageundercertainhsuccess,but oiling,as.an.anti-quite:measure must be so satis-rily performed at all times thatthanceisaffordedmosquitolarvae “reach maturity.; United Statesceisactively*pushing a »cam- jes.throughout the Sou their friends for all the above con-|2tributions,which have helped greatly| Thtee thousand gallons of oil pour-|3 at conditions”about Roanoke!’Rapids made drainage impracticable} bulletin| ‘other agent which will kill the mos-|j conditions |: ‘Public Health|| tof mosquito eradication for the}’of malaria fever.in conjune-}-Withmany State and municipal)@ Pi : A TWENTY ‘noual Payment Life the the insured -©If the insured shouldallpremiumsdhisbenefi entieth annual premium,the pollfull-value and will be paid in-cash to tection to his or éxtended insurance to theinthetwenty-year premium paying :|The Michigan Mutual Life algo issues policies.up after the payment of either ten ur fifteen annu»Justrationof results at any‘age will be given upon applS.R.BROWN,..--Local Agent,| CROCECE ECHORCECECECOECEOLOHOHO) j ue being paid,theamounttheimilyincaspofdeathtwentiethyearbecomesapartofhispaid-foratdeathasheshallhavedesignatedduringt {Itdiffers from the ordiaary Life Policyannualpremiumshavebeenpaid.insteadeachyearduringtheinsured’s lifetime,ty Year Endowment by reason of the pothetwentyyearsiftheinsuredbelivin.policy being paid at the twenty year ex onandtheprotectiontothebeneficiarydiscontin ¢The Twenty Payment Lifetas tvaluesasotherpoliciesissuedby the Michiganhasouri,lapsed wprimitive,the age-old method of war-||P pays preiniumsfor 2 die at any thine Therefore durin retduring ndit di he creditoft the bi ren ume. Statesville,N.C. New Suits, New Spring Styles now ready foryour inspection : Bought before the advancein price.See us and ¥ Has many specials:36inch Sea Island36inchBleachDomestic,36 inch OutinQuiit*Lining,»UIGinghams,Apron Checks,Calicos.etc.,etc.. White Gans aSpe Don’t fail to get our prices before purchasing. ; New Coats,New |1date in style an ShoesandOxfords -save money...- it eee All the new things in this line. 18 inch Huck Toweling, eS pHONEath When you're ready for yours,ready to serve you.Juourwindows.any day now and see the hand-some Spring Styles.are There’s nothing missinplaceinthisHomeof Good Shoes. li’s true we sell.Men’s Shoes at a smallprofit,but we sell lots of them.: At your service,Sir,any day. RRILL-WHITESHOECCG Me ee ae =Stand.)SHE Oewas,heen,eM g cpu eanees ayn Eeeu ee RE Sir,we'reJust'takea,peep into that's worthy of a > \\ Remove That Pain ‘HALL'S -“PHONE 20 "WITH ONE OFOUR Era [ON PRICE: Nenbaesenaraenvy $e rsGanO01.00}disgrace ‘on him unless the chargesUaenvowedestenes RPOeRenepwee eseeene gees oe ¢MonroeJournal remarks on the that never in the world’s his- ‘so much being done to help o help them.in every way. Shes ‘literature of the day is preg- with timely andvaluable infor- H-Tree a n.The learning of the schol-| the inventions of the scientists, discoveries of the:investigators, ‘machinery af the government,the money and brains of private parties, ‘professors of the schools,the di- ‘Yectors of .countless societies and agencies,the laboratories of theRTEtodays“the -dis- i of the ‘average man,and we face to face with the valuable and March 9,1915. “The New Berne Sun thinks that if the charges of immoral conduct against Judge Carter should prove to be untrye,somebody should be held responsible for bringing them;‘We }don't believe,”says the Sun,“in try- ing to ruin a man’s home and bring: against him can be proven.”Nobody wants to shield Judge Carter if he is guilty,But there is a feeling,thatinasmuchasthesechargescropped out only after the difficulty between Judge Carter and Solicitor Aber- nethy,that there may be malicious Spite work back of it.If the charges ‘are shown to be true,those who brought them will deserve the com- /mendation of all gooa people;if it be |shown that they are .only the +emanations of irresponsible and-mati- |cious gossips,then those who prought \them should be punished if possible |and forever condemned by all good |people.It’s a serious matter to.make {8 charge of that character,for no j matter if Carter is acquitted,the un- |pleasant notoriety will always make ;him ‘conspicuous.and there will be those who.will always.believe him lguilty.‘The investigation should be |pushed to the limit and the facts thor- i t fact that an entire popu-|e lation is going to school every day.|oughly sifted. We used to hear men say,“I had no.—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_——_———" ;when I was growing up,”but A good many people seem to think there will be little need longer for that the ~decision .of the United pedSan ES ee neaie ee _Supreme.Court _in__what—is ietine or.another,still have Jittle|snown as the Kansas beer case,in| chance,but-even this will not be true which it was held that the inter-| long,Take a country paper like The|State shipment of beer could not be| THE END OF CONG Usual Scenes at the Clo -the Sixty-ThiuresThatFailed—_pliments to Presiding Offic After two year's of almost cor uous.session the Sixty-Third, ss,which revised the tariff and the currency system of the nation, ‘supplemented the trust laws,crea an income tax and,demonstrated thefirst\popular election of United States Senators,ended at noon Thursday, When gavels fell in the House and Senate,signalizing the adjournment, they.marked the close of half of President Wilson’s administration.the first under domination of the Dem- ocratic party since 1885.é Strenuous scenes enlivened the fad- ing hours,devoted chiefly to complet-. ing ‘the approprigtions for subsist- ence2fthe government rwo-import» ant measures,the postoffice’and In-dian supply bills,failed in the finallegislativecrushafterdesperateef-forts had been made to save them.In the emergency occasioned by their failure joint resolutions were pass- ed and signed by the President con-tinuing in,force propriations of:the present year.—‘While -tired--Senators’and.Repre- sentatives were devoting their ener-gies:te>final....essentials,....Paatident.Wilson spent more than an hour inhis,room at the capitol,surroundel by ‘his cabinet,signing the last fruits|of legislation.The President found|time in the midst of this task to greet!Senators and Representatives and he,made the occasion entir projects.which had failed.+ Important.measures which’died| gratulation,making no reference to) services a tand his eyes filled with tears, House thanking MajoritderwoodandMinority the long session,After his return to tated the following statement: sessions,Its work will tested.; tontrol.‘|“The constant thought of every pa-triotic man should now be for the}country,its peace its order,its just!and tempered judgment in the face of | perplexing difficulties,Its-dignity and) its strength alike will appear not only! in the revival of its.business,despite!abnormal conditions,but also in its)power to think,to purpose?and to! act with patience,with disinterested fairness,and without excitement,in a}spirit of friendliness and enlighten-jmentwhichwillfirnfyestablishits) influence’throughout the “world.”isckinhiliesnssiaiaaneiapianannpiaITEMSOFALLSORTS. The French steamer La Touraine | a 8 pe c s e e c o v e o c c e r o c cs he Speakerthen resumed:ls eee.began a h ofthanks:‘The}#.multiplicity of honors and kindnesses|§that this House has heaped.on:me)§3 straight to my heart,”he.said,|§t no further,for his voice broke|§ |.Resolutions,were adopted by the|#Leader Un-|8.eader Mann)for.their untiring efforts throughout|# theWhite House }from the capitol President Wilson dic-|# “A great Congress has ciosed its|}prove.the!§purpose and quality of its statesman-|#ship more and more,the longer it is|# “Business has now.a time of calm ¢Land thoughtful adjustinent.before it,|§ disturbed.only.by,.the durapean.war.#The circumstances created by the war!#put the nation to a special test,a test;#°of its true character and of its self-|; with the end.of Congress,along with |caught fire in mid ocean iast.week; the ship-purchase bill,were the Phil-|and there was for a time fears for the!Journal,and there is never an issue ~that is not full of something valuable,: tive,and intended to help some-. ody to become more efficient and| 1;The average man is coming’ into his own. It.is his day.But he ustrealize thateall-help on.earth: cannot help the man who will not help) mse!-Outside help is only an.aid | to self-help.The thing isstill up to} ‘the individual.But the point is that. hischancesof making good are about | a thousand times better than they | used to be.:“Mrath,my masters;and blessed| are they who awake to a full realiza- tion of their opportunities.There is ‘a disposition at times to ridicule some of the methods suggested and some ‘of the agencies employed to help peo- -to help them to live better,to prohibited,nullified what is known as the Webb-Kenyon act,passed by Congress a few years ago and de-! signed to prohibit the shipment of| liquors from one State into prohibi- tion territory in another State.The following from the court’s opinion in| the beer case ‘settles that point: “The instant cause arose before passage of the act of Congress,ap- proved March 1,1913,c.90(37 Stat. 699),known as the Webb -Kenyon bill;consequently neither its con- struction nor application is now in- volved;and what is said herein of course has reference to conditions existing prior to that enactment.” Which means that the Webb -Ken- live:longer,to get more out of life;yon Jaw was not passed on by the toappreciate and:enjoy the highest’court-and-its-legality is yet to “be and best in life;to make their homes tested.ee as +praesentomauanepebens The Landmark recently mentioned prosperous materially and better mor-the “Jitney”bus—a motor vehicle ally,mentally and spiritually.Not|un onthe streets to transport people “agencies employed for the jn.|about+towns for a five cent fare.A “Jitney”line—a half hour service be-dustrial,mental,moral and spiritual|‘; of the people are always prac-|tween certain points—4s to be put on bes ful.But all are striv-at Rocky Mount.Tue word “Jitney”| dar a good pu ».‘The real has naturally attracted attention and/ sen methods suggested and there has been considerable research offered to help mankind to|®Sto its origin.Investigation shows thinos ‘are many and ample if that it is slang for five cents and that ‘but employ them.But,as the it has ‘been used in various localities. says,we will get nowhere if Just who originated the word is'a s,do nothing for ourselves.It is matter of doubt.f eyot opportunity:THE INDIAN TROOPS.human destiniesam I, ove and fartune on.my footsteps;Dusky Warriors Trained Un- +der Englishmen to.Kill ‘White Men.ae : Associated Press Report From Brit-ish Headquarters in France. The picturesqueness of the IndiantroopsoftheBritishEmpirebreaksthemonotonyofthegrim,colorlessbusinessofmodernwarattheBritishfront,The little mule carts ‘of thesesoldiersmoveabout.among.the.pow-erful motor-trucks from England.It was first feared that the Indiansmightnotstandshellfirewellbuttheybecameusedtoitandnowtheyareeven-contemptuous.of it.Accus-y Saturday,aftrnoon was not an|tomed to a hot and dry climate,theffairofwhichtobeproud..This|chill and rainy weather and the miry no reference to the result,nor is)or of ree are oe beeneee;:i their worst enemy.en the sun charging one sidewith wrong over ‘shines a smile spreads over the whole .The agitation,long:drawn |Indian force.Thanks to many layers‘was very acute and feeling|0f warm clothing and careful atten-ng.The primary was a “soap |Hons the sick ares of the Indianmy}oi i troops is normal.”affair,there being no legal re-|{41}the food of these men has to befionsorregulations,and there!brought from India.Speaking no |fields I walk;1 penetrate and seas remote,and,passing by|mart,and palace,soon or late, unbidden once at every gate.’ ‘If sleeping,wake;if feasting,risé before Stns hour of Fate,‘they who follow me reach every state)desire,and conquer every roe}but those who doubt op hesitate,to failure,penury and woe,in vain ‘and_uselessly.implore...‘not,andI return no more,Re .-~Ingalls. to outward and visible p and current ‘talk,the pri- Al mass of miscellaneous legisla- ippine enlarged self-government.bill,rural credits legislation,the bil!toprohibit.—inter-Stategoodsmanufactured by.child labor and the conservation bills.A resolu- tion which contemplated an investiga- tion into senatorial campaigns in Pennsylvania,[llinois ~~and “other |States,which-had been recommended by a Senate committee,also failed. While much was proposed,very little general legislation was carried in the appropriation bills. Before adjournment Congress pro- vided for several important investi- gations:to be carried on during re- cess.A committee will continue the inquiry into alleged lobbying in con- nection with the ship-purchase*bill, a.commission will stucy rural cred- its legislation and Democrats of the Senate appointed a speciai copimit- tee to recommend revision of Sen- ate-rules-with a-view-to-establishing- cloture of debate to prevent filibus- ters. tion,hurried through in the iast days.included claims bills,public buildings,fish cultural stations and bridge bills and minor amendments to various.Federal statutes.Most of these were put through on the ini-| tiative of the individual members ané|passed without objection. The annual appropriation bills which failed caused considerable trouble.After the Indian_bill had/ made its devious way through the! Senate opposition,it reached the House just 10 minutes before final adjournment.<A filibuster immediate- ly was initiated by the Republicans and it forced the withdrawal of the conference report on the bill. The joint resolution which contin- ued the current postoffice appropri- ation bill brought forth a protest from Representative Moon of Tennessee, chairman of the postoffice committee. He declared his committee.had_not been consulted regarding the decision of the leaders to abandon the bill and that the’joint resolution was«put through the House in his absence. “Representatives of railroad inter-.| ests and railroad attorneys,”he said,; “have been active at both ends of| the capitol inthe efforts to.prevent; the passage of this bill.” Representative Fitzgerald declared| the decision to abandon the yieanure? had been reached only after it be- ‘came apparent that it could not pass fully cognizant of the circumstances.| Just before the Senate adjourned|resolutions thanking Vice President| Marshall for his services as presiding| officer of the Senate were adopted.’.| “May I be permitted to say,”said; the Vice President in closing theses-|sion,‘that when I came here two| years ago,it was the first time I ever! set my foot inside of a legislative hall.| I know.that I have made mistakes,| “charges and counter charges of word of English,these dusky strang- y work.”We don’t know wheth-ers have come from the other side of iy primary law passed by the Britain.Billeted in barns with thick}and say to you that there never has}them.’’—Mrs.-MatTtie Haey,601 Col-| lature,if one is passed,will layers of straw for their beds,each| ¢are of the municipal situation race cooking its food to its taste and|tesville,but if it does’not strin-according to its caste customs,they| iMeailations Suid be peo:form a separate world of never-ceas-| g to the indications,some a primary law will get h the kegislature;but if a de measure fails:Iredell will a primaryif Senator Thomp- bill,to provide a primary law county,gets through the Hp put it through the Sen-él’nae ¢ :ing wonder to the French inhabitants.| before another one is “held.This morning there were seen3,000 | tendency to corrupt methods in {cavalrymen riding by on a muddy ies and elections in Iredell—sete lasdee perenr ound io io oe.re |andscape with a e precisionusemethodsthatgoodcitizens‘they would show at a oval:review.excuse nor longtolerate with-|Occasionally among the dusky faces“serious regults—has been very|Under the turbans there were theBleinfecentyears;and un-fetid copmenenessof me ee of-Ra 8 who had trained these variedhaltiscalled,and at once,the tribes and who have stood with tharndnameofthetownandcounty|in the trenches in icy waters u to;me a.byword and a_re-|their waists against the enemy.Be3paSeieesaetabSingh,-72.years old,rode-at thereihead:of his:regiment.a“They told me I was too old,”he said,‘‘but I replied ‘if you~will notletmefightinFranceIwillgotoAfghanistanandfightthere.I don’tmeantodieinbedandI‘can’t livemuch’longer.’So they let me come.” Although all-the cavalry is fightingjasinfantryinthetrenchescavalryofficerskeepup:their heavy drills andthehorsesareincondition.This.isbecausetheremaybeachance’for ~cavalry when the expected Ger-muchtoballeve,but |"break comes.Everynocy on thespeaksoftheGermansgoingasifthiswasascertainasthengofspring. SSSeeeFortheStomachandLiver.sgt,Ne Stuart,West Webster,N,Y.,writes;‘T have used Chamberlain's Tablets for dis.orders.of the stomach and liver off and on‘last week.We're hoping for.the past five years,and itpleasuretostatethatIhaveSane ton hg other things —and applying il—-passed the Houseofthe r lerrors,sometimes of the head,but!your remedies.I take pleasure in tell- the world to fight in France for Great |thank God I can look you in the face ing my friends and neighbors about: been an error of the heart.”—iFormanyminutesbeforeadjourn- ment there was a lull in the Senate. Senator Simmons paid a tribute to Senator Perkins of California.whose term ended at noon.Senator Perkins sat for a moment in contemplationofthetribute.Then he slowly rosefromhisseat,feebly waved his-hantowardtheNorthCarolinaSenatorandhiscolleaguesinagestureoffarewellandtookhisseatagain,tooovercomewithemotiontospeak.everal members.of the Senate,long ~prominent national figures— Lamong them Senators Root and Bur- ton—stepped back into private life as -curtain:fell,A:farewell etter from- Senator ‘Thornton,whohasbeentoo illforseveraldaystobepresentintheSenate,was presented by ~SenatorKern.Some of the retiring Senatorsmadefarewelladdresses.Ra aayIntheHousethelast:hour was de- commerce .in} eommittee on postoffices and that Representative Moon was}fig ,.If you have the slightest.doubtthatLydiaEF.Pinkham’s Vegeta-|_CompoundWillhelp you,write | safety of her passengers.But othersteamersstoodbyandthefirewas put under control so that the Touraine proceeded under her ‘own steam toHhpvre. President Wilson has selected Mon-}day May 10,as the date for the Pan-} American financial conference in}Washington,at--which—the--ministers-of finance.and leading bankers 01 Central and South Amerzca countries will meet financiers and treasury of-ficials of the United States to discusstheestablishmentofmoresatisfac- tory finencial and’commercial rela-tions between the nations of theWesternHemisphere. ed impeachment charges against:StateInsurance-Commissioner Welch andA.P:Watson,a member of the cor-poration commission..It is chargedthatWatsonborrowedmoneyfrom}_ Yailroad men with—whom—the-com-mission had dealings;that he rode onpassesandchargedtravelingex-penses to the State,and inay ne ac-gence coal from a coal company as agift. -In a letter to Postmaster GeneralBurleson,Representative Moon ‘ofTennessee,chairman of the House and post-roads,‘charges the railroads with making the government pay twice as much for catrying the mails as they do the express companies for theirtraffic.He referred-to the fact that“from Raleigh 100 pounds will go byexpressfor$2.10,the railroad’s por-tionbeing $1.05;the government pays WHAT $10 DIDFORTHISWOMAN The Price She Paid fer Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetableCom-pound Which BroughtGoodHealth. medicine and I feel £0muchbetterthanIdidwhenthedoctor dollars oh your don’t suffer anybearingdownpains|atall now andIsleep|well,I cannot sayenoughforLydiaE.<i]Pinkham’s Vegeta-| ble Compound and}‘Liver Pills as they|have done so much/forme,I am enjoy- ing good health now and cwe it all to quhone Street,Danville,Va.| No woman suffering from any.form |of ‘female troubles should lose hope un-til she has given Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetableCompoundafairtrial. This famous remedy,the medicinalingredientsofwhicharederived from native roots and herbs,has forfortyyears‘proved to be a most valua-ble tonic and invigorator of the fe- male organism.Women everywherebearwillingroethewonderful virtue of Lydia,E.Pinkham’s Vegeta-ble Compound.; bletoLydia E.PinkhamMedicineCo.(confidential)Lynn,Mass.,for ad-vice.Your letter will be opened,read and answered by a woman,ar’held in strict confidence. voted to tributes to Speaker Clark,Representative Underwood and Re-publican Lader..Mann.tive Palmer announced presentationofaportraitofMr»Underwood to.be}Bihunginthehalloftheways.and|.7 ~~means committee.In doing so Mr,Palmer said: |He is one of|of his time.”At\the request of Republican Lead-er Mann,Speaker Clark surrenderedthechairtoProgressiveLeaderMur-dock,The Repu safely through bothIredellin.the.list,but bepatie nepnasented,ihey Are salle thelr ,.,.4 value,them highly,”For-sale by all dealers logized the “able ai §and the House:withresolution”ig Speake: fend Representa-} “There is no.doubt Mr.Underwood||soon will be the leader in the Senate.|”the greatest Americans}4g made exclusively of high-priced, ure materials,and for this-reason itrémoresurfacewithgreaterden- sity-—a better finish and lasts longer thanother paints.TRY IT. The Oklahoma.Legislature has vot-|.. was treating me...I) x ie s i r e t e r e r e c c s e r e r e s 2)eee eR CASE _Ready to admit that you've been in hardlines?Well,then,thereis bound to -be areason,for-except acts of Providencethings |~don’t happen without reason,You've work-'ed hard?Of course you have.and you’ve earned something,but what have you done with it all?Anyhow,you haven't saved it? Now why?Hayen’t tried?Then tryz ‘nila a3 AaB lp Sas wdTmncomenen tame nT RTE mpgwee Think:over what we've said and if you really want to save and provide yourself against-hard times let’s go a little deeper. and learnintothesubjectinFriday’s paper ~how-to better your condition, The new Ford Coupelet brings the:unmatchable lowprice,the small expense of maintenance comnion to all;Nin cars and the largest measure of modern luxury and8S. _When the top is folded (a matter of a minute or so)it isasnappy,stylish,luxurious roadster;with top raised you.have a closed car,cozy and comfortable in inclement dndwintryweather.. Physicians,architects,contractors,traveling and businessmengenerally,who demand continual service in a car,~will realize every expectation in the Ford Coupelet. Ford Coupelet $750;Ford Touring Car $490;Sei ee $440.All fully eaain ad f.0..b.Detroit.: On dispiay and gale at Carolina Motor Co’s. Buyers will share in profitsif we ‘sellat retail_308,000 new Ford cars between Augtst,1914,and August,1915.‘; Danville,Va.—“‘Ihave only spentten So FORSALE BY- DECORATIONS” FOR YOUR HOME >WOU can have wall papers of a distinctive character in your.home i)and at:no increased cost over the ordinary ny kind,Z There’s comfort and satisfaction in know- ing that your home is decorated with ym Wallpapers that ate correct in iy color,design,and that ©ty, they are of dependable quality.»fil You will find here the‘be newer styles that |}@iee will.add adistinct-~ ive charm to your Other.In-in ‘North Caro-| | ;‘that count established,died Sat-PASSING THRONG.,¥<yeaged 4 years At the home of the bride’s parents, guest at the home of Mr.J.A. ie ;Battleships Can: Pes and’Twelve.of Cot-ton a Minute—InterestingIn-| Byerybodyqday,a,54 rss i Ke c FR AREAS ANS Hedaye amee OF yes used for about everything simaginn- Mentionof:People and)State Senator and Mrs.L.Bumgar.|ble both in peace and in war,but a Their Movements.~~(ner,in Wilkesboro last Wednesday,|creat many people,including this Mr.C.Watkins of Henderson has ‘Miss Pedi¢Bumgarner and Mr.Robt,|paper,did not know to what extent)men. béen a O,Poplin of Ronda were merried.©|our Southern staple is used in the Brady the past few.days.(2)1)Miss Agnes Seymour of Greene;manvfacture “Miss:Gertrude Campbell of -Ashe-|county,19 years old,committed sui-'now being ~ville,a former resident of Statesville,cide by drinking carbolic acid.She }ropeah’battlefields.“On this’subject here Saturday en route to Ashe-|had given -no intimation of Ker pur-|we learn a good deal from an inter- cacinniaemuelt the L.,Covington clerk of the Su-|formation About Gun-Cotton. March 9,1915.perior Court |tland county sihea Vata Wouenals ne ae burned so fast on the Eu- SG eT knows that cotton of the powder which-is ‘li hinjured Sunday ina collision between jan interurban baggage car and an au- iis tomobile,near Albany,N.Y. “+It is reported ‘from Berlin’thatthereare781,000 war prisoners in- terned in,Germany,an tmcrease since the end of 1914 of more than 200,000 not resist’arrest by civil authorities;hat they are amenable to local regu- ‘Four persons were killed and four SAFETY FIRST!— Wearea NATIONAL ‘BANK, Member ofr The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.The National Currency Association of North ( A R K RA T A L E << AC L S SS SA S A Secretary Daniels has warned ‘en-sted men of the navy that they must TR C tions as other e¢itizens. -}-vill,She had been in Mooresville on pose,it is said,‘and no cause is as-|esting article in.the:Review of Re-\::. a ‘visit to her.mother,.Mrs,BoM.signed.ce l views on ‘“fhe Improved Outlook for "ea We ripe a aos Og bi i.Carolina oe Me ee uneHA eae th Dr:J.P.Matheson of Charlotte,|Cotten.”iSicer use of cotton,A braska,Osher.the Dakotas:and :a * se r and Mrs.Ne A.Llwho is an Alexander county man,has |Writer,18 haying An im nt heaFs}othe»sections Ss as peg veep iw _—-Winston-Salem were -here.Saturday.eaghh tor-ebont 320,000.she--thrad--ite.on.the demand for the vsta .al ieee yd oe fati andl The MAXIMUM.OF SECURITY.Every con-RI “to see Miss Lynwood Bost,who is se-story:brick building formerly occu-When it is known that 1 eee ~aerinnalyhampered!Ts”on Sistent accommodationextendedour patrons....gbz) _Fiously ill atthe Sanatorium..\pied by.the North Carolina Medica!)for one of the huge battleships likey yk wy;Deter ;:iy -Miss May Murphy of New York.College.in Charlotte.those England is now using.on the),ident Wilson has given a.recess United States Depository ae) peggy Pg m3 se oe hay the third time within three |Turkish forts of,the pexsenge Be eae ps tlm og Yi hess "ffs = “week.,who e,;;yp|Shoot 10.or 12 ‘of |oe ee ave ne tie mee. urphy,‘months,the \West Durham postoffice 10°unite:folks who renin oe Federal Tradé Commission.Mr.Rub-i ee Ne a: ay c+”PRY,t fSentoftheStateHospitalatMor-! “e .==ee ane iwith nitro-glycerine.-{ ‘The Danbury Reporter-Post hears| iotte and Morganton and went? from here to New York.Robena her brothers Mr.H. who is »,~dtives in Newton. yesterday Mrs.Wm.Led better,in Roxboro.i gister.near the fireplace in her ho ce is visiting relatives in States-|juries resulted in her death next day. ville.%; al Others..at him five times.One report 18)~~Four nign were shot ‘and’killef-and 4h neg ee é s ;anda ‘that the negro liad trnoeked the officer;*) eo pe others -sericuny_0 d,_one ©‘down,another.that the officer was|thisnijalcohol.Th whom has since died,at Brunkwick,drunk..The constable was putin jail) ed bya policeman who sought to ar-t ;v t Sut bist |One of the men killed was ed Friday night by —nitre-glycerine,, F 1 set off by burglars.Portions of the ney., Phillips is said to have lost consid- erable money recently in real estate transactions and blamed others for went to the-office-of + with an automatic shotgun,several ago. charges entering the atforney’s head,|Carolina from the West a few years in front of a:drug store,and began tient at the Senatorium in Statesville. “Yoaded “its -Citizens —beeame -pani¢;per cent on its capital stock of $180,-_ the scene and began shooting atito the plant and 35:per cent were paid | killed by the lumberman.Before he |miraculous record for a cotton mill, was killed Phillips,in a.to in these days. killing four men,ha seriously yy,L,Millner,electrical engineer | “oo ng 5 i and”slightly wounded |ond promoter,has completed plans to! 4 ut:}Pde _/\furnish Connelly Springs,Valdese,| Notice of New Advertisements.Drexel =e Morgenten ee eae i to help in h use-current and has signed 2,contract | White sirt wanted pal ial with Morganton.He expects to turn) t horses anc mule for oo ee ‘fall.A dam is being built on the Ca- Statesville Lumber Co.wants 500,-tawba river to develop the horse pow- 000 feet pine.:er.Aorta Lone Star oil for the incubator.—|Genelia Keller,a white woman 60) Eagle &Milholland.=|years tld,who had just begun serving| } » { county jail for larceny,drank the) New.spring millinery—Mrs.Mary ‘contents of a bottle of medicine pre- Sims. “Sense of deliberate suicide.-The’wo-Johnston-Belk Co,j : :i man is survived by a number of chil-|Quality garments—Mills &Pos- foravisit to her son,Mr.DeWittLec-|ed.while she played with her smaller fram t :me.|fuzzy stuff. Mr,J.Arthur Ramsey of Wilkes-'Her clothes caufht fire and the in-these fragments o Re Seca came aa 2 U2 tn Goldsboro a few’days ago Con->8®t :n , Killed Five and Wounded Sever-‘stable Futrell_shot_and_badly soa Sau ns oaths.era neh Tone eT|other -tc ;‘nest Bs agro;shooting |2nd then treats ©3 @h@Ting in his escape.i j i :oy og bern i +t ed-Andrew.Moore,a negro,shoo ne asta acid.Then-he washes them in his escape Ae authentic locations in Palestine and :Monday.nn d gives another treatmentto them, ser Res ese eat but later released on-bond..DEBS: r age ‘x “a +",a .the streets.Phillips himself was kill-.:koe ue Shufond’s stand,af (er |America there are five great powder| an,oyncomie vy lish-|“Gants,Two—those at Dover,N.d Dunw minent attor-H,R.Dy woorly,a pro inent a safe were blown ee the roof |those a ‘and the interior of the store wreek-)—besa .: ‘ed.The cash in the safes-$11—was |wungton:Del.,and those at-Parlin,N- taken and valuable papers destreyed.|"se interests.The normal outpy his financial difficulties.-|Will ‘Tf.Rousseau,who had Neenbr ihe American powder mills is 10,-| BY went"is how with his.sister,Mrs...999,000-pounds-a-year.-The-extreme| “and openedfire on the Jawyer Geo.Blair,—at—Boone,—died ten days teapacity is about 15,000000—ae Rousseau returned to North)phat ‘means 30,000 bales of Vinterss killing him‘almost instantly.Phillips ago.“He had been an invalid for seév-}j,Buree Se poner Se oe fount y,went to the field last Tuesday|}dering’with the additional a dvantacis ‘f then went to the corner of the street,|eral years and was for a time a pa-jthat of America:'i i g stricken and fled in all directions.000 last year.Fifty per cent of the i bales _Finallys Policeman Deavers ran to!earnings were expended for additions|Thete is a Iie pomnle for Coigo ene a eo Europe to produce perhaps Sb eel to cok for him.She found him lying &seeing what you get and returning what i in 1 shallow guiley dead,with a-eut;may be left over,You can’t reasonably ex-- Peis eeanl eaerunt oo ern e anes Langone Lee lg _.peet-bett ode bart rely exeSaracmeSeDETsuatadesasetancingonwal~~~Poot better:goods £0r-less:money WAHT AN suspicion that Europe 18!©\.¢ell in the gulley,the log roll-give,Youmight want a ‘‘leetle”accom- daughter of the late Dr.P)L.Mur.)ae u Ste ;yer Senn.Sg MUE*'was robbed,Friday night,the thieves!”,ad ee Relong.ising,sapere way.th cosierble cashol Ny,ele towingi3°q ‘hes i SCANS ae , and-stamps.They blew open the SHEE |Faoty,all-very interesting,are takes :from the article:; :had been visiting friends in)oe oe :All the powder man :Charl fa big’poplar tree in Snow Creek!the United States is manufactured)® Vea f Lazenby went <to ed 18 feet in circumference from five’ment-is true of Russia,France and}t ;Salisbury Sagurday night to be with feet above the ground to the first!Germany.About 70 per cent of the| Lee Lazenby,|branches,a distance of 20 feet.|ow. ill.:i |‘The cotton platform at Monroe and ture ‘C._H.Turner-is visiting rela--about-800~bales of cotton “were de-170 per cent of the powder made inf stroyed by fire Thursday night.A’Austria,Italy,Sweeden “Mr.and Mrs.M.-W.Shook and half dozen”box cars on the railroad js made of gun-cotton. child,who visited home-people in track ‘at the platform were burned./powder linters are p Statesville,returned to Lincolnton)Bire supposed to have originated from;cotton of commerce.Lin c *‘on sparks from an_-€ngine.~parts’of the fibre that a Mrs.John Wakefield spen:yester-The 7-year-old daughter of Mr.andj seed after the gi day in Salisbury.-\Mrs.D.A.Morgan,who live ‘near)chines not onky better left yesterday Gary,Wake county,was fatally burn-from the seed,(he seed what remains of the yociesiay on a charge of conspiracy -Phursday. shooting at every one in sight.AS’‘The Flint Manufacturing Company--090-pounds-of powder-in-one year.If) fast as his gun was-emptied he’re-|»f Gastonia (a-cotton mill)earned 85.linters were..used in all this powder| | i time the dose being of ether and | and Haskell,N.J-are owned by| -itownship,Stokes.county,It measur-|out ef gun-cotton.The same state.|Earolina Legislature passed this iaw|y d out of gun-cotton.From60to. The powder-maker takes |; at makes powder;and for);;SgticallyeverypoundofIinter's used |Pr':‘:eyy |Pre-ident-Marshall,has been arrang-—..s i one pound of powder is the result.In}ed bv Lieutenant Governor O'Hara of Sneed 5 6 seneacnos 5 lYjinois,to take place in May or late :.i : :‘*\in April.An attendance of nearly 49 i Cas and Indian Head on the Potomac—are}\".\aS ;y‘owned by the government.Three p Lic nant Governors is expected./3 CaSonad e 1é ee S ie Karney Point;opposite Wil-} making and using all the powder it Phillips and was in turn shot’and‘4 stockholders in cash.An almostiean.If th at suspicion is warrante. 450,000 bales of linters would not ! this ian excessive estimate to make.f account.If the powder peop! have not—linters.at--hard-they _un- doubtedly—will turn_to_cotton.Ht ne- cessitates.more chopping,but.that does not signify if the ai is great. ::wk Some of the cotton bought by foreic: werk Apply ive Leone ithe current on in Morganton thig agents recently probably.will be sho: |requ cotton, |wer ends.‘indicate large.orders for,gun-cotton o|for the ‘be’ } ‘away in rifles and big guns before the Recent newspaper repo. lligerent governments. it is the gun of large calibre tha y ‘Cruse and Ragland,veterinar-"a term of four months in Caldwel ee ceane.ik =Pete are ired.That means 300 pounds of ¢"$3 i One shot of a 12-inch gun re- 'seribed by a physician for exter nal)**'*3 : .Pa ;i ges ae :.«|quires:as much powder as 42,000 New spring goods arrivingdaily.—application ‘and died.Apparently 2)wrote of tie Hie an lifanteyman USCS. or 150 shots from an ordinary field i ‘ates :gun.“It is in a sea fight’that cotton jdrn..Her husband is dead.‘eomds into its own,however.-Theo- "A word to the spendthrift—Mu-!.A report’comes from Salisbury—|+ctically it is possible attleshi tual Building &Loan Association.no ates mentioned—that a woman |ee iis aetoe 6.000 10 -Seasonable field seeds.—J.E.|of Gold Hill,Rowan county,was Dros-'6.900 pounds of powder a minute— Sloop.. At the Lyric this week.Programme|week for keeping a disorderly:house.| Thursday for benefit Jocal caus lecuted in Rowan’county court last’that is.10 to.12 bales of cotton. Linters are used in a multitude ofWeek,10r Ree a poe Sed hobble oh‘She “cum cl’ar”and when she was}jnanufactures and there is a demand A twenty _annual-payment life acquitted she turned on the proseeus-|for gil that are put on the market. policy.—S.R.Brown,ing:witness aid proved to the satis-/<9,in a broad sense,all.the gun-co'- °.ee 4 Charming decorations for your faction of the court that he was the ton used in powder-making in.this home.—Crawford-Banch Furniture Co.father of her illegitimate child war means that much less cotton for which was embarrassing,to say the’commerce.psn Murderer andDesperado Arrest-feast. ed at Wilmington.The Supreme Court granted a or A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE ANY ONE Jesse P.Walker,aged 85,who was tyjal in the case of Culiffer vs.the! outlawed soon after his escape from |;ajlroad,from Edgecombe county,be-! Brunswick county jail,where he was.cause the clerk of the court got smart; awaiting trial charged with the mur’and «undertook to instruct the jury.; i der of Sheriff Jackson Standland of ‘The clerk was to receive the verdict| a Brunswick six years ago,and for py consent,but when the jury hand- sheriff was killed in November,1908,the instructions of the court,whic >©while he.was trying to arrest Walker was exceeding his rights and duties -for store-breaking.The latter broke in the premises.. —THE GREAT KIDNEY REME-DY NEVER DISAPPOINTS. A few years “go I.was trouble: 3 Prion ‘ith a complication of kidney and .whose capture dead or alive there was oq it in the clerk suggested’further |i ys 2 a reward of $850,ir arrestedfines deliberation,as-the—decisiondid not |Menace ee oo Wilmington Sunday afternoon.©appear to him to be in accord with1.unable to obtain a eure.Haviny ‘heard a great deal about Swamp-Root, I decided to give it a trial and pur- -chased.a one-dollar bottle of Mr.Alex- jail in 1909.When arrested Walker’gut has been brought in Catawba)ander,the druggist..From the be- oy was a walkingarsenal.__Superior Court by Ellen Bolick,ad-ginning I could notice a ehange for i Vessels Were Destroyed By |ministratrix of William.Bolick.the better and after taking eight vo:- =Mines.‘against the Southern Power Company |tles of your medicine,1 felt entirely for $3,000 damages on account of the!cured and have not had any troubleieCommanderGherardi’s supplemen-|i eath by electrocution of William Bo-|since. fl tary:re on his investigation of |,,4 p eM ao ite of the American cotton lick,:child Wi a soata,coy may 8 ee steamers Carib and Evelyn by mines ea?yaie “The *Ouipat te. N pti tour bg Sea,received from Ber~|cites that.“negligently a oe oe 4 Se,ily”constructed wires caused the boy’s ‘ae a y.auia|death while he was playing,with oth- ne ee pe off courses furnished by the German’i authorities and were following routes|ty Corn. :given/by British‘officials.-.|Thé corporation ona "has \DAPNEBS CANN made an adjustment of freight rates by.local Se iaaicun OF ee Sy oan |with the Norfolk and.Southern rail- =‘roach’the-diseased—portion of _the |way wherebythecorn raised in Hyde jear,.There pe nie one.way.to.cureyand adjacent counties that has.been isoesgt Wana:RET ‘heretofore finding a market through in 1 :ry,al of the mucous link ie Sustachian Tube.When wants Bie 2 ing,and |exportati to Germany,‘will be ‘brought.into the interior of North port trade to.Germany is. the European war.1 A...Jt had been said that the ships’were “will Re Able to Get Hyde Coun: ‘Garolinaformarket,nowthat the ex Bi Mnahtnin Fe ider-|bottle.Tt will ¢ rh Had I begun using Swamp Root solf a lot 460 Sixth will also.fi sooner,|would have been a few hun-dred dollars to the good and saved my-of suffering.~You may ‘use my,testimonial “anytimeyouwish.’Yours very:truly,CHARLES.HARRIS,Sto Maron,Towa. -1_certify that Charles B.Harrissignedtheabove:testimonial in mypresence,being first duly sworn to thetruththereof,this the 12th day ofJuly,1909,DD.R.KINLEY,J.P: ne atten Ca,of)EABinghamton,N_Y. See aesae Peec:7 ‘y j Prove what Swamp-root will dofor you § Send ten cents to Dr,.Kilmer &Co., Y.,for-a-sample Size bladder.When writing,betiontheStatesvilleSemi-|k.Regular fifty-cent /bo for sale’at) +)tee was the only member of the cont vo “years aay Bat sa far the Rite Tt h L °P GR oe | who contr t ‘8,ot .ace :3 e der made in England is manufac-very ew WORE:here e ‘YTIC rogramme: and Norway)W.\:For making|last week,They had been imprisoned Runaway June No,2.paihting.the church.Admission:| referred tothe fovr days and nights without food or They Never Knew—Keystone Film }16 and29 cents, ters are the @iiol..The death list so far numbers t#-§PEM adhere to the |96 ani it is estimated that 20 bodies Wednesday.Friday.. nning.“There are ma-|are buried under the debris.Keystone Day—-Hushing the Se:“a t ap aTe ans ;: Reg pening “hbre;Harry Thaw,slayer ,of Stanford dal.a Twenty-Million Dollar Mystery.i ut,later,for Shaving White wo's put en trial in New York|#The House Breakers—Komic Film Mutual Girl No.49 —Reliance Film ist AEs.5 is f cotton and chops|o; ‘and grinds them up into particles 80)eqn.2 rail that not one is more than three|j9)With Thaw are indicted gev-|#reverent moving picture life story...Wild West Love-Keystone Film Bsofthe pres t Old man Met Death While at)Clovers,Grasses,Seed Oats,four varieties, ern 22 years ld,who lived in_the B___better-and cheaper than you can get by or-— vinee anyone.You)receive a“booklet of valua-|§ ation,telling about the kid-|@ hs deco ag.100.000 ff che cn who.failed.of-confirmation by ;;vd AE SeNale,tats i hice ,Sty Rae ae wp eos.The Tennessee Legislature has Sia nc!yet nS Und dba al gate eta $3435 00 ufactured in}Passc’a law permitting.women to ae errs erve on school boards.The North wet ae a ::eee ee WT y-seven_men-were-rescued ativeheLaylandmine,near Hinton,:Tuesday.of Broad Street Methodist church, ..,where the explosion occurred the proceeds to go to a fund for } rowing out of his escape.from the e Hospital for the»Criminal In-:5 Saturday.1 ©Mattewan,N.Y.,in August,||From the Manger to the Cross,a |In Fear of His Past—Majestic Film ff 20 who are charged with ‘aid-|}]of Jesus of Nazareth,produced in.’8; \union of Lieutenant Governors,Egypt.This picture isin five reels : i eountey_and a convention.of the!and is put on by the local workers Three Extra Good Reels.mn! rofficers,of the various State|Ee ee anne Ne tae erent stm +3,to be presided over by Vice a eee eni > he convention will be held at Rhea, Springs,Tein”3%a3 Segoe eae ae »Work Alone.:isisCaleby-Woodwa-Contederate-veu8 goed quality,reasonable prices...Sometimes church section of Lincoln’ ing in on him,causing his death.en modation.I sell ‘all kinds.grain,feed, flour,fertilizer on time. DONT TAKE CALOMEL pert “dangerous,:mares 100-pound bags HighGr ade F ertilizer for Calomel-to-liven-your liver when bil-|22 eee 9).:s ae ids;-headachy-or constipated-get.ay AS City gardeners delivered.See Ca oe ee 19-cent box of Cascarets.They start)” 4 oe ee the liver-and bowels and straighten — you up:better than nasty Calomel,;Sswithoutgripingormakingyou.sick.CO - WANTED—White girl to help with house- work:Good home for right party.Apply to The Landmark.March 9.bo So —_—¥ FOR SALE—Two horses cnd one male;all .:‘D 2 . soutid.and good workers.Terma to suit.|==>.<é 2 eae1MELO.serch.«Dr.R.W.Woodward, WANTED—At once,500,000 feet six-quarteroldfieldpine.Statesville Lumber Co. March 9.---4t. Reward of ten dollars will be paid for evi- denee to convict the person who stole.my son's bieyele.R.B.McLAUGHLIN, Mareh °5.—2t. FRESH MEAT—Best.fresh’meats.on sale at |Cash Grocery store,‘phone 186.Trial or-dersolicited.HUNTER MOORE,|Mar.5—~-2t? _Eye Doctor,examines eyes,fits specks so you can see—March Sto 13 at H’B.Woodward's Jewelry Store _I fit.Kodaks to the price you can afford any day.That is from $1 up to—well take a look some time.Get yourself one.~_5 4Me ||} pied by |Coca Cola Bottling Co!MRS.D.A.MIL-|LER Mar-6—-6tet fg qe ,pe oe fei7.sis }Gee BC:OnE TAKEN fom rotawent sorer'ew ||NEW Spring Millinery!one S ‘mistake.Please “return.8.A.FOSTER. -H.B.WOODWARD, FOR RENT—Building formerly March 5—2t.:.FOR BALE—GoodgentleShetland pone,tarsi]L have just returned from ,nS me ee ese J.W.KANEER.i the ©Northern markets +For The Incubator. FOR .SALE—Haiitsome Shetland siaiels 6 where I purchased an up-{ years old.Sound,gentle and all 9.k.Hi.|to-date line of Mullinery,‘Don’t use 2 cheap. D-LANDSAY.paviorwvill,N.C 1 |which is.now on display.oe J,A.Worthy,Tallulah Falls,Ga.;communi-|Thanking you for your grade of oil m your*cite with's!C Etvawas &Sona stomes|trade heretofore and solic-|||incubator.You will=Maren21iting a.continuanceof samej{’Save your eggs and your time by using.the best.Lone Stargivesthebestresults.— SORSALE—Maxwell Runabout.DeWITTHOOVER.march 5.|MRS.MARY:SIMS. “BACK TO THE FARM”—Rose Comb Rhode| Island Reds.Write for ‘mating list,SAL- LIE DAVIDSON,Statesville,N.C.,R-3.|NOTICE—Cotinges for rent cheap until after Feb,©23—8t*:|the war,N.P.WATT.Feb.26. EGGS—Barred Plymouth Rocks $1 to $3 for!FOR RENT—Seven-room nouse on Tradd 16,K.L.MILLER.‘Phone 461 Bite.’|-_street,néar Baptist church.W.A.ELIA- Heb,19-—6t.|SON,Feb.26. Se Come,Let Us Show You Quality GarmentsevSigs; ae We are showing a Covert Skirt,Putty.color,yoke effect,two _ pieces,tucked front,two-front pockets,plenty of room for walk- -ing,for $6.50,32 to.36 Covert Cloth Coat—the thing for spring — “wear.Auto Coat,45 inches,made of.Palm Beach Suiting,black © ‘Satin lining—the correct thing for cool days.-Let us show you, *# u wayward and wild. School and Reform:d Young Man—OlinandtheNewSchoolg—Brownlow’s News-and -Brownlow —|.atOlin—Mr.Merritt ss Tucker.Rie th 1 pt.H\A.Chambers,Chattanoo- other unusual incident that o¢-during the fall session of 1858:Institute was the visit,lec-and exhibitions in psychology,otism,by Prof.John L.Pen-ve He-was-net,30 4aras-}-now"ber,officially connected withheBehoo]in any.way but was per-mitted to lecture the students and.ex-sbibit--his:powers in the-school-room,“at night;or at other times when the“room was not in regular use for the school.He was a large,fine looking‘man,and an interesting talker.1don't:remember anything he Said inhislectures,but do remember’vivid-“ty some of the incidents of his per-formances.After a lecture he would “>call from the audience some one will- ng to be the subject or victim-of the professor's hypnotic powers and would exhibit his influence over;such person in ways to cause both amuse-~mént and interest.On one occasion he | ealled-for a young man,a student at the school,who was inclined tobeHewouldat ~times go out~in the country and find “gome kindred spirits among the young men of the neighborhood,drink to ex-cess and engage -in dissipated and wild conduct.“i.-On the occasion mentioned,aftertheprofessorgottheyoungmancom-*pletely under his influence,he caused‘,him to deliver a strong temperance “<-?iman had aS ©and created much amusement. speech and make an appointment to ‘repeat that speech,or at least to de-liver a strong temperance speech,at a am estes ' lace of the two.little frame schoolousesof1853,The large chapel for public exercises and religious servi-ces oceupied ‘the central part of thefirstfloorofthisbuilding.The main entrance to the chapel was from the western side.of the building,though it could be reached by’the:hall-waythatranthroughthebuildingfrom north..to..seuth.~In this.chapel 1 heard preaching by Mr.Clegg,‘Rev.Mr.Ricks,Rev,Numa F.Reid and} other’prominent Methodist ministersofthatday.Mr.Reid,especially,was an earnest,able.and ‘eloquent preacher,and was then and_after- wards a very prominent member oftheNorthCarolinaConference.The assembly room for the school waite Sr |structure..or...edifice.had taken:the his where the opening and ‘closing exer- cises of each school.day were held,|and where the smaller boys were re- school hours under the supervision}lof one of the teachers,occupied,the| northern half of the second story.'! The young men and larger boys,who; could be:depended ‘upon to behave| themselves,were,as I reéollect,per-| designated point at some school house,|mitted to go to their own rooms -at | ‘store or other public place in the?their-boarding houses for~study and| country.Of course,considering the|come to the school building at.the ‘reputation of the young.man,his/proper times for recitation. { In the) was regarded as a fine joke/corners of the building,on both floors,| But;/were rooms which were used as rec-| -strange-to.say,althoughhe didnot re-litation rooms,chemical laboratories, member anything that occurred while |reading rooms,etc.The Cicéronian | he was under the professor's hynno-|Literary Society,to which I belonged,| tic influence,the young man,when/met in the room in the.southeast!‘told what he had done and agreed to}corner of the building,and there Co-!do,carried out his promise to make|lumbus L.his speech in the country,reformed |and others,including myself,gave! his ways and thereafter led an ex-/|flight to our oratory and discussedOn-another occasion |great questions in debate.“The read- the professor made the person while |ing room was in the northwest cor-nence believe that—he|ner—of-that —first floor.was high up in the air in a balloon,)number of magazines,newspapers and _-that the balloon had exploded andthat}other publications were received and emplary life. under his inf the party was falling a long distancetowardsearth.The victim .was pale,excited and showed all the evidence of |dents of the village.terror,and serious “consequencesmight-have—oe: bringing the young man back to hisnormalcondition.Sometimes —theprofessorwouldhypnotizeorparalyzethesubject’s arm or,at least,puthiminsuchconditionthatpinsorneedlesmightbestuckinhishandorarmwithouthisfeeling.it or ~Theprofessor,“however,met his_match in’one of the Students.He wasayoung’man by the name of Craw-.»ford from Rowan county,of sallowcomplexionanddidnot’look to be physically strong or to have unusual powers of will.The professor thoughtfromhisappearancethathewouldbe'.easily subjected to his hypnotic in-fluence,and called him forward.But~in spite of all-Mr.-Pennington’s pow-ers,he was tunable to obtain any <n- fluence whatever over the young man,;who at every effort laughed in his:faee,to the amusement of the crowd“|and the confusion of the professor.Heatlastgaveitupand’explained that_.it was only by strength of will andhypnoticpower:that one person hadoveranotherashehadbeen@Variouspersonswhoap-doing->“peared for experiment during the}“meetings.and stated that ‘this younge!will power of unusualstrength,although his rather delicatephysiqueindicatedbeforetrialthat.the professor with his powerful frameandwillcould‘easily overcome him. Ofcourse this perfermance,which continued for several days and nights, caused much interest and talk among the students and people of the neigh-| bevhood.who flocked to the profes- sors meootings fhr entertainment.While Prof.Pennington was.thus entertaining.and amusing the people‘and doubtless making money,for I Suppose a fee was charged,he did not neglect to exercise his.persuasive nowers over -Miss Kate James,thehandsomedaugh }‘;d aughter of Mr.James,the |and I never regained any respect for‘keeper of the hotel where Pennington was a muest.At any rate some time after this visit and-exnibition Pen- nineton and Miss James were mar- -vied.and.so far as I ever heard,“‘liv- ed happily ever after.’Prof.Pen- nington .afterwards established a lewsnpaper called The Progress,at i + ni if the-professor | had not at once succeeded in quickly|.4w 9 copy of Brownlow’s Knoxville { Turner,Boone T.Penry,) There—a kept for the benefit of the teachers,students and probably also the resi- -William G.Brownlow.tt was in that room that I first Whig.which was,doubtless,sent complinientary.to ‘the Methodistschool.In the old divisions of politi-eal parties before the war my people, except my stepfather,were alwaysopposedtothethenDemocraticpar-ty.‘They were Whigs until that par-ty went down in’final’defeat underGen.Winfield Scott and ¢x-Gov.Wil-liam A.Graham.its candidates:for President and Vice °President in1852.They then supported.the “Know- Nothing,”later,for respectability, called “American”party,until it too was defeated under Millard Fillmore in 1856...Thereafter,.and until the beginning of.the Confederate war,they supnorted the remnants of the Whig and American parties under the name of the “Union’party,which,in 1860,presented John Bell of Ten-nessee and.Edward Everett of Mas- sachusetts as its ©candidates for President:and Vice President...As’atovIhadreadnothinginthewayofpoliticsotherthantheWhignewspa-pers,-exeept--when on—-visrts—to my. mother I saw Holden's Raleigh Stand+ ard and the Winston Sentinel,which were taken by my Democratic step- father,S.-F.>-Jones:In-my-reading-of- the anti-Democratic apers I had heard and read of Brownlow as one of the great leaders in opposition to’the Democratic party in Tennessee,and. had heard a great.deal about his newspaper.I had understood also that quired to pursue ther studiés during! for coughs.and ‘colds;you will find:that he..was a Methodist preacher.‘But when }saw a copy of that paper in the reading réom at Olin T lost all my.resnect for.Brownlow 9s a preach- er,politician and editor. isterial office and of the demeanor and| languace of a preacher,I was disgust- New Berne,N.C.,and after that.city was captured by the Federals in theConfederatewar,published The Progress for a.number.of years in Raleigh.What became o”him after- awards,if I ever knew,I do not now‘remember. paper,and,especially,his editorials:’ ithe man.Of course his course against ithe South,during the Confederate war added to my.dislike.When in 1867 I }tame to Tennessee,married and lo- ;cated,Brownlow.was Governor of the ;State and had almost absolute con- trol of affairs.He was lXter sent to 'the Senate of the United States from, |Tennéssee.”He was then vetting old jand had become.paraiytic ane could)jnot take ag active a part in public af-! \fairs as he*had previously done.By ithe time his jhad lost control of Tennessee,and he;Part of the time from 1853 to 1858|WS Succeeded in the Senate by.his“Samuel Lander-was-at-the head of-the“‘Behool.ike Mr. not.a influential layman of that Church.| My impression is that he,|Clegg,was a Methodist min-|ister,but Tam not sure.If he was :.reacher he was a prominent)yo"when both of them ‘sided withBrownlowlivedonlyali T never saw him,but from those whoknew.act nergeti¢“and 2"“echool.‘He was a brother 1 understood that he was an the Senate. ‘r able mian,’a! her,and fine principal for jolt pine Democratic:rival-and.opeifent,ex-PresidentAndrew Johnson,with whon’Brownlow had never agreed except during the Confedernte the Union. few years after his retirement from It may not be improperheretosaythatafter1cametoTen- William Lander of Lincoln coun.ied that.though publicly bitter againstfy.who,for #lone time,was the able |hie political enemies;he was true to te solicitor in the Superior Courts |his friends and even.kind invhis per. -the judicial cirewit to which Tre.|Sonal relations and.conduet towards ‘Gell county belonged,shortly before the Cantehinnte Wiel bad bé Was ta.|Whenever You Need@General Tonic Olin In 1858...But when I returned to the mehinol een‘Gn the early part of 1868againincharge.A large, ..boyis a member of the Confederate Con-| Mr.Clegg and IRON,and,to|out Malaria,view,a handsome brick Builds up the Whole System.40cents, -Take Grove's|¢Old Standard ‘Grove’s Tastele:|chill Tonic is equally:valuable a "eral Tonic because it contains the|Well known tonic propertiesofOUININIE With my |Seotch-Irish Presbyterian idea:as to:|the dignity and sacredness of the min-| ed with what I saw in.Brownlew’s.’ term expired his party;———— nessee-and heard more about the per=| of sonal conduct of Brownlow,I learn- It acts on the Liver,Drives |; r th F.DALLEY co. Se fern ee =ce political opponents.In:a like.so mahy men ambitious in publie life, he was kind and warm-hearted among his personal acquaintances,regardless ‘of political.or religious yiews,but thought it policy to be extreme in his public:utterances in order tor keephimselfprominentinhisparty, Changes. Some changes and increase in thepopulationofthevillageofOlinandvicinityhadoccurredsince1853,Myformerkind-hearted host,J.L.Nes- bitt,was entirely broken up and was living in hard -lines.His neighbor,J. Chapman Turner,had moved’away, with his interesting family,to west- ern “Tennessee,I think.“Rev.Brant-ley.York,the blind preacher,and his family,were also gone.Among thenew-comers With their families were Rey,Mr,Ricks,who occupied ,the residence formerly occupied by the! family of Rev.Mr.York;Wyatt Lin- ster (now,T believe,spelled “‘Lein- ster”)father of the late Robert 0. linster (or..Leinster)of Statesville; HA.Mowbray,H.b.(T,M,7)Gill,“Jack”Anderson and probably otherswhosenamesIcannotnowreeall,As Mr,-Nesbitt—was—no “longer “taking boarders I got board with.Mr.‘ands |mises. ¢Shoes be Black,White or “Easy-Opening”Box,10c. Lto.,BUFFALO,NN,Yu fore stated,Mr.”Mérritt succeededhimasprincipaloftheschoolatOlin,and,I think,remained jin’that posi-tion ‘until the school was.broken upbytheConfederatewar, Miss Mag.Tucker was one of thehandsomedaughtersofThos,$.°Tuck- er,Sr.Esq.,a prominent,citizen ofIredellcounty,who lived within a fewmilesofOlin.She was:a sister of the late Thomas 8.Tucker,Jr.,the Confederate soldier and lawyer who died in Statesville some 30 years ago.She was a bright,fine-looking,at- tractive woman,was,|think,a prad- uate of Greensboro Female College,and regarded as 4 fine teache?.We boys used to think that a match’be-tween her and Mr.Herritt was prob- able,but it did +iet--materialize-—if there was any foundation for our sur-Years afterwards,after thé Confederate war was over-and I-had located’in Tennessee,she became a teacher’in Martha Washington Fe- male College,an institution under theauspicesoftheMethodistChurch,Seuth,at Abingdon,Va.”Several of my wife’s younger -sisters went—to that school and became intensely de- voted -to-Miss:Mag:She afterwards married Rev.J.S.Burnett,a promi- Mrs.“Jack”Anderson,who .were Davie county people.They occupied one of the new frame houses on the! eastern:side of the village street and about 100 yards southeast of the big!school building.Mr.Mowbray and,I! think,H.L:(or ‘T.M.)Gill,lived near-|ly opposite on the western side of the street.Other houses,as well as that!” occupied by the Andersons,had been built since 1853,at which time (1853) the only residences south of the school| houses were ‘those of Mr“Clegp and Mr.York,1_think,too,that some new houses had been built on thestreetnorthoftheschoolhouse,but I cannot now recall who occupied them. Maj.G.W.Clegg occupied the former Nesbitt residence,about one half mile west:of.the —village,-where T--had boarded in 1853.Some years.after- wards he became a résident of States- ville and I think held some county of- fice,(treasurer for many years;also surveyor and coroner.—The ,Land- mark.)One of the residents of “theplace,probably both in 1853 and 1858,was Mr:Kennedy,the merchant. Mr.Clege’s assistants in 1858 were A.Haywood Merritt and Miss Mag. Tucker,.Mr,-Merritt—-was,__think,a+ native of Chatham county.a graduate of the State University at Chapel Hillandin1858abachelor.My recollee-tion is he-kept bachelor quarters in one of the rooms in the big school building and took:his meals at some boarding house in the village.He was a very diffident,.modest,retiring man who was regarded as a fine schol- ar and a good teacher,but not a verygooddisciplinarian.When Mr.CleggwenttoLouisianatobecomepresi- To the Housewife. Madam,if your husband is like most ‘men he expects you to look after the hevith of yourself and children’Coughs and colds arethemost.common of -the minor ailments and are most likely to lead to’seriong diseases:A child is ‘much more’likely to contract diphtheria or searlet fever when tt has a cold.If you will inquire into the merits ofthevarious.remedies that-are recommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy stands high intheestimationofpeoplewhouseit:Tt is prompt and effectual,pleasant and safe to take,which are qualities especially to he de-sired when a medicine is intended for chil-|dren.For wale by wil dealers.; nent Methodist minister of the Hol-ston Conference,M.E,Chueh South. The last time [ever saw her was at Knoxville,Tenm.,when her husband was in charge ‘of the principal churchinthat¢ity..She was still a beauti-ful,bright ‘and charming woman.‘ Vice President.Marshall will go to San Francisco.to.represent President Wilson at the formal dedication ofthePanama-Pacific Exposition March!20.The President still hopes to visittheexp-ggition later.Secretary Daniets states that it is his purpose to carry out his original plan to visit.the.Pan- ama-Pacific Exposition next July, making the trip on a warship via the Panama canal about July 1.)/ 7 WHY HAIR FALLS OUT { Dandruff causes a feverish irrita-| tion of the scalp,the hair roots shrink,loosen and then the hair com- es out fast.To stop falling hair atonceandridthescalpofevery:parti-ele of dandruff,get a 25 cent bottle! of Danderine at any drug store,pour| &little in your hand‘and rub well in-! to the scalp.After a few applica-tions all dandruff disappears and thehairstopscoring:out,: Auction Sale! The undersigned will sell at public auction for cash at’the court housedoorinStatesville,N.C.,on ,SATURDAY,MARCH 20,1915,at 12-o’tlock m.,five shares of stockin.the Statesville Cotton Mills,be- longing to the estate of A.D,Cooper,|=ELECTA F.COOPER, :Administratrix. R.B.McLaughlin,Atty.!“Web.26,1915.:ee deceased. “NOTICETO CREDITORS. SP S S S S DO S E S SL S S I S S S SS S SS SS S SO L S PS S S SS E DS S OC S S OO S SS E SO T O RS S SO O T . ‘han 2 in 2 Gives.ne that Won'tComeOffonthe 6"Brilliant~—The:10c,:HAMILTON,CAN. om tron ere fo eteeeee |NICE LOT OPNEW SPRING JEWELRY Just in,Solid Gold Layalliers at $2.50 solinds rhighty cheap to us.How does it strike you?Come.in and see them.R.H.RICKERT &SON,|JEWELERS. “+St OR a PESSESASSECUSESSEDER SE eeeeee SET e ERTL eeTete Teetereereer rer‘Commercial National Bank CAPITAL PAID IN’$100,000.00.SURPLUS 31,000.00 Banking is a necessary instfution in thedevelop-ment ‘and welfare of nations.It-is likewise a neces..°sary institution in the development and ‘progress of )any city,town or community.A bank’s usefulness to a community depends uponitsabilityandwillingnesstorervethelegitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial and savings depdsits.The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a local_institution,with large capital and surplus,furnighes~£000 security to depositors and with resources of over $600,000 has thewilliigness to.serve this com-munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be-lieving in this community;our policy is,and has al-ways béen,progressive and constructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementoftheagricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de-posits are local and our loans are likewise local andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthyloealenterprises.~eet 4Toourcustomerswefurnishcheckbooks free,render staterients or balance pass.books at.the endofeachmonth,make loans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactoryto:our board and in<such-amounts as business requirements and ae gwarrant.We pay interest at the rate of 4 per centperannumontimeandsavingsdepositsremainingthreemonthsorlonger.; Upon these bases we solicit your business, W.D.TURNER,-°--~~President,E.MORRISON,—-.-—Vice President,D.M.AUSLEY,---Cashier, @.E.HUGHEY,-Assistant Cashier. etesssessteressssesrersssssesesesesesersseelseeteee eee eee eases eee eee seesses seseases beeeeeaeilet ss peeooseceosenes Pe s s e s c e s e e e c o c c s s e s s c o c e s s s s c e s e s s e s e ce s Having qualified as the administrater with|®the will annexed of R.N.W.Hart,I herebynotifyall:persons having“claimsagainst—anid.estate to present them to me ott or before the i%th day of “February,1916;+or.this noticewillbepleadinbarofthetrrecovery.‘H.Vi.FURCHES,J.B.Armfield,Atty.Feb.19,1915. ThatR WHEN you goafter the burglar in your home you want the gunthatwillGEThim—not missfire and let him GET you.: WHEN you go after the robber of :first shot,before he gets ¥get the BEST and plug the bull's eye with the shot thut tellseverypullofthetrigger. WHEN you take drugs that are not up to the very highest stendard you're wasting your ammunition—shvoting in the air. WHEN you strike the trail that leads to top-notch’purity and effi-ciency in drugs it will land you right ‘‘on the square.’’Open"the door and step in. The Polk Gray 3 RORCECHOHOETC ROECOH I RCECHOORCEC RRC bes leteleobber ices*ote your health,you want to GEThim ou.To doit,you must aim high, rug Compan and out houses.No. No,_for Dairy purposes,LiveNo.4-60 acres.in Wilkes county40citylotsineastStatesville,kno 10 lots in Bloomfield.Termssectionfastdeveloping.Call on ine.and learn Enuriches the Blood and W.R.MILLS,'PHONE 54.rie To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next 1—345 acres in Elmwood,All school and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barn | 2--77 acres 3}miles east of city.“This propertylies on the sand- clay highway now being constructed by the government.IsidealforDairyandTrickfarming.3 ~40 acres 1 1-4 miles from ae square, balance in monthly payments whatI ¥Year’s (top. Splendidly adaptedtockandPoultry,just across Iredell line—a bargain.wn an Park Place”—$15.down,of $5.dpa bas»Six lotsin south Statesville.averalticehousesandlotstosell. Statesville,N.ae547CenterStreet |The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co, i i 1a sanltary flodr coveris | 1 | |i| | .iA| MAROH 8th and 9th,a great showing of Woolens } for Spring Suitings.A representative from the Ed- ward E.Strauss &Co.will be in charge..A perfect +fit guaranteed.Prices range from $15°to $45.Let us take your measure for that EASTER SUIT.. PriceTheO ash Shoe Store. CECE CECE oa t ®Floor Coverings Here isa floor covering,daintyin design atid coloring,that costs tess than printedKnoleam.”,Tt is easily laid,requires no fastening,afd is very durable. Congoleum is splendid for kitchen flgors. Repeated-washing carnot injure it. Tile,‘matting,floral and conventional designs,suitable for any room. Congoleum Rug Borders sre reniarkable imita- 12 tide eTpmlee Coiertey and:sec tide »thor. Pega palir.Nor nee |Statesville Housefurnishing™ re r e % \e inade,the amount to be shipped,ered i THE of the.grantingatthe!se Netdere vt a at :oe 9,:he said permit‘shallbeex-MorenC ky: ‘[-URSHAY,|aaa y jente.The origina)shall|--YI FEELS GOOD AROUN ‘TO-COME IN BY THE SM ‘be delivered to the applicant to bo “THE NECK AND ON ——-Si gent by him tothe shipper to be post-|i THE CHEST ‘A QUART OF SPIRITS.AND:¢:on the outside of the package con-|, ;7.ec tons of Beer Every Two Weeks whe,attached to and plainly affixed, ~The Compromise ih Liquor’in 2 conspicneus place to any pack-|Coble’s N -:ee l >Bil..etn aS Ee Age or parcel sontahiny gral siete _5 a nt a )ORT pura ia cg a ol transported within this State sha S .;eura gia _./Following is the complete text Off auithovize agy common:earrier within|Croup and Pneumonia, :yaigs the liquor shipment’bill,”which has the State to transport the package §m R : -Especially in the piercing pain ‘passed both branchea of the Legis-or parcel to which such permit is at-|emeday — of neuralgia or the dull throb of lature and is now law:*peer d-oF reneg ee ee Pr a fi i ;“yy ‘,cohol mention $C oY :\‘ ie each,is Sloan's Liniment The Caner etembiy of NORia "ivor tho sume to,the,péricn,|We she Now LIQUID Havel fc 5 iS Rev Ee ee Bag ::firra or corpoeation’to:which the -per-|ef ; lightly on the part where the pain is felt,it gives at once a A -That it ahall be.one PR mit wa 08 Haase test feeling of comfort dense that is most weleome to.the pashan 8)Seitenak st,Se.ney 12.That this duplicate copy of|1 MY agent,office or employe thereof,to ...;ange ad ;!di.T 5 ten A .7 Be OM eeid permit,together with the appli-c Col roubles overwrought sufferer.»”ship,transport,carry or Gefiver,in|...tion therefor,and Hereinafter pro-) 4 PS u ”,e \.,Hear,WhatOthers Say:a any mannor or by any means What vii.chall be filed in the office of} are noTiatrone!that equal Sloan's,My busband bas neuralgia very cleats for hirc-or otherwise,In AMY ONE "iy.10.1:of the Superior Court chron ft is Liquid:easily applied :”'and dose not Bow124 a een ne Oe Meee es .Epeeiaee;his nia:Py pasa olovically.and alphabetically with re-|stain the clothing V6 LEE snes Geiniv lite pice g manta enpicnegecrtay.:apc A...point:within ‘or without this i a re rit ‘ Shans pment oilynt Ge Yi ol ME WEDS GEE ny person,rm,corporation’M-eie fe he-navoegt LS ARETEA Bl a ae a Moo anti he for,wounds,of me pe idee Reve S eeses many,it State,any spixitous or vinous liquors)...he ceulese bn the inapett ere a :ikea er eUrsiin it waa in bad shape.4 “inate ‘ey x Beas twee s 8212)ve SUDIC poe :¥ba p "7 * epplied enabledhertobeas ood us over 18 a Wicks:E have ted iy or’intoxicating bitters'in'a quantity)oy.citizen or officer of the State,!:i oe gy if y it.” andrheumatism.’’-—J it it is until you try tt. ? ?im .£a fe o ¢we - sever ?m Newcomb,B.R,No.2,Keokuls,Iowa.|greater than one quart;or anymalt.”ty,of manteipality;ahd for than one receptacle.jions of this aet shall be guilty of a\,) ;‘liquors in a ‘quantity greater than)oo...ihe ieee eed 9 A five gallons;and it shall be unlawful);the clerk of the uP |'ae 2 Court shall -beventitled.to.a fee of 50}or any spiritous or vinous liquors or), ]aa a 7 |misdemeanor.|The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper caa t be ex- 'me te oe Seal Fee oe:camp o “14.That nothing in this act shall’pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no ponmneny is :t 2 bget 4 Pty yaa ae ee ae oe e,|be construed:to impair or repeal any|4 wearing out’your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend.on.3 7"Dias veccloeat Pent within the State|12"Prohibiting the sale of istonieeic |what you want to do isto get your watch or clock repaired by BO.a 4 5 Sine,liquors f is making the}!?i ig i ‘i naive:Y A A Se North Carolisin for his or het uge |"si ape tke me je eng bh HENRY while he is devoting his entire'time to repairing watches - intoxicating bitters so shipped,trans-er to be paid bythe applicant. ported,carried or delivered in.any’ ,‘ey Ser ‘or for the us@ of any person,firm or)é nor!|clocks and fitting spectacles and,eye-glasses,en works Tike magic;relieving Lambago,Rhoumatiam,Sprains aid [J |eorporation,or any other purpons any ji!be construed (0,Tepes!any RF.HENRY,-Jeweler. Bruises.Norubbing—-justlayiton.Prico25c.Alidealers.Sendfour spirituous or vinous liquors o¥intoxi-|9).PTO ae ADAPAE Ora ee BD .ERENT,EWE. Se Aiea Bao r |de y or -receipt:of intoxicating centsinstampsforTRIAL BOTTLE..Sent to any addressintheU.S.aa hen allo a quantity greater));.....;°in any eounty or counties in sneer es a :2 ‘i ;his State a gqgsareetaessesaesstestecs:Sseesecsee:errs -erertteTTTeTesg yess yee eke ‘DR.EARLS.SLOAN,Inc.Dept.B.Philadelphia,Pa.“3.That it shall be unlawful for)’..,:nat this act shall take effect!onceas Ea IE !any person,firm or corporation,dur-|0.)¢,Me | That any peérson,:firm or cor-|). tion violating any ofthe provis-{i GO QO Dp 'ir IM EE..ce one package,to be contained in more 2 liquors or intoxicating bitters in a)ous , f =quantity or quantities totaling more’Sugar Documents. tha +hee “5 i °¥:t earner ener oetmmeene ing the space of 15 consecutive days,|°"ons firstdayof April,1915.|66 9 :: cece manne |tO receive any spirituous.or vinous|Suit to Collect Posta ee For ]“s ur a;J Je =than one quart,or any malt liquors;<..;:to reaever $57,600 from True- ein a—quantity greater than five gal-,m Palmer,secretary of the Unit-% f lons;provided that the provisions of |4 Statcs Beet Sugar Industry,has: @ =sections 1,2 and 3 shall not apply to ,filed in Washington by the.gov- &the receint by a common carrier for |ernment,which alleges that sum was S\transportetion to a point.in-another);proper postage on 320,000 copies State where delivery.is not forbidden)¢¢~.uccr at a glance?’delivered in ag ‘_B |by the law of such State.lithe mails 5 +}-If you failed to make a resolution on Jan-ere rhs eurde ale DGGE AG eae ear wil alleges! .lin’this act shall be construed to in-|4),..°p.ishetit :' ,oe at.a‘:‘that Palmer substituted his pamph- ;uary Ist to save money this year then :=clude only such malt liquors a8 Cop-|j.;.fo.tables and figures.which were ::.=tain not more than five per cent of o4 by Se Lodee'?hoo iwhynotdosonow."We will be glad to E alcohol and any:malt liquors\eontain-|).<4°i debate,and thatthe.postal 7 ;OT =“ne more than five per cent of alcohol!(acai,were Sto ‘Pgive ::.a 3 oo H have you start an account in BB shall be held to be fepiri¢uons liquors’|°is.were “deceived in:bellievtie|&All ‘Pittsburg Perfect”Fences have staywires-as + Ke as i :ithey were ptoper matter to be carried Seat Oe,‘within themeaning of this.act.i PoP ;thin themteaningoftienes Cag {tree.‘The incident received extended)heavy as intermediate line wires.A fence is only =OurSavings Departm7 ent.E any person to order in_a.fictitious ecrertion during the lobby investiza-/§as strong as its lightest wire.—No wire projections § {same or inthewame-ofanotherany _—_———_—_——_——_-to injure stock or pull wool from sheep.Le ©spirituous.or vinous or malt liquors j:..4,4-year-old daughter of Mr.#the strongest-fence joint in the world—the Weld i j ie ;.E\or intoxicating bitters so ordered or!....j Wrs.B.L.U na ae J oo on if with only $1.00.If you will do this,E chipped.OF’on i Mrs,B.L.Umberger of the vi &That Held.Where the wires are welded.together ‘5 :si phe :‘:cnify of Concord,threw paper in the rhs E ‘2 A oye. and,add to it regularly from time to time ©|“6.That it shall be unlawful’for’).‘the flames set her clothing afire#by electricity,the fence is twice as strong as the wire .Gate ee ‘:=any person to allow,or in any WAaY.....;she was fatally burned.es rf.ed th h ae :Injured : it will make you indevendent..F vermit,the use of his name in the)———'#itself.Guaranteed that the wire is not injured at |orderitig for another or the delivery powons FROM SALISBURY.|§the joints.Guaranteed that the stays cannot es ‘s =to another of any spirituous or vinous ;aWePay4PerCentCompoundInterestonSavingt.©.~ @ liquors or intoxieating bitters.slipped or separated from strands.Guaranteed ad-— 3 justable to uneven ground.Guaranteed stronger eee hat it chall be unlawful fo:Salisbury Happenings Always Inter- eeeraekee Nees :4 y person,firm or corporation to est Our Readers.ee and more durabie than any.other. a a Age OAT ©with meals or otherwise any After reading of so many people ;;;ei a aig ay E spirituous,vinous or fermented ©:in our town who have been cured by.Every rod guaranteed perfect.Gauge the wire -Merchants and Farmers’Bank,|™!Savors or intoxicating bitte:Sons Kidney Pills,the question §When buying fence,If you weigh it in the roll,re. .Pe yhere any charge is le suct :cae .:_Of Statesville,:at ieaebrice ea ojo Wa naturally arises:“Is this medicine#‘member that “Pittsburg.Perfect”’is all fence—no an- ‘The Bank For Your Savings.”;Sh “8,That all laws authorizing or «l-i>pada in -eS tiquated wrapped or tied joints,no useless wire,s .:::‘or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters a a lisb ail Se teak saan ai useless weight.3 |by any medical depository,druggist UG SRLSDUTY ne gegen iS ee ‘or phariiacist.be,and the same are room for doubt 6n this point.;ECo. hereby,repealed,and’it shall be un-J.W.Glover,128 S.Long ‘street, lawful for any.medical depository.Salisbury,N.C.,says:“T suffered|&.a “.JS +=a i TP ss ]:L y :er ¢ |A Al Sh t f M St 99 druggist or pharmacist to sell or oth-severely from spells of backache.The ;m Ways or 0!y an ar oe..&erwise dispose of for gain any pain was always worse actozs the }ous.vinous,fermented or malt liquors:small of my back.Often I could not @ anmemee aa ;::B or intoxicating bitters;provided,eek out of bed without assistance} “That's what I am,”my friend said.any medical depository shall be allow-Finally,2 fridnd advised me to try} ‘Well,what are going to do about it?”’B ed to dispose of any liquors on hand Doan’s Kidney Pills and,I got a box.| “Qh!I don’t know what+to do unless I keep onstruggling’B at.the time this act goes into effect A few doses stopped the pain in my a and paddling ee ‘|by selling and shipping same to pack and since then when I have had, “Wouldn’t you like me fo tel!you what not todo?’’person,firm or ‘corpération in oeeasion\to take them,they have al-|ys io ‘Indeed I would.”2 4 f State,where such sale would rot’he ways-helped me.”; ‘Well.sir,don’t lower yout.high standard Perhaps if.~—illegal.a oe te yet Al PERMANENT.CURE.|Se cee:oa we you were to raise it an inch or two higher,you might rise to L shalt cot ADU te.hadi oe Me Qa March 2,1912,Mr.Glover|‘DO ee ens ane greater effort.’’—John Wanamaker.A ceived by duly licensed.physicians,added:“YI gladly confirm the public|| PheStandard of theStatesvilleReal Th e 4p,8druggists,dental surgeons,-coll statement ee gave sometime _SR a ae oe “ig Se ‘,7 SA ’for Square Dealing,prompt and:aoe S ORVICG al ts _fg university and State laboratories ond praising Doan’s Kidney Pills.They :No,but we have something better branches of business,remain j t :|imanufacturers of medicine,when in-.cuted me of kidney trouble and the)Hi :: ears of its career,4 arama 7s ie aeaeat a ~~.tended to be used in compounding,cure has been permanent.”|for you if you have cotton seed or | jusiness.=~‘mixing or preserving medicines or Price 50c,at all dealers.Don’t |;‘3 ‘medical preparations,or for ‘surgical simply ask for a kidney remedy—get|need to buy i EED. \6 :”i reinaf-}‘We Insure Anything Insurable.|soroons'whenobtained as Hern ry ‘Kianey‘Pile—the.same tht Call on us for service.’i renig ‘nothing contained in this act shal!Mr.Glover had.Foster-Milburn Co.,,eta Saas r service.’Phone us if more convenient.Sochilit the’igeportation toto the’Hypa.Buffalo,N.Y.We are givingaliberal exchange of ‘Statesville Realty &Investment (lo.Givers.on possession inside State foe meal and hulls for seed.Our prop- use in industry,manufactures andLofeoksofanydenaturedKisdholoroth-‘osition will double the value ofJ.F.CARLTON,Manager,J)tentured'spints which are con The Handsomest etcbe ee ae ‘Phone 54.—_Statesville,N.C.Te rea weoeot Con.1 ee ay von :ae te re : 5 y g SI ;It.ring L |your ee ear y;as-gress of the United States and reg-1 : ‘ulations made under the authorit!i 1 d ;il f ‘.we expect to close down mi wren of said Unites States and the Com-\PB a =Sr ue %missioner of Internal Revenue there-ay as ee i ;|of,and which are not now subject to Ald AS]is we the seaso:=Ey much earlier this jinternal revenue tax:levied by the | ‘thereof by the Treasury Department ‘9 ‘:|Oy Wea aL tad Siates:season than usual...Yours truly, People s Loan &‘Savings Bank,[oor ied.farther that thie act.shall 3 ‘not apply to wines and.liquors re- Cee :iquired.and used by hospitals or s:xni nee ;Capital *$50,000.00 tariums bona fide established and : :-;maintained for the treatment of pa-.‘ro :n ; ’‘tients addicted to the use of the liquor,IMPERIAL ¢OTTON OIL COMPA Nmorphine,opium,cocaine,or other I:JUL bee .|deleterious drugs,when:the sarge,2"¢Obtainable today in ; Is now located in its New Building -Jeitttministered to.patients vactuny jl oie peered 5 cer ae ‘_’PHONE 205. aeroa ane a en econ eae ay~eB FSU.hospital.pr.sanitarifm for treat-\}the South...are pre-—ad on Center street and ready for »tment,and when the saieareadmin-'—F~pre-B: ‘::istered as an essential.part of the — ;business.\||particular system or method of treat-pared by * agi ment and exclusively by or under the, ni aaa PS TERA .paises Pena 2 hi BR TE Pr * ::: :y "me +:‘®" ;Geet ae a duly Granary reg-‘y Cash \Kor Ever thin iy gies istered’ician of good thoral char-,,:aia ale 4 Stockholders,customers,business men,farmers,acter aad Seaaine:“taal =|-j er ies a and the public are invited to come in and see ofr 4 es ate ph of audeoewoeeeSeecine,duly.licensed physicians,hospit-_ea f ote se ge SE Se ade eaeeraeeeseSctersvaredtoals,dental surgeons,colleges,aniver-|===We Jam operating on a cash basis now.Cash ~Avansa g business inallofitsdepartments,sity and State laboratories and drug-|i fi thi 1 sell—gasoli ils. :pees ;me ‘‘%rire gists may make.written:application|be °f ‘a or every Ing ,Be gasoline,|ol 8,“Your presence,and that of your friends,”will be.”|e:the elatle of ‘the Superior Court of Van.Lindley Co.,a greases,batteries,tires,etc.-—and for all”<4 appreciated.“Gourteons’employes will show you usycaumyfor peumittastn pO |__fepair work,My’patrons will benefit by i Bo Seer eran prompt attention to all.....J.grainpeohel ingended fers used for Fs a .the change in lower prices,: TR ee se ess ry bé entrus us.RTT appemtre -(surgieal purposes and in compotnd-:}7 q 2, \eee aes if r «me :Riise ing,mixing ot Dae tmueh pen,:ee ss Rae toate ;;B Breen and medical preparations.,Such perf t y 1.je 4 nits shalk then be granted by the|Ae i :iy ivyfterkorhlsaieaguntadseouty::_Everything else,including repair ‘theseal of his office |POM ©"I accordingly,SeSakcontainGaeeoeea ,ae ME %vanetaraiee |the.of State Institu-tions the Next Two Years.: “>‘Phe omnibus appropriation bill,car- rying the “aeons for all State --dwstitations,introduced in the’Legis-+lature Saturday night,totals $3,or:ie separator dealer or salesman makes the hine is as good as the De Laval and.peterclaimthat|; 000.The apportionments are as lows: -)State Hospital,Raleigh—$175,350 “@nnually for maintenance,less $61,- “150.89 to the credit of the Hospita -December 1,1914;also $5,000 for a plant and $35,000 for receiv- ;puilding,available inf 1916,—| te Hospital for Negroes,Golds- boro—$100,000 for 1915,$10,500 for 1916,$4,455 for permanent improve- -ments,in changes in fire department, ‘i dry room for entry,wash room and eee giiy Halatice tir Wands”Gi >©grer.to.be used for maintenance,©. State Hospital,Morganton—$200,- 000 for 1915,$205,000 for,1916;for nee ent improvements,in install- \‘additional water supply,oa From appropriations for suppo ch th ag 1915 there is to be deducted $76,302.49 to credit of the institution for 1914. }School for Deaf at Morganton— $67,500 for support and maintenance for 1915 and like sum for 1916;also appropriated annually $5,000 for eye, ear and nose and —a 000 for permanent improvements.‘MMhool for Feeble-Minded,Caswell Training School,Kinston—$30,000 for 1915 and $40,000,1916 for mainten-; ance;for permanent improvements, ‘.$3 to include girls’dormitory, $14,000,and *re-enforcing present undation,$2,500.. *Jackson Training School—$18,000 for-maintenance.annually;$18,500 ‘permanent improvements,includ- ng deep well and light plant —im- ‘provements;erection cottage,-$11,- Tuberculosis -Sanitarium—$25,000 annually for maintenance,$10,000 annually for extension work;$60,- for permanent improvements,|;000divided equally between two years. University of North Carolina— $115,000 annually for maintenance, $30,000 annually for permanent im- provements.Out of this must he paid $40,000 “land notes,”the —re- ‘maining $20,000 to be used in dis- cretion of the board of trustees.’East Carolina Teachers’Training’-School—$50,000 annually for main- tenance;permanent improvements, $18,679.12.a i lachian Training School,Boone->.#$20,000 annually for maintenanceandt‘improvements."Cullowhee Normal and.Industrialiool—$10,000 annually for main-sent aig Beta tae‘State School for Blind,-Raleigh—$72,000 annually and.authority.to :12,910,left-over appropriations Ack M.College,Raleigh—$85,000annuallyformaintenance;$10,000 an-nua for permanent improvements.i.Normal,Greensboro—$100,-900 annually for maintenance;$15,- Gaenke.Orstanege,Oxford,for)whites—$20,annually for main- +Masonic Oxford,color- -e4—$6,000 annually and $2,500 for ’Home,Raleigh—$35,000$7,500for hot water plant;to be deducted from main-‘or left-over appropriation.Wonfederate Museum,Richmond,;Confederate cemetery,Raleigh, ‘Guilford Battleground—6500 an-mually for maintenance;$200 per-tianent ‘improvements.Cherokee Indian Normal—%$2,750annuallyformaintenance;$2,000 for se Laboratory of Hygiene—$10,500 maintenance 1915,$15,500 for1916;$15,000 for equipment for mak-,ing antitoxins.A companion bill pro-’_\wides $30,000 annually for the StateBoardofHealthanditswork.4>-“State Normal for Negroes—$16,000‘annually for maintenance;$10,000permanentimprovements..S j Rural Carriers to.Get More Pay. ‘<A joint resolution passed by Con- ‘os.in its closing hours provideslat.“letter carriers assigned to the vi)ion service,who were promotedfothehighergradesinaccordanceWith‘the classification act,approvedMarch2,1907,and whose_salariesRavebeenreducedduringthepastyearthroughnodeliquencyormis-eonduct on their part,shall be restor-_ed to their former grades;that “onindafterJuly1,1915,the compensa-ym of each rural letter carrier for~Serving a rural route of 24 miles andover,6 days in the week,shall be $1,-per annum,payable monthly;onputes22milesandlessthan24 i $1,152;on.routes 20andless~than 22:milesj/on routes”18 miles andthan20miles,$960;on routes 16 an- #@ and less than 18 miles,$840;on|utes 14miles and less than 16 miles,‘routes 12 miles atid less that8,$672;on routes 10 miles andthat12miles,$624;on routes.nas and less than 10 miles,$576:6 miles and less ‘than 8;on routes 4 miles and less$-A rural letter e one tri-weekly routeaid.on the basis for a routerhelengthoftherouteserv-im;and a carrier serving twoao n ngth of the two routes:vro-,ee theberGenéral,the pay of car-who fu nd maintain theitand—who servelessst50°miles inbefixedatnotexceeding take steps to improve conditions. eekly routes shall be paid on the|is for #route one-half of the com:| afState:Preas=a are sold on the “proof of superiority”plan. .DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS,ARE SOLD on the guarantee that they will produce a great- &be eo The De Laval Separator Co.,~Over 1,750,000 De Lavals in d CRITICAL IN MEXICO CITY. Inhabitants Said to Be in Dan-ger of Starving.and at theMercyoftheMob,_Dispatchés‘from theBrazilian min-ister in Mexico City,received —inWashingtonSunday—night,indicated,that conditions in the Mexican cap-ital are unchanged,that the populacestillfearstheeffectsofthefamineanddangersofpossiblerioting,should General .Obregon’s,-forcesevacuate.High officials of the’American gov-ernment described the situation as se-rious but not hopeless:No word camefromVeraCruzastoGeneralCar-ranza’s attitude,but further represen-tations have been made of such an ur-gent character that officials in Wash-ington confidently expect Carranza to wo communications have been senttoAmericanConsulSillimanatVeraCruzforpresentationtoCarranzz.Both are phrased,in strong terms,pointing out.the serious consequencesthatmightensueifforeignerswereinjuredinanyriottinginthecapi-tal,or if they were unanie to getfoodorsupplies.There have been tn-dications in the last 24 hours thatGeneralCarranzamightinstructGen-eral Obregon to permit the Interna-tiona!(Relief Committee +o ‘takechargeofthesituation.Another ele-ment of danger,however,is rumor offrictionbetweenCarranzaand*Obre-gon. Diplomats talk of some form ofalliedintervention:such as océurredinChinaduringtheBoxeruprising.While united action by the UnitedStates,with any European countries,ig not believed possible,stzeestionsthat.some ‘of the Pan-American ‘na-tions,fogether with thé United States,should undertake .a ‘relief expedition.re discussed in diplomatic ’circles,e remotenéss of the South Ameri-|can countries ftom Mexico,however,and the fact that they are hot vs in.terested in Mexican fffairs as .the.United States,is given by sone dip-|lompts from Pan-Ameriéan circles as. «|vation for thotisands &reason for thinking ¢ionlay.ing any joint Action, |essages that have passed 4 tivor.|Ouls apie Sh tell of e isapetaie en|dition of affairs in Mexico.city,‘they ||Sty Mexico City is hungry and stars};would hot be.one ean if yelief does not come!;)B0on,Carranza’s order to ObunethepopulaceeteineVilla.money:has made nipenniless..Disturbed } im as clean ‘ their claims, er quantity of cream than is possible through the use of any other separator or creaming system. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY CLAIMS FOR THE __ De Laval that we are not willing to prove to the satisfaction of any prospective buyer in competition with any or all “would be”com- |; petitors. IF ANY ONE TRIES TO SELL YOU ANOTHER make:of cream separator,claiming that it is just as good as the De Laval,or that it will-give as good’satisfactionas the De Laval,and claim- "ing that because the first cost may bea little lower you will save money by its purchase,the * as the De Laval,makehim try to prove it. porta yon cea aCe Bence Ear OY ay I?7 .re :“sf a ‘ only thing to do is to make them try to prove IT’S EASY TO MAKE CLAIMS,BUT “MAKING them good”4s quite another matter,Fortn- nately when it comes to buying a cream separ- -ator-you don’t have to take anybody's word for~ it,and the sensible and reasonable thing to do, when any.one offers you a.cream separator. claiming that it will do.just as good work as the De Laval,is to tell them fo.try to prove it. structed. the easiest,is easiest to Make them give you a free trial of the machine, and then ask the ‘nearest De Laval agent to let you try out a De Laval alongside of it..‘Then buy the machine that skims the cleanest,turns wash and best con- Before you buy any Cream Separator ask the,De Laval agent to let you try outaDeLaval.|ny r ma |for yourself which machine is the best for you to buy. tions,Obregon permitted a partialexchangeofVillamoney,but re-ceived a curt telegram from Carran-za informing him not ‘to waste his|energies ameliorating conditions aris-ing from the shortage of-money,sincethepeopleweretoblamefordccept-ing Villa curreney;that if conditionsdidnotimprove.he shouldleavingthesituationtobe solved bythebankersandotherwealthyresi-dents who were responsible.CarranzaspecificallyinstructedObregonnottousehisarmyinquellingriots. A statement issued py the Carran-za agency in’Washington,said to bebasedonadvicesfromVeraCruz,saidforeignerswerenotinGangerinMex-ico City and that General Obregon was not stirring up anti-Americatsentiment.A statement issued by the Carranza ‘consul general‘in New York says Gen,Obregon doesn’t intend todesertMexicoCity,but to.remain there and establish peace-and order. It_is also denied that the people arestarving. The New -Administration.in Town. Raleigh Dispatéh,‘7th,te:Greenabure News./ When Col.Wilson G.Lamb of Mar- tin,comes to town tonight it is said that the 1917 ‘administration will be intact, The colonel is''to be named State Treasurer,according to tue story ofoneofthebestknownNorthCaro-linians—and that’s what the coloneliscomingherefor.’Jim Hartness,David P,Dellinger and J.BryanGrimesarealreadyhere,#0 that,nohazardistakeninsayingtheSecre-tary of State is in Raleigh,Max Gard- ner,who is to be Lieutenant Governor,is also heres s6 are Lieutenant Gov-ernor Daughtridge ana Attorney Gen-Bickett,both of whom’want to-beGovernor..Wi_P.Wood is not to be!disturbed as Auditor and GallatinRobertsof.Buncombe is in manymouthsforthe1917speakership, BenSmith heard:aInAshevilleBecommiotionet,his ‘chickens atnightandfiredbothbarrelsofhisfowlingpieceinthedirectionofthenoise,Next morning he found he hadkilledfiveofhischickensandaman’shatleftomthepremiseslyperforated” see using vi evacuate,| as thorough-| You can try any other machine you like a longside of it and then judge Home Canner Manufacturing Co.,Hickory, SELLING AGENTS. Local Representative,1,M.ALLEN. BIRDS AND THE FARMERS. Destroy Harmful Insects and Weed -Seed—Damage Crops --Only--When.-Natural--Feod is Destroyed.-: How birds which destroy harmful to the farmer .is'described in a newFarmers’Bulletin (No.630)of the department entitled,“Some CommonBirdsUsefultothe.Farmers.”The newpublication ‘has 27 pages and 23illustrations‘of the birds described.It contains much of the informationincludedinoneofthedepartment’s former publications entitled, Common Birds of arm and Orchard.” The department’s supply of this lat- ter pamphlet has been exhausted anditcan-now only be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents,Wash-ington,D.C,,where it is sold at.15 centsa copy.It contains numerous colored illustrations of the birds men-tioned.The new ©bulletin, “Fifty| insects and weed seed may be useful! berry-bearing shrubs and seed-bear- ing weeds have been.cleared away and the birds have no recourse .but to.at-tack the-cultivated grain.or fruitwhichhavereplacedtheirnaturalfoodsupply.The great majorityof land birds subsist upon insects duringtheperiodofnesting.and moulting,.and also feed their.young upon themduringthefirstfewweeks.~Many}species live almost entirely upon in- sects,taking vegetable food |only when other subsistence fails,It is thus evident that’in the course ofsa yearbirds.destroy an incalculable number of insects,and it is difficult to over- estimate the value of their services in restraining the great tide of insect life.: In winter,in the northern part:of the country,insects become scarce orentirely:disappear.Many.species of birds,‘however,remain:during the cold season and are able to maintainlifeby.eating vegetable food,as the seeds of weeds.Here again is anoth- “Some!er-useful function of birds in destroy- ‘Common Birds Useful to the Farm-|ing these weed seeds and thereby les- ers,”‘will be furnished free to all ap-|sening the wrowth of the next year. plicants by the department. Whether a bird is beneficial or in-jurious depends ‘almost entirely on what it eats,says the introduction tothenewbulletin.In the case of species which are very abundant,orwhichfeedtosomeextentonthe erops of the farmer,the:questionof their average diet becomes one of:supreme importance,and only bystomachexaminationcanit-be satis-| factorily solved.._Field .observations are at best but fragmentary and in- contlusivé and lead +o no ‘final re-sults.Birds are often accused oféatingthisorthatproductofculti-vation when\an examination of thestomach‘shows the accusation to beunfounded.Accordingly .the biologi-eal survey has conducted for some years past a systematic.investigationofthefoodofthosespecieswhichare.most*common abdut._the farm and garden,“Within certain limits birds eat theTkindoffoodthatismostaccessible,especially when their natural food isfearceorwanting.Thus they .some-times injure the crops of the farmerwhohasunintentionallydestroyedtheirnaturalfoodin-his improve:ment of swamp or pasture.Most ofthedamage-done by birds and com-plained of by farmers and fruit grow-ors avises from this very cause,The Piles Cured in 6 te 14 Days ur.-motioystwillrefond igen ba cry case } |\| | reER The new publication’discusses the food habit of more than fifty birdsbelonging.to twelve families.Many are eastern forms which are repre- sented in the west by slightly differ-ent species or sub-species,but unlessthefoodhabitsdiffertheyarenotsep-atately deseribed:.Among the popu-lar.birds:included are the robin,blue- bird,wren,brown thrasher,catbird, bobolink,oriolé,crow,cuckoo,and the American’sparrow. LL LS Wife’s Poor Health Delayed Gar- den Work. Monroe Journal.There is surely.something refresh-ing in the frankness of “your UncleJerre,”who writes a piece for the paper today,when he says that he expects to bet some of the youngeronestothedollarthisyear—becausehiswifeisagoodmanager.”It isequaltowhatMr.Raymond Griffintoldatiahlastyearwhenhe.askedMr.Griffin.how his garden was doing.“Not.much,”said Mr.Griffin,“mywiféhasn't been in good health this spring.”*a »‘Three white men on trial at Wal-halla,8,C.,charged with killing threeneproés:during.a>race riot at FairPlay,8:€,,.were acquitted.The ex-|pected happe 165 Broadway,New York29E.MadisonSt,Chicago aily use.50,000 Branches and Local Agencies the World Over. mipsienentedeapheinheniteerenntcietiimsentnnemnsenines a MORTGAGE SALE OF:PERSONAL;_»PROPERTY.— ‘North.Carolina Iredell.County.i:Under and by virtue of the power contain-ed in a chattel ,mortrage executed by the Samoset;Lumber-Company,a corporation,-te 1912,‘to secure the payment of $550.00 ard - interest.thereon,and the Company having failed to pay said sum and the stipulations contained in mortgage,theundersignedwillsellat12o'clock noon,on SATURDAY,MARCH 27,1915,the following described personal property,to satisfy debt,interest and cost:One planer, one moulder,one resaw,all American make,afd ‘all (tools and accessories belonging there-to;one Atlas boiler and engine and all ae-cessories;also every other kind of machinery,belting,etc.,belonging to and owned by theSamosetLumberCompanyatitsplantinthe city of Statesville,N.,C.s The sale under this mortgage is subject tocamortgagefromR.A.Gaither to J,E.TharpeontheAmericanmoulderabovedescribed,soldbyR.A.Gaither to the Samoset Lumber Com-pany;¢also subjéct to a mortgage executedbytheSamosetLumberCompanytoMrs.Ro- bena Houpe;also subject to a mortgage exe-cated by Samoset Lumber Company to J.B: Tharpe;also subject to.a mortgage or con-ditioh sale contract executed by Samoset.Lum-' ber Company to the American Woodworking Machinery Company‘on the resaw nd planer and.all aceessories thereto.;.J.LL.SLOAN., J.O.GAITHER, W.R.SLOAN, J:A,HARTNESS,Attorney Mortgagees.W.A.Bristol,pa hs MN eS te reFORSALE—At a bargain,3-year-old dark bay ~horse well-broken to buggy,Also.nice newbuggy.J.L.CHAMBERLAIN,"Phone 298Blue.March .2—8t, EVERYBODY WANTS mes Al 7 aon,| ie P sf ;Waap1Laei:fd Lal Mate BECAUSE IT I$‘THE BEST,_.“POR SALE BY :Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.Se ootihehneannan DRS.CRUSE AND RAGLAND,--+s Veterinarians...” cures O10.Sotes,ther Remedies ont Corei Boros.eal Practitioner,eiarPoOffices"Phot uray on 1 Samoset.Lumber 4 the undersigned,on the “16th day of vr Ba interest,--and—having—faired—1o—comply—with VOL.XLI. STATESVILLE,N..©.,FRIDAY,M ARCH 12,1915. LAST OF THE ASSEMBLY. Final Adjournment TuesdayNight—Number of Bills BrokeAllRecords—Some of the Last Méasures Passed. The Geheral .Assembly adjoyrnedsinedieAenightat10:30.‘ThelastbillratifiedwasNo.1,498 com-’pared with 1,460 by the last Assem-bly.The last.bill introduced was No.4 inthe Senate and No.2,156 inHouse.It passed,exempting Le-noir county from the operations of the oer primary as to county of- vers.:The usual tokens of esteem were presented presiding officers and oth- -ers.A.silver service which was .in- tended for Speaker Wooten was senttohiswidow.Speaker Bowie got aengraved.watch,Lieut. Gov.Daughtridge received a hand- some clock from the Senators,cuff links from the pages and a gift from the lady employes.In the presenta- tion speeches the Lieutenant Governor ‘was frequently referredto as the next “Governor of North Carolina.There |were also addresses of good feeling, _‘Senator Haymore,Republican,of Sur- ty speaking enthusiastically of the fraternal feeling and affection that had dominated the Senate.At -the evening session Senator 0.Max Gard- ner,president pro tem of the Senate, received #handsome silver card_re- ceiver..High tribute was paid the “Cleveland Senator and he was men- tioned as the next.Lieutenant.Gov- -ernor. Representatives Grier,of fredell, Laugbinghouse-and-—Faircloth were appointedby Speaker Bowie to make the annual examination of the office of the Treasurer,Auditor,etc, Representative Mayo and Enrolling Clerk Norvell of the Senate had a fight Tuesday night,growing out of a charge by Mayo that there had been “erooked.work’in the.enrolling clerk's office with reference to a bill. A committee appointed to investigate found.everybody blamelessof inten- tional:wrong-doing and -the belliger- ents made peace. Among:the:bills passed -were—the: following:—fo prohibit.white.nurses attending negro patients in hospitals; to allow sheriffs and tax collectors to collect.back taxes to 1909;to allow county commissioners to make rules and ordinances to control highways, bridges,-ete.;to require gas and elec- tric companies to show readings of gas and electric meters,etc. Bills tabled,some of which had been passed by the House:To in- salary of State librarian fromto$1,800:to authorize”the Governor to appoint.special counsel to assist in investigation of Carter- Abernethy case;to punish derogatory statements about banks.The House tabled a bill,previously passed,to ex- empt printers,linotype operators and ‘millers from jury duty.Amendments to the law to prevent infantile blind- ness and to protect idiotic and feeble- minded women,were also tabled.’ With reference to the criticism of the Board of Internal Improvements, the finance committee of both houses reported that the ‘State Treasurer’s office is probably managed and that keeping funds separate is required by statute.The recommendations that interest be charged on monthly bal- ances and that the Treasurer give bond in a guaranty company,was ap- ~proved,An act.to require this was Representatives Valentine of Hen- derson county and.Leonard of |David- ‘gon entered protests against’the ap- pointment.of members of the boards ‘of education for their counties..Mr. __Williams.of Cabarrus,the Republican minority leader,and .Mr.Meékins; Republican,spoke appreciatively of the fairness and consideration’of Speakers Wooten.and Bowie. The clerks in Principal Clerk Cobb’s office ‘presented that:official a silver service and Engrossing Clerk Kins- land receivéd a gold knife and chain. Among the bills passed in the last days of the Legislature were the fol- lowing;Increase salary of Commis- sioner of Labor and Printing from $2,400 to $3,000;assisiant Commis- sioner of Labor and Printing,$1,600 to $2,000,and the following salaries in the office.of the Insurance .Com- missioner;Bookkeeper.from-$750..to 200,chief clerk from $1,750 to $2,000; to allow the State°to acquire forest lands;to prevent unauthorized per- sons from.wearing badges of secret societies’and impersonating police of- ficers;to make the first Friday in November Arbor Day.for the State; to exempt Confederate veterans from jury duty;to regulate .practice of architecture and create State board of architects;to call the old Supreme Court.building State Departments Building and.provide custodian,jani- .groes at Greensboro,to Negro Agri- ‘cultural and Technical College of North Garoliria;to pay the estate of the late W.T,Areoek,engrossing clerk,the full amount of his salary to ‘pay the widow of Speaker,Wooten the full amuont.of the Speaker’s salary for the term— $315;to authorize cities and townsto-amend-ard frame-their-own chap-»ters}appdinting W.C.Newland trus-teé'of Appalachian Training School atRopes.pan aeaihh pes Bills tabled in the ,House:To hey oe nae ee laws;Se a mi m of cam ails,ete.,1a She Sons Boned or Health.'s session of »arraign- fdr the term; The ee of.Mondaythe,Senate.wns the,go tor and elevator man for same;.to change name A.&M,College for né- ELECTRIC LIGHT RATES. Aldermen.Considering a Reduc- tion—Sewer Line on West End)Avenue—Opening of HillStreet. ‘At a meeting of the board of alder- men Monday night,the meeting hav- ing been deferred from Friday night, Mayor Caldwell brought up the ques-tion of electric light rates in States-ville and requested that a reductioninratesbemade.The board instruct- ed the city electrician to furnish itwithallfactsandfigurespertaining to the rates,the earnings of the elee- tric department,etc.,.so as to enable intelligent considération and action in.the matter.Chairman Shelton of the water ¢om-mittee was instructed to secure infor-mation a8 to the cost of a cenient res- ervoir at the city pump station andsubmitdatatotheboard.er‘A sewer line was ordered laid onWestEndavenue,from Race streetwest,to such a point as may.be decid-ed,provided-an-outlet from the sewer into a.branch may be secured from property owners._Thelots which have been laid off inthenewportionofthecemeterywereorderedplacedonsale.The most de- sirable lots will be sold at-$75 each and those in the extréme eastern por- tion awill be sold at $50./The board held“.a special.meeting Tuesday night to-consider a petition reavesting that.what i8 known.as Hill street be opened up—from—Frontstreettothecitylimits.At present the street is nothing more than a driveway leading from Front street totheBradfordKnittingMilland-is not owned by the city.A resolution was passed instructing the mayor to ap- point a committee to investigate the matter and Mayor.Caldwell named Messrs:Ausley,Bristol and Shelton. As soon as the comn:tttee is ready to report a special meeting of the board wilt-be called to-take action,If the property necessary ‘for the street'can- not he secured at.what the board con- siders «a reasonable price,‘condemna- tuun proceedings will be instituted. REGAINED STOLENWHEEL. Negro Had Stolen Statesville Boy’s Bicycle and Hidden It in the Woods.. A bicycle belonging to Richard Me- Laughlin,Jr.which was-stolen a few weeks ago,was recovered Wednesdayafternoon,when the thief led an of-ficer to the place where he had hid-den ‘it.‘Will Gibson,:a negro.of ‘the Loray community,was suspected ofhavingsomeKnowledgeofthemiss-ing bicycle and was accordingly ar- rested a few days ago by DeputySheriff0.L.Woodsides and placed injail.Monday the negro admitted te Jailer.Gilbert that he was guilty of the theft of the bicycle,but wouid nottellwhereitwas..Wednesday Mr. Gilbert had.another talk with the pris- oner and the latter agreed to disclosethehidingplace.of the bicycle. Taking Gibson in his automobile, Mr.Gilbert,under the directions of his passenger,motored to the home of Mr.Wash.Sherrill,near Loray,on whose place the father or Gibson re- sides.Gibson then piloted the offi- cer-to an old broom-sedge field and revealed the hiding piace of the bi- cycle.The bicycle was brought pack to town in the automobile with the prisoner.and returned to tts owner, Unless he ean.give bona ©Gibson will have to remain in jail-until-May. term of Superior Court to answer a charge of larceny. ‘tCondition_ofthe Cleveland Bank. It has been ascertained that the liabilities of the Bank.of Cleveland, which closed its doors two weeks ago, are $56,071.29/The«deposits sub- ject.to check are $30,440.26,certifi- cates of deposit $14,765.63,cash on hand $915.06,checks $403.10,due from other banks .$1,331.62. Up to the present the amount of the shortage has not been ascertained. The diectors.were to Uecide yester- day whether they would guarantee the bank’s liabilities ‘or whether a re- ceiver would be appointed,.It is prob- -able-that-a receiver.will be appointed. $900,license clerk from $1,000 to $1,-]° aminer Hubbard,apparently the larg- From the examination by Bank Ex- est «amount due the bank is by Marshall Christy of the Amity sec- tion of this county,the amount being between $26,000 and $27,000,and of this amount apparently $9,402.75.is overdrafts.é Jonas ef Lincoln,who claimed that Davis,in a published statement,had misrepresented the attitude of the Republicans toward the liquor ship- ment.bill.‘The appropriation bill)passed with n-single amendment—adding..$2,000forthenegroAgriculturalCollegeat Greensboro.Bills passed:‘To appropriate $5,-000 from the maintenance funds forthebuildingoftheConfederate:Wo-man’s Home;to provide.for treat- ment of indigent tuherculat patientsatStateSanatorium;‘to inquire intoadvisabilityofprocuringmoretuitionfrom.State:institutions,>to exemptprinters,linotype operators and mil- lers from jury,duty..*) Tt.ns.decided that the StateSchool.For.the Blind,ve erant at Raleigh for the pr :Rockingham and Lincolnton hadoffersforthelocationoeontonee the.use of,explosivnSetakp:1 in.th HOME FROM RAl Messrs.Grier and.Thompson §Finish Their Legislative.ties——Some Local Leg and Some’Net.LoLetting’the Peor at Auction.| in Atlanta at 4 o'clock yesterday|;morning.Mr,Meyer had been in poorthe|health for some years and had re|tired from business. éwas unneces - Senator’Thompson also p a State-wide measure to pringliquor.to minors;and @ important one to prohibitmissionerslettingthekeep © poor.by-contract.In some “¢ounties the keep of the.poor is deteto the lowest bidder.This shameful state ofaffairs‘will be no longer pos thanks to Senator Thompson;#Landmark may modestly statethispapersuggested-the-idea°Representative Grier .put @abilloftocalinterest—requiStateTreasurertogive the SprisonereditforbondsoftheStates-ville Air.Line railroad,receiveconvictlabor.Mr;Grier’s main work,however,was.State-wide bills.had charge of the Anti-Saloon Leaguebilltoprohibit.shipment.of liquor in- to the State and put it through ‘the House by a vote of 107 to 3,but the Senate:refused to accept if and the compromise of two quarts @ ‘month waé ‘accepted,Mr.Grier also bere an important part in otner State-He ig a member of the committee _to-investigate the Carter-Abernethy affair and ‘will re- turn to Raleigh on the 22d for that wide legislation. Representative Hall,of Mooresvi\c important ©ameni- ment to the Iredell game law.The open season is cut from three t two months—December and Janue-y and all hunters*living oetside +) county ‘must pay license tax of for the privilege of hunting in ire- Good measure:Mr.Hall also amended the recor- der court:law at.Mooresville by ex- tending the territoryof the recorder’s jurisdiction to parts of Davidson and Barringer townships. Mr.Miller Appointed Messenger, Mr.‘Robt.©.Miller of Statesvillehasbeenappointedmessengerintheinternalrevenueoffice.“Mr.Millerpassedthecivilserviceexamination and was yesterday designateplacebyCollectorWatts,Mr.Miller succeeds Mr.Jacob A,Cauble of Cabarrus county.who wasappointedtemporarilytotneposition last fall,when Messenger Troutman Mr.Cauble has made very efficient man.and as a result of his record,Collector Watts gave himtheadvantage.of his ,30-day with:pay,to which he was~entitled, That is to sdy,he d#aws a month’s pay after leaving the office.: When the elegible register was es- tablished three names were ‘certified to the collector,as is the custom,from which to make-an-appointment.._Mr. Miller was No.1 on the list and henceItwillinteresthis puto through an he was selected. friends.to know that Mr. Stikeleather of Statesville was No.3 A The second man on the list was a non-resident. Little Boy Accidentally Killed at At Gastonia yesterday William Jen- kins,aged between6 and 7 years,sonofMr.and Mrs.Geo,A.Jenkins,was fatally injured by lumber falling onhimanddiedyesterdayafternoonat4:30,The bey is a grandson of Mrs. W.._F.Munday of Statesville,and Mrs.Munday and her daughter,Mrs.D.J; Williams,eft last night.forMr.Williams will go.today to attend thé funeral’No details of the accident were re-ceived.It is understood the little boy playing with otheraboutapileoflumberwhen the !um-ber fell on him.Relatives here were first advised of the accident and !ater of the fatal termination.It_is very distressing and there ismuchsympathyherefortherela- Two Escaped Prisoners Cap- ‘One of the prisoners who escaped from jail a week ago is-back in hiscellagain,another is.under pond tor his appearance at court,but the third ind most important prisoner’is still jav’large:Bouldin Young.came back to Statesville,surrendered and gave tterson was captur ed at--Davidson Tuesday night _b Policeman Johnson of that town an was ‘brought back to.jail by Iredell officers,who went afte?him.“Abe Allison,the negro who was} y;}under death sentence‘has not yet been located tterson say that)avery and they do:itaacever¥ed.the bond.George Allison.effected|o4 gIGH.MR.MAX W.MEYER IS DEAD,THE ROAD BONDS CARRIED,BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. Alexander Voted Road Bond.TheIssueBySmallMajoritv—oy will Deaths. av.A telegramto .Mr.Wm,Wallace,|Correspondence of The Landmark. Senator Dorman ‘fhompson and yesterday morning,advised-.him of!Taylorsville,March 11.—The elec-Representative H.P.hehomefromRaleigh,the ©session having ended $Little local legislation ¥for [redell at this session, nating.the -possible failure’Jaw,«‘Senator’Thompson had put throughiasprimaryJawforIredell,but whenthe Stalawwaspassed,which ;;dell’and applies to the corcers;the local measuresaryandwaskilled.Heretofore public,bridgesagedistrictsintheeountymovedandreplacedat.theofthecounty.Senator’Thomp cured an amendment _towhichprovidesthat.her drainage districts shall bear About 1884 or ’85,Mr.and Mrs.,|Meyer came to Statesville from _|Rochester,(Nii ¥.;and located.|Mr..|Meyer was for a time in the grocerybusinesswithMr.H.Clarke and la- ter the firm:‘of Clarke and Meyer}was engaged in the whiskey business.|Later Mr.Meyer.engaged in the same/|.¢|business ‘with his “brother-in-law,Dr.J.Lowenstein,and -was-also.for a) time in the wholesale millinery busi- ness,Mr..Simon Moses ,|vartner..About 12 years ago,afterStatesvillevoteddry,Mr.Meyer mov-ed to:Atlanta and for a time was iniv.|the whiskey trade there. years he was engagec in the whole-|_|cale jewelry business.jMr,-Meyer-is sutvived byphis wife. Mr.F.F.Wooten of Bethany town- ship,who was injured by a fall twoweeksagoandhadsincebeenina critical condition,died Tuesday night! about 12 o’elock,aged 71 yéars.Thefuneralandburialtookplaceyester-»|day atSouth River Baptist.church,of.e|which the deceased was a member.!The services were conducted by her pastor,Rev.C.S.Cashwell,assisted| by Rev.E..D,Brown of Loray._Mrs. Wooten is.survived by her husband,one son,Mr,W.C..Wooten of Beth- any’township,and the following!named daughters:Mrs.W.N.Crouch of Pineland,Texas;Mrs.8S.Grose, Mrs.EB.A.Massey and Mrs.T.G. Watts of this county,and Mrs.L.C.Moore of Asheville..Gne brother,Mr.J.R:Huie of Olin,community,alsosurvives--Mrs..Wooten “was a-goodwoman==a_good-friendand—neighbor,kind-hearted and sympathetic.. Mrs.Martha Myers,widow of J.E. Myers,died Wednesday at her home in the Jennings community.She wasabout40yearsoldandis.survivea bytwochildren,Mrs.Robert ShoemakerofNewHopetownshipandMr:Doug-|:jas Myers,who lived with his moth- er.Surviving ,also are two.sisters,|;Mrs.2.MM.‘Davis of Statesville“and Mrs.Weisner:of Eupeptic Springscommunity,and one brother.Mr.J. T.Jennings of Jennings...The fun- eral.and interment took place yester-day at Zion church.3 Mrs.Blaine.Campbell,nee.Nora Hix of the Turnersburg..community,died "Wednesday night at her home in Elkin,aged about 33 years.In-termermt will be at Mt.Bethel,Tur- nersburg township,today at 2 0’clock. Mrs.Campbell.is survived by herhusbarid,mother and two brothers. The Motorcycle and the Little Dog.3 A.little.black dog and a motorcy- ele were responsible for the blood in ithe postoffice lobby.and on the side- walk in front of the poutoffice,which attracted the attention of pedestrians Wednesday evening and yesterday. The little dog,which belonged to.Mr. P:S.Pope;made-a dive at a passing motorcycle;was caught in the ma- chinery of the motorcycle and an ugly, wotind was torn in his side.The mo-[torcycle passed on and the dog crawl- ormer Resident of Statesville| Dies in Atlanta—Death of)Mrs:F.F.Wooten—Other| 148 a |f being:His :ed to MooresvilleTuesday.morning by}:ness of Mr.Deal’s fath-|’—-Miss Mary‘er,Mr.N.L.Deal,Theif daughter,|the college,leftMrs.8.T,Crowson,received a mes-}lettsburg,Ky.,in ness of her-sister,Mrs.SanfhLeaguersof Broad“will serve the serious ill In-recent.. Mr.N.L.Deal Dies at His °Home Near Mooresville.| been received but following are the|“approximate majorities: Sharpe's 61 for bonds,Gwaltney 81) In the election last June for $100,-|000 the bond ‘issue for roads was de-|feated by 110 majority.The great-' est gain was made township.against bonds in the former election. m Tavlorsville | It gave a majority of 94; Mr.and Mrs.W.D,Deal were call-| that Mr,Deal died Wednesday morn-|Oe Ad re ple ust ofthe late! acob Deal and was born and reared Street Metho ehurch Mrs.Sarah Huie Wooten,wife of}in this county.He —married—Miss!dinner eS i Jane Campbell,sister.of our towns-!Gag Cot aturda: man,Mr.H.T.Campbell,and-they:thelivedintheVashticommunityforyears.Ten:years ago they sold theirifarmandpurchased_a farm abouttwomilesfromMooresville.‘Mrs.a|Deal died there some six years ago.!Mr,Deal’s'-son-in-law_and_daughter.|fant :hot nor toocold: _—Mrs,J.M.McKee hasfrom.the Northern markets:accompanied home by MissloughofBaltimore,whotrimmerinthefortheseason. —tlLicense has heen issuedmarriageofMissFrances StikerandMr.L.R.§rFreezeandWilkinson,Miss Ma:Brotherton and Mr.Thomas J Fort Dobbs chapter DatersoftheAmericanRevolution’meet Monday ‘tern 4 Yea Miss .Flo ;:rs are urged Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Goodman,livedwithhim.Other surviving childrenareMr.James Deal df Granite Falls,|:Mesdames A.W.White-and--G,.W.Sharpe of Stony Point,Mrs.William |Pearson of Wilkesboro,Mrs.Myers:‘of Virginia and Mrs.Andrews of)Oklahoma.Deceased was near 80yearsoldandasplendidcitizen.Miss Rebecca,Caldwell of the Su-gar Creek community,Mecklenburgcounty,is spending awhile at |thehomeofMissesPollyand-AmaneaMatheson.Mrs.W.-B.Stitt has:re-‘turned.from-an-extended.-visit-to-rel=}atives. GERMANY SURE TO WIN. A Former.Salisbury CitizenWritesFromtheFatherland That Germany’s Success isCertain.:he Ina Te to Mr.Dave Oestreicher |.of Salisbury,Mr.Max Moses,formerly of Salisbury,writes*from Wrndsbek,‘Germany,under date ofFebruary10,1915.Expressing ‘ap- preciation of Mr.Oestreicher’s sym- pathy for Germany,Mr.Moses saysheisgladtoknow“there are somepeopleintheUnitedStateswhoarewithourcountryforthecauseof‘right and liberty’for the civilizedworld.It is indeed a pity,”he con- tinues,“to see such slaughter.of men.Let us hope when this is over theworldwillbesavedfromfuturewar- farey’:}No one,continues Mr.Moses,canjudgeofthegreatpowerofGermany“who does not-see with his own eyeshowtheindustrialanddailybusiness life is kent moving while our soldiersarefightingonourenemies’soil.”With practically the whole world tofight.says Mr.Moses,and no neutralcountrytofurnishfood-or war mate- rial,“Germany stands,after sixmonths’of war,as:steady and pre-pared.to fight it to the end,for agloriousfinishfor.our army andcountry,as ifthe warfare had just begun.”: ed to the sidewalk,and later made his]: way into the postoffice.lobby.A crowd gathered about the injured can-ine and it was cognized as Mr. Pope’s.Mr.Pope was called and he jn turn called a veterinarian.The veterinarian said thére was 4 chance to’save the dog,although his lungs had been exposed by the wound,andtheownerturnedhimovertothedoc-tor.He was taken to the office of the veterinarian,put to sleep and operat- ed on,and at last account he was in na fair way to recover.Many of those in the crowd which gathered kround the injured dog advised that he be killed to end his suffering,and that was Mr.Pope’s first’impulse, but after the dog crawled to iis mas- ter,wagged his tail in recognition of him and gave an appealing look for help,the other course was decided,on. Woman Suffrage Fatal in This Case. “1A colored woman who is a servant jh a Statesville home,secured leave of absence to attend the raneral of al: friend.On her return from the fun- oral she was asked,by her employer, the cduse of ,the death of her friend, rey jes’disremember what dey did say wuz de matter wif her,”replied the servant,‘but I believes dey said she had dis woman suffrige dat so many Womens is havin’dese days.” >And so woman suffrage is becom- ing fatal. Brought Back to Answer. ‘Buster _Emmerson,'@ negro who.is -ehared with.gambling,was.arrest- Sd in’Hickory Tuesdayafternoon andbroughttojailthatnightbyDeputyrer Wé the officers were busy 2 ince been on the dodge, eriff Gilbert,who went after him, merson was a member of the "ty of “crap shooters”which wasedbytheofficersinahouseon»Front street a few months ago.|] hile th|ray community,were mar’ he other members.of.the party Bm-].armed J All through the letter “breathesthatspirit—that Germany can andwillwin,Germany has fought con-stantly on the soil of the enemy,Mr.Moses reminds us,and in only a fewpointsineastPrussra,right on-theborderofRussia,dit Russian troops get on German soil and they:Were checked there,“You will in a short time,”he continues,“hear of greatactsofournavy,even if England istryingtogettheUnitedStatesand other countries to sympathize with and aid them.”**“We must and will win against a world of enemies,as we have the material to do it withandour.food supplies will keep usgoinguntilthenewcropiscoming in,if nothing is.wasted,and up tonowIhavenotnoticedanywaste.”Mr.Moses ‘has two brothers in theGermanarmyandathirdwhowas captured by Russians,is supposed to be in a Russian prison.He express-eg,hope that all the family will be reunited after the war.He has vol- unteered in the army.reserve corps. Mr.Moses is well known to manyStatesvillepeople,He came +o this country years ago and after a time¢n Salisbury he returned to.Germa-ny,carrying with him $51,000 in eash:leg that he had accumulated by industry and thrift. TwoMarriages, F.Patterson.ning at 7:30 o’clock at the home of} few friends and relatives accothecoupletothehomecreme. nied een wie bd ceremony.Therideistheattractiveyoun:ve iteofMr.and Mrsv.C,L.Gilbert.egroomigasonofMr.W.J.Patter- son,:es ‘iMissFrancesStka.7LemuelStikeleather,bothof the Lo- ik managed to slip away and Aissociate €manse in guateerile 1ev.J.Hy Pressly officiating, Children of.the Confedera-©afternoon,at 3.80.Sig.Wallace. action was taken in the talk-ed-of contest.of the result of the mu-‘nieipal primary and the result stands :ri y Pe ,}a8 anno aie *are ®t the death of Mr.Max W.Meyer,|tion for bond issue of $150,000 for! We|which occurred at Mri Meyer’s home|%00d roads was held Tuesday and th |bonds ‘carried by a-majority of 36.|/sulted.in a vie! The vote of the townships has nota score of68 to 13... Rev.Dr:J.R,Scroves,:heen critically ill at.his:home tin |»was much im-~~ :t,machines whit in :t ;eae iedotbyMayorCald-- basketball game last night e between.Statesville and Salisbury re-‘or Statesville by ittle Rive Shelby for sore for,Little River 37 for,Ellendale 68 Se ave ‘for,Tavlorsville 32 against,Mifier's|Pree at last accoun gainst,Sugar Loaf.11 against,|}ove{4 ;|Wittenburg 120 against.for some time,were commission yesterda Leary Cashwell wert,te.Mooresville yesterdayto make’ar~ rangements for his book.and Station~*-ery business,which he will open there within a few days.it ‘ibbe,a teacher in * millineryceparcment. as memorial C moreland has issuedmembersofthecompany to be aarmory—tonight and ‘next *revening at 6 o’clock,4+—The S.,M.&H.Shoerangingtoconductashoein_connectionwith.its.store...machineryis being.inatalledshop.will open Mo:W.Reavis of Salisbury will bechargeofthenewshop... —At Harmony Wednesdaysmallsons.of Mr,J.W.Koonedwithfiretoonearastraw stackandthestack,which was very ne‘the barn,was set on fire.Bywork.on the part of:HarmonySchoolstudentsthebarnwas:g confined to the nday,Mr.G the fire bein ing flowersforthe:martet. green house at his nome onjlastfall,now:hasreat.oe .—Mr.GeorgeH.Smithof &City,Mo.,,who will represent:J,Steele &Sons in theweekinStatesvillefamiliarizingselfwiththefirm’s brick-makinchineryand‘getting acqualtheMessrs.Steele and the! methods,He left Tgdwillimmedia'the western States. south Center street,near thewasenteredTuesdaynightorfour.dollars in pennies we:Entrance to the store was ¢ The pennies were:the counter and theandcontents. .A Promising Youag Surgeon. The friends of Dr.Rufus who is a native,of Iredell,a_Mr.and Mrs.John H.ReidDavidson,will be gratified to leaithatheiswinning:distinction aa/asurgeoninNewYork.. ,where he graithdestinction.been af Bellevueehleisnowdoingh Miss CleoGilbert and Mri Clarence |.¥°were married last eve-|“young man’s Wa ken in very high terms Reid may come t to Jocate-and-his:ff:glad to seo him give:hiStatethebenefitof‘his;_kn Rev.Ws A.Lutz,who officiated.A.|8P° “Center township,!aut i aiatham,is located,|850,000.of road bonds.ship in Chatham votedDecemberandthreeonbond.issues next ‘ wie county, Pred “Sherman W.White,who has as pastor at Buffalo,N.Y..has} :hurch at Biltmore. Mocksville Record says thieves Vinto the depot at Advance,Da- 8 county,last Friday .night and 4 a call to the pastorate of the¢ uh 8)ete Riga (.i Wicegood,a prominent cit Day t “died Monday| his.home in Jerusalem town-) 5 A GERMAN.SHIP | Aw Cruiser.That vember.and Destroyed Many Merchant Vessels,Put in at Newport Merchantman Among the Vic- tims and Inquiry.Will Be Made—May Result in ,De- mands on Germany.sa Newport News,Va.,Dispatch,10th, |The German auxiliary cruiser Prinz Bitel Friedrich,after 3 marine wreck- ing scouring of Pacific and Atlantic Oceans which culminated in the sink-ing of an,American sailing ship.in the South Atlantic Ocean January 28 SailedtheSeasSince Last No+ News—American |Mthich,“among oth “ReadersofThe Landm:call that about two mreportoftheStateBoaents.was a the management of the State Tregurer’s office.Nomalsgpprces ate ‘funds .was charged —-Simply themethodofdoingbusiness.The StateTreasurer.made reply and there thematterrestedforthetime,~‘A “few days ago State TreasurerLacysentthe‘followmg etter to] _-said one of the greatest thinkers .«.this‘country ever produced,/ *»pet Cm ;t Rie ters ie *last;limped into this port today and"And)Goy.Craig:ernie oh z ‘j anchored...for...sumplics—.._.Repairs.wig:hare nN =eee epee Sted A“wstatementinthe daily presspur- Nosing a.big stern wheeler ot eeghout20.gallon’s of Jiquor. Carolinians continue to land pie counter with great.regu-| Geo.McCorkle of Newton has| eerainted sdecial!counsel for the} Predes Commission,at a sal-)ponds,proud of her trophies of war. '$3.000 to $4,000 per annum.| ody of Mrs.J.W.Porch,who) 4vo other persons was killed in explosion which wrecked and} the private yacht Julia near En-| |,Hyde ‘county..January.‘15,' ‘ound near that place Tuesday. »Chas.EB.Brewer,for 26 years | .fessor of ‘chemistry at Weke For- vest Collere,has decided to accept the dency of Meredith College,Ral- which he was recently offered, She broueht with her rescued crewsand pessengers of -American,Brit: ish,French.and Russian shins:and Nios at anchor tonight in Hampton that crunch the bottom of the sea, bnt in a.stete of mechanical exhaus- tion from the strain of a 5,200-mile jovrney.+he The German erviser.began,herscoutingfortheshipsoftheenemies of the.Fatherland at Tsing-Tsau, China,last November.under master-shin of Commander Thierichens,and nut into this historic port today with 't®e admitted sinking of eieht mer- chant shins,three .<ritish,three ‘Prench.one Russian and one Amer- liean,‘The sinking of.the American @mz)ship.the William P.Frye,a sailing the |vessel bound from.Seattle*to Queens-town with 55.060 tons of wheat.‘most;eoncerned American port officials here C Smith,Asheville,was arrest-|and the Whshington government,, as eek and placed under bond,H.H,Kiehne of Baltimore is the he sum of $1,200 for.trial in the |master of the American ship and af- Ranerior Court.~:iter leavine the Bitel-Friedrich with ja eddler,named ,Slyman \Customs Collector Hamilton...today,ae yrian p "pi 2 pare Vi YMAN |he told a dramatic story of his experi- :Be ce eat aunty te Few ontes With him were his wife,and nu ::two children.:days ago.His throat;was<cut,his!:;tha almost severed from his body.)protestations £1MNDaspitemy. nee } supposed the purpose of the-mur-|was Ws will succeed Dr.R.T.Vann,re- ed va “N.A.Dixon,charged)with me goods and money ».to fount of $1,000 or more while in the loy.of the wholesale.drug.house the American master of,ee, t Arn io “hi yerm?:.+g robbery and-two negroes have!pIWwiedrich.sank the WilhelmP| ;rested oe onee ses c (Frye on the morning of January 28,7) Hettie--Rinehardt,assistant.plowing a gaping hole through her ntendent of the Mission Hospit-'.j;41s with a charge:of dynamite,”| A&heville,has been ordered to’<4;4 Captain Kiehne:~*~ a by the Red Cross,of which’“]wa;almgst becalmed when the) he is amember.She hasresigned @d¢rman ship appeared about 2 o’¢lock ale gael in Asheville and after a/j,tho afternoon of January 27.Mv) ew.days with relatives in-Gaston|hip was barely moving an¢1 paid)“eounty she will report.to the Red/no ‘attention to the first order from} Gross in New York to sail for Russia.:}.Dutchman to lay-to.However.| “Alleging that his wife was.burned|she bere down on me and:TI broucht| to death by following instructions!my ereft to a standstill.After learn-| ven her in polishing a stove,/Jo.|ing.that I carried a carmo:of wheat.) me.colored,has started suit for|the German eavtain told me that it | 10,000 damages against W.L.Price;}er of Holly.Springs,Wake ‘teptien was_paid to my statements.) _Structions for its use.}meh were sent aboard the bark and 1) porting to be from*the Board of In-‘ternal.Improvements are to the ef- fect that figures presented in theoriginalrehortoftheAmerican were correct and that.mine were in-correct;that the board has uncover- ed $220,000 institutional balances as\well.as other large balances.Sx reports are doing me an injustice quest that you shall’direct’the ac- countant that audited my office to goovertheentireauditwithaceoutit-ants that répresent me,and showhowtheyarrivedatthefigures.intheirentirereport.”.‘Pegi aeGov.Craig sent the ©Treasurer’slettertoMr.Alex.Webb,chairman of the Board of Internal —Improve-ments,and Mr.Webb made reply:“In our report we called attentiontocertainlap-over appropriations ofcertain-institutions,We did not go into full details,believing that it was only necessary to call the Legisla-ture’s attention to the fact that there were lap-over appropriations.At-the request of the Senate appro- Audit Company’s audit of my office” Such| and makes it necessary for me to -re-e } In every convenient ) true tobacco uplift without the letdown that comes from ;alonga muddy river with sand-bars reaching up to grab her—_ _that’swhen you needreel steadi- ness.Whenthere’s nothing but — your judgment between your ‘boat and a shoal,take a chewofPICNICTWIST.” twist of PICNIC you'll-find the ‘dark,heavy,rank tobacco.PICNIC TWIST. is a light colored,soft twist of the mild, mellow parts of the leaf. Men accustomed to ¢strong”tobacco will priations committee,Chairman—Gil-+~liam,we placed Mr.B.A.McKinney|i|} of the-firm of:Wilson-&Pullen atthe} d®posal of Chairman Gilliam.Mr.)McKinney reported to’us that the! priation at Morganton Hospital was!jamount of the gross.lap-oyer appro-;. $76,802.99,andtheamount—te—the credit of the hospital at’Raleigh was|$61,150.89._Mr.McKinney made no!further report to-us,and after they}hadfinished the work we asked Chair-|man Gilliam’for the total amount of} lap-over appropriations,which:he stated to me at the meeting of the apnsepriations committee to be $220,-000.Chairman Gilliam informs methatMr.McKinney only checked over} @ part of the institutions and the oth-! er figures that made up the total of’$220,000 were furnished him frim the!Treasurer’s office.”Soa“We-have requested Mr.MeKinney-to go over the matters as requested! by the Treasurer at any time’that the} was contraband and he intended to|destroy’it.,T protested:but no at-j 5 --who-sold the wempn—thée-ma-—tert f terial for stove polish and gave in-;“A German officer and squad of) The -Mocksville Record says that,“when roads ordered built are complet-|and thy crew were set to work throw-|ciate Treasurer indicates that he 3ingtheerainoverboard.The Ger-|sandy fir auch work to be done.” ed.good.roads..will be open in four|man sighted enother yessel,also be-|"“1:"js to be hoped that the auditing’directions through Davie county—}Advance to Mocksville,thence ‘toCalahaln,Ketchie’s mill,Fork Church, Farmington,South River,etc,The! rnment post road extending from+:PORE EN 4 alt Pi ithrown overboard fast enough t6 suit’Plenty of Grain-in the Gountry.’all’s Ferry to the Tredell ine is about completed. *Proseedings have beun in the Su-/perior Court at Asheville:to test the’ county | calmed.and made for her. Hé re-'will hee ',ej :oe :3 |W ept up until the ma:ter is =ore,¢,vote fe eo ea ot straichtened out.It is very much } eet atterdasd auesiained *|muddled in the public mind now.A “Evidently the gfain was not beinc|pe the German skipner,for he sent a}.Despite the much discussed effect, afterwards and the work went om for!home ‘supply the official report of the} “tight of women.to.hold theoffice of |hours without interrantion.,However.|national.Department of Agriculture! notary public,under the law passed|+the-recent Legislature.When-the! Jaw was passed the Governor appoint-|ed Mrs.Nolan Knight of Asheville a} aotary with the understanding that. “test case would be made before’‘there were other appointments.{sre ss MATTERS OF NEWS. “Whe Delaware Legislature has de-|eated a-constitutional —amendmentofequalsuffrage. e Sapreme Court of the United tates has granted the application of@StateofVirginiapermissionto}a J.P.Morgan for the return of6willofMartha’Washington. In,Tennessee.Kentucky and other States “Night Riders,”or white-cap- ;fave given much trouble.They: we bands of lawless men-whbv-under- laf-the esreo in the hold of the ship!cent of the 1914 crop. ¥it was-slow at-best and I avas-inform-!on the pércentage of the 1914 wheat, “be surprised how much they can chew of .this mellow twist with its sweet,lasting taste.~ CHEWING TOBACCO.“The Thinkers of the Country Arethe Tobacco Chewers? -.._It.comes,-also,in economical,freshness-preserving:drums of 11 twists for 50c¢. ol sg Lnalf hundred of his men aboard soon /of grain-exports-to Europe-on_the; od-about 2 o'clock next morning that!corn,oats and harley crops remain-|. my ship would be sent to the bottom.\ine on farms March ¥,shows only}hich was done in the manner de-|slight decreases when compared with)serihed abéve,ithe percentage of Jast year.{ “Jt was originally.the intention of!Wheat remainingon farms amount-| the German captain to leave enourh)od to 152,903,000 bushels,or 17.2 per)1D}About 60.7) ballast.That part of the grain |ner cent of the 1914°crop will be}was to be rendered.useless by salt!shipped out of counties where grown.| water,;*|Gorn remaining on farms,910,894,-| “As soon as I was informed that)900bushels,or 34,1 per cent of the,mv ship was to be sent to the.bot-!1914 crop.About 18.6 per cent of)tom,I,my wife and two boys and the}the)crop will be shipped out.Mer-| erew made for the German cruiser in|chantable quality of crop,84.5 per; our boats.We were taken \:j and shown every courtesy through-|Oats remaining on farms,379,369,-out the remainder of the voyage.1900 bushels,or 83.2 per cent.About! “Hor two weeks before makine this|29.4 per ceht will be shipped out: nort:the German shin molested tio)Barley remaining..on farms.-42,- ships of any kind and always avoided|839000 bushels,or 22.0.percent. them,not wishing.to givethe English!About 45.1 per cent will be shippedcruisersanywindofherintentions.|out.acc ; for aboard |cent.i také to control affairs and they de-|She-proceeded slowly up.the coast,Ustroy.property,maltreat and ocees-|all liehts xhas been made a felony by act he Tennessee Legislature. he German foreign office has sentoughAmericanAmbassadorGer- that were not out being_eitisens..“Night Rid-|sarefully Shaded — “Last night while nearing the capes the wireless apparatus on.board theGermanshipinformedusthat.there were four English war ships in.our two Annoyed Womenand Shot Man.’ |theatrical troupe,was,shot and pain- ifully injured by an unidentified man early Monday,the shooting occurring: on a’train which was just pulling in-| INDIGESTION ENDED,|STOMACH FEELS PINE! “Papt’s Diapepsin”Fixes Sduy.Gas- sy,Upset Stomachs in live Min.|utes,me TEN GelSour,gassy,upset stomach,indi-' gestion,heartburn,dyspepsia;whenthefoodyou.éat ferments into gases and ‘stubbori lumps;yotr ‘headachesandyoufeelsickand)misera-!fble,that’s wlien you reslize the mag-|}¢It makes)all stomach misery vanish in five min-|9 in Paze’s Diapepsin. utes.;If Your stomach is in a|ous revolt—if you-can’t-get it’replated,please,for your sake,-.tryPape’s Diapepsin.It’s so’needless) to have a bad stomach—-make yournextthealafavoritefoodmeal,|then take a little Diapepsin\,There) fear.|It’s because Pape’s Diapepsin' “really does”:regulate weak,out-of- order stomachs that gives it jits mil-lions of sales:annually. continu.|# ‘i Arthur Haynes,—-a~-member~of ~ay wilt not-be-any-distress—-eatwithout ff-— ‘dan expression of regret and an ex-/|immediate vicinity,of which!{io 1 a Fel Te {to Greensboro,Haynes was sent to)nat!to Henry Van Dyke,Amer-|seemed-very close.However we eluded}hospital in Greensboro ‘for.treat= minister to Holland and Luxem-'them and made this port in safety.”|pont for the interruption of Doctor|When the German cruiser entered ~‘.B j C x entered :bere e e ee ,“|‘The man who did the shooting had)stomach relief and cure known.It Mee Deana hie atotaian is a pale oe anteater iy |been annoying two women who wete/acts almost like magic--it is 8 scien-S My :.Yi members of the same theatrical com-|tific;harmless..and pleasant stomach‘the éxplanation t isur -\had be .iser |’:le xp!o a misunderstand poetics hon Dia Aging cieey |Dany as Haynes,and the latter\re-|preparation which truly belongs in fteiteh British:steamers’sunk out|flags because she had on board Ger-|monsttated with the fellow passenger.!every home. of a total of 8.734 vessels of more|mans,.Frenchmen,Russians,Eng-|After he had done so he turned to go) than 800 tons which arrived at British |ishmen,Irishmen,North Americans,|into the smoking room,whereupon theyeeefeetedfrom,them from|South ‘Abeticans;Portughess,China]ce”cie™Ck menue ewe es Ate, anuary 21 to March 3,was ‘the reec-|men,and others,all except the ship's tie the hip.He had his gun aimed at d of achievement of German sub-|officers and crew.being captives of |Haynes head but another.passenger ‘marines,according to figures issued;vessels which the erniser had cap.|aemnck the gun and changed the diree- ‘by the British admiralty.Twenty-|tured and sunk in the .waters ot7the |on of the bullet.The party who did es of the crews lost their |Pacific dnd the Atlantic.There were!the shooting then ran to the platform oe /men,women,children and a litter of;and jumped from the train )>At Pensacola,Fla.,a mistrial in|Puppies,born while the —ship was|¢See ce en ; eases against W.H.Knowles,for-|"voyage.The captives:had been |one pd poinipmee ge fe i Geta large fifty-cent case ofPape’s Diapepsin from =any-drug ‘store.It is ‘the quickest,surest COME BUY A RAIN COAT.YOU CAN ALSO WEAR |IT WHEN THE SUN SHINES.|WEHAVE THE KIND YOU WILL “TAKE @ SHINE”|TO.WE CANFITYOU..WE WANT TO SELL YOU ALL THE CLOTHES YOUBUY.WE'VE GOT THE GOODS TO DO I(T WITH.|EN YOU DEAL WITH US ONCE YOU WILL COME|BACK AGAIN FOR LIFE.| Printing! You=bett That’s where we shine.Better prepared -than ever to serve our cus- tomers.Phone 200 and we'll be ‘‘Johnnie-on-the- ‘mer president,ahd other officials of |#llowed to bring their belongings on|B suspended First National Bank of board arid these were piled on the| sacola,charged with misuse éf|decks here and there while emigrant|e bank’s funds,was ordered by Fed-|Women squatted around,some with1JudgeCallafterJacksonShep-|infant children in their arms.Boys_| ‘pard,a-.negro juror,had been ad-|and girls played inand out between |idged insane.It will be necessary ‘Parcels of baggage and made merry,|empannel a new jury.|While an infant only a few monthsold |The dead bodies or Mr.and Mrs,|Slept quietly in its mother’s arms.— foreign troops all factions there willuniteagainsttheinvaders.Certain-| ly.That was,expected.a‘. HEALTHY HAIRSOFTAND FLUFFY A.Cooper and their son,-L.A.But all hands wore an expression!Beattiful hair does not just.hap- soper,were found in their home at 0!Telief,that the voyage wasended)pen’but is always a matter of care mingham,Ala.,Monday.} indications that the son had shot|ship or any members :of her com-|roots,No matter if your hair is fall- ‘ing out,stringy,lifeless,and full of There 204 that no harm had come.to the’!and proper nourishment of the hair}! parents as they lay in bed and |Pany:Sad committed suicide.A shot|was found beside young Cooper's|:ree”Av Crsonke at one Che Grae et wei not be able-to make repairsGftheMonticello'(Ga.)Timos.|Withit the vinemnieee NewsWty3pebd»time preseribed by ‘inter-Me eee i ee tperican|national regulations,‘and the alterna, trial.in Federal court in New York |face pi vena he ase”oat thschargesof-conspiring’to obtain |close of te:Wan zy until “theAmericanpassports,withdrew;The destructior ‘ “previous pleas of not guilty and)vessel ek Testa a acumented1wern=tisay:oe or be be our government.and full inquiry willsaatbureaufsentenceden[Re made,after which a course of ac+Beach Tuhs potcn|seta”he"Fe;at lon 0 @ William P.Frye jTheothersweyfined$200 held to bé an unfriendly act,our aayes“ernment will seek the.usual “amends It is*apparent that the German ves-| |brittle,Parisian Sage immediately re- c+Job.”mee} “Brady Printing Co. Barduco Liver Powder ‘FOR ALL— i dandruff,Parisian Sage,an inexpen-sive tonic sold by Statesville DrugCo.,is all that is ever needed.“Itnourishesthehairrootsandstimu-lates the growth of,new hair.Alldandruffisentirelyremovedwithoneapplication,and itching.scalp and falling hair cease;your hair will be bright,-vigorous,soft and fluffy.Whether.your hair is oily,dry or moves the cause and by toning up thescalpquickly:restores the hair to itsoriginalbrillianeyandvigor.FThisdelightfultonicisarealne- Liver Troubles. “leans the system andmakes a healthy_Liver,ee Price 25 Cents. cessity.and will not fail to give alastingbenefittoyourhairandscalp. ~~DRUG DEALERS, .sell for part cash and balance on easy terms. FOR SALE BY ALL|| Sloan Clothing Company.| ‘For Sale!| {8J-acre farm 1}miles from Harmony High School on public road. Fifty acrds in cultivation,balance in woodland,mostly in pasture, -New five-room cottage,large barn and atl out-buildings;-all in good condition.ox : {280-acre farm 2 miles from Harmony on public road.One hun- dred acres in cultivation’(30 acres of which is in fine meadow),‘bal-- ance in timber,Six-roomdwelling,large stéck barn andjout-buildjngs} {Both of the above farms are well located and productive.Can *caeGENERALINSURANCE,RENT”GAITHER,SSS AND Rea poke BG ic.pr imitans aa p_for awhil F E S E N E E E raper,“OBARI AND ‘TAYLORSVILLE.|Vecizindh pte ¥pains No,sera bade leaves Ab .;le Fe-..The ceremony was performed by often almost todeaity,Train No.24 ar.8.36,Ieaves ta ee .mee ater De E,N.ranenn *Hickenoed,ip Medicines e ’wey present session,}re-the presenceof a few intimate friends ela Ene ale Bae Nat a gt fn rm eee Leeman ativan he.home wan tans yagemens he wanted me to|Nos.24 and 24 are not operated on Bunday.legs.in order that I may devote the fully decorated with numerous ferns, |ea bore.and |began2 tingte|Fine i>pulpit’aad ‘pastoral worl peevice ee Sates ChekMimpenbalrod cones mea f ia pulpit.:work...|bride’s roses mmond red roses, It did me more thanall the medi-Fine reat ie unty Home In “T need not attempt to express my |While the beautiful service was read.|| cinesIhadtake Be oF.‘|appreciation of the splendid co-opera-|the wedding party stood on a raised 1 have induced many of myfog 40|Coprrenondence of ‘The Landmark.|tion of the trustees with me in bring-|dais which was:covered with white ey wes and they all aay ine)have |County Home,March 6.—Members|ing the college to its present state of |and banked with Southern smilax. n benelitedby its use.et |of the Hebrew Ladies’Aid Society of|wide influence and of exeellent equip.’To the wedding march,from Lohen- hasbeen,and neverwillbe,a icine |Statesville visited the Home on,the|ment for educational work.Yor 15/erin,with Miss Rae Gill at the piano, to with —I is }2a and furnished.quite a substantial!year that co-operation has been given |Dr.‘Calisch entered first,followed.by tg medicine or all.womanly trou |and delightful treat to all here.The|without stint by you and other trus-,|the groom and his best man,Dr.Har- re ;;gered ladies present were,Mrs.J.H.Hoff-|tees.The result is that today Con-|ry Harrison of Norfolk,Va.The For over50 years,bt Peidieg mann,Mrs.D.A.Miller,and Mrs.\cord Presbytery possesses a college|bride came in on the arm of her|9 tie WOU s $i oe Wm.Whllace,accompanied by Mr.|for women that is worthy of its ap-|father,who gave her in.marriage.)& weak up to.d strength.Wallace,.The ladies brought with!preciation,pride,and of its most ear-During the ceremony,“O,Promise Se ee tai Go oe.them a vietrola loaned by the States-|nest support.Me,”was played in a whisper,and|2 it di surely help asit has 4)ville Housefurnishing Co.Among #Most traly,..while Mendelssohn’s march was play-|% tnillion others.‘the pieces rendered was.one that AS ie SCOTT.”ed,after the ceremony,Mr.and Mrs.|% :Get abottle ofCardui to-day,elovéd’with the Lord’s prayer uttered]In answer to this letter the.trus--Weilman were showered with tne good|% in a distinct and earnest,pleading tees adopted the ‘following: |ofa at:was solemn mn Ma ‘a f ing bride’s parents.Mr,and Mrs.N.Har-letter from Dr.f er rison,864 Whlnut street,when Migs the institution,|Marie“Dear Dr.|Mr.Sidney J.Weilman of Richmond, Write Medicine Con Ladies?‘Bont.enn.talpieEsorotienetha = “Our dear Brother Scott:In‘ac- cepting your retirement from our ser- vice as president of Statesville Ie-|i male,College,we can hardly do more |! voice.I énjoyed this very much,Af- ter being delightfully entertained bythevictrolaforanhourallrepairedtothediningrooms(both white and| colored),where a bountiful spread of|than adopt,and reiterate your own z oa .*oodSLoneStar=+adtes;was”-heartily~enjoyed>—May” d i 'God forever bless these kind ladies is For The Incubator.— “grade of oil in your incubator.You will your time by using” rareorfeteeer ene and lovee rene DRS.CRUSE AND RAGLAND, i Veterinarians,* Dr.Cruse,Local Practitioner.Office rear Polk Gray Drug CoOffice’Phone 109.Residence 'Phone .198 Green. | Fresh Lettuce,— Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes. ’ DIXON’S ELDORADO.PENCILS 14 degreesof hardness.JustthethingforBookkeepersandArtists, Statesville Printing Co. FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING — —PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. -—ECLIPSE ENGINES:AND THRESHERS. T will have.some of our latest style machines here in a short‘time.Comeover the first timeyouareintownandseethem| and let’s talk it over. Cc.H.TURNER,Near the Depot. Iredell *Phone No.74,Bell No.7. M.P.Alexander &Bro. —_—FOR——— Nice FreshMeats and Don’t use a cheap |) lin running the farm. t save your eggs and |eerie |7We cannot say that we.like the! [“T1Z”FIXES.ACHING; \How “Tiz’Does Comfort Tired,crance and accruing necessities.|possesses many lovable.traits. the best.Lone Star |gives the best results.| Fresh Vegetales! |their feet all-day know what sore,| \tender,sweaty,Burning feet mean.|ville to Davidson is infine condition. their feet right up.It keeps feet in|who ‘has the road in charge,delights ‘remedy in the world that.draws out).411 as to drive over it.But that is |puff up the feet and “cause tender,telow the Iredell line and above Da-Miller-McLain Supply Co.||bunions, Fancy Groceries. /erence ‘WHITE KID GLOVE: '“Cleaned‘as.white ‘as snow— not chalked but cleaned. ‘Phone GILLESPIE,350. aut friction.It is not out of place to ‘make mention of your admirable leadership and large liberality in im- proving.the original_-building with furniture,heat,lights,sewerage,al-| the.earnest desire of the writer..j Our farmer,Mr.Freeze,has_his plows running these fine days andhasturnedmuchlandforthenext corn crop.Mr.Freeze says if he had one or two trusties from the chain gang-it-would-be a great help to-him addition of the music hall, equipment up to”date, 000 to $30,000,without.greatly in- creasing the smal!indebtedness the—college.— What Jo.King Doesn’t Like. Durham Herald... “Permit us to put on gaugesone’s capacity:|these ele on.egour own'| |means,in addition to.the yearly ren-) SWOLLEN,SORE FEET-'tal of $1,000,which we have used in’ Burning,Calloused Feet andCeram “We invoke God’s blessing on your! (head and on your labors the remain-| |der of your.days.| i “By ‘order of.the board.Z “J,B.SHEARER,President.” |After adopting this paper the | i board authorized the:executive com-, |mitteé to find a successor to Dr.Scott | iand grrange:details with him;their iaction to be subject to ratification by ‘all the trustees.| i (C.-M.RICHARDS,Secretary. “Ah!Boys, *TIZ"is the ‘Road Well Kept—News of Mt.’ Mourne.| |Correspondence of The Landmark. '-Mt,-Mourne,March 10,—The health |of our community is improving.Un- jcle Henry Reagan,who has been sick |for some time,went to Davidson to- LOnr,are F,bea nietir had} ss Be *“la strokeof.paralysis ajfewdays ago,People who aré forced to stand on ig slowly improving.* The sand-clay road from Moores- ie They use “TIZ,”and .“TIZ”cures!tt seems that Mr.Hobbs,the man “TIZ”is the.only}perfect condition.\in keeping it in.good condition as all ‘the ‘poisonous --exudations which 1.54"we like to see.“The road.just sore,tired,aching feet.It instantly ||;ore ae stops the pain in-corns,callouses and|big Me tha:ae A somition. ‘It’s simply glorious.Ah!)gqSome pull through,some push through how comfortable:your feet feel after and’some.prize eit ‘using “TIZ.”You'll never limp.or},i s 'diraw up your face in pain.Your Mrs a B.Ti gle Bilabed pulling shoes:won’t tighten and hurt your ee"oe A sega igianes it*shine in a few days the plows will'feet.:t Got”pre begin to run and you will hear the|Geta 25 cent box of “TIZ”now}:>fie |from say vas ee or Rev.3.4 Sees eee sng of |general store.Just think!a whole},.See yack s Tai i |year’s foot comfort for only 25 cents.aa wee Al Fair VaR —aoa |Prospect and Genter are expecting New Spring Millinery!aitoh aie I have just returned from the ‘Northern markets where I purchased an up- to call a:pastor soon. Vance Embroidery Club—Meet- ing to Organize Sunday School’ Correspondence of The ndmark. Statesville,R-4,March 8—The Vance Embroidery club met with Missto-dateline of Millinery,{i MaryCarteratDiamond Hill Satur- which is now ondisplay.day afternoon.The weather’being so bad not many were present.The afternoon was spent-embroidering and crocheting.Some new patterns were learned in crocheting.Refreshments were served,Next-meeting to he held with Miss Daisy White,Thursday af- i ternoon,March 11. :Little Hazel Beaver is é ut is improving. Auction Sale!cine David Fox is home from Ral- j +o ;‘There will be a meeting at Vance ‘The undersigned will sell at public g {auction for cash“atthe court house;School ove ae msyernon ie i door .in.Statesville,N.C.,on o'clock,if nothing Prevents.the pur |i pose is to organize a Sunday school,|SATURDAY,MARCH 20,1915,. \at 12 o’clock m.,five shares of stock |Everybody invited to come.lin the Stdtesville Cotton Mills,be-|on ae |longing to the estate of A.D.Cooper,|Probably Murdered and Robbed. deceased.BLECTA F,COOPER,The dead body of Grant Davis,a eo ’_Administratrix.'negro who lived four miles from |BR Be McLaughlin,Atty.‘.|Cherryville,Gaston county,and who i eb.26,1915.=,had been missing since Sunday,was found Wednesday in a brushpile.His skull ‘had’been crushed and nis dody. covered with leaves and brush.It is believed the man was murdered for |\his money,as it is said:he had $300 ee he had incautiously display-ed,ai }NTNTS |DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED iby local applications,as they can- notrqeeh the diseased portion of here is only one way to cure Tin Roofing fee nen’and ‘that is\by constitutionad |Thanking you for yourtradeheretoforeandsolic-'|iting a continuance of same |MRS.MARY SIMS. right siek Cooking Recipes. Geta neat littly card index outfit for them.»Only 90c, Statesville Printing Co. fnese is caused by aninflamedconditionofthemucousne%the Eustachian Tube,When ¢be is inflamed you have a rumblingsoundor4cthearing,and whenoritiaentirelyclosed,Deafness isthe ,re- Along with the dty summer ‘months come the fire’risks. Why not use good grade oftin eat,pas unlers the inflammation can HOLLAND BROS.have changedeee0.:abestgoalandwying,graete.Phone 10, "NOTICE!.i ‘en out this tube restored ‘tonormalShehiNicn,hearing will be de-royed forever;:nine cases out of tengertndaioslsoeesoftioaearcon:*wae ga in.of the mu We will give One Hundred DollarsforahycaseofDeafness(caused byteethatcannot.be cured by Hall's roofing to overcome fire risks.and make permanent roof.“Statesville Tin Co., terations and repairs,and the large|man, all with|Sycle, ‘doubling:the |Hessberg of Richmond,and Dr.Har- capacity of the institution.This has ry Harrison of Norfolk,brother:.of been accomplished at a cost of $25,-|the bride.| of the esteem in which the young couple ing |are-held-by-all who know-them.No ts i :record your!invitations were issued,as the-mar- fidea-of the Legislature attempting to large liberality in contributing at va-|riage Was a very quiet one,and an- |rious.times more than $2,000 towards |nouncement cards were sent to out-of- ifixed chargés,suchas interest,in-|woman of charming personality and |boro _is_visiting frienes.and_relatives. Tues yo tern at 5:30 o’clock,|.Ufveryquiet.but impressive weddingizedatthehomeofthe Harrison became the bride of wishes and congratulations of those)9 present.=& The bride was handsomely gowned|% n a silk coat suit of imported Belgium | ylue faille,with accessories to match.| She 3 good things furnished by these good)kindly words.concerning our ‘mutual,bound in white,with her initials em- co-operation for somany-years-with-rbossed in-gold,.and_a shower bouquet |% of lilies of the valley.nee ' carried.a Bible,exquisitely Immediately after the ceremony an elegant buffet luncheon was served!i to-the assenibled guests;Out-of-town,% guests present were Mrs.Celia Weil-| mother of the groom;Mrs.C.V.| Mrs.M.G.Sycle and Mr.Ben Seasonable Fie Clovers,Grasses,Seed Oats,four varieties, good quality,reasonable prices.Sometimes better and cheaper than you can get by or- dering,with the additional advantage of seeing what you get and returning what may be left over..You can’t reasona bly ex- pect better goods for less money thanI can give.You might want a ‘“‘eetle”accom-—modation.I sell all kinds grain,feed,flour,fertilizer on time.*= * 100-pound bags High Grade Fertilizer for “City gardeners”delivered.*~nares Handsome and exquisite gifts attest| friends only.| town Mrs.Weilman,the only daughter of Mr;and Mrs.Harrison,is a young Mr.| Weilman is a young business man of} Richmond and is popular with a large! cirele of friends.The couple left on: the evening train for New York,and} after March 25th they willbe at home| at the Jefferson Ho iGhmond,Va. Lodge of Heptasophs to Be In- stituted in South Statesville.| Correspondence of The Landmark. Under thé auspices of the Improv-| ed Order Heptasophs,a=lodge of} Heptasophs will be instituted in) Junior Order hall,above W.A.) Evans’store,340 Western avenue,| south Statesville,Thursday night,, March 25th,at 7:30 o'clock. This has been accomplished through| the efforts of Mr.J.T..Speaks,a) member—of-Statesville lodge,_assisted| by.several members who live on the} South Side,who have been anxious! for a long time to have a lodge of| Hpptasophs in that section.f It is expected that the 25th of! March will be quite an event for‘the} South Side,as Statesville lodge will | attend in a body.The supreme of?) ficials.from.Baltimore willbe pres-! ent -and-members of the order-will be} present from ~Gastonia,Concord,| Salisbury,Charlotte and Rock Hill,| 3,-€.Some 37-names-ofthe most; prominent men on the South Side have| signed the charter and 30 men have, been examined and approved for the) ‘new lodge and it is now assuredthat| {be instituted Marehthelodgewill.W.E.TURNER,25th. .SAE { Negro.Couldn’t Bury in “White | Cemetery. Correspondence of The Landmark.4 i Harmony,March 11—Lot of sick-| ness in the community.Mr.W.T.| Byrd,the principal of Harmony High School,who has been absent from-the school.room -for a few days,on.ac- ties.: Mr.Jay H.Campovell of Greens- near Harmony. improving. ing near Oak:Forest,spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents,Mr and Mrs.D.H..Powell,at Harmony. Miss Muriel Hendren,who has been absent from school a few days,is} back with us again.| Harmony.High School is prepar- ment with the best work of all schools of students. RRREETTTTTTT nial. Aorrespondence of The Landmark. I did not vote.Somebody is telling that I voted for Mayor Caldwell and it is»a lie. who will prove to me.that I,voted.”I live on the outside. your lying mouth shut on me.ROBERT D.LACKEY. Statesville,R-6,March 10. Correspondence of;The Landmark.i \Glyde Atwell,Charlie.Fleming,‘Net- tié Galliher,,Guy Galliher,Helen Long,John Shook,Cora Shook,Nola Shook,Henry “Templeton:BeatriceWhite,Claudia White,Gilmer With: erspoon,-McKinley.Combs,..Wade Combs,Rosa Combs,Carrie Combs, ADVERTISED LETTERS., Following isa list of letters remaining in the postoffice at Statesville,N..C.,for the week ending March 9,1015.Miss May Benfield,N.Ge Denny,Robert Johnsen,Miss Lizzie Larrence,J,©,Sanford, “B.BR.Torrence:*Persons calling for ang of the above will H.C.MOHLE . } png i Fr, iy h._Cure.id for-circulars,free,»|Mrs.we.ar ®,£0.Toledo,©|Fen Hall's Fomily Pile’for constcations » count ‘of lagrippe,is back at his du-j2 Mrs,W.G.Hayes,who has been|% confinéd-to her.bed with lagrippe,is|¢ ‘Miss Nannie Powell,‘who is teach-'% ing to face the county commence-j§ and the largest number and prettiest |> R.D.Lackey Enters a Vigorous : .De :.x I will give anybody $1014 So prove to me that I voted or keep 8 Honor Roll of Elmwood School.| the |,Honor:roll of the Elmwood..School|: for the fifth month:Floyd Atwell, ? -2d¢.Floral Crepes ms For Saturday Only,|YApronChecks312c.|— Johnst Ready-to-Wear Department _ Now fflling up with beautiful garments—Sui Coats,Skirts and Waists at very attractive ita White Goods Specials. 40 inch Voile,value 25c.,our price =10¢,27 inch Poplin,value 25c..our price.—10¢, 40-inch Organdies,value 25c.,our price a “10eTheseareperfectgoodsinshortends,2 to 10 yard lengths.i ,Spring Dress Goods. 25c.White Madras — 25c¢.Suitings Silks.- 75e.Silk Poplin,Black,Sand and Battleship._ "Gray,special tee a36inchWashSilks48c.andd_86 inch Embroidered Silks .ee) call for®‘advertised .letters.”:R.V,BRAWLEY,P.M, i line—Hog,Cattle,Poultry }Kayser Gloves. Black and White,both Silk and Cotton,23c.togKidGlovesattheoldprices,|98¢.,$1.26.and $1AreyougoingtotheExposition?We can sujTrunks,Suit Cases,Bags,etc.,at special prices. *pap Cn We can give you exactly what you w aint tn the GameHorse High—-—Bull Strong,Pig Tight.—- WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS YOU CAN BUILD a fence quicker and easier.“Add to this good matrialsandyourfencewilllast.longer,look betterneedfewerrepairs..We knowaswell as you donofurtherarenesisnecessaryforgoodtools angoodmaterials,The one question is whethermakegoodourclaims,—..oeWEHAVETHERIGHTPRICE.4 Iredell Hardware | 7sor AS wt Democratic prim ng that it was that—eventhoughity? iD FRIDAY..ibe a violent assumption—the size of | sex |as*shown by the.primary returns, ee give joy to the party man.A ehetarent:arety 1.00 total’of 850 votes was cast in the Shen ch the Tabel onyour s are not in by date jas fall less than 1,000 Demoerati¢| ‘will bebe stop!+votes were ‘cast-——O78 for Congress-| ’“March 12,1915./man Doughton,to be exact. —all the Statesville Deniocrats haven’t |72. THE LEGISLATURE. it left undone some 'township outside the town (128 ac- of us think ought tohave |cording to those figures)is much | and probably did some |smaller.than most folks thought,| might have beeri left un-|ine a enatnrmeeecsnnananannninl ‘the whole it came up to the s§of those who were care-| to indulge in Great Expecta- Little State-wide .legislation sted;comparatively little was uch time was wasted on al measures,but ‘that:is alt of’the system than of srs;The_system will con- iti people adopt a consti- /amendment to make a change.‘refused to do last fall. have another chance =in ‘Alexander ‘county:citizenship is i /Tuesday’s election.The majority for bonds isn’t as deep as a well nor as ‘wide as a barn doorj‘but it is enough;and the resuit of the eléc- tion is a forward step tne full effects of which cannot now be appreciated but will be realized in the years to come.According to the returns Sto- ny.Point deserves the place of honor in the forward movement.Being on ny Point to a better appreciation of what good roads mean. jAn.editorial.paragraph in..the last issue of The Landmark directed at- tention to some statistics concerning grain production-in Iredell. ticle to which attention was directed was in type and ready for the paper, when the author of it ‘asked that it be withheld for thepresent,The request was honored and the editorial para- graph overlooked,,We hope toa lish the article later. STATE ‘NEWS. The corporation commission has dis- éatest failure of the Legis- :‘he Landmark’s view- 5 was the failure todo something|. ing.a change of our out- and iniquitously unjust sys- assessment.It isa dif- is admitted;but our pub- nts accept place and powertexistingévils.If they fail y have failed in their duty. ‘told this was “not the~pro- ”The “proper time”will -the-—opinion--of those| ‘Legislature i4s-to be-commend- ‘g to get through with- ithe.Democratic vote in Statesyille,wee -primary for mayor,In the whole of ||Wilktbe i tatesville township in.the election)(Charles L.G Either;ughpare ned -}been voting at<the regular election’)Pieaure t Neaialative session “has,the number of Democrats in the |netlon anandTvaluethem highly.”Fer sels vv ol).Carmen, be congratulated on the result.of |s the Iredell line probably helped Sto-|& The:ar-|& scan,R.b are Ca ie,P.W B ‘the Lope seeroakndeouraireeediseurbng| eg,»Salve is aynitenVic:e vo.rap.0.Woksoverthethroat4,Teleased the beat ofthe bo ‘iFortheStomachand.Liven with each breath,250.to N.Stuart,West Webster,N.Ys owassedChemberlain’s Tablets forofthestomachand,liver off and’ony“past five years,and it affords me|”to state that I have found them to win |Beadache, We take real pleasure in announcing the ar-__rival of our large shipment of High“grade ECLIPS tees. Tehehsdeive Patterns;Best Workmanship. $1.00 and $1.50Grades. We have quite a lararge assortment of theseHighGradeEclipseShirtsinneat,attrac-.tive patterns,and you are sure by giving usalooktofindjustwhatyoudesireinShirts. -SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO.(The Whiterio co Bland,id missed the petition from —Charlotte —— lissue.If the taxes levied cted -as.they.should -be_and earnest effort made to bring “dodgers to taw,there will be sufficient,although:the bur- asking that the railroads entering that city be--compelled to unite in aunionpassengerstation. At a “chopping”in Orange coun-| ty—who supposed “choppings”still | :u :existed—J..S;Tilley,a farmer,was,will ‘bear unequally as has al-|jijleq by a falling tree.He was 43)been the case—those who have |years old and is survived by his | less in pro;rtion to’wife.ee ah |It-is stated that the uncompleted | v Th }building at Salisbury designed»for a}f course The Landmark regrets military school,offered the State for!|failure of a dog law and some|the School For the Blind,will be te EES ae which it believed-were|turned over to Rev.Geo.Atkinson,|good;|~who will move the Normal and Col-' for the public bat the dog law ilegiate Institute from Albemarle to!is nearer to success than ever be-!this property. sand by and by public sentiment |In Goldsboro and vicinity there iswillcompelitsenactment.Some jan epidemic of robbery—hold-ups,| omeas +hogs,cattle and chickens stolen and. mares were passed:The pri)‘residences and’stores burglarized.Inmarylawmaynotbeallthatwasde-|Goldsboro in one night,it is reported, but it can be improvedas time |five stores were robbed,and over 300! The division of the State chickens stolen.One store was near- “intojudicial circuits,so that Superior |!Y emptied of its stock.‘Court judges will not have to rotate |Charged with practicing medicine) |without license and accepting pay-.over the whole State,The Landmark |ments for his services,Rev.J.H. ‘believes a proper measure and help-;Garriss was arrested in Newton‘this| to the public service.Requiring;week and will have a _hearing in’ State Treasurerto collect inter-peourt today.Garriss,an aged man,,recently came-to Newton to take)on deposits’of State funds wascharge of a mission of the Northern |step towards putting the.State’s|Methodist Church.88s on a business basis;and Reet ee A.C.ee Hs _oodlent | good wan county,die uesday night! a Sen ves cages —of tuberculosis.A few’weeks ago)mueesutes tallied,as”Das ”|Mrs.Gibbons,realizing that:the end|id,but we can’t expect all mento|was near,revealed the fact that she|Bee alike and can’t expect too much|was not legally married to the|;man with whom she had lived as} |wife for 20 years,and asked that thepapersmakingtheadvance|Marriage ceremony be _performed,which was done.| a eeant ae wee The postoffice at Edgemont,Cald-@ precedent by refusing to vote|wel)county,the terminus of the Car-usual bonus toclerks,pages and /|olina and Northwestern railroad,wasemployesofthe’Assembly,|robbed Monday night,money,stampsonedwithouttheirhost.The-Leg-and.other.valuables,to the.extent.of CA -in break th ‘several hundred dollars being carriedgereaktheprece-|,way,The door of the safe wasandauthorizedtheusualrake-|blown off with nitro-glycerine.Thisis The custom is inexcusable,with-bi secondbn the office_beenina.months.’ut_tenae.on;bet Aticon,days ago the office at Collettsville,tenasimplybecausetiscustom.’miles from Edgemont,was robbed.custom not only permits the em-| of many more employes |,The Houseof Commons has oeeBritishgovernmentauthorityareneeded,simply because the |take over the control of the country’s8wanttoquartersomeof‘entire engineering trace and to placekin,retainers,or the friends and/it under a combined management forivesoffriendsandrelatives,on!ithe purpose of ee the.output »public treasury,but all the em-be war munitions, iG ps are voted a bonus,as a = t of the public treasury—at the, of pe eesession, f our”‘governmentFacet teas|it wiaces | to send a relief expedition to;MENTheLandmarkwillcravethe|ges of the floor to ask that the|— boro News man (whichever one |]N ; em it is that chews the rag so Never Splah grt? about.intervention in Mexico)|Good as That I Spent for m a prominent place on the re-|” _expedition aforesaid.He is not,’Vinol.‘A Be arcaming,Ohio.—‘‘I wish every|er,to have the privilege of writ-|tired,weak,nervous woman could have| about the trip from safe cover;|Vinol for 1 never spent any.money in | _\breaking it up.This’is “when.you|feel that awful nausea and ¢amp- aia Company. The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service. SPRING SHOWING NewSuits Dresses Coatsand Sits,|-— |@ below the warmer.'of heavy castings=bestos lining. The beautiful garments for.early spring wear are here and never before have we displayed a more attractive lot of smart styles.‘The Suits are‘tere in the newestclothsandshadesfrom)$10 to $35.>». Coats and Dressés from $5 to $20.You'llIikethemwhenyouseehow-smart they -are,NEW SPRING SILKS AND WOOLENS. Fashion says that Silks will be good forearlywearandwe've the wanted things in great variety.We are displaying the new SAND ANDPUTTYshades:in the Silks,Woolens andCottonsaswellasChiffonsandtrimming. be Day the Different,Departments are being”brightenedup with just the new- est and best things from the style centers, Don't Forget Our Parcel Post Service. .Scores of out-of-town customers dependlargelyonourmailorderdepartmentfor ~ their wants for they know that their wantsare‘carefully attended to and everything_sent to the door prepaid within a few .hoursafter their wants are made known.Send for sample of anything you may be interested in and sainples will go for the asking.—.: 4 RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO, THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS. must tote a gun and walk in!my life that did me so much as | that I spent for Vinol:My nerveswere |in a very bad condition,making me very|weak,tired,and worn out and often||drowsy headaches.I had’tried cod |liver oil,doctor’s rhedicines,and other.1preparationswithoutbenefit. ‘One day a friend asked ‘the tohim,but usuafly it is the fel-'Messe hae re ae my appetite i,rinterferesthatgets‘hurt,strong,vi irousand wellandcan domydentonthetraingoinginto|housewor with leasure,’’—-Mrs.J.¥nen few days avo is a-cace!LamBorN,Bollefontaitie,Ohio, Nervous,weak,tired,worn-outwo-|men shouldtake IMrs.Lamborn’8 advice|and try Vinol for there are literally |thousands of men‘and women who wereformerlyrun-down,weak and nervous,|who owe theirgood health to Vinol.f Itis me medici otblic.will understand.No-|ments of thethecole fete at te asetythingiswrongbut!blood making,strengthening influence|of tohic iron,contained in 1;ieting statements as to ae makes it s0 efficient in all watang/,B,Hall,Druggtst.Statesville,N.C, r ‘too often go by‘contrartes;| ndmark has hoped for years: the fellow who forces his at- on women get what was com-| }to be hoped that the auditors are again to go over State’ rer Lacy’s books will be able together and make a state-| a Pas Remove That Pain \WITH ONE oF OUR Aseptic Porous Plasters. ————5c,AT —— HALL’S |DRUG.STORE, gh!horrible! gerous ‘drug tonight and you may lose a day’s’work,” Calomel is ‘mercuryor quicksilverwhichcausesnecrosisofthebones.Calomel,when it comes into coatactwithsourbile,craghes intu it, |ae ‘and’make youfeel’tine‘vigoro T want you to go back\tor the store and ges re moneysDodeon’s:LiverTone -is destroyinthesaleof;Calomel becatne it.is.reaarenehonenlreyvegetable,ore it cannavouoet sa.vate or make guarantee that one gs dint f‘Dodgon’s Liver Tone will put b ofavateies,‘and cleanyourbowels.o.ts :and bowels foonsiloated or you have’constipated waste mbit lacie.iiieainees coated tongue,)your system.and makirg you |feeltalea5oeeeDad.tle ofDek T guarantee that ‘a bot-"A Spoonfu armlessDod.4 odgon's,.ayia spect of la of .D)Liver Tonewil keep. -Here’s my guarantee —Go to any drug store and ‘get a 50-cent fF ottleDodson'’s liver Tone.,Take\aeee. ing.If you are sluknoeked‘cut,if:your 4 and “aliver“is torpid months..’Give it to your children.Iiisharmless;doesn’t:gripe and cheylikeitsPigasantpasts SfINCESSrasIRONRANGES =There are four cardinal points that justify the purchase of an Allen's=Princess Range.There are other features galore,but these four points§+m are supreme:.. QUICKNESS,’CONVENIENCE,DURABILITY AND ECONOMY. =The Range with the pipe behind the warming closet,the dish cabinetEquippedwith15gallonReservoir.Double walls and solid steel plates,and between them a heayy as-lote thecast base with legs.Price with 15 gallon reservoir $45.00. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, none 400. Oxygen Welding!| My shopis equipped with an Oxygen Welder andI am Deypered to weld all kinds of metals. -I have the a ency for the KohlerTruckandeAutomobiles.and machinery. N.=FOX. Sanitarylnnovation a EVER ATTEMPTED = At a Soda Fountain in Statesville! In fact very few cities in this coun- try have taken this advance step in Sanitation.Within the next:week we will have installed at our Fountain AN ABSOLUTELY SANITARY SERVICE Each ‘and every Drink,Cream or Sundae served in individual Cups or Dishes.Once used thrown away. _Next drink new cup.Send your “wite and children to the Fountain \of Quality.‘Everything served:the nee wey, E REXA LL STORE. ma Statesville Drug Comp’ye Quality Prescriptionists, THE "PHONE 20.'Prescriptionists. Fi 5 dou titan your entire family feelirg fine ‘for SAFETY FIRST!| Weare NATIONAL BANK eoad i e (5 K R a A >——Member of-—-eur The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.The National Currency “Association of NorthCarolina.,i lenefee as seh mn nother,|f =thern.markets and)Mr nie ;i Neuesanagementoftheansaeeeeuaee“fTOMORROW at 3 o'clock g J)Mr.8.Ro Brown ‘left:Wednesday,.warehouse of the Ballance-Sul-- Semele +lafternoon for a visit to his san,Mr,|i}livan Grocery Co,on Court t of Miss Dunlap and navies Brown;who is a student’at;|street,we will ‘sell at public. yie—Social Affairs.atone:Mr.-Brown will also O to!At on ¥:.dpenny,|Me Broun willalso”go,__Ne matter how Tone you have:eats].(itchen fannre tt ae and ned_‘Tuesday ettexnoon be aw Ncatil Next week :fered from a miserable,upset stom-i B.Stimson’s estate,includ- Paimounesd thé encagenent Cl Moa ;ach,indigestion or.dyspepsia,Mi-o-|ing a Singer Sewing Machine MabelDunlap toMr.A.S.Gii-\gen,M ilminge|2 y ;¢Dunlap to Mr.li-i gon,Mostar ere a:Wilminge|tian easily had at any,drug ere Christ befere Pilate. -hearts were displayed,a|day for a visit to Mrs,Sternberger’s et ah ‘nes ine at or var *tery gre,Sig Wal.@,disiven,‘er il gan sent S,WY.and Logan Stimson, eter ==!linery nt of,Mills &Poston,|=on the second floor of the WestminsterSchoolin Rutherford)=&OMACH auction thé household and ,L,Adams of Bethany town-entertai ulius Sternberger and little)1)4 simple,inexpensive presqrip-/|2dacopy of famous painting Lookout,Wyo.In the par-.lasis--gdessing contest was neld.Miss Lil-Tian Bagwell won the prize-a little pee ‘Mr.F.Fy Steele left Wednesday you @ penny.i ‘ trunk,of mints.Miss Dunlap wasjfor a trip to Atlanta and.other When your stomach:is out of or-Administrators.| -prer i -painted 3 A "der some foods taste good but work Mareh 12,1915.a presented with a hand-painted |points South.Mrs.Steele accompa-)i diy fermenting into a Sharh 1 The MAXIMUM OF SECURITY.Every con : chamois..In the dining room,where|nied him as far as.Charlotte and ,sistentaccommodation extended our patrons. ump and surely causingsour or acid amen:nthe dining SopMoers mied hime os far.as:Cheylotie ondjump abd surely caulng souk EMME)To ee oe oe sera|ne ene a Ieee eae SO rs of Sallsmury taste Jn the mouth,severe palm OTA VAtUABLE SPOCK OF MERCHAN---—9t-————yyntteq States Depository. with cupids on which was “M.D.andi and Bonner Knox of Davidson visited Pl of the stomach,gas,coated|--DISE FOR SALE.%nited States Depository. undersigned,receivers .of the Krider)~ofter at private sale the entire etecklise,consisting of Dry Goods,-No-):* Clothing,Shoes,Trunks,ete,otiy,now.located in Statesville,N-} -A.8.G.,April is the Month,”told the|yfr.J Beeers this week.~tongue,_offensive breath,restless es oor eget tad ey Brae ap)My,and Mrs,J.B,Gray,who visit-|Nights and nervousness..oe Miss Dunlap is a daughter of Mr.\eq relatives here,have returned to),It's needless for you to.suffer Tor nnd ee.W..L.Dunlap of Bethany.|yacon..Be ors ithe just a few.Mi-o-na tablets bring 7°" and is now teaching at eA Mri Mr.Arthur Turner,formerly of,joyful relief —-they do more.ape" oa i.good oppottunity for an invest-| ;,Maggi Ij 5 Pan,Sali 7 i these little “helps to health”sdethe;c.1GillespieisasonofMrsMageziéGil-|Statesville but revently of Salisbury,)Pp NePEE res:co:vsviten deat ve algae ict.Fete st :mieral mercantile bugingss.Addresse.J.A -ac is lespie of ere ‘Wyo,,and a step-|js in town to spend a few days.‘and strengthen the ‘weakened stomach walls and increase }y.pi:Rf ALLISON,Receivers, ae pr.BE,A.Hall of ‘Misses Nona and Jett Brawley:of|V ‘M a8 *erent - Bethany.phy.\}Mooresyille have been with Statesville)the flow of the digestive juices:80/Statcos .G,CEEAOLAEE oe re Mr.‘and Mrs.~William Thurlow |friends.this week.,that the stomach can care for the geMarch,13.TERMEGis oC ie ;=:hess eee er ae ed tees g.¢AV Miss Irene Martin of Lenoir arriv-|food as nature intended.ahd 7 '1:'e ¢:‘Spacey -en gganonn ape Gregory of Lancaster,5,+have ;:;No matter what ail 1 stoma POR SALE—A€2 bargain,3-year-old dark bay |3 ;: announced the eng ment of their ed yesterday for a visit to Miss Altie}o matter what aus your:#horse well-broken to buggy.Also nice new}}. :as neem Set aioe 3 2 |put your faith in Mi-o-na.Get som@) tucv;.J.L.CHAMBERLAIN,‘Phone 298 e @ 7 _©,daughter,erie tO rare r ahahiatae L.C.Caldwetl anc L.W.|Of these barmless but helpful tablets}Blu:+.March 2>-Bt.|?Neate MA SAL aes Frankli :esville.The ;‘i.panes cafes hte date DS rite tanot fered My.|MacKesson and Misses Essie-Cowles|from the Statesville Drug Store to-FOR RENT—Seven-room nouse on .Tradd) ~Smith isa.travelin man *:‘and Margaret Armfield were States.,day and cat whatever your appetite|sir,near Baptist church,W.A.ELIA-| :a s ‘ville visitors in Charlotte yesterday.|“Taves,and never fear disiréss.‘|Son.Feb.26.;W.*chteneneneencenrainmneeem |e are going to assume that you are a T Time club met with Mi iss Charlye Frye returned to her,Z‘TheGood Time club met with Miss}Miss.Charlye Frye returned to her Serpeeessocia young man andawage earner!You have retz Cowles Monday after-work in Newton yesterday after a)Or ie noon i --on-neast~nExontbriefvisit to home people.sore ow Free ambitions that every worthwhile person |.B-Voar Rene tibetsre orld ae (issued by the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company.) sr t s r o e t s aie nes =. street.Officers of the club were re-|Mrs.J.8,MeRoric spent’yesterday'g elected as follows:Miss Cowles pres-}in Hickory with her son,Mr.William): a pares eee vice”MaBerie.ae we ae A independent and have a home some day? presider 88 ys errill sec-|esdames R.N.an¢.W.Ader-}S :Seat os ae and Miss Blanche Laugenour|holdt,ve visited relatives ip States-|f Then you want to savepart of what youearn treasurer.A number of new mem-|ville and the county,left.yesterday’§—salt.itdown forfuture needs when youare older and less capable of earning?What.~ you have saved and put to good use whileyouareyoungandvigorouswillsupplement your salary and make things easier for yol SI T B T I I T T H I T I T T T T I T E bers were received.The.hostess|for their home at Dundee,Miss.ig served:a salad course and sweets,Mr.W.W.Leinster is at home from }p The Why Not club was entertain-|Washington.tt ed by Miss Margaret Armfield Fri-| Mrs..C.B.Webb left this week for, —~day afternoon:—Some--of the guests.Raleigh to visit her daughter,Mrs.% played:cards while the others sewed:'Lee Asheraft.From Raleigh Mrs.' A salad course was served.Webl.will go,next:wesx,to Phila- Mrs.E.Ni Lawrence entertained delphi to spend some time with her 4 the Neighborhood Bridge club Wed-daughter,Mrs.Sydney Peters.a nesday night.Miss.Genevieve”Joy,of —Caze-'9 i bsec ‘Fhe San Souci club met.Wednes-|novia,New.York,who spent -sev-|i which premiums have been paid,it may be renewed for an- day afternoon.with Mrs.Willian H.jeral weeks with friends in Savan-'¢~~‘other termof five years,without medical—sre-examination, McElwee at her)home on Water|nah,Ga.,will arrive this morning .merely by paying the premium due at the age then attained; ;8 THIS POLICY is a Non-participating Term,having no cash surrender value,but having the following special feat- _ures,which makeita.very desirable contract,as it may serve either for temporary insurance,or it maybe extended — through life as cireumstances dictate: At the end of the five years originally covered by this policy,orat the end of any subsequent five year period-for “wien you are olderand your earning pow-ers are less.Ons 4, _We have made clear in former talks rea-_sons why you should save and next Tuesday ey E Davi ial be the guest of Mrs.Pegram A,Bry-ee pga ee nee of the insured,at any qaptversary we are Going to.unravel our plan .ee to rs:Eugene Davis gave a bridge ant.:of this policy,if all the premiums due have been paid,it save.ate or our in es s party Tuesday afterncon in honor of may be exchanged without medical re-examination for apy Landmark ar Rey 8 Geaday her mother,Mrs.Williams,of Ports-|rewARD—will pay $10 reward for the ver form of whole life or endowment insurance issued bythe on icies will be issued.——~~ Company,upon payment of the annual premium for such insurance due at theinsured’s then age;or the policy may be changed at any time within ten years from date ofissue to any SON ar ee form of policy issued by the Company, for an equal amount and retaining the same date,by the payment to the Company of the differencein preasiums with interest at sfx per cent—per annum.In order to do this it has.been necessarytolimit the age to 55 at which these pol- Bristol won the high score prize,black ily from te etey came center-piece,and Mrs.H.0.Steele!March 12—10 <ae was awarded:the consolation.prizé,a | blooming hyacinth.Mrs:‘Williams |BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE—Three build-| ing lots on east:Broad street,very desirable. Was given ¢erpiece as the guest-|Price $900 each;,one beilding lot-on—Park of-honor prize.Two courses of —Fe-street;well”situated,price $600;one build- king lot op Race street,one af the most at- mouth;Va,In the game Mrs.W.A.|covery.of three hounds—-one red and io ,ng wei ae,Mutual Building and Loan Association ¢ P.S.We will sell paid-up stock—worth | ~—-$100-at maturity—for $73, PACERS ce ECHR NEO. freshments—were served.acd Welt in S itte.Price $1,600.Terms |Mrs.J.F.Cariten entertained:at |‘tzactive lots in Statesvitio Price ‘4ah 3 aansridwihesllayafternooninhon=ee:2 A.SCOTT)MSorofMrs.¢;Willliams of Portsmouth.wantrep—Tenant with some force,I fur-/ Full information from |(RceoececHoacRoHoRDEDECaLECECASTCROSCACECECRORCECELROORRRETECSORREOCE SHCRCBNECEORECBIETNIY MERERNIE | was played at two tables.!nish everything.J.W.SUMMERS,States-8March12—2t*|TheMrs.ugen¢Davis made the ‘high,|ville.R-s-=Gage est a e |torone-table and was given i:COAL—I haveabout 49 tang Paes:‘foal (the S.R.BROWN,Local Agent, ‘of pins;Mrs.L.W.MacKes-v ret),“ili.sell he cotewel aa ae highest score’at the.sat $450.cor ci,m ores a J.Sl :ae ‘Statesville,N::G,es other #able and was presented with a SCOTT.March 32—1t.feeepeoseoscas SOROS HOSORR ALEREESEORONO OEE blooming hyacinth.After the game LGGS—Barred Rocks,Thompson strain,from ¢"ert err ————comers aoe -the guests were invited.into the din-|59 cents for 15 up to $4 for 16.HARRY ee \SHERRILL,Statesville,R-2.March 12-—11*ff BOUGHT FOR LESS In connection with our store we have added the ing m,where refresamenis were||1 uA ES re Meee with epring Paap a peers eee Le eA a best electric shoe repairing outfit on the market, a tivelydecors Dee i eh ce eee a Wuyeay {‘Have Bn man to operateit.Will use ae eee [sete ae 3 nothing but the best material,All work done {wil N f NewAdvertisements.WAN?22—Position |as.stenographer,halt¥hi Will Be Sold For Less :ea AEDS i,4A WOrsk GoneWH oti es at owdll day only.Write Miss B.Box 216 h :®be first class.Phone No.40 and we will send for houndg.—Jimmie Dawkins.1a SEED POTATOEScicish Cobblers,Red Bliss’==|your shoes and return them,Will be ready Mon~3 ee ee ener ee |dio handle Cait omTharedaye,ond Foner —a and priced below were bought from man-ay,March 15,1915,.:ee Penant wanrtedsncod:W.Summers./Saturdays.W.E.KRIDER.March 12—2t.|ulacturer’s samples iswhy they can be:sold this way.i :'es Barred rocksept Maney sherri Wane Te as eae|on :The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co,,§ i 2 Os +wattle for—pasture.frite H.7%.3 4 *.::..:{; +Douuieests tebonrapherfonieais|elem NG March 1210 One Lot Ladies’Skirts.|One Lot Ladies’Shirt Waists.|:The Gis Piice Cash Shion Staxe ’ da ee ew,E .—216.'For RENT—Fernished and _wafernlahed The tenes =find priced $2.59 |The $1 regular price ones for 69c.|eae Ce, we WV.Ke rider,f.apartnents or rousekcep:ns.vo ern con+to garegalar,our,rice $1.89 Sc.each.CRORE CCT TLNOR Cattle wanted for pasture —H.2.rir,Chie:He Wi eras to$1 98 P 256.a ene \-———iinet wi xara faba 1305 Walnut St.March 12.—-11%;.|i}The regular $l to $1.50 grade forehoetoa=:e@ 7o¢an ones for59c.to79.’iAnextragoodonefor49e,,Men’s Work Gloves.Se ——-|$1 to $1.25 values.for 79c.to 98c.HI~~Children’s Wash Dresses.ee wales foe A-good $1 Dress for 79c.to 89c.|75.ones at 58c.- The 60c.kind for 39c.:50e.ones in big variety for 39c.to 50¢.grade for 39c.to 44c. White;Salisbury.2 ‘Apartments for housekeeping for |VETERINARIAN—W.=Nicholson,vaterts | al,arian,“recoverec rom an attael o | rent.,W,Marshall,|grippe and is now rezdy,to again serve the Touring carfor sale.—Turnersburg |public in his profession March 12---1t.f arage.:ms %1 oan WN MG Nicholson;veterinariany has |POR BALE 1013 Medel Ford SereeReSatee::rm |good condition,‘ata rrain,.“T 8.)_»°"¥@dovered and is.ready for ‘work:©(|guRnG GARAGE,Tutnessbure,“N.C. Sheriff Deaton will advertise delin-|.March 12-—1t. -quents April 1.|WANTED—White girl to help with leva| "Farm for sale.—W.L.Smith.ran ce niet in ihasiy ||doc.to 40c.Dresses for 25c.44c.apair.—Ghoee building fot for sale—D;Ce "the Landmark ataren 8 ‘Receiving new Spritig Goods all through the ‘various lines we carry,which were bought on a depressed market,which ena- bles us to give extraordinary good values.You will find ourpricesallthroughveryreasonab'e..'Give us a trial.J.M.McKee &Company. No.112 West Broad Street;between Hall’s Drug Store and Lazenby- Gade anesFoodiebak 1 oo el .a reeenieery Hardware Store ,ward...Mare talk to the spendthrift—Mu-ee Te MILE ,Dive cl ; i Gedig dk Lon dao ||abe |—————————|| :ome {(eltactteiitshags eco | ¥é iti .FOR SALE—Two horses and one mule;all) ort of the condition of the First |sound and good workers.Terms.to suit,| National Bank,Commercial National jy,.sLoopr.~~Mareh 9.| Bank.and People’s Loan &Savings|-| m |WANTED—At gnee,500,000 feet six-quarter| |old field pines’Statesville Lumber :Co.ij“Mare iBank...Valuable stock merchandise for Saat: earncnitemiatn thay aoe |sale--R.P.Allison and J.A.Hart-/)502 RENT—Building formerly occupied by |{-ness,receivers.|-Goea Cola Bottling Co.MRS.D.A.MIL-| Bracelets for women.—H.B.Wood-|LER.Mar."6—-6t.| :ianame| }}i i }{it t ||} -Qelipse shirts.—Sherrill-White Shoe £o.es WILL ADVERTISE DELINQUENTS sccm citer ee .Oxygen welding.—N.W.Fox.A Pe on ni der >“thrticles for less—J.M.McKee &APRIL 1ST.{‘,@ -U tt c Oot:7 I am making up my list of delinquent|NG J (ii ‘Allen’s princess ranges.—Crawford-|taxes.Will advertise Apri f,1915,all land|b Hi Bunch Furniture Co.“‘lthat tax has ‘not been paid by that date.|14 ie "New spring goods—Ramisey-|jnt'suve this cat J.MDBATON.|Floor Coverings itJ;and save cost..M.TON...}ih as tere :Mion taly household and kitchen —=—=ae i ate ie ee reaZi=)~PR |and coloring,that costs Jess than rinted ohhh ne furniture tomorrow.—S.W.and Lo-|.FOR SALE?!fl linoleum.leis easily laid,deuires ho Pe =);:. gan Stimson.3 nee build -Seventy-five and five-cighths acres of lend |fastening,and is very durable..Vf ‘The all-kinds-of-weather car—snug and tight if oe ian going to build,se on Balti.sod,3:mille fro Elmwood.1 |Congoleum is splendidforkitchen floor.F and cozy when the topis up.A smart,stylish Fraz’A |Repeated washing cannot injure it.roadster when the top is folded (and it only, of -sand-elayroad,.Ten acres fine branch bot- Electric shoe shop opens |Monday.tom,20 acres in cultivation,balance in tim:‘Tile,matting,oral’and conventions! —S.,M.&H.Shoe Co.ber.For 30 days.only this land ‘will be for|designs,suitable for any room. takes a minute or two to raise or lower the top). Five-year-renewable-term olicy.|sale at $20 per acre.I sold land ‘adjoining |“;‘ —£.R.Brown.ee Vihat at 852 per acre.W.L.oir |tide otpalheaGanoie Wh ad wee tine By all odds a most practical two-passenger car New spring:goods arriving daily.—pe eee ta aed canitary Goot coverings._with luxury built into durability,+ WHAT’S THE USE All the speed and power and usefulness of the’ gas car with the convenience and exclusiveness...of an electric.;SenFordCoupelet$750;Ford TouringCar$490;.‘re Rupabont $440.Allfully equipped f,0..b.:etroit.‘ On display and sale at Re Cy :ss t Sue >‘Carolina Metor Co’s. Buyers will share in profits if we sell aty retail 300,000 new Fordcars between August,1914, and August,1915. ee ce aahCo.as pee bad ;t is printing,.the Brady Print-)105,53 46 oldd:ti i :a:::ging on old-time,oid-fogy,|6 ing Co.is “Johnny on the Job.”hand-mixed paint,that "will goon | -W,.R.Campbell,for 20\years in the chalk off and-discolor,-when-you can} service of the State prison as guard,|2¢t Recta suet was found dead in bed at the State)Ya prison in Raleigh Wednesday morn-}946 ing.ee 3 Mf the Housewife. Madam,if your,husband is like most menheexpectsyoutolookafterthehealthofiyounsltanechildren.Coughs”and coltls,.aren,of the minor ailments and are most:likely to:lead to seriols ‘diseases.A child ie.much more likely to.contract See ae eg nay?ra it oe 4 é ™< #Arai alert haeon phased haphec hme ede Wy thoroughly modern,scientific,ma-|jf i a .ym ?y a |the various remedies,thet.are recommended (chine -~inade-PURE PAINT that will Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy’stands high:in|out-cover and out-last lead and oil}} the estimation of people who use it,It is }yaint and cost you less money?.and.effectua’leasant 4 ‘gafe tNONOecuaiilie,medline oe FOR SALE BYheineisPAG ogaeeeahaa,'Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.» se \ i | { NaeUDYTHE ee iif Mas Rsk yey VvCapt.HL A.nae Chattanoo-ga,Tenn, The following is the list Of stu- dents,as best I can now rememberthem,who attended the school in 1858:Anderson,A.A:(“Ab”);Ander-ten,A.J.(*iack)Bala ¥B.D; ggerly,ynum,George;Peeeas Gather;Chambers,H.A.; Cheshire,John A.;Clegg,Mont D.; *«Coone,T.“A.(7);‘Cowan,Robert V.; *Dobbins,David P.;Gray,R.Wiley;‘Holman,..J...H.3 Holmes....(.2);.Jones, _Charles R.;Linster,Robert 0.;Pen Penry,Boone T.;Reid;Reid,‘Frank;Ricks,(7);Stikeleather,John ~‘Tomlin,eahies Tucker,Thomas '8., dr.;Turner,Alfred;‘Turner,Golum-| bus L.;Weaver,Hal Ay vRexer, “Henry;Wilson,S.L.Some of the names contained inforegoinglistarealsointhe:list of 1868,but I have repeated them eI which yearAfewof ‘there “nen years. *Those who,besides myself,hoatd: ‘ed with Mr.and Mrs.Anderson were John A.Cheshire,.my—roommaze;A A.‘Anderson and his brother,A.J. Anderson;Boone T.Anderson,Al- fred Turner and his cous:n,Columbus L.Turner.Cheshire,the Andersons “and Penry were from Davie county; the Turners and myself from,Iredell. 'Alfred Turney died a few years nee at Statesville and Columbus L,Tur- ner is the proprietor of a big manu-facturing establishmentat-Monbo,on the Catawba river.He and I had not seen eath other since 1858 until 55 years afterwards we met at States- villein May,1913,at the county Con-federate reunion.He looked as young, healthy &nd_vigorous in 1913 as_heSetweybackjn-1858.—One peculiarity.at our boarding ~youse in 1858 was that there were three persons in it who had the nick- name of.“Jack”—4Mr.Anderson,the10st;Cheshire,my roommate,and A.J.Anderson.Another peculiarity inthehouseholdduringtheearly.part of that year was the discussion ofpolitics.The Whig party had,as here->tofore mentioned,been’aereated jandpractically-extinguished-in 1852 un- «der Scott and Graham;and the Know Nothing or>American :party met a‘similar fate in 1856 under.Filmore “and Donelson.So it was thatin 1858, “the opposition to the Democratic partyin‘North Carolina was so demoralized“thatitdid not put out any candidate>for.Governor.B cRae,a prominent lawyer and politiciandownintheCapeFearriverregion,Tan:aa an.independent ..Democrat “against.Judge JohnmW.Ellis of Row-_a@n,who was ‘the regular Democraticnominee.“McRae’s claim on the op-position.‘vote was that he differedfromhisownpartyandfavoredthe AG “this county:as.State SOF the rth if the Ma For:hve as of : on foreign ;sonic Grand’Lodge of Teexamining.and reviewingceedingsfromotherGrand LodgThishasbeendonefromtimetoduringtheyearwhenT’could find jeportunity.In’this way 1 came perossthesketchofMr,Merritt,‘Tt is a hits]tle singular that the acaisk does notmentionhisstayatOlin,but he was there,I know,for several.years,I think the-sketch may’be of inter-est.to the surviving résidents.andstudentsatthatplace. it is as follows: san JAYWOOd,Merritt.oo) AS Haywood Merritt was bern inChathamcounty,near Chapel Hill,N.C,,July 18,1832;diedin t.Airy,NkG.November 14,1913.Twenty-sev- en years of his life were spent in thetownofPittsboro,he being the’edi- tor of a paper and principal of thePittsboroschodls:In the year 1900-he moved to Mt.Airy,which place heniadehishomeuntilhisdeath. os Por many years"”‘Brother’Merritt was a trustee of the University.of| North Carolina,his alma mater,For} 27°years he was superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school’at Pittsboro, For one‘or two terms ‘he represented Senator.For nearly 60 years he was a faithful and enthusiastic member of the Masonic fraternity.In the passing of our dis- tinguished brother,the State atlargelosesoneofherprominentcit-jzens;a champion of righteousness and temperance,an edueator,and a scholar of distinction.The GrandLodgeofNorthCarolinalosesamem- ber whose knowledge.of,and zeal for, the principles and tradit}of Free-masonry have meant michin the per- petuation of its life and interest in its growth.The Church has lost a val- uable and faithful member.BrotherMerritt:was above-all-a Christian gentleman:His lifecand -his—-eerer are’a priceless heritage,” LT Cut a Rock Trough—Prayer Ser- vice. Correspondence of The Landmark. Hiddenite,R.F.D.,March:10.— We are now having some pretty days after another wet spell,and a beauti- ful snowfall last Sunday;put thegroundwassoakedwitlyramandthe snow melted almost as fast as it fell. Mr,Sidney’Mahaffey,who has been very ill with inflammatory rheuma-deed +slightly improved. B,Shoemaker has just fin-ished’i Mr...Newton...McCurdy —a. dairy trough that he cut from.a solidrock...It is the only one of its kind in the county so far as we have Jearn- ed.Mr.Shoemaker is an experienced stone-cutter,having ‘done much of that ‘work before coming to this coun- ty from Swain.He also cut a floor 1{or by any State“lureigutiont r:otearns to.pay.interest 9) |charge for exchange me for |Secretary ofState a bond ir sone For rae He baowny.money is d‘Treasurer,or theotsioner,or by any mi ances.oh said money at.the of 3 per cent.per Sar ae3depositorybankshahes any lection of the‘Treasurer's checks,c‘for the transmission of any fundswhithmay¢ome into his hands asStateTreasurer.The interest»collect-ed on the bank,balances from time totimeshallbe.paid into the State’s general fund.“That the State Treasurer-elect,.be- fore qualifying,shall file with the liable company.or companies,in the sum’of $250,000,the premium:onwhichbondshallbepaidoutofthe general State funds;which said bond,|:before accepted,shall -be approved bytheSpeakeroftheHouseofRepre-sentatives and the President of the Senate.“That,subject.to the approval oftheGovernor.end.the.Council.of State,.'the State’Treasurer shall be author-‘ized.to make short term notes for |temporary emergencies,Hut mustonly|be made to provide for appropriations’already made by the General Assem-| bly.”| 1StonyPoint’s Placeof Honor in| Bond Election. Jorrespondence of The Landmark, Stony Point,March 11.—Tuesday,|9th,the election was ‘held in Alexan-|der county to decide whether we is-| sue bonds to build good roads in our| county.By a close vote the bond is-/ sue Was,carried,much to me delight | of the advocates of good roads. While we feel that Stony Point did| nothing but her duty,yet we claim | the honor largely of carrying this|Beetion,for out of about 90,votes!‘cast.from.this place,not.one was.¢ast—against—good—roads,Almost:| every-man-in the place voted,too.We:are of the opinion that not many! places have ever done sogvell,;-and are! sure that none have eve done better.||Had Stony Point become:divided anddividedhervoteastheothertowns of-the county did,the issue would| most certainly have been fost. We find,by comparing the vote of|various sections of the county with! that.of.the previous road_*election;| that substantial gains have been made| by good road.advocates m amos:| every section of the county.The only| exception noted is the:northern part | of Sharpe's township;which lost.con-|siderably.While—the vote in~Stony}‘Point and the southern.part-of | Sharpe’s was considerably more fa-| vorable to roads than.before,the{township as a whole showed a aragiler | majority by 13 votes. Messrs.A.W;White and G..W.|Sharpe and.families--go~today to,io for the well of Mr.Allen Patterson. Despite the disagreeable weather Sunday night,7th,quite »crowc met Mooresville to attendthe funeral.of}|Mr.N.I.Deal.i thlyrate!#0 such| SHE old Obie ae Sesrridhera“were great for what we call form.” Symmetry,proportion,bonadness. and proper balance out-bidbulging musclefavor—yes,and out-won,te,Just .as the today.%eR Ria ee A vi eoON thick,heavy tires were the last wordia tire construction,we could wipe out.of. existence 4 Goodrich Research and Test_Department.proploying..-Seventy..people...We...would take ..ct the road a "battalion’of ten autornobiles,that run twenty-four hours a day and every day in tho year,grinding tires of a!makes to pieces,just’for the sake of informati¢n. to us and eventuel economy to’the user cfGoodrichTires, preombcrnakeweyire aetapriprite eltatmee heataeiMerebulkneverwas¢eynonymous “with|endurance—and the truth of this statement drives * _home we a:bang,when you apply it to tires, oy ‘There is Where we Iéarn to cut out cf'a t Se: the material which gets-the-user nothing.- Of coursé,when we stripped.tize of:their padding—fictitious values——we expected rivals to say.we had stripped ovr tires. Note the following table cf comparative prices on non-skid tires,Columns headed and.“D”represent four highly-advertised ives: ywes their eal¥“comechacte”They hadtosaythat,in airing down pricesthepointwheretheywerefairtodealer.end consumer ard,left,noFoon for injurious’©price.cutting ‘thetiog,we Had serpHen our tires oof ‘some ‘quality,tec.ee wget ftom ge for; “will” ¥ ‘Ait By Caperinwre,hlee bs trained :acy:re 643/03 brawn acd TUSClom nO fot;Ut represents en's - the abi lity 10 C2t OME Lae oxti costa oF rane ~fastuce,tise extra cod:3 cf labor,of extra,neernaterial,and to give yon the best,Tan cpACS Rigsh-standdard tire i tre worAd, “Phere:are oar trcs25 we!we price lists, Don't pay rs paciding. Now don’t forgetchis—-we are talking terthe main about Gooérish Safer y ‘Tread ‘Tires,forthey.revretent”ninety:por Cont of our factory output for tescicss A SUB MP erenor.A053 Lt 72 pat the pads cod prises oF ermccia ‘trend fire 3.64 th0 Tun,the evilor pacdod pri ey och non-skid tires etill is in sat below: a ioe Lists@pe h-in-tatleBUeee4 it Oy Akron,Chin er "Sy.hor GoodriSafetySizespe.Tread §yy | OTHER MAKUS | ee “age |epspt ; et came.ware $10.55| }3:3515.4022.3032.1539.80! Is 9.4512:204.0020.3528.70133.90 4 30x3 730x3% 32x3234x4 136x442 137x5 emer’seers ae r10.95 AA 2S 1630222;ao!: 33.60 |i 41.80} 3iyzs6.35)de alfojoaOmSakaeS115).41.8 4 ; If you are charged fessfor any.ct!het TADIce than Goodrich,they are taking ft cut cf'the tires i you aré charged more,theycre taking it out of Tot :GOODRICH i Mart “Robinson,a worthy wane Items From Harmony Com 'man-who was found dead at his home| munity |near Newton a few days ago,left a The.Supreme Court:of the United |willdisposing of a farm of 175 acres: old Whig policy of dividing the pro- ceeds of the sale of the public lands of the Federal government among the'States according to ponulation,to be| at Mr.J.Wm.McCurdy’s and had a prayermeeting ©conducted:by...Mr. Boyce Mayberry,a young man of the|Rocky Greek community.Mr.May-‘used for the benefit of the common‘achools.He.was,huwever,badly de-feated,though an able man and finedebater.He was afterwards colonel of one of the North Carolina regi-ments—the Fifth.I think-——in the Con- federate war,and mace a good repu- ie tation.as.a soldior.The inmates of ‘our bearding house were divided in’polities.The Turners ancmyself and,1 think.Cheshire,wereerats.I am not sure a».dersons,host and students,but,I_think.theywere Demoerats.I know >that Boone Penry,the oldest student “among us,wasn zealous Democrat of <i ardent temperament,a great de-hater in our literery society and was exceedingly fond of nolitieal diseus sion.“From some affection.of thescalphehadlost.early all of his and his baldness made him ap-'|. pear much raf than:he was,’“and ut the An- ‘greatly enlargfZd the space’which,"with his face,became very red whenthebecameexcitedinargument.-Hehaethehabit;-too;-when-enheatedargumentatthe boardinghouse,of walking back and forth ‘in‘the*porch,waving his handkerchiefand:talking with much-vehemence,None of the rest of us oor Sane up“against him in political debate,and“when we were brave enough to un- -dertake it.were generally overwhelm-ed with his excited speech:He prais-ed Judge Ellis,the Democratic:nomi-nee,With the customary praise of the“politician and claimed for him all the‘Politieal and personal virtues.of a“public man...He looked upon McRaewithcontemptasadeserterandbe- trayer of the Democratic party,and“berated him with “ali the strenuous|language of dislike that he could ‘command.While,as ©stated above, /none of the rest of us undertook to equal him in political debate,Colum-bus Li;Turner often,—for:his own amusement and ours,provoked:Penry: .to excited declamation.Of course}when the result of the election was/ known Penry was rejoiced’and took his revenge over those of us who were correspondingly:depressed;but he *was a good-hearted fellow,of much eapacity.and force.I do not remem-ber,if I ever knew,what became of_-him,or of Cheshire,after we separat-ed in 1858.But I fave no doubt Hothofthemactedwelltheirpartin/life,wheresoever their lines were thrown.My.recollection.is that_ail_the board-ers in that housein 1858 and most oftheyoungmen.in school at Olin thatyearenteredtheConféderateserviceandmade.good soldiers in the-greatwarthatbeganin.1861.Mr.and|Mrs,Anderson,our.host and hostess,had no children of their own,butwereaskindand*good as/they could,be to the boys who composed their“household in the time above mention-ed.Some years afterwards Mr.An-dergon,while driving a.wagon “andberthispipe,was by a jolt thrown‘the ground and the stem of his§forced down his throat,from theetsoewhiehhedied, in berry is quite young,almost a boy, yet he impresses a@ congregation and promises to make his mark in the world; Frogs Herald Spring’3 aporeach—Price of Wheat Off. Qorrespondence of The Landmark.~ Turnersburg,March 11 —We are having some fine weather overhead but the air is very cool.The goodoldsummertimeisfastdrawingnear.I heard:the frogs last weekandthisisatokenthatspringisnear.At least..to hear them mademefeelbetterastheweatherhas been so,_very disagreeable this win- ters. There!is much sickness in.thecountryaboutandourfaithfulDr. Jaurney keeps coming and going.|“Miss.Murial_Hendren,‘a:student-ofHarmony,high school,has been rightsickandhas,been coniinea ¥9 "nerhomehereforseveraldays./She:isnowbetterandwill.return to:her! ‘school: Mr,A.F.Haryis a new auto.| ‘The priceof ‘wheat is somewhatoff.The farmers were offered a-good price.for their wheat,put —theythoughtthattheprice“wourd get better,and now they wiil take,if they were to sell today,between 40and50.cents less on the bushel. has purchased Wasa Case of Murder. It has been decided that BurkheadN.Mann,the Durham merchant foundinadyingcondition‘on:the.streets of that town:Monday evening,and murdered.It is supposed that the purpose of the attack was robbery, but a gold watch and a small amount of money on Mann’s person were un- touched and there were no indications that his person ‘had been searchec.‘Apparently Mann was.killed by a blow with a club ana a broken pieceofabilliard-cue found nearby is be- lieved to have figured in the tragedy. There is as yet no clue to the murder- er. AND tne RTEA I PE TT More Aliens Go Out Than Come In. For the first time in American his- tory the tide of immigration has been turned back toward Europe.A state- ment issued by Immigration Commis-sioner.Caminetti shows that in “De- cember the number of emigrant.aliensleavingtheUnitedStateswasgreater by 2,240 than the total of immigrants entering.In January 1 y057 more de-parted than entered, Departures for the’six months from Atugust,1914,to January to- talled 18,Bab more ‘than arrivals,in- cluding both emigrants and non-emi- grant aliens..5 ‘ Soratetease ued -merepmemervewed 1 4 Best Treatment For Constipation.My daughter used Chamberlain's Tabletsforconstipationwithgoodresultsand[canrecommendthemhighly,”writes Paul RB, who.expired a few hours later,was} taken by the State of Illinois in the} case of John B;Gaskill againstthe |Forest’Home Cemetery Gompany HH Chicane,which has beeome ‘histor:ea Gaskill.is a négro who purchased | a lot in the cemetery,but was denied| nermission to bu¥y a member of hisfamilytherebythetrusteesofthe cemetery after they made the discov- ery that the purchaser was a negio, A bill for the relief of Gaskill pass- ed the Ulinois Legislature some years ago,but was vetoed by.the Governor ‘on the:advice of the Attor- ney General.The case was dismissed by Chief Justice White on the ground that no Federal question was involved:in the judgment:Ae ranen by the Supreme | Court of &Tiinois,een found against Gaskill.: rarer S.Otho Wilson Dead. “The Smithfield Heraldreports the death of Mr.S.Otho Wilson,which occurred Sunday.at Selma,Johnston county.; In the Populist and fusion .days, from 1894 to.1900,Wilson was a.con- spicuous figure in the politics of the State.He was charged with organ+ izing Gideon’s band,a secret political society,and was indicted,but escaped with a plea of nolo contencere.He was elected corporation commission- er but was removed by Gov.Russell.For years he had been unheard of. Ex-Congressman ~Gudger of the tenth district wants to be judge of theCourtofClaimsinWashington. 10-CENT “CASCARETS” STRAIGHTEN YOU UP!) Tonight!Clean Your Bowels and EndHeadaches,Colds. Get a 10-cent box now.Turn the raseals out —the head- ache,biliousness,indigestion,—the sick,souy stomach and =bad coldg+= turn them out tonight and keep themoutwithCascarets. Millions of men and women ‘take a Cascaret now.and then and neverknowthemiserycausedby«lazy liver,clogged*bowals,or an upsét stomach,Don't put in another day of dis-tress.Let.Cascarets cleanse,yourstomach;remove the sour,ferment-ing food;take the excess bile from your liver and earry out all the son-stipated waste matter and poison.in‘the bowels.Then you’will feel great,:A Gasearet tonight you sout by morning.|They ~work while you sleep.A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and.clean,healthyliverandbowelaction.for monshs,Children love Cascarets>because they straip’htens Babin,Brushly,La,For sale by all dealers, States,speaking through Chief Jus-!and some personal property..The @8-| tice White,has denied”the appeal |tdte.was equally divided among the six children of Robeson,nothing.being| left to his wife. ‘Hereis Good News |For Stomach Victims’ some very remarkable results “are| being’obtained by treating stomach,} liver and intestinal troubles with pure| vegetable oils,which exert a cleans-! ing,soothing and purifying action! upon the lower bowels,removing ‘the obstructions of poisonous fecal mat- ter and gases and preventing their| absorption by the blood..This done, the food is allowed free passage tromthestomach,-ferfhentation.ceases)and stomach troubles quickly -disap-| 4 ipeary .-{‘George H.Mayr,for twenty years: a leading Chicago druggist,cured,himself and many-of his friends of: ‘Stomach,liver and intestinal troubles — of years’standing by this.treatment,| and so successful was the remedy he! devised that it has since been pladed|in the hands of druggists all over the country,who have sold thousands of bottles.‘Though absolutely harmless,theeffectofthemedicineissufficientto convince any one of its remarkable effectiveness,and within 24 hours the ‘sufferer feels ‘like a new |person. May?t’s Wonderful Remedy is sold by leading druggists everywhere with the positive understanding that your money will be refunded ‘without ques- tion or quibble if ONE bottle.fails to give you absolute satisfaction. -Wood’s Seed Oats| are all choice,recleanedstocks,much superior to oats as ordinatily sold,« Oats are one of the cropsthatpromiseprofitablere-turns.“For best crop results,sOW aSearly as practicable. Write for “WOOD'S CROPSPECIAL,”~giving pricesand.“special information.4-bout.the.most ©profitablecropstoplaitatthisseasonoftheyear.Mailed on re-quest. -T.W.WoOoD &SONS, SEEDSMEN,.Richmond,Va. ‘Wood’s Descriptive Catalogfor1915,telling about all Farm and “Garden Seeds,free’i request, ¢ _W.D.TURNER, OF STATESVILLE,N.C. CAPITAL PAID _$100,000.00SURPLUS*$1,000,060 Bankingis a necessary institution in the develop-__Naimentandwelfareofnations,Itis likewise a neces. -sary institution in the development aud ‘progress of any city,town or community.‘A bank’s usefulness to a community depends uponitsabilityandwillingnesstoservethelegitimate business requirements for loan and discount.accom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial and savings deposits.The COMMERCIAL.NATIONAL BANK is a localinstitution,with large capital and surplus,furnishes .good security to depositors and with resources ofover$600,000 has the willingness to serve this ¢eemunityineverybranchoflegitimatebanking.a.-jievingin this community,our policyis,and has ale waysbeen,progressive-and constractive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementof,the-nericultural,manufacturingand—com devel:opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de-posits are local and our loans are likewise local andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocal enterprises.To our customers we furnish check booka free,render statenients or balance pass bouks atthéendofeachmonth,make loans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactoryto.our board and in suchamountsasbusinessrequirementsandresponsibilitywarrant,We pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent ‘per annum on time and savings deposits’Temainingy three months or longer.Upon these bases we solicit your business. President, ~-Vice President,°:Cashier.—AssistantCashier. K.MORRISON,--D,M.AUSLEY,G.EK.HUGHEY, 10 lots in Bloomfield. waeMILLS, ToBay a Nice Farm and GetReady for Next Year’s Crop. No.1—345 acres in Elmwood.‘All’school and church conveniences.*Strong land,40 acres in ,bottom,8-room house,large basjandouthouses.oY.No.a acres.34 miles east of city..This propertylies on the sand 2yhighwaynowbeingconstructedbythegovernment,ealtor Dairyand Truck farming...No,3=40 acres 1 1-4 miles from piblicaauese Splendidly.scaphed ell line—abargain.for Dairy purposes;-Live Stock and Poul No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just:across .40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’”’—-$15 down,:¥balarice'insao.paymentsof $5:5-~.Terms nag 8 Six lotsin south Statesville,asectionfastdeveloping:Several nice houses.and lots tosollCallonmeandlearnwhatIhave.-Statesville,NN.¢. 547:CerPHONEee never ‘gripe or sicken, Write for it, 3> eu A C I T T E T T t E s ST R 2 soy tt gg oe Mg~-Lessons Come Easier IF the child has a big,generous light to study by.The}@,LAMP saves eye strain.It is kerosene light at its best—clear,.mellow,and unflickering. ‘Fhe RAYO does not smoke or smell.It TT Ti m m i n s in i sd e t i a a n a t a i e ve a number of bulletins to mailtothosedesiring:guch and.will be |:ad to help personally so far as’is possible.Lrequires so little exvenditure of mon- Naat Mt:he OM ne 8 Re ae ireturns,poe,Siimoaeeeeluce—Spray,farmers,spray with care,|Fruit Growing--tnstructh me.Spray.the apple,‘peach and pear; 1 kon the Werte camer ge te Suray.fom aaah,and «Srey,|So}ondence of ‘The Landmark.~~__blight,on ree |Very few farmers pay any attefi-)Pky,oh spray,‘and do it right, ition to the orchard,or at least to."i TS.:| eva it the’ree pee This is pi G.Ei DULE, Hy due to a lack of knowledge of the yr,AmendmentstoBe Sub-| ‘ind of stisnGon.it eden ¥to Fou Amendments to Be Sub ithe erreneous idea that a great deal)mitted. ‘of care is required,put mainly to the ‘The General Assembly ‘passed the “fact that a one-erdp systemisfol-|bill providing for,eubmission to the| .>4ies 'ji i+f te ‘lowed.The orchard with a little ¢are peovle,at the next general election,| |may.be made to prodiice fruit enough’of four constitutional amendments,| for the farmer.and his family for the These provide,first,for the restric-| |whole year.we Be tion,of local and private legislation| tready have ~enough b -}for the.elimination of special char-| ters to corporations,by the same} Most farms aitreessetoutto supply this need,but|with the rush of farm’work pruning;spraying and proper cultivation are ‘body;third,for restrictions in grant-| jneglected.Some sort of culttvation ‘nr charters to cities,towns and in-| jis usually practiced but too frequent-|corporated villages;fourth,for the}. ily it consists in plowing with some ¢lection of emergency.judges.These} pipiens,that”stirs thesoil to a/amendments were defeated at the, idepth of four or five inches,which al-last general election when six other | iso ents the small roots lying near the |amendments jwere defeated. ey and time and givés such excellent,Ti by~the~General--Assembly;—second,.— n't.neglect’a task that!| know how good it is.untilyoutryit,” Coble’s.Croup ‘ Pneumonia Remedy/,id isthe new:treatment for Children FOR ‘NiCROUPANDALL-COLD TROUBLES ! IT:RELIEVES INSTANTLY Reis Can be wed with all safety and is in LIQUID form.; Easily applied.YOU JUST RUB IT ON..Childrenlike it. 95 cents,50 cents and $1.00 sizes.Your Druggist sellsand Recommends it ai § Sern eee ‘surface,that are the principal feed-|‘he first amendment is by far the He ~Ifyou failed tomake a resolution on Jan--- uary ist to save money this year—then why not do'so now.We will beglad to have you start an account in |OurSavings Department if with only $1.00.If you will do this, and add to it regularly from time_to time it will make you independent. We Pay 4 Per Cent Compound Interest on Savings, Bret oe 4 :ae es —Bap about a.third of the ey Thi:*.ae 3 ee 2 .nm tc ~eT ee ed Be ‘out the smaller branches evenly,re-Scap Dries:Your.Scalp,vausing |} Merchants and Farmers Bank,moving those that are diseased,de-Dandruff,Then Hair Falls Out." ,formed or interfering with othe:-After washing your hair with soap|Of Statesville, -“The Bank For Your Savings.”’ StartAnAccount!up with business ‘that shoulddormantstage)taken 1 ¢comnius-Btends to encourage.wood”growth.be transacted by county However,the latter time-is usually!Sicne:s.: chosen owing to the slackness of oth- er farm duties.This growth is large- ly in the form of watersorouts~and- ‘usually not s6-butwhat it mayZ\be removed by a little extra effort.g; :Pruning should be begun when the ,., =tree is first set out,as but little need jy ; e proper +,,require a railroad.to carry one! 2 }i followedup.each es conunodily,or class of “traffic at 3! E the time required to keep the orchatd'},:;o-only nominal ‘profit,even. =in shape is quite smuail.If,however,t)..ch adequate profit is obtained g'the tree has attained several years’¢,.its business as a whole within, =zrowth before being pruned,many in.st Under that priaciple the =good-sized limbs will need to be re-o4):t annulled the West Virginia 2) =moved and the desired form will be ,..i =\harder to secure.Hach tree presents ‘and if done in the |jtt Railroads Must,Have a Profit on} All Commodities.; ‘The Supreme Court,of the United) ‘5,in a decision rendered this laid down the principle that, st o &Western and the eisary to remove the excess of parts:, =without doing injury to those re- =maining :;Justice Hughes-announced.the “decis-/ In taking up a tree of considerable ;;.justice Pitney alone dissented.| size note carefully the branches that)=[yo t ould be left,then saw the others: with a narrow saw,beginning in the... E crotch right:where the bark forms.a =seam,sawing down.parallel with the =yomaining limb.Care must be taken =in sawing off a limb that it does not ‘BE )split down when nearly cut through.©: =This may be prevented by first sawing Paul &Sault Ste Marie one commodity or class_of| tic for regulation it-must appor-| on to it a proper part of all ‘general| npensation,, RLS!STOP’WASHINGTHEHAIRWITH § QAP, always apply a little Danderine,to|All cuts.a half inch or more in dia:i 4 thé sealp to invigorate the hair and:eter’should receive a coat:of -linse 4 Am Always Short of MyStandard.” “That’s what I am,’’my friend said.“Well,what are going to do about it?”’“Oh!I don’t know what to do unless Iandpaddling3“Wouldn't you like me to tell you what not todo?’’‘Indeed I would.”© “Well,sir,don’t loweryous,high standard.Perhaps if ‘you were to raise it an inch or two higher,you ‘might rise to.greater effort.’’—Jolin Wanamaker.ee ee The Standard of the Statesville:Realty &Investment.Co.”for Square Dealing,prompt and efficient SERVICE in all itsbranchesofbusiness,remains,as it has for the past nine years.of its-career,business,©“We Insure Anything Insurable.” Call on us for service.’Phone us if more convenient.‘Statesville Realty &Investment Co. -J.F.CARLTON,:Manager, _’Phone 54,Statesville,N.C. keep on struggling a-monument to its present—successful-__- ‘will sell well when fruit’is drug nal 4 on the market,or that will keep un-%¢a time.This willy remove dust, der reasonable storage conditions.\:dirt and’excessive oil.In a few mo-| is absolutely necessary to spray.‘The ments you will be amazed,your hair) returns in quality and yield are quite will not only be clean;but it will be} large compared with the expense ‘and wavy,fluffy and abundant,and pos-| labor of spraying.Like all.other S€S5 an incomparable softness and | *work that.brings good returns,cere lustre.é ,ae ‘must be exercised in spraying to vét Besides cleansing and beautifying| it evenly ‘done,covering all parts the hair,one application of Dander- Lwithout «wasting the liquid.Consid-ine dissolves every particle of dah-} erable pressure is necessary to force druff;stimulates the scalp,stopping| ‘the mist-like’spray,and in the ap-itching and falling hair.Danderihe | ‘nliestion for the.Godling Moth it is 18 to the hair what fresh showers of} “needed to:force the liquid into the Tam and sunshine are to vegetation.| ‘heart of the calyx,where it-will be It goes right to:the roots,invigorates; |most effective.An.ordinary barrel and strengthens them. ‘pump.operated by hand willbe effi-88 and _life-producing ff eient—for-the-averagefarm—orchard : ‘and is quite moderate in cost.Al-ee ¥ imost any number of sprayings may ,Men!Ladies:hai be made that the grower wishes,but lots of charming hair. _@ three of these are considered of par- ‘8 ticular importance.These are the dor- mant or winter spraying,the calyx-try_i. cup (just after the petals or blooms|fall)and three or four weeks later.The dormant spraying fe for theeradicationoftheSanJoseScaleani is an application‘of lime-sulphur.[t -may be of the commercial prepara tion,one gallon to eight or ten of water;or may.be made at home of 2 Get a.25 cen any drug store or toilet counter and The Handsomest. \ = |People’s Loan &Savings Bank, Capital -$50,000.00 Is now located_in its New Building on Center street and;ready for business.» Stockholders;customers,business men,farmers, and the public are invited to come in and see our handsome new quarters,where we are prepared to transact‘a banking business in all of itsdepartments. Your presence,and that of your friends,will be ’appreciated.,Courteous employes will show.you over the building,and give prompt attention to all 'business that may be entrusted to us.« _GEO.H.BROWN 26 “«President.-Cashier. inne 15 pounds each of lime and sulphurto50°gallons of water.This requires boiling,so most.men prefer to buy thereadypreparedspray.An,application of this -is beneficial although thescalemaynotbepresent.The calyx-cup spray is’made of ! 1-2 gallons.commercial lime-sulphurito50,gallons of water and 3 poundsofarsenateoflead(paste).This is the most important spray of all and,shauld never be.neglected in a bear-‘ing orchard.Its special object is tokilltheCodlingMoth,which makesthe“wormy apple”py ©entering through the blossom end usually,and‘shouldbe applied just,after the petaisfallandbeforethecalyxcloses.”Ap-\ply plenty of pressure and reach every‘blossom and from 80 to 90 per centlofthefruit:will be free from this Hingect,29 4 00 ;:.The next spray,coming three or|four weeks later,should be made uplofBordeauxmixtureandarsenateof‘ilead.Gime 4 ‘pounds,-bluestone 3{pounds arid arsenate of lead 3 pounds:ito 50 gallons of water).It is a com-\bined insecticide and fungicide,de-'|stroying the insects and.preventinglanaenoftherustandrot.However, | Floral Designs Obtainable today in the South are pre- pared by e Van Lindley Co., ©RUORISTS TO THE SOUTH, _GREENSBORO,N.c a.spraying with this Same solution about ten weeks Jater will be of more, use for preventing fungus diseases.The directions given above are com- Be enough for any one to go ahead|{with the spraying,but should you de-|.(sire more extended and complete di-|rections they may.be secured of ithe)+United States Department:of Agri-| Local Agents, ‘beyond the power of the State! cent rate law as to the Norfolk’§ .-North Dakota:} =a problem in itself and care Is neceS~|\-,jte coal rate law as to the North-|# Pacific and the Minneapolis,St.)¢railroads.9 Its..exhilarat-| properties| cause the hair to grow long,strong| bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine a Polk Gray Drug Co, court held that when a State SI 3 3 i e t -censes and then allow substantial!# po e o s e p e s e y e e s s e u r e r e s t t :;:‘ers of the tree.Pruning is frequently,most important,Submitted alone}am aR A ELI AT “ 18 easy to hi rht,easy to clean,and easy to »iperformed in the same daphagaral ©|attention directed ta its “merits,|j G oOo pD A I M E!ESOT RAE rewick:The RAYOcosts little,but you |way and spraying is generally omit-'or eumapiication wits ovher >CINE Ak Sie ;4g i EG ‘ted entirely.2 +\‘arcendments,the people would.pro “14 ;:rca ex-canner ger &betes inp St say price,J]SSR farm orchard pings”one ie Catal Ge net for|5eSer bln and have mene on fim.”Then there so economy ;d |is,perhaps,the most urgently needed |it is pressing.But the trouble with Rearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.No, STANDARD OIL COMPANY Fs oe eeee nee eave Pfal conte tes ia whieh,es se what you want to do is to get your watch or cluck repaired by BOB s roper pruning can.be done on er fal!was 5 hic -::;; ven pea.S »(NEW JERSEY)Cela HS Fe ee aie can idea of a tans jection could be raised,and the need|HENRY while he is aavOnSE -anne time to repairing watches and Richmond,Va.BALTIMORE|Chaitcoton,3.C>sons for this attention.Froper prup-)fo!which a admitted,fel}witht clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-giasses.ie ; ae ::line removes.the.diseased parts of,those on_which opinion was divide Pp WwW Ww yr # 2)|ihe tree and excessive Seewiie egepa |becavse all were on ie same ticket.Ri.Ik e HEN RY a Sree Jeweler.sete fh 2 ‘the.tree healthy by admitting the|Four amendments may be too mahy)ce —screeners cee — ‘sunlight and gives the fruit that good,|to »:bmit-at one time,but The gesgzesseasesgssestasssestsassttssetis Tyess33t stt27es3 seitegeneegsssseeseseeseseeeseesesset ;}ye Pg we ‘bright color and rich flavor so highly,Landmark is hoping the people won't %IBS LLL Ahiesdeba dll abldoehiieba ibe ALi )prized ‘by the particular consumer.)orc!by the next election that 79 ‘::\Pruning done,in the summer during to °0 per cent ‘of the time of the} Co)eeeSa vii *ees “=\actiye growth encourages fruitfulness levisiative session”just ended was;“PittsburgPerfect”Fence. All “Pittsburg Perfect”Fences have stay Wiresas # heavy as intermediate line wires.A fence is only as strong as its lightest wire.No wire projections:: to injure stock or pull wool from sheep.Possesses § the strongest fence joint in the world—the Weld # That Held...Wherethewires are welded together by electricity,the fence is twice as strongas the wire © itself.Guaranteed that the wire is not injured at ¢ the joints..Guaranteed that the stays cannot be § slipped or separated from strands.Guaranteed ad-¢ justable to uneven ground.Guaranteed stronger § and more durable than any.other.Every rod guaranteed perfect. when buying fence,If you weigh it in the roll,re-¢ member that “Pittsburg Perfect”is all fence—noan-#% Gauge the We tiquated wrapped or tie oil paint.to.prevent decay:enteriny prevent dryness.Better still,use,:sei ‘and.working its way down throuch soap as sparingly as Roun:ey te 8.:ee oe ore ce cr eae Wé'the heart of the tree.stead have a “Danderine air |3 L,bh Mi t H 3 a Co. Spraying.Cleanse.”Just moisten a cloth aie azen on gomery.ar ware e ;it that Danderine and draw it carefully }‘‘ To,prod ies Se ee =;through your hair,taking one strand |SERCOEROS REACAORCRORCE RR ort= ou ean surelyhave fF + 8 ° oO CO ry CR O C E EE ./eulture,Washington,D,C.,the State |a aoerimentStation“Raleigh,or Lh ;ied joints,no useless wire,no # useless weight.ee arn Money to Loan? No,but we have something better for you if you have cotton seed or_ need tobuy FEED...” Weare giving a liberal exchange of meal and hulls for seed.Our prop- osition will double the value of. your seed if you take advantage of it.Bring in your seed early,as we expect to close down mill for ‘the seasou .try much earlier this ‘season than usual.—Yours truly, IMPERIAL COTTON OIL CO "PHONE 205. SEP oTs PANY ThatBWHENyougoaftertheburglar in your home zou want thethatwillGEThim~not miss fire and let him GET you,— WHEN you goafter the robber of your health,you want to GET! first shot,before he gets you To doit,you must aim!get the BEST and plug the bull’s eye with the shot thateverypullofthetrigger,a eatie WHEN you take drugs that are not up to the ‘yery highestéyou’re wasting your ammunition—shvoting in the air, WHEN you sttike the trail that leads to top-notch purity andciencyindrugsitwilllandyouright‘‘on the square.’”the door.and stepin,=~ee ee aThePolkGrayDrugGompa CORRE ber! Gr 0bs 2s. r e OCR ECR OEf 4 _..missionary conferences Will Ingugurate| |‘Aw a result of the Missionar idte—oftheSouth Yadkin ptistSRS7heldattheFirstBap-y,an active cam-“atch the association,which embraces 40churchesinthisandaoe by |ymen,ac-to the plans adopted at the“genference.The ministers.will -or-finize in bands and visit all theurchesoftheassociation,holdingandinstitutesandtheIaymenwill coun-conducted on week days,“form ‘missionary workers’.teams“which will visit the churches on Sun-days and speak.in the interest of the}Mamissioncause.It is the purpose totakeuptheworkimmediately.The conference opened Wednesdaymorningabout11o'clock,with be-tween 20 and 25 of tne churches oftheassociationrepresented.:Charles Anderson,of the First churchofStatesville,was made chairman ofthemeetingandRev.H.C,Marley ofleemeewasnamedas.secretary..Anderson extended greetings tovisitorsandtheopeningprayerwasbyMr.Marley.The principal ad-dress of the forenoon session was byPr:G.J.Thompson,field secretary oftheSouthernBaptistForeignMis-sion who spoke on “Better-Methods of Financing the Kingdom.”Dr:Thompson emphasized the.import-ance of practical business methods in~church:work and explained the meth-ods.advocated by the mission:board.He is a “live wire,”so to speak,with-sya_strong current of information,andwithalaninterestingandentertain- -ing.speaker.At the noon hour an_excellenluncheonwasservedtothedelegatesandothersbytheladiesoythePas-tor’s Aid Society of the church.The“luncheon was prepared in the ante-—yoomsofthechurchand was-servd-inanattractivemannerontablesar-_..Yanged.in the connecting Sunday.school roi oe eet rooms.‘The afternoon session opened with‘a strong address by.Dr.Livingston-.Johnson,secretary of the State BoardofMissionsandoneofthemostlovedmenintheStateBaptistConvention.Dr.Johnson discussed “Giving as,an}“ct of Worship.”The address was)faa by a general discussion.in|which ministers and laymen partici-pated.The ar Hee the duplex mvelope:system,the proposed mission:ampaign,etc.,were discussed.At held a@ meeting and formulated their the campaign.a sesday night’s —-MionanumberofloaeSoSseecio .Johnson pictured the ChristiansparinthemissionbusinessChrine: Thompson said that ..thethesarenowfacinganewsitu-4n mission operations...Millions@formissionariesandwefoundthatwearenotreadytopond.Some large churcnes are do-ng nothing for the mission cause andsarenotdoingasmuchasthey‘should,We should put our mission-ary contributionson the New Testa-t basis and contribute each week.se laymen have only ‘recently awak-id to their duty to missions anaBehareshavenothad‘the bene-ofthe business knowledge of tne |~-men,The women have set an exam- ve je for the men and have demonstrat-that when mission workers areorganizedthecausedoesnoterinshortcropyears.BusinessGun.is needed and’the menidapplythesamemethodsinchworkasareappliedin.their.@ther business.The organization ofJaymen’s missionary teams has result- ed in great success in some of the as-‘sociations.The members of tieteamsstudythesubjectsofmissionsassignedtothemandvisitchurchestrios.One gives the missionary in-ation,another speaks on system-:or Christian giving and thethirdexplainsthebestmethods. +At the close of Dr.Thompson’s ad-dress it was decided to appoint a cen-tral committee to work in co-opera-tion with the laymen’s missionary‘committee appointed py the associa-tion at its regular meeting,in or-@anizing groups of laymen’who willtheteamworkasaGvocazec,The owing members of the committeerereelected:H.C.Witson and L.‘Lazenby of the First .BaptisturchofStatesville,D.E.KennedyWesternAvenueBaptistchurchofatesville,Judge Carlton of Salis-ry,John P,Green of Mocksville,F, “Aberneth of East Monbo,W.F.pivett "South River—church,—thissunty,and J.N.Barron of Harmony.©voting the Pastor's Aid So-y thanks for its.luncheon,ex-6 Of appreciation or States- "There ispractically nothing new.‘the Mexican si intuation.s to‘have confidence inarepleasedwithitandcall for it wheninneedofauchaicine,”writes JMontevallo,Mo.”For sale byali 1 ‘edn:pa ie the interest of missions is ex-Feels to ss waned within the bounds|ish i the better and after taking eight vot- tality by severat or the} ||Choice building fots,-within tworein-recommending Gham,| my customersit.I find that} nm.cargoes consigned directly to fopean countries :the following “arrangements,been.made:in donee i“1.All cotton for which’contractsofsaleorfreight‘engagements al-ready had been made before2tobeallowed”free“passage, bought at ‘contract price i stop’provided ‘ships sail net “later thanrch.31 .byt ues the statement saidhad “2.Similar treatment to be)ac-corded to all cotton insured beforeMarch2,provided it is put on boardnotlaterthanMarch10.:* before sailing and documents pro-duced to and.certificates obtained.from consular officers or other:author-ity fixed’by governments.Ships.o> cargoes Pang a to enemy’portswillnotbeallowedtoproceed.”‘At the embassy it was explained‘that this arrangement,announcedin-response to appeals of ‘icanshippersanxiousoverthetusoftheircottonalreadyondockawait-ing shipment or ‘actually at sea,bound for .Europe,was.temporarymerelyandwouldbesuperseded.bytheBritishorder*in council putting into effect the new general retalia-tion policy te be instituted againstGermany.~It-was suggested at the embassythattheTonertansoeshipments merally wou the same asthoseiapraadoncétton~and that, besides holding up all ships bounddirectlyforenemycountries,the al-Jied-‘warships “would —stop——vessels loaded withfrommolestation as non-contraband,if their cargoes were presumed to Deultimatelydestined:for Germany, Austria or Turkey.Embargoes ,on re-exportation,it was ‘said,would insure safe passage for such cargoes. “The Beaman ©Lumber Company | plant at Marion was burned yesterday.| Loss estimated at $40,000,with $12,- 000 insurance.Fire originated at the engine of the plant.—-:| A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE ANY ONETHRGREATWIDNEY.REME-DYNEVER.DISAPPOINTS. A few years ago I was troubledwithacomplicationofkidneyandstomachailmentsandalthoughItriedtwoorthreedifferentdoctors,I +was unable to obtain a cure.Having}.heard a great deal_about Swamp-Root,:I.decided to give it a trial and pur-|chased a one-dollar bottle of Mr.Alex-ander,the druggist.From the be-ginning I -could notice a change for tles of your medicine,I felt.entirely cured and have not had any trouble since.eo te Had I begun using -Swamp Root sooner,I would have been a few hun-dred dollars to the and saved my-|self a lot,of suffering,jYoumayusemy.testimonial anytimeyouwish.Yours.very truly,CHARLES E.‘HARRIS,460 Sixth St.©Marion,Iowa.1 certify that Charles E.Harrissignedtheabovetestimonial:in mypresence,being first duly sworn to thetruththereof,this the 12th day ofJuly,1909.D.R.KINLEY,J.P. ‘Letter toDr.Kilmer &Co.,»Binghamton,NY.fey Prove what Swamp-rootwilldo for you Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co., bottle.It will convince anyone.Youwillalsoreceiveabookletofvalua-ble information,telling about the kid--neys_and bladder...When_-writing,be,sure and mention the Statesville Semi-Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-centandone-dollar size bottles for sale atalldrugstores. REPORT OF THE CONDITIONofthe: ‘Statesville,in the State of North..Carolina,at the Close of Business March 4,1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discountsOverdrafts-unsecuredBankinghouse$12,342.92 ;‘tore and fixtures $4,034.06Demandloans—555555555 ape tintDuefrombanksandbankers©...Cash-ite:Gold coin Silver coin,including all minor coincurrencyNationalbankgnotesandotherU.8,notes 141.44 $142,927.37 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Undivided profits,less current~ex-penses and taxes paidNotesandbillsrediscounted Bills payable Time ‘certificates.of deposttDepositssubjecttocheckSavings-deposits[Geahier’s checks outstanding $50,000,00 1,062.71 bb hf oie as adh)ite aot tsi Obs isGit $142,927.27|State of North Carolina,County of Iredell,as;||.1,O.L,Turner,Cashier of the above-named;bank,do solemnly swear that.the above state-iment is true to th ports ofan enemy will bestopped,|sy)but.as to shipments to neutral Bus}edera March|pact” -heretofore free}. »than included in 12 or 13).... Binghamton,N.Y.,for a sample size! People’s Loan and Savings Bank,at|;2. $101,014.57 +- e best of my knowledge|¢ reli ae :46,000.00.165,542.51 con's 4,240.00.1,240.00ofsy 1,600,00..}pit iene ieiRone,ne,”$27,500.00;i.ture and fixtures;$5,000.00... Due.from.approved re- 2,600, _“3,All shipments of ‘cotton claim-trDr.|ing abeve.protection to.be declared+ "1,200.00 12,058.00 |ptien fund with U.S.Treas-:wrer (not more than 5percentoncirculation) Total 2,500.00 |Nilanekicc:i tea ae ind ehene hve he sieneehie$576,988,73 LIABILITIES.»... Capital stock paid inSurplusfund......,+tee wie exe 3Undividedprofits$6,916.61Lesscurrentéxpenses,in-5 4terestwendtaxespaid1,006.98"4,908.63|Circulating notes 144,000.00 144,000,00 |Due to approved reserve |tyagentsincentralre-|serve cities 1,125.63| 16.00 iDemandDeposits:Individual deposits sub-ject to check :Certificates of pos:due in less than 30 days"“checks”out~ |1 7,831.66 $46.98 134,767.21 | T 13,026,938 18,026.93 53,604.70 63,604.70 on or after 30 days ..Deposits subject to 30 ormoredays’notice ...Other bonds ~—borrowedwithoutfurnishingcole yg oi ~Thatteral”~security “tor with Fed- eral-Reserve bank...<Notes.and bills redis-ted 15,000.00 "15,000.00 | 41,943.93 -41,943.93 } -counts ‘22,845,70.22,845.50;Bills .payable,including... “obligations representingmoneyborrowed..... +20,750.00.20,750.00 | T $576,988.73StateofNorthCarolina,County_of:Iredell,ss:|I,D.M._Ausley,Cashier of the.above-+! named bank,do solemnly swear that theabovestatementistruetothebestofmy knowledge:and belief.D.M.AUSLEY, Cashier.Subscribed and~sworn to before me,this9thdayofMar.,1915.J,H..HOFFMANN,Correct—Attest; March .12,1915. REPORT.OF jie -CONDITION| of theFirstNationalBank,at Statesville,in the State of North Carolina,attheCloseofBusiness,March 4,1915..2 $402,854.2133.95 secure circulation (par u paper.de-posited to secure cir-culation (book value)U..8.bonds pledged tosecureU.S.deposits(par value)Premium on bonds usedforcirculation; Premium on other U.8.bonds 48,500.00 148,500.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 3,375.00 1,625.00 5,000.00 7,600.00 5,000.00furni- Less amount unpaid ....Banking house,.$25,839.30;ture and fixtures,$3,097.59 ..<!c.Due from Federal Reserve bank ..Due.from “approved re-© serve agents in centralreserveciDue:from approved re-serve agents in otherreservecities 4,822.12Duefrombanksandbankers(other 2,500.00 28;986.896,623.65 21,742.01, 16,564.13 18,297.22Outsidecheckswndothercashitems,.$126.00;.fractional.cur-rency,nickels»and cents,$169.22Checks.on-banks in the‘same ‘cityor‘town’as reporting bank ....Notes of ‘other national banks ....Lawful money .reserve eyinbank:ee Specie :17,403.00_Lesal-tender notes...‘2,Redemption:fund with U.8: 276,22 3,446.24|200.00 LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in $100,000.00Surplusfund25,000.00 '.eurrent expenses,interest and taxes paidCireulatingnotesDuetoapprovedreserve agenss inotherreservecitiesDividends.unpaidIndividualdeposits sub-Jeet,to checkCertificatesofdeposit due n less than 30 days ..41,738.19Cashier's checks outa: 619.82standing2, United States deposits ;.40,000.00 223,908.61}.Certificates of deposit due on orafter30days 9,783.99.135,000,00;) 6,209.61 ban ZBillepayable,including obligationsrepresentingmoneyborrowed..,.63,000.00 Tolan tog fe Peasen tae 8575 $699,364,51StateofNorthCarolina,county of Iredell’naI,E.8.Pegram,Gashier of the above-namedbank,do solemnly swear that the above state.ment is true to the best of my knowledge:and belief.;E.8.PEGRAM, Cashier.’Subseribed and sworn to before me this |:Oth day of Mar,1915,J.H.HOFFMANN,| ryCorrect—Attest ::R.A,COOPER, ISIDORE WALLAGE,A.P.BAMareh12,1915,Directors. 0.L.TURNER,Cashier.|wn .to before me,this J,FL CARLTON, Notary Pabtie.COBLE,JENKINS, WAGNER, }and belief, |Subseribed and awe10thdayofMar.,1915,\|Correct—Attest:xL.F,CG A.D.rh,March 12,191.Directors, |FOR SALE! blocks of square and jblockofnewgraded|offered for a short tiMar,12, n one-fourthschool,Onlyme,“D,©,RUFTY, Y eu |}And see us for your TinRoofing.|SSsaPhigaae roe|FRAZIER BROS.‘PHONE -=«‘em»| “BACK TOFIslandRedu, | Write for mating list,SAL-LIE DAVIDSON,Stateaviile,N,©.Rud,;Feb.286%PY. Ranabout.DeWI?T[POR SALE March &,HOOVER, |NOTICRACot ;the war.N,PB,WATT. Maxwell i RRON.‘one trial that there is’no finish that itePARM”—Rone Comb ‘ods| te vo o si Mo ae ee aa ch i st Plone st Usarethecheapes :as well as the best —Pn harder conditions always experienced ©.-.,at times.”’_JUST THINK WHAT A LOSS OF AS~~.jittle as’10 ¢eents worth of cream ateachskimmingmeanstoyou.in ayear—twice a day for 365 days—-over $70.00,and with as many as tencowsthecreamlossesalonefromaninferiorseparatorusuallyamountto‘more than.this,Pa‘CREAMERYMEN,WHO ARE DE-pendent on their separators for’busi-ness success,have long since found_,;-+‘out the:difference between De Lavalandotherseparators,with the resultthatDeLavalfactoryseparatorsare almost’universally used the world / LOOK;AHEAD! DON’T TRY TO SAVE $10.00 TO-DAYifitmeansalossof25centsaday ©-for all the years a cream separator -many Taal YOu Sy oh oS,THAT’S JUST WHAT YOU WILL DO..if you buy a cheap or inferior creamseparatorsimplybecauseits—first_price'is a little less than that of the“De ‘Laval.J WHEN A PRUDENT MAN BUYS A“cream separator he.knows that what:he is really paying for is not just somuchiron,steel,‘brass and_tin,whether it is called a separator ornot,°. ‘WHAT HE WANTS JIS A MACHINEtoperformacertainservice,and he.must be sure of the machine doing~theworkforwhich it-is intended—as thoroughly and with as little effort as’possible on his part. THOUSANDS OF BABCOCK AND other tests have proved that the De - Laval skims.closer than any:other cream separator under any condi- tions,and particularly under the 4 over to-day.:“DE LAVAL -SEPARATORS:”:AREidenticalinallsizes,for one cow ora_thousand,and -the--differences—be-——__ tween separators aré just the samewiththesmallestmachineandthelargest,They mean as much relativelyto-the little as the big user.THEN THERE IS THE SAVING INlaborbecauseoftheeasierrunningandgreatercapacityoftheDeLavaloverothermachines-and the less carerequiredincleaningandadjustment,-»worth at least 10 cents a day.AND THERE JS THE INDISPUTA-ble-fact that a De Laval machine lasts ¥ ~from ten-to_twenty years as againstanaverageoffromtwotofivéyearsin-the case of -other-separators,orfivetimes.the.average.life:of com-petitive.machines,-THESE ARE THE REASONS WHY:De Laval Separators are cheapest aswellasbest,why thousands of other-machines are yearly being replacedwithDeLavalsandwhytheiruseisrapidlybecomingasuniversalonthefarmasinthecreamery.IT SHOULD -BE REMEMBERED;moreover,-that-if first-eost isa seri:ous consideration a De Laval Separa-tor:may be bought on such:liberaltermsthatitwillactuallysaveandpayforitself,as many thousands ofthemhavedone.; Before you buy any cream separator ask the De Laval agent to let you tryoutaDeLaval.You can try any other machine you like alongside of it andthenjudgeforyourselfwhichmachineisthebestforyoutobuy.Home Canner Manufacturing Co.,Hickory,SELLING AGENTS.L.M.ALLEN,=—Local Representative.The De Laval Separator Co,165 Broadway,New York, Over 1,750,000 De Lavals in daily use.50,000 branches and local agencies the world over. 29 E.Madison St.,Chicago. Come,Let Us Show You Quality Garments|NewSpringCoals;New Walking Skirts) .We are showing a Covert Skirt,Putty color,yoke effect,twopieces,tucked front,two front pockets,plenty of room tor walk-ing,for $6.50.32 to,36in.Covert Cloth Coat—the thing for spring —wear.Auto Coat,45 inches,made of Palm Beach Suiting,blackSatintrimming—the correct thing for.cool days.Let us show you. NICE LOTORNEW SPRING JEWELRY. Justin.Solid Gold Lavalliers at $2.50: sounds mighty cheap to us.How does it strike you?Come in and see them.R.H.RICKERT &SON,+.JEWELERS.—a VOTES,.VOTES! ‘Yes,women votes at that.They vote for BRACELETSNowdon’t.you.menbe against it.Get the Bracelet.from.Woodwardand all will be well and wear well.Voters’age.-Full Letter Size.Price limit.6:-months to 100 years.-oe _$2.00 per section.H,B.WOODWARD,.ogiStatesvillePrintingCo,|, ii fi ¥ Won't you let us prove to you by will give you a lasting satisfaction|ike_,DAVIS’VARNISH STAIN‘ In pala of luster,heauty,hardness,and above all WEAR?It is pré-claimed the best by those who:have}used it-for years,:wiket>FOR SALE BY - Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.eetle claagp etBsr Solid Wood Transfer Sections. Jeweler,: © i 4 >Rey.C.E-Raynal of the First Pres- attend the funeral. :banks of the city will be closed this “resulting from the infirmities of -ge. Sunday at Snow Creek church.The op, ae © “J,Marlin of the Loray community. -in Haddonfield,N.J.His death.was MR.EARL 8.PEGRAM DEA “Unexpected Passing of the|Cashier of the First National}:_-Bank—Death of Mr.Holland, A day about noon.Few people knew ““geveral days,and hig friends did not abandthefirst of last ~week. >.was devoted to his work and thebank and -has today,leaving on-the-10.40 train,and ~peturning -home only a few.weeks ‘ago.The funeral and burial church,Concord township,Rev. ship and was 23 years old.He.survived by his wife,qne child,three |, ‘ing are his wife,who ~was-a Miss ~ehurchweek, D Mr.Hartness and Others.: Mr,E.8,Pegram,cashier of theFirstNationalBank,died aormorning:a few.minutes .before.1‘oclock,-at.his home .on.“Mulberrystreet.death resulting from paraly-sis,.with which he was suicken ‘sun- of Mr.Pegram’s illness,though ‘he’*n confined to his,home for Yealize that he was seriously ill.Hisdeathwasadistinct.shock to thecommunity.He had been a suffererfromstomachandlivertroublesforSome:time:and had recently sufferedanervousbreakdown,but he did notionhisworkattheyankuntil _Ear]Stowe Pegram was a gon ofthelateThomasC-Pegram—or-Gas-|-tonia and would have been 38 yousoldhadheliveduntilthe10th-ofnextmonth.He was born in Yorkcounty,8.C.,but was’reared in Gas-tonia.When a very young man Mr. Pegram was cashier of theFirstNationalBankofGastoniaandwaslaterwithabankinCharlotte.He came to Statesville nearly eightyearsagoas.cashier of the FirstNationalBankandhadsificefilledthatpositionveryacceptably.He ment.He was very popular in thebusinessandsociallifeofthetown numerous friends who mourn his.death. Mr.Pegram married Miss Winni-fred Barron of ~Charlotte,daughterofthelateRey,Dr..A..Barron,who.with three.little daughters—Winnifred,Martha Craig and Virgin-ja—survive him...Surviving also arehismother.’Mrs.T.C.Pegram,two.brothers,Messrs.L:'C.and Edgar Pegram,and one sister,Miss JenniePevram;all of Gastonia. Mr.Pegram’s body will be taken tothehomeofhismotherinGastonia the funera)and burial will.take placeatGastoniatomorrow.afternoon.at3.80.Brief funeral services will beheldattheresidencethismorning,conducted by Mr.Pegram’s pastor, byterian chuteh,assisted by Rev.Dr.Charles Anderson of txe FirstBaptistchurch.Mr:Pegram was an charge of his burial.QuiteapartyoffriendswillaccompanythebodytoGastoniatodayandath- etswill go to Gastonia tomorrow to Mr.and Mrs.L.C-.Withers of Charlotte,Mr.Edgar Pegram andMiss:Jennie Pegram of ~GastoniawerecalledtoStatesvilleSunday.onaccountofMr.Pegram’s death,andwillaccompanyhisbédytoGastoniatoday:‘Out of respect to Mr,Pegram the morning until after the departure 6fthetraintoCharlotte. Mr.Mac.Hiram Hartness diedSaturdaymorningbetween8and9o'clock at his:home on Oak street,death resulting from tuberculosis.Hehadbeeninaseriousconditionforseveralmonthsand‘was for a timeundertreatmentatBlackMountain, took place Sunday at.Trinity Meson McCain conducting the service. ‘Mr.Hiartness was a son of the lateRobertS.Hartness--d_town-}is brothers’and three sisters,namely: MClarence Hartness,who has been intheeasternpartoftheState,MissGenevaHartnessofStonyPoint,Grady Hartness of Statesville andMarieand.Clyde Harthess,of theBariumOrphans’Horace, Mr.John F;Holland died Saterday at his home in Olin township,death The funeral and burial took place funeral ‘service was conducted byRev.Ovid Pullen,assisted by Rev.P,H.Brittain and Rev.J.¥.Kirk.Mr.Holland was a sative of this eounty and was 81 years o:d.Surviv- Rickert,and the following namedwhildren:Mr.W.W..Holland anaMissMamieHollandofOlintown-ship,Mrs.Bell .of |Ronda,..Wilkes county,Mrs.George Watts of Beth-any township,Mrs.Thos.Webber ofSharpesburgtownshipandMrs, \.Friends in 'town,received noticeSaturdaymorningofthedeath,Fri-day.of Mr..f.BE.Fithian at his horie sudden...Mr..Fithian..was 81 yearsoldandwasthefatherofMr.FrankFithian,who married Miss siariannaWoodofStatesville.¢ Mrs.Sanford,sister of Miss MaryKibbeofStatesvillecollege,faculty,died:Fridayat-her home at.Catlétts-urg,Ky,Miss Kibbe was called toentuckyWednesdaybynews.o hersister’s serious illness: The:local pastors are busy gettingreadyforasimultaneousevangelis-tic campaigntobe held during tneweekbeginningMarch28andto¢losé.on Easter,Ree:Eveningservices,at 7.30,will be held in each er See ee local Masons}, .R.U,Warren of Statesville;Mri}8 |flames were quickly extinguished be- the ‘Statesville Drug Go.are now in the “sanitary way.” ‘and ice cream in paper saucers.The paper containers are fitted ‘in:silverholdersandafter.being emptied .oftheircontentsarethrownaway,thus providing a new cup or saucer each person. ‘The drug.stores ean’t.‘affond to fur- nish a new spodn with évery:saucerofcream,and how much difference is that has been previously used andcatingfromaspoonthathasbeeninhundreds.of other mouths?If the or-dinary.glaases and.saucers are thor-oughly washed after being .sed.theyaresanitary,but there are many wholikethenewfadandhencethe.drug stores have adopted it.by the manufacturers of.the “sani- cost in broken glasses——thatthe ¢of glasses broken at the fountains GATHERING OF TEACHERS Discussed County Comméence-ment and.Other Matters—-Declaimers’and —Reciters’“Contest —The BettermentAssociation.=: Plans for the’céunty commence- ment,Which will be held in.Statea- ville April 9th,were discussed by the members of the Iredell Teachers’Asssociation,in regular monthly session at’the court house Saturday,In addi-tion to the general discuss-on,the va- rious committees held separate meet-ings to work out the detairs.Theteachersareshowingconsiderablein-terest.in the commeace:ment..and _itigexpectedthatalarge.number oftheschoolsofthecountywillpartic-ipate.The complete programme forthedaywillbepublishedbySupt.Gray within a short time.During the forenoon session of the er of domestic science in the farmo-ny High School,read a paper.on do-mestic science,and Miss Laura La-zenby talked to the teachers aboutFortDobbs.It.was explained thatiftheplansoftheFortDonnschap- ter of the Daughters’or the Amerj- ean Revolution are:carried -ou:’an athletic park and.picnic grounds will some day be established at the siteoftheoldfort,two miles north of Statesville,thus providing a-place for county athletic contests,schoo! 4 +8;-ete.reheat ecg gallina ir In the afternoon declaimers*andreciters’contests were held between representatives of the high schools, to determine who shall be on thecommencementdayprogramme.In the reciters’contest Miss Beulah Wetmore of Harmony school wonfirstplaceandMissMabelGuffyox Cool Spring.second;and in the de-claimers’contest Forest Heath of Harmony won first and Hugh Foster of Cool Spring second.This means that the two Harmony representa- tives will have a part in-the com- meneement exercises,and they willalsoreceiveprizestobeawardedat the commencement:=asedincnes Members of the Irecell Betterment Association also met at me courthouseSaturdayandbyrequestMissWhitealsotalkedtothem.about“The Needs of Domestic Science intheRuralSchools.”Farmers’bulle- tins,“Fifty Common Birds of'theFarmandOrchard,”with colored.il-trations,were distributed and Mr.G.E.Dull,the county:farm.demon-strator,agreed to help.obtain moreoftheseforfreedistribution._Cards for reports were.distribut- ed,these to be sent to the president, Miss.Laura »Turner,within two weeks.A call was made for bird boxes and geographical globes,these to be made ‘by rural school pupils for exhibition..at the county commence- ment.; Additions were made to tie_roii_of membership of the association. Small Fire in Collector Watts’ Office. ~A small fire in Collector’Watts’of- fice,in the Federal building;caused some excitement thereabouts Satur- day noon.Collector Watts left.his office to go to dinner about 12.05o'clock,.Fifteen.minutes:later Dep-uty.Marshal Milholland and Deputy Collector R.B..Boger of Morganton,who were_in Mr.Milholland’s officeonthesecondfloorofthebuilding. directly over the coliector’s.office,no- ticed .smoke coming ‘hrough the floor»They hurried to the collectar’soffice.and-when the-door-was- found the room full of smdke.’A call Washe fire department was answer-muptly and it was found that mioke came from a washstano was burning-on-the inside,The fore serious damage resulted:There was nothing of value in the wash-stand..The origin of the fire is un-known.The stand was located.near a wall radiator and one theory”isthattheheatcausedspontaneous combustion in greasy rags used for wiping off furniture,which were inthestand.The rat and match theoryisalsoadvanced,—It-—is-fortunatethatthefirestartedinthemiddleofthedayinsteadofthe‘middle of thenight.seen Drinks and.Ice Cream.Served inPaper,Cups and Saucers, ‘The Polk Gray Drug Company and serving their soda ‘fountain products The drinksareservedin:sanitary paper cups for But the “sanitary cranks”are stillnpagainstthe,spoon proposition. there between eating from a saucer Ttis’argued iary”containers that they saye their in town every night of tae:;pet ‘cach year is greater than the cost ofthe‘sanitary containers ang Passociation—MissJessie White,teach-| |the-bonds.— {sumed atthe end of the house.Good- {and was drawn back by his desire to cost! STATESVILLE,N.G.,TUESDAY,MARCH 16,1915. WARMIN DAVIDSON. Good Road Bond Issue ForeedontheCountyRaisesaStornt. _Near two years ago Davidscountysovereigns.rerused to.¥: bond issue for good roads,»Cy!Leonard,Republican,representedDavidsoninthe.recent LegislatureandMr,Léonard,aided and abettedby.Mr.H-B.Varner,editor6fthe Lexington Dispatch,und other gooaroadspeople,put through,the Legis-lature a bill creating a highwaycommissionforDavidson‘county andauthorizingthecommissiontoissue$300,000 of bonds for road work..'Thebillgotthroughbeforsteopyo- nents of the measure got’on to whatwasdoing,Last week the highwaycommissionorganizedanddecidedto issue $100,000 of bonds as a starter...Meantime the ‘other side got:busy.There was an indignation meeting-atLexingtonSaturdayandsomeofthe .S.E.Williams,a prominent lawyer, grew warm in his denunciation of theuredthepassageofthe that while he “would not join’a crowd of .whité'-cappers”to meteoutsummaryjustice.to tne men whohad—“hetrayed—-their —counzy,”he thought that the fear-of white —.dap- ping would ‘he an effective.club toheldoverthe“censpirators-”Hecounseledagitationandadvisedthatitbemadeso“warm”.that the road commissioners.would refuse to issue Other red-hot-speeches.were-madeinwhichBenedictArnozd,Cataline,Guy--Fawkes—and_otherlike_echarae-ters were pictured as.patriots.andstatesmenalong-side Varner,Leon-ard et al.:Ex-Attorney General Walser de-fended Leonard and counseled.mod-eration.He said some of the:utter- ances were calculated to lead.to out- breaks...Denunciatory __resolutiong were passed and another.indignation meeting called for next Saturday.It’s a:hot time in Davidson:county. Fired Into Negro’s Home and~~Killed Him. Under cover of darkness Saturday. night,says a dispatch from Hickoryto.the Charlotte Observer,some un-known persons attacked with gunsthehomeofPinkGoddson,a negrowholived-with his wife,about’twomilesnorthof“Hickory.A number ofshotsstruck.the house’and one ofthemstruckGoodsonjust’above thetemple,killing him instantly,“~~ The affair created quite a grea!ideal of excitement and.great crowdsassembledatthesceneof.the shoot- ing Sunday.Goodson.and:his wife, necording to the testimony.were inbedwhen.about 1.o’dock Sunday morning they were awakened by the shooting,His.wife said she.raisedupandonlookingoutofthewindow saw four or five men or boys pass thewindow.-Then ‘the shooting was rc- son got.up and attempted to open the door.leading to anotner room whenhewasstruckbythebullet,it pass-ing clear.fhrough his neac,through the door,down through -tne floor anainto_the sill.of:the house..About a dozen shots struck thehouseandsome.of “them were evi-dently from a high-powered rifle orvistol.A:number of Jead bullets andsomesteel-jacketed were prexed outofthewallsofthehouse.A rumorhas.it.that some people were tryingtoscarethenegroesintoleavingthat community,as another negro in the ee “—fired on.recently. ater enn.and Dewey Yount. Rink,Jo.Bass and Carl:Brooks,whiteboysandallof“good families,”have been arrested-for the shooting. Beachy.-Has-Looped-Last Loop. Lincoln Beachy,the aviator,waskilledwhilemakinganexhibition flight.at the Panama.©Pacific Expo-sition at San Francisco Sunday.Atan.altitude of -about 7,000 feetBeachybeganasharpdescent.Thewingsofhisaeroplane‘collapsed and the machine plunged into San Fran- cisco Bay.;‘Lincoln Beachy was regarded asthemost’skillful arid daring .Ameri-can aviator.He earned this reputa- tion long before:the French flyers bégan’to.glide through the air up-side down.Beachy was in retire-ment when thesé feats were heralded exceed the remarkable flying of the French.With an aeroplane.of smal! wing surface he flew ‘upside down, made spitals while head.downwardandlooped-the-loop.~9”Beachy was born in’San FranciscoinSeptember,1887,and;made hisfirstfightin1905atvakiand,Cal.,piloting a dirigible balloon.In 1906hecircled.the eapitol at Washington.He had also circled New York andothercities’and»performed manydaringexploits-in air.+ Drowned in Fleeing From\Offi- cers Who Didn’t Want’Him. Dewey Hefner,18-year-old.son ofObeHefnerofCline’s,township,‘Ca- tawba’county,lost.his.life inthe.Ca-tawba river Sunday while trying toeludeadeputysheriffandtwooth-ers who were hunting for..a.number of young men implicated in troubleat,the Null school house.Saturday‘night,says a special from Newton totheCharlotteObserver.The officersdidnot:want Hefner: Dr,G.W.Bain,head of the depart-ment of Greek at the University,died nt +B. speakers were.much “het up.”Capt.. bill and closed his speech by saying) ~VanceLawrence,-Ezrat} then shot,Jones.and.cot away.‘Thewomanhasthreesmallchildrenand Soran ee naPN eaeNEWSFROMABOUT STATE. Accidents Crimes and Other In-cidents of Life in North Caro-lina,' The stables of Mrzom~Harris-ofOxfordwereburnedlastweek.andahorse,cow and eleven.pigs perish-ed in the flames, Mr,Andrew Jackson,formerly ofStatesville;has given up the man-agement Of the Central hotel,Char-Jotte,and is succeeded by Frank P.Morton. Herman Smith,a farmer,was in-ftantly killed.near Fuquay Springs,‘Wake county,-w.broke and part of the him in the chest. Mes.J.-E,Woodward,whose hus-band was shot and killed by-GroverWardinSwain,county last:summer,has brought suit againgt Ward for$25,000 damages. Mr.Pipe Vernon of.Prestonville tom munity,Stokes county,kept his puller struck the family was-away from home $65cithemoneydisappeared, At.James Methodist church,Tar- foro,was burned Sunday.morning.ire was in steeple when discovered.Organ was saved.~Insurance—onbuilding$2,500.Loss not stated. N.A.Gee)who was stapped byRaymond.Hall,a eonstable or Dur-ham,while the officer had Gee under,sued Hall,Who-tms ‘since beenfromoffice,for $25,000Thejurygavehim$I. Lacy Pegues,@ small negro boyemployedtodelivergroceriesatGreensboro,eabbaged ciamond ringsvalued’at $800.from the nome of J-W.Brawley.The rings were -recoy-ered.:; DeWitt Cunningham,18,years old, of Franklin (Macon county?),washandlingapistelwhen.the weaponwasaccidentallydischargedandtheballenteredhisbrain,killing him in- stantly. The ~Morganton has put in anew press.and nowintsan8-page paper,the samie apes. h improved in appearance and make-up.Congratulations.: Geo.Jackson.a negro preacher who came to-Morganton some ‘timeavoandeutquiteadashforatime,convicted in Burke Superior Court last week of criminal assault, is victim being a colored woman, uk sentenced to die May 28.=~ A-dog ran in front of the automo- vas Spencer Sunday,the machine wasturnedoverandtheoccupants,two-men-and two ladies,thrown out.All were slightly injured and.the ~ma- chine was only slightly damaged. ‘Concord Tribune:A granary be- longing to Mr,L.B.Spears,in No.1 township,was’destroyed by fire Fri-, day night.Farming implements, buggies;cotton seed and cotton \were destroyed,The loss is estimatec at$500.and partially covered by insur-aneé, A report came from Washington last-‘week that Judge CrawfordBiggsofRaleighwouldbeoffereda job-with the Department.of Justice ata handsome salary.Judge BiggssayshewasofferedthejobinDe-cember and declined it.Just a yew -~a very few—like that. The Patriot ‘says R.L.Church ofWilkescounty,a’deputy collector in the revenue servicé,has.resigned,his:resignation.effective April -Ist.The Patriot says:Mr.:'|Gnuren ©has served since the beginning of thepresentadministrationandhas-made}a diligent’and faithful -officer. The dead-body of Zeb.Bynum,a Greene county farmer,.was —found face downward in a ditch on his farm last ‘week.The theory is that By- num accidentally fell ‘into tne ditch,struck a snag,was rendered uneon- scious and was drowned in the:shal-low water of the ditch.He was about 40 years old,: Doek Allen,who lived at Violet, Cherokee county,saw fire,at.nignt, in @m uheccupied house .near his home,Allen,his ‘son and Budd Hipp went tothe house and extinguished‘he flames and as they were leaving they were fired on by an unknown party.Allen.was mortally wouncea, cying next day: The Patriot says the j.C..Lowe home,on Moravian Falls road,about three miles from Wilkesboro,ownedbyR.P.Steele,was burned Satur- day night,6th,by a fire of unknownorigin.It carried $1,000,insuranceand.Was occupied at the time by Nel-son Foster:Mr.Steete was making preparations to move into:the build.ing when it burned. Fivevat Hendersén Friday nightdestroyedtheSmerdenbuggy.facto-ry and repair shop,a three-storyhuilding,Beacom’s.livery stable and four-horses;-the-home—of Mr W.-H,Tart,a-colored hotel and two other small buildings nearby,entailing a loss “estimated at above $25,000.“A gasoline tank in they buggy.factoryexplodedandthrewflames‘in.everydirection, In Charlotte Saturday night Mrs.C.Jy Parham was shot and seriouslywounded,the shooting occurring inthe:woman's home.W-C.Jones,who was at the house,was'also shot.andseriouskywounded.Two men whoWere,afrested say that yones snot at Another man and the ball*struckMrs.Parham,that.the other fellow holders, yoni eh.» at Chapel Hill:yesterday, her husband is away from’home, mn a stump.puller eash—abont $70-in a trunk.While —dam- News -.Herald| as The Landmark.The paper <s4 bile of Hill Conrad of Lexington,in}’ Piao perenneeneerneeee =“CONDITIONS IN MEXICO. Better in One Place,Worse in Others:—American Citizen Killed ~~Avdispatch”from Washington “says while conditions in Mexico City haveimproved,with the food and water supply replenished and the capital placed in order by the Vilia-Zapata government,situations -rraught withdifficultiesfortheUnitedStates gevernment haye arisen at.Progreso,the East coast port,and at Manzillo, on the Pacific.The American consulatManzilloreportsaconditionofan-archy there Foreigners are’appre-hensive,he deelares,,and the foodsupplyisdecreasing,while.Villa-Za- pata troops are investing the town’s approaches,.Admirat Howard,com- manding the Pacifle fiéet,is reported ready to take foreigners away if con- ditions do not improve.:;Progreso,the port from which vir-tually ‘all the sisal hemp.used forAmericanbindingtwineis‘shipped,Ras been ordered closed to foreigncommercebyGeneralCarranza.The United States cruiser Des Moines is at-Progreso under orders to-see that there is no:interference with Ameri- can commerce.© When._the Zapata troops entered Mexico City last week they ~killed John-B.MeManus,:an American cit-izen.who was shot down in his home, the door of which nad been sealedwiththecoat-of-arms:of the UnitedStatesandoverwhichflew-the-Stars Instant demand was made bythe Brazilian minister on pehalf or theUnitedStatesgovernment;~for the punishmentof..those guilty of —the -grime.and “‘deémand ‘has also.--been made for reparation for the familyofMeManus.It is said that McManus nac pre-viously shot two of the soldiers who tried to loot-his home.-oo Chautauqua Week Begins July §; The chairman of the local commit-tee of ‘Chautauqua guarantors hasheenofficiallynotifiedthattheweek's:Chautauqua programme will .startwithMonday,July 5,to continuethroughSunday,July 12.. Of the 700:season tickets allowed to the committee for sale this year.678 were reserved at the close of ’ Jast.season’s Chautauqua.Should nenoneofthesereservationsbecaneell-|~The;Merchants’Association willed,-the—committee have only.have @ sort,of revival ng Fri-22 season tickets for-sale “hetween day.évenowandthecomingofChautauqua.~Mr.Paul M.Pearson,the manag- ing director,informs the local com-mittee.that this year’s programme will.be:fully up to last.year’s high standard of:merit.ale Names of speakers and‘a full pro- gramme will be given later. Looking Over Iredell Roads. .‘Messrs.J.W-Lambeth and J.W.Peacock.of Thomasville,LB;Phil-lins of Lexington and E.A.SmithofLinwood,member»of the board ofhighway:commissioners of Davidsoncounty,were in Statesville and.Ire-dell.Saturday investigating _thiseounty’s methods of road building. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. St.Patriek’s Day,in the “niorn- ine..i Be ~An Old Maids’convertion ‘willbeheld.in the.college©auditoriuFridayeveningat8:30 o'clock.~~~, —Dr.G.P.Bingham of LenoirbroughtMr.Ed.Caster to the San-atorium yesterday for an operation. |«Statesville buyers offered 7 3-4 ;cents for cotton.yes days With pos-i sible bids of 8 vet fea the |grades:LN TE a :~Mr.J.E.SerogesofSpencer’hasboughtamachineshop.in Lenoir,HeWwill,move:his family from arrtoLenoirandmakehishomethere. —The ladies of Chapel Hall churchwillselloystersattheLingleachoolhouseSaturdaynightforthe.benefitofthechurch.Hap : pee ne i WwW:My pieofficiatonday,8th,at noon at themarriageofMr:Oscar Mize of Ire- }} dell county|this place.~ |Rocky Branch school.for‘month were May ~Bowles,.Frank, Lillian.and Z2Ie aBrown,Lula Godfrey,RuthMcLellandandWesleyjHagle.. —4Mr.~Robt.—-M.Knox.of Cool fourth i .'vanced age his recovery is not ex-pected.Mr,Lonnie Knox, of Cool ali imonia.7 —The Daughters of the American‘Revolution will meet Thursday af-‘ternoon at 3.80 o’clock with Miss -Eloise Connelly.This:is the meeting: on.account,of the death of Mr.Pe-gram.tae --—-Messrs.Bayard Holmes,Bruce .Hayes,Clyde Mullis and ©LeonardSteele.left Friday for Brant Beach,” with fisheries for several ..months. tion, —tTa ‘ot The ,=the=—meas-—ures passed by the Legislature themost.important..-was _inadvertentlyomitted.The bill suthorizing theIredellcommissionerstoissue$100,- i ms law. Mr.J.Norman Wihs of Greetishoro.Refreshments.will’be we a aeaswellasp evening of pleasureispromised,SR —A good crowd attended the&cises held at the Durie school, east of town,Saturday,in conwiththepresentationofaBibleflagto.the school by tae suntder,Messrs.J,E.Fesperman anV.Tharpe were the speakers of occasion,~~Tan geen ORS :—The storehouse on Davie avenyewhichwasincludedinthesale6fthenew.graded school site,has beeti sold.by the school board to Mr J.W.Ayers.Mr,Ayers ss.having the The party,accompanfed by ©Chair-man Mills of the Iredell board.tookatripoverthe‘portion of the State |Central Highway between Statesville!and the Catawba river and:also went. over a portion of the Charlotte road.They were “very much preased ‘withtheroadbedandthegradesonbothroadsandweresurprisedto.find theroadsjnsuchfineconditionaftertheseyeretestofthe.winter.Davidsoncountyis-preparing-to—do-some-road-work and the commissioners:desiredtoseetherésultsofIredell’s work. The College Presidency. ~Statesville people who had hopeathatRev.Dr.©,.M--Richards of Da-vidson,would be the successor of Dr.Scott as president,of the college,willregrettolearnthatDr.Richards haseliminated.himself from eonsidera-tion in that.connection.Dr.Richards feels:that the path of duty.for himisinotherworkandheisofcourse following what he believes to’be thepropercourse.‘.The executive committee of -thehoard.of trustees.of..the .college—Drs-.Shearer and Richards.of David-son and Messrs.J,H.Hill and W.F,.‘Hall of Statesville—have in nana the selection of .a successor to Dr.Scott. It is understood that a namper ofnamesareunder‘consideration’andtheselectionwillbeannouncedassoonasa.chdice is made. Great Britain’s Blockade—The Fighting. In a formal proclamation,signed incouncilbytheKing,Great.Britain has announced her purpose to prevent commodities of any kind reaching orleaving.Germany during the war.Neutral nations will ‘be exemptwhentheycertifythatshipsundertheirflagwillnotcarrygoodsto:Ger-|many or goods.originating therein or belonging to subjects of the Germanempire. Thé allies appear to have the bestofthefightingthe.past few days. ‘The German cruiser Dresden,theonlyvesseloftheGerman.squadrontoescapewhenthelatterwasdefeat-ed off the Falkland Islands in’Decem-ber,‘was sunk Sunday «by Britishships.ete “i The Asheville Citizen learns that500,000 feet of lumber,owned by J.M.English &Co.at Yellow.Creek,Graham county,was burned Sunday -If-only one-class sitigs -the-four--piee-|es,$1;if two classes,$2;three class- terial in erecting a storehosouthCenterstreet.wes Jor singing songs Nos.66,899and104in‘Carona.ratthecomingcountysinging,8.Leonard offers following: ZEB *es,three-bar _auto!3;More ©three classes,five-bar,autoliarp. --==Statesville relatives of |A.Goodman were advised ye that the Lutheran parsonage at.Pleasant,occupied by’Rev.and)Mrs.Goodman,was’destroyed:by fireSun-day.night...Mr,and Mrs:Ge Awereaway.from home.at the time.All their household effects,exceptMr.Goodman’s library,were destroy: —Mr.J.A.Ballentine is a new cit-izen for Statesville...Mr,reptisdistrictagentoftheAtlantic LTnsuranceCompanyofRichmond’has decided.to change sis headquar-ters from King’s:Mountain to Staville.-He moved his family to .ville from King’s Mountain last :;They:have rooms with Mrs..W. Nattress,on Mulberry street. _—J.P.Murphy,the colored barberwhohas,conducted 2 shop in States-ville for near 40 years,has apoutahalfdozensons:and about all of themhavestayedwiththeirfather,sbarbersor.helpers about tne’sho’except:one,Tom rg who.nasbeenasortofrover...Tom hasbarberingincitiesNorth:and “WeLastweekhecamehomeand’to work with his father,i —At the court house SaturdayMr.R.Bs:McLaughlin,corami \fered for sale,subject:to dowermortgages,the A.D.CooperdenceonSharpe’street.MrsvP.Cooper;widow of “A.Di —bought-the «property.for.$3half-interest in the home |late John A.Cooper was offesale,subject to the rights ofofMrs.Julia Cooper,and was]by Mr.J.C.Fowler for$ Tt is expected that thegovernmentwillpromptlyapology.and reparation for‘wakedthe ‘Asnaptedty shipthePrinzEitelFriedrich, ~Swain.county high morning,causing a loss of $20,000,siorlers.Have decidea oe very beat . Bey and Miss Lizzie Horn of - —Those-on -the honor roll.for ~~ the “ane.Hill,Ola Spring township is.critically ilwithpneumoniaandonaecountofhisad-— postponed from yesterday afternoon ~~ at N,d.,where they have employment ..° They are.all.from the Harmony sec-y enumerating,in the fast issuepnumeratitoe 000 of read bonds passed anc 1s now | store torn down and will use thé ma- ‘ "will see that they are crude amateurs HE'S PREPARED FOR ITUR.OvFAlexander of Charldtte,!Things :g on religion and ‘mighty| @Scriptures,has hired a hall in lotte and is proclaiming,to all hear,that as he interprets Seriptures and the signs of the!’ “the millennium is at’hand. does not mean the end of .the} ‘as that epoch is ordinarily un- pod,says Mr.Alexander;but it ms the conclusion of Satan’s n on earth and the beginning of the reign of Jesus Christ.”Satan, ys Mr.Alexander,is to be locked Up in hell for a thousand years,as ‘told in Revelations,chapter 20,and * “After the devil has been chainedthenthisearth’will grow biggersopsthaneverandbettercrops.Theornandthethistlewillnolonger.der the growth of vegetation.Thermandthistlecameonaccountof nh.The earth was.cursed :becausechoseofhisownfree.will to serve the serpent rather than serve That sounds good.We should all Tejoice to know that the.devil‘is go-| “ingto .be locked up,ror he’s been| oy conspicuous and has ‘managed ib:|Wealth and PowerDoNotBring|4|‘Happiness,For Life Consist} y|/ «eth Not inthe Abundanee‘ofPossessed—The Sin-ner’s Sermon, Written For ‘The Landmark,:Text.Luke,Chapter 12,verse 15,—“A>man’s life consisteth not in the:abundance of the things which hepossegseth,”: What are you living for anyhow? @ Shorter Catechism says thatthe"chief end of man is to glorifyGodandtoenjoyhimforever,| Our State constitution,enumerat-ing the inalienable from the Creator,puts down as one ness:‘If you’re in the pursuit of happi-ness you'll néver attain it merely bygettingrich.If the:Sinner’wetecalledontonamethemostmiserable man of his acquaintance,he wouldnametherichestmanheknows.May-be you have spotted him,and,if youhave,then you know he has no thought.outside the round rim of adollar;Happiness?He doesn’t knowwhatthe.word means. One of the comedy-tragedies,whichisoftenenacted,is that a man toils and struggles and economizes to ob-tain a fortune ‘and then,succeeding in‘his efforts,he finds that in gaining wealth he has Jost.the capacity forenjoyingit.:The partmg with money gives him so much pain it out-weigns things with a mighty free hand for | long time;in fact his activities | “geem-to-have increased recently,in| né respects -at least.But it must: “be borne in mind,says Mr.Alexan-| that only good peoplearetoen-/Joy this reign of the Lord on earth,|when the devil will be banished:| ‘'Those-who are not good,those who | ‘have been hob-nobbing with the dev-| ‘and serving him,will be rlewtroyeds t:“Ale:nderseems—to—find:great;public. joy in-prophesying-the speedy-com- ing of that day.He’s sure the Eu-! ‘Topean war means ‘thatthe day fore-} told is at hand.But Mr.Alexander} of course thinks he’s prepared for it.| If he didn’t he wouldn’t be so insist-| ent in prophesying it’s speedy com-ing,The late Judge Armfield of |‘he palace car of the president of the,urged that the German government|Statesville used to tell a story about| ‘Bald Mountain,which in the early! 70s,as some older.citizens willrecall,| alarmed the natives by the loud. rumblings that came from it- who lived near the mountain, *a “bound boy”who was very wicked,| and the good man was sorely griev-| }the-churches,the Y.M.-C.A.”the all the pleasure that the money buys.| Two.men loom up.in the mind as| ese words are written.Some years ago these men had-fgirly begun what appeared to be.successful businesscareers.They were interested in ‘the progress and development ofthe city:| rights--derived|f of the chiefest,the pursuit of happi-fi CH re i Le ae nd 1vi;‘")'y Ran tAweag-—-May ToteNewportNews,Va.,Dispatch,|Regarding the reasons f-|sinking by the German cruiser,PrirzEitetFriedrich,of the Ameri shiFrye,it is reported that athens 8 uPtheGermancruiserreachedaionafterfindinginthe¥ryes paiarecord‘that the ship with jofwheatwasboundfor“Queenstown,Falmouth or Plymouth for orders.”Under the British proclamation “oncontraband,it was pointec-out that!f “were classed ag condition.al contraband if consigned ‘to a forti.ed port.Plymouth,England;is afortifiedport.FatCapt.Kiehne of the Frye threw.additional light on the coming of ‘theHitelFriedrichtothisAmericanportandinsistedthattheGerman¢om-mander did not choose Newport Newshazardlyasaportofsafety.~oe“After February 20,”cal the cap-tain,(the Germans entirely changed |their tactics.Up to tnat time,when-ever a smoke smudge was.sighted,there was a cry of ‘alarm,alarm,’Every’man was ordered to thegunsandtheshipsailedrightforthesmoke,After the sinking of the Wil-lorby there .was a change,FromthenontheFriedrichranfromevery-thing.On the last three nightge IknewthattheofficersweregéttingthewirelessfromBritishcruisers,Onthelasttwonights,the order —to!the crew was ‘everybody to the guns;'nobody to sleep.’Qp ‘the last night!two of the British cruisers were with-|in 10.miles.of,us.”iCaptainKiehnesaidthatseveral|of the Germanofficers asked ‘hi a class by themselves, civic organizations of the city came | invfor a “good share of their interest; and attention.They gave quitefreelytoallpublicspiritedenterprises;But,|alas!.The mofiey-making mania seiz-|ed them;by degrees they lost inter-'est in everything except money-mak-|sidered the best course to follow.to,ing:Those going out to.solicit for | They}$little or nothing from-them: violated-theteaching~or-—the texts| they made their lives consist in the}abundance of the things that they!fused to accept payment because of! to the longtitude ritht-upandthen-te— or12 days ago if he knew where they!were going to land.pel“T-told‘them I.knew they were go-|ing to Newport News where -they;could find.a good shipyard,”|said! Kiehne.|.;{“Then they asked me what*I ¢on-) escape detention.I told them te hang!_—are—mstrikedug,westerly into:the coast.|the best.equipment;-fromThatis-exactly what-they did.?——;Two of Captain Kiehne’s crew ©re-! ‘puts them in DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORSthe-best-engi terials,by the best workmen,and in thebestshopsof:the kind in the world,’all i :¥‘7 iwasani Pe 5 er or arators mail order houses contract:forwherevertheycanbe‘made cheapest,nor the kind that agricultural imple-ment concerns manufacture along withcornshellers,plows,mowers,reapers,_threshers,gasoline engines,cow milkersandthelike,none of which begins tocompareinmechanicalqualityorrefine-.ment with what the cream.separatorshouldbe.ips DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORSarethekind98percentofthecream-eries use,where any loss in quantity orlackinqualityofproductmeansbusi-ness ‘Tuin,as it always has ultimatelytoeverycreamerythatdidnotreplaceaninferiorseparatorwithaDeLaval. PRECISELY THE SAME KIND OFdifferencesexist.in farm as in factoryseparatorsand*péecisely the same rea-._Sons apply to‘the use of cream separa-_tors_on the farm —-as-in-the-creamery;>though they may not make or break.thefarmerastheydothecreamery-man-because the farmer has other crops torelyupon, THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DEavaland,the mail order-and agricul-<——~tural implement-kind-ofcreamsepara-—tors are fully set forth and made plain|in,a De Laval catalog to be had for theasking,while the machines themselves - the best mas are not.the ‘mail ord 73--agricultural implementTHEREARESEVERALKINDSOFCreamSeparators,but De Laval Sepa-rators,are of a kind that. kind. }as men,are-both ended. possessed,and their usefulness az-cit=}decision,based on statutory law,that)izens,and doubtless their happiness;they were entitled to wages only until ||January 28,the day .the:Frye was|The section hand working:on the|sunk.All other members of the crewrailnoadtracklooksupwithenvyat|accerted payment under protest and devoted to the production of the bestcreamseparator,:arty THEY.ARE NOT THE KIND OF SEP- best tell their own story placed side byside,and that every De Laval localagentisgladto-afford any prospectivebuyertheopportiinityto-do. road as he rides by,but “dollars to,doughnuts”that the presicent,iooxingontofthewindow,envies the section |hand, Some years ago it was heralded}pabroad by the Associated Press that|“with their compliments”to the:Ger-|A ,one of the multi-millionaires of the;man cruiser eight kegs or peer for]id_preather,said Judge-Armfield,|North.whose Juxvrious “living had,the crew.and cigars for the officers _had|ruined his digestion,had been able}mess.”to eat a plate of ovscer soup without |suffering,any ill éffects.That man|would have cheerfully given a million!ed that he couldn’t break’that boy of|tollars for the stomach of one-of'thethehabit~of “swearing.One -night!section hands driving spikes on:hisQtheroaringofthemountainwas -toudand terrifying.Awe2kened-from } ;Tailroad. |As ‘a producer of happiness,then,;i wealth is not what it.is cracked up)sleep;the boy hurriedly.¢limbed |+5 he, down the ladder from the loft where |}12 ;or3heasiythealdpreacher’s cabin,j *fice..A private citizen looks at the}Hitel decides to renew her cruise the|Officeholder and -envies him.The old preacher |_etying in alarm. it calmly before his fire,undisturb-| Do you—think the world is com- _ing to an end?”asked the boy,,as he quaked with fear.The good man/ nswered calmly that he didn’t know, but if it was,he said;it was useless to get excited about 1. _.Exaspérated by the old preacher’scalmnessinhishourofdistress,theboycalledout:“Yes,blank you,you_know you're prepared to go and Ifain’t.’*’ “Mr.Alexander knows—or thinks|he knows—he’s prepared’:for’themillenniumbut‘some of the rest ofuswhoarenot.so certain’we -canStandtheexaminationmaynot.find80muchjoyintheprophecywhichheproclaimswithsomuchapparent|peer oo—_—_—_—_—_—»Opening the trial of the IndianaelectionfraudmanipulatorsatTerreHaute,the district attorney ‘filed thefollowingasoneoftheexhibitsinthecharge: “One of the fellows who was busyrepeatinginprecinctA,sixth ward,was a one-legged colored man .whovoted-eight times in the precinct.Oneiehecamewith*a peg Jeg;another’‘time he wore a cork leg;the:thirdtimewithoutanythingstrappedtohisJeg;the fourth time an-iron extension4¢g;another time with one crutch;one time for the purpose of deception,wore glasses,”*That repeater was an artist.SomeofourNorthCarolinafolkswhohavetriedrepeatinginprimarycontests, alongside the Indiana artist, The changeintheIredell game!law is éause for gratification.TheOpenseasonofthreemonthswasen-|tirely too long.Counties all about|have shorter seasons and when eThesomemaybesaidofpublic! It seems!;as though it,would be the acme ofhisstofillsomehighandcommend::ine office:but if you-have ever had a)heart-to-heart talk with an officehold-|er,you have already learned different=|ly,|The late Charles B.Aycock,be-|lieved by many tobe the-best-beloved+ man the State has ever produced,sit-|ting one day in the Executivé office)in the Capitol at Raleigh;told the|Sinner that if it were not for being |recreant to a trust reposed in him by,the peoplé of the State,he wouldre-|sign his commission ag Governor and!retire to private life.:But,listen:Please -do not miss the:idea...The thought is not that poverty |brings happiness...Nay,verily;for |it may be truthfully stated,though|in the form of.paradox,that.poverty| mikery.4AbrahamLincolnsaid©that God!must love common people,because he} token it may,well be said that God}must think that peoptée of moderate|means are the happiest,because such|a large majority of His creaturesbe-;long to that class.|After all,the quiet,simple life is}the happiest.A man’s life does not |iconsist in the abundance of the things!that he possesses;but life—real life |—happy life—consists in fearing God |and doing one’s duty to one’s fellow-|men.:Happiness,then,is a state of mind}and not a state of wealth or poverty;and this.blessed state of mind is more|easily attained when one has neither |wealth nor poverty.|Let all who will do so,bow their |heads’this morning and join with the!Sinner in repeating the prayer of|Agur,the son of Jakeh:jGivemeneitherpovertynorriches;|Feed me with food convenient forme;|Lest I be full and deny God,{Or.lest I be poor and ‘steal.|CHARLES W,TILLETT.|Charlotte,March 13,|eeeWestVirginiaProhibition Law|is Fieree.co Aheir Season closes.hunters come into‘Tredell and helped kill the birds;Butvenifnon-residents didnt come in.the county,the season was tooforhomefolks,Thirty to 40Wouldbeenough,but cutting‘down the season one-third will help,le there may be differences .of‘SPinion about the tax cn non-residentBunners,The Landmark can see snoSpecialobjectiontothat.It may beembarrassingincaseof.guests,but‘the law possibly makes allowance for __A night school will be openednextmonth,in the basementFirstMethodistchurch,andoftheWomen’s Missionary The severity of the new,amendment|jto the Wrst Virginia prohibition law,|‘says a dispatch from Clarksburg,W.!|Va.,was shown.when Justice Carter}|sentenced William Slane to 60 days|on the roads and fined him $100.°e|was drunk and when searched at head.|quarters a small amount of whisky |,was found in a bottle in his pocket,|;He was ‘charged with carrying|whis-|ky.onthe publie highway:He plead-|ed guilty and received the minimum|Sentence,Raat |_Carson Wine was also sentenced to!|Six months on the roads and fined $100|for-procuriig a pint of whiskey fora|friend:|TAA RTT RReMNRecommendsChamberlain’s Cough shsinsdentoetakepleasureinrecommendingCham!berlain’s Cough Remedy to MY -eustornors|because I have eonfidenge in it,1 find thee|they are pleased with it and eall for jt when |senin in neéd of such a medicine,”writes JjoeMontevallo,Mo,For sale by all} ‘Religious Census of Mooresville)§)4,1 and‘stayed 4 is-one “of the richest ~scarces OL, ‘month,It belongs in. should pay them for 43 days spent on/| hoard the raider.i But despite their shortage of pay)the crew of the Frye ~demon-) strated their reciprocity by sending| out a De Laval. Govérnment officials at Washingtan|have decided that the time allowed |the German —raider Prinz Eitel|Friedrich to repair at Newport News) ~The De Laval er or_not the vessel is to be interned, probably will not be decided.until the} expiration of this ‘time limit;‘believetobeatleastthrewweeks.If‘the Laws. United States will keep secret not!Monroe Enquirer.only the tinte limit for répairs but thehour’of her departure.The beliefprevailsin’official ‘quarters that_the vessel eventually will intern.; to their credit. A+religious census of Mooresville,|ed to-his people with*10 laws.Theretakenrecently,discloses the follow-|were tio lobbyist nor petitioners to.Enter-|bother Moses —and the folks backprise:home did not fire letters and ~tele-Methodist church members,696;grams to him,nor threaten to doSundayschoolmembers,605.Pres-things to him next election.byterian church members,445;Sun-eedayschoolmembers,421.Baptist}Wheat held in country mills andchurchmembers,806;Sunday school!elevators on March 1 amounted tomembers,337,A.R.P.church mem-/86,000,000 bushels,the national ‘De-bers,98;Sunday school members,97.|partment of Agriculture estimates,Lutheran church mempers,75.Sun-|compared ‘with “94,000,000.-bushels ing facts,reported by —the day school members,74,Episcopal mise ago and 118,000,000 bushels}church“members,9.inInadditiontothesethere—-were Beat ‘Mosesinthe Number of Our North Carolina lawmakers of,1915 went up to Raleigh and spent’63 days grinding out laws and they.={returned ‘home with 1,498 new.laws.Moses’went up to, 0 days.He return-| Before you buy any cream separator ask the De Laval agent ‘to let you tryYoucantryanyothermachineyoulikealongsideofitandthenjudgeforyourselfwhichmachineis'the best for you to buy.Home Canner Manufacturing Co.,Hickory, >.@ aM,ARNG ae Local Representative.~165 Broadway,New York,°Separator 0;29 E.Madison St.,Chicago.|shall remain an official secret.Wheth-|Cacti es ver 1,750,000 DeLavals indaily use.-50,000 branches and loca Lagencies the world over:—ce ie 2 1 81-acre farm 14 miles fcom Harmony High School on public road,Fifty acres in cultivation,balance in woodland,mostly in pasture,New-fiyve-room cottage,large barn and all out-buildings;all in goodcondition, --§280-acre farm 2 miles from Harmony on public -road.__One_hun-dred acres in cultivation (30 acres of which is in fine meadow),bal-ance in.timber.Six-roomdwelling,large’stockbarnand(out-buildings] \¥Both ofthe above farms are well located and productive.Cansellfor.part cash and balance on easy terms.ERNEST&D GENERAL {NSURANCE,RENTINEGALALSAND‘REAL ESTATE.-PHONE 23,OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING._ found 9 Catholics,2.Primitive Bap-tists,2 Christian Scientists,2 Mor-mons,2 German Reformedand.oneMoravian,ss TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Get a_25-cent bottle of Danderine Hnade-so-many-of them,—-By-the same}mew totalpopulationis.found to|at any drug store;pour a little.intobe3,131 people,totat church mem-|your hand and rub well into the scalpberships1,647,and total Sunday|with the finger tips.By morningschoolmembership1,534.Our Sun-|most,if not all,of this awful scurtdayschoolmembershipfalls113be-|will have disappeared.Two.or three|low our church membership.A reas-|applications will destroy every bit ofonablestandardisthat Sunday|dandruff;stop scalp itching and fall-membership shall equal ing:hair.membership.The Baptistsdeservespecialmentioninthiscon-|;:ehnection,in that their.Sunday school}|LEE'S HEADACHEmembershipexceedstheirchurch!|membership by 31.Lutherans.and . ——AND———_A,R.P.have practically the same Neuralgia Remedy number in church and Sunday school. Safely and Quickly Re- NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA,~:GAS OR INDIGESTION “Pape’s Diapepsin”Settles Sour,Up- lieves Headache and Nen-ralgia and nervous Head-ache.Also tor headache set Stomachs in Five Minutes. caused by colds and grippe. Time it!Pape’s Diapépsin will di-gest anything you eat.and overcome a 10c.,25e.and BO0e.; At fountains 5¢. sour,gassy or out-of-order stomachsurelywithinfiveminutes, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG DEALERS, If your meals don’t fit comfortably,or what you eat lies like a lump of!lead in your stomach,or if you have!heartburn,that is a-sign of indiges-tion, Get from your,pharmacist a fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin andtakeadosejustasgoonasyoucan.|.There will be no sour,risings,no}:belching .of undigested food ‘mixedwithacid,‘no stomach gas or heart-1 8”burn,fullness or heavy feeling in thestomach,nausea,debilitating head-aches,dizziness or intestinal griping.|%This will all go,and,besides,there!®will be no sour food left over in the!%stomach to poison your breath’with |}nauseous odors.'Pape’s Diapepsin is acertain.eure’for out-of,ordery stomachs,because ittakesholdofyourfoodanddigestsitjustthesameasifyour:stomachwasn't there,~’::Relief in five miriutes from all Your Grocer knows,stomach misery is waiting for you at}/any drug store,—;These largefitty cent cases contairi|Cary i C.Boshamer.itn eh Peat,hap f Local Representative@€""a Y’m i ;rh.disnedass!and indi elon 1any |Black,Ita Dan Valley| Will please those —“who demand theverybest.It is anextraordinaryflour,CO O for {Remove That Pain — |WITH ONE-OF OUR_Aseptic Porous Plasters. ;5c.AT ;oo|HALL’S-DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20,Préscriptionists, 8 2 NICE LOT OFNEW SPRING JEWELRY Just in.Solid Gold Lavalliers at $2.50. sounds mighty cheap to us.How doesit.strike you?Come in and see them.R.H.RICKERT &SON,JEWELERS. VOTES,VOTES!_.Yes,women votes at that.They vote for BRACELETSNowdon’t’you men be against it.Get the Bracelet.from:_Woodward and all will be well and wear Well.Voters’age_limit.6 months to 100 years,.1H.B.WOODWARD, _WHoTERN nox detee ear at eatheNorthbMealteane heestions as.to-hings That Would make 3 IREDELL CROP STANT. |Increase in Per Acre’Yield But |# a Lossin Total Productionand |#Per Capita Produetion—Some|fInterestingFigures.H The following statement of gains |# iv No,21.-west-bound,due 3:25 i ;es te ub ie A 188 x 2 Town,More Attractive;|and losses of agriculture in Iredell ; La te nal in No.10.85 a.m.|Correspondence of The Landmark,county for ten years-~-1900-1910-~|%a place’“that Tryin No.22,east-bound,due 1.1 :orSoni won foal,fins dong tan Treie No.i?Sotbouna’que ee un|We feel sure Statesville Tee (cotton and tobacco not considered)|§a :‘Train No.16,coarens ae.20.88 p..m.|want their town to be known as “The/are from figures based on the Unit-|ficiget1~Ae RS VILLE,Cleanest and Most Beautiful,”as well |ed States.census reports and are as !©Heed,sleepy eli allte time,andwas 38 Ne.Mt Se.se,Neve,035 $me{as “The Best Town in the State’"Coneeeate ae oe acral ”‘and wouldka art amy ee?ler aia baneTajo If each one of us will but dochis|was in weet potatoes,9 per ul i¢fiauously.€‘con-Drain No ibar’€:20,‘leaves 6-4i pe }Part,‘this can.be the\case with ‘But |but our average yee perere,124 Since Cardui,Jnade ely Noa,28 and 24 are not operated on Sunday.|little effort,In orderto:have it the bushi jhe imal ..:‘ass‘;entit e ga per cent in our toacatiaCrLeat,Everything Tried to Exterminate Negro|“canest town In the State,thefon oats yield,while losing:12 per cent 5agained19.60 Inwepit wand I Family,;euthorities are requested to enforce i,oats ge capital’indication3weouarePotindswacatesysaliheregulationsagreed.xpon lastyear.|of better farming methods.Eg aecomings,40 nee ont Rasetiig ing on phe na ‘ave a Clean-Up Day (soon);Bee|Maer progress in farm meth-:At the Booster Store.be i,wron tosufier,:O exterminate.(hy |pat ‘ey table tn tow is thorough-|{ods shows in sweet potato culture.|f ij th fonkaltg Cart has nen res family of Jo.Perry,colored,avhegro)ikaned Gaeta.wie mea var |We gained in acreage slightly,but :The Oa Baby willreceive a geld and its. pecs the |living ‘ten miles from.Henderson,and ‘et.cach householder see that:every.|more thay doubled our total yield,10015 oh oe eee2,6,000"Booster Cou y ,rt Sina tetheabove,sueceeded in killing Perry’s wife and/thing on and around his premises is P°r cent,|7 a tank Cosponss Sie peter Sev)oe.four ;which pote lato nee year by year,|a child,wounding Perry and his broth-;Kept clean:do away with thetrash|The tgst of better farming lies in prize,jooster Coupons;fifth prize;2,000 ; Carduiissuccessful becauseitis ery John,probably fatally.pile;see that papers are pi jlarger ylelds on the same or.smaller|The motherof each baby entered in this contestwillbé ec i posedofingredients which actspecilically|Reports.state that the dwelling of |ffom pavement and streets round|To ene with lower cost of production,|§§-Coupons,which may be counted oa the ring and.epriseoulset andalsoOnthewomanlyconstitution,amd helps |the negroes.was saturated ‘with ker-|the home-place;burn refuse of all|In,the per aere yield of corn we gain-|@.fora Booster on the grand prize. buildthe weakened organs health }osene and set on fire,a fusilladevof|kinds;use lime bountifully, ~led 7 per cent in the 10 years;15 per|#<=To each person oyen.six years of age who at the store,andstrength, \bullets being poured into the house|We have an exeellent street force|cent in\per acre yield of wheat;58/8.duripg the Baby Showwill be given £0Bonen G ‘Toeach :Cardui has helped others,and help when its occupants tried to escape.and we only ask the streets be cleaned |aad cent per acre yield of oats,and ©yebese registering who makes a purchase,of $i.i‘or.‘ie — i ce @ bottle today.You |The women and child fell dead,the|at night,and especially on Saturday |per cpt in per acre yield of sweet co registering will be given 1,000.extrawon'tregretit.Your druggist it.me mortally wounded,it is thought.|nights,so that the Church-goer and||Potato os 4 i ular coupons from the purchase."Boosters,get all.ae Sky aeSpattancoencuityoungerchildthanthe’one dill:all may feel Cleanliness is next.to}‘ae a4 osses are ue more |f ter.Seethat ever baby in the whole comnmuhityis entered in goad Teno.for satis4S.ed was saved.Godliness,.:ret spec i:an a pi this8contest,and gee tso tagcat BoosterCoupons from ite mother,gructionsshyourcoseand Pagebook,‘Home ——ee Merchants!Grocers!Butchers!gen¢raily conceded that our far-|%~Whichisthe prettiest baby in this communiapie We unableplainwrapper,NC Rev.J.H.Wannemacher,pastor of|The women of the town haveagreed |mers better farmers.Since 1900)%tell,and antdaretotell ue -pee are is to to patronize those stores that are)kept the cleanest.The grocers and|butchers are requested not to place|food of any kind on the street,‘ex-posed’to the dust.Butchers are asked not to),havemeatscarteduncovered,Pleasein=)struct errand boys not to throw ‘pa-|pers on the streets.Everybody is asked to clean cellars.| Use plenty of lime in them. Everybody—Don’t throw banana)skins,orange peel,apple _cores:or {Holy Trinity Lutheran churen,Hick-ory,was.stricken with paralysis Thursday evening while making pas- tora]calls,suffering the attack as pereached.the door ofa home whereintendedtocal).His right side isaffectedandhewasrenderedspeech-less ‘soon after “being stricken.Z {Tine Star Oil For The Incubator._ Don’t use a cheap grade of oil in your 2 incubator.parings,on the streets. 4 |ato You will 5,Observe these regulations and we, =save your eggs and lose shalt-have-a-clean,.a town.‘ Fy aur -th 5 a.ft One more suggestion as toclean-|your time by using =Pg liness:.Keep ‘poultry yards and’ the best.Lone Star ;1 De chicken heuaee thoroughly.cleaned, gives the best results.|nnn ere In-srder—to-beautify our town: }"4 :Plant flowers.vines,shrubbery,sow i he x,erass seed,plant trees,.maxe your Basle &Milholland.|\ies home-place attractive and the town, i J '‘as well as you,will be the gainer. perenne eee:}N\|We ask those in authority to piant ene |\trees on every street,in the vacant; En"CRUSE ANDRAGIAND i |spacesean trees have died,or been -removed. Perey natant a There is an ordinance that-chieken|oe. Dr.Cruse,Local Practitioner.Rheumatism ;owners:must kedp:chickens:on -their Office cE pak Gray Drop Co .premises.Friends and neighbors,do Office “P lane ror rome oe ay Tyo kode ie meee iol many 2 ee 2€acute agonizing pain beautiful flowers an s veget- 7 "Phone 198 Green.f tismis soot at once“ables have been-destroyed2.Be more | a eR NL LN Le by Boca 8 Liniment.”Domot considerate,and do not let your chick- '1 rub—it penetrates to the sore .ens disturb your neighbor’s products.Fre Ve tables!SoniefesaSat [in eros calgees!bottle or a ef &oe few more suggestions:.We ave no public playground,‘no park,-ho ig Crea es H RHEUMATISM community building. i So or 3.Here What OthersSay:Weare:all interested—in childre:: BeBe oo Bhae eoiehly,recommend your Liniment Hj |and we do want to see them haye a,;Leverme]5 :.fh used.foreusing it I spent ‘sums playground.“The olderchildren,;too. REE SAT:Ce eR f of wall tinetne so'ert eli ofthe would enjoy See jee of} os notin {your |Liniment bot s ternal tennis.basketball,croqu e iP FreshLettuce,i I found fick.TabT aed now sme Will some public spirited “citizen| i {re16th St,ome nek Oe Curtis,225 come.forward and offer:apiece of! B Fresh Celery,{:‘Here's Proof ground for this purpese?If it does q be Se ||fi “1 wish to write and tell you about a not suit him to give it to the town,Fresh Tomatoes.:fall T had down fourteensteps,ps,atid bruised lexid it for a stated period..:Z tl Seeseb alee eettas tas taeae The park—The town (if.have not .i bottle of your Linimentandin twodays’been misinformed)owns a beautiful time Dwas on my feet i vesHyde,15265 Proirte Ave’St Lowe SesSLOAN'S.LINIMENT tract of land on east’Broad street, which with no great amount of work em (@ be converted into a beautiful vark.With a little eleaning out oftheundergrowthand:placing a fewbenchesheréandthere,this could beutilizedforthatpurpose.There isthenaturalforestandalittlestream Miller-McLain Supply Co. 4 o 5 i fo new.:ti ¥:*iDIXON'S ELDORADOPENCILS |fjtrascaZe Sato sprlne and ot ei oer ihenea ae le pecs Deere Just |:a toe Bruit,25,‘ot tant this could “be made very }3 Or a aulifu “and Asics oa keepers |De TRIAL BOTT:ey us pth work together,mein’ Statesville Printing Co Earl S.Sloan,Inc.oe es.mead o dear old Svatesville.2 cu zi Dept.B.__Philadelphia,Pa.|ONE OF THE CIVIC LEAGUERS. nionmas [ee ee Se tee f ae[FOR FINE CLEANING 'Grain on Farms and Prices.eb Draine {|New Spring Milinery se eenal ay etaa oe —PHONE 147—)™1 ee -\United States Department of -Agri-Sloan Pressing Club.IL have just returnedfrom calvany Sens Te Se Gee terms in u t ,:ort rolina on tae Ist o are:IFhece |purchased peculiar eeaiaete vee oo.;|°f|with 1.988;on the same period in ECLIPSE ENGINES il to-date line.of Millinery,1914—-the average for the past four ;|vears on the pane ate being 1,630,-ANDTHRESHERS.|whichis now on display."|ua"°™(fame ame Done 1:Thankin ou for your};On the same date it is estimated‘I willhave some ofourlatest |8 YOUTT cat the the f thistylemachineshereaeshort|trade heretofore and solic-|'state ere0ee0.Spelt g corn cor,time,meoverthefirsttime|iting a continuance of Same]}pared with 26,544,000 on the sameyouareintownandseethem|date in.1914—the average for theandlet’stalk it over.MRS.MARY SIMS.ee four years.being 21,980,- C,H.TURNER,Cats on the:farms “farch 1,788,- Near i |:1000 bushels;on the same date of lasttheDepotAuctionSale!|year,900,000;averige for the four-AIredell "Phone No.74,Bell No:7.year period,783,000. |The undersignedwwill sell at public |March Ist’the price of wheat wasjauctionforcashatthecourthouse)$1.50 per bushel to the producer in{door in Statesville,N.C.,on |North Carolina compared with an|SATURDAY,MARCH 20,1915,|average of $1.40 in the country atpat12o'clock:m.,five shares.of stock|large.On the same date last year theintheStatesvilleCotton«‘Mills,be-)price was $1.10 and 83.1,respective- 1M.P.‘Alexander ¢&Bro.| FOR |longing to the estate ofA:D.Cooper,|ly.:|deceased.ELECTA i COOPER,Theprice of cor Was 94 cents in ministratrix.||North rolina,75,1 th tryNiceFreshMeats.ee.McLaughlin,Atty.|at laces Last’year 03 anc 0.1,tes’:i]fee a:26,,1915.|spectively.’aiid TNgarg ~| Oatse~72 and BBas 60 and 38.9.8 |Potatoes—-96 ‘and 50-4;85 and 70.7.Cooking Recipes: .Getaneat little card indexoutfitforthem.Only 90¢, Statesville Printing Co; Gotton-—8 ‘and’17.4;12.5 and 12.6,Butter+24'and26.8;24 and 26.Eggs—i7 ard 21.3;21 and 24.wvChickéngsperpound,11.6 end 111£:9-and-424 Fancy Groceries, WHITE KID aad Cleaned‘as white as snow—notchalked but cleaned;'Phone GILLESPIE,350. DRAPNtBs CANNOT BECURED local ications,ee aAn~‘reach the “diseasedDattion ot neereisonlyoecureAdhatfa.Le!“constitution -Along with the dty.summer —months come the fire risks,—Why not tise good gradeoffinroofingtoovercomefireruriisSee nis hothintheueHOLLANDBROS.|have:nve.changed allgrades|‘ “W State our loss/in acreage was 9 per cent in|per-cent-in-wheat.and ©12inoats.» ty,80 we'll have to take a voteoehah During thepersoncastingaeCouponsforaBoostermayofthecouponsthenameoftthetbeetotwichBeSteoeThebabyforwhichheorsheisvotingwillbegiven”.votes indicated on the faceof me,me,or 1.Every babyis‘pretty,tenets bab;venicesemeect |nighttoto thestore atsome corn, per ce centif corn and 20.7 per cent in wheatsince/1900;-But-while we were losing in-both-acreage—and.total.yield -wemadesteadygainginalloftheperacreyieldsofallcrops. Consumption—-The per capita con-,sumption of corn in the United States 2.The oat showis limited to babiesbabyenteredmustbebro"during this show. the# is around 31 bushels a year.In 1900 4.To a baby whois present at the store on the:last dl ofourpercapitaproductionwas22.6 otes Mice 1).bushels andin 1910 it was 17 bushels.baby show will be credited 10,000 v on the is 10,- . «000.votes counts only onthe innerg,andnot forany Booster)ee: sae CONTESTb=BAB :SATURDAY,APRIL 17ith mr 400p,m.)closed-and the votesjeounted,-On Saturday closes the one big.offerTakesevaniageofitforyourfavorite set f brthat|On this basis our totai deficit in Ire-dell in 1900 was 241,458 bushels.In1910-it-was-480,410 “pushiels.Henceitisevidentthattthedeficitof~ corn:production.was almost twice in 1910 what it was in 1900.According to the Federal Depart-ment of Agricultural the per capitaconsumptionofwheatintheSouth Atlantic States is 4 bughels per an- num.In ‘1900°the per capita wheatproduction.in Tredell county was 6.3 bushels;This was a per capita sur- plus of 2.3 bushels,and a total sur- plus in the county of 66,847.busneis. But in 1910 our wheat acreage andour.total wheat yield had decreased. Our population:had increased 18 per cent,while our per capita wheat yield fell to 4.2 bushels and our wheat sur- plus shrank to 6,863 bushels.D.E.EAGLE, Chapel Hill,N.C.. eee ene Money.For Schools—lIredell Gets Over $7,000. The State Board of Education has apportioned the school equalizingfundfortheState,distributing $409,- |630.45 with which to project the schoo!{term to an average of 100.2 days.The money ‘allotted the several counties intheStatecomesfromwhatisknown as the State equalizing fund.It was provided for by the 1913 General As- the ballot ontbeamyaStatesvilleueComp’YspualityPrescriptionists, vhen Ready-to-Wear Department a Now filled with good things and at very attractive |prices: $20 and $25 Silk Poplin Coat Suitsat$18 and $20 Wool Serge PoplinSuits at_ emb}:d d-by'a‘5-cent levy oncach$100 valuation and set avide|l $15 Wool Serge Suits atfromtheStatetaxlevy.”$12.50 Wool Serge and Poplin Suits at: The term of 100.2 days lacks three and one-tenth days of equalling theterm.of last year which went 103-3) days,which the Ra‘eigh correspond-ent of the Greensboro News says (is‘due to the fact that “salaries ofteachershavebeen’raised and the/¥ compulsory school law has placed so many additional children in theschoolsthatalargernumberof.teach-} ers had to be employed.And while}!the term has been shortened by a half week,the number of children put intheschoolsrunsintomanythousands.”Counties in this section of the State receiving aid are the following:Alex- ‘ander,$5,184;—Cabarrus-$4,836.49; Galdwell,$4,277.89y Catawba,$6,134.-37;Davie $2,627.05;Iredell,$7,592.21;,Mecklenburg,$9,176.153.Rowan,$6,-097.79;Wilkes.$12,663.’70;Yadkin, $2,902,27;Lincoln,$3,626.96. nena Trying to Abolish Judge Lind- sey, Statesville people will rememberJudgeBenLindsey,who delivered: a@ very interesting lecture on juven-|| jle delinquency’at the Chautauqua last summer.Lindsey is judge of the juvenile court at Denver,Col.,andthe.Republican Legislature of Colo-fado is trying to abolish the court. to get rid of Lindsey.The alleged purpose of the act is to assign to oth-er courts the work of Lindsey's eourt.The proposed legislation ‘asarousedmuchinterestandthéreisa mass of contradictory statements,charges of perjury and alleged ad-|,mission of perjury.Judge Lindsey :has demanded the atrest of tiree|f men,one a State official,and one wo-/§man,head of an organization which|qjheallegesisconspiringtoousthim.|%He says the corporations nave fought|#him for years,e charge against Lindsey is thesainesooftenmadeagainstMr.Bry-/%an—that he négleets the work for!®which he draws ‘pay and chases|&atound on Chautauqua Circuits,for |%.|Which he draws big pay:; Se camemnnaheneennemmnmmmemnauaelHighway:Cominission ‘Appointed. All new and up-to-date styles, Dress Goods _ Showing many new thingsin Sitk,Wool and Cotton.fabrics. Hosiery. ForLa Misses and Children from5c.to 98¢e,Le ‘White Goods © “Waiale a-specialtyinthialine,“206.and 25c.values,40 inch Voiles,at15¢c.and20c,values,40 inch praenii,a15.and 25c.40 inch Organdies at Come,see,investigate and be convinced that v wearesellingforless. The Store That ‘Sells For Less.annie 212."Po se aE i em Clovers,batik Seed Oats,four.alg good quality,reasonable prices.Sometimes — better and cheaper than you catiget:‘by or-” dering,with the additional,advantage:of seeingwhat:you getand:ret is may be left over.You can’t yesacni OXpectbettergoodsforlessmoneythanIcan_give.You might want a ‘leetle”accoth-_modation,“I sell all soe grain,feed,ns flour,fertilizer’on time.‘ ~100-pound:bags High Grade Fertilizerfor. a gardeners delivered.\ it Legislature,Goy..Craig has |®nted M-.H.Stacey,professor ‘of|%pering at the Pelee iseof 18'W.-C,Riddiék ifenyineeringatA,&M,ColCi‘:©.Duncan,Repubtienn,aauiey Col;Be:and Gay bagCai‘Dut AM,ane BeVille,State highway commis-|2TheGovérmorahdDr.Jo-]8&Pratt;State:eeologist,are!¥members of the eommis,Fae wuion wil weunitinn ‘atearlydateandelectaneeeaofoe snewals are not in by date1,paper will be stopped, ‘ae March 16,1915,ee |REGULATIONS. have only to study the pro- of our own State Legisla- e to learn that they pass all sorts Jaws in this country,so the re- §hereinafter do not mean,that onsin is far ahead of us.The -lexactly pleased -that the Legislature -|made a material inerease in the Tees |’ allowed solicitors and refused to vote|~ a few thousand dollars to secure the!He enact _OENCREASING SALARIES. |.‘The ~Lumberton “Robesonian’isn’t enforcement of the child labor law and’also refused appropriations for other meritorious propositions.While ‘The Landmark thinks the Legisla- ture made a mistake as to child la- bor law inspection it appreciates the indisposition to launch new’institu- tions for the State to support when it is so difficult to find the means to support those we have,and.especial- ly to provide for the constantly in- creasing demands made on the insti- tutions.But every time the Legis- lature meets there is a demand for increased salaries and an ‘increase peers tikee <Ss ernment:$e)ie ‘omWashingtonLispatch,"==|»|ceeded by.B,Leste now.de} Charges that the Underwood tariff|vty,commissioner of fisheries.caused business depression in Mont-|President Wilson,and Congtessgomerycounty,Pa.,.are uted in|were commended for their strict neu- in Poca made by an investigator of|trality in the European warinares-the bureau of foreign and domestic!olution adopted by the Mlinois Sen-commerce,made public by Secretary|ate.The measure was offered by aofCommerce:eld.,Republican’and urges the President Last Decemler the manufacturers’|and Congress to"remam steadfast in assdciation of the county made/their policy of neutraiity and impar-sweeping statements as to conditions|tiality,;in the county in an open letter ad-|It was announced ;at.the White State passed an act prohibit-in’the number of employes in the sleeping car companies making |State departments.A number of “upper berth over an occupied material increases in’salaries were +berth until the upper 1s sold.|made by the Legislature just.ad- the upper berth in a sleeping Car!journed.‘All of these increases may t let,down the occupant of ‘the |he deserved,but‘unless it be clearly, er berth has Nungs eePe /shown that there has been a very re comfort.But unless the occu-|large increase in’the amount of it of the lower berth is willing t0|work,or that new conditions have 1 for the whole section—for both!j,jsen,these increases should not ‘be berths—the upper berth is let down,made except ‘to be effective at the er him,no matter if it isn’t sold!peginning of a.new term’of office. on The Doce law was |When a man knows the duties and tended to stop that practice and @/cnjary attached to a place and yet @ase testing its constitutionality has)wea :himself out and exhausts the argued:in the Supreme Court of |patience of his friends in trying to Se a iced =Tools |connect with the job,he should’be ther small on the part of the sleep-!estopped’from demandingincreased Pa a aie ~UP-i pay as sogn as he is comfortably fix- berth whenit isn’t sold and un-):; “necessarily coop-up the lower berth)”soe ;without profit to themselves,| |fhe Landmarkis joining the Char- loubtless realize that if-they Jotte-News inprotest against the ac- ollow this practice’all pas-'tion of the judge of the Rowan coun- uld_clamor _for lowers 'ty ‘court,who sent a womanto ‘the s the uppers were unoccupied;‘werk-house for stealing her husband’s soto treat all alike they let all)pocketbook.In the first place,this down unless *the passenger)untoward action.of the Rowan county fora_section._But isn’t it a court is establishing a new-and dan- small matter to makt jaws about to}gerous precedent;breaking a custom ‘fight through’all the courts to the|that has existed so long that it has court of last resort?ibecome.to be considered a woman's ur own Legislature tried to pass!privilege to.purloin from her hus- a law prohibiting a freight train band’s pockets whatever ready cash auling more than 50 cars;and we'she may find.That is too often the believe it did pass—or at least at-|only way the poor souts can obtain a‘tempted to pass—a law compelling|cent from their gkinflint husbands. railroad companies to pay their men}With a,right to an equal divide as twice a month instead.of once a an equal partner;many times earning onth.Fewer cars toa train would!more—than—half,;the wifetoo often ‘Mean more trains and more employ-|has to beg for the money for her ment for men,but the company’barest necessities and the small pit- should have some consideration in!tance she receives is often given un- “that matter;and-semi --monthly in-|graciously.In many cases at least stead of monthly payments.may be the woman who takes her husband’s “more convenient,if not more profita-pocketbook is not stealing from him. le to employes,but this might have She is simply taking possession of been aranged between employer and/|what rightfully belongs to her. mploye without a law.|Sere RRR |Tribute has been ‘paid Senator Gil-From now on until the crop is har- vested;there will be much speculation out this year’s cotton crop,The fadesboro Ansonian says “there is doubt about farmers in Anson cou ne ‘h 7 ia serncing the cotton Bereage i limited means,for all.the urgent de- t‘South Carolina tells The Landmark’!tleman who recently visited in t-apparently as much cotton will planted in Marlboro and Darlington ities—where he visited—as usual,but not 60 much fertilizer will be .The cotton crop will hardly ‘if farmers will continue to take aandmark wonders,with the Marsh- ville Home man,why they don’t go on the market now and buy it for 8'‘S:7 They |“ia!system at least,to provide for the staple for ts he use of all the' cents and hold it for a rise. y.theyc:8 cents.So labor and time and expense of grow- i a crop When it-can be bought veady.to hand for less?But the hab- its of generations are not dropped in year.It takes time.’me ¢ |State’s aid. ithe North’Carolina be!small as it ought to be,the wel-/ fare of the farmers considered.But|i sgig;|State’s institutions are pressing;thecesingrowingmuchcotton,The|wes éhaciaa|demand on the ‘charitable institutions lis urgent and insistent...e Stateijtandinsistent.The State |must listen to piteous appeals for ;worthy causes which can’t be grant- iiam,on whom muchof ‘the work of ithe joint legislative appropriations |committee:fell,and -proper-apprecia-{ition shown of the difficult task of the ‘committee in trying to provide,from mands of the State institutions and ito.do as much as possible for the many ‘worthy causes which seek the Why any member of Legislature would want the chairmanship of the appropriations committee under ex- isting conditions,is beyond The Landmark’s ken.he needs of the is unable,under its present finan- all who have a just clarm on its char- ity.And so theappropriations com- mittee,"and especially the chairman, ed.It is a trying place to fill,eee etree The following item is from the jAttention is directed to’the article |Drace correspondent of the Lenoir by a member of the “Civic League.|ghedid None of us—at least:very few of us:We are sorry to note that Mr.Sid-j ney Auton,one of our neighbor boys,--Keep our premises as clean as we was convieted and sentenced to ald ‘keep them;and we ought to!14 months on the roads by the presid- ously consider,without prejudice;|ing judge,W.J..Adams,at Lenoirsuggestionsmadeandadopt|st.week,-He is a moral,economicalDetltakesomeiasijandindustriousyoungmanofmanyAOI.A Some work and a)good qualities,being born and rearedttletrouble,but it is worth more near here.:all this to preserye health and/One wonders how a “moral,econo- ke our places.attractive,From |mical and industrious ‘young.man” economic standpoint alone it is|managed to land on the chain gang for money to clean up and make|5°long a term. ve our places of abode,eith-| Places of business or_residence.|The Legislature having adjourned, :merc therewill be no opportunity to enact Dr.Johnson of Charity and Chil-|®dog,law for two years,but any-“doesn’t think much of the argu-|thing worth while is always a proper is advanced in the State Senate|Subject for consideration.Therefore pst the bill prohibiting liquor)the reader,no“matter what his viewsipments:He says:they were.“as|dog laws,will find it profitable.to as branch water”and “not a|digest the remarks on thig’subject 4 s strong utterance wus made,”|°f Mr.T.M.Stevenson—an Iredellafurther:‘}man—of Columbia,5 °C.Mr.Ste- »plea of unconstitutionality was|Venson makes a.strong statement oflyfeeble,and was knocked)the facts,ito.fragments bySenator .Thomp-|meme ne er‘of Iredell,who made perhaps the)Each ‘of the-‘Speech that was delivered 0|seems to -bé'hetter Vell spoken’tor Senator Thomp-|one today is a treat. dmark is publishing today about Iredell _crops. ;week,The figures pre-/in the State.‘deserve ‘the careful study of ‘farmers of the county,and espe- the boys and young 1 ie iSO Best Treatment For Constipation.“« oi recommend them highly,”writes’Paul B Sinner’s sermons |than the last:The| The Sinner preaches the pure yospel.About ,a! half dozen papers are puiishing his{Sermons and he is reaching much men-\larger audiences than any pyeacher My daughter used’Chamberlain’s,Ta BmenOn/for.constipation with good,veanits AS need Babin,Brushly;-La;—For-anle by alt dealers, dressed to President Wilson.Among’other things it was stated that “wo-men sit helpless in cold,‘dismalroomsand.their children face star,vation.”..iThePresidentlaid the complaintbeforeSecretaryRedfield‘with a re- be made.D,'M,Barclay,an expe-rienced commercial.agent of the de-partment,was assigned ‘to the work.Barclay’s report,submitted*to See-retary Redfield and by him to the.President,indicates that whatevergroundtheMontgémerycounty,Pa. manufacturers have for grievanceslargelyresultsfromtheirownfail-: ure to take advantage of market con-ditions affecting their products.,The harrowing.tale of starvation wasfoundtobepurelyimaginative.Dur- ing the-month of January only 73personsoutofatotalpopulationof27,000 applied for aid to the associ-ated charities of‘Norristown,the largest community in the,county,Not all of these,were mill hands.Mr.Barclay personally.investigat--ed_the condition-of 30-mills and fae-}tories dealing in ‘clothing,—hosiery,men’s shirts,lumber,structural:iron;work,boilers and tanks,.plumbers’)supplies,cigars,steel and -other com-. -‘modities.—sf :Fifteen ofthe concerns visited ad-mitted that their business could notbedirectlyaffectedbythetariff;12stated_that—foreign “goods:could “come,into direct competition with their:products,ane three fur-nace and steel plants refused any in- formation.3 3 |Those firms doing an export busitiness:agreed ‘that the European:warhadaffectedtheirtrade,while ‘the hosiery concerns conceded that.-can- cellation practices pruvazting in ‘this trade ‘had proved injurious.Sum-ming up the report of the investiga- tor _in—his-letterto the President, Secretary Redfield said:5“In view of the facts submitted re- specting the negligible importations. the injurious trade customs and the unintelligent competition in certain lines,it is evident that suchof ther manufacturers in this district as may jhave suffered need careful attention i\to business methods rather than-<in \the imposing of a tariff tax <to..sus- |tain them while carrying on business|under conditions that are essentially|unsound.”Ree|‘This is the -first—investigation”of 'the sort conducted by the départment‘under the law,authorizing it to as-‘certain:the ‘causes’of industrial dis- turbances. German ‘Submarine Does Much Business—Vessels Destroyed- “The submarine U-29,-one —of--the largest and fastest of German un- derwater craft,had a successful. in the English Channel,says a Lon-don dispatch,where on Thursday, British steamers and one French steamer and damaged three others The German commander gave tae erews of most of the steamers time to leave their vessels nd in ‘somecasestowedtheship’s lifeboats with the crew.a ‘The U-29 was chased by patrol boats,but proved too elusive,while steamers.which tried.to ram or e¢s- cape her found ‘the submarine warmuchfasterthansimilarcraftwhichpreviously.had..been preying on Great Britain’s ‘oversea trade.‘With a.German submarine in.the waters arotind the .Scilly:Islands ‘which the -big~liners -pass-—on—their- iness is felt in shipping circles .andduringthedayareport,watch alsoreachedtheAmericanliner.New York by wireless,was circulated thatone.had been torpedoed.This.re-port,it is believed,arose from thesinkingoftheAndalusian,which be-longed to the Ellerman.Line.The British admiralty ‘‘announced Saturday night that the total num-ber of British merchant and fishing vessels lost through hostile actionsincethewar's outbreak-was 88 mer- chant ‘vessels sunk or captured.Ofthose,54 were victims ‘of hostilecruisers,12 were destroyed by minesand22bysubmarines.Forty-seven|fishing vessels were sunk or captur- ‘ed during this time,Nineteen .were ‘blown up by mines and 28 capturedibyhostilecraft. |PIETRODEERENETRETIIEOEETAT |jA’street fight that was a rear-bat- tle occurred at Pageland,S.C.,Fri-\day as the result of a suit in a mag:‘istrate’s court,J,W+Arrant was kill-led,J.D,Wallace probably fatally|wounded,J.M.Arrant,brother of J,|W.,very seriously wounded,—while three others were moré’or less_seri-|-ously hurt.|J.W..Arrant was|brought from Pagelandto Charlotte.|42 miles,in an automobile for treat-ment in a Charlotte hospital, quest that a thorough investigation;over neutral shipping and with the Hing.—In-the-time-of Charles IX,,the three days off the Scilly Islands,and |‘ Friday and Saturday she sank four |} ‘|Would ‘not be without it.in the house if ‘vue,Ohio.way across the Atlantic,'much uneas-|* House Thursday that because.of the pressing character of the Mexican and other ‘international questions,President Wilson will see no callerséexeeptgovermentofficialsforthreeweeks.The President wishes to takepersonalchargeofthenegotiations Mexican factions. Great Britain has added the fol- contraband of war:Whol,woolen and tin,chloride of tin,tin ore,castor oil, paraffin wax,copper,eants,hides,of all kinds of leather monia and its ©salts,anilene and.its.compounds,- Mrs.Rockefeller,wife of John D.Rockefeller,the Standard oil million-aire,died Friday at Rockefeller coun-try home,near Tarrytown,N.Y-Shehadbeenillforsometime.LauraCelestiaSrelmanRockefellerwasa native of Wadsworth,Ohio,and was born in 1839.She.was_a-school-teach-er when Rockefeller married —her, urea, lowing articles to the list of absolute!//f worsted yarns,wool tops and.nails,G iodine,lubri-} suitable for military equipment,am-)” The Storewiththe 4...|PerfectionAn el Pictorial Review PatternsHerearefourofawonderful¢ollectionofsmart EMPIREdresses,©”‘The FASHION BOOKfor Spring»"yi!Costs only 10 cents when purchasedwith one J5 cent pattern,ss tie: t onNy? 5 Se e bk Po t i ee i L S ti t e ws i+ + Pr e t e a Se ao a AR S E SB E SS S os a - pe t e 2) SA S ri o es “i 38 Li rt LI Z er = ~~ =e or a me Ti g r e s PA T E L ei t .\ Le —_rr mt 55 7 (7 22 te r Wi t s ‘aist* Two married daughters and a sonsurvive..Two children are dead. A dispatch from Paris says that in view ofthe shortage -or toed-inGermany,it_is expected the govern-ment.will follow’the ‘course’ofCharlesIX.pf France,wao imposedfinesandimprisonmentforoverfced- cost.of living was so’great that it)was ordained that no person should| eat more than three courses at a!meal,and the amount served at these!courses was prescribed. Harry:Thaw and four others ‘indict-ed with him,were last week acquit-| ted,by a New York court,of —the!charge.of conspiracy in Thaw's es-|cape from Matteawan criminal in-; sane asylum a ‘year and 4 half ago.}Thaw.resisted extradition proceed-! ings to bring him f-om New Hamp-} shire to New York Yor trial and wasonlyrecentlybroughtback.He isstillinjail,awaiting the deterriina-~;tion-as’to his return to Matteawan, where he was commitvea aiter his murder of Stanford White-: LOSING HOPEWOMANVERY ILL ‘Finally "Restored To Health’ By LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.© ~Bellewne,Ohio.—““I was in 0 terrible| ‘Btate before Itook Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetableCom-Saisff |it would break,Ipainsalloverme, periodic troubles.I z*run down and was strong.After tak--ing Lydia BE.Pink-|#ham’s Vegetable Compound I improved|#rapidly and today am a well woman.I|#cannot tell you.how happy-I feel andI:|#cannotsay too muchforyourCompound. it costthree.times the amount.’’—Mra, CuHas. Woman’s Precious Gift. The one which she should most zeal-ously guard,istheonemostoiten neglected,untilsomeailmentpeculiartohersexhasfasteneditselfuponher..Whenso af-fected such women may rely upon Lydia|#E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,a|# remegy that has been wonderfully suc-ess women.“Ef you have the slightest doubt |- that Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegeta- (confidential)Lynn,Mass.,forade vice.Your letter will be opened,read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confitience. PAINT EXPERTS AGREE THAT5 4 mae, is the America:Jence.2s When Croup Comes _Treat Externally The old method of dosi|stomachs with nauseous }} rugsia}wrongandharmful.‘Try the external treatment~-Vick’s ‘‘Vap-O-Rub”Salye,dust rub a pors,released by the body heat,loosen thechoking~phlegm.and.ease the difficultbreathing.’Abedtime application insuressoundsleep,-2be,60e,or.$1.00.Oe NTRPORUBY”_VAPORUBjj{ delicate little’ little over ‘the throat and chest,Lhe-va-| ‘FOR SALE BY \ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co, ; Invitations! (Engraved or printed)forWeddings,at Homes,-Schools,,etc.,or Announce-mentCards,eétc.,just’phone200orwriteandwe'll bave*“‘JohouyOn The Job.” My back} t nervous feelingsand |# ‘was very weak and|# losing hope of ever|#being well and|§ CHAPMAN,R,F.D,No.7,Belle-H er health,but:it is}% in restoring health to auffering |# ble Compound will help you,write|&to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo,|3 n Standard of Excel-i “094 Ske 0072-——Seer 15 cents for each of the abovenumbers.~‘ahem 8,ae We recommend toyou to lockthroughThe FASHION BOOK.forSpring before deciding on your new gowns :“APRIL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNSnow ready. Every day’s express ‘brings many newcreationsinSuits,Dresses,Coats,SkirtsandWaists,as-well as Silks,White Goods, slate Voiles and Organdies and noveltyabrics.oe Send us your mailorders.They’llhaveourmostcarefulattentionandsenttoyourdoorprepaidwiththeassurancethatyou get : Your-Money’s-Worth-Or-Money-Back. . RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON (0,THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS. CerroeeeEEEeoctiotitieth thie!isien Wi.Spend] Today we areto begin tellIng you how to save?Saturday,April 3,we open our Eighth Series._Be on hand then and join the many others who have been ‘with us heretofore.Once start and going is as nat- ural to you as wearing your hat.To start,. first of all,you take as many shares as you want and on each share you”take you willpayintous25cents2week..One share you pay 25 cents.a week;two shares 50 cents aweek;three shares 75 cents a week.and so.#---on,When you first-start you pay 25-cents.initiation on each sharebut this is initiationandisnotdoneafterthefirsttime.Every _ ____share that you take and keep paid up will .amount to $100 in about 333 weeks, More details in Friday’s Landmark. Mutual Building and Loan Association Pp.§.We will sell paid-up stock—worth —$100 at maturity—tfor $73. n Policy ! (ssued by the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company.) |5-Vear Renewable Ter THIS POLICY is a Non-participating Term,having no cash surrender value,but having the following special feat- ures,which ‘make ita very desirable contract,as it may serve either for temporary insurance,or it may be extended through life as circumstances dictate}i At the end-of the five years originally covered by this. policy,or at the end of any subsequent five year period for which premiums have been paid,it.may be renewed for an- other term of five years,without medical re-examination, merely by paying the premium due-at the age then attained;. .\or uponwritten request of theinsured,at any anniversary . ~of-this policy,ifall the premiums due have been paid,it may be exchanged without medical re-examination for any _ form of whole Jife or endowment insurance issued by theCompany,upon payment of the annual premium for such insurance due at the insured’s then age;or the policy maybechangedatanytimewithintenyearsfromdateofissuetoanycontemporaneousformofpolicyissuedbytheCompany,for an equal amount and retaining the same date,by thepaymenttotheCompanyofthedifferenceinpremiumswithinterestatsixpercent.per annum:In.order to do this ithas’peed necessary to limit the age to 55 at which these pol-icies will be issued._a Full information from CE C E C R O R OC R EC E ee s OR E Oe C Ee er ee ee s Ba t a t a ;Printing Co.> s.R.BROWN,-Local Agent,|“Statesville,N.G.- amneemey j- pomsPASSINGTHRONG.| !tion of People andTheirMovements. H ;Roy Chipley,who was gt home gnfaccount of the death of his moth- :er,|S.D.Chipley,left SaturdayforchineBO,Mrs.B,C.Griffin andlittle daugh-tet,Virginia,of Marshville,are vis-iting Mrs.Griffin’s parenis,Mr.and.Mrs.J.M.Davis._-Mrs.R.L.Matheson of Taylors-ville is visiting her daughter,Mrs. Glen Holland,at her home on Stock- ton street.2 se, Yount of Newton is a Miss Maryguestatthe home of bir.and Mrs.I,P.Henkel.soe “ :uA.Hall went to Richmond ae wasene he Granddearkidn:granddaugh- tet Ay et of Mr.and Mrs. Flake J—to Richmond.Mr.Paul Ward spent Sunday witheso Mr.W.G.Morrison of Wilkes- ~baro winited friends in Statesville ‘Saturday ‘Sunday:bs \Mr.pa Mrs.Jake Chiles of Ashe- ville,who.were guests of Mr.and “Mis.David J.Craig,“returned”to 4 Ile yesterday.ie Mrs.S.C.Whiker is at home at-) tera visit to her.daughter,Mrs.A-; M.Brawley,at Cleveland.—i Julia Bogart:of Greensvoro’ spent from Saturday to Sunday.eve-| ning in Statesville as the guest of| Miss Lillian Matthews.| Notice of New Advertisements.| J.M.Hpward has qualified as ex-! ecutor:of the will of D.M.Howard.| ‘Five -passenger Ford for sale— J..W-Ayers &Son.‘| Heifer lost—C.M.Miller. ‘Edgar W.Moore has ~had-a~book copyrighted.“Money want at 4 ed-on first _wtortgage| on real estate.Write Money,«care: The Landmark.: Second -hand cream separator for| Woote“sale-—W.C.n.sebarredrocks.—HarryEggsfrom Sherrill. Mrs.N.R.Tunstall has five- cottage for rent.s ‘Customers wanted or —J.S.Leonard. nvitations.—Brady Printing.Co., New goods:arriving daily.—Mills &Poston.cy } Eighth series Mutual Building and Loan Association opens April 3. ‘Coburn’s Greater Minstrels at the ra house ‘tomorrow night. ‘Bring your seed ifow-—Imperial ton:Oil Co. Ready .-to -wear department filled | with good things.—Jolinston-Belk| Baty ‘show.—Statesville Drug Co. erection jn style and.fit—Ram-; oak or a { :Lyric this.week. are and linoleums.—Craw- 'ford-Banch Fu i' reom | | i ii { ii} 0) t rniture ‘Co. Turnersburg Items. dence of The Landmark...“4 urnersburg,March 15 —Every-) seems to enjoy ‘ie beautiful | hiny weather.Farmers are very| j2 ;ee .."Miss Addie Steele,Mr- .Dihlap and Mr.Noel-Reid,all o Charlotte,visited Sunday at the home of Miss Steele’s mother,Mrs. M.K.Steele._They made the trip by _automobile.; Rev.J.G.Weatherman ‘filled his regular appointment at Hebron 0M}fortably attired;contributed towar Saturday evening and Sunday more ing.He delivered good sermons at! each meeting and had large congre-| gations:: There .neighborhood and some don’t seem to get much better. “The good roads are ~just-i times past you could only see 4 ma- chine by going to the city,but now >you ean see them in the country.It not got an auto haye the fever an will come across and buy one some of;these days.Talk about hard times!Weare living in.as prosper- ous a country as there can be.,.,/ Honor Roll For Plyler School— &Spelling Match.a Correspondence of The Landmark. ‘Those on the honor ‘roll:for thefourthmonthatthePlylerschool:Edna,Florence,May,Wade andStanlyPlyler,Myrtle and JohnReese,Viola and Arlen Bass,EthelHoover.!eat in On the account:of the inclemency of the weather the spelling race which was to have been at the Plyler school poned,and will-be Friday night,the 19th.All ye old people get your’ ‘Blueback and come.The old people will spell ‘against the school in ‘the Bioeiai.Everybody cordially invit- “Farm Work,Schools,Ete,.. Correspondence of The Landmark, ‘Mooresville,R-2,March 12.—We weather seems to be past.The ‘far-mers are behind with their plowingon.account of the bad weather.Wheat ~—4s lookin~The Brawley school is progressingnicely.Mrs.Pearl.Kelley and--her sister are the teachers.say..J.B.Martin and C.L.Wilson haveborea-fine,registered.Jersey.bull. ‘he roads are drying out in:a hur-ry and this will help our mail carrier,Mr,J.L..Moore,wonderfully,as he-(¢an make his trip on his motorcycle.Mr,R.A,Clodfelter has returnedhomefromClearwater,Fla.,;where-he‘spent the winter: Forthe LNhave Sun five years, tab entertainedby Mrs. Dr.J.K.Hall,|gra { | Mor™;desks,shades,oiling floor and improv- is.much-sickness in the | n-fine | condition and it is a show <o see tne) automobiles.spinning along.n,the} {Pande for Belgian relief work; .house Friday night,the 5th,was post-_ i good in this section:—=~ wr the Smash and Hiner |g Pa ements ates‘za on Gi f the Week of the San Souci club uests wereenter’r .Brawley Thursday afternoon at her home onDavieavenue.The feature of the afternoon was a sewing contest in ‘which M rs.W.H-Tomlin won’thefirst,prize,a pair of silver scissorsTheconsolationprize,an embroidered guest towel,was awarded to MissKatherineBrown;A,crocheted traycoverandaguesttowelweregiventoMissLilyMayTomlinasaguest-of-honor prize,Miss Tomlin being abride-elect.A salad course and anicecreamcoursewereserved.MreSternbergerofWilmingtonwasanof-town guest.Mrs.A.P..Steele entertained theEntreNousclubladiesandafewotherguestsFridayafternoonatherhomeonMulberrystreet,compli-mentary to Miss Kenevieve Joy of‘Cazenovia,N.Y.,the guest of’Mrs.P.A.Bryant...The usual club.pro-mme was omitted and the guestsplayedheartsatfourtables.The club.prize,a crystal vase,was won‘by Miss Elvy McElwee,and a bloom-ing plant was presented to Miss Joy.Following.the game a salad courseandsweetswereservedPottedandcutflowerswereusedbytaenostessinherdecorations,Mr.John Martin Barringer and anumberofotheryoung-men gave amasqueradeatthehomeofMr,Bar-ringer on West’End uvenve™friday” night.All of the.34 guests present -were masked and wore fancy ¢os- tumes,and the young ladies guessedattheidentityofthe.young men.Music was furnished by a Victrolaandtherewasdancingduringthe latter part of the-evening.Punch,ice cream and cake were served.The engagenient of Miss Iren¢ Martin,daughter of Mr./and —Mrs. H.C.Martin of Lenoir,and Mr.4.Ralph Todd was announced in:Le-noir last week.The wedding —will take place in May.Mr.Todd is as-} sistant cashier ofthe First_WationalBankofLenoir.Miss Martin is afrequentvisitorinStatesvilieanahas:many friends here.She was intownlastweek,the guest of Miss Altie Corpening: The Eclectic Book.club f Mrs:D.°Matt.Thompson--Thursday afternoon:Mrs.H.©-Steele led the discussion of current events an there were papers by Mrs.M.R..Ad- met with amg and Mrs.A.L.Coble.A salad | course was served::: Mrs.Pegram A.Bryant entertain- led at bridge Saturday afternoon:in| honor of her guest,Miss Joy of Caze-hnovia,N.Y.’The game was played}correspondence,of The Landmark, at four tables and the high scoreprize,a towel,was won—by Mrs.-C. A.Turner.Miss Joy was given an embroidered handkerchief..as.theguest-of-honor.prize.Three courses of refreshments were served. SOME OF THE WORK DONE. Summary_of“the Activities of | the Betterment Associ ation .For Twe-Years.et Correspondenée,of The Gandmark. During the club year 1913-1914 the Iredell Betterment Association of tenmembersaccomplishedthefollowing| work:Introduced_a_woodworking.départ- ment at Feimster school;aid and su- pervision was given in raising $60 at Clark’s school,Monbo,for.buying ing grounds;had new curtains put up,had primary manual training and urged trustees to put on new blinds ‘and new desks at Feimster~school; obtained clothing for some children so that they might attend school as refreshments for the teachers’assem-bly entertainment;furnished carriage to distribute magazines;about 100 the rural schools -of.the county in1913;in spring of 1914 100 new vol- umes :were »obtained and placed in rural schools of .Surry ‘county.ost From.June °1914 to.January 27, /1915,the following work had ‘been ac- ‘complished by the.association and its itwenty members,half or whom en- Te Tit theat and quany that bave i listed jn the fall (since making this} ‘report the membership of the associa- j tion has increased -to 50): |Five rural libraries were obtained ‘and placed in Iredell county schools |_a total of 180°new volumes;a.li- -lbrary.of about 40 new volumes has ibeen placed at Blowing Rock mission !and one of same size at Linville.mis- !sion school q them:at a profif. volumes were obtained and placed in| and Fidelity Hosiery Mills,Newtons three:cases.smoking +tobacco-sent.to British soldiers;aid- Pe caleae ee “Then Peddle Them From/Wagon.aeIntheolddayswhen',a covered wagon loaded with apples,cabbage and.chestnuts appeared on the streets of Statesville,it was known that that wagon had come all the way from north Iredell,Wilkes,Wa- tauga,Ashe,or somewi there-abouts,and the produce.had beengrownbythemanwhohauledandsoldit,But not so today.Most ofthewagonswhichareseenonthe’streets receftly are owned and op-erated by home people—residentsofStatesvilleandvicinity.Some of ithese.apple dealers drive to the |mountains and haul the:apples here |through the country,but..most.ofthemhavetheapplesshippedhere |by freight and then place them -in i their wagons and peddle them ©out. For some years a number of the ped-dlers have been shipping a part of their crop by.freight,using this af-ter what had been hauled in the wag-on was disposed of,and now the home wagoners have gone a step far- ther,They buy.their apples from the produce dealers at Mt.Airy,El- kin,Wilkesboro,Black Mountain and elsewhere,and peddle them from wagons which have the appearance of the genuine “mountain”wagon. One man-who sold apples —on the Statesville market fér several days recently.did.hot even have a coyer- ed wagon and made no pretentions to the old style. ty,loaded thém on a local dray wag- on and retailed them from the bar- rels.:abo There was an unusually large crop of apples in the mountains the past season and the price has been com- ‘paratively low.Seldom do the ped- dlers ask more than 25 cents a peck, and the less attractive grades have been selling:at.20 cents. In the old’days,too,when you bought apples from the wagons you got them-a-little-cheaper,-but-not_so today.The merchants are sezling them just as cheap.But people like to buy from the wagons.It is said- to be a fact that-a peddler:ran out of apples the other day,went in a near- ‘by store and bought.some more. nlaced them in his wagon and sold | }i'MR.Z.R.ROBINSON DEAD. |'Wasa Good Man —News of |‘Troutman—Young Men Go- ing West.{ Troutman,Match 15—Mr.~SR: |Robinson,one ‘of the best citizen#of \the county,died here iast right at 8 o'clock after an illpess of about,two |weeks.He suffered.an attack of ++neumonia and at.about.the turning ‘stage of the disease other:complica- He shipped several I barrels from Penland,Mitchell.coun-|“ een WHERE ARE PROPHETS?! No Predictions About the Fruit|’Crop —Little Dorothy All| ~Right —Young Men Going, West.| Corresvondenee of ‘The Landmark.‘! cht R-8,March 12 —The grain and ver crops are beginning|‘ to make ‘w fairit Show of green."The|prospect for the wheat crop in this)section isn’t very ‘encouraging:The) land sown in,wheat has been.badly; damaged by leaching,caused by the}excessive winter rainfall.iWhathasbecomeof.our annual,fruit phophets?.As yet we.have) fruit crop.{Little Dorothy ‘Troutman,who at|some time,in some mysterious man- ner,managed to swallow a needle,has suffered no ill effects from herunusualexperienceandisashealthyasababyeanbe.| ’The advice of Horace Greeley;“Go|West,young man,”is being followed)in this part of the county with all the|force of a command.Messrs.Sid.Lit-ten,Sam Nesbit and Cullen SherrillleftWednésdayfortheStateofIo- wa,three other.young men having heard no prediction for this year’s)~ 4 a Weare a NATIONAL BANK fs _——-Member of ——i The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The National Currezcy Association of NorthCarolina.“ The MAXIMUM OF SECURITY.Every con-sistent accommodation extended our patrons.— United States Depository. 33 9 3 3 5 3 3 ) 33 2 3 5 9 9 9 2 39 5 9 9 5 ) Ee er s Dy >> > ) 53 ) dd d Py ) aSy Gets ahtkoctet) cate SRE SS aera:37,500 gone the week before to the sameplace.From the changes nat have been made-in this section within the last few months,it seems our peoplehaveanomadic.tendency”toward]moving about,and changing locali-| ties.{eeae } After 60 years of prohibition the State of Vermont adopted tocat.op-|tion at a special eléction-in 1903,The|‘islature of that.State last ween}passed a bill’submitting the question)"be| | of prohibition to an election toheldinMareh,1916. ot eee ee }Ambassador Walter-H.Page and)Mrs.Page have announced from}London the engagement of their| daughter,Katherine,to CharlesCreelyLoring,son of the late Gen-eral Charles Loring of Boston.| tSERIOUSCATARRH~~YIELDS TO HYOMET ee >}Also One -of the-Best-Remedies For!Head Celds or Bronchitis.{ Be wise in time.and use Hyomei at|the first symptom of catarrh,-such-as! frequent colds,constant frog in .the! throat,difficult breathing or disa-|greeable nasal discharges.Do notlet the disease become—deep-seated—for,, it often causes the toss-of hearing:| Hyomei is nature’s true remedy for}catarrh—you:breathe it so that the;medication goes.right to the sore! jand’inflamed tissues lining ‘the air/-assages of the head and throat.Ite} antiseptic healing must begin at! once,i It’s no bother to use Hyomei.Sim-|nly put a few drops of the liquid ‘in-| ‘o the inhaler,that-comes.with every|‘omplete outfit,and:breathe ‘it.You; tions arose.— Mr.Robinson was agec about.60| several brothers and sisters.Funeral| will.be conveyed to Rehobeth,in Ca tawba county..-aMr.Robirison moved t6-‘Troutma” |about five years ago:He straight- sway.identified himselfwith the.best| interests of the people.;He,was a member of the board of aldermen,an, officer in the church and a prime fac-tor in.charitable work.(Hé@ had re- Yigion and lived up to it every day:| His place will be hard to-fill. Mr.Goldie Bradshaw anda friend of his,Mr.Jolinston,start:tomorrow! for Devil’s Lake;-N.B.-Mr--Brad- i shaw has made the trip across the |continent to Dakota three or four, |times.A number of the very best young imen.of —this community are going! over to Iowa every few cays.Messrs.Cullen Sherrill,Sidney Litten and, Seth Lippard left the first of last i} week....I-don’t blame the boys.for making the trip at all. think itis the proper step for them’ to get loose from their _mother’s apron strings and learn that.good. when you come to think oi it,it’sdesperatelyhardontheoldfather-land to permit the far-seeing farm- ers of the Far West to come with a discriminating eye and select youngmen.of intelligence,with good,health,good,clean records and of the bestfamiljes,Yes,they pay them well andtreatthemright;but it really looksasifsomebodyherecoulddothe same thing.| ‘ed in.Christmas.stocking work;|The big black eagle which wa: |health measures encouraged;_at}slightly wounded in the wing by Mr. |Feimster school a play was _given Will Hoover several months ago was |schoohadwindow.panes renewed; |ned peaches contributed to‘at county home. i |LA ae isa aaa as |Conductor Received $5,000.} president of the association, {} Conductor Thomas H.MeNeely, }000 by the railroad bein age company, uit. for $10,000. “The Legislature of the State and that candidates sub hat netted $7.50;atged in cleaningtat-Ostwalt,oiled floors —and. raisedcane inmates The above is in brief the substance|of the report of Miss Laura’Turner,| MeNeely’s Family sent via the,.Southern express to the astEaglederieatWjnston-Salem._|week.He is now about well andfly“as.good as ever. Will Test Dr,Rittman’s Discov- eries, |Secretary of Interior LanenouncesthattheUnitedStates Bu-reau of Mines ‘has entered into a co-operative agreement with the AetnaExplosivesCompanyofNewYork,for years and is survivedbyhis wife and! service will berconducted today at 11+ *-Thy Rev.J.J.Eads and the remain: week-Anothér,detachment goes this!— In fact 1)- uséful-old-lesson_of self-reliance.But, can) an- “ill feel better after the,first breath‘Hyomei.It clears the head and| hyoat—like—-magic.foley Pee There is nothing easier,quicker so More satisfying than Hyomei..It ig not merely a relief for catarrh but a sure and lasting ‘benefit.TheStatesvilleDrugCo.sells Hyomei:on the guarantee ‘of money back if it Joes not cure. LOST.—-Red heifer,—_weighing.about_.300pounds.”€.M.MILLER.March 16--1t* e FOR SALE-—Five -passenger Ford,in goodcondition.J.W.AYERS &SON,’Phone455.,March 16---2t* WANTED.—To borrow $700 on first gage real estate.Write MONEY, THE LANDMARK.March 16-—1t* OR SALE-—Good second --hand cream sep-arator.Standard make and in good condi- i A bargain.WwW.©...WOOTEN,le,R-2.March 16—2t, mort- care tion.Statesvi EGGS—-Barred Rocks from winners at Ral-eigh,Charlotte and Statesville,ecockerel orpulletmating,$3 to $4 for 15.HARRY SHERRILL,Statesville.March 16-—-1t*FOR RENT—Five-room cottage.Closeandmodernconveniences.MRS,N..TUNSTALL.March 16. in} R.| :eke WANTED.—Customers for pianos and.-or-}gans at panic prices.J..S’LEONARD.;March .16—5t*‘ MR,EDWARD W.MOORE of Dunlap,N.} C.,has received a copyright.on a book,|through Messrs..Chandlee &Chandlee,‘pat-|-ent--attorneys—inWashington,D.C.| Bible.It shows the cause of man’s’fall;)it shows the only way to get back to eter-!nal life:it shows the way down to hell;and to the second death,“Which road do{you all want to travel?.You all have}your choice.‘ FOR SALE—At a bargain,3-year-old dark bay |horse well-broken to buggy.Also nice newbuggy.J..L.CHAMBERLAIN,'Phone 298,Blue,March 2—8t..| FOR RENT—Seven-room nousé ont ‘Tradd}street,near Baptist church.W.A,ELIA-/|s ‘Feb.26. SEED POTATOES—Irieh Cobblers,Red BlissTriumph,Early Rose,Hebron and Peerless.| .Also handle fish on Thursdays,Fridays.and}-Saturdays,W.E--KRIDER.—-—~March 12—2t-} |EGGS—-Barred Plymouth Rocks $1 to $3 for!15.K.L.MILLER.."Phone 461 Blue.\Feb.19—6t..j 'Rpgii a celcdata|“BACK TO THE FARM”—Rose Comb Rhode|Island Reds.Write for “mating list.*SAL~|LIE DAVIDSON,Statesville,N.C.,R-3.|Feb,23—8t*tes { |NOTICE—Cottages for rent cheap until afterthewar.N.P.WATT.Feb,26. 08 SE E R Ce O b.. Thej. title of the book is The Analysis of the}~ It is announced that the family ofa Statesville man who was killed by the M esvil 2|overturning of a derrick at Morgan-aré having fine weather...Grourd’hog!ton some weeks ago,weré given $5,-é thisbyagreementiniieuofadam- “At Morganton last week Mrs,-Ern-,est Lewis,wife of another victim.of,the same wreck,received $4,500 as the result ‘of a compromise of a suit of| Washington has passec over Govern-or Lister’s veto a biil requiring that)chinepartyconventionsadoptplatformsscribe©to the development on a commercial scale |‘EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. of the process discovered by Dr.Wal-|Having qualified as executor of the Inst!ter F.Rittman,a bureau expert,for Will andtestamentot oe Gn this is the maufacture of benzol and tuololto‘notify all persons having’claims”againstfrompetroleum.Through Doctor|said’estate to present the same to the un- Rittman’s discoveries it i ed |dersigned’on or before tne 16th day of veries it is expect o |Maveh?1916,or this notice will be plead inbasesfordyestuffsandhighexplo-|far -of their recovery. sives ‘heretofore almost exclusively|to said estate will please make immediate imported from Germany,will be |settlement,JOHN_M.HOWARD,_drawn from petroleum and independ-“MiNi ene,Atty:PROnHT:oh ee may \double\their out-).,Sth asa :But ot GMC |WILL,ADVERTISE DELINQUENTS“Under the agreement the Aetna 1compan:aresope Seodpooe 4 et SMa ten aPRIL 1ST. sumof not less than $200,to the}ya.reece:.+ewer Vane cel Act ig ‘am mak!list of .deliconstructionofapparatusandma-|taxes Will ddvertise Aprit 1,1915.all landinerynecessarytomakeexhaustive|that tax has not;been paid by that date.tests of the new discovery.Develop:|pharyy ree tay .ornee.And.wetti reer taePeinworkwillbecarriedoninPitts-|“"Mer is cost. he 7FORSALE! y-five and five-olghths acres of landroad,a mile from Elmwood,7‘Statesville and within half miletoad,Ten acres fine branch bot-in cultivation,balance in tim- | C.,this’ia |” Ast persons indebted |” “ cree nent c Programme: ee eee The Lyri 4 Agpuesday. Runaway Tune No.3. A Fatal Bumping—Keystone Film Wednesday.= The Political Feud (two reels)— Domino Film Two Kisses—Royal Film Twenty Million Dollar Mystery. Mutual Girl No,50—Reliance Film Saturday, The Old Fisherman’s Story (two had reels)—Majestic Film |}) ursday.Gussie The Golfer—Keystone Film The Exposure (two reels)—eeRelianceFilmMonday.His Second ChildhoodSeKeystone Film}Three Extra GoodReels dé peVeSoTeTOSTTESTSSILI Teree eee eee eee erisiicsteseeeeeseeees -Statesville Theater a Wednesday,March 17th, Coburn’s Greater Minstrels | The first,last and only Minstrel Show of the season.¢ For the benefit of the Iredell County Poultry Asso-.9 ciation.,Always good better than ever.: Ensemble Opening —“The Palace of Neptune. An original novelty seenic spectacle.Introducing |a such comical comedy chaps as Charley Gano;Nick @Pes ao : Glynn,Tom Post;Speedy Keefe,Cart felman. Stirk and Danny London.oe Minstrel Vaudeville. Juggling in Japan—Archie Milton._: Eccentric Dancers—Vermont and Helman,———._. A few Songs and a Little Talk--Charley Gano.- A Musical Melange—Nick Glynn. A Burlesque Comedy by Chas,Gano,? “PACIF:CATING MEXICO.” All the latest song hits by the Minstrel’s “sweetest singers.’Watch for big free street parade at noon. Seats on sale at Polk Gray Drug Co._Prices 50c.75c.and $1.00. 4, s{HO (Theall-kinds-of-weather ‘car—snug and tight and cozy when the topis up,A smart,stylish <%‘roadster when the top is folded (and it only. takes_a-minute or two-to-_raiseorlowerthetop). By all’odds a most practical two-passenger \car <5withluxurybuiltintodurability.©. All the ‘&peed and power-and-usefulness ‘of ‘the.:_gas car with the convenience and_exclusivenessofanelectric.i : Ford Coupelet $750;Ford ‘Tour \ ing Car $490;“3 Ford Runabout $440.All fullyequipped f..o._b—Detroit.Gee Siebert Ree ie On dispiay and;sale Ab ce :°:3 :9.&(Carolina Motor Co's.) -Buyers’will share‘in profitsif wa sell fat "retail300,000 new Ford cats between August,11984,—-and August,1915.)‘RG |Ca Chambers Recalls the Ca-‘veers of Some of His Agsoei-)9 >ates at New Institute andOlinin1853-58—Close.of the Sketch of School Days at : Olin. By Capt.Henry A.Chambers.t -<Among people,“not.hereinbefore| mentioned,who,lived,as I now re-) member,at or near New Institute in>-1863.and Olin in 1858,were William’ t,Vostal..Perry:Tomlin,«3.We.Fe)~Weaver,Rev.Quinton Holton,N.D.! v »Tomlin,A.C,Tomlin,G-Wr Weaver,| 'bodts and ’shoes,reparrs,etc.,when!Charles R.Jones,though an Trede A.M,D.Kennedy,W.B.Jones and! “Robert B.Joyner.;|~»Perry Tomlin,R.B.Joyner and,1think,probably,also.Mr.Kennedy,|: like Maj.G.W.Clegg,afterwards be- came residents of Statesville.,last heard of him he was a wealthyJoy-, mer was for a long time.in charge of ,manufacturer down jin central”por-the couiity ‘jail of Statesville.He}tion of the State,near.the Virginia/was engaged in the manufacture of)line.Charles R.Jones,a son of ar “>heclived at Now.Institute and Olin.!hoy,entered the Confederate service “and neatly dressed man.T,S.Tucks|Henry ~-prominent in the religious and-social| "an active industrious woman,but-with} 4 ie? +7Was too young to care much for the) ‘the age when Tf would stand off and| 'gounty,I find this: o7 ed-it-1852-atNew-Institute;-which : =? “one:of the—teachers—Mr;Vestat_and “ed,Were also Masons,Of the others ab '.family, >somewhere in the Wes’ --a'merchant in Louisia _ed the “Seotch-Irish GrayJamesHiWood,a brother of the ®‘ie “Wi B.Jones;was from Davie county{in the Rowan Rifle Guards,whieh be-and was a clerk at the hotel and store)came Company “K”of the 4th NorthHewenttotheConfederatearmy,in’)Carolina Regiment:“He,like myself,Company G,from Davie county,in!was detailed in the latter part of 1861theFourthregiment:He-was~a~ser-|to-sérve under-Maj,Cornelius.Bayd.geant and was in charge ‘in 1861 and)Provost Marshal.of the army of1862.of the detail'.fram the Fourth)Northern Virginia,and after remain-vegiment that served under Maj,Cor-jing in that service about a year was;nelius Bogle,provost marshal of the!appointed»a lieutenant.in Company !sgn“Army of Northern Virginia.Jones!“G,”.of the 55th North Carolina:Reg-was promoted to lieutenant and,1)iment and was fora time Adjutantunderstand,survived the war.'He was’of that Regiment.After ‘the War,aspopularwiththeboysatOlin.and his!the older Iredell’county people.re-commander in the war.1 don’t re-}member,he established a paper,thememberthebusinessinwhichthe|predecessor,I think,of The Land-other persons mentioned..were engag-!mark,.at—_Statesville,and lazered.J have an impression that both |went to Charlotte and —estab-Vestal and Perry Tomlin were mer-\lished the ©Charlotte Observerchants.At one time Mr:Kennedy}or its predecessor,and died manywastheleadingmerenantofthevil+|years ago.John |L.Lyerlydage,and either with him or with an-|also in the Confederate service ‘andotherfirmseveraloftheTomlinswere!my impression is was also a memberinterested.Mr.Vestal,as I remem-of Company “K”of the 4th Regiment:ber-him,was always_a_well-groomed|W,A.Smith,Thomas L.Triplett and Waugh,as hereinbefore“er,Sr.,and his family-often-came-te|-stated,_became—Methodist-preachers, ‘IN.BITTER was! ROOT VALLEY. Mrs.Purdy,FormerlyofStates-ville,Writes Interestingly:ofLifeinMontana—The Coun-try and the Crops,Social Life,Ete.ee;To the Editor of The Landmark:=Hamilton,Montana,R-2,March 5, Soon atter-coming-to the far West;(more than two years ago,I wrote an/article for this paper by request ofsomeofourfriendsindearoldStates-ville.Everything was new at thattime,-But by.stepping lively.everydaysincearrivinghereIhaveléarneda.few things which might be interest-ing to our friends and the many read-ers of The Landmark. The Bitter Reot.Valley of Montana,of which very little is known in theEast,is a most beautiful country.The|Bitter Root river and mountains ofsamenameextendtheentirelengthofthe;valley on the west,the Rockymountainsontheeast.The hundredsofpeaksseenfromanyofourwin-dows—are-now--covered with snow.Many ‘will remain covered till J } }| the religious:services held in the'!l think,too,that R.Watt York be-chapel on Sundays.Gen.Charles R.|came a prominent.Confederate of-dones,a-Mexican veteran,and father|ficer.‘e Col.Charles R,Jones,liv-}\In thé.list of students in 1858 theoftheIa ebat Miliamsbucs,but..was_-often|Anderson brothers,A.Av and Ai .;fa y institute./Chambers,Robert V.Cowan,Dob->>Mrs.Clegg,as ‘wife of .a.minister}bins,Jones,Leinster,Stikeleather,‘nd the principal of the school and!Tucker,Alfred Turner;Columtius L:also because of her intelligence,pleas-|Turner,Hnl,H:Weaver and ‘Henryantmannersandhighcharacter,was'Weaver,all entered the Confederate service at the beginning ofthe war.The Anderson brotners,though of Davie-county,joined the company affairs of the village My landlady|in 1858,Mrs.Anderson;was a quict,.retiring,excellent woman,but devoted |herself mainly to her domestic duties.|Mrs,Nesbit,my.hostess in 1853,was!Statesville,which became Company C of the Fourth N.C.Regiment.went out-as one-of-the-corporals of that company and,I think,was sev-~rdes,was kept very busy.Mrs./eral times promoted.Both brothersYattLinsterwasarathersmall,|made good,soldiers and my informa-handsome woman,slightly lame and’tion is that both are still living.Bag-ways neatly.dressed.I cannot now gerly,Chambers,Dobbins,*Leinster,the appearance of any.of the)Tucker,and Alfred Turner all,as‘didothermatronsofthetownandvi-|the Andersons,joined Capt.An--inity—_I_remember,‘as_heretofore!drews’company.Baggerly and Dob-Stated,the bright aad beautiful sis-|bins,who was a corporal,both diedtersofMissMagTucker:Among]in camp near Manassas Junction ©inatherswhocametotheplaceonSun-|the latter part of 1861.Robert.V.its or other public oecasions was a (Cowan,after leaving Olin,entered 7 family,as well as with her many| Miss Delia Sharp,or Tomlin,I am)the United States Military AcacemyBi)‘now sure which.Miss Mag Tur-|at West Point and was there when+daughter of J.Chapman Tur-the.Confedergte war began.He re-ae es oneofthe Handsome young|siened,came home--andhelped—to“Women in the vicinity in 1853.Miss!raise a company in the vicinity .ofKateJames,who afterwards marriedbref,Pennington,was another at-/and went out as its captain.It be-ractive young woman.In1853 1/came Company A of the Thirty-thirdN.C.Regiment:Captain Cowan wax promoted from time to time until he became colonel of the regiment and was at Appomattox,but refused,to surrender and -tried_to-make his way to join Gen.Jo.Johnston’s army,butwhetherornothesuceeededIdonot|know.~Robert O.Leinster’went outue]jin Capt,Andrews’company,was forYoungladiesofthetownandvicinity.|a time detailed under the’provostdtarecentsketchbyDr.P.F.|marshal of the army,and after *re-Laugenour on Masonry in “Iredell turning to service with the company, ;became its-orderly sergeant.He sui- |Mived the..war and died only a few|Yeats ago-at*Statesville,John-—A>inter was the village of Olin.1 find!Stikeleather enteréd-‘the service’in_in 1854 the officers and members were ithe Iredell Blues,-which became Com-the following:Baxter Clegg,W-M.;{pany A of the Fourth N.C.Repiment4.Mi.Love,S.W.;Wm.I.Vestal,J./and was a valiant soldier and.braveW.;Perry Tomlin,Secretary;James!color bearer of the regiment,fromANesbit,Treasurer;-3.-W.¥.Weav=|time-totime promoted;-until;F-think;er,8.D.;1.W-Jones;-J:D-;A.Rhyne,i he became captain of the company.Tiler,Quinton _Hoiton,Chaplain.Thomas S.Tucker,Jr.,soon after en-Members:T.A.Baker,James _L.\tering the service;was afflicted withBlackwell;James ‘A.claywell,J.D.|rheumatism,but with wonderfulGunn,Chas.W.Howell,Charles R.|pluck remained for a long time in theJones,Wm.A.Journey,J.F.Long,|service..Alfred Turner servedW.W.Long,R.-T.Campbell,H.J.'throughout the war as a member ofSpillman,R.H.Summers,N.D.Tom-!Company ©of the Fourth Kegiment,lin,R.L.Weaver and G.W.Weaver.”‘'survived the war,and died only aItappearsfromthisthatMr-Clege |few years ago at Statesville.Colam-Was not only a minister of the #08-i bus L.Turner entered the service aspelandaneducator,but also a Mason,also.|@ lieutenant in the company,.whichandthatJamesL.Nesbit,with whom he helped to.raise and of which Rob-1 boarded in 1853,and I.W.Jones Lert V.Cowan was first captain,which‘became company =~or the Thir-;ty-third Regiment.As heretofore|Stated,he survived the wai and je attheheadofalargemanufacturingestablishmentontheCatawbariver: girls and in 1858 I had onty reacsied| admire them without ‘the courage to)form their acquaintaace or seck theirsocialsociety.But I récall that the|older students found plenty of social| Pp s,28 Much as.were permissi-ble in a place like that,among th “Wilson Lodge,No.148,was ‘open- Perry Tomlin,hereinbefore mention- _in ‘the:above list I rémem>er seeingMr.Holton,Mr.Howell,Gen.Caaries AL 3.] (his father’s home in Iredell county,| R.Jones and Br,R.T,Campbell,Itnay.be also that I saw others in’thelistybut1donotnowrecallthem.Of i}t-may be proper here to state that‘he had a handsome sister,Miss Sal-lie,,who was’a pupil-at Olin in 185thestudentsatNewInstitutein1859myinformationisAlexanderH.!went to Tennessee and dieBrown,though of 4 Pressyterian|few years ago._late in.his life became a}The foregoing is the best.I éan doMethodistnunister’and died in Ten-from memory now as to what/becamenessee.Ollie Clegg became.a lawyer!of the people I’knew at New Insti-West and one of his|tute.in 1852 and Olin in 1858,young:brothers,either Tom or Will,While T have no statistics er otherna;Isaac A.andJinformation to enable we to makeNathanV.Cowan,brothers,entered |accurate “comparisons,1 feei sure,the Confederate service at the begin-|from the character of,the people whohingofthewarintheCompanycall-|established the school above —men-8,”raised by |tioned,and of the teacaets and stn-:late|dents 4Dr.William A.Wood of Statesville,|by:the foregoinginthewesternpartofRowancounty,|ing their ‘partWhichafterwardsbecameCompanyandduties.of Ji“BR”of the 4th North Caroxtna Regi-|favorably withment.I think Isaae became Captain |and school in ¢of the Company before the close of|war,and my.information,is,that| married, d there a i My understanding is she. sketen,that in beak.in all the relationsfetheywiitcompareanyothercommunityhe-country,A D,.W.McAllister of Asheville,in aatedargumentdeclaredthattheohibitionlawwasafarce,where-com ‘re if pg arraigned before the‘Bp?e Regiment|clerk of the court for examination asawaskilledMay%y-4864,at Spot-|to his sanity.Theclerk decided Me.8 nia.‘Noah B.Foard:of Cabar-|Allister was sane,&went into the Confederate serviceintofCompany“i”of theCarolina.Regiment.(eaval-I think became Captain be-one of the war,When I Lettie‘avigorating to the Paie and SicklyTheOldStupdardgeneGROVE's TASTEL vehiMalarin.enrichesthtem,Atrue tonic, ‘neral strengthening tonic,SS chill TONIC,drives out©blood and builds upthe aya.Kor adults and children:50 8,| here.during the time covered|{x said to have originated in Franco,| and July.St.Mary’s peak,which.is)10,000 feet above sea level;-is-never _Easiest _,At all’dealers at the (0 use—Best forallShoes _ The F,F.DALLEY 60,,Lig, wt f a operate on Sundays.The West iswicked,People are liberal but almost working.:A municipal”Christmas tree, with musiciby choruses.and band,washeldincity:park.The brilliantly lighted tree,loaded with gifts for theunfortunate,surrounded by a heavy most joyous one.facTheLandmarkreaches:uss six days to visit us.Needless.to say the ens,tire paper is.read and.enjoyed. We note improvements along vari-ous lines in Statesville:Hope it will continue.; friends a prosperous year for 1915, for this .time,so long. MRS,BE.M,-PURDY. Dr.Tyre York.‘ Tyre York,member of Congress from Governor in 1884 and prior to thatStateSenator;and many-who-recallhisactivitiesin-politie?have-forget-ten whether he is alive or-dead.WorthelastquarterofacenturyhehaslivedquietlyathishomeinWilkes county.The Patriot,says free from snow ‘and is always inSight,, home ef the Flat Head Indians,TheiroresentreservationisatSt.Ignabius.|89 miles ‘from us..In November many The Bitter Root.Valley «was:the;He:is 79 years old,hale and heartyandstillpractices‘medicine among his neighbors.\He.would prever‘to retire but.can't “refuse to help his loassed our home,ecoing from.their‘hunting grounds back to the reserva.|\tion..Durine our county fair many|ibring their handicraft for sale,:|;Last Oetober.the writer joined a jing into-one of the wildest canyons in}ithe valley,called _Bloggett eanvon,||W»—-foHowed.hunters’——and Indian ||trails.Great boulders,larger by far!jthan our horses,were in and on hothjsidesof.our trail.Numerous deer,;mountain lions and a few bear were|Killed jy the eanyon:a month after;our trip,We were sight seeing,not|lcoking for game.We eamped.neat|,the forest rangers’cabin,that being’jas far as we could ride with safety.iBy following the trail threa mited|further.we could have crossed.the’|divide ‘into Idaho..It is needless to}say the writer .was somewhatstiff ‘foradayfollowingthejaunt...But pos-sessing a fine riding horse,sure-foot=red-and gentle,horseback—riding—is—_a.Pleasure frequently indulged in,”The valley is $5 miles long,averagesjing18mileswide;some places wider}of course than:others.The land is,principally irrigated land,as we have|very little rain.There is‘dry farming jon.the bench lands.Spuds (pota-itees)grow enormously large.Peasiforeanningpurposesareraised“ex-|tensively;season too short for suc-|cessful tomato growing,A few aregrownandsoldatfancyprices.Wheat,oats and barley are raised,but no corn or sweet potatoes.Wesubstitutethehubbardsquashforsweetpotatoes.Cantaloupes andmelonsareshippedhereandsoldbythepound.Apple orchards,so niam-erous,have -been-the drawing-card-for.the valley,this beiig the home-ofthefamousRedMcIntoshapple.Manyorchardscostingownersthousandsofdollarscaughttheblightayearagoandhave‘not-fully reeovered yet. either fruit ranching or stock.Onourranch,which is registered at thecourthouseas“Alfanhurst,”we havehorses,cows and hogs.We plantedafamilyorchard.We raised peas,spuds and alfalfa—nbout 50 tons-ofthe:latter.We.have ‘electric lightsandphone,service.Our cream goestothecreamery,our wash to thelaundry.Our mail-is-left at the frontgate.We moved to our new locationSeptemberlast,ten minutes’ride fromthecity.\{When we came to Hamilton twoyearsagotherewereelevensaloons;;now only three and they are doomed.|Since.woman suffrage won saloonsimustgo.Our W.C.-T.Us,is a fine;organized body,doing splendid work.|Have appropriate music books,meet|twiee ‘a month,serve a ten cent lunch,which money with dues is,sufficient{fo carry on the work,Dues $1 péryear,"Moving picture shows and-baseball (il Treatment For Stomach Troubles .A simple prescription made up of8combinationofpurevegetableoilsisproducingwonderfulresultsfor.sufferers fromstomach,liver—-and in-testinal troubles.The remedy,which where it has been used for years by}the peasantry,was introduced intothiscountryby:George H.Mayr,aleadingChicago.druggist,who cured’himself of severe stomach,liver andintestinaltroublesbyitsuse,Thosewhohaveuseditsaythefitstdose}is sufficient to convince any one ofitsremarkablemerit,and‘that withintwenty-four.hours the sufferer foolslikeanewperson.This medicine,which has become’known ag Mayy’sWonderfulRemedy,is sold by load:ing druggists everywhere With thepositive:‘understanding.that yourmoneywillberefundedwithout-ques- Everybody is busy-and-on the job==++ fo neighbors when they call on him. IEESRTEeWn Naa eyEN a The-remains of Sophronia Croom, entirely on pleasure bent.when not !}% carpet of.snow,made the seene a/% from the day printed.”Tt is like alf dear friend,crossing the Continent}} This generation knows ‘little of Dr.}} this.district .1883-'85,candidate for a @ was ayvisitorinWilkesboroafewdaysago. an aged and weak-minded—colored! woman,who disappeared five Sau!raised by Capt.John B.Andrews at}vartv of ladies,all on horseback,go-|22%were found in &ditch near Kins-ton a few days ago...Her clothes!were nearby and it is believed she!committed suicide. Wishing The Landmark and onr|® _dust Received a Car Load of Fencing,Wecan give you exactly petyou want in the Fence #line—Hog,Cattle,Poult n ‘Game—Horse High;3=Bull Strong,Pig Tight,——4WtTHERIGHT-TOOLS-YOU-CAN-BUILD.4 sue a fence quicker and easier,Add to this good mate-#rials and your fence will last:longer,look better and‘need fewer repairs.We knowaswell as you do that #no further argument is necessary for good tools and %good materials.The one question is whether we §make good our claims.[:8WEHAVETHERIGHTPRICE. CHILDREN HATE OIL,<p CALOMEL AND PILLS! “California Syrup of Figs”Best for,Tender Stomach,Liver,Bowels.Look back at your childhood:days,|%Remember.the “dose”.mother insist-} ed-on=jeastor-oil,-ealomel,eatharties;} Bow ,you hated.them,how you’fought against taking them. With our children |it’s’different, Mathers who cling to the old form of #ephysicsimplydon’t realize what they do,The children’s revolt is‘well-founded.Their tender:“Snsides”are injuréd by them:~ If your child’s stomach,liver and.bowels need cleansing,give onjy de.!licious ‘California’Syrup of Figs.” lis -action.is positive, Millions of mothers keep this.harm-less.‘fruit laxative”handy;they |know,children love to take it;that!it never fails to clean the liver and} bowels and sweeten the stomach,and} that a teaspoonful gryen today saves{ a sick child tomorrow. ‘Ask.your druggist for a 50-cent }bottle of “California Syrup af Pigs,”which:has fuli directions for babies]children:of all ages and for grown.ups plainly on each bottle.Beware!of rounterfeits sold here.See that!it.is.made by “CaliforniaFig Syrup |iCompany.”Refuse with contempt. MORTGAGE SALE OF PERSONALPROPERTY. “North”Carotinatredell County.“Under and by virtue of the power contain-ed in a chattel mortgage exectited by theSamoset:Lumber Company,a corporation,totheundersigned,on the 16th day of October,|1913,to secure the payment of $550.00 and.the |interest -thereon,and the Samodset Lumber Company having failed to pay said sinn andinterest,and heving faiiea to comply withthestipulationscontainedinmortgage,theundersignedwillsellat12o'clock noon,onSATURDAY,MARCH 27,1915,the following described personal property,tosatisfydebt,interest and cost:One planer,one moulder,one resaw,all Americin make,and all tools and necessories belonging there-to;one Atlas boiler and:engme and all ac-sessories;also every other kind of machinery,belting,ete.,belonging to and owned:by the any other kind ‘Samoset Lumber Company at-its_plant-in the}¥vity of Statesville,N.CThesaleunderthismortzave is subject to amortgagefromR.A.Gaither to J.E.TharpeontheAmerican’moulder above deseribed,soldbyB.A.:Gaither to the Samoset Lumber Com-pany;also subject to a mortgage executed 4bytheSamosetLumberCompanytoMrs.Ro:hepa Houpe;also subject to »mortyare ¢xe-ented by Samoset Lambert Company to J.E.Tharpe;also subject to a mortgage or con-dition sale contract ¢xecuted by Samoset Lum-her ‘Company.to the American WoodworkingMachineryCompanyontheresaw,end planerandalliesthereto. 4.L.SLOAN,, J..O0,GAITHER,W.R.SLOAN,y J.A,HARTNESS,W.A.Bristol,Attorney Morigagees.Mareh 6,1915, NOTICE OF ACTION INSUPERIOR COURT North -Carottna,-tredent—-couns¥,In Buperior Court,Befor¢re the Clerk.J.L.Shepheud,Mrs.Mary S;Chenault vs:WoW,Shepherd,Geo.8,Shepherd,C.F.Shepherd,J.W.Cline,Emma LL,Cline,Mary |9Shepherd.W.W.Shepherd ‘and Geo,8,Shepherd ofthedefendantsabovenamedwill‘take -tioticethatah.aetion entitled as above hag beencommen.dn.the Superidy Court of TredettStopartitionnlloftheJandsheldinbetWeentheplaintiffsand’defend-ants,lying mainly in Chambersbure”town-ship,Ivedel)county,and being the identical.lands descended to'the «aid parties from theirmother;and)the avid defendants will farthertakenotieethatthey.are yequired to appearat:the offic of the Perk |of the SuperiorCourtofIredellcounty,North Carolina,atthe,court.house in)Stutosville,pn the 27thdayofMerch,1916,and anawer or demur tothecomplaintinsaidyetion,or the plaintiftswill)apply ie the court for -the >relief de-munded in sald complaint.JA.HARTNESS,C.8.©, bod. tion or quibble if ONE bottle faild to.give ‘you ashotate “satisfaction,~~|x yn ‘ little |e but."genti¢.|Fe - w?eee Tita iin,msBSeagrbhot i ~Tredell |Hardware Co.| +Commercial National Bank} CAPITAL PAID IN $160,000.00~SURPLUS 31,000,00... Banking is.a necessary institution in the develop.-ment and welfare of nations.It is likewise a neces.sary institution in the development and-progress-ofanycity,town or community.A bank’s usefulness to a community depends uponitsabilityandwillingnesstoservethelegitimatebusinessrequirementsforloamanddiscountaccom-—modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial aid savings deposits.The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK isa local institution,with large capital and surplus,furniehes'good security to depositors and with resourcesof over $600,000 bas the willingness to serve this com-munity in every branch of legitimate banking.Be-—heving in-this community,our.policy.is,and has al.ways been,progressive and constructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintle’advancement of the agricultura),manufacturing and commercial ‘devel-°S opment of Statesville and Iredell county.Our de->—positsarelocal and our loan’are likewise local-and——made to individuals and legitimate and worthy localenterprises.To our customers we furnish check books free,render statements or balance piass books‘at the endofeachmonth,make loans and discount paper upon security satisfactory to ours board and in.such amounts as business requirements and responsibility warrant,.We pay interest at the:rate of 4 per cent per annum on time and savings deposits remainingthreemonthsorlonger;Upon these bases we solicit.your business. wee ~~tiag President,|-Vice President, eee Cashier.Assistant Cashier. %E.MORRISON,D,M.AUSLEY,“@.KB.HUGHEY,+ To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop, No:-1—-345 acresin Elmwood.All school and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acres in bottom,8-room house,large barn #and out houses.i ,3 t No.2-77 acres 34 miles east of city.This propertylies on thesand:2clayhighway,now being ppueteceted by the government.Is.§_ideal for Dairy and Track farting.8No,3-40 acres i 1-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adapted %-\for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and ignite He etNo.4—60 acres in Wilkes county justa¢gross Iredell line—a bargain,-40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘Park Place’—$15 down,:balance in.monthly payments of $5.Leet10lotsinBloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in south Statesville,a,section fast developing.Several nice houses and lots tosell,y «+ Callon me and learn whatIhave, 547 Center St ‘PHONE 54. alate incaenanintt ceeecemeencte Reet rerearteneatatccrreBUILDINGLOTSFORSALE—Three builds |WANTED—At once,500;000inilotsoriepstBroadatrest,very desirable.old.field “pine.”StatesvillePrice$900 each;one building tot-.ow Park ><>March 9.-<4t;;street,weltaituaiede price $660;one’builds|—thas ;inde lot one rune aof ae oe cole oon betes oetraetive16twilePrice$1,600,Terma-“Coch a Rotting:is a ose MMateh:1 8t DER.cy rt feet six-quarterLamberto," + 7 * ec Goede we have added the { shoe:repairing outfit on the market. npetent man to operate if.Will use nothing but the best material.All work done ‘will be first class.PhoneNo.40 and we will send for #your shoes and return them.= Shoe Store. PONTE -|The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co,,:The One Price ‘Cash tele.elelelalelere:CO Welder an My shop isequiped with an Oxygen di am prepared to weld Ihave the agency for the *Kobler machinery. Truck and Case.Automobiles and _N.W.FOX. |||if ¥ | 2 slaw of some sort “a| attitude. THE FIRST ‘THING: ¥Meh,Women and C The Economic LossRovingDogandth “the. Raleigh as$4 what controls the minds» ~|lators:at=\their sworn duty to workT\interests of the State.Loyalty to the dog as a beast is the probable explanation,and| ree:pod me fat ey ane|dent that ie Federal’autnarities re- j ,SAG,gest fused,even loyalty ceases to be a virtue at,North |a certain point,and that when that|staic or to give our statistics a |point is reached,justice as well a8)place beside the statistics of other 4!sembly was a distinct disappointment4andsomewhatofasurprise,too.|5 \the face of so clearly a defined%!ment for such law,and itg unde ichildren of North Carolina, |During fed the d If you failed to make a resolution on Jan- uary ist to save money this year—then | why not do so now.We will be glad to have you start an account in OurSavingsDepartment if with only $1.00.If you will do this, ~and add to it regularly from time to time it will make you independent. We Pay 4 Per Cent Compound Interest on Savings. =—“Merchants:and Far ; Of Statesville, “The Bank For Your Savings.”’+ mers’Ban =at afew ‘of infinite value. 2 every patient .entailed is enormous. =requires the presence of the patient =\in Raleigh for 21 days,necessitating ian expenditure of at least $50 for =|rnilroad fare,hotel bills“and other in- =cidental necessities...This ignores the siexpenses of a companion,value of =time’lost and the $20.fee paid by =some.Upon.this extremely conserva- the years octrine of faets: =Laboratory of Hygiene =has.treated,on an average,anntally =about 200:patients bitten by rabid =dogs.Thus is the health of the State =endangered.Assuming,however,thatissaved,the expense'The treatment its.health During the past six years the beconomicvalue,besides;one or the best ~The People Grad a death of ,any.person in the State,|.-'».6 ing to the Proper View.the undertaker or person acting as}Croup ad Pneumonia HTo the Héitor of;The auch a he et ,file a death|R |:‘4 many the noepase certificate with the loeal registrar in|medy :y the nog-parner exchange for a burial permit within|d em 1 }friendly | ‘}eommon sense demands a change of |States with-propet Jaws.It is It seems to me,too,that)known if’Nerth-Carolina will be ree- ‘amongst the facts of life today that oonized as a registcution State for |point has ‘been even passed and that!1915 or not,as almost one-rourth ofitheGeneralAssembly's benevolent)the year will have passed before the. protection should be transferred,to!jaw can be put into action,but there|some degree at least,from an object,)j;no doubt that our firures for 1916 |which to say the most,is of question-| lable value,to thé men,women and|who are| | I-spent at David-means whatever of knowing whether| ‘son College Dr.Henry:Loius Smith North Carolina is a healthful State| |eonsistently and,convincingly preach-"rerepi ire 224 | “First Things| ;First,”-and though he never applied The *|his text as we here apply it, Msure he would have delighted in es-| =\tablishing the superiority of =State’s citizenship, =financial prosperity,to its dogs,and f argueing therefrom the duty of pro-! E itecting the real interests of the peo-| -g pleas:“First Things.”=|vest,however,that the State’s pres- 2 ent policy is the reverse of this;and Sias tending to prove the statement, =!and also as.food for thought during| =the coming two years,I wish to look 1 am the! and | I would ‘sug- State at—Raleigh JAmendments to Vital Statistics| Bulletin State Board of Health. rightful place among the StatestheUnionas.a registration —State,)This is all due to a law just passed!,pertecin our registration of births’ anc burial of the body,Heretofore,in|,the country,ten days were allowed).Ia the New LIQUID External for filing such’death ‘certificates af-,Remedy for all Bi sult a larg¢portion of deaths in the lare of very little value and in many {through giving House and Senate la-| 0 SECURE RECOGNITION.| |YT FEELSGOODAROUND“THE NECK*AND ON*THE’CHEST WYow just val it'on’and rubi¢in” Coble’s Law and Its Value. North Carolina will soon take her of} deaths.“Hereafter,upon the: 72 hours after death or before the! ter.the burial of the body.As a rée- Cold Troubles TcisLiquid :easily applied;and does not stain the clothiog country were forgotten,overlookedandunrecorded,and our vital statis-.tics,particularly for rural districts, cases worthless and even misleading.These conditions were so self-evi- “You'll never know how goodresognizeitisuntilyoutryit.”and rightly,«to registrationCarolina.as a not ill be aeeepted by Federal authori-ties.After that North Carolina willbefavoredwithemigrantsseekinghealthfulclimeswhonow.,have no or not.F Legislative Loafers.Well:|‘Bring them in on or Paid.||before Saturday,March 27th,as we expect to— close downfor the sea- son on that date and will not want seed af-— ter that date.Liberal exchange of meal and hulls until we close down.—Yours truly, Raleigh.Times.| Just before the General Assembly; adjourned.a resolution .was put| borers $10 extra pay and mileage—)inasmuch as they had performed their:duties faithfully and efficiently.To-|day Mr.Terry is doing the work that}the laborers should have done,even! to shaking.out rugs that were -not}turned over during the whole time!these.faithful fellows remained.here.|All the accumulations of -63-days-are|being removed bythe capitol force!this week.The laborers simply drew} their per diem,occupied lounges and} chairs and got away with all the mon-| ey the Assembly would allow them:It}costs North Carolina several:thous-' and dollars to pay a lot of tenth-class|politicians.to loaf in the capitol build-|. Ing.4 i =eee Trinity College gives a course in journalism and 14 students are taking|the course.Dr.C.A.Moore,a Har-|vard graduate,is in charge of the} lepartment-j k, ————_—_— “Well,what are goi“Oh!Idon’t know wandpaddling- “Wouldn't you likeme to tell you what “Indeed I would.”’ “That's what I am,”’my friendsaid.i)to do about it???‘t to do unless I keep on struggling not to do?’’ “TAm Always Short of My Standard.” “Well.sir,don’t lower.your high standard Perhaps if you were to raise it aninch or two:higher,you might rise togreatereffo:John Wanamaker. _..The Standardof the Statesyille Realty &Investment Co.for Square Dealing,prompt and efficient SERVICE in all its ~ bran es of business,remains,as it has for the past nineaerbofitscareer,a paeument to its present successful Call on us for service.‘PhoneStatesvilleRealty&Investment:Co.us if more convenient. —“We Insure Anything Insurable” _J.F.CARLTON,Manager, "Phone 54, Statesville,N.C. =tive estimate,$10,000 are expended Bevery year by@theireffortsto save life threatened .The truth is,—$25,000,-_fellowing—2 e strict rule of damages,is morenearly , =correct than $10,000;and this respect-| =ing the treatment of the disease alone.| =While no accurate figures are olftain-|back-— When you have to get up from|! |urinary trouble. If the-kidneys are at fault Set them working aright ©with : :Dean’s Kidney Pills. |Here is Statesville-proof of their |merit.: |‘Mrs.Reavis,212 Seventh street, |Statesville,N.C.,says:“I was in! |bad shape from kidney complaint..I) well on.account of/# /wealness in my back and.kidneys’ ‘and in the morning I felt all worn’ ‘out...I was also subjectto nervous| =spread in distribution and certainly}: =large. +—This-money,-from North Carclinians in ‘by the policy of unrestricted dogs able:as to the stock loss,it is wide-| -the-true point of} i view,-is.money wasted;for,though |. lincidentally lives:are saved,never-| ‘theless.the lives have needlessly heen ‘endangered,thus destroying any ne- cessity in its foundation.The ulti- mate lack of such necessity lies in theeasewithwhichthediseasecouldbe banished,for it is the one pre-cmi-‘nent malady-whieh-could-be-eliminat-fed by legislative enactment.A.taxisufficientlylargeandproperlyenforc-,ed would discourage the raising of ‘useless dogs to an enormous extent,'while at the same time protecting fowners whosedogs were of value. lamong’defenceless animals and chil-| dren.To confine them to the prem- ‘ises of their owners is the only lozi- eal and effectual means of protection against them.The same idea,as ap- |plied to property damage,passed and lenforced an almost universal stock ‘couldn’t sleep DESTROYS SLEEP. Many Statesville People Testify toThihis. “Youcan’t sleep at night With aches an“pains of a bad |’ Foster -Milburn ‘But taxation is the weakest of the|and dizzy spells..Seeing |Doan’s| {,,i iz **:jyState’s weapons against hydrophobia.|Kidney Pills advertised,I got a hox! iIf the same restrictions were impos-Hall’Th ‘ed upon-dogs as-upon hogs,cows and att fall’s Drug Store.They acted |‘‘ {other domestic animals,there would|Quickly and fixed me up in good)%<=i \be no hydrophobia,for there would shape.":A:;mere ‘: |be:Ho DromiinE.Soga rutniog |Price 50c.;\at all.dealers.Don't -simply-ask-for-a-kidneyrasnedye-gett |Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that'# ;Mrs.Reavis.had. 'Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. law,and it has given entire-satisfac-, jtion.Why not,therefore,amend this! ‘sheep and pigs?All the arguments {which may be urged for the present law,in relation to property loss,apply 3 |.People’s Loan &SavingsBank,| |Capital “=$50,000.00 oe. Is now locatedin its New Building on Center street and ready for -business. Stockholders,customers,business men,farmers,‘and the public are invited to come in and see our ‘handsome new quarters,where we are prepared to transact a banking*business inall ofits departments, _Your presence,and that of your friends,will be appreciated.Courteous employes will show you over the building,and give prompt attention to all,businessthatmay be entrustedtous,= H.BROWN.- oe Presiden he: |»Golimbia,S$.C. eds paae Hd look after the heafth of iA children,Cougha and colds are ‘equally to a dog amendment,and in jaddition the further one of infinitely |greater import,to-wit,the elimina-) jtion of a disease than whith there is ‘none more horrible in its effects or) ‘more fatal 4when once contracted.| ‘The people of the State are com- jing to ‘this view -by degrees and in time will demand for themselves aie- quate protection.But in the mean- time treasure is being spent and lives are being wasted which are of a value to the.State far greater than the whole army of four hundred thousand or more yelping dogs.— ae T.M.STEVENSON.||| :_Biggest.of All Grafters. Wadesboro Ansonian.. The biggest grafter in the country| :the officer who has no regard for) has sworn to,yet takes the people’s| money every month for doing noth- ing..No wonder people suspect that iact so as to include dogs as well asf - the law le is paid to enforce andj}_-lmakes no effort to keep the oath he) _-The Handsomest Floral Designs Obtainable today in ‘}Blelel Rial ela lal ml ela lam ele lee elle ele CRORCRORCACRORCCRCACD om the South are pre-CROCE alelelalelelalela laine OOORCACAOD ROLE ray sone |That Robbert so-called officers are profiting:in theviolationofthelaw: +»To the Housewife. Madam,if your husband is like mogt men -|the most common of the minor ailments and ;wea Beale to lead to serious diseases.” \ia much more ||“to contract or searci “fever>ithFOaticAeUe:were ofsinauire merits of thet are recommended Van Lindley Co., FUORIsTs 10 THE SOUTH, GREENSBORO,N.©. IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY,‘PHONE 205. * oes oe OOD IME The clocks in the home must be right:or:the housekeeper can’t be ex- pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there is no economy. wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on.« what you want to dois to get your watch or clock repaired by e HENRY while he is devotinghis entire time to repairing watches and clocks andfitting spectacles and eye-glasses.by RF.HENRY,-Jeweler: eeseererereeSeoSOSeeyeeetereeeeeeesceeeeet eee eeeteeeeeeeaseeveeeesoe Sees oeSOTE SOO POReM “Pittsburg Perfect”Fence.: All “Pittsburg Perfect”Fences have stay wires asheavyasintermediatelinewires.A fence is onlyasstrongasitslightestwire.No wire projectionstoinjurestockorpullwoolfromsheep.Possessesthestrongestfencejointinthéworld—the Weld#That Held.Where the wires are welded togetherbyelectricity,the fence is twice as strongas the wire’itself.Guaranteed that the wire is not injured atthejoints.Guaranteed that the stays cannot beslippedorseparatedfromstrands.Guaranteed ad.justable to uneven ground.Guaranteed strongerandmoredurablethananyother.Every rod guaranteed perfect,Gauge the wirewhenbuyingfence,If you weigh it in the roll,re-member that ‘‘Pittsburg Perfect”is all fence—no an:tiquated wrapped or tied joints,no useless wire,1uselessweight.vn -Lazenby-Montgomery Hardwa Lo e P e e S e S S OP OO S O SO T O oe er e s st h e ey WHEN you go after the burglar in.your’home you wantthatwillGEThim—not miss fire and let him GET you, WHEN you go after the robber of your baits uu want:to Gfirst‘shot,before he gets you.To doit,you must aitgettheBESTandplugthebull’s eye with the shoteverypullofthetrigger.Mh er , WHEN you take diugs that arenot up-to the very highest styou're wasting your am naflen-shvoting ny the air. WHEN you strike the trail that leads to top-notch.purityciencyindrugsitwilllandyouright‘‘on the squarthedoorandstepin,a Cte ine he Polk Gray Dru eC meCR O C E ee T iee 'w0s1910, : the Fatal Acci-Attle William David‘Gastonia. fark mentioned briefly.in the accidental death of‘Jenkins ~of ©Gastonia,of:Mis.W.F.Munday..of The following account offromtheGastoniaGa- GAYS ;the most tragic events inofGastoniaandonewhichmedhunofhearts,oc-day,morning about 10 okinis,the young son of Mr.and“George A.Jenkins,was.fataillyDeneathapile.of falling lum-he lumber yard of T.A.Hen-on West..Main avenue and near)unfortunate little fellow’s home.|died at.4:30 o’clock in the after-,the end coming suddenly and mst exactly how the accident oe-|od is not known as no ane saw it.with Thomas ifenry,theyearoldsonof.Mr.andT.A.Henry,he was playingntopofapile‘of dressed:lumberander,one of the.sheds at the yard,umber ‘slid,throwing him -offfallingontopofhim.An em-ye of the-yardswho.was nearbycsthecrashandaeryforhelp“ran at once to his-reseue,Hethelumberfromthelittlefel-’s body but could not hold it offtakethechildcat,too.A work- ontop of »Barkley’s buildingosstherailroad-heard--the noise‘and ran-‘quickly to the rescue,extri-ating the injured child,who‘was in»unconscious.condition.He “wascarriedtotheresidence.of Mr.Hen-Fy,just across the street,and medi-eal assistance was given him with-in@ very few minutes.An examina-tion showed that no bones were brok-_@n-and the only visible signs of inju-ries * were several flesh bruises about|the:and ¢However,the|V it of the lumber had crushed his| en little William.Davia} FROMPyidiay,(cc aaatomsofInterestAgc6,Mattern.‘A!bill to abolish »capitalmentwasKilledbytheNewshireLegislature.iSecretary;of the Treasury MeAdoounderwentan.operation for appendi-citis Jast week His condition itedsatisfactory,anate27eeanesate ;the National Cash,Register Co.- Dayton,0.convicted of.viatinejtheShermananti-trust law and gen-tenced to pay.finesand undergo im-|prisonment,have been granteda newtrialbytheUnitedStatesCourtof|Appeals at Cincinnati.2|A mammoth.lumber shed,the ma-lckinery building and’about 2,000,000 feet of lumber,were destroyed)by fire Sunday morning at the piant oztheAtlanticCoastLumberora- tion at Money Point,three miles from.Norfolk,Va.at $100,000.: The Yerkes Chemical Company has been chartered to do.a’.wholesalegrocerybusinessatWinston-Salem.Authorized capital $25,000,paid .in$10,000,,The ‘incorporators are J.H.j goQO,Winston-McLelland.of ~Mooresville, Boynes.and N.W..Shore, Salem.ts ‘An act,of the late Legislature ap-pointed a road commission forDavid-son county.and authorized the com-mission to issue bonds in amount notto.exceed $300,000.to build goodroads.The commission met lastweek,organized and decided to issue$100;000 to begin business./: J.H.Garriss,the aged minister ar-rested at Newton on a charge of prac+ ticing medicine without license,was discharged on the payment of thecostswhenitappearedthat-he hadmadenochargeforhisservices.butthatsomeofhisgratefulpatientshadmadehimapresentofcash, Following the example of Salisbury and Rowan county,a CommunityBuildingwillberectedatAlbemarle for Stanly county.The.commission-ers of Stanly have agreed to give abuildingsiteand$400 in cash and pri- vate individuals are subscribing thebalancenecessaryforthebuilding. The Newton Enterprise says sweet a Loss.estimated|’ +fields,. hat-has everbeen prc:3 entitled, dis “based andBi ma ene.nsscenesshiftsuddenlyfrom North t‘South,’from the ‘oaaitat to..tne.pattlefield,or from home to the Sailhospital.Evidentl n tarymuchmoneyandinmaking|Bieofpersonsarehavebeen‘employed as charactePaofthe.most sp 1scenesareplantationlite‘the.war,Lincoln's signing the beer forthe’musteringvolunteers,d the |uthern armies,scenes on the. effort were spentaeThousands j{ a0 ff e-7especiallyaroundPetersburg)during the last days pf the ‘ar,|Scenes.inthe hospitals,raids by Sher-man and guerrilla bands in the South,}including:the burning of Atlanta,the }meeting of Grant and Lee at Appo.|mattox,various scenes:in.Lincoln’s|office,Lincoln’s assassination,Thad-|fdeusStevensinaugurating‘his scheme |of Reconstruction under the pire:Itionof‘his mulatto concubine,Recon-struction in actual practice,pneaing |Seenes at the polling places;the ac-'tions of the colored troops in.South-ern.towns,the .carpetbagger and/scalawag.in action,.the.notoriousscenesinthelegislativehallsofSouta |Carolina when the negroes were in| few patterns are lower. j} AND LINOLEU Our stock of Floor coverings is the laLinoleum'530c.yard.Tremont,Wool and FiberandDeltox.Porch’Rugs,all sizes,Brussels Art Squares.Always a pl Oe.s Big assortment of Wiltonseasuretoshowyou.Crawford-Bunch FurnitureCo. rgest we have ever shown. oyMS — Prices on a;ae yard.Very best grade Mattingquaresand-Rugs,all sizes.Crex,Axminster and soon she tonmajoritythere,the musteringof the pmKu-Klux Klan and their spectacular |raids,and,worst of all,scenes injwhichtainnegroesaredemanding|and trying to enforce social equality |between the races.aayThepicturerunsformorethan:three hours with only one intermis-|‘sion of about six minutes.A largeorchestra.plays almost continuously,| a NO 8 aren nc roma es _chest,injuring him internally.|potato shipments from Catawba|Throughout the day’the little fel-|county to the Northera markets havelowhadintervals.of consciousness |been going forward by car loads.Theduringwhichhecalledforvarious!potatoes are crated in three-bushel,members of the family and talked tolcrates and.bring about 65 cents perthem.He was due to go to school bushel,which,the Enterprise says,noon,being in Miss Roddey’S'is about 15 cents more than last year.room of the second grade.During ‘At High Point last week a little‘one ofhis conscious intervals he said)iid of Mr.and Mrs.Wm.Sykestovhisfather,“Tell the teacher not was playing near the fire when its|clothes ignited and it.ran screaming»tomark’me tardy.”Apparently he/ ;to its mother.In trying to extin-ing along fairly well until },When hedied.suddenly.guish the flames Mrs.Sykes’clothestookfireandshewasfatallyburned, “Had he lived until the coming a gust William would have been eight dying in a few hours.The child mayid,having been born August 7?recover.-+He.was a most manly,Elva Pardue,5-year-old daughter=on See ene of Mr.and Mrs.Will Pardue of Anti-re the ta loch township,Wilkes county,was,a:at he tess burned to death recently.The na-|ae OS He was a/rents were a short distance from tnea;-house when the little girl ran to themvotMrs.T.E. varying the music to suit the various|scenes,from the.gs“Dixie”to the funeral dirges when’news from the’battlefields reached|Southern homes. This is not @ press agent’s story,It}is told ‘simply.for its.historical and:social significance.The effect .on!these Northern audiences is most in:|teresting.The play runs twice a!day,including Sunday.The prices |of the seats are from 25 cents up to|$2,most of the seats being 50 or 75'cents.And the large theater has been :full for nearly every performance,|i8 said.Saturday night.every seatseemed,to be taken.And the rousing|cheers that burst .forth frequently |would cause you to think .the .audi-|{ence was Southern;even the South-erner’s .rally:around the Stars-and-}Bars was roundly cheered;and as a| tirring air.of|| NorGos Aniviy Tay Millinery,Ready-to-Wear Street Hits,© Dress Goods,‘Silks,‘Shirt Waists,etc. Keystone Rompers,new styles.ae 3 a Yours truly, SS M =ILLS.T.E.jundayogresvopekyaeBeer_,Methodist church and also a member |(of ight Bearers’Society of that|Shareh.“Hie was handsome in ap-)‘peal and a,conve in| -personality.Treay:pa-;rents.and his.little sisters,Willard,|aged.12,Estelle,aged 6,and.Helen,|aged one year,have the deepest sym-|‘pathy of hundreds of friends.~~~ Season of Secrapping—Cases in -Robert Dishman,Ed;Alexander|;and Closs Thompson were fined’$5eachinthemayor’s court SaturdayMorningfordisorderlyconduct.ThioffensewascommittedFridayafter-|Reon when the three men engaged in -h affray in the garage of theleAutoLivery’Co.vBST..Ayers ‘and Marshall A.Poole engaged in a lively fight attheHenkel-Craig stabie Saturdayrnoon.Mr:Ayers was,prettyadly“used up”by.Mr.Poole,whoapparently.master.of the situa-Or 1é case will be “tried in thejta,court as soon as Mr:Ayersabletoattendcourt.3MrClyde.Rudy is under*bondoeaerrbeforeJusticealiby30dayshencetoanswer|‘charges preferred against him by |Mr &Tharpe,who claims thatMr,Rudy appropriated to his ownfundswhichrightlybelongedtoMr.Tharpe:Mr.Rudy was travel-@ for Mr.Tharpe and was takenintocustodyinMtAiry.Yeridaynight.Rudy offered to come toStatesvillewithoutbeingaccompa-by.an officer,but hir.C.L,Mur-was sent to:Winston-Salem tomeethimSatirday.On his arrivalhereSaturdayafternoonMr.Rudy@trangedtogivebondandthecasewas.setfor a hearing yesterday af-:hig but when the hour for the“hea arrived it was.apreed tomethematteropenfor30days..Rudy admits that he used aramount-of money collected forMr.Tharpe,but he expected to re-port the amount,he says,and as hewas:in Mr.Tharpe’s employ thereWasnopurposeofwrongdoing. A Noted Editor Dead. >.Bamuel Bowles,editor and pub-Hisher of the Springfield,Mass.,Re-publican,died Sunday.He had beenlyillforsometime.He hadledtheRepublicans:nce 1878,his father,a well-known editor“whom he was immed,died.He-born in Springfield October 15,:and was the fourth of hismHisgrandfather.a Hartfordter,founded the Weekly Spring-Republican in 1824,His father jning at the bridegroom’s house._The! are required to report their sales Citizen who with*her clothing ablaze.She wasfatallyburnedbeforetheflamescouldbeextinguished. P..A.Krise,aged 82,reputed to bethewealthiestcitizenofLynchburg,|Va.,and Miss Minnie Evelyn John-|son,an instructor in art at Randolph-|Maton Womatts College at Ligrich-|burg,were married Saturday'eve-| bride formerly lived at Clinton.N.)C.,and is said to be her hiushand’s|junior by 40-years, Count Sergius Julovich Witte,Russia’s first prime minister,diedlastweek:Count Witte was born in849.He was one of the Russianplenipotentiaries—_at Portsmouth,New Hampshire,in.the n<gotiationsforpeacewithJapan.He afterwardswasmadeacountandappointedpresidentofthenewministry,hutretiredin1906andhasheldnoim-portant post since then.:.Under the law tobacco warehouses’ the Commissioner ofAgriculture.BactofthelastLegislatureanyware-house failing to report is liable to afineof$25,the amount.going to any-sues for-it_Commission-er Graham last week.made public alist.of 95 warehouses who had failedtoreportFebruary.sales to March 10-Loaded with food and clothing forthereliefoftheneedyoftheHolyLandandsuppliesfortheUnitedStatesarmoredcruisersNorthCar-olina and.Tennessee,now in the Med-iterranean,‘thé United States collier|Vulean sailed Sunday from Philadel-|phia for Jaffa,Palestine.The relief {cdrgo-represents.an expenditure of |$150,000.by the American Jewish re-|lief committee.|State Senator Gilliam of Edge-|combe has announced that ‘his fellow|countyman,Lieut.Gov)Daughtridge,|will be in the race for the Democratic|nomination for Governor next year,|This is the second formal entry .for|that office,Attorney General Bickett |being the first.Itis also:pretty clear}that Senator 0.Wax ardner of}Cleveland will be a candidate for the|nomination for Lieutenant Governor,|A dispatch from Newport News}says French as well as British war-|ships are ¢ruising outside the Virgin-|it capes.waiting to attack the Ger-|man commerce destroyer,Prinz Ej-|tel Friedrich,if she attemptsto make|for the high seas again,There are!said to be two’British and two)French men-of-war and they »havecometostayuntiltheBitelre-ap-pears or interns for the war:jts::a 2,{Cures Old Sores,Other Hemedies Won't Care,The worst cases,no matter of how Jarecuredbythewonderful,old reliable Dr. the Daily:Republican.in 1844,nd he established tne Sund4icanin-1878,+-- ;delegation of prominent Ameri-it bslage headed.by Miss Jane Ad-p ‘will visit.The Haguetoattend@women’see,designed to formu: That,Does:Mot Affect The Head 0GOINiwis ie beesGe naeynotCausenervousnessnorheSignatureofi.WsGROVES,Sse next‘peace e,ate a r ay Re.|Pain and Heals.ot the ennye Porter’s “Antiseptic Healing.O70, theme »He,$1 Dr.GR, |Ala-,has bee|in State |medical |Kelly Ad|State cap |Norman’s |to tw cen sentenced to six yearsprisonforthetheftofStaveexamination.papers;anams,negro janitor at theitolofAlabama,who.wasaccomplice,was sentenced©and a half years, Piles Cured in 6 te 14 Daysi“geist will refund m,iOINTMENTfailstocureaincee inte.Blind,Bleeding ot ProtrudingPitee inThefirst<>plication gives Ease and }people to read,and his play bad sf ;@ian-steamer Laly, itime you wish, ong Mending,|truth It relieves July, Norman of |Brookwood, 6tolt days,|and one Rest.ore a drug stores, big troop of the Ku =Klux galloped |(ZqumrenformilesovertheCarolinahills1 =the moonlight,|the cheering was al-!.A dispatch from Pekingmostcontinuousforfiveminutes.deadlock appears to haButifDixon’s books were bad.for|ed:in negotiations between ChinaandJapan:Although Chinese repre-sentatives were informed ThurthatJapanhadmodifiedherdnotbei:tide.relinquishing several demands,presénted on the stuge or_in any of |anexpected obstacles in the way ofDixon's books.The “very worst as-;ah_adjustment arose’ai ;pects of the race prablem are shown}gonference.In the meantgraphically.And they are not shown is.sending t :ina way that will promote toleration |force ‘garrisbyeitherracefortheother..Thepic-|ture is great for a study of American |history and American social prob-/FOR A BAD COLDlems;but it can hardly promote the,‘charitable instincts .of either.the.The surest way t¢stop a cold is towhiteortheblackrace,However,|liven the liver and cleanse the bowels,the picture promises to have a great|and the nicest cathartic to.do thig isrunandagreatyieldofprofitsfor)a 10-cent box of Cascarets,Take oneitspromoters.,.or two Cascarets t‘Saw—eerenees |cold ‘may.be gone by morning,Struck on her.starboard bow and)—~cameliterallycutintwobytheNorwe- the American|fee.schooner William J.Quilin~sank}within five minutes off Cape Hatter-as lightship at 2 -o’¢lock Saturday)“fmorning.The captain ‘and.crew of|§the vessel were saved...‘; *Col.W.K.Crook,disbursing offi-cer of the White House,who begandutythereas-President Lincoln'sbodyguardandhassinceservedinsomecapacity,died Jast week ofpneumonia,; A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE ANY ONE)—THE GREAT BIDNEY R :when we DY NEVERDISAPPOINTS. A few years ago 1 was troubledwithacomplicationofkidneyandstomachailmentsand—although-Itriedtwoorthreedifferentdoctors,Iwasunabletoobtainacure..HavingheardagreatdealaboutSwamp-Root,I decided to give it a trial and pur-chased a one-dollar bottle of Mr.Alex-ander,the druggist.From the be-|ginning I could notice a change forthebetterandaftertakingeightvot-eral mercantile business.Address,J,étlesofyourmedicine,1 felt entirely |HARTNESS,R.P.“ALLISON,—Receivers’cured and have not had any trouble ies N.©.‘ince farch 12,1915-26,Had I begun using Swamp Root!sooner,T'would have-been.a few hun-fe ‘3 cdreddollarstothegoodandsavedmy-|Solid Wood Transfer Sections,Full Letter Size.’Price.‘$2.00 per:section. self a lot of suffering,;You may use my testimonial any; ‘Statesville Printing Co, *¢.485oo,a % Yours very truly,i I ~FOR SALE! CHARLES E.HARRIS,460 Sixth St,Marion,lowa, Choice building ldts,within twoblocksofsquareandinone-fourth I certify that Charles ¥,Harrissignedtheabovetestimonialinmy block of new-graded school,Only{offered fora short time,. Says: people to-see,this photaplay is evenworse;for many blood-stirring scenes|are presented which coul ons already there, Other paints’are’fouighed.in the balance with FOR SALE BYLazenby-MontgomeryHardwareCo.A VALUABLESTOCKOF -MERCHAN-DISE FOR SALE. The wndersigned,‘reecivers of the KriderStockCo.offer ut private sale the entire stockofmerehandise,consisting of Dry Goods,No-tions,Hats,Clothing,Shoes,Trunks,‘ete.,ofsaidcompany,‘now located tn(C.This is «good opportunity for an invest.|ment for parties desiring to envage in-a gen- prestnce,being first duly sworn to thethereof,this the 12th day of1909,dD.R.KINLEY,JP, Letter to ‘Dr,Kilmer -&Co,Binghamton,NY, |Prove what Swamp-rootwill do for you Mar,12, ve been reach.}! }= sday |= atti-|}3 Saturday's)ime Japan|=oops to China to rein-|2 onight and your |= nd wanting!f i Statesville,N,> a SITE & 5 We take realpleasure in announcing the ar-rival of our large grade ECLIPS ~~Attractive Patterns;$1.00 and $1.50 Grad _We have quiteaHighGradeEcliatterns,and you are sure byalooktofindjustwhatyoudesireRILL-WHITESHOECO.|(The Wh tive SHER ring’shipment of HighIRTS.—a es,:quite a large assortment of these iving usanShirts, ite Co’.s old Stand.) TUMDHAFUAedtaya “Best Workmanship.ivi pse Shirts.in neat,attrac..§. |DAVIS’100 per cent.PURE PAINT,|7 ONGO D,©,RUFTY,| «BUILD NOW!ee us for your om Roninarepairwork,etc.KNOW HOW.:RAZIER BROS. |.Send ten cents to Dr,Kilmer &Cor,Binghamton,N,Y,,fora sample sizebottle.It will eonvinee anyone,YouwillalsoreceiveaBookletofvalua-ble information,telling about the kid-i neys and bladder,When.writing,be|Sure and mention the Statesville Semi.|Weekly Landmark,Regular fifty-centdollarsizebottlesforsaleat] }mr , Is tfteIt Milohed)cak,wok cuvering. eons aeFloorCoverings Herstita floortovering,daintyin designandirotorin~ayts linoleum,8 easily,Jaid,. He fastening,and is very durable. t Congoleum is splendid for kitchen floors. Repeated washing eannot’injure it: Tile,.matting,floraldesigns,suitable for any foot. Congoleuta Rui Bordera s+a.Hone oF ‘sanitary esis Seeee ? EUM @aeao Ly tie less tian printed cd,requires 10:a 4 conventional somarkabla tnita,Come in and see Wis:aw see :Ka es re eee >we rs ts oeert lenry temiceeecen Hey Sa dhe RTH WHILE TO STUDY THE ADS,_ tatesville HousefurnishingCo. oe creme oe,':/Ait is wo Ke VOL.XLL STATESVILLE,N,C4 FRIDAY,MARCH 19,1915. ceca anit alsin mo -,MORE DIPLOMATIC NOTES.|CAUGHT ROBBING STORE,|DEATH OF MR.R.C.KNOX.|LOOK OUT’FOR THE FIRE.NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST.BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. Information From Belligerents|White Youth WasDoing a Land|Aged Veteran Passes—Other|A Wagoner’s Camp Fire or a|Happeni Here i oe aeaeL4a|penings Here and There in;_,‘About Blockades,Ete.,Which|Office Business at-Bloomfield.|Deaths—Funeral of Mr.Pe-|Burning Brush Heap May Get the State,\..[eda Rach Mieaie’_Give Us Little Satisfaction.“|Caught in the act of robbing al gramin Gastonia._°You in Jail...Dr.H.Q.Alexander,State prest-|—WJunior public speaking at Cool_Diplomatic communications have}store,Grady Gill,a white boy aged}.Mr.Robert C.Knox,whose critical)4»act to prevent forest”fires,|dent of the Farmers’Union,thinks Spring Academy tomorrow night atbeenmadepublic.by the State De~|46 or 17 tie fa ail toe ilness with pneumonia was mention=|which.pas i tt r in theS {7:30..Ladies especially.a ‘years,is in jail to arswer |:which:passed the Legislature and was|cotton acreage in the State will be)7:30.Ladies ly ee at Washington.«stituting|in the Superior Court for his offense.in Tuesday's Landmark,.died)effective March9,i pretty drastic but|cut 30 per cent.:.|.—he condition of Mrs.P..L. ;¢entire correspondenceof the last|For some time Mr-H..S-Douglas has pe morning at 4 o'clock at WS)not too drastic.It was introdueed by|In Nash county this week fire de-,Wooten,who underwent an operation ave bans between the United States!known:that his store’at Bloomfield|2°.Cool Spring ae The Mr.Roberts of Buncombe and it pro-|stroyed.the stables ur the Tar River'at the Sanatorium Saturday,is re-and Germany and between the United]was being entered occasionally and|{funeral service and burial too!eat vides,says the Raleigh correspond-}Lumber Company and seven teams ported favorable.: States and Great Britain and France,|sbods remdved therefrom.Recently|Wednesday noon at Fifth ent of :st teaspres)mi ;y ,OM :ent of the Greensboro News,that no|of horses and mules were burned.Raa been issued for thepeopiree.ome the thieving beame alarming and it church,Rev.J.J.Edwards conduct.individual,firm or corporation can}‘The Newton Enterprise says nine cua pit Guevara ana attacks on merchant ships,the ship~lwas evident that some one had a key|™%_the service.}onl te &brush heap or take the slight-|young white men are.in Catawba|Miss Una Nantz Robt,S.Ed-ment of:conditional contraband and|{o the store and was making regular |.,Mt;Knox was born ane reared on f eee apeonalt€st chance with a braze without giv-t iti limi i minst 5 thel:Johnson..-atefoodstuffstoPeteuseof'visits to it at night.Determined to|*he farm where he died and was 87)ing ample warning to his neighbors;coe fe scence with the kitting |Zsace ee special em-neutral flags by hel gerent merchant~|catch the thief or thieves,Mr.Doug-ie old.He married Miss Laura tnor can he leave any fire burning any-|of the negro,Pink Goodson,at his’ploye in the revenue 'se ce,whmen,the removal of mines,and the!jas decided to arm himself and re-|*-Mills of this county anc his wife|where without accepting as primal home near Hickory last Saturday!spent a short time at his homie here; proc].tion.of a virtual blockade of Penge ‘;_}and eight children survive him.The}facie evi se sip to |Eas slit pasinet Germany.(unis fo,stoe «fewnlehts.Tiel Caldron ate Mesera:BM MMMafl gore anioe etgationrange [MEE “Yas returned fo hi work in the east The communications revealed that)usual time and then re-entered it}ckory,T-H.Knox of Bear Poplar,| «j¢any person shall intentionally.;Goy.Craig has commuted to life|ern section ofthe State,;: the United States,realizing the diffi-|from the rear and lay-in wait in the {24s Kuox of Statesville,iu.G.Knox set fire to any grass land,brusig land imprisonment the death sentence of /—The Enterprise says that Mr.culties of the allies maintaining an|gark for th sai of Cool Spring township and Més<Jor wood t i Zeke Harris,white man of»Wayne Fred Horton,who has been engagedeffectiveblockadeofGermanybyalan.‘or,the expectedvisitor.|dames T.N.Niblock,B,F.Holtom,|propeuis,onin that case wetnout seae|CUtY.convicted:of burgary with in furniture manufacturing in States- close guard of the coast on account of |wait.About 9 o'clock he heard the F.G,Steele and W.H.Long of this}givin:notice ¢o all persons owning.intent to commit a criminal outrage.yille for several years,has arrangedthenewly-developed activity of sub-|noise of a key being fitted in the |°°Unty:|Ca ier in chargecet:Raid adjoining the Counsel for’the prosecution opposed to locate in Mooresvilleandengage in marines,asked that “a radius of #¢-!front door of the store-and the next _Mri Knox served three years in the }land intended to be fired,and also tak-the COPTER RE oe .the samelineof work.9 =... tivity”be defined.Gveat Britain andl instant young Gill entered the store|Vil war as a soldier of the Confed-ling care to wateh such tre while}.Notwithstanding indignation meet-|A man without.hands,but --Francereplied with the announcement}ind began moving about i tne dark.|°T@cY and was twice injured.in bat-|burning and take effectual care to ex-|ings,the highway commission of}with the stubsof his .arms handles a that the operations of blockade would}after getting a supply of chewing tle,One finger was cut off bya,bul-lginguich such fire,and such fire shall|Davidson county has decided to issue pen like an expert;has ;een notbe conducted “outside of Europea:|eum and cigarettes Gill watked Dack let and he received a wound in@the|peach any lands near to or adjoining|the entire amount of bonds author-the past fewdays.-He weit including the Mediterranean.”|t,the place where the bottled drinks neck,He and two of his brothers}(he lands so fired,he shall for every|iz¢d—$300,000—instead of the $100,-on the street and writes cards,He ile Germiany agreed it is disclos-|were kept and was inthe act of|Went to war together and he alone]¢ifense be fined not less than $10 nor |900 first proposed:Bids.will be seemed to do a good business here.ed to abandon her submarzne attacks|quenching his thirst when Mr.Doug-|Teturned home,one”of his brothers|more than $50,or imprisonea nox ex-|opened April 5.‘_ITh dition-of Mes:ulin An: on “mercantile of,any flag”11 ee "E~}being killed in battle and the other |goed i or mewhenthasrasiat-vicityor teach,ceo|25 erasved him,told him he was in}:ing killed in battle and the other ¢ecding 30 days.This shall not pre-}|Gutzen Berglum,the New.’York derson,whohas beenil.for sometime _oe ee visitor search,pro-}ting with the muzzieof a-gun-and|4¥ing from illness.Mr.Knox was)vent action for damages sustained by|ertist whois making the statue of at her home.onEuclidavenue,isynowvidedfoodstuffswerepermittedto]marched him from the store.Mr.|the last survivor of his father’s fam-|¢he owners of such property from|the Tate Senator Vance to be piacea quite critical.Her daughter,Mrs. reach her civilian—population,Great|noyoias took the boy to”a nearby{is:guch fires,-}in-Statuary Hall in the national cap--7 derson-ocksvill it__Britain a her allies rejected_the nanitente,where he was.searched,|The Hickory Mercury of this week}The bill touches any wagoner,hun-|jtol,will submit the first model of her beleiie.neh oo aTtet iegeeage ary the vue and the chewing gum and cigarettes |had—the-following:i»{ter,camper or any other person who hiswork to the Vance Memorial com-|©The ‘Ola Maids’¢plies lel te oo ee a 2 ort to bring :just stolen were found on his person.|“Last Friday while Mrs.Chick shall kindle’a camp fire o-authorize mittee’in Asheville tomorrow.was to have been held in the conege f ence we a 0 a ae o cares Deputy Sheriff.White was then eall-]Alexander-of Alexander county..was|}it done,unless all combustible ma-|Mocksville Record,17th:Unknown auditorium this evening,is med *.Owe sateguar e interests |od to take charge of the boy.-Gill|engaged in building a fire in the cook|teria!for the space of ten feet is re-|persons early last Tuesday morning yntil next Monday evening.Tickets ~~of neutrals.:“::23SargetoldtheofficerthatWillMorrison,}stove at her home her apron caught|Moved,and provides that the aband-|dynamited the dam at the old Mud now on sale.It will be worth while. art oe aca at the negro night watchmm at tae Tm-|on-fire and she was severely burned.{Orment of such fires without fully|mil,near,Cornatzer.The mill bes'to see the young .maids -play old.“Gritain and Franee whether the em-{|2cni#!Oil Company’s plant,and alMrs,Alexander was brought to the]*tinguishing them,shall be fined/jongs to J.M.Summers,-of Salis-'maids,pee !white boy,were implicated in.the|Richard Baker:hospital in this city.from $10 to $60 or imprisoned 30]pury,but.was operated by N.P.Mc--Mbnaye:D.-F-Mayberry and S$. bargo on all commerce between Ger-thieving.Morrison was arrested but }S i 7s i i i i;aoe ae.i ‘Saturday for treatment,but nothing |@ays.This section gets the man who}Daniel.There is no elue as,to the rr icat aRmeeonsentialepentes.Non '\was later released,the officers not]could be done for her and she died accidentally or —negligently”with|guilty.fear ‘he Walton Mal geoblockadeoxbyinterference:with ships considering the evidence against him{Saturday night about midnight.She torch,gun,match or any other instru-]The Newton Enterprise says that erty in New Hope township to Mr. and cargoes “as if-no blockadéBas tog sufficient.to hold him:The white boy|was about 69 years old.”mentality,starts any fire upon any|Fred Amos,until recently editor of CG.C-Redman,who put an increased ed,”the two together presenting in named by Gill was not arrested be-]Mrs,Alexander was a sister-in-law]45S land,woodland,brushland and|the Bakersville Kronicle,has received bid on it.Mr.Redman's bid was $1,-* ——-the-viewof the American soreramenz|*2use Gill_made so many contragict-|of Mr.T.C,Alexander,formerly of ‘fines or imprisons-him in the same/an appointment from tne e¢nsus bu-|cule cmon acette :a proposed course of eatin piss ing statements about the matter.It)Statesville,now of Elkin.She-waspmanner——____——.______.____..#eainto-collectstatistics.from _man-% ly unknown to international law is considered quite certain,however.|about 69 years old and is survived by mi vets the man who fires the tar)ufacturers.His -first territory for}eee eer at ‘Beitain|that Gill did have confederates’and|her husband and a son by her fixst|‘iln.charcoal pit,and provides that |work will be the counties of Madison,|Suk Wigine roviak.tor"the.feat tines there may be further arrests,Gill]marriage—Mr.Oliver Moore.The|*v¢'y fire breaking out through such|Yancey,Mitchell and Avery. that ‘the allies officially regard their elaims he cut the key with which he|funeral and interment were .at Mt.circumstance.or otherwise,|shall be Mr.Clarence*E.Kale of Catawba| policy as a “blockade”but desire to eaieckee po sere door en bees i Pisgah church,Alexander county,Jaat|Prima facie evidence of carelessness.||14 Wiss Anna Rowe,a professional refrain from exercising tae rignis of ee bs for oe oeBag a ae Monday.j Mr.Baity of Mocksville Buys|"2"8e of Hickory,were married es belligerents under a bioczacetocon-\41.cotton mills—at—intervars.- =My:J:Mel:Clark will novethisweekfromFallstowntownshiptoanewhoméhehaserecteronceldwell’”street..Mr.Clark has.so:d his farm .to Mr.Davis Ostwalt.of FaitstownandsrvecttomakeStatesvillehis$Tek manent home,oy-‘News has been ‘received here of the}yj Lock Monday morning at Virginia Shipp?”f :BS _Siseate ships and cargoes a»=peral-|'"M4,"Dougias has lost large quanti-|death of little Henry Howard Click,ea Sanat masenthie hat Cieiia’tee toda aces sind ae anescktoe ene IeperBorreachofackade;substitu |gn af overalls eins,choc cears|SPOieurle som of Mu and Mrs;Ws)ogi tha tack of the Keilor Stock]Mer Quinee Rowe of Long Tland Pettcaile-aB ad,‘The.enn:s i -hypounds.On account of un istacinycal cigarettes,chewing gum,candy,etc..::Comapany and will re-open the store.iscompensationthroughsaleofthede-|ir”the thieving began.If Gill{of Mrs.D.J.Kimball of Statesville.|yy Matty hes alsa Hought tha stock aig young people willlive at Cataw: ;tained merchandise.ned The little boy died last Friday night tu a.:ag Ses tiga now has all the goods that have been eee y Mgnt of Mr.A.M.McGlamery at’Mocks-|'“py.p Taft deli Tues-|Wuarantine conditions theeinedefinitionofa‘fadiusof ®ltaken from the store,according to}*fteran iliness “of several weeks 0°vine jand will move it to Statesville Ge crate oi fatt delivered Tues!couldn't be sold to local parties.” pean.waters,including the Mediter-Mr.Douglas,he could open a store of |P :‘andfombine it with the Krider stock.}+hree addressesat the State Univer-|-—-According to the almanac spring - fanean,in the first intimation ‘or.the |=.owm With &stock as large or larg-|_The funeral and burial of Mr.|1t4s his purpose to continue business|sity,which were concluded last eve-begins officiallyon-or aboutnext Sun-— geographical limits of the blockuiie|o than Mr.Douglas has.Earl Ss.Pegram,late cashier of the|herepermanently.He wiii move his ning.The united support of the coun-|day,but the temperature just no The publication of the correspond-Gill was given a hearing Tuesday)First National Bank ‘of “Statesville,|family to Statesville and make-this|try for the policies of Prestcent Wil-|that of winter.—Y:! ence cleans.the slate.of diplomatic|[fore Justice Lazenby,who com-|took place Wednesday afternoon at/his home,gon in “this critical period”of the|the mercury registered ten be! notes and leaves the United.States|Mitted him to jail in default of $200}Gastonia,where his~body was taken|The Krider stock was first sold by}nation’s history,was urged in the first|freezing.The cold weather,however,bond for his appearance az Superior|Tuesday,as told in Tuesday’s Land-|the receivers to V.Wallace &Sons of|address.--is holding the fruit back and there. confronted with the question off court,mark.“The funeral services at Gas-|Salisbury,the sale being consummat-{|The Holt -Morgan cotten mill at|is yet hope for afruit crop.oe ahwhetherornotitwillacquiesceinscence;2 one ::a the form of blockade announced _by|\“Amos Gregory,one of the noted|tonia were held in the First rresby-|ed Wednesday.Mr,Wallace immedi-|Payetteville and some other mills in|Mrs.Strawhorn,a representative the allies.President Wilson has in-}north "Iredell.Gregorys who only re-teevase er by aan ee ee tanren ae we State mae lone are:=are|of the North CarolinaPrisonere!a di tes:will b tly compl t in|©.5.Sve we:Me nne ee,AS-Rare.vere Was -OteO UE a ampered in their.work through in-:;Hie serday | ees eee,Merene,Bree fan fPoncay parade lcaba Bai,tote sisted by Rev.C.E,Raynal and Rev.|stock,and resold it to him.Mr.Baity/ability to secure ratite el Suir s Wook eee ntohPhra 3made.‘gang for the larceny of a hog,is in t ::,::Ides sion mpgepoeecayenat ss on :perme -_|Dr.Charles Anderson of ©Statesville.|is now in Statesville making arrange-oy dye has be i P:.,_|jail again.The offense this time is|,-:;©-'goods:“The dye has heen coming}purposes of the sociesy.The proceeds .Power Liné Between Statesville caryink ‘@ congealed .weapon.He|Brief services’were congucted at the)ments to open the store and begin)from Germany and the blockade as rg sale of the books are to be. and Salisbury..was given acheariag before Justice)emoerey wee Py.Mie,Statesville)bustness.a result of ‘the war has cut off the|used in aiding families of convicts‘,‘ministers prior to the departure of the Doe te .,.;. Forces of the Southern.Power Co.G.-Y:Downum of the Harmony com.funeral’party Tuesday morning.Work on Post Road to Be Re-eupely,who.are in destitute circumstances.—— ‘ate at work ‘neat Statesville,clear-|7™ity Monday|and in,default;of]“Tye funeral services ati Gastonia}sumed.A dispatch from New Serne to the}’—Mrs.Mary W.Lazenby is in a ing the right-of-way for a power bond was.brought to jail.Monday daily papers says.a giant meteor,!critical condition at her homein Cool:;:ttended by a large number of|The portion of the route of the 1 y,:mines “|night by Deputy Sherift.Baity to eb s ,a 2 :;:supposed to have weighed thousands!Spring township as the result of.in-line which will be built by the eom await Superior ‘Court.friends and relatives of the deceased|Wederal-aided highway which was un-pf pounds;fell:in the vicinity of tae ich et suffered th af }‘ cgSS y.from Statesville to.Salisbury.Cea ae from,Statesville,Charlotte.anc eisc-|der ¢ontroversy having been decided r a pa The right-of-way.has been cleared BI Will H Good:Rati By “}where,including quite “a:number-~of|on;all the county road forces.wilt now eee idea has uobagat few days ago.The.extnz or her in- ‘practically all the way between the|PINGS Will Have Good hating.the Statesville.Masons.The States-|he put to work on the highway:and|MUCH exci othe ‘ng ar ag 4 shed juries has not been ascertained,but:two points and it is understood that|.The—annnal_inspectiyn“of the Ire-|ville and Gastonia.Masons had |the work will be pushed to completion.bat hab oe =aw ‘e”Gea 1:ta Ge on account of her advanced age— _the poles.will bé set _immediately.|dell Blues.Tuesday nigat’was.very|charge of the burial.The floral trib-|The force operating under Foreman ee “4 OGY:SRM hs SHOE E about’90 years—it is fearee tnat she ‘When.the line is completed it,-will|gratifying to the inspection officers.[utes whichcoveredthe grave and-sur-|Chipley will_continue its work in ‘the sagabem ie _|will not long survive...‘ give’Statesville connection with the|Fifty-eight enlisted men.and thrée|roundings were unusually large.|vicinity of Statesville and the chain That Representative Fred.R.—Mr,and Mrs.-R,Bunch main ‘power line of the company at]officers —Capt.W.M.Westmore-|many friends,fraternal .orders and|¢ang and the two other forces main-Miritz of.Wayne counvy,and perhaps Spring ath peti.arrived:in States Salisbury,making the third connec-|land,First Lieut.Oscar Mills and|banking institutions having sent cost-|tained by the county will be moved}one or two others,will enter the vitie:Wednesday night and will prob- tion available to the Statesville sta-|Second Lieut.W..E.Sherrill—were]ly designs..:within the next few days to points|Democratic primary in June,..1916,)ably make their home here.Mr.Bunch: tion._Statesville has for some -time}present and both officers and mdp|Mrs,Pegram and three little daugh-|along the route between Mr.Quince|for the office of Commissioner of La-lis a brother of the Messrs,Bunch’ had_access.to power through two dif-|made a good showing.Speaking of]ters are now with Mrs,Pegrami’s sis-|Reid’s and the Davie line.Work on bor and Printing,the place now held|Statesville.For the present Mr.and ferent lines.All the lines are serv-|the inspection on the eve of:his de-|ter,Mr.L.C.Withers,in Charlotte.|the steel bridge across “the South by ¥a Seretn ae walvia howd Mrs,Bynth will be.with Mr.and Mrs. ’i ‘lee endear L by ei ivh.|as almost certain,the *Ralei ::ed from the company’s power plants|parture from Statesville Wednesday,High School PupilsWill Discuss Yadkin river on the route of’the high-|45 atmos iz F,B.Bunch at thetr home on } .in South Carolina.When the new}Capt.Russell C.Langdon stated to p way will also begin next week.The|and Observer is informed,-|street.us plant at Lookout Shoals,on the Ca-|the newspaper.man that the Blues Ship Subsidy..bridge will be 200’feet long..Published reports coming from|-——~Mr.Harold Yount,who on:tawba river,is completed’the power}would be rated as’“excellent.”The debates between teams from re aeraie Raleigh have intimated that inebriat-|up for near two weeks as a resultof generated:-there will be.turned into]The inspection was made by Capt.|the different-high schools in the State Minstrel’s Local Hits.ed legislators destroyed woman:suf-|jnfamation of.the eyes,is able to the system to ‘serve the towns in this|Langdon,who is inspector and in-/that are-members of the High School}Charley Gano made the local hits|frage literature and a map at the|out.His eyes Were in a very immediate section and elsewhere,as|structor of the United States War}Debating Union,will take place a|during the performance of Coburn’s|Yarborough hotel on the last night of|condition for a time and iswae foarte needed,:Department for the North Carolina]week from tonight,the 26th.The|monstrels at the theater Wednesday|the legislative session.The proprie-|he would lose the sight of one,but th Offere Priva *National Guard,and Col,Thomas|question for debate is,“Resoived,tnat|evening.The new.liquor shipment|tor of the Yarborouga testifies that}fol]recovery is now i Mr.French Offers Prize to High)stringfield,inspector general for the|the United States should adopt the|law attracted attention.Gano-thought|the damage was not done by legisla-|yount had been doctoring a dog th School:Students.State.It included inspection of the|policy of.subsidizing its’merchant]it wag an.outrage to cut down the}tors but by a party who was not |had distemper and.it is thought : Mr.G.E.French:who hag for:sey-7 nem,‘the property of the company,|marine engaged in foreign trade.”shipments to a quart of liquor and]guest of the hotel.‘I sibly his eyes became infected in Frat era)years given a Set of booke.-at the,rifles.and the armory quarters:On the night in question a team five gallons of beer for two weeks.,|There is ‘indignation in *=Avery|way,but this is only conj ture, the graded school commencement to All.were found’in excellent condition.|from Gorebrd high school will come If they must cut down something,”|county,too.An act of the Legisla-siete aciakcadeabiaeen me the member of the high school depart-|C2Pt-.Langdon says the Blues have|to Statesville to debate with a team|he said,“why didn’t they go out and|ture provided a highway commission Sanitary Spoons,Too. iment writing the best essay ion the|ove ef the largest and-best“armory:|from the Btatesville high school.The /cut,downthe rest of the trees?for that county,with authority to is-P The remarks,in arecent issue ofsubjectof-advertising,is making halls in the State.:3 latter is Messrs.Cowles Bristol and A scene on Mulberry street was de-|gy¢$150,000 of road bonds;and the|phe Land:i about the eant cs the same offer:this year.He visited Majors Ro Ls.Planigan .and J.E.|Stewart Cowles and:they wili upnoic seribed.:Nature had done much for]folks ‘back home,wo were not*con-|ner cups and saucers.put on for fou the school this week and talked to Deitz,Battalion Adjutant C,H,Tur-the affirmative ‘of the “proposition|it,said the minstrel.There were|suited about it and will have no op:|tain products’by:the Btat ifle B ; the high”schoolstudents about ad-|Se and Capt.R.A.Campbell of the|while the Concord folks will champion |{rees and a natural lake,and while}portunity to vote on the question,aré|(io,and the Polk Gray Drug Covami vertising,discussing its .different army-surgical staff,all of Statesville,|the negative.:he looked on it,avered Gano,evety|somewhat “het up.”They proposel the im:naibility.of :oo) f See :were present at the inspection.The same night Margaret Kirk and|piano in every home ‘in the nezgnpor-|to employ.lawyers .to.prevent thé (POBS!furnis'a phases and giving them an idea of J :.:‘Fein PS ;‘i vidual spoons,seemtohave.sugge: :cats ee ames Alexander.‘of Statesville hizh|hood.was playing “The Holy,City.”|pond i if possible:-is +ecarCeaoajanaaeTeatheyThievesRaidedFarmers’-Chick-|school will go-to Salisbury and cham-|‘The Statesville depot,it was furth-aihgerins Sean Saicdae tual ie ne esoe ee f.written and judging from the inter-|en House.hy |pion the eee of rer usention of ey aoe a backstop has been twice suspended of account/speone”are.thyroughly wash bead ‘est manifested it is expected that)A bold raid was made on Mr.J.E.Solisbuiy Wah;Bice)Sete from the |ee ee aa of smallpox —the first time because okt.8a) equally as many wilf be written this}Brooksher'’s hen house,at his home]..see appraisals Mr.Turner Receiver Cleveland|smallpox developed among prisoners|Tt SUMS ahaaIc Toate four miles east.of town,early Mon-|Miss Joy to Sing—Church News.|Bank.in jail and thé second time,this nWhiletalkingtothehighschool|day.night.Mr.and Mrs,Brooksher|Rev..W.L:Boggs of Greenville,S.|Hon,W.D.Turner of Statesville week,beeausea-juryman “was took”|attboysandgirlsMr.f renen incidental*|jeft the house early in the evening|C.,will preach at:Front Street.Pres-|wag wbktardny dttarnoon’imatnted with the disease while court was sit. ly’submitted a few remarks on civicland went to a nearby field to:burn|byterian church Sunday morning and|receiver for the Merchants &Far-|U%e:The case on trial had been.tn pride.He urged the students to be-|hrush.They had been away from|at Barium Sunday afternoon,filling]mers’Bank of Cleveland,The ap-|Prosress several days.It Was an lieve that their home town is -the/the house only a short time -when|the appointments of Rev.“W.M.pointiment was made by Judge Long important ‘civil action which had pre- best .town.and do what they can to|/they heard the squawking of chicks}Walsh,who is out of town.of Statesville,who heard the appli-viously ‘been —tried -two Sor three Fee os:Be make it 80,éns and rushing to the house found|~Miss-Genevieve -Joy--of-Cazenovia,|cation far.a-receiver-Wednesday.Mr,times./ae PL i ae a Maspancile Bewee New Le see of Statesvill fi that their hen house had been raid-)N,Y,,who ig the «guest of Mrs.)Tapner will.immediately,give bond The work of eradicattén of the ai gational ting 4 he Bsee OF Htatesvine AUN.ud.The noise of the chickens disclos-}Pegram A,Bryant,will sing the of‘er-|ind take charge of the bank’s affairs.hookworm under the’auspices of the}>ae ont Drosha t wehe 'Mr.W.D:Surratt of Denton has|od the direction in which the thieves}tory.at.the morning sérvice at Broad |THe bank will not be reopened by the Rockefeller “Hookworm>Comrhiasi aahay wilt ani Ww.Be leased.the Statesville Inn from Mr.|had gone,and securing-his gun Mr.)Street Methodist church”Sunday|-ecpiver,,:and lately the International Health|S""vicinity.of Charlotte,to. E.G.Gilmer and will take charge of|Brooksher followed for @ little w ing.tiie 2 hig:will |ts)csrners |Commission,begun in’North:Caroll;ec re’rooksher fo or a ayi morning.Sunday-evening she |wi Births and Deaths of a Month.Sts aieee Wan hoe geen ‘Hterate of.these:churches hehet yea Sere tet vacated by Rey.onal|bertson. their patrons. the Hotel April 1st,when the lease |but did‘not get near enough to shoot.)sing at the First Presbyterian church.of the Messrs,Alexander expires.Mr.|Officers were called andthe tracks of|Miss Joyis a talented vocalist,pos-|The February report of Miss Annie}will be concluded at,the end of Surratt’s plans are not known,but it|iwo men were followed for some dis-|séssiig¢an unusually fine voice.She|Marvin,registrar of births and deaths|month,80 far as the Internati ;ttnisunderstoodthat,he wtit dontmnue|tance,butwere finally tost entirely.lis training for grand.opera singing|forsStatesville township,snows 78}Health Commission is concerned.Dr.||At the home of the bride’ to doing thehotel at Denton,which]‘The thieves’are evidentl tialland.has studied two years under|births atid nine deaths in the township|W,P.Jacocks,who has neéen tne di-)Mrs.Tiney Johnston,in th heis i Mrs.Neill,the.y 1D’Aubigne in Paris...It was her pur-|durimg the month.Fourteen of the)tector of the work in the State fot}of Mooresville,Tuesday,have:;ose 'to return to Paris last October,|births and three of the deatns were|rear a year,has left for other points:|Johnston and Mr,Robt.the war forceda change of plans.|within the corporate limits of States-|Hookworm eradication,t is said,will]the latter of Mt.Ullasoak.piseopal.church]ville,Two of the births and two 01}be continued under the auspices of|were m id,Rev.R.“o'elock,....‘the deaths.were colo ple,the State Board of Health: ste ee ay shen dente j FOR DEBATE. action of Representative|of Davidson county,in hav- Legislature pass an act es- g a highway commission for 00,000 of bonds for road work,af- ex the people-of Davidson had with- in year voted down a road Spond is- “gue,will he viewed differently by dif- ferent people.Good roads people nerally will maintain that it is the “best thing that could happen for Da- vidson county;that with a proper ex- diture of the money .and-the building of good roads throughout thé county,the benefits will-be so ap- parent that the broad-minded people ‘of Davidson will have ‘cause to.thank| Representative Leonard for |doing for them what they were not wise “enough to do for theniselves when they had the opportunity;that a rep- ‘resentative of the people;far -see- ing enough to know what is best for he people,should do for them what} :js-certain will be for their good,| regardless of their attitude at the time,and trust to the future for vin- -dication;that such a representative is a patriot;and it can be said with “truth that.many of the best.meas- §enacted for the benefit of the people would not have been passed for long years,if at all,if they had “waited on the slow process-of-edueat- ing.the people to their benefits. Gn the other-hand,if measures are left to the voters for ratification and qejected and then-enactéd into law in theface of that-rejeetion,the pro=; ceeding may properly be character- FROM OVER THE COUNTR vfoa TROTEe:Ny Hep eaeItemsofInterestAboutVarious‘Matters.3 Samuel L.Rogers of North Caro-|lina Tuesday took the oath of office as*director of the census.S is A report from Copenhagen says a German casualty list.recently is- sued includes 5,964 officers killed,ofwhom,19 were generals,The _lists five 14,485 officers as wounded or missing.Ex -Congréssman ‘Palmer.ofPennsylvania\has.been appointedjudgeofthe‘Court of Claims of theDistrictof»Columbia,a place towhichex-Congressman Gudger of North Carolina was aspiring. Geo.W.Tidwell,who killed Emmet:Walker of Greenville,S:©.,for.al-leged wrongs to his (Tidwell’s)daughter,and was convictec and sen-tenced to 12 years in the State pris-on,has been granted a new trial,».’ Secretary Daniels has authorized a flag for the Vice President.It is the first in the United States navy’shistory.It will *be-used when.Vice President Marshall is.representing the President aboard the flagship Colorado at the San Francisco expo- sition this month.-‘ An appeal to its thousands:of ‘em- oloyes:to lead a!moral life has been made by “the Carnegie.Steel.Compa- ny of Pittsburg,Pa.,.as x part of-a “safety first”campaign:Pamphlets distributed among the men point out that dissipation leads to cdérelessnessandgeneralinefficiency. Administration leaders plan to brine-up a_bill for presidential pri-| maries .at the next session-of—Con- #ress.President Wilson says he_has gone over the questyon with SenatorPomereneofOhiobut;that no-con- clusion has been reached as to wheth- er a constitutional amendment will be necessary.The British foreign office has de-} livered to Ambassador Page its reply to the American note.proposing.to‘Great Britain and Germany the-with-|drawal of ‘the German submarine blockade ‘provided.England would Wes Be aA :ized as high.-handed;as“a flagrant vermit food to reach:German civil- a *#»ichmond Journal.©.<> :Nothing else is such“a ore to people who try to think andsode- lightful to those who never sry).nn as a continual and high-sound-ng criticism of what is done withoutareasonablesuggestionofhow_itcouldbeormighthave‘been donebetter,A favorite ‘subject for theeriticsnowis.President -Wilson’sMexicanpolicy.We are “oid,withelaboratesneersandfieryYreezta-tions,of the horrible conditions inMexico,of the wrongs done ‘there toAmericansandotherforeigners,oftheexpensive.ocgupation of VeraCruzandourfailureforeceivetheapologywe:demanded for an insulttoovrflag.Nobody has ventured toundertaketotell‘course we could have-taken, -°There.was but one alternative —tothepolicywehaveapplied.That al-ternative is,Intervention,”involvinginevitably.cecupation:of —ali:Mexicoandabitter,harassing and enor-mously expensive war with the Mex-ican people.War costs us more than it-costs any other country.We ‘arepayingnowinpensionsrgomineciv-| il war of fifty years ago more money|than is needed to maintain the aver- age standing army.So far not even |the st daring.and extreme of the®epdblican organs has nad.the nervetourgethatweshouldhavegonetowar:It.is.a somewhat remarkable fact-that'the same newspapers and: persons who denounce -the..adminis-tration for weakness.and.impotence,presumably because it did~not.de- clare war,are loudest.in complaint against the “war tax,”made.neces-sary.here by the European _condi-‘tions...Apparently they do not stoptoconsiderthatifwewerefacing,in addition te the losses we suffer al-ready,the additional cost of war with “Mexico our taxes would be far more.serious than they are.:The fact is that the Mexican ~se- ries-of situations has presented a us what.better’ yee Ms )ee ang First A oesistantPostmasterGeneralDaniel©.Roper,a good South Carolinian witha.Tar Heel ‘wife,haveTn ston amarvelousfeatinprovitersforthe60,000 offices in which the President nominates andtheSenateconfirms;48,164 fourth- ant.Postmaster General. 000 have been filled vy Mr.Wilson,and about .200 will be prov:aed forbyrecessappointments,This willleave1,600 to be filled between thefirstMondayinDecember,1915,andthe4thofMarch,1917.<.:The fourth -‘class officers are di-videdinto civil seryicé and ‘inspector: cases.Mr.Roper.has filled,since‘the 4th of Mareh,1913,87,664 out-ofthe48,164)‘Six thousand of there- il service by the Taft administration,Four thousandfive hundred.are nowpending.==«":This time two years ago'the post-offices of the United States were inthehandsofRepublicans.Today avastmajorityofthemarerunbyDemocrats.’There are but six presi-dential postoffices in North CarolinainthehandsofRepublicans,and be-fore long there will be none.Of the1,582,fourth-class —oxtices in “NorthCarolinaall’are filled except 95.There are 160 ,presidential offices’in|the State,154 have been taken care of.ory Sete :.The Democratswerenot held back very long,considering that examina-tions must._be made sorthe,fourth-|tlass—offices.—wl When Congress adjourned on the 4th only one North Carolina nomina-tion for-a postoffice -was-unconfirm-;ed by the-Senate-and-that-avas_John-H,Wilson at Sylva.:| The Oklahoma State Senate has passed 2 bill empowering the.regents ing postmas-|i ie Unit-|éd States.The postoffices are divid-|.ed up as follows:Presidentiai,8,800,’ classoffices,filled by the First Assist-|. ‘Of the 8,800.presidential offices 7,4 maining 10,500 were filled under civ-). Saye the,Engineer;es »“Did you ever think what it-means to run:@ train—~signals jumpingbyeveryminuteandseveralhundredlivesdepending’or you not missing one of them?f ae “Well,maybe you can.guess what a-+help it is to.an engineer to find a tobacco that sharpens you upandsteadiesyoujustrightwithoutany‘rebound’,’?* PICNIC TWIST is made of the mild, mellow part of the leaf,You get’real satis- faction out of this mild,naturally sweer,long ‘lasting chew,without a dark,heavy tobacco’s Piclic twrs “The Thinkers of the Country’Are the Tobacco Chewers’* At comes,also;in economical,freshness-preserv-ing drums of 11 twists for 50c,~ constant succession of new and puz-||aling problems,of new persons and)of the See br all school} :ea sss %/_,|forces to be dealt with,of disappoint-|trustees to ischarge professors and|; ,tion may really be for the public)conn:fo Reatard ments and broken promises.We have.teachers-not Aah citizens; H good the precedent is dangerous and!ajopted chairman of the Inter-State heen neoured to bene nore |GIRLS!GIRLS!TRY IT*at \lA if es ..i ieate dinlomatic ,questions ~wi ai +A *:,“may be‘used to the great damage of|Commerce Commission,succeeding |?"2%. the people.And so on.,James S,Harlan.‘The chairmanship S°™!-clvilized people,uasetle eae|‘stontoes A ade teiesY+)¢aps.{changes ¢lly,the commissioners|Make it Thick,GI W:L i-|*But whatever may ve said of this|“°7"ses RnnNvally ake it Thick,Glossy,Wavy,Luxur‘3 rotating in the office.Mr.MeChord|:|ant and Remove All Dandruff*‘question,The Lanamark believes;.y.=H s «4 |leaders controlled by motives we can-|: :ed |was appointed to the commission”bY)+understand,by incidents impossi-|:fees Sas :|::Your hair becomes light,.wavy.a 7 waa i i !’ntthaattime-will vindicate theDavidson,President Taft in 1910.ble to foresee,by impulses changing)fluffy,abundant and appears as’soft, county Representative.He may nev-}te ay DAY)eorebcomescon,ot te Se ioe day to day.There has been.aj lustrous and beautiful as a young} er get credit due him,but in years’Adams,Southern and Wells -Fargo jabyrinth of falséhood and elashing|ets after~a“rine——hair} to come his work for Davidson coun:“Press companies have asked leave!interests here and on the other side}cleanse.”Just try this—moisten a|: -ty will be appreciated,even though |.the Inter -State Commerce Com-/of the border.The one quick solu-/cloth with a little Danderine and} the Sad ak ci LmnisatOn to file a petition for @ F@-|tion would have been vy the use of carefully draw it through your hair,| it conten On ee ae method,of)hearing of the express rate Gases;It\the strong hand.That was forbidden’taking one small strand at a time.)4 _accomplishing it’was open to ques-|i8 contended that the low rates in}ys by the traditions and principles of This will cleanse the hair of dust,dirt)¢r 7,"..}:*:.’tion.,"-—<|force prescribed by the commisston)oyr republic and by regard for the)and excessive oil and in just a few), pe Bs :pat have been disastrous.”-ywelfare_of_our-own—people-andtax-|momentsyouhavedoubledthe beat-|:often mention Th .ee ‘2 :7 i}e House of the Colorado Legis-|payers..We could not adopt’or build)ty of your hgir..Q ed the*passage’of the stock law for |lature has expelled Representative)definite and continuing policy on,Besides beautifying the hair } Tredell county,and it is almost a par-|W-W.Howland of Denver on perju-|foundations constantly shifting ox)once,Danderine dissolves every par-| ‘allel case to.the passage of the Da-|"¥charges.Howland is in jail in de+|followa straight line’where there ie ticle of dandruff;cleanses,purifies| vidson:county road law.There had |fault,of -$2,060 bond.:The House]a new”government nearly overy and invigorates the scalp,forever| :{|unanimously accepted-the report of;month.The great achievements are}stopping itching and falling hair., been no county election on the stock the investigating commitiee at that we have asserted and demon-|But what will please you most will| law in Iredell,but one or more town-|Howland recived a package of mon-/strated our’readiness and power to)be after a few weeks’use when you} .err iN 4 ‘_ ‘ships had.voted and defeated the!¢y sent himon the floor of the House.|resent wrong when_it.became intol:will actually.see new psir—fing and}“3 Just Received a Car Load of Fencing.: >proposition.~i 4y.|General Car#anza has abandoned-erable and have,so far,been enabled|downy at first—yes—Sut really new|Fe cee a ae ta thy ‘Ot ak oe.oleate rg ve his blockade of the eee of Perens |to avoid the waste and burden of wat,|ig -We can give you exactlywhaty ou.want in the Fence :line-—Hog,Cattle,Poultry and Game—Horse High, &disregard‘of the rights:of the--people jians.Great:Britain’s.reply is an ab- #and their wishes;that while such ac-!solute refusal.”. ter,to supervise the conflicts of half’ savace and entirely irresponsible! «%: air growitig all over,the s¢alp. Mexico,on urgent representations by|while escaping the shame of fear anc}you care for pretty,soft”hair and}, the .United.States.and members of the Legislature.of the worse.shame of appearing to use)lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle! a 1879 were petitioned to pass it.This they did.Dr.J.R,McCorkle of Mooresville was the father of the| law and he was made the goat.That “4s,he was not re-elected to the Leg- ~islature but his tolleague,Jesse D- Click,who was probably as guilty as Dr.McCorkle,was re-elected.In:a |few years it was generally recogniz- ed that Dr.McCorkle had done the fer ward him,All“it was the conscious- for the people;and that while they didn’t realize the fact.at the time] they did afterward. And that’s:what Representative Leonard will probably get-out of it. In different sections of the State within the past week—in Vance and *Catawba counties—the homes of ne- groes were fired on and inmates ofthehomeskilled.We have little in- formation about the Vance tragedy,| but in the Catawba case,white boys| are charged with the crime.Prompt- lythe excuse is made ror tnem that they didn’t intend to kill the nogro —their purpose was to frighten him into leaving the community.It is not in evidence that the negro was a} bad character or that he harmed} anybody.He owned his home and some of the white people of the neighborhood didn’t want him there, so the report goes (a mighty argu- ment for Clarence Poe’s race segre- gation),and so the lawJess element Was encocraged to set upon him,and he was killed.Both these outbreaks of the mob spirit are evidence of in- creasing lawlessness in ine State—| he utter-disregard of law because| ¢@ law is so lamely enforced.‘The i tuation is one to give concern to thoughtful people. The youth who was Aveeened in the|A contract to.furnish me Frencn! wha river Sunday while running #away from officers who did not want seems to have been a victim of company.‘The officers had war- its for the young men in whose ompany young Hefner was found. p guilty fled and Hefner,not un-' “naturally,ran with them,or ran be- e.they ran, ‘rossed the river in safety and hePerished.A.powertulyarguiment inedy,against ing bad iin the anthracite mines,a reduction| |the Seaboard Air Line railroad. His companions | The gunboat Zaragosa has been called off | and two American ships laden withsisal,hemp for binding twine,for the! United,States,were clearer a yew) days ago without interruption.2 Henry R.Sessions,inventor of the vestibule anti -telescoping device used on most.railroad passengercars,the air-brake for street cars and several other railway devices, died at his home-in Chicago a few days ago.He was born in 1847 and was.connected with various railroadsinthecapacityofmastermechanic ‘and superintendent.=~re ES More-than 1,000 lives werelost in Pennsylvania “mine accidents in 1914,according to statistics made -public There were 600 men and boys killed; of 24 as compared witn 1913;and 412 lost their lives in the bituminous coal fields,a decrease of 198 compared with the previous year, The constitutionality of the North|: Carolina statute requiring railroadstokeeparecordofutlconsigneesre-ceiving shipments of liquor is chal- lenged in an appeal filed in tne Su-| preme Court of the Unitec States byItisclaimedthatthestatuteisincon-flict with the Hepburn rate law des- ignating the.books a railroad -:may keep. The Du Pont Powder Company at Wilmington,.Del.,has announced a20percent.increase in the wages of all workmen employed by the .compa-ny.The raise affects 15,000 men andwill.approximate an increase in the ‘payroll of $2,000,000 a year.‘i‘wenty- four plants operated by the Du Pont Company throughout the country areaffected.Officials ahd clerks in the main offices are not included,, Capt.Henry King,who~recently retired as managing editor of the St.|Louis Globe -°Democrat,died Mon- ;day.Captain.King’s first notable as-|Signment was to cover the Lincoln- Douglass debates in 1858.From that date until his retirement he was.in|daily newspaper work,save for the|four years he spent jn the Union ar- |my during the Civil War.He retiredpumthearmywiththerankofcap-ain, +governmentswith 26,000 artillery and jcavalry horses has been concluded by|a Kansas City firm of horse and mule |dealers,The order will involve .be-tween $5,000,000 ana $6,000,000,|Since September 1,when the first|buying’on foreign contracts began in |Kansan City;72,816 horses and muleshavebeenreceivedinKansas—City|and of that number the British gov- ernment has taken’more than 60,000, valued at approximately $12,000,000: SRR etARE RE ERR Best Treatment For,“Constipation>“My daughter used Chamberlain's ‘Tablets+}for—-conetipation”with-good “Kamlts and I éan Mexican | by the State department.of>mines-4 our strength to seize and possess the!|territory of a distracted and helpless) neighbor. 'Gives Men in the Ranks a)-Chance. Minneapolis News.‘ Secretary Daniels’has done a mighty good thing by making it pos- sible for enlisted men to get into thenavalacademyatAnnapolisandthusaveachancetobecomeofficers.There are now in the academy:six’sailor- of the United States.Political pullhasé@reatedthenotionthatofficersshallcomefrom“the upper walks of life,”and this has caused “caste”inbothnavyandarmy.oy Daniels’action is:a blow.to’snob- bery and+it will:result:in.promoting enlistment.-: Destitution in Poland. Ignace Paderewski who.is in Pa-ris trying to establish a committeeforthereliefofdistressinPoland, says that 17,000,000 Poles are nowsufferingfromthehorrorsofwar,Of-ficial gtatistics show,‘according toPaderewski;that 120 towns and 400villagésinPolandhavebeendestroy-ed and the losses of,the residents of | 000,000.; Ten millions of people,he says,arewithoutfoodorshelter.The commit- tee at Lausanne is already distribut- ing assistance,including $60,000 re-ceived from American Poles. FOR SOUR STOMACHGASORINDIGESTION Use Mi-o-na and Get Immediate and Effective Relief. When you have heartburn,pains in.the stomach,and ,taste undigestedfood,it’s a sure sign your last meal isnot digesting,but fermenting, causing poisonous gases,sourness and acid stomach.:-Prompt and lasting relief for anystomachdistressisasimpleinex-pensive matter if-you will only try the harmless Mi-o-na prescriptioneasilyobtainedfromthe.Statesville Drug:Store or any.druggist.-Mi-o-na is especially’prepar neutralize excess acid_and stop!fer-mentation,which surély sours.yourfood,causing sick headache,dygpep-sia,biliousness.and bad dreams,~~ Mi-o-not only corrects sour,acid,.and gassy stomach,but im-proves the entire digestive system sothattheblood,nerves,.muscles and ment,causing clear ~complexion,bright eyes and that delightful.sen-’sation of ‘feeling fit,”5 hesGetsomeMi-o-na tablets today—if men,forthe first-time.in the history. |ber. these-placesare estimatedat $1,200,-iz tol skin all .reeéive increased ‘nourigh-| of Knowlton’s Danderine from any} druggist or toilet counter,and just’ try it.‘ WILL ADVERTISE DELINQUENTSaPRIL1ST. I am making up my list of delinquent|faxes.Will advertise Aprit 1,1915,all land} that tax has not been.paid by that date.|Please eall at:my office and settle your tax|and save this cost.J.M.DEATON.March 12,1915. ;oeFORSALE!| Seventy-five and”fiveseighths acres “of land |on Salisbury road,a.mile from Elmwood,7}miles.from Statesville and within half mile)of sand-clay road.Ten acres fine branch bot-tom,30 acres in cultivation,belamce in tim-For 30 days only this land will be fsaleat$20 per acre.1 sold:land adjoining.thett at $52 per acre.W.L.SMITH March 12-4 Ceti re BUI LDNOW! And seé us‘for your Tin Roofing, Guttering,repair work,etc.WEKNOWHOW.FRAZIER BROS.‘PHONE es =68 A VALUABLE STOCK OF MERCHAN-DISE FORSALE. The undersigned,receivers of the Krider+Stock Co.offer at private sale the entire stock|of.merchandise,consisting of Dry Goods,No-tions,Hats,Clothing,Shoes,Trunks,etc.,ofsxidcompany,now located in Statesville, Cc.This is a good opportunity for an invest-|ment for parties desiring to engage in a gén-|eral mercantile business.Address,J.A, HARTNESS,.R.P.ALLISON,’Receivers,Statesville,N.C. March 12,1915-—2t. || Solid Wood Transfer Sections. Full Letter Size.Price«$2.00 per section. Statesville Printing Co. —---Bull Strong,Pig Tight.——- )WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS YOU CAN BUILD a fence quicker and easier.Add to this good mate-8rialsandyourfencewilllast1$nger,look better and ¢need fewer repairs.‘We knowas well as you do that §no further argument is necessary for good tools and ¢good materials.The one question is whether.we make good our claims.:_..WE HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE. “Iredell.Hardware Seasona -Clovers,.Grasses,Seed Oats,four varieties, good quality,reasonable prices.~Sometimes better and cheaper than you can get by or- dering,with the additional advantage of seeing what you get and returning what may be left over.“You can’t reasonably ex- pect better goods for less;money than I can give.You might want a ‘‘leetle”accom- modation.I sell all kinds grain,feed, flour,fertilizer on time. 100-pound bags High Grade Fertilizer for “City gardeners”delivered._ le Field Seed Burduco Liver Powder-—FoR ALL— Liver Troubles. ~Gleans °the systemandmakesahealthyLiver.en Price 25 Cents. they-do not ba; recommend them —highly,”Hebin,Brushly,La,For sale by all dealers,writes Paul--B,|nish-every sign of in-|f FOR SALE BY ALL/°DRUG DEALERS.i¢ .SLOOP.3 NICE LOTOF NEW SPRING JEWELRY a Just in.Solid GoldLavalliers at $2.50 -sounds mighty cheap to us.How does it strike you?Come:in.and see them, R.H.RICKERT &SON, digestion they.will not-cost you a'penfiy,A ae ~ECLIPSE ENGINES Duff,Va.—*'l,suffered for several oy 2 From .\mr re af Bake ft ee Re 4,"22 wldi en i ate SennmAeeaiesaeBatonwa.ene oh ener aimee | ‘Train No.16 on 6.28,Neawes.6145 Pia *#returning.ved ig home in 14Nos,23 and24arenot operatedon Sunday,Ten,yearsago a friend toldme toThedtondsbitck-beagh,witch 1 did,and fountIttobe Ge family medi-ry and old.;for young dine aae ‘and w inlittlebad,’they ask never have along spell ‘of sick-family,since we com ‘ete weak:siomachs,aid digestion,Te- and-\Hieve indigestion,colic,wind,nausea,headache,sick stomach,Similassym5Ithasbeeninconstantuseformorethanears,and has benefited morethanamilionpeople. Your sells and recommends|ner,who was 18 years old,was withBlack-D t.Price only 25c.-Geta|Ben Little,Walt’and Will ~FoxbackagePeaiN.C.12a)and a son of Charles Little,andooaeabarteritheofficerscameupallran, Lone Star Oil For The Incubator. Don’t -use—a-cheap grade of oilin your_incubator.You will Save your eggs and your time by -using the best.Lone Star_gives the best results.Si BE R E R E E E R . DROWNING OF HEFNER. ing to Escape Officers Who Newton News,16th.; Dewey Hefner,son of Obe HefnerofCline’s township,was drowned,Sunday in tHe Catawba river,at!what is known as the Quint Smithlanding,while running from DeputySheriffJohnStine,Winslow Hedrick and Elam Isenhour,wno were.on the lookout for several young men whowerewantedforbadconductat.the Null’school house Saturday night. The News hears that Young Hef- |althougfh the ©officers were ~nothuntingforHefnerortheson’of |.Chaites Little They did have a |warrant.for ‘Ben “Little,Walt and|Will Fox,-who-were~charged .withthetroubleattheschool,house. isurprise to his Statesville friendslearnthatduringhisvermofserv-|workbag,:and Mrs,Viele was;the the Reece ice Senator Thornton won.the high)fortunate winner.1Youth Who Lost His Life Try-|tesard.of those with whom he came!won the guest prize, t.ville on His Way |Senator Thornton of Louisiana has been sick in.Washington for several,Mecdames A°C.Payne,James §.Mc-weeks ‘and was unable to be pr th..in:Statesville|ths,posh,hla te stake wl be.glad to know,oma visitto his sis-| it} the close of ‘the session on theHeisexpec a private citizen.It will not be aly,Mrs.Viele and Miss Jamie Riv- to} in contact.The ~following.letter|from.Secretary Redfield cf the De-| shows the esteom 7whichthe:Senater was held.The|Secretary says:Hitech a 4’Your relations with this depart-|ment.through your chai o>the .committee on fisheries,as well|as.your more general relations as)Senator and personal friend,have:been so helpful and so satisfactoryfromeverystandpointthatIcannotpermityou’to leave Wi ton|without some recognition of —the;splendid service you.haveand--an--expression;-however-inade-|quate,of my personal gratitude,“It is’impossible for me to ade-'quately express the regret ¥Teel that|your connection with the Senate iss0\soon to be severed.I shal missyourpromptandvigoroussupportof|measures concerning the work of.this|department.I shall miss-you.I wish the arrival of the guests the hostess |shamrock and St.Patrick written on Eagle& Milholland.| The young men plunged deliberate- ily into the river and swam part of,the way across..-Then—they—-wadedLovertotheAlexanderside.But Hef-Iner gave out in thedeeper part of ithe stream and was seen to go-under!ithree times,while his hat _floated ||idown stream.:‘RsTheschool:house trouble occurred‘following a box supper.Saturday‘night,~It is said a number of youngimenweretheredrinkingandwere ,ordered away by the school -authori-f 1 Pre ‘ties;that afterward they came back.|9m sorry you are leaving the Sen- b d_sh tthe lights,built |.4te.”.RES pee.Hatt _ouk_te.Nae aut -eWriting “also“to Senator Thornton,|Vice President Martha!said:= to jail yesterd:f :“It would have done your hear sibalantomensmimemenan ;good could you have been in the ex- piness —be yours.andthe sa c-tion that comes.from a formed.”‘ --Writing _Senator— similar.vein,Mr.E.-F.Sweet,As- official duties.and with the knesswhichhasuniformlypermeatedyourofficialandpersonal!conduct.I ub a fire and cut up generally: Sheriff Isenhour brought Walt Fox DRS.CRUSE AND RAGLAND, ;Veterinsrians:-: Dr.Cruse,Local Practitioner.Office rear Polk Gray Drug CoOffice‘Phone 109.Residence ‘Phone 198 Green. “TIZ”EASES TIRED,|ecutive session of the Senate,day be- SORE,SWOLLEN FEET.|fore yesterday,and heard.the kind :;expressions uniformly expressed -of $0 Tired of Burning,Aching,Cal-|all Senators touching their Telations loused Feet and Corns?Use “TIZ”|with you.Informally,they instruct- +ed-me to convey to-you the sincere|‘regard of the body and each of its|individual members and express the|hope that -your years upon earth:may evened Fresh Lettuce,. _Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes:” Fresh Vegetables!‘be prolonged and that peace,plenty |and prosperity may attend you and |yours.”bf x |Secretary of the Treasury McAdbo+-bwrote:Sader alg |“J must tell you of the genuine re- ‘gret I feel at your early departure ‘from Washington,and_particularly *|that your term in the Senate of the| |United ‘States is ended-You «have} |filled this important post ‘with such} high -minded and unselfish regard! for the public.interest that every}-friend of yours can leok upon vour!|record with ‘satisfaction’and:justly -}deplore your withdrawal from public’ilife.I hope myself that this is not] |the case,and that’still higher honors| iare in store for you,because your ’ripe experience,-hi¢h-standards Why go limping around with ach- ing,puffed-up feet -—feet so tired you God-speed.May health and hap-' uty.well per-' sistant Secretary of the DepartmentofCommerce;said:“Ihave been.es-|pecially impressed.withthe.prompt-|ness with which you performed a |ndli-- /much laughter,‘DIDN'T FIX FORSHIPMAN. Meetings of Embroidery Club) Corresponden¢e of The Landmark.t ‘Taylorsville,March .17—-Mre.\.G,W.Watts wasthe hostess to the Em-broidery club and these guests—. Intosh,Chas.Watts,O.F.Pool andMissBlsieAllendelightfulmeetings.Thursday after-noon from 3 to 5 o'clock.‘Soon after ushered them into the dining room.where tables had been arranged foramostappropriateandinterest-ing contest —+“Stitched.”Mrs.Kel- ers tied for the prize,a beautiful Mrs.#.C.PayneahandsomeAftercrochetedcentre-piece.thecontestrefreshmentswereservedin}: ‘Were Not Looking For Him.partment of Commerce,uncer date!courses,‘of tha’2d,Mrs.Watts was assisted in enter- ining by Miss Elsie Allen.Mrs.J:Frank Clement.entertain-the Book club Friday afternoon. ta edMesdames R.E.Hunt.).©.Hend-}:ley,Eugene Cross,H.'C.Payne,J.D.Herman,Misses Rebecca Catawell.oftheSugarCreekcomniunity,Meck-lenburg,-Lala.-Matheson,._.EvelynHendleyandBlizabethLindsaywereinvited.guests.After a time mostpleasantlyspentinconversation,the hostess gave each guest a sheet.ofpaper..attractively decorated.with a it.She then told them to write telegramsofninewords,using the tet- ters in St.Patrick consecutively.Thereadingofthesemessages,mahy ofthembeingbrightandwitty,by the hostess was much enjoyed.Mrs.T.H.Milley and Misses Caldwell.andMathesontied’for the prize,a pretty embroidery.apron,and Mrs.—Millerwasthelucky--one,—A-—salad-—eourseand.coffee,pleasing alike to.tie eyeand-_taste,was:by the-hostess,assisted by.Misses.Lindsay ,andHendley.After this course a basketcontaining..white “boxes.decorated with-shamrocks was passed by idissHendley.Each box contajned saltednutsandanamusinganecdote.These anecdotes were -read and created) No Candidate Selected to Op-' pose Him and He'll Probably| Be Left Alone.aed ‘orrespondence of The Landmark.j Raleigh—"T am glad the.slate-makers:adjourned without being able, to agree upon a candidate to oppose! my good friend,:M,L.Shipman,for} Commissioner of Labor and Printing|PS S S T ss o s e s e s s i c e t s s s t eo cc e r s s e r e c c e s r c e s re t next year.”said Mr.R:0.Self;prin-careers cipal clerk of the Senate,in-speak-|(i appricants _for,||ing of the variousStateoffices.“Fact >is,”Mr.~Self,went on to say,“about everybody—1) have heard express an opinion about! the matter appears to be of the same! mind,-and-that-is-that-Commissioner |Shipman should be left alone.He is}just now in the midst of his second| term and all are,agreed that he: makes a splendid officer.To dispiace;iim with anew man.would be bad!business policy for the State and 1}do not believe it is going to be done} two years hence.| “The people h Printing and the Legislature appears |to have realized something of.its)value to the State;due largely to the) of|administrative abilizy of Mr.Ship-! t one of the most |" chafed,sore and swoilen hardly get your shoes on or off?!_Why don’t you get a 25-cent box of; Miller-McLain Supply Co. DIXON'S ELDORADO PENCILS 14 ees ofhardness.JustthethingforBookkeepersandArtists,ee enting,2s | FOR FINE CLEANING “AND DYEING.”—'PHONE 147— Sloan Pressing Club. AND THRESHERS.' I will havesome of our lateststylemachineshereinashort |time}time.-Coméoverthefirstyouareintownandseethemandlet’s talk it over.|GC.H.TURNER,Near the Depot. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No,,7, M.P.Alexander &Bro. Nice Fresh Meats ~and Fancy Groceries . Shrsiohirosie shh brea ha alin el sical FOR SALE! Choice:building lots;within twoblocksofseanin-one-fourth Wwblockofne ded school.”Onlyofferedfora-short time.~~Mar.12,=D,OC,RUFTY, PA ESE ORD _NOTICE!. HOLLAND BROS.have changedtheirsinenumber{fort 177to7.Call a for.draying,allgrades|Restdeace 0. ~|corns,¢allouses and banions.“TIZ” { “TIZ”from the drug store now and’gladden your tortured feet?_ |“TIZ”makes your feet glowwith | comfort;takes down swellings and} draws the soreness and misery right 'out of feet that.chafe,smart andburn.-“TIZ”instantly stops pain in aching,sore|is glorious for °tited,:No.more shoe tightness.—no;feet.j more’foot torture. t}i ‘is known all-over the country fot its|purity,and is acknowledged by. Ask for it and seeWHATYOUASKFOR, FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware C Auction Sale! |j{| {{| |\The ‘undersignad will’sell At.public]™auction for.cash at the court house! 'door’in Stategyille,N.C.,onSATURDAY,MARCH 20,1915, fat 12 o’clock m.,five.shares of stock‘in the Statesville Cotton Mills,be-' |deceased.ELECTA F.COOPER;|; R..B.MeLaughlin,Atty. Web.26,1915. Cooking Recipes, Get a nent littl ‘card index outfit for them.”Only.90, Statesville Printing Co. Tin Roofing | { | you CaN’nublic service and ‘nonorable concep- tions of civic duty preeminently qual-, ify you for public life;but whatever| you may determine as best for your-self,whether it be private or public life,you ‘take with ‘you the esteem a|vot have been associatediwellastheirbestwishes forcontentment‘and happiness to’whictiyourmeritsandachievementsentitleyouinasuperlativedegree.”- leéption af ~*the,public ~serVice—2 broad..and statesmati-like,viewmattersgovernmental.His’type is’ fall too rare in these days of practi- leat polities and small politicians and ~)men-of-this-character_can.ill be spar- led from,public place.”~ (Rev.and Mrs.E..A.Osborne’s |giao all |ite|impartial judges to be PERFECT.ily gathering‘at their home in Char-that’you.GET|lotte Monday,15th,Col.Osborne is R -+an-Episeopal minister,wert known in |Statesville ‘and Iredell,where he has/B®|preached at.different times for many0,|years.He is also well known to the—{Confederate veterans,teolonel.of the Fourth.North Caro- lina regiment of the Confederate ar- {married March 15,1865,at the old|Dt.Hayes home ‘at.Croft,Mecklen-\burg county,the place thenjknownasAlexandrianna.They have 'five children.Honging to the estate of A..D.Cooper,|pal minister, Administratrix.|Presbyterian fait |some years after his marriage an el-|"|der in the Presbyterian Church.|was clerk of the Superior Court ofMecklenburgcountywhenhedecid-ed to enter the “ministry Episcopal Chureh and hehis\office to do 30,” Truckers’Warned About Earl ling by the natidnal.Department of| Agriculture against planting a large|8a™acreage of early potatoes: {man and the efforts he has put forth|to place it on a basis with the other)State departments.been rewarded by the Genera;As-sembly ‘just adjourned and the de- partment has authority that will en-lable it to render much greater.serv-ice than heretofore.Senators and Representatives went away feeling\kindly towards Mr.Shipman and hisdepartment.Certainly there is no organized effort to defeat him for re-election and any one who may con-‘chide to.try_his hand at.the game has|walking ahead of him.That the Leg-‘islature willingly raised the Comntis-sioner’s salary.during his term ofofficeisaboutthebiggestboosthe. has had at all.Our mountain peo-ple-believe in him-?————-- Prizes For Statesville Township a Schools, Sorrespondence of The Landmark. nd respect of all those with whom jere,as that ‘Senator Thornton has a high con- of _Golden Wedding.Rev.B.A.Osborne.and:Mrs.Os-rne celebrated the fiftieth anniver- ie ry of their marriage witha fami-Statesville township schools. Day.“Any:pupil of any school ofStatesvilletownshipisentitledtoenterthiscontest.;‘The best paper on growing an-acre- of corn,from the preparation of thesoiltothematurity.of the «corn.Prize,$2.Second best paper en theabove,prize,$1.“The best paper on butter -making fom separated cream,from ie ee :«no.|the milk leaves the .cow unt e ie yi an Episce eee reaches market.First prize ag 1.50,second $1.(Contestant must Cen oe a exhibit one pound of butter in com- mercial package.)i“The best paper on farts butter,with’same ‘conditions as for separ- ie cream.First prize $1:50,secortd 4 ti m.The best paper on bread -making,with.éxhibit of loaf of bread.Prize $1 *The best.paper on making.biscuits,with exhibit of biscuits.Prize $1, 5 TNRTE having been y.Colonel and Mrs.Osborne,were being Gol.until He of the resigned yjPotatoCrop. The truck growers are fiven warn- UMAFNESS CANNOT BB CURBED-applications,as they...can- 4a There eee one way at ;ak js AN at y consAttention|remedies..Weaafness is caused pe r e c e r e c s y er e ee P r r e s e e e e r e s e e e e s e o s r e s r e s se e c e s e e r er r r ry > 33ry ‘ ~SURE CORRECT!© havea telbiaetlibe Geel Qe Gaye about their watelien thatIhavecleanedandregulatedforthem.It’s all your fault if you haveagoodwatchanditwon’t keep time.If‘you .haven’t a good one Ihave,and I want.vou te heeie ae £ Jeweler. Listen,Mr. You have been told how to start saving with 5 us when the time comes.Anythingyou-do-..# not understand fullywill be explained by us.Just pay your dues regularlyeachweek andeverythingwillworkautomatically.‘Avery _important thing you want.to impress on —yourself is to keep your dues paid prompt-_ly,Let this go overfor a‘few Tien,et rebehindandinterestbegins:a “7hefartherbehindyougettheharder nocatchup.For..your own good regularity —and promptness are two essentials you must =~cultivate and practice,= Remember and be ready to.start ‘Satur.ee eaeday,April 3,with as many shares as you ~can conveniently carry.Next time we-will-givea purposefor saving.="ation |Mutual Buildingand Loan AssociaSeeP.'S:We will sell:paid-up$100 at maturity—for $73.. RERCKORA i ave come.to think f= |well ofthe Departmenz.ot-Labor and i His efforts have |: One car load of fine Mules,well. -broken,just received.Call and | look them over. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.. The Local Farmers’Union has of-|¥fered prizes to be contested tor by ;e prizes are offered in connection with!§the county commencement and _the/§Mapers are to be handed in together!¥ With the exhibits on Commncement CO s Se d e te e ee e se s ee ee e Ct e SO S OS E S TE E S po e s e r e s s e s er e c c r s e e r e s pe s e e s e e s e r e r s .legal ;not reach the diseased portion of in iou4itutionad|#by.an hyisdirectedtoreportsthataverymuchlarger.supply ‘of Northern-grown potatoes were m the hands ofgrowersanddealers’on January |, Along with the dry -summer months come the fire risks. ed condition of the mucaus Yin\the Eustachian Tube.Wheniginflamedyouhavea.iimperfecthearing,and whenentirelyclosed,Deafness is theand.unless the inflammation —- \- | |||| ||Why not use good grade oftin =” roofing to overcome fire risksandmakepermanentroof,‘Statesville Tin Co., H.C.MOHLER,Manager.ce ayy PHONE:O65.gies 1915,than:the year previous and that)46 4thepricenowisabout33lessthanayearago. ing applies to.truckers,whoearlypotatoesformarket—that the/9,surplus left-over fro | #oh out and this.ty restpercent.|{ts norma)condition,hi Pie will.bet}forever;nine cakes ont of -ised by Catarrh,which 4a |@n inflamed condition’of themarfacen.a itd vide gages caelfewillgiveOneundréedDoilsOrwhyCaseofDeafness(cased ei } that this warn-|grow}It should be noted m last.season will affect the price.The-warning Pitas.“pond tor siren free.‘does not apply to the regular ‘crop,(gt.5 GHENEY.&'c0..Toleflo.-Brown for future use,‘e-Family “Pillyfor eonst=>.‘ow -§ pe s e e s pe s o c c e o o e e s : a to|&igen and the votes|counted. votes indicated on the face of the coupons. |State hoaaefsWaaOeaep-~-Atthe Booster Store._ The prettiest Baby will receive a gcld'ting,and its mothceivea42-piece dinner sét and 10,0 it Bobater Ooubone:peonas8,000 Booster Coupons;third prize;6,000 Booster Coupons:fourprize,4,000 Booster Coupons;‘fifth prize,2,000 Booster nONS..>‘Themother of each babyentered fn-¢nts,‘willbe piven:coupons,which may be counted on therina and.dinner setandorponsonthegrand:prize.;:fee ‘“To each person over six years of aye Who registers at the store.during the Baby Show will be given 100 Booaiaert :Topersonregisteringwhomakesapurchaseof$1.0)or more at the #time of registering will be given 1,000 extra coupons besides the reg-#ular coupons from the purchase.Boosters,get all your friends to ¢register,See that every baby in the whole community fs enteredinthiscontest;andgattbe thousand Booster Coupons from itsmother, §Which is the prettiest baby in this cothmnunity?We are unableto §tell,and wouldn't dare to tell even if we could:Eve aeis pret-“$.me we ew aesa vote of ‘it,pone the Baby Show anysoncastingBoosterCouponsforaBoosterwriteonthebaoftheCouponsthenameofthebabyforwhiehheordaheising.The baby for which he or she is voting will be given the .number o™ om \UL :b ‘i hes ‘ ¥Eve baby is pretty,therefore every baby may enter thiscontest..The baby show is limitedto,babies less than four years ofage.ante y entered must be broughtito the store at some time’axing this show.Ae :‘0 €ach baby who is present at thé store on the last day.baby show will be credited 10,000 votes on the ring.“(1000votescountsonlyon‘the ring and dinner.set foriandotfor-any Booster.)Tee *1 3,. 4. Star 8 of babieswill be each Monday:EC aah*The:ABY CONTEST gins MONDAY,RCH 22d,.o!SATURDAY,APRIL 17th,-at 4.30-p.-m.,wheresballot box Saturday closes the onebig offer ‘for Free Booster‘Take advantage of it for your favorite Booster,sville Drug Comp’3 ‘Quality Prescription :: AND FRIDAY. _ST TON PRICE:< Deakin inesvaerershqesonbaaeeeee+1,00 Watch the a on your,enewals are not in by date Inbel,paper will be stopped. Mareh 19,1915, MORE ROAD BONDS. |act passed by the recent Leg- re,which has been mentioned The ‘Landmark several times,au-| the commissioners of Iredell’ bonds|to issue $100,000 additional ‘for road work.If that amount is is- ,as-it probably will be,the road d debt of Iredell will be’increas-|. toa half million dollars.An ad: ditional tax levy will be necessary to pay interest on the bonds,maintain the-sinking fund and provide’for the keep of roads,and the new act ovides for a levy not exceeding 10 cents on the $100 ard 30°cents onthe |for the interest and the sinking: fund for the new issue.If this ad- diti levy should be imposed _it it e thé road tax-to-35-cents. The Landmark is free to say that it had little fancy for an additional bond issue,but it realized that it“a condition and nota theory that mfronted the county .commission- ms.‘Money borrowed-for-good road addition {o the $400,000 money spent,aggregated ~the ‘of $50,000.Taxes due and un-lected were about.sufficient,if all ‘could :collected,towipe -out —thisindebtedness.But this would havethecommissionerswithoutacent to complete road work “under "way and to organizean effective upkeep plan;and so it was decided to get the uthority to issue enough bonds to| fad we floating debt,to—finish the ad work in hand and possibly.some “other short stretches that should be} built,‘and to put the roads of the county generally in good condition }pass a law and make pocaaaanennasores cette Fe eat Ae. |Some of the newspapers are pub- lishing ‘a long list of laws alleged to jhave been passed by the last Legis- Mature.One of the laws.in:thelist is ‘to #exempt printers,linotype opera- ‘tors and ‘millers from jury duty.” The Raleigh News:and Observer re- ‘ported,about,the close of the session, ‘that this law,which had passed ‘the ‘House at the instance of Representa- tive.Matt.Allen of Wayne,was re- -ealled and tabled on motion of Mr, |Mintz of.Wayne,who said Mr,Allen i wanted it to take that course,:Other’ ‘laws in the list referred to-——of those |alleged’to have been passed—were ‘also reported tabled in some’of the newspaper ‘legislative.reports,©This is to say that it will probably require a good deal of sifting to find out what did or did not pass,among the smaller measures.:ie After every session of the Legisla- ture it comes out,that laws that were supposed to.have passed had failed; others that were supposed to have failed will be found to have passed and some that nobody heard .of will be found on the books: ‘And the errors in laws—they—will be found to be as numerous as usual. They are already coming to light. In one case a bill was passed tb es- tablish-a recorder’s-court-at-Wendell,| Wake county.It was.the purpose to fix the pay of the recorder at $1.25 a day.but the figures.were.jumbled and as the statute was made and pro- vided it allows the Wendell recorder $12.50 a day-—a very desirable office. All of this is due to the multiplic- ity of -private and local bills that have no proper place in the Legislature and that hamper the work of real-worth-toall the people of the State. The people voted down an amend- ment to the constitution to change this.That is one case in which we was best,and if it was possible to the:change without again submitting itto the} was entirely proper to do that.very thing. and maintain them.: Jt must be remembered that some| ‘sections of the county were not! ‘Yeached,or at least did not get their share of road construction from’thefirstbondissue;and it is only fair‘that they should be:provided for.If this is done—if the additional road money is judiciously expended and a “maintenance system organized.that will keep the roads in.repair and not allow the work to go to waste after the money is spent—the people will not grumble about the bond issue. They are willing to pay for some- thing if they get it,but they want it n they pay for it “"The Landmark may be permitted to express the earnest hope,however, that the commissioners will not al- *low themselves to be persutided into Spending every cent of the money in laying out and building new roads, only to find themselves a year or so hence in the same condition they are now—thé money all gone and noneexpendonroadreparr.It should be kept always,in mind that roads must be repaired;and not a foot of road should be built unless there be ‘way in sight-to-provide for-its-re- pair.The maintenance problem is the real problem.It will be hard to ‘solve but it can be’solved.A ‘sys- tematic method should be adopted, ~only for-the-upkeep-of the-mod- ernly constructed roads,but for such _Yepairs ag the cross country roads need.Plans should be perfected for systemat#work,covering the entire county,the habit of delegations coming to every meeting of the board,pulling and hauling for work on this road or that,should be made -unnecessary.The work should be arranged for in due season without that method,which is as’unwise as it is troublesome,for-in-such case themostpersistentpeople,or those who ean bring most influence to bear,get What they want,regardless of the merits of theproposition. TTRCTTTT, Often The Landmark is asked how y States have prohibition,wo- 1 suffrage,etc.,these facts being ‘wanted by the young folks in school or material for debates,etc,The mark has previously published information ‘and it is publishing brought up to date,a list of States that have the initiative referendum,the recall,prohibi- “and woman suffrage,and -\the §interested jn having this infor- atio handy“would do well to pre- it,,t Ren uled so many times that,he is to it;but it is gratifying that upreme Court has found that a e who thinks he is libeled by a wspaper must take the samé course | ‘other folks—invoke’the libel.law.)4,, “words,a judge is denied the| privilege of invoking the crim.| ‘to summarily punish his ene-| and more important still—he jury on,hisown.case. Is Characterizing capital-_punishment rent”to take,by due process of law, {mation (which he.has guessed at,of i berprises to enable them to.obtain as “brutal ‘and abhorrent,”Gov. Dunne of Mllinois recently.sent a special message to the Legislature of that.State urging its abolition.The Governor would have:life imprison- ment the most severe penalty possi- ble and presented statistics ‘showing that in States not.having the capital punishment penalty fewer homicides were committed than in States where there is such a law.We don’t’he- lieve the statistics are accurate.Cer- tainly the coniparison does not hold good in England,Canada and other countries,where capital punishment is almost absolutely certain’in ev- ery,case of murder,and where the number of homicides are much.less than in this country.Neither can we follow the proccss of reasoning which finds it “brutal and abhor- the life of the brute who has.killed his fellowmah in cold blood.“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood,by man shall his blood be shed,”is the divine law, and-man is not wiser than God.But some of the modernists would hold life sacred only after one has taken 4 PREPRESSTLTTTNTTET Mr.Thos.N-Vail,president.of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co,—tthe Bell—passes out the —infor- course)that there are 2,000,000 un- employed persoris in the United States whose yearly earnings would be $1,125,000 (another guess).What is needed to bring about a re-employ- ment of the idle,contends Mr.Vail, and “the return of prosperity is a restoration of conditions which would inspire confidence in the securities of public service and manufacturing en- jcapital for extensien_and—improve- |ment.”Going further Mr,Vail gent- ily conveys the information that con- |trol and regulation of public service |corporations can “become destruc- itive as well as constructive.”Cer- |tainly,certainly.The country is al- |Ways ruined,in the eyes of the pub- |lie service corporations,|whenever jany attempt is made to check their |greed. |The recent Legislature abolished the office of treasurer in about 50 counties in the State.Near 30 years ANT TELL WHAT 18 LAW.| are satisfied they didn’t know what! hitting these swiftly moving targets: >ee taterNamesofBothWives on the _MORE TOBACCO ‘An article recently pTheLandmarkcalledattention’the fact that ‘the tobacco.1doesnotsufferinperiodsofdopres-sion;that no matter how hard up a tobacco user .may be he 1 hangs on to his tobacco and when.itroublehewillsmokeoftenerorchewmorethaninnormaltimes,Al- most every chewer or smoker will agree that the last statement is true. If a tobacco user is annoyed it is nat= ural for him to seek.comfort in.to- bacco:}aN In,this connection a story of the late Gratz Springs,a wealthy and somewhat eccentric citizen of Char- lotte who died a few years ago,illus- trates the point.It is said that:Mr. Springs,who chewed much:tobacco, bought.each day.from acertain:deal-er in Charlotte a piece of tobacco of a certain brand,costing five cents.His daily allowance was that 6-cent piece of.tobatco,whzcen was charged month he paid the bill.One day Mr. Springs was considerably disturbed about some work he was having done and—which.was not progressing ‘to suit him,and in his.excitement he bought two nickel pieces of tobaccoinoneday.When the bill was pre-sented-at“theend of the month Mr.Springs noticed that twopieces’of tobacco had been charged in one dayandhekicked.-The circumstance was explained to him,he-recalled it and paid the bill without another word,ss d The Washington correspondent “of the «Charlotte Observer-reports that a-short time before Congress ad- to him ‘daily,and at the end of the : boro EditorsFor Contempt. Raleigh Dispatch to Charlotte Ob-vy SOrVORyTheSuprenie Court reverses JudgePeebles’sentence of Editors CharlesA.and George Brown of theWeek-ly.Record,Goldsboro,to 30 days’in.jail and $250 fine for contempt of his court in the publication of an editorialcriticisingthejudgeinconnéctionwithhisconductinholdinga.term of Wayne county court,é~The opinion in the contempt case iswrittenbyJudgeHokeandconcludeswiththedeclaration:“The judgmentof‘the lower court 1s reversed andjudgmententered.that the defendantsgowithoutaday.”The court holds thatthe statuteunderwhichJudgePeeblesheldtheeditorstobeguilty.applies only topublicationofgrosslyinaccuratere-rts of trials or other matter pend-ng and that the right to punish sum-‘marily for defamatury reports andcrititismsofmatterspastandended no’longer’exists.:‘}The Supreme Court holds’that’itmightbethatifagrouslydefamatory and scurrilous publication about ajudgeinregardto.his official conductweremadein‘a community where thejudgewaspresentlyholdingcourt,andabouthisrulingsin-such court,theexerciseofthissummarypower-might.be upheld as essential to due and or-derly administration of justice.How-‘ever,the court sets out thaz°no:sucheonditionsareshownin:the recora’inthiscase}thatthe Heation “wasmadeafterthecourt’had adjournedandafterallmattersinvolvedinere-in had terminated.”Cases of thissort,the court says,are not to be dealt with by process of contempt, but,however reprehensible,redressmustbethroughanothertribunalandwithordinarymethodsofprocedure.The court holds,however,that JudgePeebles’overruling the dismissal forwantofjurisdictionwasproperandthathisrefusaltoorderarefer- journed he found a North Carolina® friend.of Senator.Simmons wander- ing disconsolately about Washington.| The man was-there.for a job and the! Senator had given him_little heed,| consequently he was in.the dumps.| The correspondent tried to smooth!}over matters by telling the diseonso-i people,.The Landmark would hold it Hate one that Senator Simmons was| busy;that he was getting in some} good work for the administration| and helping the President,whereup-| on the fellow remarked:- “Yes,that—is-just-it;-he is-wasting too much time fooling with legisla- tion and not doing enough.for.his constituents—neglecting the patron- age.”i i That’s the idea of the average of- fice -seeker and officeholder put in- to plain words.They think the gov- ernment exists to provide a place for them,keep them in it and increase the pay from time to time.Of what concern is the tariff,‘the currency, ship-purchase’or anything,no mat- ter how important toall the people, if the office-seekers and officeholders are to be neglected?i How They Shoot Aeroplanes. Popular Mechanics Magazine..The advent of the aeroplane antheairshiphasintroduced‘a hardproblemforthe.riflemen whose duty it is to bring down hostile craft ofthiskind,Even with its.enormousspeedthebulletdischarged.by amodernrifleisnotfastenough‘for the aeroplane,as has been discover- ed in the European war,but ine ex-pert riflemen who are.constantly onthewatchforhostilewarcraftarefast:learning the requirements.for He no longer aims at an aeroplane when trying to bring it down,but atapointaboutsixlengthsaheadofthemachine,«The.airman runningthehostilecraftalsoknowsthisandwhenunderfireseldomfliesfarinastraightlineifhecanhelpit,butfollowsazigzagcourse.The Zeppe- lin.is a much slower moving craftand’can be “plugged”about the cen-ter of the envelope if.the rifleman aims at its nose....° Monument, Washington Dispatch.: Secretary of War Garrison has de-cided that the names of both of Pres-ident Tyler’s wives should be on the‘monument.Congress is to.erect over his grave in Richmond.President Tyler’s first wife died jntheWhiteHouseandwasburiedatherhomeinVirginia.His secongwifediedmanyyearslaterandwasburiedbesidehiminHollywoodcem-; etery,in Richmond.The commission in charge of the monument decided that only the sec-ond wife should be named on the appealed from this decision to theWarDepartment.Mr.GarrisonrulesthatthenameofLetitiaChris-tian;the first wife,must be:placedbesidethat.ofJulia Gardner,thewifeofthePresident’s old age, |ago the late J.P.Caldwell,then ed- ‘itor,of The.Landmark,remarked; ithat’the office of \county treasurer ||was a sinecure,purée and simple,and ought to be abolished.He didn’t live |to see it come to pass,but-it is ap-. |Parent that few °county treasurerswillbeleftintheStateafterafew more Legislatures sit.All of them jought to go:They are a useless ap-:pendage-;And maybe,if the peoplegetinthewayof‘abolishing officesjandrealizetheadvantageof‘con-cting public business in a business|Way,other changes will be madethatareworthwhile, |‘Rufus Hinton,a Raleigh.who-resisted “when officers reeled oe|atrest him for heating his wife,andwasshot,died from his injuries,~ NTATTI Last.House ThatSheltered Pil- grims. |Plymouth,Mass.,Dispatch, The only remaining house inAmericawhichhasshelteredpersons /who came here on the Mayflower in'1620 is to be sold at~auction nextmonthbyorderofthecourt, |The house was built in 1666.by a‘son of,John Howland,the lastMay-i flower survivor,and it is assumed that the elder Howland wag a callerhat.the son’s home;In course of timeithebuildingfellinto-decay,but up-‘on the organization of the Society ofitheDescendantsofPilgrim©John|Howland of the Ship Mayflower,the|property .was acquired and ‘restored,i |Through the.society's faiiure ‘to granite,but the relazives of the first(} I Guarantee “Dodson's Liver Tone”Will GtheBestLiverandBowelCleansingYouEy -Calomel -m:kes feck;you lose/a 60 Raber WR Ran eee.deve,works clonerde Aulebale reaepatee ay of Daddso * your liver,He better than nastyIfyouaremeeUreekAe,slug-make you sick and you eanishandallknocsed”out,your!thing you want without being sa!povelsoe peeenet and oe ae ’Your 'ead aches or stomach is sour,‘just;that each spoonful w (take @ spoonful pt ‘harmless Hod.liver:ann your ode ideson's Liver Tone “instead ofusing!straighten you up by-morning or yousickening,salivating”calomel,Dod-'get your money hack ison’s Liver ‘Tone is real liver medi-|ly take Dodson’s.Liver¢ine,You'll know it next morning/it is pleasant tasting |and:doesn'tbecauseyouwillwakeupfeeling/gripe or cramp or make them sick:fine,your liver will be working,your}I am gelling pins of bottles ofheadacheanddizzinessgore,your pons Liver Tone to people whostomachwillbe.sweet and bowelsfhave found that this pleasant,yege-rerular,You will feel like work-}table,liver medicine takes the place Tone because or/and ambition.-:.|tle on my.sound,reliablNourdruggistordealersellsyou|Ask pl aie te ar: ae Stop,Look PB+i om is the Hose of today.Genuine}arantLtPokaaayofmothers—the delight of the-children,: 25 CENTS A PATR: ———-FOR SALE BY —— ence of the case was,proper: New Charter Adopted in Ashe-|ville,Failed in Durham. The election in Asheville Tuesday|on the adoption of a new charter pro-| viding for the commission form of! government,resulted in a victory for’ the new charter.Tt received a ma- jority of 692 out of a total vote of 1,-) 608°votes cast.Four years ago a} similar charter was defeated by 11)votes.a 4In-an—election in Durham Tuesday|on_the_adoption_of a newcity char-! ter providing for the business man:ager feature,the charter was defeat-| ed by a majority of 92 votes.Out of| a total registration of -1,300,960 votes were.cast.MOTHERSOFDELICATEGHLOREN Should Read the FollowingLetter—Mrs.Slack’s StoryAboutHerChild’s RecoveryIsEntirelyReliable. Palm:Pa.—‘‘Three years mlittleiilhadblackwineionwhichleftherwithachronicoarandsoawfullythinyoucouldcountallherribs,and sheedsomuchshehadnoappetite.**Nothing we gave her seemed toberheratalluntilonedayMrs.Neiberttoldmehow.much good Vinol had doneherlittlegirl,soI decided to try it formylittleone,and it has done her so muchgoodsheisaallthetime,hercousegone,stouter and morehiyincolorandthisisthefirstwin-ter she has been able'to out in thesnow,coasting and snowanyilleffects.””—Mrs.ALFRED SLACK, We know Vinol will buildebets)U1)ulittleonesandmakethemhealthy, strong and robust,therefore we -ask |:ts of every frail and sickly childthisvicinitytotry_a bottle of -Vinol,/-and iron tonic)-our delicious cod liveraeoil.hbase <;‘we can ice you to try a bottleofVinolasabody-builder and strength-_creator for oa child,and you do notfinditis-all we claim,we will returnyour.money,on deman.¥Hall,bruyyist.Statesville,N.C. Cotton Scrub Mops Excellent for cleaning Li-noleum,Kitchen and Porch floors and steps.Satisfac-tion or money back is ourguarantee, ‘anotea judgment againsttheorganizationwas-obtained.-Thecourt,order for the sale ofthe:erty followed.== ie aballing without J.M. No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall's Drug Store and Lazenby-Pee »Montgomery HardwareStore._Hea “s aeeo Fat Remove That Pain WITH ONE OF OUR|Aseptic Porous Plasters. 8-4,;Te ele no eeIALL’S DRUG.STORE,° ‘PHONE 20.Z Prescriptionists. Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison’Company,The-Store with the Quick Parcel Post Service. Perfection in Style and Fit =igY“That's what "Pictorial Review Patterns men. Here are four of a wonderful collection of smart EMPIRE dresses,3 ’The FASHION BOOK for Spring- with one 15 cent pattern, 9 SAsOp rhe.a Aewee +s Py / ee SY Tt Pe a s ee tS PE L i t i c h t hi p ed ot SS S pe r s SSbi s ae etSS—- HA s —_ r i a f#ot\‘-'Guimpe 6138Cae6158Skirt6094Waist6112>~~Guimpe 6135Bolero6158Bolero6158Skirt6094Skirt6072 os *¥15 cents for each of the above numbers. “Werecommendto youto lookthrough The FASHION BOOK for Spring before decidingonyournew APRIL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS now ready. . a gowns. _Every_day’s express brings many.new -creations in Suits,Dresses,Coats,Skirts and Waists,as well as Silks,White Goods, printed Voiles-and Organdies and noveltyfabrics._.a Oe Cc :¢ Send us your mailorders.They’ll have our most careful attention and sent to yourdoorprepaidwiththeassurancethatyou get sae Your-Money’s-Worth-Or-Money-Back, ” Liv ver and it salivates;calomel injures that it.will clean your disgeien eer :'calomel;it.won't. cat i druggist ,guarantees. / Children giad- ing.You'll be cheerful;full of vig-|cf dangerous calomel.Buy one bots ~a4 ‘and Listen!) What do they say—Buster Brown's Hosiery = Z McKee &Company.a : REBUILDING Mr.Weston Reconstructing Tel;ephone Lines—Mr, ,~ANNOUNCED,|THE Ri fllace and Mr,Har-|How It’Was in Sharpe’s Town--ship—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark,Stony Point,March 17.—Thétionon’the bond.i : last week went offitownship,at Hiddenzt‘not a fall vote.polled. |registered voters only/¢ast—163 for bonds anInthisimmediate seevzon sen- timent was divided till near tion;but day by day the bonds gained favor,and by,election day*the forees ‘for bonds were harmonizea Hazel Statesville. “The foflowing announcements re-| 2 eeived here /are of much interest td! .oe ithe many friends of Miss Wallace in of New Advertisements.5 _Live Stock 0,| social Affairs in Correspondence of The Landmark.~ Statesville,R-2,March 18,-—Mr.J. H.Weston,who’for the past eight years owned and operated a telephone at his store township,is rebuilding his telephone;to connect..with the office of the’Ivedell Telephone Co.at.Statesville.About forty *phones,were,connectedwiththissystemandthesewillall probably have direct.conneection with central in Statesville ‘in the future.Mr..Weston hopes.to have the lines completed by Miss Sue Linney Hampton s¢hool inwil!ledve today to spend a raw caysatthehomeofherfather,near Hid-. isgue in Alexaquietlyin.Sharpe’se,There was o> se “My.and Mrs,Julius|nounce the bethrothal of their daugh- ‘ter,Hazel,to Mr.Harry M.Jacobs,,Reception on'March,28th, 265 votes wereHenkel-Craig d 102 againstvarloadfinemules.Old Maids’Convention at thMondayeyening,s.Orin Turner has pony for to 6 o’clock,| ‘Motel Marseilles,Broadway and One)dred’and Third’Strect,.New le.Position as housekeeper w signal.light!,Deal or The rady Printing Co.» scrab mops.—Crawford-| 3 “Nicholas avenue.”‘The McDowell club meets.with Mrs Steele this afternoon ~at 44 There ‘were.many strangeconnectedwith:the ‘election.© relatives.voted agains ih 0 some lingered around tandnevervoted,but the most notice- able feature was Democrats and Re- s marching side by side to the h that complacent smile that foreshadowed victory for the bond It had been conced balance of power,as it were, the vote of Sharpe’s township./caused a united-effort and a maof,61 decided the issue:sent a full delegation.to the utomobile number,holder lost.—J.W ‘Rush work,—B h other,the “teacher ‘of! Mr.and Mrs.Pegram A-wryant he polls all day Bethany township, entertained a few couples of young) Buster Brown hosiery,J.M.Mc.|people Tuesday night complimentary f Morrison's High Grade flour.—-Star Milling,Co«Menene boys’caps Shirts,fancy ang plain—S.,M.& S e e ito their guest,Miss Genevieve Joy:of Cazenovia,N.Y.Auction bridge was played and Miss Mary Austin Glover |won the high score prize,a care table Two harid embroidered hand- i kerchiefs were presented to Miss Joytheguestprize.After the refresh- Mr.J.W\,Houpe who has been seri- ously sick for the past month,is no)»—beticr,.Mr.4 §,Tucker is critically! ill at his home in Bethany township.|..©.Moore of Asheville |has) secured a.patent ..on--anwrevchwhichpromisesto be a use-)ful invention.Mr.Moore has been} oe elon_.Sherrill-White SURPLUS &PROEITS.. First Nation SAFETY FIRST!§f Weare a NATIONAL BANK ‘f -—--Member of -——*7 The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond:The National Currency Association of North Gree oeTheMAXIMUMOFSECURITY.Everycon-sistent accommodation extended our patrons.~ United States Depository.| 3 3 3 9 2 5 5 Pea os sy O10) |Shoe Co.-“Remember.—S.R.Brown. 30+y Bxpert:Ford repairing-—Carolina otor Co. "New hats.—Sloan Clothing Co. y dues regularly.—Mutual Build-| -&Loan’Association.| “Watches that are’correct—-H..B.} pening next:Wednesday.— forrent.—G,E. pleased the guests with a number of vocal’selections.t The Wednesday After club was entertained Saturday after~- noon by Miss Margaret Brady. Locke “A.Aifen’and:ae neSERREERORIRROAOEAOAC ESHER HOB BORELSCAR IC II IaeI daughter,Margaret,of Salisbury,are visiting at the home of ‘Mrs.Allen’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.P,F,Somers. Misses Mamie.Halyburton have relotte;where they spent several in-the interest of a millinery business whieh-they-have rece!openedherWintercontinueswich,work is delayed,oes Mrs.I.N.Sharpe o ‘has moved to her new dwéliing near_-the-Baptistchurchinthisplace._ working on his monihs.He went to Monday inthe interest of:his inven-) tion and returned Wednesday night,.| Sharpe ead bturnedfrom.Char- The French foreign office,”it is un-|%derstood,hasdecided to buy the cot-|%ton cargo.of'the steamer Dacia,which Reported for.The Landmark.: The Thursday Afternoon Club was charmingly entertained by Mrs:Orin Turner Thursday afternoot “at”“her? home in Park Place. |White.read a paper on Robin Hood tand Mrs Turner gave.the story of _\4Tvanhoe-_Quotationsfrom Ivanhoe ‘were given by club members:——Re- ‘freshments were served and a re-; lsume of the year’s work was give y Mrs Turner in an attractive an loriginal way- @.}was seized _bya—French_cruiser—and jtaken into Brest while/on a voyagefromtheUnitedStatestoonisvaluedatabout 8 Are you Protecting those dependent on you? 5 A policy with us means Protection and Saving. 3 Liberal_Cash-and Loan values-on-our-policies.ao Contracts Guaranteed and nothing estimated._ Our Company has an absolutely clean record.» Wehave over $53,000,000 insurance in foree.-—-- _Over $14,800,000'in assets. ‘our-room cottage ¢York Institute! -President—Wilson—has—given—aré--ss5 appointment .to Representative|Joseph T.Johnson of Spartanburg,8. C.,as United States district judge for %western,district of Souta Caro-|% The district was created during| the closing days of the zast Congress.|© YOUR HAIR NEEDSPARISIANSAGE & Now that-.Parisian Sage—an.inex-|épensivepreparationthat.supplies ev-|9 ery hair and sealp need—ean be had) from the Statesville Drug Company,3 is certainly needless to have thin,; le,matted,stringy or faded hair-|No matter how unsightly your.hair,} yw badly it is falling,or how much druff,Parisian Sage is all that is! Every trace ot cancruc removed with 6he application, hair roots are nourished and stimu- on By Merchants’Asso- ,The meeting of the Me Revival Me at .Wesley =this evening will be a recep-; on for the members,their families Correapondence o ~-gnd-employes- =TheofCharlotte:an Wills of Greensboro wiil be of espe-|honor of <-her__sister, interest,as they are leaders in!Sternberger of Wil fields of thought and action. »,A’delightful musicai ‘wil!be given:by Mrs; R.B.McLaughlin,Mrs.!of the occasion. J,DeWitt Ramsey and Mrs.J. Culley.Following the refreshmentsprogrammefor the evening is as ;J.L?Culley,Mrs. |orrespondence ofThe Landmark, Pat |‘Troutman,March 17,—We have re- of Mr.A.“B.Justice!rick affair_was given at the home of peony closes AE aa J.Norman)Mrs,Sig.Wallace,Walnutstreet,in|fifty persons Julius |and 24 wereThethisplace- {The Landmark. An unusually attractive St. found peace with God; added to the church at ,Some of those were al- decorated.in|ready members of some church,some; and green carna-/will join other churches;while some} main -withoutany communion. Cc.S.Kirkpatrick,the pastor f the Methodist:church of Moores-did the most.ofHedidgoodwork, both in the pulpit and at the altar,He is one of Over $23,000,000 paid to Policy Holders. We write Railroad Men at Standard Rates.. “Procrastipation is the Thief of Timesprogramme;white hyacinths ni.Costin|tions carrying out the color scheme:will-re As the guests L.|tered,tea was pouredyat the tea wag- Simon ant,yille,was present and ley and served by lit-|¢he preaching. The Education of your child may depend on Policy % you carry inthis Company..3programmeionby be Elizabeth Brews pe OO eS i :2 ‘ol-tle Miss Dorothy.Gill and Juliet Bris-,cae Bh ea f oe silk|well i ‘vate.5 gan:§ inty_—_green Bikwellanin private The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co, d hearts dice were indulged| Piano duet—Mrs.J.DeWitt Ramsey.the Sunday s¢hoo!We have revived ee [REMEMBER!| petncecry of Detroit,Michigan,eS was and also.organized a’Young People’s g.Finding in our homes d musical instruments. some skitt In the use of; ese,1 have-instaltedthem-in each consola-|of these services as we These.consist The high score bridge prize irs.M.R.Adams.It was 4|prayermeetin of:beautiful fancy workbag.Mrs.E,B-| ;“Watts made high-seore in hearts dice]ar m the Land of the and was presented with ®lancsome|th fcrochet center-piece. was won by Mrs.Ned}sanctuary. Mrs.Sternberger received!violins and two,guitars. '-Sinee the adjournment o /nual Conference I have held two meet;| lings.with about 100.professions ok ns received ‘into Address—Mr.A:B.Justice of Char-in. ——-_-Address—Mr._J._Norman_‘Wills Votal Solo-—(Fro y Blue Water)—Mrs.M.Costine lated to grow new hair,itching scalp and falling hair cease. Parisian.Sage is certainly one~of invigorating tonics, surely make your hair —lant and.radiant with life and 1 Solo—(Since I”Kissed You)— Mrs.M.Costin Wood. Vocal duet—Mrs. .McLaughlin. ork,Sickness,Church| |Music was f f our AN-One cgrioad well-broken mules just in at the!‘the guest of honor prize.the HENKEL-CRAIG LIVE|prizes were awarded a |with coffee wa Miss Frances-a nd Master Sternberger passed salted almonds. urnished by -the victrola: |After a most enjoyable afternoon the Wood,Mrs.R,s served.Thennd_Frenrietta_Wallace!faith,and 66.person|the Church,with moreiTexpectavictoricee-~JOSEPH: {f—AutoNo,9,952,signallight and hor.Between.Statesville and Troutman. wn to J.W.DEAL or The Landm: J.EADS$Pastonl®~wereh aor ‘The Qld Maids’‘convention will be held in the Collese Auditorium next Monday eve ning at 8:30 o'clock,instead-of-this evening|3'as previously advertised.i = Tickets on sale at.Polk Gray Drug |Co.and Statesville Drug Co. ‘POR SALE—My oeod-sized bay pony-MRS +OREN:TURNER: than 200 visits,’is Cortespondence of The Landmark.© Stony Point,March 17 —Farmers!;i vies ane |guests departed,vi are bus¥preparing land for ariother),.°,most entertaining a:ie charming oting.Mrs.Sig.W-|Roads Improved—Tacky Party.’ Correspondence of The Landmark. Mt..Mourne,March,18,—The read | which goes west from the sand-c! road atFair View church -has | worked for some distance.=The-pe ple who live on and near the road «)1 the work.They joined teams and had,Some plowed Yes!We have them,a most.excellent and at-— tractive assortment of Mex and Boys’Caps.nee good plowing with -his traction engines {The people inreparingtoplant-more corn and / '‘Mrs.Harris to Represent Class -at Salem Commencement. |Correspondence ‘of The Landmark. Mrs.-Anna.Barber Harris of Sto- Point,president of the class College,has received announcement re- We are sure you can find in this lot just the Capyouha?e been looking for.Callin and see whatwecanshowyouinthecapline.ae Bargain Tables of Women’s,Misses’and “(here is a lot of sickness in this community:Most every family has; a-case of grippe.Manyschool,chil-|ny __dren are sick with grippe.Miss Jen-'1896 of Salem nie’Goodnight,the assistant tea at Rocky Branch,has been cor! at home several days with grippe. “Mr.LaFayette McHargue,who un- derwent an operation for appendicit-| Dr.Long’s Sanatorium,is able| WANTED-—Position as housekeeper in privat MASSAMORE,State: fla large,heavy drag. when needed and dragged the heavy drag,with several men on it,un they got the road in good conditio had four Jarge,mules and two large| horses to the drag.So the road is in good condition and autos néed*not fear to travel this way now.| The farmers of this commanity arc 7 OR SALE-—Good second -hand cream.se |grator,Standard make and in good cond HOUSE FOR RENT—Isur-room.cottage on,3 Large garden plot.= *"Phone or call in person. FRENCH.‘Phone 370." er the first official commencement College and:the general ‘be held in:May- The exercises open May 2ist and extend to May 26th,The three big features of commencement week are: ‘FOR SALE-Five -.passenger Ford,in a08 .W.AYERS &SON,‘Phone! We have ‘two large tables full of genuine bargains | in Women’s,Misses’and Children’s Pumps,Ox-fords and Ties..We have made special prices on-thece that should move them at once.Ask to see these goods on our bargain tables..They will interest you,©:Pe ae SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO.| ee ae et ;to :‘Miss Lucile White of Jefferson,S. C.,visited her uncle,Mr.J.L.Hill, and family last week.~The second quarter far behind with thers spring plowin: on account of the wet weather.| The sick people of this vicinity sec:! to all be better,at present.—| The Mt,Mourne schoo ing-nicely.2Therewasa.ta mancers,”Saturday night, |The Pleasure Grounds. The concert,Haydn’s Famous Ora- torio,“The Creation,”Monday nig’ Mav 24th;“Memorial Hal.—~- “The reunion,Monday,,24t ‘FOR RENT-—Five-roomly“meeting of and modern conveniences.Point charge will be held) church April 4th and Sth.| Rev.L.T;Mann:preaches there on} Sunday at:3 p,m.and Monday at 11 a.m.:ue WANTED.—Customers for pianos and or-gans at panic prices.J,S. g cky party .at.the /home of Mr.and Mrs.D.M.Temple-_ ;ton last night and there -sure tseme tacky dressing,believe me.The girl that got the prize for beingedthetackiestwasMiss’—— if I want to live to tacky party I had better say no sor arris as president “of the class of 1896 of Salem College has _{been requested bylrepresénttheclass carry th banner in ment.procession. FOR SALE—At a bargain,3-year-old dark bay horse.well-broken ‘to buggy,__Also_nice_neSalemCoiiégetoJ.L,CHAMBERLAIN,‘Phone 298Personal:Mention,=a “Mis Sadie Ward left Tuesday for of 1896 and to a visit to her uncle,Mr.J.B,Fra-|FOR RENT—Seven-room nouse OWN,Assistant General Agent.Dhhe469 Cece B CHR ROELECH ' ~-25c.,50c.and $1.00. ~Children’s Low Shoes.— ~(The White Co’.s old Stand.) ley,in Wilkesboro.NRT MAS .Wednesday for Sumter,S.-C.,where| he will spend several days on pro- fessional business:Mrs,LeRoy Cushing, about this one.iit ADVERTISED.LETTERS. Following is a list of lettérs remaining in the postoffice at’Statesville,N.week ending March.16,1915.2.oane,Miag Anno,Aa ir .sf s. 'NOTICE—Cottages for rent cheap:until after @Feb,26. lanned:for all Sa- lem girls and the faces of many are turned toward:Salem. Tern for the Reunion”:is on the lips Judging from preseny inci¢ca- the occasion is going to be a orable one.Salem girls in Alex- é i ‘The reunion is p street,near Beptist church.W.A,BLIA- .Mayberry left!N i “BACK TO THE FARM”—Rose Comb Rhode |Island Reds.Write for mating list.SALejgLIB.DAVIDSON,Statesville,Nu C,,R-3.i who visited |of alloF.A,tons ol|Miss Alice Dunlap,W.E.Gaither, 3 ,left_yesterday for her hom in ‘Tryon.She stopped at Black Mountain for a brier visit .to.her brother,Dr.E.A.Sherrill,yesterday Hall and Amy Cole of Charlotte are guests of Mrs.Sher-| berger and little| the war.N.P,,WATT. WANTED—At once,500,000 feet six-quarter|@ Statesville Lumber.Co.{ nd-Iredell take-up the slogan. “On to ‘Salem forthe emnion,t »Houston,Jaek Jisos.and}Miss Cora Moore,Mrs.Julia Moore,E.! |Morrison,Miss Joncie Teague,J.E.Tro[eeewe Watts,-James Weaver,“ir $i ite,Mrs.Maggie White.j ping Streets|_Persons calling for ang of the above will :“advertised—letters.””{’R.V.BRAWLEY,P.M. Goodman,Mrs.J |«Mareh 9,—4t. —Building formerly.éccipied.by ||S :‘'Sprinkling and Swee Coca_Cola Bottling Co.MRS._ae MIL-||‘Anti-Spit Ordinance. To the Editor of The Landmark: Will you kindly ‘Misses Janette |alease all for man Ramsey._Mrs.Julius Stern son,who have been visiting Mrs.Sig.through the ¢ Wallace,.will leave today for their|gid P home in Wilmington. Mrs.O.C.Haywood,who had been |with which they have elatives in Statesville and!sprinkling ,has returned to her home of late? allow.me.space}columns of your splen-|which to compliment| ity fathers upon the frequency| street sweeper) This work certainly gives| ithe streets a more attractive appear- ally to strangers,and the ‘value to the health ofthe city can- t be estimated...Keep ‘up the good| at Laramie,Wyo. ncements Trout- man Circuit. #Carolina Motor Com When your Ford needs repairing bring it to us.»We make a specialty of re-- pairing Ford Cars.Our mechanics are Ford experts.We carry a complete lineof Ford repair parts and accessories.Our charges are reasonable and work © guaranteed.© SSL oe eels keke aie aEote a ee ;work,gentlemen,only’instruct’the. driver of the sprinkling cart } er the entire width of the rather-than just down the exact mid- Order a sack of Presto and Morri-: .son’s High Grade Flour and try it on that next batch of bread.Its ‘Correspondence of The Landmark. ‘First Sunday—Rocky Mount 11) a.m.,Troutman 3p.m .Second Sunday.—Vanderburg:11 _a 'm.,Wesley chapel 3 p.m-‘anday+Troutman The passing of.an anti-spit ordi-| uld not be out of place in my | \splendid bread making qualities- are sure to win for it 4 permanent place in your home, m.,Rocky Mount 3 p.mi.Fourth Sunday —a.m.,Shiloh 3 p.mFifthSunday—m.,Wesley chapel 3 p.m.—By_error it ‘was.announc there would be preaching at |‘Trout- \*man hext (third Sunday)afternoon.| *The hour is 11 a.m.The public is corattendallservices: \The condition of nearly| and corner afforded by the’ isiness district houses certainly fraught | Councilmen,giv Knox's chapel | ‘front of the busi is sickening and with disease.C some consideration: March 17,1915. An “anti-spit ordinance”has been te books for many years,| ‘but like many other Jaws,it is a) \dead letter through failure to The National Guard of West Vir-force it.—The Landmark.) inia will consist of only one man af-|Aa June 30,unless steps are takento|Rovers Pa |appropriation|orders ofmnt“ee Th pe Vanderburg iL.ae NEW CITIZEN.— dially invited to .EADS,Pastor. ‘on the statu For the Stomach and.Liver,© I.N.Stuart,West Webster,Nv Y.,writes: “J have used Chamberlain's ca PE RLATIVGPAY 2 Tablets for dis-\ ad ii off and on t five years,.and | state that I have found them to BOBCECRO CRORORCHOEOHOEEEH Shirts,Shyscence irt Fancy and Plain,Silk and Madras.’ Would be pleased to show you.ee \ 4 -Shoes repaired while you wait, Shoes sent for and dellvered. |The S,M.&H.Shoe _The One Price Gash Shoe Store. fe Ci just as represented.They are ma, of tion and the resultsStateisto” Cooks in the German Ar-“Wear Iron —Crosses arded For Bravery. delphia Evening Ledger... ‘There fyn’t anything heroic aboutepaks,”writes Herbert Corey to the‘New.York Globe,“and when things#0 wrong one either apprehends:"a«cook as chasing a waiter with a bread knife or giving way.to tears.”“Yet the German army.eonzatns many60kwhoseexpansiveapronisdec-ted with the Iron Cross.“And thesIronCross,”Mr.Corey reminds us,“is conferred for one thing onlyfor100-per cent.courage.”The writ- ‘er tells an interesting tate:°“They've earned it,’said the:mazwho‘had seen them.‘They are thebravest.men in the Kajser’s four mil-“Hions..I’ve seen generals salutegreasy,paunchy,sour-looking ~armycooks.’ieee atti “Phe cook’s job is to feed the men sof his company,Each German com-*pany is followed ‘or ‘preceded by a field kitchen on whvels,Sometimes the fires are kept going while the de-. vice trundles‘along.The cook:stands on the footboards and thumps his bread.He is always the first manupinthemorningandthelastto ‘sleep at night.The Teuton believes ‘in plenty of food—of a.sort.A well- fed soldier will fight.A hungry one may not.:Ad “*When the company gets into camp at night,’said the man “who knows,‘the cook is there before it. _swearing at his fires and the second -@ook,and turning ouy quantities of depressing-looking veal_-s:ew,waich is,nevertheless,very good to eat.’ “When that company goes into the ..trenches the cook stays behind.There -—-jg no place fora field kitchen ina ~4-foot trench,But these men in the ‘trench must be fed.The,Teuton in- ists that all soldiers must be fed— ‘but.especially the men in a trench. The others may go hungry,ut these+ “must have tight belts.Upon their ‘Staying power may aepend the safe- “ty of an army.:} “So,as the company cannot go to! the cook,the cook goes to the com- >pany,When meal hour comes he puts a yoke on his shouiders and a eook’s cap on his head and,warning e second cook as to what will hap-en if he lets the fires go out,puts “w bucketful of hot veal stew on eith=@r end of the yoke and goes to his; men.Maybe the trench is under fire. No matter.His men arc xn wnat trench and must be fea.ad “Sometimes the second cook gets his step right here.Sometimes theapprenticecook—the dish -washer— is summoned to pick.up the cook’s yoke and refill the spilled bucketsandcrampsteadilyforwardtothe,Sometimes the supply of as-sistant ‘cooks,even,runs szor:.But~the men in the trenches always gev ‘their food.-“*That’s why.so many cooks.in:the2GermanarmyhaveIronCrosses ©dangling from their breasts,’said the ©man .who knows.‘No braver men ev- »er lived.The man in the trench canduckhisheadandlighthispipeandberelativelysafe.No'fat cook yok- ed te two buckets-of--veal_stew-ever ‘ean be safe as he marches down the 4rench under fire.But he always qarehes.Fis men are ‘always fed, and fed on time.-'The hero -of the German campaign isothe fat cook of pane field kitchen!” e. “Ten Thousand Sign Bryan TotalAbstinencePledge. ’Philadelphia Dispatch. As a climax to a temperance dem- penetration.in the Billy sunday.tab- ,ernade:Monday night,a demonstra: tion which for enthusinsm has prob- ably never been surpassed in the his- tory of the temperance movement.in_this country,Secretary Bryan’s ap-peal for recruits in a’total absti- nence army was answered by 10,000men:and young men.Billy Sunday,‘who ce been scheduled to speak:2 -platform,_was-unable:to be present because of his exer-tions during.the day.iThedemonstrationcameatthelose.of one of the most remarkablechesinhiscareerasa.temper- ance advocate,and Secretary Bryanwasliterallycarried.off his feet by ‘the thousands who swept down the .+sawdust trails.in response to*his.ap-peal for signers to pledge cards cir-culated through the immense au- dience by a host of ushers.In theserambletoenlistinthetemperance“army the Secretary of State ‘was caught in the fighting, pusning,,_perspiring..throng,and finally.rescued by a-Getaii or poiice summoned from a nearby substation. ANLCEETETAN Davidson Road Bond Law in the Courts. Greensboro News. i At the request’of parties repre- sented by S.E.Williams of Lexing- ton,Judge Lyon Tuesday granted atemporaryrestrainingorderenjoin-ing the newly -created highwayeommissionofDavidsoncountyfromerforminganyofitsfunctionsun-der the now famous Leonard law.The order is returnable in Greens-boro Saturday,at which~time ‘the gommissioners are required to ap-breed and show cause why the injunc-|ion should not be made permanent,The law creating tne commissionempowanddirectedjttoissuebondsinthesumof$300,000 to buildoodroadsinDavidsoncounty,FewopleinDavidsonknewanythingboutthemeasureuntilafteritwasypassed,and an indignation meetingpfthoseopposed.to it was held in exington last Saturday.No def- ;decision was.reached at the Meeting,but it is understood thattheprayerfortheinjunctionisare-of the gatWering: mendxChamberlain's.Cough,Remedy,‘'T take pleasurd in recommending Cham- 8 i customers .ich a medicine,”writes*J.Montevallo,Mo,For sale by all ee |ddsiring to see a deeper,purer spirit tinually to prayerandtotheminis- tz Talks About»Week’s’Services and -Partin the Work.| Correspondence of ‘The Landmark.wo_.(The.pastors,of,Statesville,greatly. amongthe religious element,have¢iigsen March 28 to.begin a simul: taneous meeting in all the congrega-tions.There will be services in ev-‘ery:church;every evening,,duringWace:conducted by the pastor;This ought to result in.a great awakéning-among the--members’*-ofthedifferentcongregations.The care-less brothers and sisters ‘ought to beledtoaconsistent.life;so that they)cease to.be stumbling blocks to out-siders.Lest you forget,I wish to remind you that the pastors,howev- er faithfully they preach,cannot ac-complish .as.much alone as they.can with the help of,the laity.The pas~tor’s work is to pteach the gospel toeverycreature,baptize and teach allthingsthatChristhascommanded. In:Acts,20-28,his work :s stated: “Take heed,therefore,unto your-selves and to all the flock,over whichthe.Holy Ghost hath made you over-seer;to feed the church of God.”* Again in Tl,Tim.,4:. “I charge thee before God,and the Lord Jesus Christ *. *preach theWord,be instant in’season and outofseason,reprove,rebuke with alllong+suffering and doctrine.” If the members of the ©differentcongregationswillseetoitthattheir pastor is allowed to give himself con- try of the Word (according to -Acts,6:4)and select men and women,fullofthe*Holy Ghost,to.attend to allthe.other business,they will thus domuchtowardnethismeetingveryfruitful.The time is opportune.This ista week that is observed in the Christian Church,all over tne—worid, in commemoration of the innocentsufferings,,mock trial,crucifixion anddeathofChrist,ending with His-glo- rious resurrection.St.Paul,after years of faithfulpreaching,says in his letter to theCorinthians,1:28:“We preach “Christ crucified.”In 2:2 he says,“It.am-de-‘termined “not to know anything among you save Jesus .Christ and Him crucified.”The theme then is glorious one,Since we.all have been purchased.by .the-blood of Christ,and that by,Hjs stripes we are healed, and that all who enter into heaven must be washed in the blood of theLamb,this.theme ought to be deartoeveryworshiper.: -We have now noticed the part the pastor must have in the méeting and the Aarons and.Hurs are no doubtreadytéholdupthehandsof.the pastors and the pastors have looked up men and women full of the Holy Ghost’to serve the tables,it remains Ao be seen what part the rank and file of the’church’members are to have inthismeeting.As a rule,*they are‘simplyhearers of the preached word. Is this the part God has assigned to them?Jas.,1:22,answers,“But be ye doers of the word,.and not hear- ers only,deceiving your own.selves,”Every ‘member should.vecome a.per-sonal worker.“Son,go work in my vineyard,”is the Master’s.command. Christ.says to.every.congregation,and.to-every member in:said ‘congre= gation,as He did to His roiiowers.inJudea,“Look out upon the fields, they are white to the harvest,the harvest truly is plenteous but the ta- borers are few.Pray ye the Lord of the harvest,that.We would thrustoutlaborersintoHisharvest.”Now Statesville is your field to look upon..According to the.relig-ious census,nearly half of the citi-zens of Statesville are outside of the pale of the congregations,Many ofthesehavebeenidentifiedwithsome congregation elsewhere,Others haveexpressedapreferenceforsomede- nomination;but strange to”say.not one.was reported as an.enemy to.the Church.”The field truly _is..wnité.-t0] the harvest.We have tried a union meeting with.good.yreaching andcoodsingingWe.had«large au- diences,but.the harvest was scarcely touched:If-every pastor can.utilizeallofhismembersforthis.work,then manyprecious sheaves.will.be garnered,from March 28th to Fast-er.Will not:every.one who wishesthe.meetings’to be blessed,pray.for it,and then say,Here am_I Lord.’ send me,or use me..Laymen,it rests with you,largely to make our meetings sou]-winning and Harvest -reaping.Then iet us all,pastors,officers and ‘laymen,doourpartfaithfully..The result is sure,W.A...LUTZ. REANNE Biggest Dam in the World. Boise,Idaho,Dispatch. Storage of water has already he- ;@un at Arrowrock Dam;ine ‘highestjdamintheworld.The big basin is rapidly nearing completion and ‘will |be formally completec nexk,January, Tt was undertaken in connection withjtheBoiséreclamation.project which i will reclaim 248,000 acres of fertilejland,at a total investment of $14,- |000.000.The dam is 850.feet high,11,075 feet long on top and contains |580,000 cubie yards of masonry,The ae of the dam will exceed $5,000,-1000.% |The enormous ‘undertaking can.be |more clearly appreciated when-it is }explained that the reclaimed ‘area is |nearly three times‘as large ‘as ine 2a |Present acreage in crops in the StatelofRhodeIstand.}’ |The.Pennsylvania Launched.|‘The United States dreadnaught|Penhsylvania,said to be the largest|jengine of naval warfare in the world,||was successfully launched at New-port News;Va.,Tuesday,with aprayerthatshemightproveames-senger of peace rather than a weap-on of ‘destruction,The vessel waschristenedbyMissBlizabethKolb|of Germantown,Pa.,as Secretary of|the Navy Daniels gave the signal forthelaunching.m ‘Among the great throng that wit-messed the launching ‘was Capt.MaxThierichens,the commander of theGerman—séa raid ei e Friedrich,aider,Prinz ~°Bitel .THE GENUINE HAS hibition,Woman.and the Recall.. Raleigh:News ‘and Observers -The initiative and referendum.has‘heen put into the constitution of 18States,these being Maine,Qhio,Michigan,Arkansas,Migsourt,Okla-homa;Nebraska,South.DalheDakota;‘Colorado,.oat ;Arizona,Utah,‘Idaho;Whshington, Oregon,Nevada and California.New‘Mexico..has..the.referendum~only.aryland is to vote on reférendumthis.year and Iowa is to vote gn ‘it next year,the Legislatures of these States having acts vo that effect. ” Union is thus covered,Nineteen States have -adopted“State -wide prohibition,these beingPane,Virginia,West Virginia;forth Carolina,Georgia,Alabama,Tennessee,fowa,Mississippi,Kan-sas,Washington,Oregon,©Idaho,Utah,Arizona,Colorado;North:Da- kota,Oklahoma;Arkansas.-Besidesthis,local option covering a large portion of the territory is.in foree inevery‘State except Pennsylvania and New Jersey.Already ‘three-fourths of the territory of the Union is pro-hibition and five more States are tovoteuponthe—prohibition amend- ment this year or-next.eee Equal suffrage has been ‘adopted in12StatesandoneTerritory,theseheingWashington,Oregon,Idaho,Montana,‘California;Nevada,Utah,|Arizona,-—Colorado,-Kansas,—Illinois.and Alaska,and eight -more ‘StateshaveadoptedtheamendmentbytheLegislaturesubjectto.the approval at the ballot box at the next election,these being West Virginia,.Tennes-| see,Arkansas,,New York,Massachu-setts,New.Jersey,Pennsylvania’and lowa,and it is’pencing in the Leg- ‘{slatures of three other States.> ‘The recall,including the r¢call ofjudges.has been.put.in the constitu.|tion.of eight States.-these"being Lou-|isiana,California,Colorado,Arizona,| Idaho,Nevada,Wpshington and.Ore- yon.a “RS About two-thirds.of the area of the! a todays ; oO |he are PYAHE,old Olympic Game promoters‘were great for what we call “fort.” Symmetry,proportion,soundness.and proper balance out-bid bulging muscles for.favor—yes,and out-won,too,just @s they will. Mere ‘bulk’never was synonymous withendurarice-—-and the truth of this statement drives.home with a ‘bang,when you apply ft to tires: tire construction,we could ‘wipe.out:of existence a Goodrich Research and ‘TestDepartmentemploying.seventy people.-would take off the road a battalion of tenautomobiles,that-run-twenty-four -hours-a day‘and every day in the year,grinding tires of a!l makes to pieces,just for the sake of information tous and eventual economy to the user of | ‘There is where we learn to cut out the material which gets the user nothing. Of course,when we stripped tire price listsoftheirpadding—fictitious values—we expected - rivals to say we had stripped our tires, [:thick,heavy tires were the last word in Notethe following table of comparativeprices. on-non-skid tires.Columns headed “A;”-“B,"-“C”. and-“D”represent four highly-advertised ‘tires? tswatet ueieSSa ae L ’beat . okpeeandmuscle—no faSs,4 ‘to say that,in stripping downpricesto_“*the point where they were fair to dealerandconsumeraridleftno‘room fot injurious —price-cutting tactics,we had stripped our tires |.of some quality,too.ae eRe oer SOE:i ms*& «tr ."f ethlete,is’all brawn and muscle—no ~.fat.“It represénts an achievement|,the ability to cut out the extra costs of manu.facture,the extra costs of labor,of extra,S material,and to give you the best,long-mhigh-standard tire in the world. ‘There are padded tires ag well as padded ‘pricelists.>nN Oe oe Don't pay for padding. Now don’t forget this—-we are talking inthe main about Goodrich Safety Tread Tires,for --they—represent—ninety percent of ctr factory ~~ output for re ‘ Furthermore,while wo have put the pad- ded prices on smocth tread tires on the ran;the ~ evil.of padded prices or;non-skid tires still is:in évidoi.ce,AS shown it table below: -THE B.F COODRICH CO.,Akron,Ohio We ital tro sale,ofat iCoD oodrich!OTHER MAKES --} When.One .County.Furnished -!Most of the Prominent Men | Raleigh News and Observer.‘ In the course of his address at the unveiling some time ago of.the stat:| ue of Chief Justice Ruffin,Chief Jus-| tice ‘Whlter Clark mentioned several!|unusual coincidencés.“One “of.these|was “that in 1848 all three of the Su-preme Court judges (Ruffin,Nash and Battle),the Governor (Graham).and one of _the United States-Senatvors|(Mangum),were all from.the single county of Orange;and in 1841°both Senators)(Graham and Mangum) were elected by ‘that LegislaturefromthesamecountyofOrangein| which the Chief Justice then wresid-|ed.”:_Orange was cutting,some swaththeninapoliticalway!|~“The only situation at all parallel | continued,“oceurred in’.1815, the Govertior (Miller),both United States Senators (Macon and Turner) and Judge Hall were all from thecountyofWarren.”‘‘ Which put:Warres almost in~the‘Same class with Orange as a~-produc-er of big men.. ‘Another.coinci that Judge Clark clied in the Ruffin vddress was that the’United:States Senators,Macon and Turner,whomhehadmentionedasbeingfrom.the “same county,had.served.in the Rev- olutionary War.together as privates in the same company.‘ No Curtailment in Postal Serv- ice,Says Mr.Burleson. Failure of the 1916 ‘postoffice ap- propriation bill to.pass Congress will not result in curtailmentof the ser-vice or reduction of the .workingforce,-Postmaster,General ‘Burleson says,recent adjustments of the pos:tal service and a general campaign of economy begun two .years.ago having made it possible to hold ex- penditures”within:the”1915)total.Daniel C.Roper,First AssistantPostmasterGeneral,said the esti- mated decline in postal reventes be-cause of the European war had beenconsideredin.effecting |readjust- ments,but that there was.no vounda- tion in reports that many poscoffice"employes would suffer reduction ofsalaryorlossofposition.Changes contemplated already had been made, he said,’and not‘only:woule ruras pa-trons cbntinue to receive delivery, but that service would be.extended as rapidly as possible: LT LATTE A TIEN FTEIT Road Over Blue .Ridge to Be Completed By June Ist. That the link of the Central High-.way of North Carolina;7 1-2 miles,in length,running from Old Fort to Ridgecrest,will be completed by the Ist of June,is the’statement of Geo.Sandlin,one of the promoters of thehighway.For years this link of the road has appeared an_insurmounta- ble barrier to the Central Highway,running over one of -the ~highestpeaksoftheBlueRidgechainand requiring;a large expenditure. Fort.township:voted-$20,000 and $10,000 was secured from the Fed- eral government.;if Carefully Treat Neglect of children’s colds often Jaysthefoundationof-serious lang trouble,Ontheotherhand,it ia harmful to continu,ally dose delicate little stomachs with insternalmedicinesortoKeépthochildrenalwaysindoors,‘Plenty of fresh air in the hedroom and agoodapplicationofVick’s ‘Vap-O-Rub”Salve over.the throat and chest at.the first.sign of trouble,will keep the little cha:free from colds:withdntAapuring their di.gestions,5c,60c,or $1.00,; TRADE MARK port’)News,which is-in port at New-/ in this State,”Chief Justice ‘Claro, when.) es {|month. dence of interest}, Old] Children’s Colds)’Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.|; Size SafeSoe AM Ue Seo pci Ba 30x3_|*9.45710.5530x3%2}12.20]13.3532x31]14.00)15.4034x4|20.35]22.3036x4¥2|28.70]32.1537x5_|-33.90]39.80 10.95 16.3514.20}21.7016.30}22.3523.801 31.1533.60]41.8541.80}49.85 18.20123.86)25.3033.5541.4652.05 If you are’charged less for any other:make than Goodrich,they are taking it out of the tire;if ‘you.are charged more,they aretaking it out of you. ThigttheFamous 0GoodrichSafetyTread 7Baf re It was their only “come-back.”They had ei t y Tee Goodrich Tire,like thet trained’; Honor Rolls of Elgin and East|Monbo Schools.| Correspondence of The Landmark { -.-Honor-roll.Elein—-seheo!,__fourth. Eugene and Garland.Alex | ander,Mary,Addie,Rena and ThomasAustin,Allen Clodfelter,Eva and Eu- gene~Gray,Rachel and flal Jenkins,' Eva and Dewey Johnson,Rush Lackey, Eugene Morrison,Carl and Ina Stev-} enson,Mary Ellen and Coleman Sam-* mers,Burette,Clay,Lee,Glenn,Orin. and Byrd Wilson. third month:Claude,Alda,Sudie and) ‘Virgil Gstwalt,William Colvert,Jo.Setze#,Delmas Abernethy.I Fourth month:Sam and Ruby} Ostwalt,William and Frances Colvert,Jo.Setver.: FREE BOOK ON STOMACH ILLS.| Geo.EH.Mayr of 154 Whiting St.,:Chicago,Tll.,a prominent druggist, has.published a guide to:health,-ia and brought relief to thousands ofother‘‘sufferers from-constipation, biliausness,indigestion and.intesti-| nal trotibles by the use of French’ healing oils.One dose usually ech: vinees.The most chronic cases rare-' ly need over three doses.This bookwillbemailedfreeon-request.Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy,is sold by! leading.druggists everywhere with| the positive understanding that yout: money will be refunded WithoutquestionorquibbleifONEbottle fails to give you absolute satisfac- ,° DAVIS’PORCH and DECK PAINT is made especially.to resist’~all weather coriditions—so.when ‘paint-ing why not use the thing for thepurpose?It will cost no more—willJookrightandwearright,—;FOR SALE.BY Rush Work “If you want a job of PRINTING in a hurry,just'"phone 200 or write and we'll have"‘‘Johnty On’--TheJob.””*. Hypnor roll for East Monbo school,i’: which he shows:how he cured himself ¥ i W.D.TURNER, SOODRICHmm = 4 ¢Commercial National B i OF STATESVILLE,N.C. CAPITAL PAID IN $100,000.00";SURPLUS 31,000.00 Banking is a necessary institution in the develop- ment and welfare of nations.It.is likewise a.neces-sary institution in the development aud progress of any city,town or community.A bank’s usefulness to a community depends upon °its ability and willingness to serve the legitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com-mercial and savings deposits.te Phe COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is-a@ local institution,with large capital and surplus,furniehes good security to depositors and with resources of over $600,000 has the willingness to serve this com- munity in every branch of legitimate banking.~“Be-~lieving in this commumity,our policy is,and has al--ways been,progressive and constructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementofth agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel,:opmentof Statesville and Iredell county.Our ¢posits are local and our loans are likewise local_.andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocal enterprises.bes par To our customers we furnish check books free,;render stateruents or balance pass bovks at the end ~ofeach month,make loans and discount.paper uponsecuritysatisfactoryto.our board..and in such amounts as business-requirements and responsibility warrant.We pay interest at the rate of 4 per centperannumontimeandsavingsdepositsremaining three months or longer.intUponthesebaseswesolicit’your business.‘ President.~.Vice President,©~Cashier. —Assistant Cashier. E.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,@.E.HUGHEY, AP T RE ON S ce e er t TL LS S s ra so t o a p e = er LE POR’ To Buy a Nice Farm and Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. UNITY No.1—345 acres in Elmwood.—All school and church conveniences,’"Strong Jand,40 acres in ,bottom,8-room house,large.barn®and out houses.‘| No.2—77 acres 34 miles east of city.This propertylies on thesand-clay highway-now being-constructed by the government.Is:8idealforDairyandTruckfarming.eee neseNo.3—40.acres 1 1-4 miles from pubis square,Splendidly ‘adapted:for Dairy Baraat Live Stock and.Poultry.No.4—60.acres in Wilkes county just across-40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘‘Park Place’’—$15.down,balance in monthly payments of $5.-Se fa10lotsinBloomfield.Terms easy.Six lots in south.Statesville,asectionfastdeveloping.Several nice houses and lots to sell.Call on me and Jearn what Ihave.pe entW.R.MILLS,.=»Statesville,N.C."PHONE 54)>547 ‘CenterStreet. % BradyPrinting Go. Iredell line—a bargain. Better Light aid More of It” PROSENE light is best for young atid old eyesalike.AtAWO LAMPS give you kerosene light at its best —a»Steady,generous glow that reaches everycorneroftheroom. ’The RAYO does not smokeor smell. solid brass;nickel-plated. clean,easy to rewick It is made of Jt is easy to light,easy to ’At dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY£ gear ARH JEESER Gets 6,+Va rhe:cel .'BALTIMORE s iRichmond,Va.Charleston,S.C, ==4 FTPTI UL ut a LGR LTE trib 5! Failed —Federal Finanees', Must Be Readjusted. The committee of the House and Senate charged with the considera:| [tion of the appropriation bills”of Congréss, ey provided for all purposes by,“the |Sixty -third Congress.3 |In this connection Chairman Fitz-i gerald of the House wappropriations|, i committee gave gut a statement “in |whieh he finds that the total sum ap- |Dropriated for the fiseal year ending > |June 30,1916,was $1,115,421,408,or$996,730 under.the appropriations for the current fiscal year. |Tf the’Postoffice and Indian appro- }priation bills had passed as reported ifrom>the respective committees,the iby $11,693,688,:rewardless of the|economy.programme adopted by thejadministration“and supported .gener-‘ally by the people.The failure of+these two measures.saved the|session from a record of expenditure tunparalleled in history. Le tatement issied by “Representative||Gillet of Massachusetts,ranking Re- joublican member of thy Mr. ithe session’s fiscal activiires,se In his summing up of ine year’s My...Vitzgeald sve: Titre |point. If you failed to make a resolution on’Jan- uary Ist to save money this year—then why not do so now.We will be glad to have you start an account iin -OurSavings Department- if with only $1.00.If you will do this, and add to it regularly from time to time oe lt will makeyou.independent.. _We Pay,4 Per.Cent une Interest on Saviving... |Merchants =Faarmers’’Bank,Of Statesville, “The.Bank For Your Savings.’. 9 “That's what Iam,”my friend said. ‘Well,what are going to de about it?”-“Gh!I don’t know what to do unless Iandddling ouldntt'youlike me to tell you what not todo?”’‘Indeed I would.“Well.sir,don’t lower yoite high standard Perhaps if:you were to raise it an inch or two higher,you might rise togreatereffort.’’—Join Wanamaker.: The Standard.of the Statesville Realty &Fr tustnestsCo. keep on struggling eDealing,prompt and efficient SERVICE in alt its ~~branches of business,remains,as it has for the past nineearsofitscareer,a monument to its present sucoesalulusiness.; “We Insure Anything Insurable.” Call on us for service.’Phono us if more convenient!Statesville Realty &Investment (0, utF,CARLTON,Manager,’Phone 54,Statesyille,N..CG. AaAaa ||Tim ArasShor of Sanda” |Treasu the present almosst universal war the Underwood tariff act was_proving hap effective a-—revenue producer —as.cephadbeenanticipated.The.exect .'ofthewarhasbeenworld~wide.Tm-a|20 ‘tations te this.country from”the Buropean nations _heve-been imgiy-nffectedyAsebhe War,CODimportationgwillrapidlyjonint and customs receipts will necessarily”...Apart from the situation of .‘he less, the,oversea.carrying trade,it mvs Se that;with the coutinued drain up- ‘on the “great producing- ing -nations-of Exrope for the neces- ;ei the war,their productive’ac- will be curtailed 6r diverte: luicts required at-home and notvailableforexport. fhe feannces-oF ~ =|ernment nust be-readjusted,No 'more important problem will can- front the Canerese when it reassem-ibles.The considerationshouldbetoestablishour—finan¢e upon a.permanently sound basis Mokeshift ‘legislation .+not.“h:Thelpftul,i paramount 4 “Toemporary_ex onlysadd to the diffica)ties i ;Hlicate the nroblems that ©must.py \faced-"“With the organizatian®on Federal reserve system.many un =tainties of our financial system have e been removed and the e been relieved of certain ambarrassments.Revenues:sandnenditures-should-_now—be--enref calenlated,a definite fiseal policy «- te iblishes|‘and ample provision made: |for présent and future necéssities. “The working capital,.or the ov: F Be=== public business is the money in tre }reneral fund of the ‘ireasury.Whe that.fund is exhausted or ~s so ‘pleted that.the.ordinarily daily ebli yi gations of the povernment cann promptly met,the tand must |vlenished,Jf reyenues.are,i ficient to -permit a sufficient ?wo:‘balance to be maintained,the ficdimust.be supplemented ‘either by »- f'imbursement from tne.sale or <u ‘ma canal bonds or “by the..proc Piof 3 per cant:certificates of inc’cht ‘edness’authorized--for:one---vexFsection40of.the Payrie-Aldric!shBa:proved August 5,1909.” een nema er P pastor “Surpassed Solomon in Reaching the Truth.— |Correspondence Gastonia Gazette i A friend of ovrs télls.a story of al B circumstance which occurred at 0: b}we go and which illustrated the pr (eal shrewdness.of an.old minirnamedAmasaBrown,A.member of the church charec! |penotnee with stealing a sheep. |culprit denied the charge.Both \ e mén of influence.The chureh|divided:A couscil was calledThere wereEno‘Pitnesses except as to charact’. It was the word of one man again-' ‘People’s Loan &Savings Bank,Capital -$50,000.00 — Is now located in its New Building on Center’street and ready 108 business. \ Stockholders,customers,business men,.farmers, and the public are invited to come in and.see our» handsome new quarters,where we are prepared to© transact a banking business inall ofitsdepartments.| Your presence,and that of your friends,will be.appreciated,Courteous employes.will show youoverthebuilding,and give prompt attention to all:business that may be entrusted to us,\ GEO.H.BROWN -<-_-é President,-~O.L.TURNER =:Cashier.Cashier.Ba. =ite She ‘another.One was.a slanderer,or thejotherathief.“Elder Brown suge: ed a most extraordmary measure to‘elicit the facts in the case.He call-ed the two men to,the rostrum | Eeks made the charge to engage |pkayer and requested the council : |audience to look him in the fa ° {while praying.He made an earncsi |prayer.He appealed to the Loriasonewhoknewthecharge 'true, Then thé other was called on|follow.He made a regular prayer|for the church,the pastor,etc.,and|then said: |“As touching this matter of the, _|Sheep,O Lord,ahem,as:to touchin:x |—touching—0,thou prayer.-hear- :ing—if I regard iniquity in my jheart,the the Lord will not hear—-as.|touching—touching this,ah.”Then, he Sprang to ‘his feet.and exclaimed, |‘Brethren,if TI may call you brethren, I cannot |pray.—I did.steal *thatsheep.”So the matter was.settled, a eererocmrcsamars Lo i To the Housewife.Madam,if your husband ‘is like most menheexpectsyoutolookafter.the health of yourself and children.Coughs and colds are.the most common of the minor ailments and are most likely to lead to serious diseases}A child is much more likely—to contractdiphtheria.or searlep.fever when it.hag a,feold.Ifyou will inquire -into the merits oftheyariousremediesthatarerecommended|Hor couths and.colds,you.will.find —that-<|Chomberléin’s Couirh Remedy stands high inaestimationofpeople,who ‘use it,.It:is |promre |oxand aeaee nes:ane safe .) re attend espec to be de-en W Medicine is intended tor chTor‘ile by alMY SebleBcdonrsa |appropriatlane7aa Little ‘Less.But Only Because Two Bills)8! have completed the worlr yof determining the amount of mon-| M1916 total:would have exceeded the in ‘money provided for.the current year,4. last) These facts are pointed out ina:,; the -appropria-+;|tions committee,and were not denied.; Fitzgerald in his review of « iwork,from an appropriation.stand-); +A gh casual examination of the : —.;Department...statistics dis-4 ETM RE ae |TIOSes that prior-te—theoutbreak of strik-t! and export-,. fhe-Federalpov=-snr Treasur y hasrecu2] ‘nble cash,fer the transaction of th‘het _jand elogaed wi_undigested food, rel. ,..Misery—indigestion,foul gases, :breath,yee skin,mental fears{eve “els regulated,anc never know a .children—their little ae —ae ores M ARCH “UNHEALTHY. Vitality,owest atat’This ze and Death Raté High—Phys-| ical Vitality Lowest in Late,Winter.and in Hot Weather.| etin State Board of Health. ty 1 late -winter-and early spring vi- ality is at low ebb.The-death rate, this senso;especially forthemegofMarch,is decidedly hig“hy.| is ‘at this time tuberculosis and) a umonia claim the greatest nom-} ber of their victims and so do the! di es of the nervous and circula-|tory systems,.Old people find°it) harder to resist Lagteaana now and look|with dread to the “usOl’s ap-| proach,,t Why is thig?Is it a mental or.a igy hysical condition?What is its ef-|. fect?Scientific investi gation showaf. this depression,which is both a|ial andoa physieal condition,is aj 1attemof no little laport ion)efficien-and.health..Professor,Hunting-Yale University “has recently >2 careful study of tne eirects)| weather and ‘seasons on the} gs of.500 operatives engazed|ce-work in the factories of Con-| The ee showed ©their} followed a;that their er:ning rs were low-| in,January,Febuary and Mareh,| ¢»of iwut hingesS hot weather.they fell again but ched their highest point in»-No-| ‘bere .The same éareful observa-| wad made ‘of 1,600 students at| t Point and Annapolis and the} es showed the same thing-—that highest points of efficiency were! :fall and late spring and that nd late winter, falline off of physical vitality late winter “must ne arily af-; health ‘and..conseque thy the} ath rate, patent medicine business no lit-1 wom to the corner”drug>—store :e-tonies,elixirs and bracers : inuously sold across the counter. nothing suffices in the meeting |ty from staying ~heated on ition is poor secial strain from a season work,In such cases rest,sleep, food,open air and moderate ex- ise are Necessary to restore.the) ’s vitality and build-up-the.re- ng powers of the Days Alb ex- must be avoided,Anything saps vitality makes a way:for se.Whoever would avoid the ~yf=this-season=would..da:well naintain.a strong body anda ztht outlook on life. School at .Hiddenite. The Landmark, Reading ondence of Reading Schoo!for ‘eck and Atexanderill-be held with the Baptist church the Bricr’ they began to vise fill June.In| Unfortunstely it affects |i in some States it furnjshes quite)% rooms,= ing the winter,.or perhaps from)of!% Associations:3 know ee good it isuntilyoutryit.” Coble’s Croup ~==and=~Pneumonia Reiner 4)yer, is the new.ree for.Children CROUP.AND ALL.COLD”TROUBLES tT:RELIEVES INSTANTLY: Can be used with all safety andtsinLIQUID form, Easily applied.YOU JUST RUB IT ON,Children like it,i 25 cents,50 cents and $1.00 sizes,”YourDruggistsells.and Recommends i 7M gular seasonal/oe e lowest points Were in hot weath-|§ Bring them in on or beforeSaturday,March 27th,as we expect to —._ close down for the sea-—— son on that date and— will not want seed af-—ter that date.Liberal. exchange of meal and hulls until we close. down.Yours truly, |COTTON OIL COMPANY,RIA __.(PHONE 205, He it.Hiddenite,beginning Monday,| April 42.The Book of Genesis will .be read-again.-All ministers of both!3 Associations are -requesved to pe}present.4 ~“N.M.FELTS,Set.ana Treas,(3 «Jenning’s,R-2.{ 4 TOPRE BILIGUS AND COSTIVE —CASCA RETS!{i Tonight!Clean’Your End-—Héadaches,Coids Bowels ar kandSou(i t *GOOD TIME The clocks in the home must be rishi or the Groaceeoes cad ‘tbe oe pected to plan and have meals on time:Then,there is,no econom:wearing out your pocket with a watehi that you can’t depend on. what you want to do is-toget your watch or elock -repaired.-bHENRYwhileheis-devoting_his entiretime to-repairing-watel clocks and fittingspectacles ‘and eye-hora KF.HE ee Jeweler, Stomach. Get'a 10-cent box now.Furred ‘Tongue,Bad Colds,eet gestion,Sailow Skin and Mis 1 Headaches come frem a eck yas bowels,which cause |your stomach to become:filled with which -seurs ‘and ferments like garbage in a swill bat.) That’s the first step to untold) bad) erything tha horrible and nause- »ating.A Cascaret tonight will give | |your constipat 6d bowels a thorougk? ‘cleansing and straighten you out by! ‘morning.They >work while you|'sleep—a 10-cont box from your “drug gist will keep you feeling ‘gdod for) months.Millions of men.andmentakeaCascaretnow:and iedtokeeptheirstomach,liver and bow-Ynis-| forget the insides .seed a good,gentle cleansing,tee. erable moment.Don’t ,‘The Handsomest © es ira 33 3 t e e t e s e s s s 3 3 : ~[lua sigs Obtainable today in, the South are pre- pared by. Ce a aH Van Lindley Co., >PLORISTS 10 THE SOUTH, :~GREENSBORO,N.-O5 - [Eells s Drug Ty CE C H Se Ne i h a r t eo resesc3s + CO E essssireyrsii reeset Pitsbur Perfect”Fence. wor!ws All “PittsburgPerfect”Fences have staywires asheavyasintermediatelinewires.~“A fence is only as strong as its lightest wire.-No wire projections.to injure stock or pull wool fram sheep.—Possessesthestrongestfencejointintheworld—the WeldThatHeld.Where the wires are welded together by electricity,the fenceis twice.as strongas the wireitself,Guaranteed that the wire is not injured at the joints.Guaranteed that the stays cannot beslippedorseparatedfromstrands.Guaranteed ad-justable to uneven ground.Guaranteed Biron ger:and more durable than any other.;Every rod guaranteed perfect.Gauge the wire | when buyingfence,Ifyou weigh-itin the roll,re--member that ‘Pittsburg Perfect’is all fence—no an- tiquated wrapped or tied joints,no uselesswire,nouselessweight, |Lazenby-Montgomery:Hardware CoGo, _oORCRRICROHCRONEnDuoroNeneROACNC ARRON CERT Receceinteiccecnernindencen terete tereiteetecntctctet ORCSThatRobber! WHEN yyou go after the burglarin your home you want the qunthatwillGEThim—not.miss fire and let him GET you, WHEN you go after the robber ofyourhealth,you want to ion‘first shot,beforehe gets you.To do it,you must aim’get the BEST ane plug thebull's eye.with the shatthat,every pull of thetrigger,i WHEN you take drugs that are not wp to the very bighaut iacdartyou'rewasting your ammunition—shvoting iin theair, WHEN youstrike the trailthat leads fo.top-notehcieneyindragsit-will nd you muh _.the door andote fe : Miami,Fie,Harriet Delaney,of Nassau,Baha- tionMi 8Aether! lands,was shot and’killed heretodaybytheRev.William Alfredr,rector of St.Agnes Episcopal;who then committed suicide. Tucker,who came to Miami fromsausixmonthsago,was 30 yearsidandunmarried.Letters said towwebeenwrittenbyhimtoMissDe- rresulted yesterday in his arrestitalauthoritiesonacharge‘ofniobjectionablematterthroughnails,He was bound over to thecourtunder$2,000 bond,fur-by members of his corgrega-, .)Miss Delaney arrived here Sunday,according to theteamshipticket;;ante ties,having been purchased onmeyprovidedbytheminister.To- ‘persons living near the place.she had lodged heard a shot‘@nd saw her run from the house.Al-most instantly she fell dead,ThereWasasecondshotanduponinvesti-ation Tucker was found dying,with»@revolver in his hand.“Tucker was to have.been tried ini.It was stated that Miss De-Y.was a member of the NassaurehofwhichTuckerformerlywas Dr.Richards Becomes Finan-cial Agent of Davidson.|_ Davidson Special ‘to Charlotte Ob- -perver,“Rev.Dr.C.M.Richards,pastor of‘yterian church.ere,willactasfinancialagentofthecollegeforthénextfourorfivemonths,inthecampaignthatistobeundertak-t for raising $100,000 additional en-)edaeae na.Mg is al- 3!e-plan is to secure Seo for-an alumni:building,mod-‘ern,up-to-date @ymnasium,whichfunditisbelievedthealumni.byfwillcontribute,each class.un-king to raise $500,to be paid inalltwoyearsfromtheapproachingcommencement.-—:‘Dri Richards’beginApril1andcontinue,if need be;work will 8 through August.A release from ‘his AN t ’ \which’President Martin, Ipit:duties was granted him Sun- ty at a congregational meeting,in speaking’for the college and the interests:oftheChurchatlarge,asked that thecongregationmakethissacrificeandallowDr.Richards this furlough. Weather Keeping Fruit Back—.¢April 10 Danger Period. Raleigh Times.;“State Horticulturist W.N:;Hutt,as one of the best .author-ities:in:ites,says theweather‘conditions have been veryaStofruit,keeping back thea#o they:would not ve injuredlatefrosts.Usually at this sea-r,Hutt,many xruit treestavebloomed,byt this year he hasseenonly'a few Japanese plum trees “MiPdanger period 1s April 10. -ture has been six degreestheaveragedaily tempera- below:nor- ie Hutt said”that apples andwerebeingespeciallybene-fited by this sort of weather.For‘them to bloom too early is fatal,aslatefrostskillthemout.:eTBuildRoadsofPrecious@"Stones. ~Remarking on the success of thetoadbondissueinAlexandercounty,the Greensboro News has this to (the:Alexandrians).canbuild.the highways.out-of —preciousStones;garnets,native rubies;crys-tal so fine that you might have it cutforaaeatstheiehandof your ‘lady-love,and it w ireaetesttoshow‘it not.+t riteThesethingsabound,by the wagon-Toad,in the fields of Alexandér.“Alexander is and has been a greatsheencontent.with -old.:>but hasandhombleways,Next door neigh.borborto the Free State of Wilkes,‘the art of singing by note and‘shoés is‘native and not ac-quired,/ndrians exaibit many ofhighervirtuesofthepeopleofhdaestrivetoeschewtheir Miss Settle ss Not Imprison- “France,Dispatch, American woman known asiFloridaSettleofNewYork,waswentencedtopay'a fine of $40 and goearnforamonthforfiringona“man named Waterman,who persistedinrdog.: ;Aneident occurred last Novem-on the French line steamer Chi-rom New York to Havre.Some‘passengers began teasing Miss Set-“Me's dog and she ‘objected strenuous-dy;they would not desist.Becom-angry,she drew a revolver andatterman,a ring-leader-ofip.The bullet flew wild.MissettieWasarrestedwhentheChicago,Havre,tprisonfartofMissSettle’s¢was suspended.Her defenseshefiredonly.to frightenvithnointentiontokill,l¢is:from North Caro- tris,the former Statesville‘was bound over to Lincoln!§x Court recently on aratteniptingtoretailabar. ot R v.J.Bh Wannemacher,LutheranDispatch,"17th...\pilerne diamond:| e 5 .a and ’, ents of Life in North Caro-Btaeest of Hickory recentiy.siriekenwithparalysis,is dead.(0 -Kugene Fox,serving a short.sen-tence in Catawba county jail for acuttingaffray,died of pneumonia yes- /At Mt,Olive,Wayne county,yeterday,B..F.Beatty,22 years old, ‘was shot to’death byIsadore Besi,an18-year-old negro boy.eben Dr.Geo.W,Long of Gtaham,who.has been uhder treatment ina Salis.bury hospital,has been taken to Bal-timore for,treatment,ae .Dy.Geo.T,Winston,the well-knowneducator,has been seriously ill in thehospital.at Biltmore for some oes.His.condition has improved but heisstillquite.ill,tee The residence of Lafayette Settle-myre,located*three miles south |ofHickory,on the Lincolnton road,wasburnedSundaywhilethefamilywasatchurch., Near Zebulon,Wake county,‘the8-year-old daughter of Mr.and ‘Mrs.Stone,‘was burned to death in theusualway—clothes caught from thefireplace.= In Lenoir county Wednesday,whileathunderstormprevailed;a bolt oflightningstruck’a convict camp.Aguardwasparalyzedandoneconvictrenderedunconscious. Newton —Enterprise:.Sweet pota-toes are putting more cash into cir-culation in Catawba county this year than cotton.And bigger crops thaneverwillbeplanted,+ Rev:Dr.W.R.Minter of.Lincoln-ton,who recently accepted a call totheFirstPresbyterianchurchofAus-tin,Texas,left this week with his family for his new field. *—Preston--Worthington,-a-youngmanwholived—-near--Ayden,Pittcounty,played with a pistol and theyburiedhimnextday.’He had.beenmarriedonlyabout.three weeks: at.Louisburg Tuesday afternoon,saysadispatch.to the Raleigh News and Observer,the darkness was so greatthatthepeopleweregreatlyalarmed. for a time.j IE Miss Lucy Outerbridge,~a youngladyofGreenville,committeed~sui-cide at her home there Monday.She was a sufferer from nervous prostra- tion and was recently.under treatmentin“a sanatorium.———- ~Je-M.-Trexler,a-Rowan-farmer,hasacalfwhichhastwo.mouths andwhicheatswitheitheror.both ofthematthesametime.It also has two sets of good eyes,according totheSalisburyPost.f Mrs.Caroline Daydied recently atherhomeinJonesville,Yadkin coun- ty,aged 88.She was-long xnown zsanurse.Before the days of trained nurses she was a helper among her neighbors in cases of sickness,espe-cially fever.., MATTERS OF NEWS. A dispatch from Rome says an of-ficial.parliamentary report of.theearthquakeinItalyJanuary13,givesthenumberofdeadat29,978,withoutincludingthosewhoafterwarddiedofinjuries.Cie ‘Attorney General Gregory has ad-vised’counsel for the New York SunthattheAssociated:Press is not atrustandthereisnogroundforac-tion against the organization undertheShermananti-trust law. Justice Page has denied Harry K./Thaw’s motion that he be returnedtoNewHampshireandorderedthatThawbesentbacktoMatteawan money left and ‘while it ‘lasts thelawyerswillputupafight.for him. at Seattle,Wash.,and his secretary, with conspiracy in attempting to cor- employe of the Seattle.ConstructionandDrydockCo.,by indueng nim tosellbusinesssecretsofhisemployers. Reports from Peking are to the ef-fect that Great Britain and FrancehaveinformedJapanthatifJapanpersistedinpressinguponChina’de- original“communication to the pow-ers it would be difficult for Japan’salliestonegotiatediplomatically:withherinthefuture,and it ia understoodthattheUnitedStates.has also made Erotest.(f Citizens.who think the United before being allowed to spread theirideasbroadcast,-is .the opinion ofVicePresidentMarshall,“There wasatime,”he added,“when I,too,thought it was our duty to go outandwhipanyone,anywhere,who:happened to shake a Wnger at UncleSam.I have changed my mind.I op-pose war unless I-am willing to askthegovernmenttoplacemeinthefrontranksof-our army.” sareaneeateteeeenennananenel Cotton Exports. Cotton.exports were almost-twice those of Februarylastyear,but.the’quantity:sentabroadduringthesevenmonthsénd-ing February 28 was fat lessthesameperiodayearago,the de-ficiency,due largely to the wat,be-,ing 1,759,725 bales..The census bu-reau monthly report discloses ‘thesezures-sa ’Manufacturing establishments on'February:28 were holding.less cottonfterforwhiskey,and another,|than at the saine time last:}|year butconvictedatlasttermof|independent warehouses had on hand_Jarceny and. term in thesentenced to}county jail,|1,775,766 bales more than|Cotton -used during FebruaryirescapefroinLincoln|slightly exceeded the same month aht,by im theira Year ago but during:¢wtwall.a Teding ani out during the last seyencottoh‘manuracturers haveoortotheground.)used 217,000 bales Jess than dutingydaughteroftheontheSthat]been almost.double What-they .were|}kes county, |the same period last year.Im orts |leotton during the ene months me @ year ago.ed ‘ed the While an electric storm prevailed|SY criminal insane asylum,but the end|jisnotyet.Thaw’s family has’some|.@: “Dr.William Muller,German consul B.M.Schultz,were served with no-|:Aice-of-arrest-Wednesday at the-con-/#Sulate in Seattle.They are charged ruptly.influence 'John’Yiurdock,-an}; mands beyond those contained in her}: States should take part.in the war|f 'should be made to enlist in the army |}f= daring February than |f 1 @ year ago.} /pitence ™Y tive—A Time to Speak :‘Time’toKeep Stil. Monroe Journal.em ..Did you ever stop:to think ‘thatthereare’s0 many things aboutwhichan”argument is.—not”worthwhile?Such subjects”may ‘too‘frivolous for argument,or they maybetooprofound.-The frivolous ques-‘tions are not.worth arguitig “over,and the profound ones need no urgu-ment,You will also notice’.thatthosequestionsaboutwhich-a.manfeelsthemostdoubthimselfaretheonesaboutwhichheismosyanxzoustoargue.In the realm of.theologyyouscarcelyeverhearamanargu-ing the existence of Goa,put’he willstandandarguealldayabouthisparticularcreed.’In <tie realm ofmoralsandethicsnotonewillargue|'Department with aaboutthegreatfundamental’ques-ys YOUARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO:ATTEND OUR SPRING OPENINGWEDNESDAY,MARCH 24th,1915 |PATTERN HATS ANDDRESSGOODSANDLADIES’READY-TO-WEARS. ~Miss Lillian Menefee of Baltimore will be in charge of Millinery os a Ht MILLINERY NOVELTIES,. splendid corps of assistants,Yours truly,- tions of right or wrong,but mostanyonewilltalkaplentyaboutthe’actions of others which do not “in-volve inuch more than.such:practices{as’seem agreeable or disagreeabletohimself.Therefore half or our con- ==MILLS &POSTON.= tentions are not worth while andwouldamounttolittlewhetherset- tled one way or the other,‘and ‘themandesirestoconirovertmuchabouttheprofounderthings,is argy..ing:for argument’s saxe.rThereisnoargumentliketyear-gument of silence when rightly used.Christ was the supreme master oftalkingof.those-things that neededtalkingaboutandavoidingthemerecontroversy:that-is-needless and:onlysidetracking..On every occasionwhenquestionerssoughttoentangleHimintoafoolishdisenssionheturn-conversation to their confu-gion.-When the devil sought to en-gage Him in controversy on the oc-casion known as the temptation Hedidnot.proceed to prove to the ‘devilthatHewasabletoturnastonein-to bread or to jump from the pinna: tle of the temple.He simply ignor-ed the challenge.When He was ask-ed about allegiance to Caesar He ig-nored the challenge for a controver- Germany’s Seizure of Grain. Virtually all of the grain seized by |; tthe Germans in Antwerp has ‘been|} Shipped to Germany,according to in- formation reaching London.The total value of this grain ig about $6,000,000.The Belgian own-ers of it have been paid for .their!}property in a new issue of.paper|fmoneywhichtheBelgian:hanks nave been forced to issue and which is notacceptedoutsideofBelgium.Thegrainshipmentsontheir.way throughthecanalsof.the.Netherzanas to Ger- many are,accompanied by receipts,|f although the money is hor paia untii the arrival of the grain safely {n‘Ger-many...Once in German territory the |}War Grain.Company takes charge of |ff it..s .Ma ATRIAL WILL CONVINCE ANY ONE||—THE GREAT KIDNEY REME-DY NEVER DISAPPOINTS.——|f 7AfewyearsagoI was’troubled/#fwithacomplicationofkidney.and|fstomachailments.and although nif tried two or three different:doctors,Eff_+|was unable to obtain a cure..p-Root| There®are many things.-about which we will spend much time argu-ing and lose our temper,and which, if‘feft alone for:a short time,wouldsettlethemselves..The practicai ap-plication,therefore,is this:There ishoneedtofalloutabourmeredif- ferences in opinion.This paper hasbeenoften.censured for expressing this opinion or that,or not express-ing an opinion on something _else,The rule which we try to follow,andwhich-we think is a correct one,is toexpressanopinionaboutsuchthingsaseervital_ie aps,to ~off those.things which produée unfruit-:éfulcontroversiesonly,and about}Had 1 begun using Swamp Rootwhichnoneofuswillknowor.care|$°oner,|would have been.a few hun-|§much jn_a short.while—those things dred dollars to the good and saved my-|ffwhichsettlethemselvesorare for-|*!f @ lot-of suffering,——_____“Higotten.We have observed tnat the},YoU may use,my testimonial anynewspaperwhichexpressesitsopin-|'ime you wish.Yours very truly,ions on every controversy,big.or lit-yi CHARLES EF.HARRIS,tle,useful or useless,is about as badyA60 Sixth St.Marion,Iowa. heard a great deal about Swamp-Root, I decided to give it &trial and pur-!ff chased a one-dollar bottle of Mr.Alex-!f ander,the dtuggist.From the he-ffginningIcouldnotitéachangefor.f the better and after taking eight pot- tles of your medicine,I felt entirely |fcuredandhavenothadanytrouble! since.BQ A Z O < Tr a Q B3 0 PE S <o i Ss aox>=5 "o O si e a n e ° CV a n m h z OD S AD UTHISSloanClothing Company. as the one which never expresses dr|i,1 certify that Charles E.Harrisopinionaboutanything.Tae weignt signed the above testimonial in myof@newspaper,no more than that of|Presence,being first duly sworn to theanindividual,is determined by the|‘ruth thereof,this the 12th day ofmuchnessofitstalk,Editorials are July,»1909.D.R.KINLEY,J.P.sometimes like sermons—better not Letter toDr:Kilmer &Co.,Binghamten,NY.have been at all.*No newspaper,in our.opinion,can live up to its duty to : Prove what Swamp-root will do for you Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co,, its readers without «expressing itsfreeconvictionseenaeatquestions, nor can one which “hits”everythin !,¥.Binghamton,N.Y.,for a sample sizebottle.It will convinte anyone.Youwillalsoreceiveabookletofvalua~ which it does not happen to like, serve a very important mission |in its community,,c ,1:en nn ble information,telling about the kid- neys and bladder,When writing,besureandmentiontheStatesvilleSemi- An act of the recent Legislature created the office of county auditor |Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-centandone-dollar size bottles for sale at for Rowan and named E.B.Neave,Jr.,for the office.He begins workApril1é all drug stores. “FORSALE!|RO CTT : Oxygen Welding! My shop is equipped with an Oxygen. Welder andI am prepared to weld: all kinds of metals,. I have the a ency for the Kohler . Truck and CGase Automobiles:and~machinery. N.W.FOX, 78-acre farm,five miles from Statesville’on the sand-clay raad.*Forty:acres in cultivation,six-of whichisbottom land,balance inwoodland.Six-room,two-story.dwelling,barn and:out buildings.Plenty of fruit on place.¥eee :105 acres nine milesfrom Statesville,14.miles ‘from Elmwood onpublicroad.Forty acres in cultivation,25 in bottom land,balance inoakandpinetimber.-Two-story,five-room dwelling,Jarge stockbarnandoutbuildings.One tenant house.Good orchard.81-acre farm near.Harmony State High School on public road.Fifty acres in cultivation.balance in woodland.New.five-room cot-age,lange barn and out buildings.All in good condition.|These farms are generally level aud productive:Prices right andtermscanbearrangedonpartofpurchasemoneyifnecessary.For further information call on or write GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ERNEST Gi,GAITHER,ALS AND RE ESTATEALATE.PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. Floor Coverings Hete is a floor covering,dainty in design % and coloring,thar costs less than printed linoleum.It is easily laid,requires:no >fastening,and is very durable. Congoleum is splendid for-kitehen floors,Repeated washing:cannot injure it. Tile,,matting,floret and conventionaldesigns,suitable for any room. .Congoleum Rug Borders are tematiabte imita-tipne of Polished:of®Come in aad see this newsanitarygovering, Ready-to-Wear Department Now filled with good things and at very attractiveprices:-$20 and $25 Silk Poplin Coat Suits at $13.95$18 and $20 Wool Serge Poplin Suits at 15.00$15 Wool Serge Suitsat$12.50 Wool Serge and Poplin Suits atAllnewandup-to-date styles. Dress Goods 9.95 ‘ Showing fabrics. PP TEA at Hosiery. For Ladies,Misses and Children fromBe.to 98e.pair, -White Goods app.and aie.values,40 neh Valles,at15c.and 20c.values,40 inch Organdies,at,_15,and 25c.40 inch Organdies at 12.50. many new things in Silk,Wool and Cotton 4 Comb,see,investigate and be convinced that we ©are selling for less. % an =a =:C i~The Store That.Sell uy!‘4 STATESVILLE,N.C,TUESDAY,MARCH 23,1915. eee Practically -ed,Much of the Fu-Saved—Two Fire.Alarms-Friday. The home of Dr,H.F.Long,on north Center street,was.almost.-to- tally wrecked by,fire’Friday noon, entailing a property loss of severalthousand‘dollars,which is°partially;covered by insurance.Dr.Long car-:ried $2,000 insurance on -the houseandhad$600 insurance in force onthefurnishings.The larger portionofthefurnishingsweresaved,\butthehousewasdamagedbeyond_re-pair,though the outer wa)ls are leftalmostintact.The wrecked buildingwillimmediatelyberemovedandamodernresidencewillbeerectedonthesite.The fire originated in the roof ofthehouseandhad.gained much head-way before being discovered.Mrs.Long heard the roaring of the flamesandwasrushingaboutthehousetry-ing to find the fire when nurses -atDr.Long’s Sanatorium nearby and persons on the street were atfractédbythestiokeaidgavethe-alarm.The fire departmentpromptly’but before the firemenreachedthehouseflamesburstfromtheroof.Three streams of --water -wére-soon playing—on the-flames,butthebuildingwasalreadydoomed. The fire was a spectacular-one and attracted a large crowd.Those first to reach the scene aided—-Dr.-Long.and others who had rushed from theSanatoriumandpracticallyallofthe-furniture was removed.from”thehousewithoutseriousdamage.A large amount of provisions and-sup-plies which had been purchased fortheSanatoriumandstoredintheat- tic,or second story of the house,andalotofhousefurnishings,etc.,alsostoredthere,were a complete loss. On.account of-the proximity of theburninghousetotheSanatorium there was naturally some anxietyabouttheSanatoriumandthepa-tients,but the wind blew in anotherdirectionandtheinstitutionwasatnotimeindanger.Few of the pa-tients became excited and there wereno.serious results at the Sanatoriumonaccountofthefire.While theoriginofthfireisnotknown,it~is _probable that a defective chimney is ;ible;Mrs.Long had a “hotfireinthegrateintheroombelowwheretheSainistarted,and it is.possi!tchimneycaughtfireand a spark sift-ed through a crack in the chimney.The theory thatthe fire was‘by an electric wire is also advanced,and the rat i match theory is al-ways a possibility.While fighting.the fire Mr.Ralph|in Gaither,one of the firemen,__was struck in the.face by a stream of wa- ter and the pressure was so strongthatthetissuesofoneeyeweretornloose:He has since been under treatment at the Sanatorium.No se- rious:nor permanent effects are ex- pected,though the injury is a very painful one.Dr.Long and family will occupy Dr.Long’s cottage on Kelly street, to the rear of the Sanatorium,until a new home can be erected.Mr.and -Mrs.Earl Moser,who were living in -the cottage,Mr.Moser being’an em- ploye of the’Sanatortum,:have moved “to a cottage oa:Race street. \ Phirt¥.wihates berebefore the fire at ‘Dr.Long’s was discovered the motor fire truck had been called to the -«qhome-of-Mr.Burette .Henry on Fourth street,and it had just ‘been replaced in the station when the sec- ond alarm.was turned'in.At Mr. Henry’s.a little child haa sex mre to a bed,but the flames were extin-guished by members of the householdbeforethefiremenarrived...Therewasnodamageofconsequence. Rendered Unconscious By Fall. Mrs.J.H.Hoffmann fell at «herhomeonWestEndavenueSaturday-night and it,was feared for a timethatshehadbeenserloustynurt)butfortunatelyherinjuriesproved"onlylight.She suffered «considerably from.the shock,however,and ‘was unconscious for a ioe minutes after the fall.Mrs.H ann ‘was cross- ing a room when s ie tripped on the «rocker of a chair and fell.In the ‘fall her head struck a doot,and when members of the family reacned ner she was in an unconscious condition and remained so for about’20 min- utes from the.effects of the shock Physicians ‘who were called “foundthatnoboneswerebrokenandMrs.Hoffmann soon recovered from the shock. Selection of Mr.Pegram’s Sue- cessor Deferred. Phe directors.of the First Nation- al Bank met.Saturday afternoon to. consider the election of.a successor to Cashier kK.§,Pegram,deceased,Numerous applications for the posi-|tion were before the directors,-but,noselection’Was’made,It was decidedtocontinue-for the present with As-sistant’Cashier Ji W.Guy per:forming jthe-duties of}the cashier.President R,Ai Cooper will give.alargeportionofhis’time to thepoisuntil.the new cashier.is sélect- a Mr,Cooper has secured Mr.RossBarkleytomanagehismoving’pic-ture’show,the Lyrzé.|Mr,Barkley,who has been’“—picturé thea:fer in Salisbury,will ‘take e.ofthe.tarts about ok Lets DRLLONG'SHOME BURNED, y=. responded: -be commended,not_only for reseying ‘pedple of soot-in the|. TO REBUILD FORT.“DOBBS. D.A.Rs Buy TeTen Acres_of Land Embracing the-Site oftheOldFort—Plans For -aHistoricCenter. For some time it has been an open secret that the Daughters.of the Revolution had plarined to purchase the site of old Fort Dobbs,two milésnorthofStatesville,and make the place a center of,interest for thetwholecounty—a mecea for ‘all ~wholovetheircountry. Several months ago the Fort Dobbs chapter of the Daughters oftheRevolution(of.Statesville)se- cured an option on ten acres of land, embracing the site of the old fort.The option expires’April -1st and at their meeting last week the chap- ter definitely decided to make the purchase.For ‘the ten acres the Daughters obligate themselves topay$1,000.Further than this it is planned— the plans to be.perfected as waysandmeansare-provided—to._repro- duce the old fort,as near as maybe,| on the ground,tind dedicate the his-toric spot to the public.The Daugh- ters would make the place a picnic ground for a county gathering once &year—on the Fourth of July,say; a gathering place for the schools of the county;a meeting place.for pa- triotic organizations;a museum forrelice—pspecially of Colonfal*andRevolutionaydays;a mecca for those who love their country and who would develop patriotism by study- ing the history and.reciting thedeedsofthepatriots°who first.set+ tled the country and for whose pro- tection the original fort was built. These are the plans .now,partly suggestive and subject,possibly,.togomechangeinthedevelopment,The local chapter,as stated,will raise the funds to pay for the land.The chapters of the State will help pro-vide a fund to reproduce the fort. The undertaking is a large one,but a worthy-one:The Daughters are to Eb this historic place from oblivion’but for the noble purpose to which they will devote it.To accomplish:thetaskwillrequiremuchtoilandstress and patience.In their noble endeav- or the Daughters.deserve the cordial sympathy and co-operation of theorStatésvilleandtheentire county. coiling In.connection with the above’it.isofinteresttoknow.that the ‘ortDobbs.chapter of the D.A.R.will,after this year,offer their historicalmedaltothecompetitionofallthe high school pupils of the county.Forsomeyearsthechapterhasbeen.giv-ing a medal for the best paper on Colonial history,by a pupil of theStatesvillegradedschool,Hereafterthemedalwillbeopenforcompeti-tion to any high school pupil in the county.It will be of interest also to learnthatapicnicwillbeheldonthe,Fort Dobbs grounds on July 4th.e Daughters are now casting about for a speaker and as soon as one is se- cured announcement will be made. Jurors For April ‘Term of Fed- eral Court. Jurors for the term of Federa! Court which convenes in StatesvilleApril19th‘have been drawn as fol-lows:: Stanly county=aWilllaitForrest,Crowell.M.Poplin.Davie+J.N.Wyatt,Jno,L.Fos- ter. Tuvidson—Adain |Sink,F.L.Mil-ler,N..H.Swicegood,Robt.I,Nance, B.A:Peacock,Luther Grimes,C.F: Koonts. Lincoln—R.L.Asherbranner,J,P, Caiipbell.‘Catawba—E.F..Wilson,L.F. Abernathy;Wm.Fisher,C.H.Cline,Catvin Baker,M.C.Hildebrand. -Burke—A.G.Setzer,W.A.Wort- man,John coy Azor Barrier,AmosConnelly,J.M,Clark,Jonas Brit-tain,Joseph Bowman.Jonn Hood,L: A.Ward.Alexander—I.Alex.Payne,Wm.W.McCurdy,Dallas P.isenhour,LeeJ.Burgess,Hall Watts.is Iredell—/T.H.Williams,J.C.Rose-man,P.M.Cline,8.H.Woodsides,W.B.Gant,W.:M.Caldwell, Mitchell—A.Buchanan,Ed.Vance,|W.A.Robinson.Rowan—Mike Winecoff,B.-M. Cauble,S.W.Harry,C..A.,Sides,John:Rhodamer,B.W.Freeze,J.M. Procter.MeDowell —J.H,Hensley,A.C. Ownby.Cabarrus’—John 1D.”Harward, James M.Lambert. Caldwell—D.M.Cline. The-same jurors are subject.to ser-vice at the April term’of ae courtatSalisbury. Krider:Stock Changes Hands _Some More. To date the stock of the Krider Stock Company has changed hands four times since the appointment ofits‘receivership.Mr.J.P.Baity ofMocksville,who bought the ©stockfrom’Messrs.V..Wallace &Son.ofSalisbury,who:had purchased .fromthereceivers,,Saturday sold thestock:to Messrs Jas.B.Tharpe andJas.R.Hill.of Statesville.|.Messrs.Tharpe and oa then sold the stocktoMessrs.W.Krider and Kricér.Wood,who pale still in.possession;|of it at last account.Having dis-posed of.the stock Mr.’Baity©has abandoned his annoureed.plan--of -James Tmoving to Statesville to:‘live, FEES FOR THREE MONTHS. tens and Commissions inThreeCountyOfficesFor.Three Months Exceed Salaries:By $246.42.hia For the three ~months.‘gilli March 7—the first three months of the operation of the salary law forIredell—the fees collected in the.of-fice of the clerk of the court have ag-gregated $676.82 and the fees éol-lected by the register of deeds in thesameperiodaggregated$747.80.-For .the’same period©Sloan handled $48,353.49 of the gel eral fund,which ordinarily wou dhavepaid8‘per cent.commission un-der.the’old system;but as he paid out more than this amount on notesandbondsforthecounty,on which sion,this does not figuve <n the cal-culation.The 2 per cent.allowed onschoolfundshandledand.one-half ofonepercent,on road funds would,|;however,have paid the treasurer forthethreemonths,unger the ‘old gys- tem,$571.80.The treasurer’s salary for,thethreemonthsig.$375 and it will beseenthatinthisofficetherewasa saving,in the three months,of $196,-80...The receipts in the register’s of-} fice overpaid the salary and ajiow-| ance for the register—36u5.00..for three monjhs—by §122.80,while thereceiptsfromtheelerk’s office lacked $73.18 of paying the three months’salary and allowance of,the velerk,} which is $740.00. Casting up the totals,however,itwillbeseenthatthenetsaving—inthese“three.offices for the three months is $246.42.~This does —nottakeinto‘account the commissionsfromthesheriff’s office for the col-lection of 1914 taxes,which are .re- tained by the sheriff,rcs neretofore stated..Clerk Hartness says that so farashisoffigeisconcerned.there willbenofairtestofthesalarylawuny til at least six months have elapsed;that many actions.and spécial pro-|ceedinizs pending were begun beforethelawbecameeffective,and ©thefeesonthesego,to him;that in-daulltimesthebusinessofthecourtsand the business in his _office is affectedjustasotherbusiness,and that no-body is paying anything:into the-of- {last Monday.Deceased would have he would have received no commis-} map a 9B rrr Death of Young Mr.,Teague and Mr,‘Bumgarner—CarsonBrothersOpenameena0th. er News, Correspondenee of The “Landmark. Taylorsville,March 22—Mr..Rob-ert Teague,gon of Mr.and Mrs.Wil-llam Teague;died at thete home inLittleRivertownshaThursdaynightabout1o'clock.He had beensufferingwith’rheumatism since.lastNovemberandeontractedpneumonia heen 25 years of age next Augustandwasunmarried.Surviving.arehisparents,three sisters.and a broth- er.The funeral and burtat were,con-ducted at Little’River Baptist church Phy Rev.Ernest V.Bumgarner,«Sat- peay morning at 11 o'¢tocx.‘.E,D.Bumgarner.of Grantte Fa}ch brother of Mr.W.A.Bumgar-ner of Taylorsville,was buried atAntiochBaptistchurch,this county, Saturday afternoon,’He hat veen arf-fliicted with a sore leg for 40 years nnd had been in a ertiical conditionJorsometime.Deceased was .about60years-of age,”Re leaves.a_wid-ow,two sons and”a daughter.AdaughterdiedatidwasburiedatAn-pod 1 Saturday,the 13th.\.slight srrow fell Friday night—tnouch to make the ~trees behutiful And cover the ground,—It-naedisap- peared by noon,We had a “skift”o1BriMySunday—night.Vrot.J.T,Moore left Saturday‘ning’for Roanoke,Va.on—busi- ness.Miss Mabel Hendren spent Ro, rday_in Statesville. Mr.J,R.Carson and his brother, ex-Register of Deeds W.H.Carson,have purchased.the goods-Mr,H.-P. Feimster,moved here from Winston-Salem a short tims ago..Messrs. Carson wilf-add to-this—stock a full line of general merchandise and will occupy the Matheson building,ad-joining the bank.,They will |take possession today.‘ Mr.M.V.Bibber,administratoroftheestateofW.T.Jolly,deceased, sold-the-personaz_property_at the} home in Little River township.Two saw millg,cattle,etc.,amounting to about $1,200,were.sold. bby Mrs.Julia Anderson Dead. Mrs.Jilia E.Anderson,who had heen illa long time,died Thursday fice that-they-are—not_compelled to!pay.In other words,the clerk thinks: last six months of the year will ag-.:erégaute amouth larger sialthatt Toe? the first three months. WHAT THE PASTORS URGE. Residents WhoHold -Church _Membership Elsewhere’Ask- ed to.Unite _With”Local Churches. Correspondetice of The.Letitia’The local pastors,in-‘conferenceyesterdaymorning,canvassed the lo-cal situation.with special referencetotherevivalservices:to be held ixallthechurchesofthetown:for the week preceding Easter Sunday.ThegreatestreligiousneedofStatesville,as viewed by the pastors’conference, is to enlist and use the resources al-: ready tightly belonging to theChurch,There are on the rolls of the va- tious religious organizations of ourjtownthenamesof3,185 white peo- ple of.our:community.It-was-found, in the religious census of the townmadéfiveyearsaie,that at thattimetherewere510Churchmembers in-Statesville_w membership wasrecordedelsewhere,“It is estimatedthat_there is now about the samenumber:as at that trme.The pastorsagreethattheparamountneedjustnowisthatthesepeoplesecurethei:Church letters at once:There is real- ly no.more.reason ‘to :keep...one’s Church membership at.the old homechurch,than for the cnildren:to keeptheirnamesontheoldhome‘schoolroll. The pdstorsdesire to urge eters Church member in Statesville,whose name has not’been enrolled in the membership ‘of some Statesville church,to get his letter this weekandpresentittothepastorofhisdec-ee here,within the flext fewaysttisona,that there are a suf-“Hficient number of people here whohavenotbroughttheirChurehmem-bership,to form.an ofganization as large as the largest membership ofanychurchinthetown.Instead of a “Go to Chutch Sun- day,’the pastors urge a “Get YourChurchLetterWeek”for this week. With Spring Comes Snow- storms... Winter gav@ a farewell concert that lapped over into the lap of spring,so.to speak.Last.Tuesday night.there was spow-—little herebutquiteaheavyfallinthemoun«tains,Saturday morning snow be-gan to fall.befére day and continuedlongenough*to Have miade a goodshowingbutforthefactthatitmelt-ed as it fell.Sunday,we tirst day of spring,the temperature was morelike.winter than “spring;and ‘early yesterday morning’snow began tofall’ahd.continued fast and.furiousuntilnoon,melting almost ag rapid-}alyasitfell.In’a'few moments af-ter noon the snowstorm had changedtobrightsunshineandsingingbirds.But folks whd consider.the fruitcrop-won't complain -of the cold,Ifthecoldweather’continues until af-ter Waster the fruit wrop may be aXe, the fees collected In ‘tis office tor the!nicht at her home on.Euclid avenue, death resulting from Bright’s dis- suse.and .complications.Funeral‘hevvlees“were -conttucted at the resi-dence Saturday morning by Rev,J.F.Kirk of Broad Street .Methodist church,assisted by Rev,Charles An- derson of.the First Baptist church,and the burial was in Oakwood cem- etery.Mrs;Anderson was horn Blackwell and was a-native of _Davie county. She was in the 65th year of her age.She was the widow of tne rate Dr. John “Anderson,a prominent citizen of -Calahan,Davie county.Surviv- ing are the following named chil- dren:Mrs.J.B.Armfieid:of States- ville,Mrs.Z.N.Anderson or Mocks-~- ville,Mr.Richard Anderson of Ruth-erfordton and Dr.Fred.Anderson of Raleigh.Mrs.Anderson lived in Statesville for a time some years agoandthenwentbacktoDaviecountyandwaswithherdaughter,Mrs.An- derson,in Mocksville for a time.A vear or so ago she built a home on Euclid avenue and returned toStatesvilletolive,She had been inbadhealthforsoneyearsandher condition became oriticak.sa montit or 80 ABO: rv.Walsh Has-a-Call-to-eceb ae W.M.Whlsh-of Statesville:isinSherman,Texas,investigating the pastorate of a Presbycerian church towhichhehasbeencalled.He was to have preached for:the congrega-tion there Sunday.Mr.Walsh wenttpTexaslastweekand_is expected ta return home this*week.He gave out no information regarding the‘call,but it is understood that the Texascongregationmadehimsuchaprop-ogition to visit them that he could not with propriety disregard it. Mr.Walsh is pastor.of Front Street.Presbyterian church of States- ville and Little Jo.’s_church ‘at Ba-yiug His friends are hoping that hee will not leave Statesville, Important Business Change.° The plant and business of the North State Veneer Company has heen sold by.Mr.Sherman Ramsey toMessrs,Clarence Stimpson and ~Dal-ton Kennedy,who took charge yes-terday:In the trade Mr.Ramsey getsMr.Stimpson’s stock in Iredell Hard-ware Co.Mr.Stimpson has.retired from the hardware company and willcivehistimetotheveneercompa-ny’sbusiness.Mr.Kennedy,whowasformerlywiththeImperialFur- nitute Manufacturing Co.,will alsodevotehistimetotheveneercom-pany...Mr.Ramsey is unceciced as tohisfuturebusiness. Capt.Gregory toCollect Statis- tics. ‘Capt,W.H.H.,Gregory,‘whosometimeagoreceivednoticethat.hewould.be given a position under the census burean,has passed thé exarti-ree)to qualifications ena was jed to duty yesterday.it,Gregory's work ib td collectstatisticsfrom manutacturers.forthe¢énsuy bureau and the territoryto.Which he is assigned is composed]of -the-counties -of Iredell,Alexander,Lin¢oln:and Catawba,The salary.is: eet} NEWS OF.TAYLORSVILLE.| .|election cases in Randolph,involving| ting to reach their vessel,in the Bos- NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Happenings Hereand There intheState. J.C.Greenwéod,a-prominent busi- ness man of Elkin,died Thursday. Congressman .Page has recom- mended Norman Smoak for postmas- ‘ter at Wilkesboro. Harrison Hayden ‘and Manuel Byrd,negro econvi¢ts and ‘trusties attheStateprison,walked off Friday night. ‘Luke Lamb,son of Col.Wi.G.Lamb of Martin county,has landedajobinthecustomsofficeinNew York.Salary $1,800. W.B.Wilson;Secretary of Labor in President Wilson’s:cabinet,|willdeliverthecomrmendementaddressattheA.and M.College this year. The twenty-fifth annual session oftheBaptist.Wonien’s Missionary Un- iin begins at New Berne today andwillcontinuethroughtheweek. Miss Bartlett,who has been headnurseatWattshospital,Durham, has resigned her position to ‘go toFrancetoengageinRedCrosswork. Fi.H.Riddle of -Rebeson |countywasfounddeadontherailroadtrack. near Fayetteville,Sunday.Killed by .train.Was drunk when last seenalive. BRIEFITEMS LOCAL NEWS. 5 OF enerTheCivic;will meet this afternoon,at 4 o’elock at the Com-mercial club rooms. —Mr.Bliss Knapp of ookline,Mass.,will lecture at the court:houseFridayeveningonChristianScience, —The next meeting of the IredellTeachers’ociatiin will be held onthefirstSaturdayinApril,the 3d. —Mr.E.F,Carr of Marion,whohasbeen”working in |WashingtonCity,is a new barber in.the.HotelIredellshop. Mr,M,J.Deitz,ses suffered aslightstrokeofparalysisseveralweeksagoand:later an attack of grippe,is able to.be out. —Mr.H.B,Craven of New.Berne,grand meen for North Carolina oftheRoyalArcanum,spoke ta the lo-cal council at its meeting last.night. —Mr.G.l.Ballanee of the.Bal-°lance-Sullivan Company left Satuar-day for Huntington,Va.to visit abrotherwhoisi]in a hospital there. —Mr.G.E,Dull,county agent:ofthefarmdemonstratron_work,.is nowlocatedatMr.R.Wi)res 2and canbereachedthérebythose.who havebusiness‘with hirh. ~—-Miss Rose Stevenson‘of Loray, Miss Peail.Jones,daughter of ex- Sheriff and Mrs:5.Jones of Greensboro,died Sunday after a long ilIness.The décéased was a niece ofRev..J.W..Joneg of Mooresville, Miss Martha Fisher,71 years old, who was severely burned at the home of Mrs.C,A,Sides near .Bostian’s| Cross.Roads,wan county,three weeks ago,died“last week of her in-juries.i Miss Mary Gaither,64 years old,died Saturday at the home of her brother-in-law,-D.W.Edwards,intheedgeofDaviecounty.’Mrs.Lou- isa Steele,who lived in Davie county,dropped dead at the breakfast tableSaturday-morning, At-Randolph Superior Court lastweek—Judge Shaw-appointed C.Guthrie of Charlotte referee to!take the testimony in the contested; the office of clerk of the court and county commissioner: In,Greensboro Saturday JudgeLyondissolvedthetemporaryinjune-|tion S#pinstthe hichway—of*Davidson county...which was;eranted to restrain the commission|from issting bends-for road-work.The plaintiffs appealed. Chas.Carroll of Warsaw,Duplincounty,who has been in the railway mail service for several years,hasbeenappointedchiefclerkintherailwaymailseérvice.He succeeds T.-H..Elam,-who was chief clerk:of the:Virginia and North Carolina di-+vision,and will have neadquarters in Richmond. ‘News.comes from Wilson thatmorethan$20,000 m cash has beenfoundinasmallironsafeinthehomeofT.R,Lamm,a wealthy andeecentriecitizenwhodiedat’Wilson a few ‘days ago.The money consist-ed of near’$35,000 in gold certificatesand$16,000 in coin.The ‘estate isaytobeworthapproximately$200, -J.C.Wniker,who some,years agokilledthesheriffofBrunswickcoun-ty and escaned and was recently.ar-rested at Wilmington,has been iden- tified as a man Who escaped from theOklahoma‘penitentiary,‘where’he was serving 30 years for.murder.Walker,it is alleged,killed an’officer in—Oklahoma_afterhis escapefromNorth-€arolina.ns iMr.Robert Davis and Miss Lillian Avery of .Morganton.gave.theirfriendsasurpriseFridaybybeingquietlymarriedattheMethodistpar-sonage by Rev.E Williamson.The marriagehad fust deen tormal- lv announced to take place:April 6. The bride is a daughter of Mr.I.T, Avery and the groom,who is assist-ant cashier of the First NationalBankofMorganton,is a-son-of Mr.I.I.Davis,a prominent merchant of Morganton, Discharged For Lack.“of._Evi- dence. Garfield.McGallised,Glenn =and Dewey Yount,Jo.Bass,Vance Law- rence,Carl Brooks,Jodie Starnes,Ez-|+ ra Rink,Dick and Frank Byers,the ten white boys arrested in connection with the murder of Pink Goodson,a negro 56 years of age,in his homenearHickorySaturdaynight,14th, were set at liberty at tie pretiminaryhearingat.Hickory Saturday.Counsel for ,the State asked for the.discharge of the defendants,theevidencenotbeingsufficienttoholdthemfortheeupertorCourt. The garrison of Przemysl has capitulated to the Russian armywithoutafight.The sieve of -Prze-mys,an Austrian stronghold,in theprovinceofGalicia,begun in the ear-ly days of the war,has been a bitter)?and relentlésy siewe ‘since the day the|viRussiansinvestedthecity.,SeveralattemptsoftheAustrianstorelieveithebesiegedfailed, Lieutenant Commander ¥William FP,Bricker,of the United States con.verted yacht el and three sail-ors,Charles Ford,Irven Dowell and!soAlbertF.Lev:ek were drowned dn'the night of March 20 while attempt-. <* jporus,off te The men $1,200 ‘a year and $3 a day for ex- |folksand’flagged ‘business in Statesville. who has been quite ill with pneumo-nia,is recovering.Her.brother:Mr.T._M,Stevensonof-Columbia,_S.—who was with her for several days,returned to Columbia-Friday. —Mrs.Bettie BE.Holland,a férine .er resident of Statesville,now ofWinston-Salem,recently underwentanoperationinahospitalin_thatcityandisrecovering:Her son,Mr.Clyde B.BlackwellofaeMich.,is with her..- ~—Mr.'H.P.Grier ae to RaleighSaturdayeveningto.be on hand,yes-terday at the opening of the Carter-~Abernethy investigation.Mr.Grierisamemberofthelegislativecom->mittee that will hear theevidence ™mthecase.. ,—Mrs.B.Miller was called to—Moutho?-Wileon,Va.,Sunday,.onaccountofthecritiéalilInessof-father,Mr.W.C.Fields.sic.Mler’s mother,Mrs,S,(.ae the * Mt.Ulla,is here to remainuntil Mrs.Miller returns home... —Mrs.Charles Anderson of»Woman’s Missionary Society of..irst-Baptist-church,Mra,—eae oe oe,bclaatatconoabaaofNorthCarolina,Sees this season’tall We Plarey tek oemorytomorrowrightat8.30betweenStatesville’s~~star ‘teams.The.Beg lar free admissionlist willbepended=and the entirePrornene:be given to the Civie League. —Mr.E.B.Lewis,State anageroftheWoodmenoftheWor‘dressed-an open meeting of the local—Woodmen Saturday night.Quitea —number of visitors attended ‘themeetingandheardtheaddress,which—a very aone,.ee here Mr.wis was the gues:hisMr.Frank C,Lewis.Ke Pm —=Mr.W.D.Surratt of Denton,”the new lessee of the Statesville Inn, was in Statesville me pastmakingarrangementstotakechargeofthehostelryAprilIst.Mr.Sur-ratt will giveup.-the -hotel -he-been opérating at Denton;wii!movhis-family to Stateaville:aedpereon, ally conduct the Inn,=. __=-Mrs.E.S,Peg:who hinCharlottewithhersster,Mrs.C.Withers,since the faneral ieM,Pegram,spent yesterday in Staville,returning Charlottenight.Mrs.Pegram has not ‘Socialonherfuturearrangements,-Lalthreelittledaughtersdidnotaccom.pany her to Statesville uteriayelfoeae --Sunday afternoon Mr,M.T..Barnhardt discovereda broxen rail)on the Charlotte ase Taylorsvillerailroad.It was the east-side-and was about 100 yards‘north—Kesler bridge,two miles.southStatesville,Mr.BarnharacR.EF,Henry notified the—ea Galtnight,so that it ‘might’go slow over. May Establish Builders?Supply ‘House,~oi Mr.CO:Watkins of Henderson,has spent a portion of the pastweeksinStatesville,is .¢othe.establishment of a builders’ply house here,If he decides ‘to |cate here he will handlé everythingnecessary.in the construction of.ahouse.Mr.Watkins went to.Char-~lotte-Saturday night.put waswas expect-ed to return to Statesville last night.He visited other towns,but it is hop-ed that he will decide to locate°his Dr.Sherrill Locates Here. Dr.Coite ‘L,Sherrill of Catawba,ek of Dr.H.F.Long of States:has:located here for theprac-tice of his profession.Dr.Sherrill is.a graduate of Wake Forest.Collegandhadhismedicaleducationin:Sure Medical College,.PhiladelandtheNorthCarolinaMédicalchaForseveralmonthshewasridenteriysicianattheJohnB,§ital,Philadelphia,.andnostraworkatiterpital,New-York. olen inSouth Dakota wereyfa row:boat. week blocked trains,” MENT RENDERED. ugh Everything Col.Fair. calls on The Landmark “tt own adecision ‘involving |the w,”which is effective on All ’Day,but is by no means an Pril fool.Inasmuch as.the trans- tion into the State of more than of liquor at any one time,is Prohibited,the colonel wants to know what is to be done in case a citizen Bees out of the State and puts more than a quart under his shirt;if the) required| ‘to drop’said citizen at the State line‘when he seeks to return home,or in, “Sease they transport him into the State whilst he has inside of him, ¥ailroad companies will.be pany.” This case coming on to be heard at chambers,it is ordered and adjudged that any citizen may bring into the ‘State any quantity.of “sperits”"he tan comfortably carry inside of him. =statute made and provided regu- ites°the amount that may be trans-; rted-in-any vessel,the same being} onstrued in this case xo mean a jug, bottle,kerosene can,powder horn,or “any similar ‘container.“The statute | “makes no provision:for regulating| the amount the citizen’may deposit; in his internal economy;nor is there AS \ ‘os Margh 28,1915. ,a half-gallon of liquor,if it will as somebody to “sue the com- Former Statesville iit a is New York Evening Sun.Correspondence of The Lahdmark,/ )Mills,formerly of Statesville,and a graduate of the University of NorthCarolinainthe¢lass ofomeaneditorialYorkEveningSun.for Mr,-Mills.constitut played as a political writer in “thenews,department.: Quincy Mills is remembered bythosewhowerefellow.students at the Universityas a young man.who ism and who had made up his mindtodevotehislifetoit:.So he.is notoneofthosewhojust.drifted.into newsbaper work;he prepared:him-self for it “deliberately,and he.has.stuck to it ‘steadily,never letting up in his study of contemporary.affairs to his knowledge of the profession..“i He started at the bottom,.just.casmost.other “successful journalists|have started,Bfore he had beén’on|the Evening Sun lone,he wasassign-|ed to the city hall.This is the head-| quarters for local political writers in| New.York,and it.is,there that the voung and ambitious newspaper maneithersucceedsorfailsin.making | his:mark as a@ reporter of -the:politics |of the day.One of the essentials—|indead.it may be called the.chief es.|sential—is to gain-the confidence of| the leaders in government and poli-| tics.Without this a—elever writer,may gain a fleeting fame.but no ens) Mr,Mills,his! OTED.|SHIPPED BACK A Man =Be-=|comes ‘Editorial Writer on _New.York,Mareh’20-—Quiney 8, was intensely interested in journal.| and in his efforts to add,day byday,|#newspaper| during success.by hisconstantendeavorto-play-fair.‘with|all sides,did gain the confidence.of |€ase a citizen’exhibit outward and/the men who were the source of| news.Ag-time-went-on their confi-|i f having madé such z ae ;ee onmf £pat tk cee dencé in him became firmer-and firm=|Soe tee Ene eu 2 ter,-and_at_the same time ©each x ‘any machinery prov:ding for an X-;ee ;;Tay examination to determine —in deposi plya “short,”apint or a gallon.In)added to the esteem in.which he-was -gthe absence’of such regulation and/held by his own superiors in the of-/Wroyision,therefore,it is held that fee ofa8 ee ek Sa ane aoe een may take)ah WhaVeTRT SU aanle.and without embellish-|@mount he can carry,he being held|ent,personality cannot be smother-|iable oMy for any error of judgment!od,and Mr.Mills.Possessed a dis- nh OVer-ésti i ‘hi capacity,tinct personality as a-writer:*His ar=) Be see aea.his fallarc|ticles held the attention—they gave |et es ;._|the impression that whoever wrote!to carry the amount deposited,this |them would-have—a-great deal more|iability to extend not on account of!to say if he got the chance.A few|L y y:amount of the deposit but for the!weeks ago Frank H,Simonds,who!i _thereof.See tees vs.Smith,had gained a wide reputation by.rea-| 7|Tribune a éall which could not be-de-} belief,thatwhen an insurance com-new man was needed and“the council | jitorial page of a paper that already! 'son of his striking editorials on the_996 supra.|European war,received front thé Phe:Landmark-has -always-believ-|sicq and this left a gap-inthe edi :$1 a3 iefs took little time to decide up-sells a fire insurance policy.it of chi cf.acSkgkathinetheetekAndthecen-(0?Mr.Mills as that man..Thus he/ position and is) ed,and has on occasion asserted the |torial forces of the Evening Sun.A! ;3 ‘ig now a daily contributor to:the ed-}‘er.of the property,should sells just f exactly the amount of insuranéeit in|occupies a high pos aietahaanaanAFaan“qf;Steadily-growing ih circulation “and!pentne $0 ay ‘In case oF.Tons,‘and Ht power;and in future political |con-/loss occurs the company should be!osts:in New York city his judgments|compelled to pay.the full amount!may he expected to wield no small in-junlessitcan’show,to the satisfac:fluence.nes ey ighoat baaltire;i |.Even though he is fore 1—a *me aha dodo *lthe common lot of editorial writers |fraud was practiced.But any SUg-'that is,anonymity—Mr.Mills’con-|gestion of that sort of insurancein!jpjbutions will be duly recognized byrthCarolinameetswithderision.|those who-are familiar with his style.|is impracticable and impossible,-(Mr:mile is ea aan osdeigaays-+,and Mrs,+MM.Milis,:10)PED.4_the insurance people Pane Yet a Wwrit=|Statesville,now of New York,was |_erin Popular Mecaanics’Magazine |horn and reared here and the home|‘says theydo-have—just exactly that;folks will-bepleased to hear of his|sort of insurance in Florida and that auecess—-The Landmerk). Ht works splendidly.The insurance“s ies Lose Three Battleships,people have to pay.the full mrnnant at Dardanelles Forts. fs ee eee 7 ye puget The British battleships Irresistible |:ently they do not sell insurance Of and Ocean and French ‘warship’Bou-doubtful risks,Here in North Car-/vet were blown up by floating mines |olina,however,any attempt at al-!while engagéd in attacking the forts“most any sort of insurance regula-|in the Narrows of the Dardanelles7;|Thursday. Virtually’all of the crewsMionismet,with a thteat that the |o¢the British ships were saved,hav-companieswill leave the State —and!ing been transferred to other shipsthebluffworks,The legislators)under-a ae but ete ae::insur-|Dlosion took place,on-boar e:Bou-cook on ~Bosets spd the ent |vet:and most of her crew was.lost.ance people are left masters of the The Bouvet sank within-three min-Situation,to do practically as they |utes after striking the ‘mine.-Theplease,|Bouvet was built nearly 20 years ago /1898...Two other ships,the BritishlhattlecruiserInflexibleandtheFrenchbattleshipGaulois,were hitibyshellsenddamaged:British cas- lnalties,according to the British offi-A bill was introduced!cial report,were “not heavy,icon=dering the scale of operations,”The damage -done te the.Turkish -The Oxford Ledger warns yerg-men that the North Carolina Legisla-“ture “so.amended the law as to pro-Wide life sentence for the yege class~of criminals.”iintheLegislaturetoprovideapen-/Si |Sar. without a country and says he will‘feel sort-of lonesome if Watuan and the British shins=weresbeilt<in| alty of 25 to 40 years imprisonment in ease of burglary by explosives,‘This measure,or one similar to it,“Passed the’House,but some of thenewspaperlegislativereportsnouncedthatitwastabledintheSenate.Some of the lawyers lookedatthemeasureaskance.It created a)new offence,they said;and many |2any|Baltimore Sun.change in ‘the law <which eréates|Some of the anti-administration.or- lawyers view with disfavor more trouble for the violator thereof an-{ ‘|they call the polite language of Mr. 1. |forts by the heavy.bombardment has‘not.been ascertained.It is.stated[that operations “against them are |continuing.The forts attacked -were |those on either side of Kephez -BayandonKephezPoint.outside the re‘Nathan Cohen Travels F_New York and Rio JBecauseNobodyWillRi ;Him.<} New York Dispatch,Ree |Nathan Cohen,who is 16 ‘and =married and remembers ‘little of.hisboyhoodexceptthathespentmoatof‘it in Brazil,and who has the impres-|sion that’he was born there and that)Portuguese is his natal spéech,has.arrived in New York:harber again|by the Lamport and=Holt liner Vaga-ri,completing a,year’s experienceafloatattheexpenseofthe’steam-ship line,with a record.of 83,740milesofseatravel.aeIn:that year he.has acquired a)good knowlddge of the English lan-guage and according to the ship’s|surgeon,Dr.Davis,has become men-|tally and physically sound again|through the medium of ‘sea\air,fre-|quently preseribed for rin-down folk |pnd regarded by veteran’navigators |the gréatest tonic on-tap ‘in.the |universe,buen"The,case’of Nathan Cohen jis!unique in the annals of deported,im-|migrants.“He came here by the Va.!sari_in May,1912,.went to Virginia| 4 jand set up_a little store with a rela-tive.He showed,symptoms of insan-ity two years -later-and Was.sent to}Ellis Island.There the experts de-|cided that his mental crookednags|was due to causes which had existed,hefore he came to America and_he| }}$ was-ordered-deported.to.RioJaneiro,|the port whence he came.©beNathanwastractable,He accept-|dthe decision of ‘Uncle Sam without|protest and was put aboard the Van-|dyck,.since sunk by the German |cruise’..Karlsruhe,and in May of |last year he sailed southward,de Janeiro refused to ache-had-no-papers to show that he) e was &®citizen of Brazil,and so the;Vahdyek took _him—onto—the finalsouthernport-ofthe —link,BuenosAyres,7,000 miles from Sandy Hook.The skipper “tried Rio again onthe!way back,but the authorities’were|obdurate,-and:-Nathan found himselfinNewYorkoncemore.But he had|not then found himself mentally;in|fact,he was hardly conseious wheth-|er he was afloat or ashore and:wasweakphysieally..He had traveled!19,740 miles on his original steerage|ticket,for.which he had paid $45,|and -hed—been -well_provided.for,the|ship’s company taking kindly to him,|The line tried to persuade the im-|migration authorities:that Nathan.was all right when they took him}aboard originally,and again made!an_effort to have -him sentto.some}place of permanent.anchorage.There|was'a hint of Russian in the Portur |guese of Nathan,and it was suggest-}ed that he might have been born jiniRussia!a |While the authorities were:consid-|ering’sending him to Russia the war!ceme_and:put an end to the’plan,}ien “down to Rio-Nathan ewent|again.Rio refused again to regard!him as a Brazilian citizen and tship-took*him on to.Buenos ayreq!and ‘breught him.back,} Nathan ‘says in pretty.good Eng~lish that he;is all right.He has col-or and flesh'‘and good humor,and theline-d8°goin to get alienisis:to pass.on -his‘condition so he may cease tobe_aisea-wandering Jew at.its.ex,)pense,Bilis Island -eannot-go—back-of its decision unless it is proved thatNathanisnowsaneandcapableofearning”his living.3 %Unless proof to satisfy the govern-ment is offered Nathan will start onanother7,000-mile trip on March 27andwillcomeback,over.the samecourse, months,unless a German cruiser in-terferes With the voyage of the Va- i: Captain Cadogan of the Vasari,who was also skipper of the VandyckwhenshecarriedNathan,has.ae-quired a gentle.feeitng for the man taken away from him.He locks up-on him as a mascot,shoving “off”thie Narrows,and those on Kalid Behr}§and Chanak in the Narrows. Talking Quiet and Blustering. }@ans are very much amused at what Reeing that it is a part of the busi |Wilson’s last note to Carranza.What‘ness of the legal profession to maak!he should have done,of course,was tosmooththepath.of.the wayward,|threaten Carranza in the severe styleBotTheLandmarkbhet‘jin which the international bully makesseaOpesthelaw|known his will to a-small and feeblessed,as the Ledger thinks,The|power.On the contrary,he actuallykswho’carry explosives around|talke ;id set them off that they may break |to a People who were entitled to someimandsteal,are danger Th |consideration and who were able toSocetksstalkai&ag ©Y back up their claims to respect withwillco*nurder orarson if_it-suitstheir pur-+ mmit a big army and navy.Pity about that pose ;and as the scope of their actiy.thing visionary and absurd.And yet,ia tie Siroely lncraaesd i North °°contrary and illogical are events,ae jhe nearly always gets good results.Carolina,it is.just as well to make!Carranza ought to have xaughed atoffencemoreserious,80 that;him and made faces at him,as thewhenanyoneofthemis:¢:aught he:American critics are doing,but ‘in-may get what is coming to him stead of that he actually does what_—__—‘To the Housewife, |the President reqnests.Of‘this merery ae what luck someidan,AE pete husband te fk ‘people have.The only diplomacy*thattheexpectsyoutolookafterthe‘health ot |is worth an*gma and children.Coughs and colds areMostcommonoftheminorailmentsand force,the sort of diplomacy that hasaWakllatyWoleadCenndiseann’|brought about the present desirableehtldigmuchmorefikelytocontract|and_pacific conditionsin Europe,yeson eeIainTe Machen 7youwre)merita of|warions ¢thet are recommendedbehsandcolds,n’'s Cough For the Btomach and Liver,I.N.Stuart,West Ww r,N.¥.,writes:have used Chamberlain's ‘Tablets for dis.orders of the stomach and liver off and on!|for.the past five years,and it affords “me#afe to!pleasure to state that I have found them to d to Carranza as if he beiongea|_ man-Wilson!He is always doing -some-!- course,|4 ything is.the diplomacy of|f ~|miles from Statesville and within half mile fee is no need to suffer nsannoying,Seen ain o:neuralgia;Sloan’s Li Tien laidongentlywillsoothetheachinglikemagic.Don’t delay.Try it at once, HearWhat Others Say "I have beena sufferer with NeuralforseveraltureatidhavefinnsLinime:t+Sloan’s is thePierce:atonal ce ok7eVfailed."—F.H,Wiliams,Augusta ane Mrs.Ruth C.Claypoot,Independence,»)writes:“A friend of ouryearsundthipktae}slikeit.Weise Ie o&ovcryatsaiburns,ee <—throat,]on eve!slong without it."iveLinimentmade.”\LOANSLYNIMENT is the bestremedy for rheumatism,backache,sore thrdat and sprains, At all dealers,26c,Sendfour cents in stamps for aTRIALBOTTLE We rood ee.canthinkitisthe best are»eapetiaily to be:de-|-be just-ax represented,‘Th iamedicineisintendedforchi)action and the reaulié hav hora aatie Rae.Saic byaildealers;‘oA value them highly,Foy saleby ‘all dealerae |yond the ken ofrevenue officers-must Rio}cept hime as} fi some time within a few!° is} |will and testament of D.M.Howard, ~}|to notify all “persoits—havrag claims against bar of their recovery. |settlement, }And seeus for nm er ‘Economizingin Berlin,|Berlin.“Conresponden ¢Press:a Pete :Berlin ‘ia the acene-at this thne of|numerous meetings,largely attended|_ ‘>\2 ebywomenof.ev class,at whichwaysaudmeansofmoreeconomical ;living.are discussed by prominent sicians,,h 4 i .The women are being urged to cut}—down the consumption’of meat by at)least 15 per cent:‘and vo resort more}to the’use of milk.The women areaskedtothinkofthemenogeeandthehardships’they have en-!dure,if economy in eating seems to/be too difficult..\?otOnephysician,speaking the othernight,likened the situation to thatofthetourist,who perforce at timesmakesameal‘from chocolate andbreaduntilmorefavorable”circum-stances’arrive.He told his audience!’that they were mere slaves to appe- easily to.eat less of foods.iSoupin-place of coffee for the ear- ly morningbreakfast -is;being urgedbysomephysicians,especially for|adults,and.the omission of the Ger-man “second breakfast”is suggested,to the:consequent saving.of —thou-sands of pounds of foodstuffs. A Constant Game of Hide and“s*Seek.Greensboro News. The question of isolating a still be- the’searcer become exgeedingly irksome ta block-aders.“Stall they pursue its solution;and.sometimes it may seem that theyhavefoundit,But the “revenoor’isapparentlyalwaysjustoneahead’in!’ The fellow|who placed his ‘still on a concrete| |the matter of solutions: |foundation down in Orange county—}~}built it on a rock,so to -speak—evi-|dently thought he was located for)life.Some-other—fellows —down —in!the far eastern section of North Car-|olina might have philosophized along|similar lines when they put their |plant out in the midd}acre pond.-Both were to-be disap-pointed.The fellow in.Orange sawhisdreamgoupin-smoke sore time.ago,The others are more recent suf-)ferers.;{ Known in Plato’s Day. Tarboro Southerner.iThosewhoopposeState-wide’pri-/maries and universal .suffrage are}properly described by Plato:i“Every form of government passes |as laws to give advantage to those.“who-govern.”’—Thosé opponents-would+not have the people govern but would|have the people governed for.the ben-|efit of the few.-Piato discovered such |selfishness some two tago,It is true tod efforts. How to Treat: Rub Vick’s ‘‘Vap-O-Rnb".Salve.well |over the throat and chest for a few.min-|utes-—-then cover with a warm flannel cloth.|2Leavethecoveringloosearoundtheneck80thatthesoothingmedicatedyaporsaris|ing may loosen the choking phlegm and |€ase the difficult-breathing, tion at bedtime insuresattack,250,60c,or $1.00,At &night THE GENVINEHAS THIS TRADE MARK.|%VAPORUB’ iAecataaidiidi debe bane he Spalding Athletic Goods Come and get our catalogue,5orhaveusmailittoyou._Statesville Printing Co. -EXECUTOR’S:NOTICE. Having qualified as @xécutor of the de-ceased,late of Irede]l county,N.C:,this is said estate to present:the -same-té~the-"un~dersignéd“on or before the 16th day —0F:March,1916,or this notice will be plead inAltpersonsindebtedtosaidestatewillpleaseMakeimmediateJOHNM.HOWARD,Zeb,V.ae Att'y.Executor,March 16,1915.WILL ADVERTISE DELINQUENTS«»oAPRIL 1ST, I_am_making ‘up my list of delinquenttaxes.Will advertise Aprit 1,1915,all landthattaxhasnotbeenpaidbythatdate.Please call at my office and settle your taxandsavethiscost.J.M.DEATON,|March 12,1915. .FOR SALE! Seventy-five and “five-eighths acres of landonSalisburyroad,a mile.from Elmwood,-7 of sandelay road.Ten acres’fine branch bot-tom,30 aeres in’cultivation,balance in tim-ber.For 30 days only this land will be forsaleat$20 per acre.I sold land adjoiningthatat$52 per acre.W.L,SMITH.March 12—4t* ce «Associated| ~.is thtiteifthey.were not able to elee ‘. ~appetite e-of—a -1,300-1. housand.years|—___.ay and im active} ~CroupExternally ! One applica-—-5 me EO jiies} Ree)we y yy tO ;#}Those of Middle Age Especially.|When you have found’no remedy for the horrors that_Oppress you during change oflifey when through the longhoursofthedayitseemsasthoughyourbackwouldbreak,when your head aches constantly,you are nervous,de-pressed and suffer from those trexihit bearing down pains,don’t eet that Lydia E.Pinkham’s VegetableCompoundestand’surést remedy,aifl has carried hundredsofwomensafelythroughthiscriticalperiod.Read what these three women say: ...From Mrs,Hornung,Buffalo,N.Y.Burrato,N.¥i—“T'am writing to let you know how much yourmedicinehasdoneforme.I failed terribly during the lastwinterandsummerandeveryoneremarkedabout‘My appearance.F suf-fered from a female.trouble and always bad pains in my back,noandattimeswasveryweak,~~aeafriend’s house one da:Tydia EK.Pinkham’s VegetableCompound,”eight mara have 4 good appetite and am feeling better every day.Died bea ly is Sekine Th what I am doing and I recommendLydia tPin’s Vegeta -Compound.You may publishthiswishand:I hope others who have ththealthfrom:your medicine as I did.”—tanton’St.,Buffalo,N.Y.zMadeMeWe‘Macepon,N.Y.—“I was all run down and véry thin in ner-_Yous,no appetite,could not sleep and was weak,and felt badly allthetime.‘The doctors sai I had ‘poor *blood and what I had wasturningtowater..took different medicines which did not-help-me,’bu sae Pinkham’s Ree ee ae a mondeme wellandstrong,-and--Tam-recommending it to im nds FrepCuace,R.No,2,Macedon,N.Y;—:—The Change of Life,—-—~Bertsvitts,Mp.—*“By the use of.Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable .Compound T have successfully passed through a most t ig time,the Change of Life.I suffered with a weakness,and h ‘»bed three ‘days at-a time.Lydia E.Pinkham’s V.zétable Compotrestoredmetopantecshealth,and I am praising it for the benefit ofAtherwomenwhosufferasIdid.”—Mrs,W.8.Du VALL,Route No.1;Beltsville,Md,3 i ath ft i “I was visitingat I took it and have gained 1 Mrs.A.Hornung,91 It and Stron For 30 years Lydia E.Pinkham’s VegetableCompoundhasnonethestandardremedforfe~male ills,No one sick with woman'sai imentsdoesjusticetoherselfifshedoesnottthisfa-~mous medi made from roots and herbs,ithasrestoredsomanysufferingwomentohealth,+:A-EDPEVE HAMHEDICEINE CO.(CONFIPENTIAL)LYNN,MASS.,for advice.-our letter will be ned,read and answeredby'a woman and heldin Strict confidence,t ee meresarQes.SShea=PdA Girege ES ap e . oe >a Ee e Just Received a Car Loadof Fencing, We can give you exactly what you want in the Fence §line—Hog,Cattle;Poultry an Game—Horse-High,ay—-~Bull Strong,Pig Tight,——oe_WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS YOU CAN BUILDafencequickerandeasier,“Add to this good mate:~Tials and your fence will last longer,look better and #need fewer repairs.We know as well as you do that §no further‘argument is necessary for good tools and #good materials.The.one question is whether we 8 4’make good our claims.- _WE HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE,- _Hardware C aeeee bSSssebeseeeeesateerseteets BUILD NOW!wees EhWg,repair work,etc.OW HOW.mee OS. FRAZIER BRPHONE--- - Will please thosewhodemandtheverybest.It is anextraordinaryflour.Your Grocer knows.BO R C E C E C E C E C R A CR C Ra e [Seasonable Field Seeds!| 5 osiAIK“SYST weYox) é x>.«5 5 o Qpar|a oxon7.5¢3 yii5:myerstx Clovers;Grasses,Seed Oats,four varieties, good quality,reasonable prices,Sometimes better and cheaper than you can get by or- dering,with the additional advantage ofseeingwhatyouget-and returning what ~~may be left over.You can’t reasonably ex- pect better goods for less money than I cangive.’You might want a ‘‘leetle”accom--modation,I sell .all kinds grain,feed,flour,fertilizer on time,si |100-pound bags High Grade Feertilizer for“City gardeners”delivered.oa andshe thought Ineeded Seay At letterALT ‘c€Same complaint will see ent eae to stayin ns |LEES HEADACHE Neuralgia’Remedy Safely and Quickly He- lieves Headache and_Neu- ralgia and nervous Hedd- ache; ‘Also-tor-headache caused bycoldsand grippe. 10c.,25c.and 50c. At fountains FOR SALE BY ALL’DRUG 5e. DEALERS. -lsuch “listing-and_the-—taxpayers.will county and Township Tax As-:sessors. Goy.Doughton gives the AlleghanyStarthisexplanationofthechangeinthemachineryactastotaxas- Q éments : “To meet the demands existing,called for by natural changes in meth- ods,the machinery act was so mod-ernized as to provide for the appoint ment of one county tax assessor by the State Tax Commission,and onetownshipassessorand:lister for eachtownship,to be appointed by the coun-ty commissioners.It will be the duty of the township assessors to assess and list all property in their respec-tive territory and instead of visitingeachtax-payer,as in the past,theywilladvertiseatimeandplacefor meet them.The duties of tne countyassessorswillbetoequalize.valuesbetweenindividualsandtnevown-ships where occasion ‘arises for'.such, and-in-the—event_of their failure.toagree,the entire matter is referretothecountycommissionersfortheactioninthepremises.The countyassessorisappointedforatermof one year.The State tax levy remainsthesameasfor1914.The countycommissionershaveauthoritytolim-it the county,assessor as to time incompletinghis.work.” Hack’s.Preaching ‘and Practice. |Monroe Enquirer. The man who writes “Playful Plunkings of a Pore White’s Banjo”for the Gharlotte Observer,says:“Hack Smith is®still argyin’-thet Woodrow Wilson is.makin’us a/mis- take in not passifyin’Mexico.Hack’s Quality Easter Cards! They are indicative of your.taste.Let not thy taste be questicned. th’same feller thet wunct insisted on 'diggin’a polecaj out’n a clay-root.” ;A CHILD'S LAXATIVE :a\Is “SYRUP OF FIGS!” |Made From Fruit—Can't Harm Ten- |der Stomach,Liver and Bowels. +When-your—child--suffers—from—a: |cold:don’t wait;give the-‘little stom- “]Das.cQUSE AND RAGLAND,Veterinarians.| Dr.Cruse,Local Practitioner.|rear Polk Gray Drug Co"Phone 109.“Phone 198Green. rach,liver and bowels a gentle,thor- jough cleansing at-once.When cross,|peevish,listless,pale,doesn’t sleep,feat or act haturally;if breath is bad,stomach sour,give a teaspoonful ofi“California Syrup of Figs,”and in afewhoursalltheclogged-up,consti- pated waste,sour bile and undigest- ed.food.will eeutly ee out of the uf {Fresh Vegetables ! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes.”| {| | FOR FINE CLEANING}! AND DYEING /PHONE 147——7) Sloan Pressing Club.« children of all ages and for grown-jups plainly on the bottle.Beware ofMiller-McLain SupplyCo.| bowels,and you have a well,play- iful child again.~If your child coughs,snufftes and‘has ‘caught cold or is-feverish,or ihas sore throat,give a good dose.of California Syrup of Figs,”to evac- |ulate ‘the bowels,no difference what ,other treatment is given. +~Siek children needn’t-be'coaxed ‘totakethisharmless“fruit laxative.”Millions\of mothers keep it handy be- ‘cause ‘they know its action”on the|stomach,liver and bowels is promptandsafe.They also know’a little given today saves a sick child .to- morrow.|.Ask your druggist for a 50-centbottleof“California Syrup of Figs,”which contains directions for babiés, counterfeits Sold here..Get the gen- uine,made by “California -Fig Syrup Company.”5 THE NEW WATERMAN LEVER Self Filling Fountain Pens. Ask tosee them.Ey ~~Statesville Printing Co.© ECLIPSE _ENGINESAND.THRESHERS. I will have some of'our lateststylemachineshereinashorttime.Comeoverthefirsttime-~youare in town and see themandlet’s talk it over..: Cc.H:TURNER,._....Nearthe.Depot. Iredell "Phone No.74,Bell No.7. 1M.P.Alexander &Bro. North Carolina—Iredell .County. MORTGAGE SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the power contain-ed in a chattel mortgage executed by ft 8 t Lumber C y,a corporati to the undersigned,on the 16th day of October,1918,to secure the payment of $650.00 and theinterestthereon,_and_the —Samoset_.LumberCompanyhaving.failed to pay said sum andinterest,and having faited to comply withthestipulationscontainedinmortgage,theundersignedwitlsellat-12 o'clock noon,onSATURDAY,MARCH 27,1915, satisfy debt,interest and cost:One planer,one Ider,one ,reshw,,all American make,and all tools and accessories belonging there-to;one Atlas boiler and engine and all ac-!eessories;also every other kind of machinery, belting,etc.,belonging to and owned by theSamosetLumberCompanyatitsplantinthe dity of Statesville,N.¢. mortgage f R.A.Gaither to’J,EB.Tharpe FOR——— ~Nice Fresh Meats and FancyGroceries. .camaFORSALE! Choice building lots;within two|blocks of square and in one-fourthblock:of new graded school.Onlyofferedfor9shorttime. ra Mar.12,D.oO.RUFTY,; ND ‘on the American moulder above described,sold|by R.A»Gaither to the Samoset Lumber Com-|pany;also subject to a mortgage executedbytheSamosetLumberCompanytoMrs.Ro-|bena Houpe;also subject to a mortgage'exe-|cuted by’Samoset.Lumber Company,to J.E./Tharpe;also subject to a mortgage or con-‘dition sale contract executed by Samoset Lum-ber Company to the American WoodworkingMachineryCompanyontheresawand‘planerandallaecessoriéstherato.9S I,0.Ww.:J.A.HARTNESS,W.A.Bristol,Attorney Mortgagees.\March 5,1915..7 Tin Roofing Along with the dry summer months come thé fire risks. Why not tise good gradeof tin renting to overcome fire risks ©-and make permanent roof. StatesvilleTinCo.,. ries.They.wi =~Give-usa little history ~~ the following.degeribed personal property,to|4 ¢ The sale under this mortgake is subject to a U Day Event.-Ee i Patrick’s Wek ‘"|Correspondence of The Landmark.||5:45 =m|‘Taylorsville,March 19—The board 3 #28 e *of county commissioners:met on the | 10.36 a.m.|26th to canvass the voteof the elec-| &:16 »™|tion for $150,000 bond issue,held o 10.50 =m.|the 9th,The following is the vote of | 7 Y ieserene ‘|"train No.aves 10.35 =,m.eobonds97.Frain Ho Me ne |Billendale —124 for bonds,56 Train --ar.oan leaves 10:40 a m,against,7. Me ts add $4ton:nah opmeeone oo Stow,swaenbre —~80 for binds,180| ‘Little River —102 for,65 against.| Sugar Loaf —71 for,82 against.| Sharpe’s —-168 for,10%against.| Gwaltney —~126 for,42 against.| Taylorsville—204.for 236 against | bonds.| Majority of 87 for bonds. There -was not.a full vote polled. More than 600 voters in the county! did not vote.Pee |Represeptatives of two bonding companies went before the board to buy the ‘bonds,The.co ers will have a call meeting on the 22d to consider their proposition further.'from New.Berne,N.C.,Harrisburg,|% Mr.’W.G orrison has moved| his stock of groceries from the Ma-|the ‘surrender at Appomattox April|® sonic building to his s' recently completed:on his lot on) Highland;and Mr.;1|who recently.purchased the building. and_lot from the Masons,is having had become first.sergeant therein,|# the building-torn--down. building | Ed.C.Campbel It was recently stated that Mr. Campbell ‘would’build ‘two~modern| two-story brick buildings on this site —east of the court house,He has, changed-the-—plans“to=three +story) brick buildings.|The adjoining build-| Masons will be two stories.Sharpe Bros.and:Mr.J.have sold their meat markets to Mr.’ C.A.Deal.of Statesville.Mr.Deal! will take charge April 8th. D.Little Methodist churchthroughtheirpastor,Hunt,75 books.These are do- ry,Cleveland,O.,and are such ‘books as are usually_will be passedcompetentcriticbeforethey are put in circulation.While underthe man- agement of the above mentioned committee this library is at the dis- posal of the entire -community. nominal fee of 25 cents will be ment of this fee will entitle any member.of the immediate family to all the books.A complete list is be- -days:—_Mr._Eugene._Crosshas been placed in charge as librarian. This committee urges the people of the town and county to take advan- tage of this opportunity to get some good literature.: Wednesday,17th,at her handsome home on East Main street,Mrs.J. Hayden Burke was the charming and gracious hostess to the Book club,to- gether with a umber of —invited guests,among whom was Miss Re- becca Caldwell .of Charlotte,who is visiting in town.The guests began to arrive at 3.30 o’clock and after spending awhile’in lively social chat, exchanging books,comparing crochet, lively game of “ts”was enjoyed, this game-being- attached green pencils and on which were written, rhymes,the “stunts”each one pres- ent was to do.Mrs.Burke was as- sisted in this part of the programme by Miss Irene LeQueux,who com- posed the clever verses and arranged them to suit each individual.The guests’were given 30 minutes in which to perform their stunts,and at the end of:that time a bell was tap- ped and each one read what she had been asked to do and what she did. which was.very interesting and caused a great deal of fun.m0 -Following are just a few of the verses,which were--responded to by all,and to which very bright and original answers were given: St.Patrick's Day,=And what he did for his country,So many miles away. If you will tell us sbout your favorite book "Twill be a treat indeed; And perhaps will belp us when we look For something good to read. ?aeByusingthewordsonthe other shect,And keeping:your wits’in command. You can write a story that will be a treatTo:the lovers of Old Ireland.: (On the opposite sheet was writ- ten,“St.Patrick’s Day). They ‘say that the home of the fairies,dear, Was in Old Ireland true;And so we would like to hear_A fairy from you.— While the others with their “stunts”are em- oy.Some music from you.would be enjoyed. Draw.us a map of IrelandOnthisSt.Patrick's Day: f.you.won't do that,-draw an Irish Pat Who.is smoking his pipe of clay.. Please.write a.little storyAboutanTrishaixt;.Who came over té this country And set men’s heads awhirl.While the above and many otherverseswerebeingrespondedtoina bright ‘and interesting manner,de- lightful’music ‘was rendered_by Miss Caldwelt:-Atthe end of—that time. and after.Mrs.J.Frank Clement,had given a very amusing reading,little hand +painted cards were handed to the guests,on whichwere written the following\original verse:Ladles,let's now.to the ballot soFortheoneWhosestuntwasthe best:Write her name below and let no one know, And we will do the rest. After the.guests:had voted,the cards Were taken up and it was found that.Miss Lula Matheson had .receiv- ed the greatest number of votes.Fol- lowing.this delightful —refreshments, éonsisting of green and white ice cream und-angel food cake,were vister,Mrs,Nina Farrell,and Miss ux,The colors were green and |gered little Carolyn “Bur r New |)ula |greenattached a hand -painted card,bear- |Though tadies shouldbeanel For out of the number xere n|and the guests departed wih a grate-ful feeling in their hearts for Old |Ireland, For'bonds 48,against)of The Landmark,did not reach \the office until after the paper was |issued,) jers,and was in the First Battle of |% ing Mr.Campbell‘is to build:for the s |students mentioned in my The social service committee of the! Rev.RE. -books nated by the Cleveland Public Libra-! ly found in ‘public libra- ill”on by ai charged to cover expenses,The pay-, tatting and.other.fancy stitches,a 3 uced by..pass= ing around doublé sheets of paper, decorated with green,to wnich were in various original 772,270 running’bales, ‘leating liquor consigned to local op- ‘|eonstitution.The other side -holds ~Nort Carolina liquor laws--are also {Chatham Record.; 4 ‘gerved by the hostess,assisted by het}.of gold,which were carried out in.the)» pefreshments,early spring’flowers,|qn n of baby blue and piseented the’ae to.Missatheson.This was a box ofandwhitemints,.to which was na dainty ink,1 ng the.following original verse: vote,they say,ves quite wise; today Your “stunt”has won the prize, This was indeed a delightful affair, They've.proved ¢ (The above,intended for the last *§ST ’ EI NE NN ANSREI akeAThiayh meet” eee .Additions to the Olin Reminis- :cences, To the Editor of The Landmark: My reminiscences of Olin and my request therein for corrections and additions:are g some fruit.I am just in receipt of a letter fromA.A.Anderson’of Callahaln,N.C.,expressing’pleasure at reading thereminiscencesandenclosingalistof some additions and corrections.He|%was sergeant major in the First Bat-|.talion of North Carolina Sharpshoot- Sear amen etpepe ome “SURE CORR I have men tell me that every few day$about aie cies that I have cleaned and regulated for them:It’s all oe it if have | a good watch and it won’t keep time,If you haven't a one I and I want you to have one.B.WOODWARD,~ eeeee i.»Jeweler, Manassas,July 21,1861;in service/% Carlisle and Gettysburg,Pa.,and at/§ 9,1865,His brother,A.“Jack”,An-|#derson,who,as stated in my remin-iscences,was a member of Company |§ C,Fourth North .Caroliria Regiment,|§ was.wounded in the battleof Seven |§ Pines.below ‘Richmond;~-brought+# home,took typhoid fever and died.”| Boone T.Penry,mentioned in my|# reminiscences,served in the.Thir-|§ teenth North Carolina Regiment,and) cences,Mr.Anderson -gives. names of Pleas Oaks and Charles ‘Sparks,who were roommates at the residence of Rev.Mr.Reeks.Then |Mr--Anderson gives-these in addition ta those-mentioned by me:Tipp Bat- tle,Raleigh;Sid-Mimms,Texas;Sid |HL...Holman,|HENRY|.’Chattanooga,Tenn. ‘A.CHAMBERS. ‘Increase|in Amountof Gotton|# Seed Crushed and Linters. ‘ed in the ‘tained from the 1914 crop.{A greaterquantity of ~ ;the 1911.record crop crushing |572,826 tons,and a record was es { was 880,an increase of 10. duction of seed will reach ets.Tseedhas resulted in a largely increas- ed production of linters.ee cro) for against 631,- 153 for 1913 and 602,324 for 1912. In -North Carolina 374,165 tons of seed were crushed and 48,984 bales of linters obtained.; Southern 1912.Total linters More Trains: Litigation involving:the constitu- tionality and.interpretation of the Webb-Kenyon liquor law enacted by Congress-in -1918,-will-be considered by the Supreme Court of the United States soon after the Easter recess:|; Advocatesof the law contend that the Webb-Kenyon’law has withdrawn from.intes-State shipments-of intoxi-| tion territory the protection pre-. viously afforded such shipments by the commerce clause of the:Federal that the law was merely.aimed at il- legal dealers’and.does not withdraw the.commerce clause.—protection from inter-State shipments’desired for personal ‘use. +‘Phe Kentucky courts adopted the latter construction and,the case’to be first passed on by the Supreme Court is from that State.Similar eases involving West Virginia and before the court.:TY Former Foes Now Fight To- us gether, Time brings about many and great changes.Sixty years ago.the French and English were allies of Turkey it fighting Russia,and now they are al- fies of Russia in fighting Turkey. called)60 years ago,France and Eng- jand united with Turkey in making ‘War on Russia,because they were jealous of Rissia and feared the grow~ ing power of that country if it de- feated the Turks and captured Con- Stantinople.Many thonsand French atid English,soldiers died in that war ahd those who.survived suffered se+ vere.hardships.»It was.called:the Crimean war because the ‘scene of Operations was on the Crimean:penin- éula in the southern part ‘of.Russia. It-was in that-war that “The ChargeoftheSixHundred”was niade thathasbeen;immortalized by Tennyson’s famous “poem.40 0k panty tds TRAYWheoeverYouNeeda(lenerul TooleetTakeGrove’s r oxalis and:galax léaves being use MOHLER,Manager.Ne CHONE ee After the refreshments ‘had been Build waskilled below Richmond inthe 3 Carter and Dug Carter,Olin;and)# Misses:Mollie King,Rebecca Turner,|¥ Dorcas Turner;Celeste .Tucker and)§the paymentof a very Furthed progress this season in the 'remarkable development .of the cot-|§ |ton seed products:industry is indicat-| nsus bureau report on)% ing prepared and will be available in |gotton.seed crushed and linters ob-|% seed-—than} ever before was crushed,arooeting ; ¥|#tab-|# |lished in the number of bales of lint-|# ‘ers obtained,which totalled.146,117)|% |bales more than last year.The num-|¥ -erof_cottonseedoilmills operated |¥ As 70.to 75 per cent of the total|% production of cotton seed is crushed|# annually,it is estimated the 1914 pro-|7,300,000|% tons.Its value has not been estimat-|¥ ed,but the 1913 production,6,305,000|§ tons,had a total value of $155,500,000|# in oil,cake and meal,hulls and lint-13 he closer delinting of cotton |%S Cotton seed crushed from the 1914/%tate was 5,493,899 tons against 4,-)%“ 767,802 for 1913 and 4,579,508 for|® the .crop,|#* Duringthe Crimean war (as it was). =.| —-———He:ase apo we ew BES |ys ——ae |. We think it fitting atthis time to aueounet that:we.have.decided to award-a second,third,fourth and fifth premiumto.the members of the Booster Club _Manyof you Boosters are work. for us and we wish to show our appreciation of your efforts by mak- § ing it possible for several of youto obtain’a piano for yourself bysmallamountofcash.i ex §pense we have arranged forfour pianos ‘which’we shall give to youaes as specified below,if you want them,These pianos are all instruments,This is the way they will be ‘given: -Qnd¥Prize—A certificate for $190,00,2to apply on the purchaseofoneofthese$300.00 Pianos.¢. 3rd Prize—A certificateTor $180,00 to apply on-the purchase ofoneofthese$300.00 Pianos.seis 4th Prize—Acertificate for $170.00 to apply on the purchase of |oneof these $300.00 Pianos,oi certificate for 160 00, 8thPrize—A to apply on the purchaseof one of these $300.00 Pian These certificates are valuable as the cash that you must pay islessthantheregularwholesalepriceofPianosnobetterthanthisone,and in case the personsecuringone of them does not care to me I it may be transferred and soldto someone whowishestobuy. ar 0.;‘; A large number of babies have been nominatedforthe BabyShow.q We want every baby for twenty miles around’to be iu this list.We @ want to see all the babies.ited é What Booster will win the Watch next Monday,March 29th. ersville Drug Comp’y-Quality Satean PY 9900009000009 SSOesesssseesreseeresissisitisisasseseseeeeeseeeeee. My shopis equipped with an Oxygen’ -Welderand I.am:prepared to weld ~-gitkindsofmetals,~~~ -T-have the.agency,for theKohlerTruckandCaseAutomobilesand :machinery.oh se “_N.W.20x, pee raerit mapa eT Ee eeNICELOTOFNEWSPRINGJ Just in.Solid Gold Lavalliersat¢2.50. sounds mighty cheap to us.Howdoes it strike you?Come in and see them.R.H.RICKERT &SOJEWELERS.~~ Oar One car dof 5 POE fine Mules,well .broken,just.received,.Call and 0 Henkel-Graig Live Stock ’Idok them over.| |AMR ROGERS WARNED.The Greensboro News expressesthehopethat“Mr,Rogers will stay on his new,job long enough to see|that Greensboro’gets a hetter’deal from that department next time than ‘she had last.”The Mr,Rogers ‘men- tioned is the new director of the cen-i sus and it is opinéd that the’News Wate your}means to intimate that the last:Fed- renewals are not in by date ¢14)census didn’t,allot Greensboro Birr be mopman,1 pb population to which it is entitled. March 23,1915.|It is the custom in Novth Carolina -~and probably in other States—for ambitious towns to boast,during*the decade ‘between the periods of the |visit of the census enumerator,of a |only because they felt compell-|great increase in population and to ‘Submit,were particularly se-|claim anywhere from 50 to 100,200 In their denunciation of «any'or 200 per cent.more population than ballot feature.That to them/|the Federal enumerator can find,.af- r abomination above all things.|ter diligeit search,The Federal cen- ist’what provision the law contains|gus<isaccurate,99 times in 100,but to the casting of the ballot The|when it is announced and’the boast- irk hasn’t had opportunity to ing claims shattered,there is.loud ine,but ifa “free hallot”—}lament and-the minions af Uncle intrammeled,unhampered ballot |Sam are denounced.If Mr.Rogers to be cast,which should be the;is on the job in 1920,.therefore,“he ite of every good citizen,then|will be ‘expected to affirm for all sion for secrecy in primary and |North Carolina towns whatever ‘fig- ion laws is absolytely necessary.|ures they offer as to population,or has not been Sickened and dis-|take the consequences,which latter to»observe at the polling will be,to put it mildly,at least the »in primaries and,regular eee that he is a traitor to his »the pulling and hauling and |State. ring and bullying that must be|Strange,this fervid desire to over- ed by the average voter?Vot-|estimate in-such matters that is al- &%who have some self-respect but|most an obsession with so many peo- courage,sometimes stay away |ple.It is a common.custom-to-over- the polls because they haven’t|estimate the number of people at any erve to go and voteas they/sort of gathering.The average ;to vote;and many—very many |newspaper report.-will-say hundreds ten vote other ‘than their own/when scores are meant and .thou- ctionsbecanse they—haven’t-the}-sands-when it should be hundreds,to resist appeals or intimida-|It’s all for “the big of the thing”ae ;and a-habit that is well fastened-on -4is-bad-enough,but itis by no|people generally. ‘means the worst.The purchasable | —-the vote purchased directly or|mises of reward or the hope of | reward—is marched to the ballot bon tnéaae: made to deposit the ballot under 5 ‘of the opponents of the pri- r law,who yielded to its enact- am erearemCRY _Mhe voters of’Yadkin county willonThursdaypassonthequestionof“bond issue of $200,000 for 260d|The Yadkin folks have thetheisBaeaikenwish”peag’to it |OPPortunity of their lives to do some- ‘that the ‘promiseis kept.A provision |thing for their ‘Our ane tine Land:fi Will not eliminate all the|mark is hoping they will rise to the ,but-it -will-help very much.Taeeasesthepurchaseofvotes,ei-/One of the best features of Thelerdirectlyorindirectly,will,be-|'Landmark—the.Sinner’s “sermonnesOuncertainapropositionamissingtoday.The Sinner is aiayhaveto-be-abandoned,for the |-very busy man-and—he-was-unable—tomanwhowillsellhisvotecan’t be}find time,last week,to prepare histrustedtodeliverthegoodsandjusualdiscourse.|‘when he votes in seéret the corrupt-|‘eeeumercrenacomensMATTERSOFNEWS. The Italian government has char-! ‘F of the electorate can have no as-| Surance that he got what he Gereatnc| ed:for;-and-under see well oe serrety |eat asians number of British andthetimid,the hesitating,left to him-|ther vessels to transport coal fromMaescar‘ota as he eae ic ane |the United States to Italy.It is saidTee,9:this step was due to the difficulty of_which he should be ailiowed ‘to do.obtaining supplies of Welsh coal.Opportunity should of course be giv-|Judge Ben.Lindsay.of the Juvenileentheworkerstotalktodoubtful)Court of Denver,Col,,has asked”foryoters,always abundant)and to use Of people sn ae oo oea;:|A er.o he sayswhatevermeansisproper.fo Sie have conspired to dezame his charac-to vote their way.But aline}ter and destroy hiv:Ex-Presidentbedrawnwheretheworker|Roosevelt,it is said,will be caiied as cannot pass.He should.not be |al-|7 vere aS sibarga A :protlowedtostandovertheballotbox|ispate |from Algeciras,Spain,ene ee ;}Says four sailing vessels with Span-ee cane ok laborers oe uate have;st-|been lost in a great:storm.It is es-his ballot;which should be pro-|timated that 300 persons on boardbythejudgeofelectionon)he eeanets;wee drowned.One hun-one af che voter's chosing,he|@@d vertls of various ‘nationalitieshavetheprivilegeofgoingtoBayofAlgeciras. Alone and casting .a.secret’Formal orders.reopening.the ex-if he wants to.|Press rate case,requested in the pe-were better of course if all men ae pdtv eee by four ofaciy8‘companiesthecourageoftheirconvictions|have been issued by the Inter-Statecouragetostandoutinthe;Commerce Commission.Hearings1.3 aim.their choice...But)willbeheld.at date,to be named lat.y have not ‘thut.courage and ef.panto ‘Suth hearings,However, “who are timid or corrupt 8he dpatek ae ae ‘ng Zepag:‘Ss Sa ep-;not_be_left_to themercies.of|pelin-air ships raided ~Paris~earlyhheelerswhocorruptor’intinti-Sunday morning and dropped a dozenteasthecasemaybe.The ele-|bombs,but the damage done was un- who'do not control their own aes‘ae bra ae eight atinais.,t 0 one seriousty..etd ae ae to ne Four of the air craft started for the:i ion for y would allow them to make choice.untrammeled,—which be the privjlege of every a Arh eapital following the valley of theOise,but only two reached their goal.Missiles also were dropped at Com- j but without serious result, The Federal District Court at Bos-. Pa Pda seer ee ue, Accidents Crimes andOther‘In-;eldents of Life in North Caro-|Tina.pala _Cyrus "B,Watson,the‘distinguish-ed lawyer and citizen of Winston-Sa-lem,has been seriously ill recently’and his friends will be glad to knowthat’his condition has improved, The Enquirer says J.M.Earp,an.apple grower and citizen of Wilkes,went to Monroe last November and put a wagon on the street to sellaples,He stayed in Monroe 16 weeksandsoldhisentirecropofapples—over 8,000 bushels.: The Newton News says Mrs,W.M.avec who lives near Sherrill’sFord,fell and broke her arm,Mon-day of last week,Three years agoMrs.Sherrill,who is 71 years’old,fel’and fractured her hip and thisinjurycontributedtothelast. J.D.Wallace,who was severelywoundedintherecentgunplayatPageland,S.C.,died Friday in aCharlottehospital.His is the sec-ond death—J.Wesley Arrant havingbeeninstantlykilled.Four otherswereshotandseriouslywounded.* Fire at the Gould lodge,six milesfromHighPoint,Sunday afternoon, destroyed three large barns and con-tents—13 horses,1,800 bushels ofcornandgreatquantitiesofhayandfeedstuff.One of the horses was valued at $1,800.The origin of thefireisunknown,apa The postoffice at Canton,Haywoodcounty,was robbed early Friday morning,the safe door being blownoffwithnitro-glycerine.The loot in stamps.and money aggregatedabout$700,it.is said,It is also stat-ed that the robbers left the seehe of their:operations in.a “high-powered” automobile.. Newton.News:-Mrs.-George “W.Pope died at the residence of her son-in-law,Mr.Henry “Setzer,©inTredellWednesday-and was —buried Thursday afternoon at Bethlehem.A son of the deceased,James —Pope,who is held in jail on a charge of as-sault with deadly weapons -on-his:fa-ther,was allowed to go in custody ofanofficertoattendthefuneral. The dog law -passed for Mecklen- burg county by the recent Legislature is.one.worth while..It prohibits all dogs running at large from April 1 that ‘the Railroads LPostalRevenues,Washington Dispatch. Postmaster General Burleson hasissuedoastatementreiterating.hischargethatcertainrailroadsbroughtaboutthedefeatofthepostofficeap-propriation bill in the last Congressbecauseofitsprovisionforchanging eh Pec space basis,He announceshis-inten-tion to renew his recommendation forthischangewhentenew.Congress reconvenes,‘ The railway mail committee.rep-resenting “certain railroads,”the|statement declares,“engineered thefightagainsttheappropriation_bill and financed a propaganda designedtomisleadandjwrongfullyinfluencethepublicmihdintoanaxtitydeofantagonismtothedepartment,” -Under the present system,accord-|: get much more than their share.of mails,and substitution of the space} the,government,but would make possible more ‘equitable treatment of|the roads.’Of the department’s,effort |to have this legislation ineluded in the appropriation bill,the statement ‘Says: “It was and ig a determined,well-| considered effort to end a system un-!der which the:postal authorities are!compelled to “stand helplessly by} revenues. reeeiving —frony_.the.__government} from express companies for similar! service.”Bre iMr.Burleson denies that the 1911)postal deficit will be -attrinutabre to!the_parcel-post system.“Statements!to that effect he brands as “absuru|falsehoods,”adding:“Clearly it was! of arousing a public sentiment in fa-| vor of restricting or withdrawing the! postal service.Were if not for the’ parcel post,the coming posxal defiésr! to October 1,and prohibits’hunting pond be much larger than it ,will) with dog or gun except between De-|.2° cember 10 and January 25.Fines of}: $2 to $10 are imposed for each viola- tion of the law,half to go-to the of- ficer ‘or other person “making infor mation.”:a Ex-President Taft,who ©delivered three addresses at the Universitylastweek,was-banqueted-by-the-Dur-ham bar at Durham Friday événing. Speaking at the banquet the ex-Pres-ident made a plea for more freedom in.the judiciary,less tinkering with_the judiciary,less tinkering with |@RPAT KIDNEY REMEDY SAVES)tures,less cost of Mtivation and tess|‘TWO CHILDREN IN ONE FAMILY.delay in the administration of jus-jo)ee ‘tice.;1s About one year ago two of my chil-|At the recent term of Wilkes Su-|4Pen suffered badly from.seak kid-! perior.Court Roby Billings,Jo.Davis and John Church,all white,were ar-|‘:5 4raigned-for criminal assault,their al-|An}health...was.just,about discour-leged,victim:being a married woman.|28¢d..I tried”several remedies ~andFinallythecase-ended by.Billings and/finally a doctor,but they...did ot |Davis pleading guilty of an assault|Seem to improve.«I knew of a friend,on a married woman.Church,who is |Who .was-taking Swamp_.-Root,for, ia a SR FR a |i The United States Court of.Ap-!peais at San Francisco has |affirme(:| the convictions of F.Drew Caminet- ti,son of Anthony Caminetti,United States commissioner general of im-: migration,and Maurice I..Diggs,for-! mer State architect of California,! who were convicted of violating the’Mann white slave act and -ordered| fined and imprisoned.| || a boy,plead.guilty --of assault and|kidney trouble with good results,and|]was sentenced to the Jackson Training|1_decided to get some for the “chil |School.The others were sentenced to|ren...had noticed that there.was |twelse fonthy on tha roeds:some improvement after they’had|::taken two large bottles and contin-dasbi ne een ued td give it to them until they haaaf |term in Catawba county jail,belone-taken one-half “dozen bottles and/ railway mail pay from a weight to a|’ ing to Mr.Burléson,some railroads| the money paid for transporting the!- basis not only would sayé money for |. while the railways loot the’postal|§ Although the railways|# contend’they are.urcerpaid for ear |§ rying the mails,the facts are that|#they are oyerpdid and tnaz they are!# amounts which,for a haul-of.any)§ considerable length,exceed by about!§two to one the amounts they receive |§ fabricated.with the foolish purpose.# parcel facilities now provided by the;# Fiegne,Ribecourt ‘and Dreslincourt,| ed to an unfortunate family.His father,Dan Fox,has been an inmate of the State Hospital at Morgantonformorethan20years:About threeyearsagoabrotherwenthuntingrab-bits in the snow,on Sunday,and ‘ac- cidentally shot and killed himself.Themother,Mrs.Maggié Fox of Cline’stownship,Catawba county,is the onlysurvivoroftheimmediatefamily. The Federal.building at Monroe is[nearcompletion and the postoffice willsoonbequarteredthere:n.'Therewasadispute,about the “time con- struction was begun,-whether the-building-should—have-a_porch.OurrecollectionisthattheMonroefolks wanted the porch and the government wanted to cut out that appendage and| reduce the cost about $25,000.We've forgot how the controversy ended.TheMonroepaperswill.please advise us whether the building has a porch. Increased Fees.For Solicitors. Raleigh News and Observer. -“A-State-wide measure for the sys- |ton failed to sustain the govern-Landmark feels’a personal 'went’s suit to dissolve the UnitedthedeathofMr.James of Troutman community.He lawful monopoly under the Sherman |good man and true.He lived,2ct-The government —-will—appeal. tematizing of the fees of the solicit-::\ors of the counties of the State was|Shoe Machinery Company as an un-|passed at the recent session of the |Legislature. ’The~schedule were well on the road to.recovery.IthinkDr.Kilmer’s Swamp -Root has done more for my children than anyothermedicineIhavetriedandrec- ‘ommend it to any one having chil-dren that suffer 4s mine did.,Very:truly yours,R.W.LISENBY,Dothan,Ala, Personally appeared before me,| this 2d day.of,July,1909;R.W.Li-||senby,who subscribed tothe above!|Statement...and made oath that.thesameistrueaweandfact.A.W.LISENBY,Notary Public, Binghamton,NY, Prove what Swamp-root will do for you | Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co.,|Binghamton,.Ny Y.,;for a sample size;bottle.It will convince anyone.You,will also receive a booklet of valua-'ble information,telling about the kid-| neys and bladder.When writing,be!|sure and mention the Statesville Semi-||Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-cent|and one-dollar size bottles for sale at!lall drug stores, ‘of-fees—provides—a.Ly ts Die Kilmer &Co,=f ml ie All Flour is not the same.No indeed!TryPresto atid’Morrison’s. High Grade Flour and bé ‘convinc- ed that it is justa little,better and that it goes just a little farther. iste i :yes L- 44 |Pye Agence q eae cee[a Listen,Mr.Spendthrift! ‘|It is wrong to be wasteful,is reasonfenough’why one should save,but there are other rea-.sons.You never know one day what the nextwillbringforthanditisgoodsensetobuildfor’the future.When aman is young and-vi 'he is apt to forget that some day he wiilbe old.Every eld man around you was qoung one time.You will not be an exeeption.Prepare for caresandresponsibility,You will want a home andfamilysomedayandshouldbesavinguptocare”—§for them.Most all bachelors avow when:-theyareyoungthat.they will never marry,but.-the.larger per cent of them change their mind.Whentheyhavechangedtheirminditisoftentoolate.to get theinhouse in shape and they are not pre-pared for immediate money needs.*'Fhrough our institution is'one of the bestmeansintheworldtosaveandaccumulate.-More about the purpose of saving next time. The Eighth Series Opens Saturday,April 3d.Mutual Building and Loan Association ~ P.S.°We will sell paid-up stock—worth ©,Ht $100 at maturity—for $73.: igys..They.would have severe spells!ERROR EYssSORESa EOE:RRS :of fdizziness and.were al)ran down}— Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company, New and Beautiful Suits The most attractive and varied lot of Suits we have had this season.Fifty or, week right from the manufacturers—some ‘will be surprised when you see the special values at.oS $12.50,$15 and $17.50 There are others at $20,$25 and $30 that are great.2 :me ee pe The Store With the Quick Parcel Post Service.| *si |...more.new-models added to the linethis). “handsome Silk Suits in the showing.You ‘ fee of $25 for the solicitor in the case||of a capital’crime,whether it be by!a~\plea or by judgement..in|”For the crimes of perjury,coun.’ the |terfeiting,passing forged or.coun-/|1€S |terfeited paper or evidence of debts,| ple life and was a quiet-man-|he decision of the coury,suscaing);Bo are ithe legality of thé original combina-Man,who didn’t attract atten-|tion from which the United Shoe Ma-*But he was pure gold and our |chinery Company was organizedtmancorrespondent,who knew|1899,and of the acquisition or t.|business of more than 55.companwell,has set down nothing!Fae ly ;whecehisnamethathedidnotde.{od aitidividuala,together with the malicious injury to railroads or to|DAVIS’100.per.cent..He-validity of the company’s leases anc}persons riding on a railroad,steal-!PAINT easily leads in|theandmore.Mr.Scroggs did-|its patent monopoly.‘ing or obliterating records,stealing,;race,©,come to Statesville often in re-Decisi A vos"it vee q |concealing,destroying or obliterating |YOU CAN’T GET AHEAD OF \years,but when he came‘he usv-|Tore in Al b ne Quart any will,ea ee od ate DAVIS’PAINT.|made a brief call at The Land-rh sea seer taneen ne See SO DUR mee ee ees,|FOR SALE BYoffice,where he was always’The law recently enacted by’the |seduction,slander of a ee ies oeDeacd«Alabama Legislature prohibiting the|a”,embezzlement,breaking into a)[azenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.ae when_a_youth liv~.delivery into-the-State—of—more—than.house otherwise than .burglariously,|W <mes ia ertnaiainn riotsooandwasanappren-!one quart of,intoxicating liquor ‘to;Misdemeanors or ‘accessories “after ‘the tailor shop of .the late E,‘one person,is held unconstitutional|the fact to felonies,the fee of $15 ia “DON'T FORGET”He could relate ,many|larceny,receiving IbyJudgeGunterofthecitycourtof|lowed.‘a:ey ‘Montgomery,Ala.:|For :Beveryhingreminiscencesoftheear->The court ruted that the statute is;goods,frauds,ete.,$8 is allowed.|8 in Statesville,but he was'a regulation of inter-State eoni|For all other offenses $5 is allow-|boring or tiresome.He was |merce;se Congress cannot dele-|@4,apbelutnsnt ofa receiver for|Hligen infor reading |Sate Such authority to the States;!Li ::eeare,ve tetormed coe and:that the Federal Webb-Kenyon|the estate of a minora fee of $10 is,‘Undemonstrative,as -Mr.Trout-!act-prohibits the shipment of liquor|allowed.::;|“Bays of him.:Ke indulged in in a State only when:possession of|,T°pass on retirement.of receivers |‘fulsome praise nor severe.ny quantity of liquor in that State)in estate qot exceuding $500,$5.00 isButifhewas.your friend ;dnisunlawful.Judge Gunter pointed |allowed.|Wietinctively knew it7and iar that his ruling was in line with)~| could depend on him.His kind,North Carolina,decisions in similar cases by the|CALOMEL SALIVATES God rest him.We 7 , $1.00 Shirt Waists $1.00 Great values in Cotton Crepe and Silk Waists in flesh and white,special $1.00. Other Jap.Silk and Crepe de Chine Waists, white and colors,extra values at $2.00, $2.50,and $3.50;also Chiffon and Lace . Waists for $3.50. |New Silks and Woolens In the sand and putty shades,samples of which may be had for the asking.Every- thing sent to you prepaid.There’s some- thing new every day.— PURE) quality | “That we have plenty inaneCfcca Seed Potatoes,ESe%"Onion Sets,Seed Corn, Seed Beans,Package Garden Seed,Flower Seed.’*Phone us for what~you want. Eagle ~&—Milholland. é i . RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO, THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE:ON MAIL ORDERS, HELP THE HOME TOWN BY TRADING. Kentucky.Delaware |know it and Tennessee’courts.}PThe:case will of course go to the|Calomel makes you sick and you|higher courts for final determination,!®8¢@ day’s work.Calomel is a nas-a ieey nile be Mowe [orem Ay}dangerous ee To tivenPcsyse*The.Quinine That Alfort )your sluggish liver and bowels whenofLenoir,and Mr.Buford|hecause of its nat Cane enolate teleSend pe héeadachy,bilious,justWill)TIVE BROMO QUININK isbetterthan ordinary |get a 10-cent box of harmless Cas-:info of panels a auvalae and iN :msurefiayatthehomeof|cinsing in head.Rememierthe tener er\carets.They work while you sleeponesesjookoreofWeORSVE250,don’t gripe,sicken or salivate,: veyFilliam aN i t for the signature of B,W,GRO 0 ft PELEEaToeSEPASSINGTHRONG. Personal Mentionof People andTheirMovements.Ht estMesdamesA.E.Armour oad.fBradley,.who visited Mrs. .«Kestler has returnedstoaote,8.C.,after an.extendedttoherhomepeoplehere.,"+_.Mrs.EB.T.Hart and childret,’whevisitedinStatesvilleandStony Point,returned Saturday._to ~theirhomeatCornelius.Mrs.Hart’s moth--er,Mrs.T.G.Hunter of Stony Point,has been quite ill.Mr.and!Mrs.David Anderson andtheirlittle.granddaughter,Saijje Al-len of Charlotte,visited relati¥es inStatesvillelastweek,returning toCharlotteSaturday,”iMessrs.J.B.Fraley and N.B.Smithey of Wilkesboro spent SundayinStatesvilleandleftyesterdayforSalisburyandCharlotte.aeMrs:W,F.MePeters of Marion isvisiting,her home people in |States-*ville,Mr.MePeters,who was here, has returned to Marion.Miss.Sarah Mellop oz-Char:otie is o guest at the home of Mr.and Mrs.David J.Craig.--My.J.B.Roach left Saturday for _Oxford,Mias.,to _join Mrs,Roachandchildonavisittorelatives.— “Miss Martha McLaughlin,who has been at home for a few days,will re---turn-toSt:Mayy’s College at Raleightodayortomorrow.: ©, ford,Clarence Ledford of —_Winston-Salem,Sam Springer of Wilmingtor_are visiting their-mother,Mrs.-E.M;Short,on Race street. rived in Statesville Suncay mght :tospendafewdayswithhis__sister,Mrs:P.B.Key.He is en-route homefromWashingtonCity. GAVE BIBLE AND FLAG. Junior Order.Presentation .to the Lingle School —TheDay’s Exercises. ‘Correspondence of The Landmark. The Lingle school of Chambers- burg township,which js being suc- cessfulMisses Katherine Cochran and Ma- ry Lee Austin of Statesville,had amostenjoyableday,March 19,when the Jr.0.bho a Bible and a,United States builth Lingle school house is a newgoftworoomswhichcan_beinto:one by raising a foldingjon.On this pleasant occasion _the &or was ful and iz flowers. ing om Rev.CL.MeCain for theopeningprayer.Next we.were fa-Yored by a song,“Flag of.Our;Na-tion,’by the school and friends.’~After this song we had ce a ite. s—all inspired by the teachings Bible. Mr.Smithson then called MV.Long to the stand to present the day.’Long had a splendid address and are allproudofthissonofourccuntryanuofourcommonschools.-he flag was accepted on behalf ofthesehool-by.Mr.-H,.V..Nurehes,.ane:of the committee,in a few appropri- «ate words.We then adjourned tothe—_.___...ground,wheremenhaderected a handsome cedarpoleoverfiftyfeethigh,to hoist those,who have heard Mr.lo school Miss Lula Furches,while the school gang,“My Country,’Tis of Thee.”‘Last but not least came the excel-lent and bountiful dinner,preparedbythegoodmothersofthedistrict,and served in the school room.We were glad to have the Juniorsandfriendswithus.and appreciatedtheBible,flag and thanks voted bythemfortheirentertainment.°’*Wishing the Juniors much successintheirefforttouplifthumanity,we will bid them adieu. Notice of:New Advertisements.‘A ‘likelihood of domestic ‘servants and farm hands.IfdressNewSettlers,care The Land- mark.“; '“Ninety-eight acres land ©near ‘Trioutmany—M.D.Goodman. i Black Poland China sow strayed— T.M.C.Davidson.Registered Jersey cow for sale.— J.-M.Deaton..Investigate convenietice of loose-leaf ledger.—Brady.-Printing Co.‘Don’t forget.Eagle &Milholland. —Statesville Brick Co.Arch,Campbell,M.D.,_office atStimson’s.Drug’Store._Quality Easter cards,WatermanpensandgSpaldingathleticgoods.—Statesville Printing Co.‘A.word to the boosters.—%tates-| ville Drug Co.Spring opening of miilinery tomor-row.—Mrs.J.M.McKee.;‘New spring suits.—Johaston-Belk Oe,<heGoodadvice—Star Milling Co.eee for saving,—MutualnisBuilding&Loan Association.=New and beautifur suits —Ram-F sey-Bowles-Morrison Co.At the Lyric this week.:American fiber furniture.—Craw-ford-Bunch Furniture.Co.RE ;Mitre 9.returned-to-nee Mesdames:8,Mellechampe of Ox-. ...Sénator Thornton of Louisiana ar-! ly and profitably taught by| South Statesville Lodge,No.399,of}ganizing the State association, ne ta A.M.,presented them home-like bya great many” Mv:-W.N.Smithson,master of cer-|ated 1 | ies,)the exercise by call-|30 secured legislation compelling the!ville lodge will go in a pody headed leas-| He talked{to cash collected for =shipment.pees ure of listening to Rev.C.: 2 =presented the Bible.iathreethings—virtue,liberty);-nd ‘patriotism,for which his .order/ Pe0!t greatest of all books —-ey Rev.C.L.McCain,ina very thap-|rv to be specified:to check the issuc py and impressive manner,accented)of,fraudulent ib}behalf of th hoolé f 4atheecatedogbi al and keeMing them:to maze mar- flag and to make the speech of .the' some of our good sition in the nation and in theworld: the ‘flag,whieh was raised by little)mén for conspicuous place. interested ad-/ _Drain tile now readyfordelivery.|ments being made by Mr. ‘linv and Mrs.Wood: |&POSTON’S STORE WED-— Merchants’.Association Enter-tained Friday Evening—Ex-silent Address By Mr.Jus- _tice and a Delightful Musical|Programme. ~With a musical programme »that was a treat,a practical and interest-‘ing address from Mr.A.B.JusticeofCharlotteanda.short talk by ~»|Mayor Caldwell,not forgetting therefreshments,the concluding feature,the members of the Merchants’Assoelationgavetheirfriends,their fam ities and employes,a_pleasant eveding,and one oConimercialClubhing.‘President A.W.Bunch of.the asso.elation,Vice President L.W.McKes-son and Mr.Geo.H:Myers received the guests at the door and Messrs.R,M.Rickert and Fred,M.Sherril!ushered.°:FThe.attendance.was large andwhentheguests:had assembled Pres-ident Bunch called the gathering toorderandMr.R.'F.Weatherman,at-torney for the association,presented Mr.A.B.Justice of Cnarzotie,the speaker of the evening.Mr.Justice said he had’not °ex- pected to speak before ladies,andwhenhefoundthattheyweretobe a part of the audience the success of ‘women in business sugges:ec itself;and he cited some instances in which ouse Friday eve ‘ful in the business world,Attention was also given the~mercantile em-ployes,who composed a part of .thé hau ee,-and-the-fact stressed that they are a most important part of the business. ful merchant.was at.some time aclerkforsomeothermerehant.andfromtheranksoftheemployesto-day will come the merchants of thefuture.The value ‘of the employe vwho does things without waiting to‘be told and the unsatisfactory em-ploye who does nothing except whatheiste!ld-to-do,were ‘contrasted,andj “An employe-who never doés |Employers don’t have time to point) |out everything they want done and| that employe’only is -of value who} ‘learns to do things without waiting)'to_be told.aha fe 'The advantage of merchants com-| jing together by organization,the!;helpfulness-of—their co-operation to} each other,to their patrons and to|the community,was discussed.In ad-| dition to the advantage of local co-||operation,the merchants had,by or-| 'zeecured the abolition of the mer-!acting event for Heptasophs in south chants’tax.an unjust burden;the Stntercille:,pa\abolition of trading stamps,whicwerenotanadvantageto‘them or to'those approved are —pr:vileged to ‘their customers;had secured a law! made more -beauti- %0 ore the express.Beomspany et speeches.-m-publish_its_rates,which enabled the |“yany-tasophs _f;ur d-shipper to determine whether all pa-}ane ee oe axpress company _to turn.over|promptly money collected on C.0.D\shipments.Prior to the enactmentfofthislawthecompanypaidsuch collections when it.got ready.'one case it held on for.eight months “Other cood laws secured by the organization were to prevent the adulteration of feedstuff and the mis:| branding of products;requiring the) amount of.gold -and silver in jewel:| checks;to.preventdeedhentssecuringgoodsonapprov- rofit withal,at the| women had been eminently success-| '}} Nearly every success-||The first number was a group of du- this maxim laid down.for thought:/}any-}-terfly and “Down ,Inthingexceptwhatheisaskedtodo.|Miss Joy has an exquisitely cultivat- will never do anythiiez important.”| first time,and the audience!fested ‘special appreciation,—Punch was served during thening,first by Misses varrie Hoff-man and Margaret Brady,and iaterbyMissAnnaBellWhiconandMrs,E.N.Lawrence,Ice cream and cakewereservedbyMissesElizabethCarlton,Elizabeth Matheson,beth Bowles and Louise Brady. A’WEDDING NEXT MONTH. Miss Tomlin and Dr.Durham— Social Events. Mr.and Mrs.Charles Stokes Tom- |stage of their daughter,Miss Lily May Tomlin,and Dr.Albert Johnson 7th,at six o'clock,at thei residence on Davie avenue.;P iMissMyrtleHeinzerlingentertain-od.Friday.night’at the home of herparents,Mr.and Mrs,J.E,.Heinzer-livg;on Tradd street.Between 35and40-guests were present.Hearts dice was played at several tables.but no prizes were awarded.Punch,ice cream,cake and mints were serv- ed.During the eyening there waspianomusicbyanumberofthe young ladies,‘The meeting of.the »MatDowell Music elab,which.was:scheduled toheheldwithMrs,Ix,u,Steele’Fri-day afternoon,was postponed on ‘ac- count of illness of the hostess. Reported for The Landmark.Bi RaeA: Quite a musical treat .was giventhosewhoattendedthereceptionoftheMerchants’Association at.“theCommercialclubFridayevening. Sulley and Mrs.DeWitt ~Ramsey- fully,“Since-1 -Kissed--You”.and“From the Land of the Sky BlueWater.”Then--Mrs.Ramsey played brilliantly a “Vake”ty Schutt.Miss! Joy of Cazenovia,New.York,sang“Orie Fine Day,”from Madame But-the Forest.” ed voice and sings in a truly operatic style.Foran encore she graciously gave “Madcap Majorie.”The last numberof the_.programme.was a.lovely vocal duet by Mrs.R.B.Me-;®®Laughlin and Mrs.Wood.Mrs.Mc-~Laughlin splendidly accompanied:the vocalists. The Event For.the Heptasophs. Correspondence”of,The Landmark..: In Junior Order Hall,above W.A. Evans’store in south Statesville,ae ight,Mi 25curedlegisiation-that—was helpful to lane ae easSe ehn etl be Sema |them and to the public.They had)and this promises to be a very inter- More than 30.men.havebeenapprovedforthenewlodgeand bring their’friends to listen to the ing towns will be present.as well astronsweretreatedalike;and had al-!,mciais from the home office.States-|* lin have issued cards fox the mar ; Durham of Acworth,Ga.,which’will]?5 | take place Wednesday evening,‘April: ets artistically-given by Mrs.J.L.) fore be487,F Mh thi Bartle: fistetitefob vey bel *inication to 2 it TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.cwepernemnentatesvilleLodge No.487,.A., being assembled inperform: »Whereas,§ A.M culled comm lark hour of distress is that we ha lyy Vegram:andwithhis uns ‘the ‘Jast sad.rites forbrother,Barl 8,Pegram,who has been|fa true and trusted brother among us,and)being.particularly impressed with the uncer-tainty of life,Brother Pegriim haying been|called from his terrestrial labors here to en-| ter upon his celestial labors,in’the Supreme|Grand Lodge above,in the very flower of his|manhood,and we.being ceatrous of offering| @ slight token of our love and esteem,there- resolved by Statesville Lodge,Ne. have hee “|a>| Phat while we pow in humble sub- GrandmissiontothewilofourSupremeMastcr,we eannot fail to sorrow over ourdepartbrother,and r only econsolati on € the pleasure and honor of being associ- h Brotherstruck a vow y Uitte »his trusts,and his toyal support i»distr n this very inadequate manner, ved wife andheart{«lt sympathy in?this.their dark hourchildren+-our some journey;they will be met by the.lov- ihe smile and a hearty weleome from him|s only gone on before. That a copy of these resolutions beuponourminutes,a copy gent to Mrs,|Pevran anil a copy published in the-States-/| ville ‘Landmark,Statesvitie’Sentinel and Or-|> phans’Friend.eet.Fourth That our Lodge--be draped inmourninsforaperiod’of 30 days,and that @ paite in our book of.reeords.he dedicated.toBrotherlegram's memory.Rend and unanimously adopted by States-.ville Lodge No.487,this 17th day of March,}% 1915,A.L.,5915,’ee §W.L..GILBERT,R.-E.CLAPP,J,H.HOFFMANN,Committee. »friends.and.assodiates,never turningfwarda,brother 4ThatStatesvilteLodgewishest4to most "Loft bereavement;and to:point then to the gnly consolation.which comes”fromm the Great Architect of the Untverse,who always! tempers the.wind.to the shorn lamb,and toremindthemthatwhen“those .who nowmournhavecome.to ‘the end of their toil- First National error ntroiet Se NA £MLETIIDELr O The Federal Reserve Sank of Mietmond.* The National Carrere wlation of North’ Carolina.; The MAXIMUM OF SECURITY.Evers con- sistent,accommodation extended our patrons, United States Depository.Mest een elon hv") 45 4 % wit pe f.se SA N S £ 55 5 4 1 7 SE S SS A C RS S 3 i >*,Seen men raters J.M Mrs.M.C.Wood sang most beauti-|¥a FOR SALE—Registered Jeraew Cow:DEATON. ISTRAYED—Black Sow,Poland China.Infor-A.| eet ees“4 ¥Five-room’cottage. March 23--2t. cMRS. from spring, outbu: School, var.N. NOTICE—Cottages for rent cheap until aft -the »%P.WATT. FORSALE. Ninety-eizht acres of land lying half-mile £ Troutman.g six-room ‘house,good barn and—other ngs;close to churen.and State High M.D.GOODMAN,Troutman,N.CC,& March 23. Farm we!l)-v.atered; ot, Feb.26. good. i]Runaway June No,4. |Shadows and Sunshine— Hogan’s Wild Cats—Keystone Film Wednesday. When a Woman Wails (two_reels) A Hatfulof Trouble— The Lyric Programme: Tuesday.Friday. Twenty Million Dollar Episode 13‘Princess Film In'‘theValeof Sorrow— Saturday.—American Film ST UNST ALL March 16.._.Thanhouser Film oe Majestic FilmWANTED.—Gustomers lor pianos and or Thursday.Her Winning Pana gans at panic prices.J.8S.LEONARD.;ACys'one m iMurch165t*The Deadly Spark (two reels)—M dé o FOR RENT—Seven-room Mouse on.Tradd A Dark Lover’s Play K-B Film ‘on ay::% strect,near Baptist church.W.A,ELITA-}g .a gis ee,‘aSON.Feb.26.Keystone Film [Three Extra-Good Reels. Beauty Film ftMutualGirlNo.51—Reliance Filmf Vengeance is Mine (two reels)~ Mystery | er de'! quire iby Mr.F.A.SherriJ],ana’the de- gree.team is now practicing sor the occasion.Mayor Caldwell will make the ad- In|tpass of welcome.Other speeches wil! follow and the meeting promises tohea“big night”for Heptasophs. ‘Box Supper at Loray Schoo! House. Correspondence of The Landmark, Box supper at the Toray schoo’ house Thursday night,25th,to whichthepublicisinvitedandtheIndiesarerequestedtobringboxes. ‘ried women responsible for contracts. Some of the thinzs the merchants ‘are trying for but have not yet at-/| not need.to be told that.we|tained are a fairer adjustment~of| freight-rates that will enable them;‘to compete with the Virginia cities.|land a modification of the homestead law.:i-«Mx<.dustice’s,..,..cqnclusion‘appeal to civic pride. i the large number of North Carolin-‘ian’who are holding prominent po- |Never was there a time when a sin-\gle State had furnished so manyWhat rare we doing,asked the speaker,to|maintain the reputation our ©public /men are making for the State?,A }local merchants’association can do |much to build up the community.|Have you the sort of/municipal gov-iernment you want?Have you a clean.town,morally and otherwise?|Hnve you as many pay-rolls as you! ‘want?Do you co-operate with the | \farmers to encourage them to diver-| i}t |The ‘offering of prizes to encourage)Yagriculture and the co-operation of.)|merchants,apd farmers,was urged.||gMr.J.Norman Wills of Greens-;xu;who was to have been second| |speaker,was not present,and at the||conclusion-of Mr.Justice’s address| Mr.J.H.Hoffmann ‘presented May-| ‘or Caldwell,who spoke for a little |whilé of the me¥chants and the town.)Prior to’Mr.Justice’s address the! musical programme was begun with;/a piano duet by Mrs.Culley andMrs.,|DeWitt Ramsey.Following the ad-;‘dress the musical programme’was leconcluded_as follows,the announce- Herbert}|Morrison:et ||Vocal solo—Mrs.M.Costin Wood.|Piano solo—Mrs.Ramsey, ‘Vocal -numbers—iMiss-Joy,Vocal duet—Mrs.R.B...MeLaugh- At the conclusion Mr.J.H.Hoff-}mann,on behalf of the association,ithanked the ladies for the musicaltreat.The association is indebted toMrs.Wood for:arranging.the pro-gramme,and being an accomplishedmusicianherself,Mre--<¥ood’s|work was well done.The singing was es- pecially enjoyed by the audience.Miss.Joy,a visitor from New.York |State,was heard here for the THE LATEST |~ In Ladies’COAT SUITS andDRESSwillbeshownat-MILLS, NESDAP,March 24th...Special».orders,taken---without..extra.&‘charger—ad.as » |sify crops and build up agriculture? ‘SERIOUS CATARRGYIELDSTOHYOMET Also One of theHeadColds or Bronchitis. the first symptom of catarrh,such a: frequent colds,constant frog in the ‘throat,difficult breathing ‘or.disa-greeable nasal discharges.Do not letthediseasebecomedespasatedfoiitoftencausesthelossofhearing. Hyomei is nature's true;retiiedy fo:catarrh—you breathe it so that ‘the medication goes Tight to the.soreandinflamedtissuesliningtheair ¢passages of the head and throat.Itsantiseptichealingmust.begin a: once.age!It’s no bothér,to use Hyomei.Sim-ply put a few drops of the liquid in- to the inhaler,that comes with every) complete outfit,and breathe it.Youwillfeelbetterafterthe’first breat!of Hyomei.It clears the head andthroatlikemagic.;~«There is nothing easier,quickerormore.satisfying than Hyomei. 1i,is not.merely a relief for catarrh butasureandlastingbenefit.TheStatesvilleDrugCo.sells Hyomei on the guarantee of money back if itdoesnotcure.| Saree enero retenpete ere te hly,‘imate age ofNEWSETTLERS, >them. BELGIAN DOMESTIC AND FARM HELP & There is a likelihood that Belgian domes-i farm hands can ve secured for those ir So that.an approximate|esti can be made,will all persons who!will employ such help in Statesville andIre-)%‘ounty send in answers at once to the!®following questions:What work do you re-| done?ioincludingbeardandlodgings?Ap-'& What wases will help desired?AddresscareThe March 23-—1t.Land-9 ee!O o Cf oO at |2 Arch Campbell,M.D. Office -Stimson's Drug Store. Residence ’Pkone © Office Phone 183158 March 23 -16t. A RECORD-BREAKER. “In-testing t Remedies For |covered 491 square feet—two.coats —with one gallon No.27..BD te cet dain hb an ae ppheogin DDG..density and.o-BRe wise intime and use Tyomer at Tae in a :i phenomenal spreading capacity.The above is a portion of a received from ThomasM.—P;,-Baltimore. If you doubt this,write him..FOR SALE BY 3 'Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.=tas=.We ate Sure you can find in you ha?e been looking for.we can show you in the cap line. respe letter I :B.MeCarriar,|3 scares ALoose Leaf Ledger. You know the inconvenience oftheOld-Style Ledger,now learn the convenience of the Loose-Leaf way—no transferring of accounts—just a clean live rec-ord of accounts all the time.If you want.a demonstration,just *phone 200 or write and we'llhave‘‘Johnny On The Job.”’ »Brady Printing Co. MRS.J.M.McKEE Begs to Announce Her SPRING OPENING WEDNESDAY,24TH, v PATTERN HATS -EVERY-THING me Inour Spring line,including the season’s newest | novelties in.Hemps,Milans,Panamas and -also in combination’with straw. i So |paproaceceentanaa:5 FOR RENT—Building formerly occupied by}‘:Coca Cola Bottling Co.MRS,D,A.MIL.&jBR.A ey “Mar,6--6¢|&é Are you Protecting those dependent on you? :A policy with us means Protection and Saving. Liberal Cash and Loan values on our policies.. Contracts Guaranteed and nothingestima Our Company has an absolutely clean record. We have over $53,000,000 insurance in force. Over $11,800,000 in assets.ee -Over $23,000,000 paid to Policy Holders. We write Railroad Men at Standard Rates. “Procrastination is the Thief of Time.”ee The Education of your child may depend on PolicyyoucarryinthisCompany.a EME MBER! fords and Ties.there that should move them at once. see these goods on our bargain tables. will interest you.SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. Icsa0YS Yes!We have them,a’most excellent and at- tractive assortment of Me:and Boys’Caps._ 25c.,50c.and $1.00. this lot just the Cap all in and see ~Bargain Tables of Women’s,Misses’and Children’s Low Shoes. We have‘two large tables full of genuine bargains in Women’s,Misses’and Children’s Pumps,Ox-&We have made special prices on & Ask to— (The White Co’.s old Stand.). what 2 They t + it tous.We make a specialty of re-When your Ford needs repairing bring pairing Ford Cars.Our mechanics are Ford experts.We carry a complete line of Ford repair partsand accessories.Our charges are reasonable and workguaranteed. Carolina Motor Compan; |' | t ?| | t |{ }i WIDE AWAKE PEOPLE SAVE MONEY RY READING story of An Ancient Church|ation.as.Gathered_From the Session Records... %2 oP yfterlan Church|SMA eaatecslon tot Beticer”incall/wounty,North Curolinn,From iis FormaViontotheYear1829.Brom the Session{“Book of the Charch of Bethany,Now in} Possession of Dr.B.A.Hall).t “That section of céuntry now em-'-braced in Iredell county was.settled|‘chiefly by Presbyterians |from the;State of Pennsylvania...This-settle-tent commrenced about the year 1755.) The first emigrants having been ac-)customed to hegy the gospel,finding»themselves now destitute,and being |“attached,moreover,to the Church in|which they .were educated,naturally |cast their eyes to the Synod of New}“York .and Philadelphia for.supplies.| Previous to the year 1775 that body} sent various supplies,among which} are to be found the names of Thomp-! son,Speneer,McWhorier,Caldwell,Holsey,Pomeroy,Tate,MeMurdey,§ McReary,Black.:i *-Some time ~during this’period) Fourth Creek church,which also em-}braced what are now caiied Concord).cand Bethany,was orgahized.by.Dr.Spencer.After its organization}Fourth Creek church continued vacant |m _are nowused exclusively by *{0 CREAMERI ‘TEN YEARS AGO THERE WERE A.DOZEN.THE CREAMERYMEN FOUND THAT IT MADE different makes of creamery or factory separa- Qo.OF THE WORLD'S on WHEN YOU COME TO CONSIDER THE BUY.and was without:preaching,‘except) from supplies,until April,1778,In} the meantime thé Presbytery~~of! Orange had been formed and the con-} ’gregation of Fourth Creek was so! widely extended,that it became high;|ly inconvenient for many.of its mem- hers.to attend preaching.In consé-quence of this it was cetermined,| about the year 1775;to Torm two oth-) “er churches,to be called Concord and} Bethany.} In the year 1776 the late Dr.Hall, having finished his education at "Princeton,returned “home and-—con- tinued the study of divinity,which! he had commenced under Dr.Wither-} _Spoon at-Princeton.tn the ‘year 1778/ he was invited to take’charge of thethreechurchesabove:mentioned and in April of that year he was ordained and installed as pastor of these threechurches,Though the people of Beth- any had determined to withdraw from| Fourth Creek three years before Dr.) Hall’s ordination,yet they were dar-| ing this period witl-out any regular | organization and without a house of! worship.From the time of the ordi- nation of Dr.Hall until the close of} the Revolutionary war,public wor-ship was generally conducted in the}open air.At the close of that period..it..was resolved to erect a house of! _Worship,which was speedily cone.— “When Bethany church and congre-!ation were organized the sess-on was|seomposed of the following persons—|‘games Hall,Joseph Wasson and,John!*Arehibald,formerly members ©of | Srectth Creek session;together with!RobertKiya,James McReary and An-|“drew Reid.The other”members ‘of}Othe congregation were Thomas Archi-|bald,William Archibald,John Bone,|Thomas Bone,Isabélla Bailey,David| Beaty,Thomas Beaty,Thomas Bell,|doln Cooper,David Caldwell;Joseph |Dobson,Benjamin Dobson,Yonn Dod-|bins,Hugh Hall,William Hall, Thomas Hall,Robert Hardin,Francis |+Holmes,William Bone,David Logan,|Samuel Love,Andrew Kilpatrick,| James McHargue,WilliamMcConnell,| John McConnell,“Andrew Morrison,|--dohn Morrison,John_MeWhorter,; _dames King,John King,John Nisbet,!"Jacob Nichols,George Locke,-Henry| Potts.William Sharpe,Robert Smith,|Nathan Todd,George Reid,John! Reid,John Roseborough,Wm.Rose-|‘borough,Ninian Steele,Adam Simon-| ton—a total of 49. In the year 1783 Bethany,together ‘with the associate congregations,was| visited with a special revival of re-; ligion,which continued for the space) of 18 months or two years..During| that period many additions were madeTeteMSCURLEN,UU TNere are iG “Pees_,-rds to show the number.From the!¢lose of that revival until 1802 noth-| ing very remarkable occurred,except | that Dr..Hall..resigzed the pastoral |_...charge of Concord and Fourth Creek!‘and confined his ministry mére excius-| ively to Bethany.This occurred about }the year 1790.During this period the|chureh lost some of its :most valuable|members by,removals to the South|and Whst,among whom were Robert:King-and Andrew:Reid,mémbers of!session.Some also diec,among whom|were James Hall,Joseph Wasson and|John Archibald,members of session,|leaving of the original session only |James MceReary.On this “account:Hugh Hall,Hugh Anrrews;-Dr.Lewis’PF.Wilson,Andrew Kilpatrick and:Jacob.Nichols were appointed to fill%the vacancy of the session.Afte?a|short time,Dr.Wilson having heen |ordained to the pastoral charge of!Yourth Creek sind Concord,John King|was appointed to fill the vacancy in|the.session.Shortly after this time.Jacodb Nichols ceased to act as a mem-ber of session.and Davidaskienry was|>appointed-to-suceeed him. In the year 1800 the session was!composed.of James.McReary,JohnKing,Andrew Kilpatrick,Hugh HallandHughAndrews,David Henry hav--ing moved to the Wes Other mem-Hers of congregation were sonn Cal-|ahen,Wm.Allison,John McGuire,|John Cochran,George Locke,Sr.,jGeorgeLocke,Jr.,Humphey B.Tom-|linson,John McReary,Alexander |Dunlap,John Dobson,James MeCor-!‘Ale,Joseph Allison,Thomas Allison,|James Calahen,Wm.Gone,Jr.,John|Woodsides,’Amos Sharpe,James Me-| SE ce = &DEAPNESS CANNOT BE OC {‘by local applications,as“not of the |only one way to cure|and that 1s by constitutionat|Deafness is caused by an!Hamed condition of the mucous UningOf)the Hastachian Tube,When this|he js inflamed you have a rumbling |-Sound or imperfect hearing,and whienMtigentirelyclosed,Deafness is the rotwut,and unless the inflammation oan |ve taken ont and this tube restored to|ite normal condition,hearing will be de-stroyed forever;nine ¢ases out of tenBreenaueedbybutaninflamed,condition ofcoussur;._We will give One Wundréad DollarstotmyCaneofDeatiossCoausedby the mu- eatarrh)that eannot be cured by Hall's |« Caitarrh Cu for clroulars,free.¥,i ete So Toledo,Q-| ‘Toke Hat's.|for“conatic:ton, tors in use.To-day over 98 per cent of the world’s creameries use De Layal Separators ex- clusively. a difference of several thousand dollars ‘a year “whether a De Laval or some other make of Separator was used,and that they could not afford to use any other.machine than the DeLaval,no matter What the price,because theirlosswithanyotherseparatorwouldmorethan “ing of a cream separator why not profit by the experience of the creameryman?If his ex-perience has shown him that the De Laval is the ’most economical machine for him to buy this ought to mean a great deal to you in your choice’ drews,having through Catarrh,which is nothing | A) ..F a.ip..« x eat up the cost time. NOW THERE IS EXACTLY THE SAME’PER:centage of saving with a DeLaval farm sepata- .tor as with a De Laval factory separator.Theonlydifferenceisthattheskimminginthecreameryisdoneonaverylargescale,and on. .the farm ‘on a very small scale;and while a ~-o small loss in-a creamery soon-mounts up to a lot of money,the same percentage ‘of ‘loss is not so noticeableon the farm where only the milk of a few cows is skimmed,but it’s a loss, just the same,that no farmer can afford. -Before you buy any.De Laval.for yourself which mac of a De Laval in-a very short of a cream separator,because there can be nobetterrecommendationfortheDeLavalthan the fact-that ©the men who.make the sepa-ration of milk abusiness use the Dé Laval tothepracticalexclusionofallother“separators. HOWEVER;IF-THERB-IS STILL-ANYDOUBT _in_your mind as:to the bést machine for you to.’buy,the only-thing to do in order to settle thequestiontoyourownsatisfactionistomakeanactualtrialofaDeLavalsidebysidewithanyother_cream separator on your_own-farm,-and.— see for yourself which machine ‘ts best con-structed-and does the best work, Cream Separator ask the DeLaval agent to let youtry out a-You'can try any other machine you like alongsideof it and then judge.hine is the best for you to buy. Home Canner Manufacturing Co.,Hickory, 2 SELLING AGENTS,_ Local Representatives,CLINE &ABSHER. DeLaval Separator Co.,153,ipadwayNewYorkOver1,750,000 De Lavals in daily use,50,000 Branches and Local Agencies the-World Over. Hargue, Gracey,James H.Hall,Thomas La-zenby,.Thomas Bell,Jr.,James Archi-bald,Ninian Steele,Elizabeth ‘andMarthaArchibald,Zephaniah Ellis,Tobias Roby,John Bowman,AndrewCaldwell,Abijah Alexander,James‘Bell,Soshiia“Nichols;“Jonni Nichols;Henry Steele,David~Waddle,Wm.Bone,Sr.,Robert Gordon,Joseph Kil-patrick,Thomas Hall,Samuel:Was-son,Alexander Hall,Thomas.Hunter,Samuel ‘Love,John-.Morrison;Andrew.Morrison,John Nisbet,William Hall,James Hall,Catherine’Houpt,Leon-ard Roby,Thomas Morr:son,FergiisHjall,Wm.Sharpe,James King,Rich-ard King,James Sharpe,Silas Sharpe,Mary Travis,Samuel King,Wm.Mor-rison and Robt.McCorkle—total 68.In the beginning of 1802 this churchwasvisitedwitharevivalofreligion,the most‘remarkable perhaps in mod-ern times,whether we regard its ex-tent or its manner vu?operation.Itcommenced;in Tennessee,immediate-ly after extended to the Staie or Ken-tucky.It next made its appearanceinthePresbyteryofOrangein-thisStateandshortlyafterwardsinthePresbyteryofConcord,and thenthroughtheSouthernStatesgeneral-ly.It was confined to neither sex,ageordescriptionofpersonsandwasat-,tended with the most remarxable bod-ily agitations,How many additions(were made to the church in Bethany,at that time,cannot now be ascertain-ed,It may be remarked here that forSometimeprevioustothisperiodtheStateofreligionwasextremelylow;|Universalism,infidelity and error invariousforms,as well as immoralityinpractice,greatly abounded,andwhenthefriendsorreligion”werereadytositdownindespair,this re-vival,no doubt in answer to prayer,suddenly commenced and spread,.totheastonishmentbothoffriendsandenemies,\S {‘About the year 1804 or 1805,JohnKing,James McReary and Hugh An- advancing agedeclinedtoactasmembersofsession,James McCorkle,James Bell andJamesT,Hall were appointed to sup.ply their places in the session,andafterashorttimeJamesBelldeclined |to.act_as a member of session andJohnGallowaywasappointedtosic.ceed him.About the year.t8is or1812AndrewKilpatrickdeclined.aet-ing as a member of session,in con- A Tet catetnttencannetaecantore,|Recommends Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy.|“I take pleasure’in recommending Cham.jherlain’s Cough.Remedy.to my.eustomersbecdussIThaveconfidenceinit,I find thatitheyarepleasedwithitandcallforit:when|teain fn need of such a medicine,”writer a.W.Sexson,Montevallo,Mo.~Por sale by alldalers. Richard King,Jr.,Robert}Sequence of infirmity,and George.Al-lison 4nd Richard Hall were «ceded tothesession.In the year 1816 anothervacancytookplaceinthesessioninconsequenceoftheremeva:z of JamesMcCorkletotheStateofOhio.From the revival of 1802 to the year1816"nothing-very~particular-seeurred:in the church.Some additions to.thecommunion.of the church were maaefrom,one time to another,At this,time Dr.Hall,who had ministered+6.the-church-near—46--years,askedandobtainedleavetoresignthepas-toral charge of Bethany.He,how- occasionally for some years after.Af-ter remaining vacant until the fall of.1818,the people of .Bethany~werevisitedbytheRev.John M.Erwin;alicentiateofthePresbyteryofHan-over,in.Virginia,who,after preach-ing to the congregation.until the be-ginning of 1821,was ordained and in-stalled to the pastoral charge of Con-cord and Bethany.Just about thetimeofhisordinationthetwocongre-gations were visited with a revival ofreligion,at’the close:of.which.avout30personswereaddedtothechurchofBethanyalone.xn the year 1823anadditionoffour.members wasmadetothesession,viz.,AlexanderBarr,Thos.Allison and Henry Steeleby:ordination and Wm:8.°°JohnstonreceivedfromthesessionandchurchofThirdCseek.At the time of Mr.Erwin’s ordination and’installationthecongregationwascomposed’ofabout50members.From we revivalof1821untiltheyear.1827 some.ad-ditions were,from time to time,madetothechurch,although nothing veryparticularoccurred, Li cenaia eaeeenitenemnaenatime In Buneombe Superior Court JudgeWebbheldthatwomen‘can legally hold the position of notary —public. The case now goes to the’Supreme Court for a final test of the law.en- acted by the recent —Legislature, which authorizes the Governor to ap- point women notaties public. ) ever,continued to.preach at Bethany |. FrenchRemedy Aids iffStomachSafferers|}, (he Yadkinville Ripple says Mr.David N.Elmore of Yadkin countyandMissJohnsieTeagueofIredei!were married in the register of deeds’office ‘in Yadkinville last Tuesday. The Morganton Messenger,which| |has made x-ptace for-itself inr-Burke;ir’has entéred upon its fourth year. France has been called the nationwithout“stomach —troubles.—The‘French have for fenorations used asimplemixtureofvegetableoilsthatrelioveall-stomach and intestinal ail-ments and keep ‘the bowels free fromfoul,poisorious matter.The stom-ach,is.left to perform its functionsnormally.}iMr.Géo.H;Mayr,a leading drvg-gist of Chicago,curcd himself with mand is.so gieat that he importsthese-oils from France —and com-pounds them under the name ofMayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy.People everywhere write’and testify ceived using this remedy—one dosewillridthebody.of poisonors eecic-sions that.have accumulated.foryearsandconviticethemostchronic‘sufferer from stomach,liver or intes-tinal troubles..Mayr’s.WonderfulRemedyissoldbyleadingdruggists this remedy in 2 short tin.e.The de:|] to the marvelous relief they have re-| SeeSeeears oor aetnaCi m Dae|oO OaES ONGOLEUM Floor Coverings ../ Herg'is a-floor covering,daintyindesi andcoloring,,that costa less than printedlinoleum,|It is easily laid,requires tiofastening,and is very durable,~ _Congoleumis splendid for kitchen Roors,°Repeated washing cannot injure it. Tile,matting,floral and conventionaldesigns,suitablé for'any room. ¢ Congoleum Pug Bordera sve remarkable imita-tiome of polished eak.Come in and cee this pewsanitaryBoorcaverlug.‘ Sera DP LOrera, Statesville Housefurnishing Co.| everywhere with the positive under-standing that.your’money will be re-funded without question or quibbleifONEbottlefails.to give you abso-lute satisfaction, NOTICE OF ACTION IN SUPERIOR:COURT,’ North Carolina,Iredell \Couney; In Superior Court,Before the Clerk. Shepherd,J..W.Cline,Emma L.Cline,MaryShepherd.iW..W.Shepherd and Geo.8.Shepherd,ofthedefendantsabovenamedwilltakenoticethatanactionentitledasaboveliasbden {2 HAIR COMING OUT? Dandruff causes @ feverish irrita-tion of the sexlp,.the hair —yeotsshrink,loosén and then the hair com-es out fast,To stop falling hair atonceandrid-the seap of every’par-ticle of dandruff,get a 25-cent bottleofDanderineatanydrugstore,pour a little in your hand ind rub i intothesealp.After a few ications can’t find any dandruff. ed in the Superior Court of TredelleountytopartitionallOfthelandsheldincommonbetweenthepieanddefend-ants,lying mainly ih.Chambersburg township,Tyédetl county,and béing the identicallandsdescendedtothedaidpartiesfromtheirmother;and the swid defendants will furthertakenoticethattheyarerequiredto’appear|at the office of the ¢lerk of the SuperiorCourtof‘Iredell county,North Carolina,atthecourthouseinStatesville,on the 27thdayofMarch,1915,and answer or demir toainsuidaction,or the plaintiffs Will apply to the a for the relief de-manded in said complaint.‘4 -JA,HARTNESS,C.8,6. appl aethe.hair.stops -comis ont and von ik,Be McLaughlin,Attorney. ,“February 23,1916.fi J.1.Shepherd,Mrs,Mary 8,Chenauit.ys.|%W..W:Shepherd,Geo,8,Shepherd,GC.F.5 RPEMRT rm OHH OOoYOUROPPORTUNITY. To Buy a Nice FarmandGet Ready for Next:Year’s Crop,No 1-345 acres in Elmwood,All school and church conveniences.\\.Strong land,40 acres in :bottom,8-room house,large barnandouthouses.a VEN WOR ee eatNo,2—77 acres 3+miles east of city...This propertylies on the sand:clay highway now being ppeuuert by the government,~Is }ideal for Dairy and Truck farming,i ;No.3 ~40 acres 1 1-4 miles frompublic square.--Splendidly adaptedforDairypurposes,Live Stock and:Poul ::No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line~a bargain,40city lots in east Statesville,known ag ‘Park Place’’—-$15 diverbalanceinmonthlypaymenitsof$5,i s10lotsinBloomfield.Terms .Six lots in:south Statesville,asectionfastdeveloping.Several nice houses and lots to gell:_Call_on me and learn what I have.ie eras,W.R.MILLS,‘PHONE 54. Dennen Ee wie '* 78-acre farm,five miles from:Statesvilleon the Sand-clay raad.»Forty acres o manatee,six or aaion “barn &ma,haloes inx-room,two-story dw:“barn and-out buildings,Plenty offruitonplace.rags ;7_105 acres ninemilesfrom Statesville,14 miles from Elmwood on‘public road.Forty acres in cultivation,25:in bottom land,balance in‘akandpine timber.Two-story,five-room dwelling,large stockbarnandoutbuildings.One tenant house.Good orchard, ,,Bl-acrefarm near Harmony State High School on public road._Fifty acres in cultivation.nee in woodland.New five-room cot-.aga,large barn and out buildings.All in good condition.-.These farms are generally level and productive.Prices right audtermscanbearrangedonpartofpurchasemoneyifnecessary.For further information call on or write : ERNESTG._PHONE 23, ea@\could have been reduced $60,000,00 GENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-GATHER,ea,eves,ge-|z CE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.w |tional Shirts,Shirts! Fancy and Plain,Silk and Madras. Would be pleased to show you.— 4 Shoes repaired while you wait, Shoes sent for and dellvered. -@ TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Co., %The One Price Cash Shoe Store. Sielelelelale. If you failed to make a resolution on’Jan- uary 1st to save money this year—then why not do so now.We will be glad to have you start an account in OurSavingsDepartment if with only $1.00.If you will do this, and add to it regularly from time to time it -will make you independent. We Pay 4 Per Cent Compound Interest on ihviaes. Of Statesville, ’“TheBank For Your Savings.” ‘TA Shor S d.”m Always Short of My Standard.”. “'That’s what I am,”’my friend said,ME“Well,what are going to do about it?”-.“Qh!I don’t know what to do unless I keep on struggling “‘Wouldn’t you like me to tell you what not todo?”‘Indeed I would.”A...‘Well.sir,doti’t lower your high standard —Perhaps ‘if_...you weretoraiseit an inch-or-two-higher,you might-rise to...«'greater effort.”’~John Wanamaker.|‘: _.The Standard of the Statesville Realty&Investment Cc.:for uareDealing,prompt andefficient SERVICE inal its—~~branches of business,remains,as it has»for the past ninersofitscareer,a monument to its present successfulness,“We Insure Anything Insurable.” Call on us for service.’*Phone us if more convenient.Statesville Realty &Investment Co. :J.F.CARLTON,Manager,’Phone 54.Statesville,N.C. % People’s Loan &Savings Bank,Capital -$50,000.00 Is now located in its New Building on Center street and ready for -.business. Ae \: Stockholders,customers,business men,farmers,_and the public are invited to come in and see our handsome new quarters,where we are prepared to transact a banking business in all ofits departments. Your presence,and that of your friends,will be appreciated.Courteous employes will show you ‘over the building,and give prompt attention to all,business that may be entrusted to us.;GEO.H.BROWN _President.~0.L,TURNER -_~-Cashier. Pee 4 y - - bg < THE LANDMARK |TUESDAY,---March 23,1915.——————— (NATIONAL |EXPENDITURE Jt is Constantly Growing and»the Situation is BecomingAcute. ices @ Baltimore Sun.Pike, What that waste amounts to in the national government it may not be easy to determine,but it is to be re-called that.Senator Aldrich,in a fe-mous speech delivered by him in theearlypartof1909,said that in his {opinion the appropriations of the y ‘ |without finpairing the publie service.Senator Hale at about the same time,||we-are reminded,by Prof.Henry J.iKord’s book on “The Cost of the Na-Gavernment,”.predicted.an jearly bankruptcy for the nation.’Yet=—.«the appropriation for 1908,tne year mince |of which these eminent ntlemen|were speaking,aggregated less;than|'$800,000,000.;the fiscal yeay,1915 was much morejthan$1,000,000,000.The thing is |most apparently »getting worse and 'worse,“4 ;:|What are.the remedies?‘Ine people/of the country apparently ‘cannot bearousedtothefactthatthehightaxestheypayarecausedbytheenormous expense of running the.government, |Hlogica!and unbusiness-like methods,ithe lack of a budget,the waste in %|vork barrel bills,in harsor zmprove- ‘ments that help no navigation and ¥ovblic buildings that are enormously 7.too pretentious for the communities‘they serve;-the nayy yards,which are%,a hindrance and not a help to...the upbuilding of a better navy—these and similar things-make no real im- oression on the public mind.The ex-wf |travagance of Congress is discussedjinthenewspapersatcloseofeach |session,but is never made-an issue =n the next Congressional-campaign. &me.*The distance Sez:ween the =Congressman and—his--constitueney,the longtiine that elapses after elec-:tion before he takes office,the pres- sure on him to “get something”for=his district—these all encourage him =|to participate in the ergy of extrav- The'apprepr-ation,for| THE NURSE'S BEST WORK.| They Will Be Trained to Fight!|Tuberculosis --Good Piece! of Legislation. }Bulletin State Board of Health: “One of the best pieces of legista-|tion of this General Assembly,”said }a prominent man of the State recent-“ly,“is/that fegarding the State San-ratorium for the Treatment of Tuber- 'culosis,especially ‘the act creating a training school:for nurses.This is after tuberculosis right,”he ied,“for if we danfiave nurses ‘trained in tuberculosis work to go,out among the people and teach them jhow to live to avoid tuberculosis as ;well as the way to get cured,then we'll be getting down close to the problem and we won't be long solving ayy,Whether the above prophecytrueornot,there’s no doubt about,|the efficacy of the plan..The act re-| |ferred to reads thus:“Power and||authority is:hereby expressly given| ;the State Sanatorium to organize and conduct a training school for nurses,|The superintendent shall he the.ex-officio dean of the training school for| purses and shall have power and au-.thority to appoint such faculty,pre- scribe such course or courses or lec-|tures,study and clinical work andawsrdsuchdiplomas,certificates and! other eyideneés of the completeness! of such course or courses as he may| think wise and proper,and performsuchotherfunctionsanddosuchother'|acts as he may think necessary in the}conducting of such training school,”|Trained nurses have been one of(the strongest forces ever sent out!‘against the White Plague.They meet ‘the enemy on the enemy’s ground and |there fight to eonguer.They enlist}patient and household,and when giv}fen this support the victory is theirs.| 'They don’t stop at telling how a thing | is done,but why it is done arrd the re-|isu|sult:to be.expected. ea ators are valuable assets to any is! |eeeeetelepaeeemnn These health } |State,and North Carolina is to be;congratulated on this move taken to=}ward stamping out tuberculosis.~|SRS { -County Treasurers Abolished. In addition to.the few countiessete,DianforiFORPEwher he.fe vf oteytrenmarer=a check,but it is a slovy process.Wr had already been abolished,the re-| wish that our financial and economie|cent Legislature passed an act abol-! @ ‘kame FHBRITANK fs blown in experts might suggest somethingspeedierandmorecertain. =‘Railroads in Bad Way,Says Mr._,Hill.=St.Paul,Minn.,Dispatch. Railroads of this country have beens|driven “to the last ditch and no long-}er can compete with each other or \any one else,”James J.Hill told the =)railroad committee of the Minnesota” =House and Senate,at a hearing on a =bill to increase passenger rates in =this State from two cents to two and_one-half cents a-mile.ereEvenmorestringentconditions will =follow the conclusion of the European ;war,Mr.Hill predicted.Next year, he believed,wovld see a fall in price:of all farm proddets with wheat dow _Merchants and Farmers’Bank,to 70 cents.He also forecasted «b- norma!interest rates on money after . the European struggle ends and said: “The-war—will be—brought—to a;“speedy close because of the physics!siand material exhaustion that.wi! ensue and ig ensuing. 7{ “It.costs more money per train mi!* “to operate passenger trains than the railroads receive for it,”Mr.Hill sid. }*You know how long that conditio: ean exist.and what ultimatelycomeofit.Intelligent legislation.i wi H an‘advantage for any State,but lev-!islation that is unfair to the railroad: is unfair to the people of the Stnie, fer sooner or later they will have toBputtheirnecksundertheyokeani|help share the railroads’burdens.“The railroads of this country are‘right at the last-ditch.They no long- er can compete with each:other,or-any one else.They are too busy try- ing to solve financial.problems _to_liveawhilelonger.” premeCourt.~~ The Southern railway,has petition- ,ed the corporation commission to be|allowed to suspend the operation of ‘certain passenger trains on accountlofdecreasedbusiness;The trains‘that it is desired to take off are Nos. |108 and 131 between Greensboro and Goldsboro;trains 289 and 240 be-|tween Winston-Salem and |Wilkes-|boro;trains 21 and 22 between Ashe-‘yille and Waynesville;morning train{into Charlotte from ©Winston-SalemjandafternoontrainoutofCharlotte8toWinston-Salem;morning train outpofNorwoodforSalisbury_and_after- ;noon train out of Salisbury for Nor-|wood;trains 122 and 138 between |Greensboro.and Mt.Airy;and_to|change:trains 132 and 133°to mixed |trains between Greensboro and San- |ford..:|The commission heard the _state-jments and intimated strongly a dis- ‘inelination to allow the taking off of jany more trains,but directed that|detailed‘statements of the earnings _,of the trains in question be submitted ‘|with a view to showing just what theconditions‘are. :|Two Homes Burned in Rowan.wn Fire late Thursday night destroy-led two country homes ‘in Kowan.TheoldCorzarthousenear—Gay’s-chapel,;six miles —West of Salisbury,was‘burned and the occupants,the family jof Alleh Myers,narrowly escapedcremation..Mr.Myers had to jumpfromawindowimhisnight’clothes. }They saved nothing.‘The old:Tom-Sumner.home,—four(miles south of Salisbury,was burnedat11o'clock at night:and with itYacticallyallofthefurnitureofthe emily of George Stillwell,who oc- eaped from the burning building.‘Mow To Give QuinineToChildren. marestisthe trade-mark haime given to an ant to take and does not disturb the stomach.iidren take it and never know it 16 Quinine, need Qnfatne for any;esle,25 Webb-Keny:on Act.Before Su- cupied the place and who.barely es-, ne.Itis @ TastelessSyrup,pleas-| ed 'to aduits who cannot |Does not mauseate nor |inthe head,Try |Belcents, ‘ishing the office of treasurer following counties. Duplin,Northdmpton, ;Camden,Clay,Franklin,Robeson,}Vance,Person,Hoke,Lincoln,jtawba,Cleveland,Gates,Madison,| |forsyth,Martin,Harnett,Wyayne,| +Columbus,Bertie,Avery;—Granville, |Johnston,Anson,Warren,Wilson,| Sampson,Perquimans,Lee,©Bruns-|wick,Bladen,Washington,_Martin,! howan,Richmond,<Edgecombe,| Greene,’\ in the}i ; “Mitchell,| { COMFORTING WORDS,> Many a Statesyille Household Will Find Them So. To have the pains and aches of aj bad back.removed—to be entirely free from annoying,dangerous.uri nary disorders,is enough to make! any kidney sufferer grateful.The! following advice of one who has suf-|ene fered will prove comforting words to| |hundreds of Statesville readers: Mrs.M.J.Lyerly,Hill _street, |Statesville,N.C.,says:“I was !troubled by nervous spells and the action of my kidneys was irregular. My back ached and I didn’t sleep! well,In the morning,I felt all'-tired| out..When I heard about Doan’s| Ca-}: IT FEELS GOOD AROUNDTHENECKANDON THE CHEST ”You just ‘robie on’and rub’it in” Coble’s“CroupwdPheumoniaRemedy Is the.New LIQUID External | Remedy for all Cold Troubles It is Liquid;-easily applied ;“and does not _.stain the clothing ‘ You'll never know how good,ae ‘it is until you try it.”FOR®SALE BY ALL DEALERS |,COTTON SEED! 7 Bring them in on or before Saturday,March | 27th,as we expect to close down for the sea-_ son on that date andwillnotwantseedaf-_ter that date:Liberal™ exchangeof meal and. hulls until we close down.Yours truly, COTTON OIL COMPANY, "PHONE 205. IMPERIAL “7 GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be right ‘or the housekeeper caa’tbe ex-pected to plan and have meals on time.Then there‘is no economy in wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend -on..owhatyouwant-to-do isto get your watch or cluck repaired by poeHENRYwhile-he is devoting his entire time to repairing watches—aiclocks‘and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses.R.F.HENRY,|-Jeweler. “Pittsburg Perfect”Fence.|: -Kidney-—Pills,-T-usedsome-and before|#0. long they benefited me in."every way.” Price 50c.,at all dealers.Don’t simply ask for.a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidnéy Pills—the same~that|# Mrs,Lyerly had.Foster.--Milburn Co.,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y. The Handsomest I Fal Design Obtainable today in the South are pre- “pared by |SOBRE ECEOROB CR OR CECE EOECROLE OC EOE RCC ORO O) Van Lindley Co.,|; FLORISTS 10 THE SOUTH,| GREENSBORO,N.C. Polk Gray Drug Co, Local Agents. All ‘‘Pittsburg Perfect”Fences have stay wires asheavyasintermediatelinewires,A fence is only ~as strong as its lightest wire.No wire projections —to injure stock or pull wool from sheep.Possesses ##the ee fence joint in the world—the WeldfThatHeld.Where the wires are welded togetherbyelectricity,the fence is twice as-strongasthewireitself.Guaranteed that the wire is not injured atthejoints.Guaranteed.that the stays cannot beslippedorseparatedfromstrands.Guaranteed ad-jJustable to.uneven ground.Guaranteed strongerandmoredurablethananyother,Le oeEveryrodguaranteedperfect.Gauge the wire #when buying fence,If you weigh it in the roll,re-¢member that ‘‘Pittsburg Perfect”is all fence—noan-{tiquated wrapped or tied joints,no useless wire,no ~useless weight,:| Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,| ECHRORALBE DUCE ECEC RORCORORC RRAa WHEN you go after the burglar in your home you want the gun -hat will GET him —not miss fire and let him GET you, WHEN you go after the robber of your health,you want to GEThim‘first shot,before he gets you.To do it,you-must aim hig!get the BESTand plug the-bull’s eye with the shot that tellseverypullofthetrigger.:Se WHEN you take drugs that are not up to the very highest standard,you’re wasting,your ammunition shvoting in the air... WHEN you strike the trail that leads to.top-notch.purityciencyindrugsitwilllandyouright‘‘on the squarethedoorandstepin,i ~ rs -er eectsK|LooksLike aly is, }/,Phe relations,_2»|Austria are believed to have reached|duced Unitedanacutestage.A |Rome dispatch grown in 1914.0'says,Austrian and Gérman:sapjee at ‘bureau stat have been,advised by”thelr coos ‘urdiay Rivingfinal winetoleaveItalyintheshortest.possible officially place the 1914 ertimeandthatanuniberofGermansordwith.16,102,214:o Pwhorecentlyarrived.in‘Ttaly’are be-pounds each.That ‘is 409,449.ing watched because lof.wv Suspiejon|alent 500-pound:hates,or 204;000 jfthattheyaremilitaryspies,oT aeunds more than produced in the 1Therehavebeenxcports.for some!gréat crop of 1911.In addition to thedaysthatGermiany’s efforts to se-|great production of lint cotton,a rec-|hcurethecontinuedneutralityofTta-|ord quantity.of linter cotton,~whick |}ly by inducing Austria to eede Trent is,extensively used in manufacture of |}and’other-territory to.-her were poi military.éxplosives,was ¢meeting with success.Italy,it was!This amounted to 396,782said,demanded that the territory be)and brought the total 1cededtoherleasaedatayseteesreareegs‘equivalentsideherhusband,Mr,j Teutonic allies desired to make the}ba es ieayedlyItdoesn’t seem ax’transfer after the war,While the erop was a record dne,|§roper for me to write Mr.),Following this’camié reports that the only States to.make new ravarae |fobituary.There’was quite|Austria had commenced strengthen-in production were Alabama,’Louis-of difference in our ages,but|ing her southern frontier,and;‘ac-|iana pe Sena Thevother cot.#8 One’of my chums and in deal-|cording’to a dispatch recéived in Par-|ton States all came’close to thein rec. dein “of a Good Man’andgod,Citizen -—.Troutman é tf,ae of The Landmark. »March 22 ~Yesterday oges hone,which standsoftheviijage,was brok-‘6Q_years this home hadamarkofSouthernhogby.A year ago the mother,aft fe of service to uMmantty,wastorest,And then yesterday they It is Not Effected by Heat,Gold ~ Or Moisture,- *Itis Clean, Sanitary, Comfortable +and Attractive. wet It Willgttreatedhimmoreasamanmythanasanoldgentleman,“At the time of his death last Fri-xy.Mr,Scrogzs was &=years of age~reighty-two years young,according.to moderm parlance.Mr.ScroggsWasnotfromanyexternalappear-ance an old man.He retaitied all theattributesandcharacteristicsofvamaninhisprime.Ali nis facultieswereyoungexceptjustthefrailties of the human body.He retained allisinterest:in men and measures andherewasnoneofthechildishnesseymarkthoseofuswho jis from Rome,Italian officers of all arms belonging’to the first line,whohavébeenon‘half “pay;“have beencalledtothecolors.xn military ¢ir-cles this order’is considered’sigmif-cant,it being contended’that theseofficers‘would;not be called from thepublicadministrationunlessthesit, uation was’serious..At the beginning,of the war Italy,‘Austria and Grmany composed~thetriplealliancebutItalydidnotjoin‘Austria and Germany’in the war against the triple entente.Now itlookslikeItalyisgoingtotakeup marking time.Now that he has:fought the fight and is gone,it ‘iswell.He lived among us.useful,up-right,honest.He was not a demon-strative man.None‘or the Scroggs].are.He was a strong partisan but was too much of a high-toned gen-tléman to argue politics.He was abélieverinGod,in.Jesus Christ andtheChurch,but he—didn’t-carry his réligion around on his sleeve.Whenyouhaddealingswithhim,if there were a few pennies coming to you,you didn’t need to charge it or taxyourmemorywiththeitem.He'd dothatandyou'd most assuredly getthosepennies.~-We.used to joke fr.Scroges con-_siderably about The Landmark—lit-tle,Tight-veined:accounts of.which appeared different times initscolumns—+and he enjoyed tne:more.than anyone else.WewerealwayssureofLandmarkdaybyseeingMr.Scroggs at the postof-fice.He was the most ardent admir-er'of The Landmark in the county.and seemed to take a pride in thefactthathehad’known its editoreversincehewasalad.I asked him,on one occasion,about his viewspsomepublicissue.His reply wasathehadn't seen The Landmarkandwasnotinpositiontosay.This_Was said jokingly,but there was alotoftruthinit.Y was his ideal and was largely instru-1 in moulding Brother Scroggs’ns.Pe “pall-bearers —yesterday werePsiy‘The funerat -serviceswareconductedbyRev.J.MeekWhite,assisted by Rev.Messrs.R.C.Davidson and J.J.tads.‘Five:daughters survive—Mrs.‘Et-_ta Lawson,Mrs.Lula Lawson,Mrs.~Thomas:houser;Mrs.A,G. purse of friends all over thecountyatthefuneralyesterday.Mayrest.in.peace...:“Mr.Dextér Cavin and Mr.,CecilLippardleave’today for Iowa.~Mr.and Mrs,J.D.Crocker are.J.Be Waugh is also ‘confined to bed.There is still:quite“@ lot of sickness in the community.AP y.of friends and relatives ofDr.&.H.Rowe,who winterea in»Florida,are spending some time at_|the Rowe home.-From here they will+return to their home at Kittaning,Pa,. “Mr.W.W.Williamson has’gone :to The Landmark! Thus likewise did a large} arms against her former associates. Model of the Vance.Statue. Asheville Citizen,2zst.‘The members of the Vance Memo-rial commission retently appoirtecbyGovernorCraig,met at the resi-/dence of Mrs.Vance yesterday after./noon to inspect.the model of the lifesizestatueofSenatorZebulon:Vance,which is to be placed_in statuary hall‘at Washington.The designer of thestatue,Gutzon.Borgium.of NewYork,unveiled his model’‘and ‘themembers:of the commission,afterclose.examination,indicated .that they were pleased—with -the work. Certain facial changes were suggest-ed:and these will be followee by thesculptorinthefinisnedmodel.Thestatuewillbe.of heroic size and willbringoutindetailwhat’has beenwell:termed*the “bigness”‘of NorthCarolina’s favorite son.The members of |the commission ords.The Northdownat925,233 bales.eeeProbablyaCaseofBlackmail. James W.Osborne, ‘New York lawyer,lotte anda brotherI.Oskorne of Charlotte,sued for breach.of |promiseyoungwomanof.NewMissRaeTanzer,who is a000damages.-Osborne’is-a.mman“and has 4’grown son,“He alslegesthatthesuitisblackmail,Pprob-ably instigated by’enemies,‘ahd sub-sequent eventsseem to’bear “himout,The plaintiff alle that Os. ork city, Carorina crop is put|f a prominent &a native of Char-|fofJudge.Frank|—is ‘i been)¥by.alf i $50,-§‘edt the name of Oliver Osborne,Afterthesuitwasfiledayoungmanfrom | ver Osborne,showed up and ‘said he}was an acquaintance.of.the womanandofferedevidenceto:show that her borne’made -her ~acquaintance--under Boston,who said his namé was Oli.h grievance was against him if shehidagrievance.arrested.for using’the mails to ‘de- her in the sum:of $5,000, Charles Francis ‘Adams,writer andRichardHookerhassucceededtotheaeof‘the 'Springfieldtic:(Mass,)-Republican:He.is:neph-ew of Samuel Bowles,long editor oi Then:the.woman.was /f ‘fraud and a stranger gave bond for the paper,‘who died a few days ago. IF’MEALS HIT BACK ANDSTOMACHSOURS! as.appointed by’Governor CraigsomemonthsagoareJusticeWilliam|A,Hoke,of the North Carolina Su-!preme Court,chairman;Mrs.M.V.|Moore and Miss Laura Carter,Ashe-| ville;Clement Manley,Winston-Sa-!lem,and J.H.Martin,:Asheville.{ fenceenceanrrentnnemennetenneneeemmm]Body Not Found—The School!House Rioters.The body of Dewey Hefner,‘the!youth who was drowned in the Ca-!tawba river Sunday a week ago while! who did not;want.hrm,had not been |found at last account.{Young men who were concernedintheNull‘school house ‘trouble inCatawba,and for whom the officerswerelooking.when Hefner wasdrowned,have been tried in the coun-ty.court at Newton.Will Fox has op-tion of paying $15’fine,$15.for dam-aged property and’the costs,or go-‘ing to the roads four months:WaltFoxwasfined$10 and costs,andGarland:Hpffman,’Clarence HedrickandLoyMinguswereallowedtogoon.payment.of costs.All have been,placed under bond for good benavior.Ben Little,who was alleged tohavebeenaring-leader of the riot-ers,Was arrested in Iredell FridayandwillhaveahearingatNewtontoday.ipa Must Show Meter Readings ForPreviousMonth._. The recent Legislature enacted alawrequiring“all”gays°companiesandelectric:light companies —séllinggasandelectricitytothepublic(to he was running away from officers|and then you will _.Rockingham on a business trip.—.MW.D.TROUTMAN,||show,among other things,-on allStatements-or bills ‘rendered to ~cus- the:etid:of the preceding month,andtheendofthecurrentmonth,andtheamount-of—eleetricity,-in_kile- ‘Spring’—Hotty’ Springs School. Ends_:StomachinFiveMin- “Pape’s _Diapepsin”Misery,Indigestionutes.‘If what you just ate is Souring onyourstomachorlieslikealumpoflead,refusing to digest,or you belchgas-and —eructate sour;undigested food,.or have @ feeling of dizziness,heartburn,fulltiess,nausea,bad ‘tasteinmouthandstomachheadache,youcangetblessedreliefinfiveminutes.!Ask your pharmacist to.show youttheformula,plainly printed on these|;fifty-cent cases of Pape’s Diapepsin;understand whydyspeptictroubles-ofall kinds mustgo,and why they.relieve sour,out«of-order stomachs or indigestion infiveminutes.“Pape’s:Diapepsin”isharmless;tastes like eandy,thougheach‘dose will digest and prepare for‘assimilation into the blood all thefoodyoueat;-besides,it makes you|go to the table with a healthy appe-tite:but what will please you most;is-that-you.will feel that-your stom-ach and intestines are clean andfresh,.and you will not need’to reésorttolaxativesor.liver pills for bil-iousness ‘or constipation.This city will have many “Pape’sDiapepsin”cranks,as some,peoplewillcallthem;but you will be enthu-siastic about this”splendid stomachpreparation,too,if you ever take itforindigestion,gases,heartburn,sourness,dyspepsia,or any stomachMisery.~.Get some now,this minute,and ridyourselfofstomachtroubleandindi-|gestion -in five minutes, ~Correspondence of-The-Landmarie:-—!—|.Houstonville,March 20 —Winter.Weather is with us yet.It is snowingherethismorningveryfast.I wish-semebody =would -rouse~-up:-that-Stound hog.We would like to have‘Some’spring.weather,According to~Blum’s almanac spring ‘will begin to-morrow.eee I pees“fshere is a lot of grippe in theneighborhood.Some one in every__family“and some places’tne entirefamily.is sick.he school at Holly Springs willclosethe8thofApril,Mr.——=~Reid48teacher..He has had a good at-a ce and given entire satisfac-|_tions.f |‘:y school organized at Holl Manlius Huggins,apeie 2 Vien a hearing before Justice LazenbySprPeecsponday.Com,_every-yesterday on charges of puggery;The:tals ~oeahor ta was SoPaaraeu»it O jai await Superior Court.nooner r cosemcetings at Di-|”prank Graham,colored,is in’jail Correspondence of,The Lantnek |charged with obtaining.goods.from Cottage prayermeetings,in prep- -Long &Sons at Elmwood under:false pretence.He has not been giv-ration for the special services to be-‘rin.next panier,ene held thiso3WeatDiamondHillasfoliows:‘This (Tuesday)evening,at Mr.T._B.‘Austin’s;Thursday evening,at‘of Mr.J,A.Robbing;Friday»W.A,Thomasson;waturdaying,Mr.J.E.Cloer,vices begin at 7.30 each evening,md-neighbors and-frients are cor. watts,and of gas in feet,consumed‘forthe current morith,”Failure ‘to render “the.statementsasprovidedsubjectsthecompaniestoapenaltyof$10 for each offence,the amount ‘recoverable’before a jus-tice of the-peace by any person whoshal)sue for the same,.This does notapplytoflatratecontracts,SSCasesinCourt—Catawba Man.Arrested.eae,John Allison,colored,was fined $5andcostsinthemayor’s court Sat-iteoaed for being drunk and disorder- is expected to be compromised,Ben Little,a white man wanted inCatawbacountytoanswerfordraw-ing &gunon another man during |adisturbanceatNull’s school house,was arrested in Shiloh township,thiscounty,Friday afternoon by.SheriffDeatonand’Deputiesbert...The arrest was:made ~#t—theallyinvitedtoattend.COM,{home of Dick Miller,a friend of Lit-.te |tle,Miller warned Little of the ap-Old Sores,Other oe Won't pee pres ofShe overs ana Little hidNeworstcases,nomatter of how long standing,|in a closet,where he was found byMahe,Ampeg "Teenie |Sheriff Deaton,He aifered "no,1.and Healyatthe samo time."2Bc,boc,s100,|Sistance.A Catawba officer came tocaesree|Statesville after’him.::“pub died Saturday at his win.ace enFresidenceinWasnington,He was|W.A.Craig,steward of the State‘te ws ston in 1835,was a great |Hospital at Raleigh,died SundayasofPresidentJohnAdams,)Morning just as he had concluded aPonofPresidentJohnQuin.|fervent prayer at a service held atAdamsandasonofCharlesFran.the Hospital.He was 61 years old,’Adams,”who was’minister to)Mr.Luther Shirey,a ‘good andBritaininthe‘civil war period,cael men etRapeaaae‘rus county,is dead,a 40 years,-Piles Cured in 6 te 14 Days i Best Troatme,hoe saps4MEahost,moter.if PAZO)“My dnurhtnr nents OE Conatipation.NT fails to cure case of Itching,|for constipation wiry es TabletsiotProtrudiogPitesinGtolsdave,|recon the ad i cee vlieats and Rests Soe,Babin,Brush m writes Paul B,i Puahly,Las For-gate-by alt dealers, colored,was:piv-| of Mt,Pleasant,Ca:| Itis Easily Kept Clean With a Damp Cloth. Harmonize ~ With Any Other Furnish- -logs inthe Home HAND-MADE,_.QUALITY,COMFORT,STYLE.AMERICAN FIBER FURNITURE js BUILT for COMFORT,and the nature of ite cohelenetcbenablesustocreate It is built on simple,an endless variety of attractive styles that are adaptable for any room in the home,graceful lines,and a few pieces of AMERICAN FIBER FURNITURE will formapleasingcontrastwithotherfurnishings.The soft,beautiful shades of brown or green fiber will harmonize with any-color scheme..Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co. Spring Opening 1915 J890 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TOATTENDOURSPRINGOPENINGWEDNESDAY,MARCH 24th,1915 PATTERN.HATS AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES,DRESS GOODS AND LADIES’READY-TO-WEARS. Miss Lillian Menefee of Baltimore will be in charge of MillineryDepartmentwithasplendidcorpsofassistants..Yours.truly, ==MILLS ‘Size four and six inches:now ready for delivery. ‘Statesville Brick Co. ig-Of approved: ...Suits of.Silks,real ~$16.50,$18.50,$22.50 up. if.Silk Waists,Specialt { if.| 'f are sweepinifwideSkista,” { { |{ 8,with quaint ruffled or |Top Skirts.|A beautiful line to select from,Prices|Something new coming in every day. New Spring Suitsae.-Most Attractive for Women and Misses aNotonlybecausethey are most moderately pricedandindividual,but because heretunityofmakingyourselection you have the oppor-rom a varied stock¢ashions.-Won't:you-investigate these-new Suits and wonderful values?:Checks,Gaberdines,smart,snappy styles,Poplins,Serges and$9.95,$12.50,$15, |_Waists,Special This Week ~en a preliminary hearing,as the case|.if,Crepe de Chine—white,flesh,pink,blue,sand and|putty—beautifully trimmed,price $2.48 and79¢,and 98c. {|Afternoon and Dinner Gowns,White and Gil-! 83.48, Smart dresses of fine Taffeta,Crepe dé Chine,SilkifPoplin,Meteor,Voile,ete.ircular line.All these you will-want to see.‘|$4.95,$5.95,$6.48,87,95,$12.50 and up. _A feature.of our dresses Prices $1.98 to $9.50, |The Store That { |(PHONE 212.Sells For Less. | ! ee S s S i s s s e s s s e s t s e s s t s os | OR S St S SS S A Oe Oe ee e ee e TT F Te t e 8 84 Sess ishlsetitssssessteltsesteeseseees: &POSTON.= e That Pain — WYFRCONE OF OUR” Aseptic Porous Plasters. ae 2c.AT-———__:_HALL’S DRUG STORE,PHONE 20.___Preseriptionists pes(Commercial National Bank]) oe STATESVILLE,N.©. +e CAPITAL PAID INSURPLUS 31,000.00: Banking is a necessary institution in the develop-ment and welfare of nations,It is likewise a neces-sary institution in the development and progress of"any city,town or community.eaAbank’s usefulness to a community depends uponitsabilityandwillingnesatoservethelegitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom.modation and to provide a sate depository for com-mercial and savines deposits.‘The COMMERCIAL NA'TIONAL BANK ig #localinstitution,with large capitaland surplus,farnighes’.good security to depositors and with resources ofover$600,000 has the willingness to.serve,this ¢com-munity in every branch of legitimate banking,Be-lieving in this community,our policy is,and has al.~~ways been,progressive and constructive,assistingineverylegitimatewayintheadvancementoftheagricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel.opment of Statesville and:Iredell county,Our de-posits are local and our loans are likewise local.andmadetoindividualsandlegitimateandworthylocalenterprises.x—To our customers we.furnish check.books free,render statements or balance pass books at the endofeachmonth,make Joans and discount paper uponsecuritysatisfactorytoourboardand.in suchamountsasbusinessrequirementsandresponsibilitywarrant.We pay interest at the rate of 4 per contperannimontimeandsavingsdeposits.remainingthreemonthsorlonger,=Upon these bases we solicit your business.iW.D,TURNER,9.veB...MORRISON,=~~~Vice President,D.M:AUSLEY,->.-...Cashier,«@,H,HUGHHY,~Assistant Cashier, $100,000.00. PS s e e c c s s c o c s e os Si r e i s c s s e e e : se ET RE T Pan fs ro e r e e y pi e r nr R a n i 4 President, ee e Te e o n e Labbe bbenl boeeseSe4EOL ‘ >VOLS.. WEIGHING JUDGE CARTER. The Judge Was Fond of LadiesandaLittleHarshWithLaw-yers—Suspicion But No Evi-‘dence of Immoxatity—MostlyCriticismoftheJudge’s Con-duct in Court—The “DutchDare”the Most Serious Mat- ter With the .Ladies—Sum-mary of Testimony in Carter-Abernethy Case.: The legislative committee .inyesti- gating charges against,Judge Frank Carter concluded the taking of testi-mony in Raleigh Wednesday evening_and went to New Berne,where evi--.dence.asto the Abernethy contemptcasewasheardyesterday.It is ex-pected that the New Berne hearingwillbeconcludedtodayandthatthe committee.;will return to Raleigh,-.....Where the ‘principals,Judge CarterandSolicitorAbernethy,will testify:Judge Carter’s counser statea that hedesiredtomakeastatement. The Carter-Abernethy investiga-gation began in Raleigh Monday be- _..fore the legislative investigatingcommittee,the testimony taken re-~~lating to Judge Carter's conduct onandoffthebench.;\.Judge Carter in Court. Col.J.D.Kerr,a lawyer of Clin- ton,was the first witness He saidthatJudgeCarter,holding court atClinton,objected to a box a farmer,judge had ordered placed under thewitnesschairtoelevatethe»chair,and told the sheriff to remove ,thebox..When Judge Carter.returnedtoClintontoholdthenexttermofcourttheboxwasstillthereandheangrilyorderedit.removed at once.When the sheriff undertook to re-move the box he found °3t..naileddownandwhilehewasstrugglingwithitJudgeCartergavethe:box al, kick that sent it against the.officer'slegsandskinnedhisshinspainfully. It was also in evidence,by anotheswitness—-Henry Grady,a.lawyer ofClinton—that.Judge Carter used a strong word in refetring tu the bax;that the sheriff made no corsplaint ofskinned*shins at the time but laterapproachedalawyeraboutbringing oa against Judge Carter for the in-ury.This was cited to show that JudgeCarterlackedjudicialtemper.An---omeether case cited.by Col...Kerr.was §that.in which one Baggott,convictedoffornicationaridadulterybefore another judge,and sentenced,had procured an_affidavit from the we-man that she swore falsely.Judge Cartier arraigned him for contempt,_imposed“a fine of $1,000-under a sus-pended judgment and told attorneysiftheyappealedhewould.make the sentence two years on the.roads,.They didn’t appeal.The judge,he said,spoke very harshly to te mag-istrete who took the womans affida-vit and ordered him from the witness stand._While Judge Carter was holdingcourtinKenansville,said Col.Kerr,te peremptorily ‘ordered all the win-dows opened and the people in,theroomweremadevéryuncomfortable by the cold air. In the trial of a railroar suit,Col. Kerr.said,Judge Carter had refusedamotiontonon-suit and then sug-.gested privately,to the plaintiff’s at- _torneys,.to amend”their complaint. oo Madic the Case. “Touching the morality of JudgeCarter,Col.Kerr had seen him &it- ting in a swing at the Clinton hotel with two women.“The swing,it was admitted,was big.enough to hold four people.The witness was reluc- tant to testify to the character of the‘Jadies,but he finally said their repu-tation was not good.The ladies wereMrs.Williams,who kept the hotel,a woman’55 or 60 years old;and herdaughter,Mrs.Towler,a widow withchijarenaboutgrown.It was admit-ted that the hotel was a leading one.where people genbrally:stopped,andthataboutallthejudgeswhoheldcourtinClintonstopped:there,Wit-ness admitted that he had not warn- ed.the judges ahout stopping there. The “Dutch Dare”and the Kiss.Mrs.Levy Carter,the first woman witness,lives at Kelly,N.C.It was jn 1912 that she met Judge Carter at the Hanover Inn in Wilmington.She and her husband and the judge were stopping there at the same time.A Mr.and Mrs.Williams were conduet~ ing the inn,but it was not the Mrs. Williams of Clinton.: One evening,while her husband was in the ‘midst of some business ongagements,Judge Carter and Mrs- Williams came to Mrs,Carter’s room calling.They had.«a very pleasant social evening.In the midst of it “Mrs.“Williams and Judge Carter were engaged in some flippant con-*troversy.Mrs.Williams:offered a“Dutch dare”against some jesting yvemark of the judge.But the latterdidnotknowwhataDutehrcare.was,neither did .Mrs..Carzer.”Mrs.Wl- liams enlightened the —yompuny. Dutch dare,she explained,in_com-mon’parlance is a kiss.WhereuponJudge-Carter.leaned over and im-planted ‘one lightly on’the foreheadofMrs.Williams.The incident end-ed with’an ‘apology of,Judge Carterthat.he did not mean any harm and -raerely acted on the spur of the mo- ment,and entirelyin jest».Mrs,Wal-lioms told her husband of the inci-dent.bi valpices inl>Mr.Levy Carter knew Judge Car-“ter,had met him’at Wilmingtonbutknewnotathing’of any-immorality ‘or unbecoming conduct,twat part0.=e (Continued on pa SS : mvreanneney Sen se eae RT heehee THE DEATHS OF THE WEEK|VISITING Se na eer epee” h’s Work in States- »The feature of TuesdaoftheCivicLeaguewas the reportofthevisitingnurse,Mrs.Jones,forthemonthendingMareh20th,Dur-ing the month Mrs.Jones made a to-tal of 195.visits—-147 to white peopleand48tocoloredpeople.number 188 were “nursing visits’”—visits during which actual service wasThecasesof12babieswerereferredbyMrs.Jones to-physi-Three lectures were.given atthegradedschoolcuringthemonthandthechildrenmanifestedconsider-|of Stony Point,of the board of coun-able interest in what the nurse had to}ty commissioners,was elected secre-“say;Milk and spit.cups were furnish-{taxy.The other members of the com-‘ed in tubercular:eases-and azine’and health literature.was distributed.'\.Mrs:"Jones concluded:her report with Messrs,J:M.Chatham and .V..Wthefollowingquestion,“How ean we Teague,members‘of the board of ed-surroundings potion,Mr.J.BH,Burke,who is coun-nF 3 ‘Mrs..Jones is very ‘much’gratifiedwiththeappreciationof‘her visits,which is being shown by.the sick peo- suffered Sunday.and ‘burial took’placecharchyesterday.conducted by iev. E.D.“Brown:about 52 years old aod is survived by her husband and the following named children:Charles and Finley Sherrill,Lowtharpe ajid Mr.Geo.W.Sharpe died Tuesdayat‘his home in Eagle Mills township.He lacked but a few days of being69-years-old,....._His wife,five “sons and three daughters,survive.ment at Union~Grove church Wed- Mrs.Nannie D.Gatton,ayed near-70..-yeara,died Wednesday.morningatherhomenearHollySprings;int}Eagle Mills township.Husband; and three daughters survive.The re. mains wére interred in burying ground,near her home.Summers Goodnight,Wy.Goodnight,died make Statesville anda places,especially on the outer edgesthetown-and-the settlementsjust |‘Mr.W.H.Carson and Dr.S.T.Crow-outside the corporate limits,andfears|lun,went to Dr.Long’s Sanatorium,}Ninth~North.Carolina.regiment,will,that unless strict sanitary measures |Statesville,Monday,where she under-|hold their annual reunion at Catawba|nt a-serioug operation.The oper-|Thursday,April Ist,it being the fifty-,ion was successful and Mrs.Carson)third-anniversary—of their—departure— wife of Mr.J. Bethany township after an illness ofabout.ten days...are adopted and these places ‘made!wecleananddisinfected,there will be an |: epidemic of jiness-when.warm weath- funeral and Bethanychurch,of which the decéas- ed was a member-conducted the funeral.night was a native of the county andwas69yearsofage. sides her husband are.one brother,Dr. tev.Ovid Pullen Surviving be-Various matters ‘relative to| Tenn.,and one sister,Mrs.M--L.HattofStatesville. Messrs.A.F,and Fred Statesville,died a few days ago at his Kome in McArthur,Ohio. South Carolina Iredell Jail.és ~Messrs-_B.-F.—_Perry,J.FL.LoftisondJ.I.West.of Greenville,S.C |who compose’a commission appointed |,..,.5:to build a new fail for Grésnvilleenn:|"ranged.for the county commence ty,were in Statesville Wednesday to |, see Iredell’s $30,000 jail erected a few der Singing Association will have ‘the contest singing Saturday,the 28th, {at the court house here. Folks Inspect .Stonewall Jackson Dead. Mary Anna.Jackson,better Stonewall Jackson, commander,died Wednesday morn- ing at 4,20 at her home in Charlotte, She had been ill for The commission was ac-companied by Architect Jo.T.Law-rence of Greenville,who is acting as|The South Carolinians made-a~-thorough inspeetion--oef--th-|Iredell jail and declared’it to be th: most handsome’and “most complete oanytheyhadseeninthenumberofcountiesinNorthandSouthCarol’...which had been viswed.’They werealsoimpressedwiththecourt.house,‘but.considered the jail the superior ofthecourthouseinstyleofarchitec-ture and workmanship. The South Carolina gentlemen weresurprisedwiththe-sizeof Statesvilleandherimprovements.They did not expect to find such an attractive and “hustling little city,”although they knew Statesville was a town of sumeimportanceinNorth:Carolina. improved streets and,the high stand-ard of all the public buildings of the town were considered very creditatle,The party went from Statesville to aged 83 years. several months,but the cause of:death was pneumonia."Phe funeral..was-held_at_the First.Presbyterian church of Charlotte yes-terday:-afternoon at 5 o’clock and the remains were taken to Lexington,Va.,Jast night for interment beside thoseAtthehourofthe funeral business was generally sus- pended and the serviee was attended by Confederate veterans.Daughters of the Confederacy,Daughters ofthe Revolution,women’s clubs,the mili-tary companies and a great throng of their adviser. of Gen Jackson. Mrs.Jackson was the daughter ofRev,Dr.Robert;-Hall—-Morrison and Mary Graham Morrison-and was borninMecklenburgcounty. was a noted Presbyterian preacher and the first president of DavidsonThedeceasedwasmarriedtoGen.Jackson at her father’s home in Lincoln county in 1857.son is survived by two grand children, Mrs.-E.R.Preston of Charlotte and Lieut.Jackson Christian of the Unit- ed States army.They are the chil-dten of her only‘child to reach ma-turity—Mrs.Julia Jackson Christian,who:died more than 25 -years ago.A brother and .sister—Dr.R|son of Mt.Meurne,-this co)Mrs.LauraMorrisonBro Jotte,also survive.c Horse Killed By Train. A horse belonging to Mr.Lippard,son of Mr.Jesse Lippard ofFallstowntownship,was struck by a freight train and fatally injured fateSunday.night at the point where the Buffalo Shoals road crosses the West- ern railroad,two miles’west:of town- The buggy to which Builders’Supply House Located. open,just as soon as he can things in.shape,‘a.business here tohandlebuilders’supplies of.all kinds. He will make a specialty of ceiling, weatherboarding, moldings,doors,sash,blinds,-laths,“Char-}lime;--cement,..weod..and..tin_.shi{galvanized and composition,roofi: ‘Mr.Watkins’father,Mr-kins,has been in a siniilar business Henderson for 33 years and he hastwo.brothers \in the same business,oné at Roxboro and one at Reidsville. They buy in quantities-and sell-at.re- oad Mr.Watkins:will use.the Ash tobac-co factory.on Water street,near the Planters’Warehouse. the first.business’of its.kind for is will |the horse.was This.wil)be buggy belonged to.Mr.Minor Trout- also of,Falistown Messrs..Lippard and Troutman cametoStatesvilleSundayeveningtomakeasocialcallandhitchedthehorsenearthehome—in-west—Statesville where they were calling.The animal either got loose or was turned loose,and wandered on the railroad track.It was struck by a train and soghad-ly injured that it died “the follot¥ing day.-A -west-bound freight train which left Statesville about.11 o’clockissupposedtohavestruck.the horse. Persons passingshorttimeafter found the horse .and buggy:beside the The horse was found but unable to get up.The bug- gy was badly wrecked. Basketball Game.” The “Shamrock”basketball team ofStatesvillecontestedwiththeSta‘es-ville first-team in the game at the ar- mory Wednesday night for the bene-fit of the Civic League.was a victory for the first team by ascoreof70to:30.“Following was the Statesville -first.teamDuffieandKimballforwards,Guy cen-ter,Orr and Morrison guards;Sham-rocks—McRorie and Turner forwards, Troutman-center,Andrews and Prady guards,Freel substitute.The proceeds amounted’to betweenamouhtwas given to the Statesville People Improving. ‘Dr.I,J.Archer,owner of CragmontSanitariumatBlackMountain,was Appointments and Changes. Collector Watts.will in-a few days name an inspector for the enforce-ment of the anti-narcoties Jaw,which wag passed by Congréss last.Decem-her and was effective March Ist.The stringent regulations roverningthe.sale of narcotics and the giving of prescriptions.by physi- an appointed “will havetohaveknowledge.of:drugs,Darby,recently commissioned by theinternalrevenuecollectorofSeuthCarolinaforthesamework,has heenstationedatGreensboroandwilloper: ate under the direction of the revenue trains,Dr-Archer-reported_favorablyon:both Statesville’s patients at Cras- mont.\H¢é says Dr.Everttt A.Sher-rill has showed greater improvementduringthepasttendaysthanhehasshown.since he.entered the Sanita- rium.Mr.J.L.Sloan-is also improv-ing.He is now taking daily trampsthrough.the’mountains to the extent of 12 and 16 miles.proving very beneficial to his nerves. Colored Boy Burned to Death. The 14-year-old:son.of Jim Rhod-erick,colored,was burned.t6 death at»his’father’s home near Houston- ville.Wednesday.The boy had been ‘sick and was sit-ting.by the fire,probably alone in therayhefellin_the fire‘to death.“Just howoccurredhasnotbeen law provides The walking is Recently all income tax deputiesoperatingunder'the direction of inter- nal revenue collectors,have been plac-ed.under.the control of the revenue Mr.A-M.McLeanettcounty,who was engaged in fieldwork:under Collec’attached!to the staagentatGreeiisboro:2 oF house.|Anywaond.was_burnetheaccidentWatts,-is..now,of the revenue NURSE REPORT.‘ru ROAD COMMISSION. Four Deaths in the County—/Mrs.Jones Tells the Civie League Organized For Work in Alexan-|Mr.Horton in Ohio. Mrs.Sherrill,wife of Mr.James W. Sherrill of the Loray community,diedWednesdaymorning,dedta resuiting from a stroke of payatysis Which’she The funeral service der-—Composed of Boards of Commissioners and Education—Mrs.~Burgess’.Condition Critical—County Commence: ment,: Correspondence of ‘The Landmark. Taylorsyille,March 25.—At a calledmeeting,of the board of county com-missioners,held Monday,the county good roads commission was organiz-ed.Mr.RL,Downs.of Ellendale,chairman of the county board of edu-cation was elected chairman of the road commission,and Mr.B.F.Hines, nission-are Messrs.J.-T.-Hedrick and attorney,was elected attorney.The bonds.“Nod other business was;itangacted, ~Mts.W.HY.Carson,accompanied by lis getting along nicely.Mrs.Amanda Burgiss,_who—has sister,Mr.and Mrs.R.A.Wilson.Hercondition’is critical. day,May 4th,° Rev.L.L.Moore.will go to Moores- ville tomorrow to preach tomorrow night and Saturday at the First,Pres-{hyterian church for the pastor,Rev.’ W.-S.Wilson,D.D. An interesting:programme has been ent to be held here Friday and airgecrowdisexpected.The Alex- CHICKEN THIKVES BUSY. ’Made a Raid in Olin TownshipWitha"Wagon—Stolen Chick- ens Recovered. Thieves madea raid through Olintownship.Sunday night and stolechickensfromthépoultryyardsofMr.J.W.Vanstory and others.Itissaidthethievesweresobrazen they had a wagon in which they haul-ed away the stolen fowls.and_tha quite a nurhber were taken.-: *Mrz J.E.Brooksher,whose.,henhouseathishomeeastofStatesville was raided about ten days ago,has recovered seven of the hens which were stolen.Two of them appearedatthehomeofMr.John McLean,inahalfstafvedcondition,a few days later,and the bag from which they had scratched their way to liberty was found not far away.Five more of the hens were.found in a_sack which had been dropped by the thievessomedistancefromMr.‘Brooksher’s-They.had evidently been there since the night of the raic,nearly a weekprevious,and were almost dead from a lack of food and water. The chicken thieves:.are becomingLmore-active..cnd-keepers:...of poultryjaretakingprecautionsagainstthem.+of-$5,000_for the expenses of the diCountyTreasurerSloan’s home on east Front street was visited Tuesdaynightandaroosterahdtwohenswere taken.One man who fias ‘been miss-ing chickens applied.to the officers to know if he would be-allowed to shootthethiefifhesawhimintheact.of stealing. (Since the above was put.in typé Treasurer Slodn’s chickens have been returned.They were found ‘outside the lot trying to get in.It is assumed that the person who took them either“got cold feet”or religion.)Brazen acts of thievery ofa whole-sale chaiacter are reported frommanypointsintheStateandchick- V,Watts,commissioners,—and- nmission-will-meet-Tuesday,..April|Pag and receive sealed bids for $50,-Ovi _The town election will be heig Tues- ‘tary of State in Raleigh,died sud-' ‘ment as to his candidacy for Govern-|the discharge or reception of passen $2,500.and..thereis an ap riation |ago,two or ee inches of snow STATESVILLE,N..C.,FRIDAY,MARCH 26,1915.NO 70. s anneNEWSITEMSOFINTEREST.TURN TO THE RIGHT NOW. Happenings Here and There in|_The businessandeditorial of-the State.|fice of The Landmark,whichhasJudgeHardingiswrestlingwithbeen.remodeled,is not quitethemumpsatBooneandWataugacompletebutbusiisnowbe- court adjourned on account thereef.if ;and visitors:line tranFireatMooresvilleyesterdaymorn-'uae aE ; ing destroyed a cottage owned by B.:areasked to call at the front of-A-Troutman and occupied -by Wm.fice on the rightas.you enter.Brown,|You may not recognize the place,Mrs,J.S.Felts of Charlotte,64 but it’s the place you want whenyearsoldandinsane,committed sui-)‘ne siees a cide Wednesday morning by drowning |Y0U have .business _with The :herself in a creek.Landmark.~~aA.C.Funderburk,who killed tat Turn to.the right when you.ther Traywick in Union county,was’enter the front door. convicted of manslaughter last week|eersteleerandsentencedtothreeyearsinState)BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL:NEWS.prison.i EA Bryan.Bryson,a young white,man S ee License hasbeen issued for the —+d jadl-at-Wiinston-Salem for beatingj marr aHtybowrdbill;teted-auieide twigecfitatits(ie mana eee *}by eating crushed.glass and then byhanging--andfailed -both-times.|~The official opening of the base~‘;|ball season forDavidson College takes ©-A.H.MeNeill and J.F,Herman,/place at Davidson today,when .David- merchants of Catawba whose wooden|;‘stores were--deatroyed..by_.fire..someon one Elon College will play. months ago,have given contracts tol :tatesville -buyers.offered 8 Fred Lowrance of Catawba for the |Santé for cotton yesterday atverneerection.of two brick.buildings.The staple brought 9 cents©in The survivors of Company I,Forty-.reported strong at 8 1-2. yesterday afternoon for his appear-ance.at Superior Court to answer a,for the war.{charge of larceny.Heisaccusedof© Mrs.C,-A‘*Marsh,matron~of—the having stolen a ~~—fromTheLeaguewill.continue its eam-|licen an invalid from paralysis for State Hospital at Morganton from ee ;ei oepaignforacleanerandbetterStates-|months,suffered the second stroke,the opening of the institution until —Mr.Wi EB.Coley:has rented’a I Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock,at!A Preecivicrighteousness.were discussed,’the home of her brother-in-lawand |physically and mentally,died--Wed-,Courtstreet and will convert it into _but no action was taken.The League feels that Mrs.Jones,is “theright wo-‘man in-the-right place.”Her work isprovinghighlygrat about two years ago,when-she failed Troom in the Anderson building on_ nesday hight,aged 76.la modern barber shop which he will —‘operate.Mr.Coley was formerly with —Dr.Walter I.Pitts,who gave up his practice at Lenoir on account of:ill the Hotel Iredell barber shop.health and who was for a time at the}—An-open meeting of the localhomeofhisparents,Mr.and Mrs-'conclave of the Improved Order of ~iB.Pitts at Catawba,has recover-|Heptasophs will be held in the Ander- ed.and returned to his practice.::ae|preme Conclave will address the meet-Mitchell Palmer,former Cotgress-}:Ss :man from -Pennsylvania_and-recently."8:The public is invited to attend.appointed judge of the court of claims,|_°—Mr.W.R.Byford has moved fromwill-make the commencement.address Mecklenburg county to his farm inattheUniversityofNorthCarolinathevicinityofElmwood,Mr.ByfordonJune2,in place of Secretary Mc-|iS a prominent poultryman and is anAdoo,whose presence is prevented by Officer.of the—Soutneastern Poultry business engagements.Association.He will continue.his: hc e Norwood,for manners)years poolsy.treeding on his farm near chief clerk in the office of the Sevre-}:a feiaeH.O-oo is redenlyathishomeinRaleighTuesdaywithpneumonia.Her mother,Mrs.afternoon.He had been indisposed for 08a ParkerofBirmingham,Ala:.ar-~~a few days.Mr.Norwood was 58 Tivedthis.week to be with her,Myearsoldandissurv:ved by his sec-W-W.Turner has been seriously.ond ‘wife and eight.children.for several days.Mr.andba Ae!Fire gutted the stables of the [umer and Mr.and Mrs.D.E..Tur-.Chambers and Weaver Livery Co.at weak ba ont—le were -here this:Asheville early Wednesday morning;“®¢Per Genesio pice heand43horsesperishedintheflames.|—Master Henry Austin,youngestTheentirelossisestimated,at-about Son of Mrs.Julia Austin,a$25,000.Of the horses,25 belonged painful injury while playing ball Wed-—to the-livery-eompany,theothersbe-|nesday.Anotheringthepropertyofvariousfirmsand,leg withindividuals.He io ag badly eripplod ao if the bon Mr.A.Wilton McLean of Lumber-|6.18 29 2adhy erg as boneton,who has frequently been mention-revi ey brokén,ae the injury isedinconnectionwiththeDemocratic;Probably more painful.geesenominationforGovernor,stated in|—Cleveland has been made a flagRaleighthisweekthathewillwithin‘station for east-bound passenger trainthreeweeks'make formal,announce-|No.36,which now stops .for;either 4 or.It is generally believed that he|gers.Repeated efforts had been madwillbeacandidate.to get the Southern to make Cleve-W:S.Wilson,for somé years a|land @ regular stop for No,26 andclerkinthe‘office of the Secretary|the company agreed to make it a reg-of State,has been appointed legisla-|Wa"flag station.yoretivelibrarian,a new civision of work|\>—The snow Monday,22d,attractedfortheStateHistoricalCommission|attention,but it wasnot so unusual,provided for by special act ‘of the re-;after:all,On.the night of MarcentLegislature.The salary will be|12th,1914,a little more than a yet 6 +was_an inch|vision.thalf deep next morning and maeWithapetitionsignedbyabout5,-|it had melted,as the snowfall follow- 000 people,including the jurors who|ed a rain and sleet.==) tried the case,witnesses.and attor-|—Gonfederate veterans .in Tredell’ neys for the prosecution,-and 200]who expect to attend the reunion.special letters,attorneys this week/Richmond in June are askedto regis- asked Gov.Craig to pardon Jim Wit-|ter their names either with My.W. cox,who isserving a 30 year sen-|Walton,adjutant of the Reuben 'Camp-tence in the State prison for the mur-|bell camp,or with M.A.Feimster,der of Nellie Cropsy at Elizabeth]treasurer of the camp.The list of”City.There is also a certificate from|names of thse who expect to attend the prison physician saying Wilcox|must be sent to Richmond.by May: has tuberculosis.-Letters have also —Mr.Bliss Knapp,who will been filed protesting against the par-|ture at the court house this ev don.at 8 A :a weer a vei } r.Horton to Mooresville.of Lectureship of the "MiMr.Horton t ,_-the-First Church of Chri ens,as usual,seem to be the favoriteprey.‘ The High School Debate Tonight. The high school “debate at the graded school tonight is expected to ‘draw a large crowd.~The question tobedebatedis,‘Resolved,that the United States should adopt the policy of subsidizing its merchant marine en- gaged in foreign trade.”CowlesBristolandStewartCowlesoftheStatesvilleschoolwillspeakforthe affirmative and Clyde Propst and Eu- gene Graeber of the Concore scnoolwillspeakforthenegative. Miss Margaret Kirk and James Alexander will go to Salisbury todayandwill:debate with the Salisbury team tonight on the-same question, Statesville will have the ‘hegative sideofthequestionat’Salisbury.MissIéstelleYarboroandGuy‘Sinkof theSatisburyschoolwillspeakfor,the affirmative.:; “The debates are scheduled to begin at-8o’elock. Palm Sunday-——-The Churches. Sunday‘being Palm Sunday,a‘special musical programme will betenderedbythechoirofBroadStreetMethodistchurchat-the morning ser-vice.The offertory solo will be sungbyMissTomlirison,the house guest of Miss Lily May Tomlin.The graduating and mite.box of-fering exercises of the primary de-partment of the First PresbyterianSundayschoolwillbeheldinthemain‘auditorium of the church Sunday af-ternoon at 8:30 o'clock,aes pany building on Water street,“is}tg hear Mr.Knapp discuss Christian ha graduate of Davidson College, Mr.Fred Horton,who has been con-|scientist,of Boston.’The Landmar ; ducting a’furniture manufacturing|ic asked45 say that the lecture is free business ‘in the old Atha Chair’Com-|and that the public is cordially inv making arrangements to move_his Science.} plant to Mooresville,where a new Beybuildingisbeing’erected expressly for Cena ae Soeeet f eehim.He will move his.family to Farmesi’Bank of Cle “ey ee Mooresville and make his home there.:sain gt "|moved the bank”s records,books,ete.Mrs.Horton went to Mooresville yes to hip ‘adidas hare fos aesant >. terday to select a dwelling house.wirding up the affairs of the: Howard Boocock,treasurer of the|The investigations of the Astor Trust Company of New.York,|have not gone far enoughto justify a. and prominent in New York society,|statement of the condition of affairs. shot and killed his wife Monday nightApparently the assets and liabilities as she was playing the piano for his}are about equal—about $65,000 each. entertainment in their home.The}+The ‘stock of the KriderStock banker then committed suicide.Be-|Company has passed into the hands of lieved to have been insane:Messrs.and—-Fraley of Wilkesboro,who will sell it out fromRev.Dr..Thos,R.English,memberofthefacultyofUnionTheological,the store on west Broad street.. ‘Seminary,was found dead in his|sale of the stock by Messrs,Tharpe.home yesterday.He was seated in a!and Hill to Messrs.Krider and Woodchair,a Bible on his.knees.He was did not materialize and -ManativeofSumtercounty,8,C.,and,Fraley and paver bought.fr:ore re :Hilly The. 8 pass throusatayEkaadof,lasers eine sein the settwhohadbeen:1 Salisbury hospital for some weeks;Oso ea oe oe aie al came to Statesville Wednesday to be a Oe a:he faculty of Statesville co!with her mother,Mrs.B.FP.Long,the:while recuperating.°a0n8*|discontinued her work at thé Miss Flossie Smith dacghitee of eewf ~—CatletteMecHB.Smith:of Dlsnouad HUG,ta}Creene a tiers ieeeathomefromLenoirCollege,Hick-tnt death mention:ory,-on account of illness...aa Te eaeeks hdee ays. —-Miss Cora Miller of Mooresville|turned to State underwent an -operation at the Sana-torium:yeaterday.sti _ ang |Charlotte:yesterday..The market is —f‘Son”Tomlin,colored,gave bond son hall tonight.Officers of the Su-© NDMARK March 26,1915, GHING JUDGE CARTER. Lawyer.With a Grouch. a lawyer of ton,testified that on numerous ms he had seen Judge Carter rs.Williams,the ‘Clinton ho- eeper,strolling together and together in the swing,He that on dne oecasion he went to “hotel to see the judge and was told he was.in the front room.When 6 approached the door he was call- ‘aside by gentlemen on the porch ‘who told him not to go in,that Judge Carter and Mrs.Williams were in the m alone.Witness testified that the reputation of Mrs.Williams and her daughter,Mrs.Towler,was very .He recited the'cases:mention- ‘hy:Col.Kerr,concerning rar i Myitting He also add-had insultedHedenied ‘the conduct improper. that Judge Carter him (Grady)in court. ‘that he had feeling but said “he thought Judge Carter had-treated him dirty.Asked if he didn’t have a f@rouch against Carter,witness said +the grouch at Clinton was universal. :No Impropriety. Judge Carter and his stenogra- er,Miss Frances.-Dement,..boarded e home of J.D,Parker,a law- Sm thfield.The judge and_his stenographer took walks —tegether, ‘sometimes being late for supper. Mrs.Parker warned the young wo- Judges wal y Carter's conduct in court,and thought!and had invited him to while the judge held”court at}>arded the judge as’a perfect gentle- ‘i ,ae r aK)— our little stenograpyer friends”that ,is an invalid.Judge¢ ihe (Allen)saw the stenographer and|conduct at Wilmington court later saw Judge Carter but -knew/gardedasproper and he had nothing of any immoral conduct.Mr,|a wonderful improvement Allen testified as to Judge Carter’s|tions there.Sea : conduct in court.He objectel to the}W,A,McGowan of Wilmington said |Judge's disposition or a case and;Judge Carter did not tell the gate- lthought he displayed too much tem-/keep@r at the Unionstation that he )per.would remember the,Coast Line’in |Mrs.Williams ‘Testifies.-cases in his court if he was not al. |Mrs,J,MyWilliams,the hotel-keep-lowed to pass through the gate.Wit- ler at Clinton,said she was 60 years |eS heard the conversation and Car. ‘old,the mothér of six children and/ter said if it was against the rule he ‘had kept the hotel at Clinton for 11 would not insist on passing.‘Neither ‘years.She said her bedroom in the |@id he hear the judge tell the gate- |hotel was often,used as »‘sitting keeper he ‘wanted to meet his wife, jroom;that Judge Allen,Judge Cook Mr.MeGowan asked.to be excused ‘Judge Peebles and.about all.the|from testimony as to the character of i judges had.been in there at different the gate-keeper. times except Judge Long,wno wzs a}.G.lL.Jones \kind of dyspeptic and hard to please, |Judge Carter and Solicitor Shaw ate at her table,she said,pecause thejudgerequiredspecialdishesthat.shécouldnotaffordtosservegenerally.|She had walked with Judge Carter join her in Wilmington at a minstrel show when she went there to visit her ‘daugnter,who was in a hospital.She had intro- 'duced the judge to Dr.McClure,pas- ‘tor of .St.Andrews’,Presbyterian ichureh,on that occasion.She repis= tered at the Ortoh and paid her ownbill.-She and the judge took a meal at a eafe.Judge Carter had never ‘used her parlor as #bedroom.She/was confident there was no improper |yelation between her.daughter,Mrs. |Towler,and Judge Carter.She re- V.Roberts of ‘Marshall said JudgeCarterconductedhimselfproperlyonthebenchandgavesatisfactioninholdinghiscourts.Marshall Bell ofMurphytestifiedtothesameeffect:Collector Bailey of Raleigh;who alleged Judge Carter showed.temperandwasarbitrary,said what seemedhightemperonthepartofthejudge was quick spirit;that Judge Carter'scoursewasnecessary,he dispatchedbusinessbetterthanmostjudgesandreallyranthecourt.Lawyers whowerepreparedhadno_trouble withhimbutthosewhocameintocourt unprepared and began to offer ex- cuses got in trouble.W-S.Stevens,clerk of Johnston county court,said Judge Carter op-posed“dilly-dallying”-and—tried togetatthefacts.Brooks,recorder ofJohnstoncounty,regarded the judge ‘man.A certificate from a physician’‘stated that it was dangerous for Mrs. Williams to come to Raleigh to-testi- ify on account of the condition of her Mrs:Carter’s health was not good. -\tion of the county officials-on account of Macon eomseetot the conditions,without giving them|| Charles.Ross of Lillingzon and Guy’ was counsel in a case in which it was} fearless,progress+ve—and-rres-|?:5 :eee conn oataa.|vermin,”said—Sir-Thomas Lipton,in|! judge's family closet,the doctor id.He had had much sickness inhisfamily;had an invalid daughter, a son who had’various troubles an |Judge Carter’s strenuous work at va- rious courts had been a great strain on him.He was naturally high strung,quick tempered,impattent at times:: Ex-Senator Baggett of Harnett knew of no misconduct on the part of Judge Carter and J.ElmerLong of Graham said no judge ever made a better impression in his section. R.W..Turner of Blizabeth City told of Judge Carter’s investigation of the iehain gang and his fierce denuncia- a chance to be heard He had never heard such language as,the judge used against the people of a county, and-as a,result,there was an insur- rection by the convicts.‘Turner,‘as [epeorders made-a subsequent investi- |Carter’s charges..Cross-examined, Turner admitted that guards were¥resubsequently discharged for drinking received about 200 gallons of liquor, Epidemic of Typhus Fever in Serbia. Typhus fevér is epidemic in.por- infected area are appalling.“Just as in London,so fires are needed to clear Serbia of typhus.Infected houses be burned,asthe disease ts caused by. gation and found no basis for Judge), and one of them had,It was founc,} tions of Serbia and conditions in the}| it took fire to stop.the great plague and the clothing of the people must) How much per——|—DELIVERED Mile? a HAT'S the Tire Question ih a Nutshell! Not—"“how.‘much does }the ‘Tire Cost”--!how much Rubber isinit’—“hovw many layers of Cotton fabric”—or “how many different Vul- }can'z'ngs does it po through,”~ Because,Results have shown thatcomeoftheTireswhichhavemost Cotton,Rubber,,Weight and stifiross,give much kess MILBAGE end Resil- tence than’other tires made lighter by more exhert workmen,through,moredizeetandpreciseMethods, Wor ia So-called“Mileere Quaran- tee"worth censidering in purchasing’ofTired:“ee Beceucos-no Tires are actually guaranteed to give definite.Mileage,ho,matter whet the Surigce reading may suggest,‘ySach“Grarantee”would be imprac ticable with ‘the best Tire ever made, or that ever will be made. --This,unless the Tire User could,in turn,guarantes the kind of roads over which he would alwaysdrive,thekindofdrivinghisChauffeurwouldalwaysdo,and the air pressure hewouldalve-s carry on each Tire. €}& HIE “Mileage Guarantee”isthergiore4deceptiveMisno- ins; It does not fuarantee’given Mile Sachetsita eae Asjoaiment”onmsmadeforveWorkmaorMeterials,;aeRead,any of these “Guarantees”that are~printed (or have the verbalonesdefined)and youwill see that theydon’t guarantee anything except thattheMakeraloneshalldecideevery-thing such “Guarantee”is supposed tocover=.;The larger the Mileage “‘Guarantee”the higher the price the Maker mustcharge,to cover (as with Life Insurance)the increased “risk”of replacing Tires ‘shatare reasonably sure to wear outinconsiderablenumbers,before theyhavegiventhe“Guaranteed”Mileage,The.Careful Driver,overroadsandstreets,would thus:paynorethantheTireisworth,so thattheRecklessDriver,or hu who’mustcontinually,drive over bad roads andstreets,might get Mileage he is not en- titled to,at the Careful Driver's expense, HE Goodrich Safety Tread is the fairest-priced Tire,of:cimilar Quality,in the field.—Ten to 20%lower than other Tires that give lets Mileage on average perform~-ance less effective Traction,with more .Vibration,and greater tendency to sep- arate the layers of Fabric and of Tread. Compere the “Goodrich Safety”Mileage Coste with that of any er of man that her conduct might excite!jealth,but she said she had come at comment.Both Mr-“and”Mrs.”Par=!the risk of her liféto vindivate ‘her ‘ker testified that they saw absolute-)owny and her daughter’s honor-and she sive,agreeable to !uwyers and citi- zens-and.prompt.in dispatching bus-iness.L,B.Carter of Rocky Mount found Judge Carter courteous to_law- ly nothing in the conduct of the two|;new the Lord .would give her that was improper.The lady sat¢strength to refute.the slanders. her warning to the stenographer was Walter Byrd,clerk of the court-of | Simplyca precaution.|Harnett county,knew nothing of im-| -Other Testimony.|moral_conduct-on-the.-part_of Judge, “T,F.Young,a lawyer of Harnett!Carter and,had heard nothing until! yers and litigants.‘It.=x.‘Robinson of Goldsboro said the judge got mad when his name appeared on a docu- ment‘as “Frank C.Carter.” Met the Stenographer.<. ‘an interview with:the Associated Press in London after a return.from),|a personal,investigation of conditions |: jin Serbia.et gate“I met on the country roads pa- lLtients too weak to walk to the hospi-;tals,—-Bullock carts were -gathering ‘thent up.Often a woman and chil-|dren were leading bullocks,the hus- county,cited instances to show.that Judge Carter exhibited much temper?in court and sometimes disposed of cases in-a-way.the lawyers thought} was arbitrary.‘ W._E.Register testified that he’ had seen Judge Catter and Mrs.Wil- liams,the Clinton hotel-keeper,walk-“ing near the outskirts of the town! as late as 10 o'clock at night;that this affair developed.Had seen Judge| Carter show.temper in court.| Temper Bad.i Solicitor Norris .of Wake told of his hassociation with Judge Carter.-At} Harnett court Judge Carter-had ask-| ed the solicitor to,procure him a sten-| ographer and the solicitor had wired to Raleigh for Miss Dement.He and| the judge had disagreed’about a case; Mrs.R.F.Bryan saw Judge Car-|band and father in the cart ravingtermeethisstenographer,Miss De-'with.fever.__Scarcely.engugh people ment,at the station and saw them!remain unstricken to dig graves for take walks together sometimes,but!the dead,which lie exposed in’thetherewasnothingimproperin.their cemeteries.°3 conduct.and nothing to excite com-|“The situation is entirely beyond ment.-‘‘the control.of the present force,whichMorrayAllen,'a lawyer of Raleigh.imperatively needs all the help it car thought Judge Carter was harsh and!get,tents,hospitals,doctors,aurses,) arbitrary incases-in which he -was-modern appliances,and clothing to age—but is only a ‘figure “arbitrarity:“the Comparison shows you... Notethefollowing table of live ;Md tires,Coltsans headed CAT oe.on non-skid compara ‘Tire-in-the-field,and ACT on what and “pD"representfour highly-advertised tires: |ooedich Sima}Safety fe<a]Frond FaQe‘|OTHER MAKES ++ Cc”{“fy 13.33 2o0F £3.88 ne ==The ot Rtandare byattwhirkettothgonaki;are judged 4 ;Roenememee 55,910.95 32)14.2016,3¢ 5}33.6041.€6 $16.3522.701 23.6022.85]25.3031.1541.8549.85 18.10 93.55}41.4052.05 i you ave charged kk oo fer any other makethenGoodrich,they are taking it outof the tire;ifyouarechargedmors,they aro takingit outof you. toncD.I.Goodrich Co.,Akron, Fair-Listed Caad.th Safety Tresd oS c Oy STR TD ELTcounsel.Judge Carter had ordered!replace the garments full of typhus q,Cr aE Whee Cc ff him to “sit down.”The judge ehh!bearing veeetk®me :BX CDE E 3X off appeals sometimes by making ar-|SEO ORR OTISTp RrETTe FCordersandh:had heard.Car-|LAXATIVE FOR-OLD ——PEOPLE—“CASCARETS.”+ he had seen them in ine swing in the) ‘front yard together and he had seenthemgointoMrs.Williams’room together.On cross-examination.._headmittedthathehadheardthatoth-|er judges had gone into the same)room and.that they piayed set-hack| there.Hp likewise admitted that!when in Judge Carter-s court he had,|while drinking,cursed Judge Carter: but not in the latter’s presence. J.H.Register,a brother of the preceding witness,had seen Judge}Carter and Mrs.Williams—-streHing}about town together late-in-the-eve- ning.The reputation of Mrs.Wil-; there was much.criticism,mainiy) ‘among lawyers,abour the judge’s| management of cases.He whe mes iterd trary and high.tempered and used}L cuss words sonictinned:Witness knew|ter pay Sra Pei ne nee ee .thi ;i sympathy with a d—fool v cooled:,——; tn past °F erthe judge and around ‘a railroad track and got hit.”}Salts,Calomel,Pills,Act_én_Bowels |-@———— Miss Dement took walks together but|.Sheriff Betts of Duplin said,Judge Like Pepper Acts in Nostrils.| he thought nothing of that.Miss De-|Carter was “all right with us.”|Ex.Get a 10-cent box now.Ir ment had served as stenographer for|Sheriff D.C-McNeill of Sampson told’Most old people must give to the) other judges on the circuit:(of the “box-kicking”incident,.,to bowels some regular help,else they |Sicin Plosuad:Others Not which hedid not seem to attach im-|enffer from constipation.The con-! at :eee ey iportance.Witness had boarded andj dition is perfectly naturel.HisSolicitorSilerofChathamcounty|roomed-at the hotel-kept-by-Mrs.Wil-!just as natural as it is for old people| knew nothing detrimental to Judge}jiams’at Clinton ‘and saw no indica-)to walk slowly.For age is never Carter morally or otherwise.The’tion of immorality on the part of!0 active as youth.The muscles are| ° rv TIRES Fancy and Plain,Silk “and Madras. + =saw them go to a .show-—together.H x er Further than that he knew nowning.|Playing to thé galleries,but his de-|“when he thought there was any.sort! -»of Clinton taking meals together in a Chatham bar was pleased’with the|Judge Carter or any one.He thoughtjudgeK.R.Hoyle of Sanford knew Mys.Towler was all right. ‘ef no immoral conduct.by Judge Car-|~}ter.Hnd seen the jucge anc a lady county court,recited the facts in the |walking toward the judge’s boarding .Baegett case.He-said Judge Carterhouseafterdarkbuttherewasnoth-|had the original ‘affidavit of the girllingto’excite suspicion.The judge’destroyed after she made counter af- |showed much temper in court and was |fidavit that the first was made throughgiventomakingside.remarks and)fear;that Judge Carier was harsh liams and her daughter,Mrs.Tow-| ler,he said,was not good, ‘I.C.Wright,a lawyer of Clinton, “recited the disposition,or a case inJudgeCarter’s court that did not_please him.Judge Carter and Mrs.Williams of Clinton went -to Wil- .Mington on the same-train and he “He went to Judge Carter’s room .on|Menor generally-was satisfactory. one occasion,there was delay in ad-|H.©.Beckwith,lawyer of Wake,yerg and court officers gave Judge mitting him and when he-was-ad-'¥88 much displeased with Judge Car}Carter.a_fish fry.after this incident. mitted Judge Carter was undressed,|tet’s judicial conduct.Carter had in-|Witness thought the character of Mrs. salar was all he saw.|sulted him.Asa judge his reputa-|Williams,the hotel-keeper,was good; ajor Robt.Bingham,head of the tion was “harsh,dictatorial and over |Had heard reports against Mrs.Tow-Bingham School,;;had |bearing.”Witness knew nothing|Jey,-Ashaville,5 ;i known Judge Carter for 25 years and |/#Sainst the character of Miss Dement.|Alex.Bethune had boarded ‘at Mrs. vouched for his high character.“A/-Sheriff.Sears of Wake said he and)williams’hotel for ten years and nev- terror to evil doers and a present|Lewyer Beckwith had been treated}¢yheard anything against her.Repu- glory to all who do well,”is the way|Y°°Y discourteously by Judge Carter tation of Mrs.Towler not good.Had Major’Bingham described the judge,|and he had seen the judge treat law-|seen Myrs-Towler and Judge Carter fof devilment being done.”The-law-|jes. Jess elastic,And the bowels :muscles.. are One might as well refuse to aid}weak eyes with glasses as to neg-} lect this gentle aid to weak bowels.i'The bowels must be kept active.This} /is imvortant at all ages,but never/ |so much as at fifty.i Age is not a time for harsh phys-'! Youth may occasionally whip}\the bowels into activity.But a last | -ean’t-be_used.everyday.What—the |bowels of the old need is a qenitlai|and natural tonic.Ore that can be}constantly used without harm.The} only such tonie is Caschrets,-and|they cost only 10 cents per wox at any drug store.They work while!you sleep.t2} } Boa There was also testimony togoodcharacterofMissFrances De- ment,the stenographer,whose name | the |Yers discourteously.Sheriff Edwards)sit-in the swing.G.A-Clute,doing |of Wayne had,he thought,been treat-|ed very discourteously by Judge Car-| was brought into the case...Col,F.|tes much so that sheriff left the| _B,Arendell said he had known theJadywellformany,years and had tation,So Puesday’s Hearing .Dr.W.W:Faison,superintendent of the Goldsboro State Hospital,de- nied that he had seen Judge Carterinasecluded around a woman.He did not know how “his name became conteeted withsuchareport.’'J.0.Carr of Wilmington hadseenJudgeCarterandMrs.Williams cafe in Wilmington.e had heard “some talk of a frolic’between the judge-and Mrs.-Williams of Georg:a and had heard that the judge pulled off Mrs.Williams’slipper.‘rhere+.Was some difference between the judgeandtheWilminDarabouthold- ing court at Christmas but this was>the only trouble Judge Carter hadwiththebaratWihsington.Witness commended Judge Carter’s disposi-tion of a noted blind tiger case in Wilmington and said he and othersthoughtthejudgehaarendereda great service to the community. RS...Haddock,gate keeper at.theUnionstationinWilmington,—said'Judge Carter went to the station sev-eral times and was passed through spot.with his arm, {man but that he was too prone to pray ‘eourt in charge of his deputies.He} |knew nothing.against Judge Cartet’s | never heatd a hint against her repu-}moral character.John D.Bellamy:of Wilmington had|-never_secn Judge.Carter..with a wo0-|jawyer-to-complain-of-him.-He took \nan—end—the-enly-man—he-had-heard |make a remark about Judge Cartér.in ‘that connection had afterward repudi- ated the remark.Mr.Bellamy liked(Judge Carter personally and had had‘him in his home,but he didn’t like his |disposition of cases in court—especial-| ily a blind tiger case in’which Bellamy| i was counsel..He said he regarded the;|judge as an able..and clear-headed |to the.galleries.s|.W-©.Douglass and son,lawyers} \of Raleigh,said they had been 80 |iharshly treated by the judge in the}iconduct of a case that they withdrew’ |from-ite-——+mF t |W.N.Harris,clerk of the court at)|Wilmington,thought Judge Carter’s!;eonduct while-he held court.there wasimostexemplary.He heard nothing}|but highest praise for him,T,J.Cov-|‘ington of.Wilmington said Judge Car-/ ‘ter made a most remarkable impres-|sion by his enforcement of the law.| iJ,Allan Taylor said Judge Carter was | {looked upon in Wilmington as a God-!|send.He had shown that the law could’ |Carter’s physician,said thet asare-! business near the hotel,said Mrs. Williams’character was good.Mrs, Towler’s character not so good. Solicitor John H,aot of Warren- ten said the people of his .district were delighted with Judge Carter andtherecouldn’t be found a litigant or Drain Tile. Size four and six _inches.now _ready “for delivery.a Statesville Brick Co. Judge-Carter-to:Panacea-Springs.on.the Sunday he spent there and room- ed with him.Miss Dement,the sten-ographer,was not there.He neverknewoftheleastbitofconductonJudgeCarter’s part indicating im- moral tendency.F.W.Bynum of Chatham said Judge Carter gave emi- Spalding Athletic Goods!fnentsatisfactionatChathamcourt and he saw nothing improper.The judge and his stenographer walked together at times but.he thought nothing of that. Had Been Told to Walk. Dr.Millender of Asheville,Judge | Come and get our catalogue,or have us mail it to you. Statesville Printing Co. sult of overwork the judge had a WILL ADVERTISE DELINQUENTS nervous breakdown just before he wasappointedtothebench.He thought SPRIL 1ST. the judge “hard to keep company with ‘ except in.walking or going some- where’He had advised the judge ta,walk all he could for his health.Judge Carter didn’t smoke,drink nor play cards.There are no skeletons in THICK,GLOSSY -HAIRFREEFROMDANDRUFF taxes.Will advertise Apri!1,1915,all landthattaxhasnotbeenpaidbythatdate.Please call at my office and settle your taxandsavethiscost.J.M,DEATON. March 12,1915.? BUILD NOW! I am making up-my list of delinquent |i W.S.Sessoms,clerk of.Sampson,”So all old people need Cascarets.|. Would be pleased to show you. “|Shoes repaired ~while~-you —wait. Shoes sent for and dellvered. The One Price SOA A 9BUCOOHHHOCHO abs The S.,M.&H.Shoe Co.,Cash Shoe Store.. U SOME NE'|be administered effectively.NDERWEAR,SHIR_TRIS MEANS WEWILL SELL THEM TOree:!i sociales ‘And.see us for your Tin Roofithegatesonthepretextofmeeting)._Third Day’s Hearing.|Girls!Beautify Your Hair,Make It|]Guttering,re ir work,etc.WEaeaoeeehonhemet.an|Bdeltae Shaw of Kinston,testify-|Soft,Fluffy and Luxuriant.KNOW Ho 2 ;ler lady,who he said was his moth-/ing,said he considered the box-kick-.:frt.One time he was refused admission |ing incident at Clinton as of no con-FRAZIER BROS.eh serentened to remember the aout He saw nothing in it to re-PHONE ee Pe een a Coast Line when its cases were in his|flect on Judge Carter.Another court ver0::|incident charged -to-Carter’s-discredit h ;3T.F,Stevens,a Clinton merchant,/the solicitor thought incorrect.The |aa will please you most,wiKnewnothingofanyimpropercon.|character of Mrs.Williams,the Clin-|®fter a few weeks’use,when you!on the part of Judge Carter at|ton hotel-keeper,the solicitor said|8°¢new hair,fine and downy at first)eae ca Hubbard,another was good,and her’daughter,Mrs.tne at onan the eal hair—grow-inton merchant,gave similar testi-|yA te;y.Denied that he had told Col.”:DEAFNESS.CANNOT BE CURED |iA little Danderine immediately Kerr he had heard Judge Carter snor-|n3¢‘Peach "the eimased ection 6 “the |ee eeinginMrs.Williams’room atClin-/ear.There is only one way to dure difference how dull,faded,brittleoo45NewsonofClintonsaw|teatnens,and shat is by constitutional |and -scraggy,just moisten aj cloth idge Carter in the swing with @ wo-|tnflamed’condition of the wacedian’tong iat ro ering and caretally,drewabout10o'clock at night but|f,the Eustachian Tube,When’through *your hair,taking onehoughtnothingoftheincident,as|wbeq!*,i"fiamed you have @ rumbling|Mall strand at a time.The:effecti;sound or i .9 '::here was.plenty of light about the/'t is wntirely eineed,eee ae a an ae re )ane your,fluffy and way:ng and no unseemly behaviour.“ult,and unless the Inflammation can |Senator Harry Stubbs of Martin!its normarut and,this tube restored to and have an appearance of _aburid.;ance,an incomparable lustre,soft-1 condomCedaraamdtek-Judge condition,hearing will be de-knew are ‘oanse ness and luxuriance,the beauty and|}”.‘Sor Vieginis han n inflamed condition of the mu-: Matt Allen of Goldsboro|ft,"2¥case of Deafness (caused by |Danderine from any drug store or .135 Toledo,0-retIdby:iadbyBrunt{that it has |Stroyed forever;nine cases o,butan infin ie shimmer of.true hair ‘health;%neo the jud there.Repre-|Hundred Dollars |Fine ist Me Stub weVirgina)Gas cate at teged yal tlt counter Family “Pills for cohat'gction,by careles: Sloan Clothing Company..Try.as you will,after an applica- |tion of Danderine,you cannot find a /single trace of dandruff or falling hair,and your scalp will not itch,but} ii be i “DON'T _FORGET” That we have plenty seamen Pee Seed Potatoes,SxOnionSets,Seed Corn,Seed Beans,Package Garden Seed,Flower Seed.~*Phone us for whatee« |FOR SALE![| 78-aore fatm,;five miles from Statesville on the sand-clay.yaad,Forty acres in cultivation,six of which is bottom land,balance inwoodland,Six-room,two-story dwelling,barn and out buildings,pene,of fruit on place.es .*106 acres nine milesfrom Statesville,14 miles from Elmwood oninbottomland,balance inpublicroad.Forty acres in cultivation,oak and pine timber.Two-story,five-roomslevaliing,large stockorchard.>public road. barn and out buildings.:One tenant house.81-acre farm near Harmony State High School onFiftyacresincultivation.balance in woodland.New five-room cot-age,large barn and out buildings,Allin good condition...These farms are generally level and productive,Prices.right andtermscanbearrangedonpartofpurchasemoneyifnecessary.For further information‘allon oF write for x bon. BNEST G. ut of t;had heard the judge and some |bat caused by Catarrh.which is nothing |.We will give One Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowltton’s J.CHENEY.&lars,free,| ats,7aOT, ; ta c o e ‘nearly six months,”’ Bratcher,’‘wasdowninbedfor three ers how I suffered wwith.nervousness”: y doctortold m d he‘could notdo.",and he hadBAitup...We anotherdoctor,buthe did nothelpme. .-Atlast,my mother advisedme to takethewoman’s tonic.J tookelevenbottles,andnodo=of my work and my own antteink Cardi is Sie best medicinets and Ilook the picture of health,”If yousuffer from anyoftheailmentspelete@bottleofCardui it will :many thousandsof other weak womeninthepast50years.4Atalldruggists.... irae cr"Chatansoge’Font.fo Ladies 64-pageainplainwrapper.-ALG.18 Burduco Liver Powder ——FOR ALL—— Liver Troubles. “Cleans the-—systemandmakesahealthy -.Liver. Price 25 Cents. FOR SALE BY.ALL ’Ready,Ky—1 was notiabletoda f this piace,aed --of the county commencement to dawn, |Baptist church,has been sick.|was unable to fill_||Saturday .but was able to reach us -|}Sunday.: |Padgett and)her eight children for‘}the death of her husband,Lewis H.|Padgett,caused by falling into a pit tina roundhouse at Cayce,Lexington; ‘eounty,S.C.,has been approved by ithe Supreme Court of the~United[Stata LPiz"PUTS JOY IN|SORE;ACHING FEET. '“My,How * |Swollen,Burning Feet—It's DRUG DEALERS._ Quality Easter Cards! They are indicative of your taste | Let not thy taste be questicned. Statesville Printing Co. CRUSE AND RAGLAND, —Veterinarians. Dr.Cruse,Local Practitioner.|Office rear Polk Gray Drug CoOffice’Phone 109. Residence ’Phone 198 Green. [Fresh Vegetables! Fresh Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes. ‘\the ‘mortgage deed executed.by O.E.Bowles Miller-McLain Supply Co. pohens EA REtaneat <<duly recorded in the office of Register ‘of FOR FINE CLEANING —PHONE 147— paid peep ics AND DYEING cenit }-at-Statesvile,NC,} -Sloan Pressing Club. ECLIPSE ENGINESANDTHRESHERS. I will have some of our latest st style machines here in.a shoritime.Come over the fitsttimeyowareintownandseethem and let’s talk it over. Near the Depot. Iredell ’Phone No.74,Bell No.7. M.P.Alexander &Bro. FOR Nice FreshMeats and Yr -Fancy Groceries. FOR SALE! Choicebuilding,lots,within two4blocksofsquareandinone-fourth4blockofnewgradedschool.Only|offeredfor a short time,~Mar.12.D,0,RUFTY. NOTICE!° 41 HOLLAND BROS.have’changed {Call No.7 for.dimea, od,etc. oo 4 their phone number from 177to 7.ying,all grades - COUNTY COMMENCEMENT.Pte Te Seagal eee meen |and WhatIt Means— What It is ”Statesville People Should»BestirThemselvestoHelpMiike |the Event of April9 a Great, ot Success, Iredell will have its ‘first county,commencement on the 9th of April.Acountycommencementfortheele-mentary schools of the county,aiwhichcertificatesofgraduationaregiventothepupilswhohavecom-pleted the seventh grade,after.they have passed a uniform ¢ounty-wideexamination,has become one of thebiggesteventsinruralpubliceduca-|tion in North Carolina.Within fouryearsithasgrownfromasinglelo-cal event in one county to @ regular,established and outstanding featureoftheeducationalworkofabouthalf/the eounties inthe Star,‘|The county commencement is many things in one and its influence?radi-ates.It has a vital and practival ef-fection the actual woth cf.thespchoolsand-exerts a powerful influencein be- due 10,35 a,22,east-bound,due 115 p.east-bound,due 6:46 p.east-bound,due 10.50 p,SR E R R S F “E E FS Miss Ostwalt Entertains—Anx-jous For Commencement. Correspondénce of The “Landmark.; Statesville;R-3,March 23.—Miss Sadie Ostwalt entertained a numberof‘her friends at her home near East, Monbo,in honor of Misses Ruth EadsandLoisYoungofTroutman.Music,was furnished by Miss Kaas and tar.) Herman Brown of Linwood.College,|and theré were other amusements,such as contests..Ligat refreshments were served.The guests enjoyed theo¢casion very much.Miss -Ostwalt proved to be a charming:nostess. Miss Banna Ostwalt or Charlottehasbeenvisitingherhomefolks,Mr. and Mrs.J.D.Ostwalt-Every child in this eommunityseemstobeveryanxiousfortheday half of public education.Ttisa stand-| ardizing foree for teacher anc pupil;it inspires and awakens enthusiasmandpromotesfrienaty.rivalry.in @ great,conerete advertisement of the public.schools.fs)The primal and most important pur-pose.of course is the uniform county examination for the elementary schoo!‘graduates and the granting of certif-ieates.The purpose of this examina-tion is to standardize the work of the rural schools,It tends to bring the children up to the level -of efficiencyandstandardizestheteachersa8well,showing them the weakplaces in theirworkandencouragingthemtomorecarefulandthoroughwork,‘A:second featyre of importance is It is all the talk.Rev.Mr.Connell,pastor of BethelHe his appointment A $20,000 award under the Federal p.JChemployers’”—liability_law—to~Clara—V-}Every—county commencement shoulhaveaparadein’the county town—and the bigger the tarade the better.The streets are cleared of traffic andbusinesspauses-whilethecommunityturnsout.to see tue -hundredsschoolchildren.marchby—school byschool,township by township,The procession proves a revelation andthepopulaceis‘aroused and enthusedforpubliceducation:Few.people stop to.think of the work of the IZ’Gladdens ‘Tired,|schools and what it means,Few peo- Glo-|ple visit the.schools.But the page-lantry of childhood in the processionisaglimpseof.the comiftg generationinpanoramaandtheconceptionoftheworkoftrainingthechildreni:widened and broadened,:All this is followed.by exhibits ofschool..work that give an idea of what |the schools are doing;athletic events: addresses;declamation and.recitationcontestsandothermiscellaneousfeat- ures.i :aeTheforegoingisasummary of a bulletin by the State Department ofeducationand.gives an idea of what we may expect to see in Statesvilleonthe9thofApril.Much prepara- tion is necessary’for,the “event.and-—a-most-important-part-or-tnatprep- burning,tired]aration js.provision for the care and fairly dance with delight.Away)comfort of the crowds that will comeForthisthetownauthorities,the Commercial club,the Merchants’-Association andtownspeoplegenerallyshouldlendallaid.‘The country ‘schools will beguestsofthetownforthatdayand Statesville people should exert them-selves not only to make the visitors welcome but to make them as com- fortable as possible.Supt.Gray,or others in charge of the work,willdoubtlessbegladtogiveinformationastohowthishelpcanbestbegiv-en.i After the above was wriiten thefollowingwashandedTheLandmark for publication:The following persons have beenappointedand’promise to aid the coun-ty committee.to arrange the householdeconomicsandhandicraftexhibitfor the county commencement April 9,atthecourthouse.The pupils of thecountyschoolsfurnishalltheexhib-its;which will be put inorder by thes:members «from each club in States-‘ville at 10 o’clock a.m.,April 7,at the court house:.. Mrs.John P.Moore,Miss Laura States. nce *TIZ”makes.sore, i feet \go the aches and pains,the corns,\to the commencement. }eallouses,blisters,bunions and chil-|blains.“TIZ”draws out the acids and {poisons that puff up your feet.No i matter how hard you work,how long} |you dance,how far you walk,or how! jlong you-remain on your feet,“TIZ”|ibrings restful foot comfort,“TIZ” is magical,grand,wonderful for |tired,.aching,swollen,smarting feet. Ah!how comfortable,how happy |you feel.Your feet just tingle for|joy;shoes never hurt or seem tight. |.Get a 25-cent box of “TIZ”now }from any druggist or departmentstore.End foot torture forever— {wear smaller shoes,keep your feet (fresh,sweet and happy.Just think! 'a whole year’s foot comfort for only 25 cents. NOTICE OF LAND SALE, By yirtue of .the power of sale contained in |to.R..M.-Lackey,the’same being due and Deeds for Iredell eounts,m book 26,.page381,the undersigned administrator’of R,M. Lackey,deceased,will offer for sale for cash‘to the highest bidder,at the court house door SATURDAY,APRIL 24,1915,|lat 1 o'clock,p..:m.,the,following describedtract.or parcel of land in Iredell county, Sharpesburg township,oescribed and definedin-said mortgage as follows,to-wit:A life-time interest in 20 acres.more or ‘Cooper,Mrs.F.T.Meacham,Mrs.R.T.Weatherman,Mrs.Fred Conger,Mrs.J.B,Armfield,Miss Laura La- sab Mrs.R..V.Brawley,—Mrs. less.th bein’the doweriet the widow |enry Lewis,Mrs.D,S-Thomas.Mrs.of the Sake derey Bowles,wale aboer.adjoin’.B.Buneh,Mrs.Leonard White,ing the init ae M.Godfrey,a Cae Mrs.W..M.Barringer,irs.R.E. ter and ot ers.{The interestconvey in sai Clapp;Mrs.Wn:Wallace,hrs. x Pee tein tall oe)of the grantor,|Clarence Steele,Mrs.Sigmond Wal- Said sale is made to satisfy the debt secured lace,Mrs.Eugene Morrison,Mrs.R.by said mortgage,toxether ie eae and L,Poston,Mrs.C-EB.Mills,Mrs.Dor- Ce tar,of Be Mn Dicken Mortenne (iam Thompson,”Mrs.©,”V.Henkel; March 26,1915._iSa ret Mrs.Wee istol,Mrs.E.N.Lawrence,Mrs.NOTICE TO CREDITORS.D,F.Jenkins,Mrs.Taomas Kincaid,Mrs.George Myers,Mrs.N:B.Mills,|Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Earle S.Pegzram,deceased,IT herebynotify |"Mire,Whiting,Miss Loula Campbell Mrs.D.M..Ausley. all~persons-holding claims against.said estatetopresentsametoR.B.McLaughlin,my at-torney,in or before the-26th day of March,1916.WINIFRED B.PEGRAM,R.B.McBaughlin,Atty.Executrix.|March 26,1915. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator’C.T.A.of Geo.F.Shepherd,deceased,I hereby notifyallpersonshavingclaimsagainsthisestate te -preseht-same ‘to me-on or before the 26th day of March,1916.wc.F.SHEPHERD,R.B,McLaughlin,Atty,Acmr.©TyMarch26,1915, Miss Laura Turner,Mrs.Rufus Coop-er,Mrs.N.B.Mills,Miss Laura Lazenby,Mrs,Leonard White.Mrs. Eugene Morrison,Mrs,R.L.Poston,Mrs.Clarence Steele,Mrs-J.B.Arm-field,Mrs.F.T.Meacham,Mrs.Wm.Wallace,Mrs.D.S.Thomas,Mrs.R.E.Clapp,Mrs.D.M.Ausley,Mrs.W. 4./A-.Bristol.Prize for best percentage of at- sgncans of any school in the county8%$5.in gold,from.the Betterment Association...°For best exhibit by any two-teach-er school,tickets to.crescent theater THE NEW WATERMAN LEVER Self Filling Fountain Pens. _Ask tosee them._{by Mr R.L.Flanigan, Statesville Printing Co.Yerwenyy eaecoenor school,tickets to Lyric theater by Mr, e:pe tury club.Tin Roofing Along with the dry summer , months come the fire risks. Whiy not tse good gradeoftinroofingtoovercomefirerisksandmakepermanentroof.~Statesville Tin Co., H.C.MOHLER,Manager.| Statesville girl... B.Cy -Went Treatment For Constipation. recommend:them ©highly,’writes Paul \say that he has commercialized it.At ‘ations was the building of a_taber-tnacle;for no:ordinary assembly hall ;cost about $10,000 and will seat over school,and community loyalty;it is, the parade of the school.children.. of| Turner,Mrs.-L.O.-White,Mrs..Rufus+_ The judges ‘will.be Mrs.J.P.Moore,}4 by Mr.R.L.Flanigan,through Bet- Best exhibit by any”one-teacher R.A.Cooper,through the XXth Cen-} ‘Offer to buy the best bird housemadebyanyschoolpupil,by a little LNTTTITLTTTTN A dispatch from Vancouver,Brit-ish Columbia,says..50 miners were killed and as many more were Im jured,Monday,by a snow slide whieh}4 swept away several bunk houses at the Britannia mine at.Howe Sound, “My daughter used)Chamberlain's TabletsforconstipationwithgoodresultsandI PREPARING FOR S(NDAY.|The Evangelist to Hold a Meet-|- f N.oF “and A Much Preparation js Being)47 ing at Paterson, Made ‘For Him. Correspotidenceof "The Landmark.} New York,March 22—In Paterson, N..J.,they all reckon time now.from| “when Billy.Sunday comes.”He is) due in the town about April the first!to conduct one of -his,.revival cam-|paigne,..But his work there began) many weeks ago.Over $20,000 havebeencollectedtodefraytheexpenses|of his meetings.To the layman_it} pt4 |; looks.as if Billy Sunday had put!modern business methods into evan-gelism,some would go so far as to any rate,the preparing the way forhim:is interesting. One of the most important.prepar- will hold a+Billy Sunday congrega-tion.The tabernacle.at Patterson 6,000.people -comfortably.’It lookslikeabigwarehouse,fitted up withelectricand.gas lights,toilet rooms,|a postoffice’and other conveniences.| Another item was.the securing ofasuitableplace-for Sunday and hisassistantstolivewhileintown.A},committee finally secured the home!of one of Paterson’s silk manufac-turers for a rental of $250 per month} Nice Mesh Bags For $2.50 $2.50 for a real nice MeshBag sounds”real —cheap to us.How does it sound to you?.Take a peep in our windowand see how they look to you.Only a few,of them.Better _get one at once.a tae?R.H.RICKERT &SON,|_JEWELERS. eee ete eee a The owner will vacate till Sunday| leaves.ts Then ‘systematic’preparations| are being made for the song services,| Each.church that is co-operating in} the movement (and -nearly all the|churches ‘have placards on them an-; nouncing that they are co-operating)+is training its choir on tne Billy Sun-day hymns.-And singers are meet-)ing the various congregations of the; certain_favorite_songs.‘The __Billy!Sunday hymn book is on sale every-| where,;Hundreds.of _prayermeetings are!being-heldevery week.The town_has| been divided into about 400 districts,| and twice a—week a prayermieeting is,|held--in-‘some home within the dis-||trict.And Sunday has his “Jonn the!Baptist.”Rev.Mr.Emmet is man-}aging the preparations._He is him-|self an evangelist of.no gmall eali-; town-and working up enthusiasm for,i Nice Mules and Mares!|) <Paid we loads Mules and ee ::A 4. nice Mares—o extra nice ones, w ea Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.| ber.the town,preparing the way for one!_greater than he.Then there are special.workers in various lines.One woman is confining her dctivities to! the children.In the various Sunday:\schools she é€xplains to them the Sun-;day movement and enlists them ~in the “personal-work”-that—everybody; is expected to do.Others are prepar-/| ing the working ‘class girls,and so! on.The volunteer usners are receiv-}. ing training in their duties.|‘Everybody,the irreligious as well} as the religious,is eagerly awaiting the arrival-of the evangelist...He has the reputation of being highly enter- taining and he does not charge ad-\mission.The theater managers,sa-;} } jcoming. ment is the fact that the conservative| j ally to defray its expenses.Sucli men tional agitation.|‘About two years ago another Billy| agitated-Paterson to the-utmost.-This; was Bill Haywood,the leader of thegreatstrikeofsilkworkers. had an exasperating way,of arousing; the Paterson manufacturers Billy Sunday ‘to Bill Haywood. His Story of the Sick and How He Kept His Word. tum sanctorum and asked: He was told “no”.ig “Have you any at home”?and he/|# was told “no”. Mister”,.he continued. would get well if she get the money to buy them”. “You were too late starting out to get work”, told. “Mister,I been down thing to do”. struction to take it to the drug store. ing the truth he would get the pills}; and if he were not he would get jail. goon--on his-way home: side of the partition on a_similar mission.In this case the young man appealed to had no work but was tzuched by the appeal and gave thcwaitadimeandtoldhimhecoulddiopinlater.and do the work.Of course he was not’expected back.| However,he has been back several times wanting promise.‘ This waif is such an exception that he is given this free advertising as his desert and,others of more preten-tions,might emulate him with profit.} 4 ceaeeaneneiimemeainamniieainialiel ‘t To the Housewife. Madam,if your husband is Jike most men | the most common of,the minor ailments and diphtheria or scarlet fever when it has acold.If you will inquire into the.merits ofthevariousremediesthtardrecommendedforcougheand.colds,‘you will find thatChamberlain's Cough Remedy stands.high 4n.the estimation of people who use it.It is ie,which are qualities especially to be ‘de- He.preaches:frequently ‘about!= ft’RB.I want you to have one. {loon keepers and a few cynies are|}|the.only ones who seem to regret his |} *(An interesting aspect of the move-|i jare generally opposed to such “emo-/% But he|# the emotions of people’in:regard to;i the things of this world,waite Billy}%Sunday diverts their attention to the #things of.the future ‘worlds.Verily,'}prefer }¥ HONEST COLORED WAIF.§ Mother |§ Some months’ago,about5 o’clock H in the afternoon,practically night at)§ that season ofthe \year,a colored |§ waif entered the portals of this sanc-|% —Mister,-have -you-any—work-about -#the office for a boy to do”?if “J.just must have some work to do,}¥“My mother)% is-sick and the doctor told her ‘she |# would take !% some Blank pills,and I want work to'!% in the day/$: he wasi# town and|# about all over town ever.since.dinner}#looking -for_workand_can’t get _any-|% Believing his a genuine case,hel was handed a‘slip of paper with in-}% He was warned that if he were tell-}% in|8 He left for the drug stere at 2\%lively pace,got the pliis and was|} After this he visited on the other |% PASSIOTITSTTSheeeeeeeeeeeeteeter eee eee seesseeeee ease seessess SURE CORRECT!| I have men tell me that every few days about their -watches thatIhavecleanedandregulatedforthem.It’s all your fault if you haveagoodwatchanditwon’t keeptime.If -you ‘haven't a good one .B.WOODWARD,~ bs ——|ol 7 ae ae ereTpgilhe ®a~hy We think it fitting atthis time to announce that we have decidedtoawardasecond,third,fourth’and fifth premium to the members ©of the Booster Club Many of you.Boosters are do ;for us and we wish to show our appreciation of rN ots by|ing it possible for several of you to obtain ‘a piano for’the payment.of a very:small amount of cash.At considerable:pense we have arranged for four pianos which.we shall ‘to:as specified below,if you want them..These pianos are all regi$300 instruments.This is the way they willbe given: _QadjPrize—A certificate for $190.00,ito.apply on the purchase‘§ ,ies of one of these $300.00 Pianos.~x ate 3rd Prize—A certificate for $180 00 to ‘apply on the purchase 0 ex- ou ~one-of these $300.00 Pianos. thPrize—A certificate for $170.00 to apply on the purchase‘ofoaoneofthese$300.00 Pianos,ee 5th Prize—A certificate for 160 00,to apply on the purchase ofoneofthese$300.00 Pianos.ots Seon See These certificates are valuable as the cash that you must pay islessthantheregularwholesalepriceofPianosnobetterthanthis”one,and in case the person securing one of them -does:-not.care ‘toaitmaybetransferredandsoldtosomeonewhowishestobuyaPiano.cf nonigess A large number of babies have been nominated for theBaby Show.We want every baby for twenty miles around.to be ia this list.Wewanttoseeallthebabies.,ae? What Booster will win the Watch next Monday,March 29th. Statesville Drug CompQualityPrescriptionists, SSE Sa eee raphe ae ap ap epeeeae to maxe)good _his|: he expects you to’look after the health:of |i yourself and children.Coughs and colds.are} fre most likely to lead to serious diseases,|child is much more;likely to contract| rompt and.effectual,pleasant.and.safe.te |’ ired When a.medicine is intended for chil- )Babin,Brushly,La...For sale by “all dealera.tdrem.|For.sate.by wil dealéra,f My shop is equipped,with an OxygenBysethIampreparedtoweld all kinds of metals, “A eney for the Kohler Jase Automobiles and a Pe Bakar asicl I have the’a Truck <and ©machinery. Fig Ai A ie CLOSE IN PHILAD ‘Evangelist Sunday THE SQUAREST MAN. In a reference to Senator Thornton of Louisiana in a recent issue The Landmark said he had “a high con’ ception of the public service.”)This estimate of Senator Thornton is more than confirmed by the following which recently appeared in the New York American from the pen of John Tem- ple Graves,the noted writer.Under the head of “Washington Stories”Mr. Graves writes as follows: One day I asked John Sharp Wil- liams,scholar in politics and entirely “Dute *4 |sincere:i ..ore ee a bn “Senator,who is the squarest man Snag alg elptandioed %or you have known in public life in ‘until the lady told him;and/Washington?”ne ging that he is a man who doesn’t)The Mississippian thought a mo- ‘a dare,he didn’t.It goes with-|ment,set down his cant a rere: eta ;“»|.“Unquestionably old John orn- out.saying that the Dutch dare’|ton,of Louisiana.I have known him will be very popular among the men |for twenty years,and in all that ene ho ially if the lady in)I have never known him to fall a the:nig rad raking But the|hair’s breadth below the level of high vo b re of|“ivie conscience and of personal integ- is loaded.Batter beware irity in public or private life.” the “Dutch dare.”|Qld John Thornton of Louisiana” ::Tre i h |rétired from public lite with the close ~‘The Davidson county people.WhO!of his senatorial term on March.4, denounced the passage of the road!But it is worth all his years in Wash- bond bill “unbeknownst,”charged,|ington to.have closed his career:with ative oF the city itself to FEEL BILIOUS?CALOMEL SICKENS!= ,Dr ve Ze -\hd ,aie Yr eat ae ere A ‘Sd akNEI EgSundayFinishes|ahsirnon ef the“sunisycapiags|OLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS MY WAY-~BlerenWeck’Compaiesinlsch ined Suny berg sna he DOB’Lose a Day's Work!If Constipated,‘Sluggish, Day's,Services—Evangelist ind,Drourtt,s crisia to the city andj Headachy,‘Takea Spoonful of Dodso ’s Liver Tone’: Gets More Than $50,000,|Cyrus D.Foss,Jr.,eeey to|Listen.to me!take no more sick-|spoonful tonight and if it doesn’t ~ Philadelphia Dispatch.Seen ate Blankenburg,spoxe for officiat ening,salivating calomel when bil.)straighten you right up and make — The biggest single day in the big-Meee tes blag difterent|U8 °F constipated.Don’t lose a eel fine and vigorous by morn-° gest revival.the country has ever :,ng,I want to back to thecityfromPhiladelphiaoflastDecem-day's:work!'-)store and gotryprurroniy,Dodgon’s known was Billy Sunday’s farewell to|ber,”he told the evangelist.As a}Calomel is mercury or quicksilver}Liver Tone is lestroying the sale of Philadelphia. \token of his own appreciation,Mr,|Which causes necrosis of the bones.|calomel because it is real liver.medi- Four times Sundny the:evangelist|Foss said he would “hit.the.trail”Calomel,when it:comes into contact)cine;entirely vegetable,therefore itpreachedtoaudiencesthatoverflowed|with the other converts,and he,did.with sour bile,crashes into it,break-|cannot salivate or make you sick. the Tabernacle,some 60,000 being the|At the close of the-meeting he march-|ing it up.This is when you feel}1 guarantec that one poontul of day’s total.Four times he ealled for/ed down the aisle,took Mr.Sunday’s|that awful nausea and crimping.“If|Dodson’s Liver Tone vl put your converts and reaped ‘a total of 1,858|hand and sat on the fronz vencnes|YOU are sluggish and “all knocked,sluggish liver to work and clean for the day.This number represents!with the penitents,,out,”if your liver is torpid and bow.|your bowels of that sour.bile and the actual number who signed con-ee enenecenaauaimta |els constipated,or you have head-|constipated waste which is clogging vert's ecards,though it represents only]Sending Money After Hemp.,ache,dizziness,coated tongne,if)your system and making you feelaportionofthosewhocamedown|.ae Acmevicadd.WAeahio wil sak te"breath is bad or stomach sour,just!miserable.I guarantee t a bot. and shook his hand.ee 4 Pew take a spoonful of harmless ~Dod-|tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep The number of converts for the 11|Yucatan money to finance the move-|son’s Liver Tone."y@ur entire family feeling fine for weeks of the campaign totals 41,724:|ment of Mexico’s sisal hemp?crop;Here’s my guarantee —Go to any|months.Give it to your children.So far as results go,the vounery nas}peedgd to make twine’for binding the|drug store and get a 50-cent bottle]It is harmless;doesn’t gripe and they never seen anything like it.It not]American wheat crop this year,The|0f,Dodson’s Liver Tone.Take ai like its pleasant taste.: only beats Billy Sunday’s record,but}money—$625,000 in currency,WHICH|une tt-—ALAeRSSe wid ; that of every modern evangelist.manufacturers propose to adyance to.So much for the figures.The taber-;:the hemp growers—is :n vank vaults|nacle forgot them Sunday The work-|at Galveston but there has been no. ers forgot to count in the whitl and|safe ‘means of getting it to Mexico. hubdub of the farewells,the ovations}There is said to be ‘some 250,000°and greetings that these 60,000 ‘per-*bales of sisal ready for shipment in! ‘h a source..*us : among i t it was ar<|Such a tr ibute from suc /sons heaped upon.the little revivalist]Yucatan.Since the United States: other:things,that)||who arrived here some 80 days ago.”"i i ed and erty . i i :dents|.That is a ‘tribute -unsurpass i :|_Jprevented Carranza from blockadingrangedwithRaleighcorresponprithosewhoknowSenatorThornton|Four audiences went wild at his|Progreso,the chief obstacles in the of daily papers not to mention ee :sti .+44 |first appearance and four audiences]way of moving this supply have been ::.|will realize that the estimate is just.|ye g ipply ha 2e1 fact that sucha bill was pending in|iy hove hid associatas in Wash.|stubbornly refused to leave the taber-|scarcity of labor and shipping facili-| the Legislature.The Greensboro |Not only.AEve ae ase sh 'nacle until the evangelist himself left|ties.Arrival of the American money' News shows that the bill was men-|ington paid Senator Thornton high|the platform,Eleven weeks had}is expected to result in further im- d es its-report -byits caption—!tribute,but.from —his home State wound him around their hearts until}provement.é c for|comes“7 provide road commissioners the evidence that no man in|the hearts bled when he was torn SUBSCRIPF ION PRICK: March 26,19165., ——— -Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Company. The StoreWith the Quick Parcel Post Service. More than at any “other time a woman's impulseto appear at her radiant best must be obey- 4} a eae e re .ns}¢‘ a Side rast ap all other Public life in:Louisiana in many years|Men and women pulled down signs Davidson county ~pees ‘has won so-high a place in the esteem)from the tabernaele~posts and car- ills were mentioned.That |+his constituents,IVs a great pity!ried thers ewey,They scooped ap-big sc ;1 m-away.It doesn’t look good for!°;handfuls of sawdust from the shad- iswell. newspapers to Suppress things that the people have a right to know.| ‘eaeamenancnovenommmnanossnaeianinnarsieSeisish ort “Many of the papers are } that Billy Sunday,the evangelist,re-| ce -7§100,000 for a ten weeks’) “meeting in Philadelphia.A Phila-| delphia dispatch <in the Baltimore Sun,copied in The Landmark today,| ‘recites the incidents of the.last-.day of the Sunday meeting and says,| among other things,that “the com- saying | mittee turned over to the’evangelist|9° a draft for $51,136.85,the result of; the free will offering”for the eleven | ‘weeks of service. the time was eleven weeks instead 0 ten and that the amount was a little | Pe Laymen sometimes criticise judges | for allowing lawyers to run their jall judges, |around,force cases to trial and do \thinks he would have it done,so long Take notice that|over”the lawyers.Laymen who take ¢|note of the testimony in the Carter ‘that Senator Thornton is ‘retiring | from the publi¢e service...His kind ¢an ill be spared. They can’t understand why seeing that they have thecourts. power,don’t make.lawyers.stand| business.as the average “layman he isn’t an interested party;and nothing pleases the average layman) more than to see the judge “put one) case will,if they reflect a moment, ow of the pulpit,filled their pockets more than half of $100,000.;}understand why the average judge! —_———~— thandles the laky¥ers with gloves.TheBro.Ashcraf'Monroe En-;:=ateieal=ng writer |Judge is often moved by the fellow a yeahs ."|feeling,being a lawyer himself,thatjfthe!: remarked on the adjournment 0 +|makes one wondrous kind;but if he Legisla 40 . ee ~=r ae |was disposed otherwise he is afraid days on Sinai and returned with ten)rebdanstasjofthelawyers:If he gets their ill Jaws,while the General Assembly |"j : :|will they can do him a turn if:he was on the job 60 days and enacted’|i seit 1,498 laws;and that Moses hadneith-|*nnd catia nan cit er lobbies nor petitions to bother)The Oxford Ledger hears that whis- him,nor threats of what the people|;ey is being transported from Vir- would’do.to him at next election.The}ginia into North Carolina by automo- Tandmark thought that was pretty!biles and horse-drawn vehicles;apd good and copied it,giving due ered-'that whiskey bottles are,packed in it ~The Charlotte News says it is a)egg crates.The devices of illegal _elassic,but the News gives Col.Ike |dealers in the ardent seem to be un- ‘London and the Siler City Grit cred-|}imited and new ways and means to it for it,which is rather hard 0M|cheat the law will doubtless be de- Bro,Ashcraft and the Enquirer.‘vised after the “quart law”becomes ales news comes from.Washington |‘fective Abril 1.But the blockaders that efforts will be made to inerease had better be careful about using au- the income tax collections.It is gen- ‘erally believed that many people liable ‘or income tax have dodged the law; “and to meet the situation it is pro- ‘posed,it is said,to put in charge of ‘income tax divisions men qualified for the work rather than mes selected for political:reasons.‘It is further said “that many persons ‘given place be- eause of political influence,who have “not made a success,will be dropped _and-their_places:filled bypersons_fit- ted for the work..That is of course |value. vehicles used in the illegal transpor- confiscated.- PERN TIE ATION IMPETIGO, The 1914 cotton crop,the largest ever grown,is estimated at 16,102,- ‘143 bales—A09,442 bales’more than were grown in 1911,the former rec- ord crop.It is unofficially estimated that the value of the 1914 crop,lintand_seed,_is-$704,000,000,estimating: 'se |the lint at an average of 7.8 cents a the proper thing to do,but it is S0/pound.The value of the 1913 rrop— unusual in the ‘public service that The|which.amounted to 14,123,386 bples— Landmark doubts that it:will be done.|was estimated at-$911,000,000.That! it is the custom to give place to those |js to say,nearly two million balesless | who have a “pull;”fitness is the last|cotton in 19138 were worth $197,000,-|# ¢onsideration;and when the‘attempt |900 more money.The smaller the| is made to oust those who have a pull,|crop the more money it is worth.That | no matter if they have proven unfit jshould be argument enough for crop | for the work,the internal revenue de-|peduction. partment will hear from the friends|—_———————‘“higher up”who have placed the|Attention is directed to the remarks boys.Fitness,indéed.What's qual-|@bout the county commencement,in ification for the work.got to do with athe news columns of The Landmark|syemasnen ‘|today.This event—a very important| ‘corre lone for the town and county—is_just |¥ A reading of the testimony in the|two weeks off.The town.officially,|§ Sobin the public service? tomobiles and horse-drawn vehicles of|3 The new law provides that): tation of liquor may be seized andjé and.their handkerchiefs with it ana carried _it-home.;They took the ‘tin-pans which have gathered the.taber-nacle offerings;they.tore the buntingandflagsfromabouttherostrum,tne flowers from the pulpit.They carriedawayeverythingloosethat~couldserveasamementoofthe-campaign-Sunday night,while-1,800 men inthechoirsang“God Be With:YouTillWe.Meet Again,”:1,000-ushers, doorkeepers,policemen,firemen andotherswho-have worked in tne Yab-ernacle day and night since sanuary3filedpasttheevangelistliketrait-hitters-and-gripped his-hand-until_itwasswollenandknottedatthejoints.At the -four.services they piledsome$2,000 into the collection pans, thinking it was their final gift to Billy Sunday.The committee had an- nounced that the day’s offering wouldgo-to-him.personally,but the.revival- ist would not have it so. “Every.cent you.give today,”he said,“goes to the yoor of Phiiadel-phia.”And so_the committee ac- quiesced. Before he left the the-committee turned evangelist a draft for result of the free-will offering which| Philadelphia gave to Billy Sunday.It is.the largest offering he has re- reived in any city.There came Sunday night to bidhimfarewellrepresentativesof400 churches of the city and‘a represen- ~OULD.NOT EN Woman So Weak and NervousCouldNotStandHerChil- Changed Everything for Her “Plant City,Fla,everybody about Vinol..For nine yearsIwasinbadhealth.I got soI couldnotsleep,and I couldnotstandittohavemychildrencomenearme.I could notévensewordoanyheavyhousework.Iwas simply tired all the time.I tried80manymedicinesIcouldnotrecallthemall,but nothing did me anyOnedayafriendaskedmetoandsaiditwasthebesttonicshe eversaw.I did so,and soon got the firstgoodnightssleepIhadhadforalongtime...Now I sleep well,mgood,my nervousness is all ane and IamsostrongandwellIdoallmyhouse-work and work in my flower gardenwithoutfeelingtiredornervous.Vinolhasmademeawellandhappywoman:’”’—Mrs.C.H.MILLER,Plant City,Fla. Vinol contains the curative,healingprinciplesoffreshcodlivers(without.oil)and tonic iron,oe _¢ity,however,over to the 251,136.85,the) —m in thisvicinity to tryVinol,licious cod liver and iron tonicwithoutoil,on our tee to returntheirmoneyifitfailstobenefit.©° Women’s Spring Footwear We ask every weak,run-down.aa t + t | { { |i +} }|Gai | appetite is-+ ' { | | | |-dren Near Her —Vinol'}. —‘‘T wish T could tell« ed.From an Easter Suit to the tips of her toes her cos- _-tume should mirror the fresh-ness and beauty of Spring. And it can.Here andready for your donning we have almost every item you might want and all our apparel has the touch of newness and good style.We would suggest your seeing this week SUITS, COATS,DRESSES,SKIRTS,SHIRT WAISTS as well.as the beautiful Queen Quality and Cousins Shoes,and we would have you remember,too,the importance of a new Spring Warner or Redfern Cor- set.There are Ladies’Furnishings, too,such as Gloves,Bags,Handker- chiefs,Hose,Collars and one hundred and one items stocked for your quick buying.If you can’t come,send us your mail orders and they will be sent — to you promptly,all charges prepaid. This week’s express brings us new things in ready-to-wears not shown as yet this season until now. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO.,THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS. |.Weare-showing a host of dainty creations ~~ ~in Women’s Spring Footwear.Yes,we have quite a variety of Patent Pumps in the Gray,Sand and Putty,Quarter Louis Heel. Come,see what we have prepared for you. SHERRILL-WHITESHOECO. (The White Co’.s old Stand.) rter-Abernethy case,so far as de- loped,indicates that nothing will come of it.Judge Carter appears to ‘be fond of.the society of ladies,and he came near inviting trouble in the “Dutch dare”incident,but there is no evidence to show that he is guilty ‘immorality.On the other hand s home people,who know him best, 'y to his high character.That judge has an infirmity of temper |doesn’t always control himself.in as well as he should,will prob- ‘be admitted but that is not an yeachable offence...It will be noted that about all the lawyers who com- plained of Carter had lost cases in court,‘while many other lawyers give him high praise.The truth is. ‘the investigation never would have‘occurred but for the fact that Solic- Abernethy objected to.submit- toa fine for contempt.There bid be some way of ‘reaching thewhoeverthey-are,who have ‘#lly unfit. unenviable notoriety to-the | pt have -been|whose names ‘peemtobe basedon’nothing OX- aeMWISDICLO arges|because Ichargesicyurepltased with it and éall for it_when {fe W.‘Sexson,Montevallo,Mo,cee Hf °a y allfLalers,es \through its civic organizations «and|¥ \citizenship generally,should do all work in hand. board of directors. |The Vermont Legislature has pass-|% jed an act providing 10r eugenic mar-|%A.fine of 500 is fixed for!jany persons who wed without fulfill-|§ jing the requirements of the law,which{?it aimed to prevent the marriage of |%physically “or men- |riages. those,pronounced” Recommends Chamberiain’s.Cough berlain’s Cough Remefty to my.customershaveconfidenceinit.I find that tgain in need of sucha medicine,” possible to make the day a success,|% and to this end there should be gen-|¢% eral co-operation witn Supt.Gray and|% the committees that may have the|¥ The Poster Advertising Company /|%of the United States and Canada has |¥placed a ban on the advertisement of|whiskey,and other spirituous liquors.|%Beer and wines are not included.The| association has members in 4,000 cit-|%ies in the United States and Canada.|%No new contracts will be entered into |%with the whiskey concerns after May|31 and no whiskey advertisement.will|% be posted after this year,according |&to the resolutions “adopted by the!} Remedy.|3"I take pleasure in recommending Cham.|% ig\the law holds that you are guilty of a. crime.Are you not a greater criminal if,while you are able and can,you do not provide for your household so that when youare gone they ‘will not suffer or be thrown on charity?No,of course you do not want to nor mean to leave this world without proper provision for those you leave behind but every day you.delay you are taking chances on leaving them in just that shape. A life insurance policy now will take ‘care of your loved ones when you aregone.Don’t delay but see )S.R.BROWN,_1_"Phone 467.G Bislecatatate: ROCCO CEL §bi seidSat For Your Depend-| ent Ones Now!.| iB If you do not provide for your household . Seasonable Merchandise. One case of short lengths in Gallatea Cloth,the 15c.grade, for 12c a yard.: ~Beautifullot of figured Mulls in the 16c.to 18c.quality,for |New Spring Arrivals| 10c.and 124c.yard. Another lot of figured and plain Crepes,bought in half pieces, the 25c.kind,to sell at 19c.yard.Solid colors for 15c. Rugs—In a sample lot China Rugs,Wilton Velvet and the Crex Cane,These are on sale at very attractive prices. We are showinga full stock now and would like and feel sure we can interest you in our prices. |J.M.McKee &Company to showVery truly,uy No.112 West Broad Street,between Hall’s Drug Store and ‘Lazenby- -Montgomery Hardware Store.-E ~Remove That Pain — WITH ONE OF OUR HALL’S DRUG STORE,"PHONE 20,Prescriptionists, * _GLIMPSE PASSING THRONG. .'Mr.and Mrs,Osborne Brown and day night from a visit to Raleigh. __visiting her—parents,-Mr. _Gainesville,Ga.,where he was a stu-‘ternoon in honor of Miss Ge “Mr,Hunter—for Personal Mention of People andTheirMovements. Mr.George Ives,who had been:athomeforseveralweeks,left Wednes-day afternoon for Philadelphia to re-’sume his position with the BaldwinLocomotiveWorks.Mrs.Gwyn Harpe:of Wilkesboro,who was a guest at tae home of her parents,Mr,and Mrs,L.P.Henkel went.to Charlotte Wednesday to visit her sister.Mrs.Wadsworth. daughter,Miss Helen,of Long Island. and Mr.and Mrs.L.C.Wagner,spent Wednesday in Salisbary.: Mrs-R.P.Allison and Master Mil- ler Allison will go to Winston-Salem today to spend a few days with Mrs. Allison’s home people.oe) Mr.Sol.Sternberger of Wilming- ton is a guest of Mr.Sig Wallace. Colleetor.Watts returned Wednes~" Miss Brownie Tomlinson of Culleo- ka,Tenn.,is the guest of Miss Lily May Tomlin.Miss Lucy Wallace of Charlotte and Mrs.H.L.Tomlin of! Asheville are expected in Statesville next week to-visit inthe’Tomlin home.‘ ‘Mrs.W..J.Fraley of Salisbury is! and Mrs. Geo.M.Foard.- Mr.,Cary Boshamer is at home| from Riverside Military Academy, dent.The institution was.destroyed| by fire a few days-ago and the school i was suspended,i Mr.David Harris,Jr.,of Asheville,‘ a@ former resident of Statesville,is) e|Club: ‘and other panes Tuesday afternoon by Miss yet te ESS SOCIAL EVENTS.|SPRING IN THE COUNTRY. —House-Warming in Florida,wood’s Death—Horse Killed ‘The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club|and Buggy Wrecked. were entertained|Correspondence ‘of The Landmark,ee Martha|.Statesville,R-3,March 24—In the )spring a.woman's fancy lightly turns tary to Miss Lily May ‘vomlin,an/to thoughts of quilts,and since the April bride,and Mrs.W.A,Bris-|season for the old-time quilting bees tol,one of the club’s most recent |has arrived the social life.in the coun- brides.Bridge was played at nine|try is reviving Women on the farms was won by |.who have been shut in during the long Simons,the “event being complimen- “and Receptions |The Usual Signs—Mr.Green-| Jdren suffered badly from weak kid- GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY SAVESTWOCHILDRENINONEFAMILY. »About one year ago two of my chil- neoprene oo neys.They would have severe spellsofdizzinessandwereallrun:downinhealth.wag just about discour- aged.|tried several remedies.and finally a doctor,but they did notseemtoimprove.|I knew of a friend who was taking Swamp -Root forkidneytroublewithgoodresultsand tables.The glub prize.y v! Mrs.B.N.Lawrence and the visitor’s|winter’months «are beginning to I decided to gét some for the chil- prize ‘was won by Mrs.T.D.Webb,;meander forth,-clad in ‘the usualidren.I had noticed that there was both prizes being.potted hyacinths.spring garb of aprons and sunbonnets, Each *oe Ryeriecot kano:|wees |BA evidence that spring is ad- presen with a large bunch of but-|vancing. tereups tied with maline.Following!Little Eloise Lippard, the game og courses of refreshments |Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Lippard,*recov- were served,‘.jering from a severe attack of ‘pneu- The Bachelor Belles were entertain-|monia.s ed Wednesday afternoon —by Miss!News was received by friends in es eee ae ce :pita ene aShe!ay agoa rY an re.8..Lowrance of!the death of Mr.J.Claude Greenw' Mooresville,who.are now living at|of Elkin.Mr.Greenwood married Seffner,Fla.,will have a house-warm-|Miss Annie Booth of this county, ine ee en ponte next month |abegs ae oer ago,and she and.two riends “bac ome”have received’children survive.— the corn iy aarp Messrs.Locke Lippard -_Riv yires “Mr.an rs.S.A.Lowrance re-|Troutman of this vicinity ¢on quest the pleasure of your company|some young ladies near Statesville at or pacnepisiog tne 4 4 be given at!last Suneey wale,Hare eee our Home on Wednesday evening,|standing itched to the buggy-ie oi %,acdha 7 o’glock until 10.;horse got loose A was aes we effner,Florida.”3 iby some one and started home. Distance will keep some or us swat a railroad crossing a-mile west.of who would otherwise be on hand.A|Statesville,the animal was struck by r.ja freight train,and was so badly in- ff |jured it died soon afterhouse-warming at tne home of M and Mrs.Lowrance will not ve a sti and formal affair.It will be a real|while the buggy was house-warming..@ atoms.-The loss “was The G.G G.club met with Mrs,|Lippard having furnished the horse Trvin-Steele Wednesday afternoon atiand Mr.Troutman.the buggy.A plea for damage has been instituted.her home on Davie avenue.j t Mrs.F.F.Steele entertained at!This way of leaving horses hitched to four tables of bridge Wednesday af-|buggies has-beena custom with our nevieve|young men and this accident should uest of be a warning of the danger and risk smashed tomutual,Mr. Joy of Cazenovia,N.Y.,the Mrs.Pegram A..Bryant..The high;they are inviting’through their im-! score prize,a hand-painted bon bon,prudénce. dish,was*won by Mrs-L.Ash.The.ata estimate area *s y 4 ADVERTISED LETTERS. guest prize,presented to Miss _Joy,|‘puatrsiiaat Nea aS intag daughter of| it was found,| }some improvement after.they hadtakentwolargebottlesandcontin-| }ued to give it to them until they had|taken one-half-~dozen .bottles and| }were well on the.road to recovery.1}{think Dr.Kilmer’s Swamp -Root hasrdonemoreformychildrenthanany‘other medicine I have tried and rec-lormmend it to any one having chil-{dren that suffer as’mine did. i ,Very truly yours, }R,W.LISENBY,: 1 ,Dothan,Ala.;Personally’appeared before me, |this day of July,1909,R.W.Li-ota who subseribed to the aboveStatementandmadeoaththat.the!isame is true in substance and fact.|A.W,LISENBY,Notary Public. Letter to ‘F|Dr.Kilmer &Co,j Binghamton,N°Y¥, ‘Prove what Swamp-root will do for you 9 { |Binghamton,N.¥4for a sample size(bottle.It will convince-anyone.You |}will aiso receive a booklet of valua-. ble information,telling about the kid-|neys and bladder.When writing.be|sure and mention the Statesville Semi- ;Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-cent aad ne-dollar.size bottles-for sale atalldrugP stores.nnanibs cic gioname abc hocircet \LE—Registered Jersew “Cow;~bred.|FOR DEATON.March -23-=2t.+J.M }COVERS DENSELY—LOOKS LIKE visiting Mr.and Mrs,‘Zeb..Holcomb}was a hand-embroidered towel.Two|.n¢yostoffice at Statesville,N.C.,for the |ENAMEL. and other Statesville people.—| “Mr.G.A.Hunter of Winston-Salem| .is spending a few-days in Statesville.| merly lived here... Dr.and Mrs.R.M.Wilson,return-| ed ‘missionaries from Korea,are ex-| pected ,here tomorrow to spend some! time with Mrs.Wilson's sister,Mrs.| C.E.Ritchie. Notice of New Advertisements. C-§.Holland wants the party who| has his dehorner to return it at once.! The last installment of the Million-| Dollar Mystery ‘at the Lyric.tomor-! row.| _Reward for return of gold crescent| and star pin.—C.R.Sloan.i Two-horses-for sale-——Iredell Hard-' ware Co.APigeonsata_bargain.—Danville Pigeon Lofts..j Clarence Stimpson bespeaks the pa- tronage of his former friends for the Iredell Hardware Co.© Tron bed values.tomorrow.—Craw-| ‘ford-Bunch Furniture Co.i -Money-saving bankrupt stock sale. —Smithey &Fraley;{the dinner.Thomson’s glove fitting corsets.— Mills &Poston.Nice mules and mares.—Henkel-_ Craig Live Stock Co. Nice mesh bags at $2.50-—R.H. Rickert &Son. Women’s spring footweay.—Sher- rill-White—Shoe Co. “To have ready -money.—Mutual Building &Loan Association.. The Seminary Girls at the Lyric next Tuesday. Preserve Printing.Co.Tobacco:farmsRobeson,Sanford,N.C.Unfurnished rooms your papers.—Brady wanted.Ad- +to-Miss-Joy.The-game was played ‘salad course was served. for sale—J.Be} week ending March 23,1915.ZF Dp.A._Campbell,-.G..Harte,Hr C.Holler, Miss F.A.Hunter,Meredith Marshburn,RB. D.Poo!,Roy Sherrijl,J.B.Shoemaker,Cok, J.Shuping,Miss Dora Turner,James Weaver. CoL,Anie Winchester.sori Seber eae Persons calling for any of the sbove will rlease call for “advertised letters.”R.Vv.BRAWLEY,P.M. courses of_refreshments:.were served.| Wednesday night Mrs.Irvin Steele} entertained at bridge complimentary at-three tables and the score prize,|a a blooming hyacinth,was ‘won.by! Dr.T:D.Webb.Miss Joy awas giv-| ‘ena hyacinth as guest of honor.Aj}CARD OF THANKS... We desire to extend our sincere,and heart- felt thanks to the relatives,—-friends and neighbors.for the sympathy,condolence and loving kindness shown us in our late sorrow Mr.and Mrs.Harry Maney,who were married at Burnsville,the home of the bride,a few days ago,spent from Tuesday evening till Wednesday| with Mr.and Mrs.Sam:Holcomb on| Davie avenue.Mrs.Maney is a sis-} ter of Mrs,Holeomb.The couple went from Statesville to Biltmore. the home of the groom;where they will tive; Mrs.N.B.Mills entertained at aj 6 o'clock dinner Tuesday evening in celebration of the 25th birthday of her James Scroggs.CHILDREN. CARD OF THANKS._ I ‘desire:to sincerely thank all who were kind,considerate and—helpful to..me during the illness and death of my wife. watt JOHN GOODNIGHT. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Whereas,in the death of Mr.Earl S.Pe- \|gram the Board of Governors,of ‘the Com- son,Mr.Lonnie N.Mills--A number|mercial club has suffered theirreparable bes i ile’vy 're *,of one of its most hearty workers,and wish-of Mr.Mills’young:men-friends were |).°C)Cier some token of their sorrow,and present.The dinner was served iN |ty endeavor to show the esteem in-which My |six courses. Eastér decorations were Pegram was held by every member,there used in the dining room andthe color fere_be it_resolved.._ay ee - B |First,That in the deatw of Mr.Per i who was stricken down in the prime of li ey‘scheme of yellow was carried out in ‘f its most enthusiastic supporters,~and the |Board of Governors of the Commercial elo its vice president.and most.active memibe Se eee Items From Turnersburg. Serrexpondence of The Landmark. what improved.-and ber children the heartfelt sympathy of The sun seems warm but the air.¢ircle of associntes:who have toiled with M a saat ::|Pegram fora long time and knew him to is.yet piercing and we are glad to jall that is best in this life,and to assure he: see the cold wave lasting,as it iS/that our hearts.go out to her in this her tiny keeping the fruit trees back and will of dire distress. probably save the crop of fruit.cobain theeog ais :Mr.Will Somers is building for|her nome among us,2s:we feel that in States- himself a handsome cottage,near the ville she is among her closest friends,tho: lold.building.whose hearts will go.oyt to wer in the futur j a ef ‘jas they have in the past,and where she i Pe Mr.Gus.Harris,who has been |sssured of the sympathy and support of © \right sick for several days,is better.|wide cirele of warm friends. Turnersburg,March 25 ~~The and the community at large one of dts mo:' :parr (affable and accomodating friends. health of the community 1S SOME-|.Second;That we extend to Mrs.Pegran Fourth.That a copy of these resolutions bh: and bereavemerit in the death of our father, + |::' the city of Statesville has lost one of its most, lenterprising citizens,the Commercial club one; Mr.-Roy Steele has company this| week—a bad carbuncle on the side of| ministrator of Z.R.Robinson.his face.4 :|Rev.Ovid Pullen and Mr,Jule, Sraisaxconiion:save you money white of Harmony have been hook- ;«jing some nice fish out of the mill| Rely Thomas il sell land April)dam.here.They are old-timey fish-| dress Box 84.‘ C.H.Brown has qualified as ad- sent to Mrs.Pegram,a cvpy published in thrStatesvilleLandmark.ana Statesville Sentinc!, and a page in our minute book be dedicated to the memory of Mr.E.&.xegram.Read and unanimously adopted by th: Board of Governors of the Commercial club ofStatesville,this 20th day of March,1915. D.M.AUSLEY, _you.-S._R.Brown. 24.: Winifred B..Pegram:has qualified as executrix of Earle S.Pegram. ‘A:planter.that will ~plant,..many, things.—iIredell Hardware Co.” Provide ‘for those dependent upon Seasonable ‘merchandise—jJ.M.McKee &Co- Coite L.Sherrill,M.D. ~arriving. ‘Clean-up day.—L.C..Caldwell, mayor.. _Apparel for Easter.—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Co. The Old Maids’Convention. The “Old Maids’:Convention”at the college Monday night was hearti- ly enjoyed by a fair audience.The entertainment represented a meeting of the old maids’matrimonial club and the session was a highly enter- taining one.Some ‘of the locai “nits” were very good.Following was the ers and they take much delight.in|W.&.GILBERT,Presiden: \fishing.‘‘i {So ee oN We can hear the whistles.all’aRE YOU GOING te the Exposition at Sar |around us at the saw mills.- iV.Campbell has a mill on -his place |Siatesville.Mg.Mr.C.j..Francisco?If ‘so,see me,I.can save you /some money on the trip.W.°L.GILBERTc.March 26~-1ts ‘and Stimpson &Steele have one on) i theirs.Timesaregetting:better ee ioe unfurnzaned ©housekeeping ‘the summer months draw near.—+—>yooms,*-fo>—immediate—occupaney:-—Addres= ||Box 84.March 26--2t |Mrs.Fannie Lambert Dead.|HIGHEST PRICED TOBACCO grows in Lee county,ve farms for sale from one acre |Correspondence of The .Landmark.te 1,000 acres...Can offer for quick sale good Stony Point,R-3,March 25,—Mrs.|tobacco farm of 50 acres,15 under cultivation, Fannie L.Lambert died Monday eve-|5-room,house,plenty of fruit,wood and tin ::|ber.a ’i :chee!‘ning at her home three miles south-|Oniy #850,easy terme if eee ee Soe. |west of Stony Point,where she lived |SON,Sanford,N.C.March 2 |with her daughter, ibert,and her grandson,Mr.Stamey"return it-at once.C.8,HOLLAND. Lambert.She was not very well Sun-|March 25—1t* day evening and about 5 o’clock Mon:|a*|THE SOLUTION.of the Million-Dollar Mys- (day morning she was paralyzed.but |tery will be given at the Lyric Theater to- |was still conscious until a short time morrow.This is the last episode of this won Lefore she died.Death came about 8 |derful picture.rch 2! ceased had only two children,My.|pearls.Reward if returned to.C.R,SLOAN Miss Ella,Lam-|wNreit—Partywhohasmydehoricr Le?j «|; o’clock_Monday evening.The de +LOST—Gold crescent and star pin,set -with east of characters:—;d ‘A Maribab Lovejoy,president of Old|Charlie Lambert,who lives near Pis-| Maids’Matrimonial “Club,“Willie|gah church,and Miss Ella Lambert,| tian ‘la Haywood,secretary,|With whom she lived. Hines;Amarilla Hayy Mrs.Lambert is better known as,Margaret Fleming;Priscilla Hope,|,LM | treasurer,Margaret Long;Anxiety Granny Lambert.She always, Doherty,Helen Florance;Augusta seemed cheerful and in good spirits.| Her age is not known but is thoughttvbeabout78.Funeral services held|at Pisgah church,We all believe this old mother is at rest.ianaaadea Alleged Yeggman Arrested at Ashevilie. Thomas Satér,known Prim,Annie.Henderson;””Faithful Blossom,Lucile Kirby;Fredora Bob- bins,Ola Kistler;Raoda Larkin,El- len Moses;Selina Baxter,Florence Poole;Susannah Smith,Willie Flem- ing;Miranda Price,Lillie Fleming; Ann Barnes,Ruth Harris; Sarah Jane Springster,Moore Orr; Eliza Hpoker,Myrtle Beeker;Esther Snyder,Nan Knox;viarion Perkins, Daisy Wilson;Asenath Baker,Ra- ~¢hel MeLelland;Amanda Horn,Matie Gray;Amy Little,Bess:e,Hudson; throughout my,said to be a yeggman with a badrecord,was arrested.in Asheville -Monday~and-sent—to—jail_to—await—ahearingbeforeaUnitedStatescom- Sophia Patter,Catherine Garth;missioner. Professor ©Pinkerton,Hlizabeth|Sater,who is reported to have sev- Brewer:\'eral aliases,is charged with robbing the safe of the postoffice at Candler Bee county,last week.;Whentakenhehad$206 in his possession. He is 29 years of age and had beeninAshevillefor:several weeks’withhiswife,a gues}at a local boarding house,He has been’peddling jewel-ry and told the officers that the mon-ey found in hi possession was 2é-rived from the sale of jewelry. School House Burned._ The school house in District No.5,Sharpesburg-township,known_as theCentralschool,was:burned Laer_by fire which.nated from a sparfromthestoveflue.School was insessionatthetimeandtheteacherandpupilsmatosave“all the-pooksrand most of the desks,The the country as North Carolina Tom-|—— school building was one of the best.i :peervirNr wa arathetownship:It was insured for.Tt will Pah ak to borrowthe money$500 ee SEE re alk miles to th great- March 26—1t* FOR SALWARE©March 26-2! BARGAIN—Five ‘varieties thoroughbred pis-DANVILLE PIGEON LOFTS,Dan March 26-~i! WANTED.—Customers for pianosgansatpanicprices.J,5:LEONARD.March 16—5t*=”ee eons,ville,Va. the war.N.P.WATT.Feb.26 NOTICE!| TO MY FRIENDS:00»Having disposed of my stock in the Irede!Hardware Co.,1 take this method of thankingyouforyoursplendidpatronage,and as! ware Co,~Mareh 26—2t. FOR SALE.| Ninety-eight neres of lana lying half-milfromTroutman.Farm well-v.atered; LARENCE.STIMPSON. March 28-2,Bs _ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.© t=holdineenr,claims against his estate to presen1theon.or before the}game to 486thdayof March,1910;be plead in bar of any recovery.estate All partie “will make-B ¥ wo horses,IREDELL HAR! and or- FOR RENT—Seven-room nouse on Traddstreet,near Baptist church.W.A.ELIA-§SON,Feb.25.# NOTICE—Cottages for rent cheap until after ‘%t 26 a continuance of the sameto ‘the [redell Hara-| good}spring,‘six-room house,good barn and other Faildings;close to churen and State Highhool,M.D.GOODMAN,Troumman,N.©.| Having qualified as’administrator of Z.R.|notice is hereby givento ‘all parties| or this notice will immediate pay-_aamiinistrator,, RS\ i.have nevér-seen-the equal:of t @o a aera ah3Fara Boecyre lyf}ae t.i ; tit 3}it better,than anything I have everfused.Its’finished appearance looks| llike Enamel.:5;“C.E.MASON,M.P., __“Marshall,Texas.” FOR SALE BY Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. ||Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer phone calls left at Dr.Long’s Sanaterium or Geo.M.Foard’s residence. Send ten cents to Dr;Kilmer &Co.,| “In all my experience as a painter)¢ ill cover more surface,and cover}% st National Ban Ey sarery rirnst! Weare a NATIONAL BANK | a eis * YY,a SRN ye - 44 4 < -——Member of —— The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.The National Curreacy Associatich of NorthCarolina. The MAXIMUM OF SECURITY.Every con-sistent accommodation extended our patrons. United StatesDepository. TL S (N A R AR E N A S (< < S4 0 5 z (< < CAPAT rd asadieoex A programme of duets,solos,violin © selections,piano novelties,cartoon-— ing,readings and humorous sketches. At the Lyric Theater :Tuesday,March 30 >, CO R I Admission 10c.and 20¢. This is one.of the best of a series of attractions that have been given at THE LYRIC.re %P.S.For next week only,Runaway June,which has been running at the Lyric on Tues- days,will be shown Monday. _ES S E L T E OL oa ek ee eb ob s Li e ) te l a bi e iy ie ie eh h er t p wh a Keep That Paper.| That LETTERorRECEIPT-YOU THROW away.today ~may save your reputation tomorrow.A FILING CASE and you can savethem.Just phone 200andelhave‘Johnny On The v At Brady Printing Co. Clean-up Day Thereby designate Fri-day,April 2,as clean-a day.I urge that~all the people.ofourtownputtheirpremis-es in shape,whichmeansaprettierandGleanertown.Notifyusandthetown.wag-on will haul away alltrash. L.C.Caldwell,»Mayor. i 1 @ “it to you. ie will plant Corn,Cotton,Peas,Peanuts, Beans at any distance from 6 to 36 inches apart. time or in-groups or bunches of three,according to your desire. “You simply’change plates-about two minutes work.’Let tus show.- [Listen,Mr.Spendthrift! #to endorse for you?Wasn’t that kind of embarrass- we Listen, {feMr.Spendthrift ! Did you ever need a hundred dollars right now and there was no way to get it except to ask a friend ~ ing to you?Suppose you had shares with us and ~ had paid in $100,did you ever think how easy .itwouldbetohaveusissueyouacertificatefor$100withwhichyoucouldborrowthe$100 from the bankwithouttheembarrassmentofaskingyourfriendtoendorseforyou?A certificate from usis the best of -security.When you settle with the bank you couldreturnyourcertificateandwecouldgiveyoucreditforit.Did you ever stand by and see a piece of landgocheapandwishyouhadthemoneytotakeit yourself?You willnever have the money unless yousaveit,and this institutionoffers-you-filneopportu-.. nity to save it.~~More about saving next time. 56 s t Ob 0 4 4 0 0 SS EF S S S E S S S E S E S S T SE E SE S EO OR PR O S E DS SO S S S SS S SS S S0 0 4 12 0 9 0 9 9 9 2 9 0 0 8 SS S0 8 O1 The Eighth Serics Opens Saturday,aad ad.” Mutual Building and Loan Association P.S.We will sell paid-up stock—vworth*$100 at maturity—for $73. DECACRCASRCRCRORIRECEO CEORORCIORC ROR EEE Sorghum,Milo Maize and | Either one seed ata = t} ane Iredell Hard ~READ WHAT STATES are Company ———=[ABOR AND BETHANY. zation of Tabor Chufeh -and Pastorates of Rev.Daniel -Gould and Rev.Stephen Fron- tis—History of Bethany Church Continued. (»Presbyterian Chureh Pen eee ee Bethan’,Iredell county,North Carolina,From its Forma- tion to the Year 18%.From the Session Rook of the Church 6f Bethany,Now in Possession of Dr,E.A.Hall),: In the spring of 1827 -3ir.firwin resigned the pastoral charge ofBeth- any congregation.The people then invited the Rev.Wm.Paiszey of Or- “ange Presbytery.to be thelr mzniscer, After having.visited the people,-ne 'finally declined settling among them, The congregation then invited ‘the Rev.Stephen Frontis of the same Presbytery who,accepting the invi- tation,commenced hig labors as a stated supply among them in the:be-| ginning of April,1828,On the 15th| of May,1829,the Presbytery of Con-) cord held an adjourned session at Bethany to install Rev.Mr.Frontis as pastor of the.congregations _of Bethany and’Tabor.The Rev,Dr, MeRee preached the installation ser-| “mon and the Rev.-Mr.Kilpatrick gave the-charge to the pastor and the people——Other jyuembers present, were Revs.A.N.Pharr and Wm,A, Hall.From this time,according to the provisions of the call,the Rev. FYontis preached his*~mon to the people of © tor to-them for seven years,=<0). In April,1828,when Rey,Stephen: Frontis came to Bethany,«te follow- ing were the heads of familiesin the congregation:James T.Hall,“John Galloway,Richard Yiall,George Al- lison,Wm.S.Johnston;Alexander Barr,Thomas Allison,these seven constituting the session.Henry Steel, Thos.S$.Hhil,~Robert»Hill,..Milus Potts,Alexander Nisvet,Henry Mor- irison,John Morrison,Anthony Houpt, John Houpt,Sr.,John Houpt,Jr.,Wm, Bone,Sam’!King;Alexander:Kilpat- rick,Jas.’Freeland,Walter Freeland, Samuel Freeland.Samuel’Hall,Wm, D.Hall,David M.Stevenson;Benja- min Knox;George Morrison,Alexan-' der Hall,Joseph’‘Summers,James Crawford,Robert Lazenby,Thomas A.Bell;Tomas Archibald,Wm,Potts, James Bell,Sr.Samuel D.Temple- ton,’Moses.S.Hogue,Abraham Will, James A.Hill,Thos.Hall,Hugh M. Hall,Alexander Dunlap,Robert —8. Hall,James Bell,Jr.,Robert Gracey, David Reid,James Hill,Sr.;total 48. The number of communicants at thattime,white and colored,was 145,During the seven’years that Rev. Mr.Frontis was pastor—jfrom April, 1829,to April,1836--there were 6? additions to’the church,five:on ¢2*- tificate and 63 on examinacion. the number-ten--were-colored._Dur-| jug thé same period 19 communicants died,eight were suspended from church privilezes and 65.were dis- missed:at their _own request and.-in Stephen Frontis-preached two-thirds | of his time to the congregation of| Bethany and one-third to that of| Tabor.(ts :Ad It should perhaps be inserted in| this place that about the year 1800-a} house of worship was built and_call- ed Tabor;eight miles from Bethany,| in the northeast corner or the —caqn-, gregation.At this place Dr.Hall| preached about-once a month—for the} accommodation of such members of} Bethany as lived-in-that-quarter,Af-|About $700 was ter having -preached-at Tabor.for a, few years;“Dr.Hall organized.“a} church at that place ot which John} -“MeConnel,William’Anderson,and John Todd-—composed—_the session.|, That church continued to be supplied | oceasionally by Dr.Hall atrd others| “until about the time of the settlement’ of Mr.Erwin in Bethany and Con- cord.Previous to this time Mr.An- derson and Mr.Todd removed to the ‘Western-country;.so that at the set- tlement of Mr._Erwin —in_Bethany most of these niembers of Tabor had} either removed or died,in conse-| quence of which Tabor continued a church only in name.About.1822 the Rev.Daniel Gould,who was preach- ing at Fourth Creek,was invited to *preach at Tabor statedly.This caus- ed most of the members of Bethany living north of the south fork of the "Yadkin to connect themselves with the church at Tabor:-This-cireum- stance accounts for the fact that at the present time there are so few members:of Bethany on the north side of the river.The Rev.Mr,| Gould reorganized the session of Ta- bor by ordaining to the office of Rul- ing Elder Amos Sharp,James H. Hall,John M.Young and Abner F. Caldwell.‘; Mr.Gould-continued.to preach at‘Tabor till the ‘year 1828,when,his—-health-having failed him,-he-request- ed the Rev.Stephen Fronts,then-at Bethany,to preach eceasionally atTaborduringthatyear.’In the) -spring of 1829,.Mr.Gould having en-/ tirely given up his charge of Tabor| owing to his ill health,the congre-|gation of Tabor united with that of|RBethany-in a call to.the Rey.,Stephen Frontis for one-third of his time,theothertwo-thirds being given to Beth-‘any..The salary promised in the call was $300 from Bethany.and $150 from Tabor.When the Rev.‘Stephen Frontis took charge of Tabor the following natned heads of families were con- sidered as members of the conrrera- tian;John Andrews,Placibo ‘Hous- ton,John M.Young,Samuel Young, Francis Young,’Jolin -McCieiiana, Nathaniel Holmes,Lebitius Gaither, James Holmes,James H.Hall,John Bailey,Solomon Summers,Walter Beall,Sheldon Lemmon,GroveTom- blinson,‘A.F.Caldwell,:Mrs.‘Ruth Caldwell,Milus Dobbins,Mrs.«me- lia Gaither,John.Tomblinsen,Hugh good standing in order:to join other or, bor,having sustained the relation of pas.’me Ambassador’Morgenthuaiaeoehasbeeneee anStateDepartmenttoafromtheTurkish.go’American missionaries areportedin’peril at Uru i Miss Hannah Moore,91 years old,en original/Daughter of the AmericanRevolution,died at her home atGettysburg,Pa.,a few days ago as theresultofafalldown’a stairway.Herfather,George Moore,was a teamsterintheContinentalarmy:~~ Driven ‘insane:by British “artillery fire,which mowed down their com-rades,300 German infantrymen wereremovedtoanasylumnearAix-La-Chapelle.after the battle of ‘NeuveChappelle,according to informationthat.reaches London.The war is am-ple cause for insanity."°° Chief of Police John:Jy Finniell ofElmira,N.Y.,and Detective’Ser- geant Charles Gradwell of Elmira,N.Y.,were shot and killed in a room in an Elmira boarding house,where they went to arrest two mén wanted for burglary.The alleged burglars fled after the shooting,but:one.of.them fell and broke his:leg anc was captured...»:‘Nathan Cohen,the young foreign-er who is being hauled sback-andforthbetweenthiscountryandBra- zil because neither country will re- ceive him,is expected-to leave*New York for Brazil tomorrow,his lastapplication.for.admission to this country being refused.Cohen’s sto- im teen thousand refugees in the Ameri- The;' ‘to upwards of 100.May 4 a junior|tries was discontinued at 11829,the Bethany Female Tract So=| 1/19,1831,a Sabbath scnoo.ror the;leading druggists churches.This left 121 communi- cants April 1,1886.From April, 1828,to April 1836,there were 100 baptized—ten adults and 90 infants, Contributions for that period are re- ported:$159 for education cause,$17 far theological Semmary fund,$14 for commissioners’~fund,—$256--formissionaryfuridand$70.and _up- ry was told in the last issue of TheLandmark. ‘A ‘dispateh from Leavenworth,Kans.,says when W.J:Nichols,for- /mer -member of the North Carolina Legislature,stepped from the UnitedStatespenitentiary.at Leavenworth, after pane Sonia a pearence for wards for Sabbath school cause?be-|USNS the mails to defraud while asidesmanyother‘nirnor collections.|resident of Oklahoma,he was arrest-subscribed.for -Da-|©d_on chargesof using the mails to|defraud while in South Carolina.He vidson College,payable in five year-|7 nag ander $1,009 bond for hear;|ly installments.The -Bethany..-Fe-|.¥r igale Tract Society contributed on|"8 at Topeka ‘April 12.: an average $15 a year to the tract],The international money order:bus- ause;s _._|iness of the postal service.fell off 33 April 27,1828,a Bible class.was.1-3 per cent during the first quarter formed,numbering on the first..day|9 the fiscal year 1915.Money order 86 persons,and afterwards increased|business with several European coun- class was formed to recite the Short-/|break of the war. er Catechism and Scripture proofs.This class numbered-24 children.Jan- uary 5,1829,'an association was-form-4 ed for the better observance of the!caren $1,456,271 in revenues over Sabbath.Heads of 24 families were|1914 figures for the same.period. members.January 22 Bethany Tem-|= perance Society,composed of (25)STOMACH members,was formed.August 11 SUFFERERS!THIS:, So ciety was fornied.In the same.year|been -benelted by a:simple prescrip-$30 was contributed by the ladies of!tion of vegetable oils.which cured athecongregationtoconstitutetheir;Chicago druggist of chronic stomach,|nastor,Rev.Mr.Frontis,a-member|liver and intestinal trouble of years’|for life of the American Bible Socie-|standing that we want you surelyto|:known...as|i try this remedy.It ist1830,Bethany Svn-;Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy.¥. September 6,day School Society was formed and!One dose will convince you.It usual-/ on the 26th of September_a Sabbath}ly gives complete and permanentre-; school.was commenced with 50 white;sults—even in the most stubbornand20.colored persons.The white}cases.One dose will convince ‘you,children soon increased to 100..June;Mayt’s Wonderful Remedy is sold by. everywhere with oral instruction of the colored people;'the positive understanding that yourwascommenced.October 29,1832,1}money will be refunded without ques-foreign.missionary association,aux-}tion or quibble if ONE bottle fails toiliarytotheA.B.cv.F.-M.,was|give you absolute satisfaction.~~ re ;jand radiant with life and beauty.e out-|Total postoffice ex-|penditures for the same period were} |$72,576,654 and revenues $65,877,035,! |an increase of $5,421,795 in expendi-| many.stomach sufferers have| -.The:Persian’war:relief.committee,|with headquarters in New York,Tues-day received thi‘Piflis;’Russiat“All villages burned except three.| Two Christian quarters of Urumiahplunderedandagreatmanypeoplekilled:Women taken captives.Fif- rcan mission,‘Great danger,French mission has been destroy:There are-10,000 refugees in RussUrumiahisinnorthwestPersia has been“in the throes o7 mop rule’for weeks,according to reports to thePresbyterianBoardofForeignMis.sions,A reign of terror in whichmaraudersandbanditsholdsway|has sent other thousands to the pro- waves over the Presbyterian mission there.«|ieTenthousandinthemission*t cording -toincluded.almost:..the .entire —riativeChristian.population of the city,be- tween 4,000 and 6,000,two,or three hundred American missionartes .ancteachersanda.heterogeneous aggregationofforeigners.The doors werethrown.open ‘to all.é ersons were housedeeweeksago,ac |. Judge Roan -of Atlanta,who’pre:|-gided-atthe noted)Frank trial,dietthisweekinaNew-York hospitalwherehewasundertreatment.FALLING HAIR OR".FRCHING SCALP Now that Parisian Sage—an inex pensive preparation _that .supplieseveryhairandscalpneed—can.be jhad from Statesville Drug Co.,it is|certainly needless to have thin,brit fle,matted,stringy or faded hair.Ne ;matter how unsightly your hair,how t badly it isfalling,or how much dandlruff,Parisian Sage is all that is need- Led;Every.trace of dandruff.-is-re.-moved with one-_application,the.hairootsarenourished.and ~stimulatec ‘to grow new.hair,itching.scalp-ane)i falling hair cease. -Parigiun—Sage—is certainly one—of|. jthe most invigorating tonics,and.wil isurely.make your hair soft,abundan' Arch Campbell,M.D., Office —Stimson's DrugStore. Residence ’Phone 183 Office ’Phone 158 READ |A eoat now and then of DAVIS;OLD”COLONY WAGON.PAIN’ |preserves your wagons and farn |implements and makes them looklikenew. FOR SALE.BY formed and $50 subscribed.—_—— Aselererere:ey STOTWO.ANSWER SUMMONS. Miss Gaither and Mrs.Steele— -Mr.Rollins Buys Property in: Tredell—Promise of a Fruit, 6H ield Seeds | Crop..|B Correspondence of The Landmark. Harmony,R-1,March 22-—-Miss;Mary J.Gaither died at the home of}her brother-in-law,D.W,Edwards,| in’the edge of Davie county,Clarks-! bury community,last.Saturday morn-!ing,20th,of tuberetlosis,in the 68thyear.of her age.“For weeks she had} heen eradually sinking:and her death} was not unexpected.She is survived, seeing what you get interment was at Clarksbury,funer-}al service being conducted by Rev.J.) J.edwards,nt Mrs.Louisa Steele,over.in Davie}county,dropped’dead while at the) breakfast:table Saturday.morning.|! Andrews,Amos Sharp,Alexander Long,Allen Gill,Henry Gill,John/| Cochran,Thomas Gochran,Mr.Arm- strong,Notley Tomblinson;total -29. At that time the communtcanys were Hugh and Catharine Andrews,Re- beceah Armstrong,Amos 2:7,Mary Sharp,James and Esther Holmes, Rebeccah Badger,Abner’¥.ang Ruth‘Caldwell,Lemira Reid,Sarah andJohnM.Young.Betsey Houston,Eli- ya M.,James H.and Betsey Hall, Mary Young,John and ElizabethMcClelland;‘total 20.: ‘During the.seven years that the Rev.Stephen Frontis was pastor of Tabor 33 persons.were addea to the church;two died,one was ex-conmu- nicated,seven were dismissed to join other.churches,leaveng on the first of April,1886,43 communicants. During the same period there -were 19 baptisms—two of aduits and 17 infants.From April,1829,to April, 1836,about $190 was contributed by the congregation of Tabor for mis- .sionary and,educational causes;and commissioners’fund,besides other contributions to various purposes, such as Sabbath school,Davidson College’and the enlargement of’thechurch,:a September 30,1830,measures were taken by the congregation of Tabor to enlarge their meeting house andthiswasaccomplished‘ih about two ears at an expense of about $500. ember 3;1832,ai:association was| formed at Tabor auxiliary to the A. B,C,F.M.and $26 was .subscribed.In April,1834,the .Kev.Gould departed this tife.Sune 7,1884,a Sabbath school was|renter part is done.-No doubt aganizedatTaborand$17 collected procure books.June 15,1834,$41subseribedbythe,congregation|Tabor to erect a tombstone over!wheat crép j :grave of the Rev,Daniei Gould crop ig very gloomy in this)}ptember 15,1835,$298 -was-ibed at Tabor for the benefit of payable in fiveVidson“College,¢ early installments, Vaniel | She is survived by two sisters,Mes-| dames Mason,of near Settle;fredell) icounty,and »Louzena --Monday~of| Statesville.'Rev.B.F.Rollins of.Mocksviile; {has bought the Cora Booe™property}\in Harmony and part of the Albea)land bought by-Mr.Belk.We wel-| leome Mr.Rollins to our county and!{others of his kind.«Mr.Rollins is, /pastor of several churches.| “City gardeners”deli by five sisters and one brother.The Clovers,Grasses,Seed Oats,four varieties, good quality,reasonable prices. .better and cheaper than you can get by or- dering,with the additional advantage of may be left over.You can’t reasonably ex- pect better goods for less money than I can }_give.You might want_a_‘‘leetle”accom-,_#118 modation.I sell all kinds grain,feed,flour,fertilizer on time.ed 100-pound bags High Grade Fertilizer for ==J.E.SLOOP. Sometimes and returning what vered., Seee |.The Sunday.school at Clarksbury!ane: jis increasing in interest and num+} iber,The singing,when good,always} linereases interest in Sunday school!fand.church work.Mr..J.-B.Parks; jour efficient superintendent,is alsoiff) choir leader.He and ye scribe.are} I halging to make the music better in! jchurch.and Sunday —schgol,*Next | |Sabbath wevare going to.have sing-| jing in the morning and preaching in; ithe afternoon.So come and bring ||your dinner.’: |The school at Gum Grove will close|}|April 2d with exercises by .the chil-|!)dren.ne |.Much sickness in the community.|9) |Mr.and Mrs.R.-L.Kinder are some-||what indisposed;also Misses Verlee|f jand Bessie Heath.Mr.W.W.Mar-}low-is also-on the sick list. Saturday morning the snow began!|falling at an early hour and continu- ed until near 12.o’clock.iNowastothe.fruit crop,.the! Signs point that we will have’fruit 2 this year.The eold weather has kept/ff & |back-the.buds.until,everything.indi- j cates another crop.of fruit,:|.Much ‘plowing has been done sincethefineweatherget’in..In fact.the Heze is a floor covering,dainty in desigr and coloring,that costs lesIinoleum,:It is ©aid,fasteningy and is very durable. Congoleum 33 splendid for kitchen floors Repeated washing catinot injure it, designs,suitable for any roan. tlons of polivhed oak. sanitary fluor covering.j| |iWif great effort will be made to make|hog and hominy,as the low price Afcottonhasbeenablessingindis-guise.The prospect for a good Floor Coverings «than printed equires no Tile,matting,floral and conventional Congoleum Rug Borders are renvarkable Tinita- Come in and cov this few a, *|section,sub-,ot Bute suetsvilleHousefurnishing Co.Agents of the Italian governmentjarebuyinghorgesin‘Vennessee,Mis=‘Souri and elsewhere,sustain not far from the Russian border.It). tection of the American flag:whick| information here..They| cablegram from | and individual,but because here you have the oppo:tunity of making your selection from a varied stock .of approved fashions,Won't you investigate these —new Suits and wonderful values?sy Suits of Checks,Gaberdineg,Poplins,Se and |Silks,real smart,snappy styles,$9.95,$12.50,$15,$16.50,$18.50,$22.50 up.i-Waists,Special This Week Grepe de Chine-putty—beautifully trimmed,priceSilkWaists,Special 79c.and 98c. Afternoon and Dinner Gowns. Smart dresses of fine Taffeta,Crepe de Chine,SilkPoplin,Meteor,Voile,etc..A feature of our dressesaresweepingzircularlines,with quaint ruffled orwideSkirts.“All these you will want to see.Prices$4.95,.$5.95,$6.48,$7.95,$12.50 and up. Top Skirts.: A beautiful line to select from.Prices $1.98to$9.50,Something new coming in every day.‘ ~The Store That Sells For Less.J.PHONE Oi. white,flesh,pink,blue,sand and$2.48 and $3.48, y Not only because they are most’moderately priced a bSeSSSeeeeeeeeeeeeestieeeeeeeellelelteeeebteeekel tellebeeteletteeteteeeeeel OF STATESVILLE,N.C.. CAPITAL PAID IN __-$100,000.00SURPLUS31,000.00 ;Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.He Banking is a necessary institution in the develop-—ment and welfare of nations.It is likewise a neces- sary institution in the development and progress of any city,town or community,A bank’s usefulness to a community depends upon its ability and willingness to serve the legitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom- modation and to provide a safe depository -for com- -mércial and savings deposits.The COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK is a localinstitution,with large capital and surplus,furnishes good security to depositors atid with resources ofover$600,000 has the willingness to serve this com- munity in-every-branch-of legitimate banking,-Be-lieving in this community,.our policy is,and has al- Ways been,progressive and constructive,assisting.in every legitimate way in the advancement of theagricultural,manufacturing and-commercial devel-opment of Statesville-and Iredell county,Our de- posits are local and our loans are likewise local and made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local enterprises.©To our customers-we furnish check books free, render statements or balance pass books at the end of each month,make loans and discount paper upon security satisfactory to our board and in such amounts as business requirements and responsibilitywarrant,We pay interest at the rate of 4 per centperannumontimeandsavingsdepositsremaining. three months or Jonger.mFUponthesebaseswesolicit.your business.W.D.TURNER,_K.MORRISON,_-,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E.HUGHEY, ==Vite President.— -Cashier.—~Assistant Cashier. “YO ITY To Buy a Nice Farmand Get Ready for Next Year’s Crop. No 1—345 acres in Elmwood.“All school and church conveniences.Strong land,40 acresin.bottom,8-room house,large barn and out hauses.(.—No;2+77 acres $4 miles eastof city.Thispropertylies on the sand-clay highway now being constructed by the government.Is ideal for Dairy and Truck farming.;No.3—40.a¢res 11-4 miles from public square.Splendidly adapted for Dairy purposes,Live Stock and Poultry,:_No.4—60 acres in Wilkes county just across Iredell line—a bargain.40 city lots in east Statesville,known as ‘'Park’Place’’—-$15 down,balance in monthly payments of $5.--10 lots in Bluomfield..Terms on:Six lots in south Statesyille,a settion fast developing.Several nice houses and lots to sell. Call on me and learn what I have.W.R.MILLS, ’PHONE 54. 547 Center Street, Expert FordRepairing! switkndWhenyourFordneedsrepairingbring it tous.Wemake a specialty of re-pairing Ford Cars.Our mechanics are Ford.experts.We catry.a complete line of Ford repair parts and accessories.Our charges are.reasonable and workguaranteed.ns Sic|Carolina Motor Company. Commercial National Bank} President,# OR E O RO S PO R E Statesville,N.C. Mr TU T Ca e :The Rayo Rests Your Eyes , HE bright,yet soft light-of the RAYO.Lamp rests your eyes as surely as a harsh white glarejurioustothem.Scientists recommend the lightofanoillamp—and the ‘Rayo LAMP isthe best oil lamp made. Ask your dealer to show you the Rayo.No Easy to light and care for. *glare,no flicker. STANDARD OIL COMPANY | (NEW JERSEY)Charlotte,N.C.BALTIMORE Washington,D.C. Charleston,W.Va,Chasleston,S,C. |FRIDAY,~=6 March 26,1915: 'iF‘THE SILOS AND SILAGE. ‘Mr.Dull Talks,About the Ad-|vantage of the Silo and How |It’May Be Constructed.— |dovrastndess of The Landmatk. |Many farmers segm to look’on theSilo.ag-an...expensive structure —a‘kind of luxury in.the way of ini- |provements,that only the rich man}‘can afford.This is a very mistaken}‘notion.While it is true that the!|rich man gan build a more expensive|;and more permanent silo than —the!‘poor man and reap greater reward){because of his abiiity to do larger |things,it does not prove that the 7i-|j!o is not useful and in fact a neces:| sity to the farmer or dairyman of} (THE LANDMARK needed for 180 days.Owing to the!small amount of silage required and|the small space it occupies the cost|of sheltering one’s feed is quite smal!|when the life of the silo is‘taken in-to consideration.Who does not}spend much more than the amount}indicated for the ate of the feed|stored in a barn?Whe csn afford to)let the corn crop go to -waste as it has the past fall and winter,with|prices going up every day,when it could just as well have been cheaply| stored for -use-x |The type of silo jusc described isnottheonlyonethat,may be used ixthissectionbutitseemstobethe, one most easily and cheaply built for}a beginning.There are more perma-|nent types but they are:much more|costly to build and.it.is a wise plan/|to make everything be self-support-| ing in building wp any business.Al!| the help possible will be given to any Himited means,who needs to make|2¢in the planning:and building of| levery bit of ground-he owns produre|jall the feed possible for.th§keeping|}of his herd economically.e sileis|just as much of a necessity in the ||utilization of the entire eorn crop as.jthe tin can is in the saving of the)|fruits and vegetables oi the farm.||The two processes of preservation||are very much the same.Both tae) \the fresh,watery,plant or-fruit and.‘hold it in that condition for use dur-|,jing the winter season,when nature|/has said that the plant snait take ‘|rest after its period of proeuctivsty.|‘8 shipments of flour and wheat|COTTONSEED!4.The.can is expected to keep its con- (ed.amount of fermentation,making|'the contents more easiiy digested)\than before.The can;being auitelimitedincapacityisusedtopreserve| the fruit for human consumpticn;| |and the silo with its great size saves| ;detained on board the .Norwegian|jtents in practically the same:condi-)steamers ee meee Him,Born. ition as that in which it received|e ee or Feltad Hofer as known!|theny-.while the silo permits a limit-|®te¢™er Fridiand.So far as kno Whatever type of silo they desire.) For this reason it is hoped as many| as possible will plan.to build and plan carly,that the help may be.giv-en to the greatest advantage.Don’t wait until tomorrew but begin today.|G.E.DULL. Prize.Court Slow in Making!= Awards. The prize court at London this weck ordered paid $600,000 on Amer-! this is the.fiest money paid out hy! the prize court on American food- stuffs seized.hedTheownersoftheAmerican) steamer Withelmina’s.cargo are:be- coming discouraged over the prize 'the plant itself for the lower animal,|©v''’s delay in.giving the case a.|which needs an appetizing and stim-) ccount! If you failed to makea resolution on’Jan- uary ist to save money this year—then why not do so now.We will be glad to have you start an account in -OurSavingsDepartment if with only $1.00.If you will do this, and add to it regularly from time to time it will make you independent. :“We Pay 4 Per Cent Compound Interest onSavings. ~Merchants and Farmers’nf -Of Statesville,.rn ‘“‘The Bank For Your Savings.”’ Bank, “I Am Always Short of My Standard.” “That’s what I am,’’my friend said.“Well,what are goin“Oh!adon’t know wandpaddli“Wouldn't you like me to“Indeed I would.”’ “Well.sir,don’t lower you were to raise it air inc!greater effort.’’ ‘0 do.about it?’’ t to do unless I keep on struggling tell you what not todo?” our high standard Perhaps ifor-two higher,you might rise to—~John Wanamaker. The Standard of the Statesville Real Statesville Realty&Investment Ce.prompt and efficient SERVICE in all itschesofbusiness,remains,as it has for the past nineamonumenttoitspresentsuccessful “We Insure Anything Insurable.” Call on us for service. uareDealing, rs of its career, ’*Phone us if more convenient. ville Realty &Investment Co.J.F.CARLTON,Mana Statesville,N.C. ’Phone 54, People’s Loan &Savings Bank, Capital -$50,000.00 Is now located in its New Building on Center street and ‘ready for business, Stockholders,customers,business men,farmers, to come in and see our where we are-prepared totransactabankingbusinessin‘all of its departments.* and the public are invit handsome new quarters, Your presence,and that of your friends,will beappreciated,Courteous employes will show.you and give prompt-attention to:al!business that may be entrusted to us. over the building, ==>President,=Cash ¢/of leanness.The actual building of||the.silo may be done late in the sea-| =son,but now is’the time to plan for =the planting of a cop to fill it. F Corn is the crop usually grown for E silage,although almost.e::;plant)=may be used._There are scverax reas-_ =ons for the choosing of corn,some of =which might be briefly mentioned =‘acre in the green state,a large part) ‘of whose food value’is lost if auew-| e\ed to ripen or if cut and cured-to be| fed-dry.Only about 60-per eeni.or)=\the corn plant is saved for feed if =|permitted to ripen and the stalk left a | =and cured for fodder the blades and part of the top are consumed,‘hutetheirfoodvalueislessened.Then fol-=lowing the curing more loss takesvlacethroughbleachinguz~shatter-=ing.These,coupled with the fact =that it is easily grown in almost anv ed for grain production,to secure =This would also-lead-one to—bell =that a large late leafy.stalk wou!d=be preferable-to one more lacking ii =leaves.Just.so it is not.too imri:- i iture for ensiling by time for frost ,ent according to locality.The West 'prefers it almost mature,while tcSouthandEastpreferanearlierpe-riod.In this latitude the crop may be grown following «neat of oats ifjtherainfallissufficient. Jf considerable:quantities develop morc! the sorghum mills might well be us«i. and would otherwise go to waste. Bi balanced ration.Their greater ten- ‘them little used as silage. {-THE SILO, |Corn produces a large tonnage per|" =in the field to be grazed off.If cut!‘ learing.|Tne steamers Alfred Nobel and! =ulating feed to.maintain sts neaitn |.ae ean}i‘just as much as does its master.ferme)ee ae pode =As there 1 9G ime to-Peon for!hay .beet held in British ports since!5 ;the futuré as at the present,it may |i).middle of Masamher..The-Frid- §{be well to give a fer points eee Ta:1.from New York October 28 forbeatitriorweenwhetheeelc.enhagen,with p ckers’products yjpLoeyWiltay,UP aurme.te Denon?lw s taken into Kirkall November 10.B fatness,that there-may—ve sufficient “*',Ta them ine-one-Lus..Kim,loaded with foodstuffs,was=ito tide them over the succeeding-one--ined ak Ne @enale”Dorember=-26r) he Wilhelmina -was seized at Fal- mouth February 9.} Honor RollofFifth Creek: School. Corsespondenceof The Landmark, fhose on honor.roll for ‘fourth nth at Fifth Creek school: Lonnie and Grady Steele,Young, White and Ralph Davis,Jimmie and! Nera Minish,James and Clell Shoe- maker,Ernest and Dessie Moore, Robert “Long,Locke,Banks,Many id Marvin Shoemaker.,{ eta mat RR MRR OE aaa a Herman Brothers,of the Herman) Manufacturing Company,have organ-; ized-at-Gonover a factory to manufac-|om 7 LEE |TES 7 oo business..soon.and will employ ten;Se people.© ture canvas gloves,They will begin: dency to spoil when stored green and they do not banish every sign of in-jthe fact that they cure wet makes digestion they will not cost you apenny.: ss perme:eo alee plant FOR SOUR STOMACH | c Saale edie ek slat plan |GAS OR INDIGESTION =the maximum yield or stalk andleaf.Use Mi-o-na and Get.Immediateand | “Effective Retief When you have heartburn,pains in. the stomach,and taste undigested: J LTC food,it’s a sure sign your last meal;3Theproperstageisheldtobediffer-is not digesting,but fermenting,== causing poisonous gases,sourness’3 and acid stomach.' Prompt and lasting relief for any|stomach distress is a simple inex-; pensive matter if you will only try)ae the harmless Mi-o-na prescription;|The sorghums ars next in impor-easily obtained from the Statesville,tance,but those containing suger i")Drug Store or any druggist.j Mi-o-na is especially prepared to!‘acid,which may not be quite so c-neutralize excess acid and stop fer-|sirable..They will,however,gen-r-|mentation,which ‘surely sours your! ally produce.more feed per acre.The food,causing ‘sick headache,dyspep-||bagasse or crushed cane stalks from sia,biliousness and bad dreams.{:;\Mi-o-na not only éorrects “sour,!#as’it makes a fair grade of |sila‘re acid,and gassy stomach,but im-!#! 4 proves the entire digestive system’so|§The legumes’when ensiled alone do.that.the blood,nerves,muscles and|not keep so well as corn or sorghun,:skin all receive increased nourish-|#jbut if used with either of the laticr ment,causing cleartotheextentofaboutone-fifth their bright eyes and that delightful sen-|weight,make a much’more nea‘ly sation of “feeling fit.”Get some Mi-o-na tablets today—if All authorities are pretty wel! jagreed as to the essential qualities of;a good silo,The walls must be im-‘pervious to air and water and ms‘be strong,smooth and peérpendicu'»’ to permit of.the even settling of the silage.The round form is best,as ‘is the most economical in the use of{material and is less apt to have|small unpacked “areas of silage,whichSpoilmorereadily.However,squar ‘silés have peen used with fair je- ‘grees of success,depending mainlyonhowcarefulthe.owner was to‘have the silage well packed in ‘iecorners.The octagonal or common jsense form largely overcomes the °)- |jectionable corners and at the sa‘ic |time is easily constructed by any one‘out of a cheaper grade of materi:).|The common sense silo is built of|2x4’s cut the same length,so as to \form a true octagon when placediwiththeirninetydegreeangiesand}short edge out.The first round is‘bolted to the foundation and each succeeding one_nailed—_down—ftat on\top*of the one before,thus being well,janchored and well reinforced.Hav-“ing eight pieces\to each round in »|silo 12 feet in diameter,each piece would be just alittle over 5 feet in _Hength,thus permitting o-the use of‘short timbers made from small trees. |The quality of the material may,'eSelectedsoastoplacethebestnearthebottom,where,its lasting quali-ties are of greatest advantage.‘|.Three silos of this:type were builtinthiscountythepastseason.and, are giving satisfaction,and at leastadozenmorearéplanningtobuildintimeforthecoming‘crop.Thecostofthe‘material.required.to)build those last season wag about $60)for a ‘silo 12x20,or about $1.26 per! “ton of capacity,It ‘Swould-—require,|ordinarily,v4 ty-B acres of corn Polk Gray Drug Co, The Handsomest 4 Floral Designs| AS,suase eyed Obtainable today in the South are ‘pre- pared by ui Van Lindley (o., FLORISTS T0 THE SOUTH, _.GREENSEORO,N.©. Lacs Agents, CROUP AND ALL,COLD TROUBLES IT:RELIEVES INSTANTLY >Gan be used with all safety and is in LIQUID form, Easily applied.YOU JUST.RUB IT,ON..Childrenlike ite 25 cents,50 cents and $1.00 sizes,-Your Drugsist sells and Recommendsit. a a mee ra a ——— Sarah and Lavinia Murdock,Katie,° Bring them in on’or before Saturday,March 27th,as we expect to close down for the sea- son on that date and —will not want seedaf-ter that date.Liberal exchange of meal and hulls until we close down.Yours truly, IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY, "PHONE 205. GOOD TIME! The clocks in the home must be right or the housekeeper caa’t/be ex- pected to plan and have meals on,time.wearing out your pocket with a watch that you can’t depend on. what you want to do is to get your watch or clock repaired by B “HENRY while he is devoting his entire time to clocks and fitting spectacles and eye-glasses., complexion,|# That:Hel Se S O L O SS S TO S CC S T eT eT TT S le e the joints. se e r s c e s when buying fence, tiquated wrappuselessweight. All ‘Pittsburg Perfect”Fences have stay wires asheavyasintermediatelinewires.A fence is onlyasstrongas.its lightest wire.to injure stock or pull wool from sheep.Petheerentfencejointintheworld—the Weld #-Where the wires are welded together §by electricity,the fence is twice as,strongas the wire #itself.Guaranteed that the wire is not injured atGuaranteedthatthestayscannotbe #_slipped or-separated from strands.Guaranteed.ad-#justable to uneven ground.Guarantandmoredurablethananyother.emceeEveryrodguaranteedperfect.Gauge the-wire ¢If you weigh it in the roll,re-¥member that ‘‘Pittsburg Perfect”is all fence—noan-#ed or tied joints,no useless wire,no # Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware.Co.: OH SELSiM SLRS Sie ele aleelelelalala lelelelale ‘SB eiele facetatetatere:nininintatatneats CECEORC ECAR CARONThatRobber]}| Cs ‘e l u t e s Or e WHEN you go after the burglarin your home you want the gun_Sve-Ahat will GET him:—not miss fire and let hi : you go after the robber of your health,you want to GEThim #@firstshot,before he gets you To do it,you must aim higettheBESTandplugthebeverypullofthetrigger. WHEN you take drugs that are not up to the very highest stayou’re wasting your ammunition—shvoting in the air. WHEN you strike-the trail thatleads to.top-notch purity andciencyindepenwilllandyouright‘‘on the square.” the door an Rigen hed step in, Polk Gray Siesese Then there ig nod economy in repairing watches and Jeweler.6 No wire projectionsPoss : eed stronger im GET you, ull’s eye with the shot that >their puipits against this urday,‘March 27th, A great sacrifice of over chandise,MUST GO. -impossi $1.00.Dress Goods. $10.00 Suit Cases.Closing outprice $4.00 Suit Cases.Closing out price $2.00 Suit Cases.Closing out price ‘One Lot Trunks at Half Price. $7.50 Men’s Extra Fine Rain Coats. 25c.Ladies’,Boys and Girls Hosiery, $4.00 Men’s Odd Pants.Closing out price,* $2.00 Men’s Odd Pants.Closing out price, $1.50 Men’s Odd Pants.Closing out price,15 All Underwear at Half Price at this sale. --$1.00 Men’s Extra-Fine Dress Shirts.Closing out price,..50 >50c.Men’s Work Shirts only 30 ‘$10.00 Men’s Suits.Closing out price $5.00 Men’s Suits.Closing out price, $5.00 Boy’s suits,Closing out price, ~$10.00 Ladies’Long Coats.Closing out price, $2.00 Ladies’Skirts.Closing out price,15 Closing out price,50 12 1-2c.Crepe Curtain Goods.Closing out price 6c.yard. 12 1-2c.Sampson Cheviots,Closing out price,6c.yard One Lot Chicassaw Plaids.Closing out price,8c.yard -One Lot Jackson Mills Girighams.Closing out price,5c yd. One Lot Blue Ridge Overalls, Lot $3.00 Ladies’and Girl’s Shoes only $1.00 Per Pair.oe &FRALEY, '$4.00$2.00$1.00 Closing price $2.o $2.00$1.00 $5.00$3.00$2.00$4.00 Closing -out-price 69c. =BEGINS‘Contiinues For 15 Days Only! $15,000 ek of seasonable,stylish,dependable,well-made mer-‘Nothing reserved.Having bought the stock.and fixtures of the Krider Stock Co.,and the fact that we are av IOg shipped here beweral other bankrupt.stocks, makes this the greatest of all sales.»4 Those that buy will be pleased.Those that do not will commend usfor bringingwithin the reach of a worthy:people so inuch:for sinals money.The most comprehensive assortment of General Merchandise imaginable ae atney of almost hid necessity of life,that will easily compare with the large City Department Stores. Spread the News! Progress.Our Motto! le to mention everything.To.appreciate the enormous saving, and saleis easily worth two dollars to you. Salesladies Wanted. TO MERCHANTS: Fifteen Show Cases,one Safe,one Typewtiter,andNoreasonableofferrefused.all other fixtures._ Thousands of other moods not mentioned.and istascheap.“No baits. Remember the time and place,Krider Stock (Co’.s old stand,next door to the Merchants &Farmers’ Bank.No goods charged or sent out on approval. See the farm man in front of door. * We pass.away April 13th,1915. Be sure and © 50c,Dress.Goods.Closing:out price $3.00 Men’s Hats,Closing outprice; & ‘A:Wonderful Concession.Former prices ignored!You should let nothing kéep‘you away from this store!A goldenopportuityawaitsyouhere! We believe that goods well bought are half sold.“To:make-money-_you ‘Should spend it.A.Below we mention only a few prices,butin a stockyoushouldbyallmeansvisitthisstore: dollar spent at.this: the size of ours it-is— 25 —-f —00.to-$1.25. $2.00 Men’s Hats,Closing out price,*15$2.00 Ladies’:Corsets.Closing out price, Closing out price, $3.00 Comforts.Closing out price, $1.00 Ladies”Corsets. $4.00 Silk Waists.Closing out_pri $1.50 Counterpanes.Closing out 1,00 50+" 1.75ce,.1.50 price,15 10¢.Bleached Domestic.Closing out price,TOneLotFatherGeorgeSheeting.Closing out pr ice,5 20c.Bed Ticking.Closing out_price,A2 $1.00 Table ‘Linen, 10 and 12 1-2c..Outings.ClosingClosingout:Price,.-50- oul Price,6 10 and 12 1-2c.Ginghams,Closing out price,6 All White Goods at Half Price and Less,at-this.sale. All Silk Goods at Half Price and Less at this sare. $1,000-Worth of Ribbons to select from:Half Price and less. $2.00 Alluminum Roasters only7 c.at this sale.All Ladies’Trimmed and Pintclniined Hats,Trimmings and Accessories,ete.,at one-fourth pr ice and less. 12_1-2c,.Jewel.Cambric.Closing out-price,6e. Arbuckles Coffee;Closing out.Price, Loose Roasted Coffee—extra fine. 17¢.1b. Closing out price,12e. Statesville,N.C. _CONDEMNED. _Marder of Colored Man ArousesPeopleof:Hickory—Lawless: ‘ness Condemned. The people of Hickory have con--demned the outrageous murcer of the-eolored man who was recently shot to‘death in his home near ,that town.They employed lawyers to prosecute_the case but unfortunately the per-tors of the foul crime have hotmdiscovered.Last Sunday morn-Cie ‘the Sunday school of the FirstBaptistchurchofHickoryadopted=the following resolution:__““Whéreas,there-are so many man--ifestations of disregard.forlaw and”order,so many violations of the laws-that would safeguard the property é and life of every human be:ng;and ereas,we believe that public:~sentiment “and “the public conscience|should be aroused in’eve proper‘way possible to the evils and the dan-gers which are caused by such-'a-Spirit of,lawlessness;and“~“Whereas,the Church and the press,can and do exercise a mighty force‘in shaping and moulding senziment concerning questions of right and wrong;therefore be it resolved:“That we,the members of:the.Sun-day school of the First Baptist churchofHickory,will use every effort pos-sible to teach respect for and obedi- ence to the laws of our country.«“That we respectfully request the ministers of Hickory to speak from spirit ~ofaeandto-warn their hearers of the dangers which confront the pti “That weweask the:newspapers to aidthroughtheircolumnsinarousingourpeopletothenecessityofexeroisingproperparentalrestraintandau-thority,and to the dangers which .-come from reading harmful books andpapers.” he Landmnatk learns that minis- -ters of Hickory last Sunday discussedlawlessnessintheirpulpitsandthat*-efforts will be made to arouse the pub-lie conseience as suggested in theforegoingresolutions. Many Cases of Smallpox. A Mooresville man tells The Land-a mark that there are many cases of‘smallpoxin that town,but so far theyhavebeenmild.The victims,the ma-jority of them in the cotton mill set-*tlements,seem to suffer little incon- i;des gp and stay in but a short time.smallpox,the same authoritySays,is scattered through the country)from@vicinity of Concord.Inyesthereisvaccination.and some paiition to guard,against the) Mooresville to Kannapolis,infome sled the riot at Null’s school houseand | ITEMS OF ALL SORTS. Greenville county,S.C.,is arrang-ing to float a bond issue of $1,000,000for‘good roads. 4A.bill to pension widowedmothers has passed both branches of theYorkLegislature. Vice President Thomas R.Marshall; representing the President of theUnitedStates,formally,dedicated thePanama-Pacific International Exposi- tion at San Francisco Wednesday. Verne A.Lewis has confessed ‘to thepoliceatTerreHaute,Ind.,that hekilledMrs..Mary Balding,and -three|of her children and attempted to killthetwootherchildrenonthenightofMarch14becausehe“loved them so.”They were going,to leave the city andLewissaidhecould,not bear’to seethém.go.; The size of the garrison atPrzemysl.and the number of men who surrendered to the Russians greatly exceéd all estimates.According to ‘Petrograd dispatches,the defenders||originally numbered 170,000.men,ofwhom40,000 were killed.Nearly 120,-000 laid down their arms when thefortress.capitulated..The siege hadbelin“progress!eins ‘eptember6last. “In the War Zone. ‘A British air raid ‘on Hoboken,nearAntwerp,where the Germans are con- structihg submarines,another threat-ened effort by the Germans in Flan-ders and heavy fighting in the Car- pathians are the outstanding features of recent war news. Five British airmen started from Dunkirk to raid the submarine yards,but only two reached the mark.Two were turned.back by thick weatherandathirdlanded’in Holland becauseofenginetroubleandwasinterned, According to .a British admiralty report two of .the submarines ‘whichwereobservedontheshipsweredam- aged and the works set afire.Prior to the war,this plant was known’as the Cockerill Works and was owned by -a British company.When >the Germans took the plant‘over a high fence was erected around it.and noBelgianwasallowedtoenter.Work-men were brought from Germany to build the submarines.‘The big battle of’the moment,hows ever,is in progress between DuklaPass-andUzsok-Pass-in—the-Carpa- thians,where,in their official commu- nication,the Russians claim to have captured a number of Austrians and to have made a general advance.Aus-trian correspondents declare that thisbattléislikelytotinuefo@.)*bee ore r nom |Can’Be Greatly Relieved ‘by the Newtime. Ben Little,the Catawba man who! |who was arrested.in Iredell a week ago,had a hearing in Catawba courtreadofthedisease,but many peo-|this week’and was given'a week to have not been vaceinated-and do!ot -to avoid it, “the Stomach and.Liver.N;peMeer Webster,N.¥.,writes:ve used Chamberlain's Tablets for dis-mot the en and liver <ood onpastfiveees”and it affo metostatethat-1 have.found.aetoFheir get money to square with the law. Nothingeever happened ike it’be- fore,You will have the opportunity\to buy Seasonable,Staple and Stylish |Merchandise at your,own price.See}@nnouncement in this paper-—readeverywordandprofit;:SMITHEY-&.|BRALEY,the Greatit Eargain.Givers. = THOMSON'S*GLOVE-FITTING”CORSETS. The latest models of this Famous:Corset are in,stock at $50c.,$1.00 and $1.50.Every garment sold with an absolute guarantee to give perfect satisfaction. Our quick “Parcel Post’’service is at your com- -mand.Yours truly, MILLS &POSTON, 119 West Broad St.Statesville,N.€. “THOMSON'S“GLOVE-FITTING” In Winstoh this weex Lee Gray died from the:effects of a blow saidtohavegeeninflictedwithaclubby Clarence Wharton.Both colored.The dificdlty was the result of a card game.In:Asheville Allen.Fostershot-and killed Mick Erwin.Both col-ored,Foster was shot .in the neck,The shooting was the result of a rowoveracardgame.ee In Wayne county U.S.Page,a :o- liceman of LaGrange,arrested Jerry Swinson,colored,an escaped convict. Suddenly Swinson turned on the offi-cer,shot.him in the cheek ‘and ran.Page then fired on Swinson,inflictingawoundfromwhichthelatterdied.in a short time. While diligent search was made in the Catawba river last Sunday for the body of young Dewey,Hefner,whowassupposedtohavebeendrowned on the 14th,and dynamite was used,the body had not been found at last account, Asthma-Catarrh |and Bronchitis ;and relieves by inhalation asa vapora Extetnal Vapor Treatment.©.~ Don’t take internal medicines or habit.forming drugs for these troubles. Vick’s‘Vap-O-Rub’?Salve is applied mimes. by absorption through the skin,ForAsthmaandHayFever,mélt'alittle Viek’s ina spoon and inhale’the vapors,also rulwelloverthesping!column to relaxthenervoustension;26¢,50c,or $1.00.) - $7.50. This massive 2-inch continuous post bed has five §inch fillers.High headandfoot.:.Guaranteed locks.Fitted with slats and casters. White Enamel.Special price -~ Finished in Single or 7.size. and:rails. Equipped with. Special price This 2-inch eontinuous post bed has seven #inch fillers,guaranteed locks Finished White Enamel or Oxidized.Single or full size. slats and casters. $6.00" .Crawford-Bunch Furniture Co 2 VOL.XLT. STATESVILLE WON DEBATE. Statesville Debaters.Proved on Home Ground ‘That a ShipSubsidy.is All Right’and ‘atSalisburyTheyConvincedthe Judges It Is All.Wrong— Statesville School Won Both Debates and Repeated’ItsRecordofLastYear—Inci- dents of the Contest.a The Statesville high school-was.vie- torious in the debates Friday.night, winning both at-home and abroad,and repeating its last year’s record;At home Stewart Cowles and.CowlesBristol,speaking for the affirmative, won over Clyde Propst and EugeneGraeberofConcord,who had the neg- ative side of the question,and atSalisbury”Miss .Margaret Kirk andJames.Alexander,speaking for the~~negative,won over their —Salishury-opponents,who championed the af-firmative.This means that theStatesvilledebaterswillagainpartici-~pate’in the final debate at Chapel Hill.The unfavorable weather operatedagainsttheattendanceonthedebateatthe-Statesville school,but thosewhowerepresentfeltfullyrepaidfor any inconvenience and chances.takenontheweather.The debate was notonly-interesting-and-imtertaining,butinstructiveasweil.The subject“Resolved,That the “United StatesShouldAdoptthePolicyofSubsidiz- ing Its Merchant Marine Engaged inForeignTrade”—was thoroughly dis-cussed,every phase of ‘the question’.being thresheq out by some one ofthespeakers,and all.the speeches were good productions.The argu- ments for and against the ship sub- sidy were so well presented by theyoungstatesmenthattodecidetheactualquestionwas2greatertaskthantodecideonthedebaters.TheStatesvilleboyswonjustlyasdebat-ers.They had good speeches,theyknewthemandtheydeliveredtheminacreditablemanner.As much canbesaidfortheConcordboys,exceptthey“fell down”in thetr rejoinders, not being so well prepared for:retalia-tion.Then,too,they were not on“home ground,”and that counts.The two Statesville representatives were pretty well evened up as sneakers,__but_youngPropst was_the best-speak- er for Concord,though his colleaguehiminpointedarguments.From an oratorical standpoint Propst was probably the best speaker on thefloor.Hig delivery was very good. _er had 20 minutes at hisdisposal,not.more than -15 of whichwas.allowed:for the.first.speech.Neither of the speakers consumed hisentireallotment.for the first speech,but the bell had;to be tapped_‘on.Bristol and Graeber in their rejotn-ders,The first spéaker.was Stewart Cowles,for the affirmative,and he was followed by Clyde Propst for the negative.Cowles Bristol then.deliv-ered his arguments for the subsidyandEugeneGraeberretaliatedwithStrongonesagainstit.The rejoin-ders came in-the same ‘order.The‘audience showed its appreciation oftheeffortsoftheboysbygivingthemcloseattentionandheartyapplause.‘When the last speaker concluded an »usher visited the _five judges,who were seated separately in the audi-ence,and.received their votes.,Theballota-Were taken to the rostrum andwerecalledbythetime-keepers.Thefirstballotcalled.did not sound so,good to the Statesville folks—it was“negative.”But the next four were!affirmative and the audience did not wait for the result to.be officially announced before applauding the win- ners.The defeated debaters lost)no ~+time-in>rushing—across~the-rostrum-to.grasp the hands of their victoriousopponentsgnd_offer conratulations,ae spirit of friendly rivalry.was ne.,Taking it as a whole,the debatewasaverycreditableone,reflecting credit not.only on the four debaters,.but on their instructors:Both schoolshavereasonstobeproudof.their representatives.'At the opening of the evening's exercises.Supt.__Thompson.._made_a brief statement about the annual de- bates and presented Mr.Z.V.Long as the presiding officer of the debate.Mr.‘Long spoke.briefly of the valueofsucheventsandthencalledforthe subject.of the debate,which was read by Henry Heinzerling,the secretary. The speakers were presented in theirorderbythe.secretary.The time-keepers were Miss Ellie Grier of theStatesvilleschoolandMr.W.E.Fu-trell.of Concord,The judges wereSheriffJ.M.Deaton,sev.J-F.Kirk,Dr.P.S,Easley,Mr.F.J.Axley andDr.F.A.Carpenter.A-list-of nameswassenttotheConcordschool:andthatschoolselectedthejudges..The marshals of the occasion wereJohnsieDeal,chief,Mattio Feild,\Lawrence Hudson,Hattie Ward,ClydeMcLaughlin,Claudie Williams,FlakeSherrill,Bruce King,Bessie Aniler-son,Bertha Cooper,Earl Overcash,Louise Brady,Roy Kaneer,SarahWhiteandLoisPoston. Of the contestat Salisbury the Post_says:“The contest held at the city:‘schools’was:a most ‘creditable one.The four debaters ‘did well and pre- sented stfon#.argument in good orm,the judges,however,decidingthatthevisitors,in opposing @ sub-asidy,had out-classed the home team‘and.won the contest.Salisbury,inarguingforasubsidy,was represent-“ed by Estelle -Yarboro and Guy Sink,|while.the visitors who.oppseq a sub-_sidy were Margaret,Kirk-and-“James.Alexander,” |rest.well.” Benfield.and Miss:Tg DR,N.R.TUNSTALL DEAD. Was For Many.Years .a Drug-gist in Statesville—Funeral This Afternoon:<>Dr.N..R.Tunstall died at the San- atorium about 9 o'elock yesterday morning.The funeral will take placefromtheresidenceonKellystygetat 8 o'clock this afternoon,con i by Rev.C.G.Prosperi,the Episcopal rector,and the interment will be inOakwood.cemetery,‘Dr.Tunstall had not been:well foralongtimebuthewasabout-as usualandfewpeopleknewthathishealth was precarious,Since his 75th birth-day,on the 17th of March,his family noticed a marked change in his con-dition and for a week before hisdeathhewasunabletobeout.About the middle of last week -he was takentotheSanatoriumbutitwasnotgen-erally known until Saturday that his condition —was—eritical. Nathaniel R.Tunstall,son of Col.Geo.Tunstall and Frances Clanton Tunstall,was born at.Louisbarg, Franklin.county,March 17,1840.He was not an M.D.,but was a pharma-cist and having been a dragrist nearlyallhislifehewasalwaysknownin Statesville as “doctor.”He went to Raleigh as a clerk in—a—druc—storéwhenayouthangwasafterwarden- waved in the same business at Wil- mington.He served in the Confeder- ate army,also in the capacity of drug- gist.At the close of the struggle of the 60s he went to Baltimore and wasfinthedrugbusinessthereuntil1874, when he.Iceated at Statesville and opened a drug store on the corner of Broag and Meeting streets.He con- tinued in business at the game stand (and the place is yet known as Tun- stall's-corner)until he retired from business-in May,1905,selline out tothePolkGrayDrugCompany.When Dr.-Tunstall first began business in Statesville the firm was ‘Tunstall & Feild and later N.R.Tunstall &Co. Later Dr.Tunstall was in.businessaloneuntilhig6nlyson,the late Whit- mel P.Tunstall,became associatedwithhim.‘The latter’s health failed in 1905 and the business was discon- tinueg for that reason.- Dr.Tunstall married .Miss Annie Hudgins of Edenton and his wife and one daughter,Mrs,.Clement Dowd,survive.Two ehildren dre dead—W.P.Tunstall ang a daughter who died in infancy.Dr.Tunstall is also sur-vived.by one’sister,Mrs.M.T.Pet- tit of Statesville.With the exception of a short time spent ‘th Charlotte, where they lived for a tittie with theirmarrieddaughter,Mrs.Dowd,afterthedeathoftheirson,Dr.and Mrs.Tunstall have lived in Statesville con- tinuously since 1874.Dr.Tunstall stood high in his pro- fession and his ability ds a druggist was so well recognized by those.who knew him and so much confidence had they in him,that he was often asked to prescribe by his customers.Thor- oughly honest,he would often advise customers ‘against buying medicines he thought they did not need.In-stead of trying to make sales he would,while not obtrusive in giving advice,very often try -not to make them if he thought the medicine ask- ed for would not benefit the custom-er,‘While -he had few intimate asso-ciates,Dr.Tunstall was held in es- teém by those who knéw him.Un- demonstrative-ang retiring by naturehewas.a kind-hearted man,a.goodneighborandaloyalfriend.May he The pall-bearers at the funeral this afternoon will be Judge Coble,MessrsL,C:Wagner,W.A.Thomas,8.0.Lazenby,P.C.Gray and Wm.Wal-Hace" Mr.Self‘Comes Back—Changes ;in Revenue Office. Mr.R..Q.Self,who resigned.his nosition in the internal revenue®of-: fice last winter and was chief clerk of the State Senate during.the session of the Legislature,will take his for-mer position ‘in the’office April Ist.Mr.M.L,Mauney,who took up Mr..Self’s work when the latter retired, will take -his—former—pesitien,whichhasbeenfilledby:Mr.W,©.Lisk ofRowan,and.Mr.Lisk:willebecome a Greensboro,succeedt eo OR Ls. Church of Wilkes,fF »These deputy under.the ne at nh changes have been approved by the department and become effective April 1st.autCollector:Watts has ™Mr.R..K.Blair,a druge stlotte,for the position of/deputy fortheenforcementofthelawregulat-ing the sale of narcoties/the.must be filled by one Tey edge of drugs.The plade pays a sal- ary of $1,600 and has an @xpense al-lowance of $800.1t i&@xpected theappointmentwillbeameoveandthatMr.Blair will ef 6n duty Aprilist..Ha will be assigned for duty under the revenue “afer boro.‘Saas Salisbury won freq Concord,Leta A"Result.in Othed Triangles.In the triangle.chinposed.of-theschoolsofStonyPolat,Cool SpringandCodleemee,©Spring wonfrom.Cooleemee @&eemee andCoolSpringwonfr¥m Stony PointetCoolSpring,Wiile Stony Pointwonfrom.Cooleemed atThigisa.vietory.foechoolandCoolSprig’y resentatives to Chapt } License has bmarriageofMr.ThothMissJuliaAnnDishy vite “STATESVILLE,N.©.,‘TUESDAY,MARCH 80,1915. BOYS ROBBED THE A Couple of Negro Boys Stole Key to Store and Robbed'CashDrawer—Robbed ColoredMer-‘chant—Ira Norris Captured. town beganacoupleofnegroboyswhosereputa-:iPREODOYEWOES:FAR night’s serviee.tion for thieving has been known to the officers for some’time,were com- mitted to jail Friday by Justice La- venby in default of bond for their ap- pearanee at Superior Court.to answer| -nee ees the cash drawer in:ni, r.John A.White's store,near the}went to investigate a pastorate ,to!Hepat,Thay a neafter-]which he has a eall.-Mr.Walsh hasnoonMr.ite went to his store to’rot yet reached a decision in the mat-write letters and left the key on the}te;Sate outside of the door.; readyto arsLon store he found that . the key ha en taken.The Clark’uatiny and mite box offering exerciseandBradshawboys.were suspected,'f the cat OF ee oe tte but:were:not arrested.. but his friends here are hopingWhenhewasthaihewillnot-leave Statesville. A large audience enjoyed the grad- First ©Presbyterian arre ischool,held in the main auditorium “Thursday night the-two-boys came of the church Sunday afternoon.The!to the store and told Mr.White they “extrcises,which were very creditable,wanted to buy some hay.Mr.White!jncluded songs,recitations,ete.,bkeepshishayinabuildingashortthechildrenoftheprimarydepart-|distance from his regular store ‘and in’ment und the presentation of ¢ertif- leaving the store to get the hayfor)jcatcsthe.boys.he.took -pains to lock.thejuate.doors.When he returned to the store pose: ‘after getting the hay he found that jinger,John Cooper Fowler,Lila Hen-several-dollars had been taken from:kel,the cash .drawer..that both the beys were not with him all the time while he was getting the hay and realized that—one —of.themhadentered“the store during his ab-sence.Policemen were called and thebeys-were-arrested.The money which had_been stolen was found.on <their person,along with akeyswhichineludedthe missing store igang for retailing and his steer was and Testaments.to the grad--The graduating..class..was-com--|of Margaret Bryant,Hugh-Del-* Myrtle Ledbettex,Mary.Kelly‘inster,John Long,Catherine Pos-|of the steer.avid Thomas...and-When the mite boxesopenedtheywerefoundtocontain a last week and when he uttered the:During the past year}remarks quoted above he was mak-the primary department has contri- buted about $126 to missions. .-H.-Pressly.was’called to 3.C.,yesterday on.ac-count of the critical illness of his| sister-in-law,Mrs.John Pressly.Rev.| Mr.Bigham of Huntersville will con- duct the meeting at the First Asso- ciate Reformed church during Mr. Pressly’s Absence. Villa’s First Attempt at Mata- moros Failed. Brownsville,Texas,Dispatch. Failing in their attempt to dislodge the Carranza garrison by machine gun fire.Villa forces besieg- ing Matamoros virtually ceased their attacks Sunday,awaiting,it was an- nounced,the arrival of artillery. the event of an-artillery duel,Browns. ville,directly across-the-Rio-Grande from Matamoros,would be endanger- ed and one of the gravest of border crises is “feared. shells falling in Brownsville was dem- ‘Owstrated«by the rifle bullets which Saturday,during the He remembered total.of $42.77. ‘When they realized that they.were “up_against it’the boysClarkalsoconfessed that it was he and.Bradshaw who robbedMr.C.L:Norton's store recently.He said that he stood guard.outside the store while Bradshaw went inside. Marshal Lynch,a young negro,was arraigned before Justice Lazenby Sat- urday afternoon to answer a charge of storé-breaking.He plead guilty and waived examination and was re-manded to jail in'default of bond to await Superior Court. into the storeof Gaston Kimbrough,colored;at Behnont—Thursday night,and stole a lot of provisions andabout100slotmachinechecks.undertook to cash the slot machineehecksatanotherstore,where one of the machines.is in operation,and.this4 gavé the elue which led to his:arrestbyDeputySheriffGilbert. ing arrested he confessed to the officer that he entered Kimbrough’s store. Will Hooper,colored,wasfined $10 and costs_in the mayor’s-court Satur-day for being drunk and disorderly. Ira Norris,who escaped from jail at Lincolnten:-about two weeks-ago; was arrested at his home on the Buf-falo Shoals road, Saturday night by Sheriff Deaton and Deputies Gilbert and White. ficers learned Saturday afternoon that Norris had been seen in the vicinityTheytookupthetrailat Eufola and traced him to.his home, where he was arrested about 9 o’clock.He had been at home about an hour Lynch broke likelihood of dropped here Villa assault failure of Villa forces in which their losses were of- ficially given as 100 killed and 40wounded.This attack was -a_head-of 2,000 mounted rifle- The Carranza losses Killed_and 45 injured.Two persons were struck by bullets in Brownsville.Neither was seriously injured. Where Battles Wage-—Each Side Claims Advantage. ‘The Triple Enténte armies are still arrayed at various places in ‘heavy battles against the troops Teutonic allies.Official reports show that severe engagements are waging in nothern France,northern Poland, in the Carpathian region and in thevicinityoftheBlackSeaintheCau- Deaton ‘took Norris:to Newton yes-terday,.where he was met by a Lin- eolnton officer who took him on to the Lincoln jail.Norris is charged} with retailing in Lincoln.‘Henry King,another young negro, was-arrested_yesterday_afternoon_and olaced in jail to await trial on ‘the charge of being an hardest fighting is going on in the Carpathians and:inWest-Central Poland,although an en-counter Of dé mean proportions ap= parently has taken place heights of the Meuse in France,where French war office declares.thatabout300yards taken from the however,denies this,and asserts that the German armies were .Petrograd and Vienna are at vatianee also with regard to who has had the upper hand pathians,each claiming to have cap- tured positions and large numbers of Sued for HLT.Lopp,agent of South- Lou Colvert,colored;who had been in.the employ of the town for 18 or20years,died Saturday"morning. More:than a-year ago he suffered astrokeof:paralysis and’was ill forHerecoveredsufficiently.to return.to work and kept at work until a second stroke of paralysis disabled him about a week ago.Friday night or early Saturday morning he suffer- ed a thirg stroke and death soon fol- Cream .Route Established North Iredell. A eream route has been organized to’gather cream in the Rocky seetion.It begins at Mr.J.T nings’and will be known as the Rocky is health failed,a little more Lou:was the town He drove.the “town.wag-on”and took care of the team. was a fine teamster,took good careofhisteamandwasdependable. was always on hand and the fact thatheheldhisjobsolongisampleevi-dence that he was “a good hand,”After his health failéd Lou was given lighter work.He drove the gar-bage wagon for a time and ‘then help- ed sweep the streets. miliar figute about town;was quietandwellbehaved.He is survived byhiswife,to:whom he wasabouttwoyearsago.‘ |New MagistratesForthe Coun.nthe Cour than a year ago, cream will begin April 6. Jurney”will be the route man.Following are the co-operators and the number of cows each has:y Current,4 cows;W.C.White,5;J. Charlie Lloyd,7; Charlie Madison,7;I. Wade Coffey,3;L.C.Myers,10;Mel. Summers,9;.Lee He was a fa- 3;Tom Shaver,4;Sid Jur- ney,5;L.C.Henderson,4;L.G.Hol- land,5;James Taylor, mon,8;Bill TLundy,\6;Neill Black=\ lwas buried in Morganton,the funbtal Iletcher,5;R.M.Myers,6}\Redick,5, There will be 125 to 150 cows ‘on 3;Arthur Har- ,the list.of magistratesappointedforIredefbytheture,whose terms begin April Ist:Concord township—O, sides,W:T.Watt,S.Grose.,Chambersburg+-W.S.Clendenin.-Davidson—W,H,N Barringer-—A.A.Murdock;Sloop;C.A.Westmoreland,Bethany—T.L.Adams,N.F,Black- Following is Germany to Settle. Having--now received all the facts conheerning the ownership and sale of the*eargo-of the William P.Frye,the ‘|American ship sunk by the conver ¢ruisér.Prinz Litel United States.government will send }to'Germany in a few days a note ask- ing for reparation for the loss of the cargo and the expression _pet regret,for the occurrence. -Paring April the Southern railway ps will’be closed éx- Will Call on ewton,John B. ak ae intek mi as Bae Reings—Arthur Beaver,-lis—J.B.Critz,Smith,T,G.°at“)Falistown—J. ‘SERVICES ALL THE WEEK.WE MUST HAVE FREEDOM.TURN TO THERI Meetings iw Progress at all the Mr,Alfred Myers is Willing to|Churches—Mr.Walsh’Back|From Texas——Church News. ‘a The simultaneous revival meetings|; Marvin Clark ang Grace Bradshaw,|"cently agreed upon by the pastors|shouted Patrick.Renry in that mem-im with Sunday!orable address that did so much to. the agree-'arouse American patriots to resistmentservieeswillbeconductedin’British tyranny...each of the churches ve every night,this week,beginning at 8)country!”says Mr.Alfred Myers.“I,The Pastors of the churchesuretodathepreaching.- Rey.W.°M,.Walsh returned Friday|ht from Sherman,Texas,where he’ Obey the Law But He Insists’fice of The on Having.Freeconi,sGiieaa “We must have freedom in this will obey the law if I can,”continuéd Mr.Myers,“but I will have freedom!”: That is to say,Mr.Myers is willing to.obey the law.if it doesn’t conflict|with his ideas of freedom.«jem Many Statesville and Iredell people|will recall Mr.Myers,the crippled old’ citizen who a few years ago came to} Statesville peddling fruit.Mr.Myers him.He finally got on the «chain sent to the gang with»him,it being‘agreed that Myers’sentence would be ashortened-if his ateer-helped-work the.Street.Methodistroads,and this was earried out.La-|and candyiterMyershad:a contest with the Company ‘eotnty commissioners about the sale|ngs. ing an address with ex-Senator Z.V.Long as his only auditor..Walking through ‘the back lot ‘Saturday Sena- tor Long came upon Mr.Myers as the latter was declaiming vehemently. The Senator looked around for the applauding multitude and.saw not a soul but the orator and himself.Out of deference to the speaker,and pos- ‘sibly to get a few pointers for his next-public address,Senator Long stopped to listen.Then it.was that Mr.Myers gave utterance to the classic quoted above—“I will obey the law if I-can;but f will have freedom?!” As near as Mr.Long could makeout,Mr.Myers’outburst in_behalf.of freedom was provoked by contempla-tion of the fact that the law limiting shipments of whiskey to one quart each two weeks is effective the day after tomorrow,And lo,while booze shipments arerestricted,freedom weeps.‘ Bond Issue Failed in Yadkin, in the road bond election in:YadkinThursdaythepropositionto.issue$200,000 of bonds *for road improve-ment failed by a majority of about 80 votes.Buck Shoals,North and SouthLiberty,East-Bend and .Forbushtownshipsvotedforthebonds.Boon-ville,South Knobs,Deen Creek,Lit-tle Yadkin 4nd Fall Creek voted noandNorthKnobstied.~.—A dill passed by the Legislature au- thorized the commissioners of Yad-kin to issue bonds in the sum of $60,-000 for the purpose of building a good toad from,the Forsyth-Yadkin steel bridge to Yadkinville,and thence to the Surry-Yadkin county line to-ward Rockford.So Yadkin may see what a good road is like,notwith- standing the defeat of the pong Issue, if the commissioners have the nérve. Express.Messenger and .Mer-chant Arrested at Lexington. Lexington.Dispatch,27th,to Char: lotte Observer. This afterhoon warrants were is- ern Express.Company at this_place;Cc.D.Fowler,express messenger ofGreensboro,atid John.K.Hankins,aprominentmerchant,charging Lopp}and Fowler with stealing merchandisefromtheSouthernExpressCompany, and charging Hankins.with receivingstolen.goods,knowing them to be stolen.The arrests created no smallsensation,as the two local parties are well-known citizens,prominently con-nected.Mr,Hankins has been one of the city’s leading merchants for manyyearsandMr.Lopp has been agentfortheSouthernExpressCompanyfor-more than 10 years Once Lived in Statesville.A Mrs.C.A.Marsh,who died at the State Hospital at Morganton lastweek,having been matron of the in- -|stitution for about 30 years—ifrom itsopeninguntilherheatthfailedmore than a year.ago—was a resident of E.|Statesville for a short time in 1865.Mrs.Marsh,who was born Russ,’ was a native of Bladen county,whereshewasbornif1840,She was edu-cated at Edgeworth Seminary in Greensboro and married James Marsh,who died in Raleigh in 1883.Just:af-ter her husband’s death she was ap-pointed matron of the Morganton Ho}-pital.She is survived by two sons, one of whom lives in Washington,theotherinKansas,City.”Mrs.Marsh being conducted at the Presbyterianchurch,,': K.N.Hambright.Southern “Power Company lineman,met instant deathatMaiden,Catawba county,Saturday at t-o’clock when an electric current};approximating 2,300 volts ,passedtHroughhis\body'while he—was--at work with a gang of men on the,pow er lines,The body was shipped to bin King’s Mountain,Hambright’s home,|¢The man -was 30 years old and wasmarriedlast;Christmas. ~Mrs,‘Bettie Parker,who.shot and}:seriously .wounded her father ‘in|ThGoldsborosometimeago,has been}exonerated..When:the old man.re+covered he went into court’and took}ijalltheblameonhimself,.: The business and editorial of-—Landmark,which has _ fice on the rightasyouenter. You may not recognizetheplace,— but.it’s the place you want when you have business with TheLandmark.—- Turn.to theterthefront door. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NE | quoted at 8 3-4 cents ht when you —otton was|drovea steer—a fine,big steer -he in Statesville yesterday. called Boh.By and by it was_revort?| ,ed that Mr.Myers was selling a quart!Knapp’s lecture on Christian ‘Seience of cherries for a good price and giv-at the court house Friday night.- Ling .a_whet of booze asa premium.)a Se Me ele OGandtheminionsofthelaw.fell upon |og sshoot built —A fair audience heard Mr.Bl -at-Steny.Point.Grad-ng Saturday night foreMethodistparson- the benefit of th sage.oe rch will sell cake: Friday and —IThe season for basketball being So much for the introduction.Mr.'over baseball is now being comwere|Myers turned-up in Statesville again| Mr,L.J.Freel is endeavoring to in-terest a number of towns in this seetioninbaseball.”War eee —IThe mortgage sale of the machin-ery of the Samoset Lumber Comipa-iny,which was scheduled to take place -at the court house Saturday,was|postponed for the present. —Mrs.S.D.Swaim of Lexington,who had been:visiting herMr.and Mrs.J.S.Leonard,Friday,entered the Sanatorium yes-terday afternoon:for an operation for — Lowery of MonroeangMissEttaCarter,daughterofMr.J.Q.Carter of Chambersburg township,were married Thursday eveniat8o’clock at the home of the officiat ing minister,Rev.-d.H.Pressley.—Mr.John G.Bost of Greenville,Pa:,arrived in Statesville Sunday foravisittohissister,Miss LynwoodBost,who is ill at the Sanatorium,and other relatives,-€nied by his brother-in-law,Mr.Arch.K.Keelen of Greenville.Miss Bost‘condition continues serious. 10 1 corunO renter’of tee aes+Supreme organizer e Hep-a Distriet Supreme Archon —k Hill,S.C.,were the’>speakers at the open meeti ‘local conclaveof the Improved sofHeptasophsFridaynight.AnumLber-of-outsiders-in additionto meém- bers of the order were present —-Miss Annie Brown of Boston,who’spent a few days yith Mrs.D.M.Aus-— ley,left yesterday.interested in ruralworkandhas.donated books to the |libraries of a number of Iredell —She-visited the GreyerestandFeimsterschools.last week andagreedtomakedonatio’both of these, —Mrs.E.S.Perram,who has beenwithhersister,Mrs.L.C.Withers,|in Charlotte,:death,is in town to spenda few days.She is accompanied by Mrs.Wiithers-and they are guests of Mrs.David J.Craig.Mrs.Pegram has not decidedwhereshewillmakeherhomeinthe_future.She will be away from States-ville for a time at Jeast.bey ‘ —Policeman’W.A..Brown:of.;Mooresville was in Statesville Satur-day to have an injured eye treated.While cutting wood one day last weekMr.Brown was struck in the left eyebyapieceofwoodandtheeyewassobadlyinjuredthatthephysiciansbelievethesightwillbedestroyed.Mr.Brown could still see a little outjofitSaturdayand:would not agree to let it be taken’out. —Mr.Wiley H.Swift of Greens-boro,who is officially connected.with the organization that promotes the making and enforcementofchildTa=*bor laws,was in town Friday.”ThelastLegislaturerefused‘to providefortheenforcementofthe*child ta-bor law.The cotton milltheyarewillingtoenforceMy.Swift is putting it up tomenbylistingviolationswherehefindsthem,—Judge Long,whodayeveningfromBurnsville,Yanceycounty,where he had been holdingcourt,was informed and believes thatthesnowwasthreetofourfeetdeepthemotntainsinthevicinitysofBurnsvillelast.week.The judgedidn’t ‘go out and walk in the snowtoverifythereport,nut he thinks:the evidence submitted as to its depthwas-sufficiently_credible:to:justify —Mr.Randel Miss Brown is ns of books to retried’Sake orningFire.a A few minutes before 6 o'clock this.morning smoke was ‘discovered com- men are dealing»more h | one-another.Find outif a rape %oat eo eed tie a 1 x ee eee Sees a i>» Aseptic Porous Plasters. therefore,that The Land-| perly doubt their | threaten to leave} the passage of STEVENSON.5 “HALL’S DRUG STORE, ‘PHONE 20,-_Prescriptionists. E E S ID O E + CR E O DE O R E EI wt ~If you do not provide for your household — the law holds that you are guilty of a crime.Are you not a greater criminal if,while you are able and can,you do not provide for your household so that when you are gone they (will not suffer or be thrown on charity?No,of course you do not want to nor mean to leave this world without proper provision for — those youleave.behind “but evety day you delay you,are taking chances -on icaving them in just that shape. j |sniffing, ~. A life insurance policy now will take 4 care-of your loved ones when you are gone.Don’t delay but see S.R.BROWN,|Loca .Phone 467 Green.y REE LSC IEICE DEL LL I EDEL AOCE POR S OPher ee ECE T SLSCL .7 RE CORRECT! I have inen teil me that eve ry few days about their watches thatI have cleaned and regulated for them.It’s all your fault if you have a good watch and it won't keep time.If you ‘haven’t a good one'l have,and {want you to have_one.|H.B.WOODWARD, FOPFOS | EA U ce se}# \o trere’&o,1 Agent, off lines}reprimanded by.the priest But wel heinous crimes,he said; utor of eee sm ‘ cs 4 ‘ne a ore KK WHAT IS PURE RELIGION.into "Phe Sinner Discusses rt er,Pld but 8 -jigion and Undefiled—Itis.ers are treating the at at tate. ESIDENT TO ALLOW en}Has other acd more conneielel uae F Companies Haven't.Left edu eats eh 1s :ih ERB avd more’tious di Ms Rheims MAKE BRANDY.No Counterpart in the ‘Daily work for a day’s wage:Cistes To he es Tiahes me 7a -Life,But is Living Daily the men in-their clu!ep pimler Ve its Pa Be th te Ges Landmark,to the visit |:-Gospel.We Profess.’{see if they are speaking more Kindly |surance law,as referred to in a Ye-)Pyy the “Vap-O-Rub”Treatment ohnson,then President)written For The Landmark.and:charitably about qonee Wid.’Gre |-cent Landmark editorial,Toads —whe cere lieves ‘by Inhalation and Absorp- d Sta ny 7 absent,Go to the retail merchants}South Carolina law,to-wit;;; d ‘States,to the Univer-|Text:James,Chapter 1,ants 0 De ae i bad,debts,which before ‘the meeting|dividuals writing fire insurance poli-|Noneed to disturb your stomachwith tho pores,redhelyg the inflammation and ce related to The Landmark|filed ‘before God and the Father!were considered uncollectible.ties,doing.business in this ‘State,}internal medicines for these tropbles.out that ‘tightnéss and soroué Jent of that visit:Mr.Webb,|-beer"Come back then to,the question at!shall issue:policies for more.than Vick’s *Vap.0-lub”Salve,combines by was a University.man,was probs |:Don’t you think.it takes a good deal)ble’and read how the pragti¢al;St.|{he amount of the value of the prop-lyptol,Gam gy aK ime aoe gc bane al ; titution at|of nerve forthe Sinner:to propound|James finishes the sentence,which is!e:insured,and the amount of appliedtothe heat ats bate Pe erat.‘> me,At any évent he was at)that-question this “morning and still!broken off in the text,and you will,|the insurance to be ized “by insurer oe ans 'thisTrade :it ) *}; oat i i Dur-:‘?‘ee , station,what is.now %answer it?“But here Yoes.unorthodox after all.:;issuing said policies;and incase ‘ott ,m Croup dad ;| when the President arrived.An'*"Piet ofall,let it be understood)~~“CHARLES:Ws TILURPT,|total loss by fire,the insurer shall Pe).fl Magia Ae Paeumonia 3 -Charlotté,N,.C:oe “|entitled.toareeover-thefullamount:of ed eee ——- wh ‘re the wat,made.brandy|answer that grave question-in terms {~~eecerry -entit!::sa ——Se arent wie fat let or hindrance,as ‘was“the |of theological ©dogma,One of:the;Belgian Children Thank ‘Presi-|in ease of partial loss,”with proviso|,es ' ;+oy!troubles about religion “is:that the;ec-|dent Wilson For Bread for pro tata liability if more than one fee ene OH Sh ae _":‘ fare Dad!‘been sorely gentiered ‘¢losiastics have shroude Caveat is aug |company..pas issued policies upon the R That P th : the internal ‘revenue law,then)mysterious,high brow phrases that)Washington Dispatch.*=emo V €;-4 ag ;.:insurance exceeds the agreed:insur-a pues ::a 3 an brandy,Having hearc that the Presi;it aghast.It is downtight eriel to)President Wilson and two ‘little’Bel-|able value.Civil Code of South Car-:i ‘ue h rmystify a ‘subject intended to be so/gians ‘in Brussels,in which the ¢chil-olina,section 2718.Wi TH ONE OFr OUR dent was coming t ha and suelklings”‘dren thanked the President for food)—“Valued,|: pte carry his grievance to headquat-|ean,comprehend it.:and Policy Clause.”hag been law’fort 19 4 So when the President ‘got off.The road to Heaven’is often made’expresseds his appreciation for.their!years,and today,according to records, f:to anpear.as devious and intricate as}gratitude,has been *madé known atjin the Insurance:Commissioner’s of-) :prereption oer the Sitleenh it was meant to be made so“plain that)The ehildven,twins,9 years ‘old,ance companies doing business in the’ foresaid/approached and called out,|“wayfaring men,though ‘fools,shall)wrote as follows?eT State::. ‘Mr,President,can't IT make bran-|not err therein.”-*)"Dear Mr.Wilson:It seems, :‘saree a a iso’much’to mystify religion as|bread,The poor,people in our villages|sincerity when they The President,who was reputed tO}it is to misinterpret it and to.make!were starving,for they had nothing |North Paroline upon »pather fond:of-Hrandy-dnd would 44 appear’to be merely a thing of|to eat,but ‘now.that you have pat ‘ nhtless have granted his North foutward.show.rover to our dear little country a big)M. "In the natural world a”fir tree is|provision of wheat hoth rich and poor!-Golumbia,S.C.” ea ‘ased,“TIL|t by its\ean live.Thanks to the Americans.|A eet i | meee Rae aro’r eaves.it is true that.scien “Best love and wishes,From lit-|Rev.James dJoyher,an Hpiscopal | =have to refer you,he said,“to.Mr.|ys that leaves are in a-sense neces-tle PUSSY DESPOELBERCH,”|minister,for some_years in charge of| sfon in@Burke counr~|omens the after all,’leaves,are leaves and fruit notes):a :ity,died at Morganton on the 22d,ane party,and whose name The tandmark|*dg SA :‘1.4Ljoin-in-with-my -sister-in’-thank=|aged 55.°He was one of four brothers q ‘Sa ;er rare cote ita canl es Seah ara ay tame Ea Provide For Your Depenc- parties by name and described the:ii the ordinances of the!hunger.”J sae ::;2 church,putting money in the collee-}.ly the President sent the clea Dna epnieed:Stak gehaaaee +43 .i sates the dike,are @ ying oy in his own handwriting:|ter9 e United States,has.bec 2 “dress_of the citizen who-wanted to)fen plate and the:like,are but the lowing letter in his own handwriting:|special agent for the State Depart-|OW 3 i;;s £eee os -eS A ‘ e brandy free from the stamp of tice-in every,day life of the princi-.“Your leiter touched me very’deop-|ment 1h G® Ai thank you for it with all my|AY conversation ‘can’t be recalled.°the Sermon on the Mount “is _the)heart.MOL:HAVE y Ou CA PARRH? :ee “fait”of religion.i think that.what generous Americans Tale caerheeRA See, ;bs ;serous Disease—Hyomei is Southern railway in the matter of}plying fertilizer they use nitrate of distress in your country has-brovght|" “taking off certain.trains from its Soda to make the .leaves and vines!you the help you néeded and giver)@atamh,which is indicated.by} so bad as to necessitate Lentgoa aig aS Preacher,don’t you think you are|these terrible days of war.TI -hope|jie nos frequen)so\"and crusts 19 ey syd field too much|that you will grow up to he strong’)Secan ed af spreads to the dél- js not right and just.to compel it ee of soda—ang not enough pot-fhe Sark See ee ye PROG-Cnec surely spree Sc savee,aa ry,rat o i 6 y |aS -:‘done in th ays 0 p ace Le are ae if se ris % operate treins ata continual loss,any ‘aside all parabolic)coming.It would be a great pleasure|freduently see naa kavel “force idle cottol mills,furniture tee.eee:ai BoE ee ees |Goth,when:thnma nappies Wiles ‘ave ‘g j tories 9r.-any other corporation to is mornjng s. giEcourse.”+fue ieee pert inner Aa Imes -MAVC)aiseased tissues,kill the germs,and! operate its business,just-because it;:Flot eee WOODROW.WILSON.”4 trive owt the poison.: ‘nterprise.-the advancement -of,Christignity,18 |:ae >ere sh, .There is a difference of course be-|that our religious teachers hove per-|The,Porch ts There and tt”SON is breathe Se ee pistes tween public service corporations and Tie St eee £0 pak Ee ore vokes Dr.Ashcraft to Song.its health-restoring medication can- 0 ave two separate and distinct bait Aer i we 4 ear : Jhavingafranchisefrom the public,|that.a man may be a very religious |whether the Federal building at Mon-j ed linings -of —the see and:ee owe p duty to the sublic’which’the.n and at thesante timeheament ros elt tthe‘oorch,nhout-which shore panne relieving vnet choked-up-fect | '3 ;“uhowe buainess character is not.of|.0.ans dgctettion r ing,stopping the unticen-discharges, peace i f i bs ‘aa ‘é at hr »fron}yan th yorst cases is in agreement with thé Enterpri You've perhaps heard the story,of)®4¥§the ‘porch is there but the cost;breathe frodly..Even the wor that it's not just to force the rajl-.the brigand whp had been brough¢up|WSs $2,000:snstend of 525,000,ag ire:|respond at once.es Ving reg teint roads to:operate trains at a loss sim-|Very religiously:but ‘who,“had”Heen|Portedy=Being:inspired by the refer"There is nothing for the treatmen 3 :ality were two different things.When)“Nt |‘pleasant ‘or so satisfying as Hyome.|; ais want to see.thains taken for chig}_And thatsporeh adds r that,pass.our way,»|appearence wf the building,and the'|#No-euresno-say”plan.:! ‘vhat we got aiong with fow-|Holy Father,1 never ‘rob-aé man i are to ‘be thanked for-send+)55 -“NOTICE, Poe Ra i arn a lawithout first repeating —the ater |3 :qying:qualifidd ws exe ‘the t :cies Hak:peatang —te PR ton-to-ask-'em-to-please put_on that!roe EE ee te ae a ong,in some cases at least,)That is an extreme case,but it)TY Naw . os ::|+ee |pastoMiee “building.wouldebe a bobbed!te:notify all pe:onli day of ner this:morning.’©The greatest)|March,1916,or this notice will be plead - :tf tite labore :tive .in That. “a Pious’Profession:That Hae ee eee eee pel ; “made,in the news col-|i.talk of the wom .——— pore:he and ascertain if they are collecting}“No fire insurance company or in-tion.No Stomach Dosing. ma The late “Rev.”R.S,|Verse 27:“Pure religion,and unde~; bY 1250,G0e,oF $1.00.At all druggists. What?“the top ef the column,Get your Bi-/|the value to ‘be stated in the policy,epecial jrocess Menthol,Thyinol,Buce are “student at-that_ins ey edients are rol Lee ae imore nerve fox him:to,undertake to!perhaps,find that the Sinner ts not so}and insured at or before.the:timesof medicated vapors # tizen ‘of the neighborhood who’that’there is going to be no effort-to}2 &insurance and a proportionate amount om:———ee. d it in such ::‘he Sey ;vee property and the aggregate of such y-eracted,levied a tax on his the ordinary individual often looks at)An exchange of letters “between ae a simple.that “babes |:aaa This section,known as the isent by Americans,and Mr,‘Wilson| b in and was in the hands of}a ;L ec.sreinand was in a labyrinth,of the ¢atacombs,when the White House-‘fee.there are 136 foreign fire insur-| ly?”But the tendency of the times is!#Thank you very much for the good!mark may very pro ;no é ee |similar legislation. Ne and manitestation.ee ae a Tellaw-eitizen’s request-if-he;!as ‘known by its fruit and*not .tists tell) of internal rey-|sary in order-to -produce fruit;but,; Pussy’s brother added the following an Episcopal miss religious world,going to|ing you,too,for it is jolly good bread;|in ‘the ministry of the Episcopal tending “upon =eee saeea personal appearance and peculiar In rep |Gifford Pinchot,former chief fores-:s Wlonves of religion,while thé-prac-“‘My-—dear-little friends=———ie .ent nes ey "Hi ;sar -the Buropean-War Zone.:RAR t 4 "hated "publican,but the details of the)pies of the Ten Commandments and!ly ang I Ty AVA!oe :Tt makes me very.happy.t We.do ng nie to defend the!Scientifie farmers tell'us that in ap-|have done to relieve the hunger and!qjts q Dan the Effective Remedy- -various lines,but if co |orew and use potash to produce fruit.)you a little hapniness in the midst of i ». . \i ious disease and if »mont.to carry on its business,then it!broadeasting.over your lo the work that will have to b to:do the work that.will nave.%0 2°.ieatelining of the air pa: i awinge j ‘more than it would be right by law:to:But,laying lt ea aa ¢reat |z eto the real point)to me if some day I might ’see you}something that will quickly reach the| would benefitthepublic.-Mooresville:~The “great obstacle-in the.wa ciddeecaancnlgaibsempainsiedbooile “Hyomel is just-such-a vemedy.Be-! ‘ing-a mixture 0 l often think that relirion and morality |’::E :ae --private corporations.-The former,‘thintes In reply to The Landmark’s query’not help going to the raw and ‘inflam- laiterdees not.But The Landmark’jo bbce:the Enquirertond healing the cot spots-—you §a 2 |Sas ota ‘».|enee to that poreh;Dr.Asheraft eon-;of catarrh ills that is -easicr, ply for public convenience.None cof eed to believe that ‘religion and mor inioee.arn EES es |adds much to:the’!Statesville Prez Co.sells it on.the! Me ey oe ng-Me,..S...Q..Blair up to Washing-| n the:past and we could)|)ope,(Lord's Prayer)-” i ::inoreh..,Without that porch the new,ceased,late of Tr ioe SUwh.feyier now without.serious in-|iustrates the point...” era *,t i.es 2 ¢;oo io evn]=.said:estate ‘to,present the same-to-t convenience.The railroads should)Lot all the Saints Tisten to the Sine of,ree os and woul!de ih eyed on or.before tae.tet 2 I |:|§»class as+-in’ inprovide ample %accommodation,but stumbling blocks in the way of prog:|“nx ship without a radder,|bar of their nee a pereens indetiel when it is shown that certain trains,;;ess-of -Christianity ave the Church|A.cow without an udder.ee Sek:HOWARD nod »put on when business was rood,are}members;and mark-you:the Chureh |.Note,wae how the mone is Zeb,V.Lonz,Att'y.Bxeer “operated now at a clear loss,it jsimembers who cause the most trouble!Visiting us.Looking on that splendid!March:16,1915. Ci just }their conti |:not just to compel the ontinued naydte‘not those-who habitually.‘satay |Plece Of architecture,the new COVCID~eg eRA TIRE:ITO ;:1 ¥ operation simply because we've had)meeting, fron preaching«and prayer-|ment building,caused said-visitation pret Cees But rather those who attend|~~"maybe she came becaus D pea Til them and consider them necessary to)with regularity rain 1 e, our comfort.:|preaching and prayermeeting The reference to the porch develop- 4Sizefourand.six the’.greatest.i ‘on |Spring.” ‘and yet| ‘whose daily lives.are such as to/ed some:talent which’Dr.Asheraft’s, friends didn’t know he:possessed,and; inches now ready _.for.delivery. e it is| Jeweler, 5 Maaeal a tae ood ee OFELIA EEE RELIST EI LO ie 3 The heroism of the American’Red i pring their uprightness,integrity and | _Gross doctors and nurses ‘who:volun-|morel conduct in.question..One The Landmark..is taking some credit, ::a | pee rare Fee ag holier-than-thou man who is ‘alway theele fot :ss _tarily face death in plague-stricken’jarading.his piety before the pale,itself for:provoking the outburst.f érbia isefittingly described -as ;MexetTTSEEMITILTITETT “in-|but who hasn’t the confidence of the!CeeNEONanie in, piring and.hlood-tingling.”There |business St egtua e conde etl ling of McManus in echa oes ' :A i 4 How the American flag flying over|'nothing of the-dash and.glamor of Christianity more harm than 2 ain | 4 Dee wee i a es andin -war in their work,The soldier goes|fidels,‘ithe home of John B.MeManus,an| ntobattle to-kill others,These doc-|.'The man_of the world,seeing so;American citizen'in Mexico City,was| tors and nurses are voluntarily risk-many who appear tobe very relig-|“torn and dragged half-way down the| ng their lives in a foreign country,1oU5 yet whose word he cannot take|pole”by Zapata soldiers,when they} moni Lala wus wave cee slide onl a business,transaction,very.nat-|murdered McManus and.looted his |.: Ong:DEOP wim OF urally argues that religion,after all,|heme two-weeks-ago,-is-told in dis-’Spalding them except the claim of humanity,is a fake and a humbug.You may|patches from the Brazilian minister,| to save life—to help the helpless.|tell him that he is doing the Church|which have been made public by Sec-| a great injustice,and you mayper-retary Bryan- :nig aah ial ae oy a eriny |DSBS be right,but,nevertheless,hej Secretary Bryan »said reparation)- os :Bro AYR VoD aS Yi goes on reasoning that way.|for the insult to the fleg had been ‘gone abroad to engage in the Red!We are soon to have here in Char-'asked from the Zapata authorities,| Cross service in which hundreds of |Jotte a great religions meeting,and|-but that no reply had come.Tn ‘ane| Amierican women ‘and-doctorsare en.the all important questionis as to|swer to inquiriés he said there had| &heed on foreign battlefields.The ne results to be produced.It was{been no demand for 2)salute to the; a “?..*)published vin a Charlotte paper the}fiag as in the Tampico affair.An ex-| -Werisk they take may mean death,far!dither day that a multi-millionaire in|pression of regret for the killing of ~from home and friends,and burial in)Atlanta,a man who was abie by him-|McManus already has been pan unknown grave in a strangeland.elf to “Neidio entire ma ror re Palafox,: *i ne ag ,..|Georgia State bonds,»moun ing to|commander,with a romise of indem-.ig ace Soc fi “That is a devotion that may well i=|over $3,000,000,had given his sgne-|nity for the tantly!ana purhmient io Marth.oh sors:aM BERS: spire and the contemplation of -it)tion =ephroval to the methods for the slayers if apprehended.|; ©causes the blood to tingle.lused by Dr.Chapman.in his meeting|ATT rae \ag! oe eeae ERR TR being held incgAtlanta-Away with)Called It Nitro-Glycerine BUILDNOW! Got By.And see us for your Tin Roofing, Guttering,repair work,etc.WEItwillbeobservedthatStatesville|such balderdash™and rot.| eee +It isn’t a question of methods,but!_.,SeyFairmont,W.Va.,Dispatch,_ Representing that.their wagon was!KNOW HOW.;FRAZIER BROS. asonable Field Seas! Statesvile Brick Cetrainloadofblatantagnosti"|Clovers,Grasses,Seed Oats,sfour varieties, good quality,reasonable prices.Sometimes better and cheaper than you can get by.or- _dering,with the additional advantage of seeing what you get and returning what may be left over:You can’t reasonably ex- pact better goods for less money than [can give,You might want a ‘“Jeetle”accom- -modation.1 sell all kinds grain,feed, figur,Tertilizer‘on time, ‘Athletic Goods! Gome and get our catalogue, or haveus mail it te you. Statesville Printing Co.a ~WILL ADVERTISE DELINQUENTS —}APR .Pe ao \*\Iam making up my’list of delinquent received.taxes.Will advertise Apri!i,1915,all land; the Zapata |that tax has not been paid by that date.) h pau Please call at my office and settle your tax!100-pound bags High Grade Fertilizer for City gardeners”delivered. i and|3 E ! ot.SLO Telalel ale lala d ;* is ae ee SORNS talkers.Last Year question.of results.It makes no} ‘representatives from Statesville high’difference whether ,you make a start) school won two out of three debates fora better life in The great cathe-/|loaded with,nitro-glyceritie;blind ti-} and came near winning in the fina),dral-where the surpliced priest and]gers sueceeded in haulfng.a toad of|z )C6 sy ‘“the rohed choii*intons their responses Appontest at Chapel Hill._This FeAl th one another,accompanied by the Statesville school repeats its record of|sweet tones of the great.organ,or “¥a yea ago and The Landmark is hop-|whether you “get religion”standing }ing and believing shat dur.folks:will)om.eae te corner Dice oeca an :;a |over-zealous captain of the Salvation Neat eee ee Bo oi at Chapel a ymy who ‘makes his appeal to the Mill,ta e santana also,that a girl)sceompaniment of an ill-toned clari- ‘was on a winning team for Statesville.jonet and the disturbing jangle of the oth this year and last,The lady kettle drum,aebaatas;3 “(The Sinner was brought up under Seer te Pome ang anid:thoss ‘of the old-fashioned Methodist regime, the gentler sex,who.go on the plat-)and ever and anon.there comes to his m can usually lay the average man:soul.a longing to bow again at the the shade.The Landmark congrate+MmomMney bench”cay (al eRe ';i :is breast,ery out in all sincerity andulatestherepresentativesofthepumility:“God be merciful to me,a‘Statesville high school,They brought.sinner.” fresh honor.to “The Best Town in’When.the North Care meetings are all over and you wish to mtcneniaumes ilearn ‘the results of the meeting,doDoesNotAffectThoHeadOtzotothechurerestoascertain oe tetetio stort,LAXxa.|how great an inerease in’membeér- i eae ota |ahip there has been nor.whether there full tiame and |"GF ,a.preaching of the word,but go raperrttersgestetatceegeceeeee os 7. Chapman-Alexander has been a larger attendance ee liquor from Oakland,Md.,to Grafton,| W.Va.,without being afrested for) violating the State’s liquor law.Driv-| ers-of passing teams_stood nearly |. paralysed with fear asthe outfit pass-| ed with its reckless driver bouncing| about ‘on -the seat,whipping the horses,and with the wheels thunder-) ing overthe rocks:He did not stop} until he arrived at a coal’mine near) Grafton,whére 20 gallons of sliquor) were quickly disposed of.The driver! then sold the team and wagon., CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF Fivery bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dan-| derine rubbed well intp the scalp with, the finger tips.Get a 25-cent.bottle}‘of Danderine at any drug store and gave your hair.After a few applica- tions you can’t find a particle of dand-' ruff or any falling hair,and the scalp wi er itch,}M | SPHONE -+(+S-+ee That we have plenty © ——of— Seed Potatoes,“°. Onion Sets,=!Seed Corn,Pipeeicam =>,Package Garden Seed,Flower Seed.St’Phone us for whatyouwant.> “DONT FORGET”||i ~-¥8.aere-farm, Dy five miles from Statesvill in cultivation,six of which is Six-room,two-story dwelling, 8.: rom Statesville,1)miles from.Elmwood onesincultivation,25 tn bottom land,balance inTwo-story,five-rroom dwelling,large stock s.Qne tenant house.Good orchard.* 81-acre firm near Harmony State High School on public road. Fifty acres in cultivation.balance in woodland.New five-room cot- ,large katn and out buildings.All in good condition. hese farms are generally level atid productive.*Prices right and terms can Fe arranged on part of purchase money if necessary. information call on or writeForfurther1ERNESGENERAL INSURANCE,RENT-ALS AND REAL ESTATE.BUILD!PHONE 23.OFFICE NOs i,MILLS ING.” e on the sand-clay raad. bottom Iand,balance inForty.acreony barn and out buildings.woodland. Plenty offruit on plac -10 acres nine milesf public road.Forty acr oak and pire timber. barn and ovt building y epeeiryeneeineietenenterranbain: ub sc nowithpainsinmyleftside,often almost smo’to dealsMedhedikaonoeomeupfor awhile ec!i.Final-ly,my husbanddecided he ered me totryCardui,tonic,so he yaa weareagood the gicines|had taken..fheofaeetaoSaibeshenchitedBaodyWhereaeverhasbeen,and ‘will be,a medicinetocomparéwithCardui.1 believe it isamedicineforall-w ly.trou- has béen re-bles.’50years;Cardi and buildingandstrength.» .For over’ilievingwoman’s aniogeweakwomentptohealt *Pisce hd help’ox asit has amillionothers.ame .Get a bottie of Cardui fo-day.ik SstTresimentforWomen,”in'piainwreeper.B.C.136LER'S HEADACHE, ——_AND-—_- Neuralgia Remedy Safely and Quickly Re- lieves Headache and.Neu- ralgia and nervous Head- ache.Also for headache. caused by coldsand grippe. 10¢.,25c.and 50e. At fountains FOR SALE BY ALL-DEALERS.~ De.DRUG ;Quality Easter Cards ! They are indicative of your taste Let not thy taste be questicned Statesville Printing Cog. DRS.CRUSE.AND RAGLAND,:Veterinarians.. Dr.Cruse,Local Practitioner,Office rear Polk Gray Drug Co Office ‘Phone 109. Residence Phone 198 Green. ‘tof loss the concern.is making money.|Several attempts have ita fairtrial.| ~~}mark.)|ment. the Different’Fact Mr.L.¥)Poston,k i Statesville residents as ©“Lin”Pos- ton,a native of thiscounty ahd for 4 time a‘residentofStatesville,more than 80 years ago,has been a resi- dent of Mexico for many years. Under date of 210thMr.Poston writes trom Monterey. Mexico,‘to his brother,Mr.W.J. Poston of.Statesville,and the follow- ling extracts which The La k is |permitted to copy trom the letter lare an interestingrecital of the aw- |ful:conditions in that revolution-torn When the government war risk in-/7ourty:Mr.Poston Says:“atthe present time this citysurancebureauwasestablishedsome.f months ago people who gave the mat-|‘Monterey).is surrounded by the en- ter any thought doubtless exvected amv---that-is,the Carranelsta Faction. the government to suffer loss in the Uhe Villa:faction:13 cin pe zegaion conduct of the bureau.But instead!2ere and has been since Janvary dey ‘the other faction to re-take the citv 1,“weat-|21°west-bound, FS S P S r er SE B R R E R E east-bouna,due”16,east-bound,due 10,{ HARLOTTE AND TAYLORSVILLE.From Charlotte.No.16 ar.9.50,leaves 10.85 a.‘a.No.24 ar.8.35,leaves 8.35 p.mmFromTayloreville.hyNo.2%ar.10:00,leaves 10:40 a m. Train No,16 ar.6:20,leaves 6:45 p.(m.Nos.28 and 24 are not operatedn Sunday. Government War Risk Bureau Makes Money. A statement issued about a week ago ake the showed that premiums amounting to|but so far they have failed.Last Sat- $1,750,000.have been paig.to the gov-jgrday night,the 6th,they bombard- erniient war risk insuvance bureau!ed the city with heavy ing. and its net losses have aggregated|The shells’did gome damage in..the only $670,663.4 ;northern,part of the eity,but forten- The los’may be considerably,re-|ately none:fell in the portion in duced through salvage of cotton in which we live.:: the cargoesof some of the steamers|“I tell you these cannon shells sunk.The bureau has outstanding|falling around ate dangerous,and policies aggregating $18,000,000,out|@ person never eah tell from the of a total of $66,000,000 written since|noise they make where the.shell is the war began,Its earned premiums|going —to fall.We have ©passed to date amount to about $1,260,000,through so far all the attacks on In the last few weeks comparatively.this.town without.any damage to few ‘policies have been written.jour person.Two Mauser.bullets ne ner {came through two sf our,co iy xt Cr ‘R ‘one downstairs and one upstairs. juhe Last ane By Far the They passed through glass,wood. '-orst,|pieces of furniture—-cad-then buried /Monroe.Enquirer. That mati,Robert Blackwelder,who! Tine the hi,tat na happened durin the terrible battle in the streets > left his wife and children in Coneord |Monterey in October,1913.and dur- ‘and went-off and married another.wo-|img another terrible battle here in man and then went to playing |April,1914.More than 30 ~persons “preacher,”has cymmitted another}were in our house during both these \high crime.He has written a “pome”}battles,having come to our house for ‘and one J.B.Sherrill,editor of the|safety.During the battle in April (Concord Times and Tribune,and oth-|last is when_the United eer.| jerwise good Citizen,has published ;Fines landed in race aand a ae ‘that same “pome.”We don’t know)country began to prepare se en hewhatoughttobedonewithBlack-|ternational war.Mobs all’oves me iwelder for over-marrying,.but’for|¢ity™were marching through.there‘Death.to all Amer-ithat “pome”he ought to hang.Keane!”shone:oe t oe =oe (And what ought to-be-done—with ieans!”.It ike alk Wi ie 'Sherrill for printing it?—The Land-|cans -would be massecree any —mo- Vegetables !Fresh. Fresh:Lettuce, Fresh Celery, Fresh Tomatoes.” Miller-McLain Supply Co. northern part of the city did quite a little,damage.Reports are that nearly 1,000 persons were killed dur- ing the battle in this latter attach. “We are now and have!been since S FOR FINE CLEANING AND DYEING)= sins ~-—"PHONE-147—Seu Sloan Pressing Club. ECLIPSE ENGINESANDTHRESHERS. Iwill have some of our lateststylemachineshereinashorttime.‘Comeoverthefirst timeyouareintownandseethemandlet's talk it-over. c.H.TURNER,Near the Depot. Jredell ‘Phone No.74,Bell No.7. M.P.‘Alexander &Bro. FOR——| Nice Fresh Meats and Fancy Groceries. FOR SALE! Choice building lots,within two 4 blocks of square and in one-fourth block of newyin school..Onlyofferedforashorttime.Mar.12.D,.©,RUFTY.. _NOTICE! 4 HOLLAND BROS.have cha{their ‘phone number from:177to 7.|Call No.7 for ing,all gradesbestcoalandoeResidence*PLcne 1810. x AS |(confidential)Lynn,Mass.,forad-|four ;ato present-same to-R.-B.MeLaughlin,my—at- ad t The people who had taker a nmmmmmemees TeELULC in our house.all ran to other “|places to escape the mobs that were 5 |looking for the Americans.—1 ne }8 |French consul,who is.a good friend ;;:i of mine,sent for me to come to the |French consulate with ‘my.‘family. i |We escaped to his house at midnight +J )|of April 2ist.At this timethe Fed- '"feral army gas still.holding Monte- ..|rey but,a fierce battle had been going. Yields To Lydia E.Pink-|on since the 18th and on the night of ham’s V |the 23d the Federals evacuated Mon. s egetable terey ae.it appeared that . Com und.els would not agree to join them...» \a ,ithe march way eho — eg |United States.On the 24t ar- i Elkhart,Ind.:—“'1 sufferedfor four-|snejsta army entered Monterey and |teen years from organic inflammation,|pomained in possession until January <n female weakness,|1%:h,this year,when they evacuated| _|4 pain and irregulari jafter some fierce battles near here| |ties.The pains in|with the Villa forces. Eq my sides were in-|“The latter army entered Monterey 4 creased by walking January 15th and has,been .holding or esmy it since,although several attempts| feet.and I such |have been made by the Carancista| awful-bearingdown |forcesto retake the city.To date} 4 feelings,was de-|they -have failed.The place at pres- :irits (ent is all surroundedby them.They. ‘made aseree a on the city Fohe| files,wi i ruary.6th-an th,again.on the 9 art eetbatecdn,mene of ee 6thbet morning of | whomI recei the 7th.e cannonading was ter"l>||ee cane on ieMager fers ‘ble and the shells that fell in the! Pi ha:,Cc d : ey ralthe:paealive‘Wash,fon now used the remedies for four months | |and cannot express my thanks for what ' |they have done forme..‘|Jonuar :sailysoie:|y.10th without:any.railroad “If these lineswill beof any benefit:communication with any point save |you have my permission to publishan occasional military train from |them.’?—-Mrs.SADIE WILLIAMS,456)here to Torreon.From that place |James Street,Eikhart,Indiana.+|eee is aly ces service to El Pa- 'Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Com |.5°0,+¢€X85.e last newspaper we 'pound,made from nativersbte kod here,have seen was the El Paso Times of containsnonarcotic or harmful drugs,|February 26th,so you can imagine ‘and to-day holdstherecordof being the |HOW Uneasy we are here,nol cnow= !most.sonaatal remedy for hinainite ing swhat is taking piace in the Otte. we knowof,and thousandsof-volun'ee ease aie less in other {j |pa Pee - Sooewecr ogee gtheed ee|“I have been ae *communi-| ‘.we leate with our’other ‘branch storesir | Lee this fact.Sees different cities of t%ie country since |If yer have the slight ¢doubt |January 10th.T assure you this cer- that Lydia E.Pinkhant’s Vegeta-|tainly is.trying on one’s nerves and {ble Compoundwill nelproe em patience:Our business has suffered| to Lydia E.Pinkham cineCo.|creatly-_by.a-xevolntion ne pat >years,My uch more e pas |viee.Your letter willbeopened,|year than all the other three put to-| }jgether.The value oy the money now | i pele ih sit |circulating here has gone down to, he “NOTICE TO CREDITORS.|be worth only 10 cenzs on the dollar |Havitig qualified us exeeuttix of the estate|0 ‘United States currency.So you lot Earle S.Pexram,deceased,I hereby notify|can see the merchants are having read and answered by a wonian,| Ii persons holding claims.xgainst.said estate|hard times in all direciions.The real! |*{j necessities of life are-getting very; scarce here and prices very high.The| Executrix.|poorer people are,really suffering| ‘from hunger.I could go on telling, |you about heart-rending happenings a.that T have seen.but ‘will defer that.”| |o¢Geo.F.Shepherd,deceaged,.1 hereby notify|.Mr.‘Poston:»mentions that Ais! {all persons haying claims against his estate;daughter,18°years old,who had |to reneesaantg me on oeNafore te,2et*|graduated in the gollege.at Montercy. ORB.Mebaughlin,Atty.Aemr.-G.'#.A.)1S 1 college at San Antonio,Texas.| March 26,1916.iand that the reports ‘from her are| Boe ,IERIEGeate |very ee to ‘her.parents.my ‘conclusion he says: THE NEW WATERMAN LEVER™|“£will not touch on the financial) pennenecenpeentvncintenntt re rt reetarsa idamage and loss.this revolution has| caused us all.It will be:sufficient to| say that the majority will have to al-| most start over again,This is hard} on those who have reached an are} where-statting over_is_not_easy.We | hope for the best.”“\ Since he has lived in Mexico Mr. Poston has been connected with the Sonora News Company,being super-intendent of the company.His com- pany not only deals in newspapers| and magazines,but sells sporting} goods,glassware,jewelry and va-| rious,kinds’of novelties. How To Give Quinine To Children.| :ere Peers soe ices (eouaeiS|ike and doesnot disturb the stomach.| nine, ltorney,in or before the 26th day of March, |1916.WINIFRED B,PEGRAM, R.B.McLaughlin,Atty. March 26,1915, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. |Having qualified:as administrator C>T. }j' Self Filling Fountain Pens. Ask to see them. Statesville Printing Co. Tin Roofing Along with the dry.summer months come the fire risks. Why not use good grade of tin roofing to overcome fite risksandmakepermanent-roof. _Statesville Tin Co.,H.C.mCHONE Se "inine.‘Does not nauseate nor|nervd iz t head,Try |it the next time you need at rtene:an t a |Baisevadw as Cio oberScent ‘ean K:McRae for Governor.—The'} ating upon a.case .lifted their voicesinsong and}? ¢territory soon as the result of drasti¢ 1 land it looks like that country is go- HE.CANDIDATE IN —1858.) Who Was Elected ¢vernor That #Year?+Mr.Willson Thinks it|§WasJohnPool;Democrat,and|§Not Ellis.; To the Editor of ‘The Li a ke:4 It_was with much interest-that 1) , rsri"read the article by Capt.H,A,Cham-\§bers in,your issye of March 12th,in|§which he enumerates about 30 stu-'§dents at Olin in 1858,and says some-|§thing of a number of them,especially |}Boone Penry,and a little about the /§ Ellis’campaign of that year.This'#was the more especially interesting|%to me,beeause it took me back to my|§boyhood.days,le J was..not a/¥student:with him and those he men-|#tions,1 knew about all of them,with|#some he does not mention,and went)#to school to several of them;and he-|#sides was inthe Confederate army |% with a number of them.;Capt.Chambers speaks of Boone/#Penry as an enthusiastic ‘politician|9and,debater,and as having taken/§special interest in the Ellis campaign.|#I knew him as @ bald-headed man,as|¥an energetic and zealous speaker,be-|§ing edueated for the Methodist ‘min-/§istry,though I think he was never|#licensed to pon and in war a brave,|§fearless soldier.”I do not.remember|# to which regiment he belonged,nor '#in which battle he fell,but I do know |§he was instantly killed by a cannon)§ ball,or pie¢e of shell,which struck|§him square in the face and smashed|4hisheadfromhisbody.it:Capt.Chambers speaks of the de-'§ moralization of the Whig party in|& 1852 and 1856,so much so that that|#party put out ne candidate in opposi-3tionteJudgeEllis,the Democratic|#nominee for thé governorship of the|#State,and that Duncan K.McRae ran #1s an independent Democrat.Is that |¥a.true statement of the case,ifAtthattimeIwaslivingseven§niles-north of Statesville,with—Col,Milton Campbell,one—of the ~oldestundmostprominentcitizens.of the county,who was,as I remember,anenthusiasticWhig.While,as a boy,|took very little interest in’politic|remembered that my father was aDemocrat.and that*put me on:theDemoeratieside._Nearly everybodyin-the-school -to-which Iwas then:go-%ing seemed.to be'on the Whig sideandthatputméinahopelessminor-|§ity,and I had ‘very little to say.As§ my memory has it,after the lapse of |§57 years.it.was the Ellis-Pool cam-|%paign which was being so”warmly Coa ' We think it fittingalthis time to aunoutice that we havetoawardasecond,third,fourth andfifth m to the’of the Booster Club Many of you ‘Boosters are de podforusandwewishtoshowourappreciationofyoureffortsingitpossibleforseveralofyoutoobtnpianoforyotheartofaveryMeaSeeSyeek‘considerablepensewehavearrangurpianoswhich.we'as epecltion below,if you want thedi Thesevista ure?$300 instruments..This is*the way they willbe given; 2Qnd'Prize—A certificate for $190.00,5t0'apply on the purchase‘of one of these $300.00Pianos...COIR, 3rd Prize—A certificate for $180 00oneofthese$300.00 Pian 4th Prize—A certificate for $170.00 to apply on the purchase of:one of these$300.00 Pianos.rye w vase ‘ 5th Prize—A certificate tor 160 00,to apply on the purchase of one of these $300.00 Panos.pt ore to apply on the purchase of hetreee eta ence p ue These certificates are valuable as the cash that a.niust.|:ilessthantheregularwholegalepriceofPianoseho.Better than this :one,and in case the person securing one of them peanot-care taamitmaybetransferredandsaidtosomeonewhowishestq:buy.aPiano,—....ot ee i eB ke Alarge number of babies have beennominated for the Baby:We want every baby for twenty miles around tobe in::"want to see all the babies.z ea ees ae es What Boosterwillwin the Watchnext Monday, |Statesville Drug | -Fey pessertesescceses waged,and when the election»was over my man was the Governor of}North Carolina,and then F-eould lift)up my head and ¢row.Unless mymemoryhasgoneaway,it ‘was |“John Pool of ‘the county.-of Pas-! quotank,|Where the bullfrogs jump from bank} to —-bank,”?2 sake |who was the opposition -candidate-to;Judge Ellis in 1858,This is some of the rythmical campaign thunder of; Zebulon B.Vance,who was running} for Congress at that time,if I mis-} take not."-| I.have asked about-a_hal dozen | lawyers,including Mr.Buxton of the} Twin-City,but none of them seem‘torememberjusthowitwas.Last of|all.I asked Capt.R.R.Crawford,an} old Confederate veteran of 75 years,} now treasurer of Forsyth county,and| whose memory appears to be very) clear,and he said at once John Pool of |Pasquotank was the opposition candi-| date.Like Capt.Chambers,I have writ-|j.-ctenaltogetherfrommemoryoverthe} lapse of 57 years,and it may havegoneamiss.Now The Landmark is, set forthe defense of the.truth and} to keep history straicht..Turn on the) light.:JAMES WILLSON.| Winston-Salem,N.C. ’<p.§.I think Duncan .McRae ran as an independent in 1852,or before1858.J.W. “(Mr.WWllson is wrong. Hill’s his- tory,accepted authority,says that in 1858 John W.Ellis defeated Dun- ‘t Landmark.) Jurors Engaged in Song an ©”Prayer.sit Wilkesboro Patriot.:. "An unusual_performance was_in- dulged in here last week,when a jury of twelve men,who were out deliber-4 lodged in their Tuesday. The Seminary.Girls—a programme of duets,solus;violin selections,iano novelties,cartuoning,read-|ings and humorous sketches.Giddy,Gay and Ticklish—:Keystone FilmWednesday. The Flower of the Desert (2 reels)ei ceee -.Domino FilmLovevs.Business—Komie Film- Thursday, The Lost Receipt (2 reels).—Reliance FilmOnlyaFarmer’s DaSooe)Keystone Film "Saturday. Shep The Sentinl— A Night’s liehee Fitts Rum and Wall Paper——a Monday. Three Extra Good Reels. eT ee Two car loads Mules and one. car load nice Mares—over 100 . _extra:nice ones. hands, prayer,for edification and enlighten+ ment.They were given a trespass ease.in which several defendants were involved,at the close of the day’s ses |# sion of court.After-several hours:§ they were unable to agree and it was!% apparent that—they would.not reach |g’ a decision that night.Before repair:|} ing to the hotel for refreshment:and)§: rest,the suggestion that they sing|@andprayoverthemattermetwith)@ hearty and:immediate approval and!& co-operation.|Among the _number |& were ‘several fine voices and soon voluminous and mel: odious u from the jury room:.Among the jur-ors.was a minister of the Gospel andtohimfellthenotunpleasant.dutyofleadingthepartyinprayer.Next mornings,bright .and early,they had agreed upon a verdict. Congress Makes Dry Territory, The Pribilof Islands,lying off the t of Alaska,promise to be “dry” and .well-trained!@ ~ sounds’were pouring forth '§: The F ancy and Plain,Silk!and Madras : Would be pleased to show you.—i a Varian ot‘|Shoes repaired -while you-_wait,, Shoes sent for and delivered.© S.,M.&H.Shoe Co The One Price Cash Shoe Store. regulations just promulgated’by theDepartmentofCommercegoverning4@deliveryand_use of .intoxicating nauate on those islands.t Not only are all alcohol or alcoholi¢ iquors:to be barred from entry into the islands,unless under government authorization,but the ma ing —0; wauage”or other alcoholic drinks by}. the natives is prohibited. The giving of intoxicants,save as medicine and in religious ceremonies, is.prohibited.Even the prescription of alcohol:for medical_purposes will be looked upon with disfavor as’be+ ing rarely,if ever,indispensable. ‘LLLTTTTTT Ttaly is,calling troops to the colors flict,; Piles Cured in 6 tc t4 Days pi aivaraist will refund money if PAZONTMENTfailstocureanycaseofItching,ind,Bleeding or ProtrudingPilesin6to14days, Lh Hirat *-Neetiin g.ves Ease and Rest 60¢ img to,@et busy in the European con- SD R C OO S CE O R O L O E O H C E OR G LO E LL Ee Lelelelelelacateleceta: YOURO ToBuy aNice Farm and Get Ready for Ne ‘No 1345acres in Elmwood.,All school ancStrongland,40 acres in (bottom,—en ee No:2--r antes9)ealbon eee Ot tik “This propertyli ,d0.2 seast 0 eet eson \clay highway now being cons’i govern ;ideal for Dairy and Truck ee sas dyeNo.3-40 acres 1 1-4 mi t squwedforDairyBy‘igh ee ‘‘0.4—60 acres in e8 county just across line—40 city lots in east Statesville,oven y “Park:Placo’’--¢1balanceinmonthlypaymentsof$5.=|.-+410lotsinae“Termsenny.-Six lots in south Statsectionfasoping:Several nice,houses andGallonme:and Jearn whatIhave.-oe aeW.R.MILLS,-State J Pal TUNIforNextYear'sse ‘PHONE 54.. Y. Itemsof Interest About VariousyoMatters.ae The Legislature of Tennessee hasipansedailabolishingthedeathpenaltyinthatState.Two exceptions| rk eeree ware ieee NEWS FROM _OWNER.|American citizen,ie eee Accidents Crimesand 0“FRIDAY.|co City—whena lot of healthen tore}cidents of Life in Nort ”STREET,|down the stars and stripes,our coun-|lina.ek ae‘Win.R,Smith,a young.man ofSaulston.township,‘Wayne county,try’s emblem,which protected the PEannivnenh jenn nd pasGn Ge 130 ,howe hot on *_m C was killed last week by a falli i in criminal assault casesRoeeniatntatehisHonde-cit is caleulayed 7)whieh he’had cut down,ve an een of Vife-torm convicts holsex|Mmake the blood boil.Thinking Of]pire at Wathaw,Pender,co nty,|commit murder.|the label on‘your|that alone,one feels like seizing “|burned the mill of the Parsons Lum-|-qy¢price of bread in Chicago hasteun,going over there and extermi;|ber Company,a lot of lumber and the edn reduced to’cents a’doaf,the! normal figure,by.practically.every.;_inatirig the whole race.That's avhat)homes a siete Loss:esti- Q 915,most le’s:yhen they talk about)“.Ce GT |bakine concern.The price was ad-sacha ini en ¥|.Gov,Craig has pardoned Oscar -vanced to 6 cents last month asa re-/ who injsult of the high price of flour.}=it,and many of them think the United |Bordets of Rutherford county,|2 i :}LOM,Sk Vie ake of 12 sears,Re Nap)Aé Stroud,Okla.,robbers "wot about ton [ERO T HM E Eee eee ee eee N THE LAW FOR YEARS.!states ought to “do something,” he following appeared in the News But suppose there was intervention!tenced to 15 years in the State erver’'s legislative edition:tomorrow and a.call for volunteers, those patients«who are}how many of us would be mad enough 0 pay for their treatment at thepitalsfortheinsanewillbe,ed to do so,an act having beenrequiringthis..While the billMinderdiscussion.in the.House.it|, that there were several |lotte and elsewhere,full in time of!at the Raleigh hospital that‘relatives,but had consider-property and were abundantly| pay for their treatment: many laws ‘are passed that it’s| Surprising some are duplicated,If Legislature passed this law itduplicatedonethat-has been |comes down ‘to the rcay thing,and it’s the statute books for probably a of a century.For a long it was not observéd,the idea that citizens who were able to y were also larg:taxpayers and therefore,entitled to free treat-he same as Yolks unable to pay. years ago,or more,there was contention about the matter and ‘then—-nt the State Hospital at ranton.at -least—patients.who “pay are required to pay the actual of maintenance,which last year ¢-about-$14-permonth\-- is,however,much misunder- ie about the Jaw.--Under the --those-persons-are-liable who- “income over and above the. gunt required for the support.of se dependent on them.Compara- few people have such an in- A man may be considered to-do,but if he is stricken and ent to the State Hospital,the income from:his business will,in most cases, materially reduced,and only in ex- eptional cases is there an income above that required for the support those left behind.A farmer may _a farm worth $10,000 on the mar- but if he is taken away from its Management,it.requires no argument show:that the income from the may be reduced so that it would lly support his family:A man‘without dependents may have consid- erable property but may be involved,by the time the interest and taxes paid there may be no income.A Son or daughter of very wealthy pa-ats may be sent to the State Hos- but if the patient is over 211s.old the parents’are not legallyforthecostofmaintenance,and ‘patient has nothing in his,own friends have no righttoexpect this Miss Rae Tanzer,the New York to fight?.When the call was made for troops for the Spanish-American war in 1898,the ranks of local mili- |Peace,were suddenly depleted and the |whole country-side had to be searched |to.get volunteers to fill up the ranks.'Tt's all’well to talk about fighting, ;and there would be plenty to go.in jokes of actual necessity,but when it a matter of choice,most of us are willing to “let George do it.”Keep that in mind if you are disposed to berate the President for not “doing something.” Moreover,Americans have ,.been often warned to get out of Mexico, Thoy know the conditions there and the risk they:take in staying.Me- Manis not only stayed,but it is re- ported he had previously.done:some shooting on his own account.In any event,the Americans who stay in Mexico do so_at“their-own-risk after repeated warnings;and under the ¢ireumstances-these.people and their country to engage in.a war which willcost‘thousands of lives and millions and millions of dollars—for once an army.of occupation is sent to Mexico its stay would be indefinite—simply because a few American citizens have chosen to tempt fate by staying in Mexico,most of them for personal material gain,¢ alsatineesanbahAAR Woman Who Sued Osborne Held For Fraudulent ‘Use of Mails. young:woman who brought suit ‘for$50,000 for breach of promise againstJas.W}Osborne.the North Carolinian and noted’New York lawyer,has beenheldunderbondfor‘using the mailstodefraud.Py! Osborne says the charge is black-mail;that he-never knew the womannorheardofheruntilshewrotehimmaking:demands,As a result MissTanzerwasarrestedforusingthemailstodefraud.At the hearing be-fore the United States commissionerthewomanandtwo,of ‘her.sistersidentifiedJamesW.Osborne asthemanwho,under the name of Oli-ver~Osborne,had_visited her at.her|home and proposed marriage.‘“An-other sister wasn’t so sure.J.W. #nothing can be collected. lestatute made and provided,the comparatively small, And so South Carolina has,and ha ;for 19 years,what is:known as “80 it will be seen that,under borne as the man who had stopped tons for the care of patients | si |Tanzer on that-occasion.All the wit- Osbarne was the man..A clerk at ahotelinPlainfield,N,J.,idétitified Os- at his hotel in company with a wo-|man he identified as Miss Tanzer.|The couple registered as Oliver Os-berne and wife.The proprietor of thehotel,however,swor®positively that Osborne was not the man with’Miss nesses.testified that the man who |the commission form:of government, tary companies in.Statesville,Char-|.The $25,000 of bonds issued by restedTervell for a violation of the prison)for burning a barn. |.Mayor Rankin of Asheville is a can-|didate for re-election and Mr:Geo,8,|;Powell will oppose him.Asheville/now has,or will have after May 1st, ilkes county to build a new jail andcountyhomeweresoldtoToledo,Ohio,people for $25.400..The bonds.hear 6 per cent interest‘and are pay-able in 20,years.; A correspondent of the Salisbury Post says Mr.F.C.Taylor,a promi-nent and industrious farmer,died athishomenearBarberlastTuésday,of pneumonia.Mr.Taylor was about60yearsoldandleavesawife;whowasMissCharlotteChambersbeforehermarriage.: Rev.W.F.Hollingsworth has re-signed the superintendency of Glade’Valley High School in”Alleghanycotinty)and will ‘locate.elsewhere,probably in Mississippi-Mr.W.L.Cooper,who has.heen assistant.prin- cipal of the school,is elected MF.Hol-, lingsworth’s successor., The yeggmen continue very activeinthisState.The postoffice atMebanewasrobbedThursday.nightofasmallamountofcash-and stamps—about $25.The same night thepostofficeinHillsborowasrobbedofabout$1.500 in cash -and—stamps:about $850 of the amount being incash.: Forcing an’entrance into the local branch of the Union News Company:at Asheville,by.drilling.a-holethroughthelockofthereardoor,robbers at an early:hour ‘Thursdaymorningcrackedthesafeinthebuild-ing and ‘secured the sum of $140.Valuable papers and records were’notharmed.: A Wilson dispatch in the Wilming- ton Star says that Richard Brewer, plowing on the farm of Hawkins Boy-kin in.Johnston county,uncovered$500 in coin,nearly —all-of it~gold. which is supposed to have been buriedmanyyears.Strange to say,thelandowner,according to the report,laid no claim to the money but allow-ed the finder to keep it. The First regiment,North Caroli-na National’Guard,made a fine show-ing in the inspection which has justbéencompletedby-—Capt._Russell C. Langdon,United States army:The companies at Hickory,Gastonia,Charlotte,Statesville,Asheville,Waynesville and Concord,are rated“eaxcellent;”Shelby is “very good,”Mt.‘Airy “fair”and High’Point“good.”s : At Old Fort Friday Policeman E.H.Emery shot ang killed Clyde Ter-rell,It is-said.the-policeman had ar-4 law and ‘locked him up;that afterTerrellwasreleasedhearmedhim- +$5,000 from two hanks,Two of the jmen were captured,one being wound- fed.The others escaped.'Qn@ of thefmeéncapturedhasarecord'as a notedbankangtrainrobber,He is known, as Henry Starr. The expense so far incurred by ‘the ‘government in fighting the,foot and,mouth cattle disease throughout the’country amounts to $3,278,077,of which $2.338,306 went to compensate owners of the cattle which:were killedbytheagentsoftheBureauofAni-mal Industry.* The passenger steamer Heredia,of’ the United Fruit Company,Line;wasintwocollisionsoffthemouthofthe New Orleans,Saturday neht.tp one’ of the mishaps the coastwise steamerTheodoreWeemswassunkandintheothertheBritishsteamerParisian. ‘was badly damaged.No passengers| or crews were injured. The German,‘embassy’s .second charge that dumdum bullets are being; shipped from the United States to the!allies has .not been’substantiated by an investigation”by army ordinance|experts,ana the State Department has? so informed Count von Bernstorff,the! German ambassador.The ordinance| experts-held that the wounds shown:in photographs:could.not have been|‘inflicted by bullets of which specimens| were submitted: The Alabama law recently passed “publication”of “liquor advertisementsinnewspapersprintedorsoldinthe’]-State.-has been upheld in a decision|‘by Chancellor Chapman,at Dothan,|Ala.The @ecision was givenin‘the’case of the State:vs the Montgomery| Advertiser,in which the newspaper,sought to have dissowed an injunc-'tion restraining it from “publishing! liquor advertisements.: Suit has been filed at Pittsburg,Pa,,|by Emil Beyer,an attorney,against!Red Key Loveless,a ~fuil-bloodedCherokeeIndian_“‘Medicine Man,’Beyer seeks to recover $5,000 heart,balm for the alleged alienation by the!Indian of the love and.respect which|Mrs.Beyer is supposed to have’en-}tertained for Beyer before the cop-| per-coloreq “Medicine Man,”whoap-| pears to be lovable and not loveless to} Mrs.Beyer,won her away from.her|husband.'| Nathan Cohen.the young man who}has been shipped back:and forth’be-! tween this country and Brazil because neither country would receive him,has at last been admitted to this coun-try.It was shown ‘to the satisfaction| of the emigration officials that Cohen: was a resident of this country when:he became insane,which:was the}cause of the attempt to unload:him: on:Brazil,from-which-country it-was-! supposed he came.The frequent sea voyages,it is said,has about restor-| self,lookeg up the policeman and en- gaged in’an.altercation _with him, which resulted in-the shooting.Of- ficer Emery was taken to Marion and lodged in jail. Licenses to 434 insurance companies | and to 15,000 local agents represent-+ ing these companies in every.section| of the State are being issued just now| r|} ed Cohen.; GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY SAVES.“TWO CHILDREN IN ONE FAMILY. About one year ago two of my chil- dren suffered badly from weak kid-|} neys.They would have severe spells of dizziness and were all run down Mississippi_river,in the vicinity of f°. by the Légistature,prohibiting the!{ ALL THIS WEEK YOU'LLBETHINKINGABOUTYOUR “Easter Togs And when you think of.wanting thenewestandbestthinkofusand:come, and if you can’t come telephone orwriteusforwhatyouwantandthey’ll -be supplied within a few hours and_ with the assurance that our selections inust be right or you get your money back. New Arrivals This Week: SUITS...= DRESSES, SHIRT WAISTS,PUMPS AND SHOES,NECKWEAR, IOSITERY, BAGS,— SPRING NOVELTIES. » 499 eo. Don’t forget our mail order department. Anything from a sample to trousseausentfortheasking.¢ee RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO.,THE STORE THAT PAYS THE POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS: =Steerer eet Special Price onBeds We offer 35 specially Fine Wood Beds,f inished in Mahogany,Walnut and Oak:Regular price $10 to $15 each.3‘the “Valued Policy Clause”in insur- ence contracts.That is to say,the {called Since pereeenne ne ed pays for what he gets and |admit heen ari -W.Osborne said hene:jhadn’t been without glasses for years whathe pay,s for.We thank Mr.‘except when,in bed and showed theevensonfortheinformation,The |court that he was unable to read with-‘olina Legislature did not)out glasses.:; pass such legislation.Bless _Meantime the man who calledon by the State:Department of Insur-/in health.I was just about discour- ance as of April 1,which marks the aged.I tried several remedies andbeginningofanewfiscalyear.Of the/finally a doctor,but they did.not}companies being licensed 146.are fire;seem to improve.I knew of a friend:insurance,50 are life,45 miscellane-|who ‘was taking Swamp -Root forous,50 fraternal,3 live stock and 140)kidney trouble with good results and: building and loan associations.I decided.to get some.for.the «chil-| See the Bed in Our Big Window. COE EE east dren.I had noticed-that there wassoul!the mention of it excites derision that nobody has had‘nerve tomake aserious attempt enact it into law.The insurance ‘people “would make’you think:such a law was impossible and neVer existed. tt our North Carolina legislatorstodowastoimposesome.regu-ng on insurance companies in the| insurance|r of rates,but the put up a bluff about leaving the te and some df the newspapers and islators took it so seriously that practically nothing was done.Mean- ‘ile how well that bluff worked.No doubt they hold all of us in contempt =-they should if they don't—we’re hh easy marks. The Landmark recently remarked that every sérmon of the Sinner seem- to be better than the last—and it’s The one today is a simple ‘but owerful statement of facts of com- mon knowledge,but facts that can- be too often emphasized.Relig- as the Sinner so well says,con- 8 not in professions nor in the ob- nee of forms,but in actual It’s.useless to make preten- to piety unless you are square d honest with your fellowmen and X .A distinguished gathering.includ-mile the insurancefolkssnickerit fing"mambeen at the cabinet and thetheirsleveseverytimetheythinkofand¢a \J.W.Isborne soon after the suit wasinstituted,said he was Oliver Osborne,from.Boston,and was the man whoassociated:with Miss:Tanger,has dis-.“appeared,;‘ ,President and Ex-President-Lay|Corner-Stone Red Cross Building |.President Wilson and:former.Pres-ident.Taft were central figures inWashingtonSaturdayatthelayingofthecorner-stone of an $800,000.-mar-jble home for the American Red Cross,‘erected as a memorial to the womenlofthe¢ivil war.They knelt together|to spread mortar beneath the corner- |stone.:i Supreme Court and officers of thearmyandnavy,attended the cere-mony...Mr.Taft,Assistant Secretary‘Breckinridge of the War Department.|Miss Mabel T.Boardman of the RedCrossandJusticeLamaroftheSu-preme Court;spoke.The Presidentpersonallysupervisedthelayingofthecorner-stone.:The building is to be completedbyApril,1916.Congress appropriat- ed $400,000 for it and the additional$400,000 was raised ‘by private sub-scriptions. Presidential Primary. ‘Senator Pomerene,of Ohio,who has been an active advocate of .promptpassageofapresidentialprimarybill that 1916 candidates might be chosenunderit,\announces that he has con-cluded,“with very great regret,”thatCongresshasnopowertoprovidefor *George Cathey,alleged proprietor of a roadhouse at Skyland,a.short distance from Asheville,was arrested|Jast-week whenhisplacewas raidedandofficersseized121barrelsofbeer, three-fourths of a barrel of rye whis- key,a case of corn whiskey,and 16bottlesofchampagne.Cathey,*whohas-a reputation asa violator of law,said he‘was storing the stuff againstthecomingofthedroughtdueAprilist.He gave bond for a hearing to- day.:é The home of Louis «Tillery,nearAsheville,was burned Friday.«Mrs. Tillery was alone in the house,’sickinbed,when the fire -was discovered, She got out of bed and without wait-ing to dress went to a nearby field tocallherhusband.Tillery hurried to:the house and went in to get $40 incash-he haq in a.drawer.While searching for the money he was near-ly suffocated by smoke and Mrs.Til-lery had to go in and drag him outTheylosteverything. At Saluda Friday.night the tele- phone exchange,a bank and Robin-son’s store were burned by fire ofunknownorigin.‘Miss,Mary Moody,the night operator in the exchange, was aroused by the fire in the ex-change and found she was cut offfromescape.She called several peo-ple over the phone and when helparrivedaplankwasplacedagainstawindowoftheexchangebuildingandattachedtoatelephonepole.The young woman walked the plank to thepoleandthenclimbeddowntosafety.TET TILT ALT DEAFNESS CANNOT BH CURED some improvement after.they.hadltakentwolargebottlesandcontin-’ped to give it to them.until they had}taken —one-half—dozen—-bottles——anwerewellontheroadtorecovery.1|think Dr.Kilmer’s Swamp -Root has,done more for my children than any |other,medicineI have tried and rec-|ommend it to.any one having chil-;dren that suffer as mine did.{ ,Very truly yours,R.W.LISENBY,Dothan,Ala.Personally appeared before:me,|this 2d day of July,1909,R.W.Li-|senby,-who subscribed to ‘the above] same is true in substance and fact.___A.W.LISENBY,Notary Public.“>Letter to Binghamton,N Y. Binghamton,N. neys and bladder. sure and mention the Statesville Semi- all drug stores,: Statesville Housefurnishing -Co. _FRICE $6.50 EACH, Come early andget your choice. statement and:made oath that the)¢ Prove what Swamp-root will do for you |# Send ten cents to Dr.Kilmer &Co.,'#Y.,for a sample size!bottle.It will convince anyone.You'#will also receive a booklet of valua-/#ble information,telling about the kid-|#When writing,ne)i Weekly Landmark.Regular fifty-cent/#and one-dollar size bottles for sale at.; i :ai ee r:Dr,Kilmer &(o.,'§if t Carrying sharés with us means that you are acquiring the habit of systematic saving—a habit that will make an independent man ofyou.When you aresaving and accumulat- ing through this institution you do not have to pay tax on your savings—we pay themforyouandtheinterestyoursavingsisearn- ing isnet.Youget'a'less rate of interest when you save through a regular bank andthenpaytaxonyouraccumulatedsavings.Being a shareholder in our institution en- local applications,as ey can-~on reach the diseased portion of»There is only one way to cure a presidential ‘primary and that theeeeeeibennaorthe w:subjec entirely to the States.‘ess,and that {s by conSenatorOwenofOklahoma.diffe Lintiomed’ee is‘oatised.by.anfromSenatorPomerene’s constructidi oft mee eee ate ae iningofthelaw.He says he thinks it en-neee,outirelywithinthepowerofCongress|(040%,0F =to enact the primary law.sul ane 3 Lacesth:ninaecceemercomee}“Whenever You Need &Generut'Tonic |Take Grove’s »which ts nothingmofthe :areTheOldStandardGrove’s Tasteless conditio mu-chill Toni equall cons ou eit ";Gener:goo Fee ot S|Wa will give One Aundred Dollars namel finish:Made for!#‘al Tonic becauseitcontainsthe|:-well known tonic OfQUININE |catarrh)thet cannotbeeureate daity,(Wear and tear,FOR SALE BYandON:Itactson the Liver,Drives|Catarrh Cure,“Send for cirontars,tree,1 Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.'%., é geil eae we : clean in your daily life.You may your fooling somebody by pro- ‘you don’t put into practice, ’re not;and,as the Sinner professions ‘without practice do harm to the catse of Christ titles you to attend its meetings and discuss -with the others its management, More along the same_line next time. v have a rumbling |earing,‘and when wnlees the inflammationotecondition.hearing.wiltnaate+nine cases out of DAVIS’CARRIAGE PAINTS,Hy are colors ground in tough,elastic’#Coach Varnish and one.coat will make!#your faded automobile or carriage’#look like new.They are easy to ap-|#adi and ary with a strong,high gloss-|#clinching The Eighth Series Opens Saturday,April 3d. Mutual Building and Loan Association | ~P.S.We will sell:paid-up.stock—worth #$100,at $78. recone igh ingwith|rangingSere8verya)*War Ganeeattas re-~ =F nited States district attor- out Malaria,‘Enriches the Blood ‘and d.vein 6 Toledo,O~Baildsup the Whole System,50 cents.god Bb "lltor sonatas . nae ‘ter-piece.The oes - a,;werd dant ite hand-painted cards,Clean-Up t r ra daughter,Miss _Elizabeth Sparrow,orth of Statesville *gng Mr.Chesley Watkins.Miss Spar-’(Fort Dobbs):chapter of the Daugh-’ “-ternoon consisteq oY a paper seca Reaietieatesai } MMRThenpaansines tre eT |dents of.Colleges Hig=Schools For the BestEssay‘|on Fort Dobbs—Rulesof the * a ‘The North Carolina Society of the Sons of om i pluielod’Haves witorep Be Poe)Boeel Noten.©ate ce Beek Gamey opOTteOCANOLES.Fort Dobbs,crecteg in 1775...The siteRev.G,A.Spatrow of Gastonia of this Fort,it may he waid tor rhealinouncestheengagementofhis‘benefit of non-residents,is two milesandtheleva! “yaw;whose father is pastor of Union jo,i;nD ters of the Revolution,as was recent-tesbyterian church,near Gastonia,+jy stated in The Landmark,have ar-ig an honor graduate of Peace [nsti-yanged to buy ten acres of land cov-. tute;1912.Mr.Watkins,formerly of |o,in ih of »ee!i OTM Ji g the site of the Fort,and the nese ue locatedin‘Statesville Daughters.of the Revolution in the Dine Coane Scola:of tie Schies oe are planning to reproduce the5Bs}Fort.Miasionary Society of Broad.Street |“The conditions of the contest for the church Friday evening by (Miss Govalation ree oy,the,Sone:af a “Love Walker,their president.«The 4.|¢will be limited to punils offlairwasen“April Fool and Taeky’sojleg koh:ainhor eatPaFey.”Gade ware played and:s0p ‘colleges ail Mick schools,public and .ey ;i Ai at per was.served pee,style.!Ra Ail sasays Gist he original work ee ead aCott ee.of of the contestants,.giving.credit by ar oe aha Sat ar ¢quotations where verbatim copying is ri .ne bh irthday rc Beeee.oth resorted to,and referring.to bogk and ls ga 2 Fongg osa rane ae from which quotation is made. ber of her young friends of the nel ee ssays.must’not exceed 3,000 “borhood,reshmients were served,~4 Jn all essays facts ar ¥sep i ssays facts are to be stat- eeeWee icer wenaclaw i as facts and traditions ‘as tradi- et **tions.ant one for hostess and guests.&Three tyvewri »eeeid.Oe ee ypewritten copies are re- “ogatipa gto.elub and d bene quired of eath essay,one copy of Oe cane ctternaad’by Mrs.Wik which-is to be sent to Judge S,°C. ‘a Wallace at hes et én Waluut erase:ex-president of:the North Crest Th ee aoe the’ad Carolina Society of the Sons of the street.Ihe programme tor on American eerorman,Washington,N- :'C.;Mrs.W.N..Reynolds,Regent.of eg —oe See eae to the Daughters of the American Rev- tice naka:ae -a reigning |2lution of North Carolina,Winston- family of Balgiuws &Mrs Mr C.Salein,N.¢.,and Dr.S,Westray.Bat- Wood and #poem entitled “The Eves“these eseays:must of a gt Watarice:Caaren|the above-named persons before May te tae pe re *345,19145.: a Tae ng ps amet ene events eat ‘several.students in a college saad numbers ~Followin g the Sen or onehigh school prepare essays,the gramme the guests were invited into|best one is to be selected from these the dining room,where an elaborate luncheon was served in several cours- es,The dining room was very attrac- “tively decorated in yellow.—Mrs:! -Gwyn Harper_of Witkesboro was_a special guest.”State-wide and it will be a fine ad- Reported for The Landmark.|vertisement for Fort Dobbs,as it .will fhe Thursday Afternoon bok club.set pupils in-schools and colleges all _4 orrgdratype becbongg tiga apo |had the State to studying the his- th,wit rs.Charles A.Turner.:toryof the old-Fort. The “usual current events were given,|hones many Iredell boys be filed with |tHe school authorities mayprefer.On- ily one essay--the best one—from any this contest-This contest,it will be.noted,is -and =girls these being followed with quotations|will enter the contest.They have the ‘advantage of being on the ground and ‘the study of local history will be of i benefit,whether ot not they win the by each member of the club,from Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe.Two papers of.greet merit,interest and profit _were “The Period of History Covered by Ivanhoe,”this also including the|tioned that medal should come to Ire- mpnners and customs of the time,by dell.The time is short,however,only .Flake Carlton;and “Has History Gained by thevels?”by Mrs.L.Ash.At the ¢on-|elpsion of this part of the progtamme ‘gratified by the attention their Fort tHe hostess invited her guests out to:Dobbs project.is attracting.They ‘the dining room,where a delicious and ‘arc receiving letters of inquiry and heautiful-tuncheon was served.~The|commendation and some table was.indeed a thing of beauty|have made contributions to the work, with its candelabra softly shaded in!all of which shouldbe ah inspiration yellow,matching the bow!of exquis-|to the home folks—Tredell folks:-to ite tradipet :daffodils,which formed|help on the worthy enterprise...© place cards:°Re Writing of ¢Scott's should get busy now,The local work of the hostess.:tg reverse)of Exhortation.3_i of te cardscontained |Mayor Call,hag eal poalsne_by MS,LUINC's.lsimed-Friday,-April 2d,—Clean-Up a “~j er oe wach marnber.6 Se Day in Statesville,and due heedclb.ese were ”should be given -to the proclamation. Iq.be and afforded much merri-|ra aa , oerG.™:iIn fact it isn’t necessary to.wait.for ment The afternoon was indeed m tl that day.Premises’.should —be :ar pe gf bes the:club is to |thoroughly cleaned often—kept clean;and unless we have already thorough-ly done the ‘work,we should all get -busy Friday and observe the mayor’s order in letter and in spirit.teThedayforargumentaboutkeep- W.M.Barringer,April / be with Mrs.8th.|ee es Sixty and 14 Wed—Pastor Call- |,salation Offer 2 Medalt Stu-| bya local contest or in any other,‘One| one school or college can compete in, The-Landmark | ‘medal;but with the advantage men-| ‘about six weeks,and the young folks| Daughters,are much | outsiders:; Day Friday—A Word ———pment ersburg,e Hutchins,’Mrs.John Hutchins,died Saturday|daughter of *Mr,-and_ morning about 1.o'clock.Miss Hutchins had been in failing health ‘for several months and for the last \few days her death was expected at lany time.Her remaina were inter- ured in the cemetery at Hebron church | »Sunday afternoon at 2 o’ciock..Fu-neral service was conducted by Rey. P.H.Brittain,assisted by Rev.J.G. Weatherman.Miss Alice was a member of the Methodist ehureh at Macedonia and was a good woman. She expressed herself as being,pre- pared and ready to dig.She leaves to ‘mourn her death father,mother ‘and several brethers and sisters.She; -was about 85 years od:;While playing on a wagon ane day last week the little child of Harve Bennette fell off the wagon and had the misfortune to get an arm broken. Dr,P.Cy Jurney was ¢alled and_re- sét the bone.Only one bone was ‘broken.The little one suffered very much at.the time but is improving. Rev.P.H.Brittain filled his regu-| lar appointment =at Turnersburg church Sunday.Sunday school at. jthis church will re-open next”Sunday morning at 10 o’clock with Miss Clem |Moxley as superiniendant.All:who ‘live near are personally invited to come and help out in this work.— Mrs.L.T,Stimpson is not as well; ‘as she has-been-for-—the>past few -days:—As-t-have stated several times, Mrs.Stimpson has been in very bad. condition for a year or more,being ‘as helpless asa little childs (Wemiss } Mrs.Stimpson in-our Sunday school:|as she was a-faithful worker and:a\ ‘regular attendant:SHER geese "Phe stork visited’atthe home of! 'Mr.and Mrs.W.R.Moore.Friday) ‘evening and left them ayoung miller} tao boys a |fool Auction sale of:evidences of debt of | “Poston-Wasson Coe.—at-—court-._house | tdoor May 1.‘wis : Raster flowers.—M |Mrs.Z.N.Anderson and Mrs.J.B.: ‘Armfield have qualified as administra-) tors of Mrs.Julia E,Anderson.| Mrs.Winecof has charge of Miss ;Alexander’s millinery establishment| Fat Troutman.ea When you ‘want done *phone 210... Mortgagees will sell property‘of ; ,Sammeoset.Lumber Co.April 20.. rs)Orin Turner.; "ga rden.plowing tig iron bed value—Crawford-ding to the Statesville Landmark,3 who|Bunch Furniture Co:Well met.—-Brady Printing Co. Shoe repairing..Worl,called for urison Co.* |Farmers’Bank. Much that’s new in women’s Eas- ter apparel.—Johnston-Belk Co,~ f Crepe de Chines.—Mills &Poston: ie|;Housefurnishing.Co.+Systematic saving.— ‘ing &Loan Association. Easter fiowers-—W.M.Barringer. At the Lyric this week,rade|.Bargains in second-hand —ears.— ‘Carolina Motor Co.i{Full stock of all_kindsautomobile ‘tires and supplies—Carolina.Motor, ‘Co.: Preparing For the Tax Listing. One million and two hundred thou- sand copies of a special blank for tax abstracts must be printed and gotten into the hands of the tax-listers in every township of each of the coun- ties in the State by May 1 by the pet eera: Notice of New Advertisements., New interest period—Merchants &; Mutual Build:siarger.counties. hits the hig sale of SMITHEY ,FRALEY,The Great Bargain Giv- ‘MRS.LAURA WINECOFF hasMissAlexander's attractive line of Hats}Tt willMarch20--2t*} ed—Mt Mourne News. Correspondence of The Landmark. “<Mt.Mourne,March 29.—Mr.T.I. Nixon and Miss Julia Dishman were| married at the home of Mr.and’Mrs.| “Haggus in Mt.Mourne yesterday | _‘eyening,by»Rev.Mr.Austin,the Mooresville Baptist pastor.My.Nix- ~6n-is_a_merchant-of Mt.Mourne._His age is about 60.Miss Dishman,lives near town.Her age is.14 years.We wish them many long and happy days. atives near Mt.Mourne.; The Center congregation has,called Mr.Westfor.their pastor.They are expecting him there the second Sun- day in April. ‘Miss Sallie Hobbs has.returned home from Dr.-Long’s Sanatorium, where she has been nursing for some time.Miss Scott has been a guest of Misses Cora and Eva Bell for a few days.2 : The:Mt.Mourne school children are expecting the county doctor here to- “yremises,is past. +~—Miss Belle Sumpter:is visiting “rel= ‘ing clean premises and sanitary:It is not only.dis- reputable to keep a dirty place’but it is a violation of law.Instead of)tures in the abstract blank form to being an invasion of the rights of the conform to the provisions-of the new ‘eitizen to require him to clean his,machinery act passed by the recent |premises,it is.a protection of -the Legislature.For one thing there rights of his neighbors,whose health:will be a feature that will show the tmay—he endangered,in —addition—-to,auniber-each—of_horses,mules,cows, ‘the annoyance of the unsightliness.{hogs and the like instead of,as in As everybody knows chis duty ‘in’the ‘past,merely the number and the premises,the mayor,after due!yalue ofall classes grouped..This warning,will fait-in-his-dutyifhechangeisespecially forthe purpose; does not compel compliance with the’of furnishing something of a census Taw,where requests are ignored;ana|return as to the-live stock industry of the prompter and more vigorous the|the State.“ enforcement the better.-.+.The State-Tax Commission,‘it is _But none of us should wait for!announced,is preparing.to make good ‘that.Let’s all strive to°make.our)its pledge to the finance commiitees place the cleanest;use lime and paint|of the Legislature that it would make \frecly,and have the cleanest and|special effort to get all the properties ‘prettiest town as well as the best jn the State subject to taxation on the _town.:s ‘books,and to get them on the most |The Landmark is pleased'to’hear!equalized and full value basis possi- that some of the colored ministers of|ble.Y ithe town have been talking to their;For which result all of ws will ever State Tax Commission and the blanks, are now being prepared.—There will be a number of new fea- day to vaccinate all that want to be/congregations on this subject—urg-|ptay. vaccinated. the county commencement.~The children are looking forwardtoyefyseabout their-homes-and make|Do not their places sanitary. Official Committee ‘List For founty Commencement. ‘ing them to.coliect.and burn.all ‘the| The colored | know yet what girl willbethe speak-?minister :ners ne now y'e P ‘ministers who preach this sort of |no the:Mditor of he.Landenark: er from-this section. Personal Mention. “Mrs.Elbert Summerville,who visit-°° ed her sister,Mrs.J.L.Kurfees.re- turned Saturday to her home in Char-| lotte.:S35",7*Miss Estelle Barker,who had been,raveyardt“Jeft,|IredellteachingattheTroutmanG school in Fallstown township, Saturday for her homé at Biltmore.Mrs.W.W.Gaither left Saturday Alexander's 1914 for a visit to her home people;in Rockingham.':G Mrs.W.A.Hamlet and daughter,Loraine;went to Rock Hill, $:-C.,Saturday to visit Mrs.RossGarrison,‘-Mr.Fred Deaton has’been at homfromthe.University,Chapel Hill,for a few days.Mrs. Raeford.:eeMissSusieMyers.of the Baptist|orphanage at Thomasville,spent the |week-end with Miss Laura Lazenby,returning to Thomasville Sunday af-ternoon.BE pre fe srei gMissGenevieveN._Y.,who visited:Mrs.Pegram ington., Bet T t For.ition.wy daughter”used Chamberlain's.for constipation with good fesults and Irecommend‘them highly,”‘writes Paul B,Babin,Brushly,‘La.For saleby all den ‘j rendering their people little|12,676;Davie,1,711 and 2,649;Meck-| .B,Leinster and children|left Friday for their former home at} Joy of Cazenovia, ‘‘Ae (Bryant,left Sunday night for Wash-|LEY was packed.to the limit all day 4S pallensik ing and.profitable sealers.lare cheap,—ad. ;doctrine -to-their-congregations are|great serv-Followingeis the official list of com-\mittees appointed to ,xeceive andarrangetheexhibitsforcountycom-mencement and to judge the exhibits: Neighbor Counties.Committee to assist in receiving and 8B untie arranging the exhibits—Mrs.D.M.The:final estimate’of the cotton:>;rop by the census bureau shows that |A Biitol,Miss iets Caakiy Missproduced11,610 balesin 1914 \Toura Turner,Miss Lizzie Foster.}compared with 15,108 bales in 1913.|“Gommittee to judge the exhibits— ’'s 1914 crop!was 2,170 Mrs.B.F.Long,Mrs.D.Matt Thomp- lagainst2,591..in 1913;Catawba,9,-|.con,Mrs.R.Ws Orr.(958 and 10,187;Cabarras,13,187 and)”MISS JESSIE WHITE 1 Cham’n of Exhibits.lenburg,26,118 and 31,164;.Rowan,|g.731 and 10,278.ae ee Re ore |While the counties ~geng¢rally in\this section produced less ‘cotton in/1914.than in1913,most of large’cot- |ton growing counties,of the east pro- duced’more.Robeson,fot.instance, produced 74,168 bales ‘dast yearagainst.54,089 in/1913;Scotland’37,~877 compared with 27,649;Sampson 28,505 compared with 21,510.The to-eeeNapcaine ital in the State for 1914 was 964,918|\A campaign for the adoption of a ‘eompared with 837,995 in 1918,an|new charter for Charlotte,to em-| increase of 126,928 bales.=.“pote business manager feature,|—_———_—————as been in progress for some time||The Store-of.SMITHEY &FRA+|andwasva trifle warm.‘The election. takes placetoday. Cotton Grown in Iredell and) Three British “and one FrenchcruiserarewatchingofftheVirginiacapesto‘attack the German.cruiserPrinzBitel.Friedrich if-the vessel at-tempts to escape from Norfolk har-bor.“United States warships are al- so—patrolling the -vicinity..to prevent;any fight inside the three mile limit. aeraey andPl.Beretta New :ieemeesa Sr 'Goods makes the sale more interest-|,I offer some Furniture for sale.than “ever..You|Can be seen at my house,on Mulber-| should by all-means visit this store ->street,today,tomorrow and|/and buy your.necessities while:they}puree:.Mrs.E.S.PEGRAM.—|Ea ae ade ae i ;°reiygeetTcensnccts~be she mage.in the case of_ poner mond Early in June. ‘The twenty-fifth annual reunion.of ne being the anniversary of the bicthofPresidentJeffersonDavis,and it is hoped that there will be.a large at-- tendance of the comrades of this di-vision.This will probably be the last--opportunity.that’the veteransfromthisStatewillhaveofatténd- ing a rewhion so near to them and the cost of attendance be so small. fhe soil of Virginia is made sacveJ to all Southerners by the blood andbonesofmany;thousand Confederate heroes,and a visit to that State wil! be a pious pilgrimage fo do them reverence.‘North Carolina sent her thousands toe defend Richmofd fromhostilearmies,and,among all those brave defenders.none did more valiant service or suffered more than the gallant Tar Heels,and itis hoped, many of their survivors will again go to Richmond and meet with theiroldcomrades.The patriotic and.pub- lic spirited eitizéns of Richmond arepreparingforthecomfortsndpleas-ure of the weterans in|every way possible,and a-warm weicome awatrs} all who attend,All seterans.who de-sire free entertainment must write to DP.Av Brown,Jr,cchairman,atRichmond,who will secure quarters for them.All camps of this division are earn- estly urged to remit at once,if they Common street;New Orleans.”No camp that is-in arrears foy its annu- al dues is allowed a véte ‘or voice in the meetings at our annual revniats.Of the 61-eamps in this division only) 30 had-paid their dues:and-were en= ‘titled to-representation~at-the-reun='ion Jast year at Jacksonville and it is hoped ‘that there will be a fuller r<p- resentation at Richmond.So, vour dues without delay and let our Stete have a large attendance this xy, the usual low rate of -one-cent a mile ito,at-persens—attending th reunion. whether veteransor visitors,and the enact fare from any,station can be avcérfained from the local agent. By order of .-MAJ.GEN.J.S CARR.Hi.AP LONDON,Adjutant General: and-Chief-of Staff. Why the Office Exists.Raleigh Times.— lt was the late J.P.Caldwell,ac- first made the observation that ne office of county treasurer was a sinecure pure and simple and should and delivered —J.°S.Fry)&Son s.44,6 abolis r di ::ites togs.--Ramsey-Bowles:Mar-,e abolished.The editor did not live to see the office abolished,as The landmark says,but his good work!has lived after"him..The only justi-'2 fication.for the office,4s far as we 3havebeenabletolearn,is that it af-3 mlords.a nes salary for the fellow WE = es y StOM-ican get the most votes aid a sma ler |S Special’price.-on beds.—Statesville,salary foran assistant 6r two in the| . Somewhere fricnds.meet friends.& exs.—ad. _EASTER'FLOWERS—Please give me yourand +aorderforLasterFiowers.Carnations ¥erns on sale at Polk Gray Drug Co.today.|&Mareh 30-—1t,|3MRS.ORIN TURNER. and Millinery Novelties at ‘Troutman.pay you to see her. 3 om day |To Meet in Rew :;in Rich-_ ;;the United Confederate Veterans March 20—iMiss Al-|.will be held in Richmond,Va.,June|Ist,2d and 8d,the last named date! of} e not already done so.their—sn-val dues to Gen,W.E.Miekie 824" pay fj r.—| Che railroad companies.will give charge of|= y 2 5 S S e S 4 TheSy ) > SP 2 Carolina. Y3 E P PS P S EY ? ‘ Se a SAFETY FIRST![ Weare a NATIONAL BANK | _+——_Member of—— _.The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.'The National Currency Associationof North The MAXIMUM OF SECURITY.Every con-sistent accommodation extended our patrons. United States Depository. # SepdaPt pene) Salvia, that grows. ’Phone 57: Azalea,Faster Lilies Cyclamen,Tulips.~ and Roses in Potss <7 Coleus,Phiox’and other ‘ding Plants. Tomatoes,Peppers aid gg Plants. Let me Look your order now and dliver whenseasonable. ‘Lam now in pdsition to get and save you m Call at my.greea house.: W.M.BARRINGER,ae i sney on any flower. 356 West End Ave. ITE LE I } s } =a aman RR |SHERRILL-WH \Advance W ~9 :g @omen’s Spring Footwear. We are Showing’a host of dairity’creations’”’ in,Women’s.Spring Footwear.Yes,we ces have quite a variety of Patent Pumpsin the ~~| Gray,'Sand.and Putty,Quarter Louis Heel. Come,see what we have prepared for you.SHERRILL-WHITE SHOECO.(The White Co’.s old Stand ie : 7 WHEN YOU WANT Garden Plowing dons:|‘phone 210.March 30.| Bargains in second-hand cars.CAROLINA| e ¢Mareh 30.;‘MOTOR CO, FOR SALE—Twohorses.IREDELL HARD-| WARE CO.Mareh 26-—2t.| WANTED.-—Customers for pianos and or- gans at panic prices.J.S.LEONARD.i March 16-—5t* NOTICE—Cottages for rent cheap until after the war.<N.P.WATT,Feb.26.) RECEIVERS’SALE! Umder and by virtue of an order of court)Fei and oth-| ers against the Postonundersigned:receivers will sell to the highestbidder,for cash,at the court house door jp Iredell county,®, SATURDAY,MAY 1,1915,| at-12 o'clock,N.,all:the open accounts and| evidences of debt belonging to the Poston-| Wasson Company whieh remain unpaid onthatdate.The names of debtors and amountsofeachaccountwillbeannouncedatthesale. J.R.HILL,WwW.J.MATHESON,Receivers Poston-Wasson Co.R.'f.Weatherman,Atty.March 30,1915.- MORTGAGE SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. North Carolina-—Iredell County. Under and by virtue of the -pewer-contaia-|eset ath nd-deliver-yo 6 de ed in a chattel mortgage executed by the |S22 and will-call fora Or 5 Sameset’Lumber Company,a corporation,to)the undersigned,on the 16th day of October,|1918,-to"secure the payment of $550.00 and theinterestthereon,and tae Samoset LumberCompanyhaving.failed to pay said sum and interest,and having failed’to‘comply withthestipulations«contained in mortgage,the undersigned will sell at.11 o'clock on,*TUESDAY,APRiL 20,1915, 'the following described personal nronedty,to satisfy debt;interest.and cost:One planer,one moulder,one resaw,all American make,and all tools and.acggesories belonging there-,to;one Atlas boiler ang engine and all ac-| cessories {also every other kind of machinery,belting,ete.,belonzing to and owned by the| Samoset Lumber Company at its plant in the}’- eity of Stattsville,N.C:The sale under this mortgage is subject to a mortgage from R.A.Gaither to J.BE,TharpeontheAmericanmoulderatvovedescribed,sold{by R.A.Gaither to the Samose*sumber Com-pany?also subject to 2 mortgage executedbythéSamosetLumberCompanytoMrs,Ro- bena Houpe;also subject to a mortgage,exe-- cuted by Samoset Lumber Company to $3 By Tharpe;also’subject,to a mortgage or e¢on-dition sale contract executed by Samoset Lum-'| ber Company to the American Woodworking Machinery Company on the resaw and planer and all accessories thereto.Sale will take place on premises of Sam-oset.Lumber Co.:;Wea .dL.SLOAN,a J.t.GATTHER, ¥W.RR.SLOAN,\,a.A.HARTNESS, W.AC Bristol,Attorneys Mortgarees. Mareh 80,1915. Coite L.Sherrill,M.D., Will answer ‘phone calls leftatDr.Long’s Sanatorium”orGeo,M.Foard’s residence, ¥ re taeoni 6 Ne‘asson Company,thé! :We have installed a telephone—No. shoes promptly.Try our quick serv- ice.We will appreciate your busi- i ness. NOTICE,TO CREDITORS,Having qualified as administrators of the testate.of Mrs,JulinE..Anderson,.deceased,i we.notify all persons having cliims asainstlanid.decedent to exhibit the same to us on or before March 30,1916.”N.ANDERSON,MRS.4%. |MRS,4.Bis ARMPTELD, J.Tt.Armfield,Atty.z Admr’s, 1.March 30,-1918. }Y ran Vy|NOTICE! |TO.MY FRIENDS: |Having disposed of my stock in the Tredell|Hardware Co.1 take this method of thank- linge you:for your splendid patronage,and askacontinuanceofthesameto,the Iredell Hard-ware Go.:CLARENCE.STIMPSON, |March 26--2t,:‘ |.ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE,| Having qualified as administrator of ZR.Robinson,notice is hereliy given to all,parties l holding claims arainst his estate.fo present lenme to the undersigned on ot before,the /26th day of March,191%,or this notice”will \be plead im bar of any recovery,AU.parties:owing the estate will make immediate pay-j then.Cc.Th BROWN,administrator,;Froutmany No &.W.De,Turner,Attorney,|March 260 1915*/‘ [A RE YOU GOING to the Exposition at SanFranciseo’?If so,see me,I ean save you |gonte money on the trip,Wi L..GILBERT,|Statesville,N.C. 1|~iSj.S.Fry &Son.’ »March 26-—Atw | a m |paints were used.Whenthe work |_|finished Inot only had the prettie job of painting in town,but had ¢ighgallonsofpamt.left ; *“T ‘painted’Mr,Watson’s house po artesake if other high-eraee s it would -t OVEN ote.RN WELLS,Me Ro:“Keyser,Wi Va?Isn’t that like finding”money?FOR SALE BY ~ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. ELEWell Met! __YOU want printing,WEWantthework—so just — *phone 200 or write and” we'll have “Johnny On > The Job.”’Q Brady Printing Co.: Clean-up Day [6 Cadel, Thereby-designate Fri-}|day,April 2,as clean-|up day.I urge that.all the people of our —townput their premis-_es in shape,which“means a prettier andcleanertown.Notifyusandthetownwag:on will haul awaya Gare a |WANTED—Three unfuritshed housekeepingrooms,for “ininedinte occupancy,.Address Box 84.;tek March 26. FOR:RENT—Seven-roomnowse .street,near Butptiet ehu baSON,ea Mer itor ~ *"Wm.A.Dunlap were selected to pre- iS OFTEN CHANGED. pherds of the Bethany —A Day of Thanksgiv-For Good:Crops andSpirit-! less ngs.4 \ tory of the Presbyterian Churchionof.Bethany,IredellorthCarolina,From its Forma-Year 1829.From the Session|the Church of Bethany,Now in| jon of Dr.FE.A.Hall), ber 2,1833,the Presbytery of| sord held its stated fall meeting| Bethany.Two days later,Broth-) mas Pinckney Johnston was or-| “by the Presbytery as an evan-) being destined for a foreign ,and being the first minister North Carohna going ‘to.the hen,if we except the Rev.Hugh who also went from Bethany} ‘Chickasaw Indians. r 4,1834,thé’congrega-'ele the following ruling el-) 8:Thos.A.Bell,James’A.Hill| ‘and John Houpt,Jr. eptember 10,1834,the pastor de- 7 |certificates.of church mem- ership to 26 communicants about to remove to the West. ‘il 41,1835,Messrs-Thomas A.| eli,James A.Hill and John Houpt,| Meth ordained as ruling elders. “August 31,1836,$693 was subscrib- Bethany for Davidson-College,yable in five yearly installments. “April 8,1836,Rev.Stephen Frontis eached his farewell sermon.to the nle of Bethany,having sustained s relation of pastor to them for even years and preached among them Mor eight years,the first year as stat- ed supply...The dissolution of this astoral connection was by mutual’ onsent of pastor.and people,nothing| ring happened to intetrupt the har-.| 4anohy and affection which from the Mea acn ent of thrt€connection al ye existed:between-them....The vineipal cause of the dissolution was tie sfronp tide of emizration.to the “st,which threatened.to break up nt ‘ely the congregation.In_less three years.-56-communicants were dismissed,almost al!of whom mt to West-Tennessee,and these embraced the strength of the congre- gation and.church.This,togetherwiththedeclininghealthofthepas- tor,which prevented him from.per- forming that amount of pastoral la- bor which the.congregation-partic- larly needed at such a time,induced “to the belief that a dissolution of the pastoral relation was rendered nec- essary by the circumstances of the ngregation. {nthe spring of 1837 J.M.Wil- “gor;a-licentiate-of Concord Presby- tery,on invitation visited the con- gregations of Bethany and Tabor churches and preached somé months to them.In’-the fall of the same 1,having received a call from Yhese churches and.having accepted, “he was ordained by the Presbytery nq installed pastor of Bethany and‘ina short time of Tabor.Rev.tephen Frontis preached the ordina- _ption sermon,Rev.S:Paisely offered the prayer and delivered charge to he pastor and Rev.H.N.Pharr to ‘the people.The ‘session at-this:time consisted of Thos:Allison,Geo,Alli- son,Richard Hall,Thos,A..Bell, ‘James A.Hill and John Houtpt,Jr.January 12,1841,in purusance withnjunction_of-General Assembly,the lessrs,Stevenson,R.H.Hill,Rich-aS ‘Archibald,Franklin Bell,H.R.: 1,John Steel,J.B..Gracy.and Thos,Journey were named as dea- } ts ns,May 15,1847,Rev.J.S.McCutchanwasinstalledaspastorofBethanydTabor,Rev.S.B.O.Wilson hing the sermon and Rev.H.N. rr performing the other services. ‘)May 26,1847,at a meeting of thesessionofBethanythequestioncameupofintroducingtheAssembly’shymnsintothepublicworshipof.the ‘congregation and the session report- ak tevarable to their introduction.he congregation at the next meet- @ was to have voted on their adop-tion but owing to the weather andmallnessof‘the congregation ~the ‘vote was not taken until a later meet- :‘1 the —hymn—books-—-weredoptedwithonlyonedissentingvote,At a meeting of the session Novem- 14,1847,it was resolved “That inaview.of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit recently experienced among us ‘and the abundant crops raised.andheunusualhealthenjoyedduringtheaeason,we would recommend to’toneregation the ‘observance of| tet Saturday in December as a| a st thankeiving,being Saturday cet2 Meeting:previously appointed.” “Monday,October’8,1849,the con- ereeation met and unanimously nam-ed Mr.P.H.Dalton as pastor,Thos. “A.Bell,David M..,Stephenson and ‘ gent the call to Presbytery,Mr.Dal- tan to he paid $200 for half his minis- terial.services.Mr.Dalton had PI:d some time-at ‘Bethany and ‘Pabortand had heen ordained at the; Matter charch before his installa. bent ‘tion at Bethany his health failed and‘he was never installed.His pastoralrelations.with.Tabor.were.dissolved some time during 1850.April 20,1855,B.8.Krider was or-‘dained pastor of Bethany,and hispastoralrelationswiththischurch “were dissolved in 1857,!March 5,1859,Wm.A.Wood was -unanimously elected pastor of Beth-y and July 23,1859,he was installedba6fBethany,Tabor and Fifth‘churches... April 4,1862,S-S.Murkland,whothad-supplied.at Bethany for six“months,was called to the pastorate‘for a third of his time, -March 19,1871,Rev.R.H,.Caldwell‘was released from the pastorate—of:y at his request.September|,1871,Rev.E.F.Rockwell agreed togiveathirdofhistimetoBethanyat$100 the year. .April 11,1875,Dr..E.A,Hall and)W.G.Morrison were ordained rulingdersofBethany. ;and Sickly Ol4 Standard general ening tonic,S TAST chill IG,de ticevichetudbtecdabdbedsupthenye-tiue toni¢.For adultsand.children,0c TAN 10¢ For the Easiest,Quickest,Most.Brilliant andLastingShine—Choose2in1Shoe Polish!In the‘“Easy-Opening”’Box,All Dealers,10c.per Box.'THE F,F.DALLEY “CO.,Ltp. BUFFALO,N.Y,HAMILTON,CAN, soeee EXPORTS AND.IMPORTS. Exports in February the:High- est For That Month in’Any Year—Mostly Foodstuff—The Shortage in Cotton, American.export’-commerce for February exceeded by 100,000,000 the business recorded.for that month in any previous year,according to figures given out by the DepartmentofCommerceThetotalforthemonth was $298,727,757 against $173,920,145forFebruary,1914,and $198/844,326 for Febrpary,1912;the previous high record February.The excess over im- ports for the month was $173,604,366,, February imports totalled $125,- 128,391 against.$148,044,776 for the same month in 1914.: A review of the eight’morths’ period ending March 1,1915,shows that imports have decreased 13.2 per cent and:exports %.7 per cent.com-pared with the same period of the pre- ceding years The result—issa net fa- vorable trade balange:for.the eightmonthsof$577,756,278, Gold imports for February were$12,726,492 agaifist $3,208,853 in Feb- ruary,1918,Gold exports were $1,- 053,879 against $9,078,778a year ago.~Breadstuffs worth $357,091,823 were shipped abroad during the”eight rnonths ending February 28,compar- ed with.$115,215,881 forthe sameperiodoftheprecedingyear.The great increase was in wheat exports, which rose from $67,654,608 a year ago to $229,205,142.For last month alone the breadstuff export totalled $62,875.959,compared with $8,772,- 255 in February,1914,and the wheat export inereased from $3,893,895 to $38,399,998.‘°These statistics announced by the Commerce Department:do not show the destjnation of Shipments,but it is known the great bulk went to feed the soldiers and civilian.popula- tions.of the*belligerent European countries.Exports of corn and.oats also leaped upwards:by millions.of dollars last month and for the eight month period,and in February cot- ton shipments showed an increase of approximately $20,000,000 over thesamemonthayearago.: Total cotton exports for the eight- month period,however,fell below the 1914 figures by more than $200,000,- 000,the respective amounts being,for1914$498,910,358,for 1915.$243,947,- 192.5 Sonie idea of ‘the part American beef_is playing in feeding the-men_in- the trenches may be gained from thefactthatexportsoffreshbeefin- ereased last month to “$17,813,161 from $513,845 in February the.pre- ceding year,while during the eight- month period the total export was $57,000,000.greater than’in 1914.Canned beef.valued at $7,264,720 went abroad last month as against $243,766 a year ago. OELTLOTTRESTTN Amount Spent For Belgian Re- :lief. New York Dispatch. A total of $25,868,017 was spent for relief in Belgium through the com- mission for relief in-Belgium.up to} March 8 last,the commission an- nounces.Of this amount $22,405,715 went to the provisioning department,which sells food to those who can pay for-it;and-$3,452,304 to the benevolentdepartment,which distributes food to those actually destitute.. The Belgians themselves shave con- tributed nearly $10,000,000 to the re- lief fund,it was said.-Of the civil population remaining in Belgium,the commission estimates that about 1,- 500.000 are entirely destitute and adds that this number will increase. A financial report issued in LondonFridaybytheAmericanCommission for Relief in Belgium shows that $20, 090.000 worth of foodstuffs:have heen delivered in Belgium since the inception of -the commission’s work, Nineteen million.dollars.worth of food is on the way to the stricken country or is stored for future ship- ment.Of the grand total $8,500,000 was provided by henevolent contribu- nd the balanee of 830,500,000 was provided)by banking arrange- ments set up by the commission. The contributions from the United States in round numbers,included; New.York.$1,300,000;Virginia and neighboring States)$275,000;;Mary- land $60,000.’ Clothing received and distributed has not been valued by the commis- sion,but it is estimated to be worth more than $1,000,000. Cattle in the Counties. Statistics were recently “published to show the number of cattle in each county of the State for each 1,000 acres of Tand.Ashe léads with 81 head to each 1,000 acres.and Alle- ghany is second with 80.Watauga isthird,with 55.Alexander and Ire- dell hold seventeenth place:with 35each.Wilkes has 33.head of cattle to every 1,000 aeres of land and holdstwentiethplace,Caldwell is twenty-fourth on the list. aaa eee tmenmeeiemeiel For the Stomach and Liver.‘ L_N.Stuart,West Webster,N:Y.,writes:“Tl have used Chathberlaii's Tablets:for dissordersofthestomachandliveroffand.on LIONS 2 for the past five years,and it affords me)pleasure to state thet I have found them to! be just as represented,They are mild in their action and the restlta have been ‘siitisfactory,|I value them highly.”For sale:by all:dealers, FLORIDA INSURANCE LAW Where You Pay For What You Get and Get What.You Pay For.‘ H.H.Windsor,in April Popular Me- chanics’Magazine.oY Tt would take a’large:book to con- tain the insurance laws:of all the States,for legislation of this:charac- ter has been..aried and prolific.The courts are.constantly -used-in the=set-= tlement.of ‘fire losses,-and .the.ad-justers wax fat on both the compa- nies and the insured,-It has appar- ently remained:for.the State of Flor-ida to enact,a fire-insurance law that is based on sound principles-and”at one stroke cuts,out litigation and leaves no room for dispute;and asforadjusters,professional or other- wise,why,there is little they cah do. All this sounds too mood’to -be true, but it is,‘and+the scheme is so sim- ple the wonder ‘is that.every State does not have one just-like it, The Florida fire -insurance:law reads that when a’policy-holder has a fire loss,the company must pay. If,for instance,you own a building worth only $5,000 and you ‘can get ‘an agent to issve a policy for $10,000, and-the building burns,you~recover your $19,000,providing,of course,the Company cannot.prove you areguiltyofarson..The total destruc- tion of an“insured property must be paid for at whatever umioun:your policy calls for.And tnere +s.proba- bly Jess arson in Florida thaw in any other State. The whole procedure is’logical. The companies.cannot take chances in appointing careless,.dishonest,or irresponsible agents.The agent,in order to hold his agency,does.not sell policies as a dealei hands out ci- gars over a -counter..-He-exercises..alot-of caution.He will not issue a policy unless he knows something of the party ‘insured,and he personally examines thé building or goods .and satisfies himself the property |.isworth‘the amount~the—insured de- sires.Thus,«policies for fictitious amounts.are not’written,for what is written must be paid.-On the-other hand,the insured is not allowed or induced to’pay premiums on amounts which could not be.recovered in oth- er States.,: This:maximum liability tends to decrease fives,for the agent must keep his record up to a certain stand- ard or the company gets another.in his place.The local agent becomesa-sort of inspector.He-has-to—be¢onstantly watchful;and when he discovers a -client is becoming eare- less and taking chances.whidly.might lead to a fire,the agent cautions suchapartyandthreatenstocancelhis policy.This eternal vigilance —at both ends of the insurance policy is automatically maintained,for both the company and its agents are anx- ious to stay in the business.And as for the honest policy-holder,he knows at all times exactly what his protection is,and,should he burn, just.what he will receive. Burial at Lexington. With unusual military-honors the body.of Mrs.Mary Anna Jackson, widow of Gen:Stonewall Jackson,was placed beside that of her husband Fri- day.in the vault beneath the Jackson: tery.j 5 Among.those gathered beside the monument were Confederate veterans, the.Sons of Confederates,-the Daugh- ters of the Confederacy and members of the faculties of the Virginia Mili- tary Institute,in which General Jack- son was an instructor at the hepin-ning of.the War Between the States and where he met his wife,and of Washington and Lée University. a .special car,accompanied by rela- tives and friends and a military es- eort composed of.militia from Char- lotte and the delegations from the Confederate societies.Funeral serviceswereheldinthePresbyterianchurch,Mrs.Jaeckson’s pastor,Dr.D,H.Rols- ton of Charlotte,her husband’s staff chaplain during the war,Dr.James P,Smith of Riehmond,Va.,and Dy,J. R.Howerton of Washington and LeeUniyersityaidingthevastor,Dr.AsT.Graham.The church was filledwith“flowers.sent by friends -in-all parts of the,country. Titanic Damage Suit Cases. Trial of the suit brought by the owners of the steamer Titanic,whichsankwiththeloss.of more than 1,600 lives.in April,1912,to determine the extent of the company’s liability,was set for trial in the/Pederal DistrictCourtinNewYorkcityforMay17.The eompany contends that its lia-bility is limited to approximately $92,- 000,the value of life boats and other property recovered from the wreck. Damage suits argregating millions! for-loss of life and property of those aboard have been filed. » TO STOP HEADACHE ~ Headache.usually:comes.from ©a stomach sour,just-get a 10-cent box of Casearets to start-your liver andbowelsandyourheadacheswillend, monument—in—bexington,-Va.,-ceme=+5 es The body arrived from Charlotte in; Oceanic Steam Navigation Company,}™* sluggish liver.and bowels,Tf you feel &bilious,dizay or.tongue is‘coated and} LATE JOHN F,HOLLAND. Passing of «Confederatz Vet- eran and a Good and Worthy Citizen. Correspondence of The Landmark.j Mr.John F,Holland of Olin town- ship was.bern near-Snow.Creek church in 1834,and died March 18th, 1915,‘of the infirmities of age,and his body laid~to rest in Snow Creek churchyard Sunday afternoon,March | 16th.Mr.Holland was the .son of the late Baker.and’t’rankie Webber Holland of Snow Creek congregation, and=was the last survivor of his fa-}ther’s.family.xf Im 1860 he married Miss ary} Locke Rickert,near Statesville,who} survives him:‘To them..were born! eight children,of whom six-are.liv-} ing—Mrs.G.A.Watts,Mr..Thos.| Webber;Mrs.Marlin,Mrs.W.Ww.) Holland and Miss Mamie Holland,al! of Iredell_county,and’Mrs.Frank}Bell of Canton.“All were’with him! when the end came except Mrs.Mar-! lin and Mrs.Bell.s j Mr.Holland had been an etder in’ Bethany Presbyterian church since early manhood and his funeral was’condueted by his pastor,Rev.Ovid Pullen,assisted by Rev.Messrs,Kirk! and Brittain.| Mr:Holland volunteered the; Confederate cause and saw three, years’active service,tie was at the; battle of the Crater and fought two years around Richmond,He was cap- turéd sand was a prtsoner at Point Lookout.at the elose of the war. His.comrades-in-arms,.were pall-bearers,namely:Messrs..Wm. Current,J.W.Vanstory,J.C.Sice- loff,Wm.A.Goforth,G.B.Hendren, and-Thos.Walker.Other od soiciers present were Mr.P.W.Eagle,Mr. Coffey and ‘Mr.M..W.Hicks.~The latter was a war prisoner:with Mr. Bolland.bg Mr.:Holland-was a xine netghbor, a loving father,a+brave soldier and a good citizen.There are not,many old ‘soldiers left...May their last days be-their—brightest, The friends extend their sympathy to»he bereaved family. in his A FRIEND. PONCE DE LEON FAILED;HIS PRIZE IS.FOUND. Ponce de~Leon,the.daring -explor- ‘er,searched among,the whiéh the Indians said would restore power and make people young.He did not find it.jt " Thousands of chronic intestinal,| bowel and.stomach —sufferers have} written to Geo.H.Mayr,154 Whit- ing street,Chicago,in quest of! health,They have found it.His’ remedy,composed of healing vegeta-| ble oils from France,has indeed giv-! en them back the health of youth, Why.suffer from.indigestion,gas-' es on the stomach,fainting.spells, torpid liver,constipation and all theevils:of a disordered.stomach:when|there.is relief here?Mayr’s Wonder-.ful,Remedy is sold by leading drug- gists everywhere with the ‘positive|understanding.that your money:wil, be refunded without question or quib-| ble if ONE bottle fails to give youabsolutésatisfaction:| NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By ‘virtue of the power of sale cofitained in the mortraze deed executed by O.EB.Bowles to R.-M.Lackey,the same being due and duly revorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Ivedel)counts,m book 26,page$81,the undersigned administrater.of R.M.Lackey,deeensed;will offer’for sale for eash to the highest bidder,at the courthouse door at.Statesville,N.-O,,SATURDAY,APRIL 24,1915, |at 1 o'elock,“p.,m.,the following described |traet'.or’parcel of land in “Iredell county, ;Sharpesburg township,eescribed fand definedinsaidmortgageasfollows,to-wit: A life-time interest in 20 acres more or less,the same being the dower of the widow of the late Jerry Bowles,said dower adjoin-ing the lands of P.M.Godfrey,R.EF.Gan- ter and others.(The interest conveyed ini gaid mortgaze being the life estate ofthe grantor,O.BF.Kowlés,\in said lands.) Said sale is made to satisfy the debt secured by said-mortgare,together with interest andcost,kK.A.THOMPSON, Admr,of R..M.Lackey,Mortgagee.March 26,.1916. Arch Campbell,M.'D. Office -Stimson's Drug Store.Résidence ’Phone Office Phone March 23 ~16t. 183 158 Dan_Valley Will please those who demand theverybest.It is an extraordinary flour,°«Your Grocer knows. Cary €.Boshamer,#Local Representative,"Phone 125 Black.Itaw. CCCPOOOP Se * beseseteeeeeeeeseelecekeeeketekeek eee eee eek eee ethbbhhnnhenhenheeheeehehsnneeseeneeteeeeeeeeeen swamps ,of | Florida for’the Fountain of:Youth,} Johnston -Belk Offers Much That’s New in_Women’s Easter,Apparel! Moderately priced,too;the idea possessed by manywomenthatexclusivestylefeaturesand‘high classapparelmustnecessarilybecostly,isa very commonerror.This store is in a position to offer well dressedwomenofStatesvilleapparelofabsolutelycorrect‘style,and the highest quality,at low prices that for-merly*were considered impossible. We are showing many new dresses for street,af-ternoon and evening wear.Beautiful Charmeuse,Crepe De Chine,Crepe Meteor,Messaline,etc. Tucked and pointed Tunics,loose pleated styles, ea e he a Se l e eS -jn-fact so diversified are this spring’s dress styles —that you will find even long waisted pleated dressessidebysidewithpolonaises. Silk Poplin Dresses $4.95,$5.95,$6.48.:— Saturday’s express brought another installment ofLadies’Suits in all the shades and black,all woolPoplinsandSerges,prices $8.98,$9.95,$12.50,$15,$16.50,$18.50 and up.: Separate Skirts That are marvels from both point of beauty andprice,Special Black Wool Chuddah Cloth Skirts $3.98,Next Sunday is Easter.Have you bought yourfrock?We have them. The Store That Sells For Less. "PHONE 212:re i ‘Commercial National BankOFSTATESVILLE,N.C.3 CAPITAL PAID IN $100,000.00SURPLUS31,000.00 Banking is a necessary institution in the develop- ment and welfare of uations.It is likewise a neces- sary institution in the development aud progress ofapycity,town or community., A bank’s usefulness to a community depends upon its ability and willingness to serve the legitimatebusinessrequirementsforloananddiscountaccom-modation and to provide a safe depository for com- mercial and savings deposits. The COMMERCIAL NA‘MONAL BANK is-a localinstitution,with large capital and surplus,furnighes good security to depositors aud with resources of ~~over $600,000 has thé:willingness to serve this com-~munity in every branchof legitimate banking.Be- Jeving in this community,Gur policy is,.and has al-_ways been,progressive and constractive,assisting in every Jegitimate way in the advancenient of the agricultural,manufacturing and commercial devel-‘opment of Statesville and Iredell county.-Our.de- posits are Jocal and our loans are likewise local and made to individuals and legitimate and worthy local enterprises._ To our customers we furnish check books free,render statements or balance pass books at the end of each month,make loans and discount paper upon _security satisfactory to our board.and in such amounts as business requirements and responsibility warrant,We pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent.per annum on time’and savings deposits remainingthreemonthsorlonger.Upon these bases we solicit your business. W.D.TURNER, |EB,MORRISON,D.M.AUSLHEY,G,EK,HUGHEY, OxygenWelding! My shop is equipped.with an Oxygen Welder andI am prepared to weld all kinds of metals.: Vice President,-Cashier.~Assistant Cashier. I have the agency for the KohlerTruckand,Case Automobiles and . machinery,—’}2 $iN..W.FOXveTOMERD0CONDUCTEDGUDOTDAer A 5: TERA GEA x Shch SAE ee aaa teste ue Ee ee e ee ee te ts e eL ea e ee d President.# R THEARD FIVE “PRESIDENTSS| “TPURSDAY,©.Mare 5ih Chief Executivesat Chapel Hill)”BF ek Oey —Error as to President John-t*.TERE NOK AND ON HEROISM THAT.IN ri,SONS Education.\THE CHEST Doctors and Narses‘Who Yolun-Chopol HillDispatch.|See coe tarily Face Death in Plague-|The visit of former President Wil-|Ey "Yor ini oncad ab it in’ StrickenSerbia liom Hpward Taft to the State Uni-)§ ¢vorsity added to the already long list ,: ‘Washington !vispateh.,“of celebrities that have been guests of|ve Coble’es * f Heroism of American Red’oe the institution mies the eee ie iP ‘Tdéctors and nurses in the plague-of iis existence.Coupled with -the,and FD -istrieken districts of Serkia are graph-visit of Mr.Taft.is the noteworthy’roup.eumonia, tivallydeseribéd in reports to head-fact that five Presidents have ad-)“Remedy quatters of the ‘American’Red Croga.dressed Chapel Hill audiences from:J One ‘tells of “the inspiring me the platform in’Gerrard Hall.and all)@ \blood-tingling heroism of a ¢orps of within the lifetime of Dr.Kemp)gm . American women and men who have Plummer Battle,These Chief Exec i Js the:Mes MQUIDExternal been facing the ugly countenance of viives were Andrew Johnson.James |Remedy for all death every day.”Another telle of K.Polk,James Buchanan,Woodrow : “Itis easy to use anfl-ares to respond.No work,astapply.©It penetrates without’rubbing.” ;Read What pier Say“Have used your tale eesuccessfullyii a case of rheumatism,‘aDin”t de eae ee alwys have a bottle on hand wase of a cold or adre-throat: with to say 1 think it ono ofthebestofhouseholdremedies,A would not have used it only it®was recommended to me by a friend of mine who,L wish to say,is one of J_thebestboosters for your Liniment I ever saw.Tome Wy I’uller,Denver, ea)f |American Red Cross ‘evrgeons’and Wi'son.and William H.Taft.|‘ “Just a line in praise of Sloan's i {nurses “who,forewarned aul fully ad-1 was 47 years ago—in.1867-—th at|:Cold ‘Troubles oe.om pe A pow,SH,pence |vised about the state of affairs,vol-An drew Johnson,then President of i kaye been’treated by.doctors who junteered to go to the rescue of their the United States,madé his memor-|A goa:uss eaily applied:°pad dononot id theie best.1 had uot slept for |‘ellow.Americans.They are now op 2:le visit to his alma mater.His),Eid the tersible pain for several nights,|their way,after having arranged graduation from the.Iniversity many|stdia the clothing ee See oe Me |their barssonal Beale a though pre-years pret Waly sade bis ie %:ok thes soaring for certain dea return’-éng ent!'\''2 >moi 5 4 . rene Toshi oi vo ¥At the time the reports weré writ-notable:On the tight of.his arrival;“Youll never know kow good z ae saree Birech:McReerpert,Pa,‘~|\cen,early in Mareh,one Américan|on the “Hill,”the students formed a)fi it is until you try it”FOR’SALE,BY’ALL:DEALERS ;surgeon,Dr.James F,Donnelly of processional march around.the ho wed ie fe i 5 ERT oy ;|Brooklyn,had dieg-from.typhus amd)of tho University president in honor :Be aoe :¥+)i al aA ©i ieabled reports.said nine of the (12 of the distinguished visitor.When the |ars ite —— a {American Red Cross nurses and three:sercnuding music was over,Pre sident sais ee ia 4 lof the remaining five surgeons sent)Johnson wag ealled upon for a ape}h.ANI a VAN a seraa :i |to’Gevgelia last November were dowr:Vrom the recollection of the oldes “Twith the malady.“Terizensy ir essence he said:ol An.official communication receiv-|“When I first’came .to Chapel Hil!bX ery.OF Rey air ted here places the deaths from typhus}many years .ago,I came _Aaaaiog fin Serbia so far as 50,000 and-says 602ialong this--read—that leads by the =| 2 oe“tt ian have-died-of it in the last!‘president's home,}ewas a barefoot| a |iwo iths..Not onty—typhus—but|!oo scantitycattired=in-etothine 4 When your:Ford needs-Satay WE ¢ityphoid is spreading,rapidly.How with a budget of old clothes Of MY TER ee :EM =_Good for Mownlon,Sciatica,Seats and Bruises.{gravely jhe nee E ee te back *rod a aes bback to you as “it to us:We make a.specialty.Of re- xpressed in this statement made at!P:ccident of the Unite es.::Oe ee ee oa ed Crone -headauarters!livs diffialt to keep history @ pairing Ford Cars.Our mechanics are ¢conte.in-Masape for 0 free “With much of continental-Europe —.;4+ete Oh Stir Paliee|Ford :t We rrv.2a complete “DR.EARL S.SLOAN,Ine.Dept.B Phila 1hia,P;Ga Keli udlgeettand atetac weenmenes |0°2 ht,DUE gine Satrersity =fo OF-OXPETIS,carry P zi Se &r =\1 os teas a Soa vt in thatt e ..—P .baal lund trenches drenched with blood:ee ‘th make a special on my Poe lineof Ferd repair parts and accessories. aaa .:aioe i with shallow graves of thousands of diction.Ageording to the rarOre |Our charges are reasonable and work oyey pays due GR nm arrR oy :i dead 2tlered |:thronghout:the.war :nerally underrstood,Andrew} 2 =ne aaa mepusassrmcennnsaans 1 vermin and filth on every nson was not a graduate of any]guaranteed.a ekarea;|hand:with handreds of thousands-of aewoundedmenbeingcaredforinapit-©°°After.he was mai jae his -ifully inadequate way,a vast number“!aught him-“to-read.He was! lof them having infected wounds,and:2>--cr in school at the University and B with the approach of warm WOMERSE?curse cid noe@radvate there,On! e and attcndiag flies and=mosanitoes,rom Raleigh,the place of E Hurope.may.well.he gravely appre-_|.h,to Tennessee,where he lo- ith »p=|het An st New.Interest Period! ME PLnceerarseuzes mea Co Babllp ieritict Ea i sive—fearful that an unprecedent-.d end became famous,he trudged)g 2 comm 9 ——Boe g Sa =.ed plague will sweep the old world.”|:Chapel Hill afoot and carry-::is ~:Ey In one portion of a report from ire his pack,and that-is-what-he re-}‘is -ye hee OM SC;>.All deposits:made on or before =Serbia the heroic conduct of Ameri-*fered to in his Chanel Hill address|\i a sh a S or a ‘eS :=.can Red Cross surgeons and nurses sf +r he became President.Moreover.|©oly April 5th will draw interest from =who volunteered to yo.to the reseue Prosident Wilson’s address at Chapel|Res o ;; .Ve =g of their feHlow.workers in -Gevgelia is Hii!was before he became President.|= April Ist.eng Se tee BeEeeee ot As 50 for a real nice Mesh Bag sounds ‘real +Oo ¢sting A ane ta nee :;sat womanhood it should be said that.jidicial Temperament Defined.s ee to us.How does it sound to you? If you have not already opened an -Bplthere were numbers of offers”from.oo Journal Take a peep.in our window andsee how they ::American Red Cross trained nurses “") ~pian ‘|;look t 0 ly f.W,f ‘them.|-Better account in~our SAVINGS DE-2/to go to Govgelia.In two or.three re about to prove that Judge|OOK tO you.niy a few,0 a 3 =cases they announces that they had cr has not the “judicial tempera-:get one at once.: PARTMENT it would be 2 good :a waite a final adjustment of their per-et.Judicial temperament seems ;:;=sonal affairs and were ready to face mean that our friends,the,law:R,H.RICKER r oe SON,:time to makea start.&deathits self.One insistent nurse ~vers,”may ae #9 a ee el =and she had no near relatives an uch as they please “but that.»tne| therefere would not be missed.”ge!not buliyrag the lawyers:|;JEWELERS. Four Per Cent Snterest Paid Be Sa er ‘aan ta ae eee |a)Was Liberal About Increasing IF WOMEN ONLP KNEW,&,:iat Ci phase cameos and Compounded Quarterty,Z .Salaries,- ‘et =i :3s »i:¥r <4 =Raleigh News and Observer.,ete a Staten Monee |Gs O OyD.=r T Mw i! big ar oe :=he Legislature was rather libera!}=in inereasing salaries of a number of Hard to do housework with an ach- j |The clocks‘in the home must be raht or the housekeeper caa’t be ex- +pected to’plan and have meats on time.-Then-there is no economyin oe :i Clases ats HY wearily out your;a with a watch on you oe on,~No, =F $2,600 per.annum,that of the Com-|°OTMBS your Hours o ROLY,BU seh what you want to do is to get your watch or cluck repaired by a Crean i Seissioner at Labar and'Prlg nm |Sure or-at work-!HENRY while he is devotinghis entire time to repairing sane anmissionerofLaborandPrintingfr“The Bank For Your Savings.’”’$2,400.to $2,000,the Assistant C:Ifwomen ‘only knew the cavse—|clicks and fitting spectacles and:eye-glasses. ra s a er ’;4 BAS WAT e::igRvFOHENRY,=Teweler. M E officers.The salary of the adjutant jny pack erchants.and Farmers’Bank,‘=eeieral twadi indeesed:tuts:$2,000 tof Asm ‘missioner of Labor and Printing from ‘that &$1,600.to $2,000,the keeper of 3!caritol ftom.$900 to $1,200. |Increases in the insurance depart- ment—Bookkeeper from $750 to $200,/*T'would save much needless woe.|.2233s Backache...pains often come from -weak kidneys,mM Sa g |AN Al :Sh f M S 39 hichief clerk from $1,700 to $2,000,li-' Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak |&66 9 :|{d d cense clerk from $1.000 to $1,200.ii se 3mwaysort04yaliar°#the office of the Superintendent st ak eo Btatenvilie cltteen HE i 8 JU Per ec ‘ence.Public Instruetion—Loan clerk from)ad WRAL a Slaresville oe s “That?at ”::f $1,500 to $1,800.|Says:i ane pope dpe a do ab Po f In the State departments building)wyg.Eugene Fesperman,328 iti4.e a ore gore 0do abouti :|a custodian was.provided at a srlary Bel]St.,Statesville,says:“I had Audie t know what to do unless I keep on struggling of ay bes woh a janitor at $17 per)sharp pains across my kidneys and| week.and an elevator man at $7.5»atic twinges i a ak .“Wouldn’t youlike me to tell you what not todo?”per week.’The night watehman and repamatic ane oe the Ay deanion i(indeed |I would.the janitor at the capitol were in-me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and 1/8 Well.sir,don’t lower your high standard Perhaps if creased to $2.50.per day:There was got a supply from the Statesville|# you were to raise it an inch or two higher,youmight.rise to ia reviniol:in the salaries in the Gov-Deng Co.After taking a few doses,|# greater effort.’’—John Wanamaker.»,;j aoe offize—the private seeretary to ]Was relieved of the pain in my back |»::the Governor to receiye $2,090 per atic twi isappear-|The Standard of the Statesville Realty &Investment Co.Bi year,the executive secretary $1,209 ane et era og wen ‘of }for Square Dealing,prompt'and efficient SERVICE in all its ./per annum cand the additional clerical ,idney trouble now,I use Doan’s Kid:|# branches of business,remains,as it has for the past nine “assistance in’the office $900 per 2n-"noyPills andthey do me good.” ~s >years ofits career,a monument to its presentsuccessful ~~~num.aie ies meusiness.—4 |«The General Assembly.refsed |to>eee 506,at a ae ele ~All “Pittsburg Perfect”Fenceshave stay \wires as és increase ©salary 0 e orney sitepiy ask Ter a Kidney rem dy—e iB We Insure Anything Insurable.”“General,which provided’for an in-Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that |#heavy as intermediate line wires.A fence is.only6;;crease from $3,000 to $4,009,althouzh Mrs#.Fespermen had.Foster-Milburn|#?83 Strong as its lightest wire.No wire projections _all on us for service.’Phone us if more convenient.the bill passed the Senate;and also ,Props.,Buffalo,N.Y:to.injure stock or pull wool fram sheep.Possesses‘ refused to inerease the salary of the State Librarian,which is at present j 92,759,and an increase of $500 waswe108eects -The HandsomestCallingCentral—Telephone A Rudeness, §Monree Journal. .It is said that there is a golden mean between extremes in all things. the sstrona fence joint in the world—the WeldThat’Held.Where the wires are welded togetherbyelectricity,the fenceis twice as strongas the wire -itself.Guaranteed that the wire is not injured atthejoints.Guaranteed that the stays cannot be POET EET?smilie CASAC slipped or separated from strands.Guaranteed ad-"justable to uneven ground.Guaranteed stronger. aa °Ene Shee ene ae eomen eae up the and more durable than any other.<*>"sey—ee eee.”(FIDLAL UESIONS|§very r0¢guaranteed perfect,Gauge the wire.“My beautiful,sweet-voiced sister,|*,when byyingfence,If you weigh it in the roll,re- ;People’s Loan &Savings Bank,nlaasuretek Wits Het ee dutiful #member that ‘‘Pittsburg Perfect”is all fence—no an- Statesville Realty &InvestmentCo. J.F.CARLTON,Manager, ’Phone 54.|Statesville,N.C, Sr e r e v s i r e s e v o s e e s s es e r t t t i t s t r r s t s s s r t e s s e s e r s wife can communicate with her sub-=tiquated wrapped or tied joints,no useless wire,.no :‘‘lime husband,” Capital ald $50,000.00 Over here when we cal}up,we say,.i useless ¥weight. o ::a rr cee the central kind-iis ;:z |ily informs us that it is central,we sas ne 4 ‘“os “Gimme Bill Jones.”.When some onc ‘.®Lazend -Montgc m i d ar Co, Y :ecg goes at the other end answers we again Obtainable today in y-9 ery ar W 6 ts Is now located in its New Building ~‘sing out “Whosezat?”and on being reece IIIT SRA EORORROEOEO HORRORSACERpolitelyinformedthatitis.Bob the South are pre-on Center street and ready Bs ‘Smith,we yell,“Don’t want you,.-and intimate that:Bob is not better iness.-;%‘than a convict for answering his own ;| busine ee .ting.Then we g0 through the whole pared by : :vig-a-ma-role again unfil Bill Jones . ;;‘24 ‘is found,}Stockholders,customers,business men,farmers,'.The golden mean between these two Y and the publichre invited to come in and see our éxtremes of.politeness and rudeness Q :i handsome new quarters,where we are prepared to is to simplycall the number that you fe bebo that goafter he ba i fite re you re ho entransactabankingbusinessinallofitsdepartmentsSiskRBGwnenyougebenanswersay|=a ee mat atest icid em gera uneweseeaerateoathcelraceSOET|lis ||WHEN you go after the robberofyour health,you wanttoGE -[©Your presence,.and that of your friends,will be [if Mr,Jones has answered the phone Van-Lindley Co ;tre ah,DetOreee withthe’cotta ilappreciated.Courteous employes will show you,«A eae Leonie who de astevrered |eee a Syerg pull of the trigger,oe Kt “.over the building,and give prompt attention to all!will call-Mr.Jones or tell ,Kk A"you"that FLORISTS %WHEN you take drugs that are not up to the very highestbusinessthatmabéentrustedtous.--the is not-jn,or that you have’the,TO THE SOUTH,a 4 2 eeeypeaseranemtohieTherefirhdoveasion|3 you're wasting your aimmunition—shvoting in the air,3 E eee °4 eee :GREENSBORO,N.OG,§WHEN you strike the trail that leads to ‘top:-noteh purity and G 0.Hi BROWN President.il ibecomnande “Ohambeticin's:Gough’Remedy.es ciency in drugs it will land you la ‘onie denser } the door and aoe yt st oO.L.TURNER 7 *Cashier...;;Ys ce ee cies 1K Yiieanuengink Cham-Polk Gra Pru Co :a ee :=~fi renter Thane Genndenee in i fed that |:y g "? oe s they are pleased’with it and eall for it when a :teal ik teed yee Lacal Agente. Sexson,Montevallo,Mov For sale bysall'peestaters..:-eit PERONEAL uch a medicing,”’writes J. |Was brought out jn the cross-exami-nation that Whitenurst married a};tive of Judge.Carter and’that)’Whitehurst and.the two negro law.A ;.|yers were the.only members.of theiee“Thar witnessing the contempt proceed-reernethyH'Con-ing,wha ‘signed the resolutions in be-|In his interesting lecture on,New Bern furday |balf:of Carter.“|Community Spirit,”Mr.B.C,a oo s Y!At the afternoon session Rev.Bu-|craft said that a man who isiin-Raleigh Yes-‘gené McWhorter,‘a Methodist minis-|ed of the community spirit dof:ter of New Borne.told of Judge Car-|‘thog it.”The only apology he.Single ONES EEA WD ter,fining/the tardy jurors and of his|for using the term “hog it”was thatsfSeriePeereedisposition.of a.certain ane The|he couldn’t find any other term°bernethy .contem .Nigh preacher disapproved of the judge’s|properly conveyed the meaning.He “Or:en P me in bothoases,.wee ee pidat going we iy unele,Fi ll , t he Pasquotan chain gang inci-|back in the days of turkey-hun'is uPatuieepeneandent,in which Judge Carter had se-|to see him fix the bait for ae Post.3 r’s’tanner 0 hargh verely denounced the Pasquotank au-|When his uncle placed a part of an Size.68 two citizens summoned thorities for their treatment of con-|ear of corn on a stake about two feet Bat :1 Guaranteed:$10 each because they|Yicts,came up for review,Mr,Boet-|from the ground,he asked him if he Finished th court in.time He ticker,a stenographer of Elizabeth|wasn’t afraid the hogs _would’get é :LocksyonthespotandonCity,told of seeing marks of ill-treat-|that ¢orn..The old gentleman an-|—White out of a “Witness ment on.the prisoners and of guards}swered,“No,hogs never look ‘up;:A drecitedthecontempt“ease|drinking.Other:witnesses also went}they are too busy rooting.”a Or ne Solicitor Abernethy when|0Ye?the details of that,investigation.“A more apt illustration of the \;R il asked if Baugham ,whose Sheriff Lane of Craven was appar-;hindrances to the development-of the O .di d alls, continued dianthae wuhn-ently in sympathy with Judge Car-}community spirit could not have X1d1zed.:intuence ‘saying such men)ter ‘He said he thought the judge|been made..“Too busy rooting!” not.be brought to trial in North|¥28 conducting the court in a busi-|When a farmers’instiute is held in a -.ina:‘Abernethy protested and ness-like way:;vicinity,through which valvable in-‘SAT AY cay! Carter said he had not.im-The hearing at New Berne was con-|formation,based upon costly expe-/:‘ONLY $6.00ithesolicitor’s motive but.his wioieeRaat ‘ae ra ee Ame oo.ze had a sme ae Ph deri dtsat:en that day was favorable er-|a day off and attending the meeting one your order in an i 35 :Mees be ncecod the lade nethy and was in line,with that above|of the farmers’institute,the “attend-|at rae time we will set one aside for you ordeliverimfouror.five times to sit;mentioned.The most prominent wit-)ance usually amounts to only a few .oN There was intense feeling and wens me Se nao Thomas.cores ba a saat,to be numbered ,9 PH ON E i 4 OO”i 4 e said Judge Carter was very angry|by the hundreds...Farmers_are too ——aN.=aReemeritwasabout,to get between during his trouble with Abernethy,|busy “rooting”to attend.When’a ‘::§judge and solicitor,when Judge!¢";WS ee :ed aS.!one hich resulted in contempt proceed-|meeting of.the Local Union is held >;“.shook his fingereat-Abernethy|;:eed-|T &again v :*/ings,and he did not think the solicit-|i¢frequently happens that only a t a W <|ns u ’C WWiliicas thought ia satidine or was either contemptuous or defi-|vart of the members are present.ae nec ur nitur eC |!O. h c "* peiaseupettat but—was.only.The a en ney.“hoggingwe;_;Nera aaa yet ~-—-+it?we ay church meeting is ae reper neeen errno Sr ——-——Wide CarterfinedAbsrnethy|TURKS “ATTACK MISSION.called:About.5 percent.of the 3 ;ee tied :crys 3 members are present.The others are|’o say uel!the Geen ai.into!Alarming.Reports of Atrocities!“rooting.”A community meéting is jicitor.Abernethy testified ahd at Urumiah,Persia.’—_*|called to devise plans for bettermentBieBleee]he wn a Gn «enQeaoldee-Raneam.11 village near.Urumiah,Persia,have]of them are busy “rooting.”A Sur.: ‘Tan dita 4b a which rare been shot bY Turks,the women vio-munity betterment association-is-or-Ringold pieadr ald pas lated,an American missionary beaten;ganized;-Those-who-have.the_com- theywere thrown into aditch and/Snd 65 refugees taken from the|munity spirit are promptly on hand‘died later...The ‘tand:jor French and American missions have/at the meetings and are true stick-re oie a ee been hanged on gibbets erected in the]ors,while many of those who are! ia ta dvaw an:indictment:.He mission-yards,according toa _cable-|trying to get the most out of theigramreceivedinNewYorkFriday|community and putting least into it,pit for murder,according to the |,::‘;iS ae say an |DY.the Presbyterian Board of Foreign}aye conspicuously absent,They have .?: cee eeee vene-see tor Sie)in Missions.been so ae Bheavtnn it”thet they |27 inch Fine Crepe De Chines at 25c.per yard.-Colors—bond having been but $3,000,Lt "ipe|A cablegram.came from four na-.<{.bine Peebles,who heldthatthe ive Christians in.Tiftis,,‘Three of|vod tave a,nervous break-down!if Cream,Navy,Puttee,Pink,Light Blue and Maisiehanwas“not-arraiaaa them—and perhaps the fourth—were|air”“So-they are at home.“hogging|ee i :w the case was continued be-ae Ameéricanis:"The-message)j¢*again the next day..And in most These goods atpr at in grallows:Cf the thWna,eopeciliy the wnat goods at present are in great demand for Dresses and:of the absence of important wit-“Gulpashan destroyed.‘Its men ;:who were at school.Th :;towns,the greater proportion of the ‘I i |1 icl f oeeeease|shot,women violated:Sixty men energies in “hogging it”are expend-Waists and s oul e taken quickly at above price.Mail|Was regularly on trial for January |i,¢Svainich minal‘but the court was not held by reason|“**en from French mission compound)oq jn efforts to push each other out :.“off Judge Connor's iiness.Then came|&%¢five trom Americanmission com-of the trough-—in attempts to pul orders filled promptly.Yours truly, |yates arAB al rk a sacre imminent.Implore State De-ava:do Buey oeichitte nd uetaae he : the consent of the judge the ph partment.that Consul at Tagriz pro-|each other that they have no time saeSoubecontinuedtillaimas,wit-oo ieee efectos...inclination:te:assemble.ookasion.——M I I L S P O S Fea ‘4 ‘cs t “”$ameraee SencarcerawereofvasbigThemessagewassignedbyJesseayRateeeetn&+O N = .he tian that she really felt »Yonan,E.0.Eschoo,Isaac Yohan-|wealth and more business for.the se SoethPanghargbaddoneenough(22 and Paul Shimman,all of whom}«ommunity as a whole.Instead of eher and did not want the voun are known to the board.Eschoo and calling this “hogging it?T am.full ste ‘indicted for what.was an ek Shimman,both Americans,left this)aware that it would sound muchbet-;that she,wished the case dis-ony ie ap ve ee sah ter to’call it “legitimate business|idThe son of Mr..Peticerai y way of Norway and!competition.”But there have been|}::ne 2 ieeePoniessallysaoetTeiganary_An,reared col Rte seals ces 5 “hoereemeeeneverShe.withanaes,09614 |wis was boraJnLondon,Ontario,and|“ame “competition”than any -other|SL oa ies became a naturalized American,Mr.|"7:1 a ¥v0iciAbernethy.said his pre-4 :Now don’t let anybody say that I}Felations a udge Carter had oat Te ae eee oA ne am placing any discount on individue behe Betaham cece he noid,‘ooo (Persia in 11h feeat Wil athape depend primaraythieattorneyitheatea‘These reports.stirred the State.De-unc the omieie fe oy Sadi ie pineprivateprosecutorandtaytreeaisinpresanSuterfort,but the individual effort itself’eudodge Carter asked ifthet)8%Tissionaries and refugees.Am-|{ichine’ardsupmeting ond ineton:vas not.the case.in which an old man eee ee a Seen:ing the aicdiuniey eencibe Shar ledmadbeenkilleg.by.an automobi ‘Rople hag appealed to-twice by:poy ee :hieeae Heenone and /Seerctary Bryan to urge the Turkish|Veh,he individual:Tf,therefore,weintheautomobilewasawhitegovernmenttosendprotectiontothevidualactivitieweldhpermekndithy.I told him Baugh-imperilled district and it was learned schools:nd ahupehos an nd om SeiSayoungmanbutIdidnot|‘at the’State Department had re-|ative community associati getohiswealth,that his broth-ceived definite assurances from the best.progre:and hi oe“th .law.was Harry McMillan,a law a government that protection an one.anh fivoech stealer offi.Toe aa ea is Judge youd pple ae ihnsong ciency of he teatro sits of soci- Jarter said,8 it,just asI said,gg ee ety along individual:lines endeav-‘F *:‘he white man's trial drags along in What Happened to Holiday Sol-jor,togetherwith the merging effort [5 will plant Corn,Cotton,Peas,Peanuts,Sorghum,Milo Maize andrthCarolina”I considered his re-|..diers Who Went Back.in-community service.Individual Beans at any distance from 6 to 36 inch itl‘Mark a reflection and statted in to}wail Street Journal :{achievement is either limited and_re-::Oo 99 inches apart.Either one seed ata‘Sxplain the matter,Judge Carter stricted by community environment time or in groups or bunches of three,according to your desire.‘that my conscierive must hurt me.|,When the war broke out the call|or it is enlarged b it,just in propor-‘oF ;:rtriedtoexplainandhecalledout,|fr volunteers in Canada for servicé|tion as:a beiae guelanient is ae Gore You simply,changeplates about two minutes work.Let ‘us show“sit down.I don’t want to hear |i?Europe was so amazingly complete|ated by .concerted efforts .through it to you.=ing from you’™—--|that therewas.sufficient to make comminity service,in raising the av-/|eas ee oSthesolicitortold-of his insist-|220Ut three divisions in.the first con-|erage of efficiency of the communityappealtobeheard,the judge’s|timgent and leave a considerable}as a whole,ine“him to-sit-down_and-Snaily,pucieus fcr_a second contingent.Be-|-_-semeremeeeeeeem$50 for contempt’and or-pane vopse of many,weeks:some /rough |him into custody.He was not|°?;000 Canadian troops found them-petre arene ts.Throughtogivebondortoappeal,but|Selves in England undergoing —the LZ i anodeCartertoldhimhewouldap.|ardships of rigorous training in sur-|9-2 Greene in Marshville Home.———————— someone to prosecute the dock-|foundings that might be the usual|The.best achievements come|Fought Russians With Fire andthenewasnotpaid.‘The sher-part and:parcel of’the soldier’s.lot,|through dire necessity.There _will \.Water.‘him to his office and Jater|>ut not the ideal of thefiction war-|be more genuine progress made and|London Dispatch.him.in .the .commissioners’|?!°-less money handled on Southern Hi h =.The sheriff and friends advis-|,Reports from Canada and England|farms this year than any year within pw the Germans employed both‘to pay the fine,which he fin-|t¢ll us that nuntbers of officers were}the past quarter of a century.The)2'¢2nd water to destroy the Russiansdid.He then told of the state.|found to be incompetent,while!initial steps will be taken to correct |the campaign in the Mazurian Lake‘issued by himself and Judge|Privates were too superior to do their|some fundamental economic errors!“Stitt Past Prussia,is related in aallofwhichhavebeenpub-bit of trench digging;both found the|that have kept Southern farmers from|COM™Munication received by the West-_Abernethy claimed.his man-|f90d not quite as good as “mother!retaining wealth which.they .have|™inster Gazette from Gothenburg:s deferential toward the judge|U8ed to serve”Some of the -rank|created.It does little good to exert German strategy counted not onlyeyclashed.Saig he didn’t sit}2"4 file refused to serve under Eng-|our energies in the production of|07,“ater and mire,but even fire,”“when ordered:because —he|lish.officers..The reply was_prompt|great wealth unless we place ourselves the correspondent at Gothenburg de-:it was his only chance to ex-|2nd to,.the point..Those objecting!in position to retain a fair proportion clares.“Their -engineers have for}9 See aHedeniedhavinganythingto|Were at liberty to return with the|of the wealth which we create,Ahout|Many Years been equipped with a pe-The Ford is lighter than any other car of its size andiththeresolutionofinvestiga-|thanks of the mother country for their|90 per cent of our created wealth as|(ular kind of auger for.excavating power.Yet stronger,sturdier,tonger_lastiferedintheLegislature.valor.Some 600 are reported to have|represented in cotton has been don-|(he.unk of soft trees,such as the i ’;Penne_McLean of Washington cor-returned home,Were:they received stantly going out for commercial fer-Moexurian fits,When the Russian}§ahs suisl.that t-why..,-Varatinm t4 the hardest,BirongypatedethyastotheBaugh.|With open arms?filleers,mules and.horsex and:foaut Roy,first advanced into East Prussia est,toughest steel made.It is the only steel that isease.Latry I.Moore gave simi-|The mayor of one large town pro-|products.When we begin to stop this}GCTma®engineers hastily excavated hard and tough at the same time.It is the highesteorroborationandsaiqJudgeCar-|Posed that its returning “heroes”be|tremendous outgo of wealth we will pumbers of trees,When Russian iced steel that i do t nob wemsédtoacceptAbernethy’s put.in jail.Clubs soon found their|then begin to retain a greater propor-troops reached the Mazurian district ohio ide :Cee :anremoulls See:br the fine in the contempt|Dames:cumbered —the registers and{tion-of-the net results of:our industry,Sermen engineers ut once opened the).j Yet tho Ford is very low in price.Its quality,terms,—anding the exsn-their resignations were accepted in|In other words,the pressing economic|©2°2!_locks,drowning the —ifivading price and smallcost of operation and upkeep,less-tbanE.Hpnderson corroborated Ab-|24vance.Black balls flew thick and!necessities prodticed by warconditions|TOPS,like flies.Some Russians two centsamile,have made it the uni ie ity iastowhattookplaceinthe|!#8t-Go to Canada now and you will|will compel us to Correct.some fund-reached forests,but of course.they town and try CE Een eh OOeaeaejasidAbernethyeepanyarotatedofficerofthe}mental economic errors which other-Dhucrad teh os volints hg had been eeentialandthejudgefirst_contingent enlisted as a private!wise would n :aa Recents eR OT Oy Fé i 3 ihear:jae judge ay oe auld ip svoenetine contingent,toning for erent ttneveee eg Ben ince ok to abo rey nie careDon Acnon ite.:atmosphere o .cue is bonfire and burn|§tt ‘eeernethylater.Pp the front as mote!American Submarine Lost With up the Russian regiments,they had and August,paiSs : Runabout,$440;Touring Car,$490;Coupelet, %Bhar Wt comfortable than at h i i[Second Dayat New Berne.roca ha at home,Noble (pix ‘al 21 Aboard.entrapped.”je second day’s hearing at New)”ereeeeerneeemececeeren?The American submarine F-4 went|Se $750;f.o.b.Detroit with all equipment.j the witn t ‘Can Export Cotton Thr Ve acme a :and laymen,testified in behalf of ;combe county woman who was charg-}and failed to rise.Search for the)-m a hrangh On dispiay and sale at :toi ee ee,a cca 24 wi pane the death of her new-|Ni et what ror Bupposed stop 64 It ;act ff thy was vight.and Judge Car-|born ba y taking it out of the 0¢the submarine and after many un-|,45 4 result o e efforts of Amer-;KR :’ong in the court incident.Theré |house and throwing it ‘in a thicket,|Successful attempts were -made to)ica Ambassador Page,instructions:CarolinaMotor Co S.;have been réceived at Genoa from theon.Henry P.White.Was acquitted by a jury.She was)aise it,it was discovered that what)have Pe|was supposed to be the submarine;foreign ministry at Rome to allow all‘®young lawyer of New Berne,|mentally weak and this saved her.|htthe solicitor was wrong and.reeset ;was an old anchor.Later the sub-|American cotton billed through Italyfaidso.He said,among oth.|To the Housewife.:}marine was found just outside’the}to be exported.Difficulties inthe way,that Abernethy was the ,,Madam.if your husband is like most mon harbor,In the submarine were 21|9f moving the commodity now aretpersistentmanheeversawinyourselfandchildren’Covmee wn sg of petsons—-two officers and 19 meni|due to.congestion.There are 158|So segs seems et eee et enter aegtoget“hecognition from.the’the most common of ‘the mine cheers are)and all are supposed to be dead,At.ships at Genoa waiting to unload,Thos,Sater,the alleged yeggman}The lack of dyestuffs through fail-py at pome of thewit.40°,mont likely to end to serious dineases,|.teMpts to raise the vessel had been |While outside the Harbor {16 vessels arrested’in Asheville on the charge of live tr necute ahi ‘a ,in Abernethy a.bad ‘reputa-diphtheria nrietae te likely.to contrdet|unsuccessful tp to Sunday evening,|BF waiting.to enter,Methods em-|Pobbitig the postoffice at Candler,Bun-)‘ec a mershecouldn’t say many com-|old..1f you wilh InGilieetkethe ate ar es scnemeemmenenmenisene onsite ployed in unloading the ships prevent Combe county,is held for trial at the ™*NY,8 about to put the cotton millsthofthe“golicitor?’the various ¢pmedies that are necornmended ~Remember,Ladies’trimmed and/more than 8,000 bales of cotton en-next term “of the federal:Districtof the State that make colored goods,tering the port daily.;Court,itr ace ‘and the hosiery mills,out of commis~ ngs ;jjuratalsodeclaredthattwo|{°",couxbs snd valde,you will find that UOtrimmed Hats must go.This is theeciahRemedystands.high in|opportunity of a life-time to secure Voilewade tetas aboot our gacaurtiets<ONIeNe dyWa\ody he:aoctned $i Mi Me , wyers of New Berne,'pig serine a8 mann:fa ,,use it.It js!Seagonablée Merchant 4 :Cures Old,Sores,Other Reme‘wit mM .com-/Prompt and effectual,pleasant and safe to Bndise at’your own!88 8,dies Won't Care money-saving sale.Remember.thé Which does’not now seem probable, ant vv inneneervenemsstthaenensennmeeee teehee x ——Iredell Hardware Company.__y he most of the witnesses,law-|Jessie May Carver,the young Bun-|down Thursday off Honolulu harbor ‘ with...-{ve :aa take,whieh are qualities il i.|Price.Don’t fail to att ig The wotst cases,nb matter of how }ding;os rol‘whiteinan.Pie ae oe 8 medicine i intemal10 eee EMITHEY &FRALEY “a bsp by.the wonilerfill,old reliable De,|Plc,next door to Merchants &Far-many of the mills:will:have to.shutacetone:Au Mten,.Kor sala by sl dealers |Bargain Glveraead.t 7 ener piles ee Mealing Oil,|It_retieves|mers’.Bank, SMITHEY.&FRALEY,|down soon and hundreds of tn onaee:pea Relepad Heal a0 Uesires Ne.hes es $}00;|The:Moneyr@aving Store-nd..(will he thiowhMM OF Work See